washington, thursdayr january 24, 1946 - us government

%> 1934 VOLUME 11 ^ O/V/TEO ^ NUMBER 17 Washington, Thursdayr January 24, 1946 The President EXECUTIVE ORDER 9684 CHEATING AN EMERGENCY BOARD To INVES- TIGATE D isputes B etween the I ndiana H arbor B elt R ailroad, C hicago J unc - tion R ailway (T he t. R. & I. R. R. Co., L essee) and Chicago R iver and I ndiana R ailroad C ompany, Carriers, and C er- tain of T heir Employees WHEREAS disputes exist between the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, Chicago Junction Railway (The C. R. & I. R. R. Co., Lessee) and Chicago River and Indiana Railroad Company, carriers, and certain of their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, a la- bor organization; WHEilEAS, these disputes have not heretofore been adjusted under the pro- visions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended; and WHEREAS, these disputes, in the judg- ment of the National Mediation Board, threaten substantially to interrupt inter- state commerce within the states of In- diana and Illinois to a degree such as to deprive that portion of the country of es- sential transportation service: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 U. S. C. 160), I hereby create a board of three members, to be appointed by me, to investigate said disputes. No member of the said board shall be pecuniarily or otherwise interested in any organization of railway employees or any carrier. The board shall report its findings to the President with respect to the said dis- putes within thirty days from the date of this order. As provided by Section 10 of the Rail- way Labor Act, as amended, from this date and for thirty days after the board has made its report to the President, no change, except by agreement, shall be made by the Indiana Harbor Belt Rail- road, Chicago Junction Railway (The C. R. & I. R. R. Co., Lessee) and Chicago River and Indiana Railroad Company or their employees in the conditions out of which the said disputes arose. H arry S. T ruman T he W hite H ouse, January 23, 1946. IF. R. Doc. 46-1244; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; 10:49 a. m.J Regulations TITLE 30—MINERAL RESOURCES Chapter VI—Solid Fuels Administration for War P art 602— G eneral O rders and D irectives DIRECTION TO COMMERCIAL LAKE DOCK OPERATORS AND RETAIL DEALERS RECEIVING COAL EX-LAKE DOCK It is necessary to issue the following direction, pursuant to SFAW Regulation No. 1, as amended: 1. Commercial lake dock operators who are required to furnish coal to retail dealers pursuant to the provisions of § 602.703 of SFAW Regulation No. 27, as amended, shall furnish to each retail dealer by February 7, 1946, not less than 70% of the dealer’s en- tire quota (for the period April 1, 1945 to March 31, 1946—such annual quota being 80% of the base period tonnage), and shall furnish not less than an additional 20% of such annual quota by March 7, 1946, Pro- vided, That the retail dealer shall order such tonnage in accordance with paragraph 2 of this direction. 2. If a retail dealer desires to accept the tonnage which he is entitled to receive un- der paragraph 1 of this direction, he shall submit on or before January 31, 1946, to the commercial lake dock operator, a firm order and shipping instructions with respect to the 70% of his quota to be furnished by February 7, 1946, and he shall submit on or before February 28, 1946, to the commercial lake dock operator, a firm order and ship- ping instructions with respect to the addi- tional 20% of his quota to be furnished by March 7, 1946. 3. If a retail dealer fails to submit a firm order and shipping instructions, or refuses to accept any tonnage to which he is entitled under paragraph 1 of this direction, the com- mercial lake dock operator is relieved of his obligation to furnish such tonnage to the retail dealer under SFAW Regulation No. 27, as amended, and this direction. 4. Nothing in this direction shall prohibit a commercial lake dock operator from fur- nishing or a retail dealer from receiving coal to which such dealer is entitled under SFAW Regulation No. 27, as amended, at a faster rate than the minimum percentages set forth in paragraph 1 of this direction. 5. Each commercial lake dock operator, who is required to furnish coal to a retail dealer pursuant to this direction and § 602.703 of SFAW Regulation No. 27, shall have the re- sponsibility of advising his retail dealer cus- (Continued on p. 873) CONTENTS THE PRESIDENT Executive O rder : Page Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, Chicago Junction Railway (the C.'R. & I R. R. Co., lessee) and Chicago River, and Indiana Railroad Co., carriers, and certain of their employees; c r e a t i o n of emergency board to investi- ». gate disputes_____________ 871 REGULATIONS AND NOTICES A lien P roperty C ustodian : Vesting orders, etc.: Aal, Abraham________________ 898 Costs and expenses incurred in certain court actions or proceedings: Connecticut^_______________ 901 New York__________ 900 Elly Coal Co_________________ 897 Epcke, Herman_____________ 898 Geestemuender Bank________ 899 Hempel, Georg Arthur_______ 898 Henley, Warren F ___________ 896 Kenck, Mary G_____________ 899 Mela, Pietro_________________ 899 C ivil A eronautics B oard : Accident occurring at Cheshire, New Haven County, Conn.; hearing____________________ 893 C ivilian P roduction A dministra - tion : Priorities system operation: Inventories (PR 32)_________ 875 Newsprint (PR 32, Dir. 7) __ 880 Suspension order; Max Law- rence & Co________________ 874 F ederal C ommunications C ommis - sion : Practice and procedure; miscel- laneous amendments______ 890 WKNE Corp., proposed transfer of control__________________ 894 WMOB, Mobile, Ala.; proposed assignment of license_____ 893 F ederal P ower C ommission : El Paso Natural Gas Co. et al.; hearing___________________ 894 F ederal T rade C ommission : Cello-Nu Products; hearing____ 895 I nternational T rade, O ffice of : Clearance procedure, selected destinations_______________ 873 Exportations, prohibited_______ 873 General licenses; in transit____ 873 871

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% > 1 9 3 4VOLUME 11 ^ O/V/TEO ^ NUMBER 17

Washington, Thursdayr January 24, 1946

T h e P re s id e n t


TIGATE D isputes B etween the Indiana H arbor B elt Railroad, Chicago Ju n c ­tion Railw ay (T he t . R. & I. R. R. Co., L essee) and Chicago R iver and Indiana Railroad Company, Carriers, and Cer­tain of T heir Employees

WHEREAS disputes exist between the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, Chicago Junction Railway (The C. R. & I. R. R. Co., Lessee) and Chicago River and Indiana Railroad Company, carriers, and certain of their employees represented by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, a la­bor organization;

WHEilEAS, these disputes have not heretofore been adjusted under the pro­visions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended; and

WHEREAS, these disputes, in the judg­ment of the National Mediation Board, threaten substantially to interrupt inter­state commerce within the states of In­diana and Illinois to a degree such as to deprive that portion of the country of es­sential transportation service:

NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 U. S. C. 160), I hereby create a board of three members, to be appointed by me, to investigate said disputes. No member of the said board shall be pecuniarily or otherwise interested in any organization of railway employees or any carrier.

The board shall report its findings to the President with respect to the said dis­putes within thirty days from the date of this order.

As provided by Section 10 of the Rail­way Labor Act, as amended, from this date and for thirty days after the board has made its report to the President, no change, except by agreement, shall be made by the Indiana Harbor Belt Rail­road, Chicago Junction Railway (TheC. R. & I. R. R. Co., Lessee) and Chicago River and Indiana Railroad Company or their employees in the conditions out of which the said disputes arose.

H arry S. T ruman T he W hite H ouse,

January 23, 1946.IF. R. Doc. 46-1244; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;

10:49 a. m.J

R e g u la t io n s


Chapter VI—Solid Fuels Administration for War

P art 602— G eneral Orders a n d D irectives


It is necessary to issue the following direction, pursuant to SFAW Regulation No. 1, as amended:

1. Commercial lake dock operators who are required to furnish coal to retail dealers pursuant to the provisions of § 602.703 of SFAW Regulation No. 27, as amended, shall furnish to each retail dealer by February 7, 1946, not less than 70% of the dealer’s en­tire quota (for the period April 1, 1945 to March 31, 1946— such annual quota being 80% of the base period tonnage), and shall furnish not less than an additional 20% of such annual quota by March 7, 1946, Pro­vided, That the retail dealer shall order such tonnage in accordance with paragraph 2 of this direction.

2. If a retail dealer desires to accept the tonnage which he is entitled to receive un­der paragraph 1 of this direction, he shall submit on or before January 31, 1946, to the commercial lake dock operator, a firm order and shipping instructions with respect to the 70% of his quota to be furnished by February 7, 1946, and he shall submit on or before February 28, 1946, to the commercial lake dock operator, a firm order and ship­ping instructions with respect to the addi­tional 20% of his quota to be furnished by March 7, 1946.

3. If a retail dealer fails to submit a firm order and shipping instructions, or refuses to accept any tonnage to which he is entitled under paragraph 1 of this direction, the com­mercial lake dock operator is relieved of his obligation to furnish such tonnage to the retail dealer under SFAW Regulation No. 27, as amended, and this direction.

4. Nothing in this direction shall prohibit a commercial lake dock operator from fur­nishing or a retail dealer from receiving coal to which such dealer is entitled under SFAW Regulation No. 27, as amended, at a faster rate than the minimum percentages set forth in paragraph 1 of this direction.

5. Each commercial lake dock operator, who is required to furnish coal to a retail dealer pursuant to this direction and § 602.703 of SFAW Regulation No. 27, shall have the re­sponsibility of advising his retail dealer cus-

(Continued on p. 873)


Executive Order : PageIndiana Harbor Belt Railroad,

Chicago Junction Railway (the C.'R. & I R. R. Co., lessee) and Chicago River, and Indiana Railroad Co., carriers, and certain of their employees; c r e a t i o n of emergency board to investi- ».gate disputes_____________ 871

REGULATIONS AND NOTICESAl ie n P roperty Cu sto d ia n :

Vesting orders, etc.:Aal, Abraham________________ 898Costs and expenses incurred

in certain court actions or proceedings:

Connecticut^_______________ 901New York__________ 900

Elly Coal Co_________________ 897Epcke, Herman_____________ 898Geestemuender Bank________ 899Hempel, Georg Arthur_______ 898Henley, Warren F___________ 896Kenck, Mary G_____________ 899Mela, Pietro_________________ 899

C iv il A eronautics B oard :Accident occurring at Cheshire,

New Haven County, Conn.;hearing____________________ 893

C iv il ia n P roduction A dm inistr a ­t io n :

Priorities system operation:Inventories (PR 32)_________ 875

Newsprint (PR 32, Dir. 7) __ 880Suspension order; Max Law­

rence & Co________________ 874F ederal C o m m u n ic a t io n s C o m m is ­

s io n :Practice and procedure; miscel­

laneous amendments______ 890WKNE Corp., proposed transfer

of control__________________ 894WMOB, Mobile, Ala.; proposed

assignment of license_____ 893F ederal P o w er C o m m is s io n :

El Paso Natural Gas Co. et al.;hearing___________________ 894

F ederal T rade C o m m is s io n :Cello-Nu Products; hearing____ 895

I nternational T rade, O ffice o f : Clearance procedure, selected

destinations_______________ 873Exportations, prohibited_______ 873General licenses; in transit____ 873


872 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

/ S \

F E D E R A L ® R E G IS T E RV ,1934* ÜKlTfO “

Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following legal holidays, by the Division of the Federal Register, the National Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, approved by the President. Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.

The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended June 19, 1937.

The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­vance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, directly to the Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.

There are no restrictions on the republica­tion of material appearing in the Federal Register.


The 1944 Supplement to the Code of the Federal Regulations may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Print­ing Office, at $3 per book.

Book l's Titles 1-10, including Presidential documents in full text.

Book 2: Titles 11-32.Book 3: Titles 33-50, including a

general index and ancillary tables.


I nternational T rade, O ffice of— Paee Continued.

Limited production licenses: Ammunition, small caliber— 874Automobiles, passenger, and

trucks________;_________ 874Passenger automobiles pro­

duced in 1945_________ 874I nterstate C ommerce Co m m is s io n :

Box cars, loading:Baltimore, Md------------------- 896Philadelphia, Pa_.___________ 896Spokane, Portland and Seattle

Railway Co_____________ 896Car service; refrigerator cars:

Free time___________________ 893Substitution for box cars----- 892

Freight, less carload, at St. Louis,Mo., and East St. Louis, 111- 895

Embargo------ ------------------- 896Freight traffic, rerouting be­

tween Aliceville and Coch­ran, Ala— ---------- ---------- 896

Reconsignment permits:Celery, Cincinnati, Ohio____ 895Grapefruit, Cincinnati, Ohio- 895 Lettuce:

Minneapolis, Minn________ 895Pittsburgh, Pa____________ 895


O ffice of P rice A d m in istr atio n : . PaSe Adjustments and pricing orders:

Allen Copper Coil M fg------ - 914Aluminum Industries, Inc_.— 909Bally Case and Cooler Co— 904Baltimore Ocean Transport

Co______________ 908Buck, F. E., et al_________ 930Cincinnati Mfg. Co__________ ' 915Coleman, George, & Sons____ 905Cosby Brush and Import Co.,

In c _______ 903Crane Co__ _________________ 904Elliot Coal Mining Co. et al.

(2 documents)__________ 905Feather Flame Burner Co____ 914Hedlund-Noltimier Co_______ 907Hettom Industries___________ 903High Standard Mfg. Corp____ 910Holly Springs Stoneware Co_ 922Hood Rubber Co____________ 909Insulation Service Co_______ 915International Merit Products

Corp_____j____________ 916Kroehler Mfg. Co___________ 904Lang-Scharmann & Co______ 914Learner, J. A., Coal Co______ 906Mixtite Corp________________ 903Oneida Ltd__________________ 903Orange Screen Co__________ 910Pittsburgh Range Co________ 908Plycraft Products Mfg. Co___ 907Prouty, C., and Co________ 1_ 905Rainfair, Inc. (Corr.)_______ 910Schaffer Belts_____________ 910Schenuit, Frank G., Rubber

Co-------------------------- 1 921Sears, Roebuck & Co________ 921Studebaker Corp__________ 917United States Rubber Co____ 920Wallace, R., and Sons_______ 917Weedville Coal Co. et al_____• 906Wiremold Co__ _________ 907Wittie Mfg. & Sales Co____ 909

Air supply units, new portable gasoline driven, sales by Reconstruction F i n a n c e Corporation et al. (SO 94,Order 98)__________ 'T_____ 902

Chains, sales by War Assets Corp. et al. (SO 94, Order9 7 )_________________ 910

Sling; sales by Reconstruction Finance Corporation et al. (SO 94, Order 96) ____ 920

Construction materials, speci­fied, and refractories (MPR592, Order 1)_______ , 921

Cotton products and certainmanufactured articles (SR14E, Am. 27)_____________ 889

Flour from wheat, semolina and farina (RMPR 296, incl.Am. 1-10)__________ 881

Foods, grains and cereals, feeds, tobacco and tobacco prod­ucts, agricultural chemicals,etc. (SO 132, Am. 15)______ 881

Goods, certain articles, exemp­tion and suspension from price control (SO 126, Am.1 4 )_________ ______ 881

Laundry and dry cleaning serv­ices (RMPR 165, Rev. Supp.Service Reg. 44)_________ 888

Regional and district office or­ders. See also Adjustments.

Bananas, Nashville, Tenn.,area..___________________ 922


O ffice of P rice A dm in istr atio n— Kage Continued.

Regional and district office or­ders—Continued .

Building and construction materials:

Freeport, 111., area________ 936Rockford, 111., area---------- 936Wilmington, Del., area----- 921

Community ceiling prices, listof orders filed___________ 939

Firewood, Roanoke RapidsTownship, N. C___________ 923

Fluid milk:Phillip, S. Dak____________ % 937West Texas (2 documents) _ 926,

934Insulation, installed, Salt Lake

City, Utah, district______ 926Millwork, central California

(2 documents)________ 931, 932Motor scooters, surplus, Dallas

region_____________________ 923Painting and paperhanging

services, northern Idaho and eastern Washington. 941

Potatoes and onions, Port­land, Oreg., area________ 939

Re-roofing m a t e r i a l s , in­stalled, Montana________ 929

Shoe repair s e r v i c e s , San - Francisco, Calif., metro­politan area____________ 932

Solid fuels:Crawford County, Kans____ 934Fort Morgan and Brush,

Colo_____________ 930Henrico, H a n o v e r , and

Chesterfield Counties,and Richmond, Va____ 922

Oregon---------- 940Springfield, Mo___________ 924Twin Cities area__________ 934Uintah County, Utah_____ 938

Tile, roofing, Los AngelesCounty, Calif___________ 932

Tubing, welded steel, sales by War Assets Corp. et al.(SO 94, Rev. Order 81)___ 920

S o lid F u e ls A d m in is t r a t io n for W a r :

Coal, direction to commercial lake dock operators and re­tail dealers receiving coalex-lake dock_____________ 871

W ar Sh ip p in g A d m in is t r a t io n :General agents and agents; y freight brokerage and com­

missions on fares_______ 890

CODIFICATION GUIDEA numerical list of the parts of the Code

of Federal Regulations affected by docu­ments published in this issue. Documents carried in the Cumulative Supplement by uncodified tabulation only are not included within the purview of this list.

T itle 3—T he P resident : Pa§eChapter I I—Executive orders:

9684___ ;______________________ 871T itle 30—M in er al R eso u r c es :

Chapter VI—Solid Fuels Ad­ministration "for War:

Part 602—General orders anddirectives________________ 871

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 873CODIFICATION GUIDE—Continued

T it l e 32— N at io n a l D e f e n s e : Pag«Chapter IX —Civilian Produc­

tion Administration :Part 944—Regulations appli­

cable to operation of pri­orities system (2 docu­ments) ________________ 873, 880

T it l e 46— Sh ip p in g :Chapter m —War Shipping Ad­

ministration : *Part 306—General agents and

agents---------------------- 890T it l e 47—T e l e c o m m u n ic a t io n :

Chapter I—Federal Communi­cations Commission:

Part 1—Rules of practice andprocedure______________ 890

tomers forthwith of the provisions of this direction.

6. Each commercial lake dock operator shall promptly report to Mr. Milton Aimer, SFAW Area Distribution Manager, 520 New York Life Building, 129 South 5th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota, the amount of tonnage which, pursuant to the provisions of this direction, he relieved from furnishing to any retail dealer, and such surplus tonnage shall then be distributed subject to the approval of Mr. Aimer.

7. Any retail dealer who will suffer hard­ship by reason of this direction may file an application for modification of or exception from any of its provisions. Such applica­tion should be filed in triplicate with Mr. Aimer.

8. No person shall be held liable for dam­ages or penalties under any contract for any default which shall result directly or indi­rectly from compliance with the provisions of this direction.

This direction shall become effective immediately.(E.O. 9332, 8 F.R. 5355; E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719; sec. 2 (a ) , 54 Stat. 676, as amended by 55 Stat. 236, 56 Stat. 176 and 58 Stat. 827)

Issued this 21st day of January 1946.Dan H. W heeler,

Deputy Solid Fuels Administrator for War.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1227: Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; 10:42 a. m.]


Chapter V III—Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce

Subchapter'B—Export Control [Arndt. 135]

P art 801— G eneral R egulations


Section 801.2 Prohibited exportations is hereby amended in the following par­ticulars:

The list of commodities set forth in paragraph (b) is amended in the follow­ing particulars:

1. The qualifying footnote reference meaning “Requires individual license for export to all areas except the other American Republics excluding Argen­

tina” is hereby deleted with regard to the following commodity:Dept, of Com.Sched. B. No. Commodity

151100_______ - _______________Coffee, green.

2. The following commodities are hereby added to the list of commodities:



Commodity Unit

GLV dollar value limits

country group


504200 Petroleum and petrole­um Jelly (all grades).

Lbs___ 100 None

505900 Mineral oil, white, for industrial purposes, (except as blending agent).

Bismuth Matte, slimes, residues and base bullion.

Gals... 100 None

664510 Lbs.... 1 1

664910 Bismuth metals and alloys.

Lbs.... 1 1

811300 White mineral oil_____ Gals... 100 None

3. The following commodities are hereby removed from the list of com­modities :Sched. B No. Commodity206600 Solid tires for automobiles and

trucks.206700 Solid tires, other.820598 Other agricultural insecticides,

fungicides & similar preparations & materials, dry or liquid basis containing 1% or more DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethen.e X.

820600 Household & industrial insecticides, exterminators & repellents (in liquid, paste, powder or solid form) containing 1% or more DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethene).

831000 Methanol.835904 Potassium carbonate.837998 Sodium peroxide.838505 Ammonium chloride (sal am­

moniac).839000 Ammonia, anhydrous.841100 Zinc oxide.842300 Acetylene black.

4. The dollar value limits in the col­umn headed “GLV Dollar Value Limits” set opposite the commodity listed below are hereby amended to read as follows:

Dept, of Comm. Sched. BNo.


GLV dollar value limits

country group


151100 Coflee, green____________ 10 10

Shipments of any of the above com­modities removed from general license or whose GLV dollar value limits have been reduced, which were on deck, on lighter, laden aboard an exporting car­rier, or in transit to a port of exit pur­suant to an actual order for export prior to the effective date of this amendment, may be exported under the previous gen­eral license provisions.

This amendment shall become effec­tive immediately except that, with re­spect to commodities removed from gen­eral license or whose GLV dollar value limits have been reduced, it shall become effective on January 29,1946.(Sec. 6, 54 Stat. 714; Pub. Law 75, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 638, 77th Cong.; Pub.

Law 397, 78th Cong.; Pub. Law 99, 79th Cong.; E.O. 8900, 6 F.R. 4795; E.O. 9361, 8 F.R. 9861; Order No. 1, 8 F.R. 9938; E.O. 9380, 8 F.R. 13081; E.O. 9630,10 F.R. 12245; Order No. 390, 10 F.R. 13130)

Dated: January 21, 1946.John C. B orton,

Director,Requirements and Supply Branch.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1226; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; 10:08 a. m.]

[Arndt. 130]

Part 802—G eneral L icenses

general in transit licenses

Section 802.9 General in transit li­cense “G IT ” is hereby amended in the following particulars:

Paragraph (b) is amended to read as follows:

(b) Excepted commodity list. Ship­ments of the commodities set forth in this paragraph (b) may not be exported un­der this general license unless such ship­ments are in transit from (1) any part of the British Empire to any other part of the British Empire; (2) Mexico through the United States to- any other part of Mexico; (3) The Republic of Pan­ama through the Panama Canal Zone to any destination; (4) Canada to any des­tination.

Commodity ScheduleBNo.

Schedule L. No.

Aircraft parts, equipment, and ac­cessories other than those listed in the President’s Proclamation of Apr. 9,1942...... ................... All

Monazite sands................... ..... 664598 680664998 685

Uranium ores and concentrates__ 664598 680

This amendment shall become effec­tive immediately.(Sec. 6, 54 Stat. 714; Pub. Law 75, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 638, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 397, 78th Cong.; Pub. Law 99, 79th Cong.; E.O. 8900, 6 F.R. 4795; E.O. 9361, 8 F.R. 9861; Order No. 1, 8 F.R. 9938; E.O. 9380, 8 F.R. 13081; E.O. 9630, 10 F.R. 12245; Order No. 390, 10 F.R. 13130)

Dated: January 17, 1946.John C. B orton,

Director,Requirements and Supply Branch.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1221; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; 10:09 a. m.]

[Arndt. 131]

P art 805— Selected D estinations C learance P rocedure

Part 805—Selected Destinations Clear­ance Procedure is hereby revoked.

This amendment shall become effec­tive immediately.(Sec. 6, 54 Stat. 714; Pub. Law 75, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 638, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 397, 78th Cong.; Pub. Law 99, 79th Cong.; E.O. 8900, 6 F.R. 4795; E.O. 9361, 8 F.R. 9861; Order No. 1, 8 F.R. 9938;

874 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

E. O. 9380, 8 F.R. 13081; E.O. 9830, 10F. R. 12245; Order No. 390,10 F.R. 13130)

Dated: January 21,1946.Jo h n C. B orton ,

Director,Requirements and Supply Branch.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1222; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; 10:09 a. m.]

[Arndt. 132]

'P art 8l2— L im ited P roduction L icensesf o r P assenger A u to m o biles a n dT rucks

Part 812 is hereby amended to read as follows :Sec. '812.1 General provisions.812.2 Clearance for export.812.3 Period of validity.

Authority: §§ 812.1 to 812.3, Inclusive, is­sued under sec. 6, 54 Stat. 714; Pub. Law 75, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 638, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 397, 78th Cong.; Pub. Law 99, 79th Cong.; E:0. 8900, 6 F.R. 4795; E.O. 9361, 8 FR . 9861; Order No. 1, 8 F.R. 9938; E.O. 9380, 8 F.R. 13081; E.O. 9630, 10 F.R. 12245; Order No. 390, 10 F.P. 13130.

§812.1 General provisions, (a) There is hereby established a Limited Produc­tion License procedure authorizing, sub­ject to the provisions of this part, and subject to all conditions contained in the Limited Production License, the exporta­tion of (1) new passenger automobiles classified under Department of Com­merce Schedule B numbers 790700 through 791000; and (2) new highway type trucks, bus chassis and truck trac­tors classified under Department of Com­merce Schedule B numbers 790101 through 790103, 790201, 790202, 790301, 790431 through 790465 or 790500; which have been manufactured for export in 1945 or the first quarter of 1946 pur­suant to the provisions of Civilian Pro­duction Administration Order L-352.

(b) Any person who is a manufacturer, authorized under the provisions of Ci­vilian Production Administration Order L-352 to produce for export any of the types of passenger automobiles or trucks described in paragraph (a) of this sec­tion, or his agent, may, as an alternative procedure to the filing of applications for individual licenses, file an application for Limited Production License (Form FEA 48) accompanied by an application for distribution schedule for passenger auto­mobiles (Form FEA 38) or an applica­tion for distribution schedule for high­way type trucks, bus chassis, and truck tractors (Form FEA 43) whichever is ap­plicable. All of the terms, conditions, provisions and Instructions contained in such applications are hereby incorpo­rated as a part of the regulations in this subchapter. All such applications shall contain such information as may be re­quired by the Department of Commerce, subject to the approval of the Bureau of the Budget pursuant to the Federal Reports Act of 1942.

(c) Applications for limited produc­tion licenses and related distribution

schedules shall be filed with the Require­ments and Supply Branch, Office of In­ternational Trade, Department of Com­merce, Washington 25, D. C.

(d) Any exporter, whose application for a limited production license and re­lated application for a distribution schedule has been approved by the De­partment of Commerce may, during the period of validity of the license, export under such license to each country or group of countries listed in the related distribution schedule not more than the quantity and type of vehicles approved for export to each such country or group of countries in said distribution schedule.

(e) Limited production licenses and related distribution schedules may be amended upon application by the holder of such license in the form of a letter addressed to the Requirements and Sup­ply Branch, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce, Wash­ington 25, D. C. Amendments will be issued in the form of a letter which shall be considered a part of the limited pro­duction license and distribution, sched­ule to which the amendment is appli­cable.

§ 812.2 Clearance for export, (a) The provisions of § 801.7 of this subchap­ter shall not apply to exportations under limited production licenses. In lieu of the presentation of an original export license or other document issued by the Department of Commerce, an exporter making an exportation of vehicles under a limited production license shall present to the United States Collector of Cus­toms at the port of exit a “Shipper’s Ex­port Declaration” bearing the symbol “LPL,” and the number of the limited production license pursuant to which such exportation is being made.

(b) The use by any exporter of the symbol “LPL” on a Shipper’s Export Dec­laration constitutes a certification by the exporter (1) that the exportation of the commodities described in such Shipper’s Export Declaration is authorized under the limited production license therein identified to the destination specified;(2) that the type and quantity of such commodities are within the limitations set by the distribution schedule relating to such license; and (3) that all of the other provisions and conditions of such license have been met.

§ 812.3 Period of validity. Limited production licenses for new passenger automobiles and new trucks' shall be valid for the period beginning with the date of issuance and expiring on April 30, 1946 unless the period of validity is reduced or extended by the Department of Com­merce. All limited production licenses for such vehicles are subject to revoca­tion or revision at any time by the De­partment of Commerce.

This amendment shall become effective immediately.

Dated: January 17,1946.Jo h n C. B orton ,

Director,Requirements and Supply Branch.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1223; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;}0:08 a - m.]

[Arndt. 133]

P art 814— L im ited P roduction L icense for Sm all C aliber A m m u n it io n “LPL”Part 814 Limited Production License

for Small Caliber Ammunition “LPL” is hereby revoked.(Sec. 6, 64 Stat. 714; Pub. Law 75, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 638, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 397, 78th Cong.; Pub. Law 99, 79th Cong.; E.O. 8900, 6 F.R. 4795; E.O. 9361, 8 F.R. 9861; Oder No. 1, 8 F.R. 9938; E.O. 9380, 8 F.R. 13081; E.O. 9630, 10 F.R. 12245; Order No. 390, 10 F.R. 13130).

Dated: January 17, 1946. . _Jo h n C. B orton ,

Director,Requirements and Supply Branch.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1224; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; , - 10:08 a. m.]

f Amdt. 134]

P art 815— L im ited P roduction L icense for P assenger A uto m o biles P roduced i n 1945Part 815 Limited Production License

for Passenger Automobiles Produced in 1945 is hereby revoked.(Sec. 6, 54 Stat. 714; Pub. Law 75, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 638, 77th Cong.; Pub. Law 397, 78th Cong.; Pub. Law 99, 79th Cong.; E.O. 8900, 6 F.R. 4795; E.O. 9361, 8 F.R. 9861; Order No. 1, 8 F.R. 9938; E.O. 9380, 8 F.R. 13081; E.O. 9630, 10 F.R. 12245; Order No. 390, 10 F.R. 13130)

Dated: January 17, 1946.Jo h n C. B orton ,

Director,Requirements and Supply Branch.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1225; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; 10:08 a. m.]

Chapter IX—Civilian Production Administration

Authority: Regulations in this chapter unless otherwise noted at the end of docu­ments affected, issued under sec. 2. (a ), 54 Stat. 676, as amended by 55 Stat. 236, 56 Stat. 177, 58 Stat. 827 and Pub. Law 270, 79th Cong.; E.O. 9024, 7 F.R. 329; E.O. 9040, 7 F.R. 527; E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719; E.O. 9599, 10 F.R. 10155; E.O. 9638, 10 F.R. 12591; CPA Reg. 1, NOV. 5, 1945,10 F.R. 13714.

P art 1010—Su spe n s io n O rders [Suspension Order S-796, Revocation]

MAX LAWRENCE & CO.Suspension Order No. S-796 was is­

sued against Max Lawrence and Com­pany, a partnership composed of Max Lawrence and Elsie Lawrence, 13 West 37th Street, New York City, engaged as a “converter” of textiles. There was an appeal to the Chief Compliance Com­missioner who granted a stay and on July 31, 1945, denied the appeal and re­instated the suspension order to run through March 9, 1946. The appeal has again been considered and, as a result of further investigation, the Chief Com­pliance Commissioner has directed that the suspension order be revoked forth­with.

875FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

In view of the foregoing, it is hereby ordered, that: § 1010.796 Suspension Or­der No. S-796 be revoked.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C iv il ia n P roduction

A d m in istr atio n ,By J. Joseph W h e la n ,

Recording Secretary.[F. R. Doc. 46-1219; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

4:24 p. m.]

P art 944—R e g u latio n s A pplicable toth e O per atio n op th e P rio r itiesS y s t e m

[Priorities Reg. 32, as Amended Jan. 22, 1946] INVENTORIES

(a) What this regulation does.

General Restrictions(b ) Restriction on delivery.(c) Restrictions on receipts.(d ) Restriction on ordering more than

needed.(e) Adjusting outstanding orders when

requirements change.( f ) Restriction on processing.

Exceptions(g ) In general.(h ) Receipts permitted after contract can­

cellations or cut-backs.

Miscellaneous Provisions( i ) Previous inventory authorizations.(J) Separate inventories.(k ) Redistribution of excess inventories.( l ) Violations.(m ) Revisions of tables.(n ) Appeals, letters and questions.

§ 944.53 Priorities Regulation 32— (a) What this regulation does. This regula­tion contains the inventory rules for­merly in § 944.14 of Priorities Regula­tion 1 and in CMP Regulation 2. Its pur­pose is to prevent excessive inventories by restricting ordering, deliveries, receipts and processing of materials in short sup­ply. All kinds of materials are covered including raw or semi-fabricated mate­rials, commodities, equipment, acces­sories, parts, assemblies or products of any kind, whether or not acquired with priorities assistance.

The general rule on receipts is in para­graph (c) (1), and this is controlling un­less a more specific limitation or excep­tion is indicated in Table 1 or 2 or a direc­tion to this regulation, or unless Table 3 (formerly Order M-161) exempts the material entirely. Other exceptions to the inventory limitations are stated in paragraphs (g) and (h) and in directions to this regulation.

General Restrictions(b) Restriction on delivery. No per­

son may deliver any material if he knows or has reason to believe that acceptance of the delivery would be in violation of this regulation.

Note: For rule on making or delivering material earlier than required 6y customers, see Interpretation 3.

(c) Restrictions on receipts— (1) Gen­eral rule. A person may not accept de­livery of any material if his inventory of that material is, or will be, more than a practicable minimum working inven­tory reasonably necessary to meet his own deliveries or to supply his services on

the basis of his current or scheduled method and rate of operation.* Note: For rule on when material is con­sidered to be in inventory, see Interpretation 4; for rule as to seasonal industries, see Interpretation 1.

(2) Special rules in Tables 1 and 2. I f Table 1 at the end of this regulation shows a special inventory limit on a particular material or product (either specifically or by reference to another CPA order or regulation), that limita­tion governs and the restrictions of para­graph (c) (1) above may be disregarded unless the applicable order or regulation (or a note in Table 1) also states that a practicable minimum working inventory may not be exceeded. The same is true with respect to particular classes of per­sons shown on Table 2. Where a spe­cific period of time is shown on Table 1 or 2, no person affected may accept delivery of any material specified if his inventory of it is, or will be, more than he needs during the immediate period specified on the basis of his current or scheduled method and rate of operation. Even if an order or regulation is not listed on Table 1 or 2, any specific inven­tory limits imposed by it must be com­plied with. I f an order or regulation listed on Table 1 or 2 is revoked or a list­ing removed from the tables all provi­sions of this regulation, including para­graph (c) (1), are automatically appli­cable.

(3) Early delivery of steel, iron prod­ucts, copper and copper base alloys. Early delivery, up to 15 days before the requested delivery month, may be ac­cepted from a producer of steel, iron products, copper or copper, base alloys (in the forms listed on Table 1), but the producer may not make the early de­livery if it would interfere with any rated orders. Other special rules on these materials are explained in Table 1.

(d) Restriction on ordering more than needed. ( 1 ) A person may not place any order, whether rated or unrated, for de­livery of any material on earlier dates or in larger amounts than he would be per­mitted to receive under this regulation. Orders aggregating more than he is al­lowed to receive may not be placed with different suppliers even though he in­tends to cancel one or more of them be­fore delivery. However, this restriction does not apply to materials listed on Table 3 of this regulation nor to pur­chases by ultimate consumers foi* per­sonal or household use. The restriction does not forbid the placing of orders for delivery under the conditions explained in Interpretation 11 to Priorities Regula­tion 1, but such orders may not be sched­uled for production as long as this re­striction is effective.

(2) This restriction does not require immediate adjustment of orders placed before August 28,1945. However, in view of its policy to prevent hoarding and speculative buying of materials in short supply, the CPA may direct adjustments or cancellations in individual cases where orders are in excess of reasonably antici­pated needs especially where failure to do so might result in unbalanced distribu­tion and curtail total production.

(3) I f the inventory limits applying to any material are made more restrictive,

whether by a change in Table 1 or other­wise, any person affected must immedi­ately cancel, reduce or defer any order for the material to the extent that the scheduled delivery would result in an in­ventory greater than permitted by the new restriction and other applicable pro­visions of this regulation.

(e) Adjusting outstanding orders when requirements change. I f because of a change in operations, slowing or stoppage of production, delayed delivery by a supplier, or any other change in re­quirements, a person who has ordered material for future delivery would, if he accepted delivery on the date specified, exceed the limits prescribed by this regu­lation, he must promptly adjust his out­standing orders, and, if necessary, post­pone or cancel them. Paragraph (h) be­low describes what further deliveries may be accepted.

(f ) Restriction on processing. No person may process, fabricate, alloy or otherwise alter the shape or form of any material if his inventory of the material in its processed, fabricated, alloyed or otherwise altered shape or form is, or will be, more than a practicable mini­mum working inventory. However, this does not restrict a person from altering the form of surplus materials by scrap­ping or reprocessing them, unless a CPA order specifically says otherwise.

Exceptions(g) In general. This paragraph, par­

agraph (h) below, and certain directions to this regulation state general excep­tions to the restrictions on acceptance of delivery described in paragraph (c) above, and to all other inventory restric­tions on delivery and acceptance of de­livery in CPA orders and regulations unless they contain specific provisions to the contrary. None of these or any other exceptions to CPA inventory re­strictions on receipts permit a supplier to disregard any applicable CPA order or regulation which restricts production or delivery.

(1) Exemption of Table 3 materials. Materials listed on Table 3 at the end of this regulation may be delivered and accepted without regard to CPA inven­tory restrictions.

(2) Materials bought under PR-13. Priorities Regulation 13 provides a lim­ited exemption from inventory restric­tions in the case of items bought on spe­cial sales.

(3) Imported materials. A person may import any material without regard to CPA inventory restrictions, but i f his inventory of it thereby becomes in ex­cess of the amount permitted by this regulation, he may not receive further deliveries of it from domestic sources/un­til his inventory is reduced to permitted levels. The inventory restrictions of this regulation do apply to any deliveries of the imported material he makes, and to the amount of it that any person ac­cepting delivery from him may receive.

(4) Advance stockpiling for civilian production. A person may receive in anticipation of starting or resuming ci­vilian production the minimum amount

876 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

of material he would need during the first 30 days of such production, provided no priorities assistance is used to get the material. Records of such receipts and the basis on which they were computed must be preserved as required by § 944.15 of Priorities Regulation 1. This 30-day amount is a ceiling as far as advance stockpiling is concerned, and may not be considered as a “bonus” to be added to the amount Of any material which a producer expects to have available for making his civilian product. Changes in this 30-day amount may be indicated for a particular material by a note' in Table 1.

(5) Minimum sale quantities. Mini­mum sale quantities and production runs may be accepted to the extent permitted by Interpretation 2 to this Regulation. However, where Column 3 of Table 1 shows a specific amount of a particular material, that is considered to be the minimum sale quantity of it. Thus, if a person would be permitted under para­graph (c) to accept less than the amount shown, he may accept delivery of the full amount. In any event, after receiv­ing a minimum sale quantity of any ma­terial, a person may not accept delivery of any additional quantities until his inventory of it is within applicable limits.

(6) Small inventory exemption for particular materials. I f a note in Table 1 or 2 shows a specific amount of a par­ticular material as a small inventory exemption, a person may accept delivery of any quantities of it as long as his total inventory of it after acceptance is no more than the specified amount.

(h) Receipts permitted after adjust­ment of orders. Where a person has promptly adjusted his outstanding or­ders with his supplier as required by paragraph (e) and. the supplier is not otherwise prohibited from producing or delivering any material involved, delivery of it may be made and accepted and the inventory restrictions of paragraph (c) exceeded to the following extent only:

(1) Delivery may be made and ac­cepted if the supplier has shipped the material or loaded it for shipment before the receipt of the instruction to adjust; or

(2) Delivery may be made and ac­cepted of any special item which the sup­plier actually has in stock or in pro­duction or special components or special materials which he has acquired for the purpose of filling that contract. A spe­cial item, as used above, means one that the supplier does not usually make, stock, or sell, and which cannot readily be dis­posed of to others; or

(3) Even if the material is not a spe­cial item, delivery may be made by and accepted from a producer if it has al­

ready been produced or is in production before receipt of the instruction to ad- just, and it cannot be used to fill other * orders on the producer’s books.

Note: For special rules on continuing re­ceipts of special items after contract cut backs, see Direction 3 to this regulation; and as to transfers of idle materials after can­cellations or cut backs, see Direction 1. For effect of reduction in consumption rate on permitted inventories, see Interpretation 5.

Miscellaneous Provisions(1) Previous inventory authorizations.

Any specific authorizations, exceptions, or grants of appeals issued under § 944.14 of Priorities Regulation 1 or CMP Regu-. lation 2 remain in effect according to their terms unless individually modified or revoked.

(j) Separate inventories. (1) In figur­ing his inventory, a person must include all material in his possession and all ma­terial held for his account by another person, but not material held by him for the account of another person.

(2) In the case of a person who on August 28,1945, has more than one oper­ating unit and keeps separate inventory. records for them, this regulation applies to each such operating unit or division independently. A person may not make any further separation or consolidation of such operating units without special written approval of the Civilian Produc­tion Administration, unless it is purely incidental to a separation or consolida­tion which is made primarily for other than inventory purposes.

(k) Redistribution of excess inven­tories. Excess inventories of materials and products, including inventories of materials which are in such form as to be unusable by the holder, are subject to redistribution to other persons by vol­untary action pursuant to Priorities Reg­ulation 13, or if necessary for national defense, through requisitioning by the Civilian Production Administration.

(l) Violations, fyay person who wil­fully violates any provision of this regu* lation, or who, in connection with this regulation, wilfully conceals a material fact, or furnishes false information to any department or agency of the United States is guilty of a crime, and upon con­viction may be punished by fine or im­prisonment. In addition, any such per­son may be prohibited from making or obtaining further deliveries of, or from processing or using, material under pri­ority control and may be deprived of pri­orities assistance.

(m) Revisions of tables. Tables 1, 2 and 3, attached to this regulation will be revised from time to time. As materials and products become in more ample sup­ply, it is expected that they will be listed

on Table 3. In special cases, particular materials or products may also be re­moved from Table 3 or added to Table 1. It is, therefore, important to be familiar with the latest revision of the tables.

(n) Appeals, letters and questions. Any appeal or other question regarding any provision of this regulation should be sent by letter in duplicate to the In­ventory Control Division, Civilian Pro­duction Administration, Washington 25,D. C., Ref.; PR 32, unless Table 1 or 2 attached to this regulation indicates otherwise with respect to particular materials or classes of persons.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.

C iv il ia n P roduction A d m in istr atio n ,

B y J. Joseph W h e la n , Recording Secretary.

Table 1—Materials and Products Subject to Specific Inventory Provisions

Explanation. Materials or products listed in Column 1 are subject to the specific in­ventory provisions shown, as explained in paragraph (c) (2) of the regulation, except to the extent that different rules may apply as to certain classes of persons under Table 2.

Column 2 shows either the CPA order or regulation which controls inventories of the material, or if no order is specified, there is shown a period of time representing the maximum inventory permitted as explained in paragraph (c) (2 ). An asterisk ( * ) in­dicates that the practicable minimum work­ing inventory limit of paragraph (c) (1) also applies, that is, if it would be less than the specific limit indicated.

If Column 2 shows a specific period of time (e. g., 30 days, 60 days, etc.) for a particular Material or product, this restriction applies only to "users” of that material or product, i. e., persons, including Government operated consuming establishments, who use the ma­terial or product for production, operating supplies, maintenance and repair, or for con­struction whether for own account or for the account of another. In addition, the-restric­tion applies only within the 48 States and the District of Columbia. In the case of persons who are not “users”, such as persons buying for resale, paragraph {c ) (1) applies instead of Column 2.

A figure in Column 3 shows the minimum sale quantity, that is, the amount of the particular material which a person may re­ceive under the conditions stated in para­graph (g ) (5 ), even if it is more than allowed under Column 2. If no figure is shown, the rule in Interpretation 2 must be followed.

Column 4 tells the Division or Office in the Civilian Production Administration to which should be sent any appeals or questions re­garding the limitations described. However, if the applicable order says appeals are to be filed somewhere else, such as the nearest CPA field office, that provision controls.. Column 5 (Remarks) gives explanations, exemptions or other special rules applicable to the particular material or limitation.








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.OO -4FEDERAL REGISTER* T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946












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FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Table 3— Exempted Materials and Products

Explanation. The following materials and products are exempt from the inventory re­strictions on receipts of this regulation and of all other CPA orders or regulations Tinless they specifically state otherwise.Abrasive products— made from manufactured

or natural abrasives, Including all items under CMP code 720

Aluminum in all forms Asbestos, unmanufactured, all grades and

typesAsbestos friction materials Asbestos Tape .010-.025 thickness Asbestos textiles Batteries, dry cellBearings— ball and roller, including all items

under CMP code 155Bending machines for pipe, plate, roll, or

structural Bhapes, including all items under CMP code 356

BentoniteCapital equipment (other than that else­

where listed on this table and other than wood poles, cross arms, domestic watt hour meters, power and distribution transform­ers, circuit breakers and switch gear)

Chains, except stud link anchor, cast steel, power transmission, but including all items under CMP code 712

China clay (English)Cork, raw— corkwood, milling cork, grinding

corkCranes and Hoists, except Contractors Elevat­

ing, Contractors Towing, Crawler Tractor Motor Truck Mounted, Mine and Smelter Types, but including all items under CMP code 146

Domestic andalusite Domestic dumortierite Fibrous glass productsFiles and Rasps, including all items under

CMP code 644Forging Machines, including all items under

CMP code 354Foundry Machinery, Equipment and Sup­

plies, including all items under CMP code 363

FurfuralFurnaces, metal melting, Including all items

under CMP code 422Gages and Precision Measuring Tools, includ­

ing all items under CMP code 658 Heat Treating Equipment, metal, including

all items under CMP code 364 IlmeniteIstle fiber and productsJigs, dies and fixturesJute fiber and jute products except burlapKyanite (Indian)Lamps, IncandescentMachine Tools, non-portable power driven,

including all items under CMP code 350 Machine Tool and Metal Working Machine

Attachments and Accessories, Including all items under CMP code 361

Magnesium in all forms.Mechanics Hand Service Tools, including all

items under CMP code 647 Metal Cutting Tools, Including all items

under CMP code 362Metal Working Machines and Tools, portable,

power-driven, including all items under CMP code 365

Metal Working Presses, hydraulic and me­chanical, including all items under CMP code 355

Mineral aggregates:SandGravelCrushed-stone.Slag

Packings, Gaskets and Oil Seals Pipe fittings— steel and brass not Including

compression, flared or Parker types Piping accessories: industrial, marine, under

CMP Code 597.

Potter’s flint PulpwoodRolling Mill Stands and Attached Equipment,

including all items under CMP code 357 Salt (sodium chloride) In bulk Sediment separatorsShears, Punches and Nibblers, power-driven,

including all items under CMP code 358 Sodium sulfate (salt cake)Sodium sulfite Stoneware clay SulphurValve handwheels Valves, goggleValves, iron, under CMP Code 575 (piping sys­

tem: not airbrake equipment, aircraft, in­strument, refrigeration, regulating, plumb- ing fixture and trim).*

Valves, steel, under CMP Code 574 (piping system: not aircraft, instrument, refrigera-, tion, regulating).

Vermiculite Waste paperWire Drawing Machinery, including all items

under CMP code 359 Wood pulp- Wool: Raw wool

I nterpretation 1


Paragraph (c) (1) of Priorities Regulation 32 prohibits any person from accepting a de­livery which will give him “more than a practicable minimum working inventory rea­sonably necessary to meet his own deliveries on the basis of his current or scheduled meth­od and rate of operation”. This does not pre­vent a person engaged in a seasonal industry who normally stocks up inventory in advance of the season from accepting delivery of his requirements of the inventory in question, provided (a ) that he is not guilty of hoard­ing, and (b ) that the deliveries accepted are no greater and no further in advance than those which he would normally accept in the ordinary course of his business to meet rea­sonably anticipated requirements. (Issued Aug. 28, 1945.)



(a ) Applicable provisions of the regula­tions. Priorities Regulation 32 forbids the making or acceptance of a delivery which will give the customer more than the “prac­ticable minimum working inventory reason­ably necessary” for him to make his own deliveries. A similar provision in paragraph(c ) (2) of Priorities Regulation No. 3 says that a customer who is applying a rating for which no specific quantities have been au­thorized may use it only to get the “mini­mum amount needed.”

(b ) Factors to be considered in deter­mining how much can be ordered and de­livered. In determining a customer’s mini­mum inventory “reasonably necessary” under Priorities Regulation 82 or his “minimum amount needed” under Priorities Regulation No. 3, it is proper in some cases to consider not only the immediate needs of the custom­er’s plant but also whether the amount which he orders will be a minimum produc­tion run for his supplier. The customer may order and receive (and the supplier may de­liver) the customer’s requirements for a longer period in advance than he actually needs at the time of delivery if, but only if, it is not practicable for him to get the item from any supplier in the smaller quantities which he presently needs. The supplier may reject his customer’s order if it is less than the minimum which he regularly sells or less

879than his minimum production run of a product which is mass produced under the conditions explained in Interpretation 3 of Priorities Regulation 1.

(c) Relief in exceptional cases. I f the conditions stated in paragraph (b ) above cannot be satisfied but the customer wants to order or accept delivery of more than his actual needs at the time of delivery, he should apply to the Civilian Production Ad­ministration for permission, stating the facts and why it is not practicable to satisfy the condition of paragraph ( b ) .

(d ) Special provisions for certain mate­rials. Where a specific minimum sale quan­tity is shown in Column 3 of Table 1 of Pri­orities Regulation 32 with respect to any material or product, that quantity controls instead of the rule in this interpretation.

(e ) Specific limits on ratings may not be exceeded. This interpretation does not apply to the use of a rating where a specific quan­tity is stated in the instrument assigning the rating. If a person is assigned a rating for a specific amount of material, he may not use it to get more. If he finds that he can only get the material in larger quantities, he should apply for a modification of the rating.

( f ) No effect on contractual rights. The times and amounts in which deliveries are to be made are to be determined by agree­ment between the supplier and the customer. Nothing in this interpretation relieves a sup­plier from fulfilling a contract to make de­liveries at specified times in specified amounts. For example, if a customer has agreed to buy and a supplier has agreed to furnish 100 units a month for six months, this interpretation does not obligate the buyer to accept 600 units delivered during the first month, although it permits him to do so under the conditions described in paragraph (b ) . (Issued Oct. 1,1945.)

I nterpretation 3


(a ) Paragraph (b ) of Priorities Regula­tion 32 prohibits a person from knowingly making a delivery which will give his cus­tomer more than the latter is permitted to receive under the regulation. Paragraph (f ) of that regulation prohibits a person from processing or fabricating material if his in­ventory of the material in its processed or fabricated form will be more than a prac­ticable minimum working inventory. These two restrictions should be borne in mind by any supplier who wants to make or deliver any material to his customer earlier or in greater quantities than required by the cus­tomer.

(b ) For example: A supplier has accepted his customer’s order of a product to be de­livered at the rate of 100 a month for six months. The supplier would like to ship 200 a month for three months, or perhaps the entire 600 in the first month. Since the cus­tomer’s requirements of 100 a month are presumably all he could accept within the inventory limitations of paragraph (c) of the regulation, the requirement that the sup­plier may not knowingly ship more than this would prevent him from delivering earlier than required by his customer, unless he received notice from his customer that the receipt of the larger amount would not cause him to have an excess inventory.

(c ) Thus, before delivering a material or product substantially earlier or in greater quantities than is called for by his custom­er’s order, a supplier is required to satisfy ’himself that the receipt by the customer of the changed quantities will be within the permissible inventory limitations applicable to the customer. The supplier may rely on any statement or notice to this effect from

No. 17------ 2

880 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

his customer, unless he knows or has reason to know that it is false.

(d ) Similarly, assuming his customer would not be permitted to receive the larger quan­tities, the supplier should take this into ac­count in his plans for processing the material or product so that he himself will not have an inventory greater than permitted by para­graph (f ) of the regulation.

(e) This interpretation, of course, does not change the rule on delivery or acceptance of minimum sale quantities or production runs to the extent described in Interpretation 2 to this regulation, nor does it prevent earlier delivery of iron products, steel, copper and

.copper base alloys under the, conditions de­scribed in paragraph (c) (3) of Priorities Regulation 32. Also, if any CPA order or regulation permits increased deliveries to the extent necessary to avoid shipping partly filled containers (such as paragraph (y) (4) of Order M-300), the rule in this interpreta­tion does not prevent such deliveries. (Is­sued Oct. 1, 1945.)

I nterpretation 4


(a ) Paragraph (c) of Priorities Regulation 32 prohibits a person from accepting delivery of material if his inventory of it is, or will be, greater than the maximum prescribed. For the purpose of this regulation, material is considered to be inventory until it is actually put into process or is actually installed or assembled. Putting into process does not include minor initial operations, such as painting, and does not include any shearing, cutting, trimming or other operation unless such initial operations are part of a contin­uous fabricating or assembling operation. Nor does it include operations such as in­spection, testing and ageing nor segregation or earmarking for a specific job or operation.

(b ) For example, if a manufacturer who uses wire or rod cuts a sufficient quantity of it to length at one time to maintain his op­erations for a considerable period of tinreT the cut pieces remain as inventory until proc­essed into another form or until assembled or installed.

(c) If a manufacturer purchases and stores steel castings in the form purchased, the steel castings are not put into process when the castings are painted and stored. Consequent­ly, the inventory of castings includes those painted and stored.

(d ) I f a manufacturer shears steel sheet and stocks in sheared form, such stock is still part of his inventory, if the material does not continue in production. (Issued Aug. 28, 1945)

I nterpretation 5


(a) Paragraph (c) of Priorities Regulation 32 prohibits the acceptance of delivery of material if a person’s inventory of it is, or will be, more than the amount permitted by the regulation. If material is acquired within these restrictions, the regulation does not prohibit the mere possession of an in­ventory if a change in circumstances makes it greater than the amount permitted. For instance, if based upon current rate of pro­duction a manufacturer’s permitted inven­tory of one item of steel is 100 tons and he has in inventory 60 tons, he may receive a further delivery of 40 tons. If after re­ceiving the delivery of 40 tons his rate of consumption, because of contract cancella­tion or the like, is reduced drastically, the mere fact that he has an inventory of 100 tons, although his permitted inventory may be only 10 tons, is not a violation of the reg­ulation. He may not, of course, accept any further deliveries of that item of steel until

his inventory has been reduced below 10 tons (except as provided in paragraph (h ) of Pri­orities Regulation 32 and Direction 3 to that regulation, relating to material already shipped, special items, etc.)

(b ) Similarly, the regulation does not af­fect the liability of a customer for material in inventory when the customer cancels his contract. Such liability is controlled by the provisions of the contract between the cus­tomer and his supplier and by contract law. (Issued Aug. 28, 1945)

[F. R. Doc. 46-1164; Filed, J$n. 22, 1946;11:22 a. m.]

P art 944— R egulations A pplicable to the O peration op the P riorities System

[Priorities Reg. 32, Direction 7, as Amended Jan.22,1946]


The following amended direction is issued pursuant to PR 32:

(a ) Purpose. In view of the continued shortage of newsprint, this direction restricts deliveries of newsprint to all users based upon their inventory. It tells a user how many days’ inventory he may have based on his average daily consumption during the last six months of 1945. It also requires all users of newsprint to report monthly on the amount of newsprint in inventory.

(b ) Definitions.— (1) Newsprint. “News­print” means the grades of paper commonly known as “standard newsprint” and “super­standard newsprint”.

(2) Inventory. “Inventory” means all the newsprint which is owned by a user or is available for his use. It includes»the news­print which he has on hand, in storage, and in transit and paper held for his use by a paper merchant; warehouseman or other person regardless of its physical location. However, it does not include newsprint shipped by water and held in warehouse by a paper manufacturer or merchant as part of the inventory of the manufacturer or mer­chant; such paper does not become part of a user’s inventory until it is delivered to him.

(c) Inventory ceiling. No user may ac­cept delivery of newsprint in any calen­dar month if he has reason to believe his inventory will by virtue of such acceptance become on the last day of the month greater than: (1) 30 days’ supply for users in the states named in List A, (2) 50 days’ supply for users' in the states named in List B, or (3) 60 tons for users who would be limited to a smaller amount by subdivision (1) or (2) above.


Connecticut MarylandDistrict of Columbia MassachusettsDelaware MichiganIllinois MinnesotaIndiana MissouriIowa NebraskaKansas New HampshireKentucky New JerseyMaine New YorkNorth Dakota VermontOhio VirginiaPennsylvania West VirginiaRhode Island South Dakota



Alabama NevadaArizona New MexicoArkansas North CarolinaCalifornia OklahomaColorado OregonFlorida South CarolinaGeorgia TennesseeIdaho TexasLouisiana UtahMontana WashingtonMississippi Wyoming

(d) Exclusions from inventory. In com­puting the maximum tonnage which a user may have in his inventory on the last day of any month in accordance with para­graph (c ), he shall exclude in January and February 1946, any less-than-quota savings under his consumption quota of Order L-240 which he had in inventory on December 31, 1945. He shall also exclude newsprint which he has received by Great Lakes or coastal waterborne shipments; provided on May 1 of any calendar year he shall have on hand or available for use no more than the amount of newsprint permitted him by the applicable limitations of paragraph (c) above.

(e ) Computation of rate of consumption.The number of days’ supply for a newspaper shall be computed at the average daily rate of allowable consumption under Order L-240 for the last six months of 1945. The number of days’ supply for a user other than a news­paper shall be computed at the average daily rate of allowable consumption under Sched- ule I of Order L-240 for the 4th quarter of 1945. '

(f ) Reports. On and after January 1, 1946 all users of more than 25 tons of newsprint in any calendar quarter shall file with the Civilian Production Admin­istration a monthly statement of his inven­tory of newsprint on Form WPB 4292 within three days after the close of each month,, beginning with January 1946.

This reporting requirement has been ap­proved by the Bureau of'the Budget in ac­cordance with' the Federal Reports Act of 1942.

(g ) Persons not established as users of newsprint. Any person who is not, but wishes to become, a regular user of newsprint must apply by letter to the Civilian Produc­tion Administration for permission to get an initial inventory of newsprint in excess of 60 tons. This letter should state how much newsprint he needs to- start operating, the purpose for which the newsprint is to be used and any other information to help the Civilian Production Administration decide whether he intends to become a regular user of newsprint.

Appeals. Any appeal from this direction should be filed by letter, in triplicate, to the Civilian Production Administration, Printing and Publishing Branch, Washington 25, D. C. Ref: PR 32, Direction 7.

Communications. All communications concerning this direction shall, unless other­wise directed, be addressed to the Civilian Production Administration, Printing and Publishing Branch, Washington 25, D. C. Ref: PR 32, Direction 7.

(h ) Applicability of Priorities Regulation 32. All provisions of Priorities Regulation 32 apply to newsprint except to the extent, this direction gives different rules.

(i) [Deleted Jan. 22, 1946,]

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C iv il ia n P roduction

A d m in istr atio n ,By J. Joseph W h e la n ,

Recording Secretary.[F. R. Doc. 46-1163; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:22 a. m.[

881FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 81, 1946

Chapter XI—Office of Price Administration

P art 1305—A d m in istr atio n

[SO 126, Amdt. 14]


A statement of the considerations in­volved in the issuance of this amend­ment, issued simultaneously herewith, has been filed with the Division of the Federal Register.

Supplementary Order No. 126 is amended in the following respect:

Section 7 (a) is amended by adding the following to the list of articles con­tained therein:

Toys and games, except velocipedes, tri­cycles, scooters, children’s automobiles, three- wheel play cars, and metal wagons longer than eighteen inches.

This amendment shall become effective on the 28th day of January 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.Chester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1247; Filed, Jan. 23, 1940;

11:25 a. m.]

P art 1305—A dm in istr atio n

[SO 132, Amdt. 15]


A statement of the considerations in­volved in the issuance of this amend­ment has been issued and filed with the Division of the Federal Register.

Supplementary Order No. 132 is amended in the following respects:

1. In section 1 (a ) (1) the following commodity is added in alphabetical or­der:

Clams, frozenEels, canned (Imported and Domestic) Oysters, frozen

2. In section 1 (a) (2), the following commodities are added in alphabetical order:

Beet juice, canned Cabbage, cannedLettuce, hothouse (lettuce grown in hot­

houses)Onions, canned (does :.ot include pickled

onions)Parsnips, canned Peppers, fresh, canned Potatoes, Irish, canned (does not include

french fried, shoestring or Julienne po­tatoes)

Rutabagas, canned Sauerkraut juice, canned Sweet potatoes, canned Turnips, canned

3: In section 1 <a) (3), the following commodity is added in alphabetical order:

Oatmeal, Irish (Imported)

4. In section 1 (a) (5), the following commodities are added in alphabetical order:

Banana Flakes, dehydrated (Imported) Imitation Sago (Red, made from potato

flour) Imported

Calf’s Foot Jelly (Imported)Sesame Seed, hulled (Imported)

5. In section 1 (a) (6) the commodity “ Ice cream cones” is amended to read “ Ice cream cones (unfilled) and the fol­lowing commodities are added in alpha­betical order:

Ice cream sandwich wafers (unfilled)* Ice cream sandwich waffles (unfilled)

6. In section 1 (c) the following com­modities are added in alphabetical order:

Cigar cuttings and clippingsSnuff (Imported)

» 7. Section (1) ( f ) is added to read as follows:

(f ) The following miscellaneous com­modities (not food) :

Gelatin, pharmaceutical, of the following type:

A non-pyrogenic, non-antigenic gelatin suitable as a starting material for the prepa­ration of intravenous solutions.

