Page 1: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014


PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484FAX 0172- 2604484E-MAIL [email protected]

aakchd2014 @(


(See rule 17B)

Audit Report under section 12A (b) of the Income Tax Act, 1961

We have examined the Balance Sheet of National Rural Roads Development Agency (A societyregistered under Societies Registration Act 1860), as on 31.03.2015, and the Income and

Expenditure Account for the year ended on that date which is in agreement with the books of

account maintained by the said society.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. These

standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether

the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining the overall

financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our


We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge andbelief were necessary for the purposes of the audit. In our opinion, proper books of account have

been kept by the head office of the above named society visited by us so far as appears from ourexamination of the books, subject to the comments given below.

In our opinion and the best of our information, and according to information given to us the saidaccounts give a true and fair view:

(i) In the case of the Balance Sheet , of the state of affairs of the above named society as at31.03.2015, and

(ii) In the case of the Income & Expenditure Account, of the income excess over expenses of

its accounting year ending on 31.03.2015

(iii) In the case of the Receipts and Payment Account, for the accounting year ending on31.03.2015

The prescribed particulars are annexed hereto.

For Agarwal A Kumar & AssociatesChartered Accountants

C.A. Ashok Agarwal(Partrier)

Place: ChandigarhDated:


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Page 2: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014

National Rural Roads Development Agency


1. Application of income for charitable or religious purposes

1. Amount of income of previous year appliedto charitable or religious purposes in Indiaduring the year.

The objective of the Society is to assist the Ministry of Rural RoadsDevelopment in planning and Implementation of the Pradhan Mantri GramSadak Yojna. Accordingly, the agency borrowed the loan from NABARD anddisbursed the grant to the states. The Ministry of Rural Road Development hasgiven grant to the Society for repayment of loan and payment of Interest toNABARD. Details of Grant-in-Aid received by NRRDA from MoRD:-

(In Lacs)Particular ReceiptsGrant for Repayment of Loan to NABARD 369956.54

Interest Received on NABARD FDR 43.83

Grant for Payment of Interest 46020.00

Grant for Technical Assistance Component of World 4910.06BankGrant for Meeting Agency Expenses( General Grant & 1980.00Grant for Salary )Total Grant Receipts 422910.43

PaymentTotal Payment during the year 424748.39

2. Whether the society has exercised the option under NOClause (2) of the explanation to section 11(1)? Ifso, the details of the amount of income deemed tohave been applied to charitable of religious purposesin India during the previous year.

3.Amount of income accumulated or set apart / : NILfinally set apart for application to charitable orreligious purposes, to the extent it does not exceed15 percent of the income derived from property heldunder society [wholly/in part only] for such purposes

4. Amount of income eligible for exemption under : NILsection 11(1) (c) [Give details]

5. Amount of income in addition to the amount : NILreferred to in item 3 above, accumulated or set apartfor specified purposes under section 11 (2)

6. Whether the amount of income mentioned in item : Yes, Fixed Deposit ofabove has been invested or deposited in the manner Rs.4,29,66,235.00laid down in section 11[2] (b)? If so, the details thereof

Page 3: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014

7. Whether any part of the income in respect of NOwhich an option was exercised under clause (2) of theexplanation to section 11(1] in any earlier year isdeemed to be income of the previous year under sectionII (IB) ? If so, the details thereof.

8. Whether, during the previous year, any part of NILincome accumulated or set apart for specifiedpurposes under section 11 (2) in any earlier year

(a) has been applied for purposes other than chari- : NOtable or religious purposes or has ceased to beaccumulated or set apart for application there to, or

(b) has ceased to remain invested in any specified : NOreferred to in section 11 (2)(b)(i) or deposited in anyamount referred to in section I 1(2)(b)(ii) or section11(2)(b)(iii), or

(c) has not been utilised for purposes for which it was NOaccumulated or set apart during the period for which itwas to be accumulated or set apart, in the yearImmediately following the expiry thereof? If so,the details thereof.

