documentation stem cell research

1 1.0 INTRODUCTION “Stem cells have enormous potential for alleviating suffering for man y diseases which currently have no effective therapy. The field has progressed to the clinic and it is important that this pathway is underpinned by exc ellence science and rigorous standards of clinical research.” –  Prof. Timothy OBrien.  Nowadays, many medical researchers believe that stem cell treatments have potential to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. The ability of stem cells to self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees o f differentiation capacities, offers significant potential for generation of tissues that can  potentially replace diseased and damaged areas in the body with minimal risk of rejection and side effects. Stem cell therapy is a type of intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem cells into damaged tissues in order to treat disease or injury. Stem cell therapy is getting a lot of buz z nowadays, thanks to stories from the media about how Filipino celebrities, including politician are availing of its benefits, for this reason we decided to conduct a seminar that will enlighten each of us about “THE PAST, PR ESENT AND FUTURE OF STEM CELL RES EARCH”.  

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“Stem cells have enormous potential for alleviating suffering for many diseases

which currently have no effective therapy. The field has progressed to the clinic and it is

important that this pathway is underpinned by excellence science and rigorous standards

of clinical research.” –  Prof. Timothy O‟Brien. 

 Nowadays, many medical researchers believe that stem cell treatments have potential

to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. The ability of stem cells to

self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees of 

differentiation capacities, offers significant potential for generation of tissues that can

 potentially replace diseased and damaged areas in the body with minimal risk of rejection

and side effects.

Stem cell therapy is a type of intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem

cells into damaged tissues in order to treat disease or injury.

Stem cell therapy is getting a lot of buzz nowadays, thanks to stories from the media

about how Filipino celebrities, including politician are availing of its benefits, for this

reason we decided to conduct a seminar that will enlighten each of us about “THE PAST,


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The past, present and possible future of stem cell research

One of the best-known fields within cutting-edge science today is stem cell

(hereafter “SC”) research. Every week not just the scientific press but increasingly the

mainstream media report new breakthroughs. The advances are being made at all stages

of the scientific process: speculation, theory, laboratory research, clinical trials and

 patient treatments. At the same time as these technical achievements, a debate about the

ethics of different types of SC technology continues to rage, nationally and

internationally. The basics of SC research began in the 1960s. Scientists realised that both

animals and humans contained flexible cells which are able to re-grow and regenerate

tissue and blood. These cells were found in both born and unborn individuals, including

in embryos about a week after conception. The first big moment regarding human SCs

did not arrive until 1998 when the first line of SCs was derived from human embryos at

the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Both the scientific and ethical debate about SCs

 began to heat up after this point. The most controversial proposed technology involves

creating new human embryos by a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).

In this process, a human egg (ovum) is emptied of its nucleus, and the nucleus of 

an ordinary („somatic‟) cell from the human body is combined with that egg. The

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resulting embryo is 99% genetically identical tohe person from whom the somatic cell

was taken. It is therefore understandable that SCNT was quickly dubbed “human

cloning”. SCs are extracted from the embryo five to seven days after conception. This

extraction usually destroys the embryo, though one team of US scientists has been

working on a non-destructive technique.

A widespread fear arose amongst both supporters and opponents of embry

research that these „cloned‟ embryos could be implanted into women and brought to

 birth, thus creating a whole new category of people with uncertain biological ancestry.

Would such children be the child, the (time-delayed) twin or even the slave of the donor 

of the somatic cell? Would the donor of the enucleated egg or the woman who gave birth

to the „clone‟ be deemed to be the child‟s mother? Governments and scientists moved

quickly to ban or heavily restrict avenues for this possibility, which became known as

“reproductive cloning”. The stated objective of SCNT is to extract SCs from the resulting

embryos, with the goal of creating therapies matched to the patient‟s body. The ideal

scenario, according to this theory, is that patients with say, Parkinson‟s disease, would

have embryos created by SCNT using their somatic cells. SCs would be extracted from

these embryos, cultured into the laboratory and inserted into the patients in order to

regenerate diseased tissue. (A parallel goal is the creation of whole organs for 

transplantation.) . This technique, labelled “therapeutic cloning”, has not yet been shown

to work. And as Dr Harry Griffin, of the Roslin Institute which created “Dolly” the sheep,

the world‟s first cloned mammal, pointed out: 

“Therapeutic cloning is clearly not therapeutic for the embryo.” 

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A big feature of the SC debate is the opposition to all ESC research by those

groups nand individuals who hold that human life begins at conception, and therefore that

human embryos are human beings with the same right to life as adults. This opposition is

largely synonymous with the pro-life lobby, a movement that also opposes legal abortion.