8. In section 2 (a) (2) the termination date named for “ Crabmeat, fresh, frozen and canned” is amended to read March 30, 1946.

9. In section 2 (b) the termination date named for “Vegetable seeds” is amended to read “ Indefinite” .

This amendment shall become effective January 28, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.C hester B o w le s ,

Administrator.Approved: January 11, 1946.

J. B. H u t so n ,Acting Secretary of Agriculture.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1248; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;11:25 a. m.]

P art 1351—F ood and F ood P roducts

[RMPR 296,1 Incl. Arndts. 1-10]


This compilation of Revised Maximum Price Regulation 296 includes Amend­ment 10, effective January 28,1946. The paragraph deleted by Amendment 10 is indicated by a note.

In the judgment of the Price Adminis­trator, the maximum prices established by this revised regulation are generally fair and equitable and comply with all the provisions and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and of E.O. 9250 and E.O. 9328.

Such specifications and standards as are used in this revised regulation were, prior to such use, in general use in the trade or industry affected or have pre­viously been promulgated and their use lawfully required by another Govern­ment agency.

A statement of the considerations in­volved in the issuance of this revised regulation, issued simultaneously here­with, has been filed with the Division of the Federal Register.8

* 8 FR . 16282.* Statements of the Considerations are also

issued simultaneously with amendments. Copies may be obtained from-the Office of Price' Administration.

§ 1351.1651 Maximum prices for flour from wheat, semolina and farina. Un­der the authority vested in the Price Administrator by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and Executive Orders 9250 and 9328, Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 296 (Flour from Wheat, Semolina and Fa­rina sold by Millers, Blenders, Primary Distributors and Flour Jobbers) which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby issued.Sec.1. Maximum prices for flour from wheat,

semolina and farina.2. Less than maximum prices.3. Applicability.4. Adjustable pricing.5. Evasive practices.6. Records and reports.7. Carrying charges.8. •, Enforcement.9. Federal and state taxes.

10. Sales to government agencies under spe­cial circumstances.

11. Petitions for amendment.12. Adjustments by Administrator or Re­

gional Administrator.13. Licensing.14. Notification of change in maximum

prices.15. Moisture basis for protein and ash con­

tent calculations.16. Definitions.17. Adjustment of maximum price contain­

ing a fraction of a cent.18. Sales made under condition^ of uncer­

tainty in respect to continuation of the flour production payments pro­gram.

A p p e n d ix A

I. Maximum prices for bakery flour other than soft wheat bakery flour, packed in 100 pound cotton sacks, in carload quantities, delivered at specified destinations except in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and California.

II. Maximum prices for sales of all bakery flours, packed in 100 pound cotton sacks, in carloaid quantities, delivered at specified des­tinations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho Utah, Nevada and California.

III. Maximum prices for cake flour and other soft wheat bakery flour, packed in 100 pound cotton bags, in carload quantities, delivered at specified destinations.

IV. Maximum prices for semolinas and durum flours in carload quantities.

V. Maximum prices for family flours in carload quantities, packed in 100 pound sacks, delivered at specified destinations.

VI. Maximum prices for family cake flour, and family whole wheat flour, and for family farina, enriched and unenriched.

VII. Maximum prices for bakery patent flours, packed in 100 pound cotton bags, in carload quantities, delivered at specified destinations.

V in . Maximum prices when the buyer supplies containers.

IX. Maximum prices for other shipments or deliveries, including less-than-carload quantities, except in the case of sales at retail.

X. Maximum prices for sales by millers or blenders at retail.

XI. Maximum prices for sales of imported, flour from wheat, semolina or farina.

XII. Maximum prices applicable to export sales and sales to exporters.

XIII. Maximum prices at non-rail points.XIV. Selection by the buyer of his receiving

point.XV. Maximum prices for sales by persons

other than millers, blenders, primary dis­tributors and flour jobbers.

A u t h o r it y : § 1351.1651 issued under 56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383, 78th Cong.; Pub. Law 108, 79th Cong.; E.O. 0250,

882 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681; E.O. 9599, 10 F.R. 10155, E.O. 9651, 10 FJR. 13487.

Section 1. Maximum prices tor flour from wheat, semolina and farina. Re­gardless of any contract, agreement or other obligation, no person shall sell or deliver, or agree, offer, solicit or at­tempt to sell or deliver, and no person shall in the course of trade or business buy or receive any flour from wheat, semolina or farina at prices higher than the maximum prices permittted by Ap­pendix A hereof: Provided, That any contract entered into while the original Maximum Price Regulation No. 296 was in effect may be performed according to its terms if such contract complies with the provisions of said original Max­imum Price Regulation No. 296; and Further provided, That any contract en­tered into prior to June 1, 1944, may be performed according to its terms, not­withstanding the changes in maximum prices specified by Amendment No. 3, issued May 31, 1944, if such contract complies with the maximum prices es­tablished prior to June 1, 1944, and with all of the other provisions of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 296.[Sec. 1 amended by Am. 3, 9 F.R. 5985, effec­

tive 6-1-44]

Sec. 2. Less than maximum prices. Lower prices than those set forth herein may be charged, demanded, paid or of­fered.

Sec. 3. Applicability. The provisions of this Revised Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 296 are applicable to the forty- eight states and the District of Columbia and supersede Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 296 as to all flours mentioned in section 1 hereof.

Sec. 4. Adjustable pricing. Any per­son may agree to sell at a price which can be increased up to the maximum price in effect at the time of delivery; but no person may, unless authorized by the Office of Price Administration, de­liver or agree to deliver at prices to be adjusted upward in accordance with ac­tion taken by the Office of Price Admin­istration after delivery. Such author­ization may be given when a request for a change jin the applicable maximum price is pending; but only if the author­ization is necessary to promote distri­bution or production and if it will not interfere with the purposes of the Emer­gency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. The authorization may be given by the Administrator or by an official of the Office of Price Administra­tion to whom the authority to grant such authorization has been delegated. The authorization will be given by order, except that it may be given by letter or telegram when the contemplated revi­sion will be the granting of an individual application for adjustment.

Sec. 5. Evasive practices. The pro­visions of this regulation shall not be evaded, whether by direct or indirect methods, in connection with any offer, solicitation, agreement, sale, delivery, purchase, or receipt of or relating to flour from wheat, semolina and farina alone or in conjunction with any other commod­ity, or by way of commission, service, transportation, or other charge, or dis­count, premium, or other privilege, or by

tying agreement, or other trade under­standing or by any other means.

Sec. 6. Récords and reports. Every person making a purchase or sale of flour from wheat, semolina or farina in the course of trade or business shall keep for inspection by the Office of Price Ad­ministration for so long as the Emer­gency Price Control Act of 1942, as’ amended, remains in effect, complete and accurate records for each such purchase and sale, including the date thereof, the names of the seller and purchaser, a description of the commodity sold and the price paid: Provided, That in the case of sales of ten hundred weights or less the seller and purchaser shall keep only such records as they customarily kept at the effective date of this regu­lation.8

Sec. 7. Carrying charges. Carrying charges may be added to the maximum prices for flour from wheat, semolina and farina set forth in Appendix A hereof, other than those maximum prices set forth in section VI of Appendix A. Such carrying charges shall not exceed Yi2 of a cent per hundredweight per day for each day’s delay in shipment beyond 60 days from the date of the contract of sale or beyond the delivery date speci­fied under such contract, whichever is later, which is caused by the failure of the buyer to furnish shipping instruc­tions (and necessary containers, if sale is made on a bulk basis) in accordance with the specifications of the contract of sale,

S ec. 8. Enforcement. Persons violating any provision of this regulation are sub­ject to the criminal penalties, civil en­forcement actions, and suits for treble damages, and proceedings for suspension of licenses, provided for by the Emer­gency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended.

S ec. 9. Federal and State taxes, i$ iy tax upon, or incident to, the sale, deliv­ery, processing or use of flour from wheat, semolina or farina, imposed by any stat­ute of the United States or statute or ordinance of any state or subdivision thereof, shall be treated as follows in determining the seller’s maximum price for such commodity and in preparing the records of such seller with respect there­to: I f the statute or ordinance imposing such tax does not prohibit the seller from stating and collecting the tax sep­arately from the purchase price, and the seller does separately state it, the seller may collect, in addition to the maximum price, the amount of the tax actually paid by him or am amount equal to the amount of tax paid by any prior vendor and separatey stated and col­lected from the seller by the vendor from whom he purchased: Provided, however, That the tax on transportation of all property (excepting coal) imposed by section 620 of the Revenue Act of 1942 shall, for purposes of determining the applicable maximum price of any prod- ùct covered by this Revised Maximum

* The record keeping provisions of this regulation have been approved by the Bureau of thé Budget in accordance with the Federal Reports Act of 1942.

Price Regulation No. 296, be treated as though it were an increase of 3% in the amount charged by every person engaged in the business of transporting prop­erty for hire. It shall not be treated as a tax for which a charge may be made in addition to the basic price. Wher­ever in this Revised Maximum Price Reg­ulation No. 293 a maximum price is determined by adding a transportation charge to a basic price, the transporta­tion charge shall be the charge computed by using the applicable transportation rate and adding thereto 3% of said trans­portation charge.

Sec. 10. Sales to government agencies under special circumstances— (a) Ex­emption of emergency p u r c h a s e s . Whenever circumstances of emergency make a purchase by the United States or any of its agencies imperative and it is impossible to secure or unfair to re­quire immediate delivery at the maxi­mum price which would otherwise be ap­plicable, such purchases and deliveries may be made pursuant to the provisions of section 4.3 (f) of Revised Supplemen­tary Regulation No. 14 of the General Maximum Price Regulation, as amended: Provided, however, That the Adminis­trator may by order waive the reporting of any part of the information required by section 4.3 (f) in connection with the particular purchase or group of pur­chases upon determining that such in­formation may not reasonably be re­quired under all the circumstances and he may in lieu thereof require the re­porting of other information more suited to the circumstances.

(b) [Deleted.][Paragraph (b ) deleted by Am. 8, 10 F.R.

6952, effective 6-11-45][Sec. 10 amended by Am. 4, 9 F.R. 9424, effec­

tive 8—7—44 and Am. 7,10 F.R. 4979, effective5-2-45]

Sec. 11. Petitions for amendment. Any person seeking a modification of any provision of this regulation may file a petition for amendment in accordance with the provisions of Revised Proce­dural Regulation No. 1B issued by the Office of Price Administration.

Sec. 12. Adjustments by Administrator or Regional Administrator. The Admin­istrator, or any regional administrator as to delivery points within his region, may make adjustments downward or upward to a maximum of 50 cents per hundred­weight in the amounts set forth in para­graphs (b) and (d) of Appendix A sec­tion IX to be added to the maximum car­load prices.

Sec. 13. Licensing. The provisions of Licensing Order No. 16 licensing all per­sons who make sales under price control are applicable to all sellers subject to this regulation. A seller’s license may be sus­pended for violations of the license or of one or more applicable price schedules or regulations. A person whose license is suspended may not, during the period of suspension, make any sale for which hislicense has been suspended.#

* 10 F.R. 2435, 2479, 2757, 32SS, 3947, 4107, 4494, 5458, 7196, 7497, 8241, 8980, 9717, 11364.

5 9 F.R. 10476, 13745.* 8 F.R. 13240.

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 883Sec. 14. Notification of change in max­

imum prices. With the first delivery of any commodity listed in Appendix A, hereof, after a maximum price is changed pursuant to any provision of this regu­lation, or of any amendment thereof, the miller or blender shall:[Above paragraph amended by Am. 4, 9 F.R.

9424, effective 8-7-44]

(a) Supply each wholesaler and re­tailer subject to the provisions of Maxi­mum Price Regulations Nos. 421,T 422,8 or 423,® who purchases from him, with a written notice as set forth below:

(Insert date)


-Our OPA ceiling price for (describe item by kind, variety, brand and container type and size) has been changed by the Office of Price Administration. We are authorized to in­form you that if you arte a wholesaler or re­tailer pricing this item under Maximum Price Regulation Nos. 421, 422 or 423 you must re- figure your ceiling price for this item on the first delivery of it to you from your custom­ary type of supplier containing this notifi­cation on or after (insert date when new price becomes effective). You must refigure your ceiling price following the rules in section 6 of Maximum Price Regulation Nos. 421, 422 or 423, whichever is applicable to you.

For a period of 60 days after the maxi­mum price of an item is changed, and with the first shipment after the 60-day period to each person who has not made a purchase within that time, the miller or blender shall place upon or attach to each invoice the written notice set forth above.[Above paragraph amended by Am. 4, 9 FR .

9424, effective 8-7-44]

(b) Notify each purchaser of the item from him who is a distributor, wholesaler or retailer not subject to Maximum Price Regulations Nos. 421, 422 or 423 of such change in maximum price by the follow­ing written notice attached to or written on the invoice issued in connection with his first transaction with such purchaser after the new price becomes effective:

(Insert date)


Our OPA ceiling price for (describe item by kind, variety, brand and container type andsize) has been changed from $____ to$______ _ under the provisions of Revised Max­imum Price Regulation No. 298. You are required to notify all wholesalers and re­tailers for whom you are the customary type of supplier, purchasing the item from you after (insert date when new price becomes effective), of any allowable change in your maximum price. This notice must be made in the manner prescribed in section 14 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 296.

Sec. 15. Moisture basis for protein and ash content calculations. . Unless other­wise stated all protein and ash limits and determinations are based upon 15.0% moisture content.

Sec. 16. Definitions, (a) When used in this regulation the term:

7 10 F.R. 1496, 5037, 5369, 7251, 11302.810 F.R. 1505, 2024, 2297, 3814, 5370, 5577,

6235, 6514, 7251,' 8015, 8656, 9272, 9263, 9430, 11303.

810 F.R. 1523, 2025, 2298, 3314, 5370, 5578, 6235, 6514, 8015, 8656, 9272, 9263, 9431, 11303.

(1) “Person” means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, any other government or any of its political sub­divisions and any agencies of any of the foregoing.

(2) “Miller” means a primary manu­facturer of flour from wheat, semolina or farina.

(3) “Blender” means a secondary processor who buys flours from wheat, semolina or farina and repacks them for sale. He may blend these products with one another and/or with phosphating, enriching and self-rising ingredients.

(4) “Primary distributor” means a person wlio buys flour from wheat, semo­lina and farina and resells without addi­tional processing and in the original containers. He delivers to bakers and other commercial, institutional and gov­ernmental users in carload quantities and to wholesalers, jobbers and retailer- owned warehouses in both carload and less-than-carload quantities.

(5) “Flour jobber” means a person who buys flour from wheat, semolina and farina and resells without additional processing and in the original containers in less-than-carload quantities to bakers and commercial, institutional or govern­mental users: Provided, That this defi­nition shall not include wholesalers, 50% or more of whose total dollar sales vol­ume is with retail grocery stores.

(6) “Flour from wheat” means:(i) Any product of the milling of wheat, other than durum wheat, whose ash content is not more than the sum of *4o of the percent of protein therein cal­culated to a moisture-free basis, and0.35, including granular flour used in the distillation of alcohol, except that farina shall not be deemed to be flour from wheat, (ii) any product of the milling of durum wheat whose ash con­tent calculated to a moisture-free basis is not more than 1.5%, except that semolina shall not be deemed to be a flour from wheat, (iii) whole wheat flour, crushed wheat and cracked wheat used for human consumption, (iv) whole durum wheat flour, (v ) blends of the foregoing flours from wheat. “Bleached,” “ bromated”, “ enriched”, “phosphated” and “self-rising” flours shall be considered flour and, in de­termining whether the ash content of such flours complies with ash require­ments as set. forth herein, allowances shall be made for the increase in the ash content resulting from the addition of the bleaching, bromating, enriching, phosphating and self-rising ingredients.[Subparagraph (6) amended by Am. 3, 9 F.R.

5985, effective 6-1-44]

(7) “Soft wheat flour” means flour which is milled from soft wheat.

(8) “Cake flour” means a soft wheat flour containing not more than .447% ash calculated to a moisture-free basis (which equals .38% ash calculated to a 15% moisture basis) having a viscosity of not more than 70 degrees (Mac-Mi- chael) determined by the no-time method and capable of producing satis­factory cake, when mixed with an equal weight of liquid and an equal weight of

sugar together with other appropriate ingredients.

(9) “Patent flour” means flour from wheat, except durum wheat, contain­ing not more than .518% ash calculated to a moisture-free basis (which equals .44% ash calculated to a 15% moisture basis).

(10) “Durum fancy patent flour” means flour from wheat which is milled from durum wheat and has a color equal to or better than the color standard gen­erally recognized in the industry as rep­resented by a sample which has been submitted to and accepted by the Dis­trict Office of the Office of Price Admin­istration at St. Paul, Minnesota.

(11) “Family flour” means flour from wheat which is packed and sold for ul­timate use in the home.

(12) “Bakery flour” means flour from wheat, other than flour milled from du­rum wheat, for use by commercial, in­stitutional or governmental users.

(13) “Farina” means the wheat prod­uct of that name conforming to the definition and standard of identity, pro­mulgated by the Federal Security Ad­ministrator.

(14) “Family farina” means farina which is packed and sold for ultimate use in the home.

(15) “Semolina” means the durum wheat product of that name conforming to the definition and standard of iden­tity, promulgated by the Federal Secur­ity Administrator.

(16) “Fancy semolina” means semo­lina which conforms to the specification of semolina in all respects and has a color equal to or better than the color standard generally recognized in the industry as represented by a sample which has been submitted to and ac­cepted by the District Office of the Office of Price Administration at Saint Paul, Minnesota.

(17) “Barrel” means' a unit of 186 pounds net weight.

(18) “Billing” means freight bills or transit credits representing inbound shipments of grain or grain products duly recorded with railroads or railroad transit bureaus for transit purposes. '

(19) “Carload quantity” means a ship­ment of 40,000 pounds or more.

(20) “Pool car shipment” means a shipment in carload quantity of two or more less-than-carload lots to two or more buyers, combined for the purpose of obtaining the carload rate.

(21) “Mixed car shipment” means a shipment in carload quantity to a single buyer and composed in part of flour and in part of products other than flour.

(22) “ Sale at retail” means a sale by a miller, blender, primary distributor or flour jobber to an ultimate consumer ex­cept that the following sales shall not be deemed to be sales at retail: (i) Sales in carload quantities, pool cars, or mixed cars and (ii) sales to commercial, insti­tutional and governmental userk

Sec. 17. Adjustment of maximum price containing a fraction of a cent. ‘ I f the figure resulting from the calculation of a maximum price according to the pro­visions of Appendix A contains a frac­tion of one-half cent or more, it shall be adjusted to the next higher cent, or if it contains a fraction of less than one-half

884 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

cent it shall be adjusted to the next lower cent.[Sec. 17 added by Am. 1, 9 F.R. 576, effective


Sec. 18. Sales made under conditions of uncertainty in respect to continuation of the flour production payments pro­gram. (1) Whenever uncertainties in respect to the continuation of the flour production payments program create risks which make it unfair to require or to expect the miller to sell flour for future delivery at the maximum price that may be in effect at the time of delivery, the miller may contract to sell and the pur­chaser may contract to buy at a price no higher than the maximum price in effect on the date of the contract of sale and they may include in such contract a provision to the effect that if, at the time of delivery, the flour production payments program has been modified or eliminated, the purchaser may pay and the miller may receive the amount agreed upon in the contract of sale (not exceeding the applicable maximum price on the date of the contract of sale) plus an amount equal to any decrease in flour production payments applicable to the flour sold resulting from such modifi­cation or elimination.

(2) Any miller, holding a contract with a purchaser pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph (1) above, may subcon­tract with another miller for the pro­duction and delivery of the whole or any portion of the flour covered by such con­tract. Such subcontract may include a provision similar to the one set forth in subparagraph (1) above to cover any such decrease.

(3) On resale of any flour for which more than the maximum price otherwise applicable has been paid pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph (1) above, such excess payment may be added to the maximum price otherwise applicable on such resale: Provided, That this sub- paragraph (3) shall have no application, if prior to the resale of such flour, the regulation is amended so that the maxi­mum price in effect at the time of such resale will reflect to such seller his in­creased cost of such flour.[Sec. 18 added by Am. 8,10 F.R. 6952, effective

6-11-45]A p p e n d ix A

I. Maximum prices for "bakery flour other than soft wheat bakery flour, packed, in 100 pound cotton sacks, in carload quantities, delivered at specified destinations except in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and California, (a ) At destinations in the territory east of a line drawn along the east­ern shore of Lake Michigan starting at the northernmost point of the lower peninsula of Michigan thence southward to the Indi- ana-Illinois state line, thence southward along such line to the Ohio River and follow­ing such river to its Junction with the Mis­sissippi River, thence following the Missis­sippi River southward to the Gulf of Mexico but not including destinations in Louisiana, the maximum prices shall be determined as follows :

1. At destinations in Central Freight Asso­ciation territory including destinations in Kentucky as covered by Central Freight As­sociation Freight Tariff No. 535 series, also Paducah, Kentucky, and at destinations in Trunk Line and New England territories as covered by Trunk Line Freight Tariff No. 245 series and including destinations on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway west of Ash­

land, Kentucky, to Preston, Kentucky, inclu­sive, and destinations in Kentucky on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway sputh of Cat- lettsburg, Kentucky, the maximum prices shall be $3.34 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.54 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the domestic carload pro­portional ail-rail rate from Minneapolis to the destinations, applicable on traffic from Northwest territory.

2. At destinations in Southeastern Freight Association territory and in Carolina rate territory, as covered by Southeastern and Carolina Grain tariff No. 94 series, but not including destinations in Kentucky covered by said tariff, the maximum prices shall be $3.31 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% and less and $3.38 per hundredweight for such flour with a pro­tein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the domestic carload proportional all-rail rate from Kansas City to Louisville or Cincinnati or beyond, and plus the charge at the domestic carload proportional all-rail rate from Louisville or from Cincinnati to the destination, applicable on billing origi­nating in Ohio and Indiana, whichever is lower.

3. At destinations in Mississippi Valley Territory as covered by Mississippi Valley Grain Tariff No. 133 series, except those in Louisiana, also at destinations in Kentucky, except those covered in subparagraph 1, the maximum prices shall be $3.31 per hundred­weight for such flour with a content of 13.5% protein or less and $3.38 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest domestic carload proportional all-rail rate from Kansas City, Missouri, to the destination.[Subparagraphs 1, 2 and 3 amended by Am. 3,

9 F.R. 5985, effective 6-1-44](b ) At destinations in Oklahoma, the max­

imum price shall be $3.32 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.39*per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

(c) At destinations in Texas and Louisi­ana, the maximum prices shall be $3.06 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% and less and $3.13 per hun­dredweight for such flour with a protein con­tent greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest domestic flat carload rail rate from Enid, Oklahoma, to the destination.

(d) At destinations in Missouri, the maxi­mum prices shall be as follows:

1. At destinations to which railroad pro­portional rates apply from Kansas City, Mis­souri, the maximum price shall be $3.31 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.38 per hun­dredweight for such flour with a protein con­tent greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest carload proportional rail rate from Kansas City, Missouri, to the destination.

2. At destinations to which proportional rates do not apply, the maximum prices shall be $3.31 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.38 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus 5 cents per hundredweight in Group A, 8 cents per hundredweight in Groups B, C, D, and M, 13 cents per hundredweight in Groups E, J, J -l, and K and at Dunn and Cabool. The rate group,s referred to are designated in Sputhwestern Lines Freight Tariff No. 186 series.

(e) At destinations in Arkansas, the maxi­mum prices shall be $3.31 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.38 per hundredweight for such flour with protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest carload proportional rail rate from Kansas City, Mis­souri, to the destination.

(f) At destinations in Kansas, the maxi­mum prices shall be determined as follows:

1. East of a line drawn along the eastern boundaries of Phillips, Rooks, Ellis, Rush, Pawnee, Edwards, Kiowa, and Comanche Counties, except in the following counties—• Linn, Anderson, Allen, Bourbon, Crawford, Neosho, Labette, and Cherokee, the maximum prices shall be $3.31 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.38 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

2. Within Linn, Anderson, Allen, Bourbon, Crawford, Neosho, Labette and Cherokee Counties, the maximum prices shall be $3.36 per hundredweight for such flour with a pro­tein content of 13.5% or less and $3.43 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

3. West of the line named in subparagraph 1' hereof, except within Cheyenne, Rawlins and Decatur Counties, the maximum prices shall be $3.39 for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.46 per hun­dredweight for flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

4. At destinations within Cheyenne, Raw­lins and Decatur Counties, the maximum prices shall be $3.41 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.48 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

(g ) At destinations in Nebraska, the max­imum prices shall be determined as follows:

1. Within the area bounded on the north and west by and including Douglas, Dodge, Colfax, Platte, Boone, Greeley, Garfield, Val­ley, Sherman, Buffalo, Kearney and Franklin Counties, the maximum prices shall be $3.31 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.38 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

2. Within the area north of that described in subparagraph 1 hereof, and bounded on the west by and including Boyd and Holt Counties, the maximum prices shall be $3.36 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.43 per hundredweighkfor such flour with a pro­tein content greater than 13.5%.

3. Within Scotts Bluff, Banner, Kimball, Box Butte, Morrill, Cheyenne, and Deuel Counties, the maximum prices shall be $3.34 per hundredweight for such flour with a pro­tein content of 13.5% or less and $3.41 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

4. Within the remaining counties of the state not included under subparagraphs 1, 2 or 3 hereof, the maximum prifces shall be $3.41 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.48 per hundredweight for such flour with a pro­tein content greater than 13.5%.

(h ) At destinations in Iowa, the maximum prices shall be $3.31 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.38 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest appli­cable carload proportional rail rate from Omaha, Nebraska to the destination.

(i) At destinations in Minnesota, the max­imum prices shall be determined as follows:

1. At destinations within the area bounded on the east and south by the main line of the Minnesota and International Railway Company from International Falls to Brain- erd, thence along the line of the Northern Pacific Railway to Minneapolis, thence west­erly along the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad to Granite Falls thence southwesterly along the line of the Great Northern Railway Company and of South Dakota border near Jasper, Minne­sota, including all points on the lines of the Great Northern Railway. Company and of


• »FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 885

the Northern Pacific Railway mentioned above but not including points on the lines of the Minnesota and International Railway and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, the maximum prices shall be $3.34 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.54 for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

[Subparagraph 1 corrected, 8 F.R. 17375, effec­tive 1-3-44]2. At destinations out§lde the area de­

scribed in subparagraph 1 hereof, the maxi- *mum-prices shall be $3.34 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.54 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge a(T the lowest carload intrastate proportional rail rate from Minneapolis to the destination.

( j ) At destinations in Wisconsin, Illinois and the northern peninsula of Michigan, the maximum prices shall be $3.34 per hundred­weight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.54 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest carload proportional rail rate from Minne­apolis to the destination.

(k) At destinations in North Dakota, the maximum prices shall be $3.24 per hundred­weight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.44 for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%'.

(l) At destinations in South Dakota, the maximum prices shall be $3.34 per hundred­weight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.54 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

(m ) At destinations in Montana, the max­imum prices shall be determined as follows:

1. At destinations in and east of Phillips, Garfield, Rosebud and Powder River Counties, except destinations on the Chicago, Milwau­kee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad in Rose­bud and Custer Counties west of Miles City, the maximum price shall be $3.09 per hun­dredweight for such flour with a protein con­tent of 13.5% or less and $3.29 per hundred­weight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5% plus the charge at the highest carload rail rate on flour, semolina or farina, applicable from Sydney, Montana, to the destination.

2. At destinations west of the territory de­scribed in subparagraph 1 hereof, and in­cluding stations on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad in Rosebud and Custer Counties west of Miles City, the max­imum prices shall be $3.02 per hundred­weight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.22 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the lowest charge produced by using the highest carload rail rate on flour, semolina or • farina, applicable from Great Palls or from Billings, Montana, to the des­tination.

(n ) At destinations in Wyoming, the max­imum prices shall be determined as follows :

1. South of the northern boundaries of Teton, Fremont, Natrona, Converse and Nio­brara Counties, except in Lincoln and Uinta Counties, the maximum prices shall be $3.04 per hundredweight for such flour with a pro­tein content of 13.5% or less and $3.11 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Ster­ling, Colorado, via Denver to the destination.

2. In Lincoln and Uinta Counties, the maximum prices shall be $3.38 per hundred­weight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less, and $3.58 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest car­load transit balance rail rate from Ogden, Utah, to the destination applicable on billing originating at Bancroft, Idaho.

3. North of the line described in subpara­graph 1 above, the maximum prices shall be

$2.92 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.12 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Billings, Montana, to the destination.

(o) At destinations in Colorado, the maxi­mum prices shall be determined as follows:

1. At destinations in Larimer, Boulder, Adams, Weld, Morgan, Washington, Kit Car- son, Yuma, Phillips, Logan, Sedgewick, Lin­coln, Cheyenne, Elbert, Arapahoe and Denver Counties of Colorado, the maximum prices shall be $3.22 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content«of 13.5% or less and $3.29 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.

2. At destinations in Gilpin, Clear Creek, Park, Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Custer, Huerfano, Las Animas, Baca, Prowers, Bent, Otero, Pueblo, Crowley, Jefferson, Teller, and Kiowa Counties of Colorado the maximum prices shall be $3.27 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.34 for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%.[Subparagraphs 1 and 2 corrected, 8 F.R.

17375, effective 1-3-44]3. At all other points, the maximum prices

shall be $3.04 per hundredweight for such\ flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.11 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Sterling, Colorado, to the destina­tion.

(p ) At destinations in New Mexico and Arizona, the maximum prices shall be de­termined as follows:

1. In Quay, Debaca, Curry, Roosevelt, Gua­dalupe, Lincoln, Otero, Chaves, Lea and Eddy Counties in New Mexico, the maximum prices shall be $3.06 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13,5% or less and $3.13 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content greater than 13.5% plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Enid, Oklahoma, to the destination.[Subparagraph 1 corrected, 8 F.R. 17375, effec­

tive 1-3-44]2. At all other destinations in New Mexico

and Arizona, the maximum prices shall be $3.04 per hundredweight for such flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.11 per hundredweight for such flour with a pro­tein content greater than 13.5%, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Sterling, Colorado, to the destination.

n . Maximum 'prices for sales of all bakery flours packed in 100 pound cotton sacks in carload quantities delivered at specified des­tinations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and California, (a ) At desti­nations in Washington, Oregon and Northern Idaho, the maximum prices shall be de­termined as follows:

1. West of a line drawn along the line of the Great Northern Railway from the Cana­dian border through Oroville to, but not in­cluding, Trinidad and thence along the west bank of the Columbia River to a point due east of Leslie, thence in a straight line to Leslie, thence in a straight line to Erie, thence in a straight line to Plymouth, thence westerly along the Columbia River to the western boundary of Umatilla County,* Ore­gon, thence southward along the western boundaries of Umatilla, Grant, and Harney Counties to the California border, and in­cluding all points on this line, the maximum prices shall be $3.67 per hundredweight for cake flour, $2.77 per hundredweight for other bakery flour with a protein content less than 10.0%, $3.06 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a protein content of 10.0% or greater, but less than 13.5% and $3.26 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a pro­tein content of 13.5% or greater, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Spokane* Washington, to the desti­nation.

2. East of a line drawn along the Great Northern Railway from the Canadian border through Oroville to Trinidad, and thence along the east bank of the Columbia River to its Junction with the Snake River and thence easterly along the north bank of the Snake River to the Idaho border, and including all points of this line except points west and north of Trinidad on the Great Northern Railway, the maximum prices shall be $3.83 per hundredweight for cake flour, $2.93 per hundredweight for other bakery flour with a protein content less than 10.0%, $3.22 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a pro­tein content of 10.0% or greater, but less than 13.5%, and $3.42 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a protein content of 13.5% or greater.

3. At destinations in Walla Walla, Colum­bia, Garfield and Asotin Counties in Wash­ington, the maximum price shall be $3.87 per hundredweight for cake flour, $2.97 per hundredweight for other bakery flour with a protein content less than 10.0%, $3.26 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a pro­tein content of 10.0% or greater, but less than 13.5%, and $3.46 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a protein content of 13.5% or greater.

4. At destinations in Oregon on and north of the lines of the Union Pacific Railroad from Umatilla through Hinkle, Pendleton, Athena and Freewater to the Washington border, the maximum prices shall be $3.87 per hundred weight for cake flour, $2.97 per hun­dred weight for other bakery flour with a pro­tein content less than 10.0%, $3.26 per hun­dred weight for bakery flour with a protein content of 10.0% or greater, but less than 13.5,% and $3.46 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein content of 13.5% or greater.

5. At destinations in Idaho north of the southern boundary of Idaho County, the maximum prices shall be $3.87 per hundred weight for cake flour, $2.97 per hundred weight for other bakery flour with a protein content less than 10.0%, $3.26 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein con­tent of 10.0% or greater but less than 13.5% apd $3.46 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein content of 13.5% or greater.

6. At destinations in Oregon in Umatilla County (except that portion described in subparagraph 4 hereof), Union, Wallowa and Baker Counties, and at destinations in Grant County on the line of the Sumpter Valley Railroad from Baker to Bates, the maximum prices shall be $3.67 per hundred weight for cake flour, $2.77 per hundred weight for other bakery flour with a protein content less than 10.0%, $3.06 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein content of 10.0% or greater, but less than 13.5%, and $3.26 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a pro­tein content of 13.5% or greater, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Spokane to the destination.

7. At destinations in Oregon in Grant- County (except that portion described in sub- paragraph 6 hereof), Harney and Malheur Counties, the maximum prices shall be $4.00 per hundred weight for cake flour, $3.10 per hundred weight for other bakery flour with a protein content of less than 10.0%, $3.38 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein content of 10.0% or greater, but less than 13.5%, and $3.58 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein con­tent of 13.5% or greater, plus the charge at the lowest carload transit balance rail rate from Ogden, Utah on billing originating at Bancroft, Idaho.

(b ) At destinations in California, the max­imum prices shall be $3.67 per hundred weight for cake flour, $2.77 per hundred weight for other bakery flour with a protein content less than 10.0%, $3.06 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein con­tent of 10.0% or greater, but less than 13.5%, and $3.26 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein content of 13.5% or

• •886 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

greater, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Spokane, Washington to the destination.

(c) At destinations in Idaho south of the southern boundary of Idaho County, and in Utah and Nevada, the maximum prices shall be $4.00 per hundred weight for cake flour, $3.10 per hundred weight for other bakery flour with a protein content less than 10.0%, $3.38 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein content 10.0% or greater, but less than 13.5%, and $3.58 per hundred weight for bakery flour with a protein con­tent of 13.5% or greater, plus the lower of the charges resulting from the use of the flat car­load rail rate from Ogden, Utah to the desti­nation, or the carload transit balance rail rate applicable from Ogden, Utah to the des­tination, on billing originating at Bancroft, Idaho.

TTT- Maximum prices for cake flour and other soft wheat bakery flour packed in 100 pound cotton bags, in carload quantities, de­livered at specified destinations, (a) At des­tinations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and California the maximum prices for (1) cake flour and (ii) other soft wheat bakery flour shall be for (i) the maxi­mum prices computed under the provisions of Appendix A, section II ( a ) , (b ) and (c ) for cake flour and for (ii) the maximum prices computed under the same provisions for other bakery flour with a protein content of less than 10.0%.

(b ) At destinations in the following States: Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina, the maximum prices for cake flour and other soft wheat bakery flour shall be $4.42 per hundredweight for cake flour, $3.75 per hundredweight for other soft wheat bakery flour with an ash content of .41% or less, and $3.52 per hundredweight for other soft wheat bakery flour with an ash content greater than .41%, plus such one of the fol­lowing rail charges as results in the lowest delivered price: (i ) The lowest carload pro­portional rail rate from Memphis, Tennessee; Cairo, Illinois; or Evansville, Indiana, to the destination; or (ii) The lowest carload pro­portional rail rate from Louisville, Kentucky, or Cincinnati, Ohio, to the destination, ap­plicable on billing originating in Ohio and Indiana.[Paragraph (b ) amended by Am. 3, 9 FR .

5985, effective 6-1-44](c ) At destination in all states except those

mentioned in paragraphs (a ) and <b) hereof, the maximum prices shall be computed as follows:

1. For flour milled in the states of Wash­ington, Oregon, Idaho (north of the southern boundary of Idaho County), Montana, Wyo­ming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minne­sota, Wisconsin or Iowa, the maximum prices shall be $3.67 per hundred weight for cake flour and $2.77 per hundred weight for other soft wheat bakery flour, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Spokane, Washington, to the destination.

2. For flour milled in the States of Cali­fornia, Nevada, Utah, Idaho (south of the southern boundary of Idaho County), Colo­rado, Arizona, and New Mexico, the maxi­mum prices shall be $3.90 per hundredweight for cake flour and $3.00 per hundredweight for other soft wheat bakery flour, plus the charge at the lowest flat carload rail rate from Ogden, Utah, to the destination.

3. For flour milled in any state other than those mentioned in subparagraphs 1 and 2 hereof, the maximum prices shall be $4.67 per hundredweight for cake flour and $4.00 for other soft wheat bakery flour with an ash content of .41% or less, and $3.77 per hundredweight for other soft wheat bakery flour with an ash content greater than .41%, less the charge at the lowest flat domestic carload rail rate from the milling point to New York City, plus the charge at the lowest flat domestic carload rail rate from the milling point to the destination;

Provided, That, at or within twenty-five miles of the milling point the maximum price for carload quantities shall be the price ob­tained by deducting the -transportation charge to New York City as directed in this subparagraph 3 and then adding 10 cents per hundredweight.[Subparagraphs 2 and 3 amended by Am. 3,

9 FR . 5985, effective 6-1-44]TV. Maximum prices for semolinas and

durum flours, in carload quantities, (a ) The maximum prices for semolinas and durum flours, f. o. b. Minneapolis, Minnesota, in carload quantities in buyer’s 100 pound sacks shall be as follows:


weightFancy semolina_________________ _______ $3.62Other semolinas_____________ __________ 3. 52Fancy durum patent flour------------------- 3. 62Other durum flours____________________ 3.37

(b ) Maximum prices at all destinations except destinations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and California shall be determined by adding to the applicable f. o. b. Minneapolis price the charge at the lowest carload domestic pro­portional rail rate from Minneapolis to the destination.

(c ) Maximum prices at points in Wash­ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Ne­vada, Arizona and California shall be de­termined by adding to the applicable f. o. b. Minneapolis price the charge at the lowest carload transit balance rail rate from Min­neapolis to the destination payable on bill­ing with a paid-in rate of 14 cents per hun­dred pounds.

(d ) When the seller supplies containers the exact cost of containers may be added to the prices above specified.

(e ) If a container size other than 100pounds is used, a differential may be added to the prices computed in (a ), (b ), (c) or(d ) above at the rate per hundredweight specified under the heading “Package differ­entials” in section V III (d ) of this Appen­dix A. » ’[Paragraph (e) amended by Am. 5, 10 F.R.

1146, effective 2*-3-45]V. Maximum prices for family flours in

carload quantities, packed in 100 pound sacks delivered at specified destinations. The maximum prices for family flour in carload quantities, packed in 100 pound cotton sacks delivered at destinations in the various states and the District of Columbia, shall be asfollows: Per


Colorado, east of the Rocky Mountains.. $3.70Montana, Wyoming--------------------- li------ 3.83Colorado, except east of the Rocky

Mountains, Kansas, Nebraska, NewMexico, North Dakota, South Da­kota__________________________________ 8.95

Oregon, Washington___________________ 4.08Idaho____________________________________ 4.13Arizona, Oklahoma and Utah------------ 4.21Iowa and Missouri____________________ - 4. 29Texas---------- ----------------------------------------- 4.31Arkansas, Minnesota___________________ 4.34Illinois___________________________________ 4.39Indiana, Wisconsin----------------------------- 4.44Nevada_________________________________ 4.46Michigan, Ohio-------------------------------- — 4.49Delaware, District o f Columbia, Mary­

land, Pennsylvania and West Vir­ginia___________________________________ 4.59

New Jersey, New York____ __________— - 4. 62The New England States------------------- - 4.64California______________________ ;--------- - 4.72Kentucky, Louisiana, Virginia------------ 4.69Tennessee_______________________________ 4.82Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South

Carolina, Florida____________________ 4.87North Carolina_________________________ 4.92[Appendix A, section V, amended by Am. 3,

9 FR . 5985, effective 6-1-44]

VI. Maximum prices for family cake flour, and family whole wheat flour, and for family farina, enriched and unenriched, (a ) At all destinations, the maximum prices for family cake flour and family whole wheat flour shall be as follows:

1. When packed 12 2% pound packages or 24 1%, pound packages to the case, $2.75 per case. When packed in cases of other sizes the maximum price shall be determined by dividing $2.75 by 12 when pricing 2% pound packages and by 24 when pricing 1% pound packages and multiplying the ap­plicable result , by the number of packages packed in the case.[Subparagraph 1 amended by Am. 3]

2. When packed in packages containing 5 pounds oi^less, other than the package and case sizes covered by 1 hereof, 7% cents per pound plus the cost of packages, labels and shipping containers.

3. When packed in packages containing more than 5 pounds, the same as the max­imum prices for family flours in like packages as elsewhere set forth in this Appendix A.

(b ) At all destinations the maximum prices for family farina, enriched and unenriched, shall be as follows:

Car lots Less than carlots

1. When packed 18 28-ounce packages to the case--------------- $3.47*4 $3.66

2. When packed 24 14-ounce packages to the case___________ 2.70 2.76

3. When packed in packages containing 5 pounds or less, other than the package and case sizes provided for under 1 and 2 hereof, 9% cents per pound plus the cost of packages, labels and shipping containers.

4. When packed in packages containing more than 5 pounds, the same as the maxi­mum prices for family flour in like packages as elsewhere set forth in this Appendix A.

VII. (a ) Maximum prices for bakery patent flours packed in 100 pound cotton bags in carload quantities, delivered at specified destinations. Maximum prices for bakery patent flours packed in 100 pound cotton bags, in carload quantities delivered at specified destinations shall be determined by adding 10 cents per hundred weight to the maximum prices as set forth in sections I and II of Appendix A : Provided, That no such addition may be made in any case for cake flour or soft wheat flour or in the case of bakery flour with a protein content of less than 10.0%, at destinations in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and California.

(b ) Maximum prices for farina, except family farina, delivered at specified destina­tions. Maximum prices for farina, except family farina, delivered at specified destina­tions shall be determined by adding 20 cents per hundred weight to the maximum prices for flour from wheat, as otherwise determined in sections I, II, or i n of this Appendix A.

(c) Maximum prices for enriched and self- rising flours from wheat and for enriched farina, except enriched family farina in pack­ages containing five pounds or less, delivered at specified destinations. 1. The maximum prices for flour from wheat enriched in accordance with the specifications for en­riched flour as provided in subparagraph (a) of § 15.010 of the definition and standard of identity, as now or hereafter promulgated by the Federal Security Administrator, delivered at specified destinations, shall be the appli­cable maximum price as set forth in this Appendix A, plus an increase at the rate of 12 cents per hundred weight.[Subparagraph 1 corrected, 8 FR . 17375,

effective 1-3-44; amended by Am. 2, 9 FR .2790, effective 3-18-44]2. The maximum prices for flour from

wheat enriched in accordance with para-

887FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

graphs (a ), (b ), (c ), and (d) of §15.010 of the definition and standard of identity, as now or hereafter promulgated by the Federal Security Administrator, delivered at specified destinations, shall be the applicable maxi­mum prices as set forth in this Appendix A, plus an increase at the rate of 22 cents per hundred weight.[Subparagraph 2 amended by Am. 2]

3. The maximum price for farina, except family farina, in packages containing 5 pounds or less, enriched in accordance with the definition and standard of identity pro­mulgated by the Federal Security Adminis­trator, delivered at specified destinations shall be the applicable maximum prices as set forth in section VII (b ) of this Appen­dix A, plus 10 cents per hundred weight.

4. The maximum prices for self-rising flour, which conforms to the definition and standard of identity promulgated by the Federal Security Administrator, delivered at specified destinations, shall be the maximum prices as set forth in this Appendix A, plus 13 cents per hundred weight.

VIII. (a ) Maximum prices when the buyer supplies containers. Maximum prices for sales of flour from wheat, or farina in car­load quantities delivered at specified destina­tions in buyer’s sacks, shall be the applicable maximum prices as heretofore provided, less 16 cents per hundred weight, plus the ap­propriate differential set forth in paragraph(d) of this section.

(b ) Maximum prices for flour from wheat and farina in containers other than cotton sacks holding 100 pounds. Maximum prices for flour from wheat or farina in containers other than cotton sacks holding 100 pounds, shall be the applicable maximum price as set forth in this Appendix A plus or minus the differentials set forth in paragraph (d) hereof: Provided, That family cake flour, family wholewheat flour, and family farina priced in accordance with section V I hereof shall not be subject to this section VIII.[Paragraph (b ) corrected, 8 F JR. 17375, effec­

tive 1-3-44] t(c) The maximum price per hundred

weight in 100 pound cotton sacks may be converted to a maximum price per hundred weight bulk by deducting 16 cents per hundred weight.

(d ) Package differentials.

| Si

ze (p


) Container—KindColumn 1—Seller’s

packages, charge per cwt. over 100 pound cotton carload price





r’s p



, ch


s pe

r cw




k pr


200 Wood or plywood.. $0.625 over cwt. basis.. $0.125100 Wood or plywood.. $0.95 over cwt. basis__ .20140 Same as basis............ None100 Same as basis...... ..... None140 Cotton............. . $0.025 over cwt. basis.. None100 Basis___ _____ ____ _ None50 Cotton................ $0.125 over cwt. basis.. .0225 Cotton................ $0.25 over cwt. basis__ .0410 Cotton............ . $0.50 over cwt. basis__ .105 Cotton..... ........ . $0.85 over cwt. basis__ .202 Cotton................ $1.75 over cwt. basis... .50

100 Same as basis............ None50 Paper.................. $0.05 over cwt. basis__ .0225 Paper................ $0.10 over cwt. basis__ .0410 Paper.................. $0.30 over cwt. basis__ .105 Paper.................. $0.575 over cwt. basis.. .202 Paper___________ $1.35 over cwt. basis__ .50

Any type..........— $1.75 over cwt. basis__ .70

[Table corrected, 8 FJR. 17375, effective 1-3-44]

No. 17------ 3

Outside JuteEnvelopes___(1 to 2 cwt.)_. 17^(fpercwt.

additionalOutside Jute

Envelopes___(1 to cwt.)___ 22%tf per cwt.additional

Outside JuteEnvelopes___(2 to cwt.)___ _ 30<t per cwt.

additionalOutside Cotton

Envelopes___(1 to cwt.)_____25tfpercwt.additional

Outside FibreContainers___(2 to cwt.)__. 22%£ per cwt.

additionalOutside Paper

Envelopes__(1 to cwt.)______15 per cwt.additional

Outside PaperEnvelopes__(2 to cwt.)______17^^ per cwt.

additional• Outside Paper

Envelopes__(4 to cwt.)______ 254 per cwt.additional

Other outside containers_____ actual costA. Charge for handling and packing buyer’s

outside paper, cotton, or Jute envelopes, 5<f per cwt.

B. Charge for handling and packing buyer’s fibre containers, lYi4 per cwt.[Table corrected, 8 F.R. 17375, effective

1-3-44; amended by Am. 5, 10 F.R. 1146,effective 2-3-45](e) For any other kind of seller’s contain­

ers, the maximum price shall be the maxi­mum price per hundredweight bulk plus the actual cost of packages, labels and shipping containers and plus the differential set forth in column 2 of paragraph (d ) of this section for the size nearest the size in question.

(f ) The provisions of paragraphs (d ) and(e ) of this section V III of this Appendix A shall have no application to family cake flour, family whole wheat flour and family farina sold in packages of 5 pounds or less as pro­vided for in section VI of this Appendix A.

(g ) Maximum prices for special package types and sizes for the United States Gov­ernment or any agency thereof. 1. Maxi­mum prices for flour from wheat and for farina (except farina in packages containing 10 pounds or less) packed in special types and sizes of packages for the use of the United States Government or any agency thereof, in carload quantities delivered at specified destinations, shall be the applicable maximum price in 100 pound cotton sacks as heretofore provided, (a ) minus 16 cents per hundredweight, (b ) plus the exact cost of the package used, (c) plus the additional cost of packing, if any, over the cost of pack­ing in 100 pound cotton sacks.

2. Farina packed in special types and sizes of packages, containing 10 pounds or less, for the use of the United States Gov­ernment or any agency thereof is exempt from the provisions of this regulation and the General Maximum Price Regulation.

3. Maximum prices for semolina packed in special types and sizes of packages other than those set forth in section vm (id) of this Appendix A for the use of the United States Government or any agency thereof, in carload quantities delivered at specified destinations, shall be the applicable maxi­mum price as set forth in section IV (a ), (b ), (c) and (d) plus or minus the dif­ference in cost per hundredweight between the cost of packing the special type or size of package and the cost of packing 100 pound sacks thereof.[Paragraph (g ) amended by Am. 0, 10 F.R.

4035, effective 4-18-45]

IX. Maximum prices for other shipments or deliveries including less than carload quan­tities, except in the case of sales at retail:

(a ) The maximum prices for shipments or deliveries of more than 250 hundredweights but less than a carload quantity shall be the maximum carload prices at said points (said points being deemed a destination Tor this purpose) as set forth in this Appendix A ex­cept as provided in paragraph (c) of this section IX.

[Paragraph (a ) corrected, 8 F.R. 17375, effec­tive 1-3-44] .

(b ) The maximum price for shipments or deliveries of ‘ 250 hundredweights or less, either f. o. b. mill, or f. o. b. seller’s warehouse, shall be the maximum carload prices at said point (said point being deemed the destina­tion for this purpose) as set forth in this Appendix A plus (1) in the metropolitan areas of New York— Northeastern New Jer­sey; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Chi­cago, Illinois, 25 cents per hundred weight; (2) In the metropolitan areas of San Fran­cisco, California; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; New Orleans, Louisiana; Detroit, Michigan; Cleve­land, Ohio; Baltimore, Maryland; Washing­ton, District of Columbia; St. Louis, Missouri; Boston, Mlassachusetts; Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­vania; and Cincinnati, Ohio, 20 cents per hundred weight and (3) in all other areas, 18 cents per hundred weight.

(c) The maximum prices for shipments in mixed cars or pool cars delivered f. o. b. team or Industry track at destination, shall be the maximum carload prices as set forth in this Appendix A plus five cents per hundred weight.

(d ) The maximum prices for shipments or deliveries of 250 hundred weights or less, delivered at any destination except f. o. b. mill, f. o. b. seller’s warehouse or f. o. b. team or industry track in a mixed car or a pool car shall be the maximum carload prices set forth in Appendix A plus (1) in the metropolitan areas of New York— North­eastern New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pennsyl­vania, and Chicago, Illinois, 50 cents per hundred weight; (2) in the metropolitan areas of San Francisco, California, Milwau­kee, Wisconsin, New Orleans, Louisiana, De­troit, Michigan, Cleveland, Ohio, Baltimore, Maryland, Washington, District of Columbia, St. Louis, Missouri, Boston, Massachusetts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Cincinnati, Ohio, 43 cents per hundred weight and (3) in *11 other areas, 33 cents per hundred weight; Except, in instances where the ship­ment has been made by truck or vehicle other than a rail car, barge or vessel, from either a mill or seller’s warehouse located within the limits of the metropolitan areas described in (1) or (2) or from a rail car spotted on a team track within such areas, the addition applicable to such shipment shall be the appropriate addition set forth above for the metropolitan area in which such mill, warehouse or rail car is located.

The metropolitan districts of the cities referred to above shall be the metropolitan areas used in compiling the 16th Census of the United States as listed and described in Bulletin Series PH-1, Issued by the Bureau of the CenSus of the United States Depart­ment of Commerce.[Paragraph (d ) amended by Am. 9, 10 F.R.

12404, effective 10-6-45]X. Maximum prices for sales by millers or

blenders at retail. The maximum prices for sales by millers, blenders, primary distrib­utors and flour jobbers at retail shall be the maximum carload prices delivered at spec­ified destinations as heretofore provided plus 64 cents per hundred weight.

XI. Maximum prices for sales of imported flour from wheat, semolina or farina. The maximum prices which can be charged or paid for flour from wheat, semolina and farina Imported into the several states of

888 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

the United States and the District of Colum­bia are the maximum prices computed under the applicable provisions of Appendix A at the point of delivery within the United States: Provided, That if the imported flour from wheat is a soft wheat flour and it is delivered at a destination where there are varying maximum prices for soft wheat flour the maximum price shall be the same as that of soft wheat flour milled at Chicago, Illinois.

XII. Maximum prices applicable to export sales and sales to exporters. Maximum prices applicable to export sales shall be de­termined in accordance with the provisions of the Second Revised Maximum Export Price Regulation.10 For the purposes of that regu­lation the applicable maximum basic domes­tic price for export sales or for sales to ex­porters and the United States or any of its agencies, shall be as follows:

(a) The maximum price for the sale of any family flour packed in 100 pound cotton sacks, in carload quantities, delivered ship- side at any Gulf or Atlantic port for exporta­tion outside of the continental United States shall be $4.21 per hundredweight, plus the charge at the shipside export all rail pro­portional carload rate, or shipside domestic all rail proportional carload rate, whichever is lower, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to the port of export.

(b ) The maximum price for the sale of any bakery flour packed in 100 pound cotton sacks, in carload quantities, delivered ship- side at any Gulf or Atlantic port for exporta­tion outside of the continental United States, shall be $3X4 per hundredweight for such bakery flour with a protein content of 13.5% or less and $3.54 per hundredweight for such bakery flour with a protein content greater than 13.5%, plus the change at the shipside export all rail proportional carload rate or the shipside domestic all rail proportional carload rate, whichever is lower, from Min­neapolis, Minnesota, to the port of export.

(c) The maximum price for the sale of any cake flour or other soft wheat bakery flour packed in 100 pound cotton sacks, in

'■carload quantities, delivered shipside at any Gulf or Atlantic port for exportation outside of the continental United States, shall be $4.44 per hundredweight for cake flour and $3.77 for other soft wheat flour with an ash content of .41% or less and $3.54 per hundred­weight for other soft wheat bakery flour with an ash content greater than .41%, plus the charge at the shipside export all rail pro­portional carload rate or the shipside domes­tic all rail proportional carload rate, which­ever is lower, from St, Louis, Missouri, to the port of export.

(d ) The maximum price for the sale of any family or cake flour packed in 100 pound cot­ton sacks, in carload quantities, delivered shipside at any Pacific Coast port for ex­portation outside of the continental United States shall be $3.82 per hundredweight for family flour and $3.67 per hundredweight for cake flour, plus the charge at the shipside export all rail flat carload rate or the shipside domestic all rail flat carload rate, whichever is lower, from Spokane, Washington, to the Pacific Coast port of export.

(e) The maximum price for the sale of any bakery flour packed in 100 pound cotton sacks, in carload quantities, delivered shipside at any Pacific Coast port for exportation outside of the continental United States, shall be $2.77 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a protein content of less than 10.0%, $3.06 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a protein content of 10.0% or greater but less than 13.5% and $3126 per hundredweight for bakery flour with a protein content of 13.5% or great-

10 8 P.R. 4132, 5987, 7662, 9998, 15193; 9 F E . 1036, 5435, 6923, 7201, 9835, 11273, 12919, 14436; 10 F.R. 863, 923, 2432.

er, plus the charge at the shipside export all rail flat carload rate or shipside domestic all rail flat carload rate, whichever is lower, from Spokane, Washington, to the Pacific Coast port of export.

( f ) The maximum price for the sale of any semolina or durum flour in carload quantities in buyers’ 100 pound sacks, delivered shipside at any port for exportation outside of the con­tinental United States, shall be the appropri­ate maximum price specified in Appendix A, section IV, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, plus, in the case of shipside deliveries at any Gulf or Atlantic port, the charge at the shipside export aU rail proportional carload rate or the shipside domestic all rail proportional carload fate, whichever is lower, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to the port of export, and, in the case of shipside deliveries at any Pacific Coast port the charge at the lowest carload transit balance rail rate from Minneapolis, Minne­sota, to the destination payable on billing with a paid-in rate of 14 cents per hundred pounds.

<g) The maximum price for the sale of any family cake flour, family wholewheat flour or family farina, enriched or unenriched, at any port for exportation outside of the conti­nental United States, shall be the appropriate maximum price specified in Appendix A, sec­tion VI.

<h) The maximum prices for bakery patent flours, farina (except family farina) enriched flour and farina (except family farina) and self-rising flour shall be determined by add­ing the applicable amount set forth in Ap­pendix A, section VII, to the appropriate maximum price at the port of export as set forth in this section.

(I) When the flour from wheat or farina is delivered in buyers' sacks or when con­tainers other than cotton sacks are used, the foregoing maximum prices shall be adjusted as provided in Appendix A, section VIII.

(J) I Deleted ][Subparagraph ( j ) deleted by Am. 10, effec­

tive 1-28-46][Appendix A, section XII, amended by Am. 3,

9 FR . 5985, effective 6-1-44]

x m . Maximum prices at non-rail points. In those areas where maximum prices are determined hereunder by adding a rail charge to a basic price, if the buyer’s receiving point is located more than 10 miles from the near­est railroad siding, an amount may be added to the applicable maximum carload price at the railroad siding nearest to the buyer’s re­ceiving point, equal to the difference between the charge at the lowest common carrier rate for the transportation of an equivalent quan­tity of flour from wheat, semolina or farina from such railroad siding to the buyer’s re­ceiving point and the charge at the lowest common carrier rate for the transportation of this same quantity a distance of 10 miles from such siding. For the purposes of this section, the distance along the shortest and most direct vehicle highway route shall be used in calculating the distance from the nearest railroad siding to the buyer’s re­ceiving point.

XIV. Selection by the buyer of his receiving point. Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 296 shall be construed to prohibit any person from purchasing and receiving deliv­ery of flour from wheat, semolina afld farina at any point within the several states of the United States or the District of Columbia at the maximum price at that point as com­puted under the applicable provisions of Appendix A, and shipping from such point to any other point at his own expense, al­though the price paid at the first point plus transportation to the second point may exceed the maximum price at the second point com­puted under the applicable provisions of Appendix A: Provided, That if the flour from

wheat, semolina or farina is resold, the maxi­mum prices for such resale shall be as here­inbefore provided in this regulation.

XV. Maximum prices for sales by persons other than millers, blenders, primary distrib­utors, and flour jobbers. Maximum prices for sales of flour by persons other than mill­ers, blenders, primary distributors, and flour jobbers are to be determined in accordance with the provisions of Maximum Price Regu­lation No. 421, in the case of wholesalers as defined therein and in accordance with the provisions of Maximum Price Regulations Nos. 422 and 423 in the case of retailers as defined therein.

XVI. [Revoked.][Appendix A, section XVI, revoked by Am. 4,

9 FR . 9424, effective 8-7-44]

This regulation shall become effective November 30, 1943. [Revised Maximum Price Regulation 296 originally issued November 30, 1943][Effective dates of amendments are shown

in notes following the parts affected]

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[Amendment 10 approved by J. B. Hutson,

Acting Secretary of Agriculture, on January 11, 1946]

[F. R. Doc. 46-1246; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; 11:25 a. m.]

P art 1499— Com m odities and S ervices

[RMPR 165, Rev. Supp. Service Reg. 44]


Supplementary Service Regulation No. 44 is redesignated Revised Supplemen­tary Service Regulation No. 44 and is revised and amended to read as follows:

A statement of the considerations in­volved in the issuance of this Revised Supplementary Service Regulation No. 44 has been filed with the Division of the Federal Register. For the reasons set forth in that statement and under the authority vested in the Price Adminis­trator by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, the Stabiliza­tion Act of 1942, as amended, and Execu­tive Orders Nos. 9250, 9328, 9599, and 9651, Revised Supplementary Service Regulation No. 44 is hereby issued. The specifications and standards set forth in this regulation are those which prior to the issuance of the regulation, were in general use by the trade.