Note Income set apart in earlier year have been utilizedduring the year

Page 4: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014


II. Application for use of Income or property for the benefit of personsreferred to in section 13(3)

1. Whether any part of the income or property : NILof the society was lent, or continues to be lent, inthe previous year to any person referred to insection 13(3) (thereinafter referred to in thisAnnexure as such persons) ? If so, give detailsof the amount, rate of interest charged and thenature of security, if any.

2. Whether any land, building or other property : NILof the society was made, or continued to be made,available for the use of any such person duringthe previous year? If so, give details of the propertyand the amount of rent or compensation charged,if any

3. Whether any payment was made to any such NILperson during the previous year by way of salary,allowance or otherwise? If so give detail

4. Whether the services of the society were made NILavailable to any such person during the previousyear? If so, give details thereof together with remu-neration or compensation received, if any

5. Whether any share security, or other property : NILwas purchased by or on behalf of the society duringthe previous year from any such person? If so, givedetail thereof together with the consideration paid

6. Whether any share, security or other property NILwas sold by or on behalf of the society during theprevious year to any such person? If so, give detailthereof together with the consideration received

7. Whether any income or property of the society NILwas diverted during the previous year in favour ofany such person? If so. give details thereof togetherwith the amount of income or value of property sodiverted.

8. Whether the income or property of the society was NIL fused or applied during the previous year for thebenefit of any such person in any other manner? If so,

Page 5: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014

give details.

III. Investments held at any time during the previous year(s) in which personsreferred to in section 1,3(3) have a substantial interest.

S.No. Name & Address Whether the Nominal Income WhetherOf the concern concern is a value of from the the

Company, the Investment amountNumber and Investment in col.4Class of shares exceededHeld 5% of

theCapitaloftheconcernduring thepreviousyear say,Yes/No.

1 2 3 4 5 6

.......... N IL ..........

For Agarwal A Kumar & AssociatesChartered Accountants

C.A Ash/ok Agarwal(Partner)

Place: ChandicarhDated: C

Page 6: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014



(Amount - Rs.)

CAPITAL FUND AND LIABILITIES Schedule 2014-15 2013-14

Capital/Corpus Funds 1 9,60,61,906.00 24,40,89,371.43

Grant-in-aid from MoRD in lie#4 of RIDF Loan (NABARD) 4099,98,88,780.00 7799,99,25,280.00

Current Liabilities and Provisions 2 1,27,06,901.00 2,75,69,984.00

Total 4110,86,57,587.00 7827,15,84,635.43


Fixed Assets 3 3,54,76,780.00 3,77,93,560.17

Current Assets, Loans and Advances 4

a.) Cash-in-Hand and Bank Balance 4,35,50,340.30 2,77,75.840.34b.) Loans and Advances 2,97,41,686.70 20,60,89,954.92

Grant Receivable from MoRD for Repayment of loan 4099,98,88,780.00 7799,99,25.280.00(NABARD)

Total 4110,86,57,587.00 7827,15,84,635.43

Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Account 16

Annexure to our report of even date

For Agarwal A. Kumar & Associates For National Rural Roads Development Agency

Chartered Accountants

CA Asok Agarwal (Anjali Singh) (Rajesh Bhushan)Partner Director (F&A) Director General

Place :ChandigarhDated: 1/6?I ).'is-

Page 7: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014


Amount in Rs.INCOME Sch 2014-15 2013-14

Grant in Aid 5 545,07,02,072.21 687,46,05,880.32Interest Received 6 59,86,947.00 85,80,501.66Misc. Receipt & Prior Period Adjustment 7 76,647.00 1,47,394.23Capital Fund Written back to the extent of Depreciation 0.00 54,39,517.26

TOTAL (A) 545,67,65,666.21 688,87,73,293.47

EXPENDITUREInterest paid to NABARD 460,20,30,678.00 670,46,27,814.00Establishment Expenses 8 3,90,03,526.00 4,04,75,692.00Administrative Expenses 9 14,76,85,207.83 11,29,50,787.43World Bank Project Assistance 10 65,07,02,072.21 9,17,12,353.31Depreciation 3 56,61,575.42 54,39,517.26

