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Welcome to the Time Correction Wikia Edit

The time correction wikia is a small description of the physics in small spaces since the particles are only in small terms or spaces originally.Velocity (including centripetal), distance, and time

plus non relativistic terms are here in this wiki plus new terms for momentum as part of energy and an example of potato sprouts in winter or smoking plus terms of red shift.

Contents Edit


Basic concepts of spacetime and time correction

1. 1.

Rate Laws and Time Correction Re-written for Energy of Special Relativity

1. 1. 1. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Time Correction


Time and Energy Methods

1. 1.


Momentum, λp,and Wave Nature

1. 1. 1. 1. Time Correction and New Formulation for Energy and Principal Quantum Number


Time, Probability, Energy, and Dynamics

1. 1.

1. 1.

Energy and Probability

1. 1.

1. 1.

Dirac Relativistic Equation, Time, Bose-Einstein Condensate, and Energy

1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Discussion of Weak Statistics and Spin Statistics


Wien Displacement Error

1. 1.

Contents [hide]

1 Welcome to the Time Correction Wikia

2 Contents

3 Basic concepts of spacetime and time correction

3.1 Rate Laws and Time Correction Re-written for Energy of Special Relativity

3.2 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Time Correction

3.2.1 Time and Energy Methods Edit

3.3 Momentum, λp,and Wave Nature Edit

3.3.1 =Time Correction and New Formulation for Energy and Principal Quantum===== Number Edit Time, Probability, Energy, and Dynamics Energy and Probability Dirac Relativistic Equation, Time, Bose-Einstein Condensate, and Energy Discussion of Weak Statistics and Spin Statistics Wien Displacement Error Problem of Relativity Energy Phase Space, and Zodiac Light Measures Edit Light as Particle and Wave

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1. 1.


Problem of Relativity Energy

1. 1.

1. 1.


Phase Space, and Zodiac Light Measures

1. 1.

1. 1.


Light as Particle and Wave

Basic concepts of spacetime and time correctionSpacetime and time correction is a new topic that explains the dilemma of the parameter time. In classical physics, time points often involve measures of t0 (initial time) and tf (finaltime). However, time according to Einstein, in quantum mechanics, involves a reference of inertial frame stating there is no absolute time. Now there is a new term called time correctionthat can involve time measures of calculations for energy of special relativity [1] and momentum in terms of time as a parameter. Along with Einstein, who shunned the speed-dependentmass model [2] new proofs suggest from the basic rate law of rate times time = distance is a fundamental equation that can be utilized for further relations shown to explain how timepoints can prove equations of special relativity and momentum.Research into time correction stemmed from time continuum and the speed of light questions. The controversy of are neutrinos faster than the speed of light espoused discussion afterscientists at CERN made time measurements. New discussions on dark matter and the nature of particles were much debated[3]. The fundamental properties of dark matter were beinganalyzed for more characteristics. While the dark matter and energy is found to be more numerous, properties of speed are found to be inversely related to energy of special relativity whenfollowed over time. In Dr. Hecht's paper, he noted Walter Kauffman's observation of e ÷ mass decrease for increase in velocity [4] may support the inference as shown in the Bucherergraph (see figure 2) discussing the variation of mass and velocity of electron [5]. The speed of neutrinos were found to be slower than the speed of light from time correction justslightly [6] [7]. The relationships of dark matter and energy are consistent for thermodynamics. This inverse relationship does not violate the first law of thermodynamics; energy is neithercreated nor destroyed. The scenario of decreasing velocity is displayed by the hyper-geometric series, Agravat series function shows variable z proportionate to speed depicted. This plotsupports the possibility of increasing energy trend during hyper-geometric conditions because the speed and function is shown to decrease [8] (see figure 1). For ideally safe conditions thefunction is proportionate to speed and mass to y.However super-luminal velocity can happen based on average acceleration and time correction. Limitations may affect the Quantum fieldtheory of everything of Vladimir Kalitvianski. Another problem of relativistic energy is the light time correct more accurate than light years and can be based on probability oflight proportional to the probability of mass changes with respect to velocity in infinitesimally small amounts can add up over time to cancer.

Singularity Finite or Type I has flaws in conceptual form to be a problem of force. Einstein used force to show relativity but this is not appropriate based on force 1) For f(c-) and f(c+) do exist and is

both true. This assumption may be false. For two events to be both true requires independence not mutually exclusive based on probability proof Agravat (2012). 2) For f(c-) and f(c+) are not equal a still approach limits of zero

from a negative side which is false to approach negative infinity.

Schwardsfield Radius

1) Gravitational time dilation of Schwarzchild radius is incorrect base on linear rate law. 2) The rate equivalent is near Radius squared proportionate to R2 ~ D2 x T2 / 2 3) Alternate I of (R x 2 / T) = D is possible for spin

of fermions or bosons and rate law change R = DT / 2 and mv / t−4mv / t2c and energy of threshold vs 2mv2 4) Alternate II or square of I is (R x 2 / T) = D is possible for spin of fermions or bosons and rate law change R2 = (DT)2

/ 4 and mv / t−4mv / t2c and energy of threshold vs 2mv2 5) Stern Gerlach show an approach of energy at Max Planck constant h / 2 and The outcome is R2 ~ R2 / 2 of Schwardsfield Radius. 6)

In certain scenario such as 30, 60, 90 degree right triangle, there is time dilation based on difference of isosceles right triangle when comparing at 60 degrees and the simple harmonic

oscillator. 7) Emissivity of is 60 degrees vs a change based on square root of 2 or an isosceles right triangle

X w(t) = 60 cos(2 pi tc) -X w(t) = 30 sqrt (2) cos(2 pi tc)

17.55 if seconds then time dilation by hypotenuse axiom method and time correction. and maximal velocity of dark matter. Time dilation not realized means cancer.

