tear gas a 'no-no' on county· flights - city of newport beach


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llJI ',j:/\Y MAI~( 11' 1 I •Hl OH AN GECOUNTY C ALffO H NlA 25 CENTS

Tear gas a 'no-no' on county· flights By JESSY CLAUSEN

Of .. Deity ""' ..... Oranie County Sheriff Brad

Gatea displayed a pasteboard box filled with confllcated tear 1aa canisters Monday and an­nounced a crack down on paeaengers c arryinf tbe weapons into commercia ru1bt boardin1 areas at John Wayne Airport.

Such canisters, be said, are

llle1al aboard commercial fllahll whether or not the car­rier baa a license or certiftcate to carry them.

Deputies workln1 out ol tbe airport security office confront­ed 133 people, mostly women, carrytn1 the self-defense can­isters between March 2 and last Sunday. be said.

" Simply enterin1 the secured boarding area with a canlater

on your person la considered in· tent to board," be warned.

Of thole persons cau~ht with a canister over the 20 -da~ period in March, Gates said, 76 bad permits and S7 didn't.

Those holding permits were offered the option of giving up their caa and boardina com· mercJal aircraft or not flying, be said .

Passengers without permits

who were caught with the can· taters were issued citations, be said, and their tas taken from them.

Gates said tear gas aboard commercial aircraft Is govemed by both state and federal law to prevent hijackings and possible leaklng containers that could af· feet the aircraft ventilation system.

It is Illegal, he added , to put

such a canister aboard In lug-1a1e because or possible leak problems.

Federal law, he said , provides thal gas carriers can be fined up to S2S,000 or be imprisoned if it is determined that criminal in­tent Is involved.

Carrying the gas aboard a com merclal airliner without criminal intent can result In fines up to $10,000, he added.

" We don't feel there Is intent on the pa r t of moat people . . . , " he said . " But their forgetfulness or lack of accurate or complete knowled1e about car ylng the tear gas doesn't ex· cuse them."

Gates said most of the can· isters are detected b.l'. metaJ de­tectors at J ohn Wayne . Altbouib most are a plastic substance, some p&rU are metal.

Carol 'confident' spared by Jury vote of jury's· verdict


All-volunteer plan failure?

London CIA.

Sovkt agent .. charge probed LONDON <AP > - Officials

made a hurried 'investigation to­day into charges that a Labor gov· ernment in 1974 covered up an in­quiry report supporting aUega­t io n s that form e r counter-intelligence c hief Sir Roger Hollis was a Soviet s py.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ordered the investiga­tion after Chapman Pincher, the defense correspondent of the Lon­don Daily Mail, wrote Monday in the Conservative paper that Hollis, the director-gener al from 1956 to 1965 or MIS, the counter­intelligence service. may have been Britain's " most damaging spy in history .'· Hollis died in 1973.

Pincher said Hollis was In· vestigated secretly in 1970 and during a 48-hour interrogation " never cracked." But the cor­r espondent wrote that in 1974, a year after Hollis died , a former secretary to the Cabinet, Lord Trend, made another secret In· vestigation and concluded he was a " likely suspect" whose answers during his long interrogation were " unconvincing."

Prime Minister Harold Wilson beaded a Labor government at the timeofTrend's report.

Mrs. Thatcher ordered a report on Britain's latest s py scandal to be waiting for her when she re·

turned tonight from a summit conference of the European Economic Co mmunity in Holland. She was expected to make a statement on the matter in the House of Commons on Thursday.

" It seems like yet a nother cov­er -up by the Establishment ," Dennis Canavan of the opposition Labor Party told Commons on Monday night.

One of Mrs . Thatcher 's Conservatives , Antony Buck, called for an inquiry by me mbers of the Privy Council or a High Couri judge empowered to sub· poena witnesses and documents.

Lord Trend refused to com­ment. George Young . retireddep· uty director of M 16, the British intelligen ce agency , s aid Pincher's claims were " all sup·

(See SPY, Page AZ)

Carol claims

moral victory

in libel suit B)' FREDEaJCllSCHOEMEHL



Freeway crash death Carol Witte , 57, Newport Beach, was killed Monday afternoon when her late model Jaguar was struck head·on at the San Diego Freeway by a wrong-way driver. ac · cording to the California Highway Patrol.


O•llY P olol P""'• llY P1vlc ll 0 · 0 .. ,,.11

Driver of the other car , Barry Norris Booth . 30, of Irvine , was reported in serious condition a t Fountain Valley Com· munity Hospital. Crash occurred near Fairview Road off-ramp in Costa Mesa.

Current plan's bias cited

WASHINGTON <AP) - Sen. Ernest Hollings, D·S.C., bu in­troduced legislation to reinstate the mUitar)' draft, saying t.be all· volunteer approach not only has failed to muster enough troops but discriminates aeainst minorities and the poor.

Also Hollinas · bill would establish a draft with severely limited deferments and exemp­tions . Youne men aged 18 to 22 would be required to serve nine months of active service for basic t r aining, possibly followed by re­serve duty.

Without a draft, Hollin1s said Monday, " our nation 's defense burden wouJd rest with the poor, the black and the disadvantaged for years to come."

H e added : " Almost one ­quarter of all new recruits are black - double their proportion in the population. The number of other minorities, especially His­panics. is growing. And, more than a racial problem, it is a class problem. For even the white recruits are dr awn from the poorer and less educated sea· menlsofsociety."

1 I

LOS ANGELES - Clearly con­fide nt of victory , comedieMe Carol Burnett says she' ll wait out the verdict in her $10 million libel action again!lt the National En· qulrer playing Scrabble.

Jury· spares m11rderer

In addition. he said, armed forces recruiting fell short of re­q uirements by about 23,000 in 1979. He said the Army missed its target by 17 ,000, the Air Force by 1,500 and the Navy by 4,500. The Marine Corps met Its objective only because it took a cut ln authorized strength, Hollines said . \

IRAllil COAST WIATHI R Increasing cloudines s

tonight. Variable cloudi· ness and cooler W ednes· day. Highs 65 to 72. Lows tonight SO to 55.

111101 TODAY Horaolulu '• murder roCe

ro•• eo.a prrcerat m tM fir•t .U montlY oJ JNO. ~ '°"'' up 7t.7 pm:enc. Aogrooot~ a .. aull• toml ""ZZ.1 percent. ~•P•A1.



I • ~ ' '


The 11-member jury continued deliberations in earnest today. It received the case Monday after­noon after hearing final &rlU· ments and exhaustive closina statements.

Miaa Burnett said she was hap­py she was able to get the En­quirerintothe courtroom.

She said ahe believes ahe will have won a " moral victory" re-1ardleu of the declaloo returned bythejury.

" They didn't have tbe rlcbt to do what they did," Mlaa Burnett commented, referrtn1 to the March 2, 1171 1oulp column ac· count that said 1he 1pllled w1ne on a patron and beeam• involved ln an arsument with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kil•· in1er a( the Rive Gauche, a Wuhinl\OOD.C. restaurant.

" I am a_pollteyenon. I don't10 around 1win1ln1 from cban­dell~f!~· • MllS 8W1lelt Hid 11 ahe •let>P"O to a waltln1 Umouslne minutes after the Jury received tbecaae.

The comedieMe Hid 1he'U oc· cupy the tJme aw1ttln1 a verdict playlnc Scrabble OD a pocket·

(lee UBEL, Pa1e Al)

Slayer of CdM man gets life in prison

Otltf ~ .... '"" ""9


c...e in doubt W ASIUNGTON (AP) - The

Supreme Court b11 turned away a challence a11ln.lt th• counUq ot llle1a1 allena in the lteO census.


By DAVID KUTZMANN Ol tll• Dally Pll .. IUlf

The life of convicted murderer John Alan Ke i th of San Clemente apparently bas been spared because ~m Orange Coun­ty Superior Court jury fell one vote short of sentencing him to death.

Arter more than a week of de­liberations, the jury or six men and s ix women t o ld Judge Donald A. Mccartin Monday that It was deadlocked 11·1 ln favor of recommendin1 that Keith, 23, die in the California eas chamber.

A unanimous jury vote la re· quired ln criminal proceedlnes.

McCartln then ordered a mla­trlal, automatically gtvin1 the convicted slayer of Corona del Mar real estate a1ent Ruben Martina, 40i life lmprllonment without paro e.

Proeecutor Dave Carter, who had af1Ued for impoeltlon of tbe dHtb ltfttence, conceded that tbt .provisions of • atnee· amended capital puni1hment law OClly allowed him one op. portunitY to try Keith In \he

penalty phase or his murder tria I.

Keith part icipa ted in the mutilation slaying of Martinez in August 1978, three months before voters In California ap­proved the so-calJed Briggs Amendment . which allowed prosecutors to retry defendants a second and sometimes third time on death penalty alle1a­tlons.

The older law, ln effect when the killln1 occurred, allowed on­ly one such opportUDity.

N evertbeteas. KcCattiD 1ald be would allow Carter to araue for a new penalty trial on May S, when formal sentenclns ii scheduled.

Keith smiled when the JW'Y , described as beln1 f ruatrated at not reachlnc a verdict, an­nounced ltl lmpaa1e.

It wat the second tJme jurors had told Mccartin they were ''hoptletsly deadlocked.'' Tbe flr1t Ume was last Thursday when the judee ordered at leut one more day of deUberaUona on M,,nday.

The same juron had c~vict· ((tee LIFE, Pase ,\!)

Under the present system, he said , the armed services cannot ''foresee having the technician.a . . . to fight any real war of length.

" Although they are gimmick­ing figures to say they are 1etUn1 them, they are not,· ' he told a news conference.

Hollings' blll would reimUtute <See oun. Pase Ai>

Law to halt sex business

LOS ANGELES CAP > - The Loe Aqeles City Council unan· lmoualy bu approved 1 twah law to stop the proliferation ol adult-oriented bullneues, 1ucb u bookltorea. dance ball•, arcade1 , aexual -encoualer 1roup1 and maaaa1• paraon.

The ordinance, pUHd Mon· day on an emer1enc1 butt, wW 10 into effect aa to0e u lt la atped by Ma)'Ot Tom lr8dJer

Under the la•, ••• .-.t. orltnted buaiMIHI •outd bl ,.. quired to'° throuP puWle ..,._ tn11 before permlta would bl 1ranted.

s Orange Cout OAIL Y PILOTfTuelday, Ma~h 24, 1981

Senall · OKs deflated SACRAMENTO ( AP ) - The

Coastal Commission's budcet has survived lts first test but there may be aerloua trouble ahead for Callfomia'a historic coastal protection act

A potentially bostlle Senate finance subcommlUM Monday

approved a $&.7 mUUon bud1et for flscal 1981-82 after ellmlbal· in& $100,0001n contract funds.

If the action la allowed lo stand, the budget would drop 3.6 percent from the previous year instead of 2.2 percent, MS pro-

Eureka, we want it The Assembly Rules Committee, meeting in _Sacrame~to Monday, asked officials of Harrah 's automobtle coll~chon in Sparks. Nev. , to return a 19th ce~tu~y wood replica of California's official state seal . This 1s a copy of the wooden seal now housed in the Harrah's museum.

Prime rate down to 17

NEW YORK t AP > Major banks in Ne w York a nd Chicago cut their prime lending rates a half percentage point to 17 per­cent today, following last week 's lead of Chem ical Ba nk , the nation's s ixth largest.

No 2 C1t1bank . No 5 Mor gan Guaranty and No. 9 Firs t National Bank of Chicago all matched the 17 percent rate instituted by Chemical on Thursday .

Other major banks were expected to match the drop . reflecting a con­tinued softenin g in de mand for loans and a sha rp drop in the banks ' cost for funds .

F ro• Pag~ A l

DRAFT ... the draft authority that Congress repealed in 1973 at the request or P resident Nixon.

Holling said he chose not to ap· pl y the draft to women , " although personally I think it should be across the board." because the is· sue is being debated by the public and the courts . The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments today on the constitutionality of the exist· ing draft registration law, which is limitedtomen.

Deferments and exemptions under Hollings· proposal would be limited to those on active duty. in the reserves or In advanced ROTC study; surviving sons or l>rothers of those killed in war or missing in action ; conscientious objectors and ministers; doctors and others in vital health pro· fessions, and judges of courts of record and elected officials . Limited deferments a lso would be granted to students

Those in high school could be deferred until they graduate, but in no case beyond age 20. Those in college could continue s tudying until the end or the semester or, if in their senior year. until the end

1 oftheschoolyear. The Senate Arm ed Services

Committee, which will handle the bill, is dominated by Western and Southern conservatives who tend to favor a retumofthedraft.

President Reagan and Defense Sec r etary ·caspar Weinberger

' have said they prefer an all­volunteer armed forces, but Weinberger has said a draft would be considered if increasing pay and other inducements do not produce enough volunteers .

E'ro• rag~ Al

UFE . .. ed Keith of firsl·degree murder. robbery and burglary in late February. Those deliberations la sted onJy a day and a half.

Defense lawyer James Merwin of Laguna Hills said he was "satisfied" with Monday's outcome and felt jurors had been "very conscientious ."

Juror Chris Martin said , " It's ni ce to be over We hashed it out for quite a while Opinions changed and we brought out a lot of UUngs that needed to be brought out ."

or the lone holdout, identified by attorneys aa juror Gene Alderson of Sant.a Ana, Martin said , " He hatl his reasons and we r espected him for it. "

Alderson declined to comment to reporters.

During his trial , Keith ad ­mitted he bludgeoned and later partially decapitated Ma~ine~ in the bedroom of Martinez home.

Keith and a companion , An· thony David Bies . 20_. ~( ~ana Point, had met the v1ct1m m a Laguna Beach gay bar. Carter conte nded the pair we nt to Martinez' home with the intent to rob him.

Bies was convicted of first · degree murder in a sepa~ate trial. Because he was a mu~or when the killing occurred , Bies could be sent to the California Youth Authority . Currently , he is undergoing diagnostic studies at the men's prison in Chino.

'60 Minutes ' tapes sought

NEWARK,N .J . (AP ) - CBSat· torneys were ordered to appear in court today with either the unused portions of a 1978 " 60 Minutes" segment or a corporate balance sheet to help a judge determine the s ize of " a terribly large" fine.

U.S. Dis trict Judge Herbert Stern ordered CBS Monday to turn over tapes of interviews by correspondent Mike Wallace fora seg ment on an alleged food franchise fraud.

CBS attorney Timothy Dyk said the company would refuse to com· ply .

Executive quits SECAUCUS, N.J . {AP )

Emerson RadloCorp.'s vice pres · ident for West Coast operations has resigned over " ir · regularities" in cu11tomer ac · counts.


Daily Piiat Ctatam.d adltertlalng 1141142·M11 All oth« depart1Mnt1 142-4121

I __

Thomas P Haley ~

Robert N. Weed .......... M. ThOmas Kff\111 l ....

Thomas A. Murph1ne ........ tfltqt

Char ... H LOOI ... ~ .......... ll--a.mard Schulm•n c-...-

~'=-" ~~dardJr

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MAIN OfftC£ U0 WHl llay St .. COiia M• ... CA. Mall add,.M; llo• u.o. COiia Me.a, CA ntt• COPyrlolll 1'9' Or_... c0.11 ll'\IClllSfll"I C- No 11•wl 11.otle\, lllul!ra11c1111 • ..,ltorlal m all•• Of •0· v• rllu,...ntl nereln m o Oe rtproOuc•d wllllOUI llletla l pefl'lliHloft ol <OOY•ltlll Ow Mr

S.<- ""' postaqe paid ., Cotta MHa. Call!O!'llla CUP1 1'4«1111 SU11terlptl011 Dy carrier ... 00 ll'IOlllllly , Oy mall \) !O ll'IOllllllY: mllllar y MlllNllOllt l 4.00 "'Ofllllfy


budget posed by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .

Commia.slon ExecuaUve J>Uoee. tor Michael Fischer aaJd it cou.ld weather the cut, " but I cannot say lt will be easy."

But the commission and the state's S-year-0Jd coastal protec· lion act face more serious cballen1es this year.

Measures have been in · troduced to modify or overturn the act, which restricts develop. ment along California's l ,100. mile couUine, and half the com· mission's seats will be up for grabs after July 1.

Pro-1rowth forces are press· in& for appointment or pro­developmenl commissioners. and the environmentalists fear that the Legislature ' s new leaders may be willing to give developers what they want.

The six seats are held by del­eiates of regional commissions. Because the regional com­missions go out of existence July 1, those seats wilJ be vacant.

To fill the vacancies. the gov· ernor. Assembly speaker ai:id Senate Rules Committee will each se lect two new com· missioners from among local of· ficia ls nominated by coastal cities and counties.

In addition. Assembly Speaker WiJlie Brown. D·San Francisco, has a seventh vacancy to fill.

Kirk Neuner, a lobbyist for the Sierra CJub. says developers an? environmentalis ts have about equal support on the s tate com· mission now. The upcoming ap­pointments " could drastically shirt the tilt," he says.

Joseph Gughemetti . head of the California Coastal Council. a group of coasta l property owners who want to abolish the com mission . boasts that the commiss ion 's days a r e num ­bered .

Gughen.etti sa id the Rules Committee's removal this year of two co mmiss ioners with s trong environmental backing wa s " the beginning o f th e crumbling of the Coastal Com­mission .

" It starts with heads rolling and then the anim a l will be taken apart," he sa id .

Sen Rob e rt Pre s le y. chairman of the three·member subcommittee , proposed the $100 ,000 cut in contract funds after questioning some items in the contract budget. He said the com miasion could decide how to dialri~ the reduction.

Sen. Dan Boatwright, D· Concord, supported the cut. The third subcommittee m ember, Sen. John Briggs, R· Fullerton . was absei>t.

Fischer said many of the ron tracts are with other s tate agen cie s that provide the com mission with advice and other services .

The subcommittee held off ac tion on proposed language to al ­low the s tate director or finance to further reduce funding if the Legislature approves a bill to re· turn authority ove r building permits to the cities and coun· ties that agree to abide by the coastal act.

Under current law . permit power remains with the com· mission until special land·use and zoning plans are adopted by local coastal governments and approved by the commission .

Fischer said that by July 1. two-thirds of the coastal cities and counties will have fin1shed land-use plans , but only one· third will have completed the zoning ordinances.

F ro• Page A l

SPY • •• position" and contained " very lit tie basicfact. ..

But one of Hollis ' best friends . Anthony Courtney . said the coun ter-intelligence chief was an ob­vious target for blac kmail because he was having a secret affair with his secretary , Edith Hammond.

" It was a s tupid situation which the security people should never have allowed ," said Courtney, a former Conservative member of Parliament who lost his seat after a Soviet smear campaign against him.

Hollis divorced his wife in 1968 and married Miss Hammond. She was not available for comment, having left her home in southwest England on Sunday after telling her vicar she was ''going away for an indefinite period "

Hollis' son, a lecturer at Oxford University, said it was " totally in· credible to suggest he was a dou· bleagent."

Hollis' daughter-ln· law said Pincher's story was " entirely un· trueandwithoulfoundalion .''

The report In the Daily Mail on Monday was the first of a series baaed on a book by Pincher to be pubUsbedlaterthis week.

Conviction n ixed LOS ANGELES (AP ) - The

conviction of Indian activist Leonard PelUer on charges be etcal*l from prison in 1979 baa been overturned by • federal ap.

D• tlY P 1lo1 Plloto lly lh<IWlnl IC-ler

SHE'LL PLAY SCRABBLE WHILE JURY DELIBERATES Carol Burnett •pell• Netton•I Enquirer with dollar • lgn

Cras h es c heckpoint

Man drives taxi inf reewa y chase

An El Cajon man was in cus tody at Or ange County Jail today after ra cing the taxicab he was dnving through the U S Border Patrol checkpoint in San Onofre Mon da y

Arthur Dillon Moore. 27 . a driver for the Se<1port Cab Co m El Cajon, failed to :-. top at lhl' checkpoint at about 9 a m and led law enforcement authorities on a chase that ended 1n ht :-. arn•st in

NB burg lars tunne l way

to store loot Burglars armed with a

hydraulic jack tunneled under a Ne wport Reach ma ri ne hard" are shop early Monday and snapped out planks on thr floor to gain t'n try

Once 1ns 1dc Basin M;.irine Hardware. 829 ll arbor bland Dri ve, the crooks pried open a sa fe. broke into a gl«tss dis play case and fled with $2.800 worth of goods. police said

Newport in vestigator s claim the intruders pned open a base ment door to get under the shop and dragged a l aq~e wooden beam with them

Police said the burglars placed the jack on the beam for leverage and attached a meta l plate lo the top of the jack. Usi ng thi s makeshift setup, police s aid, the crooks were able to pop up a sec lion ornoor.

The intruders m ade off with several marine radios . a depth finder, two barometers and a brass clock. Police s aid a com plele list or items ta ken is sll ll be ing compiled.

Anaheim , a border p<1trol s pClk<.·::.man s a1d

During the chase, a Newport fkach m1)torcyc le offi cer suf­fl'n·d m1une~ " hen Moore a l ll'~l·dly Vl'cred his c ab into the µur s umg nffi cl' r . causing ham to lose t·ontrol or ht '> motorcycle and fall tothe p;tvemcnt.

The border patrol spokt.>sman s aacl motoroffi ccrJ1m Coe wason hi s way to work from hi s home 10 M 1s:. 111n \'1eJo "ht'n he JOtncd 10 I ht· <·has<' of lhl' rt'd taxicab, "h1 l' h was hl'acled no rth on the San 1>1cgo FrN·"a:. Ol·ar El Torn Ro a<!

('oe. :J2. n •portedl.\ d rovt.• up ne xt lo lhl' fl eeing taxi before ht· los t control and skidded on the pave ment for about 410 feet. the s pokesman said

Coe was taken to M 1ssion Com munity Hospita l in Miss ion Viejo. wh <.' re he was tn•ated for cuts and a brasmns and then relc·ased

T ht.• chase . which in volved units of the l ' S Border Patrol. the C:c1l1 forn1a ll q~hway Patrol , Orange Cf1unty Sheri ff' s Offi ce. Anaheim police and I rvinc poHce. finall y t.> nded at a self ser vice gas s tataon at Ball Hoad and Harbor Boulevard in Anaheim

The spokesm an s aid the ca b blew a tire and left lhc freeway on t he Harbor Boulevard exit. Moore was then t.aken into cus tody after a strug~le with I rvinc police of f1cers.

He was arrested on suspicion of ass ault with a deadly weapon (his cab> and evading arrest. Moore wa sn't transporting Mexican na ­tionals in his c ab. the border patrol spokesman said

Officers said two knives and a hatchet were found in the r.ab.

Reportedly the 45-mile chase rea ched speeds of up to 90 miles· pe r hour. The bord e r patrol spokesman s aid the OrangeCoun· ty Sheriff 's Department would be handling the case li e said the ca use of Moore 's actions had not been determined.

A diamond means a lot to a man.


LIBEL .• . ;T,ed version oftbe same.

Att-0mey '£d Bronson 11ked the jury to award Mias Bumetl Sl.5 mlJUoninpunltivedama1es. That amount, hesaid, wouldbeequalto the pubUcaUon's projected net In· come for one year.

Jurort were inltructed they may ll'ant • monetiry award o( any amount If they fi nd the publication acted with malice ln publishing the story . Bronson in· 1i1ted the periodical bad acted with malice and a reckless dia· regardforthetruth.

But Enquirer attorney William Masterson c laimed the periodical's s taff behaved responsibly , and made several at­tempts to determine the veracity or the rep0rts about events at the Rive Gauche.

·' I challenge anyone to come up with a shred of evidence the En­quirer had any intent to injure Miss Burnett," Materson said.

And he said the wording of the a rti cle did not leave the im· pression the comedienne was ln­toxical.ed at the Rive Gauche.

" Nowhere in the item does it say that she was drunk., tipsy, feeling no pain, fractured , wast · ed , s mashed or any of the uni· vers al words that are present In the English language to say that som e one has overimbibed ," M as tersondeclared.

Ma s terson implied in his analysis that a verdict against the Enquirer could have a chilling ef­fect on the public 's right to know.

" The right to know what?" de­manded Bronson in his response to M aslerson's claim. He said the Enquirer has a policy or printing " unflatteri ng a rticles" about prominent persons without re­gard for the truth

Los Angeles County Supenor Court Judge Pete r Smith, who presided over the case . said the Jur y must ftnd the ev idence against the Enquirer " clear, ex­plicit and unequivocal" lo rule in Miss Burnett 's fa vor .

Only ll jurors heard the end of the case . following dismissal of several regular and alternate rnem bers of the panel who saw J ohnny Carson berate the En qu1rer on his telev1s1on show m idway through the trial

In civil cases. onl y nme votes a re needed to support a verdict In t·ri minal cases . the decis ion must be unanjmous

Stock marke t

heavy trades exte nd rally

:"IEW YORK I AP) The s tock market advanced broadly in heavy trading today . extend­ing the rally that pushed the Dow J ones industrial average a bove 1.000 Monda y

Th e w id ely r ec ognized average of 30 blue chips rose 5 14 points to J,009.37 m the firs t hour or t rading

Gainers outnumbered losers by m ore than a 2· l margin amonj! New York Stock Ex­change-hsted issues .

Several banks lowered their prime lending rates from 17 1 2

percent to 17 pe r cent today . matching a reduction posted last week by New York 's Chemical Bank.

Th e government reported . meanwhile. that the consumer price index rose 1 percent in February.

But even that sign of persis­tent double-digit inflation didn 't appear to s low the rally that began in s tock prices late last week .

A diamond -it's impressive, it's fa sh ionable, but most uf all, it'-. from you. In 14 karat wllow gold:

SLAVICK·s f•nf f•-a.~ Slntt 1417

fluluo n I IAnd, Nt'wport Center, Ntwport SC'ach . 714/644·1380 w ... 1m1nStff / I •j\Uf\A I Illa. I Ml .. lm• V1tj0 I North Or•nitt I Th~ Clry IM Ct'ITI~ .. llru Mall• Alt<! (;tt•i.r I o• AnR"""' f C,,.n C>w11n l.o Vt'gA• u .. - ol &&."'C~ • conv•-,.t <!Yt~• pt.n• or AIMrl<• n icprH•. VISA. M•t .. t (' ... ,....

Mmtbt~ r'"' '"'°'''' C 11 1/d

A. $700. B. $740. c $5,175

peals court. L..----------------------------------------------....;. ________________ __,

"' 'I

Actor Tom Bosley embraces his wife , Patricia Carr Bosley , during a break on the " Happy Days" set. His television show wife , Marion Ross , hangs around in a back-stretching apparatus.

Country singer Kenny Rogers has filed- a $700 ,000 damage suit against R . J oseph · Hulh earn. a sou th Florida developer. claiming he sold Rogers a yacht that was not seaworthy.

The eyeglasses that beca m e Budd y Holly 's trademark during his year as a ro ck · n · roll pioneer rightfull y belong t o hi s widow. not his parents. a judge ruled.

District Court Judge 8 .C. Sullivan ruled in Mason City, Iowa that Maria Holly Diaz , as executor of the Holly estate, owns all personal property of Charles Hardin Holly, includ· ing the glasses found in a cou rthouse basem e nt las t yea r .

The glasses had been miss­ing s ince 1959, the year Holly was killed in the crash of a s mall airplane shortly after it left Mason City Municipal Airport. Former Cerro Gordo Coundy Sheriff Jerry Allen said he found the glasses a year ago in a courthouse s torage room.

Former Secretary of Stale Dean Rusk was resting at Athens, Ga General Hospital after being admitted for ob· se rvation with a possible urinary tract infection , his wife said

Lennon eeeai · ticket• J J 00

Tickets to what wa• to have ·-t>een a reU&iou.a tribute t.o late ex- Beau~ .J.U1Ae8M are be­in1 aokl by t.lcllet-bawken for $100 or more, orraniun of the eventeay.

Tbe SUnday i ervice is to be held at the Anrllcan Cathedral in Liverpool, the nortbeut port city where tbe Beatles started out. Some 1,800 free tickets for the hour-long service were snapped up within 48 hours of tsaue.

·'These Ucketa were given away on a first-come, first­served basis . l doubt the morals of those people who are selling them," comment­ed minister Gonloa lla&el.

Lennon was shot to death outside bis New York apart­ment building in December.

Bluegrass musician Bill Monroe, who has undergone successful colon s urgery, probably will resume performing in late April or early May, bis agent says.

Known as " the father of bluegrass music ," Monroe, 69 . w as released fr om Nashville Memorial Hospital las t week. His surgery was March 9.

Monroe developed blue· grass music in the late 1930s. He is a member of the Coun· try Music Hall of Fame and a regular performe r at the Grand OleOpry

Polish independent trade union leader Lech Waesa has been awarded a $1 0,000 p r ize by the Swe d ish n ewspa p er A rbeter of Malmoe in honor of work ··for social justice and peace. ·· ·

Snowfall sets record Appalach ians, m id-A tla ntic coast white

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"4''ttl /iJtflnin9 The Dally Pilot wants to hear observaliona from its readers

- partJcularly comments about the paper ltaell. It'• easy to teU u1 your views . Juat call the number below and your meaaa1e will be recorded. Me11a1ea will be transcribed several Umes dally and delivered to the desk of the appropriate editor. No clrculaUon calls, please. .

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Study shows strong environmental trend Envtronmentallett have found • Sf mpathetJc

ear ln the chambers of the California Supreme Court.

1'bat'• tbe uaeaament ol two University of Califomla profenort who studied tbe court's en­vironment v1. development declslona from 1962 to 1980. 'lbelr findings are reported ln the current is­sue of the UCLA Law Review.

Dr. Jo.eph DiMento, uaodate professor ot social ecolofY at UC Irvine, and Donald Hagman, professor or law at UCLA, conclude that preserva· Uonist) have usually won hands down when they argued their cases before the state's high court.

DIMENTO AND HAGMAN found a decidedly pro·environment viewpoint throughout the 18-year pe riod t hey s tudied , but they discovered a par.llcularly s trong preservationist attitude between 1967 and 1977. In fact , they labeled the

. 10-year period California's " environmental dec­'de."

Rulings in the late 1970s also tended to favor environmentalists but the decisions were less con­sistent.

" Since 1977 the rulings have been rather er· ratic," commented UCl 's OiMento. " Some cases ha ve favored development interests, yet we still do not see a clear trend away from the preservation viewpoint.''

OiMento pointed out several impli cations for ·California residents that stem from the court's tendency to support environmental interests.

" THE COURT'S EFFECTS are both direct and indirect," he explained. " Directly, the de · cisions create law on a wide variety of issues that Californians confront every day - everything from where billboards can be banned to whether government must pay property owners for act ions that decrease the market value of their property "

DiMento and Hagman reviewed 93 cases de cided by the court since 1962. All of the cases in · volved issues such as toning, eminent dom ain . nuisance, low income housing, rent and s ign con · trot.

Conclusions reached by the professors in elude :

- Despite the widely held belief that govern · menl agencies almost always win when they pre· sent their cases in court, government groups won

only when they presented a preservationist view. point. When 'tbey represented development, sue~ as when arguing for public works project.a, the agencies generally received unfavorable ruJJnes.

- Neighbors and public Interest croup• wer~ nearly always victorious before the hl1h court since they tended to represent preservationist in · terests. On the other .side ol the coin, developers nearly always lost durinc the years 1967-1977.

- Even when a developer relied on prior gov­ernment conduct or law that traditionally would cause government to act in a pro-development manner, the court would set aside such doctrine a nd allow pre1ervation ·oriented cities and counties to m eet their objectives.

Although the State Supreme Court has often invalidated initiatives passed by the electorate, the court bas been supportive of environmental in itiatives.

Despite its pro·preservationist views, the court has not tolerated a landowner bein g shortchanged in cases of eminent domain, where the city. county or other j urisdiction takes control of private property for public use.

ALTHOUGH T HE CALIFORNIA Supreme Court does not usually display unanimity, all but one justice tended to concur on environment vs development issues . Ex -j ustice William Clark, a Reagan appointee to the court. tended to write the few pro-development decisions while Jus tices Mat· thew 0 Tobriner and Stanley Mosk were the s trongest proponents or preser ving the environ · ment.

By spot-checking cases in which preserva· tionists were victorious , DiMento and Hagman de termmed that the victors often reached their ul t imate objectives. The s ites in controversy before the court usually remain undeveloped .

Looking ahead. DiMento remarked , " The crystal ball for the eighties 1s murky Recent opinions indicate we can expect an errati c record . perhaps with a s light dominance of the preserva ti on isl orientation.

.. But because of intracourt difficulties. pend· ing court appointments and the court's natural tendency to respond , at least in some modest way to publi c sentiment , the continuation of the environ mental decade 1s less than likely "

Disn eyland awards day April I

UCI eampus

Sixty-one awards tota lin g $125,000 will be given to Orange County organizations • t the 1980 Disneyland Community Service Awards luncheon April l at the Disneyland Hotel.

Disneyland has been making the awards annually s ince 1957, and this year 441 organizations have applied .

The top award, of $25,000 will go to the organization judged to have the most productive and exceptional community service program during 1980.

Six awards totaling $10,000 will be given in each of the 10 cate go r ies wh ic h include cultural arts , education, service for youth, accomplishments by youth groups , s pecia l health services , accomplishments by support groups, social communi­ty servi ce, ci vic communit y ser vice, service by or for senior c itizens . a nd e n viron ment , ecology and energy.

Social history seminar slated

Historians from a round the country will gather at UC Irvine Saturday for the fourth annual Irvine Seminar on Social History a nd Theory s ponsored by the UCJ Department of History .

Keynote speaker is Eric Hobsbawm of the University of London. Hobsbawm . known for h is work on the soc ial and econ o m ic hi s tory of 1·9th · century Britain, will s pe ak on " How to Belong lo the .M iddle Class : A Problem of Social Iden· tity ' 1870-1914 ...

Other speakers in the day-long series of workshops and lectures are Char le s Ma ie r o f Duke University . who will speak on " Power a nd Pi ece work : Economic Corre lates of the Onset of Cold War in Europe", Ronald Steel. a UC Regents lec­turer , " The Cold Wa r Revisit· ed and Reborn... a nd Judith Walkowitz of Rutgers Universi· ty. " The Politics of Sex and

Class Jack the Ripper and Out· cast London."

Seminar w orkshops wi ll feature faculty from UCl , Prin· ceton Uni versity, the University of Vermont , San Diego Stat.e University, Stanford Universicy and UCLA. Topics will include Chicano his tory, the Middle East and sociaJ networks .

In all, 15 historians and sociaJ scientists will serve as lecturerti or panel members. Sem inar aC· tendance is expected to exceed that of last year whe n 325 academicians participated .

The seminar's focus on soch1l history and theory represents an e mph asis within the UCI Department of History . Depart· ment Chair S p ence r Olin desc ribes social history as " the integration of the daily ex · periences of ordinary people into our understanding of larger his· torical developments."

This all cotton knit shirt can only be found in a few spedalty stores and features a 2-button placket and tennis tail. The contrast collar and

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s Orange Cont OAtL v PtLOT/Tuesd~y. March 24. 1981

·Horne backlash

TOKYO <AP) The United States wants Japan to take over more of Its own defense. But Japanese officials say public · pressure from the Reagan ad· ministration could cause trouble for a government faced with the public's strong a nti -military feeling.

Defense is one of the major is· sues President Reagan said he will discuss with Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzikl during Suziki's visit to Washing· tion in May. Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ito is in Washington now for talks touching on de­fen se, but primarily dealing with a possible curb on U S. im­ports of Japanese ca rs

SINCE THE Allied occupation after World War l l and U .S prom­ulgation of a cons titution out· lawing an arm y. Japan has re­lied heavily on the United Stales for its security

Japanese officials fear the Reagan government m <•Y begin pushing for cha nges in Japan's defense policy changes they say are impossible at present and very unlikely in the near future.

" Some continued. quiet pres­sure would bl.' nl.'cessary and useful .·· said o ne Foreign Ministry offi cial who asked not to be identified . " but public pressure by the United States on Japan would exacerbate the 1s · sue, " he said

The problem. official s here say. 1s that the J apancsc people never have over<:omc a dislike of the military brought on by the disas trous defeat an World War rI . or th c " nuclear allergy" caused by the atomi c bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasa ki

Japan 's recently resigned top so ldier . Gen . Cor o Takeda. claimed that few J a p;mese are convinced they can or s hould de-

fend Japan even from an out• right attack by another country .

Although Japan has become increasingly worried about the Soviet union, defense policy Is so controversial that even to sug. gest changes can bring pressure on defense officials to resign and start a storm or protest.

Many Japanese leaders uo derstand and even agree with Was hington's desire for more defense spending by Japan, and Japan 's military budget has been increasing

But U.S. officials , rang10g from Reagan ad visers to U.S Ambassador Mike Ma nsfield . have indicated a bigger defense budget is no longer the main IS · sue .

INSTEAD. some s uggest , the Reagan administration may pro· pose extending the Japanese navy 's responsibility for defend· ing the waters around J apan or the nation's 6,000-mile·long oil· suppl y lanes Or it may ask J apan to join in defense-related talks with NATO or the Associa lion of Southeast Asian Nations .

As chairman o f Japan 's equi valent of the Joint Chiefs of Sta ff. Takeda gave has first in terview last month He said the country's defense forces were tnadequate, de fens e spendmg must be mcreased drcist1call) . and conscription should be con s idered The comments brou~ht a threatened boycott of Parha ment by opposition pCJrtres a nd led to Takeda 's res ignation

"MOST PEOPLE rn thl' gov crnment see ver) little ml'ril an provoking that kind of domest1 t' reaction.· · the Foreign Minis try official said

Despite the app<1 rent prohib1 t1on of an army , J<Jpan 's Supreme Court h<Jl> ruled th(' country must hav<' the n~ht to defend itself . <J n d J upa n

Seerefary's view

• ·nse

NEWS ANALYSIS gr a dually has built up the world's eighth lar'ges t military force .

But under a Cab1net ruling, defense spending has been limit· ed to less than l percent o( Japan 's gross naUonaJ product

more than Sl 1 billion thls year compared with S percent for

the United States and 3 to 5 per· cent for European countries with less economic power.

Japan has renounced nuclear weapons, and refuses to allow them t o b e ba se d on o r trans ported through its ter· ritory.

It also has declared it will act only to defend the home islands in case or attack . The military is allowed no capability to attack foreign territory , no bombers. ho aircraft carriers. no large missiles . And Japanese officials may not even take part in de· rense discussions with countries othe r than the United States .

Boat plan torpedoed

ST LOlJIS I A P l The city's aldermen ha\•e torpedoed a plan lo buy the excursion boat Ad· m1 ra l and three smaller vessels for the St Louis riverfront.

Th e board vot e d to gi ve Aldermanic President Thomas Zych authority to challenge in l'Qurt the sale of $5 million in rev· enul' bonds for the c ity to purchase and repair the boats .

Z) ch called the deal an " un­i aw fu l erosion of taxpayers ' monies. " adding that the city face!> t:nding its fi scal year with a $10 million deficit.

Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger took an Army helicopter recently during a

visit to Fort Bragg, N.C., to watch ex­ercises of 82nd Airborne troops .

.... w ..........

Clai11ese tour Betty Ford, former U.S. first lady, tours Temple of Eternal Harmony in Peking with Boyun Wuerji, acting head of the temple. The cultural treasure was built in UJ94. Mn. Ford accompanied her husband, Gerald Ford, on his trip to Peking.

Extortionist gets 20 years

SAN DIEGO <AP l - Paul Bailleaux. a 63-year-old jeweler from Corvallis. Ore ., was sen­tenced Monday to 20 years in fede ral prison after being con­victed of extortion by poisoning food in supermarkets. The sen· Lenee will run consecutive to a 20·year sentence Bailleaux re· ccived la s t December in a similar case in Portland. Ore., U S District Judge Howard Tur· rentlnc said .

An assistant US. attorney, Ra ymond J Couglin Jr .. told the j udge that Bailleaux is " a ha bitual criminal "

A jury convicted him March 11 on three counts involving al· te mpted extortion of diamonds after lacing a jar of pickles and teriyaki sauce in two San Diego supermarkets a year ago.

In both cases, s tore employees fo und the poisoned food before it was sold . The ex tortionist threatened the same store twice .

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Statutory rape law


upheld WASHJNGTON <AP> - State

.. statutory" rape law• do not diacrlmlnate •l•lnat men, a deeply divided U.S. Sl.lpreme Court bu ruled.

B)' a S.4 vote, the Justices up-held a Califomla law that makes ti a crime for men or boys to have sexual intercourte with consenting females not yet 18.

The court's majority said the law doet nol rerresent a form of unconstltutlona sex dlscrimlna­tiQn just because women and girls cannot be charged with the same crime for having sex with boys not yet 18.

FOUR OF THE court's mem­bers, led by Justice Wiiiiam H. Rehnquist, said such state laws do not violate the Constitution's guarantee of equal· protection.

Justice Harry A. Blackmun supplied the vital fifth vote Mon­day necessary to uphold the California Jaw. In a separate opl. nion, he said the California law was a legitimate - and constitu. tional - effort to control the pro. blem orteen-age pregnancies.

Challenging the California law were lawyers for a yo un g Sonoma County man identified in court documents only as Mi chael M .. who is charged with ~ s tatutory rape in a 1978 incident

Mi chael was 17 when he and a girl identified only as Sharon , then 16, engaged in sexual in­tercour se aft e r what a Ca lifornia cour t ca ll ed an " amorous inte rlude on a park bench."

BECAUSE SHARON was not h is wife and was und e r 18, Mi c hael wa s c harged with s tatulory rape He now will have to stand trial. If convicted . he could be sentenced to eight years in prison

In his opinion. Rehnquist said . " We need not be medical doc· tors to discern that young men a nd young women a r e not s imilarly situated with respect to the problems and the risks or sexual intercourse .

· ·only women may become pregnant and they suffer dis proportionately the profound physical. emotional and psychological consequences of sexual activity , " Rehnqui s t added.

lde11tity discovered? David Hartman's chat with amnesia victim " Jane Doe" on television last month may have led to her identity. The woman, found naked and near death in a Florida state park seven months ago, appeared on the program in an effort to find ber identity. Investigators said today it is most likely she is Cheryl Ann Tomiczek, 34, of Roselle. Ill. , who dropped from sight seven years ago.

Alllericans recall Archbishop's death

By The Associated Press Americans fas ted , marched and prayed for an end to violence in

El Salvador as churches and groups in sever al chies marked the an­niversary of the assassination of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero.

Churches held memorial services. while groups opposed to U.S. support for El Salvador 's mllitary ·c1vihan junta today organized more rallies and vigils in memory of the cleric s lain a year ago.

On March 24, 1980. an alleged nght-wang terroris t fired one bullet through Romero 's heart . killing the 62·year ·o ld archbishop instantly as he celebrated Mass in a San Salvador hospital cha pel.

In Hartford . Conn .. about 30 people. protes ting what they say is U.S. l;(Overnment support for " right wing terror squads" in El Sa lvador . fas ted 24 hours in ml'morvof Romero

The Hartford Coalition for Jus tice JO El Sa lvador s ponsored Sun· da y's fast . which spokes men s aid was staged an support of a three-day hunger s trike being conducted by about 150 other organizations op­posing U.S. aid to El Salvador



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...----~ . Of'ange Coat DAILY ptLOTITuesday, March 24, 1981

· 1 ~illUa Embezzled cash to Ali?

Boxer reportedly unaware of source LOS ANGELES <A P > -

Former heavyweicht boxin1 champion Muhammad Ali was paid about SJ miWon from funds allegedly embeuled from the Wells Fargo Bank, but tbere ia . no evidence he knew the source of the money. the Los Angeles Times reported.

The newspaper said It was told b)' sources close to the invesUga. tton that the payments, in the form of Wells Fargo cashier's c h ecks, were personally en· dorsed by Ali and drawn on ac­counts held by now -defunct

Muhammad All Professional Sports, Inc. of suburban Santa Monica.

Attempta to reach Ali were un· successful. His home telephone bas been disconnected and no new number was given.

GEOAGE CAU LFIELD, a Wells Fargo vice president . declined to comment on the re· port . The bank has filed a civil suit, naming some MAPS of· ficials , contending $21.3 million was siphoned from the bank ii· legally over a two year period.

Ali received a fee from MAPS

for the use of his name. Re has disassociated himself from the group.

The former champion pre· vlously bas said he received about Sl million for seUlng his name and providing other pro­motional help to MA PS and its founder, Harold J . Smith.

AS RECENTLY as January, the Times quoted sources as saying, Ali was paid abou t SlOO ,OOQ from allegedly em­beuled funds . The sources said Ali's lawyers returned the money.

AP Wtttp!IO\t

Piertop protest Man wins credit for Navy service

Ali - a c lose friend of Smith. who was named In the bank suit - has been interviewed by the FBI but ls not considered a sus · peel, the Times quoted sources as s aying.

Smith has been in hiding for several weeks.

More than 350 demonstrators marched through Santa Cruz and to the municipa l wharf to protest the Reagan administra· tion's proposal to grant offshore oil drilling

le ases along Northern and Centr al California . The ra lly was sponsored by the Save Our Shores ecology group.

WASHJNGTON <AP) - Th,t Supreme Court Jet s tand a ruling that California law must yield to federal law and give a San Mateo County employee credit for his Navy service in his coun· t y retirement plan benefits.

Under the terms of the county retirement program , employee contributions to the retirement fu nd are no longer requ ired after he is c r edited with 30 years ' county service.

Khomeini hackers incited riot County engineer Sidney H.

Cantwell Jr .. of Menlo Park . enlisted in the Navy in Sep· tember 1942, a nd served for more than three years on active duty .

He went to work for San Mateo County in April 1948.

Creosol hurts

marine life LA JOLLA (AP> - The dis·

charge of creosol from oil ­refining plants i s harming marine plant life , say re · sear chers al Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

If it continues, a n expert warns it will result in " an ad­verse impact on fisheries or s hell fisheries in the affected coastal or estuary areas .··

T h e study financed by a $142,000 grant of the Environ­mental Protection Agency was described as the first of its kind of the effect on sea plants of the water solubl e hydrocarbon creosol , a discha rge of refinerr plants.

Simple arithmetic would give Cantwell his 30 years of service in 1978.

B UT CANTWELL claimed he should have been credited with 30 years in 1974 under a federal law allowing him to count as part of his county service the years he spent on active duty in t he Navy, provided he made con· tributions into the retirement fund for those additional years.

If so, the county would owe Ca ntwell some money back for contributions collected after 1974 and. more significantly, his ul· ti m ate r etirement benefits would be increased.

The county , however , said Cantwell could not add credit for his Navy years beca use a Ca lifornia law bars him from re­ceiv ing overlapping retirement benefits from both the county and the military plans for those same years.

A FEDERAL trial judge said that since the two laws appeared to conflict, the Constitution re· quired that the fed eral Jaw pre· vail. That meant Cantwell would include Navy ser vice in his 30 years of county service.

9rie~ On @· ~'<:~) ~ental HealtJi ~~


LOS ANGELES <AP > - Police blame supporters of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for most of the violence in a three-hour c lash with anti-Khomeini protesters that forced the closing of Wilshire Boulevard and prompted the arrests of 10 people.

Mounted police drove back the angry crowd of about 1,200. One man was treated for a broken nose a nd two a nti . Khomeini demonstrators were tossed into a lake as several scuf­fles flared up between the two groups near downtown MacArthur Park , police said.

rep::'eJ~rious injuries were NEWS BRI Ef S Police Capt. Robert ------­

Taylor said his officers con· fiscated tear gas, bottles, pipes and chains from the pro-Khomeini demonstrators.

" They're the ones throwing rocks . They 're the ones beating people up," Taylor said.

Supporters of the Iranian revolutionary leader and members of the Communis t Revolutionary Party gathered and began chant ing " Death to fugitive criminals" hours before a scheduled dem· onstration in the park by the anti-Khomeini Iranians in Exile group, police sajd .

Gun•an die• BALDWIN HILLS <AP> - An armed man who held off police

for eight hours despite the use of tear gas to nush him out of his barricaded apartment died of a possible heart attack after leaping from a second-Ooor window, authorities said.

Willie Hudspeth, 37, died of a passible cardiac arrest at Brot · man Memorial Hospital about an bour after the incident ended, a hospital spokeswoman said.

Police said the siege began shortly after Hudspeth allegedJy threatened a neighbor with a gun. P olice fired more than 20 tear gas canisters into the apartment when they failed to get Hudspeth J.o surrender.

Hudspeth reportedl y fired a ~hot a!> offi ce rs enter<•d the build an g. then jum1>cd from a second floor ha th room \\ 1ndo\\

Slct1 df.,er di~•

ANTIOCH <AP) A San Jose woman making her first sky dive was killed when her parachute failed to open and she plunged 2,800 feet . officials said

Killed in the mishap about 11 ~ miles northt·as l of Antioch Airport was Gilda Martinez. 25. the Contra Costa Count> coroner's office said .

Officials said Mi. Mart1m·1· drogUt' ehult'. \\hleh pulls the main chute from the pack, opened. !Jut the main chute and two backup chutes on her chest fail ed lo deploy

Mad bull fPllPd SAN YSIDRO 1AP 1 A ram1w~ing bull gort'd a racehor!>e .

!> mashed a truck and knocked l\\o c·u\\ bo~~ to the- ,ground before being killed by shotgun blas t!> , author1tll.'!> !>a1d

After breaking free while being taken from a hauling truck . the 1,400-pound Charolais breeding hull knocked another horse into the Tia Juana Ri ver and led a wild , two·hour romp along the Mex­ican border.

Canno11 mbffre• SAN DIEGO <AP > A cannon accident during the re

en actment of the 1803 battle of San Diego Ba y has left a 27 ·year ·old Ramona man with a serious hand injury .

Lawrence Pt'eblcs was inJurt·d when a cannon m1sf1rcd during the mock batllt• l'Ommemorating lhl' !>k1rmish IJe l\\l'l'n American and Spanish for ct•!>

How about a little trivia? H.istory records Paul Revere as the man who mad e the important ride on the night of Apnl 18. 1775. as well a s being a skilled silversmith. But the history books never mention the fact that Paul Revere wa s a practicing dentist. A student of John Baker. lhe first English dentist to come to America . Paul not only carved false teeth from ivory but co n cocte d a dentifrice that contained abrasive substances and various mixtures s uch a s cuttlebone . brown-s ugar candy s altpet e r and gunpowder. ootter and bread crumbs We don't know if lt sold too well.

How far back does the use of nitrous oxide <laughing gas ) go in the annals of denistry '.' Jn 1884 ,-0r Horace Wells. an American denti st . demonstrated lhe properties of nitrous oxide by using it on him se lf while having his own tooth extracted .

F1n111,yoa don't look like a check.

In C<>llncc:tion with nur SpL·c.:iul Sho\\ i11g of

How much dental care 1s nee<ied today? It has been estimated that if every dentist spent 24 hours a day. every day of the year. just filling cavities, there would stilt be one billion cavities left in the United States.

Gerald Winkler. D.D.S . ' and i\aJCK'lttH 1401 Avocado. ~ulte sos. Newport Beach Phone: 64f-4l00

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A study by the CaUromJa JudJciaJ Council says Orange County's '8-judge superior court is ln need of ex· pansion by 11 positions to handle caseloads expected by 1982.

But local court administrators also say there are nve existin& openings on the bench which Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. could fill now.

1 These include three judgeships created by the Legislature last year which ·have never been filled and two older positions vacated through retirement <Mason Fenton) and death <Oretta Sears).

If . the judicial council conclusions are correct that Orange County's court system carries the heaviest workload per judge in the state. the present vacancies only exacerbate the situation.

It's time for Brown lo fill these positions now to help chip away at the mountainous backlog of cases which the judicial council claims a 57-judge court rightly ought to be tackling .

Cu r b ing the court A warehouse is robbed of 100 suits . Thirty minutes

later a car is stopped because of a taillight violation. In the back seat are 100 suits . The policmeman in·

spects them and finds they bear the same labels as those stolen. He holds the driver for suspected ro~bery .

Later it is determined that these were the stolen suits . The man is booked and scheduled for trial.

Good case? Not necessarily under the California Supreme Court's

interpretation of the · ·exclusionary'' evidence rule . Fortunately, legislative attention is again focusing on

the rule that enables courts to throw out evidence gathered by police if there appears to have been a viola· lion of search and seizure laws. and to invalidate con­fessions that may not have been entirely voluntary .

Last week the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a proposed constitutional amendment that would curb the state Supreme Court's right to go beyond the standards set by the U.S. Supreme Court in determining what con­s titutes admissible ev idence.

Proponents of the measure , which would have to be placed on the ballot if approved by the Legislature. con­tend the state court goes far beyond the Constitution in throwing out evidence because of alleged police viola· lions.

One study indicates California prosecutors drop four times as many cases as their counterparts in Washington , D.C., before even bringing them to trial. That's said to be because they are obliged to go by the rules of the state Supreme Court, while the U.S. court sets the only rules of evidence in Washington courts .

Law enforcement authorities complain that the state justices " keep changing the rules" so that police and prosecutors are never sure just what will be deemed ··exclus ionary" evidence. Following only the standards set by the U.S. Supreme Courtcouldsolvethat, they believe.

However . opponents of the proposed amendment contend the exclusionary evidence rule is the citizen 's only protection against police violations of privacy and con· fess ions obtained under duress .

There 1s no doubt California has seen some apparent· ly ridiculous applications of the evidence rule, wherein a suspect who has been apprehended with stolen goods, identified as an assailant bv his victim, and even con­fessed to a crime. is set free because of alleged police violation of evidence-gathering rules .

The debate will continue. but the 6-1 committee vote in favor of the proposed curb on the state Supreme Court m ay well reflect a growing impatience with the tendency to favor a criminal 's rights over those of a victim.

• Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Datly Pilot Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s 1nv1ted. Address The Daily Pilot, P O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321 .

Boydl'How to ' books Byl.M. BOVD

" How to" books go way ba c k . Even the ancient Egyptians had them One in particular was especially re· nowned . ft was entombed with the dead. and its title. roughl y translated . read : ··How lo Reach The Other World."

Q . Are there credit cards in the People ' s Republic of China?

A. Not yet for the resi· dents . But there 's one. re· cently issued , for foreign vis· ltors . Chinese ca ll it the Prosperity Card.

Q. What are the odds that children of renowned men somehow tend to mess up their lives . For instance. Pre s ident John Quincy Adams and his wife Louisa had three sons. What hap­pened to them?

A . George co mmitted suicide . J o hn died an alcoholic . Charles became minis te r lo Great Britain. Calculate those odds.

Q. Name the only place in the Western Hemisphere where the sun rises over the

CllllY Ill Supply-aide economic• : Where supply exceeds demand, curt.all supply and raiH prtcea.


....... , 0.. ~ .,. ~ "' ~ ... Mt~. rtfte<t ... .......... , ..... _ ... _ .. o ....... 0-. o.lly ., ...

Pacific and sets over the Atlantic.

A. Panama.

Am told it takes only 12 weeks for a baby boa con­s trict or to grow to 400 pounds . And inasmuch as that snake's meat is said to taste better than chicken, a London entrepreneur is plan­ning to raise boas com · mercially.

It is the female crab that has the roe. It is the roe that most enhances the flavor . So the best crab concoctions are those made with female cra bs . That, from a seafood specialist.

Q. Eleven of the most com. monly used words in English have either two or three let· ters . Only one has four let· ters . What is it?

A. That.

That Frederick the Great pre ferred hi s co ffee be spiked with champagne has been widely reported. Less well known is the fact that he seasoned it, too, with a dollop of mustard.

Proper Job Club candidate No. 94783 is Lois Bank. the lady who runs the Mercy Hospital blood bank in Miami, Fla.

Note it claimed In print that if life expectancy were to continue to rise al la pr•· ent rate, t.be average person 1,000 yea.rs from now will live to be 200 years old . Something wrona with that claim. The medicOll 1adly ad· mlt they' ve done little lo pro­lon1 bu.mu Ute In tile rttiJ'e. ment years. What pu.abea up the overall 1tatl1Uc1 11 t.be IUCCHI of the docton ln UV• lnl lbe liver or youn1er persona and babies.

Jack Anderson

CasQ-o spym•terr :roams frieely WASHINGTON The Rea1an

admlDJl'trat!QD'1 announced de­tennlnat.loa to combat the now ol Soviet arms to E1 Salvador's lertl•t roerrtllu baa atlrnd ln· ten1e controversy. Some ~Un American countriea - not.ably Medco - tend to d.ilcount l.be importance of the Salvadoran le(tlata' connecUon wltb tbe Cuban and Nlcara1uan realmea.

But while others may pooh­pooh the Rea1an advisers' COi)• cern over Cuban help to the Salva ­doran auer­rlllas, U.S. Ln­telligence ex­perts point to the intermit­tent presence or a dangerous Cuban official in Nicaragua, the primary transit post for Soviet aid to the guerrillas .

The man our intelligence peo­ple are worried about is Fernando Vecino Alegrit, a 47-year-old ma· jor general in Fidel Castro's clan· destine service, DGJ. He travels under the cover of Castro's ministerofhighereducation.

Here 's what intelligence

sources have told my auoctate Dale Van Atta about VeclDo'I un· dercover career :

- BOaN IN HAVANA, V~o waa an early aasoctate of Cutto and became an lofluenUal member of tM lnJlU clrcle that took control of Cuba after tbl ousterot Ful•endo BaUata.

- Vecino WU lnitiaUy put ln charaeotaCUbanprovlnce, but in 1962 wu made director or the Na­tional lnatitute for Aartcultural Reform.

- In 1966y while nominally in charge of tne Union of Cuban Communist Youth . Vecino performed a secret - and suc­cessful - espionage mission in France.

- Later in 1966, Vecino was elven overall command of Cuban missile forces - a post that re· quired close connections with the Russians.

- From 1967 to 1974, Veeino performed a number or missions for Cutro's secret police, includ· ing a period as military attache in North Vietnam . Intelligence sources say he took part in the in· terrogation - and torture. of American prisoners of war.

Promot ed to v ice min · ister of the armed forces in


lf'fll and made a member of the Cobao Colllmunlat Party'• cen· tral committee. Vecino aupuviaed Castro's adventura In An1ola and Ethiopia.

- In 1978, Veclno was named mlnilter of higher education, a post that allowed him to send large numbers of paramilitary aeents into various Central American countrieis under the cover ot educational aaaiatance.

- In 1979, Vecino set up head­quarten In Costa Rica. where he was able to keep in constant touch with the Sandinista rebels while they were fighting Anastasio Somou ' 1 Nicaraguan die · lalorsbip. When the Sandinislas won. Vecino and a sidekick who was also a Cuban general moved ~o Managua for a time.

SINCE THEN, according to in­telligence sources, Vecino has been close lo the more leftist ele· ments of the Nicaraguan govern· ment, making regular visits to Managua. Among his services to the Nicaraguan regime was ar­ranging the shipment of 100 cap· lured American 105-millimeter howitzers from Vietnam to Nicaragua. The artillery pieces were shipped to Nicaragua in a

I ,

'OT ~ .'PJ'RE ALL WE~ 10 COti£ fKK O<E TME ~~ MNED R~D .

Nicholas von Hoffman

ve11el operated under LebaneM reslatry by the Palestine Libera· Uon Oraan.lzatlon.

VECIN0'8 ROLE as Castro's •pymaster and aeneral troublemuer is well known in Latin Amerfca. Jn fact , hia pres· ence anywhere ln the area is enough to panJc military and ln· lelUgence circles. For example, h le visit to the Dominican Republic in 1979 with two Cuban transport planes, supposedly to offer humanitarian assistance in the wake of a devastating hur· r lcane, produced a cold rebuff from President Antonio Guzman.

In Nicaragua, meanwhile , Vecino haa tried to cash in on the

.Cubans' military aid to the San· dinistas . Intelligence sources say his DGI cohorts were allowed to prepare the guest list for the reb· els' first anniversary celebra· lion last year . and the guests were reportedly frisked by the Cuban police agents. The Cubans also are reported lo have a training camp in Nicaragua .

In adJition . sources disclosed that Vecino's Cuban agents have maintained two guerrilla training camps in Mexico one run by the Palestine Liberation Organiza· lion. the other by a Cuban Army major who se seco nd - in · com mand is an Argentine Mon· tenegroterronst.

Footnote : We recently reported that the leftist insurgents in El Salvador were being supplied with arms and ammunition by Cuba and severa l Soviet satellite nations The State Department later confirmed the story in every detail

DIPLOMATIC NICETY: ln 1975, the State Department's Office of Foreign Buildings decided the time had come to give the American ambassador in Cairo a new official res idence. So a house was purchased in a posh section of the Egyptian ca pital called Maadi , for Sl.8 million . lt took another $3 million to refurbish 11 lo the proper level of elegance But the a mbassador refused to move in . It was not only too far out of downtown Cairo, but was not su ita ble for entertain in g The State Department ' s hou s e hunters are now working on a new res idence at a cost of some S2 million.

Promise to older Americans must he kept Rodents ' teeth are gnawing at

the hemp of President Reagan's " social safety net. " the seven pro­grams for the poor and elderly that are not to be cut back or tam­pered with. A propaganda cam­paign is under way to undermine the biggest, the Social Security system.

Articles are appearing here. there and everywhere discredit· ing Social Security, at· tern pting to egg younger citizens Into resentment against older o nes as re · tired people are depicted as lazy, se lfish and socially irresponsible . Nor do these sentiments come from peo­ple who can be dismissed as crackpots. These opinions are be· Ing spread by people very close t.o President Reagan himself.

The best known is newspaper columnist George Will, at whose house Reagan dines . If anybody is the administration 's semi-official voice it is Mr. Will . who recently wrote a piece agreeing with economi s t Norman Macrae 's judgment that " America's grandpas are now mugging their young." Which is to say, the Social Security payments are thought to be too high .

Or as Mr. Will puts it,' 'We must be prepared to be pelted when we insist. as Macrae does. that the el derly a re a big part or America 's biggest problem : the inflation produced by an explod· ing federal budget. " George. you deserve to be pelted for that one : it was your gang which said for years that the Social Security plan was a rip-off. that people would be in much better financial shape irthey were allowed to taJte the money they paid into Social Security and invest It in a private retirement account.

ONE OF THE most disturbing as peels of this attack on the Social Security system is that it ls pressuring the government lo break Its word. Social Security was sold and its premiums col­lected as retirement insurance, as an annuity. If the Prudential Life Insurance Company sold a person a retirement policy, eol· lectedmone)'ooJUor35yeanand then refuaed to pay, the cheated cu1tomer could 10 into court and compel payment.

Wbat Mr. Wlll and hia alUes are propotln1 the 1overnment do amount.I to debt repudiatJon, the

onl y act a government ca n com· m 1 t that will destroy its good name faster than infl ation . To put it in terms that people In Mr. Will ' s income level would un ders tand , to renege on Social Security is the same as telling the holders of government securities that when their Treasury bills come due they will only be paid 66 cents on the dollar . That will lower the "exploding federal budget" just as surely as re­pudiatinglhe promise made tolhe working millions over the years who paid LntoSocial Security.

Perhaps the government shouldn't have made the prom· ises it made about Social Security . But it made them and therefore it must honor them as surely u lt must honor the prom­ises made to pay Mr. Wiii's wealthy associates 14 percent on government bills, which might also be attacked as imprudent.

The point is, a promise Is a

Art Hoppe

promise and a government that doesn 't honor its promises is a government of Bolsheviks even if the people who run it dress up in dinner jackets and eat Sl 1.50 a pound veal cutlets as the society pages intimate they do in Mr Will 'ssocial circle.

AS DISTURBING as the ac· cusation of heedless. white­haired greed is the s lander sug. gesling that grandmas and grandpas are ex torting their pound of flesh by unethical power tactie11. or as Mr. Will writes. " The elderly are the mightiest lobby in Washington. Forget the oil lobby. the banking lobby. the rocket lobby, watch out for those sleazy octogenarians taking senators off to fancy hunting lodges with S300 call girls to get them to vote for better nursing home care."

But if the elderly aren 't to get pensions. then what to do with

them " The Wall Street Journal su~gests the retirement age tx­pus hed back After a ll. it argues. 65 as a retirement age was picked becaus e back in th ose da ys almost nobody lived that long Now that people are living longer . let them work longer although no one opposes laws prohibiting discrimination against the e lder· ly or any other group more vehemently than folks like Mr Will and his kindred spirits on the Journal.

That publication does have a suggestion for those who would like to retire before they drop dead on the job Ha ve them mortgage their houses and live off the proceeds till they die. Ah , poor granny, the inflation wiped out her savings. The one thing of value she had left to leave her kids was the house. free and paid for. and now that 's gone. Serves tbe greedy old crone right, doesn't it. George?

An adven ture on Capitol Hill I have come to Washington in

search of my daughter , M alphasla, who has either been sold into white slavery or has taken a job on Capitol Hill. My wife , Glynda, and I fear the wors t.

Malphasia has always been something or a rebel.

" It 's my big chance for fame and fortune." she said with a defiant toss of her head. "I want to follow I n t h e footsteps of Fanne Foxe . Elizabeth Ray. Rita Jenrette and Paula Parkinson. I want to po1'e for Playboy, go on talk shows, write a book and sign a movie con· tract . I want to make something of myself."

" You need help, Malphasla," I said worriedly.

" And Capitol Hill ts where I'll 1et lt," uld Malph11la con· ttdinUy.

80 WREN Malphaala d111p· PH red, I l'\llbed htN ln hOl* ot aavlnc her trom 1 ure of •hf.me before it wu too late. Sure tnouJh, when I stepped lnt.o a cab, the driver winked, aaJd,

" Looking for a little action, pal? " and took me straight to Capitol Hill.

The scene was what you might expect. The souvenir shop was peddling models of the Capitol in bottles. Ronald Reagan ashtrays and marital aids. Over at the bookstand . Alex Comfort's new paperback, The Joy of Lobllyjng, was sel l ing lik e French postcards.

As I approached the Rotunda , a voluptuous , scantily clad . painted Jezebel sidled up to me and whispered, " Hey , there big boy. your steps or mine? "

" l beg your pardon , young woman," I said, drawing away .

" Oh, you spotted me for a female ... she said disappoint -edly. .

" Darn, I thought you were a congressman. A lot of them can't tell, you know. I Juat apent two weeks in a Florida motel with four of them and they all said they thought I was one of the boys."

Quotes "The tbunderln1 btrd ot

HCf9d COWi bu llOW ta.. N • duced t.o a bandlUI. •' - ...... Dtrecw DatN A. SCodi•• on President Rea11n '• proposals for $48.f bUllon In apendln1 cut.a.

r thought if f pretended to throw in with her. I might pick up a clue. " All right," J said . " take me to whatever these steps are or yours. · '

" Not tonight, Mac ," she said, dismissing me a s obviously s mall potatoes . " I 've got a backache."

AFTER SEVERAL hours of ducking in and out among top· less typists. clerks a nd stenog· raphers posing for pictures, I had all but given up hope. And then whom should I stumble over but my very own con· .;ressman, Bill Nitley. who was dict.:•ing to his secretary .

When a.:> saw me, he blanched. ·· Please, for the sake of my poor ramlly, don't tell a soul you saw me here, " he pleaded on bended knee . " My constituenta would recall me tomorrow lf they knew I was hanglna around Capitol Hill."

On his promise to r eform. I pledged my 1llence. I then called Glynda and t.old her my quest ml.bl toe several weeks. But lht made me quit. She Hid I waa worklnf too bard.

'' But what about poor Malphula?" I aaked.

" Wt can only pray," aatd Glynda, " that the wbJte alaven 1ot her Instead ."

'· .... --.... ..... - -~ -. -. -.. ---- ... _...._ .... Q ................. ._ .... _ _ ., ___ .. ... . . .

-------·~---· ·----- ... .. ...... _ ........ - • • --.--...- - • .,. . -·-- t ,. ._._ • • • -·- · ·

I I 1 ·




Abando11ed Police are looking for parents of these twin boys found in a dumpster at an elementary school in suburban Dayton, Ohio. The babies, weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 5 pounds , 5 ounces, a re in fair condition at Children's Me dical Center . Dayton .

Night clowns have top act

By HUG H A. MULLIGAN "" $ 11«1• 1 , ., , .._.._,.,

RIDGEFIELD. Conn. Irvin Feld , the circus 1mpressar io who tours the world looking for top acts. might want to d rop by here some day , or some night really. and audition my perform ing rac coons.

They com bine the best of Houdini, the Flying Wallendas and the Masked Mar vel. with hilarious touches of the roly -poly comedy of Lou Costello, Oli ver Hardy and Billy Gil bert - who sneezed bis way through some 90 film s. all rolled into one.

One night this t r io of ringtailed wonders - or fea rless furry felons per for ming fantastic feats of facile facinorous fa ncy an4 fakery . as the circus flacks might gild them in tlieir cor uscating prose

s taged another m idnig,ht raid on m y bird feeder .

THE FAT ONE, OR AT LEAST the fattes t one. suspended himself from a high overha nging bra nch. so the other two C'ould crawl over him and , almost like a trapeze a ct . swing down on top of m y cedar shake feeder . which hangs by a length of piano wire from the limb of a dogwood tree.

Wait, you hav~n ' t seen anything yet. Held by his rear claws in the grasp of tijs partner the medium fat one, the end raccoon in this tandem te am managed to h ft open the la tched lid, remove


one of the glass panels . which had been firmly inserted in wooden slots , and spill every last hus k of sunflower seed onto the ground for their big afte r -show party .

My sta bbing fl ashli ght caught them at the clim ax of thejr darin g serial act. Did they panic? Did they clim b a t ree? Not at a ll . they clung res · olute ly to their precarious perches as if expecting a pplause

RACCOONS. TH E Y TELL ME , ARE distant rela tives of the panda . which is not surpris ing s ince some of the world 's greatest acrobats come from China

The trio that booked themselves into our backyard for the winter season have only lately built their act around the bird feeder . They used to go after the gar bage can box . rolling back the enormous s tone a t the door with prodigious puffing tea mwork . burrowing in under the floor boards . un­clasping with deft fi ngers the s teel lid clasps that the Sears catalogue cla ims are " anim alproor. "

But with the boffo bird feeder shtik they have now moved to the cente r ring in our big backyard ci rcus.

Nothing confounds their felonious lit tle plans. Bruce the Bold, the pred ator squirrel who attacks the bird feeder in da yli ght hours, at least can be te mporari ly sca red off by m y pounding on the win· dowpane or occa sion a lly dousing him with a pitcher of water .

CAVORTING IN THE SPOTLJGHT Of the biggest ava ila ble dry battery la mp, these '°C· turnal players look you straight in the eye Crom those bandit-m asked faces and defy you to inter­rupt the act. I've tried pounding on the s ide of the house beating a Chinese gong, e mitting horrendous shrieks, even pepper ing them with wine corks ; which they find amusing if inedible. One morning. after the lawn was so littered with wine corks, it· gave the premises an air of w ssipalion that could not have escaped the not ice of the neighbors.

Small wonder then that throughout the history of the republi c our politicians have demonstr ated a fondness for coonskin caps. The furry headgear no doubt invests them with fl air , eunn1ng, boldness and rapacity . which a fte r all are the hallmarks of the profess ion.

FROM 1838 TO l844, THE raccoon was the , emblem of the Whig Patty, and party stalwart.a were called " coons." They wore coonskin cape to identlfy themselves with the frontier traits or Davy Crockett and Daniel B~we. In the I.MO presidential campaign, lo• cabins with coonskins nailed to the door were rolled thrpu1h the streets in torcbU1ht parades advocating the candidacy of wmiam Henry Harrison and John Tyler, alto known as " Tippecanoe and Tyler. too."

One thing la certain. I should never have elven· away the raccoon coat I wore at footbaU ••mes in the day1 when I was possessed of boldness and dash. Just wearinf It Lo ni1hUy 1troU. around the garden miaht let my vlaiton know what the bot· lonvllne reads lo the hlat.ory of tbetr 1peclea.

MeanwhUe, I have Just heard the tbud f>f someWns pouncln1 oo t.be bird f~er. Tonl,1ht'1 circus la about to 1>e1tn. ' . ,.


Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, March 24, 1981

Hawaiian crime spurs blackhtsh ' HONOLULU <AP> - The ac· R • d d ' In 1t a tement1 ent ered as

:::i~oltf,our .... ~~,.n~-~!,ena :~~ es1 ents outrage evidence durin8 the trial, the - '1.14 .- '° four remain.lnt · def enduw ad-

qle h touris t have ei1hte3ed · . m l tted forcln1 \ex wltb the re.identa' 1rowln1 outr~e about • ) · d • } .... h .. _._ b Jd violent c rimes and · rurther at IS an VIO ence ;:::_n ~-::•r:e~8:e~~tt ~e tarnished Honolulu's imaae Ha jury later complained they were vac aUonparJdise . neve r presented wl•.. the full

The 1 .. 1tta'· J t the money to reimburse other power'' to keep fellow Cana- "'' cqw Ut came us one tourists who .. -come victa' ms of text oftheconfessions . week after Randall Saito - an ~ diana from visiting Ha wa U.

admitted necrophlllac , a person crime . Evans' beaten fod y was found Other Jurors defended their with sexual attraction tp corpses The carefree conditions in this las t month a t the base of a vote to acquit by saying they felt _ was found· innocent by reason highly tout.ed vacation s tate took wate r fall n ea r d o wntown the proeecution failed to prove of insanity hi the s tabbing death a Pounding o n C an a d I an Honolulu. Nb arrests ha ve been the woman resis ted sufficiently. 0 r 2 9 . ye a r . 0 l d sand r a tele vision last fall when " The f Yamashiro. The July l979 a ttack F.i ft h E s t a t e , ' · C an a d a· s made . A ter the verdict, the vic tim

red l e~uivalent or C BS-TV 's " 60 The gang-r ape acq tlittals sent summed up her feelings by aay-

occur n the parking lot of M t .. d "d 1.500 people into the st reets to In" , " Your whole le"al s ystem i's Ala Moan a Center , one of nu es. 1 8 seg ment on •b h • Honolulu's most nnpular shop- Roge r Clapha m , a beekeeper demonstrate their out r age and a ig ga mble. W at 's right and

i f r~ d from British Columbia who was anger with what they said was wh a t ' s wro n g reall y have

P ng areas or r esi ents and the fa ilure o f the c riminal noth1' no to do with 1·t a t all . tourilt.s beaten while vacationing on the "

· island of Kauai. j ustice syste m . Some wore black Whichever side can think or bet-N e w s P a Pe r s h a v e b e en c lothing or black armbands. ter tricks t-0 defea t the other side

swamped with letters from an· OF THE 11 MEN 1·n volved rn· One fem ale protes ter said she wins J ustice has. noth1"ng to do "ry citizens , p rotester s have wi'th ·,·t." • the beating, only one defendant would shoot and kill a ny m an in·· demonstrated in the s treets and tent on rape ·· and then plead in· l I ff. · 1 h t was charged, a nd he was found our sm o 1c1a s a ve se up pro- s anity ." an apparent reference

· d t b tt• innocent by a jury. grams a1me a com a m g to Circuit Court Judge Harold crime . Mounting pressure at home Shi nt aku 's decis ion to a cquit

led to a vis it from Harry Home. Saito. who had adm itted killing MARCH STARTED off with Canada's consul general in San Ms. Yamashiro .

the hijacking of a busload of Francisco. Hom e arri ved to con· The gang-rape case involved · Japanese touris ts at Honolulu fer with Gov. George Ariyoshi in lO youths arres ted after a dental Airport. The 35 vis itors, many of early November, just days after s tudent from F inland . then 24, them honeymoon couples, were David Milne. 50, a lso of British reported she was held down in a robbed of more than $11 ,000 in Columbia , w a s s tabb ed and beac hside tent 35 m iles fro m cash and other valuables as a killed while st ruggling with a Honolu lu a nd r e peatedl y as -teen-ager held a gun to the bus burglar in a rented apartment in sa ul ted for hours July 8, l979 driver 's head. Waikiki. There have beeQ no ar-

Two teen-agers were arrested rests . FIVE OF THE accused were a few days later, and the stolen L as t m o nth , Ho n o lu lu 's t r ied a s j uve n i les a nd com · loot was returned to the victims, strained rela tions with the Cana · milted to the Ha waii Youth Cor · who in turn gave back $17,600 di a n touris t market suffered r e ctiona l Faci l ity C h a r ges they had been presented by local another blow when the fa ther or against one youth wer e dropped · businesses and indjviduals . The murde r vic tim Co lin Eva ns when the woman could not iden· Ha waii Visitors Bureau is using vowed " to do everything in my tiry him. --- --- -------

As low as

ACCORDING TO THE most r ece nt F BI un ifo rm c rim e s ta t istics. Hono lu lu 's m urder rate rose by 60.8 percent during the fi rst s ix months of 1980, com­pared with a national increase or only 3 percent.

Ra pe rose 79.7 pe r cent , far a bove the 13 per cent increase nationwide.

T he figures also show that rob· beries here went up 24 percent. nea rly dou.ble the nationa l in­crease of 13 percent , while ag­gra vated assaults rose 22.7 per· cent . more than three t i'mes the 7 per cent increase a cross the na lion. ·

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Now the friendly skies can nonstop you to Chicago for just $169 one way when you fly Monday through Thursday. Fare increases to $199 for travel Friday through Sunday.

You must buy your ticket 7 days in advance and complete your trip by May 15. 1981. Scats arc limited and this fare is not available on flights April 16, April 20, or April 26.

So cash in on Unitecl's new low nonstop fare to the Windy City. Call your Travel Agent for easy reservations.

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. . .., creation t UTl'LI! ROCK, Ark. lAP ) - A blll reqwrtn1 ~rkanau public aet-ooi. rbtcb teadl the 1clen­~llic theory ol evolution

~10 to lnatruct student.a 1clentilic creatJool1m

u staned by Gov . Frank White.

I The measure , •ponsored by Sen. Jlm Hoisted of North Little

tock, becomes law In 90 ays and will take effect

the fall of 1982.

The theory of crea · t$on-science states that the earth is youog -derhaps on the order of U>.ooo years old and t'lt a t m an so m e b o w came Into existence f?llY rormed.

He said additional l xtbooks wouldn 't be needed and that orea· lion -science ca n be taught without r e f · erences to the Bible.

" It (the bill > just says they have to have equal treatment, so they can get s uppl e m e nt a l mat erial with o ut reprinting the textbooks they have now," he said .

Cops nab


porker GREEN BROOK, N.J .

(AP > - Police captured a runaway pig on Route 22 in this central New Jersey town s hip by diverting its attention to a garbage can.

R esident& alerted poli ce that a s tray pig was scurrying around , so officer Michael La ne inves tigated.

" He figured he was going to look for a little one." said a colleague of Lane. " But he drove a round the corner and saw this big monstrosi · ty " in the middle o r Route 22, a wide com . m er cial avenue.

After a short chase. police corralled the pig at an Exxon s tation.

" When it 's busy with a ga rbage can. you JUSt push it a little to keep it there without gett ing at mad." one officer sa id


IH ,\ J ll<>PKINS. resident o r South Laguna. C:a Passed ,11< :I\ on :\1ard1 22. 1981. He "'a~ oorn Ill Lee Summit , :.11ssnun on Marrh 19. 1888 and ha~ bct•n a r esident ol ~o uth LaRun•1 . Ca s inre 1955 lie 1s s un·1ved by his Wirt' Emma . 2 son s lloward V Hopkins or South La!(una . Ca and I Warren llopktns uf I.as Ve!(as. :'llen•d a . he 1s Jt so SUr \ 1\t'd b\ 6 icrand c hlldr e n a nd 4 ~r eal !(ra nd C' hlldn• n Ser\'1 r es wil l bl' hl'ld o n Wi.>dnesday. Marl'h 25 1981 al 11 UOAM <J I Pat'1hc \'1t'" '1 cmnrial Park C:h.i p(•I. (; o r u n a d e I ~I a r C: a lntermenl at P:i c1r1t· \ ' 1e w ~emorial Pa rk Pit r 1f1 e Vie" ~lortu;ir~ d1rcrtor"


627 Main St Huntington Beach


HAa90ll LAWN-MT. CK.IYI Mor1uart • Ceme tery

Cretretory 1825 G1t1ler A ve .

Cotta Mesa 540-555'4

rtllCIUOTHIH ...... OA•WAY

..,.otiTUAIY 110 Broadway Colla M•N


j ti

/ /

~~· . ~ .... ~ .. -·- .... - ...... -

"Muat be lhe lat•t in Japaneee lkl w .. r ."


DEAR PAT DUNN : It seems to me that teen-agers have a lot or spending money Has anyone ever figured out how much teens spend per year ?

L. R .• Costa Mesa Wltb girls oalspendlng boys, U.S. &ff•·

agers' &otal spending la llM reaclaed a record Slt. I bUlloe, accordl.Dg to ltud Yot1tla PoU, a market-research firm speciallala1 le U11e youth field . Tbe prevloas record waa Pl billion set a year earUer.

Signs pom t to t roubw DEAR PAT DUNN : My older brother

told me that my car has enough miles on it that I c an be expecting automatic transmission trouble before long. What signs should I be looking for?

P .G .. Irvine The state Bureau of Automotive ltepalr

says that H your car falls to shift automatlcalJy Into the next gear, wlletlaer higher or lower, you know some&llta1's wrong . Other automatic transmission thumps or lags instead of shlftlng smootlaly, or If you hear a whining noise oa forward movement, or if the engine speeds up wlllen you step oo the gas but the car donn't move any faster.

You usually can blame tlae aatomatlc transmission if the symptom occurs wllle• U1e car Is supposed to be sb.lltla1 from oae 1ear to the next . A skilled mecllaelc may , however , suapect sometlli•IJ else - tllle engine, for example.

A red or piak pllddle uader you car may mean a leak lit the traumJulelll. Have It checked rifht away.

tt'f9dding reuto• frfW'ftf

DEAR PAT DUNN My fiance is not fond or the women's liberation movement. He mentioned the other da y that libbers prob· ably will s tart to urge women lo slop wear· ing wedding rings because they originated as large restraining devices to keep brides from returning to thei r ramilies . Is this true?

L.T ., Newport Beaeh He's right, according to tlae Encyclopedia

Americana . The first weddJns banth were large rings used to tie up the restive damsel after sbe bad been captared. To inaare her continued preseace, tile woma•'• 1po•ae plHeif a restralalas baad _,.... Iller aakle, above her knee, roaad her neck - or tbroa1lll Iller nose, depending on trtb•I custom.

FU1td frar .. f.-r ~°""" DEAR READERS: Effective JH. 15, tile

Federal Reserve Board amended Re11llatJon E, wbJcb implements the Eledroalc Faad Transfer Act. This amendment permit• com merclal banks to automatlcally debit their cutomers' accounts for repaymeat of pre·aathorued overdraft credit.

The act prohibits creditors from maldn1 automatic repayment of loans a coadltloa for extending credit. The board uemptecl overdraft credit plans from tlll1 prolllbltlon lo make to m•ke it easter to coatlnae tllle extension of overdraft cbecklnl protection to consumers , by permitting aatoma.&lc colleclloa of repayments.

If yoa are In an automatic repayment pJan, the bank covers overdrafts by automatically depositing money to your account. Amounts deposited may be ln set increments, such as SIM. You a1ree to repay what amountl'I to an automatic loan. Tlllus, If yoar account ls overdrawn by sit, tllle bank transfers $100 into your accoaat aad the check ls honored rather tban returaed became of Insufficient funth . You tlllea mHt repay t.be SllO, plus interest charges ander a system of automatic dedactlom from yoar account uotU the credited amount I• repaid.

" Cot o problem? TllDI write to Pal Dunn Pot unll cul ttd lo~. Qtllift9 lht oruwera ond oclton uou need to solve 111equ1he1 m go~mment ond buameu Motl your que1tlonl lo Pot Dunn. At Your Sennct . Orange Coaal

Dalli/ PiLot. P.O Boz 1560, Coita Me1a, CA 92626. A.t many ~tiers oa po1S1ble will be on.t~rtd, bl.II phoned lnquuva or letters not 1nclud1na the rtodtr'a full nornt . oddreu and buameu Muri' phone number cannot tw corwdtred Thb column OPPflOrl dailu 1%· ctpt Sundaya."

Terroriat band rap• 1ex.bia1

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rlco CAP > The Mac bettros , the ter • roriat, band that claimed reaponaiblllty for blow· Ina up Natlonal Guard planet and klllln1 two sailors , wants to eliminate sexism from Its ranks.

·' fl ls necessary . . • that the revolutionary movement recognize the existence of macho at.· tltudes on its own part and take measures to promptly e radicate them ." the gang said in a message.

" These attitudes take many forms , from the refusal of men to do d o m es ti c chores and take care of children -thus impeding the inte· gration of their female companions in political activities - to mocking reactions and comments whenever the subject of fem ale oppression is brought up."



Tiie 1011-•ne Pt•llOl'I• ere dolno 1>u11neua•

THE MA IL co. , u ut Coul H ltll•ey , O• nt Po int , Ce ll lornl t 'llUt.

CtrtJ 0 . T. WtrO, Ult Page Clrc lt. Hunllneton 8Hcll, CA 'llMt.

St ol\I WtrO, ll ll Pe~ ClrCle , Hllf>I· lneton 8"cl1, CA n Mt

Tith llullneu " conoucteo Oy .,, 111 CIMClvtl

Ct"'Y 0 T WtrO T~h , .,.,.....,,, ••• llltO wlln UM

c """'' C1tr• o r Oranoe COllnty on Muc11t. ' " '

PU7Jll Publl - Or- Cot•t Oa lly Piiot,

Mtr<ll 10, 11, 14, J I, 1 .. 1 llSHI



TP\t 'ouow lt\Q Pt''°"' •r• do1n9 bM• ltWH •t

v .1 P., VALV E INSTA N T PA I N TI NG, 110 N•wporr 8 1•0., Collt Mt••, CA'llt27

Ott Cll llord LyOtll, '9S1 Ver ltM C• , H"nhnoton 8et<h, CA '1••1.

Ann F ey\11) LyCMll, .. Sl Vtrltnt Cr . H~n11no1on S.tcll. CA flM I .

Tl> l t b"lln t o I\ c o n011<1eO by ""•b•l>CltnO •lf•

Off Clifford L yOtll Th i• 11tttmtnl wet llltO wil l> tht

Coun1y Clerk o l Or.,.,o- County on Mtr ( I\ • • 1 .. 1


Pvbll111ad Ortngt co .. 1 Ot1ly P iiot , Mt <e ll 10, II. 14, ll. 1 .. l 1011·11



r ... 1114•-•no .,., '°" ' ' 001no ov~­Mn ••

AOVEAT ISIHG A MAR KETI NG NE TWORK lllt P"ll m t n S t r u t . Co•lt ""-•e. ca111or"'t t »i.

EdwtrO Gor OOI\ Ke lly , Jiii <><•.,.•••· laVUf\e 8tt<ll, Ct lllorn• t nu•

Ttut ~nfts •• c onduc led by M'I .,,

OIYIOvt l E C.O.OOn t(tllJ

" " ' H•t tfnrtf'lf • ff ftl f!d W i th , ,,, counl y cior k o r Or.,.,911 Co""'' on Mtr t n IJ 1• 1

FU7161 PvDll\fle(I <>an91 Cotti Oa11y P iiot.

M•r II l • , ll AP• I 1~ 1 Ut) -11



Tht lol lowlng IM'""' " 0011'19 l>ull · neu ••

RA 0 E NT ERPR ISES. 1011 W. 11111 SlrMI , Cotl• MHt, C• llfor11l a '1UI

Rey Artllv r Ot•lt , )1tl 8~1 Plt <t. Cott• Met•. C.lllornle '21•2'

Tlllt IKiliNM I• <-u<ltel l>Y .,., In · oi.io.,.,

Rey Ari""' 0 .. 11 Tll lt ttet-t ••~ lilt<! wllll Ille

County Cit•• o t O< antie County on Mt1Cll U , 1 .. 1

PIS"91 P111>llllltel <>- Cotti Ot ll y Piiot ,

Mtf 11, 24, JI , Apr 1, 1 .. 1 l no-11



Tiit lollowlno P"'°"' trlt Oolno

°"''"'" .. "R T LYONS EQUI PMENT. l~l Lt"• C1r<1e, O..Oet> G•ow. CA 'llMO.

Ar t""' LYon•. 1>4&1 L.tu• C.lrc lt, GuOtn Gro .. , CA 'llMO C•-· Lyon•. IJ4t2 u ... Cir< ... G• rclen Onlw. CA nMO

Tiiis _ 1,,.u I• condu< lt<I OJ .,., Ill· d l•ldll•I

Art""' Lyon• Thi\ 11tte1Nnt wn lilt<! '"'"" IM

Cou,.t y Cler'll or Or tnQll Cou nty on Merci\ IJ. 1911

l'U116J Publl- Ot1n91 COHI Ot lly Pilol.

Mtr Cll 11, H . )I , Ae>rll I , l .. l ll1 4·11






Tiit f ollowino ,....IOftt t rit o ol no l>ullMUft .

O ICI( CH URCH AUTA URAN T". l•" Nitwpo• I 8 1•0 Co111 Mt\•. C• lllorn1t tJ•»

C HVN N IE N l(ING , list N OruOitn , Anthltlm , c a 111orn1a n•o1

Siie" Mal I( lnQ, 1 U2 N Or"Oltn, Anaheim, C.lilornlt f 'llO I

Tiii• 1MnlMt1 l1 conouc .. o bJ an In· OlvlO..tl.

ClloHI Nian Klno t Tiiis 11.tt..,..nc ••• rnea • 1111 uw

co .. nty Clt r k of Oranoe Go.,nty on Mt•<ll It, 1'11

"lllWJ p.,bl •"*' <>- Cot ll OtilJ " llot .

Mt r 11, 10, )I , Al>< I 1 .. 1 IJl1·11



T ll t 1011- •ne per'°"' . ,. 001n~ l>uslnnsn.

HOGVf. 8AA MIC HAE L1S. "'' Ntwpor1 at¥CI , CO.It-.., C• lllotnl t t1'l1

Sun,•t Re,t • vr•ntt Inc • • Ct ll lorllla <°'1!0<.Clon, 1t1t Newport 8 1• 11 .• C061t ~ c arnornl t f»l1

Tllll -1\ftl ll c-..CleO by t <<>< _ .. _. -S..- Atlltv•tllll Ir><

JUI Ian Bo< f(HWUo l VluPr"l-1

T 1111 tltltlNllC wt1 lll t<I w llh IM c o .. 111y Cltrk or Oranoe Co.,nty on Mtr<ll ll, 1911 ,..,,..,

P"bllt"90 <> ..... Cotti Oto ly Piiot, Mtr . 11, 2', Al>< I , 1911 1111·11



T ht follo wlnQ Ptrton• • If 001ng

°"'''".'' ., CO RONA OEL MAR CONS IAVC flON CO , 11$1 Port Stt n"- Plto, NtwPOrl S.~11. CA '2..0

K•rl W'1lh• m Rolt•r JJOH Ri o Grtnoe, E l T0<0, CA 'llUO

John Allt l\ G• e .. 011 10 I Pon S1tnr•o~ Pl Nt•po•I Bu ell CA n..o

Th •' ou\1n•'' i t conov<teo by • 9•n•r•t ~lfWrtl'hO

t(trl W Roller l n.s \t..t• meiint .,., hltid • 1th the

County Clerk o f Or M'lgie Coun\f GI\

.. 1~1 NIHOIW A YMa, A-MY• et 1..11•,

, .... PalteMl4 Otl•it, hi .. 1•, '"' Ollice ata 1 .. 17. lt•IM , ( a ll .. t11ia tJPIJ.

P~Dlltl'ltel Or~e- CNtl Oa lly P llOI, Mar~ll 14, JI, Aj)tll I , 14, 1911 141'-11




Th• 1011ow 1no Pf'"°" i!. 001ng ~' ' nfn . , ~V PREM E GI RL 8EAVfY &

IALENT ISH ~uptl•O'. k t • port eucn, Cll'l1M>J

Ooroll\y Snr••• " " L•nOllll Ct .. No wl)Orl 8e~ll, CA '11.0l

Tn1\ ou11n•t'1 I\ (Ondu<lf<I Oy •n In OP110u•f

Doroo-.y ~rewe fn4, \l•ltmtnl w•t hi ed w •O\ t t\e

Coun ly Cler ~ of Or•n~ Covnty on MtrCh 10, 1911

l' ISQ4 P" b" '""° Ortn90 CD4'1 Ot1I Y P1lol,

Mtrth l<, Jl, Ap. 111 U , 1'1111 I O J-11



.. Ttca Of! PV9UC ..... 1•eTO &:.-... ....... aa MIU 8't Til8 ...... COU•· .. ...,_,C...._. fY ~LM1•1 ... CleflMtllN»• •• ..... ,,_ ...... T•• L~ CIOMTAL .......... ......._. .. _ , ......