TOTAL ( B) 544,50,83,059.46 695,52,06,164.00

Balance being Excess of Income/Expenditure over Exp./Income (A-B) 1,16,82,606.75 (6,64,32,870.53)Transferred to Capital/Corpus Fund 1,16,82,606.75 (6,64,32,870.53)


For Agarwal A. Kumar & Associates For National Rural Roads Development AgencyChartered Accountants

CA Ashok Agarwal (Anjali Sing (Rajesh Bhushan)Partner Director (F&A) Director General

Place :ChandigarhDated: f o1

Page 8: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014

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Page 9: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014




Particulars 2014-15 2013-14

1). Capital Asset Fund

Balances as at the beginning ofthe year 3,77,93,560 05 4,06,33,419 68Add Contributions towards Capital Fund 33,44,794.00 (28,39,859.63)

TOTAL 4,11,38,354.05 3,77,93,560.05

2).Grant in Aid

As per the last Balance Sheet 2,69,55,811,38 8,15,67,255.15

Add E-Procurement System (Refundable from NICSI 1,45,43,312.00

Add/Less.- Excess of Income over Expenditure for the Year 1,16,82,606.75 (6,64,32,870.53)

Less: Transferred to Capital Fund to the extent of Asset purchased/Sold (33,58,794 00) (2 ,21,885 24)

TOTAL 3,52,79,624.13 2169,55,811 383). World Bank Assistance

As per the last Balance Sheet 17,93,40,000 00 2,56,88,172,32Add.- Grant Received during the Year 49,10,06,000,00 17,93,40,000,00Less. For World Bank Related Expenses

Transferred to Income & Expenditure on a/c of world bank expenses 10,24,48,972.21 2,56,88,172.32For Performance Audit 2,35,00,000,00For Project Management Consultant (W13) - Disbursed 13,25,00,000,00

For Equipment (WB) - Disbursed 39,22,53,100 00

TOTAL 1,96,43,927.79 17,93,40,000.00TOTAL (1+2+3) 9,60,61,905.961 24,40,89,371.43

Grant-in-aid from MoRD in lieu of RIDE Loan (NABARD)

Opeining Balance at the beginning ofthe year 7799,99,25,280,00 11499,99,61,880,00Repaid during the year 3700,00,36,500.00 3700,00,36,6ft00Clo ' B 1 4099,98,88,780.00 7799,99,25,280.00


Particulars 2014-15 2013-14

I . Security Deposits 9,01,093.00 ' 3,43,996 00't

,e to,2. Expenses Payable 1,14,80,271 00 2,71,72,293,003.Sund,ry Creditor 3,25,537,00 000

L4.Stale Cheque 0 00 - 53,705,00TOTAL 1,27,06,901.00 2,75,69,984.00



Cash & Bank Balances:


L_ ' *T ash in Hand (Imprest) 0 00 25,86600rBank Balances

_HDFC A/C NO 3152 (MoRD) 3,13,607,30 52,84,076.86-HDFC A/C NO 7165 (For NABARD) 000 0 00-State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur (Current) 4,38200 5,000.00

-State Bank of Bikaner& Jaipur (Savings) 2,13,31600 0 00Fixed Deposit

FDR - Other Grant 4,29,62,751.00 2,24,08,899,00Against Bank Guarantee 56,28400 51,99848

Total (A) 4,35,50,340.30 2,77,75,840.34


I Advances and other amounts recoverable 2,84,74,034.00 20,5 7,55,233,922. Security Deposits 1,29,902.00 2,0616,21003, Interest Receivable on FDR(Other) 10,88,620.00 78,958 004 TDS Receivable on Interest FOR (NABARD) 0 005 Income Tax Refundable ( A,Y 2013-14) 49, '30 " 1 49,1

Total (B) 2,91,41, i A 20,0,89,954.9Total (A+B)

