transmedia bible - faculdade de engenharia da


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Post on 08-Feb-2023




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1 - Story

1.1 - Logline

1.2 - Treatment

1.3 - World Overview

1.4 - Characters

1.4.1 - Victoria Fogg

1.4.2 - Marco Fogg

1.4.3 - Vannoo

1.4.4 - Phileas Fogg

2 - Platforms

2.1 - Role of each platform

2.1.1 - Social Networks - Facebook - Twitter - Youtube

2.2.2 - eBook

2.1.3 - Website

2.1.4 - Mobile App.

2.1.5 - Audio Experience (Website and App.)

2.2 - Story of each platform

2.2.1 - Social Networks - Twitter

2.2.2 - Audio Experience (Website and App.)

2.2.3 - Mobile App.

2.2.4 - EBook

2.3 - Timeline

3 - Audience

4 - Experience Design

4.1 - Social interaction research

4.2 - Experience map

4.3 - User Journey Experience

5 - Technology Specification

6 - Visual Design

6.1 - Visual interfaces

6.1.1 - Application

6.1.2 - Website

7 - Business & Marketing

7.1 - Marketing Analysis

7.2 - Marketing Strategies

7.3 - Business model

8 – References

9 – Attachments


You receive a desperate message from a descendant of the famous Phileas

Fogg, Victoria Fogg, from many years in the future. She urges you to retrieve and

destroy an ancient Artifact that Phileas himself discovered in his journey around the

world. The Artifact would be responsible for an alien invasion in the future, a disaster

that would wipe out all of humanity. For this task you will require the help of Marco

Fogg, the only scientist crazy enough to believe you and transport you back in time, to

destroy the Artifact and save the world.

In the year 2984 a scientist by the name of Victoria Fogg finds herself amidst a

war of the worlds. As aliens suddenly attack Earth, she manages to send a message to

the past. Not knowing if she was successful, she hides, running from the attackers,

fighting for her life.

Meanwhile, in the present, the user’s phone vibrates as they walk about their

daily life. The screen on their device is not what they expected and a sound file begins

playing, releasing a female voice from the speakers:

“ This message is destined to Dr. Marco Fogg at Porto, Portugal. If anyone hears

this, direct this message to him. It is of vital importance he hears this. Mr. Fogg, you do

not know me but I know you. We are family. My name is Victoria Fogg, I’m a

descendant of you. The year is 2984, I’m currently working in the Fresno Defense Labs,

researching the Fogg family line, as we are carriers of a most important object, an

Artifact I am sure you know, since you also study it and are yet unaware of its secrets.

Not anymore.

The Artifact is a sensor; it detects Cesium-137, created by nuclear explosions.

From the day the first atom bombs hit the earth, this sensor has been sending

information encoded in high powered, extremely low frequency quantum paired

particles. It notified an alien life, an intelligent alien life, that this planet has creatures

capable of nuclear fission. It is my theory that such fact makes us a threat, and we are

soon to be destroyed for it.

Encoded in this message is the instructions for the building of a machine that

can send you or a more capable assistant to the past, before Cesium was abundant, to


destroy this sensor, this Artifact. Another family member, a Phileas Fogg, was the one

that found this Artifact, as you may know. He not only found it, he saved it!

He must be stopped. You must stop him.

Help us. You’re our only hope. ”

The message was odd, but the user decides to follow through.

The user finds Dr. Marco Fogg with ease as he stands out from the crowd, with

a look that could only belong to a mad scientist. They explain the situation to him,

playing the message once again and, to their surprise, he does not find it odd and

promptly accepts the task without questioning.

Marco takes the user for a walk as he explains what he learned about the

Artifact from all his years studying it, - how it vibrates and glows slightly when exposed

to Cesium-137 - his relationship to his ancestor, what he knows about him and how

exactly he will decode the information of Victoria’s message in order to send the user,

a “more capable assistant”, to the past. He goes on detailing how he believes Victoria

has managed to send her message through time and how he thinks the time machine

functions - an extremely technical and complicated report that goes completely over

the user’s head.

The user meets with Marco Fogg after he finishes his time machine, built to the

specifications Victoria required. A costume, bought by the doctor, would allow the

user to blend in with the Victorian era and only their wits could fulfill the mission and

help them save the world. When they arrive to the Victorian era, the user is faced with

their first dilemma: find the means to follow Fogg in his trip around the world. When

confused with a detective, the user takes advantage of this to disguise himself as an

officer of the law, blending in with the police force. Taking advantage of his new found

police status, they send a telegram to the Commissioner of Police at Scotland Yard in

London, requesting a warrant of arrest for Phileas Fogg, labeling him as the culprit of a

bank robbery that occurred a few days earlier. Later, as the user is carefully observing

all the passengers arriving at the Suez train station, he meets Passepartout as he asks

him where the consul’s office is located to validate his master’s passport. It is known at

this moment that, it is in fact, Phileas Fogg’s passport and that this man was his

servant Passepartout. After helping him validate his master’s documents, the user

boards the Mongolia to follow Fogg and start his journey around the World.