"" "°"''°"' ., fl•• ... ," iu-.....u-coau . •••••• , ...... ALflO •MIC80f'll'tl9uc:N ..... C•HC tHQ.llotN• AUIO VtelO IN ....... f) , ••o '°"'" COAIT a~ca, ...... 'LAl"U"O llNITI 0" fM I •A ST a 0 I' CH A• 0 I O•a .. •e CO.UIT't L.0CAL COAlf AL • ..,, ....... n f'llMUM, , ....._.. ...........

,.Otl<• It ,,.,.ew ...... IN.& ell Agfll Olu•···· •ll•l••tlH ...... 1, April II, end ... 11 1$, 1"1 a t Hll of .,.._IU 11' ''Ofl'erft It H lltly Ille require • ,,,.nit 4'f IN c...-.1 A.t i Of 1t7t , •• trw,.. •-• Wellff Olwkt em1141ded, DY '"''' ' ' "' • LH • I C:-tll'IOCIJM 0.w•Wlflt r Coa•ttl ,,..,...n tor ,,,. wntt>CorpOr• t · lf •lllt R• <><ll Wat•• OIJlr lu ne• td t r•a• wliltln IN C...lal ZtM, IN fll ltO t Na l'-1 "91111te11t 01oc ller9f Ort "V- C-IJ Pl...,,lnt (;tmmlHlen C llm ln•llOl'I Syttffll •••1Ce tl011 for •• will 11010 INOll< 11 .. r l1>91 to ~n.ider nt w• I of ••11• Ol 1t1> • r 11• •• 1.cn111<a 1 r • llMMeflh ano wpdatlllO or qw1r1tm t n11t lor lllt d l"ht • U o r In• l o<• i Coa.ttl Proor• M for 1no '""In into IOC• I llOOCI tOfl lrol , ,,.,.. 1011ow1n9 tetmtnh oo IN claltt •no ntl • 1r1i..1er v to Sen Olteo CrH1'. llm" '""'"'"° t>elOw Ntwporl Oey, or tl'lt Sen• • An• Al•tr

A.pr ll I , 1 .. 1 J 00 P M Su11 .. 1 On In• t>e' I' of pr tflm inar y ll•fl t • • 8H<h S.11mtn1, Nortll Coau P oa11111no ,,,,,. t no e pPll<t tion or •••f111 tte n· Unll , E""r•ld 8ey, 4 11•1tw Ttrra ct . dard1 tnd r9911lt llon•, lt>e C• llfornla a nO Ltll<'M N19uol Stomtnlt, So1111> A101one l WatorOlfelily Con1ro1 ioaro , Cotst P1t1111ong vn11 San 1• All• R" IOll, ttnl• ll ,,. IY pro

April I). ' " ' I )0 P M S."1t DOtel 10 IUW •H4e Ol~herge rtquirt • An• Htionh, North Cot•I Pltnn•no menlt 1n<1..01no tHh,.nl 11mllel1on• Unll, AllMI Ct H k P1 ...... 1no Unll t E• t nO IPo<la l cono11101u Pt<IOll> cov a 1ng Ah'° V•• 10 S.gmen11, 1 110 •""'"II 10 t om,,..,,1 llPOf\ or Obllt<I 10 Oe n• Po•nl Stg m•f'l l. Sout ll COt ll '"' or- O•Kl>a•~ r0Qu1rtmenl\ P t•nn1n9 Unit • re tn\f1tN t o \.Ubmlt wm• ' " w r1t 1n9

April "· . ... I 00 PM lr•1no 10 ""' - ... -··u no ltltr ,,..,, CCMl•I P laMlnQ Ul\tl ADf1I ••. 1 .. 1 All ( Omll\Olllt or OD1t<

Th• LCKll Cot'111 P•091'•m '"''"°'' 11on1 •K••••O P"0' 10 , ,.. totvt Ot lt • ••"4' "'e- Ol• n 4ind Po' •< le• • h+(n • r • w 1U b• t on11C:tllltld .n tM tormut•l•on • ~" of Ille Ciener • I Pl"" • PC>llUl>lt I lln•I Otltfmlntl•Olll , ,_., 0 1110 Ille 10 '"" Cot \ltl Zone ...... O•Kntroe

Tiu , PIMW11~ Comtn•U•on nt• r 1n9 t ne 80Md .., ,,,., to oDt• •" int0tm• w ilt •••d to CGn\.IO•r • t 1on t>Y IM Bo • rd t1on to • •il\t 1t 1n deletm.n1n.o P'CJllN' ot S\ICNrv1lOf'\ ..,.,,. 01Kh«91' ' ""'1rt m enu. •net. to-,.

f P\e ~•r1n.g w ill tom~t •• \M tn•t C>'-''OOW. w ill ft.Old • i>vbhc nit•r hmt ~P•< 1f• tO •OOlrt or . .. \OOn 1n9 . , totk>>t•O l~reatter a \ PoU.!blf' .no w 1U be h e ld ftt• 80.ro Wt'-r.' to ot>t••n inform• in the ) In tl00t ne• r•nQ room 1n tn.e 10n to • )"''' •l 1n OtCt,m1n1n9 O'OPI'' Or • nO"f c~•· Hum~ S.rv1<K Aoen '"' OIK~'• fttQt.11rtm~J' •no. tor ( 'I Bu1I0 1nq, S'j N s,c. mort A venu.. , ,,,., pUfpo\iit , Wiii ftOld • SK1bl1( PW• ' S•nt• AM, t.41t1 f0tn1a All tnltrt, l•d no., fullOW\ ptr llU • rt on• 11tO to •11eno tno 1>t OA IE Mty f l"tl l!ttrO l•M E ')l) e m

CO M PL I AN C E W lf H !HE PL ACE C•I • C.Ck1nt1I Ct>t m btr • CA LI FORN I A E NVIRO NM E N TAL J'IOO M•1n Sl<MI A,.t t\10._ C• h lO<l\1 • OU ALtl f A( I lnltrt\l l"CI oerM>t'I\ • ' ' 1nv1 tfO 10 •'

Lo< • I t..O • \l f l ProQr • m• 4re 11noto••P'•n tne1'" •tw, on 1,,,.,w 1\ \l• tu• onlf' •••rnpt from C EOA 1~ \u•\ rt•• tino 10 tn. •bOvt w• \le d•' qu1rtmtnl\ pur\u•nt to ~•< t•on t n•rQl' Pr r wn\ m•k •no P'•~l•l1()(1\ 101 80 11. 01v1 \ 1on IJ, ot tne Puo11 c 'novld 1.ortf1r\t '"'" \l4' 1em~nt\ 10 tn~ Atwurct \ , od,. •oo.;r \ l•teo •UUtt\ Or• • \l•le-mMI.\

W ri tle n commenh orr tnvlltd w ill Ott ™t•td, but, tor the • t<ur•tY of Thes.r m• ., be \'1f\t to , ,,. Pt• n-n1nQ "" t •c.Ord, • II 1mport•nl l•\hmon., Comm•,S•on •1 Po\I O ff tte Bo• 40 .... •hOuld M \ubmHtt d 1" W11trlt1nQ Or•t S•nt• AN, C.• htorn1• '#1101 or1or to, 01 \l •ttm•nt\ , nould be b r ief to • ltow All •l commen<amtnt of, tnt ~neo ulf'O 1nh• r •\lt1d penon1 ltmtt too. n••rd public ne•rinQ or •• \ut>\equ• nt P\t"•r Tnt , • .,.,,,of""'''' 01M.f\• t Qe. '•••t 1no• eO dotumen11. I.tel ll>tel\, ,,,.. Boe ro•

For more 1nform•oon COl'U• Ct E. MA propo\•d requuemenl\, Mwt 4 11 tom P11nn1n9 4 Pro1e<t P l• nn1n 9 01¥1\lon -. men h • OO ()let1h°"'' '•Ct• ve cS "''' ot 1 11 Nor in Bro•O••y , S• n t• A,,. 10\ff( l td • no <OP•t d • • thr AtQIOM I C..i1torn1• felepnonf' o u , l l • ))111 tlo• rd Oft•<• , f>I04 1nd1• n• Avenu•

Puo1tsneo Or"'oe (Ot\I 0 • ••1' P1101 Su••• 100 ~ • .,.,,.a t, CA •1 so. •onon• M• rtll l • . l'lt l , ...... / u ... •ll01 .,.. ,.,.,.,. ltw no"" ol I 00

PUBLIC NOTICE • m • no • 00 p '" , M ond• Y tnrOVQ., Fr•d•y


P 1t• ie f)l 1nQ ow IOf'tQO•nQ to tnt • • ttnt1on ot .tr'lf Pf"CW\\ .._no• n 10 vou • no • °"'" o. 1n.,rtsttd 1f\ tn•s m • itt r

P., b ll >...., 0<- CCM\1 Ot •I Y P 1101 NAMll STATllMllNT NOll(f ,, ntrebJ 0 1o n ,,, • • Int fhf toOow•'"J °"''°" '' OOH'\9 Ow\ •· 8 0.ro ot hu\tM' ot lh• Coa\t COM

n•,~•' munuv C.oH•O«: 01\trtct of Or• n9* AM P M M INI MARl(. ET 2• .... Wt\• Counh . ( .- •fOf'Y'li• . w tll r t<t 1¥.- M• l• O

F.,,, Strtt1 S• nt • An • . C • htotnt • DIG\ up 10 1 I 00 • m Trwno.. r Apt ii '110l ' 1'11 •1 l l>t Pwuw.,no Oeper1 men1

Ci t or oe NH""'•" ,. E•\>• H 10M•no. ot , • • o (_Qllt'Qllt df\ltl( t •oc•••O •• I )10 A pt # F. S•t"• MAdre C• l1fotn1• Ad•m \ Avenv• (O\I • Ml' \ • '1014 C • h •O,,'H• . • • "'1\t(P\ ''"""' ' " ' " D10t 'llW lll

Thi\ CM\1nt\\ ' ' c onow<.t•d b v . ,, .n ~ publlCfy open.d •nd r t•d tor Ol• 10vt l PRI N TI NG. 8•k01 N C. ~ TRI M

G-~ N1me1> M ING OF 1911 11 GO LDE N WE~l Tn •> >ltlt"""'I ,.o 111.0 "' ' "' l lW COLLEGE CA I ALOG

Counlt C,le r -. of o, ..,,9t Count., o~ A lt b10S •t• IO CM .,, • <COtN t'K• W l ff\

M • r < h Mt. 1 .. 1 t i'\t 8 10 FOfm 1n\tru<.••Of'\ • ncJ (Of'\0 • 1'1,,.,..1 l•O«n •net Se>t<•f•<•ltOl'I\ wtuct-i ' ' ' now

Publt'\hed Or • nQe Co.\t O• •• Y P ilo t on tll• • nd M•'f' cw \•cureo '" tne oth<• M•rC P't h , J1 Aor11f,1 • . 1991 14/l ·l l of tht' PurtN\1~ AQtrn t ot ,.,o colleQrt

-- -- d1\trt<.I



E • t n oiddlr mu\t \ uom11 • 1lf'\ r,n b•d • t •Ul'\Htr' cl'Wck . <.•r l1t••d tl\• <k . o r D1dOer ' tJond m • Ol' P.v• blt' to tr\« ordtr of l'M '°''' Com rnun•ty Cone~ 01 \H tc.I Bo• rd of fru~t f't\ 1n •n

t n e tollo#1n9 Pf' \On\ •' ~ do1n Q •mownt not ft'\\ th•n t 1v~ JH!r<Pnt l \ ... Du,1ne \\ • \

I N OV~ lA IA L CATERING, !0171 8 C011'1truct1on (1r<lt' We'' · tr v•f"t>,

CA 911 14 Anthony "'"" '"' Eg9'ft>r~n1 . 700.1

frebuco O.' • Cl• • frtt>u<o C.• nyon, , ... •1•'•

F reoer•< " 'N1H1• m B • low .,,,.) S•n 8ern• uto (11(..l t F~t••" V•Ue, , CA

ln11 «>u••nf'O '' conduc trd by• G•"~'· ' rNf l"t't\PUp

lonyM EoqoD•t<hl '"'' , i.ternent • .• , 111eo • •ln lrw

(Out\ lf' (lertl. o t Or-"Qol Counh on

Of lhf \Um bid • 't • Qu•r4nfrf' tn• I U14P DtOOtr w ilt • nltr ,,,,0 ,,,., P'OPO\• d C.Mtr • c t 11 trw -.,.m" '' •w•' O•O to n.m tn ow t'lent ot •• •lutf• to tnt ~r 1n to '.\UCh tonlr • tt ttw PIOtf'rd\ Of tnt! <ht' CI\ w ilt be' t ortr1trd to , • • o colltqt 01\lt1t. I

N o 01dc>e1 m •t .-1thdr4 w "'' bid tor • P'e'f •Od of tort f' ft¥f' tS; d • Y\ •fl• r Ir\• d•I• '"' tor '"" oSHn1n o '"• r e-o•

Nltr<ll 2' 1911 ul• • •



Nol1<.• 1\ ""'•DY 0 •"'•" totr..01lOr\OI tn• # 1U\1n n e med lr en\t•ror lh• t .a Oul k lfat'l\ t•r •\ •tJout to ~ M 6dt> on oer\C>" • I p100 11 rt y nrr t'1n• tt,., Ut,_t r 10itd

J nr namtt'\ •nd bu \ t,,.,\ •dOre \\ 01

int 1nt•notcJ V•"''''0' .,, W ILLI AM LEE lHO Fut ll \1•

Co't • Mt'\• C• llh>' n1• 4f2•1ta f f'lt IO<•tion 1f'I C • ll forn1 tt g l t'lP

rut f • • ttCull'I• 0" 1t f' 0' pr1n t1p• I Ou'' n t \\ ott1C.t' ot lht' tntt:no.o lr6n\ 1• ' 0' f\ \ .t r'nV

A II Olf'tr ubu"•"t'\\ n (ti tT\t>\ •nd ad drt<\\ I \ U'\f'O OJ' th• t nff'l'\dtO tr•n\ft'ror w1lh1n lhre., Y•M\ t• \t O•~I

\Q ' • ' • \ i. now n to lhr 1n l tt,,o~o tr • n\ft>rt ~•, ,. nonto

r nt n•m~ •nd OU\•rt to \\ •Odrf',, 01 Into tnlt l'\04td tran\ft'tte •tt

N • VC.Lfc S RE~lAVRANT ~ I N C 1t)J E N11l•OOO .. vt nut f.. "UtrtOrl. C• 11torn•• •l•).4

ln•t t he p1oper ty pert inent l'M'rrto ' " Otr\trtbil'd 1n QitMr• I • \ tt\l• ur• nt •no '' •oc• t.o • t lt~ 8rtJtCM Sue.t (o\I • Mew. C• llt wrw •

... ,, .. 10. 1'tl - ,,,..,,.. M•r< " '' , .. , f"Ult-'1

Put>h \ necJ Ot~or Co." D•• IY P 1101 F'uDh\,,.,0 O'•nQ!t' ( O.)l O• i•v P itol

r nt' 8cwrd ot 1 ru\lff\ ' ""' '¥•\ 1hiP onv1le91 ot '•1« ••n.v • n, •nd • II tMch or t o •••"• MY 11 r~"'• "''" or 1n torm•l•he\ 1n -"' b•O or '" tf\4' D1dd•f'W4)

NO RMAN E WA I !>Ok Sof<.,.,.,.,

f nr Ou'l> •l"llf'\\ n•,..,. u\.ed Or trw U110 tr• n,1• 1or •t \ • •d tOC. • llon ' ' LOA D JI M <_. PARLOVR EE5lAVRl\NT

1 tl •I W •d Dul .. tr •f\\l~r 1\ 1ntHW:SK to Of' c.onl\lmm• ted a t in. otf•t• ot PAOFE.\StO N"' L ESCRO W ~l RVtCE.S 1¥71 N fu\ftn Avenu-r

Mtrt n 20 ll. Aprol 1 1' 1911 U lt II M• «I> l • ) I llO• •I I I • 1911 101 l l 8otJr0 Ot fr U\lff\ ( o.t\1 (ommu,,1ty (OHe-Qlt 01\\11(. t PUBLIC NOTICE


Th• followlnQ petton 1' doing t>u\•

""'' ., RE CREAT IONAL PAOOVCH, IOS~ 8 t</llt< R••tr Fount• •" v . ... , . C..lllornle fl10I

Mer k Al.., ROOQe~. 1011 1 Moon ll Ot Circle . Hvnnno10,. Bttch, Ct lllorr>lt '11"4&

TM' tKNnn\ '' c.onduc.190 by •" In OIYi d.,el

Mark RoOQers Tn1s slA1tmen1 • ft filed witll IN

Co""'' C•trk of Or tnoe C:ounty 011 Mar . 2, 1'111

1'1-1 PvbH~ 0-tn9t Cotsl Otll • P l lOI.

Mtr J , 10, 11, 14, '"' 1004 11



T"• totto.,1no "' '°"' • r« do•nt IKlti M,\aS

THE FRVIT PEOO LERS. 201J Mlrem•r Dr ive . 8 • tboe, C• ltforf\' • ,, ...

Mtrn• •• Ooylt, 101J M1t• M•• Orlv• , Balboe, C.a llforf'W•

CNryl Snow, llO' 12111 Sl"91, Hvl\1 1,,.1on BtMh, C..hfornlt • -

Tni1 INllMH " con011cttO DY • ttM rtl penne•ll>IP

Mamelt0oJ1t Htil HM-I w•1 l lltcl w llll l llt

Co.,nty Cl.,.11 ol Ortn911 Co.,nly on


n•'' .,


J .. R cvsrOM A VTO MOTIVE SE RVICE CE NTER. 11101 Un11 ~ P , q100/WjO C1r Cff' H untlnQIOn B••<P'I, CA ., ....

ROOl\t y 0 M•ne no• • . Sr . "OU w oooward Ln . Htiftt1no1 on 8e• c.h, CA ., .. ,

Tf\ t\ bu\1t1e'' '' con ouct •O b y • e•ner11 Pt<lntrthlp

R-..ry O M.,w1nd 1 ~. S• Hu' 'lt•t1ment ••• flff'd • itn th•

Co11n1, c 1erk 01 O•Ml9'1 Covnly on M.,t n 10, 1 .. 1

PuOl•\N-d ()t.,,~ C-OA\I 0 • 11 , P1101

M•• , . l l, " " 1•1111



111 Chk C-tw Or!Yt Wnl s-. ..... c.111 ......




Yell ..... - --· Tiie c_,.t m•J M< lde ...... t '"' . ,,_, , ... , .. ~ ............ , ... ,.._... ... ~ ....

l'UIJ4$ •t'l'l . lt-U. llll-Mlltw. PvDll""° Ot.tn91 <:ot•I Ott ly p ,101, II ,.., - te - IM edYict ef all

Mere ll u , 11 . """11, u , ' " ' 10 1 11 •llWMr 111 • ••matter, y.., ,,,...,. ..

PUBUC NOTICE ...... mpUy .. - Y••tr ,_ • ., ,...,,,,.., 11 ... , , may9elllt4IMlim•.


P 0 l:tO • H)• I S • n l~ A n • C• 11 t o rn1• •1101 1~JIH on o r • fl~r Apr 11 11n 1 .. 1

1 ht\ but 11 Ir • "''"' 1\ \Ubf• ( t In L• l1 rorn1 • UntfOl'm C.ommrrC1 • I COOt ~tl l •On tl0.

fht " '""' •nd •cktt'- tt \> 01 tn r JHnon .-- 11,, wttom tl • lm\ m • 'f t>e ltll'cJ . , P A OFESStO N"' L ESt. " O w SE flv1CE~. 1'11 N Tu\11n A..en ... 1 P 0 80 • llUI• S1 nt • A n t C• l1 fo1n1• "7/0' ,,,, u • nd tht •• '' o • ., f Ol' fll l ftQ Cl• •m ) bt' .,,., ( rtd•fO, ""•If o~ APf'd f , 1911 wn1th •\ tf\ei bu\1 nt\\ d • y t>eforr en~ c.on\umm • flOll Cl•te \P•"• '•f'd • tJovt

Ot l•d Mtrtl> 11 , ne1 ""•UQlt t. R t \t.ur a,,h In<. Ov Ed.,trO • 51011 ..,C>tro \11(f Prt\.O.nl By J Ken MuwO•, v 1<" I r.-t1oent lntf'ftOtd ft' .,,Sfertt

Pub tl lhed 0 r•n9' CN \I D • •ly P tlOl,

Mtrc h 1•. '"' 1•11 11

PUBLIC NOTICE U 11•• I>• 11,.• "'"''",.'"'· 11 ~ICTITIOUSIUSINIS.S lll lHIHI _.. -i.lr ~ra u ... 1111 -~ --- ----

NAMI STATUolENT •llfl .. clt t - ,. ... Vd. ,._.,.. N·11"2 Tll• loll- •no .... ..... ,, 00"'0 bu>< .............. . L•t .. l11i.tmMiff NOTIC E TO CAEO ITO ltS

MU.. ..... lft•· 0~ 8ULK T•AN Sl'IElt NI A J E S T I C J A N I T 0 R I A L '1 UleM-• ... IC ... r ti CM .. le de I MU. 6111·'101 U.C.C., ti trfttf'lde•

SE 1'VICIES. L TO . 119 W W•I '°" SI . ..., ·~ tft lttle ·-· -· lly As .. ...wy l •ll No 2"4, •mtft .. 1111 Cosl• - · <:A 'll'27 lltctr le l llme• ltltmtft tt, ,., ult 5~<11•111 '1'1.J·J-1 tnll l l , .Odon9 '1tl

Ron••ll Marlll\ ........ Sl9 w w 11 ..... ..... - . . ... '-'"'. •'-CIM . ... ..... .. Sl , CotleMt .. , CAmV !Moy ......... -- .. , ...., • ., .... N Ol•U •• "•••D• 9 tvtn lo Ill•

fl\11t>u.innt1s cond>Kledbytn ln· "'"'"- CrtdllOf\ or SP ACE lE I( I N Ol• lelvtl I TO THE Rf.SPONOENT OVSl A IE~ INC: lr..-llt •°'""""ho""

R-IO Marl in 8 1""' Tr>• l)elll- fie~ lil tO t oe1111on Dul•ntl\ t OOrth ' ' 1•21 Potcenll • nus \lat.,.,....,, .,., t iled wtth tM t onc:1rnf"O your m et'r l•oe- .. ycx. .... Av•nu• . CO\t • Mt'\ • (OUt\ h Of

CovnlY Cltr• of Or .,.,Qe COlll\h on lo lllt t ,.._ wltlllf'I )0 Ot y• or 11\t 0 ftnQo , ">t•I• ol Ct 1llorn1t 1"411 1 ""'~ M•rch •~ 1• 1 0.tl th•t U\tl '""""'°"' 1' Mrv.ai on tr•n,t•r •\ • Ooul to b~ m • Clt to

Merell J, '"' · FU1Ht , .... , yo .. r .,., ..... m • y lie . ... .,"° . no F RANI( tl FARGO tno MAR IE M

"ISllM p.,1111.-<>- C ... 11 De lly Pilot. 1110 <ourl mey tnltr e 1\ldQme nt COii F A AGO wnow tOOt t H Ii 11 fCkllOn, Publlthtcl Or- c ... •t Deity Pllol, Mtrc ll 10, 11 , 14, l l. ' "' rns-11 1e 1n1no 1n111n<11 .. or otl\tr O<'Clon con N•wPOr l Buen C:o11nt y or O•MI Q41,

M_ e rch 10, 11, 14, l l, 1" 1 1111.11 - ornlne OM • lon ol pr_ ,,,, • POvM I Sit t• 01 Ct hlorn•• PUBLIC NOTICE '"pporl , ct>llO cu1lody, cl\110 luPC>orl. Tht P•OC><lrlY 10 lie lren•ltrrtd ••

PUBUC NOTICE t llorM t '"'· <Diii, tl>O 1u<h otl\tr ro lottl• O el 1911 P l•ctnl•• Av.nut lltl H mo lie ll' "'ltCI or '"' co.,,1 . Co'1• Mtse, County or Or•n~. ~•••• 01

"ICTITIOUS IUSINISS Tne otrn1,1>mtnt o1 w•tlf• , ltk lno ol Ca lllo•n•e "ICTITIOUI IVSINISS NAMI SYATIMENT montJ or prCJ!Mrlr , or otl>ar covrl Se id properly " Oo<."bllO 1n Oitntr • I

MAME STATIMaNt Tht tollo wl"9 ptrlOft• tr• Oolno • ulhoruea pr«:ff<llno• m e y t lto • • · u All uou on lr•oc. l•• lvrtt, tqulp· Tiit foll - lno ptrt0n1 l rt Oolng 1>u11nou e1 • ull 11t111 tfld 0000 '"" ' 01 lhtl prec lsltn

,..11,..Uet: ISLAND YOOVAT SHOP PE, 111 O•ltO Oclot>er IS, 1'90 11\0tl mtl tl 0"\1neu kno w n e \ l\LPHA OMEGA E NT ERPR ISES, M•rlt)e, &alboe 111-. CAt2'tt. l.H "' Br • n<n • PACE lE.K INOVST RIES •no IO<tl ·

stATIMllNT 01' AIANOOHMINT 10245 l'tor-ence ll•t . 8-. Ptrk, C/l HtrOIO and Marlon Simondl, 101' Cler k, 10 •I 1•11 Plec• nll• A• en"• • COtl• O" USI 01' 1°'10. Ctl••rl 4 .... CO.It llo\He, CA nu•. 8y Merllynn Perrin , lllH• . County or O•tne•. Sl•I• ol

"ICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAMll Frank Ellll P lor<it, 11/lO f'lorano Tlllt bllSIMSt h con<kKled lly an In· JPopvty ~al1 lorn l1 Tiit followlno pet'IOI\ "" abendonH ••• .. 8ue.wi Pa rw, Cl\ to.10. d ivlcl\lt l. •1ucr; n•ouo a SVNR Tl!• b.,,. ''""~••• .. . 11 tit conw m

Ille ust ol lhe ll<llllOllS llullnen Nme· Ct r ol e J t•nnt P ierce . 10?0 Harold v . Si monds A P,.1.--1 ~atlM l'ltt•O on or tlltr ttw •oh Gey 01 April, F"ORCAR PARTS, 11»1 O•boro Ln ., Flortnct Avt., Bue.wi Ptrk , CA f 0"20 Tl>lt 11 ... ,,,.,., wa1 lll eG wllll lh t Jut Wllllli,..11 .... , sq,.. " II • t i 10 00 t m ti 8U A ROW

Huntmeton Bt..:n, CA n..e. Tn11 l>utll\Ut It co110 .. c1eo b y • c o .. ntv c •••• ot Oranoe County on L" A,......, CA•ll HC RO W co . 1J7J"' Tu,hn • • •nw. Tl\t f' ICllllOln 8"11nets Ntmt rt· ;itnertl partner~p Merell It, 1• 1 llU I 4'1 ·1124 to • 11 l •I, S...lt Ant, Ct lllornl1 9111 l

ltrrito to t llo•• wes illtcl In Orttnoe ,.,...., E lll' Pier e• l'U•l7 Pul>ll1"90 Or- Cont O• llJ Pllol, So l tr tt known lo 11\t Trentftrffi. CD<lntr on f' tb. I•,.... Thi• . .. ,.....,,, ••• flltO wllll 11\t P .. b ll .... o-....,. Coa'1 Dell y P iiot. #!tr 14, JI, AtH. 1. 14, ... , u12-t1 111 b ......... nemtl t nd • Odrt•lft .,...,

Pt\11 J NI> Bloom, 4t01 Hell SI., S..itt CO.,lllY Cler• OI Oran111t CtunlJ on MtrCll 11, U , J I, Aprll 1. 19'1 1JIJ·l1 IJ Trtn,fittor for Ille 11\ree yHf\ lt st

s 1e . H""H"91on 8tecll, CA nMt. "''"" • . '"' ••n••• ' PUBUC NOTICE IH I, • re ·-Tlllt buMl'ltU wet con-Ito by en ... PUBLIC NOTICE O t ltO M•r<" 10. ' " '

lnd l• lelv•I. Publl.,,... Or.no- Cotti Oelly P iiot , Tiit lt>I Oey <r t011orl tTltf l•lt 11..,1 ·- Mtrcn 10, 11, 14, JI , . ... , .,..... l'ICTITIOUS •uSINISS •• •Ml ...... tKrow hOIMr . . .... .

I ,,,., . .. ,_, .... liltO w lll't , ,,. - .. ICTITIOUS IU'1NIH NAMl lfATIMaNT Fran~ B F ..-90 co .. 111, C1tr• 01 Orane- c ... nty on NAMI STATIMENT rnt too owino """°" '' do•no °"" Merlo M """° M <II . .... PUBUC NOTICE Tiit lollow!"tl -- ,, clolng ....... """ ., r,.,,,,.,_

a r • Pis.I.. • M•tH: CHARRO LANO a CATTLE CON! tURltOWISCROWCO. Publl tllad ()-..... c ... JI 0•11• .... OI. ..ICTITIOUS 8UMNIU La. A APPLI ANCE$. •s• w "'"SI • PANV. )100 Airwa y. $Vll lt • U . COtl• uu H r ... 11 .. Avit.,

Mercll I0, 11, lf. J l , 1 .. I 1*-tl HAMa ITATIMINT Ulllt It , C.taMtM, CAflUJ . Mete Ce lllornlt•>ti. IH 1110 Tiit fo!Nwl ... -- It dot... ....... Victor T-111 LM . '" 0.k $1 ' J . ,;, .. w. M .. rr• y, lU VI• LIOO , ... ,.AM, CA 92711

PUBUC NOTICE ,,. .... : , Cotla Mewl, <:A '2tt1 Noto Nt woort Btt<ll , Ca ll torn •t MU7·~

F UTV ltA Ll!ASINO co .. »U w. Tlllt Mlftfts II <Ol\CIU< teO by .... Ill· nMJ.' Puo11,11e4 Oran91 CN >I O• •lt P1•01. ~"'""" 8 1¥0., s.• 1. Sent• ..... Ol• ldlitl, Tiii\ l>u>ln•U II (Oft(IU( leO ty"' Ill· IA••tll l • . . ... • ..... .

.. ICTITIOUS IUS1Ma11 (elltOtnl• ~ Victor T-lll Lat oi.10 ... 1 Sc flllt ,_, ••• 111.0 wltll IN J-• w M.,,, ..

....... ITATIMaHT Jeck J . - 111er . .. ,. W•ll e<e c ... 111y C~ll Of Oranoe Covl\ly Oii Tlllt itft-1 ..... llltcl '"'"" ...... flle 1114._i"ll "''°" It 001119 &utl· A .. ,..,.. C..ta Mew. C.llfor11I• ••21 . M I\• '"' .....

neu u Thi• llutl,,..t I\ wnMIN b~ e11 111 trt ' ' ,.lt1Jt4 County Cler• of Orfl've C..,ntv Oii

AM8A$SAOOR LI M OUSINE di.ldvtl, l'ullll .,,...()oat191Qoe>IOaily P llot, Mtrth lO, I•• "'~ SERV ICE, •I, O...tnt•rttth Wty , Jec•J . kltwtlCHr IMrc:ll 10 11 J4 JI lfll l ll'l ti • 1rwlne, C.lllornle'27U Tiii• tie-I ,. .. fil .. wllll '"- ' ' ' ' • Pvblltlltd Of.,,.. Coell Oftly P iiot.

O• nlM Cerfool, • • Ollffnt•r••lll COlll\IY Cl••• o t Ora n" c-ty on Mt''" 14, Jl, Aprfl 1, " · ,,., uh.11 Way, lr¥1ne, Ctlifornl • urn Mer J, ' "'· PUBUC NOTICE



Tllla llllllMtt 11 <tlldll<ttcl llY an In· ,., ... , .... -------------------------•! dlwj4wt l'lllllitllad O'anet Co.tit OallJ PllOI, °''"'' Crotooc Mt• J, 10, 17, 24. ltll 9'P·•t Jllc:TITIOUI IUllNl.$1 NAMa ITATaMaNT


01A MOHO 9AR TE NN IS CLVll, a O•n tr a 1 otrtMrlll lp , c o11at11 l119 or O O N k Ylll AA , OI NH ll A MART IN, JAMH M. PE TERI, RA,.· OALL McCAROLI!, and AL BARKER, u Oenert l Pertnen, e lld wlll<ll Pitt ca rritd on Ila OutlMU •I 1000 Ouell !Urut , $Uilt lJO, NtwPorl IHCll, C•lllOrnl ll thtO, w•t 01ue1 .. o tlltc-11•• S p .m. ell MefCll It, 1 .. 1. Cans rejected

SANTA BARBARA CAP> - The dty l.a 1ivlD1 back 400 free beach lr11h cans to Coppenone, t.be 1untan-oil planuractunr, whkb bad doo•t.ed th• eau carryln1 the Coppertooe name as advert.lliA.f. City puu director 1em Ambrole aald U.. a.u.rtna WH too " larllb" for Sant.a hrbat• aod lbeahape Ol th•ca:ntmDdettdilftcWttopuJJtrathcanllunout.

Tfl lt Jl .. _t Wtl 111111 w llll Ille Ctll'llY Cltrll Of Ott• County on ,. •• 20, ltll . C•AY &IMITM ~NHLO•I AT '-A\lf ..... Af9w ........ ..,.. ..... Ill ~9Mllll, Cll ............ .

,,. .. , ..... Or-. C...11 C>eily ,.~ MM. 1, to, IJ, 14, ttlt I""''

Tiit , .. ,_.,,. ,__ II .. "' IMlll· Plc:TITIOUI aua1111a11 """ .. : MAM• ITaT•M•"T

THI! SllC MARTI.ITS, ... , Hettor fM f•IOWlftt ,_,_ ii IMlflt llvtl· PVBUC NOTICE ... 1111 Clr<le, HU1111 ..... 0ft llHCll, CA H H .

MOflCe CW --· llllll'ONllllLIT't .,._ ANAUTIQ. 11ft f'.tW- Ortve, Nl41ct It ,,......, t i- 1"91 IN Ull• Cllerl .. II . .. ,...,.., ... , HtrM• Oa'*n 0.-, c:A .,..,, ,....,_. •OI Mt M rt--111• IW 1'01111 Clr<le, HllnC"'9IOll leetll, CA Oenalf I . lmitll, 1..+1 1..oWtll Cl l · r .. , tr t1•1111et CM4nKIMI 1¥ .,.... It , HlllMlllltM llNcll. c:A ftMt.

•At NeOW YOOUllT er ""l•IC tlllt -iMtt ltUf\Mttf lily .i Ir> Tlllt ......_. ltetMllC._ .. .i In• - ------------- YOOUllT C0M'ANY, "'tr entr ,,, •• d l •141wal. .i•lw.I ,

Cell 141- H11. Pvt• r .. word1 to work tor u.

..... , 0-.... ll. Wat,._ OeMtt I. Slfllffl OelNWtl ... M\leflilWtell, l tll . Tfllt ............. tit• wlffl Ille Tiii& I~ w• f!He Wltll IN

...,.... 'Motrlefl lllMIMlt ,_,, CIWtl ef OtMe* c..uii., • C-IW Clerk ti OtMtl ~ "' ""Cel-1 ...... Metell .. 1'91. rcll 6. ...,, c.v,..., "'.,.. ,,.,..

~·--Or .. C-.1 Oel ly "'!el. l"Wll .... OrMttt (Mal Delly " ... • Mer 11. II. t4. 1'11 , .. ,., Mff<ll It. 11. H . 11. tt11 11'WI

.. , ..... Dell\'"'"' ,,...,

All•• lflel dttt, 1\0 pttlMr Ill tllt IN•IM•tND het t\llllO<lty to DIN IN ... , .... ,w,.

Oon N . Vlt lrt OtMlt A. Mellln J.,.,.., M. "9ltr' Atftllell It , M«;ar111t Al .......

&ONIW, MtUI• a C.AAUON ................ ..,,.,. .............. ~ .... tll.M.I.,.. Ol'Mtot CMtl Delly ,l!tl,

#Mell H. '"' ·~I

------.. -· . -...... . •••• .. -- fl"'* .. - ... .......--..~ ... I ••--••- •t•'"l~ -• • ,..._~ · · •• -..

•• .. • I • PltJ' a r • • _ ...

I r I


"You better hold my hand, Mommy, so I don't fall off this high wall."

MJ\RMADU9'.£ by Brad Anderson

"She did NOT wink at him!"





I ~talned 5 Utter

IO M1j0rlly

Cup 52 Gobi. ti II 56 Coonn.d one 60Acrou 61 Presented &4 Croon

UNITED Feature Syndicate Mond1y'1 Puzzle Solved

14 Htulboy 15Contumed 16--.

~Ship'• crene ~~1115.tP-...i~~~ se ""*9

~bout 17, DletMlrdt 19 Aemlln 20CM1ge 21 8eetlel 23 Ptper unltt

17 lnttted ea Miid oettlt 69 Ctllchl


26 ~ IUI· 1 A,,_lnd lh1 2 Shof1 for

27 Blenllet Saooge 30 Roman poet 3 Title 3' Ory 4 W111ttd 35 Grlln OOd· 5 Chee1t 25 PlttlOurgh 44 Loom

dell 6 C.MI player 44 F001t 37 Gold: Sp. 1 Achrtnt t7 WIOOfll 49 Trantmlt le Allen coin 8 8'111 p"1 21 Window 52 Dr 1ugt11 39 Ole 9 Enttwlllt 29 Mr. Lombttdl 53 Rotten 41 Titter 10 Exptrt 31 Plerctd 54 Ae111n colnt 42 Oumehot 11 lone; Comb. 32 Mid 55 Obltlcilt 43 Aecttrld!I lonn 33 Tllttttr 57 Acidity " Cellllrltlon 12 bell bOOChe 51 ,,.., 45 o."""' pen 13 o.llee 3t Orlttng 5t NtrVOUI 41 s.tll f*1* ,, ... ~.. 31 Ut( c:tty a us power 50 ~ 22 ,.,.,. •• 11111 40 Tlffte °' dey IQCY. 5t Golf'• - 24 HofyClty 44 ~Ion ta DIMncutnber

by Virgil Partch (VIP)

" Ah, spring'• here. Can b111b1ll be fer behind?"



SU~~ , AS SOON A5 You

1 2 a 4



by Jim Davis

Orange Cout DAILY PILDTffuetdly, M11ch 24, 1881



1 sewr t.tMPtP L.ltARV OUT ON 9aA~ P'A-mOL..


ijlDIT! llJAT~ FINE..









ON ™E ONE HA~D , 11'5 SNEAKl,> . U~FAIR I IT'LL. 005T


6000 ~ PL.AN5 !

FOR BETTEa Oa Fea •Gall

by Tom K. Ryan

by Jeff MacNelly

by Ernie Bushmiller

by Gus Arriola

GA~DOOR VPE;.J -rµ1;.Jce,/m1tJI

i:11JD 1/J FU:A MA~'f FOR DIMEf

by Tom Batiuk

~ ™E oo-1£R HMO fH£~'5 NV-I S/XiH PERIOD 51ll(){.) HAU. IN THE CAFETERIA !

by Kevin Fagan

R~~1140 ME. 10 1'f.l.1.. ~o

10 I.OS£ ul£1&H'f.

by George Lemont

\Nl1H ALL THE.OTHER ~ERS f\M.>NO, ~HY Do l HR{E.1t> l"\R\/E THE. KIOS IN ALL THE.1iME. '?


by Lynn Johnston


f"OR li\~· DowN\


--- ·-- ........ ..... ... -~ -......... ... -.................. -

. '

.. . '

' 1


' I


I '



Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, March 24, 1981

Because of an overwhelming response, Lincoln-Mercury and participating

Lincoln-Mercury Dealers have extended the deadline for the 100/o Cash Savings

Plan on Capri, Zephyr and Cougar.

. .


Capri 3-Dr. Capri GS 3-Dr.

Zephyr 2-Dr. Zephyr 4-Dr. Zephyr Z-7 Zephyr Wagon

Cougar 2-Dr. Cougar 2-Dr. GS Cougar 4-Dr. Cougar 4-Dr. GS Cougar 4-Dr. LS


$6,745 $675 $ 6,927 $693

$6, 163 $617 $6,282 $629 $ 6,311 $632 $6,577 $658

$6,535 $654 $6,906 $691 $6,694 .. $670 $ 7,065

~ $707 $ 7,666 $767

100/o of the base vehicle sticker price direct from Lincoln-Mercury. Or apply the cash savings to your down payment. (Limit of one per customer. Your Dealer contributes part of

April 5th is your deadline to buy or lease from _stock, or order a car just the way you

want it from the list above, and get a check for

the Savings Plan amount.) After April 5th, it's all over. See your Lincoln-Mercury

Dealer. Now. ---



. '

• 3 m capital Mass trtinsit money sought By GLENN SCOTT

Of 1"9 Dallf Plle4 SU.II

Thr ee Orange Co unty transportation offi cials are in Washington. D.C .. today to lobby ror rederal funds (or planning s tudies to construc t a mass transit line through central Orange County.

Up to $2 million was com· milted to the projec t by the Ca rt e r ad minist r ation, but members of the Orange County Transportation Com miss ion haven 't received s uch encourag· ing news so far from the Reagan administration .

In February, the com mission

Di re~t or D•• IJ P olol Pllolo

Pam Zanell i of Santa Ana is expected to be seated Thurs­day nig ht as O r ange County Fair board m ember replac­ing Kenneth Johnson , whose t e rm expire d in January. She was appointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr for four -year term

Trio await

hearing in

slayin~ Three men arrc~ted in conner·

lion with the stabbing death of an Orange Coast man will begin a pr e l iminary hearing on murder charges next month in Indio

The men are accused of killing Kim Robert LaValh.'v. 26. in a Ran cho Mi rage condominium last Aug 1

Sti ll in custody awaiting the hea rin g are Glen Ste wart Godwin. 23 : Frank Soto Jr .. 31. both of Rancho Mirage, and Roy Di ckey. 35, of Camp Verde. Ariz.

They w e rl' arrested by Ri verside Cou nty s he riff's dep· uties on March fi and 7 . All p leaded innocent when they were arra igned las t week .

R iverside County Deputy Dis· trict Attorney Ri chard Erwood said the men a re believed to have committed the killing dur· ing an attempted robbery

In ves tigat ors sa id that La Valley was believed to have been carrying a large s um of money the day he was stabbed .

LaValley's body was found at the Navy's Chocolate Mountain Bombing Range where it had been torn apart by a bomb. In­vestigators believe the home made bomb wa s planted to make his death appear to be the result of an errant missile from the remote bombing range .

Erwood said the preliminary hearing was initially set to begin Friday. but a delay was granted toAprill7.

I , La Valley graduated from Corona del Mar High Sc hool. His last Orange County address was in Irvine.

received word from Washington that it might get up to $1.5 million for the s tudies . But later messages have hinted that the county may not get any federal money after alJ to help choose alternatives for a rail or bus system from Anaheim to Irvine.

Thus, commission Chairman Al Hollinden, executive director Thomas Jenkins and Orange County Transit District General Manager James Reichert flew to Washington Monday.

Th e y were to meet for breakfast today with the coun­ty · s congressional delegation comprised of Robert Badham.

Sa11ta A11a

base vets to gather

Army airmen and c1v 1lian employees who ser ved <1t the old Sa nta Ana Armv Air Base be l ween 1942 . w'hc n 1 t w<1 s e s tablished , and th e end of World War ll . will gather April 4 in Costa Mesa for <1 reunion

Hos ted bv the Costa Mesa His tori cal Society . the gathering at Orange Coast College's student ca feteria will mark the s ixth an­nual reunion.

Registration begins at 11 a m . lunc heon is at 12.30 pm and thl' program begins a t I · JO with a presentation by Lt. Gen . James P Mullins. 15th Air Force com· mander

The base was originated as a pre-flight school for pilots. bom­badiers and na viga tors. and eventually expanded to 1,283 acres mos t of 1t 1n the Costa Mesa area and to other mis · s lons.

By the time the war ended. more than 220.000 service men and an undetermined number of civi lians serving as s upport personnel had passed through the sprawling base

Lun c heon re se r va ti ons. al $5 .50 each. must be made by Friday to P 0 Box 1764 , Costa Mesa 92626 , or by phonin~ 548·7229

R·Newport Beach ; Jerry Pat­terson . D-Santa Ana ; Dan Lungren , R-Long Beach ; and William Dann e m eyer, R ­Fullerton .

After that, the three men planned to confer with leaders of both the federal Highw ay Ad­ministration and the Urban Mass Transit Authority to seek funding support for the mass transit line.

Even though he said the Reagan Admini s tration has taken a dlm view of funding local transportation projects, Jenkins said he believes the mass transit line still will at­tra c t some federal money for its construction phase, still three or more years away.

However. getting a id for its environmental impact s tudies a nd so -called alternatives analyses seems less ltkely .

Jenkins. in fac t , suggested to the com miss ion Monday that the estimated $4.75 million planning s tudies be paid out of local and s ta te funds .

T he budget could be adjusted in July if federal mone y is fort hcoming, he explained

The commiss ion d ecided to poll tpon<' a decis ion until the mt.>n return from thei r one-day trip lo Washington with a more a('Curate picture o f future frderal financing for the mass trans it ltne

Al so at issue 1s whether the commiss io n s hould s p e nd $950 .000 over the next two years. which includes hiring a staff of four to over see the planning projects .

Com miss ioner Ralph Clark , also a county s upervisor . said he want ed a m ore co mplete breakdown of the project budget before he could approve the staff increases, including a project manager paid from $28,700 to S36,600 a year.

Reflecting the high cost of trans portation, the one -day trip for the three men will cost the county about $3,000. Most of that s um. about $2,500, will go toward round-trip air rare.

The mass trans it line. Initially set for 24 miles through the com· mercial center of the county, is estimated to cost about $485 million

Daily Piloi TUESDAY, MARCH 2.C, 1981


82 83-5


Wo rkers are midway through a project to ins tall large-diameter s teel cables that will hold together the $8.9 million Orange County Hall of Administration in the event o f a m ajor earthquake . Workers a top scaf­fo ld I in circl e in upper photo > are thread ­in g cable : Armad Reyes <below > operates

Real estate re- ...

mains. a good ' 0 ,) investment des-

0 pite statistics . . . B4 '

D••• Y P1tot Photo\ D• C •r v AmbroH

• core drill that cuts holes for cable to pass through to the building 's exterior Cable s late r will be affixed to s tee l " button " plates. Repairs on the hall . som e times r e­ferre d to a s the Hall of Dis integ ration , will cost about $1 million . The building open ed in Santa Ana two years ago


tun1s do1t,11

• • • int itat1011

SugJ:rS tin g 1l \.\ OU ld be a " hostile environment" for him . Newport Reach Counc·i lman Paul Hummel has d(•cltncd an invita ­tion to s peak before nt'mbt•rs of the Nc>w port 11 ;,arhor Arca Ch'1mberofCommcrce

Hummel also turned down an inv1tat1on to talk w1lh directors for the NC'wport Center Aso;oc1a lion .

.. Why bother ." said thl' Corona de l Ma r t'ounci lman .

" It tertain I~ wouldn't benefit my po s 1t1on Th ey've got their id eas and I' ve got mine"

Humm el and chamber le a ders fr e -quently have H1JMME1.

been at odds on c ity t ss ues and. m past years. have dis played little affecllon for one another .

Chamber Director Don Porter said Hummel was the only council member to pass up the s peaking invitation. The other six coun· cilmen are scheduled to s peak, in­dividually, at chamber meetinp this s pring.

Hummel said he talked at a chamber function last year. He claims it left him with a bad taste

.in his mouth.

Effort plus computer saves for GWC '' I know of individuals that dis·

played their complete arrogance by not even showing up," Hum· mel said of his last chamber s peaking engagement.

j s .

A conservation program at Gblden West College has slashed energy use by 58 percent over the paal four years, even though the campus has grown 20 per· cent in the same period, college officials report.

Thia cutback on the all · electric Huntington Beach cam· pus drtrN a commendation from Southern California Edison Co.

Campus ener1y coordinator Michael Webster sald that ln

1977, when the college's building space totaled 416,262 square feet , Golden West us ed 30.9 million kilowatt-hours of energy.

But in 1980, after building space had grown to 529,462 square fffl , it used 12.9 million kilowaU·hours - the lowest con­sumption rate since energy rec­ords have been kept on cam­pus.

Webster rredtls an energy management computer, in · atalled in 1977, for much ot the reduction. ·

He said th~ computer turns 44 healing and air conditioning un· its off and on during the day and shuts the system down entirely o n weekends and hollda ys . Previously , they ran con ­llnuously.

In 1978; the year alter the computer was installed, energy use plummeted to 13.8 million kilowaU·hours and ha• declined steadUy since.

Other energy.uvln• measures were proposed last year by

t '

englneering consultants . The colle1e was informed of

numerous steps it could take to further reduce energy consump­tion at little or no expense . These s teps included turning down the water heater tem· perature, replacln1 at1ndard light tubes with more efficient onn, end replacln1 fan ftlters.

A $246,000 federal 1rant and a low·lnterest state loan will allow the college to Implement other conservation measures.

Although the colle1e ho re·

duced its energy consumption, tta dectric bill s have not decreased because of the con­tinuing climb of utlllty costs, Webster said.

He noted, however. that lf the campus had continued to uae enerP-' al lhe 1977 level , \aat year s e11ergy blll would have been aa much as Sl.S mllllon.

Instead, the 122. acre. 28· bull<fln• campus ls spending about $800,000 annually for energy, he said.

. .-...-,-..-.

" I ' m not even sure why they'd bother asking me back," he con· tinued. ·'They don 't believe in any of the thJngs that I do.··

Porter contends last year's ap· pea ranee by Hummel was well at­tended. He claims the chamber wouldn 't have asked Hummel to return if members weren't wlll· Ing to li1len.

•• rt 's Intended to be a forum for sharing and exchanging ideas," said the chamber director. ·· Even if we disagree, we should try to communicate.' '



Orange Coat ONLY Ptl!OT!Tunday, Ma.roh 24. 1981 ... _..., ____ ._. ____ -.ii ...

LOOKING INLAND DEPT. - Alai, enll.httnment ot the muaet baa Just aulfered another major blow lnland of u.a up In l"\&llerton. The aut.boriUea there appear to have come out clearly asatnat read.inc.

Thia happened Just the other night when the Fullerton vlcecopa awept down upon a place on Harbor Boulevard called Rhonda'• Readin.t Room. They cl0ted the place, on 1roWMSI that lt failed to have the. pror,r eot.ertalom~n!

per~~w you have to take a pretty broad 1weep to comlder that

~'\ , all readln1 la just enter·

Ill "'IRPHlll ~r; talnment. Thia should I ,L_ be partlcubrly so In ________________ ..._.....,.._..._ Fullerto n , seat o f

b.ltber leamin.c at a California State Univenlty, lo addl· Uon to Fullerton Community CoUe1e and other campuses .

WHAT RHONDA'S PLACE did was to offer to do some of your reading for you . If you were a weary-eyed atudent or Just plain bleary -eyed citizen, the lovely youn1 ladies at Rhonda's would read to you for a fee .

Well, no wonder they charged for this kind of service in Fullerton.

Can't you just imagine what an onerous task it would be if a s tudent. fuuy in his efforts to prepare for a final ex­am in literature, drops by for a reading of the complete works o( Chaucer?

Or, you have the physics or chemistry student, whose eyeballs are no longer capable of keeping up with the grind . He just wants to drop in, lean back and close his eyes . while the young woman in melodic voice reads to him all ol the equations and formulas he must commit to m~mory for the final

NOif VO\I'VE GOT to be a pretty hard case to s uggest Lhat this kind of reading is entertainment.

Fullerton 's long arm of the law. however. apparently saw it this way .

Vicecopsgatheringevadenceal inupect readmg room

The record indicated that Rhonda 's Reading Room opened for bus iness only las t month . It was listed on the city 's business tax fo rm as a n ·· interpretive reading room - s ecretarial service." ·

It is diffic ult , therefore, to pinpoint precisely where Rhonda got crossed up with the la w.

Well, the re was this one tittle Incident a couple of weeks back when one of the reading ladles was arrested. She was booked into city jail and later re leased on S500 bond , pending a court appearance April 8 .

Meanwhile. the Fullerton vicecops grabbed off a bunc h of records which it was a lleged were in plain view. These documents assertedly listed the names of numerous clients who were also interested in reading

IF THE CLIENTS were n 't inte rested in reading , they must have been interested in some thing that inte rested the vicecops .

The unfortunate young lady in question, an 18-year -old from Anahe im, was hauled in on a charge of offe ring services vastly diffe rent than just reciting a few lines from Shakespeare.

Left unans wered is who was that customer who ble" the whistle?

You might s uspect it was some physi cal education m a· jo r .

Settlements sought for oil overcharges

WASHINGTO N <AP > - The Energy Department, Wider con­gressional attack because of plans to curtail enforcement ~fforts . agaimt the petroleum Industry , has launched a program aimed at settling 400 cues involving $287 million in alleged overcharges .

Unlike the $11 billion In enforcement actions brought against the country 's 35 largest oil companies, these 400 cases have been brou1ht agahut independent petroleum marketers generally s mall businessmen who purchase products from re fineries for re· sale .

Officials said lhe--$267 million pr imaril y involves 1asoline sales. Unde r the plan unveiled Monday, the government would recoup $100 million of the $267 million in alleged over­charges.

While bi1 gasoline purchasers who can prove they were over ­char&ed will be able to get refunds out of the $100 million, the averaee guoline cons umer wtll never see any of the money . the department conceded.

For agreeing or not to contest the allegations further , the· companies will be allowed to settle for between 30 cents and 50 cents on the dollar. ~

" ' I ID MUnMO ---........ •• llC 111W7

w- ,_ • ._ .. ·-Ooor 4(:olfl""'• - Y0411 4•H I

C:oeTAlmo\141·1289 .• .._. ...... ..... ~ -c:......~­llM ..... ....., . • ....,.....,, ..

Going Into Buelneaa?

am ST .. IUSS Lin

c....,.~~"':::::ll:ftld ~Doof9.~• , ........... . c-_


"""'o.a.c'CTOAI CORNIA

Rar• Cotne 6 ltampa OOLO&S.LVIA Prfcn to.. 3·23.a1

Otlf C .... Hll.• 14tv..- Cl, .U.tt ..... .. .. Ul1M ....... wu•.-...... '*·" Utt.• ~- ..... 1tu• ,.,.,.

.. _,,_ Mapi. LA .. IOO(or-s 90~ .... t01'o Sllwr •-

• ..,, •ho• Comedian J erry Lewis re· acts with this expression to a question by Gene Shalit, television critic for the NBC 'Today ' show in New York. The intervie w segment is scheduled for airing later.

Jack 'n Jill promotion draws pickets

BOSTON ( AP l See Jack and Jill. See Jack and Jill buy a new lifestyle Now see the dem · onstrators outside the depart· ment store where Jack and Jill buy a nd buy and buy . The dem­ons trators are unhappy . They say the whole thing is dumb. They say it's sexist. They say it 's racist.

Some 30 people pi cketed a Jordan Marsh department store here to protest the chain's ad­ve rti sing ca mpai g n ' which features Jack and Jill . a couple in their late 20s.

The campaign includes a full · color cata logue done in the s tyle of a reading primer. It shows Jack and Jill accompanied by their dog , Freckles - in a modem a partment, dressed in various fas hions a nd using a variety o f kitchen a nd housewa res.

THE TEXT EXPLAINS their lifes tyl e in si mpl e sentences. " Meet Jac k a nd Jill ," th e catalogue s ays . ..They' re nice They ' re young and fun . They llve a life we unders tand at Jordan Marsh."

Jill, tbe catalogue s a ys, "is rea lly dynamite at work ... She just keeps interact ing e ffectively all day long ." Jack . it says, " dresses how he wants to be treat ­ed - professiona lly .· ·

THE DEMONSTRATORS ca lled the advertising campaign

featuring two young , white models - rac is t a nd sexist.

Three protes t e r s , S u sa n Steiner . Kayla Kirsch and Lisa Gal latin . sa id J ack and Jill personified ·' the ri c h . white beautiful young couple . ..

The protesters had their own jingle :

" We can see through Jack and Jill " The same old roles. we ·ve hod

our /ill " Older. red , black or brown " To J·M t~y're not around "

THE DEMONSTRATORS asked to see Elliot Stone, presi· dent of the chain . and asked that he issue a public apology and establish a " civilia n review board .. to ensure socially res ponsible

advertising in t he future .·· Stone sent two representatives

to talk lo demonstrators and invlt· ed representatives to see him In his o ffice. The d e m ons trators declined.

Stone said the a dve rtising cam ­paign wasn't meant t o offend a nyone. He said he was " tired of a ll those catalogue pictures and boring copy.

" I th ink what we d id was a fun way to say t he re is a new genera­tion of people, the two-Income career couple," he said . " They lead a different lifes ty le than a lot of othe r cus tomers and we re­cognize that. We carry merchan· dise to suit their lifestyle . T his was just a fun way to gel the message across ."

A• reQUlred by law, new bu1ln••••• "''"' • "ctlUoue •-n•• NefM muet retllter thet nelfte

. .._ .... , ....... c.a .. - .... fT1•>• •• loutttC....,.._Wt ... ............. CALL WALT SELLERS

FORA """ .... CouRIY Clerk. Cel tM OAIL 'i '9LOT LIQAL DIPARTMCNT for fonM and ""1tter .....,,.. ....... .......,


I ........... __ ,...

Cell 142-Hfl. hi • ''" word• toworll for u.


~1~:!~!.~,·~c 714 7eo-eoec>

Vietnam co01bat Dlars vet



ThtH brand new baildln3• "THE ARBOR" ue louct".d centrally in cbt' ( icy of h vinc, O nt of she (u1u1 trowtng mu1u plan cicie in che councry. h hu txcellent accf.U cu 1djacen1 11urf1ce •rreeu and the free,.ay necv.ork • • , well u immtd1a1e proxlm11y 10 lonl houaln!(.

0 1,en lh t' demogrilphk!t and lonuun i1 h•' 10 bci Ont' uf 1h 11 oumand · ing c.ommt'rdal ~i10 1n Oran~(' C oun1y. Th ih c.ouplt'd v.11h rhl" de•1J<n of lh<' huildinJ<'· \hould mt1kl' 11 hoah an 1mmt'J111c <1nd lonJ< •~rm ~UC.C.'C'\\,

NEW YORK (AP) -Nearly one-fourth or the men who saw heavy combat ln Vietnam have alnce been aneated on criminal char1es, ac· cordini to a government Tarnutzer · Hamilton Developm~nr Co., Inc. study which concludes

7 141 557_2792 that Vietnam veterans

as a whole " are plagued Contact Christopher Bennett

by s ignifi cantly morer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ problems than their peers."

The degree o f /l! ~TRS BO ~:~y·~:~:i:l~::~:~~; ~ft. I t.14 Is t= ~COMPUTER~ attributable to combat In Vietnam was found to t st · 1n Features, Performance, Price! be " statiatically signifi-cant" by researchers In TRS-80 MODEL Ill the government's most comprehensive post-war inquiry.

VIETNAM COMBAT veterans who are black or m e mbe rs of other minority groups were found to be severe ly dis · advantaged in pos t -war schooling and jobs. the study said , noting that the age of most of those veteran s now could make mos t o f those caree r setbac k s Ir · reversible.

The riv e - volum e s tudy, made public Mon ­day by the Ne w York · based Center for Policy Research, was begun in 1973 by a group of Viet· nam v e t e ran s with pr i vat e gra nt s . Sponsor s hip of the $2 million project late r was taken over by the Na­tional Institute of Me n· tal Health an d the Ve t e rans Administ ra ­tion

THE STUDY w as based on interviews in 10 c ities with 1,340 m en . Half o f tho se i n ter viewed were veterans and about a half o f those veterans had serv~'<i in Vie tnam

According to reports In this week's Newsweek magazine and Monday's New York Times, the s tudy aald that more than one-third of beavy­c om bat veterans are s till suffering from de­layed s tress reactions and 24 percent ha ve been a rr ested on l criminal charges in the post-war period.

THE LATTER figure com pares with a 10 per· cent arrest rate among veterans of light com ­bat, 17 percent among other Vie tna m veterans and 14 pe rcent a mong non -veter ans .

On the other hand , the study con c luded that many of the veterans had been s trengthened b y their Vietnam ex · periences and were in · c l i n ed to • • w o rk through" rathe r than s uppress difficult prob· le m s .

A total or 2.8 million Americans are veterans of the Vie tnam conflict, which began in the early 1960s and ended In April 1975 with the fall o f Saigon.

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Closed Fridays and Saturdays

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help you turn your wheels into cash.

DELANEY BROS. SEAFOOD Fresh Fl.let of Sole .. . . ... .. .. ... . . 3.18 lb. Fresh Frozen Local Sword.ft.sh ...... 4.98 lb.

MEAT DEPARTMENT Prime and top choice bed aged al least 30 days lo the peak or perfection.

) Fresh Zacky Farm• Local Turkeys I 12· 14 lb. avg.) .. ... . . . .. . ........... 98e lb .

Pork Loln Back Rib• . . . . . .. .. . . .. . Z.4tlb. Stuffed Pork Chops, Staffed wttJI Delaney'• Famou Apple Dreuln1 Z.4t lb.

CANDEUTE HEAT AND EAT FOODS Prepared Fresh Dally From Delaney 's Own

Kitc hen. . Stuffed Baked Potatoes ......... . lk ea. .Encllllacla1 with Sauce .......... 1.ct ea. Shrimp Curs.. . . . ...... .... . ..... 2.ct ea.


Thil ad effective Wed., 1125 thru T~ea . , 3/31


MORNING FRESH PRODUCE Large Jumbo Artichokes t no llmitJ .. Ck ea. So. American Bananas ...... 3 Iba. for 1.00 Ripe Sweet Juicy Via

HawaUan Pineapples ........... . 8tc ea •

FROM DELANEY'S BAKERY Carrot Cake .................... 1.18 ea. Apricot Almond Cake .. . ......... 1.18 ea .

DELANEY'S WINE CELLAR Delaney'• Private Label Ch1bll1 or

Vin Roee' WlnC' 1750 mil t Berl ager Chenln Blanc 1750 m1l 1

Wen&. BrOI. Le Blanc De Blanca <750 mil l ...

All liquor • nd wine plus tax

l.tt ea. 3.75 ea.


Pepal U 01. she pack, Diet or Regular . . . . . 1.M )

8&ore Houn t·f, CloHd Sunday

2t20 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach




Rebates continue Extemion excites area dealer

By KEITH TVBE& o.Aly ...... a~a••

Dom estic auto dealers have had li t· tie cause for cele bration as im ports

1 cont i nue t o d o m in a t e a n eve r · increasing s hare of a s h rinking new car m arket .

T hat's why It's refreshing - if not •• d o wnright unus ual for Wilson •• F ord 's Buu Valletta to be so excited

" I think It's fa ntastic," said Vallet· ta , who ser ves as general sales m anager of the Huntington Beach·

!: based dealership. .... ~ :: ..

' J

j '

VALLETTA'S ENTHlJSI ASN is in response to Ford 's announcem ent Sunday that it is exte nding its 10 per· cent cash reba te program on certain 1981 models through April 5, follow· in g a nnou n ce m e n ts by Gen e r al Motors Corp. a nd Chr ysler Corp. that they would extend the ir own reba tes p rogram.

Ford is offering rebates or 10 per· ce n t o ff t he base price on 1981 G ranadas , Fair monts a nd Mustangs a nd Mercury Cougars, Zephyrs and Ca pris.

ll is the Must ang that has been the big seller a t Wilson Ford .

" This is Mus tang country ," Vallet· la said. " We norm a lly sell about 26 Mustangs a month . but during the re· bate program, from Feb. 14 th rough S unday . we sold 69

" Act ually, we could have so ld more." Valletta continued. " but our in ventory ran o ut. Right now we ' re trying to get more Mus tangs out or t he factory . As or yesterd<ty (Sun d<.ty >. we were down to o nly three ..

ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS Geoffrey Salke ld , longtime he<.td of

European operations for Com pute r Automation Inc of I rvtne is general manager or the firm '!> comm(•rctal systems division .

Anaheim ba st.' d m o t o rh omt· manuracturer Executive Industries Inc . has announced c h<.1nges in terms of the proposed at·qu1sit1on or Ex ecutive by a corporation owned b) Thomas E Frank . the firm 's pres1 dent Under the n e\\ t e rm s . s hareholders other than Frank . who owns about JO percent of the common s tock , would receive $4.25 cash a share. instead of S2 cash and $J 50 in

three.year subordinated 9 pt•rc·ent notes as origina lly announcc•d

Vicki Unkrey is marketing

A spokesm an for T heodore Robins For d in Cost a Mesa, ho wever, wasn 't quite as optimistic.

" HOPEF U LtY , T H E extension should stim ulate busi· ness." said t he spokesman, who p re· ferred to remain a nony m ous. " Sales have been only fair t hus fa r . I 'd rather see d iscounts extended across ttle boards t han see a con tinuation of rebate program s .· ·

T he For d annou n cement cl'm e three days after GM said it was e x­te nding S500·S700 rebates on sporty and mid-s ized '81 m odels .

Ch rysler followed G M 's lead Fri· day by extending a scaled-d own version of its own rebate program. Chrys ler's rebates. which amount to 6 percent of the reail purchase price , are good on only Dodge Miradas. Chrysler Cordobas and luxury Im ­perials

The Chry s ler rebate progra m which had bee n in effec t s ince December and expired Friday cov· e red nearly all the co m pany 's models

" T HE P R OBL E M IS t h at ca r prices to the dealer are high, so the y' r e high to the consumer," Valletta said. " The rebate plan has enabled customers to use the r ebate as a down payment. That's the big. gest thing People can make the monthly paym ents. but now they can walk out with a new ca r with only a moderate 101tial payment "

Valletta sa id all lines have jumped at W1bon Ford

reprt:sentatavt.' for thl· s ubdiv1s1on de pa rtmcnt of San la Ana based We s tern Mutual Escro" Corp Sht' 1 1 \ ' e s i n I I u n t tn~tnn Beach

Dwi~hl Mills b \' tee prt.'sadent of statistical opera lions for the Avco

U NKllE Y Fmancial Group Jl e will work out of international headquarter~ . Nl•wport Beach

Dun·~ Ma rke ting Ser vice, a com · p;m y of the Dun & Rrads tr eet Cor p or Ne\\ York. has expanded Orange County operations by opening a n of· f1ce a t 1440 ll arbor Bl vd . Fullerton

now It .orlla When luae c.:o rpor111ion•. bank.. even lhe federa l &ovemmcnt 11ec:d ' hon lenn ca,h , they borTow money in w h11t 1•1.·a lled the "mo~y market .'' T hh ii. ba"c.:11 lly • 1roup or in,111u11on• . and even we11thy 1nd1v1dual• . who h1tvc very larae amuunt' of ava1l11ble money lo lend for up to ,111 month•

Bec:au"t 1he bonuwe~ want larte 'Um• for a i.hort 11me. 11nd bcc:au1e they put up no &ec.: urily for 1h111 money olhcr than their own good name and n:pu· 11111\ln. they hav~ 10 pay• high rate of inlerc•I So 11 '• u•u111lly a very pmfiL11blc: 1nvc,1mcn1 for the lender"

But unle'" you have at ln•t S 100.000 of idle 1.'loh to •pare. forget about being a p rivate lender In the money market Benusc that '• norm11lly the m inimum amount needed to buy a money market " in•trument .. So 11 \ c lo•ed to private 1nd1v1du 1l1o, e11cept the very rich

Un11l the Money Market fund c.:ame along

A Money Market Fund oper111e, on• "1mple princ iple Pooling. It receive' rel111ve ly ' mall amounb of money from a l1rice number of ind•· v1dual" amd 'mill bu•inc•-.c• . pooh thlll money . and lend• 11 in the money market with the dcaree or care and c11pcrhse ••would 1ny other m •J<)r le nder The 1n1e ro l e1med " then pa••ed alona tu the Fund'\ 1nve1otor, , or " •hueholdcr-.'' a• d1v1dend• T herefore. you W\ 11 'hueholder wnuld have 1he advantage of euning " money muket " 1n1ereM

Why It's Important to compare savings opportualtlee S.iv1ng' Cc: r11f1eate' can require you 10 lie up your m"ncy for month• . or even yea"' t:a rly redemp 1111n ol your Saving' Cer11f1l • le 1.·an u1•t you"' mu,·h .. , b mon1h, uf your mtere't. and . 1n \Hille 1. <l'C:' . l .in even •U'I ytlU ">me of )'OUr pronc:tpdl Bui IDS C,;,h Management fund ha' n 11 pcn .. lly fur c:"r l)' "'11hJra .... JI Y .. u cntll)' lhe bc\I frdture'

1111 hu1h '"'tant ane,•1b1l1t)' dnd m1erc'I ra te' 1 thlll du" heller 1ub 111 helpinll v1•u keep .. h.:aJ 111 l '"O.i11un

W11J Money Nal'll&t Puada bave bcco•e eo popular The moMy market 1• 11 ba~ 1c; pall of our n1111on ·, cc:onvmy Today. Money Market Funch h11ve over SllO billion dollan. under man 111cmcn1 from over 3 million 1nvo1on •. Money M arket Funcb have become widely known 10 the plKc to cam h1ah y1eld1 w11h the li11u1d 11 y of• uvlnt) 11ec:oun1

Tiie ad waat.ge• of IDS c - b Naaage ment Fund I) H11th 1 urrr11t '"'"'""ruin. um1na d1v1dcnd' lur y•• u every "ngle day of the year 21 L1q1mJ11y In phu n l::.ngli~ h . th" mC11n~ you can h1111e )'Our money back - all or part of 11 - any 11me you want 11. w 11h no tnterc:.t penalty 11nd no wi1hdr11wal .. harge You en JOY h4u1d11y JU•t II\ If )'OU had the money tn a <' heclc.in1111c.:euunt In fac:t . you c11n even wrnc draft, for S~ ur more aaain't your ill.'l.llUnt. h• pay h1I". ell

IDS will furni'h you draft, , f'.>C""n"li1ed "'11h your n11me . /r<'r oj 1 hu,-1tr

Tblnga you sbouJd reallze about IDS Caeb l'lanage ment rund 11 There " nu guarantee un the earning' H )'•IU buy an 1nve\lment 'old by a bank or" "'v1ng' tn\lllution . you .. re gu.1r .. nteeJ 1ha11he 1n1crc'I rate will nnt go down I.luring the term ul th.: lOVt', I Ol\.~nl

But you ' re ahuguarirntccd 1ha11he r.11c v.111 nul gn up Junnjl. 1ha1 1um

t:arnmg' .. n IDS C11,h Management t-unJ nuuua1e dwil)' II r.11..- go up. >'"u ' re ahc.Ad II rate\ go down . to 1hc pt11n1 "'here yuu c.tn du better cl-.. ..... here . lhcrc ·, .1 '1mple .1n,.,..cr tJkC' your money ou1 R.:mc:rnbc:r, I here ·, no pc:nalt) for J111n11 ,.,

:! I There "nu governmental .. gen.:y 11-u.ir.rnlt'l'tnjl. yuur pnn••P•I . "' 1hcre I' in" h•nk or '"'lnjl.' 1n\111u11un In the unlike I)' cvcnl 1ha1 1hc borro"' · ..-" t"orpcor<111un, , h.rnk' 1hc lc:JcrJl l!•"cmmc:nt I Jefoull 11n 1he1t money mar l.et n111e, , you u•ulJ 1 .. ,., part 111 )«•ur1n•c,1men1

Bui l.ccp 1n minJ . ll>'i c: .. ,h M .. n .. 11-c1nen1 I-uni.I J,.c, nut 1nve,1 )'Hur money ,..1th .. oin)'llcldy .. C )ur

invc:•tmenb a rc w ith 1nuc~ who receive the mp IWU c: reJn rauna\ from prnfeuional ~ 1nd~pen• dent uraan11111ton• 'uc:h 11) Mood)"~ and Sta.Ward and Poor', I

nowtolnwe• t You ne.ed S2 .SOO. Th11·, the minimum invntmc:nt 11\ IDS Ca~h M anagement Fund. !Once you ' ve ucxned '11 IK'count. you c:1n atdd 10 11 w11h 9dd 1t11lni l 1nve\lment• a~ low u S IOO I

If you decide 10 1n ve•t 11ncr rc~1 n11 our Pro•pe<'lu• . you •imply mail your applka1ion and che c: k to u• . We open your ac:c~. •nd u ~(Miil H your c heck c:le111', you •tart u rning ml•ney marli;et 1n1ero1

If you would II.kc t.o com~ your Pfttenl aavinp prosnm with the IDS Cu.ti Manapment Pund, it 's easy to do. Just call our t.olJ-free number. We ' ll " mply 1111tc: your n11me and addreu and $end you complete 1nform1111on . 1nclud1n1 a Pro,~ctu ... There" •b•olu1ely no obll .. 11on. When you rece ive the 1nform1111on . you dec ide for youru•lf 1( 1he h11h yield 11nd l1qu1d11y of 11 Money Market fond 1' 11 be t 1er place for your >11v1n1• . If you prefer. you c1n m11Jl lhe coupon l>elow l:.nhc:r way. wouldn '1 11 make ' en'e h> ,., le"'' look 1n10 11 ·~

About IDS Before you 1nve,1 your ,11v1n1' ionywhere . you ' hould know •ome1h1n1 about the company with which you 1nvc:\I

The I OS Cuh Mana1cme n1 1-und "JU'' one of the lt"'W"\ltN\ ( iroup nJ fu1"J'

IDS. founded 1n 1894 and tod11y wnh over to b1lhun doll11" of 11"e" under manqement. "the adv"er 10 I DS Cuh M11naaeme n1 Fund When you choo'e IDS Ca'h Manaaement fund your 1nvotmen1 will be profe"wn:olly m11naaed by highly 'killed money man1<1e" who will be work1n& for you

ID!\ h"' a.n advttnllil{le lo 111vc you the fa•IC''I po"1hlc 'crv1ce cun1ac1 u' today hy mail or toll free 1clephonc. d1rec1 to our home olToce 1n Min ne11poh\ However. we aho have over 160 01T1ce ' »II over the country ... nd you're welcome 10 call 01 Vl\11 the olTice nc"r your home 1f you hdvc quc• llon' or need fun her a""'"nce

r---------------------------• Call toll-free I IDS Tower, P .O. Box 369, Mlnntapoll1, M N 156472 I I • IDS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND, INC. I

1-800-IDS-IDEA (In North Dallolul <.All 1 ·800-U8-8)00.)

for all the lnfonnatlon you need lndudlng

a Prospectus.

--------· -·-- ··---------

I f or more cnmplcle 1nfonn;o11on . 1ndud1ng management fre, 1.nd I I e•pcn•e\ , plcai.c wnie or u 1ll fnr 11 Prn'pc ' tu' Read II ..: arefully I a ••n•, e befo re you 1nve,t o r ,end mune)' I

/l'(W -......:

I I I N..... I I I I A~ I I I I ( ''L - Sl • I< ' ·~ - I I I

Phrnw ru~mbc r t 1 I I - ..... - 01 IO·Ol • OOI


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' • ;)



... I'°'" •.. ... .,.

• Oii

"" ... .. • .... .... ... .. .. ...

. ..

I •

Or~ Co~t DAILY PlLOT/Tu1~ay, March ~·· 1981

Car cornlU!opia-A m ain topic between Japanese Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ito and U.S. Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr . is the limitation of Japanese auto imports . These new Datsuns , parked outside the Zama



Newporf"~~~~!,~2;!;,}~c ~ (714) 760 -606 0


TIM SUH Aho liMt

lyD-Mdmh Well . folk s, I ' ve got a big

announcement to make. The SUN's coming up. You 're probably thinking, that's not

much of an announcement. Ha rdly worth an ad .

I 'd better explain some. The SUN I'm talking about is one we hope will shed a littl e light on what's good and not-so-good for this town. What it is . 1s a new citizens organjzation . We're star•.ing it up with some friends. old -timers and young folks.

We rail it SUN. which s tands for Speak Up Newport. That 's our purpose , to speak up on things we think are important to our town.

1 know. I know. There's some wise guy out there saying oh . how nice. That's just what Newport needs , another organization. We need it , he 's saying, like we need another ai rport in town , or another broken-down sewer line. We've got enough anti -this and anti -that types around. is what he's saying.

I couldn 't agree more. But what I 'm talking about is a different kind of citizens · group. SUN is for do-ers. not aginners. It's for people who believe the way to solve problems is to solve them. and not go sticking your head in the sand .

It's for the kind of people who in recent years pitched in to get Newport a ~ew library. a new art museum. new hosp~tal equipment and rooms for Hoag Memorial. a new bridge for Coast Highway. that sort of thing.

It's for the kind of people who worked so hard to get the s tate to buy the Upper Bay a few years ago, a nd are now trying to find it under all that mud. One day, if our mayor and assemblywoman get their way, the mud will be removed and we ' ll all be able to see the bay again .

SUN is an organization for people willing to s upport and s peak up for positive, constructive action like that.

It's for people who don't just yap and get hys terical and cuss our community's political and business leaders . instead or coming up with some good positive ideas or their own .

Our a pproach is dirf erent. We want to encourage our ci vie leaders to move in the right direction by weighing the practical alternatives or every is3ue. We want them to do what's sensible. We want them to gel our roads improved .and make sure there's enough city money lo pay our cops, gel our garbage picked up and keep Newport clean and attractive, without drlvlng citizen taxpayers up the wall.

Some folks might call WI -extremists . For instance, we like Lightfooted Clapper Ralls as much as auyone, but we don't object.to moving a nest of them over a few leet to get a sewer line ttu~1h.

I thlnk it's lime people like us got organized.' That's why we're letting in touch. We 're going to 1et tocether Wed .• March 25 at Ralph le Debby Gray's, 407 Evellln.a Star Lane, Dover Shores, NB. 84M4Q3.

AP Wtrt..-.lt

plant near Tokyo las t year, rolled off what is believed to be the world 's most modern production lines. consisting a lmost entirely o f co mput e r -co ntrolled assemb l y machines .

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lli.vesting in housing '

It's still UJOrthwhile despite negative statistics By JOHN CUNNIFF

A~aw .. _AMIY• NEW YORK - The median prtce of existing

slngle-famlly homes rose 11 .7 percent In 1980, or 1.8 points leas than the consumer price Index, and that, it Is c laimed , proves housing no longer ls a good investment.

The figures are welcomed by some claimants. among them brokers who maintain that stocks and bonds are the only Investments for the masses, and authors who forecast a coming collapse ln real estate prices. But claims are claims. and on exa mination some claims hold up poorly . such as the claim that the world is flat and the earth Is the center of the universe , and that the dolJar is as good if not bet­ter than gold . It is no news to anyone except perhaps some In- cuNN1""

vestment analysts that. unlike stocks or bonds, houses can be li ved in, a fact that gives home· ownership an overwhelming comparative advan· tage to begin with

THERE IS ALSO THE relative stability of home ownership. If a loss to inflation of 1.8 percen· tage points in a year represents a catastrophe, as it has been depicted , what then are we to make of an entire decade in which blue-chip stock values were seriously eroded by infl ation?

But even the apparent loss of value may not be real. Housing usually is bought with only 10 per· cent to 30 percent of the purchase price in cash , but any increase in value accrues to the owner at 100 percent.

To explain : Last year, according to the Na· tional Association of Realtors, the median sale price rose to $62.200 from $55,700 in 1979. A large increase but, as we know , not enough lo offset in­flation.

However , if the owner bought the houses with only Sl5,000 down, and benefitted from a $6,500 in­crease in value, his return is much greater - 43 percent greater. m fact . before deducting for financing costs . Those financing costs. however, have benefits' of their own in that they are deduc·


lions from adjusted 1roa1 income on federal , 1tate aod local income taxes. Uncle Sam apUll financing costs with the owner.

The tax benefit.a don't end there. Tax credils. better than tax deduction., also can be earned. With a tax deduction, a person's gross income, or the amount on which be Is taxed. ta reduced. With a tax credit, a person's llabUlty la reduced dollar for dollar.

This results in a unique situation: The person who invests ln a house can raise the value of his assets while at the same time earning a tax de· duction. He can do so by making his house more energy efficient.

FOR EXAMPLE, A MAXIMUM tax credit of S300 or lS percent of $2 ,000 Is allowed for installing insulation, caulking or weatherproofing, adding thermal windows. or installlng other specified energy efficiencies.

The laws also encourage the purchase and in· stalling of solar heating and cooling equipment, as well as wind and geothermal energy systems. Such systems may earn a federal tax credit of up to $4 ,000, and many states offer additional tax credits.

The tax benefits don't end there. As with s tocks and bonds, when the house is sold the ap· preciation is taxed at the lower capital gains rates. and those rates may soon be lowered even more .

IN ADDITION, HOMEOWNERS over age 55 may earn a once-in-a-lifetime exclus ion of up to $100 ,000 in gains when a primary residence, lived in for three of the previous fi ve years, is sold . It 's a unique benefit.

Relax, therefore, when somebody tells you that you 're going to lose your shirt on your house . Anything is possible. even a total collapse, but right now there's little evidence of it in home ownership

lt still remains a solid investment , and perhaps the bes t , even if current sales prices aren' t rising as fast as the inflation rate. When you add up all the benefits it's still a great tnveslment. And the only one with a fireplace

... -S•t>on•Y AOvMSr

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for auto use f ThU fl tht MNftlh o/ a Mw·port #tWt ,_ hoto to

IO\IC Oft pr I., las N lln'M.) .

ll you're amoo1 America'• tena of mllllou ot tu· payer1 who deduc t bu1ineaa upenH1, loteraal Revenue Service ruUn11 and court declllooa ln U. gave you both break• and aett>.cka.

- Buslne11 auto travel. U you use your car for business, you have a choice between deducUn1 the actual COC1t of your business travel or takln1 a nat m i l ea a e a l · low a nce. For 1980 , th e IRS r a ised the op· tio nal fl a t m ileage al · lowa nce from the 1979's 18 'Aa cen ts for the

I -Y-llll_Pl_IT_ll-~ first 15,000 miles and 10 cent.a for buainesa milea1e over 15.000 to 20 cents and 11 cent.a, respecUvely.

To take advantai e of this no.queallon·aaked , shortcut deduction, all you need are record. of the ac­tual miles you drove your car for business purpocea during 1980. You then can claim a business expense deduction for your car equal to the bualnesa miles times 20 cent.a for the first 15,000 buslneas miles. plus 11 cents for every mile over 15,000. But be warned:

YOU WELL MA V find that the optional al· lowance will be less lhan the actual cosla of using your car. So before you take the easy shortcut, check your records to determine whether it ls more advan· tageous to deduct possibly larger car cost.a baaed on your actual costs a nd depreciation. <This could be so in many cases.)

Also, while the IRS r aised the mUeage allowance, it restricted the benefit of the mileage allowance if your auto has been fully depreciated. Here's how this works.

Before 1980, you could have continued using the optional mileage deduction every year without bav· ing your car considered to be fuUy depreciated - no matter how many years the optional mileage aJ. lowa nce was used.

But for 1980. the IRS changed this fa vorable depreciation rule. If you take the optional mileage deduction. your auto is seemed lo have a usefuJ Ufe of fi ve years.

THUS, IF YOU have been deducting the optional mileage aJlowance fo r business t ravel in your auto and it you already have used the same auto for more than fi ve years of business travel, you are lim ited to 11 cents a mile for your entire bus iness t rave l in 1980 (instead of 20 cents for the first 15,000 miles) .

If you fall within thiB curb, you may find it again more valuable to claim your actual auto costa instead of the flat 11 cents a mile .


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- Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT/TUHday. March 24, 1981

'Raging Bttll' rampant with violence ( S•cond of Jive rewrw1 °" mot1W1

tlOmfftGtfd for be1t pklur• Otcar ot tlN _Acadtm11 Awordi Morch JI)) .

8 7 J Ea aY HERTENSTEIN OI - OMlf ioi ... SI.I"

Robert De Niro claims be wants to be a " real actor" free of romanticizaUon. It's apparent he llkea violent roleis.

And it violence and gutter language make movies appeal· ing , " Raging Bull" flits the bill.

The film is nominated for best . picture at the Academy Awards. De Niro is up for best actor

OSCARS RACE Oscar. He won best 1upportin1 actor in 1974 for " The God­father. Part II."

" Raging Bull," based on real life boxer and one-time mid· dleweight champion, Jake La Motta, has been nominal~ for eight Oscars.

Cathy Moriarty, in her film debut, is nominated best sup­porting actress and Joe Pesci, as La Motta' s younger brother

' Bela t i vel~' Spe aking'

Joey , bett1upportln1 actor. De Nlro, wboee prevtoua best

actor bid wa1 for tbe much ballyhooed, "Tbe Deer Hunter, " ioe• aaaimt atiff competition -perhaps toucher than the ring opponent. he meets as La Motta. Others nominated are Robert Duvall, John Hurt, Jack Lem­mon and Peter O'Toole.

Much of the violence and a nger in " Raging Bull " is necessary for the story but it never ends.

Director Martin Scorsese is to be commended for bis ishooting

British comedy brisk By TOM TITUS Of, ... o.i1y P 11e1 suu

He's called the British Neil Simon and the comparison. on the eastern side of the Atlantic, is justified. But aside from the popular " How the Other Half

INTERMISSION crafted by longtime playhouse designer PauJ Toft .

ing as he turns the exposition­laden first scene into a royal romp . Hi s s tage e nergy is nothing short or phenomenal.

BA RBARA EDI VAN as his secretive lover, trying to sever

the film ln black and wblte. But tbroucb the maalc of

Hollywood more la achieved than neceaary in the name ol realism. The boxlnt 1cenes, ln which blood spews from cut.a over the eyes like ink squirted from a fountain pen, are an ex· ample. It's theatrics but when ii enough to much?

TH E SAME ls true for La Mot· ta ' s relentless inner stru11lea. He never leaves well enough alone. He carries the reckleaa abandonment shown in the rint into his personal life.

De Niro is best as brooder. One scene where he sulks in front of a rolling television pie· ture is reminiscent of a similar act in "Taxi Driver." The mov­iegoer almost expects La Motta to bast\ in the screen.

Monarty , 21 , is striking as the t een-age , hazel -e yed , blonde second wile of La Motta .

But whale convincing . notably in the fight scene with her enr aged husband, she is not cast in a '' heavy" role. It isn't bi~

enoulh to match her with the ot ber be•t-aupportln1 actre11 nomlneel, Eileen Brennan, Eva Le Galllenee, Diana Scarwld and Mary Steenburgen -hardly houaeboldnames.

Peacl 1eta the nod as moet likely to win an Oscar for the film .

He is realistic as the level· beaded brother who understand.9 Jake beyond reason.

Jake ls forever acting , throw­ing fithta for a chance at the ti· . tie, purposefully taking physical punishment, picking on those who love him and to the end can't face realism. He is a down and out loeer.

LA M01TA, GROSSLY over· weight alt.er his boxing days, opens his own n ightclub in Miami and is arrested when he admits underage women.

But never one to quit fighting, a bout with the police lands him in an isolation cell where he bangs his head against the wall loathing yet s till not com

• Loves," the comedies of Alan Ay c kbourn a r e n ' t a ll th a t familiar to audiences along the Orange Coast.

Miss Fashbach 's directorial whip is much in evidence as her cast members play out a brisk. up-tempo version of what could be a rather talky comedy of

her relationship with an older, ----,;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;::w.;;;i;;;;;;r;;iri;;iir-rft":p:;i=T~~--- ---­married man . is bright and bouncy. Her highly expressive race conveys volumes of emo­

Th e Laguna M o ulton Playhouse is taking a giant step

t toward recti -, f y in g that

o ve r s i g ht with its latest attraction, a s up e rbl y mounted pro­du c ti o n o f " R e lati vel y Sp ea kin g ,·· Ayckbourn 's

cHu1tcH ra zo r -s h a rp chronicle of romantic chicanery .

Aside from its skillful presen· : talion. against a breathtaking scenic backdrop, " Re lati vely Speaking " ca rr1 es th e un ­

! mistakable s ta mp of a uthentici· I ty - the director and four of her

I five performers a ll ha ve their roots in Engli s h so il. And

I without scanning the program. ' audiences will have difficulty

ascertaining just who 1s the long American in the cast

Eileen F'ishbach. who proved her directori a l exce ll e nce on three mini atu rt' sta~eo; an 1980. at last has a panorami c a rena on which to work lhe 100-foot proscenium of the Mou lton with revol ving set capabilities and a scenic backdrop to ri val any on Broadway . magn ifi ce ntl y

" llELATl\/ELYSPEAKING" A com eoy Oy A lan Ayo tiourn, Cllr1< t eCI Oy (olten F1,llbotCll , UI Cl .. lgn OY P•u l Toll, 11 gnt1ng Oy Ron Coltman. pre.entt CI TueW.y' lhrouo h Se turde ys el I pm unlll APrll 11 e l th• L.•QUN Moulton Pl• yMu'.\e, .0. L.•Qurwl C• nyon Roed, L..lQurw 8e:.cn Rt"rv• t1ont 4U 010

Gr• g Ginn.,. Pnu1p s,, . ...

THE CAST P 1pCni.1rc n

E•rb• r • E CllVM l.e•R­

Je•nM•roer etHyOir

eros . The constant movement of th e players may s eem un ­j us tified , but it a chie ves the notable objective of keeping a four -character show alive and vibrant on an enormous playing a rea .

Ayckbourn's splendidly subtle sc ript s uc c eeds primarily through the employment of a single " gimmick" the use or personal pronouns rather than a character's name in convers a­tion . When an a ctor refers to " him " or " her," it's taken er · ron eous ly by the other, heighten­ing the comic confusion of high infidelity .

All four m e m be r s o r the La guna cas t turn in polis hed p e rfo rman ces, but o n e i n p art ic ul a r s tands out. Pip Church is a comic whirlwind, playing a young lady's latest lover with almost slapstick styl·

tion . As her onetime sugar daddy

who has no intention of severing the r e lations hip , Les Reed portrays the pompous English upper c lass man to the hilt. Though he comes ocr a bit too surly at the outset. his sour dis­position plays in fine contrast to the others' forced merriment.

Compl e ting the c omic quadrangle is Jean Margaret Hyde a s Reed 's pleasantly charming wife, who may or may not be competing in the ex · lramarital s weepstakes. Miss Hyde handles the s ituation. which calls for her to be kept in the dark by the othe rs, with polished grace.

A FINAL WOR D about Toft's scenic work it is undoubtedly the finest or the season along the coast. rich in texture and detail. Against such a backdrop. actors are virtually compelled to be al their best.

Happil y, Laguna 's are. and " Relatively Speak ing" is one or the brightest comedies of the season. Performances continue for three more weeks. Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 o'clock at the Moulton. 606 Laguna Can­yon Road , Laguna Bea ch.

NOW PLAYING MAllN lllll PLAZA Brea ~29 5 )39


lDWAllDS' NEWPORT Newpori Bt4 '' 644 071> 1

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MISSIOll DlllVl·IN San Juan Cao1strano 493 454'>

llO '11111 ACClPTlD FOii TMll lllGHIMHT

l Watch the Audemy 1

Awards on March 30

Watch Academy Awards March 30, on ABC

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" ALL NIGHT LONG" (R) . ,. ..

" FINAL CONFLICT" (R) ~~.t..~


RI NGS TWICE" (R) t. I •



I " FUN HOUSE" "THE Ill.AND" fll>

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" THE FUR Y" (R)

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u.ca 9111CMOl..,. ... .., .111ac• ......_

THE POSTMAN ALWAYS lllHGI TWICE ••1 n ._ . > ,. . , .. . . _. . ,,._

..... --Welt Dl•n•r'• FANTASIA IOI

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,, • ·1• ·••·•• ·1•·• F• <vlh '"'t.AI' ~TU••,..._ O•• T•11..00•

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lllCMM&ATlO '°" - ACAOI_, AWM De " THl" IPOI , . .. , .. , .......

.... ~ ... ,_, -. ........... " 8 ACK ROADS" IA) t1 . . ...... . .. , • • • ••

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BACll AOAOS 1• 1 ..,.._,. ... , ......... ,.., , ...... , . ........ ... .. .. .-...re.o '<NII f WO .t.C AOl•Y AW4"09

THE COMPETITION coo _,.. ..,., ' • • t • • 1.u,.,._,.. J oo .... .....

lllon-Frt 1· 11, .... ...... .........,. 1 :00 lf>G9 llert I .AS


,_ .... , ...... .. , ............ ~ FEAR NO EV IL 1• 1 ,....

