theory of everything


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(The God’s own theorem)

Theory of Everything






Matter appears in four (4) states solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Aristottle

(about 340 BC) believed that all the matter in the universe was made up of

four basic elements



Air and fire.

Gravity meaning the tendency for earth and water to sink and levity means

the tendency for air and fire to rise.

John Dalton (1803) pointed out that the fact that chemical compound always

combined in certain proportion could be explained by the grouping of atoms

to form unit called molecules. Now the question is- could the earth be

assumed to be an atom called the sun? These are questions in which

answered, will lead us a step closer to the fundamental law of the universe

In 1905, Neil Bohr conceived the model of electrons moving around the

nucleus in predetermined orbits he said the Systematic studies of natural

chemical, bio and other reaction as-well-as man made interactions

coupled with remarkable human ingenuity at generalization have revealed

that there are only four (4) basic interaction in nature and any phenomenon

that occurs in nature either on its own or through human interaction can be


understood in terms of one or the other of this basic interaction or a

combination of this interaction

1. Gravitational

2. Electromagnetic

3. Weak nuclear interactional

4. Strong nuclear interaction

Scientist are hoping that someday in future, man will be able to discover one

single (instead of four) basic interaction that will embrace all this four basic

interaction. This ultimate fact would be called the theory of everything TOE

(salihu s.d, 2001).

This article explains gravity and its origin. It is important to note that no

physical theory to date is believed to be precisely accurate. Instead, physics

has proceeded by a series of successive approximations. Hence it will be a

mistake to confuse theoretical models with the true nature of reality, and

hold that the series of approximations will never terminate in the truth.

Thus, although the current standard model of particle physics “in principle”

predicts all known non-gravitational phenomena in practice only a few

quantitative result have been derived from the full theory (e.g, the masses of

some of the simplest hadrons) and these result (especially the particle

masses which are most relevant for low energy physic) are less accurate

than existing experimental measurements. It is believed that even the TOE

would almost certainly be even harder to apply for the prediction of


experimental result and thus might be of limited use. Talk-less of that of


It is worth knowing that obviously, in the everyday world experiment, an

object cannot be both wave and a particle at the same time; it is either one

or the other depending on the situation. Hence we shall be explaining gravity

in parts.

Gravity of the earth pulls all objects toward the center of the earth. It is

important to know that the sun’s gravity is the strongest.

Gravity is the weakest of the four (4) forces. However, it can become

extremely powerful on a cosmic scale e.g the gravity of the earth and sun,

hold earth in orbit (salihu s.d, 2001)

Hence, I believe that every particle in our body has some tiny gravitation

attraction to the ground (center of the earth). This attraction helps to keep

us on the earth surface. Hersenberg believed that reality is what can be

observed. If there are different observations, there must be different realities

which depend on the observer.

Relativity however holds that gravitational attraction depends on the energy

of an object and that mass is just one possible form of energy. (salihu


Gravity acts on two major elements namely:

Mass and energy


The exhibition of particles differ on energy level same as the exhibition of

gravitational energy. The exhibition of gravitational energy (force) is

inversely proportional to the square distance of the two masses which are

proportional to each other on earth.G=mm/r2. While in orbit, the

gravitational energy is better when two objects with different masses are

outside the electromagnetic/weak force flux. But if all particles on the

earth/globe are subjected to the certain condition and temperature then we

will realize that gravity is actually an electromagnetic /weak force because

all objects, particle will behave alike.

Hence, the space orbit is governed by a force I call electromagnetic/weak

force (gravity).

An object moving in a circle require a force directed toward the center to

keep it from moving along the tangent path (nelson .m)

There are only two possible forces which can keep or tend to direct objects

to the center:

1. External force

2. Internal force

Every planet on the globe has either or both of the above mentioned force.

Earth being the case study, possesses both

1. The sun force [electromagnetic/weak force(gravity)] i.e the external

force and


2. The imaginary (assumed) bar magnet in the core of the earth. i.e the

internal force

Each of these forces plays significant roles in keeping the earth in orbit, and

directing all other objects on the earth towards the center respectively.

Hence, the centripetal force on the moon as it rotates round the earth is

provided by the gravitational attraction force between the earth and the

moon ( Nelson.M) same as all object on the surface of the earth.

Going by the standard model, and the understanding that interaction in

physic are the ways by which particles influence other particles. At a

macroscopic level, electromagnetism allows particles to interact with one

another via electric and magnetic fields; while gravity allows particles with

mass to attract one another in accordance with Einstein’s theory of general




Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. It is both a basic part of

part of nature and one of our most widely used forms of energy.

