


fv" f ,


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— t^i





Subscription flrM,: $1.0fr per Year.



'Tra^ lon t advertlm-H^nta, '•£> eent« per inch for

iJUentHriBertioh. LgvaJ notice*, 5 ce.nU per li»»! for t'ULJj ihwirtioii. Special rates fur fibular advertiso-aiHitujby theyi-af or tjiiaf-ftT." ^


an village, Suturd'i.v, V'.-'i.' 1''11 *, iu'lfcUiM v i l l a s , Saturday, I'.-Y l't!*, 1HM, by Rev. E. K, Pearce, Mr. ft. T. i>iv.|;> r, of luaco, to Misti .Murr (jruur <>f l'i!»i:kjli-y!

" ' •*•' (.'JU'KOltK^. MEUIIODIHT lii'wcoi'Ai..—S«rvio(.iH every {Sabbath

'morniuLjat U o'clock. • Also eadiiiltvnijite Ncmduy vveiiini'at'rVio'ylodi. Sunday Scliuol y,!:-JK o clock

" C«^n!K«ATioN'Ai7~"Sv'mc»^eft h Sabbath iMery' in* at 11 irclock. Simd;u. S d i o o J a y ^ u ^ t ^ k ' . AJHIA services each alternate SubbuLh-eVi'uinVut To i:W;k. JStranwrs especially are iavitiHHo.-uiieiHl oi«" ser­vices. : ' ' HKV. K. 11. I'IIANK; Pawtor. • CATUOJIC"- Regular services on the tkird Sunday o f each mouth, a f 10!,* A. M. ,Special serviced^ aammnced. - -—. ,, T1

: . ' REV. Fit. DUI«K, Pa


• W.•**/$. U.—Morito on oHfcond Saturday at each

WOMAN'S FOKKUJN MISSIOVAKY SOCIETY, of the - Kr-fc4tttff4*T ine&s-firat-Saturday..of .eiuUi-aiiaillu

MKS. SISA.N NYK, President.


-- Din our thaw "catch trcold?'

SHR VICES at the Catholic church next Sunday. 1 - *'»

''chureji, to-morrow evening. '--'

. , !JpH*;Tboys a:nd g i r l v l i a d a jolly tUu^ -couattfttf-.orv Monks-'- hill -Houtb -ol^Uiu village, Tuesday,- . •' ' ' . /*'*

Ikrsn , 6c PALMER are still pjjpging a*vay at their contract on tHe grade, cast of town. . .

SPUING POUT witntji a village charter.

WHAT did .St. Valentine say foryou^

THK M. K, cluirt;}) jit Bancroft, ha^ 4 ckwed its •duw^jttftttiwt'trt^veling dhows.

, • • 4 .

_.,„. A nice littlci. surprise party • occurcd at'Mr."!{(Jward's, Tiicsdayvn,i^ht.

Tlios.JJirkctt, of D'orer, offers for sale his line farm, of 'Zlb acre**,., '

^IASTMAIIKKY, JJ:., was'" home for a l>r-it*f-vif4t-iast-W4^k. -hl^-g&v* UJ» -a-sliort call. ' . - . „ . .

--'HoMKiine fat steers were driven'from tki#}>la^4o-]ii4^ht*>n,v yesterday-: V« :- ' untlo*stifml" they TN'ero purchased for the Bu'ifaWmarket. " .

OrK -farmer friends, when jn-tow-n, will .confer a fa^or hy notifying u^ref" anv'-^ncidents y or thy of meritio^ in theiEJjne.ighhorhood. -

MALACIUE- Roche, who wis so^.'~se^-•misly -injured, as noticed in4asf. weefe' paperf we are-pleasetHo^t recovering.. ,; > " *

,m)nti,v - .i •MwsX. M. o-is, i reHidt-nt. I En. BUKCK^S and'sistcr passed a few MIWI'DH, sn.LBu,ti>;cMary.—: ^ •"**--• —" "days, l?t t, wpfHf: very -jdea^antly, with

K. C)UF. M.—Livingston Tent,.No. &% meets at Masbulv.11*11 the first Friday evening oil or hiifore

—tfagJftrrrTrf--ttoe-t»ooii ia uach immth. ~ ^ " ., - -. -*- -1—•—F.-'A. SIOLEIS, Com. ' L. D. RKOKAW, R$te- j ' A _

MASONIC-Livingston Lodge; No. 70, meets at MaKot&'-lIull,. Mann's Block,.'liue-niay evening on

"or bcrOwlhe fuH of the m(X>n in each month. •. CJ. D. VANWINKLK, W. M.

. X'- V. VANWlNKtrE, litiC.-SW. -

for a-break-up^ which would finable them to-gd to: work a^ain.

A very ple.asant social party was



T. U. TURNER, M. D., -

. irOMtKnPATIItlL.

c~ ~PHYSICIAN..JL&)> SURGEON, < jQfnc'e, Mann's BlocC; PINCKNEY.



Df»aler^in Tobacco aYid Cigars,-Musirsil and Optical <it.odH, (Mocks, J ewe l^^ 'oya , Novelties, Etc"., Etc. Coufectionery,a specialty <Jor. Main audiMillSts


E. FINCH. ."" '". ~ " .J.

HOT3SEJ^ND S I G ^ PAINTING/. ' Kal6Qfi'ij£iDR"and P.aperhangiuK-,

•""' j GRAINING A yi'KClALXV — ^

^PINCKNEYJ _ • • Mjcfl:

E l\. M ^ N / - . -

; Dealer m ...- . , DRY.GOODS AND G R O C E R I ^

[ Clothing and Oeneral Merchandise.,

X»>t.to1'nHt Ofnce. " ; ~ " ,.4?I;NrTvNEY-,

friends,;an'& relatives at White Oak, firgftefm UoTinty:—- ~-— -——~'~

? WHAT is^ Wellington's birthday

without a dance?

Mrs. Geo. Stocken is,recovering from her recent serious injury.

: Dexter girls smoke cigarettes. Did they learn the bad habit from the boys?

(iiusii:s'it JOHN-SON ard still buying v wheat. Tuey haye about 5,000 bushels

•* Republican County Convention at Howell, to-triorrow.

' T h e Mil ford lie view, tells of % lYqg that was-.buried under a straw jMaek

.1 water, f T *J,S./JfiN'KIKS, of Mason" has been

visiting his brother,. Will dentins, of tliis .place,-during the past week—.

Ftv-R-of the-e igh t member^ of the : is stewly- -K«i¥fer+;i ty-fea« u nitta& i li^ihe-present

legislature are graduates.

FAUMI:RS in fci*is vietijitjf have fears

must suner from jrhe ice tha t complete-- 4y-eo¥fets-the- i^fac« of th-e-fiUdds, -

'.RAiLROAifE'its watch .with interest the changes of weatlier, hp4iing, of course,

given a t Ffed:. J r o w n ' s , southeast' of F r iday eveninU of next week. the village,'TueOTay evening. -Tweri.-ty-iiljic numbers were called '"for ^t'he dance. •KJhamberlain's^ 13 a no1 furnisn.ea the music. . , : :—•' ' ' ' «

JiMiiiE and Jay AUen put up a. tel-ephone with 300 feet of wire in ah hour •and'.a half, Tuesday, connecting Mr. Allen's house with-tk^ barber shop. It

' ha s -a small metallic membrane jand worksvvery nicely. /* '

' MR. CAHVER'S valuable*inareis recov-erjn g rapi diy, a nd 1 tcr : o\ r speaks in tornis of Ti 1 g 1 Test prais.e of Dr. Wal-ktrr, veterinary"~surgeon, of-^Dexter, who.treated her.

—A--1 U'Vsfi'dd dnftor h having, his family 'monument hewn oiftof a hard-liead rock. We have knowli physi­cians whose skulls Were, thick, enough to htake. an Cndui'able \ mmumrent—-

J i v e a t Blisstix'ld.

i ,


l^LB U A V I N G P - A l t L o R; . - • * * * . * • , - • • . . . - . - :

Ateo dealer in Cigars and Uinify-cUonery,

Secon^i"o>rea9tof l\).=i(._)liicov \ ; -RINXJsLNEY-.

' m l l E \\\ S.-MANN K S T A T T ; , ' -J_ DKAl.SHS i s •..


in to? of 'em,

: to invesfa fe\y shillings in Fincku«y ^ pa per, wliich' shall. 1 >c prom pt ly d is-patched to him at his present honip.• '"•

We utilji'.ed Uie services'ofTi.ncknoy .Dispatch "devi!" last Wednesday,•'and' wcr police tl'nit tiu'-little""iiiifi "'.has-luul

Family Ororrri«»n, Bruitnftiul ^liiiina, Miir^ilmTTinpg: TheJlrick Store -on the corner. < '

m E E P L E & C A D W E I J L , "

"" 'Dealers in

H A R D W A R F A STOVES & T I N W ^ E E&af Main Street, ^ - - ' " " "

PlNCKNE'Y, ' . -"^r-MjCH!6AN.

trood i:lstructOi's.~-S()ut.h Lyon'E.\ceP? s i o r ^ "•••"' - • • • • _ ^

"" ;busiii(iss...lii.ulji.ou .."ploughing. witli our steer," Charliey - ^ - -

UKDKR.present arrangenemts- j t ro-(juires -two davs foivniail to ' go fr'onv t tncknvy to •Cnadilla-haying-to go if distance of^ovei' thirty miles, while the "villages are on]y^-au.:ht juile^ apart. Tlie^itew^'railroad • wilr-^remedy this however, iir-tt-jew months. .^-.^ '•- -••


\, XXHceln thoflcick Block-. T^<^ ' > — — ^ - 7 — s * — ; »*-..'. — ^ -

anrt Justice of the'Peace, PINCKNEY.


ATTORNEY & C O U N S E L t ^ a T r i W A\ and SOLICITOR in_LJHANCKRY-^- ^

' .Office ov^rWyler's Prut; 'Store: — • — H S e i s S K ^ -

\, ,-*-'-mjioMA^LlNtoN,


, Oaeli for.ATides, Pelts and Furs; .. Next soutfi of (Jlob»4iotel; PINCKNEY,

Utii. Vf...H. CAFFKUv. oTEiisT^Sagiria\V called on'the DISPATCH the. j ^ e r . day,

. HOWELL is about to follow tn^exam-' gle-of Pinckney and jecure telephonic 'cor^ectioii witji petroit_"_ L ' ;

V-MRS. Boisi-:. State Missionary of the W.,C, r iVl |^will lecture in PincKney

on hand.

Dwightfeebles, Esq., of Souflf Ly on, was in ]tdwn, to-tiay.

. t

^Latest vote on senator before we go tos press to-day, gives Ferry 13, l)lio>. Palmer 24, 0^ % Barnes, 45, antf (.hu remainder scatteringj : -




James Jackson and family, of Una' dilia, are the guests Mr. and Mry. Join, Jackson^o-day. . •..-"•

I F it don't cost Doc. Mar(n too much and liv-ed sixty day.s "without fri>d , 'oilto grow those chin whisker^, ye editor

Hon. "Geo Coleman was home i j ' spend the Sabbath wjith his family, l i e retjjrjied to the Caj»talj'Monday^

i r r t has beeordse i tled^ to ha ve ad'^gi orijj school in Marion I&strictNo. 6,for th<^ •winter.

..^1 A n a y cnarckxo p>Bout,4o be hniH. --—— | Pear the residegte- trfr~Mr. r-Wii^rrjtrT-

n o r t h o f t h e Green school house. A., worihy enterprise, and we wish it all* success. ' ' . • • '

may have courage t o p«tteth after 'era

L. E. RirHAtq-w^' -Co', ar remodeling the interior of. their store. And so tlje good work goes bravtdy on. ' - ' •

Ax Ann Arbor man .feeds, his hens! "boiling hiyN'ood'* to ; make them l ay . eggs, Doeffhe get^ "biled eggs," we wender." - •

A The University will have a - B&se Ball' Club"this season. Where is Pinck-ney 'sB. B.O.: , ^ _ . l .

THIS is George Washington's birth day.;.- George Washington isoneofthe-editdrs^ 'of; the " PINCKNEY' "DISPATCH. Tlrat's why our paper never lies, as newspapers usually do. • . . ' ~—

— ^ V T GEO.'STOWE, rjastor of the M. E. church, at L'najlllla'^ arid Rev 'Mr , Pritchard^f-thtr-.-s-ame piace^faAr.ored th " ' ' ' • - * ' W

e DISPATCH "~vyith a^j^easant/~ija11, ednesdav. K ' - -- . • ,... - - ^ .,A_ -

ANN AitBOR'School p irlg have donnet Itt- s -hafs,~-a 4a. U niverskv„" They

didn't', adopt -class stockings,- because-ther>-4jvash:t enough red yarhf in the city to-cover their feet and—well, no, they didiv-t want to, that's why.

'THE Chelsea Herald states .that over 50 loads (»"f whiiatLwere Tistbte on the Streets•oi-tha-Cvillage at one- tirrie last weelC Tuesday, This shows what may be expected- at 'Pinckney when the

.--L^-T^-caivaro rmuiing-hereJ. c

he first berhrings, and she'll..go with" - y ^ T i ^ e r " other beau doesn't cofrie^' vou mayTmoiv vour invitation hasn't

chord of her

into a single paragraph as were those pantaloons are ntrmbgredj and the i n its la'stifcuig.- ' . - j flowing style will be reaUTected. Wei-

on,i.msin°ss. and likc^t-he nvt cnuliliTn-csi'sl the te'miuaticdi

.THE coiicer-fr'to-be given by W. ..It; ^Hiitney'sisingiug. class .wUI"be at TTve; -AFetho'dist- cTnvrch,'in this villagcv(o-' morrow..- (Friday) eyiinkig. doors open-tiig at 7Vclock>adinission 25cts., chil­dren 1 r> "ceutsT^ Following -is the" pro -granTme: ' • ' . . • "The.Earth is the Lord's;" . - CLASS.

. . _ _ • - . • » * » • . _ . <

"Con'ie>l^rotTi"c:iv, Sisters,luhe thel/ay.' -. i \ ' • ' • •' C L A S P . "

"". What kind of a t(vwn.j.s4t"where.the" saloons close upAyeek 'day^rrlgjifs so the bartenders can go t^'.praver mrn^in-V? Tluit's the, story, the ClicUea Her.i fells of its moral burgh. In some to\\'ns.

COUNSELOR AT LAW^ j j i e y reverse t in s_rlu_l_e.and keep the "sa­loons openSunday-ni^htTi?frtUe.tkge(.>nsf

can get "a drink; i , . , . . - - - - -^

• The edito^of the'l^nckney Dispatch fwants hj^kivife with a' cork -sere vf~ lit-tachmj>rit returned to him. asr he lost it "-" ' ' By the iodfks-oiVliis a few' days ago

;fer> .7^l^a^er we-don't think he.usestfhe eork-"~*~; : ^ r e ^ v ^ u e h though- t'he!sca|_ Herajdr "•- : /" ' l You aretnktaken^, lh \ \ iEnTiuerf7

We ivs© ev(>y.^dav.'-^ttnm^ttsly-r But we never pull corl^yHlKin^^.tee'trr.---as some editors do^.




"it. RAINKY, W, „ " ~ ' . - ' . . - D E N T I S T , " O^IcetlAJ'BT MtJAflny,Friday aint

Offlc* over SlpleraJlrjlfiJitflf^, H PI

^Tr^Trha^lostfe^fe/h>'anse he ditrn't go -Merrilv Onward we B o u u ^ ^.hnr^f>mTt otityod ut.'hortio to.uhoot j ^ 0 j 0



• ' : :—r* —T E HAVB-OWiNKD ¢ ^


w: B.

-4^ ^ CAR^ENTEinrJOiN^R.

.ftor informAUt in^Jw1 »* TwMil Av Adw^Vr «r4y«n, * ,- '^*rt^?M:v» MlJU'

.RUMOR has/it that the Grantl' Truiik Kail way r< likely ^o Sf]lvtn!e. possession oft lie Air.-'-'Linc road from Jackson to Nilcif-thu^ securing a direct connec-lion with iheir lines now"running to CWc'ago. 'This won 1 d 1 >e ;v ter r i b 1 e blo^; to the MichigTiTi Central, that line,being lengthened, huiny niiljes by the loss and the.. Grand' Trunk made "the .shortest tm"hunvceri''i±c- East and the..West.'—

^Quartette: "!n the-Warm Spring Days^," Mi^^Mercer, Mrs! Sykes, -. C ; ,

"" --Mr. .Sykes and .Mr. Pypcr. Forcbters, Sound"tlie^phee-r-fu-1 -Horn,''

_ —r---^ . - . CLASS.

Solo.^LTrttle Gernian rloiiie Aci'oss the -S.ea,

"TheTfrboPiiglit ^ioe]) Quartette.: 'Come, where

B-1-nnyl.T" -:•

Jay Allen>:

, - » -C 'LASS.

the Lilies

Mrs. LlYertnori/, Mrs. iBird, .'•; Mr. Howe QJUI M.r. Raine'y.

When the Sea Gives up Her Dead'.'' . '' ^ I T - A S S .

HAS anybody heard of a January thaw straying around the country? We didn't see it h6re. ' -

' THE Stockbridge ^ ^ n t i n e l has a cross-eyed di2ViL :"How do we know?" Can't fool us, boys,, when the paper is printed wrong side up, ... •'

WHEN, a man boasts-of his Christi'anT ity. look oiit for him.-—"Dexter Leader..

Yes, "and when a man beasts of <hig. injidellty^.look out for HIM!

. Detroit Every Saturday thinks the' Detroit Ministerial Association should take hold of the senatoriaLcontest and pray it put. -; "' '. . , ^

'"'-Wlien a girl tel l^-voirtcrwai£ !until

. .Many of the youri^r folks from tins section attended the surprise party at '' JAt. Chas. Mitehell^r, last Friday etvrr^ 'A gooQ time is reported. ;""• - v

The examination in Practical Arith­metic class, District No. 2, results as follows: Roe Smith, 86; Emily Smith, 99i, Prank Bailey, 95j^Eva Abbott, 9 ¾ Carrie Daley 95, (per cent.)

- / E u g e n e L, Srarkey,.

a- FOWLERVILLE. •VJ4 .i'v'

._ J. F. St. Clare wilL' open a - bransh harness shop at Webberville^-r—^ ..

-.JALgen Denton, an'old^^ pioneer of ^ 5 ^ township, died Feb. 13th of old age, in his 85th year. -'*-'- ^ , : - ^ , ^ ' ,

John G: Gould has-eleeed-alsF boe^ afid~*shoeTshop at- this place -and will soon try his fortune- in the Manitoba region. _- _

_. McCullum <& Robinson, lately of Ma­son, have leased the store in the Reason, Mock; formerly occupied by' Roge-r4-


stv'iek the-very ."teflilejest. hea'rt. 7^^.-^ ' " - . , \ " . : - • • > * • • r — -

WHEN*' the Democrat copies ourniar-

'Three adults and two children .were baptisedrat-therEpiscopal Church, 8un-dareven ing . ' •,

Theresa, daughtei* of Jas. Gleason, iage. and obitua?y" notices, /will i f -ofOceola,. died of "consumption, on the dease properly separate-them. They' 6tnT"-.>.

ri please properly separate-them. They Took "arlittle too neighborly-when run

- -Mns. Boistrof Grand .Rapids, State 'Missibhary"b"f the Mich. W. C. T.- U„ will address, the people of-; Pinckney and Vicinity, at the M. E. Churchy on Friday evening, Marc^2p,4l~ -, ,>

__ .-• , .^-JJFs^Pi, %ie r r i ?gc .

/ A. LITTLE foar-yi^ar-oid--Who-Ji-ves-not far fronaJ^inekney, recently took a great dislike to tire name his. parents Inid give-ft-him at the christening, and final-ly'told his niotrfFr ve.ry decidedly that he must have a new one. His mother,

Mark'a. verv smart man?" tisked the 4ittle follow/with all the ser!'.yusness~of =tha- sleigh'sr a judge who has a very important case to decide. -"Yes, he. is known as a smart man'," replied the .mother,- en-conraginglr. '^th^Ji vou mav call me Mark,-Twain, rejoined young Amer-jciwand-^rom that da}" '-he refuses to be called by'any other/name, even cry-_ ing sometimes if the old one is men­tioned in his presence. :;

THE festival' given by/the"C'ongrega-fionaj Society last evening, .was a'very pleasant aiui, successful one. Friend "S^Hirthout's ifommftdJKHis residence was

lipthscniTdT' ahqt will soon open up ' a stdck of clothing apd gents' furnishing g^is j there in . "X---* __« ;

-HOWELL. f rom the Dsinpcrat.

It is reported4hat the day of tight -V4S

come the time, say we. % There willbe a donation .visit at tEe" residence of Mrs. Xownsend Drew, MarionrOn Friday afternoon aind even-injpr, Feb. 23 for the benefit of Rev.-3.' Da;iley, AH are cordially invited.

.jE-'rank Whi1tedv-of Southern Kansas, returned to Howell, test-week,. for'-a-shoji't visit, "^ie bought/a fihe prairie

in Fis^beck Brothers' Muspum. While out riding in the country last

Saturday, Miss. Agnes White, accom* to "gratify the child's whim, consented, . ^ , CT— , r and calling over a number of --names* -p?tni-ei:l^-anpiher---youn^-.- IadyT i n ended with that of Mark Twain. --Wa ' luririnKodt fur ;a--Stoi^ Liputid over;

Mis-s White-Doming in contact with

ugly gash over her ey and cutting an

crowded--wkfca^fhrong ' of cheerful neighbors fntrn</yillage and country,


i5 ulb=^ajg^'diigx ti(.fr^riidd^dJ/k^iu.''_ ' ^ ' ' W . K.Rainev.

v *.v3~~r- \ 1-- r . v - • ^u.u. lTn the Starlight,"-*WgS" ra t^P"j \nn Arbor-ecti tors never get l T I - - ^ - - , ^ . hurt. rThey don't' go to"; chnrcli,.and " A 4 l o m e °11 rtl° ^ ¾ ^ they donj^^hoot rats—-we- won't Ml..QMttetteiJtfedkiv,.^ where they do go on Sunday. | Mrs.TLivepmpjre»/Jrtw. St td,

M R / S . A. DARWIN brought to our o> Mr. Howe-and.Mr. Rainey fice, /a fevy days since^a-package/of "The Sailors Return," ^/ CLAS^.-w h eat taken fro in' the top of on* oJTnis" "S^o5- V When 'tis Starlight." liins, wdiich was fairly glued together " . "Mrs. Mollte I4v^rmore.

m connocUon w(ti£ w J^wiJ^S^Sr ^& t l y :with webs and full, of white worms «Tk*»r +1,«+ *«,c* w+i,« T /V-^"-1 f\ .0L - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - - & ^ r a § S f c , 1 nbmvr, ** i ^K iri l«nwk w K t ^ w 1 Tliey.that t r u s t m i h e ^ord - CLASS,

TTiT6T^~ MrAlJaivwin was puzzled" jto/

Let thedlllls^aiid the Vales Resound.".' ^ 7 \ .-.- -: ' CLASS, ANN ARBOR people seem') to l^e'verv ^ , - . .

unfortunate in a'moral; ncfiriT-of \ - h ^ ^ ^ r t c ^ t t f i i ^ , G k o - nie My,Own Native, Recenthr a young lady .frtV/.e h^r^ears • ' " ^ ^ '!:" ""^4^" "''-" off in^oing ' tb chtm-hVm/^fmlay, and Mv$* ThitwUgf, Mr^Btickus,v. "; T-no\y/co'mes-to/us tht^i«*ws"that.uVoung - Mr. yJ>;e.> arrd^Mr. Kaineyj

about lOO-'persbns/"beu}g present. , evening was enlivened bv^harrfdes arid, games, whicir- s0 i^guileU' the;'partici­pants that 1- o'^Wek had arrived "be-. foveiUlhoughV-ffi'- goiniX' home, entered, their ntihitsf T h e suppej- table boivhti-fully sTVpfdil 'lvnlt^/OTeinTle^

.fair*ladies, was n0tv least amongj^he" many attractions. 'v Mr. CadweJFin-.

• forms us that many shekels were'gath/ ered in for the'..worthy '.jenterprise""^o, Vhich the proceeds were'to l>e devoted.

~ ^ / :


James Markey, of this town, gen agent tor the HerO'Reaper, isriiowtrav eling for the company, the Sandusky Machine and Agricultural W-erifcyrap-pointing agents and contracting with them for 1883. rafcr. Markey nepreseftts one of the best reapers in tKe/land

Buttons pUtroh with the Heaton pat­ent button- fastener, free pf chargeiat the Bee Hive.

,^'ltongh on Rats'^at W^fnchell's Drug Store. *.'.:,.. •

Star boneless eotffiln 9cts. per ftMi£ L." E. Richards 6c Co'&— . / ^

Horsford's Acid P^osp^^tM at Win* chell's Drug Storey

. young co*V/ for, Wle, Enquire aV\ .^ / " .

DisPATcrt otiie#. -^*—

Granulatetf^igaV at 10 cts. per fi>..



"JiTbh. the SenTraoj,. .y* ' j Ira Kellogg ^ . bought a lqt-*i?

ighf rods in size", west of San^iel Ell*-Worths, upon which/he will build.

A y ^ a B o n of t^iiio. Oti^^oTTJunaFh yl^otio ns;of attkiafli i* h. £3iohar<U.

about an inch in lqngiii,. which b & ^ i T w * ^ ^ \ r ^ partially eaten thawlieat to a depth ^ ^ a r t e t t e : "The Midwht -F t re Alarm," fc^uT^olifioBBB al lbver the top of ^ - M w - Livermore^Mrs. Pird

-- r - ^ - -»' - r — 3^rrHowo and Mr. Rainey. ikaw"ilio ftat'uro of ' the worn^S and^Fregdj tb '^JBftnnefr ' -?—^- ' / \ Ci^ss,

t b W u ^ o ^ i L i e H r pi«ese6ce, . .; - i ^Ua i^ t6 : \ \ 4 Go^nig l r t v KindPr i

t L. EvTtf(Jha/ds j^CeX.. .White sugar at 9 cts. per' ffiTat L. E.

Richards k jjo's. _ .^^^---., Best br-wn sugar^af 8 cts. per. lb a t - "

/L. ;E. Richards *t Co's. ^ • Ladies croquet sandals at the Bee

Hive. / _~

/ Cur^ your cold with Syrup of'Tolu, 1?ar & IJherry-^yo^ll-ftnCit at" Win-c h ^ ' s Drug Storev . ^ - ' ' /

villefwas k i l i e4b^ca tch i0g on bobs," a^L. ^ RicharSsA (50¾. a t e w d a y s a g o ? \ _ / •.. .^ A^wia%toiii ' -*.Co*

^O^orge Hollis, fronKPjnckney,^wasj Richards ikGo'a, i-"> ^ here 05Wednesday, prpsp>ting for A ^ ^ ^ ^ t

billtardf and^onfectiopfery r ^ ™ ^ / , cJo's. John S . ' D y e r ^ ^ n n e l d , wiio>A, ^ HaUbut 4 5 ^ S ^ « - ; l b b at

been seriously Sicltvror^ several w^eks, > ^ R ^ V , J ^ 0 ^ r i ^ . . / / ^ ^ -we ar^ ^ladTtoJieatisndw^mpr^

t h e # 5 u n d fbr & addjitlon 10 .¾¾¾½ ^ . *™^11


^=4-S- - X .

.'' ? of

Mrs. J. ; i .


Kvans, living six mile* no TO) TOW Fans, jiviug ri* «•"- •• —----- ,-_ -i i ~ j — --: -Sheridan, while in an epUepUxi tiW#j Wm..-totoJa

^ X T r e d h.,t stuyeaud was terribly burt«T F * ,« «„«*.• Her recovery is dodbtful.

E. JUee's safe atT^syilie, ^m klown open a Oyer t$J0w were in the ' few utgltfs ago.

but it is put known whether any

*afe, money wa*.

IT tXiUTutTMthec»imbliiBtli«J was broken the b u r ^ r prwf chest and t l cauuoj be opened. "~~ b ' u a w c e cnttWy-tKirtteuHitfal j ^ i e t y

* tbe'stdibo! o l smc t tion

1st. "bark*. W k ^ b*Uot.^liaUat.± 45 * '"t £-J C. Burrows,. Bstw4* WilUts.. 8. I ',Wlthtw,. , B. M. CutebJeoh. Fl. Chamberlain .6 Thorna* R. 8herwood..2 T W. Turner .,4 1». jKa!ii)ah........:-V:i F. B. «t<>ckttridgc..... 1 Chas. I. Deyo....]... .,1

Tf.4*ffidim*w. .1?



