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JUNE 2017

A Glad Hello from Your Sabbatical Pastor

For those of you who were here at Woodfords during the 2007-2010 period, when I served among you first as a student pastor and then in an interim capacity with Carolyn as part of a pastoral team, you can imagine my joy at being asked to serve as your Sabbatical Pastor while Carolyn is away for a period of refreshment and renewal. I am a strong believer in the value of sabbaticals for the health, strength, creativity, and resiliency of both pastor and congregation.

I realize that I will not be returning to the same congregation I left. Of course, there will be new people in the congregation to meet. There will be new staff to get to know and work with (Carolyn is the only person still on staff from when I left here just six and a half years ago). But I mean more than that. All of you whom I already know have changed over the intervening years as you have encountered new situations and been led down new paths. The congregation as a whole has also moved on from where it was six

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years ago. I look forward to becoming re-acquainted with you indi-vidually and corporately, as you are now and as you are becoming.

Now a word about those cottage meetings this summer: As I write this column I have already met with Jim Fletcher to begin planning the specific sabbatical work we want to do with you during the summer months (the work that Carolyn talked about in her May column). I know that summer is thankfully a more leisurely pace at Woodfords, and so it is a perfect time for holding “cottage meetings.” These will be informal small groups that meet in homes with either Jim or me to engage our thoughts and imaginations around the impact of change in our lives, our world, and our church. Jim and I will be working out the details as soon as I begin my work at Woodfords on June 1. I know that some of you will be present on Sunday mornings less often in the summer, so please keep your eyes peeled for the weekly e-announcements for more information about these meetings. Please do your best to participate in one of the cottage meetings. Jim and I are committed to making these gatherings enjoyable and worthwhile experiences for all present. And the fellowship can’t be beat!

My Office Hours: I will be working three-quarter time June through August and full time in September. During the summer months my regular on-site days will be Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and one other day according to schedule needs for that week. I will maintain “drop in” office hours 2:00-4:00 pm on Tuesdays. “Drop in” means you don’t need an appointment, you can just stop in and I’ll be there, unless there is an emergency.

Sunday Conversation Time after Worship: On Sunday mornings, once I have greeted people at the church door, I will make my way to the Reading Room to be available for informal conversation about whatever folks want to talk about, whether that be the ser-mon, current events, what’s going on in your life, or just simply getting to know each other better. I know many of you will be eager to get on to your own Sunday pursuits after worship, so no one should feel obligated to head for the parlor to make the pastor feel better. Sunday Conversation Time is meant to be an opportuni-ty that is there for you if you are interested.Shalom, Pastor Annette

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After 15 months of planning, brainstorming, outreaching, building consensus and committing . . . Greater Portland Family Promise will launch its family shelter on July 9th! There are currently eleven faith communities committed as Host Congregations, and several potential Host Congregations are taking steps to decide on their participation within the next several weeks. Woodfords Host Dates Our first week hosting at Woodfords will be August 6 through 12. GPFP will create an overall schedule for all host congregations. We expect to host one additional week between October 1 and December 31, 2017. Volunteers - Please put the week in August on your calendars and think about your availability for that week! I will be in touch with you very soon to see what role you can fill! Volunteer Training GPFP will train all volunteers who will have contact with families. The training specifically for WCC will occur two or three weeks prior to our first hosting week. If you cannot attend the training scheduled specifically for WCC, you will be able to attend a training at another congregation. Facility Update: The Portland Fire Department toured six Host Congregations, including Woodfords Congregational Church, and all six were approved for hosting. The only issue at Woodfords was installing smoke detectors in the rooms where families will be

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Happy June Anniversary To… Sue & Dave Clark 6/10/1972 Marge & Pete Sampson 6/15/1968 Deborah & Scott Belanger 6/16/1973 Nancy & Gregory Goodspeed 6/18/1970 Elaine & Nick Nadzo 6/21/1969 Meghan & Kurt Graser 6/24/2006 Janet & Robert Stewart 6/27/1964

sleeping. 10 year Lithium Battery Smoke Detectors will be installed. GPFP Organizational updates:

We have raised nearly 50% of our first-year budget, the fund-raising goal recommended by Family Promise National for programs to reach before launching.

We have elected a full board of directors and officers. We are in final negotiations with a prominent organization in

Portland who will be offering us space in their facility for our Day Center. We have developed a memorandum of understanding that is in final edits, and we expect the location for our Day Center to be made public this month.

