
© 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

3D correlative electron microscopy reveals continuity of Brucella-containing

vacuoles with the endoplasmic reticulum

Jaroslaw Sedzicki1,2, Therese Tschon1, Shyan Huey Low3, Kevin Willemart4, Kenneth

N. Goldie2, Jean-Jacques Letesson4, Henning Stahlberg2 and Christoph Dehio1

1 Focal Area Infection Biology, Biozentrum, University of Basel, 4056 Basel,

Switzerland; 2 Center for Cellular Imaging and NanoAnalytics (C-CINA), Biozentrum,

University of Basel, 4056 Basel, Switzerland; 3 Present address: Lee Kong Chian

School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore 639798,

Singapore; 4 Microorganisms Biology Research Unit (URBM, Unité de Recherche en

Biologie des Microorganismes), University of Namur, 5000 Namur, Belgium

Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]

Summary statement: 3D correlative light and electron microscopy (3D-CLEM)

reveals that replicative Brucella-containing vacuoles (rBCVs) are continuous with the

endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

Keywords: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), replicative Brucella-containing vacuole

(rBCV), FIB/SEM tomography, correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM),




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JCS Advance Online Article. Posted on 12 January 2018

List of Abbreviations

2D: two-dimensional

3D: three-dimensional

aBCV: autophagic Brucella-containing vacuole

BCV: Brucella-containing vacuole

CLEM: correlative light and electron microscopy

eBCV: endosomal Brucella-containing vacuole

EM: electron microscopy

ER: endoplasmic reticulum

FIB/SEM: focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy

NPC: nuclear pore complex

rBCV: replicative Brucella-containing vacuole

SIM: structured illumination microscopy

T4SS: Type IV secretion system

TEM: transmission electron microscopy


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Entry of the facultative intracellular pathogen Brucella into host cells results

in the formation of endosomal Brucella-containing vacuoles (eBCVs) that initially

traffic along the endocytic pathway. eBCV acidification triggers the expression of a

type IV secretion system that translocates bacterial effector proteins into host cells.

This interferes with lysosomal fusion of eBCVs and supports their maturation to

replicative Brucella-containing vacuoles (rBCVs). Bacteria replicate in rBCVs to large

numbers, eventually occupying most of the cytoplasmic volume. As rBCV

membranes tightly wrap each individual bacterium, they are constantly being

expanded and remodeled during exponential bacterial growth. rBCVs are known to

carry endoplasmic reticulum (ER) markers, however, the relationship of the vacuole

to the genuine ER has remained elusive. We have reconstructed the 3-dimensional

ultrastructure of rBCVs and associated ER by correlative structured illumination

microscopy (SIM) and focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopic tomography

(FIB/SEM). Studying B. abortus-infected HeLa cells and trophoblasts derived from B.

melitensis-infected mice, we demonstrate that rBCVs are complex and

interconnected compartments that are continuous with neighboring ER cisternae,

thus supporting a model that rBCVs are extensions of genuine ER.


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Several bacterial pathogens have adapted to an intracellular lifestyle.

Eukaryotic host cells provide an environment for replication and persistence that is

rich in nutrients and shields the pathogens from different hostile factors, such as

immunity mechanisms or competition with other microbes. An intracellular lifestyle

has, however, many challenges of its own. Bacteria internalization by either

phagocytic or non-phagocytic cells generates a vacuole equipped with various

bactericidal mechanisms. Intracellular bacteria have developed various strategies

that allow them to avoid these defenses and create conditions for their successful

replication (Creasey and Isberg, 2014). The establishment and maintenance of an

intracellular replicative niche suitable for efficient growth, is a key feature of

pathogens that decisively contributes to both their survival in the host and success in

transmission to new hosts. Many bacteria have been shown to thrive inside

specialized vacuoles that display at least some characteristics of host organelles. The

nature of these compartments varies greatly, depending on the pathogen. In some

cases, growth occurs inside arrested early endosomes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis

is one example (Fratti et al., 2003; Vergne et al., 2004). Coxiella forms a

compartment characterized by the presence of autophagy markers (Gutierrez et al.,

2005), while Chlamydia thrives in a modified vacuole derived from Golgi membranes

(Delevoye et al., 2008). Finally, pathogens such as Legionella and Brucella replicate

inside vacuoles that display characteristics of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (Celli

and Tsolis, 2015).

Bacteria from the genus Brucella are facultative intracellular pathogens. They

are the causative agents of brucellosis, a worldwide zoonosis that has serious health

and economic impact. In the animal host, the bacteria target the reproductive

organs, causing spontaneous abortions or weakening of offspring. Both lead to major

losses in livestock husbandry. The pathogen is transmitted from animals to humans

mostly through contaminated dairy products. During chronic infection the bacteria

get disseminated across different organs and cell types, including macrophages,

dendritic cells and placental trophoblasts. This results in a progressive debilitating

disease that is difficult to diagnose and treat, often leading to persistence and

relapses (Archambaud et al., 2010; Atluri et al., 2011; Pappas et al., 2005).


