wari wood containers and cups


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Natural fragility, climate, and time have made ancient wood objects relatively scarce, but surviving examples suggest that wood was an important Wari artistic medium. Large-scale wood objects—three-dimensional sculpture, architectural decoration carved in relief, and the like—have not been reported. Rather, wood was used mostly to create small, ornate objects of various kinds, among them elite personal ornaments (see pp. 217–31, “Inlaid and Metal Ornaments”) and staffs of author-ity,1 containers, cups and spoons, and weav-ing implements. Some have shell and colored stone inlays or now-empty depressions that likely once held such inlays. Find-spots are usually unknown but preservation and avail-able records indicate that most wood objects were buried in the dry sands of Peru’s coastal regions, away from the more rainy highlands where the Wari heartland is located.

Small sculpturally elaborate containers, a few recovered scientifically on the coast, are

Wood Containers and CupsSusan E. Bergh

among the most common surviving Wari wood objects.2 Aside from their presumed final use as offerings in tombs or other contexts, little is known about the previous function of these handsome objects, which have receptacles that are usually cylindrical and plugged at the bot-tom and top with separately carved stoppers.3 They have been identified as containers for lime powder (made from a calcium carbonate source such as shell or limestone).4 The lime would have been added with a small spoon or spatula to a lump of coca leaves that were chewed, probably for their mildly stimulating physical effects as well as for social and ritual reasons.5 But the interiors of the containers usually have not been examined for lime resi-due. One exception bears no evidence of lime on its roughly carved inner surface—only now-invisible traces of cinnabar (mercuric sulfide), the red-orange pigment that is more evident on the exterior, particularly in recess-es (fig. 233).6 Thus, at least this container prob-

Figure 233 [164]. Sacrificer container (front, back, and side views); wood and cinnabar; 10.8 x 7 x 7.5 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, John L. Severance Fund 2007.193.a–b.


ably did not hold lime. It may be that contents varied with circumstances and container type.

It also could be that the contents had a re-lationship with the container’s artistic subject matter, very often supernatural creatures with fanged mouths that sometimes are winged and commonly throttle or hold small humans, represented either in toto or by the head alone. One unusually complex container makes it clear that this imagery alludes to sacrifice: a feline-headed being, its magnificently carved face surrounded by appendages that suggest a connection to the staff deity, draws a knife across the throat of the human it holds across its lap by the hair (fig. 233). The aftermath of this drama may be referenced by the two identically coiffed human heads that hang

from the feline’s belt, overlapping bird-headed bands that spring from ankle ornaments. (Such bands emerge more clearly from the feline’s wristlets.) A third head dangles, ap-parently by its trachea, from the beak of a bird head at the back of the headdress from which descend the feline’s long tresses, each tipped by a zoomorphic head depicted in profile. At the sides of the headdress, trimmed with upright elements that may represent a crown of feathers, are additional figures with arms raised above their heads. They seem to be hu-man, although their faces are now eroded.7

The supernatural beings that this group of containers portrays, then, are predators and other details of imagery reinforce the con-nection: the small felines occasionally found on the shoulders or in the headdress of the main figure; the hooked raptor-like beaks of the bird heads used as ornaments; and, in one instance, the axe- and shield-bearing warrior who appears on the container’s back.8 A curi-ous relative of the group is an example that assumes the shape of a winged animal-headed creature with upright ears, toothy mouth, and open, empty hands. Identified variously as a bat, a fox, or a feline, it carries on its back a trachea and a heart that nests between lungs, all rendered three-dimensionally (fig. 234). Although the organs have not been identified as to species, they could be human.9

The precise identities and meanings of these figures are unknown but the sacrifice with which they are associated may have had

Figure 234. Winged super-natural creature container (front and back); wood, pigment, and shell; H. 8.5 cm. Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, Munich, NM186.

Figure 235. Prisoner container (front and back); wood, bone inlay, pigment; 7.6 x 3.8 x 3.3 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New york, Purchase, Rogers Fund and Carol R. Meyer and Arthur M. Bullowa Gifts, 1977, 1977.376. Image: © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, Ny.


correlates in religious practices; archaeolo-gists found human heads buried in the floor of one Wari D-shaped temple at Conchopata, and the heads had been severed rather than re-moved from the already-dead bodies of ances-tors.10 If these heads represent sacrifices and not war trophies, it is likely that, as in other places of the world, the sacrifice was solemnly undertaken as a renewal rite that enticed the benevolence of cosmic forces through offering of the most precious material available (see pp. 103–21, “The Coming of the Staff Deity”). As the anthropologist Victor Turner observed, sacrificial immolation opens a channel be-tween the visible and invisible, and ritual kill-ing, which like the birth process involves the flow of blood, can be thought to give life and animate, even as it slays. According to Turner, in complex societies like Wari, sacrifice may also factor in other state-sponsored rituals and with them serve as a way to regulate boundar-ies and maintain structure at the level of the state.11 Although many of the supernatural beings depicted in the wood containers have associations with sacrifice, a few do not and instead carry staffs or other objects in their hands.