We have met with the Portland City Manager, who has expressed his support for our program

We have met with the Portland Family Shelter director and the Assistant Chief of the Portland Fire Department and are developing Memoranda of Understanding with both of these for continuing relationships

Get Updates GPFP sends out an email newsletter and updates. If you would like to receive these and receive the more current up-dates on the program, please click on this link. If you would like to receive emails specifically about Woodfords Family Promise participation, please email [email protected] or [email protected] to let us know!

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Happy June Birthday To. . .

Dennis Gervais 6/03 Iris Titcomb 6/03 Cecilia Ritter 6/04 George Crockett 6/05 Kathy Helming 6/05 Alexandra Nye 6/06 Jane Hunt 6/07 Matthew Smith-Erb 6/07 Mary Bonauto 6/08 Elizabeth England 6/08 Michael LaPlante 6/08 Pat Wilbur 6/08 Norma Knight 6/09 Madison Ross 6/09 Alden Sawyer, Jr 6/09 Carolyn Bird 6/10 Kristen Crean 6/10 Betsy Gervais 6/10 Maya Lucas-Huff 6/10 Rob Newman 6/10 Beth Lunt 6/12 Fred McKeeman 6/12 Gregory Goodspeed 6/13 Jim Helming 6/13 John England 6/15

William Carter 6/16 Abigail Gervais 6/16 Lorraine Canterbury 6/18 Rochelle Hale 6/18 Emily Segal 6/18 Leslie Ouellette 6/20 Betty Lou Jones 6/21 Elizabeth Gray 6/22 Elizabeth Baird Humphrey 6/22 Phil Haskell 6/23 Sadie Rhinehardt 6/23 Iris Walter 6/23 Victor Cote 6/24 Lindsay Ross 6/24 Pete Sampson 6/24 Carol Carpenter 6/25 Connie Kent 6/25 June St. Lawrence 6/25 Scott Belanger 6/26 Jude Swicker 6/28 Robin Carter 6/29 Bradley Belanger 6/30 Rhee Michelle Smith 6/30 Benjamin Spiller 6/30

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A MESSAGE FROM REV. CAROLYN... "This morning I enjoyed an exceptional worship service {in} which a dozen coming-of-age youth were jointly confirmed by Woodfords Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) and HopeGateWay United Methodist Communi-ty. Four clergy conducted the service with joy and energy. Twelve young people were so clearly cherished. They were charged, with humor and love, with ten truths to remem-ber. They were celebrated and given beautiful personal stoles that included some of their own creative work. They affirmed their beliefs. They were individually welcomed by clergy, parents and mentors and blessed by laying on of hands. Throughout the service there was singing and laughter and a wonderful mix of earnestness and lightness. And then, fully confirmed, off they went to the corners of the church to serve Communion to the gathered crowd of two congregations. In other words, they were immediately given leadership responsibility and recognized as Christian adults in the eyes of their church. After the service they ran their own receiving line before finally heading downstairs to eat (hope there was something left for them!). I was just very impressed by the whole service from begin-ning to end. Afterward, at the other end of the building, I also enjoyed the large bulletin board filled with oversized photo posters of these youth on retreats together. Each of their individual statements of faith was also posted for all to read. Numerous people of all ages clustered around these images and statements with great interest. Every comment I heard was loving, enthusiastic, joyful and proud. What wonderful faith communities I saw at work today. It was a privilege to be there and witness young people being so well loved and so supported in their faith journeys.

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We could use a few more people in this world who have thought seriously about life's large questions and have made a commitment to try to follow the way of Jesus (or the Torah, or Mohammed, peace be upon him, or the Buddha or other wisdom tradition). The Way of Love comes in many shapes. I loved watching young people be initiated into one of them today.♥" (Betsy Parsons)

