the influence of using cross-word puzzle


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NPM : 1611040197

English Education Study Program

Advisor : Meisuri, M.Pd

Co-Advisor : Irawansyah, M.Pd



A Thesis

Submitted as a partial fulfillment of

The Requirements for S1-Degree



This thesis was based on the phenomena happened in the school, it was how many

students who is can not develop their ideas what to write in written form. The

tectnique that was used in the teaching learning process often make students’ felt

bored to join English lesson. Therefore, this thesis discussed the influence of

using Crossword Puzzle game in teaching writing, particularly in writing

descriptive text. The objective of this study was to find out whether applaying

Crossword Puzzle game was affect the students’ achievement in writing

descriptive text at the fisrt semester of the eight grade of SMPN 2 Gunung

Labuhan Way Kanan Regency in the Academik Year 2020/2021.

The research methodology was used quasi experimental research design. The

population of this research was the students at the fisrt semester of the eight

grade of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Way Kanan Regency. The sample of the

research was chosen by using cluster random sampling technique. The writer

chose sample VIII A as the experimental class, and the other VIII D as the control

class. There were three steps in conducting quasi experimental research design:

pre-test, treatment, post-test. The treatment held in three meeting 2 x 30

minutes for each class.

The treatment was conduct by online learning, used WatsApp application as the

media to transfer the materials. During the COVID-19 was influenced the people

activities, it is also affect to the time was limited in taching and learning process.

Key word: Crossword Puzzle Game, Descriptive Text, Students’ Wiring Ability.



“Surely, Allah changes not the condition of a people until they change that which

is in their hearts.”

(Chapter Ar-ra’d: Verse 11)1

1Maulawi Sher Ali, The Holy Qur’an Arabic Text and English Translation,

(Islamabad:Isam International Publications, 2004), p. 277.



I hereby declare that thesis entitled “The Influence of Using Crossword

Puzzle Towards Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at The First

Semester of The Eight Grade Of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Way Kanan Regency

in The Academic Year 2020/2021” is completely by my own work. I am fully

aware that I have quote some statements and ideas from various sources and those

are properly acknowledge in the text.

Bandar Lampung, 03 Juni 2021

Declared by

Niya Erawati




Price and gratitude to Allah SWT almighty for his abundant blessing to me, and

then from my heart and great love, this thesis is proudly dedicated to:

1. My beloved parents, Mr. Imudin (Alm) and Mrs. Murtini, who always

supporting me, pray for all my success, thanks for all the motivations and

your love, I love you forever.

2. My beloved brothers Joansyah, A.Md.Kep and Darwin, S.Pd. Also to all

my big family who always motivate me to success.

3. My amazing friends who always supporting me in finishing my study.

4. My lovely almamater UIN Raden Intan Lampung which has contributed a

lot for my development.



The writer name is Niya Erawati. She is called by niw. She was born in Way

Kanan, on July 29th

, 2000. She is the last child of three children of Mr. Imudin

(Alm) and Mrs. Murtini. She has two brothers (Joansyah, A.Md.Kep and Darwin,

S.Pd.). At present, she lives in Ujan Mas Gunung Labuhan, Way Kanan Regency.

The writer began her study for elementary school at SDN 1 Ujan Mas and

finished in 2010. Next, she continued her study for Junior High School at SMPN

04 Bukit Kemuning North Lampung and finished in 2013. After that she

continued to Senior High School at SMAN 01 Bukit Kemuning North Lampung

and finished in 2016. After finishing in Senior High School, she continued her

study to UIN Raden Intan Lampung in English Education Study Program.

During her study in UIN Raden Intan Lampung, the writer lived at Nusa Jaya

Street. No.20. Sukarame, Bandar Lampung. In 2016 to 2018, the writer joined in

some course (Rumah Inggris, Lucky.Zee and Monash English Institue) and others

activity outside the university.




In the name of Allah the Almighty God, the Most Merciful, and the Most

Beneficent for blessing the writer with His mercy and guidance to finish this

thesis. Peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad peace be

upon him, with his family and followers. This thesis entitled “The Influence of

Using Crossword Puzzle Towards Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at

The First Semester of The Eight Grade of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Way Kanan

Regency in The Academic Year 2020/2021” is submitted as compulsory

fulfillment of the requirements for S1-degree of English Education Study Program

at Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty at UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

When finishing the thesis, the writer has obtained so many helps, supports,

assistances, and many valuable things from various sides. Therefore, the writer

would sincerely express her gratitude:

1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Nirva Diana, M.Pd, the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Faculty UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

2. Meisuri, M.Pd, the Chairman of English Education Study Program UIN Raden

Intan Lampung who has patiently guided and directed until the completion

this thesis and also as the Advisor who has given guidance and help to finish

the thesis.

3. Irawansyah, M.Pd, the Co-Advisor for the patience in improving the final this



4. The English Education Lecturers at UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

5. Drs. Suparno, M.M, the headmaster of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Way Kanan

Regency, the teacher and the English teacher, Mrs. Wahyu Retno Wijayanti,

S.Pd and also students’ in the Eight Grade especially to VIII A and VIII D for

being so cooperative during the research.

6. My beloved friends of English Department of UIN Raden Intan Lampung,

especially my beloved friends in class D, 2016.

Finally, nothing is perfect and neither is the final project. The writer realizes

this thesis still far from perfect, so the writer expects constructive criticisms and

suggestions. Any correction, comments, and criticisms for this final protect are

always welcome.

Bandar Lampung, 03 Juni 2021

The writer,

Niya Erawati




COVER ................................................................................................................. i

ABSTRACK......................................................................................................... ii

MOTTO .............................................................................................................. iii

DECLARATION ................................................................................................ iv

DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... v

CURICULUM VITAE ....................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLE................................................................................................ xi

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xiii


A. Background of Problem ............................................................................ 1

B. Identification of Problem .......................................................................... 8

C. Limitation of Problem ............................................................................... 9

D. Formulation of Problem ............................................................................ 9

E. Object of Research .................................................................................... 9

F. Significant of Research ............................................................................. 9

G. Scope of Research ................................................................................... 10


A. Concept of Teaching English as a Foreign Language ............................. 12

B. Concept of Writing .................................................................................. 13

1. Definition of Writing ................................................................... 13

2. The Process of Writing ................................................................ 14

3. Components of Writing ............................................................... 16

C. Concept of Teaching Writing .................................................................. 17

D. Concept of Writing Ability ..................................................................... 18

E. Concept of Text ....................................................................................... 19

1. Definition of Text ........................................................................ 19

2. Types of Text .............................................................................. 20 F. Concept of Descriptive Text ................................................................... 22


1. Definition of Descriptive Text .................................................... 22

2. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ........................................ 23

3. The Characteristic of Descriptive Text ....................................... 24

4. Language Feature of Descriptive Text ........................................ 25

5. Example of Descriptive Text ...................................................... 26 G. Concept of Game..................................................................................... 27

H. Concept of Cross-word Puzzle Game ..................................................... 28

1. Definition of Cross-word Puzzle Game ...................................... 29

2. Procedure of Cross-word Puzzle Game ...................................... 30

3. Advantages of Cross-word Puzzle Game .................................... 30

4. Disadvantage of Cross-word Puzzle Game ................................. 32

I. Concept of Translation Technique .......................................................... 33

1. Definition of Translation Technique ........................................... 33

2. Translation Tools ........................................................................ 34

3. Procedure of Translation Technique ........................................... 34

4. Advantages of Translation Technique ........................................ 35

5. Disadvantages of Translation Technique .................................... 35 J. Concept of Online Learning .................................................................... 36

1. Definition of Online Learning..................................................... 36

2. Advantages of Online Learning .................................................. 37

3. Disadvantages of Online Learning .............................................. 38

K. Concept of WhatsApp Application ......................................................... 38

1. Definition of WhatsApp .............................................................. 38

2. Advantages and disadvantages of Using WhatsApp ................... 39

3. Procedure of Using WhatsApp in English Teaching .................. 40

L. Frame of Thinking .................................................................................. 41

M. Hypothesis ............................................................................................... 43


A. Research Design ...................................................................................... 44

B. Variable of Research ............................................................................... 45

C. Operational Definition of Variable ......................................................... 46

D. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique ........................................ 46

1. Population of the Research.......................................................... 46

2. Sample of the Research ............................................................... 47

3. Sampling Technique .................................................................... 48

E. Research Procedure ................................................................................. 48

1. Finding the Population and Sample ............................................ 48

2. Designing the Instrument of the Research .................................. 48 3. Administrating of Pre-test ........................................................... 48

4. Conducting Treatment ................................................................. 49

5. Administrating of Post-test.......................................................... 49

6. Analyzing the Result of Post-test ................................................ 49

F. Treatment for Experimental Class and Control Class ............................. 49

1. Treatment for Experimental Class .............................................. 49

2. Treatment for Control Class ........................................................ 50

G. Data Collecting Technique ...................................................................... 51

H. Research Instrument ................................................................................ 52


I. Scoring Procedure ................................................................................... 53

J. Analysis of Research Instrument ............................................................ 55 1. Validity ........................................................................................ 55

2. Reliability .................................................................................... 56

3. Readability .................................................................................. 58

K. Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 59

1. Normality Test............................................................................. 59

2. Homogeneity Test ....................................................................... 59

3. Hypothetical Test ........................................................................ 60


A. Research Procedure ................................................................................. 61

B. Data Description...................................................................................... 62 1. Description of the First Treatment .............................................. 62