Grant Receivable from MoRD for Repayment of loan (NABARD)Opeining Balance at the beginning ofthe year 7799,99 ' 2S,280.001 11499,99,61,880.00Repaid during the year 3 700,00,36,500.00 3700,00,36,600,00Arnount Receivable from MoRD 7799,99,25,280.00

Page 10: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014



SCHEDULE 5- GRANTS IN AID MoRD _Particulars 2014-15 2013-14

(Irrevocable Grants Received)I)For Meeting Agency Expenses 19,80,00,000 00 10,00,00,000,00

2) For World Bank Projects 67,03,46,000.00 17,93,40,000,003) For payment of Interest on NABARD Loan 460,20,00,000 00 670,46,28,415 00

4) For repayment of NABARD Loan 3699,56,53,738.00 3700,00,00,000 00

5) Interest on NABARD FDR 43,82,762.00(A)Anount Received During the year 4247,03,82,500.00 4398,39,68,415 00

Less Adjusted against repayment ofLoani to NABARD 3700,00,36,500 00 3700,00,36,600 00

(B)Total 3700,00,36,500.00 3700,00,36,600 00

Add unutilised brought forward from previous year(NABARD)I. e-Procurement System(NICSI) 1,45.43,312.00 9,67,713 06

2. Balance with International Labour Organization 000 1,11,74,710 00

3 For World Batrk Related Expenses 0.00 5,88,39,355.321,45,43,312.00 7,09,81,778.38

Less: Grant utilised for World Batnk (Previous year) 000 9,67,713.06(C)Total 1,45,43,312.00 7,00,14,065 32

Less unutilised carried over to next year(i) e-Procurement System(NICSI) 1,45,43,312 00 -(ii), For Project Management Consultant (WB)- DisbUsed to States 0.00 8,00,00,000.00

(iii). For Equipment to States(WB)- Disbused to States 0.00 9,93,40,000.00

(iv) Unutilized Grant 1,96,43,927.79(D)Total 3,41,87,239.79 17,93,40,000.00

Total(A-B+C-D) 5,45,07,02,072.21 6,87,46,05,880.32

E- Procurenent GrantBrought Forward 1,45,43,312.00 9,67,713.06Add Prior Period Adjustment on account f Utilisation Certificate 0.00 1,35,75,598 94

Total 1,45,43,312.00 1,45,43,312,00Less: Anorunt received from NICSI 1,45,43,312.00 -

Amount Refund 0.00

SCHEDULE 6- INTEREST RECEIVED/EARNEDParticulars 2014-15 2013-14

Bank Interest 59,86,947.00 83,51,593 73Interest on Income Tax refund 000[ 2,28,907 93

Total 59,86,947,00 85,80,501.66

SCHEDULE 7- MISC. RECEIPTParticulars 2014-15 2013-14

RTI Money Received 11000 1,960 00Tender Fee 1,60000 3,400 00other receipts 16,58000Licence Fee 58,357 00 60,307 00Interest Income Reversed - -1,03,431 77Liabilities written off

Fee paid to Auditor 1,44,794 00V V Gulati 40,365 00

TOTAL 76,647.00 1,47,394,23

SCHEDUI,E 8- ESTABLISHMENT EXPENSESParticulars 2014-15 2013-14

a) Salaries and Wages 3,87,32,5 14.00 3,88,19,452 00b) Medical Reimbursement 2,71,012.00 2,25,416 00d) Leave Salary and Pension Contibution 0.00 14,30,824 00

TOTAL 3,90,03,526.00 4,04,75,69200

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ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSESDomestic Travel Expenses 44,95,561 00 52,12,841 00

Elecrical Expenses 21,21,001 00 18.89,153 00

Foreign Travel 0 00 000Hiring of Conveyance & Vehicle 29,02,558 00 26,05,925 00

Meeting Expenses 48,211 00 2,15,851 00Office maintenance /'Taxes and duty 22,00,075 00 50,17,125 00

