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Page 1: 0614 Avimor 8p

So much more thanjust a place to live.

An affordable foothills lifestyle.Homes starting under $200,000.

23,000 acres. 100+ miles of trails for biking, hiking and horse back riding.Community Center with an indoor & outdoor pool. Parks. Ponds. Space.

What are you waiting for?

There’s moreto explore!

lifestylelifestyle open space communitycommunity


Page 2: 0614 Avimor 8p | 208.939.5360 | Foothills Homes Starting Under $200,000



“The Avimorlifestyle is all aboutgetting back intouch with natureand the relationshipwe have withnature. “-Avimor General Manager

Dan Richter

natureenjoyenjoy natureCLOSETO NATURE,CLOSETOTOWN

natureenjoyCLOSETO NATURE,CLOSETOTOWNAvimor is the best of both worlds.

It’s a tight-knit, friendly neighborhood with all the conveniences and entertainment of city life just a short drive away.

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H9JCK OAL@ , HD9Q?JGMF<K" :9K=:9DD <A9EGF<" KG;;=J )=D<" , KLG;C=< )K@AF? HGF<K 9F< 9F 9EH@AL@=9L=J >GJ ;GEEMFALQ9;LANALA=K# 7@= @GE=K 9J= O=DD ;GFKLJM;L=< OAL@ , P - >J9EAF?" 2056 /=JLA)=< 9F< KLM;;G GJ ;=E=FLMGMK KA<AF?# 7@=Q9J= 9DKG O=DD 9HHGAFL=< OAL@ 1J9FAL= KD9: CAL;@=F ;GMFL=JK" MH?J9<=< *GGJAF? 9F< LAD= K@GO=J KMJJGMF< 9F< N9FALQ AFthe Master Bath. And homes are affordable in Avimor – homes with lots start under $200,000.

But there is a second side of Avimor. It is surrounded by the pristine beauty of the Foothills, and there is wildlife and

open space in all directions. There are miles and miles of hiking, biking and horse trails. Many families head out for

camping trips from their own front door.

“The Avimor lifestyle is all about getting back in touch with nature and the relationship we have with nature,“said

Avimor General Manager Dan Richter.

&8='J= FGL BMKL =F=J?Q =>);A=FL $ AF @GE= <=KA?F 9F< O9L=J J=;Q;DAF? KQKL=EK $ :ML O= 9DKG @=DH J=NAL9DAR= F9LMJ=with our many programs and our mission statement to give back to the natural environment that is all around us,“he

said. “We even have our own Conservation Director”.


It’s a lifestyle – build around enjoying and preserving the foothills with an education of the surrounding environment,”

said Charlie Baun, the Community’s Conservation Director.

2AK <MLA=K ;GN=J 9 OA<= N9JA=LQ G> 9;LANALA=K" >JGE D9F<K;9HAF? 9F< HD9FL J=NAL9DAR9LAGF LG =<M;9LAGF9D HJG?J9EK 9F<wildlife counts.

“We truly live with nature rather than try to alter it”, Baun said.


It starts with design.

“We have a commitment to the environment here at Avimor – no net loss of habitat,” Richter said. “That’s a big thing

for us. Any habitat impacted by development is replaced with habitat in suitable open space.

In fact, nearly 70 percent of this wide–reaching development will remain open space.

“Even when Avimor is built out 40 years from now, we’re still going to have nearly 25 square miles of open space on

private land,“Richter said. “This is a long-term commitment to conservation of open space. It’s all about creating an

affordable sustainable foothills lifestyle. And the same lifestyle that’s out here today will still be here 40 years from


Another environmental concern when it comes to foothills development is water.

“Our homes use 30 percent less water than the standard home built to code.” Richter said. “We recycle the water in

our treatment plant for irrigation of common areas. And as Avimor grows, we’ll have more reclaimed water than we

can use. We’ve planned for that, too. We have ways to store that water so it doesn’t go to waste.”

“New homes at Avimor include landscaping of the entire yard, front and back,“ Baun said. “We use native and


Page 3: 0614 Avimor 8p | 208.939.5360 | Foothills Homes Starting Under $200,000

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EDUCATIONThe Avimor lifestyle is built around conservation, but a key component of that is education in conjunction

with an endless number of projects.

It begins with wildlife habitat. Education can range from teaching outdoor enthusiasts about noxious and

?DK7H?K; L;;:H IE EG=7D?N?D= FGE@;9IH I>7I 7IIG79I K7G?EJH A?D:H E< L?B:B?<;% 6; >7K; ED=E?D= FGE@;9IH I>7Ihelp restore natural habitat for big game, one of them is planting over a thousand bitterbrush plants. Deer

love to munch on them as well.