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Following internalization by host cells by a poorly described mechanism,

bacteria are enclosed in a membranous compartment called the Brucella-containing

vacuole (BCV), which initially displays endosome characteristics (eBCV). It acquires

early endosome markers, such as Rab5 and EEA1, followed by the emergence of late

endosome markers such as LAMP1 and Rab7 later in the maturation process (Bellaire

et al., 2005; Celli et al., 2003; Comerci et al., 2001; Pizarro-Cerda et al., 1998a;

Pizarro-Cerda et al., 1998b). The gradual acidification of the compartment triggers

the expression of the VirB type IV secretion system (T4SS), which enables the

translocation of a repertoire of effector proteins into the host cell cytoplasm

(Boschiroli et al., 2002; Myeni et al., 2013; Porte et al., 1999). This prevents fusion of

the eBCV with lysosomes and eventually leads to the formation of a replicative niche

(replicative BCV or rBCV) that has certain characteristics of the ER (Comerci et al.,

2001; Lestrate et al., 2000). This process is thought to occur through interactions of

rBCVs with ER exit sites, but the details remain elusive (Celli et al., 2003; Pizarro-

Cerda et al., 1998a; Pizarro-Cerda et al., 1998b; Taguchi et al., 2015). Once the

replicative niche is established, Brucella undergoes numerous rounds of division until

most of the host cell’s cytoplasmic volume is occupied by bacteria, each tightly

wrapped by rBCV membranes. It has been suggested that the intracellular life cycle

is completed by the formation of autophagic BCVs (aBCVs), a process that may

represent non-canonical action of autophagy initiation factors (Starr et al., 2012).

Despite numerous contributions regarding the nature and characteristics of

the replicative niche of Brucella, many questions remain open. Not only do we lack

knowledge of how the rBCV is established, but also a detailed description of its

structure in relation to ER and other cellular organelles. The rBCV, which is often

described as ‘ER-derived’ or ‘ER-associated’, has many interesting features (Case et

al., 2016; Celli and Tsolis, 2015). It is widely accepted that its membrane is

characterized by the presence of different ER markers, such as calnexin, calreticulin,

Sec61 and associated ribosomes (Celli et al., 2003; Pizarro-Cerda et al., 1998a).

Dividing bacteria have been shown to sit in individual, single membrane

compartments that are limited in space (Celli et al., 2003; Detilleux et al., 1990a;

Pizarro-Cerda et al., 1998a; Pizarro-Cerda et al., 1998b). There have been several


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reports indicating fusion between rBCVs and the ER and the presence of the bacteria

in the perinuclear space (Anderson et al., 1986; Celli et al., 2003; Detilleux et al.,

1990b), which suggests at least partial continuity between rBCVs and the ER

network. The conclusions drawn in these examples are typically based on

transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs of ultrathin sections, which

provide useful two-dimensional (2D) information on the nature of the rBCV, but do

not reflect the complex three-dimensional (3D) structure of the ER (Nixon-Abell et

al., 2016).

Here, we employed correlative structured illumination microscopy (SIM)

(Gustafsson et al., 2008) and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy

(FIB/SEM) (Knott et al., 2011) to study the ultrastructural details of rBCVs and their

relation to the ER. FIB/SEM allows 3D imaging of biological samples at intermediate

electron microscopy resolutions and has proved useful for the detailed description of

subcellular structures. In combination with high-resolution light microscopy this

technique can resolve ultrastructure details of the interactions between organelles

inside eukaryotic cells (Alcantara et al., 2017; Mellouk et al., 2014). Our

unprecedented 3D reconstructions of membrane compartments in Brucella-infected

cells visualize a network of luminal connections between rBCVs and the ER,

supporting the hypothesis that the rBCV is an integral part of this organelle.


3D-CLEM reveals the 3-dimensional ultrastructure of the rBCV

In order to resolve the 3D ultrastructure of rBCVs in relation to other cellular

organelles by a correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) approach, we used

HeLa cells infected with B. abortus as a simple infection model. HeLa cells have been

extensively used to study Brucella interaction with eukaryotic cells, are easy to

manipulate and relatively flat, which makes them well suited for microscopy. In

order to specifically label ER membranes, we used HeLa cells expressing the ER

markers Calnexin-GFP (Lakkaraju et al., 2012) and Emerald-Sec61 (Nixon-Abell et

al., 2016), both of which have previously been shown to colocalize with the rBCV

(Pizarro-Cerda et al., 1998a).


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SIM of HeLa cells infected with B. abortus for 24 hours (or 48 hours in the

case of Fig. S1) indicated that the majority of the bacteria were residing, individually,

inside compartments that stained positively for the ER markers (Figs 1A, S1A).

FIB/SEM tomography images of the corresponding cells revealed the arrangement of

membranous organelles enclosing the bacteria. In HeLa cells expressing Calnexin-

GFP, we discovered the presence of multi-layered membrane artifacts that often

formed around the BCVs (Fig. S1B). These structures probably represent previously

reported multilayered ER assemblies induced by Calnexin-GFP overexpression

(Okiyoneda et al., 2004). While the data indirectly support a residency of the

pathogen in the ER lumen, the artefactual changes of ER morphology precluded the

use of this marker for detailed characterization of the rBCV.

FIB/SEM tomograms of cells expressing Emerald-Sec61 indicated that

bacteria reside within single-membrane vacuoles (Fig. 1). The rBCVs were distributed

across a large volume of the host cell cytoplasm, with different organelles

interspersed between them. Most rBCVs contained apparently a single bacterium,

which was described as a characteristic trait of pathogens belonging to the genus

Brucella (Case et al., 2016). Some of the bacteria visualized were undergoing division

(Fig. 1A,B). Occasionally, more than one bacterium was present inside the same rBCV

(Fig. 1B). Our EM data indicate that rBCV membranes are tightly associated with the

surface of the bacteria. During bacterial division, when the daughter cells become

separated, rBCV membranes were found to tighten around the invaginations of the

central septum, keeping the volume of the rBCV lumen to the minimum (Fig. 1C). To

verify the relevance of our findings, we used the 3D FIB/SEM tomography approach

to image trophoblasts extracted from pregnant mice infected with B. melitensis. The

data indicate that, similar to infection of HeLa cells by B. abortus, B. melitensis are

contained in rBCVs, mostly as single bacteria. rBCVs are apparently expanded and

remodeled rapidly to cover the surface of the individual bacteria present in the

exponentially growing intracellular microcolony (Fig. 1D, E).