I share this FaceBook post with you today as I prepare to leave on my Sabbatical at the end of the day on Wednesday. Betsy’s words ring true about all of you – an amazing and faithful congregation – followers and disciples of Jesus who choose to be his living, acting, speaking, serving Body in today’s world. Betsy’s words remind us that we are actors, not just placeholders, on a continuing and seamless – and sometimes rocky — journey of faith. God’s people have followed and led, searched and pondered, moved forward and fallen backwards – but have sought to be children born in the image of a compassionate, just and loving God – people who don’t live or act in a vacuum but act and interact with the communion of God’s people in all times and all places. Today I am once again struck by the way the people of Wood-fords have done, and continue to do, just that. In the almost 12 years I’ve been privileged to serve you, I have witnessed and shared your passions, your concerns, your hopes, your dreams, celebrated what has been and looked forward to what is yet to come and I am honored to be called pastor and priest, teacher and counselor, fellow sojourner on the journey of faith. In the past few weeks I’ve once again been in awe of your faith and the faithful decisions you make. I have been truly blessed

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that, in addition to the always-profound, day to day responsibilities of pastoral leadership, you sent me out to be the presence of Woodfords in the community, a presence that has led to rich interactions and connections far beyond the doors and walls of this church. Because of your wisdom and blessing, I’ve been able to bring you into the community when I wash the feet of the homeless on Maundy Thursday and represent you standing before hundreds on the steps of City Hall speaking out about God’s compassion for all people, and when standing shoulder to shoulder with other community faith leaders saying no to hatred and yes to love. But I’ve also had the privilege of bringing the community to Woodfords… our Confirmation journey just celebrated is such a wonderful image of being community together rather than being imprisoned in individual denominational silos. In the past several years, I’ve had infinite opportunities to share the journey with congregations including St. Luke’s, HopeGateWay, Trinity and St. Ansagr – opportunities to learn together, worship to-gether, sing together, stand up for justice together, even work-ing together to get Family Promise off the ground in Portland. As well as connecting our current faith communities, you’ve also allowed me to connect the past with the present and the future, finding ways to remain faithful to who we are as Christians in the Reformed tradition and yet moving toward a future that has great possibilities. Just this past weekend, we witnessed 12 young people take their roles as faith leaders, pointing us toward the future as they served communion. And in a community that is rapidly changing because of the arrival of many gifted and faithful immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers, I had the privilege to officiate at the wedding of Bella and Steve who fled

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Burundi in order to find a safe haven here in Portland, con-necting us to what is still yet to come.

I also had the privilege of officiating the wedding service of Sara Cobb (Jeanette Hall’s granddaughter – Jeanette, a LONG-time member of Woodfords) and Eric Russell , connecting us to a rich and vibrant Woodfords’ history.

And today I have the privilege of announcing that we have found a new staff person to fulfill the responsibilities of our newly created “Family and Intergenerational Ministries” position. I am so grateful for all of you – for your faith, your passion, your dedication, your wisdom. And I am so grateful to be your pastor. While I am truly ready for rest and renewal and growth in the next few months, I will miss you all dearly. I will look forward to reconnecting with you in October – and moving into an invigorated future as passionate and ever-faithful Christians.

Blessings and love, Rev. Carolyn

We wish Rev. Carolyn well on her

sabbatical and we look forward to

her return on October 1.

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June 4, 2017

June 4 is the day we pray all of you will bring your Pledge commitments for our next fiscal year. God loves a generous giver and you are a generous congregation. If you can't join us on June 4th, please mail your pledge card to the office at your earliest convenience. Thank you for pledging to help us meet next year’s budget. The Stewardship Team - Kristen and Robin

Save The Date!

Save what date you may be asking. The date is Sunday October 15, 2017.

The occasion is the 2017 Casco Bay CROP Walk. Location – around Back Cove - - - Time 1 P.M.

Purpose – to raise money to help feed the hungry in the Greater Portland area and around the world! During the last CROP Walk in 2015, the group was able to raise $10,000 with 100 participants. This year our goal is to raise $15,000. About 20% of both Portland and Westbrook’s population are at the poverty level or below. It is our hope that 150 people will join us for this fun event. Local businesses and high schools will be sponsoring the effort and various religious groups will be part of the planning and sponsorship. Stay tuned for more information coming your way regarding the walk and a food drive.

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Recruiting all handymen and handywomen!! We need your help. Can you make small repairs? Can you do some painting? We are not looking for the next Bob Vila. Just someone who has done work around their own house and would be willing to be contacted when Woodfords needs some help. As small projects come up in the building, the new Sexton, Louise Shaw, will send out an email to the “Building Buddies” to see if anyone has time to lend a hand. No pressure! If you are interested and have a little time available, please contact Louise Shaw [email protected] or 207-774-8243, ext 108. THANK YOU!!!