>#R ocBAV Mill, i 'awiiu

-*2_ 4 1 ' 3.- . ,r

* * •

3 1



Senate solution of Inquiry concerning theejcV Wy«U*o1d 'daughter were-ptnirfltfrV* for ocean matt service. Btnrws th*< otlurs wyreseriously Injuicd. duj-itig the nse&l years 1848 to 1841, Inclusive,. HKSVUT OF SENDWH* A COMIC the aiHount paid % the, United M w f o r trao* j U f i i V , Uurw>u, a prdmlurni ami r . , ^ , porting the mallsro fort-lira- ^ « ' ^ ^ » % j ^ j ^ j i ^ i w r f i d M , IIJ.. becam" gn-Htly iu

which $^4,911,5!« * M , paid v 4 . t 3 £ 3 « S the receipt , ( a yomlc'%! mine

i .explosion id

loo the uuwul


o f t grarkrat,

JUjflupw r«r"rgaa tack.atct^JL I5tb lost

> bian, bU wife I 1.111...» nii,

OftSC otb»j.*

and killed. Several

V A LENT INK, v ' l i


* w i l i e tbe soldiers' monument w«*beiMS given at Union y i ty , an attempt * w

• niaOe-Dy-r small «tr*y to nr* the opera house jus t J L the tun. I W n c * of mind saved the nrooert y and prevented excitement, though several garments belonging to the actorsr; burned. - • • I

Martin Elrow, of Bridgeport, bad btajhkujl



- * . ; _ : - . •

off a load while going into East Saginaw. The Kalamazoo T.-l.graph aaya all

nearly »11 tuc peacbjiuds lu that gj^hm-are kllitJbv theoold weather. An examination

"^^^TfiaT somT-of~ttii> vj-ry gmvvlutf iu the lower part o£ the tr*s< B uiay yut cqnm forth. Ai ^outh IVavfO and other points on the Lake Snore, howt vijr, the peach buds are untouched and a bouutftul harveot uud bi^

• prices are efrpeytcjli \,T • - . But little wcxHi--baa been cut . al>o*t East

T a ^ a s on account of the depth of '»uvw in t wo<»dh. I ^ne sells a t ¢1 50 per cord leBiltb, 10 otlXwH'Hcti,while birch, soft inappe

houipaon ,apham e r . „ ^ . ..,-,•.•..-.

t The,fifth ballot^aa taken prcaaid' excitement. A'tre made iu

1 . . . . i

amid nnlch supr number of imtx>rtau^

tlilK Tote, which gave FernySk; Nowtoii, 3H; Stout, 5[ Uurrows, ~tj; Willi'iH, 9, Hannah, 1, with the miYers acatU'r-Jnjr &fi on preceding ballot. i

On the sixth ballot Kerrv ha^ 54; Newton, 34; Stoiit, JS; Wlllits. it); Burrow*, 4>; Wither,

QjLjt^iXaet^jJ^l'ahiU'r, 4 the otT)em'sefittctlnK '

The seventh bailor niAs^aken and^avi 58; New ton. 8T>; linrrowK, S, and the" other's

-Perry Hannah 1, with

companies owning steamships or othwr T»***ciB satliiig.^uder tlw AmtrkiUj flajf

TUKT-AU8 DISOOtTRAOBn ^ \ ^Xbe MbJfilJXjocu feave aboutInaile up tneiM

rrjinda to-ajbaivdon any further attempta tn •*&• cure IcgiKljatljuu on Wie lx»nded wbWky bill. J

' hOHK'S UTTiK SFBBCU. Representative llorr of Mlcbijcaa, made if.

mos'Jrt'flvcttvV sueech in thejlousc onj tbe 14th iuBt., in optHwltUiu to the removal,pt duty oti lumber. - lle(j4Ve ek«iie vi'ry>aluable facts aud statistics exHiecruiiiK the lumber iu«Kistry t» Mlcblitau, au*l on the whole his *peccb waet

. |jy*ar!mly applauded bv the Michigan ddcgatrtou, ami savt *!**tdenre of Ids deep iuiureajt la the wt fjjfe. of hfs e*)ustitueut^.' ' I

Th?gfrafft of hop^ 11 ba t tM it

unrr TgTV

TIIKt »<KKK 1N;1>IAN«.


tairearack and blavk aih sell at $1 T5, and Beech and maple brin>r I J per eord. I t ousts 5l( cent's p i j curd t o e u t it and 40 cents to deliver ia t44al oiw-i of yo cetits per cord >'t**ve length, makiug the s tanding tiiuUer worth «0 cents per cord stove length, or $ l .b0 fuur feet long for syft

"maple. * v P . „.. Deputy Oil Inspector Hose, of Petoskey, r e - 1 NViliits, jvtWts to "the cidPf trf tW^-4>ureau at-^Autiau-]!, tiiat he ^m^i-dl^jqytr. <t MHO harrels'of ctjQtrabknd

lmiilnating oil in Charlevoix couuly.. ' '. ' J T4HMH^fuikuatl^hburifi. atJgojH[G'rafctot will be 75x«(iik teet, o'uLll id brt^k auu B' mt- and

icyjL|raip00.J\_# K. Antiailol A; leases the Hathbun houRe,

same as before . tafHSDA.!-, Eeb, 1.^.-Only' »he

aenatux vyi-iakeatodav, aTtr'r wlileb !H\virmi~ atijuulrii5<I*Tuit;ft'l:3CI';p'. m., The vote stood: Ferrv, 47; Burrows, : Iff Cufyhcnn, 4; Newton, 2{t; Swut,5; Haochett, UJlVl l i i t s , -9 ; Begole, ',»; Palmer, 2 ; Haauah, 'i; Barnes, 5 ; Lacey, 3;"Lotnrop, 1; Vau Bu-ren, 1-; Wlthey, l ;>UK'kbr idge ,d .

F K I O A Y , Feb. 10.—At the confereutje held ftvr the adjournment of the joint eouvenllon

yesterday aftLTtiotm^all -Bieuibera wereri'-b-ased from caucus obligatiopsLaiul f r t ie to vpte for whom they chose. \Vhou,fthereforc1he conven­tion was called to orde'r tii-tlay, it wa« wilth the tindet>J,-andip.jr that the race was-"free The first ballot wan taken & _ - - . . . Iowa;"*Newton, 47';' Fei;ry, l i ' ; Burrowj, 11,

10; Palmer, 8h Cutcheon,"4; MTiThey, I ; Blair, 1; Rich, ti; Nkrble, « ; Haid»M't.r, S: Liu'ev, a; nannaB74^;Crt^y;t 'r l^Trm4ntttrto«v-

M. <-V-BtJrtch, 1; McMidan^i"; S. D. Hiug-Jhani, 1; T. St iSheoard,- I. Abotber ballot was

Buf ro»s , 101 PalnTTTTn. (Jal^TinjnT-~" " " filch, 4 ; Afarhle. >2\

A^KK*ATlO?t. • r QuHe a mtwatioti was caused In tbe court ^ . » • • V . 1 - . . . 1 . .'„ /1,1

"lor all.1

resulted; as fpi-

Grand 'Rapids, for an«ttb»r three >*ears»aud has j speyt over #l ?000in tire escapes

-v The Sf'cretary^ef >" "IjEff TctltttWir •' S i r r t

ihe Muskegon county a.Ki n u..„.*.. • «..« - t t r r rmg park apMX'iatiuuis riwkluK dxertious with Grand Kapids, Jackson and otju!^ cities of Michigan to form a spriug t ro t t ing circuit.

^ftadison,1jTnrwrc:Tounty, b weefvhvg^^w«n"i4 tjrjriio1 business impetus tlffough the kieoniiug of the Michigan »te Ohit> road, laudlord je t ' -peny Bpendlng several ' buudred dollars' on hotel Improvements, while {Smith Bros, have-re­modeled their flouring uifll a t a coa^ of ¢6,000 t-o ¢7,000:

1L—snTtMlO'fcct l o n g - b ^ n g l n g - to- Bld^Offlan -)-&^i*s~ltVirT)'^abVr6trKwait^~fedf-t^^ the wt ighTbf snow. Half an hobMfc^'vlJiisto the fall the sEed.was full of lioraesfPrrt at the time of the iu*< ideiit only one "Team was hitched there . ' The building fell in su^b-a manner that the> -hors^a w'eiv itiiprisoued, bu t w» re taken

uuhnr t through a hole sawed in the roof. ,McCall of Aialilo, marketed his.last-yeaf's

cropoT>84iO0 bushels of wheat, iu Kalamazoo,' -dwrw^the^Trv&ent week, | o r $ l pe-r bushel.

I t is reported Un^Sujnberlng operations, are almost'-.riniri'lv itt, % wTr>nd,yti11 in Ntiiiitcarip^

tli of snow. county on arc o/uit o f the great ThL^superintendent of a Battle CrCH^Sun-

day sciio<il annouiiced tha t a skhjht lde wt b" trtven tlie sclio;a>s. They_ bftvc not yet batj Uielr ride, but the atteadituc'c-to.-the Sch<K>l has nearly dittibleil. , Jos lab i^uve. for '.3A years 4n-tlwvn>Hfrag husi jess at BUssrield, anujLJnjiUTi)l.^

tcYNiliul a few days ''ago an occ'ui* orfthc <>lst amu VLT



Ferrv. Ill 4; XVftlieTT^.BliiB

"nr-wrir ITanT'TieTf *. —,— i ---4 ; Cr<*bv, l ; Judkiu8 , \\ MciHUan, '-J; Siupard, 1: c5. C- Moffattj(f ' " • ' / \ •

After Jhe, second, ballot the convention ^A' joufuod untU iwou'of Saturday. ^

SATURDAY, Feb. '17—the -onTy^ballot taken to day gave, Lacey, 0; Marble, 2 ; I lauchett , 9 ; Hannah, 0; Burrows, 10;- Crosby, 5 ; Palmer,

4 ^ ^ U X C 1 U A U V _ 8 I _ Wlthev, S: Newt^m, ,45; Willits, 8; Ferrv,,11; ^MlTjifnfSf-jTG.-BrrjCTT 1; Stockbrldge, t. The, cjauvetitloii adjourned until-noon or Aonday. >J& ^

room in Washington, dur ing the progress.!Mr^he s tar route irial, on the 15th iust., by BerdelU . o n c i d t h e oUj{«fcdants, ;pleading guilty1 and olXi'ring to tell aW be knew. • '

... . _. KATftKU COOL. Gen. llajten raet.'a decided rebuff to his re­

quest f(«- a Scuate Investlgatiug c*)»miittPCj Se>yetury Lincoln gaveihliu to unders tand that the depart iuertt'i;6u'ld manage itaowu.ailairs wi thout investigation by congress. _ _ ..


In the1 executive session of the Senate on tire 15th, Mr. Kdiminds called attention to. alleged

i' nf't<tre*of the fjoor of the Senate b" •s

wj^y t -b* concluded wan Kent by Dr. L O .fcukljis, }«J^J*I | )raetl t louer but did frleiid. l ie f^uuu'JeufcTn*? a«.fUi»ed bbn of |8eudlnjf it-*nd without wait ing reply shot him fatally.

A reporter of a New Yolk pa(xtr w'blie about bU dut ies ou the n U h t of tbe l^th iust. , brush-etl ugaiust ail iut-bilated couple, aud iu a pa*a-ing glance a t the face of tbe woman, who was richly att ired in silks and velvets, he te^'tguiz-ed her as Bluuche Douglass, wuo legs thau. a y *r ago bU^xl a t the "bar of a New Havyu court ehargnl Jointly with the two Mallcv bi«j« with the murder <« tjio unfortunaU' ileuufe Cramer. Bianchc'r face sh< »wt d the uiarks proloiigedjjlsslpatlou. Since h j r ai*u,uittal S1H<* baa beeuTeadiug her old fast life, thouyli It is claimed Walter Malley has dime all hev^tuld to reclaim her. She ts. *eeu nightly in -oouipauy •Uith the most abaudoueil of botp sexes.

>t|! JI-AD TO UK^JUN. •*> ••

For accepting a present Of $4,000 fraw an u £om])any^ J Ml bus Lr CM arke,

brightened the oily of . Citlc1iretti>n the i8t^ (nat.,. ha*> bc-eh again irercaSl t)y'« ctoud of gT*«tef tettm*ilyv On t h ^ muruly^i'f the 14th the ralu begau falling TTtHttn^KTidthcrrvt-rcobtinuefrto rise rapidly. • BtTfrlu^'^as tx'eu entirely suspcnjind, aud every effort 1« bt Jug made tt- relieve tjlie iuffcr-. lug iortuvd ou evt-f baud. . /

D W W T U T V J N . j"

Many c&aeaof ex^rwinedestitutioiaMt report-, e d ^ v tby relief U>a|«, and In aoju^ cases Ui© I fraiitlccHe^ of «it.arvl»g children for food ar©

hesrt-rviidiiig., Bdkeriea n o t " tuuudated are pri 'rtJrrt-totbc-f^leil capacity. t<> keep a supply of bread.

_. , tfUMW A-MJ8AT yAMIWK Thero have been fears of a . mi at iM^tefr M

aewmtit of the ditl|culty or receivingBf»lfa)k> but acyerul ^thousand rePciu'd distujbiy mDm can be util i ied lu cas*^ of jn-ceasltT-

' "' TWKLVB LIVK8 U>ST. r*TAu atitbentic accx>uut eonceruing tho "kwa of

life at the Cincinnati abutficni depot ha? txnt> ... , trtsde. I t is nowlni iWn that Vi llyes were lost,

made, It Is hoped the li»t will not be iucfuaa«d. OWCOL'UKitNi*. ' i '

Tho river is now nearly 07 feet high and ris­ing steadily. Kallroad- are id'iv bu»kte«<a- of every nature at a stand still. Not.asteamer running, Jherc being no place for t^eni to laud The woikn iif rcliet have go» e xn\ - vigorously, aud-«*any Jlbuc'^l'g aCeneB were w^tneased.

J h -

. *

\ /

abuse of privilege* of the fjoor of the Senate by lobbyists aoS*>th*rs, w-ho throui ib UisXH-liEt:» ?>.'§ aud favors-had been iu t he habit of obtaluiiig cards of admission, oste-ysibly as secretaries. .With a; view to,correcting, this evlI 'lWr. Ed-

Ordered,• *tet t no person shall be admitted t 0 „ M i".iUJ »hf-4t<-^f a^ a private - - B A ^ r t ^ a r x , J ^ ^ ^ e n a t o r j ^ ^ to-tm

A n o t h e r Horror. . -Keports hayc berti-rpccivcd of an appaliing

.miuj^-disaster at Braldwiwd, a little toiyi 20 ' •iidle* sputJ* of Jull i ' i , III. A land slide oc­c u r r e d , ctostng-onc m tbc/ahjfrts «nd-b«fiwi *U-who were i s it :—aWut-OS men au.dislx boNs. About ^,000ineii rallied to the rcjScUc, aud be~ gan eXca«aiing ami puTMoing as Isst as the iiatUre of-*Uc shaft 'would permit . ' . Tlu; cause of the disaSfe'r was curious.aud*perhaps yn-preci dented Wate r to the depth-ot three Of i o u n f e t t had accutuula tu l on the surface of

lihe Jii'ud over -the mini?.,-autl its ' t j tormous weight caused a land aiUle4>r cave in of ueaSTy" 90 iuet equare. I t is kudvt n that all the differ­ent w indiums of the'jiriih* are tilled full, of wa­ter, as it now s tands within five feet of the t o o

f t h e - t k ^ r a* a priyj bin

*llttalsan^M J* l ia re .

" rX twr rg th»ritcTQT trr-t^te r n e w 4-m and harbor bi'l of interest to Michigan "readers. are ttrt? following: An 'Sable . . . Black Lake . . __ Charlevoix and entrance t o T i n e La> Cheboygan; . F r a n k f o r t . . . . . . . . Grand Haven Harbor Refuge,- Lake>Turon. Ludiugtou .'..-?, Maidstce J lu&kegun.^

• jMwrqu Onte^s ron S>rfgLiiuek. . .

ittrHaveu WtTtTftJilver.

(-JLJIV 4*1 . -v * — - - — r - ^ _

unti l tla* senator appoiuting hint ' shalT^eerllTy iu writ ing to the sergeaut-at^arpis t h a t he is actually employed for the .jierfqrmauce o r f b e ^ duties of Mich, secretary Nand Is eugage<l in ^be perf i ) r tnanrrof tbe*a^w^-N^^»^i i^%aajUU« further tbau to refer the mat te r to '^~ niittee oirrjules;'

the coiu-

._I.nE_UOOK|J^KEJ«» HAVE A_WOKU TO%Xt. \ Senator Morrill of \ V r n i o n t iireseutttd a re-

^monstrauce in the Septffi' a few days ako, sigtir ed by Oliver Si/endeif Holines, J o h u G . Whit t ier "aud T. B. A l d ^ f i , ai ;alu»t-yi^rfc4«€t4on-oX tbe tariff upoH books below i » 'pe'rcent., These wr i t e r s^a - ln r : 1. T h a t the prosperity of au-

closely eonnectKi with tfie prosperity

wa* Iha a house

city. The, ear5 of by-

7a'ndlies 4uue-tj>^ the -fiurroundiug

Nwthing wliatevtT can be out as waU-r fromja,tt_

Ills. _ r country drains , i n t o - t T h e manager of the Wilmington u 'a l comprfuy is ou the gruuu.d with the neee^ary pumplug apparatus , but uo th iug can. be done ' : until u

j d a n r i s built-to-st^>p- tbt- further -influx, of t h e water. All agree tha.t the accident-^was un­avoidable The mine was t imbered iti the Sroper way, and dur ing its entire history there

as"ueVr_r-been any a t tempt a t economy' -th ing tha t w o u l d te inkto n i su re^ thesa fe ty of th«> w a r k n a e t t l T ' ' ^ . ^ . . *

-—s3?OR¥-ay X y"tr*it jmisJtdiu. _ J o ^ n H u b c r . ay^ eye wl tne%o^. the whole af­

fair,, tells the follow lug s t o r y r ^4- waa-workiug In one of Uie west sectioma>f: th> main corri-

&*$**> 6,000 6,Ot»0 8,lK»

J0.000 85,000 35,000

8,000 10,000 15,000 3 000.

15,000 4.000

luring, adyef'tisingafid selling the books which >£ Tha t American; books

f-rroranrr batl justgt>t «v „ ., „ when. I h<'ard a voice which STniuded.falut-say

they w r l t e , . ^ . : 1 hat . A n a e n o a p ^ ^ ^ ^ r S ^ T T n g i ' U ' k o u L L l b e water Is eoming. , At tirst AiOTrkan publishers, and whatever «(noiiffly j j w m M u o i ^ , ^ , ^ ^ 7 ^ ^ 8 awlul meaning a h d chocks the business 1 ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ 1 0 1 1 1 ½ ½ when I heard fr,eettom o r w l t l n g . -3. T t ^ ^ warnilfe again and *aw a small essential reduction of e x j s t i ^ } ^ S J ^ ^ f f t t ream of wa te r ' r unn ing down the main, track.

l is y of his birth.

know n


^ Z

Mrs. C:vrus"^ffl5rflTM'aged.-4»nd well i s i y of Homir,!^J>p™d ou the Ice a""few days

---ago, bn akiu'tfjioTh lx,mes ol one ankle. - John. M>>raVs lum^e, at the mouth of Muske­gon lj^-evbu^ned/ti|4 first of the week; total

' " k»sj*<no j i ^ f i i w ^ - v , M r . Morau's mother also oVt 1^50 w1ifeh>jfe^qts saving for* the

_djLLthiii jo^ur(1y_eDhres Mrs. Elijah Lacev, X ' r t^ idenVof Nilcs since

•18ati.-and-n lady, greatly ^cloved, 'dfetWy that' eif y -:tg^i4-74^^-^l4>t^-Xaciiy-a-afl the _\vido_^>u£ f \\\K*K


— _ D l i T R o r

Wheat— No. r rwhl te r r ; F lour . . - •• Buckwheat.

.Corn . . . . . ~ — ? ' . " . O a t s . . ^ . . , Clover Seed—.^ bu Apples ^ b b l . : . . . . : ., OriedAppk's , ^ tt... Butter, |< tt>.. Eggs.-.-.- •'.-.— Dressed Chickens 4*rvs6c'd T u r k e y s . . . .e •ii-eese..:. i

n . .•'. • • . - . . .

L B K U T S .

laid imt thi ' t ' jwn an'd gave it its uarm^ John Duff, a deaf and dumb fraud a t KaV

a i imoo , gavi- hiiuself away by gett ing full'of •his'ten»per at a game of Fh'Hzii)u,'frnrri4ortttg

rAr<la|/^ltte'C<iuld then talk a* lively as'any one else. .When ask d bv al;i"liTfBeci' "^v1i-iT[riTe-Tvas-froniyhe s:dd;, ' lFinuouL J u n c t i o n ; " but_where -frorri,

( such junction is the ollicer has not yet-'found" ouT. The fraud, bad collected considerable

from the. rnt^ifullyvinclineu of the "X'il-J a g e J ^ - - ^ ^ * » • • ' . . " .

_, ^the lumber cut on Ga?s this season w in-anjonnt to at feet, the largest cut fof-y^ars.

A fouf year-<ild son'fef *wrrrSsPowers of SparJ ta Center," K(nt county, was'te'r

river least 10,000.000

Potate Hi »ney . . . - . . . r Beans, p'iclwd. Beaus, unpicked. Hay Straw, Pork, drpfisod,

•effect will be to force American"pubiia! the putilicatiou of those > eopyrl bctlJoTrkBrouiy' whose rcpuUitiou TIaH~~alsTady btu'n made or

1 t f ' 'w i , ,Wlli<' l l <\'rvo_£rt*fir«K\ni\&\ ilSCS, HUCh as Te-KHIVI"! ^ r ' 8 °f courts aud seboonJook'ST 5 T'Hit high--"TOOU .T.,t.r-Siti:rature will be discouraged and ' the Hreat-

cst vSdue of current TTteVature, whieh Is in the for i i iw reatiuig for tbe yotiiig, will be guided. by f oQngn auuiors instead of by men aud WOIB-

U,eft.fif_j2uiUL£>*n aatlbn. • ••-• * ROBERT'S II)KA.

tn,si)caking of BerdHl's willing-.esa to turn oru'ier in; thi \s tar route trial, Col.-Ingersoll,

no fear ' that. anyth ing Berdell may-YtXii iraM^atiy effect whatever.

V A-«ft5r5*»^TV lL_,EXrEHSE3.

The sundry civil app>t*pjMation hilj. hos been completed and submittcd1o>44ie^.Hi>ase. The ttJtal am^iunt reexjinmcud&d is aT*»«^'$2i,dl>0,-, (KK>. The bill contains a" clause rfcjjc pre-omption and approprintinir- money?"*

j detecting and preventing fiiefvjdulent entr ies land. "The homestead law is not cd^ixt-'d by t h e r epea l of the prr<-inmpti^ih \i\yr ,Ttn- f^ctrt heft ire the committee showed; t ha t ' t he abuses which hml resulted In this repeal had "been carried to a n ' e x t e n t which baa in,-some in-

-stunees resulted In pa ten t ing b»- spe^ulatjug high as 40,000 acres of laiid. Iu one

to the work, reYtuitVrug'kU day Jt the offleo or going iiut. with relief bt»a1s. Tlie wor ld* done most thoroughly aud promptty.

.Among the inuKlcnta o,f the flood" tt«idlng of a baby 'ashep iu I ts eftb in tloutflig at Fern Buuka, 'below the little wail was je.-^ueiT^un^ta'Kc'u the Catholic orphau society. •'".•'

. ' WJAK KKNKWKU. •' - -

At Cleveland, Ohio, ano ther flood is feared. Fivry pri-^Liitioft is rx-iug taken. Men au-ehored tlidr"hiiMber The ice aud drift-. wood which obstructed the' river at yarioua points.-was blown u p with dynamite,-thua al-furdiugl ree passage fojt the w at* r. -

T ^ — ^ - ~ "TT~TEFFEie«>sTriirri?m.v ~~'~7^. tW suffering is terrible.-' A .dispatch of t b o " 14th says ' —The citv is feet-led'w 1th waU^ from two to [twenty feet deep. Fiye_ thouMf^1"Peo- ."' pie are maile'lmmeless, tnauv of 'whom lost a l l" they had ou earth. -A- large-numbt^r-trf x'Jjttage

Jiouae8_ in the lower pa r t of thet city are a wept' a%ay- ' iruridYelS blpet^jU' ar,e quartered TI sk 'ond ,stories »f. public buildings and bus i ­ness houses; • Food, is sent to theinl i is j i i f ls . The filth fronVJuindt'^'f*of privieaisf loat ing upon the . raging waters. -,The scenes ui_jtul>_ ferlug are appall lug. It is still ra lulug Ami""" the river Is rloiug. •Theloss will reach ©rue half -a-mdHoU;. = =—:—~—=—^ —


-The rlyer is rlslug one 5er hour. Milton, Ky._, opposttt* here la wtu-

submerged. ' ai house] is "trXcmpT7

S out by iratrsliaft , where I knew I coutd get

a ladder. When 1 reached it the waterway u p . to my armpjts. No one followed me. ' All tha t wtrcls_ayedjuaiic' their escape by another air shaft . , v " r ; ; ; • ~" : -

i .,-• • ^-'

, '' ANEW TUEOitV. ' - -Tbe_ latest tij'iviry 16¾-to—the origin of t h e

New halt n-'iuse fire iti Milwaukee, rtveutly, in tb'a't It was tbe work--of tramps. This theory

as been started4)y the finding of then of a man tn^ l i e cellar a fcwdays :sijjee.

from tlie-tj^erflow. Lai-ice cables are belmg used to anchor-tmfiuTngs. TTie wwrx-rjls up to - t he" ! : second lU)or of nrauy dwellings. Fulton, tbe easteru subur*M)f this "city, bus b^en abandon- '

Ved and all the front und e.xtreuie |»e«U'n» «c»r tlon of this city. .. *••- , ___ ,^ i i>^.^ _ _

"]'RO«l'>ib. "

s Th6 sitnatton at Ciucimi'ati see^ia t o be iuv"--provjug. ' DispaU'he's.oi tiie 15th say tliafr the water baying reached a . he'iirh-t ot u e a r l j , 15T fet't,.;ls slowlVreceilitig. Trains ure now. being -".. nihlwWrhrtbree wdles of the city,.„v,liiVrv \\it> " stcK-k' fards are -used a* statlon»7 The work of relief goes-oil with energy ; nut;, only are t h r comfhittee repr«se*'tiiig UJC.~elmmi>er of cotn--

j-HMJrce and_the eoui.tiiou council -disbursing- aid with 1 i beral-'h aUTybn r the M atiou.le re lief or-

•v ba"h»g cailediB

for *44*eir

T l i « ,w4»erH •4'over Hie-E i i r t l i .


F w * o i t b e

<g 1 00 <al4 00 # 1 0 75 ^ s Z . 7 5


Pork, m e s s . . . Pork, family. ; . 4Jeef, extra " m e s s " ' . . . ' . . . Wood, Beech and Map\e. Wootl, Maple;. • Wood, Hickory. . . . v . . . Coal, Egg,,

05 , . , IST5Tjr-(*TjrJ5d^^

..19 oo § i 9 09 r

.^2 00 @12 00 45^

_. Q rg\

Cml", !8tove i^jaOCbestn ut.'.

8 «0 ? 25

« 75

CinebnnaAlt»^> :>>.

A M o v e Forward ." f" ,,

In hi^iuiilrcss a t the Afinual .meeting on tholllinoTSiSt^lcBar Asspciation last jap.nth Mr. . C h a n ^ ^ ^ j ^ j ^ y ^ p r c s i - .