\ 1 , · ALLIGATOR 1• 1

" Na AM C• r Re<l•O Wolh IQn•I •.., AC<•UGr V .,,, ,. Your Ow" AM PatUlll• ................. , ........... ....... Mili ~[~~ I .. ~:::..~:~·;:·

"No AM CM .. ..,,a With,,,.,, ,.., AC<•-Y .,,,. Y0111T Own AM PatU


Ma~ ~[~ I :~"r::EG~== : : I No AM CM Radio Wclh 19n11c ... AC <•-· llflne ,..., 0.... - PatU

Wnt ~ THE FINAL :;2NFLICT 1• 1 LIMe;in .. .,..__c;o.ew1on._I_

._ ____ ...;l11i2,..;1:.;;_=7~0:..-J THE VISITOR t111

MCll: ~ a A t.AltQI

Tff\~rWt'c~L=YI • ' AMERICAN GIGOLO fll l

I Na AM CM II- WUh ltnlll.., Ac<as-y llt lne Your ()wft AM __ ..,,,, ... ...... ...... OUE VIVA TEl'ITO


BACI( ROADS IAI -BRONCO BILLY '""' I Na - CM llMIO Wiii. 19n111 ... Ac<•-Y .,,,. Your Uwn ANO PatU

..... ... ....... \e ., o..*"' C.,o..,. •, ... •, .. , ..... ,,

a... ............... . .... ...... " All HIGHT LONG" (Al -MANIAC .,.. o... - "_.

II Na AM CM RMIO Wltll 1011111 ... Ac<as-• 9rlnt Your Own ANO PatU

.. eic- ••..i ~ .. c;...-~ G,.,,.., ,..,.." ...... ,

............................... _....... FlAi. HO fVIL 1• 1 -ALLIGATOR t111

I Na AM CM 11.0lo Wltll l gni tl.., AC<•-Y 9rl"9 yOUr Owtl AM f'lw\lllle

AEV!ALS In the

-~-lo--T ...... THE FINAL CONFLICT 1• 1 -MANIAC .. .,,.._ ,, _ __ ........ .. ,...,_ THE FUN HOUSE 1111 -THE Ill.AND 1• 1

...,,_.,_~ .. -IACIC fl0AD9 tt11 -l flONCO llU Y tHI ..,_ _____ , Tl QUlll'IO


l'l lNOI TWICI -AMl.fllCAN ~ tt11

Dilly Pllllt .. ... ~­" TMl .IAll

llNOllll" (flO) 1111 l:IO


BOXER JAKE LA MOTT A Robert De Niro In role

pre hendrng his misdeeds . The picture ends as it began.

La Motta rehearsing h is stage lines

"G ive me a stage where the bull can rage and though I can play I would much rather hear the bell r ing ..


~d r rtL111t


' 'I


I l I ~I J \ '

-EVENltG-e..oo ID. NEWS

WOHOEA WOMAN Wonder W~n realizes 11111 the fete of th• world r .. 11 on h., atllllty 10 prove th• wotlll ol men­kind by uvtno .,, allen from OUtlf IPIOI (Parl 2) D NHLHOCKEY Los Angel" K1ng1 vs. Min· neaola North Stire C8 M•A'S'H Charles Htumes lle<otc prO(>O(llOns alter revrving a dying patient with heart m•uaoe • OOOOTIMES Wollona and the Evans tamily try 10 help a myst1<•· ous llllle glrl (P1rt 11

Mills Watson (left) tries to hide from a notorious hit man and Nell Carter inks bis face for camouflage on " Lobo" tonight at 8 on NBC, Channel 4.


e:30 GI WELCOME BACK, I< OTTER A straoghl · A student decides 11111 he w1n1s to t>ecome a Sweathog just like WaSlllng1on G> BENNY HILL Benny takes a look at women'shb fl) PROALES OF POWER Guest . Carol Schatz. vice president or the League Of Savings And Loans and president ol Women s Lawyer s Assoc1a1ton of I.A a!) STUDIO SEE " Rock Music· ColOrado kids write and record lh11r own rock tunes. ruvenole delinquents get a second chance on 1111 Mlle High Ranch on Cailforn1a (Fii (() NEWS @) BARNEY MILLER Tiie detectoves have to cope with an orate land­lord. a musk11-1011ng old· ster and a blind shophfler



1:00 fJ C8S NEWS Cl NBCNEWS 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Al a psy<:lllatrist's auggea­toon, Fonzie starts building t>ordllOuses as 111 outlet tor 1111aggressive 1nst1nct1 U ABCNEWS GI M ' A 'S'H Hawkeye rerusea 10 retease a wounded Korean wanted t>y U.S. tnt•UI·

~TREETS Of' SAN FRANCISCO A iewel ·sludded dog collar turns oul ro be more than 1ust a decoralove piece for a canine fD OVEREASY Guest Mel Torme (R) '1l) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT (I) TIC TAC DOUGH @) MERV GRIFFlN Guests Sieve t<an11y Frank Bonner. Anlhony Geary Doug Sheehan Edie McClurg

7:30 EJ 2 ON THE TOWN Hosts Steve Edwards. Melody Rogers An inter· view w11h CBS News cor respondent Dan Rather e look at now " 60 Minutes" •S put together . view film

a KN)( T ,cs s1 Ltl'> A•11Jl'lt'' O KNBC 1 NB Ct Lo' A nqe t'~ 0 K. TL A rna I LO<., A nq1• •J'> U KA8C TV 1ABC1 Lo., Anqp P!. T' "rMB 1CBS1 S.tn D•eQo 0 KHJ TV (Ind I Loo, A n1)t•lpo, ®' KCST t to.8C1 ~iH\ D11•qt1 m Kn'V 11na 1 Lo' Ano•''"' g) KCOP TV tlno 1 LO!> Angph•s Sl K C E T TV 1 PBS1 L 0'> to. n~"'""' '1!) KOCE TV t PBS1 Hun11ng1on Be.1c t1

c11pa from · Hometown Jamboree" . Tenneatee Ernie Ford reminisces about one or Celilomla's most popular TV lhOws or tlle ' SOs. D FAMILY FEUD 9 SHANA NA Gu.-sts Peachea & Herb G EYEWITNESS LOS ANGELES Hoals I~ Pedroza and Paul Moyer lake • took at S<Jt>ways. 1 v!Sll w1111 a Secret Service Agent , meet some Black Jack 1unkles

GI ALL IN THE Flt.MIL Y Arc:nl8 suspects that Edith os turning Catholic when stie takes to wearing a reltgoous medal and attending mass 6i) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT

m NEWS CJ) P.M. MAGAZINE An LSU student whose t>allle with cancer hasn' t dampened hos 1e11oot splr-11 maple syrup 1111vest•no on Wisconsin

e:OO tJ PALMERSTOWN Bessie's hust>and Luther is suspected ol murdering Ille town pa1r1srcll, wllO had t>een the ob,ect or fre­quent. 1a1e-n1g11t v1s1ts from Bess11 D L090 Perkins catches a notorl· ous hll man end aclS like a hero until Ille klller ~PIS a'ld comes afle< him 0 MOVIE • * * " Madame X" ( 1966) Lona Turner, JOhn Fot­syllle A woman pra..;med to lleve dled ~ before uses any -•she can to k919 lllf son from knowing 01 lllf Sinful 1111

•U~Oo\YI l'Ol'lde '""1• • ,_ w• u en auto rneolltlNcl lnllruetot ., .i.lf.,"°"

~- '"' ., .... ~ All LSU .. ua.nt .._ btltlt with cano.r lleln' I d~ hit tchoOI tl)lr-11: l'ftllPle eynao hel~lno In WitCOl\lln: a ~ on ~ In IOOctl. Mwy Gt-eon mall.. • '** Ir.,.,., Cepl. Canot on IN con1ro• •v aurroundlng IC)lneell,

• MOVll • • " The Humen Fectot" ( 1t75) O.O.-o- l<ennecty, John Miiia. A~.., expert u.- hi• t~

le~ 10 '"'* clown hie llftllly'a kllleta. • ttaYA "Voyeger· Beyond Jupl­t«" The IPIM*feft VOy· 41Qet 1'1 journey thtoug.h the out., tolar syetMn 10 dale la documenled. (R) • MY8TPY " Auml>ole Of The Bejley Ruml>ole All<! The A09 Fot Retirement " Rumpolt ' • best cllent1, Ill• Tlmaon family, Itek 1111 llelp wn.n the tg4ng Petey Timlot't 11 c:augfll Wll h a Slolen rtllg­loul work of 911. (Pa/1 e) Cl) THE BAXHAS " That'• No Lie"

1:30 G 9 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY LAIYll'ne and Sllitlty's liflt day In Calllotnia Is ~red by an .. rthquake end alloctllng newt from Lenny and Squlggy. (R) • CAAOl BURNETT AHOFM.N06 Cl) WHO LOVES AMY TONIOHT? A •~·ao- girl manlpu· 11111 her parents.

t:OO 8 Cl) MOVIE * • • * " Gor>e Wotll Tile Wind" (Piii 2) I 1939) Vivien Lalgll. Clark Gable Based on Marg11et Mitch· ell s l'lOvel A hlQll-splrlted Southern belle struggles against lht devuletlon or Ille CIVIi War and Racon­ltructlon to return lier family's Georgia estate to ns Antebellum magn111. cence (R) D BJ ANO THE BEAR Rutherford Grant has BJ 'a lao- kodnippea and held 81 a Maxlcan marijuana farm, unaware tllll Ills daughter Is alto being held there U~ THREFS COMPANY Jae~ pretends 10 be his own twin to rom1nce Ralph Furley's attractive niece 0 JOKER' S WILO GI MERVGRIFAN Guests Steve t<analy , Frank Bonner. Anthony Geary. Doug Sheehan. Ec:he MCCiurg. Ootllt Arch•blkl Chop T olber1 ti) MYST£AY " Rumpole Of The Balley. Ruml>ole And The Age For Retirement " Rumpole'a best ctler\ta. tile Timson family. 9Mtl Na help wherl the egllig Petey T'"-1 It caught wltll • lloletl relig­ious wcw1t of air1. (Pair1 81

Orange Coast OAJLY ALOTITu.day, March 24, 1981 .,, ' TUBE TOPPERS

K.HJ e 8:00 - NHL Hockey. The Loa Angeles Kings do batUe with the Minnesota North Stars on the northerners' ice.

KTLA . 8:00 - "Madame X." The oriainaJ version of the recenUy televised movie drama wlth Lana Turner and John Forsythe in the central roles.

CBS 9 9:00 - " Gone With the Wind." The conclusion of the epic movie generally regarded as the best ever made with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in their landmark roles.

ID NOVA " VOylOlf · Beyond Jupl· II<" The SP8C41Cralt Voy­ager l's journey through 1111 outer toler 1y111m to d•ll Is documented

9:30 8 111 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Henry and Muriel return home .. ,1y from a lrlp 10 find 1n unw1nted guest 1n their ep1r1men1. G TIC TAC OOUOH

10:00 8 WALKING TALL A paper mµ1 worker who w11 trying to prove 11111 the tectory In which she worked was v1011llng anto­pollullon laws 11 round Sllln aomm NEWS U ®) HART TO HART A maller cflmlnal uses an 1n 1ernat1ona11v known l>Odybuolde< lo tmU09le 300 pounds or gold into Ille country fD PRESENTE " Tapestry" A portrait or Rosa Guerrero, who teach· es cultural understanding through dance on tile El Paso SCllOOI d lSlrlCI IS presented

10:30 GI NEWS ti) INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS 6i) AMERICAN BIRKEBEJNER Held In nor111western Wis· consln, 1111s 1s Ille largest cross-country ski race 1n North America ~ Bl.ACK MAN'S LANO White Man s Country· A

documentary exploring the

orio1na ot wM• coton111111m In Atria and lhe history of Ille bltck man's res111 -ance. 1otd from the t>lack man' s point or view and U5lng Kenya u an 1xam­pla.

11:008D8 Clla:ll NEWS 8 BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE 0 NEWL YWEO GAME G) M 0 1t.•S•H A married nurse who had a setlOUI rNtlon$hip W1111 Hawkeye when she was single and they -e on the Slates la assigned to tne 4077111 Q) 8ARETTA Tony t>ecomes romantlcal· ly involved With a convict S Q!!:llroend till DICK CAVETT Guest N1co1 W1lhamaon (Par t 2 or 2)

11:30 fJ CJ) LOU GRANT WMe looking tor a place to invest a SS,000 windfall, Lou uncovers a sctieme being run by a sharp i;on man (R) D TONIGHT Hosl Johnny Carson Guests B B Kong. Rtcllard Pryor U @l ABC NEWS NIGHT LINE 0 BULLSEYE GI FIEX HUMBAR.D fD m CAPTIONED ABC NEWS

-Ml>NIGHT-12:00 0 MOVIE

• • • • The Apartment 11960) Jae~ Lemmon Shor.


lly ...... ~to get • PfOl'l'O(IOn, • ~ Nurlll'lct m4ltl ~ NI

~'"*'' to l9tMor ••~ '"'-•o MOYll * * 'h " Al Tht f..w\h't Cort" I tt78J 00110 McClutt, Pt1tt CUlhing, A group of •~ttt ~ trtlt 11"111 lo It.• cttlttr ....... they dllGoY« • • reg+on lnNblted by Pf.,._ torie " .. lur•. (R)

I ,ACll THE MU1tC MlllK>H:

IM'°"*-E Tilt IMF mull uneowt a ..utt ttrrorlSt organiza­tion planning a m•lot attacll on the government • ONE 81'9 BEYOND ' Brtlnwevt" A young

pn11mlC1$t'S mate on a ship II ... 141 eSlled to help perform • deftcate opera· lion lo 11ve a wounded man's Ht• .

t2:30 D TOMOMOW GUffll Rite Jenrette. Thi Gatlin Brotllert, bl1ck economoat Waller Wll· llama. actor Henry Wlnklaf (R)


· Ooomadey ' Th• first born son or etch E1rl of Oonamoor os curlMl<I to die before tiis lather.

12:40 fJ Cl) MOVIE * * "Miko Tile J1w1 Of Death" ( 1975) Flochard JMCket. Jennifer Blll\op A di~ Metts revenge on people wllO hunt and kill shirks (R)

1:00 8 DON LANE Guests Ed and Lorraine Warren 8) MOVIE •• ··Fanny" (19611 Mau· rice Chev a lier, Leslie Caron A young French girl falls on love with a C>Oy who goes 10 sea when he hnds oul she s pregnant Q) INDEPENDENT NE'TWORK NEWS

1:30 ti) MOVIE * • , Th.l Otrty Game ( t966) Henry Fonda Rob· et1 Ryan An American spy c111el recalls three ot the most daring exploits 1n rus career

1:S5 D NEWS 2:00 DU NEWS

8 MOVIE • •, Tile V101en1 Patriot ( 1957) V•lloroo Gassman Anna Marla Ferrero Fran· co-German 1n•aders are repelled by a group or Ital oans under Ille 18ad1rsh1p

ol OlowlMl • ""9dld. t:ll, .... l:M IOl"rONAL. t:OO ~

• • • "'nle Oetlt MWrot" ct ... , Ohle ci. ~ lelld,Law AY'tL A._ Pfooet "~ wll0Nllll9 af a pelf Of tw111 ..,, to delermlnt .tliCI\ one ol lhtm It nonnal Ind wNcll la an!Mwlek-.

3:301 = " • • • "fne o.~ .. 11ea19 JIOll Webb, Don Ou~ A IQUOh dflll lnatrltetoc1 mutt P<te>M• boot Clmj)

tecnittt '°" combat ""'*1 t2 WMl!a.

l ;.q l NeWI I S.IO MOVll ' • * "Crow Hollow" I 19$21 ~ HOutton, Nallllf\~ Perry

I Wrd"r•d•11'•

Da11•l•r /tfo.,lc-• -MORflNG-

11:00 e • • " New Frontl«" ( 1935) Jonn Wayne. Murllf Evans. The Three Mesqu•· leers aid a group ot ranch· er s whose land has been tlruck by a flood

11:~ 0 * * '" " M1t1tyn" ( 1963) Oocumenlary Nar11ted t>y Rock Hudson Fiim excer pis provide a provoc) atlve peek II Ille pllenom· enon that wu eclreu Matolyn Monroe


12;00 . **• " A Song To Rememt>er' ( 1945) Pauli Muno. Cornet Wilde CllO· pin's llelfl brHks OVlf hos love for George Sand, Ille l>ilautolul novetlat I Q) * * • * Marty • ( 1955) Ernest Borgn1ne~ Betsy Blair A Shy bectlelOf lallg on IOve wolh a WOtnlll\ who has resione<i 11e<se1t 10 a Ille alone

3:00 (!]) • • ·' ··say Goodbye. Maggi, Coll ' I 197'.!l Susan Hayward. Darr..d McGavin A recently wid· owed doctor forgets lier troubles 11nd grill when she t>ecomes involved w1111 a young girl 11sp111ng 10 t>e a doctor

3·30 0 * • , Kiss Them For Me I 19571 Cory Grant Suzy Parker A 1r10 ol'Navy officers on Shore l1ave 1rf San Francisco fond lhal 11' ! a prelly troendly town after mee11ng up with a couple or really beauttlul girls

by Armstrong & Batiuk


Built-in tension for 'Berlin' movie


BERLIN VENTURE Actor Rlch•rd ThomH


Richard Thomas found that film­ing a &rlin Wall escape movie in Berlin sometimes seemed very real .

Thomas stars in .. Berlin Tunnel 21." a made-for-TV film on CBS Wednesday at 9 p.m. on channel 2 about five men who attempt to rescue loved ones from East Berlin. He plays a former U.S. Army lieutenant who spearheads a plan to tunnel under the wall

The tunnel itself was construct­ed in a &rlin s tudio, but every other scene was filmed on loca ­tion in the divided Germa n city.

" You have lo be careful where you dig tunnels in Berlin." said Thomas. " I also discovered that the wall is not the actual dividing line. The wall is six feet into East Germany. A photographer and I went out one Sunday to take some

Actress quits soap er after 25-year run

NEW YORK (AP) - Actress Helen Wagner . who bas been on the CBS soap opera " As the World Tums" since it began in 1956, will leave the show when her contract expires at the end of this month, according to her husband-manager .

"She was offered a renewal, but they cut her part down to less than nothing and just wanted her to wait around in the wings," Robert Willey was quoted as saying in the Daily News.

Miss Wagner , 62, has been playing the part of Nancy Hughes. Don MacLaughlln. the only other original cast member , plays her hus band. Chris .

publicity pictures. I was standing by the wall when the West German police s uddenly ap­pearedandordered us away."

Thomas said he made several excursions into East Berlin where he was readily recognized because his long-running series, " The Waltons," is shown there. He had no trouble there , but one of the producers did .

" The driver of the producer 's car had been into East Berlin several limes that week and the guards were suspicious," said Thomas. " They searched the car and found a script prominently labeled ' &rlin Tunnel 21. · They detained the driverfor six hours.··

One of hi s co-s tars, ·Horst Buchholz, was filming "One, Two Three" in Berlin in 1961 when the wall was constructed .

Ute Christensen, who plays the girl Thomas digs the tunnel to reach, was smuggled out of East Berlin under the backseat of her boyfriend's car s ix years ago. She nearly suffocated from the fumes seeping into the car , and had to be hospitalized.

As a Byzantine footr\,Qte -Thomas' words - he recalled that two years ago while filming " All Quiet on the Western Front" in Yugoslavia, be and dir ector De lbert Mann had dinner on July 4. That was the dale two young East German couples made their first attempt to escape in a homemade balloon.

At the same time " Berlin Tun·

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nel 21" was being filmed , Mann was directing " Night Crossing" for Walt Disney Productions in Munich. " Night Crossing" is about the couples' escape via balloon.

.. Basically. qurs is a suspense film ." said Thomas. " It's an escape film. But it takes as much time t-0 develop the characters as it does to move the plot. I thought three hours was very long for a suspense film . Fortunately, it

also becomes a film of human re­lations.

·' It was photographed by Igor Luther, who did 'The Tin Drum.' So It has a rich . moody look. And Jose Ferrer and I are the only American actors in the picture. And he's very continental , so I'm the only ' apple pie' actor around. There's not one phony accent. In fact . most of the actors were s truggling with English ."

Thomas was joined in Germany


last winter by his wife. Alma , a'1t thei r4-year-old son. Ri chard. t

" We planned lo stay over f~ Christmas, but it was such a grue ling picture we decided come back , .. he said . " We'd do e some Chri stmas s hopping n Be rlin. but we arri ved here <JI Dec. 20 with no presents for Otf fri ends. I learned the value of ,i good shopping mall. We spent ttte day and got everything." f

r- UCAG~ h Ev~ing you've~ wantedina

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0r_,. CoMt DAILY PtLOT/Tuelday, March 2~. 1981



I, I





C4 cs

Is the Surf ready for the ' 81 season? See C2 .

Even Ga1-vey has a hero: Bjorn Borg Dodger star says he tries to follow Borg's pattern whil.e batting

By WfLL GRIMSLEY AP Spe<l• I C.,,.,,._

Even heroes have heroes. " You know who my hero is?" asked

Steve Garvey during one or those in· evitable bull sessions that mark baseball's spring training. " It 's Bjorn Bor g. I admire him more than any athlete I know."

The All-star first baseman of the Los Ange l es Dodgers, awarde d the Clemente Trophy in St . Petersburg , Fla . , recently for his charity work, was talking about all of the great sports events he and other ballplayers miss because of their seven-month March· through-September grind.

" Take Wimbledon ," he said. " l would love lo see Wimbledon. That's where tennis started and, from the way it looks on television . ver y little has changed over the years.

· · 1 ha ve never seen a Kentucky Derby, either. 9r an Indianapolis SOO. World Cup soccer , a Masters or U.S.

Open golf tournament. They are always in the hot months and I 'm occupied.

" I ' ve often thought, when 1 retire, I would take time out and see all those c lassics that I've r ead about and watched on TV - but I'll see them up close.

" I want to see the sweat and hear the horses snort in the paddocks, go into ln­dy 's Gasoline Alley and talk to the mechanics. Another thing I would like to see is the Henley Regatta."

Now how could the son of a 1'ampa. Fla., bus driver and one who has been around baseball all his life cultivate an interest in a boat race on the River Thames?

''Whe n l was doing the Oly mpic series for television last year - more than 30 hours of it," Garvey said, " the r o wing events intrigued m e. T he physical demands on the carsmen. They a re superb athletes. And that Uttle cox· wain up front giving orders .

" But mainly Wimbledon , that I'd

really love. 1 hope Borg is still winning when I get a chance to see it. "

Garvey may have a particular ad· miration for Borg because he sees a lit· lJe of himself in the stohd, stoical Swede who has won fi ve Wimbledon crowns in a row and today stands astride the ten · nis world like a Colossus .

The stocky , muscled Dodger slugger has picked up so m any nicknames it's hard to keep count : " Mr. Clean." " Mr . Consist ency . " " The All -American Boy."

Hollywood hand so me , s pit and polished man nered , quiet and non · controversial, he does his work with cold precision and dedication. He never seems flustered . He never throws a tan · trum . Much in the fashion of Borg , ht never makes waves .

What he makes are s tatistics Ha ll of Fame statistics

Garvey goes into the new season with the longest consecuti ve playing streak or any active pl<1yer and s ixth best in

the game 's history - 835 games . He bas appeared in 1,125 or the last 1,134. He has had five 200-bit seasons, played in three World Series and seven straight All -Star games.

Like Borg, be is solid as a rock and about as unfiamboyant.

.. I have been following Borg .s ince he first came over here a.t age 16," Garvey said . " He has great talent and always shows fine sports m anship. Pressure doesn't faze him.

" I think his strength is controlled ag­gressiveness. He never lets an opponent know what he is thinking or how he feels . Winning or los ing, his expression stays the same.

.. Jimmy Connors wears his emot ion on his s leeve . He is outwardly ag · gressive. John McEnroe, I feel, wastes emotions and it takes away from his ability. People will never remember him as a great champion but for his an­tics on the court ·· STEVE GARVEY

NCAA sem ifillf.lls

Knight re~dy for quick LSU BLOOMINGTON , In d . CAP ) Indi ana 's Hoosiers have start­

ed p r actice for Saturday 's NCAA se m ifi n a l s howdow n agains t Louisiana State , but the preparation won't be anything out of the ordinary , s ays Coach Bobby Knight.

" You people talk about the un­derdogs and the favorites , but it really makes no difference at a ll ." Knight said Monday at a news conference at Assembly Ha ll . " We don ' t prepare dlf· rerently in terms of what outside people say."

T he No. 9 rated Hoosiers , 24 ·9 after beating St. Joseph's, Pa ., 78-46 for t he Mideast Regional championship on Sun· d ay, will leave for Philadelphia Thursday night or Friday mom· ing. Knight said .

In the meantime. he said . " We ' ll begin schooling the team on ISU. We 'll look at ISU 's de· fense and offense and probably bring in some or our players in· dividually to look at the things they do."

things go right for y,ou. you have a chance to get somewhere." Kni g ht s aid of Ind ia na 's turnaround after a 7·5 s tart in December . .. All th r ough thi s s eason I felt thi s team was m aturing. We've talked about this before . Landon Turner. Tony Brown, Is ia h Thomas and even Ray Tolbert have been maturing over the course of the season.

" We' re s till in the process of building a team, and we' re go­ing to ha ve a lot of these kids playing next year and the follow­ing year I can't help but look at the makeup of this team and m ake t he assessmen t that they ' re going to get better," Knight sa id o f hi s yo un g Hoos iers, who sta rt only one senior. Tolbert. " Of course, you never know, but if we ' re suc· cess ful this year may be we won't work as hard al it next year ··

O;ttlJ Polol Pholot bJ co ... , Aml>r ...

LOPEZ CHECKS IN - Defending Women's Kemper Open champion Nancy Lopez-Melton (seated> registers Mon·

day at Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa The tourney begins Thursday

ISU, ranked fourth with a 31 ·3 record. is "very quick , and with that Quickness they have ex­cellent s trength ,.. Knight said. .. They ' re a talented team and ca n come al you in different ways They don ' t really lack anything il takes to be a good tea m

In 1973. a similarly young In­diana team reached the NCAA Final Pour before losing to even­t ua I champion UCLA in the semifinal round. In 1975. Indiana won 31 straight games before losing to Kentucky in the re­gional tourney. The next year , t he veteran team won 32 s traight games and captured the uni· versity 's t hird NCAA c rown with an impressive victory over Big Ten Con fere n ce ri va l Michigan.

Pleased Frost aids Angel win

PALM SPR I NGS <AP ) Juan Beniquez si ngled three times and drove in three runs and the Angels collected 15 hits to rout the Seattle Mariners 11 ·2 Monday in exhibition basebaU.

Consecutive homers by Dan Ford and Don Baylor and Beni· quez's first RBI -hit gave the Angels a 3· 1 lead in the first in­ning Benjquez' two.run single C'apped a four -run ftrth that gave the Angels a 7-2 lead and chased Sea ttle s tarter Floyd Bannister.

Dave Brost. making his first appearance of the spring after being bothered by lower back spasms. went two innings and pitched effectively after Julio Cruz led oH the game with a s ingle and sco r e d on Joe Simpson's double.

The Angels tagged Larry An· dersen. the third Seattle pitcher, for fou r more runs in the eighth , the first on John Harris 's homer .

The Angels' ninth win in 10 games was all the more impor­tant because Frost contributed to it. Their opening day pitcher or a year ago had waited a long lime to see action.

·' It seemed llke forever for this day to come," said Frost. " The back hasn't bothered me for a couple or weeks now and I 'm real pleased with the way I threw.

" All I wanted to do was throw some pitches that weren't too easy to hit. I was a little worried at the sta rt, but I came around."

Frost, 4-8 las t season before undergoing elbow surgery for the removal ol bone chips, said the elbow fe.lt tine, but that be sUll has to stretch out some of the muscle, and tendons.

'9NlltlNG TOUCHll - Workmen were busy Monday putting the final touches together for th11 week's Kemper Open.

. ) Above, the leader board near the 12th green goes up.

.. You always think that if

For Kempe r Ope n

Women pros • arrive By HOWARD L. HANDY

Of 11 .. O•il, PtlOI S l•ll

Nancy Lopez-Melton , the de· fending champion , checked in al the Women 's Kem per Open headuuarters Monday along with close to 60 of the LPGA pro· fessjonals, then went shopping with her sister Velm a .

Her roommate for the week . Jo Ann Washam, the player who made history with two holes-in· one during the fir s t Kemper tou rnament at Mesa Verde Coun· try Club in Costa Mesa, then fini shed in a tie for second last yea r , arrived late and didn't check in at the course.

Amy Alcott was on the putting ~reen takini? a lesson from a


PRO CON~C'l' Former Newport If~ Hieb

apd Gata. West Co1Je1e foot· ball ·~ Tom Formloa bas sl&nad a contract wlth the Baltimore Colts of the N atlonal Foptball League.

Formica, a 6~, 250·polP\d of· fenslve lineman, •lined with the Denver Broncos after complet· ing, bit college CaJ'eel' a year-.,0 at Colorado State. ~ut be aw· fered an Injury while' llftln' wel1hta prior to th• se-~ .,.,.. ml11ed'the enUre year. ,

ll'ormtca, an El Toro """9ent, earned All -Western Atbletlc Conference honors at Colorado State. •

fri end and -Laura Baugh-Cole was on the driving range with her husband. getting a rew poin· ters from him on her iron game. Bobby Cole is a PGA Tour pro· fess ion al.

Others took lime to get in a round on the Mesa Verde course, practice their putting or getting loose on the driving r ange. Many mor e didn't arrive until today including first-year title winner JoAnne Carner.

Intensity of the activity will pick up Wednesd ay with 43 fivesomes taking part in the pro­a m to precede the four -day tournament. Thursday through Sunday.

• · 1 ·m really excited a boot being back at Mesa Verde," Wiasham said M9nday night from her hotel room. " I have a pretty good track record here and I love this golf course.

·'The people here as well as the coune itself are great and it ls a well put-together touma· ment.

''Right now I'm having a little trouble with my game and seem to lose my concentration on the course. I've talked myself into being a bad putter and now I'm trying to t.alk myself out of I\ "

There waa some criticil11 • Of the shortness of lhe coW'tk in Las Vegas last week by ac,me other playe.rt.

" The cour.ae was cut down becauae lt wa• ln bad 1hape;" W asbam explained. ''They tried to make it playable for u1 and I have no complaint.a.

" The tour bu .cott~n down to <SeeKEMPE PapCJ) •

ii I <4

From AP dllpatebea, LAUSANNE, Swtt zer land ..... Both Chl9a and •

Taiwan have become eligible to compete in the Olym pics, starting with the Los Angeles Game~ in 1984, because of an agreement signed Monday at International Olympic Committee headquarters.

The agreement reached between, t.be IOC and the Na· lional Olympic Committee of Taiwan entitles Taiwan to participate In future Olympic Games with the same rights as every other National Olympic Committee.

The accord came after two years of talks and Taiwan's eventual acceptance of a formula - under wbich iu Olympic team will use a new nag, a new emblem and a new na°:'e -to clear the way for readmitting the People's Republic of China into the Olympic famil y.

Until 1979 Taiwan had been recognized by the me as the Olym pic Com~lttee of the Republic of China, using the tradi· t ional red and blue flag and the emblem of China. Peking authorlties have consistently refused to rejoin the games as long as Taiwan was r ecognized tn this way.

..-----Qttote al tlae daw " I've made m yself in boxing . Look at me. l can

walk OK I can talk OK, l can think OK. I don' t want to oe one of those guys who go 'Uhhhh' when you talk to them." - World Boxing Council light heavyweight cha m pion Matthew Saad Muham mad.

Tlds~ Swra«>tu~ rftlClt NIT t•~-~ NEW YORK Syracuse, which had won SI m

post -season ga mes a t home, proved it could win on the road as well Monday night as the Orangemen defeated Purdue, 70·63 in the semifina ls of the 44th National Invita tiona l Tournament.

The Orangemen will meet Tulsa Wednesday night for t he NIT crown. The Golden liurricanes nipped West Vi rginia, 89-87 to advance to the ch ampionship ga me.

Syracuse, whi ch had won its firs t three Big East Con· ference tournament ga mes at home and played host to its first three NlT op ponents , got a 19-point. 11-rebou nd performance from Leo Rautins

Teammate Dan Schayes . a 7·0 center playing with a s prained ankle, scored nine points.

Ke.llfllt ltttrb •i.r •lret1f1 111111119• Ma« Keough, the former Corona del Mar High ii

pitc her hurl ed six impressive innin gs, a nd Oakland took advantage of a ninth inning er ror to be at San Francisco. 4-3 Monday in exhibition baseball ac tion In othe r games. Larry Chris tenson pitched ftve strong innings and Garry Maddox and Larry Bowa had RBI s ingles to lead Philade lphia lo a 5·1 win over St. Louis . . . Houston nipped Montre al , 3·2 as Hal Ashby

knocked in the winning run in the fourth inning Hal Mc Rae pounded a three­run homer in the fifth inning lo lead Ka nsas Cit y past Texas, 5·1 in Puerto Rico

. Detroit's Lou Whitaker had a triple and drove in two runs to lead the Tigers to a 9·2 rout of Cinc innati 's second squad

. . . Migue l DUone and Kart Pagel, two former Chicago Cubs pl ayers. teamed to beat their old team m ates, 6-2 as both con­tributed key hits Otto Veles and

n<>YGH George Bell each stroked two of Toronto's six home runs as the Blue J ays whipped Pittsburgh, 12·6

. . Doug DeCtnces knocked in three runs with a t riple and a single as Baltimore toppt!d Montreal . 9·3 BUI Almon's 1 llh-inning sac rifice fl y gave the Chicago White Sox a 5-4 win over cincanna t i's firs t squad.

~·~ ···~ 011 lloU.9-llofl«>~ ,,.,,~·••'! A s uit has been fil ed against New York •

Yankees outfielder Reggie J ackson alleging t he baseball s tar has failed to m ake lease payll?enls on two Rolls -Royce limousines . In National Hockey League action Monday night . J acques Richard t ipped in a goal with 3: 24 re maining to give Quebec a 3·3 tie with Vancouver . . . Dwight Foster scored three la te goals to he lp Boston down Edmonton, 1·2 . . Two jockeys were in· jured , one cr itically in a s pill during the last race at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore. Jockey Sam Boulmetls was lis ted in c ritical cond ition with a fr acture of t he lower spine. while Kenny Black was being treated for a broken collar bone ... Cancer surge ry for former LSU basketball player Mark Alcon has been postponed for a week so he can be on the bench when his former teammates meet Indiana in an NCAA semifinal game in Ph iladelphia . . The Unive rsity of M assachu.setts fired bas ketball coach Ray WUson, whose teams won only five gam es in two years, and replaced him with Notre Dame assis t ant Tom McLaaghllD . . Mike Hallwood of Great Britain , a 10-time world motorcycle cham­pion, died of severe head injuries in a weekend car c rash in which his rune-year-old daughter was killed .

T•~oa,radlo Follow1no are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings

are : , • •• excellent , . • • worth wa tching , • • fa ir ; • forget it.

[el 6 p.m., Channel 9 ./ ./ ./

NHL HOCKEY : Kings at Minnesota . Announcers : Bob Mil ler and Pete Weber . The Kings are assured of a playoff berth along with the

North Stars with both teams resting in second place in their res pective d ivisions. Marcel Dionne was hot for the Ki nos Su n­day night In Wlnnipeo with the Los Angeles team using newl y acquired goal ie J im Rutherford.

RADI O Basketball Golden State at Lakers, 7. 20 p.m., KLAC

(5701 . Hockey Kings at Minnesota , 5:35 p.m., KOGO (600).

Q What does a marathon runner have in common with a Volkswagen?

Pleniy of que1tion mark• remain a• 1ea1on nean 81 CU&T SBIDBN wlll work out and we can alin when t.be Surf bolt.I the Port.land the tame lhla ye•r,"' Wall••-,

o. ...... ,~,._,. him." T i .. _ Sat··~ t "' ... ...a '"' 1• Contract dlaputet and lNwtes. m'1"'1'ut w-uay • no ...... m Allen, meanwhJle, the team's

Coanblned, they can th.row a pro- Stadium (7: 30) are Ian Filby top scorer in the lndoor 1ea1o6, l eulon al •ltortl team Int o ONE OF WALL'S biUes t and Kai Steffen , the latter re- la nursing a knee problem, u b turmoil. goals between seasons wu to cenlly secured from Hamburg, Abrahams, the fie ry forward

With the openinc of the 1981 s hore up the Suri defense, a ma- West Germany and signed to a from ~nd who led the team Nort h American Soccer Lea•ue jor factor in the team's 1980 contract. . in aco during the 1980 out·

l •- finish around the .500 mark. SUll q uestion marks are the d f aeaton now eaa than one week Both Craven and Lane would ·6 oor ca gn. away , California Su rf Coach team 's top oifensive performers Peter Wall has had to alter what seem to fit right in to those plans. from last season: Craig Allen, IT AP'p£AU the Surf s till has earlier loak:ed like concrete m Laurie Abrahams and Steve some problems With t he season plans for hJs team. SOCCER Moyers. rapidly approaching , but Wall

MOYERS H AS created the cautiously talks with optimis m . I IT WAS WALL'S intentions to greatest !Jtlr, walking out of " We set out to s trengthen our

1 announce bis final cut by now, Meanwhile, Wall has signed training camp because of con· defense which let us down la.st I trimming a large pre-season two defenders - Graham Oates trac t renegotiation problems. year . With Seargeant and Oates, , ros ter to 19 players. After all, and Steve Seargeant to con- Quite simply, Moyers says he's a nd if we can sign Craven and four pre-season contests and a tracts . He's a lso inked ve te ran worth more than the team is of- Lane. things have to get better" , vigorous train ing camp in Charlie Cooke to a contract. fering him. he predicts. Palm SpMngs seemed like a big " I 'm very pleased with him. And w h ile the 24-year -old Still , the scoring punch is tem. t enough test. He's done exceptionally well In Ameri can s trik e r says he ' d porarily missing from the front •

But now, Wall says he's going t he exhibition games (the Surf rather play elsewhere th is line . and Wall may have to de· to make a final decision before finis hed the pre-season schedule season, Wall hasn't given up. pend on his upgraded defense to the second regular season game with a 2·2 record ). Charlie is as " Hopt!fully, we've j us t los t pull the team through in the ear·

before ApMI S to be exact - fit as ever . I 've been very Steve temporarily . We'd love to ly going as the rough spots are s moothed pleased with him ." have him back. He's a good " We're doing some things out Other newcomers in the Surf P.layer and he did a good job for behind t he scenes to try to al

" l was imagining things would camp who figure to be around us last year . HoJ)t!fully, he'll do levia te the problems '" go smoothly," the Surf coach ---- ------=====================-= ----says . " This is s till a time of negotiations. We s till have some p l a ye r s who a re unsigned , particula rly som e of the new ones . We'll have to de lay a de· c is ion for a week.··

An NASL team can carry as many as 'l:1 players, but " rea -1 i s ti c a I I y , we ' l l k ee p it at around 18 o r 19," Wall says . Last year, the Surf carried in the neighborhood of 21 players.

" T HE NEW ONES" Wall re ­fe rs to are guys like Red L<\ne, the 24-year-old defender from the New York United .

" It 's taking longer than ex · pected," Wall admits. referring to contract talks ... But he 's done ver y well. "

A n ot h er n e wco m e r . J o hn Cr aven, the veter an defender wh o pl ayed th e la st three seasons with th e Vancouver Whiteca ps. has not been signed. Wall is awa iting a medical re· por t to determine if the 33-year · old fr o m England will b e healthy enough lo he lp the team.

·'The problem is in the bottom of hi s calf. nea r the Achilles ten· don . I just want to make a bsolute ly sure we don 't have an inju r ed player on our hands throughout the season ," Wall says . " But I' m hoping things

Sutcliffe hot,

but Mets win ST PETERSB U RG . Fla .

IAP l Dan Norman tripled ho m e the lyi n g run in the seventh inning and scored on Mike J orgensen's sacrifice Oy as the New York Mets rallied to defe a t the Los Angeles Dodgers 7·6 in ex hibit ion baseball Mon· d ay night.

The Dodgers Jumped on Ran· dy Jones a nd Tom Hausman for a 6· 1 lead after fi ve innings . The Mets' fir s t run wa s a third · inning homer by Dave Kingm an off Rick Sutc liffe , Kin gman's third home run in two ga mes.

However , the Mets pounded J oe Beckwith fo r four runs in the s ixth innin g and pinned the seventh.

Sutcliffe scatte red seven hits over four innings, but a llowed o nl y th e run o n Kin g ma n ' s hom er

Univer sity girls

accorded All-CIF F our Universit y Hig h field

hockey players ha ve been ac· co rd e d fir s t tea m All -C I F honors.

Forwards Leslie Speros and Shannon Morrissey, linker Bun­n y Fre ud and goa l ie Carol With erspoon gained the first team berths while team mates K at hy Kerr ( link er>. Celine R e galia and Laurie Fyffe ( forwa rds) were second team honorees for University.

Also gaining second team s p o t s we r e Edi so n 's C a thy Spaeth and Marina 's Alison Ma rcotle (forwa rds) and back Mary-Ellen Smith of Marina .


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1'9'111< OM•• w L ""· GI

• · Plloe111a u JJ 10~

• ·L•••" H u "1 , • · P Orll•nG 41 31 si. " GolOen\Wt.e " 40 .411 II S.n D1e90 )S Q ••• ~ Se• llle J3 0 41) n

1;Udwffl Ol•"ie" r ·S• fl Arllon•o so 11 M l Hou•lon )1 •I .,. IJ IC•llH tColy l1 •• ., . I) Dtfl•tr ,. •• u. , . Ul•ll H )\ .l .. u De llu " M '"

,. E ASTl! llN CONl"ElllNCE

All ... 11< Ot \li.I ... A-Pn lle1HIP1>1• .0 .. 159 A 80\tOI\ ,, ,, IS. • • · Nt" Yori. •• JO •IS II ' w .. 111nolon l• '2 . ., 13'> Nt• Jersey 14 )4 lilt » •

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y Cltn(f'W'O dlV\\IGn ltlff' • <l1nclled plfwOll t>erlll

MeftMY ' t Gem•• NO ll•rntt $.C-1.0

' T..W .... 'sG-H Gol<Mn Si.It t i L.A .. ., Plloenla et Portt•ll<I Se•tllt •• Seti D-K• nw• City •• Ut.ell Clt•tl- el ClloctQO Dtn•tr •t Sen Antonio H041•1.oon t i P t ll.S Nt• Jtrwy •I MHw•ukff O.troot •I AllMll• Bo•ton t i Ntw Yor k

,. 2S. ,. .

NBAl .. der• 1n,.....S-y'tea ...... 1

SCOlllNG • ,, It ,b ....

Dtntley, U t• n I• II• ••2 1,l.i 31.1 Nle!Ollt, Hou•ton 16 111 )13 l , 1 II 11 ' G•r•ln, s.n Antonio II 80t 48' 1, 110 11 1 ,. .... , .,_,_ LeHn ,. • 4U 2.tu K.• TllOmpson, Dtll•t1 1J .. I .... 1,UO U J Er• l1>q , Pl\11- tpftt t 1' 11J 411 1,'41 14.I BorO•on9, K""w' City •I • I• 1M 1,..0 24.8 M 1l<lltll, C .. •tlend /I Ill 190 I '71 1• I Fret, S.n D"90 U S01 ~3 1,)12 10 4 En1111111. Denver 11 111 Jll 1,1111lt

lltEM>IJNOINO t tH Mltot1•"9·

M• lont, Hou"on N'1er, Sen D1e90 Smllll, Gol<»nS l•t• BllO, Bo.ion S••"'• ~ Se•ttlt

I• ASI .. 1 I, 113 "t " 179 • .,, 972 ll . .S I f )94 !14 'IOI II • 1' IU • IS MO 11 0 1• 111 638 llS 10 4

ASSISTS ........ NI• .... L• .. n 17 tit l.f Foro, IC • nu\ C•ly •• stO I.I Porte r, WesNr>Qlon 11 '1• t .1 A1tl\•rd ...... "''"' Yor' IS ).. 1.0 A rcn1i:.. 10, Bo.to" It St7 11


Gilmore, C11.c­O• •kln•. Pl\•l- ls>fl<• MU•tll, 8o•lon o<.1n11. GolOtn Stet.e •-t·J-. u•er•

It It• ~1-UO 10 .. I 401 • 10 till .,. lit .190 •t.s 1, 11' ~ ... , ... , .sn

N ITT~=IENT ~·.u (•IN_T_I

Tut .. " · w..i Viroin ta ti Srrecuw 70. Purdue • l ._., .. ~.

let-T-·) TMnl 1'19't

W••I v1<91nle <U-•1 "'· P ura ... UO 111 a. .... 1 ... ..

T111 w 12}-7) vs. SyretYM 121111


..... , .. 0 1..i.1 .. w L T GF GA "'9.

M ontr•• I ,, 10 13 JO'I , .. 9S IC htt• .l'I 1J 11 )10 1U ~ P 1t11our911 ,. ,. II 211 l" •I HarllOtcl 19 ll II 21• 1AJ s. Dot ro11 " ll •• HI JO• S4

Aum•Olwt1i.t Bufl•IO l6 II ,, JOl Ul " Bo•lon 3.S 11 12 1'9 1S. t1 M lnM\.OS• l1 H 11 UJ 10 t i OU.Ott 11 JO II 190 JOI 11 Toronto n ,. 13 1'1 ,.. ll

CAMl'IELL COll""lllENCE P•trlO Olvttl ...

NY 111.,,.,.r\ 43 11 13 )21 141 99 Plllle<JOIPlll• • O 21 13 JO.I ll' 93 C• IQa•y ll 14 13 l04 1M ., NY R•"Ge" 11 ,. IJ 1ff XII ., Wun1no1on 11 JJ " ill 1t1 .,

Smyuw OlvttiOft ~ Sl lo1m 0 IS .. 111 1H 101 CniteQO ,. lO I) llS ,,. 1J V• ncovo.;e1 11 l9 •• 1'1 11• 11 Eomon1on 14 lS IS 193 ''l ~ COI0•.00 10 •l 10 1JO lit fO Wtnn1pe9 ~ t SJ 11 2•9 .a.s JO

.. Cttn<:htO 'lion t•ttt -•y'1 Stw11

Bo••on 1 Eo,,..,,,10111 V e ncouver l , Oueb9< l

T..,i.itt•1 Gamtt 1u,.., et MlnnHole WUfllnQlon e l PllU-lp~1e NY 1~1....-rs • I Sl lou•s De troi t e l Co1or•cto

NHL leadera (Tit,_... S11 .... y·1 G a-•I

Gr•Ul• y, Edmonlon P o.,.ft•, Kl"I• Nlluon. C.• IQerv Aouv . NY l\lfllllu• Simmer, K•nt• hyter, l('­RoQt". H•rtfo•cl Middleton. Bo\ton P s101nv. Outl>K A1tll• rO, Outbe< t fOUtef ' N v I \8And•n Peder ko, SI 1.ou••

~ ,,,. ... E•hlbftlon ...... ,, .~, , ................ ,

G A l'b S7 9J 14S s. 10 11' •3 ,. ,,. ., .. ... S• 4t IOS 0 U IO• • O " 101 0 SS '1 )) M •I ., 41 9S

11 " •s ,. .. 9S

S.•111• 101 000 000- J ti l C• lllornla JOO IMO 04•- 11 IS I

8tftfl1Mr, PalTOtl U>. A,_,..., Cl) ""' ... ,, ..... ~ <II . ,., .. ,, ........ "I.! Jet< l•r- 171. s.MMr l t•""'41OowlllflQ. 1111M1tf CIJ W - Frotl. L - l.,.lllll•r ""' -C.tlfornlt, F.,d, 8aylor, Hllffi l

Met91, o-..r•• letM.PfW ........... ,

..... ..,_ IOl , .. 000-. • I N•w YWI! INLJ OIO I .. ,__, I• l

lll1'1ttt., 9eclhrllll ISi , ....... ,., ... kltte lo; J-. "9llMlllft (J), H•rrlt '11. hor..,.. ctl Oftd Tnvlfto, S..... 111 V( Merri t , L - atawart , H" - Ntw Yon., IC1119mtr1,

., .... , , v111111 .. 11 lat Wflt l'alM 1-11, .. le.I

New Y°"' ( Al 200 000 001 - s I J Allenta uo OU 01•- I 11 o

Jolln, Go•~ 111. Do•li II >. aM O.tes. Wer lll Ctl , Meture, M<WllHe ms c.i ...a hntOlcl. 0.... l " W- Melwle . l - JGl'M\. HR - Ntw York. Balboni.

A'at, OIM!bl l•t ,_..,l• I

Ool•nd 001 000 OOl- • 11 o Sen F r•ntlKO 001 000 001 - 1 ' l

KeouQll. McL•uQll lln 111, Thomn Ill, lh o rO 1• 1. Souu ( t i o nd H1wm• 11 , H•roes""'""" Holle no co. 8ro1nl1>0 171. Row lall<I Cll. Minton 19) - ~k. Mey 171 w - Tllom.t>. L "' Inion HR-OeklanO,

IMl•11••.CllhJ l• I Mite, .AllI. )

Clet1tl•nO 102 OOl ~ 10 t Clll<•llO CNLI 010 001 00.-t t I

Wiik ins, Breflntn 141 , GIHMr 171, ~ Ill •no D19l , Reu1<1WI, Htrn.,,Oer 141, E ulw•O 111. T10row Ill • nd Blackwell W Wtll lll\ l Rtu1t'1tl

T19tr1t, II- I H I 2 l•I L.elltt.eMI, ..... I

C1ntlMell i SSJ 100 010 000- 2 S • Dtiroll 001 t ll 00• - · 11 1

L• lbranclt. Bereny 1 141. P rit t 111 , &u•n> •OO llJ - N Oie/i, Yen GorOtr 111. WlltOk, AOltm. Cll, S.Utotr It) ..,d Per r .. 11 W Wllto• L l t lDt-1

ll•Y•I• ' · 11 ...... ' (el s.M J,...., l'-1e lllo )

l<.•nws Coty 100 030 001 S 12 0 TuH 000 100 000 I 10 0

Glet, Wr19 nl Cl ), K Bren I ll and Wol!wrl, Grott I ll Jen• •n• . Comer 111 • nO Suncll>erq. B JonnW>n UI . W G t lt, L. J t ni.tns . HR\ K•nw• C•I Y. Mt AH Hu rdle

Of'1etn ' • IE"""> l•fMl- h

MonllHI 100 001 000 ) 14 J B• ll•more ~ 001 01x t 1' I

LU, Burrt• (• I, Lte (II, Sllomp I ll -Remo•. WleQf\tY$ Ill . FIAntQen, SI-rd CIJ , Mart1nt1 1• 1 - Grallem, Dt lTl-Y ell W Fl""- L \..H HR - Mo<llr<,.1 Dew\Oll.

Col!-ee teorH Ptpper01nt • · SielllorO 1 C•lllorn1• 9, Sonom• St• l t 1 I C• I rtlltl

P•IC'1tr Mtl(h H•wley \ti e n NCAll r..,oro Dy •PPl•"''9 1n "'' .. ," o•rn. I

Nneoa !Lei Ve99'1 11. " "Force 1

High school car .... def ... ,>. El Te<e J

E• fo•o 000 ZOO 000 1 • 1 Coron• IHI M•r 011 000 001 l 10 1

LOm• I• •na Tok•''*''• S.t\toro ano M vr•r 1B Sl>Ollon, Prtts CC0tont Otl M•r l

HIGH set400L STANDINGS S.• Vie• L••eu•

Co"• Mesa Coron• Ot l Mer Et foro E11~nc1•

'""'Re UnfYer\tly

- y·1su ... Corona °"' Merl. El Toro 1

w-r·ao­Co\l • Meu al Cor...,. Ott ,,_e r I rvlne •I E l Toro E•'-'<le el Un1wralty

w , J I I I 0

South Cotlet LA119V9

L 0 0 2 J 1 J


2 l 2 l

S.n C•erntnle Cap1'4r..-.o V • Ht-; Miu ton Vielo De no Hlllt

W L Ge J 0 l I 1 1

L•oun• Hill' l ao .. n• Bt«ll

-Y'tkWfl S• " Clemtnlt 1, l...~U(lt Hllh l M 1ulon Y1t10 ' · O•nt Hllh s

w-,··0-0 • 11• Hiii• ti L•QUnt Beacll S• n Clemente et Cept••r- U• llev l •Qune Hlll• •I "''"- Vlf tO

TPC (el ...... Ywra It«". F la.1

1 , J

, Rey FloyO, '72,000 11·14 11 .,_l'IS C.urli. SlranQt , l S,100 ll· ll·l 1·10- lU Ba rry J etektl, U S.100 ... 10-11.12- ns Mtllt r B.,.Dtr, SlS.l!O 1111·0 .. - 2'1 Jom Co•- l. SIS,l!O 11 .. • ·H II n l Bruce l oelllle, s 1.1.1!0 /) IS· .. 11 - 111 Jom ~omon•. ' lS, l!O 13 ... 1111- 111 L.eOn• •" TllmC>\ft, 111,100 I I ,.. ,, ... 211 Guy H•llbtrq. l ll,100 11 /l-11·11 - 211 F;an lo Conner. U l,100 /1 11·10 12- ttt D• n Hellelorson l ll. 100 10 10-14·1• - ttt c;,.., Jones. ll,311 11-1).1).10- llt BobbyClem peU, l l,l ll IS-IJ.11 /0 - llt GH MorQen, J 7..l71 II ll· ll 61- 11' Ron Sl•to , 11,J11 n .1 .. 1111- m J • O Renntr , $/,lit 1)-7J.1J 11- 2" Nll-t Morley, U ,311 ... 17.17. 17 11' LH T re wino, $1,Jll ll· ll·IO·l l - 211'1 Torn W••OOPI. M ,MO l .. 1•·•~71 -1'0 Bobby werul, M,MO /l ll· IJ.12 - 1'0 Tom Puruer. M .MO It ·IJ.14·12 - 1'0 o . .. Stockton, M .MO 14·11·10·13- 2'0 Barney T-.n. M ,.-0 IJ.1).11-IJ.-2'0 J ofln Mallelfty, 14,.ec> , IJ.70.11 ·76-1'0 Da nny Eaw.,.os, SJ.Ho 1z . .,..11.1J-1t1 Way1>0 Levi, SJ.l*l 14. 7 .. 72 .10- 11'1 Da ve Et<llelDtrger, U .OIO ... ,..1 .. 1•- m Mork 0 ' Mt¥•. S.J,OIO 11-IJ.ll· l•- m J • Y H U S, '1.600 11·13-IJ.1J- 1t1 Ca lwon PMte, U ,600 14·1 .. 11 ·11 - 1t1 St .. Ball.,lt<~. U ,.00 11 • t-11·H - 2'J Clla rltt c--,, U ,.00 14-14-IS· IO- ltl Ja< ll N10lau" , t ,t.00 IS·e.1·1• ·7'- m Jim Dent, U , Ito '9·1• ·11·1• - 294 Jerry M<c;.e. u , 1.0 n1s.1 .. 11- lt' Mar 11 Hayn, U , lto 1 .. 12-IJ.ll- lt' 8ud Allon, l l,tlO IS·12-IJ.7S - 1tS HYberl G.-. $1,teo 11-1H1 1•- 1tS Biii l(r• lLert, Jl.6'0 l t · ll·l l· H - 1tS llOOC>y weoto:lns, ll . ..O /1 11-1J-14- 1tS Jollnny Mllltr, ll ,MO IH• -1• ·14- 10 Howard Twllly, se ,MO 11·1• ·1113- lt) S<ott Hoell, 11,tlO /S-1 .. ll· 11- 1tS JOI lnm .... l l,..0 1'·11·0 ll- 1tS Pet MtGCl'ffon, l l ,144 /).JHJ.7• - 1" D• n Pofll, il , lU 12·12-1 .. 1• - 1" R099r Mell.llit, $1, IU 11·11·11-11 - ltt Arnold P11mer. 11, 10 /S· l4·14-IJ.-1tt J e rry Pat•, •t,14'1 1$. 1 .. 11. 11 - 1'6 Me'11 M<Curnbtr , 11, t•• 14-IS.IS· IJ - 2" Eel Flori, $ .. I IS· l .. I l ·TS- 2'1 O .A. Wellltl~ $ .. 1 '2·1).IH4- 2'1 8 111 " - "· • • ., , ,.,..,..,,_ ,., H• le Irwin, $'41 11-IS-11-12 - 2'1 L .. Elder, t9'11 I J-7}-7 .. 11- 2'1 11-. c a10 .. 11. flJOO l t ·THJ.11-2'1 Tom J - lns, MOO l t -7MJ.15- M l(tllll FtrtwS, HOO 7HH+7t-M s11111 o unowey, ''°" 11-72-1 .. 7+-2'1 Merk "'' "· "n •10.12-11- 2" Peter Oo6terllul1, N IJ 7J..7 .. 7J.7+-2" MIO Soll, Wl JS.1 .. 1+14-2" Mlkt Wllv.,, tM 70.i.7J.17- IOO 9..., Crt._, .... 1 .. u .71.1._. loo GllOtr, .... tJ.1+11-Tt-• L.., Niel- $124 1 .. 1S-7> 71-J91 JOlln S<lvoeotr, fl'• , .. 1J.1J.t5-lOl ()Oft .. 001t1 • ..,_. 7 .. 71-71-14- JOl Allfy Netti\, *4 1)..1 .. 1...._., Mlltt GOft, .... ' 1 .. TNJ.1'~ ••U<• Oo..teilf'- •m 1i-1 .. ,..,..._. L..,G,_, .,._. IM .. 71-1._. Rf• .._,_ ... '11• n .1 ... ,.,._., JI"' TllOrjle, thol 1J.11• "7---c • Wt II 111ddt11 O•• lll O l t yo fl

WCTteutft.....a , .. .,......, ..... , , ........... ....... v 1c10t A/Nye Ott • .i.iwi a..1, 1 ... .. 1,

Stell Slnl tr1 IHI. aoD l.wtl ... i . .. , , Tim 01111111.ton Clef ZetJu "•811111t•'< • .-. . .... 1 .. , IUl( ll Walt1 .... #ell f'rell<.O" ( ­IOllt, W , t ·i. a111 k.Mllefl •t. CflrlUOCIM H09tr •Vatt•lln, 6-2, ' 2: Gia nni O<ltll>llO •'· Tim WllklntM, • 4, •·1: f-..1 I m._ Hf lllC ... rd LtwiJ, H, ..0, Hellu Glollltlleret Otl fleolo &ertoh•<<I, • t , • ·•

~--.. ••••h1' '· ·~cc: 2 ...... T11n11t11 ($) •I, Jlro!Mf . .. 7. M , .._,:

Oo• nty CSJ Otf, WNllOl'I, H , .. 1, Wllltl'l­Mrt 1$1 0tl . Tot-, .. 1, • · t ; lt<ll lSI # . Ntlaon, M , .. 2, $trr- Ill cter Mi1W1, .. , .... . . ,_ 1111 .. 1. J-•· .. , ...... .,

Oolleolta Tun1t1ll· Wilttnti.r9 ISi tlel WlllllOf\

Strother, .. , . • l ; Oowney.J_, cMI . HtC..,... Ta rlOw, .. , . 4-t, I•. HUOfltt· l •••tr ( Al dtl 8tO·S.rr- . J-t, 1 .. ,) •

Micah KMGI F-ulA VOllty "· ,,.,ia..

Sl,._..a Ptkulln 1FV1 IOtl to RotellraM, , ... Otl .

Httper, W. lost lo KnlQllt, W , tlel Miiier, t-O , ~~r l FV> WOfl, 1-s. •·1. •·l, lo'1, .. 1. Sade I FU I 1011. >·•· S· I , 1·•· won, •-t ; Sl\t"911.n (FVI lost. 1 ... won, .. ,. lotl ....

- "···4. 0 ..... ft

Butll.INlll C•po.oionQ I FV ) Otl. Clltvt1•V..­R•tt. t -1, •I , Oel Krtll· 'fOllO, • I, • ·1; Miller R-· l FVI ....... . ). ..... won . .. , . 6·2

~"" 094 ll, GM\e - l Silo91ff

Klint !MDI CIOI Wem•r, • l , 0.1 1.AklWK, •·O, Otl Pll•m. 61, <Ml , N9uyen, • ·• , Hell (M DI won, 4·1. 6 4, •I , • -1, A11e991 r IMDI won, .. ,, .. l, lo\I, l-•. won, • O. Su1ull• MD I IO•I, 1•, 0-6, . ... J • .

o~" Gon,.ltt Ooulttn I MP I cle l . H Tr•n

ICOQe , • · 1, 6-4, Ol!I Y Tr.,,.Tl• n<O, • l • ..0 Wlllo•m...Ol'°n !MDI won, • ·• , • -O, • ·4, • -O.

L•totM IHO ltV., NtW"" " • ,_ 1V. s. ......

L.t • Ch I L.B l cltl MtrU• . 6 · 0 , def Svtnd\On, 6~. Ott J Myt••. • ·O. 0.1 Jo Myer\ t -0, B•umloelcl ILBI • on, 6 l , I•. • 7 10\1, 1·•. S<llenU IL.BJ won, • · I , lo'1, >·•. l .. , • -• . P lu 1cll1n1 tlBI won Dy Otl•ull, IO•I , 61, o ... 1 .

Ow"n le•lt• C.•PGb1• n<o ( LB / Gtf PUllOW

Tllo tp 6 1, 6 3, S1>l1I w1tll Sltl\UI Sm1lll, • ·I, • 1 Junoc1 ... o .. 10..on CLB t won • > . ..... • 1 • •


Or ..... Cee'1 9, S•nt• An• o Sl ... ltt

RttO IOCCI cltl AootrlS . .. l . 6·J , Gotl · l~ll IO(;CI <Ml FtMman, • 0 6 I SU>e>• I tltr COCC I oet 1.tntr 6 0. 6 I, G• rll• IO tOCCI <Ml GurnKh, • 4, • -0. S.w•y• COCCI del DtolrlCll. 6·3, 6 1, IC l\otty lOCCl dtl 1Ce1f11r, .. 1. •-0

OwlM .. Scllotllter C-.arlttlO !OCCI cltl AoDtrn·

(,utni c n. 60, . I , Attd ·Gotll\Cn 10CC1 0•1 J:r••m•n L.tntl . •·1 6 1 l(hOret S•w•v• IOCCI IHI IC11llt r De•llotft, o 1. • I

Lo• Al•mtloa MONDAY'S aaSULTS

(U. ........... - ...... P-ir1il race - Ce<""""' CJllet 11.onoo>. l . :IO,

t .... UO; Towell of Tl- l llltclllt l. S.40, e.60. P l.Wt W""' (;Net ICl- 1, >.• . 12 H ·

ac t• (}-2 ) ..-0 $&" Ste-r•• - """'~'' Goltl l c.tfl .. 111 ,

12.1'0, .. 00, J,• ; Cllltf Guy A IC.-l6ftlll, tAO, 6 .00; Sllwra Sterle! CVellAl'.....,_I. lM.

' Tlllrd r•• - c.c>t.etn Mer• H CA..-1111. 10.eo.~.«1. ~.oo. Welcome Imp \ 8 k k...-dl . 21 70, 11.10. 0- Value (T-J, 11AO. 12 U · act• i. .. 1 paid RSI.to

Fourtll race - Hil• • ious lfew 11.o- l, 11 .00. • ,20, >.to. '°'"' Byro CAlll>lnJ, s..o. l oiO , 0111 U• (K-fl l. l .«I

l"tllh r•t - AMY' • Dyne"'° IKW-1, 3 <0, 2.110, 1 40; A•il'• Allylllm CBty ... J, • 00, l .60, RIOQtMark COuorner>. 2.to. $2 eut l• 11 t / !Miid U0 40

So•I" race w lnoeome 8of '> \S-. ntvllle l , 8 10. • 60 , J 10; W l nt•• lo I Cope t tl\d l, 6 • O, 4 • 0 T•wll • i Clllel t De ...,ma•l , l to

Mv•ntn r«t l-••s.on tOS.bOrnJ . tO m, • • O • • 00, A•mbto Woody I B•Yl•nl . J .60. 1 IO N• h•t Playm•ktr ( Otl'nl\ I J IO u OU ( I• ti I t pe10 \lt 60

\1 t-'•< ' :>• w •o '1 1 1 I'' CM•<I S •. l•l 10 w1tn ' ' ¥11 mn1nQ ttc i..ei ~ th ve norw' ' S1 Pie ~ S• • < On\Ot•l10.n CM)id \ )I 00 #Ith 121 W1nntn9 l•C "-R l\ l fOUr nor-..t~

Eo11n11\ r•c. LOY• I l.10 IC.•und yl • 60, l tO J 00, S•• Nuqtnl <Aubon l. S lO. l . fO F~~nton AOOf. t s.-.u I ' .0

N 1nt ,, r•tt' qtuben J •mts N I A ~ ' •rrn•n l . J •O. J 00 l 10 Hundrtcl Doll•rs l(.emptx>ll / 12 40, I IO . G a rry Ayr IDtlom•rt S 00 S1 e • •t,. II-JI P • •O '71 IO

r~ntP'I r • ct' Roy•~ ~n1m •r US•~•es\ I 410, J .0. J 10 Pall•wa B•y 1E 11 1011 1, •OO 4 00 Mon\t1qrieur •!.nttntnJ • 80 U w.11•U•

S I I P•tO SAS .0 'lll•no•nc• • S SJ>

~ • • . ~

Women'• 1oftb1ll COMMUNIT Y COLI. EGE

Ge_ W.,111, EHi Les A119tle• I Eul Lo• .. _... 000 000 0 0 I Golde n Wot S" 011101 • - 11 lO

lb•rr•, Mol ina , . , eno ou .. 11 , JOhn!.Oll, Ho11retll 141 . no M<Brtclt RotM•d• 1'1 "" Jol\Mon I. lb•rr• lB Nuller CG01oen Wull JB Gonal" !Golden WUI/ >!A Don•11•n IGolcMn W•"I

HIOMSCHOOL Melt< Otl 10, HIHlllllflOft IH<ll I

Hynltn9t011 B1etll 001 000 0 1 3 • Maltr Dt• 135 000 • 10 ' 0

BrtlntV, &o<'\on I l l and COOOtr. Mtndo•• •M Pttrone, 1Canw1 Ill - W Menooia. l Bre1 no y IB - llelctr, Sl• nbr. 2 I Melt rO•IJ


MOnday'1 tr•n .. ctlon• IAHIALL

A-l'l<ML ...... BAI. TINIORE O R IOLES - Stnl Urry

Jon e s , Oon Wt l< lltl a 110 Tom ll owe, pllt fltr •. Dew HUl)llert, cote Mr. •net JOlln Sllt lby, outll•lder , 10 tne lr minor IN­r.e mp 10.-rH UIQnmenc

CHIC AGO WHIT E SOX - Op tione d Atclltrd B.,.nes, pilt fler, Rancly JOI\,._, outllelOtr, •nd lll<k Stlllltlmer . c1tc1Wr to !Omontonof tllt P•tillc Coul LtaQllt StllCI Nard i Contrer u •nO lleooier P • t1er tot1. pltc"4rt, allCI Julio Ptrt1 er>cl Ron Perr(, In lltldtrs, lo trwlr m inor IH(IW <•lflD lo• r .. aul9 nm9fll Att t •MO Tom JollnlOn enCI One Ltmanc:ryk, pllcf\ert

N E W YORI( Y"NK~eS SOlll Mlltt Grlllln, pllcfler. to COluml>u• ol lllt lni.rn• tlCM\oll-

Nel1-IOIL ..... CH ICAOO CUBS - Sent Scott l'ltl'fler

e 11tl 0• '1 AOll'1, in lle leler> , o l\ tl Mlkt SfltptlOll, ctt<Mf, to tlWlr m ll>or , .. ..,. <• lflll IOI , .. ~.,..._L

PHIL.ADEl.PH IA PHILLIES S...t Merli O.•I• , Clltc• . to tllelf minor ... ,.,. ~lflll lor Hll..,,,_t.

P ITTSIUAOM Pllll!flS $<Wit sento AIUta , Allf tl l aftJ , lob LOl\t , 0 • 1• M11flMCk ... SttV. e flll, jlll(!Mrt; 0.,. l"rtMI - ECldit Ver••· 111'11 be-. Adallltrt Oftlt, t .U,_r, llld J- lt-1 .... 1, IMllfltlW, te t.,.lr '"'"°' 1 .. oue camp tor rH Ultllmft'IC,

' """ ...... tytM•etlc• ... ~ ..... .......,. .. ..,...,, .• Ill- t9"<'- - 1 Mtf'MM I NH I, S.•.

.. efl'IMI ltott1t - I. Lyle (NH). J.t , .. , .... -' · S..mmen ( NH), t.71 VI II • • """"' ( NHI, U ; llet'tlltl Mrt - 1. 09nfll.,. (IC), J.4. " • MA - I. Walter IK I, •.• . All er ...... - 1. ~" I NM), U . ..

Oraoge Coaat OAlLY PILOTIT~. Mwch 24, 1111

Par is not the course Mesa Verde isn't easy for women pro•

Members ol the Ladies Proteqional GoU A• · 1oclaUon pra'cUcln1 on the Meta Verde Country Club eou.rae over the first two days oJ lbla week have found little chance ln the layou.t from the fint two yeara.

What does this mean to the ran who will be there to watch the cream of the LPGA crop ptrform Thursday through Sunday ln the third an· nual Women's Kemper Open tournament.?

rr form runs true. no player will break par for the 72·boJe tournament In 1979, tbe flnt year the event waa held ln Costa Meu, five playert tied at 286 which ls two-over-par for the par·7l Layout.

La.at year, Nancy Lopei-Melton. the winner, was the only one to equaJ par with a 28C and ahe won by two strokes . ·

JOANNE CARNER, WHO won the five·way playoff in 1979, recently criUci%ed the LPGA of · ficials for making the courses too short. " I only used five clubs- in my round today. " Carner said in Laa Vegas last week .

averase 1core 11 above par for both It la doubtfUl that even the Joni·hlttJn1 Carner wlU llDd Lbue boles 11 belQ8 t.oo abort.

Yet, the bole that ma&t pie.yen reel ts the toughest, yet amoo• tbe belt or any coW'le they play, ii No. 17. AccordlnC to the cbarta, It la the third tou"hest for them lo par with the lotb beinl the No. l problem and the ei1bth the second toughest accordlric to past acorea.

Whatever the 1981 tou.rnament. brin11. the format bas been set and lf one or more of t.be con-


testa nts breaks par this lime around, It will mark another firs t for the Women 's Kemper Open al Mesa Verde CC.

• *

Well, that won' t be the case at Mesa Verde CC Uus week. At least if pas t performances hold true. Carner. in fact , m issed the cut for the only time in her 12-year pro career right here in Costa Mesa a

ANOTHER TOURNAMf;NT upcoming is the Satchel Club benefit at Santa Ana Country Club, Monday , April 13 with the Rams' Don Klosterman as honorary chairman. It's a better ball event with a shotgun s tart al 11 : 30 with money r aised going to the Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospital to aid in purchasing burn unit equipment.

• 1 '

year ago. · She had won four toumamer'lts before coming

to Cost.a Mesa a nd finished in a tie for seventh in Las Vegas the week before. But. the drive and en· tbustasm was missing when she stepped to the tee to defend her Kemper title 8l'ld after two rounds. she was headed for Palm Springs and several days of relaxation before continuing her battles with the greens . She finished sixth in the Dinah Shore tournament at Mission Hills .

One thing that the ~harts show about the first two events at Mesa Verde is that the firs t and fourth holes are the easiest for the players . The firs t is a 465-yard par-fi ve and lhe fourth a 482· yard par.five .

These are the only two holes that the average score for all players in both years has been under par. In Cact . the only two holes either year that ha ve been played in less than par

THE TWO PAR·FIVE holes on the back s ide. 11 and 13, are both over SOO yards in length and the

Tbe $125 fee includes green fee . cart, light lunch . refreshments during play, door prize draw. ings and a gourmet meal in the clubhouse in addi · lion to prizes.

For further information, contact the Satchel Club Goll, Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospita l, 1001 N. Tustin Ave .. Santa Ana 93705.

* * * CHIP SHOTS - When the MONY Tournament

of Champions is s taged at La Costa Country Club, the final round will be played Easter Sunday. A s pecial Eas ter service )Viii be conducted for all de · nominations at 6 : 45 that morning al the ninth green outside the clubhouse Among the lop stars a lready qualified for the event that has only PGA winners of the past year a re : Tom Watson , Jack Nicklaus, Lee Trev ino , J ohnny Miller and Bruce Lietzke.

- by Howard L. Handy



. $322,000 jackpot for Floyd


PONTE VEDRA BEACH. Fla. (AP ) - A couple of early season disappointments were th e spurs he needed. Ray F loyd s aid. to send him to two conse<:utive vic­tories and lhe biggest payoff in the history of golf.

" In a way,'' Floyd said after collecting $72,000 plus a $250,000 bonus , for his playoff triumph in the Tournament Players Cham· pionship Monday, " it was like a young fellow out here. Maybe the first time he 's in pos ition to win a tournament, it gets away from him. Maybe the second time it gets away, too. Then. may be on the third time. he gr asps it. •·

FLOYD LET a couple get away in Cali fornfa, then reaped a massive harvest when the PGA Tour reached Florida .

A week ago the 38-year -old veteran, a former Mas ters and PGA champion . scored his i3th ca r eer victory in l he Doral· Eas tern Open .

Then. in the day-late windup o f the s to rm -delayed cham · pions hip or golf's tournament players. he came from six shots back with a no-bogey 68, t ied B a rr y Jaec kel a nd Curti s Strange for the top spot at 285 and won th e s udd e n deat h playoff with a par on the first ex­t r a hole.

The first prize from the tota l purse of $440,000 was $72,000. In addition. there was a bonus of $250,000 put up by the sponsors of three Florida tournam ents for any man able to win two of them in a row.

FLOYD DID IT. He won his 14th career title with a one-foot par-saving pull on the playoff hole. Both Strange and Jaeckel missed the green . and each failed on a five -lo-s ix-foot par putt.

Floyd. who said he hadn' t rea­lly thought much about his one­footer, suddenly was faced with 12 inches of reaJ estate to cover for a total of $322,000.

··All of a sudden the cash reg· isler started ringing and I had to back off and think about it a little," Floyd said .

He tapped il in on the green still wet from the inch of rain d\lmped on the tough Sawgrass links by the thunderstorms that washed out Sunday 's plav.

the point where it is lhe short game that wins. Almost every· body out here can hit a lot of greens and it's jus t a quest ion of who gets it to the hole fi rst. "

Washam finished ninth on the money list last year but didn 't win a tournament. She won $107 ,063 and says ; .. A win is what builds your confiden ce . T he money is nice but we' re out he re to win golf tournaments."

In 1979 at Mesa Verde CC. Was ham finished in a t ie for s ixth behind the five -way logjam for tbe top spot.. She was two strokes back . Las t year, Lopez. Mel ton won with a score of 284 and Washam tied with Debbie Massey for second two strokes back at 286.

Another player who was tak­ing Monday off but on the course today is Patty Hayes, winner of the Sun City Classic in Phoenix two weeks ago. It marked her ri rst tour victory .

" I don't remember a lot about the course here," she says. " But th is is a super field and I 'm sure the course will come back to me in a hurry." She fin ished in a tie ror seventh a year ago a t Mesa Verde CC

·· Yes. winning m Phoenix was the biggest thrill of my career." the former a ll -around high school athlete says. " I joined the tour after I got out of high school and now golf is the only one I pa rticipate in."

* *

Her thoughts on winning her f fir s t -ever tournam e nt narrow down lo one thing- consis tency

· · 1 pl ayed very cons istently with a 69·69-70-69 and was 15 un· de r par for lhe tournament,'' she recalls of her victory . " l wasn 't :I that cons istent before. But you have to make putts lo be consis­tent. I've been hitting the edge of the hole but they haven 't been dropping like they did al Sun City ."

It was nervous-time for Mesa Verde's Kim Saka Monday dur· ing the amateur qualifying. She fell behind early in her round with three other players lo de· t e rmin e t hr ee places in T hursday 's first r ound of play Then she battled back on the back nine and was even with Susie Thomason a t the 18th hole,

Susie hit one in a bunker and was four-feet from the cup for a bogey putt. Kim was a bout 18 inches away for a par and the final spot in the field . But when they went to take the pin out of the cup. it was stuck and some 25 minutes later. the gir ls were still waiting to putt .

" The pin wouldn 't come out and all the t ime I waited. that pull ke pt gettin g longer a nd lon j;ler," Ki m said. " T hat was the longest half hour I have put in in a long time and there was a lot of pressure but fortunately . I made it."

* * * Wednesday's Kemper pro-am times

First Tee Bonnie Lauer Vivian Brownlee Patty Hayes Oebbie Austin Jane Blalock Amy Alcott Martha Hansen Sandra Palmer J o Ann Washam Nancy Lopez-Melton JoAnne Carner J eannette Kerr Hollis Stacy B~r a Mizrahie Pa rad.ley J Stephenson Lynn Adams Beth Daniel Nancy Rubin Alice Miller Sally Little Pat Meyers

Pro Times 7: 15 7:25 7:35 7:45 7:55 8:05 8:15 8:25 8 : ~ 8:f5 8 :55 9:05

11 :45 11 :55 12 :05 12 :15 12:25 12:35 12:45 12:55

1:05 1: 15

10th Tee Beth Solomon

Janet Coles Dale Lundquist

Cindy Hill Sandra Haynie

Myra Van Hoone Shelley Hamlin

Barbara Moxness Marga Stubblefield

Lori Garbacz Cathy Reynolds

Sandra Post Alice Ritzman

Mary Dwyer Debbie Massey

Silvia Bertolaccini · Dot Germain Carolyn Hill

Patty Sheehan _ Donna Caponi

Connie Chillemi

CdM wins in ninth Jeff Pries raced home from lblrd baae on an

errant throw l.n the bottom ol ta.. DAMA laain1 tc give Corona del Mar HJ1h 1 3-2 victory over El Toro Monday ln Sea Vl•w Leap baaeball actJon.

Pritt opened the ninth wfth •double. One out tater, he 1crambled to third when • pitch was 111 the dirt. A throw to tblrd bue Lbeli m1Ued lu mark, aJJowtns Pries to score U.. •lnllloe run.

Tbe Sn Klnt•. 3•0 ln lea,ue pl~J and S.1·1 overall, 1ot two htta and an RBI from eatcller Rob Murar.

Starter Kn Santoro improved bl• learue r~· ord to l-01 IOIDI Ute dlltuee and allC>WUll 1hr htta while lb'Wal out 11Jr •

El Toro starter lllke LocneU lllllO "9l all the wa1 •trtklal out 1lx wtdle ~ 10 lila. The Corona de.I lier .tct.ar)t aetl the 1latt for Wednesda)' 'I lhowdown wtlb COila 11 .. a .

'·-------a 0 an a a.

i I


ByMARYJANESCARC£LLO Ot'llt D•llY ....._....,

The_ stormy ni1ht was the perfect aettlnj for • mystery when Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly hosted a cocktail reception tor the Boy Scout.1 at their Kuntlngton Harbour home.

The mystery deepened when Kelly, star of the " Maveficll" television series or years past. didn 't arrive at his own party .

No detecuves were summoned. though, because a phone call revealed that Kelly, now a Huntington Beach c ity councilman, was delayed at Universal Studios while filming a guest ap· pearance on " BJ and the Bear."

So his wife Jo filled in .at the party or· ganiied by Susan Os born as part of the com·

HAPPENINGS munity fund-rais ing effort for the scouts

Guests enjoyed a s lide presentation by John Brown and Dale Stevenson s howing the ac· complishments of scouting in Orange County .

Ms . Osborn introduced J ohn Seymour , mayor of Anaheim, jokingly as " the mayor of Disneyland," and he spoke brie fl y on the im· portance of scouting in reaching out to touch young men>with a scouting program.

Namelags dis tributed at the door turned out to be donation cards. a nd guests reached for chec kbooks , dona ting a tota l of$2,3SO.

" This , plus the donations mailed in go a long way toward meeting our goal." said Ms Osborn in ·thanking the guests

All dona tions we re at least $100, and two $500 pledges came in, she noted .

Ed Arnold , sportscaste r for KABC, arrived late but in time to give his own testimonial to scouting.

He had· been a ttending the Ea gle Scout ceremony for a fri end of his son. who just a t· tained the rank of Eagle Scout himself.

Wines for the evening we re donated by Roger Barham, s ales supervisor for Almaden Vineyards, and plates of hors d 'oeuvres wer e given by Giuliano's Delicate&san .

A cake decorated to celebrate the Boy Scouts' 7lst anni versary was dona ted by Exhibi· tion bakery.


Among the guests we re Mr. and Mrs . Frank Mola , Spence She ldon , Bill Fos te r , Van ce Blume , J ack Cudmore. Mardena Fehling and P a t and Ed Jackson

Others were Lee Hendrie, Natalie Kotsch and her daughte r Simone, Robert Kotsch , Mr. and Mrs . Monroe Ming , Mr. and Mrs . Larry Trautner , Mr. and Mrs . Ron Sharp, Donald Pankhard, Wes Bannis te r and Tom Hooper.

House Ear Institute benefit More than 500 gues ts attended a benefit for

the Ear Research Ins titute - renamed the House Ear Institute a t the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles .

The progra m featured Bob Hope, Roger Williams, Nanette F a bray and Jimmy Stewart benefitting the non-profit institute's " So All May Hear ' ' motto.

... .

Stewart announced the renam ing of the in·

M r . and Mrs. Clement L . llzrsch fleft J of

\ ·. ... ~ .

Newr>0rt Beach attend benefit d i nner forflouse Ear I nstitute.

......... ' .. • ~ ... " 'd

Mrs. Jack K elly and Ed Arnold , KABC sportscaster . discuss goals dur ing fund-raiser for Boy Scouts.

s titute to honor brothers Dr. Howard House and Dr. Willia m House, noted for their pioneering use of the surgica l m icroscope, development of pros the tic devices and innovative educational techniques .

The House Ear Ins t itute is affi lated with the U01vers ityofSouthern California and is located a l St Vincent Medica l Cente r in Los Angeles .

Among those a tte nding from Ne wport Beach were Mr. and Mrs . Harry B. Brown, Mr. and Mrs . Clement Hirsch , Mr. and Mrs . Harry R inker . Mr. and Mrs . R andall Presley, Mr. and Mrs . Cliffom Gra ha m , Mr . and Mrs . Jack Rob· bins , Mr. and Mrs . George Pfleger , Mr. and Mrs Howard Richa rdson and Mrs and Mrs . Ky le Smeby.

'Sp rin g F a11tasy' f ash iotts Las Reinas Auxilia ry of the Assistance

League of Newport Bea ch hosted " Spring Fan-


' lHY," a luncheon and fuhion show, at the · Balboa Bay Club lut week .

Mra. Paul Oarman, iaux.lltary prealdent, greeted auests at a social hour, and a raahlon s how from J ohn Hoaan In Fashion ISlfnd followed lunch.

Mra. Robert Koeble r 's decorating commit· tee provided centcrpJeces of festive aprtnc hats adorned with pink roses.

Helping her were Mmes. Kenneth' Hartley, Fred Bice , Ray mond BeyerandGuiitherShirley

The luncheon was a tund-ralser for support of lhe Children 's Dental Health Center for low Income fa milies and the Child Day Care Cente r fo r working mothers a nd s ingle parents .

Mrs S t a nl ey S t a tla was the be n e fi t chairman, and she was ass isted by Mmes. Earl Croc kett, W. Peyt on Har riman. J ohn Einhorn, Robe rt Lang, Robert Wood, Paul Glass and J . Pa ul Deringer .

Others art' Mmes Ted Walsh. J ack Hughey , Walte r Lang, Donald McMillen, Neil Willi ams , He rbert Ferguson, Wilbur Selle . Allen Donovan a nd Ms. Kathryn Hoffman

Art ists get acquainted The newly formed Artist Council of the

La guna Beach Museum of Art enjoyed a get· a cquainted party a t the Victona Beach home of Dr . and Mrs . Eugene Levin .

Museum d irector Bill Olton was the guest of honor at the first socia l event for the group

Amon g the g ues ts we re Ha l and Kay Pastorius , J eannette Leeper . Andy Wing, Lucin­da a nd Gates Burrows und Charlotte Myers .

H o 111e f ro1n rolle,ge Victoria Anne C1Dcyard is s pend ing her

s pr1Dg break from SM U ID Dallas with her fa m ily o~ido ls le

Her guests a re Ela ine Pike of Zurich and Palm Springs a nd Ca mille Tallechel of Dall as .

All three young women are seniors and members of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority

, . ' -

Mr. and M rs . Harn.1 Rinker (from left ). G req Hirsch Jr. and Mrs. Rand.all . Presley during fund-razser at Hever ly Wilshire llotel in Los Angeles.

Mistresses becoming endangered species • T he mothers of bridegrooms. vice pres1· dents or the United Sta tes. and mis t resses a ll s ha re a common im age · t hey smile and keep thei r mouths shut

In the past , it has JUSt been unde rs tood th a t ea ch knew the ground rules and each woutd s tay ID his respective pl ace ... if he had one .

Now it seems that one of them is to become an endangered s pecies : Mistresses .

When you think about it, you wonder why it has taken them so long lo see tha t marri age r a r e ly occurs between three dissenting adults .

Maybe one of the things that made mis · tress ing so a ttracti ve was the roma nti c nove l.

!:Who a mong us if given a choice would not I have opted to be Lily Langtry, dress ing up all . day and ,. pla ying naughty while her married

ERMA BDMBECll ~----~------~~------­roun terpart ironed a ll those lousy ruffles , bathed the roya l dog , waxed the castle. was in three carriage pools , brushed floor -length hair, look minuet lessons on Tuesdays and fought the vapors a ll winter

The job description or a mistress was a s im· pie one : be loyal, Jump on the maste r 's lap the mom ent he ca me hom e . watch him eat and drink , never go out in publi c with him , lis ten to his problems. make no de mands . and go crazy anytime you get a present.

Virgo: Take responsibility WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25


ARIES (Mar . 2l ·Apr 19): Reach beyond cur· rent expectations pe rceive potenti a l. com­municate, publis h, make travel plans. Make in· telligent concessions . dis play humor and ability to utilize material currently available . Gemini. Sagittarius persons figure prominently . ' TAURUS CApr. 20-May 201: Res trictions are order of day period of locked financial assets dominates scenario. You become aware of assets. deficits. credit ratings. Aquarius. Scorpio. Leo


persons play important ro les Sudden breakthroul(h bril(hlens prospec ts .

1 GEMINI c May 21-June 20) : Explain position,

clarify views, become aware of legal rights. , permissions . Sagittarius , Vir10 and another

Gemini play key roles. Circumstances dictate

lc tiangeofpo. Ucy - and scenery. P uulepieces will fa ll Into place.

CANCER (J une 21-July 22) : Re laUonshlp becomesmore " comfortable." Goslow,uvorlm· provementa and opportunities. Focus also on

1 employment. basic Issues , dependent and pets. · Taunaa, Libra , Scorpio naUves play Important

1 rolH . • Ll!O <J uly 23-Aug. 22) : Lunar Hpect coln·

1 cldes now with important self·dlacovery. You are 1 able to analyie and make valid deductions. 1 Romance, variety and creaUvtty - these will be , hithlithted. Gemini. Virgo, SagUtar1u1 persona 1 tlJlurelnacenarto.

Vl 8GO (Aug . 23-Se pt. 22 >: Accent on

re &"ponsibility. a chieve ment, intens ified re la· tionship and important business opportunity. Capricorn. Cancer nati ves figure prominently. You gain ins ight connected with security. proper­ty. basic costs and values.

LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 221: Finish what you s ta rt, avoid scattering efforts. Scenario features r e la tives. trips and ind ividual who confides problems. Refuse to become involved in c lass ical triangle s ituation . Aries and another Libra figure prominentl y.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ) : Financial re· ports are favorable for fresh starts you are on road to added Indepe ndence. Leo, Aquarius natives play key roles New source for needed material will become available. Leo, Aquarius natives figure in scenario.

SAGITrARIUS ( Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ) : Cycle con· tinues high - consollda~ . gain from experience, enlist aid of Cancer native. Emphasis on special product.&, personal appearances, willingness to pioneer procedures . You' ll make right contacts.

CAPRICOR N < Dec . 22·Jan. 19) : Socllal activi· ty is auociated with apecial fraternal order, club or organizations . You ' ll be asked to contribute talents to charily drive. Gemini , Saalttartua persona figure promlnenUy. Lona-dlltance com· munlcatlon establishes plan of action.

AQt1ARll18 <Jan. 20·Feb. 18) : Wlshe1 come true only after numerous revtew1, revlllona and valid compromise• . Know lt , act accorclln1ly . Another A~uarian aids in business or pto .. rty ac· qul11Uon. "Money, previously " diverted," ii re· tumedtoyou.

P ISCES C Feb. 10.Mar. 20> : Way• and mean• are found to achlevt objective. Cban•tt occur, clrcumstancea favor communtcatloD with superlon. One who l• dynamic, Uvely and ba1 creaUve ldeu w\U become an ally. Love I• am•· Jot part of your exc1Un1 acenarto.

I don' t know who was the first mist ress lo rea li ze tha t this descri bed her poodle lo a T , but whe n she did, m1s t ress1Dg began to fall off con· s ide r a bly.

A lot of t hings a re cutting into their num· bers Women toda y a re too practical for 1l. H's Jus t not an equa l opportunity employer . Why should misunders tood hus bands have a pla ce to go a rte r dinne r and a mis unders tood wife gets s tuck ironing in front of the T V?

There a re no Socia l Security or retire ment benefits. and bes ides. no one is im pressed with in fid e li t y any more T he tit illa tion level has peaked and stabilized

Also. severa l thous and mistresses were lost 1n one year a lonc when the wi ves of the men they were living with invited them mto their

kitchens. cra wling with dishes. la undry and kids, and announced, " Just think One or these days, a ll of this will be yours."

La tely . J" ve noticed mi s tres~e s h ave become less s ubservient than their maste rs would want them to be . At ~ weddinj! ceremony in Rio de J aneiro . a pr iest was JUSl about to ask the important ques tion of the couple. when a pregnant wom an waddled out and announced s he had been livi ng with the bridegroom for JO years A riot followed in which she was rushed to t he hospita l and gave birth to an e ight-pound . two-ounce son .

T he bridegroom 's mother just s mi led Had the vice pres ident been the re , he would

have just smi led And another mist ress was e radicated .

Two sides to cold • carriers DEAR ANN LANDERS: You were much

too easy on that nitwit with a cold who kissed he r grandson on the mouth. My parents gave our five kids colds, the flu and s trep throat all through their growing -up years . Now they are 1Dfecting our grandchildren.

The problem is , the folks get bored after be· ing ill for a few days, so they come over to brag about their high revers and recount their visits

Ul LUDIRS to the doctors' offices . They cough all over the house, kjss everyone he llo and goodbye and leave .

My parents have a lways considered visiting sick people prime entertainment. I! they knew somebody' s name , that was excuse enough to go. While visiting vi ctims of their mindless do· gooding, they pick up all sorts of super-cerms and carry them home for recycling.

Ann, please lay It on those dim bulbs . When children have to miss school with colds . earaches, etc., because thoughtless relatives want to show their " love," it 's time for Ann Landers to step In.

- SICK OF IT ALL IN VlROINIA Dear 8'ck: Au Laaden doen't 1tep IJllO

•ftHdou •lie co1111dera llopeleu. If yoa liln e• ' t beea • Me &o make a clelK la aJJ &MM yean, lt 'a a cllldl I can't . YHr parnta mut be a. U.elr late 7 .. by 110w ucl t lley a ree' t 1boat &o c•a•ae.

Pteaae read on . T he aext letter mlsllt be of lnt~rett.

DEAR ANN LANDERS: l 'd Uke to say a word lo that Canton woman who WH doing 1 alow bum because her mother·in·law came over

l ,, ,,

with a cold a nd kissed her baby on the mouth. The next day the baby developed a fever and a cough . Then the whole fa mily got it.

I would be thrilled if my mother -in -law would kiss my child anywhere. The wom an is cold and s tand -offi sh my children a re afraid to go near he r . She hands them a check a t Chris tmas tim e . T hi s i s th e wa y s h e ex presses " gr andmotherl y love."

