unit one . 2015 note 12th class

Unit One

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Unit One

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


English Pronouns

Subject pronoun

Object pronoun

Possessive Adjective

Possessive pronoun Reflexive pronoun

With noun Without noun

I Me My pen Mine Myself

You You Your hand Yours Yourself/yourselves

They Them Their books Theirs Themselves

We Us Our parliament Ours Ourselves

He Him His father His Himself

She Her Her mother Hers Herself

It it Its colour itself

I bought a pen He told me good news. This is your pen. This pen is mine. You have to test yourself before the final exam.

Auxiliary verbs A. Verb to be

be-am-is-are-was-were 1. Present tense

Subject + am/is/are + noun/Adj. + complement. I am a pupil at 12th grade. He is happy in the park. She is at home. We are proud of our government. They are not looser. Are you a clerk?

2. Pasttense Subject + was/were + noun/Adj. + complement.

I was a pupil at 12th grade last year. He was happy in the park yesterday morning. She was at home last night. We were proud of our government on 1992. They were not looser a week ago. Were you a clerk?

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


3. Present continuous Subject + am/is/are + V.(-ing) + object .

I am studying hard for the test regularly. She is waiting at the bus stop now. We are chatting on face book every day. It is crying loudly. Please stop it. He is not neglecting his homework. Are your parents watching TV now?

4. Past continuous

Subject + was/were + V.(-ing) + object . I was studying hard for the last weeks test. She was waiting at the bus stop before this afternoon. We were chatting on face book yesterday. It was crying loudly last hour. He was not neglecting his homework a day ago. Were your parents watching TV last night?

5. Future plan

Subject + am / is / are + going to + base + object . He is going to learn English tomorrow. They are not going to hurt their friends. Are you going to buy a new car? I am going to write my new book. We are going to keep in touch with other.

6. Plan in past

Subject + was/were + going to + base + object . He was going to learn English tomorrow. They were not going to hurt their friends. Were you going to buy a new car? I was going to write my new book. We were going to keep in touch with other.

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


B. Verb to do do – does – did

1. Present simple Subject + verb (present) + Object .

I play tennis. (Q/ Do you play tennis?) They always get high marks. (Q/ Do they always get high marks?) We usually wake up early in the morning.(Negative/ We don’t usually wake up

early in the morning. ) You sometimes lose your attention. (Negative/ You do not anytime lose….) He often sends me nice e-mails. (Q/ Does he often send you nice e-mails?) She always speaks truth. (Q/ Does she always speak truth?) It generally contains of toys. (Negative/ It doesn’t generally contain of toys.)

2. past simple Subject + verb (past (-ed)) + Object .

I completed all my homework last night. (Negative/ I did not complete all …) He built a house a year ago. (Q/ Did he build a house a year ago?) They used their farmland for crops last two years. (Negative/They didn’t use….) He made a mistake on his last test. (Q/ Did he make a mistake on his…?)

3. Have to / has to (in present) Subject + have to / has to+ base + object .

They have to memorize this poem by heart. (Q/ Do they have to memorize....? Yes. They )

We have to drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal. He has to summarise this passage. She has to remember where she lost her camera. I have to success from the last exam. (Negative/ I don’t have to success... )

4. had to (in past) Subject + had to + base + object .

They had to memorize this poem by heart before now. (Q/ Did they have to memorize....? Yes. They )

We had to drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal. (Q/ Did we have to drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal? )

He had to summarise this passage. (Negative/ He did not have to summarize this passage.)

She had to remember where she lost her camera. (Q/ Did she have to remember where she lost her camera?

I had to success from the last exam. (Negative/ I didn’t have to success... )

Verb (-)





Verb (-es) He



Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


C. Verb to have perfect

1. Present perfect Subject + have/ has + P.P + complement .

They have gone to school since 7.30 am. (Q/ When have they gone to school?) We have lived in Hawler for 10 years. (Q/ Have you ever lived in Hawler…..?) She has already won the bond. (Negative/ She has not won the bond.) He has not got married till now. Ali has written many books since 1982. (Q/ Has Ali ever written many….?) Have you ever been on the moon?