Simple Harmonic Oscillator and Time Correction Model

The parameter of space a dancing ball under the effect of inelastic collisions is described by the simple harmonic oscillator. The 2 D map is used. Dissipation destroys the phase space

described by the momentum anomaly. Time inverse may also occur near 60 degrees. Similarly at 45 degrees of simple harmonic oscillator will depict correct behavior. The commute described

by by (x,y) = -(y,x) can function by the velocity for Vw(t) = - ew sin(wt) of the simple harmonic oscillator and x or displacement by Xw(t) = ecos(wt). The omega equals 2pi/T (t is the period)

and can be from the simple harmonic oscillator of Niels Bohr. The behavior follows the 2pi correction method of velocity correction for dark matter and neutrinos. For period T (s) as (1,2,3,4)

the Vw(t) is ( -0.632, -0.158, -0.088,-0.012) and the velocity displaced as in y commutes for emissivity at 60 degrees. For the another step and emmisivity at 45 degrees, and T (s) of (1,2,3,4)

is Vw(t) is (-0.474,-0.118,-0.066,-0.029).Subsequently the commutes for bosons -(x1,y1) ≈ (y2,x1), (x,y) ≈ --(y,x), (x,y) ≈ -(x,-y) and (x,y) ≈ -(x,-y) for the spin statistics and weak statistics at

45 degrees relevant to bosons, electro magnetic dynamics, spin statistics and weak statistics will also be observable. The contribution may be toward QCD or part of it for the weak statistics

interaction. The three types of matter Bosons,neutrinos, and electrons involve an aspect of QCD. Bosons exhibit strong interaction first then weak interaction and neutrinos are weak forces

while electrons are electro- magnetic to create weak statistics [24] interaction. One may have to survey like commute (x,y) ≈−(x,y) or (x,y) ≈−(x,−y). The velocity of the correction closely to

the 2pi or power root method for time correction like the ratio of 1/2pi or 1/6.28 and 0.159. The time is considered to be tim e correction or tc in the simple harmonic oscillator model with the

output negative for velocity and x constant or nearly less than the original emmisivity. The results are the negative of the 2pi proportions.

Example of Tau Particle

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A tau is a negative particle with negative charge and spin 1/2.A Tau is a fermionic lepton.Tau is an anti-particle with equal mass, opposite charge and spin -1/2. Tau particle has half - life of

2.9 E-13 s and a mass of 1776.82 MeV/c2. vs 0.511 for electrons. A tau is a heavier version of electron and interactions.Tau particles do not emit as much bremsstrahlung radiation as

electrons; consequently they are potentially highly penetrating, much more so than electrons."braking radiation" or "deceleration radiation") is electromagnetic radiation produced by the

deceleration of a charged particle when deflected by another charged particle, typically an electron by an atomic nucleus. The moving particle loses kinetic energy, which is converted into a

photon, thus satisfying the law of conservation of energy. The change of energy and time for energy correction is for tau particle is Ec ~ m(D)2 /tc2 or about 2.31 E-22 Joules from mass 3.16

E-27 kg and radius 1.25 E-11 km with time 2.9E-13 s. To set the equivalence for average lifetime to time correction for fermions to mv2 shows velocity is about 6.83 E-11 km/s indirectly.

Directly mv2 is 1.47 E-47 Joules whose square root is 3.84 E-24 Joules. Energy correction based on radius is about 5.80 E -23 Joules. The [1] Tc x Vc / 4 ~ D results in a distance of 0.776

km from time correction of 1.14 s and velocity of 270 km/s a method when time dilation is possible from indirect energy and velocity for microscopic velocity.

The simple harmonic oscillator can be used here. Vw(t) =- 2pi x sin (2 pi Tc(4)) is about -60.7 km/s.v s 270 km/s in terms of time dilation. Xw(t) = 77.6 x cos( 2 pi Tc(4) is about 76.9 km where velocity and the distance of 0.776 km are linear.

Rate Laws and Time Correction Re-written for Energy of Special Relativity Edit

Since the circumference is an important geometric relation of round objects, the equation of 2pir is relevant.Vc = (D) ÷ (Tc) where D = 2πr.t = (2πr) ÷ (c)v2 = (2πr)2 ÷ (t2)v = (2πr) ÷ (t)E = m × v2

Ec = (m × (2πr)2) ÷ (tc2)Ec = (m × (D)2) ÷ (tc2)

The parameters of time and λ by time correction allows the proof of photoelectric effect and De Broglie relation to help demonstrate that proof of E=mv2 and Eec= m × D2 ÷ tc2.Time correction subsequently follows the equation of special relativity(potentially not over all time).

Eec = (m × (2πr)2) ÷ (tc2)t 2 = (m (2πr) 2) ÷ (E)t = √ ((htd) ÷ (λ) ÷ (hc) ÷ (λ))(1) ÷ (c) =(P) ÷ (E)E=mc2

The relationship of time correction existing is depicted with a right triangle for difference of energy correction and maximal velocity. The proof involves features of the photoelectric effect.Time formulation does not violate the special relativity equation, and demands more attention to be paid with caution to high particle physics and time because of cyclical patterns thatexist without time correction and newer relations showing time at zero.

λc subsequently joined with νc = c ÷ λc and E = h × νc will yield the velocity when λc solves for νc [9]. Time correction can be calculated of Eec = (m × (2πr)2) ÷ )(tc2) with energy. The ratecorrection is obtained from the rate law Rate = Distance ÷ timec where time is Δ time. The velocity based on λc will yield tc as well as the slower velocity based on 2π correction. The ratelaw with Δt is utilized to calculate the rate correction for tc which yields the rate correction utilized for the velocity of particles.(v1 × tc) ~ (v2 × tc2π)v2 = (v 1 − (tc2π) ÷ (tc) × (πAB)2 ÷ v1) × (tc) ÷ (tc2π)The velocity equations are good examples of equations that can allow inferences which can be similar in chemistry as well as physics where questions off thermodynamics are of concern.The maximum velocity and the v2 based on 2pi correction values are roughly proportional to each other. Velocity2, or the lower 2pi correction measure, can be calculated with the equation.The 2pi transformation shows consist approximate values.


Proof of Classical Momentum in Time Correction

Eec = (m × (πAB)2) ÷ (tc2)Eec = mv2

P= (E) ÷ (v)P=mvFor both energy of special relativity and momentum, there is an inverse relationship with velocity of time correction.

With momentum, there is an inverse relationship of velocity with time correction. As time is followed, the momentum will be less if 2pi correction is done which is an 'anomaly'for dark matter neutrino particles with a lower velocity and follows the first law of thermodynamics for momentum. The relationship of momentum and special relativity energyboth have this property for neutrinos of lower values for time correction and may result in important possible interactions with visible matter.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Time Correction Edit


Δtu = √ (m x D2r ÷ E)The energy correction solution for time correction in is an approximate for velocity correction and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle's Δt solution where the approximation of the time isequivalent to h ÷ (4π × ΔE) for a velocity known such as 2π which represents a correction of 2π (division factor)[6] or vmax and the speed of light. The results are approximately similar toHeisenberg Uncertainty Principle's Δt calculations, for example in the case of electrons. The time component substituted back into the equation will yield the change in energy value forUncertainty principle [10] that approximately with d proportional to the radius of the particle.