I would be glad to trade a few colds for e loving relationship any day in the year . Sign me



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, \.,... .,_ .............. - ,....,.. ltlO mltl\I\ ""l PU.1>11"'9CI ~ ..... Ceeit Delly ....... .. ...... .,.. bt4 .. ··-~ ln•11rtnC. ... Fore.· Ntllon .. 10t I P•91 ''·line 22,

Mar, 11, 14, )I, ,,,.._, 1, tt'1 111 ... I -.tew. Cot. 10 · Wllol• CIOller\l --- It ''"' 'M•ll • .... , ... ed•IU Of en Actt .. nl •ncl tlUllll Of'tlllluM• SclleOU.11 H.CoL

PlJBUC NOTICE etl-Y In 1111 ltletl.,, y0u lhewlf 00 I, Line I) 10 pro11111t1r '° llltt yo11r written '"'urence In Fo"•· C..lltornla BUllft• U l'e91

Olt ANOI COU NTY IU l"I" 1011 re-.. , II 811y, ll'ltYM llled Oft lime. (Lint tl Tolt ll ' 0 COUltT AVllO I U.... 119 "* ............ Ae<tdtnt - llet lll> prem411m• · OlttCI Ct lltC>ftll•

r•Cl~c:..-.rDn.,.W... II tr.._. ..... tllCWlr <-• Ut. Bu\lntu "- CLlneU,Col. 2) '17,170 , .. - ~· •»•• 1111 ·--la. - -Ut. , ..... W• MrtOy <Kiiiy 111• 1 , ... •bo•• llom• ... In 9'CO<Clenu wllll .... AMu•I PLAINTIFF 'TIMOTH y Mit.CRES, N ... ,,. .. I ti•. I.ff It iflfor-IH St• ltmtnt 10< Ille YM r •- Dtumbtr Jt , ttlO m- to Ille 1nwrt nCt Com

PA T lttCI A Mit.CR ES MAR IL YN - ..... mlnlontr Ol IN Sltlt OI Ct lllC>fnla . punuant 10 lew FOLEY SCOTT iAIRO tno StU\letl-UllCll•rtl<Ol\M)O.. Tl\omt\J . Ct lltll 811tNAlt0tNI! BAIRD 1111 •ll09MO en HI• H UlllO, «Mbe••• Prn!Gelll

OEfl!NO.HT JAMES OLDHAM, lleurlo tnmtdl•tem•nle, de Ult J-C VenOt•l<llr .. t • IM> k- n JAY WILLIAMS e ftO mtnere, Ml ._, .. ncrll"- s.I llty ~,.ltry SA NOY WI LLIAMS THE ESTATE t191111e, ,._.., re.glstr- t tlemcio. P11bh>fted Orat191 Co.U Ot oly Pilot, Mttef\U, 24, 15, U , 21 , '"' OF RUTH I HAWoOoO ROIERT N I TO THE OEFENDANT A <IYll ~-

IO t . ,

PUBUC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE lllOXOH Pe,_I R~tenlellweot 'omptt1111--fllocl .. YtN l>ltlfttlH Rulll I Hewgeod Oeuoed • nO - Intl,_ 11 "°" wiSll to oef- 11111 DOES 1 1"'oug11x, 1 ~t~¥O. lt wsull, YoU ~I. wltl>ln S CS.rt •tt•• ... _ ---- •

IUMMONI tllls \Wm ....... 11 w rwo °" you. Ille NOTIC.• TO CONTRACTOllll "CTITIOUS aUllNE.s CASE NUMBElt sai.7 wllll 11111 <...,, • -llten , _ .... IO C.U.UNG fOlt • •os NAME STAT•MEMT

NOTICE t Y• lltvt - -. TIM Ille compjtlnl Unlns YoU 00 IO, yow ScllOOI Dlstrl(t ; NEWPOlll T·MESA Tiit lollowlft9 PtrlOfll e r e dol" 9 CMr1 .... , *<'* ... !Mt'"' wltMvl O. lt ull will be.,.,_ Oft - llutlon UNIFIEDSCHOOLDISHllCT "'""?.'i ... M ER RITT O ' MARA ,_ Mi.t -· -"* yw r~ ot Ille pjtlnlill. - 11111 court ,...y 8 1b OHcltl,. 2.00 o ctoo pm ol l!NTE RPR tSES. IDI THE COVE • 11111• • u ya. ·- .. l•to~tloll tnltr • ,._....,I eve•nll you to< ,,. ,,,. 2nd Qey of ~rll , l .. I A p A R T M EN Ts ( c • H 0 T E L M t.w , . .... oom.no.d In tlle compte lnl, Pl• Ct of 8'd Rt<tllM llS7 Plec• nlt• CAL I FOR Nlll..' IJl• s. CN•I Hl9'1wey,

II y~u w~ 10 SHll Ille IO•I<• ot en wlltcll could '""11 ' " 91'""""""1 Of St .• Cost • Mew, C.llfa.noe ntJ7 No 102 U1gun• 8uc 11 C• lllornl•

• llorno '"Ill•• m• lle r, you "'°uld do we91•, 1• 1noot money or P•-IY 01 Pro11ct tdent 1f•< a 11on N•m• tl•SI · • •o promptly'° lll•I 1011, wr llltll Ollltr rel ief request.a In Ille com REPAIR OF PRE STRESSED CON PtulM c.nr .. tttnMtn, l6IAsltrSl . rHponSt, lteny, meybeflleclonllm• Pl•D•n: d J 1J , .. , CRETE L•ount8HCll.C• lltornoet2UI

AVISOt USIM Ila '* -..,._., • 1 .,,.,.,y ' Pl • <• Ptens erton 111• M & O Dtpl , Wlll lem M Cllro\tl• 11sen, 11•1 It t rl- 1 -* M<kllr <-•• U•. J . PETERSON, J91S · 8 Bear St • Co"e Mtu , Carmelllt UVUN 8ttell Ctlllornl• t i• . .. ,._ .. •,,,_,,. ... u .. ,._. Cl"k Celitornle tUllt. ttUt ' • 0 •elltr. ... - lal. Lat I• lllf ... me· 8y V L Dun~. NOTICE tS HERE BY GIVE N lhtl Kiiiy O'Mlre l..aJ S.llle Clara cit•,. ... .i..,. Dtpvty 1111 abOn·n•meG SchOOI Ols trl<I of Dene Pollll C•lllo'rnle •lit.~ '

SI Usl.O-· wllco l•• • • COftHjOdl ALVAltAO(), ltUS&-CLELLAN Orenge '°""''· Celltornt• , t<ll"9 by Tn ls bu;IMU •• conducted by • un ·~ •n Ul• a.unto, .. be roe Belllt •I An.flu To-r tnd lllrougl\ Il l GO•trn111g 8oerd, gent rel Ptf1Mf'"'1IP n •~ • rto 1nm1d1• t• m•lll• , dt .... OM City Bl .... West, II•,. In• 1 t. , r . t.,,. 0 t 0 • ' Wllllt m Merrill Chrl\t l..,. ,tn m•nere. w re\PUHI• t\(rlla. \I no S..lte lilt " DISTRICT" will rte• ••• up 10. Diil ~tlly O'Mlrt • •ouna p- ,., regl\tra t• • 111mpo .,,.II ... CA"* not later ,,,.,, '"" •bo•• Ua t.O llmt, V.n«el Pertntrs

1 TO THE DEFENOit.N r A Cl • ll 1/~~~~..!'o•O<'..,.llt Co••t Dally P1101 HAied blch tor lht • w.,d ol • contrtct Thi\ •l• t.,.....t WH Ill.a with Ille com p1e1n1 l'MI\ betn 111eo D1 ll'lt Piton M• rc h 3 10 11 24 19111 IOS..ll tor tho-·• P<Ott<l Coun ty Clerk ot Oro1ng1 County on "" •9e1n\I you II you . ..... lo Otltnd _ ._ . • . 8IOS \hell be rtUl••O '" Ill• pit<• Moren tO , .. , 11'1•• ltwt.Wll. you mu•t, w11111n JO d•n •oenlll l..S • bo•t, and •h•ll be ooened YHOMAS WELLS •lier 1111\ wmmon• " ur.1d on you. I PUBLIC NOTICE ~nd public ly reed • loud tl 1"9 ebo••· A L•w c..,...etlM Iii• w1t n '"" courl • wrmtn re•ponM _ _ •1• 1.0 lime end Ill«• sea N•w,...tC...I., D< St• m 10 Ill• compttln l Unltu you oo "°· Thtro wlll be • H i ii. o.powt requortO N•wll'Or1 Well ~111~·.1 • , ... fOUr deltull W iii be tlllorlO on •P '9CTI TIOUS BUSINESS tor • • <" HI ol blO oocumtnu lo • l'Ua•• pllctllon of Ille Pla1nlllt end 1111\ court NAME STAYEMENT !Qu•••nt~ Ille rtlutn In 900cl con011ion PuDllSlleO Ort110t Co.st D• lly Pilot, mo tnttr • 1uoomen1 •g•1n11 10.i tor Tiie touow1no pertom ert OO•no o"•' ',~'" Nt A ISey• •lier 11\t big ooen1n9 Mer II, 1•, 31, N>_r I t9111 - _ 1J19-t_1 tn. re llet OtmM'Old 1n thie compl•1n t. bus.into • \ .. wl'llCll could re•ull on Q<Or no\hmtnl ot PARO( SERVICES INC . l•O)f E• <ll b id must conlorm • nd bl w•G•S. l~tl'\9 of money 0 ,. pro0itrh 0 , 8e•c h Boulev•rd . Su•l• ?U tiunt r•sponsl"4t to lhrt conlrecl OO<uments PUBLIC NOTICE olhtr r• h•I req.iu tto on 1ne com 1no1on B<tec11, Olllorn•• •~•I Eecl'I 0<0 \ l\011 be tccompenotd bY pl t ont Director\ 8yron L Woltl•m• tl'lt Stc11rlly rllt rrt<I to In lht contr•<I "C.TITIOUSBUSINESS

Oii.TEO July 11 IMO J tmt \ L Cl ayton & Stt•t n J oocumenh •M by tht Ill! ol p1-d NAME STATEMENY l w A &rM\itn Sh•rwOOCI, • Otl•w• r• corPor•l.On, sub<ontrKIOf"\ Tnt to11o t11t;n9 persons • re doing c .. ,~. 1.0S1 8 ttcl'I Boult•trd. S\lllt 11S. Hun Th• DISTRICT r .... rw> IM •'9111 to b11s1ntu u By R0>..,,nGOOderd 111191on a .. cll, C• llforn•• 911>47 All '•Itel ..,,1 or .. 1 11'0\ or 10 .... ... eny aR oA RWOOO ASSOC•,. TES. •1HI ()e.puly "''" chrKtor\ 1r1eout.,1t1n or 1ntorm•f1 t1e\ 1n eny B•rrett u,,., »nt• An•. CA 9170S

•-nu- Burl N S.ngleto11. P<tS•Otf'll . • D<OS or on I,.. O'd0i119 T llomH OsbOrnt, 12S)1 8•rrrtl ltOU•ttE. WOODltUFF Oll•••rt corpo .. 11on, IM)SJ 8ucll TN DISTRICT llH Ol>ltlned trom L•n•. S•nt• M t , Cit. '270) tOU N. - "'SL. S..lle ltJt 8ouloer0, Suit t JI), Hunl •noton tht Dorecta. Ol Ille Oeperlm•lll ol In Jonn aulltr, HO Htnovtr Slrtrl . S.Alt A,.., CefllK"'• • VOi 8U cll, C.t1torn11 UM7 Oustr le l Retetoons Ille 9tnerel prt•e1t C°'te Mtt.._ CA '2t2' (7 U ) tls-4211 By r on L W1ft1•M\ , VI(~ Presi ' "9 r•le Of oer Cll l m WaQI\ I n tP\e M•ry Ann PtulhP\, W••bury Inn

P11bll""° Or• n111 C .. st Oe1ly Polol, O<l111, • 0.tewe<t corpor•l•on, t60)1 IOC • t1ty 1n wfucll 1111\ wor k •I 10 be Ro11tt 12S, EHi M1001tbllry, Vtrmonl Me r 7• 3l . Apr I . i• . t'9l UIO , 1 Buell 8oulo .. rd, Suitt 1U, H11n1 perf0<meo for reel\ c rtlt or 1ype of OSl 40

--- tnvton Be•<.h, C..ll fornt• 'llibd wor lun•n "'"1'ded to eaecute the con John Kim, 14ll f nrMTl•O.. ,. Whittler

P UBLIC NOTICE Dt le Sl .. lfl\·8•nutl°"· St<retery tract rn.. .. r• tK trt on t ilt •• tnt CA .0.0)

------- a. Trusurer.•Oelewere corpor•t1on, DISTRICT 01110 loc•t•d •I US1 GeorgeS.1u.1.01o c ne11t , Htc leno1 1.on Bt tcft 8oul•v•rd, Su1tr 1U, Hun· Plecrnllt St , ~I• Ml••. C• lltornle Htogllll . CA• llO

NOTICE OF DEATH OF tongton llNcll, C11otorn1• 92M7 9UJ7 Cop11s mey be Ol>l•lntO on rt Spencer Crump, JJS Po1nsetlfe , ED WAR 0 DE QUIN Cy T"" buMnt" •• t onduc;led bv • cor quest . A c09y OI 1n.w rein sllall be Corontele l Mer CA97U)

PROCTOR k ED PROC por•l•on post.CS tl IM lob\ltt Don t ld Jtn111ngs , 9'8' GtrOtn11

a a • Delo Sltvtn\·8tnutlos. Tiit lort901nti Kht<IUlt OI per diem AY1nu1, Fountton V• ll•v. CA '2109 TOR AND OF PETITION Sec & Troasurrr wages,. IMstd upon• workl"9 O• Y ot Hope von Horton, 21• "A" Palmer T 0 ADM IN I 5 TE R Tnls st•ltmenl wH 111eo wlln lrot tognt ta) "°"'" The rel• tor llOlld•v Strut.CosttMlst.CA 97U1.

ESTATE NO. A 108128. County Cler~ ol Or1n111 County on •nd over11me work SM ll be ti ltHt Tiii\ buslnes• i• conduc ted by • Mer 1, 1'91 lime •nd one·l'Mlll gentrtl pertner1>111p.

T 0 a I I h e i r s • ,,, _, It •hell c. ....... a.1ory upon (flt CON TllOmH ~rn• beneficiaries, c r e ditors Publl""°Or..,,111 C0tst011lyPolol, TR ll.CTOR to wnom Ille conlr9't os Tllll statement w•s 11100 wllll 11\e and cont ing ent c r e di t ors Of M_! r J , 10, 11. 1• . l'ltl lOH·l l ewtrOtO, - upon tny Wb<onlr9'tor Co11nty Cttr~ ot Or enge County on

uncltr lllm, to pay not leu ll'Mln tlw Mtrcll 13, t'91 E dward De Quincy P r OC · P UBLIC NOTICE H id • PKllll<I ret .. to •II workmtn 1'117tlt tor, aka E d Proctor, a n d 1mp1oy10 Dy'"""' in,,. •n<ullon of Pub11sned Or•"91 Co.H D• lly Pl101,

h ~e tlle contrtct M•r<n 17, 1•, lt, Aprol 7, l" t llll·tl per s 0 n s w 0 may "CTITIOUS •USINESS NO b lCllClef mty •llhdr- Ills Did fM • otherw ise interes ted in t e NAME STATEMENT • pe riod Of fa. ty·fl .. CO i Qey\ . .. . . w i ll and/ or estate : bu!::!.:o~~OWll>Q per.-• • , . Oo•no tlle d•l•Mlla.trw-•noofblcll. PUBLIC NOTICE

A petition has been ft led SCOTT JEWELERS, - Edinger i.:.r.::::-::: =•r-= :.r:.'i-:':::..'...~ ------------by Ronald 8 . Drummo nd A•enu• . .....,tingcon -"· c.iuornl• lion of,,. c- r«t TM peym• n• -d s~~~:'::r'c!~~~~iAT::. tn the Superior Court of Jolln s HOlmenn, - H• mPIOft sl'Ml ll be In Ille lorm ••• fcwlh ,,, .... THECOUNYYOl'O•AHOE 0 ange County requesttng Roeo. Grou Point w-. Mtc1>toan contrKt --"· HO. A·ttfl tt u:-at Ronald B. Drummond mi.M llOttO Jun• HOlmenn . ••• ~:.~:rd . .., Fl.,,., ~~~'c':.!~~:°o~ ;"..'!:: be appointed a S per sona l He mpton Rd ., Grou Point WOOOs , --... OlreC1or In Ille AMlltr 01 ll>e APC>l lc• liOIJ;;: representative to ad · .. '{~,·;-~. " c-..Ctood by..... Publl.-Or-Col\I O• l•y Pilot, CLARACAMILLESIMPSON. minister the estate of • •v•- •• tH..-.ci • nc1w1te l ~-·-17_._1•_._t .. _ t____ 1J7' t t w ...... s. 1111 pe1tt1on ot CLARA

Edward De Quinc y Proc · .>oMS.Hotmeonn PUBLIC NOTICE ~~~:;,L~.~':~~.zt'.!'!~:::,~ t o r aka Ed Proctor ( Under Tr .. , •1•1- 1 ... , "'"' .... .... .... cheno•nv Ptlollontr ' • n•m• from \he Independent Ad · ~o.~~~Y13~1.'~~ ot Or.,ge Collnly on CL ARA CAMILLE SI M PSON to

m1n1stration ot Estates 1t1to1<ess100L asc•ow "~c:!~~!:~:..·::r N •1~0,~E"'e~·~~"o~~~~'"•t • ll Act) " Th~ pet1t1on IS set for ~~o·. v.·.c.~~~· Tiit toll-Inti person• ... 001n9 per\On\ ,,, .. ,.,,.., •II ... o m•Htr • P.

heart ng in Dept. N O. J a t S.ftle A,.. c;,.., ... , U 711 OUllntSUOUV T H P R t T C. H A II D petr oef0<• llllS court e t 10 30 • "' ·· 700 Civtc. Center D r ive, ~urew N~ t1..,· Mt' p•RTMERS. 1100 Ou• ll, Su111 100, Apr1I • . l tt\, i n lh t courlroom o1 "" " Oepa rtm.nt l, to \now C.tuM wny 1n1s West , in the City o f Santa l' l Htll Newporl 8H <ll, C•ll lorn•• •MO •PPhcttoon tor C"-"9e of namt •hould Ana, California on Apr i l P11b1 .. 1wc1 Oro1nge c .. s1 D•llY P1•01, Eowaro "" -"""°"· Jr , JtHJ not D• or..,,1•0

Mtt 11 14, 11 . Apr I l'ltl i37a.at r.noe. El Toro. Ctl1torn1• •:t.30 IT IS FURTHER ORDERE D tntt • 22, 1981 al 9 ; 30 a . m . ----- - Edwa rd M MUlt,.on. 11011 copy of tt>I• O<d4!f to sl\ow Uust ~

IF YOU OBJECT lo the PUBLIC NOTICE Ft or nope Roeo, Sen Diego, Ctlltornot p111111 s11t<1 once a Wffk tor tour \UC grant ing o f the petition, u121. tt\so•• .... , , proo• 10 IM d•Y ot stlo

YOU ShOuld either a ppear EICTI TIOUSaUStMESS-- Margtr•I M. M• \ttrson, 11011 n t t ron Q on Tne D• l ly Pllol , a ,..- " F•ir~~ R:Odd, So6.n 011QO, Calitornt• neW\P•P•t of o•n1r a1 c.1rc.ul a l!or

at t he h earing and St ale NAME STATEMENT 91111. pronteO In tht County ot OriOnljt , your objectio n s or I lle Tiit fo1 1ow1ng perwnf .,. 001n9 " '•""Reilly, 101• E11101 A•tnuo . OATEO M•rcn10. 1911

written o b jection s w i th t he ou.i~~,s~·ERN c M 1 . 111 w 191n ~~~0i';.11~~·~·;',~ t i~~~9 am 11 ~=~~1.,:'"""" COUrt before the hearing · Strttt , C0>te MeH. Ce llforn•a 91617 C•lltornoa 90807 S111>trlor Court Your a p pearance may be J•mn Qu111n Rffd, no C•llt Ot Thom<t• A Songster. JS>t' Todd P11D l .. l\e(I O••nQt c .... 0111, Polo! n person o r by y our al · MtOere, Ltu<ed1e, C• l1fornt• 9101' DroYI . Sut>nymt.O, C•htorno• •7llll Mer 14. Jl, it.pt 1, 1,4, 19111 1411 I '

C•rol ynn Minor Ref'<I, 210 C• ll • Ot T1'1 1\ Ouiine'' 1s conouct•O oy • Orney · MeOtr•, LNCOOlt , Ca lllotnit '101• grn•rtl perlnersh•P

I F Y 0 U A R E A W1lloem All en Ko.pull , 11111 EdwerO M Mt•ler\On Jr CREDITOR or a c ont · Mount .. n View, Tr•buco Ct lllo•••• Tl'll\ U•tement •O ,,, .., wotn Int ingenl c redi tor Of the de· •Ul~t11dr• Lo111S Kotpsrz l, 11111 Count1 Cttr• ot O<•noe County on ceased, YOU muS I ftle YOUr Mou nt••" V1tw Trebuco C• hto1n1• Mer l . l 'lOl Fls.IS4 c laim wi t h t he c ourt or •1•1' Puo1osl'lt<! OrenQt Cot\I o a 11 v P1101 present It tO the personal Tii i\ bU\lnUS IS cond11ct~ by a M•r ) 10, 11. 14 19111 tlMl t II represental 1 ve appointed ooner•• f.;,:z:';;":,..0

P UBLIC NOTICE ---------------

by the court w 1th1n four T111, ••••-• .... , ' """ '""'11 ,,,. months from the dale of Co11nty Clork ol Or.,,QP County on ftrst issuance of letters as F•b•u• •Y n . ' "" t FUMU N71•"

provided 1n Section 700 o f Pu1>11snt<1 Or•nQt cou1 O• •• Y P1101, '~~~!:~!':::s the Probate Code of M•• 17· 24

• 1 ' · ""' 7· 1911 1371 11 rne tottow•no pe,.on• .,. doing

California. The time for bus1neu ... II t PUBLIC NOTICE MEADOW VIEW INVESTORS,

filing claims w1 no ex - ___ 20• 1 S•• Co•• L• n• , cost• Mu•. p1re prior to four months c• 1otorn1• tUllt. from the date o f the hear · l'ICTITIOUs •uStNns w1111em Sm1111, :io Sl mpoon 010 . t d bO NAME UATEMENT &tlllpage, Nt w YO<k, lll04 1ng no tCe a ve. Tiit fottowlnQ ptrS<>ns ert doing O••oO Pr l•u , 2J1J Htl l• it •

YOU MAY EXAM I N E bu\ont uu Fu11.,1on, C.lllorn1at1'll the file kepi by the COUrt. L E . PARTNERSHIP t , " 7U Me tetie Communlc•llons CorPOr• II I t t d th Kongs wooo, Hunll11g1011 8ucll, Cit. lion, tr>e .. io.t Set Co-. I.Ant, CO\lt

you are n eres e in e tu... Mesa, c.iuorn•• •u:i.. • c t 111orn1 41 estate, YOU may file a re· Luther Edw•rd Gribble, • _Gener• I corporellon. quest With t h e COUrl t O re- P• rlner In Limited Pa rllltrSllop, 1' 7U Tiiis 1><6in•u I\ condutted by en un Ceive Special notice Of the ~~'!:swood, Hunllllgloll &ucl\. Cit. l11corpoul.O UJO< lt llon Other tl>• n •

i nve ntory of es t ate asset s Er ic o O• •• c ru1 , • L1m1110 P•'1"'''

111P M" L " G " c 0 M

and Of t he petit ions, aC· Partner In LomlltO Partnerstllp, IO• MUNICll.TIOHSCORPORATION C 0 U n I S a n d r e p 0 r t S ~t to~ummll , it.pt C. P•Wdtna , CA Minue t G Rlct,

ctesc r ibed in Sect ion 1200 T111' bustn .. s •• conduc tto b• • Tl\ls ;~~=: w•• 111.., with ,,.. of the California Probate 11m1t•d 1>1rt111nl'llp. county Clerk ol Oran91 county on C d Lut"9r Edwtrd GrlbC>lt F b " , .. ,

o e · T111, ,,. ,_, wes 111.cs ... 1111 ,,,. • · ... Stephen M . Rios, At· county c.1erk of o' """" c ounty on '1*4t

Publllhed Ort110t Co.st Delly Pilot, t orney at Law, J 1711 Los Mercn •· , .. , l'UlJlt Mer l , 10, 17 74, t .. 1 IOS7 11 R ios Street, San Juan Capistrano , CA 9267S . 496·4711.

P11bll lfted Or- CO•l\I Delly Pilot , -----March 10, ti, 2•, JI . t'9t 12'1 tt P UBLIC NOTICE

Published Orange Coast PUBU C NOTICE ---~-IC_T_l_T-IOU_l_•_us;;;u,--Daily P ilot , Marc h 24, 2S,.------------- NAMEITATD~•HT 31 , 1981 1485·81 l'tCTlflOUS aullNESS Tne tollowtno PtrS<>lll er• doing

MAMe STATCM5NT bllslnen et Tll• totlowlno por~s a rt doing R E 1! V E S & W E I E R

P UBLIC NOTICE buslntu•· AOVERTISt NO AGENCY. W• $ante WEGO PARTNERSH IP. ,~ .Ant Awnut (P O. lo. tUttl . Col l•

l'ICTITIOUI aUllMEH ll tvert lcte Aw...,., Newpor t 8tt<ll, MtH, celllornle t » 27 ttAMa ITAT•MIMT Celllornl• ~ R-ld L. LOftQ, 2'7• Sent• NI•

Tiie tol-"9 -- I• doing bull· lrwtn F. Gt llm• n. '"' Mt rlt n Awnue , GMt.tMne, CttllMnle •»27. nus u : SHELltON WIST, H tt l Ltnt, N..-t Bet<I> , C..ttfornle t1'60 Jo• n C Lone, U 7t S.nte Ane Me yten , I"'' "• · Ce tllor,.la "'" l • •l»r• L. Go4 t.....,, tllt mKl tn Annue, C:O.t.tMes .. c.mornlet»V . llone ld D. WHIOn, "'" Meyt on , L• M , N_,.,, ... ,,. CelllMnl• tMO Tllll llutl-• ,, <OftOUCletl DY t n ,,.. ,,.., ,.., Ctllforlll• 9»14 This buslftft~ Tllll lluMnttl h cond u<t•d 11Y • clMdual CllWMl\d a wll• l t• ,~..., ~., lntl vl- 1. Umlted -1,.nltlp, II-Id L. LOftQ

R-'f O. WffMll ll'Wfft F. Oo4 ll'M<I Tllll •t.tt-1 w• ltled wttll 1111 Tlllt .......,..,. w• l lllld wltll llw Tnl1 st.et-I wet 111«1 •1111 t,.. co11nty Cttrk of Oran91 Cou11ty 011



Trtt tollOWlnQ Pft\On\ . ,, OOtnQ

bu\1ntn •i SF' R I NVEST MENT S. co

L • Y"m•n. H•n,on, Jonr' & Vo\s.. I Cor p or•tf' P l•i• Newport B••ch C.• htorn1• 91..0

S I even H Sunsnme . .. S¥1001Pfr. 1rv1n1. C• tlfotn•• •21u

Robert E Dye, 119• 1 "P"'"t. Et I oro, C• lllornlt 91.:JO

Frldrroek 8 S.1n1 n , ,.)1 Rt,.cn 9ro W"t, Irvine, C.i1hfornt• •11'4

Thi\ tw\tntts. " conduct~d by • 91ner•I ~rtner~n10

Fr- rick S.11110 Tbls ••••-nt was flied w1lll lht

County Cltrk 01 Or.,.111 Co11nty on Mtrc ll 3, 1 .. 1 LAYMAN, Hit.NSON, JONES I VOSS LAW Ol'FICU t Cerport\9 "•u N•w111,, Boa<ll, Ca llt.,."ie tMG

FU707J PuOll\lled O<'en111 c .. sl OellY Piiot,

Mercn to. 11. 1 .. JI . 1'81 121041



Tiit followlng person• • r• dol"O bu•lntUM

Cit.MPUS GAS CO MPAN Y, '°'1 Telblrl , S..lle IA, Fo.inte ln Vt llty , Ce lllornl• "'°' D• • ld 8 ll<'•lsky, '°'2 Tatti.rt, Suitt l A, FOUftl .. n V• llty, C.tllornl•

"'°' P• ut Her9ort A Stell • Her9e rl 11\UbenO 1 wtl•, 21»n RMI u111. H11n-11no1on 8"<1\, cat ltorl\le n - .

Roymt, inc .. • c..tifMnl• corpore · lion, )112 Wtsl Oct.,, Frtnl, N••por1 &Mell. Celllornl• •*1

II« nle I' S•• l •led Tllll lltl-1 wet 111«1 wttll Ille

county Clerk of Ort"~ County on Mer 2. 19'1 SAMUEL C\IBITE ATTO•NIY AT LAW .,t Slit• A-. s..lt• , .. Htlllll ...... llM<lt, GttlfWtllt tlMI .

PvMltNcl Or ..... c:oeu Otlly PllOI, - · J , 10, 11, 14, t .. t 10604 1 .

PlJBUC NOTICE County c i.r• or 0r .... County on County Cler• .i Or.,91 County on l'ell. *· tttl ""· 11, 1t11. Merell>. '"t. "'"- -·---=,.,,.1CT=1~T1==-ou=1=-=a7.u:':17.1N=1';'u:;---I

l'U'1'7 • '1D.. Publl - 0. - Coetl De lly Pltot, NAM1 JTATIM•NT Pulltl"*' OrAllClt CNtt OellJ PllOI ftylltllMf Or ..... OMl1t Delly Piiot , Mer J, 10, 11, 2', '"' I061-11 fht followlftO poraonl ore tlolno

Merell 10, 11, 14, Jt, 1'11 tK+•• Mer, "· 24, JI, """ 7, 1011 tJI0-11 • ovslneo • a: PlJBLIC NOTICE !"I.OAT TO Rill.Alt. 1000 lrlttot P\JBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE


< Strt tl He r tf\ , N•wport 1•• <11 , tallltrnl• ,_,

CMl'Ofatlon lor ,,.,,., ""-'•· • c; e lllorn l1 corpo rtt l on, HUC N1 rct1-.- W••tt11lnt t.tr, Calllorn11 ~.

Tllll ..,._• I• cfrMIUC., lly • tor .... ""'· COit llOltA fl Off 1'0 It I H HI PIAC.li •-M.w.... ~ .

Tlllt t&at-.t - fl ... Willi c;-ty Cltt1l tf Ot....- C'WllY ,,..,_ ,, ""· ,,

..._..,_Or .... ONM o.lly Piie - · J, 10. U.M. l•t IMIJ4

6 4. 2 • 5 6 7 8

D A I L y

p I L 0 T

c L .A s s I F I E D

6 4 2 •

Orange Cout DAICY PILOT/TUMd.ey, Maroh 2'4. 1981


""""''"" f'f'IWnt" 4 ,. , Pout l.Attl '.'\ut.c•f' ,

l,.oi..t. ~ '"'"' p,,'°".1~· 'Jlxt1I t lvt. • Trot l •

SERVICES ~hl(f' (JUf~ t Uf )


v hooh I nJM u< uon JubW.inlft1 • Htl._ -. . ,u~ ~ 11 •

MERCHANDISE · A"'MIW"• A~l•M~"' ...... ,_ :::r;:~ M al•fl•I• Ca,,..ru • f qw .. pmtnt c.u llGt• n-.. \0 'to.. ~rMW• c ..... s.i. ·-1-1.ood• "-tl•t u .. ntor "-MH'-•"""' M1KTU• _,..,.,.,i. M&M".tl• "'""-" • • nl"9 MYMC'IJ ''"''" ""'...._ omo Yvnt 6 t.41wp ...... ~'"':: 1.~f:~: ~ .. G-• S...t RNa1111nn& l • r

~T'.ct..o t41h Slu H


Ct'ntt• I &o.b ... ,,.. .... ,... .. ,,. lo.ti.,..., ......... , &o.u. P'O'atf &•U RrM t "h• r\•r tlu• hS..11 &Mt" q,p. 0-h &•b~" '* ' &.l.t SUN'IJf'

TUNSPORTA TIDN A..H C' tll'\ t'• mprtf'\ f\• lf" ktnl £.1Mr1r ( • "

a~o!'~~·~r.:~ St-ootttn• Mo&Ot ltm1i 'i• I• krn1 Tratlrn Tr•"''' !~:~t.~~1~1:"i ."~

AUTOMOBll( tJt'l'W't• I

AJ1h\tW4' ~ ' ·- ~·· · ~ ""'""°" \ , h tt· lf' ~1"h ""u H1id •'w-.n1 lJ1 1\ «:• f r"'t , _. Va.lb Aws.w~o11.z Aw'°"W 111nltd

AUTOS. IMPORTED ''"""''•' Alt• Ru""'°u

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DlltlCTOIY For Result

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, .... ._.., Matice: All real estate ad · ver t l aed in thi s ne. wapaper la s u bject t o the Federal Fair H ous in& Act at 1968 which m ake1 It Ulegal to ad· vertise " any pre ference. ll mitallon, or di s · crimlnallon based on race. color. r eligion . sex. or n ational origin, or an intention to m ake any such preference. li m itatio n . or d is c r1minauon."

This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estat e whic h is in viola· lion of t h e law.

ERRORS: Advertisers shollld ct.ck their ads dally and report er· ron ltninediately. The DAILY PILOT anumes

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HOUMSforSale •••••••••••••••••••••••

1002 ...•.••••..•..•........


V ery pop~dar Republic home with cover ed en· try , massive Uvlng room i. nd family roo m , fireplMceli , e l egant formal dini n g r oom , huge country kltc htin overlooks spur kll n11 pool. 3 car garage and many ext ras . O wner will carry lst TD at 12';} In terest. Priced at only $265,000. Call to 11ee 5*-2313



Lrg 3 Bdrm 2 Ba · ·T P l a n ". walking distan ce to shopping, sl·hools and tenrus courts. Owner 1s ver y motivated so make an offer.





$1 I 0,000 I


R t du c1 d $25 , 000 . DeaJ>"r•te o wner H)'I brloa 1111 offtra . No quallfylng. Low down. t Bdtm slnale atory home. totall)' uparaded. Call tor more detai ls .


PROPERTIES 714-631 -6990


1 'h ta beautiful view pru­pe r t y in Newport 1s priced below market value a nd below ap· pra1sal Spac·e age kit c hen with bre akfas t area. Huge living room, lanai w1lh v iew . firepla ce and open beamed c athedral ce1l· ings Hlde-a way master suite. separ a t e c h idrens win g Dash t o the pool. Call today for details . Owner highly motivated and will work with very c r eative rinancing <.:11 11 752· 1700


INVESTORS 1-' IXANDSAVE R oll up your s leeves 4 Br I·'• ba h o m e Owner w alhni: 10 negotiate $98.500 ('all n o"' 536-9311

HEATED SPA Beautiful single story Executive home in M esa Verde with 4 Bdrm • F am. R m .. Formal Din Rm . 2 Baths . 3 car garage, imported tile , burglar alarm . C'entral air . ai r purifier. soft water. loft storage area Nicely landscaped . All for $24.2.900. W ill con ­s Ider lease . ma y b e lease 1opt ion . Call :

Oldie but good1e t Bdrna . rentrall} located Walk m g dii.tan te to brat•h and s hopping • e"' l'OJJ per ptpei. . roof a nd wuod Ce n re O "' ner 'l'r~ motl\alcd . "'111 t•arr) financing Call 752 1700



Clyde Johnson Rltr 549.2644

2 UMITS $94,900

S uper investme nt ! Two 2· Bdrm uni ts. o n e with fireplace ! Curr e nt i n · co~$740 m o . Financ · ing! 1 yr home protec­t 1 on plan in c luded Hurry, t h is wont last 646-7171


~.500 put:. you in to your own 4 Bdrm . A 1C born e 12 7 8'~ financin~ . Call for detai l s on our ''T ICK t."T" program

fla RED CARPET IL 754-1202


This beauliful home ex emplifys Mesa Verde The quiet c ul de l> 3t' locallon a nd the famtl} onented noor plan allow the h ome o wner th e maximum enJoyment of this bes t o f all Costa M esa commun 1t 1e:. There' s even a pla y house. Call 752·7100

.. ,;.~;;!.. .. r .. ~~~4~1!!!!·~s~i.l.£.I~ S00.900 loans. Beautiful 3 1 -:: Bdrm 2 bath home with d i ning / f a m i l y area 4-PLEX S h aded covered p atio. FIXER' double g arage, c all for , more details . 546·2313 Ea s t s 1de Costa M esa


ALL tilEW TO YOU Lovely, refu r bished 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home located in Costa Mesa R eal ex· e r c1se Cor your entire ram1ly tn your J)rivate pool and spa Don"t miss thi s one ' $128 . 500 556-2660



~~~lA~~ro~~yy for a

!l()day ad in the



Adi For SCMdra Your Daily P ilot

Service Direc tory R epresentative

642-5671, ext 311

'•r"F· f""f • ,• .,, /I ~ .... " . ..., .. , .... . • 4. ~ 4_.:I,~ r

bargain • All 2 Bdrms' Walk to i.hop ping ! Prit·l' o nly 1225.000 ' Call for more deta ils 546 2313


LOWDOWN Versaille I Bdrm s tudio penth ouse condo with lge assumable loans Only $105.500 Ca ll toda} 979.5370


COSTA MESA 51R-Sl25,500

OWNER SAYS SELL Not an add-on o r c on version. A r ea l 5 Bdrm fa m ily home in one of Costa Mesa ' s n1 test areas. H a ndy mans de· light. C a ll now and save!


PROPERTIES 714·63 •·6990

H ave someth ing lo s ell " Classified ad:\ d o It well



l j ! ~ i


REAi,. TORS - --


568.900 If you have hllle t«1s h and a r e looking for a !(olden opportuntl} to o wn your own home . don ' t wait , this is 1t ! This lo vely rondomin1um 1~ a 2 1-ldrm. ver y clean :md neat , and loc ated m a quiet area Approx ­imat e ly $2,950 down and owner will carr y 2nd with s mall pay m ents. C all now for a ll the de· tails . 752· 1700


.. saVerde Auum.f"ion

A ssume 11 • I S i an<t o wner will carry larg~ 2nd 4 Bdrm 3 Ba. 2400 s q fl and beauti full y de­eorated 1s what this pre· s t 1g1ous home has lo or. fer A s king prtre $240.IXX>.-





Pa ) dosing cost s only ' Buy )Our o wn home ' Mus t qualify fo r mon thl) pay menls Exc iting new concept C all today Cor full details 673~550


Pictur.P..-ftct Imma c ulate 3 Bdrm ram1ly room in pr e ­s t1g 1o u s Turtlerock Beauti f ul decorati n g , vaulted cei lin gs, atriu m . covered patio. P riced t o sell at $184,500.


Your beach place this s ummer o r all year ton g . $209,900. Ple n ty of room Cor t he whole famil y with 4 large bdrms and family room. Lovely r e · er garden and patio co v ­e r . Owner will help finance. Call 673-8550



All now ~noHoa u1lng . 1 flctltlou• na"'o, muet by law bo realeterod wtth tho County Clerk. Tho DAILY PILOT



:. Little Miss Muff et sat on • TuHet, alone cam e • · s pide r and read in the

I. Dally Pilot Claaalrted

e«tlofl about Mltt Muf fet '1 Tuffet and boulbl lt


piowldet tho '°'"'' 1nd fling Mrvtcoa for our cunmert. If you ero et•rttnt • new butmell celt , ,_. DAILY ftlLOT tor lnform.aon end form• I for • ·• · You can MJl

10/# Ulffet aod Iota ol otber l hln1• t111r'ouc h

842-4321 1JrT: m I DaU)' PUot Claaalfled Adi. c.&J Mt-mt

''"" ................. - ....... -·········-···········-·-·····-·-············· .............. ,


Buy1 Ullt 2 plu1 den home. 56 montbt new, double Iron l•ted entry, cathedral ceillnp, brick firep l ace, 1ourm et kitchen. French doors to patio. $179,000. Call 8'7H560



Outstandin1 builder 's lot, &b300' with charm ing 3 bdrm home, cov· e red patio. Live there while you butld! Lot next d oo r also f or sale 66x300 '. Nr Newport 's Back Bay Hurry, call for details . 646-7171



<>KY 100/o DOWH Reduced tho u sands' Spacious livin1 room f eatur es glowing fireplace. 3 large bdrms plus den. Great assuma­ble bl and owner will carry a second . Call 673-85.50



Cozy 3br, 2ba home, den, frplc. etc.

+ 3 more separate hom es on lg lot. Call now for appt. $485.000 Owner will finance.

Roy McCardle, Rltr 541-7729


SPECIALISTS Learn brokerage & pro perty mgmt skills by Joining a leading local firm Call Ken at


ASSUME LG 911:z% LH 3 Br, 2ba home + pool Pride o r ow ner s h ip Take advantage, 90'7, f1n an . avail Only SI 0~ . 900 C all n o w 911HJIO


A IAYllDI C~HHIM In Bayside Cove! Vacant and ready for some decorator touches : 2 bedrooms , 2 baths, 1600 s q . ft . attached garage and all the amenities of one ·of the areas finest bayfront town home developments : Beach, pool , spa, etc. Amazingly low $287 ,500.

U~KJUI: 11()1"1:~ R£ALTORS. 675·6000

2'4S £Mt Cout Hltliw•v. Coro .. del Nu WE HA VE t3 OF THE BEST USTINGS IN TOWtJ

CE 110111 1L111s ca.


ILUFFS IEST IUY Rare " Q" Plan With Spacious Living /Dining Room Area & Cozy Conversation Pit. Ideal Location With Large Enclosed Patio Ort Lush Greenbelt Near Pool & Tennis Club. Tastefully Decorated ' & In Imma culate Cond ition. Perfect Home For Entertaining. Owner Will Carry Second Trust Deed. $229,500.


llW COlllOS D.NTTEllS 1213216tgff

E o f Harbor Bl vd . 641-1991 act.

759-9100 # 2 CcwpoHh PSn•


ASSUME f1/ 2o/o IMT ~$763/MO

Earthtone decor. step down family rm w /frplc. Tiered fi s hpond . As ­s ume 2nd, owner will carry 3rd. C/21 Star bird,

............... _.! HB. 962-4'50 HEWPOttT llACH

OHLY $29,500 Like new 2 Bdrm 2 bathl _______ _._

mobile hom e . Patio. rt•slllo roW t·arport , pool, spa and 1751 ftcna chi Sur f riendly people. Easy 3 Bdrm. 2 bath, frplc Financing. Free & clear. Owner will

carr y l s t. P r iced a t $310.<XX>.

OCIAMAtONT 2 Bdrms, 2 ba. unfum. New. smo yrly.

IAYFtlOHT 3 Bdrm. l ba , unfum. Mint rond. SBSO yr ly

CHAHMa FttOMT 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. unfum. S7S0yrly.

associated e110 •. r11s 11E 1\1 •011s 11)]' ._.., 8~11•J1 1 "' ill ti

associated BPO .. f(I'~ llf/\,T .PS

,& ] Viii f: I ~ ' ~ '

OCEAMROMT Choice com er duplex. 3 bdrm , 2 bath up . 2 Bdrm. 2 bath down. Can con ve rt to a larger home. SELLER WI LL HELP F I NANCE ' $895,<XX>!

lc6oa lay rrop. Rfflton


••••••••••••••••••••••• IOOZ




UL.II OMCI C1141 611 .... - w. w.. It. MJ..JMI c-.w....c:..

~· t-: sl l'.Y '.'..;

~YLOR CO. 1n:A1.T0Hs --.J11t ,. t!H f i


Call us now and make an appointment to see this beautifully-landscaped 2 bedroom , 2 bath, family room home . Outs tanding landscaping front and rear . Large lot , workshop, lots of large closets - a nd all for $183,000. Definitely today 's best buy. WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO., REA&. TORS

2111 S-Jo ....... Rood NEWrORT CENTER, H.&. 64 .. 491 O

··I SPYGLASS I Thia Lmique Portsm outh I boasts a secl uded

c ustom pool, s pa and private courtyard. In addition to the thr ee b e drooms and lw o baths. there 1s a de-

Can yoo afford home pay ments of Sl~Sl800 per month. but don 't have a down payment ? Call Gene at 955·3395 after 3pm .

tached in-law quarters . Extended living room and custom features not afforded any other home in the area . Offered for $459,SOO

D.M. ~hatl Rltr 64 .. 9990

I .......... s-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

eM'U •eue••eue!!! ~~ ....... !~!~ ~~.~: ... ~.!~~ H111nll«S-. ~Hu111P..-S. .....,..,_S-.

................... ml! ............... 1-.. I M Y I I T 0 I S SU

long water view rrom 6 lagoon home. Remodeled

traditional borne . Priced to sell quickly at Sl,800,000. By ap~.

UDO ISi.i Newly remodeled t raditional 3 bdrm, 2 bath plus lge recreation room & 2 patios. Beam ceilings. Best in price at $420,000. PENINSULA POINT llACHFIOMT Panoramic view at wedge, from prime large lot, 4 bdrm, 3 bath custom home. 3700 sq . ft . featuring marine room, entry, living room. dinin g room. built-ins, etc. $1,385,000.

RANCHO MIRAGE Springs Condo, 9th fairway, 300 sq.ft. 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, furn . G<>lf clb. mbrs hp. Trade for beach invest. prop.

BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR I l 1 tl .. y· .. d. (J1.,. •• k (,/', 61()1

o/ newporl

REAlTORS 675-551 I

CAREER orrORTUNITY - Joi• • progt'9111U Clftd dywt-..ic red Htah firm. &celletlt cCNMll11'°'9 sct.cMe. Attroctl•• officH Giid loh of profeuioMI as1l1to.tc• Cl'folk&ble. Coll John or Yody at 675-SS I I.

COLE OF NEWPOIT REA.I.TORS 2 5 I S l. Coast Hwy., Cof"ClftCI dtl Mor


lolboo Island 1006 •••••••••••••••••••••••

POOL NOMI SNCIAIJ Terrlll~-tfnancln1 !xeutlve Duplt1 for av8Bable. Lari• 2 •\oO dl1crlmloat1n1 lute faauty home With lovely lbr, 3ba. each, centr•I pool, encloeed courtyard alr. Yl'QOdburnlnt frplc•. aad aeparate muter cl.lltom drapes / carpeta. 1u.ltedownttalrt AJI lblt beavy 1hak• root. U Wil for only SlU,000. Call loan la auumable, no 5t0·1151 tor mor• In· qua11.f)1nl nece91ary. formal.Ion. SI• Doww Or Lett




Ll'<le in one, Rent or sell the other


* VA-41d SI Olk• VA appraised ' Br 2ba

Nodn pmnt to vets Prine only 75Hl836

FORGET fT! If you're looking for that " Clxum up" s p ecial. keep on looking. This beauty is in near mint condition & a great va lue at th is pri ce' 545-9491

.._Walker 8 laa REAL ESTATE

VANODOWM 3 Br 2 Ba ramily home w t frpl c a nd lrg backyard. Total selling price Sl.25.000. ~().3666

•Whelan Real Estate

HOUSE on bu1ldable R 2 lot. Westside Bluff area Agt 557 5150

..-OVIS YOU IH N o qu alifying neceuary. Your m oo thly payment can be ad· just.eel to meet your mon· thl~ budaet. We hue many 3"4bdrm home ln best Orao1e Co unt y locations w /thete term 11. Call our 11peclallst for more information.

~~l~~~T 14MHI

IRJNG AMY OFfH Lovely 3br, cstm home near bea c h & park , formal d ining , heavy shake roof CaJI now for Information regarding the ~•"'r assum . loan Seiter w 1carry part or the buyers down pay ment & says bring any offe r


4br, remodeled kitchen, plush carpets, cus tom drapes, freshly painted . seller bought another & h as priced thousand s below marke t value for quick s ale . C reative te rms ok better hurry


148-8581 MESAdelMar, lg 5br , 3 1-~~~~~~~~ ba, remdld k1tch, r ho1ce of cpl Under mkt al $155,<XX>. Agt 557.5150

$25.500 DOWH

~ IA YFROMT Desirable EasL'l1de-Abb1e 30x 101 lot. Way 2 Br Big 60xl20'

S6 5 9 P.'f' '"° moves you into lhis 3 bdrm home featunng ii

dining & bonus rm rrplc. OnJy Sll2.900. Call now S36-93ll

71 .. 1111 Older Duplex. Custom lot Fruit trees. at t home site on the waler garage, covered patio. $695,<XX>. Wiii exchange wane cellar . remodeled

768-00M ASSUMAILE LOAM --- bath. S130.000 Flexible

Waterfront older duplex financing Owner $141 ooo w·11 h 642 .,,,,,.,

, Cbarmin& ' bdrm hom e 1695.<XX>. a exc ange . .,.,.,., · cul-de-sac on 768-0S.S4 E S 1 d e C M 3 B r


C.MCHARMER Pr ime East side loca ­tion. Alley & RV access .

: Many Corona del Mor I 022 $117,500. keccnt 500 sq . IAYCREST upgrades plus ext•ellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• ft addition . New k1tch.

Spectacular Bea,·hwa lk T ownhom e Choice ol plans from $136 .500 Bk r 848 (1709


SAHDDOUARS This 3 Bdrm f2 Bdrm duplex presents a great investment opportunity in West Newport The locat1on of this property (only 2 lots from the ocean and steps lo the bay> coupled with the unbelievable rinancmg make this offering re · ahst1c and smart Ask

Spacious custom built fi nancing. Tak e over J asmine Creek decorator den. restuct•o ti0x125. ~I home just lis ted. Many subject l-0 existing T.D home. plan l on green · Monte Vi st a OffH quality features such as at s•,.'7. annual int rate belt immac $305.500 Own 1Brk 646·4289 w AU< TO BEACH cedar li n ed s torage Newly ofCered 64().8145 closet, complete insula · 759-1616 --- --- Im maculate 2 bdrm 3+2+guestquarter!'." lion and centra l station I~~~~~~~~~ $5 0 K D w n . C am co townhouse. many xlras 0 111 n er ho 5 bough 1

alami. Lots ofroomw1th I~ Sho~. J;95K . 3 brand o wner will f1nant·c another . Submi t 10 ~ 4 bdrms .. family rm . S IDlM new condo/ dplJt , $420K Broker par t1C'ipat1 on down . OWC Won ' t last formal dining rm and $10,000dowa ea . Agt. 673 · 776 1 , $114 ,950 646 2 142 or agt646- IS44 extr a large paneled Owner wants out ' Huge 760-l:B7 759-4181 HURtitMJfOft game room. Excelfent family r oo m . formal ..__. _____ _._ • ._ _ _._._._. _ _._ Harf)Ow I 042 value at $449.SOO. dining room . huge cor· ,.. i• • • •••••••••• •• ••• ••• •••

17141 67°].4400' CJ Ill Ul-1111


A Oiv1s1on of . Horbor lnveslmenl C,!) J

ner lot. Bring all oHers DOH"T CALL ME MEADOW PARK A DUPLEX New exclusive qualit y


714-631 -6990

Go&deft West btates Beautiful S&S Exec 4 bdrm home Elegant wet bar. bit-an bbq ins ide & many other amenities incl a huge yard thut backs to a beaut1ru1 park Just 2 yrs old ' Broker . 963-8182

mg only 1265,000 ~~~~~~~~~ lcAoo Island Rlty

I 'm a perfect home ror and well planned hom e o wn e r occupant or with luxur) and span• ma y be 2 as a Sta te ly 2 s \ory partnership. Two nearly H ave r ford p lan o n equal 2 Bdrm 2 ba units ssx120· lol L:irge J with ma s t e r s uite s . Br+den. hul(e famil y . s tone frplc s & wood I fabulous bright well beam ceili ngs on an ke pt Country Kit chen overs: lot w 'pvt patios Super family area Near and deck. New on the s 0 . c 0 a s t r 1 a 7 u market a t $320,000 I $209,<XX>.

OH THE WATER Chateau + AdJ lot w1lh b oa t s lip . 5br . • ba 964 -1611 agt. 963-4606 J ohn

673-1700 Call64 .. 721 I : ' : ..

' ' • • ' ~ ' I . . . HOMI.~ 1044

mac nab I Irvine realty

. . .. : . :·· lll.Ol UTAH HC1JUflfa SIHCf tt<t **REDUCED!




' 1 S • REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL LOT ~ 631-1400 3 contiguous lots . zoned -


C2 In Sa n Cle mente. omce building plan s available. $296,800.

IACHrARADISE LR'- .a.ssuM Must sell super 3 Br • ,,.,. • townhome w /great brick

LOAN patio, +special custom


THE IRVINE COMPANY --- -WHAT A sure rates Luxurious 2BR Big Canyon condo provides the opportunity for a te rrific Newport Beach lifestyle . Upper level unit set amidst the fabulous f<tl'i litaes and amenities and security of Big Canyon. $175,000 with an assumable loan. Susie Weiss 551-8700. 865

OU>MEWPORT VIEW! VIEW! VIEW ! New condo. Convenient to bay . Lido . Hoag H ospital and r estaurants . Tw o b e droom s . Trad e possibili lies. $189 ,000.

LEASE OPTION Beaut 2br , 2b'l Irvine T e r race Pool Ho m e . Spa. lge lot, 2 car gar. room to build. 54000 dwn $2700 / mo . Br y an 64().SQ!l

Assume t95.000 at 91' • 1;.; features . Excellent as

OWC 2nd. Beaut . 5 Br sumable loan & owner pool hom e in Mesa wi ll assist. Reducedlo

Coraer acro11 fro• layfro•t. Distinctln 3 ldrm, 4 bath, family rOOM t.o.. wlffl ..... , I ltilL Sfrfft to 1tre.+ locatiCMt wlttt ~for,... nMMd ~ s,.cw ...... ........ lltcW. Fr.Ch ..... IHded .... .ct CJ041"1Mt kitca... $675,000.

SHORECLIFFS LEASE OPTION Wo.derf•I opport. to .. ,..d .. d •corote ffll1 Hl1tl.g l .... e.g. ...., ,.... e.o.. °" ...... corMf' lot. Sl0,600 opt'- ..-.y ...t S 1500 ,..­....tta! I yr. opt.._ Sl6t.~.

WATER~WOODS--WARMTH SpHicMn 2 ... + .. c.-de ..... ..... pt&tlo, ) ........ c ..... llllrror1 & .......... '"' .. , .......... OW&Mr ...

SPACIOUS LIV04Gt Lovely '' La Cues t a ·• hom e in Northwood. Decorated in neutral colors this 4BR det ac h ed hom e o ffers spaciousness for the large fa mily. Upgraded wooden shutters. woven wood window coverings, upgraded b e ige c arpet and pool s ized backyard are jus t a few of the many amenities . $174 ,000. Scott Als ton 551-8700. B66

751-1414 Ht-1700

631°7300 H.I .


A llT Of.OLD MEDCO Gracious Solano model in Rancho San Joaquin Villas . 2 BR. + den . 2~ baths with rare attac hed garage. Adult community with beautiful pool , spa & caba na . $162,000 Fee.

Verde. Only $215,000 $126.990 John & Sall y Co x 631· 1266 or 641 ·8458. (Uj] Good Duplex on bes t Agts l\bodbrldge

street, pool , hi income • ._________ Really Owner. $320.<XX>. Prine 1•

only 640-4999. $9l 500 SS l ·3000 <ttttBarranc• Pk•). lr-Yln•

View ! Location! Ocean & J _ __ ------hills Prime Harbor Vu 3 Bdnn 1 ~ bath. patio i-----------­area. Ask for Bev. Cov- Double prage. c lose to ington, Brk. 770·8887. Or ange Coast College 768-6663 Call 645-9161

E~~th ~EN HOUSE REAL TY ,;:·

view, pool, jacuzzi. Good yard for children. Sub· l~~!!~!!~!!!!!~I mlt on financing.


<>4() <)• 100


Nice 2 story "C" plan 2 bdrm condo Freshl y painted , ce ntral air Priced below compara · ble sales for im mediate action . .-i.500.

CAUNOW 64 .. 7211

/Jn NIGEL (}AILEY & 1\550(11\ TI 5 c .. 1lder IHH optlow. 1.-ed to

$610,000. ComFM Vo••v Cen1""

642-12J5 Cj() I Oovet ()m. e

woocbtdqe C11<1tei

644-6200 IN NEWPORT CENTER ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1024

CHAR MEit Beautifully decora ted 4 Bdrm home with atrium and separate ma s t er suite. Private com er lot, lovely carpels and wall * * $15MI WATERFRONT HOMES. JN('

REAL ESTATE -,,,..,, R-'nt·•'" Pto1•rl\ Md'~'""'"'

2~ w Coast Hwy Newport Beach 631· 1400

STAR GA'ZEK~ .. i,;...;:..:;:;.;~---1e,. Cl.A Y A l'OLLAN---.-----t

H. f- o..i,. Aci .... , ~ J::i. V Arteffl•,.t te tfr.• Ste,. To dewlop mnsoge for Wedneldoy, rtod w<>rdt eo<•ftPO"d"'9 ro ~ of ,.,.., Zodiac bl.ti> •'91'

Hotbo< v...., Cent•


S 0 T C H £ R I A Q E S U l R 0 U H S C A H E C S W C H L A 1 t A T l l A l C H V H R N A l H N I H U I I L T N t L T l N E R U L C V W t Z A S I T K A

~ ~ : : i1l I t ! I ; i ~ i 1 i t ~ : 0 D T I I I M l C I P T M 0 A M I • ·T H A I M N A Q I N t K U Y C D I R T H S 0 I V 0 U 0 l U 0 S I R H I R S L I 0 R N I I k L Q•A L L A 0 AW AU N H A I N L l L A t I H I I I N R Y C L C L 0 I R I I M N A T N l M D k I k I I R I I V L ' t U R k l 0 A I M I I I W I N Y A I M I L I 0 C M Y A t I R N I


':::.' S<C\\.cj}lA-~ £~s· ... .... ----- ....... QAY L ~ -----

t_.... ........ "' .... ,_ ~_. .... low.., ,_ ,_..,..._.


coverings lhruout. For • Open Sunday, 2-Spm , 16'1 an appointment lo see. Try $1.S,000 down and as· Orchard Dr. 5bdrm, 3ba . caU 54G-1151 sume this brand new 2 freshly painted colonial Bdnn attached home in beauty. Family room. super Woodbridge. Ask· separate dining room, ing only $117.500 and frplc , new roof. Priced available right now. at $160,000. for qui ck l~~~~~~~~~I -u le. Xlnt finondng . ,.,_ Voloy I 034 [ fll]""°"brlde< THE WIEDEMAN S . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Ill

_•_94_-0066_ or_ 75_i _ .. 29_ 3·__ TIUI VALUI 5

51 .3e00

MOVIUPTO In the ever popula r 4t2t Barranu P\•y. lnlH

Mls ... VBDI Westmont homes. a 1r1 1---------~ Bd + Bonus rm. Below

Thia spacious• Bd 2-sty m arket price. $127.000. home has an out.stand· Call Anne McCaaland Ing comer toe.lion and a 6St·1211S 9~% fully aaauroable loan. The price is rlaht at SZH,000. Call Anne McCasland. 83H266

--------- • Northwood Park Sal Hwl .... •IMdl 1040 Family, 21ty ho m e . ••• ••• .. •••••••••• • • ••• Localed on qwet cul·d ..

Gtl.lt•t U.I sac with nlce view or II• 4 Bdrm 2ba. up- partl off muter bdrm t raded W/lhlJle roof, balcony . tbr, 2\o\b a, bottub, enclpaUo. Lov• + bullt•lnt . O WC at ly llt'M. P ,500. U~c;\ for 2 )'tars wlth ,

SUNSET R.E. 20'Wt dwn. '190,SOO Call Na.-. Ml-mo3 John M0-3174 or 1J0.31N

• I \ • ·- '

·-- . ·-..

41!11--•••••H•r•'• • ..,, tNftt,., Orenee COUfttJ .ch.Cu,._

• •

There a,•.., two ways to win with a Daily Pilot High Roller Ad Run 7 days for $7.77 11 days for $11.:11- 3 llnea lll.IJ , 1.,., Items totaling $500.00 or less Call 642-5678 U.I

Private Parties only - no commercial businesses please. No cancettation Rebaw. -How.1ForS• •••••••••••••••••••••••

HousH For S• l<>tt.er ltffll btah Other baU1tah lt...tah HOUHS U""'""11ted ....._. U•fw .. .. ·•·•·••·••······••····• .......•...•.•.•....... ....................... .•••.•.••......•.••..•. .....................•• . ........................................... . ouses For S• .•••.•.•......•.....•.. lr'flM I 044 H•wport lffch I 069 N•wporl hoch I 06' Inc°"" l'roperty 2000 htcw I'~ 2000 HCHIHt ,_,.lthed Costa Mffa 3224 Irv• 3244 ~ ~ 3U6

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Copidrano IHCh 3 I I 8 3 OCEANFRONT HOM! HIGH ASSUMABLE

4br home w /spa , xlnt cood. Sl.69,000. 552 6940

81h% is what you get when laJtlng over exiMing lst T . D. of $65,800 Fan tasUc family home with pool featuring a diipen dable home warranty for buyer s peate or m i n d As k ing 11111'' Sl 10,000 759 150 I 01 752·7373

~Walker 8 Lee R EAL ESTATE


LOAN o n t h is ll'rrdl(· Dart mouth Mou..,1 111 P a rk II llomei. J bdrm:­& li brao . l hath>. , beaut ifu l -landsl'.tpin~ Call to fi nd out ,1hou1 r1 na n c1 n j! & ll'I m:. SlS9.900

't523 CAllf PtlS Da: fRVIP4E

Laguna Be-oeh 10 48 .....•••..•.......•••.. THE SH.AKES

W e a l h e r e d t l' d a r s h akes, t hat 1-; Cu>olom d esigned 3 bdrm fam rm, 2 baths E xtcm.1•t.' use o f wood ~I a .. ~ & ceramic tile Beam l'l'll m g, frpll' S lf~.uoo

Mission Heall\ 1714149-\ 0731 -

SS0,000 DOWH $200,000. 12.75 loan for 21 Y•an.

Lurge comt>r lot. Large hoW>e 4 Br . 21, Ba RV space be hind locked ga t es All \ hi s 1n WestcliH No loan quah rymg.



New 3 BR 31 2 Ba. Quall ty h a ndc r a ft e d oak thruout Stained glai.s. spa

Plan lll Realty 752·6499


OwMf- M&nt S•ll ! Age nl. Dann Bibb

675 231 I 640 7665


Two pnm e front un its 180 deg view Pool & tf'n Oil>


C / 21 N•wportCntr. I Sl0,000 CASH ON I

' I I-I r fun11shcd rnndo nr Hoai: Ho:.p Pool. i.pa :-ecunty Assume loan!>

640-5357 C /2 1 N•_wport Cntr.

THE BLUFFS 3 BR- Spit L~nl

~·1nest original area

Ho~ & 2 car gar nr high ••••••••••••••••••••••• BR, 2 st y, Back Bay Nice 4bdnn. 2Y,ba house, O'k>okl pvt bea ch , 2 br, sch oo I Fee I and . NtMI LA~UMA OC~OMT Lux ury individua l type condo Pool & Jacuzzi. 2 fr plc . n r s h o ppi n g 2\lt ba, den. dln. rm. lae 1130,000 Agt 64HY763 home, 3bdrm , 2ba, n e w S8SO 631·6995· ask for center, pool, Ja c, t ennis. deck , $1200/mo . 499.2253,

P r ime Laguna Beach ocean front Sl ,000/mo (7 141493 0467 Ru~orSt.e~-- __ _!12S. 551..e931 a fte r6PM . 499-Slral


Pbpular s plit leve l 3 Br. Small dn paym en t OK V al'ant can move in

NOW' Call 645-7221 Wes_tcliff R~ Co _

JUST SUPER Ueauli£ul 4 + d en + Cam rm, 2 ts t y w /sparkling pool. Jae , firepil, w p lent y o r spuce ror garde n , yard a n d vehicles Grea t floor p lan w r/, master bd rms <ideal for guest!> I 3 c·ar ga r Be first lo see this great h ome R uth Laun e , Rllr. 646 4380 or !;42-4447


fixer -upper. Unobstructed pa noramic - - - --------view. Steps to beautiful sandy beach. Newport •~h l l69 Hunffnc)ton leach 3240

Northwood Model house. Cod1milll111M OWC at 103 down. $975,000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••:••••••• 2 stry, 4 B~ 2"'1 Ba . 2500 fw'NIMcl 340•

Ha rbor V hom es 4Br. S bUts lo ocean . Elega nt 2 s /{ ll50tn ' 551 8731 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ra m rm .. 2 stor y, x lnt bdrm , fa m rm &. den , · "' - · U p g rad e d co nd o n r

QUAIL PLACE raor1m1s

Commttelal Property 1600 ........•...•....•.....


P arcel sz 64.000 sq fl Bldg sz 15,000 s q ft . Sl.:nl.000 Grubb & fo~I h:. . Curt or Don, 833·2900


Prime ln•tshMnfs NEWPORT BEACH

COROMA DEL MAR 2 Triplexes in a Row on <.kcans1de or 1'('11


cond. Avail 5 l T el · l f750 mol P lush c r p ts. LOCJUM hoch 3248 c lubb&e, pool & jac . 3 br, 644 ~ 2 2 ba, cedar & glass ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 VJ b a th 8 4 0 - 1789

Villa Balboa Condo P rof decor, com pl furn 2 br, 2 ba. de n , din r m , ram rm Lse SlSOO mo 547 41:.6

Com pl. fum 2 Br 23 • Ba . s hort term OK 673 1624 or673-~1

LIDO ISL E ch1.1rming 3 bdrm. 2 b<.tlh, playroom J ust rem od c•h1d Sl650 mo to mo Bill Grundy . 675 6161

Houws 'Unf\lmlsh•d

Dbl ca r pvt gar, _fully New 2 Br, 28 a Mo b i l e 84&-1311 <Mary Ellen ) ' ma1nt yd Ad ul t s , no Home, good ocn vie w , pelb Inquire al $27 l llth. pvt bch S8SO m o Ad Its C~Wftt St 7 14 1960 6331 o r only 499-3816 · Unfwnilthed 960-Sl 12. --'--· __

- Oceanfr nt l Br , t rlr + Ne w condo in Sea si d e ca bana, d eck . pvt bc h . Village. Beach & At hm - r unC d i 1 l a Blvd , 2 br, den . 21 2 ba. um / um, 8 t s on Y

3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bachelo r CONDO va ca n t , s·s OU I m o . N e w p o r t Bea ch 97S.0423 ----$750 mo. 499-3816

1650 sq f\ , sec gale . te n · -- -- - - - Lge 2br, 2ba condo . Villa n1s t ls , pool & Jal' Ocn fron t Mobile Ho m e Balboa $750/mo t st tla st $975 /mo 12131833· 1369 ; 2Br. pvt bc h. $1 ,000 m o. + secde posit 645-21S8 e ,. es & wk n d:. . yr ly, adltsonJy fu m 1u n· -! 2131831-5734 fu m 499·3816 To"'1111ame

Unfwnithed 3525 •••••••••••••••••••••••


:1+ 2 Bdrm Sharp Sell l•--------­ BALBOA PEMIM. T"o duplelCl'' anll one· l ri plex in a ro" I lol from !>Und ll nd ~urf

..••..•..•••....•..••.• General 3202

Urand new how.e for d1~­n 1minat 1ni.: ra m il y 3 l>lk:. to 1wean 3 Br 3 Ba . fam r m Totallv upgraded & rus tomi ted. $ 1200 mo !133 · 0145 1\ M PM.

3b r. 2ba w pool Year r o und le a se Sl 2 0 0 494.7554 or 497·1561

MONTIC ELLO 2br. 2ba Twnhse. Lge 2.st y m odel, encl 2 car ga r w opene r Pool JClbhse p riv ileges. Avai l approx . Ap ril lSl SS2S1mo. 963-7144 days, 498-1812 eves

or l rade down ror ton do or house o r ' $5511.000 1-;d LE-onclh Own Agl 642 9601 o r res . 644 47<!11


\'er!>dllles !bd r m & -.tud10 condos "1th lrg assumabh.' loans From Slll9 900 J im Schumann a~t !nlJ-s:no

P R I \! A T E C <> ~I MUNITY i,pel'lacul.1r :Jbdrm. 2ba 1\11 amcnll1e'> (s pa ett' 1 Blot•k to ht:~H·h Won •t last al $195,UOO R1('h W 7~·44a! , H 646·9530

BALBOA ISLAND t .OOO sq. ft t•omm ' I bldt-: SS50,000 LeC1-.<'hold Best tomm ' I. l'Urnt'r I Ground nr shop!>. . 2nd fi r I & 2 BR apt!> A-.k for J enny. 752·0202

Condomin iums /Town­~s for sol~ 1700 1 ...•.••.....•.•.•..•...

C o n d o !> f o r :.. J I c• t'ap1i;trano head1 . s pct' I lacular ul·e;in '11:" builder ha :.. plan s fiGl -2871

F resno $52.9!)() 2Ur 2hJ nl'W c·oodo 131 , •• di.Sm In . 200 "255·6248

BCYO:-lEOR \LI . Ideal for partner!>h1ps

or -;ynd1t•allon!'>

HPT ISLNO AREA IJuplex with do1·k

for 30 ft boat

NEWPORT HGHTS. Triplex with 1'11111

Fountain\ allt•\ Fourpkx ancl ­

man) man\ mon•' ''

All Prim. Properties and Loc ation•

.•..••....••••.....•••. Ry OWN E R. formal din. 3 br. pool Now a'all A r rtJ" h l' ad C o u n l r .> Club area . Sa n Bt-rnardino 1 864 1732. 1-884 725Jl

Bolboo Peninsuto 3207 1•······················ 10CEAN l"RONT CON DO

2 !Ir ~den , 2 ba 2 undrr grc.J pa rk1n~ i\~t 675 8120

3 DR. I ha new plush t pl!.. new d rp:., <!O\ ·d patio, fnrd vrd . walk lo bch 9i2S 1st + $300 dep 536·6288

1 Bit ne"' l' pli., drpi.. walk tu lwh l'lt•,111 & pvt $400 t:.t t $!SO dep 53iH018

Exet Home Culde!>al' Coronod•IMor 3 222 Jbr 3bii furn rm •••• ••••• ··~··· • ••• · ~·· G'-irdener $750 lea!'te 2 HH I Ba. \\ IJ gar, So I 213 :n8-326i or llwy <:all M 1k e or

Mission Vieio 3267 •...............•...•.. HOME f OR R ENT

J Bdr m . $675. F e nced > a rd & ga rage Kids & pets welcome . 964·2566 or 97J..297 l Agt . no r ee

H•wport leoch 3269 .•..••.•...•...•.••.••. New part Sh o res Can al front 4bdrm , 3ba . newly decora ted, 2 b locks to ocean. 962·6683.

3 Br 2 Ba large ya rd . 2 ca r f'Urage $745 m o 675·0562

Dupex~s Unfum 3600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br . 1 Ba Com pletely r e

modeled, laundry hook · up . dis hwa s her. Near beach SS2S mo. 646·2135

Apw lrtw+tt1 ,_,.illMtd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Balboollland 3706 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bach e lo r . Att r a c ti v e w /beam ceihng . wood pa neling, plus h carpel · ing . $WO. 213 s.57·3S3S.

CostaMfto 3724 '1 a5s1vt.> greenbelt ' '1sta l•---------1 ou~xes/ Sm a rtly decor ated 1n CUFF HAVEN Onits SOI~ 1800

Toni. 499 5568 640-7440 I l'IO!>f' w bcat·h 3Br l " • ba. . dbl gur. LI: I r . frp l. eorn

Beilut 2b~. 2ha, In .mi: lot . qu 1el cul d e i.ac. Ter race I ool home Sp.i. I r Old \rd $600 In(' I li:t• patw . 2 i:ar S?iir, gnrden~r <'all 5Jti-2'7!!9


New 2 br, 21 , ba , Back Hay loc. Ga r . pvt pa t io S89Smo Susan . 957·6507. 540-7238

. .....•...........•.... SUSCASITAS

F urn l br apt $325 &.up E n c l. gar Adults. no pets. 2110 Newport Bl 548-4968 btwn 8& 5PM

popular tone:- . nl•arln Lovely 3 Bdrm hide a pool Offrred .11 $212,000 v. ay f a m ily room . 4 1 wi th asi.umable h1 l>al hath.., wit h outside t•n loan tr~ St3.tXXI down I trance lo one for pool t\~ I . 640.5.'>60 Picture w1ndowi. over

• <keanrront dplx . '(In t loC' , fin. & Prll'e' Pnn on ly. 673"7671. 673-7873 .

look pa tio a nd pool Great locat ion .


..•••..••..•........... 2 2 BR. lha 10'. VA lo;in at $79,000 P r 1<'4! S130.<XXI Agt S.57 5150

lneonw Property 2000 . .•..••••.••.•..•.•....

Cenhry 21 M.wport Cent•r



$11m mo to ,\u~us t 31 ' Hrydn 64f}.56111 V1tld Pac 3 Br Atrium .

3 Br F' R . U R Pool . new rpU. & drps . SUOO mo 0wnl'r 760-1507

tennis. pools, spa I m1 oce1J11 $675 m o 962· 7469

- 3 Bdrm. frp lc. wa lk to be a ch , pool & tennis

3242 $74.S. Agt. 760-9278

SUPER HOME Pe rfect for all t hoM• pn· r1ous a ntique:. Hugt• h' mg room. mass1v(• frplc . beamed ceihn1:s. J>rn l•---------s pa off master F:uiw lol BACK IA Y

J PETE TAX SHRTEI!! 16 UNITS . North or DIS· neyla nd Over S.'>5.000 ~ros~ 1nt'Ome $58.5'10 May Isl ' As:..ume 11 ~. • ~ S250.000 l st Uwnt'r will help finan<'l' a bund Ii: '

2 br . I ba. 2 car ga r , se p arate f ncd ya r d , ~""- at cond Sl29.500. Call 968 8506

Shorecbffs 2 br & den , lge ya rd Mini view Sl\00 Agent. 67J..SJS4

S375,00> 3br. 2ba hom e plus ideal LCllJ'll'CI Villoc;te R.E mother -in law quarters


Com pl w ba\ h $220,000

Roy MeCarch, RH•r 2Br cabana & trlr. s ul>lct 548-7729



INVESTORS Ai.:.umable loan Inv. d<1"1l 4 Bd r m , nt.>arl.> new m Chino F ull prict· 589.900 Call 751 319L

l ing a llowed. 3 pvt hdl:­po ol & fis h111 1t pi.· r $29,900 17 14 > \~J :iMlf't

Wt'stl'li ff 4 Br 2•2 ea. trg 1sc~tn..o I 078 *Cote Really I• SEL ECT .

t·o rner lot . RV spa1·t· ••• •••••••••••••••••••• & ln \'t' !>lrt1t•n1 1 · '.RO P E RT IES S!SO.coo 3 Mites Fr Marmo 640 5777 • :1 hnu :-es o n I 101

DUPLEX AXER ! WITH OCEAN VIEW . H1ver -.l(le s10.ooo d n

OCEAN VIEW I linng your pamtbrw.h & broom lo "a'l' $SS on lhh d irty da w g'' Pnml' L agum1 Bc•;u·h dupll'l\ w auarhed gara~P :-;uh mil o rrer' 75!1 1501 11r 752 7373

~I IXXl do"n /\ IT I> at Ranc:ho San Juan - I Prm uni\ UCL. In' l'"t 12 75 'l7 yrs 7611 0654 E _. APPLE V ... LLEY . StUleS "' ml'n\s 714 11.'i l 1723 Se<'lude<l 2 Br I Ba pallet

Over 3 000 s q rt of Near new 4 P lex , 2 LF.AS E Tu rll eroc k S33S Mo. Deluxe Mobile Ho me . Ma ture Adults . No pets. Quiet, s ec11re . 1991 Ne w port B l v d 646·8373.

~Walker 8 lee Rf:t\L ~:STATE

EMERALD BAY S pec lal·ular N ~: w rlr· :.q:ne1 eu,tom hom1· avail mid !>Ummer 760·1nl5

8 ° o DOWH Only!!'. down to bu\ 1111~ fanla'il1c 3 Bdrm drt•am h ome wit h magn1f11•l•n1 view or the Pa<•1r11· Super a ssumdhll' 111.in C1va1lable. s.?2S.OOO

don osen realtor11



Lo«JWMI Hi~I I 0 5 2 •··•••·••·····•········

LINDA ISLE l'lcgann.' .. :xclu~1ve new bdrm. 2 bat h carh unil l>u pie'< . Co<; la M C'!>.1 homt• with l'omm P')<>I Glenn. lr_gesl sin j!le fa m L• ow Option 1- 2 YN. homes. from $515.000 w1l h hreph1l'l'. l' nt lo!.e<l 2Bd rm ca \.,:;unw ht i\dults onl.> · no J>t•lo; home. 5bdrm. 3ba. ram 3 Boal Slip<>. 5hr, ma ids u •,', financin g a\'all pa l w dnuhlt• ~aral-(1' O WC 2nd s1s:1 5011 •\qt1I. 3 IJ·!l l S.'">OO per rm . cenl ral air, 3 t·ar quurter !>. u ~ O(' r is Charter Rily& l nveM I $165,1100 Hill Grund' . t;.t~~ mu 2·153 Or.inge \H· .:ar walk to pool & tl'n broker cu ntJt't J 1 m \96 !1122 831 881 1 Hllr. fi75 6161 " '.\lJrta~l'r A.pl B I n1s Sl 050 Call Gan ThompM>r1 171 11 821! 121111 San l'lrml'l\k llupll·~ ·1 :-:r" dlx 3 hr 2, ., ha. aflcr6p~ 752 8318 · '2\31598 1363 Santo Ano I 080 I FOURPLEX 'rs ulll I lllk to Pll'r I r I dbl ,. •

l't.UL'f"C. R/\Rl',A l "' ••• • •• • •••••••••••••••• Wesb1de ('osla Mt''>d '>harp 2Br <!Ba l'a rp c i.:ar" o~ncr, I W<>Ol>BRI DGE 3 Hr 1• ,

:1 Hr lwnhnw Sl55.SOO I 5' I r · 1 · . . K HI!. 1-lt'h OK $72:'> o > r ·~ " \ ' fo:TEHANS As-.umable l ~t'l' th some \'ork $.50000d"'n S23CIOOll '"rd!..palin!>. ~artl t'nt' r Ba Condo S600m

\l-(t67~~.9J0, 640Kllf; T~re~ ~~~t';oo~ ~~~ .. e $22,UW yr llll'IHl)t• Full ncr..111\l''>tllll'llh 171 1 •1 1.ur~1 . wkd V!. 547957.1 . Wrk 17 14 11133 6029


1\rt('t' $225.000 Ov.n l•r 851 1723 4.'Ves wknds·546 !HJ4 H a m a II o m c ha!. formal d1n1n~ r0<1m will ra r r.' ltl', mtcn·~l 12131498 6090

2 huuse., on a lrl-( lot All r I r I am1 ~ room. 1rep a1·1· w !60.000dn I 0 °/o 0 WH CASH nulCK MOVE 1 .. j ~tHls or polent1:.il Tastt'rulh dN·orated FLOW "' " Woodbrid1te Townhouse2 SltlllK)(I A)!lf)tll Cmi:J Lari::eare;, for HV park l~ PRESTIGE llu.:e nl'ar ne" 3 fir :! slor~ . 3Br l \2 ba. pool.

1 n ° $ l 3 i; o O C) -

1- HOME~ 211 units. H IV(·r i:.id<'. Ba Town hou!>e typl' . 2

? u cl ,.. S361>K Cl \ 1 lcnn1~ & lake 9550 mo _Hr 2 "'' lon Ct on T .o\RRfo:T.L . RKH "nrr I! t'ar garai:t• lla ltO , Nt'"'llOrl Ba~ l 'rf'~l•I!• '

54,1 172t

1 544·033.1or673 6720 f1r<'plat' e Small 1·h1ld, 5SI !l.52fi. 750 3403

H E Im l'Stml·nb IO<'Olton l.l«•St' or Op 333.1 w Cmist llwy NH s mall pet OK L1k1• ~our t111n lo purcha~e ustin 1090 own h o rn<.' S595 mu i;1s 1570 , 760 1933 •••••••••••••• • • • •••••• 645-6646 OCEAHVIEW Wuntlai.t On,eb,·2W5 54ll 9004 1': ves **HISTORIC IHCOMEPROPERTIES Drast1cD~~~~~ 1<>n 1111 ~ff~ St t hrn· l'Jll ;

-145 Pac ifi c Tustin VILLA IALIOA Own .... r 's anxious Brin).!

PrC'slif!1e>us Adul t <:on a 11 o fr e r s Res t ored dos on lhe Bluffs above beauty on ', acre. For Newport Ba) a re no w more in fo call Ranrh available for re-i.ale Realt 551·2000 11.1t h attracl1\ <' assum a · ' 111111!111 hie loans Some with ocea n & mountain '1ews P ri r ed from $1114.000 Fo r deta ils . plc3!><' call

JRL PROPERTIES Otlwr Real Estot• 645 4566 645 6459 •••••••• •••••••••••• •••

Ask for Dee

Lcxikm)! for inrume un b r and nl'" Balb11 ,1 •ls'" We ha,1• 5 pru duplrx ls l owners 200'. 4hr, 2ba Rl.54> mo Isl last pert1r' in t' \1 PrH·rd depre<·1at1on <:real rrn S 3 uo '- l' l' u r 1 l y new righl a l les' t h an tal art'a 100 fee\ from t'Pl pnt . formal r1tninl! I I X(; ross ='lo b ;ink bt>ach Lari:e 3 bdrm . :1 75.t ~ rinam·mf! requ1n•d In · hath plus 2 hdrm. 2 bath lrreslt'<i" Tht•n C'all us O wner will ass 1st tn

·' 1t' N El~SER t'Oll I/ ~ fl 1

1\} II It.

fma nemg Sl25.000

Redhill~Recilty t17 :3 -1:wo

Zbd rm " ,.:ar. SJ!l5 Ill'" t'rJ)I.:. . fn<'ll ~rd "att•r pd 222>1 ' I>" Placcnllll 636 4120

Ne " Condo For lh•n\ $650, l~l' ast rn l 11 rfl'd 71 I f; II Ojfi:I

:.!71F ll11!>t ol ~ l Co'ila :\h's.c ( · 1\

---------•I dcck, 641 L991. agt

Turtlerock New lown houM.• 2 '.'ti aslcr hdrm, fam rm. 2'2 Ba 1750sq rt P rof decora t · C'd p,t patio Pool, ten n11. . park elose ~ mo. 833·82'77 or 752·6492

RENTALS 2+den . 21 1 ba 3br21 2ba

$750 $750

$675·$775 $1250 furn

$800 $900

3br 2ba Jbr 2ba 3br21"lhll 4br 21 2ba

Mobil.Homes G R EAT S T A R T EH I~~~~~~~~ ForSale 1100

HOM E I•---------.-.-.---••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MES.A

lndp= 2100 ·····•·•···············

Easts1de Condo. lge 2 hr 11 2 ba. pvt patio, cnel gar . pool. Ad ul ts. n o pet!; $495 548 2990 Small 2 Bdrm I Ba hom1· Trailer at bch $14,9()(1

th d k R r Hcrbor View Home 7 Units Bread & Butter T hat 's what t hese un 1ti; 11re rt'fcrred loo Ap prox. 1 2 acre . con' e nient to all stores :i 2 Br & 4 tBr. $250.000 Good terms . P ossible trad e M cNas h R eal\)' , 642· 1334, 642·6578 eves

WI s un ec oom nr Terms. owe or tra de out of town ~uei-ts m 3 Br S22S.OOO lowest price 499·3816 separa te stud io Walk lo in Ha rbor View. Owner th e b each $14!l.50CI t mveslor l m ay consider 497.3331 100~ FI NANC ING or

New Modular type home. Ocea n v1ew · i':I Moro Beach P ar k . sp 70 2Br. space rent $175 mo 20 e t raderor '

b,n.go RCTaylorCo 1 y rs lse. 1>9.900 499-3816

On the Orange Co11<1t Look to Lingo fir11t ----- -

Mewport hoch I 06 9 •••••••••••••••••••••••


A cozy 3 bdrm hom e with formal d ining rm a nd pool. ffi&hly expan· dable vie w of ha r bor and ocun. A great listing a t only 1331>.000.


mma ~ Bt. 3 & . Ha r bor view Hom e . $3 49 , $0 0 Owner 1Aat. Comm pool. 87).1761

640 C)C)OQ


Bschelor n a t . 500 sq . ft. Co mmun i t y po o l , jacuzzi, totsl s e c uri t y condo . No qualifyin g . S107,SOO. Owne r /P r in ­c ipals only. !118-0423

$20 ,000 down / A l TD . 1 27 / 8 % f or 2y r s . E ast b l uff ·· An Il a'' Karen, Agt. Pacesetter Realty. 768-7413


with boat dock. 2llO dea forever view. Fee la nd. Asawnable loan.

640..5JS7 C I C..tr.

L llirochp 8E t~OJ't A f'unushed 2 Br mobile. B y o wn e r . $115, 000. 714 /1 ·346-~3 ----

.AcrNp for Sole I 200 •••••••••••••••••••••••

llECORDJNG ST LIOIO .. ' ully equip ped + a good 2· BR home . Sl 60,000 Agt 646-4380. 642 4447



JC you have $164.000 a n d OH LOT wan\ 35% yield annual· U ve in one, ly , purc hase $200,000 t wo Rent or s ell

r.ur deed of lJ'Usl bear - the other ng 20% loteres l on 2S '41· 1991

a cre a vocado 1rove ln 1--------~­l nac tlve d evelo pm e nt Little Miu Muffet sal on a rea oe1r Vist a . Com - a '1\lffet, alona came a blned 8% Jst . + thi1 In · aptder and read in the vestme nt r e p resents Da lly Pllot C laaaified leH than 50% of the •g· section about Mlu M tJf pralKd value of len . fet '11\ln.t and bou.aht It MAJ appulsal on adJa· for •JS. You catl aell cent 2~ acre parcel al your tutfet ind le>U of $150,000 u ch . C a ll otbn tbln11 through 114/751-4828; 493-UA or Dilly Pilot Clasalfled 75'-:JCM. .\di. c.u &f.2..5178

ST<>r RENTING Buy your own industria l u ni t L000-5000 SQ fl Avail. \0 HB. or FV Call P a ul 545-0057

Loh for Sale 2200 •••••••••••••••••••••••


Beaut. 2 Rr a dult on ly townhse 2 car ga r . Laundry , putl1 n ~

cou rse. ve r y q u i e t S6001mo Ask for Bob 962·8891 .or 531 4750

KIDS /PETS OK E ·Side ~ Bd r m . $495. W /Gar age 642 ·2510, 646-4Mll.

llGCANYON GoK Coune Lot Owner M USl ~II ! Agent, Dan Bib b

675-2311 640-7665 Luxurious, cus to m coo·

M-·~ -0 ~ - do. rroo sq . ft . 2 frplc s. 3

~. ese.-., bdrm , 2~ ba t hs, $800 RHOrt 2400 m o. 642-4623. · ....................... ----- ----

Mo unt ai n Pro pert ies. Free Usl , Homes, Ac res. Mobiles. etc. 839·7163


East.side l ~r old English Tudor, 3 br , 21, ba . f79S. mo . A s k f o r Bi ll , 546-S..

P'..,..-ty 2600 Nice TownhoUM. $495. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br. l~ Ba . Avail. April 40 A scenic Orcgori Coast . 1. Savaae Wilde &c Co.

Electricity, fenced, out 615-8806 s t a nding view . accessi· 1--------­ble, owner 492.2499 Larae 2 Br. l B1. Du_ple x .

KIOt •Pets OK. 1475. +

It•:!= 2100 =·=t::i.~~ .. • •••••••••••••••••••••• Mo bile Home• ·L a kes lde B l & Ba a r Lak e or Ocnlront J.A1una Bc h , teMJ}ll or lrade. 4ft.3118

2 Br. tnelad 1 anae . qul~ It.re«, n(e41 yard. Couple onl1 . No peu. ~.see.m1ar1ea.1.a.

'tS23 CAMPOSDt·li~IME Woodbridge a rea \ r f' 3 Br 21 2 Ba 2 car garage. fa m rm, din are a . frplc, crpt.s, drps, window cov­e rs Comm pool Avail oft. J..25. S825 per m o + d eposit. 75.2· 1282 9·4.

R a n c ho Sa n Joaqu i n Vi e w Condo . 2bd rm w td e n . F ree re n t t ill 3-31. $'150 /mo. 64-4·5598

W O O D BRID GE " CRE EKSIDE'' Wiiiow Pla n P rofession a lly landscaped Model home on t he park. 4 0-r. 3 Ba . 2 Stor y. Fem rm.. Din .. fr p lc. d1hw!Cr, m ic ro· wa ve. '85() mo. No pets. 964-2586 Agent, oo fee.

ftan ch Realty has lea sea, many to choose from . 1495-1850. Call for In formation.

e-~ 1··,'. ,,

1 ·I . , f ''t

,'I' ,0


MEWPC>aT IEACH 1 1 ~ blocks to the ocean beach Three bedroom two bat h ho me Yearly lease F irs t a nd la s t $1 0 0 0 p e r mo n t h

DanaPoW 1726 • ••••••••••••••••••••••

631·7300, BKR Ne a r Har bor Studio apt - - - com pletely fum . Ma ture

ILUFfS a d u 1 t A rt e r 4 pm New 3br. 2ba . Bonita 498-1137 plan. microwave & all - ---- - --ame n S I l S 0 m o. Hwtlaqon leoch 3740 644-~ •••••••••••••••••••••••

Com ron.able House wit h pool , pri vate. ni cely la ndsc aped $995 m o . 3 Br. 2 Ba + 2 u t ility bed rooms . ram. r m . f i r e p la c e 6 40 1327. 559-6 t88. office 759-6597

LIDO ISLE Spacious 3 bdrm + con v den . Lge s unny patio. wide 47' lot . Sl 200 m o Lawson Realty, 675-4562.

1375 /up 1·2 bdrm , pool, j a c, adll , 18992 Floritla , H .B.842-2834 or 842·317~

LCl4JW'G hoc h 3 7 41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• St udio , lux s p a . T V . ma id serv ice, pho ne , $100/wk . 499·222'1

W at e rfro nt , pr i v a t e beach. security, pool. 2 Br fully rum . Luxur y Mobile Hom e . S8SO m o. 642· l~ or 975·0545

3 Br 2 Ba, Inc l refrig , rc nced yrd, $750 /m o y r . Newport hoch · 3769 ly . Al(l. 673-3355 • • •• •••• • • ••• • ••• •• • • • •

- . -3 Br. F.R .. D.R . P ool , ne w cpts & drps. S900 m o. Owner 76(). 1507.

Wa lk to bea c h . Beau t. Newport Crest 4 br con · d o. ram. rm . d in . r m . p o ol. t e n n is. $1100 646-0086

Ha r bor View Ho me, 3br , 2ba. frplc. l yr lse S82S n o pe t s 644 · 7 22 0 o r 549-8755

HARBOR RIDGE-3Br . 3Ba , st1,1dy, vie w d ecks, Jac, pool. tennis, $2,000 mo. 675-4(778, M9-9099

The Bluf(s 3 Br l Va Ba ne a.r st.ores, & schools ,


N~ er.t c:oodo. 4 Br 2\.'J Ba . spilt leve l , dbl l&rael· Laue tlOOfmo. lat, a.tlldep. 157.9303

s....• 3210 • •••••••••••••••••••••• $4'16. "8t. last + $150. 2bdnn, lba, dri ve by . 20 0 6 S . G arn s e y . 844--$068.

3 Br , ..., Ba. ne wly de­corat.ed, nlee So. Coast Piasa area , k ida OK. 5S7·2'783. 1585.

Spac fl l'ffec. Le 2br Iba Condo W /C!OUfttry kltch, ~ /d, patio. 1araJe. Pool. lint loc ar 111 Sq Pull. M, UH.G119. '79-SltO

NO LEASE REQUIRED VEAR-ROUND FUN: Social Achv•hes 01 rect"r • Free Sunday 6runch • 880 s • Par · ties • Plus much more •

GREAT MCMATIOtt: Tennis • Free Lessons (pro & pro shop) • 2 Health Clubs • Sauna• Hydromassage •Swim· ming • D11v1ng Range IEAUTlFUl APART· MENTS: Singles I l 2 Bedrooms • Fu r · n1sl'led & Unturn1sheO • Adult L1v1ng • No Pets • Models Open d111y 910 6

01kwood Garden Apertmenta

Newport lffch/lo. 1700 16tll St cOovtt , j UlllH

171• 1 MJ.1111

Newport INcf\/No. 880 tn11ne

l•C 161111 \7141 Mf.'104

, .....


,,.. .......... .. ..... .............. .. ,.._,.~&11' APTS. CL01£ TO B&ACH. ....., ..., .... a Ir l Bd. .aov.. • nlrt,e, ..-~...,.....,,__..,--__.;...;..._;_1 la. • · Ssnall chlld au uWI · pakt, mo mo. .. "'*' ..... 4211 0~1 _DO pell 2049 •Jae.•'m'I ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Wau.eetJ.~tw .,.._ 1144 LarteBtc•arcabta

2 8d l &a, 117i. Clean ar •• ••• .. • ••••••• .. ••••• • &;' Laf'-· 1:-o'~i 2

Clu'«. ne kldtfpetl. Call lrvlne/Woodbr1d1• I Br C8, 1 Pl ·

Crala.U1·121M lV. Ba. All amftlltJa ln· On the t>uchl 2 Br. 200e clcl. •mo.M0-790. W. Oc.a1tfront (Lower

raotutlcally tumleed .,. _ __. •---L 3169 Unit>. WMkly or Mon· ~. with ocean ---..- • __.. thl 7"" 11"'7 ....... ........ COW't, pool. ··,··-•••••~••• 1--y _ _. __ v_• _____ _ •tmo. 'J80.9U1 •wnnu NEW PALM SPRINOS

•D&UXI OMCU• From 1 room up to 1000 sq. ft. tt.OI per aq. ft . a n>Oml and up. No least required. 2172 DuPont Dr. Adj, Alrporter Hotel. us.ma.t-12

Found: M1Ud btMCS Pup. PY, Npt lb area.


2 ""' . 2 ba nicely f\lm. aer. 2Ba, 4. p1u . 1ar , COUNTIUV ..!.._CLUI ~~~·~~·.:~~::: ~~: Adulia. 1125 • 8/ l . '511 aduha, no pell. $t80. 1040 _ 1"9 Wkly, &.'JOO. 646-8171 wo. Reta, No peta . c. Valencia M5-78'3 Stnalee, 1ar2 bedroom

Waot lnveator for Npt ba(ifront home. Give

CdM Delux.e Suitea, AC, we I aecured lit or 2nd Found Abandoned. White aEm.,i '*•· util pd. 2855 1-----------1 T.D. Ac\, 87~1181 · male Cat. Jt"'rff to lovin111 llM'74. apta,&t.ownhouaea. MAMMOTH 1 Br condo

ttC) IMST AMT IN From 1510 844· 1900 nr Utta 7-8, avail now. . C9t llwy. 87W11oo ho ,,.._ tt.tNtr llYd. 2nd Tr u 1 t Deed me. 87).7087.

S RTTERM RentalJ 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba. Xtra lrg Oceanfront for Winter 760-1933, M8·9094 Wealylcmonthly Apt. 2 story , 2 car

Suite avail. approx 1100 Location, 2000 1q ft . purchaaea arranaed . ,,,....... sq.ft. Newport Archea $1500/mo. 548-1158, eves For detalla, call 96().1957 ••••••••••••••••••~?.~~

Atent, 8754170 aarace. frplc , yard, w /d Rentals. Furnished & Bia Bear Sun Sum. 3br Marina Bide. 842-4'44 875-2213 bkr. 1----------hook up. Small child, unfum. Broker. 675-4912. 2ba 2sty lyr, frplc . walk A!'!"I •I• smallpetOK. Amusllo to s ki $6 5 / niaht Small office : 1827 Approx 800.1300 sq ft . SecuredShortTermR.E . . ,-..._., •--d '" NO FEE! Apt. & Condo 675-0600 Weslclilf Dr. N.B. Good Avail now. Wamer·HB loana-fut decisions on .. ~.:.'!:'.:...... ... TSL MGMT 642-1603 ren~S.~!ka BR~~~~· R•-A..L. to u- ... JOO loc. $150 per mo. 631·0800 area. ownr Biil 831· 1257 complex situations-be

• •,J • ....1 I __.. -..- .. pleaaantly su r prised , ••• l 02 Stu I L bd ................... . ... Officetwarebouae nr OC l• .. tritlll_... 4500 ca117an.rn15

••••••••••••••••••••••• nn ng ge 1 rm , 2 br l~ ba + 1ar Hoag M in ? A d d Ai ft """"' . •~s~•......,. aarden apt . pool t rec • • ov g . vo1 e pos1ts rport,18001q offices ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------_..,,.., rvft •Hro, Hosp area , nu decor · & cut livm& expenses ! & warehou.e. Offices 9500 up. UMO' lndus' l /Of· $85,000 2nd TD 183. llJB., N.B .. CoetaMeu areaS3S5. 7lOW. l3thSt. openhseSat&Sun ll·3, Profess ionall y sin ce fullcarpeted&alrcond flce . 18101 Redondo Cr 3 / yra . $50 . 000 req 8omethini for Everyone 2 Br 1 Ba. w /garage. Pet 42 38 H 11 aria W 8 Y • 1971 Assume l~yn at S7s0 " P ". Hunt Bch. 842·2834 Owner /Agt. 544·0333 or Bach. to 4 Br. Unlum . OK. M25 mo. Ask for SSOO/mo. 830-5875 HOUSEMA TES mo. or ne10Uate longer MES _. 673-f'120. Apt.. Certain locations Mike. 641-0763 Cul e 2 Br . 1 8 a , 832·4134 term w/ownr. 556-9900 A o ff er : Po o I , a pa • f' pl . $275,000 2nd TD. 25% inl fireplace, laun . room , $385 / mo 2bdrm , l ba ire ace. garage in lov. * 5ftared Ll•iftcJ* I 0 0 INDUSTRIAL Due 18/mo. Secured $2M beamed celllnes . duplex, nodogs, &uVic· ely Newport Heights. Counselors to personally • 00 Sq. Ft. equi t y . O wner / Agl 1ara1ea. all bu ill-Ins. Loria. S48-91.24. SSSS. 87S-0349 select your compatible SINGLE USER PARK S44-0333or6'73-6720. Garden & Townhouse c f bch b · rmmte to suit your deaian. Easlllde, lge 3 br, 2~ ba, ross rom · LI n&hl llfestyle . Shared·Llving . OFFICE TSLMGMT. 642· 1603 2 sty, dbl ear, 2 patios, 2Brlba,partfum. D/W , 8330overDrSuite31NB

lmmac. $'700/ mo. Berit, patio. l&SO/yrly, 968--8263 63H801 BLDG: ..... ,...... Jto7 aet. 642·8235· Newport Height.a Duplex W1' ll sha re 2bd 2ba Park ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bdrm, 1 bath al 15th St. Spacious 2 BR, $365. 2 Br. 1 Ba . Adults, no Newport $300 mo rum , ._ I I t ll N Pool •· la d f c ' I pets. ~. mo. lal, last I ut' I •· I' _ mo. nc . u . o "' un ry a 1 . depoelt. 517 Bolsa . Days me 1 .,. mens w /re~p pets. 675-S800 Agent 548·9556 631.3520. Eves & Wknds e m p w om R e ( s

COl"CIMcW M• ]122 I Br 1 ba. patio. Laund MS-SOU . 64


••••••••••••••••••••••• Avail. April bl. 2 Br. 2 Ba. wltfi sundeck. Close to beach. No peu. S700 mo. 875-0124 Jackie.

OlJt ocean vu. 1 Br, newly de corated , w / gar . A11Wls ll75/mo. Ask for i'aye. 640-9990

fac1I, encl gar ages, new· S pectacular view w /sec ly dee. Walk to s hop· OCEANFRONT gate, pool, jac, $145 /mo. plna . Min. from bch. 3 .Bdryn. 2 Ba. Duplex + llhskpg. 759·1428 Ready foroccup. April 5. Upstairs. 2 car garage S3SO mo to mo 646-0341 w /auto opener. was her Spac condo, Bluffs , prof. or ~us & dryer incld. Avail. 4· 1. to shr w/same, see to ap·

---- TSLMGMT. 642· 1603 prec 760-17S0 eves Townhouse Easts ide 2Br.

1 i,, ba 2 Sty 3 y rs . old, 3br , 2ba yrly. great loc in aar No pets $465 /mo. N. B. Broker 67$-8133 675·4912

85' per sq. ft .


405 Fwy / Harbor Bl.


711 w. I 711L St. Cott9MtM.CaNf.


l · L8'70 sq. ft. Unit avail. for lmmed occupancy. 1·2900 sq. ft . & 1·3700 sq. fl . Wlit(a) avail. April lal. 2 Storafe Warehouses avail. or immed. occupancy . 2000 & 2llOO sq. ft . •33'·34' IQ. fl. •Leuin1 office hrs. Moo lhru Fri 8-4. Sat. 11>-2.

1100 sq ft . 2 offices , front & rear entry overhead door, 220 power $310 on leaae . 67~1

••••••••••••••••••••••• Happy Ada 5120 •••••••••••••••••••••••

MAKI SOMIONI HAPPY MAKI SOMIONI INlllLf lbdnn duplex yearly ren

tal. $450/mo. 673· 3801 , • ~2252. 964·5752.

S3S5 E tSide, 1 BR, gar. lsl + last + $100 No pets 2 BR also a vl S41·5331 ; 646-2325

2 Br. 2 Ba Condo on

Sophisticated Resp t-' em lo share lovely decor I Westc l.lff apl. pool W 0 ' $2S(} + I 2 Utll 642 6492

Newport Bay Prestige Wanted Fem roommate location Lease o r Op· to shr 4 Bd home. Irv

979-9997 850 sq ft . Office with Ira --------- wortt & storage area + OFACE/WAUHOUSE 200· lo f t. $300 c . M

SUI-I.EASE 646-4638

Place a HAPPY AD in this column for onJy $3.25. Call 642-5678


3 BR 2 ba · S750 Imo. Property Mart

640-9019 BEAtrrl FUL 3 Br. 2 Ba Mesa Verde 1600 sq ft. 2 frpl c. lndry hook -up, patio. d1shws hr . dbl encl gar Adults . no pe ts S6SO. S40.4400.

t1on to pur c ha se Sl68 75 + utll 559·6050 675 · 1570, 760 1933. , Avail 411 548-9004 Eves.

C M Merrimac Harbor 2br, I' ~ba . $227 mo non s mkr

4 offices , reception , •----------1 warehouse w / lrg sliding Storap 4550 door. sec system. new ••••••••••••••• • • • ••••• paint, new crpl . Redhill Storage Warehouses in nr Bristol. Avail after Costa Mesa avail for 3/25/81. 1·5/yr lse. Call lmmed. occupancy. 2000 644-6SOOor 760-1377. & 2800 sq. ft . ~ per sq.

I br. gar. prkg , y rly Steps to beach Ava il now $400. 673-3958 eves 759-5656dy. 557 5594e vs

DB.YHH To the cutest 3 year old I know.

2 Br 2 ba w/master suite , beamed ceilings, walk to Little Corona. '650 mo to mo. 644-7211 Agt.

One bedroom and den Two baths . Key to private beach. Excellent location. Gr eat ocean view. No pets. one adult only. '395 mo. Yearly lease. Agent. 760·0189.

Huge 2 Br. l Ba Ste ps to BEAtrrlFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba. beach. $600. Property Mesa Verde, 1100 sq ft. Hou s e 64 2 · 3850 o r

Furn long winte r rental 3 / 27 6 130, $200 mo , oceanside Balboa Blvd in Nwpt. Bob 675 1105.

HAPPY Bl RTHDA Y LOVE, MOMMIE fl . Call 642·4463 Mon.

2-S\ory Office w /priv en· thru Fri. S.4. Sat 10-2 - HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY

fplc , lndry. pat io. dis · 642·~0IO _ hwshr. encl gar. Adults. 3 Br 1 Ba. Steps tu belll'h no pets S.'SOO. 540-4400 $640. Propert y House

Lrg I Br Adult Near 642·~or_~-l~IO s hops, pool , all ulil pd 1884 Monrovia 548·0336.

lbdnn, ·sec gate, pool , tenn1S. nr S C. Plaza $450 846-9640

Small bachelor apl with refrig. So. of PCH 1275 Incl ulil . 760· 1813 aft 6pm. 2Br. Iba fourple x Wate r

Spacious 1 Br w garage, inc l S475 imo wk dys laundry fa c1I. SS75 As k call 759-4175 for Faye 64()..990() Dana ,oint 3826

Costa ~a 3824 •••••••••••• ••••••• ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 br. bal con y . D W .

HEWL Y DECOR. 1 Br. gas pd, encl gar. d /washer. pool Adults 642-5073

. 2 Ir. I la ADt Newly decor. G'as pd . e n cl ga r , pool . d / wa sher Adult s 642·5073

c lean. com laundry & wshr. ga r . nr ocean 493-5953 aft SP M

VACANT 2bdrm duplex . frpl c . c arport . blt · ins $490. 831 ·3126 or 493-2252.

H•~iMJtow l.ach ]140

lbdnn condo with pool. very pvt on Rutland Rd Adults only Call 833·3622 or~8SS7.

Oceanfront. Charming I br lower apt. No v iew S400mo/yrly. 675 3823

Lease or Lease Option Spac Jbr condo 2 1 ... ba Qu 1el lo t• . $695 t m o 631 17 59 . 63 1 4744 , 759-9100.

2bdrm, Iba . Ir!( deck . closed gar. drps. c rpt . frplc Adults. nu pets Avail 4/21 645 6506

2 Br l'n ~a Adults. no pets. as.


trance, bath . G r eat Ocean View $475631·7770

NEWPORT, I BLOCK TO HWPTPIHIHSUl.A BEACll fema le. non· Exec offices in elegant :. moker, must see . $220. s urroundings. Across 645 6759 pm 640· 1850 from City Hall. All s up­am R J ulian port services available.

From Z2S to 4750 sq.ft . Res p()n fe male to s hr 673-3002 Newport c ondo 1----------w /mother & daughter 17• STlllT $250 631-2259 or 642·4139. Costa lie.a. 3 rm suite, eves wkends A/C. P\enty ol parkln&.

5'S IQ. ft. 75' sq. ft . F a ther & son will s hare Realonom.ics 87s-e700 3br dup nr bch M or F dys 642 Q1. eve 673-5191 230 E. 17th. St.

COSTA MESA Fem to shr 2br 2ba 1m FROM 75< SQ. FT. m ed Re:. p no pe t s lSS.900 sq. ft . a ir cond S2 l2 50 + util 644·4000 office suites for immed btwn 9 4 aft 5. ,549 1514 occupancy . Al l utils . <:hn'l janitor ial serv .. conf.

rm .. parking . Call Terry 3 Br rondo SJ C Fem Cressman : 554-9000. pre r Pool , la und rm 1- -------­$185 +•2 utll 493-6665

GarGCJIH for'R...t 050

J Ir Townhouse Newly decor gas pd .. e n cl gar . pool , d / washer Adults &42·5073

••••••••••••••••••••••• San.Juaa THE WHtfflE TREE C-" • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •

..,..strano 3878 Dbl Garage E Costa

AllrORT AREA Furnis h ed o r un ­furni s hed Executive Suites in I rvine, walking d istance to Airport . All se r vices avail. Your Secretary or Ours. 2021 Business Cen ter Dr . Suite 213. 714 /752-0234

S pacious 3 Br Duplex $410. Pool & laundry rac.



Luxury Adult units at af· ••••••••••••••••••••••• M .., .. 1 • · t f dabl U · 2 • - esa •• ., mo. s orage or e vmg. l , "' 3 2bdnn. 2ba penthous e. l only846 74 14 645·1177 Br Well decora~ed level. very neat $490. • --Olympic size pool. hghl· 496-8122 Gloria Office R...td 4400 ed tenni! court , Jacuzzi , park like landscaping . Moel beautiful bldg. m H B.

From $395. 8'6·0619

, .. ., ADULT

South LOCJUIHI 3116 ~~:;:~·;;;~~;g·~~·~ ·~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• GLr ft l R d

f t t d t o.r per sq. se . e

c~an ro,n s u 10 ap Carpet 893-1351 with pallo. overlooking ' pvt beach ~/mo util 1617 Westchff. N. B. Want incl 4.99-2253 or 499-5021 rinancia I inst. 7000s r

3190 ls l floor Agent S41·5032.


" 'lbere is a difference."

714/752-0234 2082 Michelson Dr. lt212 2021 Business Cntr 11213 APARTMEHTS

Beautifully landscaped prden apts. Patios or decka. Pool & spa. Heal paid, covered parking. Adults. no pets 1 or 2 penonsOK

...;£ ~ LIV IN G ... ••••••••••••••••• y apt.s, lbdrm &

2bdnn. util pd . adults , no pet s . From $375 836-5.506

KOU. CENTER ustom. executive office,

I Bdrm $390 2 Bdrm 2 Ba SSOO

2250Vanauard Way 540-9626 or M8·2408

2bdrm , l 'h ba , di s · hwasher. crpts . drps, tar. 995· 3311 . $470 985-3311.

2 HUGE Bedroom s in super location . Fully ca rpeted , built- Ins , &round floor. Adult.ti . no peta. $350 mo. Apply Apl E 568 W . W i l son 646-4477.

t.ovely garden apt. Lrg SBr. 2Ba. frplc. bit ins Call day : 631 44 02 . l&ilbt: 761).0734.

s-tnny 2 Br upstairs apt '&'aide. Gar, deck, laund tm. no peu. $450/mo AvaU Apr J. 631-1094

~ WESTRAY A PTS )lew 1arden apt.a, patios,

~·· spa. Adulu, no

m~ 1481).= .. ~

318 W. WU800. 631-5583

J Br 1395 J Br, 1 Ba .... ...... MM '• 1S1 E. 18th. &42·0858 .. lBr, tBa $465

• I & 2 BR P1100 Apts • 01s11was11e1s & 880 s • Pool & Rec Room

• G1rc1tn l 1nosc•o•no • JOQ 10 Buch ' SllODS


S EA E NVIR O NMENT •11, 1, tiA M ll TON II H

'If>.' 4~(11)

1 br, 1 ba, frplc, OW, encl. gar. Nr Hunt. Harbor Jun, 846-1186. -----

2 & 3 Bedroom s . $400.5'50. Kids OK. no pets please . Wale r I Trash Paid . Carport 964-2586or97J..2971. Agl. , no fee .

•••••••••••••••••••••• SEAWIMD

VILLAGE New 1&2 bdrm luxury adult apts in 14 plans from $440, 2 bdrm from $505 + pools. tennis. waterfalls. ponds ! Gas for cooking & heating paid. From San Diego Frwy dri ve North on Beach to McFadden then West on Mc Fadden to Seawind VIiiage ( 714 )89J..5l!l8

2 Br 2 ba, microwave, ooms 4000 frplc . SSOO t mo . Call •• •••••••••••••••••••• 983-e490or drive by 21792 Room with kitchen priv Broollhunt Apt 18. Near bus & shopping

center. 962 7520 a ft 6PM HUNT HARBOUR AR EA or wlcnds Xtra lae 2br , 2ba $495 ----pool/jac adults onJy dM , nice. Private en·

CATSWELCOME trance, palio Furn, utll 16885LYM1f2 846--3S4l incl. 9325/mo. 759·1363.

Lae 3 br. 2 ba, frplc , lndry Metlfll 4 I 00 h ook-up , patio . Ed · ••••••••••••••••••••••• lneer / Bois a C h ica alboa lnn oceanfront. A U ' Low winter raws. Dally

va . 4 /1. eso. 840-31211 or weekly. Kitchenette. La 3 br 2ba, frplc , encl 9'0arup. f75.1740. 1ar. New pluth cpt.a. 2 kid.Lok. $495. Must aee. 7NAlolt. Call 3 to 7 pm wkdya. Sat/&wl 147-403

SULJll ~ 151 E. Zllt St. MB-2408 Hunt. Landmark lbdrm

MOm •Weekly rental• now avall . •$98 and up . • COior TV. •Phone• ln

Condo, 44/yr a1e mln., W lftelit uc . • many ot h er , amtnlliee. MOO. 980-1347. roonw.

.. * ; 2274Newport Blvd . C.M.

NEWPORT 400 sq. f\ . Pvt bath with Elegant executive suites shower. Balboa Penm 1 n pres li g e location . 1--S285 __ mo_. 64.2_ ·_4623 __ . __ _ With complete support 1475 ..... ft. for rent. On serVlt'eS. ....,

7141851 0681 ground floo r at pre·


NEWPORT BEACH l:J:1J to 4200 Sci F1

•J anitorial Service & Utilities Inc luded

• Adjacent to Airport & flet1taurant Row

•Ac cess to 3 Maj o r Fwys

833-8813 450 sq fl Delig htfu l

wo rk ing s pa c e with ocean view Full bath 3 y r old bldg . $450 mo. Turner Assocs .. 49'4· 1177 .._ --------

sllgious Newport Beach add r ess- near O . C Airport. 2yr. lease. Con· tact Pam Jensen , 714· 752. 7855.

u11Mss R...+al 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••

For store & offi ce space at reasonable rates.

500 to 2700 Sa Ft. MESA VERDE bR

PLAZA 1525 Mesa Verde E, C.M.




AVAILABLE 500.2600 Sq. Ft.

:, AMIL Y.~1,s.1 1 2 8r. 2 Ba. Townbouae. 64tr744S.

• nmd new 119aut " r1 Near beach. Qara1e. 1----------1 ;'lP', for famlll• with 1 Aduha. teeS. •12'79 or Bache&or Room. 2I08 W, ~ti 2 et.Udrwn. Near park. Ul·- OcHnfront. Newport lleat Mid. No peU. Beach.

, {... 1470 "'blodt IO beach. lbdrm, K.llcheft •Bath

•JBf;.,_ ..... ,.!!O aduba • .-rs. lZI tlh St. SZIO mo+ security dep.

• w-., _ ... - Ja.IUI, ~1' ~LIM


Storage garage for rent On Balboa Pen next to fun zone (10'i'lrtx20""fl . J 67J..2MJ, 673-3980.

a .... w..t.ct 4600 •••••••••••••••••••••••

DELYNN From Daddy&

My Momm ie


From Grandpa Merel One bedrm apt, needed by professional female, Lott & Fo.cl 5300 nice locale 6 price ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.

••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... Oppa ....... ty 5005

••••••••••••••••••••••• Affiliate Branch Ofc


Cal~ 642-5671

50% ownersh ip of in· ~~~~~~~~~~ vestlplive type cons ult ing firm. LA /Orange Co. Pe rformance + $4 50 cash req. Refundable Draw against profits Refs . exc h a ng e or persona l int erv i ew 714 n52·0101 , ext 12.

Mo untain Bus inesses , Free List , Resorts , M otels , Gas , Etc 839·7163

Lost : Reward r ed Doberman. Fem _ Ears c ropped, 6 mos answers to Kush . 960·5826 or 962·5645

LOST: Blk Cal " CASEY " Fema l e . vie M agnolla /Atlanta Lt h r collar reward 536-9640

Lost. Santa Ana & Monte Vista , CM. Mal e cat

1 .. .,....._11, grey w / blk stripes o,,a ........ ty 5015 REWARD645·7604

••••••••••••••••••••••• b l F o u n d : M a r c h 2 O

LOAN S500 or more. D · Female Tabby Killen. your money . Loan Is secured by unprecedenl· Cd M. Call & identify ed tat in film financing _67_ J.._7_<87_. -----­history. 714·957 ·4086

Agt want.a to work with investors to secure sound comm /industrial Income properly Bill 831-1257

Mo.y to Lo. 5025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Business loans : !OK up lat & 2nd mort1ages , 5K· 10mll. 494·71~

The fut.eat draw In the Weal . .a Dally Pilot Clualfied Ad. 642·$678.

Found, blk & whl. Husky puppy . M ale . VI C · toria /Placentia. 642·0724


Jester - Phony Harem - Unlike

MINOR think I figured out

what's wrong with our economy. We have ma· for credit ca rd s a nd MINOR money.

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Use ,,,,..., At/ service when placing your ad ... a Dally Piiot ad number will appear In your classlfled ad

. we take your messages 24 hours a day . , . you call In at your convenie·nce during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service Is only $7.50 week. For more Informa­tion and to place your ad cal I 642-5678.

PRE LAW lltudent needs JZS,000. Will do anythln& Leaat. Con f idential DVM. P .O. Box 3242, N.B 921663 .


953-0778 MCNISA

FIRST LADY Escort. Models

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1714 ) 636 6853

t-"o r A ther a p e aut1 <' m a ss a g e b y u Ii t' • d the rapist $l0 to ;ill N r-:w c li e nts M f 10 7 1'M 548 281 7

P sychi c r e ade r & ad v is or P ast . prese n t , future Love marnal(e, health, charu t•ler, bus1 ness Readings in all areas For info & a ppt 675-7046

Need something done ~ Will do an yth1 n1< fo r SI ,000 Call S4S.802.8

...•...••..•..•........ lsl year Fem MBA Stu dent seeks summer Pos 1 lion 111 finance /market ing~6079

H•lp W..t.d 71 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUHTIHG

CLERK The Jolly Roger Inc has an entry.level PoSilion available in our sales & cash accounting dept . for a person who has limited experience . but is ambitious & willing to learn. lyr. exper. pre· fer red. Dullea include auditing ol sales reports. some riling , mail processlna & general cleri cal work Xln t benefit.a & working con· dlUons with a growing co. Apply In person

The Jolly Roger Inc 17042 Gillette Ave Irv


Accounting Clerk , part· time, A/ P, A/R, P tR & bank rec s . Mult ipl e books for land develop· ment C o . B y O . C Airport. 957·8451 ------

ACCTSREC. Person to work w tcom putor. Adept al A /R bk · kpg. Colleclion exper helpful. Gd office mach skills req. Xlnt Co. ben. w / growing NB f irm Room for-.advancement & penooal growth Call for appt. 644·4A4 Commercial Financing


Accounllng Clerk Entry level poeition for cons· clenllous, hard working person w / conge n l al aroup In NB. 10 key by touch accurate typing dealnble &41>-5111. ask for Acct1 Mngr

AdmlnialraUve Sec'y F .V. firm needs well· rounded lndlvldual to handle Gen . office duU., P /R, some book· keeplna. Typln1 80, die · tapbone ; no s /b . Wiii train on WP . Salary commenaurale with exp. Call llary llSM&eO.

Advertlalnt ... WANT•

Salee ttj)ftffntallve lo call on Readtr Ad busl· nna acct.. ror advertla· t n1 , Mon· Prl . , tAM · SPN. Bue + comm. Co. ~. WlU train. Neat a ppearance • td. apell· int ••HDU1I. Apply : P~:aver..t lUO Pl Ave., "'N

-:=~~~c~~~ --- ,, .. .. ,. .,,. .. ~ -·. - .... - --- ......... ,...... .... ...... ._ ... ,... ... - - . .................. ::=:::~:"::'~~~~~ ...... --.. .. . . . .. . ·.. --- ... r- ..._.. ~-..... .. ---, -- ... - ~ .......... ~ ....... -~~. • """'-... ..-.. ........ .-..~-- ....................... --....... ...-___ _.. .. ..,~ ...... -,

.........., . Two .. ,,., letet pot. Typlot 50wpm. 1d. tl.trie&I *1lla.

T'UMCD.-r. Typlol 50wpm , or· 1anlHtlonal ale 1111 a must. Abltlty to worll with varloua penooall\iea.

ACCTS SllVICIS Exec. S.Cret.arlal avail. At leaat 2 yra . ad secretarial exper. req 'd TyploJ fSw pm , t horthand or apeedwrlt ln1 req'd .


Requlrea valid Calif. driver's Uc., 1d drl'4111 rec .. co. car provided. P ex relief & lite Clerical skills.

Good co. benefil1 includ· Ina med.Jcal. dental. life Excell c areer op­portwUt.y. Call btwn. 9AM·l2PM or send resume to : Wells . Rich, Greene/fownaend Advertising, 4931 Birch St .. Newport Beach. Ca 92660 Atlll : Personnel 955-.io


Exp only . Newport Beach area. 761).0461

AIDES 5 : 30 to 11 : 30. Varied days. 11 :30-7 :30 Fri. & Sal. for retirement home Mu st h ave knowledge work ing with elderly people. 642-5861.

Applications being a c · cepted ror full time parts dri ve r / s hop he lper Background in pressure cleaning equipment helpful Calif driver 's license & good driving record a must. $3.50 per hour lo start Apply 11m Main Street. Suitt' A, Irvine 545-8407

ASSIMILEIS I rvlne electronics dis · lnbutors nd.s Cable As· semblers Soldering ex per nee Excell. work mg conds & co benefits Conta ct Bob Trac y. Mon-Fn . S.5. !>49·0954

ASSEMBLERS We will t rain Appl y 7AM MacGregor Yachts . 1631 Placentia. Costa Mesa

Auto Sale1 Corv.tte1

Experienctd 1tral9ht ••If pertOft ftffded for HtablJMd 1tort.

Heot-o Moton 15451 IHCh ll•d.

Wnhniftsttt 194-3357

Babysitte r needed fur s t ewardess w 10 m os baby nex hrs exp pre( 673-4029

Banking Local Newp()rl Beach s&.L needs loan service s upervisor. Minimum Jyrs exper Must know all · aspect s o f loan servicing Must be m· dependent self·s tarter Salary commensu rate with exper Contact Ms . DeMy Pari11a : 645·6505 Newport Balboa Sav ­ings. E.O.E .

IAHICIHG Southern California


TB.LER'fT Prefer S & Lor comm 'I e xperience , will train qualified applicants.

H.wAccOWth Prefer recent S&L ex­perience. Must be well groomed & enjoy public contact. Accurate typing required . some Satur. day hours. For the above positions available In Irvine contact for ap· poinlment.

(714)559·4493 (714)534·1102



..... Lo. 8116Town Center Dr. Costa Mesa.Ca,._

Equal Opportunity Employer

Baolclnt T&La

l.ocal Newport Beach aavtnp • loan baa Un· med . op enl nc for a Teller. Savtnp 6 loan exper. prefernd. We of· fer •u.llent aalary. full inaurance tMneflta le pald career apparel. Pi... call :

lla. =Partala

T -.....,OITIAUOA s...-s&LOAM


-·· .


Orange Coast DAILY PfLOT/t~1 .M1WCh 2A, 1ML _:___ _ _ .

~ t ;{1:11,)._'"'._'"' I fl~:~~t _ :•1itj~ ... 1~11 ),"':~ '~ ' ) ;~~t~ '11 · ~ I" t'~~ lftl·I '" ·~~ :1 • ,t: .... :,~ Ei;.a · - •. .......... ... ,. ... ,~~ - - .. • -. -- --- ~ ... . I ... c., I •• a.Mc.N - 1•ctitce1 HI • ' •• ......_,,,

............................................. ....................... ····················~·· ........••............. ······•·••····••·•····· --.r•u __, _,,.. · ..................... .......................... ........ ,., ........••.. , - " - . •·· -· ... ClJSTOM INTEJUOR UC. CHILD CARE REMODELING ffWl.ci..itup.coeereu IRONING

•· - CARPENTRY MYCclnnadeUlar Deetrtcal Work remonL Dumplruck Proleuioe.1llrontn1 Fine ail* paiatlna by £XP£RT PIA.HO tW\ DC QUAUTY 1l00f'INO Richard S&ocir. Lie, ins. It repaar. Member PTO. All &na. ,,_ ..t. ·

ByJ- -"2·- home rra.294.5 fttlkl. /COmmerclal QMlckttn'. ltZ TQI lralteraUocu. MS A7$ Try me. 831-4410 (U h.ra) M-•lt Ylaa, llC. stl·ll30 .......,.

11..... HAJtBOR ROOFING ~Al Cupemtry, plumbloi fr ~l.f0JWI( ai.ze>ot Trce tabrub trim, coo ... ...._.

........._ tled.rlcal. Lit. conlrac· Hot~ C!M. -Ctart. ,.._.. ttete removal. clean •••••••••••••••••••••••

!J7 .. ~ l0r. Gene,&C·""'7. tiaoPt-.cbooL-.5'U .......... , ............ upa. Freeetl . 557 8271 lvtlo..._e.c•

CRPI' UNO WOOD Problems? Any risk, t '1ALLyou y Remod-Repalr· ReU•ble C ...... s.r.icet lnRalled /l"tpalred Lie . llAULING/CLEANING SR·221. low monthly

lnter /Eltter / Rtfiniabln,, ctllJ.Qo/Wallpaper. Uc

Cain 6 Sona, -.51os

RALPH'S PAIN'TlNO Uc. Int / Ext. Low Re tea Free £.st. 984-5$e6

• ••••••••;z-9;.,;••••••••• New 6 retOVert. R.,.'1 Neatpe&cba a ttxturtt 1p1clell1t /at •)' · b'*•'>' "'""'· ltl-143' pnc.. R.eliabae. sca.•12 ,. tw a Feecea. 1ates, docks, • ••••••• • • ••••••••••••• #:malO. Gre& ,,.2652 Tree trim & Paintlnl rat.es. Pirkel Ins 646-3"5

30~~d homee, ~c. Al r7M294 Newport ctealllns Serv. or ?1 Ray. 964-4278 - --

D _.. 11 y C..,.. Ser#lce C • r P e l • 10 P h,,:1 t • G• •eek:! Kaullng le Dump J obi ~~ .......... . . . ..

Neat pauhea It lntura ,,...... ltl-t4Jt ••••••••••••••••••••••• • TUe t..c..Ued, all k"'4a.

_._.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Houaeclean nc . n n· •••••••••• •••••••••••• AskfO"rR•ndy. BRICKWORK : Sma ll OAVE'SPAINTlNO Servinc •re• & years

Most rea.sonable

ED'S PLASTERING auuaoteect. reft. J.obn AllTYpet Jn.t / Ext _89_ 3"_ 1887 _ _ ____ _ PILOT S hampoo le ettam clean. dow1 Ha rdwood rs . •VERY LOW PRICES• &U·8'21 J obi. Newport, Costa

SBYICI Color brilhtenen wht 831-9271 La~apemaJnt-clnups Meaa, l rvlne . Reh. DlllCTottY crpta 10 mtn. b{each. COISlroctor George, M9-210lS HHMC....._ 675-3175

Insured, Uc'd. 760-7301 645-~ FREE EST. Cua«im CeramlcTOe

DOITNOW! HaU, Uv.-dln. rm.a Sl6 : ••••••••••••••••••••••• Landacapina·Cleanups ........ ~;;-•~-;r••• • ••••• 4111 For S-... a ve rm $'1:50; couch $10 : Conttnu.'llon·Alhypes Tree trimming· Hauling Want a REALLY CLEAN MASONRY &T ILE Your Daily Pilot chr ~. Guar. ~Um . pet 20™. Free est. Maintenance. Fl'ff eat. HOUSE? Call Gingham Our Specialty. We solve

Service Dlrectory odor. Crpt repa1r. lS y ra Lk. #33- • 645.5973 Arnie, 5'8-84!4 Girl. Free esl. 645-5123 your problems. 631·2004 BepresentaUve exp. Do work myself .. -··--k

Re rs . 531·0101 O---M MIKE'SLAWNCARE Expertise nuwM: eefing. FRPLCS bull!. refaced. 64.5671 ...... 3 I I • , ... _ e qui P & s u PP i es brick /stone venee"" 30

.,. ' .., We Care Carpet C leaners ••••••••••••••••••••••• Monthly service. Trees furnished, trustworthy & ' ... Sleam clean & uphols. Drywall S~ciall.sl & cleanups. 548.2049 dep&u-'970 yrs exe_ 891-3743 _

BOOKKEEPING Worlt guar . T r u c k Qual. & prod. New & re· EX PERT BRI C K & &TAX SERVICE mountwiit. 64>3'116 mod. #"3899M. 532.5549 Yard mainlenance. Tree MRS. CLEAN MAKES IT Masonry Small jobs &

Reas. rates. 496-0913 DRYWALL- Our Ex lr 1m & removal GLEAM ! Homes, apts . repairs f'rplr facings - - BUY WHOLF.SALE · w h di Cleanups . Free es t H office. Carpet. 646-2240 Refs SSl·.uM. 760-7074

...... Thru Carpel Installer. per1.i.se. e can an e 752·13'9 __ _

Painting : Comm '!, ln· dustrlal . Residential. Free Eal . Low rates 673-0737

QUALITY PAlNTERS Bai:gain rates thru 4 /8

Free esl. 848·5684

WINTE R RATES lnl. /eitl. Painhng

Clean oula·fast service 536-9801

INT. /EXT. platter patch.Ins. 30 yra exf Neat ~2977 t Pau I

.. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••

Holleman Plumbing Sales.Service· Repairs

F reeesllmales 552·7183

Pool Senlu, l.,.trs ••••••••••••••••••••••• Swunmlng Pool Service Reliable. Repairs /Acid Washes. Reas. 557·2783 • • ••••••••••• ••••••••••• Free est AJao car pets your problems. 631·2004 --------- ROBlN'SCLEANING Mo•inc)

Driveways, parking lol laid & re pa ired. Jay. E:lectrical CLEAN·UPS /LA WN Service-- a lhoroughly ••••••••••••••••••••••• repairs . sealcoa ling 7,,._,,cu.. M a I n t e n a n c e c lean house 540-0857 Sludenl wall move you at

reas . rates 752 · 1493. 848-3'7'1'1 or 847 • 3309

College Sludenl-Exp'd ant ex. any job for less ! P.O . lox R...tds

S&S Asphalt . 646·4871 '""""" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Landscape Lic'd . ELECTRICIAN - priced F t 642 9907 --------- NO STEAM/SHA MPOO right, free estimate on reees ' - · labpiHlncJ Slain s pecia list. fast largeor smalljobs. Handyman ••••••••••• •••• •••••••• dry. Free est ~1S82 Lie. IS396621 673-0359 •••••••••••••••••••••••

.lnlantl & toddlers. Go back to work & worry less. I adore children and my background in eludes lrainlntJ in child raising . Ir vin e are a 7am~pm 559-0734

luilcMn •••••••••••••••••••••••

REMODELING Resid. /comm . No job too lge or small . 631 ·2004

IWCJlar Alarms

c.~ 4comtlc . • • ••••••••••••••••••••• Top Qualily , Dependable

Arousl ic Ceilings Service. i:teas. Rates. 18 +custom hand texluring yrs expenence . 531·5055 Lie. 389944. 532.5549 Eleclricijfl - Sm . jobs.

C ---"/ C -• maint. 4llt repai rs Lie emonn OftCnn• #2331(18.ClO 548·5203 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Foundations, Retaining Walls. Hil lside Restora­l ion , Sla bs , Patios , Block & Bnck . Lic"d .

642·8:117 eves /960·3835

------- - -Elect rician·trouble calls , repair, additions, ins tall o utlets , remodel s 5 48 · 9881 , 64 6 3854 Wheeler Electric, Inc

HOME 1MPROVEMEN1' Remodeling Odd jobs

28 yn exper . 979-2265

Carpentry. cabinels, roof repairs, plumbing Free est Call Ans wer Ad #461. 642·4300, 24 hrs



Janice's Raggedy Ann . 67S-2514

General Housecleaning Reliable, refs .• trans

962·o.510 - ----Houwsittinq ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXE CU T I VE will housesit , xlnt refs , l"X per"d. 947-5407, 644· 1248 - --

Income Tax ......•..•.....•....... TAXES AND

INVESTMENTS •••••••••••••••••••••••

BURGLAR RE MOVAL : concret e . asph, grading. lot clean· up. saw, break & re­move. Hrly or bid

D.G. ELECTRIC fndus . tResid. /Comm Quality work . free est

Lie 400143. (2131867·3857

Hardwood Roon • ••••••••••••••••••• ••• Tax prep. s he lte rs. TD1>

HARDWOOD FLOORS M r ~~rd . 661 9343·

Alarms 25% off 64S-5529 549-2411 Cleaned & Waxed C'lassified Ads . your one

Anytime. 832 4881 S ~ : st~ shopping center


Call Alex 851-9371 •••••••••••••••• • ••••••

Moving' The Starving College Studenb Moving Co. has grown, Insured sa me good se r v ice 11 Tl 24 436 License , 641 8427

Moving Mst sell 2· lO" TV '!i , co lor & 8 / W . Phonemale. boys 5·s pd Schwinn Cruiser, used 1w1 ce . all like nu 497 5251

ABC MOVING , Ex per prof. 10 11. rates , qut<'k carefuber v1ce 552 0410

--------Painting, int lexl. Rentals our specialty. Prompt. Seaside Painting . Greg. 536-4806 ----------• STEVENS PA1NTING In t/ext Free itemized t'Sl. Neat , quality work


Pamlmg & Papering, 11 y rsexper

646- 1433

Patios • •••••••••••••••••••••• Wood. brick. concrete.

Free est . guar work. PauJ 760-6785

M ak c vou r !. hoppin~ SELi. idle items with a eas ier lw u~inJ? the oaih Daily Pilot Classi fied P ilot Clas:-.1(it'd Ads Ad

l rvine/Newpon posl of. flee boxes unavailable" Rent - a - B ox from pri vately owned pos lal s er vice T H E MAIL SU ITE . 549. 4733 for rates /services --- ----Post Box OC Airport

~·~ 549-2287 Pro,..+, Man~•nt ....•..•.•••.•......... Prof. serv1c·e to save you time & money Newport Pacific R. E 645·3683

Resume S.r•ice ................ .....•. RESUMF.S& 17t 's

Designed l o pr o fe ss 1o nal ly present skills •. qual1f1cal1ons & potential to pros pective employers 534·7248

New· Remodel· Jte pelr Free eel. Chuck, '96-9'7

Hut ..... ~ Tl.Co.

Ceram ic. New-remod . reas. rat.ea. 67~2284

w~c ..... ... ......•.•.......•. ,... .. . " Let The Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Windciw Cleaning, Lld. 5'8-8153

Window Expert, window bl1ngs, screens & mir­rors. Reas rates, depen­dable free est call Geoe 545-0225


Contact the DAI L V PILOT for lnformetlon regarding the cou~ty requirements for uelng a Flcllll o u • BullMH Nam. .

642""4321 EXT. 332

Want Ad Resulls 642-5678

H•lp Want~ 7100 H•lp Wanted 7100 H•lp Want.d 7 t 00 Help Wanhd 7100 Help Wanted 7100 Help Wanhd 7100 Help Wanted 7100 Help Wanted 7100 H.tp W.t.d 7 I 00 ............•.•..•...........•...•...••.•...........•......••............•.......•................................. .........•...•......... . ...................... ....... .••...............•.•...••.••..........

BANKING I~ Clffti Clearung Person. Apart Donut shop Early AM Driver General Office Worker GENE RAL fro nt ofc

Full lime. exper helpful menl Bldgs Full time Clerical DESIGNER s htfl No exper ner Ap Me yerhor ·s . primary Musllype40wpm 2 8PM Musl type & but not nee Many com· Cos ta Mesa . Newport DRAFTER ply D1ppi ly Donut :. , supplier o f good food to Costa Mesa 549·3942 s P e 11 Ide a I f or pany benefits Apply at : Beach area. CLERK Laguna Be a c h ele l' 11:154 Ne wpor t Blvd the Ir vine co rporat e - - - homemaker or s tudent. TB.LEI l660 Pla ce nl1 a Ave ., TSL MGMT 642-160'3 troni cs manufac turer C M eo mmunit y n eed s a GEHERALOFftCE 979·17_1_1 _____ _ Costa Mesa - - TYPIST needs : •DR"FTER responsible deli ve r y Immediate opening an Bilin9ual - - ---- •an expenenced person "' person to dnve our van . our purchas ing depl for • G- e.ner- a•1------

(s . h/ BOOKKEEPER ClericaJ to be responsible for STRUCTURAL Good driving reco rd an expr'd person wilh panlS SUPPORT C. D 1 Corpora lion 1s drafting & mechanical 675-611 O M F 8 30 2 xlnt typing skills & a Tlw I~ lay CIMb ~%la'E:P~ 1~;~~ · ~~~: ASSISTANT looktng for a vers ;i t1le design funct ions. Must --- ~~~~a~1~. C~ll· D~n ~~ plea s ing phone l1 nowWriftc): ~lishJ s mkr. Tustin. 832. 7300 Hunt. Beach agency ofr . individual lo perform a h a v e l h o r o u g h DRAFTSPERSOM Sus ie: 5S?·62J2. personality. Duties will

lmmed opportunity for mjr. insurance co vancty of personnel or knowledge of d r afting lo draw noating m an na -- -- -- - also include Citing . order for a person to wok in i----------1 seeks a take charge in fi ce duties Must type procedures. PC board !ilructures. Requires ex D...ban Restauront laking and other general our Santa Ana branch IOOKKEEPEtt F / C dividual with secretarial 40·50 wpm acc urate l ~ layout, digital , a nalog. per m wood construe· Ex p 'd Host ess / Book . or r 1 c e work . XI n t Somes& L /banking ex· Fash.ion Is land invest & co mmuni ca ti on s Previou s o ffi ce ex microwave circuit de· tion. Bright. quie t ofl' . keeper Wed·Sun. days benefils & working con perience preferred but ment fi' rm. Excell. op· skills. Pos. involves as perience helpful Good s ign, & some knowledge Pis l"all . 645·6469. Mon· a pply J..4 :30PM a l 16360 d1tions with a growing will consider a trainee be efits ell f I t h · c I A l ' th h h di po r tun ity . Exper . & sisting s taff & agents n , as w a s o e ec ro-mec ant a Fri. Thompson Floata PacificCoaslHwy EOE company . pp Y in w1 cas an tng malunty req 'd . Call : wilhLlfe& Health policy growthpotential. packag.lnJ. t1onCo EOE personal : background Our com 714-64().0l23 s ales & maintena nce . Call i..nediat.,y, Opponuruty for advan· - - •ENGINEER THE J OLI.. Y ROG ER pany offers excellent ad The ideal cand1date will ce ment & ca r eer Draper y Man ufacturer ST1tUCTURAL INC. vancement opportunity be one who enjoys a 58022 growth. We offer xlnt needs exp h e mmer 1700GlllelteAve. a nd paid benefits Con Bright. mature person qui et w o rkin g al C D CO pay& benefits+ (blind s titch operator I . 675-6110 Irvine tact · who loves children to m osphe re · & working .,..,.., .· , _ .lbor. Bl Rd '. 0• 2 4 DAY W()tll( WEEIC I' I T · M on · T hur 5 · Exp. Medical Assistant. '=.iiiiiiii7i1i'i/546-iiiii033iiiiliiiiiiiiii

Ellen Cuesta help p/lime in Pedlatr i· alone. Applicants must J.JUo.> .. r v · Facilily is in beautLful 7.s ::.>pm or P tr C M front & back , hrs & 1• (714, 833•8383 cians ofc Noexpernec. type at least 45wpm & aJCosOpta MEesa F Laguna Canyon near area 642· 1&43 s alary o pen . No n - General

FAI WEST S.. .... lrLoan F.qual 6wortunity

Employer M /F /H V

Mrs Austen. 645-4670 ha ve a gd. math ap Equ pty mpl M Beach & Resort areas - --titude. _ _ Call for appt : Personnel Drapery S hop '" N B smoker ~4376 - ftll.PAIJ TIME

•CAI DRIYEtlS • Chttke r Cab


CAR WASH CASHIERS p ime. N.B & Orange. 644·~

This is a challenging Dept. Telonic Berkeley . needs m ec han1ca l R....,EJEWElRY Comparuon, resp<>ns1ble. ,.. 5 T U D E .._. T S

posiuonfor ngblperson maturepersonneededto 7 14 ·494·9401. Lag una person Gd driving re Broadway, Fashion lsl. f""lll

;::utisir::'~~~e~0..J:•~r. s lay n1ghl5 w older Beach. E.O. E. ~~~ :::lr~dvi3rn~~~:~l Newport Beach OK fer competitive salary & woman. Pleasant s ur· t714 1673-0760 Mature person . Call Exciting pay. com pany an excel! benefits pkg rounds l..aguna Beal'h ' Mary Me1mer 644-1212. benelils, hard worke rs as well as advancem ent 494 44S7 I Going Into exl ~- only. opportunities For appt. c 1 f ( I B · ? USE THE F rr. combo. pre p /grill ..._.O EXPERIE .... CE

CASHIER call . Charles Palomino ~~~~~c /':Pe: r 0:i e ~I t I usmess . DAIL y ,,LOT cook. man or woman. " "

Weekdays & mornings m Orange. 714·937·4446 mature No Sat Sun or I .. FAST Clean kilchen. pleasant Cal I 0... to 3P"'

Food Waiter /Waitnu

Exp'd . 6::i>AM-2:30PM

Holt~hss Sal /Sun. Mon true

5:30PM-llPM . Exp'd .

S.C...i'\. Gw • · Tues. Uml ri ., 12PM· 8AM. Sat. SPM- lAM . Mu s l hav e own lran 1 po rt alio n , t~lephone, CPR lraining & al leasl 6 mos. exp.

SfonCt.t'll Fri., Sal .• S un

Ciat. P«'IOll ' Tues. Wed .. Thu.rs.

Musl be n exible .

Please call for appt 64 5· 73S 8 Moo · Frt . . 8 .JG.5PM ** BANKING

We ll s fo' ar go Bank . Orange County Airport office. has an immediate openinR for a :

o nly 9 . JOAM · lPM . THE1



Holidays 6444861 tAs required by law. RESULT" working cond. gd hrs 714-847-2422 Mature person wilh E q ua Pr mp yr 1n e w bus i nesses Phone for i n lerview 1~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ cashienng exper ience a m l !h COUNTER ll ELP · Ex

1. us lng a Fic tit ious SERVICE 494·9650. r:

Te-II« Full Time

Six months prev io us banlung experience re · quired.

We provide an excellent sala r y and be ner1t s package and a rnendly workin g atmosphe re P lease <'Onlact




4590 MacArthur Blvd Newport Beach. CA

Equal Opp Em ply m /f 1h

musl. Photo experience ------ perient·cd . Sa ndw1 r h Business Name must DIRECTORY ---ir possible. Pholography Clerical S hop. Over 18 Cos t a !register that name Full & part·time. Fast Unlimited. 16889 Beach Varied General office Mesa area Ca ll btw11 iwlth the County Clerk. For Result food Newport Bea ch . Blvd. H.B_ -- duties ind s upport for 9·2 646· 1004. jCallthe DAILYPILOT Ser viceCall Xlnt oppo rtuni ty .

<.:ashier for coffee s hop President of le adin g COU.....,.ER HELP ! LEGAL DEPARTMENT 642 5678 955·3S20, !ISJ.<>071.

Breakfasl & lun c h stereo manufacturer in Mon~r'ri 545 . 4867 llor forms and further IE .... • ~22 GAG&JOKE Mon.·Fr1 Apply to Mr Ir vi n e area T ype Information. • •· " COMPANY G1lde or Mrs Baltazar 5 O w p m f r o m 642-4321 Small Co sales na Hote l Laguna , 425 So trans r r 1 be r Good COUNTER HELP I Ext. 332 Classified Ad ... vour om• tionwide needs effi cient <.:oasl Hw y . Lag una secretarial exposure & Dry cleaners. Expr. i s top shoppml(tenter s h1ppmg /re<'e1ving help Beach 494·1151 growth oppo rtunit y mafur. lody, 5 day D •1 p•1 '' Pleasant working cond

CASHIER -- 1714 )~6193 wfftt. 646-6883 ••••••• II y I DI ~1~;~thMS:g~~Mw!~~ HOUSEWARESALES Clerical COUNTER HELP • • ly9am· llam .