As the user begins their journey in the Mongolia train, they meet a new

challenge - how to get near and gain Fogg or his companions’ trust in order to

understand if they have found the Artifact. By taking long walks on the ship’s deck with

Passepartout, and by offering whiskey or simply chatting with him, the user does get

closer to Fogg’s employee and finds out they have not yet saved the Artifact. When the


ship reaches a stop in Bombay, the user continues the chase, but this time at a

distance so that Fogg and Passepartout do not notice him.

They arrive at Bombay where the user discovers Passepartout has committed

an offense in sacred soil by entering a temple wearing his shoes. He convinces the

priests that witnessed it to travel to Calcutta to stand in his trial and get Passepartout

and Fogg arrested, in exchange for a large sum of money.

The user quickly chases after Fogg and Passepartout as they journey across

India. On the way, they are forced to leave the train and continue on elephant. The

user finds a horse and rides it to continue the chase, never being seen by Fogg or his

companions. On the way, Fogg finds an ancient abandoned temple, reclaimed by

nature and being hammered by workers overwatched by British officials. On top of the

temple both Fogg and the user notice the blue Artifact, sitting at a pedestal; Fogg

assumes it is a priceless Artifact that must be saved. He decides to speaks with the

British men to distract them while Passepartout would retrieve the object. The user

notices their efforts and runs to try to get the Artifact first and destroy it. However, the

user is stopped by a British official that spots them. The user tries to argue with the

gentleman but he gives up after noticing Passepartout was successful, probably

because of the user’s distraction.

Angry and upset at his failure, the user gets on his horse and rides towards

Calcutta, hoping that the priests he sent there had arrived, allowing the user another

chance at taking the Artifact. They arrive before Fogg and alerts the local police,

ordering their arrest due to the religious offense Passepartout committed.

The police does as requested, arresting Fogg’s party. The user then fails to grab

the Artifact, since Fogg paid his bail to get out and continue his journey. Another

failure took a toll on the user, but they have to be determined, continuing the chase,

hoping for a miracle.

In China, the user simple chases around Fogg’s party, waiting for an opportunity

to strike. There were attempts at stealing the Artifact, but all of them failed. In Hong

Kong, however, the user decides Passepartout is a good servant, and must be taken

out of the picture for his mission to be successful. He invites Passepartout for a drink,

offering him a lot of whiskey/an opium pipe that causes Passepartout to become

unconscious. Seeing that he could never find his way to his master or to the ship, Fix

meets with Fogg as he finds out his ship as sailed, due to Passepartout never having

informed him of the time it would. Fix stays with Fogg as they find another ship that

takes them to Japan.

In Japan, however, Fogg finds Passepartout in a circus and the user is forced to

hide, since Passepartout knows he wished him harm or, at least, his delay.


The pressure to destroy the Artifact rises. The user understands the journey is

nearing its end, as they accompany Fogg through the United States of America. With

Passepartout near Fogg once more, the user isn’t sure they can take the Artifact away

from the group of travelers.

In the same train Fogg was at, although a few carriages away so they wouldn’t

find him, the user reads a newspaper detailing the robbery from two months before

that had not yet been solved. The description of the robber oddly matched Fogg’s

appearance, which gave the user an idea - they would accuse Fogg of being the robber

and arrest them the moment they arrived in Britain.

Finally, success, Fogg and Passepartout were arrested. Here is the perfect

opportunity to destroy the Artifact. The user now faces a choice, a final tribulation. He

can keep Fogg and Passepartout in their cells, take the Artifact and destroy it or the

user can talk with them so they give up the Artifact in exchange for their freedom, so

that Fogg would have a chance at winning his bet. This choice will decide the ending

for the app:

If the user decides to steal and destroy the artifact, when they are about to

they are arrested for impersonating an officer and attempting to steal evidences. Fogg

would get out free, since the real robber had been arrested 3 days before and he’d end

up winning the bet. The user gets trapped in the past, knowing they failed their task

and that humanity would reach its end.

If instead the user talks with Fogg, he believes them, giving them the Artifact

and his journal. The user destroys it and returns to the present. Their surroundings

appear to not have changed and they wonder if any of it was real. They find Marco

Fogg again, but he does not know the user, proving that the mission was successful.

There was no Artifact for Marco to research and consequently, the Artifact did not

activate, saving Mankind’s future. The user explains to Marco their journey, from

Victoria’s message, to Marco’s role in it as he gives him Fogg’s journal as well. After

explaining it, Fogg says it would make a great story, but does not believe any of it was

real. The user is the only one that knows they’re a hero, which is slightly disappointing.

After many months, the user finds out about a book launching event of a story

called Around the World in 80 days, a romantic science fiction novel with elements

from the user’s explanation and Fogg’s journal.

The user visits the launch. When he gets there, he meets a woman with a

familiar voice. She introduces herself as Victoria Fogg and explains that she felt

compelled to be there, since Marco Fogg’s book inspired many members of her family,

including herself, to pursue a carrer exploring physics and time travel. She suspected

the book detailed a real story since it was too much of a coincidence that a Fogg with

her name would be born in the same year as her. With her knowledge in time travel,


she accepted the story to be true, which was why the first test of her machine was to

visit the book launch, hoping she would find the user.