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FIB/SEM tomography reveals extensive interactions between rBCVs and other host

cell membranes

The ultimate advantage of FIB/SEM tomography compared to traditional EM

approaches is the ability to image many consecutive layers at a resolution that

allows membrane compartments of large 3D-volumes to be reconstructed. Using the

tomograms, we could trace the interactions between BCVs and other organelles

across the entire cytoplasmic volume of the infected host cell. Single tomogram

frames indicated that the membrane of some BCVs form narrow protrusions that

vary in shape and length. We were able to follow these protrusions across the

consecutive tomogram slices, revealing their arrangement and connections with

membranes located in their proximity (Fig. 2). 3D reconstructions demonstrated that

some of the protrusions extend into ER cisternae. These structures were continuous

with the rest of the ER, indicating that at least some of the bacteria are located

directly in the ER lumen (Fig. 2A, B; Movie 1). We also detected extensions of rBCVs

that formed vesicle-rich interfaces in the proximity of Golgi structures (Fig. 2C, D).

This arrangement of membranes is reminiscent of previously described ER-exit sites,

which suggests that the vacuoles are continuous with functional ER (Zeuschner et al.,


When rBCVs were located in the proximity of the nucleus, some of the

extensions were continuous with membranes originating from the outer nuclear

membrane (Fig. 2E, F). In some cases, the bacteria were found growing directly in

the perinuclear space, with the outer nuclear membrane stretching to accommodate

them (Fig. 2G, H). This phenomenon seemed to coincide with advanced stages of

intracellular growth, when a large fraction of intracellular membranes had already

been recruited to rBCVs.

We also detected non-continuous contact sites between rBCVs and other

membranous compartments. Interestingly, in some cases we noticed slight

deformations of the rBCV surface at sites where the membranes were touching (Fig.

2I), which could indicate the engagement of tethering factors that keep the two

bilayers in close proximity. When visualized in 3D, the membranes were found to be

parts of ER cisternae (Fig. 2J). The apparent prevalence of such contacts found within


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the host cell indicates that they might represent fusion and fission intermediates of

the continuous connections discussed earlier.

The 3D information also allowed us to look at the level of continuity between

rBCVs. Closer analysis of the tomograms revealed several sites where the

membranes of neighboring rBCVs appeared to be continuous, resulting in assemblies

of bacteria sharing the same organelle. These connections, however, were often only

at certain points, with most of bacterial surface being surrounded by separated rBCV

membranes (Fig 2K, L).

3D-CLEM demonstrates that rBCVs are continuous with genuine ER

In order to unmistakably demonstrate the ER nature of membranes that

were continuous with the rBCVs, we explored the full detail of our 3D-CLEM

approach in 3D reconstructions of large parts of the host cell (Fig. 3A, B). Flat

cisternae identified across the host cell volume (Fig. 3B) were found to be part of a

network of interconnected membranes that originate from the outer nuclear

membrane (Fig. 3C, bottom). An overlay of the two 3D volumes generated from the

SIM and FIB/SEM data, respectively, indicated that the membranous cisternae

colocalize with the signal from Emerald-Sec61, which confirms that they are a part

of the ER mesh spanning across the host cell (Fig. 3C, middle). Many rBCVs in a given

area were connected to both each other and ER structures, constituting a part of this

network (Fig. 3C). We were also able to resolve the fluorescence signal for some of

the ER structures that formed direct connection with the rBCVs in the tomograms

(Fig. 3D).

The replicative niche of Brucella constitutes a complex 3D mesh with numerous

connections to other host membranous compartments

After applying 3D-CLEM to explicitly demonstrate the continuity of rBCV

membranes with the ER, our next aim was to quantify the level of networking by

analyzing larger volumes of non-correlative FIB/SEM datasets (Fig. 4). In HeLa cells

infected with B. abortus, we observed that many rBCVs were connected to ER

cisternae that stretched across large distances (Fig. 4A, B). When the continuity

between neighboring rBCVs was also taken into account, we found that a large part


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of the vacuoles was integrated into the ER network. However, the exact level of

connectivity between the rBCVs and the ER was difficult to quantify as there are

many sites in the tomograms where the continuity of the membranes is

questionable due to the resolution of the FIB/SEM tomograms (Fig. S2). In particular,

the ER structures of HeLa cells display great variability in diameter and it was

particularly difficult to judge the continuity of some fine cisternae (Fig. S2A). In

mouse trophoblasts the ER cisternae are in general more spacious and thus better

suited to identify sites of continuity with rBCVs (Fig. S2B). Nevertheless, the

following quantifications probably systematically underestimate the level of inter-

connectivity. In HeLa cells, 57% (±2%; n=3) of bacteria were found to be located

inside rBCVs that were continuous with the ER. In case of mouse trophoblasts

infected with B. melitensis, the proportion was 71% (±8%; n=3) (Fig. 4C, D). The

results suggest that in both cases most bacteria reside inside BCVs that are

integrated in the ER meshwork.

