staff noland-novacheck university of minnesota


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NOLAND Wayland E, Prof (Room 341A SmRh)207 PlUMnt Street SE, Del Code 3661(624-4052), 924 Franklin Terr, Mpis 55406,332-0252, nolan0010tc.umn.eduNOLL Debra J, Development OIer (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (624-1849), noI1xOO30tc.umn.eduNOLL Jeanene M, Sr Accountant (AsianLangueges & literatures) 445 Folwell Hall, DelCode 0144 (625-2555), PO Box 14029, Mpls55414, noI1xOO20tc.umn.eduNOLL Sally~ Prof (Animal SCience, Dept of;Veterinary Blosciances) 405B HckrH, Del Code6118 (624-4928), nol1x0010tc.umn.eduNOLL Travis J, Info Tech.Prof (Aced & Dist CornpSvcs) Room 190 ShapLab, Del Code onl(825-0073), qnOtc.umn.eduNOLLET Kenneth E, AsS! Prof (Americ8n RadCross) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609, 100 S .

, Robart St, St Paul 55107, noI1eOO70tc.umn.eduNOMPEUS loannis, Post-Doctpral Assoc(Aerospace Engr and Mechanics) Room 201AkerH, Del Code 0731 (626-7792), 724-5792,nornpOOO10tc.umn.eduNOMURA Yoko, Teaching AsS! (Civil Engineering)122 CME, Del Code 6146, nomuooo50tc.umn.eduNONAKA Chiho, Research Assoc (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 0331, 116 Church StSE, Mpls 55455 (624-3585), 110 W Grant St, 'Apt18H, Mpls 55403, nonakOO20tc.umn.eduNONNEMACHER Melissa L, Research AsS! (FOOdSCience and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334Eckles Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 852Holly Ave, Seint Paul 55104,nonnooo40tc.umn.eduNONWEILER James S, Painter (Fac Mgmt - Zone4 - Campus) Room 150 FoodOB, 2904 FairmountSt SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 5603,nonweOOl Otc.umn.eduNOOKALA laiR S, Research Ass! (UMD ComputerScie~) 320 HH, 0174, 1114 Kirby Dr, Duluth55612, 1529 2nd St E Aptl, Duluth 55812,218-724-1623, nooka0030d.umn.eduNOOKALA Sagsr, Research Ass!(Electrical/Computer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572 (62S:7866), 1131 Hamline Ave N,Apt 23, SI Paul 55108, n00k00020tc.umn.eduNOONAN Noelle, Teaching Ass! (Music) 100Ferguson Hall, Del Code 7811,noona0200tc.umn.eduNOONAN MD Thomas'P, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Par1< view ObIGyn) 1110 Yankee Doodle Rd,Eagan 55121, noonaOO40tc.umn.eduNOOR Sahra, Nursing Professional (CUHCCNCC)2001 Bloomington Ave South, Del Code 7851,noorOtc.umn.eduNOORBALOOCHI Sharareh, Teaching AsS!(Electrical/Computer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, noorbOO50tc.umn.eduNDQRBALOOCHI Siarfll\k, Ass! Prol (Statisttcs)332 Ford H, Del Code 0457 (626-8636), 908Sandhurst Drive Wast, Roseville 55113,851-646-1700, noorb0020tc.umn.eduNOOR! Mahin 0, Prin Accounts Spec (ITAdministration) Room 105 WaLib, Del Code 3731(624-6051),8224 Oxborough Ave, Bloomington55437, 952-831-8681 , nooriOOl Otc.umn.eduNORAN Rebecca A, Asst To (EduclHuman Dev,CoNege 01), Exempt Temporary or CasuaJ.(Design,HousilllYApparel) College of Education, Room 117BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code3171 (624-6584), ranOtc.umn.eduNORBACK Bruce A, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMadlcinelComm Health; Neurology) 4225 GoldenValley Road, Golden Valley 55422, 6620 WestShore Drive, Edina 55435, norbe0010tc.umn.eduNORBERG Arthur L, Oir CampuslCollege Lavel(Retired) (Babbage InstRute, Charies), EmeritusProf (SciencelTechnology, Hist of; ComputerSciencelEngineering)~ and Technology,Hist 01,4-1.92 E EIC SCi, 200 Union St SE, Mpls55455; Charies Babbage Inst, 211 Andersen lib,222 21st Ave S. Mpls'55455 (625-1067; 624-5050),anorbergOtc.umn.aduNORBERG Deanna, Non Unlv Staff (Pediatrics)160 McNamara MpIs,norbe0430tc.umn.eduNORCROSS Brenda L, FOOd Service Wor1<er(Comstock FOOd Service), Cook (Comstock FOOdSarvice) G3-A CornH, Del Code 1092 (624-3992),1339 Sherburne Ave, Apt 9, SI Paul 55104,651-330-1004, norcr0040tc.u,mn.eduNORCROSS Linda R, Student Personnel Wor1<er(Ag, Fd & Env SCi Student Affairs) 190 Coffey Hall,

'Del Code 6Oll2 (625-6n8),

NORD Clriford A, BSAC Operatorrrechnlcllln(Facilities Mgmt~SAC) B30 Donhowe Bldg, DelCode 3121 (624-335n, 1417 5th Street South,Princeton 55371, 763-633-1376, ' "nordxOleOtc.umn;eduNORD Derek K, Research Ass! (Inst on ,CommunRy Integration) Room 110 PtH, Del Code4201 (624-0386),2860 James Ave S ApI204, Mp/a55408, 827-8011,

NORDBERG,John M, Sr Heating Control Spec(UMDFac Mgmt-Heat Control) 181A Kirby 'Annex,1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8002),4609WOOdland Ave, Duluth 55603, 218-728-357&,jnordbet Od.umn.eduNORDBERG P Michael, Exec Ass! (AHC Office ofResearch) MMC 406 Mayo, Del Code 8406, R694Chi/dAlns Rehab (625-1109), 2615 Par1< Ave SApW07, Mpts 55407, 871-4403,nordbOOl Otc.ulI)n.edllNORDEEN Lisa M, Ass! Dir Cmp/Col (AcedCounseling Intcllg Athl), Teaching Spec(Kinesiology, School 01) 260 BFAB, Del Code 3061(626-8228; 625-6888), Glenn H, Ass! Prof (UMD Medicine,School Of) 153 SMell, 1035 Unlv8rsity Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-7584), 3016 E Superior SIr, Duluth55812,218-724-6894, gnordehl

NORDELL Daniel E, Lacturer (ElectricalIComputarEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572, 9320Griggs Ave, Lexington 55014,nordeOll Otc.umn.eduNORDENSTAM Johan F,Research AsS!(Surgery), Graduate School Fellow (Surgery) MMC450 Mayo, Del Code 8450,

NORDGAARD Curtis L, Jr ScIentist(Ophthalmology) LionSRes, 2001 6th St SE, Mpis55455, Del Code 2873, 2279 Brewster St, St Paul55108,651-489-6218, nordOl520te.umn.eduNORDGREN Joann L, Jr ceshierlFOOd Aide (UMDFoodIVending Services) 245 KPlz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7175), 1121 WestArrowhead Road, Duluth 55811, 218-724-604;

NORDGREN LeSlie, Graduate SChool Treinee(Epidemiology) MMC 8tJ7 Mayo, Del Code 8607,Room 300 WBOB (624-1818), 763-479-1833, '

NORDICK Tammy S, Community Program Assoc(UM Extension Otter Tail W Cnty) 505 So Court St,Fergus Falls 56537-2700 (218-998-8760), 39890l20th Ave, Pelican Rapids 58572, 218-863-7284,nordi0120tc.umn.eduNORDIN Eric R, Networ1< Security Analyst (OIT •Security and ~urance) Suite 300, Del COde 2704(625-1862),845-0122, nordi0090tc.umn.eduNORDIN James 0, Assoc Prof (HealthPartners - StPaul Clinic) 205 S Wabasha, St Paul 55107,nordiOO70tc.umn.eduNORDIN,Robart B, Dir of Development (Veterinary .Medicine Development) Room 410 VMC, Del Code6194 (824-124n, 45 Arthur Ave SE, Mpls 55414,331-1766, nordi0530tc.umn.eduNORDINE Andrew C, Instructor (Pediatrics),Medical Fellow - Grad prog (Pediatrics) MMC 39Mayo, Del Code 6039, 78 E 10th Street, Apt 3209,St Paul 55101, nordi0510tc.umn.edU

NORDINE Manisha, Ass! Acadelllic Advisor(Martin Luther King, Jr Program) 19 JohH, DelCode 3n4 (825-2300), 2850 Gar1ield SIr NE, MpIs55418,782-6985, nordi0060tc.umn.eduNORDLAND Robert A, Prof (Westam Ob &Gyn)550 S Maple St, Waconia 55387 (952-442-2137/,nordtakOtc.umn.eduNORDLUND Jodi R, Nutrition Education Ass! (UMExtension KoochlChlng Cnty) 715 4th St,Intemational Falls 5864,9-2486 (218-285-0962),nordlO560tc.umn.eduNORDLUND John R, Instructor (UMD Medicine,School of) Room 113 Med, 0599, 10 University Dr,Duluth 55812, 400 E 3rd Street, Duluth 55812,722-8364NORDQUtST Dale W, ExtensionEducatorlProfassor (Applied Econ) 231 Cia Off, DelCode 6040 (625-6760), 730 County Road B2 West,Rosaville 55113, 651-484-6559,dnordOtc.umn.eduNORDQUIST Deve, Info Tech Prof (Applied Econ)249 Cia Off, Del Code 6040 (625-1964).n0rdq0070tc.umn.eduNORDQUIST Lezlie L, Ascal OIer (VetMedlcine-Dean's Office) 452 Vet Tch Hos; 2550University Avenue Wast, Del Code 6194(624-1769; 624-0804), 730 County Rd B2 W,Roseville 55113,

NORDQUIST Michael A, Teaching Ass! (PoliticalScie~) 1414 Soc SCi, Del Code 717"'NORDSTROM PHD David L, Research Assoc(5-255 PWB) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code 8381,(624-3139), nordall00tc.umn.eduNORDSTROM-LOEB Barbara E, Lecturer (TheatreArts and Dance; SpirilualityiHeaHng, Clr for) 106Norris H, Del Code 7841, 4632 Yor1< Ave S, Mpls55410, 925-52n,loebxOOl Otc.umn.eduNORDTORP-MADSON MiChelle, Lecturer (Design,Housing, and Apparel) Room 250F McNeal Hall,Del Code 6136 (624-9308), PO Box 241, Dassel55325, 'NOREDDIN PHD Ayman M; Assoc Prof (College ofPharmacy) 374 Kirby Plaza, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth55612 (218-7~8), anoraddlOd.umn.eduNOREEN James P, Adjunct Assoc Prof (ReginaMedical center-SRe 1) 1260 Nininger Rd, Hastings55033. 12281 131st Circle S, Hastings 55033,noree002Otc.umn.eduNOREN Brooke E, Nursing Professional (PediatricPulmICril Care) MMC 742 Mayo, Del Code 8742,Room A528 Mayo (625-7995), 1096 SmRh Ave S,Wast St Paul 55118, 851-493-2939,boer00390tc.umn.eduNORENBERG Curtis 0, Prof Emeritus (ExtensionCornmlEduc Tech Svcs; Wor1<, CommunitylFarnilyEduc) 210 VoTech, Del Code 6197 (624-4236;624-3010),2585 Fernwood, RosevlIle 55113,651-631-2705, cdnOtc.umn.eduNORGAARD Monte, Asst Prof (Anesthesiology;Lab MedicinelPathoiogy) Hennepin Co\lnly MedicalCenter, Anesthesiology Dept, 701 Par1< Ave, MpIs55415 (347-3152), norga0010tc.umn.eduNORGARD Edna S, Building and Grounds Wor1<ar(FacilRies Mgmt-MoUi) Room 19 Scott Hall, 72Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, 3525 E 27th StApt304, Mpls 55406, 72H1925,norga0290tc.umn.eduNORGREN Patricia L, Madlcal Technologist (VetTeaching Hosp Clinic) 325GVet Tch Hos, DelCode 6194 (625-5702), 3032 Gat1VSbUrg Ave No,New Hope 55427, 763-546-8567,norgIOO10tc.umn.eduNORHA Vema, Ass! Prof (Retired) (UMDEducation), 330 Wildwood Drive, Duluth 55611,nortla0010tc.umn.eduNORLAND Ann M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (AssociateSkin Care Specialists) 7205 UniVersity Ave NE,Fridley 55432, norisOOl Ote.umn.eduNORLANDER Jaxine L, Exec Administralive Spec(University of Minnesota Extension S) 250 CoffeyHali, Del Code 6070 (625-4224),noris0040tc.umn.eduNORUNG Jeffrey K, Carpenter Foreman (CPPM-Uof M Construction) Room 300 DonhoweB, 31915thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,19685Heather Str~ NW, ceder 55011,norii0080tc.umn.eduNORUNG Lisa A, Assoc Prof (History) 823 SocSci, Del Code 7165 (624-4501),noriiOO10tc.umn.eduNORLING Sharon L, Clinical Asst Prof (Obstetrics& Gynecology) MMC 505 Mayo, Del Code 8505,12-186 Moos T; C593 Mayo (624-5902),;'orii0050tc,umn.eduNORUNWEAVER Jennrier, Non Univ Staff,University 01 Minnesota MpIs (952-848-4951),norii0120tc.umn.eduNORMAN Mark, Adjunct AssOc Prof (Medical ArtsBuilding) 825 Nicollet Mall no 750, Mpls 55402,normaOO90tc.umn.eduNORMAN Mary E, Coordinator (CLA Languagecenter) Room 137 JonesH, Del Code 3945(624-0862), mnormanOtc.umn.eduNORMAN Michael C, Info Tech Prof (Admin InfoSystems (AHC)) MMC 210 Mayo, Del Code 8210,5th Floor ChRC, normOtc.umn.eduNORMAN Norbert J, Instructor (UMDMechaniceVlndustrial Engr), Sr Env HIth and SafetySpec (Environmental HealthlSafety) 31 0 Ad B.Duluth (2111-726-7139), 2208 Lismore Rd, Duluth55804,218-525-1969, nnormanOd.umn.eduNORMAN Thomas J, Exempt Temporary or Casual(UrbanlRegional Affairs, C1r for), Teaching AsS!(Industrial Relations Ctr) Industrial Relations Clr,3-300 CariSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, MpIs 55455,Del Code 7041 (626-2210), 111 Kellogg BoulevardEast, Apt 2811, Saint Paul 55101 ,851-222-3617, 'NORMAN Thomas L, Oir CampuslCollege Level(CCE-eonUnulng Professional Ed) 353GClaOff(StP), Del Code 6051 (625-1227),1586RusUc Hills Dr, Eagan 55121, 651-681-7983,

NORMAN Todd A, Info Tech Spec (Carison, 01T)1-160 CariSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (626-0852),norma0230tc.umn.eduNORMAN William 0, Prin Accountant(Biostatistics) 200 2221 Univ SE, Del Code 2702(626-9733), norma0150te.umn.eduNORMANDIN Jacqueline A, Administrative Aide(UMC-Human Resources) 121 Sel H, Crookston56716 (218-281-8346), PO Box 153, Asher 56723,218-891-4755, jnormandOmall.cr1<.umn.eduNORR Scott R, Instructor (UMD ElectricaVCornpEngr; UMD Physics) 271 MWAH, Duluth(218-7~14n, 2112 E 4th St, Duluth 55812,218-724-8750, INORRANDER PHD Jan M, Ass! Prof (Genetics,Cell Biology & Dev) 4-112 B5andBE, Del Code1217 (826-1481; 824-7996), norra0010tc.umn.eduNORRGARD Chantal, Teaching Ass! (History)Room 614 BoeSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7165, norr00450tc.omn.aduNORRIS David J, Assoc Prof (Chem Engr &Materials Science) 46 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (625-2043), dnorrisOtc.umn.eduNORRIS Diane L, Sr Accountant (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818),norri0020tc.umn.eduNORRIS John C, Instructor (Mankato Clinic) 1230E Main St, PO Box 8674, Mankato 56001,norri0210tc.umn.eduNORRIS Thomas N, Assoc Prof (HealthPartners ­Como) 2500 Como Ave, St Paul 55108,norri0120tc.umn.eduNORRIS SANCHEZ MD Stapha, Assl Prol(Ganeral MedlclnelMedIcIne) MMC 741 Mayo, DelCode 8741,6-153 PWB (624-8984),norrie160tc.umn.eduNORIlLANDER Ann L, 'Adjunct Asst Prof (OralSciences-Qral Pathology) Room 16-127 MoosT,515 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1291,norriOO10tc.umn.eduNOASTEN Margaret R, Building and GroundsWor1<er (FacilRies Mgrnt-BIdg SeIV Day Custo)Room 300 DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls i....55455, Del Code 3121, 618 Madison St NE, Mpls ~55413,627-9289, norstOO10tc.umn.eduNORTH Jessica R, Exec Administrative Spec(Urologic Surgery) MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code8394, Rm 514 Mayo (625-0662),northl030tc.umn.eduNORTHCUTT Kir1<e C, Cook (cerison DiningServices) Ll45A CSOM, Del Code 7041(625-2588), northOO10tc.umn.eduNORTON hrta C, OIc Spec (Office of theRegistrar) 150 Williamson Hall, Del Code 0174(825-9335), nortOl460d.umn.eduNORTON Denise M, Tchg Spec/Adjunct AssocProl (Law School) Room 285 MondaIeH, 229 19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911,8561 TroendleCir, Chanhassen 55317, 952-474-4738,austi0540tc.umn.eduNORTON Joel 0, Physician Ass! (Boyn HS)Primary cere South, Del Code 1171 (625-5840),651-636-6749, nortoOO20tc.umn.eduNORTON Jolanna A, Graduate School Fellow(College of Pharmacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308Harvard St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332, 'NORTON Kelsey A, Research Asst (Inst onCommijnity Integration) Room 111 PtH, Del Code4201 (624-6300), 45 S Avon St, 17B, St Paul55105, 651-295-84n, nortoI130tc.umn.eduNORTON MaryJo, Ass! Librarian (Law Library) 120Walter F Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911,norto0280tc.umn.eduNORTON Todd, Telecom Engineering Technician(Networ1<inglTelecomm Services), Del Code 2171,763-263-0307, nort00240tc.umn.eduNORWOOD James, Sr Lacturer (H~anRiesProgram) 120 Ford Hall, {)eJ Code 7057(624-8092), norwoOO10tc,umn.eduNOmESON Andrew N, Adjunct Asst Prof (NorthSuburban Family Physicians) 2831 Snelling Ave,Roseville 55113 (851-636-4525),nottlOOl Otc.umn.eduNOTTOM Jalayne, Info Tech Prof (HRMS) 520 WBOB, Del Code 7534 (625-2389),j-nottOtc.umn.eduNOUNOU Antigone M, Asst Prof (Philosophy) 749HellerH, Del Code 7057 (624-6418),amnounouOtc.umn.eduNOVACHECK Torn F, Assoc Prof (Gillette,Children's Hospital) MMC 492 Mayo, Del Code8492, Specialty Healthcare, novacOOl Ote.umn.adu