2. Past perfect

Subject + had + P.P + complement . They had gone to school since 7.30 am. (Q/ When had they gone to school?) We had lived in Hawler for last 10 years. (Q/ Had you ever lived in Hawler…?) She had already won the bond. (Negative/ She had never won the bond.) He had not got married till before now. Ali had written many books since 1982. (Q/ Had Ali ever written many….?) Where had you taken your degree? Had she washed all dishes last night? We had not forgotten what we learned.

3. present perfect progressive( continuous)

Subject + have/ has + been + V. (-ing) + complement . She has been writing her duty at home now. We have been collecting information from internet. They have been sharing news from their page. He has not been fighting with others. Have you ever been staying in Silemani before?

4. past perfect progressive (continuous)

Subject + had + been + V. (-ing) + complement . She had been writing her duty at home last night. We had been collecting information from internet yesterday. They had been sharing news from their page last month. He had not been fighting with others. Had you ever been staying in Silemani before?

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


D. Future forms shall - will

Subject + will/shall + base + object . She will / shall use computer programme. We will prepare for the exam. Will you teach me English? Shall I call you later? They will not learn well. He will move forward.

Subject + would/should + base + object . She would / should use computer programme. We would prepare for the exam. Would you teach me English? They would not learn well. He would move forward.

How to answer questions?

A what-where-when-why-who-whom-whose- which - how / how long-

how many- how much-how far – how old-

How old are you? I am………

Who spoke to the check yesterday? …………. Spoke to the clerk yesterday.

Where was she going to? She was going to ………….

Why did you come? I came……………

Auxiliary verb

I V. to be: be - am - is – are- was - wereV. to have: have- has

- hadsubject

What is your favorite star? My favorite star is …………

Where were you swimming? I was swimming ………….

Who was there? Ali was there. /students were there.

How much has she done of the project? She has done half of the project.

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


II V. to do: do – does – did

a do

Why do you write the composition? I write the composition ……..

How do they start building new house? They start building new house ……….

b does-s-es

Where does he go? He goes ...........

Why does she wait? She waits ..........

c did-d-ed

What did they want? They wanted……..

Why did you come late? I came late..........

How did she wash the dishes? She washed the dishes.........

Where did you leave? I left..................

B am-is-are-was-were-do-does-did-have-

has-had Are you happy? I am happy. / I am not happy.

Did you go to school? I went to school. / I didn’t go to school.

Can you type this letter? I can type this letter. / I cannot type this letter.

Have you played well? I have played well. / I have not played well.

What : –

When : Where :

Why :(because-to-so that…) Who :

Whom :

Which : How :

How much :

How many :

How long :

How far :

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


have to You + need to + Base () + Object . should must

Unit one

Why not contact my cousin?

Lesson: 1 Student Book / P: 4

Giving instructions

A/ Important words

World youth conference abroad trip=journey Air ticket boarding pass passport visa Check in security landing card Departure lounge customs passport control Immigration

pick up arrive = reach startXend What about? Later on arrange = determine=set out information Chance get=obtain weekend

instruction Instruction=direction=guidance

You have to pick up your luggage. You need to arrange air ticket from Erbil to Mumbai. You should put Indian Visa before booking air ticket. You must check in at least 1 hour before your flight time.

(Base)-s, -es, -ing, -ed, -or, -er (must) [base + object]

Show your passport. Add your resident and permanent address.

ouYimperativeyour address. add ouY passport your show You

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


First of all, ......................... Then ................................... Next,................................... After that, ............................. Following that, ...................... Finally, .................................. First of all, you have to get UK visa. Then you should select a date to flight. Next, book the air ticket from Erbil International airport to London International airport. After that, you have to be at airport 2 hours before your flight. Following that, you need to check in your passport and air ticket. Finally, you have your boarding pass and go to departure lounge.