After post-division separation of bacteria, continuity between BCVs is limited to

small surface areas

As shown above, bacteria residing in rBCVs are not only connected to the ER

lumen, but often also straight to neighboring rBCVs. We wondered whether these

direct connections between rBCVs are the result of incomplete post-division

separation or whether they, at least in part, reflect fusion events between distinct

rBCVs. In search for the latter, we examined the structure of the replicative niche in

HeLa cells that were co-infected with two strains of B. abortus, each expressing a

different fluorescent marker (Fig. 5). Confocal analysis of HeLa cells expressing

Emerald-Sec61 showed that occasionally cells are infected by both strains, resulting

in mixed microcolonies (Fig. 5A). The level of spatial overlap between bacteria of the

two strains varied from cell to cell, suggesting that it might simply depend on the

random distribution of bacteria relative to each other at the point when the

replicative niche is established.

Our correlative approach allowed us to distinguish both strains in FIB/SEM

tomograms (Fig. 5B). We were able to find cases of continuity between rBCVs

occupied by bacteria belonging to different lineages, suggesting fusion between the


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vacuoles. Such connections, however, were always limited to small surface areas.

The presence of two bacteria inside the bulk volume of the same rBCV was only

observed for bacteria from the same lineage, thus likely representing post-division

cells (Fig. 5C). As expected, rBCVs containing individual bacteria from both lineages

were found to be connected to ER cisternae and thus to constitute integral parts of

the ER network (Fig. 5D).


Several intracellular pathogens are known to thrive inside vacuoles that

display at least some characteristics of host cellular organelles (Celli and Tsolis,

2015). Once it has been successfully established a vacuolar replicative compartment

requires constant remodeling by membrane fusion and fission events in order to

facilitate the evasion of host cell defenses, the acquisition of nutrients, and volume

and shape changes to adjust to pathogen growth. EM has provided invaluable

information about the ultrastructural details of such pathogen-containing vacuoles

inside host cells (Celli et al., 2003; Robinson and Roy, 2006; Starr et al., 2012; Tilney

et al., 2001). Most studies, however, are based on flat ultrathin sections, which fail

to resolve the 3D membrane assemblies of cellular organelles and their complex

interactions. The facultative intracellular pathogen Brucella is an interesting example

in this respect. Ultrastructural analysis in combination with cell biology studies has

suggested a relationship between the rBCV and the ER (Celli et al., 2003; Detilleux et

al., 1990a). However, the lack of 3D ultrastructural information has hampered a

thorough characterization of the role of the ER in establishing and maintaining

rBCVs. By combining FIB/SEM tomography with SIM super-resolution fluorescent

imaging, we were able to visualize the complex structure of the ER and its

interactions with rBCVs formed by two species of brucellae, B. abortus and B.

melitensis, in human and mouse cells, respectively.

Our FIB/SEM data indicate that seemingly isolated rBCVs are often connected

to other rBCVs as well as to extended membranous cisternae. We demonstrated that

these membranes can be traced back to the outer nuclear membrane in the

reconstructed 3D volumes. Moreover, by correlating fluorescent SIM data with EM,

we could demonstrate that the marker GFP-Sec61 colocalizes with both the rBCVs


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of B. abortus and the membranes that are continuous with them. This confirms that

at a given time some of the rBCVs share a continuous lumen with the ER. These

observations in infected HeLa cells, were confirmed by FIB/SEM imaging of

trophoblasts in the placenta of pregnant mice infected with B. melitensis. Similar to

B. abortus in HeLa cells, the rBCVs were often found connected directly to ER

cisternae and the outer nuclear membrane.

Not all rBCVs in a given cell volume were found to be integrated into the ER

network. In part, this may result from technical limitations of the FIB/SEM

tomography approach, as this method does not allow all membranous structures to

be resolved and thus systematically underestimates connectivity. However,

incomplete continuity between rBCVs and ER may also reflect dynamic remodeling

that constantly takes place within the ER (Nixon-Abell et al., 2016). In agreement,

the numerous seemingly discontinuous contact sites between rBCVs and the ER

observed in addition to direct membrane continuity most likely reflect tethering

events between these compartments. We speculate that they may be snapshots of

dynamic fusion/fission events responsible for the assembly and disassembly of

connections between rBCVs and the remaining ER volume. Apparent continuity

between rBCVs containing bacteria of two distinct strains in co-infected cells,

indicates that they dynamically undergo fusion with other rBCVs and possibly also

with distant ER structures.

A striking characteristic of rBCVs is the tight wrapping of individual bacteria

by its host-derived membranes. During intracellular infection, bacteria numbers

double roughly every three hours (Gamazo et al., 1993) until large parts of the host

cytoplasm are occupied by rBCVs. Segregation of dividing bacteria by host

membranes is fast and efficient. Already at late stages of bacterial division - before

the separation of daughter cells is completed - the rBCV membranes invaginate at

the site of septation. Homotypic fusion of rBCV to produce large vacuoles containing

multiple bacteria was hardly ever observed. Thus, the overall membrane surface

area of the rBCVs seems to be higher than for most other intracellular bacteria,

which do typically grow in more spacious vacuoles that accommodate multiple

bacteria (Case et al., 2016). This suggests that substantial amounts of membrane

must be recruited to keep bacteria in relatively confined spaces. If the replicative


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niche indeed represents stretched ER cisternae, as indicated by our findings, it seems

that the volume of the organelle is kept to a minimum at the cost of generating

more membrane surface. We speculate that rBCVs undergo fusion/fission events

that are orchestrated by host factors normally responsible for the remodeling of the

ER (English and Voeltz, 2013; Nixon-Abell et al., 2016). It has been shown that one of

the ways of alleviating ER stress is the expansion of cisternae volume through lipid

biosynthesis (Schuck et al., 2009). In future experiments, it would thus be interesting

to test whether the presence of Brucella inside the ER network triggers this or other

mechanisms to increase the membrane surface.