5>GEJ=> I>; M;7GH# I>;G; >7K; 8;;D C7DM FGE@;9IH 7I *K?CEG IE 7IIG79I 8JII;G)?;H 7D: 8?G:H% 2EHI G;9;DIBMone of the Avimor residents, Kellan Baun age 5, with some help from his dad and grandpa, planted and is

watering 50 bitterbrush plants on the internal trail system of Avimor. The Bitterbrush plants will create

habitat for birds and give the trail some color.These plants are right off the trail so the community can

watch them grow for the next couple of years.

The SouthWest Idaho Mountain Biking Association (SWIMBA) has become well known for their recent

trail development and advocacy efforts in the Avimor area as well as throughout Southern Idaho. However,

when it comes to trail building, sometimes it’s those behind the scenes that make just as much of an


57A;# <EG ?DHI7D9;# +GEA;D 4FEA; ,M9B?D=%5>?H DEDFGE(I 9M9B?D= 9BJ8 >EHIH EK;G 7 :EN;D 8?A; G79;H ;79>year. “Broken Spoke has laid the foundation for much of the trail system at Avimor, since they started

doing races there 13 years ago,” he says.“After roughing in those trails, it’s taken a number of years to beat

them in, but by having races there it’s helped open people’s eyes to Avimor as an established place to ride.”

.EG *K?CEG# ED; =G;7I 8;D;(I E< +GEA;D 4FEA; ?H ?D I>;?G HL?<ID;HH 7D: HIG;D=I> ?D IG7?B 8J?B:?D= "7D: 8G?:=;building, where necessary).

When it comes time for Broken Spoke to build quickly, SWIMBA lends their support in the form of tools

7D: B78EG# L>;D FEHH?8B;# 7D: ?D 8J?B:?D= 7::?I?ED7B 9EDD;9I?D= IG7?BH% 4J9> 9EEF;G7I?ED 8;D;(IH ;K;GMED;%&+M DEI$<EG$FGE(I EG=7D?N7I?EDH @E?D?D= <EG9;H 7D: FJII?D= I>;?G 879AH ?DIE 8J?B:?D= 7D: C7?DI7?D?D= I>;trails, we have a trail system with community support and a sense of ownership,” says Mike Edwards,

SWIMBA President.

Following May’s Coyote Classic race, the trails were completely free of debris generally accumulated

:JG?D= 7D ;K;DI E< I>7I H?N;# 799EG:?D= IE 27G9 /GJ8;GI#*K?CEG >EC;ELD;G 7D: 03* C;C8;G%&1 GE:;the next day and didn’t see one scrap of anything on the trails,” says Grubert.“In fact, the trails actually

GE:; 8;II;G 7<I;G I>; G79; 7H I>; DEGC7B L?DI;G :7C7=; L7H HCEEI>;: EJI <GEC I>; IG7<(9%'It’s no doubt that these races do much for Avimor’s trail system.“Broken Spoke and SWIMBA are trying to

change the biking culture by designing trails for all users,” says Edwards. It’s all for the community.”

For more information about SWIMBA and Broken Spoke, visit and www.

“Everybody wants to give back, and if you can have fun and give back at the same time, what could be

better?” Richter asked. “It builds a camaraderie and pride in the neighborhood. It builds community.

We’re not just neighbors that live next door to each other, we really ARE a community.”

AVIMOR CONSERVATIONPRACTICESAvimor placed 400 acres in a permanentconservation easement to preserve thebeauty and integrity of the land

Avimor has over 100miles of recreationaltrails that double as fire-breaks in the eventof a wildfire.

The Conservation Director assistshomeowners in their landscaping design toencourage butterfly and bird populations.

Avimor is a Firewise Certified Community.The threat of wildfire is lowered by the useof fire-resistant landscaping and buildingmaterials.

Avimor limits night sky lighting to avoidlight pollution, reduce energy consumption,and lower impact on noctural wildlife.

Page 4: 0614 Avimor 8p | 208.939.5360 | Located north of ShadowValley Golf Course on Highway 55


birdingbirdingAvimor is a special place for birds and always has been. From the late 1800’s until these last few years,

public access was understandably restricted due to the operation of the sheep and cattle ranch.While

cattle ranching continues, the developer has opened the trails to the public and has invited and encouraged

4=:9A B= 1=;3 3<8=F /<2 27A1=D3@# *7@23@A ?C719:F 723<B7%32 )D7;=@ /A / 07@27<5 6=BA>=B#.3<A =4 B6=CA/<2Aof acres boasting a substantial diversity of habitat. From willow and cottonwood laden creeks meandering

out of rocky canyons to rolling grassy hills. From sagebrush steppe and bunch grasses to marshes fed by

natural springs of life giving water. Each type of habitat plays host to distinct varieties of bird species.