First of all, Next, After that, Following that, Finally,then

finally, .......

For Examples:

You want to join an English course and you asked the director to give you instruction. (Use: fill the application form. Attach your colour photo on the form. Buy the course books. Be a regular student during the lessons.


First of all, you need to fill the application form. Then you have to attach your colour photo on the form. After that, you should buy the course books. Finally, you are a regular student during the lessons.

B/4/ match (answers) p: 4

1- (c) Check in your luggage and get your boarding pass. 2- (e) Show your passport and boarding pass at Passport Control. 3- (b) Go through Security and go to the Departure Lounge. 4- (a) Fill in a landing card before your plane lands. 5- (f) Show your passport and hand in the landing card at Immigration. 6- (d) Pick up your luggage and go through Customs.

First, you have to Check in your luggage and get your boarding pass. Then you need to Show your passport and boarding pass at Passport Control. Next, you should Go through Security and go to the Departure Lounge. After that, you must Fill in a landing card before your plane lands. Following that, you should Show your passport and hand in the landing card at Immigration. Finally, you Pick up your luggage and go through Customs.

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


1- What about + Noun (v. –ing) + Object ?

2- Why not + base + Object ?

3- Let’s + base + Object .

4- I suggest you + Verb (present) + Object .

Lesson: 2 Student Book /P: 5

A//Making suggestion

(Suggest(v.)/Suggestion (n.))



For example:

1- What about going over to Central Park? 2- Why not contact my New York cousin? 3- Let’s talk again later. 4- I suggest you call and arrange a time.

why not... Let's...I suggest you...to

Question/ you have seen your mother look tired, make a suggestion to have a rest for some time. (Use: why not)

Answer/ why not have a rest for some time?

Question/ your family likes going outside for a picnic, and you know a nice place in Ahmadawa for this purpose. Suggest going there this weekend. (Use: Suggest)

Answer/ I suggest we/you go Ahmadawa this weekend.

B// Show Agreement about suggestion

Good idea. Great idea. Fantastic idea!

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


Question/ your friend suggest you to go to the basketball club. Show your agreement.

Answer/ Good idea. Or Great idea Or Fantastic idea!

What about playing computer games?

Why not play computer games?

Let’s play computer games.

I suggest we play computer games.

You try all these examples in the same way.

Play football every Thursday.

Study English together.

Help poor people.

A cup of tea.

Purchase new shoulder bag.

Keep our school clean.

Think twice then decide.

See the doctor.

C// Show Disagreement about suggestion

I’m not sure. May be not. No, I don’t think so.

Question/ I suggest we do some work with our project. Disagree

Answer / I’m not sure.

May be not.

No, I don’t think so.

For example:

Let’s drink some hot milk. Agree

Why not employ 2 clerks for our company? Disagree.

I suggest we punish destroyers. Agree

What about building new charity hospital for Syrian immigrants? Agree

Your brother has headache, suggest something to him.

Most of the students do not understand the subject; suggest asking teacher to repeat it.

(2012) it is a long way to the zoo. (.........take a taxi) use the correct form to express


Your brother wants to visit Iran. Suggest him to contact your friend there.

.............................. start the work now. (use a suitable form of suggestion)2014 E

your→my / his/her→your

I suggest you contact my friend there (in Iran).

What about contacting my friend there.