- : ^ , .

i i > -4

I a-

while piayiug with rire'aml will probab" Tlie chest1 of. E. Rlye's ' burglarized' safe

- Danville has TiSnfopened, and thc t5/lOQj*,hicb tbe burglar, tried to get found a!}.right. | Norway, Menominee county, folks think fhpilr vrithtlieir new ftOO-l^tft-ottboa^-they are cap'a-

Tr3Ier"oX'11ghtlug tiu\ fll ti tltat' may ootne^ —'--,--A special dispatch from the Marquette. Fays;"

Tbose-of our Jron mines not shut down srewtrliing largely decreased forces at rt-' auccd wages, and tbe cbancts now are that the output for 1*83 will net, be more than half so large as last year*-, The result will be a Rcare-ik--ty of ores. iron njarket' ruyive, a . 7_ number of furnaces uow idle w i t t - ^ pat in {-dientsir I he causes o f Scenest.dwsatisfae-b l a s t . ' - - . • • , •',. '•! - -•—., . *- - -

Mrs Adam Steincr was recently burted in tfi Porter, Cass county; tbe remains being

tirawttvfrom her residence to the^burfaTground. to a3i8t>Qce of fiyeroiles, on a hand sled, on

-accaiin,t--Qf ttK^^now crust, which, prevented the Uscpf te«n>^Tt is said that whetr Mrs. Steincr affdier huwband moved to? Porter, a

fefought their personal

l ^ n t ^ f — i h > . a^^nnifiti(>n^>ft;^a^ tETs effi-ptfatic and marfly d e c l a r a u o l i ^ ' , T h e jUjiuj^ost obsfaokw \tx the way pi^Hke^ rpro^er i ty o t U>e legal profession; the most serious hindrances, to their useful­ness; the sources of greatfist^jury totheir

t s b t i r ^ h • .Louis\.,. . ...~

Mem^bis Pittsbti

Topeka , . .\" ( ' Council-BJuffs . Da l l a s . . . . . . . . . . . Denver Des MoipeR.. . . Jackson, Tenp. Leavenworth . Minneapolis . . . K-rmtsvlllc


.ria,0o0 . . . 125,000, ..". 1(*0,000


, At Frankfort , Ky', "the Kentucky river is still rising. One thousand families-are reported homeless cau-s<tigjnJi,eh distress. -A large por­tion of -the . to r f i rC. entirely- submerged a n d

lences-twttjniles from the riyer. are under The etdlar-fTodrs, of the penitentiary^

are tnre>^sfeet utuhT water anil the prisoners a r e lomeinJto<jchapf'I a n d duubialJi Up in cells on the sm>iulTiwyr. The d a m a g e - a l r e a d y reaches over.$HXttKWT

' ' * : THE OUJO.. At atl points"i;i Ohio and Indiana^

gauizatiou is doing l!i:v ..^ufc volunteers to act as oarsmen for iif«-lr ' btvata,

4eK>fi 1 whieh.have been reeeived from ^U-yeland Sau-dusky "and Toletio. They-have established re­lief stations iu various parts of the city. Be­sides this,, women <-f all Che Protestant ehurche^ are ctdlectiug bedding and clothing, and doing Bcwingfor thebene t i t . of ; the general relit-r . commituv . All the 'Catholic . chur<chee h a r e been tbrowp ojH'U.for sleepl'ug places for iueb -hianeless peis m*'as may be sen; ljy-the*gctieraL committee. A more complete system of-relief could bardly be. devised, and the great TaiuiLof this work ire the tiiot nighuess and priwjptfiew— wit'LLW'hieh aid Is exteijdi.HJ".. There ' is still most gratifying absence of crime. .It W- K . T-pt^ctctl that binglaries",and highway robberies w-QnldaiyunxLi^aceouut of the general un--protected siateofi/rupjefty iu theTtluvHled dhv


. are s t r u n g on t h e tops <»f trees. 1 Is completely sur rounded by Water

La w renceburg A i L o u 1K-

tricf,"aud darJines>i t'h'ese exp*.'etatioiis have not been realized'.' There have l>een fewer a r ­rests the past tiveda.vs-lhan at any similar timfr

,Jn m.onth^armjOfeports ' o u r t n i e have reached t h e police—ftVwrly i Vii-y body ^ e u r s a f a t i g u e d


It haslTceh a.reason of/hard w»rk a n d tix^'tv. to large rxirt£Otis of the ^popiila-

ity- ' : ^OUtSVIlXE, KT., - - ?""

fliamd .'fa .tim?fti£fid, •vlmt It li hfltr-y-


. N^Iong wbiie ago, they "tero»gat ' ' T" '^V^rty6ttg>BBBnjauuw>. •

*T^»i fftllrOftd t i o k ^ ^ > f l a c 6 ^ ' t crossing 6t roads- at

j-allroad tiok^^fflca theD.:tv»fc N. and F. & £: Plymouth wag broken into recently ;|ftd| 10 or more taken. 'V,

^tipii and prejudlc'e, are the delays, un-certaintie*-and expenses of legal pro­ceedings. Thi& Ipsses-and tlie artxieties arising from these*eauses art; often naorej ' than the rosulU yvhi-elr<)je suitor is fi.ny.l-\.y allowed to take out oT^hri^cales of justice. A„client \vho h.a-sf©Ur>wed -ftfst-^featwo from court

Tliese amounts are for the construction of Unlted"State8 courts and pc^ tof f i e j^ ^ n d e r the war department $tJ<i?,000 Is ret^rnmended^

' e Bock Island Arsiynal? For the.JPjrepi-^dent**4iouse and grounds $88,000 have been ucommet rded For other purposes t he follow­ing approprta^WQ^Werconade': Torbc U6fdl*y authori ty, of- tile Presi

dent in cas6 of dangcj For t.b e ebm pi etion o f t ,. Monument.....V.^v/TL For observations 'fffJtl exploratlona

Ar t ie seas . ; ? . . . . . . r....-For use in suppressing <f)Unterfelting.

vll1e, Ky., the losses will "already "Aggregate more th-tn *fiO,fX>rapd li.OOQ men -^re•- thrown ou t of employment. So far only one life has

.,000 [ been lost, but t h e most serious tears are enter-:170,&)04 taiped; At Cincinnati the work of removing

25,000 J gotH* Is less act ive and more at tent ion is paid to,su*Tirriug people. Th^'relief committee have already takcu4>r(iinpt measures, hi. ing supp<>rtr ed by subserfpvwns —amouuti'ug t o 115^000. They will act iu concert! with exist ing charita­ble associations*.aud haveSa^proprtated $3,000 for .immediate use . - I n v i e w - o i ^ h c exf>osed TOndtliOTTi3ff=t^rt>pcrty aud the-Inadequacy- of the police f o r c e l o p/ropeVly ,,guard the flooded "Istr lcfi t was deR'fttlined.tb call for thebelp'of* tlhjjniiit ia.

40,000 200,000

45,000 50,000



seeing ver'c

^S&stQsn^ TeT^ 13;—im»^the rc-awembling of the" joint cousentiott the B^lpf the House was crowded tojta utmost capieity. The real Work of tbecionvention wa^a^onceoauimeueed. J,0; One ballot was taken and resulted as Whole number of^votcragt 110: heccssa choice, 59; T^opia8--W*rFerrjj_44i 'Byron

through trial aft«r trial, set asjde, and judgn^cnts xuwnred"f6r

laouae mistake whicli 'perhaps does n,ot~\' Ltouch the rqal merits of the controve(rsyt

^Yery likedy loconclude.that any scttlc-mettl. he could haye niade ou to f court ." jH^Swyjhv-woulof^ivcbeen better 4han vic to ty ln | Bnow^k^kadCi

sidfuiieB.; icton




e d ; the worst danger loss of life has been feportev to privafe ami public buildings g r e a t v All manufactories near closed'and thtv.isands*are ou t ot

additional damagyi

eh Very' the ^ einployi

Aiffiost the entire jpjipulace are on tlie. s'treet*.

_ Tbe (Udo>riy<'r was still r is ing'on th« morn­ing c f tlie- l&-h>iiavins reached, tla; wnparaigJU

N E W S N O T E S .

TUB ItnAKBMAW itTAg.TO TU.tJffr*. e. TehldpayCaJ., dlaaater-jaAgdnatlQ^Ma

Uows: JO

. ~i " - . ~ . . . _ *v.'.»u^-a «i_iu.«„ !». I in at. reuses, and t h a t speedv^rcsults

of the age,-ami tB«-4oterest aljjteerjolkw-t x e r s ana cKents deml»^>Mp^tliat litiga

No business Is being done owing to t4ie irregu­larity of freight t r a ins aud almost coHipltte>

e s s at ion of - riyer.. ii»yigat ion.__Tra nsf e r anil_ express wagons travers-e every-street, stopping at all the houses Of «the eithJens, tilling the wagons with " " r * ' i ' t " 1 " " " c f"" - - - ^ - - - y _ Thr^ resrx»ns( 60^a noble one. v ^ _ » ,

AT.JEjrlr'IKSONVILJ.E, 1X1)., ^ ^

:1 in tile discbarge of Conductor- Re«d ding of Brakeinan PaWch in $2,500

charge of^jwiuiina! negligence.

„ litigaUb*."* and to j roverajr is fuUir«- ^tfame-nocwswy * h*

rum. suffering rfrom a day when afuner-

had to take the of mourn-

ed"hjuight of 64 f£eHTJnches. trie water work'*' were compelled to inutjilown, but there waB still, enough' water, in^ UJisreservoir to supply t h t city .six daysr-'SicknesV-has entered the isolated homcR of the people Uvioc In ten'Ci-:

-le means were at comsiand to preyeSSyhmierrag.

»ocxi> is. •-;:T e- Xcolghi depTrK f the Cin'drmati South­ern'Railway fell in, amlat least seven lives were lost. Reports are^comrieting, one being to the effect that 150 Hved^riBBc^L^wbile an other sa '* 50 persona'were drowned. ^^Oicjnoflt reliable,^ liowevet. Indicate that vthc dli waa not to great :L. t

RECEDING. The highest point reached by the fiver waa j

Btxty-flve feet one atld*one-half Inches. This was on tbe. 14th Instant ;dt then commenced to

they are entirely surrounded by •water sfreet 1« under water, and it. is* Iinpoaa get anywhere without boat*-.

AT ^lTtanURG,- T*r^

ya.thim^e_if>-ftuprebxuid.)d t«(H'pt from tbe 1B

f * /

Av B#ron'M. Cutctteon, 9: John 8. Newberry, 8; Edward 8. Lacey, 2; Perry Hannah, 1: ' w o . P. Wells, 2; Geo. V. If. Lothrop, 1,; Cha«. B. May, - - r<LH*yV^ \ - . .

WKDXESDAT, Fe.b_, Vfc—Tbe-*e«8ionfi(pjf the j^ntioa lo-day wefe-more Jarrgely at­

tended /ffian at • any time 8l5cPtne senatorial " were taken, in

_,. r__ , decided. •-BjirSa'e^ bonefi-"wefe In vain. An effort w»ai made toj#mqraw Ferry's name, buVwBe n the t

w»* tsftetf anon, It wa» defe»ted.

3HTr2t a ty . .tersin the

BEATEK TO TJSATlL iufttteeH. P. Clark, one of tl

Black HlUa,. and at that tir


...tlon w»» y teU tipon, it ya» acieiieu. y :, f _ the evening a la*^ andtnthunraatte j^uc twj ahaH be set aside crj^xersediily

. ^ . - ^ - adjournment ^ ' * r - • * - » ^ * - - i ' - - - ^ - 4 **-t*>ui>li httttrtt

just cftiisea, a j j e rha t speedy>s<»sult8 pe one of thejsMJthloat men iotfae territory, died reached><JMr, Bojiney suggesfeMTsev- at Deadwood, DaR^oTtte T4th inaW, from the e r > P ^ a a u 1 ^ o ^ > e f o m ^ ^ d a n > _ - * - • - - « wt te i r recdved at the hwids of n i

em_fcjiese: ' ^ t - ^ b e l%,w^declare tlrat no one s b a l l ^ b^artJ^4n a court of jus­tice except upon J t e c ^ 4 i t i o n of sub-mi t t ina /bo th tb tfo and to receive svb-stantml justice .without ^garaTQTlBy.

ty 'or ^nlffi^r>&jp'narni,V .^-tHe:faw pr6,viafe that)jrpguagto«a^

recede ai Rain was i

^vtlon wasfly-

effectfl oHl beating received formerimsimet^pi rtner dur|ng-«n altercation fthemen-wl jtrtsinr out ol tbefact^that Clark had J»«n Ung " "froV^out" and3ost^very doUar of hUprop--'' '-^

lit uslne me

f taBUshments have erty.

BTO HiSKHW, HonrKdw^TJT^rgan, t i e "wirj^Twnor"

of New.Yorlfi died lrt^fcai^«B U e W^ta«-' 0 5 X U 0 R 8 V

..yqp^jen at the Ke'wball «iwtlieKbody-t» the menjlng of bttrnedbev<ifld,r«»frnltlrja^B€Bcf


ruins fbdn 14th li

he M

fell half an tnch.. In four hoftrs..{ falling, however, and the situat­ing. 7^ !>. estimated that from

y thousand workmen are Out of d a report sayB*^ would re-

' nearly all the names In the ry to^glve an accurate report of e rafwred. damage by the rag-

kinds of manufacturing es-down.


- Thejegialatnre baa author! of #100,900, so tbe city wllLbe as well as It can be under this gr


4¾ great HATiT' >''^>^4^y««lt5»"^8¢ilori bouses iftthe .floodi

WJC«J u»Ve been dosed, and tbe rooms . open to sufferers. / Jtellefeommltteeaar^ log after the anedy and placlmrtbera in Portable quarters. Relief contribution* •gfaOagfroa TtjjQgf^M^j

undatiOT., The fain has ceased and the wtailwr is how clear. * . -'

. -*T CIN-nXNATI.-. . X FE*BftCART 16.—Great encouragement Is fel$

ir>tbiscuy-vahd adjacent .cities and . Tillages. Tlie river is receding, the rabi-haa ceased fall­ing, and cverythlngSnrars aynore hopeful look, "•fae work of ri*U;ratio£^fKgaiug bravely * wlkkl. Neatly all railroads hiivtM^aUmed (regula>^order^ though not yet ableYo-tUn ...^. in threemfk^iif tlie city. The work of-«Bef Is being thoroughly aB'u.^ronfptly perforraedi-^ Every appealha/ttrcn-cheerfulty responded to, and It is ttyrintentlonc^hia city, to supply the needs of her'own cltlzenVfrom her own- ro­

es," while contributions ^CBtto them will 7 be wfiseij^approprUted to tbe wanteKpf suffer­ers In otfiCTv rjTaces. Nearly all the have-.'and arc gtviagbenefit pcrfotmances. one day the cash aubscrlptlons reached over $12,000. , v _

S*g LOtrcsvtiXE, *' The river is stationary, and rauwafil^lllnij;. The city Is In -dar'ktwsf the gasworks put of orders, No further casualties bate beSi reported, nor additional loss to property/ Con­tributions to the relief .fund continue to-come in, and there Is no danger of suffering for want Of fooff or clothing. . .' /

The river is Btl& Hsiag^-The loss hero win reach $1,000,000. OVer 8,000 people are home­less, 1,200.houses are entifely.subnrergtcLaad'

than 100 houaes are entirely swept away. >. Congn^s.'lcglslature aad thepfopft ba'fCbatrti ^ ; ;»ppealea^o|or'iild.^. ?, _ . . r' _J..'.7 :_»Z^^.-_...„^. •.

Ltbij Wabash is hlghWthatMryer kn«wn bafore. ' ^ ' Bridges are tore *#ay,^nfdthe amount of auf-

ferlng and 4amag>4t U, imvrx^blelo astiaiate.




T H E YKfe* | ICr

There wa»stlenc«'i£ the wiurt room, LtKe ttfo •liuuce of the grate,

Er« t i e ffireman gave tbe vwdiet* Would it ruluf Would Ksave!

dkL*xw.j jajQiiL»UjB.Ur»*''t w u beating, IX*ubtfiU,w^ttUerltwuaTtt'twnfr

W-Hb compassion ur with gU'Uit**; - ' ±JJ*At lb ' - yrlM>m-r> ii***Tt tttuotl utill.

Iu bis hauda Lis face wa* bidden, Wtilting lor the fateful word *

That proclaim* ail hope forbidden, Or'the lrcedom of a bird.

And he tiiougutr-of what avail* it^ "What the/ vai»e of good name

±M k does nut aid to aave m« A * * - , Frooj a 111ii ueueelorth ot »tuun*>.*

* il'Twaa toblm a day of Judgment,','--. \ ; f -Like to that which waiu u* aU,

. f Whcu the truuipi-t of the angel Fruiu tbVlrgxavcs the. dead isliatl call. <

. ,, And we stand—twelve solemn jurors— We theoHly «M*lf:potsK»?B6ed; i

Ready to reveal the accret Truiubliug yet withiu our breast.

Then tbe f ofemanrspake: "Not guilty !*"" Ami the young mail ra'aed his bead;

AuU he looked a child'olj beauty Rising, we-e_plng, lromthe d«ad.

yil«jce reign* agijjw-raL^'lhiei,^ - SUeucc ol a gluUftoiu<\awe;

- And we K'eiued to hearilhe heartbeat Of relief from dJJ wb() »*w.

rjaid the judge r ^DIMO barges the prisoner!' '"• • ^Beareoieoi/ccttllug hta'owu joy,'. .

-.-.-., Aud Uu w-UJUtUg^J^piiig.Uther^. ' C'la»ptKl agaiu hi» repeualboy.

• ' • - - * i -

Xod the, bov went forth acdultted, '*— Feelingt\t&i tbe g e ol ^id , -

Well declared a good name!better Thau all culler a tilled with £okt

-- C. lit S.

farts, ' t he re w a s something; in the eye*, turoedHjeaeeeh ing)y t o -b#r4, tha t , \*he could ha rd ly bel ieve watf! not t he look

^ of l a n o w n c e . B u t a glanexj-frorn her-t htusDaniT c h a n g e d t h e e u r r e n l of h e r t hough t s , nml aga in she urged Georg ia




COHSCIENfhm-Mtti-W098-:..... _ ROW. - N .Y . Ledger. -...1, ~ " ^ - - ^ -

.111 : E l i u b \ V o.qdjQv^Hco n s c i c n c c t r o u b l e d

^ b o d y . H e b a d been two m o n t h s a ste.p-*at iw>^4| lH)Ut h a v i n g once app l i ed the ' rod of cor rec t ion to his l i t t le step=5bn,-Ueorg ie Ross." The- ^difficulty Lay in fradrng uxcuac for a bogTr j a ig^ fo r with al l Georg ie ' s life and love o f ^ t r a ^ t h e watchfu l j i t e p q i a t e r n a l e y e - h a d " so ~fat, ftttled-to tind a dec£nJLpr£tgxt for whip -p l u g him.

One morf l ing he w e n t ou t , l e av ing , ' a s it h a p p e n e d , a l i r e d o l l a r no te bn . the

^—library table . Li t t le Georg ie was in the r o o m busy wi th the : lessons «oL h i m to he learaelivby M r . Woodrow~a r e t u r n . Thin h a p p e n e d sooDer, a t least G e o r g e

other word of p ^ m J i r ^ b T o r ^ U M i l U f e ' ^ » MlU<a^ku<> imteU m\xte*b$

{^ot an >teht passed his lips. Me"ntood ^n *ul-Nileueti. p

" G 6 , Mary , a n d leave him l>> nuw" ' sa id Jtir. Wood row with uiildf •Mimvity,' you Know i shall pe r fo rm my du ty con­sc ien t ious ly / 1 " ^ ' l i e m o t h e r t u r n e W a w a y r e l u c t a n t l y arid Wrl W o o d r o w and his step-son. were a lone * "• " '_,.' ••' " •

Wve have no wish to dwell on " w h a t followed. Seizing Georg ie by the a r m , I he s t r o n g runn dealt.bjiulaj.. blow, af ter

I j r u t a l blow with h is heavy r id jng-whip . The boy ' s llesh wnfhed a n d quivered un­

d e r the s t rokes , b u t no t*ony- t eac - - i« ik . not one crv was u t t e i ed .

"J-.shall r epea t this, every d a y till you confes s , " said Mr. Wood row',* -finkiBg iu to a, cha i r exhaus t ed . u(*p nov^."

Kext-HfOWrl'ng Giiorgie failed t o . a p ­pea r , at-, b reakfas t . ' On vis i t ing his rootai 'wlr tch was on the g r o u n d floor, the • window was found open and . the room 'dese r ted . T h e ' m o s t 'd i l igent search und inqu i ry , failed td d iscover a n y ' t r a c e s "of t h e hoy. / B u t the*fiext |Mjst from a m;ighl»»>nng seapo r t t o w n b rongh t a l e t t e r t o 4 u i m o t h e r

m e a n t IV m e a n t to assure iV hati been pos . t«Lon t h e evu of h i r s a i l -ing as a cabin-boy, on a v ^ s e l , which he -named, bound on a d i s t an t voyage .

T h e mys te ry of t h e . bank-no te w a s t h u s c leared u p ; Jeffrey*Koaburn, Mrs . "Rosa' b T o t h e r r " w t w o n a visit at• h i t m s -t e r ' s the day suspic ion fell on Georg ie , but h a d l e h before Mr. G d o d r o w ' s re -t u r p . Whi le he was in t h e l ib ra ry , a gnst-^f wind jtbroug-h the open window blew tire ntjte otf the t ab l e , a n d he p icked it U p a n t H a i d it in a book a n d .WHnxzjnaarj'r for^ettruw1 to-rnent ion t h e c i r cums tance ' T h i s a l l c a m e o t t t whea-^ef l rey R a e ^ b u r n c a m e t o help in the seai^ch for Georg ie . T b e p o u r m o t h e r ' w e p ^ . b i t -teflVf, bu t laid no b l ame to her .conscien

t a l t

,f ~. t h o u g h t s o — t h a n .u sua l ; ah t i fye l ing tliat^

' h e cou ld hni«h his s tudies be t te r else-wher&ahan, u u d e r Mr. W o o d r o w ' s dis­conce r t ed eye, he g a t h e r e d up his bpoks a n d s t a r t ed o u t . " ' • _ ; , . - _ 1

' 'Come b a c k ! ' ' ca l led M r . W p o S r o w , I n a s t e rne r t o n e t h a n he had eve r used be fo re^ '

George"obeyed . -^ iV^o^^ca i -J i i i Jh i^^ i^pin i f t - i n y a b -

• e n c e ? ' 1 / , ,~ ""•- . . , , •" " I w a i , b i r , , , Georg ie a n s w e r e d t imid

i^i : -.,r '.'• ." .:^rz ^--- "' " A n y one e lse? ' ., ' " ^ ^ - ^ "N—/no—let- m e Mee—yes—I th ink

U n e l e J eflrey Was, b u t - 1 d i d n ' t ^ t a k e much. 'not ice'.1 '

' •Ueorge , ' ' —Mr. ^ W o o d r o w spoke s lowlv , with h i s eyes hxeT~[ntentfy on | t b e b o y ' s - " ! left a bank-no te wu that ' t ab l e . It is m i s s ing ; do you k n o w w h a t ban become of It?"1 ' ' *

T h e r e wa* t h a t in the q u e s t i o n e r ' s mar ine r which , m o r e t h a n his words , m a d e the"fart^ritywH^y'to Goorgio'84acu«=^ H e felt ins t inct ively t h a t he was the ob­j e c t of a foul suspic ion. S t e a d y i n g his l ips, he said, in a voice a s firm, a n d dis­t inc t as Mr. W o o d r o w ' s o w r t :

" I do not.11"..•-• r — — - - -- -^-wi l l^war^y-our- lessons n o w t \ ' said

Mr. W o w l r o w / w i t h ominous cal H e reached_out bis hand to r G e o r g books , anil f rom t h e very- f i r s t h e op ed d r o p p e d t h e miss ing n o t e !

Georg ie ' s - face t u r n e d vfbite; His knees shook , - and , for a m o m e n t it seem­e d as if he w o u l d s ink t h r o u g h t h e floor. T h e n , in a pi t iful wa i l , c a m e t h e w o r d s :

" I n d e e d ! - — i n d e e d ! - I Ho. n e t - k n o w h o w it g o t there! 1" . " / ~ T v

M r . W o o d r o w Tmrrred incredulous ly* buTruei voice s o u n d e d a lmost affectiorr-

jrAei •RSIB*

t ious bus-band, ~yyho, she-was s u r e ; m e a n t e v e r y t h i n g for G e o r g i e ' s go»d.

.As^f<)r Jeffrey R a e b u r n , be f e ^ a t ihg-ling^Ha hi* tinorpT^ ^ 1 ^ wriplfi; have been g^reHtlv re l ieved by w e a r i n g K l i a b " s ^ m i n t f ^ l u d e w h a t r e m a i h e d of his ow

-Wearj: mon ed, bu t brOug} on w h i c h tin ally given u p

4)oawL- t \ •- -— Mr. Ross, G ' e o r g i e T father , had d ied

l e av ing a h a n d s o m e p rope r ty to which Georgie w a s heir , subject to h i s ; m o t h ­e r ' s T j g h t e as widow. ' W'hen he was loist a t , s e a , she. succeeded to -h iF e n t i r e in te res t ; ap.d n o t long after, "be tng_in

( STARTLIHfO STATISTICS. I ' • • . — • «.-.

T h e B b f t d p w H a n ^ i u s r " " O v e r N T<wlr C i t y a n d t h e e n t i r e Q p u a t r y — A T/ r to i ine O p i n i p n . }'^

T h e na t ion has been jw*rri<1*d a^ t h e

w a r d hea l th a n a consequen t happ ines* .

over seven ty lives were-Tost. T h i s even t car r ied t e r r o r because) it ffiw s u d d e n and a p p a l l i n g ; but h a d i t h e s a m e disas­t rous resu l t s to life and l imb c o m e si­lently they would h a y w h e e n unnot iced , nutL*a\y- *>y t h e {Mimfl^^tLObJiianxl bu t a l se by thtv very-x;o iumuni ty in which they occu r r ed . Fa ta l even t s of a far worse n a t u r e have t aken p lace in this very ci ty, bu t they h a v e a t t r a c t e d n o a t t en t ion , no r would they now* did n^ t t h e Rureau of Vita l Sta t is t ics b r i a g them to o u r notice. •.'Fitfprcft do not lie,11 . w h a t e v e r else m a y l>e u n c e r t a i n and the, r epo r t on- the deeeut* of-this c i ty is. a s t a r t l i n g comflient b n i i t s life. -I>ur

•ing the pas t yejir the enoTmous increased of ce r ta in i n a h d i e s is s imply appa l l i ng . Whi le the to ta l n u m b e r of ^deaths has! diminished a n d l h e d e a t h n | t e -on most; diseases has dec reased stiHj i t , [# far g r e a t e r in one or_t\^o ser ious^disorderst t h a n was eve r iTuown ^before. More, people died in the ci ty of N e w Y o r k in 1882 from B r i g h t ' s . d isease of, t h e kid­neys, t h a n f rom d iph the r i a , sma l l -pox a n d t y p h o i d fever a l l c o m b i n e d ! T h i s scarcely seems possible but it is t r ue

ey idur>^-a i ld jW*CT^i t^ ' - - f ! emembered t h a t less her of his sufetyrf-tmttl on"fl-tfilnHSg-rtetttal" ^ tca |hs f r o m

Br igh t ' s disease a r e rea l ly r e p o r t e d Ha aueh, the r a v a g e s of the .malady c a n be pa r t i a l ly Unders tood. - ~ . * The--4mmediate; ' que ry 1 which, . .every

retider will Aiake upon, s u c h a r e v e i a t i o n of facts-, fa:—What traiises th i s "mcrease? Th is is a difficult ques t ion to answer . T h e n a t u r e of the c l ima te , t h e hab i t s of life, t he adu l t e r a t i on of foods a n d l iquors , all u n d o u b t e d l y c o n t r i b u t e ; bu t n o i m m e d i a t e ^ cause can be ce r t a in ry

In t h e w^^BftT^Kwjj eggs sbott ld r e c e r w : ^ hear ty , - e t t d w w r o e a t be.»|j? a s t r o n g frqth; vh'en on th^e

of the p res s a n d al l fr iends o f ^ a m t y . I P » ^ - < ^ » m ^ , p u t in a mould . A

I t is on prec ise ly th is p r inc ip l e t h a t t h e

foregoing s t a t e m e n t is m a d e and i t mer*

i t s t h e Cajroful. txynaideration of every



Make Home Pleasant. Kobert(K IngergoH. -% H a y F y o u r b ^ w e * w a r m and comfor t ­ab le • fW* the win te r . Do not build a s tory a\id a half] house. Thft half s t o x / is s imply an ovefa in which! d u r i n g s u m ­m e r , you 'wi l l b a k e every n i ^h t , and feel in t h e m o r n i n g - A s t hough only a r ind of y4P.uj>elJ was *!eft. D e c o r a t e you r rqoiij* r-*ven if you do so with **h^*p wig^aviag*. /The cbeapkait a r e far Better th\an none. H a v e books , have p a p e r s a n d r e a d t h e m . . Vou^aave m o r e leisure h o u m t h a n the d w e H e r ^ i n the city. Beautify you r g r o u n d s with p l a n t s a n d flowers a n d vines. H a v e grtod gar ­dens. JKemeniber , tha t e v e r y t h i n g of beau ty t ends t o the elevat ion of m a n ; Every - I t t t Je^uor^ing gfory, whose p u r ­ple bosom' is th r i l l ed with, the a m o r o u s kisses of the^ sun, \ e n d s t o pu t a b l o s s o m . . in you r h e a r t . Do no,t j udge of t h e v a l u e of eve ry th ing by t^he' m a r k e t reports . -Kyery ffower,.,ab6"ut\ the house certifies; to tht?Tefinement of\ somebody. E v e r y ; v ine , l i m b i n g a M i^worja&ug, tel ls of/ IQVO and joy.

- ^ s i g n e d . Often before t h e .vietim-j-ed by^yH? rlonr ^ Avoid d a m p nftllwra o r knows it t h e d i seas t rhas begun . _ I t s j i r j

pa^vl|es a r e so s t e a l t h y and its s y m p -® n » ^ « > ^obscure : that...-tlua- c a n n o t - . b f c M e ^ e m ? a n d - n © W « p o s e d . 4 » O a - & ^ definitely foreseen ami, a r e onty k « « w ^ inaMAynporature . nor to i n t e n s e . s u m - - ^ - , ^ „ ^ ^ i... «.!.„:> nA^^<... 4 . . . . t . : , i^„v. ,IVT,..~.I'/.~ _. .. . r r . T o T r r n - ^.*__ , . . I U A I . N BOOT

Georg ie

ea r s pa^s-o r * ^ f c s h i p

sa i l eo!^ S ^ e Was for lost w i th a l l on

decl in ig t jd iea i th . s h e madei i" will Te.av in°r a l l , to 'he r "be loved h u s b a n d , E l i a b Woo<^row'. , , , •• '.:

T h r e e y e a r s af ter he r second marr iage^ M r s . -Wetidrow died l e a v i n g - a n infant daVrght(!r a n d h e r sa id beloved h u s b a n d ,

^witli\a t ine e s t a t e t r console t he l a t t e r ' s •gnefV-^ ., ; — ^ — —

More ^Hiivrs passed, a n d F l o r e n c e W o o d r o w gr>w~. into a tal l a n d come ly maiden^ H e r f i t f r e^ i i r l anned for her w h a t he ca l led-a s u i t a b l e - m a r r i a g e wi th a g o u t y re t i r ed • b a n k e r ol^ l i f iy , w h o looked "several v e a r s o l d e n F l o r e n c e

by, the i r effects. A n y k idney d i so rde r , however s l ight , is ' t h e tiist Stage of Bngtrtfs-xfrsea^c, Bu t it is se ldom t h a t k-khiey d i so rders can " b e de tec ted . T n e y " do no t havp^any-cj. 'rtai^i s y m p -toms . Myste r ious Wear-jaes.s-a'n imus -u al. a p p e t i t e v p or iodiea I h o ad a c lie s; oc­casional n a u s e a : urrcer tain p a i n s ^ l o s s of vigor;"]ac\"of"'nel' ,ve'~7Trjwig3--irj^*^i-larity. of the h e a r t ; d i so rde red dairy habiTs; imper fec t d iges t ion—al l these and m a n y o the r s y m p t o m s a re t h e indi­ca t ions of k idney dixordor-even t h o u g h t h e r e m a y be n o p a m in t h e reg ion of t h e k idneys o r in that" p o r t i o n o f T l i e . b o d y . The 'Terious- n a t u r e of these t roub les" m a y .bo u n d e r s t o o d from the fact tha t

"Bright ' s d i s e a s e s is as ce r t a in to follow diseased k idneys ns. decompos i t ion fol­lows (feath.

