

1950s Developments

The Post World War II World Modern Jazz & Elvis Presley Disneyland & Mcdonalds (Both opened in 1955) Soviet Satellite Sputnik launched DNA discovered The Cat in the Black Hat by Dr. Seuss published Rosa Parks breaks the bus law

1950s - Tensions

The Cold War Era Rise of Communism (China, Russia, Germany WASP Terrorism 'down South Korean War McCarthyism rising Existentialism sinking in


Existentialism Communism McCarthyism


There is no meaning to life; We exist, because we exist. Self-Determined Popular in post-war world of 1950s


Political Ideology (extreme left); Rise of the proletariat (abolished production forces and relations); Everyone owns everything Anti-capitalist


Witch hunt started in 1950s by Senator Joseph McCarthy, Purpose was to eliminate those with Communist sympathies; In fear that agents were in the USA Actors were placed on the Hollywood Blacklist - Hollywood responded with their films

Films of the 1950s

Guilt Ridden from Holocaust Era Epic & Expensive Youth Oriented (Rebellious, Antiestablishment) Explicit in Sex & Violence Musicals reaching prime popularity Science Fiction films Propaganda Films - Red Scare McCarthyist and Anti-McCarthyist

Film Techniques of 1950s

Bringing ideology to narrative convention Film Allegories; symbolism Realism Style through;

Documentary style structure and filming

Response to persecution of theHollywood Blacklist Supported activities of the HUAC Propaganda films on the fears and threats of Communism Written with Film Noir themes and filmed from a Social-Historical perspectives Characters include: the Good Communist, the Patriot Traitor, and the freedom fighter.

Anti-Communist Films

Notable Directors & Films

I married a Communist by Howard Hughes (1949) Guilty of Treason by Felix Feist (1949) My Son John by Leo McCarey (1952) ( v=VWFwFGJY4hU&feature=related)

Big Jim McLain by Edward Ludwig (1952) Kiss Me Deadly by Robert Aldrich's (1955) ( v=zzxGKBPLc44)

Slam Films

Films that wrestled with convention thoughts,opinions and fears of the 1950s Slammed against conventions such as Racism prejudice in WWII armies, Nuclearisation, McCarthyism Allegories against persecution of HUAC

Home of the Brave (1949) The Defiant Ones (1958)

Notable Directors & Films

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On the Beach (1959) High Noon by Fred Zinneman (1952) (

On the Waterfront by Elia Kazan (1954)

War Films Revived during the Cold WarStories of different wars with different morals; World War II morals were patriotism, teamwork, professionalism; Korean War films challenged Americans to have conviction about their ideals; Cold War films expressed the beauty of ideology Showed the model & essential American family of that Era

Notable Directors & Films

Strategic Air Command (1955) Bombers B-52 by Gordon Douglas (1957)

Science Fiction Films

Emerged in its Golden Age in the 1950s Through entertainment, Directors placed messages about current political situations in their films; Science Fiction films were metaphoric and symbolic Anti-Communist films Eg: Aliens were often metaphors for evil forces, and Communists. Monsters-in these films- were generated from Atomic Bombs.

Notable Directors & Films

The Day The Earth Stood Still by Robert Wise (1951) ( v=OfpSXI8_UpY)

The War of the Worlds by Byron Haskin (1953) Invasion of the Body Snatchers by Don Siegel (1956) (

The Man from Planet X (1951)


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