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


Situation Suggestion Long journey/ after doing hard works /tired/ tiredness Have a rest Hospital/sickness/patient/pain/headache/backache/flue... Go to hospital/clinic/doctor Holiday/picnic/weekend/trip/free time Go to Shaqlawa/ visit Iran/ Smoking/drinking alcohol/lying /hurt others/selfish... Give up smoking Not good at................../ weak at................... Study more at.............../study hard Late / lateness Take a taxi/ wake up early Help / need / poor Give (him/her) .............../money... Overweight/ fatness / taking too much weight Do a daily regimen of exercise/play Keep (me/him/her/them) in touch Call him/ phone them/ mail me Doing something wrong Warn him/her

C/ listen and read/Answers (true or false correct the statements that are wrong) P: 5

1- False (Azad used a ‘Skype’ phone.) 2- True (He is preparing his conference presentationfor Tuesday.) 3- False (Yes, he thinks Stella won’t have time.) 4- False (Ms Reilly spoke to Stella by phone.) 5- False (Ms Reilly talked Stella to contact Azad.) I have a difficult exam tomorrow. (Study hard) use the correct form to make an advice. (A/ you have to study hard.) (2nd T / 2012-2013)

)Tag Question( –


should-will-would-must-ought to)I-you-they-we-he-she-it


The game starts tomorrow, doesn’t it? Ali is writing well, isn’t he? Sara was not happy, was she? Your fathers have come for the school meeting, haven’t they? Ms Reilly talked Stella, didn’t she? We must protect our country, mustn’t we? They had to attend the meeting yesterday. .......................? (had they – hadn’t they )

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


They wanted a better life. Lesson: 3 Student Book /P: 6

A/Read (important words)

Skyscraper ( ), close up ( ),Shine

(),miles(), boroughs (), million (), woods(), native

(), founded (), renamed( ), immigrants (), as well as

(), crime (), recovered ( ), banking ( ), law(), tourism (),

publishing (), fashion (), art (), theatre (), attract ( ), district (), century (), crossing ( ), queen(), king(), culture

( ).

Sort = type = kind , Enormous = huge = very big , mixture = variety

Trip = journey = travel = voyage , Tradition = folklore = habit

Liberty = freedom = autonomy , shine = sparkle v., famous = well-known Remain = stay , attract = charm , spread = expand Lesson: 3 / Grammar P: 7

Comparative & superlative

Important opposites

Big X smallX Careful X carelessX Clean X dirty X Dark X light X Far X near X Fat X thin X Good / well X bad X Happy X sadX Hard X easy X Hard X soft X High X low X Hot X cold X Light X heavyX Loose X tight X New X oldX

Poor X richX Quiet X loud X Short X long X Slow X fastX Strong X weakX Successful X failed X Tall X shortX Ugly X pretty/nice/beautiful X Wet X dryX Hard X soft X Wide X narrow X Young X old X

More X less X

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood





Light → lighter Hot → hotter Short → shorter

Happy → happier Easy → easier Fat → fatter

Big → bigger


Careful → more careful Beautiful → more beautiful Interesting → more interesting Progressive → more progressive Polite → more polite Comparative → more comparative Expensive → more Expensive Important → more Important

Different → more Different Biological → more Biological Comfortable → more Comfortable Flexible → more Flexible Friendly → more Friendly Interested → more Interested Artistic → more Artistic

Adjective/ adverb Comparative Superlative Good/well Better The best Bad/badly/ill Worse The worst far Farther/further The farthest/the furthest Many/much More The most little Less The least Late Later/latter The latest/the last Old Older/elder The oldest/the eldest

4Adj./Adv. Comparative(-er)

Comparative (more)

Superlative (-est)

Superlative (most)

Polite Politer More polite The Politest The most polite Common Commoner More common The Commonest The most common Pleasant Pleasanter More pleasant The pleasantest The most pleasant Stupid Stupider More stupid The stupidest The most stupid Cruel Crueller More Cruel The Cruellest The most Cruel Narrow Narrower More Narrow The Narrowest The most Narrow quiet Quieter More quiet The quietest The most quiet Gentle Gentler More gentle The gentlest The most gentle

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


A// N 1 + am/is/are/was/were + comparative Adj./Adv. + than + N 2 .

B// N 1 + verb + comparative Adv. + than + N 2 .

-lycomparativesuperlative more the most

fast, hard, late -er-est It began growing faster.

It began growing more quickly

Ali is taller than Sara Our garden was more beautiful than your garden

Some more examples: My shoes are newer than your trainers.