It will also be important to clarify if these processes of membrane expansion

in the replicative niche require active signaling by bacteria or are merely a

consequence of physical forces caused by growing bacteria. It is well established that

the T4SS and possibly its effectors are required for the formation of the rBCV

(Comerci et al., 2001). Recent evidence suggests that the effector BspB is needed for

efficient division of Brucella in the rBCV (Miller et al., 2017). Additionally, the

effector VceC was shown to cause ER stress via triggering of the unfolded protein

response (UPR) (Keestra-Gounder et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016). However, both

these effectors play only modulatory roles as they are not essential for rBCV

expansion. Moreover, there is evidence that T4SS inactivation in bacteria residing

already within an rBCV has limited influence on the rate of Brucella replication

(Smith et al., 2016). Although we cannot rule out the activity of yet unidentified

T4SS-independent factors, these data may suggest that following initial entry into

the ER lumen bacteria may not need to actively induce membrane acquisition in

order to expand the rBCV.

Together, the data support the hypothesis that following entry and initial

trafficking along the endocytic network Brucella escapes into the ER lumen, rather

than isolated ER-derived vacuoles, to establish its replicative niche. This allows the

pathogen not only to nurture on nutrients contained within the extended ER

network, but also to rely on homeostatic mechanisms of membrane expansion and

structure to sustain bacterial growth. Further studies of the replicative niche will

provide details about the unique interactions of Brucella with ER, and might also


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shed new light on the fundamental cellular processes responsible for controlling the

structure and metabolism of the ER.


Bacteria strains and plasmids

The plasmid pJC44 encoding the DsRed gene was a kind gift from Jean Celli (Starr et

al., 2008). The plasmid pJS17 encoding Tet-DsRed and mTagBFP2 was generated

from pAC042.08 (Casanova et al., 2016) by replacing the GFP cassette with DsRed for

inducible expression and the DsRed cassette with mTagBFP for constitutive

expression. Both plasmids were conjugated into B. abortus strain 2308. B. melitensis

strain 16M (Biotype1, ATCC 23456) carrying the plasmid pKSoriT-bla-kan-PsojA-

mCherry as described previously (Copin et al., 2012).

Mammalian cell lines and plasmids

Human cervical carcinoma epithelial cell line (Hela) (ATCC, CCL-2) was maintained in

Dulbecco Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum

(FCS). The plasmid carrying the Sec61β-Emerald construct containing an Emerald-

GFP gene followed by Sec61β was a kind gift from J. Lippincott-Schwartz (Nixon-Abell

et al., 2016). The plasmid carrying the Calnexin-GFP gene was a kind gift from F. van

der Goot (Lakkaraju et al., 2012). Plasmids MDK124-Emerald-Sec61β and MDK124-

GFP-Calnexin were generated by cloning the respective constructs it into the

pMDK124 vector using the EcoRI and BamHI restriction sites. The plasmids were

then used for lentivirus generation and transduction of HeLa cells. Cell lines were

routinely tested for contamination with the PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit (Applichem).

Mammalian cell culture infection

HeLa cells were seeded onto 32 mm gridded glass coverslips (Ibidi, Martinsried,

Germany) in a 6-well plate at 150,000 cells per well and incubated overnight. B.

abortus 2308 strains carrying either pJC44 or pJS17 were grown overnight in TSB

medium containing 50 μg/ml kanamycin at 37°C to an OD of 0.8- 1.0. Bacteria were

then diluted in DMEM/10% FCS and added to HeLa cells at a final MOI of 2’000.

Plates were centrifuged at 400 x g for 20 min at 4°C to synchronize bacterial entry.

After 2 h of incubation at 37°C and 5% CO2, extracellular bacteria were killed by


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exchanging the infection medium by DMEM/10% FCS supplemented with 100 μg/ml

gentamicin. After the total infection time indicated in the figure legends, cells were

fixed using PHEM fixation buffer (4% formaldehyde, 0.2% glutaraldehyde, 60 mM

PIPES, 25 mM HEPES, 10mM EGTA, 4 mM MgCl2) for 90 min. at room temperature.

Following fixation, the coverslips were washed in PHEM buffer (60 mM PIPES, 25

mM HEPES, 10 mM EGTA, 4 mM MgCl2) and mounted to 38mm glass slides

(BioSystems, Muttenz, Switzerland) using Vectashield H1000 mounting medium

(Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) and sealed with nail polish.

Fluorescence microscopy

3D-SIM was performed using a DeltaVision OMX-Blaze system (version 4; GE

Healthcare) equipped with 488 and 568 nm solid-state lasers, Plan Apo N 63x, 1.42

NA oil objective and 4 liquid-cooled sCMOs cameras (pco Edge, full frame 2560 x

2160; Photometrics) or a Zeiss Elyra S.1 microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen,

Germany) equipped with a Andor iXon 885 EMCCD camera, HR diode 488 nm and

561 nm 100nW solid state lasers and a Plan Apo 63x N.A. 1.4 oil objective. For OMX-

Blaze, optical z-sections were separated by 0.125 µm. Exposure times were between

3 and 10 ms, with three rotations of the illumination grid. Multichannel imaging was

achieved through sequential acquisition of wavelengths by separate cameras. First,

the channels were aligned in the image plane and around the optical axis using

predetermined shifts measured using a target lens and the SoftWoRx alignment tool.