With that, Victoria thanks the user for saving her and all of Mankind.

The world of Traverse is divided into 3 parts, related to the time period where

the action occurs - the Past, the Present and the Future.

The Past storyline presents the world in the 19th century, the Victorian Era, the

time of Phileas Fogg. Both the Mobile App and the eBook follow the path of Fogg and

his companions as they journey around the world in 80 days. They pass through Suez,

Adem, and reach Bombay, India, by steamer, sailing through the vast Indian Ocean.

Finally reaching land, they take a train to Calcutta but cannot reach their destination

merely by train, being forced to ride an elephant.

Around them, the great forest of the Indian country, with mountains looming in the

distance. Eventually they find a temple consumed by nature; a pyramid stone structure

with vines, with moss and leaves filling every gap, and there they find the Artifact.


Fogg recalls a sight he once had the pleasure of experiencing - the fantastic Aequorea

Victoria jellyfish, a glowing creature that sometimes comes ashore in the Australian

coast, painting the shoreline a radiant blue. Another problem arose, as Fogg rescued a

woman, Aouda, from being sacrificed by a Raja.

Eventually they reach Calcutta, being greeted with a trip to jail and to a courthouse.

Avoiding long term imprisonment, they finally see the city, although not for long, since

they have to rush to catch the next steamer, the Rangoon, which would allow them to

continue the long journey.

When they reach Singapore, Fogg takes Aouda in a carriage trip around the city,

through rows of shimmering palm trees. Meanwhile, the user meets Passepartout in a

tavern, offering him whiskey and an opium pipe so he would not have the chance to

return to his master to join him and warn him of the earlier hour the steamer would

leave the dock. Fogg misses the boat, being stranded in the shipyard. However, him

and the user do find a man willing to take them to Fogg's destination.

The boat journey would take them sailing next to the Chinese coast, through

favorable currents, although the last day presented them a mighty storm. They reach

Xangai, jumping straight to the ship Fogg had originaly missed, and continue the

journey to Yakohama. There, in a circus, they find Passepartout.

Fogg realizes he is still halfway in his journey having already used up 52 of his

80 days as they sail through the Pacific Ocean.

They reach the city of San Francisco. There they visit a tailor to fix their suits

and see part of the city. At Oakland station they catch a train that would take them

through the vast plans of the United States.

A pack of buffalos slows down the train as they try to cross the track, leaving

Fogg to admire his surrounding from outside the train. Reaching Utah, they stop at

Ogden for 6 hours, allowing Fogg and Aouda to visit Salt Lake city, "with its blue brick

houses surrounded by palm gardens."


Right after Plum Creek they were attacked by a Sioux tribe. Fogg has to rescue

Passepartout from the kidnappers as Aouda and the user wait in the station.

Fogg's party continues the journey by sled, going through the snow and seeing

the frozen lakes of the northern United States. When they reach New York they find

out their transport has already left but they manage to find a merchant that is willing

to take them, for a price of course.

They cross the Atlantic Ocean as fast as the ship will take them, ending the ship

trip at Queenstown, Ireland, taking a train to Dublin. From there they catch another

boat, finally arriving at Liverpool. London would be just a train ride away.

The user then arrests Fogg and his companions in order to destroy the Artifact.


The Present storyline occurs in Porto, Portugal, in 2016. Following the App, the

user will see many parts of Porto, following a path that depends on the answers they

give to the questionnaire.

The user is walking around the city, near the Fundação de Serralves/S. Bento

Station/Dama Pé de Cabra restaurant/City Park (depending on what path they are

assigned to - Art, Tourism, Gastronomy, Nature - respectively) when they receive

Victoria Fogg's message. They then meet with Marco Fogg at Casa das Artes/Sé do

Porto/Maus Hábitos/Fundação de Serralves; there the user informs Marco of Victoria's

message. They plan a time to do the task required of them - travel back in time.

The user arrives to the past, in 1872, to the Suez dock where the Mongolia

steamer will make a stop. The user must visit the Museu Romântico da Quinta da

Macieirinha/D.Luís Bridge/Majestic/Botanical Garden).

When the user tries to get closer to Fogg and Passepartout, they must visit

World of Discoveries/Palácio da Bolsa/A Brasileira/Casa Tait.

When Fogg finds the Artifact the user must be at the Igreja dos

Carmelitas/Igreja de São Francisco/Igreja dos Carmelitas/Palácio de Cristal.

As the user gets Passepartout drunk to separate him from Fogg, the user must

visit the Museu de História Natural/Torre dos Clérigos/Rota do Chá/Jardim de João



As the user follows Fogg in a train through the United States, reading about the

bank robbery in London and formulating their plan to arrest them there, the user must

be at Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis/Lello Library/Piolho/Jardim Municipal Horto

das Virtudes.

In the final chapter, where the user makes the decision that will decide the

ending, they must be at the Museu Militar/Palácio de Cristal/Caves/Rio (Ponte D. Luís).