~~~w~r:,e~ ~~~:e~ 1~s~:e~~~~Kd~l~!:K& [1;,'.JU Bes l Cleaners e Special features • -----1 Westclaff Plaza ) NB heavy typing. m friendly - - : Ed1"tor : GE:HERAL OFRCE

- - atmosphe re of s mall DataProc:essinq P ttune lf youhavegood company near ocean Operator needed forni x t y pin g s kill s and a

CASHIERS Good benef1ls Call Don dorf entnx systems for • Immediate opening m our Mark ellng . pleasant phone voice we na 645-3632 long term assignment Services Department ror a Spec ial . need your assistance - ---- - Call for more mfo Tod • Features Editor Candidate must have a hlwn 8am & noon. mon

U M Services. 979-8900 e Colle g e Degre e . writin g & ed1t1ng e thru fn Please contact TIJTE CLERICAL -- expertise, and some expenenCi! prererred • Ma r y Pallerso n for

Deliver l...A Tames to • Challenging p<>s1tion with growth potential appt Paul Doster Assoc . Register today for local homes m C.M. & II B e Excellent fringe benefits Send resume to • 556-7075


GENERAL Courier /Cle rk, part time needed for Npl. Bch medical lab. Perm. pos. Prefer mature person . Phone . Jan Hill y er . 640-0140

G&IERAL OFFICE Immediate f It position dependable individual to a ss is t market in g & general office Good typ mg . & \'ariety offi ce s kil l s required 1n dynamic work envi ron ment Newport Manne Engineering. 64S·3632

~G&IERAL OFftCE• Ans wer phones, typing. filing & help organize our ai rport ofcs Part t1me 1Full lime. Rella ble. confident indtv1dual mus t h ave n eat ap · pearance. Call Laurie for details : 83J.0440.

For 2nd & 3rd Shifts We promole to manage ment & supervision from within.

temporary assignmenls 3 6AM. S375-S450 mo + • Daily Pilot. P.0 Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Ca . • - ---- - -

557 ftftj5 bonus. Dependable car. 92626 Attn : Personnel GENERAL OFFICE , '1ftrt 546·4481or964·4982. • • s mall company. good General Office

- -- - • benefils. Salary open . Girl or Guy Friday to as·

WANT A CAREER ? Costa Mesa l ll Del Mar

631 ·9421

Laguna Beach 494·9'l33

r-n·Ll'n:._ D e n la I Exp . d e n •• Editor's • Call for appt. 642·9363. s isl wilh oftice dulies . U \ I \ lhustasUc assis lant to ask for Ann Gifts & Novel lies Co. TtMPOllAllY PfllSO NNH SflMC IS complimenl ou r P edo • Secretary • Musl have gd l yping

3723 l in:h Strfft s laff . Xlnl sa lar y & • G&IEltAL OFFICE abili ty . Full or part· M.WDOf'f I h benefils lo the ri g ht • A challenging opportunity is being oHerct. Typing & 10-key adding time. Pleasant working

~.O. E.eoc pe~. 548-~..: e by th1e Daily Pilot dforks

1o1meonc wed1tht t hbee • machinGe. 1Z722d WGestem cond. Golden 's Magsic

• intel igence, w1l an s 1 s requir o • Ave . ar en rove , Wand. 946 W. 17lh l.

Cil!HEltAL OfflCE Looking for a very in· leresting part lime job in pl easant office ? Cler ical. for m alure person. l..ocation P .C.H., N pt. Bch . Exper . a must Accurate typing, no s horlha nd . 20 h r week includes Sat & Sun. Call · 64& 7431

GIRL FRIDAY · Gen Of· fice Exciling fin . Co needs eager g irl w tall around offi ce s kills Some bldtpg. & typing req Chance ror advan· cement for nghl person. Call for appt. 644·4684. CommerciaJ Financing


CiUAIDS Full & part time. •All a reas. Uniforms (um 'd. Ages 21 or over . retired welcome. No exper. nee. Ap ply : U ni ved al Proteclion Service. 1226 W. 5th SL. Santa Ana. Interview hrs : 9· 12 & 1·4. Mon-Fri.

Classified Ads are the answer to a s uccessful garage or yard sale! It' s a better way lo tell more people!

Huntington Beach 962·9116

DENTAL ASSIST. • secretary to the editor It 's an interesting • 898-ml c .M. Apply 9am·llam CASHIER/ Clerk for re· F 1time cha1rs ide. Ex position requir ing the tools or the trade -=-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmililmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili•••••••••

BEAUT I C I ANS & MANICURISTS. follow ing pref. To work in warm. friendl y salon. Hrs. nexible The ll a1r Depot. 557.2234 ~~~~~~~~

ta il store. Muat be ex· per pref. GP oHt ce. • 80 wpm di cta ti on . 70 wpm typing , • • pe r . Cal l : B al bo a 545-4553. Nr So. Coasl • dictaphone a nd the abilil y to shift . Marine. S49-96'7l, E.O.E . Plaza. mental gears on short notice The benefits Ciftteral


•JOJOIA• Nonsur gical contour faceUft . Will lrain five career-oriented people l o becom e make . up artists le teachers. Only serious-minded need ap­pl y . Commission ­manqemenl potential. Call for a ppl , M rs Tharp. 537·7609.

Bookkeeper /Secrelary, P tr. R.E . development I construction ba c k · rround helpf uJ, Send re­sume lO P.O. Box 8209, Newport Beach, 92MO.

IOOU•ll/f.C. tor rulty mcmt co. p /l, ttt Clout Hwy It Dover. 1156-2381

Civil M /F/H DEPUTY CLERK 1 • are gene rous . the pa y reasonable • CIVIL ENGINEER --- ------1 Slart.inc salary S84 l /mo. • Applications being accept<.'d only through •

Im med. opening with , CLIRKJTYPIST Harbor Mwucipal Court • appointment by calling 642 4321 , ext • p rogessive O.C. Consult- Permanent & t e m - has openings for men & 277 . • 1ng firm for qualified porary. Newport Beach wom en . If you t y pe •• Camera • projecl en. ineer . Re· mortgage banking com· 4C>wpm fr are inleresled quired minimum 5 yrs pany hu o~nings for XI b f ' t II exp m subdivis ion work . clerical positions. both In nt ene 1 5

• ca •• Operator •. Ca. reg11tralion pref. perman e nt & tem 833-0411 ext 332 for info. E. l .T. req. Resume & porary. Some previous 4601 Jam boree Bl vd . • Experienced al least 5 years. Must be • work samples required om ce exper. Typing & Newport Beach, E.0 .E . able to use news paper camera and al interview. 10-key by touch desira · • plalemaklng systems Excellenl wages •

°"'4Jl'Duofbm• ble . For appt . c sll . I•-------- • and benefits. Apply in person, w/ resume • 3.5 yrs minimum exp in 640-4580 . exl 11202 . DISIGH • lo orange Coast Doily Pilol. • Civil Subdivision req .. E .O.E. --.IHlll rftume It work samples 5"'9' . -

reqwttd for interview. Fo;i!>t'=~~~iTime. ~/:~ ~e1!J~'1:!';'e~1ef~ .• PrOlf Reader • Im med opelline for rilhl Call &5HJ25 <Joyce) . e lectrical connecto r s . pe"':;. _.._.SM_......., h e r m e t l c ae a I s . • hrt Time • -r• "'" tramducer design , com· • • 2 yn. minimum draftln& DO YOU ponenlt mater ial• & • With at least 1 year experience , preferably • up req. for quail fled OFFER A SERVICE? methods. newspa_P.er. Excellenl cornpAny benellll. penoo. Work u m plea (,.et the pubUc know with Dulles tnclude deetan. • PM 1b1ft Apply bC'ltwecn 9AM & GPM. e requi.redTO. P PAY an ad ln the Dally Pilot draft.lna, material• t eal · Monday lbrouah Friday.

MEDiSERVICE A lhisiln ot



D.y ---,......_ .........

' . ,,


bc.eltftt ........ ~ ........... .,. ............... ... ,...... .. for •mar11t ,

Service Directory. It can In& fr R•D proJecb . e _ • IOOIKllPll XLNTBENEFITS cost )'OU u little .. fl.17 Mechanical Enalneer· • o~ c.... I

trvlne account.ant needs CJwrChEl\llnHrinl per day. For more ln· ln l decre e pref ' d . o•e, Plot part time bookkeeper to Inc. fonnaUon and complete Qualtfled ca ndid ates •• 330 w. Bav Street • 1

, WO~ 18-Mhrt/Wk. Mutt MlBlrcbSt. N.8 . rat•callMZ-5618. tend tttum• to : M.... Co # i~