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Vmax and time correction displays a right triangle relationship with elliptical correction for energy. This relationship can approximate the legs. Vmax and the uncertainty principle, calculatedwith time correction parameters with total time, will show a right triangle relationship. The slower velocities show a thinner right triangle pattern which may be part of the range where theassumption of low rest mass velocity is considered.

Time and Energy Methods Edit Edit

1)t ~ D ÷ √ (c)[[11]

Eec → mc2)t ~ D2 ÷ 2 × cEec → 4 × m × c2 ÷ D2

3)t ~ 1 ÷ √(v)E ~ (mv2 × D) ÷ √ (v)

The energy change when time is of time 0 results in change of energy to momentum. The energy change when the velocity is the hypotenuse, an intermediate of uncertaintytime, yields: 4 × m × c2 ÷ D2 a form of energy. Hence time methods prove to be important. The alternate is time correction. The time zero method is derived in comparingspecial relativity and energy correction based on time correction [12]. According to velocity estimate as the hypotenuse, there will be a right isosceles triangle with C ~ D ÷ (2 √ 2× c), different from the tradition, where time is t ~ D ÷ √ 2 in the right triangle. The new method shows that energy may transform to 2 × m × c ÷ t and alternate with 4 × m × c2 ÷D2 where the 2π relationship yields a value lower by less than 2π for the first relation. There may also be a hyper-geometric relationship where there is a right isoscelestriangle with legs ~ 1 ÷ √ (2) and hypotenuse ~ 1.

The energy relations of Planck's equation, λc, energy correction, and derivation demonstrates a new time relation relationship. Time ~ √(2) × v, however if c = (d2) ÷ (2t), timerelated to right triangle of velocity hypotenuse is utilized, then energy of special relativity and time correction will transform into momentum mv and no time correctionparameter at the point in time though time correction may potentially happen with momentum. Energy correction, and time correction with time proportional to the inverse ofsquare root of velocity yields a formulation of energy, when P(m) is zero, E ~ (mv2 × D) ÷ √ (v) involving a parameter of D ÷ √ (v) different than special relativity when P(m)(versus P(c)) is changed in the time formulation from a probability algorithm when probability P(m) approaches 0. The new method will reflect an increase in energy of about1/3 for neutrinos. The new relation E ~ (mv2 × D) ÷ √ (v) is proportionate to potential energy difference or work energy where energy has once been believed to be derivedfrom force.

If E = mv2 ~ Eec based on elliptical correction as distance,Planck's law,Herz's law, Einsteins' photoelectric effect, and λc correction, the time correction changes to tλce=D ÷ (π √(2c)). However,the 2pir correction based on circular circumference yields a time correction similar to the rate law in classical physics tc=D ÷ (v √ (2)). The elliptical correction issimilar to the velocity as hypotenuse relationship (t ~ D2 ÷ 2c). Time based on velocity as hypotenuse is proportional to the square of elliptical λc correction and π2 where tv =(tλce)2 ÷ π2.

Time and energy correction methods for the elliptical methods vs energy of special relativity demonstrates from the elliptical correction method that the ratio compared tospecial relativity for neutrinos is about 150,306 less in kgkm/s2 or about 1/2 less than the speed of light when time correction is followed [13]. Einstein also predicts Brownianmotion of black holes similar to the behavior low and high atomic number atoms where Bosons at low temperature collapse into the condensate. [14]. In addition, certain blackholes have been discovered to spin at 1/2 the speed of light [15] by Reis, Reynolds, Miller, and Walton.

The conclusion about the right triangle and time correction is that [16].

1) As mass approaches infinity Δt2+1 approaches infinity and energy approaches 0 2) If energy approaches 0, and Δt2+1 then E~ mD2+1/ tc2 approaches 0.

This situation is possible when there are systems that have infinite mass and infinite time resulting in proofs of limits that gives E going to 0 and possibly time going to infinity ifa constant such as 1 is added to the term Δt squared plus 1, a constant, for energy of time dilation for mass approaching infinity. This scenario may not be practical on earthbecause mass is not infinite on earth where limitations may be more. The infinite time may be found in black holes with regards to infinite space time as defined by the Δt2+1proof regarding gravitational singularity where no rotation is found that may be an analogue of the limit of t approaching infinity.

Momentum, λp,and Wave Nature Edit Edit

The λp [17] transformation a precursor to λc which includes time correction as a principle shows the wave transformation supports the inverse relationship of time and velocityfor momentum and energy. This relationship of time correction as a parameter in the discussion as following the particle and wave nature of matter adds to this discussion withits support. Wave transformation and time as a parameter may be a manner by which relativity energy behaves with an inverse relationship for time, velocity, momentum, andenergy. As shown, for Herz's law, the wavelength transformation proves the relationship for energy, energy correction, velocity of time correction shown for energy, and thechange the E= mc2 equation to momentum a component of the total energy equation mv2-imv0.

1) a decrease of time and velocity shows momentum will increase short term2) an increase of time and velocity shows momentum decrease short term3) a decrease of time and velocity shows an increase in energy of special relativity with regards to 2π correction4) an increase of time and velocity shows less energy though by a fraction less than 1/3

In addition, λp [18] shows an inverted cup shape (in figure 11) as predicted for dark matter.

=Time Correction and New Formulation for Energy and Principal Quantum===== Number Edit Edit

A proof of special relativity based on wavelength based momentum λc and Energy correction Eec involving the principal quantum number(related to the distance from origin D ~n can be transformed with Planck's relation and λc momentum (of time correction [19]) to produce a new formulation E ~ m × v ÷ n. The energy of electrons may be calculatedby the new formulation involving n,the principal quantum number, time correction, λc, Eecand modification of Planck's relation demonstrating an inverse relationship for n ordistance from center for electrons with energy based on time correction methods (see figure 4). Time at zero is also utilized when c ~ D2 ÷ t2 facilitates the transformation ofenergy correction into the new equation [20]. In addition to other properties, Cosine-1(m × v ÷n)+Sine-1(m × v ÷ n)~90 degrees.[21]

λc is a parameter for wavelength calculation through time correction to calculate momentum based time correction.[22] Λp or lambda involves the wavelength parameter when momentum is

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This article uses content originally from a deleted or an article undergoing deletion onWikipedia . The originalarticle was written by the following Wikipedia user(s): Gadget850. The text of Wikipedia, like Speedy deletionWiki, is available under theCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.Search Google for

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This article uses content originally from a deleted or an article undergoing deletion onWikipedia . The originalarticle was written by the following Wikipedia user(s): Gadget850. The text of Wikipedia, like Speedy deletionWiki, is available under theCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.Search Google for

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calculated and λc velocity is calculated. When time and wavelength, a measure of length is defined, space is implicitly involved for knowing the existence of a particle and distance at space

in time and is involved in proofs of energy which include the low rest mass velocity equation

E=h × νλc= h ÷ (8mcπ2)Eec= m × D2 ÷ tc2

E=8 m × c × π2

c ~ D2 ÷ tc2

E ~ m × v ÷ DE = m × D2 ÷ tc2 ~ m × v2

Time, Probability, Energy, and Dynamics

If and only if mass is ~ z and if speed (c) ~ y then

P(m)= ((1 ÷ m) − c ) ÷ (1 − c); then as time approaches 0, P(m) times mass,if mass is independent of probability with the derivative next with respect to velocity, will approachspecial relativity[23]. When time correction increases energy increases over time and vice verse. Einstein stated E = mc2 as long as energy of mass point is at rest.