If the user makes the right decision, they will be transported to the present, to Porto,

where not much has changed. Marco Fogg does not recognize him and, as the user

explains what happens and gives him P. Fogg's journal, finds his story to be good for a

book. A few months after, Marco Fogg has published a book called Around the World

in 80 Days, detailing the user's journey.

In the Future storyline, the world is presented only by sound. Victoria starts her

journey at her lab, as the Vannoo attack. She rushes down the stairs after collecting

some of her research and finds a destroyed city, with army personal, tanks and jets

flying over her head as the earth shakes under her feet.

Victoria and her lab assistant hide in the wreckage of a building, starting a fire

and tuning the radio to the emergency signal. They learn that the whole world is being

attacked, with destruction affecting all major cities. Victoria leaves to find water,

walking over the rubble of the destroyed city. In a house she manages to find a fridge

with water and soda but, as she returns, she sees her assistant running. They both run

and try to escape the alien soldier trying to catch up with them.

Nearly avoiding death, they hide in a library. To keep warm they burn books

while Victoria reads part of Around the World in 80 Days.


They explore the city and find a car. They drive to the country, towards Shaver

Lake, as the radio's emergency signal advised. There, they find a militia military base,

with people training, several tanks and facilities to harbor civilians. However, they are

required to fight when the militia moves to the city in an attempt to take it back.

The attack, despite being successful, manages only to drive the aliens back, out

of the city. The whole world was still being attacked and there is no way humanity

would be able to survive it.

Victoria places all her hope on Marco Fogg and the user, hoping they are

successful in their mission.

Victoria Fogg

Victoria Fogg (2984) is a researcher in Fresno Defense Labs, a company that works in

defense solutions and research for the military. She’s a descendant of Phileas and

Marco Fogg and works in a division that attempts to find a way to communicate or

even move objects through time. She uses her lab to research her family’s Artifact and

P.Fogg’s diary, although she isn’t technically allowed to. She has a background in

physics while secretly developing her hacking skills. She is selfless, as she endangers

herself often to save others when the Vannoo attack. She has a keen interest and

knowledge about computers and the inner workings of the internet, stealing

information and money from the powerful, before she was caught and offered a deal –

use her knowledge for the government and the military, or go to jail. She chose the


Marco Fogg

Marco Fogg (2016) is Phileas Fogg's descendant, living in Porto, he studies the Artifact

that runs in the family. He had a wife he refuses to talk about, a quantum physics

researcher that, after Marco showed her the journal Fogg's family kept about the

Artifact, discovered that it reacts to radioactive elements by vibrating in a low

frequency. While they both studied it, a radiation leak and subsequent explosion killed

her and destroyed the Artifact while only barely hurting Marco Fogg.


The survivor's guilt and the proximity of finding out what the Artifact was made him

drop being a physics teacher at UP, so he could spend as much time as possible

studying it.

The accident and the seclusion made him a bit of an eccentric man with an affinity for

licorice candy and a oddly deep friendship with his canary, Gene.


Mysterious creatures that rule the Milky Way, the Vannoo remain undetected by Earth

until the moment they attack. Their language is not understood by any human, but

they appear to communicate with low frequency roars with extremely complex wave

forms that demonstrate patterns and, therefore, language. They search the galaxy for

signs of intelligent life, and have planted Cesium-137 sensors in nearly every planet

and moon they encountered. Cesium, being only created when nuclear explosions

occur, should, in theory, warn them of a crucial step in intelligent life evolution,

according to their predictions - the development of nuclear energy and, therefore, a

deeper understanding of energy creation, physics and space-travel. They hunt down

and destroy any planet harboring creatures smart enough to create Cesium-137, so

that they cannot evolve too far and become a threat to their empire.

Phileas Fogg

Phileas Fogg is an English gentleman, in 1872 residing in Burlington Gardens, London.

He is one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed

always to avoid attracting attention. Described as a polished man of the world, a

bearded, tranquil Byron who might live on a thousand years without growing old, he is

an enigmatical personage that faces tribulation with a calm expression and even

calmer, meticulous planning. Fogg usually occupies his time by reading newspapers

and playing whist, game he would win most often, since it’s a game to be played in

silence, which harmonized with his personal characteristics; he would not play to win

but for the pure pleasure of playing, which led to him accepting the bet that he would

travel around the world in 80 days.


On Facebook, the user can boast about their success in saving the world, tell

their friends all about their discoveries, see what everyone is saying about Traverse,

their reactions and their own experiences. They can also share with everyone the

photos they take of the fantastic city of Porto, and check how the Traverse transmedia

storytelling project is going.

Facebook will allow us to more directly connect with our users and see their

reactions to the project. It will also increase the amount of people that wish to embark

on our transmedia story as they see their own friends be a part of it.

On Twitter, the user can read about Marco Fogg in order to understand him

better and uncover small bits of his personal history. He may be a genius, but his

eccentricity makes him a man deeply focused on his work and slightly fearful of his

surrounding peers. His Twitter works more like a personal journal, which is why he

created an account with a complex name, based on an alphabetical cipher of his name,

hiding the solution on the Mobile App. He assumes those that find his account are

either smart enough to decode his own name or attentive enough to find the account

name on the Mobile App.