S ection 1. Services covered— (a) In General. This regulation applies to all services generally supplied by laundry or dry cleaning establishments including, but not limited to, the following services: cleaning, pressing, washing, dyeing, mothproofing, waterproofing, storing, al­terations, rug cleaning or dyeing, diaper supply, and linen supply services. The provisions of Revised Maximum Price Regulation 165 as applicable to laundry or dry cleaning services are modified to the extent provided by this supplemen­tary service regulation.

(b) Applicability of Revised Maximum Price Regulation 165. Except as pro­vided to the contrary, all other provisions of RMPR 165 and any applicable sup­plementary service regulation shall ap-

889FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

ply to the services subject to this regula­tion.

S ec. 2. Maximum prices, (a) You must apply to the appropriate District Office of OE*A for establishment of a maximum price for any “new laundry or dry cleaning service” first supplied by you after December 31,1944.

(b) The maximum price for a service to be established under this regulation shall be a price in line with the level of maximum prices existing in your trading area for the same or fairly equivalent service, or if the same or fairly equiva­lent service is not offered in your trading area, then in a closely comparable trad­ing area.

(c) An application for a price on a proposed new service must be denied if the distinguishing feature of a new serv­ice is the addition of a new feature to an old service, or better performance of that service, or an improvement or voluntary change in the method of processing that service which is insubstantial and which has not been customarily recognized as differentiating the service in terms of price.

(d) You may not sell the service for which a maximum price is requested hereunder until that price has been ap­proved by OPA, but the proposed price shall be considered approved twenty days after the application is received by the appropriate OPA office (or all additional requested information has been received) unless, within that time, OPA notifies you that your proposed price has been dis­approved. In the event of automatic approval by lapse of the 20 day period, the OPA may at any time thereafter review, disapprove, or revise your prices, and if your prices are not established in accordance with the provisions of this section, OPA may fix new maximum prices for you in conformity with such provisions.

S ec. 3. Deposits and insurance— (a) Deposits. Unless authorized by OPA, you may not require a deposit for any reason if you did not do so in March 1942, nor may you now increase any such deposit.

(b) Insurance. Unless authorized by OPA, you may not make an extra charge for insurance, if you did not do so in March 1942, nor may you now increase any such insurance charge made during that month.

S ec. 4. Moving of business. I f you move your laundry or dry cleaning estab­lishment out of your trading area or if you acquire the business or equipment of another supplier and move it out of the trading area, you must apply to OPA for establishment of your maximum prices under section 2. I f you move the business in the same trading area, you must keep the same maximum prices.

S ec . 5. Branch outlets.— (a) New out­lets. I f you own one or more selling units and you open a new unit after De­cember 31, 1944, you must apply to OPA for establishment of your maximum prices for that unit under section 2, ex­cept if you close a selling unit and open another one in the same trading area, your maximum" prices for the new unit shall be thé same as those of the unit you closed.

(b) Uniform pricing. I f you own or operate retail laundry or dry cleaning outlets and desire to establish the prac­tice of selling services at uniform prices in all of your establishments located in a community or trading area, you may apply to the Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, Washington, D. C., for uniform pricing authorization.

(c) Independent outlets. I f you op­erate an “ independent retail distribution outlet” and are supplied at a discount from retail list prices by a plant which also has established retail maximum

-prices, you may elect to take the maxi­mum retail prices of your supplier for such services by filing a notification of such election with your Price Control Board showing your name and address, the name and address of your supplier and the supplier’s retail list of maximum prices which you have elected to take. In the event you make the election, a change in your supplier or his maximum prices will affect your maximum prices accordingly.

(d) Outlets supplied by wholesalers. Where it appears that increased service cost to retail outlets, resulting from ad­justment of the maximum prices of a plant supplying services at wholesale prices not based on a discount from retail list prices, cannot be absorbed by such outlets supplied without substantial fi­nancial hardship, OPA may in the order granting adjustments to the supplier also authorize adjustment of the maximum prices of such outlets to make allowance in whole or in part for the increased service cost.

S ec. 6. Failure to apply, file or defec­tive filing, (a) I f you failed to file an application for a maximum price for a new service as required by this regula­tion, OPA may fix new maximum prices for you in conformity with the provisions of section 2 of this regulation, and such prices may be made retroactive to the time of the first sale of such service. I f you failed to keep the records or file a complete and correctly determined statement of prices as required by RMPR 165 or if the prices which you filed were incorrectly determined, re­gardless of when you commenced offer­ing any services, the OPA may fix new maximum prices for you in conformity with the provisions of section 2 of this regulation.

(b) An order issued under this section may also require you to give sales slips or receipts, to keep copies thereof in your files, and to prepare and keep such rec­ords as may be specified in the order. Those requirements will not, however, re­lieve you of your obligation to comply with the requirements of section 14 of RMPR 165 or of the various penalties for failure to do so.

S ec. 7. Definitions, (a) “New serv­ice” means a service you offer for the first time after December 31, 1944; it also means a service first offered to a new pur­chaser class after December 31,1944.

(b) “Your.district office of OPA” means the district office of the Office of Price Administration for the district where your place of business is located and from which your sales are made.

(c) “Your Price Control Board” means the Price Control Board of the OPA for the area where your place of business is located and from which your sales are made.

(d) “ Independent retail distribution outlet” means a place of business which supplies laundry or dry cleaning services, is not owned by another laundry or dry cleaner, is not a unit of two or more laundry or dry cleaning outlets under joint ownership, and which performs no processing of laundry or dry cleaning.

(e) “Trading area” has the meaning ordinarily given it by the laundry and dry cleaning trade for the nature of serv­ices involved and the area to be served.

(f ) “Fairly equivalent service” means a service accomplishing the same or equiv­alent utility supplied by the same type of supplier (such as chain store, independ­ent retailer, power laundry, linen supply, diaper supply, commercial laundry, etc.).

Sec . 8. Delegation of authority. Any Regional Administrator of the Office of Price Administration and any District Director who has been authorized to act by the Regional Administrator having jurisdiction over his district, may estab­lish, approve, disapprove or correct maxi­mum prices established under the pro­visions of this regulation, except as other­wise provided.

Sec. 9. Geographical applicability. The provisions of this Revised Supple­mentary Service Regulation No. 44 shall be applicable to the 48 States of the United States and the District of Colum­bia.

This Revised Supplementary Service Regulation shall become effective Janu­ary 28, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1249; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;

11:25 a. m.]

P art 1499—C om m odities and S ervices

[SR 14E1, Arndt. 27]


A statement of the considerations in­volved in the issuance of this amendment issued simultaneously herewith has been filed with the Division of the Federal Register.

Section 2.7 of Supplementary Regula­tion 14E is amended in the following re­spects :

1. Paragraph (t) is added to section 2.7 to read as follows:

(t) Ceiling prices at wholesale for cer­tain cotton rope, twine, yarn and cord; tobacco seed bed covers; and wide laun­dry cover cloth and woven table and laundry felts. (1) This paragraph ap­plies to all sales at wholesale of the fo l­lowing articles:

110 F.R. 1183 , 2014, 4156, 7117, 7497, 7667, 9337, 9540, 9963, 10021, 11401, 12601, 12812, 13692, 13826, 14506, 14742, 15007, 15036.

890 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

(1) Certain cotton rope, twine, yarn and cord for which producers’ maximum prices have been increased by section 2.9 of Supplementary Regulation 14E.

(ii) Tobacco seed bed covers for which maximum prices determined under Maximum Price Regulation 118 have been increased due to the increase, al­lowed by Supplementary Order 131, in the maximum price of the grey cloth.

(iii) Wide laundry cover cloth and woven table and laundry felts for which producers’ maximum prices determined under Maximum Price Regulation 118 have been increased by Supplementary Order 131.

(2) The maximum prices for sales at wholesale of the articles described above shall be the sum of the seller’s maximum price in effect on September 24,1945, and the amount by which the producer’s maximum price was increased after that date, Provided, That no seller may de­termine his maximum price of an article under this paragraph unless he has se­cured from his supplier and has available for inspection by the OPA, a written notice stating that the manufacturer’s maximum price for that article was in­creased after September 24, 1945, and the amount of the increase.

2. The last undesignated paragraph of paragraph (b) (6) is amended to„ read as follows:

This subparagraph (6) shall not apply to sales covered by paragraphs (r) and (t) of section 2.7.

3. Paragraph (q) (6) is amended by deleting the words “may charge an ad­ditional 4.35%” and substituting there­for the words “may add to his maximum price as established above, (i) a sum not to exceed 4.35% of the seller’s net cost (as “net cost” is determined under sub­division (4) or (5 )), and (ii) the freight charges from the supplier to the whole­saler’s warehouse:”

This amendment shall become effective January 23, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.Chester B owles,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1245; Piled, Jan. 23, 1946;

11:26 a. m.]


Chapter II I—War Shipping Administration

[G. O. 45, Supp. 10]

P art 306—G eneral A gents and A gents


1. Section 306.123 Freight brokerage, paragraph (a) Rates, as amended, is amended by striking out the first sen­tence and inserting in lieu thereof, the following sentence: “Brokerage will be paid at the customary rates, but not in excess of the rates provided in this para­graph (a) except as may be specifically authorized by the Director of Traffic, War Shipping Administration, with re­spect to homeward and intermediate

traffic, for services rendered on and after April 1,1945.”

2. Section 306.124 Commissions on fares, as amended, is amended to read;

§ 306.124 Commissions on fares. General Agents, Agents and Berth Agents are authorized to pay in all trades to bona fide travel or tourist agents a booking commission of 5% on fares paid by or for passengers traveling for private or commercial account. Commissions in excess of this amount for services ren­dered on and after April 1, 1945, may be paid when specifically authorized by the Director of Traffic, War Shipping Admin­istration. No commission shall be al­lowed on fares paid by or for repatriated seamen traveling as passengers.

3. The following section is added:§ 306.125 Commissions on freights.

General Agents, Agents and Berth Agents are authorized to pay to ap­proved United Kingdom and Continental European interior agents a booking com­mission not in excess of 5% with respect to homeward and intermediate traffic, for services rendered on and after April 1, 1945, when specifically authorized to do so by the Director of Traffic, War Ship­ping Administration.

4. This supplement supersedes Supple­ment 9 to General Order 45.(E.O. 9054, 3 CFR Cum. Supp.)

[ seal] G ranville Co n w a y ,Acting Administrator.

January 22, 1946.[F. R. Doc. 46-1220; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;

10:06 a. m.]


Chapter I—Federal Communications Commission

Part 1— R ules of Practice and P roce­dure


The Commission, on January 16, 1946, effective immediately, amended § 1.102 Intervention by adding the following footnote:

N o t e : For specific rules regarding petitions to intervene in connection with applications under Title III, see § 1.385.

Amended § 1.271 Petitions; contents by adding the following footnote:

N o te : For specific rules regarding petitions for rehearing in connection with applications under Title in, see § 1.387.

Repealed §§ 1.381 Partial grants and 1.382 Designation for hearing of the Commission’s rules and regulations and adopted the following new sections to be substituted therefor:

§ 1.381 Grants without a hearing. Where an application for radio facilities is proper upon its face, and where it ap­pears from an examination of the appli­cation and supporting data that: (1) The applicant is legally, technically and fi­nancially qualified: (2) a grant of the application would not involve modifica­

tion, revocation, or non-renewal of any existing license or outstanding construc­tion permit; (3) a grant of the applica­tion would not cause electrical interfer­ence to an existing station or station for which a construction permit is out­standing within its normally protected contour as prescribed by the applicable rules and regulations; (4) a grant of the application would not preclude the grant of any mutually exclusive application; and (5) a grant of the application would be in the public interest, the Commission will grant the application without a hearing.

§1.382 Partial grants. Where the Commission without a hearing grants any application in part, or with any privi­leges, terms, or conditions other than those requested, the action of the Com­mission shall be considered as a grant of such application unless the applicant shall, within 20 days from the date on which public announcement of such grant is made, or from its effective date if a later date is specified, file with the Commission a written request for a hear­ing with respect to the part, or with re­spect to the privileges, terms, or condi­tions, not granted. Upon receipt of such request, the Commission will vacate its original action upon the application and set the application for hearing in the same manner as other applications are set for hearing.

§ 1.383 Designation for hearing. Ap­plications will be designated for hearing in the following cases:

(a) Where it does not appear from an examination of the application that the applicant is legally, technically or finan­cially qualified; or

(b) Where a grant of the application would require the modification, revoca­tion, or non-renewal of license of an existing station or of any outstanding construction permit; or

(c) Where a grant of the application would cause electrical interference to an existing station or station for which a construction permit is outstanding within its normally protected contour as prescribed by the applicable rules and regulations; or

(d) Where it does not appear from an examination of the application that a grant of the application will be in the public interest.

(e) Where a grant of the application would preclude the grant of an applica­tion or applications mutually exclusive with it. However, the Commission may, if publip interest will be served thereby, make a conditional grant of one of the applications and designate all of the mu­tually exclusive applications for hear­ing. Such conditional grant will be made" upon the express condition that such grant is subject to being withdrawn if at the hearing it is shown that public interest will be better served by a grant of one of the other applications. Such conditional grants will be issued only where it appears:

(1) That some or all of the applica­tions were not filed in good faith but were filed for the purpose of delaying or hindering the grant of another ap­plication; or

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 194Ò 891(2) That public interest requires the

prompt establishment of radio service in a particular community or area; or

(3) That a grant of one or more ap­plications would be in the public inter­est and that a delay in making a grant to any applicant until after the conclu­sion of a hearing on all applications might jeopardize the rights of the United States under the provisions of interna­tional agreem ents the use of the fre­quency in question; or

(4) That a grant of 5ne application would be in the public interest and that it appears from an examination of the remaining applications that they cannot be granted because they are in violation of provisions of the Communications Act, or of other statutes, or of the Com­mission’s rules and regulations. ,

§ 1.384 Procedure when case is desig­nated for hearing, (a) When an appli­cation Iras been designated for hearing, the Secretary of the Commission will mail a written notice to the applicant set­ting forth the action of the Commission designating the application for hearing, together with such statement of the Commission’s reasons therefor as shall be appropriate to the nature of the ap­plication. In order to avail himself of the opportunity to be heard, the appli­cant, in person or by his attorney, shall, within 15 days of the mailing of the notice of designation for hearing by the Secretary, file with the Commission a written appearance stating that he will appear and present evidence on the issues specified in the statement of rea­sons furnished by the Commission on such date as may be fixed for the hear­ing. In cases involving applications for facilities other than AM broadcast, FM broadcast, international broadcast, or television, the applicant shall submit with his appearance an additional copy of his application and supporting docu­ments.

(b)' The Commission will on its own motion name as parties to the hearing:

(1) Any existing licensee or holder of an outstanding construction permit who, if the application were granted, would suffer electrical interference within his normally protected contour as prescribed by the Commission’s rules and regu­lations.

(2) Any existing licensee or holder of an outstanding construction permit whose license or construction permit would have to be modified or revoked, or whose application for renewal of license would have to be denied, if the applica­tion in question were granted.

(3) Any person who, prior to the time the application in question was desig­nated for hearing, had filed with the Commission a mutually exclusive appli­cation. Persons filing mutually exclu­sive applications after the application in question has been designated for hear­ing will be named as parties only if the Commission in its discretion deems such action advisable.

§ 1.385 Petitions to intervene, (a) Where the Commission has failed on its own motion to name as parties to a hear­ing any person specified in § 1.384 (b ), such person will be permitted to partici­

pate in the proceeding by filing a peti­tion to intervene showing that he comes within the provisions of § 1.384 (b ). Where the petition to intervene is based upon a claim that a grant of the appli­cation would cause electrical interfer­ence to an existing station or a station for which a construction permit is out­standing within its normally protected contour as prescribed by the applicable rules and regulations, the petition must be accompanied by an affidavit of a qual­ified radio engineer which shall show either by reference to the Commission’s Standards of Good Engineering Practice or to actual measurements made in ac­cordance with the methods prescribed by the Commission’s ' Standards of »Good Engineering Practice that electrical in­terference will be caused to the existing station or station for which a construc­tion permit is outstanding within the normally protected contour of the sta­tion.

(b) Any other person desiring to par­ticipate in the hearing may file a petition to intervene. The petition must set forth the interest of the petitioner in the pro­ceedings and must show how such per­son’s participation will assist the Com­mission in the determination of the issues in question. The Commission in its dis­cretion may grant or deny such petition or may permit intervention by such per­sons limited to particular issues or to a particular stage of the proceeding.

(c) The granting of any petition to intervene shall not have the effect of changing or enlarging the issues specified in the Commission’s notice of hearing unless the Commission shall on motion amend the same.

(d) Petitions to intervene under this section must be filed with the Commis­sion not later than 15 days after the issues in the hearing have first been pub­lished in the F ederal R egister . Any person desiring to file a petition to inter­vene after the expiration of such 15 days must set forth the reason why it was not possible to file the petition within the prescribed 15 days. Unless good cause is shown for delay in filing, the petition will not be granted.

§ 1.386 Motions to enlarge or change the issues. Motions to enlarge or change the issues may be filed by any party to a hearing. Such motions must be filed with the Commission not later than 15 days after the issues in the hearing have first been published in the F ederal R egister . Any person desiring to file a motion to enlarge or change the issues after the expiration of such 15 days must set forth the reason why it was not possible to file the petition within the prescribed 15 days. Unless good cause is shown for delay in filing, the motion will not be granted.

§ 1.387 Petitions. for reconsideration or for rehearing, (a) Where an applica­tion has been granted without a hearing, any person aggrieved or whose interests would be adversely affected thereby may file a petition for reconsideration of such action. Such petition must be filed with the Commission within 20 days after public notice is given of the Commission’s action in granting the application. Such

petition will be granted if the petitioner shows that:

(1) Petitioner is an existing licensee or permittee and a grant of the application would require the modification, revoca­tion, or non-renewal of his license or construction permit; or

(2) That petitioner is an existing li­censee or permittee and a grant of the application would cause interference to his station within the normally protected contour as prescribed by applicable rules and regulations; or

(3) At the time the application was granted, petitioner had a mutually ex­clusive application pending before the Commission; or

(4) A grant of the application is not in the public interest.

(b) Where an application has been granted or denied after hearing, petitions for rehearing may be filed within 20 days after public notice is given of the Com­mission’s action in granting or denying the application. Petitions for rehearing by persons not parties to the Commis­sion’s hearing will not be granted unless good cause is shown as to why it was not possible for such person to participate earlier in the Commission’s proceeding.

(c) Where a petition for reconsidera­tion or for rehearing is based upon a claim of electrical interference within the normally protected contour of an existing station or a station for which a construction permit is outstanding, such petition must be accompanied by an affi­davit of a qualified radio engineer which shall show either by reference to the Commission’s Standards of Good Engi­neering Practice or to actual measure­ments made in accordance with the methods prescribed by the Commission’s Standards of Good Engineering Practice that electrical interference-will be caused to the station within its normally pro­tected contour. I f the claim of interfer­ence is not based upon actual measure­ments made in accordance with the Standards of Good Engineering Practice, it may be controverted by affidavit con­taining results of actual measurements made in accordance with the Standards of Good Engineering Practice.

(d) Each petition for reconsideration or rehearing shall be subscribed as pro­vided in § 1.122 and served upon all par­ties participating in the hearing in the manner provided in § 1.141. In the case of a petition for reconsideration of a de­cision, order, or requirement made with­out? a hearing, the party filing the peti­tion shall serve the same in the manner provided in § 1.141 upon the party or parties to whom such decision, order, or requirement was directed.

(e) Any opposition to a petition for reconsideration or rehearing may be filed within 10 days after the filing of such petition.

(f ) Petitions for reconsideration or re­hearing filed under this section may re­quest: (1) Reconsideration, either in cases decided after hearing or in cases of applications granted without hearing;(2) reargument; (3) reopening of the proceeding; (4) amendment of any find­ing; or (5) such other relief as may be appropriate. Such petition shall state specifically the form of relief sought and,

892 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

subject to this requirement,, may con­tain alternative requests. Each such pe­tition sltiall state with particularity in what respect the decision, order, or re­quirement or any matter determined therein is claimed to be unjust, unwar­ranted, or erroneous, and with respect to any finding of fact must specify the pages of record relied on. Where the petition is based upon a claim of newly discovered evidence, it must be accompanied by. a verified statement of the facts relied upon, together with the facts relied on to show that the petitioner, with due diligence,' could not have known or dis­covered such facts at the time of the hearing.

Proposed Rule§ 1.388 Special rules relating to action

on applications for assignment and transfer of control, (a) Applications for consent to the assignment of a construc­tion permit or license for an AM, PM, television, or other broadcast station or for consent to the transfer of control of a corporation holding such a construc­tion permit or license shall be filed with the Commission on Form P. C. C. No. 314 (Assignment of License) or F. C. C. No. 315 (Transfer of Control). Each appli­cation shall be accompanied by a copy of a proposed notice in a form prescribed by the Commission which notice the li­censee or permittee shall cause to be published at least twice a week for the 3 weeks immediately following the filing of such application in a daily newspaper of general circulation published in the com­munity in which the station is located. The notice shall state the terms and con­ditions of the proposed assignment or transfer, the name of the proposed as­signee or transferee, and, further, that any other person desiring to purchase the facilities upon the same terms and con­ditions may file an application to this effect with the Federal Communications Commission within 60 days from the date of the first publication of the notice, which date shall be expressly set forth therein. Upon receipt of the application, the Commission itself will issue a similar public notice stating the terms and con­ditions of the proposed sale and stating that others may file competing applica­tions for the same facilities upon the same terms and conditions.

(b) No action on any such application will be taken by the Commission for a period of 60 days from the date of filing, during which time any person desiring to purchase the facilities upon the same terms and conditions may file a compet­ing application. In the case of such com­peting application, it shall be necessary for the applicant to execute only so much of the application form as relates to the proposed assignee or transferee—F. C. C. Form No. 314, Part II, and Form No. 315, Part III.

(c) I f no competing application is filed during this 60-day period, the Commis­sion will consider the original applica­tion upon its merits and will grant it if it appears from an examination of the application and supporting data public

interest will be served thereby; other­wise it will be designated for hearing. If, during such 60-day period, tfny other application is filed, all such applications will then be considered simultaneously upon their merits, and if, upon such con­sideration, it appears that the proposed assignee or transferee selected by the li­censee is the best qualified and that the transfer would otherwise be in the pub­lic interest, the Commission will grant the original application without a hear­ing. I f the Commission is unable to make such a determination upon consid­eration of the several applications,,the original application and all competing applications will be designated for hear­ing, to be heard in a consolidated pro­ceeding, to determine among other things which of the applicants is best qualified to operate the station in the public interest.

(d) If, at the conclusion of such hear­ing, the Commission is of the opinion that the proposed assignee or transferee selected by the licensee is the best quali­fied and that the transfer is otherwise in the public interest, an order will be en­tered granting the original application. However, if the Commission is of the opinion that one of the other applicants is the best qualified and that a transfer is otherwise in the public interest, an order will be entered denying the original application and stating that the Commis­sion’s consent to an assignment of the license or construction permit or to the transfer of control of the corporate li­censee or permittee and such competing applicant enter into and file with the Commission within 30 days from the date of such order a contract for the assign­ment of the license or construction per­mit, or the transfer of control of the licensee or permittee, to such competing applicant upon the same terms and con­ditions as stated in the original applica­tion or upon such other terms and con­ditions as the parties may agree upon and which new terms and conditions the Commission shall find to be in the pub­lic interest.

(e) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following cases: (1) Where there is a reorganization of a cor­poration which holds a license or con­struction permit, involving no change in beneficial ownership; (2) where there is an assignment from a decedent to his executor or administrator or from the executor or administrator to his duly appointed successor. This section, how­ever, shall apply to an assignment or transfer from an executor or administra­tor to heirs, trustees, or third persons;(3) where there is an assignment from an individual or individuals to a corpo­ration owned and controlled by such in­dividual or individuals without any change in their respective interests or from a corporation to the individual stockholders controlling such corpora­tion when there is no change in their re­spective interests; or (4) any other assignment or transfer that does not in­volve any change in the actual or bene­ficial ownership of the licensee.

(Sec. 4 (i), 48 Stat. 1068; Sec. 303 (r ), 50 Stat. 191; 47 U.S.C. 154 (i), 303 (r) )

[ seal] F ederal Communications Commission,

T. J. Slo w ie ,Secretary.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1203; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946; 12:01 p. m.]


Chapter I—Interstate Commerce Commission

[Corrected 3d Rev. SO 104]

Part 95— Car Service


At a session of the Interstate Com­merce Commission, Division 3, hfeld at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 18th day of January, A. D. 1946.

It appearing, that the practice of transporting refrigerator cars empty from the East to certain Western States diminishes the use, control and supply of such cars, and that the loading of these cars in lieu of box cars will reduce the shortage of such cars; in opinion of the Commission an emergency requiring im­mediate action exists in the western sec­tion of the country: It is ordered, that:

Substitution of refrigerator cars for box cars, (a ) (1) Any common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act transporting;

(i) Westbound shipments in carloads originating at points shown as origin points in Agent L. E. Kipp’s tariffs,I. C. C. Nos. 1492 and 1943, supplements thereto or reissues thereof, destined to points in the States of California, South­ern Idaho (on the Union Pacific main and branch lines across Southern Idaho, including the line from Pocatello to the Montana-Idaho State line and the branches north of Blackfoot, Idaho), Arizona, Nevada, or Utah, or

(ii) Westbound shipments in carloads originating at points in the State of Utah and destined to points in the States of California or Nevada.may, when freight to be transported is suitable, and facilities are suitable, for loading in RS type refrigerator cars and when such refrigerator cars are reason­ably available, furnish and transport not more than three (except as provided in paragraph (a ) (2) hereof) such refrig­erator cars in lieu of each box car or­dered, subject to the carload minimum weight which would have applied if the shipment had been loaded in a box car.

(a ) (2) On shipments on which the carload minimum weight varies with the size of the car:

(i) Two (2) of the said refrigerator cars may be furnished in lieu of one (1) box car ordered of a length of 40'7" or less, subject to the carload minimum weight which would have applied if the shipment had been loaded in a box car of the size ordered;

(ii) Three (3) of the said refrigerator cars may be furnished in lieu of one (1) box car ordered of a length of over 40'7"

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 893but not over J50'7", subject to the car­load minimum Veight which would have applied if the shipment had been loaded in a box car of the size ordered.

(b) Tariff ‘provisions suspended—an­nouncement required. The operation of all tariff rules and regulations insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this order is hereby suspended and each railroaû subject to this order, or its agent, shall publish, file, and post a sup­plement to each of its tariffs affected hereby, in substantial accordance with the provisions of Rule 9 (k) of the Com­mission’s Tariff Circular No. 20 (§ 141.9 (k) of this chapter) announcing such suspension.

(c) Application of o t h e r orders. Fourth Revised Service Order No. 180, shall not apply on cars utilized pursuant to the provisions of this order; and the provisions of Service Order No. 68, as amended, and all other orders of the Commission, insofar as they conflict with this order are hereby suspended.

(d) Effective date. This order shall become effective at 12:01 a. m., January 21, 1946.

(e) Expiration date. This order shall expire at 11:59 p. m., February 21, 1946, unless otherwise modified, changed, sus­pended, or annulled by order of the Commission. (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402, 41 Stat. 476, sec. 4, 54 Stat. 901; 49 U.S.C. 1 (10) —(17) )* It is further ordered, that this order shall vacate and supersede Second Re­vised Service Order No. M4, on the ef­fective date hereof; that a copy of this order and direction shall be served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the •railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and that notice of this order be given to the general public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commission at Wash­ington, D. C., and by filing it with the pirector, Division of the. Federal Register.

By the Commission, Division 3.[ seal ] W. P. B artel,

Secretary.[P. R. Doc. 46-1206;' Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

t 12:08 p. m.J.

[Corrected S. O. 434]

P art 95— Car S ervice


At a session of the Interstate Com­merce Commission, Division 3, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 14th day of January, A. D. 1946.

It appearing, that there is a critical shortage of box cars and that free time published in tariffs for unloading such cars at ports aggravates the shortage thereof; in the opinion of the Commis­sion an emergency exists requiring im­mediate action to alleviate the box car shortage at all ports of the country:

I t is ordered, That no common car­rier by railroad, subject to the Interstate Commerce Act, shall:

(a) Coastwise, intercoastal or foreign commerce. Allow, grant or permit more

than a total of 7 days free time on box cars held for unloading in coastwise, in­tercoastal or foreign’ commerce at the point of transshipment from car to ves­sel or when held short of such transfer point. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed to require or per­mit the increase of any free time pub­lished in tariffs lawfully on file with this Commission.

(b) Computation of free time. (1) All Sundays and legal holidays shall be in­cluded in computing the free time pro­vided in paragraph (a ).

(2) The free time provided in para­graph (a) hereof shall be computed con­tinuously from the first 7:00 a. m. after actual or constructive placement until final release, less actual time required to move a constructively placed car to point of unloading.

(c) Definition of box car. The term “box car” as used herein means freight equipment having a mechanical desig­nation in the Official Railway Equipment Register prefixed by “X ” or “V”.

(d) Extreme weather. (1) During the period when weather conditions exist as described in Rule 8, Section A, Agent B. T. Jones’ Tariff I. C. C. No. 3963, the pro­visions of this order are suspended. In lieu thereof the rules, regulations, and charges provided in lawfully published tariffs shall apply.

(e) Effective date. This order shall become effective at 7:00 a. m., January 18, 1946.

(f ) Expiration date. This order shall expire at 7:00 a. m., March 1, 1946, un­less otherwise modified, changed, sus­pended or annulled by order of this Commission.

(g) Tariff provisions suspendedt The operation of all tariff rules and regu­lations, insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this order is hereby sus­pended.

(h) Announcement of suspension. Each railroad, or its agent, shall publish, file, and post a supplement to each of its, tariffs affected thereby; in substan­tial accordance with the provisions of Rule 9 (k) of the Commission’s Tariff Circular No. 20 (§ 141.9 (k) of this chap­ter) announcing the suspension of the operation of any of the provisions there­in, and establishing the substituted pro­visions set forth herein. (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402, 41 Stat. 476, sec. 4, 54 Stat. 901; 49 U.S.C. 1 (10)—(17) )

I t is further ordered, That a copy of this order and direction shall be served upon the Association of American Rail­roads, Car Service Division, as Agent of the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ice and jJer Miem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and that notice of this order be given to the general public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commission at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Federal Reg­ister.

By the Commission, Division 3.[ seal ] W. P. B artel,

Secretary.[F. R. t Doc. 46-1281; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;

11:51 a. m.]

N o t ic e s


A ccident at Cheshire , C o n n .


In the matter of investigation of acci­dent involving aircraft of United States Registry NC 19970 which occurred at Cheshire, New Haven County, Connecti­cut, on January 18,1946.

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, particularly section 702 of said act, in the above-entitled proceeding that hear­ing is hereby assigned to be held on Sat­urday, January 26, 1946, at 10:00 a. m. (E. S. T .), at Town Hall, Cheshire, New Haven County, Connecticut.

Dated at Washington, D. C., Jan. 21, 1946.

_ [seal ] W. K. A nd r ew s ,Presiding Officer.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1228; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;10:42 a. m.]


WMOB, M obile , A la .


The Commission hereby gives notice that on December 26,1945, there was filed with it an application (B3-AL-518) for its consent under section 310 (b) of the Communications Act (47 U.S.C.A. 310) to the -proposed assignment of license of standard broadcast station WMOB, Mo­bile, Alabama, from S. B. Quigley to Nunn Broadcasting Corporation, 600 St. Louis Street, Mobile, Alabama. The proposal to assign said license is based upon an agreement of December 3, 1945, between the licensee, S. B. Quigley (seller) and J. Lindsay Nunn and Gilmore N. Nunn (buyers) pursuant to which the former would sell to the latter all the equipment, properties, and facilities of WMOB of every kind and character save and except the real property upon which the station is located, for a total consideration of $250,000, of which amount $75,000 is to be held in escrow by the First National Bank of Mobile, Alabama, which amount is to be refunded if the application is not approved. The remainder of the pur­chase price ($175,000) is to be paid by purchaser within fifteen days after Com­mission approval of the application, when conveyances shall be made for all the properties involved. I f the Commission should approve the application and buy­ers refuse to carry out the terms of the contract, the $75,000 is to be forfeited. I f the application is not approved by the Commission on or before three months from the date of filing the application (December 26, 1945) either party there­after may upon notice to the other con-

1 Section 1.364, Part 1, Rules of Practice and Procedure, Chapter I, Title 47.

894 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

sider the application not approved, in which event the rights of the parties shall be as if the application had not been approved. Further information as to the proposed assignment may be found with the papers on file at the offices of the Commission. *

In the Commission’s decision of Sep­tember 6, 1945, granting the application for transfer of control of the Crosley Corporation (Docket No. 6767), it was announced that public hearings would be held to consider proposed new rules and regulations for the handling of assign­ment and transfer applications including provision for public notice by the appli­cant and the Commission of the filing of such applications and pertinent details in cases where a controlling interest* is involved. Thereafter on October 3, 1945, the Commission also gave public notice (10 F.R. 12926) that pending the issuance of such proposed new rules, hearing thereon, and final adoption, such appli­cations would be deferred unless appli­cants desired to follow the procedure proposed in the WLW decision, and sup­plement their applications so as to come within, the framework of the announced procedure including the provision for public notices. Pursuant thereto the Commission was advised that on Janu­ary 1, 1946, notice would be inserted in the Mobile Press Register, a newspaper of general circulation at Mobile, Ala­bama, concerning the proposed transfer of the license and sale of the station and its facilities as set out in the appli­cation.

In accordance with the procedure pro­posed in the WLW decision and that an­nounced in the Commission’s release, no action will be had upon the WMOB ap­plication for a period of 60 days from January 1,1946, within which time other persons desiring to apply for the facili­ties involved may do so upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in the above-described contracts.(Sec. 310 (b ), 48 Stat. 1086; 47 U.S.C. 310 (b ) )

[ seal ! F ederal C o m m u n ic a t io n sCo m m iss io n ,

T. J. Sl o w ie ,Secretary.

[P. R. Doc. 46-1204; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;12:01 p. m.]



The Commission hereby gives notice that on December 20, 1945, there was filed with it an application (Bl-TC-473) for its'consent under section 310 (b) of the Communications Act (47 USCA 310) to the proposed £ransfer of control of WKNE Corporation (licensee of stand­ard broadcast station WKNE, Keene, New Hampshire) from Harry C. Wilder and other stockholders to Joseph K. dose, 3745 Edgevale Road, Toledo 6, Ohio. Thè proposed transfer of control of the above licensee is based upon a con­tract of November 20, 1945, between

1 Section 1.364, Part 1, Rules of Practice and Procedure, Chapter I, Title 47.

Harry C. Wilder and Joseph K. dose, pursuant to which Wilder (stockholder of licensee and optionee as to other stockholdings therein) would sell to Close all of the 500 outstanding shares of common voting stock of WKNE Corpo­ration for $85,000 plus the excess of as­sets over liabilities at closing, not to exceed, however, $20,000 and subject to further adjustments stated in the con­tract. Of the purchase price, $5,000 was paid at the signing of the contract and $80,000 is tb be deposited in escrow with the Toledo Trust Company, Toledo, Ohio (which provision may be carried out by depositing Government bonds or other marketable securities of at least the market value of $100,000). The arrange - ments are subject to Commission consent, which must be obtained before July 1, 1946, failing which the cash, securities and down payment shall be returned to the purchaser. Under the arrangements, Lyman Spitzer, Toledo, Ohio, Abbott K. Spencer, New Canaan, Connecticut, and Robert T. Colwell, New Rochelle, New York, will each hold minority interests in the company, for which each will pay approximately $5,000. Further details pertaining to the application may be de­termined from the papers on file at the offices of the Commission.

In the Commission’s decision of Sep­tember 6, 1945, granting the application for transfer of control of the Crosley Corporation (Docket No. 6767), it was announced that public hearings would be held to consider proposed new rules and regulations for the handling of as­signment and transfer applications in­cluding provisions for public notice by the applicant and the Commission of the filing of such applications and pertinent details in cases where a controlling in­terest is involved. Thereafter, on Oc­tober 3, 1945, the Commission also gave public notice (10 F.R. 12926) that pend­ing the issuance of such proposed new rules, hearing thereon, and final adop­tion, consideration of such applications would be deferred unless applicants de­sired to follow the procedure proposed in the Crosley decision, and supplement their applications so as to come within the framework of the announced pro­cedure including the provision for public notice. Pursuant thereto, the Commis­sion was advised on December 30, 1945, that notice would be inserted in a news­paper of general circulation at Keene, New Hampshire, of the proposed trans­fer of control of the licensee.

In accordance with the procedure pro­posed in the WLM decision and that an­nounced in the Commission’s release, no action will be had upon the WKNE ap­plication for a period of 60 days from December 20, 1945, within which time other persons desiring to apply for the facilities involved may do so upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in the above-described contract.(Sec. 310 (b), 48 Stat. 1086; 47 U.S.C. 310 (b ))

[ seal ] F ederal C o m m u n ic a t io n sC o m m iss io n ,

T. J. Sl o w ie ,Secretary.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1205; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;12:01 p. m.]


E l P aso N atural G as C o . et a l . —■


Ja nuar y 18,1946.In the matters of El Paso Natural Gas

Company, Docket No. G-655; Southern California Gas Company and Southern Counties Gas Company of California, Docket No. G—675.

Upon consideration of the following applications filed with this Commission for certificates of public convenience and necessity pursuant to section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, as amended:

(a) Application filed on August 10, 1945, and amended on October 29, 1945 (Docket No. G-655) by El Paso Natural Gas Company for authority to construct and operate facilities to transport, sell and deliver natural gas at the Calif ornia- Arizona State line near Blythe, Cali­fornia, to Southern California Gas Com­pany and Southern Counties Gas Com­pany in 1947 for resale to meet on alleged natural gas shortage, which involves its proposed utilization of Texas gas re­serves in the Permian Basin, Panhandle and Huguton Fields, and construction and operation of a thousand-mile pipe line, with appurtenant facilities, from a point near Dumas in Moore County, Texas, southwestward to Lea County, New Mexico, then westward to the point of delivery;

(b) Joint application filed on October 26,1945 (Docket No. G-675) by Southern California Gas Company and Southern Counties Gas Company for. authority to construct and operate a two-hundred- fourteen mile pipe line, with appurte­nant facilities, connecting with the pro­posed El Paso Natural Gas Company’s pipe line at the California-Arizona State line, for the purpose of transporting nat­ural gas from that point of receipt west­ward to a point near Santa Fe Springs, California, where a connection is to be made with a pipe line extending west­ward to Los Angeles, including deliveries into the existing systems of the appli­cants along the route of the proposed pipe line to serve communities now being supplied with natural gas; plus authority to operate that connecting pipe line now under construction between Santa Fe Springs and Los Angeles;

It appears to the Commission that: Good cause exists for consolidating the above matters for the purposes of a hear­ing.

The Commission orders that:(A ) The proceedings in Docket Nos.

G-655 and G-675 be and they are hereby consolidated for the purposes of a hear­ing;

(B) A public hearing be held with respect to the matters involved and the issues presented in the consolidated proceedings beginning on February 13, 1946, at 10:00 a. m. (EST) in the Com­mission’s Hearing Room at 1757 K Street NW., Washington, D. C.; at which time all applicants will present direct evi­dence in support of the respective appli­cations, further direct evidence and cross-examination to be deferred to a time to be hereafter fixed by the Com-

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

mission to be heard in Los Angeles, Cali­fornia;

(C) Interested State commissions may participate in this hearing in accord­ance with § 67.4 of the provisional rules of practice and regulations under the Natural Gas Act. - ^

By the Commission.[ seal ] L eo n M . F u q u a y ,

Secretary.[P. R. Doc. *6-1278; Filed, Jan. 23,' 1946;

11:32 a. m.)


C ello -N u P roducts

Order a ppo in t in g trial exam iner andFIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR TAKING TESTI­MONY

At a regular session of the Federal Trade Commission, held at its office in the City of Washington, D. C., on the 21st day of January, A. D. 1946.

In the matter of Paul Unger, •individ­ually and trading as Cello-Nu Products.

This matter being at issue and ready for the taking of testimony, and pursuant to authority vested in the Federal Trade Commission,

I t is ordered, That Randolph Preston, a trial examiner of this Commission, be and he hereby is designated and ap­pointed to take testimony and receive evidence in this proceeding and to per­form all' other duties authorized by law;

I t is further ordered, That the taking of testimony in this proceeding begin on Friday, February 15, 1946, at ten o’clock in the forenoon o f that day (Cen­tral Standard Tim e), in Room 1123, New Post Office Building, Chicago, Illinois.

Upon completion of testimony for the Federal Trade Commission, the trial ex­aminer is directed to proceed immedi­ately to take testimony and evidence on behalf of the respondent. The trial ex­aminer will then close the case and make his report upon the facts; conclusions of fact; conclusions of law; and recommen­dation for appropriate action by the Commission.

By the Commission.[ seal ] O tis B . Jo h n so n ,

Secretary. •[P. R. Doe. 46-1279; Piled, Jan. 23, 1946;

11:35 a. m.]


[S. O. 396, Special Permit 19]

R econsignm ent of G rapefruit at C in c in n a t i, O h io

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by paragraph (f ) of the first ordering paragraph of Service Order No. 396 (10 F.R. 15008), permission is granted for any cpmmon carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act:

To disregard entirely the provisions of Service Order No. 396 insofar as it applies to

the reconsignment at Cincinnati, Ohio, Janu­ary 18, 1946, by Florida Citrus Exchange, of car PPE 96607, grapefruit, now on the Louis­ville and Nashville Railroad, to Florida Citrus Exchange, Detroit, Michigan. (B&O-P.M.).

The waybill shall show reference to this special permit.

A copy of this special permit has been served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and notice of this permit shall be given to the gen­eral public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commis­sion at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Fed­eral Register*

Issued at Washington, D. C., this 18th day of January 1946.

V. C. Clinger , Director,

Bureau of Service.[P. R. Doc. 46-1207; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

12:08 p. m.)

[S. O. 396, Special Permit 20]

R econsignm ent of Celery at C in c in n a t i, O h io

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by paragraph (f ) of the first ordering paragraph of Service Order No. 396 (10 F. R. 15008), permission is granted for any common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act:

To disregard entirely the provisions of Service Order No. 396 insofar as it applies to the teconsignment at Cincinnati, Ohio, Janu­ary 18th, 1946, by A. Duda and Sons, of car MDT 18679, celery, now on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, to La Mantia Brothers Arrigo, Chicago, Illinois (C&O).

The waybill shall show reference to this special permit.

A copy of this special permit has been served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and notice of this permit shall be given to the gen­eral public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commis­sion at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Fed­eral Register.

Issued at Washington, D. C., this 18th day o f January 1946.

V. C. C ling er , Director,

Bureau of Service.[F. R. Doc. 46-1208; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

12:06 p. m.j

[S. O. 396, Special Permit 21]

R econsignm ent of L ettuce at M in n e ­apo lis , M in n .

Pursuant to the authority Vested in me by paragraph (f) of the first ordering paragraph of Service Order No. 396 (10 F.R. 15008), permission is granted for any common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act:

895To disregard entirely the provisions of

Service Order No. 396 Insofar as it applies to the reconsignment at Minneapolis, Min­nesota, January 18, 1946, by Alford Gebo Company, erf car PPE 30477, lettuce, now on the C., R. I. & P. RR. to L. Gillarde Com­pany, Chicago, Illinois (C„ R. I. & P.)

The waybill shall show reference to this special permit.

A copy o f this special permit has been served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and notice of this permit shall be given to the gen­eral public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commission at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Federal Register.

Issued at Washington, D. C., this 18th day of January 1946.

V. C. Cl in g er , Director,

Bureau of Service.[P. R. Doc. 46-1209; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

12:08 p. m.]

[S. O. 396, Special Permit 22]

R econsignm ent of L ettuce at P itt s ­burgh , P a.

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by paragraph (f ) of the first ordering paragraph of Service Order No. 396 (10 F.R. 15008), permission is granted for any common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act:

To disregard entirely the provisions of Serv­ice Order No. 396 Insofar as it applies to the recpnslgnment at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 18, 1946, by O’Donnell Fruit Com­pany, of cars PPE 70530; and PPE 36179, let­tuce, now on the Pennsylvania Railroad to American Stores Company, Johnstown, Penna. (P.RR.).

The waybiU shall show reference to this special permit.

A copy of this special permit has been served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement un­der the terms of that agreement; and notice of this permit shall be given to the general public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Com­mission at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Federal Register.

issued at Washington, D. C., this 18th day of January 1946.

V. C. Cl in g e r , Director,

Bureau-of Service.[P. R. Doc. 46-1210; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

12;08 p. m.]

[S. O. 422, Amended Special Permit 2]

L ess C arload F reight at S t . L o u is , Mo.Pursuant to the authority vested in me

by paragraph (c) of the first ordering paragraph of Service Order No. 422 (11 F. R. 250), permission is granted for any

No. 17------ 4

896 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act:

To disregard the provisions of Service Or­der No. 422 insofar as it applies to all cars loaded with less carload freight held at St. Louis, Missouri or East St. Louis, Illinois.

This special permit shall become effective at 12:01 a. m., January 20, 1946 and shall ex­pire at 11:59 p. m., January 31, 1946.

A copy of this special permit has been served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and notice of this permit shall be given to the gen­eral public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commission at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Fed­eral Register.

Issued at Washington, D. C., this 18th day of January 1946.

V. C. Cling er ,Director,

Bureau of Service.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1211; Filed, Jan, 22, 1946; 12:08 p. m.]

fS. O. 422, Special Permit 3]

L oading of B ox C ars at P h ilad elph ia , P a.

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by paragraph (c) of the first ordering paragraph of Service Order No. 422 (11 F. R. 250), permission is granted for any common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act:

To disregard the provisions of Service Or­der No. 422 insofar as it applies to 45 cars now on the Pennsylvania Railroad at Phil­adelphia, Pennsylvania.

This special permit shall expire at 11:59 p. m., January 20, 1946.

A copy of this special permit has been served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and no­tice of this permit shall be given to the general public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Com­mission' at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Federal Register.

Issued at Washington, D. C., this 16th day of January 1946.

V. C. C ling er , Director,

Bureau of Service.[F. R. Doc. 46-1212; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

- 12:08 p.m.J

[S. O. 422, Special Permit 4]

L oading of B ox C ars at B altim ore , M d.

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by paragraph (c) of the first order­ing paragraph of Service Order No. 422 (11 FR . 250), permission is granted for any common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act:

To disregard the provisions Of Service Or­der No. .422 insofar fts it applies to 35 cars

now on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Balti­more, Maryland.

This special permit shall expire at 11:59 p. m., January 20, 1946.

A copy of this special permit has been served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and notice of this permit shall be given to the gen­eral public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commission at Washington, D. C., apd by filing it with the Director, Division of the Fed­eral Register.

Issued at Washington, D. C., this 16th day of January 1946.

V. C. Clin g er , Director,

Bureau of -Service.[F. R. Doc. 46-1213; . Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

12:08 p. m.j

[S. O. 422, Special Permit 5]

L oading of B ox Cars b y S po k ane , P ort­land and S eattle R a il w a y C o .

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by paragraph (c) of the first order­ing paragraph of Service Order No. 422 (11 FR . 250), permission is granted for any common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act:

To disregard the provisions of Service Or­der No. 422 insofar as it applies to ten (10) cars used in detached work service by the Spokane, Portland.and Seattle Railway Com­pany

This special permit shall expire at 11:59 p. m., March 15, 1946.

A copy of this special permit has been served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and notice of this permit shall be given to the gen­eral public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commis­sion at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Fed­eral Register.

Issued at Washington, D. C., this 18th day of January 1946.

V. C. C linger , Director,

Bureau of Service.[F. R. Doc. 46-1214; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

12:08 p. m.]

[S. O. 433, Arndt. 1]

E mbargo of L ess Carload F reight at S t . L o uis and E ast St . L o u is

At a session of the Interstate Com­merce Commission, Division 3, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 22d day of January, A. D. 1946.

Upon further consideration of the pro­visions of Service Order No. 433 (11 F.R. 817), and good cause appearing therefor: I t is ordered, That:

Service Order No. 433 (11 F.R. 817), Embargo of less carload freight, at St. Louis and East St. Louis, be, and it is hereby, suspended until ll:5p p. m., Jan­uary 31,1946. (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402,418;

41 Stat. 476, sec. 4, 54 Stat. 901, 911; 49 U.S.C. l'(10) —(17), 15 (2 ))

I t is further ordered, That this order shall become effective at 6:00 p. m., Jan­uary 22, 1946; that a copy of this order and direction shall be served upon the freight forwarders serving St. Louis, Mis­souri, and East St. Louis, Illinois, and upon the Associatipn of American Rail­roads, Car Service Division, as agent of the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ice and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement; and that notice of this order be given to the gen­eral public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commis­sion at Washington, D- C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Fed­eral Register.

By the Commission, Division 3.[ seal ] W. P. B artel,


[F. R. Doc. 46-1280i Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;11:51 a. m.]

[S. O. 435-A]

R erouting of F reight T raffic B e t w e e n A l ic ev ille and C ochran, A la .

At a session of the Interstate Com­merce Commission, Division 3, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 22d day of January, A. D. 1946.

Upon further consideration of the pro­visions of Service Order No. 435 (11 F.R. 818), and good cause appearing therefor: I t is ordered, That,

Service Order No. 435, directing the Alabama, Tennessee and Northern Rail­road Company to reroute freight traffic routed over its line between Aliceville and Cochran, Alabama, be, and it is hereby, vacated and set aside. (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402, 418, 41 Stat. 476, sec. 4, 54 Stat. 901, 911; 49 U. S. G. 1 (10)-(17), 15 (2) )

I t is further ordered, That this order shall become effective at 6:00 p. m., Jan­uary 22, 1946; that a copy of this order and direction shall be served upon the Alabama, Tennessee and Northern Rail­road Company and upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Di­vision, as agent of the railroads subscrib­ing to the car service and per diem agree­ment under the terms of that agree­ment; and that notice of this order be

* given to the general public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commission at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Federal Register.

By the Commission, Division 3.[ seal ] W. P. B artel,


[F. R. Doc. 46-1282; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;11:51a.m .]


[Vesting Order 4950, Arndt.]“

W arren F. H e n le y

In re: estate of Warren F. Henley, de­ceased, and trust under the will of War-

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 897

xen P. Henley, decèased; Pile D-66-456;E. T. sec. 2996.

Vesting Order Number 4950, dated May 24, 1945, is hereby amended to read as follows:

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding;

1. That the property described as follows: All right, title, Interest and claim of any kind or character whatsoever of Ida Belle Thomas von hpelow in and to the estate of Warren P. Henley, deceased,is property payable or deliverable to, or claimed by, a national of a designated enemy country, Germany, namely,

National and Last Known Address

Ida Belle Thomas von Buelow, Germany.That such property is in the process of

administration by Harris Trust & Savings Bank, as Executor of the estate of Warren P. Henley, deceased, acting under the judicial supervision of the Probate Court of Cook County, Illinois;

2. That the property described as follows: The sum of $15,000.00, • and any accretions thereto, in the possession and custody of Harris Trust & Savings Bank, representing the amount allowed Ida Belle Thomas von Buelow on her claim against the estate of Warren P. Henley, deceased, by the Probate Court of Cook County, Illinois, ■is property within the United States owned or controlled by, payable or deliverable to, held on behalf of or on account of, or owing to, or which is evidence of ownership or con­trol by, a -national of a designated enemy country, Germany, namely,

National and Last Known AddressIda Belle Thomasjvon Buelow, Germany.8. That the property described as follows:

All right, title, interest and claim of any kind- or character whatsoever of Elizabeth Stuart Henley-Witthoeft-Emden, also known as Elizabeth Henley Witthoeft-Emden; the lawful descendants (names unknown) of Elizabeth Stuart Henley-Witthoeft-Emden, also known as Elizabeth Henley Witthoeft- Emden; Jane Muriel Henley, also known as Jane Muriel Henley Zander; and the lawful descendants (names unknown) of Jane Muriel Henley, also known as Jane Muriel Henley Zander; and each of them, in and to the Trust under the Will of Warren P. Henley, deceased,is property within thé United States owned or controlled by, payable or deliverable to, held on behalf of or on account of, or owing to, or which is evidence of ownership or con­trol by, nationals of a designated enemy country, Germany, namely,

Nationals and Last Known AddressElizabeth Stuart Henley-Witthoeft-Emden,

also known as Elizabeth Henley Witthoeft- Emden, Germany.

Lawful descendants (names unknown) of Elizabeth Stuart Henley-Witthoeft-Emden, also known as Elizabeth Henley Witthoeft- Emden, Germany.

Jane Muriel Henley, also known as Jane Muriel Henley Zander, Germany.

Lawful descendants (names unknown) of Jane Muriel Henley, also known as Jane Muriel Henley Zander, Germany.

And determining that to the extent that such' nationals are persons not within a des­ignated enemy country, the national interest

of the United States requires that such per­sons be treated as nationals of a designated enemy country (Germany); .

And having made all determinations and taken all action required by law, Including appropriate consultation and certification, and deeming it necessary in the national Interest,hereby vests In the Alien Property Cus­todian the property described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­terest and for the benefit of the United States.

Such property and any or all of the proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­propriate account or accounts, pending further determination of the Alien Prop­erty Custodian. This order shall not be deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to return such prop­erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate that compensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, i f and when it should be de­termined to take any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of a des­ignated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may, within one year from the date here­of, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Property Cus­todian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, together with a request for a hearing thereon. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or right to allow­ance of any such claim.

The terms “national” and “ designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 7,1946.

[ seal ] James E. M arkham ,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1162; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;11:22 a. m.]

all of which documents Lave been assigned to Georg Hirsch and are presently in the cus­tody of the New York Trust Company, 100 Broadway, New York, New York, for the ac­count of Georg Hirsch;and determining:

4. That Elly Coal Company is . controlled by the Estate of Georg Hirsch, deceased, his heirs, legatees and executors, or is acting for or on behalf of a designated enemy country (Germany) or persons within such country, and is a national of a designated enemy country (Germany);

5. __ That to the extent that such nationals are persons not within a designated enemy country, the national interest of the United States requires that such persons be treated as nationals of a designated enemy country (Germany);and having made all determinations and taken all action required by law, including appropriate consultation and certification, and deeming it necessary in the national interest, \ ;' *

hereby vests in the Alien Property Custo­dian the 16,667 shares of capital stock of Elly Coal Company, hereinbefore more

[Vesting Order 5523]

E l l y C oal C o .Under the authority of the Trading

with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding:

1. That of the outstanding capital stock of Elly Coal Company, a corporation organ­ized under the laws of the State of Illinois and a business enterprise within the United States, consisting of 20,000 shares having a par value of $100 each, 16,667 shares (83.35%) are registered in the names of the persons listed below in the number appearing oppo­site each name and are beneficially owned by the Estate of Georg Hirsch, deceased, his heirs, legatees and executors, and are evi­dence of control of said business enterprise :

NameRum» ber of shares


Frederick C. Hicks, as 14,995 Assigned to GeorgAlien Property Custo- Hirsch.dian.

Louis H. Hall-.............. 1 Endorsed in blank.George D. Gasto_______ 1 Do.James W. Good, deceased 1 Do.John L. Dryer_________ 1 Do.Waren R. Roberts______ 1 Do.Martin Nordegg, trustee- 1,667 Assigned to Georg


Total................... 16,667

2. That the Estate of Georg Hirsch, de­ceased, his heirs, legatees and executors, whose last known addresses are Germany, are nationals of a designated enemy country (Germany);

3. That the Estate of Georg Hirsch, de­ceased, his heirs, legatees and executors, have claims against Elly Coal Company, which claims, as of December 31, 1943, aggregated $310,850, represented by three notes of Elly Coal Company in the principal amounts of $100,000, $25,000 and $15,000 and accrued in­terest thereon to December 31, 1943, totaling $170,850, secured by three mortgages de­scribed below, subject, however, to any ac­cruals or deductions subsequent thereto, and represent a substantial interest in said busi­ness enterprise:

fully described, and the claims of the Estate of Georg Hirsch,' deceased, his heirs, legatees and executors represented by three notes secured by three mort­gages together with interest thereon, hereinbefore more fully described, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the interest and for the benefit of the United States, andhereby undertakes the direction, man­agement, supervision and control of said business enterprise arid all property of any nature whatsoever situated in the United States, owned or controlled by, payable or deliverable to, or held on be­half of or on account of or owing to said business» enterprise to the extent deemed necessary or advisable from time to time by the Alien Property Custodian.

Such property and any or all of the ‘ proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­propriate account or accounts, pending further determination of the Alien Prop­erty Custodian. This order shall not be

Nature of indenture Principalamount Date issued Payee

First Mortgage Trust____Second Mortgage Trust___Third Mortgage Trust____

$100,000 25,090 15,000


27,1922 1,1925 1,1928

Thomas W. Miller, Alien Property Custodian, Trust #3243. Frederick C. Hicks, Alien-Property Custodian, Trust #3243. Howard Sutherland, Alien Property Custodian, Trust #3243.

898 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to vary the extent of or terminate such direction, manage­ment, supervision or control, or return such property or the proceeds thereof In whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate that compensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should be determined to take any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of a designated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of,.this order/ may, within one year from the date hereof, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Property Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, together with a request for a hearing thereon. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or right to allowance of any such claim.

The terms “national” , “designated en­emy country” and “business enterprise within the United States” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 3,1946.

[ seal ] James E. M arkham ,Alien Property Custodian.

[P. R. Doc. 46-1153; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;11:21 a. m.]

[Vesting Order No. 5544]

A braham A al

In re: trust under will of Abraham Aal, deceased; File No. F-28-11593; E. T. sec. 1332).

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding;

That the property described as follows: All right, title, interest and claim of any kind or character whatsoever of Helena B. Kauf­man and the domiciliary personal represent­atives, heirs, next-of-kin, legatees and dis­tributees, names unknown, of Fanny Aal, deceased, and each of them, in and to th® Trust under the Will of Abraham Aal, de­ceased,is property payable or deliverable to, or claimed by, nationals of a designated enemy country, Germany, namely,

Nationals and Last Known AddressHelena B. Kaufman, Germany.The domiciliary personal representatives,

heirs, next-of-kin, legatees and distributees, names unknown, of Fanny Aal, deceased, Germany.

That such property is in the process of ad­ministration by The Union and New Haven Trust Company, as Successor Trustee under the Will of Abraham Aal, acting under the Judicial supervision of the Court of Probat® of the District of New Haven, Connecticut;

And determining that to the extent that such nationals are persons not within a des­ignated enemy country, the national inter­est of the United States requires that such persons be treated as nationals of a desig­nated enemy country (Germany);

And having made all determinations and taken all action required by law, including appropriate consultation and certification, and deeming it necessary in the national in­terest.

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­todian the property described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­est and for the benefit of the United States.

Such property and any or all of the proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­propriate account or accounts, pending further determination of the Alien Prop­erty Custodian. This order shall not be deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to return such prop­erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate that compensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should be deter­mined to take any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of a des­ignated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may, within one year from the date hereof, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, together with a request for a hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­tained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or right to allowance of any such claim.

The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No,. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 7, 1946.

[ seal ] J a m e s E. M a r k h a m ,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1154; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;1 1 :2 1 a .m .]

[Vesting Order 5548]

H erm an E pcke

In re: estate of Herman Epcke, de­ceased; File D-28-8002; E. T. sec. 8962.

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding;

That the property described as follows: All right, title, interest and claim of any kind or character whatsoever of Martha Brandt, Lotta Wittig. Paul Hinkforth, Otto Dietrich, Paul Ristow and Erna Kolz, and each of them, in and to the estate of Herman Epcke, de­ceased,is property payable or deliverable to, or claimed by, nationals of a designated enemy country, Germany, namely,

Nationals and Last Known AddressMartha Brandt, Germany.Lotta Wittig, Germany.Paul Hinkforth, Germany.Otto Dietrich, Germany.Paul Ristow, Germany.Erna Kolz, Germany.That such property is in the process of

administration by Ernst H. Drews, 2045 West Forest Home Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as Executor of the estate of Herman Epcke, Deceased, acting under the Judicial supervi­sion of the County Court of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin;

And determining that to the extent that such nationals are persons not within a des­ignated enemy country, the national Interest of the United States requires that such per­

sons be treated as nationals of a designated ienemy country (Germany);

And having made all determinations and taken all action required by law, including appropriate consultation and certification, and deeming it necessary in the national interest,hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­todian the property described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­terest and for the benefit of the Unitea States.

