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1 | Page WITNESS TO THE DAJJAL FOR BELIEVING MEN AND WOMEN TAIMUR SAEED “There would be written three letters k.f.r i.e. Kafir, between the eyes of the dajjal” (Muslim #7008)

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“There would be written three letters k.f.r i.e. Kafir, between the eyes of the dajjal”

(Muslim #7008)

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Table of Contents Introduction: ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Primary Identification of the Dajjal: .............................................................................................................. 6

Ka Fa Ra Between the Eyes ..................................................................................................................... 12

Understanding the Dajjal’s Past Location ................................................................................................... 21

Dajjal’s Coming Forth or the Start of ‘Day like a Year’ ................................................................................ 30

Hermeticism ............................................................................................................................................ 34

Alchemy .................................................................................................................................................. 35

Gnosticism ............................................................................................................................................... 36

Kabala ...................................................................................................................................................... 36

Neo-Platonism ........................................................................................................................................ 37

Dajjal, Impersonator of the True Messiah .............................................................................................. 42

The Hidden Characteristic of the Dajjal .................................................................................................. 44

The Trials Brought Forth by the Dajjal and the Spread of his Religion ....................................................... 50

A Case Study of Two Regions in Reference to the Dajjal (Horus) ........................................................... 65

The Land of Mecca and Madina .......................................................................................................... 65

United States of America .................................................................................................................... 68

Towards a Quranic Understanding of the Dajjal ......................................................................................... 74

29 Signs of the Dajjal Fulfilled in Horus ...................................................................................................... 80

Ka Fa Ra on the Forehead of the Dajjal ................................................................................................... 80

Dajjal Blind in One Eye ............................................................................................................................ 81

Dajjal Born in Qous, Egypt ...................................................................................................................... 82

Dajjal Will Live for Forty Days ................................................................................................................. 83

Dajjal the False Messiah .......................................................................................................................... 85

Seventy Thousand Jewish Followers of the Dajjal .................................................................................. 86

Dajjal’s Claim to Being Lord .................................................................................................................... 90

Dajjal was in the East .............................................................................................................................. 91

Dajjal has Water and Fire ........................................................................................................................ 92

Dajjal has Curly Hair ................................................................................................................................ 93

Dajjal With Crooked Legs ........................................................................................................................ 94

‘Ka’ ‘Ra

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Dajjal With Hunched Back ....................................................................................................................... 96

Dajjal’s Eye Like a Grape ......................................................................................................................... 96

Dajjal Red Complexioned ........................................................................................................................ 97

Dajjal with Bulky Body ............................................................................................................................ 98

Dajjal a Young Man ................................................................................................................................. 99

Dajjal will Cure the Blind and the Leper .................................................................................................. 99

Dajjal will Command Rain to Fall .......................................................................................................... 100

Companion of the dajjal ........................................................................................................................ 101

Khawarij Will Come With the Dajjal ...................................................................................................... 103

Women Will Come Out to the Dajjal .................................................................................................... 104

Dajjal Will Appear Between Syria and Iraq ........................................................................................... 107

Thirty (Lesser) Dajjals ............................................................................................................................ 108

Emergence of the Dajjal After the Conquest of Rome.......................................................................... 109

The Dajjal Will Travel Like Cloud Driven by Wind ................................................................................. 110

Thirty Years Between the Dajjal’s Birth and Emergence ...................................................................... 112

Dajjal a Major Sign of the Last Hour ..................................................................................................... 114

Dajjal Will Command the Earth to Bring Forth Vegetation ................................................................... 114

Dajjal the Greatest Trial in Human History ........................................................................................... 116

The Dajjal; What to Anticipate .................................................................................................................. 119

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In the Name of Allah the most Beneficent the most



Have you had a chance to look at the world in an insightful manner? By insight, I do not

necessarily mean observing the stars or trees (although there is much wisdom one can gain

from just observing) but insight into the faith within you and how it allows you to shed light

upon the most complex of matters in a simple fashion. Take this age for instance. Some suggest

it is an age of reason and that faith alone does not stand a chance in explaining the ebb and

flow of the times in which we live in. After all, they argue, it is this age of reason which has led

us to the pinnacle of human progress. How does faith respond to this and many such


Traditionally, faith has taken on these challenges by relying on its basic building blocks; belief in

an Unseen Creator, transcending all reason. But for reason to be completely overwhelmed by

faith, the Unseen Creator needs to be Sovereign over the affairs of men. Faith should argue that

since the Unseen Creator is Sovereign over all affairs of men, He is, by extension Sovereign over

their reasoning faculties and thus reason cannot ever deter the Sovereign from exercising His

Will. Sovereignty of the Creator, therefore, lies at the epicenter of faith’s response to the age of


Yet throughout history and culminating in the modern age, there has emerged a so called

contender to this sovereignty: man himself. The Pharaoh tried to claim this sovereignty for

himself in the distant past when he stated “I am your lord, most high” and the modern age goes

further than this with its humanist ethos. Humanism, with its dictum of “Homo Homini Deus Est

(man is a god to man)”, is the binding force for most modern day ideologies/systems including

democracy, liberalism, capitalism, paper money, communism and even the concept of the

nation state.

Faith cannot regard such historical calamity, namely the attempt to systematically dismantle

the Creator’s sovereignty, as merely an accident. And thankfully it does not. In all revealed

religions and especially Islam, there exists an underlying framework which describes a strange

and mysterious figure who would claim sovereignty for himself and thus attempt to usurp

sovereignty from the Creator. Islam refers to this figure as the ‘Dajjal’ while Christianity calls

him the ‘Antichrist’. The dajjal, who, according to Islamic tradition, would claim godhood, is

vividly portrayed in the religion. He would emerge on the stage of history in a manner which is

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unprecedented, engulf the entire world (except for Mecca and Madina) with immense trials

and employ deception as a chief instrument in doing so.

Identifying the author of this vast regime, expressed in the modern age, assumes paramount

importance in ascertaining if the striking resemblance between this age and the age of the

dajjal bears any truth. Additionally, this identification of the dajjal has to be grounded in Islamic

tradition, wherein the supreme identification marker of the dajjal is a symbol of (Arabic letters)

‘Ka Fa Ra’.

It is in the context outlined above that this book is being written. The sovereignty of the True

God, Allah, lay challenged for many centuries now, without the author of that script being

identified. This is your chance to gain insight based on unveiling of the supreme symbol of the

dajjal (Ka Fa Ra) and the light it sheds on identifying him according to authentic Islamic tradition

namely the ahadith. It is this insight which assures a resounding success for faith, and Islam in

particular, against all odds in this modern age and beyond.

Moreover, this book would serve as a landmark for all believers who wish to develop a fuller

understanding of the framework employed in Islamic traditions concerning the most serious

calamity ever to befall mankind i.e. the Dajjal. For the first time in history, a book would

actually identify (with Allah's blessings) the Dajjal in person, not a civilization and not a system

or force, but a person as described by the Holy Prophet (SAW) 1400 years ago. Of course, this

identity would be based on the evidences from the ahadith and at each step the hadith

framework would be used to shed light on the subject. The 'Ka Fa Ra' hadith sign of the dajjal

would also be revealed, further solidifying the analysis of the dajjal's identity.

To give the reader a perspective on the enormity of the task ahead, two ahadith would be

quoted here:

"There would be no creation (creating more trouble) than the dajjal right from the

creation of Adam to the Last Hour" (Muslim, # 7037)

"The Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to seek refuge (with Allah) from the torment of

hell, the torment of the grave and Dajjal." (Nasai, # 5519)

The ahadith above are self explanatory. However what is strange is that while the Holy Prophet

(SAW) of Islam himself attached such significance to the trial of dajjal, so as to equate it with

the torments of hell and the grave, many Muslims today have very little understanding of the

subject and those who do are considered deranged or are marginalized. At any rate, the subject

of dajjal seldom features in public discourses. The irony is, as this book would attempt to

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explain, this comes at a time when the very fabric of a modern man's life, his worldview, is

shaped constantly by forces acting in consort with the dajjal.

Primary Identification of the Dajjal: While the Holy Prophet (SAW) warned us about the trials of the dajjal, he (SAW) also gave us

numerous signs to correctly identify the dajjal. Indeed there are more than forty identification

markers in the ahadith to pinpoint the person dajjal. The question is why is there so much

emphasis in the ahadith pertaining to the dajjal's identity? Primarily, the dajjal is a source of

shirk which is one of the biggest sins in Islam and for which there is no forgiveness. However, it

is not a form of shirk which is in the open but is disguised shirk, one that can lead many souls to

eternal doom. Further in the book, each sign pertaining to dajjal would be individually analyzed

however there are three signs of the dajjal which stand out in identifying him. These two

ahadith, and one narration from the Sahaba (AS), incorporating the aforementioned signs, are

listed below:

"I warn you about him (i.e. Ad-dajjal) and there is no prophet who did not warn his

nation about him, and Noah warned his nation about him, but I tell you a statement

which no prophet informed his nation of. You should understand that he is a one-eyed

man and Allah is not one-eyed." (Bukhari, #290)

"There would be written three letters k. f. r., i.e. Kafir, between the eyes of the dajjal"

(Muslim, #7008)

Narration from Sahaba (AS)

Nu'aym ibn Hammad reported from Ka'b as saying: "Al-Dajjal will verily be given birth

by his mother in Qous in Egypt...."

These three signs above set three very strong conditions for any person to be identified as the

dajjal. Only if all three conditions are met simultaneously in one person, can we proceed further

to identify that person as the dajjal by providing additional evidences from other ahadith.

Now we get down to the actual identification of the dajjal. This section would employ a step

wise approach in doing so. Dealing with the 'one-eyed' characteristic of the dajjal seems the

most obvious and identifiable starting point. It is pertinent to suggest here that some scholars

(and this book would not name them) have tried to interpret this 'one-eyed' sign of the dajjal as

being symbolic for materialism prevalent in the society while being spiritually blind. However

appealing this thought may sound, this symbolic approach does not fit well with the actual

description of the dajjal and does not bring us any closer in identifying him.

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Let us now briefly glance at the most prominent and well known 'one-eyed' sign in modern

times which is called the 'All Seeing Eye' and depicts one eye with rays emanating from it,

usually, but not always, enclosed within a triangle. Figures 1 to 6 depict the most visible uses of

the All Seeing Eye in some of the most important realms across different regions and across

different centuries.

Figure 1: (Original United States Flag)

Figure 2: (Vatican, the holiest place for Christianity)

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Figure 3:(MI5, the premier British Spy Agency)

Figure 4: (United States founding father, George Washington laying the foundation for the U.S capital)

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Figure 5:( Masonic Apron) Figure 6: (German coins, dated 1616)

These few instances of the most powerful nations/organizations in history, revering the (one-

eyed) All Seeing Eye would become evident later on in this book. However for the purposes of

our current analysis regarding the true identification of dajjal, we proceed further. One

important clue that suggests we are heading in the right direction comes from a misconception.

It is that the All Seeing Eye represents the ‘eye of God’. Immediately the hadith framework

(described in the preceding three ahadith) comes into action. The first hadith quoted above

ends with: “….and Allah is not one eyed.” So we learn that the one eye symbol could not be

used to describe God.

At this stage there is not much more that can be said about the identification of dajjal unless we

examine the symbolism of the one-eye in question in greater depth. The third narration

(quoted immediately above) gives us an important clue as to the origin of the person dajjal i.e.

he would “….verily be given birth by his mother in Qous in Egypt”. So the connection between

dajjal and Egypt now clearly emerges from the narrations i.e. he would be of Egyptian origin. Is

there a corresponding connection between the All Seeing Eye and Egypt? The answer is a

resounding yes. The following figures 7 to 9 illustrate the All Seeing Eye as seen on the U.S

Great Seal (appearing on the one dollar bill as well) and on the monogram of the U.S

Information Awareness Office. In all of these figures, the All Seeing Eye is depicted over an

Egyptian pyramid. Pyramids have always been associated with Egypt, not the modern West. To

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observe that a nation (U.S.A) which is separated by thousands of miles in area and thousands of

years in time from ancient Egypt, would use pyramids as its official seal (a symbol for

recognition), especially with one-eye atop, certainly begs further inquiry. This is especially true

if both these conditions (being one-eyed and Egyptian) are explicitly described in the ahadith

and are important identification markers for the dajjal.

Figure 7: (Great Seal of the United States)

Figure 8: (All Seeing Eye atop a pyramid on One dollar note) Figure 9: (All Seeing Eye atop a pyramid on the U.S Information Awareness Office Logo

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So the ongoing analysis has pinpointed two features of the dajjal, as described in the ahadith and narrations, which match the All Seeing Eye. To reiterate, they are:

1. Being one-eyed 2. Being of Egyptian origin

However the last part of the analysis is also the most critical and one which would (with Allah’s blessings) lead us to the final identification of the dajjal in terms of actually naming him. It is the determination of this supreme marker of the dajjal or the k.f.r sign which would appear between the eyes of the dajjal. The significance of this sign cannot ever be overstated as it is the key to understanding the real personage of the dajjal. This understanding could only come through insight and no amount of research could ever yield such comprehension. In this sense, it is a gift from Allah for the Muslims in the form a symbol through which they could identify the trial of the dajjal, forewarned by all the prophets (AS) of Allah.

In order to accomplish this, we would have to dig even further. If the All Seeing Eye does not represent God, who does it represent? What is its source? What is its original layout? Does it still retain its Egyptian origin? In order to find answers to these questions, we would have to look at an institution which adopts the All Seeing Eye as it omnipresent symbol. There is no other institution which incorporates the All Seeing Eye more frequently than Freemasonry. The quote below is taken from a Freemasonic text pertaining to the origin of the All Seeing Eye:

"These considerations lead us to an interesting topic, the Eye of Mind or the Eye of Horus ... and conveying the idea of the 'All seeing Eye'. The end set before the Egyptian neophyte was illumination, that is to be 'brought to light'. The Religion of Egypt was the Religion of the Light". (Thomas Milton Stewart, The Symbolism of the Gods of the Egyptians and the Light They Throw on Freemasonry)

It is quite clear from the above quote from the Masonic author that the roots of All Seeing Eye can be traced to Egypt, personified in the Eye of Horus. It would become even more evident as the reader proceeds further into the third section, that it is in fact Horus, the figurehead of the Egyptian pantheon, who is being revered in adoration of the All Seeing Eye. Thus the All Seeing Eye does retain its Egyptian heritage

This book is not about symbolism, however at this point it is important to lend attention to the

symbol of the Eye of Horus. This symbol was one of the most important visual representations

of the ancient Egyptian pantheon and after the decline of the Egyptian civilization; it was long

forgotten (for millennia). However, strangely enough, this symbol resurfaced at the dawn of the

European Renaissance in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This would have important

implications as will be described later on in this book. It should suffice here to say that the

resurfacing of the Eye of Horus at this juncture of history was by no means an accident. Rather

it was completely in line with wide ranging forces operating during the time of the Renaissance

and beyond which have shaped modern civilization. The Eye of Horus lay at the very core of this

saga which continues to unfold even today.

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What we are more concerned with is how all of the above ties in with the understanding of

hadith which says: “There would be written three letters k. f. r., i.e. Kafir, between the eyes of

the dajjal”.

Ka Fa Ra Between the Eyes

The standard Eye of Horus, which is the original form of the All Seeing Eye, is illustrated below in Figure

10 for reference.

Figure 10: (The Eye of Horus)

As is evident above, the Eye of Horus is composed of three distinct parts. The lowermost part is the ‘tear

of the Eye of Horus’ and is encircled in Figure 11 below.

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Figure 11: (Tear of the Eye of Horus)

The middle part is the ‘center of the Eye of Horus’ and is shown circled in Figure 12 below.

Figure 12: (Center of the Eye of Horus)

Lastly, the uppermost part is the ‘brow of the Eye of Horus’ and it is encircled in Figure 13 below.

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Figure 13: (Brow of the Eye of Horus)

Together, these three parts form the Eye of Horus, a ubiquitous symbol spanning the ancient and the

modern ages. The Eye of Horus is itself unique such that, in its true form, it always features with all three

parts coalesced. Secondly, it depicts the ‘tear of the Eye of Horus’ spiraling below the eye in a manner

which is atypical for a standard depiction for an eye.

What may the association be between this ‘All Seeing Eye of Horus’ and the Arabic letters Ka Fa Ra?

Each of the three parts of the Eye of Horus forms into a distinct letter in Arabic. These three letters

together spell ‘Ka Fa Ra’ in a manner which is so precise that it cannot be a coincidence.

Let us see what happens when we alternate the three distinct parts of the Eye of Horus. The figures

below show that a simple anticlockwise rotation of the ‘tear of the Eye of Horus’ or the lowermost part

reveals the Arabic letter ‘Ka’.

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Figure 14: (Anticlockwise Rotation of the 'Tear of the Eye of Horus')

Figure 15: (Arabic Letter 'Ka' revealed by Rotating)

The dotted arrow depicts the anticlockwise rotation of the lowermost part or the ‘tear of the Eye of

Horus’. Figure 15 shows that when this part is rotated, it yields the Arabic letter ‘Ka’ highlighted in black.

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Moreover, a clockwise rotation of the uppermost part or the ‘brow of the Eye of Horus’ reveals the

Arabic letter ‘Ra’ with precision. The figures below bear testimony to this fact.

Figure 16: (Clockwise Rotation of 'Brow of the Eye of Horus')

Figure 17: (Arabic Letter 'Ra' by Rotating)

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Again, the dotted arrow on the left depicts a clockwise rotation of the uppermost part or the ‘brow of

the Eye of Horus’ disclosing the Arabic letter ‘Ra’ highlighted in black.

Finally, the Arabic letter ‘Fa’ is revealed by simply taking out the pupil of the middle part or the ‘center

of the Eye of Horus’. This is shown in the figure below with the pupil forming the dot of letter ‘Fa’ (in


Figure 18: (Ka Fa Ra Formed by the Eye of Horus in blue)

We can see the outcome of the three Arabic letters ‘Ka Fa Ra’ in the figure below. Thus the ‘Eye of

Horus’, while maintaining all its integrity has led us to the Arabic letters ‘Ka Fa Ra between the eyes’ of

the dajjal as informed to us by our Holy Prophet (SAW) 1400 years ago in exactly the same order and





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Figure 19: (Ka Fa Ra)

Thus the eyes of Horus, so prevalent in everything relating to the dajjal, have between them the

three letters “Ka Fa Ra” precisely as described in the ahadith. Two points deserve mention here.

First, there are other ahadith which mention that the “Ka Fa Ra” would be between the eyes of

the dajjal and also on his forehead. In fact, this symbol of the Eye of Horus which forms “Ka Fa

Ra” features prominently on the forehead of Horus. A more detailed discussion of this would be

conducted in subsequent sections. The second theme is that of a common misunderstanding

which needs to be dispelled. It is that the “Ka Fa Ra” is symbolic of the overall Kufr widespread

in society and therefore it need not be a literal symbol with actual letters “Ka Fa Ra”. The

problem with this view is that it would never lead us to dajjal’s identification which is the

intended purpose of the “Ka Fa Ra” sign in the hadith. It is exactly because of this

misconception that many Muslims have now been led to believe that the dajjal is in fact

symbolic for the Western civilization and may not be a person. While dajjal the person lies at

the very foundations of the Western civilization, there is no need to deviate from ahadith which

exactly pinpoint his identity. The analysis above should dismiss this belief; “Ka Fa Ra” sign is

literal and the dajjal is a person whom this “Ka Fa Ra” sign belongs.

It would not be stretching the imagination if we take the next logical step i.e. to look more

closely at the person to whom this All Seeing Eye or the Eye of Horus belongs. That person is

Horus and it is why the symbol is called the Eye of Horus. Horus is the ancient Egyptian messiah

who lost an eye to his uncle Seth. Horus is the one-eyed Egyptian (false) messiah. In fact, the

characteristics of Horus and the dajjal are so interlinked that they become almost identical. This

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book will (with Allah’s blessings) provide forty signs of the dajjal described in ahadith found in

the figure of Horus.

It is only in the person of Horus that the two ahadith and one tradition quoted in the beginning

of this section become applicable. Dajjal is one-eyed, so is Horus. Dajjal has the letters “Ka Fa

Ra” between his eyes, so does Horus. The dajjal is of Egyptian origin and so is Horus. Even if this

book ended right here (which it would not), with no further insights, it should be firmly

established that the dajjal in the ahadith is really the figure of Horus as it is derived from

understanding of the ahadith. This book challenges anyone to produce another one-eyed

Egyptian messiah, who has the letters “Ka Fa Ra” between his eyes. There is no such instance

apart from the figure of Horus. It is only by recognizing the signs from the ahadith that we can

arrive at this statement (that the dajjal is Horus) and it is only after recognizing him as Horus

can we fit all the pieces of the puzzle which come our way in connection with the dajjal.

As Muslims, it is our right to question any such statement and this book would try and answer

most of these questions in the following sections. However, once we understand that a sign

from the ahadith has been fulfilled, we must hold on to it, irrespective of how serious the

implications might be. On surface, it seems like a small statement: “the dajjal in the ahadith is

the figure of Horus”, but its implications are huge and far reaching, ones which affect our lives

significantly and on a daily basis as would be shown soon. One such question which needs an

answer at this stage is that how a pagan god (Horus) of ancient times found its way into the

dajjal literature. Of course pagan gods do not actually exist and are confined to myths and

legends which never materialize, whilst dajjal is not a mythical figure and actually exists, as

narrated in the ahadith. To answer this we first note that the dajjal as a phenomenon actually

existed during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a Sahabi named Tamim Dari

(AS) narrated an incident to the Holy Prophet (SAW) of meeting the dajjal and the Holy Prophet

(SAW) confirming it in the following words:

“….Have I not, told you an account (of the dajjal) like this?’The people said: Yes, and

this account narrated by Tamim Dari was liked by me for it corroborates the account

which I gave to you in regard to him (dajjal) at Medina and Mecca. Behold he (dajjal)

is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian sea). Nay, on the

contrary, he is in the east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his

hand towards the east.” (Muslim, #7028)

As can be seen from the above hadith, the dajjal surely existed at the time of the Holy Prophet

(SAW) and there is nothing to suggest that he did not exist even before that time. At the end of

the hadith, the Holy Prophet (SAW) even gave us the location for the dajjal which is to be in the

east of Madina at that time. It was common for the ancient Egyptians to adopt natural

phenomenon as being gods and since the legend of Horus was brought to Egypt from the

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Persian Gulf (it would be proven in the next section), which lies exactly to the east of Madina, it

is pertinent to consider that some ancient people must have encountered the dajjal (as done by

Tamim Dari (AS)) on the same location which the Holy Prophet (SAW) pinpointed. These people

then brought this knowledge to ancient Egypt where he was adopted as a god, while retaining

all the features of the actual dajjal described in the ahadith. To underscore this point, the next

section would provide the past location of the dajjal as he existed at that time, the name of the

tribe which brought his legend into ancient Egypt and a massive artificial island constructed by

his followers in modern times to commemorate the location of the dajjal (Horus). This obviously

would be based firstly on the ahadith and secondly on historical evidence.

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Understanding the Dajjal’s Past Location

Why study the past location of the dajjal, especially when he has already been released (this

would be explained in detail in the next section), already interacting with the historical process

known as the modern era, and therefore no longer at the location where Tamim Dari (AS) met

him? This is because, as with many other aspects of the dajjal, one clue leads us to another and

using this step by step approach, we can finally fully uncover the real nature of the dajjal i.e.

Horus. Similarly, understanding the location of the dajjal would lead us to important concepts

regarding his origins and would reaffirm our determination that the dajjal in the hadith is

undoubtedly the figure of Horus. For the sake of clarity, this section does not pertain to the

location from where the dajjal would emerge when he appears in the form of a man. That

would be covered in subsequent analysis of this book.

Let us begin by examining ahadith pertaining to dajjal’s whereabouts at the time of the Holy

Prophet (SAW):

“…So I (Tamim Dari) came to it and found a man who was trailing his hair, chained in

iron collars, and leaping between Heaven and Earth. I asked: Who are you? He replied:

I am the dajjal…” (Abu Dawood, # 4311)

“…then Allah's Messenger (SAW) striking the pulpit with the help of the end of his staff

said: This is Taiba meaning Medina…Behold he (dajjal) is in the Syrian sea

(Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian sea). Nay, on the contrary, he is in the

east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards the

east….” (Muslim, # 7028).

Analyzing the latter hadith first, as it provides the most authentic and precise information

regarding dajjal’s location during the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) lifetime. As explained earlier the full

hadith is about a Sahabi named Tamim Dari (AS) encountering the dajjal and then narrating it to

the Holy Prophet (SAW) who then confirms the narration of Tamim Dari (AS). The Holy Prophet

(SAW) then goes on to provide additional details for the dajjal’s location at that time. He begins

by saying that: “This is Taiba (Madina)”. So Madina is the reference point for any further

directions the Holy Prophet (SAW) gives in the hadith. He then names two water bodies

adjoining the Arabian Peninsula which are the Mediterranean Sea (Syrian Sea) and the Arabian

Sea (Yemen Sea) as potential locations where dajjal could be located. He then immediately

negates these two potential locations with the words: “Nay, on the contrary…” which means

that the dajjal is not located in either of these two water bodies. Finally the Holy Prophet (SAW)

provides the direction to the dajjal’s location, by stating three times, to show emphasis on the

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statement: “He (dajjal) is in the east”, even pointing with his blessed hands towards the east to

get the point across to all Muslims. As stated earlier, this hadith was delivered at Madina and so

any direction (in this case east) has to be with reference to Madina. So dajjal is located towards

the east of Madina (and since the dajjal cannot enter Madina and Mecca, it implies that it is not

immediately east of Madina rather a considerable distance away from Madina but in an

eastwardly direction). This analysis leaves only one water body which is adjoining the Arabian

Peninsula and also towards the east of Madina; the Persian Gulf (also called Arabian Gulf).