This platform would also allow us to stay in touch with our users through one of

the characters. By speaking with a fictional persona, we believe that the user will

communicate more freely and more truthfully, as well as providing some humorous

and quirky interactions.


This platform will work primarily as a way to store video. The teaser present in

the website, for example, will stay on Youtube, being embedded in the website. The

user is not expect to interact with the platform too much, though it has space for

comments and a like/dislike mechanic to measure people's reactions to what is posted

in it.

The eBook will allow the user to see the "Around the World in 80 Days" story

through Phileas Fogg's point of view. They can read what we claim was not included in

the original book - how Fogg found the Artifact, his estimations on what it is, what

culture made it and what it is for, and the challenges the user created for Fogg,

Passepartout and their companions.

It will allow a deeper understanding of the storyline of the past, enriching it and

filling in some gaps left by the Mobile App.

Through the website, the user will be able to find all other platforms. It will be

their hub, the place that ties the entire story together and allows people to navigate

from one experience to the next. If they just heard Victoria Fogg's troubles in the

future, they can go save that future with the App. If they have experienced everything

we have to offer, they can go talk about it on Facebook and share it with their friends.

The website will also provide information and store the documentation for our project.

This will be our main platform, the meat and bones of our project and the

user’s experience. They will receive a message from the future, meet with the scientist

that will send them to the past so they can find the Artifact, destroy it, and save

Mankind, all while travelling around the city of Porto, visiting monuments, museums,

great parks and incredible places, always holding their phone, their window into the



Although not a platform by itself, these Audio-only Experiences can be found

both in the App and the Website and are distinctive enough from both those

platforms, both in the way of use and story content, that we find important to include

in this list separately.

The user will gain access to these files as they complete chapters in the Mobile

App; those files will also be available in the website. That way, the user can sit down at

home in their computer or listen to the files as they walk from place to place using the

App. They can hear the story of Victoria Fogg through sound only, experience what she

is experiencing and her surroundings as she makes her way out of her lab, running

from the alien threat into a library then getting on a car as she moves to a military base

hoping to finally find safety.

Marco Fogg is an odd character and the user will finally know how eccentric he

can be. Marco will tweet to comment on current events, reference and critique stories,

movies, shows and video-games that are scientific in nature, give details about his life,

his late wife, his metal issues, or simply complain about the dreadful Butterscotch

pudding FEUP’s cafeteria serves.

One can never predict what he will talk about next, which is what makes him so

amazing, scary, and interesting.

When the Vannoo attack, Victoria quickly sends a message using up all the

energy her lab could provide, to somewhere on Porto, sometime around 2016. Since

her technology is still in early development, she cannot be sure if it arrived, but deeply

hopes it did. Before running with her lab assistant, she gathers as much of her research

as she was able to and, as she reached the street, she found herself in a war scene,

with guns shooting at odd flying vehicles, tanks rolling in the rubble filled streets and

death all around her.


Victoria and her assistant eventually find a place to hide. The attack had

stopped; for a few hours they heard nothing but the sound of looting and the

occasional gunshot or explosion. They sit near a fire, listening to the radio, as one

should do in emergencies, which informs them that the whole world is under attack by

an unidentified force. Victoria does not feel like listening to it more, all the death she

was suddenly getting exposed to was starting to get to her, and she decided to find

them some water. In her search, she eventually finds an apartment still mostly intact

with many bottles of water and soda that she quickly packs in her back. As she returns,

she hears one of the Vannoo roar and, running towards her and her assistant. They

quickly evade the alien creature, running for their lives.

A library would work, for the time being. They burn books in order to stay

warm; Victoria suspects a nuclear winter is setting in. Amongst the book gathering, she

encounters "Around the World in 80 Days", a discovery she found most ironic. She

reads part of it out loud but quickly tosses the book in the fire.

Noticing the alien as left the premises, they find an open car with the keys in it;

they imagine the owner must have run away on foot. Victoria and her assistant sit on

the car and prepare for the great journey to their chosen destination - the militia

military base near Shaver Lake, as announced by the radio.

When they get there, they see countless people exercising, practicing, and

getting ready for war. The militia, were not fully prepared which proved the main army

had been wiped out; she was surrounded by people like her, civilians and people not

used to war. They are offered shelter, food and water. That, however, came with a

price. They were now part of the militia.

The next day, without warning, they were given weapons and told to march. A

line of tanks, battered and barely functioning, formed in front of Victoria, her assistant

and everyone in the camp. They walked back towards the city, they were taking the

fight back to the Vannoo.

The fight was fierce but, in the end, the humans were victorious.

Victoria knew this wouldn't be the last of it. This was but one town and the

destruction around her proved humanity would most likely not survive this encounter.

Her only hope was that someone received her message.

That was humanity's last chance.


The app’s main protagonist, the user, is called to embark on a journey when,

during their ordinary life in the 21st century, they receive a strange audio message

from someone who calls herself Victoria Fogg and claims to be from the future. It is

then informed to the user that the existence of humanity and its future is now

compromised and that it is of great importance that her ancestor is notified of such

events, since he is the only one aware of an ancient artifact and its powers.