For total time and Heisenberg Uncertainty principle withmaximal velocity, there may be negative energy changes withtime change. Time as a parameter further describes the energy

relations with time as a measure.[24] The question of energy intime correction also allows for values which increase with therange of energy with the parameters for time and energy

correction whether there are increases in energy from hyper-geometric relationships and decreasing velocity, or positive values of energy change for relativity without time as a


Decreasing velocity is shown in the Agravat series or hyper-geometric function.

If and only if mass is ~ y and if speed (c) ~ z then velocity is shown to decrease.1) if time correction is the case, energy will increase over time

A) as Speed decreases energy increases (if mass constant)tc increases.B) as Speed increases energy decreases (if mass constant)tc decreases.C) as Mass increases and speed decreases tc increases and energymay increase.

D) as Mass decreases and speed increases tc increases, energy and tc decreases.

Michio Kaku suggests that about Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the problem of a particle's position and momentum is measured, the less one can know with more precisionis mis-understood. The more precisely one measures one parameter does not mean the other may not necessarily be measured. Since precision and technology takesscience ahead into the future and makes the question of determinism controversial [26]. Dr. Michio Kaku states freewill is more his belief than determinism.

The question on uncertainty in statistics and probability is related to mutually exclusive events. Traditionally, Bayes taught the probability is 0. The new proof shows:

P(X) = X ÷ (1 + X).P(Y) ~ Q = 1 − PQ = 1 − (X ÷ (1+ X))Q = 1 ÷ (1 + X)P(X U Y) = X ÷ (1 + X) + 1 ÷ (1 + X)P(X U Y) = 1

Hence, this probability is 1 [27] for mutually exclusive events. If it were 0 then one might suggest uncertainty is a mutually exclusive relationship. Two possibilities can't be thesame because the probability may be 0. The possibility based on the new probability definition can be one. The relationship between the two objects may help determine themeasurement possibilities based on the scale measured. This new probability suggests that uncertainty related to mutually exclusive events is one if there were two objects, ifthere is no interaction. When particles have interaction, the rule of probability will be different than one.

Based on the explanation of probability of mutually exclusive events and Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, time correction and energy correction espouses an important point. If timecorrection and tu are equivalent, then the new relationships support the probability of mutually exclusives as evidence of the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. However, the assertion ofthe model shows that if Δt ~ (1- P(m)) ÷(2) as long as tu is greater than Δt of Heisenberg uncertainty principle's method for change in time [28]; hence time and probability are notinterchangeable dynamically in uncertainty as explained.1) tc 2 = (m (2πr) 2) ÷ (E)2) tu = (d2) ÷ ( √ (3c))3) P (X U Y) = 14) If P(X) = P(m)5) P(m) = ((1 ÷ m) − c ) ÷ (1 − c)

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6) If tc is proportional to tu7) tup ~ (1 - P(m)) ÷ (2)8) P(Y) = 2 × tu9) P(m) + 1- P(m) = 110) t = √((P(z) − c3) ÷ (exp1+c))Researcher Sean Carroll stipulates the concern for whether energy conservation law always demonstrates conservation due to time transnational in-variance [29] stating energy is notconserved. Under the independent-time method's assumption and support for Bayes proof of independence ( t = √((P(z) − c3) ÷ (exp1+c)) [30] and a probability algorithm P(n|i) for timeformulation (in tables 3 and 4 [31]), the time parameter does not translate into equal proportions of energy meaning energy may show conservation properties based on time as a parameter.The Probability,P(z) or P(c) where 1-P(c) is proportionate to speed of light, shows the more extreme the values for probability and time the lower the magnitude of energy by absolutevalue. Plus the complex parameters of time produces higher magnitudes of energy according to absolute values with lower probability.

Regarding probability, P(c) = ((1 ÷ c) − m ) ÷ (1 − m), where 1-P(c) is proportionate to speed of light c

1) if parameters for c (speed of light), and mass both are not equal to 0, P(c) exists2) if mass parameter equals or approaches 0, statements of expressions may not be appropriate to be set, because they may lead to infinity inappropriately [32].

For P(m) = ((1 ÷ m) − c ) ÷ (1 − c) and t = √((P(m) − c3) ÷ (exp1+c)), the proof indicates probability then approaches 1 for very small masses hence and time is proportional toinverse of square root of c (t = 1 ÷ √ (c)) which supports symmetry of dark matter and time ( figure 5 [33]) .

Energy and Probability

First as stated P(m) times mass and derivative with respect to velocity results in special relativity. Next, for infinite mass energy can be formulated as mv2-imv0 where i and oapproach from 1 to infinity [34] results in the product of P(m) times mass and change or derivative with respect to velocity in negative momentum and energy of special relativityin the form of mv2 for no time correction from a hyper-geometric relationship. However in the case that energy approaches 1 a constant, infinite mass integrated with respect tovelocity results in the second part of the energy equation for not time correction or imvo. The first state change for i and o as 1 shows mass relationship when integrated forvelocity as well as subsequently. Hence, for infinite mass there is positive energy, and for infinitive small mass, the more likely based on probability [35] integrated for velocity,and infinite mass results in the second term of the energy equation without time correction. If P(m) is zero then the energy equation with time correction is mv2 × D ÷ √ (v).

Dirac Relativistic Equation, Time, Bose-Einstein Condensate, and Energy

Hyper parabolic shapes of elliptical momentum where elliptical relativity of lambda of Agravat shows a hyper-parabolic plot (in figure 1 [36]) compared to degenerate energylevels [37 <p style="font-size:14px;line-height:22px;">Proofs of Herz’ s law can be drawn on this relationship for photons from De Broglie’s equation for known momentum and wavelength and the inverse of E/hv relationship andthe Hilbert space. Traditionally the De Broglie wavelength is shown as:</p> </p>


However this new relationship derived demonstrates a relationship for E=hv and E~mc2 where the ratio of Planck equation to Einstein’s special relativity is done.

