does your business need a modern marketing makeover

Does Your Business Need A Modern Marketing Makeover?

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Post on 10-May-2015




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DESCRIPTION Why to get in touch with Modern Marketing


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Does Your Business Need A Modern Marketing


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What exactly is Modern Marketing?

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Modern Marketing covers the whole spectrum of online

marketing (some call it internet marketing, web marketing or

digital marketing)

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The reality is, if you’re in business, you have to have a presence online and the savvy business owner will fully

utilise the myriad on-line tools available to find customers, generate leads, raise awareness of their brand

and products, make sales, build relationships with their customers and

grow their business

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The sad truth though is that many business owners are

overwhelmed at the prospect of online marketing, or simply don’t

have the time or resources to tackle it in any meaningful,

consistent way

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Or, quite commonly, many entrepreneurs have all the

pieces of the puzzle in place but aren’t using them in a cohesive,

joined up way

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It’s all very well having a website, Facebook Fan Page, LinkedIn

profile, Twitter account, email list and blog but are your message and communication coordinated

and working for you?

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Get it right and you’re working smart

Get it wrong and you’re working hard and wasting time

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Why Listen To Me?

Over the past few years my Women’s Way To Wealth business has evolved more

and more into online marketing

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Why Listen To Me?

I’ve noticed from the feedback at my speaking engagements how people are increasingly commenting on my

“online marketing” expertise

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Having been on the Internet Marketers’ Cruise in January

(sailing round the Caribbean with 470 internet marketers!!) I am

deeply entrenched (and loving!) the online marketing world

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And I’m excited because I love sharing what I learn and showing you how to use all the new tips and techniques to build your


So as I learn, so do you

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Modern Marketing Is Different For Everyone

Modern Marketing is the unique combination of

website/blog/email/list building/social media/ that is

tailored to your specific business

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Depending on the niche you’re in, your goals and your skills and

strengths, your Modern Marketing mix might be very different to the next person’s

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In this age of internet and social proof, there’s no cookie-cutter

“one size fits” all solution

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And that’s where MMSpark comes in – offering training and

1-2-1 services to help small businesses maximise their online


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Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts on how Modern Marketing can help your


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