NOVACK JetI, AffilIated Faeully(Spir1luallly/!"lellng, Ctr lor) 14500 JuanlIa DriveNE Kenmore (~-3135), 19369 49th Place '

.NE, Up WA 98155, 206-368-7346,11O'IIlC01601l:.urm.8duNOVAC3YK Tin S, l88d Stores CIet1l (FacMgm!-Zone 4-<:ampus Dlstrlct) Room 1300Food06, Del Code 3121 (624-2900), 86&-5370,novacOO30Ic.urm.8duNOV~ C8roI, Aset PIOI (P8ychlaby~)

. MMC 393 Mayo, Del Code 8393, MMC 393 Mayo,2034 UncoIn Ave, SI Paul5s105,pIliasOO1 Ole.urm.8duNOV~ JeIIery J, Jr CuhlerlFood AIdli (BlegenDirWlg seMces) 23Il1egH, Del Code 7211(62S-()842), 2744 Palk VIew Blvd, FlobbInsdIIe55422,763-588-5537, n0vak01201c.urnn.eclINOVAK .lenniIer L, Ph DC8rddII8 GradIn8lIucIOr (Rhetoric) Room 64 ClaOfI, 1994 BufordAve, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6043, 3431 StoverSI ApI E527, Fort CollIns CO 80525,651-645-1762, novak0290le.UIM.eduNOVAK Judy M, AdmInl8tratIve Dir (UIllarIesIIuaines8 0Ifice) 409D OMWL. Del Code 7111(624-0091), j-novaOIl:.UIM.eduNOVAK MiclllIlIl J, TlIlIChlng Spec (CCE CollegeIn the Schools) Rooin 202 WllBH, Del Code 3831,349 Washburne Ave, PaynesvIIe 56362,n0vak011 01l:.umn.eduNOVAK MoiIa D, AlhIelic Trainer (Inl8rcoIlegiaIeAthletics) 1900 BFAB, Del Code 3081 (624-5084),lk)yIe0420le.urm.8duNOVAK Nancy R, Human Asre l88d Consuftant(AHC Human Re8ouroes) MMC 23 Mayo, DelCode 8023, 545110yntlln (624-4682), 1383KnoIIwood Lane, Mendola HeighIa 55118,651-455-2242, novakOOBOII:.umn.eduNOVAK Paige J, As80c prol (CIvIl E~ng)122 CIv E, Del Code 0651 (626-9646),n0vak0100Ic.urm.eduNOVATNEY sandy G, Prln AccounlII Spec(Clinical Syslem&-PatIent Acctg) 7-537Moo$T, DelCode 1291 (624-3107), 8l1OV8lne01l:.umn.eduNOVEl( KanIn M, Sr Cuhier (UMD ClIshiela

~ 0Ifice) 140 DAdB, 0034. 1049 UnIver8tIy Dr,Duluth 55812,1820 Tyrol StJeet, Dululh 55811,2111-723·1908, kncMlIc20d.umn.eduNOVEl( KaI1 J, Mainlenance Pl8nnerlScheduler(UMD Fac Mgmt-PlannlngfTech Support) 281 LundBldg, 223 WCollege Sl, Duluth 55812(218-726-6464), IcncMlkOd.umn.eduNOVICK TwOOthy G, Adjunct As80c PIOI (PIne CityArea Clinic) 510 2nd Sl, PIne Cfty 55083(~1), novlcOO10lc.umn.eduNOVIK JOseph I, TlIIIlChIng Spec (MedIc:lneEducation 0Ifice) MMC 264 Mayo, Del Code 6264, .14-100 PWB (628-5031), noviOO230le.umn.eduNOVITZKE JiI M, tlJr8a Manager (DIpertmenl 01Medicine) MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code 8108, 8-246BSBE, 312 Church SI SE, MpIs 55455, 4736Hummingbird TrI, PrIor lJIk8 55372, 952-403-9078,,1.8duNOVO DVM Rober1o E, MecIcaI Cir (VelIlrinaJyClinical SCiences), Aset Clklical PIOI (VelIlrinaJyClinical SCiences) 0337 VIITeIlHosp, Del Code6192 (828-6288; 625-7744),novoxOO10Il:.urm.8duNOVOTNY Eric, Teaching Aset (CIvIl Engineertng),ResearcIl Aset (SI Anthony Fals Laboratory) CMIEngIMertng, Room 122 CiYE, 500 PIllsbury Dr SE,Mpis 55455, Del Code 0651,333 81h SI SEApl208, Mpls 55414, novOOOO20le.lJIl\II.eduNOVOTNY Jealca L, Community Program Aset(Racre8IionaI Sports) Room 221 CookeH, DelCode 2081,108 Southshore Dr, Sleepy Eye56085,507-794-7642, novoOO240le.umn.eduNOVOTNY SooIt A, UnlveI8i\y In8peclrlr (ElulldngCode DMsIon) 270 DonI1OW8Ilu11d11!l1. Del Code3123 (62<Hl502), 2577 0rt0Ie Ave North, Stillwater55082,651-351-7204, now1OO80le.umn.eduNOWAK JeIIrey, Medic8I Fellow (PedalricPuImICriticaI Care) MMC742 Mayo, Del Code8742, 413 VCRC, 00WlIk0070tc.umn.eduNOWAK Rebecca J, CllnIc8l Aset PIOI (Abbot1Nor1hww1!lm PIlar 110(4)1100,E 281h Sl, MpIs .55407, 1917 Ednbrook Cl,llroOkJyn Palk 55443,763-391-9479, n0wak0170tc.umn.eduNOWAKOWSKI MIcIl88I R, Bulldng and GlOUhdsWO/1(&r (lJniversiIyS1ores) USIorN, 2901 TalmadgeAve SE, MpIs 55414, Del Code 5201,.-ak0510le.umn.8duNOWAKOWSKJ.BERG Melocti l, Account8 Spec(Mel! Dept AdmlnlsIretIve Ole) MMC 194 Mayo,Del Code 8194, A835Mayo BulkIng (826-0988),

NOWLAN Clara, Non Unlv SIalI (UOSAfftllatedStall) 1-145l'l CSOM Mpls (82&-9155),nowIaOO20tc.umn.eduNOWLAN DanleI T, Post·Doctoral Aliaoc(Chemi81ry) SrnllhH 417, Del Code 3861(82&-1342), 34Cl-7816, nowIaOO30tc.umn.eduNOVES Jeffrey D, TeacIllng Spec (WCFE DelCode 6197) 425 VoTech Ed Bldg, 1954 BulordAvenue, SI Paul 55108 (624-3004), 2725 WeetclIII8Dr, Burnsville s5308, noyesOO30tc.umn.8duM)VES Stacy L, Cllnlcat Ins1ruC\Or (Palk NIcOlletClinic) 8000 Earle Brown Dr, Brooldyn center55430, ooyasOO40tc.umn.eclI .

NOZHESKY Nalhan M, Adjunct Aset Prof (5-8Oakdale MedIcal Bldg) 3386 QakdaJa Ave N, Mpls55422, .NUCCIO KaIl1leen E, As80c Prot (UMD-SociaIWOlk) 22O.1lOh H, Duluth (218-728-7643), 2,693Knock Rd, EvaleIh 55734, knuccloOd.umn.eduNUDELL M, Ins1ruC\Or (School of Nursing) RooriI8-101 WDH, Del Code 1331, mnudelIOtc.umn.aduNUGENT Jaime L, Jr SCIen1i8t (MedIclne) MMC108 Mayo, Del Code 8108, 4707 Welcome Ave N,Cryst8l55429, 763-537-«J80,spack0070tc.umn.eduNUHRING Pauline B, As80c Admin(UMD-ContinuIng !;:ducation) 403 DAdS, 1049Universily Dr:Duluth 55812-3011 (218-726-8381),932 WArrowhaad Rd, Duluth 558",218-728-0728, pnuhrtngOd.urnn.eduNUIIRICH Charles, Aflllla1ed Faeully(SpirilualllylHaating, C\r lor) PO Box 14118 SI Paul(651-898-2309),1397 Jama8 Avenue, SI Paul55105, numrt0040tc.umn.8duNUMRICH Robert, Sr RMarch As80c(Superoomputlng Insti1ute) Room 599 WaUb, 3721,117 PJeasant SI SE, Mpls 55455 (624-4341),1321lJIk8 Drive West ApI 318, Chanhassen 55317,823-0088, numriOO10tc.umn.eduNUNEZ Fabrtclo X, ResearcIl Aset (Humphrey Instof PUblic AllaJr)'Room 130HHHClr, 30119th AveS, Mpis 55455, Del Code 7451, 816~nceDrive, Shakopee 55379, 952-496-3227,nuneOO21 Otc.umn.eduNUNEZ·YALDEZ Maribel, Teaching Aset (PhySIcsand Astronomy,) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church SI

, SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331,nunez0250tc.ulllll.eduNUNNALLY BIzaba1h D, As80c V1C8 PresIdent(Acadenilc Health center Admin) MMC 501 Mayo,Del Code 8501, 410 Chlldrene Rehab (625-9944),2001 S8rgenl Avenue, SI Paul 55105,651-898-2727, nunna0020tc.ilmn.eduNUNHALLY Palrlct<, VlsIting InstJUcIor(Geography), Adjunct Aset Prof (LandscapeArchllaclure), Teaelling Spec (Geography) Rooln144 RapsonH, Del Code 0811 (651-e98-2727),pdnOtc.umn.eduNUNNELEY Richard D, CoordInator (EducallonalPolicy & Adm) 330 Wull H, Del Code 3345(628-9377), 8801 Duluth Streel, Golden Valley .55427, nunneOO1 Otc.umn.eduNUPEN MaJk S, Ins1ruc1Or (Health Partners) 2220Riverside Ave S, Mpls 65454 (37"'830), 4204VIcIorle SI N, Shoreview 55128, 651-490-1209,nupenOO1

• NURE Tahir K, Building and Giounds WOl1<er(Facilities MgmI CLA Zone 5) Room 19 ScoIIH, 72PJeasant SI SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3233, 1547Marlon SI Apl312, 8aInl Paul 55117,651-487-8164, nurexOO1 OlC.umn.eduNUSSBAUM Eric; S, Adjunct As80c Prof(Nauroaurgary), Aset Prof (0I0Iaryng0l0gy) MMC96 Mayo, Del Code 8098, D-429'Mayo (624-8651),nussbOO20tc.umn,aduNUSSBAUM Lealie A, Aset Prot (Neurosurgery)MMC 98 Mayo, Del Code 8096, D429 Mayo(624-6688), sebrttlo1 Otc.umn.8duNUITALL Frank Q. PIOI (V A MedIcal center) OneVeterana Dr, MpIs 55417, nurta0010tc.umn,eduNUTTALL Ingrtd D, CoordIna1or (Oftice oflheRegIsbar) 150 WIII8OllH, Del Code 01741626-0075),IngrIdnOtc.umn.eclINUTTALL MaI1hew E, Info Tech Prof (CLA-Q1l)14A Johnston Hall, Del Code 3774 (628-0350;'624-4357), nutla0030lc.umn.eduNUTTING Nancy, Non Unlv SIafI, Univel8i\y 01MinnelIoIa Mpls (868-2030), nuIIiOO30tc.umn.eduNUXOLL Eric E, Post-Dodoral Aaaoc(~) 9-125 W_-DanIford Hall, DelCode 1332 (628-9918), nuxoOOO10le.umn.8duNUXOLL KImberly N, TIIIIlChIng Spec (School ofNursing) Room 4-149 WDH, Del Code 1331(628-5204), 651-846-2753,

NYBERG Dennis, PlIn Acc:ountanI (CMIEngineering) Room 122 CIvE, Del Code 0651,nyber0660tc.unln.8duNYBERG Jan K, Ubrery Aset 2 (Joumalism &Mass Comm, Sch Of) 208 Mur H, Del Code 0371(625-7892), j-nybeOlc.umn.8duNYBERG Katherine A, As80c Development Ofcr(Bell MuseUm 01 Nat HIsI) '$)7 Bell Mus, Del Code0051 (628-9603), bUrke0270tc.umn.eduNYBERG Luanne L, Adjunct Instruelor(~mlology) Room 300 WBOB, 7525, 1300 S2nd SI, Mpls 55454 (624-1818),nyber0030tc.umn.8duNYGAARD Georgia G, Instrue\Or (Pharmacy,College of), Sr Teaching Sp4!C (Nursing, School 01),RN, CNP (Boynlon Health Service) 6-181 WDH;PrImary care, Del Code 1331 (628-2881;825-2812), 2658 Westwood VoIIage, Roseville55113,651-484-9327, nygaaOOllOtc:umn,eduNYGAARD Robert D, Sports ProtnoIionllnfo Dlr(UMD AIhIetIcs, Intercollegiate) 170 SpHC, 0808,1216 Ordean Court, Dulirth 55812 (218-728-8191),5093 Arnold R~, Duluth 55803, 218·724-6366, •NYGREN James L, UIIIity WOlker (ParkingSelllices Mslnlenance) Room 107 4SIRamp, DelCode 2921 (628-8003), PO Box 24772, Edina55424, 952-925-9553, nygreOO30tc.umn.8duNYGREN Lynnelle J, Prln Sec (General Counsel,

_Ole Of) 380 McNamara, 200 Oak Slreet SE, Mpis55455 (624-4100), 3736 46111 Ave S, Mpls 55406,722-5017, nygre0360tc.umn.eduNYGREN Patricia A, Teaching Spec (CCE CQllegeIn the Schools) Room 202 WesH, Del Code 3831,12987 Andlay Way, Apple Valley 55124,952-432-1872, nygre0050Ic.umn.eduNYHUS Peter J, Cllnlcat InsIruclor (Marcy HospitalPharmacy) 4050 Coon RapIdS IlMI, Coon RapIdS55433, nyhusQ070tc.umn.eduNYIKOS Martha, Lecturer (Cuniculum andInstnlction) Room 150 PeikH, Del Code 4301, 808SWoocIliwn Avenue, Bloomington IN 47404,812-332-1175, nyiokOO1 ..

NYKAIIP Duan. Q, Aset Prof (ScIlooI 01Malhamatics) 202 VinH, Del Code 0412(625-0338), nykampOtc.umn.8duNYLUND Sendra L, Ole Spec (UMD Ed.uclHumanSvc Pro, Col 01) 1131lOhH, D141, 1207 OrdeanCourt, DuIuIh 55812 (218-728-7156),8l1ytundOd.umn.eduNYMAN John A, Prof (HIth SvaI Research/Pollcy;PublIc Health, School of) MMC 729 Mayo, DelCode 8729, 15-219 PWB (628-4425),5950Hamlne Avenue, Shorevlew 55128, 651,785-1922,nyman001 Otc.umn.eduNYMAN Rebecca, Research Aset (SHADAC) MMC729 Mayo, Del Code 8729, 2221 Unlvel8i\y AvenueSte 345 (825-5062), nyman0280lc.umn.eduNYNAS Johnna F, Sr Ole Spec (Twin CitiesStudent Union-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, 300WashlngIOn Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1051(624-6803), 2625 lexington Ave N Apt E, Roseville55113,651-488-2430, ande37990tc.umn.8duNYQUIST Debra M, Adjunctlll8llUclor (GrandRapidsCHnlc) 1'lSE 3rd SI, Grand RapIdS 55744NYQUIST Kalhy J, Prin Administrative Spec (UMDSponsorad Project AdriUn) 413 DAdS, D136, 1049Universily Dr, DuluIh 55812 (218-728-7582), . •

NYSSA Zoe, Teaching Aset (Rheloric) Room 64CIaOlI, 8043, 1994 Buford Ave, SI Paul 55108,nyssa0030Ic,umn.eduNYSTROM Elaine C, Instruc\Or. (Snyder DIUg)14525 Hwy 7, Sulle 200, MInnetonka 55345-3742,83561441h SI West, Apple Valley 55124,nysIrOO50tc.umn.eduNYSTROM Ellzabalh A, CommunityP~ Spec(MN Landscape ArbonIIwn) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,Chaaka 55318-9613 (952-443-1437),nya1JOOllOtc.umn.~

NYSTROM G_ P, AsIoC Prof (Retired)(DIagnosIlcISurg-Oral MedclnelDlag) 7-536 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625-6147),nysIrOO10tc.umn.eclINYSTROM James T, Police 0Icr (Departrn4lnl ofPoIoa) 100 TSB, Del Code 1981 (624-3550;624-1000 x7), 100 TI'8lI8pOl18I1on S8l8Iy Bldg, 511W88hingIon Ave SE. MpIs 55455, 624-3550,nystJ01701C.umn.8duNYSTROM Kassy, Community Program Spec(Health Sclences Admin) Room 1-425 MooaT, DelCode 1291, 581 ~9352,