E= hvE= mc2

If mc2~hvC = vλ(v)÷(c)~(1)÷(λ)(hv)÷(mc2)(h)÷(mcλ)The energy ratio of Planck's equation and Einstein's special relativity allows an added relation to energy correction. The analogous relationship can follow the same principle.hν ÷ mD2 ÷ tc2

hν ÷ mc2

(Eh)÷(Esr)~(h)÷(mcλ)hvλ ÷ mc2= h ÷ mchvλ ÷ mc2= h ÷ Phvλ ÷ mc2= h ÷ mcvλ ÷(c)=1c=vλThe relationship is a correct measure of Herz’s law, De Broglie, and Planck’s equation with special relativity as well as Bose-Einstein condensate and inverse of E/hv([http://speedydeletion.wikia.com/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/Time_correction#cite_note-38 39). hv/mc2 has been shown to have relationships for energy, the λc transformation of E=hv andfollows special relativity as well and energy correction Eec~ (mD2)/tc2 ([http://speedydeletion.wikia.com/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/Time_correction#cite_note-39 40).

A new relativistic Dirac Equation modified proof demonstrates the energy to be similar to the D or hypotenuse method for Schrodinger equation estimate for energy of electrons by principalquantum number for energies of about 4.33 E-24 J vs 4.35E-24 J for hydrogen atom electrons and the method demonstrated. For electrons which are more in center of atoms than furtheraway may have more energy (tables 1a, b [http://speedydeletion.wikia.com/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_creation/Time_correction#cite_note-40 41), explains why electron are more easily pulled awaywith respect to lower ionization energy that may be lower for certain elements and lower ionization energies may exist for electrons that may be far from the center or having higherprincipal quantum numbers.

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1) α=(V)÷(Zc)2) (1) ÷ (Z)2 =(V)÷(ZC)3) (1) ÷ (Z)=(V)÷(C)4) Z=(C)÷(V)5) Then E~(mc)2 ÷(√(1-Z2×(α)2))6) E~ (mc)2 ÷(√(1-(c2÷v2 × α2)))7) E~ (mc)2 ÷(√(1-(1)÷(Z)2))8) E~ (mc)2 ÷(√(1-(v)2 ÷(c)2))

Discussion of Weak Statistics and Spin Statistics

The very bad error is with respect to breaking down time first and force complex time of

Einstein and Lorentz which may be beyond all particles to manage and make hap-hazard

waste of energy. 'In the non-relativistic theory, this product annihilates

two particles at x and -x, and has zero expectation value in any state. In order to have a

nonzero matrix element, this operator product must be between states with two more

particles on the right than on the left:

$ \langle 0| \phi(-x) \phi(x) |\psi\rangle $

Performing the rotation, all that we learn is that rotating the 2-particle state $ |\psi\rangle $

gives the same sign as changing the operator order. This gives no additional

information, so this argument does not prove anything.'

If a particle exists, one may not destroy it by necessity which may make anti particles.

To consider spin statistic relativistic then does not follow where QED is the expectation

of a single electron particle. Once this next phase occurs to the problem of momentum

based on time correction does occur and is from energy and time dependence.

Time correction is a method which shows energy depends on time can also change to

momentum and follow the definition of conservation of Energy E=mc2 at times of even

Liebnitz as long as total energy is model of Etot= mv2- imvo . The possibility of small

amounts of energy and mass can involve spin.

The weak statistic can show the electron spin of 0 or explained in a new way as

proposed by Feynman as the 0 spin electron. The formula of probability of mass is shown

and involves independence.

P(m) =1/m-c/(1-c)

The P(m) is utilized for various techniques the possibility of effect on spin is

conceivable based on independence of mass and probability of mass.

weak statistic measure comes from the outcome of P(m)*m = 1 is shown for

Composite Bosons which involve force which by time correction is negative and inverse.

The relationship of velocity may be different for particles as well as mass and velocity.

For example, a Composite Boson may have

V ~ -1/4v~ -1/4c

P(m) =1/m--1/4c/(1--1/4c) and

P(m)*m = 1

With the V2v method and Velocity ~ hv/nm , the change is for Composite Boson

hv ~ -nmv/4

The according to the calculation of energy and new method, the result may be closer to

the following. The spin within shell Composite Boson is -nmv/4 - -nmv/4 =0

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The spin for different shell 2 and 1 is proportionate to for Composite Boson

-2nmv/4 --nmv/4 = -1/4

Weak Statistics

Some changes can involve the weak statistic where characteristics involve weak interaction

or strong interaction.

(1) Strong interaction and time correction involves

(2) Weak interaction and time correction involves

Part of spin statistic at work implies even at absolute zero, the system still has a

significant amount of energy. As a result, a fermionic system exerts an outward

pressure. Even at non-zero temperatures, such a pressure can exist. This degeneracy

pressure is responsible for keeping certain massive stars from collapsing due to gravity.

In relativity, there are no local fields that are pure creation operators or annihilation

operators. Every local field both creates particles and annihilates the corresponding

antiparticle. Julian Schwinger and relativity shows the product of the free real spin-0 field

has a nonzero vacuum expectation value, because in addition to creating particles and

annihilating particles, it also includes a part that creates and then annihilates a particle:

Space without Time

Operators separated in space with imaginary association for time will not differ yet differ.

One cannot create space and separate space and create order to separate space by a

phase.The argument of spin statistic fixes the phase to be −1 or 1 according to the spin

is seems to be about the 180 degrees polarization and rotate the space-like separated

polarization independently by local perturbations. The phase should not depend on the

polarization in a appropriately chosen field coordinates. '

This possibility necessitates space to exist without time. The time parameter may be

possible based on low rest mass assumption of Einstein but, the question of time

dependence is part of this possibility which will not follow and create negative

thermodynamic consequence of inertia and axis frame of time proposed then. However,

the phase of -1 to 1 is not matching the phase predicting the half integer spin based on

the slope and random points.

Based on slopes corresponds to phase of fermions because there is a representation

of swap of symmetry of waves corresponds to bosons where there is no swap of waves

(3) both can be reflexive for properties shown though spin statistics wont save birds or wild life.

(4) Other reason may who why waves occur based on total energy and and Planck's law or Herz's law with lambda(p) which can be defined by Huygens law and the idea of light from Newton..

Spin Statistic and non commutable matrix

Bigger velocity squared gap shows more energy difference for the negative value

association and smaller velocity squared gap has less energy difference. Bosons don't

swap wave yet Fermions swap waves which is senseless.

fermions swap waves

Bosons don't swap because of negative force already

Spin statistic depend on linear time hence, R xT = D.