We have reached a point where the broad parameters of dajjal’s location have been identified

i.e. the Persian Gulf. But we need to be more specific when we state that we want to

understand dajjal’s past location. There are two options to go about this. First is to undertake a

complete spatial survey of the Persian Gulf and look for clues pertaining to the dajjal. This

option is bound to be tiresome and incapable of leading to any results. The second option is

more desirable and that is to follow the above hadith literally and word for word. If the Holy

Prophet (SAW) pointed three times towards the east, then it must mean that the dajjal at that

time would be located exactly towards the east of Madina. We simply draw a straight line

extending from Madina and to the east towards the Persian Gulf. The figures below illustrate

this exercise and the result it yields.


Figure 20: (Sketching a direction direct east of Madina)

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Figure 21: (Taking the line further towards the East)

Figure 22: (Focusing in on the islands exactly East of Madina in Persian Gulf)

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Figure 23: (Zooming in further towards a man-made island)

Figure 24: (Massive man-made island exactly east of Madina, called Mubarraz Island)

25 | P a g e

This island pictured above (Mubarraz Island) is clearly a man-made island as can be seen from

the anthropomorphic (man-like) layout of the island. A head on top is visible along with some

sort of a covering. Two arms can easily be observed along with one extended leg and the other

leg contracted. The island is 18 kilometer in length and almost 6 kilometer in width, making it

one of the most massive man-made islands in the world. There are also other man-made

islands in the vicinity of the United Arab Emirates, but there is no account for who built this

particular island. This lends credibility to the notion that this island was built to commemorate

some individual or figure who must have been associated with this area.

As the reader would discover soon, this island would be one of the most important signs for the

true identification of the dajjal as Horus. The Egyptians associated their gods with constellations

and in our case; Horus was associated with the Orion constellation. One of the most famous

historians in history, Plutarch, testifies to this in the following words:

"...but that their souls shine in heaven as stars ; and that of Isis so called by the Greeks

the Dog-star, but by the Egyptians Sothis; that of Horus, Orion. (Plutarch's Morals:

Theosophical Essays, Plutarch)

So the great historian Plutarch confirms that Orion constellation represents the soul of Horus.

In addition, Orion constellation was also call the "Star of Horus" as stated by the author Hilton


"When the birth-place was in the sign of the Bull, Orion was the star that rose in the

East to tell where the young Sun-God was reborn. Hence it is called the "Star of

Horus". (Hilton Hotema, Secret of Regeneration)

What is important to note here is that Orion constellation signaled the birth place of Horus and

is called the star in the East.

The purpose of our little digression into the historical perspective was to prepare the reader for

what is coming next. The man-made island, exactly to the east of Madina is a representation of

the Orion constellation here on earth to commemorate the birth of the dajjal or Horus. How

can we assert this? Visual representation is our best proof. Just like the man-made island was

figured, the Orion constellation is represented as a man with a covering on the head, raised

arm, one leg extended and the other leg hidden. The figure below depicts the man-made island

(Mubarraz) side by side with the rendering of the Orion constellation.

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Figure 25: (Visual representation of Mubarraz Island satellite image with the rendering of Orion Constellation)

The above illustration shows that the coverings on the head are actually feathers, exactly

replicated on the head of the man-like island. Both the figures are looking to the left. Both have

a folded left arm, both have a raised right arm, holding a club. Moreover the left leg for both

the figures is bent, while the right leg is hidden. Based on this visual evidence, it can be

accurately concluded that the man-made island was built to honor Horus the dajjal as depicted

by the Orion constellation, which signals the birth-place of Horus.

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By combining visual elements of this island with historical understanding of the subject, we can

safely say that this island roughly marks the location where the antichrist (Horus) had his

earthly origin. As the next section will elaborate, the dajjal (Horus) has already come forth (in

light of the ahadith) and by coming forth, has been released and has started to interact with the

historical process. Therefore the notion that the dajjal (Horus) is currently being imprisoned at

this island (or nearby islands) is fruitless. He must have been there a long while ago but not

currently. What the island in question does is to throw light upon the origins of the dajjal or

Horus and also helps us in strengthening our argument that Horus is the key when trying to

understand the identity of the dajjal. This book again challenges anyone to produce an island or

locality which so exactly matches the strict criteria set forth in the ahadith i.e. the location of

the dajjal be towards the east of Madina. By consulting both the visual and historic

connotations regarding this island, it seems to fit perfectly well with the ahadith and again

points to the figure of Horus as being the dajjal.

As Muslims, we should not stop at this point but it is our duty to examine the argument further.

If this island in the Persian Gulf indeed marks the past location of Horus (dajjal) then we must

have some historical backing to assert this. In other words, the fact that Horus dajjal had his

origin in the Persian Gulf must be clearly laid out. It therefore is not surprising that such a

historical perspective exists and has been outlined by another renowned Egyptologist Flinders

Petrie in his assertion:

"The distinctive character of the 1st dynasty, which separates it from all that went

before, is the conquest and union of the whole land of Egypt. It became thus subject to

the falcon-bearing tribe of Horus, which was the natural enemy of the Aunu, the Set-

bearing tribe. This falcon tribe had certainly originated in Elam (modern day Iran and

associated water bodies), as indicated by the hero and lions on the "Araq knife

handle". They went down the Persian Gulf and settled in the "horn of Africa." (Petrie,

W.M. Flinders. The Making of Egypt)

So there is a historical precedent that the origins of Horus lay in the Persian Gulf region and

that the falcon bearing 'tribe of Horus' was responsible for introducing Horus to Egypt. This

tribe is also known as Shemsu-Hor or the 'followers of Horus'. There are other authors who

have stated the case more directly as the following passage will suggest:

"It seems very probable, then, that Horus came originally ...., via Arabia or the Persian

Gulf (Samuel Alfred Browne Mercer, Horus, royal god of Egypt, Society of Oriental


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The ancient Egyptians themselves attributed the residence of their gods, Horus being

preeminent among them, to an island in the east. The following extract sheds light on this


"From the earliest times the Egyptians seem to have maintained the idea that many of

the beliefs and events which characterized their 'culture' had their origins in a far

distant land. The evidence for this belief is contained in various collections of texts and

inscriptions including the Pyramid Texts, some of which certainly descend from

Predynastic times, the inscriptions of the Horus Temple at Edfu, which although

Ptolomaic in date incorporate much earlier material, and the inscriptions of the Toth

Temple at Hermopolis, which may also contain early records for recollections of the

Egyptian people. It would appear from these texts that the Egyptians preserved,

however faintly, memories of an island, far distant towards the east....where the first

and second generation of gods had their home." (Michael A. Cahill, Paradise

Rediscovered: The Roots of Civilisation)

By the grace of Allah, we have reached a point in our analysis, where we can assert the

following about the dajjal's identification as Horus. Horus is the one-eyed Egyptian figure (as

the dajjal would be according to the narration of the Sahaba and ahadith), who just like the

dajjal, has the letters "Ka Fa Ra" between his eyes, while having his origins in the east. This is a

credible framework which will be developed further in the subsequent section pertaining to the

time of the coming forth of the dajjal (Horus) based on authentic ahadith.

Those who will pose the question of how Horus, being an ancient pagan god, became

associated with the dajjal should take heed of this. The analysis above establishes that the

station of origin for both dajjal and Horus is the same i.e. the Persian Gulf. From the ahadith we

also know that the dajjal manifested him at this station, interacting with a group of people (as

in the case of Tamim Dari (AS) and his companions). It is understandable that other groups of

people which in this case are the Shemsu-Hor, might also have interacted with dajjal (Horus)

bringing his knowledge to ancient Egypt where he was adopted as a deity. The next section

which deals with the time of the coming forth of the dajjal will show that not only the dajjal and

Horus share a common station of origin, their influence on the historical process started at

precisely the same time, as informed to us in the ahadith.

It would be relevant here to present to the reader the underlying state of the dajjal at the time

before his coming forth. To understand this, we consider the following hadith:

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“…So I came to it and found a man who was trailing his hair, chained in iron collars,

and leaping between Heaven and Earth. I asked: Who are you? He replied: I am the

dajjal” (Abu Dawood, #4311)

The point of focus here is the sentence: “leaping between the Heaven and Earth” which is used

to describe dajjal’s state at when Tamim Dari (AS) and his companions met him. This suggests a

dual aspect of the dajjal: one heavenly and the other earthly. This dual aspect of the dajjal is

exactly preserved in the figure of Horus who has both an earthly and a heavenly aspect. The

Egyptian texts describe Horus with a ladder which reaches heaven and through which he

ascends and descends between the heaven and the earth. This ladder is called "the ladder of

horus" as described by the following passage:

“This ladder, as Egyptian, was double in the time of King Pepi. It is called the ladder of

Sut for the ascent from Amenta, and the ladder of Horus for the ascent to heaven.”

(Gerald Massey, Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World)

The ascent of Horus to the heaven is a recurring theme in the Egyptian pyramid and coffin texts

where Horus is depicted as a falcon that has flown to the horizon further than any of the (false)

gods of the sky.

“I am Horus, the Falcon who is in the battlements of the Mansions of Him whose

name is hidden. My flight aloft has reached the horizon…” (Egyptian Coffin Text, # 148,

translation found in The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts, volume 1, p. 125-127, by R.O.


The Egyptian Book of the Dead describes Horus' movement between the heaven and the earth


"Horus; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into Heaven" (Egyptian Book of the


The state of the dajjal described in the hadith of leaping between the heaven and the earth is

preserved with stunning accuracy in the ancient Egyptian texts quoted above. Thus Horus once

again fits into the description of the dajjal of having a dual aspect; heavenly and earthly.

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Dajjal’s Coming Forth or the Start of ‘Day like a Year’

This section is the climax of the book in that it establishes that both the dajjal and Horus came

forth at precisely the same point in history (as prophesized in the ahadith) making it more

evident that the dajjal in fact is Horus. How exactly did the dajjal (Horus) interact with the

historical process is/will be unprecedented across the past, present and the future, and as will

be explained in this section, the very origin of modernity or the present civilization can be

attributed to the dajjal (Horus). Therefore this section has two aims. The first is to establish that

the dajjal (Horus) is already at work and having an influence on our way of life more than which

is generally understood. The second is to add to the previous evidence, firmly establishing the

dajjal’s identification as Horus. It is absolutely critical to state here that wherever the word

‘kufr’ is used in the book, it means the kufr of the dajjal and it is intended to give evidence to

all Muslims and other believers that wherever we find the “Ka Fa Ra” eye of Horus, we

indeed find kufr embedded in that phenomenon brought along by the dajjal. Therefore kufr is

meant for the sole purpose of identifying the dajjal who is defined in the ahadith as having

the Ka Fa Ra sign between his eyes, which form the word kufr and thus its use in the book.

This description is not intended to accuse those who call themselves Muslims or believers as

having committed shirk or kufr (nauzubillah) and neither should anyone use this book as a

basis for accusing any people of the book (especially Muslims), in group or individually, of

committing kufr or shirk. It is only Allah who can judge what lies within the hearts of his


The ahadith provide us a clear and irrefutable time reference for the coming forth of the dajjal.

Moreover, the ahadith also inform us that when the dajjal does come forth, he will begin his

undertakings in a time which is very different from our time. The below authentic ahadith

explain these points:

“Narrated Mu'adh ibn Jabal: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The flourishing

state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be

when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest of

Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes

forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is

as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu'adh ibn Jabal).” (Abu

Dawood, #4281)

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“Narrated Abdullah ibn Busr: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The time between

the great war and the conquest of the city (Constantinople) will be six years, and the

Dajjal (Antichrist) will come forth in the seventh.” (Abu Dawood, #4283)

“…and the third who would never be put to trial would win and they would be

conquerors of Constantinople. And as they would be busy in distributing the spoils of

war (amongst themselves) after hanging their swords by the olive trees, the Satan

would cry: The Dajjal has taken your place among your family. They would then come

out, but it would be of no avail. And when they would come to Syria, he would come

out while they would be still preparing themselves for battle drawing up the ranks…”

(Muslim, # 6924)

“… (Allah's Messenger) said: You will attack Arabia and Allah will enable you to

conquer it, then you would attack Persia and He would make you to conquer it. Then

you would attack Rome and Allah will enable you to conquer it, then you would attack

the dajjal and Allah will enable you to conquer him. Nafi' said: Jabir, we thought that

the dajjal would appear after Rome would be conquered.” (Muslim, #6930)

So the Holy Prophet (SAW) categorically identifies the conquest of Constantinople as that

historical marker when the dajjal would come forth. To complement this, the Holy Prophet

(SAW) provides an additional time reference, which can be seen in the last hadith, and that is

the dajjal would come forth after the Muslims have conquered Rome, to which the sahaba (AS)

also testify. These two markers i.e. the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Rome

have been used interchangeably by the Holy Prophet (SAW) to signify the start of dajjal’s reign.

This is a critical point, one that needs to be examined more closely. There must be a very good

reason why the Holy Prophet (SAW) gave both these signs for the emergence of the dajjal.

Simple logic would have it that since the ahadith mention both these events as markers for

dajjal’s emergence; they would have to occur simultaneously in history. What these ahadith are

in fact communicating to us is that when the Muslims do conquer Constantinople, it would still

be under Roman occupation, and upon the conquest of Constantinople, the Roman Empire

would disintegrate and thus the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Rome could

be used interchangeably. Does this layout in the ahadith, match with actual historical events.

The answer is that it matches perfectly: When the Muslim army conquered Constantinople in

1453; it was the capital of the Byzantine Roman Empire. After this conquest, the Roman Empire

disintegrated and went into oblivion, precisely as communicated in the ahadith. Therefore both

32 | P a g e

the prophecies of the conquest of Constantinople and that of Rome were fulfilled at the same

time in 1453 through the conquest of Constantinople and the downfall of the Roman Empire.

We need to dispel the concept that the Muslims would re-conquer the Roman Empire and also

re-conquer Constantinople. This is because the Roman Empire described by the Prophet (SAW)

no longer exists in any shape or manner. America and Europe certainly are not the Roman

Empire and as will be explained later in the book, are proxy states of Horus the dajjal. Moreover

how can Muslims conquer Constantinople again when it is already under Muslim rule? Finally

since the Muslims were supposed to defeat the Romans in the battle of Constantinople, it is

unthinkable that Constantinople would be captured again first by the Roman Empire (which is a

part of history and no such empire exists today) who would then be defeated by the Muslims.

Such misconception that Rome and Constantinople would be conquered again only strengthens

the wrong belief that the dajjal has not come forth as yet, whereas all his signs (in the form of

Horus) are already prevalent.

Therefore, the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 was indeed the one being described in the

ahadith. There is no precedent in the ahadith which implies that there would be two conquests

of Constantinople, and that only after the second conquest would the dajjal come forth. This

argument can only be negated if such a precedent is found in authentic ahadith. Since the

arguments presented here derive their meaning from authentic ahadith and not scholarly

opinion, the author hopes that only authentic ahadith would be used to prove otherwise.

If we examine the ahadith pertaining to the events leading up to the conquest of

Constantinople and match them with actual historical occurrences, we are bound to find

similarities between the two sources of knowledge because the authentic ahadith always hold

true. However this is beyond the scope of this book. The fact that we, as a community, have not

made an effort to understand the events of the conquest of Constantinople in light of the

ahadith does not mean that those events did not take place.

Clearing this misconception, we proceed to define the circumstances wherein the dajjal (Horus)

actually came forth and started a process of outlining the historical process ever since, in an

unprecedented manner. To understand this, we have to start with the very roots of the modern

civilization. The modern civilization, as it operates today, undoubtedly had its origin in the time

frame known by the historians as the ‘Renaissance’ which means renewal. It is also called the

‘Enlightenment’ period when a great shift in human consciousness occurred, changing the way

in which human beings would view the world and themselves. We would examine this

‘Renaissance’ more when we dissect its various aspects, but in short, the ‘Renaissance’

represents that point in history when modern man was born and the modern western

civilization came into being. What is fascinating is that the ‘Renaissance’ occurred at precisely

the time around the conquest of Constantinople; a time when our Holy Prophet (SAW)

33 | P a g e

informed us the dajjal would come forth. Many historians go as far as marking the start of the

Renaissance exactly after the conquest of Constantinople i.e. 1453 and others single out the

conquest as the most important event that triggered the Renaissance. The quotes below

provide a fuller understanding of the subject:

“We use it (the term ‘Renaissance’) to denote the whole transition from the Middle

Ages to the Modern World; and though it is possible to assign certain limits to the

period during which this transition took place…Yet, pressed to be precise, some

proposed the fall of Constantinople in 1453 as its (Renaissance’s) starting date…” (S.K

Heninger, The Subtext of Form in the English Renaissance)

“Schwab outlines how, just as the arrival of Greek manuscripts in Europe after the fall

of Constantinople had triggered the Renaissance in the fifteenth century…” (Edwin

Bryant, The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture…”)

Not only did the Renaissance begin in exactly the same time-frame given by the Holy Prophet

(SAW) for the emergence of the dajjal, the actual event i.e. the conquest of Constantinople,

played the most momentous role in the unfolding of the Renaissance. This in itself merits a

detailed look at what the Renaissance was and how it is associated with the dajjal, whom this

author has identified as Horus (with the help of Allah).

In the years following the conquest of Constantinople, a large number of Greek scholars

migrated from Constantinople to the Italian cultural centers, chief among them being Florence.

They brought along with them ancient manuscripts, which had been dissociated from history

for centuries. These manuscripts included ancient Egyptian and Greek philosophies of

Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Neo-Platonism, and Kabala among many others. These

ancient philosophies suddenly received patronage from the financiers of the Renaissance, the

most notable among them being the Medici family who could be considered as the patrons and

the custodians of the Renaissance. The Medicis were the founders of the modern banking

system and would play a most important role in the unfolding analysis of the dajjal (Horus).

These ancient philosophies of Hermeticism, Alchemy, Gnosticism, Neo-Platonism and Kabala,

which can be considered as the stepping stones for the Renaissance, all have three things in


1. All assert that man is divine and would ultimately reclaim his divine status (nauzubillah).

2. All were of pagan origin except for Kabala which is of Jewish origin but had massive

elements of paganism in it.

34 | P a g e

3. All assert that the man who would ultimately reclaim the divine status for humanity

would be none other than Horus. (nauzubillah)

We would analyze each of the above philosophies individually due to their immense

importance in the unraveling of the historical process ever since the Renaissance and right into

the modern era.


“The traditional goal (of Hermeticism) is the unity of humanity and divinity:

redemption, deification, and empowerment.” (Joshua Ramey, The Hermetic Deleuze)

“…hermeticism promised divine power to mortal man…” (Rosemary Guiley, The

Encyclopedia of Angels)

“…to being the “divine” man admired in the Hermetic tradition…” (Brian Levack,

Renaissance Magic)

From the above observations, it is evident that the divine nature of man (nauzubillah) is a

central tenant of Hermeticism. One of the most important Hermetic texts, which would also

have a profound influence on the Renaissance and subsequent development of the modern

civilization, is the ‘Corpus Hermeticum’. The Corpus Hermeticum is an Egyptian-Greek text that

was brought to Italy after the conquest of Constantinople and translated by Marsilio Ficino at

the behest of Cosimo de’Medici in 1471 (Constantinople was conquered in 1453). What stands

out about this text is its cover which includes the Eye of Horus being used for the first time in

the modern era. Figure 26 below illustrates the cover of Corpus Hermeticum with the Eye of

Horus featured prominently.

Figure 26: (The Corpus Hermeticum with the Eye of Horus, 1471) with

35 | P a g e

It is the same Eye of Horus which forms “Ka Fa Ra” according to the ahadith. This is the most

influential book of the Renaissance and shaped the minds of many thinkers and philosophers in

subsequent years. This is testified in the following extract:

“The so-called Corpus Hermeticum, actually an amalgam of neo-Platonic and neo-

Pythagorean texts….had influenced Renaissance humanism since its rediscovery in the

fifteenth century.” (John Brooke, The Refiner’s Fire)

If the modern civilization owes its origin to the Renaissance, the Renaissance in turn owes its

origin to the Corpus Hermeticum. The Eye of Horus on the cover suggests that the dajjal (Horus)

was firmly entrenched in the historical process of the Renaissance and had an overwhelming

influence on the development of the modern civilization ever since (as will be explained later in

this section). One could not regard it as mere chance that the “Ka Fa Ra” sign of the Eye of

Horus appeared right after the conquest of Constantinople as prophesized in the ahadith. If

Horus and the dajjal are the same figures, it follows that the coming forth of the dajjal would

also signal the coming forth of Horus, which is exactly what happened during the Renaissance

and after the fall of Constantinople.


Like Hermeticism, the chief feature of Alchemical philosophy is the union of man with the

divine or attainment of godhood by man (nauzubillah). The process through which a mortal soul

is transformed into the divine (nauzubillah) is called ‘Magnum Opus’ or the ‘Great Work’.

According to this false teaching, once man does attain the state of the divine, he is called the

Alchemical Child. The Alchemical Child of the ‘Great Work’ is none other than Horus as stated

by the following texts:

“The ascending hypotenuse, corresponding to Horus, the Egyptian Sun-God Child,

shows the five stages in the development of the Alchemical Child ascending from the

Mother to reunion with the Father….for the Alchemical Child is not merely a man. He is

a God-man, destined to attain perfect union with his Father, and in that union the

alchemical work will be completed” (Paula Polcini, PM)

“The Alchemical Child is what the Egyptians called Horus, represented by the five-unit

hypotenuse of a Pythagorean triangle.” (Paul Foster, Hermetic Alchemy)

“…and a hypotenuse of five units assigned to Horus, the Alchemical Child.” (Etta

Jackson, Unveiling the Secrets of the Feminine Principle)

36 | P a g e

Thus the so called ‘Great Work’ of Alchemy would be fulfilled once Horus, as a man, lays claim

to godhood. This sounds eerily similar to what the dajjal is prophesized to do as per the ahadith

i.e. lay claim to godhood. This would be examined in greater detail later on.


This philosophy also centers on the idea that god is revealed through man and that man is god

(nauzubillah). The Gnostics employ the term Anthropos to signify the perfected man who has

attained godhood. The following pieces of evidence should convince the reader of this fact:

“This indwelling God is none other than the Anthropos, the primordial god-man, now

inhabiting the earth and at some future time rising from its depths in a glorious cosmic

resurrection.” (Stephan Hoeller, The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead)

“The Hebraic notion of the Son of Man, the manifestation of God in human form that

we have just mentioned, is certainly fundamental to the Gnostic doctrine of the

Anthropos…” (Attilio Mastrocinque, From Jewish Magic to Gnosticism)

The question now becomes: what are the roots of the man or Anthropos, who would ultimately

claim to be god (nauzubillah). Again we find that Horus is commonly identified with the Gnostic

Anthropos who would lay claim to divinity, just as the dajjal would according to the ahadith. We

can clearly see this in the following assertions:

“…the Anthropos whose roots he saw in the Jewish tradition, on the one hand, and the

Egyptian Horus myth, on the other.” (Renos K. Papadopoulos, The Handbook of

Jungian Psychology)

“The ancient idea of the Anthropos, whose roots lie in Jewish tradition on the one

hand and in the Egyptian Horus myth on the other, had taken possession of the people

at the beginning of the Christian era, for it was part of the Zeitgeist.” (Lucinda Vardey,

God in All Worlds)

It is clear from the above texts that Gnosticism too adheres to the philosophy of man laying

claim to godhood (nauzubillah) and that man is the figure of Horus in the form of the Anthropos

of the Gnostics.


The Kabala, which is an ancient Jewish system rooted in pagan themes, is also rife with the

belief of man claiming godhood (nauzubillah). In Kabala, this ‘divine man’ is called ‘Adam

Kadmon’. This concept deals with the manifestation of the deity in the form of a perfected and

37 | P a g e

heavenly man called Adam Kadmon. The below quotation should provide reference to this


“Many of these systems and theories are based on the Qabalistic concept of the

“Divine Man”, Adam Qadmon, whose body is comprised…”(John Bonner, Qabalah: A


“In Western mystical traditions, especially kabbalistic traditions, Adam Kadmon is

cosmic man, the primordial emanation of God out of Nothingness, or as Blake

understood, “the human form divine””( Norman Finkelstein, On Mount Vision: Forms

of the Sacred)

Again, like all the philosophies discussed previously, Horus assumes the central role in Kabala as

a human claimant to godhood (nauzubillah). In fact, Horus is identified with Adam Kadmon, the

so called divine man of the Kabala. The following words attest to this:

“It is possible that that the idea of the new man, the second Adam, derives from

Horus, for in him we find the seminal traits elaborated much later by other groups:

Cabbalists with their concept of Adam Kadmon, the Gnostics with their doctrine of the

Anthropos…” (Thom Cavalli, Embodying Osiris: The Secrets of Alchemical


“…the divine god-man, Horus the pharaoh, the Sun King, or the Christlike redeemer

Viracocha. These metaphors point to a successful completion of the quest by the

hero/warrior/saint. These are beings that have become the Adam Kadmon…”(Jay

Weidner, ‎serdirB tnecniV, eai nhVBineiV re Bai GnieB fnrVV re sircehi)

Clearly, it is Horus who emerges as the most prominent claimant to the divine (nauzubillah) in

the Kabala, in terms of his identification with Adam Kadmon.


