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    Completion, based on Mahadevas definition.5thAugust 2013


    Listen! Mahadevas definition about of completion is the most powerful spiritual process. Every disease in the

    body starts from one incompletion. When that one incompletion goes on developing, developing, developing

    into more and moreand moreincompletions.. It is like a baby growing in its mothers womb. The moment

    she becomes pregnant, the baby grows. , grows, grows, grows. When the incompletion has reachedsa certain

    levelsize, it becomes disease. in the body, it becomes disease.

    Listen! When the baby reaches a certain size, it is delivered. In theSame same way, when the incompletion

    reaches a certain size, it becomes disease.

    Completion, Tthe process of completion Completion is so powerful, I tell you,if completion is taken up as a

    lifestyleit can reduce the crowd by at least 50% in the hospitals and courts of any country!

    Please understand, if completion is taken up as a life style it can reduce the crowd at least by 50% in the

    hospitals and the courts!

    I really wantedall my followers to practice the science of completion and enrich the world with completion.

    At each center, Just as like morning how I read out all the centers and temples sitting with usin the morning, I

    request you that , morningat each center you listen to all of these great truths in the morning, and in the

    evening you should start talking sharing oin your local channels. Each Center Center HeadHead/,

    devotee,devoteeshould share the science Science of completion Completion with the world. After all, now it is

    now definedvery clearly defined in many of my satsangs Satsangs from Mahadevasdefinition.

    First thing, you will be excited to enrich others only if you taste it. uUnless you taste it, you will not be

    excited to about enriching others. I wantedyou to taste it; only then you will be excited abouttoenriching

    others! Just this one science of completion becoming a lifestyle.after all it is such a fool-proof, time tested, no

    side effect drug! You cant even call it as a drug. No side-effect life style! Its effect will be like a drug, butwith

    no side-effects! A lifestyle which can work, which can bring the effect of the drug, is Completion.

    Please listen! When you take medicine when I use the word drug here, I mean medicine when you

    take medicine, some medicines will have effect and side-effect, some medicines no side-effect and no effect.

    Some area lifestyle! Some arealifestyle; not medicines, but the lifestyle! Listen! Lifestyle itself bringing the

    effect of a medicine and not the side-effects of medicine is Completion. Completion brings the effect of

    medicine on your body.

    Just yesterday, all of us in the ashram, all the sannyasisSannyasis, brahmacharisBrahmacharis, karma Karma

    brahmacharisBrahmacharis, rishisRishis and all four varnas, we were sitting and enjoying a movie -

    Vivekananda. It was a movie on Vivekananda by Vivekananda. There is a book called Vivekananda on

    him. Based on that book, the movie was done. After It has been a long time,sincea moviehasmade such a

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    strong impact on me! Of course, I am a great admirer, follower of Vivekananda. But the way they presented

    the movie amazing! They presented his human dimension. Always Always weonly knoww onlyabout

    Vivekananda from the angle of Ahankaara, how he was projected outside-,the power! But this movie is donemade to present what allthathe has had to go through in in the human plane, and how much he has had to

    struggle to inspire people, to help people.

    I sincerely recommend that all our devotees, followers, visitors, should see this movie, Vivekananda, by

    Vivekananda, his life in his own words. So beautiful..about the sacrifice he has to go through! For whom

    he is sacrificing, those very same people are abusing him, persecuting him! He is sacrificing for the people

    who have no gratitude. I wantedall of you to watch this movie. I think it is done by Chennai Ramakrishna

    Mutt; much of the shooting is done by Chennai Ramakrishna Mutt, the Mylapore Ramakrishna Mutt.

    Naturally, it has brought a lot of nostalgic memory memories for me and I was enjoying the whole movie. I

    could see in in the human plane, the amount of struggle he (Vivekananda) had to go through just because of

    his love for his fellow human-beings, nothing else! I can understand the power of the completion space he was

    holding. God! The power of the completion space he was holding..he moved the whole entire sleepingIndia,India;he woke up the whole of India! The power of the space he was holding! GOD! He woke up allof

    India! I tell you, he really, really, really woke up India! Like he swallowed all the incompletions of everyone!