Electricity is actually a secondary energy source, also referred to as an

energy carrier. That means that we get electricity from the conversion of

other sources of energy, such as coal, nuclear, or solar energy. These are

called primary sources. The energy sources we use to make electricity can

be renewable or non-renewable, but electricity itself is neither renewable nor


Many scientist and inventors have worked to decipher the principles of

electricity since the 1600s. Some notable accomplishments were made by

Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday, and Nikola Tesla.

Although many people think Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity with his

famous kite-flying experiment in 1752, but electricity was not discovered all

at once. At first, electricity was associated with light.

In 1879, Thomas Edison focused on inventing a practical light bulb, one that

would last a long time before burning out. This problem was finding a strong

material for the filament, the small wire inside the bulb that conducts

electricity. Finally Edison used ordinary cotton thread that had been soaked

in carbon. This filament didn’t burn at all-it became incandescent; that is, it



Michael faraday was the first to realize that an electric current could be

produced by passing a magnet through a copper wire.

Electricity is a type of activity from the existence of charge. The basic unit of

charge is that on the proton or electron. The protons charge is called positive

while the electron’s is negative.

A particle of matter usually has a charge. The charge is positive or negative.

Two particles with the same charges, either positive or both negative, repel

or drive away each other, while two particles with unlike charges are


The negative charged electrons in an atom are kept near the nucleus

because of their attraction for the positive charge protons in the nucleus.

Materials differ in their ability to allow electricity to flow through them.

Conductors allow electricity to flow through them easily. Copper wire is

a good example and makes up our housing and appliance wiring.

Insulators are materials that don’t allow electricity to pass through

them easily. Materials such as rubber are good insulator and are used

around appliance and house wires to keep the electricity from creating

a short circuit.

Semiconductors: conduct electricity under some conditions.



Electrodynamics is the study of charges in motion. A flow of electric charge

makes up an electric current.

There are several things needed to complete an electrical circuit. There must

be an electromotive force from batteries or generators, conductors such as

copper wire and an appliance such as a bulb to be lit. a device called a

switch can be used to stop or open the circuit or close or create the circuit.

When a circuit is not completed because the electricity is diverted to a path

of least resistance it is a short circuit.

In a simple circuit there are two types of wiring. One is a parallel circuit. This

is when all the batteries and appliances such as bulbs are wired with the

positive terminals of the batteries wired together and the negative terminals

of the wired together so there are parallel pathways for the electricity to

travel. In a parallel circuit, if one appliance such as a bulb goes out, the rest

of the circuit remains on. The force from the batteries does not increase,

however, if more batteries are added.

In a series circuit, the positive terminal or end of a battery is wired to the

negative terminal of the other battery and the positive end of one appliance

goes out, the whole flow of electricity is interrupted and the circuit goes out.

However, if more batteries are added to the circuit, the bulb will get brighter

as more force will go to that bulb.



The ancient Greeks, originally those near the city of Magnesia, and also the

early Chinese knew about strange and rare stones (possibly chunks of iron

ore struck by lightning) with the power to attract iron. A steel needle stroked

with such a ‘’lodestone’’ became ‘’magnetic’’ as well, and around 1000 the

Chinese found that such a needle, when freely suspended, pointed north-


The magnetic compass soon spread to Europe. Columbus used it when he

crossed the Atlantic ocean, noting not only that the needle deviated slightly

from exact north (as indicated by the stars) but also that the deviation

changed during the voyage. Around 1600 William Gilbert, physician to Queen

Elizabeth I of England, proposed an explanation: the earth itself was a giant

magnet, with its magnetic poles some distance away from its geographic

ones (i.e. near the point defining the axis around which the earth turns).



On earth one needs a sensitive needle to detect magnetic forces, and out in

space they are much, much weaker. But beyond the dense atmosphere, such

forces have a much bigger role, and a region exists around the earth where

they dominate the environment, regions know as the earth’s


magnetosphere. That region contains mix of electrically charged particles,

and electric and magnetic phenomena rather than gravity determine its

structure. We call it the earth’s magnetosphere.

Only a few of the phenomena observed on the ground comes from the

magnetosphere: fluctuation of the magnetic field known as magnetic storms

and sub storms, and the polar aurora or ‘’ northern light,’’ appearing in the

night skies of places like Alaska and Norway. Satellites in space, however,

sense much more: radiation belts, magnetic structures, fast streaming

particles and processes which energize them. All these are described in the

section below.