Neo-Platonism is another major ideology which shaped the Renaissance and through the

Renaissance, influenced many of the major ideas pervading the modern era. This thought too

espouses a firm determination that the ultimate goal of man is to become god-like or in

Platonic terms a ‘Demiurge’ (nauzubillah). This is clear from the following passage:

“But behind this lies on the one hand the Platonic conviction that man's task is to

make himself god-like…” (Karsten Friis Johansen, A History of Ancient Philosophy)

38 | P a g e

“... pattern of his species by way of a self-directed and self-willed metamorphosis

into a demiurge, or man-god…” (Journal of Ukrainian studies: - Volumes 5-6)

“We must therefore constantly keep in mind that according to Plato the idea of the

Good is unconscious and impersonal, whereas the demiurge is personal, a

craftsman, an anthropomorphic God” (Gilles Quispel, Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica)

The idea behind the Platonic Demiurge is that of a god who is anthropomorphic which means

having human characteristics (nauzubillah). This idea strongly resonates with the previous four

philosophies discussed that man would ultimately claim godhood. However it is of critical

importance to identify the Neo-Platonic Demiurge, who, like the previous four schools of

thought, is the figure of Horus. This can be seen from the writings below:

“Horus’ relationship with the material universe is the same as Atum’s with all creation,

making him therefore god of the material world (besides being ‘a son of God and

savior of humankind), the equivalent of Plato’s Demiurge…” (Lynn Picknett, The

Forbidden Universe)

“The god usually depicted as seated upon the lotus was Horus, and more particularly

Horus the Child, Harpocrates with his finger in his mouth. But he was, none the less, a

figure of the supreme god, more or less in the position of the Platonic demiurge…”

(Iamblichus, De Mysteriis)

The characterization of the Neo-Platonic Demiurge with Horus is yet another instance where

(false) claimant to godhood is firmly established as Horus.

These five major philosophies or systems, described above, formed the core of Renaissance

revival and marked the transition from the Medieval Age to the Modern Age. Without these

ideologies the Renaissance would never have happened and without the Renaissance, the

modern civilization would be non-existent. To reiterate, all these five major philosophies

represent a revival of paganism, claim that man is divine (nauzubillah) and finally that divine

man is none other than Horus. The influence of these themes in the Renaissance revival after

the conquest of Constantinople is so obvious that the Renaissance itself has been termed by

many historians and authors as being a “Pagan Renaissance” as described by the following


“The Pagan Renaissance had now (1560) run its course…” (Will Durant, The

Renaissance: The Story of Civilization)

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“The Renaissance in Italy tended toward a revival of paganism…” (Hervin Roop, A

History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy)

The conquest of Constantinople which occurred in 1453 brought forth a radical shift in

consciousness called the Renaissance. This Renaissance broke the back of Christianity in the

western world and brought with it a reversion to pagan ideals. These pagan dogmas were

embodied in the figure of Horus or the dajjal. Is it just a coincidence that an ancient pagan god

(Horus) was suddenly revived during the Renaissance? A false god who brought along paganism

or “Ka Fa Ra” (kufr) into the modern era and has continued to play the most significant role in

furthering and upholding this kufr brought forth with him (will be elaborated shortly). This is by

no means a coincidence as our Holy Prophet (SAW) had warned us of an age immediately

following the conquest of Constantinople when the dajjal would begin his reign. This is

especially revealing as the hadith literature points to this false claim to godhood by the dajjal:

“He will start by saying "I am a Prophet," and there is no Prophet after me. Then a

second time he will say: "I am your Lord." But you will not see your Lord until you

die.” (Majah, # 4077)

Horus emerged as the chief (false) claimant to godhood during the Renaissance as envisioned in

the five major philosophies outlined above, each claiming Horus to be the divine man

(nauzubillah). Moreover, all of this occurred right after the conquest of Constantinople. As a

sign, the Eye of Horus, which had not been used for millennia, now became visible during the

Renaissance. This is true for the Corpus Hermeticum (1471) which is shown in figure 26 above.

However the Corpus Hermeticum is not the only rendering where the Eye of Horus came to the

forefront. This Ka Fa Ra symbol of the Eye of Horus found its way into Renaissance paintings,

coins and seals etc. Some of the earliest displays of the Eye of Horus are illustrated below:

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Figure 27: (Supper at Emmaus, 1525)

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Figure 28: (Christian Allegory, 1510) Figure 29: (German Coin, 1616)

Figure 30: (Treatise on Theosophy, 1621)

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To understand the coming forth of the dajjal or Horus, we have to dissect the Renaissance, for it

is in the Renaissance that he started interacting with the historical process, a work which is still

ongoing. Thus far we know the following aspects of the Renaissance that convince us that the

dajjal or Horus did in fact come forth during the Renaissance:

1. The birth of the Renaissance was around the time of the conquest of Constantinople

2. The five core philosophies of the Renaissance (described above) all asserted that man is

divine (nauzubillah) which, as explained through the hadith, is the foremost claim to be

made by the dajjal.

3. Horus emerged during the Renaissance as the principal (false) claimant to godhood


4. The Renaissance saw the revival of pagan ideals embodied in ancient Egyptian and

Greek pantheistic religions. That is why it is also called the ‘Pagan Renaissance’. This

resonates strongly with the Ka Fa Ra or kufr of the dajjal which he will bring along as per

the ahadith.

5. The modern depictions of the Eye of Horus, a symbol for the dajjal, were made during

the Renaissance.

Dajjal, Impersonator of the True Messiah

Other developments took place during the Renaissance in a manner which makes it apparent

that the Renaissance indeed represents the time of the coming forth of Horus the dajjal. The

Holy Prophet (SAW) described one of the major functions of the dajjal which is: prior to laying

claim to divinity, the dajjal would claim to be the Messiah, the true Messiah being Prophet

Jesus (AS). This is clear from the following hadith:

“…Then the dajjal would ask him: Don't you believe in me? He would say: You are a

false Masih…”(Muslim, # 7019)

As the reader will soon discover, it is not an event of the distant future when the dajjal would

claim to be Prophet Jesus (AS), rather this event is already unfolding before our eyes. We are

witnessing that age when the dajjal is claiming to be Prophet Jesus (AS) and the claim is not

new. In fact it is so old that it too started during the Renaissance. The dajjal has been claiming

to be Prophet Jesus (AS) since the Renaissance. In our times, there is a systematic and well

coordinated effort across literary, academic and media spheres, all declaring that the historical

personage of Prophet Jesus (AS) was based on Horus, citing hundreds of similarities between

the two figures. Why would a very influential segment of the population invest huge sums of

money, time and effort, all aimed at convincing the masses that the historical character of

Prophet Jesus (AS) was based on Horus? It is by no means a coincidence as our Holy Prophet

(SAW) had forewarned many centuries ago that the dajjal would claim to be not only god but

also the messiah. It is one of the surest signs that we are heading in the right direction when

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identifying Horus with the dajjal as no other figure in history has been compared more to

Prophet Jesus (AS) as Horus has. Here are a just a few examples of the hundreds of

comparisons made between Horus and Prophet Isa (AS):

“There are some mythological stories which have parallels to Jesus’ story. The most

common comparison is the Egyptian god Horus…” (John Ostrowick, The Anointed)

“The virgin birth of the Christ character is a direct retelling of the Egyptian legend

of Horus-only the names have been changed” (Matthew Reilly, 7 Deadly Wonders)

“It was the second Horus who was the Begotten of the Father, the Karast one or

Christ of the anointing, regeneration and resurrection.” (Gerald Massey, A Book of

the Beginnings)

“Still there is a dual Jesus and the Christ, corresponding to the double Horus…”

(Robert B. Clarke, An Order Outside Time)

The immensely popular documentaries such as the ‘Zeitgeist’ and ‘Religious’ are not far behind

in claiming that the historical Jesus was based on the figure of Horus. As Muslims it is our belief

that Prophet Jesus (AS) was a true prophet of Allah and therefore all such attempts at luring the

general populace should concern the true believers and should also induce them into

investigating the matter further. It is in fact the fulfillment of the prophecy that the dajjal would

try to mimic the true messiah and the figure of Horus again emerges as the principal claimant

to being the messiah. Horus is in fact the false messiah, the impersonator of Prophet Jesus (AS).

To decipher the true identity of Horus, we have to look at what a famous author Tom Harpur

commented in his book ‘Pagan Christ’:

“Massey discovered nearly two hundred instances of immediate correspondence

between the mythical Egyptian material and the allegedly historical Christian writings

about Jesus. Horus indeed was the archetypal Pagan Christ” (Tom Harpur, Pagan


If Horus is the ‘Pagan Christ’, when did the portrayal of Horus as the true messiah start? It

started with a mysterious text known as the hieroglyphs of Horapollo or Horus-Apollo. These

were considered to be Egyptian texts and gained immense popularity during the Renaissance.

These texts allowed a generation of authors to draw parallels between the life stories of

Prophet Jesus (AS) and Horus. The author Gerald Massey, one of the foremost exponents of this

portrayal of Horus as Prophet Jesus (AS), also relied on Horapollo texts as defined in the

following passage:

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“But the ‘only-begotten God’ was an especial type in Egyptian mythology, and the

phrase re-identifies the divinity whose emblem is the beetle. Horapollo says, ‘To

denote the only-begotten or a father, the Egyptians delineate a scarabaeus! By this

they symbolize an only-begotten, because the creature is self-produced, being

unconceived by a female.’ Now the youthful manifestor of the beetle-god was this Iu-

em-hept (Horus), the Egyptian Jesus.” (Gerald Massey, The Historical Jesus and

Mythical Christ)

The texts of Horapollo which gained popularity during the Renaissance formed the basis of

subsequent negation of the history of Prophet Jesus (AS) and the effort by the dajjal to

impersonate the true Messiah in the guise of Horus. It is significant that all this occurred during

the Renaissance because it implies that all of the major characteristics of the dajjal i.e. claiming

divinity and claiming to be the true Messiah had their origin during the Renaissance or after the

conquest of Constantinople as prophesized by the Holy Prophet (SAW).

The Hidden Characteristic of the Dajjal

Another characteristic of the dajjal, given to us by the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the ahadith, was

also fulfilled after the conquest of Constantinople or the Renaissance. In one hadith the Holy

Prophet (SAW) described the dajjal as:

“…and if it happens that some of his (dajjal’s) qualities may be hidden from you, but

your Lord's State is clear to you and not hidden from you…” (Bukhari, # 685)

To understand the hadith above, we need to briefly consider the concept of the ‘occult’. Occult

literally means hidden. The dajjal, although exerting the most powerful influence, will hide his

true characteristics from plain view. The colossal enterprise accompanying the dajjal would be

hidden and so as his worship. The ancient Egyptians assigned Horus the name: ‘Hoor Par Kraat’

which translates into the ‘hidden god’. Another name assigned to Horus was ‘Amon-Horus’

which also means the ‘hidden god’. Who is this ‘hidden god’ which prominent occult societies

such as Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and the Theosophical Society pledge allegiance to? To

examine this further, we look at some of the monograms employed by these occult societies as

detailed in figures 31, 32 and 33 below.

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Figure 31: (Eye of Horus, Rosicrucian Temple)


Figure 32: (Eye of Horus, Freemasonic Altar) Figure 33: (Treatise on Theosophy, 1621)

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The figures above are only illustrations of the monograms employed by three of the most well

renowned occult societies. The reader should know that almost all occult societies employ the

monogram of the Eye of Horus. This suggests that such occult societies pledge supreme

allegiance to the figure of Horus who is their ‘hidden god’. Again, the roots of occult societies

lay in the Renaissance with the formal formation of Rosicrucianism in the early 1600s and that

of Freemasonry in the early 1700s. Although the founding of the Theosophical Society occurred

later in the 1800s, the concept of modern theosophy had its origin in the 1500s. The

Renaissance represented that period of time when these occult societies were formed and

thrived in earnest, thereby institutionalizing the worship of Horus, their ‘hidden god’.

By now it should not surprise the reader that the age we are currently living has been termed as

‘The Age of Horus’ by one of the most famous occultist in history; Aleister Crowley. The exact

circumstances behind this episode would be discussed later, for now it is important to note

that, as per Crowley’s own calculation, the Age of Horus dawned after the conquest of

Constantinople. Below are Crowley’s words regarding the Age of Horus:

“One of these is in charge of the destinies of this planet for periods of 2,000 years. In

the history of the world, as far as we know accurately, are three such Gods: Isis, the

mother, when the Universe was conceived as simple nourishment drawn directly from

her; this period is marked by matriarchal government. Next, beginning 500 B.C., Osiris,

the father, when the Universe was imagined as catastrophic, love, death, resurrection,

as the method by which experience was built up; this corresponds to patriarchal

systems. Now, Horus, the child, in which we come to perceive events as a continual

growth partaking in its elements of both these methods, and not to be overcome by

circumstance. (Aleister Crowley, Book of Law)

Simple arithmetic would have it that adding 2000 years to 500 BC would yield 1500AD as a

rough estimate for the true dawning of the Age of Horus. This corresponds exactly with the

coming forth of the dajjal, as prophesized by the Holy Prophet (SAW) in authentic ahadith

quoted above, to take place after the conquest of Constantinople in 1453. The formal

terminology employed by Crowley to describe the Age of Horus is the ‘Aeon of Horus’. This

term ‘aeon’ would have important implications for our understanding regarding the current

state of the dajjal.

Before moving forward to determine the current state of the dajjal in light of ahadith, we stop

to briefly examine what we know about the dajjal as Horus at this stage. Just like the dajjal,

Horus is the one-eyed Egyptian figure with the letters Ka Fa Ra written between his eyes, which

emerged as the principal (false) claimant to godhood and to being Prophet Jesus (AS) after the

conquest of Constantinople in 1453. Similar to the dajjal, Horus originated towards the east of

Arabia. Corresponding with the coming forth of the dajjal, the conquest of Constantinople

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initiated the Age of Horus or the Aeon of Horus starting around 1500 AD and the philosophical

characteristic of this age is, and has been, a revival of pagan philosophies or the Ka Fa Ra of

Horus the dajjal, inbuilt into its very fabric. Finally, Horus, in league with the dajjal, is the

‘hidden god’ of the occult societies. It is truly significant that all these signs of the dajjal seem to

be fulfilled in the personality of Horus but there are many more signs to come in this book

which should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the identity of the dajjal as Horus and the

trials he has brought along with him.

The claim that the dajjal has come forth is dual in nature. The first part concerning the

timeframe has already been discussed. The second part pertaining to his current state is equally

important. This is because when stating that the dajjal has come forth in the guise of Horus,

one has to provide an adequate explanation for his state of affairs after his coming forth. Will

he come forth as a man at the very beginning of his reign or will he come forth in stages?

Secondly if the dajjal has come forth in the form of Horus, where is he? To address these issues,

we again consult an authentic hadith first:

“…how long would he stay on the earth? He said… For forty days, one day like a year

and one day like a month and one day like a week and the rest of the days would be

like your days. We said: Allah's Messenger, would one day's prayer suffice for the

prayers of day equal to one year? Thereupon he said: No, but you must make an

estimate of time (and then observe prayer).” (Muslim, # 7015)

The above hadith clearly outlines that the dajjal would stay on earth or reign for forty days. One

day will be like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week and the rest of his days will be

like our normal days. Without understanding the depth of the hadith, we would reach the

conclusion that the dajjal’s stay or reign on earth would amount to approximately one year and

two months. Now if the dajjal has indeed come forth after the conquest of Constantinople

(which occurred in 1453) as prophesized in the ahadith, using the crude calculation above, we

should wrongfully reach the conclusion that the dajjal has already come and gone! We know

that is not the case as the dajjal is still operating in the historical process. Without

understanding this hadith, we cannot grasp many of the phenomenons associated with the

dajjal in our present age. For example how can we explain the claim to godhood by man in our

present age and the substitution of man in place of god? If someone is oblivious to these

movements in history, he should really reconsider his worldview in relation to the teachings of

the Quran and ahadith. If one claims to be a true momin, he should immediately realize the Ka

Fa Ra of dajjal’s immense enterprise. Although Ka Fa Ra is the chief trait of the dajjal according

to the ahadith, he has numerous other traits which are clearly unfolding in the modern era.

What can explain the division of the Muslim ummah into feeble nation states while the

phenomenal rise in wealth of western countries which adhere to the Renaissance ideologies

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described above? All these things cannot be fully explained unless we admit that the dajjal is

already at work.

The hadith above suggests that the dajjal would proceed in four stages. Moreover, time would

operate differently in case of the dajjal in first three stages and only in the fourth stage when

his day is like our day would time operate normally concerning the dajjal. Our identification of

Horus as the dajjal yields extraordinary results when trying to analyze the above hadith. In

effect, only by realizing that the true identity of the dajjal lies with Horus, can we decipher the

day like a year, day like a month and the day like a week terminologies of the hadith. For this

purpose we have to look at what the Age of Horus is composed of. The formal name for the Age

of Horus is the Aeon of Horus, as briefly discussed before. Firstly, there are various meanings of

the word aeon. It implies an age or an order outside time. Exactly in line with the dajjal’s ‘day

like a year’, ‘day like a month’ and ‘day like a week’, an aeon is also divided into an ‘year of

aeons’, ‘month of aeons’ and ‘week of aeons’ as can be seen below:

“The mere fact is that references to a 'week of aeons' and a 'month of aeons' and a

'year of aeons' are simply allegorical renderings apropos of scriptural instances.”

(Panagiōtēs Tzamalikos , Origen: Philosophy of History and Eschatology)

Absolutely in parallel to the dajjal’s first three stages, where time would operate very

differently concerning him, the Aeon of Horus also implies unique characteristics of time. The

Aeon of Horus is envisioned as a dispensation where the figure of Horus presides in a realm

outside our time. The work of Oliver John quoted below further elaborates on the Aeon of


Aeon (and Aeon of Horus): the word Aeon meaning "age" in Greek, refers to an

indefinite period of time, an eternity. Metaphysically, an aeon refers to a power

existing outside of time. Such power represents a particular level of consciousness. An

aeon may thus be objective (i.e. corresponding to a historical age) or subjective (i.e.

outside time...). The Aeon of Horus is the eternity presided over by the god Horus.

(Oliver St. John, Sophie Di Jorio , The Ending of the Words - Magical Philosophy of

Aleister Crowley)

Two things become apparent in relation to the current state of affairs of the dajjal, recognized

as Horus. First, the aeon functions outside our perceivable order of time and secondly the

figure of Horus emerges yet again (fulfilling hadith prophecy) as the power or consciousness

operating in that realm. Thus it can be stated that the computation of time in case of the dajjal

would be different from our normal standpoint as the Holy Prophet (SAW) informed us in the

hadith quoted above that ‘you must make an estimate of time’ in relation to the dajjal. This is

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also the case with Horus as admitted by Aleister Crowley, the one to herald the Age of Horus or

Aeon of Horus:

“On Horus: "His formula is not yet fully understood." "Following him will arise the

Equinox of Ma, the Goddess of Justice, it may be a hundred or ten thousand years from

now; for the Computation of Time is not here as There."” (Aleister Crowley,

Commentary on Liber AI)

Another illustration of the Aeon of Horus can be witnessed by the quote below:

“The Aeon of Horus: The great aeon exists both inside and outside of time.” (Oliver St.

John, Sophie Di Jorio , The Ending of the Words - Magical Philosophy of Aleister


This is exactly why, Horus has been called the ‘Christ outside time’, a testament to the fact that

again it is Horus who is claiming to be Prophet Jesus (AS), is in a realm different from ours:

“…the Black Eye or Silver Egg as the Elder Horus as Christ outside time...” (Richard

Leviton, The Blaise Conjunction: Selections from the Geomantic Journals)

It is only in the fourth stage of his reign, that the Age of Horus would culminate and the dajjal or

Horus would finally appear in a realm which is like ours when his day will be like our day.

Exactly when this occurs is not the scope of this book; however we must adopt caution before

predicting anything which is not firmly rooted in the Quran or the ahadith.

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The Trials Brought Forth by the Dajjal and the Spread of his Religion

The previous sections were meant to lay the groundwork in identifying the dajjal as Horus, his

origin and his coming forth after the conquest of Constantinople (during the Renaissance).

Identification of the dajjal as Horus is the first step through which we can seek to outline the

trials and tribulations associated with Horus the dajjal, and that is the second step. We again

begin with authentic ahadith concerning these trials of the dajjal:

“No doubt it has been inspired to me that you will be put to trials in your graves and

these trials will be like the trials of Masiah-ad-dajjal or nearly like it.” (Bukhari, # 86)

“O Allah, I seek refuge with you….from the tribulation of Dajjal.” (Nasai, # 1310)

“I saw you under trial in the grave like the turmoil of dajjal.” (Muslim, # 1973)

The “trials/tribulation/turmoil/mischief of the dajjal” is a recurring theme in authentic ahadith.

The ahadith concerning the trials of the dajjal are repeated several times in the sahi books of

ahadith. The Holy Prophet (SAW) attached such significance to the trials of the dajjal that he

(SAW) sought protection with Allah from his trials in his (SAW) prayers. Recognizing the trials of

the dajjal should be one of the most important tasks for a believer, after all the hallmark of the

dajjal (Horus) is “Ka Fa Ra” or kufr that the dajjal has brought forth with him. Once we

understand this Ka Fa Ra sign embedded in the modern era, we can see through the various

deceptions employed by the dajjal and his followers to cover this kufr and to make it seem

attractive. This is the true task for a momin or a believer.

In the previous section, we saw the core philosophies of the Renaissance and how all of them

adhered to one basic belief system (disbelief) i.e. ‘man is divine’ or that ‘man is god’

(nauzubillah). We only need to look at the progression of these belief systems through the

modern era to uncover the nature of the prevalent disbelief. All the five core philosophies

namely; Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala and Neo-Platonism were branded into what

became known as ‘Humanism’. We can verify this by the following entry in ‘Portal: Esoterica’:

“…the practice and study of purportedly "secret" knowledge, which began to poke its

head out from behind the curtain in the Christian world during the 15th century, in

association with Renaissance humanism. The word itself derives from the Latin

occultus, which simply means "hidden"… Several esoteric movements and concepts

particularly associated with the Occult are; alchemy, Gnosticism, neo-Platonism,

Hermeticism and the Kabbalah” (Portal: Esoterica)

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All the five core philosophies named above merged into one overarching philosophy termed

‘humanism’. One book in particular deeply impacted the rise of humanism, which emerged

after the conquest of Constantinople, and that is the Corpus Hermeticum. It is the same book

we discussed in the previous section which had the eye of Horus or “Ka Fa Ra” on its cover:

“This was the line that led to the rise of Humanism, a view of man which owed much

to Ficino’s translation of the Corpus Hermeticum.” (John Boyle, Of the Same Root)

The rise of Humanism can be traced to the five philosophies which assigned Horus as the

principal (false) claimant to godhood. Indeed Humanism became the driving force behind the

Renaissance such that Renaissance itself became known as the ‘Age of Humanism’. The

Renaissance saw the spread of Humanism from its origin in Italy to across Europe, eventually

encompassing the whole globe in the modern era (except for the land of Mecca and Madina as

will be dealt with later).

Like its constituent philosophies, Humanism replaces God with man, making him equal in

stature to God, therefore furthering the claim of man’s divinity (nauzubillah). The chief tenant

of Humanism emerged in Feuerbach’s famous dictum: ‘Homo Homini Deus Est’ which literally

translates into: “Man is a god to man” (nauzubillah):

“Its philosophy is humanistic atheism; its religion, the deification of man as expressed

in Feuerbach's well-known phrase homo homini deus est.” (Bernice Glatzer, A

Revolution of the Sprit)

In everything the modern civilization has done, in all its endeavors and all its achievements, it

has pursued this deification of man with absolute zeal. Be it the economic structure, political

framework, monitory regime, technological conception and even the definition of roles of men

and women.

We would assess the impact of humanism in a while but first it is time to reassess where we are

coming from. The simple sign “Ka Fa Ra” has led us to not only uncover the person dajjal as

being Horus, it has shed light on his coming forth, and most important of all, it is now telling us

the true nature of the modern age. There is no sign more powerful in modern history which can

unveil so much for us, in as much detail, as the Ka Fa Ra sign in the ahadith. It’s uncovering and

the manner of its uncovering would not be disclosed to the reader. It would remain a mystery

only known to the author but suffice it to say that its inspiration had an indelible impact on the

author’s worldview and perspective and it is hoped that the reader would be affected by it in

equal proportion. As stated before, its inspiration was not a result of research nor an accident

but something completely different. It is not merely a sign, but a hallmark for our age, a destiny

of whole nations, powers and civilization etc who submit to this sign and whose ultimate fate is

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utter destruction while at the same time the regaining of complete strength by true believers,

strength for Muslims unmatched in the past. This book is a message of hope for those who long

for the Almighty and a sign that after the current clouds of darkness, there is hope and light for

the Muslims.

Returning now to Humanism. After the Renaissance, Humanism emerged as the dominant

ideology in the western world. All modern ideologies such as capitalism, nationalism,

secularism, democracy, liberalism, communism, materialism, evolution and even feminism

were derived from this one ideology. Humanism is the fountainhead of all modern ‘isms’ and

philosophies from which they spring forth and define the order of the modern world. It is not

just any philosophy; it is in fact the greatest shift in man’s relationship to God in history. Prior to

the onset of Humanism, God assumed the central position in the affairs of men worldwide.

Humanism set forth a new order of things where God was now replaced by man (nauzubillah)

assuming the central place in all of human endeavors. At the base of Humanism lies the

adoration of Horus, with the eye of Horus marking the start of Humanism (as suggested earlier,

via the book Corpus Hermeticum) and all of its founding philosophies framing Horus as the

(false) claimant to godhood. We can see the dominance of Humanism in all aspects of the

modern era and of modern civilization in the following observations:

“In this sense, one of the most important features of postcolonial studies is its critique

of the Western dominant ideology of humanism and its consequent deconstruction of

core concepts like ‘subject’ and ‘identity”. (P Villar, The Poetry of Evan Boland)

“Capitalism and atheistic Humanism are more compatible, and in combination might

be regarded as the dominant ideology in Western democracies” (Leon Surette, The

Modern Dilemma)

“Cultural historians and cultural critics in general have recognized humanism as the

driving force behind the post-medieval civilisation process.” (Stephen Gersh, Medieval

and Renaissance Humanism)

It is evident that Humanism became the driving force behind the civilization process of the

Western world and eventually the whole world. This today is what we call the Western

civilization. Does it not upset the believer that this driving force behind Western civilization was

inspired to a great extent by the Hermetic text Corpus Hermeticum with the Ka Fa Ra sign (eye

of Horus or the dajjal)? There is another important marker linking humanism with Horus the

dajjal and that is the French Revolution of 1789. The principal document of the French

Revolution was the ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man’. This document was the most important

Humanist landmark of its time:

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“Both the American Declaration of Independence (1776) and the French Declaration of

the Rights of Man (1792) were humanistic as well as political documents…” (Donald

Clough, Decisions in Public and Private Sectors)

“It regained the classical concepts of humanism and opened the way to the

development which climaxed by the bourgeois revolution and a declaration of the

Rights of Man.” (World Politics, Free World)

“The following French declaration was one of the great political works of the French

Revolution, which threw off the rule of kings and replaced it with a nation of citizens.