Her dress is more interesting than Sara’s skirt.


1st T 2013// we didn’t want to live in a ………… city than New York. (Correct the comparative form of “busy”) A/ busier

2014E// the health care in southern Africa is getting .................than before. (choose the correct comparative form: bad , worse, the worst, badder)

All wanted a better life than before. It began growing faster.



Light → the lightest

Hot → the hottest

Short → the shortest

Happy → the happiest

Easy → the easiest

Fat → the fattest

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


A// N 1 + am/is/are/was/were + superlative Adj. /Adv. .

B// N 1 + verb + Superlative Adv. + .

a-e-i-o-uthe most

Careful → the most careful Beautiful → the most beautiful Interesting → the most interesting

Progressive → the most progressive Polite → the most polite Comparative → the most comparative

Ali is the tallest. My pen was the best.

All wanted the best life. He made the best bag. You did the nicest job.

Example: I know the (short) way to Iran. (Correct the word between brackets). Answer (shortest)

What are the (good) projects for this year? (Correct the word between brackets). Answer (best).

Where is the (beautiful) place to visit? (Correct the word between brackets). Answer (most beautiful)

He drives (well) than me. (Correct the word between brackets). Answer (better)

Past simple

last night/week/time/year/month, ago, 2days ago, the day before yesterday, yesterday, previous month, in 1991 . Five centuries ago, The

night before last,)


-ed-dplay → played, stay →

stayed, wait → waited, dream → dreamed, save →saved, say → said, lay → laid

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


Subject + Verb (past ) + Object )( . I, you, they, We, waited, spoke, drew He, She, It, Ali, Books

cut → cut, run → ran, sell → sold, speak → spoke, teach →taught,

light → lit, be →was/were, go → went, drive → drove, draw →drew

Examples: (affirmative) You spoke to Sara yesterday. They drew nice pictures last week. She came late last meeting. We won the match in 2012. The British took over in 1664 and renamed the village New York. Before 1800, most immigration started coming, first from across Europe and then from all over the world.

(interrogative),Did base

Q/ The tallest building in the world opened in 1931. (Question ) A/ Did the tallest building in the world open in 193? Q/ They left class early. (Question/ use: When) A/ When did they leave class?


?Did Q/ Sara entered America through New York. A/ Didn’t she? Q/ Sara did not enter America through New York. A/ Did she?

(negative)basedid not

Q/ In 1664, New York began growing faster. A/ In 1664, New York did not begin growing faster. Q/ In 1625, some Dutch people arrived and founded New Amsterdam A/ In 1625, some Dutch people did not arrive and found New Amsterdam

She taught English last month. (Question-tag question-negative) I found some information. (Question-tag question-negative) We did the job. (Question-tag question-negative) She travelled many miles last week. (Question-tag question-negative) They enjoyed the film. (Question-tag question-negative) He spent 2 years in India. (Question-tag question-negative)

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


Subject + was/were + n. (noun )/(Adj.) + continuous )( . I, you, they, We, He, She, It, Ali, Books

Past tense

Five centuries ago, America was home to five million Native Americans. We were happy of your success. Were Ali and I intelligent? (was/were) She was not anxious about her future. (was/were) (not)

Lesson: / Grammar P: 7

A/Present perfect

basepast participle

-ed-dplay → played, stay →

stayed, wait → waited, dream → dreamed, save →saved, say → said, lay → laid

cut → cut, run → run, sell → sold, speak → spoken, teach

→taught, light → lit, be →been, go → gone, drive → driven, draw →drawn


I have got the map. She has called her friend.

Subject I, you, they, + have We, Books + Verb (PP) + Object )( . He, She, It, Ali + has

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


B/ Negative


They have not joined the team. My father hasn’t bought new car. C/ Interrogative


Have you stayed in UK for some time? Where have you completed master degree?


She has just completed the project.

so far- not…yet

I have not finished it yet.