• I t is h igh t ime the Doctors in this l and w h o have been unab l e to con t ro l k idney t roub les , should be a roused a n d compel led to rind some ccniedy, o r ac ­k n o w l e d g e one a j r eady found. T h e sufJe-Ttag"public .uwds Iwlp a n d c a ^ ^ o ^

>await t he t a r d y act ion of any hair-split-., tiujx code o r ' incor rec t ly f o r m u l a t e d


for herself. E l i ab W o o d r o w ' s jconf

F e t c t a A

American Miller. \-F lour is pecu l i a r ly .sensitive to a tmps -

pbo ' r ic ' inf luencesrhence if should neve r be s tored in a room with sour- l iquids , nor where on ions o r fish axe kep t , n o r any ar t ic le t h a t ta in ts t he \ a i r o r t h e roon^ in wh ich it is s t o r e d . J A n y -«mell percep t ib le - to l-hV^eh»;willibfi"lablDJtb-;

K " " y - - * - i " ~ * " " " * « ' rr» '". »« • " " » " • • •*» tabl^spoopf ul of b r a p d y ia an J lmprove-m*^ ', I . ^ - - • '

Chjp&v '[ B E K K . *A gpew^ piece of beef, wejl dbrned/a i f J W t ' k l cooked , i s $

with, - p#*riy~ -a-ll p^rfconta. r u t r i t i n t o tne^)ot 'rwiTR e n o u g h mm w a t e r t o ~*f\ist cove r it . W h e n it comes to a boil s e t it on t h e b a t k of the r a n g e , so t h a t it will boi l m o d e r a t e l y . T o o fast bo i l ing r e n d e r s m e a t tough , ye t t h e w a t e r «htmid ne^vey l^e ^dtowwl t o ctfase. boi l iag mi t i l t be mj^at is d o n e ; sk in i ' often. L e t it boil p t ' l e a s t . four o r five hours ; - t t«eqrd ing tp \he s ize. I t m u s t be t h o r o u g h l y d o n e . - I n ; E n g l a n d , w h e r e thi* dish is Ian espec ia l favor i te , c a r r o t s a r c a lways bbiled a n d Served with t h e beet . T h e c a r r o t i flavor ifla^ proves t h e m e a U and, t he m e a t i raprovo* t h e ca r ro t . D o n o t jmt the ga r ro t s i n t o | he pot , howeve r , u n t i l - t h e r e is,* o n l y v

t i m e l o r t h e m t o b ^ ^ e l l cookclt-ijefo'-cc... s e rv ing ( a b o u t t h r e e - q u a r t e r s of a n h o u r . ) S e r v e the c a r r o t s r o u n d t h e b te -L .

v .

v S to r ing Ice in Featjher P i l lows .—If you w a n t t o keep a l u m p of ice in w a r m weather , a n d have n o cool p l ace to p u t ~ it, t h r o w it i n to a s tone pot , well cover- , tid, and p u t a coup le of fea ther p i l lows * securely fas tened a r o n n d the pot . I t _ _ Wii r ias t a»4ce shou ld last , iD th i s wayT" for two o r t h r e e days . F e a t h e r s are a

jt'hon-conducfcor of h e a t , ^

A^very s i m p l e - a n d efficient_-remedy--—^-for mosqu i toes i s , ' t i nc tu re *o f .Pe r s i an p o w d e r ; ~ f f ^ t h e - p o w d e r i m p u r e , a few d r o p s of the t i n c t u r e on t h e neck a m f h a n d s wtrf~rT>pel t h e mos t blood­thirsty* mosqu i to from the t h innes t sk inned a n d nBnst p e r s i s t e n t of fisher­men. ,

lofts whe re a free c i rcula t ion of aix.'dafi not be obta ined . Keep iu a cool , d ry

theories . If t h t t ^ e d T c a l worTd l ias ce r t a in remedy?f(>r th i s t e r r ib le di let t h e m acknowjedj^e i t"5ftd seek ic one ou t s ide the pare of the i r profess ion. Fo r the d iscovery o f this r e m e d y a n d for its app l i ca t ion to this d isease , t h e

i 7 o l f n c d t o " m m o r Y ~ ^ « * y r ^ n r ^ p e o p l * of t h e th.oi*e w h o a r e

Who have fr iends aail lmigfnffe

science w a s m u c h too t e n d e r to over look so n^gra'prt-'all act"uT"fltlKl dlsobedient 'e7 H e cal led in his lawyer-ami made&. will , d i s inher i t ing Ids ch i ld iu favor of some misca l led cha r i ty , so . t r a m m e l e d wi th impossibjejK>ndit ions t h a t nobody could ever possibly be tlte be t ter for it. A n d

hen misfortttae^-ftceased sore ly on "his

^Jajoidi- not only ^Wnok, _ .„ suffering>b.tit, those rh <lang<»r

N e w


looking. T h e above ; quo ta t ion

York Tribune is , c a u s i n g eon? commot ion^ as it seems to lift t h e covef from a subject, t h a t Ju t s b e c o m e of Na­t iona l i m p o r t a n c e . T h e a l i i r m i n g I n ­crease of k idney d iseases ; t h e i r inslir-

"We'll pol e. Mv


i t h e lessons for to -dav lut$',!«• to pun i sh

^ B u t I a m n o thief! r - f ^ W ^ n M s tea l 111 I do n o t k n o w h o w it g o r ^ m ^ m y feoklv p l e a d e d ( jeorg ic , wi ld ly pans iona te ly . ; ' ,- ' -~

" O h ! m a n i m a ! m a m m a T ; he "cr ied , r u n n i n g to h i s * m o t h e r as s h e e n t e r e d r '•fie says I s to l e m> moneyr - H ^ - i a " g o -i n g to bea t mtf!—save me!—tel l h i m i t kmot truer

- " I wou ld g l a d l j J j a v e spared_you Ihitf pa in fu l s cene , Marv, '* said Jtfr. W o o d -l o w . In a t d n e t ende r ly p a t h e t i c ; " b u t 1fhch_yjo» h a v e h e a r d m e , - I aflfr stare won will a p p r o v e w h a t I pTopbae d o -

«»K- ^ - • Mr. W o o d row p roceeded to s t a t e t he

facfe. W h e n h e n f t d fjoishctl,

d a u g h t e r , and , her h u s b a n d died l eav ing a n d a. y o u n g babe des t i tu te , a n d she ral^vT ^ ^ - ^ ¾ ¾ U o | i o u s beg inn ings , a n d frightful e n d i n g s

s p u r n e d both chi ld a n d g r a n d c h i l d from , , . , \ , - — r - r ^ ^ . r - — * his door , and~closed i t in t h e i r faces. a n d t h e a c k n o w l e d g e d inabi l i ty of phy-

His consc ience w a s in t h e he igh t of its a p p r o v a l of t h i s c r o w n i n g act'ftf JMstice r

-when his m e d i t a t i o n s werejdisttirj jed by w * « e ^ f 4 U 3 c a n g i r ^ :

JKUab W o o d r o v v - n e e d e d n o s e c o n d g l a n c e tQ-^eeognize the s te rn , d e t e r m i n -ed w h a s tood be fo re h i m t o be George^Ross, in r i g h t a n d l a w t h e , m a s ­t e r of the house in which they w e r e , a n d of al l th« wea l th he h a i f e s t e c m e d his own;'-' ""/" . ' ' , " " - . '

, " I have l e a r n e d • y o u j e ^ r e a t m e n t bf sister-^." sa id George , " a n d it w o u l d b u t jus t - tQ^dr ive you hence i a s y o u

d i4 hl?f>^Nor s h a r l ^ t bo d u e to m e tBat y o u r4ee i ? |>»4 ldc r f a t b i ^ T p u r p o s e di­v id ing m ^ l f w t l r a ^ w i t h ' m ^ f s b j t e r , a n d i t is to he r b o u n t y y o n t k u j t look to" shie ld you from b e g g a r ) ; . "

G e o r g e ROSA k e p t his word , a rTd^ l i ab W o o d r o w , on a m o d e r a t e p^ifsion a l l ed h im by b i s d a u g h t e r ; n o w lives r e -t i red w i t h h i a consc i ence , -

m e r o r to^artificial hea t for a n y l e n g t h of t ime a l w v e ZQ.lo_Z6_ dj»gxees__Fa.hre.n-heit. It s h o u l d , n o t c o m e ij|t contac l with g r a i n o r o t h e r subs tances , wh ich are l iable to hea t . 4"ldur shou ld be sift­ed and t h e pa r t i c l e s t h o r o u g h l y disin­t e g r a t e d a n d - t h e n w a r m e d (before b a k -ing. \ T h i s t r e a t m e n t improves the c o l o r andn5aT3n^~pmperf ies of t h e d o u g h . T h e sponge shou ld be p r e p a r e d for t h e oven as -soon as t h e yeas t has perform-^ Xsd its miss ion o the rwise "fermentat ion sets in anrTacidit>'-'re'sult.s."

• \ ' . . - » . ' ^ ~

A ^ » K U : V T O K A T U ^DI.^H. O n e of the n : c e s t \ i h d s imples t ways of d r e s s ing to­ma toes is t o Out t h e m in halves , lay t h e m in a bak ing-d i sh , cover e a c h piece, w i th some. bre*oTt' :nimbs, a l i t t le peppe r -an i l salt', a n d s o m e i inely-choppcd pa r s l ey , p o u r a l i t t le b i l 'over , a n d b a k e in aj^pod oven. • • - ' " ' .

. . F O H E I G N A F F A I R S .

— — _LjMP^HTAVr UUjEaT. ^ A Dublin di^atcli^ Kays that one Tom Caf-~

fery has been arrested and is idehfiffed. by^ Kavanaugh aa,.the fourth man on the ear he drove loto-- tbe park on the day of the murd»-r. /:i_4» i_._ i_^ * ^ -mBirH-lreadvTtrrLBtedr-

BOOTH ABKOAI). Edwin Booth appeared recently in Berlin as

Othello^jitid wa^ ^re^nted with a silver latirel croafn aoiidetorms of applause. The preseiu*^' tipa was accompanied by an axldr-elpf. --^\,

. irihLJmrTf. """• . " The latest from th* political muddle in

France is t o the effect that M. Fraveinet baa overcome hia - reluctance to, accepting the premiership, and la bar/i at work fofullng a Tiewr J'rcrretrminlstry^...


A Dublin police officer has been «rre«tedv for the murder of Doherty at CarrigaLi. Hi*7


Pit RSJ u K jrr ' s ^ t ^ -uwiNG. -^X^Hr -^ome slices of-^ta le—bread and d ip each o n e in a eu i ' t a rd—made t h u s : - B e a t u p o n e e g g in a wineglaasful half o u n c e breTuT quick ly

fth l aye r s of pou r a j th in boi some s u g a r ,

of mi lk ancTpfie-of- powdered s u g a r , fry the

ife ~" "~"

aecomplice, named Ryau. has «f)ne to Anreriea, and detectives have been detailed JiLbdng him back. -' ^ .


Th;i Eogliih parliament convened on Thure-day, thii 15th inst. Greatexcltement' was-oec*-gi<^d_wben _Bra<Haugh totik bis beat in the house. Ft was expwtea ttiaTa"gfgat~llt;TOon-etration would be made, Bradlaugh having stated to a mob earlier ^ t b e day, th4t if notb—-ing wa$ menjioued 4u tbt\ Hp'uw of couunoc» about the bill allowing members to make ^Hrmation,2n?tcad of takib^ the usual p»r-lUmentaryoath, he fihonliLttieu take his wat In, the house. Fortunately, however^ the services.^ of th* poh«'e which had been detailed to quell the disturbance, were hot needed, ancTw hen parliament opened, he took his seat. The

lu ic^ ly in but te r , pile on- ' a -d i sh ' j a m be tween t h e sl ices.

ed cus ta rd over a n d sift

LI ' JJHT P A ^ T E Vi n; i ' . \ i : ts ANI> O H K E S E -<AKF.s.--Beat t he whi te of au e g g to a, s t rong froth; v then ' mix. it with^as m u c h wa te r a s will j u a k e t h r ee -qua r t e r s of a 4>ouiid o f l i n e flour into a s t i t l ' p a s t e ; roll H Very • i f i lur th t 'u Jny the th i rd p a r t of-h a l f - p o u n d o f b u t t e r upon4t in l i t t le b i t s ; d r«dgf it. Svith some dour left o u t at t irst , and roll i t u p t igh t . Roll it o u t a g a i n , n d put in the s a m e p ropor t ion of but -

t e / T ^ n d s t * p roceed til) all is w rork#ti u p .

queen in her srxech opening the^"esi»7oii reTeFt" to the nialntonanee 6l gixxl relathrtts with lor- , eljin power*- ^ Referring to the rest •ratiou of tranquility ln_Egypt*he sav* the withdrawal

.„ ° ' Britisji troops is proceeding u* -*»pvdltiou»-—fry-as the prtaeut condition of circumstaneea

admits.••"• The reconstruction of the govern rueut of Egypt: under the khedfve baa been partly accomplished and continuei* to receive' her earnest attention. She. tias submitted to thesu lun and the pofers5 for"tfcefr iVTejrdJv " consideration arrangements which appeared to her be6t fitted to insurs-tbe srabiiity of tb4 kbedive's governniertt,4hc nr^pkrity and h a ^ •phyw-of- the .ByTptianj, the weuVlty of tbe canal and. t i e peace of eastern Europe ^ . r policy had been ,and will rwv fHVeetrtt- . y> these, objects. She rehes upon Ita, iuat appreciaTion by wtber qonntries. Refer-

= ^ n w "

sicia.ns to- au^cessfully - cope1 wi th e m - m ^ y - w e l l ' ftWft'V,°n t h e grrmf-

est*.„dread<r j&i tTvery onQ w h o has t h e ^tighteotrs 'ymptoms". I t is f o r t u n e ti., how­ever , t h a t ^ t h e s u r e s t - r e l i e f is . of ten fpund.wh'ere , poss ibly , l eas t e x p e c t e d , a n d t h a t t h e r e is a specific for t h e evils above desc r ibed we have c o m e to fully believe. W i t h i n t h e p a s t t w o y e a r s w e h a v e f requen t ly BwnZ^ ta t emo^ i t s» : o f pa r t i e s c l a i m i n g tp have been c u r e d of ser ious k i d n e y -troubles, even a f t e r h o p e

J i a d b e e n a b a n d o n e d ; b u t in c o m m o n with m o s t p e o p l e we haye d i sc r^d i t eq t hem. Q u i t e recent ly^ h o w e v e r , ' a

m b e r of p r o m i n e n t a n d w e l l - k n o w n come ou t vo lun ta r i ly a n d

o v e r ^ t h e ^ S i t i g n a t u r e s t h a t t h e y

SAvrTiiROtriirrTHK JOKK.—A wottld be practical joker met an old blind beg)

£1^^-¾^^)^ lad Jyr -iilog^. attached to a fttt^ng k>oi«d astonishingly clear-almost as »nd, anxious to excire4bih laughtcjL.. olpar a^-that airaii^.Beniamln w h ^ f ^ ^ y ^ n ^ ™ - h e c^.the string aft clear, afc^at a/^inftBettfaini they fpnnd tn»^pltksia exip in his m o u t h . ; ; - - - - , ^ ^ . - . ^ L - , -I-:..-

•The^e would?, be istore « x c u s e for l e n i e n c y , " M r . Wobdtrow a g d e d y "»* Re ac1fcnowlfl|dgc<ti(is g u i l t B u t . wnile^ k e brazenTK^t ' o u t , ^ u r o w n , j u d g m e n t m u s t t e U ^ k ^ B u k J o a i a i i f t oou t se

J take to save t h > * Q T f r « « ^ ^ « -t t ^ J e d r g i c ! ^eHXJe"t V t a p p « » l e d

his mot lmc. "cj&rifes^ y o S H a j l l t ! Y o u * f a t h e ^ w i W *"*•" -•»T~

' .'My, Jather!' r**^^ boy; indi i


' broKfr in—' 'my. f athel beHcved I wa« a thigf! Ohl

'fy you do notrV ^^^^7 For. a « o » « t ^ t ^ h i ^ ^ ^ e T ^

wavered.'^Geor^* had alway* *eftti* ' ^*fet" ' " " """ "

s e p a r a t e d thfr-man f rom hi«f lea#££r~i:bp m e r r i m e n t of t h e pawej^-by^was^ greaX Btit of a k i n d ve ry different f rom Wnat t h e j o k # r h a t L i n t e n d e d > f o r t h p bl ind man* openlntf^ h is eyes , co l l a red T h e

t f t iTneck a n d thrashedv.J i ini i t o u h d l ^ w i t h his s t ick . H,« then qu i ck :

"MB dug iii a i m , r e Lhd t h e /aoi t i inuei l his w a y ^ w l t h

c losed eyes a n d ^ i O t s u a l w h i n e r o f " P l e a s e r e m e m b e r tfcfcOpoor, b l ind m a n ! "

«m:: : ^ > often w o w ^ r t h a t o u r - ^ m e n

weai tnr^o, h o t giffe more subjec ts oT n«-^ l i v e i o t w a s V t o . o u r ' a r t i s t s , \ a n d t r y t o .

i j d r w a l l s ^ W i m o r e . i j f ' t h e , richas - o « i ^ l v e r & ! 5 f i f t e a ; " T a t e r

\ M . U ' A K Q X . I ^ C T H T O M A T U E S . - T a k e a quan t i t y of t o m a l o e ^ ^ u t t h e m up, a n d r emove from each the |5rpVand "watery subs t ance it con t a in s ; p.ut t h > m J n t o a s a u c e p a n , With a smal l p iece of buiuer^ pepper , sa i l , a bay leaf and iiomc t h y m e : add a few spoonfuls of e i the r s t o c k or g r a v y ; k e e p ' s t i r r i n g on t h e fire unt i l they a r e r e d u c e d t o s - p r i l p , pass t h e m t h r o u g h a hair-s ieve, and ore«<the m a c -a^mii w i t h th i s s a u c e a n d p l e n t y o i ^ a r nr*4«tn c'heese freshly gra tedi -

Q U E E N ' S PtmViNfcL— One p i n t of fine sifted b r e a d tfnimbs, one q u a r t of m i l k , one e u p of suga r , t h e -yolks of fpjjr

i ^ g s , a piece o f bu t t e r t h e si2e of an b a k e unt i l done (bu t do n o t a l low

, ring to Zululari3,~ itfre saya^-Ohii^poafiibU^ -iiv of renewal of the diadrdei*" there ha** engage ed her attention. -Shu hopes the re*toratiMii of Cetewayo will lead to the estabUslunentof a nvore stable government and th* arwlntenapce jof-good relations between taosZuki nation and Cape €«kiny. Th* estimate* Ut. the coming year are in a forward state of preparation and will soon be submitted.^ She is hajkjy to state

-that, tue i m p r o v e m e n t the social exJudltlonxif • ireiattavwntlhue% A^IRIUUI erlmehaa seiiai-hly dinntrtftb^d and law ha^been everywhere upheld. >U^a^we« will tx* submitted for the esUblisbHient of a court of criminal appeal for preventing oorru^t-prat^tteesand for perpetuat­ing and Amending the ballot^met. £ prrfpiW will also-be submitted to more eSTpetuaHy *e-^nre to tenants In England and Scotland peD*aUon for agricn^ttral improvements. n^eTartwk^fie Ume devoted in recent years by \ parUamenvteejthe most urgent needa of Ire­land, and says tne-el^lms of general Jegii»latk)n and of other parts of tne-ktogdom now demand juat regard. She tmsts , ho>a?er, that parlia-: ment will be able to deal with so*mu?f the leg-PCtCt'

l p n ' . — , it t o become *watery). a n d sp read wi tn iwathro wadto -of Ireland for wbich a l ayer o i j e l ly . W h i p t h e w h i t e s of h a * 1 -v^°««« m*de. the ^ g s t o a stiff froth wi th five t a b l e - " ' — • * — " -spoons fu l of suga r a n d ju i ce o f one l e m o n / s p r e a d on t h e t op , a * ^ ^ t t o u e d i n Dublm on Saturday, the 17th" fnsT

hghX]y- rJh?? w . p 0 0 i X ^ o r ^ t t h o u t | Ti f^s t lmoj iy i r to-of l r most ka r^ t eg nature;

m e n

c m t h e Sidney


wefe ci W a r n e r ' s C u r e . M o s t t h a t thjs~med[ ing^and- -one aoove—prop b u t t h a t i t h a d accompl i shed s o 'much t in c h e c k i n g t h e ravages 1 ;of" k i d p e y d is -e a s e l s n o t so g e n e r a l l y k n o w n . I t s

PYTp««t> P o u x n C A K E . - O n e ^ p o u n d ^ f^ l i i t e_pu iYe r iged JUga r , one p o u n d of

ease is n o i so g e n e r a l l y Known. i t s j j i c & s , gr&dt ta l ly : df*vW g r e a t Avorth h a s bocn ^ 9 ^ " n n o f u m n , a n d crowning , the on ly by t h e cures it h a / effcctcyC b u t

tfttfj b e c a u s e a n u m b e r of>baS« imi ta ­

t ions ;have a p p e a r e d in the m * s k £ t ,

f rauduien t ly c ^ k u % g t he va rnab lo jqua l -

ities of J j i e^or ig ina l Saf«r-^ur%_ If it

we^raAlbrvaluable , it wou ld noTTS?" imJU

t a t e d . • ' •/__.__.•'.. • -'u. -ips^jijci—* • -' ~

/^Fta^ab-O^p m a y seem )i|ce ATSlultra efi*

, «p reen i e1 r^o l a p d p t i l a r i ^ e ^ y b r « \ * t is > r t k a n t h e f d

sauce: I t is very with r ich cream."

good cold , s e r v e d

butter,, one of flour a n d ten e g g s ; b a k e id a d r i p p i n g - p a n one inch in t h i c k n e s s ;

t w h e n cold* in to pieces t h r e e a n d a ?r by t w o wide a n d frost


and it» hearing caused the greatest ponfusioiF. Informer Carey gave explicit *nd convincing testimony of the plots to assassinate Forster and Earl Cowp^p^Uyalao tesilfled that he was


V i t h the-.

rfaxnid les; f o r m " o n , t h e cake- s t and-

s o m e first

be tw

t h e i c e i« qu i t e , d ry iny^^c i r c l e liye p ieces ,

b e t w ^ t * n • ^ c m ; oyer " ese iav^ft3£e. o t h e r

V t h a bo:

an eye-witnef»bf th^ murder of Cavendish and' JB{irke,4ijd related along conversation he bad < wUh'Brody aftgr.the crime, in which Brady said that be (Brady) had stabbed- Burke and ^ then tiottled Lord Caveodish.. ...-> T1IK S8CHITARY KSD©KSKa4lI_

^ S ^ ^ X F l ^ i n K h ^ y s e n endorsea the action or the New ^ r k ^ a m h e r ^ ^ c o m m i e W c ^ m i n r - ^ on the German government to investigate American pork in this countr>.before prbhiblV log Its Germany, and say<?The hae .' :

r7^^ 3 r i **? r t *^ : i n a B 3 ^^^^ -taid-befor* the imperial guvertttoent. ____^__

quc t of t lowers .

R I C K Ct*r^»<.•"- Boil two o u n c e s of fine ^ricc in- w a t e r ifor five minu tea , s t rain ' ' . and boi I unt i l t e n d e r in a q u a r t of n e w milk.< R u b the r ice t h r o u g h a sieve t<?\a p u l p a m H t d d ' t o it a n y mi lk jgk*twabsorbed ' m t h e boiHt»gffJone*l!ialf ^aunceijof g e l a t i n e to a p in t o f the . ripe a n d mi lk . - T n e ge la t ine c a n be jsoaked' o r ;_di836lved e i the r i n - w i l k o f w a t e f . S t i r ovgj/ t h e tiro un t i l m i x e d ^ ^vrej

" 4AlQr__ (pT t a s t e ' " c t e t r o - o c c a s i o n a l l



- BKinoBooNE. •- -•>. r Li C gorge in tire St. Joseph river; Woke

"* c »nytng rjff the ntyt it^W S t Josep«. and Elkhart

on bridge on conntJe«,'*fjKf:

A l e a r n e d profeswor, ;

of h ^ c l a ^ s . ais^*dlf he knew" m a l mag^retrsni-w^aa 4 i l -k n o w , b u t I h a v e f q j a n s w e r z=z

o n e /

t h e : < .


atural to mapkratC nei'yssitated, first or"

tbeir tenets thoughta about j t ^ ^ . ^

feligionJ^pe iKy (at mostMcn *r*. ast t ^ r ^ t i f f t e i a ^



. * • • •


{ M

• *! J L *-

f *=Mfc rtrr ..**-

J , -

ft *

(1. l ^


ti> ...

»• —

•. r

Theodore Parker on Marriage. ~$leri and „women, says Theodqfr^ Par* ker, and especially yonng people, do aqf know (hat -it t a " k W ^ a f ^ marry completely two hearta, even ofytbeTOost loving and well-sorted. But nature al* lows no sudden change. We slope very gradually from the" cradle to the summit of life. Marriage is jrradual, a fraction of us at a time.., . , ' , . .,., A happy wedlock is a long falling in i love. I know young persons think IOYC belongs oai^^A>rown*hair. and pliimp, round, crimson cheeks. So it does for its beginning, just as Mount Washing­ton begins at Boston Hay. But tkegqhj-en marriage is a part of love "which "the bridal-day knows nothing of>

• Youth w the tasselrand silken flower of love, age is the full coro,. rip© add" solid in the ear. Beautiful is the morn­ing of love with its prophetic crTmsOnT violet, purple, and gold, with its hopes of days J&L^J *r*. to- conie- Beautiful also is the Evening of love, with its glad remembrances, and its rainbow side turaedtoward heaven as well as earth.

Young people Marry, their opposites in-temper and-general charaoter, and such a marriage is generally a- good

„ one. Thoy do it instinctively: The youag man ""does'not say: "My black eyes reqnire to be wed to blue, and my overvenemenco rehi res torlie a~Tlttle

' .Modified with somewhat of lullness and reserve." When these opposites come together to be. wed they do not know it, •but each thinks the other just like him­self. , ; ;

Old people never marry" their oppo sites; they marry their similars and from calculation. Each of these two arrange-

, Mients is very proper. In their long journeys these opposites will fall out of the_ yray a great manyt imes, and both will charm""the ~othBT~back , again, and by-andrby they will be agreecf as to the jplaee they wilt go to an a the road '^hey

" will go by, and become reconciled. The nan, will be nobler and larger for being associated with so much humanity un­like himself, and she willbe a nobler woman for having manhood beside her

.;. that seeks to :correct her deficiencies, and -supply heril with what she lacks, if the diversity be? not tOjsgYeat,and there be real piety and love in theintrearfe. to

'" besrtn with. — ;« The old bridegroom, having a'

shorter journey to make, must assooi ate himself wi K one like himself.i 'A

?*rfeot^nd co„ 'ote marriage is, per-aps, as perfect personal beauty. Men

and women ark married fractional ly-how a smalt {raction, then a large frac­tion. : : ~^y " .. -

Very fep^ar^e married totally^ and they onlyf I "think, after some forty or

~__5|ty years of gradual approach and ex-

old and youa^, men and women and children, are ragged, miserable and hopelessly wretched,. They seldom "or* never tatftei meat1 from one week1)* end to another. One workwoman said to the Standard writer; . ''Wnou bread conies hot from the bake-house Oven on Satur­day w<M>at it lik_e "ravenous wolves." It would bo hard to"~b*Tieye that a large class of, English working people were in iuel^jM^ndiUon asTijfre described If the

T^^fHftnu'eaid not come from high Kng-1 lislfttuthofity.

mt 5 B J W T

"V1*, ' ? 1 X ^ *_*- A-

F1IW 81 BIMpFjf*

citenieht. Such a large and sweet fruit /¾ a complete marriage thaHt-needs a

winter to mellow and season." Bnfc a real happy marriage of love and judg­ment between a man anil woman is one ©Hhe-thiftgs so very handsome that'if the sun were, as the Greek poets fabledf a god lie might stop the world in order to feast his eyes with^neh a spectacle.