The statement is one of the milestones in the history of humanism and stands today as

a model for democratic societies.” (David Hertzel, The World History Workbook)

This Declaration was not only inspired by Humanism, it paved the way for the spread of the

Humanist model throughout the world. The figure below shows the actual Declaration of the

Rights of Man (1792). The most significant thing to note here is the display of the Ka Fa Ra eye

of Horus the dajjal at the very top of the Declaration.

Figure 34: (Declaration of the Rights of Man 1792: Eye of Horus)

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Through the French Revolution and its principal document the Declaration of the Rights of Man,

Humanism went global, with its ideals being emulated across Europe initially. It is as if Allah

wants to guide the believers that He causes the Ka Fa Ra sign to appear on all aspects

pertaining to the dajjal or Horus. Similarly, this Declaration, having the eye of Horus or the Ka Fa

Ra sign is an indication that the dajjal is involved at this stage of the historical process which is

the spread of Humanism globally. But it is not only the spread of Humanism which the

Declaration represents, neither is it an isolated event. The Declaration gave rise to the fist

modern democracy and was considered the founding document for modern democracy:

“…it’s a simple matter of re-reading the documents that founded modern democracy:

the 1679 writ of habeas corpus and the 1789 “Declaration of the Right of Man and

Citizen.” (Bill Brown, Not Bored!)

This Declaration with the Ka Fa Ra sign, not only founded modern democracy, it also gave birth

to the first modern nation state and the concept of a nation state:

“The modern nation-state was born when the French Revolution joined its demands

for national sovereignty to the Declaration of the Rights of Man.” (Claudia Alvares,

Humanism After Colonialism)

“The declaration (of the Rights of Man) initiates what it claims only to describe. But

the creative powers of these declarations did not stop there. They brought into life a

new type of political association, the nation-state and, a new type of ‘man’, the

national citizen…” (Costas Douzinas, Human Rights and Empire)

We find the concept of a nation state defined in the Declaration itself, embedded in Article 3, in

the following words:

“The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor

individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the

nation.” (The Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789)

This was the model of the nation state that was adopted universally and is applicable in our

current day. The implication that Allah had placed the Ka Fa Ra sign on the founding document

of both modern democracy and the modern nation state should compel the believer to analyze

both of these concepts more carefully. Firstly, as stated before, both modern democracy and

the modern nation state are offshoots of the humanistic enterprise which seeks to replace the

sovereignty of God with that of man. This is in line with the Humanist dictum Homo Homini

Deus Est or man is a God to man (nauzubillah). So how do modern democracy and the modern

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nation state perpetuate this core Humanist worldview? It is quite simple. Starting with the

modern nation state, as stated in Article 3 of the Declaration, all sovereignty resides with the

nation and that no entity is to exercise any authority other than that which proceeds directly

from the nation. This conception of the modern nation state actually excludes God from

exercising any form of sovereignty which is in absolute contradiction to Islam (and almost all

other revealed religions) where Allah is presented as the source of all sovereignty. The concept

of sovereignty occurs multiple times in the Quran where Allah confirms that all sovereignty

belongs to Him:

Say "In Whose Hand is the sovereignty of everything… (Holy Quran, Chapter #23,

Verse #88)

And to Allah belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth… (Holy Quran,

Chapter #24, Verse #42)

Say: "To Allah belongs all intercession. His is the sovereignty of the heavens and the

earth…(Holy Quran, Chapter #39, Verse #44)

Here is a crystal clear contradiction between what Allah has stated in the Quran and what is

conceived in the Declaration in terms of the modern nation state. The modern nation state in

effect tries to usurp Allah’s sovereignty and place it in the hands of men; after all a nation state

is nothing but a concoction of man-made institutions. We can see Humanism, the false religion

of the dajjal or Horus, at work vigorously in this respect. A believer has to choose between

giving allegiance to Allah’s sovereignty or the sovereignty of man (in effect the dajjal or Horus).

In practical terms, this concept of the nation state is the primary reason for the dismal state of

the Muslim community worldwide. Rather than uniting on the basis of religion, the dajjal or

Horus has carefully and tactfully crafted a mechanism whereby religion can no longer serve as a

unifying force; rather it is the nation state that Muslims pledge their allegiance to when they

claim: how can we protect the women and children of Palestine with our armies, when our army

is meant to protect our own nation; be it Pakistan or Turkey.

As stated earlier, modern democracy and the modern nation state are both conceptions of the

Declaration with the Ka Fa Ra insignia of the dajjal or Horus. Modern nation state has already

been dealt with in the previous paragraph. Regarding democracy, Article 6 of the Declaration


“Law is the expression of the general will. Every citizen has a right to participate

personally, or through his representative, in its foundation.” (The Declaration of the

Rights of Man, 1789)

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It is explicitly stated in Article 6 of the Declaration above that the ultimate source of law is the

citizen who directly or indirectly through his representatives (the parliament or legislative

house) has the power to form laws and that the very foundation of law rests with the citizen.

This is an attempt to grasp the law giving power of the Almighty and has been adopted

universally, not distinguishing between Muslim and non-Muslim lands. This core concept of

modern democracy again brings us to a rift between what Allah has stated in the Quran and

what the Declaration has given birth to i.e. modern democracy. The following passages from

the Holy Quran attest to the ultimate law giving power of the Creator Himself:

To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way.(Holy Quran, Chapter

#5, Verse #48)

A Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from Allah, reciting (the Qur'an) purified pages

[purified from Al-Batil (falsehood)].

Wherein are correct and straight laws from Allah.

(Holy Quran, Chapter # 98, Verses # 2 and 3)

Thus Allah makes clear to you His laws in order that you may give thought.”

(Holy Quran, Chapter # 2, Verse # 219)

In the above four verses of the Quran, the foundations of law and their prescription lies in

absolute terms with Allah. As revealed in the Quran, Allah is the One who prescribes the law

through the Quran, this law being deemed straight by Allah, and it is He who then gives His law

clarity for the believers to understand and apply in their lives. How can an assembly of men in

the form of a parliament or any other legislative body elected by men, seek to overturn and

seize this divine law giving process, deciding on what constitutes an offense and what does not?

Moreover, the law prescribed by Allah in the Quran (or other revealed texts) is applicable for all

times to come. Once a law is formulated and prescribed in the Quran, no level of expediency

can alter it. On the other hand, modern democracy opens the very dangerous gates for

expediency i.e. the law formulated by men is bound to undergo drastic shifts in its nature as

and when it suits. It should be easy for the believer to discern the kufr of the dajjal (Horus)

embedded in the very ideals of modern democracy which incidentally derive from the

Declaration with the Ka Fa Ra sign of Horus or the dajjal. This Declaration being a milestone

document in the history of Humanism, which in the guise of giving more power to the people is

actually fulfilling its motto of ‘man is a god to man’ (nauzubillah). This deception is the

trademark of the dajjal; in fact the very name dajjal implies deception.

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At this point, two further sets of evidences would be provided, outlining that humanism is the

basis for both concepts; that of the nation state and of modern democracy:

“Humanism and renaissance became for them the first indications of the break-up of a

unified European civilization-simply preludes to the birth of nationalism. (Paul Radin,

The Racial Myth)

“Over the course of the next two centuries, the humanistic movement spread to

France, Germany, the Low Countries (now Belgium and the Netherlands), Spain and

England. Politically, it coincided with the birth of nationalism…” (Carroll Moulton,

Music in Time)

“Democracy is also based on humanism, a belief in the individual worth of all human

beings…” (George Lowe, Stalking the Antichrists)

“Democracy is the hall mark of progress and the battle cry of the Twentieth

Century…Humanism and democracy are inseparable. (The Atheist)

Our insight into the Ka Fa Ra sign which led us to the identification of the dajjal as Horus has

allowed us to understand the chief mechanism employed by the dajjal in furthering his reign:

Humanism i.e. the religion of the dajjal. This in turn has yielded an understanding (by Allah’s

grace) of some of the most important pillars of the modern era, ones which permeate our very

conception of a civilized life; the nation state and modern democracy as tools utilized by the

dajjal or Horus. It has augmented our understanding that the modern nation state and modern

democracy represent the Ka Fa Ra (kufr) brought forth by the dajjal or Horus. It is perhaps the

harshest test for the claim that Horus is the dajjal with Ka Fa Ra written between the eyes and

at this stage this claim is passing the test. But this identification of Horus as the dajjal still has

much more to offer to us in terms of our understanding the progression of his fictitious reign.

As a result of the Declaration (with its Ka Fa Ra sign), France emerged as the first modern

secular nation state. The tenants of secularism were embedded in the Declaration. Secularism

as we know it today owes its existence to the Declaration and to the French Revolution for

which the Declaration was the chief document. We would not go much into the depth of

secularism apart from the fact that it is an ethos which seeks to divorce religion from all

matters pertaining to the state; be it politics, education or economics. The key here again is

that the first secular state has stemmed from a document with clear markings of Horus or the

dajjal making it clear to us that secularism is one of the biggest arsenals of the dajjal.

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Tracing the progress of Humanism is in fact tracing the progress of the dajjal or Horus through

the historical process, for as stated before, Humanism places Horus (dajjal) as the central

claimant to godhood (nauzubillah) in all its major components. Moreover, the central tenant of

Humanism is ‘homo homini deus est’ (man is a god to man) which as we have seen earlier is

one of the biggest signatures of the dajjal in the ahadith i.e. the dajjal, being a man, will claim to

be the lord. The paragraphs below will follow the trail of Humanism (religion of the dajjal)

through the centuries with the ahadith as the guiding principle.

The Holy Prophet (SAW) said regarding the dajjal:

“He would come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion) and they would

affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then give command to the sky

and there would be rainfall upon the earth and it would grow crops. Then in the

evening, their posturing animals would come to them with their humps very high and

their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. He would then come to another

people and invite them. But they would reject him and he would go away from them

and there would be drought for them and nothing would be left with them in the form

of wealth” (Muslim, # 7015)

The power of the above hadith in explaining the traces of the dajjal is immaculate. Firstly it

should be noted that dajjal will be given influence over the wealth of people, nations and of

continents. This wealth would be conditional to submission to the false religion which the dajjal

(Horus) would bring along with him. We have identified that the Renaissance contained all of

the elements pertaining to dajjal’s trials and his coming forth, the chief among them being

Humanism. History would testify to the fact that wherever Humanist ideals were accepted, two

things occurred. First, religions went into a state of decline and second, unmatched wealth was

accumulated by such regions. For example, modern Humanism, which was born in Italy,

initiated a period of unprecedented progress for that region and also caused the decline of the

Christian Church. From Italy, Humanism spread across Europe and predominantly to England

where it ushered in the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a direct

consequence of Humanism which had taken hold of England at that time. Author Mihal Nadin

authenticates this perspective with the following lines:

“As impressive as they are, their meaning is revealed in the fact that the Industrial

Revolution was actually triggered by the scientific and humanistic renewal embodied

in these accomplishments.” (Mihal Nadin, The Civilization of Illiteracy)

The Humanist renewal which initiated the Industrial Revolution in England exponentially raised

the wealth of this nation. By now Humanist ideals had gained widespread acceptance across

Europe, giving it the wealth and power to colonize the whole planet except for a few nations

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such as modern Saudi Arabia. This worldwide colonization was a phenomenon not witnessed in

history before, and it resulted directly from the spread of Humanism in Europe. Colonization

was not simply a means to acquire great power for Europe; it was used as an instrument to

install Humanist ideals, for which Europe was the forbearer, across the globe. Does anyone

doubt the universal prevalence of single political order, a single economic order, a single legal

order and also a single educational/cultural order? Colonization was the defining moment in

history when dajjal or Horus would globalize his reign:

“…the humanism that European colonizers preached to the colonized.” (Henner Laass,

Humanism in Intercultural Perspective)

Humanist ideals of democracy, secularism, capitalism and materialism were the great civilizing

mission of the European colonizers. Only when these principles had been firmly entrenched in

each of the colonized nations, did the European colonizers withdraw. Parallel to this

development , the United States of America, which had been founded on humanist ideals, and

is a country firmly dedicated to the dajjal or Horus from the day of its inception (will be shown

later) now boasts the largest economy in the world and a wealth which other nations envy.

Thus wherever the false religion of dajjal or Horus i.e. Humanism was adopted with heart and

soul, accumulation of wealth followed. On the other hand, the Islamic world, which was slow or

resistant in adopting Humanist ideals, has a combined wealth less than that of a single

European country (as of 2005). The hadith above concerning dajjal is thus fulfilled only when

we recognize the religion of the dajjal as being Humanism which again renders to us the true

personality of the dajjal as Horus. Nations which submit to the invitation of Horus (the dajjal)

are showered with prosperity while nations which attempt to isolate themselves from this false

invitation are bereft of wealth. Saudi Arabia, or the territory encompassing Mecca and Madina,

is a different scenario altogether as we find in authentic ahadith that the trials of the dajjal

would not penetrate this region.

We have already outlined three dominant ideologies emerging from Humanism i.e. the religion

of the dajjal or Horus. These are the modern nation state, modern democracy and secularism.

However, almost all prominent ideologies prevailing in the modern world owe their existence,

at one stage or another, to Humanism. In the realm of economics, the Humanist West has given

us capitalism, socialism and the paper money systems with firm Humanistic underpinnings. Let

us examine these pillars in the world of economics one by one to see how they further the

cause of the dajjal (Horus).

Capitalism on the surface seems to be the most benign of ideologies. It seems to promote free

markets, rational choice by individuals and profit maximizing behavior by economic agents.

However, like all the aspects of the dajjal, he seeks to deceive in a manner that the individual is

attracted to an idea whereas neglecting the inner shirk inherent in that idea. The first argument

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against capitalism is that it is firmly rooted in Humanism which seeks to replace God with man,

the most serious trial of the dajjal (Horus). The observations below would lend credence to this:

“In essence capitalism is an economic ideology. The convictions and drives of

capitalism stem from a humanistic world-view and philosophy of life. The four

dominant values of capitalism, namely individualism, rationalism, materialism and

liberalism all have humanism as a base.” (William Fox, Managing Organizational


“Thus humanism has often been associated with the rise of modern capitalism and the

ongoing bourgeois revolution.” (Michael Hays, Modernism and the Posthumanist


Secondly, being a Humanist ideology, capitalism seeks to replace God with man in the realm of

economics. In traditional religions including Islam, God is considered sovereign when it comes

to distributing resources among individuals. On the other hand, capitalism states that God is

not sovereign when it comes to distributing resources; the consumer and the producer are

sovereign. Consumer sovereignty and producer sovereignty represent the central themes of

capitalism. By being sovereign, it is the consumer and the producer who decide on the

distribution of resources among individuals. Whatever Humanism touches, it displays this

similar pattern over and over again; man trying to seize God’s sovereignty and capitalism is only

another facet whereby the dajjal (Horus) tries to indulge mankind in this universal trial of Ka Fa


“On a more basic level, however, the seeds of capitalism itself were planted when

humanism swept through Europe in the fifteenth century and spawned the

Reformation. Humanism was the philosophical revolution that replaced the quest for

the divine with the quest for individual development and well being as the central

purpose of human endeavor. Among other things, humanism established the principle

of consumer sovereignty (and producer sovereignty) as a fundamental value judgment

or norm in the conduct of economic affairs.” (Richard Tresch, Public Finance)

Another major component of the modern economic regime brought forth by the dajjal is paper

money or more formally fiat money. It is a phenomenon which is universal to an extent that

modern man cannot imagine a life without it. Fiat money or paper money in earnest was born

out of the Renaissance, the same time that the dajjal or Horus came forth. Humanism played a

strong role in the conception of paper money as the following words testify:

“In humanism, values are what man declares them to be. If man or the state declares

that fiat money has value, it therefore has value.” (Hans Sennholz, Gold is Money)

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When we talk of paper money, we have to understand that it is not just paper money itself but

a complete system of finance based primarily on the U.S dollar at present. It is not by chance

that Allah has caused to be placed a most significant marker on the very linchpin of this whole

system of paper money i.e. the U.S dollar to warn the believers of its true nature. The Ka Fa Ra

or the Eye of Horus is witnesses to the inherent shirk involved in paper money and the system

of finance which accompanies it. The U.S dollar emerged as the international reserve currency

for practically the whole world after the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 and now almost all

trade in commodities, including oil, takes place in the U.S dollar. Moreover all countries were

bound by the agreement to base their own currencies on the U.S dollar, effectively making it

the standard worldwide. Below is an illustration of the Eye of Horus or the Ka Fa Ra sign, as

already shown in the initial sections, on the U.S one dollar bill:

Figure 35: (Eye of Horus or the Ka Fa Ra Sign on U.S Dollar Bill)

The Eye of Horus or the Ka Fa Ra sign is not the only marker to ascertain its allegiance to Horus

the dajjal. On the right side of the one dollar bill is an eagle which is also a depiction of Horus.

Figures 36 and 37 attest to this.

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Figure 36: (Eagle on One Dollar Bill) Figure 37: (Ancient Depiction of Horus)

The above images depict firstly the eagle on the dollar bill alongside the falcon used to depict

Horus in ancient Egypt. The points to note are these. Both the American eagle and the Horus

falcon are looking to their right side. Both have wings outstretched. Both have a round halo

glowing over their heads and finally both are holding something in their claws (talons). The

American eagle therefore is an exact mimicry of the falcon of Horus and again is a symbol of

submission to the one eyed false messiah i.e. Horus the dajjal. When one asserts that the

symbols of Horus denote subservience of the dollar to Horus, one is also suggesting that the

dollar represents a whole system of wealth creation, distribution, its flow among various

sectors and the institutions involved. Therefore, Horus the dajjal has complete monopoly over

the wealth of nations and uses it to reward his followers and punish his dissenters.

However, the deeper question is how does paper money and its allied system of finance

correspond with the Ka Fa Ra of the dajjal (Horus)? We have already seen the Ka Fa Ra sign or

the Eye of Horus on the U.S dollar bill and it gives us a good lead. But to understand the

problem we need to look more closely at the concept of paper money. By now we know that

one of the principal trials which the dajjal or Horus would inflict upon mankind is to substitute

man in the place of God. This is one of the signs of the dajjal in the ahadith i.e. claiming

godhood whilst still a man. Before paper money was introduced, gold and silver were mainly

used as currencies for millennia. No one man or institution could determine the supply of this

currency as its supply was determined by Allah. God therefore had sovereignty over the supply

of money and the quantity of its supply. One could argue that gold and silver discoveries were

routinely made by men but this notion does not challenge Allah’s sovereignty as man could by

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no means produce gold (and silver) and supply it to the market as currency. What paper money

does is place the sovereignty of the supply of money with man. Whereas Allah had complete

control over the supply of money through gold and silver, it has now been (falsely) replaced by

central banks which determine the supply of money, thereby trying to again grasp Allah’s

sovereignty in this regard. It is in the concept of paper money that we can clearly see the inner

workings of the Humanist ethos of ‘man is a god to man’ while being provided with a clear

marker as to who that man is: Horus whose eye with the Ka Fa Ra sign adorns the most

important piece of paper in the minds of men.

Till now we have studied two very important anchors of the global economic system in relation

to the dajjal as Horus and his false invitation of Humanism. These two anchors are capitalism

and the paper money system. We now move on to the third prominent aspect of this economic

system and that is communism. Although communism may seem to be at the opposite end of

capitalism, these two are in fact two sides of the same coin. Both are founded on Humanist

ideals and both try to grasp Allah’s sovereignty and place it with man (and his institutions). It is

baffling how these two systems (communism and capitalism) which were on a collision course

for so long could derive their foundations from the same underlying ideology. However, we

have to understand that communism like capitalism is founded strictly on Humanist ideals as

per its founder’s (Marx) own admission i.e. calling his outlook “naturalism or humanism”:

“Humanism is the secret of all communistic materialism, as it is revealed in this

passage. Developed materialism is “humanism”…As mentioned in the previous

chapter, Marx calls his own outlook “naturalism or humanism”…” (Mehmet Tabak,

Dialects of Human Nature in Marx’s Philosophy)

“The themes of humanism on the one hand and the relation of philosophy and political

economy on the other are interrelated in Marx's position.” (Tom Rockmore, Marx

After Marxism)

So Humanism, the false invitation of the dajjal or Horus, has produced two apparently

contradictory ideologies. However communism too tries to seize God’s sovereignty just like

capitalism. As discussed earlier, the traditional conception of God’s sovereignty included His

sovereignty over the distribution of resources among individuals or groups of individuals.

Communism places this sovereignty with the nation state by stating that the distribution of

resources is the function of a centralized governing authority. In a similar fashion to capitalism,

communism adheres faithfully to the Humanist doctrines of substituting man for God in the

world of economics and asserts that the sovereignty over the distribution of resources belongs

to the nation state which is nothing more than an institution administered by man himself.

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Perhaps the most well adopted worldview which Humanism has given birth to is liberalism. On

the surface, liberalism preaches freedom for the individual, however, it is an important

stepping stone for the ultimate aim of Humanism; the deification of man. How is it

accomplished will be discussed shortly, but first let us consider the following quotes to solidify

our claim that Humanism indeed engendered the liberal ideology:

“…first, the Enlightenment legacy of universalism and humanism that gave birth to

modern liberal tradition…” (Caroline Holmqvist, Policing Wars)

“...liberal worldview and paradigm were actually drawn from the philosophical

foundations of secular humanism.” (Muhammad Arif, Religion and Politics in America)

Liberalism is the most vivid example of the manner in which the dajjal or Horus inspires the

people in accepting his domain rather than Allah’s domain over the moral aspects of a person’s

life. The offer of freedom to people is an irresistible charm of liberalism; however what

accompanies this freedom is to be looked at. By considering an individual as a free unit of

society, liberal thought implies each individual is free to choose his brand of morality, as long as

it does not hinder anyone else’s freedom. Man is considered an agent who is ‘morally

sovereign’. This principle of moral sovereignty of man stands in direct contradiction to the

principle of Allah’s sovereignty over the moral affairs of men. Allah is the supreme judge over

what is moral and what is immoral and if man is granted this power to chose his own brand of

morality, Humanism has fulfilled its mission of trying to snatch Allah’s sovereignty in this moral

aspect of man, thereby coming one step closer to its dictum; man is a god to man (nauzubillah).

By now the reader should know who that man is who is trying to grasp Allah’s sovereignty;

Horus the dajjal whose false invitation in the form of Humanism has given rise to the liberal


That liberalism is one of the most blatant attempts at supplanting Allah’s sovereignty with that

of Horus the dajjal is further reinforced by the fact that one of the founding documents for

modern liberalism was the declaration of the rights of man (1789) with the Ka Fa Ra insignia of

the dajjal (Horus) clearly inscribed on it.

Thus far, in all our efforts to truly recognize the trials that the dajjal (Horus) has brought along

with him, we are provided with two streams of evidences. First is the Ka Fa Ra sign, directly

guiding us to the innermost aspect of the trial, be it modern democracy, secularism,

communism, capitalism, liberalism, paper money and the modern nation state etc. The second

is its relation to Humanism which has already been explained as the false invitation of Horus

the dajjal. In addition to the above two evidences, the following observations about the false

invitation of the dajjal (Horus) i.e. Humanism need to be reiterated here. Wherever Humanism

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was adopted in letter and spirit, unprecedented economic growth followed, a phenomenon

about the dajjal forewarned by the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the ahadith where such people who

respond and accept the dajjal’s false invitation would be caused by him to prosper in terms of

wealth and produce. The second observation about Humanism (the false invitation of Horus the

dajjal) is that, in the modern era, it has absolutely enveloped and engulfed the whole world in

terms of democracy, secularism, liberalism, communism etc. except for the territory

encompassing Mecca and Madina. This would be further explained in the case study of two

regions, the United States and Saudi Arabia. At this point, it would suffice to point out to the

reader that this event about the dajjal has also been explained to us by the Holy Prophet (SAW);

the dajjal and his trials would encompass the whole world except for Mecca and Madina. The

third observation regarding the false invitation or religion of the dajjal (Horus) i.e. Humanism is

that on the surface it seems very attractive with its offer of freedom, liberty, human rights etc.

but a believer, utilizing the ahadith, can read through the dajjal’s Ka Fa Ra sign embedded in all

its facets of democracy, paper money, secularism, communism, capitalism, liberalism and the

nation state. This aspect is inbuilt in the very name ‘dajjal’ which means the deceiver. The

fourth and final observation about the false invitation of dajjal is that colonization by Western

powers was the chief instrument to spread Humanism throughout the world and thus extended

the dajjal’s (Horus’) dominion across the world.

A Case Study of Two Regions in Reference to the Dajjal (Horus)

This case study of two regions comprises analysis on Saudi Arabia and the United States of

America such that we can shed light upon the nature and extent of the dajjal’s (Horus’) trials.

Saudi Arabia is chosen for this purpose because it is the territory which encompasses Mecca

and Madina, a land where the trials of the dajjal cannot enter as per the ahadith whereas the

United States of America is a country which not only is most deeply entrenched in the trials of

the dajjal (Horus), but was in fact founded for the express purpose of extending the dajjal’s

(Horus’) reign all over the world.