Other Ofice Expenses 37,27,294,83 26,72,025 31

Postage Expenses 2,43,424 00 2,78,413 00

Printing & Stationery 10,72,567 00 12,62,609 00

Professional Services 0.00 4,33,149.00

Repairs and Maintenance 20,37,408.00 17,14,543.00

Telephone Expenses onfice 8,21,044.00 7,00,384.00

Telephone Expenses Residentials 2,56,127.00 2,63,952.00

Vehicle Maurtenance 2,67,256.00 2,45,310.00

Internal Audit Fee & other Pirofessional services 2,21,067.00 1,22,472.00

Rent rates & Taxes 1,17,32,313 00 000Statutory Auditor Remuneration 2,10,900.00 1,46,068.00

3,23,56,806.83 2,27,79,820.31

RESARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EXP.T ra"Inng 40,51,76900 86,56,368 00Tech Devclopment & Research Work 4,73,236.00 25,22,710.00

Workshop & Conference 57,70,912.00 1,59,37,144 00Conribution to Professional Bodies 2.83.978 00 5.08,69800

1,05,79,895,00 2,76,24,920.00


,96j00 00 0 0(

Ad ser riem t & Pullicity 5,1 1,071 00 9,64,659.00Books, Periodicals & Audio Visual Materials 8,74,007 00 2,50,448.00

21,81,738.00 12,15,107.00

STAs,PTAs, AND NQNsHonorarium to NQNIs 1,40,17,000.00 1,03,21,000.00Travelling Expenses ofNQMs 1,91,59,604.00 1,16,92,4 81 00Pa% ment to State Technicals Agencies 4,33,54.355 00 2,60,56,596.00Developnctt and Maintainence of Online Management systemn 1,66,95,189 00 75,72,966 00

9,32,26,148.00 5,56,43,043.00

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEConsultancy 93,40,620 00 56,87,697 00

Capacity Building 000 0 00

93,40,620.00 56,87,897M00

TOTAL 14,76,85,207.83 11,29,50,787.43


Particulars 2014-15 2013-14

For Performiance Audit 2,35,00,000.00 -

For Project Managemt Consultant (WB) - Disbursed 13,25,00,000 00

For Eq1uipTIent (WB) - Disbursed 39,22,53000 00 -

TOTAL (A) 54,82,53,100.00 0.00

World Bank Espenses:

Independent Verification of performance and F.A 3,13.29,143 00 1,94,6 1,018 00Research & Developmetr Exp 5,33,49.575 00 4.,25,67,089 00Tritintg 1,77,70,24.21 2,9o,83,646 3I

TOTFAI. (B) 10,24,48,972 21 9,17,12,353.31

TOTAL(A+B) 65,07,02,072.21[ 9,17,12,353.31

SCHEDt I (I EXPENSES PAYABLEParticulars 2014-15 2013-14


Consultancy Payable 000 10,04,129 00Domlestic Travel Expenses Payable 000 000Electricity Expenses 000 87,269 00I Hiring of Vehicle Payable 000 000loorariou to NQMs 13.38,750.00 3,33,900 00

Internal Audit Fee Pay able 49,438 00 1,11.572 00Other Ofice Exp Payable 5,488.00 30,151 00Payment to STA Payable 0.00 1,31,60,806,00Postage Expenses Payable 000 16,176 00NQMs Pa1 able -2000 70,854 00Printing & Stationery Payable 000 0100Repair & Maintenance Payable 1,34,696,00 34,327 00Workshop & Conference Payable 78,98400 1,43,872.00Statutory Audit Fee Payable 2,10,90000 1,46,0680Telephone Offtce Payable 000 44,234.00Travelling Exp to NQMs 17,39,160 00 4,40,1 15 00

Page 12: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014



Jammu & Kashmir RRDA 10,00,000 00 000

Office maint, taxes & duties. Payable 44,44 00 0.00

TOTAL(A) 46,01,940.00 1,56,29,473100


Salary and Allowance Payable 0.,00 2,83,21300

Leave Salary and Pension contribution Payable 6,67,23500 403208.00

TOTAL(B) 6,67,23!5.001,4,000


Research & Development Expenses Payable 000 17,31,976 00

Training (W B ) Expenses Payable 7,33,9 17,00 7,33,917 00

Wnrld ai ank Expenses Payable 49,57,650 00 41,45,100.00TOTAL(C) 56,91,567.00 66,10,893.00