The Degradation of Laboi| In England In the Black Country, Within seven

milps of the city of,Birmingham, 24,000 people are engaged in making nails and rivets. About 16,000 of these oper-t tives are females. A writer in the

Lohdon Standard, who visited this cen­ter of English, industry,^-tEotxlong ago,/ draws a vivid picture "of-the poverty and distress there witnessed. He says:

"Jn 't&e'middle of a shed which adv ^" ; The New York Code, joins a squalid-looking house ^ e r e is a -Albany Law Journal, whole famiK at work in th^prodiiction of tiie i£a£s; father, mother, sons and datigHtett—daughters, too, very young in yt^rs, Tjflt wjprtl>at sad look of pre^j mature age whieh is always to be.noticedT in theX faces of chjld-workers. The'! getful or ignorant of the faeMhat they "gayeiv of ymrthrrite-freshness and its gcntleness^eem to be crushed- out of

Probable Reappearance of the ' 'Star of Bethlehem."

Detroit Free- Pres*.' " ;

What is .known as the "Star of Beth­lehem" is the ,&no supposed _\o have caused the Magi tojbend tiieir step* to­ward Jerusalem, at the birth of j(»ur

JsfiYJor. • . "".. ; ' | In the year 1G04 a-new star, surpasa-

ing Jupiter in brightness, suddiaily ap-peaa^fifcj>the heavens. -Mr. Dick de-scribe* it as a sparkling star, changing momentarily from one color of the rain­bow to auotlk-r. *At the latter part of the previous year there occurred a con­junction of the two largest planets, ^ftprtPr and Saturn, in the diacal sign of the tishes. In thiOr spring of MJ04 tfiey were joined in the tjery txu gon by the planet Mars, and in ihe fol


wonderful star between Mars and "Bat urn, in the constellation Serpentariust which, after Hashing with a bright liglr for a whole yeai*; gradually disappear­ed. • - . , •

"These * rsemaTkablQ ,phenonlena,,,

says Canon i^arrar, ^'attracted-the at­tention, of the great Kepler, who, from his acquaintance with astrology, knew., the immense importance whtfhsttch a conjunction would have had in the eyes

| of the Magi, and , wishecl._ to discover whether any such conjunction had taken place about the period of our Lord's birth. That any strange sidereal phe­nomena should "be interpreted .as' the signal of a coming king was in strict ac poFdance withTheir age r ' So, by - cal­culating backwards, Kepler discovered that a similar conjunction of Jupiter^ and Saturn in the'sign of the tishes, join-

re4;by-^Iars, happened at a time which must have beeTn abotft {he period of our riord's birth. - That such a c?ombination-ofplanetsr joined with a' brilliant . st«r, occurred at this period, has been veriti-

Jod;by a number of independent investi­gators;. ' "Such,a phenomenonW wea'ro told, "would at quee have been inter­preted by the Chaldean observers as in­dicating the approach of some remark­able event, and since it occurred in tliei constellation Pisces, which was suppos­ed by'astrologers to be 'connected with the fortunes of Judea,_it would.'natural ly -turn their thoughts in that direction "

'" ^ ^ F Topcka Coearuonweaitli.

~TheiIc%s of the Atchison newspaper files by the recen^JoYe w u a public as. well as a j)rivate calamity. Last Fob^iaJry iu an anniversary^ article on the history of his paper. Col. Martin saM of theso tiles: ' _ . , " . ' —jiUr'ikid up in the corner of the?.Cham­pion office* is the inost eompleto history of Atchisen that will ever he Vritbeu. \IYS compc&eii in thirty-five bound vol­umes of thy Chaiiioion.Jpweekly and daily, from. th»iii*»t.issue n5ade by thy

to live within three, hundred inile* of a cfty^^trter than Dutch New York,

CfciHppidirf Pwtafo-BWIUHI,"- <4»ak«r I'MUMyivamia ' ' ' o r ancientJ&JL AngTistinfl. ..,„ :' • l


present proprietor, Feb. 20th. 1 58. up -to the present timet in .these papers many3 of them begrtjeriihg to take on the ycllu\\uune of j.ige, every essential fact "connected with the growth and develop­ment, and daily life of thi city of Atchi­son is recorded —marriage* anil deaths; the establishment of business au4 inan ufacturing enterprises, and thei changes; ..^transfers of property; the erection of all important buildings/; the result of eleetionsL; the openings of streetor4he-4mU4iii^of" .railroads; .(ires and Hoods.; the .municipal policies sug­gested, discussed and adopted; and-the daily life, thoughts,/ hopes, triumph^,

^P^O.V.r^and'disappointmcnU of ati aspiring and energetic community, are all embodied in thesetiiles:"..-. |( 1

New the Champion says^ speaking of the appearance of its editorialrooni the

The Taither and tEe Turkey. Mr. J. G. .'Watkins, of Henderson,

Husk tnmntv, Texas, rolate« the follow^ ing story: ^ Among my uncles, was, one very fond oi huuting, and ho tbTd-me that, one, whilst riding along a

<sOow-trail, aear tlio site of Henderson, InVattontioin was-attracted, by the cries and singula)' mav<!iuiu±t* yf a. wild tuc-key. Lj[e Jiud heard ^ttH ijiis' life that snakes could and did charm birds and small-animals, aijvd he supposed that he

»was about to wiuiesa something of thft [ kiml. lie stopped, Lhorefore, to look,

so that he couhl! say that lie, with his own eyes, had seen what he had

their|often heard ojf. ' .The c h a r m e r l or whatever it was, was . e v i -eiitly vp a free, as soon discovered from the actions oKtho bird. My undo be­gan them to examine the trees for the snakiv'jfThe movements of the turkey

lbwing'September there appeared* this [morningafter the-trw: " lh ? heap in ' ~~ corner is a square pile still

We "have also tne statements of,: Taci­tus, Suetonius.and Josephus.tha't there prevailed throughout' the ; Ej*st '»t_-this

X\V&£ ^ concurrent opinion that a mon­arch was about to arise jh Judea ami gain dominion oyer the world. The 5lagi once arrived at Jerusalem, it is supposed* were finally led to Bethlehem by the appearance of an evanescent star which w^nt before them.

The return,of the "Star of Be'tjile-hem1' once more to illuminate the heayensdl. e'xpected. bygone learned pro­fessor to ap$ieW--Hi ^Cassiopeia in the autumn of 1887. Prof. -ProetoT, how­ever, states that this star inight>t\ any time now-blaze out in the . region' be­tween Cassiopeia and Cepheus.

k V'


v •

• > • '

> i




.: " '-,. .


• ) " ' •



them'. ; Jji^h© center of the shed, with 4tstaftered ceiling—a bleak and wretch-ed ba(ilding through.the walls 9f which t)he wind* readily finds iis way—there is * "hearth,1 ' fed by "gledes" or breezes. Pfobably there-is.a girl or .voman blow­ing at the bellows, while the strips of iron from which the Dails are -made be­come mofteh.1?

The homes of these-- unfortunate la­borers, are said to be dismal beyond description. In\many instances 1l'they are "more like hotels than human dwell-• rig places.'' They are, devoid" of all ordinary conveniences. "They shelter,

short hour?, rest within their rickety walls. In nine cases^ out^f ten there is only one room below and tw® above; in ninety-nine-eases out iof—a—hundred " ey are inhabited by large families.

r ' they manage to exist at all in mini^Sijfthe houses is a problem which may weTr^eatercise the fngeniiity of some aorial philosopher^to solve.''s , ..... As^to^the wagesifie*^people 'ge t ' thc %fxae writer says'v

rectf /mail

* :

uThe rei» aeration they crediply •„ small. It is tfrlW—nV^hfr^rffr*>y, it i* twual^«etom-rior^rf«miily of three or ^ 'ersoixs.iafte^ wor^ng something

ke lemrteen hours a da ?> to earn £1 in aSfceek. But o^Tof this money,

there has to e to convey tlie^ail3 to tfhe f

v'gaf fersC^Nis^they are tefcaed in the dis trict*r thenHhere is allowahce to bdmad for fuel^mdrtfcfikTepamng, of tjxe- ma­chinery, whichTemices %n^,S^w about 168 '^ {^•VnS)~rTS^Attm people—for

, * i — ikcea^aiajJe ^ W ^ a v e cbinmeneed' tcrf^ Mrs* Laagtary n«iw sayj. fi ^ork^Tatfirmorhtntf at half p W 7,-0^8,, rea^ajt^e7-newspapers. - That

forked substanti*!

w —

Many of the newspapersareltenciunc* m^ the provisions of the new Penal Code as to the observance of Sunday; as new and over-strict, apparently for-

,are as old"as the state. They--^ere en­acted hjy the first legislature. * h w 9 ^ Ppughkeepsie, in 1777, tand. were/re-enacted in the Revised Stattltcs^eflSSO. Mr. Field has a hard fim6, '^blamed on the one hand for,ena'Cti-nJ^the new, and on the other for - preserving the old. These provisions'hatfe long been a dead letter, like tbose^a^ainst gaming, horse-racing, eoekriighting, profane swearing, etc< We ape^glad that the large por^ep of the community who want a quiet/&hd orderly Sunday are determined to^make others respect it.X^T-he^e may be some honest difference of., opiniori\-a*out the policy of keeping^ppen liveby stables, p"ublis^ newapapers, and running steamboats,--etCv/for pleasure on Sunday; for it may/seernrJto- isome thaLone_ought lo be aole to get ^ horse and: wagon in case at neeessitj', and to take a quiet ride ojf sail "for 'rest and health on JSunday; or even to read the news on that day- But there, can be no reasonable difference of opinion about

!,che opening _of barbers1 shops,' rum" shops, ancljiie noisy

cigar 8x°t)".SJ.°.rPSt a i ? ( i ^ e > Q i s y c r > y g t t h a n the difference betwee ofnewspapera^or sale on Suudayr—Ev ery man can sr)are a few laturday to-p^Rt shavedt

cloaca, or he ca^.go to church

minutes or buy"

on tils

bearded like the'ApOstl^s.ror like them witho>tr| smoking for^se^dayj Of riim^hop"s we have spok«njAJwh3fiijyiv-Strfar afi the FenjaiCode forbid^^i^er^ario^ demoraK

Are e

_....., swears put£ liely and noisify might be Duaisbedr for it,'..- ' ' ' •" • -; •-"'. • ."•

**#&. to *o - ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ " t h a t every man who

the corner is a square pile still retain­ing a certain outline. That heap repre­sents the toil of 'twenty-five" years. What miles of writing traced/what countless acres of paper toilsomely covered, what days and nights of labor arc repre­sented by those twistjed*.pasteboard tovers and scorched pages. The charred rubbish was Once the history of Atchi-Sdis,jofKansas; of t h e United ^States, of the-world^ip somet^xteiSt for quarter of a -century Z^Tisg author, of :a book, though it* be Webster*s Dictionary, Could sit downandwrite"rtsigam if lost; but no Jmma^i^ruiid can- reproduce a newspaper tile, which is the recollection of a thousand people." ^~._.' ~.

What the';"T;haTfipion "files wore to Atchisonf.he tiles- now contained in the rooms of the State Historical.-;-S«J8fetv at the state housf are,.ib the state of Kan­sas- Of these there are now 2^525 bound 'olumes. These may be said to contain

.the absolute^histnry of Kansas, and of every county, town, haL.let and neigh­borhood, ihey'come from every por-tion-of the state. They eiribra'co the oldest. nleTitnd the newest frorri that of the'vfirst. paper published in 1^54, on the banks of the-Missouri^jyJijere the city of Leaveilwca'th now staffds, to the-newest established newspapers in^Rawlins and Kearney coun'ttSs..' The-seditors aijd publishers of the Kansas newspapers es­tablished the society, aiTd have always constituted almost its eptire mernbef-

- ship. Their papers arte a free gift] to the society, and only \cost the state, the expense of binding and earwig for them.

aided h^u'in the search, andhesoon'dis-covoriug a' wavijjg bodyf glaniUng in the suulight, as it moved to and fro from the.jiearly horizontal trunk of^i-Ieaning tree., He had now found, as .lie-sup posed, Uio charmer - a monstrous |n ' Changiiu^ his position, so as to got hetter^view of the reptile, he wau sur­prised to discover that the moving ob­ject was thojtail—not of a suake, but of :. huge panther, Whoso body was flatten­ed outt a-nd lyljig prone upon the trunk of the jbred! ; It w^s curiosity, arid not the fasoina-

tibn'of-fi basililfe-rthivt-was drawing the turkey to its death., 3%1 Uncle was not prepared, or not in the mood to encoun­ter tiie beast,"and-so hew^ntOn^leaving^ the turkey to its fate. Neither beast nor bird had paid tho least attentionTo him; iNuvdhoi^rhaps |o^ After some "more: conversation on the "subject, we reached the conclusion that curiosity is the chamber that.of ten leads beasts

TaTHJ,birds—and men too^—into the jaws of death

the Senate.


\ !

I Not. about preserver of

ftagmel^on Lincoln. '^ .The following is.Col. Robert (1. Ingen

nolfs ifftroductiot^-toitle*tt-ure, Ueliv^Wtl in Wasiiitrgton by Mr. Kidd, who ^as once crier of a court in which Abraham Lincoln often practiced laM;

"[We are to hear this eveijing a lecture abfjut: Abraha.m Lincoln, Lincoln the p'resflilent, the

'a nation; «or about Lincoln tho states­man orothe liberator, butiibout Lincoln , the laAwyer—something about-him as 1M really was before JIM fell lieir to HgOBir and fame-.something-about his. p a y ^ y Harifles, his habits,' his thoughts wtd common words- that is to say, Jiis daily ltf«. ' • ., '

"Nearly nU the charaete^ etf history are impossible monsters. We know, _ nothing about their )>eculiarities, <>r uokjdug but, their jieoiiliarHies. Washr ingtomifS only ij,; steel engraving. About- , , thevroo^sofJETfese oaks there1 clibgs none of t!he earth of humanity. Lincoln had the advantage of living in a «ew-"c0un-try, of social equality, of seeing in tho horizon of his future"the perpetual star of hope. He saw and.niingled- with men of all kinds; and, after all, men are books. He became- acquainted- with nature—with things; he lived and appre­ciated the poem of the vcar.

"It ' is no advantage to live in a*4;ity.

; * • > .



mke. 1 ^ 9 fields are better th ah payed streets, rot apR^l the great forests than walls,o1 brie k.

Oaks and elms are more .poetic than the strfeks ami chimneys of factories. In the country isL:the idea of home. There you see the rising and setting sun;, you heComejjieqiiainted with" the stars and clpuds; you .hear the raiiAipon the-r-oef, • and listen to.the sighing of the1 wind. Kvery field is a picture, a landscape; every landscape is a poem, and every forest .is a fairy laud. — n V p have no idea of how mauy men are spoiled by what-is called 'education.1 -for fne most "part "eolleges arev place's

and diamonds

^TUe Oldest of American Cities. Denver Times. •- It was during the summer of ,15837'or at least is claimed to»havo been then, that the first of the Spaniards, a troupe of Franciscian missionaries, set foot upon the ground now covered by-the city of Santa Fe, the thriving capital Mew Mexico. They then founded >tne City of the Holy Faith and laid the foundation of what wasafteFwards to U be known as the/oldest of American towns.' The*"people of San#a Fe take great pride in ^asserting thiyclaim. and

'even agrffressive in maintaining it..

A Reminiscence Courier Journal

Early ift'the year 1B35 an amusing colloquy took place .in the Semite be^ tween Henry Clay ahA^ames Buchajian The latter, when a young-man,' belong.-ed to-..the'Federal party. HeT yrrts de­fending himself against tho charge of disloyalty,-ho stated that he cnte^d_a company of votunteer^ at the timp the British attacked Baltimore*,, or a t . the time of the battle of North Pointy and; Baltimore. "Tru said, "he-was not in any cnga'^emen" as the British had retreateU before he

'i'iad ~ got'' Mr. / Clay—"You nia-sphed. to Baltimore-, tLfough?1' Mr. Biichunan —"Yes, , r

J Mr. Clay^"ATrrFl ed and_en,uipped'?'' Mr. Buclianan— "Yes." Mr. Clay^"Wil l the "Senator

wtrcre"brrcks are poirshe _ spoiled. If Shakespeare had graduated at Oxfprdhe might have become a quib- • bling attorney or it hypocritical parson.—

"Lincoln was a many-sidejl_man. He was accjnaintedi with smiles, as well as tears. He was never afraid to'ask. He was not too dignified tol admit that -he did not know.'• He w^sjxot* solemn.

^Solemnity, as a rule, is" a mask, hiding: the features'of ignorance, and whenever

nan is too dignified to ask'-ire' ceases toi le^m. Lincoln was a ^eoiiibination Of wisdomtttul shrewdness. . l ie was a logician. Logic^TsHho^necc'sstify product

i t cannot be learned; k Canrriot be tawgkt^ It is the good child of a good --heaU-^md^a.,, gobuJhe^rJi- He had intellect without arrogance, genius without pride? and religloh without cant—that is to -say,, humanity without hypocrisy: He was

*foc -an orator—tlmt-is to *say, he was nat­ural. He .never pretended.- Heldul not S4iy what he 4.hjiught-others thought, but wh"allhiriliiiiiight?r;".'.,. :-Z ~~ ~"r ~^

"If y.wi wish to be sub limey you must




from Pennsylvania be good enough to inform us whether the British retreated in cdnse^uence of "hi^valiantly marching to the relief of Baltimore.-or whether'he | marched to the relief of\ Baltimore in consequenco of.the. British xhaving al­ready retre"a' This colloquy, with its imluoked'for ending,"u ly_ en­joyed by the Senate ahjl; iralleriesV^vnd put both in excellent, humor. ' ' • -. • x

keep to the grass. You must sitinithe fireside of human^expenence, of hurnan emotion. ' Abovethe clouds- -it is. tob^ cold. Too much polish suggests insin­cerity. Tf you wish to knpw theHliffer-

It must - 0¾ admitted,/too, that they bring p roof to**beai arpon the subject,. and make a very til&usible argument. , , . . - - i • e

They Tro~ now "ta>Sg. steps wEich . a f e T ^ ^ g a professional experience of more. in tended to pradi give

e results which shall pportunity. to further them an

advertise their/pretensions and to trans­fix the attention of the entire world,.

>Fh^y^propose to hold oext summers sor^^of^tr^centenniahexposition and are beginnufgrrow^to make, their prepara­tion sySo aS to beSfceJLready in time to gai]?eV^m the^^|ymm!&r<tourTsts., The ppqect iTo^Hij^oh" Heservexujmmen-

tion, and ^vhte^Dehver. as arteigh-or and friend— we^n^ar ,d ly say as a

sister city, consideriag the^cea t differ ence in^_the_age9 of the twp"piaees-^4«bsoIiite would like to-see cyrried_to-«^5$? ancLprospefous consumm'ationr-i~There is, to be sute, a-wide difference betweeff. that civilization which in the sixteenth century penetrated the^.vjj^ds6f the

mountains ind^'that wmcfi has

Sickness of Imagination. Philadelpliia Item. j£_-

Amongihe papers left behind him by.|.of gesture a German physician who died a,few weeks ago is-one containing notes of certain conclusions he had arrived at

ence between an orator and a speaker, berwee'n what is. felt and what is said, read Lincoln's ^immortal 'words at Gettysburg, and then read the -speech of Edward/Kverett. The one gathered floAvers'from his heart, the-other words from" his brain. The words_pl Lincoln will never*,, be forgotten. The speech of EverettVwill never "'be read. The elocutionists,believe in Ihe. virtue of vojcX the sublimity of syntax, the majesty of long sentences and the genius

Great ideas should be ex­pressed in^ jfche shortest Avords. The

reatest staitresXshonld. have the

Rocky done the same^'t^ins'. three hundred years afterwards; but this is no reason why t^e triumphs of that earlier en­lightenment and missionary spir>t( should not be celebrated. Great indeed as is'Ttre difference fbetween the Ameri­can civilization of to-day and the>Span-ish civilization of the days of Cbrpnado and Cfortez it is hardly rn^re^marked

" r^y-esenileiL ^civilization and that of^Qie Cabots, or even that ^ t h e Ri^iglis and'_* tke

's\irance offices, he thbughtv neVertlreless, tKat persofs "with a screw loose* more often attain iengevtty than those in

[whom no trace-of diseaso can be detect-

J?enmv ^and the passengers of „the .Ma>y4 V

f. *she never


idTng;his b«rt^bui4trj- leads- to ^ht thai she will make % goodr

- i .

was indeo(f a marvelous one^onaidervl ing the/locatiori, the„ diffioolties to be b je r^me in reaching the/^otv and, tjie *^-*A* - many more te^ftptlafe places of

must- ]havo ^pYeafent«'d he j^ lveS^iJ ieAr^ t home/ Yet

' be* facte-these ered as items the prepaxpei cebsbjMtk) swor^i

to the^amusemenTe^or^l ioi^t Is* tn~~i&afa seh^ft'a sectftrtia -and* the entire Rooky mo ahonlfl / ee l ^'^dftftrr: im^aat. . Fe'g scheme.

than forty years. In one of these notes "he.expresses an opinion that at least a third of the illnesses of the patients who sought his advice were purely imaginary. He not only against his ov«n in­terest; but also againstthat of tho self-alleged sufferers;AoleA^^^lwiqft^^^'P^^^™ by Sforming them that Oiere v^re&llv »«Vff a-s tam-^on his .

:J11-heait^ was nofcause for-attsiety^-^i-i-neHKii was to thdmJl„matter:"o| almost vital import-

To destroy/the pleasing belief thafrtfeay possessed this blessing was aij

^TTEtelty/, In the fpjp instances Jn which he broke^o them the terrible trtrtfcthat they wereTruito well he'found thatllv&ie^ult was genuinfc>iliness. For the patie^t^7>114nterest in lilbdteparted with tj/eir favorite^c^mtion of iiiursin^ themselv«s^^-and f.tlteirnealth' became

onsly affected by nervous aepression. also found ^hat,' as a rule, we

persons live longer 4kan strong ones. AVithout go^hg so far as to say that the \ es t lives are those, rejepted^ by the in-

least rapery. X ^ "Nothing disclosei'teal character like

[the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most^eople can bear adversity; but if "you wkmVto'know -• what a man reall}' is, give liim power. This is the supreme, test. It is the glory , of Lincoln that, having almost absolute ~ power, he never abused it except on t h e -side of^rnercy."Tie"would never turn a man out^f^ven the smallest bailee, and

* ' name, 'without •g- »vea-hin>"itu_ll amL^fnpie~hear-

irig1, . He loved to partlon. ^ e loved t6 see tlietear^s of joy-TTponHlie cheeks at, a wjfe-whose"huaband he liad^ fescu from death. X^^. •. \ ~

' ' l ie will be known th^rou^h all years as "Lincoln th<? Great, Ef&colii Gentl<^.LincfJi^tlte:;"Jttat"

\ , >

JltTWer. It is" ej»6ugh to know that three hundred ye^,a^tgjQjPjypIe of E u ­ropean nationality penetrated thejc'on^i-. . - . .. .. v L i * nent and established a city.. r l l e tgatfand, anxioAis to excite the laughter of

o'clock in tho evenihg\^md^ yet thi»4ft-SAW'PHunT;on TUF, JijjOiL^^jimuld [only on6 otseYeral large pasture fieldST

be practic^ljoker'met an old blind^beg bar led byT'a dog attached to a string

the"bystanders, he cut the string and separateijLthe/ man from hi» leader^The m^rrhne^t of the passers-by waa &****1

but of aj^intl very different frem "what the joker had ihtendedv for tho blind man, opening his eyes, oollaiSed

conaidja: wag •*by. the "neck aaft thiiuibed, --"*'-•*• gound-ly with his stick.. » B tUwwu

ly whis t^ l his dog,to k4m, r44ied th. string-a«d contitme«i nis^rsW-'^i'ti

. eyes; and. his.^raal wfcine' o reffemb^<the poor." HM

man!" ^

• : < . . / .

r '>:

^ £ =

._.. • ^ - 4 . . rn?:

Entrance at Srinrlsej^SSi at SatfseV ki^e-Democrat; - • \ ^ '• / As^aliHaxAmple of the e"xl<mtr-

fenced aeres^Ttr-the Territowfy? cjndent being thl^^faljjivith a

of gentlerjaeriJ^^the^di^TrWrit a hunting exp^jtlojKyThe party ed the e a s t e r ^ g a l ^ S t ^ i C ^ a s t u at 8 O'CIQCK in theyrhorning; a lng_^w^twanV ditti tbjwmjjl^one of/ihe'w^stern gates a t


-3 . X * " - • - - . • •

in the Majo

¥eral laige pasture Territory. It Is said/that

alopehas sixty niiles of lence. / T h e fenees aire Itiuilt ot cedar

?wts«nd^^ee-s t randof barbed wire, he/cattlebtjsiriess of the Indian Terri­

tory haa growi|j£b immense proportions," ere being I* present no less than 200-

headr m cattle on the range, i .

;e water-courses carry millions-of— [tot* of fertUUlng material to the sea.'

The Nile -alone po«rs_ over a thougand _ to&a of nitrate into the- Mediterranean each^twenty-four boHrfs. The loss ^an- -' titiaily ia^«reaWr, therefore, th ^ oontalned,Jp y i ang Ueppsi$j» wfi •ottiide^the entire syrfac^ oL.:'




'XJ 'g^j






/ & /;


„ ' ' —' • • - » . .

V^F.rjJ'. ' - • ' / •4—


, Vuriuitouws Dra inage . Ah H e m In a; paper recently noted the \

death of the.Mrife of an Eastern clergy­man who had within u few month* laid awayi one after another Aix children, the last being a mure'babe. There was

•-H Huggostiuu.that the overruling, hand of Providence had for some inserntible purpose bereaved this godly man whose

- MfittBvd won the love and respect of all "Sn^kncvv him. No one .seemed {ot&rower

•tfcfrtk that the hand of the architect* who • planned the house ie whitfh this faipily

lived mi^ht have had. lb ore to do with it than had Providence; Jior was any men­tion made of any at tempt to. discover o f l (

remove the eauwjof th*4r iriokuess, b i J t l ' the pr7Tr>al)!rTty~ts that- H* d'orae choked drain or unnoticed cesspool lies the real I canst; of the death of this family. i

Probably no one thing is more gener fri'lji neglected in locating and building I farmhouses .tJi an flie heaithfulness of | their surroundings. In hundreds of homes There is not even a pretense of, drainage; 'in thousands more the only drainage consists'of a wide woollen box b.urifid in t^a-earth, one end -opening in th6 outer air some distance from.-the" house, the oth»r opening into th*MJeikir in which are kept fruit, and vegetables in different stages of .decay.-- Over this are the living and /the, sleeping; rooms,, through which the foul gases, conduct­ed through the rottipg wooden'urain or arising from decaying vegetables and fruit, tind their way to poison the in­mates. In many instances the waste water from the house empties into this, wooden drain and linds its way through its joints to completely Saturate the soil.

Many country homes kre breeding-' places of disease because of neglect of the plainest and most necessary sanitary measures. The winter days offer an opportunity for thoroughly overhauling; removing," xuCT^air ingurains an d d the r things, which 6v their eontuuuuw*.

" ' -f- . . - . - • * extent that .ho rmore thamhaflva dozen mines of thq disease aptfeftred hist y e w In the whole of his three acreis devoted to ithii ' I rui t , whjle another grower at

fjome, /djataaoe,. '• lostjaluaont his entire 'stock wi thout knowing theeause .

While there ure grapes of liner quali­ty thaii khe Concord, tiwjre is none.that is inept? commonly grown, for general^ u s e B u t - a vineyard is not complete without the little Delaware*, thi^ataw-,*] ba, Clinton and others, such as the Prentiss, Pocklirigton, Worden and Lady Washington. "Nearly every v f e f _ has his favorite variety, oho specially adapted to his soil, locality, and general surroundings.

Almost simultaneously from Iowa City, Ja . , and from Stillwater, Minn., comes news of disease among the nogs. Though exiled ,hog cholera in the first case, physicians who have examined the aniniafcrkfter death declare it to be a new disease. Correspondents in vicinity t)f these y>laces will oblige us by advis­ing us of such particulars &$ they can I tarn in regard to it. . .» . . " ".

Among raspberries, the, Turner is a ^rampant grower and need$ severe prun­ing. Cregg stands in the front rank of. black caps. It needs a strong, Jpan^y soil; Reliance is-an excellent berry for canning and home use; Hansell iw-a' red berry, and noted' for its hardness, earliness, and solidity. Brandy wine is


might end.ahgerjthtrhealth of the house­hold. Np-nitr„e important work can be done at ^awy^eason. A day or two spent in this w o r k n o w may .save week* of time and. pain, and very possibly heavy bills from the doctor ahd-%-druggist. If there, was no nobler consideration, the saving In money and time alone will re-

- . pay al loutlay in this much-needed work ••--.- Every drain shouldybe t ho rough ly 4 «

spected, all wooden drains through ,4%lwbich waste water from the kitchen

and the laundry Hows Should bo taken „-up and tfement-pipe l a idwi th perfectly

tight" joints. No drain should be per-

house without being perfectly ventilated ami trapped. A]l places where slops

.- are 'thrown,-shovuld be cleaned, and ^"~"^-emp tying dish water , .wash ' ' water, and

. otluTr<w$sto tluklsp near /the dwelling should be~siogped. -• . . .