The Land of Mecca and Madina

The state or territory which encompasses present day Mecca and Madina is Saudi Arabia.

Analyzing this region in terms of the dajjal (Horus) requires that when we talk of Saudi Arabia,

we do not limit ourselves to the modern kingdom but examine its nature ever since the coming

forth of the dajjal (Horus) i.e. the conquest of Constantinople. Thus this region encompassing

Mecca and Madina could be part of the caliphate for a certain period of its history; while in

later times, could function as an independent kingdom. However one thing about this region is

bound to remain unchanged i.e. this is the region that the Holy Prophet (SAW) prophesized

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would remain free or untouched by the dajjal or his trials. We can see this in the following


"There will be no town which Ad-dajjal will not enter except Mecca and Medina, and

there will be no entrance (road) (of both Mecca and Medina) but the angels will be

standing in rows guarding it against him…” (Bukhari, # 105)

In the section above, we outlined a framework to understand the dajjal (Horus) and the trials

he has brought along with him. Let us reiterate these trials; modern democracy, modern nation

state, communism, secularism and liberalism being some of them. If indeed these are the trials

brought forth by the dajjal, Mecca and Madina (territory encompassing it) should remain free

of these trials spanning the time since the dajjal has come forth until today. It is another test

which we subject our claim to i.e. these trials are the trials of the dajjal and since identifying the

dajjal as Horus has led us to recognize these trials; it also validates our testimony that the figure

of the dajjal is none other than Horus.

Saudi Arabia is a unique region of the world such that it is the only region where none of these

have ever been present: democracy, secularism, communism, liberalism and a nation state. We

will shed light on each aspect briefly and give illustrations to prove the point. The region

encompassing Mecca and Madina was previously part of the Islamic caliphate and after its

independence from the caliphate; it adopted a system of ‘absolute monarchy’. This means that

there was never a time in this region’s history when it adopted modern democracy as many of

the other Muslim countries have done. Figure 38 below is a vivid illustration of the unique

status of Saudi Arabia when it comes to rejecting modern democracy:

Figure 38: (Saudi Arabia is Red)

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The above map of the world depicts world regions in terms of their political systems. Any color

other than red shows a role for democracy whether limited or pronounced. As can be seen,

Saudi Arabia (with a couple of exceptions) is the only region in the world which is in red and

where there is no democracy in any form or manner (and never has been). At seeing this visual

illustration of the coming true of the hadith that the dajjal and his trials would not enter Mecca

and Madina, a believer’s heart should strengthen.

Saudi Arabia is also among a handful of countries which cannot be defined as a nation state.

The modern nation state which had its roots in the Renaissance of the dajjal or Horus and which

was heavily influenced by the Declaration of the Rights of Man with its Ka Fa Ra insignia of the

dajjal (Horus) has never been adopted in a true sense by Saudi Arabia. This is why it is called the

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and as described below, cannot be regarded a nation state:

“The lines of demarcation between the rulers and the ruled are clearly drawn...Saudi

Arabia is not a nation state in any sense of the term.” (Muqtedar Khan, Jihad for


We identified earlier that colonization by Western powers was the chief instrument in history

for the spread of Humanism, the false invitation of Horus the dajjal, across the world. Here too,

Saudi Arabia retains its unique status as this region has never been directly colonized by

Western powers and thus Humanist ideals have not had a chance to shape the

political/economic/social structure of the region.

“Against this background Saudi Arabia stands out as a redoubt of the first of these

three models, the bi-polar fiqh and siyasa system, since it, never colonized at its core,

claims a unique degree of continuity with sharia system of late medieval times.”

(Frank Vogel, Islamic Law and Legal System of Saudi)

Finally, coming to secularism, communism and capitalism; the integralist Islamic theme, which

permeates the Saudi power structure, rejects capitalism, secularism and communism all at the

same time. We know that the very first article in the Saudi constitution states: “Its constitution

is Almighty God's Book, The Holy Qur'an, and the Sunna (Traditions) of the Prophet (PBUH)…” It

is evident that the above statement rejects secularism at its very core.

“Integralist Islam is a combative reassertion of faith and heritage; it ferociously

rejects secularism, capitalism, Marxism, and reformist Islam…In the Sunni lands, such

as Libya and Saudi Arabia, integral Islam is upheld by political leaders…” (Gabriel

Almond, Progress and its Discontents)

The territory encompassing Mecca and Madina, which is the present day Saudi Arabia, is the

only region in the world which has never been colonized and where there is neither democracy

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nor secularism nor liberalism nor communism and which cannot be clearly categorized as a

nation state. Is there any other piece of land anywhere else on the surface of the earth where

all these attributes are jointly (in)visible? There is no such piece of land and that is not a matter

of opinion, it is a matter of fact. Why is this region so unique such that it vehemently rejects all

aspects of Humanism? This is certainly not a defense of the current ruling powers of the region

but a point to ponder upon. What framework of political/economic/social analysis can explain

this region’s most unique identity when all the rest of the world has succumbed to at least one

predominant Humanist ideology? No entity can explain this phenomenon except the Holy

Prophet (SAW) through the knowledge which was given to him by Allah (SWT). The only

explanation for this occurrence is that the ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW) are coming true

before our very eyes i.e. the dajjal and his trials would not enter Mecca and Madina. Why has

no scholar or book pointed to the above facts for such a long time? Are they oblivious to the

ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW)? Or is it simply because till now no one has identified who

the dajjal is and therefore what his trials are. The only way one can explain the above

phenomenon is by accepting that Horus indeed is the one eyed dajjal and the Ka Fa Ra written

between his eyes indeed fulfills the criteria outlined by the Holy Prophet (SAW) for identifying

him. It is again a reassurance that we are on track and all the aspects of the dajjal are being

perfectly fulfilled in the figure of Horus and that we have covered significant grounds in

identifying the trials which the dajjal (Horus) has brought along with him.

United States of America

In the preceding sub-section we discussed the critical importance of the land of Mecca and

Madina in trying to fully understand the trials of the dajjal who is Horus. However, at other end

of the spectrum, there exists another land which was not only created to serve Horus the dajjal

but to this very day furthers his goals around the world. That land is the current so called sole

super power in the world; the United States of America. Indeed, the destinies of the United

States and that of Horus the dajjal are intertwined. We got a glimpse of this fact when earlier

we examined the Eye of Horus (the dajjal) on the Great Seal of this most powerful and wealthy

country. This is a significant reminder to the believers of the dedication of this state to the one

eyed false messiah Horus the dajjal. One of the most illustrious Freemasons in history, Manly P.

Hall described the Eye of Horus (the dajjal) on the Great Seal of the United States in the

following manner:

"Not only were many of the founders of the United States Government Masons, but

they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe, which helped

them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the

initiated few. The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body—unseen and for the

most part unknown—and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a

trestleboard setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the

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United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception." (Manly P.

Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages)

In his own words, this highest level Freemason admits that not only were Freemasons deeply

involved in the founding of the United States, they left a symbol on the Great Seal of this newly

found land. That symbol is the Eye of Horus atop an unfinished pyramid, a symbol which, by

now all believers should clearly recognize as the Ka Fa Ra of the dajjal, signifying the task for

which the United States was created and is dedicated to ever since its creation.

While we are on the subject of the Great Seal of the United States, we need to briefly examine

the extent of the mission which is trying to be achieved in relation to the dajjal. Below the Eye

of Horus (the dajjal) is inscribed in Latin: ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ which in plain English means:

‘New World Order’ as can be seen in Figure 39 below:

Figure 39: (Great Seal of the United States)

The New World Order refers to a regime where the whole world is to be brought under one

central authority. Globalization and Internationalism are some of the other names by which the

New World Order is known. What is important to note here is that this New World Order is

being built for the sole aim that Horus the dajjal would one day assume physical form and start

his ‘day like our days’ as per the ahadith and effectively have centralized control over the fate

of the whole planet (except for Mecca and Madina). As Manly P. Hall, the highest degree

Freemason says in his book ‘The Secret Destiny of America’:

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"The outcome of the “secret destiny” is a World Order ruled by a King with

supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to

the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a

family of heroes-perfected human beings"( Manly P. Hall, Secret Destiny of America)

It is evident from the above extract that the New World Order is envisaged to be reigned by a

‘divine king’ (nauzubillah) who is illumined (enlightened) at the same time. Exactly who this

illumined and divine king is Manly P. Hall makes clear in his book ‘Lost Keys of Freemasonry’:

“Out of the Hidden House, guarded by the silent god, must some day issue the

glorious and illumined Horus, the very incarnation of his own father, the

personification of the lord of Abydos, the avenger of all evil and the just god in whom

there is no death. (Manly P. Hall: Lost Keys of Freemasonry)

The above statement makes it obvious that Horus is that illumined and ‘just god’ (nauzubillah)

who would rule the New World Order. Let us pose a question to the reader. Is there any other

figure who could lay claim to ruling the new international order except for Horus? Horus is the

only contender to the ruling the new international order, the fruition of a centuries old plan

which is now unfolding in our present time. Does the believer still doubt the identity of the

dajjal as Horus? The United States is a very important component in successfully installing

Horus the dajjal as the one eyed Messiah when he appears before our eyes in a ‘day like our


The Statue of Liberty which is the most recognizable symbol of the United States the world over

is a depiction of the mother of Horus; Isis. It was gifted to the United States by French

Freemasons in 1884 in celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic (the United

States). The following account of the history of the Statue of Liberty is clear in signifying its

dedication to Isis who is the mother of Horus.

“The Statue of Liberty was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi built by the

French Engineer Gustave Eiffel (both well-known Masons). It was not designed

originally to be a ‘Statue of Liberty’ at all, but was first planned by Bartholdi for the

opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt in 1867. Bartholdi, like many French Freemasons of

his time, was deeply steeped in Egyptian rituals, and it has often been said that he

conceived the original statue as an effigy of the goddess Isis…” (John Buckley,

Prophecy Unveiled)

The symbolism behind the Statue of Liberty was chosen because it is the most well recognized

monument in the United States. However, when we look at the seat of power in the United

States, the United States Capitol stands out as the primary contender. It houses the lawmakers

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of the state. The United States Capitol building is in fact a dome which faces the Washington

Monument. Figure 40 below gives an illustration of the two buildings.

Figure 40: (United States Capitol Dome facing the Washington Monument)

The dome of the United States Capitol is clearly visible facing a huge monument known as the

Washington Monument. The Washington Monument is one of the largest obelisks in the world.

Together these two buildings are the seat of power in the United States. Obelisks were highly

revered monuments in ancient Egypt. Figure 41 depicts one of many obelisks at the ancient

Egyptian Temple of Luxor.

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Figure 41: (Obelisk in Ancient Egyptian Temple of Luxor)

Why was this ancient Egyptian monument chosen as a symbol for the United States’ seat of

power? We already know that the ancient Egyptians deified Horus (the dajjal). To understand

the crucial significance of the symbolism of the dome facing an obelisk, we have to delve into

the reason for ancient Egyptians revering these monuments. In ancient Egyptian allegory, when

Osiris, the father of Horus, was murdered by his brother Seth, he scattered the pieces of Osiris’

body. Isis who was Osiris’ wife tried to resurrect her dead husband by gathering the scattered

pieces of his body. She located all pieces of Osiris’ body except for the phallus (male sexual

organ). She thereby erected an obelisk to replace the phallus and it was then that she

impregnated herself with her son Horus. This of course is merely an allegory but the important

thing to note here is the symbolism. The obelisk thereafter signified the phallus of Osiris and

the dome signified the womb of Isis. Through their union, their child Horus was conceived. The

prolific author Tom Horn describes this symbolism in his book ‘Apollyon Rising 2012’ in the

following manner:

“Unrecognized by the vast majority of peoples around the world is the greatest

conspiracy of all time, sitting right out in the open in Washington DC and at the

Vatican. It is an ancient, magical, talismanic diagram—the Lost Symbol—based on the

history and cult of Isis, Osiris, Horus, and the prophecy of the deity’s return.

The primeval concept was designed in antiquity for the express purpose of

regeneration, resurrection, and apotheosis, for deity incarnation from the underworld

to earth’s surface through union of the respective figures—the Dome (ancient

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structural representation of the womb of Isis) and the Obelisk (ancient representation

of the erect male phallus of Osiris)...” (Tom Horn, Apollyon Rising 2012)

The above analysis is indeed one of the clearest illustrations of the dedication of the United

States government to Horus the dajjal. The symbolism is of extraordinary significance in two

respects; first as stated before, it involves no ordinary building but occupies the very heart of

power in the United States. Second, it signifies the task which the United States establishment

tirelessly performs for the actual appearance of Horus the dajjal in our realm.

It is not an accident that the United States has emerged as the richest, most powerful nation

state on the planet. A nation state which directly serves Horus the dajjal. It is fulfillment of the

hadith of our Holy Prophet (SAW) whereby he (SAW) said:

“…He would come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion) and they would

affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then give command to the sky

and there would be rainfall upon the earth and it would grow crops. Then in the

evening, their posturing animals would come to them with their humps very high and

their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched...” (Muslim, # 7015)

The above hadith makes it clear that any nation or a group which affirms its faith in the dajjal

would benefit immensely in terms of wealth by adhering to the dajjal’s false invitation. Here we

find that the United States was not only founded to further the cause of Horus the dajjal but

was intended to result in his final emergence in our realm. According to the hadith, such a

nation or a group is bound to be rewarded by the dajjal in terms of wealth, a phenomenon

which is very evident to all as the United States has now become the focus of wealth and power

globally. In the age of Horus the dajjal, wealth would be directly related to how sincerely a

nation or a group responds and affirms its faith in Horus the dajjal. If a nation, such as the

United States, absolutely affirms its faith in Horus the dajjal, it would be rewarded with

absolute wealth and opulence. The further a nation or a group deviates from affirming faith in

Horus the dajjal, the further it would be from such wealth. The lesson here for Muslim believers

is that lack of wealth for a people or a nation should not dishearten them but should further

affirm their faith in Allah as they are currently living in the age of the dajjal and are to some

extent rejecting the false invitation of the dajjal or Horus.

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Towards a Quranic Understanding of the Dajjal

There is no mention of the word ‘dajjal’ in the Quran. This is one of the reasons why till now we

have predominantly used the hadith framework to outline the trials of the dajjal and according

to these ahadith (mentioned above), there would not be a single piece of land on earth which

will be spared from the dajjal’s trials except for Mecca and Madina. We have also established

that this entails universal Humanism with its Ka Fa Ra (kufr) emblem of Horus the dajjal, trying

to usurp Allah’s sovereignty and placing it with man. How does the Quran tackle this universal

kufr brought forth by Horus the dajjal and more specifically that form of dajjal’s kufr where man

is declared god (nauzubillah)? The only Surah in the Quran explicitly linked to the dajjal by the

Holy Prophet (SAW) is Surah Kahf (kahf means cave in Arabic). This is clear from the following

hadith in Sahi Muslim:

“If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, he will be

protected from the dajjal.” (Muslim, # 1766)

In the initial verses of this Surah, Allah speaks of a group of young men who retreat to a cave.

Allah provides the reason for these youths retreating to the cave in the following verse:

These, our people, have taken besides Him deities. Why do they not bring for [worship

of] them a clear authority? And who is more unjust than one who invents about Allah

a lie?" (Holy Quran, Chapter #18, Verse #15)

So the young men took to the cave to preserve their faith in Allah from the kufr/shirk prevalent

in society at their time. What is unique about this incident is that these young men had to

retreat to a cave to preserve their faith, clearly signifying that there did not exist another

stretch of land where they could preserve their faith and a cave seemed to be their last resort.

Universal shirk/kufr was present at the time of these young men, a phenomenon which exists

today with the omnipresent Humanism of Horus the dajjal. Surah Kahf, which is directly linked

with the dajjal, is foretelling a time when one of the chief characteristics of the dajjal would be

the universal nature of the kufr/shirk brought along by him, explicitly induced by his Ka Fa Ra

sign. If we use these verses of the Quran alone, we can shed light on the identity of the dajjal.

The fact that universal kufr/shirk of Horus the dajjal is present in the world whereby Allah’s

sovereignty is replaced (falsely) by man’s sovereignty is well established by now. That universal

kufr/shirk brought forth by Horus the dajjal appears in the form of Humanism which is ever-

present in the world and declares: Homo Homini Deus Est or man is a god to man (nauzubillah).

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The chief figure to whom this Humanism is devoted to is none other than Horus the dajjal. So

Horus is the instigator of universal kufr/shirk in our age, a time of dajjal foreseen by Surah Kahf

as stated earlier.

Interestingly the name of Surah Kahf which implies a cave is also directly linked with Horus the

dajjal. The original name for Horus in ancient Egypt is Hor or Hur which in Hebrew means cave.

Author Rene Guenon spells out this implication in the following words:

“The Egyptian word hor, which is the very name Horus…But what is perhaps more

remarkable, and in any case directly related to our subject, is that in Hebrew the word

hor or hur, written with the letter heth, signifies cave…” (Rene Guenon, Metaphysics,

Tradition and the Crisis of Modernity)

Horus the dajjal brings along with him universal kufr which is his trait explicit in his Ka Fa Ra

sign. But it is a specific type of kufr where man claims godhood (nauzubillah), though implicitly

through Humanism. There is a definite precedent in the Quran of addressing this type of kufr

and as we would soon find out, it would have important implications for our book in terms of

establishing the identity of the dajjal as Horus (with the help of Allah). The most prominent

instance in the Quran of any man claiming godhood is the Pharaoh whereby it is stated in Surah

Nazi’at that the Pharaoh claims the following:

And said, "I am your most exalted lord." (Holy Quran, Chapter # 79, Verse# 24)

This transgression by the Pharaoh (a man claiming godhood) was one of the main reasons why

he was utterly punished and drowned by an act of Allah (SWT). The Pharaoh’s body was

preserved so that it could serve as a sign for future generations as stated by Allah in the

following verse of the Holy Quran:

Today we will preserve your body (O Pharaoh), that you may be a Sign to those who

come after you! But indeed, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs.” (Holy

Quran, Chapter # 10, Verse # 92)

The Pharaoh’s body indeed re-emerged in our age; in the year 1898 A.D. Figure 42 is an

illustration of the mummified and preserved body of the Pharaoh:

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Figure 42: (Preserved body of the Pharaoh discovered in 1898)

The discovery of body of the most prominent (false) claimant to godhood in our age is clearly a

sign for all. It is a testament to the fact that once again mankind has universally accepted a way

of life wherein man inadvertently claims godhood under the aegis of Humanism. The age of

Humanism was in full swing in 1898 when Pharaoh’s body was discovered, with many of its core

ideas spreading globally at the time.

Does the above analysis shed light upon our identification of the dajjal as Horus? Absolutely.

Almost all Pharaohs of Egypt considered themselves to be incarnations of Horus. This is a

unanimous viewpoint of Egyptologists. As an illustration of this fact, the below words highlight

the role of the Pharaoh as an incarnation of Horus:

“This happened because of his (Horus’) relationship with each ruling pharaoh, first as

the pharaoh's patron deity, later when the pharaoh was seen as the incarnation of the

god Horus.” (Judith Page, Invoking the Egyptian gods)

The Pharaoh whose body was discovered in 1898 was Merneptah who reigned in Egypt from

1213 BC to 1203 BC and the apparent cause of his death was drowning. Like the rest of the

Pharaohs, Merneptah too was considered an incarnation of Horus. Figure 43 below, which

shows Merneptah paying tribute to Horus, makes it obvious that Merneptah considered Horus

as his patron deity and the claim to Pharaoh’s godhood sprang from Horus himself. Figures 44

and 45 are two more instances of Pharaohs Ramses II and Hatshepsut offering blessings to their

patron Horus.

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Figure 43: (Pharaoh Merneptah offering blessings to Horus (on the right))

Figure 44: (Pharaoh Ramses II offering blessings to Horus (on the left))

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Figure 45: (Pharaoh Hatshepsut offering blessings to Horus (on the left))

Thus wherever man’s claim to godhood exists, be it in the instance of the Pharaoh in the Quran

or in the all encompassing Humanism of our age, the one eyed Horus figures prominently as the

chief (false) claimant to godhood. This in fact is the characteristic of the Age of Horus currently

unfolding in the occult sense of the word as described by the author Paul Dunne:

“In plain language, the Aeon of Horus means that the Godhead is being passed down

to the individual who needs to learn to activate and find the God-Within themselves.

This latest Aeon sees the beginning of the end of Divine Power and authority being

owned by kings, queens, religions, governments, big institutions and dictatorships,

which will increasingly all begin to fail spectacularly. The individual will have the

opportunity to become fully liberated, in charge of their own spiritual destiny.” (Paul

Dunne, New Aeon of Horus)

In the previous sections, we have progressed to briefly identify the dajjal as Horus, shedding

light on his origin and then highlighting the trials which he has brought along with him. Of

course we could not have outlined the trials of the dajjal if we had not identified him in the first

place as Horus (with the help of Allah) and certainly we could not have identified the dajjal if we

did not gain insight into his Ka Fa Ra sign, the supreme identification marker for the dajjal in the

ahadith. But our understanding should be further augmented with additional signs from the

ahadith concerning the dajjal and the light they shed on his identity. We have already studied

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some of the signs of the dajjal but it is time to lay out a comprehensive framework to ascertain

his identity in terms of the ahadith relating to him. The following section entitled ‘29 signs of

the dajjal fulfilled in Horus’ would single out those ahadith which contain some reference to the

dajjal’s identity and show that Horus fulfills all those 29 signs. Therefore, this section is the

heart and soul of this book and will prove (with the help of Allah) that the dajjal in the ahadith

is indeed the figure of Horus.

Before proceeding to the next section, it is important to understand the sheer significance of

the task ahead. Why is it important to correctly identify the dajjal? How will it impact my life?

What can I do about it? These are some of the questions which need to be addressed before

proceeding to the next section. Identifying the dajjal is the need of the hour for all believers. By

extension, it requires us to identify his trials, which we have already done (with the help of

Allah) and as the reader would concur, these trials are no ordinary trials. They have become so

deeply entrenched in our modern lives that it will be very difficult to rid ourselves from them.

The first step in being liberated from such trials entails recognition of these trials. The second

step is to withdraw from such environments where these trials are present. This is bound to be

a slow process, but one which ultimately assures the preservation of our faith in Allah, the

crowning success for all believers. Many a generation has come and gone since the coming

forth of the dajjal during the Renaissance, without ever realizing that they were living in the age

of the dajjal, being oblivious to his trials (and may Allah have mercy on their souls and forgive

us all). However with clear signs from the ahadith, signs which are simple and easy for everyone

to understand, there is very little choice for a true believer but to forgo his trust in the modern

age, an age which began with the Renaissance or the coming forth of Horus the dajjal. In this

regard, this book is a warning and hope for the believers that they still have time to preserve

their faith in Allah.

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29 Signs of the Dajjal Fulfilled in Horus

This section complements the signs of the dajjal in Horus as highlighted in previous sections. It

is meant to show that while the Ka Fa Ra sign is a clear proof of the dajjal’s identity as Horus,

these additional 29 signs should remove remaining doubt about his identity. No other figure in

history has fulfilled all these signs in the ahadith simultaneously and no other figure ever will

(inshAllah). Asserting the true identity of the dajjal as Horus, utilizing the ahadith pertaining to

the subject, may seem initially to be a trivial matter. However, as already shown above, it leads

us to correctly identify his trials (with the help of Allah) and the inherent deception used to

propagate those ideas throughout the world (except for Mecca and Madina). The prospects of

freedom, liberty, equality, competition and human rights serve to further this deception and to

make agreeable that which in essence tries to take away Allah’s sovereignty and place it with


Ka Fa Ra on the Forehead of the Dajjal

In the first section we already witnessed that, as per the ahadith, the Ka Fa Ra was inscribed

between the Eyes of Horus the dajjal. Another hadith in Bukhari states:

“the dajjal would have the word Kafir, (i.e. unbeliever) or the letters Kafir (the root of

the Arabic verb 'disbelieve') written on his forehead” (Bukhari, # 574)

First, it should be noted that it is the root of the Arabic verb disbelieve which will be inscribed

on the forehead of the dajjal. That root, as noted in other ahadith, is Ka Fa Ra which forms into

the Arabic word Kufr meaning ‘disbelief’. Second, we saw earlier that the Ka Fa Ra was inscribed

between the Eye of Horus. For this sign to be fulfilled in Horus, the Ka Fa Ra insignia has to be

inscribed on his forehead.

In the historical context, this is exactly the case. The Ka Fa Ra symbol of the Eye of Horus

featured on the forehead (brow) of Horus. The ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, considered the

most authentic source of knowledge on ancient Egypt, testify to this fact when they state:

“O that which is in the brow of Horus…Take the eye of Horus, that which is in his

brow!” (Pyramid Texts)

Similarly, the Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts state that the insignia of the Eye of Horus is “firm in

the brow of Horus” (Coffin Texts)

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“I give you the Eye of Horus which was fastened on the brow of Horus.” (Coffin Texts)

Thus the most authoritative ancient Egyptian texts clearly outline the fact that the Ka Fa Ra Eye

of Horus features on the brow or the forehead of Horus, an important marker to identify the

dajjal according to the hadith above. Well renowned author on Egyptology, Samuel A. Mercer

summarizes this characteristic of the Eye of Horus (being on the forehead of Horus the dajjal) in

the following words:

“The eye of Horus was an angry and fiery one which was pacified by Thot and set on

the forehead of Horus.” (Samuel A. Mercer, Horus Royal God of Egypt)

Dajjal Blind in One Eye

Having a blind eye is one of the most significant identification markers of the dajjal in the

ahadith. While it is an important characteristic of the dajjal, care must be ensured to view this

sign in conjunction with other signs of the dajjal such as the Ka Fa Ra sign between the eyes.