The Woodfords Church Office hours for June—August are


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Greetings from the Worship Committee of the Council of Ministries

Worship of God has held the central place in the Congrega-tional tradition over the past four centuries in New England. Continuity there has obviously been, but measured changes have occurred. The first century of church polity thus saw the establish-ment of rules enforced by the civil government that all residents of a parish must attend—if not always in practice--three services a week: on Wednesday and Sunday evenings and Sunday morning. Services were not held in a “church;” no, the term “church” referred exclusively to carefully-selected members—not to the non-elect residents of the worship group. The term “church” was sacred; it could not be bestowed upon a pile of boards: the build-ing for worship services occurred in the so-called “meetinghouse,” which also was used for secular town meetings of various kinds. And within the meetinghouse, church services proceeded with women seated on one side of the structure and men on the other; and seating was also determined by the place in the society of the worshipper. Furthermore, no choir or organ—instrument, not a pancreatic part of the body—music was permitted, since these were “snares” that distracted the attention of worshippers away from the Lord. A Biblically-sophisticated church service guided by a Learned Clergy that in turn was carefully supervised by a Literate Laity ensured a marked orthodoxy of faith.

Obviously the evolution of worship—as well as broader so-cietal--patterns has transformed religious practice in our faith throughout the passage of years. Redefinitions of church member-ship, the separation from State establishments, the gathering of families and friendships, the removal of pew subscriptions, and the broadening of gender direction of faith institutions only mark some of the more visible changes. The introduction of music as a salient and comprehensive form of worship and not merely an ornament provides yet another expression, as does the tendency

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toward expanding ecumenical and social services reveal further changes. The current discussions and decisions over the budget and the forms that our faith patterns will take at Woodfords over the coming year reveal our own congregation working to evolve our worship operations by drawing from a blend of conven-tion and modification. Respectfully submitted

from the Worship Committee of the Church Council. Allan Whitmore, Chair

ChoralArt Summer Sing!

Monday, June 12, 7 pm Skills Workshop; 7:30 pm Sing-Along

Kick off the summer with a fun sing-along! Join ChoralArt at 7:00 pm for a singing skills workshop and at 7:30 pm to sing through Bach’s Magnificat and Mozart’s Coronation Mass. Admission: $5 at the door; no charge for students.

Project FEED We are including a food drive at the Summer Sing to benefit Portland’s emergency food pantry, Project FEED. Please bring canned items like meats, fish, soup, juice and vegetables. Pasta, cereal, peanut butter and rice are also always welcome. Please do not include items that have expired or are in glass containers.

NEW OFFERING ENVELOPES FOR 2017-2018 (starting July 2017) have been ordered and will be available in mid-June. They will be put out on Sunday in the Cloister for pick-up. We will announce the dates they will be available.

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THE 20TH ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE SUMMER SOLSTICE Saturday, June 17th at 8am; Gilsland Farm, Route 1, Falmouth

Join us for our 20th celebration of summer! Year after year, we’ve gathered in a circle, preparing for the seasonal change, noticing the big and small parts of nature, singing, listening, walking, praying. People have come and gone, but are always there in spirit. We’ve watched babies become adults, we’ve witnessed miracles, we’ve said goodbyes. We welcome you to join the circle! We'll be across from the pond, near the rock. Symbols of light and summer are welcome. FMI contact Ellen Smith- Erb at 829-6748 or [email protected].

Woodfords Church Scholarship Funds A limited amount of post-secondary scholarship funds will be available to Woodfords Church students. Members or children of church members who are involved with our church on a regular basis are strongly encouraged to apply. Please contact Teri in the church office ([email protected]) for an application.

Applications are due in the office by Friday, June 30.

Maine Pride Parade Saturday, June 17

This year Woodfords church will march in the southern Maine Pride Parade on Saturday June, 17. We will meet in Monument Square at 10 am and march in celebration of diversity and all of God's children. If interested please email Matthew Buzzell-Climo at: [email protected].

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The Grant Fund Activities For Woodfords Church Seniors 65+

YOGA YOGA YOGA Thursdays through June 29 (off July & August) 10:15am-11:15am, the Parlor $3 a class Classes are held in the Parlor. You can “walk in” during the current 10 week session and pay the $3 a class. If you are interested in joining or you have questions, please contact Jean Koster.