    See, sacrificing for people who are not grateful to you is nothing but swallowing their incompletions and

    completing it. Like Mahadevawhen heswallows swallowed the poison to save the Devas and Devathas who

    when they go went to Dakshas Yajna. Even though they knew thatowing Mahadeva is was not invited

    welcomed and respected there, these fellows still go there for the good food! When they get the poison,

    Mahadeva has to drink it. Sacrificing for the people who are not even grateful to you is swallowing all the

    incompletions and completing it.

    I wantedall of you to watch this movie. So beautifully it is presented and so factual! There is no big show,

    theories, nothing. As it happened! So beautifully they have presented from Vivekanandas view, a simple,

    humble being! Because he decided to carry the space of completion, how he awakened the whole countrywhich was in deep incompletion! When Vivekananda was born, the Mamakaara of India wasIam useless;

    the Ahankaara of India was I am completely useless; the Swa-Anyakaara of India was The whole world is

    out there to exploit me; and the Anyakaara of India was Beggars and beggars and beggars. But

    Vivekananda, after he did what he wanted to do to Indias conscience, he awakened the whole inner space of

    India by his tremendous tapas! And the space he held, the powerful completion space he was holding!! I

    wantedall of you to hold that kind of a powerful space of completion. Let us awaken the world. Our work is

    bigger! Let us awaken the whole humanity! We have to do bigger work!

    That is the gratitude we will pay to Vivekananda. As a single man, without even having a secretary or an

    assistant.,God! And without a mike or any electrical or electronic instruments; he says he used to make

    himself audible for three-thousand people! Even with speakers, to make yourself audible for three-thousand

    people is not a joke! I know how many speakers are needed! So, the amount of stress on the vocal chords!Already doctors are telling me;andI have lived a public life of only ten years. And I am hardly thirty-five.

    Already my doctors are saying, No, no, Swamiji! You have to give rest to your vocal chords! You cannot be

    loud! You cant shout! You have to use onlythemikeonlyeven for closed-door meetings. I was thinking, Oh,

    God! Then what would have been the stress on his (Vivekanandas) vocal chords! And hereditary diabetes for

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    him! That is the only thing he inherited! Nothing else he inherited other than diabetes! And the amount of

    scandals he has faced in the U.S. and in India! He sayssaid, if If I have had only one man trustworthy, on

    whom I can bank in India, Ill be happy. When he was in the West, rumors were spreading, scandals werespreading in the Indian media by some of his opponents, competitors,withvested interests. He did not have a

    single man to answer his detractors. Nobody, nobody defended him. But, all the money he earned, he gave to

    India! Everything he gave to India! He defended India and Hinduism so strongly! India never bothered to

    even recognize him as its representative, but he was unmoved! His body was destroyed, I know, due to the

    continuous hard work. And, he says sometimes fifteen lectures per week; means, practically two per day! Two

    to three hours he has to make himself audible to three-thousand people without any microphone! He lived

    only nine years public life. What he contributed, even to read it will take twenty-five years for us!

    But the power of the space he was holding transformed,itawakened the whole of India. I wanted each one of

    you to become Vivekananda,tohold that kind of power of space.

    After a long time, I am gathering all my sannyasisSannyasistogether to have some lessons and teachings and


    Only sannyasisSannyasis. Those days we used to have regular ashramites meetings. Now, other than the

    satsanghSatsang, even they dont get to sit with me. Actually, I wanted all the sannyasisSannyasis,andall our

    ashramites should to see that movie once more, because, only when you see a second time, a third time, you

    will catch many of the points you missed! It was so strong, and so much is presented, you need to go through,

    you need to see the movie once more. All the temples, ashrams, centers, I request that all of you should watch

    this movie as a group, not alone. As a group you should watch this movie. Mayybe, have a movie day one

    day gather all the devotees, disciples, like a few hundreds, and have a potluck dinner or something, and watch

    this movie. Please, as a group, with your sanghaSangha, watch this movie. I want you to understand what all

    whathe has had to go through in the human plane. But, all of this did not move the space he was holding! He

    did not lose the completion space he was holding. He awakened India! He woke up India! He sacrificedhimself, but he made India awake! He awakened India! He is the greatest hero the that modern-day

    Hinduism has seen. The amount of sacrifice, love..unimaginable!