Moreover, this is not a symbolic characteristic of the dajjal as when he assumes his ‘day like our

days’ (in the ahadith pertaining to his phases) he would be literally blind in one eye. The

following two ahadith are important in this regard:

"I warn you about him (i.e. Ad-dajjal) and there is no prophet who did not warn his

nation about him, and Noah warned his nation about him, but I tell you a statement

which no prophet informed his nation of. You should understand that he is a one-eyed

man and Allah is not one-eyed." (Bukhari, # 290)

"Allah did not send to earth a greater affliction than that of Dajjal, since He created

Adam until the Last Day. I would say about him a saying which none has said before

me: He is a man with curly hair, with a wiped left eye…” (Narrated from Abdullah Bin


The Holy Prophet (SAW) has even described to us the condition of the dajjal’s eye which would

be wiped. Again we consult historical evidence to see if Horus meets this condition. The

Pyramid Texts (the foremost ancient Egyptian texts) describe the scene of Horus losing one of

his eyes in the following manner:

" Pepi is carrying the towel of sovereign's linen with which the Horus's eye was wiped"

(Pyramid Texts)

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The important thing to note here is that the Pyramid Texts use the word wiped for the eye of

Horus which is exactly the same description used for the eye of the dajjal in the hadith above.

The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (another premier text concerning ancient Egypt) attests

to the phenomenon of Horus losing one of his eyes in the following way:

"whose word is truth, have filled for thee the utchat (the eye of Horus), when it had

suffered extinction on the day of the combat of the Two Fighters (Horus and Set)."

(Book of the Dead)

We can see that the loss of one eye by Horus is a phenomenon clearly rooted in ancient

Egyptian texts and is not merely conjecture. No other one eyed figure in history has fulfilled all

the conditions pertaining to the dajjal in the ahadith as Horus has done.

Dajjal Born in Qous, Egypt

In the hadith literature and in the narrations of the Sahaba (AS), we find reference to a very

specific town as being the birthplace of the dajjal. This small and (currently) obscure town is

called Qous or Qus as it is generally referred to. In fact this description is so specific that it is

irresistible. It could only have come out of the blessed lips of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and then

conveyed to the Sahaba (AS) who narrate as follows:

"Al-Dajjal will verily be given birth by his mother in Qous in Egypt…” (Nu'aym ibn

Hammad reported from Ka'b)

This narration provides one of the surest signs, critical to our understanding of the dajjal, in

terms of naming the actual birthplace of dajjal being the city of Qous or Qus in Egypt. There are

hundreds of thousands of such small cities in the world and the Holy Prophet (SAW) foretold

the name of one of them being the birthplace of the dajjal.

The prophecy concerning Horus assigns the town of Qous as his birthplace. The author James

Baikie could not be more vivid when he states:

“In the dynastic period it was devoted to the worship of Haroeris or Har-wer, ‘The

Elder Horus’, who was a form of the sun-god. He was supposed to have been born at

Qus (Qous), and he was identified by the Greeks with their own Apollo, his birthplace

was called by them Apollonopolis Parva…” (James Baikie, Egyptian Antiquities in the

Nile Valley)

In the statement above, the author has put it in plain words that the birthplace of Horus is

supposed to be in the town of Qous (Qus). In fact, another name for Horus was Haroeris (Horus

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the Elder) with the title "Horus Lord of Qous (Qus) or "Horus belonging to Qous". That

connection is irrefutable:

“Thus, the Letopolite god, Haroeris (Horus), was specially connected with Qus (Qous).

It was there that he was said to have been born…” (The Journal of Egyptian


“The Quisite divinity was known, in the NK and later, as “Horus the Elder (Haroeris),

Lord of Qus (Qous)”…” (Wolfgang Helck, Lexikon der Agyptologie)

“It may be recalled that there is good reason to identify the two gods in question as

Horus of Qus (Qous) and Seth of Ombos.” (Racheli Shalomi, The Writing of Gods)

Even the Greeks recognized Qous as the birthplace of Horus whom they called Apollo (the

prolific historian Herodotus attests to that). The Greeks named the city of Qous: Apollonopolis

which implies the birthplace of Apollo or Horus. The city of Qous became so associated with

Horus that it became known as the ‘City of Horus’:

“The 1st (Ombite) and 2nd (Apollinopolite) nomes, the 3rd nome (originally) with its

capital Nekhen, the nomes of the “Eastern and Western Horus” (Tuphium and

Asphynis), Qus (Qous) “the city of Horus the elder,”” (Archibald Henry, The Religions of

Ancient Egypt and Babylonia)

One has to wonder how many other one eyed false messiahs are reputed/ prophesized to be

born in the Egyptian city of Qous. The author testifies that there is not a single such one eyed

(false) messiah other than Horus who is the dajjal prophesized in the ahadith 1400 years ago by

the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Dajjal Will Live for Forty Days

The Holy Prophet (SAW) indicated that the length of the dajjal’s stay would be forty days. This

depiction of the dajjal in the ahadith provides us another clue as to his identity as Horus. One of

the hadith mentions the following:

“…how long would he stay on the earth? He said…For forty days, one day like a year

and one day like a month and one day like a week and the rest of the days would be

like your days…” (Muslim, # 7015)

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It is evident from the above hadith that the ‘forty days’ time period assigned to the dajjal would

function very differently from our normal days. Hence forty days could mean a very long period

of time categorized into forty various sub domains.

What is relevant to our current discourse is that in the historical context, Horus was also

assigned a length of stay of forty days. The process of transformation of Horus manifested in

various ways in ancient literature. Thus Horus was represented as Orion or the beetle (called

khepri in ancient texts) or the lentil seed. In all three versions, Horus’ length of stay remains

constant; forty days. Let us elaborate on all these representations.

“Hence Orion (Horus) is named the Sahu, or constellation of the mummy who has

transformed and ascended into heaven from the Mount of the Equinox, at the end of

forty days, as the starry image of life to come, the typical Saviour of men. And Orion

must have represented the risen Horus.” (Gerald Massey, The Historical Jesus and

Mythical Christ)

In the above words, we can clearly find confirmation of the representation of Horus as Orion

who is assigned a period of forty days to transform, signifying the length of his stay.

“…and the first Horus as the seed was buried in the earth, during the typical three or

the forty days, when the seed quickened and the transformation took place by which

he became the Horus-Khuti of the resurrection.” ( Gerald Massey, A Book of the


Here again, Horus who is represented as a lentil seed, transforms in a matter of forty days. The

association of Horus with another creature; the scarab beetle is also well established as evident

from the following source:

“…where the god Horus of Behdet (also known as Horus of Edfu), well known for his

association with royalty, is attested as both winged sun disk and flying scarab

beetle…” (Glen Taylor, Yahweh and the Sun)

Like the previous two instances where Horus is assigned a length of stay (and transformation)

of forty days, the scarab beetle (representation of Horus) is also assigned a length of forty days:

“The clearly defined and elaborately realized stages of transformation passed through

by the scarab beetle in its passage from egg to winged insect explains this otherwise

curious choice for a symbol of the morning sun. The beetle lays its eggs (spiritual

potential) in a ball of dung (matter) that it rolls before it for forty days during which

time the young pass through the egg, larval and nymph stages before emerging into

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the light as winged (spiritual) creatures…” (John Anthony, The Traveler’s Key to

Ancient Egypt)

In all these aspects, Horus retains one very important characteristic which aligns his length of

stay with the ahadith pertaining to the dajjal; he stays for forty days. Interestingly the

hieroglyph (the ancient Egyptian sign) for the scarab, which is a representation of Horus, is ‘Ka

Fa Ra’.

Dajjal the False Messiah

We have already seen that one of the major functions of the dajjal would be to falsely assume

the status of the Messiah. This can be seen from the hadith below:

“…Then the dajjal would ask him: Don't you believe in me? He would say: You are a

false Masih…” (Muslim, #7019)

The Quran declares Prophet Jesus (AS) as being the true Messiah. The preceding sections bear

testimony that no other figure in history has sought to impersonate Prophet Jesus (AS) more

than Horus. Horus has emerged as the principal (false) claimant to be the Messiah, a

phenomenon which has its roots in the Renaissance, the time of the coming forth of Horus the

dajjal. The claim that the life of Prophet Jesus (AS) was a myth (nauzubillah) based on the

character of Horus, has now become institutionalized and is well documented. This

impersonation has persisted from the time of the Renaissance, right into our current day and

age. This claim has in fact assumed the status of an industry. The one eyed Horus has for a very

long period of time claimed to be the Messiah, a claim which is obviously false. It is only when

we recognize the dajjal as Horus can we see through the deception employed to further this

false allegation (of Prophet Jesus (AS) being based on Horus).

Traditionally, a Messiah is that figure who has been anointed by covering with oil. Even this

very basic element has been employed to further the claim that Horus is the Messiah

(nauzubillah). It is alleged that Horus was anointed by Anubis which transformed him into the

‘anointed one’ and thus the Messiah. Dr. Peter Rogers elaborates on this claim in following


“According to a former professor of Theology, even the Christian usage of the term

“Christ” was derived from Egypt. He argues that the application of the term Christ to

Jesus developed from the Egyptian term “Karast” (covered in embalming oil) to

describe Horus. Christ in classical Greek usage could mean covered in oil, and is a

literal translation of Messiah “the anointed one”…Horus was anointed by Anubis, who

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was regarded as the main anointer; this anointing made Horus into “Horus Karast” or

“Horus the Anointed One” (Peter Rogers, Universal Truth)

The above is merely one instance, although an important one, where each and every aspect of

Prophet Jesus’ (AS) life has been transformed (wrongly) into the life of Horus the dajjal. This

meticulous and persistent transformation of the life of Prophet Jesus (AS) has never happened

in history until our current age where the negation of the life of Prophet Jesus (AS) has taken

the form of impersonation by Horus the dajjal, a phenomenon foretold by our Holy Prophet

(SAW) whereby the dajjal falsely claims to be the Messiah and hence his name Masih ad Dajjal

or dajjal the false Messiah.

Seventy Thousand Jewish Followers of the Dajjal

The Holy Prophet (SAW) has provided us yet another sign of the dajjal that a certain segment of

the Jewish people will give support and legitimacy to the dajjal (Horus). This is evident from the

following hadith:

“The dajjal would be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian

shawls” (Muslim, # 7034)

As already demonstrated, most of the signs of the dajjal have already been fulfilled or are being

fulfilled in our modern era. This particular sign that many Jews would adhere to dajjal’s false

invitation is not an event in the distant future but is being fulfilled right as we speak. For

instance, one of the major driving forces behind the creation of Israel was a Jewish organization

known as B’nai B’rith. It is a worldwide Jewish organization which boasts the largest

membership among Jews anywhere in the world. To signify its subservience to Horus, the B’nai

B’rith employs the Eye of Horus as its premier symbol as illustrated on its membership

certificate shown in Figure 46 (dated 1876):

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Figure 46: (Eye of Horus on the B’nai B’rith Certificate)

The B’nai B’rith which played an influential role in the creation of Israel and which employs the

Eye of Horus as its premier symbol, constituted seventy thousand Jewish members around the

time of the birth of Israel and thus fulfills the prophecy regarding the dajjal’s seventy thousand

Jewish followers literally. This is attested by author John Clagett when he states:

“Mr. Rosenberg is also the Washington representative of the B'nai B'rith, a progressive

fraternal group with a constituency of some seventy thousand members...” (John

Clagett, Washington, past and present)

The Jewish nation of Israel which the B’nai B’rith helped give birth to also continued (and still

continues) to convey subservience to Horus in a very significant manner. Dr. O.J Graham wrote

a complete book concerning the ‘Star of David’ symbol which Israel employs on its flag. The

book is called ‘The Six Pointed Star’ and contends by giving evidence that the origins of the Star

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of David were not Jewish rather occult in nature. Moreover, the ‘Star of David’ on the Israeli

flag is a representation of Horus in his form as Amsu, the first risen man god (nauzubillah). Dr.

Graham states the following:

“This 6-pointed star (Star of David) was the first sign or hieroglyphic of Amsu…Amsu –

the risen Horus – was the first man-god risen in spiritual form…” (Dr. O.J Graham, The

Six Pointed Star)

Even Masonic authors admit to the fact that the Star of David or the Six Pointed Star which

Israel adorns on its flag is a sign for Horus. One such Masonic author is Albert Churchward, who

in his book ‘The Arcana of Freemasonry’ states:

“The interpretation, therefore, of this symbol (Star of David), sign, or ideograph (Fig.

42) is Horus, or T.G.A.O.T.U., the Eternal Lord of the North and South, the Great Judge,

Unerring, Just, and True, Lord of the All-seeing Eye. This was always associated with

Horus…” (Albert Churchward, The Arcana of Freemasonry)

It is acknowledged within the Masonic fraternity (through their publications) that the Star of

David is a sign of Horus, who in the Freemasonic conception is ‘The Grand Architect of The

Universe’ (nauzubillah). Figure 47 below shows the Six Pointed Star on the flag of Israel while

Figure 48 depicts the Six Pointed Star as a sign of Horus with the Eye of Horus in the middle:

Figure 47: (Six Pointed Star on the Flag of Israel) Figure 48: (Six Pointed Star Sign of Horus)

Over the past one hundred years, Zionism has emerged as the supreme ideology and

organization facilitating the state of Israel and there are countless inhumane acts which it

commits in its name. So who does Zionism pledge its allegiance to? The answer can be found

upon a quick glance at figure 49 which depicts an emblem of Zionism. Visible clearly in the

middle of the emblem is the Eye of Horus with rays emanating from above it.

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Figure 49: (Eye of Horus on the Zionist Emblem-in the middle)

The adherence to Horus the dajjal lies in the very foundations of the Jewish state of Israel which

was founded out of Zionism and the B’nai B’rith, both dedicated to Horus the dajjal as evident

from their insignias above. Israel chose the symbol of Horus the dajjal to adorn its flag, and thus

giving us very solid footings to the testimony that the many Jewish followers of the dajjal, as

foretold in the ahadith, is a phenomenon occurring in the form of Zionism and the foundation

of the Jewish state of Israel, a state which depicts openly its subservience to Horus the dajjal.

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Dajjal’s Claim to Being Lord

We devoted a whole section to explain how Horus the dajjal has attempted to usurp

sovereignty from Allah (God) in all aspects including the political, economic, monetary and

social realms. This has been the recurring theme of our modern era, an era which represents

the coming forth of Horus the dajjal, which began around the time of the conquest of

Constantinople as explained in the ahadith. Wherever we see this attempt of usurping Allah’s

sovereignty, we see the direct influence of Humanism, the all encompassing binding force of

Western Civilization. And wherever we see the influence of Humanism, we see its hallmark, the

Ka Fa Ra insignia which not only directs us to the inherent shirk of all such Humanistic

ideologies, it also directs us to the author of this immense enterprise; Horus the dajjal.

As a reference, we quote the relevant hadith again where the dajjal will claim to being lord:

“Then a second time he (the dajjal) will say: "I am your Lord." But you will not see your

Lord until you die. (Ibn Majah, # 4077)

The above hadith can be seen broadly or literally. In broad terms, Humanism acts as the chief

instrument trying to deliver sovereignty from the hands of Allah to its author Horus the dajjal.

However, this sign of the dajjal (of claiming to being Lord) has also unfolded in the literal sense

when we look at one of the most direct expressions of Horus the dajjal’s influence in the

modern era; the occult. As informed to us by the Holy Prophet (SAW) in hadith literature that

some of the qualities of the dajjal will be hidden. What represents this hidden agency of the

dajjal through which he operates? The answer is the occult realm where the word occult

literally means hidden. Ample evidence has already been furnished in previous sections to

explain the occult as Horus the dajjal’s hidden agency. One of the most revealing occult texts is

the Book of the Law, a book reputed to be inspired by Horus to a well established occultist. In

that book Horus proclaims:

“They (other gods) are as upon the earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than

me… Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War… I am the visible object of

worship… To the Hawk-headed mystical Lord! (Horus)… I am the Hawk-Headed Lord of

Silence & of Strength” (Book of the Law)

It is in this hidden agency of Horus the dajjal; namely the occult, where we find a most direct

claim to being Lord by Horus the dajjal (nauzubillah). As explained already, we are witnessing

the Age of Horus, which the occult realm terms the Aeon of Horus, an era where the reins of

power and sovereignty have been falsely proclaimed by Horus the dajjal. This is evident from

the commentary to the Book of the Law:

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“Humanity has entered into a third aeon, the Aeon of Horus, which was controlled by

the child god, symbolized by Horus.” (Commentary, Book of the Law)

Therefore, Horus has emerged as the principal (false) claimant to godhood, be it through the

historical process, or literally through the occult realm. This is exactly in line with the above sign

in the hadith where the dajjal would proclaim to be the lord and thus further solidifying our

understanding about the dajjal being Horus.

Dajjal was in the East

One means to truly identify the dajjal according to the ahadith is to ascertain his locality or

position as described in the ahadith. We find in such ahadith reference to a direction in relation

to the dajjal’s locality i.e. the East. The following hadith bears light on the subject:

“…Nay, on the contrary, he (the dajjal) is in the east, he is in the east, he is in the east,

and he (SAW) pointed with his hand towards the east.” (Muslim, # 7028)

Utilizing guidance from the above hadith, we were able to locate the vicinity which marks Horus

the dajjal’s past imprisoned state as being the Persian Gulf which lies towards the East of

Arabian Peninsula. To reiterate, the Persian Gulf features a colossal man-made island dedicated

to Horus the dajjal. We emphasize on the term ‘past imprisoned state’ because it represents

that stage of Horus the dajjal wherein he was unable to interact with the historical process and

(at the time) had not come forth. When the dajjal (Horus) did come forth, it was the conquest

of Constantinople which served as a clear marker for his coming forth as also confirmed by the


Let the reader be posed a question. Where will the dajjal be upon his coming forth? Put

another way, where will the dajjal be before he emerges in our realm (e.g. day like a year in the

hadith)? The answer is he will still be in the East. To gain a more robust understanding of this

aspect of Horus the dajjal, we again consult the hidden agency of Horus the dajjal i.e. the

occult. We find an important clue to this feature of Horus the dajjal in the Book of the Law, a

potential inspiration from Horus himself. Horus states in that book:

“Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Horus) hath taken his seat in the East at the Equinox… Set up my

image in the East.” (Book of the Law)

In fact, the direction east is sacred to Horus who is proclaimed as the ‘lord of the East’ and ‘Soul

of the East’ in the Pyramid Texts. The following quote illustrates the importance of the East in

relation to Horus the dajjal:

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“Awake in peace, O Eastern Horus, in peace. Awake in peace, O soul of the East, in

peace.” (Pyramid Texts)

This is the main reason why the East possesses special significance for the occult realm wherein

the Freemasonic lodges set up the image of the Eye of Horus the dajjal towards the East of their


Where else could we find a one-eyed false Messiah whose station is the East? It is yet another

sign of the dajjal in the ahadith fulfilled in Horus, who proclaims himself to have taken his seat

in the East precisely as informed to us by our Holy Prophet (SAW) that the dajjal would be in

the East.

Dajjal has Water and Fire

The Holy Prophet (SAW) informed us about another characteristic of the dajjal. He would

possess water and fire. The following hadith testifies to this:

“When Al-dajjal appears, he will have fire and water along with him…” (Bukhari, #


Although this hadith relates to a time when the dajjal will actually appear, this hadith also

serves as an important sign regarding the identity of the dajjal as being Horus. Water and fire

are important and recurring themes concerning Horus in both the historical and the occult

perspectives. Again, the hidden (occult) agency of the dajjal has its precedent in the ahadith

which point to the hidden qualities of the dajjal. Utilizing this framework, we proceed to see

that which Horus the dajjal possesses. In the Age (Aeon) of Horus, Horus possesses two entities;

Nuit and Hadit. Nuit is the element of ‘water’ and Hadit is the element of ‘fire’. This is

elaborated in the ‘Comments on the Verses of the Book of Law’ by D.G Mattichak which can be

seen in the figure 50 below:

Figure 50: (Nuit is Water and Hadit is Fire, Comments on the Verses of the Book of the Law, Mattichak)

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In another book entitled Liber Null by Peter Caroll, this issue is discussed further as:

"Any two opposite and mutually exclusive ideas can be simultaneously employed- the

imaginary metaphysical principles of fire and water, or Nuit and Hadit..." (Peter Caroll,

Liber Null)

Water and fire are thus as inseparable to Horus the dajjal as his other features such as a blind

eye and Ka Fa Ra between the eyes. It is an important sign relating to Horus, who yet again fits

the description of the dajjal provided to us by the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the ahadith.

Dajjal has Curly Hair

The Holy Prophet (SAW) gave us very detailed accounts of the physical attributes of the dajjal

so as to assist the believers in recognizing him. One such feature of the dajjal, as described in

the ahadith, is that he will have very curly hair or thick locks of hair on his head. The following

two ahadith provide guidance in this regard:

“…Then I moved forward and cast a glance and there was a bulky man of red

complexion with thick locks of hair on his head, blind of one eye as it his eye was a

swollen grape. I asked: Who is he? They said: He is dajjal.” (Muslim, # 327)

“Then I turned my face to see another man with red complexion, big body, curly hair,

and blind in the right eye which looked like a protruding out grape. I asked, 'Who is

he?' They replied, 'He is Ad-dajjal’” (Bukhari, # 153)

Thus the Holy Prophet (SAW) clearly described to us the type of hair of the dajjal as being curly

or as being thick locks. These two descriptions of the dajjal’s hair are exactly confirmed in the

figure of Horus who, in the historical context, is described as having very curly hair with locks

arranged as curls over his head. This fact is routinely depicted in museum manuscripts and

illustrations. In his child form, Horus was known as Harpocrates, derived from the word Hoor

Par Kraat which means Horus the child. The proceeding illustrations of Horus the child or

Harpocrates describe him as having extremely curly hair:

“On pg 18 of this work there is a plate that shows the various ways in which

Harpocrates (Horus) has found to be represented. In all of them we see a boy with

curly hair , with an extended forefinger directed to his mouth…”(Andrea De Jorio,

Gesture in Naples and Gesture in Classical Antiquity)

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“… fragment of a large statuette representing the seated or standing Harpocrates

(Horus) in frontal posture and wearing the Egyptian hanhem-crown flanked by large

lotus buds. His long locks arc arranged in snailshell-curls over the forehead.” (László

Török, After the Pharaohs, Szépművészeti Múzeum (Hungary))

“The child god (Horus) was represented with his right forefinger raised to his lower

lip...His curly hair is arranged into snailshell and semicircular curls around his face.

(László Török, Hellenistic and Roman Terracottas from Egypt)

Figure 51 below is a visual depiction of the extremely curly hair of Horus the child.

Figure 51: (Horus the child with very curly hair)

As is visible, the hair of Horus are very curly and arranged as locks, exactly as indicated in the

ahadith quoted above. These locks of hair have become so associated with Horus that they are

called ‘the lock of Horus’. This sign being fulfilled, at this point we need to reiterate our witness

that Horus is the dajjal described in the ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Dajjal With Crooked Legs

In the ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW), we find another reference pertaining to the dajjal’s

physical attributes; he will be bow legged or have crooked legs. The following hadith enlightens

us on this subject:

“I have explained Dajjal to you but I fear that you might not have understood. Maseeh

Dajjal will be short, and his legs will be crooked...” (Abu Dawood, # 4320)

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One of the most prominent depictions of Horus is known as the ‘Cippi of Horus’, wherein Horus

is depicted as having crooked legs or being bow legged (bandy legged). Experts who have

analyzed the Cippi of Horus, describe him in the following words:

“This large faience pectoral, displaying on its obverse the figures of Isis and Horus

before an enthroned Osiris, was to be worn by a deceased ... The stunted, bandy

(crooked)-legged deity is perhaps the youthful Horus.” (Timothy Kendall, ‎nmVimu re

seri enBV, trVBrr; Kush, lost kingdom of the Nile)

“…a naked mega cephalic boy with bandy (crooked) legs standing on two crocodiles

and holding serpents and knives in his hands. ... Here, however, we may have a

representation of the young Horus on the crocodiles.” (Steffen Wenig, ‎tnrrkohr

nmVimu; Africa in Antiquity)

In Horus’ character as the Sun-child, he is once again depicted as a crooked legged child. Sir

William Petrie, an expert in such affairs, has described the depictions of Horus as the Sun-child

with crooked legs in the manner below:

“…where the young sun appears under the aspect of a child with crooked legs

accompanied by an inscription above him (the sun who has become flesh)... Sun-god

and described his everlastingness : "I am yesterday and to-morrow, Horus who is born

a second time (Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, Ancient Egypt and the East)

Even the great historian Plutarch attests to the crookedness or deformity in Horus’ legs as

illustrated below:

“Plutarch thought that Harpokrates (Horus)…had been born prematurely with

deformed legs. The horus figures on cippi often have a body that resembles that of a

bandy (crooked) legged...(Geraldine Pinch, Handbook of Egyptian Mythology)

Such is the level of convergence between the dajjal in the ahadith and Horus the one eyed false

Messiah, that it even spills over into the physical traits of the dajjal as described to us by the

Holy Prophet (SAW). Being crooked legged is a constant idea in various depictions of Horus; be

it the Cippi of Horus or his representation as the Sun-child. Any doubt that a true believer

previously had concerning the true identity of the dajjal should wither away with a long list of

signs in the ahadith fulfilled in the person of Horus.