Such property and any or all of the proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­propriate account or accounts, pending further determination of the Alien Prop­erty Custodian» This order shall not be deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to return such prop­erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate that compensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should be de­termined to take any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of a designated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may, within onq year from the date hereof, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, together with a request for a hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­tained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or right to allowance of any such claim.

The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 7, 1946.

[ seal ] Ja m e s E. M a r k h a m ,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1155; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;11:21 a.m.]

[Vesting Order 5549]

G eorge A rthur H em pel

In re: estate of Georg Arthur Hempel, deceased; File D-28-9742; ET sec. 13652.

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding:

That the property described as follows: All right, title, interest and claim of any kind or character whatsoever of Elizabeth Susanne Hempel and Eberhard Hempel, and each of them, in and to the Estate of Georg Arthur Hempel, deceased,is property payable or deliverable to, or claimed by, nationals of a designated enemy country, Germany, namely,

Nationals and Last Known AddressElizabeth Susanne Hempel, Germany.Eberhard Hempel, Germany.That such property is in the process of ad­

ministration by Old Colony Trust Co., as Administrator, acting under the Judicial supervision of the Probate Court, Suffolk County, State of Massachusetts;

And determining that to the extent that such nationals are persons not within a desig­nated enemy country, the national interest of the United States requires that such persons be treated as nationals of a designated enejny country (Germany).;

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 899And having made all determinations and

taken all action required by law, including appropriate consultation and certification, and deeming it necessary in the national in­terest,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­todian the property described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­terest and for the benefit of the United States.

Such property and any or all of the proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­propriate account or accounts, pending further determination of the Alien Prop­erty Custodian. This order shall not be deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to return such prop­erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to indi­cate that compensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should be determined to take any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of a des­ignated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may, within one year from the date hereof, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, together with a request for a hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­tained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or right to allowance of any such claim.

The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 7, 1946.

[ seal ] James E. M arkham ,Alien Property Custodian.

[F, R. Doc. 46-1156; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;11:21 a. m.]

[Vesting Order 5551]

M ary G . K enck

In re: estate of Mary G. Kenck, de­ceased; File D-28-7390; E. T. sec. 7576.

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding;

That the property described as follows: All right, title, interest and claim of any kind or character whatsoever of Gertrude Gold- hammer in and to the estate of Mary G. Kenck, deceased,is property payable or deliverable to, or claimed by, a national of a designated enemy country, Germany, namely,

National and Last Known AddressGertrude Goldhammer, Germany.That such property is in the process of

administration by (Very Reverend) James Grover Tougas, 416 North Ewing Street, Helena, Montana, as Executor of the estate of Mary G. Kenck, deceased, acting under the judicial supervision of the District Court of the First Judicial District jpf the State of Montana, in and for the Couhty of Lewis and Clark;

And determining that to the extent that such national is a person not within a desig­nated enemy country, the national interest

of the United States requires that such per­son be treated as a national of a designated enemy country, (Germany); .

And having made all determinations and taken all action required by law, including appropriate consultation and certification, and deeming it necessary in the national interest,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­todian the property described above, to to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with fn the inter­est and for the benefit of the United States.

Such property and any or all of the proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­propriate account or accounts, pending further determination of the Alien Prop-; erty Custodian. This order shall not be deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to return such prop­erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate that compensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should be determined to take any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of a designated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may, within one year from the date here­of, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Property Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, together with a request for a hear­ing thereon. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to constitute an admis­sion of the existence, validity or right to allowance of any such claim.

The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 7, 1946.

[ seal ] Ja m e s E. M a r k h a m ,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1157; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;11:21 a. m.]

[Vesting Order 5559]

P ietro M ela

In re: estate of Pietro Mela, deceased; File D-38-3515; E. T. sec. 12684.

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding;

That the property described as follows: All right, title, interest and claim of any kind or character whatsoever of Domenico Mela, children, names unknown of Domenico Mela, or the surviving issue, names unknown, of them or any of them, children, names un­known, of Lorenzo Mela, deceased, or surviv­ing issue, names unknown, of them or any of them, and each of them, in and to the Estate of Pietro Mela, deceased,is property payable or deliverable to, or claimed by, nationals of a designated enemy country, Italy, namely,

Nationals and Last Known AddressDomenico Mela, Italy.Children, names unknown, of Domenico

Mela, or the surviving issue, names unknown, of them or any of them, Italy.

Children, names unknown, of Lorenzo Mela, deceased, or surviving issue, names up- known, of them or any of them, Italy.

That such property is in the process of administration by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, as Executor, acting under the Judicial supervision of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the City and County of San Francisco;

And determining that to the extent that such nationals are persons not within a desig­nated enemy country, the national interest of the United States requires that such per­sons be treated as nationals of a designated enemy country, (Italy);

And having made all determinations and taken all action required by law, including appropriate consultation and certification, and deeming it necessary in the national interest,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­todian the property described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­terest and for the benefit of the United States.

Such property and any or all of the proceeds thereof shall be held in an appropriate account or accounts, pend­ing further determination of the Alien Property Custodian. This order shall not be deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to return such property or the proceeds thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to Indicate that compensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should be determined to take any one or all of such actions.

Any person, except a national of a designated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may, within one year from the date hereof, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Property Custodian on Form APC-I a notice of claim, together with a request for a hearing thereon. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or right to allowance of any such Claim.

The terms “national” and “ designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 7, 1946.

[ seal ] Ja m e s E. M a r k h a m ,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1158; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;11:21 a. m.]

[Vesting Order 5567]

G eestemuender B ank

In re: bank account owned by Geestemuender Bank.

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding:

1. That Geestemuender Bank, the last known address of which is Wesermtlnde- Geestemtinde, Germany, is a national of a designated enemy country (Germany);

2. That the property described as follows: That certain debt or other obligation owing to Geestemuender Bank, by Chemical Bank & Trust Company, 165 Broadway, New York, New York, arising out of a dollar account, entitled Geestemuender Bank, and any and all rights to demand, enforce and collect the same,

900 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

is property within the United States owned or controlled by, payable or deliverable to, held on behalf of or on account of, or owing to, or which is evidence of ownership or control by, the aforesaid national of a desig­nated enemy country;

And determining that to the extent that such national is a person not within a desig­nated enemy country, the national inter­est of the United States requires that such person be treated as a national of a desig­nated enemy country (Germany);

And having made all determinations and taken all action required by law, including appropriate consultation and certification, and deeming it necessary in the national interest,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­todian the property described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­terest and for the benefit of the United States.

Such property and any or all of the proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­propriate account or accounts, pending further determination of the Alien Prop­erty Custodian. This order shall not be deemed to constitute an admission by the Alien Property Custodian of the lawful­ness of, or acquiescence in, or licensing of, any set-offs, charges or deductions, nor shall it be deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to return such property or the proceeds thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate that compensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should be determined to take any one or all of such actions.

Any • person, except a national of a designated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may, within one year from the date here­of, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Property

Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, together with a request for a hear­ing thereon. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to constitute an admis­sion of the existence, validity or right to allowance of any such claim.

The terms “national” and “ designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C-, on January 8, 1946.

[ seal ] James E. M arkham ,Alien Property Custodian.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1159; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;11:22 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 81]

C osts and E xpenses I ncurred in C ertainA ctio ns or P roceedings in C ertainN e w Y ork C ourts

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the Alien Property Custodian:

Having found that each of the persons named in Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereol, was a person within the designated enemy country or enemy-occupied territory appear­ing opposite such person’s respective name in Column 2 of said Exhibit A;

Having determined that it was in the In­terest of the United States to take measures in connection with representing each of said persons in the court or administrative action or proceeding identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A, and having taken such measures;

Finding that as a result of such action or proceeding each of said persons obtained or was determined to have an interest in prop­erty, which interest is particularly described in Column 4 of said Exhibit A;

E x h ib it A

Finding that such property is in the pos­session, custody or control of the person described in Column 5 of said Exhibit A; and

Finding that the Alien Property Custodian has incurred, in each of such court or ad­ministrative actions or proceedings, costs and expenses in the amount stated in Column 6 of said Exhibit A,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­todian, to be used or otherwise dealt with in the interest, and for the benefit, of the United States, from the property in the possession, custody, or control of the per­sons described in said Column 5 of said Exhibit A, the sums stated in said Column 6 of said Exhibit A, such sums being the amounts of such property equal to the costs and expenses incurred by the Alien Property Custodian in such actions or proceedings.

This order shall not be deemed to limit the powers of the Alien Property Custo­dian to return such property if and when it should be determined that such return should be made.

Any person, except a national of a des­ignated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may file with the Alien Property Custodian a notice of his claim, together with a re­quest for a hearing thereon, on Form APC-1, within one year from the date hereof, or within such further time as may be allowed by the Alien Property Custodian.

The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 16, 1946.

[ seal ] James E. M arkham ,Alien Property Custodian.

Column 1


Costas Kokinis_____

John Kokinis______

Nicholas Kokinis__

Vathia Kokinis____

Areti N. Papamikes.

Barci Cookinger___

Hinda Tichobrazov.

Bentzicon Minster—

Anna Julie Malet...

Maria Kuhâr_____

Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6

Country or territory Action or proceeding Interest Depository Sum vested

Item 1

Estate of Antonio Lokinis, also known as $1,644. 62 Treasurer of the City of New Y ork, Municipal $17.00Anton Kokinis, deceased, in the Surrogate’s Court, New York County, N. Y., Index No. A-1028/43.

Item 81, 644. 62

Bldg., New York, N. x .

Same-......................... -...... 17.00

Item S1.644. 62 f

1.644. 63

Same..................... ............................... 17.00

Item 4Same.................................... ..... ............... 17.00

Item 5n Estate of Nicholas Papamikes, deceased, in the

Surrogate’s Court, New York County, N. Y. Index No. A-2504/42.

3,279.67 Same....... 50.61

item 6

Estate of Isidore Minster, deceased, in the Surrogate’s Court, Bronx County, N. Y., Index No. 878-P-1942,

791.44 Same____ 30.00

Item 7527.63 Same____ 20.00

Ite m 8950.28 Same.......................................................— 40.00

Item 9. , , , , Estate of Harry T.-S. Green, deceased, in the

Surrogate’s Court, New York County, N. Y., Index No. P-1941/42.

(l> 52.31

Item 10

1 Estate of John Skrileez, deceased, in the Sur­rogate’s Court, New York County, N..Y., Index No. P-2127/40.

3,446.47 121.00JL UgÜSlU V là.—— — — —— — — — — —

1 J5,COt .00 legacy.

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 901E x h ib it A—Continued

--------7-— ■— ........Column 1


Column 2

Country or territory

Column 3

Action or proceeding

Column 4


Column 5

' Depository

Column 6

Sum vested

Maria Ladetto Benedetti___ Italy................ .

Item 11

Estate of Josephine B. Sanpietro, deceased, $4,480.95 Treasurer of the City of New York, Municipal $96.00in the Surrogate’s Court, New Y ork County, N. Y., Index No. A-684/43.

Item I t

Estate of S. Adelina Moller, deceased, in the Surrogate’s Court, New York County, N. Y., Index No. P-2388/39.

Item IS


Bldg., New York, N. Y.

flame. ______ _............. 95.00

Estate of Bichard Charles Perkins, deceased, in the Surrogate’s Court, New York County, N. Y.

Item H

Estate of Gustave Schmit, deceased, in the Surrogate’s Court, New York Count y, N.Y. Index No. A-583/42.

162.63 Same......................... ..... .......................... 25.00brielle Van den Eynde, as Executrix of and universal heir under the Will of Edward Newstead Perkins, deceased.

$106.06 Same................................... ...................... 25.00

IF. R. Doc. 46-1160; Filed, Jan. 22,1946; 11:22 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 82]

Costs and E xpenses I ncurred i n C ertainA ctio ns or P roceedings i n C ertainCo nnecticut C ourts

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the Alien Property Custodian;

Having found that each o f the persons named in' Column 1 o f Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, was a person' w ithin the designated enemy country or enemy-occupied territory appear­ing opposite such person’s respective name in Column 2 o f said Exhibit A;

Having determined that it was in the in ­terest o f the United States to take measures in connection w ith representing each o f said persons in the court or administrative action or proceeding identified in Column 3 Of said Exhibit A, and having taken such measures;

Finding that as a result of such action or proceeding each o f said persons obtained or

was determined to have an interest in prop­erty, which interest is particularly described in Column 4 o f said Exhibit A;

Finding that such property is in the pos­session, custody or control o f the person de­scribed in Column 5 o f said Exhibit A; and

Finding that the Alien Property Custodian has incurred, in each o f such court or ad­m inistrative actions or proceedings, costs and expenses in the amount stated in Col­umn 6 o f said Exhibit A,

hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­todian, to be used or otherwise dealt with in the interest, and for the benefit, of the United States, from the property in the possession, custody, or control of the per­sons described in said Column 5 of said Exhibit A, the sums' stated in said Col­umn 6 of said Exhibit A, such sums being the amounts of such property equal to the costs and expenses incurred by the Alien Property Custodian in such actions or proceedings.

E x h ib it A

This order shall not be deemed to limit the powers of the Alien Property Cus­todian to return such property if and when it should be determined that such return should be made.

Any person, except a national of a designated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order may file with the Alien Property Custodian a notice of his claim, together with a re­quest for a hearing thereon, on Form APC-1, within one year from the date hereof, or within such further time as. may be allowed by the Alien Property Custodian.

The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended.

Executed at Washington; D. C., on January 16, 1946.

[ seal ] Ja m e s E. M a r k h a m ,Alien Property Custodian.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3. Column 4 Column 5 Column 6

Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Interest Depositary Sum vested

Item 1

Czechoslovakia..... . Estate of Fanny Nagen, also known as Fannie $1,382.17 Mrs. Lena Wegner, Noroton Aye., Noroton $40.00Nagen, deceased, Probate Court, District of Darien, Conn.

Item t1,382.17


Heights, Conn., Executrix.

Same............................................ 40.00

Joseph K o l i n s k y .Item S

Same...................................... .................. 40.00

Item 4

Estate of Emidio Antonio Santagata, also 548.72 Birmingham. National Bank, Derby Conn., 45.00known as Antonio Santagato, or Emidio An­tonio Santagato, or Emidio Santagata, de­ceased, Probate Court, District of Derby, Conn.

Item 6548.72

Account 'No. 7445.

Same........................................... 45.00

Item s648.72


Same.._______ ___________ ______— . 45.00

Maria Santagata................. Italy.— ................... Same___Item 7

548.72 Same.._,_______________________________ 45.00

902 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

E xh ib it A —Continued

Column 1


Angela Parente...—

Josephine Albinino..

Anthony Parente—

Anthony Pastot.....

Tekla Rytczek....... .

Giuseppina Rebucci.

Genese Rebucci—.—

Andrew Fabis...—-

Anna Fabis...........

Petrone Jokubaitis..

Adolf Malzan.........

Mary Chupor........

Cora Greenwood__

Jan Kurasz......... .

Laurin Zilliacus----

Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6• *

Country or territory Action or proceeding Interest Depository Sum vested

Item 8

Estate of Giovanni Parente, also known as $429.60 Miss Rose M. Franco, 263 Tolland St., East Hartford, Conn., Administratrix.

$77.00John Parente, deceased, Probate Court, District of Windsor, Conn.

Item 9214.80 Same.........................................—.............. 39.00

Item 10214.80 Same.................................................... 39.00

Item 11

U. S. S. R ............... - Estate of Walter Pastet, also known as Vlodak 3,723.07 Walter Adamchuk, Jr., Administrator of the Estate of Walter Pastet, deceased, 38 Colony St., Ansonia, Conn.

130.00Pasttic, also known as Wlapek Pastaat, also known aS Walter Pastaat, deceased, Probate Court, District of Derby, Conn.

Item I t3,723.07 Same.......................................................... 130.00TT. S. S. R-------------

‘ Item IS

Estate of Antonio Rebucci, deceased, Probate 1,414.37 Giuseppina Rebucci, Genese Rebucci, The First National Bank & Trust Co.,'42 Church St., New Haven, Conn., Account No. 157265.

Same............... ..............- ..........................

104.00Court, District of New Haven, Conn.

Item 141,414.37 104.00

Italy........................Item 16

Estate of Andrew Victor Fabis, also-known as 1,207.94 The Torrington National Bank & Trust Co., P. O. Box 178, Torrington, Conn.

95.50• Victor Fabis, deceased, Probate Court, Dis­

trict of Torrington, Conn.

Item 161,207.94 Same...:______________________________—— 95.50

Item 17 -

Estate of Anna Domeika, deceased, Probate 650.00 Albert J. Bronsky, Administrator of the Estate Of Anna Domeika, deceased, 111 West Main St., Waterbury, Conn.

125.00Court, District of Waterbury, Conn.

Item 18

Estate of Pauline Heise, Probate Court, Dis-» 957.13 Miss Margaret Tessman, Administratrix of the Estate of Pauline Heise, deceased, 933 East St., New Britain, Conn.

110.00trict of Berlin, Conn.

Item 19

Estate of John Chupor, deceased, Probate 2,988. 62 The Seymour Trust Co., Executor, Seymour, Conn.

225.00Court, District of Derby, Conn.

Item tO

Trust under the Will of Sybil M. Gray for the (>) Phoenix State Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, 805 Main Street, Hartford, Conn.

172.00benefit of Cora Greenwood, Probate Court, District of Hartford, Conn.

Item t l

Estate of Jan Kurasz, Incapable, Probate 37, 778,97 The New Britain Trust Co., Conservator and Temporary Administrator, New Britain, Conn.

155.00Court, District of Berlin, Conn.

Item t t

Estate of Lilian G. Deghuee, deceased, Probate 70, 580.90 Konni Zilliacus and Laurin Zilliacus, Execu­tors, c/o Clement A. Fuller, 41 Bank St., Stamford, Conn.

139.00Court, District of Stamford, Conn.

i Income for life from trust established under the will of Sybil M. Gray, deceased.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1161; Filed, Jan. 22,1946; 11:22 a. m.]


[SO 94, Order 98]

* R e c o n s t r u c t io n F in a n c e C o r p ., et a l .


For the reasons set forth in an opin- ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and in accordance with section 11 of Supplementary Order 94, it is or­dered :

(a) What this order does. This order establishes the maximum price at which new portable gastiline'driven air supply units hereinafter described, which have been or may be purchased from the Re­construction Finance Corporation or any

other United States Government agency may be sold to users.

(b) Maximum prices. The maximum price for sales to users for new portable gasoline driven air supply units de­scribed herein, shall be:

Description. The portable gasoline driven air supply units (Federal Stock No. 660 1380) were manufactured by Bendix-Westinghouse Automobile Air Brake Company for the Quartermaster Corps of the United States Army, under assembly No. 221111. These units are air cooled vertical compressors, 4 cfm, mounted on hwo wheels, 105 to 130 lbs. pressure, complete with 2 air hoses, tire chuck, hand controlled feed valve, belt driven by a four cycle, single cylinder, air cooled, Briggs-Stratton Model N. gasoline motor, which develops IV2 H. P. at 3300 R. P. M. „

Price for sale to user— $135. f. o. b. point ofshipment.

(c) Relation to other regulations and orders. This order, with respect to the sales it covers supersedes any other regu­lation or order previously issued by the Office of Price Administration.

(d) Revocation and amendment.-This order may be revoked or amended at any time.

This order .shall become effective January 24, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.

C h e ste r B o w l e s ,Administrator.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1275; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;11:30 a. m.]

903FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

[Order 107 Under 3 (e) ]

M ixtite CORP.


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith; I t is ordered: -"J

(a ) Maximum prices for sales of the products and in the sizes set forth below, manufactured by The Mixtite Corpora­tion, Stoddard Avenue, North Haven, Connecticut, are established as follows:

Commodity Quantity

On sales to—












Red mixtite... Mixtite

4)£ lb. package.. 1 lb. package___





All prices are f. o .b. except at retail in which case prices are delivered.

(b) No extra charges may be made for containers.

(c) Each seller of the commodities covered by this order, except a retailer, shall notify each of his purchasers in writing at or before the issuance of the first invoice after the effective date of this order, of the maximum prices estab­lished by this order for each such seller as well as the maximum prices estab­lished for purchases upon resale and a statement that they have been estab­lished by the Office of Price Administra­tion..

(d) Prior to making any delivery of each of the aforesaid commodities after the effective date of this order, the manufacturer shall mark or cause to be marked thereon the following legend:

Maximum retail price— $______ _

The blank in the quoted phrase shall be filled in with the applicable maximum retail price.

This order shall become effective Janu­ary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1178; Filed, Jan. 22, 1940;

11:48 a. m.]

[Max. Import Price Reg., Order 108]

C o sby B rush and I mport C o ., I n c .

establishm ent of m a x im u m prices

For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to section 21 of the Maximum Import Price Regulation, it is ordered:’

(a) What this order doSs. This or­der establishes maximum prices for sales by any persons of certain brushes im­ported from England by Cosby Brush and Import Company, Inc., 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, New York. These brushes are . marked “G. B. Kent and Sons—Made in England” and are of va-

No.17------ 5

rious descriptions as set out in this order. The maximum prices established are at two levels—at the import or other than retail level and at the retail level.. (b) Maximum prices for sales of cer­tain imported brushes. The maximum prices on sales by the. following classes of sellers, above which no person may buy or receive for the following de­scribed brushes, shall be as follows:



prices on sales by others

than re­tailers (f. o. b. New York)


prices on sales by retailers


Each EachNo. 514 Hair brushes. __ ____ $6.75 $12.50No. 84 Hair brushes.................... 8.10 15.00No. H242 Shaving brushes_______ 13.50 25.00

Per pair Per paiNo. 81 Military brushes............. . $10.80 $20.00No. 85 Military brushes............. 17.55 32.50

(c) Maximum prices authorized above are f. o. b. New York, duty paid. For sales by the importer with delivery at some other point, payments actually in­curred for transportation from New York may be added. Such payments, how­ever, shall not include the expense of local transportation within the metro­politan area of New York.

(d) Maximum prices stated above are based on estimated landing costs. In the event that actual landing costs are less, these maximum prices shall be re­duced accordingly. On future pur­chases these maximum prices shall be reduced by the dollar-and-cents amount of any decrease in the landed costs and may be increased by the amount of any increase in landed costs provided writ­ten notice of such increase is furnished to the Office of Export-Import, Office of Price Administration, Washington, D. C.

(e) Maximum prices authorized above are before discounts, allowances and dif­ferentials of any nature. These maxi­mum prices shall be reduced by the dis­counts, allowances and differentials cus­tomarily applied on comparable sales.

(f ) Importers or other sellers selling for resale any brushes prices under this order shall include on the invoice to each retailer, the following statement:

Your maximum selling prices for the im­ported brush (es) as established by Order No. 108, issued by the Office of Price Admin­istration under the Maximum Import PriceRegulation is (are) $--------- (insert applicablespecific price for the brush(es) sold).

(g) A retail seller within the meaning of this order is any seller other than the importer, who makes sales to ultimate consumers.

(h) This order may be revoked or amended at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1175; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:45 a. m.]

[Order 108 Under 3 (e) ]

H ettom I ndustries


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith; I t is ordered:

(a) Maximum delivered prices for sales in 4 ounce containers of “Glip,” a waterproofer and rust preventative, man­ufactured by Hettom Industries, 1309 South Maple Avenue, Berwyn, Illinois, are established as follows:

iOn sales to—

Jobbers Retailer Consumer

$0.36 $0.45 $0.75

(b) No extra charge may be made for containers.

(c) With or prior to the first delivery of the aforesaid commodity to a jobber, salesman, or retailer, the manufacturer shall furnish such jobber, salesman, or retailer with a written notice containing the schedule of maximum prices set out in paragraph (a) above and a statement that they have been established by the

_ Office of Price Administration.(d) Prior to making any delivery of

such commodity after the effective date of this order, the manufacturer shall mark or ca/tise to be marked thereon the following legend:

Maximum retail price— 75 cents

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

^ Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1174; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:48 a. m.]

[SO 119, Arndt. 1 to Order 17]

O neida L td.


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to sections 13 and 14 of Supplementary Order 119; I t is ordered:

Paragraph (b) (1) is amended to read as follows:

( 1 ) A purchaser for resale who deliv­ered or offered for delivery during March 1942 an article which meets the defini­tion of "most comparable article” con­tained in § 1499.3 (a) of the General Maximum Price Regulation, except that it need not be currently offered for sale,- shall calculate his ceiling price by adding to his invoice cost the same markup which he had on that comparable article, according to the method and procedure set forth in that section.

All other provisions of Order No. 17 to Supplementary Order 119 remain in full force and effect.

904 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 2i> 1946

This amendment to Order 17 shall be­come effective on January 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,


[F. R. Doc. 46-1198; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946; 11:46 a. m.]

[SO 119, Order 52]

B a ll y Case and C ooler C o .


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register and pursuant to section 13 of Supple­mentary Order No. 119, it is ordered:

(a) Maximum prices for The Bally Case and Cooler Company. (1) The .above manufacturer may determine his maximum prices for his line of refriger­ated display cases, coolers, and kindred fixtures by increasing by 16 percent his prices on these items in effect on October 1, 1941 to each class of purchaser.

(2) Since the provisions of-this order are not intended to reduce properly es­tablished maximum prices, the manufac­turer may continue to use as his maxi­mum prices to each class of purchaser his properly established prices in effect under Maximum Price Regulation No. 591 in the event that such prices exceed the prices in effect to each class of purchaser on October 1, 1941 plus the increase pro­vided for in (1) above.

(3) The maximum prices set forth above shall be subject to discounts and allowances including transportation al­lowances and price differentials which are at least as favorable as those the manu­facturer extended or rendered or would have extended or rendered to each class of purchaser on commodities in the same general Category on October 1,1941«.

(b) Resellers’ maximum prices. All resellers of the commodities covered by this order (but not manufacturers who purchase such items for use in the manu­facture of other products) may add to their presently established maximum prices the actual dollars-and-cents in­crease in cost resulting from the adjust­ment granted the manufacturer by this order.

(c) Notification to all purchasers. The manufacturer shall send the following notice to every purchaser of the com­modities covered Joy this order at or be­fore the time of the first invoice after the adjustment granted by this order is put into effect:

Order No. 52 under Supplementary Order No. 119 authorizes a 16 percent increase in October 1, 1941 net prices for sales of re­frigerated display cases, coolers, and kindred fixtures manufactured by this company.

Resellers (but not manufacturers who pur­chase such items for use in the manufac­ture of other products), may add to their existing maximum prices the actual dollars- and-cents increase in cost resulting from the adjustment granted by Order No. 52.

(d) All prayers for relief not granted herein are denied.

(e) This order may be amended or re­voked by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1199; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:49 a. nl.]

[SO 119, Order 55]

C rane Co .


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register and pursuant to the provisions of Supplementary Order No. 119, I t is ordered:

(a) The Crane Company of Chicago, Illinois may determine its maximum prices for its line of enameled cast iron plumbing fixture ware,, exclusive of all fittings and trimmings, by increasing by 22 percent its prices in effect on October 1,1941 to each class of purchaser.

(b) Since the provisions of this order are not intended to reduce properly es­tablished maximum prices, the Crane Company may continue to use as its maximum prices to each class of pur­chaser for its line of enameled cast iron plumbing fixture ware exclusive of all fittings and trimmings its properly es­tablished prices under Maximum Price Regulation No. 591 in the event that such prices exceed the prices in effect to each class of purchaser on October 1,1941 plus the increase provided for in (a) above.

(c) The Crane Company of Chicago, Illinois shall notify, in writing, each of its purchasers at or before the issuance of the first invoice after the effective date of this order of the actual dollars-and- cents increase for each item of enameled cast iron plumbing fixture ware exclusive of all fittings and trimmings over its properly established maximum price in effect on January 22, 1946 to that class of purchaser.

(d) The maximum price for sale by any reseller of the enameled cast iron plumbing fixture ware exclusive of all fittings and trimmings manufactured by the Crane Company shall be his properly established price in effect on January 22, 1946 to each class of purchaser plus the actual dollars-and-cents increase in ac­quisition cost resulting from the increase granted the manufacturer under (a) above.

A seller shall not be considered a “re­seller” within the meaning of this para­graph when he uses the enameled cast iron plumbing fixture ware inclusive of all fittings and trimmings on or in con­nection with the sale of another article (such as a sink cabinet) and his maxi­mum price for the ware and the other article is established on the basis of a lump sum.

(e) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Janu­ary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chec ker B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1201; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:46 a. m.]

[S. O. 119, Order 54]


For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith, and filed with the Division of the Federal Register; and pursuant to Supplemen­tary Order No. 119, it is ordered:

(a) Manufacturer’s maximum prices. Kroehler Mfg. Co., of Naperville, Illinois, may increase its maximum prices in ef­fect immediately prior to the issuance of this order for sales of the theatre chairs which it manufactures, by 20 percent; Provided, The amount of such increase is separately stated on each invoice or other written evidence of sale, as an adjust­ment charge.

(b) Maximum prices of purchasers for resale. (1) A purchaser for resale of such articles, which the manufacturer has sold at adjusted maximum prices may increase his present maximum re­sale price by the same dollar and cents amount by which his supplier’s maxi­mum price has been increased.

(2) I f a purchaser for resale cannot determine his maximum resale price un­der the above method, he shall apply to the Office of Price Administration for the establishment of his maximum re­sale price under § 1499.3 (c) of the Gen­eral Maximum Price Regulation. Maxi­mum resale prices established under that section will reflect the supplier’s prices adjusted in accordance tfith this order.

(c) Terms of sale. Maximum prices adjusted by this order are subject to each seller’s terms, discounts, allowances, and other price differentials, in effect during March 1942, or which have been prop­erly established under the applicable OPA regulation.

(d) Notification. At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to a purchaser lor resale, showing a price adjusted in accordance with the terms of this order, the seller shall notify the purchaser in writing of the methods established in paragraph (b) of this order for deter­mining adjusted maximum prices for re­sales of the articles covered by this order. This notice may be given in any con­venient form.

(e) Revocation or amendment. This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

(f) Effective date. This order shall become effective on January 23, 1946..

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 146-1200; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:45 a. m.]

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 905[S. O. 133, Order 15]


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to sections 4 and 6 of Sup­plementary Order No. 133; it is ordered:

(a) Manufacturer’s ceiling prices. C. Prouty and Company, Eldred, Pennsyl­vania, may increase by no more than 5 percent its ceiling prices to each class of purchaser for peavies, canthooks, and timber carriers of its manufacture.

(b) Ceiling prices of purchasers for re­sale. Purchasers for resale of such ar­ticles which the manufacturer has sold at the adjusted maximum prices per­mitted by paragraph (a) above, shall de­termine their maximum prices as fol­lows :

(1) A purchaser for resale who deliv­ered or offered for delivery during March 1942 an article which meets the definition of “most comparable article” contained in § 1499.3 (a) of the General Maximum Price Regulation, except that it need not be currently offered for sale, shall calcu­late his ceiling price by adding to his in­voice cost the same markup which he had on that comparable article, according to the method and procedure set forth in that section.

The determination of a ceiling price in this way need not be reported to* the Office of Price Administration; however,, such seller must keep complete records showing all the information called for by OPA Form 620-759 with regard to how he determined his ceiling price, for so long as the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, remains in effect.

(2) I f a purchaser for resale cannot determine his ceiling price under the above method, he shall apply to the Of­fice of Price Administration for the es­tablishment of his ceiling price under § 1499.3 (c) of the General Maximum Price Regulation. Ceiling prices estab­lished under that section will reflect the supplier’s prices adjusted in accordance with this order.

(c) Terms of sale. Ceiling prices ad­justed by this order are subject to each sellar’s customary terms, discounts, al­lowances and other price differentials on sales to each class of purchaser in effect during March 1942, or established und&r any applicable OPA regulation.

(d) Notification. At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to a purchaser for resale showing a ceiling price ad­justed in accordance with the terms of this order, the seller shall notify each purchaser in writing of the adjusted ceiling prices for resales of the articles covered by this order. This notice may be given in any convenient form.

(e) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

(f ) Effective date. This order shall become effective on January 23, 1946.

issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1202; Filed, Jan. 22, 194'!;

11:47 a. m.}

[MPR 120, Amdt. 5 to Order 1548]

E llio t C oal M in in g C o . et a l .ADJUSTMENT OF MAXIMUM PRICES

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and in accordance with § 1340.212 (c) of Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 120; I t is or­dered:

Order No. 1548 under Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 is hereby amended in the following respects:

Paragraph (a) is amended by adding thereto the following name of the pro­ducer, address, mine name and index number, and preparation plant name, as follows:

Producer and address Mine name


e in



Location and name of prepa­

ration plant through which the coals are produced

* * * ♦ *Hiil Brothers

(coal), Morris- dale, Pa.

Hill No. 7-E.. 5140 W illiams Goal M ining Co. preparation plant at Becca- ria, Pa., on Penn. R. R.

This Amendment No 5 to Order No.1548 under Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 shall become effective January 23,1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1176; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11-47 a. m.]

[MPR 120, Amdt. 6 to Order 1548]

E llio t C oal M in in g Co. et al.ADJUSTMENT OF MAXIMUM PRICES

Maximum Price Regulation No. 120, Amendment No. 6 to Order No. 1548; bi­tuminous coal delivered from mine or preparation plant; Docket No. 120.145- 1-32.

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and in accordance with § 1340.212 (c) of Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 120; I t is ordered:

Order No. 1548 under Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 is hereby amended in the following respecter

Paragraph (a) is amended by adding thereto the following name of the pro­ducer, address, mine name and index number, and preparation plant name, as follows:

Producer and address Mine name

! M



x N


Location and name of prepa­ration plant

through which the coals are


* * * St *Denise Coal Denise No. 2.. 5268 Denise Coal Co.,

Co., Grant Bldg., Pitts­burgh, Pa.

Denise No. 3.. 5269 preparation plant at Dover Pa., on the B. &O.RR.

This Amendment No. 6 to Order No. 1548 under Maximum Price Regulation

No. 120 shall become effective January 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w le s ,


[F. R. Doc. 46-1177; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946; 11:51 a. m.]

[MPR 12Q^Order 1564]

G eorge C olem an & S ons

establishm ent of m a x im u m prices

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and in accordance with II 1340.207 (a) and 1340.210 (a) (6) of Maximum Price Reg­ulation No. 120; I t is ordered:

(a) The Coleman Mine of George Cole­man & Sons is hereby assigned Mine In­dex No. 1003 and its coals are classified in Subdistrict No. 5 for all methods of shipment.

(b) Coals produced by George Cole­man & Sons from its Coleman Mine, Mine Index No. 1003, in Subdistrict No. 5 of District No. 19, may be purchased and sold for the indicated uses and movements at per net ton maximum prices not exceeding the following:

Size group Nos.

1,2, 3, 4

5jS,7 8 9,10,


All methods of transportation (except truck or wagon) and for all uses (except as listed

605 590 515 440Truck or wagon shipments - ... 675 665 530 450

Size group Nos.

12 13 14, 15, 16 17

All methods of transportation (except truck or wagon) and for all uses (except as listed

410 405 310 310Truck or wagon shipments.. . . . 470 380 350 280

Railroad locomotive fuel: Size Group Nos. 1-13 inclusive..»...... .......... ............. .................... - 405

(c) The maximum prices established hereby f. o. b. the mine or preparation plant for truck or-wagon shipments, f. o. b. the rail or river shipping point for rail or river shipments, and f. o. b. the rail shipping point for railroad fuel for all uses.

(d) The maximum prices established herein include an adjustment granted under the provisions of § 1340.207 (a) of Maximum Price Regulation No. 120, which adjustment shall expire at mid­night, June 30,1946. On and after April 1,1946, the maximum prices for the coals of the Coleman Mine shall revert to the maximum prices set forth in §§ 1340.230(b) (1) and 1340.230 (b) (2) of Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 120 for mines classified in Subdistrict No. 5.

(e) The price classifications and mine index number assigned herein are per­manent, but the maximum prices estab­lished hereby may be changed by order or amendment.

906 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

( f ) Permission to charge the adjusted maximum prices established herein is subject to the condition that the appli­cant file with the Solid Fuels Price Branch of the Office of Price Adminis­tration at Washington 25, D. C., within 25 days after the last day of each month, a detailed monthly report of his operat­ing data on Form 653-499 issued by the Office of Price Administration.

(g) The applicant shall include a statement on all invoices in connection with the sales of coal^ priced under this order that the price charged includes an adjustment granted by Order No. 1564 under -Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 of the Office of Price Administration.

(h) All prayers of the applicant not granted herein are hereby denied.

(i) Except as specifically provided inthis order, the provisions of Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 governing the sale of bituminous coals shall remain in effect. -

(j) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1178; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:46 a. m.]

[MPR 120, Order 1565]

W eedville C oal C o . et a l .

e s t a b l is h m e n t of m a x im u m prices andPRICE CLASSIFICATIONS

For the reasons set forth in an accom­panying opinion, and in accordance with § 1340.210 (a) (6) of Maximum Price Regulation No. 120; I t is ordered:

Producers identified herein operate named mines assigned the mine index numbers, the price classifications and the maximum prices in cents per net ton for the indicated uses and shipments as set forth herein. All are in District No. 1. The mine index numbers and the price classifications assigned are permanent but the maximum prices may be changed by an amendment issued after the effec­tive date of this order. Where such an amendment is issued for the district in which "the mines involved herein are lo­cated and where the amendment makes no particular reference to a mine or mines involved herein, the prices shall be the prices set forth in such amendment for the price classifications of the respective size groups. 'T h e location of each mine is given by county and state. The maxi­mum prices stated to be for truck ship­ment are in cents per net ton f. o. b. the mine or preparation plant and when stated to be for rail shipment or for rail­road locomotive fuel are in cents per net ton f. o. b. rail shipping point. In cases where mines ship coals by river the prices for such shipments are those established for rail shipment and are in cents per net ton f. o. b. river shipping point. How­ever, producer is subject to the provisions of § 1340.212 and all other provisions of Maximum Price Regulation No. 120.

W eedville Coal Co., % Joseph Betta, W eedville, P ennsylvania, Rem N o. 1 M ine, B Seam, M ine Index N o. 5623, Elk County, P ennsylvania, Sub- D istrict 2, Rail Shipping P oint, T yler & Forest, Pennsylvania, Strip M ine

Size group Nos.

1 2 3 4 5

Rail and truck price classi­fication..... ................... - H H H ' J J

Rail shipment____________ 330 330 310 285 285Railroad locomotive fuel___ 320 320 305 295 295Truck shipment____ ______ 350 330 330 310 300

W indber H igh Fusing .Coal Co., c/o A. Berkey, 1307 Jackson Ave., W indber, Pennsylvania, W ind­ber High Fusing No. 5 M ine, E Seam, M ine Index N o. 5611, Cambria County, P ennsylvania, Sub­district 34, Rail Shipping Point, Dunlo P ennsyl­vania, Strip M ine

Rail and truck price classi­fication........................... E E E E E

Rail shipment____________ 355 335 335 315 315Railroad locomotive fuel___ 320 320 305 295 295Truck shipment........ ........ 365 340 340 330 320

Isabella K. W ood, 600 Chestnut St., Barnesboro, Pennsylvania, P ine R idge N o. 6 M ine, C' Seam, M ine Index N o. 5612, Cambria County, P enn­sylvania, Subdistrict 17, Rail Shipping Point: Hastings, P ennsylvania, Strip M ine

Rail and truck price classi­fication........ .................. E E E E E

Rail shipment1___________ 355 335 335 315 315Railroad locomotive fuel 320 320 305 295 295Truck shipment1...........—- 365 340 340 331 320

1 Subject to the provisions of Order No. 1548 under M PR 120.

Isabella K. W ood, 600 Chestnut St., Barnesboro, Pennsylvania, Pine R idge N o. 7 M ine, D Seam, M ine Index N o. 5613, Cambria County, Pennsyl­vania, Subdistrict 17, Rail Shipping P oint, Has­tings, P ennsylvania, Strip M ine

Rail and truck price classi­fication.................. ....... E E F E E

Rail shipment1___________ 355 335 335 315 315Railroad locomotive fuel t „ . 320 320 305 295 295Truck/shipment1_________ 365 340 340 330 320

1 Subject to the provisions of Order No. 1548 under MPR 120.

Isabella K. W ood, 600 Chestnut St., Barnesboro, P ennsylvania, P ine R idge N o. 8 M ine, E Seam, M ine Index N o. 5614, Cambria County, Pennsyl­vania, Subdistrict 17, Rail Shipping Point, Hast­ings, Pennsylvania, Strip M ine

Rail and truck price classifi- E E E E Ecation.

Rail shipment1___________ 355 335 335 315 315Railroad locomotive fuel 320 320 305 295 295Truck shipment1............. . 365 340 340 330 320

1 Subject to the provisions of Ordtr No. 1548 under M PR 120.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.(56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F. R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681)

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[F R .'Doc. 46-1179; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:46 a. m.]

[MPR 120, Order 1566]



For the reasons set forth in an accom­panying opinion, and in accordance with

§ 1340.210 (a) (6) of Maximum Price Regulation No. 120; I t is ordered:

Producers identified herein operate named mines assigned the mine index numbers, the price classifications and the maximum prices in cents per net ton for the indicated uses and shipments as set forth herein. All are in District No. 1. The mine index numbers and the price classifications assigned are permanent but the maximum prices may be changed by an amendment issued after the effec­tive date of this order. Where such an amendment is issued for the district in which the mines involved herein are lo­cated and where the amendment makes no particular reference to a mine or mines involved herein, the prices shall be the prices set forth in such amendment for the price classifications of the respec­tive size groups. The location of each mine is given by county and state. The maximum prices stated to be for truck shipment are in cents per net ton f. o. b. the mine or preparation plant and when stated to be for rail shipment or for rail­road locomotive fuel are in cents per net ton f. o. b. rail shipping point. In cases where mines ship coals by river the prices for such shipments are those established for rail shipment and are in cents per net ton f. o. b. river shipping point. How­ever, producer is subject to the provisions of § 1340.212 and all other provisions of Maximum Price Regulation No. 120.

J. A. L eamer Coal Co., Dunlo, Pa., L eamer M ine E Seam, M ine Index N o. 5617, Cambria County Pa., Subdistrict 34, Rail Shipping Point, Dunlo, Pa., Deep M ine.

Size group Nos.

1 2 3 4 5

Rail and truck price classifi­cation................. .......... E E E E E

Rail shipment,____............ 390 370 370 350 350Railroad locomotive fuel...... 355 355 340 330 330Truck shipment.............. . 400 375 375 365 355

James A. M ays, N orth First Ave., Clarion, Pa ., H ell’s Half Acre M ine, B Seam, M ine Index N o. 5605, Clarion County, Pa ., Subdistrict 4, Rail Shipping Point, L imestone, Pa., D eep M ine

Rail and truck price classi­fication,......................... G G G H H

Rail shipment____________ 365 365 350 320 320Jtailroad locomotive fuel___ 355 355 340 330 330Truck shipment............... 390 365 365 350 340

M ount T abor Coal Co., c/o Summit Coal M ining Co., Box 421, Indiana, Pa., M ount T abor N o. 1 M ine, E Seam, M ine Index N o. 5595, Indiana County, Pa., Subdistrict 25, Rail Shipping Point, Heshbon, Pa ., Deep M ine

Rail and truck price classi­fication.... ............... ....... G G G G G

Rail shipment____________ 365 365 350 340 340Railroad loeomotivefuel— .. 355 355 340 330 330Truck shipment................. 390 265 365 355 345

Frank Rudiak, Dixonville, Pa ., Rudiak N o, 2 M ine, D Seam, M ine Index No. 5626, Indiana County, Pa ., Subdistrict 15, Rail Shipping Point, Dixonville, Pa ., Deep M ine

Rail and truck price classifi­cation_______ ______ ____ F F F F

Rail shipment_____ _______ 370 370 370 340Railroad locomotive fuel____ 355 355 340 330Truck shipment................. 395 370 370 360

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 907T he Scurfield Coal Co., Berlin, Pa ., M acdonald-

ton M ine N o. 3, B Seam, M ine Index N o. 5604, Somerset County, Pa., Subdistrict 41, Rail Ship­ping Point, M acdonaldton, Pa ., Deep M ine

Size group Nos.

1 2 3 4 5

Rail and truck price classifi­cation............................ G G G G G

Rail shipment.... ............... 365 365 350 340 340Railroad locomotive fuel— . 355 355 340 330 330Truck shipment______ .___ 390 365 365 355 345

A. Ray Shaffer, R. D. N o. 1, Hooversville, Pa ., Shaffer N o. 1 M ine, C' Seam, M ine Index N o. 5582, Somerset County, Pa., Subdistrict 38,' Rail Shipping Point, Cairnbrook, Pa ., Deep M ine .

Rail and truck price classi­fication.......................... D D D D D

Rail shipment. ------------- 395 375 370 360 360Railroad locomotive fuel___ 355 355. 340 330 330Truck shipment................ 405 380 380 370 360

Camille J. Sherman, 722 Washington St., Cumber­land, Md., M adeline N o. 1 M ine, Big Vein Seam, M ine Index N o. 6635, M ineral County, W. Va., Subdistrict 44, Rail Shipping Point, Hampshire, W. Va ., Deep M ine

Rail ancf truck price classi-D D D D D

For all methods of transpor- portation and all uses...... 442 422#• 422 407 407

Smithing coal (any size)________ ___ 7___________ 497

Dan J. Spingola, Clearfield, Pa ., Virgin N o. 3 M ine, D Seam, M ine Index N o. 5603, Clearfield County, Pa ., Subdistrict 13, Rail Shipping Point, Carnwath, Pa ., Strip and Deep M ine

Rail and truck price classifi­cation............................ O O O . O O

Rail.shipment........... ........ 370 365 345 330 330Railroad locomotive fuel___ 320 320 305 295 295Truck shipment__________ 375 350 350 ^4tf 330

The foregoing maximum prices are applicable to strip- mined com. To determine the maximum prices appli­cable to deep-mined coal add 35 cents to each of the fore­going maximum prices.

H. S. T homas Co., Grampian, Pa ., T homas N o. 1 M ine, D Seam, M ine Index N o. 5599, Clearfield County, Pa ., Subdistrict 7, Rail Shipping Point, Bell Run, Pa ., Strip and D eep M ine

Rail and truck price classifi­cation...... ........ _............ F F F F F

Rail shipment.................... 335 335 335 305 305Railroad locomotive fuel... 320 320 305 295 295Truck shipment___________ 360 335 335 325 315

The foregoing maximum prices are applicable to strip- mined coal. To determine the maximum prices appli­cable to deep-mined coal add 35 cents to each of the fore­going maximum prices.

Zeth Coal Co., Hopewell, P a., Bunker H ill N o. 1 M ine, Barnett Seam, M ine Index N o. 5615, Bed­ford County, Pa ., Subdistrict 39, Rail Shipping P oint; Hopewell, Pa ., Deep M ine

Rail and truck price classi­fication______________ ... B B B B O

For all methods of trans­portation and all uses____ 460 460 425 400 385


This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946(56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 P.R. 4681)

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1180; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:47 a. m.]

[RMPR 136, Amdt. 1 to Order 442]



Amendment 1 to Order No. 442 under Revised Maximum Price Regulation 136, machines, parts and industrial equip­ment; The Wiremold Company; Docket No. 6083-136.25a-54.

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to section 21 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 136; I t is ordered:

Order No. 442 under Revised Maximum Price Regulation 136 is amended in the following respects:

1. Paragraph (a) is amended to read as follows:

(a t The maximum prices for sales by The Wiremold Company, Hartford, Con­necticut, of its Raceways and Fittings shall be determined as follows: The manufacturer shall increase the list price he had in effect on October 1, 1941, by 10% and shall deduct from the result all discounts, allowances and other deduc­tions that he had in effect to a purchaser of the same class on October 1, 1941.

2. Paragraph (b) is amended to read as follows:

(b) Resellers of the items described in paragraph (a) may increase their maxi­mum prices by the same percentage by which their net invoiced cost has been increased by reason of this order.

3. Paragraph (c) is amended to read as follows:

(c) The Wiremold Company shall no­tify each person who buys the items listed in paragraph (a) of the percentage increase which this order permits the re­seller to increase his maximum net prices. A copy of each such notice shall be filed with the Machinery Branch, O f­fice of Price Administration, Washing­ton 25, D. C.

This amendment shall become effective January 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1181; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:47 a. m,]

[MPR 188, Rev. Order 3425]

P lycraft P roducts M fg. C o .


Order No. 3425 under §§ 1499.157 and 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, and section 6.4 of Second Re­vised Supplementary Regulation No. 14 to the General Maximum Price Regula­tion, is revised to read as follows:

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to §§ 1499.157- and 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regu­lation No. 188 and section 6.4 of Second Revised Supplementary Regulation No. 14 to the General Maximum Price Regu­lation, I t is ordered:

(a) This revised order establishes maximum prices for sales and deliveries of the “Plycraft” Model No. 14 wheel­barrow manufactured by Plycraft Prod­ucts Manufacturing Company, of 214 South "Tower Avenue, Centralia, Wash­ington.

(1) For all sales and deliveries to the following classes of purchasers by any person, the maximum prices are thoseset forth below:

EachFor sales to ultimate consumers_____ $9. 68For sales to retailers___________________ 6. 45For sales to Jobbers___________________ _ 4. 84

These maximum prices are for the articles described in the manufacturer’s application dated June 2, 1944.

(2) For sales by the manufacturer, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 188 became applicable to those sales and deliveries. They are f. o. b. factory, and they are subject to a cash discount of two percent for payment by the 10th of the following month.

(3) For sales by persons other than the manufacturer, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries after the effective date of this revised order. Those prices are subject to each seller’s customary terms and conditions of sale on sales of similar articles.

(4) I f the manufacturer wishes to make sales and deliveries to any other class of purchaser or on other terms and conditions of sqle, he must apply to the Office of Price Administration, under the Fourth Pricing Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, for the establishment of maximum prices for those sales, and no sales or deliveries may be made until maximum prices have been authorized by the Office of Price Administration.

(b) The manufacturer shall attach a tag or label to every article for which a maximum price for sales to consumers is established by this order. That tag or label shall contain the following state­ment:

OPA Retail Ceiling Price $9.68 Model No. 14

(c) At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to each purchaser for resale at wholesale, the manufacturer shall notify the purchaser in writing of the maxi­mum prices and conditions established by this revised order for sales by the pur­chaser. “ This notice may be given in any convenient form.

(d) This revised order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

(e) This revised order shall become effective on the 22d day of January 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1182; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:43 a. m.]

[MPR 188, Order 4827]

H e d lu nd -N oltim ier C o .APPROVAL OF M AXIM UM PRICES

For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and

908 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188; I t is ordered:

(a) This order establishes maximum prices for sales and deliveries of certain articles manufactured by the Hedlund- Noltimier Company, Suite 201, 624 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 5, 111.

(1) For all sales and deliveries to the following classes of purchasers by the sellers indicated below, the maximum prices are those set forth below;

Maximum prices for sales by any seller to—

Article ModelNo. Chains




Buna S kneeling pads 15" x 7" x H "........... 107




Buna S kneeling pads 13" x 7" x W - — — 100 .3330 .40 .70

These maximum prices are for the ar­ticles described in the manufacturer’s application dated January 2, 1946.

(2) For sales by the manufacturer, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 188 became applicable-to those sales and deliveries. These prices are f. o. b. factory and subject to a cash dis­count of 2% for payment within 10 days, net 30 days.

(3) For sales by persons other-than the manufacturer, the maximum prices

' apply to all sales and deliveries after the effective date of this order. Those prices are subject to each seller’s customary terms and conditions of sale on sales of similar articles.

(4) I f the manufacturer wishes to make sales and deliveries to any other class of purchaser or on other terms and conditions of sale, he must apply to the Office of Price Administration, under the Fourth Pricing Method,' § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, for the establishment of maximum prices for those sales, and no sales or deliveries may be made until maximum prices have been authorized by the Office of Price Ad­ministration.

(b) The manufacturer shall attach a tag or label to every article for which a maximum price for sales to consumers is established by this order. That tag or label shall contain the following statement with the correct model num­ber and retail prices properly filled in:

Model N o ._____ _OPA Retail Ceiling Price— $--------- -

Do Not Detach or Obliterate

(c) At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to each purchaser for resale at wholesale, the manufacturer shall notify the purchaser in writing of the maximum prices and conditions established by this order for sales by the purchaser. This notice may be given in any convenient form.

(d) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

(e) This order shall become effective on the 23d day of January 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1183; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:48 a. m.J

[MPR 188, Order 4828]

B altim ore O cean T ransport Co .


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, I t is ordered:

(a ) This order establishes maximum prices for sales and deliveries of certain articles manufactured by Baltimore Ocean Transport' Company, 608 Garrett Building, Baltimore 2, Md.

(1) For all sales and deliveries to the following classes of purchasers by the sellers indicated below, the maximum prices are those set forth below:

Maximum selling prices for sales by any seller to—

Article Model No.

i W









, 1









Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea.A l u m i n u m

clothes dryer u m b r e l l a style, 110 ft. of r o p e a n d ground recep­tacle.

72x108 x 72- $6.97 $7.53 $8.37 $13.95

Beam and jack plate for install- ing c loth es dryer in base­ment.

1.17 1.27 1. 41 2.35

These maximum prices are for the articles described in the manufacturer’s application dated November 5, 1945.

(2) For sales by the manufacturer, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 188 became applicable to those sales and deliveries. These prices are f. o. b factory and subject to a cash discount of 2% for payment in 10 days, net 30 days.

(3 ) .For sales by persons other than the manufacturer, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries after the effective date of this order. Those prices are subject to each seller’s cus­tomary terms and conditions of sale on sales of similar articles.

(4) I f the manufacturer wishes to make sales and deliveries to any other class of purchaser or on other terms and conditions of sale, he must apply to the Office of Price Administration under the Fourth Pricing Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, for the establishment of maximum prices for those sales, and no sales or deliveries may be made until maximum prices have been authorized by the Office of Price Administration.

(b) The manufacturer shall attach a tag or label to every article for which a maximum price for sales to consumers is established by this order. That tag or label shall contain the following state­ments with the correct order, number, model number and retail prices filled in:

OPA Retail Ceiling Price— $------- -Do Not Detach or Obliterate

(c) At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to each purchaser for re­sale at wholesale, the manufacturer shall notify the purchaser in writing, of the maximum prices and conditions estab­lished by this order for sales by the pur­chaser. This notice may be given in any convenient form.

(d) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time. '

(e) This order shall become effective on the 23d day of January 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46rll84;'Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:48 a. m.J

[MPR 188, Order 4829]

P ittsburgh R ange C o .


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188; I t is ordered:

(a) This order establishes maximum prices for sales and deliveries of certain articles manufactured by the Pittsburgh Range Company, 1000 Island Avenue, McKees Rocks, Pa.

(1) For all sales and deliveries to the following classes of purchasers by the sellers indicated below, the maximum prices are those set forth below:

Maximum prices for sales by any seller to—


| M


| W




| (jo





d de





er r


l- 1





Aluminum kitchen step stool with two foldaway steps, top 13" x 9", 24H" high, bottom 12)6" x 16)6" with linoleum treads on Each Each Each Eachtop and -steps.- ....... 224 $2.97,$3.57$3.97 $5.95

These maximum prices are for th® articles described in the manufacturer’s application dated November 3,1945.

(2) For sales by the manufacturer, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries since Maximum Price Regulation No, 188 became applicable to those sales and deliveries. These prices are f. o. b. factojry and subject to a cash discount of 2%- for payment within 10 days, net 30 days.

(3) For sales! by persons other than the manufacturer,, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries after the

909FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry U , 1946

effective date of this order. Those prices are subject to each seller’s customary terms and conditions of sale on sales of similar articles.

(4) I f the manufacturer wishes to make sales and deliveries to any other class of purchaser or on other terms and conditions of sale, he must apply to the Office of Price Administration, under the Fourth Pricing Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, for the establishment <5f maximum prices for those sales, and no sales or deliveries may be made until maximum prices have been authorized by the Office of Price Administration.

(b) The manufacturer shall attach a tag or label to every article for which a maximum price for sales to consumers is established by this order. That tag or label shall contain the following state­ment:

OPA Retail Ceiling Price— $5.95 each Do Not Detach or Obliterate

(c) At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to each purchaser for resale at wholesale, the manufacturer shall notify the purchaser in writing of the maximum prices and conditions estab­lished by this order for sales by the pur­chaser. This notice may be given in any convenient form.

(d) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

(e) This order shall become effective on the 23d day of January 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[ÊT R. Doc. 46-1185; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:48 a. m.]

[MPR 188, Order 4830]

W itt ie M fg. & S ales C o .


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188; I t is ordered:

(a) This order establishes maximum prices for sales and deliveries of certain articles manufactured by Wittie Manu­facturing and Sales Co., 1414 South Wa­bash Avenue, Chicago, 111.

(1) For all sales and deliveries to the following classes of purchasers by the sellers indicated below, the maximum prices are those set forth below:

Maximum selling prices for sales by any seller to—


1 M










rs (

3 un

its o

r 1




rs (l









Portable electric steam heater 21J4" x 8" x 16J4" mahog­any,' hammerloid steel cabinet with fan and steam heat-ing unit 8' cord and Each Each Each EachPlug.............. SH100 $16.48 $19.77 $21.42 $32.95

These maximum prices are for the ar­ticles described in the manufacturer’s application dated December 12, 1945.

(2) For sales by the manufacturer, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 188 became applicable to those sales and deliveries. These prices are f. o. b. factory and subject to a cash dis­count of 2% for payment within 10 days, net 30 days.

(3) For sales by persons other than the manufacturer, the maximum prices ap­ply to all sales and deliveries after the ef­fective date of this order. Those prices are subject to each seller’s customary terms and conditions of sale on sales of similar articles.

(4) If- the manufacturer wishes to make sales and deliveries to any other class of purchaser or on other terms and conditions of sale, he must apply to the Office of Price Administration, under the Fourth Pricing Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, for the establishment of maximum prices for those sales, and no sales or deliveries may be made until maximum prices have been authorized by the Office of Price Ad­ministration.

(b) The manufacturer shall attach a tag or label to every article for which a maximum price for sales to consumers is established by this order. That tag or label shall contain either of the fol­lowing statements with the correct order number, model number and retail prices properly filled in:

Order No. 4830 Model No. _____ _

OPA Retail Ceiling Price—$.........Do Not Detach or Obliterate

orWittie Mfg. & Sales Co.1414 South Wabash Ave.

Chicago 5, IllinoisModel N o ._____ _

OPA Retail Celling Price— $_____ -Do Not Detach or Obliterate

(c) At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to each purchaser for resale, the manufacturer shall notify the pur­chaser in writing of the maximum prices and conditions established by this order for sales by the purchaser. This notice may be given in any convenient form.

(d) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

(e) This order shall become effective on the 23d day of January 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 40-1186; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:43 a. m.]

[MPR 188, Order 4831]

A l u m in u m I ndustr ies , I n c .


- For the reasons set forth in an opinion Issued simultaneously herewith; I t is or­dered:

(a ) Maximum delivered prices per gallon for sales of “Permite Hot Seal Aluminum Paint #1900’’, “Permite Auto­motive Spraying Aluminum Paint

#3050” and “Permite Ready Mixed Gold Paint #9500” , paint specialties, manu­factured by Aluminum Industries, Inc., 2438 Beckman Street, Cincinnati 25, Ohio, are established as follows:

On sales to—

Commodity Job­berwho








Permite hot seal alum­inum paint $1900___ $2,968 $3.73 $4.20 $4.20 $5.60

.Permite automotive spraying aluminum paint #3050............. 3.18 4.00 4.50 4.50 6.00

Permite ready mixed gold paint #9500___ 6.36 8.00 9.00 9.00 12.00

Terms 2% 10 to 30 days.

(b) No extra charge may be made for containers.

(c) Each seller of the commodities covered by this order, except a retailer, shall notify each of his purchasers, in writing, at or before the issuance of the first invoice after the effective date of this order, of the maximum prices estab­lished by this order for each such seller as well as the maximum prices estab­lished for purchasers upon resale and a statement that they have been estab­lished by the OPA.

(d) Prior to making any delivery of each of the aforesaid commodities after the effective date of this order, the man­ufacturer shall mark or cause to be marked thereon the following legend:

Maximum retail price $______

The blank in the quoted phrase shall be filled in with the applicable maximum retail price.