Avimor is a great place to see brilliantly colored birds in their season.Take for example the orange,

yellow, and black Bullock’s Orioles and Black-headed Grosbeaks, the electric blue and burnt orange of the

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hosts many bird species of regional special interest because Avimor has more of them or they are more

consistently seen there. Some of those species include Bewick’sWren,Yellow-breasted Chat, and Gray

Catbird. Folks as far as Texas have come just to see Gray Partridges in the Avimor foothills. Great Horned

Owls are fairly abundant and regularly nest there. Much less expected, Long-eared Owls nested here a

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From early Spring through Autumn,

Avimor hosts monthly bird walks, guided

by local avid birders.These bird walks are

open to people of all ages and skill levels.

Future bird walks will be announced on

the Avimor website and Facebook page

as well as in many newspaper and online

community calendars.Avimor also has its

very own bird guide booklet to help folks

identify the birds they see.This booklet

is extremely helpful in narrowing down

the list of birds to those most likely to be

seen here at Avimor.A digital version of

the Avimor Bird Guide is available online

for free here at



NEEDMORE INFORMATION?For questions about birds and birding at Avimor, please contactRobert Mortensen at [email protected].

Avimor residents on a bird walk in spring.

Page 5: 0614 Avimor 8p | 208.939.5360 | Foothills Homes Starting Under $200,000

The new community center features a HEATED INDOOR POOLThe new community center features a that opens to the outdoors, a fully equippedFITNESS CENTER, a spaciousNESS CENTER, EVENT SPACE and a comfortable LIBRARY to enjoy.






Enjoy biking, hikingEn& horse backriding

#2 7 PARKS +2 PLAY-GROUNDSSpace for the kidsto have fun!


You won’t have toYgo far for some"-'(*&#




OURRESIDENTS!They love living atTAvimor!



Work on yourbackhand!


The perfect spot.+ +,&$*(/% $ &$)%with kids or adults.




AMPITHEATREFOR EVENTSA great space forconcerts and otherco




(Not necessarily in this order!)


Grab a friend andGplay some hoops!p

Page 6: 0614 Avimor 8p

testimonialsDon’t just take our word for it.'4:#11 $3* 51+39< 4, happy homeowners here at Avimor.

“I love to walk out my back door and I amright in the hills for hiking.”-Reggie Esplin

“We moved here from Louisiana overthe summer and were looking for agood family community with a pool.%;/247 $11+* 9./8 7+6:/7+2+39 (3* 84much more. The kids have the pool,5(708 (3* 854798 $+1*8" &9 /8 ( -7+(9 51()+for the kids to get out and play. I lovethe foothills and walking paths. I bikeeveryday and really enjoy it.”

-Kelly Todd

“It’s like being on vacation everyday.

Avimor has a feel to it like no place I have

ever been.”

-James Arl

“Avimor is an amazing place to live,ride and enjoy the great outdoors. Thesunsets and spring days are absolutelybreaktaking. After living here 5+ years Icouldn’t imagine living anywhere else.”

-Marc Grubert

“We love the trails, the lifestyle, the people.

We are out of town, but close to town.”

-Kerby & Lou Dymoke

“The quietness is perfect,peaceful and relaxing. Weshould have moved herelong ago.”-Linda Lockett

I love the location; close to town but farenough away to give it a country feel.The things I love most however are thepeople and the open space trails andfoothill landscape which are withoutequal here in Boise.-Shon Parks

“We especially

love the outdoor



that Avimor has

to offer, and the

remoteness of


-Dave and DonnaChristiansen


Page 7: 0614 Avimor 8p

Location, location, location.We have a perfect one. When you live atAvimor, your backyard is open...wide open.We’re close to town, but not too close.Recreation, restaurants & shopping arewithin minutes of your front door.

Foothills Hoooooommmmmmmmmmeeessss ssstttaarrttiiinngguuuuunnnnnnnnnnnddeeeeeeeeerrrrr $200000000000,,,,,,000000000..

MMMMMMMMMMMooooooooooddddddddddeeellllssssss OOOOppeenn DDDDDDDDDDDaaaaaaaiilyy!