C411U. ...... .t: 714-641·1616

bt•bletodobkreai, PR (71A)'*1m Jani , uu1 Via staMesa,CA

=~!::~'!:t: ~\=~-o.u, ~'!"lly·~,.:.s:,r.t:. '" =~.~ .. ..:'· ••e:;i::;.r1;~1~~':;;.•• 1 _ ...,..otr-•"'9!• ,, •"141' . ~·:

~~~~~~==1~~::!!?::~~~~_:_~~~.~~~ ...................... _ ........ ~-



- ......... _......._.. ... ----r. ....................... ·--·· ·---(lio1·· ... ·--~· ... .,, ................ ... ;;

• I

' ~ - ' ·1) 1 r.v:-. ~ -~ ~--oo.itDAIC'f' PltOTltueldaY. March 24, 1981 H..,W..e.4 7100 ~et,WmlH 7100'4~WllllM 11H ,., ... ,.. IOIO r.•st ....

Weizls• ~- :7.-111~ ~·w;.;~Ji ~7,j' ~._.... ,, .. ~wm114 1 100 . ...................... ·;; ................. ,~ ••• .. ....... ...... _. ...... ........... . . . .... .. ··~·;;;~··· ~ .............. . . . . ~~-·-·••••• fe••_J ........... . ... . . .. ... .... ..... ..... ...... s.i.- run Ume penon Nllaftalc , ,.,,.-.. ,~. TI-,~-1-::_l~ s. ':~ ...c:- a... ·~Ji '" ··,. ~t .Wll 1WtlUe needed tor tun awnmer Alm lrN trie.,..,,.._.,. • 11'7.nll

•• NaPI . II • a •IC.AL Pllt Tllll I '' lkll liuc~. Somt b'P. Job. Piute appl)' In Ol'POl1'\NTY Start ~ c.,....., The blutim (~ ::;: a pe .. L .. •ted Iola, ..,..,,_ PlaltbOt .. IMJ l~P. ' Ins u .a ·aopm Hrly pet'IGD: llon.·FrL btwo llcp. bw. penoa to ad· 8t•\t ol Callfomla hu Oa1J-.0..1ud.~r .dllllteaad x.bltbu1 suo

"-l&J HellPm u.i.t. SQlr'd. forN11t. 1 'I 8J Jills rat'•. 1r'v tne area . 10 • 8Pll. The Penim· mln. • maup amalJ optQiql for fWJ ume • wbidl warb IJ'Hl·• MMllOaft. 6:IO. • ' tldiii U.e a&I poa:i. ~ ..... . '!'llm it a nail - 541-7'111 mon TNe, 2'29 Marine a.raphics deslp olf. AA· pert Lime wortiera m a CaU ... mf-lltJl'h•lt:~i ""'" __ _....;.._ _____ . • m "'9CID u .... ,.,....._, PM· '11*11 Ave. Balboalalaod al.at prioelpall ID dally variety of interntln- ;.: ~&mledrttuypod

~ftt II R&ablo I:. PbO-. .fa.a Hillyer , Ill •n RECEPTIONIST· Por bua. funcllon1 . Other utUnl• ( JhdlC'•l , HAAllOllAR~A 1hapeSlOO l'f.'8, 1$1 I. Cout Hwy ..... Clert<a, Sectetarles buy boud Nwpt &h SALIS duU. lnd: Clleot con Le1al, Reeeplloniau , APPLIANCCSSRVJCE • m-Tm

"' _,, ' ~·SIST • Receptionists all Good typtn1 • •Pl'lllns Im.med Plll1 time o~· ~act. &d aec:. akllll. bk· Clmcal Pool.a, etc.). we W•buy~uen Aloi.a '.1 1 •~ • 0 f f 1 c • S k •11 9 9 aklll• a mmt. llOO mo lna ror Reader Ad aPI· 8tttbtlelf·atartJ.n1 ofrer tirctlltnt frinae .... ..u , 111ar. I ' coucb x1nt tood aioo, '""V-..&iiliol...o 1'Ta111t per. OQ}y. Ca11PatmetlO re~tlvelorbulde mature attltudt, or· benefit.a• pmmoUon•I appti..... ~.,,., woodbarw/latoo&at.100

l• .. •Vlll'llll DOWN La.-. au. UH. a Or. - N ... dedll . . Illes potltk)n. Gd. COM aanbed w /detalla, • ~ oppGftuniU.. Require• MC>,1174 .,. • SHln olc . .,,. ... 11 .... Seen I I R 1 1 p.tny beoeftta. Apply In people oriented. Apply Jfllh School Graduation I IUY APP\.(AMCU ------- -·

Blllnl\&IL Apply to Mlu 11.....,~• ... ~ ott•~ ,,..YICIJ HESTON ecep\ on at : Medica l per&00 : Pennyuver, by lettAtr w /,...umt & It typtna •Owi>m La 151.tlS3 MOVING SALE. Beds. Marci, lurf • Sand - ... ..,. "'...., ,._. - • Rul Eatate F irm . lHO Placenlla Ave .. ulary hl•tory to: J . Salariattart at · t838 or dlnett•. dt,tk, table• . Hotel. ~tu•• JeHh, NB omc.. Exper. req'd , I A11ocWef ~~":,~~~~~ C.M. Moo· Fri., l -.SPll ' Churcta;., 220 =ort with one yr. ·exper . G.E e>veo ·ran,. · hood lampa, cbaln , book 417-..n,eat. • 8*tm (Speclalllint In Aall for Vicki S _.. •15 I c...... . N.8 . teeMtmo. 5% raiae after aiso. Wes&lnlhH_ ~.1.c· dbl ca1e1. Mlle. 751,aaze .

HouHleeper/Cook for MED. Ole, pt/Ume , Temporary Clerical lllUo 8 mont.hl. For mo~ ln · ov~ve112$. ""'•1° Chair, upholltered in An-acUve ptflOn. Live in . m al u re w om a 1l , Pmwoainel) llC~IOMIST/ M etr of.ollt an need a * •SIClll'AIHIS• • t 0 rm• ti 0 n • ca 11 : Relrl&era1or, frott·free . tlque 1old velvet .. 6 mo

Ba1t1ioa.m.m1. :~~i.::a!!f!:: 140.0400 Acch.IK. ;':!~~11:: •;::~.~·::: A~=~':L'fC 11~· :~~-~!!;·0 r'B';~ exC::,'°~ ~~·r~:,~~ f:i:~ It Yti M!ed extra money Hn 10.12 "' WPM. • · Part nme RequJ.ra typln.a. 10.key Sal~ to liOO wkly. Call Secy<Tra1nLanJer) portl.llillea. Peninsula. 813-&4.56

d S ... I air - I• a mu.t. aood .. h-e Mr a ...... - Se El D Ilk an have M hrw per hr. ~0335 • ~rsaSONS• tkilla , En t ry . i;";;i, ...,.:uai~=~ployer .,. pd "~!·'°° an ec ryer, e d•y. calll-llam. N 0 ex p e r I • n c e ~/MO- with quarterly ~ ..,.......,. .,.... o:.X ~ultant Oura nPIST new. ~D Elec Lawn Twin maUreu let.I S2S

ea. Set ot 8 dlnln& chairs $100. Childs or aewlng de1k 125. Dinette & 4 chain SlOO. 5'8-8242

&42-3188 MCJll Tl.AINU neceMary. You wlll be re v I e w , M e d 1 c a 1 Us Relndert Aaency Ed&er $19. MIHl242 1. Learn PUm Proeeuln&. trained. 'Earn bla com· fbenefil$ . Jack Carnahan 40208Jrch Eat 'N EOE For dynami c inve11t ·

INpURANCE Aaenc y SHOO/mo. auaranteed. mi.uiom, PLUS att ra c. nc. 754>13'7l. !At ES NewJ)OC'l/133-tlto/Free ment firm . Up to 16 Cubic Foot UPRIGHT service rep , comm ' I. N ill in Uv~ bon&11ea. Contact .JRI $1200 / mo . to s tart. FREEZER 980. U oaper. nee, w tra . ~tyll 0 t t d i lh (714) ••" ..... o neaacct. handlinl, 75% CaUtTl-9301 (Lou) . Circulation Depart - alCll'TIONIST •• u • an n1 a row ~ ore. , H~ field Un · meat, 142-4321 , leave P /tlme. 9-lpm. Typlna . Se<:ntary potM.ial for bright in· Washer & Dryer Sl25 ea Dining room table & 4

chalrs. Teak wood, SlSO. 4~3626

derwrltln&, servlcualea nme Ir phone number. fllin&. errands, Irvine. Thia lfOWini So. Calif. dlvldll&l. Collins Assoc ' S Free 00 p pos . car expense , II~ Youwillbecontacted. 833-LSMBobbie cor poration provides IXICUTIVI 567SanNkolu, N.B. m z.er S1 ort

I uin you a delk. phone, ex· SICllT41Y Diahwsher $10084&-5'48

aa ary, comm. ,.. . 3 ....nrrr....,. Presaman. F tr. letter penMI" plenty of lead• to lhrketln& Dir in Typi.at Low solld oak table. 44" f'n':1' comm'~ undhrwri~ ~ preaa or label exp llCsrTIONIST with lmlimiled potential hnancial services firm. Varied office duties incl Refr. " uprl freeier . rou nd , jus t ref i n ac C ~per Or Ult :~ ~NUii helpful Will train ~~1\~!~~!c:iii ~~~1 & man a I em e n t Reap., challenalng pos. auppe>rt for President of work&ood. SlOOea 1325 /firm 646·0150 aft

C=.!..... ,c . C anill e .A. Bilin-··1 ~5'21. oroomed, & enjoy meet· capabllJUes. Advance· in v o Iv In I are a of leading stereo manulac· 548-8513, S48-4485 S.30 vwwes. a : .• u..1 e•per•d prefd. P ~ menl opportu.nJtles une- atcurlt iea, loaurance, turer in Irvine a rea . --• DtaneBuJlock but will tratn the right PRESS MAN · M /F , A ~o'oo~~~~~i R,:ci~!~~ qualed !! Hurry ! Call to- real estate . X l nt T y pe 50wpm fr o m ~~~pl~i'dr:::,e~·1rv~ Oak: Rnd tble. roll front

83S-8560 E.O. E. per90n, growing abop needs a manahip. No l y plne . day for interview appt. shrthdAyphia akllla re· tran sc r ibe r . Good file cab. sq cof tble, 2 INTERIOR DESIGN Le~a 2/C Hamada operator Phone experience pre· 714-631·5881 q 'd. 71•.6'().C:.2.3 secretarial exposure & tli0. 960-8994 c us tom print hl · back SALES. Flair for de- Motor'- w /exper who c an do rerred. Full company growth opportunity REFRIGERATOR chrs, love seat, odds & c•ratin g ne cessa r y . 151.SS. Coaat Dr., CM quality work Salary benefits. Apply : Pen· Salesperson for outside (714)!>56·6193. F rigidaire, &ood cond, ends . Call btwn 10.2, Flex ible ho u rs . Will (405at HarborBI.> open for capableperson. nysaver 1660 Placentia sales. Salary, presenta· - ----- $125. CaJl75&-0993. _!75_·49M _______ . train. 4•1461 . 1157-5841 Ins & other benefit&. Ave .. C.M. ble&sharp. 714·540-1045. SIClfTAIY Typist PATI(}.POOL Furniture


Pa r t Time ex p ' d , general duties must be viv,aclous & energetic. 642·2210

J.....-Mec .... lc E!Jp'd"·Service Manager . mint-mum r e qu ire menta, lOyrs. exp. must be factory trained , good refs. salary l2000/mo Ju s t Jaeuars In c . (7lt)9S1·3288


Part time Mon·& Fri 6·3 I every other Sat 6·4. every Sun 8-6 no exp 631 ·1030 or apply 1n Pason 125 Mesa Dr. CM ask for Dawn

LEGAL SECRET AIY A.S.A.P. Full time. At the beach in Laguna ' 2 attys. Variety practice, Salary generous Exp, ~n ly . Call 494·7503 today

UFIGUAIDS Swim IMtrvcton

Now being hired by City of Huntington Beach Call City Pool , 960·8884 .


Exp necessary $8 / hr must have good ref 's, wine knowledge. accep table driving record ap ply in person eves 2937 E Coast Hwy Cd M

MAIDS. EXPER. Immediate hire . appl y Angie . Sa n Clemente Inn


l,....cloh opealag fOf' o wortdftC) •ftC)iRHr

with 1-2 ~· H • ,.n.c.111 ,. ... "rt corpe11try and

--··-~· T... potltioll in ow 1a.•J11J11l•9 enter of· fert 900d 1t•rtl119 IGlsy, paid 'ICIC ... ,

........... /lfe .. 1•ra11ce, 9•••ro•1 'f ... Hd boMts •d °"""' ......... c• tor• -,,ow­....t:

1714)675-1'62 EOE-M / F

• MAIMTEHAHCI! Permanent positio n Ideal for reliree· type who likes ftxln ' thing a around the office. Main· lain olfices and do Ught floor janlt.orial, five and

MUttSl · l .H . Me d ical ofc Ophthalmology expr. pref. Salary open . Gd b e n e f its . R es ume . Newport Ce nter . 759-8!rll

Nursing LVH

ll-7 relief $7.25 per hr. Gd. working condit ions 59 bed facility. EOE. Bayview Convalescent Hospt .. 2055 Thurin, CM. 642·3505 Malissa Grants.

PART·TIME Pick own hrs & income. Ambitious. like people. Call for appt, 557·5675.

Nu rs mg LYN

3-11, full l ime. 59 bed fa cility. Excell. work ing conditions & benefits . EOE. Ba yvie w Con · valescent Hos pt ., 2055 T hurin , CM. 642· 3505 Malissa Grants

rART"'TIME Se mi·retlred OK. San Antonio Winery. 64.5-8940

PART· TIME Ladies or 'men . Work fr o m h o m e on n ew te lephone pro gram . Earn M. Ii. and more per hour. Call 642·3169, 8- llam

Psi Tine C Ol9IMl 119 Youth

CarT'Mn Adult.s with outstanding allract.1ve personalities to spend LS hrs per week counseh ng youth ages 10 · 15 . E ve n i n gs & Weekends Available. $75 per wk C al l 2:»5:30pm. Mon thru Fri. 642-4321 ext. 343 Ask for Lori. ~Coast

D>~7a~eel C-Oeta Mesa . Ca.

Equal Opporl . Employer

PART TlME Person needed in Book pasteup. Mon & Tues. No exp. nee. Apply : 1880 Placen­tia Ave. , C.M.


lrvine loc . Ca ll Pat >---- to hotel reser vations. F.V. firm needs report Coldspot Refrig, gd work 8:»SMon·Fri979·1834 IECEPTIONIST S.ALESPERSON ~wpm typing , f~~ng & typist. Will trai• on WP. ing cond. $75. Call eves . ~:;~~t~':JB.7;~ yr

PRINTER, F /T. exp custom color & B&W. Must be familiar w /\ype "C" & Cibachro m e printing. Hbr area lab. Full beneflt5. gd. pay. 646·2136 ask for Bill. Mon-Fri, !H>PM

Pi09 acscwr jlaslc~ Be the computer expert for a s mall co. Mus t have 1·2 yrs. on job ex per. in business environ· ment. Pleasant working conditions. flex . hrs Nr J ohn Wayne Airport Cali : Mary Lou, 83J.95ll

Command Performance Experie n ced o n ly . one ex per . wpm Typing 50. dictaphone ; 751-6445. _ _ __ Hair Salon in Npt, Bch. F T shorthand & will train on no s /h. Call Mary at BED x 1 x fl I P T W a It ah s r $900 For sale electric ra nge, · • - ong , - rm . needs receptionis t , 30 C lar. k e '~ So . Coas t "erva ions. mo 963-~. like new. double oven Be autyrest king, like h rs . per week Appli · Plaza , Cos ta Mes a Send resume to: #703. new, $200. 962·9645 cant.s must be mature, 751.7500_ Daily Pilot . P.O. Box Call after Spm. 960·3152 stylish tn appearance & . 1560, Costa Mesa . Ca TYPISTS Gas dryer. elec . dryer. Ant ique rattan table . have friendly persona Ii· SA.LES PERSON 92626 S65 /ea. $l20. Decor. club chair & ly Some lite bookkeep Wanted for attrac tive Register today fot local 6'75-20'12 ottoman. like new. $175 in~ req 'd PPhoosit1on re women's shoe dept m S.ecurity off icer . p /T , temporary assignments -- - - 675-0558 quires car ne Becky Fashion Island. Full or wkends for lrg apt com 557-0045 Westinghouse dbl oven ------ -for appt . 646-7451 part ti' E . e leArange, ......._ 7""LSl6. Game table + !ear. 4 _ _ - me xperience plex m N B S3 50 hr " ~ uv-

necessa 640-7810 857-1291 chairs. xlnt cond $450 RECEl'TIOHIST _ r!:__ _ _ _ For info contac t Jim ,-n_•Lf'r'\.'::._ --- - - 7J0..3505

With or without typing Isales Lupisat644·1900 U \ I \ Lady Kenmore apt sz - - - -needed Top pay Tem I p f c: ..a- ...&. rt• .......... • ""l'fllSONNHSlll\l\CfS washer & dryer . l lOv Bedroom sel. good cond porary & rull ume Call I ro ' ~r·"' SEC'Y /llUCrR ,__,_, lyr o ld S400. Sears 9drwr dresser. 2 e nd TodServ1eesat 9798900 - !..-r Secretar1a\.- bookkeep· 37231irchS~t refng, Topoflheline, 17 tables , h ea dboard • Marketing Reps to sell ing & general offi ce tiWwr.t, leoch ft Xln d ,...,,.. 838-3157

Ra...rT•L •GE"""'T a product that is wanted T C 0 E cu · l con ..,.,., __ _ '""'"" ,.. " 1y pe 60 wpm osta · · · B E p l bl D P

· · & needed by e veryone Mesa location 549.3443 or a e is MOV ING New Jenn y P / T Co unt e r / O ff ice entMlftent polltions Earningpotenlial · hwasher Sl SO Sears Lind c rib . dresser . person, for equipment OYcNI. Growin9 tool $40,~$50.000 SEIJ. AVOM TYPISTS room Air cond $25 c hanging table <.:a r rental store. Typing req . r"flttal firm. Heat ap- • Co Training FULL TIME • Immediate Openings ~5~· _ nage t rio. 675·5015. approx 25 / hr s pearan c • . Good •Hi~h.lncome •P ,ume, F /t ime, Temp. New 30·· Ga s S t ove --- ----Saturdays req . Salary honctwritincJ. IHefits. •Qaulif1edLeads Eam lior moreanhr • Top Pay lAlmond ) $22.5 /0 BO 2 twin Adjust-a -bed s open. United Rent All of Wl• train. A-'y

19 30 Uquid'fM EMr CJy Call 966·0522 i''or more mfo. call Tod Sl&-6676 eves 38xso··. like new , orig.

Costa M4sa. "- •<-.'"'60. ..... s~..__, Services at 979.8900 -- - $700/ea. Sell for $2501ea. "' .,...,v, ..... ......._. II d c t ........ Ser vice Station Alle n ·----------. -- l ic--a-. 8020 h · 1 c 11 --------- " -,..-. • • • OS 0 Al. 754. 35, 545·6793 ,_... w I S eet s In (' . a

Ptrpositionavailablefor Mesa. Of' 22600 Lam- - danl. p T , eves & TYPIST • •••••••• • •• • • •• • • • • • •• 645·8980 fHope l s h a rp. conf id e nt tn · bert - Ste. 1203, 1203 SA.LESPERSONHEL wk end s Nea t ap Gi rl's bicycle. a ntique pearance & hand writ Gen. insurance agy nds. dividual with good in El Toro. n eeded fo r co n tem . A 1 t 2590 fast . a cc urate po licy 1940 Roll.fas t. 24" Perf

Traditional Dining Rm set, 6 chairs , 2 lea ves. solid wood, beaut fini sh $250 Co rn e r Bdrm group S150. 545-9223.

come potential. 548·9140 porary women's wear 1 n g PP Y a ong oond $450 897 9405 Mus t be exper'd Salary Newport Bl vd. C M typist. Gd. salary & paid __ · · ~ • ·


Restaurant McDONALD'S

lmmed. opening in final Now hinng full & part inspection. hose & fil . t 1m~ Days , eves Great ting , mus t p ass co c areer opportuni ties . physical including back On·lhe JOb tra1nm.: For x-ray Taking applica m ore 1 n f o l ' a 11 l ions btwn 8 & lOam on· 754·9943. or mqu1re at ly Stratoflex , 17671 3141 Harbor Blvd Costa Armst rong Ave. In . Mesa EOE A Kenda v1s Ind .. 1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11-~!!!!!!~!!!I' Co. I~

Restaurant .... -------- Meyerhof ' s , primary

Real EstateSales supplier of good food to Expenenced agents are the Ir' 1ne cor porat e I needed to work with ex· community need s people ecul1ve level c lients for sandw1ch m aking & Must have proven track si mple food prep M I" r ecord You will b e 8 3 N 0 c x per working with pro necessary Start · Min fessional associates. Our Ca l l Don o r S u si e office offers : 557 .6232 •Best beach location •Liberal commission

Program. •Nat' I referral program

Cali now for appl. Walt Hemphill, 67J..7300


Restaurant SGT. PIEPPE:ROHl'S

co benefits. Call Linda s h bo o d plus comm. Please app· SE RVICE STATIC>N AT a t 714·549·8161 c winn ys l sp . ly or c all AprO(>O silver , like new , Sll O 644·26.52 or #29 Fashion TEND ANT 6 A M t o - 675-0558 Island, Npt Bch 3PM Apply Shell Sta Engli s h o ak a r mo1 re

S.300. girl's yellow chest bed $100 645 7406

SALES REPRESENTATIVE. New sales position for southern California re tail i n s titutional market. Base & substan l1a l commlss1on. Xlnt benefit s . Career op portunity Send resume to . RBD. 30131 Town Cent er Dr . Laguna Naguel.

Secretary fot medical of fl ee. typing & some bk kp 'g exper req 'd Box 7'11 , Daily Pilot. PO Box 1560, Costa Mesa . Ca 92626

S e c retar y Bu sy Secretarial svce. neeas competent secretary Fas t, accurate t yp1st 957.9331.

SECRETARY Sm . business has im ­med need for individual w /good typing , phone exper. varied gen. ofc. duties. :I> hr We(')<. Ca II : 557·5ll2

t1on. 17th & Irvine, NB 642· 1259

Ship jReceM ftCJ In•~ Cieri& •

Fullllme Contact Garr y <?agne, 549 7522 S A

SHIPPING FULL & P IJme help In terv1ews held 12 I Mon I thru Sat Lunasea 212 MatnSl HB

Sitler needed occasional ly S20 day, in our Wood bridge home Avail on s hort notice Laurie 752 5111 day!\, 551-1506 eves

So uth Laguna Villagt' Animal Hospital 1s look 1n g f or p / t exp ' d groomer· can lead to r /t work , profit s h aring 499-!)378

Sc hw in n Var s it y 10 s peed S90 o bo Call 64.2·3231

Vetennary Aide to han· die pharmacy. cashier. pl easa nt person with ab1hty to me('l public. handle records Wil l luilclncJ Mahriols 1025

Lovely li v. rm set . desk, c h es t drwrs, misc . tables. ~2347 aft 6 pm. train, N B loc 40 hr •• • •••• •••••••••• • •••••

week Salary dependent o n exp , attitude 642·:ll40

Woitff /Wait~ss Apply blwn 9A M & 12PM Charlie 's Chili 3001 Redhill. Bldg 11 2. Ste 11226, CM 92626

WAIT R ESS 1WAITER Coffee Shop Must be ex · perienced & matu re Ca ll Answer Ad #358. 642·4300 24hrs .

WAJTRESS /WA ITER W tear for wicker basket lun c h service . 9; J0.1:30PM, Mon · F ri. Earn Sl25· Sl50 wkly Mu.st be neat, persona· ble & energetic. 979.0747 aft lOAM for appt.

REDWOOD 2 x' '• S4S. xlnl decking New load 1.8,000 rt m from mill. 55' I\ CM 645-9137 Xl27 anytime

Alum pa t io room s closure. 30 x 16 Window. screens-complete S6000 vaJue for $2000. 897·9405

Dogs 8040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• KEESHOND Pups. AKC Champ sire. M IF Pet & s h o w Pvt pl y _E31697· 1~~6pm.

Ge r m a n She phe rd in · lelligenl pups , 6 / wks, AK C. wh ile , S'-75 . 968-0331.


$75 96().5580 - -- ---

Go~ Sale 8055 ............... ... ..... N e w purses Sl O 1ea .

Draft ing Tbl $50 , old dining rm chrs t61 $150. Oriental rug SI75 1438 Dorothea Pla ce, La Habra (213> 691 ·3185

Ga rage Sale March 28 & 29, S.Spm 17 Deerwood East, Irvine. Brand new & used clothing . toys. fum, kitch items & m isc To closest m ajor in tersection Irvine Center Dr. &Culver

AKC Gold. Ret. pups , see - -parents. fem. $250, m a le March 28 al 777 Domingo $200. 831·5389 Dr. #V, NB. 9-5pm . Lots .

-- offurn. &m1sc. YELLOW Lab /Golden ---- -----­Ret. pups. $20. Call btwn Jewelry 1070

Neat, fron{ -otrice ap· pearance required for this prestigiously locat ed firm. Must have good office experience. Will be in direet contact with top Level executives for muJU-nallonal organiia· lion. Xlnt oppty for ri,hl person to g row with com(>any . Med· Dental benefit5.

PlllASTORE Now hiring for full & part lime openings al l ot•a t1on s at O . C . Airport. Varying days & hours ; Ideal supplemen­t a I i n co m e f o r h om emak e r s & s tu ­dents. Our progressive, growing company offers opportunities for advan· cement based on your --------­job perfo rm ance Pleasant work ing cond1· tion.s Must be l8 & over Apply m person btwn I

STATIONERY Ston! in CdM needs sales person f /time. 5 days . Xlnl working co nd s Especially fine clientele phone 644·7482 for oppt.

Want e d : energeti c person over 18yrs with o wn trans portation . Very reliable To clean boats in the Newport Beach area Call Sara at The Second Mate Inc 642-0671

I & SPM. ~3610. ext • • • •••••• ••••• •• • ••••• • 281, ask for Jim Heavy 14KG Heart Shape

P ill box w 12 Rub ies


MacArthur ll•d. (Next to Chantecla1r)

Irvine CA 92715 Contact Julie aft 8 .30A M


&6PM 2300 S. E. Bris tol

Santa Ana Heights !Next to McDonald'sl


Retail Sales

SeC[et.ary ~S.C,...ory!

Executive group, otriced nr. Org. Co. Airport Ex· cellent typing & com position s kills . Up to Sl.200 mo. Ask for Chet at 754-6789

Teach tn g assis tant · preschool & elementary. ex perienced , dependa · ble 997-8333.

Teacher wanted Aft school. Sdays/\>Vk. lPM 6P M o r 3P M 6P M Cert ifi cat e or e x per Call Susan. 640-8820.

Springer Spaniel Pups AKC champ. blood line. $125ea .~

Warehouse / d elivery•--------­

person for party rental ---------store. P /f. apply 2025 DOGTRAlNING Newport Blvd, c M Obedience I P rob I e m

Solving. MerdlmNIM AAA DOG TRAINING ••••••••••••••••••••••• 953-8344

$350/080 7S9-1643

Gold & silver. top dollars. Class rings"'


Heavy 14KG Heart Shape Pill box w /2 Rubies S350 tOBO 759· 1643

SECUTAIY - Aftticp1H 1005 ~~~~~~~I P /T afternoons good TEACHER ................... . ... Misctlmwoen 1010

. s k i 11 s , typing & Sal. only. Exper 'd . ECE W ... ..--TO IUY Fr... to You 1045 • •••••••••••••••••• ••••

a half days in pleasant USE THE surroundings . Good pay

Women 's F IT retail, days. exp preferred , xlnt ben efi t s . Call 770. ~!!2. ask for L~.!:_'2'..__

s horthand ca ll for an req 'd . Garden Grove IV"ll t..., • •••• •••• • • •••••• •••• • • Camper shell , 6"' ' long , appt. 644·4492 area. 971·5533 I bu Y o Id guns . Free to good home, flla ck 5' wide, 2~· high, f15.

and be n efit• . see DAILY rtLOT Service M1r. "FAST HOWAID Che•rolet RCA RESULT" Dove at Qua.II Sts.


MAN4Ga/ A11ht. DIRECTORY Women ' • specially Contpemy For Result a tore . F ull time . Service Call CJOtbina expr. Nancy Equal()pport1mlty 6 .. 2·5671 Craia, lnc. M6-1495 Employer M/ F/H ~

I~~~~~~~~ ld. l JJ Manaaer. Office work, t=-;::::========~=======~ couter help for food service. Seasonal , (6 mo.). H.B. area . Call E SoDJJ'ath, < 714 )544·5378 or write 14511 Acacia Dr, Tatin, Ca . 9288().

' MASSIUSI P art Ume. Pvt. country d ub. CalJ for Interview. M4>541M


lmmed . openln1 fo r pttrU t~, nabbef hole ~. m mt pan eo. i*)'akal lncludlq back ll_~>'~ Takln1 appllca­tt: betwt\ 8 109m OD· I . Stratoflex , 11811 A ~I Ave., Irv., EO~ A Kencbvta Ind, Co.

Medic.I Ma»tant W/ H · per. ·~ Dyt. 8 u.ty OP olftce Npt lkh. Salary ...,uaw.. MZ-1730noon ~,.:.:J.: U0 - 6027

s.U Idle !WIN '4a-M71

- ·


S1500ICIU10 START. Ever hear of R part-eime iob that stam

with :i $1. 500 boo us~ This one does. But the nicest bonus is the rr:ut11nJ! you receive from top-notch Army schools and the hands-on experience you gain workini.t with a local Reserve unit. Besides the bonu&. you'll also earn over$ I. 100 a year for one weekend n month and cwoweeksof Annual rr:11ning. And you can even join while you're still in htgh !lehool.if you' re 17 or older For mo re informa· tion. stop b or call us,

.T.a··1..··n-... 'i.. c... .... . Llllllll • 7a.5251 .. ,, J ... mtlf1 111 a.. -..m .... ..., .... ~


RN I Nursing Coordinator for adu lt P sych iatric prog ram Responsibilities Include supervision of own nurs · ing slaff, scheduling. pa· tient staffing , evalua · lions & lnserv1ce as sistance . App li c a n t must have strong com · munlcaUon & problem· so lv i ng 11 k l l l s & supervisory experience in a psychiatric fa cility Posltio'n 1s Mon .. Fri . hours may ~ flexible. Capistrano By The Sea Hospital. 496-5702.

---- -- diamonds, ivory jade & LabRetriever . 4/moold Ph i lco r e frig , $300 . SECRETARY Teoch«Dl~tor collectibles. Cah (714 ) Male . 499 · 1990 . K . 548-0130,

Ty p ing t gen"I office Exp'd. dynam ic. ECE 972-4!r;!S&askforDane. Swisher. _ --C--OO-K_W_A_ R_ E __ _ skills ; xlnt phone man· & Elem . Ed units req 'd. D ners. R. E. ex per. pref. 642.0411 OROTHY EMERSON Extremely loving mixed 2IO pc Waterless Set Sa lar y commensurate - -- & breed Dog needs home S250/0BO. M7·5675 w /capabili t ies. Nr O.C. Telephone Solicitor~ D o N H O L A N ASAP. Pls call 536·3266 Airport. Gloria, 540-48!<'~ Home, contract . no sell PRISIMT F r e e lo II d h m ' Rellloum•• el oalocMtsuquets de· •

ing. non· profit org P tr ... U'nl"Y•ES EXPO SECRETARY 1114)6:B-3l22 "'""TV Co>' o l e I German l ivered Perfect for Stock brokerage firm in -- - - & SALE s hepherd. Great dog . everyoccuion. 61:M419 Fashion Is land has im Telephone Solicit ors Antiques of the world in obedience trained. Does med . o pen i ng fo r Neededimmediately. To the di.splays of leading n ot bark . Loveable Hydr. pallet truck, 8

k k J..9 M "' · N dealers. 5J6.u•" pa Ile t s . SlSO . 1760 s e c r e tary, ba c · ur wor . on .... r1. o _ ... 26 27 28 29 ..., Monrovia , A· 3. C. M operations exp. pre experience nee No sell· M.--. , , , FwWtw-e 1050 548-Ml.4 Hrs 8·4 : 30 . Con ta ct mg Call arter lPM Thun., Fri .. Sat. l · lOPM • • • • •••••••••••••••••• • Helen McGl nl ty ror 966-01.Sl.______ SundayNoon-6pm. Taylor .Dunn golf cart . app't.644·2292. lnlheCommerceBldg. **I BUY** ne w controller , bat-

54!cretarial nLStHOHE OltAt«WICOUMTY Good used Furniture & terles. $950/080 1780 Executive Secretary for CAUlltS FA.llGIOUMDS ApKlianco-OR I will sell Monrovia , A· 3, C. M .

RN. P /tlme. mid week . l person R. E. office . From home. part time. ~~~· suo. Free park- 0~=SY~UCTIOM 1_548-_ MJ._ 4 _____ _ eves . West min s t er Xlnl dlctaphone & typ. for well·known charity - -=-------- llDWOODZx6"s Medica l Group Call ing skills . Must ha ve fund·rai.alng campaign. Plate Collectors 64M616, l l l-t6Z5 S4S, xlnt declllnf. Mrs. Decker , 893·1321 front office appe.arance Call : 714·549-31l2 Goebel Hummel plates Couch, end table•, coffee New load-18,00 t In .

R W lk & ability to deal with I~~~~~~~~~ & hokiers. 1972 & 19'14·79, table. rrom mJll , S5t /ft. C.M. I

oute a er c lients. Sharp telephone t: ac Hummel to match . 14().2347 after 6pm. '45-9137 XlZ7 anytime 1

Joggers. eam wl\lle you skills a must. Call 1..lla TYPIST 4~1003 • ' Jog ! $4 /h r + bonus . 8aa-2900 Part lime, 2·3 daya per Maqany Trestle dining Water bed·kl 11 , inc l 5/hra a day. Liquldyne ----· ------ wk. Vacation relief. Ap· Oak : Round table, roll rm tbl. 2 leaves. 6 chrs. headboard IZM). Ener&Y Systems Call Al : Secretary ety at : 1860 Placentia , front file cab, sq coftble, "5(). !W&-1152 tG.ZIZZ 7M·0535. t4 U H T I H G T 0 H COit• Mesa 2 custom print hi back 1-------..---

tt •CH 1--------- cbra, lov• .eat, odds & Red velvet blah back Buie T llrany' a m em-Wtt Dflk C .. rt& • • l ~--Wf"f 1 TYPIST· mutt have aood end1. Call bl wn 10-2. chair -...t condition. benhlp. szoo. 631·7625,

In.Ide .al.. dutle. • ....,,a ~ >' or l atty n •""" leave - '"•le S-Att«ney office. Desire ge.n'l otnce 1klll1 In typ- 67~.W "5 831·3474 ·- · I

heavy typina ln friendly 2yn. California ex""'r. Ina. flUn1 . phone le die: Se s 5 h •· ,.._ I atmosphere of a mall 8'7 ... l . ..- taphone. MUil like detail American oak double bed Larae Hlde'.a ·bed .,. . p c..let vue I company near ocean. work • h vy phones . with new matt.ras, $425. OoodCooditlon mower xlnt. • · Olrta ' : Good tMNfltt. Call Don· SICllT ARY Many ftkl••· Call Pat 541-<M2 t9S 131·3474 :;;,~:. s •114 bib. na : ""'-IUZ. Xlnt. carMr opportunlt)' Stuart ~-GIO The Lu1k Antique Admiralty deak, MoviftC Sale·Sola '80. dbl I

Isales• Znanvln1. Exp for experienced penon Co. 17$..'IOOlu.tte, Irv. hand tooled leather , bed llOO, Fri1e S75, Bfaut-.weddblad,... j belptW, wHltraln. Appty ~-~~~=:rr! llyou're~tat lorabet· u11ct<>d. a100.~ Butcher Biil Tbl w /4 ~~ar:::dop1x a~; 1 \npanoo ..... JHl. .~;to: MWD. JOlJI ter Job. JOU won't want lsELL ldJt items 1rith • cbrw aoo. wiU take otra '-:~-. .US .. l

Flnd what you want in Towo Cent•r Dr , to mSaa tbe employmnt Dally Pilot c1 .. 11tied 1-u_i_.ms _______ 1 pl m al • KJ.ata Dally Pilot Ctaulned.t. Lal\N Nls-J. ~unm In e1 .. rn.s. Ad. · 1 want Adi Call 14Ht71 Pa.c. cm_.,

• ~ ........ ,.....,_.._.... ....... - ...... • • • a o ,_.__:---.-r-...... -~HC

a•aa a•WSJ •• • c •••••a•,.. , '

• ,

1111•.11 ..... -.... : ••••• ?~~~ !:=:.~~~ ... !~?.~ .=. ........... !?.~~ ~~~ .... !~!.~ JVS Aboard boat la hU AritltOCat. Ilk• MW. '71 £1 Ca.rn.lno very clean. Wt ray

., • e. -a .. elect. Lln·•bo&H aup. •o· •• <K.Pmll. aoodp&l.n.t, aooo. OVER ..,_, Jlle &oall, eqw,. o- ...., to mo.e -- / 4'WOU ~ ·~ --. JIOl belly atove. oeto.Q.tlMM4 - --.- !ttlnpk, C.11. SflOO. Low '58GllC. 9'00casb. For ourOood ----------t . apace rent, furn. ''JT 13'·79'6 VW.PonebtorAudl ..... ~: OreeUnt BAYUN£R t!~!!~ ~· (~--) . cant nn.. • · laaet•· &.--· tm(HAC\-\TonPlckup ·,

Lea. ..., • llall • · •----------1 ._...,.. Make offer. 011!1-1 eue tlH. l!; 27 ~ 'Tl TetTJ • .tabU."ed.. JdtM.5-.,,af\, S ete • · 1.-.... f"llll •peee ,... Jl05, eompJ

~ - yr-t--•a fUl'll. lacl 'tV, (&a65) . "72 OMC PU froa.eD enc. Via.JI floorillc, no WH, •- - 9"W Elltel9H401 Malleotrer rtlUUt.I. Approx ZOO ... ~=:t., 491-1111 f.atda. Sae at .. yd , 7 ......,.. ,,...,.._ Utflfy t I 10 dlllt • addl.n1 mach &4"11ty ........_ 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• v- 9570 tlO. check wrlW!r '90. 0. t • -r . BOX TRA1LtR • • • •••••• •••• •• • • • •••• • c .u-.-aftspm . a. ,..,.. 4'x8'xl ' Small WhMlt V ... bhd

MUST SELL $100 9M-1'90 UMd c .. u M=a• ~ I ...... lce.P_... ·11•MC•.-YV• ••••••••••••••••••~~!~ ltAcCftlOl'Mt t400 7,000 mUe, power wln· WaDted: atroller . hlah SI 2.900 •••• .. ••••••• •••••••••• dows, lilt wheel, crui.te

cbalr. car se1t. misc. or ..... ~ Diesel Fut!l 112 30 gal -~- control. ail', 3 seata, and Only lo aood con d 1 Prtc. •l)Otllllll1 30 gal MW drum S25 more 751..aJ Cel .tter ,,_ 11»31199

Wanted : oJder sa1lboat 1-__ 6_7_S._2_6_t_S ___ 1 For Hie w / tli p in N e w port IEADY FOlt FISHIMG Datswt Z

VW·P08SC'KE·Al1DI 445£. CoNt IUway at Bayhle Drl ve

Newport Beach 17J.OIOO

~mium prlcea paid for any \&Md car (fottlen or dorneatJc) ln lood condlUoo.

SeetJ• "'nt l

Orange Coait O~LY ~LOT(Tueeday, ~ar~h· ~4, 1981

............................................. "ft aeozx 2+ a. 5apd , •1e ens. Jtpd, m•••· crand dtlWte, 2 tone, ll.eftQ ~ .... •.wt. •llver, 21K mJ, MOO •t2·'852 1mm1c. •1Z,950. PP. SAUS.-YICI evea N0-1.Mlev•ldendl . Me L.IASING

'18 Datsun 2802., silver 'IOPoncMtllSC OVERSEASDELIVERY cr•y. Hpd. am/fm Cati Petrol 811•, fuU equip. EXPERTS atereo. a /c; maa whit, ~'7. 8'>1122 • _. •• • ""• xlnt cond, t&SOO. Call 1-=:::;..;:~:...;..::;~;;.;.....---1 - '" 962·5154. Po rte: he U U 91 2, VOlVO '

-- tanftt'tne, cood cond. IJMHarbor atvd. '81 Dat.uo 810 MAXJ.MA 790-3M5 OOST" MESA

Sedan,~p'.{:IM34 aohhyc, t7H '46wtlOJHO-t4'7

'74 2160Z. new paint, air, po lis hed m a gs . x lnt

•••••••••••••••••••••••V olvo C laa s lc ' 72 *1 DEALER IH U:S.A:· P 1·800 ES . tot a 11 y

Best otfer. 645-8171 IOY '78 Dats un 2soz 2+2 . ~ CARVIR 4s pd, loaded. cover, Im ROLLS·ROYCE m acul a te 39K mile s IMtJ"""'"' Reg gas. S74~. 951 7265, rt"-----'=' ... ,., SB&<r.1.183. ClOSlO SUNO'-Y~

restored, aaldn& 18700. (714)497-3962 arter 5pm .

'69l~~r. auto. BEST OFFER

M7·0950 anyt ime

78 Volvo. 264, 4 dr, loadflt.

................. ~····· t '19 CHIYIOUT' COIYR llT·lOP

Auco. tnm., pwr. •led· ln1. tilt . 1tr coa(. f' cr.0.., All /111 1t•ff<> tape, Vette lblit ~ 22,000 mlles. (J051fXD , . UmJt.d olfer (up to Z Yre.) Hrvlce contract on~ late m~ UMd ears tMlcli.ecl bf maJor lna. co. ;,

ONLY $11,ttl ..._STlllT

USIDC.AIS 1425 Baker Stlwt



ffarbor. 751-8967 Trojan 25 ' Express tt•lc.. Cruiser. fully equipped, motor

$10,500 Autos.~ ' 78 Dats un 280Z 2+ 2,

4s pd. loaded. cover. 1m m a c . 39K m i. $7495 951~. 586--0263.

Saab 9760 Lo m.1, assum11ble loan or buy w /good credit. PP . Call 675·6082 o r

Power brakes. power windows, power 1teerin1 with till / teleacoploa a teerln& wheel, ai r . AM / FM s tereo, rear window defo11er , automatlc trans. Snow white with Bur&undy ln­terlor. 27.000 miles. Im ­m a c u l ate thruout ! S8 , 100. 7S4 · 6790 or Answer Ad 11209, 642·4300

..... • mt• 1013 fatbo. live bait tank , + ott.r pwb •• .. ••••••• • ••••••••••• O / R , VHF . & mu c h 76._5; 17 CONN Director trombone more. Lesa than 200 hrs,

wltb case. Ex cellent 8GPH at 20 knots. 3 boat condition, $100. 675-8052 owner. Sacrifice Sl5.000.

_a_f_t.er_ l _P_M_. _____ 1 ~~40- 1633 , E ves

Glbton acousur guitar 20

Wanted dependable , s mall blo c k Ch e vy e ngine 1960 or later

548-0095 days.

yearoldclassic 5 ' Mallo , float on $400 548-0905 aluminum trailer, 23Shp

Johnson. VHF radio. Office,......... & depths recorder, outrig-

1 .. p :•Rf 1015 gers . Ca ll after 6pm

CHEAP!! SlighUy used turbo k it '70-'74 Datsun Z cars


power ........................ (714)642·0053. 2 deaka, 30" x60" w / 40" i----- ·--- - · - 327 engine witb return. 2 exec c hairs . Boa\ Pa rtner Wanted glide trans $175. 840-8230or64().9900 fmma c 24 ' Sea Ray 631-7585.

S undancer . fish in g or ------STENO RE TT E Di e - crwse Exper. helpful ' 7 1 P i nto Tra ns laphone. Bare ly us e d N.B. boat s lip. $1900 + Complete . $75. Call J oe Good cond Only $220. $l30tmo. !)57.9327 Dy s S5 7 · 2 16 7 . e v e 646-3375. - ---- 67l-1469

- '80 Bayliner Liberty 20' C ustom execut ive desk 120H P in 1out w tt rl r

3x7 teak SlOO. s hpava11. te600 673-6919 646-3167 -

,-,-_.- &- Onjon- - 1 8090 o~/ 9050 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Beautiful R ose woo d •IMMAC 28'·34' BOATS U pnght Conte m porar y 6 112mo plans pre pa1d S895. from SI801mo. including ___ 1~_1507 s hp. lessoos 714 964·5994

Piano : Mahoga n y up· oah.. Sail 9060 right w /mirror Good ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond. S85QOBO 646 7050 '81 model 22' Windrose .

1 w / trlr S a c rific e C all Yamaha upright walnut . Do n o r E arl bet 8 4 perfect cond S2700 wkdys 554·6132

646-7048 ---- - - - Wanted older sailboat

Conn Organ for s a le. hke w / s lip in Ne w p o r t ne w, $1500. Ha r bor 751·8967

Autos for Sale ..•..•.•...•.......... . IMPORTANT NOTlCETO


The p ri ce o f it e m :. ;id vert 1s ed b y ve hH' le dea lers 1n t he vehic le class1f1ed a dvert1s 1ng column!) does not 1n el ude a n y appli cable taxes. lice n:.e . tra ns fer fees. fi na nce c harges. fees for a ir pallut ion con t rol de\ ice ce rt1f1ca t1on ... or dealer docume ntar) preparation chaq~e!) un

, less othe rwise :-.pec 1f1(•d by the ad vertiser

962.5942 -- .-. 51 I Anticps/

SportlllcJGoock 8094 °D'odts ps 9070 Cliasles 9520 .•••...•.....•...............•.............•.................. ... .... 3001b Olympic barbell s et · SUP. Balboa Marine ' 4 6 F o rd W oo d 1 e .

W /bench & squat rac k. 024. Avail now Iii June restored, $13,000 ALSO S250 538 7 6 2S , I ve l . Callbtwn 9_5, 644.9730 '29 Mode l A Tow nSedan. message. --- - 4 dr. restored Idea l fo r

· dock. power boat o r s t u d e nt S l O. 0 O 0 Seiko dive watch. good to Taberncale Mast No 67S-6161

lSOmeters. o vernighte rs . $160 m o ___ 76_1_-8967_ 752·2S84

TV. •do. 8098 60' MOORING •• !!~;.~••••••••• lB ' boat, $25.000 Beautiful Color TV. 2 yr Tony 675-09l5. 631·4286 wrnty. Free delivery eed 35' slip alte r the Sl48. ,._.1788. Pavilion. WilJ rent It o r

Hottman Console E a rly American Radio $S0 631-3474

trade for cleaning your house or your host Call Answer Ad #445. 24 hrs . 642-4300.

25" console color TV . f-------­S225. 15" colo r RCA ITr--w-..nOR

1963 Volvo Sedan. good e ng . body needs some r e pa ir SI 100 Ow ne r 548-7249

'SS Ford 2dr, hardto p. or iginal. S5000


1955 GMC , .,, Ton P ickup m paru Ma ke offe r Jeff ~9589. aft . 3

9530 ......•.••.•........... w /stand. 9116. 968-5253

23" dlagonal Zemth sohd s late TV CJ) n so I e , S325 / b s t 6 44 1494 e v /wtcnds .

911 O '78 Dodge RV Van. Self ••••••••••••••••••••• •• contained Xtra s . low

Color TV. 19" Sears $150. P o rtable. Xlnt cond . 842-6234

Sony receiver, 25 walls , Pioneer direct dri ve t urntbl , 646-S 137 a fl llAM.


·79 Seneca II , 85() TT . brn & gld e xt . dlx clb seats: 3 bid props : full collins , HSI. 195 dme. full c ple & ghde slope. long r ange t a nk s . hea v y d u t y b r akes. s te r eo. s ound proofing. Fin part 135 only ! Never damaged & a b ea ut y . $11 7 .SOO (714 )540.691 I

Co~. Sa4•/ Rent 9120 ......... ..••.••••..•..•.... .•.........................

9010 ' 76 COL EM AN T E NT ••••••••••••••• • ••• • ••• TRLR Sleeps 6. used 4 BOAT TRAILER fo r 11mes. s tove , s ink . x tra

Deep Keel Cal-20 $330. canvas (714 1995-8989 (714) 840.4268

loah.. Maint~'KlrK• I ~· f020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Marine Electrician

Design/install /r e pair Qua!. work. 549-2520 eve

'78 Dodge Club Cab trur k w /self contained 12 ' camper. Full equip Xlnt cond. asking $8900 tO BO !15-~aft4~

Mstc:s/ 9150 loafs. Marine • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

EqYipMftt 9030 '80 650 Spec ial with far • ••••••••••• •• •• • • ••• • • ing. as 1s S900 a fter Spm l nfl . Tender , 8'4" hyp. Chns 642-9768 New in box . Sells $849, '79 Suzuki RM 125. never s ac. $399. 17141754· 1732 ra ced. like ne w. bes t of dya. fer 831 6876 art 5

loah, l'owtt 9040 - l"""" YAMAHA 80cr •• • ••••••••••••• ••••••• ~f~

Like New $400 966-1398

miles S42 5241

9550 ............. .......... '76 Landcru1ser wgn . lo

m l. a /r . 4 s pd. $4500 546-0177

TrvcJu 9560 •••......•.........•... Special

PurchctH!! Low Mi~!

1980 4 spd. and 5 spd. Dots.In f'ldl Up's TretMftdous

SoviftQS!!! MakedOwn

and "'°"tMy pa'f'M nb

BARWICK DATSUN Son Juan C opistres>O


•Che•. NU '80 LUV 1/ l-ton Stab

with dual rears ! Ideal for lands cape r s . e l l' <Ser 6(X;6 )

ONLY $6498 HOWARD Che•rolet

Dove & Quail Sts NEWPORT BEACH

831-0555 '79-26' Penn Yan. 200 hp turbo diesel , ful l y equipped. lmmac . cond Bargain priced. Pvt par· t y . 77S-7125, 673-37_29 __

EM 400W Honda portab le '78 Ford ·F-100. lo m l. 6 g e ne ra tor. like ne w cyl, am /fm radio. x lnt

Will trade Big Bear Lake or o c nfront Mobil e Home or t r lrs for s port rlshing boal-31 ' 499-3816

cond ·~-3050 aft. S. S27S. Call 557 1876. or - -- - - -730-7:138dys '77 Dodge pickup 3 '4 ton .

Motor Homes. Sate I 4W?· xlnt cond. $.5000 R...t/Storocp 9160 6317622 - ---

••••••••••••••• • ••••••• ' 76 GM C El C !rim1n o

••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

~llC!Jl· ~ 831~


Automatic trans . . pwr. s t ., AM/ FM tape, full professional inl. in c . icebox. wide wheels & really cule ! ( 1J88453 ) . Limited offer I up to 2 Yrs l ser vice co ntract on most la te m odel used c a rs backed by m a1or ins co.


USEOCARS 1425 Ba ke r St r eel

COSTA MESA 545. 3334

Vat. Rot•d Use-cl Cars!!

1979 Ford Von

'705 •••••••••••••••••••••••


IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street


Audi 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 5000, loaded , lo m 1, no d o wn & l ea s e . $231 74 /mo 67J.6510

IMW 9712 .•••..........•........ For The Bel.I

Huv Or Lease Deal tn <.)r ange Count y

Come See Us Today'

COftYttStOll I

78 Datsun 280Z, 4 s pd. a ir. stereo, lo ml, ass umable loan o r bu y w / good credit . PP Call 61S 6082 o rM.>6443

'74 Datsun 260Z. 64,000 m t Dys . &44·2292 . eves 851 1729 ask for La rry .

Ftot 9725 •••••••••••••••••••••••

'77 SPYDER Lo m1. xlnt 7S9 8982

'76 124 Spyder , Ss pd , con vt Am Fm stereo. ma g whls . choe b rn . lmm al' 37 ,000 m1 A l w ay s garaged Or ig ow ne r $4500 642 3789


lmmoculote! Am Fm Stereo

Must Sell Best Ufft!r Call a fte r Spm 548 59-16

9727 C B .. stereo. ai r . pawe r 1

:. t ee nng , 1rn mat· 11lare., low m iles

( IM282261


284(1..! Ma rgue r it{• P k wy \.MlSsion Viejo

Ave r y P k wy e x it IS ~'wy l

...•..•......... .. ..... VISIT YOUR



Surfer Clean "65 VW van. new brakes. JUSt tuned. mus t see to believe , $1600. 540-0'137 or 646-5865 1Big Tony1

Autot Wonted 9590 ...........•........... WEPAYTOP DOLLAR f o r top us e d c a rs foreign, d o m est 1cs o r clruics. H your r ar is ex tra c le a n . s ee u s FlRSI' !

#I lftOr~ C_..,

2925 Ha rbor Blvd COSTA MESA 979-2500


CONNRL CHEVROLET ~ 11.ubor lil \ll

~ ·osi A ~ 1-:SA 546-1200

HIGH BUYER Top dollars fo r Sports Cars . Bugs. Cam pers . 914's , Audi 's


VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd .




miracle mazda

21 SO H.-bor ll•d. c;osta MHO 645·5700

831 -2040 495.4949 Cl0c.ed Sundays


& I S T .. U O AOWAY


8353171 To;[ Ul flMAIE OAIYINC M AC 'i>N[

•USEDIMWt• '76 5 30iAS , R <241 9) ·17 6 :JJ CS I a uto I 0040 ' '19 320I 175601 '79 32XliA S / R <7089 1 '80s.281A sunrf. 10013) ~Sunda_lS

TM Mott beitllHJ P..tOfYow

IMWPtrchoNOr LeaM Could le

Mcl.oNft IMW!! luyOrLectH

l_y Our rt.one Plan! (7 I 4J 522-533]


& Sales Serv ice l.c a s 1nJi', Roy Coner.Inc.

Rolls lloyre BMW l540 Jam boree

Newport Beach 640.6444

MUST SELL "78 HM W 733 li7S IR21

BMW 3201 78. loadt.od . m•w tires & d ut r h . mmt tond ! Bes t offor 5111 4015 l '\l t!!> wknd!)

·77 320t Bur .l(und y. 4s pd , a i r . c a ss e tt t' . xlnt throu g h out S7 9 0 0 . 64S·237S

Capri •••.........••. ......•. '74 Capn . good m ilea ge.

$1 8 00 O H O D ys 754-4144. I J oh n I eves 730 5379

Dotwn 9720 •••..............•..•.. 1980DATSUH

200SX LIFTIACK S s peed trans . AM fM s te reo cass & onl) 6,700 miles ' 1672ZUE1 L1m1t· ed offe r 1up lo 2 Yrs 1 s e rvice contract on m ost l a te model used cars ba cked by major ins co.





COST A MES/\ 540-9640

Joquar 9730 •••.....•.•..•...•..... "67 J aguar 3 8 MK llS all o ri g vt!ry well m a in t a ined Mus\ Sa<'rif 1~· e 846-8570

Xlnt cond '67 J a ~ud r , m int cond . Ca . <:ar $3900

a real s ac . 846-~70


$4 77 MO ' 79 X Jfi L , Green w beige mt a ll e x t ras . e ves 494 S057 . 640-9966 wkdays

Karmann Ghio 9734 ..........•.••.•.•....• 73 COMVERTllLE KARMANN GHIA

Hard to fmd model 4 s peed t rans . AM FM c J si.ette & th is one 1:. t.ox t ra sha rp ' 1820X KA 1


USED CARS M25 Rake r Strel' t ('OST A :\I ES \


a1da 9738

'73 Ma zdu RX 3 St J tion Wagon. lo m t. gd n mll SIOOO 497 Sl26

ereedes lem 9740 •..••.. ..•.....•.....•. SELJ..ING YOUR MB~


Call Jack Baron JIMSLEMOMS

IMPORTS 1970 llorbor Rh cl

COST A MESA 6.11 l276 833· 9300

MBZ280 1973 XLNT CON D $6000

CALL 760·92711

' 7S 280C S t f'r c o /\II orig in al Xlnt M ncl S8600 645 2375. d a y ,



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Cacilac 9915 .............•......... CONTEMPLATING

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LINCOLN-MERCURY 16 18 Auto Center Dr.

S U Fwy-Lake Fo r est exit

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·79 Marquis wagon . 9 pa s s loaded . N e w M1che Hos . Xlnt cond $4000 Owne r . 675·6161

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"68 Bug, a uto $9SO •19'l 0610. a ft e r 6pm

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' 81 Sevi lle. s ilve r . 4dr. 8-6·4 eng. 5,500 m i. Ex· ecut.Jve 's car, xlnt cond . Full warranty Loaded Sl9.9:11 or a ss ume lt ase of 11631 m o 7S4 0322

Ca d11lar . 1977 l"lee twood . B r n 1wt t o p . wht

·79 VW West fa h a Camp~r leather int . m oon roof. Popto p. xln t co nd . lo I new radials . wire whls . m ileaie. s ips 5. relng . 45 M mi les . 1mm ar s mk. s tereo tape deck cond ~1 401 VPQ> am I m radw. elec hook ALSO up . s toraRe compart Ca d1lla r. 1979 Eldora do m e n t i. . t a b I e Diesel. be1~e . wire whls . SI 1.000 OHO 631 5350 32M m iles . a ll s e rvice a fte r Spm B1 1l o r Cla1rt.o r e co rds a va il $1 1750

1 1 62 X W A I PP 714·95.5-0498 II \ "W Uui; rblt c ng . ne"'

hrake!t. i:ood l"Ond . be:.t offer over $1900 5S2·9418 <1 fl SPM &41 8700 tlay!o X211

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Auto lnturonc~ P roble ms" An y ris k . S R·22 's , lo"' m ont h ly rates P1rke l lns 646 399S

71 SquarcbJck . good run nm.R concl New pamt 7 \4 631 7889

'77 VW BUG . m int co nd . 39.000 m1. s unrf. rad io. $4500 bst ofr831-2926

·72 VW .\11 'it a t1on wa gon O ri g o w ne r . A T am 1fm . s teel r ad ials. good m ec h . co nd 22_!11 P!! S159S. ~~6279

Camero 991 7 ••...........••........ "78 Camaro

Air. automall l'. powe r s teering , 27 .961 m iles . (882VEJ 1

$4988 Ba rwick Im ports

83\-1311 ---- -----'78 Camal"O l.T. lo m i. bu y o r ass um e l ease , SlSl mo. 646-0686

7 7 C a m a r o , a u t o . AM /FM. 8 trk , xlnl con d1llon. 114-631· 7889

Che•rolet 9920 •••••••••••••••••••••••


MUSTANG II Auto, A/C, lo m i. S2500 o r bst ofr. 968· 1630

'65 Must 2 + 2 289. P /S, PB . ne w tires . r e as. 494-4.S_JJ ___ -----

'66 MUST ANG Fair coqsi. Sl500.


'79 Mustang Ghia. VS. On· ly 22,000mi. XJnt. cond . Loa d e d w o pt ions $4,950 714.955.1010 MO(\.· Fri. 7 14·7~8512 eves & wknds.

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'73 Cutlass Supreme i;id cond. SlSOO/OBO

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*SALE* 1979-1980 PINTOS

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Autematie \rana. pwr. at., alr C'ODd •• roo# rac~ radio • only 15 ,000 mllee, (915WZS>. Lim~\~ ad otf.r (up to 2 Yrs'.) service contract oo moat late model \&led can backed by major Ina. co.

G arden Grove 630.9190 COr¥ .... ttlZ OMLYSlffl


1425 Baker 8tl'Ml ---- ...................... . '80 V.U. tlt ml,-~ COSTA 11.llA warranty, •ll option• 14S..JJJ4 Sll.oaGmUll 1tU -..10 ,_Cl_uded _ __;_..:...;~~;..;;...;I0.-8'1...,..,:

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INCLUDES: • AM radio •Heater • 4 speed trans • Tinted glass • Whitewall tires • Power steering • Power disc brakes • 16.5 gal. fuel capacity •Tilt wheel


Auto .. air cond .. power steerino. J)()Wer brakes. power windows. power seat, radio Only '43.200 miles & more (018MCHJ.


Auto., air cond . power steenng, power brka , AM-FM radio w/tape stereo. Landau top, rally -Mlls .. Brougham pkg. (174WRB).


HURRY WHILE SELECTION IS GOOD • • fhr •apirft .. 4



Cash or tra• Plus Tax, License & c•ocumentary Fee

am~ MM& pll,IO t.u. llC lo documentary fee lllll~ OOWn Plu• l300 90 H IH Il a Ii"" l t 0 1 loce n .. leu. l20 documen .. ry IH l~f I IOlfl ol ~=a.hort.- 199115 - rnontl\ lor 80rnonlh• F1n1.nc:e c Nl•V .. l1 11 700. AP A 1728~ d•f•,,• d 011men1 p11ce l 4 13110 on


'4 cyl. , 5 speed, AM red•o. custom interior. ('435WIU ).

53495 1979 BUICK

llGAL LIMmD Auto • air cond . power eteerlno. OOW9r brakH, AM·FM radio w/1ape stereo. & more (937XMN)


Auto.. atr cond., power strno .. power brks . AM-FM radio w /1ape stereo.& more. (835T AT).


Auto , 11r cond . lull power, AM-FM radio w/tape etereo. Landau top, moonroot. Wire wtll cvrs. & more. ('405ZYS).

·suggetted retell prle»_ nwy ~ dNI« Installed acce .. orlee. All Cara 9o4d On~ Credit.

' All Care PIUI TIX & LklenM & Doc. FM.

All Ca" SUbject to Prior S.le. Prloea good until Mlt'Ch 28, 1981.

4 Cyl. 4 Speed

UM IP'!.._ n\,ll'f'IC»r'\ •~ c ornpau\Of'I

'10\I' mi-.-vie: ~f ~•.-. 0.J)lltn(l•f'IQ

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~~tv~::J::: rn1t.10• w +ll ptC>bMJIY °"' lt:H


'4 cyl .. power steering, powe< brakes. AM-FM radio w J1ape stereo . tilt whl . rally whls . velour inteqor (528ZEA).

55195 · 1978 CHEV.

COIVETl'I V-8, auto.. air cond . power steenng, power brakes. AM-FM radio w/tape stereo. leather. custom wheels. (10 1''401189).




_____ _..t ....... __________ "f"'!9'•--!).~-.-:.. • .._._,.._~ .. --... ------· ~.,.,.,_.,,:_. -·-···· ............. ~ •• - ... ~---.. ·----....... ,,,... ...... ..... __ ... ____ ............... __ ,. ...... ~1* .................. 19d1C'~'='='"' ... •1111110llltlels ........ ~_ ........ )lo .. ~~

By PATaJCK KENNEDY Of Ult o.11• ~MC Staff

Huntiqt.on Beach Police Chief Earle Robitaille wants to put 'u> si1ns that warn motorists they are entering a dancerous str~tch of Pacific Coast Highway at tbeir own peril.

Robitaille said a 2-mile section of coaataJ highway from Beach Boulevard to the Santa Ana


River has been dubt>ed " Blood Alley, " or " Collision Corridor," by many of his police officen.

There have been US people killed and others "maimed" in accidents there over the past five years, he said. •

Most of the accidents are caused by a combination of con­ditions including poor lishtini. no raised median divider ,

crowded parking on bolh aldee of Pacific Coast Hithway and a 55-miles-per-hour speed llmJt, the cbW said.

Robitaille said b1a ncommeo­dation to put up signs also la in­tended to "put t30me heat" on Caltrans officials to speed up proposed improvements on Pacific Coast Hi.cbway .

9altrans officials have pro·

Draft proposed All-volunteer force failure?

WASHINGTON tAP) - Sen. Ernest Hollings. D·S.C .• has in· lroduced legislation to reinstate the military draft, saying the all­volunleer approach not only has failed lo muster enough troops but discriminates against minorities and the poor.

Also Ho llings ' bill would l establish a draft with severely i limited deferments and exemp,

lions. Young men aged 18 to 22 would be required to serve nine months of active service for basic

'Most damaging'

training, possibly followed by re­serve duty.

Without a draft, Hollings said Monday, " our nation's defense burden wouJd res t with the poor, the bl4tclt and the dis advantaged for years to come."

He added : " Almos t one­quarter of all ne w recruits are black double their proportion in the population. The number of other minorities, especially His­panics, is growing . And, more than a racial problem . it is a class

Soviet spy charge probed by Britons

LONDON (AP ) - Officials made a hurried investigation to­day into charges that a Labor gov-· emmcnt in l974 coyered up an in· qufl')' report 1upportill1 ~·· lions that for m er counter-intelligence chief Sir Roaer Holli• was a Sovletspy.

PriUle Minister Margaret Thatcller ordered the invesUa•· &ion after Chapman Pincher, the delen..aecorrespondentoftheLon· don Dally Mail, wrote Monday in the Conservative paper that Hollis. the director-general from 1956 to 1965 of Ml5, the counter­intelligence service, may have been Britain's " most damaging spy in history ." Hollis died in 1973.

Pincher sa id Hollis was in· vestigated secretly in 1970 and during a 48-hour interrogation " never cracked." But the cor­respondent wrote that in 1974, a year after Hollis died , a former secretary lo the Cabinet. Lord Trend, made another secret in­vestigation and concluded he was a " likely suspect " whose answers during his long interrogation were " unconvincing."

Prim~ Minister Harold Wilson headed a Labor government at thetimeofTrend 's report.

Mrs. Thatcher ordered a report on Britain's latest spy scandal to be wailing for her when she re ­turned tonight from a summit conference of th e European Economi c Co mmun i t y in Rolland. She was expected lo make a s tatement on the matter In the House of Commons on Thursday.


SPY FOR SOVIETS? Btftaln'a Roger Hollla

Army captain


from death

problem. For even the white rec ruits a re drawn from the poorer and less educated seg­mentsof society ."

In addition, he said , armed forces recruiting fell short of re· quirements by about 23,000 in 1979. He said the Army missed its target by 17,000. the Air Force by 1,500 and the Navy by 4,500. The Marine Corps met its objective only because it took a cut in

<See DRAFT, Page AZ)

High-rise concept approved

By PHIL SNEIDEaMAN °' - D<lllY ,..._. ..... - 4' . • Fountain Valley City~.

aclinl as the city's rec:levelpp­meQt aaency. bu approve( "in a• JIJ"'.a pJan , .. WN-.... domlnlum-botel unlta ln tbe mldst ~t the city'a lncJustrial area .

The Uvln1 unlla wou.kt be located within the ZZ·acre Los Caballeroe Racquet and Spana Club complex at 11272 Newbope St. and would be manaaed by the club.

In the tentative approval, city officials added a catch - if the sport club should happen to fold , living units must be razed.

" Basically, the city needs this guarantee that if Los CabaUeros fails, we don't have 40 residen­tial units sitting in the m iddle of our Industrial area ," explained Don Contraman, a city planner.

Contraman sa id the city 's formal redeve lopm e nt plan permits recreation busi nesses on the Los Ca balleros property but does not allow independent living units.

The 4-year-old, 2,000-member sports club currently has 44 ten­nis courts , 20 racquetball courts. three swimming pools, a gym­nasiU(Jl, basketball courts and other facilities.

The club's owners now wish lo build a main c lubho us e and restaurant at lhe site.

To raise funds for this addition and to expand the facility , the club owners have proposed the

<See HOTEL, Pace A%)

Ylll 1111191 llllY NIB

• s ID BB posed future widening and lm­provlns conditions on Pacific Coaat Ht1bway from Golden We st Street to Newport Boelevard. Construction IS' set to begin in 1986, according to Caltransofficials.

Robitaille complains that ·' another 16 people could be killed" in the next five years if the htahway isn't improved.

" If we are unable lo get the construction dates moved up, we should insist that raised median divide,. be Installed to redu(e the de.th toU as much as ,,oof­b le during lbe intervening period, '' said Robitaille In a memo to city Admini strator Charles Thompson.

'' ll ' • a na s t y piece of

Carol Burnett 'sure' she, will win suit By FREDE&ICKSCROEMEHL

Of UM D•lly P'I,.. Ua ll LOS ANGELES - Clearly con­

fident of victory , comedienne Carol Burnett says she' ll wait out the verdict in her $10 million libel action against the National En· quirerplayingScrabble.

The 11-member jury continued de liberations in earnest today . It

Trustees lo eye athletic program

Trustees of the Huntington Beach Union High School Dis· trict are scheduled to decide tonight which athletic progra ms will be reduced next year as part of the district 's cost saving measures.

The school board meets at 7 p .m . at 10251 Yor,lttown Ave .. Huntington Beach.

received the case Monday after· noon after hearing final argu­ments and exhaustive closing s tatements .

Miss Burnett said she was hap­py s he was able to get the En· quirerinlothecourtroom.

She said she believes she will ha ve won a " moral victory" re· gardless of the decision returned by the jury.

" They didn 't have the right lo do what they did ," Miss Burnett commented , r eferring to the Ma r ch 2, 1976 gossip column ac­count that said she spilled wine on a patron and became involved in an argument with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kiss­inger at the Rive Gauche. a Was hington D.C. restaurant.

" J a m a polite person . I don't go a round swinging from chan­deliers," Miss Burnett said as she

<See LIBEL, Page A2>

highway," the chief said today. " One ol the wont. It 's our duty lo warn motorists that they are entering that section or road at their own peril.

" Whenever an officer geu a call tor an accident on that sec­tion of highway, he knows it 's going to be a humdinger." Robitaille said.

Tear gas penalty slated

By J ERRY CLAUSEN oi 111e O• •• r ,., ... luff

Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates displayed a pasteboard box filled with confiscated tear gas canisters Monday and an· nounced a c ra c kdown on pa sse nger s carrying the weapons into commercial flight boarding areas at John Wayne Airport.

Such canisters, he s aid, are illegal aboard co mmercial flights whether or not the car­r ier has a license or certificate to carry them.

Deputies working out of the airport security office confront· ed 133 people, mostly women, carrying the self-defense can · iste r s between March 2 and last Sunday, he said .

" Simply entering the secured boarding area with a canister on your person is considered in· tent lo board," he warned .

Of those persons cau~hl with a canister over· the 20-day period in March, Gates said , 76 had permits and 57 didn't .

Those hol~j permlU were of~rec:l the op«on pf 1ivln1 up their gas and boardlng com­merciaJ aircraft or not flying , he sald.

Passen1ers without permits who were caught with Ute can­isters were issued clt,atlona. be said , and their gas taken from them. Ga~ said tear gas aboard

com mercial alrcraft is governed by both stale and federal law to prevent hijackings and possible leaking containers that could af· feet the ai r c raft ventilation system.

It is illegal , he added , to put su~h a canister aboard in lug ­gage because of possible leak problems.

FederaJ law, he said, provides that gas carriers can be fined up to $25,000 or be imprisoned if it is determined that criminal in­tent is involved .

Carrying the gas aboard a commercial airliner without criminal intent can result in fines up to Sl0,000, he added .

" We don't feel there is intent on t he part of mos t people . .. ," be said . " But their forgetfulness or lack of accurate or complete knowledge about carying the tear gas doesn't ex­cuse them."

Gates said most of the can­isters are detected by metal de· tectors at John Wayne. Although most are a plastic substance. some parts are metal .

" It seems like yet another cov­er-up by the Establishment." Dennis Canavan of the opposition Labor Party told Commons on Monday night.

One o f Mrs . Thatcher ' s Conservatives , Antony Buck, called for an inquiry by members or the Privy Council or a High Court jud1e empowered to sub­poena witnesses and documents.

TR U TH OR CON · SEQUENCES, N.M. <AP) - An Arm y captain initially pro­nounced dead after being puJled from the chilly waters of a New Mexico lake bas been revived, and authorities credit a technique that utilizes the body 's naluraJ re· action to cold with saving his life. J11ry spares murderer Others, 1t was noted , have

been spotted with x-ray equip­ment in purses and hand carried baggage.

Lord Trend refused lo com· ment. George Young, retireddep-

<See SPV, Page AZ)

BB downtown

work begins Trantfonnalloo of the Hunl­

initon Beach downtown 1bop­pln1 area into a aemi·mall has be1un this week with Main Street changed to a one-way route from Orange A venue to P acific Coast HA1bway .

Other improvements currently ln prC)IHS• include addition of t rees, flower planters, benebel, blke racks and Improved llpt~ l8', accord.lq to city offidala. J

Tbe downtown project la ex­jected to take 45 day1, said a el· t11--11W1.

A tralftc 1lpal a1lo la betna wtalW at 5tb StrMt to help motortata reacJI the 1bopplna ana &om t.be eout. The atoal "Ul be lut1Ued wltbln tJiree mCl9Ull, •aldj.*tY offlcl1l1.

Capt. Ron Butterman was list­ed on the " very seriously ill" list today at William Beaumont HospitaJ at Fort Bliss, Texas, ac­cording to hospit.al spokesman. Capt. Jim Goodwin.

Med.icaJ authorities said But· term an bad little or no heart beat for a bout 45 minutes after be was found floating on the surface of Elephant Butte Laite near Truth or Consequences, N.M., on Satur­day.

Siel'l'a County Deputy Sheriff Tim Zagorski credited UM revival

. of the 2.8-year-<>ld P'ort Bila ol­ficer to the life-savlne tedmAque called · the cold water oear­drownin& proeaa, wbleb takes advantaae of tile bumao body's re•cUontocold.

A sudden cbanle lD th• tem· peratun on the forehead tit...,. the mammalian dive r enex. ZagonldaaldMODday. 1

" It reduces tbe bocl)' ' I OX)'8e8 need by about balf and. allows ox· y gen to be d.latributed m aln.ly to the heart, lunp aad Wala and for,et abo•t U•• oater ex­tremltJ•."

Wb• 10CMOM beeomff a co6d water .Har-drown1DI vidlm, UM deputy aald, eardlopullDoeatJ,.. aacttataoa mUlt bt admlntMtnd at aoon u bil forehead la utt.d rromu.wa,...

Slayer of CdM man gets life in prison

CUe in doUbt fl ASHJNGTON (AP> - 1be

Supnme ~ bu turned a•ay a challeDn llalalt the COUDtlnl of llle1al 1Uea1 111 tbe 1'80 ee•sua.

By DAVID KUTZMANN OI ..._ CUiiy P'lle4 lull

The life of convicted murderer John Alan Keith of San Clemente apparenUy bas been spared because an Orange Coun­ty Superior Court jury feU one vole short of sentencing him lo death.

After more than a week of de­liberaliofts, the jury of six men and aix women told Judie Donald A. Mccartin Monday that lt was deadlocked 11-1 In favor or recommendins that Keith, 23, die in the California gas chamber.

A unanlmoua Jury vqte la re· quired in criminal proceedlnp.

M eCartln then ordered a mil· trlal, automatically 1lvlng the coHlded slayer ol Corona del Kar rHJ estate a1ent Rubeo M arllnea, 40, life lmprllonment without parole.

PrOMCUt« Dave Cuter, who bad arl\Md fOI' lmpoaiUon ol the death MIMnee, COD~ tUt tbe provblona of a alnce· amendtd c1,lt1l punishment law only allowed hlm one op­portunity lo try Keith in the

pe nalty phase of hi s murder trial.

Keith participated in the mutilation slaying of MarUnez in August 1978, three months before voters in California ap­proved the so-called Brlsgs Amendment , which allowed prosecutors lo retry def end ants a second and sometimes third time on death penally alle1a· lions .

The older law. in effect wben the killing occurred. allowed on· ly one such opportunity.

Nevertheless, McCartin said be would allow Carter to U'S\M

' for a new penalty trial on May 5, when formal 1entencln1 is acheduled .•

Keith smiled when the ·Jury, described u being fru1trated at not reaching a verdict , an­nounced lta hnpuae.

It waa the aecond Ume juron bad &Gld llcCartin tb•y WIN "bopel ... ly ••ad.locked." Ttte flrat tlm.e •a• last Tbul"idQ wbeft t.be Judp onlend at leu& oae mote da)' of cteliberatJcma on Monda1.

The same Jurors had convict. CS..Ul'"S, a .. AI)

Gates said his office is tryln1 to contact the various or1aniu­tions certifyin1 and training peo­ple to carry the small defensive weapons.

DlllSI ClllT 1111111 lncreasin1 cloudiness

tonight. Variable cloudi­ness and cooler Wedn~­day . Higba M to 72. Lows toni1bt S> to 55.

111111 TlllY



Coastal erotection act facing woe? .-

SACRAMENTO (AP> TM CoaataJ Comml11lon'1 bud••t hat survived H• ftrat &fft but there .lf1•Y M aerloua trouble a bead ror Calilomla '1 blltorlc

poted by Gov . Edmund Brown Jr. ml11lon'1 Mall wlll bt up for

1rabl l.ftv Jw11. 1rnor. AtHl.\bty '"'" • .... s.u .. It.al" Coaunlktt wUI " It swu wit!. buds roU1ftt and ~ft lht animal will be ta.kn apart," he said

1 coa1tal pl'OMetlon act. A potentially boltllt Senate

rlnance ll.lbconunlttee Monday approved a M. 7 mllllon bud11t

Commlulon Exe(uti•• Dint· tor MlcbaeJ Flacher 11ld It cou.ld weather tbe cut, " but l cannot aay It wW be eaay."

But UM comm111lon and I.ht 1tate'1 5-year-old coaatll prot«l· tton act race more Hrlou1 challeniet thJa year .

Pro·SJ'O'Mh force• are .Pte1• In• for appolatmont or pro· development commlulonera, aod Ult tnvlronmenl•Uata IHr that the Le111tature '1 new leaden may be wUlln1 to 1lv1 dtveloper1 what they want.

eaela Hitt\ 1WD ftl"f et1t• ml11loaet1 trQn\ ltnbft ·1u.11 It• tlel1l1 nomln•t d by ~u11l1l cltlet and ~Wl\Utt. ._

Stn . Robert Pre1le1 . cbalnnu ol the t.hrte-mtm~ ... ~~•.tu ... propoaed Uie t100,oee Nt ta Natrut hlDds attn q\alJOftinc aome items in thf! CONnct budad He said the comm ton coWd decide bQ,.. to­dl1trlt>uw I.be red\tC't.klo

• for f1Jc11 1981·82 antr eUmln•t· , tni $100,000 In contract fund1.

If the action la allowed to stand, the budaet would drop 3.8 percent Crom the prevlou1 year instead of 2.2 percent, 11 pro. ·

Meaauru have been In · troduced to modify or overturn the act, which reatrlcll develop· ment alon1 Callfornl1 '1 1,100· mile couWne. and halt the com-

,.,.... P.,,e A J


The alx aeat.a art held by dtl · o .. tea of r••lonal comml11lon11 . Becauae the roglonal cum­mlH lona fo out ot e.iclate,nce July 1, thott 1Hta wlll be vacant.

To flll the va('anC'ICll , the IOV

Jn adcllUon, A .. •l'hol:r l~Ott WHiie Brown, t) .flllllH '~• tt!llt~o . hH I HVflnth OU'10 tu tll.

Kirk Ntut1er, • lobhyti.t tut- lht 81eru Club. 111111 tlnt1lt1p~t-• 1111J envlronnumtMll11t11 hue ttb41ut equal 1upsx1rt "" thv itt1lP tWtn mlllltlft h(IW 'rh .. Ull\IOlttltt• •ll votntmettl11 ' ' t•ouht df'Htlt'ttll~

8en Dan Boatwrltbt . 0 <'onaotd, auppon~ the rut The! third aubcomml\t~ mt>mbtr , Hfln Jtlhn Rnut.. • •as atJwot

,,. .. ,. •• ,.Al

authorized strength. Holllnaa said .

Under Lhe present system, he said , the armed services cannot " ' foresee having the technklana

to fight any real w•r of length.

repealed in 1973 •t the requet\ or President Nixon.

IJB L Vl("'TORY. EEN. • • 11t t t1i1 .. d ' '' a "sltlnte llttt11t14llt1,. 111111111 .. " ntlf'r th~ flJt v , ,.,.,., , ,.,, ""'~' lf l I " ICUl 1u 9nl1 AltC'm•t<'

ftl ~lt1 lif't fl ri/ th11 flf'""' •ho "''"'

" Although they are gimmick­ing figures to say they are aetUna them, they are not," he told a news conference.

Hollings' bill would reinstitute the draft authority that ConarcH

Bank shuts after day of capers

GAINESVILLE, Fla . <AP I Firs t there was a tearful , diabetic robber who waited ror police in the bank lobby. Then there was a gunman who fled with cash but left a bouquet or roses behind.

And with that , the Great American Bank closed for the da y.

It all happened Monday . of­ficials said , beginning a t noon wh e n an unarmed man de ­manded ca s h Crom a teller. as ked her to call poli ce and sat down to await officers .

Police " had no choice" but lo arres t the man, who took an un ­disc losed a mount of cash , said LL Don Dean. James A. Wilcox , 40 , of Gainesv ille , was held pending a bond hearin g today.

According to police, the man gave them the money and said he wanted to go to jail for the reg­ular meals and medical care he couldn't afford himself.

Investigators said he broke in­to tears and told them he had " no a lternat ive " but to get him self arres ted so he could get th e c are h e r e quires as a diabetic.

They said Wilcox produced se veral le tters of refe ren ce from pr ev i o u s e mpl oy er s wh o d esc ribe d him as a " hard work e r " whose need for fre · quent hosp1talizat1on prevented him from holding a re gular JOb

" He said that all his attempts to g ain he lp through regular channels had fail ed ," Dean said . .. He was crying about it, but said this was the only way he could think or to get help."

Wilcox told the officers he hadn 't eaten or taken insulin for

· two days He was fed at the county Jail

The second robber J>09ed u a flor ist 's delivery man , using a bouquet of rOl'les to get into the bank 's dri ve up teller booth .

• poli ce said


He then threat.ened the lt'llera with a pistol and escaped with a " s izeable sum." leaving only the flowen. according to Lt Ron Perkins

:Mishap kills OC woman

. A 20-year -old woman was , killed Monday when she was • st.ruck by a car as she attempted to cross Euclid Avenue in Santa

• Ana, police said . The woman . pronounced dead

at UC Irvine Medical Center, • was identified as Sarah Holden of Santa Ana.

1 Officers said she was struck ' along the 1600 block of north • Euclid al 3: 15 p.m . The driver of the southbound car, Irma Walk , 41 of Midway City, was not cit·

• ed'. An investigation. Jtowever. is : continuing.

HoJJlna said he choae not to •P· ply the draft to women, " allhouth peraonall)' I thlnJl It 11hould be acro111 the board," bc!cauao tt1• l1t sue 11 belnt debated by the public and lhecourtA. The U.S Supreme Court heard ar1ument1 today on the conaUtutJonallty ol tht Hl•t Int draft ,..flatratlon l1w, whlrh ls limited to men .

Oetermenta and exemptions und•r flollln11 • propo11l would be limited to th0ttci on aC'tlV• duty, In the r111erve11 or In advanced ROTC atudy ; 11urvlvln1C 11on11 or brothon ot lh011c kll lt1d In war or ml1aln1 In acUon ; con,.clentlou11 objectors and mlnlatert ; doolor11 and otherw In vlt•I htiallh pro feulona. and Jud1tui or courta or record and elected ortlcl•I• Limited deferment11 ahm would bc-1eranled lostudenta.

Those in high 11chool could be deterred until they Kriaduate, but in no case beyond age 20 Those In college could continue studying until the end orthe semester or, if In their senior year, unlll the end of the school year.

The Senate Armed Services Committee, which will handle the bill, is dominated by Westemand Southern conservatives who tend to favor a return orthedraft.

President Reagan a nd Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger have said they prefer an all­volunteer armed forces , but Weinberger has said a draft would be considered if increasing pay and other inducements do not produce enough volunteers.

HOTEL ... 40 living units. Each would be equipped with a kitchen , but the units would be operated as a hotel , with maid and room services, and would be primari ­ly for short term use .

Each unit would be owned by an individual investor , in a con­dominium type arrangement. The units would be managed by the sport club.

Club president John Fleitz told City Council members he en · visions additional tournaments a t the sports complex , with participants staying at the hotel for the duration . He also said some companies may wish to combine meetings with recrea­tional activities .

The legal language for the city 's guarantee that the hotel would be razed if the club fails is now being prepared by at ­torneys for the city and the club

On e city official sa id Los Caballeros ' ability to obtain loans and investors for the ex · pansion project may hinge on the language of the city ' s stipulation.

After th.is legal work is com. pleted . the sports club still must present its formal design for the project to the city's Planning Com mission and then lo the re­development agency before con­s truction can begin

Crew evacuated

from nuke plant CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP>

- About a dozen e mployees were evacuated from the Se­quoyah nuclear plant when r adioactive xenon gas leaked from a partially open valve. the Tennessee Valley Authorit y said .

The federal utility said the in­c reased radiation level Sunday was not high enough to present an immediate health hazard . and no radiation was released into the atmosphere .


Dally Pilat CIH11fted edVet11elng 1141142•1171 All ottt.f ct.pertmenta 142-4321


Thomas P. Haley ,,_.,. Robert N. Weed ,,,_ M. Thoma• Keevll ,_ Thomas A. Murphine ............ dllcM

Charin H. LOOI A-~·-... Befnard Schulm1n 0-..-.

fla.S-:=:-" KtnMth N. Goddtrd Jr ~ow-


MAIN OFFICE lJO West 8-y St., Coote /NM, CA. Mell-··-- ... IMO, C•I• M<tw. CA ... ,.

C011Yrl9M ltll o._,.. COHI P\Ollllllfll"' ~. Ht n tw\ ''°' let, 111111\r•tte>~. ldlte>rlll m.tter Of' • d •.rlh•-nh herein mey l><t ••P•OdlK.O • ltnov1 lpe< •• • perm1u1on Of <OPV•lelll ........ ,

Second <IH s po11999 peld el Cott• Moe, Colllornle, !UPS IU«IOI SUIK<rlptlon by terrltr ~.00 l'l\Ofllhly , by me ll U .50 rnomr.1., . multer~ o .. tlMti.tl• M.00


Eureka, we want it ...... , .......

The Assembly Rules Committee, metiting In Sacrumento Monday, asked officiaJs of Harrah 's automobile collection in Sparks. Nev .. lo return a 19th century wood replica of California 's official state seal. This is a copy of the wooden seal now housed in the Harrah 's museum .

Cabbie leads cops on freeway chase

By JOHN NEEDHAM Ol UM D•llv ...... St.ell

Law enforcement authorities say they are uncertain why an El Cajon man raced his taxicab through the U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint in San Onofre Mon­day , leading pursuing olficers on a 45-mHe, high-speed chMe up the San Diego Freeway.

Arthur Dillon Moore , 27, a driver for the Seaport Cab Co. in El Cajon, failed to stop at the checkpoint at about 9 a .m . and led law fnlorcement a uthorit.ies on a chase that ended in his ar· res t in Anaheim. a border patrol spokesman sa1d .

Moore was the only occupant in the cab, and wasn' t transport· ing Mexican nationals . accord ­ing lo the spokesman. After hls arres t , two knives and a hatchet were round in the cab, Irvine

·police said.

Ora nge County Sheriff ' s, Anaheim police and Irvine police, finally ended al a seJJ. service gas station al Ball Road and Harbor Boulevard in Anaheim.

The spokesman said the cab blew a rear tire and left the freeway on the Harbor Boulevard exit. Moore was taken into custody after a strug­gle with Irvine police officers.

Moore was arrested on suspi· cion or ass ault with a deadly weapon Chis cabJ and evading arrest. He didn' t threaten ar res ting officers with the knaves or hatchet found in hi s cab. I rvlne police said

I fl ~ {'ftflf' Th,. N•trll'rfl~hn,. 'ltfltl "h~ If NC'

<' VJ.I ' Ut,. ti,,,_. IHU ltlrtlt lt , ,.tdll't 11lulr1~ ~nnt1M1> tm If P'•l-lc ~t

"I'"'' '"'' " ' 'm nf tHPjttUrffo Atl11rn .. v t.rf ~rt1nfl1Jri 111 <1 b fl th,.

Jury ftr " '"""' ft1 1'1fl ff ttrri,.lt t1 'i mlllltm lt1 IJltrlll l vl" rllltr1tt «I"~ ' thlrl attwunt( he 111tUf. 'Rtrl1"1 he f'/'fllltf t<• It;; uuf1 l t'sfl1m '4 prcr)~dfofl NPf " ' l'f j 111 ,. ,,,., fltlf• v ~,. t

Juror '! 'ilf'o r r ' " " f tttt' ff' ff l hPY ffl 11 v I( um t " "'trrr,. f '" v If w " r/ f rrf ff rt y Ii crwtitd H ,.,,. t t I rttf I h" 11ul1llt•t•tlt1Tt arff>fl Wll h ma ttt'~ 1n 11ut1ll.'lhlrll( Orf• qftit v '1ff'ltl'ltfN •ft '11111,.tl the 111>rl<•t1lr1t l h 11 f1 ,.,.,,_,, with trilill r p 11ml ,, r ~"" '""" flr~ reg 11 rcl fttt Ht.- t rutt1

""' P:r1111.ir .. , ""'"""v W1 llr1tm M " • I " t 11 o ' ' 1· I tt l ,,, ~ A I h ,. JH•r l111ll1·ul ' "I " '"" ~1 ,. hrt v ,.lf ,, •• J111rtl'llJ1 y , 11r1fl m tuf,. "'"' , ,., 11 I ,11 t lf'nt 1rt• ltr tlf'h•rrnln .. th,..,,., 111 rt" of lhf• rf'1JC1r1 .11 uliout ,a v"''' " " ' fh• Hive 011udw

· ' I c·hull1·n"l' an y111 ... 111 1 ''"'" 1111 With a shred Of f'Vldf'n r f• ti1,_ Y.rt quirer had any inh·nl to ln)ur,. Miss Burnett," Matcrtwn""ld

And he said the wordlna of thr arti c le did not leave the 1m pression the comedienne was in

toxicated at the Rive Gauche " Nowhere in the item does 1t

s ay that she was drunk . tipsy , reeling no pain. fractured, wast ­ed , smashed or any of the uni­versal words that are present in the English language to s ay that someone has overimbibed ,·· Masterson declared .

Masterson implied in hi s analysis that a verdict against the Enquirer could have a chilling ef feel on the public 's right to know.

" The right to know what'! " de­manded Bronson in his response to Maslerson 's claim. He said the Enquirer has a policy of printing " unflattering articles" about prominent persons without re ­gard for the trulh.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Peter Smith. who presided over the case, s aid the jur y must find the evidence a~ainst Lhe Enquirer " cle ar , ex plicit and unequivoc al " to rule 1n Miss Burnett's favor

Only 11 jurors heard the end of the case, following dis missal of


t11tu11111 '" ' """ ' '° ' ~• " tht' r.n 1111lt1>r ' '" '1111 l " l"v1~ 111n d~o \lo In 1".,; If~ ltr r 11111•1 I h" Ir 111 I

Irr ,. , ,,, ,..,q_.4 llllh· nl rio \'Ill e>'

11 r t' Nt'Nfl"ll l1r 'lllJ!I"'' ' A vP,,fh I In ~rl rtr l f!N I ,. .,.. .. ~ l h _. ,, .. , loitm rm l • I '11'- II rt 'trfl ff1fl•~

,.,.,.., ,_,,,,~ A I

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f l'f rrtt,.ffr j!.l'h"" ,. ,,. .. , """' AO •oft lrft l l lttt f ,. 1 f •1 1 l rht• " lr•Alf

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l h P ;;,., llrff 'I Jt"''•l!I"' c: f1•111 ltl r1t' vrr

h 1t v1> "'~'""' "' '' c:; 11 111 f •1urlht'Y " f11r mPr t ' " ' " " ' vst l lv•· r11 r rr1lo4'1 ' ' ' f' 111 ll » m .,111 \llth•1 l1111 t t1 1111w ul a fl• •r 11~ivwt 111n1 · 11 r 1·ump:t11(n f11( 1J111 i. I him

llolh 'I d1vcir t•t•<I hi' w1h• m 19f)X und marrwcJ Ml!t!t llammond She was not avail a ble for comment ha vrng left her home in ~outh" est England on Sunday after te1J1ng her vicar she was " go1n~ awa~ for an indefinite period · ·

Hollis ' son . a lecturer a t Oxford University. said 1t was " lot all~ in credible to sugges t he was a dou ble agent ··

Hollis' da ughter -in la " said Pincher's story was " entirely un · tru e and without foundation ..

Th e report in the Da ily Mail on Monday was the firs t of a series -based on a book by Pincher to be published la ter this week

Sente nces OK'd SACRAMENTO <AP > - An

Assembly committee has ap­proved long prison sentences for 18 to·20 year old murderers . hut r ejc(' tC'd a propo!t cil to open JUVCntlf• pci rnh- ht•annJ(~ lo lh1· publi c Th e• aclton Wit !> takn1 Mon1fay

During the chase, a Newport

Beach motorcycle office r suf- ed Keith of fir st -degree murder, brought out... thony David Bies. 20, of Dana f ered minor injuries when r obbery and burglary in late Of the lone holdout. identified Point. had met the victim in a


Moore allegedly veered his cab February. Those deliberations by attorneys as juror Gene Laguna Beach gay bar. Carter into the pursuing officer, caus- lasted only 8 day and a ha ir. Alderson or Santa Ana , Martin contended the pair went to inghimtolosecontrolofhiscy- Defen s e lawyer Jame s said , " He had his reasons and Martinez' home with the intent cle and falJ lo the pavement. Merwin of Laguna Hills s aid he we respected him for it ." to rob rum.

The border patrol spokesman was "satis fied " with Monday's Alderson declined to comment Bies was convicted of first · said motor officer Jim Coe was outcome and felt jurors had to reporters. degree murder in a separate on his way to work from his been " very conscientious . .. During bis trial , Keith ad- trial Because he was a minor home in Mission Viejo when he Juror Chris Martin said , " It's milted he bludgeoned and later when the killing occurred. Bies joined in the chase or the red nice to be over. We hashed it out partially decapitated Martinez could be sent to the California taxi that was headed north on for quit e a while . Opinions in the bedroom of Martinez' Youth Authority Currently, he the freeway near El Toro Road. changed and we brought out 8 home. is undergoing diagnos tic studies

Coe, 32, reportedly drove up lot or things that needed to be Keith and a companion. An· at the men's prison m Chino next to the fleeing taxi before he ·------------------lost control and skidded on the -----------------------------------------, pavement ror about 410 feet.

Coe was taken to Mission Community Hospital in Mission Viejo. where he was treated for cuts and abrasions and then re­leased.

The chase. whi ch involved units of the U.S. Border Patrol ,

the California High~ay Patrol ,

Blackout cause probed by Edison

Southern California Edison Company officials are seeking the cause of a power blackout t hat affected about 6,000 customers in north Huntington Beach. Westminster and a por­tion o ( Garden Grove.

Bill Compton , a rea manager for the power company, said ~ervice was out for 10 minutes, beginnlng at 10:20 a .m . Monday, with a series of mom entary blackouts continuing for the next hour.

Tbe power lalh1re affected the Weatminster Mall, aa well aa the W eltmlnater ·police department. A backup cenerator returned Hrvlce to the police ataUon mo­ment.a after It was cut off, a We1tmJ111leTpoUceotfidalaald.

The affected area w11 bounded b)' Beach Boulevard, Garden Grove Boulevard, Sprln,dale Street and 80111 .,. ven&.tt, Compton eald.

A diamond means a lot to a man.

SLAVICK'§ Fin. J•wti.rt SlllC'9 1917

Fuhlon l1land, Ntwport C•nt•r. Newport Such, 114/~·1380 W1>4lmln•wr I t.eaune Hiil• I Ml#lon vi.io f NOl'ttl Oran11> I Tlw City U,. CMitot • 1,... M.tllJ Alto Crtawr lo. AnlflH I S.n Diego I ut v.,,., U..-l//fllo¥1d.' 1 .... -~ ,..,..., ~ .. ..,._, VJSA, ~ ~

M~ Fl11t Jft411rlrn Cwlhl ->

A diamond -it's impress ive, it 's fashion able . but most o f a ll. it's fro m you . In 14 karat yellow gold · A. $700. 8 . $740. C . SS,175

I :I j



, I c

( , • ' I

• '


Actor Tom Bosley embraces his wife , Patricia Carr Bosley, during a break on the " Happy Days" set. His television show wife , Marion Ross, hangs around in a back-stretching apparatus.

Country singer Kenny Rogers has filed a $700 ,000 damage suit against R . Joseph · Hulhearn. a so uth Florida developer . claiming he sold Rogers a yacht that was not seaworthy.

The eyeglasses that became Buddy Holly 's trademark during his yea r as a r oc k · n · roll pion ee r ri g htfull y belong t o hi s widow , not his parents, a judge ruled.

District Court Judge B.C. Sullivan ruled in Mason City, Iowa that Maria Holly Diaz. as executor of the Holly estate. owns all personal property of Charles Hardin Holly, includ· in g the glasses found in a co urthouse basement la st year

The glasses had been miss· ing since 1959, the year Holly was kilJed in the crash of a small airplane shortly after it left Mason City Municipal Airport. Former Cerro Gordo Coundy Sherm JerT)' Allee said he found the glasses a year ago in a courthouse s torage room

Former Secretary of St.ate Dean Ruak was res ting at Athens. Ga . General Hospital after being admitted for ob­se rvati on with a poss ibl e urinary tract infection. his wife said

Lennon e1'etat t•eket• SJ 00

Tlcketa to what was lo have been a rellak>us tribute to late ex -a .. ue Jolla IA9lloD are be­ina sold by tlc,ket-haw~ers for 1100 or more. orearuzera ofthe eventsay.

The Sunday iervlce la to be held at the An&lican Cathedral in UverPoOI, the northeast port city where the Beatles started out. Some 1,800 free tickets for the hour -long service were snapped up within '8 hours of lsaue.

" These tickets were given away on a first-come, flrtt· served basis. J doubt the morals of those people who are selling them," comment­ed minister Gordoa B1 &e1.

Lennon was shot to death outside h.is New York apart­ment building in December.

Bluegrass musician BUI Moaroe, who has undergone success(ul colon surgery, probably will resume performing in late April or early May, his agent says.

Known as " the father of bluegrass music ," Monroe, 69, was re l eased from Nashville Memorial Hospital last week . His surgery was March 9.

Monroe developed blue­grass music In the late 1930s. He is a member of the Coun­try Music Hall of Fame and a regular performer at the GrandOleOpry.

Polish independent trade union leader Lech Waesa has been awarded a $10 ,000 prize by' the Swedish newspaper A rbeter of Malmoe in honor of work ·· for social justice and peace.··

Dixie digging way out Four deaths blam e d on spring snowstorm

Co1Utal w~atlaft-Point Conc ec>t 1on to tt\t' AAt • 1t .tn

oordtr out bO m1lf'\ Outrr watPr \ Point Concep11on to S.n Clttmtf"ttt

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IJ.S • ....... ,,, Re\10enl\ of North C•ro 11na •no

V1rQ1n1• w ere d1Qg1ng out today t1 om a surpri\t sprlno snow storm that dumoed uo to two feet of \now on p•rt\ o f Uwir sta te\ CMfore mov1m~ out to 11•

Tne \lorm -~ bl•mt<J tor • t te•st tour lr•ff•< cM•lh\ 1n No"n ( &ro••n• Out tl prov10f'd t•rmlf\ In t>• Sltrn North C•roltna w ith \Ome nrrded r •in •nd • llowed ofht1a ls to lift a ba n on outctoof burn1nQ thrO'-'Qhc>ut tne

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A tt• rCh for anotht r vesM I w ith hito North C•rolln• men •board 'N d\ to rn ume 1ooav

Snowfa ll on ~r l•M\ w1pea out s er v tt t to more than 11.000 AP P••• < nia n Powu Co c U\tomer' ''om Bolttou'1 Covnly, Ve . •O.,th to tht North Cerohna borO.r

Pocllr.tlt o t ,.. ,n and )now rpm•1ntd throu9houl the n• u°" ShOwtr \ were sc•Utrtd Kross t"- northern Pt• *"'· and , • .,, W4U· IOr<• t l for notMrn Ca hlornl••nclltw Pe<ll t< northw .. t

Sc •ttered •now 1h owers , oc c •1ion• llY m ixed with r • ln. wer• •• pe<teO l rom wfflern Ne• Vor k to nort ne rn New E1>9land

TemperaturH arovnd Ille natoon et 2 a m EST raneeo lro m H 1n Houlton, MalM , lo 1' In Blythe, Ca 111

Ca Hfornla Allnough lh~ f1rc.t ""'"'" ot \ pr1n9 1n

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Te.p eraf tarn CALtFO•NtA

HI ~-· Pep Baktr•liel<I u S4 81Yl he .. '3 Euretoa u •• Fresno ., .. Lanc• ~t•r .. •l LO\Angetet 1• SI M•rnvllle •• "

Surf SIKI Sur1 Swell Swtlt Swett IHt~ A•t M.11 l'rd Ave Mu Oir

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Sllr1 a llttlt t ll-y In eti.r,...,. l•ltle c ..... ,., W-tday

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us your views. Just call the number below and your message will be recorded . Messages will be transcribed several times daily and delivered to the desk of the appropriate editor. No cir culaUon calls, please. .

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Monterey 60 0 Nttdlt \ •• m 0 0 1a no ., so P .. o Rol)jo 66 ,, RtO Btutl 10 •S RtOwOOOCoty 6S ,, Reno 60 28 S• <r•met"lto " 0 S• l1n1' •l '2 !>•n01ego 69 0 S• n Fr•nceu.o 6l S1 S1 nte B• r blr• 10 • I S1 nt •Mari1 65 m Stot kton .. m Thermll .. 59

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NATIONAL Alba ny so 11 Atbuque .. JI Amartl lo u • O

• Athev ille <S JI Atlanta so 31 Atlan t<Cly 43 " B1111more so ll Blrmln911M ., ll Bl\martk u 31 Bolo SI lS Bo"on 0 ll Brown,vtl~ It • 1 Buffalo •• 11 CharlltnSC • S 31 Ch1rl"nwv S6 JO Cheyenne •• J6 ChlU90 60 JO Cinc innati SS JS Clev11anc1 •• ,. Celumbus S6 2' Oal 0 l"IWth •> l1 Denver •J 31 Oe1Mo1,.., ., u Ottroll Sl u Oulu Ill •• 21 Hartloro •• 21 Helen• SJ 11 Honotulu u 10 Hou"on .. JO lndnaptl• S6 u J1<hnvt11 s• 41()

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Orange bout DAILY ptLOT/Tuetday, March 24, 1981 H/F

Court· ecology-minded Study shows strong enviromnental trend

Environmentall.ata have found a sympathetic ear in the chambers of tM Callfo.rnia Supreme Court.

That'• the assessment of two 01\Jverstty or CalltomJa professors who studied the court'• en­vironment vs. development decisions from 1962 to U180. Their findings are reported in the current is ­sue of the UCLA Law Review.

Dr, JoseP.h DlMento, associate professor of aociaJ ecology at UC Irvine. and Donald Hagman. professor of law at UCLA. conclude that preserva­tionists have usually won hands down when they argued their cases before the s tate's high court.

DlMENTO AND HAGMAN found a decidedly pro-environment viewpoint throughout the 18-year period they studied, but they dis covered a particularly strong preservationist attitude between 1967 and 1977. In fact , they labeled the 10-year period California's " environmental dec­ade."

Rulings in the late 1970s also tended to fa vor environmentalists but the decisions were less con sistent.

"Since 1977 the rulings have been rather er· ratic," commented UCl's DiMento. " Some cases have favored development interests. yet we s till do not see a clear trend away from the preservation viewpoint. "

DiMento pointed out several implications for ·California residents that stem from the court's tendency to support environmental interes ts .

"THE COURT'S EFFECl'S are both direct and indirect," he explained. " Directly. the de· cisions create law on a wide variety of issues that Californians confront every day - everything from where billboards can be banned to whether government must pay property owners for actions that decrease the market value of their property . ··

DiMento and Hagman reviewed 93 cases de· cided by the court s ince 1962. All of the cases in volved issues such as zoning , eminent domain . nuisance, low income housing, rent and s ign con trot.

Conclusions reached by the professors in elude:

Despite the widely held belief that govern · ment agencies almost a lways win when they pre sent their cases in court. government groups won

only when they presented a preservationist view­point. When they represented development, sue~ as when arguioc for public works projects, thl agenctea 11nerally received unfavorable rulings.

- Nel1hbol'f and public Interest groups were nearly always victorious before the hlgb court since they tended t.o represent preservationist in­terests. On the other side or the coin, developers nearly always lost during the years 1967·1977.

- Even when a developer relied on prior gov· ernment conduct or law that traditionally would cause government to act in a pro-development manner, the court would set aside such doctrine and allow preservation-oriented cities and counUes to meet their objectives .

- Although the State Supreme Court has often invalidated initiatives passed by the electorate. the court has been supportive of environmental in· ilia lives.

Despite its pro-preservationist views, the court has not tolerated a landowner being shortchanged in cases of eminent domain. where the city, county or other jurisdiction lakes control of private property for public use.

AL THOUGH THE CALIFORNIA Supreme Court does not usually display unanimity, all but one justice tended to concur on environment vs development issues. Ex -justice William Clark . a Reagan appointee to the court, tended to write the few pro-development decisions while Justices Mal· thew 0 . Tobriner and Stanley Mosk were the s trongest proponents of preserving the environ · ment.

By spot-checking cases in which preserva­tionists were victorious , DiMento and Hagman de · termined that the victors often reached their ul timale objectives. The sites in controversy before the court usuall y remain undeveloped.

Looking ahead , DiMento remarked , " The cr ys tal ball for t+ie eighties is murky . Recent opinions indicate we can expect an erratic record . perhaps with a s light dominance of the preserva­tionist orientation .

.. But because of intracourl difficulties. pend · 1ng court appointments and the court' s natura l tendency lo respond , al leas t in some modest way to public sentiment, the continuation of the environ mental decadeis lessthanlikely "

Disn eyland awards day April I

UCI eampus

Sixty-one awards totaling $125,000 will be given to Orange County organizations at the 1980 Disneyland Community Service Awards luncheon April 1 at the Disneyland Hotel.

Disneyland bas been making the awards annually since 1957. and Ulla year 441 or1anizaUons have applied .

The top award of 125,000 will go to the organization judged to have lbe most productive and excepUonaJ community service pro1ram during 1980.

Six awards totaling $10,000 will be given in each of the 10 categories which include cultural arts. education, service for youth, accomplishments by yout h groups. special health services. accomplishments by support groups. social communi­t y ser vice. civic co mmunit y service. ser vice by or for senior citizens. and e n vironm e nt , ecology and energy

Social history seminar slated

His torians from around the country will gather at UC Irvine Saturday for the fourth annual Irvine Seminar on Social History and Theory sponsored by the UCI Department of History

K eynote s peaker 1s Eri c Hobsbawm of the University of London . Hobsbawm. known for his work on the soc ial a nd economic histo r y o f 19th ­century Britain , will speak on ··How to Belong to the Middle Class : A Problem of Soci al Iden · lity , 1870-1914 ...

Other speakers in the day.Jong series of workshops and lectures are Charl e s Maier of Duke Univers ity , who will speak on · ' Power and Piecew o rk : E conomic Correlates of th e Onset of Cold War in Europe"'. Ronald Steel. a C Regents lee· lurer. " The Cold War Revisit · ed and Reborn." a nd Judith Walkowitz of Rutgers Universi· ty . "'The Politi cs of Sex and

Class : Jack the Ripper and Out cast London ..

Se minar work s h o ps will feature faculty from UCI. Prin ceton Uni\'ersity , the Uni versit} of Vermont . San Diego State University, Stanford University and UCLA . Topics will indude Chicano history, the Middle Eas t and social networks .

In all , lS his torians and social scientists will serve as lecturers or panel members. Seminar at· tendance is expected to exceed that of last year when 325 academicians participated .

The seminar's focus on social his tory and theory represents an e mpha s is within the UC J Department of History Depart m e nt Chair S pen ce r Olin describes social his tory as " the integra tion of the daily ex peri ences of ordinary people into ou r unders tanding of larger his torical developments. "

This all cotton knit shirt can only be found in a few specialty stores and features a 2-button placket and tennis tail. The contrast collar and

sleeve bands are trimmed in a hi-color stripe. Shirt available in 12 colors.

1018 Irvine. Newport Beach, -

111- California. Phone 642-7001

I H/F 0r.ng. CoMt DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, March 24, 1981 ~ALO I NAtlON

Jersey okays pot •

medicinal use t NEWARK, (AP) - Marijuana will be Je1aJly available (or

medical UM for lbe firal ume m New Jersey UAder a new blU lO aad alaucoma victim• and cancer paUenta aufferint 1evere aide effect.a from chemotherapy. ·

Aalemblyman C. Lowa Bassano, R·Union, the bUI'• 1pouor. aald at the siplnc ceremony Monday in Gov. Brendu Byrne'• oft·· lee tbat be waa prompted to introduce the measure lut year by• the memory or a rnena·s young wue who diecl or cancer . 'J'be woman'• intense sufferin1 whlle undercoini chemotherapy wu unbearable. Bassano said.

The measure, wtucb tues effect immediately, also will belp the victims of glaucoma and certain eye disorders. Marijuana ls said lo ease the side effects of chemotherapy and aid in treatment of glaucoma.


Atl•r•ltlle• Admiral John S. Mc· Cain Jr .. who served as commander in chief of U .S . Pacific Ocean forces during the height of the Vietnam War, died following a heart attack as he was re· turning from Europe aboard a military aircraft. He was 70.

lJ.S. t• pllt ,,...,,.fa Sfaaj1 WASHJNGTON CAP) - The Reagan administration is begin·

ning consultations with key House and Senate members as the first step toward getting congressional approval for stationing at least 1,000 U.S. troops in the Sinai Desert as part of a Mideast peacekeeping force.

Besides being a buffer between Egypt and Israel, the Americans would serve a double purpose as part of a growing security shield against any Soviet move toward the Persian Gulf oil fields .

Other nations being sized up for the makeshift alliance include Saudi Arabia , Pakistan and Turkey .

lJafoa rld~I a•b •trfR laaJt

WASHINGTON (AP > - The governing councils of the United Mine Workers are being asked by the union's president lo break a no·contract. no-work tradition and derail a strike by 160,000 miners set lo begin Friday.

··I think it would probably be better for us to go ahead and work ," UMW President Sam Church said Monday following over­night bargaining in which the union and tbe Bituminous Coal Operations Association reached a tentative contract settlement.

ssee ••H••• •• .w ,.,.,,.., •• ,. WASHINGTON <AP J - The Reagan administration is propos­

ing a SSOO million military and economic aid package to Pakistan - which has not yel~greed to accept it - as part of its strategy to contain Soviet expansionism in Southern Asia.

WWW[W Strike threatened in Polish beatings

BYDGOSZCZ, Poland (AP> - Solidarity voted today lO con­duct a four-hour warning stnke 1''nday and a general strike next Tuesday unless the Polish government fires officials responsible for the beating of union members.

The deputy premier in charge of union affairs, Mieczyslaw Rakowski. said Solidarity officials considered themselves Poland's " new owners" and questioned whether they were leading the na­tion to civil war.

Solidarity's vote for a two·stage strike plan backed a motion by national leader Lech Walesa, who at one point threatened to re­sign if his proposal was defeated.

Setf11% •p•rerraft ~la MOSCOW <AP > -. The Soviet commander and bis cosmonaut

partner, a Mongolian engineer who rode a pony in bis youth, suc· cessfuUy docked their Soyuz-39 spacecraft with an orbiting Soviet space station, the official news agency Tass reported.

Soviet news media Monday paid special attention lO the Mongolian, 33-year-old Jugderdemidiyn Gurra1cha, who became the eighth cosmonaut from a Soviet ally lO be sent aloft ln the Kremlin's lnlercosmos series of flights .

utaui ... rrlli.. 4tllft SAN SALVADOR -C AP> - Leftist guerrillas ordered a unJ .

lateral 24-hour cease-fire today to mark the first anniversary of the assassination or San Salvador's Koman Catholic arc hbishop. But the army pressed its offensive against guerrillas entrenched in the northern mountains and t.owns .

Roman Catholic clergymen across the nation were lo bold memorial services today for Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero. an outspoken defender of human rt1bts and opponent of U.S. military aid lO the ruling junta in El Salvador.

'"' ... , .. ,.,, -~ BEIRUT <AP> - Iran clalmed today lt killed 800 Iraqi troops

and retook a chain of bills in a batUe that paved the way for an Ira· nlan infantry advance Into enemy territory for the lint Ume tn the Persian Gulf war.

Pri~e t••n tr••W •f'ftl LONDON <AP> - With a police helicopter hoverin1 OYerbead

and heavy security in evidence, Prince Charles vlllted a racially troubled London neighborhood and Joined in prayers for U young blacks killed ln a fire that many blacks believe waa atuted by whltn.

Some tn the lar1ely tmm.llJ'ant community of New Croe1 Mon· day re1arded the prince'• vl1lt aa an attempt lO reduce the nel1bb0fhood'1 an1er over t.be Ju. 11 fire, the rauure of poUce to flnd the culpritl and what mott bladll re1ard N a laa ol oMe1aJ concem.

Tom ftturphfM'• column "°"9'1 ~red: M'• ~ moOld to P• 82 wMr• J"" Coolftnf _,.,, ~- lo GPPM"·


•~w1 • .-..

~ost of living • rate up aga __ _

W ASHJNGTON CAP> - The larseat 1uollne price 1ur1e tn more than a year pushed the Da· tlon·a C91t of living up at an an· nua1 rai. lopplna 12 percent In February, the 1ovemment re· ported today , as consumers began lo feel the effects of Presi· dent Reagan's decontrol of domestic oil prices .

The Labor Department report­ed a 1 percent rise tor the month, which would translate in­to a 12. 7 percent annual tncreue if that rate persisted for 12 straight months. However, the department calculated the an­nual rate at 12.1 percent. in­dicating that February's actual increase was a shade under the ;ounded-off 1 percent it re­l>orted.

HtYicet C!l091.lu $10 in 1981.__cmt '2e.321utmaath. ·

With price. 1oin1 up •lain in Fel>ruary, the department also reported today that lnflatlon­adju1ted, after-tax earninp of an avera1e wage.earner fell about 1.5 percent.

Most of that decline was due to fewer hours worked ltt the month rather than a lower hour­ly wage or lower salaritt1 the report said.

The 1 percent increase-, although high, was slipU~ leu than some ffOnomists had pre· dieted. And the rate for the first two months of 1981 is sUU well under that for the same two months a year ago.

Four Oregonians, Scott ~oberts, Craig Zuger, Ann Samsel, and Gene Downs, clockwise from lower left , are re-enacting the 17S·year-old Lewis and Clark return journey to St. Louis. The four, now near Astoria , Ore., hope to complete their trip within six months.

Moderate price increases for food and hous ing were over­whelmed by the large energy price increases, including 6.6 percent for gasoline. 7 .9 percent for fuel oil and 1.8 percent for other petroleum products such as motor oil and coolant.

Judge orde,.s 'bodyguardll' for school

Space shuttle project delayed

THE LARGEST PREVIOUS price increase for gaso)jne was a 7 . 4 percent climb pos ted in January 1980.

Overall inflation had risen 0.7 percent in January. a 9.1 per· cent annual rate, after climbing 12.4 pe rcent for all of last year.

The figures re leased todav bv the Labor Department show:

ATOKA, Okla . ( AP > - A iudge who ordered the Caney School District c losed as a " public nuisance. " after Clghts involving school officials and townspeople . on Monday or­d e red it r e opened with guidelines on keeping the peace.

District Judge Laverne Fishel directed the Atoka County sheriff ' s office to provide bodyguards if needed at Board of Education meetings In the southeastern Oklahoma town.

CAPE CANAVERAL . Fla <AP > - The launch of the beleagured space shuttle has been pushed back a few more days for safety reasons, and the FBI has joined an investigation into the possibility that the shut· tie's prime contractor bilked the national space agency .

Two key fuel -loading tests were postponed from Monday to Wednesday , pushing the ten · tative April 7 launch dale back at least two days, officials said.

The tests were delayed to al-• low printing and distribution of new pre-launch s afety pro­cedures. s aid George Page, director of shutUe operations at the Kennedy Space Center.

A LAUNCH· PAD accident killed one technician and critically Injured another last week .

Page said April 9 or 10 is "a pretty fair assessment," for the Columbia 's maiden space voyage.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles. Rockwell International con · firmed the FBI is investigating the possibility of overcharges.

" NASA has asked the Depart­ment of Justice to come in and

~ England's

'Great train robber' held

BRIDGETOWN , Barbados <AP J - A man claiming to be Ronald Biggs , the rugitive British train robber who was carried out or a restaurant in Brazil last week. has been ar· rested on a drifting yacht off Barbados. police said .

The short, stocky . balding man, wearing a T -shirt, iden­tified himself as Biggs at police headquarters here Monday af. ternoon, Police Commissioner Aviston Prescod said . '

The description fit the 51 -year· old Biggs, who drew a 30-year orison sentence in 1963 for his part in the s o·called Great Train Robbery or a London­G las gow mail train . Biggs escaped two years later and sur­faced in Brazil in 1974. But he escaped deportation by fathering a Brazilian child.

In London. Scotland Yard said today it has sent Biggs· fingerprints to Barbados. " Once we have confirmed that it Is Biggs, we will take steps lO get him back ," said a spokesman for the Yard .

" If he indicates that he is will­ing to return to Britain and will not fight extradition proceed­ings , so much t h e better . Other.wise we will Initiate pro­ceedings lo get him back."

The mall train heist by Biggs and 14 others on Aug. 8, 1983, netted 2.63 million pounds, lben worth $7.2 ml1llon and at the time the world's most lucrative crime. The bulk of the money has never been recovered .

D.tfy Piiot W•ery ............ Mond1y-Frld1y If ~I.I dO not hive ~ PIC>9f by 6 30 p m ctll betore 7 p.m Ind your copy wlll be del~

s.turd1Y 1nd Sunday. If _you oo not r9¢11~ lfC)l.lr copy by 7 a.m., mall ~ 10 a.m and vour QOC>Y "'411 be Mlieied.

ctrc ........ , • ., ..... MD.a Or.nae County Ar It 6U'4HI ~Huntington 811ch

..,w..tmlnater ..,,ut Laguna NIOl.191 ltMIM

look at the situation," Rockwell s pokesman Earl Blount said Monday.

John Hoos of the FBI said . ·· we do have a preliminary in· vestigation into that " He would not elaborate .

LAST YEAR, Ra y Sena of Fullerton , the n a Rockwell employee . claimed that some working hours spent on an Air Force s atellite contract were improperly charged to the shut­tle.

The shuttle project . for which Rockwell is the main contractor. is a "cost-plus" contract, which means the National Aeronautics and Space Administration pays all costs plus a guaranteed prof· it .

Food and beverage prices rose 0.3 percent in Fe bruary afte r r e maining s t a bl e i n January.

Housing costs rose 0.6 per­cent . the Labor Department said . as " substantial increases in prices of household fuels were partially offset by a dec line in h ou se prices· • due to high mortgage interest rates .

New car costs fell about 0.1 pe rcent, primarily due to large rebate programs being offered by U.S. automakers .

ALL THE INCREASES are adjusted for seasonal variations .

The Labor Department report­ed that its Consumer Price Index rose to 263.2 in February. which means that goods and

The school was c losed last Thursday after Assistant Dis· trict Attorney Doug Gabbard ob­tained a temporary restraining o rder from Fishel , citing "' health and safety" of the com· munity and threats of continued violence as reasons.

Fis tfights and threats of violence among school officials and some townspeople had been followed by a walkout last week of about 50 students .

The basis of the dispute re· portedJy was diss atisfaction of some students over the firing or long-time Superintendent D.C. Taylor and rumors that other teachers would be fired .



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From L.A. lnt' I. : 7:10am. I 1:25amt . 3:00pmt . To L.A. lnf l. : From O ntario: 7: IOam. 11 :40am . 3:05pm. To Ontario : .;...F;..;;ro;..;.;m.;..;;;.B..;.urb'-=a;.;.;nk;.;.;:_"'-7~: l ...;;.O""'am~. _2:;.;..5_5p.._m_ . ----- To Burbank: •o"'° .... ) CNC~ 'ft"tu tu Nrw 4tbf\. f M'f' '' Ut.M 1tHw Imm,..,,.., •• ~ AU 011ttt" "'• 4.UfU'M'"-1\on tn Uct'I V,f f \ f fplt 1flld1,•1f, t (of tltth1

9:30am, I :J5pm. 5: I Opmt 9:30am. 5: IOpm. 9:30am, 5:10pm.

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Family tragedy ··stuns friends tl

LONG BEACH <AP) - A cardlololbt wbo apparenUy auf. focaled fi11 two amall daupten · in a motel room before •hooClnc hls estranied wife and hhmelf ·lo death had recenUy tbreatened h11 spouse and told her the fami· ly •ould be better off dead, court reeords Indicate.

" Somethin1 must have snapped," said Dan Lowe ol bia friend and nei1hbor Dr. Danny Anderson, whom be described u .. mild·mannered with a keen, competitive spirit."

The 4.5-year-old physician was found dead of a single gunshot wound in the head Monday on the floor of a bedroom ln the spacious Belmont Shore bouae be bad left a month ago alter separating from bis wife, Emily. Her body, also shot once in the head , was lying on a bed in the same room.

SOME IS HOURS earlier, a maid at a Ramada Inn on Pacific Coast Highway dis · covered the bodies of two girls later identified as the An · dersons' daughters Julia, 10, and Leslie, 7.

were pending a1aln1t Anderson. Tbe physician's friends and

associates, apparently unaware of the extent of bis dilflculUes, described him aa a devoted family man.

" THEY WERE ALL beauWuJ people. , " said Lowe, who had known the funily 10 years and who played racquetball with An· derson every week.

·'The girls were very lovely and very talented. Julia played piano and Leslie played violin, and they both took ballet lessons," Lowe said. ·

He said Mrs. Anderson, 39, was a devout Catholic and active ln community charities.

" I knew they were having some marital problems but lhls came as a complete shock," Lowe added.

KILLE>ULF Dr. Dennr Andenon

• ... k' ........


----------------Orange Coat OAtl Y PILOTITunday, March 2•. 1981 H/F


Banlruptcy bid denied Tnui deed firm loae1 round in court

LOS ANGELES <AP> - A Jud•e U. dem.d a request to 1lv. Unlvenal FlnanclaJ c.p. time to ft.le for r.ar1aoluUoo under bankruptcy lawa, and in· stead wW name a receiver for tbe San Bernardino ~ompany al· lesedly Involved in a •100 mUlloo tnaat deed scam.

U.S. Dlatrict Judie Mariana Pf aelaer said Monday she would alfn a ftna1 order today namlnl a receiver to protect tbe ln· tereata ol about e,ooo people who Invested their money with UnivenaJ Financial and other companies operated by mort1a1e broker Wayne Burton.

BURTON WAS NOT in court Monday, but some investors were present as Securities and Excbanie commiuion attorney R1Ue1 Cohn told Pfaelier a re· celver wu necessary because of a " chaotic situation ... that 1rows worse day by day ."

Friday. California Depart· ment of Real Estate Com· missiooer David Fox said many investors wbo thought they were purcbUang lSt or 2nd trust deeds were actually given 7th or 8tb trust deeds. Fox' said the reaJ estate department is seeking to revoke Burton ' s mortgage broker Ucense as well as those of eight of his salespeople.

IN A TRUST DEED operation, the borrower conveys to a lhlrd person a trust t o hold the mortgaged prope rty for the lender.

Property wftb a mort1a1e a1alnlt U can be mort1a1ed a aecODd Um• or more, with each additional mortca1e caJ'J')'iQ& a bl1ber rate ot t.ntereat betauae it la much rtakier. In caae of de· fault , UM bolder or the aecond mort1a1e uaually eeta notbin1 until the claim• of the first mortgage are fully satisfied.

Fox a1Jo alleged that Burton

blmHlf had received well over •~ m1Won ol investors' money.

But Judce Pfaelaer •freed not to immediately order a rrene on Burtoa'• personal aaseta after bis attorneys said he st1ned an "expanded power of attorney" putttne asset.a they aaid were worth millions of dollan under the control of Warren Lee, an outside financial officer hired u a result or a Jan. 19 court order.

State OKs biggest

LOS ANGELES <AP> - Tbe state has approved what it calls the largest savings and loan merger in national history, with probably the first conditions favoring minorities and low· income groups.

CaWornia Savings and Loan Commlasioner Linda Yang an· nounced the approval Monday or a merger of Great Western Sav· ings and Loan. the nation's second largest S&L. with Finan· cial Federation , Inc., a holding company with 11 small associa · lions.

Approval is tied to 17 condi· tions, including:

- WITHJN ONE VEAR after the merger, Great Western must divest itself of 10 branches

operated by Financial Federa· tion or Great Western in certain areas through closure, sale, ex· change or relocation.

- Duril'\g the four years following the merger, Great Western must purchase or agree to purchase $100 million in loans from S&u owned by minorities .

- During that same four.year period , Great Western must pro· vide a certain level or loans in low · volume and mortgage. defi cient areas . The level must equ al Sl.25 billion or a percen· tage or loans issued by state· licensed S&Ls.

SPOKESMEN FOR Gr ea t Western and Financial Federa· lion said they would not have immediate comment on Ms . Yang's decision .

Only two weeks ago, Mrs. An· derson, who flled for divorce in June, 1979, obtained a court or· der keeping her husband from her home because of what she described as his " increasingly bizarre" behavior.

She said Anderson recently bought a gun and quoted him as saying: " If you don't turn things around, it will be the end of us . . . The last thing you will re· member is a bullet going through your bead.··

Navy resumes killing of burros But Robert Gnaizda of Public

Advocates, a public interest law firm , sai d. " We are pretty pleased. It 's the first time any major regulatory body has ever attached conditions to a ma1or merger that related to the needs of minorities and low · and moderate-income persons."

MRS. ANDERSON said that when she complained at one point about bis keeping tran· quilizers within reach of the children, bis response had been, " It would make things as pain· less as possible and it would be better for all of us to be asleep than awake."

In an unrelated action, a Superior Court judge this year ordered Anderson to sell invest· ment properties to pay $100,000 support payments for children from his first marriage , which ended in divorce in 1963. The court's records also show that two medical malpractice suita

CHINA LAKE (AP > - The Navy ignored an offer lo rescue wild burros meandering onto roads and runways at the huge Naval Weapons Center and again sent marksmen into the herd to kill the wayward animals, the Fund for Animals says.

The Navy announced Monday it bad killed 267 burros from the herd over the weekend, bringing to 648 the number of wild burros shot during the past two weeks at the Mojave Desert weapons center.

NEWS BRIEFS " I think they ' ve gone

absolutely bonkers," said Richard Negus , southwest director of the Fund for Animals. " We' re willing to rescue the bWTOS and uked the Navy not to kill any more after the last episode. We' re prepared to go there anytime. The Navy bu completely ignored what we've done in removln1 all the bwToe from the Grand Canyon. Thi.a is the ultimate unneeeua.ry act."

La.at week, as the last of about 570 wild burros were alrlllled from the Grand Canyon, Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt said, "If they can do It in the Grand Canyon, they can do it anywhere."

Stace pea• .. • ftllld ref•,... prepfu~d LOS ANGELES <AP> - lo what could become a national model .

a state task force has proposed sweeping reforms for $60 billion in pension funds to· ' revitalize'' California's economy.

The biggest beneficiaries of the reforms. proposed Monday by the governor 's Public Investment Task Force. would be low· to moderate·cost housing , fast.growing small businesses and research into alternative energy sources.

SC•te ~••rt t•ras ... .,.. b..n119 appeal SAN FRANCISCO <AP) - Opponents of an anti·busing amend·

ment upheld by the CaWornia Supreme Court say their next, and poaaiblyfinal, step will be an appeal to the nation's highest court.

The state court declined Monday to even accept papers from lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union and the Na lion al As · aociatlon for the Advancement of Colored People, who represent minority atudenta ol the Los An&eles Unified School District. The court action means tbe Los Angeles school board can proceed with its plan to end mandatory racial busing in the nation's second lareest achoolsyatemonAprtl 10.

The merger also needs ap proval from the Federal Home Loan Bank, Ms. Yang said.

Crash probed OCOTJLLO WELLS <AP>

The crash of a light plane in which a veteran Hughes Aircraft Co. mechanic died is under in· vestigation by the Federal Avia· tion Administration , the FAA said . The propeller of the plane flown by Arthur Evans Bates, ~, of Poway hit a high dune Sunday within sight of campers eight miles southeast of Ocotillo Wells . Then the single·engine craft flipped onto its back .

Ho" about a lntl e tn via., History records Paul Revere as the man who made the important ride on the night of Apnl 18. 1775. a s well a s being a s killed silversmith But the history books never mention the fact that Paul Revere wa s a practicing denti s t A s tudent of John Baker. the firs t Enghsh dentist to come to America. Paul not only carved fal se teeth from ivory but concocted a dentifri ce that co ntained abrasive substances and various mixture s s u c h a s cuttlebone . brown suga r candy sa ltpet e r and gunpowder, butter and bread t'rumbs We don' t know 1f 1t sold loo well .

How far back does the use of nitrous oxide !laughing ga.s l go in the annals of den1stry ? In 1884, Dr Horace Wells , an A men can dent 1st. d emo n stra ted the properties of nitrous oxide by using it on himself while hav ing his own tooth extracted

Fan1ay,you don't look like a check.

How mut'h dental care is neecled today • It has been estimated that If every dentist spent 24 hours a day . every day or the year. just filling cavities. there would s ttll be one billion cavities left in the United States.

Gerald Wlnkler. D.D.S. · and r\s!IO('lates 1.fOI Avoudo. Suite SOS, Newport Beat'h Phone: 640·4100

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I A.•

A study by the CaUlornia Judlclal Council says Oran1e County's 46-judge superior court ls ln need of ex· pans'on by 11 posltions to handle caseloads expected by 1982.

But local court admlnistrators also say there are five existing openings on the bench which Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. could fill now.

These include three judgeships created by the Legislature last year which -have never been filled dnd two older positions vacated through retirement (Mason Fenton) and death < Oretta Sears) .

If the judicial council conclusions are correct that Oranae County 's court system carries the heaviest workload per judge in the state, the present vacancies only exacerbate the situation.

It's lime for Brown to fill these positions now to help chip away at the mountainous backlog of cases which the judicial council claims a 57-judge court rightly ought to be tackling

Curbing the court A warehouse is robbed of 100 suits. Thirty minutes

later a car is stopped because of a taillight violation. ln the back seat are 100 suits. The pollcmeman in·

spects them and finds they bear the same labels as those stolen. He holds the driver for suspected ro~bery .

Later it is determined that these were the stolen suits. The man is booked and scheduled for trial.

Good case? Not necessarily under the California Supreme Court's

interpretation of the "exclusionary" evidence rule . Fortunately, legislative attention is again focusing on

the rule that enables courts to throw out evidence gathered by police if there appears to have been a viola· lion of search and seizure laws, and to invalidate con· f essions that may not have been entirely voluntary.

Last week the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a proposed constitutional amendment that would curb the state Supreme Court's right to go beyond the standards set by the U.S. Supreme Court in determining what con­stitutes admissible evidence.

Proponents of the measure, which would have to be placed on the baUot if approved by the Legislature, con· tend the state court goes far beyond the Constitution in t~rowing out evidence because of alleged police viola · tlons . . One study indicates California prosecutors drop four

tames as many cases. as. their counterparts in Washington, D.C .. before even brmgmg them to trial. That's said to be because they are obliged to go by the rules of the state Supreme Court , while the U.S. court sets the only rules of evidence in Washington courts. . .Law enforcement authorities complai~ that the state Justices " keep changing the rules" so that police and prosecutors are never sure just what will be deemed "exclus ionary" evidence. FoUowing only the standards set by the U.S. Supreme Court could solve that, they believe.

However, opponents of the proposed amendment contend the exclusionary evidence rule is the citizen's only protection against police violations of privacy and con· fessionsobtained under duress.

There as no ctoubt CalJfornia has seen some apparent· ly ridiculous applications of the evidence rule, wherein a ~ usp~c~ who has been apprehended with stolen goods. 1dentif1ed as an assailant bv his victim. and even con· fessed to a crime . is set free because of alleged police violation of evidence-gathering rules .

The debate will continue, but the 6·1 committee vote in favor of the proposed curb on the state Supreme Court may well. reflect a growing impatience with the tendency to fa vor a criminal's rights over those of a victim.

• Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists Reader comment is 1nv1ted. Address The Dally Pilot . P O Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (71 4) 642· 4321 .

Boydl'How to' books ByL.M. BOYD

" How to" books go way ba c k . E ve n the ancient Egyptians had the m One in particular was especially re· no wned . It was e ntombed with the dead , and its title. r ou g hl y trans lated , r e ad : " How to Reach The Other World."

Q . Are there credit cards in th e Peo ple's Re publi c of China ?

A. Not yet for the r esi · dents . But there's one, re· cently issued . for foreig n vis· ilors . Ch inese ca l l it the Prosperity Card .

Q. Whal a re the odds that children or renowned men somehow tend to mess up their lives . For instance. Pre s ide nt John Quincy Adams and his wife Louisa had three sons. What hap· pened to them ?

A . George c ommitted suicide . John died an alcoholic . Charles became minis ter to Great Britain. Calculate those odds.

Q. Name the only place In the Western Hemisphere where the sun rises over the

CllllY Ill Supply-side econom•cs: Where supply eitceeds demand, c.artaU supply and ral .. pric~.


Pacific and sets ove r the Atlantic.

A. Panama .

Am told it takes only 12 weeks for a baby boa con· stri c t or t o grow to 400 pounds . And inas muc h as that snake's meat is said to taste better than chicken , a London entrepreneur is plan­ning to r aise boa s co m · mer ciaJl y.

It is the female crab that has the roe. lt is the roe that (llOSt enhances the flavor . So the best crab concoctions are those made with fem ale crabs . That, from a seafood specialist.

Q. Eleven of the most com­monly used words ln English have either two or three let­ters . Only one has four let· ters . What is it?

A. That.

That Frederick the Great preferred bi s coffee be spiked W.th champagne has been widely reported . Less well known is the fact that he seasoned it, too. with a dollop of mustard.

Proper Job Club candidate No . 94783 Is Lois Bank. the lady who runs the Mercy Hospital blood bank in Miami, F\a.

Note It claimed ln print that if life expectancy were to continue to rise at la pres· ent rate, the average pert0n 1,000 years from now will live to be 200 years o ld Something wron1 with that claim. The med.Jcot udly ad· mlt they've done Utt.le to pro­ton• human llft in \ht NUre­ment yean. Whal puabes up the overaU t&atiadct la t.he aucctss of t.he doctor• ln aav· inf tbe Uvet of 1oun1er 'pUM)ftl ud babl

--~_.,. --·- -·~ f

Thom•• p, Hatey/ Publl1tMr

' tJastro spym~ter roams freely; W ASKtNGTON Tb• R•••an ICMlrci• have toJd my ass.oclate

admlnlalralton'a announced de- Date Van Atta about Veclno'a un· termln1Uon to combat the now al dercover can!er: Soviet arm• to st Salvador'• leftlat 1uerr1Ua1 baa attrred fn· tenae conttover1y. Some LaUn Amertoan countries - nollbly Mexico tend to dlacount the Importance ol the Salvador~n leftt1\1• connection wtth the Cuban and Nlcara1uan re.rimes.

B"lt while other• may pooh· pooh the Reaaan advisers' con· cern over Cu ban help to the Salva ­doran auer· rlll11, U.S. ln· telllgence ex­perts point to the lntermh· tent pret.ence or. danaerous Cuban official In Nicara1ua, the primary transit post for Soviet aid to the guerrillas.

The man our Intelligence S*>· ple are worried about is Fernando Vecino AJegrit, a 47-year-old mu · jor general In Fidel Castro' s clan­destine service, OGI. He travels under the cover of Castro's minister of hll(her education.

Here ' s what Intelligence

- IORN IN HAVANA, Veclno w11 an arly asaoclate of Castro and became an Influential member or the Inner circle that took control of Cuba .rter the ou1terol Ful1tnclo BaUata .

- Vecino waa lnlUally put ln char1eof 1Cuban province, butln 1962 was made director of the Na· tlonal lntUtuto for A1rt cultural Reform.

In 1968, whllti nomtnully m charie of the Union of Cuban Communl•t Youth , Vecin o performed a aecret and suc· ceaaful e1plona1C! m l11ion In France.

Lat41r In IOM, Vecino wo11 alven overull t·omrnnnd of Cuban ml111lo for <'OM u ~·t th1\ re quired cloH conruirt lona with the RuHlara.

From 1~7 lo 1117• . Vecino performed • numher of mlHlons tor Caatro'1 14'Crel pol lc .. , lnclud lnl a J)tlrlod aa mllllary atta che ln North Vietnam lnte ll lgence sourcea 11ey he look part in the in· \errogution Hnd torture of American prl11oner11 of wu r .

Promoted to vice min later of the armed forces in

Nicholas von Hoffman

1$7.5 and made a member of the Cuban Commu.nlat Party 's cen· tral committ e e , V ec in o supervtaed Castro's adventures in Angola und Ethiopia.

1n 1978, Vecino wu named mlnlster of higher education, a post that allowed him to send large numbers of paramillt.ary acents Into various Central American countries under the cover of educational a ssistance.

In 1979, Vecino set up head­quarters in Costa Rica , where he waa able to keep in constant touch with the Sandinista rebels while they were fighting Anastasio Somou ' 1 Nicaraguan di e · tatorsblp. When the Sandinls tas won , Vecino and a sidekick who was also a Cuban general moved lO Managua for a lime.

SINCE THEN, according to In­telligence sources, Vecino has been close to the more leftist e le­ments of the Nicaraguan govern ment, making regular visits to Managua. Among his services to the Nicaraguan regime was ar· 1 anging the shipment or 100 cap· tured American !OS-millimeter howitzers from Vi e tn a m to Nicaragua . The artillery pieces were shipped to Nicara gua in a

vesael operated under l.ebane.e registry by the Palestine Libera· tlon OrganJzatton .

VECINO'S ROLE u Castro's apymaster and general trout>lemaker ls well known ln Latin Aoierica. In fact , his prea· ence anywhere rn the area is enoueh t.o panic military and in· telli&ence circles. For example, his vi s it to the Dominican Republic in 1979 with two Cuban transport planes. supposedly to offer humanitarian assistance in the waJ<e of a devastating hur· racane. produced a cold rebuff from President Antonio Guzman.

Jn Ni caragua . meanwhile . Vecino has tried to cash in on the Cuba ns ' mtlitary aid to the San­dinas tas. Intelligence sources say his DGI cohorts were allowed to prepare the guest lis t for the r eb­els ' first anniversary celebra· tson last year, and the guests were reportedly fri sked by the Cuban police agen ts. The Cubans also are reported to have a training camp in Nicaragua .

In adJit ion . sources disclosed that Vecino's Cuban agents have m a intamed two guerrilla training camps in Mexico - one run by the Pales tine Liberation Organiza­tion . the other by a Cuban Army m ajo r who se se cond -in · comm and is an Argentine Mon· tene gro terrorist .

Footnote . We recently reported that the lefti s t insurgents in El Sa lvador were be ing supplied with ar ms and ammunition by c~ba and several Soviet satellite nations The Sta te Department late r confirmed the story in every deta il

DIPLOMATIC NICETY : In 1975, the State Departm ent 's Offi ce of Foreign Buildings decided the t ime had co m e to g ive the Am erican ambassador in Cairo a new offi cial residence. So a house was purchased in a posh section or l h e Egypt ia n c apit a l c alled M aad1. for SJ 8 m illi on. It took another S3 m illion to refurbish 1t to the prope r leve l of elegance But the ambassador refused to move m . It was not only too far out of downtown Cairo. but was not sui t a bl e for enterta in ing. The S t ate De pa rtm e nt ' s h ouse · hunters are nov. working on a new residence al a cost of some S2 million

Promise to older Americans must he kept Rodents' teeth are gnawing at

the hemp of President Reagan's ·· social safety net ... the se ven pro· grams for the poor and elderly that are not to be cut back or tam· pered with. A propaganda cam· paign is under way lo undermine the bigges t , the Social Security system .

Articles are appearing here. there and everywhere discredit· Ing Social Security. at · tern pting to egg younger c itize ns into r ese ntm e nt against older o nes a s re · tired people a re depi cted a s lazy . s elf is h and soc ially irrespons ible . Nor do these sentiments come from peo­ple who can be dis missed as crackpots . These opinions are be· ing spread by people very close to President Reagan himself.

The bes t known is newspaper columnist George Will, at whose house Reagan dines. If anybody is the administration ·s semi-official voice it is Mr. Will , who recently wrote a piece agreei ng with economist Norm a n Macrae's judgment that " America ' s grandpas are now mugging their young ." Which is to say, the Social Security payments are thou ghl to be too high.

Oras Mr. Willputsit, ''We must be prepared to be pelted when we insist , as Macrae does. that the e lderly are a big part or America's bigges t problem : lhe inflation produced by an explod· ing federal budget." George, you deserve to be pelted for thal one; it was your gang which said for years that the Social Security plan was a rip-off. that people would be lo much better financial shape ll they were allowed to take the money they paid into Social Security and inves t it in a private r e\lrement account.

ONE OF THE most dis turbing aspects orthis attack on the Social Security system Is that it Is pressuring the government to break Its word. Social Security wH sold and its premiums col· lected as retirement insurance, at an annuity. U the Prudential Ltte Insurance Company sold a person a retirement policy. col· lected money on lt for as ye an and then rtfuaed to pay, the cheat~ cu1tomer could 10 into court and compel payment.

What Mr. Wllhndbta allJes are .,PrOJ>olin& the aovernment do · amounts to debt repqdiatlon, the

only act a government can com m1 t that will destroy its ~ood na m e faster than inCl at1on To put it in terms that people in Mr. Will's income level would un · ders ta nd. to renege on Social Security is the s ame as telling the holde rs or gove rnment securities th at when their Treasury bills come due they will only be paid 66 cents on the dollar . That will low e r the "exploding federal budget" just as surely as re· pudiatingthe promise ma de to the working millions over the years who paid into Soci al Security .

Perhaps th e gove rnment shouldn 't have made the prom­is es it made a bo ut Socia l Security But it made them and therefore it mus t honor the m as surely as it mus t honor the prom ises made to pay Mr. Wi ll' s wealthy associates 14 per cent on government bills. which might also be attacked as imprudent.

The point is. a promise is a

Art Hoppe

prom ise and a governm ent that doesn't honor its promises 1 ~ a government of Bolshe\ 1k:. even 1r the people who run 1t dres!> up 1n d inner jackets and cal Sl 1 50 a pound veal cutlets as the society pages intimate the~ do in Mr Will's social ci rcle

AS DISTURBING as the uc· cusation of he edless. white · haired greed is the s lander suu· ges ting th a t grandm as a nd g randpas a re extort ing thei r pound or fles h. by unethica l power tacti cs, or as Mr. Will writes. " Th e elderly are the m ightiest lobby in Washington . Forget the oit lobby , the banking lobby, the rocket lobby . watch out for those s le azy octogen a rians t a king senators orr to fa ncy hunting lod ges with s:~ call girls to gel the m to vote for better nursing hom e care ~ "

But if the elderly aren' t to get pensions. then what to do with

lht.>m ·• Thl· Wall Street J ournal ..,uf,t~esb the retirement age he pushed ba<" k Arter all. 1t argut'S , 65 as a retirement age "' as picked because b a ck 1n t hose d avs almost nobody lived that long. Now that people a re living longer. let the m work longer al though no one opposes laws prohibiting di sc rimination agains t the elder · ly or an y othe r group more vehemently than folks like Mr Will and hi s kindred spi rits on the Journa l.

That publi cat ion does have a suggestion for those who would like to ret ire before they drop dead on the job. Have the m mor tgage their houses a nd live off the proceeds till they die . Ah , poor gr anny. the innation wiped out her savings The one thing of value she had left to lea ve her kids was the house. free and paid for . a nd now lhal 's gone. Ser ves the greedy old crone r ight. doesn't it. George"

An adventure on Capitol Hill I have come to Washington in

se arch of my daug ht er , Malphasia, who has either been sold into white s lavery or has take n a job on Capitol Hill. My wire . Glynda . and I fear the wors t.

Malphasia has always been something or a rebel.

" It 's m y big c han ce for fame and fortune," she said with a defiant toss or her head. · · 1 want to follow i n t h e footsteps of Fanne Foxe, Elizabeth Ray , Rita Jenrette and Paul• Parkinson. I want to pose for Playboy, go on talk shows, write a book and sign a movie con­tract. I want to make something or mysell."

" You need help, Malphasia," I said worriedly.

" And Capitol Hill is where I'll get It," sald Malphasla con· fldenlly .

80 WREN Malphasla diaaP" peared, I rushed here in hope• ot uvlna her from a life or shame before it w11 too late . Sure enouah, when t stepped lnto a cab, the driver winked , old.

" Looking for a littl e action, pal?" and took me s traight to Capitol Hill.

The scene was wh at you might e xpect . The souveni r shop was peddling models of the Capitol in bottles, Ronald Rea gan ashtrays and marital aids. Over at the book s tand. Alex Comfort's new paperback , The Joy oJ Lobbying. w a s se lling lik e Fren c h pos tcards.

As I approached the Rotunda, a voluptu ous. scantil y cl ad , painted Jezebel s idled up to me and whispered . " Hey. there big boy. your s teps or mine ?"

" I beg your pardon. young woman," I s aid . drawing away.

" Oh , you spotted me for a re male," she s aid disappoint· edly .

" Dam, 1 lho11ght you were a congressman. A lot or them can ' t teU , you know . I just spent two weeks in a Florida motel wltb four of I.hem and they all said they thought l was one of the boys."

Quotes '' The \bunderln1 herd of

ucrecl cows baa oow been r.· duced t.o a bandf"l. ·• - ...,_. Dtr~dot Oa.td A. S&oelr•U an Preeident Reagan 's propaeals for $48.8 billion in spendln1 cull.

1 thought if I pretended to throw in with her , I might pick up a clue. " All right ." I said. " la ke me to whatever these s teps are of yours ...

" Not tonight. Mac.'' s he said, di s miss in g m e a s o bviously s mall potatoes . " I ' ve got a backache ."

AFTER SEVERAL hours of ducking in and out among top· less typists . c lerks and stenog· raphers pos ing ror pictures. I had all but given up hope. And then whom should I s tumble over but my very own con· .;ressman, Bill Nilley , who was dict.:•ing to his secretary .

When ••" saw me, he blanched. " Please, for the sake of my poor family, don 't tell a soul you saw me here," he pleaded on bended knee . " My constituents would rec all me tomorrow if they knew J was hanging around Capitol Hll I. "

On his promise to reform, I pledged my silence. I then called Glynda and told her rny q\lHt ml1ht lake several weeks. But tbe made me quit. Sbo said I wa1 working too hard.

" But what about poor MalphaalaT" 1 ulted.

" We can onb pray," aald Glynda, " t.hat the white alaven aot her In.stud."

___ .__ ... ..... .... ~

Abandoned Police are looking for parents of these twin boys found in a dumpster at an elementary school in suburban Dayton, Ohio. The babies , weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 5 pounds, 5 ounces, are in fair condition at Children's Medical Center. Dayton.

Night clowns

1 ! have top act I By HUGH A. MULLIGAN

I :


AP Specl•I Cw~

RIDGEFIELD. Conn . - Irvin Feld , the circus lmpressario who tours the world looking for top acts, might want to drop by here some day, or some night really, and audition my performing raccoons .

They combine the best or Houdini, the Flying Wallendas and the Masked Marvel, with hilarious touches or the roly-poly comedy of Lou Costello, Oliver Hardy and Billy Gilbert - who sneezed his way through some 90 rilms, all rolled into one.

One night this trio or ringtailed wonders - or fear less furry felons performing fantas tic feats or facile facinorous fancy and fakery. as the circus flacks might gild them in their coruscating prose

staged another midn ig ht raid on my bird feeder .

THE FAT ONE, OR AT LEAST the fattest one. suspended himself from a high overhanging branch. so the other two could crawl over him and , almost like a trapeze act. swing down on top of my cedar shake feeder. which hangs by a length of piano wire from the limb of a dogwood trff .

Wait, you haven' t seen a.nything yet. Held by his rear claws in the grasp of his partner the medium fat one. the end raccoon in this tandem team managed to lift open the latched lid, remove


one of the glass panels. which had been firmly inserted in wooden slots , a nd spill every last hus k or s unflower seed onto the ground for their big a fter-show party.

My stabbing flashlight caught them at the climax of their daring serial act. Did they panic? Did they climb a tree? Not at all , they clung res­olutely to their precarious perches as if expecting applause

RACCOONS, THEY TELL ME, ARE distant relatives or the panda . which is not surpris ing s ince some of the world 's greatest acrobats come from China .

The trio that booked themselves into our backyard for the winter season have only lately built their act around the bird feeder. They used to go a fter the garbage can box. rolling back the enormous stone at the door with prodigious puffing teamwork. burrowing in under the floorboards , un­clasping with deft fingers the steel lid clasps that the Sears catalogue claims are " animalproor."

But with the borfo bird feeder shtik they have now moved to the center ring in our big backyard circus.

Nothing confounds their felonious little plans. Bruce the Bold, the predator squirrel who attacks the bird feeder in daylight hours. at least can be temporarily scared off by my pounding on the win· dowpane or occasionall y dousing him with a pitcher or water.

CAVORTING IN THE SPOTLIGHT OF the biggest available dry battery lamp, these noc­turnal players look you straight In the eye from those bandit-masked races and def~ you to inter· rupt the act . I've tried pounding on the s ide of the house beating a Chinese gong, emitting horrendous shrieks. even peppering them with wine corks, which they find amusing if inedible. One mornlne­after the lawn was so littered with wine corks, it gave the premises an air of dissipation that could not have escaped the notice of the nei1hbors.

Small wonder then that throughout the history of the repubUc our politicians have demonstrated a fondness for coonskin caps. The furry headgear no doubt lnvesta them with fiair , cunning, boldness and rapacity. which after all are the hallmarks of the profession.

F&OM 1U8 TO 1844, THE raccoon waa the emblem of the WhJg Party, and party stalwarts were called "coons.' ' T hey wore coonskin caps to idenlity themselves with the fronUer trait.a of Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone. lo the 1840 prealdenUal campalp, 101 cabw with coonskins nalled to tile door were rolled through the streets in torchll1ht parades advocatln1 the candidacy of WUUam Henry Harrison and Jobn Tyler, aJao known as ' 'Tippecanoe and Tyler, too."

One thlnl ta certain. I thould never bave 1lven away the raccoon coat I wore at football 1am .. in Ute days when I was poueued ol boldneu and dash. JU1t wearlnc It In niehU1 atrolll around Lbt 1arden mlpt let my vlllton lmOw wbat the bot· tom Ible reads in lhe hl1tory of tbitlr spec ....

Meanwhile. I have JUlt beard the tbud of somet.hlna pou.nclD1 on the blrd fteder. Tonl1bt'1 el(cua la about to be1ln.

Orang1 Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, March 2•. 1981

Hawaiian crime spurs bhicklash HONOLULU (AP) - Tbe ac·

quJttall ~ four teeA·a1en •bo conf.....S to IUl•faPlnt a Fin· nlsb tourl1t have he11htened re1ldenll ' arowlng outrage about violent crimes and further tarnlabed Honolulu's ima1e as a vacation paradise.

The acquittals came Just one week after {landall Saito - an admitted necropblllac, a person with sexual attraction to corpses - was found lnnocent by reuon of insanity in the stabblnc death of 21 · year·old Sandra Yamashiro. The July 1979 attack oocurred in the parkln1 lot of Ala Moana Center, one of Honolulu's most popular sbop­plnc areas for r esidents and tourists.

Newspapers have been swamped with letters from an· gry citizens, protesters have demonstrated ln the streets and tourism officials have set up pro· grams aimed at combalting crime.

Residents outraged at island violence

tbe money to reimburse other power" to keep fellow Cana· tourists who become victims of dlans from visltl{lg Hawaii. crime.

The carefree conditions ln this Evan.a' beaten fody was found highly touted vacation state took last month at the base of a a pounding on Canadian waterfall near downtown television last fall when " The Honolulu. No aJTests have been Fifth Estate, " Canada's made. equivalent of CBS-TV's " 60 The gang-rape acquittals sent Minutes ," did a segment on 1,500 people into the streets to Roger Clapham, a beekeeper demonstrate their outrage and from British Columbia who was anger with what they said was beaten while vacationing on the the failure of the criminal island of Kauai. justice system. Some wore black

clothing or black armbands. OF THE H MEN involved in One female protester said she

the beating, only one defendant would shoot and kill any man in· we.s charged, and be was found tent on rape " and then plead in· innocent by a jury. sanity." an apparent reference

lo Circuit Court Judge Harold Mounting pressure at home Shintaku's decision to acquit

led to a visit from Harry Home, Saito, who had admitted killing MARCH STARTED off with Canada's consul general in San Ms . Yamashiro.

the hijacking of a busload of Francisco. Home arrived to con· The gang-rape case involved Japanese tourista at Honolulu fer with Gov. George Ariyoshi ln 10 youths arrested after a dental Airport. The 35 visitors, many of early November. just days alter s tudent from Finland , then 24 . them honeymoon couples, were David Milne, 50, also of British reported she was held down in a robbed of more than $11,000 in Columbia, was stabbed and beachside tent 35 miles from cash and other valuables as a killed while struggling with a Honolulu and repeatedly as -teen-ager held a gun to the bus burglar in a rented apartment in saulted for hours July 8. l979. driver's head. Waikiki. There have been no ar-

Two teen·agers were arrested rests . F IVE OF THE accused were a few days later, and the stolen Last month , Honolulu 's tried as juveniles and com-loot was returned to the victims. strained relations with the Cana- milted to the Hawaii Youth Cor-who in turn gave back $17,600 dian tourist market suffered rectional Faci lity . Charges they had been presented by locaJ another blow when the father of against one youth were dropped businesses and individuals. The murder victim Colin Evans when the woman cou ld not iden-Hawaii Visitors Bureau is using vowed " to do everything in my lify him.


As Iowas

Jn statements entered as <evidence durtnc t.he t.riaJ, the four remainln1 defendanta ad· milted fordn1 HX with the woman while 1be wu beln1 held down . Some members of the Jury later complained they were never presented with the f\AU text ofthe confessions.

Other jurors defended their vote to acquit by sayine they felt the prceecuUon failed to prove the woman resisted sufficiently.

After the verdict, the victim summed up her.feelings by say· ing, " Your whole regal system is a big gamble. What's right and what ' s wrong really have nothing to do with it at all. Whichever side can think of bet­ter tricks to defeat the other side wins. Justice has nothing to do with it. "

ACCORDING TO THE most re cent FBI uniform crime statistics, Honolulu 's murder rate rose by 60.8 percent during the first six months of 1980, com­pared with a national increase of only 3 percent.

Rape rose 79.7 percent, far above the 13 percent increase nationwide.

The figures also show that rob· beries here went up 24 percent. nearly double the nationaJ in­crease or 13 percent , while ag­gravated assaults rose 22.7 per­cent . more than three times the 7 percent increase across the na ti on

oneWcl))Mon:Thurs. N . . . o .._.m1n1n111m-stay reqwrements.

Now the friendly skies can nonstop you to Chicago for just $169 one way when you fly Monday through Thursday. Fare increases to $J99 for travel Friday through Sunday.

You must buy your ticket 7 days in advance and complete your trip by May 15, 1981. Seats are limited and this fare is not available on flights April 16, April 20, or April 26.

So cash in on United's new low nonstop fare to the Windy City. Call your 'fravel Agent for easy reservations. '

Partners in ltavel with Westin Hotels. In Chicago- the Continental Plaza.

Flythe . ,

Most nonstops to Chicago All widebodies

from Los Angeles lnt'l

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From Ontario

Fares available on nonltop n1ghta only. tExccpt Sat. ttFrl.-Sun. only. Fare11 and IC'hedulea 1ubjcct to change

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"Reall11?" \. "Re

Na.y U . cJ.1.) lUdJ R. Bradilll9et, dau,hter Aan~Ol151

mtp Way, Newport Beach, has compl•ted t.M Offtnr lndoctrina. ~School at t.bt Nnal !Education and Tralntn1 C.ntv, Newport, R .l .

LONOON (AP1 l,,ord '1e«)' of Burford. 62, who reaularly com muted to Parliament 's House or Lords by motorcycll'. died jtfter 11 weekend &1 ccident ~n a new motorcycle.

MONTCLAIR,· N.J (AP I 1 LUU1n R. Block. editor

llH biel or Reli(!ious News

!ervice 22 years . died aturday at a hospital or a eart ailment •

BALTIMORE tA P 1 l obe rt D. Black, honorary c!ha1rman or the board and a member or the executive. committee or the Black a nd Decker Manuracturing Co . <lied Saturday at a medical cen ter following an ex tended illness

P H ILADELP HI A t AP I Birney Kelloag Morse,

the man who " repealed the law O( gr avity" during COO ·

struction or a n aircraft ruel pipelin e at"ross th e Himalayas into China dur ing World War II , died Thursday Morse "'a :. responsible for tukml! the pipeline from sea le\·e l at Culcutta. lnd1;i , to more than 12.000 feet 1n the Himalayas


MARY U> ISE DOYLE. age 71. a 50 year resident or Cos.-a Mesa and Newport Beach area Pas:.ed away at her home 1n Newport Beach. Ca on Ma rch 20, 1981 She 1s s urvived by 2 ~ tep·sons Ed"'llrd Ooyle ot Los Alamitos. Ca . <1nd M elvin Doyle of Westminster. Ca. also sur v1ved by a brother Hugh Gibbs or Long Beac·h. Ca . a nie ce Do nn a Gibbs of Rancho Palos Verde~. Ca , 7 grandchildren. 11nd 2 great grandchildren Private sen•ices were held on Mon· day . M arch 23 , 1981 Services under the d1rect1on of Baltz Bergeron S mith & Tuthill Wes td1ff Chapel Mortuary 646 9371


sident of 'ewporl Beach , Ca Passed away on March 22. 1981 a t the 11ge or 67. he was born m Pasadena. Ca He retired in 1973 after 21 vears o r se rvi ce as Pos tmaste r . Cit) of Newport Beach lie servt'Cl in the V S Army . World War II. direc ­tor o f Newport Harbor C h amber of Co mmerce . 1956. 1957, 1958, pas t Prest· d e nt Newport H arbor Ki wanis , Ch airman New ­port Beach Unit ed Fund Drive. 1957 . C.:hu rchman ol tlh e Year . S t J a me s Epi sc opal Churc h , 1957 . Pr esident Orange County Cou n ci l of t h e Navy League. 1959 Ser ved on the Ad visory Committee o n Capital Improvement for the · Cit y of Newport Beach He is sur\'ived by his wife Lenna Tha yer , son Henry Payne T hayer 11 1. daughter-in law Kath leen. a nd a gra ndson J etcrey Thayer Memorial 'ervices will be held on Wed nesday. March 25. 1981 at II OOA M at St Jame s Episcopal Church. Newport Beach. Ca Bunal at sea The fam1ly requests m lieu or (lowers contribullons be made t o the 1merican Cant"er Society


627 Main St Huntington Beach



Cerretery Mortuary Chapel

3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newpott Beach


,_COllMIQ MOlTUAllH Laouna Beach

494·941 5 L-ouna Hi lls

768-0933 San Juan Capistrano


HAUo. LAWK-MT. OUYI Mortuary• Cemetery

C rerretory 1625 Gisler Ave

Costa Mesa 540-555-4


MOllTUAlY 11 O 8 roadw1v Coste Meta


/ /,

/ '

"M1a1t be I.he lateet ln JapeMM lkl wear."


DEAR PAT DUNN: It seems lo me that teen-agers have a lot of spending money . Has anyone ever figured out bow much teens spend per year ?

L.R., Costa Mesa With girls outspending boys, V.S. t.een-

1gen' &otaJ spendl.Dg ln 1181 reached a reeord $39.1 bllllon, accordleg to Raad Yoatll Poll, a market-research firm speclallalag ln tlle youth Held. The previous record was $3' billion set 1 year earlier.

Sigru point to troubl# DEA R PAT DUNN : My older brother

told me that my ca r has enough miles on it that I ca n be e xpe c ting auto mati c trans mission trouble before long. What signs should I be looking for?

P .G., Irvine The state Bureau of Automotive Repair

s a ys that if your c ar falls to shift automatically into the next gear, wllether h igher or lower , you know someUaln1'1 wr o ng . Othe r automatic tr1nsmlss lon thumps or lags instead of sbiftlng smoothly, or tr you bear a wblnlng nolae oa forward movement, or If the engine speeds up wllen you step on the gas but the car doeaa' t move any fastu.

You usually can blame the automatic tnnsmlssion If the symptom occlln wlten tlte car Is supposed to be sltlftlng from oae gear to tbe next . A s killed / mecllaalc m1y, howe ve r , suspect sometbJn1 else - the engine, for example.

A red or pink paddle UJHler y09.r car may mean a leak ln tile traumlu.... Have It chet'ked right away.

M·eddfng .-u.t•o• tr~ DEAR PAT DUNN: My fiance Is not fond

of the women's liberation movement. He mentioned the other day that libbers prob· ably will start to urge women to stop wear­ing wedding rings because they originated as large restrainfog devices to keep brides from returning to their families. Is this true?

L.T., Newport Beaeh He's right, according to the Encyclopedia

AmericlDa. The first weddlag bands were luge rings used to tie up the restive d1m1el after sbe had been c1ptured. To la1are lier continued preseace, the womaa'a apoaae pieced 1 reatrataJ.ng band aroaad llaer ankle, above her knee, roand lier neck - or tllrough ber nose. depending on trib1I custom.

f'u11d I ran•f .,r ~a.dfl DEAR READERS: Erfec:Uve .Ian. IS, tbe

Federal Reserve Board amended Re1al1Uon E, wbJcb implements tbe Eledroalt' Fund Transfer Act. This 1mendment permits com merciaJ banks to 1utomatlcally debit their customers' accounts for repayment of pre-aathorhecl overdnft credit.

The act probJbits creditors from making automatic repayment of loans a conclltloa for extending c redit. Tbe board uempted overdnft credit plans from this problblUon to make to make It easier to continue tile extension or overdraft cbeckiag protection to consumers , by permitting 1atomuic collection of repayments.

If you are in an automatic repayment plan , the bank covers overdrafts by 1utomatlcally depositing money to your account. Amounts deposited may be la ut Increment•, sacb as Slot. You agree to repay what amounts to an automatic loaa. Tiius, If your account ls overdrawn by SZt, tlle bank tnnsfers $100 into your accouat aad tlle check is honored rather tllan retarned because of lnsufOclent fuels. You Ulen must rep1y the $100, plus hltereat cbar1es under 1 system of aatomatlc dednctlou from yoar account aitlU the credited amouat la rep11d.

" Got a problem' TM11 wnte to Pat Dunn Pat will cut red ta~, ~fling fM aiuwera and action rou netd to aolVf! inequihn in go!Jf!rnment and buaineu . Mail your que1hona to Pat Dunn. At Your Sennce. Orange COGlt

Dail11 Pilot. P.O. Bor 1560, Coata Meaa, CA 02626. Al many letters 08 posnbk wtll be an.wtted , but phoMd inquiries or lettera not including tM r.adn'• full name, addreu ond t>uslMu hours' phoM numbfr cannot be ccmmered . Thi• column apptora dallJI tz· cepl Sunda~s . "

Cans rejected SANTA BARBARA <AP> - TM city t. ai•tni

back 400 h'M beacb trub ca.na lo Coppertcme. UM 1uotan-0U manulacturer, wblcb bad donated th• can• carryt.n1 lbe Coppertone name u advertlllq. Ctly parb dl.rect« 181'1')' AmbroM 1Ud UM lett.ettna was too "1art1b,, for Santa Barbara a.Del thubape of thec ... t1u.clekdl~lttooultt,..hunllnennat.

Terroriat lllCTt,,.. ..,..,.... lltcT1n-...,._ ...

b U. lfATbWl•T ~ HATS••T •OTtca•~•SUl .. fO ~ ........

and rap. Tiie , .. .._,,.. "9f-• ••• .. lat Tiie '•ll••lftt fW- e t • .. 1111 ............ ~ ..... ,. .. A.I C., SJll '*l'Mllltl\. HIMIUfteMft •IYll 0•0\11" CllAlllMI~ lttOO

• ~. CA...... l"e lft llll l Oflv• , 1 4111 1• MO, l'vhw ,

I• ••1.0 •Y Na.._.... COU• .,_....., <.-.. ._.. TY PL.AHi .. CllMllMIMN O• ........ ...... fNI ~ ce41TM. , .... AM ......... -. .... . Ha .... , ...... M fftl •oat11 a1---.CA8-

• e~ I.:. .;GI J emn Miao, ·~ c-. .. e11 LI' c 1 111.,1111tJ111. -"" (I.. Hllllt ........ leedl, CA..... ' ~IKllr- ai.t. Liv ......... 6 C-•

Vl(I .. ~ .... IMMeytft Of 11111\Y , Inc, e CAl!lfw~ <.,.., .. IOI\, HllMlfltllM IMcll, CA....,, ., lttOO l"e lrc11111 O•l u , 1111" HO,

COAIT, ••w••• CNM, AL.Ito .. OTICSO~NIJUC•U•• ... UHll c•J&0.11 .... AUtO YllUO _. HeMl•'tl, A•O IOUT .. C0Atf' t...-UCA'f'I• Na .. L&.-•••• w•n• Oft'"'. A.'. 0 1 I Ctt A• ••

SAN Ju ... u , Puerto Mer0Jt11e 1t~1-. UM 1 .. 11,.1, 1rvlnt. c..111«111• tJ'1). '"" A ..... '°lc;e lll .. re, CA. fl1I• lllltlnnl It c~IH 1, e tM •

R I c o ( A P > Tb e .... ,, ................ mu •• MM' ..,.11.., o••••couwn L.OCAL.CO¥TAL HOlllHM••n ......... ,......,..,..........

NetlC• I• ,.,,...,, .... .-111o11 °" A,..11 O teu.,, ..... , ...... . , ••••

M .. .... t MfUIN v .. ~. (A '26tl c.tiv-°"""· Llvl .... IM\ aCutlVOI, MJt tr• Tll l J M!MU II <IM"<IH Illy e 6~y,lft(. ' · .. ,., .. ,., -Altll u. , .. , .. !llMI., ....... .. Ill lllrotr t m le tall•I Y 1111 reo11lft '°' 111en1t OI tM coa1i.1 A~• of tt1• . •• 1r11• •-• •-0 11tr1e1 torllt band that tlaJmed .. ,..,., -~ " 1.rtw1 L'""""'°"

lbw r bl J-tM11•1 '"'"'IMnl • m • nlled , Oy lll'• lll•• i ll t • LOUI ~ .. 0ow.ier1119 re1pona t)' OI' OW• Tlllt ttet..- •• 111.,. wlt ll tllit fnl• t1e1emen1 • 111'41 wllll 1M lni up National Guard C• "'"" c1er11 ., Of.,.. eo.. .. 1y .., cou .. it Cltt• 01 OrM109 c ou111., o"

C .. ll• I ,,,...,.,,., ~Ille uftlncoroor• 1 lrwlnt "Mell Wa ler O lal rl(I 1111 eel .,. .. wiW" lllt C .. •Uil ,[-, Ille lll•tl e Netlonel ,.OllUIM!t OttCller .. 0 ••"11'1 c-ty PIMl!llll CGfllMIHIOll lllmlM llOll SyU•m •""11<•11on IOf , . w lll 11010 flUlill l< 11Htl1191 .. COM!def "•Wal OI • • Ut Cl l Hll•rte r t lt<llnl<el rall,..,,..,.h •"41 \llllNll"ll ol qu1remt,.lh lor Ille dltcll• • t• ol Ill• Lt<•I Coall•I P r09r•m lot lllt ....... Into lclUI 1._ <onlfOI c111 ... 1011owl"O M91'W"h Oii the Gel•• encl nee. lflllltaty lo $an OlotO Crteli,

planes and ltlUln1 two Mero u, ""· ""'•• M•rcll " · " " "'llW I a l 1 0 r I , W a n t I t 0 Pullllll/M Orll\flt CMtt O•llr P llq1, HINllll' 6 Vtu, A...,_,, el ww. .alfmin t • j• f Mere ll 11, i., JI , Aof'll 7, " " UIWI I .... "•lrcllllf OflH , tillll I M, .... "' a e oeX am f'Om Oltln 1oa IM 711 lrvlM, CllHer.We

ita ranks . PUBUC NOTICE tuu. llmo •Pf'lllllCI below· Ntwootl l•y, Of Ille Senl• A"• River,

" It l ll'wo111n.o Oto111e-t "11 Oatly P llol, S necessary • • • Mercn h . ) I, .Apt ll 1. 14

0 1 .. 1 141 .. ,11

Aj)tol I 11111 J,..00 P M S.."tel 0" Ill• lltilt Of PftllMl" • 'Y elell r e • 1••<11 Stomtnl, NOf'lfl Ctetl Planni"t vttw •"d appllullofl o l l•whlf 114111· Unit, Emert ld • • YIAllvl•w T t1t• <• . oerd• - • 99Wl• llon•, the C• ll lotnl• •llO L.a tuM NllllHI s.tmanh, Sout ll Rt9 I011i l W•t trOl.ifllly Conlrol ...... that the revolutionary

movement recoenlze the existence of macho at· tltudes on It.a own part and take measures to promptly eradicate them." the gang said in a messa1e.

" These attitudes take m any forms, from the refusal of men to do domesti c chores and

· take care or chiJdren -thus impeding the inte­gration of their female companions in political activities - to mocking reactions and comments whenever the subject of fema le oppression is brought up."



Tiit 1011-1,.0 perM>fts a r t dol"t1 buslnttt e1.

THE MA IL. c o .. HUt Cool H lg l'l•• Y. De " • Polnl , Cel llo r ,. le tJU t .

C• rey 0 . f Ward, l11J P4191 Circle, Hu,.lln91°" 9Mch, C.A "-

Scolt l W•rd , 11 IJ P eve Clrtlt , H""t· tl\glon S.a<ll, CA n ...

Tl\" bu.llNll I• Condvcllld Oy .,. I" · d l• ldua l

Carey D T Ward Thi• " 411-1 •H Iliad with lllt

Cou,.ly Cl t rll ol Or.,ge Cou,.ty on M•rcl'I t . ltll

l'IS7M I Publl.- Or- Coell D• ll' P1101,

Merell 10, 11, J4, JI, ' " ' 1155-11



fl'lt foUowing peri.on' •r• doin g OU\lneH • t.

VIP • VALVE INSTllN T PRI N T lllG. llU Ne•porl 81vd . Co•la Me w . CA '1•V

OH Cltllord L. yeltll, HSI Ver lt"e Cr . Hunll1191on Beat h. CA., .. , .

Ann F•yup Lyeltll, HSI Verlene Cr., Hwnl1n9lon Bte<,., CA 91 .. 1. '"" bustntu I• <o,.ducltd Oy

llU\ Oe nd encl w ilt Dee Cllllord L.y<M ll

f 1\1\ • l • lemanl w•• 111"' w•lll ti"' County Clt r k o l Orange Counly on Ma rtll • . Ut t

FU7JU Puollslltd Otaft911 Coe\! D•• ' • Piiot,

Marcn 10, 11. 14, JI,'"' 1012·81



Tl\t IOll- •"9 per-. Is dolnO busl neu • •

AOVERTISI NG & MARKET ING NET W O RK . Jl l • Pullm• n Slret l Co•I • _..., C.1t10<nle t »2"


Tiie IOllOWl"O per.on• er• dll"f OU•IM»M.

TNI 5TITCHI N ' POST , l •IU llr-llunl St •• ,._,1.in Vt lln, CA tt70I.

All fhlllf', Lid., a C.ll1or1u <Ot· POtallofl. 161 .. 9rtolllwttl SI , l'Ollll· teln Velle't, C.A tt10I

Tll" ..... 1 .... I• <Oftllw<lod by . ..... - • lion.

AllThl"f', Lid Wlll141m I.. l*GOw•" PtHl-

Tlll t •latl-1 WH Iliad Wllll 11\41 CO..tllf Clt r k ol Or ..,.tt Caunty Oii Ma«ll•. 1 .. 1

'"''" Publl a/Wd Or- Coe•I 0.lly Piiot , Ma rc1110, 11, 2•, >1 , 1t11 12114-11



Tll• lollowl"g P••IOn• • • • dol" ll bull~n • :

OICK 04URCt4 •UTAU•ANT" , , ... NtWPOtl Blvd • CO•I• Mn•. C•lllor,.I• '26111.

C HUN H IE N l(I NO, llS2 N Dr .. dtn, M - lm , C•lllorftle t*> I

Sii ... Mel Kl"O, IU2 N. Orndtn, Anallelm, Calll0<nl• t.01

Tiii• buslne\1 Is conducllld by an "" dlvlO..el.

Chu" Nlen King 1 Tllh •lelema"I w•• l llad • 1111 Ille

Cou111y Cltrll Of Orenge COUlllY o ..

M4lrc11 " · '"' '1-J Pwbll shtcl Ot.,.91 Coa>I D• llY PllOI,

M•r 17, 24, JI , AP<. 1, 1 .. 1 1) 17·11


l'ICTITIOUS aus1Na1S ..,...._ SfATaMINT

Tll• lollowlng P• ''°"' • • • oo•nc tM.a1tne~.1 es

HOGUE 8ARMICH AEl. IS, itl• No• Pot1 8 1¥0 • C0\141 AMH. C.lllornt• '2• ll

Sun 1et Re\l • ur a nt ' tnc , a C• tt lorftla <«110ret1on, " I • NtwPOrt 8 1vd , Cos141 t.Mw . C.ll lo•nla •1"11

Tll1> buslNll 1\ <OftCIUC .. d DY a COf POt • U°".

Sul>WI R .. leur•nh IM Jull.,. 8oryutwtk1 Viet PrtttOtnl

T Ills ll• ltrTWl\I w•s I ti ed w lll'I IN Counly Clerk or Orenge Cou.,ly on Merc i! IJ, ' " '

f1S11U Publl" ...O Oraft911 Coast Da lly Pllol,

M41r 17,2• , Apr 7, 11111 IJll·ll



r n t lollO• •"O porson• • •• dol"ll' l)u11n11s • •

CO RONll DEi. MAR CONSTRUC flON co . llSI Porl !otanllOpe Piece , NtwPOrt llea<I\, CA '1..0

Ka rl W•lll fm Rolltr. 120• 1 R io r • nde, El Toro, C.A '2.sl John 11 11en Glu,on, llS I Porl

Slo ,.llope Pl Nt wPo•I 8tetl\ , Cll n..o Tht~ bus1ne11 '' condu<l eO bY •

gen•r• I ~rlner\f'l1p IC•rl W Rol~r

Tru• \t•i.mtint ••• rn .o w 1tf'I tN Counly C~rk ot Or .,.cie Counl y on



fll • lollriltl"t ptrton• are doing 1111191,.•net.

fl l l!RFOR M OIST• l lllTORS. IU2" ContlrWC llO" Clrclo Wesl. Sulle A , lrvlM, (.A '211 4

• 0 111er1 llay Ollvet, 2427 Ottoot •ll Le .... o ....... u.., ...

Roberl Fredl rlck Hl(h, Jr , •111 WUI "1tglll ancl SI ., $41"1• A" • · CA 0 10)

Hotlor Lu" F l-roe. )I C•111110 ~I , t r •tn• , CA t111•

Tl\•\ Outi•n• •• I t conducted oy • gaf\e r t l perlntt'll\IP

R-rt F H•O•J t r "" " "'''""'"f ••• 111ad .,,,~ ,,,.

Cown1, c1.,11 on March " · I'll l'UltM

Publl •nacl Orange C..'1 Dell y Ptlol, M•r< ll H , J I, llprt l 1, 1', 1 .. 1 1•7t-tl



f he t0Uow1n9 ptiri<>f\ t\ 001"0 OU••

n .. • • • SUPRE M E G IRL. BEAurv &

IAl. ENT, HH Superior. Nt WPOfl 8tetll. C.A ., .. J

Ooroll'ly !>hra••. 2 • 1.•ndla ll Cl ., Nowporl BH<I\, Cll '1 .. J

Tt.1\ OV\11\~U ... CO~du<teo .,., •n 1n dtY 6dU•I

Doroll\y Shrav1 fh1\ \t•t•~n• w•s t 1ltcJ .. 11n trw

Co'-'nh (If/tit. o t Or •n<>- C.ou"t y on M•rtll 10 I'll

FISU41 Puo1;,.fW(J Ot•n0t (a.st D•1ly P 1IOI ,

M• rt n 14 J I llprtt I 14 lllil I • TS 81



f n• IOllO..winQ Pfr\on 1\ OO•nQ bu\ ­ne\\ .,

AM PM MINI MllRot E I 2••6 Wnl FH \l Str•el S•nta An• C • l1forn1• 9110)

Coall P1anrt111g Unll Sanl• A"• R .. lon. ltnta 11ve1y 111ro. Aprtt ll, 1911 I JO P M S.nle POMI lo I•- We\IA d l1< 1'1e r91 , .... 1,.

Ana Hotgllh, N0<lll Coa\I l'lann111g m tftll 1nc1u01n11 •lflu•"' ll mltatl..,s un11. AllW> Cr"k P141""1"0 ""'' IE• and uec1 a 1 ctnd lllon• Paf\o" ' <1 ud1ng Alt.O Voe10 S.gmen11, •"d w""'"ll to <omment ""°" °' • OJt<I 1a Da na Po1n1 St11m1n1 $oulll Coul Ille p1opoMC1 d tKl'lerge ,.,,..,,,.,...., .. Pl•nn1no U"tt ' ' ' llhllad 10 wbnlll vme on wr111n11

April IS, 1 .. 1 l 00 P M l•••n• lo IN - .. - fHI "° ,.,., 11\4111 CO.II Pl.,,,.1"9 Vntl Ap rtl I•, 1 .. 1 All <-ll or 001K

Tiit Loc:a t CNll.a l Pr09f•m on<lu<le• t lOlh r tcttwed PftOf to 11\t •lllovt dai. a la nd WW pl ...... d POl•CI•• - '(" ... Wiii Dt <onsleltrtd tn Ille IO<mul• lton • p;irl o1 IN Gener • ! P lo111 appltulll• I llnal 0tlttm1,..1ton\ r1941ro"'t ,,.. 10 11\t Coe•lel z- w•Slt dlK l'letgt

Th•• P l.,,..tng Comm••llon N • ""ll r "• 8-d wl~t lO 001 • 1n onlorm• " '" leed to Cot\\Ut•f'• hon b~ tP\e 8N,d l•Gn 10 • '-irit 11 tn 0.1•rm1n1"i) pt~< ot 5..,~rv1\0f' .-ia \le CUKf\Moe r eQu1rtmtnl-' •n.o. tor

Tne ,. •• ,,119 will tommttltt •I lllt 111• 1 pwr-. • 141 nold • 1p.,ooltt llt•r • •m• SOt(1f1tO • e>ewe or • • 'OO n n g •\ fOUOw ' tnere•• t•r •' POHAOlt •nd w 11t be "••Cl '"• 8Nfd • tihei \o OD4 • 1n inform• 1n th• )tn ttOOf M • rtnQ room *" the ion lo .,,.,, it .n oett1m1n1n9 oropu Or• n Qe (OUl\lf tfuf'llMt !ler-;1te' A.991" w•,t• d iM.Nrge '"uire menu a nd, tar tf 8u1tdll'"1.g, StS N S1c•more Awtn~ tn•l purPOw~ will ~d • pubhc near Sa nt• Ana. C4lltlorn1• & II tnltr .. ttO non IOllOw\ parllH e r. 1n¥1l.O lo •lleno •nd bt Dll TE Mav a l'ltl nurd fl ME •JO• m

c 0 Mp L 111 N { E w I I H IM E Pl.llCE Col y Covnc11 c .,.mbt ... CllUFORN IA E NlllAO NMEN fAI. l'OOM.,nS1r .. 1. A1¥t f\•d• C11olorn1• OVll L.ll f Acr ,,.,.,. .. .., pe•wn• tit .n .. 1to 10 ••

Loc •1 (O••t • • PtOQr• m, •'f' 11 ndto •.cpreuuw1tv1•11Nton UW \.•i' 't•tu ltH1ly •aempt ttom CEQA re ,.,,.., rtl •l•nQ to tn. •bOv• "'"''dis Qv•rvmtnh pur\u•nt to Sett ton ch•tGt Ptr\Of\\ m•~ ll'UJ ort\l'nl • lloni 10110 ' · D•••••on U , o• tnt P\lbhc \houto 1.onhne INir U•ltmtnt\ tot,.. At\our<et Code •tHlve \l•t9d ''""•' Or .ti it• l• m ent\

W rt tt•n commenh •'" 1n•tttd • 11J Ot n.t•"t. but. ror lh• • ctur•c v o f fht\t m • v o. '"'°'' 10 ow P 1. nnul9 tne rtcord. • II tmoort.,-.1 t•" •mOl'l'f Comm1\o't1on • I Poll Oft•<• tto' • O• I . \P'!Ould bl Wbm•U•d 1n 111H tUn9 , Or a l S• nl• AN. C• lt lOrlll • ~2101 P""' lo, or '111tmtnls \N>ulO .,., br .. 1 lo ellow e ll •t tommememtnt ot , tnt .chedt.tl•d 1n1er•\leo °''"°""' rttnt 10 D9 n.•rd publtc. ntt• nnQ ot • • '\UO\f'Q1.u~n1 ne•t rh1 reporl o t _,.,,,. "'""41i'9t· '•'•' 1no ' •d 00<um.nh IM-t ''-•h, the- 60.ro '

Fot mortt 1ntorm•11on (01'11 • ' ' ( MA otopo\•O feQu•rtm•nh. M"IO • II c.om P1•nn1'lQ • P,01ttl P1• nn1nQ 01V1\10n>. ment\ • nd Pt1flt1gin\ '"-••wtd m • ., 0t It 1 Nor tr. 9roadw• v S• nl• An• , 1n\O- c. t1d • tld c e>l) .. d • I tr,. R•9t0~t C•l1lorn1• fe-ltOf\OM O t 41 81' )l .. 1 bo•rO <ltf •C t . M()lt 1nO••"• ""' "..,.

Pubh\n.ed Or•nQit C.o•'tl D•ll o; Piiot \u1tt 1(1() A1wtr\10f ( A .,SO. •~ Marci\ l • l'ltl ,. .. ti 11• ~ vJJlll .,.,.,t• n ,,.. nowt< ol I 00


NOT ICE INVITING alDS No1 1ct ·~ h•reoy 9 1vtn ln • t lh•

a ... ro o l T rullH I of 111• CN \I Com mul'\•h (Ollt~ 011trict o f 0t• n9ft Count)' C• ll'to<n••. w ill re< • 111t w•••d bids YO to It 00 • m , fnvf'\44i y. -.pn1 ~ 1•11 el tnt PurtM\tnO Oe~rtm.-nl

• m • "'d • 00 pm ~•t t htOVQI' Fr•d• f ~ ••• ,.. Df"•l\Q ,,.. fl)rt>Q0•"9 lo'",. • •

t•nt1on ot • n; °'''QI'\\ • nt>• n 10 '°"' • no w ov ld ot 1nte'f'\l..O ,,. tti•\ "'•U•r

P""Dl1 \llit0 Oraf\Qll> C .. '\I CJ .. 1 .. P1101 M•r<" 21, i.ti "" t i


C,eorQf' N1men l ff E•\t Htc;tnl•nd . of ~• •O <Ollf'91: dt\lfl<t lot•ted •• UIO Apt 'ZF S1en.t M•Clre t•l•forn111 A o•m s Awenvt C ost • M ~ ' •

NOTICE TO CfllE OITOlt' 01' •uut TltANSl'IE • !Se<\ •1t1 .. 1'7 U.C C I •1074 C-• I00,n1• . • t ... n1ch l•m~ ~•id O•cn w i ll

'"'' o.J\•"<""'' ., l ono..,cteo O't • " ' " Ot>PubltCl'fC>PWn#Cl•ndrf'eOtot dtvodua l PRINTING. BINDING & TR IM

G~0tge N1mtn MI NG OF 1911 11 C.OLDEN WESf '"" >U11t~n1 w•• lotl'd woll\ In~ COLLEGE CAlllL.OC.

Coun11 (ltrk 01 O,-•n~ C.ovnh on All b•OS •rt 10 be 1n • c corde nc f" w1tn M• rcn 10, ICJlt tne 810 Form 1n\lrutt1on\ •nd Cono1

F U l liU t1ons •nd !>PM:•'•t•l•Ol'I' w h1Ch • rf' now Put>h•htO Or •noe- ( N\I D• 11v Pllol on l1la ,.,,d m•., ~ 'ttur•a 1n t nt offlCt

M6tCll l • . Jt . llpro l I II, 1981 11 73·11 o• .... Purt ..... ~ong Agenl ol •••O (Ollege --- -- d1~tr1(t



f n1 101 1o w 1nQ ptrsons •"' do•nQ bu,1ne\\ .,

IN DUSTRIAL CllfERI NG, loHI a· Con,trucl1on C1rck' Wf'SI, trv1nt 1

CA t211 4 11.,lllony M•nut'I E990ore<n1. l~t

T r•r>u<O 0.111.\ Or Tr•t>uco C.• nton. CA •2•11

f rtO• ric i-. W1ll1•m 8'1ow, U•• 1 S• n 8ern•rOO C1rc1e ,:ount••n V4'11~y C.A

fn1\ OV\•n.tU •\ c ondut ltd D¥ • o•ner•I CM4'1Mnnip

fony M E 99fbrt<nl ff\1\ , ,.,,.,,...,., ••\ 111.0 w 1tn tn•

Count t Clerk ot Or.,,~ Coun, ., on

E •<" btdOer mu\I \ ubm1t with n1S Otd • <• ,n1f' t S tf'Wt.k (. f'tlifl l'O Chtelll, or O•Odtr \ l>Ot'ld m•<k P• V•blf to lrwt o•Ot• 01 ,,.. Coa 11 Commun1ly Cllllrgco 01stnc t Bo•rd Of f ru\ttt' 1n •n •mount not Ir\~ tn•n t1 vr 04, cent ( ~ ·., 1 ot tnt \vm O•d ., • Qu•r•nlt~ tn•I the b1ddtr ..., , 11 •nttr into tf'\e prodo~o Contr•tt It the \ •mf' 1: \ ' •drOt d to n1m l n ttw e Y•nt ot t•ilurt to e nter 1n 10 'ut n t c>l'tr.ct tM oroct:H \ ol the' ChtC IP. W•tl Di@ torftHtCS to , •• a (.011191 Ot\lr1t l

NO 010d~r- ""•• w1tnor• w " ' ' bio tor • pitnOCJ Of fO'h' l•Y• 14) ) d•Y' •tttr '"" a••• \et tor tnt oo~n · no • ... r.ol

N O\ •(• . , niettOr O•••n to ( t f'd•I Or\ of lt.e .w1ln1n n • mt'd lr~\feror lf'\• 1 • bul k tran-.t•r 1\ • DOut to oe m.O• on P•r\on•I orootrlY f"lere-1n • tte1 dt>Kr1oeo

T n• Nrt"l«"\ •no bu\1nen addr~\\ 01 1n~ 1nttnoed tr•n\lerot •re

1111 11.UA M I. E E , ))q0 Fuc~ .. . . Cu\l• M r\ca, C•hlorn1• 92•1•

Tnt IOC• lton 1n C• l1torn1• of tne 11o n1e1 · ~ •<.ut•Yf O,.ICf'Of pnnc1p•I bl.l\I neu OUl<t 01 '"e 1nten~ tr~\ltror I \ \ •m t

All olllt• bullne" n41mH • llO ed d''"''' u~f'd by Inf' 1n ttndtd tt1n\tl'ror --•tn1n ""'., 1••" l•\t P• 'f \O l•r •\ kna'lllf'n 10 1ne 1nl•ndro tr •niltrtt • rf' norw

r ,.., na~ •no °'01nt\\ •OOrtu ot tht 1nttnoed tr•n'\ft're*" • re

NAUGL.E s AESlllVRllN rs . I N C 1•31 E Nul wooo Av~nue F wuerton. C• hlorn•• 'fi.).t

Tn•t 11\it prOPfrly pertinent Mrtto ., Of'\Ctil'M'd 1n QtWWr•I ., rtst• ur• nl •"d '' loc:•lt<I t i 2'S. 8ro\IOI SlrH I ( o\t• Mew . C• 11torn.•

Edwero Gordon K•lly , Jin Oce111way, '--- a..<,., C• lllor.,• • t2U1 ~ , ,.,,,.. M• r<n 1• '"' ,-UJ•S1

Pubh\"'1<1 Or.,.- (CN\t D • lly P tlot , PuOli,hed Or•,. CO.\I O•ily PilOl.

M• t< ll 20. " t t

lM 80.ro a' frus\H \ r•wrve\ tn• privHe~ 01 '•IKt1n9 a n1 •no •U eHo, or lo w•1vt .ny 1rre9ul• flhH or ;n lorm•11t1t"-\ 1n .,,_, b •O or 11\ trw b•OO•f'IO

NORMllN E WA I SON Se<:,tl•rv.

I ~e buMne\\ na- - by 11\e w oo tr • n,lt rcw • t w~ ~tOn •S lOAO JI M'S PARL.OUR RESTAURANT

Tn•t W •O Dulk lt M'l~ f't' ' ' •nl~ to oe consvmm•ttO •• ow olt•<t" ot PROFESSID N ll l. ESCRO w SE RV ICES. 1'11 N fusion A•enw

Tii i• """""''II Cond..c llld Dy .,. tn• d lrldu al

E Got"°" Kelly M•rcn to. lt. Apr11 I u . , .. , u1t 1 1 Maren 14 JI April' · u.# , .. , 1• 71 l l &o.t,o 01 T rutifff'

Coa\t Community ( OHf'OI! Oiilri( I

Tiii\ sl•l-1 ••s ltleo woltl 1111 County Clttt< ol Or_,ge Covnlr on March IJ, ' " '

l' IS7-7 PuOtl11*' Or- Coe\! Delly P ilot ,

Mar II, J•. JI. Apr I, 1 .. 1 IJ22·11




Tll• IOll-1"9 pertOn h -"II bull Rell •1:

RE CREAT ION Ai. PROOUCH. IOM4 8oclller " '"• '· Fout11 a1n Va lley, C41 11for,.ta t170I.

l'ICTITIOUI aUllNIH M•r k Al., RoOge n , 20111 Moo<!· NAMI STATIMENT 114h Clr<le , Hunl tngl on leac ll ,

Tiie IOll-1"9 per-. Is 00"'9 IW•I· C.IUor,.la 924,,. neH as · , Tlllt IWM~> IS tonclvclad by '" In

R.A.D. E NTERPRISES, 1011 W d lvld<o•I. 11111 s1r .. t, CMUI MeH, Ce lllor .. I• -·k ROOgen tl6J7 Tl'lit Slelam_,,I • M I liad Wiii• Ille

Rey Arll"" Oovis, Jiil ear~ Covn lY Cl t r• 01 Oten91 Counly on Pl•<e. Coot• Meu, C4111forr\le t:»» Mar . ?, ltl l.

Thi' bull,.M I• conclu<ltcl by ... ,,.. l'l-1 dlvlclua l . PuOll11*' Or - CN•I D• llY ,.llol .

R•y Arthur D• VI• M41r . ) , 10, 11, 24, 1'11 ICICM·ll Tllll tilt-I wa' lll ecl w llll IM ----------

Cou,.ly Clerk of Or.,.ve ~nty Ol'I March U , ltll

l'IS7tll Publll1*' Or- Coe" 0 4111 y P iiot,

M•r 17, 24, JI, A{>< I , 1'11 1320-el



fl\• lollo• l"O per""'' •re doing IW\IMU•

ART I.VONS EQUIPM ENT. tWt Law • Clrcle, Ger- Grovt, CA nMO.

Atll'lllr ......... U A4J Uu• Circ le. G a rde" Grove. CA '2...0

Ca nela<• Lyont, IWJ ...... Clr<I• . G a rd11'1 Grove. CA '2MO

Tii is llin•nus Is condu<ttcl by .,. ,,. . d lvld<o• I.

.,,,,.,, l.~Oll·

T " " llolltmtnl ••• ltl td • 111'1 lht COUl\IY Cltrk OI or ... ge County on Marth U.1'111

l'U7 .. 5 PubllSMd Otanp Coe '1 Delly Piiot,

Ma rc h II, , • • JI , Aprll 1, 1 .. 1 IJU-11



Th• lollowlflO per- lies -ncloned Ille uH ol t lle llctlll0'3 buslnus n41me

FO RCAR PARTS, IU.I O•OOro 1..n ., HunllnglOl'I e.ecn, CA., .....

Tiit Ftetollo.n 811~neu Name rt · ••rr•d lo .oove ••• 111.0 In Ot.,.oe Cow" I y on Ft«>. U . 1911



Tiit IOllO•lng Per M>rlt • re dOl"g bvlltWU H

THE FRUIT PEOOLERS, JOIJ M l r a m • r Ortve , B • lbO• , C • llfornl • ., .. I

M•r,.tla Ooyl• , 202J Mtr •mar Drive, 8 a1Doe. C• lllor"ie

C!wrtl S..OW. tO' 12111 sir .. 1. Hw"I '"' '°" 11141ch. C• hlOfl\I• u ... Thi • IW•lneu " conducled by •

genere l pet1Mr\lllp M4lrne1 a Oovlt

Tl'llt llet-1 we• ltltcl w lll\ IN Cov,. lr Clt r k ol On n gc Counly on Me rell s , 1" 1

1'1111" Publlli..ct Orange Coe•I Oa oly Pllol,

~arch 10, II, 14, JI . 1 .. 1 1111·11


l'ICTITl°'11 IUllNl.H NAMI 51A11MaNT

Tiit lollowlno perso"' ar e doing >us1ne1s •-'

AL.PHA OMEGA E NTEll!PRISl!S, 102d Florenco Ave., Buen41 Park , Cl> ~JO.

Fra"k Ellll P ierce, 1020 F1or9"Ct Avt ., B'*'I Pa r k, C.A tOtto.

C a role J eanne Pit«• , 1020 Florence Ave , 9....,. P • rk, CA 90'10

Tiiis bvslneu It co"' "'"o 11'1' a ~nerel pat1tWrsl\lp.

Ftanll E lllt ,.ittce Tl'lll t let-1 WH Ill .. Wltll Ille

Cowftl y Clerk ol 0•.,.8' C411nh on 1Aarc11•. 1te1 .



ff\e tollowtnQ per\Ot"I •\ do.nQ tHJ,.• ne11 • •

PuOh\no<I 0.11\9" Coe•I Oa 1ly Polol M•r 1•. )I , l'ltt 1 .. 111


t P 0 80~ llH1 t S•.,I• .t. n• C.• h torn1 • 91101 14'17111 on or ••It ' Apr olUl'l, l"I

TIHS bulk lt • n\lt'r IS SUbt• tt to C• l1 torn1• vn1torm C.omm• rc• a l c.~ Stcllon "O.


T ht n•me MWS •Odf H\ ot th« P•n~ •Un wnom c•• •m• m • v ~ tiled .,. P R OFESSION A L. ESCROw SE RVI CES, 1'21 N Tu\lon Awonuo , IP 0 Bo• 1 ISl11 , S a n I • A n• . C•lllor.,I• '1101 1'2111 / , • no tlle l• st d •y fOt fifing c1a1m1 b y • ny creditor , ,.. • .,be Apr111. 1tt1 , •n1cn ,, uw bus1 "*'' d•'f before thf'" con\urnm•uon d• lt 'Ptetli.O •OOVt

Redondo Cor<le, Hunl1n91on Bu el\, CA 1MCl otk C--Drl•• Weal 92MI. SM1o1 AM. c.tlll-•

ll!Hllt• o Ma nand•• . Sr , i•on MAllltlAG• 01' W-wa rd Ln , Huft11no1on a .. c11, CA PETITI ONER DONG SOON P.ARK