(e) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective January 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46 -1187; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:44 a. m.]

[MPR 478, Order 161]

H ood R ubber C o .


For the reasons set forth in an opinion Issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to section 10 of Maximqm Price Regulation 478, I t is ordered:

(a) The maximum prices for sales of the following coat'ed fabrics manufac­tured by the Hood Rubber Company, Watertown 72, Massachusetts, shall be as follows:

Per linear yarfcStyle No. 120, 37" 88 x 56, 1.32 tent

twill, dyed, neoprene coated and cot­ton flocked_____ ___ _________________ $1. 59

Style No. 102, 37y2" 68 x 40, 2.02 drill, dyed, neoprene coated and cotton flocked ___________________________ ___ . 98

(b) With or prior to the first delivery of each coated fabric covered by this or­der, to any person other than a manufac-

9Ï0 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

turer, the seller shall notify such person in writing of the specific maximum price applicable to his resale of that coated fabric, which is the maximum price set forth in paragraph (a) above.

(c) All provisions of Maximum Price Regulation 478 not inconsistent with this order shall apply to sales covered by this order.

(d) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Janu­ary 23, 1946.

Issued this22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

. Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 40-1190; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:51 a. m.]

[MPR 254, Rev. Order 10]

H ig h S tandard M fg . Corp.


Order No. 10 to MPR 254, is amended and revised to read as follows:

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed

. with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to § 1379.4 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 254; It is ordered:

(a) This order establishes maximum prices for sales and deliveries of Model H. D. M. Pistol manufactured by the High Standard Manufacturing Company’, New Haven, Connecticut.

(1) For all sales and deliveries to fhe following classes of purchasers by any person, the maximum prices are those set forth below:

Maximum prices for sales by all persons to—

Article Model



1 (e


- j





l ex






1 (in






l ex









e of F




se t


Each Each EachPistol (with walnut

grip).H. D. M .. $28.81 $39.17 $51.17

Pistol (with plastic grip).

H. D. M„. 27.86 37.89 49.50

1 These prices include all adjustments permitted by Amendment 4 to Maximum Price Regulation No. 254.

The terms are 2 percent 10 days, f. o. b. factory.

(2) For sales by the manufacturer the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 254 became applicable to those sales and deliveries.

(3) For sales by persons other than the manufacturer, the maximum prices apply to all sales and deliveries on and after the effective date of this order.

(4) The prices established by this re­vised order are subject to each seller’s customary terms and conditions of sale on sales of similar articles to each class of purchaser. They include the adjust­ment of maximum prices permitted by

§ 1379.4a of Maximum Price Regulation No. 254.

(b) At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to a purchaser for resale, the manufacturer shall notify the purchaser in writing of the maximum price and conditions established by this order for resales by the purchaser. TTiis notice may be given in any convenient form.

(c) All provisions of Maximum Price Regulation No. 254 not inconsistent with the provisions of this revised order are applicable to the sales of the article for which maximum prices are established by this revised order.

(d) This revised order may be re­voked or amended by the Priée Admin­istrator at any time.

(e) This revised order shall become effective on the 23d day of January^ 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[F. JR. Doc. 46-1188; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:43 a. m.] '

[MPR 580, Amdt. 3 to Order 58]

R ainfair , I n c .


CorrectionIn the table in Federal Register Docu­

ment 45-703, appearing at page 659 of the issue for Wednesday, January 16, 1946, the second price under the head­ing-“ceiling price at retail” should read “ 14.50”.

[MPR 580, Revocation of Order 150]

Schaffer B elts


Order 150 under section 13 of Maxi­mum Price Regulation 580, Order of Revocation; Schaffer Belts; Docket No. 6063-580-13-466.

For the reasons set forth in the opin-- ion issued simultaneously herewith, Or­der No. 150 is hereby revoked.

Schaffer Belts is hereby required to send a copy of this .order of revgcation to each purchaser for resale of any ar­ticle listed in paragraph (a) of Order No. 150 and amendment thereto who received a copy of Order No. 150.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946..C hester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1191; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:43 a. m.]

[SO 94, Order 97]

W ar A ssets C orp., et al .


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Regis­ter, and in accordance with section 11 of Supplementary Order 94, it is or­dered:

(a> What this order does. This or­der establishes maximum prices at which the new chains hereinafter de­scribed may be sold and delivered by the War Assets Corporation and by any subsequent reseller.

(b) Maximum prices. M a x i m u m prices per unit of the hereinafter de­scribed new chains shall be:

Description of chain

Price for all sales to whole­saler or jobber, f. o. b.

shipping point

Price for all sales to retail­

er,f. o. b. ship-

• ping point




Type “ A ” log chain with hook and ring, J4" x 14'. weight 70 lbs. (Federal Stock No. SNL-42-3112.-060-140)...................... -

Type “ B” log chain with hook and ring, 44" x 16', weight 48 lbs. (Federal Stock No. SNL-42-3112.-050-160)...........................

Type “ C” log chain with grab hook at one end, x 12', weight 20 lbs. (Fed­eral Stock No. SNL-42- 3100-040-120).............

$5.75 $7.67 $11.00

3.75 5.00 7.50

2.00 2.67 4.00Motor vehicle tow chain,

TAt" x 16', packed one each in cloth sack (Federal Stock No. 8-Ç-4350)...... . . 4.00 5.33 8.00

(c) Discounts: Every seller shall con­tinue to maintain his customary dis­counts for cash.

(d) Notification. Any person who sells the chains described in paragraph (b) to a retailer shall furnish the retailer with an invoice of sale setting forth the maxi­mum prices for sales at retail, and stat­ing that the retailer is required by this order to attach to each chain before sale a tag or label which plainly states a sell­ing price not in excess of the appropriate retail ceiling price.

(e) Tagging. Any person who sells the chains-described in paragraph (b) at re­tail shall attach to each chain before sale a tag or label which plainly states a selling price not in excess of the appro­priate retail ceiling price.

(f ) Relation to other regulations and orders. This order with respect to the commodities it covers supersedes any other regulation or order previously is­sued by the Office of Price Administra­tion.

(g ) Definitions. (1) “Wholesaler” or "Jobber” means any person who sells to purchasers for resale.

(2) “Retailer” means any person who sells to ultimate consumers.

(h) Revocation and amendment. This order may be revoked or amended at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 24, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.Chester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1274; Filed, Jan. 23, 1940;

11:29 a. m.]

[MPR 591, Order 237]O range S creen C o .

AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES For the reasons set forth in an opinion

Issued simultaneously herewith and filed

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y \ J a n u a ry 24, 1946 011with the Division of the Federal Regis­ter and pursuant to section 9 of Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 591; I t is or­dered:

(a) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to consumers by any person of the following sizes of the Model No. “C” “ Orange” All Weather Window manu­factured by The Orange Screen Company of Maplewood, New Jersey and as de­scribed in the company’s application dated December 13, 1945 which is on file with the Building Materials Price

Branch, Office of Price Administration, Washington 25, D. C., shall be the list prices set forth in (g) below.

(b) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to display dealers, or distribu­tors’ or dealers’ commission agents by any person shall be the list prices set forth in (g) below reduced by 10 percent.

(c) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to non-installing, drop shipment dealers by any person shall be the list prices set forth in (g) below reduced by 20 percent.

P rick Schedule

tw o -light orange a lu m in u m a . w . w .—model “ c”

(d) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to noninstalling stocking dealers by any person shall be the list prices set forth in (g) below reduced by 25 percent.

(e) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to installing dealers by any per­son shall be the list prices set forth in(g ) below reduced by 33% percent.* ( f ) The maximum net prices, f. o. b.

point of shipment on sales to distributors by any person shall be the list, prices set forth in (g) below reduced by suc­cessive discounts of 40 and 10 percent,

(g) Schedule of list prices.

Window glass size

A. W. W. A. W. W. Addi­tionalscreeninsert




glassinsert Width


14 x 15.......... 1837 $16.15 $2.46 $3.04 17% t o 18% 36 to 3816............ 1839 16.41 2.50 3.12 17% to 18% 38 to 4018........ 1843 16.89 2.61 3.26 17% to 18% 42 to 4420............ 1847 17.39 2.7Q 3.41 17% to 18% 46 to 4821............ 1849 17.63 2.76 3.48 17% to 18% 48 to 5022............ 1851 - 17.87 2.81 3.55 17% to 18% 50 to 5224............ 1855 18.37 2.90 3.70 17% to 18%

17% to 18%52 to 56

26............ 1859 18.89 3.00 3.84 58 to 6028........... . 1863 19.37 - 3.11 3.99 17% to 18% 62 to 6430..... ....... 1867 19.87 3.20 4.14 17% to 18% 66 to 6832............ 1871 20.37 3.29 4.28 17% to 18% 70 to 7234________ 1875 20.87 3.38 4.42 17% to 18% 74 to 7636___ .... . 1879 21.37 3.47 4.56 17% to 18% 78 to 8038............ 1883 29.16 4.74 6.27 17% to 18% 82 to 8440............ 1887 29.83 4.87 6.46 17% to 18% 86 to 8842............ 1891 30.49 4.99 6.64 17% to 18%

19% to 20% 19% to 20%

90 to 9216 X 15............. 2037 16. 54 2.55 3.20 36 to 38

16............. 2039 16.80 2.61 3.27 38 to 4018........... . 2043 17.33 2.70 3.43 19% to 20% 42 to 4420............. 2047 17.85 2181 3.59 19% to 20%

19% to 20%46 to 48

21............. 2049 18.11 2.87 3.67 48 to 5022............. 2051 18.35 2.90 3.75 19% to 20% 50 to 5224________ 2055 18.89 3.02 3.91 19% to 20% 54 tO 6626............. 2059 19.41 3.13 4.06 19% to 20% 58 to 6028..... ....... 2063 19.92 3.22 4.22 19% to 20% 62 to 6430........... . 2067 20.44 3.33 4.38 19% to 20% 66 to 6832............. 2071 20.96 3.44 4.54 19% to 20% 70 to 7234________ 2075 21.48 3.55 4.70 19% to 20% 74 to 7636........... - 2079 22.00 3.66 4.86 19% to 20% 78 to 8038........... . 2083 30.03 5.03 6.69 19% to 20% 82 to 8440............. 2087 30.72 £17 6.91 19% to 20% 86 to 8842............. 2091 31.41 5.32 7.12 19% to 20% 90 to 92

18 x 15............ 2237 16.95 2.65 3.35 21% to 22% 36 to 3816________ 2239 17.22 2.70 3.43 21% to 22% 38 to 4018________ 2243 17.76 2.79 3.60 21% to 22% 42 to 4420________ 2247 18.30 2.90 3.77 21% to 22% 46 to 4821............ 2249 18.56 2.96 3.86 21% to 22% 48 to 5022............ 2201 18.85 3.02 3.94 21% to 22% 50 to 5224............ 2255 19.39 3.13 4.11 1 21% to 22% 54 to 5626........... . 2259 19.92 3.24 4.28 21% to 22% 58 to 6028.......... 2263 20.48 3.35 ' 4.45 21% to 22% - 62 to 6430............ 2267 21.02 3.44 4.62 21% to 22% 66 to 68'32............ 2271 21. 57 3.57 4.79 21% to 22% 70 to 7234________ 2275 22.12 . 3.69 4.96 21% to 22% 74 to 7636............ 2279 22.67 3.81 5.13 21% to 22% 78 to 8038............ 2283 30.96 5.23 7.07 21% to 22% 82 to 8440________ 2287 31.69 6.37 7.29 21% to 22% 86 to 8842.......... 2291 32.43 5.52 7.52 21% to 22% 90 to 92

20x15........... 2437 17.33 2.74 3.50 23% to 24% 36 to 3816............ 2439 17.63 2.79 -3.59 23% to 24% 38 to 4018............ 2443 18.20 2,90 8.77 23% to 24% 42 to 4420............ 2447 18.76 3.02 3.96 23% to 24% 46 to 4821............ 2449 19.04 3.07 4.05 23% to 24% 48 to 5022............ 2451 19.33 3.13 4.14 23% to 24% 50 to 5224........... 2455 19.91 3.24 4.32 23%-tO 24% 54 to 5626............ 2459 20.46 3; 35 4.50 23% to 24% 58 to 6028............ 2463 21.03 3.46 4.68 23% vO 24% 62 to 6430.......... 2467 21.61 3.57 4.87 23% to 24% 66 to 6832............ 2471 22.16 3.68 5.05 23% to 24% 70 to 7234............ 2475 22.71 3.79 5.23 23% to 24% 74 to 7636............. 2479 23.26 3.90 5.41 23% to 24% 78 to 8038............ 2483 31.75 5.35 7.45 23% to 24% 82 to 8440............ 2487 32.48 5.49 7.69 23% to 24% 86 to 8842............ .2491 33. 21 5.64 7.93 23% to 24% 90 to 92

22 X 15............ 2637 17.74 2.81 3.65 25% to 26% 36 to 3816.............. 2639 18.02 2.89 3.75 25% to 26% 38 to 4018________ 2643 18.65 3.00 3.95 25% to 26% 42 to 4420________ 2647 19.22 3.11 4.14 25% to 26% 46 to 4821........... . 2649 19.52 ' 3.16 4.24 25% to 26% 48 to 5022.......... 2651 19.81 3.24 4.33 25% to 26% 50 to 5224............ 2655 20.41 3.35 4.53 25% to 26% 54 to 5626............ 2659 20.98 • 3.46 4.72 25% to 26% 68 to 6028..... ....... 2663 21.57 3.57 4.91 25% to 26% 62 to 6430..... ....... 2667 22.18 3.70 5.11 25% to 26% 66 to 6832............ 2671 22.77 3.81 5.30 25% to 26% 70 to 7234________36............


23.36 : 23.95



25% to 26% 25% to 26%

74 to 76 78 to 80

38............ 2683 .32.72 . 5.56 7.83 25% to 26% 82 to 8440________ 2687 '33.51 5.72 8.08 25% to 25% 86 to 8842..... .......

No. 17-2691

------ 634.29 5.88 8.33 25% to 26% 90 to 92

Window glass size

A. W. W. A. W. W. Addi­tionalscreeninsert



unit • price

glassinsert Width

' (inches)Height(inches)

24 x 15............ 2837 $18.13 $2.90 $3.81 27% to 28% 36 to 3816_______ 2839 18.44 2.98 3.91 27% to 28% 38 to 4018________ 2843 19.06 3.09 4.11 27% to 28% 42 to 4420............ 2847 19.67 3.22 4.32 27% to 28% 46 to 4821............ 2849 19.98 3.27 4.42 27% to 28% 48 to 5022............ 2851 20.28 3.33 4.53 27% to 28% 50 to 5224............ 2855 20.91 3.46 4.73 27% to 28% 54 to 5626............28............


21.51 22.13

3. 57 3.70


27% to 28% 27% to 28%

58 to 60 62 to 64

30___ ...... 2867 22.74 3.83 5.35 27% to 28% 66 to 6832............ 2871 23.37 3.94 5.56 27% to 28% 70 to 7234..... ....... 2875 24.00 4.05 5.76 27% to 28% 74 to 7636......... . 2879 24.63 4.17 5.96 27% to 28% 78 to 8038............ 2883 33.68 5.72 8.21 27% to 28% 82 to 8440...... — . 2887 34.52 5.88 8.48 27% to 28% 86 to 8842............ 2891 35.36 6.04 8. 75 27% to 28% 90 to 92

26 x 15......... 3037 18.54 3.00 3.96 29% to 30% 36 to 3816............ 3039 18.85 3.07 4.06 29% to 30% 38 to 4018............ 3043 19.48 3.18 4.28 29% to 30% 42 to 4420............ 3047 20.15 3. 31 4.50 29% to 30% 46 to 4821........ • 3049 20.44 3.39 4.61 29% to 30% 48 to 5022............ 3051 20.78 3.44 4.72 29% to 30% 50 to 5224............ 3055 21.40 3.57 4.94 29% to 30% 54 to 5626............ 3059 22.05 3.70 6.16 29% to 30% 68 to 6028............ 3063 22.68 3.83 5.38 "29% to 30% 62 to 6430........... 3067 23.33 3.94 5.59 29% to 30% 66 to 6832............ 3071 23.98 4.07 6.81 29% to 30% 70 to 7234............ 3075 24.63 4.20 6.02 29% to 30% 74 to 7636_______ 3079 25.28 4.33 6.23 29% to 30% 78 to 8038............ 3083 34.57 5.95 8.59 29% to 30% 82 to 8440............ 3087 35.44 6.12 8.67 29% to 30% 86 to 8842............ 3091 36.31 6.29 9.15 29% to 30% 90 to 92

27x 15......... 3137 - 18.72 3.05 4.03 30% to 31% 36 to 3816............ 3139 19.06 3.11 4.15 30% to 31% 38 to 4018..... ...... 3143 19.70 3.24 4.37 30% to 31% 42 to 4420_______ 3147 20.35 3.37 4.59 30% to 31% 46 to 4821............ 3149 20.68 3.44 4.71 30% to 31% 48 to 5022............ 3151 21.02 3.50 4.82 30% to 31% 50 to 5224...... . 3155 21.66 3.63 5.04 30% to 31% 54 to 5626............ 3159 22.31 3.76 5.27 30% to 31% 58 to 60

* 28_______ 3163 22.96 3.89 5.49 30% to 31% 62 to 6430_______ 3167 23.62 4.01 5.71 30% to 31% 66 to 6832............ 3171 24.27 4.14 5.94 30% to 31% 70 to 7234............ 3175 24.92 4.27 6.16 30% to 31% 74 to 7636............ 3179 25.57 4.40 6.38 30% to 31% 78 to 8038...... . 3183 34.96 6.04 8.80 30% to 31% 82 to 8440........... 3187 35.83 6.21 9.09 30% to 31% 86 to 8842............ 3191 36.59 6.39 9.39 30% to 31% 90 to 92

28 x 15............ 3237 18.93 3.09 4.11 31% to 32% 36 to 3816............ 3239 19.28 3.16 4.22 31% to 32% 38 to 4018_______ 3243 19.92 3.29 4.45 31% to 32% 42 to 4420........... 3247 20.59 3.42 4.68 31% to 32% 46 to 4821............ 3249 20.92 3.48 4.80 31% to 32% 48 to 5022......... . 3251 21.26 3.55 4.91 31% to 32% 50 to 5224............ 3255 21.90 3.68 5.14 31% to 32% 54 to 5626............ 3259 22.57 3.81 5.38 31% to 32% 58 to 6028............ 3263 23.24 3.94 5.61 31% to 32% 62 to 6430...... . 3267 23.92 4.07 5.84 31% to 32% 66 to 6832..... ....... 3271 24.57 4.20 6.07 31% to 32%

31% to 32%70 to 72

34............ 3275 25.22 4.33 6.30 74 to 7636...... 1... 3279 25.87 4.46 6.53 31% to 32% 78 to 8038............ 3283 35.36 6.12 9.01 31% to 32% 82 to 8440............ 3287 36.23 6.29 9.32 31% to 32% 86 to 8842............ 3291 37.09 6.47 9.63 31% to 32% 90 to 92

30 X 15........... 3437 19.33 3.18 4.26 33% to 34% 36 to 3816............ 3439 19.67 3.26 4.38 33% to 34% 38 to 4018............ 3443 20.35 3.39 4.63 33% to 34% 42 to 4420............ 3447 21.03 3.52 4.87 33% to 34% 46 to 48

* 21............ 3449 21.39 3.59 4.99 33% to 34% 48 to 5022............ 3451 21.74 3.66 5.11 33% to 34% 50 to 5224............ 3455 22.42 3.79 5.35 33% to 34% 54 to 5626........... 3459 23.11 3.92 6.59 33% to 34% 58 to 6028........... 3463 23.79 4.05 5.84 33% to 34% 62 to 6430............ 3467 24.49 4.20 6.08 33% to 34% 66 to 6832............ 3471 25.18 4.-33 6.32 33% to 34% 70 to 7234........... 3475 25.87 4.46 6.56 33% to 34% 74 to 7636............ 3479 26.56 4.59 6.80 33% to 34% 78 to 8038............ 3483 36.36 6.29 9.39 33% to 34% 82 to 8440............ 3487 37.28 6.47 9.71 33% to 34% 86 to 8842............ 3491 38.20 6.64 10.03 . 33% to 34% 90 to 92

912 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

P rice Schedule—Continued


Window glass size





TolerancesWindow glass

sizeA. W. W.

type No-

A. W. W. unit price








82 x 15 ........ 3637 $19.72 $3.22 $4.41 35m to 36m 36 to 38 38 x 36............ 4279 $29.97 $5.93 $7.92 4im to 42« 78 to 8016 3639 20.07 3.35 4.54 35m to 36 m 38 to 40 •38.......... 4283 41.01 8.11 10.95 41m to 42m 82 to 8418 3643 20.79 3.48 4.80 85m to 3em 42 to 44 40......... . 4287 42.02 8.31 11.33 4imto42m 86 to 802ft 3647 21.60 * 3.63 6.05 35m to 36m 46 to 48 40 x 15............ 4437 23.15 4.43 6.06 43% to 44% 36 to 3821 3649 21.85 3.68 6.18 36m to 35m 48 to 50 16............ 4439 23. 61 4.52 6.27 43« to 44m 38 to 4022 3651 22.20 3.76 5.30 36'm to 36 m 50 to 52 18............ 4443 24.53 4.67 6.70 43m to 44m 42 to 4424 3655 22.92 8.90 5.56 m to 36m 54 to 56 20............ 4447 25.50 4.83 7.13 43m to 44m 46 to 4826 ___ 3659 23.64 4.04 6.81 35m to 36m 58 to 60 21........ 4449 25.94 4.91 7.35 43m to 44m 48 to 5028 3663 24. 35 4.18 6.07 35m to 36m 62 to 64 22............ 4451 26.42 4.98 7.66 43m to 44« 50 to 528ft 3667 25.05 4.32 6.32 66 to 68 24............ 4455 27:35 5.15 7.99 48m to 44m 54 to 5682 3671 25.77 4.46 6.58 35m to 36m 70 to 72 26............ 4459 28.27 5.30 8.42 43m to 44m 58 to 6084 3675 26.49 4.60 6.84 35m to 36m 74 to 76 28............ 4463 29.22 5.46 8.85- 43m to 44m 62 to 6486 3679 27.21 4.74 7.10 35m to 36m 78 to 80 30............ 4467 30.16 5.61 9.28 4 3 m ~ t»4 4 m 66 to 6888 3683 37.24 6.51 9.81 35m to 36m 82 to 84 32............ 4471 31.10 5.78 9.71 43m to 44« 70 to 724ft 3687 38.20 6.69 10.16 35m to 36m 86 to 88 34............ 4475 32.04 5.93 10.14 43m to 44m 74 to 76

3601 39.16 6.88 10.51 35« to 36m 90 to 92 36............ 4479 32.98 6.08 10.57 43m to 44« 78 to 808837 20.11 3.37 4.57 37m to 38m 36 to 38 38............ 4483 45.23 8.31 14.67 43% to 44% 82 to 843830 20. 50 3.44 4.70- 37m to 38m 38 to 40 40............ 4487 46.48 ' 8.51 15.24 43« to 44m 86 to 88

18 3843 21.22 3.57 4.97 37m to 38m 42 to 44 42 x 15............ 4637 23.55 4.52 6.20 45% to 40% 36 to 388847 21.96 3.72 6.23 37m to 38m 46 to 48 16........... 4639 24.03 4.60 6.42 45% to 46% 38 to 40

21 3849 22.33 3.79 5.37 3?m to 38m 48 to 50 18......... . 4643 25.00 4.76 6.87 45m to 46m 42 to 4422 3851 22.68 3.87 6.50 37m to 38m 50 to 52 20........— 4647 25.97 4.95 7.32 45m to 46« 46 to 4824 3855 23.44 4.01 5.76 54 to 56 21............ 4649 26.45 5.01 7.54 45m to 46m 48 to 5026 3859 24.16 4.14 6.03 37m to 38m 58 to 60 22............ 4651 26.93 5.09 7.77 45m to 46m 50 to 5228 3863 24.90 4.29 6.30 37m to 38m 62 to 64 2 ^ .......... 4655 27.90 6.25 8.22 45m to 4em 54 to 568ft 3867 25.62 4.44 6.56 37m to 38m 66 to 68 26........... 4659 28.86 5.41 8.66 45m to 46 m 68 to 6082 3871 26.38 4.59 6.83 37 m to 38m 70 to 72 28........... 4663 29.83 6.67 9.11 45m to 46m 62 to 6484 3875 ‘27.14 4.74 7.10 37m to 3 8 m 74 to 76 30........... 4667 30.80 6.74 9.56 45m to 4em 66 to 6836 3879 27.90 4.89 7.37 37m to 38m 78 to 80 32............ 4671 31.76 5.90 10.01 45m to 4em 70 to 7238 3883 38.21 6.72 10.19 37m to 38m 82 to 84 34........... 4675 32.73 6.06 10.46. 45m to 46m 74 to 7640 3887 33.-23 6.92 10.56 37m to 38m 86 to 88 36............ 4679 33.70 6.22 10.91 45m to 46m 78 to 8042 3891 40.24 7.12 10.91 37m to 38m 90 to 92 38........... 4683 46.21 8. 51 15.14 45m to 4 6 « 82 to 84

4037 20. 52 3.46 4.72 39m to 4om 36 to 38 44 x 15............ 4837 23.94 4.61 6.34 47m to 48m 36 to 3816 4039 20.89 3.53 4.86 3 9 m to 4 o m 38 to 40 16............ 4839 24.42 4.70 6.58 47m to 48m 38 to 40„18 4043 21.66 3.68 5.14 39mto4om 42 to 44 18............ 4843 25.42 4.87 7.04 47m to 48« 42 to 44r2ft 4047 22.42 3.83 5.41 39mto4om , 46 to 48 20............ 4847 26.42 5.04 7.51 47« to 48« 46 to 48

4049 22.79 3.90 5.55 39mto4om 48 to 50 21..'......... 4849 26.92 6.11 7.75 47« to 48« 48 to 5022 4051 23.16 3.98 5.69 39mto4om 50 to 52 22............ 4851 27.42 6.20 7.98 47« to 48« 50 to 5224 4055 23.94 4.13 5.97 39mto4om 54 to 56 24............ 4855 28.42 5.36 8.45 47« to 48« 54 to 5626 4059 24. 70 4.27 6.25 39mto4om 58 to 60 26............ 4859 29.42 5.54 8.92 47« to 48« 58 to 6028 4063 25.46 4.42 6.53 39mto4om 62 to 64 28............ 4863 30.42 5.70 9.39 ‘47« to 48« 62 to 643ft 4067 26.21 4.57 6.81 39mto4om 66 to 68 30............ 4867 31.42 6.87 9.86 47« to 48« 66 to 68

4071 26. 97 4.72 7.09 3 9 m to 4 o m 70 to 72 32............ 4871 32.42 6.04 10. 3.3 47« to 48« 70 to 724075 27. 73 4.87 7.37 39mto4om' 74 to 76 34............ 4875 33.42 6.20 10.80 47« to 48« 74 to 764079 28.49 6.02 7i65 39m to 4om 78 to 80 36............ 4879 34. 42 6.36 11.27 47« tc 48« 78 to 804083 39.00 6.89 10.57 3 9 m to 4 o m 82 to 84 38............ 4883 47.23 8.69 15.65 47« to 48« 82 to 844087 40.01 7.09 10.95 39m to 4om 86 to 88 46x15........ . 5037 24.33 4.70 6.48 49« to 50« 36 to 38

42 ' 4091 41.03 7.29 11.32 3 9 m to 4 o m 90 to 92 16...........: 5039 24.84 4.79 6.72 49« to 50« 38 to 404287 21.71 4.35 4.87 4im to 42m 36 to 38 18............ 5043 25.87 4.96 7.21 49« to 50« 42 to 444280 22.09 4.43 5.02 4im to 42m 38 to 40 20............ 6047 26.90 5.13 7.70 49« to 50« 46 to 484243 22.89 4.57 6.31 41« to 42m 42 to 44 21............ 5049 27.42 - -6.21 7.95 49« to 50« 48 to 504247 23.67 4. 72 5.60 4im to 42m 46 to 48 22............ 5051 27.93 5.30 8.19 49« to 50« 50 to 524240 24.05 4.80 6.74 4im to 42m 48 to 50 24............ 5055 28.96 6.47 8.69 49« to 50« 54 to 564251 24.44 4.87 5.89 4im to 42m 50 to 52 28.......... . 5059 30.00- 5.64 9.17 49« to 50« 58 to 604255 25.22 5.04 6.18 4im to 42m 54 to 56 28-:...... — 5063 31.02 5.81 9.66 49« to 50« 62 to 644259 26.03 5.14 6.47 4im to 42m 58 to 60 30...... — - 5067 32.05 5.99 10.15 49« to 50« 66 to 684263 26.81 5.33 6.76 41m to 42m 62 to 64 32............ 5071 33.08 6.16 10.64 49« to 50« 70 to 72

8ft 4267 27.59 6.48 7.05 41« to 42m 66 to 68 34........... 5075 34.11 6.33 11.13 49« to 60« 74 to 7632 4271 28.88 5.63 7.34 41m to 42m 70 to 72 36........... 5079 35.14 '*r50 11.62 49« to 50« 78 to 8034............ 4275 29.17 5.78 7.63 4im to 42m 74 to 76


SISFEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Price Schedule—0ontinued


Window glass size





TolerancesWindow glass

sizeA. W. W.

type No.









2618 $15.27 $3.22 $5.37 25% to 25% 17% to 1956 30 x 12............ 3418 $16.23 $3.52 $5.72 33% to 34% 17% to 19%2620 15. 59 3.33 5.46 25% to 26% 1956 to 2156 14..... ....... 3420 16. 59 3.64 5.84 33% to 34% 19% to 21%2622 15.91 3.43 5.59 25% to 26% 2156 to 2356 16............ 3422 16. 95 3. 77 5.97 33% to 34% 21% to 23%

18 2624 16.23 3.54 5.70 25% to 26% 2356 to 2556 18............ 3424 17.31 3.89 6.10 33% to 34% 23% to 25%20 2626 16. 55 3.65 5.81 25% to 26% 2556 to 2756 20_______ 3426 17.67 4. 01 6.23 33% to 34% 25% to 27%

2028 16.87 3.75 5.92 25% to 26% 2756 to 2956 22-........... 3428 18.03 4.14 6.36 33% to 34% 27% to 29%24 2630 17.18 3.86 6.03 25% to 26% 2956 to 3156 24-......... - 3430 18.39 4.26 6.49 33% to 34% 29% to 31%20 2632 17.50 3.96 6.14 25% to 26% 3156 to 3356 26............ 3432 18.75 4.38 6. 62 33% to 34% 31% to 33%28 .2634 17.82 4.07 6.25 255-1 to 26% 3356 to 3556 28............ 3434 19.11 4. 51- 6.74 33% to 34% 33% to 35%

2636 18.14 4.18 6.36 25% to 26 1 3556 to 3756 30............ 3436 19. 47 4.63 6.87 33% to 34% 35% to 37%82 2638 18. 46 4.28 6.47 25% to 26% 3756 to 3956 32............ 3438 19.83 4.75 7.00 33% to 34% 37% to 39%84 2640 18. 78 4.39 6. 56 25% to 2656 3956 to 4156 34............ 3440 20.19 4.88 7.13 33% to 34% 39% to 41%80 2642 19.10 4.49 6.69 25% to 2656 4156 to 4356 36............ 3442 20.55 5.00 7.26 33% to 34% 41% to 43%88 2644 22.97 6,08 8.88 25% to 26% 4356 to 4556 38............ 3444 24.47 6.60 9.47 33% to 34% 43% to 45%40 2646 23.29 6.18 8.99 25% to 2656 4556 to 4756 40............ 3446 24.93 6.73 9.59 33% to 34% 45% to 47%

2648 23.61 6.29 9.10 2556 to 2656 4756 to 4956 42............ 3448 25.18 6.85 9.72 33% to 34% 47% to 49%44 2650 23.93 6.40 9. 21 25% to 2656 4956 to 5156 44............ 3450 25.54 6.97 9.85 33% to 34% 49% to 51%40 2652 24.25 6. 50 9.32 25% to 26% 5156 to 5356 46............ 3452 25.90 7.10 9.98 33% to 34% 51% to 53%48 2654 24.56 6. 61 9.43 25% to 2656 5356 to 5556 48...........- 3454 26.26 7.22 10.11 33% to 34% 53% to 55%

2818 15. 51 3.30 5.46 2756 to 2856 1756 to 1956 32 x 12___ :___ 3618 16.47 3.60 5.80 35% to 36% 17% to 19%2820 15.84 3.4L 5.57 2756 to 2856 1956 to 2156 14............ 3620 16.84 3.74 5.94 35% to 36% 19% to 21%

10 2822 16.17 3.52 5.69 2756 to 2856 2156 to 2356 16...........- 3622 17. 21 3.85 6.07 35% to 36% 21% to 23%18 2824 16. 50 3.63 5.80 2756 to 2856 2356 to 2556 18...........- 3624 17.58 3.98 6.20 35% to 36% 23% to 25%20........... 2826 16.83 3.74 5.92 2756 to 2856 2556 to 2756 20...........- 3626 17.95 4.11 6.34 35% to 36% 25% to 27%22 2828 17.16 3.85 6.03 2756 to 2856 2756 to 2956 22............ 3628 18.32 4.23 6.47 35% to 36% 27% to 29%24 2830 17.49 3.96 6.15 2756 to 2856 2956 to 3156 24............ 3630 18.69 4.36 6.60 35% to 36% 29% to 31%

2832 17.81 4.07 6.26 2756 to 2856 3156 to 3356 26.......... 3632 19.06 4.49 6.73 35% to 36% 31% to 33%18 14 4 18 0 88 376 to 28 335| to 3556 28............ 3634 19.43 4.62 6.87 35% to 36% 33% to 35%

80 2836 18.47 4. 29 6.49 2756 to 2856 3556 to 3756 30............ 3636 19.80 4.75 7.00 35% to 36% 35% to 37%82 2838 18.80 4.40 6.61 2756 to 2856 3756 to 3956 32............ 3638 20.17 4.87 7.13 35% to 36% 37% to 39%84 2840 19.13 4.51 6.72 2756 to 2856 3956 to 4156 34............ 3640 20.54 5.00 7.27 35% to 36% 39% to 41%80 2842 19.46 4.62 6.83 2756 to 2856 4156 to 4356 ' 36............ 3642 20.91 5.13 7.40 35% to 36% 41% to 43%88 2844 23. 35 6.21 9.03 2756 to 2856 4356 to 4556 38............ 3644 24.84 6.73 9.61 35% to 36% 43% to 45%40 2846 23.68 6.32 9.14 2756 to 2856 4556 to 4756 40............ 3646 25.21 6.86 9.74 35% to 36% 45% to 47%42 2848 24.00 6.43 9.26 2756 to 2856 4756 to 4956 42............ 3648 25.58 6.99 9.88 35% to 36% 47% to 49%44............ 2850 24.33 6.54 9.37 2756 to 2856 4956 to 5156 44............ 3650 25.95 7.12 10.10 35% to 36% 49% to 61%40 2852 24.66 6.65 9.49 2756 to 2856 5156 to 5356 46............ 3652 26.32 7.25 10.14 35^ to 36% 51 to 53

sa56 to 5556 48............ 3654 26.69 7.37 10.28 35% to 36% 53% to 55%3018 15 75 8 37 5 54 2Q% t.n 305/6 1756 to 1956 34 x 12............ 3818 16.71 3.67 5.89 37% to 38% 17% to 19%

14 3020 16.09 3.49 5.66 2956 to 30% 1956 to 2156 14............ 3820 17.09 3.80 6.03 37% to 38% 19% to 21%8022 16 48 3 60 5. 78 29% to 3056 2156 to 2356 16.,......... 3822 17.47 3.93 6.17 37% to 38% 21% to 23%

18 3024 16. 77 3.72 '5.90 2956 to 3056 2356 to 2556 18............ 3824 17.85 4.07 6.30 37% to 38% 23% to 25%20 3026 17.11 3. 83 6.02 2956 to 3056 2556 to 2756 20............ 3826 18.23 4.20 6.44 37% to 38% 25% to 27%

3028 17 45 3. 94 6 14 2956 to 3o56 2756 to 2956 22......... 3828 18.61 4. 33- 6.58 37% to 38% 27% to 29%24............ 3030 17.79 4.06 6.26 2956 to 3056 2956 to 3156 24_______ 3830 18.99 4.46 6.72 37% to 38% 29% to 31%20 3032 18.13 4.17 6.38 2956 to 3056 3156 to 3356 26............ 3832 19.37 4.59 6.85 37% to 38% 31% to 33%28 3034 18.47 4. 29 6. 50 2956 to 3056 3356 to 3556 28............ 3834 19.75 4.73 6.99 37% to 38% 33% to 35%80 3036 18.80 4.40 6.62 2956 to 3056 3556 to 3756 30............ 3836 20.13 4.86 7.13 37% to 38% 35% to 37%82 3038 19.14 4.52 6.72 2956 to 3056 3756 to 3956 32............ 3838 20. 51 4.99 7.27 37% to 38% 37% to 39%84 3040 19.48 4.63 6.86 2956 to 3056 3956 to 4156 34............ 3840 20.89 5.12 7.40 37% to 38% 39% to 41%80 3042 19.82 4.75- 6.98 2956 to 3056 4156 to 4356 36............ 3842 21.27 5.25 7.54 37% to 38% 41% to 43%38 3044 23.72 6.34 9.18 2956 to 3056 4356 to 4556 38............ 3844 25.21 6.86 9.76 37% to 38% 43% to 45%40 3046 24.06 6.46 9.29 2956 to 3056 4556 to 4756 40......... 3846 25.59 7.00 9.90 37% to 38% 45% to 47%42 3048 24.40 6. 57 9.41 2956 to 3056 4756 to 4956 42............ 3848 25.97 7.13 10.03 37% to 38% 47% to 49%44 3050 24.74 6.68 9. 53 2956 to 3056 4956 to 5156 44............ 3850 26.35 7.26 10.17 37% to 38% 49% to 51%46 3052 25.08 6.80 9.65 2956 to 3056 5156 to 5356 46............ 3852 26.73 7.39 10.31 37% to 38% 51% to 53%48 3054 25.42 6.91 9J7 2956 to 3056 5356 to 5556 48............ 3854 27.11 7.52 10.45 37% to 38% 53% to 55%

28 x 12 3218 16.00 3.45 5.13 3156 to 3256 1756 to 1956 36 x 12............ 4018 16.95 3.75 5.98 39% to 40% 17% to 19%14 3220 16.34 5.75 3156 to 3256 1956 to 2156 14............ 4020 17.34 3.88 6.12 39% to 40% 19% to 21%16 3222 16.69 3.68 5.88 3156 to 3256 2156 to 2356 16............ 4022 17.73 4.02 6.26 39% to 40% 21% to 23%18 3224 17.04 3.80 6.00 3156 to 3256 2356 to 2556 18___ ____ 4024 18.12 4.15 6.40 39% to 40% 23% to 25%20 3226 17.39 3.92 6.13 3156 to 3256 2556 to 2756 20............ 4026 18.51 4.29 6.55 39% to 40% 25% to 27%22 . 3228 17.74 4.04 6.25 3156 to 3256 2756 to 2956 22............ 4028 18.90 4.43 6.69 39% to 40% 27% to 29%24 3230 18.09 4.16 8.37 3156 to 3256 2956 to 3156 24............ 4030 19.29 4.56 6.83 39% to 40% 29% to 31%26 3232 18.44 4.28 6.50 3156 to 3256 3156 to 3356 26............ 4032 19.68 4.70 6.97 39% to 40% 31% to 33%28 3234 18.79 4.40 6.62 3156 to 3256 3356 to 3556 28............ 4034 20.07 4.84 7.11 39% to 40% 33% to 35%30...... ..... 3236 19.14 4.52 6.75 3156 to 3256 3556 to 3756 30............ 4036 20.47 4.97 7.26 39% to 40% 35% to 37%32..... ....... 3238 19.49 4.64 6.87 3156 to 3256 3756 to 3956 32............ 4038 20.86 5.11 7.40 39% to 40% 37% to 39%34........... 3240 19.84 4.76 6.99 3156 to 3256 3956 to 4156 34............ 4040 21.25 5.25 7.54 39% to 40% 39% to 41%36 ______ 3242 20.19 4.88 7.12 3156 to 3256 4156 to 4356 36........ 4042 21.64 5.38 7.68 39% to 40% 41% to 43%38 3244 24.09 6.47 9.32 3156 to 3256 4356 to 4556 38............ 4044 25.58 7.00 9.90 39% to 40% 43% to 45%40 ______ 3246 24.44 6.59 9.44 3156 to 3256 4556 to 4756 40............ 4046 25.98 7.13 10.05 39% to 40% 45% to 47%42_______ 3248 24.79 6.71 9. 57 3156 to 3256 4756 to 4956 42............ 4048 26.37 7.27 10.19 39% to 40% 47% to 49%44 ......... 3256 25.14 6.83 9.69 3156 to 3256 4956 to 5156 44............ 4050 26.76 7.41 10.33 39% to 49% 49% to'51%46..... ....... 3252 25.49 6.95 9.82 3156 to 3256 5156 to 5356 46............ 4052 ' 27.15 7.54 10.47 39% to 40% 51% to 53%48............ 3254 25.84 7.07 9.94 3156 to 3256 5356 to 5556 48............ 4054 27.54 7.68 10.62 39% to 40% 53% to 55%

Orange Aluminum All-Weather W indow— Model' “C”

1. Two light design for standard double hung windows:A. With sliding louvre in bottom rail.B. Two removable glass panels.C. One removable screen panel.

2. One light design for in-opening case­ments and fixed windows:A. With sliding louvre in bottom rail.B. One removable glass panel.C. One removable screen panel.

Note: One light window will only be fur­nished up to the maximum sizes listed. For larger size windows, two light all-weather windows can be furnished.

3. Extras: t

Oriel windows ______________ List plus 33 y3 %Intermediate sizes_______ .•_List plus 33 y3 %Reversed windows.-_______ _ No extra charge

If reversed all-weather windows are re­quired for stationary windows, so state on order.

4. On 83” , 87” , and 91” heights, do not add 33 y3 % as this has been done on basic price.

5. Notes: The screen insert prices are to be used when extra screen panels are re­quired. (Specify on order whether upper or lower panels are required.) The same prices also apply to deductions when screen panels are to be omitted.

Glass inserts are to be used when spare glass panels are required. (Specify on order whether upper or lower panels are required.)

6. Before sending order to factory, refer to “Information data sheet #1."

(h) The maximum net prices on sales to consumers established in (g) above may be increased by an amount equal to the actual cost of installation when installation is actually supplied; however, under no circumstances may the installa­tion charge exceed $2.00 per window opening.

(i) The maximum net prices estab­lished by this order shall be subject to discounts and allowances and the rendi­tion of services which are at least as favorable as those which each seller ex­tended or rendered or would have ex­tended or rendered to purchasers of the

914 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

same class on comparable sales of com­modities in the same general category during March 1942.

(k) Each seller covered by this order, except on sales to consumers, shall notify each of his purchasers, in writing, at or before the issuance of the first invoice after the effective date of this order, of the maximum prices established by this order for each such seller as well as the maximum prices established for pur­chasers upon resale.

(l) The Orange Screen Company shall attach a tag to each item covered by this order containing substantially the fol­lowing information:

OPA Maximum Retail Price— $---------Plus actual installation charges not ex­

ceeding $2.00 per window opening.

(m) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1192; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:44 a. m.]

[MPR 591, Order 238]

F eather F lam e B urner C o .


For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register and pursuant to the provisions of section 9 of Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 591; I t is ordered:

(a) The maximum prices, f. o. b. point of shipment for sales by any person of the following gas-fired conversion burner manufactured by the Feather Flame Burner Company of Detroit, Michigan and described in its application which is on file with the Building Materials Price Branch of the Office of Price Adminis­tration, shall be:

On sales to—

Jobbers Dealers

Feather flame gas-flred conversion burner............ .................... . $56 $80

(b) The maximum net prices specified in (a) above are subject to a cash dis­count of 10 percent— 10 days and all other discounts, allowances including transportation allowances, and the ren­dition of services which are at least as favorable as those which each seller ex­tended or rendered or would have ex­tended or rendered during March 1942 to purchasers of the same class on sales of comparable quantities of commodities falling into the same general category of products as does the gas-fired conver­sion burner covered by this order.

(c) The maximum prices for sales on an installed basis of the conversion burner covered by this order shall be established in accordance with the pro­visions of Revised Maximum Price Reg­ulation No. 251.

(d) Each seller covered by this order shall notify, in writing, each of his pur­chasers at or before the issuance of the first invoice after the effective date of this order of the maximum prices estab­lished by this order for each such seller as well as the maximum prices estab­lished for such purchasers except a dealer upon resale.

(e) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1193; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:51 a. m.]

[MPR 591, Order 239]

A l le n C opper C o il M fg.


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Reg­ister and pursuant to the provisions of section 9 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 591; I t is ordered:

(a) The maximum net prices for sales by any person of the following models of copper tube boiler-burner units man­ufactured by Allen Copper Coil manufac­turing of Seattle, Washington and de­scribed in its' application which is on file with the Building Materials Price Branch of the Office of Price Administration, shall be:

On sales to


Dealers Con-sumers

Model A2-T. Allen high effi­ciency copper tube boiler complete with oil burner___ $361 $452 $565

Model A7-T Allen high effi­ciency copper tube boiler complete with oil burner... 416 520 650

(b) Except on sales to consumers, the maximum prices specified in (a) above are f. o. b. point of manufacture. On sales to consumers, the maximum price specified above is f. o. b. point of destina­tion.

(c) The maximum net prices specified in (a) above shall be subject to discounts, allowances including transportation al­lowances, and the rendition of services which are at least as favorable as those which each seller extended or rendered or would have extended or rendered dur­ing March 1942 to purchasers of the same class on sales of comparable quantities of commodities falling into the same general category of products as do the boiler- burner units covered by this order.

(d) The maximum prices for sales on an installed basis of the commodities cov­ered by this order shall be established in accordance with the provisions of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251.

(e) Each seller, except on sales to con­sumers, shall notify in writing, each of his purchasers at or before the issuance

of the first invoice after the effective date of this order of the maximum prices es­tablished by this order for each such seller as well as the maximum prices es­tablished for such purchasers, except a dealer, upon resale.

(f ) Allen Copper Coil Manufacturing shall stencil in a conspicuous place on each of the boiler-burner units covered by this order substantially the following:

OPA Maximum Retail Price $______As Provided in Order No. 239 underMaximum Price Regulation No. 591.

(g ) This order ma£ be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Janu­ary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1194; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:51 a. m.] ’

[MPR 591, Order 240]

L ang -S charm ann & Co.


For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Reg­ister and pursuant to section 9 of Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 591; I t is or­dered:

(a) The maximum price for sales by any person to consumers of the following full flow liquid faucet manufactured by Lang-Scharmann and Company of Marshfield, Wisconsin and described in its application dated December 15, 1945, shall be:

% " Brass fu ll flow liquid faucet— $1.65.

(b) The maximum net price, f. o. b. point of shipment, for sales by any per­son to dealers shall be the maximum price specified in (a) above less a dis­count .of 30 percent.

(c) The maximum net price, f. o. b. point of shipment, for sales by any per­son to jobbers shall be the maximum price specified in (a) above less succes­sive discounts of 30 and 20 percent.

(d) The maximum prices established by this order shall be subject to such further discounts and allowances and the rendition of services which are at least as favorable as those which each seller extended or rendered or would have ex­tended or rendered to purchasers of the same class on comparable sales of com­modities in the same general category during March 1942.

(e) The maximum prices on an in­stalled basis of 1;he commodities covered by this order shall be determined in ac­cordance with Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251.

( f ) Each seller covered by this order, except on sales to consumers, shall notify each of his purchasers, in writing, at or before the issuance of the first invoice after the effective date of this order, of the maximum prices estab­lished by this order for each such seller as well as the maximum prices estab­lished for purchasers, except dealers, upon resale.

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 915(g) Lang-Scharmann and Company

shall attach to each faucet covered by this order a tag containing the fo l­lowing:

OPA Maximum Retail Price $1.65(h) This order may be revoked or

amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B owles,

Administrator.[F, R. Doc. 46-1195; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:45 a. m.]

[MPR 591, Order 241]

I nsulation S ervice Co .


For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register and pursuant to section 9 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 591, I t is ordered:

(a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b. point of shipment, for sales by any per­son of the following home and farm freezers manufactured by the Insula­tion Service Company of 2317 West Lis­bon Avenue, Madison, Wis., and as described in the application dated Jan­uary 15, 1946, which is on file with the Building Materials Price Branch, Office of Price Administration, Washington 25, D. C., shall be:

On sales to—

Distrib­utors Dealers Con­


Low temperature cabinet—14)4 cu. ft. V i h. p. condena-ing unit............................. $250 $300 $500

(b) The maximum net prices estab­lished in (a) above may be increased by the following amount to each class of purchaser to cover the cost of crating when crating in actually supplied: $6.00.

(c) The maximum net prices estab­lished by this order shall be subject to discounts and allowances and the ren­dition of services which are at least as favorable as those which each Seller ex­tended or rendered or would have ex­tended or rendered to purchasers of the same class on comparable sales in the same general category oñ October 1,1941.

(d) On sales by a distributor or dealer the following charges may be added to the maximum prices established in (a) above:

(1) The actual amount of freight paid to obtain delivery to his place of business. .Such charges shall not exceed the lowest common carrier rates.

(2) Crating charges actually paid to his supplier but in no instance exceeding the amount specified in (b) above.

(e) Each seller covered by this order, except a dealer, shall notify each of his purchasers, in writing, at or before the issuance of the first invoice after the effective date of this order, of the maxi­mum prices established by this order for

each such seller as well as the maximum prices established for purchasers upon resale, except dealers, including allow­able transportation and crating charges.

(f ) The Insulation Service Company of Madison, Wisconsin, shall stencil on the lid or cover of the home and farm freezers covered by this order, substan­tially the following:

OPA Maximum Retail Price $____ _Plus freight and crating as provided in

Order No 241 under Maximum Price Regu­lation No. 591.

(g ) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B ow les,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1196; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:45 a. m.]

[MPR 591, Order 242]


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register and pursuant to section 9 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 591; I t is ordered:

(a) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to consumers by any person of the following sizes of Combination Aluminum Storm Sash manufactured by the Cincinnati Fly Screen Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, and as described in the application dated November 28, 1945, which is on file with the Building Mate­rials Price Branch, Office of Price Admin­istration, Washington 25, D. C., shall be the following list prices:

Window glass size (inches) :14 X 15................ ..............

16___________________18— ..........................20_________ __________21___________________22____________________24___________ ________26-...... .......................2 8 „________________ _30____________________32_________ J_;----------34_____________ ______36____________ _______

16 X 15...............................16-.............................18..............................20........... ..................21.................. ........... .22___________ ________24.................. ........... .26_.................. ...........28...............................30-..............................32.............................. .34................ ..............36...............................

18 X 15______- ........ ...........16— .................18___________________20____________________21___________________22____________________24___________________26___________________28_____-_____________

U n it price fo r ■ com pleted

w indow______ $16.15_____ 16.41_____ 16.89______ 17.39______ 17.63

____ 17. 87____ 18. 37

______ 18.89______ 19.37____ __ 19.87______ 20.37______ 20.87______ 21.37______ 16.54______ 16.80______ 17.35______ 17.85______ 18.11______ 18.35______ 18.89______ 19.41______ 19.92______ 20.44______ 20.96______ 21.48______ 22.00______ 16.95......... 17.2a______ 17.76_____- 18.30______ 18.56______ 18.85_____ 19.39

______ 19.92______ 20.48

U n it price fo r com p leted

Window glass size (inches)—Con. w indow18 X 30-.

32- 34 - 36 -

20 X 15- 16- 18- 20 -

21, - 22 -

24 - 26 - 28 - 30 - 32_. 34 - 36 -

22 X 15 - 16 _ 18- 20 - 21 _ 22 _ 24 _ 26 _ 28. 30- 32_ 34- 36_

24 X 15 - 16- 18- 20- 21 -

22 _ 24_ 26- 28. 30- 32- 34 . 36.

26 X 15 -16- 18- 2 0 - 21 -

2 2 . 24. 26 _ 28. 30 . 32. 34. 36.

27 X 15.16. 18. 20 . 2 1 . 2 2 . 24 . 26 . 28. 30. 32. 34 . 36.

28 X 15.16. 18. 20 - 21 . 2 2 . 24. 26- 28. 30. 32. 34. 36.

80 X 15. 16. 18. 20. 21. 2 2 . 24. 26.

$21.0221.57 22.12 22. 67 17. 3317. 6318. 2018. 7619. 0419.3319.9120. 4621.03 21.61 22.16 22. 7123.2617. 7418. 0218. 6519.2219. 52 19.8120. 41 20. 9821.57 22.18 22.7723.3623.0518.1318. 4419. 0619.6719. 9820. 2820.91 21.5122.1322.7423.3724. 0024.63 18. 54 18.85 19.48 20.15 20.44 20. 78 21.4022.0522.6823.33 23.9824.6325. 28 18.7219.06 19.7020.35 20.68 21.02 21.66 22.31 22.96 23.6224.2724. 9225. 5718. 9319. 2819. 9220. 5920.92 21.26 21.90 22. 57 23.2423.9224.5725.22 25. 87 19. 33 19. 6720.3521.03 21.3921.74 22.42 23.11

916 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Unit price for completed

Window glass size (inches)—Cion, w indow30 X 28____________________________$23.79

30________________1------------- 24. 4932____________________________ 25.1834____ 25.8736___________________________ 26. 56

32 x 15____________________________ 19.7216____________________________ 20.0718 ........... ...... ________________ 20. 7920 ____________________________21.5021 ___________ ______________ 21. 8522 _________________________ 22.2024____________________________ 22. 9226 ----------------------------------- 23. 6428----------------------------------- 24.3530------------------------— ------- 25. 0532__________ 25.7734_____________________________ 26.4936_____________________________ 27. 21

34 X 15_____________________________ 20.1116_____________________________ 20.5018------ ------------------------ ,----- 21.2220 --------------------- 21.9621 ------------ ------------- ------ 22. 33122_j------------1................... ...... 22.6824--------------------------- 23.4426—.......... 24.1628...,--------- 24.9030-----«.--------------- 25.6232------ ------- ------------------26- 3834---------- -------- --------- i _____ 27.1436.......... 27.90

36 x 15----------------------- 20.5216------ 20.8918------ ---------- ------------- -----~ 21.6620—---------------- 22.4221 ------- --------------------- _ 22.7922 ------------------------------- 23.1624------------------------ 23.9426.................. ......................... 24. 7028--------- 25.4630------ --------- -------------------- 26. 2132------------------------------------- 28. 9734.------------ 27.7336— _____-------------------- 28.49

38 X 15__________________________\ 21. 7116------- ------ ----- ----- ------ - 22.0918— ------------------------------ 22.8920----------------------------------- 23. 6721 — ........—.......................... 24. 0522 ----------- -------------------- 24. 4424-.........— ----- ---------- 25.2226--------------------- ---------— 26. 0328------------ ¿--------------------- 26. 8130---------- ___■ 27.5932------------ ---------------------- 28. 3834-------- 29.1736---------- ------------------------ 29. 97

40 X 15---------- ------ ------------------ 23. 1516--------- --------- ---------------- 23. 6118........ __ 24. 5320----------------------------------- 25. 5021 ;------------ ------------- 25. 9422------------------ --------------- 26. 4224----- 27.3526---------- —------ -------------- 128 . 2728 — -----------------------------__ 29. 2230 —------ ------------------------- 30.1632------ -------............„ --------- 31. io34 —.................. ..................... 32. 0436---------— ------------- ------ 32. §8

42 X 15--------- ____________________ 23. 5516----------------------------------- 24. 0318------- --------------------------- 25. 0020 ----------------- — — _____ 25.9721 — ----------- ----- — ________ 26.4622 -------------------------------- 26. 9324--------------------------- -------- 27. 9026------------------------------- ---- 28.8628— .............— ............ ..... 29.8330----------------------------------- 30.8032______ 31.7634 ---------— ------------------ 32. 7336— ________I - . _____________ 33.70

44 X 15____________________________ 23.9416 — _________ _______________ 24. 4218 .---------------------------------- 25.4220— ___________ — _________ 26.4221...................... 26.92

Unit price for completed

Window glass size (inches)—Con. w indow44 x 22_________________ ______ $27.42

24 .............. .................................. 28.4226___ - .......................... ............ 29.422 8 ________________________ 80.42SO............ ....... ............................ 31.42

' 3 2____ ____________________ 32.4234___ _______ _____________ 33. 4236 ________ ___________ *___ 34. 42

(b) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to display dealers, or distributors’ or dealers’ commission agents by any person shall be the list prices set forth in (a) above reduced by 10 percent.

/ (c) The maximum net delivered priceson sales to non-installing, drop shipment dealers by any person shall be the list prices set forth in (a) above reduced by 20 percent.

(d) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to non-installing stocking deal­ers by any person shall be the list prices set forth in (a) above reduced by 25 percent.

(e) The maximum net delivered prices on sales to installing dealers by any per­son shall be the list prices set forth in (a) above reduced by 33% percent.

(f ) The maximum net prices, f. o. b. point of shipment on sales to distribu­tors by any person shail be the list prices set forth in (a) above reduced by suc­cessive discounts of 40 and 10 percent.

(g ) The maximum net prices on sales- to consumers established in (a) above may be increased by an amount equal to the actual cost of installation when in­stallation is actually supplied, however, under no circumstances may the installa­tion charge exceed $2.00 per window opening.

(h) The maximum net prices estab­lished by this order shall be subject to discounts and allowances and the rendi­tion of services which are at least as favorable as those which each seller ex­tended or rendered or would have ex-

. tended or rendered to purchasers of the same class on comparable sales of com­modities in the same general category during March 1942.

(i) Each seller covered by this order, except on sales to consumers, shall no­tify each of his purchasers, in writing, at or before the issuance of the first in­voice after the effective date of this or­der, of the maximum prices established by this order for each such seller as well as the maximum prices established for purchasers upon resale.

( j ) The Cincinnati Ply Screen Com­pany shall attach a tag to each item cov­ered by this order containing substan­tially the following information:

OPA Maximum Retail Price—$_____Plus actual installation charges not ex­

ceeding $2.00 per window opening.(k) This order may be revoked or

amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.Chester B owles,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1197; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

11:44 a. m.J

[Max. Im port Price Reg., Order 110]

International M erit P roducts Corp. et AL.


For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Reg­ister, and pursuant to section 21 of the Maximum Import Price Regulation, it is ordered:

(a) What this order does. This order establishes maximum prices for sales by any person, (except the importer, whose maximum prices have been established by letter-order) of certain imported phonograph needles, distributed in the United States by and through Interna­tional Merit Products Corporation, 254 West 54th Street, New York, New York, under the trade name of “Meritone.” The needles are of two types, Playback and Cutting. The Playback needles are marketed under the name of “Meritone- Super” and “Meritone-Supermatic,” and the cutting needles are marketed under the name of “Meritone-Uniform.”

(b) Maximum prices for sales of cer­tain imported phonograph needles. The maximum prices on sales by the follow­ing classes of sellers above which no per­son may pay or receive for the following described phonograph needles, shall be as follows:

Playback Needles(1) By International Merit Products Cor­

poration (f. o. b. New York, terms 2% 10 days, net 30 days):

Per needleTo repackagers in quantities of

500.000 or more_______________$0.003To wholesalers in quantities less_ than 100,000.._______________'_ .0045To Wholesalers in quantities 100,000

and over__ ______ ____________ .00315To retailers in quantities less than

10.000 _________ ________ _____ .006To ^retailers in quantities 10,000

and over__ __________ ~ ______ . 0045(2) By Repackagers (f. o. b. shipping point,

terms 2% 10 days, net 30 days):Per needle

To wholesalers in quantities less than100,000._________________ x________$0.0045

To wholesalers in quantities 100,000and over_________________ .00315

To retailers in quantities less than10.000 _________________ _____r____ .006

To retailers in quantities 10,000>and over________________________ . 0045-(3) By Wholesalers (f. o. b. shipping point,

terms 2% 10 days, net 30 days):Per needle

To retailers in quantities less than10.000 ____________________________$0.006

To retailers in quantities 10,000and over_______________________ . 0045(4) By retailers:

Per package (cents)

In packages containing 10 needles___ 10In packages containing 25 needles____ 25In packages containing 55 needles___ 50

Cutting needles ,

(1) By International Merit Products Corpo­ration (f. o. b. New York, terms 2% 10 days, net 30 days): ^

Per needle (cents)

To repackagers in quantities of 1,000or over_______ a._____ ________________ 10

To wholesalers In quantities less than 500 12.5

917FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Cutting needles— Continued(1) By International Merit Products Corpo­

ration— Continued. pgj- needle(cents)

To wholesalers in quantities 500 ando v e r ________ 1_________________ _____ 10

To retailers in quantities less than100_ _________________ _________________ 16. 7

To retailers in -quantities 100 and over..._________________________________ 15(2) By repackagers (f. o. b. shipping point,

terms 2% 10 days, net 30 days):Per needle

(cents)To wholesalers in quantities less than

500 ___________________________________ 12.5To wholesalers in quantities 500 and

over_____________ ______________________ 10

(3) By wholesalers (f: o. b. shipping point, terms 2% 10- days, net 30 days):

Per needle (cents)

To retailers in quantities less than100 ____ _____________________________ 16.7

To retailers in quantities 100 and over_ 15(4) By retailers______________________ 25

Where sales of Playback needles are made at retail in quantities packaged other than as above listed, maximum prices must be adjusted proportionately on the basis of 55 needles for 500.