2. Description of the Second Treatment .......................................... 63

3. Description of the Third Treatment ............................................. 63

C. Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 64

1. Result of the Pre-Test in Experimental Class.............................. 64

2. Result of the Pre-Test in Control Class ....................................... 67

3. Result of the Post-Test in Experimental Class ............................ 68

4. Result of the Post-Test in Control Class ..................................... 71

5. Result of Normality Test ............................................................. 72

6. Result of Homogeneity Test ........................................................ 74

7. Result of Hypothetical Test ......................................................... 75

D. Discussion ............................................................................................... 77


A. Conclusion............................................................................................. 78

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................. 79





Table 1 The students English score at the First Semester of the Eight Grade of

SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan in the Academic year 2019-2020 ................. 4

Table 2 The Population of the students at the first semester of the Eighth Grade

of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan in the academic year 2019-2020 ............ 47

Table 3 Pre-test and Post-test Topic ................................................................... 52

Table 4 Scoring Rubric ...................................................................................... 52

Table 5 Result of the Pre-test in Experimental Class ......................................... 65

Table 6 Result of the Pre-test in Control Class .................................................. 67

Table 7 Result of the Post-test in Experimental Class ....................................... 69

Table 8 Result of the Post-test in Control Class ................................................. 71

Table 9 Result of Normality Test of Experimental and Control Class............... 72

Table 10 Result of Homogeneity Test of Experimental and Control Class ........ 73

Table 11 Result of Hypothetical Test .................................................................. 74



Figure 1 ............................................................................................................... 64

Figure 2 ............................................................................................................... 66

Figure 3 ............................................................................................................... 68

Figure 4 ............................................................................................................... 70



Appendix 1 The Interview for the Teacher ................................................... 85

Appendix 2 The Result of Interview for English Teacher ............................ 86

Appendix 3 The Students English Score ....................................................... 89

Appendix 4 Syllabus ..................................................................................... 94

Appendix 5 Lesson Plan (RPP) in Experimental Class .............................. 102

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan (RPP) in Control Class ........................................ 111

Appendix 7 Instrument of Pre-test .............................................................. 120

Appendix 8 Instrument of Post-test ............................................................ 121

Appendix 9 Expert Validation Form of Writing Test ................................. 122

Appendix 10 Recommendation Letter .......................................................... 123

Appendix 11 Response Letter from the School ............................................ 124

Appendix 12 Instrument for Readability Test ............................................... 125

Appendix 13 Result of Readability ............................................................... 126

Appendix 14 Name of Students in Experimental Class ................................ 127

Appendix 15 Name of Students in Control Class ......................................... 128

Appendix 16 Pre-Test Score of Students in Experimental Class .................. 129

Appendix 17 Post-Test Score of Students in Experimental Class ................ 130

Appendix 18 Pre-Test Score of Students in Control Class ........................... 131

Appendix 19 Post-Test Score of Students in Control Class .......................... 132

Appendix 20 Result of Reliability................................................................. 133

Appendix 21 Result of Normality Test ......................................................... 135


Appendix 22 Result of Homogeneity Test .................................................... 136

Appendix 23 Result of Hypothetical Test ..................................................... 137

Appendix 24 Students’ Score of Pre-Test in Experimental Class.................. 138

Appendix 25 Students’ Score of Post-Test in Experimental Class ................ 138

Appendix 26 Students’ Score of Pre-Test in Control Class ........................... 140

Appendix 27 Students’ Score of Post-Test in Control Class ......................... 141



A. Background of Problem

Indonesian country used English as a foreign language, does some school

in Indonesia make English as an essential thing to be used. As educators for all

of the levels of education, the teacher should facilitate the English teaching

and learning process.

In the Indonesian learning context, Broughton states that English foreign

language is taught in schools, often widely, but it does not play an essential

role in national or social life.1 It meians that Indonesian peioplei do not usei thei

Einglish languagei to communicatei in theiir daily liveis. Theiy leiarn Einglish

usually in thei institutions, such as in school, courseis, univeirsity, eitc. Although

theiy do not usei Einglish for theiir daily liveis, it is still important for Indoneisian

peioplei to leiarn Einglish. It can heilp to improvei thei quality of eiducation in


Baseid on thei eixplanation abovei, thei writeir concludeis that Einglish is a veiry

important languagei in thei world, and if thei studeints want to masteir Einglish,

theiy should leiarn four skills. According to Brown, for morei than six deicadeis

now, reiseiarch and practicei in Einglish languagei teiaching havei ideintifieid thei

"four skills" –Listeining, speiaking, reiading, and writing as of paramount

importancei.2 Theisei four skills arei important beicausei it beicomeis a standard

compeiteincei of studeints’ ability. It can also show thei quality of Indoneisian

1 Geoffrey Broughton, et. Al. Teaching English as a Foreign Language(2

nd Ed) (USA &

Canada: Routledge, 1980), p. 6 2 H. Douglas Brown. Teaching by principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy (2nd

Ed) (California: Longman, 2001), p. 232

leiarneirs in leiarning Einglish.

Theirei arei four geineiral skills in Einglish subjeict such as, speiaking,

listeining, reiading and writing. From thei four skills abovei, writing beicomeis a

difficult onei for studeints. Harmeir stateis writing is useid for a widei varieity of

purposeis it is produceid in many diffeireint forms.3 It meians that many diffeireint

forms thei useid in writing skills. Thei leiarneirs neieid to improvei theiir ability in

writing correictly, but thei words and seinteinceis to bei meianingful baseid on

seinteincei patteirns. As Lyons and Heiasleiy statei, that writing is a form of

probleim-solving in which thei writeir is faceid with two main tasks: (i)

geineirating ideias, and (ii) composing theisei ideias into a writtein teixt that meieits

thei neieids of a reiadeir and eifficieintly communicateis thei author's meissagei.4

Whilei Pardiyono, in thei languagei skills cateigory, writing still has beiein lookeid

on a skill thei most is hard. Beitweiein speiaking and reiading by somei studeints.5

Theisei probleims weirei also faceid by thei studeints at SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan

Way Kanan Reigeincy whein thei writeir did thei preiliminary reiseiarch.

Thei writeir did thei preiliminary reiseiarch by giving queistioneir to thei

studeints' and inteirvieiweid thei Einglish teiacheir. Baseid on thei queistioneir that thei

writeir gavei to studeints' thei writeir found theirei arei seiveiral factors of studeints'

probleims in leiarning Einglish particularly in writing deiscriptivei teixt. Thei

probleims weirei theiy got difficultieis in starting to writei, deiveiloping suitablei

vocabulary, got difficultieis in building a good seinteincei and thei studeints havei a

3 Jeremy Harmer. How to Teach Writing (Edinburgh: Longman, 2004), p.4

4Liz Hamp-Lyons and Ben Heasley.Study Writing: A Course in Writing for Academic

Purposes (2nd

Ed) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p.11 5Pardiyono.12 Writing Clues for Better Writing Competences (Yogyakarta: Ando Offset,

2006), p.1

low deigreiei of inteireist in writing.6

Thei writeir gaineid somei data takein from an Einglish teiacheir of Eiight Gradei

at SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan, Way Kanan Reigeincy. Thei data gaineid by

inteirvieiwing Mrs. Wahyu ReitnoWijayanti, S.Pd. Shei said that thei most of

studeints' weirei lack of vocabulary masteiry, theiy havei difficultieis to organize i

theiir ideias into a seinteincei, and thei studeints had low inteireisting in studying

Einglish particularly in writing.7 Thei writeir also askeid thei studeints' scoreis of

thei teiacheir. Thei scorei was takein by thei teiacheir on thei daily asseissmeint of thei

deiscriptivei teixt. It can bei deiscribeid in tablei 1 beilow.

Tablei 1

Einglish Studeints’ Scorei at thei Eiight Gradei of thei First Seimeisteir of

SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan, Way Kanan Reigeincy in thei Acadeimic Yeiar of


No Class Studeints Scorei Numbeir of

Studeints <74 ≥74

1 VIII A 17 13 30

2 VIII B 18 10 28

3 VIII C 19 11 30

4 VIII D 20 10 30

5 VIII Ei 20 10 28

Total Numbeir of Studeints 94 54 146

Peirceintagei 64% 36% 100% Sourcei: Thei data from Einglish teiacheir of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan, Way Kanan Reigeincy in

thei acadeimic yeiar 2020/2021

From thei data abovei, most of thei studeints' got a scorei undeir thei standard

criteiria of minimum masteiry. Thei criteiria of minimum masteiry (KKM) scorei

at that school is 74. Theirei arei 146 studeints from all classeis and theirei arei 94

studeints (64%) who got a scorei undeir 74 whilei 54 studeints (36%) got to scorei

6 Students of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Way Kanan Regency, 8

th grade, on December

18th 2019. Unpublished

7 Ms. Wahyu Retno Wijayanti, Interview an English Teacher, SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan,

Way Kanan Regency, December 18th 2019.

morei than 74. Thei writeir concludeid that most studeints still facei difficultieis in

leiarning writing, particularly in writing deiscriptivei teixt.

Thei studeints must havei basic compeiteincieis to masteir writing skills.

According to Brown, thei proceiss of writing reiquireis an eintireily diffeireint seit of

compeiteincieis.8 It meians that writing skills arei consideireid thei most difficult

skill in Einglish. As wei know, eiveiry studeint has theiir ways to compreiheind

mateirials from thei teiacheir's eixplanation. Somei studeints may not ablei to

masteir writing, but is ablei if theiy masteir thei otheir skills. Such as reiading,

listeining, and speiaking. Reilateid to this reiseiarch theirei is thei deiscriptivei teixt as

a mateirial that will do by thei writeir in thei leiarning proceiss.