Page 8: 0614 Avimor 8p

WESTERNYARROW (by Avimor Homes)

1976 sq. ft. 3 bed/2 bath2 car and RV garage1976 sq. ft. 3 bed/2 bath

garageRVandcar21976 sq. ft. 3 bed/2 bath

Kitchen includes granite, stainless ap-pliances and gorgeous hickory cabinets.' 4>2.@ &;;> <8.: 3;> @52 <2>?;: D5;loves to entertain. There is plenty ofspace to entertain off the morningroom and also on the covered patio thatexpands into the backyard. Gorgeous5.>1D;;1 &;;>? @5>;A45;A@ .:1 .:;B2>?6G21 4.>.42 @; ?@;>2 .88 F;A> @;F?#


*.>72@21 /F );5: +;42>? C ,AG2@@2-A::288SpringValley Realty LLC

(208) 939-5360


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SUMAC (by Avimor Homes)

3,318 sq. ft. 4 Bed/3.5 Bath4 car garageThoughtfully designed as a “split “ plan,the Master Bedroom is downstairsand the secondary bedrooms areup, ensuring the masters of thehousehold are provided convenienceand privacy they deserve. Upstairsare two bedrooms, one guest suitewith private bath, a roomy loft withfull media support , and an expansive“Craft Room”, perfect for youthfulcreative expression and the serioushobbyist alike.


BARBERRY (by Avimor Homes)

1,391 sq. ft. 3 Bed/2 bath2 car garageGood things come in small packages.The “Barberry” packs a tremendousamount of value into a small footprint.Due to its quality design, the Barberryfeels surprisingly spacious for such amodest home. The detached two-cargarage opens up the yard area, while@52 0;B2>21 />22G2D.F 82.16:4 @;the house adds to the already amplecovered patio space.



SHADOWMOUNTAINHOMESThe Asciano exudes elegance and%:2 0>.3@?9.:?56< .@ 2B2>F @A>:#From the intimate front court-yard through the thoughtfully12?64:21 &;;> <8.: @; @52 8.>42covered back patio. Featured%:6?52? 6:08A12 2E=A6?6@2 0A?@;9woodwork, natural stone, and%:2 .>056@20@A>.8 [email protected]? @5>;A45-out. Situated on a premiumfoothills lot, this home has beendesigned to take advantage of

the breathtaking views.

NINETY DEGREECONSTRUCTIONJaspar, an Energy Star homefeatures a spacious living area,stunning kitchen with granitecounter tops, large island, andcustom cabinetry. Master suiteincludes walk-in tile showerwith dual shower heads, andgiant closet with room to spare.Upstairs features two additionalbedrooms, and convenient utilityroom. Fourth bedroom on the9.6: 9.72? . 4>2.@ ;3%02 ;>guest room!

TRADEWINDSGENERALCONTRACTINGBeautiful transitional style home.Three bedrooms on the9.6: &;;> @; 6:08A12 9.?@2>?A6@2# (;:A? >;;9 D6@5 ;3%02$bedroom and bath.Tradewinds General Contractingis a second-generation companythat has been building qualitycustom homes in theTreasureValley for 35 years.

AMYXSIGNATUREHOMESCustom single level gorgeoushome with granite, tile and5.>1D;;1 &;;>?# -56? 5;92provides a tranquil setting withviews of the foothills includingStack Rock. Walk out your backdoor to miles of hiking/bikingtrails. Amyx Signature Homeshas been building in theValley forover 50 years. Todd Amyx is aRegistered Master Builder..

PhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhotootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootootooto bybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybybyby CoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoColdwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwldwellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellellell BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBankenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkenkerTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlomlinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononon GroGroGroGroGroGroGroGroGroupupupupupupupupPhoto by Coldwell BankerTomlinson Group PhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhoPhotototototototototototototototototototototototototototo simsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimsimilailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailailarrrrrr


WESTERNYARROW (by Avimor Homes)

1850 sq. ft. 2 bed/2 bath2 car and RV garage with shop1850 sq. ft. 2 bed/2 bath

with shopgarageRVandcar21850 sq. ft. 2 bed/2 bath

This beautiful home is located at theback of a cul-de-sac and backs to ahillside, providing a wonderful privatesetting from the covered patio.Luxuriously appointed throughout,this home boasts granite countertopsin the gourmet kitchen, tile surroundsin the Master Bedroom, tub/shower,D;;1 &;;>?" 3A88 8.:1?0.<6:4 .:1 ?;much more.


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