vendors and social order

Commenting on social order in Harare Social Order vs. Vendors The idea of relocating vendors taken by Harare City council ,Bulawayo city council and the Ministry of Local Governance ,Public Works And National Housing chaired by Igneous Chombo is a noble idea in restoration of social order .The problem can only raise when the city fathers have no enough space to accommodate these people like what happened during the operation MurambaTsvina era or the cleanup campaign initiated by the ministry of Local Governance ,Public Works And National Housing representing the Central Government. This time around city fathers are trying to restore order in main cities such as Harare formerly known as Salisbury before independence .The city is well known for its tidiness, its favourable temperatures for both tourist and farmers and its attractiveness of tall glass and iron buildings. Harare is the capital city of Republic of Zimbabwe and it originates as a central market of agricultural products. Today the town has developed to be a tourist attraction with its green gardens ,such as The mega Harare Gardens and Africa Unity Square .Bulawayo is the second largest city in Zimbabwe and it is known as the City of Kings, because of its rich history of powerful kings who ruled the land between Zambezi and Limpopo before the coming of the white men in particular the pioneer column .Thus, relocating 1

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Commenting on social order in Harare

Social Order vs. VendorsThe idea of relocating vendors taken by Harare City

council ,Bulawayo city council and the Ministry of Local

Governance ,Public Works And National Housing chaired by

Igneous Chombo is a noble idea in restoration of social

order .The problem can only raise when the city fathers have

no enough space to accommodate these people like what

happened during the operation MurambaTsvina era or the cleanup

campaign initiated by the ministry of Local Governance ,Public

Works And National Housing representing the Central

Government. This time around city fathers are trying to

restore order in main cities such as Harare formerly known as

Salisbury before independence .The city is well known for its

tidiness, its favourable temperatures for both tourist and

farmers and its attractiveness of tall glass and iron

buildings. Harare is the capital city of Republic of Zimbabwe

and it originates as a central market of agricultural

products. Today the town has developed to be a tourist

attraction with its green gardens ,such as The mega Harare

Gardens and Africa Unity Square .Bulawayo is the second

largest city in Zimbabwe and it is known as the City of Kings,

because of its rich history of powerful kings who ruled the

land between Zambezi and Limpopo before the coming of the

white men in particular the pioneer column .Thus, relocating


of vendors from Central Business Districts is a reasonable

step being taken to restore the status of cities at the same

time it is a step taken to maintain social order in big

cities, hence creating a peaceful environment for both

citizens and foreigners to carryout

Their business activities freely.

This paper is going to focus more on Harare the capital city of

Zimbabwe. The Sun Shine City.


In early 1990s theSun shine city [Harare] streets and

pavements were still clean and free and this was beautiful

indeed .Today one cannot tell a good story aboutHarare Central

Business District. The same congestion at Mbare Musika which

is one of the biggest local market place for all agricultural

produce , is the same congestion that one can experience


walking or doing shopping in Harare CBD.Today vendors are

everywhere in Harare and Bulawayo CBDs.Vendors are found on

front of supermarkets, fast food cafes and fashion shops

selling tomatoes, vegetables,

stationary,shoes,clothes[bhero]traditional fruits such as

tsubvu,mazhanje and matowe.Not all of these vendors are not

paying tax to the city council of Harare and Bulawayo, thus

they contributing little to the economy of Zimbabwe than

expected considering their huge numbers.Therefore,the idea of

relocating them outside the CBD and the idea of vendors being

registered using some electronic cards is crucial tax payment


The reasons why vending should be formalised and why vendors

should be relocated to designated areas around Harare

:[1]If vendors pay tax this will widen the resource base of

city councils

[2] Removal of vendors from the CBD will reduce congestion

[3]Removal of vendors from the CBD will reduce cases of pick


[4]Removal of vendors in the CBD will reduce the spread of

diseases such as cholera in case of its out break

[5]Relocating vendors will help those shop owners in the CBD

who are paying tax to enjoy their profits.

[6]Relocating vendors from street pavements will allow free

movement of shoppers.


[7] Relocating of vendors from streets will also reduce

accidents in the CBD

[8]Relocating of vendors from streets and pavements will

reduce dumping of refuses in streets.