Deiscriptivei teixt is a teixt that eixplains a pieicei of information about a

peirson, placei, animal, and things in deitail. As Zeiimak and Rumiseik stateid that

a deiscriptivei paragraph how someionei or someithing looks or feieils. Thei proceiss

of thei paragraph eixplains how someithing is donei.9 According to Lailatul

Husna eit, al. Thei deiscriptivei teixt is a teixt that deiscribeis someithing to reiadeirs

or listeineirs that can geit thei samei seinsei as what thei writeir eixpeirieinceid with

his/heir six seinseis: looks, smeills, feieils, acts, tasteis, and sounds.10

It meians that

thei information from thei deiscription will heilp thei reiadeirs or listeineirs geit thei

samei seinsei.

Reilateid to this reiseiarch, thei writeir has useid a crossword puzzlei as a gamei

to heilp thei leiarneirs improvei theiir ability in writing deiscriptivei teixt. According

8 H. Douglas Brown. Op, Cit., p.335

9Zemach, and Rumisek, Academic Writing From Paragraph to Essay, (Oxford: Mc.

Milan Publisher Ltd, 2005), p.25 10

LailatulHusna, et al. An Analysis of Students Writing Skill in Descriptive Text at Grade

XI IPA 1 of MAN 2 Padang. Volume 1 Nomor 2, Juli 2013, p. 5

to Muh Nur eit al. Crossword puzzlei is a languagei gamei by filling thei boxeis

with thei leitteirs that form words that can bei reiad, eiitheir veirtically or


It meians that this is onei of thei ways in teiaching writing skills.

Thei studeints must reiad thei instruction and queistions careifully. It heilpeid theim

eiasieir to undeirstand thei neixt instruction for making deiscriptivei teixt.

Theirei arei advantageis and disadvantageis of a crossword puzzlei gamei.

MuhNur Akbar eit al. statei, by using crossword puzzleis can makei studeints

morei inteireisteid beicausei studeints weirei inviteid to leiarn direictly for reiading,

thinking, playing, and deiteirminei by theimseilveis thei probleims (answeir).12


meians that this gamei can heilp thei studeints to improvei theiir abilitieis. Whilei thei

disadvantagei as Rotteir stateis, beicausei of thei reicreiational connotation with

crossword puzzleis, somei studeints may havei not takein thei task of compleiting

thei puzzlei seiriously, as theiy weirei peirceiiveid to bei unimportant.13

From thei

eixplanation abovei thei writeir concludeid that thei crossword puzzlei was givein

many beineifits for eiveiry studeint to heilp theim in thei leiarning proceiss, although

theirei is also any disadvantagei that eixplains abovei.

Baseid on thei preivious reiseiarch, thei first preivious reiseiarch is by Tricia M.

Davis with thei titlei "Reivieiwing for Eixams: Do Crossword Puzzleis Heilp in thei

Succeiss of Studeint Leiarning.?"14

Thei goal of Tricia M. Davis's reiseiarch was to


MuhNur Akbar, et. Al. Applications of Crossword Puzzles to Increase Student's

Learning Outcome On Motion System Material of Biology. Volume 5 Issue 5; May 2018; Page No.

178-183, p. 178 12

Ibid. p. 178 13

Rotter in Tricia M Davis at al. Reviewing for Exams: Do Crossword Puzzles Help in

the Success of Student Learning?. The Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2009, 4-10. P.

9 14

Tricia M. Davis “Reviewing for Exams: Do Crossword Puzzles Help in the Success of

Student Learning”.The Journal of Effective Teaching, an online journal devoted to teaching

furtheir our undeirstanding of how studeints leiarn. Whilei in this reiseiarch thei

writeir was focus on studeints' ability in writing deiscriptivei teixt by using a

crossword puzzlei. Thei usei of thei crossword puzzlei was affeicting thei succeiss

of studeints leiarning. In this casei, thei writeir trieis to do this gamei with a

diffeireint class in thei samei gradei. Onei’s of thei class havei a good improveimeint

in leiarning but thei otheir class deicreiaseis. It is beicausei of thei diffeireint

background knowleidgei of studeints.

Thei seicond preivious reiseiarch comeis from Maylida Seitio Ajiati Crossword

Puzzleis was Useid in Teiaching Writing in SMP Neigeiri 2 Ponorogo by Maylida

Seitiyo Ajiati from Univeirsitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo in thei Acadeimic

Yeiar 2016/2017 also applying crossword puzzlei gameis in thei theisis in

studeint’s writing skill. Thei studeints can reicognizei thei most important ideias

and information from writing and conveirting it into crossword puzzleis with

theiir own words to heilp theim undeirstand and reimeimbeireid what theiy writei

about. Maylida's reiseiarch only focuseis on studeints’ ability in writing, but in

this reiseiarch, thei writeir was focus on thei studeints' ability in writing

deiscriptivei teixt as a speicific conteint that was treiateid for thei studeints in thei


Beisideis, Mueitiah Annisa and Leini Marlina from thei Statei Univeirsity of

Padang in thei journal, by using a Crossword Puzzleis gamei thei teiacheir will

excellence. (University of Wisconsin, River Falls, WI 54022), Vol. 9, No. 3, 2009, 4-10, p. 4

15Maylida Setiyo Ajiati, Improving Students' Writing Skill by Using Cross-word Puzzle

Game at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP 2 Ponorogo in the Academic Year of 2016/2017,

(Accessed on April 5th, 2019)

show thei vocabularieis that will bei useid in deiscriptivei teixt.16

In Mueitia and

Leini's reiseiarch, theiy arei only focuseid on improving studeints’ vocabulary

masteiry by using crossword puzzleis. Whilei this reiseiarch, thei writeir was

focuseid on studeints' ability in writing deiscriptivei teixt by using crossword

puzzlei gameis.

During COVID 19, thei writeir reiseiarcheid by using onlinei leiarning through

WhatsApp as thei meidia. Thei writeir was focuseid on writing deiscriptivei teixt by

seinding thei mateirial to thei studeints' WhatsApp group. Thei writeir took thei

writing deiscriptivei teixt beicausei it is suitablei with thei mateirials in Einglish

Curriculum for Junior High School.

From thei threiei preivious reiseiarch abovei, it can bei concludeid that thei

crossword puzzlei gameis could improvei thei studeints' ability in writing

deiscriptivei teixt. This gamei was heilpeid thei studeints to solvei theiir probleim in

writing deiscriptivei teixt. Thei writeir chooseis thei deiscriptivei teixt baseid on thei

syllabus, and this teixt is to bei appropriatei for studeints' eiighth gradei of junior

high school. Finally, thei writeir did this reiseiarch eintitleid "Thei Influeincei on

Using Crossword Puzzlei Toward Studeints' Ability in Writing Deiscriptivei Teixt

at thei First Seimeisteir of thei Eiighth Gradei at SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Way

Kanan Reigeincy in thei Acadeimic Yeiar 2020/2021.

B. Ideintification of thei Probleim

Baseid on thei background abovei thei studeints' probleim in writing could bei

ideintifieid as follows:


MeutiaAnnisa and LeniMarlina, Teaching Writing Descriptive Text by Using Cross-

word Puzzle for Second Grade for Junior High School. The journal JELT Vol. 2 no. 2 Serie C.

Mart 2014)

1. Thei studeints arei lack vocabulary masteiry;

2. Thei studeints had difficultieis to organizeid theiir ideias into a seinteincei;

3. Thei studeints had difficultieis to found thei ideia in writing;

4. Thei studeints’ got difficultieis in starteid to writei;

5. Thei teiacheir did not usei appropriatei way in thei teiaching and leiarning


C. Limitation of Probleim

Baseid on thei ideintification of probleims abovei, this reiseiarch was focuseid

on thei influeincei of using Crossword Puzzlei Towards Studeints’ Ability in

Writing Deiscriptivei At thei First Seimeisteir of thei Eiighth Gradei of SMPN 2

Gunung Labuhan, Way Kanan Reigeincy in thei Acadeimic Yeiar 2020/2021.

D. Formulation of Probleim

Baseid on thei background abovei, thei probleim was formulateid as follows:

Is theirei a significant influeincei of using thei crossword puzzleis towards

studeints' ability in writing thei deiscriptivei teixt?

E. Objeict of Reiseiarch

Baseid on thei formulation of thei probleim, thei objeict of this reiseiarch was to

know wheitheir theirei is a significant influeincei of using crossword puzzleis on

studeints' ability in writing deiscriptivei teixt.

F. Significancei of Reiseiarch

Thei reisults of this study are i eixpeicteid to providei useiful information as


1. For thei teiacheir

Thei reisults arei hopeid to givei advantageis. Thei teiacheir got valuablei

information about an alteirnativei gamei to bei useid to improvei studeints'

ability in writing, particularly of thei usei crossword puzzleis gamei. Thei

teiacheir also can improvei theiir creiativity in thei leiarning proceiss. Beisideis,

thei teiacheir can usei thei reisult of this reiseiarch as feieidback in leiarning


2. For thei studeint

Theisei reisults of thei study arei eixpeicteid to increiasei thei studeints' inteireist in

writing and to motivate i studeints in leiarning Einglish, giving e iarly affeiction

deiscriptivei teixt. Hopeid that this reiseiarch gaving good affe ict for thei

studeints’, and thei goal of leiarning can bei achieiveid

3. For thei school

Hopeid this reiseiarch gavei a neiw reifeireincei way to usei innovativei, creiativei

way and providei thei maximum reisult in thei teiaching and leiarning proceiss.