But what is magnetism?

Until 1821, only one kind of magnetism was known, the one produced by iron

magnets. Then a Danis scientist, Hans Christian Oersted, while

demonstrating to friend the flow of an electric current in a wire, noticed that

the current caused a nearby compass needle to move. The new phenomenon

was studied in France by Andre-Marie Ampere, who concluded that the

nature of magnetism was quite different from what everyone had believed. It

was basically a force between electric currents: two parallel currents in the

same direct attract, in opposite direction repel. Iron magnets are a very

special case, which Ampere was also able explain.



In nature, magnetic fields are produced in the rarefied gas of space, in the

glowing heat of sunspots and the molten core of the earth. Such magnetism

must be produced by electric currents, but finding how those currents are

produced remains a major challenge.


Michael Faraday, credited with fundamental discoveries on electricity and

magnetism (an electric unit is named ‘’Farad’’ in his honor), also proposed a

widely used method for visualizing magnetic fields. Imagine a compass

needle freely suspended in three dimension, near a magnet or an electrical

current. We can trace in space (in our imagination, at least!) the lines one

obtains when one ‘’follows the direction of the compass needle.’’ Faraday

called them lines of force, but the term field lines is now in common use.


Field lines of a bar magnet are commonly illustrated by iron filings sprinkled

on a sheet of paper held over a magnet. Similarly, field lines of the earth

start near the south pole of the earth, curve around in space and converge

again near the north pole.


However, in the earth’s magnetosphere, currents also flow through space

and modify this pattern: on the side facing the sun, field lines are

compressed earthward, while on the night side they are pulled out into a

very long ‘’tail,’’ like that of a comet. Near earth, however, the lines remain

very close to the ‘’dipole pattern’’ of a bar magnet, so named because of its

two poles.


To Faraday field lines were mainly a method of displaying the structure of

the magnetic force. In space research, however, they have a much broader

significance, because electrons and ions tend to stay attrached to them, like

beads on a wire, even becoming trapped when conditions are right. Because

of this attachment, they define an ‘’easy direction’’ in the rarefied gas of

space, like the grain in a piece of wood, a direction in which ions and

electrons, as well as electric currents (and certain radio-type waves), can

easily move; in contrast, motion from one line to another is more difficult.

A map of the magnetic field lines of the magnetosphere, like the one

displayed above (from a mathematical model of the field), tells at a glance

how different regions are linked and many other important properties.



Faraday not only viewed the space around a magnet as filled with field lines,

but also developed an intuitive (and perhaps mystical) notion that such

space was itself modified, even if it was a complete vacuum. His younger

contemporary, the great Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, placed this

notion on a firm mathematical footing, including in it electrical forces as well

as magnetic ones. Such a modified space is now known as an

electromagnetic field.

Today electromagnetic fields (and other types of field as well) are a

cornerstone of physics. Their basic equations, derived by Maxwell, suggested

that they could undergo wave motion, spreading with the speed of light, and

Maxwell correctly guessed that this actually was light and that light was in

fact an electromagnetic wave.

Heinrich Hertz in Germany, soon afterwards, produced such waves by

electrical means, in the first laboratory demonstrated of radio waves.

Nowadays a wide variety of such waves is known, from radio (very long

waves, relatively low frequency) to microwaves, infra-red, visible light, ultra-

violet, x-rays and gamma rays (very short waves, extremely high frequency).

Radio waves produced in our magnetosphere are often modified by their

environment and tell us about the particles trapped there. Other such waves

have been detected from the magnetosphere of distance planets, the sun

and the distance universe. X-rays, too are observed to come from such

sources and are the signatures of high-energy electron there.