NYVALL Robert F, Prof Emeritus (NCResean:hlOutreach Centar), Prof EmeritUs (NCResean:hlOutreach Centar) 1881 Hwy 189 E,Grenq Rapids 55744, 1128 Falrgrounds Rd, GrandRapids 55744, 218-327-1009,nyveIOO1

oOAKES J Michael, Aset Prof (Epidemiology) Room300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-6855),651-899-3171, oakesOO70lc.umn.eduOAKES Todd M, Aset Co8ch (IntercotieljaleAIhIetics) 200 GNFPF, Del Code 3081 (625-3588;625-1060), 770 Leon SIreet. Jordan 55352,952-492-3312, oekeaOO80tc.umn.eduOAKEY Donna, Non Unlv Stell, U01 MMpIs(507-389-5104), oakayOOi Otc.umn.eduOAKLAND Lewis J, Aset Prof (Retired)(UMD-PhysIcs) 371 MWAH, DuIU\ll(218-728-7210), 1015 Anowhe8d Rd, Duluth55811, 218-728-1872, Io8IdandOtc.umn.8duOAKLAND Nathan, Aset Coach (UMM Men'sIntercoliegia1a AthQ Room 225 PEC, 600 E 4th SI.Morrta 56287, 8Westwood Acres, Morris 56287,oakIandOlllOrrta.umn.eduOAKMAN Kenneth L, Teaching Spec (CCECollage In the Schools) Room 202 WasH, DelCode 3831, 1441 Ridgewood Crt, Hastings 55033,oelcmaOO201C.umn.eduOANCEASenda C, Teaching Aset (Copenhagen .HIV Progremme) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303,Hvidovra Univerlily HospItal, Department 044,Kellegard AlIa 30, Hvidovre 26so Denmark(825-M73), 701 HoIand Lane NE, Spring lJIk8Park 55432,7fl3J795.8388, 0ance0010tc.umn.eduOBANION Danlelle, Aset Coach (IntercoIIegia18Athletics) 249A BFAB, Del Code 3081 (628-7943),0b8ni001 Otc.umn.eduO'BANNON Valerle M, Research Assr (Soil, warer,and Climate) Room 439 BotH, 1991 Upper BufordCIrcle, 81 Paul 55108, Del Code 6028OBER Robert E, As80c Prot (3M Co) 3M Pharm,Bldg 27D-3A-61, SI Paul 55144,obefxOO20tc.umn.eduOBEREMBT CBSSandra L, TeIChIng Aset(Cuniculum and InStruction) Room 125 PeikH; 159P1Hsbury Dr SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 4301,710N4th SI, Unn 307, MpIs 55401,ober01720tc.umn.8duOBERG Charles N, As80c Prot (Pedia1rics;EpIdemiology) Room 300 WBOB; Room 300WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818),ObergOO1 Otc.umn.eduOBERG LarryJ, Exec Aset (LaamingTechnologlilalRadio K) 810 Rarlg C, Del Code7751 (625-6077), oberg00501l:.umn.8du, page538-7980OBERG Peter J, West Bank Coordinator (Acedand DisIr Comp SMllI) 936 Bleg H, Del Code 0771(82lHl200), 578 Lonesome Pine Trall, Uno Lakes55014,651-488-7278, pjoOtc.umn.8duOBERG SI8phanIe M, Program As80c (CioquerForestry Center) 175 UnNersily Road, Cloquet55720 (218-728-6400), 8131 SevIlle Road,SlIgInaw 55779;-218-729-6406,obarg0B60tc.umn.eduOBERHA!iSER KanIn S, Aset Prof(FisharlesIW1IdIlB, Dept of; Ecology,EvoIutionlBehavior) Room 201"C" GreenH, DelCode 8125 (624-8706), ~i8 Skillman Ave W,ROll8VIlia 55113, 651-633-8828,0baih001 OIc.U/IlI1.eduOBERSTAR'KImmy S,~ Instrue\Or(Chlldrens Hospand ClinIc) 345 North Smith Ave,SI Paul 55102, obarsOO10lc.umn.eduOBERSTAR W*P, Prill Accounts Spec(Campus Mall) 175 PSB, Del Code 5402, 403710th Ave So, MpIs 55407, 824-3196,ob8rsOO20tc.Hmn.eduOBERTOH Robin A, Ole Spec(UMD-NRRl-CA,RTDlMlnerals) CoIeraIn8 MineralsResearcIl Lab, PO Box 188, Coleraine 55722(218-246-4201), roberIonOnrrt.umn.8du ,.OBINNA JennIl8r, Teaching Spec (School ofS<x:/alWOlk) RIll 105 PeIersH,1404 Gortner Ave, SI Paul5510&, Del Code 8181, 940 Franldln Tenace, ApI201, MpIs 55408, 339-1990, obInnOO1 Otc.umn.eduOBnz-COONEY Denise L, Lab Animal TechnicianSpec (Velerinary MecIcaI Ctnter) 334 VMC, DelCode 6194 (625-8242;624-3251),obIIzOO1


ODLAND David, Adjunct Assoc Prof (AlfililatedCommunity Med Ctre) 300 S Bruce St, Malllhall56258, 607 Prospect CIroIe, Marehall 56258, ,ODLAND RIck M, AasI Prof (OIoIaryngoiogyDepartment) MMC 396 Mayo, Del Code 8396,MMC 396 Mayo, odIanOO70tc.umn.eduODLAND Thomas M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (AffiliatedCommunity Med Ctlll) 300 S Bruce St, Malllhall56258,1121 Sunsat Circle, Marehall56258,odlen0060tc.umn.eduODLAND Wade E, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Agronomy and Plent Genetics) Room 306 HayesHall, Del Code 6026 (625-3151; 825-6223),192019011l St, Weba1er City JA 50595,.odlaOO140tc.umn.eduODLAND Winston B, AasI Prof (Oloiaryngqlogy)1400 15th Ava NW, Aberdeen SO 57401, 41D.EMelgaard Rd, Aberdeen SO 57401,odlan00801c.umn.eduODLAUG Brian L, Community Program Spec(Psychiatry) F282I2A West-B, Osl Code 8393,Ambuletcry Research Center (627-4363).­851-428-e802, odIa00190tc.umn.eduODlYlKO Andrew, Director-DTC/AasIVP-Research (Digital Tachnology Center), Ass!Vios President (Oigital Tachnology Center), Prof(Mathematics, Sch 01) Room 499 WaUb, Del Code3721 (624-9510), 1201 Yale Place AplI909, Mpls55403, 332-6401, odIyzkoOtc.umn.eduOOOM Mareha L, Assoc Prof (UMC LaamingFoundetions) 110A sec, Crookston 56716(218-281-6255), 501 PIaesant, Crookaton 56716,218-281·7105, modomOmail.erk.umn.eduO'DONNEU. Mary T, Nullling ProIessIonel(Comm-untv Heafth,Cere Center) CUHec, 2001Bloomington Ave S, Mpls 55404, Del Code 7851,1945 Rome Ave, St Paul 55116;odonOOI40tc.umn.eduO'OONNELL Robert C, Building and GroundsWoriler (UMD Fac Mgmt-eustodlal Malnt) 241DAdB, 1049 Univelllity Dr, Duluth 55812(218-728-8285), 722 No 22nd Ave W, Duluth55806, 218-722-2985, rodonnelOd.umn.ediJO'DONOVAN Kathleen F, Education Spec (Clr lorTeachinglLeamlng Svc) Room 315 SclCB, OslCode 3581 (625-3316), 51~ ~I Avenue,Rosevii1e 55113, odonoOO40tc.umn.eduODUBOTE Bemidele A, PhD CandIdate TeschingAasI (Sociology) 974 Soc Sci, Del Code 3501(624-6807),2268 Knoll Drive, Moundsv\eW 55112,763-784-3699, odubOOO10tc.umn.eduODUOl F~rick 0, Research Assoc (Microbialand Plant Genomlcs) Room 111 eargillB, 1500Gortner Ave, St Paul 55106, Del Code 6127, 5370AudobOn Ave Apf301, Inver Grove HIs sson,oduoIOOl0tc.umn.eduOEGEMA JR Theodore R, Prof (91ochem, MolecBioi, Biophy TMED; Orthopaedic Surgery) MMC310 Mayo, Del Code 8310, 262 Diehl H(625-7446), oegemOOl01c.umn.eduOEHLERT Gary W, Prof (School 01 Statistics)313B Ford Hall, Del Code 0457 (825-1557), 1905Cari 8t, \AIUlleIllIIt 65113, 851-631-3354,QIIY01O;qmn.".._~...,EducatorllllSlr (UM~_6II'fiIlInIs) we Research and~.Q'·"""Hwy329,MorrislIill'to4it11 .~''I'11), 15734 200th Ave,t8iwJlr 56311, oeIkeOO20tc.umn.eduoelKE Ervin A, Alfilated Faculty (Agronomy/PlantGenetics) 411 Borieug St Paul (625-1211), 3185HafnerCt, ShoreviIIW 55128,851-464-9685,oeIkeOOl Otc.umn.eduOIEl:IcttLAQIiR KaIIh A, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMadIcInet'Comm Health) 3550 Labore Rd, VadnaisHeights 55110, CMlIscOOl0k:.unm.eduOElTJEN Kari A, AI80C Develdpment 0Icr(Minnesota Medical Foundation) 300 McNameraAlumni Center, Del Code 2012 (ll2$-I440),oeIljOI20tc.umn.eduOELZE PaulR, Ownefe~ (CapilalPlanning & ProjeCt Mgmt) 4llO DonIIowe, Del Code3121 (82!Hl588), oeIteOOl01c.umn.edl/OEMICHEN Wlnlam, AasI Prof (ClncrPopuletionScl-VetTchHos) Room 225 VetTchHos, 1365Gortner Ave, St Paul 55106, Del Code 6190,oemlcOOl Olc.umn.eduOESTREICH Patrick K, Building and GroundsWoriler 3 (Fee Mgmt-eustodlaJ Maint) 241 0 Ad B,1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6262)OE1TlNG William S, AasI Prof (Medicine;G-'les, Cell BIoI, Dev TMED) MMC 485 Mayo,Del Code MaS, 4-138A Moos Tower (624-1139),4111 HertcheI St, Silntf'alll55104, 651-645-3340,oettIOO1 OIC.umn.ediJ

O'CONNOR Ben l, R-mt.-. (CIvIlEngineering) Room 122 clve;DtI Code 0851(624-4613; 625-1068), oconOO9101c.umn.eduO'CONNOR Christine A, BuIlding IIIld Groundsy(oriler (Facilities Mgml-~ Aoom 202 FMB,1936 Commonwealth !We, 8t I"Iuf 55106, DelCode 6168, 796 Manor Dr NE, Spring Lake Paril55432, 763-780-1823, 0C0I1n0470tc.umn.eduO'CONNOR Colleen E, Prin AdminlslratMl Spec(Forest Resources) 115 Gm H, Del Code 8112(624-3216), •O'CONNOR Colleen R, Coordinator (Carlson,Mariletlng Services)·4-375 CerISMgmt, Del Code7041 (828-2115), 212 Por1land Avenue South,Apt424, Mpis 55401, oconn22001c.umn.eduO'CONNOR Dan P, RnanclaJ Reporting Supv(Accounting Services) 653C WBOB, Del Code7529 (624-5061), d-oconOtc.umn.eduO'CONNOR Heidi L, Researoh Fellow (HeafthServices RschIPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code8729, A 3221 Mayo, 952-440-4710,oconn04901c.umn.eduO'CONNOR Jody M, Student Support ServicesAssoc (UMD Aced Support/Student ute) 139DAdB, 0211, 1049 Unlversily Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7160). joconnorOd.umn.eduO'CONNOR Margantl A, ~nct IllSlnictor(Mankato State UniveIlIily) StudentHeaJIh Service,Box 21, Mankato 56002-8400 (507-389-6278),oconOI890tc.umn.eduO'CONNOR Mary J, Sclentiel (Gerielics, Cell .BioiogylDev) Room 5-231MOc1t1, Del Code 1217(6~), oconn033k.lIIl\Il.lllilO'CONNOR Michael 8, PtlII (GeMticI, c.nBiologylDev) 5-235J "..lfS Tow.. Del C¢e1.217 (828-0642), l!lOClOI1llDi'Oumn.eclJO'CONNOR Patrick J, A4uItd AI80C Prof (HealthPartners Research Foundallon) 8100 34th Ave S,Mpls 55440-1309, 2098 Juno Avenua, St Paul55116, 851-690-0156, oconn041 Otc.umn.eduO'CONOR Kate, Jr ScIentIst (Phys\caJMecURehabilllation) MMC _ Mayo, Del Code8368,100418-1/2 Ave NE, .55418ODA Kazue, Teaching AasI (AsIanLanguageslLileratures; Culliculum and Instruction)Curriculum and InstrucIIon, 125 Pelk HaD, 159Pillsbury Drive SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 4301(826-8985), odaxOOO401c.umn.eduODAHL Scott, Teaching Spec (Masters 01Business Taxetion) 3-111> CariSMgmt, Del Code7041 (624-3320),3248 BsImar Dr, Vadnais Heights55127, 851-7~189, odehlOOl0tc.umn.eduODASH Diane l, Teaching Spec (CommunicationStudies) Room 225 FordH, 224 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0456, 1815 11th Ave South,Apl3, MpIs 55404, 0(laI()()0201c.umn.eduODDE Devid J, As8Oc' Prof (BIomedicalEngineering) 7-132 BSandBE, Del Code 1191(828-9980),3313 Croll Dr, MpIs 55418-1740,oddexOO201c.umn.eduODEA Robert F,"- Pr\II (4832 Klnge WayWest) Gurnee II. toIIt..... 1L tl1031,ode8xOO2'01C.UlMAiiti .ODEAN M8ItI;l'I J,Duluth 558CIlI (211"WoodIJury I..W. . .,modeanOd.urllnitllrf..· ..•-.(Epidemiology; . .. ..~)

Epidemiology, • '.. . ,J • .,'Mpls 55454, Del . . . . _ ,..••Mpls55406,' .

ODEGAARD D8n1ti" ~SC~ProsthodonticlI) H'/'lI t, De/·CiIdIlI291(625-0477), 0dega0010lit_.eclJODEGARO Robert J, 9peclal Assl (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNMlaraCtr, Del Code2011 (824-7888), 1509 HoIIybrook Road, Wayzata55391, 952-404-2733, odegaOO20lc.umn.eduODELL Laura J, Assl Prul (f'ayneIYIIIt Area Clinic)200 W 1st St, Payne8vIfe'" 122 AugustaAve, Paynesville 5Il3ll2, ~l'.II:.umn.ecIuODEN Holly R, Ass! Prof (UMD ThealM), ""unctAasI Prof (UMD CarIIlrtUni~) 211 LSci,1110 Kittly Dr, Duluth S5812 (218-128-6032;218-726-8562), DoHine A, Community Program Assoc(Lab MediclnelPathoIolWl MMC 292 Mayo, DelCode 6809, 311 AMlrWoldl~, Bum8Vi1le55337, odereOOl OlB.umn.eclJODGERS RIbrd, Nttoc'~ {MeINnIcafE~) Aoilnt 2!11, IllIl9'*_1

(625-6023)~"""'Ii0408,621-1492"7~~{~(~',"' "

.- ~ ~':'J;~::'.

O'BRIEN SuslIn V, Prin Adminlslrati1lll Spec(Work, CommunitylFamily Educ) R-350 VoTech,Del Code 6197 (624-1221), oIsenOO50tc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Tim, Research Plot CoOrdinetor (NCentral Experiment Stalion) 1861 Hwy 169 E,Grand Rapids 55744 (218-3274537;218-327-4144),310 LaPrairie Ave, Grand RapIds55744,218-328-8388, tobrienOtc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Timothy 0, prOf (Vel DiagnostlcMediclne) 254 Vel 0 l, Del Code 6184(62~175),

13172 5th Street NW, Cokato 55321 ,320-286-5907, obrie0040tc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Timothy M, PhD CandidaIII~Asst (UMD BiocIlemIMoIacu BIology) 282 SMed,1035 Univelllity Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7927),obriOl500d.umn.eduO'BRIEN-KEIlOE Jean M, Assoc Prof (Hiatory)614 Soc Sci, Del Code 7185 (624-5794),obrie0020tc.umn.eduO'BRYAN Derin G, Adjunct Ass! Prof (PreventiveSCIenc;es - Periodonllc8) 7-368 MoosT, Del Code1291, 2085 Jefferson Ave S, St Paul 55105,651-699-5706, obryeOO70tc.umn.eduO'BRYAN Dewn, Sr Veterinary Tachntclan(Veterinary MedIcaJ Center) Room 331 VMC, DelCode 6194 (625-8281), 3940 Lancester Ln,Plymouth 55441, 763-54&-9567,obryaOI20tc.umn.eduOBST Jennifer E, coordinator (Aes-Adminislration)Room 120 BIoAgEng, Del Code 6005 (625-2741),obslxOOl01c:umn.eduOBU Takashi, Laboratory Animal Ailandant(Research Animal ·Reeouroes) we 69 Mayo, DelCode 8069,1-525 PWB (624-6169),8~,obux00020te.umn.eduO'CAlLAGHAN Brannon L, AasI Scientist(Blochemlsl1y) 7-168 MoICeIIBIo, Del Code 1214(825-2688), ocaJlOOl Olc.umn.eduOCAMPO Alicia M, Sr Teaching Spec (Spanish &Poriug,*,) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (62!Hl823),ocampOOl Olc.umn.eduOCAMfO Francfsco A, AI80C Prof (Spanish &Portug,*,) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (625-5822),

OCEL Justin M, Research AasI (Civil Engineering),Teaching AasI (ClviJ Englneering) ClviJEngineering, Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 5545&0 Del Code 0851,5948 5th St NE,Fridley 55491!, 763-30()0.9071 ,oceIOOO701c.umn.eduOCHOCK/ Gerald E, Sr Scientisl (Cereal Rust Lab)CRl, 1551 Undig St, St Paul 55106, Del Code61)86, Route 1, Ivanhoe 56142, jerryoOtc.umn.eduOCHS torrs A, Adjunct Ass! Prof (RegionsHospital) IiefTlatology and Oncology, Suite 4, NorthBuilding, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101 ,oohsxOOl Olc.umn.eduOCHSNER Daniel, DeparllnenlaJ Oir (UniversityPress) 290 111 3rd Av S, Del Code 7481(627-1981), 0ehsn0130tc.umn.eduOCHSNER Shirley M, Aut Prof (Flellredl(University Services), 1604 Sherwood DrIve N,Mankato 58003, ochanOOl Otc.umn.eduOCKENDEN Therese C, NUI8Ing ProI8IeIonaJ(Epidemiology Ctinical PleMM:Il Clr) I'lm 241, DelCode 7525 (626-92Oll), 1415~ l8ne N,Plymouth 55441, 783-57-1789,ockenOO101c.umn.ecIuOCKUlY Thomea C, AasI Prof (Allllllltlesjolog;Lab MedicinelPalhoIogy) we 294 M8y0, DelCode 6294, 8515 Mayo Bldg (624-9990), 1470Plnelree Lane, Houlton WI 54062, 715-549-6029,ockulOO10tc.umn.eduO'CONNELL Joanne, AI80C Prof (Spanish &Portug~) 34 Fol H; Del Code 0133 (625-Cll 0),oconnOO101c.umn.eduO'CONNELL John, Assoc Prof (MetropolilanPediatric SpecIaJIsts) no 260, 303 E NicoUett Blvd,Bumsvine 55337, 2104 lower Saint Demls Road,Saint Paul 55116, oconn02301c.umn.eduO'CONNELL Roberi D, T88Ching Assl (Physicsand Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 118 Church StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331, 895 WMontanaAve, St Paul 55117, oconn2430tc.umn.eduOCONNELL Shannon E, Rasearch AasI (Hfth SvcsResearchJPoIlcy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729,4271 Sheridan Ave S, Apt 302, MpIs 55410,282-391-8620, oconn2250tc.umn.eduO'CONNELL Susan M, F'l8CaI 0Icr (Boyn HS)Room W2n, F'1IlSIlce Aocounting. Del Code 1171(624-5979), 85HI90·5307, lHlCOIlO1c.umn.eduO'CONNEll-VON Suaan K, Assl '""" (School 01NUllllng) Room 8-120 WDH, Del 1331(624-6647), O(:On00250tc.UllII'I.8dlJ