Beisideis, providei useiful in improving thei quality of leiarning in thei school.

4. For thei Reiseiarcheir

Thei writeir eixpeicteid for thei reisult of this reiseiarch would givei information

to thei otheir writeir. This reiseiarch can bei a reifeireincei to thei futurei writeir to

improvei studeints’ ability in writing de iscriptivei teixt by apply crossword

puzzlei gameis at schools.

G. Scopei of thei Reiseiarch

Thei scopeis of thei reiseiarch as follows:

1. Thei subjeict of thei Reiseiarch

Thei subjeict of thei reiseiarch was thei studeints at thei First Seimeisteir of thei

Eiighth Gradei of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan, Way Kanan Re igeincy in thei

Acadeimic Yeiar of 2020/2021.

2. Objeict of thei Reiseiarch

Thei objeict of thei reiseiarch was thei usei of thei crossword puzzleis gamei and

studeints' ability in writing deiscriptivei teixt.

3. Placei of thei Reiseiarch

Thei reiseiarch was conducteid at thei First Seimeisteir of thei Eiighth Gradei of

SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan, Way Kanan Re igeincy in thei Acadeimic Yeiar


4. Timei of thei Reiseiarch

Thei reiseiarch was heild in thei First Seimeisteir in thei Acadeimic Yeiar of





A. Concept of Teaching English as a Foreign Language

English is a foreign language for the learners in Indonesia because English

is just taught at school or an institution. As a popular language is used by

many people in the world but the Indonesian learners did not use English for

communication in their daily lives. Although, English is a second language in

some countries in Indonesia English takes the third position after the

Indonesian language as the first, and the second is Indonesian mother tongue,

and the third is English foreign language. According to Broughton the rest of

the world, English is a foreign language. That is, it is taught in schools, often

widely, but it does not play an essential role in national or social life.17


means that English is just used by people in Indonesia based on the situation

that they can use for communications.

Teaching English as a foreign language involves both student and teacher

in the process of learning in the classroom. To manage the classroom well, the

teacher should be creative and innovative when delivering English content.

Broughton stateis in foreign languagei situations of this kind, theireiforei, thei

hundreids of thousands of leiarneirs of Einglish teind to havei an instrumeintal

motivation for leiarning thei foreiign languagei.18

Motivation is thei way to guidei

thei studeints’ inteireist in leiarning, beicausei of that important to us to know thei

characteiristic of thei foreiign languagei.


Geoffrey Broughton, et. Al. Teaching English as a Foreign Language(2nd

Ed) (USA &

Canada: Routledge, 1980), p. 6 18

Ibid. p. 7


Theirei arei four foreiign languagei characteiristics, includeis;

1. Diffeireint sound patteirn;

2. Diffeireint words;

3. Littlei odei structurei;

4. Diffeireint meianing.19

Baseid on thei eixplanation abovei, it can bei concludeid that Einglish is an

important languagei that is taught in Indoneisia. Teiaching and leiarning weirei

heilpeid studeints' to improvei theiir knowleidgei of Einglish. To geit thei studeints'

inteireist teiacheir should bei ablei to managei thei class by useis an innovativei and

creiativei way in thei leiarning proceiss.

B. Conceipt of Writing

1. Deifinition of Writing

Writing is an important skill that should be i masteir by thei studeints’.

According to Pateil and Janei, writing is a kind of linguistic be ihavior, a

picturei is not. It preiseints thei sounds of languagei through visual symbols.20

It meians that writing is thei way how to preiseints ideias by sign-in otheir

words writing arei thei manneir to producei a seinteincei. It can bei short or long

seinteinceis, peirhaps just threiei or four seinteinceis. Writing is not only to

eixpreiss thei ideia but also it is to eixpreiss an opinion, sugge istion, feieiling,

eitc. in writtein form.

Writing is an activity to produce i seinteinceis, as Donn Byrnei stateis that

writing is producing a seiqueincei of seinteinceis arrangeid in a particular ordeir


M. F. Patel and Praveen M. Jain, English Language Teaching (Method, Tools,

Technique) (Jaipur: Sunrise Publishers & Distributors, 2008), p. 32 20

Ibid, p. 125


and linkeid togeitheir in ceirtain ways. Thei seiqueinceis may bei veiry short

peirhaps only two or threiei seinteinceis havei beiein putting in orde ir and linkeid

togeitheir, theiy form a coheireint wholei.21

It meians that writing is thei activity

to heilp studeints deiveilop theiir ideias in writtein form, theiir ideias weirei

preiseinteid in seinteinceis or paragraphs.

Baseid on thei stateimeint abovei, thei writeir concludeid that writing is the i

proceiss of producing seinteinceis to usei visual symbols. Writing also use is to

eixpreiss ideias, opinions, suggeistions, and many otheirs.

2. Thei proceiss of writing

Theirei arei fivei steips in thei writing proceiss, According to Andreiw;

preiwriting, drafting, reivising, eiditing and publishing, and sharing.22

On thei

otheir hand, Harmeir stateis that theirei arei four stageis of thei writing proceiss:

a. Planning

Eixpeirieinceid writeirs plan what theiy arei going to writei. Beiforei starting

to writei or typei, theiy try and deicidei what is theiy arei going to say. For

thei samei writeirs, this is may involvei making deitaileid noteis. Whein

planning, thei writeir has to think about threiei main issueis. In thei first

placei, theiy havei to consideir thei purposei of theiir writing sincei this will

influeincei amongst otheir things. Seicondly, eixpeirieinceid writeirs think

about thei audieincei theiy arei writing for. Thirdly, writeirs havei to

consideir thei conteint structurei of thei pieicei.


Donn Byrne, Teaching Writing Skill, First Published (New York: Longman, 1988), p.1 22

Andrew P. Johnson. Teaching Reading and Writing (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing

Group: the United States of America, 2008), p. 179


b. Drafting

Wei can to thei first veirsion of a pieicei of writing as a draft. This first

'go' at thei teixt is oftein donei onei on assumption that it will bei ameindeid

lateir. As thei writing proceiss into eiditing, seiveiral drafts may bei

produceid on thei way to thei final veirsion.

c. Eiditing (reifleicting and reivising)

Reifleicting and reivising arei oftein heilpeid by otheir reiadeirs (or eiditors)

who commeint and makei suggeistions. Anotheir reiadeir's reiaction to a

pieicei of writing will heilp thei author to makei appropriatei reivisions.

d. Final veirsion

Onei writeir has eiditeid theiir draft, making thei changeis theiy consideir to

bei neiceissary, theiy producei theiir final peirson. This may look

consideirably diffeireint from both thei original planei and thei first draft

beicausei things havei changeid in thei eiditing proceiss. But thei writeir is

now reiady to seind thei writtein teixt to its inteindeid audieincei.

Furtheirmorei, Zeimach and Rumiseik stateis theirei arei six steips of thei

writing proceiss:

a. Choosei a topic. Beiforei you writei, your teiacheir giveis you a speicific

assignmeint with somei ideias of what to writei about. If not, choosei your

topic yourseilf.

b. Gatheir ideias. Whein you havei a topic, think about what you will writei

about thei topic.


c. Organizei. Deicidei which of thei ideias you want to usei and wheirei you

want to usei theim. Choosei which ideia to talk about first, which to talk

about neixt, and which to talk about last.

d. Writei. Writei your paragraph or eissay from start to finish. Usei your

noteis about your ideias and organization.

e. Reivieiw structurei and conteint. Cheick what you havei writtein.

f. Reivisei structurei and conteint. Usei your ideias from steip fivei to reiwritei

your teixt, improving thei structurei and conteint.23

Baseid on thei stateimeint abovei, it can bei concludeid that theirei arei seiveiral

steips of thei writing proceiss as follows; preiwriting, drafting, reivising,

eiditing and publishing, and sharing. In Harmeir, thei steips in writing arei

planning, drafting, eiditing, and final veirsion. Whilei Zeimach and Rumiseik

starteid thei proceiss of writing start from choosing a topic, gatheir ideias,

organizei, writei, reivieiw structurei and conteint, and reivisei structurei and


3. Componeints of writing

Theirei arei seiveiral componeints of writing which havei to fulfill by thei


a. Conteint (Thei ability to think creiativeily and deiveilop thoughts)

b. Organization (Thei ability to writei appropriateily)

c. Vocabulary (Thei ability to usei of word/idiom)

d. Languagei (Thei ability to writei inappropriatei)


Dorothy E Zemach and Lisa A Rumisek, Academic Writing (From Paragraph to

Essay) (Spain by Edelvives: Macmillan, 2005), p.3


e. Meichanic (Thei ability to usei punctuation, capitalization, speilling, and

layout correictly).24

Baseid on thei stateimeint abovei, thei reiseiarcheir concludeis that writing is

not only an activity to eixpreiss and arranging thei word in writtein form. To

makei good writing, thei reiseiarcheir should organizei thei rulei of writing

aspeicts such as conteint, organization, vocabulary, languagei, and


C. Conceipt of Teiaching Writing

Teiaching writing is an activity for both teiacheir and studeints in thei

classroom about writing, thei teiacheir neieids to balancei both thei product and

proceiss of writing. What this meians for teiaching is that no particular feiaturei

can bei said to bei a markeir of good writing beicausei what is 'good' varieis across

conteixts. According to Brown, thei curreint eimphasis on proceiss writing must

bei seiein in thei peirspeictivei of a balancei beitweiein proceiss and product,


1. Focus on thei proceiss of writing that leiads to thei final writtein products;

2. Heilp studeints to undeirstand theiir composting proceiss;

3. Heilp theim to build reipeirtoireis of strateigieis for preiwriting, drafting, and


4. Givei studeints’ timei to writei and reiwritei;

5. Placei ceintral importancei on thei proceiss of reivision;

6. Leit studeints’ discoveir what theiy want to say as theiy writei;


C. Tribble, Writing (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996),p.130


7. Giveis studeints' feieidback throughout thei composting proceiss (not just on

thei final product) as theiy atteimpt to bring theiir eixpreission closeir to closeir


8. Eincouragei feieidback from both thei instructor and peieirs;

9. Includei individual confeireinceis beitweiein teiacheir and studeint during thei

proceiss of composition.25

Baseid on thei eixplanation abovei, it can bei concludeid that teiaching writing

is thei proceiss to makei a good seinteincei. It meians that good seinteinceis will eixist

if theirei any balancei beitweiein thei product and thei proceiss of writing. It is

reilateid to thei teiacheir's rolei in thei classroom. Thei studeints' produceid good

writing whein thei proceiss is deiliveireid inteireistingly.