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Dajjal With Hunched Back

Continuing with the physical attributes of the dajjal, his back is described as being hunched in

the ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW). In other words the dajjal is hunchbacked as outlined in

the following hadith:

“…as for the false messiah, he will be one-eyed, with a wide forehead and broad upper

chest, and he will be hunchbacked.” (Ahmed, # 7564)

In the historical context, a representation of Horus as a figure elevated to godhood while being

hunchbacked prevails. Horus the Elder is described as being ‘hunched over’ with a ‘curved back’

or being hunchbacked. Researcher Debbie Davis describes this aspect of Horus the dajjal in the

below terms:

“As Atum, Horus is seen in long robes, covered with a blanket, hunched over with a

curved back…” (Debbie Davis, Horus in the Form of Atum)

In his book ‘German Literature’, author Wolfgang Menzel sheds similar light on the

hunchbacked feature of Horus:

“Among the nation of the mummies alone do we find a dog-headed Anubis, and a

little hunch-backed Horus.” (Wolfgang Menzel, German Literature)

As a testimony to the identity of the dajjal described by the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the ahadith,

we again arrive at a strikingly accurate sign of the hadith which is seen being accomplished in

Horus. Being hunchbacked is a rare condition let alone having a blind eye or the letters Ka Fa Ra

between the eyes, in addition to falsely claiming to be the Messiah, all signs simultaneously

fulfilled in the figure of Horus.

Dajjal’s Eye Like a Grape

We find a precedent in the blessed ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW) for the dajjal’s eye being

like a grape. This is one of the most prominent characteristic of the dajjal explained to us in the

ahadith. Any one witnessing to the identity of the dajjal should bring forth this sign to establish

the dajjal’s identity, in addition to his other attributes. One such hadith occurs in Sahi Bukhari,

where the Holy Prophet (SAW) explicitly describes the dajjal’s eye as if it were a grape:

“I saw a red-complexioned, fat, curly-haired man, blind in the right eye which looked

like a bulging out grape. I asked, 'Who is this?' They replied, 'He is Ad-dajjal.” (Bukhari,

# 650)

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Historically, in ancient Egyptian texts such as the Book of the Dead, we find a clear description

of the Eye of Horus being regarded as a grape. For instance, in the Egyptian Opening of the

Mouth Ceremony, a priest makes an offering of a grape which he calls the ‘Eye of Horus’. This

scene in the Book of the Dead is reproduced below:

“The Sem priest next makes an offering of grapes, the Kher-heb saying; “O Sem priest,

place the grapes upon his mouth and say, ‘He bringeth to thee the eye of Horus’…”

(Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead)

The priest refers to the offering of grapes as the Eye of Horus. The Eye of Horus is in fact

religiously associated with the grape such that in religious texts, a grape is called ‘pupil of the

Horus eye’. The excerpt concerning Egyptian symbols is reproduced below and provides a lucid

account in this regard:

“In religious texts grapes were called “pupils of the Horus eye”…” (Heike Owusu,

Egyptian Symbols)

Another clear illustration of the association between the grape and the Eye of Horus is provided

by the author Ruth Schumann in his book ‘Becoming Osiris’:

“The mummy was also offered a grape-which through the properties of sympathetic

magic, is the Eye of Horus…” (Ruth Schumann, Becoming Osiris)

There are numerous accounts of the Eye of Horus being identified with a grape. The grape in

the form of the Eye of Horus was incorporated in religious ceremonies and texts. The

association between the grape and the Eye of Horus is irrefutable and conforms to the

description in the ahadith of the eye of the dajjal being like a grape. It is obvious that when

Horus the dajjal emerges in a ‘day which is like our days’ and thus be in our realm, he would

retain all his attributes described above, including a blind eye, curly hair, crooked legs, hunched

back, eye like a grape and so forth. Therefore any historical precedent to unravel the signs of

the dajjal in terms of Horus should not be neglected and be taken seriously.

Dajjal Red Complexioned

The dajjal is described as being red complexioned in the ahadith. This is evident from the

following hadith:

“Then I turned my face to see another man with red complexion, big body, curly hair,

and blind in the right eye which looked like a protruding out grape. I asked, 'Who is

he?' They replied, 'He is Ad-dajjal’.” (Bukhari, # 153)

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In ancient Egyptian history, Horus is depicted as a ruddy (red complexioned) youth.

“…Horus the Younger the new-born present and the coming future…In the other phase

he was a ruddy and radiant youth.” (Alvin Kuhn, Who is the King of Glory?)

Horus is represented as having a red complexion in at least two of his forms. The first is the

form of Horus called ‘Hor Dshr’ which means "Horus the Red”. The second is the Masonic

depiction of Horus as ‘Har Tesh’ which means "the Red god".

“Egyptians called Mars Hor Dshr, meaning Horus the Red…” (Don Schorn, Legacy of

the Elder Gods)

“Horus appears in various characters of Har-Tema, the revealer of justice…and Har-

Tesh, the red god…” (Albert Churchward, The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry)

Thus in both the historical and the occult realms, and across his various forms and depictions,

Horus is described as being reddish in color, thus matching another sign set forth in the ahadith

pertaining to the dajjal.

Dajjal with Bulky Body

One of the traits of the dajjal is that he has a bulky body. The Holy Prophet (SAW), upon

explaining the characteristics of the dajjal, did mention his bulky physique which can be

ascertained from the following hadith:

“Then I moved forward and cast a glance and there was a bulky man of red

complexion with thick locks of hair on his head, blind of one eye as it his eye was a

swollen grape. I asked: Who is he? They said: He is dajjal.” (Muslim, # 327)

In historical records of ancient Egyptian religious ceremonies, Horus is described as having a

bulky (stout) physique. An account of such a ceremony by Thomas Stackhouse illustrates the

bulky (stout) stature of Horus:

“In the festival for celebrating these blessings, and expressing their gratitude to

heaven for them, Horus appears in the character of a stout (bulky) young man

(Thomas Stackhouse, An Epitome of the History, Laws, and Religion of Greece-1824)

In his depiction as Horus the Child and the Cippi of Horus, Horus appears as a bulky (plump)

character. This conforms to the sign of the dajjal having a bulky stature and also resonates with

the above hadith.

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Dajjal a Young Man

In the ahadith, we invariably find reference to the dajjal as being a young man. Youth is an

essential characteristic of the dajjal in the hadith literature. The hadith below can be referred to

in this regard:

“He (the dajjal) would be a young man with twisted, contracted hair, and a blind

eye…” (Muslim, # 7015)

Being young is a vital portrayal of Horus with a historical precedence. Some of the titles

ascribed to Horus are ‘Eternal Youth’, ‘Divine Youth’ and the ‘Youth in Town’. For instance the

ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (one of the most well regarded sources on such matters)

enjoins the title ‘Divine Youth’ to Horus as can be seen from the extract below:

“Thou (Horus) renewest thy youth…O Divine Youth...” (Ancient Egyptian Book of the


Youth is an indispensable aspect of Horus the dajjal, an accurate realization of the sign of the

dajjal in the ahadith of our Holy Prophet (SAW).

Dajjal will Cure the Blind and the Leper

One of the most deceptive powers the dajjal will possess according to the ahadith is to offer

mankind health. Curing the blind and healing the leper are some of the descriptions attributed

to the dajjal in the ahadith and specifically in the hadith below:

“And he (the dajjal) will cure the blind and the lepers and will revive the dead.” (Kanz

al Ummal, # 2080)

Our modern era has witnessed unprecedented development in the field of medicine which aims

to offer health to the people. The primal symbol for modern medicine is the ‘Rx' sign which

denotes the Eye of Horus. Historically, the Eye of Horus was regarded as having special healing

powers in the Egyptian pantheon and modern medicine derives its inspiration from that same

(false) healing power of the Eye of Horus, utilizing it as a symbol par excellence for the field of

medicine. The passages below attest to this use of the Eye of Horus as an insignia for modern


“The modem symbol for a prescription, Rx, is derived from the Eye of Horus” (Robert

Allen Bartlett , The Way of the Crucible)

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“The sign of the modern pharmacist, Rx, is a corruption of three proportions of the

ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus…” (Pat Remler, Egyptian Mythology A to Z)

That the field of modern medicine has adopted the Eye of Horus as an insignia is no

coincidence. It is a phenomenon whereby modern medicine owes its dedication to the one

eyed false Messiah, Horus and proves true beyond doubt the hadith where the dajjal would

provide healing to the sick. We are a witness to the dajjal in the hadith as being the figure of


Dajjal will Command Rain to Fall

The age of dajjal is described in the ahadith as being riddled with trials and tribulations wherein

the dajjal will try to usurp Allah’s sovereignty and replace it with his own supposed sovereignty.

The ahadith describe a time where the dajjal will have the ability to influence weather itself. We

can discern this from the following hadith:

“He (the dajjal) would then give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon

the earth and it would grow crops…” (Muslim, # 7015)

This is perhaps the most intriguing aspects of Horus the dajjal, one that could only be

understood in the modern era. The most fascinating part is that it is only in our modern era that

man has possessed the means to modify weather. Moreover, the hallmark of this weather

modification technology is its dedication to Horus the dajjal. The weather manipulating

technology is called HAARP, short for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

This facility is stationed in Gakona, Alaska and consists of a set of antennas which focus

electromagnetic waves into the upper atmosphere, exciting it in such a manner that weather

patterns could be influenced.

The patent for HAARP, by Dr. Bernard Eastlund in 1987, clearly states that through this


"Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind

patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of

atmospheric particles....." (US Patent Office)

DARPA is the agency which oversees and funds the project HAARP. DARPA is an abbreviation

for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The emblem for this weather modification

agency (DARPA) is the Eye of Horus. Figure 52 below shows that the logo employed by DARPA,

the agency which manages this weather modification technology :

101 | P a g e

Figure 52: (Logo for DARPA is the Eye of Horus)

The emblem employed by this weather modification technology is clearly inspired from and

dedicated to the one eyed false Messiah Horus. How many other one eyed false Messiahs, with

Ka Fa Ra between their eyes (and countless other signs), in history have a weather modification

enterprise dedicated to them? None except Horus who is the dajjal informed to us by the Holy

Prophet (SAW) in the ahadith. Control over weather is one of the main signs of the dajjal, a sign

which is adequately fulfilled in Horus.

Companion of the dajjal

There are a set of ahadith which describe a sahabi’s (Tamim Dari) (AS) encounter with the dajjal

as already illustrated in the previous sections. Tamim Dari (AS) described a particular

companion of the dajjal who was named ‘jassasa’ which means a ‘spy’. We can observe this

from the following hadith:

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“They sat in a small side-boat and entered that Island. There was a beast with long

thick hair (and because of these) they could not distinguish his face from his back.

They said: Woe to you, who can you be? Thereupon it said: I am al-Jassasa.” (Muslim,

# 7028)

The phenomenon of professional spying has assumed critical importance in the modern era

(the age of Horus the dajjal). Professional spying agencies are an important arsenal in the hands

of nation states the world over. Two of the premier and most eminent spying agencies are the

CIA of the United States of America and the MI5 of the United Kingdom. The insignias employed

by both these spying agencies are dedicated to Horus the dajjal. Figures 53 and 54 illustrate the

insignias of these two renowned spy agencies.

Figure 53: (Insignia of MI5 of the United Kingdom) Figure 54: (Insignia of the CIA of the USA)

The insignia of MI5 is the Eye of Horus within a triangle, a typical depiction of the Eye of Horus

the dajjal. The insignia employed by the CIA which is the world’s foremost spy agency is a ‘sun

at the cross’. The sun at the cross is a persistent depiction of Horus the dajjal as described by

the author D.M Murdock in her book ‘Christ in Egypt’ reproduced below”

“Hence, Horus the Elder represents the sun at the cross…” (D.M Murdock, Christ in


In the ahadith, we find spying as a phenomenon associated with the dajjal in the form of

jassasa, a phenomenon which in our present day and age is realized by spy agencies. Moreover,

the foremost spy agencies in the modern time recognize Horus the dajjal as being the source

and inspiration for them as is visible from the above depictions. In the colossal project which

103 | P a g e

Horus the dajjal has brought along himself, modern spying serves an important function and

thus the hadith pertaining to jassasa or the spy companion of the dajjal is very much applicable

especially in the modern era, with Horus bearing this key sign of the dajjal.

Khawarij Will Come With the Dajjal

The Holy Prophet (SAW) informed us about a group among the Muslims called the Khawarij.

The traits of the Khawarij have been described in detail by the Holy Prophet (SAW) and among

them are that the last of them would come out with the dajjal. The following authentic hadith

from Sunan Nasai describes this point:

“It was narrated that Sharik bin Shihab said: “I used to wish that I could meet a man

among the companions of the Prophet (SAW) and ask him about the Khawarij. Then I

met Abu Barzah on the day of Id, with a number of his companions. I said to him: ‘Did

you hear the Messenger of Allah (SAW) mention the Khawarij?’ He said: ‘Yes. I heard

the Messenger of Allah (SAW) with my own ears, and saw him with my own

eyes’…Then he (the Holy Prophet (SAW)) said: “A people will come at the end of time;

as if he is one of them, reciting the Quran without it passing beyond their throats.

They will go through Islam just as the arrow goes through the target…They will not

cease to appear until the last of them comes with Masih Ad Dajjal…” (Nasai, # 4108)

In the ahadith, the Khawarij are described as being outwardly very pious so much so that the

believer would regard his own practice of religion as being inferior to that of the Khawarij. This

trait of the Khawarij is described in the following hadith in Sahi Bukhari:

“…and if you compare your prayers with their prayers and your fasting with theirs,

you will look down upon your prayers and fasting, in comparison to theirs. Yet they

will go out of the religion as an arrow darts through the game’s body…” (Bukhari, #


The Holy Prophet (SAW) even described the location where the Khawarij will appear from: Iraq.

This is also specified in the following hadith in Bukhari:

“Narrated Yusair bin 'Amr: I asked Sahl bin Hunaif, "Did you hear the Prophet saying

anything about Al-khawarij?" He said, "I heard him saying while pointing his hand

towards Iraq. "There will appear in it (i.e. Iraq) some people who will recite the Quran

but it will not go beyond their throats, and they will go out from (leave) Islam as an

arrow darts through the game's body.' " (Bukhari, #68)

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It is pertinent to point here that the phenomenon of the Khawarij is not new. It was present at

the time of the Sahaba (AS) and it is a recurring theme in Islamic history. However, only very

recently have the Khawarij associated themselves with the dajjal and explicitly so. For instance,

using the signs provided to us in the above ahadith, including the location for the appearance of

the Khawarij being Iraq, we can observe that group in the region of Iraq which has displayed

these traits of the Khawarij as described in the above ahadith; this group is called ISIS, short for

the ‘Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’. What is unique about the group is its name: ISIS who, as

described in preceding sections, is the mother of Horus the dajjal. Whoever assigned this name

ISIS to the group is beside the point, as there has, till now, not been any open condemnation by

the group regarding the name ISIS assigned to it. Do the men and women fighting alongside ISIS

not at least know that ISIS is a pagan Egyptian goddess and that too the mother of Horus, the

one eyed false Messiah?

This is in no manner sympathy for the cruel and inhumane war on Iraq by the United States

which killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims. Moreover, this book has already

outlined the framework wherein the United States is described as the foremost proxy state for

Horus the dajjal. However, the response to this cruelty should not have been even more cruelty

and especially inflicted on those who call themselves Muslims, be it Sunni or Shia. The Holy

Prophet (SAW) gave us clear markers to identify such groups i.e. they would come out with the

dajjal and we see in ISIS the fulfillment of the sign in the ahadith. How many one eyed false

Messiahs have an eminent group of the Khawarij, in the region of Iraq, associated with them

(by name) as described in the ahadith. There is no such one eyed false Messiah except for

Horus who is the dajjal described to us by the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Women Will Come Out to the Dajjal

Among the numerous ‘isms’ and ideologies through which the dajjal operates is an ‘ism’ which

seeks to co-opt the women of the world. We are referred to this incident by the Holy Prophet

(SAW) himself where he (SAW) states in the following hadith:

“The last (people) to come out to Dajjal will be women, so much so that a man would

have to return to his mother, daughter, sister and aunt and tie them fast lest they

should go out to him (Dajjal)." (Kanz al Ummal, # 2116)

The above hadith makes it clear that the dajjal will have an immense impact in the sphere of

women. This does not imply all women who faithfully submit to Allah and uphold their religion,

but certainly describes a vast segment of women who would come out to the dajjal. The hadith

goes on to describe the condition of such women who would come out to the dajjal: they would

have to be tied fast in order to be restrained.

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This hadith specifically addresses the condition of women in our present times, when women

would be lured by unrestricted freedoms offered by the modern era. The need to tie is

representative of restraining someone who aspires for freedom which in this case is only a

facade. Thus the strategy followed by the dajjal to co-opt women would be to offer them

freedoms which the women of the past could only dream of. However, this condition of women

could only arise due to the feminist movement of 1970s which spread across borders, cultures

and religions. The feminist movement is by far the biggest movement in history to have

attracted women in such large numbers across the world (including the Islamic world) and from

all folds of life.

The universally accepted emblem of the feminist movement is the ancient Egyptian 'ankh'

symbol which is an oval over a cross. Figure 55 displays the well recognized emblem of the

feminist movement. Figure 56 illustrates the ancient Egyptian 'ankh' symbol.

Figure 55: (Ankh emblem of the Feminist Movement) Figure 56: (Ancient Egyptian Ankh Symbol of Horus)

As can be clearly seen, these two symbols are identical. Well renowned feminist writer Annette

Lyn Williams sheds further light on the symbol employed by the feminist movement in the

following passage:

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"In the 1970s in one of those periodical upsurges of deep belief that characterizes

human history, the symbol of the African Tanit, the ankh- a cross with an oval head

became the symbol of international feminism." (Annette Lyn, She is Everywhere!)

This ankh symbol is the key to explaining Horus the dajjal’s role in the feminist movement that

has spread like a wildfire. The ankh is an important symbol of Horus the dajjal as stated in the

following passage by the Biblical Archeological Society:

"This may be true. However, the origin of that symbol goes further back than the first

century. In Egypt that symbol is the ankh, a symbol for the sun god, Horus." (Biblical

Archeological Society, Bible Review)

Other than the Eye of Horus and the Hexagram symbols, as illustrated previously, the ankh is

the foremost symbol dedicated to Horus the dajjal, symbolizing his victory. In the book ‘The

Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols’, author U. Becker states that the ankh symbolized worship

of Horus. In fact, Horus is depicted as carrying his symbol of the ankh in many of the

ceremonies and Figure 57 below illustrates this fact by showing Horus the dajjal carrying his

symbol of the ankh in his left hand:

Figure 57: (Horus, His Symbol of the Ankh in his left hand)

Symbols are important illustrations of the set of dogmas wherein an ideology or a movement

derives its motivation from. In the case of the feminist movement, it is therefore clear that it

has been inspired from and dedicated to Horus the dajjal, an occurrence forewarned by the

Holy Prophet (SAW) describing exactly this situation wherein women come out to the dajjal en

masse. Across the whole of history, we find no examples of such massive co-option of women

(in the form of feminism) by a one eyed person also claiming to be the Messiah, he is in fact the

107 | P a g e

false Messiah Horus, foretold by the Holy Prophet (SAW) and by fulfilling this sign in the hadith,

Horus comes even a step closer to being unraveled as the dajjal (InshAllah).

Dajjal Will Appear Between Syria and Iraq

Regarding the eventual location of the dajjal’s appearance, we are provided adequate

information in the ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW). The ahadith distinguish between the

‘coming forth’ of the dajjal and the ‘appearance’ of the dajjal. As the preceding sections have

already stated, the coming forth of the dajjal is a phenomenon, which was to occur according to

the ahadith, after the conquest of Constantinople (1453) and during which time, Horus the

dajjal initiated interaction with the historical process. Further, the ‘appearance’ of the dajjal is

still to occur when Horus the dajjal will appear as a man and in front of all to see. Keeping this

distinction in mind, we proceed to discern the hadith pertaining to the dajjal’s appearance:

“He (the dajjal) would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread

mischief right and left. (Muslim, 7015)

There is a name ascribed to this ‘way between Syria and Iraq’. The ancient route which

connected the northern Sinai with Canaan is literally known as "the Way of Horus" as can be

seen from the text below:

“The way of Horus was a coastal route that left Egypt from the northeast. It ran along

the northern reaches of the Sinai Peninsula, and along the coast of Canaan.

In fact, there is another hadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW) which describes the town from where

the dajjal would appear:

“He will emerge from Khallah, between Sham and Iraq, and will wreak havoc right

and left. (Ibn Majah, # 4075)

Only a true Prophet could be so specific about this wherein the Holy Prophet (SAW) named the

actual town for the dajjal’s eventual appearance. In fact this town Khallah is exactly en route

the Way of Horus, a route for which Horus is the patron. Horus the dajjal will appear from

within this route ascribed to him by name i.e. the Way of Horus, thus satisfying another sign in

the ahadith about the dajjal. Apart from Horus, there is no other one eyed false Messiah who is

ascribed this route between Syria and Iraq and specifically the town of Khallah which falls

exactly on the Way of Horus.

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Thirty (Lesser) Dajjals

In its generic use, the term ‘dajjal’ has been used by the Holy Prophet (SAW) to refer to an

imposter who falsely claims to be a prophet. Any person or entity falsely claiming to be a

prophet is termed as an imposter or a dajjal. The function of these numerous imposters, as

described in the ahadith, is to lead the way for the specific dajjal described in the ahadith as ‘Al

Masih Ad Dajjal’. This book deals with the specific person ‘Al Masih Ad Dajjal’ and seeks (with

Allah’s guidance) to name him as Horus. Further, as the numerous (lesser) imposters or the

dajjals lead the way for Al Masih Ad Dajjal, it is of paramount importance to discern their

characteristics as described in the ahadith.

“The Hour shall not be established until nearly thirty imposters, Dajjals appear, each

of them claiming that he is the Messenger of Allah” (Tirmidhi, # 2218)

Therefore, the function ascribed to the ‘thirty dajjals’ described in the hadith above is to claim

to being the Messengers of God. Across history, there have been numerous false claimants to

prophet-hood, starting from the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (SAW), wherein the false prophet

Musaylama emerged. However, this phenomenon has accelerated and has taken new meaning

in the modern age with an outburst of hundreds of new religions, each new religion with its

own false prophet, inviting millions of adherents worldwide to its own brand of spirituality. This

phenomenon is called ‘New Age Religions’. These false prophets of the New Age Religions are

paving the way for the specific dajjal described in the ahadith. The false prophets of the New

Age Religions are intricately linked to Horus the dajjal so much so that the term ‘New Age’ itself

is derived from the ‘New Age of Horus’ (Aeon of Horus) as described prior in this book. Another

term for ‘New Age Religions’ is ‘Cosmic Humanism’, which in itself is an extension of Humanism;

the trial of Horus the dajjal.

Almost all of the concepts employed by the New Age Religions and their false prophets derive

inspiration from the Age of Horus. For example, the central and most common theme of the

New Age Religions is the divine nature of man, an assertion which is similar to the fundamental

claim of the Age of Horus i.e. godhood is being passed to the individual (nauzubillah). This can

be seen from the below writings of a well known New Age researcher Texe Marrs:

"Throughout the books and writings of New Age prophets, theologians, gurus, and

teachers, one finds a common thread: Jesus is not Lord, a personal God is a myth, man

is his own Lord, man is God..." (Texe Marrs, Dark Secrets of the New Age)

Moreover, most New Age Religions are messianic to the core and spread the concept of a

coming savior who would unite the world in an era of harmony. This world savior is none other

than Horus the dajjal, as can be seen from the following extract by a renowned New Age author

Murry Hope:

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"The Aeon of Horus is the Aquarian Age (New Age), say the mystical sages, a time

when the son of Isis (Horus) will return...and bring peace, light, and love to all

mankind. We love it!...It all sounds tremendously promising..." (Quote from Murry

Hope, Mystery Mark of the New Age)

It is evident from the above analysis that the New Age Religions or the Age of Horus has been

successful in reaching the masses and along with it has produced numerous false prophets or

the ‘thirty dajjals’ as prophesized in this hadith, many of them inspired from Horus, the False

Messiah they are leading the way to.

Emergence of the Dajjal After the Conquest of Rome

We have devoted a whole section to the topic of the coming forth of the dajjal after the

conquest of Constantinople, as informed to us in the ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW), a

conquest which was accompanied by the Renaissance and the Age of Humanism, containing all

the elements of the trials of the dajjal as described in the ahadith. We now turn to another

hadith which places the emergence of the dajjal in the context of major Muslim conquests up

until the Roman conquest. We are informed by the Holy Prophet (SAW):

“You will attack Arabia and Allah will enable you to conquer it, then you would attack

Persia and He would make you to Conquer it. Then you would attack Rome and Allah

will enable you to conquer it, then you would attack the dajjal and Allah will enable

you to conquer him. Nafi' said: Jabir, we thought that the dajjal would appear after

Rome would be conquered.” (Muslim, # 6930)

This hadith confirms that our inquiry is yielding the right results in terms of locating in the

historical process, the coming forth of the dajjal i.e. the conquest of Constantinople. In the

above hadith, emergence of the dajjal is placed in a historical context of landmark Muslim

conquests. Three noticeable conquests mentioned in this hadith which would occur before the

emergence of the dajjal are the Arab, Persian and the Roman conquests, specifically in that


In fact, all three of these conquests have already taken place, in the same order, starting with

the Muslim conquest of the Arabian Peninsula in 632 AD. Following that was the Muslim

Persian conquest in 642 AD. The third conquest prophesized in the hadith is the Muslim

conquest of Rome which occurred in 1453 AD when they conquered Constantinople and the

Roman Empire fell into decay. All the three conquests happened exactly in the sequence that

the Holy Prophet (SAW) foretold. The only remaining conquest is that of the dajjal. As the

companions deduced, the emergence of dajjal would occur soon after the conquest of Rome

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which happened in 1453. In fact the timeframe for the coming forth of the dajjal, mentioned by

the Holy Prophet (SAW) includes both the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of

Rome. Both are one and the same thing as Constantinople was the capital of the Roman Empire

and as soon as Constantinople fell, the Roman Empire decayed to its ultimate downfall.

Therefore both the prophecies regarding the conquest of Constantinople and that of Rome

were fulfilled at the same time in 1453, through the conquest of Constantinople and the

downfall of the Roman Empire.