O'BOYLE earol A, AasI Prof (SChool of NUIlIlng)Room &-120 WDH,OeI Code 1331 (624-9659),0b0yI0020tc.umn.eduOBRAOOVIC Jelena, Research AasI (ChildDevelopment, Ins! 01), Teaching AasI (ChildDevelopment, IIlSl 01) 162 ChDev, Del Code 4011(62~), 2312 Lyndele Ave S, Apl205,Mpls55405, 3n-32JJ7, obraOOOSOtc.umn.eduOBRECHT-COMO Renee, Assoc Program Dlr(Human Ecology Admin, Col 01), ExemptTemporary or casual (Human Ecology Admin,. Col01) Room 32K McNH, Del Code 6142 (624-1791),robrechtOte.umn.eduOBREZTCHIKOVA Maria, -Research Assoc(Department 01 Phermecology) &-120 Jackson Hall,Del Code 1213, 18573 971h Place North, MapleGrove 55311, 212-568-939, obrezOOl Otc.umn.eduO'BRIEN A Maureen, Head (UMD Economics),Assoc Prof (UMO Economics; UMDBuslnesslEcon, School 01) 176 SBE, 412 LibraryDr, Duluth 55812 (218-72&-7961), 3511 E SuperiorSt, Duluth 55804, mobrienOd.umn.eduO'BRIEN Conor, Graduate SChool Fellow (Music)100 Ferguson, Del Code 7811,1425 LaselleAvenue, Apl302, Mpis 55403,obri03080tc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Devid, Prof (Cuniculum and Instruction)Room 358 Pelk Han, Del Code 4301 (625-5337),dobrienOtc.umn.eduO'BRIEN o;.vid, Web Developer (ADCS) Room190 ShepLab, 100 Union St SE,MpIs 55455, DelCode om (625-C759), 36 9th St Apl810, MpJs55402, 743-2843, obrienOtc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Jamae J, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Restorative Sci-Qperatlve Denlislry) Room 8-'l5OMoos Tower, Del Code 1291 (62!Hl98O), 3124WIlds Ridge CtNW, Prior Lake 55372,952~7, obrie0980tc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Jan l, Assoc Program Oir (earison,Undergraduate Program) ,.,05Q CariSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (824-1058),5124 LyndaJe Ave S, Mpls55419, j-schIOtc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Jane, Assoc Department Dlr (HumanResources, Office 01), Departmental Dir (HumanResources, Office 01), Prograin Dir (HumanResources, Office 01) Room 315 SclCB, Del Code3581 (625-3685),526 S Saratoga, St Paul 55116,obrie0930tc.umn.eduO'BR.IEN Joseph G, Assoc Prol (USDA ForeStService) 302 NCFor, Del Code 8148(651-649-5268), 2887 Huron St N, Roseville .55113, 651-636-6016, obrle0880ie.umn.eduO'BRIEN Kathleen A, Vios President (UniversityServices VP) 317 Morrill Hall, Del Code 0263(625-6599), 4848 Northrop Drive, Mpls 55406,kobrienOtc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Kelly M, COOrdinator (Extemal RelationsPR Media) 110 ScottH, Del Code 3231 (624-4109)O'BRIEN Kerryl, MSW, L1CSW, Clin Soc WoOOlr(EducalionaJ Psychology) Room 129 BuH; ManlaJHealth Clinic, Del Code 1171 (82<Hll127;624-1444),5310 Edsall Rd, Mound 55364O'BRIEN M PatrIci, AasI To (MN LandscapeArboretum) 3675 Arboretum BMl, Chaska55318-9613 (952-443-1443),obri80600tc.umn;eduO'BRIEN Mary K, AasI To (University Foundation)Room500~, Del Code 2011(625-6629), mkobrienOtc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Matthew J, Mechanic 2 (FacilitiesMgmt-Zone 4 - Campus) Room 150 FoodOB, DelCode 6168 (624-5985), obrieOO70tc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Michael W, Teaching Spec (SChool 01SocIal Woril) Am 105 PetelllH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55106, Del Code 6161,obriel3201c.umn.eduO'BRIEN Nl)ncy l, Research AasI (EOOcationafPolicy & Admin) 330 WulHng Hall, Del Code 3345(82~79), obri03040tc.umn.eduO'BRIEN Patrick J, AasI Prof (V A Medical Center)Radiology Dept, One Veterans Dr, MpIs 55417,5534 Clak Glen Road, Edina 55439,obrieOI701c.umn.eduO'BRIEN Patrick J, Lacturer (French & IIallan) 260Pol H, Del Code 0139 (781-7975),obrie03201c.umn.eduO'BRIEN Philip J, Oir CampusICollege Level (CLAFIecaJ Administration) 208 Johnston Hall, Del Code3n4 (624-1006), obrie0620tc.u'1ln.eduO'BRIEN Rosalie W, Assoc GeIl8lBJ Counsel(Genaral Counsel, Ole 01) 360 McNamara, DerCodll.2014 (624-4100),


0FFENS1EIN Deb, Prln CashIer (Oflice 0/1helIunIuj 145~ Hal, Del COde 0172(825'flO2O; 625-7535), ollenOOl0lC:umn.eduOFFER Sleven M, ~rch Ass! (8Ioc:hemlsby)Am 6-155JacH, 1214, 321 Church StB, MpI855455; MMC Jl08, 420 DeIawln St se, MpIs55455,1768 RangeIine Rd, Aubumdale W154412,71~, oIIlIr0140lc.umn.eduOFSTAD Helen, AI:countIngSupv rI A MedIcalCenlef)~ s.Mce (151), one Veterans Dr,MpIa 55417 (467-2808), oI8laOOl0lC.umn.eduOFSTIDAL YO Joeeph R, Ass! Prof (FamilyMedlcIneIComrn HeaIIIl), PIlysIclan (FamilyMedIcIneoOlmm HeaIIIl) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code8381, Am 5-255 PWS (624-0479),oI8l8OO30lC.umn.eduOFSTEHAG£ John C, AdJunct Assoc Pro! (PrimaryDenllII C8nI-HeaIIh Ecology) Room 15-138 MoosT, Del COde 1291 (826-0627), 5190 St AIlanaBayAd, Greenwood 55331, 952-474-2268,oI8laOOl0lC.umn.eduOFTEDAtL Chad 0, BuIldng and Grounds Worker,(FacIIille8 Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB,31915111 Ave se, Mpla 55455, Del COde 3121, 'OGARD Lynn M,~ A§8l (UM Eld8nsIonHanrwpIri Cnly) 479 Prairie Cenlar Dr Sta 2, EdenPIIirie 55344-6378 (596-2123), 4637 York Ave So,Mpla 55410, 920-5&18, oganIOO10lC.umn.eduOGATA KatrUllko, Pro! (RetlIlld) (Machanic:alEngInNing) Room 1101 MachE, 111 Church StSE, Mpla 55455, Del COde 0891 (625-9374),ogalaOO10lC.umn.eduOGBEIDE Patricia P, Pm AdrnInIIItr1IIM Spac(Real Esla18 Oflice) ROom 424 Don/IoWe8, 31915111 Ave SE. MpIa 55455, Del COde 3121(625-53045),1500 -MA_ Nollh,BrooIdynPaJk 55444-1.1, ogbeIOO10lC.umn.edu0G80N Noriocla,Sr Ole Spac (EducaIIonaI

,Psychology) 206 BuH, Del COde 3171 (62~), C, Aast To (HIeIlh 8eIVk:esR8chIPolIcyJ we 729 ,Mayd, Del COde 8729,15-200 PWS (824-8953), ogbonOOl0lC.umn.eduOGDAtL Magen L,~ AafA (EnvllIlIlfI'l8IltalHeaIIIl 8cienoas) MMC 807 Mayo Bldg, Dei COde8807 (824-7734), 3217 29th Ave HE, MpIa 55418,651-235-1615, ogdahOOl0tc.umn.eduOGDEN Anne P, (ISP Exec StudyProgr8m) Sta 1102221 Univ, Del COde 2708,ogdenOO80lC.umn.eduOGDEN MlIcheI P, Teilchlng AafA (EngIsh) 26Lind Hal, Del COde 0813, 1023 291hAvenue se,ApaI1m8nl F, MpIa 55414, 331-4841, 'ogdeOOO40lC.umn.eduOGDEN WlIIam B, ~nct Aa80c Prof (750DocIDI'I Prof Bldg) Endoc:rinoklgy and MetaboIIam,St Paul 55102, 'lIlOl1 Girard Ave S, Mpla 55403,ogdanOO50lC.umn.eduOGUE Jamaa W, Prof EmerltuI (OrthopaedIc:SUrgeIyl Room no 254, 2512 So 7111 St, MpIa55454 (273-8000), ogIIvOO10tc.im1.eduOGLYIE Rachal L, PhD ClIndIdatI8~ Aast(MIcr0bioIogy), GIlICkI8I8 SdlOOl Tralnee(MIcr0bioIogy) we 196 Mayo, Del COde 8196,MIcrobIology Depal1manl,MMC 196 1315 Mayo,8196,420 DeIawar8, Mpla~ (824-0469), 381744Ih Ave S, Mpis 55406,827-9821,roblO3510lC.umn.aduOGLE KaIhIeen M, Ass! Prof (HennepIn CountyMed Clr) 701 PaJk Ave S, Mpls 55415,ogIex0120lC.umn.eduO'GRADY PHD Scloit M, Prof (Animal Science,Dept 01), A4In:l Prof (Physlology) ROom 495AnSc:iMol, Del COde 8014 (624-3767),1715Ganlen Ln, WhIle Bear Lk 55110,

, ogradOOl0tc.umn.eduOGREN Gary T, Data Analyst (1MB) 680 WBOB,Del COde 7531 (626-2243),729-1924, •g-ogreOlC.umn.eduOGREN-OEHN JennIfer J, Nutrition Education AS8l(UM Eld8nsIon wuhingIllil Cnly) 14948 62nc! StN, StIlIwatBr 55082.(lOO8 (651-430-6800),ogrenOO20lC.umn.eduOH DMaII, R8lie8rCh Ass! (ElectricaIICompEngr) Room 4-174 EEJCScI, Del COde O!i72, 1272Gibbe Ave, St Paul 55108, ohxxx0300lC.umn.eduOH Dong J, Info Tech Prof (EconomIc8) Room1035 HeIIaIH, Del COde 7052,(625-4885),dohOlC.umn.eduOH~ Teaching Ass! (EIaclricalIComperEngr) Room 4-174 EEICSci, Del COde 0572,6121WentwOOh Ave, Mpls 55419-2341,1166-2319,

OH Seng-Muk, Harmel Fellow (Hormellnetltute)801161h Ave NE, Aualin 55912-3679, 905181'AVSW, AualIn 55912, 507-434-9142,ohxxx0630tc.umn.eduOH 8eung Uk, Reaearch As80c (Neuroaurgery) •Room 410 Uons r-m BuIldIng, Del Code~(626-9208), 2820 VOY'!lBUr Dr, Woodbury 55125,651-501-4889, ohxxx0210lC.umn.eduO'HANLON William J, Assoc Prof (Berilldjl CUnIc)1233 34th St NW, Bemldil56801,ohanIOOl0te.llml1.edu0HANNE8IAN Judy T, Sr I.eclurer(Merk8tl~ Management; Operations andMgrnt SCIences) MarketlnlVLogistlcs Management,3-150 C8TtSMgml, 321191h Ave S, MpIs 55455,Del COde 7041,1 Well ShOlll Rd, NoM Qeks55127, ohannOOl0te.umn.eduO:HARA Eoin J, Teaching Spac (Malhen)atIcs, SdIof; Educ Prom, InIl Tech Ctr lor), I.eclul8r(MaIhemaIlcs.SdloI) 110A LIndH, Del Code 0412(824-33371, 3005 Colorado Ave S, St louis Park55416,703-0610, ohara0030tc,umn.eduO'HARA Kelly M, Accountant (Epidemiology) Ste300 WBOB, Del COde 7525 (826-9397),tanxx0220te.umn.eduOHARA Thomas J, Teaching Spac (UMD Music)231 H, 1201 Ordasn Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-8208),1805 Tyrol St, Duluth 55811,218-721-4076OHATA Tina M, Prin Veterinary Tech rielTeaching Hasp Clinic) 369 Vel Tch Ho, Del Code6192, 5513159lh St N, Hugo 55038,651-426-7690, A, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Reatoretive SCIences), Dental Fellow (PrimatyDental Cere) Room 15-136 MoosT, Del Code1291,558 Ryan Ave, RoelMIIe 55113,651-207-4911, ohlsOOOllOte.urnn.eduOHLENDORF DougIaa H, Pro! (Biochemlstry-MedSdI) 5-118 BSBE; 5-246 BSendBE, Del Code1214 (824-8438; 625-5175), 9397 Olympia Dr,Eden Prairie 55347,952-946-1447,ohIenOOl0te.umn.eduOHLENIWIP Traci 1., Teaching AS8l (UMD CommSdenc:esIlli8of) 221 BohH, 1207 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7974), 36 EBuftaloSt, Dulu1h 55811,218-724-4910,ohIeOOO90d.umn.eduOHLER Kalhy, Admlnl8tratlYe Oir (Geology &Geophyslcs) 1048 PillS H, Del COde 0211(824-9031; 624-1333), k-ohlerOtc.umn;eduOHLERKJNG Fled E, Adjunct Instructor (914 S 61hSt, SuIIe 0131) MpIs 55404, ohIelOO20te.umn.eduOHLFEST John R, Aest Prof (oePar1ment 0/ '

, Neuroeurgery) WC 96 Mayo, Del COde 8096,5166 MCB, ohIfeO()10tc.umn.eduOHMAN RIta L, Sr AdmInialrative Spec '(UMDSOciII Work) 220 IlohH, 0146, 1207 Ordean Court,DuMh 55812 \216-726-8679), rohmenOd.urnn.ecklOHOTTO John R, PipetItIer (FICiIIlIea Mgmt-FMB)Room 202 FMB, Del COde 6166, 4915- 361h AveS, Mpls 55417, 722-1154, ohoIIOOl0te.umn.eduOlE GInny K, Aa80c AdmIn (Csncer Cenler) we422 Mayo, Del COde 8422, 554 CCRB (626-2902),1oeaeOO301c.umn,eduOlEN Danette M, ExeC Sec (Surgery) MMC 195Mayo, Del COde 8195, 304 VCR C (625-8446),olenxOO30tc.umn.eduOlEN Gary M, Instructor (F & MDistributors) 2500SIlerwoodAve, Warren MI46091-4180, 11525Palmer CIIde, BloominglOn 55437,oienxOO40te.urnn.eduOlEN M"ochaeI W, DupIIcalIng ~lpment Oper(Printing 8eIVk:es) 102 P S B, Del COde 5401(825-9500),763-473-1945, oIenxOO20tc.umn.edu0I8Hl Rocky, ~rch Aest (Appued Economica)Room 231 CIaOll, 154 BuIOlll Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6040, oIahOOOl0te,umn.eduOJA John A, Info TecII Pro! (Neuroeclence) 1-205BSandIlE, Del Code 1216 (824-7938), 'OJA VIvien 0, Program Assoc (CCE-PersonalEnriclmWlt Program) Room 380C CofH, Dal COde6081 (824-4936; 825-1976), ojaxxOO20te.umn.edu0JAlWIGAS Rlclierd W, Prof (RetlIedl(UMD-GeoIogy) 231 HH, Duluth (218-726-7923),4244 Emerson Rd, Duluth 55803, 218-7~1-3026,rojek8ngOd.umn.eduOJ! ()blnnaya A, U~ry Menager (MlNITEX) 15Ander8en L.ibralY, Del COde 7921 (824-4365), 2049GreerMew DrIve, New BrIghton 55112,651-636-6628,