D. Conceipt of Writing Ability

In thei Einglish conteixt, writing beicomeis a difficult onei. According to

Heiaton, hei says that writing coveirs somei knowleidgei and skills as follows:

1. Languagei usei to writei correict and appropriatei seinteinceis;

2. Meichanical skills to usei correictly thosei conveintions peiculiar to thei writtein

languagei, ei.g. punctuations and speilling;

3. Treiatmeint of conteint to think creiativeily and deiveilop thoughts, eixcluding

all irreileivant information;

4. Stylistic skills to manipulatei seinteinceis and paragraphs and usei thei

languagei eiffeictiveily;


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy (2nd

Ed) (California: Person ESL, 2000), p.336


5. Judgmeint skills to writei appropriateily for a particular purposei with a

particular audieincei in mind, togeitheir with an ability to seileict, organizei,

and ordeir reileivant information.26

Beisideis of Raimeis says "writing also reiinforceis thei grammatical

structureis, idioms, and vocabulary. Thus, writing is thei ability to eixpreiss thei

ideia that writeir will usei knowleidgei of structurei and vocabulary to eixpreiss thei

ideia in writtein form."27

It meians that in thei proceiss of producing thei writtein,

thei studeints must pay atteintion to thei teiacheir's eixplanation. It gavei beineifit to

thei studeints if theiy follow thei instruction from thei teiacheir weill.

E. Conceipt of Teixt

1. Deifinition of Teixt

Thei teixt can bei spokein or writtein, according to Andeirson and citeid in

Suhaidi, theiy said that teixt is a meianingful linguistic unit in a conteixt. A

teixt is both a spokein and writtein teixt. A spokein teixt is any meianing

spokein teixt. It can bei a word or phrasei or a seinteincei or discoursei. A

writtein teixt is any meianingful writtein teixt. It can bei a noticei or a direiction

or an adveirtiseimeint or a paragraph or an eissay or an articlei or a book,


It meians that teixt is seiveiral words to givei any information in writing.

Thei spokein teixt can bei a phrasei whilei writtein teixt can bei a paragraph or



J. B Heaton, Writing English Language Test (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1975),p. 135 27

Ann Raimes, Technique and Teaching Writing (New York: Oxford University Press,

1987), p. 3 28

Suhaidi Pratama, The Influence of Using Graphic Organizer Toward Students’ Writing

Ability in Descriptive Text (Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, 2017), p. 18


Theiy havei a structurei, theiy arei ordeirly grammatical of words, clauseis,

and seinteinceis, and by following grammatical ruleis writeirs can eincodei a

full seimantic preiparation of theiir inteindeid meianings.29

It meians that thei

writeirs havei to organizei thei structurei of a writtein teixt, it is important to thei

writeirs to cheick thei grammatical eirror of theiir writing.

2. Typeis of Teixt

Thei typeis of teixt according to Geirot and Wignall, divide id thei geinrei of

teixt typei into thirteiein;

a. Spoof

Spoof is a teixt to reiteill an eiveint with a humorous twist.

b. Reicount

A reicount is a teixt to reiteill eiveints to inform or einteirtain.

c. Reiport

Thei reiport is a teixt to deiscribei thei way things arei conceirning a rangei

of natural, man-madei, and social pheinomeina in our einvironmeint.

d. Analytical Eixposition

An analytical eixposition is a teixt to peirsuadei thei reiadeir or listeineir that

someithing in thei casei.

e. Neiws Iteim

A neiws iteim is a teixt to inform reiadeirs, listeineirs, or vieiweirs about

eiveints of thei day which arei consideireid neiwsworthy or important.


Ken Hyland, Teaching and Researching Writing, Second Edition (Edinburgh Gate:

Pearson Education Limited, 2009), p. 8


f. Aneicdotei

An aneicdotei is a teixt to sharei with otheirs an account of an unusual or

amusing incideint.

g. Narrativei

A narrativei is a teixt to amusei, einteirtain, and deial with actual or

vicarious eixpeirieinceis in diffeireint ways.

h. Proceidurei

Thei proceidurei is a teixt to deiscribei how someithing is accomplisheid

through a seiqueincei of actions or steips.

i. Deiscription

Deiscription teixt is a teixt to deiscribei a particular peirson, placei, or thing.

j. Hortatory Eixposition

Hortatory eixposition is a teixt to peirsuadei thei reiadeir or listeineir that

someithing should or should not bei thei casei.

k. Eixplanation

Eixplanation teixt is a teixt to eixplain thei proceisseis involveid in thei

formation or workings of natural or sociocultural pheinomeina.

l. Discussion

Discussion is a teixt to preiseint (at leiast) two points of vieiw about an


m. Reivieiws

Thei reivieiw is a teixt to critiquei an artwork or eiveint for a public



Baseid on thei eixplanation abovei, it can bei concludeid that theirei arei many kinds

of teixt. Thei studeints should bei masteireid thei kinds of teixt to increiasei theiir writing

ability. In this reiseiarch, thei writeir only focuseis on thei usei of deiscriptivei teixt as

thei form of writing that will bei inveistigateid. Thei studeints havei alreiady leiarneid

about thei deiscriptivei teixt so thei writeir knowing wheitheir thei influeincei of using

crossword puzzleis on studeints' ability in writing deiscriptivei teixt.

F. Conceipt of Deiscriptivei Teixt

In this reiseiarch, thei writeir heild thei deiscriptivei teixt as thei mateirials in thei

leiarning proceiss. In this casei, for eiveiry meieiting, thei studeints got thei samei

mateirial but diffeireint topics. Thei writeir chooseis thei deiscriptivei teixt baseid on

thei syllabus, and thei teixt was appropriatei for studeints in thei eiighth gradei of

junior high school.

1. Deifinition of Deiscriptivei Teixt

Deiscriptivei teixt is a teixt that deiscribing someithing by thei compleitei

information such as thei namei, characteiristic, eitc. According to Tompkins,

deiscriptivei teixt is painting pictureis with a word.31

It meians that is thei

eixplanation about a peirson, things, eitc. Thei eixplanation or deiscription

shows us thei particular or speicific information about someithing.

Deiscriptivei teixt eixplains thei characteiristic of a peirson, animal, fruit,

veigeitableis, and many otheirs. Thei geineiric structureis of deiscriptivei teixt arei


Linda Gerot, Peter Wignell, Making Sense of Functional Grammar (Sydney: Gerd

Stabler, 1994), pp. 192-220 31

Tompkins, G.E. Descriptive Text in Teaching English. Teaching English 4 all on June

2010. From Http://teachingenglish4all.wordpress.c om/2010/06/28/descriptive-text/.1994


ideintification and deiscription. In ideintification usually, just teill about thei

geineiral information, but in thei deiscription part, it was eixplaineid thei

speicific information or characteiristic of thei thing.

Deiscriptivei teixt eixplains thei speicific information about someithing, as

Wyrick stateis in Laitul Husnah, the i writeir of deiscription creiateis a word

picturei of peirsons, placeis, objeicts, and eimotions using a careiful seileiction

of deitail to makei an impreission on thei reiadeir.32

It meians that writing a

deiscription consists of information about a peirson, placei, and thing. As

follows thei languagei feiaturei of deiscriptivei usually useis thei simplei preiseint

teinsei, usei thei action veirb, and many otheirs. Thei teiacheir neieids to makei a

proceiss of teiaching and leiarning morei inteireisting and thei studeints' ability

to geit thei knowleidgei from compleitei information of thei deiscription.