Having addressed the former part of the hadith, we now focus on the latter part which states

that the dajjal would emerge and be defeated after Rome would be conquered. Right after the

conquest of Rome, the Age of Horus began and was accompanied by the Renaissance and the

Age of Humanism, both deeply interlinked with the coming forth of Horus the dajjal (as stated

in previous sections). Whose age was it that began right around the fall of the Roman Empire,

whose insignia remerged in history after the fall of the Roman Empire and who was he that

started to interact with the historical process with his trials of Humanism and his false claims to

being the Messiah and God? It is Horus the one eyed false Messiah.

The Dajjal Will Travel Like Cloud Driven by Wind

The speed with which the dajjal will traverse the earth is yet another distinct characteristic

mentioned in the ahadith. The Holy Prophet (SAW) compared the dajjal’s movement to that of

a cloud which is driven by the wind. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said:

“…how quickly would he (the dajjal) walk upon the earth? Thereupon he (SAW) said:

Like cloud driven by the wind…” (Muslim, # 7015)

At the time of the Holy Prophet (SAW), no means of travel could attain such speeds as

described in the above hadith pertaining to the dajjal. However, with the advent of the modern

era, such means of travel have indeed been developed. The modern airplane is one such means

of travel which does traverse as a ‘cloud driven by wind’. We need to analyze the historical

context in order to understand the implications of the above hadith for the realm of modern air

power. Historically, Horus the dajjal, in his aspect as Shu, travels the earth ‘as a cloud’ and is

called the ‘lord of wings’ who ‘issues forth upon a cloud’. The following texts, taken from the

Coffin Texts and the Edfu Texts, describe this movement of Horus as a cloud:

“My efflux (movement) is the storm-cloud of the sky" (Coffin Texts)

“O infant (Horus) who awakes as a child, lord of wings, who issues forth upon a cloud”

(Edfu Texts)

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In the historical texts, we find clear evidence that it is Horus, whose movement is described as a

cloud, even using the same words used in the hadith pertaining to the dajjal above. This

historical characteristic of the Horus the dajjal’s movement as a cloud is also reflected in the

realm of the modern aircraft. As already stated, one of the epithets of Horus is ‘Lord of Wings’

and we find the symbol of the ‘Winged Disk’ employed chiefly to represent the flight of Horus.

Figure 58 below depicts the symbol of the Winged Disk of Horus the dajjal:

Figure 58: (Symbol for the Winged Disk of Horus)

The modern aircraft, with its movement as a ‘cloud driven by the wind’, employs this very

emblem of the Winged Disk of Horus the dajjal to signify its inspiration drawn from his flight.

The realm of modern air power has universally adopted this symbol of the original flight of

Horus as a cloud. The following figures depict the emblems of air forces around the world which

have adopted the symbol of the Winged Disk of Horus the dajjal as their insignia:

Figure 59: (Winged Disk of Horus Insignia of U.S Air force) Figure 60: (Winged Disk of Horus Insignia of Indian Air force)

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Figure 61: (Winged Disk of Horus Insignia of Israel Air force) Figure 62: (Winged Disk of Horus Insignia of Italian Air force)

Figure 63: (Winged Disk of Horus Insignia of French Air force) Figure 64: (Winged Disk of Horus Insignia of German Air force)

The realm of modern air power, symbolized by the Winged Disk of Horus the dajjal, is a clear

marker that it is motivated by Horus, the so called ‘Lord of Wings’. It is Horus who is symbolized

by the Winged Disk, and the modern aircraft, which moves like ‘cloud driven by the wind’ of the

dajjal, is uniquely and universally dedicated to Horus the dajjal.

Thirty Years Between the Dajjal’s Birth and Emergence

The time of thirty years is significant for the eventual emergence of the dajjal. In a narration by

Nu’aym ibn Hammad, we find reference to thirty years of age at which the dajjal will emerge.

“…there will be thirty years separating between his (the dajjal’s) birth and

appearance.” (Narration by Nu’aym ibn Hammad)

It is pertinent to note here again the distinction between the coming forth and appearance of

the dajjal, and as outlined already as per the ahadith, he has come forth in the historical

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process after the conquest of Constantinople. He has a name, has brought forth trials which

have engulfed the whole world save from Mecca and Madina.

This particular sign of the dajjal deals with his appearance and not his coming forth. He has

obviously not appeared as yet and no one has the knowledge so as to assert a timeframe for his

appearance except Allah. However, we can deduce from the above narration that the age of

thirty years assumes a critical importance in reference to the appearance of the dajjal.

The age of thirty years is also of significant import to the appearance of Horus. For instance,

there is no record for the life of Horus (from age 12) till the age of thirty years (first quote

below). As soon as Horus reaches the age of thirty years, he rises or emerges and takes his seat

on the throne of Egypt and goes forth as a ruler over Egypt (second quote below). Thirty Years

is also the age assigned to Horus when he rises as a glorified body (third quote below) and is

baptized upon transforming as an adult of 30 years. From these historical indicators, it can be

deduced that the age of thirty years holds critical importance in the life of Horus in terms of his

emergence and his false claim of godhood.

“From 12 to 30 years of age there is no record in the life of Horus.” (Albert

Churchward, Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man)

“At thirty years of age the son as Horus…took his throne…” (Gerald Massey, Egyptian

Wisdom in Other Jewish Writings)

“He (Horus) waxes in force and stature, and is immediately “about thirty years of

age”. This is the age of Amsu-Horus when he has made his transformation from

childhood to manhood as the khemt or typical adult of thirty years, at which time he

rises in Amenta as a sahu in the glorified body. (Gerald Massey, Ancient Egypt)

This exactly parallels the description of the dajjal who appears thirty years after being born. The

fact that in his portrayals as Horus the Adult, he is always figured as a thirty year old male bears

testimony to the above narration and confirms our understanding regarding the nature of

Horus the dajjal who also emerges as a false claimant to godhood at the age of thirty years. It is

evident that whence Horus the dajjal appears in front of all, he will be confirming this sign

concerning his physical age at the time.

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Dajjal a Major Sign of the Last Hour

The dajjal is described in the ahadith as one of the major signs of the Last Hour. The blessed

words of the Holy Prophet (SAW) regarding the dajjal as a sign of the Last Hour are mentioned


“The hour will not begin until there are ten signs: Dajjal (nine other signs)…” (Ibn

Majah 4041)

Islam is not the only religion to proclaim the Last Hour. Many other religions subscribe to a

belief in a last age or cycle expressed in various prophecies of the ancient world. One such

prophecy concerns the Cumaen Sibyl (sibylla in Greek means prophetess) which was the

foremost prophecy concerning the last age in ancient Greece. What we find in such foretelling

of the last age or cycle is a (false) reign by Horus the dajjal. For instance, the Cumaen prophecy

reads as follows:

"Now is come the last age of the song of Cumae; the great line of the centuries begins

anew. Now the virgin returns, the reign of Saturn returns. With a new breed of men

sent down from heaven. Only do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom The iron shall cease,

the golden race arise, Befriend him, chaste Lucina; ‘tis thine own Apollo (Horus) reigns.

He shall receive the life of gods, and see Heroes with gods commingling, and himself

Be seen of them, and with his father’s worth Reign o’er a world.… " (Cumaen Sibyl)

The prophecy speaks of a last age when a (false) divine child would be born who would rule

over the world and be seen as one with the (false) gods. This child, according to the prophecy,

would be Apollo, which is the Greek name for Horus. Therefore the last age in this context is

characterized by a (false) claim to godhood by Horus the dajjal, exactly corresponding to the

coming forth of the dajjal as a sign of the Last Hour in the ahadith. It is Horus the dajjal who has

come forth as one of the signs of the Last Hour in precisely the same manner as had been

informed by the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Dajjal Will Command the Earth to Bring Forth Vegetation

We are told in the ahadith that the dajjal will be given power by Allah to bring forth vegetation

from the earth. Of course it is a temporary power, one which aims to test mankind in general.

The following two ahadith explain this subject:

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“Part of his (the dajjal’s) fitnah will be that he will command the sky to rain, and it will

rain, and he will command the earth to bring forth vegetation and it will do so…” (Ibn

Majah, # 4077)

“Because the people say that he (the dajjal) will have a mountain of bread and a river

of water with him (i.e. he will have abundance of food and water)…” (Bukhari, # 238)

There are two ways of approaching the above ahadith and both lead us to the identity of the

dajjal as being Horus. First is to look at the historical perspective pertaining to the figure of

Horus the dajjal himself and then moving on to see this phenomenon as it occurs in the modern

age. Historically, the Egyptian eschatological framework assigns Horus the role of a savior who

comes with plenty of food. The name Horus-iu-em-hetep means the savior who brings plenty of

food in the inundation as can be seen below:

“Horus-Iu-em-hetep was a savior because he came with plenty of food and water in

the inundation…” (Gerald Massey, The Jesus Legend Traced to Egypt for Ten Thousand


This is an almost word for word match in terms of the description of the dajjal in the hadith

above and in that of Horus. Both bring an abundance of food and water. Moreover, Horus is

known as the ‘spirit of vegetation’ or the ‘soul of vegetation’ as can be seen from the following


“Horus came by water annually, and brought abundant food. There was famine when

the water failed, and therefore Horus as the spirit of vegetation was a kind of savior to

the world.” (Gerald Massey, Ancient Egypt)

It is, however, in the modern era that we have seen the light of ‘agricultural revolutions’

spanning diverse regions of the world. Horus the dajjal is deeply linked with this phenomenon

of agricultural revolutions. The Humanism of Horus the dajjal has enabled man to multiply crop

yields to an unprecedented extent in history. Starting with the Renaissance, Italian Humanists

discovered a corpus of texts relating to agronomy (science of plants) which they chiefly

employed to increase productivity of land (quote below). The roots of agricultural revolutions

were thus laid with the birth of Humanism of Horus the dajjal. As Humanism spread across

Europe, and in particular Britain, it brought along with it the agricultural revolution of the 18th

century. After World War II, when it could safely be said that Humanism of Horus the dajjal had

taken a grip over the world (except for Mecca and Madina), agricultural revolutions also went

global in scale and nature and were termed the ‘green revolutions’. In fact, we can trace the

history of agricultural revolutions across time to the spread of Humanism of Horus the dajjal,

right from the time of their birth.

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“On a more abstract level, Italian humanists revived a significant classical corpus on

agronomy. The practical and theoretical knowledge that emerged from these activities

quickly spread to other areas, where equally dramatic increases in productivity

manifested themselves.”

It is evidently the Humanism of Horus the dajjal which has led to a massive growth in

agricultural produce in the form of agricultural revolutions or green revolutions across the

world. This phenomenon is still unfolding in the guise of genetically modified food which seeks

to increase crop yields even further. Horus the dajjal is thus the only candidate who has fulfilled

the ahadith of ‘commanding the earth to bring forth its vegetation’ and being accompanied by

‘a mountain of bread’. Like many of his characteristics, it is only in the modern era that we can

witness the unfolding of these ahadith pertaining to the dajjal which also lead us to his true

identity as being Horus.

Dajjal the Greatest Trial in Human History

One of the great ironies of this age is that many people are oblivious to the greatest test and

challenge faced by mankind ever in their history. This challenge spans both the material and

spiritual aspects for people with faith and those who want to preserve their faith. Faith is the

single most important component of a spiritual man’s life and it is this component which the

dajjal targets. The Holy Prophet (SAW) described the challenge of the dajjal in the following


“There would be no creation (creating more trouble) than the dajjal right from the

creation of Adam to the Last Hour.” (Muslim, # 7037)

Across history there have been many great calamities in the form of wars, famines, poverty,

diseases, hunger etc. However all these trials ultimately lead us to the biggest trial; the trial of

the dajjal, as described by the Holy Prophet (SAW). If this book has been properly read, this

should be clear by now. However, it deserves a little more attention. It is Horus the dajjal whom

(what we call) superpowers bow down to instead of God; the United States, as already

mentioned, was envisioned as a state for expressly this purpose. The story of our modern

civilization is the story of Horus the dajjal. It is not to say that the dajjal is a metaphor for

modern civilization. It is Humanism which is the central strand for this civilization, a Humanism

which was authored by Horus the dajjal and which is still being propagated by him. It is

Humanism of Horus the dajjal which has engulfed all aspects of a human life including politics,

economics, society, money, law, education and even spirituality. It spans the whole globe and a

whole epoch. Never in human history, has one ideology gripped the whole world while

remaining hidden from public view. Never has any ideology had such a lasting impact on

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mankind itself as Humanism has (refer to initial sections). Also, never has there been a time in

human history when all this endeavor and enterprise has been dedicated to one person; Horus

the dajjal. Accordingly, it is Horus who is the chief culprit in trying to usurp Allah’s sovereignty.

It is also the first time in human history when a whole generation has been misled about the

true Messiah who is Jesus (AS) and been confounded with Horus who is the false Messiah or

the dajjal. Finally, all this has been done while remaining hidden as foretold by the Holy Prophet

(SAW). How can the believers defeat an enemy whom they do not know? It is only by

recognizing him in his true character as Horus, the one who tries to steer mankind by means of


This book lists a total of forty signs of the dajjal in the ahadith which conform with the figure of

Horus. Twenty nine of these signs have been narrated in the section entitled: ‘29 Signs of the

Dajjal Fulfilled in Horus’ and the remaining eleven signs have been explained in the preceding

sections. Three modes of analysis have primarily been used to perceive these signs in

accordance with the ahadith; historical perspective, eschatological perspective and the

perspective of symbolism. All three are equally important and revealing in identification of the

dajjal in the ahadith as Horus. A believer needs only a few signs to understand the gist of the

subject at hand. However, this book may reach to people who are alternating between true

faith and lack of faith. Therefore, one of the purposes of this book is to reinforce the faith of

believers by the truth in the signs provided to us by the Holy Prophet (SAW) regarding the


The dajjal has Ka Fa Ra between his eyes, so does Horus. The Ka Fa Ra is inscribed on the

forehead of the dajjal and also on the forehead of Horus. Dajjal has a blind eye and so does

Horus. Dajjal was located in the East, so was Horus. Dajjal was to come forth shortly after the

conquest of Constantinople and so has Horus. Upon coming forth, the dajjal was to live for forty

days with the first day being like a year, and so too Horus. The dajjal was to bring the greatest

trials from Adam till the Last Hour and so has Horus. The dajjal will enter and influence the

whole world except for Mecca and Madina and so has Horus. Whichever people accept the

false teaching of the dajjal would benefit immensely and we see the same situation with the

acceptance of Horus’ false teaching (Humanism). The dajjal would falsely claim to be the

Messiah and so has Horus. The dajjal would falsely claim to be the Lord and so has Horus. The

dajjal is to be born in Qous in Egypt and in exactly the same way; Horus is prophesized to be

born at Qous in Egypt. The dajjal would be followed by seventy thousand Jews and so is Horus.

The dajjal would have water and fire and so does Horus. The dajjal would be bulky and so is

Horus. The dajjal would have curly hair and so does Horus. The dajjal would travel like cloud

driven by wind and so does Horus. The dajjal would have crooked legs and so does Horus. The

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dajjal would be hunchbacked and so is Horus. The dajjal will cure the ill and so does Horus (with

the leave of Allah). The dajjal’s day is like a year, then like a month and then like a week and so

is Horus’ day. The dajjal would be a disbeliever and Horus is the foremost disbeliever and the

very epitome of disbelief. The dajjal’s eye would be like a grape and so is Horus’ eye like a

grape. The dajjal will be hidden and so is Horus. The dajjal was accompanied by a spy (jassasa)

and so is Horus. The dajjal would be leaping between the heaven and earth and so is Horus. The

dajjal would bring abundant food with him and so has Horus (with the leave of Allah). The dajjal

will be reddish in color and so is Horus. The dajjal would emerge after the conquest of Rome

and so has Horus. The dajjal would be accompanied by Khawarij and so is Horus. The dajjal is

the sign of the Last Hour and so is Horus. The dajjal will appear from Khallah, between Syria and

Iraq and so will Horus. Thirty dajjals will lead the way to the greater dajjal and so too Horus. The

dajjal will appear thirty years after his birth and so will Horus. The dajjal will command the rain

to fall (by Allah’s leave) and so has Horus. The dajjal will have many women followers and so

too Horus. The dajjal would be a young man and so is Horus. The dajjal is narrated to be born in

Egypt and Horus is an Egyptian. The dajjal was on an island in the East before his coming forth

and so was Horus. The dajjal would be in a realm of time different from ours initially and so is


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The Dajjal; What to Anticipate

This book has deliberately refrained from attempting to predict future events in relation to the

dajjal because knowledge of the unseen lies with Allah alone. We can only deduce and

anticipate from the ahadith in terms of the knowledge Allah gave to the Holy Prophet (SAW)

concerning the dajjal. As Muslims, our faith should be strong enough in Allah that we do not

rely on mere conjecture concerning the future rather seek knowledge and guidance from the

Quran and secondly the ahadith.

The great disaster is not a future war or a mass epidemic. The great disaster has already

occurred and is unfolding before our eyes as we read these words. It is a disaster because it

attacks the most precious commodity a believer has; faith. It is a great disaster because

worldwide, and across all disciplines of human endeavor, there is an attempt to seize Allah’s

sovereignty (except for Mecca and Madina). We use the word attempt because it is merely an

attempt. Indeed one of the names of Allah is ‘Al-Malik’ which means the ‘Sovereign’. There is a

whole Surah in the Quran entitled ‘Sovereignty’. Therefore any misconceptions the

perpetrators of this vast enterprise dedicated to Horus the dajjal may have should be removed.

Allah is and will remain the Sovereign in spite of all their attempts.

We seek two references from the ahadith to guide us in the matter. First is that the dajjal will

appear before us as a human in the foreseeable future. We would be able to see him with all

his signs of the ahadith which have already been stated. Perhaps this book will also reach to

such people who have a chance to see Horus the dajjal with the Ka Fa Ra sign between his eyes.

The testimony for Horus being the dajjal in the ahadith would be confirmed at that time for

some and for others it may already have been confirmed by recognizing the signs provided in

this book. Either way, this book is meant only to be a witness to the dajjal. Some may regard it

as being written before its due time while others may claim it was written much later than it

should have been. And Allah alone knows the answer to that.

The second reference from the ahadith is that the dajjal will claim to be the Lord. For this to

happen, sovereignty needs to be first seized (falsely) from the One Who is the True Sovereign;

Allah. For Horus the dajjal to claim being the lord, all sovereignty, across the landmass and

across disciplines such as politics, economics, money etc. needs to be placed with him (falsely).

That is the definition of being the Lord. No one would accept Horus the dajjal as being the Lord

if he does not possess total sovereignty across the world and across all aspects of human life. Is

this not happening already? The Humanism of Horus the dajjal has ensured that humans, in all

their undertakings, do not uphold the sovereignty of the Creator; Allah. It is a phenomenon

which has already gripped the world apart from Mecca and Madina. Instead it is dictating that

man is sovereign over all affairs (nauzubillah). The primary unit of sovereignty across our era

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has been the nation state which is considered the ultimate sovereign (nauzubillah). However

this is only the intermediary stage where sovereignty is temporarily deposited at the hands of

the nation state, only to be yielded to Horus the dajjal upon his emergence. We are already

progressing towards that end.

With the formation of multilateral organizations and suprastates such as the European Union,

the United Nations, African Union, IMF, World Bank etc., the sovereignty of the nation state has

started to erode at a very fast pace. Nation states have started to yield part of their sovereignty

to these suprastates. For instance, inside of the European Union, individual nation states are

less sovereign than they were prior to the founding of the European Union. Even if nation states

continue, they would do so by yielding more and more of their sovereignty to these

suprastates. How is this relevant to our subject of Horus the dajjal? It is because these

suprastates are the next step or phase in surrendering complete sovereignty to Horus the

dajjal. If sovereignty is dispersed among a large number of states, and across a large number of

disciplines, it remains fragmented. However if that sovereignty is concentrated in a few

suprastates, it becomes easier to yield to the ultimate false claimant to godhood; Horus the


Even in these suprastates, we see signs of dedication to and inspiration from Horus the dajjal.

For instance, the flag of the European Union depicts twelve stars in a circle. The twelve stars in

a circle is an insignia of Isis, the mother of Horus the dajjal. The United Nations logo portrays

the globe in a laurel wreath of Apollo which is the Greek form of Horus the dajjal.

Of course, yielding of sovereignty to these suprastates as a next step to Horus the dajjal’s claim

to godhood (nauzubillah) is done in the guise of free trade, mutual cooperation, an

interconnected world etc. However, the believer should recognize it as a means to concentrate

sovereignty in ever fewer hands until it is ultimately (falsely) bestowed to Horus the dajjal, who

has used and still uses deception to lure the people to his false gains.

The journey of sovereignty across our modern era is thus a journey of Horus the dajjal. He came

forth by (falsely) attempting to seize Allah’s sovereignty and placing it in the hands of men. He

progressed by placing that same sovereignty at the hands of the nation state. And now as we

speak, he has ventured into the next phase by placing this sovereignty at the hands of

suprastates. We can only anticipate that upon Horus the dajjal’s appearance, his (false) claim to

being the Lord can only result by the flow of this sovereignty (falsely) in his hands. How long

this process will last, only Allah knows and may He give us the good sense to recognize this

critical process. What is more important for the believers is that this regime of ‘Ka Fa Ra’ will

get more intense in the years and decades to come until it reaches its culmination.

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This book is not intended to be an inconvenience for the believers. It only reflects the true scale

and nature of a disease which has already spread across the body. To ignore the disease would

only result in its resurfacing at a later stage and with a greater intensity. Unfortunately learned

men of our age have not devoted due attention in studying this immense trial, described by the

Holy Prophet (SAW) as being the greatest trial in the history of mankind. However, one purpose

of this book is also to instill hope and reassurance in the hearts of the believers. If they can truly

recognize the challenge of Horus the dajjal and persevere, they have in fact succeeded or

surpassed the most intense test any believing man or woman could be subjected to.

How are success and perseverance measured in an era when the believers are inundated with

tests and trials of Horus the dajjal? Are they measured by how deeply involved we are with the

process and thus attain material benefits, succumbing to the tests of Horus the dajjal. Or are

they measured by how we navigate safely to preserve our faith in Allah, no matter what the

cost we have to pay. Indeed the Holy Prophet (SAW) has guided us to this effect in the ahadith

wherein he (SAW) has suggested withdrawing from society in the age of the dajjal and in case

our belief in Allah wavers due to the immense trials the dajjal brings along. Another blueprint

for success in the age of the dajjal, provided in the ahadith, is to memorize the first ten Ayat of

Surah Kahf, a Surah in the Quran explicitly linked to the dajjal. Again the message from Surah

Kahf is a general withdrawal from society in an era where shirk is ubiquitous. The final hope for

the believers is that though Horus the dajjal can only be defeated by Prophet Jesus (AS), upon

his (AS) return, the era of Horus the dajjal is bound by time and is not everlasting. The ahadith

provide ample information on the victory by Muslims against the dajjal, a victory which will in

fact be an end of this era. This may not be in our lifetime but we are guaranteed ultimate

success over this massive regime of deception brought forth by Horus the dajjal.

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All Seeing Eye, 7, 9, 10, 11, 18 blind, 6, 81, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 117 capitalism, 52, 59, 60, 63, 64, 67 conquest of Constantinople, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,

35, 38, 39, 42, 44, 46, 47, 50, 51, 65, 90, 91, 107, 109, 110, 113, 117

crooked legs, 94, 95, 97, 117 curly hair, 81, 93, 94, 97, 117 Dajjal, 5, 6, 19, 21, 30, 31, 42, 44, 50, 65, 74, 80,

81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 116, 117, 119

declaration, 65 Declaration of the Rights of Man, 52, 53, 54, 55,

67 democracy, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 64, 66, 67, 68 East, 2, 23, 25, 91, 92, 95, 117 Egypt, 6, 9, 11, 19, 27, 28, 29, 62, 70, 71, 75, 76,

80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 94, 95, 102, 106, 107, 113, 115, 117

Eye of Horus, 11, 18, 34, 35, 39, 42, 45, 46, 53, 61, 62, 68, 69, 80, 81, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 106

forehead, 18, 80, 81, 94, 96, 117 forty days, 47, 83, 84, 85, 117 Freemasonry, 11, 44, 46, 70, 88, 98 grape, 93, 96, 97, 98, 118 Horus, 11, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32,

33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121

Humanism, 35, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60, 63, 64

hunch backed, 118 Islam, 5, 6, 55, 60, 67, 103, 114 jassasa, 101, 102, 118 Ka Fa Ra, 5, 18, 19, 28, 30, 35, 39, 42, 46, 47, 50,

51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 64, 67, 68, 69, 74, 75, 78, 80, 81, 85, 90, 93, 96, 101, 117, 119

Khallah, 107, 118 Khawarij, 3, 103, 104, 118 Last Hour, 3, 5, 114, 116, 117 Madina, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 51, 59, 65,

66, 67, 68, 70, 74, 80, 113, 115, 117, 119 Masonic, 9, 11, 70, 88, 98 materialism, 6, 52, 59, 60, 63 Mecca, 19, 22, 51, 59, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 74, 80,

113, 115, 117, 119 messiah, 18, 19, 43, 62, 68, 83, 96 Messiah, 2, 42, 44, 70, 85, 86, 92, 95, 96, 100,

101, 104, 106, 107, 109, 110, 117 obelisk, 72 one-eyed, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 28, 46, 81, 92,

96 Pharaoh, 75, 76, 77, 78 Pyramids, 9 Qous, 2, 6, 9, 82, 83, 117 reddish, 98, 118 Renaissance, 11, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42,

43, 44, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 58, 60, 67, 79, 85, 109, 110, 115

Saudi Arabia, 59, 65, 66, 67, 68 seventy thousand, 86, 87, 117 signs, 6 symbolism, 9, 11, 70, 72, 73, 117 trial, 5, 11, 31, 50, 60, 64, 108, 116, 121 water and fire, 92, 117 Western civilization, 18, 51, 52, 116