As with the debate over abortion, many but not all opponents of ESC have strong

religious beliefs, though they argue that primarily their opposition is ethically, not

religiously motivated.


3.1 Program Flow

The program started with an introduction of the seminar by the emcees

Ms. Leshlee Aculan and Mr. Verzhel Cruz. Then, selected students from BSN

4Y1A-12 demonstrated their talents in their doxology and were followed by the

singing of the national anthem by Mr. Winston Abano and Ms. Joy Castillo.

The opening remark and the introducing of the speaker was delivered by

the class president, Mr. Gadiel Sarmiento. Then, the speaker, Dr. Zharlah

Gulmatico- Flores DPDS, DPADSFI discussed the topic of the seminar about the

Past, Present and Future of Stem Cell research. Discussion proper was then

followed by the open forum. The class president, emcee and one attendants asked

questions about the topic and all of them were answered clearly by the speaker.

And to entertain the attendees, Ms. Joy Castillo along with her backups

sang and dance two songs. This was then followed by distribution of the

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certificates for the speaker, coordinator, adviser, and the faculties. And to

formally end the program, the seminar adviser, Dr. Remegia.Nathaniel RN gave

her closing remarks.

3.2 Locale

The seminar was conducted at San Lazaro Hall of Our Lady of Fatima University

Valenzuela on October 13, 2012 at exactly 7:30- 9:30 in the morning.

3.3 Speaker

Speaker :Dr. Zharlah Gulmatico-Flores, MD, DPDS, DPADSFI wapresent

Associate Professor of Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, a Consultant

Dermatologist at Quezon city General Hospital of Department of Internal Medicine and

a Visiting consultant at Fatima Dermatology Laser Center and Zephyris Skin Care Center 

and an Associate Professor of Department of Anatomy and Physiology of college of 

nursing at Our Lady of Fatima University. She was graduated at University of the

Philippines, Manila with a Degree of AB Organizational Com, she was a university

scholar. Also she took her BS Zoology and Doctor of Medicine at Our Lady of Fatima

University and was graduated as Cum Laude. She also got her Degree of MS Public

Health- Biostatistics at University of the Philippines. For her latest professional

 preparation, she attended for her residency training last 2011 to Fellow, Philippine

academy of Dermatologic Surgery Inc. and for her Masteral studies; she also attended the

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Master in Public Health, Biostatistics at University of the Philippines, Manila. She also

made different research paper and articles, one published research paper is the Imiquimod

in Large High Risk Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma-A Case report and Review of 

Literature at Australasian Journal of Dermatology September issue of 2007. She also

 presented Eyelid Siliconoma: Excision through a Transblepharoplasty Incision and Silver 

Segmental Technique at Venice, Italy last October 2007 also in the same year, she

 presented Injectable Argireline in Fine Line Wrinkles, An Open- Labelled Placebo-

Controlled Trial in 1st

Spring Meeting International Society of Dermatologic Surgery,

Boracay Island Philippines.

3.4 Committees

The class was divided by different committees to perform each function. One of 

committees is the certificate committee that is responsible responsible for the editing of 

the given certificate layout. The team bought the materials needed for the making of the

certificates and printed them out. It is headed by Ms. Leshlee Aculan.

The next committee is the physical arrangement Committees headed by Ms.

Amsheryl Gaye Jamilla, they helped in decorating the auditorium specifically in table

skirting. They are the one responsible for designing the tables that was used during the


For the registration Committee, that is responsible for taking the attendance of the

seminar. The committee is also liable for the peace and order during the said seminar.

The committee was headed by Ms. Nichole Sarmiento.

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For the preparation of food for the speaker, guest, faculties and attendants, the one

held responsible is the food committee headed by Mr. Verzhel Cruz.

The invitation and token was headed by Ms. Joan Naduarata and Ms. Joy Castillo.

And the last but not the least for the Documentation committee that is responsible

for the overall documentation of all details before during and after the seminar. This are

assigned to Ms. Kayla Isabel Sanchez, Ms. Lauren Casey Reyes, Ms. Krystal Romero,

Ms. April San Juan, Ms. Seychelle Meru and Ms. Grace Kelly Guinto

3.5 Finance Plan

Food Expenses


Supreme Lauriat with

Regular Coke

P175.00 10 P1750.00

Max Honey Lemon P34.25 1 P34.25

XO Coffee Candy P33.75 1 P33.75

Summer Nat Water P9.00 24 P216.00

Zesto Pineapple P8.00 58 P464.00

Zesto Mango Pack P63.50 2 P127.00

Cheese Burger P15.00 100 P1500.00

Carbonara P46.00 50 P2300.00

Chowking Breakfast P50.00 10 P500.00

Ice P70.00 1 P70.00

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TOTAL : P5245.00

Token Expenses


Victoria Secret Set P2000.00 1 P2000.00

TOTAL P2000.00 1 P2000.00



Special Paper P100.00 3 P300.00

Catalog Envelope P40.00 5 P200.00

TOTAL P140.00 8 P800.00


Print P1.00 100 P100.00

CD Burn P50.00 5 P250.00

TOTAL P350.00

3.6 Survey form

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The survey form was consisted of 3 parameters and each of them has its

sub-parameters.The evaluator must put a checkmark on the appropriate entry that

satisfies them. The rating contains the score of 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest

that meets their expectation.