(c) Notification of maximum prices. All sellers covered by this Order selling for resale any phonograph needles priced under this order shall include on the in­voice to each retailer, the following state­ment:

Your maximum selling price(s) for the im­ported phonograph needles as established by Order No. 110, issued by the Office of Price Administration under the Maximum Import Price Regulation is ( a r e ) ____0 (insert appli­cable specific price for the needles sold.)

(d) Less than maximum prices. Lower prices than those established by this order may be charged, demanded, paid or offered.

(e) Application of the Maximum Im ­port Price Regulation Unless the con­text otherwise requires,.the provisions of the Maximum Import Price Regulation, as amended, shall apply to sales for which maximum prices are established by this order.

( f ) Revocation and amendment. This order may be revoked or amended at any time.

This order shall -become effective January 23, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1217; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

4:22 p. m.]

[SO 119, Order 56]

R. W allace and So ns


For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to sections 13 and 14 of Supplementary Order No. 119, it is ordered:

(a) Manufacturer’s Maximum Prices. R. Wallace and Sons, Wallingford, Con­necticut, may increase by no more than 22 percent its maximum prices in effect

during October 1941 to each class of pur­chaser for silver plated flatware of its manufacture. The manufacturer may not add to the amount of increase per­mitted by this paragraph any adjustment under Revised Order No. 226 under Max­imum Price Regulation No. 188 since the increase authorized by this paragraph includes the amount of the adjustment permitted by that order.

(b) Ceiling prices of purchasers for re­sale. A purchaser for resale shall deter­mine his maximum price as follows:

(1) I f during March 1942 he delivered or offered for delivery an article of silver plated flatware which meets the defini­tion of “most comparable article” con­tained in § 1499.3 (a ) of the General Maximum Price Regulation, except that it need not be currently offered for sale, and on which he has established an ad­justed maximum price under either Or­der No. 226 or Revised Order No. 226 un­der Maximum Price Regulation No. 188 (adjustment on certain articles contain­ing silver) he shall determine his maxi­mum price on an article covered by this order according to the following steps:

Step 1: He shall determine the percentage of markup he has on that comparable article between his actual invoice cost (including the silver adjustment permitted by Order 226 or Revised Order 226)( and his maximum price as adjusted under Revised Order No. ¿26.

Step 2: He shall apply the markup which he finds in Step 1 above to his actual invoice cost of the article covered by this order. The result is his ceiling price for his sales of that article to the same class of purchaser as that to which the maximum price of the comparable article applied.

(2) I f a purchaser for resale cannot determine his ceiling price under the above method, he shall apply to the Office of Price Administration for the establish­ment of his ceiling price under § 1499.3(c) of the General Maximum Price Reg­ulation. Ceiling prices established under that section will reflect the supplier’s prices adjusted in accordance with this Order.

(c) Terms of sale. Ceiling prices ad­justed by this order are subject to each seller’s customary terms, discounts, al­lowances and other price differentials on sales to each class of purchaser in effect during March 1942, or established under any applicable OPA regulation.

(d) Notification. At the time of, or“ prior to, the first invoice to a purchaser for resale showing a ceiling price ad­justed in accordance with the terms of this order, the seller shall notify each purchaser in writing of the method of determining adjusted ceiling prices for sales of the articles covered by this order. This notice may be given in any conven­ient form.

(e) Ttns order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at any time.

<f) Effective date. This order shall become effective on the 22d day of Jan­uary, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946.C hester I^o w l e s ,

Administrator.[P. R. Doc. 46-1218; Piled, Jan. 22, 1946;

4:23 p. m.]

[MPR 136, Order 573]

S tudebaker C orp.


Order No. 573 Under Revised Maxi­mum Price Regulation 136. Machines, parts and industrial equipment. The Studebaker Corporation. Docket No. 6083-136.21-697.

For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the" Federal Register and pursuant to section 21 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation 136; I t is ordered:

(a) The. Studebaker Corporation, and its wholly owned subsidiary companies, hereinafter called Company, is author­ized to sell f. o. b. South Bend, Indiana, each of the Studebaker trucks listed in subparagraph (1) below to its domestic dealers at a price not to exceed the total of the applicable “List Price” listed in subparagraph (1) below and the appli­cable charges or net allowances listed in subparagraph (2) below (subject to the discounts in effect on March 31, 1942, to the applicable class of. purchasers):

(1) Model, description, and list price, f. o. b. factory South Bend, Indiana:

Model No. Description Listprice

M5........... Chassis, truck, )$-ton nominal $832.00rating, 113" wheelbase, with cab and 6)4-foot pickup body;

• 1942 standard specifications and equipment plus the fol­lowing changes and additions: oil bath air cleaner (1 pt.), oil filter (1 pt.) F4, extra wind­shield wiper, extra sun visor, arm rests, dome light, colored fenders, two stage rear springs, and four 6.50 x 16 6-ply syn-

' thetic tires.M 16-28___ Chassis, truck, lH-ton nominal

rating, 128" wheelbase; 1942 standard specifications and equipment plus the following changes and additions: oil bath*air cleaner (1 pt.), oil fil­ter (1 pt.) F4, auxiliary rear springs, six 7.00 x 20 8-ply synthetic tires and disc wheels.


M 16-28___ Chassis, truck, lti-ton nominal rating, 128" wheelbase, with driver’s cab; 1942 standard


specifications and equipment plus the following changes and additions: oil bath air cleaner (1 pt.), oil filter (1 pt.) F4, extra windshield wiper, extra sun visor, arm rests, dome light, auxiliary rear springs, outside extension rear view mirror, six 7.00 x 20 8-ply synthetic tires and disc wheels.

M 16-28..... Chassis, truck, lj^-ton nominal rating, 128" wheelbase, with driver’s cab and 9-foot plat­form stake body; 1942 standard specifications and equipment plus the following cbanges.and additions: oil bath air cleaner


(1 pt.>, oil filter (1 pt.) F4, extra windshield wiper, extra sun visor, arm rests, dome light, auxiliary rear springs, outside extension rear view mirror, six 7.00 x 20 8-ply synthetic tires and disc wheels.

M 16-52..... Chassis, truck, lj^-ton nominal rating, 152" wheelbase; 1942 standard specifications and equipment, plus the following changes and additions: oil bath air cleaner (1 pt.), oil filter (1 pt.) F4, auxiliary rear springs, six 7.00 x 20 8-ply syn­thetic tires and disc wheels.

1,057. 00

M 16-52..... Chassis, truck, lM-ton nominal rating, 152" wheelbase, ■ with driver’s cab; 1942 standard specifications and equipment, plus the following changes and additions: oil bath air cleaner (1 pt.), oil filter (1 pt.) F4,

1, 217.00

918 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Model No. Description Listprice


extra'windshield wiper, extra sun visor, am -rests, dome 1 light, auxiliary rear springs, outside extension rear-view mirror, six 7.00- x 20 8-ply syn­thetic tires and disc wheels.

Chassis, truck, l)4-tba nominal rating, 152" wheelbase, with driver’s cab and 12-foot plat­form stake body ; 1942 standard specifications and equipment, plus the following changes and additions: oil bath air cleaner (1 pt.), ofl filter (I pt.) F4, extra windshield wiper, extra sun visor, arm rests, dome light, auxiliary rear springs, outside extension rear-view mirror, sir 7.00 x 20 8-pIjr syn­thetic tires and disc wheels.

Chassis, truck, l)4-ton nominal


M16-9&.__ 1,104.00


rating, 195" wheelbase; 1942 standard specifications and equipment, plus the following changes and additions: ofl bgth air cleaner (1 pt.), oil filter (1 pt.) F4, auxiliary rear springs, six 7.00 x 20 8-ply syn­thetic tires and disc wheels.

■ Chassis, truck, ljd-ton nominal 1,265.00

. ut

rating, 195" wheelbase, with driver’s cab; 1942 standard specifications and equipment, plus the following changes and. additions: oil bath air cleaner (1 pt.), ofl filter (I pt.) F4, extra windshield wiper, extra sun visor, arm rests, dome light, auxiliary rear springs, outside extension rear-view mirror, six 7.00 x 20 8-ply syn­thetic tires and disc wheels.

(2) Charges and net allowances— (i) Extra or optional equipment. A charge for each item of extra or optionaPequip- ment affixed to or shipped with the truck for which a charge is made which shall not- exceed the list price shown below less the discounts in effect on March 31, 1942, to the applicable class of purchaser, or a net deduction for each item of extra or optional equipment for which a deduction is made not less than the applicable net deduction listed below:




When 2-speed (dual wheel) rear axle is furnished the following group is compulsory:

Axle, 2-speed rear-dual rear wheels__ $135.10

41.25Brakes, (BK No. 1) boost«:

Left hand..___________________ 54.309.65

Springs—heavy duty front............. 2.65. 6.05

Air* Cleaner (1 quart capacity) wet$0.80 .80

149.90Battery,* 17-plate_____1___ _________ 10.65Battery!, 19-plate..........."___________ 7.95Brakes (BKNo. 1), booster (L .H .)___ 41.25Brakes (BK No. l), booster (R. H.).___Brake (11" disc type) tru-stop trans­

mission........ ..........................


15.25Brakes—Rear wheel parking replacing

transmission parking brake........... . 40.25Brakes—Rear wheel parking not in­

stalled, in addition to transmission56.70

Brake booster and trailer connections, but without hand control (includes BK Nb. 1 brakes)______ ____ _____ 71.40

Two-line trailer connections with hand control This is in addition to the regular established price of $41.25 list for BK No. 1 booster brake equip-


Cowl Â2 (V-type) in prime with wind­shield opening and headerbar, un-

24.15Cowl A2 (V-type) in prime with safety

glass windshield and 2 windshield wipers, untrimmed_____». _______ 49.45




Cowl A2 (V-type) with safety glass windshield, windshield wiper, kick pads, son visor, rear-view mirror, windshield garnish mouldings, dash lining, and two cab' doors complete with safety glass. Cowl and doors in the prime and doors not hung................. ..... ............... $101.95

Fenders—colored______ ____________ 6.05Fishplating:

44.45Lots of 5—128" W/B frame_______ _ 38.66Lots of 20—128" W/B frame............ 34.20Lots of 1—152" W/B frame............. 60.95Lots of 5—152" W/B frame............. 45.65Lots of 23—152" W/B frame............ 41.25

63.40Lots of 5—195" W/B frame________ 56.30Lots erf 20—195" W/B frame............ 51.90

Generator—Early cabin........ ........... 12. 20 12.959.30

Governor (if arle with 6.6 ratio is used governor is compulsory).... ............ 9.65

Motor governor with lock and keys__ 10.4010.25 10.766.05 6.062.65 2.70

Long running boards, filler panels and black rear fenders... ..................... 34.70

Long,ranning boards only M 16-28...... 21.10Fram (F35) ofl filter, 1 quart___ 4.15Muffler pipe—Extra long (M18-52and

M 16-95)..................................... , 10.05Propeller shaft and transmission brake

drum guards______ _____________ 28.15Painting hood, cowl and radiator

grille in any one of the approved production colors. ...................... 5.80

Special color:26.55

21.40Chassis with A1 or A2 cowl__■_____ 12.80If frame and/or running gear is want­

ed in red or any of the other standard production colors, add to the above prices the following:

Frame enameled in red_______ .. 5.30 5.30Frame in any of the other produc-

3.20 3.20Frame and running gear enameled

7.40 ' 7.40Frame and running gear in any of

4.60 4.0028.15

Shock absorbers, front..... . . _________ * Std. 14.05Std. 22.50

Std.Springs! heavy duty front___________ 1.20 2.65

2.30 6.05Springs, M 16-95 heavy duty 11-leaf

front in M 16-52............................. 3 90Tank, BK booster reserve............. 23.15Thirty gallon gas tank mounted on

left sitfe in addition to regular tank38.20

1.80 3.55Two extra 30-gallon gas tanks, one

mounted on the left and the other on the right. in addition to the regular tank which is mounted under the seat.................. ......... 66.35

Thirty gallon gas tank on left side of3395

Special gas tank filler........................ 2.1518.10

Transmission—Remote control and66.35

Wheel—18" steering...............*....... 1.20 Std.Moving rear spring hangers of M5-13

5" forward thus reducing the wheel­base to 108", This price also in­cludes heavy duty rear springs_____ 25.35

Stromberg carburetor....................... 4.05Steal grille for rear cab windows_____ 2.85 3.55Reducing wheelbase from 195" to 173".. 74.00Channei bar front bumper substituted

for regular front bumper.......... 11.6011.75

Genuine leather cushion and back...... 14.856.05


.95Inside rear-view mirror_____________ .60 ! .60Rear-pew mirror bracket extension-.. .60

2.30 2.35Thirty gallon gas tank on right side of

frame fn place of standard tank____ 31.352)4 yd. Gar Wood Model C-12 hydrau­

lic sand and gravel dump body, 8- feet long—6-feet wide, with Gar Wood D-7 hoist, for mounting on

382.003 yd. Gar Wood Model C-12 hydraulic

sand and gravel dump body, 8-feet long—6-feet wide, with Gar Wood D-7 hoist, for mounting on M 16-128" wbeelbasechassis_____________ ... . 390.00




When either of the above described bodies are:

1. Mounted on chassis—add for mounting, handling, freight a'nd


i $30.00

• 17.002. "Unmounted—add for handling

2)4 yd. Gar Wood Model C-12 hy­draulic sand and gravel dump body, 10feet long—6-feet wide, with Gar Wood FIGS hoist, for mounting on

504.003 yd. Gar Wood Model G-12hydraulic

sand and gravel dump body, 10-feet long—0-feet wide, with Gar Wood FIGS hoist, for mounting on M16- 152" wheelbase chassis. ___________ 512.00

When either of the two above de­scribed bodies are:

1. Mounted on . chassis—add for mounting, handling, freight and

i 53.502.'Unmounted—add for handling

i 21.00Model D-I3-A Edwards semi-trailer,

16-feet long, complete with Timken mechanical brake, vacuum operated, for use with M 16-128" wheelbase

1,270.50When the above described semi-trailer

is:1. Equipped with Austin heavy

duty vertical landing gear, having a 4" tube—add........................... 48. 40

2. Equipped with Austin heavy duty two-speed landing gear—add.

3. Equipped with 5 stud hubs, com­plete with wheels—add .........

! 82.50

17.60- 4. 'increased in length—add for each

additional 2 feet...... .............. ..... 11.00B~K hook-up to operate trailer

brakes—2-line vaeuum system including hose and all necessary valves and fittings installed on tractor-truck with:

1. Foot control:A. Where tractor-truck brakes

are not operated by B-K35.20

B . Where tractor-truck brakes are actuated by atmospheric sus-

36.20C.* Where tractor-truck brakes are . actuated by B -K vacuum cylin­

der ............ ....... 28.602.' Hand control:

A. Hand control valve installed below steering wheel to operate trailer brakes_______ :................ 35.20

B. If “A” equipped with two4.40

3. Combination foot and hand con­trol:

A. Hand control valve installed below steering wheel—arranged so that hand control will operate trader brakes only and foot control will operate tractor and trailer brakes combined_______ " 39.60

-B. If “A ” equipped with two vacuum gauges—add______ ____ 4.40

C. If in addition to “A ” shut-off valves are installed on frame assembly directly in back of cab—add...........'..................... 4.40

Front disc wheels and tire equipment (synthetic):

7.00 x 268-ply tires. _...................... Std.7.50 x 20 8-ply tires......................... 15.857.00 x 2010-ply tires________________ 16.707.50 x 2010ply tires........................ 40.308.25 x 20 Ifeply tires_________ ’______ 56.95

Single rear disc wheels and tire equip­ment (synthetic):

7.50 x 20 8-ply tires (deduct) . . . ___ l 36.957.00 x 2010-ply tires (deduct)_______ i 36.8010.00 x 20 12-ply tires..................... 80.3011.00 x 20 12-ply tires.................... 104.5032 x 6 10ply tires (deduct).............. 136.80

Dual rear disc wheels and tire equip­ment (synthetic):

Std.7.00 x 2010-ply tires..................... 33.40

32.257.50 x 2010ply tires............... ........ 81.25

114.50Omission of standard tires (synthetic):

6.50 x 16 6-ply tires (four) (deduct) — i 53.251125.65


(ii) Handling and preparation for de­livery charge. A charge for handling

919FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

and for preparation for delivery of the truck computed by the same method that was in effect on March 31, 1942;

(iii) Advertising. A charge for ad­vertising not to exceed the amount of the charge which the Company had in effect on March 31, 1942;

(iv) Taxes. A charge at current legal rates to cover federal excise taxes on the truck and extra or optional equip­ment, computed in accordance with the method the Company had in effect on March 31, 1942, and also state and local taxes on the sale or delivery of the truck ahd extra or optional equipment when the sale or delivery is made for the ac­count of a reseller;

(v) Transportation expense. A charge to cover the transportation cost which the Company, prepays for the domestic dealer for transporting the truck from the factory to the point at which de­livery is made to the domestic dealer, including transportation tax at the cur­rent legal rate.

(b) The Company is authorized to sell f. o. b. South Bend, Indiana, to users, each of the Studebaker trucks listed in subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) at a price not to exceed the total of the fol­lowing charges: >

(1) Trucks. ‘The applicable list price in subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) for the truck (subject to the discounts in effect on March 31,1942, to the applicable class of purchasers);

(2) Extra or optional equipment. A charge for each item of extra or optional equipment listed in subparagraph (2)(i) of paragraph (a) affixed to or shipped with the truck for which a charge is made which shall not exceed the appli­cable list price in that subparagraph sub­ject to the discounts in effect on March 31, 1942, to the applicable class of pur­chaser. or a net allowance for each^item of extra or optional equipment for which an allowance is made not less than the applicable net allowance set forth in sub- paragraph (2) (i) o f paragraph (a);

(3) Taxes. A charge to qover ‘State and local taxes on the sale and delivery of the new truck and extra or optional equipment.

(4) Transportation expense. A charge to cover cost, if any, of transporting the new truck and extra or optional equip­ment to the purchaser, including trans­portation tax at the current legal rate.

(5) Other expense. Charges to cover handling and delivery operations, ad­vertising, and federal excise taxes, de­termined in accordance with applicable methods provided in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a).

(c) Any dealer when selling under a “Central Dealer Agreement” with Com­pany is authorized to sell to direct dealers listed in his contract each of the Stude­baker trucks listed in subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) at a price not to exceed the applicable list price in that subpara­graph subject to the discount in effect on March 31, 1942, plus the following charges or minus the following net allow­ances when applicable:

(1) Extra or optional equipment. A charge or a deduction for each item of extra or optional equipment listed in sub- paragraph (2) (i) of paragraph (a) affixed to or shippec. with the new truck

. No. 17---- 7

which shall not exceed the charge or where there is a deduction be less than the net deduction provided for in that subparagraph.

(2) Taxes. A charge to cover any federal excise taxes paid on the new truck and extra or optional equipment or any State or local taxes paid on the sale or delivery of the new truck and extra or optional equipment.

(3> Advertising. A charge for adver­tising expense not to exceed the amount of the charge which the Company makes to the central dealer for this expense.

(4) Handling and preparation for de­livery charge. A charge for handling and for preparation for delivery not to exceed the charge the Company makes to the central dealer for these operations.

(5) Transportation. A charge to cover the central dealer’s expense, if any, for the transportation of the new truck and extra or optional equipment from the factory, South Bend, Indiana, to the place at which delivery is made to the direct dealer, including transportation tax.

(6) Wholesale servicing, unloading and receiving charges. A charge for wholesale servicing, unloading and re-

< ceiving each new truck not to exceed $6.00 on the truck and $10.00 on the M16 truck.

Cd) A reseller of Studebaker trucks is authorized to sell each of, the trucks listed in subparagraph (1) of paragraph(a) at a price not to exceed the applicable “ lis t Price” in that subparagraph, sub­ject to the discounts in effect on March 31, 1942, to the applicable class of pur­chaser, plus the following charges dr mi­nus the following net allowances when applicable:

(1) Extra or optional equipment. A charge, subject to the discounts in ef­fect on March 31,1942, to the applicable class of purchaser, or a net allowance where required, for each item of extra or optional equipment listed in subpara­graph (2) (i) of paragraph (a) affixed to or shipped with the new truck, which shall not exceed the charge or be less than the net allowance provided for in that subparagraph;- (2) Taxes. A charge to cover any Federal excise taxes paid on the truck and extra or optional equipment or any State or local taxes paid on the sale or delivery of the truck and extra or op­tional equipment;

(3) Handling and delivery charges. A charge for handling and delivery equal to the charge that the reseller had in effect on March 31, 1942;

(4) Transportation. A charge to cover transportation expense which shall not exceed the rail freight charge at car­load rate* by the most direct route, for the transportation of the truck and extra or optionahequipment from South Bend, Indiana, to the receiving station nearest to the place at which delivery is made to the purchaser, except that where the truck and extra or optional equipment is transported by truck-away, the charge may be the truck-away charge, at truck- load rate, for the mpst direct route from South Bend, Indiana, to the place at which delivery is made to the purchaser, plus transportation tax.

(5) Other charges. The dollar amount of all other charges which the reseller had in effect on March 31, 1942.

(e) A reseller that cannot, establish a price under paragraph (d) because he was not in business on March 31, 1942, shall determine Sis maximum price by adding to the applicable “List Price” , f. o. b. South Bend, Indiana, set forth in subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a ), the following applicable charges:

(1) Extra or optional equipment. The applicable charge, or net deduction where required, for each item of extra or optional equipment listed in subpara­graph (2) (i) of paragraph (a) affixed to or shipped with the truck for which a charge is made not to exceed the ap­plicable list price in that subparagraph, or a net deduction for each item of extra or optional equipment for which a de­duction is made not less than the ap­plicable net deduction set forth in that subparagraph;

(2) Taxes. A charge to cover any Federal excise taxes paid on the truck and extra or optional equipment or any State or local taxes paid on the sale or delivery of the truck and extra or op­tional equipment;

(3) Handling and delivery charges. A charge for handling and delivery equal to the reseller’s actual expense;

(4) Transportation. A charge to cover transportation expense which shall not exceed the rail freight charge at carload rate, by the most direct route, for the transportation of the truck and extra or optional equipment from South Bend, Indiana, to the receiving station nearest to the place at which delivery is made to the purchaser, except that where the truck and extra or optional equipment is transported by truck-away, the charge may be the truck-away charge, at truck- load rate, for the most direct route from South Bend, Indiana, to the place at which delivery is made to the purchaser, plus transportation tax.

(f) A reseller is authorized to sell each of the trucks listed in paragraph (a)(1) in a territory or possession of the United States at a price not to exceed the maximum price permitted by para­graph (d) or (e ) , whichever is applicable, to which he may add a sum equal to the expense incurred by or charged to him for: payment of territorial and insular taxes on the purchase, sale or introduc­tion of the truck in the territory or pos­session, wiien not charged under para­graph (d) or ( e ) ; export premiums; box­ing and crating for export purposes; as­sembly costs, if any; marine and war risk insurance; landing, wharfage, and terminal operations; ocean freight; and freight to port of embarkation when not charged under paragraph (d) or (e).

(g) All requests not granted herein are denied.

(h) This order may be revoked or amended by the Administrator at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 22, 1946.

Issued this 22d day of January 1946. -C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1216; Filed, Jan. 22, 1946;

4:22 p. m.J

920 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

[SO 94, Rev. Order 81]

W ar A ssets C orp., et al .


Order 81 under Supplementary Order 94 is redesignated Revised Order 81 and is revised and amended to read as fol­lows:

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and in accordance with section 11 of Sup­plementary Order 94, it is ordered:

(a) What this order does. This order establishes maximum prices for sales by the War Assets Corporation and subse­quent resellers of prime 6" O. D.f #12 gauge steel tubing having a 5" extra heavy adapter welded on both ends of each piece, produced by Armco Drainage & Metal Products Company of New Or­leans, Louisiana, Western Pipe & Steel Company and Corrugated Culvert Com­pany, both of San Francisco, California, and by any other manufacturer of welded steel tubing of the same specifications. The term “primé 6" O. D. #12 gauge steel tubing” as used herein means tubing meeting the following specifications: The steel must be of a good weldable quality and the tubing produced by the longi­tudinal handweld or electric weld proc­ess; each end of the tubing shall be fitted with a five (5) inch long nipple or sleeve, grooved for use with standard six (6) inch diameter Victualic Coupling; each length shall have been hydraulically tested to a pressure not less than 900 pounds per square inch and shall have withstood such test; the overall length of each piece shall be 20 feet long, plus or minus V\ inch and shall be reasonably straight and free from injurious defects such as laminations, rust and deep pits. The term shall not include steel tubing produced by the furnace-weld process.

(b) Maximum prices. The maximum prices for sales and deliveries of “prime 6 " O. D. #12 gauge steel tubing having a 5” adapter welded on both ends of each piece”, and meeting the specifica­tions set forth in paragraph (a) shall be:

(1) For sales by the War Assets Cor­poration to persons buying for use or for resale in substantially the same form as received: the aggregate of

(i) Whichever of the following formulae results in the lower figure:

(a) The sum of ,$46.64 per 100 feet, plus the product of the carload rate of freight per 100 lbs. from Pittsburg, Pa., or Lorain, Ohio (whichever is lower) to the point at which the 5" adapters of sleeves are welded to the tubing, times7.8 extended to two decimal places only; or

(b) The sum of $48.10 per 100 feet, plus the product of the carload rate of freight per 100 lbs. from Gary, Indiana to the point at which the adapters or sleeves áre welded to the tubing, times7.8 extended to two decimal places only; plus

(ii) The product of the carload Tate of freight per 100 lbs., from the place at which the adapters or sleeves are welded to the tubing to “destination”, times 8.0

extended to two decimal places only; and plus

(iii) Permissible extras set forth in paragraph (c ), if any.

(2) For sales in carload quantities by persons other than Governmental agencies and exporters, who acquire for resale and not for use, the sum o f:

(i) The maximum delivered price de­termined in accordance with paragraph(b) (1) for sales by the War Assets Corporation; plus

(ii) An amount not greater than 20% of such price.

(3) For sales in less-than-carload quantities by persons other than Gov­ernmental agencies and exporters, who acquire for resale and not for use, the sum of:

(i) The maximum delivered price de­termined in accordance with paragraph(b) (1) for sales by the War Assets Corporation; plus

(ii) An amount" not greater, than 25% of such price.

(4) For sales by “ exporters” , the ag­gregate o f:

(i) The applicable maximum permis­sible cost as set forth in (1), (2) or (3) above, depending on from whom pur­chased and the quantity purchased; plus-

(ii) The permissible export premiums and expenses set forth in section 8.2 ( i i ) , (iii) and (iv) of the Second Revised Maximum Export Price Regulation.

(c) Extras which may be added. The following extras may be added to the aforesaid maximum prices at the stated amount per 100 feet, but only if the oper­ations to which they apply are actually performed and are required by the buyer as a condition of the sale:

(1) Coating or paint. I f other than mill coat is applied the extra shall be the actual cost of the coating or paint; plus

(2) The actual cost of application, not to exceed a total of $0.20 per 100 feet.

(d) Definitions. When used in this order the term:

(1) ^Destination” means the railroad siding nearest the place at which the buyer requires the material for his opera­tions and in the case of an “exporter” or “export sale” shall be the port of exit.

(2) “Exporter” means any individual, partnership, association or corporation engaging or participating as the seller or his agent in any selling or invoicing in connection with ah “ export. sale” . For the purpose pf this order “ export sale” shall have the meaning given it in the Second Revised Maximum Export Price Regulation.

(e) Relationship to other regulations and orders. This order supersedes, with respect to the commodity it covers, any other regulation or order previously issued by the Office of Price Administra­tion.

(f) Revocation and amendment. This order may be revoked or amended at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 24, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

'Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1272; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;

11:29 a. m.]

[SO 94, Order 96]R e c o n str u c t io n F in a n c e C orporation



For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and in accordance jvith section 11 of Sup­plementary Order 94, 7t is ordered:

(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of any regulation or order issued prior to the effective date of this order by the Office of Price Administration, sales by all persons of the new sling chains here­inafter described which have been or may be sold by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation or any other United States Government agency are exempt from price control.

Description of chain. Sling chain, Type "A ”, bridle type, wrought iron, crane or dredge type, two legs connected by ring on one end with sling hook on other end of each leg, self-colored, % “ x 12', approximate weight 325 lbs., N - l condition. (Federal Stock No. 19-7299-30-140).

Sling chain Type “B ”, bridle type, proof coil, steel, two legs connected by ring on one end with long hook on other end of each leg, self-colored, % “ x 12', approximate weight 156 lbs., N - l condition. (Federal Stock No. 19-7299-32-200).

Sling chain, proof, coil, steel, with reverse eye hook on one end and pear shaped link on other end, % " x 40“ . (Federal Stock No. 19-7299-32-100).

(b) This order may be revoked or amended at any time.

This order shall become effective Janu­ary 24, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.C hester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. ft. Doc. 46-1273; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;

11:30 a. m.]

[RMPR 528, Order 84]


For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register and pursuant to section 16 (d) of Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation 528, It is ordered:

(a) Maximum retail prices for the fol­lowing sizes of new Gillette Logger Tires manufactured by the Gillette Division of the United States Rubber Company, New York, New York, shall be: A

G illette L ogger

Number Size PlyMaximum retail price,


28............ . 8.25-20__ .LH — 12121414

$85.55 103.70 135.10 141.55

34..................... '9.00-20,............40...................... 10.00-20___ ... ..42____ ‘ a"........ 10.00-22......... .

(b) All provisions of Revised Maxi­mum Price Regulation 528 not inconsis­tent with this order shall aply to sales covered by this order.

(c) This order may be revoked or amended by the Office of Price Adminis­tration at any time.

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 921This order shall become effective Jan­

uary 24, 1946.Issued this 23d day of January 1946.

C hester B o w l e s , Administrator.

IF. R. Doc. 46-1264; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946; 11:31 a. m.]

[RMPR 528, Order 85]


For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to section 16 (d) of Revised Maximum Price Regulation 528, I t is ordered:

(a) The maximum retail price for a new 7.50-20 12 ply Allstate Logging tire shall be $77.00.

(b) All provisions of Revised Maxi­mum Price Regulation 528 not inconsist­ent with this order shall apply to sales covered by this order.

(c) This order may be revoked or amended by the Office of Price Admin­istration at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 24, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.C hester B o w le s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1265; Filed,. Jan. 23, 1946;

11:31 a. m.]

[RMPR 528, Order 86]

F rank G . S c h e n u it R ubber Co .

authorization of m a x im u m prices

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to section 16 (d) of Revised Maximum Price Régulation 528; I t is ordered:

(a) Maximum retail prices for the following sizes and types of new tires manufactured by Frank G. Schenuit Rubber Company of Baltimore, Mary­land, shall be:




Maximum retail price





4.00-8........ 4 Wheelbarrow___>______ $5.30 $1.654.00-8....... 4 Pneumatic industrial__ 7.75 1.655.00—12 2 Garden tractor..^...... . 10.00 2.006.00-6.^.;. 2 Pneumatic industrial___ 14.05 2.50

(b) All provisions of Revised Maxi­mum Price Regulation 528 not incon­sistent with this order shall apply to sales covered by this order.

(c) This order may be revoked or amended by the Office of Price Admin­istration at any time. -

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 24, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.Chester B o w l e s ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1266; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;

11:30 a. m.]

[MPR 592, Corr. to Order 1]

S pecified Construction M aterials and R efractories


All references to “the State of Missouri and in the United States west of the Mis­sissippi River,” in section 5.1 (a) (1) of Order No, 1 are corrected to read “the State of Missouri and in the United east of the Mississippi River.”

This correction shall become effective January 24, 1946.

Issued this 23d day of January 1946.C hester B o w les ,

Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1271; Filed, Jan. 23, 1946;

11:32 a. m.]

Regional and District Office Orders.[Wilmington Adopting Order G-16 Under

Basic Order 1 Under .Gen. Order 68]

B u ild in g and C onstruction M aterials in .W ilm in g t o n , D e l ., A rea

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of |he Federal Register and under the authority vested in the Regional Administrator of Region II by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, by General Order No. 68, as amended, and by Revised Procedural Regulation No. 1, which authority has been duly delegated by such Regional Administrator to the District Director, Wilmington District Office, it is hereby ordered;

S ection 1. What this order covers. This adopting order under Basic Order No. 1, as amended, under General Order No. 68, as amended, covers sales by all persons to ultimate users or to purchas­ers for resale on an installed basis 6f certain building materials listed in sched­ule A hereto annexed and generally known as “hard” mason materials. All provisions of Basic Order No. 1, as amended, under General Order No. 68, as amended, are adopted in this order and are just as much a part of this or­der as if specifically set forth herein. I f said Basic order No. 1 as amended is further amended in any respect the pro­visions of said order as amended shall likewise without further action become part of this order. All persons subject to this adopting order are also subject to Basic Order No. 1 as amended under General Order 68 as amended and should

be familiar with the provisions of said order.

Sec. 2. Territory covered by this or­der. The geographical area covered by this order is the Wilmington area con­sisting of all of the.State of Delaware north of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.

Sec. 3. Maximum prices. The maxi­mum prices for the building materials covered by this order are set forth in Schedule A hereto annexed and made a part of this order.

Sec. 4. Discounts, allowances and terms of sale. All prices listed in Sched­ule A are delivered prices except where yard prices are specifically indicated. Terms’ of sale to purchasers for resale on an installed basis are 2% discount for cash within fifteen days after the end of month. Any other customary allow­ances, discounts and differentials must be preserved.

Sec. 5. Relationship of this order to Basic Order No. 1 as amended under General Order No. 68 as amended and to General Maximum Price Regulation and other maximum price regulations. As previously stated all provisions of Basic Order No. 1 as amended are adopted by this order. The maximum prices fixed by this order supersede any maximum price or pricing method pre­viously established by the General Max­imum Price Regulation or by any other applicable regulation or order. Except to the -extent that they are inconsistent with the provisions of this order all other provisions of the General Maxi­mum Price Regulation or of any other applicable regulation or order shall re­main applicable to sales covered by this order.

Sec. 6. Posting of maximum prices. Every seller making sales covered by this order shall post a copy of the list of max­imum prices fixed by this order in each place of business within the area covered by this order*

Sec. 7. Records and sales slips. The provisions of section (e) of Basic Or­der No. 1 as amended covering sales slips and records are adopted in and applica­ble to this order as though specifically set forth herein; and also on any sale of $50.00 or more each seller,' regardless of previous custom, must keep records showing at least the following:

(1) Name and address of buyer.(2) Date of transaction.(3) Place of delivery.(4) Complete description of each item

sold and price charged.

Sec. 8. Revocation or amendment. This order may be revised, amended, re­voked or modified at any time by the Re­gional Administrator or the Price Ad­ministrator.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 24,1946.

Issued, this 16th day of January 1946.Charles W. H ardesty,

District Director.

922 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Schedule A

[Maximum prices for certain building and construction materials in the Wilmington area consisting of all of the State of Delaware north of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, on sales by all persons to ultimate users or to purchasers for resale on an installed basis]

ItemMaximum prices to pur­

chasers for resale on an installed basis (this in­cludes contractors)

Maximum prices to ulti­mate users (this in­cludes consumers)

ItemMaximum prices to pur­

chasers for resale on an installed basis (this in­cludes contractors)

Maximum prices to ulti­mate users (this in­cludes consumers)

Plasterr Hard wall___



Keene's cement.

$15.25 (ton) CL.. $17.40 (ton) LCL. $16.90 (ton) yard.$27.40 (ton)........$26.90 (ton) yard.

$27.40 (ton)........$26.90 (ton) yard.$40.00 (ton)........$39.50 (ton) yard.

Finishing lime......................

Gypsum lath, J6"..... ............

Metal lath:2.5 lb. painted diamond mesh.

2.5 lb. galvanized................3.4 lb. painted diamond mesh

Cornel bead expanded type.

Masonry mortar (paper sacks). Waterproof cement (gray)____

$17.80 (ton) CL________$20.00 (ton) LCL.............$19.50 (ton) yard________$24.25 (over 10,000 ft.).......$24.75 (2,000-10,000 f t . ) „ „ . $26.25 (under 2,000 ft.)____

$0.21 (over 200 yds.).........$0.23 (under 200 yds.)__ _$0.27 (sq. yd .)...............1$0.24 (over 200 yds.)______$0.26 (under 200 yds.)..... $0.03 (1,000 ft. and over)...$0.03)4 (300-1,000 ft.)__$2.60 (barrel)..._________$3.80 (barrel)............ :...$3.70 (barrel) yard...........

Metal lath, 2.75 lb. flat rib painted.

Mason’s hydrated lime___....

$0.25 (over 200 yds.).. $0.27 (under 200 yds.)$14.00 (ton)_____ ....$13.50 (ton) yard......

Portland cement Standard (paper bags).

Fire brick, 9" straight, 1st quality.

Fire clay____________ . . . -----

$2.67 (barrel) CL... $3.10 (barrel) LCL. $3.05 (barrel) yard. $87.72 (over 1,000)..

$1.50 (bag 1000#)...

$1.02 (bag 100#).$17.90 (ton) yard.

$28.40 (ton).$27.90 (ton) yard.$1.62 (bag 100#) yard. $28.40 (ton.$27.90 (ton) yard.$42.00 (ton).$41.50 (ton) yard).$2.30 (bag 100#) yard. $0.70 (bag 50#).$21.00 (ton).$20.50 (ton) yard. $24.25 (over 10,000 ft.). $24.75 (2,000-10,000 ft.). $26.25 (under 2,000 ft.).

$0.23 (over 200 yds.). $0.25 (under 2po yds.). $0.31 (sq. yd.).$0.27 (over 200 yds.). $0.29 (under 200 yds.). $0.04 (under 300 ft.).

$2.75 (barrel).$4.25 (barrel).$1.20 (bag 100#).$4.15 (barrel) yard. $0.30 (sq. yd.).

$15.00 (ton).$0.55 (bag 50#).$14.60 (ton) yard.$3.30 (barrel).$0.85 (bag 100#).$3.25 (barrel) yard. $92.72 (over 1,000). $97.72 (under 1,000). $1.50 (bag 100#).

Clay drain tile:3"......................................4"......................................6" ....... .................... .......

Gypsum wallboard, W _____Asphalt roofing, 90 lb., mineral

surface.Asphalt or tarred felt:

15 lb— .............................30 lb..................................

Asphalt shingles, 210 lb. (3 in 1), thickbutt.

Asphalt shingles, 165 lb. 2 tab., hexagon.

Vitrified clay sewer pipe No. 1SS:

4"... .................................6" ....................................

Flue^ining:9x9..................................O'x 13................ .. ........ ....13x13— ...........................

Asbestos cement siding 12 x 24 or 27", standard colors.

Fibre insulation board, Ml " ,

standard lath and board.

Fibre insulation board, 2J4a", asphalt sheathing.

Standard density synthetic fibre boardVMa" (4 x 8).

Hard density synthetic fibre board, y%" tempered (stand­ard size).:

Thermal insulation-batts (pa­per backed), 4" thick.

$0.09 (ft.)..................$0.11 (ft.)................. .$0.18 (ft.)................$42.50 (over M sq. ft.). $2.60 (10-50 rolls)......

$2.35 (10-50 rolls)............$2.35 (10-50 r Us).............$6.35 (10-50 sq.ft.)..__...

$4.95 (10-50 sq .ft.)........ .

$0.17 (ft.)............. i .........$0.26 (ft.)........................

$0.35 (ft.)................. . .. ..$0.53)4 (ft.)_____ ______ _$0.67)4 (ft.).....................$7.65 (per sq. over 10

squares). ■$50.00 (M sq. ft.—5,000 sq.

ft. and over).$52.50 (M sq. ft.—2,000-

5.000 sq. ft.).$55.00 (M sq. ft.—under

2.000 sq. ft.).$60.00 (M sq. ft.—over

4.000 sq. ft.). ‘$65.00 (M sq. ft.—2,000-

4.000 sq. ft.).$70.00 (M sq. ft.—under

2.000 sq. ft.).$0.04)4 (sq. ft.)...............

$0.08)4 (sq. ft.)...............

$0.06)4 (sq. ft.)

$0.10 (ft).$0.12 (ft).$0.19 (ft).$47.50 (under 1,000 sq. ft.). $2.70 (1-10 rolls).

$2.45 (1-10 rolls). $2.45 (1-10 rolls). $6.65 (1-9 sq. ft.).

$5.20 (1-9 sq. ft.).

$0.18 (ft.).$0.28 (ft.).

$0.37)4 (ft.).$0.57 (ft.).$0.71 (ft.).$8.05 (per sq. 1-10

squares).$50.00 (M sq. ft.—5,000

sq. ft. and over).$52.50 (M sq. ft.—2,000-

5.000 sq. ft.).$55.00 (M sq. ft.—under

2.000 sq. ft.).$60.00 (M sq. ft.—over

4.000 sq. ft.).$65.00 (M sq. ft.—2,000-

4.000 sq. ft.).$70.00 (M sq. ft.—under

2.000 sq. ft.).$0.05 (sq.ft.).

$0.09)4 (sq. ft.): '

$0.06% (sq. ft.),

All prices are delivered prices except where yard price is specifically indicated.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1114; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946; 4:23 p. m.]

[Nashville Order .G -l Under MPR 285, Amdt. 1]

Bananas in N ashville, T enn . A rea

An opinion accompanying this amend­ment has been issued simultaneously herewith. *

District Order No. 1 under Maximum Price Regulation 285 is amended in the following respects:

1. Section 4 is added to read as fol­lows:

Sec. 4. Definitions, (a) Under this or­der “ free delivery one” shall be defined to be all of the territory lying within a distance of twenty-five miles from the wholesaler’s receiving point.

(b) All other terms used in this order shall have the same definition as set forth in section 2 of 2d Revised Maxi­mum Price Regulation 285.

2. Section 5 is added to read as fol­lows:

S ec. 5. Relationship of this order to 2d Rev. MPR 285. Except as otherwise provided in this order, all your transac­tions shall remain subject to the provi­sions of 2d Revised Maximum Price Reg­ulation No. 285.

This amendment to District Order No. 1 under Maximum Price Regulation No. 285 shall become effective immediately.

Issued this the 8th day of January1946.

Carson Vaughan,District Director.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1115; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946; 4:23 p. m.]

[Region IV 2d Rev. Order 0-10 Under RMPR 122, Amdt. 5]

Solid Fuels in H enrico, H anover and P art of Chesterfield Counties and R ichmond, Va.For the reasons set forth in an opin­

ion issued simultaneously herewith, and under the authority vested in the Re­gional Administrator, Region IV, Office of Price Administration, by § 1340.260 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, subparagraph (e) (5) of Second Re­vised Order No. G-10 under Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, is­sued by this office on April 18, 1945, is amended to read as follows:

(5) Briquettes.

à Per Per Ml Per H

Size ton ton ton2,000 1,000 500

> lbs. lbs. lbs.

Bituminous or semianthracite briquettes______ ! _______ $13.42 $7.21 $4.11

Effective date. This amendment shall become effective January 8, 1946.

Issued January 8, 1946.Alexander H arris,

Regional Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1130; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:28 p. m.]

[Region IV Order G-42 Under 18 (c) ]

H olly Springs Stoneware Co.


For the/easons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith, and un­der the authority vested in the Regional Administrator, Region IV, Office of Price Administration, by § 1499.18 (c) of the General Maximum Price Regulation, It is hereby ordered: .

(a) That on and after the effective date of this order, the Southern Char­coal Company of Memphis, Tennessee, and all resellers of the No. 3 model gal­vanized jacketed clay charcoal furnaces manufactured by the Holly Springs Stoneware Company of Holly Springs, Mississippi, are permitted to compute their maximum prices for this com­modity by adding 10i to their legal net delivered cost: Provided, That in no event may the maximum price to the ultimate consumer exceed $1.25.

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 923(b) That all sellers under this order,

except on sales to the ultimate consumer, shall be required to include with their first invoice covering sale of this com­modity at the adjusted price, a state­ment to the effect that the reseller, by virtue of the provisions of this order, may add 100 to his present legal net de­livered cost of said commodity: Provided, That in no event may the maximum price of any seller to the ultimate consumer exceed $1.25.

Except as otherwise provided herein, all transactions subject to this order shall remain subject to the provisions of the General Maximum Price Regulation, together with all amendments which heretofore have been, or hereafter may be, issued.

This order may be revoked, corrected, or amended by the Office of Price Ad­ministration at any time.

A copy of this order has been filed to­day with this office, where it is open to inspection by the public at any time.

This order shall become effective De­cember 17, .1945.

Issued this 12th day of December 1945.J o h n D. M o sb y ,

Acting Regional Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1129; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:28 p. m.]

{Region V Order G-3 Under SO 94}

C ertain S pecif ied Su r p lu s M otor Scooters i n D allas R eg io n

Pursuant to the Emergency Price Con­trol Act of 1942, as amended, the Stabili­zation Act of 1942, as amended, and sec­tions 11 and 13 of Supplementary Order No. 94, as amended, and for the reasons set forth in the accompanying opinion this Order G-3 is issued.

<a) What this order does. This order establishes maximum prices and terms of sale for resales of certain Airborne Motor Scooters sold as surplus war com­modities by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation at Fort Crook, Nebraska, when resold by the purchasers thereof at retail and when sold by all retailers to ultimate consumers.

(b) Geographical applicability. This Order No. G-3 covers sales of the com­modities referred to herein when such sales are made within Region V which in­cludes all of the states of Texas, Louisi­ana, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

(c) Maximum prices. Maximum prices for sales to ultimate consumers of the following described Airborne Motor Scooters by dealers who purchased such Scooters as surplus commodities from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Fort Crook, Nebraska, or by retailers who purchase from such dealers, are hereby established as follows:

1 2Maximum price for sale to ultimate

Description consumer or userScooter, Motor, Airborne, 2-wheel powered by $220.00 each f. o. b. seller’s place of business.1

Cushman (Husky) engine, 4 horsepower, single cylinder, 4 cycle. New, boxed.1 Customary cash discounts must be maintatined.

(d) Transportation allowance. To the maximum price set forth in Column 2, section -(c) may be added the amount of transportation cost actually incurred and paid by the seller.

(e) Tagging. Every person, before selling or offering for sale scooters de­scribed in Column 1, section (c) to ulti­mate consumers, must attach to each scooter a durable tag which tag must contain in easily readable lettering the retail ceiling price of such scooters as established by this order.

( f ) Notification. Every person selling scooters described in Column 1, Section(c) to retailers must notify such retail­ers in writing upon the invoice of the maximum price established by this order for sales at retail. Such notice must also inform the retailers of the tagging pro­visions set forth in section (e) above.

(g) Licensing. The provisions of Li­censing Order No. 1, licensing all persons who make sales under price control, are applicable to all sellers subject to this Order No. G-3. A seller’s license may be suspended for violation of the license or of one or more applicable price sched­ules or regulations. A person whose li­cense is suspended may not, during the period of suspension, make any sale for which his license has been suspended.

(h) Right to revoke or amend. This Order No. G-3 may be revoked, modified, or amended at any time by the Price Administrator or the Regional Admin­istrator.

(i) Effective date. This Order No. G-3 shall become effective on the 12th day of January 1946.

Issued this 7th day of January 1946.W. A. O r th ,

Regional Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1132; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:28 p. m.]

[Region IV Order G-43 Under 18 (c) ] F irew o o d i n R oanoke R apids T o w n s h ip ,

N. C.For the reasons set forth in an opin­

ion issued simultaneously herewith, and under the authority vested in the Re­gional Administrator, Region IV, Office of Price Administration, by § 1499.18 (c) of the General Maximum Price Regula­tion, it is hereby ordered:

(a) Purpose of order. It is the purr pose of this order to establish specific maximum prices for firewood sold to consumers at retail in the particular area hereinafter set forth.

(b) Geographical applicability. The provisions of this order extend to all per­sons selling firewood to consumers at retail in Roanoke Rapids Township, North Carolina.

(c) Ceiling prices. On and after the effective date of this order, regardless of any contract, agreement or other ob­ligation, no person may sell, or offer to sell, firewood at retail to consumers in the geographical area in which this or­

der is applicable at prices in excess of the maximum ceiling prices which shall be as follows:

(1) For firewood delivered by the seller to the consumer’s home, place of business, or other designated place, the maximum ceiling prices shall be as fol­lows:



Per U cord

Pine firewood In 4 ft. lengths.. Pine firewood in lengths from

10 to 20 inches............


9.00 7.50





4.50 a 75





Oak firewood in 4ft. lengths.. Oak firewood in lengths from

10 to 20 inches_______Blab wood (oak, pine or mixed)

in random lengths longer than 20 indies_______

Slabwood (oak, pine or mixed) sawed into lengths from 10 to 20 inches.................... .

(d) Definitions— (1) "Cord.” A “cord of firewood contains 128 cubic feet, and is usually measured by stacking the fire­wood in even sold piles 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long.

(2) Other definitions. For other defi­nitions, reference should be made to § 1499.20 of the General Maximum Price Regulation, which section and the defini­tions contained therein are hereby made a part of this order.

(e) Posting of maximum prices. All sellers subject to this order shall post all the maximum prices as hereby estab­lished in their places of business in a manner plainly visible to, and under­standable by, the purchasing public.

( f ) Receipts and sales slips. Every person making a sale of firewood for which a maximum price is set by this or­der shall give the purchaser or his agent at the time of sale an invoice or other memorandum of sale, which shall show:

(1) Thé date of sale;(2) The name and address of the buy­

er and seller;(3) The quantity and description, in­

cluding length, of the firewood sold;(4) The place of sale (whether at the

yard or delivered); and(5) The total price of the wood.The seller shall keep an exact copy of

such invoice or memorandum available for inspection by the Office of Price Ad­ministration for so long as the Emer­gency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, remains in effect.

(g ) Revocation and amendment. This order may be revoked, amended, or cor­rected at any time.

(h) Petitions for amendment. Any person dissatisfied with any of the pro­visions of this order may request the Office of Price Administration to amend the order. Such petitions for amend­ment must be filed in accordance with the provisions of Revised Procedural Regulation No. 1, as amended.

(i) Enforcement. I f any seller vio­lates any provision of this order he is subject to the cilminal penalties, civil enforcement actions, suits for treble damages and proceedings for suspen­sions of licenses, provided for by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended.

(j ) Licensing. The provisions of L i­censing Order No..I, licensing all persons who make sales under price control, are applicable to all dealers subject to this order. A seller’s license may be sus-

924 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

pended for violation of the license or of this order. A seller whose license is sus­pended may not, during the period of suspension, make any sale for which his license has been suspended.

(k) Relation to other price regula­tions. Except as otherwise provided herein, all transactions subject to this order remain subject to all the provi­sions of the General Maximum Price Regulation, together with all amend­ments, supplementary regulations and orders which heretofore have been, or hereafter may be, issued.

(l) Firewood Price Order No. 2 is­sued November 30, 1942, by the North Carolina State Office is hereby revoked.

(m) The State Sales Tax of 3% may be added to the prices established in this order.

Note: The reporting and record keeping requirements of this order have been ap­proved by the Bureau of the. Budget and in accordance with the Federal Reports Act of 1942.

Effective date. This order shall be­come effective January 9,1946.

Issued January 4, 1946.A lexander H arris,

Regional Administrator.IF. R. Doc. 46-1126; Filed; Jan. 21, 1946;

4:27 p. m.

[Region V Order G-7 Under RMPR 122]

S olid F uels i n S pringfield , M o .Pursuant to the authority vested in the

Regional Administrator of Region V by § 1340.260 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122 and for reasons stated in the opinion issued herewith, it is ordered:

(a) What this order does. This order establishes maximum prices for sales of specified solid fuels within the corporate limits of the City of Springfield, Missouri, as established by city ordinance.

The prices set forth in this order are the highest prices that any dealer may charge when he sells or delivers any of such fuels at or to a point within the area set forth above.

(1) Solid fuels not covered "by this order. There are a few kinds and sizes of solid fuels covered by Revised Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 122 sold and delivered in the area covered by this order which are not included in and for which prices are not established by this order. The maximum prices of such solid fuels when sold by any person cov­ered by this order shall continue to be the maximum prices for such fuels estab­lished by Revised Maximum Price Reg­ulation No. 122, as amended. Such sales shall in all respects be governed by the provisions of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, as amended.

(b) What this order prohibits. Re­gardless of any obligation no person shall:

(1) Sell, or in the course of trade or business buy, solid fuels at prices higher than the maximum prices set by this Order No. G-7; but less than the maxi­mum prices may at any time be charged, paid or offered,

(2) Obtain higher than maximum prices by:

(i) Charging for a service unless such service is expressly requested by the

buyer and unless specifically authorized to do so by this order;

(ii) Charging a price higher than the schedule price for a service;

(iii) Using any tying agreement or re­quirement or requiring that the buyer purchase anything in addition to the fuel requested by him; or

(iv) Using any other device by which a higher than maximum price is obtained

directly or indirectly.(c) Price schedule. (1) Below and a

part of this section is the maximum price schedule which sets forth maximum prices for sales by direct delivery of specified sizes, kinds, and quantities of solid fuels. The sizes of coal and the size group numbers used in this sched­ule for District No. 15 -are defined in I I I (c) of this section (c) (1).

M a x im u m P rice Schedule

Description of fuel Maximum price per ton

I. High volatile bituminous coal produced at machine loadingmines in district 10 (Illinois):

(A) Production groups 1, 2 and 3—Southern and DuQuoin subdistricts:

(1) Lump; egg (bottom size larger than 2” )—raw or washed(size groups 1, 2 and 3)___________ __________________

(2) Steam lump (bottom size 2” and smallest) Egg, top. size larger than 2", bottom size 2" and smaller (size groups 4,5 and 6)—raw or washed. Nut, bottom size larger than

top size 2" to larger than \y%' (size group 6)—raw or washed........................ .................... .................. .....

(3) Household stoker (bottom size larger than 1 millimeter, top size 2" or less)—washed or air cleaned (size groups 21 and 22). Special stoker, (bottom size larger than 20 mesh, top size not exceeding X ")—<dry de-dusted (size group 28).

II. Low volatile bituminous coal from district 14 (Arkansas andOklahoma):.

(A) Production groups 2 and 3—From mines in the Denning- Coal Mill, Altus and Philpott fields and the Paris Basin of Franklin, Logan and Johnson Counties, Arkansas:

(1) Lump; grate; furnace; egg; all single-screened lump coal;all double-screened coals with either (1) a top size larger than 4", or (2) a bottom size larger than 3" and a top size larger than 3" but not exceeding 4" (size groups 4, 6, 7 and 8).._________ ____________ _____________________

(2) Household stoker, washed (top size 1}4"; bottom sizeX " or smaller).____ ____________— _______________

(B) Production groups 4, 5, 7 and 8—From mines in the Bokoshe, Milton, Poteau, Wister, and Howe-Heavener fields of LeFlore County, the McCurtain field of Haskell

, County and all mines in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma; mines in the Bates field in Scott County, in the Charles­ton field of Franklin County and mines in Sebastian County, Arkansas:

(1) Lump; grate; furnace; egg; all single-screened lump coal; all double-screened coals with either (l) a top size larger than 4"; or (2) a bottom size larger than 2" and a top size larger than 3" but not exceeding 4" (size groups 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8)........................................ .................

(C) Production group 6—From mines in the Panama Field of LeFlore County, Oklahoma:

(1) Lump; grate; furnace; egg; all single-screened lump coal; all double-screened coals with either (1) a top size larger than 4"; or (2) a bottom size larger than 2" and a top size larger than 3" but not exceeding 4" (size groups 3, 3A, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8)..................................................

III. Maximum prices for high'volatile bituminous coal from district No. 15 (Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma):

(A) Table of maximum prices:(1) Lump: egg (size groups 1, 3, and 3).;________________(2) Nut (size group 6)_____________________■__________(3) Special stoker (size group 11)______________________(4) Washed screenings (size group 13) ________________



Produced at—

Underground mines

Machine cut





Solid shot

$ìl. 50



For coals produced at—

Un d er g ro un d mines in produc­tion groups




Strip mines in production groups




(B) Production group number descriptions for district No. 15 mines: 1—From mines in Cherokee, Crawford, Bourbon, and, and Labette Counties, Kansas; and Barton, Jasper, Dade, Cedar,

and that portion of Vernon County lying South of an east and west line drawn through the town of Nevada, Missouri.2—From mines in Linn County, Kansas; Bates, Henry, St. Clair, and that portion of Vernon County lying north

of an east and west line drawn through the town of Nevada in Missouri.10— From mines in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma.11— From mines in Craig, Roger, Tulsa and Wagoner Counties, and that part of Muskogee County lying north of

a line drawn straight east and west across Muskogee County along the southern limits of the town of Porum, all in Oklahoma.

(C) Size specifications for district No. 15 coals: -1, 2, and 3—Lump; egg; all single-screened lump coal. All double-screened egg coal top size larger than 3" and

bottom size larger than IX ".6—Standard nut, double-screened coals with a top size larger than 2" but not exceeding 3", bottom size IX " and

smaller.11—Special stoker, double-screened coals with a top size IX " and smaller, bottom size larger than X " but not ex­

ceeding X ". i13—Washed screenings, all washed screenings top size not exceeding IX " x 0.

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 925

(2) The prices set forth in the fore­going schedule are on a per ton basis (2,000 pounds to the ton) and are estab­lished for cash sales. Prices hereinabove provided for are subject to discounts, and extra charges as set forth below:

(i) “Cash” means payment on or be­fore delivery. On sales involving the ex­tension of credit, no dealer subject to this Order may charge more than 500 per ton in addition to the schedule prices.

(3) On sales involving quantities of one ton or more where the buyer loads the coal onto his conveyance at the deal­er’s yard or siding, the dealer shall apply a discount to the per net ton cash price of not less than 500 per ton.

(4) On deliveries of V2 ton, an amount not to exceed 250 may be added to one- half of the ton price.

(5) The maximum price on' all sales of small lots in quantities of less than one ton pu't into the buyer’s car or other conveyance at the seller’s yard shall be 450 per cwt. on fuels from Districts 10 and 15, and 600 per cwt. on fuels from District 14. In sales of this kind the buyer may be required to furnish the container. If the buyer does not possess a container, the dealer may require a de­posit charge equivalent to the replace­ment cost when such container is fur­nished.

(d) Service charges. (1) Below and as a part of this section (d) is a schedule that sets forth maximum prices which a dealer may charge for special services rendered in connection with all sales under preceding section (c ) . These charges may be made only if the buyer requests such services of the dealer and only when the dealer renders the service.

(i) A service charge not to exceed 500 per ton may be charged for the “carry in” or “wheel in” service. The “carry in” service means the service of carrying in solid fuel from the curb or point nearest and most accessible to the buyer’s bin or storage space to the buyer’s fuel bin window. The “wheel in” service means the service of wheeling in solid fuel from the curb or point nearest and most ac­cessible to the buyer’s bin or storage space to the buyer’s fuel bin window. These services do not include the service of carrying fuel up or down stairs.

(ii) An amount not to exceed 500 per ton may be charged for the service of “ trimming.” “Trimming” means the ar­ranging and placing of the fuel in the buyer’s bin. This service charge for trimming shall be applicable only to the amount of the fuel actually* handled.

(iii) The prices set forth in the fore­going schedule are for untreated coal. The dealer may charge an amount not to exceed 10 per ton in addition to the scheduled prices when the coal is thor­oughly and adequately treated, chemi­cally or with oil, to allay dust or prevent freezing. (See also section (j) (1) of this amendment.!