Afterwards, they were carefully aligned using alignment parameters from control

measurements made with 0.5 µm diameter multi-spectral fluorescent beads

(Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific). Raw 3D-SIM images were processed and

reconstructed using the DeltaVision OMX SoftWoRx software package (GE

Healthcare) (Gustafsson, 2000). The final voxel size was 40 nm x 40 nm x 125 nm. For

Zeiss Elyra, cells were sectioned at 0.13 µm intervals taken at 50 ms exposures per

slice with three rotations of the illumination grid. Zen Black software (Carl Zeiss) was

used to process the images using automatic settings but retaining the raw scale.

Confocal images were acquired with a LSM 800 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss)

using a 63x oil objective. Grid coordinates of imaged cells were saved for correlation

with electron microscopy. Following image acquisition, coverslips were detached


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from slides and fixed in cacodylate fixation buffer (2.5% glutaraldehyde, 150 mM

sodium cacodylate, 2 mM MgCl2) at 4°C overnight.

Mouse infection and organ collection

The procedures used in this study and the handling of the mice complied with

current European legislation (directive 86/609/EEC) and the corresponding Belgian

law ‘Arrêté royal relatif à la protection des animaux d’expérience du 6 Avril 2010

publié le 14 Mai 2010’. The Animal Welfare Committee of the University of Namur

(Namur, Belgium) reviewed and approved the complete protocol (Permit Number

16/277). Bacterial growth of B. melitensis cultures was measured through the culture

optical density at 600 nm. Bacterial cultures were spun down, washed with RPMI

medium (Gibco) and resuspended for injection in the same medium at a density of 2

x 105 CFU/ml. Oestrus of 8–14 weeks old BALB/c females was synchronised 3 days

before mating pairs were set up with 3- to 4-month-old males. The following

morning, the presence of a vaginal plug was checked and the potentially fertilised

females were isolated. That day corresponded to day 0 post-fecundation (PF). At day

10 PF, pregnant females were infected intraperitoneally with 500 µl of bacterial

suspension (105 bacteria). At day 15 PF, mice were anaesthetised with isoflurane and

sacrificed by cervical dislocation, as previously described (Barbier et al., 2017). All

infections were performed at an Animal Biosafety Level 3 facility. Conceptuses were

removed from maternal uterine horns and fixed overnight at 4°C in PBS

supplemented with 2.5% glutaraldehyde. Tissue fragments were washed several

times in cacodylate buffer (150 mM sodium cacodylate, 2 mM MgCl2) at 4°C. The

samples were then fixed overnight in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in cacodylate buffer (150

mM sodium cacodylate, 2 mM MgCl2) at 4°C.

Electron microscopy sample preparation

Both cell monolayers and placenta fragments were processed for electron

microscopy using the same protocol. Following overnight fixation, samples were

washed 3 times with cacodylate buffer (150 mM sodium cacodylate, 2 mM MgCl2) at

4°C. They were then immersed in freshly prepared reduced osmium buffer (2%

osmium tetroxide, 150 mM sodium cacodylate, 2 mM MgCl2, 40 mM potassium


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ferrocyanide) for 1 hour at 4°C. After this initial staining/fixation step, the samples

were washed with deionized water at room temperature and immersed in 100 mM

thiocarbohydrazide solution for 20 min at room temperature. They were then

washed with deionized water and incubated in 2% osmium tetroxide for 30 min at

room temperature. This was followed by overnight incubation in 1% uranyl acetate

at 4°C. The following morning, the samples were washed in deionized water and

incubated in freshly prepared 20mM lead aspartate solution for 30 min at 60°C. They

were then dehydrated with ethanol and immersed in 50% solution of durcupan in

ethanol for 1 hour. Afterwards, the samples were incubated 2 times in fresh

durcupan and placed at 60°C for 48 hours for polymerization.

Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy

For cell monolayers, the cells of interest were located in the polymerized resin block,

trimmed and attached to pre-tilt 45° SEM stubs (Agar Scientific, Stansted, UK) using

colloidal silver paint (Ted Pella, Redding, CA), sputter-coated with platinum and

subjected to FIB/SEM tomography. For placenta samples, the resin blocks were cut

into small pieces and mounted to flat SEM stubs (Ted Pella, Redding, CA). The blocks

were then processed using the EM UC7 microtome (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). The

blocks were initially polished with a glass knife and then a series of 70 nm ultrathin

sections was cut using a diamond knife (Diatome, Nidau, Switzerland). Cells carrying

bacteria where located in the ultrathin sections using a T12 TEM (FEI, Hillsboro, OR).

The corresponding locations were found in the resin blocks and imaged by FIB/SEM.

The images were acquired with a Helios NanoLab 650 Dual Beam FIB/SEM using the

Slice and View software (FEI, Hillsboro, OR). They had 3072 x 2048 or 2048 x 1780

pixel and were collected using an Elstar in-lens BSE detector at 1.5 kV with a

horizontal field width of 15 μm at a working distance of 4.01 mm. The milling was

performed with a FIB operating at 30 kV and 0.78 nA beam current. The thickness of

the slices was between 10 and 20 nm. Image stacks were aligned using the TrackEM2

plugin for ImageJ (Cardona et al., 2010). Image analysis and quantification was

performed using the IMOD software package (Kremer et al., 1996). For each

bacterium, the corresponding rBCV membranes were analyzed for continuity with


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those of other rBCVs or ER cisternae across neighboring sections of the tomograms.

For both HeLa cell and mouse placenta samples, 3 FIB/SEM volumes, each

representing an area within an infected cell, were analyzed. The number of bacteria

analyzed in each volume varied between 132 and 173 for HeLa cell samples and

between 167 and 838 for mouse trophoblasts. The manual segmentations and 3D

representations of the electron microscopy datasets were done using the FEI Amira

software (FEI, Hillsboro, OR).