Bosons which may have negative spin of -1/4 don't swap and have negative slope for

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change in position are possible for weak statistics as shown previously. Fermions which

swap are independent are positive for position change are for spin statistic.

Uncertainty implies,


is a reflexive property for fermions.


is a reflexive property for Bosons too.

Based Spin statistics the uncertainty principle shows positive result of uncertainty for

momentum and position multiplication not otherwise.

Commuting fields follow

$\phi(x)\phi(y)=\phi(y)\phi(x) $

then only the symmetric part of \psi contributes, so that $\psi(x,y) $=$ \psi(y,x) $,

and the field will create bosonic particles. On the other hand, if the fields anti-commute,

meaning that \phi has the property that $\phi(x)\phi(y) $=$-\phi(y)\phi(x) $,

then only the anti-symmetric part of \psi contributes, so that $\psi(x,y) $= $-\psi(y,x) $,

and the particles will be fermionic. Non-commute of matrices is relevant to negative matrices and the

the two-field operator product.

$R(\pi)\phi(x) \phi(-x) $

R is the matrix that rotates the spin polarization of the field by 180 degrees when one

does a 180-degree rotation around some particular axis. The components of \phi are not

shown in this notation, \phi has many components, and the matrix R mixes them up with

one another.

In a non-relativistic theory, this product can be interpreted as

annihilating two particles which are similar at positions x and -x with polarization

that are rotated by \pi relative to each other and configure $\pi $ around the origin.

Under this rotation, the two points x and -x switch places, and the two field

polarization are additionally rotated by a $ \pi$.

Spin Statistic for Time Correction

A Minor Point on Spin Statistic is done for linear statistic of time correction.

Additionally, the assumption (known as micro-causality) that space like separated

fields either commute or anti commute can be made only for relativistic

theories with a time direction. Otherwise, the notion of being space

like is meaningless.

On commutablility, the possibility from time correction may allow the slow velocity

based on 2pi correction and different time for neutrinos.

8.65 E29 J ~ 8.65E29 J

If the same time correction is applied then commute rule does not work hence not work

conditionally for Pauli Exclusion Principle ' Only one fermion can occupy a given quantum

state at any time, while the number of bosons that can occupy a quantum state is not

restricted '. The spin statistic normally does not directly apply.


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4.37E29 J ~ 1.37E29 J

Problem Warnings of Wormholes and Dr Kaku

This means that in relativity, the product of the free real spin-0 field has a

nonzero vacuum expectation value is a characteristic of worm holes which may be

time dependent and random according to the Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku described in

an 'Article on Borrowed' Time by J R Minkel. This process which may occur more

often in outer space then what about the inner space of life force.

Time correction is possible and complex interaction may conserve time.

Problem HIV or Health

'Michio Kaku, who claims to be an expert on everything, allowing him to cover up inter alia

the documented fact that AIDS is Biowarfare by the U.S. Government Against Blacks and

Gays primarily. Assuming the mantle of false authority, Kaku also tries to confuse his

trusting, credulous, duped and even fawning listeners (including CCNY students!) on

innumerable other issues. Kaku appears regularly on the BBC, Network TV “News” and

elsewhere to push the new “scientific” fiction while steering false propaganda on

astronomical events or physics research, the latter of which is largely controlled by the

falsely labeled U.S. “intelligence community.”

'The basic building blocks of matter such as protons, neutrons, and electrons are

fermions. Particles such as the photon, which mediate forces between matter particles,

are bosons.'

The intentional mix up of wrong phases such as -1 and 1 of fermion and boson will result

in a long run wasting away of biological process equivalent to HIV. Muscles will deteriorate,

not rebuilding of energy blocks, maintain immunology or biological molecules necessary

to make energy to live and maintain. Slopes of random points show fermions (1) require

a positive slope and Boson negative slope (-1) and to mix up the negative force known to

exist of a boson is wrong intentionally and a violation of health standards. This may not

follow and may not explain why Bosons don't commute or rationalize.

Wien Displacement Error

The new method of dealing with Wien's displacement is from elliptical momentum. ⦁ No commutative matrices exist by Heisenberg ⦁ no uncertainty principle may be allowable as a result ⦁

ΔP∗Δx ⦁ Problems from Wien's displacement and temperature relationships is the Lamda (P) momentum which is statistically normal with Shapiro Wilk's P value of <0.08 is showing

challenges. ⦁ (x,y)≠−−(y,x) ⦁ Relationship shows problems to Boson's particle which may split them like spin to 1/2 or -1/2 not only near ultraviolet and near infrared black-body radiation to 1/4

and -1/4 with a speed proportionate to 0.83c. There is a possibility of strong interaction then weak interaction. The strong interaction is simialr to weak interaction but the ratio of sine inverse

and cosine inverse still 90 degrees. Energy will happen again and the waves form energy total. ⦁ darker energy and gluons happen in the creation of Bosons with spin 1/4 and -1/4 and speed

0.83c while strong interaction may occur afterwards and weak interactions in the long run. ⦁ After Stefan Boltzman law at 274 Kelvin to the fourth power and split time in the last third of an

increment of time. ⦁ Dark matter or neutrinos may occur with the equation below for velocity far beyond anything. ⦁ The distance change may be related to (tcxVc ) / 4. ⦁ If temperature of 273

kelvin is the case is 5.36 E-7 km of λWien′s ⦁ The resulting velocity is greater then the speed of light like the average acceleration when comparing a maximal and time and velocity at 0 which

shows the risk of increasing velocity beyond normal and commute happened of spin statistics ⦁ As a previous relationship shows the spin form slope for fermions is - 1 and + 1 for Bosons ⦁

Spin statistics stated the commute does not happen to Bosons and happens for fermions ⦁ Wien's displacement may suggest the reverse possibility. ⦁ A new calculation of temperature is

now possible ⦁ the wavelength at which this Stefan Boltzman and black-body radiation may happen which is mid range at near ultraviolet and near infrared. ⦁ The data analysis may suggest

the false conclusion Wien's law shows b/T at 305 K produce 9.5 um or 9.5 E-9 km while the relationship shown is about 4.80 E-7 km a difference relevant to possibility of time dilation by Tc-V

of the short distance as predicted but for Bosons. ⦁ Elliptical time correction for momentum and wavelength also happened. ⦁ Stefan Boltzman law and Wiens' law do not seem to follow

closely and may seem close to Tc−V and Tec where interaction happens more.