For the survey of the topic entitled, The Past, Present and Future of Stem Cell

Research, the relevance of the topic refers for the significance of the knowledge obtained

in the seminar. Quality means the capacity of the seminar to run smoothly. Speaker was

evaluated for his ability on how he maintains and discussed his proper lecture and being

able to answer specific questions of the students during an open forum session. Visual

Aids were also evaluated for the supplementation of spoken information to aid

understanding. Handouts were also rated whether it aided to enhance the idea of the

audiences about the topic of the seminar.

For the flow of the seminar, preparedness explains the ability of the class to

troubleshoot an unexpected problem, a technical problem probably during the discussion.

Punctuality was the time and speed of the seminar.

For the physical arrangement, design was observed whether it is presentable,

creative and eye-catchy for the audiences. The venue denotes that the convenience of the

 place to hold a seminar. Cleanliness refers to the clarity and precision of the place.

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3.7 Design Plan

The appearance of the venue is a big aspect in conducting a seminar. The physical

arrangement committee, with the other sections, collaborated with each other to be able

to come up with pleasing decorations for the venue which was at the SLH auditorium.

At the stage, there were three PowerPoint presentations being showed

continuously. Each of them has different presentations from one another. The ceiling of 

the stage has drapes hanged horizontally and at the front of the audience, there were two

tables placed vertically. One table was for the speaker and the adviser. The other one was

for the faculties who attended.

For the attendees, the seats are grouped into three columns neatly. They are

arranged in a manner that they can move around comfortably. Before the attendees are

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seated, they are required to sign their names at the registration and they would be given a

 brown envelope which contains hand-outs, survey form and program sheet. Attendees are

not allowed to bring their bags along with them thus; bags are left at the back of the


3.8 Floor Plan

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3.9 Food Plan

The Seminar utilized the total budget of five thousand two hundred forty-five

 pesos ( Php5245) for the Supreme Lauriat with regular coke for the speaker and faculty,

one thousand seven hundred fifty (Php 1750), Carbonara and Cheese burger for the

students, three thousand eight hundred pesos (Php 3,800), 24 Summit Natural Water, two

hundred sixteen pesos (Php 216) , Zesto Pineapple and mango flavor, five hundred ninety

one pesos (Php 591) and Chowking breakfast that is five hundred pesos (Php 500).


Overall stem cell therapy may represent great hope for multiple diseases and

degenerative conditions , but a thorough evaluation of the risk factors and potential risk 

of a stem cell based medical product must be a prerequisite step before wider clinical

application and/or registration can be accepted.


The seminar enlightens us about the advantage and disadvantage of stem cell

therapy. It also enhances our point of view regarding the PAST, PRESENT AND

FUTURE OF STEM CELL RESEARCH. This seminar enhances our knowledge about

management and taught each one of us how to be responsible in doing our job. With this

seminar, we learned by heart the essence of the word unity and cooperation.

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As for the problems that we encountered throughout the seminar, the class would

like to recommend that the future conductors of a seminar would be always ready for the

technical anomalies because such happening can‟t be always controlled and may happen

whether you like it or you like it.

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Seminar attendance

First Half 

seminar attendance 

ID Field1 Field2

1 2009100980 Abano, Winston C.

2 2009108072 Abao, Lorelyn Y.

3 2009104349 Abellanosa, John Edward O.

4 2009101260 Abuyen, Kevin Marthy M.

5 2009102038 Aculan, Lehslee C.

6 2008100308 Adriatico, Zera B.

7 2009101505 Alarcon, Christopher Kenneth8 2009102738 Alonzo, Cristine Jane O.

9 2008028549 Benoza, Jan Charmaine

10 2009105144 Carlos, Zendilyn M.

11 2008029682 Castillo, Joy D.

12 2008030343 Castor, DarwynJerexson P.

13 2009103425 Colon, Angela Jasmin R.

14 2009107461 Cruz, Verzhel S.

15 2009104607 Dela Cruz, Jayson C.

16 2009100924 Dimapilis, Jumer S.