Have you painted the hall yet?

How much have you done so far?


Have you ever seen Safeen Mountain?

I have never seen Safeen Mountain.

since9:00 am, morning, last night, last 2 days, spring, summer, winter, autumn last year, 2010, last decay, previous century

Sunday, Monday, .... Saturday,

She has been a teacher since 2005.

You have travelled to USA since last Monday.


They have looked up the stars for 2 hours.

I have been a student for 11 years.

We have completed the project for a week.

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


Subject + had + Verb (P.P.) + Object ().


Q/ (1st Term 2012). They (not arrive) home yet. (Use the correct form of the verbs between the brackets)

A/ They have not arrived home yet.

Q/ They went market before one hour. (Change to present perfect)


Q/ she went to space last month. (Use: since with present perfect)


B/Past perfect

Until / by

basepast participle

-ed-dplay → played, stay →

stayed, wait → waited, dream → dreamed, save →saved, say → said, lay → laid

cut → cut, run → run, sell → sold, speak → spoken, teach

→taught, light → lit, be →been, go → gone, drive → driven, draw →drawn


Until I entered Kirkuk in 2003, I had got its politic map. When I cooked dinner yesterday she had called her friend. 2014E// all the farmers used new techniques in this farmland after they ............a lot last year. a/lose b/had lost c/ have lost d/ will lose B/ Negative


By 1999, I was child; I had not joined the national team. Until 2003, my father hadn’t bought new car.

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


C/ Interrogative


Had you stayed in UK for some time? Where had you completed master degree?

Some important and general functions: Lesson 1: giving instructions

For completing a landing card

First, you have to fill in your name. Then you need to write your flight details. After that, you add your address in the country.

First of all, you (have to) go to the traffic lights. Then you (need to) turn left and go to the roundabout. After that, you (should) turn right. Finally, you take the first left, and you’ll see it opposite you.

Lesson 2: making suggestions

What about going to Jordan? Why not visit Aqaba in the south? Let’s find out about flights. I suggest you check prices on the internet. What about a cup of coffee? What about having a cup of coffee? Let’s…………… a drink of water(have - having – had – has) Let’s play a computer game at the weekend. Agreement

(Good idea. / Great idea. / Fantastic idea.) What about going to a basketball match? Disagreement

(I’m not sure. / Maybe not. / No, I don’t think so.) What about ………… over to Central Park later on?(going – go – goes – went) What about a cup of coffee? (noun) (means : drinking a cup of coffee) Why not …………..my friend in Duhok?(visiting – visited – visits – visit) Why not ………..Aqaba in the south? (visiting – visited – visits – visit) Why not ……….a rest? (have - having – had – has) Let’s talk again later. why not have a rest for some time? Lesson 3: comparative and superlative forms China has the largest and (the) most successful economy in Asia. The Chinese now have a better life than their parents did. The economy first grew slowly, and then it began growing faster. It began growing faster.( the fastest) It began growing more quickly. (the most quickly) The population here is less than Suleimani

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


China is not as rich as America is. Other Asian countries are growing as quickly as China. The population here is not as big as the population of (Erbil). Lesson 4: past simple and present/past perfect tenses Five centuries ago, America was home to five million Native Americans. In 1492, Columbus first sailed across the Atlantic. The population has increased to about 300 million. NY has remained America’s biggest city since the 1830s. Until Europeans started arriving, America’s population had remained small. The population has increased to about 300 million. NY has remained America’s top city since the 1830s. NY has remained America’s top city for nearly 200 years. Asians have now become NY’s newest immigrant group. NY has just completed another huge building project. Asian immigrant numbers have been increasingsteadily. I’ve been waiting to get my luggage for hours – andI’m still waiting now! Until Europeans started arriving, America’s population had remained small. By 1900, NY’s population had passed one million.