OJWANG Hosea 0, Human Reaou~ Oir (BoynHS) Human Aeecuroee, Del COde 1171(626-1184), 3055~way, L.Itlle Cenade55109,651-766-6715,'OKABAYASHI Sal, Teeching Asst (StallatIcs)ROom 313 FordH, 224 Church St SE, Mpla 55455,Del COde 0457 (625-8046), 601 Main St SE, Apt418, Mpls 55414, okab8OO30tc.umn.eduOKAGAKl Ron J, ReSearch Aa80c(AgronomylPlant Genetlcs) Room 520 BorH, DelCOde 8026 (625-9258), okagaOO20tc.umn.eduOKAGAKI TakeShl, Prof (Obetetrk:s &Gynecology) MMC 246 Mayo, Dal Code 8246,12-268 Moos T (826-5001), 5124 WBOth St, Edina55436, okagaOOl0lC.umn.eduOKAN Kel1h, Info Tech Spac (C8ri&on, Accounting)3-122 CsIISMgrnt, Del COde 7041 (626-0037),bkanxOO20te,urnn.eduOKANLA Lola A, Sr Ole Spac (Minnesota MedicalFoundation) 300 McNamara Alumni centar,De1COde 2012, okanOOl00lC.umn.eduOKANY Vincent 0, Graduate School Fellow (BoynHS) Building Servlces, Del COde 7752,0kan00140te.umn.eduOKAA David A, Ass! Pro! (Biochemistry) 7-134MoICeIIBiO, Del COde 1214 (624-6183), 5745PQI8bury Avenue, MpIs 55419,okarxOO10tc.umn.eduOKAZAKI TalchilO, Ass! Prof (Civil Engineering)Room 122 CIvE, 500 PIllsbury Dr SE, Mpls !i5455,Del Code 0651, 1150 HennepIn Ave, ApartmentH-1301 , MpIs 55403, tokazakIOte.umn,edu0KEDI0II OIutade 0, VISiting Assoc Prof (LawSchool) Room 342, Walter F MondaIe Hall, 229191h Ave South, MpIs~(82~, . ,OKEDlJt Ruth L, Prof (Room 438) Walter FMondaIe Hall, Del COde 7911 (62!Hlo475),rokedijIOtc.umn.eduO'KEEFl! Mam- T, Adjulicl Aa80c Pro! (Dept 01Electrical & Computer Engr) 4-174 E EIC 'ScI" DelCOde 0572 (825-6308), 3805 ZiIQll\ Lane N,I'tymouth 55446,763-478-3003,mokeefeOte,urnn,eduO'KEEFl! T Michael, Regent (Regen!ll, Boaid 01)220 MOR H (333-4220), ok8efeOte.umn.eduOKELENG Redenla K, BuildIng and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmnt-Zone 6) 111,PhurchStreet SE, Del Code 3121(825-0008):4431 SlaterRd, Eagan 55122, 651-882-5208,okeIeOOl0te,umn.eduOKELLO Duncan 0, SupIStudent Health Plans(Iloyn\On-StudenllnaulllllCll) W228 Boyn HS, 0eI0COde 1171 (824-0827), okeIlOOl0tc.umn.eduOKEN Martlh M, Adjunct Pro! (Humber HHumphrey cancer center) Plaza 100, 3300oakdale Ave N, RobbInedaIe 55422, 4618 RusaeltAvenue South, MpIs 55410,okenxOOl0tc.umn.edu0lQ Masayuki, Poet-Qoclorel Aa80c (U 01 MStemCelllnstituta) we 460 Mayo, Del Code 8460,we 716, 2600 Kenzle Tarrace ApI 111B, SaintAnthony Village 55418, 781-3544,0kiXx0070te.umn,edu0KrTADavid K, SClenllat (Biochemistry) 7-222MeB, Del Code 1214 (624-3790), 1059 WMontana Ave, St Paul 55117,, page 646-4707OKRASA I<rlysztof, Poet-Doctoral Aa80c(Biochem, Mol 810, & B40phys, BIotec) 140 GortnerLab, Del COde 6104,1077 Barrett 8tleet, St Paul55103, 651-488-1036, 0kra80010te.umN.eduOKrAY Mehmet F, InstruCtor (Department ofOt!lIaryngology) 0t0pa1h0l0gy Leb, 420 DeIawar8St SE, MMC 396;MpIa 55455, 7l1, 5th Ave BE, 'MpIa 55414, ,OKUSANYA Betty B;Med RIC Sr Off Ass! (BoynHS) Medical Records - W-l23, 410 Church St SI<,MpIa 55455, Del COde 1171, 'okusaOO30te.umn.eduOLAKUNLE K8lhleen 0, Sr Personnel DocumentAnaIysI (Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del COde 8195,11-115 P WB(825-5982), oIakuOOl0lc.urnn.eduOLANDER s811y A, Aa80c Admin (BIoetatIstlc:s)MMC 303 Mayo, Del COde 8303, A460 Mayo(625-9165), brownl9601C.umn.eduOLANDER· HASKJN8 Deb, Teaching Spac(Foreet Raecuroee) 115 Gm H, Del Code 6112(824-0777), 651-6ll7.()597, olandOO3Ote.lIIllIl.eduO'LAUGHUN Daniel T, CIn Aast Prof EmergencyMed (Emergency Medlclne), PhylIIcIan (EmergencyMedlclne) Abbott~m 1toapilaI,Emergency Medicine Dapt, 800 E 261h St, Mpls55407 (826-6911),

O'LAUGHUN JuII,~I~ructor (PelIatrtcs)MMC 391 Mayo, Del COde 8391,13-107 PhilipsWengensteen Buiking (625-0479),oIaugOO40te.umn.eduOLCOTT linda, As80c Admin IUMD FacMgrnt.OlflcelSullpor 241 DAdB, 1049 UniversityDr, DuIUlll55812 (218-726-8264), 1256 93rd AveW, DulUth 55806, 21lHl26-1381,IoIcoItOd.umn.eduOLDENBURG PaulO, PhD Candidate ReuarchAss! (ChemtstJy) Room 139 SmithH, 207 PleasantSt SE, MpIS 55455, Del COde 3681,oIdeOO310te.umn.ecklo'LEA!iy Joann M, ~nct Ass! Ptof (ConsultantParent IntanI SpaciaIist) 3208 Rankin Road, StAnthony VIllage 55418, 3208 Rankin Rd, StAnthony 55418, 788-6903"oIeaOOO30te.umn.eduOLEARY John B, Prof (RetIred) (FamilyMedlclnelComm HeaIIIl), 920 S Holman PI Drive,Nisswa 58468, oIeaJOO90te.umn.eduOLEARY John F, A4unct Ass! Prof (AbbottNorthwes18m HosplIaI) SuIIe 205, 90 S 9Ih St,MpIs 55417, 2621 W 57111 St, Mpls 55410,oIeaIOO80tc.umn.eduO'LEARY Patrick J, Ass! Program Oir (UnivelsilyRelations) 3 MorrtR HaD, D\lI Code 0265 (824-4352;624-6868), oIeeOO380tc.umn.edliO'LEARY Terrance P, Aa80c Prof (RetIred)(AnImal ScIence, Dept 01; Velerinary MedIcine, Col01) 252 VOL, Del COde 6184 (825-1779), 2252Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, oIear0020te.urnn.aduOLEAS Sebasli8n, Insttuctor (UMD Economics)178 SBE, 412 L.ibralY Dr, Duluth 55812(216-72U734), sOIeasOd.umn.eduOLEIN BonnIe M, IntercOlegiate Athl Equp Wrkr(IntarOOlleglate AIhIetIc8) 40 RldderA, Del COde3061 (626-9793l, 1313 Gafden Ave, RoeeviIIe55113,651-«146-7180, oIelnOOl0te.umn.eduOLEK Amanda R, ChildCere Teacher (UMCChildren'. Cenlef) Room 117 ECB, 2900 UniversityAve, Crook8llln 58716 (216-261-8285), 5O;l5th StSouth, Fisher 56723, 21U91-2315,olekOOO80mall.crk.umn.edOLEKl!YN JaceIc, 'Reuarch Assoc (ForestReeowceI) 220E G," H, Del COde 6112(626-1205), Apt 125, 210W GrantSt, MpIs 5S403,651-340-7203, oIek8OO10tc,urnn.eduOLEN Robert M, Eld8nsIon Educator/Ass! Pro!(MN Ext Svc Tach Unlt Northeast), Aa80c ProgramDir (MN Ext Svc Tach Unlt NoIlheast) UMExtensIon St louis Cnty Duluth, GovernmentServic8s Ctr SIa 111, 320 W2nd St, Duluth55802-1495 (216-733-2678), PO Box 3095, Duluth55803, rOlenOte.umn.ecklOLESEN MIchael J, Asoc OIrlFaclII1ies and prog(~I TachnoIogycenter) 499 Walter Library, DelCOde 3721 (62H414; 824-9510), 320-251-8828,oIe8eOOl Ote.umn.eduOLESEN Nancy A, eonJnunity Program Spac(UnIversIty Day CommunltYl2700 Summer, 2700Summer St NE, Mpls 55413, Del COde 5101,oIeseOO40te.umn.eduOLESlAK Magdalena, Post-Qocloral AeIoc(Center lor Drug Design) 7-158 PWS, Del COde8204,7-158 PWB (825-$126),oIe8iOO20tc.urnn.eduOLESICK Katharine L, Coordinator (PiOneer HaUl,Del COde 1751 (625-8113), olesiOO30te.umn.eduOUN Gary 1., Electromechanical Systems Spac(Nanofabricalion center) Room 1-155 EEJCScI, DelCOde 0573 (625-9780), oIinxl)340tc.umn.eduOLIN Michael R, Poet-ooctoral Fellow (ClIniCal &POpulation SCIences) E309 Veterinary TeachingHoepItaI, Dal COde 6184, 5232 Skiba Dr, MoundsV_ 55112, 783-766-5461, oIInOO120tc.umn.eduOUN Paul S, Assoc Pro! (Restorative Sciences;Dental Education, Continuing) 8-426 Moos T, DelCode-l291 (825-4145), 8900 Harold Ave, Goldenvaue'y 55427, 763-541-9930, oIinXOO10te.umn.eduOLIN Peter J, Prof (Landscape AIborelum, MN)~3875 AIborelum Dr, Box 39, Chan'- 55317(952-443-1412; 825-4253), 1958 Summer St,Falcon HgIS 55113, 651-&44-5586,oIInxOO20te.umn.eduOUNGER BaIba Z. Teaching Spec (CCE CollegeIn lIIe Schools) Room 202 WeaH, Del COde 3831,500 E Grant St ApI908, Mpls55404,oIingOO50te.umn.ecklOUNGER Glad H, Aa80c Admin (Epidemiology)300 WBOB, Del COde 7525 (624-2369; 824-1818),500 E Grant Street, Apt 908, MpIs 55404, .236-0313, '


OLIPHANT IIIPH Jennifer A, Research fellow(Pediatrics & Adolescent Heallh) Suhe 260McNamara, Del Code 2016 (624-1907), 3415Lyndlile Ave S, Mpls 55408, 822-9369,oIiph0010tc.umn.eduOUVA Elizabeth M, Teaching Asst (ChildDevelopmenttChDev, Del Code 4011 (626-0353),oIivOl360tc.umn.eduOUVA CHAVEZ Adela S, Researc!l Ass!(Agronomy/Plant Genetics) Room 411 Borti, 1991Upper Buford Circle, St Paul 55108, Del Code6026, chsv80280tc.umn.eduOUVE Kellh A, .Prof (PhySics & Astronomy) 414 .Phys, Del Code 0331 (624-7354), 2534 Huntington,St Louis Parl< 55416, 952-920-3393,oliveOtc.umn.eduOUVEIRA AIulzio B, Research Assoc (Room 407Hayes Hall), Del Code 6026 (624-8774; 625-7714),1259 Rose Vista Court, Roseville 55113,0five0320tc.umn.eduOUVEIRA Paulo J, Visiting Research Assoc (UMDBiOChem/MOlecular Biology) 273 SMed, 1035University Or, Dul.uth 55812 (218-726-7922),pilliveirOd.umn.eduOUVEIRA Silas A, Business Analyst (FinancialSystems Support - FSS) 295 WBOB, Del Code7523 (625-7889), 26 Arthur Ave SE, AptlO3, Mpls55414,788-6535,oIive0040tc.umn.eduOLIVEIRA Simorie R, Ass! Clinical Prof (VeterinaryPopulation Medicine) Room 244 VOL, Del Code6190 (624-8421), olivOl070tc.umn.eduOUVER BaJbara A, Prin Accounts SpeclAcct Supv(BiosystemsiAgricultural Engr) 219 BIoAgEng, DelCode 6005 (625-7024),2561 N Dunlap St No,Roseville 55113,651-484-7993,olIve0310tc.umn.eduOUVER Richard C, Prof(Retired) (PreventiveSCi-Periodontology) Room 15-137 MoosT, DelCode 1291, 0IiveOO10tc.umn.eduOUVER Rife K, Non-University Employee (UMExtension Blue Earth Cnty) Nichols Bldg, Ste 110,410 EJackson St, Menkato 56002-8608(507-304-4325), 28689 Hub Drive, Madison Laka56063,507-931-5653, 0live141 Olc.umn.eduOUVERA FIRPO Pablo 0, Researeh Asst.(PlantPathology) Room 495 Borti, 1991 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6030, Apt 4, 2057Knapp Ave W, Saint Paul 55108, 651-633-0223,olivOl320Ic.umn.eduOLKER Jennifer H, Research Fellow (UMD NaturalRsre Rsreh Inst) CWE, 0186, 5013 Miller TnmkHwy, Duluth 55811 (218-720-4294),218-728-3702,mila00280d.umn.eduOLLENBURGER Alvin W, Prof (Retired) (UMOEducation), 15500 Bubbling Wells Road, Apt239,Desert Hot Spring CA 92240,oI1enOO40tc.umn.eduOLLENBURGER Marl< W, Info Tech Prof (liberalArts, College or-Adm) 208 Joh H, Dai Code 7331(624-4830), marl<oOtc.umn.eduOLULA Eugene W, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Medicine)Internal Medicine, Medical Arts Bldg, Suife 300,825 Nicoliet Mali, Mpls 55402, .OLIIIAN Cheryl A, Ass! Prof (Ctr MagneticResonance Rsreh) CMRR, Del Code 3281(625-5372),

. OLIIIANSON LeIf G, Ass! SCientist (ForestResources) Room 115 GreenH, Del Code 6112(651-405-8081), Qlmah0020tc.umn.eduOLIIIANSON Ole K, Researeh Ass! (Dept of Soil,Water, & Climate) Univ 01 Mn, Del Code 6028(628-2457), 1469 Larpenteur Ave W, FalconHeights 55113, &51-330-3898,olmanoll0tc.umn.eduOLIIIANSONVem, Adjunct Prof (St Peter ClinicLtd) 822 Sunrise Dr, St Peter 56082, At 1, StPeter.56082, olmanOOl Otc.umn.eduOLIIIEZ Sel1<ay, Teaching Ass! (Phyaics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpis 55455, DelCode 0331, 4th Street SE 400,Apt4, MpIs 55414, 009-5355,olmezOOl Otc.umn.eduOLIIION Stephanie L, Sr Ole Spec (MENDAdministrative Cenler-Research) MMC 194 Mayo,Del Code 8194, D680 Mayo (624-7181),olmonOOl Otc.umn,eduOLIIISCHEID,Michele A, Instructor (PrescriptionCenter) 1200 N 6th Ave, St Cloud 56303, 1801Canedian Court, SI Cloud 56303,oImscOO20Ic.umn.eduOLMSTEAD Elizabeth A, Lab Animal TechnicianSpec (Veterinary Medical Center) 353 VMC, DelCode 6194 (625-2727), 1001 Humboldt Ave, W StPaul 55118, 651-552-7115,

OLIIISTEAD Gary W, Ass! Prof (EnvironmentalHealth sClences)MMC 807 Mayo, Dai Code 8807,4045 Temtcevlew Ln,PtYrnouth 55446,0Imstoo70tc.umn.eduOLIIISTEAD James, Attendant (Dining Center) 167BAH, Del Code.6090 (625-8157), 336 St Clair AveS, St Paul 55106, 651-224-9922,oImslOO90tc.umn.eduOLMSTEAD Jim, "Sr Analyst Programmer (ADM)Sune 229 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (624-5282),olmsteadOtc.umn.eduOLIIISTEAD Kathy, Adjunct Instructor (Dept ofArchhecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811(624-7868), 1086 Unwood Ave, St Paul 55105,651-659-9450, olmst0020tc.umn.eduOLl~STED Brian K, PhD~te Research Assl(CIMlm Engr & Maa SCi) 414 Amundson Hall, DaiCode 0531 (624-1405),olrns00250tc.umn.eduOLIIISTED Coleen G, Coorcinator (Center lorReading Research) Room 350 VoTech, Del Code6197 (624-4561), 210111th St SW,l\ustin 55912,507-434-D494, .OLH!SS Alan, Research Assoc (N Central SoilConserv Res Lab) 803 1_Ave, Del Code 6028,0IneS0020tc.umn.eduOLNESS Neil E, Loss Pravention Manager (U 01 MBookstore (Collman Store)) Room G54 CMU, DelCode 1051 (624-9610), 703419th St N, Apt8,Oakdale 55128, 578-0142, olneOOO90tc.umn.eduO'LOUGHUN Paula L, Assoc Prof (UMM SocialSciences, Div 01; UMM Cont EducIRegionaI Prgm;UMM Acedemic Administration) 131 S S, Morris56287 (320-589-6205).. 115 West Slxth Street,Morris 58267, 320-589-0343,oloughplOmorris.umn.eduOLSEN Chris, Prin Accounts Spec (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 145 PelkH, Dai Code 4301(825-0393), olsen0120tc.umn.eduOLSEN Denny, Assoc Oir Cmp/Col (Twin CitiesStudent Union-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, Del Code1051 (625-6295), oIeenOI30tc.umn.eduOLSEN Edmund S, Prof (Retired) (Dentistry),Route 2, Box 52, Spooner WI 54801,oJsen0490tc.umn.eduOUlEN GearyW, Ass! Prof (Environmental HealthSciences) MMC 607 Mayo, Dai Code 8807,0Isenl040tc.umn.eduOLSEN Jennie L, Tchg SpeciaJIst/Adjunct Prof(Horticulture) 305 AlderHall, Del Code 6008,olsenOSOOtc.umn.eduOLSEN Karen E, AsS! SCientist (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) 244 Vet 0 L, Del Code 6184 (625-1298),oIsenOI50tc.umn.eduOLSEN Laurelle L, Graduate School Fellow(Family Social Science) 290 McNeai Hall, DaiCode 6140, 2440 Harriet Ave S AptlO4, Mpis55405, 701-4993, IoIsenOtc.umn.eduOLSEN Unda M, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial WoI1<) Am 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,0Isen0580tc.umn.eduOLSEN Mary8eth, Sr Ole Spec (UMD FacMgml-Mallroom Support) 44 DAdB, 1049 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8287), 5324 RooseveltDrive, Hermantown 55811, 218-729-8097, 'molsenOd.umn.eduOLSEN Nancy H, Teaching Spec (UMD ContinuingEducation), Prin Student Personnel Worl<er (UMDContinuing Education) 104 DAdB, 0853, 1049University Drive, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8965),218-525-0622, nolsenOd.umn.eduOLSEN Pallicla H, Exec Sec (Physical Mad &Rehabilifetion) MMC 297 Mayo, Del Code 8297,5000 Boynton Bridge Skyway (628-4913),0IsenOI40tc.umn.eduOLSEN Sonja M, Instructor (UMD AchievementCenter), Lecturer (UMD Continuing Education),Prin Student Personnel Worl<er (UMDCareerlPlacement Service) 21 sec, 0131, 1117University Dr, Duluth 55812, sQlsenOd.umn.eduOLSEN SvenErik S, Sr Ole Spec (Cancer Center)MMC 808 Mayo, Dai Colle 8806, 754 CancerCenter Research Bldg, 420 Delaware St SE, Mpls55455 (626-5437),1210 Buchanan St NE Apt1,Mpls 55413, 788-6138,'OLSEN Timothy W, Assoc Prof (Ophthalmology)MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493, 9-250 PWB(625-4400), olsenOl00tc.umn.eduOLSEN Victoria E, Jr Scientist (DiagIBioIo Sci ­Molecular Virology) Room 18-268 MoosT, DelCode 1291, 722-2491, oIeen0880te.umn.eduOLSEN-KRAIIIER Lori M, Administrative Dir(Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Dai Code 8195,11-100P W B Box 195 (626-0692),