~~~;, bu•ln••• I\ condut led Oy • RESPONDENT . YV Sii( PA flll( SU MMOffS l l'AMILY L.AW I

llt.,t r a t PMIMr•hlP. CASIE NUMalEfll O.lel-R-..~ 0 tol•MnOok, Sr NOT1ca 1 D•led M<trc l'I II. l,.t

fl\I\ •l•lemenl we• ltltd wolll Ille v ... ,...,. - SW41, T ... ,_, mey Counl r Clerk ol Orenge Counlr on de<I,.• .... ,.. ...., ..,.._. y- NHtt

Navg1•·1 Ael .. ur ents, Inc By E°"'ard 11 Slollen"-rg V1c.e Prnk»nt

M.,c ., 10, l 'ltt ll•ar,. ...., ... "" ,.._..,. wltllho • f ISIJ.O ttoa. 1t_ 1 .. 1....--iao1 Nlew. 8y J Ken MuW<le,

Viet l rn ldt.,I lnltindltel Tr•nst• r-tt Pw blll l\td Otenge Coul D• lly P olol, II ,.., wkll la - ,,. attvlce 91 -

March 24, ll. Aprol I 14, 11111 141 I II att ... ,..y ;,. lltls - · ,.., 1.,..,.. tie

PUBUC NOTICE M l'<•"'fllly .. - y- ,.._. ... 1'1Htllt19,ll .,.y, mayNlll .. ao1ll-.


Publls...O OtMl9e Co4"1 Da lly P 1101, M• rcll 14, ltll l .. 1·81

l'ICTITIOUI a USI NIEIS Uslttl Ila tllo ... m.,1t1e .. a . I I N-a STAT•MaNT lrl•:"'•I _. tt.<i.lr <-• u ... tho N·llMJ


Thi tOll-11>9 i-,.,_, ' ' doing butt :."!1::'!:;. ':=-= .. u!.:r°:':! NOTI CIE TO CltEOITOllS tWU H ~,.. 119... 01' auLf( TltANSFIEfll

MA J EST IC J .AN I T 0 A 111 L SI Ulltttl - IAlklter t i c-je.. 15-et. 41'1•1'1 U.C. C., • • •-SE RV ICES. L.TO , Sit W 111111-. St .• "" ·----.., Hie 41- , - ti• •Y Asse ..... y .... Na. 1»4, •-Nit Co•I• ¥1W, C.A '1U7 ~•ctr le l t1metllalamt t1I• . tie HI• S#<U..,, •1'1·Jo._7 • fttl 11 , H<t• ... 410!

Ronald - t11n 81wm. HI W Wit '°" ,,, • ...,. • • .., ,_te • • l..-C .... ti + UM 11 SI , Co\la Mew, C.A '1•11 uy ei.-, ,..._ Mr ,...ist.r - • Nolo<e •• ,.,,.o, g•rtn lo Int

T1111.....i ....... ,on0uc.doy- 1n u....... C•edtlor1 ol SPllCE TE!t I N dovldua l 1 TO THE RESPONOENT OUSlAIES. INC , Tren•leror. • llOw

Ronald _ ,,,n 8 1""' T"t "1thoner ,,., Ili ad • i-lltlOl'I ou11nu1 •ddrtn 11 102 Pl•unll• 11111 ll•l-1 ••• Ili ad wlll'I 1111 concernong your m arriage 11 yov latl Avtnu•. Cos" Mu a . Co wnly ol

CounlY Clt r ll ol Or.,ge County on lo Ille• rtlOOft\I within JO ~1' ol ll'lt Or• noo, \le!• of C•l1lornoa 11\411 • bulk Ma rc h'· ttl1 d• I• tha t lhfl \ummons , , 1erved Oft tr• nS t•r •~ •bout to bf' m•dt to

FIS7UI yow . your Cltle ull "'41Y bt tnltrtcl • IWI F RAN !( ti F ARGO •IWI MARIE M. PwDll"'9d Oraft911 Coesl 0 4111Y P1101, 1110 court m•y ..,,., • juctgmcnt ton FARGO, wl\OW .OOrt>• ,. 11 rowion,

Ma rch 10, II, 24, JI, ' " ' UH·ll la lntng 1niunc1tve or olller orders to" Ntwporl 8eacl'I, Cown1, ol Oren~.



cernlng dtvl•ion of pr-rly, •PGu••I Sl•ll 01 Ca 1t1orn1e •UPPo•I. <'llld cu11o0, . <l\lld iuP90rl , Tiie Pr-1y to IW lransftrred " ellorney fett•. t <Kh, er.cl'"'" olll•tr ••· loc a ie o a1 101 P"<tnll• 11••,.ue, lie f u ma, De 9ranttd by 11\e cour l . Cosl• Me w , County 01 Orange, S1a1t ol Ti.e qa rnlsl'lrTWnt ol wa~•. ••~ Ing of Ca 1t lorn1•

NAMI STATEMIENT Tiit IOllO• lng pe tlOftl •rt


mo"• Y or prOC"rtv , o r other court S••d property 1) O.Knbt<t in o e ner • I dol., g a u1norlzeo proct.Olng• ,,.., a lto r • · ~• All •tock tn •r-. ll~lurH, tqu1p.

1$LAN O YOGURT SHOPPE, Jll Mari .... 8elb0e 111-. CA., .. , .

H• rold e r.cl Mer ion Slmoncb, 2016 C•lvtrl .Ave., Co.la llMt•. C.t. '2•7'.

Thi• buslNll I• <onduclad by .,. In· d lvldlla l

HarOld v . SH'llOMI Tiii• Ueltmenl was 111.0 w lll'I Ille

Co..,.ly Clttk ol Or .,.99 Co""'' on Marti!"· ltll

1'1-11 PUOll"'9d Ot- Coest Oally P ilot,

Ma rci! II, J4, JI, Al>rll 1, ... , tltl-tl

• u lt. ntnl •nd good • •II of 11\al prKollOft Dated O<looer IS. l teo ollttl m 1 .. 1 Ou""'" kno"'" • •

Lee A Brent!\ ;PACE · Tl: K INDUST RI ES •nd loUl · l;l•rk, td • • ,,,, Ple<tntl• Avtn .... CMI • B' Merlly"" Ptrrln , IA•••· Counl y ol Orange, St•ll o l Dtt>vlV : • 11torn1e

RIEIAC, STltOUO & SUHlt The IWlk 1rensltr •"II De tonswm A l'r•l•"'-1 c..--...... n a ttd Oii or •II•• 11 .. "" d• Y OI April, J2MWlllllllro••w .. $1a l - ' '" ' • • 10:00 "'·"'· •I BURROW LM A ...... , CA .. II UC ROW CO., JJ2J N. Tldlln Av..,.,., U IJ) 411°1»4 ) OA 111 ... S...t• Ane. C• lllor .. I• Ull 1

Pulilllsflad Or- Coetl D•llv PllOt, So lar " k- to ... TtaMl'et HS, Mar . 24. JI , 14l>r. I ... . . .. , 1411 .. 1 111 billlne»M~ •IWl 41ddrtt.ws .. ....

•Y Tr llnsltror lor IN tllf" , .. ,. ••ti P •wl Jo4ln a-.., 4901 Htll SI .. S..llt SIB, H""'tl"910ft llHcll, CA,, ...

Tiii• buslrwss wes tondweltcl lllY ... ••'1W I ' " d lv1ctu•I Publl.-Or- Coest Da lly P iiot,


Oa t.a Merell JO, '"' PUBLIC NOTICE Pa.11 8 1-.i M• rcl'I 10. 11, J4. JI , 1'11 1"4 .. 1

1 Thi\ l let.ma<lt WM lllad wllll t lle ------ ------ - ­Cou,. ly Clt r k o l 0r.,. .. Cw,.ty on Merell • . ltll . PUBUC NOTICE

1"1161 .. ·----------Publl"'9tl Or1119t Coe•I Dall y P iiot,

Merell 10, 11, J 4, JI, ' "' 1200-ll


C.llMl•H71. ~t e ftWWOfdl toworll



NAME STAHMINT N-1 STATaMa NT fM lo1l-"'9 penon 11 001"0 IWSI

TIM loll- lflO person Is dolnt1 IWll · neu as MU H ; CHARRO LANO & CA TTLI COM·

I. I. It .APPL.IANCES, Ut W. 11111 SI ., PANY , JIOO Attwn. S..lle US, COiii u .. 11 " · c..w Mew. CA.,.,, M•H Ct lllor,.I • ,,,.,.

VlctO( TOtl'IOlln ...... '14 04'11 St ., J e ,;_H W Murr•y, S44 V14I Lido Cttl• Nt.ew, C.A t2627 Nord NtWPotl llH<ll C• ll lefnla

Tii i\ llUtiNtl 11<Oflduc:•d111 t11 In tZW ' ' d lvlduel

Vl<ICW To...otl" I.et Tll" Dull""' ' ' COllOu<lad by .,. ' " d lv ldual '

Jemn w. ,,.,.,,. , fll ll •Y~I was lllecl wltll 1119 County Cieri! ol O r.,.ge C•u111y on Tll ll •let-I .., .. lllllCI • 1111 IM


Counly Cl••• 01 o,..,. .. eou,.ty .,. M41 rch • . ltll

l"\llllllllllM Or_,.. Coall Dally P llOt, M•t(fl '°· tMI . l'lllM4 Muc ll 10, 11, U , )I, 1 .. 1 1°'1•11 Pul>ll llltd ~ .... Coe•I 0111\1 '"llet,

Mer ch 2~. lt , .Apt11 I, If, Ult uu e 1



Tiie IOltowlflt ,.,_ IJ ... flt • 11-U IJ: ANAUTICS, Utt .... ...._ Ot-lvt , .,.110-, CA .... t . OtMl4 • • lnljlll, ltftl L.owoel ,,,.

It, Hlllll ..... IMcfl, CA ftMt. Tlllt ..... It ClllMIM llty .,. !ft, v'411111. °""'"" •. lrllflll Tiii• ............ WM ll+ef "'"' 1'11 -IY c..,. Of Or .... °"""' ... '" .. ""· ,.,.,,..

,._,., ..... Or ..... C/Mtl 0.lly llllM.

n:ll " · " · "'· " · ''" ,,...,

fl'l t lest day c rtdllors m ey l•I• 1a 1m• w 1111 H oer- ri,1e1tr ' ' 4+tl

Fra n• 8 F.,.go Matot M F ar90, Tt_ler_

IU•llOW IEICllOW CO. WJ N. T 1111111 A ft .. ... 11741 ~le AM, CAHiii lffl1·1'

Publlsl'taO Of"'llt Coe•I Da oly Pllol. \Aat<ll 24, Itel 1....a1



OI AMOHO U.11 TENN IS CLUe, a O•ll• r • I partnenl\lp , c oMIJl l" f 01 OOH H . Vll l llA , OIN N IS A . MA•TIN, JAMIS NI. PUllllS. ll!AN· O AU M<C.A•DLIE. •l\d AL &AttKEll!, •• O t n•rel P•rt-•, •IWI w lll< ll I'll• ce ttl•d on lh 111111ntu •• 1000 O iMll Slrul, Sulit uo. N•~'1 1 .. c11. C• llf9rnl• HMO. •et • tnol""' ell« llv•) p,m on Mtrcll " · l" I

Alle r 11'111 0.19, ,.. ,.., ,,.., '" Ille H t lMtWI' Ila• • ulllOflly 10 Olnct h ,_nlllfWlll-

OonN. Vlelre OtMls A. Merli" J_, ... ,.., ... , It-I It . Nl<CMtlla Al lo'1ler

A•NIW, Mll.L.la 6 CAaLSON ___ ...._ ....... ~ .. ,. N .............. ~ ..... ,...._ Ol'lllfl CMR o.lty l"llM.

Ml'Cll , .. 1•1 ..... t

I ! . . ~


\t~ '"1 ~In Ntl '•In Ntl Ml• llfft ~ \1'lf C\j\i C... ~l l!O~ (IO .. C... • •lllCI• ( ION C: "41 • • ·I N!h c;i. .. CllO II\[ ~ _.., .. ! ~•Ill: HK,r:•• 'f .~ Uy,!~ ....,.., IU ltlj.. . .... ..l .. a~· - ... •.• rr ~~~ .. fl" .... U:l111~ m IU )J e ~ ~ " • ,_. ~·· • +I i.lll '- • t ... -.:;:-_,...,.-,;; .... . , ..... "c: 1 .. 11~.. IMlr ., .... w - . ~ I +I ..... I ' ~ ,,,.,.. tJi il a* ~·~ =~~·&1, ' :~ J m .a.::·. : ' •.MI 1!:~ :: l 1 I . ~ '~-' i ~ , 140 •

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~NA• . . ... .. • ""' · .. s/·•tt 1m a""+1-. =::~·,& ·,! . ~ ~10, . .. ~ • ~ '*' m;: ~ tlHf t:• i~(· 1· ,,,04 JJ\ot•I

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illl .. ~\'l omrlll .1111 121 U lo<ot \lo 1•..n ... . : ,j ~ ~fi~~~" •iOI '"~:~~·\lo = •Ott.JO · Ut 14._. ""' I~/ ' 7 "' ~*"-+ ltr<lll ... •

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1 SS + ran.» .. iii: 111 "folly$ 7'9 j M fl ~ t y05 1J O I I .. t. • t I .. - Ill Sltllco .11 t >1 t \'>,,

_ , .. 22 ~ .. 4),-~1!1710 •\.laHm • GPlllO II H t ~ Mar10 1eo. 10 ,, tT~.... ... .... ...s .. r10e nneot" . s. .. +,.. • mP 1. 1 1'07 1•~ .. . .. t!UtJ 1 •. 1 o -.+ 14 Homa1ai:.O io ™ ff l .. -. Mcgrm uon.., '7lol>- 1" f 1 ·f"!.'l 1J ~'"" StrM"I ·1:11 11 • .-.. .. v..

.. 0 ,tc). 14 flt~ 41 ... CQ l ... "° .0 • '' •Kell 111"4 !!!'--Ho~· .. , • )iJ\lll¥1•1 '4 Mc ,...r plJ.JO . ~ 11\lo - '" ,,1:tt tli - "1'••;w-: I. ' ts la Ill A~V>C 1.ir .. »

11 m'' ... 11_.IE,tlt ., a llW. + . tlfl t ,72 I ftt '-i+ Iii Honwll ' J 1 WIQHt. 2 ~~lllUO • 32 ~- l'.Jo 1.,. t '" 1.' tw rn l • I f4 ?!~•. ~

• .. M\"9'\ JOI> I JI is-+ I I'"''" SJ 1' • ' "". ~ ~ .. ~u I t4 tO .. u21 .... ... ,.,..,., .eo II 1$)4 "'2 • t: + .. IOllVC . ... ,, I -·· .. IA 1 ",.....,._."' ' " .tou ,. '"'•I <••lLI 1.• t2 lllJ!"°I• 14 Hor18nlJI, 'u~ v. M(Ol\0 1.a.11 I M '3V. - I l+IJ "' .,.. , .. _ tkVC pf l .. 1110 • '

~- l i . jt a•lt '-"· .. ·- HIO 120 I IOjl 12'- hi* I.JI e 1jj • Ill Htrll Ofl tt 1J 11•.. ::rn•o 1.90 U .. ~- V. f'ltY• 'It II » :!~ .~ ... ~:~Oflli¥11t: .0.~ : ,?! ~ ...

i• 14 M ing 0 JO • 1$7 .. I~ -. !~,,~ ~-. • J! .~ ~ HotP( S _,n .o7 S7 u~ 1,:1110 I .. 0 ?2 ~.~ I ~1"1• I) 1 71~+1111 S•~ 1 1 I~ 2S'11 \,. • " t11•l• 1.u •• 121 - • • .. -~t . .i .. .... , --- ... Ho,11c • • 11 ,.. , M"" L n - • • ~, "° 11 111 , ""' ...... - ~ • • • ..E •• - ,. • YI • ..-Ital I.ti , 2!00 2tt\ . •ltO Jll , . It~ .... Ho•ll llll .0 j ,, 11 ..... 1 u ( Hfl l2 • 9,_. ....... .n t1 St2 114. StorTe< IS .. Jt~ .,..

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'"' · • Ct fPW U • "' 17+\ ~Al ~1 'i .. ..! ... - .,.. HoutllF I Ml • J SOS m. McN•ll ·'° • • 141\. ito.T.. s u 21~:: '' ~~=~~ .~ : ·~ t lti - ~ .. IDJ:, ,:aUn:'•' ~~ ••~P•Hr 9 10 """ =1.1u ~-u;+1~Houfpt 2:u 2 fO"'•'· • ~ .. o ';:!,t•1•1111o ll'Wl« *• 0 1ti.+ lf• S..ualrn . .O l1tu ~ "'

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Tax break for auto use

If you're amona America'• te.na of mUUom ot tu· payers Wbo deduct bu1lne11 expenses, Internal 'Revnue Service nilln.p and court d.elalona ln l llO rave you both br.aka aod tetbacb •

- Buslneu auto travel. U you use your car for business, you have a choice between deductlns tbe acluaJ co.t of your business t.ravtl or takln• a n at mileage &I · low a nee . For 1980 . the lRS raised the op­tional fl r.t mileaae al · lowance from the 1979's 18~ cents for the

--~ IYlllA Plllll ~ ~ first 15,000 miles and 10 centa ror business milea1e over 15.000 to 20 cents and 11 cents , reapecti vely .

To take advantage of lhls no-quest.ion·atked shortcut deduction, all you need are records of the ac: lual. mUes you drove your car for business purpo1ea dunng.1980. You then can claim a business expense deducllon for your car equal to the business miles · times 20 cents for the first 15,000 business 'miles, plus 11 cents for every mile over 15,000. But be warned :

YOU ~ELL MAY find that the optional al· lowance w1ll be less than the actual costs of using your car. So before you take the easy shortcut check your records to determine whether it is more 'advan· tageous to deduct possibly larger car costs based on r our actual costs and depreciation. !This could be so in many cases. I . Als?, while the I RS raised the mileage allowance, It restricted the benefit of the mileage allowance if your auto has been fully depreciated. Here's how this works .

. Before _ 1~. you could have continued using the ?Pt1onaJ mileage deduction every year without hav· mg your car considered to be fully depreciated - no matter how many years the optional mileage al· lowance was used .

Bu! ~or 1980, the IRS changed this favorable depreciation rule. H you take the optional mileage deduction. your auto is seemed to have a useful Ufe of five years. In sum, it is considered fully depreciated after you have used it for five years.

. THUS, IF YOU have been deducting the optional mileage allowance for business travel in your auto and if you already have used the same auto for more than five years of business travel, you are limited to 11 cents a mile for your entire business travel in 1980 (instead of 20 cents for the first lS,000 miles ).

If you Call within. this curb, you may find it again more valuable to cla im your actual auto costs instead of the flat 11 cents a mile.

Office at home. H yoU- are a self-employed tax· payer and you have an office at home a 1980 tax court case gave you a break. '

ArowE 6 .04111 107 1ti.+ v, onnCin I 76 I »J SJ.. i. GEICO n ti I I~ 19... ,,; Ka neo .tO I >" U 1't • °" Nowel l 10 6 ti 14 , • II_.,' 11 1on 11-.- " > T• lnO. I t0 t II 111.'0 • \la A,,r• 20 10 31 11i. ConnM 110 11 S. 21~ . ' , GEO,. ,. ll 212 :ll6- 1;, KC\yPL 2 71 S ff 20'/'J- \lo i. ... 11.1 .o II )1 f0.1<o, "° RowOI\ ptl.U S S3 • J Tye~ I 10 I 126 ~ • \la AMlln 112 17 lO Ulo- '> CM !O Ci I 80 I l IS' • • 1, GF Eqp tOe I 41 • ' • KCPL lltl.10 . 4 IS,,.,.. 111 N1w m1 I.SO I 11)1 >91t "° RC CO& I 04 II 10 lfV., ,,._ Ty .. r~ ·" 10 IO 141.'0- l.'O

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Otano- Coat DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, March 24, 1981

'Raging BUil' rampant wit~ violence ( Stcond of five r.vww1 on ~

1W>mtftO&ed fbr ~It pkture OJCOr ot CM.Academy Auiordl March JO) .

By JEaaY HEaTE~STEIN Of .. a.tit~--, .. ,,

Robert De Niro claim• be wantl to be a " real actor" free

• of romantJcizaUon. It's apparent be Uket violent roles.

And if violence and gutter language make movies appeaJ. ing, " Raging Bull" fills the bill

The film is nominated for best . picture at the Academy A wards. De Niro is up for t?est actor

OSCARS RACE Oscar. Re won beat 1u.p~ actor ln 1974 lor " The God· father, Par\ 11."

''Ruing Bull." based on real life boxer and one·tlme mid· dleweleht champion , Jake La Motta, has been nominated for eight Oscars.

Cathy Moriarty, in her fl1m debut, is nominated beat sup­porting actress and Joe Pesci, as La Motta 's younger brother

Joey, belt 1upportin1 acLOr. De Niro, •bole previoUJ be9\

actor bld WH for the much ballyhooed, "The Deer Hunt.er," 1oe1 acalnat 1Utf com.,.uuon perhaPI touper lban the rin1 opponent.a he meet.a H I.A Motta. Others oomlnated are Robert Duvall, John Hurt, Jack Lem· moo and Peter O'Toote.

M ucb or the violence and aneer In " Raging Bull '' is neceaaary for the story but it never end.a.