Temperature λ(W) ≈ (b) ÷ (λ Wien 2 π 2 )

When super-luminary velocity occurs based on average acceleration.Another time may be closer than ordinarily seen when airplanes do not land or may collide without time. There may be a

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Time dilation and tangent of

radius, and aspect which can be

subtract a closer time dilation

measure about the distance to

be less than speed of light if light

time correction is measured or

seen and has an aspect of right

triangle representation of 4 parts

with symmetry to x and y axis.

point when the Stefan- Boltzman law occurs for freezing point of water in Kelvin 273 to the fourth power possibly far in space. The Stefan-Boltzman law may

impact change when time correction can be negative. The energy of Uncertainty principle can also be negative for energy change and time change. A right

triangle relationship can still be seen in figures.

Problem of Relativity Energy

The discussion of the Wigner distribution function is complex.There is a relationship for distance and momentum but not energy with time. The solution of

the density function and the distance and momentum is feasible, but the principal quantum number is an interval variable. The problem is one cannot have

energy from momentum in 'n' the orbit and the possibility of change will be harmful. The relationship for velocity and radius or distance can be a possibility

the total energy equation.

(1) v ~ 1/r

(2) if (mv2 -mv) ~ 1/r

(3) dx/dt ~ v

(4) mv 2 ~ mD 2 / tc2

(5) mv ~ Etc3

(6) m * dx/dt ~ [1/(v2 -v)] dt

(7) m * dx/dt ~ [D2/tc2 -D/tc ] -1 (dt)

(8) m * dx/dt ~ [D/tc 2 -4D/tc 3]

(9) (mv2 -mv)Etot(r)

(10) [mD/tc2 -4mD/tc 3 ]

(11) Etot(r) = mv/t - 4mv/tc2

The solution from energy and time independent method for energy is scary about 3.65 E-65 J for velocity of uncertainty versus speed of light and far different from the non - time dependence

to one of 8.20 E-20 J and mv2 . The ratio is about 4.45 E-45 with Ep in the denominator. The solution from vs. uncertainty principle the ratio is 8.32 E-12. The practical solution of Ep as

sqrt(2mv2) is then compared 4.04 E-10 J.The factor is about is too close to the uncertainty problem to be less. The ratio of 8.32 E-12 with uncertainty and 4.04 E-10 J is 48.64.. From the

equation the final answer and radius relationship with velocity uncertainty of 1.43 E-10 km/s and time uncertainty for electron 0.000358 seconds, is 3.63 E-37 kg km/s2 (In terms of Newtons

about 3.63 E-40 N) and less of 2.96 E-30 kg km/ss ( in N/s about 2.96E-33 N/s) . With the speed of light 3 E+5 km/s time is 1.70 E-19 s. The result then compares to 1.60 E-6 kg km/s2 or

1.60 E-9 N and 3.77 E +13 Kg Km/s3 or 3.77 E + 10 N/s. Possibility of speed of light as the velocity may not be acceptable based on measures of known energy of electron is 0.511 MeV.

This relationship is different from energy of pair or threshold for 2mv2 where Ep can be the square root of 2mv2 for Ep .The first term may show a different rate law mv/t vs 2mv/t and the next

part R x 2/T = D which is false for mv/t - 4mv/tc2 and energy of threshold. The orientation of left side vs right side may be affected such as in cis vs trans shapes of configurations showing

unstable cis forces vs trans forces and configuration such as carbohydrates molecules of fat vs unsaturated fat or types of bonds.

Wikipedia said this: "Potatoes contain toxic compounds known as glycoalkaloids, of which the most prevalent are solanine and chaconine. Solanine is also found in other plants in the family solanaceae, which includes such plants as the deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) and tobacco (Nicotiana) as well as the potato, eggplant and tomato. This poison affects the nervous system causing weakness and confusion. These compounds, which protect the plant from its predators, are generally concentrated in its leaves, stems, sprouts, and fruits. Exposure to light, physical damage, and age increase glycoalkaloid content within the tuber; the highest concentrations occur just underneath the skin. Cooking at high temperatures (over 170 °C or 340 °F) partly destroys these."

'Michio Kaku, who claims to be an expert on everything, allowing him to cover up inter alia the documented fact that AIDS is Biowarfare by the U.S. Government Against Blacks and Gays

primarily. Now one may observe, the lack of understanding far exceeds the comparisons of HIV on sexual orientation only when Stefan-Boltzman law is not understood.

j∗ = σxT4

a(avg) ≈ ( Vc−V2pi) / (tc−tc2pi)Energy(Tot) ≈ mv2−mv

Less than energy of energy of total change, mv2−mv and Stefan Boltzman law happens and it is not ok at normal STP conditions. More than the momentum needed is when it is ok at non-

normal STP. Stefan Boltzman law for happens for mv than it is not ok based on Carnot engine or near. When velocity is microscopic momentum occurs from the total energy change real

microscopic.Energy happens of the total energy relation when velocity is much greater than 1. The hazard warning is time dilation.The Stefan law is for power of black body radiation.The limit

is less than momentum however which is not energy.The problems for neutrinos, based on equation of uncertainty and time correction will happen on one and the other 90 degrees from cos−1(2mv√E) a second component of time dilation in light time correction.One may believe in health warnings about fitness and exertion is far exceeded for normal STP. More warnings about

free radicals ans ozone layers and deletion of water resources like scorched earth. Thermonuclear collisions may appear closer to the scenario. Radiation of thermonuclear collision which

happens in Russia or else from outer-space meteoroids colliding on earth with a rationally similar megatons.

Phase Space, and Zodiac Light Measures Edit

In phase space,

one may observe 'Polarization is measured as a fraction of light intensity or luminosity.

P=L1−L2 / L1+L2

L1 and L2 are electric vector and parallel to the plane of scattering. P is negative if it is in the plane of scattering. Robley Light (1962) noted Woltenscroft and Rose when ϵ or permitivity is 60

degrees 20 show smaller elongations ii. Larger elongation A reversal of the degree of polarization are linked to E =160 - 180 degrees. ' The collisions may be observed from the total energy

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Sine of radius and changes of

time dilation by red shift, white

shift, and blue shift.

equation and changes here stated by Poynting-Robertson effect and collisions by Dohanyi. Equation (A) contains the term Newtons and yank. Equation (B) is the error term of energy relevant

to total energy and centripetal velocity.

(A) mv/t - 4mv/tc2

(B) 2mv2

may also be part of the collisions at degree of polarization are linked to E =160 - 180 like an error term.

Term (A) has a part can be associated with red shift. In the winter, for example red potato buds.