T.D S. (Contractor) 40,77200 501,79500D.S (Professional) 4,057:,7 700 0,29,453 00

T.D S. (Re na) 15,630 00 7,300 00

T-D.S (Salary) 000 461 00TOTAL(D) 5,19,529.00 5,89,009.00

TOTAL(A+B+C+D 1,14,80,271.00 2,71,72,283.00

SCHEDULE- 12 SUNDRY CREDITORParticulars 2014-15 -2013-14

Secretary General IRC 16,000,.00 0.00

Shri Asit Kumar Jain 1,47,98.00 0.00

Shari Rakesh Kumar 55,442.00 0.00

Shri Shailendra Kumar Dubey 2,27.00 0.00

GTB Tour & Travels 23,833 00 0.00

TOTAL , 3,25,537.00 .00

SCHEDULE- 13 SECURITY AMOUNT (EMDParticulars 2014-15 2013-14

Automation 201 00 281 00

Epsiaon 144.00 144.00

Labotex 13,184.00 13,18400

.A. Coatpserve 940 00 045,00

Carrier Air Conditioning 10,000.00 10,00000

Renitance of Shi Rakesh Kumar 4,92000 4,42000

Renitance of Smnt Vedula 3,72000 3,720 00

Velocis System 231,000 2360 00

Pretier Safeguard 1,05.00 1,6000

Progressionl,000 1,205 00

P'rosizmant 3,070 00 3,070.00

R,D Enterprises 1,650.00 1,000.00

Vijay Bros 12,137.00 5,040 00

JataBr 95,764 00 95,764 00

G.A Digital 1,15,780 00 1,15,780 00

Bhagwati Printers 30,008 00 35,608 00

GTB Tour and Tiavel 0.00 50,000 00

Ascent 753 00 753 00

Mass Managemernt ,00,00000 000

TOTAL 9,0 1,093. 00 3,43,996.00


State Teclinical Agencies (MoRD) 1,20,000.00 60,000 00

Advance For Lab Equipments (World Bank) 4,18,843,00 4,18,843 00

Tech . Dev And Research work (MoRD) 1,12,725 00 5,73,773 00

Workshop & Conference (MoRD) 51,10,00 19,09.59 00

Research & Development 8,27,000.00 3,27,000.00

Advance fat Trainintg 14,67,000.00 20,67,000.00

Advance for Traiming(W B 34,9,961,00 35,82,700.00

Advance of contribution to professional bodies 19,82,030.00 19,82,030 00

Lekh Ran Mebla 3,150.00

Advance Independent verification of performance and research 000 9,50,980.00

Advance for Repair and maintenance ( Renovation of New Building) 1,41,27,310 002,84,74,034.00 L,l , 1,921 00

e-Procurement System (NICSI)-Recoverable 0.00 1,45,43,312.92

Advance for W.B. Equipment 0.00 9,93,40,000 00

Advance for Project Managent Consultant WB 0.00 8,00,00,000 00

Performanace Audit Consultants 000 0.00

Total 2,84,74,34.00 20,57,55,233,92

SCHEDULE-15 SECURITY DEPOSITParticulars 2014-1 7 2013-14

Ashok Tourist Service Station 14,270.00 40,000.00

MTXNL 70,23200 79,232.00

Sit Rakesl Kumar 36,40000 36,40000

Shri LT 1,at2riya 0.00 51,000.00

Total 1,29,902.00 _ 2,06,632.00

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1. Significant Accounting Policies adopted in the presentation of the accounts are asunder:-

a. Accounting Policies (AS-1)

During the year, the agency has followed accrual accounting with applicableaccounting principles in India, the accounting standards issued by the ICAI andrelevant provisions.