(iv) A storage service charge not to exceed 800 per ton may be charged by the dealer and added to the per net ton cash price when a buyer who has pur­chased solid fuel leaves and stores it in the dealer’s yard: Provided, That no charge for storage may be made unless the dealer receives a written statement (which the dealer shall preserve for not less than two years) from the customer,

requesting such storage, the coal which is the subject of the charge is ear­marked as that customer’s coal and is stored separate and apart from all other coal owned by the dealer or by other customers of the dealer prior to the be­ginning of the usual heating season, and the customer pays for all of the coal so stored upon its being placed in storage (except that when the same kind of coal is properly stored for the account of two or more customers, these customers’ coal may be mingled in one pile with a proper record kept of the respective amounts belonging to each customer). ,

(e) Transportation tax: Missouri State sales tax— (1) The transporta­tion tax. Only the transportation tax imposed by section 620 of the Revenue Act of 1942 may be collected in addition to the maximum prices set out by this order provided the dealer states it sep­arately from the price of fuel and lists it separately on any sales slip or receipt given to the buyer. This tax need not be stated separately on sales to the United States or any agency tljereof, the State government or any political subdivision thereof (See § 1340.265 (b) of Revised Maximum Price" Regulation No. 122). No part of this tax may be collected in addition to .maximum prices on sales of y4 ton or lesser quantities.

(2) The Missouri State Sales Tax. The seller may add to the prices listed in the schedule in paragraph (c) the sales tax required to be collected by the laws of the State of Missouri. This tax shall be separately stated in the dealer’s invoice, sales slip or receipt.

( f ) Addition of increase in supplier's price prohibited. (1) The maximum prices set out by this order may not be increased by a dealer to reflect increases in purchase cost or in supplier’s maxi­mum prices occurring after the effective date hereof; but increases in the maxi­mum prices set'hereby to reflect such in­creases are within the discretion of the Regional Administrator.

(g) Power to amend or revoke. "(1) The Price Administrator or the Regional Administrator of Region V may amend, revoke, or rescind this order, or any pro­visions thereof, at any time.

(h) Petitions for amendment. (1) Any person seeking an amendment to this order may file a petition for amend­ment in accordance with Revised Pro­cedural Regulation No. 1, except that the petition shall be filed with the Regional Administrator and acted upon by him.

( i ) ' License. (1) Every dealer subject to this order is governed by the licensing provisions of Supplementary Order No. 72‘. This provides in brief that a license is required of all persons selling at retail commodities for which maximum prices are established. A license may be sus­pended for violation in connection with the sale of any commodity for which maximum prices are established. I f a dealer’s license is suspended, he may not sell any such commodity during the pe­riod of suspension.

(j) Sales slips and receipts; records. (1) Every person selling solid fuels sub­ject to this order shall, either at the time of, or within thirty days after the date of a sale or delivery of solid fuels gov­erned by this order, give to his purchaser

an invoice, sales slip or receipt, and shall keep tn exact copy thereof for so long as the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, remains in effect, show­ing the following information:, the name and address of the seller and the pur­chaser; the kind; size and quantity of the solid fuels sold; the date of the sale or delivery and the price charged. In addition, he shall separately state on each such invoice, sales slip or receipt, the amount, if any, of the required dis­counts, authorized service charges and taxes which must be deducted from or which may be added to the established maximum prices: Provided, That, a dealer whb is authorized to make a spe­cial service charge for chemical or oil treatment of coal need not separately state the amount of such service charge if he clearly indicates on the invoice that such coal is so treated. This section shall not apply to sales of solid fuel in less than quarter ton lots unless re­quested by the purchaser.

(k) Posting of maximum prices. (1) Each dealer subject to this order shall post all of the maximum prices set by it for all types of sales. He shall post his prices in his place of business in a man­ner plainly visible to and understandable by the purchasing public. He shall also keep a copy of this order in his estab­lishment and make'it available for ex­amination by any person during business hours.

(l) Enforcement. (1) Persons vio­lating any provisions of this order are subject to civil and criminal penalties, including suits for treble damages, pro­vided for by the Emergency Price Con­trol Act of 1942, as amended.

(2) Persons who have any evidence of any violation of this order are urged to communicate with the Kansas City, Mis­souri District Office of the Office of Price Administration.

(m) Definitions and explanations. (1) “Person” includes an individual, corpo­ration, partnership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States, or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing.

(2) “ Sell” includes sell, supply, dispose, barter, exchange, lease, transfer, and de­liver and contracts and offers to do any of - the foregoing. The terms “ sale,”

■ “ selling,” “ sold,” “buy,” “purchase,” and “purchaser” shall be construed accord­ingly. *

(3) “Dealer” means any person selling solid fuel except producers or distributors making sales at or from a mine, a "prep­aration plant operated as an adjunct to any mine, a coke oven or a briquette plant.

(4) “Direct delivery” means dumping or chuting the fuel from the seller’s truck directly into the buyer’s bin or storage space; but if this is unfeasible because of the absence of a regular driveway free from all foreign matter which might damage trucks and tires, then direct de­livery means discharging the solid fuel from the seller’s truck directly at the street curb or at the point nearest and most accessible to the buyer’s bin or stor­age space.

926 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

(5) “Production group,” “price group” and their plurals, as used in this Order, refer to the production groups and/or price groups within each producing dis­trict as established by the former Bitu­minous Coal Division of the Department of the Interior and incorporated and/or modified in Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 by the Office of Price Administra­tion.

(6) “District No.” refers to the geo­graphical bituminous coal producing dis­tricts as delineated and numbered by the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, as amended, as they have been modified by the Bitu­minous Coal Division and as in effect at midnight, August 23, 1943.

(7) “High volatile bituminous coal” means coal produced in the high vola­tile sections of the producing districts specified in this order.

(8) “Low volatile bituminous coal” means coal produced in the low volatile sections of the producing districts speci­fied in this order.

(9) “Solid fuel” or “solid fuels” means all solid fuel except wood and wood prod­ucts, including all kinds of anthracite and semi-anthracite; bituminous and semi-bituminous and cannel coal; lignite, all coke, including low temperature coke (except by-products, foundry and blast furnace coke, and beehive oven furnace coke produced in the State of Pennsyl­vania).; briquettes made from coke or coal; and sea coal used for foundry fac­ings'

(10) The “size group numbers” usedin the price schedule for coal from each producing district refer to the size groups of coal as numbered and defined in the appendix to Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 which relates to each such pro­ducing district. y

(11) “Deep mine” or “underground mine” means a mine from which the coal is taken only from underground seams from which the overburden is not re­moved, and does not include a mine from which coal is taken by the stripping method.

(12) “Strip mine” means a mine pro­ducing coal by the stripping method and taking its entire production from the ground after removing all overburden.

(13) “Machine-cut coal” is coal pro­duced from an underground mine which is cut mechanically by the use of a “cut­ting machine” before the^coal is dis­lodged for loading either by hand or by mechanical means.

(14) “Solid-shot coal” is coal produced from an underground mine which is shot from the solid and is not cut mechan­ically by use of a “cutting machine” be­fore the coal is dislodged for loading.

(15) Except as otherwise specifically provided herein or as the context may otherwise require, the definitions set forth in §§ 1340.255 and 1340.266 of Max­imum Price Regulation No. 122, as amended, shall apply to the terms used herein.

(n) Effect of this order on Revised Maximum Price Regulation 122. (1) To the extent applicable, the provisions of this order supersede Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122.

(2) This Order No. G-7 shall become, effective the 9th day of September, 1944.

Note: The provisions of this order which arm subject to the Federal Reports Act of

1942, have been approved by the Bureau of the Budget.

(56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 P.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 P.R. 4681)

Collated to include Amendments 1 through 7, this 11th day of January 1946.

Issued this the 4th day of September 1944.

W . A. Orth, Regional Administrator.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1121; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946; 4:25 p. m.j

[Region V Order G-5 Under MPR 329]

F luid M ilk in Certain W est T exas Counties

Pursuant to a directive from the Office of Stabilization Administrator, and pur­suant to authorization in writing from the Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, and for the reasons set forth in the opinion accompanying this order, and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the Regional Admin­istrator, Region V, by section 408 (f) of Maximum Price Regulation 329, I t is ordered.V:

(a) Any purchaser of milk located in the area described in section (b) herein, may add to the maximum prices, here­tofore properly established, which he may pay to producers of fluid milk for resale, the sum of 28 per cwt.

(b) The area which this order is ap­plicable to is comprised of the following counties of the State of Texas:

Oldham, Potter, Carson, Deaf Smith, Ran­dall, Dickens, Garza, Borden, Howard, Mid­land, Hutchinson, Armstrong, Donley, Par­mer, Castro, Swisher, Yoakum, Kent, Scurry, Mitchell, Glasscock, Gray, Briscoe, Bailey, Lamb,. Hale, Floyd, Terry, Gaines, Andrews, Winkler, Sterling, Motley, Cochran, Hockley, Lubbock, Crosby, Lynn, Dawson, Martin, Ector and Ward.

(c) This order shall be effective for a period of ninety days from and after the effective date hereof.

(d) This order may be amended, re­voked, modified or corrected at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 10, 1946(56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 P.R. 7871; E. O. 9328, 8 P. R. 4681)

Issued at Dallas, Texas this 10th day of January 1946.

J. Bryan M iller, Acting Regional Administrator.

Approved by:T. G. Stitts,

Dairy Branch, U. S. Department of Agriculture.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1116; Filed, Jan. 21, 194$; , 4: 23 p. m.]

[Region VII Order G-21 Under RMPR 251]

I nstalled Insulation in Salt L ake Cit y , U tah, D istrict

Order No. G-21 under Revised Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 251. Con­struction services and sales of installed

building materials. Docket No. 7-251- 9-23.

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith, and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to the authority vested in the Regional AdministratorVrf Region V II of the Office of Price Administra­tion by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, the Stabilization Act of 1942, as amended, and by section 9 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251, I t is ordered:-

Section 1. What this order does, (a) This order fixes maximum prices for sales of installed insulation by any person, hereinafter called the seller, to any per­son, hereinafter called the purchaser, in connection with a building, structure or construction project at a fixed site.

(b) Definitions. As used in this order, the term: >' ,

(1) “ Insulation” means any material used to retain or exclude heat, including but not limited to mineral wool, both nodulated and loose, expended mica and other mineralized materials, other loose material such as ground newsprint pa- t>er, wrapping paper and corrugated boxes and all types of batts and blanket insulation such as those containing min­eral wool, cotton, spun glass, and balsam wool.

(2) “Sale of installed insulation” means a transaction in which the seller furnishes “ insulation” materials together with the services required to incorporate such materials into a building, structure or construction project at a fixed site. Installation may be performed by the pneumatic or blowing method, by the hand-packing method, by the use of batts and blankets, or otherwise.

Sec. 2. Geographical a p p l i c a b i l ­ity. This Order No. G-21 applies only to the Salt Lake City District which in­cludes all counties in the State of- Utah, and the north 5% of Coconino County, Arizona, the north 5% of Mohave County, Arizona, and all of Franklin County, Idaho.

Sec. 3. Relationship of this order to Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251. This order supersedes sections 6, 7 and 8 of Revised Maximum Price Reg­ulation No. 251 with respect to sales cov­ered by this order, and any maximum prices for such sales heretofore approved by the Regional Administrator of Region V II or by the District Director of the Sait Lake City District under section 6 (b) or section 8 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251 are hereby re­voked. All other sections of Revised Maxinium Price Regulation No. 251, to­gether with all amendments thereto that have been or may be issued, shall, ex­cept to the extent they are inconsistent with the provisions of this order, apply to sales covered by this order.

Sec. 4. Maximum prices of installed insulation and extra work for which charges may be made— (a) Installed in­sulation. The maximum prices for the sale of installed insulation covered by this order shall be as shown in categories (1) to (29) inclusive below. (The draw­ings referred to are attached to this or­der and are made a part hereof1).

1 Filed as part of the original document.

927FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 194$

M a x im u m P rices P ee Square F oot of A rea


Table 1


wool,4 "


Table 2

Expanded mica and. other min­eralized

materials containing minerals

in excess of 50% 4" depth

Table 3



Table 4


batts or blan­kets, .3"

thick­ness or over

Table 5

Other batts or blan­

kets, 3" thick­ness or



Table 1




Table 2

Expandefl mica and other min­eralized

materials containing minerals

in excess of 5.0% 4" depth

Table 3



Table 4


batts or blan­kets, 3"

thick­ness or over

Table 5

Other batts or


3" thick ness or over


(1) Open attics with over 24" clearance (Prices do not include cost of retainingto roof. Drawing 1_______________ $0.12 $0.11 $0.06 $0.12 $0.10 material)

(2) Under flat built up roofs (sus-pended ceiling): open blowing con- (15) Batts and blankets. Drawing 15.. $0.16 $0.15 $0.09 $0.16 $0.13ditions. (Price includes cost of open- (16) 4" fill blown in over retaininging and closing for area.) Drawing 2. .13 .11 .06 .12 .10 material. Drawing 16...... .............. .14 .13 .08 ' .14 .11


(Prices include the cost of removing and (Prices do not include opening orreplacing flooring) closing)

(3) Open attics with a single rough (17) All slopes where closed and finishedflooring and accessible. Drawing 3., .13 .12 .07 .13 .11 on the interior side of the rafters.

(4) Open attics with finished single Drawing 17........ ........................... .14 .13 .08 .14 .11floors. Drawing 4_______ _________ .13 .12 .m .13 .11 (18) Open rafters and slopes where batts

(5) Open attics with double floors, the or blankets are used, such as pockettop floor finished. Drawing s______ .16 .15 .08 .16 .13 outside of knee walls where blow is

impracticable. Drawing 18............. .15 .14 .09 ..15 .12FLAT CEILINGS IN CLOSED SPACES (19) Open rafters and slopes. Appliea-

tion of batts or blankets. Drawing(Prices do not include cost of opening 19. (No retainer used)................... .15 .14 .09 .15 .12


(6) Flat ceilings in closed spaces under WELLS AND APPURTENANCESpitched or sloping roofs whereopening roof is necessary, such as * (20) Interior plastered walls where nopocket areas behind knee walls, decoration is necessary except plasterareas under roof ridges or exten- patching. Drawing 20. (Price in-

/ sions which are practically flat. eludes opening and closing of plas-Drawing 6: tered walls)_______ _______ _______ .15 .14 .09 .15 .12

(a) Unfloored____ ____ ___________ .12 .11 .06 .12 .10 (21) Knee walls. Drawing 21:*(b) Florred: (a) Batts and blankets____________ .14 .13 . .08 .14 .11

(i) With single rough floor_______ .13 .12 .07 .13 .10 .12 .11 .10 .12 .09(ii) With single finished floor_____ .13 .12 .07 .13 .10 (22) Knee walls not accessible. Draw-(iii) With double finished floor____ .14 .13 .08 .14 .11 ing 22_________ ’______ :___________ .18 .17 .10 .18 .15

(7) Ceilings in closed space under ridge (23) Stairwells and appurtenances.or pitched roofs, where openings for (Prices include opening and closingthe full length of ridge is necessary of plastered wall):because of small clearance between (a) Soffltts. Drawing 23__________ .17 .16 .10 .17 .14ridge and ceiling arias. Drawing 7, (b) Walls (Measurement of wallsunfloored............. . ........................ .12 .11 .06 .12 .10 may be taken as rectangular from

(8) Flat built up roof type including floor to celling). ........ ............... .15 .14 .09 .15 .12row bouse construction and com- #

mercial buildings. Drawing 8......... .12 .11 .06 • .12 .10 EXTERIOR WALLS(9) Flat roof decks covered with tin,

copper, or canvas. Drawing 9......... .13 .12 .07 .13 .10 (Prices include cost of opening and(10) Overhang. Drawing 10_________ .13 .12 .07 .13 .10 closing)(ll) Dormer Tops. Drawing 11......... .12 .11 .06 .12 .10 (24) Exterior walls with inner finish(12) Bay window top or bottom. whose out«- surfaces are composed

Drawing 12: of (Drawings 24 to 30):( a ) T o n ...... T__ _ __________ .12 .11 .06 .12 .10 .17 .16 .10 .17 <14

.14 .13 .08 ' .14 .11 .22 j . I Q .13 .22 .19(c) Brick or stone veneer__________ .22 .19 .13 .22 .19

FLOORS (d) Stucco..................................... .22 .19 .13 .22 .19(e) Asbestos cement shingles_______ .20 .17 .11 .20 .17

(Prices do not include cost of opening (f) Insulated brick and stone nov-and closing.) (Prices do not include elty siding....... ............. ............ .20 .17 .11 .19 ,17cost of retaining material) (25 and 25) Gable and end walls with

inner finish. Drawings 25,26 and 27.(13) Any exposed floors over garage Apply the prices listed under Cate-

ceilings, open porches or similar gories' 24 (a) to 24 (£), inclusive, de-types o? areas where the under side pending upon the type of out« finish.of the area to be insulated is closed (27) Gable and end wails without innerand finished. Drawing 13------------ .14 .13 .08 .14 .11 finish; Drawings 25, 26 and 27.

(14) Any exposed floors where the areas (Batts or blankets)________________ .16 .15 .00 .16 .13to be insulated are not closed and fin- (28) Dormer cheeks and faces withished and where retaining materials inner finish. Drawings 28 and 29___ .15 .14 .09 .15 .12are required. Drawing 14----------- ,13 .12 .07 .13 .11 (29) Dormer cheeks and faces without

inner finish. Drawings 28 and 29.(Batts oc blankets)..... ................... .16 .15 .09 .16 .13

N ote: The maximum prices listed above in Tables 1, 2, and 3 are based upon an insulation thickness of 4 inches. For each inch of insulation over 4 inehes, when ordered by the purchaser, the seller may make the following additional charges: 1}£0 per square foot for ¿at areas, 20 per square foot for vertical areas; and 20 per square foot for sealed slopes, while for each inch of thickness under 4 inches, the seller shall deduct 10 per square foot. A % inch tolerance may be allowed with respect to any such measurements.

The maximum prices listed above in Tables 4 and C are based upon an insulation thickness of 3 inches and over. For each inch or fraction of an inch of thickness of batts and blankets under 3 inches, the seller shall deduct 10 per square foot.

Where a machine or crew of two or more workers is used on installed insulation lobs, and the total charge as'determined in accordance with the maximum prices listed in the tables set forth above, is $40.00 or less, the seller may make an additional charge of $10.00 for the job.

<b> Work for which extra charges may be made. Maximum prices for certain work for which extra charges may be made are shown below in categories (1)

I to (v13), inclusive. The work listed in categories (1) and (2) will ordinarily be done by a sub-contractor but whether done by a seller or a sub-contractor the purchaser of an insulation job shall not be charged more than the seller or the sub-contractor,, as the case may be, may

No. 17---- 8

lawfully be charged under Revised Max­imum Price Regulation No. 251. When the work listed in categories (3) to (13), inclusive, Is performed by a seller or a sub-contractor, the seller or sub-con­tractor shall not charge more than the prices set forth in the specific category of work done.

Openings and closings. An extra charge may be made for openings and. closings only in those cases where open­

ings and closings are not specifically in­cluded in the price applicable to Cate­gories (1) to (29), inclusive, set forth in sub-section (a ) of this section. The extra charges for openings and closings set forth in Categories (1) to (5 ), inclu­sive, set forth below in this sub-section (b) include payment for all labor and materials including that used for re­placement of material where necessary.

928 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946










» $0.50 ‘.00


(2) Plaster wall or ceiling openings

(3) Common wood or asphalt shingles

(4) Slate, tile and asbestos shingles—(5) Wood openings or openings

through similar materials, including

* Lawful price charged by a seller or a sub-contractor as determined under RMPR 251.

* Lawful price charged by a seller or a sub-contractor as determined under RMPR 251.

* Per lineal foot (minimum $5.00).* Per lineal foot (minimum $7.50).* Per lineal foot (minimum $5.00).

Retaining materials

Includes material and installationMaximum

Prices Per Square

Foot(6) Building paper and lath, retaining

surface (such as Sisalkraft) ----------- $0.04(7) Paper wall boards________________ . 07(8) Rock lath (approximately 16". x

48") ...............................- ........................07(9) Plaster board and insulating

b o a rd ------------ ----------------------------------- . 11Miscellaneous

Includes materials and laborMaximum

Prices(10) Insulate expansion tank_________$5.00(11) Insulate knee wall doors with in­

sulating board (per opening)______ 2.50(12) Louvers or ventilators (all types

and sizefe) (each)__________ __________ 5.00.(13) 2 x 4 franting lumber necessary

to installation, installed (per lineal * fo o t )___________ .20

(c) Measurements. It shall be the seller’s responsibility to ascertain that all measurements are accurate. Meas­urements for exterior walls are to be taken overall, with no deduction for openings, except for sun porch walls, store fronts or similar areas where win­dows and door areas must be . deducted. In the case of elevator wells, ventilators, skylights, monitors and pent houses on flat roofs the entire such area must be deducted where they are more than 16 square feet in area and extend through the flat ceiling area to be insulated. For attic floors outside gross dimensions may be taken. In measuring the height- of knee walls, to the height between floors, joists and rafters add one foot for floor seal piling of granulated Insulation. For slopes add six inches to length of clear span for capping intersecting surfaces. For flat ceilings which intersect slopes add one foot to length of span taken at right angles to intersecting slopes. For stairwell walls measurement may be taken as a rectangle from floor to ceiling and not as triangles.

In determining the total of the square foot area for each category of insulation installed a tolerance of 5 percent will be recognized.

(d) Distant installations. The maxi­mum prices provided in paragraph (a) of this section shall apply to all installa­tions made within 10 miles of the seller’s

nearest place of business. For installa­tions at more distant points the follow­ing additions may be made. Mileage shall be calculated to the nearest mile.

(1) For Installations from 10 to 25 miles distant, 10 per square foot.

(ii) For Installations from 25 to 100 miles distant, 20 per square foot.

(ill) For installations distant 100 miles or more, 30 per square foot.

Sec. 5. Guaranteed price. A seller may sell an installed insulation job, cov­ered by this order, on the basis of a guaranteed price but such guaranteed price must not be higher than the max­imum price figured in accordance with the pricing methods and requirements of this order.

Sec. 6. Related and incidental con­struction work. I f on any insulation job, any installed building materials are furnished or any construction services performed by the seller for which specific maximum prices are not fixed by this order, such materials and services shall be separately priced and billed on all invoices and sales slips. The maximum prices for such related and incidental construction work shall be determined under Revised Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 251, or as fixed by any applicable area pricing order issued by the Regional Administrator of Region VII.

Sec. 7. Notification, (a) Each seller making a sale covered by this order shall, upon completion of the work, fur­nish to the purchaser a statement and keep a copy thereof at his principal place of business, showing the following:

(1) The names and addresses of the seller and purchaser.

(2) The location of the job.(3) The date the job was completed.(4) A description of the work per­

formed and the total charged for the installed insulation job, and a separate statement of the related and incidental construction work performed.

(b) I f requested by the purchaser, the seller shall furnish the purchaser an itemized statement showing the infor­mation contained in sub-paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of paragraph (a) of this section, together with an itemized statement showing the number of square feet, type, thickness and unit price for each category of insulation installed, the total thereof, the area in which in­stalled with reference to the drawing number, and any additional charges made pursuant to this order, together with a separate itemized statement of any related and incidental construction work performed; A copy o f any such statements so furnished shall be kept by the seller at his principal place of business.

(c) Each seller making a sale covered by this order, shall, if requested by the purchaser, make available to the pur­chaser a copy of this order and a copy of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251. Copies for this purpose may be obtained from the Office of the Re­gional Administrator or from the Dis­trict Office of the Office of Price Ad­ministration.

Sec. 8. Records. Each seller must Ifeep and retain, at his principal place Qf business, records concerning each sale

covered by this order, showing the fol­lowing:

(1) The name and address of the purchaser.

(2) The location of the job.(3) A copy of any and all contracts

pertaining to each sale.(4) The time the job was completed.(5) An itemized statement showing the

number of square feet, type, thickness and unit price for each category of in­sulation installed, the areas in which in­stalled with references to drawing num­bers and the totals thereof.

(6) A separate itemized statement of any related and incidental construction work and the prices charged for such work.

Sec. 9. Prohibitions against sales at higher than maximum prices. On and after the effective date of this order, re­gardless o f any contract or other obliga­tion, no person shall sell or offer to sell installed insulation covered by this order at prices higher than the maximum prices established by this order: Pro­vided, That installations made not more than thirty days after the effective date of this order on bona fide contracts ex­ecuted prior to the effective date of this order shall not be considered to be viola­tions of this order.

Sec. 10. Evasions, (a) Any practice, scheme or device which results in a higher prices to the purchaser of in­stalled insulation than is permitted by this order shall be deemed a violation of this order and subjects the seller to all the civil liabilities and the criminal pen­alties provided by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and extended. 1

(b) No seller shall, as a part of the consideration or as a condition of a sale of any of the installed insulation covered by this order, secretly or otherwise re­ceive, either directly or indirectly, any side payment, commission, fee, consider­ation or other thing of value whatsoever, nor shall the seller, either directly or indirectly, acquire or receive the benefit of any services, transportation agree­ments, or other valuable thing, material or property.

(c) No seller shall eliminate or re­duce in any form or manner any main­tenance or repair service customarily of­fered or performed as a part of installed insulation, nor shall the seller lower the quality of the materials furnished below that called for by the specifications or agreement.

(d) No seller shall, by any of the fore­going plans, schemes, or devices, or by any other plan, scheme or device, re­ceive or acquire or attempt to receive or

_ acquire anything of value, service, valu­able right, property or property right, money or other consideration whatso­ever in addition to the maximum prices established in this order for the sale of installed insulation.

Sec. 11. Less than maximum prices. Prices lower than the maximum prices for sales covered by this order, may, of course, be charged and paid.

Sec. 12. Licensing. The provisions of I4censing Order No. 1, licensing all per­sons who make sales Under price con­trol, are applicable to all sellers subject

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 929to this order. A seller’s license may be suspended for violation of the license or of one or more applicable price sched­ules or regulations. A person whose li­cense is suspended may not, during the period of suspension, make any sale for which his license has been suspended.

Sec. 13. Revocation or amendment. This order may be revoked, modified or amended at any time by the Price Ad­ministrator or Regional Administrator.

This Order No. G-21 shall become ef­fective December 27th, 1945.

Issued this 17th day of December 1945.R ichard Y. B atterton, Regional Administrator.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1136; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;4:30 p. m.]

[Region VII Order G-23 Under RMPR 251]

R e- roofing M aterials on an Installed B asis in M ontana

Order No. G-23 under Revised Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 251. Con­struction services and sales of installed building materials. Docket No. 7-251- 9-24.

For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith, and filed with the Division of the Federal Register, and pursuant to the authority vested in the Regional Administrator of Region V II of the Office of Price Admin­istration by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, the Stabiliza­tion Act of 1942, as amended, and by sec­tion 9 of Revised Maximum Price Regu­lation No. 251, it is ordered:

Section 1. What this order does, (a) This order fixes maximum prices for all sales of re-roofing materials on an in­stalled basis into a residential structure, as defined herein, in the area herein­after described, together with the serv­ices required to incorporate such mate­rials into the structure or structures and the re-roofing accessories and extra charges permissible in connection with the installation, whether or not such sales or services are made as part of a general contract.

(b) The provisions of sections 8 and 9 on this order shall apply to all sellers of re-roofing materials on an installed basis into any type of structure, together with the services, accessories, and extra charges involved.

(c) The term “residential structure” means any building, structure, or part thereof, used entirely or principally for living or dwelling purposes and includes buildings or structures in connection therewith or adjacent thereto, at the same site, such as garages, barns, milk houses, sheds, granaries, and other out­buildings, but does not include hotels.

(d> The term "re-roofing materials” means any material used for re-roofing a residential structure in whole or in part, including but not limited to wood shingles, asbestos shingles, composition roofing materials such as asphalt shin­gles, mineral surface roll roofing and smooth surface roll roofing.

Sec. 2. Geographical applicability. This Order No. G-23 applies only to the State of Montana;

Sec. 3. Relationship of this order to Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251. This order supersedes sections 6, 7, and 8 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251 with respect to sales covered by this order, and any maximum prices for such sales heretofore approved by the Regional Administrator of Region V II or by the District Director of the Helena District under section 6 (b) or section 8 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251 are hereby revoked. AH other sections of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251, together with all amendments thereto that have been or may be issued, except to the extent they are inconsistent with the provi­sions of this order, shall apply to sales covered by this order.

Sec. 4. Maximum prices for sales of re­roofing materials and accessories on an installed basis. The maximum prices for sales covered by this order shall be as shown in Table I and Table II. Table I covers prices for re-roofing materials on an installed basis and Table I I covers prices for re-roofing accessories and other items for which extra charges may be made.

(A ) Table I— Re-roofing Prices

Per square210-219 lbs., 12" (3 tab) asphalt_____ $15.00210 lbs., 15" (3 in. linethick bu tt)___ 15.00187 lbs., 12% " Hex asphalt shingle___ 14.00167 lbs., 11% " Hex asphalt shingle____ 13.00160-162 lbs., re-roofer type shingle___ 13.00105 lbs., split roll roofing, diamond

point or stagger edge, etc________ 8. 7590 lbs. roll roofing mineral surfaced__ 7. 00260-290 lbs., asbestos shingles_________ 25. 0016" x 16" asbestos dutch lap______ __24.00325 lbs., standard individual compo­

sition shingle_______________________ 13. 50#1, wood shingles 5/2— 16" (un­

stained) _____________________________ 13.00

The above prices include nails, mastic and flashing around chimneys and vents.

(B ) Table n — Re-roofing Accessories andOther Items for Which an Extra ChargeMay Be Made(1) Hip and ridge shingles: 15tf per ft.(2) Slate surface rolls, 90 lbs. (used on val­

leys, ridges, or other sections of roofs): $7.00 per square.

(3) Yankee gutters relined: 25£ per ft.(4) Box gutters relined: 35tf per ft.(5) Replaced boards on Yankee gutters:

30tf per ft.(6) 75tf per square if the pitch of the roof

is as much as or exceeds a rise measured vertically of 3 feet in each 3 feet of horizontal dimension.

(7) No additional charges for transporta­tion may be made within a distance of five miles from the corporate limits of the city where the seller’s place of business is located. However, an additional charge of 10£ per square for each mile thereafter may be made, provided the total additions permitted by this subparagraph may not exceed $1.00 per square.

(8) Where the re-roofing Job is performed at a distance of more than 40 miles from the corporate limits of the city where the seller’s place of business is located, the seller may include any additional transportation charges actually incurred for transporting the re­roofing materials from said city to the site of the job but not to exceed the lowest com­mon carrier freight charges therefor.

(9) A charge of $5.00 per day may be made for each workman on a re-roofing Job when he is required to remain overnight out of the city to complete such job.

(10) For any re-roofing job requiring less than 5 squares, an additional charge of $2.00 per square may be made.

Sec. 5. Guaranteed price. A seller may sell a re-roofing job covered by this order on the basis of a guaranteed price, but such guaranteed price must not be higher than the maximum price figured in ac­cordance with the requirements of this order.

Sec. 6. Related and incidental con­struction work. I f on any re-roofing job, any installed building materials are fur­nished or any construction services per­formed by the seller for which specific maximum prices are not fixed by this or-, der, such materials and services shall be separately priced and billed on all in­voices and sales slips. The maximum prices for such related and incidental construction work shall be determined under Revised Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 251, or as fixed by any applicable area pricing order issued by the Regional Administrator of Region VII.

Sec. 7. Measurements. It shall be the seller’s responsibility to measure with reasonable accuracy the area or fodtage to be covered. A “measurement with rea­sonable accuracy” shall be considered to have been made if the price based on such estimate does hot vary more than 10% from the maximum price computed un­der the terms of this order, on the basis of the actual measurement.

Sec. 8. Notification, (a) Each seller making a sale covered by this order shall, upon Completion of the work, furnish to the purchaser a statement showing the following: .

(1) The names and addresses of the seller and purchaser,

(2) The location of the job.(3) The date the job was completed.(4) A description of the work per­

formed and the total charged for the job, together with an itemized state­ment of the accessories and other items included in Table I I of section 4 of this order for which an extra charge was made, and the quantities and prices of each, and a separate statement of the related and incidental construction work performed, as provided in section 6 of this order.

(b) I f requested by the purchaser, the seller shall furnish the purchaser an itemized statement showing the infor­mation contained in subparagraphs (1), (2), and (3) of paragraph (a) of this section, together with an itemized state­ment showing the number of squares, the prices charged per square of re­roofing materials installed, together with an itemized statement of the ac­cessories and other items included in Table n of section 4 of this order, for which an extra charge was made, and the quantities and prices of each, and a separate itemized statement of any related and incidental construction work performed, as provided in section 6 of this order.

(c) Each seller making a sale covered by this order shall, if requested by the purchaser, make available to the pur­chaser a copy of this order and a copy of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251. Copies for this purpose may be obtained from the office of the Regional

930 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Administrator or from the District O f­fice of the Office of Price Administration.

Sec. 9. Records. Each seller must keep and retain, at his principal place of business, records concerning each sale, covered by this order, showing the fo l­lowing:

(1) The name and address of the pur­chaser.

(2) The location of the job.(3) A copy of any and all contracts

pertaining to each sale.(4) The date the job-was completed.(5) A description of the re-roofing

materials and services involved.(6) The number of squares and the

price charged per square of re-roofing materials.

(7) A list of all accessories and other items included in Table I I of section 4 of this order, for which an extra charge may be made, showing the quantity and price of each.

(8) A separate itemized statement of any related and incidental construction work and the prices charged for such work.

All such records shall be kept and made available for inspection by representa­tives of the Office of Price Administra­tion so long as the Emergency Price Con­trol Act of 1942, as amended, remains in effect.

Sec. 10. Prohibition against sales at higher than maximum prices. On and after the effective date'of this order, re­gardless of any contract or other obli­gation, no person shall sell or offer to sell re-roofing materials, on an in­stalled basis covered by this order at prices higher than the maximum prices established by this order: Provided, That installations made not more than thirty days after the effective date of this order on bona fide contracts executed prior to the effective date of this order shall not be considered to be violations of this order.

Sec. 11. Evasions, (a) Any practice, scheme or device which results in a higher price to the purchaser of re-roof­ing materials on an installed basis than is permitted by this order shall be deemed a violation of this order and subjects the seller to all the civil liabili­ties and the criminal penalties provided by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended and extended.

(b) No seller shall, as a part of the consideration or as a condition of a sale of any of the re-roofing materials on ah installed basis covered by this order, se­cretly or otherwise receive, either di­rectly or indirectly, any side payment, commission, fee, consideration or other thing of value whatsoever nor shall the seller, either directly or indirectly, ac­quire or receive the benefit of any serv­ices, transportation agreements, or other valuable thing, material or property.

(c) No seller shall eliminate or reduce in any form or manner any maintenance or repair service customarily offered or performed as a part of a re-roofing job, nor shall the seller lower the quality of the materials furnished below that called for by the specifications or agree­ment.

(d) No seller shall, by any of the fore­going plans, schemes, or devices, or by

any other plan, scheme or device, receive or acquire or attempt to receive or ac­quire anything of value, service, valuable right, property or property right, money or any other consideration whatsoever in addition to the maximum prices estab­lished in this order for the sale of any re-roofing materials on an installed basis.

Sec. 12. Less than maximum prices. Prices lower than the maximum prices for sales covered by this order may, of course, be charged and paid.

S ec. 13 . Licensing. The provisions of Licensing Order No. 1, licensing all per­sons who make sales under price control, are applicable to all sellers subject to this order. A seller’s license may be sus­pended for violation of the license or of one or more applicable price schedules or regulations. A person whose license is suspended may not, during the period of suspension, make any sale for which his license has been suspended.

Sec. 14. Revocation or amendment. This order may be revoked, modified or amended at any time by the Price Ad­ministrator or the Regional Adminis­trator.

This Order No. G-23 shall become effective December 31, 1945.

Issued this 20th day of December 1945.R ichard Y . B atterton, Regional Administrator.

[P. R. Doc. 46-1137; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946: 4:30 p. m.]

[Region VII Order G-32 Under RMPR 122]

C oal in F ort M organ and B rush , C o lo .

Order No. G-32 under Revised Max­imum Price Regulation No. 122. Ad­justed price increase for delivered sales of coal made by retail dealers in the communities of Fort Morgan and Brush, Colorado. (Docket No. 7-122-259 (a) (D-32. • ,

Pursuant to the Emergency Price Con­trol Act of 1942, as amended, the Stabili­zation Act of 1942, as amended, and § 1340.259 (a) (1) of Revised Maximum Price Regulation Nq. 122, and for the reasons set forth in the accompanying opinion, this Order No. G-32 is issued.

(a) What this order does. This Or­der No. G-32 increases the maximum prices for delivered sales of coal made by yard dealers or trucker dealers to consumers in thè communities of Fort Morgan and Brush, in Morgan County, State of Colorado, by 25c per ton; and also permits yard dealers. to increase their present authorized charge for de­liveries made beyond the corporate limits of either of said municipalities by 10c per one-way mile traveled, re­gardless of the size of the load.

(b) Adjusted increase. On and after the effective date of this order No. G-32, and notwithstanding any other price regulation now in effect, retail coal dealers who sell coal delivered to the purchaser’s bin or customary receiving point in the communities of Fort Mor­gan and Brush, in Morgan^County, State of Colorado, may add to their delivered prices, as now duly established under the applicable regulation, an additional delivery allowance of 25c per ton; and

a further allowance of 10c per one-way mile traveled beyond the corporate limits of either of said muncipalities may be added to such maximum price if the coal is delivered from a yard maintained and operated by the seller in either of said municipalities.

(c) Licensing. The provisions of L i­censing Order No. 1, licensing all persons who make sales under price control, are applicable to all sellers subject to this regulation or order. A seller’s license may be suspended for violation of the license or of one or more applicable price schedules or regulations. A person whose license is suspended may not, during the period of suspension, make any sale for which his license has been suspended.

(d) Right to revoke or amend. This order may be revoked, modified, or amended at any time by the Price Ad­ministrator or the Regional Adminis­trator.

Effective date. This Order No. G-32 shall become effective on the 26th day of December 1945.

Issued this 26th day of December 1945.R ichard Y . B atterton , Regional Administrator.

[P. R. Doc. 46-1120; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;4:25 p. m.]

[Region VII Order G-1C1 Under MPR 188]

F. E. B u c k , et a l . '


Order No. G-101 under Maximum Price Regulation No. 188. Authorized maximum prices for a durable goods item manufactured by F. E. Buck, Butte, Montana, when sold by the manufac­turer and specified resellers. Docket No. 7-188-158-176.

Pursuant to the Emergency Price Con­trol Act of 1942, as amended, the Sta­bilization Act of 1942, as amended, and §§ 1499.158 and 1499.158a of Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, and for the reasons set forth in the accompanying opinion, this Order No. G-101 is issued.

(a) What this order does. This Or­der No. G-101 establishes maximum prices for a certain durable goods item manufacturediiy F. E. Buck, Butte, Mon­tana, when sold at the specified levels.

(b) Authorized m a x i m u m prices. Upon and after the effective date of this Order No. G-101, the maximum prices for the collapsible clothes dryer manu­factured by F, E. Buck of 843 East South Montana Street, Butte, Montana, in ac­cordance with the specifications set forth in the application of said manufacturer now on file in this Regional Office as a part of the record in this case, shall be as follows:

(1) When sold by the manufacturer to a jobber or a wholesaler, $11.04 per dozen.

(2) When sold by the manufacturer, a jobber, or a wholesaler to a retailer, $13.80 per dozen.

(3) " When sold by any seller to an ultimate consumer or user, $1.89 each.

N o t e : (i) The maximum prices as above set forth for sales other than sales to ulti­mate consumers are subject to a discount of 2% for payment within 10 days from the date of invoice.

931FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

(ii) The above prices axe for sales f. o. b. shipping point, and Include all costs inci­dent to wrapping, packing, boxing, and carting.

(c) Notice to be given purchasers for resale and tagging with maximum price at retail level. When the manufacturer or any other seller makes a first sale under this Order No. G-101 to a per­son who purchases for resale, other than at the retail level, he must show upon the invoice or on a separate slip or rider attached thereto the applicable resale prices as set forth in paragraph (b) above. The manufacturer must attach to each collapsible clothes dryer in ques­tion, by any suitable means, a tag or label plainly marked “Maximum price when sold by any seller to an ultimate consumer or user, $1.89.”

(d) Applicability of other regulations. The maximum prices established by this Order No. G-101 for sales of the ar­ticle in question at the specified levels supersedes all other maximum price reg­ulations.

(e) Geographical applicability. The maximum prices authorized by this Or­der No. G-101 for resellers are applicable only to sales made within this Region VII, which includes the States of Colo­rado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, and all that part of the State of Idaho lying south of the southern boundary of Idaho County, the County of Malheur in the State of Oregon, and all that part of the Counties of Mo­have and Coconino in the State of Ari­zona lying north of the Colorado River.

( f ) Licensing. The provisions of Li­censing Order No. 1, licensing all persons who make sales under price control, are applicable to all sellers subject to this regulation or order. A seller’s license may be suspended for violation of the license or of one or more applicable price schedules or regulations. A person whose license is suspended may not, during the period of suspension, make any sale for which his license has been suspended.

(g) Right to revoke or amend. This order may be revoked, modified, or amended at any time by the Price Ad­ministrator or the Regional Adminis­trator.

Effective date. This Order No. G-101 shall become effective on the 20th day of December 1945.

Issued this 20th day of December 1945.R ichard Y . B atterton, Regional Administrator.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1118; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;4:24 p. m.]

[Region Vin Order G—1 Under Gen. Order 68]

M il l w o r k in C entra^ California

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and un­der the authority vested in the Regional Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ministration by section (a) of General Order No. 68, it is hereby ordered:

(a) Area application. This order ap­plies to every retail sale of items listed in Appendix A when sold within that por­tion of the State of California bounded on the north by the northern boundaries of Sonoma, Napa, Yolo, Sacramento and

Eldorado Counties and on the south by a direct line from Monterey, California through Fresno and Owenyo to the Califomia-Nevada State line, and in­cluding cities and communities on that line.

(b) Maximum prices. The maximum price for a retail sale of any item listed in Appendix A attached to this order is the price stated in such appendix, in the case of a retail sale, no person shall sell or deliver, or offer to sell or deliver, and no person in the course of trade or business shall buy or receive any such item at a price higher than the maximum price therefor. Prices lower than the maximum prices may, ,of course, be charged or demanded.

(c) Relation to other regulations. The maximum prices fixed by this order su­persede any maximum price or pricing method previously fixed by any other regulation or order.

(d) Posting of maximum prices. Every person making sales subject to this order shall post a copy of the list of maximum prices fixed by this order in each of his places of business in the area covered by this order in a manner plainly visible to all purchasers.

(e) Records and invoices. Every per­son making sales subject to this order must keep a record showing in respect to each sale the identity of each item sold (sufficiently specific to permit the maximum price to be determined, and in­cluding the quantity and size), the unit price, the date of sale, the names and addresses of the buyers and the seller, and the total price. Delivery charges, if any, shall, be shown separately. Each seller shall also furnish each customer at the time of sale or delivery an invoice or sales slip on which he has itemized the same information. These records and duplicates of such invoices or sales slips shall be kept by each seller at his place of business for so long as the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, shall remain in effect, and shall be avail­able for inspection by the Office of Price Administration.

(f ) Definitions.(1) “Style ‘A ’ Bundling” means that

each bundle contains:(1) For Window Frames:10 Pieces Head Jamb, or 10 Pieces Head Casing, or5 Pieces Sill, or

50 Pieces Parting Stops, or 5 Pairs Pulley Stiles, or 5 Pairs Side Casings, or 5 Pairs Side Blind Stop 2% " and wider,

or10 Pieces Mullion Casing.(ii)-F o r Door Frames:5 Pieces Head Jamb, or

10 Pieces Head Casing, or 5 Pieces Sill, or 2 Pairs Side Jambs, or 5 Pairs Side Casings.

(2) “Style ‘B’ Bundling” means that each bundle contains one complete Window Frame or Outside Door Frame or two complete sets of Inside Door Jambs.

(3) “Style ‘C’ Bundling” means that each bundle contains the vertical parts of one frame or horizontal parts of one frame.

(4) “Retail sale” means a sale to an ultimate user, or to a contractor for re­

sale on an installed basis, except sales by the manufacturer.

(g) This order may be modified or re­voked at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 6, 1946.

Issued this 29th day of December 1945.B e n C. D u n iw a y ,

Regional Administrator.Appendix A

The following maximum prices f. o. b. seller’s place of business for retail sales of mill work items listed; except for sales by the manufacturer:

I. DH Window Frames— (a) Specifications. Frames completely nailed; pulleys included, pockets cut and screwed in.

(i) Rustic:1% x 8 sill 1 x 2 apron 1 x 5 pulley stile V2 x % part bead % x 1 y2. blind stop 1 x 5 casing

(ii) Stucco:1% x 8 sill 1 x 5 pulley stile y2 x % part bead 1 x 5 casing VA x 2 stucco mould

(b ) Prices per frame.Size: Rustic or stucco

1/6 x 2/0___________ $3.301/6 x 2/6------------------------------- 3.401/6 x 3/0_r -----------— ____ ___________ 3. 651/6 x 3/6_*__-------------------------------------- 3.801/6 x 4/0— :_____ ___________ _____ ___ 4. 051/6 x 4/6---------------------- ------------- :____ 4.151/6 x 5 / L .___________________________ 4.352/0 x 2/0------------------------------------------- 3.602/0 x 2/6------------------------------------------ 3. 752/0 x 3/0------------------------------------- - 4. 002/0 X 3/6------------------------------------------- 4.152/0 x 4/0------------------------------------------- 4. 352/0 X 4/6-------------------------------- ---------- 4. 452/0 x 5 /L______ ______________________ 4.652/6 x 2/0------_____---------------------------- 3.852/6 x 2/6. --------------- 3.952/6 x 3/0---------------------------------------- 4. 202/6 x 3/6--------------------------- -------------• 4.302/6 x 4/0----------------- ;________________ 4.552/6 x 4/6_r------------------------------------ 4. 652/6 x 5/1.__________ :_____ 4.903/0 X 2/6___________ 4.253/0 X 3/0____________________ 4.503/0 x 3/6________ 1___________________ 4.603/0 X 4/0________________ ___________ 4. 853/0 x 4/6-____________________________ 5.003/0 x 5/1____________________________ 5.203/6 x 3/0--------------------------------- 4.703/6 x 3/6____________________________ 4.803/6 X 4/0__________L i________________ 5.053/6 X 4/6„________ _________________ 5.203/6 X 5/1__________ ^_________________ 5.404/0 x 3/0___________________ ________ 5. 104/0 X 3/6__________ 5.204/0 x 4/0________________ 5.404/0 x 4/6___________________ 5.554/0 X 5/1______ _________________— _ 5.75(i) Deductions per frame.

For 1 x 4 casing____; _________________ $0.15Cut for sash balances..______________ .30For KD frames, Style “A” bundling_ . 60For KD frames, Style “B ” bundling_ . 55For KD frames, Style “C” bundling_ . 40

(ii) Additions per frame.For mullion frames: double price and

add________ ______________ '____________ . 50For triple frames: treble price and add. 1. 00 For quadruple frames: quadruple price

and add_____________________________ 1. 65For mullions over 6" up to 10" wide:

add______________ __________ __________ . 75For mullions over 10" wide: add______ 1. 00

932 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

II. O. S. Door Frames— (a ) Specifications. Frames completely nailed.

( i ) Rustic:2 x 8 silll9ie x 5 94 rab’t jamb 1 x 5 casing

(ii) Stucco:2 x 8 sill1%6 X 5V4 rab’t jamb 1% x 2 stucco mould 1 x 5 casing

(b ) Prices per frame.Rustic or

Size: stucco• 2/6 x 2/6____________ __________ *_____ $5. 50

2/6 X 6/8______________________________ 5. 602/6 x 7/0______________________________ 5. 752/8 X 6/6______________________________ 5. 602/8 x 6/8___________ __________________ 5. 752/8 x 7/0______________ _____ _________ 5.853/0 X 6/6______________________________ 5. 803/0 X 6/8_________________________ _ 5. 903/0 X 7/0________ ____________________ 6. 05(c) Deductions per frame.

No sill___________________________________ . 50For KD frames, style “A” bundling___ .60For KD frames, style “B ” bundling_ . 55For KD frames, style “C” bundling_ . 40

(d ) Additions per frame.For Oak sill:

2/6 opening---------------------------- 1.252/8 opening------------------------------------- 1.353/0 opening__________________________ 1.50

Jambs wider than listed up to 7% "w ide__________________________________ 1. 00

Larger than listed:Each 6 " wider: 10 percent. •Each 6" higher: 10 percent.III. 1. S. Door Jambs KD— (a) Specifica­

tions. 94 x 514 with 1% '' stop.(b ) Prices per opening.

2/0 to 3/6 x 6/0 to 6/8__________________ $2. 354/0 to 5/0 x 6/0 to 7/0________________ 2. 65[F. R. Doc. 46-1124; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:26 p. m.]

[Region VIII Order G - l Under Gen. Order 68, Arndt. 1J

M il l w o r k I n Central C alifornia

An opinion accompanying this amend­ment has been issued simultaneously herewith; Order No. G -l under General Order No. 68 is amended in the following respects:

1. Sub-paragraph (f ) (4) is amended to read as follows: “Retail Sale” means a sale to an ultimate user, or to a con­tractor for resale on an installed basis, except a “direct-mill sale” as defined by Section 2 <b> (1) of RMPR No. 293.

2. Appendix A is amended to read as set forth in Appendix A attached to this order.

This amendment to Order G -l under General Order No. 68 shall become effec­tive January 6,1946.

Issued this 7th day of January 1946.B e n C. D u n iw a y ,

Regional Administrator. Appendix A

The following maximum prices f. o. b. seller’s place of business for retail sales of millwork items listed; except for sales by the manufacturer:

I. Window Frames: Double-Hung or Case­ment or Sash.

(a ) Specifications: Frames completely nailed; pulleys included, pockets cut and screwed in.

(1) Rustic:194 x 8 sill 1 x 2 apron 1 x 5 pulley stile y2 x % part bead 94 x iy2 blind stop 1 x 5 casing

(ii) Stucco:194 x 8 sill1 x 5 pulley stile94 x % part bead1 x 5 casing1J4 x 2 stucco mould

(b ) Prices per frame:Size: Rustic or stucco

1/6 x 2/0______________________________ $3. 301/6 x 2/6_____________________________ 3.401/6 x 3/0_______ ______________________ 8. 651/6 x 3/6____ __________ _______________ 3.801/6 X 4/0____ '___________________ ;____ 4. 051/6 x 4/6______________________________ 4. 151/6 x 5/l_____________________________ 4.352/0 x 2/0__________________ ___________ 3. 602/0 x 2/6________ _______:_____________ 3. 752/0 X 3/0____________ _________l___ _ 4. 002/0 x 3/6_________ ____________________ 4.152/0 X 4/0_____________________________ 4. 352/0 x 4/6______________________________ 4.452/0 X 5/1_____ ________________________ 4. 652/6 x 2/0____________________ ________ 3. 852/6 X 2/6_____ ________________________ 3. 952/6 x 3/0_______ ___________________ 4. 202/6 x 3/6______________________________ 4. 302/6 x 4/0______________________________ 4. 552/6 X 4/6______________________________ 4. 652/6 x 5/1_____ _____ __________________ 4. 903/0 x 2/6______________________________ 4. 253/0 X 3/0________ ___________________ 4. 503/0 x 3/6___ 4.603/0 X 4/0__.___________________________ 4. 853/0 X 4/6_____ __________________ _____ 5. 003/0 x 5/1___._____.____________ ________ 5. 203/6 x 3/0___________ _________________ 4. 703/6 x 3/6_______ _____ ____ ___________ 4.803/6 X 4/0______________________________ 5. 053/6 X 4/6_____________________________ 5. 203/6 X 5/1---------— ___________________ 5. 404/0 x 3/0------------------------------------------ 5.104/0 x 3/6______________________________ 5. 204/0 x 4/0_____ ______ _________________ 5. 404/0 X 4/6_______________________ ______ 5. 554/0 X 5/1______________________________ 5. 75(i) Deductions per Frame:

For 1 x 4 casing_________________________ $0.15Cut for sash balances_____________ >____ . 30For KD frames, Style “A” bundling__ . 60For KD frames, Style “B” bundling_ . 55For KD frames, Style “C” bundling_ . 4Q

(ii) Additions per Frame:For mullion frames: double price and

add_____________________________________ $. 50For triple frames: treble price and add_ 1.00 For quadruple frames: quadruple price

and add_____;_________________- _______ 1.65For mullions over 6 " up to 10" wide:

add____:_______________________________ . 75For mullions over 10" wide: add______ 1.00

II. O. S. Door Frames: (a) Specifications: Frames completely nailed.

(i) Rustic: 2 x 8 sill 19ie x 594 rab’t Jamb 1 x 5 casing.

(ii) Stucco: 2 x 8 sill 1%« x 594 rab’t jamb 194 x 2 stucco mould 1 x5 casing.

(b ) Prices per frame:

Size: Rustic or stucco2/6 x 6/6_______________________________ $5. 502/6 x 6/8_____________________ 5. 602/6 x 7/0______________________________ 5.752/8 x 6/6____________________ 5. 602/8 x 6/8____ _________________________ 5.752/8 x 7/0.... ....................................... 5.858/0 x 6/6_______________________________ 5. 803/0 x 6/8-.._____________ _____________ 5.903/0 X 7/0........ ................................... - 6. 05

(c) Deductions per frame:No sill______ - __________ w * ____________ $0.50For KD frames, Style “A” bundling___ . 60For KD frames, Style “B” bundling . 55For KD frames, Style “C” bundling . 40

(d ) Additions per frame:For oak sill:

2/6 opening___________________________ 1. 252/8 opening__________________________ 1.353/0 opening___________________________ 1. 50

Jambs wider than listed up to 794"wide___________________________________ 1.00

Larger than listed:Each 6 " wider__________________ 10 percentEach 6" higher_________________ 10 percentIII. I. S. Door Jambs KD— (a) Specifica­

tions: 94 x 594 with 1% " stop.(b ) Prices per opening:

2/0 to 3/6 x 6/0 to 6/8__________________ $2.354/0 to 5/0 x 6/0 to 7/0_______________ 2.65[F. R. Doc. 46-1125; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:26 p. m.J

[Region VIII Order G-3 Under MPR 592]

R oofing T il e i n L os A ngeles C o u n t y , C a lif .

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith, and under the authority vested in the Re­gional Administrator of the Office of Price Administration by sections 17 and 23 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 592, it is hereby ordered:

(a) Maximum prices— (1) Producers. The maximum price of any producer for Plain Red Mission Burned Clay Roofing Tile produced in Los Angeles County, California, shall be as follows, per square consisting of 110 tops and 90 pans:

MaximumFor sale to: Price

Roofing contractors__ ____.__________ $10. 50Resellers and governmental agen­

cies __________________________ ____ 11. 50Other buyers________________________14.50

The foregoing prices are for sales f. o. b. seller's place of business. Sales made elsewhere, or on a delivered basis, are subject to the same dollar-and-cent price differentials which the seller had in effect during March, 1942.

(2) Resellers. The maximum price at which any person may resell the tile de­scribed above shall be the price provided in subsection (a) (1) for sales by pro­ducers to “Other buyers.”

(b) This order may be amended or re­voked at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 10, 1946 and shall expire March 30, 1946, unless further extended prior to that time.

Issued this 29th day of December 1945.B en C. D u n iw a y ,

Regional Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1123; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:26 p. m.]

[Region V III Order G-6 Under Supp. Service Reg. 47 to RMPR 165]

R etail Sh o e R epair S ervices i n San F rancisco M etropolitan A rea

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and under the authority vested in the Re­gional Administrator by § 1499.680 (a) of

FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946 933Supplementary Searice Regulation No. 47 to Revised Maximum Price Regula» tiçn No. 165, it is hereby ordered:

Sectio n 1. Retail shoe repair services in the San Francisco Metropolitan

Area— (a) Maximum prices. On and after January 16, 1946, and notwith­standing the pricing provisions of Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 165, and regardless of any previous regula­tion, order (including an order authoriz­

ing a price adjustment), or approval, no seller in the San Francisco Metropolitan Area may sell or offer to sell the shoe re­pair services for which prices are estab­lished in this order at prices higher than those listed in Table 1 below.

T able 1—M aximum Pbices fob Retail Shoe Repaie Sebvices in the San Fbancisco M etbopolitan A eea


Men’s and boys’ 4 Jnch or lighter leather orequal..__________ __________ »____________

Men’s and boys’ 4)4 inch or heavier leather orequal...»_________ ____ . . . . ____________

Women’s, girls’, and children’s nailed, in allweights of leather________ _______________

Women’s, girls’ and children’s sewed, in allweights of leather..________ _____ ______ ...

Women’s, girls’ and children’s cemented, in allweights of leather__ _______. . . ____________

■ Additional charges in the following amounts may be added for:

Premium leather—which must be stamped with one of the following terms: Prime, Fine, S. B. Prime, X-Fine, Extra-Fine, X- Prime, Y-Fine, Prime-F, Fine-F, Prime-X, Fine-E, Government Selection, Military Selection or Army Selection. <When an additional charge is made for premium leather, the seller must give a sales slip, or otherwise identify by a special marker, de­noting that a premium grade leather hasbeen used in a nalf-soling service).............

Men’s and large beys’ finished leather half­soles wider than 4)4 linear inches, measured any place on the sole at right angles to the length; or longer than 6)4 linear inches, mea­sured from the center of the shank to thecenter of the toe, or both.......... ............. .

Women’s and girls’ finished leather half-soles wider than 3)4 linear inches, measured any place on the sole at right angles to the length; or longer than 6)4 linear inches, measured from th 'center of the shank to the center of the toe, or both__________________________


Competitive grade, 10)4 iron. Standard grade, 10)4 iron.....

Men’s shoes and

boys’ shoes larger than

size 3)4

Per pair












Women’s shoes, and girls’ shoes larger than

size 13

Per pair











1.00 1.10


Super grade, 10)4 iron.................... ..............Flat cord grade, 10)4 iron........................ 1...Cord-on-end and cord insert grades, 10)4 iron...

N ote : Deductions in the following amountsmust be made from 9 iron................ ..............Additional charges in the following amounts

may be made for:Heavy (12 iron) in above grades...................Extra heavy (14 iron) in above grades...........Size 12 tap, or larger in above grades________Brown in above grades____________________Full soles in above grades........ ................ .


Group “A ” grades: Men’s and boys’ half-soles.. Women’s, girls’ and children’s:

Nailed__________________ ________________Sewed.___ _________________ ____ _______Cemented..__________....________ _______


Large—Broad, low type; one full lift, with or without block, wedge, or skiving, equal toone lift...______ ____ __________ _________

Medium—Cuban type, one full lift...... ..........Small—Spike type; one full lift.......................Additional charges in the following amounts

may be added for: Leveling women’s coveredheels............ ..................................... ......

Prices for leather heels services not listed above are the maximum prices charged by the seller in March 1942.

LEATHEB TOE IIP SEBVICESNailed......................................' ................Sewed____ ______________________________ _Cemented....................................................

Men’s shoes and boys’ shoes larger than

size 3)4

Per pair










Per ■ pair

$1.35 1.45 1.55




Women’s shoes and girls’ shoes larger than

size 13

Per pair























Relasting with fitted wooden lasts: When shoes are relasted with fitted wooden lasts in conjunction with a sdling service listed in Table I above, such soling service shall be subject to the provisions of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 165.

Sec. 2. Definitions. (a) The term “San Francisco Metropolitan Area” means that part of the State of Califor­nia which includes the City and County of San Francisco and the unincorporated and incorporated municipalities of Ala­meda, Albany, Berkeley, Colma, Daly City, El Cerrito, Emeryville, Oakland, Piedmont, Richmond, San Leandro, South San Francisco and Vallejo.

(b) “Half-sole service” means the at­tachment of all half-soles regardless of the method used. The term includes all operations, materials and preparatory services for a half-sole job including the following for which no additional charges may be made: replacing and renewing all filler material and friction strips; re­pairing or replacing only a part of an innersole; repositioning loose covered arch support; reseating or tightening shank piece; attaching a loose welt by tacking; re-attaching an upper pulled loose from a non-welt shoe; patching upper at the sole line, when not in the toe box area; reattaching any loose por­tion of a sole in the shank area; picking stitches; any bottom finish, invisible shank; re-attaching loose heel breasting; resetting old sock lining, treating of leather.