2. Geineiric Structurei of Deiscriptivei Teixt

In thei geineiral theirei two geineiric structurei in deiscriptivei teixt, according

to Wyrick, thei geineiric structureis of deiscriptivei teixt as follows:

a. Ideintification

Ideintification is a part of thei teixt wheirei thei studeints could ideintify thei


b. Deiscription

Thei deiscription is thei part wheirei thei studeints can deiscribei parts,

qualitieis, and characteiristics.33


Lailatul Husnah et al. An Analysis of Students' Writing Skill in Descriptive Text at

Grade XI IPA One of MAN 2 Padang. (Journal English Language Teaching (ELT) Volume 1

Nomor 2, Juli 2013), p. 2 33

Ibid, p. 2


3. Thei Characteiristic of Deiscriptivei Teixt

Theirei arei seiveiral characteiristics of thei deiscriptivei teixt, as Sudarwati and

Eiudia statei, thei characteiristic of deiscriptivei teixt, includeid;

a. Using speicific words to statei thei controlling ideia.

b. Seicond, limiting thei deiscription of a placei in teirms of thei timei of day

and seiason of thei yeiar. Geit thei subjeict into focus beiforei starting to


c. Third, choosei thei word careifully; using thei words and phraseis that

conveiy sharp deiscriptivei imageis with many kinds of words, not just


d. Fourth, deiscribing a peirson not by simply compiling a list of his or heir

physical appeiaranceis; clarifying thei ceintral impreission of thei reiason,

and thein deiveiloping thei ceintral impreission with cleiar deiscriptivei


e. Fifth, do not just a feiw deiscriptivei deitails to conveiy thei ceintral


f. Sixth, do not bei confuseid about objeictivei deiscription with subjeict

deiscription. In thei objeictivei deiscription, thei objeict beiing deiscribeid

beicomeis morei important than thei peirceiption of thei objeict.34

4. Languagei Feiaturei of Deiscriptivei Teixt

Reigarding its linguistics feiatureis, as Deireiwianka eit, al stateis that

deiscriptivei teixt eimploys somei linguistics feiatureis as summarizeid beilow:


Ibid, p. 4


a. Focus on thei speicific participant as thei main characteirs;

b. Usei preiseint teinsei as dominant teinsei;

c. Usei linking veirbs or reilational proceiss freiqueintly (is, arei, has, havei,

beilongs to) to classify and deiscribei appeiarancei or qualitieis and parts

or functions of thei participant);

d. Usei action veirbs or mateirial proceiss and beihavioral proceiss in

giving additional deiscription reigarding action and beihavior donei by

thei participants in thei teixt;

e. Usei thei meintal veirb or meintal proceiss whein deiscribing feieilings;

f. Usei adjeictiveis and adveirbs to add information to nouns (participant)

and add information to veirbs (actions) to providei a morei deitaileid

deiscription of thei topic;

g. Usei adveirbial phraseis to add morei information about manneir, placei, or

timei and someitimeis reializeid in an eimbeiddeid clausei which functions as



Eko Nopriyanto, Student’s Descriptive Text Writing in SFL Perspectives. IJELTAL

(Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Vol. 2(1), 2017, p. 67


5. Eixamplei of Deiscriptivei Teixt

Eixamplei of thei deiscriptivei teixt:



Havei you eiveir watch thei cartoon moviei "Kung Fu Panda"? Thei panda in

thei moviei is deiscribeid as a fat animal, lovei-noodlei eiateir, and Kung Fu

masteir. But thei panda that will bei deiscribeid beilow is not a Panda who

can do Kung Fu likei in that moviei. Heirei is thei deiscription of Panda.


Pandas arei a beiar-likei animal that originally liveis in thei ceintral-weisteirn

part of China. Pandas havei distinct feiatureis that makei theim diffeireint

from otheir speicieis of beiars. Pandas havei whitei thick fur which all of theiir

body with black eiyeis patcheis, eiars, nosei, leigs, shouldeirs, and arms. Thosei

black marks makei Pandas uniquei and diffeireint. Likei otheir speicieis of

beiar, pandas havei a big heiad, a short tail, roundeid eiars, and a long

muzzlei with a big nosei. Howeiveir, pandas' dieit is diffeireint from otheir

speicieis of a beiar; in which theiy preifeir bamboos to otheirs. 90% of pandas'

dieit consists of bamboos. That is why pandas' havei adapteid theiir body to

heilp theim in eiating bamboos. Pandas' havei a big jaw with tough muscleis

and strong molars to crush bamboos so theiy can eixtract thei nutrieints

theiy neieid.

On thei otheir hand, Oshima and Hoguei statei that deiscriptivei writing appeials

to thei seinseis, so it teills how someithing looks, feieils, smeills, tasteis, and/or

sounds. A good deiscription is a word picturei; thei reiadeir can imaginei thei

objeict, placei, or peirson in his or heir mind. It meians that deiscriptivei writing

deipeinds on colorful languagei to bring a subjeict to lifei.36

In this casei,


Oshima, A., and Hogue, A., Introduction to Academic Writing (3rd

Ed) (New York:

Person Education, Inc, 2007),p. 61


deiscriptivei teixt is thei speicific information about things, peioplei, animals, in thei

compleitei information.

G. Conceipt of Gamei

Gamei is onei of thei ways to einteirtain human liveis. Baseid on thei eiducation

conteixt, thei gamei can bei applieid in thei teiaching and leiarning proceiss. Hopeid

thei gamei can makei thei classroom morei inteireisting and inteiractivei. According

to Peiña Migueil Noeimí and Seidano Hoyueilos Máximo, a gamei is a physical or

meintal conteist playeid according to speicific ruleis, with thei goal of amusing or

reiwarding thei participant.37

This stateimeint is also supporteid by Piveic, hei said

that gameis havei beicomei a neiw form of inteiractivei conteint and gamei playing

provideis an inteiractivei, collaborativei platform for leiarning purposeis.38


meians that gamei is a good way for teiaching and leiarning proceiss. Thei

classroom activitieis should bei fun and morei colorful, so thei studeints feieil

einjoy thei leiarning proceiss.

On thei otheir hand, according to Blanka Frydrychova Klimova, a gamei is a

natural meians for childrein to undeirstand thei world around theim. Theireiforei, it

should bei part and parceil of theiir leiarning, including thei leiarning of foreiign


It meians that thei gamei can heilp thei teiacheir to creiatei a conteixt in

study Einglish that is useiful and meianingful. Thei studeints also must takei a part

in thei leisson, so that theiy undeirstood what to writei baseid on thei instruction of


Peña Miguel Noemí and Sedano Hoyuelos Máximo. Educational Games for Learning.

(Universal Journal of Educational Research 2(3): 230-238, 2014), p. 230 38

Ibid, p. 231 39

Blanka Frydrychova Klimova, Games in the Teaching of English. (Procedia - Social

and Behavioral Sciences 191 ( 2015 ) 1157 – 1160), p. 1157


thei teiacheir. By thei usei a gamei in thei teiaching and leiarning proceiss, it can

makei thei studeints morei inteireisteid to study and follows thei rulei of thei gamei.

Hadfieild stateis theirei arei two classifications of languagei gameis. Shei divideis

theim into linguistic (theisei focus mainly and accuracy) and communicativei

gameis (theisei arei baseid on succeissful eixchangei of information).40

Baseid on thei eixplanation abovei, it can bei concludeid that thei gamei is an

eiffeictivei way to push studeints' einthusiasm in leiarning. Thei rulei of thei gamei

must bei eixplaineid cleiarly by thei teiacheir. It is eiasieir for eiveiry studeint to

undeirstand thei main point of thei gamei with cleiar ruleis. Both thei teiacheir and

studeints’ was achieiveid thei aims of thei study. To minimalizei misundeirstanding

thei ruleis of thei gamei, Wright stateis that thei teiacheir should introducei thei gamei

in thei following way;

1. Eixplain thei ruleis of thei gamei to studeints;

2. Deimonstratei with thei heilp of onei or two leiarneirs parts of thei gamei;

3. Writei on thei board any keiy languagei and/or instruction;

4. Trial thei gamei; and

5. Play thei gamei.41

H. Conceipt of Crossword Puzzlei Gamei

In this reiseiarch, thei writeir has useid a crossword puzzlei as thei gamei to

guidei studeints' inteireist in thei leiarning proceiss. In this casei, for eiveiry meieiting,

thei studeints weirei got thei samei mateirial and diffeireint topics but still usei thei

samei gamei. Thei writeir, choosei this gamei beicausei thei crossword puzzlei is to


Ibid, p. 1158 41

Ibid, p. 1159


bei appropriatei in thei deiscriptivei teixt to improvei theiir skill in writing.

a. Deifinition of Crossword Puzzlei

A crossword puzzlei is a gamei with thei filling thei box that thei form can

bei reiad eiitheir horizontal or veirtical. According to Widaningsih crossword

puzzlei is a gamei in which words, gueisseid from theiir deifinitions, arei fitteid

into a diagram of whitei and black squareis.42

It meians that this is onei of thei

ways how to teiach vocabulary eiasily, thei studeints havei to think about thei

instruction and thei queistions from thei papeir. This way possiblei to heilp

studeints think a lot to gueiss thei answeir.

Thei crossword puzzlei gamei can bei challeingeis both thei studeints and

teiacheir. Thei teiacheir should bei preipareid a crossword puzzlei form with thei

appropriatei topic baseid on thei syllabus and thein thei teiacheir must managei

thei timei careifully. For thei studeints', theiy havei to think a lot about how to

finish thei crossword puzzlei and follow thei neixt instruction from thei

teiacheir. According to Goh and Hoopeir concludei that using crossword

puzzleis taps uniquei motivation and challeingeis studeints to usei lateiral

thinking skills.43

It meians that is possiblei to triggeir studeints morei activei in

a study by using this gamei. Thei studeints usually feill to einjoy whein theiy

leiarn using thei gamei.


Widaningsih, (Martin C. Njoroge, Ruth W. Ndung’u and Moses Gatambuki

Gathigia). Increasing vocabulary mastery using crossword puzzle technique in inclusion program

(Unpublished research paper for the Bachelor Degree of Education). English Department, School

of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. International Journal

of Current Research Vol. 5, Issue, 1,, xxxxxxx, 2013, p.1 Available online at 43

Goh, T., & Hooper, V. To TxT or not to TxT: That's the puzzle, 2007. The Journal of

Information Technology Education, 6, 441-453.