JUNE TAI CHIJUNE TAI CHIJUNE TAI CHI Tuesdays in June 9—10 am, Seely Hall Contact: [email protected] or 396-6529 at Southern ME Agency on Aging to register


Save the date for the ANNUAL GRANT FUND PICNIC at Roberta Barker's camp on Sebago Lake. Lots of fun! Lots of food. Lots of great fellowship. Friday, July 21. Put it on your calendar today!


We will post in the JULY BEACON a list of groups that will not be meeting this summer. If you’d like your group’s summer break to be mentioned, contact Teri Coviello at [email protected]; include the date the group will start up again in the fall. The deadline for submission is June 20.

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It's hard to think about Fall when we aren't even into Summer yet, but Woodfords Annual Fall Retreat at Pilgrim Lodge will be here before we know it. September 8th-10th to be specific. For 35+ years, WCC members have gathered at this very special place on a beautiful lake to relax, refresh and get to know each other better. The weekend is mostly informal and unstructured, but we do plan crafts, worship, a meditative walk through the Labyrinth, as well as swimming, boating, games and sitting on the front porch. Whether you've attended every year or never, we hope you can join us this year!! Look for a registration form in the July Beacon. This year’s theme is Embracing Change, the same as WCC's focus for the upcoming year. Planning is underway and we need lots of helping hands to make the weekend a success. If you plan to attend, please get in touch with me soon to let me know which of the following areas you would like to contribute to. Attendee communication and publicity: Getting the word out about Pilgrim Lodge and continuing communication with attendees up until the weekend is a big job! Publicity includes creating a bulletin board at WCC or some other display to let people know about PL weekend, sending emails to potential attendees, making in-person and telephone invitations and talking briefly at a Sunday worship service. Ongoing communication includes sending out a letter a few weeks ahead of the retreat to let people know what to expect, what to bring, etc. Friday night welcome: PL guests begin arriving Friday evening, and around 7:30 we gather in the lodge for introductions, ice breakers and an overview of the weekend and the theme. Often the activities at this opening meeting relate to the theme and get all of us thinking about how it pertains to us and how the theme runs throughout the weekend.

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Arts and Crafts: A favorite among the younger set, as well as some of the adults, we usually have a few arts and crafts projects set up in the middle room of the Lodge beginning Saturday morning and continuing through the weekend, usually relating in some way to the theme. Often, we bring the final products back to WCC for display. Food: Meal planning, grocery shopping, prep work, cooking and clean-up is a major component of the weekend. We usually follow tried and true menu items, but many hands are needed to carry out this activity. Saturday night activity: Saturday evening is a time for fun! Past years have included skits, talent shows, a dance, a bonfire. This activity does not have to relate to the theme. Worship: The worship service on Sunday morning is the culmination of the weekend, a time to bring together the events and theme of the weekend, reflect on our experience and what we will bring back to our day to day lives. Worship includes music, readings and a way for everyone to participate. Let me know if you have any questions, either via email or phone (756-5875). Thank you!! Carol Swicker PL Retreat Coordinator

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The Grant Fund Activities For Woodfords Church Seniors 65+


Friday, June 2 Lounge

10:00 am

This will be an important meeting of the Grant Fund Team as we all think about leadership for the future of the program.

LUNCH AND LEARN Friday, June 2, 11:30 am


"Organizing After a Loss"

Losing a loved one is hard, but so is sorting through memories and things left behind. Kathy Beillargeon, Professional Home Organizer, will offer a seminar to help us sort through this challenge. It is hard work because it's hard for us to know what's important to keep, and just as important, what's important to let go. This seminar is open to all members and friends of the church, especially caregivers and those left behind to do the sorting and choosing. Join us for this vital Lunch and Learn. Bring a sandwich. Beverage and dessert will be provided. As always, please contact Rev. Jim to sign up for this event at [email protected].

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The Grant Fund Activities For Woodfords Church Seniors 65+


BOTANICAL GARDENS TOUR FULLY BOOKED If you signed up for the Boothbay Botanical Gardens Tour, you are one of the lucky ones, because the event is fully booked! Those willing to drive themselves up to Boothbay Harbor are welcome to come along. Please contact Rev. Jim as soon as possible if you want to attend and plan to drive yourself!





For those of you who plan on submitting for either the July or August Beacon, please note the deadline of

JUNE 20. Articles sumitted later than the 20th will go into the September Beacon.

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