The following shall not be considered part of a half-sole service; repairing or

replacing Goodyear welt; or attaching a pulled loose welt by sewing; inserting a new full innersole; repairing a broken shank piece, or inserting a new shank piece, repairing or replacing toe box. These services, when performed in con­nection with the repair of shoes, shall be priced according to the provisions of RMPR 165.

(c) “Shoe repair services” means the repair of footwear designed for general street or outdoor use, heavy work shoes, and any other types of footwear specified in this area order. The term does not include the special repair services re­quired for occupational footwear, such as cowboys’ boots, loggers’ shoes, safety shoes, etc., unless specified in this field order.

(d) “Group ‘A ’ Half-soles” means the Neolite Brand manufactured by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company and Panolene Brand manufactured by Pan­ther Panco Rubber Company.

(e) The definitions of “Fine jjrade leather” and “Prime grade leather’ ’as used in Supplementary Service Regu­lation No. 47 shall not apply to the shoe repair services subject to this order.

Sec. 3. Applicability of other regula­tions. Except as provided to the con­trary, all other provisions, including the

definitions, of Supplementary Service Regulation No. 47 and Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 165 shall apply to the shoe repair service suppliers subject to this order. Other shoe repair services not listed in this order shall remain sub­ject to the provisions of Maximum Price Regulation No. 165 (Services) and Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 200 (Rubber Heels and Soles in the Shoe Repair Trade), whichever is applicable.

Sec. 4. Posting. Every seller in the San Francisco Metropolitan Area sub­ject to this area order shall within 15 days after the effective date of this area order, post on his premises in such a place and manner as to be plainly visible to the purchasing public a poster to be supplied by the Office of Price Adminis­tration, setting forth the maximum prices established by this area order.

Sec. 5. This order may be revoked, amended, or corrected at any time.

This order shall become effeptive Jan­uary 16, 1946.

Issued this 28th day December 1945.B e n C. D u n iw a y ,

Regional Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1138; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:31 p. m.]

934 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

[Region V Order G - Jl Under SR 14A]

F lu id M il k i n C ertain W est T exas C o unties

Pursuant to a Directive from the Office of Stabilization Administrator, and pur­suant to authorization in writing from the Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, and for the reasons set forth in the opinion accompanying this order, and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the Regional Admin­istrator, Region V, by § 1499.73a (a) (1) (vii) (d) of Supplementary Regulation 14A to the General Maximum Price Reg­ulation and § 1499.75 (a) (9) (ii) of Sup­plementary Regulation 15 to the General Maximum. Price Regulation; It is or­dered:

(1) The maximum prices established by § 1499.73a (a) (1) (vii) of Supplementary Regulation 14A to the General Maximum Price Regulation for fluid milk in the following counties of the State of Texas;

Oldham, Potter, Carson, Deaf Smith, Ran­dall, Dickens, Garza, Borden, Howard, Mid­land, Hutchinson, Armstrong, Donley, Parmer, Castro, Swisher, Yoakum, Kent, Scurry, Mitchell, Glasscock, Gray, Briscoe, Bftiley, Lam'b, Hale, Floyd, Terry, Gaines, Andrews, Winkler, Sterling, Motley, Cochran, Hockley, Lubbock, Crosby, Lynn, Dawson, Martin, Ector, and Ward.,

are adjusted as follows:(a) -Sellers of milk, in determining

maximum prices for the sale of approved fluid miik at wholesale and retail in con­tainers of one (1) quart, may add per quart to their established maximum prices as of the effective date of this order.

(2) This order shall be effective for a period of 90'days from and after the effective date hereof.

(3) This order may be amended, re­voked, modified or corrected at any time.

This order shall become effective Janu­ary 10, 1946.(56 Stat. 23, 765, 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383, 78th Cong., E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871, E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681)

Issued at Dallas, Texas this 10th day of January 1946.

J. B r yan M iller , Acting Regional Administrator.

Approved by:

T. G. S titts ,Dairy Branch,

U. S. Department ofAgriculture.[P. R. Doc. 46-1117; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:23 p. m.]

[Region VI Rev. Order G-5 Under RMPR 122, Arndt. 5]

Solid F uels in T w in C it ie s , M in n ., A rea

An o p i n i o n accompanying this Amendment has been issued simultane­ously herewith. Revised Order No. G-5 under Revised Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 122 is amended in the following respects:

Definitions and explanations, para­graph (1), is amended to read as fol­lows:

(1) Definitions and explanations. When used in this Revised Order No. G-5, the term:

(1) “Twin Cities Area” shall include the urban and rural area in the State of Minnesota, surrounding and including St. Paul and Minneapolis bounded by a line drawn between the outermost boundaries of the eities and villages of Robbinsdale, Long Lake, Crystal Bay, Excelsior, Richfield, Bloomington, South St. Paul, Newport, St. Paul Park, Mah- tomedi, White Bear, Brooklyn Center and Robbinsdale.

Issued this 19th day of January 1946.This Amendment No. 5 shall become

effective on 15 January 1946.R. E. W alters,

Regional Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1127; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:27 p. m.]

[Region V Order G-9 Under RMPR 122] ‘

Solid F uels S old in C rawford C o u n t y , K ans .

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Regional Administrator of Regiorr V by § 1340.260 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122 and for the reasons stated in the opinion issued simultane­ously herewith, it is ordered:

(a) What this order does. This order establishes maximum prices for sales of specified solid fuels within the limits of Crawford County, Kansas. The prices set forth in this order are the highest prices that any dealer may charge when he sells or delivers any of such fuels at or to a point within the area covered hereby.

(1) Solid fuels not covered by this order. There are a few kinds and sizes of solid fuels covered by Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122 sold and deliv-

'ered in the area covered by this order which are not included in and for which prices are not established by this order. The maximum prices of such solid fuels when sold by any person "covered by this order shall continue to be the maximum prices for such fuels established by Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, as amended. Sueh sales shall in all re­spects be governed by the provisions of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, as amended.

(b) What this order prohibits. Re­gardless of any obligation, no person shall:

(1) Sell, or in the course of trade or business buy, solid fuels at prices higher than the maximum prices set by this Order No. G-9; but less than the maxi-

* mum prices may at any time be charged, paid or offered;

(2) Obtain higher than maximum prices by:

(i> Charging for a service unless such service is expressly requested by the buyer and unless specifically authorized to do so by this Order;

(ii) Charging a price higher than the schedule price for a service;

(iii) Using any tying agreement or re­quiring that the buyer purchase anything in addition to the fuel requested by ham; or

(iv> Using any other device by which a higher than maximum price is obtained directly or indirectly.

(c) Price schedule. (1) Below and a part of this section is the maximum price schedule which sets forth maximum prices for sales by direct delivery of speci­fied sizes, kinds and quantities of solid fuels.

M a x im u m P rice Schedule

Description of fuel

Maximum price per ton produced




I. High volatile bituminous coal from mines in district 15. (Kansas):

(A) Production group 1.—From mines in Cherokee, Crawford, Bourbon and Labette Coun­ties, Kansas and that portion of Vernon County lying southof an east and west line drawn through the town of Nevada, Missouri:

(1) Lump; egg:’ all single-screened lump coal, ail double- screened egg coal top size larger than 3" and bottom size larger than 1)4" (size groups

$5.421,2, and 3)______ ___________(2) Fancy nut: double-screened


coals with a top size largerthan-2" but not exceeding 3", bottom size larger than 1)4"

5.32(Size group 5)_______________(3) Standard nut: double-

screened coals with a top size larger than 2" but not exceed­ing 3", bottom size 1)4" and


smaller (size group 6)-----------(4) No. 2 nut: double-screened

coals with a top size larger than 1)4'' but not exceeding

5.90 6.12

2" (size group 7)........... -.......(5) Special Stoker: double-

screened coals with top size 1)4" and smaller, bottom size larger than )4" but not ex-

5.75 5.07

ceeding )4" (size group 11)----- 5. 25 4.62

(2) Thè prices set forth in the fore­going schedule are on a per ton basis (2,000 pounds to the t8n). No dealer may add to the, schedule prices any ad­ditional charge for the extension of credit

(3) Prices set forth in the foregoing schedule are for untreated coal. The dealer may charge an amount not to exceed 10$ per ton in addition to the Schedule prices when the coal is thor­oughly and adequately treated, chem­ically or with oil, to allay dust or prevent freezing (See section ( j ) ) .

(4) A deduction from the prices set forth in the foregoing schedule of not less than 75$ per ton must be made on yard sales of solid fuels covered by this order in quantities of one or more tons. “Yard sales” , for the purposes of this order, means sales in which the buyer takes delivery at the dealer’s yard.

(5) On delivered sales involving quan­tities of less than one ton, the dealer may add an amount not to exceed 35$ to the fractional per net ton price set out in the foregoing schedule for each such delivery.

(d) Service charges. (1) Below and as a part of this section (d) is a schedule that sets forth maximum prices which a dealer may charge for special services rendered in connection with all sales under preceding section (c). These charges may be made only if the buyer

935FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

requests such services of the dealer and only when the dealer renders the services.

(1) An amount not to exceed 25tf per ton may be charged for the service of “pull back” or “ trimming” . This is the service of arranging the fuel in the buyer’s bin and is necessary only when the bin is being filled to, or near to, ca­pacity. This service charge may be ap­plied only to the tonnage actually moved in the trimming process and not to the entire amount put into the consumer’s bin.

(e) Transportation tax; Kansas State sales tax. (1) The transportation tax. Only the transportation tax imposed by section 020 of the Revenue Act of 1942 may be collected in addition to the max­imum prices set out by this order pro­vided the dealer states it separately from the price of the fuel and lists it separately on any sales slip or receipt given to the buyer. This tax need not be stated separately on sales to the United States or any agency thereof, the State Governments or any political sub­division thereof (See § 1340.265 (b) of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122). No part of this tax may be col­lected in addition to maximum prices on sales of ton or less quantities.

(2) The Kansas State sales tax. The seller may add to the prices listed in the, schedule in section (c) the sales tax re­quired to be collected by the laws of the State of Kansas. This, tax shall be separately stated in the dealer’s invoice, sales slip or receipt.

( f ) Addition of increase in supplier’s price prohibited. (1) The maximum prices set out by this order may not be increased by a dealer to reflect increases in purchase costs or in supplier’s maxi­mum prices occurring after the effective date hereof; but increases in the maxi­mum prices set hereby to reflect such increases are within the discretion of the Regional Administrator.

(g) Power to amend or revoke. (1) The Price Administrator or the Regional Administrator of Region V may amend, revoke, or rescind this order, or any provisions thereof, at any time.

(h) Petitions for amendment. (1) Any person seeking an amendment to this order may file a petition for amend­ment in accordance with Revised Pro­cedural Regulation No. 1 except that the petition shall be filed with the Regional Administrator arid acted upon by him.

<i) License. (1) Every dealer subject to this Order is governed by the licens­ing provisions of Supplementary Order No. 72. This provides in brief that a license is required of all persons selling at retail commodities for which maxi­mum prices are established. A license may be suspended for violation in con­nection with the sale of any commodity for which maximum prices are estab­lished. I f a dealer’s license is suspended, he may not sell any such commodity during thè period of suspension.

(j ) Sales slips and receipts; records. (1) Every person selling solid fuels sub­ject to this order shall, either at the time of, or within thirty days after the date of a sale of delivery of solid fuels

No. 17----- 9

governed by this order, give to his pur­chaser an invoice, sales slip or receipt, and shall keep an exact copy thereof for as long as the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, shall remain in effect, showing the following informa­tion: the name and address of the seller and the purchaser; the kind, size and quantity of the solid fuels sold; the date of the sale or delivery and the price charged; the mine name and index num­ber if the coal is produced at a deep shaft or underground mine. In addi­tion, he shall separately state on each such invoice, sales slip or receipt the amount, if any, of the required dis­counts, authorized service charges and taxes which must be deducted from or which may be added to the established maximum prices: Provided, That a dealer who is authorized to make a,spe­cial service charge for chemical or oil treatment of coal need not separately state the amount of such service charge if he clearly indicates on the invoice that such coal is so treated: And further pro­vided, That provisions of this section shall not apply to sales of solid fuels in less than quarter ton lots unless re­quested by the purchaser.

(k) Posting of maximum prices. (1) Each deater subject to this order shall post all o f the maximum prices set by it for all types of sales. He shall post his prices in his place of business in a manner plainly visible to and under­standable by the purchasing public. He shall also keep a copy of this order available for examination by any person inquiring as to his prices for solid fuel.

(l) Enforcement. (1) Persons vio­lating any provisions of this order are subject to civil and criminal penalties, including suits for treble damages, pro­vided for by the Emergency Price Con­trol Act of 1942, as amended.

(2) Persons who have any evidence of any violation of this order are urged to communicate with the Wichita, Kansas District Office of the Office of Price Ad­ministration.

(m) Definitions, and explanations. (1) “Persons” includes an individual, corporation, partnership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States, or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing.

(2) “Sell” includes sell, supply, dis­pose, barter, exchange, lease, transfer, and deliver, and contracts and offers to do any of the foregoing. The terms “Sale”, “selling” , “sold” , “buy” , “pur­chase” , and “purchaser” shall be con­strued accordingly.

(3) “Dealer” means any person sell­ing solid fuel except producers or dis­tributors making sales at or from a mine, a preparation plant operating as an adjunct to any mine, a coke oven or a briquette plant.

(4) “Direct delivery” means dumping or chuting the fuel from the seller’s truck directly into the buyer’s bin or storage space; but if this is unfeasible, because of the absence of a regular driveway free from all foreign matter

which might damage trucks and tires, then direct delivery means discharging the solid fuel from the seller’s truck di­rectly at the street curb or at the point nearest and most accessible to the buy­er’s bin or storage space.

(5) “Production group” , “price group’* and their plurals as used in this order refer to the production groups and/or price groups within each producing dis- trict as established by the former Bitu­minous Coal Division of the Department of the interior and incorporated or modified in Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 by the Office of Price Adminis­tration.

(6) “District No.” refers to the geo- graphicaf bituminous coal producing dis­tricts as delineated and numbered by the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, as amended, as they have been modified by the Bituminous Coal Division and as in effect at midnight, August 23, 1943.

(7) “High volatile bituminous coal” means coal produced in the high volatile sections of the producing districts speci­fied in this order.

(8) “Solid fuel” or “ solid fuels” means all solid fuels except wood and wood products, including all kinds of anthra­cite and semi-anthracite; bituminous and semi-bituminous and cannel coal; lignite; all coke, including low tempera­ture coke (except by-product foundry and blast furnace coke, and beehive oven furnace coke produced in the State of Pennsylvania); briquettes made from coke or coal; and pea coal used for foundry facings.

(9) The size group numbers used in the price schedule for coal from each pro­ducing district refer to the size groups of coal as numbered and defined in the appendix to Maximum Price Regulation No. 120 which relates to each such pro­ducing district.

(10) “Deep mine” or “underground mine” means a mine from which the coal is taken only from underground seams from which the over-burden is not removed and does not include a mine from which coal is taken by the stripping method.

(11) “Strip mine” means a mine pro­ducing coal by the stripping method and taking its entire production from the ground after removing all over­burden. .

(12) Except as otherwise specifically provided herein or as the context may otherwise require, the definitions set forth in §§ 1340.255 and 1340.266 of Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, as amended, shall apply to the terms used herein.

(n) Effect of this order on Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122. To the extent applicable, the provisions of this order supersede Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122.

The provisions of this Order G-9 shall become effective the 15th day of Janu­ary 1946.

N ote; The provisions of this order which require approval by the Bureau of the Budget in accordance w ith the Federal Re­ports Act of 1942 have been approved by the Bureau of the Budget.

936 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

<56 Stat. 23, 765, Pub. Law 151, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681)

Issued at Dallas, Texas, this 8th day of January 1946.

W. A. O r th ,Regional Administrator.

[P. R. Doc. 46-1131; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946; /- 4:28 p .m .]

[Peoria Order G-5 Under Gen. Order 68]

H ard B uilding M aterials in Freeport, I I I . Area

JPor the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith, and pur­suant to the provisions of General Order 68, it is ordered:

Section 1.' What this order does. This order establishes dollars-and-cents ceil­ing prices for all retail sales made by any seller of commodities specified in Appen­dix A attached hereto, delivered to the purchaser in the Freeport, Illinois area. The Freeport, Illinois area covered by this order consists of the City of Freeport, Illinois and that part of Stephenson County lying within one mile from the city limits of Freeport, Illinois in any direction.

Sec. 2. Definition of retail sales. For the purposes of this order, a retail sale means a sale to an ultimate user, or to any person for resale on an installed basis within the meaning of section 1 (b) of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251.

Sec. 3. Relation to other regulations. The maximum prices fixed by this order supersede any maximum price or pricing method previously fixed by any other regulation or order covering the com­modities specified in Appendix A.

Sec. 4. Maximum prices, discounts and delivery practices. On and after the ef­fective date of this order, regardless of any contract, agreement or other obliga­tion, no person covered by this order shall sell, offer to sell or deliver at retail as herein defined, any of the items listed in Appendix A attached hereto, at prices higher than the maximum prices set forth in that Appendix. All selling un­der this order shall allow all purchasers of the items herein from them, a cash discount of 2% for payment on or before the 10th day of the month following date of delivery. No additional charge may be made for delivery within the area cov­ered by the order.

Sec. 5. Posting of maximum prices. Every seller making sales covered by this order shall post a copy of the list of max­imum prices fixed by this order in each of his places of business in the area covered by this order in a manner plainly visible to all purchasers. An additional copy of Appendix A is attached to this order and the posting required hereby shall be accomplished by removing the second copy of the Appendix attached to this order and posting it in a conspicuous place where it is plainly visible to all purchasers.

Sec. 6. Sales slips and records. Every seller covered by this order shall give to the purchaser a sales slip, receipt, or

other evidence of purchase which shall show the date, name and address of the seller, the description, quantity, and the price of each item .sold, said description to be in detail sufficient to determine whether the price charged has been prop­erly computed under this order; pro­vided that for sales of less than a total of $7.50 only the name and address of the seller and the amount of the sale need be shown. The seller shall prepare such sales slips, receipts, or other evi­dence of purchase in duplicate and he must keep for at least six months after delivery such duplicate copy delivered pursuant to this section. For any sale of $50.00 or more each seller, regardless of previous custom, must keep records showing at least the following:

( 1 ) Name and address of buyer.(2) Date of transaction.(3) Place of delivery.(4) Complete description of each item sold

and price charged.

S ec. 7. On and after the effective date of this order, any person covered by this order, who sells or offers jto sell at a price higher than the ceiling’price permitted by this, order, or otherwise violates any of the provisions of this order, shall be sub­ject to the criminal penalties, civil en­forcement actions, licensee suspension proceedings and suits for treble damages as provided for by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. No person subject to this order may evade any of the order by any stratagem, scheme or dqvice. No person subject to this order may, as a condition of selling any particular hard building material item, require a customer to buy anything else. Any such evasion is punishable as a violation of this order.

This order may be modified, amended or revoked at any time.

Appendix. The appendix, containing the dollars-and-cents ceiling prices es­tablished by this order is attached hereto, marked Appendix A and made a part


This order shall become effective Jan­uary 25, 1946.

Issued this 15tlrday of January 1946., B e n J. B ecker,

Acting District Director.Appendix A

Area covered. The Freeport, Illinois, area covered by this order consists of the City of Freeport, Illinois and that part of Stephen­son County lying within one mile from the city limits of Freeport, Illinois, in any di­rection.

DolIars-and-Cents Ceiling PricesCommodity and unit Maximum

Plaster; price1Hard waU; 50 lb. bag____________$0. 65Hard wall; 100 lb. bag__1________ 1.10Hard wall; per ton____ »________ 22.00Gauging; 100 lb. bag___________ 1.10Moulding; 100 lb. bag____________ 2. 00

Keene’s cement; 100 lb. bag______ 2. 05Finishing lime; 50 lb. bag__________ . 70Gypsum lath, sq. ft___ _____- .028Metal lath:

2.5 lb. painted diamond mesh;sq. yd— ,-------------------------------- .25

3.4 lb. painted diamond mesh;sq. yd----- J.--------------------------- .31

Corner bead, expanded type; lin. f t___ _______________*__ ,05

Appendix A— Continued Dollars-and-Cents Ceiling Prices— Continued

MaximumCommodity and unit price1

Portland cement, std., paper bags;94 lb. bag-,._________ ________ $0. 80

Masonry mortar, paper sacks; 70lb. bag_______ .70

Mason’s hydrated lime; 50 lb. bag- . 55 Waterproof cement (gray); 94 lb.

bag _______________________ _ 1.00Gypsum block—partitions:

3” hollow, sq. f t_____________ ‘ .0854" hollow; sq. f t______________ . 105

Fire brick, 9" straight, 1st quality,Missouri; per 1,000___________ 84.80

Fire clay; 100 lb. bag____ _______ 1.10Clay drain tile:

4"; lin. f t___________________ .0586” ; lin. f t_______ ____________ • .0982

Vitrified clay sewer pipe No. 1SS4", lin. f t— ___________ — .20

Vitrified clay sewer pipe No. 1SS6” ; lin. f t—_______________2— .29

Flue lining: '9 x 9 ; lin. f t___K_____________ .399 x 13; lin. f t_________________ . 58813 x 13.; lin f t r _______________ . 748

Gypsum wallboard sq. f t_— .05Asphalt roofing 90 lb. minerali surface; per square—__ _____ 2. 83Asphalt or tarred felt:

15 lb. 432 sq. ft.; per roll_____ 2. 5830 lb. 216 sq. ft.; per roll ____ 2. 58

Fibre 'insulation board:y2" standard la th and board;

s q .f t___________________—— - .05325/32” asphalt sheathing; sq.

f t——1------------------ -------- -- - > .07Standard density synthetic fibre

board; y8” 4 x 8; sq. f t _______ .075Hard d e n s i t y synthetic fibre

board y8" tempered (std. size);sq. f t__________ ______________ . 095

Thermal insulation, batts (paper backed) full thick; sq. f t__ .__ . .0651Cash discount of 2% for payment on or

before the 10th day of the month following date of delivery.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1135; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946; 4:29 p. m.]

[Peoria Order G-6 Under Gen, Order 68]

H ard B uilding M aterials i n 'R ockford, III., A rea

For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith, and pur­suant to the provisions of General Order 68, It is ordered:

Section 1. What this order does. This order establishes dollars-and-cents ceil­ing priçes for all retail sales made by any seller of commodities specified in Ap­pendix A attached hereto, delivered to the purchaser in the Rockford, Illinois, area. The Rockford, Illinois, area cov­ered by this order consists of the City of Rockford, Illinois, and that part of Win­nebago County lying within three .miles from the city limits of Rockford, Illinois, in any direction.

Sec. 2. Definition of retail sales. For the purposes of this order, a retail sale means a sale to an ultimate user, or~to any person for resale on an installed basis within the meaning of section 1 (b) of Revised Maximum Price Régulation No. 251.

Sec. 3. Relation to other regulations. The maximum prices fixed by this order supersede any maximum price or pricing method previously fixed by any other reg­ulation or order covering the commod­ities specified in Appendix A.

937FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Sec. 4. Maximum prices, discounts and delivery practices. On and after the effective date of this order, regardless of any contract, agreement or other obliga­tion, no person covered by this order shall sell, offer to sell or deliver at retail as herein defined, any of the items listed in Appendix A attached hereto, at prices higher than the maximum prices set forth in that Appendix. All sellers under this order shall allow all purchasers of the items herein from them, a cash dis­count of 2 percent for payment on or before the 10th day of the month follow­ing date of delivery. No additional charge may be made for delivery within the area covered by the order.

Sec. 5. Posting of maximum prices. Every seller making sales covered by this order shall post a copy of the list of max­imum prices fixed by this order in each of his places of business in the area covered by this order in a manner plainly visible to all purchasers. An additional copy of Appendix A is attached to this order and the posting required hereby shall be ac­complished by removing the second copy of the Appendix attached to this order and posting it in a conspicuous place where it is plainly visible to all purchas­ers.

Sec. 6. Sales slips and records. Every” seller covered by this order shall give to the purchaser a sales slip, receipt, or other evidence of purchase which shall show the date, name and address of the seller, the description, quantity, and the price of each item sold, said description to be in detail sufficient to determine whether the price charged has been properly computed under this order; Provided, That for sales of less than a total of $7.50 only the name and address of the seller and the amount of the sale need be shown. The seller shall prepare such sales slips, receipts, or other evi­dence of purchase in duplicate and he must keep for at least six months after delivery such duplicate copy delivered pursuant to this section. For any sale of $50.00 or more each seller, regardless of previous custom, must keep records show­ing at least the following:

, (1) Name and address of buyer.(2) Date of transaction.(3) Place of delivery.(4) Complete description of each item

sold and price charged.Sec. 7. On and after the effective date

of this order, any person covered by this order, who sells or offers to sell at a price higher than the ceiling price per­mitted by this order, or otherwise vio­lates any of the provisions of this order, shall be subject to the criminal penal­ties, civil enforcement actions, license suspension proceedings, and suits for treble damages as provided for by the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended. No person subject to this or­der may evade any of the order by any stratagem, scheme or device. No person subject to this order may, as a condition of selling any particular hard building material item, require a customer to buy anything else. Any such evasion is punishable as a violation of this order.

This order may be modified, amended or revoked at any time.

Appendix. The Appendix, containing the dollars-and-cents ceiling prices es­

tablished by this order, is attached hereto, marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 25, 1946.

Issued this 15th day of January 1946.B en J. B ecker,

Acting District Director.Appendix A—Ceiling Prices for Retail Sales

of Hard Building Materials

Area covered: The Rockford, Illinois, area covered by this order consists of the City of Rockford, Illinois, and that part of Winne­bago County lying within three miles from the city limits of Rockford, Illinois, in any direction.


Rock fordC om m od ity and u n it M a x im u m

Plaster: P r ic e 1Hard wall; 100 lb. bag____ x___ $1.00Hard wall; per ton______________20.00Gauging; 100 lb. bag-___________ 1. 00Moulding; 100 lb. bag________ .__ 2. 50

Keene’s cement; 100 lb. bag_______ 2.30Finishing lime; 50 lb. bag_________ . 65Gypsum lath sq. f t___________ . 025Metal la th :

3.4 lb. painted diamond mesh cop­per alloy; sq. yd_____________ .30

3.4 lb. painted diamond mesh; sq.y d _____ _____ .29

2.75 lb. flat rib painted; sq. yd___ . 3053.4 lb. copper bearing; sq. yd_____ . 343.4 lb. % " high rib painted; sq. yd_ . 35 Corner bead, expanded type; lin.

f t _____ _____________________ .05Portland cement, standard:

Paper bags; 94-lb. bag___________ > . 80Cloth bags: 94-lb. bag_________ __ . 8625

Masonry mortar (paper sacks); 70-lbb a g ____ ______________________ . 675

Mason’s hydrated lime; 50-lb. bag___ . 55Waterproof cement (gray); 94-lb.

b a g __________________________ 1.05Gypsum block—partitions:

3" hollow; sq. f t____ ___________ .094” hollow; sq. f t__ ______________ . 11

Concrete block, 8 x 8 x 16 (sand andgravel); each_________________ . 15

Hollow building tile:Partition, 4 x 12 x 12; sq. f t______ . 10Load bearing; 4 x 12 x 12;. sq. f t . 11Back up, 5 x 8 x 12; each_____ _ . 095

Fire brick, 9" straight, 1st quality:Missouri; per 1,000____ 82. 80Ohio; per 1,000__________________ 82. 50

Fire clay; 100 lb. bag_____ ' _______ _ 1. 00Clay drain tile:

4” ; lin. f t_______ ____ __________ .066"; lin. f t______________________ . 10

Vitrified clay sewer pipe No. 1SS:4” ; lin. f t______________________ .19256” ; lin. ft______________________ . 275

Flue lining:9x9; lin. f t___ ,________________ . 3859x13; lin. f t_______ ____ _______ .5513 x 13; lin. f t__________________ . 715

Gypsum wallboard, sq. f t - _____ . 045Gypsum Sheathing y2” ; sq. f t____ .055Asphalt roofing 90 lb., mineral sur­

face; per square________________ 2. 99Asphalt or tarred felt:

15 lb., 432 sq. ft.; per roll__ ____ ; 2. 6830 lb., 216 sq. ft.; per roll______ 2. 68

Asphalt shingles:210 lb. (3 in 1) thick butt; per

square______________________ 7.00165 lb., 2-Tab Hexagon; per

square______________________ 5.67Fibre insulation board:

y2" standard la th and board;sq. f t_________________________ . 05

25/32" asphalt sheathing; sq. ft-_ .0651A cash discount of 2 percent for payment

on or before the 10th day of the month fol­lowing date of delivery is allowed all pur­chasers.

Appendix A—Ceiling Prices for Retail Sales of Hard Building Materials— Continued

dollars-and-cents ceiling prices— continuedRockfordMaximum

Commodity and unit Price1Standard density synthetic fibre

board, %6", 4 x 8; sq. ft__________$0.07Hard density synthetic fibre board

ys " tempered (standard size);sq. ft_______________________________ .085

Thermal insulation— blankets, paper backed:

Medium; sq. ft______ ____________ .05Single; sq. ft__ __________________ _ .045Thick; sq. f t . l ____________ ________- .07

Thermal insulation— Batts, paper backed:

2" thick; sq. ft___________________ - .05Full thick; sq. ft___________________ .07

[F. R. Doc. 46-1122; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946; 4:25 p. m.]

[Region VI Order G-110 Under SR 15]

Fluid M ilk in P h ilip , South D ak .For the reasons set forth in an opinion

issued simultaneously herewith, and un­der the authority vested in the Regional Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ministration by § 1499.75 (a) (9) of Sup­plementary Regulation No. 15 to the Gen­eral Maximum Price Regulation, it is ordered:

(a) Maximum distributor prices for sales to civilian purchasers. The maxi­mum prices for the sale and delivery of standard milk for human consumption at wholesale and retail in Philip, South Dakota, shall be the maximum prices de­termined under the General Maximum Price Regulation or the following prices, whichever shall be higher:

Container size Whole­sale Retail

$0.10H .06


. m . .04

Where the maximum price set forth is expressed in terms of Ya cent, the price charged for a single,„unit at retail may be increased to the next even cent. An op­portunity must, however, be given to each buyer to purchase two units for which the maximum price will be twice the sin­gle unit price. All sales at wholesale and home delivery sales at retail shall be considered multiple unit sales unless sep­arate collections are made for single units when delivered.

(b) Maximum distributor prices forsales to Army or Navy. The maximum price for the sale and delivery of fluid milk to the Army and Navy shall be the price at wholesale computed under para­graph (a) of this order for the particu­lar size and type of container, plus whichever of the following provisions is the higher: *

1. One-half cent per quart or a propor­tionate amount for a part of a quart.

2. The actual transportation costs from the seller’s plant to the point of delivery at the lowest common carrier rate.

(c) Applicability of distributor prices. For the purpose of paragraph (a) of this order, sales and deliveries within the Philip, South Dakota area shall mean:

(1) All sales made within the city lim­its of Philip, South Dakota and all sales

938 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

delivered from an establishment located in Philip, South Dakota.

<2) All sales of fluid milk by any seller at retail or from an establishment ob­taining the major portion of its supply of milk from a seller at wholesale located within Philip, South Dakota.

(d) Definitions. (1) Standard milk shall mean pasteurized cow’s milk hav­ing a butterfat content of not less than 3.2% or the legal minimum established by statute or municipal ordinanoe and distributed and sold for consumption in fluid form as whole milk.- (2) Sales at wholesale shall include all delivered sales to retail stores, restau­rants, schools, hospitals, prisons and other institutions.

<3) Army or Navy means the War De­partment or the Department of the Navy of the United States, including such De­partments’ sales stores, commissaries, ships’ stores, officers’ messes and stores operated as Army canteens or post ex­changes,

(e) Relation o f this order to Office o f Price Administration Regulation. Ex­cept as modified by this order, the pro­visions of the General Maximum Price Regulation shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be evaded by any change in business or trade practices.

<f) Revocability. This order may be revoked, amend«! or corrected at any time.

This order has been approved by the Secretary o f Agriculture.

This order shall be effective January 21, 1946.

Issued this 21st day of January 1946.R. E. W alters,

Regional Administrator.Approved: January IT, 1946.

T . G. S titts,Director, Dairy Branch, Pro­

duction and Marketing Ad­ministration, U. S. Depart­ment o f Agriculture.

[F. R. D oc .'46-112B; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;4:27 p. na.j

[Region VTI Rev. Order 0 -1 Under MPR 122]B i t u m in o u s C o al i n U in t a h C o u n t y ,

U tah

Revised Order No. G - l under Maxi­mum Price Regulation No. 122, including Amendments Nos. 1 to 4. Solid fuels sold and delivered by dealers. Revised order modifying prices for certain bituminous coal sold in Uintah County, Utah. Docket No. 7-122-259 (a) <2)-5.

Pursuant to the Emergency Price Con­trol Act of 1942, as amended, the Stabili­zation Act of 1942, as amended, and §§ 1340.259 (&7~(2) and 1349.260 of Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, and for the reasons set forth in the ac­companying opinion, this compilation of Revised Order No. G -l, including Amend­ments Nos. 1 to 3, heretofore issued, and Amendment No. 4, now incorporated herein, is issued.

<a) What this revised order does. This Revised Order No. G -l establishes dollars-and-cents maximum prices for

bituminous coal produced in Sub-district 17 of District 17, as defined in the Bitu­minous Coal Act of 1937, as amended, when sold delivered or f. o. b. yard in Uintah County, Utah, by any person.

(b) Geographical applicability. This Revised Order No. G - l under Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, including Amendments Nos. 1 to 4, is applicable only in the County of Uintah in the State of Utah.

(c) Relation to other orders. All pre­vious orders affecting the sale of the bi­tuminous coal described in paragraph <a) hereof and all amend: .rents thereto are hereby terminated and superseded as of the effective date of this compila­tion of Revised Order No. G -l under Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, including Amendments Nos. 1 to 4; and Order No. G-28 under Revised Max­imum Price Regulation No. 122 is like­wise superseded and is no longer appli­cable to the dollars-and-cents prices set forth in paragraph <d) hereof.

(d) Specific maximum prices. The maximum prices for the bituminous coal described in paragraph (a) hereof, when sold delivered or f. o. b. yard to any consumer or industrial user by any per­son, except sales of such bituminous coal delivered to the purchaser from a mine or preparation plant in a truck or con­veyance owned by or subject to the con­trol of the producer ©r distributor of the coal, shall be as follows:

Delevered prices * ■ F.O.B. yard pices

Litter designation and size

Jtaom , mine

From yard 1


Ton Hton Ton H

ton :


(A) 6" tamp........... $7. S5•$4.15$8.25'$4.50■$7.55$4.00(B) 1" x 6” ¡nut........ 7.i05 3.90 7.75 4. 25 7.05 8.75$C) l " x ¿ids" screened.

slack:Untreated_________ 6. Aß' 3.65 7.20 4.00 6.8D 3.50Oil treated..........__ 6.7$ 8.75 7.45 4.10 6.75 3.60

(D ) 1" x 0" slack: Untreated_________ 6.-05 3.40 6.7® 8.75 6.-05 3.25Oil treated________ 6.30 3.55 7.60 3.90 6.30 3.40

N ote: (i) For ■delivered sales in less then WPtoh lots, the maximum price shall be 750 per cwt; and for sales made f. o. b. yard in less than half-ton lots, the maximum price shall be 550 per cwt.

fri) For TecOTd-fceeping purposes, the letter designa­tion hereinabove set forth may be used to shew the kind of coal sold.

(e) Customary discounts and allow­ances must be maintained. Sellers sub­ject to this Revised Order No. G -l, as amended, must continue to maintain and give all of their customary discounts, allowances, and differentials.

(f) Bureau of the Budget approval. The reporting and record-keeping re­quirements of this revised order have been approved by the Bureau of the Budget in accordance with the Federal Reports Act of 1942.

(g) Records. Every person making a sale of coal upon which a maximum price is set by this Revised Order No. G -l, as amended, shall keep a record thereof showing the date; the name, and address of the buyer, if known; the per- net-ton price charged, and the kind and size of coal sold. The bituminous coal shall be identified in the manner in

which it is described in this revised or­der. The record shall, also separately state each service rendered and the charge made for it.

<h) Special service charges. I f in connection with a sale and delivery of coal made by you in the area covered hereby you, at the request of the pur­chaser, perform any one or more of the special services set forth below, the max­imum prices which you may charge for such special services are those stated below:

(1) Special service charges.


Per half ton

“ WfeeeMn” ®r ‘ ‘carry-to” -------------- / $0.60 i.251.00 i .25


<2) “Wheel-in” or “carry-in” means to transport coal from the vehicle in which delivery is made or from the nearest ac­cessible point of dumping or unloading and place the same in the buyer’s bin or storage space, when the physical condi­tion Df the premises is such as to prevent dumping or unloading directly into such bin or storage space.

<3) “Pull-back” or “ trimming” means to arrange and place coal in the buyer’s bin by rehandling the same for the pur­pose o f filling the bin; and the service charge for such “ pull-back” or “ trim­ming” shall apply only to thé amount of coal so rehandled.

<4) “ Carrying up or down stairs” means, generally, the labor involved in carrying coal up or down stairs for de­positing in customer’s bin or storage space.

(5) “Delivered” means placed in the buyer’s bin or storage space by dumping, chuting, or shoveling directly from the seller’s truck or vehicle, or where such delivery to the buyer’s bin or storage space is physically impossible, by dis* charging at the point nearest and most accessible to the buyer’s bin or storage space at which the coal can be discharged directly from the seller’s truck.

(i) Additional charge for delivering be­yond customary free delivery zone. For a delivery made to a place beyond the zone within which the seller has hereto­fore customarily made free delivery, an additional charge, not in excess of any such additional delivery charge regularly and customarily made by the seller in December 1941, may be added to the spe­cific maximum prices established by this Revised Order No. G -l, as amended. A seller who was not in business in Decem­ber 1941, or who i f in business during that time made no such extra-zone de­liveries, may take as his additional de­livery charge the charge Df his nearest competitor who was established in busi­ness and did make such extra-zone de­liveries in December 1941.

( j ) Licensing. The provisions of L i­censing Order No. 1. licensing all per­sons who make sales under price con­trol, are applicable to all sellers subject to this regulation or order. A seller’s license may be suspended for violation of the license or of one or more appli-

939FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

cable price schedules or regulations. A person whose license is suspended may not, during the period of suspension, make any sale for which his license has been suspended.

(k) Right to revoke or amend. This Revised Order No. G -l, as amended, may be revoked, modified, or amended at any time by the Price Administrator or the Regional Administrator.

Effective date. This Revised Order No. G -l shall'become effective on the 29th day of December 1945.

Issued this 29th day of December 1945.R ichard Y . B atterton ,Regional Administrator.

[P. R. Doc. 46-1119; Piled, Jan. 21, 1946;4:24 p. m.]

[Region VIII Rev. Order G -l Under RMPR 271]

P otatoes and O n io n s i n P ortland, O reg.A rea

For the reasons set forth in an opin­ion issued simultaneously herewith and under the authority vested in the Re­gional Administrator of the Office of Price Administration by section 11 (c)(3) of Revised Maximum Price Regula­tion No. 271, I t is hereby ordered, That Order No. G -l under that regulation.be amended and revised in its entirety to read as follows:

(a) Maximum prices at which inter­mediate sellers may sell potatoes and onions to other intermediate sellers. The maximum prices at which any in­termediate seller may sell potatoes or onions in less than carlot or less than trucklot quantities to another intermedi­ate seller shall be the “base price” , as determined under Section 11 (a) of Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 271, plus the appropriate markup of the following:




Potatoes (markups in cents perhundredweight) _______ _____ $0.35 $0.15

Onions (markups in cents per 50pounds)................................. :25 .10

(b) Definition. (1) “W a r e h o u s e ” means an established and permanent place of business, at which the seller maintains a permanent wholesale busi­ness for the warehousing of potatoes, onions, and/or other produce and (1) which has the equipment customarily used for warehousing potatoes, onions, and/or other produce, (2) at which stocks of potatoes, onions, ahd/or other produce being sold, are sold and dis­played in quantities reasonably adequate for, and usually carried for, the require­ments of such business, (3) which is rec­ognized in the trade as such warehouse, and (4) which is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to such places of business.

(2) “Warehoused” means potatoes and onions which have been physically handled into and have become part of

the stock and inventory of a “ ware­house” as herein defined.

(3) Other terms used in this order shall have the meanings set forth in Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 271 and section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

(c) This order shall apply to the Port­land District of the Office of Price Ad­ministration comprising the following counties: All counties in the State of Oregon, except Malheur County, and Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania, and Kahkiakum Counties in the State of Washington.

(d) This order may be revoked, amended, or corrected at any time.

This order shall become effective Jan­uary 15, 1946.

Issued this 4th day of January 1946.B en C. D u n iw a y ,

Regional Administrator.Approved: December 17, 1945.

C l in t o n P. A n d er so n ,Secretary o f Agriculture.

[P. R. Doc. 40-1139; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;4:31 p. m.]

L ist of C o m m u n it y C e il in g P rice O rders

The following orders under Revised General Order 51 were filed with the Division of the Federal Register January 10, 1946:

Region n

Philadelphia Order 6-P, Amendment 62, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the city and county of Philadelphia. Piled 9:52 a. m.

Philadelphia Order 11-F, Amendment 37, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the counties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery, Pennsylvania. Filed 9:52 a. m.

Philadelphia Order 12-F, Amendment 37, covering fresh fru its and vegetables in the counties of Berks, Lehigh and Northampton, Pennsylvania. Filed 9:52 a. m.

Trenton Order 9-C, covering poultry in Mercer county, New Jersey. Filed 9:52 a. m.

Wilmington Order 4-F, Amendment 69, covering fresh fru its and vegetables in the entire State of Delaware. Filed 9:52 a. m.

Region mLouisville Order 3-C, Amendment 5, cover­

ing poultry in Jefferson county, Kentucky, Clark and Floyd counties, Indiana. Filed 9:51 a. m.

Louisville Order 26, Amendments 5 andr6, covering dry groceries in Jefferson county^ Kentucky, and Clark and Floyd bounties, Indiana. Filed 9:52 and 9:51 a. m.

Louisville Order 27, Amendment 8, cover­ing dry groceries in Jefferson county, Ken­tucky, Clark and Floyd counties, Indiana. Filed 9:51 a. m. •

Louisville Order 28, Amendments 4 and 5, covering dry groceries in certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 9:51 a. m.

Louisville Orders 30 and 6-W, Amendment 5, covering dry groceries in certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 9:51 and 9:50 a. m.

Louisville Orders 5-W and 6-W, Amend­ments 5 and 6, covering dry groceries in cer­ta in counties in Kentucky. Filed 9:50 a. m.

Region IVColumbia Order 27-C, Amendment 2, cov­

ering poultry in . Richland and , Lexington counties, South Carolina in the Columbia, S. C., District. Filed 9:49 a. m.

Columbia Order 27-0, Amendment 2, cov­ering eggs in Richland and Lexington coun­ties, South Carolina in the Columbia S. C., District. Filed 9:56 a. m.

Columbia Order 8-F, Amendment 11, cov­ering fresh fruits and vegetables in the entire State of South Carolina. Filed 9:49 a. m.

Jacksonville Order 14-F, Amendment 11-A, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the municipal limits of the City of Jacksonville, Florida. Filed 9:50 a. m.

Richmond Order 8-F, Amendment 11, cov­ering fresh fruits and vegetables in the Nor­folk and Richmond areas. Filed 9:50 a. m.

Region V

Dallas Order 6-F, Amendment 13, covering fresh fru its and vegetables in McLennan county, Texas. Filed 10:06 a. m.

Houston Order 4-F, Amendments 24 and 25, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities and towns of Texas. Filed 10:07 a. m.

Houston Order 5-F, Amendments 24 and 25, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Jefferson and Orange counties, Texas. Filed 10:07 and 9:56 a. m.

Houston Order 6-F, Amendment 8, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas in Texas. Filed 9:56 a. m.

Houston Order 2-C, and 4-0, covering poul­try and eggs in Harris county, Texas. Filed 9:55 and 9:54 a. m.

Houston Order S^p, and 5-0, covering poul­try and eggs in Orange .and Jefferson coun­ties, Texas. Filed 9:49, 9:55 and 9:54 a. m.

Wichita Order 13-F, Amendment 8, cover­ing fresh fru its and vegetables in Sedgwick county, Kansas. Filed 9:49 a. m.

Wichita Order 14-F, Amendment 8, cover­ing fresh fruits and vegetables In certain counties in Kansas. Filed 9:49 a. m.

Wichita Order 15-F, Amendment 8, cover­ing fresh fruits and vegetables in counties of Chase, Coffey, Greenwood, Lyon, Marion and Mtorris, Kansas. Filed 9:49 a. m.

Wichita Order 16-F, Amendment 8, cover­ing fresh fruits and vegetables in Reno county, Kansas. Filed 9:48 a. m.

Wichita Order 17-F, Amendment 8, cover­ing fresh fruits and vegetables in Shawnee county, Kansas. Filed 9:48 a. m.

Region VIPeoria Order 43, Amendment 1, covering

dry groceries in certain counties in Illinois. Filed 9:46 a. m.

Chicago Order 3-0 , Amendments 1 and 2, covering eggs in Cook county, Illinois. Filed 9:48 a. m.

Peoria Order 7-F, Amendment 38, covering fresh fru its and vegetables in certain cities in the counties of Peoria and Tazewell. Filed 9:48 a. m.

Peoria Order 9-F, Amendments 38 and 39, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the cities of Bloomington and Normal, Illinois. Filed 9:48 a. m. and 9:47 a. m.

Peoria Order 11-F, Amendment 12, cover­ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the county of Winnebago, Illinois. Filed 9:47 a. m.

Peoria Order 12-F, Amendment 5, cover­ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas in Illinois. Filed 9:47 a. m.

Peoria Order 13-F, Amendment 8, covering fresh fru its and vegetables in Knoxville, Galesburg and Monmouth, Illinois. Filed 9:47 a. m.

Peoria Order 14-F, Amendment 9, cover­ing fresh fru its and vegetables in certain cities in Will and Kankakee, counties, Illinois. Filed 9:47 a. m.

Peoria Order 15-F, Amendment 9, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the county of LaSalle, Illinois. Filed 9:47 a. m.

Region V IIAlbuquerque Order 8-F, Amendment 40,

covering fresh fru its and vegetables in the Albuquerque area including the city of Al­buquerque. Filed 9:46 a. m.

940 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

Region VIIIPortland Order 32-F, Amendment 10, cov­

ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas in Oregon. Piled 9:46 a. m.

San Francisco Order 37, covering dry gro­ceries in certain counties in California. Filed 9:46 a. m.

Spokane Order 8-F, Amendment 48, cover­ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas of Spokane county, Washington. Filed 9:54 a. m.

Spokane Order 9-F, Amendment 48, cover­ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas of Kootenai county, Idaho. Filed 9:54 a. m.

Spokane Order lO-F, Amendment 47, cov­ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas of Shoshone and Kootenai counties, Idaho. Filed 9:54 a. m.

Spokane Order 11-F, Amendment 47, cov­ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas of Latah county, Idaho and W hitman county, Washington. Filed 9:56 a. m.

Spokane Order 12-F, Amendment 47, cov­ering fresh fru its and vegetables ih certain areas of Asotin county, Washington and Nez Perce county, Idaho, Filed 9:53 a. m.

Spokane Order 13-F, Amendment 51, cov­ering fresh fru its and vegetables in certain areas of Columbia and Walla Walla counties, Washington. Filed 9:53 a. m.

Spokane Order 14-F, Amendment 49, cov­ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas of Benton and Franklin counties, Wash­ington. Filed 9:52 a. n .

Copies of any Of these orders may be obtained from the OPA Office in the designate^ city.

E rvin H. P ollack, Secretary.

[F. R. Doc. 46-1215; Filed,' Jan. 22, 1946;4:22 p. m.]

[Region VIII Order G-10 Under RMPR 122]

Solid F uels in Oregon

For ,the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and un­der the authority vested in the Regional Administrator of Region V III of the Of­fice of Price Administration under §§ 1340.259 and 1340.260 of Revised Max­imum Price Regulation 122, and the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, it is hereby ordered:

(a) What this order does. (1) This order establishes area maximum prices of certain solid fuels sold within the de­scribed trade areas of the State of Ore­gon. The applicable general provisions are contained in the paragraphs that follow. The special provisions and dollars-and-cents prices applicable in the individual trade areas are established by separate appendices in paragraph (i) hereof. A special provision of an indi­vidual appendix shall control if any such special provision is contrary to or incon­sistent with any general provision of this order. This order applies only to the solid fuels for which maximum prices are provided and only in those trade areas covered by the appendices.

(2) The maximum prices established herein supersede all maximum prices of the specified solid fuels previously estab­lished under Revised Maximum Price Regulation 122 or any orders issued thereunder.

(3) Maximum prices established by this order may not be increased to reflect increases in mine costs, transportation costs or any other cost.

(4) Less than maximum prices may be charged, paid or offered.

(b) To what sales this order applies.(1) This order applies to all sales of coal of the kinds specified in a particular ap­pendix, where delivery is made, either to the premises of the buyer or on a f. o. b. yard basis, to any person within the trade area covered by that appendix. The max­imum prices which may be charged therefor are set forth in such appendix.

(2) This order also applies to sales where delivery is made from a point with­in the trade area to a copsumer at a point outside such trade area. On such sales and deliveries, the dealer may make a de­livery charge in addition to the maxi­mum price applicable to a sale covered by sub-paragraph (1) above, not greater than the extra charge he regularly made for the same or a similar delivery in De­cember 1941. I f a dealer made no similar delivery during December 1941, his maxi­mum delivery charge is that of his near­est competitor who did make the same or similar delivery in December 19411.

(c) Applicability of Revised Maximum Price Regulation 122. Except as other­wise provided herein^ all provisions of Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation 122 re­main in full force and effect, including, but not limited to, those sections cover­ing prohibited practices, definitions, en­forcement and licensing.

(d) Taxes. In addition to the maxi­mum price established herein, the follow­ing amount may be collected, provided it is separately stated on the invoice: The amount of Federal Tax upon the trans­portation of property imposed by section 620 of the Revenue Act of 1942 actually paid or incurred by the dealer, or an amount equal to the amount of such tax paid by any supplier and separately stated and collected from the dealer by the sup­plier from whom he purchased.

(e) Definitions. As used herein, the term:

(1) “Bituminous coal” means all bitu­minous coal including high volatile anpl

4ow volatile coal and coal known to the trade as Sub-Bituminous A covered by the individual price tables in the ap­pendices.

(2) “F. o. b. yard” means delivered at the dealer’s place of business loaded on the purchaser’s vehicle or other convey­ance.

(3) “Delivered to buyers premises” in­cludes delivery into the buyer’s bin or storage facility where such delivery can be made directly from the dealer’s truck by use of shovels and chutes or by direct dumping.

(4) “Ton” means 2,000 pounds net weight.

(5> “Carrying” or “ wheeling” means moving the coal from the vehicle in which delivery has been made or from the most accessible point where the coal has been dumped or is being unloaded into the buyer’s bin or other storage facility where the physical condition of the premises is such as to prevent un­loading or dumping directly from the truck into such bin or other storage facility.

(6) “Dealer” means any person selling solid fuels of any kinds or sizes for which a maximum price is established by an appendix to this order for sales and de­

liveries made in the, area covered by such appendix, but does not include transac­tions whereby a producer-or a distributor makes a sale at or from a mine or prepa­ration plant operated as ah adjunct of a mine.

( f ) Records and reports. (1) Each dealer shall maintain the records re­quired in § 1340.262 (a) and (b) of Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation 122, except that the dollar-and-cent maxi­mum prices established by this order heed not be reported pursuant to para­graph (c) of said section.

(g ï Posting of maximum prices, sales slips, and receipts. ( ! ) Every dealér of solid fuels shall post at his place of busi­ness in a manner plainly visible to and understandable by the purchasing public, all of the maximum prices established herein which are applicable to his^sales, and shall keep a copy of this order avail -

1 able for examination by any person dur­ing ordinary business hours.. (2) Every dealer subject to this order shall, either at the time of, or within thirty days after the date of a sale or delivery governed by this order, give to his purchaser an invoice, sales slip, or receipt, and shall keep an exact copy thereof for so long as this order is in effect or for so long as the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, shall permit, whichever period is longer, showing the following information:

The name and address of the seller and the purchaser, the kind, size and quan­tity of solid fuels sold, the date of the sale or delivery, and the price charged. In addition, he shall separately state on each such invoice, sales slip, , or receipt, the amount if any, of additional charges which are required to be separately stated by the terms of the order or ap­pendix.

(h) Petitions for âmendment. (1) Any person seeking an amendment of any provisions of this order may file a peti­tion for amendment in accordance with the provisions of Revised Procedural Regulation No. 1, except that the peti­tion shall be addressed to and filed with the Regional Administrator of the Eighth Regional Office of the Office of Price Ad­ministration, San Francisco 3, California.

(i) Maximum prices for certain trade areas in the Statè of Oregon (See ap­pendices attached hereto).

(j) This order may be revoked, amended, or corrected at any time. -

This order becomes effective January 10, 1946.

Issued this 29th day of December 1945.Ben C. Duniway,

Regional Administrator.Appendix I—Pendleton TrAdè Area

(1) To w hat th is Append ix I applies. This Appendix I applies only to sales made by dealers in the Pendleton trade area di the State of Oregon, which includes all of the area within the corporate city limits of the City of Pendleton and the area within a ra­dius of three miles surrounding the corpor­ate city limits.

(2) M a x im u m prices. The maximum prices for sales of bituminous coal in the Pendleton trade area either f. o. b. the yard or delivered to the premises of the buyer of any one or more kinds and sizes of coals shall be those prescribed In the appropriate table hereunder.







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<0FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

942 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 24, 1946

ing and paperhanging services performed in the following areas:

In the State of Idaho. The Counties of Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clear­water, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Shoshone.

In the State of Washington. The Counties of Adams, Asotin, Benton, Co­lumbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Gar­field, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spo­kane, Stevens, Walla Walla, and Whit­man, and that portion of Okanogan County lying south of a line extending northeast from the most northerly point of Douglas County.

(b) Maximum prices. The maximum price for painting and pa per hanging services shall be the sum of a charge, for labor, a charge for the materials used, and such other charges as may be per­mitted by this order. The maximum charge for labor shall be the sum of sep­arate charges determined by multiplying the number of hours of labor performed in each category by the maximum hourly rate provided for that category by sub- paragraph (b) (1). The maximum price of the materials used shall be as is pro­vided by subparagraph <b> (2). The maximum prices established by this order include all expenses and no additional charge shall be made for any other cost or incidental service except as may be permitted by this order.

(1) Maximum labor charges, (i) For sellers who employ one or more workmen, the maximum hourly rate for each em­ployee shall be the legal labor cost per hour multiplied fey 1.50 (rounded to the nearest 5 cents). The hourly rate for such seller (if he performs some of the work himself) shall be, and the hourly rate for each employee shall not exceed.

For sellers Whose place of business nearest to the point where the work is performed is—

For all paper­

hanging and for brush

painting j&t levels of 76' or


For all spray

painting and for outside bruSh

paintjpg at levels of more than 75'

In Spokane County, Wash.......... $2.20 $2.60In Benton or Franklin Counties,

Wash., that part of Okanogan s County covered by this order,

or that part of Grant County,' Wash., located within the city of Grand Coulee or within 3 miles of the limits of such city... 2.10 2.50

In Kootenai, Latah, Nez Perce, or Shoshone Counties, Idaho; Aso­tin or Walla Walla Counties, Wash.; or that part of Whitman County, Wash., located within the city of Pullman or within 3 miles of the limits of such city.,. 2.06 2.45

In any other area______________ _ •1.90 2.25

(it) For sellers who employ no work­men but who perform their own work on the job, the basic maximum hourly rate shall be 80 per cent (rounded to the nearest 5 cents) of the applicable dol- lars-and-cents rate provided in subpara­graph (i) above.

(iii) Measurement of hours. The to­tal number of hours per workman

chargeable against any job is to be com­puted from the time such workman leaves the seller’s shop or the previous job (whichever is later) until he com­pletes the job (if he proceeds to another job) or until he returns to the shop (if he proceeds there directly), excluding, however, any stops or delays in transit. For any job extending into more than one day, time in transit to and from the job may be charged only once. The hours for which charges are made shall not exceed those shown in the seller’s payroll nor those shown on any records or invoices which this order may require the seller to prepare, issue, or keep.

(iv) Overtime work may be charged for at the rate of one and one-half times the rate provided above, but only if per­formed at the customer’s request and only if the employee (if any) is paid on an overtime basis, and only if the work is performed on Saturday, Sunday; .a legal holiday, or after the performance of eight hours of straight time work on a given day and before 8:00 a. m. of the following day.

(v) Minimum charge. I f a job re­quires less than one man-hour there may be collected a minimum charge equal to the rate for one hour.

(2) Materials. The maximum price of any materials used shall be the maxi­mum price provided by the appropriate maximum price regulation for sales of such materials at retail or the seller’s cost (not exceeding legal cost) plus 33V5% whichever is lower. Any unused materials charged to the customer shall become the property of the customer.

(3) Other charges— (i) Mileage. For necessary travel to and from a job out­side a seller’s “free delivery zone’’, mile­age may be charged at the rate of 5 cents per mile per job per day. Mileage is to be measured along the most direct cus­tomary route between the seller’s nearest place of business and the point at Which the work is performed and may not be charged for travel within a seller’s “ free delivery zone.” This zone is the area surrounding such place of business and extending for the following distance therefrom:

Radius o f seller’s " free delivery zone”

Seller’s location: {m ile s )Spokane County, W ash.____________ 20All other areas_____________________ 5(c) Definitions. (1) “Painting and

paperhanging services” means the paint­ing of any building, structure, or con­struction project, or any part, fixture, or equipment thereof, or the application of any wall paper or decorating or surface­finishing paper, or any paint, calcimine, shellac, varnish, or any other protective or ornamental coating thereto, and also includes all services incidental thereto, such as cleaning and preparation of sur­faces, or cleaning of premises.

(d) Jobs selling for more than $200.00. For jobs selling for more than $200.00 the maximum price shall be the maxi­mum price provided by this order or the maximum price provided by Sec. 7 of

Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251, whichever is lower. When deter­mining a price under Sec. 7 for the pur­pose of this order, the seller shall use the sum of his labor costs, material costs, and other direct cocts, and a margin not exceeding the margin used on the most comparable job in the period Jan. 1,1939 to March 31, 1942, or, for sellers not in business in March 1942, a margin not exceeding 30% of the sum of labor, ma­terial, and other direct costs.

(e) Guaranteed prices. Where a seller offers to supply a painting or. paperhanging service covered by this or­der on the basis of a guaranteed price, the seller agreeing to charge a fixed amount, such guaranteed price may not exceed the maximum price established by this order. With respect to such job the seller shall keep records and furnish invoices as required by other paragraphs of this order.

(f) Lower prices than the maximum prices established by this order may be charged, demanded, offered, or paid.

(g) Records and invoices. Every per­son making sales^subjectj to* this order must keep a record showing the time spent by each employee on each job in­volving painting and paperhanging serv­ices, the wage rate for such employee, the names and addresses of the buyer and seller, and the location of the job, and the date Of its completion. Such seller shall also furnish each customer an invoice or sales slip on Which he has itemized the same information and on which he has certified that the price charged does not exceed the price per­mitted by this Order No. G-14.under Re­vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251. These records and duplicates of sübh invoices or such sales slips shall be kept by the seller at his place of busi­ness and shall be available for inspection by the Office of Price Administration.

(h) Relation of this order to Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251. Except as otherwise provided in this or­der, this order supersedes Sections 6, 7, and 8 of Revised Maximum Price Regu­lation No. 251 with respect to sales cov­ered by this order. Except to the ex­tent they are inconsistent with the pro­visions of this order, however, all other sections of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251, together with all amendments thereto that have been or may be issued, shall apply to sales cov­ered by this order. As to such services it also supersedes any other order issued under section 9 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251.

(i ) This order may be revoked, amended, or corrected at any time.

This order shall become effective No­vember 26, 1945.

Issued this 8th day of November 1945.G u y R. K insley ,

Acting Regional Administrator.[F. R. Doc. 46-1134; Filed, Jan. 21, 1946;

4:29 p. m.]