OLSON Alan M, Editor (Human Resources) Room200 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122 (625-3509),01son4390tc.umn.eduOLSON Amy L, Assoc Admin (Sch 01 Phsrm-Prof& Ext Rei) Room 5-130 WDH, Del Code 1332(624-4671), olson0170tc.umn.eduOLSON Amy, Non Univ Staff (Student ActIvitiesOffice) 152; Univelsity Ave SE MpIs (379-4026),1892 Morgan Ave, St Paul 55116, 65Hl99-5192,0Ison3820tc.umn.eduOLSON Anthony K, Adjunct Ass! Prof (OperetiveDentistry) Room 8-450 MoosT, Del Code 1291,6010 W 98th St, Bloomington 55438,0IsoOI040tc.umn.eduOLSON Audrey R, Sr Administrative Spec (UMDHuman Resources) 255 DAdB, 0218, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6740),sroisonOd.umn.eduOLSON BaJbara A, Info Tech Prof(AcadlDistributed Computing Svc) Room 50 CoIH,Del Code 6062 (624-0792),,page 880-2005OLSON Barry J, Building and GroundS Worl<er(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 2 Aree B) Room 300Donhowel8, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DaiCode 3121 (625-0008), bolsonl Otc.umn.eduOLSON Barnard A, Research Assoc (MechanicalEngineering) Room 130-0 MechE, Del Code 0691(625-7607), ols002090tc.umn.eduOLSON Beverly A, Assoc Prof (Design,Housing/Apparel), Lecturer (Design,Housing/Apparel) Room 250E McNH, Del Code6136, baolsonOtc.umn.eduOLSON Bonnie J, Non Univ Staff (OrthopaedicSurgary) Tria, 8100 NoIIhIand Driv Bloomington(952-806-5339), oIson0730tc.umn.eduOLSON Brian 0, Prin Student Personnel Wol1<ar(OSF - GradIProlessional Services) 21.0 Fraser H,Del Code 3395 (624-4584), ols0n282Qtc.umn.eduOLSON Bunni M, Ole Meneger (UM ExtensionWadena Cnty) Courthouse, 415 S Jefferson St,Wadena 56482-1594 (21lHl31-7623),0Ison3820tc.umn.eduOLSON C Ann, Research Fellow (InstiMe on Receand Poverty) Room 413, Del Code 7911(625-1059), annoisonOtc.umn.eduOLSON Carol A, Sr Ac!ministrative Spec (UMDHIIh, Phys EduclRecteation) 110 SpHC, 0144,1216 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7554),3252 N U1lIe Alden Laka Rd, Duluth 55803,218-525-4958, coIson20d.urm.eduOLSON Cerrie A, Extension Educator/Asst Prof(UM Extension Regl Ctr Morris) we Research andOutreach Ctr, 46352 Stale Hwy 329, Morris56267-D471 (320-589-1711),34330 Co Rd 21,Ortonville 56278, 320-273-2417,01son1660tc.umn.eduOLSON Christopher C, Teaching AsS! (Electricaland Computer Engr), GradUate School Fellow(Electrical and Computer Engr) Room 4-174EE/CSci, Dai Code 0572, 38054 Antler Ln, BattleLake 56515,952-484-0437,01801701 Olc.umn.eduOL$ON Clyde R, Adjunct Prot (Duluth Clinic) 400E 31d St, Duluth 55605 (218-722-8384), 2029 ESuperior, Duluth 55812, olson141 Otc.umn.eduOLSON Craig S, Ubrary Maneger (Law Ubrary)120 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911 (625-0396),4405 CoRax Ave S, Mpis ss-ftl9, 823-1149,.c-olsol0tc.umn.eduOLSON Curtis L, Inlo TI'ch Prof (MechanicalEngineering) Room L 136 MechE, Del Code 0891(624-6071), Cynthia L, Assoc Prof (Dermatology),Physician (Dermatology) HCMC, 701 Parl< Ave. S,MPLS 55415, olson3340tc.umn.eduOLSON Dale A, Instructor (Buffalo Drug) 25 EDivision St, Buffalo 55313, 33 NW 32nd Street,Buffalo 55313, 01son2950tc.umn.eduOLSON David A, AdjUnct Ass! Prof (Indian HealthBoard of MpIs) 1315 E 24th SI, MpIs 55404,0Ison3850tc.umn.eduOLSON David E, Ass! Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm HeaIIh), PhysicIan (FamilyMedicinelComm Health) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code8381, North Mamorial Famity Practice Clln, 1020West Broadway, Mpls 55411,01so06910tc.umn.eduOLSON David H, Prot Emeritus (Family SocIalScience) 290 MeN H, Del Code 8140 (625-5289),dolsonOtc.umn.eduOLSON D!lbre K, Assoc Dean (Public Health,School 01), Assoc DeanIInstruclOr (EnvlronmentelHeallh Sciences), Adjunct Instructor (NUrsing,School 01) MMC 807 Mayo, Dai Code 8807,1228Mayo (625-0476),


OLSON JR Dennis W, Coordinator (Inst on ICommunity Integration) Room 8 PIH, Del Code !4201 (626-0335), IOLSON Dorothy M, Prin Student Personnel Worl<er(UMD Arner Indian Lm Asre Ctr) 209 BohH, 0150, I1207 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6350;218-726-8379), •

OLSON Douglas, Assoc Prof (Psychology) N-218 !EItH, 75 Eest River Road, MpIs 55455, Del Code3281,1900 E 86th St, Apt208, Bloomington 55420, I

OLSON Dwight R, Maintenance Carpenter (UMD IRepairs Malnt), Sr Maintenance carpenter (UMDRepairs Malntjl65 Lund Bldg, 223 W College St, IDuluth 55812 (2111-726-8373), 1422 Heather Lane,Cromwell 55728, 218-844-3008,

OLSON Erica L, Prin Administrative Spec(Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493,10845 SI Croix Trail, Sunrise 55056,651-674-1874,

OLSON Erik J, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Velerinary !Diagnostic MedIcine) 244 Veterinary Diagnostic !Lab, Del Code 6184 (624-1709), 639 Belmont Lane IW, Roseville 55113,

OLSON Eugene A, Elevator Mechanic (Facilities fMgmt-Administration) 25 Donhawe B, Del Code ;3121 (625-2506), 7756 iverson Ave S, CottageGrove 55018, 651-788-8972,

OLSON Garret M, Research Ass! (Microbiology),Graduate School Fellow (Microbiology) Microbialand Planl Genomics, Room 111 CargillB, 1500Gortner Ave, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 61!7, 5001Columbus Avenue South, Mpis 55417,

OLSON Gregg C, Operetions Supv, Faclts Mgmt(Fac Mgmt-Zone 3-Heallh Services) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 8059, Bl1iMoos T (625-8403),

OLSON Hardin E, Ass! Prof (Retired) (Obstetrics &Gynecology) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395, Bx395 Mayo (826-4394), 308 13th Ave N, Hopkins55343,473-8099, otsonI180tc.umn.eduOLSON Irene M, Sr Deta Entry Coordinator(Biostatistics) 200 222.1 Univ SE, Del Code 2702(626-9018),ols0n0920tC.umn.eduOLSON James M, Prol Emeritus of Chem(Sci &Math-UMM) 1355 SCI, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267(320-589-6340),olsonjOmorris.umn.eduOLSON Jan P, Community Health Ass! (EnvmHeaIIh SCiences) MMC.807 Mayo, Dai Code 8807,1220 Mayo (628-4826; 625-1151), 5550 Vera CruzAve N, Crystal 55429, 0Ison3370tc.umn.l!duOLSON Jana 0, Instructor (UMD CommScienceslDlsorders) 25-J MonH, 1211 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-7:16-6135;218-726-8199),218-624-2652, •

OLSON Jean A, Community Program Assoc (UMExtension Washington Cnty) 14949 62nd St N, POBox 6, Stillwater 55082-D006, 3394 While oaks Ln,Woodbury 55125, 651-731-1221,01s037~Otc.umn •.eduOLSON Jeanie M, Building and Grounds Worker(UMC Food Services) Room 233 SCC, CI22, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716,0Ison3790mail.crl<.umn.edOLSON Jennifer S, Accounts Spec (ChildDevelopment) 190 ChDev, Del Code 4011(624-4880), oIs0n3580Ic.umn.eduOLSON Jill, Instructor (Methodist HoepitaI) 6500Excelsior Blvd, Mpls 55426, schrOOI40tc.umn.eduOLSON Joshua R, Ole Spec (Pediatrics) MMC 742Mayo, Del Code 8742 (624-0962), 11324 97thPlace N, Maple Grove 55369, 763-753-0933,0IsonI810tc.umn.eduOLSON Judllh M, Coordinator (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 245 PeikH, 159 Pillsbury Dr SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 4301, 4103 Burton Lane,'Mpls 55406, 724-9125, jmoOtc.umn.eduOLSON Karen P, Library Manager (SocialSciences (MAC)) 160 OMWL, Del Code 7111(625-3346), 1307 Watson Ave, St Paul 55116,651-698-7038, k-nelsOtc.umn.eduOLSON Kathleen A, Extension EducatorlProfessor(UM Extension Reg! Ctr Rochester) 863 30th AveSE, Rochester 55904-4915, 2285 Hallqulst Ave,Red Wing 55866, 651-388-6544,kaoIsonOtc.umn.eduOLSON Kathleen L, Assl Prof (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Dai Code 8391,13-107 P WB,


OLSON Kalhryn L, Manager. UTech Training Ctr(Acad and Dislr Comp SM:S) 190 Shep Lab, DelCode Onl (6254300), k1oIsonOte.umn.eduOLSON Kathy J, Den1al Aast {DiagnosIic/Surg-TMJ& 0r0laciaI Pai)6-210 Moos T, Del Code 1291(626-0140), oIson061 Ote.umn.eduOLSON KaIy, Facilities Planner (Ole 01 Plamlngand Acad Allairs) Room 400 DonhoweB: Del Code3121, kolsonOte.urnn.eduOLSON Keith J, Adjunct Aast Prof (lakaviewMedical CUnic) 433 8m St N, Sauk centre 56378,44356 8akview Orive, sauk centre 56378, 'OLSON KennethP, Adjunct Asscc Prof (Par1<Nicolle! Clinic) 1885 Plaza Dr, Eagen 55122-2612,13820 Sunset Hill Drive, Burnsville 55337-781f,'952-890-4642, oIson1740te,umn.eduOLSON Kant 0, Prof (Applied Economics),

• Program Dir (Applied Ecoilomics) 231 CIa 011, DelCode 6040 (825-n23), kdolsonOte.umn.eduOLSON Kim 0, Prin Accountant (CCE-AnancialManagement Svcs) Room 201 L CoIH, Del Code6081 (824-1263), kimolsonOte.umn.eduOLSON·Kjersti A, Asscc Dev8\OPrIl8nl 0Icr(Minnesota Medical Foundation) 300 McNamaraAlumni Center, Del Code 2012 (825-9792),oIso03500te.umn.eduOLSON I..8llnn E, Personnel Spec (Neuroscience)6-145 Jac H, Del Code 1216 (82H74O),01son301 Ote.umn.eduOLSON Laann M, Sr Ole Spec (Vaterill8/YTeaching Hospital) 307 Vet Teaching Hospital, DelCode 6194 (825-8282), 4285 EvergnMln Dr,Vadnais tjeights 55127,851-653-8521,otsoM466te.urnn.eduOLSON Lae 0, Maintenance ReIrtgeration Mach(UMD Fac Mgrnt-Reh1geration MaInt) 15 Clna Hall, '1123 University Dr, Dululh55812 (218-726-7673),216-525-1726, 1oIson30d.umn.eduOLSON Unda K, Sr Data Entry Oper (UMCRegistrar, UMC Alhletica) 170 Owen, Crookston56716 (216-281-8548), 717 North Ash, Crookston56716,218-281-5045.IoIsonOmail.cr1<.urnn.eduOLSON Luke R, Jr l.aboraIOIy Tec!Inic:Ian(Genetics, Ce8 BIology, & Development) 4-274BSandBE, Del Code 1217 (824-2466),15430 18thAve N Apt 1312, Plymouth 55447, 702-4983,0Ispl6410te.umn.eduOLSON Marc J, Building and Grounds Workar(FacUlties Mgrnt-Zone 3 Health SCien) Room B 117MoosT, 515 Delaware St SE, MpIs 55455, DelCode 1291,1160 119th Ln NW, Coon Rapids55448,763-754-3887, 01s0n6310te.umn.eduOLSON Margaret R, DentaJ Aast (ClinicalSysterns.CDC) 8-434 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-0980), oIson0160tc.umn.eduOLSON Marsha G, PhD Candidate Admin Fallow(Art History) 320 HelIerH, Del Code 7055(624-4500), oIson171 Ote.umn.eduOLSON Mary A, Adjunct Instructor (CoordPsychiatric Urgent Care) VA MedicaJ Center, OneVeterans Dr, MpIs 55417, 8264 Green Leaf Trail,Apple Valley 55124, oIson2930lc.umn.eduOLSON MarYK, Fiscal OIcr (Department 01.Pediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,13-110 Phillips Wangensteen Bldg (824-2615),0Ison0750te.umn.eduOLSON Mary K, Sr Apcountant (Epidemiology) 300WBOB, Del Code 7525 (826-8810; 824-1818), .OLSON Michael A, Non Univ Staff, 1992 FolwellAvenue St Paul (651-649-5020),olsp36440lc.umn.eduOLSON Michael S, Technology Spec (Academic &Distrib\lled Cornp Svcs) Room 150 ShepLab, DelCode Onl (828-0200), mikOte.umn.eduOLsoN Patricia 0, Program Dir (Human Ecology,Cig ol.-ADM) Room 320 McNH, Del Code 6142(624-1786); pdoIsonOte.umn.eduOLSON Patricia R, Lecturer (Carlson SChool 01Mgmt) 3-365 CarlSMgrnt,DeI Code 7041(624-8030),5741. Soenlc Heights Dr, Minnetonka55345, 952-934-&37, olSP07350te.umn.eduOLSON Peter J, Adjunct Asscc Prol. (Rice StreetClinic P A) 1006 Rice S~ St Paul 55117, 3744Brighton Way S, St Paul 55112,01son0300te.umn.eduOLSON Philip K, Aast Prof (Retired) (V AMedicalCenter) One Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417, 5700Garfield Ave, MpIs 55419, olson1950lc.umn.eduOLSON R L, Into Tsch Prol (U 01 M Bookstores,Twin Cities) Room G54 CMU, 300 Washington AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1051 (826-n02),

OLSON Richard E, Adjunct Asscc Prof (JonathanClinic) 1580 White Oak Dr, Chaska 55318, 2nHighland Dr, Chaska 55318,01son2060te.umn.eduOLSON Richard E, Non Urnv Stalt (Military .ScIence) 101 Arrnoiy MpIs, ItcoIspnOte.urnn,eduOLSON Richard J, Development OIcr (MN MedicalFoundation) 300 Gateway, Del Code 2012(824-7652), 5408 Brookview Ave, Edina 55424,952-922-1827,olson4240tc.umn.eduOLSON Robert A, AsS(lc Prof (Olson & Fehr)Pondwood 0llIce Par1<,,4959 OfSPn MemOrial Hwy,Golden Valley 55422 (763-544-9935),olspnI160te.umn.eduOLSON Robert J, Aast Prof (Retired) (UbAcademic Programs), 2217 24th Ave S, Mpls55406, r-<llsol Otc.umn.eduOLSON Robert 0, Info Tech Prof(OIT-EASlSyStems Support) 660 W BOB, DelCQde 7531, r-<llsoOtc.umn.eduOLSON S Douglas, Prof (ClasSical & Near EasternStudes) 305 Folwell Hell, Del Code 0149(825-0513), adolsonOte.umn.eduOLSON sarah 0, Building and Grounds Wor1<er(Facilities Mgmt-Area A CllS1Odial) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, MpIs 55455, DelCode 3121, 400 Dewey Street Apt211, St Paul55104,763-754-3887, olspn341 Otc.umn.eduOLSON Shannon R, Lecturer (Engflsh Language &Lit) 207 Und H, Del Code 0613 (826-1528),olspnl780te.umn.eduOLSON Shari, Non Univ Stalt, University 01Minn8SPta Mpls (651-330-0160),01son6900te.umn.eduOLSON Sharon M, Sr AdmInistrative Dir (Olficeolthe President) 202 MoniII Hell, Del Code 0262(624-1065),1449 FrankSPn Ave, St Paul 55108,651-64HI53O,01son0780te.umn.eduOLSON Sheri A, AdjunctlnStTuctOr' (SChool ofSociaJ Wor1<) flm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gartner Ave,St ~aul55108, Del Code 8161,sheriOI90tc.ull1n.eduOLSON Stephanie J, Extension Summer Asst.(UMExtension Roseau Cnty) 608 5th Ave SW RM 130,Roseau 56751-14n (21~52),tor1<e0080te.umn.eduOLSON MD Stephen C, As80C Prof (Psychiatry)F282I2A West-B, Del Code 8393, MMC 392(273-9763), oIson4030te.umn.eduOLSON Staven C, Head Coach (UMC Athletics)Room 139 SportsC, G118, 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716, 823 Unden Ave, Crookston56716, stolsonOmall.crltumn.eduOLSON Susan E, Sr Food sarvlce Wor1<er (UMDFoodIVending sarvlces) 245 KPIz, D2Ol\, 1208Kirby Dr, Dululh55812 (218-726-7177), 6133 NTischer Road, Dululh 55804, 218-525-9873OLSON Theel J, Exec Administrative Spec(Facilities Mgmt-Call Canter) Room 300DonhoweB, Del Code 3121 (825-5074),olSP07820te.umn.eduOLSON Thekla K, Dental Fellow (Developmental &Surg Sci-Pedo) Room 6-150 MoosT, Del Code1291 (824-1985), I