We are grateful to the Jean Celli (Washington State University, Pullman, WA) for

providing the JC44 plasmid. We thank Dr. Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz for providing

the Emerald-Sec61 construct. We thank Dr. Gisou van der Goot for providing the

Calnexin-GFP construct. The authors acknowledge the technical assistance of Marcel

Düggelin (ZMB, University of Basel, Switzerland) and Daniel Mathys (SNI, University

of Basel, Switzerland) for the assistance with FIB/SEM imaging. We thank the

Imaging Core Facility (IMCF, University of Basel, Switzerland) and in particular Alexia

Ferrand for the technical assistance provided on the OMX microscope. We thank

Laurent Gelman (Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland) for the technical

assistance provided with the Elyra microscope. We would like to thank Maxime

Québatte for critical reading of the manuscript.

Competing interests

We have no competing interest to declare.



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This work was supported by grant 31003A_173119 to C.D. from the Swiss National

Science Foundation (SNSF,, advanced grant 340330 to C.D. (FicModFun)

from the European Research Council (ERC), grant 51RTP0_151029 to C.D. for the

Research and Technology Development (RTD) project TargetInfectX in the frame of (, the Swiss Initiative for Systems Biology, and to H.S.

by grant NCCR TransCure from the SNSF. The research at UNamur was supported by

the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Program initiated by the Belgian Science Policy

Office (PAI n° P7/28).


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Fig. 1. 3-dimensional structure of the rBCV revealed with correlative FIB/SEM

tomography. (A) SIM microscopy of a HeLa cell expressing the ER marker Emerald-

Sec61 (green), infected with B. abortus-dsRed (magenta). Emerald-Sec61 staining

circumscribes bacteria and localizes to adjacent ER cisternae. Some of the bacteria

are undergoing division (arrow heads). The yellow box indicates an area that was

later imaged using FIB/SEM. (B) Single image from a FIB/SEM tomogram depicting

the area marked in (A). rBCVs are seen as confined, single-membrane vacuoles. The

BCVs containing dividing bacteria tighten next to the division septum formed as the

daughter cells separate (arrow heads). Some rBCVs are occupied by more than one

bacterium (arrow). The orange box indicates the rBCV shown as a 3D reconstruction

in (C). (C) 3D reconstruction of the site marked in (B), showing the rBCV membrane

and adjacent ER cisternae (yellow). The dividing bacteria (magenta) are efficiently

enclosed by the rBCV membrane, which tightens around the septum formed as cell

division progresses (arrow heads). (D) Single section from a FIB/SEM tomogram of a


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mouse trophoblast, 5 d.p.i with B. melitensis. Large areas of the cell are filled with

dividing bacteria. The orange box indicates the rBCV that is shown in 3D in (E). (E) 3D

reconstruction of the site marked in (D). The rBCV and neighboring ER structures are

shown in yellow, mitochondria are shown in cyan. Similar to B. abortus in (C), cell

division is followed by fission of the rBCV (arrow heads) eventually giving rise to

daughter cells residing in separate rBCV subcompartments. M: mitochondria; G:

Golgi stacks; N: nucleus. Scale bars: 3 m (A); 1 m (B, D); 500 nm (C, E).


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Fig. 2. Interactions between BCVs and organelles revealed by 3D FIB/SEM

(A) FIB/SEM of a HeLa cell infected with B. abortus 24 h.p.i. Consecutive z-planes

from a tomogram show a single rBCV (asterisk). Small protrusions can be observed

originating from the surface of the vacuoles (left panel, arrow head). The protrusion

indicated was found to be continuous with the surrounding ER cisternae (right panel,

arrow) upon examination of the entire 3D stack. (B) 3D reconstruction of the site in

(A) reveals that the rBCV forms a connection (arrow) with the neighboring organelle

membranes, which are a part of an extended ER mesh. (C) Images from a FIB/SEM

tomogram of a mouse trophoblast at 5 d.p.i. with B. melitensis. The rBCV has

extensions (arrow heads) that were traced across the tomogram and found to be

continuous with other host membranes. (D) 3D reconstruction of the site from (C).

The protrusions of the rBCVs (yellow) are continuous with a mesh of host ER

membranes (yellow). The membranes form an interface with a Golgi stack (orange).

A number of vesicles (green) are clustered at the interface and around the Golgi


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stack. (E) FIB/SEM of a HeLa cell infected with B. abortus 24 h.p.i. Two different z-

planes (heights) of the same site in a FIB/SEM stack are shown. A protrusion from a

BCV (left panel, arrow head) is continuous with an ER cisterna that originates from

the outer nuclear membrane (right panel, arrow head). (F) 3D reconstruction of the

site from (E) showing four bacteria (red) located in a large rBCV that is continuous

with ER cisternae (arrow head) originating from the outer nuclear membrane

(orange, arrow). (G) Images from a FIB/SEM tomogram of a mouse trophoblast at 5

d.p.i. with B. melitensis. The rBCVs visible in the images (asterisks) are continuous

with the outer nuclear membrane of the host cell. Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs)

are marked with arrow heads. (H) 3D reconstruction of the site from (G) indicates

that the bacteria (red) are located in an extension of the nuclear envelope (yellow).