Th'jJije wlui live in the couutiv need to give their cellars special attention just now. Disease l u r k s - i n the decaying vegetables, if such there be. -See that the.cellar has good ventilation some-, where else than through the cellar door anil 's tairway. ! - ^ . .

House plants cannot flourish without milch care in winter} and insects are es-

sn-neeueu w o r K ^ p p ^ n y t 0 b e i 0 0 k e d after. Tobacco ^ ^ . ^ J . T . ^ S t e * . k i l l s the green, fly; whjte hellebore

the mealyibu«,au<l re'd pepper is ' 'good1 ' for almost all insects. . . • . ^

A G O O D W j p D E i f P ^ t ^ r y n u r



smith to cut out a piece of ^pfejv: steel ..3. inches wide-and l> inches long for -blade. By* drilling two holes-In the cen-~tre-hc pab-fasten on tlie shank for the

handle, which should* be jerked and provided with It• socket for the msertioh of the handle, and should-be set at an angle of forty-iive degrees to the plane

^ f the ."blade. The two long edges should be drawn thfhxand sharpened. "YoU-mvyp now one of the most effective, weeding^BQes ever invented,—and it \&

. not p a t e n t e d , .It has a double^ ^}\ge, ana ca* be woTke^l etpmlly weHby jigU^ itig or pushing. I t ^ a s s e s akyng ^Jtfsi-Titideror on the-siffface^a'nd efft^otually cuts off every weed, between.,-$M young plantsTn the row without, tdbmuch dis­turbance of tlxe surface. ' It is; hot in­tended as a cuJ.tivator of bourse", %ut '^s a Weeder is hanLlo_beat, . ^

CUTTING TI IE CULLS—-Milch cows are ijreatlv benefitted and will increase .ami maintain the flow of milk if-fed upon the

itttlBTJotirtoes; irisb;' or sweet, which are~left over frpm tlVe crop, and are ' too small to sell or use at home. But* they

"snould be cut %e ( , ; A-good plan is to hai*e a t rough or stout box in which, after washing, the potatoes can be put ,witfcTc"omnion^sl)rde~; butai)e^tef plan I t to take an old spcuic or hoevor fire-

el, and by at taching a- stomi die, provide an implemen t - . eg ress

posed to grimTble^aDouTtmTwet weath­er, should try a winter in Nevada. It would^cure them in a short"tinie_, not on­ly of g r u m b l i n g but of any other vice to whieh-they might be addicted. * "The

tthityk^iiBociTe FreB Press hazards~5fae-remarks: that xiold weather has beenjexperienced' lit a neighboring place, called Tioga,

,- 3, too, think it has. Possibl}-, as a conce^ston^to- the incredulous,, -the Free Press s tu te^that work oxen of the grekT'Sierra compan^-hQd their"' hoofs frozen, s«> they, the hoofsT^teiloff, and the poor brutes had to be kUIetk, It seems, therefore, that ' there may ha-vo-been a basis of fact for the traditional remark;/fhat. ' the weather was chilly enough to freeze the horns off a billy-gelit It must have been quite chilly, -^1 - - * - 1 - - L~ 3 ^---- hoofs \ f rozen ' off,.

goes on to A Mr. J o h n "Singleton,

of ^he spade.

i, /

\ i

V —

: A H A Y HOQJK. —A -wry eotuten^eat little ar t icle is n ^ y i ^ ^ h o o k . made from

h h c stem of a y o u n g t i e e d i t off about ie%«* -below: -its jun^Uire with, a jranch the branch c^C^off about

the s1uQe^da$tance from th^ stfcn^both , A a r p e n M ^ o « : i6nnding p/iint, *md the \ v p f ^ r p a r t r ^ £ - ^ T - i ^ n l for a i i a n d l e i 1 M o o t thi»^feelN4n l e ^ h ^ ^ l ' h i s i s a

proper implement fb^uUingp^av^oUt of the-s tac t or mow.

j r geiteraP t h n f e ^ J » a r ^ « \vr«65. all of o u r ' f e r m tools

" ^ ^ w a g o n thaf^KJtbear \ft> Tmd«i


is 00

weight with ea for alV^raQtical farm wag«n shouW-t o J i a U l j ^ © ^ "' cheaper in th, it. The sav-

heftvy_ei)ough to "which a

u w a n t ft is far bette"?~^«kn:d

to^make twolo; cfie^h'

>¥g»' ulatcrs fire in]

/ /


wirji i,n a few years a m o ^ n ^ t c r eno t o W y ao^ew onean4^h^veNsonicthing ,left for piro^iri^lryou are abontKprder~[%hd th^t thej* m u i

. ing aj^gM^age 'n haye itinade^iighui-atl r ^of>h^oest m*terial and vou will never

3gr,ct1t.' v-' ;>: . ' ''...>.-" •;'..' ' ."""

H. Johnson tells t)&~<FruU Qrvi&er „ by going carefully pver bis grounds rerar t imes each season and removing


^ * n d b u r n i n g alj p & n 6 8 ^ 9 ^ 0 ¾ . ¾ ^ ^ The teiHpleYfcgWUy. "Jb^rryxuathehj^^^fuccee^edtb STOh wrf-QR^loth^. '

a-first class market berry^f-Professor l3eal recommends to pack

celery and other vegetables in damp moss for keeping-thro ugh win-toft' It is said that vegetables thus packed ,.wili'' not only keep a long . t ime but retain the i r flavor, and quality so well tha t they can hard ly be'distinguished from fresh ones. - "

Onions must not be allowed! to J r eeze and thaw alternately through the win­ter, as this is injurious to them. Spread them on the bam-600T7^^ where-the^uan-tity is large, and -cover with hai- or straw. Or they may be kept in barrels 1ieade4-up and put in a ccld place.f

U l n U f«r Women . The season of cold and windB hi.npon j

us. Those onfthe farms are more o r ) lcaa/^xposed to7the incloiuencles bf*' !^ season. Whether wife or daughter ^ou do got entirely belong to yourself. I Youj precmus healTfi and lives are important to yo>u and to those dependent on you. Exposure on ,fWu<f Monday / ' getting through with the family- washing, cx- [ poses the wife dr daughter tq^nany per ils. Over the hot suds and. in probaWyj a hot room, with sleeves rolled up, the i wood, the wateHMH?-thQ clothes line are. out in, the cold,1! where the bleak winds pierce the-very'marrow. In the hurry one4s tempted to go bareheaded, .with | bare arms, and thinly clad to the wood sh^d or profeably the wood "pile buried in the snovy.^qrjhe^wcn or pump at the corner of"the house wherq the fierce winds cut to the heart. Detained long^ er than anticipated, severo eojds are cont,racted, which are neglected unt i^ pulmonary troubles.ensue, followed by consumption and death. Will noT you who are so valuable to husband, chil­dren, father and brothers—and who have such sanguine hopes of a long life of happiness— take care of yourself? If compelled to go from a hot- room and J steaming suds, pis ton a shawl, close tmd comfortable ^sorrie protection to Hie head; roll^down the sleeves,"and put on over-shoes You can, too, make your­self a cheap but -comfor table pair of cloth mittens in which to Hang out or br ing itt-ekrth'es-r-wood, or perform any t ^ other outdoor chore, which even the "* best and most.delicate women are call­ed on to perform. >Rut t ake care of yourselves. Your health and life are more valuable to your friends than stock, houses or lan/ls. '

heaping te&jipooniul of baking > powder tbwoughiy mixed.t with l tea-cupful of flour! bli'r a l l ' toge ther t i l l very light, bake in a quick ovejl, have a napkin ready spread wttp angar, turn, out On the napkin, spread with any kind of jelly, jam or applebu'tteij.,, Koll up while hot and cover with a napkin until ColtTihefore cutting*.

A T E M I T I N O D I S H . — jA nice dish for tlie sup^ier of a convalescent is inade bv toasting two.tliin slices of bread; flatten and soften the crust by pounding it a little; [butter the toast vyhilediot, put, one slioe'^oft.^ warm plate ami spread over it a thin layer of cooked chicken, chopped or cut in small bite; s*ason with pepper and salt, add a soft-boiled egg;, then lay the other slice jof toast overdt.

son them with but little salt and pepper. Wet a very little flour with some broth or soup, p o u r i n g ^ i t o y e r the birds and stewing them ualilNtender


soup use tl

Do not pu t the water with Which yotC waslPkhe glass on your bu­reau; wash it with clear water with a soft cloth; then polish it with a piece of chamois skin. This removes lmt and-j makes the glass shfhe.


Plans for a tunnel through the Great -St. Bernard ha>e been p r e p a r ^ ^ ; M , i Vai*thcler*t. ;,

British archj tecu appear to concede t ha t plumbing and other sanitary nr-raugemonts 01 American liA'usea better t h a n those of the K ^ l i s h . '

i Cleveland (0 . ) npeople 'are tfimkinjg about discontinuing the electrtc light on account-of it« high price^ They have better Mght than before, but at four times the coat of the gas formerly em­ployed. _ ^ :

Paper pujp strengtheneoTwith cotton or woolen fibres is now used to make a neat and sufficiently durable stocking costing much less than the price of laun-.drying a pair of cotton or woolon atook-incrs. - ... -^...-^

A fxeight-wagoa has "been patented in Germaa-y tha t can be drawn on rails or

I tmmai^m


PIOEONS WITH LutLjK PEAS.—-Truss the/pjgeqns, put them over the fire with fat pork and butter, let them brown slowly, add small green peas, and sea-1 on •ordinagy- w a d s to UH» wa4er--»^edg«» .-

A Strange* Race. " ^ " *"" In her book on J a p a n Miss Bird des­

cribed the-curious j>eople called Ainos, who live m the province of Sdudai and are supposed to be the ttboriywaal .race of the country, They are thickly cov­ered with silky brown hair, and Miss Bird , asserts-tUati she saw "two boys whose backs were covered with f uj as •fine-and soft as tha t of a cat.'"! A crca

when, by unscrewing four nuts, thejaotly of the wagon_is freed from the wheels, and can be towed to any distance, be- ' ingvthus transformed into a stout boat.

Recent experiments in Paris nave been-successful in producing arti­ficially in the laboratory specimens of

[almost allv.kinds of rocks of igneous formation, such as lava, basalt, etc., thus imitating iNfoture in her most se­cret processes, «nd eompletixjg ojn, a small scale i n a few days what she re-quires year# to axiooaaplishi——-, —

/some curious facts w*re lateiyrelated regarding hydrophobia before the Acad­emy of Science*, .Paru, by M. Bert, i t seems tha t inocuiatk>n with mucus from the respiratory passages of a mad dog caused rabies, but tha t with the salivary liquids djd not.. .Reciprocal- transfusidn of blood between a heajthy and a mad



SOUP—For four q u a r t s of B carcass of a cold roast tur-

,kej^f cut all -tlm meaj^.f 1 om ' the ^bones and rteierfe it; break up.the^bonea and put them into a saucepan_with any skin, force-meat and gravy which may be on |

'~hand—the bones Avhich may havp "been served <at the table: should be saved for this soup; add to the bones' four quarts of water, a large 'white turnip- and >a medivim-size carrot -peeled, an~onion peclecLftnd s t u c \ with a dozen whole cloves, a ijfadeiz^f mace t

Balmy Weather in Nevada. \—r-Texas Sifting^ ^"

People .living ra Texas, who are (lis-'

whtrn^oren had their but the Bodie- Free, Press particularize. AM coming>ovef from Bennetsville to Eun-dy, on the^ame Hay- when the oxen needed - stockihgs so badly, had jvith him a small terrierdogp which wasqnitf! a pet a t the mines. ^¾¾^ little fellow's tati^aaHears,"—r^ferring*$o • the "dog, we i^esume—weje complete^ryr frozen off^—Mr^ Singleton, jvho w^as >nxious

SCALLOPS BREADET) AND F R I E D - P r e ­pare, thescal lops as directed-in-4he re­cipe" for'>.J£ried Scallops with Salt Pork ; have ready/the fning-kettle-half-) fulLoi smokihg-hot Tfat:- beat two eggs smoothly;M3ut~notrto a froth; put plen^r of line sifted bread-crumbs or cracke^

^dustm-a large dish; roll the Scallops " rst in the crumbs; then dip them one by^Cmejn the egg, taking care not to wash onthe^crumbs, anu fry ..them in smoking-hotfat^vs^ien the seal laps are brown take them up.""withthc' skimmer-^ lay them for a moment^on^cown papleT" to free them from fat, and v th^J^ssjerVe them hot, with sliced lenion, wateV cresses, or friedparsley. ' Remember in breading the scallops to dip only one Hand in the beaten egg\ and keep the other roll, t h e scallops ahflUt in

to save whjtt.was left of the faithful dog, wrapped the animal in a woolen scarf, and carried hiha in his a rms to Lundy, but when.ho got thereKheTound the rest of the animaFhad sbarfed the,sad fate of the tail and the ears had dropped , oft' Up in that country a Texas norther wonld pas s as a_aimbon,. o r hot wind-


-»«, r . - ~ — 1 - . - , . I t would be well if theater-goers gen-^ ^ J S ? ] ? 6 a * d **7*th—- a n d r e t a l l y possessed the,cooT Read of Gen-

'v era! ConTohert. A play, was once being

dangerous than menced when* Conrobert, wiio

actea in a temporary- theater, ocmstnict-ed of wood in the camp at ChalonS; The house was ctamnjed to suft'ocation, when a cry oLfirft nifl^ip itself heard. Tnstant-lyevery_one_fose, ahcTa"sTalup^e'more

fire^ would have corn-was in

one of the boxes with his wife, cried out in a r ing ing voices.... *tLet every one stay in Ms^place.' V The soldiers immediate-

becamexmotionlees, and ^xho maralial resumed: ' ^ c t r eve ry one go1 cu t quiet-, ly an tnh^o«ler>the young soldiers f j rsv]^ e™ then the older,

hi&icincd.officet^j/Eh^Qhe QfTicers, the highest to go last.1 ' In^Stfew mihutCs, tho v theater wa£ to^b«ing t r o and. Wifjuyent last7

a s no false a l a r m pT-firej the ty without asitfgiema^fc^.

upon. The general ~«4Q^offee as fine^as possi

'Tailors^Wrn^ladies ^


wt t ight


for djown

I w e a r i ^ , them. iTo i in^ iaen^ in sera can aroid a ^oduS<lea

^"eomfcrt by always gdmgwithTadi^s w o a r ^ J e r s e y , • ulsters.—Philadel News.

To Teliev.e. a^se^pere- headaehej=~biad4---§r()W

>_ sprig of thyme or sweet niajoram, "a—stalk of celery, a tablespoonful of salt and two

catsup or any

ture"similar "in most respects to""thVH* ^ e bite of a > r g e " black fly, which , . , . . ' • , . was killed in the4 act. The pustule was

;'AIIK5B;IS now on exhibition as~"the rrfis- ^ ' - - - - -'sing-link1 ' at the Royal Aquarium, Lon­don. " According to the published' act counts she was caught with her parents in the forest near Laos by a Norwegian

toblbspoonfulsoi' tomato c good table sauce, Let all these jngredl-ents boil slowly together for an iioiuv „ _ keeping* the saucepan closely covered: I . ^ ^ - - ^ v ^ u i i ^ i ^ l g ^ ¾ fffrQ^g: and Then-Strain the soup, season it h ighly ' - ^ - . •*- - • - - . <?- -with'salt and pepper, put it into the bits of turkey meat 'and haif a cupful of rice, picked over and washed, and, boil .the spup;"until the rice is just t e n d e d which

-will be in about twenty minutes-y then ^serve thesouphot ; • - ^ "

t h e crumb's or cracker dust.

. ScALLOi^s F R I E D IN INDIAN M E A L . Follow the general dire3tions for wash

wn the skirt between the plaits. Folds 6i white crape "are j d a c e d inside, the neck, ancL-amethysts with pear ls .and diamonds are the jewels^ v -

M i n u i s should not be^hung where the sun shines directly upon tuern^ .'-.. ••;._-.

/ • ' \ . <~

ing. and drying the scallops. WhSe^hey are being dried put over the fire a fry-, A , - . ing--kettle half full of fat, and let it g»t [ of/black • BngHsh crape^ are put double smokihg^hot; then quickly roll the sca]l-lops in In^ltan^meal, seasoned with salt and pepper; d ro^^ themin to the hot fat and fry them, a ligM^hrowh; a s soon, as they a?e_>r-eWn take rh^rn up w i t h / a sk immej^ lay thenT^or a o ^ o W n t / o n 4 brown;paper, to frdethem froEDrf^ttcand th%n:serv«^h^Hrfiot. •- Slices of served.with the scallops g pro<• e tlie41avor and appearah

^Jish. I f w^ter-cresse^^are nl season ^hey may replace the lemo

F R I E D ' PARSLEY.—Choose full/stalks" Of~p iTSley, carefully renrove ap/impyr-fect or decayed leaves/wa>h^ix well hi p len ty of salted cold _yvater,/anti it on a,clean towel to dry v ^Whenr4 t is. quite freefromewster, gather the s ta lky in ' the right hanxL and quickly dip the ' leaves into smoking-hot fat for-a mo­ment to crisp them. If the paxaley is put . into the fat with any moisture on it a-cloud of steam will arise, .and- there will be great danger of burning tlie hand serlouslT; but 1f ntsc^refulTvlIriect"the

ffce'thenvthe non-com- -operation can be performed w^th perfect *^--v - - ••*'' sa fe ty^ tT ' • .. : 7™ [ f

fo r -making coffee, igil Is o^r«*ste<l

He^e~i3~ a re (not German) : i

inttf a cxm>JBton tin coffeo^pof. AdiTtwo/tin eupftijjls.' of-^pld water ^tid set on '

|>back p a r t of thVst^ve and let i t come to a boil gradually*—Vwhen at thfe boilitig potn^ se^ off and serve. ^V>j^u i r e s n& addition to settle it, as it is beafctifully

1».' The above quantity will makiel six medium ciipfuls of No. 1 coffee»^pad ^nohgrh -for\ any m an, and very easily


hanjffirchief |Te ry 1¾¾^ white sugar,

- T w o - eggs_

nam^d Bock;- When the little one at­tempted to wander "the'pf rents .called her back with a plaintive ejy7, , kKra-o, , v

and that is - the name which has since been givefh to her. The- father died at Laos, . and the King of Si am retained t h e mother a t Bangkok, but-allowed theT'chUd to proceed to Englifnd. H e r eyes are large, dark and Tustrqus-^the* nose is flattened, the nostrils scarcely showing; the cheeks are fat ajid pouch-like, the lower lip only rather thicker than -js-^usual' in Europeans; b u t the

*tog caused no rabies in the[former, A malignanttti inor, LesMehdea states,

was produced 6n the cheekof a man


cauterized, and the patient took inter-•nally in twenty-four koiirs 500 grains of Spanish."wtn"e; 300'grains, of rum, an4 •200 grains of Chartreuse without ex-

abundant hair. l )n the head it is black.4 thick and straight, afid grows over t he forehead xlowh- to the^ heavy eyebrows, 1iud: is continued in whisker-like locks do'fcn t h e cheeks. The rest of i the face is covered with a t ine\ dark; downy hair, and the shoulders%ml"arms "have a. covering of^airs:fFona~»H=iBe^-to ^an

'inch- an^l a half long;: [There is, it is saidfepa slighflengthenin'g of the lower" vertebrtcy suggestive ofj a caudal protu­berance ; -and there are points in the muscular conforhl^Tten- and otherwise TFat will provoke discussion. Ktao h\as alread); picked up a few words of Eng­lish.. She is1 said to b ^ o f a frahk. af-fectionateXjdrsposition, and shows truly

"feminine delight jn-her-elothes, jewelry" and r ibbons. \ -< ^ j : \

perienciag the least symptoms of intoxi-•ation.

I t has recently been diiscovereii^hat t he^g j i ca rp or seed yeaseiiaf oats con­tains a certain substance which has a peculiarly stimulating effect upon the, nervous system*, the effect never lasting-more than hour, and varying in intense ty ftcgPTding to the kind of oats, being*'

"more raptcramt transitory in its action , if the oats: 'have- been ground. The 1 new substance, is an alkaloid, and ha*

received the^name of a ye nine. Its dis--Covgr-y—^sayi^uggest some valuable

" ' ^ and

• ~ ^ j

poinfa To the owners ^racehorses.

"How do yotrfeel, my little n ian?" asked a-youth of/hi* swee thear t ' s^ t t l e_ |

or. T h c / o r n g fiend looked up at him sldew^ysy'and, with a grin respmi'dr edr T feeT^s^as if I 'd like to have a. dime.''1 * He gotTrfTiaut his prospective hrnt.hpr-in/aw now avoids: the health question^

Full/dress robes for ladles in mourn ing ,axe of bhtck satin with-a vest and blai ted skirt of purple satin. Wide bands

€ J

Co/npft an tfPV)

•Headache, Dyspepsia, Liver " "" letfkh, Const/]


mott's Pills ar* the moet po keC HftTing b*«n "before tl . a centwry, and-harlDg alwif8.pe5ferm«a_-._ TTM promUed for ihem,they merit the 100063 thej hive Attained. \ P r i c e * «*C.

For ial« drsggUta. -• . Kenno'tt"*s::Maiulra*e\i-lU» always in stotk W lncheN'i-ffn^ Slrtre, \ ' '


West MaiiTSt; rFfe'.e.KNEY,

Globe -Hotels \ MICH.

A foU line of

ine/Confe 3 mi



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^of l i ^ b r o ^ ^ ^ L ^ i art tfftnah tmk^^^^ricesti poonfuls o f ^ p t ^ l ^ ^ a « r * I share 4jjur$fiSt

i o n e r ^ V -';*<*>» ^"

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• • • *"" 1 ~ • - - + ^ — , J — ..X~. 1 . . . . . ,


Entered at. thft P toffloi?, Pluckuey, a* 34 el»wj matter, - •> W "f


M Oongo^ waiting

ii>K lhiA'/.4.A. km isfarted for {he where Mi*- Stiaifley it* said to be

to gjvehima warm reception." The Loudon •Globe announces that the author of ""Haw. \ Found Livingston1' will soon-publish V striking f narrative entitled: "How I Met De Brazxa: in Three Rounds: and the Stocking Sightf He presented When I "had Done '•"$$$ Hiraj"

v.. i T U B Ohio State Meteorological Buj-

_reau has .under consideration a novel plan for displaying weather signals fotr

. the benefit of the farmers between Co-""luhibUfc and Cleveland. Large signals

of different shapes and colors, will.""be placed on each side of the baggage ear of .the passenger trains of one of the rail ways leading to Cleveland so that, wfieti the farmers understand the code, they can foretell the. probable state of the. weather for twenty-four or thirty-

x% hours.

i "^r3#tY two months rematn "before" the annual state election in Rhode Island occurs, and j e t no statue conventions have been held, no ^canfaai \a under way, and no candidates *re suddenly discovering how black a record they have unknowingly made. Somehow

likeljtr in the opinion of peaqb grower*, to be; repeated the coining season.^ An examination of the butfs shq^a Hiaithey are nvexQeHent condition, hud if one-third of the soantt otrcs eorae to maturi­ty, the crop wil l .be enormous. This satisfactory prospect is larg«4y due to the fact that the orchards. have been snugly 4>lankuted iu snow all wjuUir.

4gm MK. LAWJTUY, the

ladv-who is uow iu th some land in Ireland winch au manages.- This ag^nt recently

agent wrote

to him, •. saying that the tenant^ 'de-lmeii t manded lower xeuts and had threatened io resort to shfrUgutf'policy to obtain compliance With 'their, (demand Mr. Langtry at once wrote back as follows: '•Dear Sir: You may s>£ to my tenants tnat any threats to shoot you wilt/Ecver intimidate rue.V.


An "Infidel" Politiolaji a n d a, Pluoky -. P r e a c h e r Agree Thero-Je a HelL '

From tJtfcN. Y. Tribune. A remarkable Xh^oli^cat^dlsHi^sion

has just b ecn closed. ^11 has been the

t i f e o ^ r e d that I had dnmk * lad named Donahue, added- by an barrel and a hill. In 'other Words, 1 bar; tttfed to mak? Juno drop Mi.^«.,

. . .„ had drunk my own and half of some but his efforts were in vain, and.he left peeulmnfv crf^lltheological discussions 10!her man's barrel. I urn too. honest to to procure assistance. Before he could

rob kaybody, especially of,tin? whiskey fcturu, however, with the disired .help, we get iowadays, and therefore have Martin managed to release himself from quit dr|nkh*g whiskey entirely," -" the grasp of the animal, when she, by a ^- " ' ' "r— " • ' • • * (dwpgime euuit. forced her way tbrough

I tho bars of* her cage-By this time quite a *

who had bRen stlmmened

foiUhe-paa^ eighteen hundred years or ••so that instead of leading to argument; they have invariably euded in widening

huabani of the UW HlVWyeHl'B IMWL'iju tllB dlgputautsv t'ntrv owns *^ut lhw,t*h*oussioti wejaro about to- eou-

XH *;" ' • sides'furnishos a 8trHPir?e oxceotion to $ 8trrWr?g exception the rale, fi^rk ha* ended in an enthusi astio,1 we CHU hardly si^y-cordial, agree

1/his would be ji^eausc ior .re-were ^ nob : that'' the dwuiiun

iRhode Island tabes its politics muofa more mildly than the rest of the coun­try. The state gets "all torn up'* onlv about once in a generation. pie seem fully as happy and prosperous nevertheless.

.-...PjtorKj«otf-*^m)OK'S, o^ the Red Hou*e Observatory, llhelpf, N. Y.,|*t*[)orte» that tele'scb^Mc olwm'vaLiou of tlio s« » on the mopniuir of th« 12fchrrfevealed an mius-ual outbreak of spots, covering, nearly the eut.ire equatoriul region'Qf the sun. fn ad-uition to the ntiraerous large sin­gle spot^ with well detined penumbra, a large, irrcguiar group"-had iost come into.view that ri»e^umg on the ..^astern limb. With the numerous facuhu iu its. vicinity and the torn and ragged of the group, .indieaTTpuTlfre hlanlft^l of a considerable s«>la.r disturbance, ,and its passage actoss the sun should be at­tentively observea.


M; Dt'CLERC, lately |*reniier ofJVance/ is an enthusiastic on fruit and tfower culture, -Hisiosa-gardeu at Biarritss is one of the great sigjjts of, the place. He thinks thatbut for this hobby he would

The peo4^ ^ono a g ° bav** become,a confirmed mis-authrt)pe. When worried wittrb'usiness or state affairs it has bern-, his habit to

ouswUm^as the eonuiwhAt fitiuUiar oheVJs-there al»ollP-x it did not start in that form, but by utfanimou* consent

., asau'niv<i} that form Hud vvas,HlociUr->-the attirmative Thje parties'to the dis-eusAiou- were Senator Ingalls and the Rev. Dr. Patton.., Thecaheis an inter­esting one, and is likely to be so "far* reaching in its influence, that we will

Teaclied cohecru*tli4 eternal happiness. Or lmhappiness of a Ittrge proportion of

human race. The question ualder the disc


sum of £500 has been offered as a prem^m-4i]y,Mr. Ellis.Ijeyer of Eng­land/to anyonee^iuarin or out of the United Kingdom who7^n>ll^daring the prcsent^year invdSt a 'portable^el^ctric or other lamp "which working mine can conveniently carry f*f m-~ piae^Mo- ^¾¾^ place in the mine^ and whi*h will not, under any ciroumstanc«s whatever, cause an explosion of gas." Further 'particulars can be obtained by addrees-ing-MrrThomas Burt, M^ P., president

-^f^t»^i4a«ga^*t ioh al T.TTIioft, New-caatle-on-Tyne.

. Tu« methods of a disgusting business Which has been -openly prosecuted in

-Liverpool for a conyderabie time, were recently exposed in court. It seems

..thattival-unoTertakara have be«n em­ploying runners to obtain (justom, by

go for a walkdfi-^-garduzv or^park, or fi«wer-^arket,\iiter which he always ri?" turns home in ej^pital spirits. When he was a young and poor mart he-euhivat-ed & gafjdeirriQ^ a small way on the roof of a six-story, house, and was so swecess-

tliere as to win^a medal at a flower-

serves. , : _ - • .' ' • | \ , Senatortngalls began the trohble by

dome remarks it.- the'Seriate dniring the memorial exercises there in honor of the late Senator HJll. of Georgia/ As near as we can make out from tlie version now given, he expressed .some "doubts

Inrcerrmtntrpi a fnttrre Hfer-btt^-^dn^Hed-that if thdre w*jre such a stale he kuew of no oh)*' whose life WHSTJO rich in the prbpheijy of a future e"xi5t> euce as that of Senator Hill. The Rev. Divtti'Udu did not like the speech, and quoted some sentences from it in his re­ligious newspaper under the heading of "Heathen Talk in Congress." He also appended some comments;-calliug Mr. ingalls an inhdel, ami, saying thafp the utterance of his views in '•connect­ion withal he solemn com^pemoratjv servioes of a Christian Senator Wits piece of ' pure "impertinence." That there might doubt about his own views'upon Inipertinence or

1 !"*»• U'.J.IIiJ

Pitteburs: PcMa^eporlef Hho other day, "that I have become a/ total? abetainer. grasped the bottom of the cage with hia

V-Th«Jiohys« h o l J b " ri^*1* r „ _ , . _ _ owTpftW and struc^ tbjoagh

j«rrel of whlskfy; and by close enlciJJ; th?b&rs at his \\ea^wlth th/pther. !$&& ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ^ I - J

In order to proteot hi« b«»d_And b6dy»


H o w a Car-Load of Pasaenfcrer* • *... W e r e Saved , Winnippf Son.