OLSON Thomas P, Lecturer (Kinesiclogy) Room27 URecCtr, Del Code 2061 (828-6044),914 15thAve NE, Rochester 55906, 507,990-9501, Timothy H, Sr Lecturer(InlonnationlDecision ScIences; Operations andMgmt Sciences) InlormationlDecision Sciences,3-365 Ca~SMgrnt, 321 19lh Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7041, 952·934-&37, .0Ispn7040te.urnn.eduOLSON Virginia S, Aast To (Astronomy) 358 Phys,Del Code 0331 (824-4811), 18707 Red CherryCircle, Minnetonka 55345, oIson0250to.umn,eduOLSON Wanda W, Prof (Retired) (Design Housing& Apparel) 360 MeN H, Del Code 6138 (624-3780),Rl Box 191, Lewiston 55952, 763-571-7149,wolsonOte.umn.eduOLSON Williarri G, Asscc Prof (Retired)(Veterifl8lY Population MedIcine; Animal Science,Dept 01) A316 Vet Tch Has, Del Code 6190(825-6n6), E6395 838th Ave, Colfax WI 54730,715-982-2325, oIsonOO8.0te.umn.eduOLSON-LOY sandra K, Vice Chancellor (UMM VCStudent Altllirs) Rodm 309 Behm, M270A, 600 E4th SI, Morris 58267 (320-589-6013), 29185 300thAve, StaIbuck 56381, 320-239-4782,oIsonIoyOmorrls.umn.eduOL.SON-ftEED Mary J, Into Tech Prof (UMD-InfoTech SystemsIServlces) 146A KPIz, 1208 KirbyPlaza, Dululh55812 (218-726-8544), 4504Woodand Ave, DuIu1Il55803, 218-728-1444,molson140d.umn,edu

OLSSON Phyllis L, Prin Survey InletViewer (EnvrnHeaJth Sciences ISPH» Room 350 McNamaraCtr,200 oa~ St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 2004(825-6603), 13356 43Id Bay NE, St Michael 55376,olsaoOO50te.umn.eduOLSTAO Ashley M, Greduate School Fellow(Garman, Scandinavian, Dutch) Room 209 FolH,Del Code 0143 (825-9350), 3023 35th Avenue S,MpIs 55406, 238-4939,

OLSZEWSKI Neil E, Prof (Plant Biology) 250 BioSci, Del Code 6022 (825-3129), H152 Tatum St,Ros8vIIie 55113; 651-644-6565,

OLSZEWSKI Pawel K, Aast Prol. (VA MedicalCanter) Research 151, 1 Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417,958 Manvel St, Apt 5, St Paul 55114,651-917-7994,

OLSZEWSKI Stacey L, Jr ScientIst (HortlcufturalScience), Research Aast (Forest Resources, Dept01) Room 14 GreenH, Del Code 6112 (825-2706),1609 Talmage AveSE, MpIs 55414,oIsze0150te.umn.edU

OLTMANS Margaret, Asscc Admin (Humphrey Ins!01. Public Altair) Room 130 HHHCtr, Del Code 7451(825-1808), 1519 Summft §hores W, Burnsville55306-5800, 952-898-2949, oItmansOte.umn.eduOLUND LynnK, Community Program Spec(SChool 01 Social Wor1<) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404Gartner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 3203Hwy 44, Brimspn 55602, 218-848-2824,0IundOO10to.umn.eduOLVER Peter J, Prof (Mathematics, SCh 01) 540VinH, Del Coda 0412 (824-5534), 10430Mississippi BI NW, Coon Rapids 55433,763-422-1320, olverOOl Ote.umn.eduOlZENAK Richard M, Iron Wor1<er (FacUltiesMgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB, 319 15thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 25275Grizzly Court, WyOming 55092, 651-490-9387,olzanOOl Otc.umn.eduO'MALLEY Donna M, Exec Administrative Spec(UM Extension Reg! Ctr Morris) WCResearch/OUtreach Ctr, 46352 State Hwy 329,Morris 58267-0471,

OMAN Ka~ M,Art Researdl StudIo Technician(UMD Art and Design) 25 B VKH, 0198, 1305Drdean Court, Dululh55812 (21.8-726-8906;218-726-8225),4117 Coleman Ave, Dlilulh55803,218-724-3947, komanOd.umn.eduOIIEOGA Nduka, Farm Animal Attendant (PouhryTeach/Res Facility) 1835 BulonlPlaca, Del C9de6118 (824-2246), 4065 CloYer Ave S, VadnaisHeights 55127-7039. 651-426-9376,omeogOOl0te.umn.eduOilER KazaI H, Building and Grounds Wor1<er.(Facilities Mgmt·Donhowe) ROOII). 400 DonhoweB,31915th Ave SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 3121,6928 Maadowbrook Blvd, St louiS Par1< 55428,952-~97, omerxOOBOte.umn.eduOIIITT Kathryn, Accounts Spec (Soli Water &Climate) 442 BorlaugHaII, Del Code 6028(825-7255),20727 Ulysses. Elk River 55330,763-441-4694, ornlttOO10te.umn.eduOIIU Jens W, Teaching Aast (Kinesiology) Room205 CookaH, Del Code 2061 (825-5309),18838I\IE 155IhSt, Woodinville WA 980729392,206-817-5056, omllxOO10te.umn.eduOMONDI Nancy A, Researdl Aast (Hhh SvcsResearchlPollcy; UrbanIRegionai Altairs,'Ctr lor)MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729, 103129th AveSE. Apt C, Mpls 55414, omonOOOl Ote.umn.eduONARAN Ibrahim, Research Spec(ElectrlcaJ/Computer Engr) ROom 4-174 EElCSci,0572, 200 Union St SE, MpIs 55455, ll65 Fifield.Ave S Ap12, St Paul 55108, onareOOl Olc.urnn.eduONCHWARI Jacqueline A, Asst Prof (UMDEducation; UMD EdlHuman Service Profs) 120MonH, 1211 Ordean Court, Dululh55812(216-728-6763), jQnchwarOd.umn.eduONDlCH David G, Instructor (V A MadIcaI Center)Dept of Psychiatry, 1 Veterans Dr, Mpla 55417,3137 Emerson Ava S, MpIs 55408,ondicOOl Otc,umn.eduONDR£Y Frank G, AastPm! (Otolaryngology) Rm270 LAB, Del Code 2873, ondreOO20tc.umn.eduO'NEAl Daniel J, Researdl Aast (Chern Engr &Mati Sci) 60 Amundson Hell, Del Code 0531(825-7864; 826-8656).1007 13th Ave SE, MpIs55414,310-487-9780, oneaI0120lc.umn.8duO'NEIL Jennller J, Jr Scien1ist (LabMedicinelPathology) we 334 Mayo, Del Code8334, 7649 Juneau Lane, Maple Grove 553",763-494-9458


O'NEL Michael S, Mechanic 2 (FacilitiesMgmt-Adrnlnislration) 202 F M B, Del Code 6188(824-2288), orieIIOO70te.umn.eduO'NEILL Bill M, Facilities Manager (FacMgmt·Zone 4 Campua District) Room 1300 Food08, DeICo,de 3121 (825-9580), :oneiIOO80te.umn.eduO'NEILL Colleen L, Asst To (Microbiology) we196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,1460 Mayo (824-2468),465215th Ave So, MpIs 55417,oneiIOO90te.urnn.eduO'NEILL Erin J, Fiscal 0Icr (Lab MedlPaIhoIogyDepartment) MMC609 Mayo, Del Code 8609,Room 780 Mayo(~),oneiOI240te.umn.eduO'NEILL Jennifer R, Jr Sciential (Ecology Evolutionand Behavillr) 100 Ecology, 1987 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 8098, 13532Fordham Ave, Apple Valley 55124,952-432-7817,oneiOOBOOte.urnn.eduO'NEILL Laurie A, Sr qic Spec (Genetica, CallBiology, & Devaiopment) 6-160 JacH, Del Code1217 (825-9471), onelI0320te.umn.eduO'NEILL Margie, f'rIn Administrative Spec (Centerlor BioeIhics) N504 Boynton Health, Del Code1171 (824-9440), 1527 Arona SI, Saint Paul55108,651-642-1602, oneil1690te.umn.eduO'NEILL MarIan F, BulIding and Grounds Wor1<ar(UMD Housing) 149 LSH, 0207, 513 NiageraCourt, Dululh55812 (218-726-8400),211 N34thAve W, Dululh55607, 21~4-3872O'NEILL Patrick J, Clinical InstllJClor (CubPharmacy) 2100 SneIlng Ave N, Roseville 55113,4132 Thornhill Lane, Vednais Heights 55127,651-782-8699, onsiI05401c.umn.eduONEILL Sean M, PhD CandIdate Researdl Aast(Bell Museum 01 Nat HIstory) Room 300 BelIMus,Del Code 0331, 0nei0131 01c.umn.eduO'NEILL Tracy A, Aast ScientIst (101 CropsReeearchj 1903 Hendon, Del Code 6026(825-1764),211 Madison Street South, NorthtieId55057-1634, 952-474-4669, onelI0420te.umn.eduO'NELL Susan N, Coonlinetor (Institute OnCommunity lntegnsllon) 204 PI H, Del Code 4201(824-0088), oneOOOl0te.umn.eduONES Deniz S, As80C Prof (Psychology) N472 EftH, Del Code 3281 (825-4551),onesxOOl Otc.ullln.eduONFFROY Joan R, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical ScIence)c-339 VMC, 1365 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, DeI.Code 6192, 5024 Par1< AveSouth, MpIlI55417, 825-2803.ontl1OO10te.umn.eduONIKORO Lateeph, Info Tech Prof (Neuroscience)Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Churdl St S, MpIs 55455,De1Code 1216, '1'06-1825, onik00020te.urnn.eduONKEN JeMlIer M, Community Program Aast(UMD Upward Bound Vision Quest) 2700 Sun1mer,2700 SummarSt NE, MpIs 55413, Dei Code 5101,5510 35th Ave S, MpIs 55417, 379-2693,onkenOO50tc.umn.eduONO Hajima, Research Asscc (5-235 Moos Tower)515 Delaware St SE, Del Code 1217, 1630 WLarpenteur Aptl05, Falcon Heights 55113,onoXXOO70te.umn.eduONSONGO Getiria I, Teaching Aast (ComputerSclencelEngineering), Research Asst (ComputerSclencelEngineering) ComputerScIenceIE"liineering, Room 4-192 EEICSci, 200Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0571, 810Thornton Street SE, Apt 204, MpIs 55414,651-307-9819, onsonOOl0te.umn.eduONSTAD Phyllis A, Extension EducatorlProtesaor(UM Extension RegI Ctr Rocheater) 863 30th AveSE, Rochester 559Q4-4915 (507-538-6307), 16952Co Ad 28, Altura 55910, 507·796-6008,onsla0030te.umn.eduONYlLOFOR Nneka C, CoordInator (240Williamson Hall) 231 Pillsbuly Dr SE, Del Code0171 (826-5850),554 W CantraI Ave, Apt 1304, StP8\lI55103, 651-291-5357, onyiOOO30te.umn.edu00 Pauline, Program Dir (University Relations) 3MorH, Del Code 0265 (824-7889), n 1 26th Ave S,Mpls 55454, 669-7995, ooxxx0030tc.umn.eduOOMMEN MD sanjay P, Medical Fellow (MedicifleHematology 0llIce) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Code6480, 14-142 PWB 1824-0123), MMC 460, 420Delawara St SE, MpIs 55455OOMS Ann, Poel-Docto.ral Assoc (College 01Education) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code3171 (825-1046),615Ontario Street SE Apt 5, Mpls 55414,331-6448,


OOSTERHOFF Jenneke A, Sr Leclurer (Gennan,Scandinavian, Dutch) 155 Folwell Hal~ Del Code0143 (625-0738; 625-(738), '

OOSTERHUIS 0 K, Exempt Temporary or Casual(Law SchOOl), Ph 0 Candidate Grad Instructor(ClassicaVNear Eastem Studies) 305 Folwell Hal~Del Code 0149 (625-6672; 625--5353), Apt 4, 715W37th St, Mpts 55409, 374-6093,

OPAll Brent S, Ass! Department Dir(Undergraduate Program, CSO), Teaching Spec(Undergraduate Program, CSO; UndergradBusiness Career Ctr) 1-105Q Ca~SMgmt,DelCode 7041 (624-3313),6304 Welcome Ave N,Brooklyn Park 55429,

OPATZ Las J, Coordinator (Liberal Arts Advising),Teaching Spec (Communication Studies) 8-16JohH; 225 Ford Hall, Del Code 3n4 (624:1620),

OPENsHAW Kerry L, Ass! Prof (Bemidji StateUniversity) Department of Biology, sattgast Hall292,1500 Birchmont Dr NE, Box 27, Bemidji56601 (218-755--2799),3116 Florence Lane,Bemidji 56601 , 218-444-8388,opensOO20mail.crt<.umn.ed

OPHAUGRobert H, Assoc PrOf(DiagnosticIBiological Sciences) 18-104A Moos T,Del Code 1291 (625--5198), 1556 Briart<noll Dr, StPaul 55112, 851;633:4845, ophauOOl Otc.umn.eduOPlfEIM Vemon H, Prof (Retired) (UMD Music),8906 N Vendian Dr, Tucson AZ 85743,

OPOZ Andrew M, Ph 0 Candidate Grad instructor(Cultural StdylComparative Lit) 408 FolH; Room350 FoIH, Del Coda 0147 (624-2635; 624-a099),opilOO)

OPOZ PHD Donald L, Coordinator (GeneralCollege; General College Admin), Teaching Spec(General College) 5 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501(626-7572),5119 Red Oak Drive, Mounds View55112,763-717·3089, opilzOte.umn.eduOPOZ Gudrim M, Community Program Spec(Psychiatry) F282I2A West-e, Del Code 8393, .2723 Delaware St SE Apt3, Mpls 55414,331-3118,

OPOZ Maria C, Ofc Spec (MMCT Program) 1900Fitch Avenue, St Paul 55108 (624-0742),334 4thSt.NE Apt1, Mpls 55413, 331-4214,

OPP Ksren P, Teaching Spec (Central LakesMedical Ctr) 3011st St SE, Crosby 56441,oppXXOOl

OPPENHEIMER Jack H, Prof (Retired) (Genetics,Cell Bioi, Dev TMED) (624-9153), 4100 KerryCourt, Minnetonka 55343, oppanOOl Otc.umn.eduOPPENHEIMER Jossian, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Chemisiry) SmithH 407, Del Code 3681,380Wheelock Pkwy, Apt 209, saint Paul 55101 ,

OP!'ERMAN Ks~a J, Prin Laboratory Technician(Genetics, Cell Biology & Developmen) 6-160Jeckson Hall, Del Code 1217"(625--3730),651-208-0242,

OPSAHL David G, Ass! Pro! (Department ofPsychiatry) F282I2A West-B, Del Coda 8393,F28212A West, 2450 Riverside Avenue, Mpls55454-1493 (273-8701),

OPSAHL Irene M, Teaching Spec (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 851-859-0715,opsahOl00lc.umn.eduOPSAL Christen L, Informational Representative(Inst on Community Integration) Room 6H PiH, DelCode 4201 (624-3836), 322 Clifton Ave Apt302,Mpls 55403,3238, 874-6040,opsslOOl Otc.umn.eduORAMALU Lawrencina M, Re'search Assoc(Humphrey Inst of Public Affairs) Room 230HHHCtr, Del Code 7451, 5102 92nd CrescentRoad, Brooklyn Park 55433,763-424-5547,IoremaluOte.umn.9du

ORASKOVICH Clndi J, Non-University Employee '(UM Extension CalVer Cnty) 609 W 1st St,Waconia 55387·1204 (952-442-3015),moodyOO50lc.umn.eduORBOYICH Cynthia B, Assoc Program Dir (HHHInst Publ Aff-Admin) 134 H H 1-1 Ctr, DeIlCode 7451(625-2530), orbovOOl @te.umn.eduORCHARD Jacquelyn S, Administrative Aide(Disbursement sarvicas) Room 630B WBOB, 1300S 2nd St, Mpls 55454 (624-1830),[email protected] .,

ORCHARD MD Paul J, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics) MMC368Mayo, Del Code 8368, 6600 CCRB(62&2313), lm5 Cascade Dr, E.den Prairie55347, 952-949-911S, [email protected]

ORDONEZ Mpria E, Greduate ScI100I Fellow(Plant Pathology) Room 495 BotH, 1991 UpperButord Circle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6030(625-n89), 851-645-5970, ord000060tc.umn.eduORDWAY Ellen, Prof (Retired) (UMM Div ofScience and Math) Room 2550 Sci, M242A, 800 E4th St, Monis 56267 (32(}0S89-6280;320-589-6300), 915 W 4th St, Morris 56267,[email protected]'REILLY Michael F, Prof (UMM SciencelMath,Division of; UMM Student Personnal) 1310 SCI,600 E 4th St, Morris 56287 (320-589-6326), RR 1Box 123, Donnelly 56235, 320-589-3420,[email protected]'REILLY Patrick M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Ste 200)1973 Sloan Place, St Paul 55117, 8678 PheasantRun Road, WOO!lbury 55125, 651-730-5312,oreiI0050tc.umn.eduO'REILLY Rita K. Instructor (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) 701 Part< Ave S, Mpls 55415,20345 Linden Road, Deephaven 55331 ,[email protected]

O'REILLY sally'P, Prof (Music, Sch Of) 200 FergH, Del Code 7811 (624-0846), 1225 Lasalle ApI1904, MpIs 55403, 33HI486,