Director Martin Scorsese is to be commended for his shooting

' Relatively Speaki11g'

British comedy brisk By TOM TITUS Of Ille 0•11' P'tl•t S i.If

He 's called the British Neil Simon and the comparison, on the eastern s ide of the Atla ntic, is justified. But aside from the popular .. How the Other HaJf Loves,'' the comedies of Alan Ayckbourn aren ' t all that familiar to audiences along the Orange Coast.

The Laguna Moult on .Playhouse is taking a giant step

toward recti· f yi ng that oversight with its latest a ttraction , a superbl y mounted pro­d u cl ion or ·· R elative ly Speaking ," Ayckbourn 's

ctfuac" razor -s h arp chronicle of romantic chicanery

Aside from its skill.CUI presen· lation , against a breathtaking scenic backdrop , " Relatively Speaking '· carries th e un -i mistakable s tamp or authentici· ty - the director and four of her five perlormers all have their roots in Engli s h s oil . And

iwithout scanning the program, ' audiences will have difficulty ascertaining just who is the long American in the cast

Eileen Fishbach , who proved her directorial excellence on

' three miniature s tages in 1980. at las t has a panoramic a rena on which to work the 100-foot proscenium of the Moulton with revolving set ca pabilities and a scenic backdrop to rival any on Broadw ay , m ag nifi cently

INTERttlSSION crafted by longtime playhouse designer Paul Toft.

Miss Fas hbach 's directorial whip is much in evidence as her cast members ptay out a brisk , up-tempo version of what could be a rather talky comedy of

" llllLATIVELYSP'EAKINO" A comtdV o v Al.n AyOoourn, Cl lrt<ltd b y E•lten Fo~cll. \fl 0 .. 1...,, Oy P tu l Toft, 1191111n9 Oy Ron Coflmtn. pr ... nlfd Tueso.,. lhrOuQI\ S.hucMyS ••• p m . Ul\111 AP<ll " ., ,.,. L •llUIW Moulton Ptol\Ouw • .0. Ltg""" C.• nton AMd, U Q\aM B•«h A•wr .. •t•Of\S • • • 010

v••o v•nny Pt\U1p Sntilt

THE CAST • P10Cnurc11 E•ri..rt Edlvf n

Lu A"° J u n M••Ot••I H,oo

eros. The constant movement of th e players may seem un · justi fi ed , but it achieves the notable objective of keeping a four-character show alive and vibrant on an enormous playing area .

Ayckbourn's splendidly subtle scri pt succeeds primarily through the employment of a single " gimmick" - the use of personal pronouns rather than a character's name in conversa­tion . When an actor refers to " him" or " her ," it's taken er· roneously by the other . heighten­ing the comic confusion of high infidelity.

All four members o f the Laguna cast turn in polished performan ces , but o n e in parti c ular s tands out. P ip Church is a comic whirlwind, pla yi ng a young lady 's latest lover with almost s lapstick styl·

ing as he turns the exposition­laden first scene into a royal romp . Hi s stage e nergy is nothing short of phenomenal.

BARBARA EDI VAN as his secretive tover, trying to sever her relationship with an older, married man. is bright and bouncy. Her highly expressive face conveys volumes of emo· lion .

As her onetime sugar daddy who has no intention or severing the relations hip , Les Reed portrays the pompous English upper classman to the hilt. Though he comes off a bit too surly at the outset, his sour dis· position plays in fine contrast to the others' forced m erriment.

Completing th e co mi c quadrangle is Jean Margaret Hyde as Reed ' s pleasantl y charming wife, who may or may not be competing in the ex­tramarital s weeps takes Miss Hyde handles the s ituation. which calls for her to be kept in the dark by the other s, with polished grace.

A FINAL WORD about Toft's scenic work - it is undoubtedly the finest of the season along the coast , rich in texture and detail. Against such a backdrop , actors are virtually compelled to be at their best.

Happily, Laguna 's are, and " Relatively Speaking" is one of the brightest comedies of the season. Performances continue for three more weeks, Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 o'clock at the Moulton. 606 Laguna Can· yon Road, Laguna Beach

NOW PLAY\NG MANN llllA Pl.All Brea ~29 ~339


EDW ARDS. NEWPORT Newpor1 Bearn 6'4 07bO

ClllDOIU Orange 6J4 ?5'J3

UIWAllDI ' llLIO TWiii Mission V•e10 830 b990

Ul TWiii CINEMAS Wes1m1ns1er 893· 130!> P A\..1 f r

FOUllU lll VALLEY OIUVl· IH foun1a1n va1 t> Jti, 1 .114 • -.. ... . (. MllllOll DIUWl·IN San Jui n Caposlra~o 493 4 54 ~

llO rAllH lCCll"TID FOil TNll l llUGlMUIT

! Walch the Audemr L Awards Oii Marc II 30J

~ ::

THE L·\ STCHAPTER l :\' Tiif:.~TRlUX;Y ~

. , .. , 'WfN"fllh,.ClJrriifUllllt ~ F Ox: l~.

Watch Academy Awards March 30, on ABC


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I " mRCRAZY" " USED CARS" 1111

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lhl mm ln black and wb1te. enoup to matcb her wllb the other belt-1uppor-Un1 adr"a nomlneel, £1.lee.n Bnnnan, Eva Le G•JUenee, Dlana Searwld aod Mary :,ileenbursea -hardly household oame1.

But throucb the maalc or Hollywood more is achle1ed than neeeHary lo the name ol reall11n. The boxtn1 1cenea, ln which blood apewa from cull over the .,Yet like ink equlrted from a fountain pen, are an ex· ample. It's theatrics but when la enough to much?

Peacl 1et1 the nod as moet likely to win an Oscar for the film .

He La realiatJc u the level· beaded brother who understands Jake beyond reason. THE SAME is true for La Mot·

ta's relenUess inner 1tru111ea. He never leaves well enou1b alone . He carrles the reckless abandonment shown in the ring into bis personal life.

Jake la forever acuna. throw· ing flghte for a chance at the ti· . tle. pu.rpo1efully takine pbyalcaJ punllbment, picking on those who love him and to the end can't face realism. He is a down and out loser.

De Niro ia best as brooder. One scene where he sulks in front of a rolling television pie· ture is reminiscent of a similar act in " Taxi Driver." The mov­iegoer almost expects La Motta to bash in the screea.

LA MO'ITA, G&OSSL V over· weight alter his boxing days , opens his own night c lub in Miami and is arrested when he admits underage women . Mon arty . 21, i.s striking as the

teen -age, hazel -eyed , blonde second wife of La Motta. But never one to quit fighting.

a bout with the police lands him in an isolation cell where he bangs his head against the wall loathing yet still not com·

But while convincing, notably in the fight scene with her enraged husband, she is not cast in a " heavy" role. It isn't bi~

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,.CY4t, r..- '-Alf CMAl't°I." lilt tMC OMl.N t• .. OOY

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s.c - · ••Br-u ,.94. 1s1 ..

w..t. • l•l-D • f~t U .I J0M.t BACK ROADS c• 1 ........ , ....... ,.,,.,.. .. ····-..... ,, ,.

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,... ..... , ..... .. ............ _...._ F£AA NO EVIL 1• 1 -ALLIGATOl'I ••I

__ .., .... 414..-0UE VIVA TE~ITO

CON 90\'IL""°Oll. GALL&llO

MU.• MLM a f~ Lii,,.,....


I No AM CM R- Wiii IOftlUClft Ac~' 9'1"9 Y- °""'A# "'°""

-U«C: ......... , ... _,_

™E FINAL CONFLICT 1• 1 -MANIAC ·---"-___ .. , .... _ THE FUN t+OUH c• t -THE ISLAND •• • S ee-no I alllglllan. y.,,,... • ......, ------- --- -· ............ '°"" .....


, ___ .... _ .....

- -

w-.w.r. 21 I' n.r...Mw. 26 ..,.,. w.. 21 I w .. w..21 s...w..2• I

DAILY: 10 A.M.·I P.M. SUHDAY: 10 A.M..-I P.M.



-'~ltt!!!,l~~N~"- - ~P_J

NO QNI UNOtll 11 AOMITTtiO ,,... .._ .... ,....,, ... _, .... .._,

MA NIAC .. __ ,, ___..,... MEAT CLl.AVllll 1111

MAh ACfllE ...,._, , __ _ I ACI( lllOADt 1•1 -l lllONCO atU Y IHI __ ,.._ TI OUl .. tO


BOXER JAKE LA MOTT A Robert De Niro In role

prehending his misdeeds The picture ends as it began,

La Motta rehearaing his stage lines .

" Give me a s tage where the bull can rage and though I can pla y I would much rather hear the bell ring."

" FEAR NO EVIL' " 1111

lllON.·f-· • 11.e:u


" l'WA" NO I VIL" 1111 ............... ,,, .... "


Flamboyant fugitive dies in Florida · By STEVE MITCHELL


Herbert A. DeGreve, a Florida ru1itive who was arru ted last summer in hJs blllaide Laguna Beach hideout, has died or a rare diseue, leavtn1 behind al least six wives and a mystery aa to the whereabouts o r $3 .6 million.

DeGreve . who fa ced more than 100 criminal counts stem· m ing from the alleged embeule·

ment ol funds from bis former Florida employers, died March 17 at the age of 58 at the Florida state bolSpital at Chattaboocbee.

Doctors said he suffered from a r are degenerative ailment ol the central nervous system. Ria body wu cremated last week.

Known to the General Foods Corp. in Winter Haven, Fla. as ''Michael O'Shea," DeGreve bad been working as a $23,000 a year

ac,eountant at the firm 'a cttrws procesalna plant.

But when company orticlab told him 13 months a10 they were CoinJ to audit bla boots, DeGreve ned to California, leav­ing a wife and two eons.

ID Lacuna Beach, be assumed the name Sean Caaey O'Rourke, the first two names apparently borrowed from bis two sona in Florida.

While living on Skyline Drive

in Laeuna Beach, OeGreve met a real e sta t e agent who bertriended him and introduced blm to a female acquaintance.

And while FBI agents sought the accountant, who allegedly took $3.8 million from the firm , DeGreve was regaling his new friends in Laguna Beach with ln· credible tales.

Among the stories related by the fulitive:

- HJs wife had died just three months before.

He was a former .FBI agent. As a novelist , be bad

penned a half dozen adventure books based on his experiences in the FBI.

- His latest book, " Eurasian Girl," was about to be made into a movie.

- He was raised In an or­pb a n age with fiction writer Harold Robbins.

Draft proposed All-volunteer force failure?

WASHINGTON <AP > - Sen. Ernest Holling$, D-S .C., has in· troduced legislation to reinstate the miUt.ary draft , saying the a ll· volunteer approach not only bas railed to muster enough troops but discriminates against minorities a nd thepoor.

Al s o Hollings ' bill would esta blish a draft with severely limited deferments and exemp· lions. Young men aged 18 lo 22 would be required to serve nine months or active service for basic

training, possibly followed by re­serve duty.

Without a draft , Hollings said Monday , "our nation 's defense burden would rest with the poor. the black and lhe disadvantaged for years to come ."

He added : " Almost o ne ­quarter of all new recruits are black double their proportion in the population. The number or other minorities. especially His · panics. is growing. And , more than a racial problem , it is a class

Home run! Copter Lit tle League ace

When your baseball field is sopping wet and the Little League season begins the next morning , it 's nice lo have a helicopter pilot with a kid on a team.

• The byeban, H W JJ ~,au last weekend in Laguna Beacfi, bu t Little Le ague officials feared sloppy condltlons at Rid· dle Field might dampen spirit.a for the first game .

~·The field was a lalte from the recent rain ," one city official said, hinting the catcher might have had to wear a diver' s mask if it were nol for Jim Ba ldwin.

Baldwin uses a helicopter in hi s cont r acting business . and late last week he agr eed to hov· er over the baseball diamond in an attempt to blow the water off the fi eld.

John Brown, president of the Laguna Beach Little League, contacted city offi cials and re· ceived permission for Baldwin lo hover just yards above the fi eld .

The city even provided police for c rowd cont rol, a nd fire engines for safety late Friday when the chopper a rrived to blow dry the fi eld .

Baldwin 's copt er ho ve r ed between 4 and 5 feet off the g round for 45 minutes as resi· dents in nearby homes emerged to watch the spectacle .

" We didn ' t get any com ·

Blood A lley • warnings


Of I M Da lly ~llet SUll

Huntington Beach Police Chief Earle Robitaille wants to put up signs that warn motorists they are entering a dangerous s tretch of Pacific Coast Hig hw ay al their own peril.

Robitaille said a 2·mile section or coastal highway from Beach Boulevard to the Santa Ana River has been dubbed " Blood Alley," or " Collision Corridor," by many or his police officers. ·

There have been 16 people killed and others " maimed" in accidents there over the past five years, he sai<l.

Most of the accidents are

plaints," one city official said to· day.

And certainly none from the Little Leaguers , wh o began playing on the dry field early Saturday.

.. Army captain revive d

fr om d e ath TR UT H OR CON ­

SEQUENCES, N.M. CAP > - An Army capta in ini tially pro­nounced dead after being pulled from the chilly waters of a New Mexico lake has been revived, and authorities credit a technique that utilizes the body's naturaJ re· action to cold with saving his lire.

Capt. Ron Butterman was list· ed on the " very seriously ill" list today at William Beaumont Hospital at Fort Bliss, Texas, ac· cording to hospital spokesman, Capt. Jim Goodwin.

Medical authorities said But· terman had little or no heart beat for about 45 minutes after be was found floating on the surface or E lephant Butte Lake near Truth or Consequences, N.M., on Satur· day .

Sierra County Deputy Sherm Tim Zagorski credited the revivaJ or the 28-year-old Fort Bliss of­fi~r to the life-saving technique ca lled the cold water near· drowning process, which takes advantage or the human body's reaction to cold.

A sudden change in the tem· peralure on the forehead triggers the m a mmalian dive reflex , Zagorski said Monday.

" It reduces the body's oxygen need by about ball and allows ox­ygen to be distributed mainly to the heart, lungs and brain and forget a bout · the outer ex­tremities.''

When someone becomes a cold. water near-drowning victim, the deputy said, cardiopulmonary re­suscitation must be adminiafered as soon as his forehead la lifted from the water. The victim muat then be administered heated, humidified oxnen to heat up the heart to a temJMratu.re as close to normal as poHible. Then the heart ls admlDllteret electric shock to get its tarted.

caused by a combination of con- 1 ... ....... dltioni including poor lighting, ~una High n o rai sed median divider , crowded parttn1 on both sides of b reak.last due Pacific Coast Highway and a 55-miles-per-hour speed limit, The lltb annual pancake lhe chJef said. breakfast to raise money for

Robitaille said his recommen- Laguna Beac h Hi&h School dation to put up signs alJo is in· athletic, band and pep proaram, tended to " put some heal" ~_?'UlbeheldSaturdayfrom6 : 30to Caltrans officials to speed up 10:30a.m.

• proposed improvements on The annual breakfut la Paclfic Coast Highway. sponsored by The Cottafe

Caltrana officials have pro- Rtataurant and Nolan RHI posed future widening and im- Estate, with proceed• 1otn1 to tM provln& conditions on Pacific 8oolteractub. Coaat Rl•bway from Golden Cost ~ the feed la $2.50 per Weat Street to N ew port person and can be pu.rcbued at Boulevard. Conatnact.lon ta Ht to the hl&h tchool cafe«Aria door

<See BIA>OD, Pa'e Al) Saturday momlna.

t 4


problem. For even the while recruits are drawn from the poorer and less educated seg­mentsof society ."

In addition. he said, armed forces recruiting reu short or re· quirements by about 23,000 in 1979. He said the Army missed its target by 17,000, the Air Force by 1,500 and the Navy by 4,500. The Marine Corps met its objective only because il took a cul in

<See OKAPI', Page AZ>

Cops win long race with cab

By .JOHN NEEDHAM OI .... o.il w ~w -

Law ealorcemeot autboriUee •9 .. 4'9 ' ............. . Et.Ciijcb man need Illa tuieab throueh, the U.S. 8Qrdtt P.uol cheffPdlbt ln san Oldre tlile­day, leadlnl pursuiJll oftlren OG a 45-mile, hi&h-s))Md cbue up the San Diego Freeway.

Arthur Dillon Moore, 27, a driver for the Seaport Cab Co. in El Cajon, railed to stop at the checkpoint al about 9 a .m. and led law .enforcement authorities on a chase that ended In his ar­res t in Anaheim, a border patrol spokesman said.

Moore was the only occupant in the cab, and wasn 't transport­ing Mexican nationals, accord· ing to the spokes man . Arter his a rrest , two knives and a hatchet were found in the cab, Irvine police said.

During the chase, a Newport Beach motorcycle officer suf­r e r e d minor inju ries when Moore allegedJy veered his cab into the pursuing offi cer , caus­ing him lo lose control or his cy­cle and fall lo the pavement .

The border patrol spokesman said motor officer Jim Coe was on his way to work from his home in Mission Viejo when he joined in the chase of the red taxi that was headed north on the freeway near El Toro Road.

Coe, 32, reportedly drove up next lo the Oeeing taxi before he

(See CAB, Page AZ>

9"FlL PLAY ICllA88li WHlli J URY DELIBERATES C.... 9urnea .... Ndonal Enqull., wtth doffar elgn

Carol Burnett 'sure' she lVill win suit By FREDEIUCKSCHOEMEHL


LOS ANGELES Clearly con· fident of victory , comedienne Ca rol Burnell says she' ll wait out

Legion Post due

par ty in Laguna Me mbers or American· Legion

Post 222 in Laguna Beach will celebrate the S4th anniversary or the local group with a potluck din· ner Thursday.

Social hour begi ns at 6 p.m .. followed by dinner and a talk by retired Veterans Administration e xecutiveO.W. Price.

For reservations to the dinner which will be held at the Veterans Me morial Community Center on Legion St r ee t , ca ll Myrtl e Tauberson at494-4895.

the verdict in her $10 million libel action against the NationaJ En~ quirerplayingScrabble. I

The l l ·member jury continued deli berations in earnest today. It received the case Monday after­noon after hearing final a rgu· ments anti exhaustive closing statements.

Miss Burnett said she was hap· py she was able to get the En· quirer into the courtroom.

She said she believes she will have won a " moral victory" re­ga rdless of the decision returned by the jury.

" They didn't have the ri ght to do what they did , .. Miss Burnett co m mented , referring to the March 2, 1976 gossip column ac· count that said s he s pilled wine on a patron and became involved in an argument with former U.S. Sec retary or State Henry Kiss· inge r al the Rive Gauche, a

<See LIBEL, Page AZ>

J11ry spares m11rderer Slayer of CdM man gets life in prison

................ AY09De a.ATM NNALTY


CMwtP11d ...... K ...

Case in doubt WASHINGTON <AP) - 'lbe

Supreme Court h .. t\lmtd away a cballente .,aintt the countl.a& of m.,.1 aliens in the lllO cenau.a.

By DAVID KUTZMANN Of UM oau, ruet su11

The life of convicted murderer Jobn Alan Keilb of Sa n Clemente apparently has been spared because an Orange Coun­ty Superior Court jury fell one vote abort of sentencing him to death.

After more than a week of de· liberation.a, the jury or s ix men a n d six women told Judge Donald A. McCartln Monday that U wu deadlocked 11-1 ln favor of recommendin• that Keith, 23. dJe ln the California 1u eba.mM1'.

A "nentmous Jury vote la 're· quired J.n ~rlmlnal pfOC49dl.np.

lftc.rtin tMa ordered a mil­trtal, automaUcalb 1llvtn1 tbe CODvkteci dQer ol CoroDa del If ar rul eatate a1nt Ruben If a~,-~1 _Ille lmprlaOllllMllt wltbcMlt~.

PrOleeutor Dave CarteT, who bad arped for lmpo1lUon of the death MDtnce, conceded that the provlalona of a alnce ­amended capital punl1bment law only allowed him one. op. portunlty to try Keltb In the

pe nalty phase of his murder trial.

Keith participated in the mutilaUon slaying or Martinez in August 1978 .. three months before voters In California ap­proved the so-ca ll ed Briges Amendme nt , whi c h allowed prosecutors lo retry defendanfs a second anct sometimes third lime on death penalty alleaa­tions.

The older law. in effect when the kUllng occurred, allowed on· ly one such opportunity.

Nevertheless, McCartJn said he would allow Carter to arsue tor• new penalty trial on May 5, when formal sentencin1 ls 1

scheduled. Keith am lied when the Jury,

described u bein& frustrated at not reachln1 a verdict, an­nounced its impaue.

It wu the second Ume juron had told McCarfln they were " hopetua.ly deadlocked ." ,._e rirat Ume Wll last Thunda7 when the Judie ordered at leaat one cpore day of deUberaUooa on Monday.

Tbe 111ne Juron had convict· <See LU'E, Pace Al)

' ..........

And while hla new friends had their suapiciona about OeGreve'• tales, they did not find out that his real life adven­tures were even more bizarre until his arrest in July al the Skyline Drive address.

He apparently had left wives in at lea.st a half dozen states, and reportedly had served several terms in federal prisons.

He was part owner or a <See DeGREVE, Page AZ>

Tear gas penalty slated

By J ERRY CLAUSEN Of IM 0.ilf ~lie« I Utt

Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates displayed a pasteboard box filled with confiscated tear gas canisters Monday and an­n ounced a c rackdown on pa ssenger s ca rr yi n• the weapons into commerciar flight boarding areas at J ohn• Wayne Airport.

Such canisters, he said, are i ll egal a board comme rcial flights whether or not lbe car­rier has a license or certificate to carry them.

Deputies working out of the airport security office confront­ed 133 people, mostly women, ca rrying the self-defense can­iste r s between Marc h 2 and last Sunday, he said.

·'Simply entering the secured boa rding area with a canister on your person is considered in· tent to board," he warned.

Of lho8e penons cauJ(bl with a canister over the 20-day period lo March, Gates said, 78 bad perJiits and 57 didn't .

Tlloae holding permlta were offered the option of giving. up their gas and boarding com· mercial aircraft or not Oylnf, he said .

Passengers without permits who were caught with tbe can­isters were Issued citatiom, be s aid , and their gas taken from them.

Gates s~id tear gas aboard commercial aircraft is governed by both stale and federal law to prevent hijatkings and possible leaking containers that could af. feet the ai r c r a ft ve ntilation system.

It is illegaJ, he added, to put such a canister aboard in lug­gage because of possible leak problems.

FederaJ law, he said , provides that gas carriers can be fined up to $25,000 or be imprisoned if it is determined that criminaJ in· lent is involved.

Carrying the gas aboard a com me rc ial airline r without crimina l intent can res ult in fines up to $10,000, he added.

..We don't feel there is Intent on the part or most people . . . , " he s aid . " But their forgetfulness or lack of accurate o r complete knowledge about carylng the tear gas doesn't ex­cuse them."

Gates said most or the can· ister s are detected by metal de· tectors at John Wayne . Although most are a pla.st ic substance, some parts are metal.

Others , at was noted, have been spotted with X·ray equip­ment in purses and hand carried baggage.

Gates said his office is trytn1 to contact the various organiza· lions certifying and trainin& peo­ple to carry the small defensive weapons.

OlllGI CUil 1111111 Increasing cloudiness

tonight. Variable cloudi· ness and cooler Wednes­day. Hlgbl ~ lo 72. Lows tonight 50 to 55.

llllDI TIDAi HonohdM' • mMrdcr rote

n>f• • .• psrcnt ... Ow Ii'" dz "'°""" of IMO. Rape IMlt MP 7t. 7 ptn:ftl. A.nrooatd °''°""' 10lftt..,, 22.7 Pf"""I. See P9A7.



Ylll 11111111 MllY Ml O llANG E CO U N T'f I .Allf Of1N 1A 25 C ENT S

Flamboyant fugitive dies in Florida · By STEVE MITCHELL

Of IM INilf ~lltltlt.tft

Herbert A. DeGreve, a Florida tuclUve who waa arrested last summer ln bls hillside Lacuna Beach hideout, bas died of a rare disease, leaving behind al least six wives and a mystery as to the whereabouts of $3 .6 million.

OeGreve, who raced more than 100 criminal counts stem­ming from the alleged em~de-

ment of funds from h.ls former F lorida employers, died March 11 at the ace ot 58 at the Florida state hospital at Chattahoochee.

Docton said be suffered from a rare degenerative allcent ol the central nervous system. His body was cremated last week.

Known to the General Foods Corp . in Winter Haven, Fla. as " Michael O'Shea," DeGreve bad been working as a $23,000 a year

accountant at the firm's citrus processing plant.

But when company officials told him 13 months a10 they were &oi.ni to audit bla boob, OeGreve fled to Callfornia, leav­ing a wife and two IODI.

In Latuna Beach, he assumed the name Sean Casey O' Rourke, the first two names apparently borrowed from his two sons in Florida.

While llvin1 oo Skyline Drive

in Lacuna Beach, DeGreve met a real estate agent who belirlended him and introduced bhn to a female acquaintance.

And while FBI a1ents sought the accountant, who allegedly took $3.6 million from the firm, OeGreve was regaling hls new friends in Laguna Beach with In· credible tales.

Among the stories related t>y the fulitive:

- His wife had died just three months before.

- He was a former FBI agent. - As a novelist , he had

penned a half dozen adventure books bAJed on his experiences in the FBI.

- His latest book, " Eurasian Girl ," was about to be made into a movie.

- He was raised in an or­phanage with fi ction writer Harold Robbins.

Draft proposed All-volunteer force failure?

WASHINGTON <AP > - Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C .. has in· troduced legis lation to reinstate the military drart, saying the all­volunteer approach not only bas failed t-0 muster enough troops but discriminates against minorities and the poor.

Al so Hollings' bill would establish a draft with severely limited deferments and exemp­tions . Young men aged 18 to 22 would be required to serve nine months of active service for basic

training, possibly followed by re · serve duty.

Without a draft, Hollings said Monday, "our nation's defense burden would rest with the poor, the black and the d isadvantaged for years to come."

H e added : " Almost one­quarter of all new recruits are black double their proportion in the population. The num ber or other minorities . especially His· panics, is growing. And . more than a racial problem, it is a class

Dome run! Copter Little League ace

When your baseb~U field is sopping wet a nd the Little League season begins the next morning, it 's nice lo have a helicopter pilot with a kid on a team .

The b~ebaU ••YD" bNu rut weekend in Laguna Beadi', but Little Leagu e officials feared sloppy condlllons at Rld­dl• Field might dampen spirits for the first game.

" The field was a lake from the r ecent rain," one city official said , hinting the catcher might have had to wear a djver's mask if It were not for J im Baldwin ..

Baldwin uses a helicopter in his contracting business, and late last week he agreed to hov­er over the baseball diamond in an attempt to blow the waler off the field.

John Brown, president of the Laguna Beach Little League, contacted city offi cials and r e­ceived permission for Baldwin lo hover just yards above the field .

The city even provided police for crowd co ntrol , and fi r e engines for safety late Friday wh en the chopper arrived to blow dry the fi eld.

Baldwin 's copte r hove r ed bet ween 4 and 5 feet off the ground for 45 minutes as resi­dents in nearby homes e merged to watch the spectacle.

" We didn ' t get any com -

Blood Alley • warnings


Of Ille 0.llf " 11•1 Sult Huntington Beach Police Chief

Earle Robitaille wants to put up signs that warn motorists they are entering a dangerous s tretch of Pacific Coast Highway at their own peril.

Robitaille said a 2-mile section or coastal highway from Beach Boulevard to the Santa Ana River has been dubbed " Blood Alley," or "Collision Corridor, " by many of hJs police officers.

There have been 16 people killed and others " maimed" in accidents there over the past five years, he saict.

Most of the accidents are caus~ by a combination of COD· ditions including poor lighting, no raised median divider , crowded parking on both s ides of Pacific Coast Highway and a 55-miles-per-hour speed limit, the chief said.

Robitaille said his recommen­dallon to pul up sl111s aJso ls in­tended to " put some heat" on Caltrans offlcials to speed up

• proposed improvements on Pacific Cout Highway.

Caltrans officlala have pro· poaed fut~ wtdeninc and lm­provlna conditions oo Pacllic Coast Hiahway from Golden Weal Street to Newport Boulevard. Conltrudlon la Ht to

(See BLOOD, Pase AJ)

f J

plaints." one city official said to­day.

And certainly none from the Little Leaguers , who began playing oo the dry field early Saturday.

• Army captain revived

from death TRUTH OR CO N ­

SEQUENCES, N.M. CAP ) - An Army c aptain initially pro ­nounced dead alter being puJJed from the chilly waters of a New Me xico lake has been revived, and a uthorities credit a technique that utilizes the body's natural re­action lo cold with sa ving his lire.

Capt. Ron Butterman was Ust­ed on the " very seriously ill " list today at William Beaumont Hospital at Fort BUss, Texas, ac­cording to hospital spokesman , Capt. Jim Goodwin.

Medical authorities said But term an had little or no heart beat for about 45 minutes after he was found floating on the surface of Elephant Butte Lake near Truth or Consequences, N.M., on Satur­day .

Sierra County Deputy Sheriff Tim Zagorski credited the revival of the 28-year-old Fort Bliss of· fi~r to the life-saving technique ca lie d the cold water near­drownlng process, which takes advantage of the human body's reaction to cold.

A sudden change in the tem­perature on the forehead triggers the mammalian dive reflex, Zagorski said Monday.

" It reduces the body's oxygen need by about half and allows ox­ygen to be distributed mainly to the heart, lung1 and brain and forget about· the outer ex­tremities ."

When someone becomes a cold water near-drowning victim, the deputy said , cardiopulmonar)' re­suscitation must be administ'ered as soon as his forehead ls lifted from the water. The victim must then be administered heated, humidified oq-cen tO beat up the heart to a temperature as close to normal as poaaible. Then the heart ls admini.aterea electric shock to get it started.

Laguna High breakf a&t due

The 11th annual pancake breakfast to raise money for La1una Beac h High School athletic, band and pep procram. will be held Saturday from 6: 30 to 10:30a.m .

The annual breakfast la sponaored by Tbe Cottate Restaurant and Nolan Beal Estate, with proceeds 1otnc to ttte Boosteractub.

Coat of the feed la $2.SO per person and can be purchued at the blp school cafeteria door Saturdaymomln1. .

problem. For even the white recruits a re drawn from the poorer and less educated seg­m entsof society ."

In addition, he said, armed forces recruiting fell short or re­quirements by about 23,000 in 1979. He said the Army missed its target by 17,000, the Air Force by 1,500 and the Navy by 4,500. The Marine Corps met its objective only because it took a cut in

<See DRAFT, Page AZ>

Cops win long race with cab

By JOHN NEEDHAM Ol .. Oeit•--

Law ealorcemeat autboritl• !9' ..... 41'9 ......... ,..,_ El CiijGD man raced hit taJdnb th~ U.S. Bord~ P.irol cbet.t ln S81l08dll"e'IRil· day, teadinc pu.matq ~on a 45-mlle, blah-speed ehne up the San Diego Freeway.

Arthur Dillon Moore, 27, a driver for the Seaport Cab Co. in El Cajon, railed to stop at the checkpoint at about 9 a .m. and led law .enforcement authorities on a chase that ended in his a.r­rest in Anaheim, a border patrol spokesman said .

Moore was the only occupant in the cab, and wasn't transport­ing Mexican nationals, accord­ing to the spokesman . Arter his arrest, two ltnives and a hatchet were found in the cab. Irvine police said.

During the chase, a Newport Beach motorcycle officer suf­fe r e d minor injuries when Moore allegedly veered his cab into the pursuing officer. caus · ing him to lose control of his cy. cle and faU to the pavement.

The border patrol spokesman said motor officer Jim Coe was on his way to work from his home in Mission Viejo when he joined in the chase of the red taxi that was headed north on the freeway near El Toro Road.

Coe, 32, reportedly drove up next to the fleeing taxi before he

<See C~B, Page AZ)

9HE't.l. PLAY SCflABR.E WHILE JURY DELIBERATES C... Bumea .... Ndoftet Enqw.r wtth dollar elgn

Carol Burnett 'sure' she -will win suit By Fa ED ERICK SCRO EM EHL

OllMO•llr ,.11 .. su tf

LOS ANGELES Clearly con fident of victory. comedienne Carol Burnett s ays she' ll wa it out

Legion Post due

party in Laguna Me mbers of American· Legion

Post 222 in Laguna Beach will celebrate the S4th anniversary of the local group with a potluck din· ner Thursday.

Social hour begins at 6 p.m., followed by dinner and a talk by retired Veterans Administration executiveO. W. Price.

For reservations to the dinner which will be held at the Veterans Me morial Community Center on Leg ion St r eet. ca ll Myrli e Tauberson at494·4895.

the verdict in her SlO million libel action against the National En­quirerplayingScr abble. I

The 11-member jury continued deli berations in earnest today. It received the case Monday after­noon alter hearing rinal argu­ments and exhaustive closing statements.

Miss Burnett said she was hap­py she was able to get the En · quirerintothecourtroom.

She said she believes she will have won a " moral victory" re· gardless of the decis ion returned by the jury.

" They didn 't have the right to do what they did," Miss Burnett commented. referring to the March 2, 1976 gossip column ac· count that said she spilled wine on a patron and became involved in an argument with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kiss­inger at the Ri ve Gauche , a

<See LIBEL, Page AZ)

J11ry spares murderer Slayer of CdM man gets life in prison

....., """' ..... ,.... AVOIDI DMTH NNALTY

CP11f1•1ll Idler K ...

Cue in doubt WASHINGTON (AP) - The

SupretM Court bu turned away a cba.Ueqe acalut the countlq ol lllesat allena in the 1990 cenaua. ·


By DAVID KUTZMANN Of tlM Oallr ,. .... Si.It

The life of convicted murderer John Al a n K eit h of San Clemente apparenUy has been spared because an Orange Coun­t)' Superior Court jury fell one vote abort of sentencing him to death.

Alter more than a week of de­llberaUons, the jury of six men and six women told Judie Donald A. Mccartin Monday that U waa deadlocked 11-1 in favor of recommendinc that Keith, 23, die lb the California fUcbamber.

A uunlmout Jury vote la r• ~ht crtnlinal proceedlnp.

llc0u1in then OJ'd,HJCI a .mla· trlal, 1utomatlcalt7 Pvinl the eo11vlewd •layer of Corona det Kar real estate qeat Rubeo 11~,-~1_ W• lmpriloement ••U.O. INUVl9· P~ Dave Carter, who

bad arped for lmpoaltloa of the death eentenee, conceded that the provl1Jod1 of a 1lnee· amended capltal punishment law only allowed l\lm one op­portunJty to try Keltb in t.he

penalty phase of his murder trial.

Ke ith participated in the mutilation s laying of Martinez in August 1978 ... three months before voters in California ap­proved the so -ca ll ed Briggs Amendment , which a llowed prosecutors to retry defendants a second anct sometimes third time on death penally allega­tions .

The older law. in erfect when the killing occurred, aUowed oa· ly one such opportunJty.

Nevertheless, McCartin said he would allow Carter to aJ'IU• for a new Pftl&lty trial on May 5, when formal sentencinl ia 1 scheduled.

Keith smiled when the .Jury 1 described as beJng frustrated at not reachtn1 a verdict , an­nounced lts impaaae.

It w.- the second Ume Juron bad told Mccartin they were ''hopeleaal3 deadlocked .'' Tlie llrst time waa last Thurtda7 when the Judie ordered at leaat oae QM)fe day of deUberaUona on Monda)'.

The ume Juron had coavlct­(8ee Uf"E, Pa1e Al)

' 1 e il • ........ e t ~ ..................... ~--· -.... ..... __ ..... _______ ,_.., ..... ~.~·--·=--...... --------------...... ------ -

And while his new friends had their suspicions about DeGreve's tales, they did not find out that his real life adven­tures were even more bizarre until bis arres t in July at the Skyline Drive address.

He apparenlly bad left wives in at least a half dozen slates, and reportedJy had served several terms in federal priaoo.a.

He was part owner of a <See DeGREVE, Page AZ)

Tear gas penalty slated

By JERRY CLAlJSEN Of llM O• lly ,., ... lt.tH

Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates displayed a pasteboard box filled with confiscated tear gas canisters Monday and an· nounced a c rackdown on pa ssengers ca rryin., th e weapons into commerciaf flight boarding areas at John•Wayne Airport.

Such canisters, he said , are illegal a boa rd co mmercial flights whether or not the car­rie r has a license or certificate to carry them.

Deputies working out of the airport security office confront­ed 133 people, mostly women, ca rrying the self-defense can­is ters between March 2 and las t Sunday, he said.

" Simply entering the secured boarding area with a canister on your person is considered in­tent to board," he warned.

Of those persons cauJ{ht with a canister over the 20-dar perlod in March, Gates said , 78 bad per111ita and S1 clidn ' t .

Tla.e holdlne permits were offered the option of giving u:p their gas and boarding com­mercial aircraft. or not fiylne . he said .

Passengers without permits who were caught with the can­isters were issued citations, be said, and their gas taken from them.

Gates s,aid tear gas aboard commercial aircraft is governed by both slate and rederal law to prevent hijatkings and possible leaking containers that could af­fect the aircraft ventilation system.

It is illegal , he added, to put such a canister aboard in lug­gage because of possible leak problems.

Federal law , he said, provides that gas carriers can be fined up to $25,000 or be imprisoned if it is determined that criminal in· tent is involved.

Carrying the gas aboard a commercial a irline r without c riminal inte nt can result in fines up to $10,000, he added.

" We don 't feel there is intent o n lhe part of mos t people . .. ," he s aid . " But their forgetfulness or lack of accurate or complete knowledge about carying the tear gas doesn' t ex­cuse them."

Gates said most of the can­isters are detected by metal de· teclors at John Wayne . Although most are a plastic substance, som e parts are metal.

Others, 1t was noted , have been spotted wllb x-ray equip­ment in purses and hand carried baggage.

Gates said his office is tryin1 Lo contact the various organiu­tions certifying and tralnin1 peo. pie to carry the small defensive weapons.

ORAIGI CUil llATlll Increasing cloudiness

tonight. Variable cloudi­ness and cooler Wednes­day. Highs 65 to 72. Lows tonight 50 to 55.

111181 TIDAi Honolulu'• murdu rote ro•• to.I J)n'CeN a. '"- /Wit

.U montlu of IM>. Rope IHltt up 7t.7 pm:nt. Aggrocioled a.IOldtl IOlftt up n .7 pn'Cftt. SuP•A1.


SACRAMENTO CAP> - 'nle Coaatal Comml11lon'1 bud1et has survived ill nnt Lat but there may be Hr1ou1 trouble ahead for CallfornJa '1 hlltorlc coastal pl"CMetlon acl.

, A potenUally bottJle S.ate flnand 1u~lttee lfoaclay approved a M. 7 mlWon buqet for fiscal 1981-82 after eUminat· lng $100,000 in contract funda.

JI the action 11 allowed to stand, the bud.et would drop 3.f percent from the prevloua year instead of 2.2 percent, as pro- ·

posed by Gov. BdmUnd . ...._ Jr. /

Comml•&oa Exee..Uwt Drie­tor MteUel ~r Hid It tould weaUMr tbe cut, "but I cannot ... y ltwW be•a11."

Bid tbil coaam•llion dd tbe 1tate'1 5-year-otd coa1tal pf'Otec. tlon act face more eerlou1 cballel\C• Ulll year.

lleuures have been ln · troduced to modify or overturn tbe act, which re1trtcta develop· ment alon1 c-.Ufornla '1 1,100· mile coutline. and half the com·


DRAFT PROPOSED. • • au tborlzed stren1th. Hollings said .

Under the present system, he said , the armed services cannot " foresee having the technicians . . . to fight any real war of length.

Bank shuts after day of capers

GAINESVILLE, Fla . CAP) -First there was a tearful, diabetic robber who waited for police in the bank lobby . Then there was a gunman who fled with cash but left a bouquet of roses behind.

And with that , the Great American Bank closed for the day .

It all h pened Monday. of· ficials . beginning at noon whe n unarmed man de-ma ed cash from a teller, ask d her to call police and sat down to await officers.

Police " had no choice" but to arrest the man , who took an un­d isclosed amount of cash , said Lt. Don Dean . James A. Wilcox, 40 , of Ga inesvi lle . was held pending a bond hearing today.

According to police, the man gave them the money and said he wanted to go to jail for the reg· ular meals and medical care he cou ldn't afford himself.

Investigators said he broke in­to tears and told them he had " no alternative '· but to get himself arrested so he could get the care he r eq uires as a

· diabetic. They said Wilcox produced

several letters of reference from previous e mploy ers who desc ribed him as a " hard worker' · whose need for fre ­quent hospitalization prevented him from holding a r egular JOb

" He said that a ll his attempts to gain help through regular channels had failed ," Dean said . " He was crying about it , but said this was the only way he could think of to get help."

Wilcox told the officers he hadn 't eaten or taken insulin for I wo days He was fed at the county jail.

The second robber posed as a flori s t 's delivery man , using a bouquet of roses to get into the bank 's drive up teller booth , police said

Fr•• Pflfl~ AJ

CAB ... lost control and skidded on the pave ment for about 410 feet.

Coe was taken to Mission Community Hospital in Mission Viejo, where he was treated for cuts and abrasions and then re· leased.

The chase, wh ich involved units of the U.S. Border Patrol, the California Highway Patrol, Orange County Sheriff's, Anaheim police and Irvine police, finally ended at a self. service gas station at Ball Road and Harbor Boulevard In Anaheim.

The spokesman said the cab blew a rear tire and left the fre eway on the Harbor Boulevard exit . Moore was taken into custody a fter a strut· gle with Irvine police officers .

Moore was arrested on auspi· cion of assault with a deadly weapon (his cab) and evading arrest. He didn' t threaten ar· resting officers with the knives or hatchet found in his cab. Irvine police said.


" Although they are gimmick· ing figures to say lbey are gettlnc them, they are not," he told a news conference.

Hollings' bill would reinstitute the draft authority that Coneress repealed in 1973 at the request of President Nixon.

Holling said he chose not to ap­ply the draft to women, ·• although personally I think it s hould be across the board," because the ls· sue is being debated by the public and the courts. The U.S. Supreme Court beard arguments today on the constitutionality of the exist· ing draft registration law, which is limited to men .

Deferments and exemptions under Hollings• proposal would be limited to those on active duty, in the reserves or in advanced ROTC study ; surviving sons or brothers of those killed in war or missing in action ; conscientious object.ors and ministers ; doctors and others in vital health pro­fessions , and judges of courts of record and elected officials . Limited deferments also would be granted to students.

Those in high school could be deferred until they graduate, but in no case beyond age 20. Those in college cou.1d continue studying until the end or the semester or. if in their senior year. until the end or the school year.

The Senate Armed Services Committee, which will handle the bill, is dominated by Western and Southern conservatives who tend to favor a return of the draft.

President Reagan and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger have said they prefer an all· volunteer armed forces , but Weinberger bas said a draft would be considered if increasing pay and other inducements do not produceenougb volunteers.

KKK violence

report sought MERIDEN, Conn. ( AP) -

Gov . Bill O'Neill has ordered a full report on last weekend's violence at a Ku Klux Klan rally in the wake or new allegations about the state police's failure to come to the aid of local police.

A dispute has arisen over the account given by state police or­f i c i a Is on why troopers marshaled near downtown Meriden were not pressed into service.

Leaders of the union representing state police officers suggested Monday that - con­trary to claims by their com­m anders - undercover troopers in the volatile c rowd believed troopers were needed

Fr .. P.,.e AJ

DeGREVE. • thoroughbred mare, half owner or a shopping mall , had prop· erties in Florida, Te xas and North Carolina. and had alle1ed· ly loaned $1 .2 million to friend.a .

Officials in Florida said all criminal charges a1atna t DeGreve have been dropped u a result of his death.

But federal inveat11at-0ra are still targeting bank account. and personal property in an attempt to recoup at lea.st part of the s:u milllon taken from the cltrut firm .

Executive quits SECAUC\JS, N .J . <APJ

Emerson Radio Corp. 'a vice pres· ident for Wat Coast operaUona baa re1l1necf over "Ir · re1ularitie1" in cuatomer ac· count.I.

Daily Piiat MAINOfACe

Thomas P. Hai.y "'*'"'* Rober1 N. Weed ........... M. Thoma• KMYll ..... Thoma• A. Murphlne ........... -Char ... H. LOOI "_..,,.....,_ t:,'%d Schulman

~~n Ktnneth N. Goddard Jr ~oi.-


U1 WHI .. , St., C.C. Mew, CA, M•ll .-..: ... IMO, C•la Mew, CA. '3t»


• ..._., ..... wUI be up for .,. ... ....,.,.,. Pro-.,._.. ,_ces are PNM·

i•I for appointment of pro· development tom m lsslonera, and the eavlronmentallat.s fear tllat lbe Lt1l1lature•a new S.aden may be wUltn1 to If ve develODtn what they want.

The 1lx aeata are held by dei· egatea of retional commissions . Because the regional com­ml11Jdaa 10 out of ex.iatence July 1, tboee seats will be vacant.

To OU the vac-ancies, the gov.

eraor. A.1Mmfil1 1peatn Md S.aat.e Rul ... Committee wW eada Hlee& two 8eW n•• mlutanen from amoe, l«tJ ol· flciala nominated by co11tal dt:IH and counties,

In addiUon, Allembb' Speaker Wiiiie Brown, D·San t'ranct.c:o, bu a seventh vacancy to fW.

Kirk Neuner, a lobbyl1t for the Sierra Club, H)'S developen and en vlrontnentalista ' have about equal support on the state com· mi11lQO now. The upc:omlnl ap­pointments ·•could drasticaUy

•u.eiMt.'' beqy1. .10Mlllli 11~mettl, bead ol

tlM·cilllalnia Co11tal Cou.acil, a 1roap of coutal property ownen who want to aboliSh the commJ111on, boaata that the eomml11lon'1 daya are num· bered.

Gu1hen.ettl uld the Rules Committee's removal thla year of two commissioners with 1tron1 environmental bacldn1 waa .. the be1lnning of the crumbllnl of tbe Coastal Com· mission.

" It atart.s with heads rollln& and then the animal will be taken apart. " be said.

Sen . Robert Pre aley , chairman of the three-member 1ubcommtttH, propo1ed the fl00,000 cut I.a eoetract fundl alter quntlonlns some item5 In the contract bud1et. He said the commlHlon could decide how to distribute the reduction.

Sen. Dan Boatwright , D· Concord, supported the cut. The third s ubcommittee member, Sen. John Briggs, was abseot.

F,....Pqe Al . LIBEL VICTORY SEEN. • • WasbiqtooD.C. restaurant.

· ·I am a polite person . I doo 't go around swinging from cban· deliers," Miss Burnett said as she stepped to a waiting limousine minutes after the jury received the case.

The comedienne said she'll oc· cupy the time awamng a verdict playing Scrabble on a pocket­sized version of the game.

Attorney Ed Bronson asked the jury to award Miss Burnett $1.5

. millioninpunitivedamages . That amount, he said, would be equal to the publication's projected net in­come for one year.

Jurors were instructed they may grant a monetary award of any amount if they find the publication acted with malice in publishing the story . Bronson in· sisted the periodical had acted with malice and a reckless dis · regardforthe,!ruth.

plicit and unequivocal'" to rule in Mias Bumett's favor .

Only 11 jurors heard the end or the case, following dismissal of several regular and alternate members of the panel who saw Johnny Carson berate the En· quirer on his television show midway through the tria 1.

Fre•P .. eAJ

BLOOD ... begin in 1986 , according to Ca ltransofficial s .

Robitaille compla ins that •' another 16 people could be killed" in the next fi ve years if the highway isn 't improved.

Eureka, we want it """'W..- But Enquirer attorney William Masterson claimed the periodical ' s staff behaved responsibly, and made several at­tempts to determine the veracity or the reoorts about events at the Rive Gauche.

" If we are unable to get the cons truction dates moved up, we should insist that raised median dividers be installed to reduce the death toll as much as possi · ble during the intervening pe riod, " s aid Robitaille in a memo to city Admin ist rator Charles Thompson.

The Assembly Rules Committee, meeting in Sacramento Monday, asked officials of Harrah 's automobile coll~ction in Sparks, Nev. , to return a 19th century wood replica of California's official state seal. This is a copy of the wooden seal now housed in the Harrah 's museum .

·· I challenge anyone to come up with a shred of evidence the En­quirer had any intent to injure Miss Burnett, " Materson said .

" It 's a nast y pie ce of highway." the chief said today " One of the worst. It's our duty to warn motorists that they are enter ing that section or road at their own peril. Soviet spy charge

probed by Britons

And he said the wording of the article did not leave the im· pression the comedienne was in· toxicated at the Rive Gauche.

" Nowhere in the item does it say that she was drunk , tipsy. feeling no pain , fractured , wast­ed, smashed or any of the uni· versa) words that a re present in the English language to s ay that someone has overimbibed ," Masterson declared .

" Whenever an officer gets a call for an accident on that sec ti on or highway. he knows it 's going to be a humdinger ," Robitaille said

LONDON (AP > - Officials made a hurried investigation to­day into charges thata Labor gov-· ernment in 1974 covered up an in· quiry report supporting allega­tions that former counter·intelligence chief Sir Roger Hollis was a Soviet spy.

Prime Ministe r Margaret Thatcher ordered the investiga. Uon after Chapman Pincher, the defense correspondent of the Lon­don Daily Mail , wrote Monday in the Conservative paper that Hollis. the director.general from 1956 to 1965 of M 15, the counter· intelligence service, may have bee n Britain' s " most damaging spy in history ." Hollis died in 1973.

Pincher said Hollis was in ­vestigated secretly in 1970 and during a 48-hour interrogation " never cracked ." But the cor­respondent wrote that in 1974, a year after Hollis died , a former secretary to the Ca binet, Lord Trend, made another secret in­vestigation and concluded he was a '' likelysuspect" whose answers during his long interrogation were " unconvincing ."

Prime Minister Harold Wilson headed a Labor government at the time of Trend's report.

Mrs. Thatcher ordered a report on Britain's latest spy scandal to be waiting for her when she re ­turned tonight from a summit conference of the European Economic Co mmunity in Holland . She was expected to make a statement on the matter in the House or Com mons oo Thursday.

•' It seems like yet another cov· er-up by the Establishmen~." Dennis Canavan of the opposition Labor Party told Commons on Monday night.

One o f Mr s . Thatcher ' s Conservatives, Antony Buck, called for an inquiry by members of the Privy Council or a High Court judge empowered to sub· poem a witnesses and documents.

Lord Trend refused tb com­ment. George Young , retired dep-


uty director of M16, the Britis h intelligence agency, said Pincher's claims were " all sup­position" and contained " very lit· tie basic fact ."

But one of Hollis · best friends , Anthony Courtney. said the coun­ter-intelligence chief was an ob· vious target for blackmail because he wu having a secret affair with his secretary, Edith Hammond.

''It was a stupid s ituation which the security people should never have allowed," said Courtney, a former Conservative member of Parliament who lost his seat after a Soviet s mear campaign against him

Mas t e rson implied in hi s analysis that a verdict against the Enquirer could have a chilling ef­fectonthepublic 's right to know.

" The right to know what?" de· manded ~son in bis response to Muterson's claim. He said the Enquirer bas a policy of printing " unflattering articles" about prominent persons without re· gard for the truth.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Peter Smith, who presided over the case, s aid the jury must find the evidence a~ainst the Enquirer "clear. ex ·


Law to halt

sex business LOS ANGELES (AP> - The

Los Angeles City Council unan· imously has approved a tough law to stop the proliferation of adult-oriented businesses . such as bookstores. dance halls , arcades, sexual ·encounler groups and massage parlors.

The ordinance, passed Mon day on an emergency bas is , will go into effect as soon as 1t 1s si~ned by Mayor Tom Bradley

LIFE SENTENCE FOR COAST KILLER. • • ed Keith of first·degree murder , robbery and burglary in late February. Those deliberations lasted only a day and a half.

Defense lawyer James Merwin of Laguna Hills said he was " satisfied" with Monday 's outcome and felt jurors had been " very conscientious ."

Juror Chris Martin said, " It's nice to be over. We hashed it out for quite a while . Opinions changed and we brought out a lot of things that needed to be

brought out. ' ' or the lone holdout, identified

by attorneys as juror Gene Alderson of Santa Ana , Marlin said , " He had his reasons and we respected him for it."

Alderson declined to comment to reporters.

During his trial. Keith ad­mitted he bludgeoned and later partially decapitated Martinez in the bedroom of Martinez' home.

Keith and a companion, An·

thony David Bies , 20, of Dana Point. had met the victim in a Laguna Beach gay bar. Carter contend ed the pair went to Martinez' home with the intent to rob him.

Bies was convicted or first­degree murder in a sepa~ate trial. Because he was a mmor when the killing occurred, Bies could be sent to the California Youth Authority. Currently, he is undergoing diagnostic s tudies at the men 's prison in Chino.

A diamond means a lot to a man.

SLAVICK'S A"' Jtwtlm 51,_ i•m . FHhlon ltl•nd, Newport Center, Newport ~ach. 714/644·1380 Wet4lftlntMf / IApN Hint / MINlon v~ f North Onng• / Tiw City to. Cttrltoe • .,,.. Malk Allo C'"ltt lM AnplH I S.n O..p I Lu V~t U. - o1 S&Hwti' t ~"'-It',..,..°' AftWftl111 r.,..... VISA, Me-. C>wwi• t.4,.,;.~, Firtt I'""" Gw11'

A diamond ­it's impress ive, it's fash ionable, but most o f all, it's fro m you . In 14 karat yellow gold : A. $700. B. $740 C. SS,175


. . .... . _ ......... .. I


- llllWI llllY PINI T u t s DA y MAH c t 1 .' .\ I f ~ 1 Oll AN Gt COU l't I 'f l fl l t ~ OllNIA 25 CENTS

Riley· sees haeklaslt ill ak.port suit Orange County Sth District

Supervisor Thomas Riley bas condemned t.he Newport Beacb City Council for lts decision to sue tbe county over approval of t.he John Wayne Airport master plan.

In a letter delivered Monday to t.he clty, Riley , whose district in· eludes the ai.rport, said the pro· posed lawsuit " further distorts the public understanding of the real benefits that were achieved

through the adoption of · \he master plan." The plan was adopted Feb. 18.

And Riley said the city's pro­posed action lo contest the plan may actually work to the benefit or those who support airport ex· pans ion.

''Your proposed lawsuit bas every possibility of overturning the applecart and cuttlne looee the advocates of airport ex· -

paauioo, and ao J can't uree you sttonllY enough to balance in your own minds the potential of your suit to backlub," RUeysaid.

The lawsuit ._ expected to be filed Thursday In Orange County Superior Court.

Riley said the master plan -which outlines a program by which overall \et ooi11R levels would be decreased - constitutes " a major landmark in the efforts

of local government to control t.be Impacts or an airport on sur­roupclini communities."

Under the plan, noise level.a will be reduced an average of 7.S de~ibels, thus shrinking the size or the high impact noise zone beneath 'the departure airspace from 237to31 acres.

The plan also· outlines a pro· gram by which airport facilities would be improved to handle a

passenger load of 6 l million travelers annually . About 2.5 million passengers passed through lhe airport during 19fKI.

Vnder the plan, the number of pe rmitte d daily airline d e · pa rtures would climb from 41 to 55. Flights could not be added nor could facilities be expanded until noise reductions are achieved.

•'The balance Is overwhelming. ly in your favor ," Riley said " I

Draft proposed All-volunteer force failure?

WASHINGTON ( AP J - Sen Ernest Hollings, D·S.C., has in· troduced legislation to reinstate the military draft, saying the all· volunteer approach not only has fa iled to muster enough troops but discriminates against minorities and the poor.

Also Hollings ' bi ll would establish a draft with severely limited deferments and exemp· lions . Young men aged 18 to 22 would be required to serve nine months of active service for basic

training, possibly followed by re­ser ve duty .

Without a draft, Hollings said Monday, "our nation 's defense burden would rest with the poor, the black and the disadvantaged foryearstocome."

H e a dded : '' Almost one­quarter of all new recruits are black doubletheirproportionin the population . The• number of othe r minorities, especially His· panics , is growing. And , more tha n a racial problem , it is a class

De~ision tonight

No holdup seen on amphitheater By &JCllA&D GREEN

Of - OMly ~let S ...

Irvine City Council's approval or plans for a 10,000·spectator amphitheater seema asaured todl1ht once a tentative •tree· m4'nt insures conce~ won't be held dutlng ru1bt trainlna at a nearby air station.

Representatives of the Irvine M eadow s Amphitheater Partnership and El Toro Marine Corps Air Station expressed con· fidence that such an agreement would be delivered tonight to the City Council.

K o ll Co. Vice President Timothy Strader , a partner in the project to be built at Lion Country Safari , said the schedul· ing pact is agreeable to the am phitheater partnership

Air station spokesman Col. J err y Shelton said the agree· m ent was awaiting formal ap­proval from the office or the Ma rine Corps Commandant in Washington D.C.

Irvine Councilman Larry Agran. who has been the only council member opposing the proj ect . said his concerns would be alleviated by an acceptable agreement between the Marine5 and the theater developers .

Under the tentative agree­m ent, concerts could be can· celed as late as 12 hours before s howtime to accommodate Marine Corps flight t r aining plans, according to developer spokesman Str ader.

El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta· lion is about one and a quarter miles north of the proposed am· phitheater.

Strader added that there isn 't a great business r isk inherent in the tentative agreement. since

(See THEATER, Page AZ)

Mesa backs

condo plan

of 84 units Costa Mesa planning com ·

mlaaioners approved an 84·unit residential condominium project at Vancuard Way aod Newport Boulevard Monday night .

But the developers , Golden Clrcle Development, Joe., must come up with a plan that will cul down notae reachinl thtl 4.S-acre project from traffic along buay Newport Boulevard , com · mlaaloners ordered.

The development - fQur one· bedroom homes and 48 two· bedroom wllt.s - ia propoted for lud recenUy purchased from Southern Calllornia Collefe im· mediately to tbe north.

Developera also received Plannln1 Commi11lon pennlalon to construct 13 small car r,arldq 1pace1 instead ol the 1 ll smaller tlalla allowed by ordinance.

4 •

0.lly P llel""-11

APPROVAL EXPECTED Amphitheater In lrvlne

Water boanl staff aid on homes eyed

The Irvine Ranch Water Dis· tricl will put up money to help employees move into homes in the Irvine area, the d istric t Board or Directors decided Mon· day night.

The board approved by a 4-0 vote ( E Ray Quigley was a bsenll a housing assis tance policy that water district of· ficials say Is unique among public water districts .

The policy provides that in some cases water distri c t employees be helped with :

- The purchase of a new home.

- The sale oft.he old hom"l. House hunting . Final move or household


Wate r District General Man ager Arthur Bruinaton said the policy won' t ultimately coet the district anything but " ad· ministrative costs."

Bruington said the policy would help the water dlatrtct hire good penonnel and insure that key employees would be near water district facilities in time of emergency.

In order to qualify for the help. the employee muat now live more than 40 miles frQJn the water district.

Under the policy' s tenna, the dlatrlcl would aulat new employees or key employes llv· lot more than 40 mlles from the city In the purchase of 1 new home by becomin1 a co-owner ol the rt1ldence. The dlltrict would pay 10 percent of the purchase prtc1. lt would aet Its money back when the home la told or the employee la terminated, Brutntton aald.

problem. For even tbe whtte recruits are drawn from the poorer and less educated seg· meotsofsociety."

ln addition, he said , armed forces recruiting fell short of re· quirements by about 23,000 in 1979. He said the Army missed its target by 17,000, the Air Force by 1,500 and the Navy by 4,500. The Marine Corps met its objective only because it toolt a cut in

(See DRAFT, Page AZ)

NB seeks cash aid for bay

By8TEVEMA&BLE Ot ... .,..,,""" , .. "

.r~tt twQ-"* dqr.,~ Ole Newport BeaCb City CoaadJ

ae~ooday ~:fit:e.$J&QQI) ln 'aoat -~ state all •bo an laoldlllC up a 1rattt needed for U.. Upper Newport Bay cleanup project.

The money councllmeo came up with represents one·thlrd of the amowtt s late orflclals are re· questing.

The counciJ agreed to ask t.he Irvine Company and the county to put up equal shares.

Late last week , the state Legislative Analyst threw a wrench into Newport's $4 million bay cleanup plans by asking the city to come up with $446,000 in matchin1funds.

The city has been given two weeks to come up with the money. If the city is unable to raise the cash . it runs the risk or having to g r ea tl y reduce the proposed cleanup scheme.

" It's a big hassle, " re marked Mayor Jackie Heather, who at­tended last week 's Sacramento sessions when the matching fund request was made.· · but it's worth it . ..

Council members unanimously agreed to seek money from pri­vate businesses and individuals if either lhe Irvine Company or the county refuses to match t.he city' s $148.000.

The city, to date, has been as­sured 1t will get $1 million from the s tale Water Re10urces Board. But beyond that, the funding pie· tu re remains in doubt.

The water board set aside $446,000 it agreed will go to the ci· ty if Newport is able to raise an equal amount in matching funds .

But the biltiest funding snafu (See BAY, Page AZ)

... u. Pl.Av ecue=e. WHILa .fUllY DELIBBRATU c.... •umea..,... NMon.t I....., With doH•r...,.

Carol Burnett 'sllre' she will win suit By FREDElllCKSCHOEMEHL

011 ... Oally P iiot Stall

LOS ANGELES Clearly con· fid ent of vi ctory, comedienne Carol Burnett says she'll wait out the verdict in her $10 million libel action against the National En · quirer playing Scrabble.

The ll·member jury continued cteliberations in earnest today It

Hatfield lo speak

al Newport event Oregon Sen . Mark Hatfield

will be the featured speaker at Newport Beach 's 18th annual Mayor 's Prayer Breakfast, to be held April 6 at the Newpor t Sheraton. . Sen Hatrield, chairman of the sena te appropriations commit· tee and a former Oregon gov· ernor. will discuss Ch ris tian fellowship.

The 7:30 · m . breakfast is open to the community. Tickets are $12. For further information. contact Frank Barce lo na at 833·9~.

received the case Monday after· noon after hearing fin al argu· ments and exhaus tive closing s tatements

Miss Burnett said she was hap­py she was able to get the En.I qui r er into the courtroom .

She said she believes she will have won a " moral victory" re· gardless of the decision returned by the jury.

" They didn 't have lhe right lo do what they did ," Miss Burnett com m ented . referring lo the March 2, 1976 gossip column ac· count that said she spilled wine on a patron and became involved in an argument with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kiss· inger at the Rive Gauche, a Washington D.C. res taurant

" I am a polite person . I don' t go aro und s winging from cha n ­deliers," Miss Burnett said as she s tepped to a waiting limousine minutes after the jury received the case.

T he comedienne said she'll OC· cupy the lime awaiting a verdict playing Scrabble on a pocket· sized version of the gam e .

Attorney Ed Bronson asked the (See LIBEL, Page A%1

Jtiry spares murderer . -Slayer of CdM man gets life in prison

AYOIDI DUTH NNALTY CoMteled ldl9f Kellt

t I I

By DAVID KUTZMANN Ot lite Ollllr f'- Si.ft

The Ute of convicted murderer John Alan K e ith or San Clemente apparently has been spared because an Oranae Coun­ty Superior Court Jury fell one vote short or sentencJn1 hlm to death.

After more tban a week or de· Uberatlou, the Jury of tix men ·and 11" women to1d Judie Donald A. McC•rUn Monday that it wu deadlocked 11-1 ln favor of recommendlnt that Kelt.b, 23, die In the CallJorftla tHchamber.

A unanimous jury vote ls re­quired ln crtmlnal proceed.inia.

McCa.rtln then ordered a m1a· trial, 1ut.omaUcally slvlna the convlc~ 1layer of Corona del II ar real estate 11e11t Ruben )I a~. 401 life imprisonment •ltbout paroJe.

Prosecutor Dave Carter. who had argued for imposition of the death sentence, conceded that th e provlaiona or a since· amended capital punishment law only allowed him one op­portunity to try Keith lo the penalty phase of hia murder trial.

Keith participated ln the muUlat.ion alaYinl of ~hrtlM1 ln Aucuat 1978, three months before voters tn California ap­proved the 1o ·called BrJ111 Amendment, which a llowed proaecuton to retry defencbn.t.s a aecood and aomeUm11 tb.lrd Um• on death penalty .u .... tlons.

The older law, ln etfect when the kllllnl occurred, allowed on· ly one 1uch opportunity.

Nevertbelesa, McCartJn aald be would allow Carter to arsue

(See UFE, Pace AJ)


would think you would want lo be In tbe front ranks of those support· iogthemasler plan."

Riley said In the three·paee letter that he understood one reason Newport Beach wants to pursue legal action la to ul· timately win a court·maodaled mechanism for enforcing pro­vis ions of the master plan. As m alters stand today. nothing

IStt RILEY , Page AZ)

Tear gas penalty slated

By JERRY CLAUSEN Of 1M o.lly Pl .. t Si.ft

Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates displayed a pas teboard box filled with confiscated tear gas canisters Monday and an­nounced a crac kdown on pa sse nger s ca rr y ing the weapons into com mercial flight boarding areas at J ohn Wayne Airport.

Such canisters, he said, are illega l aboard co mmercial flights whether or not the car­rier has a license or certificate lo carry them.

Deputies working out or t.he airport security offi ce confront· ed 133 people, mostly women , carrying the self-defense can· ister s between Marc h 2 and last Sunday , he said.

" Simply entering the secured boarding area with a canister oo your person is considered in­tent to board," he warned.

Of those persons cau~bt wit.h a canister over t.he 20·da~ period in March, Gates said, 78 bad permits and 61 didn't .

Those holding permil.s were offered the option of giving up the.lr gas and boarding corn · mercial aircraft or not Oying, be said .

Passengers without permits who were cau1ht with the can­isters were issued citations, he said , and their gas taken from them .

Gates said tear gas aboard commercial aircraft is governed by both s~ate and federal law to prevent l\ijackings and possible leaking containers that could ar. reel the aircraft ventilation system.

It is illegal , he added, to put such a canister aboard in lug­gage because of possible leak problems.

Federal law, he said, provides that gas carriers can be fined up lo $25,000 or be imprisoned if it is determined t.hat criminal in· lent is involved .

Cnrying the gas aboard a commercia l ai r line r without criminal intent can result in fines up to $10,000, he added.

" We don't feel there is intent on the part of most people . . . , .. he s aid . " But their forgetfulness or lack of accurate or complete knowl edge about carying the tear gas doesn 't ell· cuse them."

Gates said mos t of the can· isters are detected bv metal de· tectors at John Wayne. Although most are a plastic substance, some parts are metal.

Others, 1t was noted, have been spotted with x-ray equip· ment in purses and hand carried baggage.

Gates said hh office is trying to contact t.he various organisa­tions certifying and trainlnc peo. pie to carry the small defensive weapons.

ORllCI ClllT 11111111 locreaslna cloudiness

tonieht. Variable cloudl· neas and cooler Wednes· day . Highs ~ to 72. Lows toniabt SO to SS.

llllDIT•Y Ho11olulu'1 murder rote

rcne ltU ~ DI tPt.e ~,., riz montht of 1tl0. Rar» toftll 1o1p 7t.7 Pf""IU, Aggrooold OHQWU tDlrftt Mp J2.7 pff'Ctttt. Se. PaoeA7.

D-11y ,.,.,.. ,_ '' we '•Y•

CAROL WllTE, 57, DRIVER·IN THE CAR AT L!PT, KILLID ON fl"llWAY tt.r Ja9uar wee •~ heed-on bJ wrone-way dlfver, accordlnt to CHP

Wrong-way crash kills NB woman

A Newport Beach woman was killed Monday afternoon when her Jaguar. southbound in the s low lane of th e San Diego Freeway, was hil head-on by a northbound station wagon that pierced a cable fence dividing lhe highway lane:.

Pr o n o un ced d ead near Fa1rv1ew RoaC! an Costa Mesa wa s Carol Witte . 57 . o f 1 Pinehurst Lane

The s tation wagon 's driver . Aarr) Norris Booth . 30. of 19371 Sie rra Inez. Irvine. was reported 1n serious cond1t1on this morning at Pountaan Valley Community Hospital

A highway patrol spokesman sa id Booth apparently los t con­trol of his vehicle. s lammed into u m etal guard rail beneath the Fa irview Road ove rc r ossi ng , t•aromcd th rough the fence and rrossed into the so uthbound lanes

The spokesman said traffic in­vest igators a r c pursuing the possibility that Booth may have :;uffered a s troke JUSt before los­ing control of his s tation wagon.

Cos t a Mes a fir e men and paramedics were dispatched to the scene to extinguish a fire that erupted 1n Booth 's vehicle a nd lo f ree him fr om th e wreckage•


DRAFT PROPOSED. • • authorized stre ngth , Hollings s aid .

Under the present system he said , the armed services c~ " foresee having the technicians . . . to right any real war or length. . . . ~lthough they are gimmick-10g figures to say they are getting them. they are not." he told a news conference.

Hollings · bill would reinstitute the draft authority that Congress repealed in 1973 at the request of President Nixon .

Holling said he chose not to ap­ply the draft to women. ·• although personally I think it should be across the board," because the is­sue is being debated by the public and the courts. The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments today on the constitutionality of the exis t · ing draft registration law which is limitedtomen. '

Deferments and exe mptions under HoUings · proposal would be limited to those on active duty, in the reserves or in advanced ROTC study ; surviving sons or t>rolhers of those killed in war or missing in action ; conscientious objectors and ministers : doctors and others in vital health pro­f essions, and judges of courts or r ecor d a nd e lec ted officials . Limited deferments also would be granted to students.

Those in high school could be deferred until they graduate, but an no case beyond a~e 20. Those in

college could continue s tudying until the end of the semester or. lf In their senior year . unlil the end of the schaol year .

The Senate Armed Services Committee, which will handle the bill , is dominated by Western and Southern conservatives who tend to favor a return or the draft.

President Reagan and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger have said they pre~r an alJ. volunteer armed forces, but Weinberge r has said a draft would be considered if increasing pa y and other inducements do not produce enough volunteers .

THEATER. • records indicate El Toro jets se ld om fl y over the am ­phitheate r s ite on weekend nights wh e n m ost concert s would be held.

He said that, under the agree­ment, concerts could also be held on Wednesday and Thurs-

• day nights provided a letter of approval Is obtained from the Marines .

Assum ing the Ir vi n e City Co un c il approves the am · phitheater project. it could be ope rational with a temporary theater shell by th is August , Strader said.


He said top-name acts s imilar to t hose t hat appear at the Greek Theater and Universal Amphitheater would be booked into the Irvine Meadows Am· phithealer, whi ch would have 5,000 fixed seats and feslival­style seating for another 5,000.

RILEY RAPS SUITS. • • prevents a futur e board of super visors from amending or even scrapping the plan .

But . Rile\ asserted . " You r efforts instead have the real effect of giving support lo those whose goal is not our goal of reducing the impacts of the airport on the people of Newport Beac h."

R i Icy said that " as a final courtesy lo you . and an recogni · l io n of your interes t in the master plan . I met with you and

* * *

your attorneys on several oc ­casions jus t before the public hea ring at the Board of S· pervisors, and we together de· veloped a long list of actions that went well beyond those recom­me nded by the Airport Com· mission and the Planning Com· mission.

·' I think it is a fact that through me you had more im· pact on the eventual shape of the master plan than any group in thi s county ."

* * *

The a mphitheater season would typicall y run from May through October, he said.

BAY ... c ame last week wh e n the Legis lative Anal ys t s lashed Newport's request for $2 million to S 1.1 million and ordered this money to remain off-limits until Newport com es up with the $446,000 in matching runds for the water board .

Ir Newport can come up wil.b the matching funds , it a ppears the

81 PAT&ICll UNNSDT Of .. ..,,.... .....

RUDlilaltoD 8-ell Po&ke Cblef Earle RolttaWe waau to pat up 1ip1 that wam motorilt.I tbey are entertn1 a dan•erou1 •tretcb of Paclflc Coaat Hlabway al tholr own peril.

Robitaille 1aJd a 2-mlle section of coutal hlthway from Beach Boulevard to the Santa Ana Rlver hu been dubbed " Blood Alley." or " Colli1ion Corridor," by many of hi• police offlcera.

There have been 18 people kllled and others " maimed" ln accident.I there over tbe past live years. he said.

Moat of the a cc idents are cau1ed by a combination of con­ditlona lncludint poor Uthting, no raised median divider . crowded parkln1 on both sides of Pacific Coaat Highway and a 55-mlles-per-hour speed limit, the chief said .

Robitaille said his recommen­dation to put up signs also is in· tended lo " put some heat" on Callrans officials to speed up proposed immrovemenla on Pacific Coaal thway.

Caltrans of lclals have pro· posed future widening and Im· proving conditions on · Pacific Coast Highway from Golden West Street to N e wport Boulevard. Construction is set to begin In 1986, according to CaltraJUofficlals .

Robitaill e compla ins that ··another 16 people could be killed" in the next five years if the highway isn 't improved.

" If we are unable to gel the construction dates moved up, we should insist l.hal raised median dividers be installed to reduce the death toll as much as possi­ble during the intervening

LIFE .•. for a new penalty trial on May 5, when formal senten cing is scheduled.

Keith s miled when the jury, described as being frustrated at not reachin g a ve rdict , an · nounced its impasse.

It was the second time jurors had told Mccartin they were " hopeless ly deadlocked ." The fi rst time was las t Thursday when the judge ordered al least one more day of deliberations on Monday.

The same jurors had convict· ed Keith of first-degree murder, robbery and burglary in late February. Those deliberations lasted only a day and a half.

Defense lawyer Jam es Me rwin of Laguna Hills said he was " satisfied" with Monday's outcome and fell j uroi;s had been " very conscientious ."

Juror Chris Martin s aid , " It's nice to be over. We hashed it out for quite a while . Opinions changed and we brought out a I~ ~Wn~ ~at nud~ ~be brought out. ''

Of the lone holdout, identified by attorneys as juror Gene Alderson of Santa Ana, Martin said , " He had his reasons and we r espe<:ted him for it. "

Alderson declined to comment to reporters .

During his trial . Keith ad· milled he bludgeoned and later partially decapitated Martinez in the bedroom of Martinez' home.

Keith and a companion, An· thony David Bies, 20, of Dana Point, had met the victim in a Laguna Beach gay bar.

period;"' nld Robltallle In a memo to ell)' Admlniatrat.or Charla TbocoPIOft.

• 'It'• a naaty p iece of hl1hway," the chief said today . " One ol the wont. It 's our duty to warn motorists that they are

enterln1 that 1eclloo of road al their own peril.

" Wbmever an ottfcer 1eu a call for an accident on that sec­tion of h.i1hway, be knows it's 1oing to be a humdinge r ," Robitaille said .

Newport postnla.ster

H. Payne Thayer r~tes Wednesday

Memorial funeral services for longtime Newport Beach poatmaater, civic and church leader H. Payne Thayer , who died Sunday at 67, will be held Wednesday in the church he served.

kites for Mr . Thayer. a Balboa resident, will be at 11 a .m . at St . James Episcopal Church, followed by scattering of his ashes at sea by the Nep­tune Society.

He held the postmaster's job locally for 21 years before relir· Ing aeven yeara ago.

A native of Pasadena, Mr . Thayer was active in the com­munity both during his tenure as postmhster and after his retire­ment.

T he World War II veteran of service in the U.S. Arm y was discharged as a staff sergeant and moved to the Harbor Area, where his name quickly became familiar as a doer.

He was a director of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce in 1956 through 1958 and was also a pas t pres ident or the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club.

Honors bestowed on the busy postmaster in cl uded both Churchman of the Year at St. Jam es and chairman of the Newport Beach United Fund.

In 1959 he served as president of the Orange County Council of the Navy League.

City official s also pre vailed upon him to ser ve on the Ad· visory Committee on Capital Im·

O• ll y " •lot S tall P-o

SUCCUMBS AT 67 Newport•a Thayer

proveme nt fo r t h e City of Newport Beach

Su r vivor s in c lude Mr . Thayer 's wife . Lenna : a son, Hen r y Pay ne Tha yer 111 , a d aughter in -l a w . K a thl ee n T ha yer, and a Rra ndson , J c f · frey .

Th e famil y has s uggested m em or ial contributions in Mr Thayer's name to the Am erican Ca ncer Socie ty.


UBEL VICTORY SEEN . ... Jury to award Miss Burnett $1 .5 million in punitive damages . That amount, he said, would beequalto the publication's projected net in­comeforoneyear.

Jurors were instructed they may grant a monetary award of an y amount if they find the publication acted with m alice in publishing the s tory . Bronson in· sisted the periodical had acted with malice and a reckless dis­regard forthelrutb .

But Enquirer atwrney William Ma s t e r son claimed th e periodical 's staff behaved responsibly, and made several at­te mpts lo determine the veracity of the reports about events at the Rive Gauche .

·' I challenge anyone to come up with a shred of evidence the En­quirer had any intent to injure Miss Burnett," Malersonsaid.

And he said the wording of the article did not leave the im· pressioo the comedienne was in· toxicated at the Rive Gauche.

" Nowhere in the item does it say . that she was drunk , tipsy, feeling no pain, fractured , WUt·

ed. smashed or any of the uni· versal words that ar e present in the English language to say that someone has overimbibed," Masterson declared .

Maste rson implie d in h is an alys is that a verdict against the Enquirer could have a chilling ef· recton the public 's right to know

" The r ight to know what?" de· m anded Bronson in his r esponse to Masterson 's claim He s aid the Enquirer has a policy of printing " unflatteri ng artic les " about prominent persons without re · gard for the truth.

Los Angeles County :::iupen or Court Judge Peter S mith, who presided over the case. said the j ur y must rind the evidence against the Enquirer " clear, ex· plicit and unequivocal" to rule in Miss Bumett's favor .

Only 11 jurors heard the end of the case. following dismissal of sever al regular and alternate members of the panel who saw Johnny Carson berate the En· quirer on his tele vision s how midway through the trial. · NB hires 2 firms

'for airport fight city can still piece together its $4 ~-----------------------------------------million bay cleanup job. The job

Newport Beach has hired Los will nm SW per hour for their An geles . and Albuquerque law work while associates ln the firms to jointly fil e a lawsuit this same firm will get MO per hour. week in an attempt lo invalidate The Albuquerque firm wlll get the J ohn Wayne Airport master S95 per hour for work done by plan . partners. Asaodatea will earn

$70 an hour. The firm s are Beards ley, Law c lerks or paralegals

Hufstedler and Ke mble of Los working for the two firms wUI be Angeles and Luebben, Hughes paid not more than $40 per hour,

calls for dredging and construe· lion of sill catch basins in the San Diego Creek , which empties into the bay.

Mayor Heather noted that, if Newport is successful in acquir­ing the needed s late money , the cleanup plans must then be re­viewed and approved by 13 separate s tate and federal agen· cies .

and Kelly, an Albuquerque firm the contract says. that specializes in environmen- Additionally, Newport will pay NB burglary tal issues. so percent of the cost of over·

Meeting in closed session Mon· night accommodations and busi· $ day afternoon , Newport coun· ness-relaled meals for the AJbu· DetS 17 865 cilmen agreed to a contract call- querque firm. ' ing for each or the firms lo The city, according to the con- Burglars who reportedly used receive a $10.000 retainer within tract. will piclt up the cost of a pair of pliers to snap a front the next 10 days airfare for the Albuquerque firm door lock to a Newport Beach

Ac cording to th·e contract, only after it exceeds $5,000 a house, made off with S17,86S partners In lhe Los Angeles firm year. worth of iewlerv and silverware

! ---------------------------....,;· Monday morning.


Daily Pilat Thomaa P Haley -RobertN WHd -M. ThOmaa Keevll ....... Thomas A Murphlne ~(-

CharlH H Loo• A_ ........ ,_

Bernerd Schulman ~

~~1!:-" Kenneth N. Goddard Jr ~~

ClaHlfted 9dVettl9'ng 7141142-1171 All ottt.f deper11Mnta 142-4321

MAINOFPICE U0 Wetl .. y 54 .. C•la Mffa, CA Mall eddrftA . lo• U•O, Coe le Mtte. CA. m-CopyrloM n•1 OrM19t cOest "'*lltlll"' C- . He newt ttorlet, 11tust ••llon1, eclllor te t mener °' •O verllum.nlt ntfeln may ~ reproduced wllllo.it •oe< l• t ""'"""'°" of <oov•l9"1 owner

Resident Lucie E . Rose told police that the crooks grabbed one item - a ring with an aqua­m arlne stone and a cluster of emeralm - that is valued at Sl0,000.

Police said the lntruden en· tered the woman's Corona del Mar home between 10 a .m. and noon and left. tootprlnts with a waffle·Uke pattern on a freshly vacuumed carpet.

Executive quits SECAUCUS, N .J . ( AP ) -

Emerson Radio Corp. '1 vice prea­ldent for We.t Coast operaUom baa rul~ned over " lr -

A diamond means a lot to a man.

SLAVIC K'S FIM ,.._.,n Sinew 1911

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A diamond -it's impressive, it 's fashionable , but most of all, it 's fro m you . In 14 karat yellow gold : A . $700. B. $740 c. $5,175


re1ulariUea '. ln cuatomer ac· '

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NYSE OMPOSITE 'FRAN ACTIONS 6uOf4TIOllilillCl.UDa UAOHOlll tMl l'llW 'rO••. MIOWHf, t'ACl, IC t'aW, aotrotl, Ol1tt011' .... CllKl ... Tt Hka ··~ ...... •ll'Oe1IO•• TMl lllA\O AlltD 11tn111n

.. Jones Final

Off 8.10 Cloalng 111.13

for auto use fTIW ii tM •we-ntll of a rriM·part ierit1 on how lo

.av~ on IJ(N'f lM> tar returru. J

JI you're among America's tens ot mllUoos of \as. payers who deduct business expenses , loternal Revenue Service rulings and court decisions in 1980 gave you bolh breaks and setbacks.

- Business auto travel. Ir you use your car tor business, you have a choice between deducting the actual <'OSt of your business travel or taking a fiat mileage al ­lowance . For 1980 , the IRS rai sed the op­ti o nal fl a t mileage a l · low ance from the 1979's 181h cent s for the

---~ SYlVIA PIRTll ~ ~ fir st 15,000 miles and 10 cents ror business mileage over 15,000 lo 20 cents and 11 cents, respectively .

To take advantage of this no-question-asked, shortcut deduction, all you need are ~cords of the ac­tual miles you drove your car for btftiness purposes during 1980. You then can claim a business expense deduction for your car equal to the business miles · times 20 cents (or the first 15,000 business miles. plus J 1 cents for every mile over 15,000. But be warned : ,

VOU WELL MA\' find that the optional al · lowance wi ll be less than the actual costs of using your car . So before you take the easy shortcut, check your records to determine whether it is more advan ­tageous to deduct possibly larger car costs based on your actual costs and depreciation (This could be so in many cases.1

Also, while the IRS raised the mileage allowance. it rest.ricted the benefit of the mileage allowance lt your auto has been fuJly depreciated . Here's how this works.

Before 1980, you could have continued using the optional mileage deduction every year without bav · ing your car considered to be fuJly depreciated - no matter how many years the optional mileage al· lowance was used .

But tor 1980, the IRS changed lhls favorable depreciation rule. If you take the optional mileage deduction, your auto is seemed lo have a useful We of live yean. In sum, it is considered fully depr~c:laled after you have used It for five years

THUS JF VOU have been deducting the optional mileage a'uowance for business travel in your auto and if you already have used the same auto for more than five years of business travel, you are limited to 11 cents a mUe for your entire business travel in 1980 (instead of 20 cents for the first 15,000 miles ).



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SILVER ly TIW AUO<l.tl•d Prtt•

H•ndf & Harm" n. I tJ ?SO Qf'r- troy ounce

LOftdOft: morn1no ti.1no U l t.00, up U .00 L•11d•11 : 11tunoon ' ' "'"Cl Uh ts. up

SIO 2S t'arl• • •ternoon llrl"CI •S44.21, oll U n ''•llll!wft . l 1• lno sSJ2 " · o ll u 01 l•rlCll: l•lt tl\tr noon l oa ln o Ull 00, ...,

M.00 Ult 00 •U.td H a11•y & Ha rm•11 on ly dally QuOI•

U~.H. ~ Sl01S l1t9 .. _... : OftlY 0.ll f QUOW U3t H , UO

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· 1 I

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87 JU&Y BE&Tl:NSTEIN Of .. 0.., ..........

Robert De Niro clahna he 1unt1 to be a ••real 1ctor" free of tomant.lcl11tion. ll'• apparent be likes violent roles.

And lf vloleoce and cutter lan1ua1e mue movies ~al· ln1. " ll•linl Bull" fills the bnt.

Tile lllm is nominated for best . pict"re at the Academy Awards. De Niro is up for best aetor

OSCARS RACE Oscar. He WOil beat aupPCll'\Lu actor ln lt'7' for •'The Oocf. lather, Part U."

" Ralina Bull," baaed on rul life boxer and one·tlme mid· dlewelaht champion, J •kt La Moua, has been nominated for eight Oscan.

Cathy Moriarty, in bet rum debut, ls nominated beat aup. porting actress and Joe Peaci, u La Motta's younger brother

Joe1, beera.....,,.una ector. D• Niro, whoM previoul belt

utor bid wa1 for tbe much ballybooed, "The Dffr Hut.er," ion acaimt ltltf compeUUoo -perbaps touther Ulan the rlD1 opponent.I be meetl aa La Moua. Otben nominated art Robert Duvall, John Hurt, Jack Lem· mon and Peter O'Toole.

M ueb ol the viole nce and anaer lo " Ra1tn1 Bull " is neee11ary for the story but lt neverenda.

Director Martin Scorsese is to be commended for his shooting

'Relatively Speaking'

British· comedy brisk By TOM TITUS Ol IM DAii y Piiot $Uit

He 's called the British Nell • Simon and the comparison, on I the eastern side of Lh'e Atlantic,

ia justified. But · aside from the 1 popular ·•How the Other HaJf

Loves, " the comedies of Alan j Ayckbourn a r e n ' t a l l th a t

familiar to audiences along the Orange Coast.

The La g un a Mo ul ton Playhouse is taking a giant s tep

toward recti­f y i n g th at o ve r s i g h t with its latest att r action, a s u p er bl y mounted pro·

• du c t ion o f ·· Relative ly S p ea kin g ," Ayc~bou rn 's

t Mu11c H r aio r -s h a r p chronicle of romantic chicanery.

Aside from its skillful presen­l tation, aga inst a breathtak ing ; scenic backdrop, ·· Re lat ive ly 1 Speaking" ca r r ies the un ­' mistakable s ta mp of a uthentici-

ty - the director a nd four of her five performers a ll have their root s in En gli s h s o i l. And without scanning the progra m,

' audiences will have d iffi culty ascertairung just who is the long American in the cast


Eileen Fishbach, who proved her directorial exce lle nce on three miniature stages in 1980, at last has a panoramic a rena on which to work the 100-foot proscenium of the Moulton with revolving set capabili ties and a scenic backdrop to rival any on Broadway, mag nifi cently

INTERttlSSION cr a fted by longtime playhouse designer Paul Toft .

Miss Fashba ch's directorial whip is much in evidence as her cast members play out a brisk , up-tempo version of what could be a rathe r talky comedy or

' AlUITIV ILY SPEAKING" A comech bv " '"" Ayek t>ou rn, d tre< l•d by Ell•on ~ .. -n ... , dHIQn DY P • ul Toll hQhlcno Dy Aon CotfmM1, pros.nted T U1Ml•Y• tnr ougn S..turO•Y• • I I p m untll AP' II II • t IM l e g.,,.. Mo.llton Pt•yhou\O, M>t l•~ C• n yon R~d. L..4QUM B t.c.h Re w rv• hOf\\

·~· 070

C.••Q Ginn-; P PHl10


THE CAST P op Churcn

E .,D•••ECll•OI\ loA­


eros . The constant move ment of t he pla ye r s ma y seem un · j us tified , but it a c hieves the nota ble object ive of keeping a four -character show ali ve and vi brant on an enormous playing area .

Ayckbourn's splendidly subtle s cr ip t s ucceeds primarily through the employment of a sing le " gimmick" the use of personal pronouns r ather than a character 's name in conversa­tion. When an actor refers to " him " or " her ," it 's ta ken er­roneously by the other . heighten­ing the comic confusion of high infidelity.

A II fou r me mb e r s of the Lag un a cast turn in polished p e r fo rm anc es. bu t o n e in pa rti c ular s t a nd s out . Pip Church is a comic whirlwind, pl aying a young lady's latest love r with almost slaps tick s tyl-

Ing as be turns the exposition· laden ftrst scene into a royal romp. Hi s s tage energy is nothing short of phenomenal.

BABBAltA EDIVAN as his secretive lover . trying to sever her relationship with an older, married man. Is bright and bouncy. Her highly expressive face conveys volumes of emo· tion.

As her onetime s ugar daddy who has no Intention of severing the r e latio ns hip , Les Reed portrays the pompous English upper classm a n to the hilt . Though he comes off a bit too surly al the outset, his sour dis­position plays in fine contrast to the others' forced merriment.

Co mpl e t i n g th e co m ic quadrangl e is J ean Margaret Hyde as Reed ' s pleasantl y charming wife , who may or may not be co mpeting in the ex­tramarital s wee pstakes Miss Hyde handles the s ituation . which calls for her to be kept in the dark by the others . with polished gr ace.

A FINAL WORD about Toft's scenic work it is undoubtedly the finest of the season along the coast. rich in texture and detail. Against such a backdrop, a ctors ar e virtually compelled to be at their best.

Happily, Lagun a 's a re, and " Relatively Spea king" 1s one of the brightest comedies of the season. Performances continue for three more weeks. Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 o'clock al the Moulton, 606 La guna Can­yon Road, Laguna Beach

NOW PLAYING MAH HU P'lAZl Brea !>29 !>339


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Watch Academy Awards March 30, on ABC


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tbe fllm ln black and •blte. But tbrouab the ma1lc of

Hollywood mor• 11 acblevH tban neceuary ln lb• naJM o1 reallam. Tbe boxiDC actDtl, ID wblcb blood apewt from cub over the eyes like lnk squl!Ud from a fountaln pen, ue an ••· ample. It'• tlleatrlc1 but wben la enou•h to much?

..._ ... to .. teb hit wldl tM ~er Mtl•IUpportta• attfffl ......... Eileen BMDDU, Eva t• GalUenH, Dlaoa Scarwtd aad llary StHnbu1'aen -hardly houlebold names.

Pead 1et1 the nod u ID09t likely to win an Oscar for the film.

THE SAME It true for La ltfot· ta'a relenUess inner 1trui1tea. He never leaves well enough alone. He carries the reckleaa abandonment shown in Ute rin1 into bla personal life.

He la reall1Uc •• the level· beaded brother who undentanda Jake beyond reuon.

Jake la forever actln&. throw· 101 fi1hla for a chance at the ti- . tle, purpoeefully taldne physical punishment, plcklnl on those who Jove him and to the end can't face realism. He is a down and out lOMr.

De Niro la best as brooder. One scene where he sulkl in front of a rolling television pic­ture is reminiscent of a simUar act in "Taxi Driver." The mov· iegoer almost expects La Motta to bash in the screen.

LA •O'M'A, GROSSLY over · weltht after his boxing days, opens his own nightclub in Miami and is arrested when he admits underage wome n. Monarty, 21 , is striking as the

tee n -a ge, hazel -e yed . blonde second wife of La Motta . But never one to quit fighting,

a bout with the police lands him in an isolation cell where he bangs his head against the wall loathing ye t still n ot co m-

But while convincing , notably In the fight sce ne with her enr aged husband , she is not ca.st in a " heavy" role . It isn't bil

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-. •• c.-- " All HIGHT LOMG" (II) 1 . G1oti1e, ,..,.., ....,. 8 ,.,:at., MANIAC ,.. __ ,, _

11 No AM CM R..,io Wllll tgnllt.,.. Ac~-y " ' "' Y- Own IVlt P'O

l ~~-~~ I ~:~.:::;. ~ jt C • " ' ••• UP ntE ACADEMY 1111

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""" ...... ~ .. --...... THI ,.NAL COHl'LICT 1111 -MAHIAC ___ ,, _

_..,. .. _ .. _,_ THI l'UN HOUll 1111 -THI Ill.AND 1111

BOXER JAKE LA MOTTA Robert De Niro In role

pre hending his misdeeds The picture ends as it began,

La Motta rehearsing his stage lines .

·'Give me a s tage where the bull can rage and though l can play I would much rath er hear the bell ring."

" l'UA NO EVIL" c•1 .,. ··-· , 11. ' 11

'BACK ROADS' • ,...,. r1 'COAL MINER'S