17 2008100544 Galang, Katrina Camille G.

18 2009104190 Gerez, Lelani A.

19 2009104129 Gonzales, Gail Justine C.

20 2009101779 Guinto, Grace Kelly

21 2010111301 Gutierrez, Kristine Marie S22 2009102248 Jamilla, Amsheryl Gaye D.

23 2009102404 GENELYN S. RESOS

24 2009101357 REYCHEL G. CASTRO

25 2009102302 MARIA MIRASOL R. INAY

26 2008031250 ARIANE M. SALGADO


28 2008028731 JOHN KEVIN D. DAVID


30 2009101703 ZENDEE-MARIE E. SOLA

31 2008027856 FLORENCE P. LIMA

32 2009101906 Rhea Mae T. Tabora

33 2008038406 JOAN CLAUDINE M. DE LEON

34 2009101248 MARY ROSE G. SANTIAGO

35 2009100951 MELODY T. OGENA36 2008028825 JOANNE JIM F. ANDION

37 2009101437 EMERY JAEN P. CHUA


39 2008100330 AUBREY G. DE VENECIA

40 11-1523-437 KRISTINE JOY P. MENDOZA

41 2009102272 Ma. Veronica M. Espina

42 2008100527 Jeanuelle P. Natividad

43 2009100796 jaylene o. Sanchez

44 2009102952 Jennifer R. Razon

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45 2009103793 Reina B. Obbamen

46 2008027061 Triisha Isabelle B. Pagurayan

47 2008026898 MeryllEnross D. Pagdanganan

48 2009102611 Thea Marie Leonardo

49 2009104738 Katlien Mae Laconsay

ID studentid Studentname46 2009102551 Lazaro, Shiela E.

47 2008033001 Meru, Seychelle S.

48 2007018634 Moster, Zenia Janine

49 2009103939 Nadurata, Jo-anne Mae A.

50 2008032016 Narag, Dawn C.

51 2010113904 Ocampo, Mary Camille R.

52 2009107917 Olavere, Bernadette M.

53 2009103176 Ontar, Precious Grace M.

54 2009101235 Osuna, Nicko Alain T.

55 2008100071 Porcincula, Ivy Kholen I.

56 2009101057 Pulumbarit, Bernadette C.

57 2009101654 Puso, Arlyn B.

58 2008031276 Razon, Shierlyn Kate C.

59 2009104984 Reyes, Lauren Casey Y.60 2008033343 Romero, Kystal S.

61 2009100704 San Juan, April O.

62 2008100602 Sanchez, Kayla Isabel P.

63 2008038170 Sarmiento, Gaddiel M.

64 2009102362 Sarmiento, Nichole Bea M.

65 2009101270 Sayson, Fhevie Mae B.

66 2009103864 Villaflores, Lorie Jane T.

67 2009101137 Sendaydiego, Carol G.


69 2008100500 JONAS D. CATACUTAN

70 2010113907 , ALFREDO A. DE JESUS

71 2009104544 VANESSA JEAN B. CORPUZ

72 2009105109 LORAINE A. CRUZ

73 2010109608 CIELLA MAE H. MIRAS74 2009104007 , WEENHA D. SANGUIR 

75 2009101797 RIZZA A. SERVANDO

76 2009107118 ELVIRA C. DE ALDAY


78 2009101932 JUVY N. CLARIZA

79 2009103377 JEFFRY P. SALVADOR 

80 2008037562 ANDREW S. BERMEJO

81 2009103658 EVELYN S. DANTES

82 2008031403 MARIELLA T. CRUZ

83 2008038400 Enero, Donne Justine

84 2009102606 SHERYL JOY A. BANDONG

85 2009104413 ARIANE ADRES

86 2009101823` Estal, Phonam Christine S.

87 20091020960 SHARON JOY T. CHUBONG

88 2008100387 ADLER CYRUS D. CARINO

89 20109532 Albuainain, Karla

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Our Lady of Fatima UniversityResearch and Development Center  



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Our Lady of Fatima UniversityResearch and Development Center  

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Our Lady of Fatima UniversityResearch and Development Center  


Registration Doxology by Ms. Dawn Narag

National anthem Opening Remarks and

Introducing of Speaker by

Engr. Gadiel Sarmiento

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Our Lady of Fatima UniversityResearch and Development Center  

The Speaker: Dr. Zharlah G.


Discussion Proper

Open Forum Mr. Michael Joseph Dino

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Our Lady of Fatima UniversityResearch and Development Center  

Giving of plaques, certificates and tokens

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Our Lady of Fatima UniversityResearch and Development Center  

Class Picture- BSN 4Y1A-12

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Our Lady of Fatima UniversityResearch and Development Center