WJ|en the regular train which left Rat Jrortage was uearing the bridge over the Winnipeg ri?er, the driver, noticed a man walking on the structure. The train approaohea the bridge by a cur>e, so that the roan could-n6t seehis dangof. ^Tttg'Urldge 1H twjpnarrtfw to permit of a person standing on one side till a train should pass, ajadjiLwas im-

.possible for him to reach thoyopposfite side before the train would overtake him. Vo jump from the bridge wa's certain

This the man did, and the train/ which could not be stopped, came thundering on. The • conductor;- recollecting th4t the steps of the Pullman car were very low, and would probably strike the man's head rushed r jju.the rear, of the train, and uncoupled the car, which, by

{ftnbf*r of nM|r ' ed by the &-

Donahue, reached Jho door of the apip%u« ment, but when it Was made knowa t ^ them that the aoimal wal ' at largg in the room they refused to ent«r on ac-couuf of tHb darkness., Mr. Martin very pluckily held his ground, and by a judicious use of a heayjf- bar of iron soon cowed the lioness and drove her into her cage, which was Majrnredlately fastened iimi doubly secured"' hy fitting ini new Bars and adding new braces. Martin's injuries, though painful, are not seriotfs, and hw physician says be will not lose the use of his arm. After JiHio was cagetj it was noticed that one

wa»stalled in s treipbling-

at tears were triickling down iw face. Teii^nifltftcs' later it. w a s <kni<l. . ...,.,.' v


-- 'Cfbvernor Butler 's Dltmity. r . Governor Butler is perhaps the most

dignilied gentleman wjio has in many tho prompt appHoatton-Df brakes was veurs til^d ^ the Gubernatorial chair. -t,/L.L,» .^ «;^A S i . . ^,.:v.-^7TTT^-tT«. Th4Mlo«wi*.of tlie i>tate-H<Mi*e 4WJ—lock— stoj>ped in time. pulled hThi-self up and reached the other end of th* ^ 1 •vt^o'clock every afternoon, except bridge. » tha Mount Vernoii=st, dooivwhjch is left

° :~ "•" "* AK watchman, and perse


A this instant a freight train was ob- »}wn i n c;Jfrff° o f • t h « • • • • • • • b- • - througirthis pass ail served backing around the curve, and there stood the Pullman car in the mid­dle of the bridge, tilled with the terrified j>as*ongers. for tho front part of the train had gone off. The engine of the freight train was, attached to the rear end, so that it ^vtts impossible for the en-

ineer to see th\» Pulinian-ear. To leave e Pullman~car was certain death, as

>us luiving business within tlio bniuung

Oneevening last week the (Governor, having iniportant work to tinisii, re­mained , after i^s; clevks Inid gone. About b o'clock he descended" to the front door. -Jt was iock^d. •' You will hnd the Mount Vcrnon-st. - dool- open, sir; this is'always histeen'at 5 'o'clock,"

the passengers'h«d DO means of escape? l J*"aid?^\ l io}n^>n. who by mere chance »._Jr....-_.??L i.- . i . L . ^ f. was in the-corridor. . *

freight train branch of the subject under discussion, "the He v. Dr.-Patron marked a copy of his |):ipei~ahtl» sent it to Mr. IugaHs. Th e «*ase was not well opened. Ms. Iriga.Us indited a card of response and

h ' watching every registrar's office^ some­times from a hired room dpposite,some^ times from-the sidewalk, and" pouncing upon whomsoever visited it to register a death. These brutal importunities might have- -gone on unchecked if the

RULES ara a^ve*y^good thing- getter=-ally, but sormjtimes alitUfi^ vastly better^ The inquest^nJMiDOor woman's child in London a few dif ago illustrates this/ The woman was homeless and'for two weeks •had-'heeit* sleeping with her child tn:,ddorrsteps and in alley wayS. Biit at"t!tst7 nottc-ing that the child was ilh_she applied, ofaxtmiainorrto thtf Gt: G lies's Work-•

house. "The sapient Bumbles of that

seht it to the newspapers' as well as to J • £ . b l ^ k , 1'P"; ^ s a w il^ U aT

n 0 e r ' ..¾11

tiieJLioetor. -He observed that ia-his epoch on Mr. Hill he had mcTciy^'pre-sented those redectfcns which rise in all thoughtful minds when meditating up-jfi" Ihn imjvejieira.bie__jjnj.rery which veils the future state of nian fro^i all except" the key. 'Dr.'Pattern, and after a slight further explanation closed in' this animated style:- "If you are

n, I prefer to be a heathen — that inrif^juj-religipn prompts or per­mits you witlatJHt^orovocatibn' to libwl with whose iiSw««ch])on the great problems of human destfey^ou do not ^Kree^J^prefer to be^n inrtdelT^Uut I am neither the one nor the other.

%nd notwithstandinsr ti; thuri^ering «n: It1 was a forlorn hope, biit; it was the only one, and quick as a

tfla .h Conductor Trodden of thepassen- ^ ,^ ,° 1 1^. ger. train signaled the engineer, who-had The (mvornor fqlcted his arms, struck. -gone off with the front pari ef the train, a Position t^id looked at the young man.

the shouts of. the ,,,. ---.--. ^ - - - - . . ^ ^ - ^ - ^ = - — came " Ihen you can unlock i t ,"j jud GTov-

ernou Butler, f- _. >r ^ * " "Excuse m«,! siiv-but the"7Ioorkeeper

out He can look very wicked

true to hislcalliug, reversed his engine . ; ;B"tJ chqoseyouug man to ^o and sped back over the bridge on his this door. - . mission of mercy. Ho reached tho c a r , v - ^ h e r e was nothing more to be said, ^ ^ f e , t.hAJffw.rihr^wn" lVu<' "lefiHi-nftarswre dispatched to find backwardt_and noUhTh^tlihtToos^uoff^7^^ ^ ^ o^TcTopeTtlu} _fK*mt1door the Pullman e*t^aud iu precious load '<* tho ' s 4^ ' H , > i T S e ' ^o r t h « ^ « J ^ Magis-were drawn fromthe threshold of death. }f*\? °.f ^rassachusctto, who stood menn-SUentl^ and v^th-awed faces the pas ~ -while in an attitude before the )).oijal aengers.rode to to the citv.ea<^h one 'U1,1 X - ^ L ^ . ^ l J ^ t l " " * * turn on TealkingLhaw close liad been.their call. u ? h m ^ - I t was shortly openedTand The caboose altacired to to the freight w , t h !l triumphant twinkle in his., oyc.ho train was also tilled with passengers, buf^P^ 8 ' < l tl°"**•*" t l i c steps. . when thty saw their danger mauj^df_r^^ :"' ** - y^^~ \ them jumped from the car int^o^the "Do ^ o u Suppose She"Klnowa I am snowdrifts. % ,. _. _ ~ __Trrrr_Zl3^^?l®^JlZ7T/i


rnnners had been a~ I it tie more prudent But they became so numerous and so persistent as finally to obstruct the

""v$tree,t« and get theniselves indicted ns a ptibUc^nnisance. , • •

Ro>i^ T^apt events have given hope to the friendsbl^certain aspirantsrfor the Presidency tha^their favorites are growing -in popular iestimation. The defeat of one or tw«ucandidates for the Senate and the course of legislation in Congress are looked upon as significant, and several booms are believed to be in motion, Ali such speculations are worse than useless. There never was a time, perhaps, when the people gave go-little thought- to^resldent making as now. if any statesman imaginee that nil eyffB Brer' being turned toward him as the ooliIgg~iuFn,"the qufeter^"ui<;ieeeive»-kimself the better. The people propose^ to wait until the latest-moment before

, making up their minds, so as to take as V r t * « >Htoi<ttrPiMiBgr "S"'•^•Mt W^""„!^ thrdlotfery.—N. T. TVtteife. ~ - ; ^

••. ; » • - _ - • • ,..<

>idemio of vandalism Is said to playi^gHJre mischief-hr and about

ti»e^«^>ns)l CapkoJthis 'winter._ The ftfttnaakl ahalne nf W i i ^ r t r i ^ l a report.

institution curtly told her that she m«st show a note from the Juyise where snh had been sleeping the-pight Before. The poor woman explained how things-stdod^b'ut was sent off" to get-a • refer­ence.frorft>-a^lodging- where -shes&ad been a fortnight befojre. She could rind no one there, and camV-bjack to the

havo had'^pme doubts hitherto whether eternal punishment was consistent with infinite love, but I am quite sure that if -th»3re is no_hell for such bigoted si an-, derors and malignant liars as you there ought to be.1' Tt will be seen that! Mr. IngaHs-is-in favor of a hell. Now comes the re^fpbnse and" final summing up of

=_the-Jiev^--Jii*. /^attou. He starts- out witli the gcntleGhrktian remark that he had recently expressed the"


workhouse again—only, however>4T) be agaio repulsed until the relievingof-^ ficer had-"made inquiries.'1 The story turned out to be perfectly true, and she ^JIS ultimately adnrtted, just-ia- time for the child to die in the house "from cold 8Ad ejqjoiure,' .1 . .: / Z/I'JJ

'•- - — i . . _ » '.« ^^-r " ,

G r e a t bpeni t igProBper i ty . T .. Mr/ Russell Sage, one 6T the most

n^ted, as well as one of the most shTewd of American tinanCiefs.predicts a period ot great prosperity." He says the West will advance in the next ten years far beyond the expectations of even: those' who have expected l a r ^ r ^ o w t h r This opinion oflhe great N e w i ork financier is based on the vast flow of immigration into the yet sparseIy~ijohabited west. The St Lpuia Republican." one =e*T.the most conservative of paper^ says

that •uqge ntlemanliness opinion

not—« characteristic—ef-^il iinlaeHevers/' but iui was ,aow .convinced that he ought to rnajie Mr. Ingalls" a "conspicuous" except ioir--4,o this position.

" ^ "" his fflrmcr /Tngalls^^f-crib-

Boeton Courter. - "•-«. ' . ' • - ' -&• -1 Handy Andy made hjs appearance in

T-,1 . ^„ T3^». « . . ^ -B,^. » 4.A this city last week. He came in the Injures H * f c A e p w * a d F r f c h t t a a p e r 8 o n

yo{dn mVer hoy f r o m a fi(,h 8 t o r ^ _

a BlaoK B«oy40Death. | who, in making his usual round, of calls, Phil»ddpLilA_Bulletin.\i - ^ ^ ^ - . ! stopped at a South End jresid^ence. -A

A large lioness called Juno7sl»>Uing-i young lady, a sister of the biistress of ing to a circus, created auito a se^ulS^UJfi nlanaion,- happened to be in the. , tion at Frankford, whfere^the show is in. • kftwi^nwheu hecaiu«j, and in the kind-winter ^uartersjjjy attackmg_aj^ bjidly jj11'".'3 oT*li*4^h^ert she^ave him^a piece

Jnjnring Mr. Martin, th^ keeper.^-The ) oTcako, dt Ih*e-^ani6 time handing_him

then this

raiterates^all He

sections, accuses Mr: -btng. his^news7 from (^icerb^—and/de-clares that '•heathenish'.' is the-^pnly fitting term to characterize ^ s " senti­ments. Finally, after telling him he has used language which a-4otrue gen­tleman woujd not use / ' he cflM^e\ with thisingenious reference to thj^^raaubt-ed existehce of a hell: " In^eWrn for

»«Whilfl all reaaonahleallowance maybe madelpr the Interest he may haveih railroadv-stQcks, there appears to be

plieey/ The population oKthe^Kew -England states is not increasing-at a l ^ or scarcely: at" all. Much eveh^or "

>osec caus^TJttta 1 8 ^ . ^mother­ less became

supp In June, ^^., the mother of three cubsA and Juno, who occupied an adjoining^age during ^he travels oi the ahpw, became much

•ested in them. Lastfall the moth-m ^ufch^utrbs died, and,"at l ime

cjuno'ain "of late ihe ctrbs that when

st in them increased, till e so j ea lous ' ^ t - the jt»y one approached

them she would beoomc furious-.with -Vi !

uatbefo^e .dark the other Martin fed thlraiiimaltfy and ing the ciiba thjeitsltaj^paiiseii a nient to fondle them. ^This incensed

ment that it had^been sent to him by -Mis* Sj>ruce. The shopkeeper scratched his hekd, rushed to a rieighb^nv-toldjiiia story*, -and concluded iafe^breathless statements with the exclamation: • 'Do you suppose she knows I'm married?"

lete«^l-guBi8¾theBi^, ^ perm it me to express/ the!, hope that ybtx-niay 'Attain repentance unto life, and, pwtin£^aw*y all malice, evil speaking, bribery and "corrupt practices^ .finally be w*eIcomed to the-glorious rewards' of the eternal hereafter/'—The Re>. Br. Pa t ton^i will be observed. Is not uo blunt a ptff-

r , son^ as Mrf Ingalls. He-^ does not in-abu^danTfeascm lor the^4avorabTe'pro-1 ^ulge in a "cruel wish*' that he may go

t«—thfttSincomfortabifl- place,.^..._J5i ^^^ropes'1 the senator will be able to get into heaven, bottle wishes him to unr .derstand that he wlli^first haverto re-

'section comes.west.' Besides accretiemv Etetmce "malice, evlt*pel^g,*~b^5ery


ed to be mi|iu*^!tbig toe; Jiam» has lost a JiWhKftiger Indian womai> in the Go^mbus all five fingers of her right h



•""»«• TilK Ute Professor-Pond vrtke

lftinl>ltJiten^1^fWiff^^ theoriC^-a task wbjch he frequently engaged in

^•when.helriuinphanUy Wound u'p<vith | seem~mujj the question) " I f wtf'^re monkevi where are- our tails?" The Professor,

from the older states' immigration is pouring into, the Untied'State* at the rate of SOOjPOO^ouls annually. Af least stigh baa been the experience of the past

^twojears^ and there is little sign of Abatement The southern states get but t h e merest fraction of this va»tin41ux-ol

eople. They come to the west. The act imports great growth.and large fn-

creaseof production. Increase in com-mer(fey*ti|c^aso vjn .the population of cities, continuT»d^high price's of live stock and, provisio^ts>^aavance in real

Ute values, acchmulaTlo^of. business fpr^aUrbads, construiHion^Wk^e'w thoroughfares— these effects1 i - vr5

aw the causes nrot ed. Mr Sago'q pradiotfea ,doei TTOt therefore ap

'•" unreasonable t ea r unrea^onablev^r extraxagaiit. . . . u . ^ - c t Nothing but partial pMotal failure of

-r^rho^^ao> been speaking; f ^ w o ^ u r « 4 ^ prtficlpal crops c p u l d ^ l revtrsA. at a s'treten' beforeaskiDgthlsposer, was ^Jttartlett t«? hearl t i i red audiWr aniwe"r

audibly:' -''Wj^have sat <ni them e e j i » ^ l^S'f that they are/worn: off.

. — _ / ; • * ' r •

- T H « disjisQsjjLia'lt^e of the Umi&u

the orderih- wh\cWthings , are -I'limigration al^ne, if theaide c A-i.—•_• i_ -i .:- _ M I -'^dsf^ptibjle the1

contu to bear fn on usi will almo> _ population of the: States lying wesf thft Ohio and the the-qm decade, and the consequence groWlh ta matter to c*pancTtT

aod>e<hi¢t<p^actices,.,", befbre^he can get in with^tn* Doctor and theNQther meek and low^r Christians -ivho nevei*. permit themselveVv^jen^by indirection, to indulge either jn^maiic**' or A'evil speaking'* •"•"• - \ ^ ' _Her9 the discussion rest^/^^TJie point

which we wlSJyto emphasize abdot^t is the agreement of the two dlsputa ^ one an alleged heathen and infidel, and the other a realous, professing Chris-t iapthat there is a hell, anift^t t it is a desiraWe and ueeesoary intttitution. .Wt»

your crueL_wfsh that I may be doomed IJuno. and she raised such a disturbance thereAder's imagination. thr.t Mr. Martin approached her cage to quiet her, but stumbled and "fell

can witl remark: Kwnr

Taka :*^rh.e_:

boy wai- an iio'lKe"sT Che/ too half, we fear, to getTttong in this wi world, and he carried the cake, and unnibbled still, in his dirty paw to hiii hpivgildprrd" pmplnye_rr with th« Bt.y<v.

leet by


The remarks of the young lady to-tl boy when she learned that her order

been misinterpreted we leave, t o

Since 1( ting acts have; Against the barTs.—-Instantly she seized

h^s right arm above the^elbow. Martin, Maine. __,

different iiquer-regula-'/thft legislature.ef


Dealer in


V .

are not sure but that thte agT^gmenT --• v^ill settle the question,,4>erflTanently, and if it does a prolific source of dis»

among theologians will be re-m Py^*?S^9wever ' mwth^ s ax l^e s s^h^ deci8io^i_^*tT>Jave" soirfe people, th/erer Cdh /w m^dwuTlHhat it.will give great joy to many otFeirs^hjgJ^p^ upon a hell aa-an-^eminently com^tidabie" place of eternal aboie for the'hsHene-


/ • • •







i i ^ .<LV', ' * ' '.

= « ^


Alexander Duni&s wtw among1 *h«> want decorated of authors. Ho wan o&en twifcCed for tl>« maimer of patent* <p cliivaii> wIifcli i wo«xi mcrUaUrt, ami for the cro^sea, fctax* and «Uor«>dH^W»o*» *jrti*iic*lty arr&ng^d oni the chimney-piece of his study.

"VVUv:, jjuy dear Dumas.V exolairued wao of Wrfriendu, who deplored in se­t-rat tlup ejraptineas of his own button-nolo, *'of what do all thoaebaublea re*

^ . a y o u ? "

Tbe San Frjmciscb (CaTO Cbroniteter in An article on the Fire Uepartmen* of Satf Francisco, fjiveaihe tbllowinz from' ,*jwt. Chief Engineer Matthew Brady

* lying iiw fttftff *«f h™* hr^n «tth^{<> »n aqgrar seH, »ta/« and p a ^ fa-my iciest (or over lour years

fesprted to variou8fm6de.K ot treatment to obtain relief. 1 have dad my chest terribly blistered.,' No phynician wmld/

4ell what, was thfc matter with me. Two

i*' 1,.

<"'"' A eouatryruaii, with hw bridj*. aU>i>i>«d ^ . a jo te l the other day. At dinner, when th,e waiter / p r i n t e d , a bill of fare, the young; man inquired* "Wfiat'a \hatj?H" ,' {'- • ; - '

' •pi l l of fare, air,1 ' r**pfied th^ wai te r . J £ h e c b i m t r y r a a n took it Lu his hand ,

looked incjuirmgjy-at 'his wife a n d then _ a t . t k e wai te r and l inaUyjUygd hia h a n d

i n t o h U pocket un"of inquired, - u H o v r * m u c h w i t? ' " J

weeks a # o J coniMn>oeii cphh-OU, U h a O t i r e d

1 uainjj St . .fa­m e . .

A g e n t l e m a n , t he first t ime of his ooiufag Ao Hath, w a s E x t r a v a g a n t l y unarmed for e v e r y t h i n g by the persrjns m w|jo|e_ h<mse he lodged , as well as by • t h e r s wi t l i w h o m u£ had occasion to •*Biu; of" which-,' «ome t ime after, Q O I S ^

pTuiaing to- Beau N a s h , " S i r , ' replied" the l a t t e r , " t h e y have ac ted to you on

: $ r u e C h r i s t i a n pr inciples .? ' , " I l i iw j*o?7repl ied th j i ruan . _ *'Wbyv, you were a s t r a n g e r , a n d they

look you i n . " - -T h e f a t h e r of an I r i sh s t u d e n t , see iug

his son-act s tupid ly : " W h y , s i r r a h , " j a y s he, "d id you ever s ee 'me do so

• w h e n I w a s u. boy?-'1 "

i\y p r even t it T h e o the r k inds in l a r g e packs a r e trawlf. ' V""

TA" princosse naCK with waist and trajn in, one continuous pieeu is preferred for vol vet dresses. .•'"'/ * - •«

>* I ... -^^m^. : -

elections are very unccrtaUi tiling*, btit Tltonr-&Vj&]ettri<: Oi£ tan be depended upon always. It eurcH act*.* and pains of every aebcriptiou.

When Fogg **w a train on the dreaaof on old -ladjv «" rciuarkuu that It was behind time.


T in t ed by her phys ic i an h e * a i d , " M a d -..»m,v I . -hope wc shal l s o o n j j e t you up* the hill aga in . 1 ' .•• . ' ^ " »'» .» r " A l i i " said she, " I am, afraid before 1 geT to the top I +>haH be oufcJof b r e a t h . " '

"• - A ladvrr-4eawn^..Jionie was t h a s ad­d res sed by her,'little.' boy: M a m m a , will yo t r - r emembeE- a n d buy me a p e n n y

- w h i s t l e ? And let i t be a" rel igious one , : - - i f t i l i a^rw^iL a _ e ^ o t l Sunday- 1 ' *

^ . W e la te ly h e a r d of a h o u s e m a i d wTioT" a b o u t to le:w:e a family • unexpectedly-, * n d u r g e d to give a reason for it, simpjby

" s»i lp^I; 'c1aia] t s t ay , , the. y o u n g ladies s p e a k such bad g r a m m a r . "

As Dicky S i^e t rwas e n t e r i n g t h a a t a g e t l door i j i t C o w a l _ C l a r d e i r T l i e a t r e one ppumtig^wet n igh t he was t a p p e d on the •hoi | i»lerHy .a dun , who had been t y i n g

—m-w|aitfor"hini, anil w h o said, " 1 be-lievt y o u r n a m e is Sue t t , s i r ? "

"Q)h JK)V r ep l ied lHck>*r-escaping

..Crumbs of Qomfort, Eat ache, tofoth ache/ headsthe^ neu­

ralgia, and depfuc'SH can W« instantly relieved and linally cureii by JohnsonV A^jbdyne Liniment. (Jet a pottle and read rli^ectious.

• j v - * ^ -The editor of an agricultural paper

says there is absolutely n* curu fur uog^ cholera, but that Shcridaif s Condition

«Kl tfopd coin doeth ODt lDR fov ap-p b a t e ^ « r ^ a i n i s f o r t ^ ' '* '

Hp&iU. iKnioaimok, bepraMtoa-of

al»o ULA pravepUi D iMfmlon f e w and AJPM, mad \ other lotert*ktt«nt Kuvtsra. Ui«t 'KKhko-i'RtmpHou-ATXU KLifUi u» UAiiisAYA." made by-CMWHil. ?i«». ard * CO., New York, and «o]d br all Dnu»l>i«, ts the Uwt tonic; uud fur pattern* r«>oi>Yewn« fr«m fevnr or oUier fti^aAeia, U b»« no »>qu*i.

get Sheridan's.

Depend Upon It. Mothor Sbipton'e prophesies and Umhlana.

Do Not Movo Blindly, Go cawfully in purchasing medtcino. - Atariy*

Swift's- S u l 1 a in h e r 1 as t i llnesa ^ e ^ g 4 - adKimifiedxanvfe fan work reat In Jury—arc - - • • • - - * • wori?etban none. Burdock Blood Bitters arc.

the smallest disease and

p\irely ;a Vegetable preparation; child can .takfe tbern. They kill '^nrp t.hf patient in a paff a'u d kindly way-

'H ath bound to have on6fblow-ont Before i die," »a tlR'naan f*aid wlien h* ^Juflcd 'Hit the gas. / ••";"• ,. _i

::Byrth^.ortfntn^t*Hhe Milwaukee tfe| MarHwri Lint;''of the CHICAGO «fc"NORTHWESTERN- ROAD, Waukesha, noted for its healing mineral spring*, i0!ttailghi/_6jill_jmore pruraine|it7y' before tjic public, and Lake Mills, aucw^buVvery dejiifht-

JM\ summer resort, is nog for thf tirfit time opened ttTtHelourlsr.

fiW-the clutiilws-Qf the man,..^1'm drip-pins.

D r i p p i n g h a p p e n e d to bp^tmjTram^t^f-m n t h r r r tr tnr in- th"i f\timv unmpfiny.

•/; <-

— ^Fiw Pres iden t of tlte F r e n c h Republ ic is an ep icure "in coffee. On' - A - c e r t a i n »cc:ision» *w'hen out h u n t i n g , 1» was be­n igh ted i n a li t t le wine-honse iu the

- S o u n t r y . —^~~-— '•Havey*ou-»nv c h i c e o r y ? " said he to

the TO a n of the'house._ " Y e s , s i r . - \ , ; ' -" B r i n g me s o m e . "

. T h e p rop r i e to r re turned- jy i th ft smal l • a n of ohiccory. ' - , ^ " i s tluijt.rftll you ' h a v e ? " ftslted M*

Grevy'i, ^,:, - -—-^'\Ve have n little t i i o r e . "

' " i i n n g mtt the res t . ' 1 -Wl«rri. he. c a m e a g a i n wi th a n o t h e r

-eauoLt th ieoory , M. Grevy said, " Y o u Jaaye-t tot t jore) '^ —^jSk). s i r - r ^ ~ Z — ^ ^ = ^ ^ = = ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

" V e r y well; now g o and m a k e a c u p of cof tee ." ^ ^

J o h n n y McCree, a n eccent r ic , good-

In New Ywrk one wt of" thieves plunder th« harborT and auotuer harbor the^plunder.

Any person having a bald head aftd fiifoug to see the derived from the great, pc-, tffti^tT)-Ufei<!-r-er^a^t<,

l PiirhnliThR, an n o w ' t i t t -proved and perfected, in the1 face of the vast

rit-riuuiber of t(;8tirnrrntalfl from our rtry be*t iscns, is ^urely^going it blind. •

_. • \...r- « — ' v — " ThT^FoTTrotrcan%(|J Itterea^e the running

of a d(»j, but tin can. •. . .

- First Rate Evidence. /^ liOften uiijfble to attend business, beinjj^sub;

j^et^tr^eriotw dieortWr-of *be-4itiueys: Afl«'r a ' loug's)ege<>t BJekm-es tried Bur*«k Blood Bit-

~- leiw at<^ wa? fvilemH?y fealf^ a^fefctjt^-LJuj^iJL Turner, of Rxihester, N.r Y.,.takWthe pains to write.

The ro«e is the awecter b^oauv Of the thorn

We recently overheard.(i 8uilerc?r. frOim Ner­vous Debi'Ktv ' pav of .Aii-u'.s> BRAIN Foon: "It is Meat, l>rink, Lod^ittfr.' and a ivefcksjcasb--hig thrown in." Atdrugg*^H=»»4 at -Alien's Ph'arraaey, '.Ufilrt'ave., N. Y- \ ~^r-~

— - - —• ->*»-»* - —.. *--Une"trade i» respectable above a'uother only

.--(-- '"consequence of the" euoerjor .««$peetabtlity the class >.\i men encaging in it.

Important^ _-. Wlien vou vijiit err leave New York City, sa-fe Baggage Expressage,- and Carriage Hire, and ptop at the (Jrand Cnion'liotel opposite Grand Central^ Depot'.

lih'gant rooms, fitted upM a cost of on^ mil-'lkm d^Uurd^j^duewi to 41 and upwards per

" irope,an Plan. Elevator. Restaurant


Dyspepsia I ^AntnB*^^?S?rSnonS^IrTntrSe*n«n^R>5aii

iftfe-week in your own-town, T«ra* MwtJ

nn TBS MVP! in tt

coniptet* N(

^np«mpblpt on the a ' ""nictr complete rn



ltllKlJUATISli; Neuralgia,

Sciatica, Lumbago,

WA5icnftteofrnwjniCl'1 SORE THROAT, i


| (^ fMSS. Cuts, BrulMk FROSTUITFSa, * .

D I R K S , N C A L D N , And an<ittK-rtiodn>'aclj«,»*

•AM j»aTns.

FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE SoltHtjr-nM nniKRWl^ nri'l

lit'alei-H. 01rec*ioii» i n H luoeniJtRp^ . 8 ' The Charles A. Vogeler Co (OaoVMnr< to A. TC k r'.


. rra» ofTInaSeStMm. A yuan v«i»ontdUut»»lngint*]*dt«*i»rHl

.. pu«t free. Hvo cunt* in. «Uimp*. ftkvr Bt'KOKON, KOTAL N/kVy,

1 1 A U D K I N 6 , Box 8 8 .

^ - «•- r- . : THiO. ,. .- ..;,..- . .:.:ic n

IiU .*:.ii^i \j: ••i.KalTY, '.' Detroit, U the oI.;..*t, largest,'

ii.o*tthoroii2hajiti practical, haii^ ttie^mo.t at4e >»n4'Experienced

tcac*»er», fine»t rooa>s, ahd better' racihti«.« e-er-w.iy,.thaft any othee

teuiKH eoli ^e in XteUtcan' j Q t •t"- K'wiuatrs aiM the bu*lne*»6iei»i>f

etroit, ahcn' our S«- «w»l. Call or itAd lor Ci.n «!at»»U SUonhaad





HayKnife! OUTH'S PA (EM')

Awarded "FirdJ)rder of Merit' j i t Melbcrarneffiibitioa, 1880. Was awarded th> Firrt PwmtOB at the International Kxniln in Philadelphia, i" t.M76,aud ac oepted by to« Judf?« aa

wiisios-To Airr otszs xsin r» ges.