Another important category of containers depicts humans of various kinds, the most identifiable of whom are warriors, recognized by the weapons that they carry, and prisoners. The fine example shown in Figure 235 kneels, hands tied behind his back; the cotton yarn that remains attached to the container at his wrists may refer to a restraining rope. The upper body is incised with a grid that could represent a checkerboard tunic, and long braids of hair fall onto his back from beneath a feline-head cap or helmet. The meaning of the designs painted on the face and the disk of bone that inlays the chest is unknown. The identities of other human-shaped contain-ers are less clear. Some of these figures carry objects including cups or other vessels in their hands; a few wear elite ornaments but are otherwise not elaborately attired.

Containers in the form of either felines or foxes also exist. In one favored type, the animal sits on its haunches with body up-right and hands grasping a rod-like object that rests on a small, square platform between the

Figure 236 [163]. Animal container; wood, shell, and stone; H. 4.4 cm. American Museum of Natural History, New york, 41.2/8599. Image: cour-tesy American Museum of Natural History, Anthropology. Photo: Craig Chesek.

creature’s feet (fig. 236). Whether this activ-ity refers to grinding, fire making, digging, or something else is unclear.12 Occasionally the rod and platform are replaced by a hu-man head.13 In the container illustrated, shell inlays create a pelt-like pattern over the body and eye ornaments include a feather-like motif above the eye and a “tear band” that falls from the lower lid onto the cheek.

Other containers also survive and sug-gest that in antiquity a wider range of forms and types was common. One notable example takes the shape of a human male seated atop a small, kayak-like boat made of lashed totora, a buoyant shoreline reed.14 Such boats occasion-ally also occur elsewhere in Wari iconography (fig. 103) and are still in use today in coastal regions of Peru and Bolivia’s Lake Titicaca.

A small number of wood cups, or keros, carved with intricate iconography in the Wari style are known, and they invariably feature supernatural imagery. For instance, encircling


the circumference of one is a relief register with four winged staff-bearing figures that in other contexts appear as the staff deity’s profile companions (fig. 13).15 The cup’s figures are of two types that alternate: one casts its animal head upward so that it gazes at the cup’s rim; the other, which has the hooked beak of a raptor, faces forward. In both, the wing’s feathers and the appendage that flows backward from the neck are tipped with small zoomorphic heads that align vertically behind the body. Such figure pairs are also known in

tapestry-woven tunics and imply that dual-istic thought inflected Wari religion (see pp. 159–91, “Tapestry-woven Tunics”). Other cups feature a fanged frontal head, executed in high relief, that sometimes has hair-like appendages like the staff deity’s. It is not clear, however, whether these heads represent versions of the staff deity or its occasional associate, a sacri-ficer. Wood cups may have been used during feasting ceremonies to drink chicha (native corn beer) or other beverages.

1. Staffs are crucial in Wari iconography and are assumed to have been important symbols of rulership but very few are known archaeologically, perhaps because most were made of perishable wood. One apparent exception, a frag-ment today in a private collection, has a finial carved as a standing, staff-bearing supernatural creature flanked by felines.

2. Ravines (1981, 161–62) reports that finely made wood containers have been recovered from Middle Horizon tombs at Ancón on the cen-tral coast. See Lapiner (1976, 240) for several reported find-spots on the south and central coasts (respec-tively, perhaps Coyungo in the Nasca Valley and the Huacho-Pativilca region). Two containers in Berlin are said to come from Pachacamac (VA 40419 and VA 40420).

3. The stoppers, particularly the top one, are today often missing.

4. Trout 2006.

5. For aspects of coca’s meaning among contemporary Quechua-speakers of the Peruvian highlands, see, for example, Allen 1981.

6. The analysis was performed in 2007 by Ellen Howe of the Sherman Fairchild Center for Objects Conservation at the Metropolitan Museum of Art with visual micros-copy and X-ray fluorescence spec-troscopy (XRF).

7. A sample from this container yielded a radiocarbon age of cal. 769–887 AD (95 percent confidence interval). My thanks to Joerg Haeberli for his advice about radio-carbon issues.

8. This container is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1978.412.142).

9. Schindler (2000, 142) identifies the creature as a bat and suggests that the organs are animal and related to divination. See also Cook (this volume, p. 112). Jim Kennedy of Bat Conservation International, Inc., kindly provided an opinion about the creature’s heritage based on photographs of this container. According to Kennedy, the face and ears are bat-like but the creature lacks other features limited to bats, such as a noseleaf, and the wings are distinctly bird-like. Thus, he could make no positive bat identification.

10. For example, Tung 2008, 294; Tung and Knudson 2008; Tung et al. 2007.

11. Turner 1977, 201–2.

12. Conklin (1970, 21–22) suggests that fire drilling may be depicted in one Middle Horizon tapestry.

13. The head is reminiscent of one featured in ear ornaments (see fig. 203).

14. This container is also at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1978.412.250). See Vranich et al. 2005 for totora boats.

15. This cup is said to come from Cahuachi on the south coast or, perhaps, from the Huacho-Pativilca region of the central coast (Lapiner 1976, cat. 568).




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