(1) 'A sprout of any size can be toxic, but you'd have to eat many sprouts to get sick. Potato sprouts are considered toxic due to their potentially high concentration of glycoalkaloids, which

can exert their toxic effects on the nervous system by interfering with the body’s ability to regulate acetylcholine, a chemical responsible for conducting nerve impulses. Phew - got that? ' The

toxin can crate negative energies over time and create negative energizing feelings. In addition, when potatoes sprout, the starch in the potatoes is converted into sugar. If the potato is firm, it

has most of the nutrients intact and can be eatenafter removing the sprouted part. However, if the potato is shrunken and wrinkled, it should not be eaten.Sometimes potatoes develop a green

tinge - a potato exposed to light, sprouted or unsprouted, may itself have an increased concentration of glycoalkaloids. If this is the case, the toxic area will turn green. You can cut the green

part off and eat the rest of the potato.' The comment was from (rachaelray- and is it safe to eat sprouted potatoes?)Perhaps this type of red potato and red shift can be with unhealthy bonds

and cis type.

Part (B) is associated with White shift and the possible leukemia.Part (A) and red shift like HIV and weak statistics. One may have to note Vladimir Kalitvianski and ' On integrating out short-

distance physics ' and avoid the ignorance of superluminal velocity.

The relationship when ϵ is 60 is part of the problem. black-body radiation are having a curve at 280 K ad wavelength 10 E-8 at frequencies near 10 E+14 to 10 E+13. The lifetime of zodiacal cloud are defined by the Poynting-Robertson effect by collisions Dohanyi 1972 which are dangerous! Negative force may occur based on time. If the zodiacal light is stable over the lifetime, required mass is proportional to the total brightness of the zodiacal light which may happen and is conserved by the particles light and wave theory.

(2) The additional example of this relationship of the force of newtons and yanks in the centripetal velocity may occur about smoking or tobacco.The first term and time can be relevant to dead

time uncertainty or dead time correction and is with respect to speed of light and uncertainty velocity 3 E+5 km/s and 1.43 E-10 km/s.The second term about dark matter as constant.One can

alternate the first term for the velocity of 'c' and uncertainty which may occur with red potatoes shit and be worse in winter like HIV a silent effect not seen. The centripetal effect is long term

and may relate to dead time correction and pathology of smoking relevant to Δtu. The thermodynamic effect of smoking can be seen like emphysema.Half of smokers have the problem of

emphysema or mild emphysema from passive smoking. Smokers show a relationship with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and is fatal for 60 % of lungs and tissue.There is also a gray black

lung problem relationship like emissivity constant when ε can equal to 1 Etot(r) and ε equals 1 when the Stefan Boltzamn law is seen with perfect black-body. Etot(r) and ε < 1 when grey may

also occur from the Etot(r). The problem of smoking can be related to diabetes and weight gain as well as obesity. The smoking problem can be possibly relevant to red shift and centripetal

effect in winter. The interaction term may include caffeine because UV changes like red shift and polarization may occur like described by ε at 60 degrees as conservative and 160 -180

degrees where interaction may occur; while greater there is polarization (medicinenet.com Smokers lung pathology).

Light as Particle and Wave

(1) Waves occur to Christiaan Huygens (1642-1727) where pulses travel through and small elastic balls in contact with each-other.

(2) The idea of Newton of light as a beam is closer to the next part of the total energy equation.

(3) If it is interwoven, then it makes a string like a fabric of the cosmos.

(4) The process is to use average acceleration for two separate parts A and B.

(1) Tf≈2πrVc (2) νf≈VΛ (3) ΛPf≈h/8mcπ2 (4) T0≈m√Ec√ (5) ν≈Vλ (6) Λ≈h/mv

The B process is the alternation of waves.

aavg≈ Vf−V0 / tf−t0

aavg≈ Λpf−Λ0 / tf−t0

1. ↑ [1]

2. ↑ [10]

3. ↑ [7]

4. ↑ [10]

5. ↑ [12]

6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 [5]

7. ↑ [6]

8. ↑ [3]

9. ↑ [5]

10. ↑ [8]

11. ↑ [9]

12. ↑ [9]

13. ↑ [9]

14. ↑ [13]

15. ↑ [18]

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16. ↑ [9]

17. ↑ [5]

18. ↑ [5]

19. ↑ [5]

20. ↑ [9]

21. ↑ [9]

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24. ↑ [17]

25. ↑ [6]

26. ↑ [11]

27. ↑ [4]

28. ↑ [8]

29. ↑ [17]

30. ↑ {4]

31. ↑ [15]

32. ↑ [3]

33. ↑ [6]

34. ↑ [5]

35. ↑ [15]

36. ↑ 9

37. ↑ 14

38. ↑ 14

39. ↑ 14

40. ↑ 14

41. ↑ 14

42. ↑ [9]

43. ↑ 14

44. ↑ 15

45. ↑ 15


↑ 19


↑ 19


↑ 20

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This article uses content originally from a deleted or an article undergoing deletion on Wikipedia . Theoriginal article was written by the following Wikipedia user(s): Magravat. The text of Wikipedia, like Speedy

deletion Wiki, is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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[11] Minkel, JR. Borrowed Time: An interview with Michio Kaku.

http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=borrowed-time-interview-w .

[12] Miller, Arthur. The Physics of Einstein's Relativity Paper of 1905 and the Electromagnetic World Picture of 1905.

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[13] Agravat, Manoj. Independent-Time, Schrodinger Equation, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and Energy Correction. :Science2.0(March 27, 2014).http://www.science20.com/upstart_biostatistician/blog/independenttime_schrodinger_equation_heisenberg_uncertainty_principle_and:_energy_correction-132800[14] Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger.http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1988/lederman-lecture.pdf[15] Carroll, Sean. Energy is Not Conserved. 2010.http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/cosmicvariance/2010/02/22/energy-is-not-conserved/#.U1Boq4aiCSo[16] R. C. Reis, M. T. Reynolds, J. M. Miller & D. J. Walton. Nature: Vol(507). Issue(7491). March 2014.http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v507/n7491/full/nature13031.html[17] Agravat, Manoj.Time Correction, λc, and Principal Quantum Number. :Science2.0(March 14, 2012).


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[20] Agravat, Manoj. Light time correction.Sciencewise/info/definitions


[21] Ray,Rachel. Is it Safe to eat sprouted potatoes.


[22] Mathematical Singularityhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singularity_(mathematics)[23] Schwarzchild radiushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwarzchild_radius[24] Diego F M Oliviera and Edson D Leonel. Parameter space for a dissipative Fermi - Ulam Model.New Journal of Physics. December 8, 2011.[25] Tau Particle Tau_(particle)[26] Fishbein, Michael. ed. Marks, Jay.Smoker's lung:Pathology Photo Essay.6/10/2010.

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Comment: The title definitely isn't encyclopedic. Please read the Wikipedia:Manual of Style's...

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