The user then, through the information provided by Victoria, meets a man

named Marco Fogg. As they are explaining the situation at hand, Marco surprisingly

accepts it without questioning such wild tale.

He asks the user to take a walk with him to (location indicated in the app)

where he explains what he found out about the Artifact in all his years studying it, as

well as his relationship with his ancestor and how and why he requires the user to

move through time (using the app) to visit the past, meet Phileas Fogg and destroy the


Arriving to the Victorian era, the user is faced with his first dilemma : find the

means to follow Fogg in his trip around the world. When confused with a detective,

the user takes advantage of this to disguise himself as an officer of the law, blending

himself with the police force.

Taking advantage of his new found police status, he sends a telegram to the

Commissioner of Police at Scotland Yard in London, requesting a warrant of arrest for

Phileas Fogg, labeling him as the culprit of a bank robbery that occurred a few days


While carefully observing all the passengers arriving at the Suez train station,

he meets Passepartout as he asks him where the consul’s office is located to validate

his master’s passport. It is known at this moment that, it is in fact, Phileas Fogg’s

passport and that this man was his servant Passepartout.

After helping Passepartout validate his master’s documents, the User boards

the Mongolia to follow Fogg and start his journey around the World.

As the user begins his journey in the Mongolia train, he is met with a new

challenge - how to get near and gain their trust in order to understand if they have

found the Artifact. By taking long walks on the ship’s deck with Passepartout, and by

offering whiskey or simply chatting with him, the user does get closer to Fogg’s

employee. When the ship reaches a stop in Bombay, the user continues the chase, but

this time at a distance so that Fogg and Passepartout do not notice him.


They arrive at Bombay where the user discovers Passepartout has committed

an offense in sacred soil by entering a temple wearing his shoes. He convinces the

priests that witnessed it to travel to Calcutta to stand in his trial and get Passepartout

and Fogg arrested, in exchange for a large sum of money.

The user quickly chases after Fogg and Passepartout as they journey across

India. On the way, they are forced to leave the train and continue on elephant. The

user finds a horse and rides it to continue the chase, never being seen by Fogg or his

companions. On the way, Fogg finds an ancient abandoned temple, reclaimed by

nature and being hammered by workers overwatched by British officials. On top of the

temple both Fogg and the user notice the blue Artifact, sitting at a pedestal; Fogg

assumes it is a priceless Artifact that must be saved. He decides to speaks with the

British men to distract them while Passepartout would retrieve the object. The user

notices their efforts and runs to try to get the Artifact first and destroy it. However, the

user is stopped by a British official that spots them. The user tries to argue with the

gentleman but he gives up after noticing Passepartout was successful, probably

because of the user’s distraction.

Angry and upset at his failure, the user gets on his horse and rides towards

Calcutta, hoping that the priests he sent there had arrived, allowing the user another

chance at taking the Artifact. They arrive before Fogg and alerts the local police,

ordering their arrest due to the religious offence Passepartout committed.

The police does as requested, arresting Fogg’s party. The user then fails to grab

the Artifact, since Fogg paid his bail to get out and continue his journey. Another

failure took a toll on the user, but they have to be determined, continuing the chase,

hoping for a miracle.

In China, the user simple chases around Fogg’s party, waiting for an opportunity

to strike. There were attempts at stealing the Artifact, but all of them failed. In Hong

Kong, however, the user decides Passepartout is a good servant, and must be taken

out of the picture for his mission to be successful. He invites Passepartout for a drink,

offering him a lot of whiskey/an opium pipe that causes Passepartout to become

unconscious. Seeing that he could never find his way to his master or to the ship, Fix

meets with Fogg as he finds out his ship as sailed, due to Passepartout never having

informed him of the time it would. Fix stays with Fogg as they find another ship that

takes them to Japan.

In Japan, however, Fogg finds Passepartout in a circus and the user is forced to

hide, since Passepartout knows he wished him harm or, at least, his delay.

The pressure to destroy the Artifact rises. The user understand the journey is

nearing its end, as they accompany Fogg through the United States of America. With


Passepartout near Fogg once more, the user isn’t sure they can take the Artifact away

from the group of travelers.

In the same train Fogg was at, although a few carriages away so they wouldn’t

find him, the user reads a newspaper detailing the robbery from two months before

that had not yet been solved. The description of the robber oddly matched Fogg’s

appearance, which gave the user an idea - they would accuse Fogg of being the robber

and arrest them the moment they arrived in Britain.

Finally, success, Fogg and Passepartout were arrested. Here is the perfect

opportunity to destroy the Artifact.

The user now faces a choice, a final tribulation. He can keep Fogg and

Passepartout in their cells, take the Artifact and destroy it or the user can talk with

them so they give up the Artifact in exchange for their freedom, so that Fogg would

have a chance at winning his bet.

