
Zara for Kids

글로벌 역직구 회사?

미국에 어떻게 진출?

2013 ~ 2014


Data Analytics

왜 아동복?


SWOT analysis

• Unlimited product lines- We are No.1 in terms of number of clothes in US market.

• Competitive price• Offer worldwide shipping

• No strong brand value yet • No offline presence

• Moms spend more on online• High entrance barrier

- US company covers design, manufacture, distribute, marketing.

- 3CLAPS covers marketing only.

• Copycat with stronger branding• Fail to create brand value

어떻게 했니?


Data Analytics+

Customers love 3CLAPS!

Hollywood celeb loves 3CLAPS too!

Data Analytics

$105Avg. $$/order

60%Mobile Purchase

30%Repeat Purchase

Quick Number

13 DaysAvg. D of Return

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