One question that comes to mind is: since all matter is made up of atoms

and all atoms have electrons that are in motion, do all atoms have magnetic


The answer to this question is YES and NO. all the electrons do produce a

magnetic field as they spin and orbit the nucleus; however, in some

atoms,two electrons spinning and orbiting in opposite directions pair up and

the net magnetic moment of the atom is zero. Remember that the direction

of the magnetic field. Electron pairing occurs commonly in the atoms of most

materials. In the experiment you observed a helium atom showing two

electrons spinning and orbiting around the protons and neutrons of the

nucleus. The two electrons are paired, meaning that they spin and orbit in

opposite directions. Since the magnetic fields produced by the motion of the

electrons are in opposite directions, they add up to zero. The overall

magnetic field strength of atoms with all paired electrons is zero

In general, materials that have all paired electrons in the atoms and thus

have no net magnetic moment are called diamagnetic materials; yet, there

are some exceptions. When placed in the magnetic field of a magnet,

diamagnetic materials will produce a slight magnetic field that opposes the

main magnetic field. Both ends of a bar magnet will repel a diamagnetic

material. If a diamagnetic material is placed in a strong external magnetic


field, the magnetic field strength inside the material will be less than the

magnetic field strength in the air surrounding the material. The slight

decrease in the field strength is the result of realignment in the orbit motion

of the electrons. Diamagnetic materials include Zinc, gold, mercury, and


Another key concept in magnetism is that diamagnetic materials will oppose

an applied magnetic field. Both ends of a magnet will repel diamagnetic


It is also worth knowing that most materials with one or more unpaired

electrons are at least slightly magnetic. Materials with a small attraction to a

magnet are called paramagnetic materials, and those with a strong

attraction are called ferromagnetic materials. Aluminum, platinum, and

manganese are some paramagnetic materials. Iron, cobalt, and nickel are

examples of ferromagnetic materials.


The lines that we have mapped out around the magnet, called the magnetic

lines of force, indicated the region in which the force of the magnet can be

detected. This region is called the magnetic field. If an iron object is near a

magnet, but is not within the magnetic field, the object will not be attracted

to the magnet. When the object enters the magnetic field, the forces of the

magnet acts, and the object is attracted. The pattern of these lines of force

tells us something about the characteristics of the forces caused by the


magnet. The magnetic lines of force, or flux, leave the north pole and enter

the south pole.


When an electrical charge is in motion it produces electrical current.

Magnetism can be described as lines of force. The relationship between

magnetism and electricity was first established by physicist Hans Christian

Oersted in the early part of the nineteenth century. He observed that when a

magnetic compass needle is placed near a wire that is carrying electric

current, the needle get deflected. This showed that electric current, the

needle get deflected. This showed that electric current produces a magnetic

field in the nearby region. English physicist Michael Faraday went on to

explain the relationship between electricity and magnetism further.

According to him, if magnetic fields are changed through a loop of wire, then

electric current will be produced within the wire.

Relationship between Magnetism and Electricity at Atomic Level.

There is a relationship between magnetism and electricity as both use

positive and negative forces. Every atom consists of electrons which are

negatively charged particles, protons which are positively charged, and

neutrally charged neutrons. Just because these two different charges exist in


the atom, the phenomena of magnetism and electricity occur. Electricity, in

its static form, is nothing but an imbalance of positive and negative charges.

When an electron is moving round the nucleus, a loop of electric current is

formed. This in turn, results in the formation of a magnetic field within the

electrical loop. It is believed that this is the basis of the magnetic properties

found in different types of materials.

Properties of electric and magnetic fields

Electric field is the area surrounding a charge particle, where if any other

charge particle makes an entry, it will experience a force. Magnetic field is

the area surrounding a magnet, where apparent magnetic influence can be

found. These two fields are interrelated. Noted Scottish physicist and

mathematician James Clerk Maxwell derived some equation to explain the

relationship between the properties of electric and magnetic fields, as well as

their geometric relations involving the circuits. The derivations of his

equations are described as follows:


Maxwell’s equation say that electricity and magnetism are related

1. Changing electric field produces magnetic fields

2. Changing magnetic field produces electric fields

3. Changing electric and magnetic field travel out from their source as

a wave in a straight lines at the velocity c

4. Constant electric fields do not produce magnetic fields

5. Constant magnetic fields do not produce electric fields

6. Magnetic monopoles cannot exist. That is to say we can never have

a single magnetic pole either north or south.

7. When the electric current is carried in a straight wire, the magnetic

field thus produced encloses the wire in a circular manner. In this

case, the direction of electric field and magnetic field follows the

right hand rule.

Maxwell’s equations also tell us about geometric relations between electric

and magnetic fields specifically in regards to circuits:

1. A straight current carrying wire produces a magnetic field that

wraps around the wire in a circular manner according to the right

hand rule.