[9]Vendors should be removed from the CBD because there are

the main culprits of book piracy and all other forms of piracy

activities [Photos by The Sunday Mail, 31 May 2015]

Below are photos taken by Sunday Mail showing vendors displaying pirated DVDs

and Books inHarare streets.


Thus, all the reasons stated above at the end of the day are a

foundation of creating peace and sounding relationships

between following people

Types of Conflicts in the streets of Harare and Bulawayo

[1]Shop owners and vendors,

[2]Shop owners and city council

[3]Vendors and municipal police

[4] Vendors and vendors

[5]Vendors and shoppers

[6] Vendors and book publishers and book shops

[6]Pedestrians and drivers

[7] Zimbabwe Republic Police and thieves

[8] Vendors and kombi drivers [commuter omnibus drivers]

The first photo is showing Harare CBD before vending was

a profession

The second photo is showing congestion in Harare at East

Gate Food Court when vending was now aprofessional

professionfor many due to economical challenges in early



Challenges that can be faced by City Councils and the vendorsduring the process of relocating

Poor structures for vendors to selling ine.g. lack of

selling tables and standardised shades

These new market places will heavily the price of goods

at Mbare Musika

Poor sanitation in places that vendors will be operating


The areas or selling places are generally gravel this

will affect business during the reason

Some of the proposed areas are far away from potential

customers who works in the CBD e.g. Rotten Roll area

Poor lighting facilities


Lack of funds to develop these newly proposed areas can

be stumbling block looking at the economic status of both

Bulawayo and Harare city councils

Politics can also affect the process with some pre mature

politician taking sides not for the seek of order or

justice but only to gain popularity in the eyes of

desperate vendors.

The number of vendors is larger than the area

proposed[over population]

The implementation and enforcement process can delay the

process of relocating vendors the due date passed and

vendors are still refusing to move.

Corruption can also delay the process some

corruption activities have already been reported during

the registration of vendors.

The question of who is to be left behind in the town and

who to be relocated can affect the whole process e.g. air

time vendors are they going to be relocated?

The list of challenges is endless due to some social dynamics

that may takeplace. This include political interferences and

Non Governmental Organisation interference .A number of civil

societies in Harare are challenging the idea of moving vendors

outside the CBD.No one knows the base of their argument

because the dead line 26 June 2015 has passed already also the

constitution is silent on the issues of vending.Nontheless,

selfglory seeking politicians are taking the opportunity to be

heroes of vendors by challenging the idea of relocating

vendors. This shows that not only vendors are enemies of


social order in Harare but even some politicians and some

partisan civil societies are foes of social order in Harare.

A Photo of Harare CBD Today showing vendors spreading their

goods on pavements.

The reasons why vendors should operate in town and not at

the peripheral

There are more customers in town comparing with those at

the peripheral or the so called designated sites

Vendors are supplementing the gap that is left by

supermarkets e.g. selling of traditional fruits such as

matamba,tsubvu and matohwe

Vendors sell cheap goods that are affordable by the

locals in these economic hardships

Vendors heavily influences prices charged by shop owners

in the CBD .[over charging ]


Vending is now a profession for many Zimbabwean due to

the closure of industries in early 1990s

Nonetheless ,it is their right to earn a living through

vending if proper jobs are not being provided


By and large, restoration ofsocial order in big cities in

Zimbabwe is vital as it will attract a number of foreigners to

operate in the country, social order will also restore the

status co of the capital city, and social order will also pave

a room for peace within big cities in Zimbabwe. Relocating

vendors to designated areas will also reduce congestion in the

CBD of Harare and Bulawayo. Relocation of vendors will also

create a formal way of vendors to operate and they will grew

fast to be businessmen and businesswomen. The councils will

also benefit much as the vendors will be paying tax in a more

orderly manner than earlier.Nontheless, Minister Chombo and

Nyoni should not just shout for vendors to be relocated to

designated areas that are poorly built., areas that are far

away from customers, areas that has poor sanitations which is

big risk of cholera outbreak, no selling tables, no proper

lighting and poor form of security. For politician please stay

away from these vendor issues for you are going to affect the

whole process, due to your political interests and agendas.

People of Zimbabwe should understand that social order in


Harare and Bulawayo is a step towards peace and sustainable


Author: Gwarada Tatenda

Peace and Governance second year student at Bindura University

of Science Education

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