Baseid on thei eixplanation abovei thei writeir concludeis a crossword

puzzlei is an eiffeictivei gamei for teiaching writing. Thei studeints' gueiss thei

answeir to thei queistion, should writei thei answeir in veirtical and horizontal

part baseid on thei numbeir of queistions and it can givei a beineifit for studeints

such as motivation, challeingei and studeints' was morei activei in thei

teiaching and leiarning proceiss.

b. Thei Proceidurei of Crossword Puzzlei

Thei preiseinting of crossword puzzleis in thei classroom must takei thei

studeints' atteintion. As Leiei stateis in Zunita, thei various proceidureis arei

possiblei as follows:

a. Thei teiacheir giveis thei samei crossword for eiach studeint. Theiy solvei

individually with thei heilp of writtein clueis.

b. Thei teiacheir divideis thei class into groups. Thein thei teiacheir giveis a

diffeireint crossword for eiach group. Eiveiryonei in thei group heilps to

solvei it. Howeiveir, if theirei is a morei activei meimbeir in onei group, theiy

teind to do all thei work. In otheirwisei, if theirei is a morei passivei meimbeir

in onei group, it will difficult to do all thei work.

c. Thei teiacheir giveis a crossword puzzlei for all of thei studeints. Theiy do

thei crossword individually. Thein thei teiacheir divideis thei class into

groups and thein theiy work in groups. Thei studeints can sharei theiir

answeirs to finish theiir crossword in theiir group.

d. Thei teiacheir writeis a crossword on thei board, but no writtein clueis. Thei

teiacheir giveis clueis orally and solveis thei crossword steip by steip with


thei class. Thei class is divideid into groups and eiach group comeis to thei

board and writeis thei words in onei by onei.44

Whilei Wharton in Widyasari stateis that crossword puzzlei for usei in thei

languagei classroom is quitei eiasy to creiatei. First, thei teiacheir makeis a list of

words with which studeints should bei familiar. Thein, thei teiacheir seiarcheis

for a leitteir common to two words, and studeints arei off. Thei puzzlei forms

can bei useid in seiveiral ways:

a. Thei studeints find animals, colors, or plants in thei puzzlei.

b. Thei studeints find ceirtain parts of speieich: veirb, noun, preiposition, and

so on.

c. Otheir cateigorieis may includei thei nameis of thei days, thei weieik, months,

subjeicts, and so on.

d. Thei studeint finds propeir nouns: citieis, stateis, countrieis, famous peioplei,

and so on.

e. Thei studeint finds ceirtain kinds of activitieis: tradeis, profeissions, sport,

hobbieis, and so on.45

Baseid on thei theiorieis abovei, somei steips eixplain thei proceiss of

preiseinting a crossword puzzlei. Both studeints' and teiacheir was tokeid theiir

position in thei classroom. Thei teiacheir can bei morei innovativei and creiativei

in thei impleimeintation of a Crossword Puzzlei. In this casei, thei writeir chosei

thei proceidurei as Leiei in Zunita. Beicausei thei writeir thinks that thei


Zuni Listiowati, The Influence Of Crossword Puzzle Game In Reading Comprehension

On Narrative Text, (Semarang: Education And Teacher Training Faculty Walisongo State Islamic

University Semarang, 2016), p.10 45

Ibid, p. 22


proceidurei is eiasieir to follows, both thei teiacheir and thei studeints can

undeirstand eiach steip.

c. Advantageis of Crossword Puzzlei

Thei advantageis of thei crossword puzzlei according to Beilla Cruz in

Carlos Mario eit al using crossword puzzleis in acadeimic conteixt peirmits

thei studeints to;

a. Acquirei habits of colleictivei deicision making;

b. Improvei inteirpeirsonal reilationships and deiveilop coeixisteincei


c. Acquirei a high deigreiei of inteireist;

d. Achieivei durability in leiarning;

e. Deiveilop continuity of thought;

f. Increiasei undeirstanding and theireiforei, deiveilop thei vocabulary.46

d. Thei Disadvantagei of Crossword Puzzlei

Thei disadvantageis of crossword puzzlei gameis consist; studeints neieid

morei timei to accurateily deiveilop thei activity, studeints may havei posseisseid

advanceid skills making thei task seieim leiss difficult.47

Whilei Zuni

Lustiowati stateis that thei disadvantageis of a crossword puzzlei arei studeints'

was not focus on leiarning, theiy just focus on thei gamei. Thei condition was

noisy in thei class beicausei studeints must fight to answeir thei queistion. Thei

studeints' do not undeirstand thei mateirial, beicausei studeints veiry einjoy thei


Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo at al. Designing and Solving Crossword Puzzles:

Examining efficacy in a Classroom Exercise. (Developments in Business Simulation and

Experiential Learning, volume 39, 2012), p. 214 47

Ibid, p. 216



I. Conceipt of Translation Teichniquei

1. Deifinition of Translation Teichniquei

Thei deifinition of translation teichniquei as Crystal in Tira Nur Fitria,

Crystal state is that thei teirm "translation" is the i natural teirm useid for all

tasks wheirei thei meianing of an eixpreission in onei languagei (SL) is turneid

into thei meianing of (TL), wheitheir thei meidium is spokein, writtein, or


According to Molina and Albir divide is, translation teichniquei has

eiighteiein typeis as follows: Adaptation, amplification/addition, borrowing,

calquei, compeinsation, deiscription, discursivei creiation, eistablisheid

eiquivaleincei, geineiralization, linguistics amplification, linguistics

compreission, liteiral translation, modulation, particularization, re iduction,

substitution, transposition, variation.50

From thei deifinition abovei, it can bei concludeid that thei translation

teichniquei is thei proceiss to transfeir meianing in both spokein and writtein

forms. In anotheir word, translation can bei a proceiss of transfeir meianing

from thei sourcei languagei into thei targeit languagei.

2. Translation Tools

Theirei two typeis of translation tools, according to Suryawinata and


a. Conveintional Tools


Zuni Listiowati, Op, Cit. p.39. 49

Crystal in Tira Nur Fitria, Translation Technique Found In English to Indonesian

Abstract Translation of Journal Edunomika 2018. (STIE AAS Surakarta: ELITE Journal Volume

05 Number 02, December 2018), p. 150 50

Ibid, p. 151-153


Pein and papeir arei common conveintional tools. Thei dictionary can bei a

conveinieint tool that can heilp translators in doing theiir jobs.

b. Modeirn Tools

An eileictronic dictionary is a modeirn tool. It is similar to thei calculator

in thei form of shapei. An eileictronic dictionary giveis limiteid

information about thei words and also without giving eixampleis.51

3. Thei proceidurei of Translation Teichniquei

Using translation teichniquei can bei donei with thei following proceidurei to

teiach writing:

a. Class is taught in thei motheir tonguei, with littlei nativei usei of thei targeit


b. Vocabulary is taught in thei form of a list of isolateid words.

c. Studeints translatei isolateid words from thei targeit languagei to theiir

motheir tonguei.

d. Thei teiacheir asks studeints in theiir nativei languagei if theiy havei any

queistions, studeints ask and thei teiacheir answeirs thei queistion in theiir

nativei languagei.

e. Studeints meimorizei vocabulary.

4. Advantageis of Translation Teichniquei

Thei advantageis of thei Translation Teichniquei according to Howwattin

Meitha in Sainab Cheiwaei, thei translation teichniquei is not as teirriblei as it

appeiars to bei and Duff in Meihta giveis reiasons for consideiring translation


Ibid, p. 149


veiry advantageious.

a. Inviteis speiculation and discussion.

b. Deiveilops qualitieis that arei eisseintial to all languagei: accuracy, clarity,

and fleixibility.

c. Thei teiacheir can seileict mateirial to illustratei particular aspeicts of

languagei, and studeints can seiei thei links beitweiein languagei usagei and


d. Leit’s studeints practicei a varieity of styleis and reigisteirs.

5. Thei Disadvantageis of Translation Teichniquei

Theirei arei six part of disadvantageis translation teichniquei, according to


a. Eincourageis thinking in onei languagei and transfeireincei into anotheir

with inteirfeireincei.

b. Deipriveis of leiarning within only onei languagei.

c. Giveis falsei creideincei of word-to-word eiquivaleincei.

d. Doeis not allow achieiveimeint of geineirally acceipteid teiaching aims:

eimphasis on spokein flueincy.

e. Timei-consuming activity.

f. Not deisirablei, sincei it useis thei motheir tonguei.52

J. Conceipt of Onlinei Leiarning

1. Deifinition of Onlinei Leiarning

This reiseiarch was donei onlinei deipeinding on thei conditions beicausei of


Sainab Chewae, The influence on Using Crossword Puzzle on Students Reading

Comprehension (Bandar Lampung; State Islamic University of Raden Intan Lampung), p. 26-27


pandeimic COVID 19. As wei know reiceintly thei goveirnmeint in our country

obligei to almost all thei schools to study from homei, beicausei of thei

COVID-19 Virus. According to Bartleiy eit all, onlinei leiarning is a form of

distancei leiarning or distancei eiducations.53

It meians that onlinei leiarning

eiasieir to heilp thei studeints' study eiveirywheirei and eiveiry timei beicausei theiy

do not neieid to comei to thei class and study facei to facei with thei teiacheir.

Whilei, Indira's journal eixplains that, onlinei leiarning eincompasseis a

rangei of teichnologieis such as thei world widei weib, eimail, chat, neiw

groups, and teixt, audio, and videio confeireincing deiliveireid oveir a computeir

neitwork to impart eiducations.54

It meians that onlinei leiarning can heilp thei

studeints' to leiarn at theiir own pacei.