2. A current carrying circular wire loop produces a magnetic field

similar to that of a bar magnet with a north and south pole

3. A changing linear magnetic field will produce a circular field.



We have known since 1912 that there are powerful magnetic fields in sun

spots. In fact, the sunspot cycle could just as well be described as a periodic

increase in the amount of solar magnetism. Science believes that the

magnetic fields are generated deep within the sun by a natural dynamo that

reverses itself every eleven years. This dynamo action may result from an

interaction between the sun’s 27-day rotation and the rising and falling of

huge blobs of gas in a layer below the solar surface.

When the sun was photographed from Skylab, we learned that the whole

atmosphere above the surface of the sun is structured by the presence of

changing magnetic fields. The solar corona often appears smooth when

glimpsed from the ground during total eclipse of the sun. However, Skylab X-

ray photographs proved that the corona is composed almost entirely of

individual loop structures, formed by streams of hot gas channeled along

lines of magnetic force.

The magnetic field of the sun can be probed in a rather precise and direct

manner because in the presence of a magnetic field the energy levels of

atoms are split into more than one level. This causes spectral transition line


to be split into more than one line, with the amount of splitting proportional

to the strength of the magnetic field. This is called the Zeeman Effect, and

the corresponding increase in the number of spectral lines is called Zeeman


The sun’s magnetic field

The sun has a very large and very complex magnetic field. The magnetic

field at an average place on the sun is around 1 gauss, about twice as strong

as the average field on the surface of earth (around 0.5 gauss). Since the

sun’s surface is more than 12000 times larger than earth’s, the overall

influence of the sun’s magnetic field is vast.

The magnetic field of the sun actually extends far out into space, beyond the

furthest planet (Pluto). This distance extension of the sun’s magnetic field is

called the interplanetary field (IMF). The solar wind, the stream of charged

particles that flows outward from the sun, carries the IMF to the planets

beyond. The solar wind and IMF interact with planetary magnetic fields in

complex ways, generating phenomena such as the aurora.

Overall, the basic shape of the sun’s magnetic field is like the shape of

earth’s field or like the shape of a simple bar magnet. However,

superimposed on this basic field (called a dipole field) is a much more

complex series of local fields that vary over time. Places where the sun‘s


magnetic field is especially stronger are called active region, and often

produce telltale sunspots.

Sunspots and Magnetic Fields

Measurement of the light from sunspots, (obtained by masking off the light

from parts of the sun not in the sunspot) indicates significant Zeeman

splitting of the spectral lines. Thus, sunspots are associated with strong

magnetic fields. Furthermore, it is observed that

1. When sunspot come in pairs, one tends to have a magnetic field

polarity that is opposite that of the other (that is, one behaves

magnetically like the pole of a bar magnet and the other behaves

magnetically like the south pole of a bar magnet).

2. During a given sunspot cycle, the leading sunspots in groups in the

northern hemisphere of the sun all tend to have the same polarity,

while the same is true of sunspots in the southern hemisphere, except

that the common polarity is reversed from that of sunspots in the

northern hemisphere.

3. During the next sunspot cycle, the regularities noted in the previous

point reverse themselves: the polarity of the leading spots in each

hemisphere is opposite from what it was in the previous cycle.

The sun’s poles


Like earth, the sun has a north pole, a south pole, and an equator. The poles

of the sun are different in several ways from the areas near the sun’s


According to the national earth science Teachers Association publication,

(WINDOW TO THE UNIVERSE), the sun has a magnetic field with north and

south magnetic poles. About every 11 years, the sun’s magnetic poles flip-

north becomes south and vice versa. This flip happens around the peak of

the sunspot cycle, when there are lots of sunspots. Earth’s magnetic poles

sometimes flip, too. However, it is usually many thousand or even millions of

years between flips of earth’s field-not just 11 years.

The sun is not a solid object. It is believed to be a giant ball of gas and

plasma. Some parts of the sun rotate more slowly than other parts. At the

equator, the sun spins pretty fast. It takes 25 days to turn all the way

around. It turns more slowly at the poles. The poles take 34 days to spin

around once.

The sun atmosphere at the poles is also different from the atmosphere above

the sun’s equator. The corona part of the sun’s atmosphere, sticks out

further from the sun’s surface near the equator. The corona doesn’t stick out

as far above the poles. The solar wind is also different at the poles. It

‘’blows’’ much faster above the poles than it does above the sun’s equator.



Magnetic fields are created by things that are magnetic (like iron magnets)

or by moving charged particles.

When charged particles move around really fast, they create magnetic fields.

The sun is made of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons

in a state of matter called plasma. Since the sun is made of charged

particles, magnetic fields are created by the movement of the particles.


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