NPCs are marked with arrow heads. (I) FIB/SEM of a HeLa cell infected with B.

abortus 24 h.p.i. One of the rBCVs (asterisk) has several contact sites with

surrounding ER cisternae (arrow heads). In some cases, we observed protrusions of

the BCV membrane, indicating potential tethering between the lipid bilayers. (J) 3D

reconstruction of the site depicted in (I). The tethered membranes (yellow) are ER

cisternae that share contact sites (arrow heads) with the BCV (yellow). (K) FIB/SEM

of a HeLa cell infected with B. abortus 24 h.p.i. Consecutive z-planes from a

tomogram show a group of rBCVs (asterisks). The membrane of the BCVs is

continuous (arrow heads), resulting in several bacteria being located in the same

lumen. (L) 3D reconstruction of the site depicted in (K). All the indicated bacteria

(red) are located in a large, continuous rBCV (yellow), connected by narrow

extensions of the membrane (arrow heads). N: nucleus; NPC: nuclear pore complex.

Scale bars: 600 nm.


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Fig. 3. CLEM reveals that BCV extensions colocalize with Emerald-Sec61.

(A) SIM image of HeLa expressing Emerald-Sec61 infected with B. abortus-dsRed for

24 h. The bacteria (magenta) are dividing inside Sec61-positive rBCVs (green). The

resolution allows the ER mesh located in the proximity of the rBCVs to be

distinguished. The marked area was imaged by FIB/SEM tomography. (B) Single

frame from a FIB/SEM tomogram of the site marked in (A) showing stretches of flat

cisternae distributed between the rBCVs (arrow heads). (C) 3D reconstruction of a

site marked in (B). Volumes generated by SIM (top) and FIB/SEM (bottom).

Reconstruction of the SIM data, showing bacteria (magenta) and Sec61-positive

structures (green). The FIB/SEM reconstruction reveals the location of rBCVs

(orange) and the ER, including the nuclear envelope (yellow). The two volumes were

superimposed (middle) to indicate the colocalization of the Sec61-GFP marker with

the ER structures as well as the rBCV membranes. (D) Two rBCVs from (C) displayed

with the same color code. Extensions of the BCV membrane are continuous with ER

cisternae (arrow heads). The ER characteristic of the membranes reconstructed from


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the FIB/SEM tomogram (yellow), is confirmed by the superimposed Sec61-GFP

signal from SIM microscopy (middle). Scale bars: 1.5 m (A-C); 500 nm (D).


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Fig. 4. The replicative niche of Brucella constitutes an extended, complex

compartment that spans large volumes of the host cell. (A) Single frame from a

FIB/SEM tomogram of a HeLa cell infected with B. abortus 24 h.p.i. Most of the

bacteria appear to be located in individual, single membrane rBCVs. (B) 3D

reconstruction of the FIB/SEM tomogram from (A). ER membranes (yellow) form an

extended mesh that surrounds the rBCVs (orange and cyan). A large proportion of

the rBCVs (orange) are continuous with the ER cisternae, sharing a common lumen

with the entire ER network. rBCVs for which the connection was not visible in the EM

data are colored in cyan. (C, D) Similar to (A, B), but the FIB/SEM data depicts a

mouse trophoblast infected with B. melitensis at 5 d.p.i. The ER mesh forms

connections with many of the rBCVs (orange), indicating that the vacuoles are to a

large extent continuous with the ER network. N: nucleus. Scale bars: 1.5 m (A, B); 1

m (C, D).


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Fig. 5. rBCVs undergo limited fusion. (A) Confocal microscope image of HeLa cell

expressing Emerald-Sec61 (green), coinfected with B. abortus-BFP (blue) and B.

abortus-dsRed (magenta), 24 h.p.i. Bacteria are located inside Sec61-positive

compartments. The marked area was imaged using FIB/SEM. (B) Single image form a

FIB/SEM tomogram of the site marked in (A). Bacteria were colored magenta or blue

based on the confocal data, depending on which of the two strains they represent.

(C) 3D reconstruction of the site marked in (B), including bacteria from both strains.

There is membrane continuity between rBCVs belonging to the same (arrow heads)

or different strains (arrow), although the latter kind of connection is limited to small

surfaces. (D) 3D reconstruction depicting several BCVs (blue or magenta bacteria

visible inside) and parts of the ER mesh (yellow) across the FIB/SEM tomogram. All

BCVs present in the reconstruction were found to be continuous with the same

network of ER cisternae (arrow heads), constituting a single, extended organelle.

Scale bars: 6 m (A); 2 m (B); 700 nm (C, D).


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Fig. S1.Calnexin-GFPoverexpression triggersmulti-layered rBCVsconsistentwith

ER localization. (A)SIMmicroscopyofaHeLacellexpressingCalnexin-GFP(green),

infected with B. abortus-dsRed (magenta), 48 h.p.i. The ER marker is localized

around thebacteria (arrowheads). (B) Slice fromaFIB/SEMtomogramof the site

marked in (A).Therearemulti-layeredstructures formedbyERmembranes,often


J. Cell Sci. 131: doi:10.1242/jcs.210799: Supplementary information


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Fig.S2.Resolution limitationsofFIB/SEMtomograms.(A)TwoslicesofaFIB/SEM

tomogram of a HeLa cell infected with B. abortus, 24 h.p.i. There are thin ER


the ER structures in HeLa cells are too narrow to determine whether the two

organellesare continuous. (B) FIB/SEM tomogramofamouse trophoblast, 5d.p.i.


connectionswith BCVs (arrow head) are thus resolvedmore faithfully. Scale bars:


J. Cell Sci. 131: doi:10.1242/jcs.210799: Supplementary information


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(arrows)areconnected to thevacuole througha thinmembraneextension (arrow


J. Cell Sci. 131: doi:10.1242/jcs.210799: Supplementary information


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