It i« the BEST KNIFE in tb* WORLD taout r i s e FEED frmn bale," to cutdow'n'How or KTACK, tO CUt.cOCK STALKS ft>r T«*<t TJT to cut Pf:.iTfcj»ud hnn no eqtuU for cultiuj; sods or (litrhing-io rwrshefl, &fid for cutting zxail" AOB from SILO. TRY If . IT >VTf;L PAY YOT.

Kanufacturvcl vuly by

HIRAM flOLTiCO.,EastWUtoiitMe.^.Si. Forwlo t- r.srdwtrcJierciaats wdtaAT/vl* ECMriil?,

Mttoa. fettlnM,

. .. aeUttto* uart-


jjHMA>y. HoUritor of1 Patent*. WaohlMtM. D. C. Q r Bend for Circular, j a 7 ^ y. A. UCH

-~oo'.Tf JSUT'I •alid w»i«nt« Upon T f

sffoortn Kuud and | Ten write to or caul

U. I P t l G V E Oil ftOlf, H Wert Con-'

i'greMM.. Iwtrolt, Mica. Attonwr > i n Pi,»nt t'»uiw«. Krt*blUih©d lft

y « f n _Wf«»d for pamphlet, frag. r V»f)5cure<ior1io p«yl Ala*

trade marks, eta nead mod* el and sketch; MM examine and report if patentable. Many rears practice. Paa-

Wei free. K. W. ritzgerakl Co., Attorneys, Waantof*

FOR B O L D I E B S o a any dlae^ute, wound or

.. Pareot0<>wMow«

r injury.,, i']

ion* f e e 110. butyeaae, peo>

and cUSdr^pare entitled apprt Millior ^roprtated.

«nd honorable dbjrbarge« procured. New ^ w a . 8 e a 2 stamp for Instruction* and bonnty table. N. W. Hti fterald A Co.. Attorneys.'Box 588, Wtuibinfton, D. C

or try. ifarejitii, »Wow«

and children ore entitled IMilllons appropriated. 'JeetlO. In«rrea?e, pen-

.. • - . *U»iw. bounty,-back pay and honorabTe-rtlitehar«es procured. NLW L A W * Pend «u»rop for tnstructionH and bounty table. B. H. GKi:f*T«WA < '<».. Atfyn HOT THY WK(thin«ton, D. a

(WW^rtAWgH-^Sfti TRAD* MARK """" irV. An unfail-

, n«jR»rH fo r 8 e m-inai Weaknpas, Wpermatorthea, Irapoteney,' and a'l dltteaaea tbut follow as *a »e-quebee o f .Seli-Aba«e: aalo»sof Memory, uni»e«*-'

J *al" L»srtt-u-d-e . tEFOlE T A I l B a . ? ' ^ ^ the B a e k A H E I T A U I I .

j.juiuiatpa ui "reiun,- Prem»ture **lu oist," a*iu tuuny other dt*eH»eft, that lead to Insanity or Conaomptioa a n d a Premature Grave.

p r Pull UMI Dtuliifu in cm» pnmphlat Pull u«i DtTiHifp In out pnmpt eirfe lo send free by mall to everyone

«hJlch.w« A*. GIT T»e Spe­

cific Medicine 1» soid by all druratnta at f ] perpMCk< H2e, or «i at package! for f5, o f will be »ent by mail o a the receipt of the money, by artdreweInK ^ -

; THK GRAY MKDIC1NE C«>. Buffalo. If. Y. On account of counterfeits, we bare adopted the

yellow wrapper; the ooly^aenuine. Guarantees o< tM^fl^hj^farn.n^, vvniixn.w f Co.: Detfota, m-.


IHAEE NEW RICBT^BliOODr And will compJ*U.'^^?iaerg» th« blood tn tfae^ptlrg ajratem lft throe inontha. Any per-

h'umon.'tl Soutchnian, once iippluur't^-^ 'Uitilbk to iutftwluop a prnilnclionJ^y[l_ M on44w-8tage. Johnny baiJitHHr-rfcts of>4rflore<Jy ready, but Vtts'uissuatleti--by GUmwJv^mm (ihishin^ it, the come*

-dym ti>ilir^r>rw^thftt l)is talent did not lie in that way, iStsJolmny abandoned his tragedy, and setlrtH^vt writing a comedy. When this was uuiihed he a h o ^ d it to Garrick, who fotimTit^jf

Eo$sfble» even.ifiofe exceptionable than is first attejnjit,• .and Q{ course coul$

nptr-be persuaded U> bring K forward ofa -the stage. This surprised poor Johnuy^ j»ho feelingly renionstrated, "Nae, now,

~t(t?sfffdTia^Trit1Jt^--4a^t4«ii-4frY-4^ Udna lie in tragedy?^

Buppl'iiHi ^itirt lu 'T>7s^"^^ ek'V s.J. railroaii to all depots. FamilTeis can live ' t i t ; : for U's^mourfv at tlte Graud Union Hole ;.u* at any otiierliirat-class Lot^l'ln tlie cityJ ^ .-.. •:.- . V " ' -. "

son who •will t ake I P i l l each n igh t from i;to^X/Mf»«k», may bo restored to souud health, if gach a t h i n s be pocalbl^ For cUTlngfemale Coxnplaintg these Pllta hare no e<^naL Physiciaas D M them In their practice. Solff everywhere, o r sent by n » l i for eight letteir-etomp^ Send for circniar. I . 8, JOHNSON & CO., ^QSTO?fy MASS,

~ ^~ GROUP, ASTHMA, BRO^eHlTJS. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE L-lS'IMENTwillinitmn-, taneously relieve thf«« terribl di>pas<•», »nd will posltiwly^ cure nine cases out of Uyi.- InformatUm that \Vjil t-nvt j>any lives sent tre« by- man. IKJt delay a muweuL PreventioQ is better than cure,

JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LimMCNT^T^^^S Nonralpia,Influenia, Sore Longs, B'»edin> at the LntuM.OirYmlr^rlnareenittOlac^ng Cough, U'hoopipgi^uch,

SrDiilc^fteumatism, Chronic DinnheDa, Chronic LH«entcry. Cholern Morbus, Kidney Trouw>*, nisi-asei of tb* me ard Lame Bac\. Sold everywhere. Send for pamphlet to I. 8. JoH>sos 4 Co., BOSTON, MAS4.^.

. - - — < I . I " 1 < , i — ^ _ ^ ^ . —

An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist now traveling1 In thi« country. *a,vsih»t mo«t

•i.if the Horse and Cat;lo p WuVr* »oW here „^re worthiest trash. lie says th«t*her\,an'« Conditien FowflTFi Arc 7ibsoIuleTy • pnWWrnT linmensely valoable. Snttynit nn earth WJJI m«ke hens lay like Sheridan*! Condition Powder*. l*4€, 1 'frlto l Pint fool. Sn?d *y«rywbern, or sum by D\all for-8 ietter-itaffipa L 8. Joavsoa <b 0 * , Boaro*

DU, T s F t L i X GDl/KAfc^S • "* ' ' ' ' ' . - • • '

Oiiental Cteaifl e r f agicul Ruatihti.

i e s , M »»t • P^tf ins 3nd,«r r-r> bteii t»b ea l>€uut>.»n d*.

« "aetet-tioa. I: ln» bx<d be Tw»(of OH^eart and is m b rm ii s< w i«e r t o b^mire jiTftp-

<»raii<knfa pp|>-e'ly mart*. AC-CCpt »n CrDB-TT»r*ii tit .vmi- r lariuuiH1. itie . d mnig i » h *> d i'r. 1--A -ay»e said toali«<l> *fv Lh- ttauttoo i*

** • , pa'lent)— 'Aa you • I. du»^«'iil use th»n% I rec^onni* «1 fKAj-ard^

TTeanrrsv tit least iiamear-wf aM the>fctln pr i argroT^^L Cue hau-fwiu la«t -ix owfc»t»\«k tss i» « «• fi j daj. *4sa i. rxiios.iSiiflr>.nvrre anpcrfluoun balr w1UM>ut hi} irt-•-' l<jlh»-B»fn. "~"" ^ ~ T —

Vme.-ti. a T. GOVRAUD, Solo P r ^ , 4K Ew.d street. New Y«ir". "• <. 1

-^ Kor s Oe br al> dm«fcl*U a-'r1 Fancy frrv fL-< u e a ' * i throu»htmt U»«i United Si * t « , - a*ia<)i an'l E U T ' I * K*~ bf>w<rpo'bael it tto-w »* ftO«> r>w»id tor a rw* aud nroi'f nf »i y "t<»» w | lr« byname


S T R I C T L Y P U R E .


-9SA& /-'Yes^\repl'ied Garrick; "but I did

mat tell yoiMMt they lay in^comedy." " T h e n , " — e ^ ^ ^ e 4 r 4 ^ n n y , \ 4 u ^ y ~

puzzled, "gin theyxiinna lie there; th^tt^ Wbere the deiL4po theyw4ic, mon'?^

Hogarth wasone-of the •srr-

A. absent-minded wen. Soon alter he'lrftd set up bis carriage berpaid ivyiat^to^ thtKkord Mayor (Mr. Bedkfpr'd)^ and having

racted his visit farna~considerable ti'me^ -hea 77 sboyrer came on, he Was Jut

a d^ffer^nt doos*4i?ttm. Jthat ,bv Whiefe "M^ entered. UrtmhidIiiL_jii

carriaga* .... he called

trtp Tnain-5t>rina of Ufo\ r^


A *


CHEAPEST BOOK IN THE WORLD. The Ne-tf American Dictionary Brice only n ftft Contairta 1,000 gngrav lnaa end too p a g e s moro

• v r ? t han anv other ***>*& tha fc}nj *>v»> gt?WTfniefh_ _ liaift Yoluroe_l« arLlbrarj said • Ktieyc4pp«ai» of gen'em ^

- * : t han iTtts nMul and cl Fkai.wl«4Ee,aa |clotU*ua.giltt No pocket »ff»ir, but* Urjfo TOIU^L'

lettaift Toluroo 1« a.Xlbrarj md-^EtieycJpj _ well »3 ihe best Dictionary tu th* Vrorld. kuparbry boowlln

„. , No pocket affair, but* l»rjro TOIU^L'. It ecntains every useful ortl In tho English liwisuage, wlitj Its trao meaBlnp. derivation, spelling and

«t?Tjrr> Bl-igraphy,Anitrlc»u Uir^.orFLii.w.HViitliiudaad ln6e«J!t riaw«/erc..t>«in?"a Pe r ( e^_Llb ra ry f f ^ e f e r e n c e . . _ Webstw1*


K0 r t ' - ; E i - u t

Sew Anicrlcrtn I'ictli'iiar^cJs'ti unfy U.0& Turt'ml Uie,Pre.%s Cays i • ^ - - L


rtlou&iy cw>t» ta.oe MI " ITOl._ ._ _ _ _

TO «x»n.iiicd the Now Ain'erltnu i.icUoinwj and find It-Is a'., . |valnftbl«>««Jk<-HotfBS * UOXE. "Woli»»e-He»<>r n-«n Its equal,sltherin prfe<C ' [finish, orc<itn«jht,s."—TnK AIH'OCATK. "Worth ten tiait-s iho tanney."—TKI-I BU.NS JIM> F A I : « * - ^ " 4 perfect Dictionary and llbrsi y ,-n referehre."—LKSLU' IlLLcsTRATEp NtwSS>'"Wi'obavo lrec,tirut occasion t«> n o the New Amerlcua ) ftletionary ft» ouroflle>*^reBiird rt well worth the pHc*,"—CBRI«TUN r^.\ios. '

'With the New Amerlcan-iQctjonary in tho Ubrwry fi*r reforerjce,trftWyl. other [much njore expensive- wnrksraqrhe dl«pen«eil with. »ml icmorjinpenrhinconn-frj. hiTfj,vy>nrinrn- '"•" rtr 1 ryr-Tr-nF<Pvif In -'ii - nn '' frirrmnoAukBi

f r ITT '•>"-"'"»^"-°i 'MifiP '" »J1V lf 1 T¾•:•— >*. Y. Si S. "T"rift« lutuorp real* »orjh than lft most bowis at ton titan

iMotethf price, $ | , 00» rwit-pnid; 2 e<tp.. . ^ - - . . . , , , . ,

- K x t r a o r d i i i a r ^ >wiVU*tul l>»* >n n vwmltim ^ <" Anierl^sn 1»'atrrBn^tit«jn Tfrfidlfix lTaica "" i l u b Of IS »etsintend tre* a twur-KUver UyitTng^^ga'yat^h.

"ISltrBT 3t>w-e will vend free'a L.n»!\ 'sRoU<i<5nlrt IluhtTrveCare Wateh, Tor a CibtJOf 150 w w!ih»rnd free* Oertt*' Soiui^Gt^rtBuntlftg^ase Vatoh. 8cnd a ruillffKtt fmc* \r>r »«»mplc copy- Yonean ea<Tri>^fp\ire«»c«(tbe»e»

•*"!T<I"'" » ''f>n-r_two. nfrinr.tig your K»Wnro time evpnitfsfcT ^ ^ ' A* torinr r*llHDlltty>«* ran refer l4tn£p:jhti-jh*r»«ftal* paper, tr5*eipmme

Sites, Tooth^Ear, and — - ^xche, aii&aJi-p&i&s-and ftf o

tiBL^TAXi acenf !(•« or anv ••xfir*'''


JOT ft hacJkney-c^a^c '•ure ontj; he thei'ttin," and j

d not pro?. F tfarottgti ping weL. asked him

httdleit thecarria^R^ '*Whjy-1 had unti

Mrs» Hogarth<yery natui

• /

Where lie lly," replied he,

got" " y^Segi^k^^hi^^06m tooVHMffgeimt^ pitiuleT' ta MikMi rotyi he thonght hp should snowiH^watiiuite^for that favor by attackingtheo

"Me began/ with a Wilkes. - Mr. Churchill jso! 1!8bed< tbo^Ephrtler— -to^ "swatiam Hogarth,1' 1 ½¾¾¾ tbat artist w ^ n u ^

^aiefiSlfuliy/Iashed; IJogarthV r«?^, terminated ia'4Thc Bruiser, C. ChurcftTU

np-arlnp r^preeeiiU ib»,^ in a haaUhtj




And Other Throat and Lung Affection

It c o n t a i n * y o O p i u m l a Any JEtarm.

tb«Q(Hrof r AlIcn'H Lang Balsam, aadabtxa

t iflerlf sitiur^ gentlemen,

ca^i^ure »J^M^ \y A8 an rxpectSHat It; Has No EqnaL e r p u b - f jar For &a!6 by all Me«j<4ne DwUera.


_^once the reverend)^^ repr aatirifl in U^ fbriji uf a bear dr ige

entkiff t h e

_ '"nonioally, holdinir a pot of porteTv in


immearted by rhyKieiana, XiBisten « D 4

«: i i never faiil (4 firuytrellef. -

,A GOOD ACCIDENT - T O H A T a i a -

L £ * * ^ rnirr


I t One Dollar Each. Any^iMmAn eaa raadtry teenr* Hfta«oikvtacrlbcra la one or two hoar*, or In^atalnfle evtnlnir. tf

y 6* want a ^ ^ S O U 6 C Q i N 8 l i . V £ R W A TC H easily Jo eo. Send Q M i f b Q Q r A » taranav 1« Copy i t tha MEW A M E f J ^ V p i A T y U i f t S ^ " * H>e new ea*y yon can l^t tf^vlttb pt p4|T^r«I |j»

-Ifytmaoti'ttAJw t o r e i a p a e\*V yobtMll wiu ytwkinarf hi ffaU to *om*>«non whom TOO think wouiaMke taaat tha watch. «•

" inerltan , Bend tnoneHnrafitMiwdlati BendaHorderaVo W O W V P ' W A H<

mM . ^ • ^ • I M flwfcaau •tr*«t, W O R L D M A N r t r A C T U a i N G CO. ;> K o r e m b « r S l«t^ ! _ _ .

P l » d eac !oa«d S S O d l ^ ^ 0 N e w A m c i t M A l^etlOaUirte* a n d tH« Ladle** Bo, Ceold W a t e b . , I « M i i f f « n u l r t y S«»*«r l fcer» l* oi»« da .y , a n d la§Te aereiml m o r e pr^mlBcd^JBiaryoae llfcoirilic IHct lUaary a n d a J d t ikatw a e e n A«T6«ttb«erta>ed.

H i — ILAUBA-COII^ A n a a p o l i * . M a .

—Th« be»t; {Btemali aixJ e««n!U wotW. tv<ry bottle ffUirant«<d. So d by m--'.iicfca»-iealiit* everywhere. Dirtttiotks in eight*r<

Price jaccau&a4}ixc. '

Pn&TEH, MILBURM & C0. f PWD';'""""

paralH»Btrat«d wtalecn err , O. taenay Ordetv B


O t t c e o f th« A u d i t o r o f t b e Trea*l ir>. P o H . 0*»c« l ^ p a r t m c n t t " W o r W a t a j « u ? « C o ^ . _ _ , Waalalainom, la, C , J a n . »9» 2 8 8 S * ^ . T h e JVevr A m e r i c a n Dlrt lbamry order^fhJat inarr 1 5 a t n a n d * - I o b t a i n e d p n r t e e n aubacrlbera In a b o u t aa^amauf^mTn^UMlaat Satmrdajr, a n d And t h e

Oalce d e p a r t m e n t 1» •« aroo4.nald to w o r k > l n T h e h o o k p t o T e * t o h e ;.' j u k t ^ h e t h t n s for onffe* Uae. 1 araTe-anany TnoT«-promla*d, a n d w H l a e n d

j a « o t ] > « ^ o ? c « r o x d ^ « f r ^ ^ e l fyar W a t c h a e ^teapeetful ly , iuta^ BO]

->^r -\

t T i i . irooi

/--v »--

FAJ01I MZMCnrTaAt HAS SULIO OKI DSBcre s« f t in t




otbenfall and moaeie, *Y*ITWh$u*/-


^ 1 : ^ '

/'. . > >•"

, i . _ L*«^. - / .

'~Sp3.- r-r ^ - ^ - ,-«— < ^ / ;


ii=£ •SipT- y. . - ^ . • ^ ,

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! • : • / .



^K ' i!^r^^''v»'tf*f? ,^ i;^3!»,*;-'

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8 W ! f * r « -/


,4T I"


•~4-i \

3BC =*= TF


t jT t f l&Sf^L FEBRUARY 22, 1883

•* >)ff£0/?; . • ;

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I f


i" -From the Ootaler. Eugene B, tfall and wile at present

aw5 enjtyyinp the fragrance of orange blowojp8 in-*feheHuhhy South.

iir. Danenhower, while in tlie city, wjfts' entertained by Prof. Mortimer Cooley. They were ijld .shipmate^ in

f the if. S. Nuvy. . ^ \ At the MaVch term- of courts (ieorge

% -i* Biill will be tried for a recent atteinpt I to kill his wile.... H« plmds guilty to-

assault aad battery, but .discreetly1 re-'• frains from adding '•wiW'Intent, to

kill.1-' He' u now irjt. thh "boarding house." • \ \

Last Suiiday forenooii, while Prof. | Nichols and family were q[uietly seated 1 in chrurch a sag! tragedy, was being en-""nctcd at Bome^sMco resulted in tli£ " death of his only son, Willkm.Nicholsi. -Upon leaving home for, church he- was left in good spirits. Soon after , he_

,: took a p i s t ^ n s a ^ t ^ e ^ e T 7 : 1 ^ 1 ^ * to shoot-some rats.. A report was heard,

' ' but nothing was thought of it,' until about noon, when the .colored boy xerit out and found him.dea'3;^ The coron-

. .er s jury decided that he was killed ac-cidently. He was a/, imuufcer of the eophomorQ. class of theUiterary^epart-

jnent, and* was twenty years old.



rsoumiroN. j * . * • • *

^Trom the Escalator. "**A gentleman was in town last week, trying to find a place'toTstart m atpot

Tan (TsEoe- stofeT 77Z7~"777' • - -- lyriss: Eliza ^iaJth.-pT. Pinckney, is

visiting iu$ie villages a guest of her ^sister, MriTljalph Swarthout.-

Chester Curtis, ori the Doty farm, in 'e l t l " "SortEfieldTT^repa-rmg to~Selrtlisper-

: Bona! property* at, auction, Mr. Curtis ' •_ will remove to Charlotte to engage in


H v

• 1

i H /, .


- •

• > - * .

. • *

>:-^ <




X]Mr. J<?hn Ellis, for the last year ITv I ;ing in the village, .and for the last 2Q \ years living in this vicinity, died ^ri-! .daylasi, at the age of 74 years. l)e* "leased was'"an-uncle of Postmaster

Charles Ellis: :

I ' '>

r-\ ,/T

-^Best d^iedbeef at L . K Richards & ( C o ' s ^ ^ •-•:-•._ _ 'L ^

Lawrence De Pew & Co1! crackers <atL. E. Richards & CoV.

Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Pow-derVaTWinchell's Drug Store., -

Cap Sheaf coffee 18 cts. per ft), at L. - E. Riohards <fe CoV

^ShilolTs consumption cure at; Win--^fieltts Drug Store." ~^ — Best cream cheese at 48 cla. pei lb. a t L, E.Richards & (Vs. • •'. Good butter' wanted at L. ET~iUch--ards jfeCo's! - - * . • —

A"|ew line of tobacco this week at -i;-E^&iefeards & Go's,


GRIME^QotfNSON^Proprietors, Wish to makeknownul-tbfir old &nd new niBtom , ere that they artjnow prepar&d4pdo better work exf

elr^rtttVtravlrig been thoroughly fSfiit^d inftid*1, repaired and improved outside, making it>wi.veu

-V^pnt^or-trretr custome*e. Good sheds \<ix lircounection with the ITLIB. They h,*ve now on hand o^i*5^0(X) bushels of drv, sound red'jind whit»^*heMfc()m which they m#ke their beat^^itfle of flo'tn^ MKHIX^JTKI). They £rtnd no j;ro\vn or

„ffiusiy_wm^excep£fervc.uijto-niera—and. the& i t la ground~oivaeparate stona nnd bolted throtiijn ^n^-rateboltfl. Those b iyfm!: SOOT^C therni wlU get no

"7'grb^n? or muity rYour. Those brlBgtfip'~gnsfa of.

Jood dry, sound" wheat get good flourTiHui those ringing grown or niuatv wheat must exp**

!rjo,m.the same. -'-They also have separate bolts. f<v k'heat. Corn ahellcd with one of HutHiin

'*"• 0^8^0^4^^1 - 0^^^ UuBtle-SB, iron Corn Shellero, -without estfa^harge. I'ht^ pay cash for all kind* of grain. ^IT^SjSonsTfavingfiiyiseTtTed""a'ccoiims gi with them at the pay the same.

m i re requested -to-call and

RESIDENCE FQlTIb___ ^ „ . • , „ ,^t ^ TUetne.t^^C^n the village of Ti^dS0^0^ ^ HcmttStmtS;

L i t : on Howell and~Main St. For eale cheap. For par­ticulars-address / '~

•;, tV. II. CAFFEHY^ Easj/SagJnaWjL Mich.

DESI»J PROPEBT.Y FOR SALE. I ¢^6^ for Bafoi e'tfig^ty : Hoqae and gafid-qther property in

ct 188 AcreS^l® improved), adj< and % intereathi-imjiroved water powl %se4 for the Reeveimm. For prices,'terrrn apply *<1 or addreaa ^ ^ ^ ~ .

'"^- F. (jr-XQSE, PINCKNET^ ^ ^ - j=t



4 vaWable la*m of about dWitjr acres lyi

{larfly within the village of Plainwen>3tlci ttefferedfei-Baleuneafly terma. Apply w -

dfeir-' J. X. HILL,

^-^C F A R m F O R S ^ ^ . / A fiiM farm of 140 acre«, GrKreaof good.tlnfber,

/ a good large nouae, tw<r-good basement barna,-~zr—good orchard. Mghtv>rodB from schoolhouee, 4½ 7 miles northwest otyinikney and 2 miles north of

- Grand Trunk extension. l{ is all well fettce**nd under good caitivatlon ••iXiii- . .

{ jy^ • joHN-tft*en?,7i»tto!tH«TV _«•

FARM FOR SALE. A farm fofcatolag~te'"»efes. "85.

J. JL,

rronnd, Jtelauwtneadow

' Chnbb¥iQMBers.

and orchard, well fenced etc."1 Situated 8¼ ^Hui jjorth of Puickney, and ^"n^Ues-JsV^-of

^HINCHEY.Chubbj-'t<yn*rt, Mich.



1)R RKST._ ^<11»0iD5ffHotei H f^ekneyT^i^lr fnrnlabed, witb^catntnod«UQn0 for TO gseau, azra^owdoit *«>le^d btutnewr>jB#s b*D rooia. al#o

and wih.e sellerw basement. Bam to "" trss*. JVlll bejold OH toy feasor

ttrf rent from April iwh. Pi wishing to Burchase or rent will—a; Xet»o*. •-/ - f^ • Ti PwObrjar,



STS t ' i S-P


R U B B E R S D S T O - '•_*' Js- larger.'tHnn any ever* brought to Pinc^kne^. We hfrve just received a liue of. 3 BOOTS AND SHOES,

^»ood«are all, new, and have been carefully selecte4 for the local trade

•. Don't fail to call and sea them.

s^ W. B. HOFF, West of the GrTobe Ho(el, Main Street, FJNCKNEY, MICH.

Which we will sell at price*vthat wiTtastonish j^ou. Do hot wait hut come ahtl see us immediatelr. -Special prices that caiinot, be beaten jjiven' in

D R T GOODS. ri -_ '• THE W. S. MANN ESTATE, r



di :JI.

, V j * \ . A

,,A. -,..,„ t....A... ^,.1

Ready pay'customers will consult I heir own interest byNj^S-

'mg'iiie a call. - — E^A,lllsi<.



\ _

%i GENTLE SPRING" ^- j ^ soon to,he here, and /


S I G L E R BB-QS. Afe prepared to meetrlhe.demand-for


/ WALL-PAPE^Sr Having received upwards of 0000 rolls,, in all the latest designs for 1883. We have Br6wnf Buff'and White blanks, FrcnNih Flats, Satins, Bronzes in plain, wrfck^olor, embossed and-gbld blotch. . • "


e jthe best line ot Window Shades^e^brought to Pirickrfey, ranging in pncp m>m^ mnfs to~%2"each. .Tflese goods w^r-a^ought for eash,('and we -txy and WILL ou lowest prices, Came, niyl $(>(>, \y^



otwithstanding the many advertised by other dealers',...




BE^ft-Hf jjtfIND^ ' I t^the.only place where you can. get / / • -

^.;^f* -

Jn^m.^JL. JL

../_. * ^ — - . - " * • - „ '

"»•«." "I

id thronly plnc6 hi town whflCe.y ^ an6U>roc6ries of all kinds, a l w ^ a >. T?/v>v-bottom ^riicejL_^^ ^ 4 ^


"WeTire aTwayH"willing to'gtve pVices," therefore (fbTib^^esiEute'tt^caji* ' •We cAw^and >viirb guarantee to seiH you gtoqds cheaper than any other place , iu town. We mcun liu&ijiess, and will conv/inee you. f


All other Groceries!are sold (by us) iu same proportion.. - .-, •..;•' ;

>• 4 " O U R iLijsriB O : F --7-••*•




& CADW^LL, fit the old store one door east of Mam's Brick, with a good stock Wt

general if



agents lor the-stile of


' /

jPERosiisrs -wTi<riD Mi^x^S;, 7A.3STX>

. . — _ > y. . - . .


-to get your-




AH kinds of CJroeeries, Tobacco, and v-7 ' , v Cigars. ;/ s • "'

Zephyrs,'Germant'own Ynrn, Motion?, V

Will be sold cheap for cash,


V . J L l .


Firstdoot WeBt M-iii^ler's Dr?^ Store,


(•letrelry of all kfnda cleaned, Rndv>«j»iired OIJ ahort notice. Prices as low &s good worl^«^,i)e done. Call.and see jzoodsr. . ^ ^ ^ "• lA fiiTe stock of breech and mnzzlo loading i4mn, alRrtThwtclaas repeating rifl»»s alwa\"» on hand. HevolveTi~?tfvaMi the leading kinds. I'owder^ shot "and eartrid^J"*H»selal aU^atitm gfvtMi t<r-r>ptffr

•ing. > 7 7 ^ V ^ '•'" - ltf


\ -

All kinds of enstoni work, and general

Tepaljing, Including


Shop- bacV#M*ta& W o c k * WCWGl

- ^ -

T -" ~ r






OUSTERS, CANNEli GOODS, ETQ. ; •" ••-"'-:—" Priced always reasonable. .,- ' ."•

We^t Main St., ; . PINCKNEY. \ ' ~ , i t f

SYICES' -.&-S0N,- •s*




mmms: A\ e keep on hand «1 flrtst cliifs a»sortmen^ of car

liases, HicIuUIng the leading 'stv4e$of to^cbiy.-Glve tiaacaU. . . " .

. 4 J SYKES^SON, Pmckngy.


And Dei




. <'•', i

Wi •K'-r '*>

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