This choice will decide the ending for the app:

Bad Ending- When the user is about to destroy the Artifact, they are arrested

for impersonating an officer and atttempting to steal evidences. Fogg would get out

free, since the real robber had been arrested 3 days before and he’d end up winning

the bet. The user gets trapped in the past, knowing they failed their task and that

humanity would reach its end.

Good Ending - Fogg believes to user, giving him the Artifact and his journal. The

user destroys it and returns to the present. Their surroundings appear to not have

changed and they wonder if any of it was real. They find Marco Fogg again, but he

does not know the user, proving that the users mission was successful. There was no

Artifact for Marco to research or kill his wife, and consequently, the Artifact did not

activate, saving Mankind’s future. The user explains to Marco their journey, from

Victoria’s message, to Marco’s role in it as he gives him Fogg’s journal as well. After

explaining it, Fogg says it would make a great story, but does not believe any of it was

real. The user is the only one that knows they’re a hero, which is slightly disappointing.

After many months, the user finds out about a book launching event of a story

called Around the World in 80 days, a romantic science fiction novel with elements

from the user’s explanation and Fogg’s journal.

The user visits the launch. When he gets there, he meets a woman with a

familiar voice. She introduces herself as Victoria Fogg and explains that she felt

compelled to be there, since Marco Fogg’s book inspired many members of her family,

including herself, to pursue a carrer exploring physics and time travel. She suspected


the book detailed a real story since it was too much of a coincidence that a Fogg with

her name would be born in the same year as her. With her knowledge in time travel,

she accepted the story to be true, which was why the first test of her machine was to

visit the book launch, hoping she would find the user.

With that, Victoria thanks the user for saving her and all of Mankind.

The eBook represents Phileas Fogg’s journal as he travels around the world. It

tells the story of Around the World in 80 Days through the perspective of Phileas Fogg,

with the Traverse storyline mixed in. Fogg speaks about his journey, detailing dates,

hours, trains taken, but also how exactly he found the Artifact, what it looks like, his

guesses about where it comes from and who made it.


When constructing the story of Traverse we need to take into account its

audience. In order for the project to be successful, the user needs to interact and

relate with its content. In this chapter we will explore the ways we attempt to

captivate our audience and immerse them into the story.

Firstly, we consider how to attract the audience. The user will have to discover

one of the platforms before they embark in this world-saving journey. Through

publicity via posters with QR codes and social network websites, the potential user’s

curiosity is peaked.

Living his normal everyday life, the user receives a message from Victoria Fogg.

This is the call to action that is directly related with the initial motivation of the

audience. The message was then delivered to the only person capable of helping.

Whether by sheer curiosity or by understanding the key role they play in this story,

they embark on this journey.

Once the adventure starts it becomes essential for the user to identify with the

main character, even though they are the main character, which aids with the

immersion. We created four identities that the user will be fit on via a questionnaire,

each result leading to a different path through Porto. This way they will be more

motivated to physically travel through the city since these four paths relate with their


This entire story will be even more interesting if the user knows Around the

World in 80 Days since becoming the character of Detective Fix is also an important

immersion point. The story itself is filled with trails that the user will read about and

the fact that the story is so fantastic causes a certain level of abstraction, a suspension

of disbelief, making the whole experience much more interesting.

It is also important to note what the user will gain by interacting with the story.

Besides their own personal, emotional gain, they will have the chance of visiting

interesting places they choose with the questionnaire, to visit museums and

monuments and to learn about Porto and its people.

Regarding the story, they may or may not save the world. The last chapter

becomes a problem about the weight of their decisions, between the choice of what is

right and what is not, based on Kantian ethics. By arresting Fogg without reason, even

to save the world, they end up choosing to arrest an innocent person and, therefore,

pay by going to jail instead. If they choose to talk with Fogg they are rewarded with



In the end, even if they realize they're the only one that knows they saved the

world, Victoria's thanks at the very end leads to a good conclusion. This leads the user

to think about how great actions need no recognition and that accepting the good they

made is the better option.

User experience is always a main factor of success in any transmedia project.

Envolving several platforms reveals more complexity in the way the user experiences a

project, but it also makes them an immersive and interactive part in the development

of both community and the project itself, making the project achieve its fullest


Because of this, the base of the Traverse Project is none other than inflict a

sense of integration while promoting the user as both the editor and creator of his

own storyline and experience. We aim with this project to make the user a top priority,

making his experience even richer by providing diverse platforms and making him feel

as an essential and significant part of this story.

To promote a feeling of community, we set up social media platforms, once

they provide a rich environment for spontaneous interactions within individuals while

also appealing to the participation and active role our audience stimulating social

interaction in search of other experiences from other members of the community. The

mobile app itself is reserved as an essential and personal part of the user, all while

remaining connected and with the ability to share their moments with other people.

The existence of platforms such as the eBook, twitter and audio experiences all

serve an important purpose in the transmedia project, as they are available to the user

as extra information about our project universe, making their ever so growing

experience into a more detailed and exciting one. We aimed to create a convincing

storyline and universe, all while taking full advantage of the many diverse platforms

offered that could form a practical and harmonious collaboration with the project




(Available in Attachment 2)


Our mobile application, being an interface with small dimensions with a

complex structure, we aimed to take advantage of this by presenting a simple

and clean layout for our contents combined with our project’s visual image,

while making its navigation clear to provide an easy experience to our user.