b. Fixed Assets(AS-10)

Fixed assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Cost comprises cost of acquisition,cost of improvement and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to condition of itsintended use.

c. Depreciation (AS-6)

Depreciation has been provided on written down value method at the rate asprescribed in Income Tax Act, 1961 except on mobile instruments to NQMs.The mobile instruments to NQMs have to be written off over a period of two years.

d. Grant (AS-12)

Society recognize the Specific Grant-in-Aid in the year of Expenses. Grant-in-Aid arereceived for the specific purposes i.e. Revenue and purchase of Fixed Assets. Theaccounting treatment of Revenue is recognized on a systemic basis in the Income andExpenditure Account over the period necessary to match with the related costs whichare intended to be, such grant is shown separately as Grant-in-Aid under IncomeHead.The accounting treatment of grant for the purchase of depreciable Fixed Assets isshown under capital fund. Such grant is allocated to income over the period and in theproportion in which depreciation to these assets is charged.

Page 15: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014




1. National Rural Roads Development Agency is a society registered under the

Societies Registration Act on 14-01-2002. The Agency received Grant in Aid and

assistance from Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.

2. The agency received grant from Ministry of Rural Development for payment of

interest and repayment of loan to NABARD. Details of grant received and

payment of interest and repayment of loan to NABARD are as under :-

(in Rs.)

Particular Principal Interest

Grant received 3699,56,53,738.00 460,20,00,000.00

Interest on NABARD 43,82,762.00


Loan repaid to NABARD 37,00,00,36,500.00 460,20,00,000.00

3. The Office Accommodation costing Rs. 7,88,30,479.00, is yet to be registered

before the Authority. The Sub Lease Deed is under examination in consultation

with NBCC.

4. Previous year figures have been re-grouped/ re-arranged wherever necessary:-

* Financial Statement should be prepared in the Uniform format of

Accounts for Central Autonomous Bodies as laid down in Rule 209(6)

(xiii) of General Financial Rules, 2005. Accordingly figures have been re-

grouped/ re-arranged as tabulated below:-

Page 16: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014

Previous Year

Particulars Schedule Amount(Rs.) Remarks

Capital Fund 1 3,77,93,560.05 In the Balance Sheet of

2013-14 Capital Fund

General Fund 2 1,24,12,499.38 was split into three part

Unutilized 3 19,38,83,312.00 Capital Fund, General

Fund Fund and Unutilized

Fund. Whereas, the

entire grant received

from the MoRD should

be classified under head

Capital/Corpus Fund.

Accordingly, the figures

have been regrouped

Total 24,40,89,371.43 /rearranged.

2,56,88,172.32 This was the deduction

on account of World

Bank Assistance Fund,

which has now been

Income and Expenditure added in the Schedule-5

Account in Grant in aid.

27,21,885.24 Assets purchased/sold

were shown in the

Income & Expenditure

Account which is not in

consonance with

principles of accounting

of Non Profit

Organization. This has

been removed from

Income and Expenditure

Account of previous year

Page 17: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014

figures and shown as

Deduct Revenue

Expenditure in Schedule-

1 of Capital/Corpus


Balance Sheet 23,38,65,795.26 Loans & Advances at Si.

No. (b), (c), (d) and (e)

of previous year Balance

sheet have been clubbed

and shown under header

"Current Assets, Loans

and Advances". Cash-in-

hand and Bank Balance

have been shown


5. In the financial statement of 2013-14 depreciation amounting to Rs. 54,39,517.26

was shown as Income as well as Expenditure in the Income and Expenditure

account, which is not inconsonance with the cardinal principles of double entry.

However, in the 2014-15 depreciation has been shown as expenditure in the

Income and Expenditure Account.

