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About The Author Hi my name is Bridget . What I

like to do is play with my puppyhis name is Rusty he is threeyears old. My hobbies aregymnastics, basketball, andsoftball. When I’m not playing Iam playing sports with my dad,brother, or sister. But the bestthing is going on the trampolinewith my dad. I chose this thisanimal because it is thecountries bird and I like eagles.

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Who Am I

An eagle that is thelargest bird of prey.The eagle that is thesmallest eagle havelarger broad wings,and more direct flight.Most eagle are largerthen any raptor.

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The Early Years

The baby eagle stayswith its mother eaglefor about twelve weekswhen it is strongenough to fly which isabout twelve weeks.Only about fifty percentof eaglets hatchedsurvive the first year.

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Habitat Sweet Habitat

The eagles habitat isnear the trees andcliffs and by a riverwhere they can findfish to eat. Bald Eaglesrequire good foodbases, perching areas,and nesting sites that’swhat they require.

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What’s On The Menu?

The eagle mostly liketo eat is squirrels,chipmonks, mice, andrabbits. The eagles eatmeat they love meatactually. But theymostly eat mice andrabbits. But they stilleat them all because ifthey didn’t they wouldbe starving.

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Making Tracks

The eagles trackslook like three littlelines. Thereprobably not a lot oftracks. Thereprobably most likelytheir in the air.

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Simply Irresistible

The eagles a havevery powerful hooklike beak. Thehook like beaksare for tearingflesh from theirprey.

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Where in the World

The eagle is found inthe United States intoCanada. But I thinkthey mostly live in theUnited States. Therenot a lot of them nowdays where we live inMinnesota.

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Did you know that theeagles wings can go6feet long. Anotherfact is that there aretwo kinds of eagles theBald Eagle and theGolden Eagle.

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Resource List

.com/images/screen/0065c26e972bdda3c2b3a574d43d1073_American_Bald_Eagles. jpgeagle picture on slide 1 pictureslide 3 Fledgling - Bollington, Karen - usfws.jpg picture slide 4 picture slide5 picture slide 6 tracks.bmp picture slide7

tp:// picture slide 8 picture slide 9 picture slide 10

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