It became important to make each screen available simple and direct to

its objective, while still mainting an all around visual image that would not

disrupt the project’s visual design or the visibility and functionality of the

mobile application.

Wireframe examples of some mobile app screens

Another essential aspect of the layouts was to be respectful to the

standard use which users might already have been familiar with from their past

encounters with android applications, and thus making it a visually comfortable

and easy experience.


The website is divided into two parts: the project information content,

all of it which if available in the same initial page; and the user area for access

of our mobile application users.

In the main page of our website, we present the project’s information in

a clean and easy to access manner, much like the mobile application, trying to

make and maintain a coherent visual design image in order to prevent any

aggressive changes in the user’s familiarity with our project and its image.

This single-page structure is in respect to our clean and easy to read

image, while also being connected with the tendencies of modern web design.

The user and visitor are then provided with only a scroll, a storytelling

experience, while accessing our website for more information and content from

the Traverse project.

Wireframe examples of some parts of the website main page


According to the data published in the C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency) website, the Portuguese population is divided in age groups as the graph below represents. We can verify that the biggest percentage of the population lies between the 25 and 30 years old. As the age group of the target audience lies between the 15 and 35 year old, we assume Traverse is aimed at about half the Portuguese population.

With the latest decade's technological progress, the digital and network

communication era caracterizes society at a global scale. The mobile revolution developed at a staggering speed which changed society's mode of working, interacting and communicating. We're getting more used to accessing information from across the world with but a "click", no matter where we are. This access to different contents not longer is made by personal computers but by the variety of mobile devices that have been appearing.

The mobile technologies are progressively becoming part of the lives of people

all over the world.


Traverse was born into this reality. By having the narrative base of literature's classic Around the World in 80 Days, our biggest challenge was creating an interactive narrative that utilizes those technologies. However, before all that, it was important to understand, with real, visible data, how this reality would affect the Portuguese public.

The difference between cable and mobile Internet is demonstrated in the

below graphic. A growing preference for the mobile over the cable communication is noticeable.

The use of mobile internet, then, has been growing through the past few years as detailed by the Anacom published graph below. This graph shows that in July, 2015, almost half of Internet access was made through a mobile Internet connection.


Traverse is a project that aims to reach as many people as possible, across age, gender and personality. Certain limitations, however, are unavoidable. The App user, for example, has to own a website and to access the website, the social network sites and the eBook one requires an internet connection.

Even though the above data represents the target audience, it still fails to show the complexity of everyone that would be involved. To keep this wide array of public engagement we created four personas - examples of distinct personalities, incomes and Internet connection availability whose age fits the target audience population.

Based on these four personas we created four distinct paths for the Mobile App, based on an initial questionnaire, that would place the user in only one. This way, the path one must follow as the play the App will match their personality, preferences and expectations better, motivating them to continue their journey.

The project's various components, the App, with its four diferent paths for four kinds of people, the eBook, the audio axperience, the website or social networks, allow us to reach a broader audience. This way, a bigger number of people can experience the transmedia story, following whatever platform they wish, in any order they wish.


The communication and marketing strategy was based on the previous analysis. This way, the best ways of divulging each of the different platforms, as the goal and target audience were studied and defined.

Website Aplicação Móvel

E-Book Redes Sociais

Target Audience

All Young/Adult Young/Adult Young/Adult

Goal Access to the


Download of the Mobile


Download of the eBook

Access to the project’s social networks

Actions to develop

QR codes present in


Presented in the App and Website.

Social network dynamics;

Constant publication and communication

with audience.

Each of the platforms is linked with the others, allowing for a mutual referral.

This way, no matter where the user starts, they know and can access the other platforms; each one creates publicity towards the others, creating a cycle of referrals.

The first task is to capture the user's attention, jog their curiosity so they become interested in the story, interact with it and share their experience with potential users. The posts, the teaser and the social networks are the key for that.

Having the user's attention and curiosity it is necessary to make them engaged and interested in the story. If they feel their interaction makes the difference and is important they will more likely attempt to prolong the experience by accessing different platforms and then sharing that experience. In order to keep the user captivated the paths were chosen according to their lifestyle's similarities with the Personas', so they feel invested and engaged.


Key Resources: Produtores de conteúdo, programadores Key activities: Construção e manutenção da aplicação móvel. Distribuição de cartazes. Value Propositions: Imersão, recriação, inovação Costumer Relationships: Redes Sociais Channels: Cartazes, miniaturas de Artefacto, Website, Aplicação móvel, eBook, Redes Sociais (Facebook, Twitter) Costumer Segments: Jovens e Adultos Browser game based on text-driven story about a

steampunk/victorian era London that has fallen in disgrace (like most steampunk

stories). 80 days around the world is usually regarded as Steampunk,

(, so we could explore that aesthetic and the

methods this game uses. The artifact can be activated by Caesium,

only produced and spread around the world after the first nuclear explosion.

Scientific research about time travelling theories :