6. Advance payments outstanding over the years due to non receipts of Utilization

Certificates / Related Bills are tabulated below:-

S.No. Particular Amount in (Rs.)

i. State Technical Agency(MoRD) 1,20,000.00

ii. Advance for Lab Equipment 4,18,843.00

iii. Technical Development and Research work 112725.00


iv. Workshop and Conference (MoRD) 51,16,015.00

Page 18: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014

v. Research & Development 8,27,000.00

vi. Advance for Training 14,67,000.00

vii. Advance for Training (W.B.) 34,99,961.00

viii. Advance of contribution to professional bodies 19,82,030.00

ix. Lekh Ram Mehla, NQM 3150.00

x. Advance for Repair and maintenance 1,49,27,310.00

(Renovation of New office Building leased for


Total 2,84,74,034.00

Explanatory Note:-

(i) Advance amounting to Rs. 60,000/- to NIT, Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) has been

refunded in the month of August, 2015 which was outstanding from the year

2006. The IIT Bhubaneswar has submitted Utilization Certificate for Rs.

60,000/- in the month of September, 2015.

(ii) An Advance of Rs. 4,18,843/- was given to Bihar Rural Roads Development

Agency for procurement of Lab Equipment in 2007-08. Utilization Certificate

from the Agency is awaited.

(iii) Advance payment of Rs. 1,10,300/- made to Indian Institute of Technology,

Madras for Rural Roads Pavement Performance Study (RRPPS) and Rs.2,425

made to Principal College of Eng. Trivandrum are pending since 2010-11.

Utilization Certificates from the aforesaid institutes are awaited.

(iv) A sum of Rs. 51,16,015/- was given as advance for workshop and conference

to the following organizations:-

Name of Organizations Year of Amount Rs.


Jammu & Kashmir Rural Roads 2005-06 2440.00

Development Agency

URRDA Dehradun 2011-12 2,37,000.00

Page 19: A KUMAR & ASSOCIATES 3505. SLCTOR-32 1), CHARTERED ... · CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CHANDIGARH 160030 PHONL' 9814406375, 0172-2604484 FAX 0172- 2604484 E-MAIL aakchd2014

OSRRDA, Bhubaneswar 2012-13 2,52,155.00

Himachal Pradesh Gram Sadak 2012-13 5,88,000.00

Development Agency

Indian Road Congress 2012-13 3,00,000.00

CEO, CGRRDA 2014-15 5,04.000.00

Jammu & Kashmir Rural Roads 2014-15 10,00,000.00

Development Agency

APSRRDA 2014-15 7,00,000.00

Maharshtra Rural Roads 2014-15 3,59,160.00

Development Association

IRC & LOC 2014-15 60,000.00

CRRI, New Delhi 2014-15 3,93,260.00

ASRB, Guwahati 2014-15 7,20,000.00

Total 51,16,015.00

(v) An advance of Rs.3,27.000/-was given to Indian Road Congress for Research

and Development in 2012-13. Utilization Certificate from the Agency is


(vi) An advance Rs. 8,00,000 was given to Madhya Pradesh Rural Roads

Development Agency for Training on Mobile Based Application in 2012-13.

Utilization Certificate from the Agency is awaited.

(vii) Out Rs. 63,500/- an advance of Rs. 50,000/- was given to NPCC and

Rs.13,500/-was given to Tata Communication for organizational training in

2012-13. Utilization Certificate are awaited.

(viii) Advance amount Rs. 19,82,030/- was given to C.R.R.I, New Delhi for

Preparation of Data - Base of Conventional/Waste/Marginal Materials for

Construction of Embankment and Pavement Layers in 2013-14. Details of

expenditure are yet to be furnished.

(ix) Rs. 3150/- has been recovered from NQM in May, 2015.

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(x) An advance of Rs. 1,49,27,310/- was given to NPCC Ltd. for renovation of

office premises at August Kranti Bhawan in three installments (Rs.

51,98,486+Rs.45,30,33 8+Rs.51,98,486/-). Bill of Quantities and final bill

have not been submitted by the NPCC Ltd.

For Agarwal A Kumar & Associates For National Rural Roads Development Agency

Chartered Accountants

CA A (Anjali Singh) (Rajesh Bhushan)

(Partner) Director (F&A) Director General

Place: ChandigarhDated: o09 IX01S

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