Q/ You are at Sami Abdurrahman Park and you want to go to Royal Mall you have seen a man and asked “Excuse me, could you show me the way to Royal Mall?’’ (Use: go out from the main gate. Turn left and go straight till 60 Meters street. Turn left and go along street. Reach the second traffic light. It is opposite Jalil Khayat Masjid.

Q/ I have lived in some of the ................... (big) cities in the world.

Q/ Hawler is .............. (exciting) place on the Earth.

Q/ Most people back in Grassland.................. (a lot happy) than people do here.

Q/ Life in Kurdistan is ................... (good) than the abroad.

Q/ Sozan is ....................... than Banaz. (a/tall b/taller c/the tallest d/ more tall)

Q/ after he (write) his homework, he went out.

Q/ they (not arrive) home yet.

Q/ the passengers (not pay) attention to the road sign yesterday.

Q/ I ......................... here for three months. (a/ was living b/have been living c/will be live)

Q/ they .......................... hard for the exam last year. (a/studying b/ studied c/had studied)

Reading unit 1

Azad Qadir is a …….. at the American University in Silemani. (Student -pupil- teacher) Azad Qadir has not been abroad New York before. Azad wants to talk about the trip with his English……….., KateReilly.(teacher – friend –

cousin) You have to leave your heavy luggage at the Check-in., they’ll check your passport and

ticket and give you your boarding pass.

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


Five: the five boroughs of the city of New York; Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens

and Staten Island. (2012)Manhattan which is one of the five boroughs has become the centre of trade

More than eight million: the population of New York City.

2014 E// Four centuries ago Manhattan was...................

a/ an island of woods b/ the main centre of trade c/ the centre of crime

d/a great national and international centre of banking

13 miles long: the length of the island of Manhattan.

(2014)$500: the money that the Dutch paid to buy Manhattan from the Native American.

1664: the year when the British took over New Amsterdam.

(2014)1776: the year when America became independent of British rule.

(2012/2013) Half: today half of the population is either immigrants or children of immigrants.

(2012)The 1970s: the year when crime levels were extremely high in New York.

1,470 feet: the height of the Empire state Building.

1931: the year of the opening of the Empire State Building.

80 miles: the distance you can see from the Empire state Building.

(2013)1625: some Dutch people arrived and founded New Amsterdam.

Important points

Although Manhattan is the oldest and most famous part, it is only one of the five boroughs.

Five boroughs form a city of more than eight million people with an enormous mixture of cultures, traditions and human activities of every sort.

Four centuries ago, Manhattan – just 13 miles long and less than two miles wide Dutch people ‘bought’ the island for just $500 of goods. New York remains a great national and international centre of banking, law, tourism,

publishing, fashion, art, theatre and IT. Empire State Building became the tallest building in the world when it opened in 1931 On a clear day you can see for 80 miles Look south-west over the banking district and on across the water to the famous Statue

of Liberty. Look north towards Broadway, the theatre district. Look farther north and see Central Park. ...........................................start the work now. (use a suitable form of suggestion) ...................................we go Ahmadawa this weekend. (why not – let’s - I suggest) ...............................call and arrange a time. (what about – why not - I suggest you) .........................has experienced bad times as well as good. (New York – Manhattan) ……………….going over to Central Park?(use the correct form to express suggestion) ……………contact my New York cousin? (use the correct form to express suggestion) Ali is writing well, ............................he? (wasn’t – was - isn’t – is )

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


All wanted a ……………..……….(good) life than before. Azad has read his conference notes and also ………….…..his presentation (checked –

check – checking) Azad is giving his presentation on............................ (Monday – Tuesday – Thursday) Azad is going to ………………… a World Youth Conference in New York. (attend –

participate – join) Azad Qadir is at the American …………in Silemani. (University – College – institute) Azad Qadir is at the American University in………..…... (Silemani– Halwer – Duhok) Before 1800, most immigration had been from…………..….. (Britain – New York) Black Dog was …………………. (fast) than the captain Boarding pass shows your gate number and the time you’ll go on board the plane, and