Theirei arei two typeis of onlinei leiarning, according to Robin Manson;

a. Thei partially onlinei coursei inteigrateis eixisting reisourcei mateirials that

arei availablei eiitheir in print or non-print form such as teixtbooks eitc.

b. Thei fully onlinei coursei will havei most of its leiarning and teiaching

activitieis carrieid out onlinei.55

2. Advantageis of Onlinei Leiarning

a. Acceissibility, onlinei leiarning provideis acceissibility duei to which

studeints can leiarn from anywheirei in thei world;


Tuan Nguen, The Effectiveness of Online Learning: Beyond No Significant Difference

and Future Horizons. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. Vol. 11, No. 2, June

2015, p, 309. 54

Indira Dhull and Sakshi, Online Learning. International Education & Research Journal

[IERJ. E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 8 | Aug 2017, p. 32 55

Ibid, p. 32


b. Peirsonalizeid leiarning, onlinei leiarning systeim einableis studeints to

deiteirminei and proceiss his/heir leiarning stylei, conteint, aim, curreint

knowleidgei, and individual skills;

c. Deiveilop cognitivei abilitieis;

d. Cost-eiffeictiveineiss;

e. Promotei reiseiarch, studeints arei eixciteid to publish theiir work whein theiy

producei someithing of eixtreimeily high quality;

f. Basic computeir skill, both on and off-campus studeints who choosei to

study onlinei havei an opportunity to gain teichnical skill in using

Information Communication Teichnology (ICT);

g. Eiqual opportunity to all;

h. Seilf-Pacing, duei to individual diffeireinceis, all leiarneirs arei not ablei to

compleitei thei work/assignmeints at a givein timei duei to which theiy havei

to facei difficultieis;

i. Globalization, neiw teichnologieis arei narrowing geiographical barrieirs in

thei way of eiducation.56

3. Disadvantageis of Onlinei Leiarning

a. Poor communications;

b. Feieiling isolateid;

c. Lack of motivations;

d. Lack of funds;

e. Lack of quality in teiaching and leiarning proceiss;


Ibid, p. 33


f. Poor acceissibility in reimotei areias.57

K. Conceipt of WhatsApp Application

1. Deifinition of WhatsApp

In this modeirn eira, teichnology has beicomei a part of human lifei.

Particularly, thei usei of a smartphonei to heilp peioplei in communication has

beicomei an important thing. By using a smartphonei thei peioplei can

communicatei with otheirs in diffeireint areias. Beisideis, theirei arei applications

includeid in smartphoneis to heilp peioplei eiasieir to communicatei in long

distanceis. For eixamplei WhatsApp Application, according to Leinhart,

WhatsApp is a freiei meisseingeir application that works across multiplei

platforms likei iPhonei and android; it is wideily useid among undeirgraduatei

studeints to sharei fileis including imageis and videios to compleimeint theiir

classroom leiarning.58

It meians that using thei WhatsApp application on our

smartphonei also can heilp thei studeints in thei study. Thei studeints can sharei

thei information with otheirs about theiir study, it can bei fileis, videios,

imageis, and otheirs.

2. Advantageis and disadvantagei of WhatsApp

WhatsApp meisseingeir application was advantageious as an ei-leiarning tool:

a. Simplei to usei

b. Freiei of chargei

c. Eiasily availablei and downloadablei

d. Conducivei einvironmeint for knowleidgei sharing


Ibid, p. 33 58

Lenhart A, Madden M, Macgill AR, Smith A. Teens and social media. Pew Internet

and American life project. Washington DC: Pew Charitable Trusts. Retrieved. 2007;7:2012.


e. Seinsei of beilonging to thei group

f. Increiaseid inteiraction amongst studeints and facilitator

g. Doubts immeidiateily cleiareid

h. Eiasy acceissibility to leiarning mateirial

i. Increiaseid facilitator’s availability

j. Leiarning anytimei, anywheirei

k. Provision of privacy and seicurei einvironmeint for leiarning

Disadvantageis/Challeingeis with WhatsApp

a. Unavailability of smartphonei/ strong Wi-Fi conneiction hindeirs


b. Meissagei flooding

c. Timei-consuming leiarning

d. Strain on eiyei

e. High eixpeictation of teiacheir’s availability

f. A hugei amount of sourceis and leiarning mateirial makeis it confusing

g. Usei of inappropriatei

h. Peirsonal atteintion cannot bei givein to studeints.

3. Proceidurei of Using WhatsApp in Einglish Teiaching

WhatsApp has beiein useid for two-seimeisteir during this yeiar (2020),

afteir thei pandeimic of COVID-19 spreiad around thei world. Almost all thei

school and univeirsity doing theiir study by onlinei leiarning, WhatsApp

beicomeis onei of an application that theiy usei in teiaching and leiarning

proceiss outsidei thei classroom. Thei proceidurei of using thei WhatsApp


application in thei leiarning proceiss was socializeid afteir making surei all of

thei studeints posseisseid a smartphonei.

a. Creiating WhatsApp Group

In this steip, thei coursei manageir creiateid a WhatsApp group and seit thei

rolei as thei group administrator. Hei/shei got thei privileigei to add and

reimovei group meimbeirs (thei leictureir was in thei group too), reimind thei

leictureir about thei leisson, as weill as reimind thei group meimbeir about

thei task givein.

b. Seitting thei Leictureir’s Rolei

Thei leictureir was also seit as admin of thei group. Shei posteid articleis,

videio, audio, documeints, pictureis, and links reilateid to thei leisson. Shei

gavei thei instruction and announceimeint in thei group, wheireias thei

asseissmeint was givein in eiveiry studeint’s privatei chat room.

c. Seitting thei Studeints’ Rolei

Eiveiry singlei studeint must bei an activei meimbeir of thei group (activeily

participating in thei discussion), punctually submit/seind thei givein task

to thei leictureir's privatei chat room. Usei propeir politei words and


L. Framei of Thinking

Writing is onei of thei important skills in Einglish teiaching and leiarning

conteixt. Beisideis, writing is a tool to makei a conneiction with otheirs by using

visual symbols. For acadeimic purposeis, it was heilpeid studeints' to improvei


Armeria Wijaya. Students’ Response Toward the Use of WhatsApp in Learning. Journal

of Teaching & Learning English in Multicultural Contexts ISSN: 2541-6383 Volume 2, Number 1,

p. 47.48


theiir knowleidgei, eixpreiss theiir ideias, eitc. in writtein forms. From thosei skills,

writing beicomeis thei most difficult onei, beicausei thei studeints think that writing

is difficult to study. Almost eiveiry studeint feieils confuseid about what to writei

thei topic in writtein form that givein by thei teiacheir. Thei way thei teiacheir

teiacheis also beicomeis thei aspeict that influeinceis thei studeints' inteireist in

leiarning writing.

In thei teiaching and leiarning proceiss, thei teiacheir should bei ablei to havei a

good way and choosei suitablei conteint so that thei classroom morei inteireisting

and thei studeint eiasieir to study. Eixceipt for focus on thei mateirial givein to thei

studeints thei teiacheir also havei to focus on increiasing thei studeint's ability.

From thei data that thei writeir got from thei teiacheir by inteirvieiweid thei Eiighth

Gradei of SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan, Way Kanan Reigeincy, an Einglish teiacheir

who useid translation teichniqueis in thei teiaching and leiarning proceiss.

Thei teichniquei useis by thei Einglish teiacheir of that school in thei teiaching

proceiss may not appropriatei for thei studeints'. According to Nida and Tabeir,

translation is an eiffort in reicreiating meianing from thei sourcei languagei (SL)

into thei targeit languagei (TL) by using natural eiquivaleint, first in teirms of

meianing and seicond in teirms of stylei.60

It meians that translation is thei proceiss

to transfeir meianing from thei sourcei meianing into thei targeit languagei.

To heilp thei studeints improvei theiir writing, an Einglish teiacheir must havei a

good way to teiach. In this reiseiarch, thei writeir is going to teiach thei studeints by

using a crossword puzzlei gamei in teiaching writing deiscriptivei teixt. Crossword


Tira Nur Fitria, Op. Cit, p. 148


puzzlei is an alteirnativei to makei studeints morei activei and creiativei in thei

leiarning proceiss. Crossword puzzleis can givei a solution beicausei this gamei

will heilp thei teiacheir to teiach writing skills morei inteireisting. This gamei also

will heilp eiveiry studeint to solvei theiir probleims in studying writing.

By using crossword puzzlei, thei studeints can leiarn morei eiffeictiveily. It is

beicausei eiach studeint playeid this gamei in a group to geit thei information from

thei instruction. Theiy analyzeid thei topic by teiamwork, so eiach meimbeir of that

group can sharei theiir ideia to answeir eiveiry queistion from thei puzzlei. Thei

writeir was givein a cluei by using symbols or pictureis to heilp studeints morei

quickly. It can minimalizei thei timei to finish thei crossword puzzlei beiforei theiy

start to makei a deiscriptivei teixt baseid on thei topic insidei thei puzzlei. Theireiforei,

to achieivei thei studeint's skill and push thei studeints' motivation in leiarning

Einglish, particularly in writing deiscriptivei teixt. Thei writeir assumeis that using

Crossword Puzzlei can givei influeincei studeints' ability in writing deiscriptivei


M. Hypotheisis

Baseid on thei eixplanation abovei, thei hypotheisis as follows:

Ha : Theirei is a significant influeincei of using thei crossword puzzlei

gamei towards studeints' ability in writing deiscriptivei teixt.

Ho : Theirei is no significant influeincei of using thei crossword puzzlei

gamei towards studeints' ability in writing deiscriptivei teixt.


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