    After seeing the movie, I wanted all you guys just to contemplate on it. Dont sit there and discuss andspoil

    the whole mood! Yesterday, I did not discuss. The moment the movie got was over, I just got up and went

    away. , Because because you need to allow it to sink inyou. And, I also wanted one more show to be done for

    all the staff, volunteers,andeveryone in the sangha to show what he (Vivekananda) had to go through. Let

    everyone see.

    Listen! The power of completion not only makes you feel so powerful,it makes you powerful! Your every

    word will have so much power, every action will have so much power, everyand everythought will have so

    much power.,Yyou will become a man among men! We need men with so much of the space of completion,

    with that power of completion. That is what I am creating through sannyas Sannyas training and my


    And I wanted to remind all my followers, disciples, all the Hindus, my sincere request, if you are planning two

    kids for your family, give birth to three, and hand over one to Dhyanapeetam. We need men with the space of

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    completion and spiritual strength to awaken the world. We need men to awaken the world. We need men

    who go through this powerful spiritual process of completion. And I wanted to fill all the American

    Universities Hinduism Chairs! In America so many Universities has have Hinduism Chairs,butnot a singleChair is held by a born and brought up Hindu, a person who has lived and experienced Hinduism! I am

    training my kids. By the age of twenty-one, they will become doctoratesDoctorates, they will become Ph.D.s,

    they will have tremendous passion and love for the Hindu tradition. They will sit as Heads of Departments,

    the Hinduism Chairs. They will awaken the world! They will awaken the world!

    And, I also request and give an open invitation, anybody who is interested in doingaPh.D. in Hinduism, I

    sincerely request, please send anemail to us. We will provide everything for you food, stay, support for

    your education everything needed for you to complete a Ph.D., in Hinduism, and sit as theHead of the

    Hinduism Chairs in different Universities all over the world. Not only studying and becoming a Ph.D. in

    Hinduism-,carrying the power of Completion like Vivekananda! Only then you will awaken the world. You

    will awaken the humanity. Till you settle down as Head of any one university University holdingaHinduism

    Chair, the Sangha, Nithyananda Sangha will support you, giving you food, shelter, clothes and education;mainly the education support. Unfortunately, the universities Universities we have in India, the few

    universities which give degrees and doctorates in Hinduism are all Hindi-based; like Sampoornanada

    University. But, I wanted a university University for Hinduism which is English-based. We have started the

    work in the U.S. IN U.S. we are already a recognized university. But I wanted a huge campus in India also

    where we produce Hindu intellectuals, enlightened Kshatriyas, intellectual and enlightened, who will carry

    the space of completion like Vivekananda, go around, who will carry the space of completion like

    Vivekananda, the strength of Vivekananda, the perseverance of Prabhupada.

    I wanted all of you guys to see a movie on Prabhupada. That is another one extreme! Old man, after having

    two heart attacks, reaches the U.S! Thousands and thousands of doctorates in Hinduism who are holding

    the space of Vivekananda should be created. That is the only way we will awaken the world through this

    spiritual strength!

    I dont want any of my ashramsor,organizations to run secular education institutions! Please understand, Im

    making this as a rule, none of my sangha, branches, will engage yourself themselves in the secular education

    institutions! That is not our job! Our first priority is, create Religious Education Institutions We need at least

    a few Universities creating Hindu Scholars! Even the great Hindu Gurus, Hindu leaders, who are rich enough,

    go for regular Universities where you study physics, maths and science and completely anti-Hindu ideas!

    Even in my school, the IGCSE syllabus is for kids to know the world, the outer world. In my Gurukul we have

    two syllabuses. One, the spiritual education: one to learn what should be done in the life. The other one, the

    IGCSE syllabus, to learnalltwhat all should not be done in the life! So, IGCSE syllabus is only to make them

    understandalltwhat all should not be done in the life!

    Even the big Hindu gurus, they themselves dont have the confidence or strength on in Hindu religiouseducation. I will create the wave, wave of religious education! I commit with Veda Matha, it is my humble

    offering at her feet, I will create huge universities teaching Hindu philosophies, creating Doctorates in different

    branches of Hindu philosophies, so that, all over the world, all the Chairs of Hinduism are headed by Hindus

    who are born and brought up in Hinduism, living Hindus who have the passion for Hinduism, who hold the

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    space of completion of Vivekananda!

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