your .........................number on the plane. (mobile – seat – passport) By......................., New York was the main centre of trade in the USA. (1636 – 1830) Check in your luggage and get your.........................(landing card - boarding pass) Fifty years ago, this town .................................not very big. ( were – is – are- was) Fill in a .................................card during the flight. (landing – post – boarding) Finally, ............your luggage and go through Customs. (you have to pick up - pick up) Five centuries ago, America …………..….home to five million native Americans. (is –

was – were) Four centuries ago, Manhattan …….home to native Americans. (is – are – was – were) Have you ……….…..been to America? No, I’ve never been there. (yet – ever – never) He drives .............................(well) than me. He got his air ticket to New York by……………. (email – post – fax) I ……………….all about you earlier from Kate. (heard – heard) I ………………….more than half money last night. (spent –spend – spends) I know the ...............................way to Iran. (short) In 1492, Columbus first ……………...across the Atlantic. (sailed – sails – sail) In the old days, most of the people there …………………on farms. (working – worked

– works) In…………..……, some Dutch people arrived. (1625 – 1265 – 1562) In1625, some Dutch people arrived and founded........................ (New York - New

Amsterdam) Iraq’s GDP growth is 1.7% …………………….. (high) than Egypt’s. It has remained an attraction …………………1931. (for – since – yet – so far) It is a long way to the zoo. (..........................................take a taxi.) use the correct form to

express suggestion. It is hot, let’s ………………..…the door. (opening – opens – open – opened) Let me ……………………..that back to you. (reads – reading – to read – read) Let’s ……………….….on the fan, (turning – turns – turned – turn) Manhattan was an island of woods, fields and streams that was home to Native..............

(Americans – British – Australian) Mr. Arrow was ................................(bad) than the captain had feared. Ms Reilly .................................Stella, didn’t she? (talked – talk – talking) Ms Reilly is getting a ‘Skype call’, a phone call which is made using a computer

and………………….….. (microphone – mouse –keyboard)

Prepared by: Ari A. Resul M.A. English Shekh-Mahood


Ms Reilly is his English………………………. (expert – teacher – student) New York had been independent of British rule since........................ (1776 – 1970) People were coming to America to look for a ……………..…. life. (good) Sara was not happy, .........................she? (wasn’t – was) School is much ........................... (busy) than before. (use the correct form) Show your passport and boarding pass at............................................. (Passport Control

– customer service) Stella Farrant is Ms Reilly’s…………………..…. (sister – daughter –cousin) Stella is very ...............................to meet Azad later in the week. (unhappy – happy) The 1970s: when crime levels were extremely .....................in New York (low – high) The British took over in .........and renamed the village New York. (1664 – 1646 - 1466) The Chinese now have a …………….………..… (good) life than their parents did. The game starts tomorrow, ...........................it? (does - doesn’t – do – don’t) The great open space that New York saved as the city spread ..........................in the

nineteenth century. (south – east – north) The population …………….…..…increased to about 300 million. (have – has) The site may be 2,000 years ………………..…… (old) than anyone previously believed. The World Youth Conference starts on………..…….. ( Sunday – Monday – Thursday) Then .......................in a landing card during the flight. (Need to fill – filling – fill) They actually grow ..............................(good) and faster than plants in ordinary soil. This town is growing ……………….... than before (fast) We must protect our country, ..................we? (must - mustn’t – ought to – oughtn’t to) What about ……………..….. to Jordan? (going – go – goes – went) What about …………………….a cup of coffee? (having – have – had – has) What about …………………….my friend in Silemani? (see – seeing – sees- saw) What are the ....................................projects for this year? (good) Where is the ..................................(beautiful) place to visit? why not ……………..…down her name and number? (writes – write – wrote – writing) why not ……………………….…my New York cousin Stella? (contacted – contacts –

contacting – contact) You have now …………………..many miles across New York. (travel – travelled) Your fathers have come for the school meeting, ........................they? (haven’t – have)