ORESKOVICH Ju~e A, Ass! Scientist(UMD·NRRI-CARTDlMinerals) 224 NRRI, 5013Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55811 (218-720-4331),6827 Hwy 68, Embarrass 55732, 218-749-3863,joreskovOnrri.umn.eduOREY VIVian, Instructor (Fridley Plaza Clinic) 6341University Ave NE, Fridley 55432,oreyxool Otc.umn.eduORF James H, Prof (Agronomy & Plant Genetics)409 Hayes Hall, Dei Coda 6028 (625--8275;625-9263),719 Terrier Lane, Somerset WI 54025,651-481·1418,orlxxOO10te.umn.eduORFlELD JR MyroIl"N, AssocProf (Law School),Program Dir (law School Institutes) Walter FMondale Hall,DeI Code 7911 (625-7976), 4019Sheridan Av S,MplS 55410, orlieldOtc.umn.eduORIANt Richard A, Prof (Retired) (Chemical Eng &Mat Sci) 112 Amund H, Del Code 0531 (625-5882),oitanOO10lc.umn.eduORIYE·ABAD Beqona, Teaching Spec (Spanish &Portuguese) 34 Fol H, Del Coda 0133 (625-4371),oriv90010lc.umn.eduORJALA Todd W, Sr Acquisitions Editor(University Press) 111 3rd Ave S, Del Code 7481(627'1973), t1>[email protected]';.eduORMISTON Cha~es F, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Neurological Associates of St Paul) 1850 BeamAve, Maplewood 55109, onnisOO10tc.umn.eduORNER MD James B, Assoc Prof (TherapeuticRadiology) MMC 494 Mayo, Del Code 8494,omerOO20lc.umn.eduORNING George W, Research Fellow (ForestResources) Room 2090 GreenH, Del Code 6112(625-1703), 169 Windsor Lane, New Brighton55112,651-633-9444, omin0020lc.umn.eduO'ROURKE Dennis G, Adjunct Instructor (Schoolof Social WOrk) Room 400 FordH, Del Coda 6161,1371 Midway Pkwy, St Paul 55108, 348-8597,orourOO50lc.umn.eduO'ROURKE Kevin J, Pr Systems Programmer(Acad and Distr Comp SIVCS) 152 Shep Lab, DelCode Onl (626-8354),

OROZCO RODRIGUEZ Jose A, Teaching Ass!(School of Mathematics) Room 127 VinH 524, 206Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Coda 0412(624-0284), 1289 Cleveland'Ave N AptSB, St Paul55108,651-489-2832,orozl> .ORR Harry T, Depertmental Dir (Human Genetics,Ins! 01), Prof (Lab MedlcinelPathology) MMC 206Mayo, Del Code 8615, 5--211 MT (625-3647),5133Luveme Ave S, Mpls 55419-1440, 627-5578,orrxxOO20tc.umn.eduORR Jennie M, AdjUnct Assoc Prof (Allina MedicalClinics - Hastings) 1210 Wast First St, Hastings55033, orrxx0060lc.umn.eduORR Lindsay R, Research Ass! (MedIcine),Teaching Asst (Food SciencelNutriIion HE) MMC504 Mayo, Del Code 8099, 3232 Richardson, ButteMT 59701, 408-494-7532,

'ORR Michael J, Ass! Gerdener (LandscapeAo1lorelum), Sr Building and Grounds Wort<er(Landscape ArboIetum) 3675 AtboAltum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613, 819 Tuecerora Ave, St Paul55102,851·310-9559,

ORR MIchaJIe M, Adminlstr8tive Professional (BellMuseum Of Nat HisI) Bell Mus, Del Code 0051(624-2596), orrxx0080tc.umn.eduORR Peter A, Landscape MaIntenance ~upv

(UMM-Planl Svos-Adm) 9 Cam, Monis 56267(320-589-6102; 32D-589-6138), PO Box 158,53007140th Stree~ Donnelly 56235,320-248-3337, orrpaOmorris.umn.eduORR Shelley A, Teaching Spec (CCE College inthe Schools) Room 202 WasH, Del Code 3831,orrxxOl00tc.umn.eduORR William B, Ass! Prof (Psychiatry Department)MMC 393 Mayo, Del Code 8393, MMC 393 Mayo,orrxx0090te.umn.1KluORROCK NiclaUSi Brick and Stone Mason(CPPM-U of M Construction) Room 300 DonhoweBldg, 319 15th Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code3121 (625--3410),16887 319th Ave, P~ncton55371, 763-856-6075, orr0c<J040tc.umn.eduORSO Theresa L, Ass! Dir, Student Support Svc(UMD Aced SupportlStudentLife) 139 DAdB,0211, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-M54), torsoOd.umn.eduORSTAD Cynthia E, Exec Administrattve Spec(Youth aI1d AIDS Project) Loring Part<~Building, 428 Oak Grove St, Mpls 55403(627-8620),orsta0020tc.umn.eduORTEGA Benjamin M, Info Tech Prof (MNPopulation Center) 50 Willey Hall, Del Code 7931(626-4216; 624-5818), 501·5456,orteg0040te.umn.eduORTEGA Gloria H, Postdoctoral Assoc (Institutefor Mathematics & its App) 400 Lind Han, 207Church St SE, Mpis 55455, ortegDl00lc.umn.edUORTIZ J.oshua L, Jr Scientist (Neuroscience) Rm6-145 JacH, 321 Church $1 S, MpIs 55455, DelCode 1216, 1494 Selby, SI Paul 55104,851-485-0617, ortiz0390tc.umn.eduOflTlZ Rafael A, GradUate School Fellow(Sociology) 1080 SocSci Bldg, Del Coda 7171,ortIOOO10tc.umn.eduORTJZ-GONZALEZ PHD Xilma, ProfessionalSchool Fellow (NeurOsurgery) LionsRes, 2001 6thSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 2873 (626-9212),ortiz0070tc.umn.eduORTMANN Gerald F, Visiting Prof (AppliedEconomics) Room 231 CIaOff, 1994 Buford Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6040, 86 Adams Road,PietennarilZburg, So Africa 3201 South Af~, •

ORTMANN Ward A, Info Tech Supv (Medicine)MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code 8108, 6·244 BS8ndBE(625--5168),37324 Haritage Way, North Branch55056, 651·2n-0401, ortm&ool Olc.umn.eduORTON Charles E, Adjunct Asst Pro! (Dept ofArcMecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Codll 0811(624-7866),.1610 E 50th Street, Mpls 55417,729-8835, ortonD020tc.umn.eduORTYL Timothy A, Teaching Ass! (Sociology)1067 SocSci, Del Code 7171 (824-5296;624-4300), ortylOOtOtc.umn.eduOSAJ Justice K, Teaching Ass!(BiosystemsiAgricultual Engr) Room 304BioAgEng, Del Code 6005,1737 Eustis S1reet, Apt3, Lauderdale 55113, osaixOOl Otc.umn.eduOSBORN JR John W, Prof (Physiology) 2-153JacH, Del Code 1215 (624-3074), 309 BrimhallStreet, St Paul 55105, 378-0978,osbor0030tc.umn.eduOSBORN Joy B, Assoc Prof (Primary Dental Care;Dental Education, ContinUing) Room 9-372B MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625--8970),osborOO10te.umn.eduOSBORN Mart< J, Research Ass! (Immunology).MMC 109, 420 Delaware, Mpls 55455 (624-0474),4501 Park Glen Road Apt211, St Louis Park55416, osbor0260lc.umn.eduOSBORN Vince, Teaching Spec (UMD Music;UMD Rne Arts Admin, School of) 231 H, Duluth(218-728-8208),1301 N Central Ave, Duluth55807, 218-62lHl394, BassPlayerOearthling.netOSBORNE Cart A, Prof (Smell Animal Clin Sci)C306 Vet Tch Hos, Del Code 6192 (625-4285),2585 Cohansey 51, $1 Paul 55113, 851-484-7624,osbor0020lc.umn.eduOSBORNE Jonathan W, Info Tech Prof (Work,CommunitylFamily Educ) Room 210 VoTech, DeiCode 6197 (624-1217), jwoOte.umn.eduOSBORNE Maria E, Sr Ofc Spec (Ctr for PublicHith Edu and Outreac) Room 350 UOffPI, Del •Code 2702 (628-4515), 0sb000730te.umn.eduOSBORNE Thomas E, Adjunct Instructor (RaiterClinic) 417 Skyline Blvd, Cloquet 55720

OSE Debra J, Lecturer (UMM DIY of Education)Roorn 200 Edu, M231 A, 800 E 4th SI, t,1orris56287, djoseOmorris.umn.eduOSE Kevin J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Part< NicolletClinic) 3900 Part< Nicollet Blvd, St Louie Part<55416, 18699 Magenta Bey, Eden Praiita 55347,oseXXOO10lc.umn.eduOSEI-KUFFUOR Daniel, Research Ass! (ComputerSciencelEnginee~ng; Chemistry) ComputerSciencelEngineering, Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Coda 0571, 810ThomtOll St SE, Apt 204, Mpls 55414,oseikOO20te.umn.eduOSETH Jeff J, Heed Coach (UMC-Athl, Intell) 142Owen H, CrooI<ston 56716 (218-281-8428),joselhO Lea M, Child Care Teacher (UMCChildren's Center) ECD, Crookston 56716(218-281-8285), 1124th Ave S, CroOkston 56716,701-297-8173, vacha0030mail.crk.umn.edOSETH Leann L, Coordinator (Institute Of Human·Geneilcs) MMC 206 Mayo, Del Code 8206, 4-140Moos Tower (626-3302), oseth0030te.umn.eduO'SHAUGHNESSY Eileen A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Family MedicinelComm Health), Ass! Prof(Medicine) HCMC, Nephl1llogy Division, 701 ParkAve, Mpls 55415, 952·920·9812,osheuOO10tc.umn.eduO'SHAUGHNESSY Matthew J, Research Asst(Pediatrics BMT) MMC 368 Mayo, Del Code 8368,430 CCRB (628-4321), osha00060lc.umn.eduOSIER Donald V, Assoc Prof Emeritus (OffIce: 283Wilson Library) Room 20 OMWL, Del Gode 7111(624-5718),3950 Orchard Ave N, Robbinsdale55422, d-osieOtc.umn.eduOSIMOZ Thomas G, Adjunct Assoc Prof (ScienceStrategie) 800 E Water St, Suite C, Cha~ottesvllleVA 22902, oslmi0030tc.umn.eduOSIOWHE",U Cynthia S, Outpatient Clinic Ass!(Preventive Sci·Pediatric Dentistry) 6-150 Moos T,Del Coda 1291 (625--1698), osioWOOl Olc.umn.eduOSIPKOV Ivan, Research Fellow (424 VinH), DelCode 0571, oslpkOO10tc.umn.eduOSKIE S1ephenie 0, Assoc Development Ofer (MNMedical Foundation) Room 300 Gateway, Del

cCode 2012 (624-8453),152 Arthur Ave SE, Mpls55414, 623-4960, oski9001 Otc.umn.eduOSLl/ND catherine A, Instructor (2030 Ridge Dr,Su"e 34) St Louis Park 55418,10023 Junipar AveN, Brooklyn Park 55443,763-425--7923,oslunOO70tc.umn.eduOSMAN Ge"u, Building and Grounds Worker(Faciities Mgmt CLA Zone 5) Room 19 ScottH, DelCode 3233 (626-8119), 1314 E Maynard DrApt293, St Paul 55116, 851·230-1470,osman0140tc.umn.eduOSMAN Nad~a M, Community Program Ass!(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB; Room 4-130WDH, Del Code 7525 (624-1818), 1819 S 6thStreet, Mpls 55454, 333-3786,[email protected] safia, Dental Ass! (CUHCCNCC) 2001Bloomington Avenue South, Del Code 7851(638-0700), Apt 201, 22 Univ Ave NE, Mpls 55413,317-9042,osman0070te.umn.eduOSMUNDSON Cynthia, Non Univ Staff (CloquetForestry Ctr) 175 University Road Cloquet(218-726-8400), osmun0240tc.umn.eduOSTAP<;,HUK Mark, Leclurer (Art Department)E259 RegisCtr, Del Code 7831 (625--3214),OstapOO10tc.umn.eduOSTENDORF Cynthia M, Personnel Ass! (Offles ofthe Bursar) 145 Williamson Hall, Del Code 0172(624-1464), khutsOOl Ote.umn.eduOSTENSO Andreas, Instructor (Medicine) VAMC,1 Veterans Dr, Mpls 55104 (467·1100),1905Portland Ave Apt 0, SI Paul 55104, 851·646-9604,osten0070lc.umn.eduOSTER Vicki M, Adjunct Asst Prof (SouthdalePedialrics - Eden Prairie) no 1, 18570 W78th St,Eden Praiita 55344, osterOl00tc.umn.eduOSTERHAUER Donna, Tchg Specialist/AdjunctProf (Horticulture) 305 Aldennan Hall,Del Code6008, oster021 .OSTERHOLM Denise A, Lab SeIVIces Coordinator(UMD Physics) 31 MWAH, 0179, 1023 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6312), 814 E 8thStreet, Duluth 55805-1461, 218-728-3626,dosterhoOd.umn.eduOSTERHOLM Michael T, Dir CempusICoIlegeLevel (inlectious Diaease, Center tor), Prof (PubrocHeelth, School of) MMC 283 Mayo, Del Code8283, (626-6nO,625-3908),


OSTERIlElER Eric J, Resean:h Ass! (HumphreyInst 01 PubIlc AIIalrj Room 130 HHHCtr, Del Code7451 (624-2031),715 UniY8lBily Ave SE, ApI201,MjlIs 55414, 362'()752, 0ster0170tc.urm.eduOSTHUS~ A, Prin Adminlslrative Spec(CUHCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave, Del Code 7851(638-0700 xl45), 1701 E 31st 51, !Apls 55407,87~, osthuOOl0lc.umn.eduOSTlJE KaI8ll M, Extension Educator/Ass! Prot(UM Extension Reg! Ctr Albert Lea) 2360Crossroads Blvd, Albert Lea 56007-4001(507-379-3524),515 Harriet Lane, Albert Lea'56007, 507-377-2203, kOstIieOtc.umn.edu0S11JE Kanne1h R, Prof (Entomology) 219Hodson H, Del Code 8125 (624-7436), 485 OldFann Road, Shorevlew 55128, 851-633-5805,ostlIOO10te.urm.eduOSTlJE Norma S, SCientiSt (Iliochemistry) 7-222MCB, Del Code 1214 (624-3790), 485 Old FannRoad, Shoreview 55128, ostIlOO20te.urm.eduOSTIIAH CIarica M, Library Supv (GovernmentPublicalions Libnuy) 10 OMWL. Del Code 7111(624-0241), c-ostmOte.umn.eduOSTIIOE Nancy A, Taaching Spec (KlnesioIogy)Room 100 CookeH, 1900 University Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 2061,~1 Olc.urm.eduOSTRANDER PHD Julie H, Post-OocIofal Assoc(Cancer Canter), Post-ooctoral Felkiw (CancerCenter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 490Cancer Center Reseerch Bldg (624-1971),har,1s13540tc.umn.eduOSTRANDER Malgaret, Library Ass! 2 (WIlsonReserves) 85 OMWL, Del Code 7111,ostr00670tc.umn.eduOSTROV Charies S, Adjunct Prof (4001 StinsonBlvd NE) Suite 224, MpIs 55421,ostroOO90te.umn.eduOSTROW Robert 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof (5851Duluth 81) Suite 215, Golden VaUey 55422,ostro0140te.umn.eduOSTROWSKI Beverly G, Research Assoc(Biochemistry) 1-130 BSandBE, Del Code 1214(626-1148),952-985-5295, 0str00160tc.umn.eduOSTROWSKY JuUe, Program Oir (Center 10<Infectious Disaase) MMC 283, Del Code 8283,Research and Policy (624-3149), jIoOtc.umn.eduOSTRY M"1ChaeI E, Assoc Prof (NOllh Cntri ForestExpnnt S1n)Room 107 NCFor, Del Code 8148,ostryOO10te.umn.eduOSTVIG Wm T, Coordinator (U Connects)McNamara Alumni Ctr, Del Code 2016 (626-2820;624-3958), ostvigwlOte.umn.eduO'SULLIVAN DenieI J, Assoc Prof (Food ScIenceand Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099 (824-5335), 5630Trenton Lane, PIymoulh 55442,dosuHivOte.umn.eduO'SULLIVAN Douglas, Product Manager(Applications Oev & Maint) Room 660 WBOB, DelCode 7531 (624-3832), 872-5295,osuI10240te.umn.eduO'SULLIVAN Ka1herine S, Lecturer(UMD-PsychoIogy) 320 BohH, Duluth, 1640Brimson Rd, Brimson 55602, kosuHivOd.umn.eduO'SULLIVAN Michael G, Assoc Prof (VetertnaryPathoBiology) 235E Animal SclenceNet Med, DelCode 6010(~1), osuI1OO20te.umn.eduOSWALD John W, Adjunct Instructor (HIth SvcsResearchlPoIicyj, Adjunct Ass! Prot (Epidemiology)MMC 97 Mayo, Del Code 8097, C-309 M¥;Room 300 WBOB (623-5187; 624-1818),oswalOO70tc.umn.eduOSWALD Maggie A, Coordinator (240 WilliamsonHalO 231 Pillsbury Dr SE. Del Code 0171(625-2445), oswaOO530te.umn.eduOTHMER Hans G, Prof (School of Mathematics)VinH 270A, Del Code 0412 (824-6325),763-795-0115, othmeOOl Otc.umn.eduOnENO AlJl8S A, Social Worker (AHC-eUHCC) CU H CC, Del Code 7861 (638-0700),aukooOlc.umn.eduons Marlys, Non Univ Staff, U Of M MpIa(861-582-3752), olisxOO70tc.umn.eduO'TOOLE Carol A, Sr Lecturer (Industrial RelationsCtr) 3-300 CariSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, MPIs55455, Del Code 7041, otoolOO40tc.umn.eduO'TOOLE Patrick J, Teaching Spec (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union 81 SE, Mpts 55455, Del Code 0571, 1504Summit Oaks Ct, Bumsv\IIe 55337,otoolOO70lc.umn.eduO'TOOLE PhiHIp, Electromechanical SystemsSpec (School of Music) 183 Fergu$Oll Hall, DelCode 7811 (626-1842),

OTT Christopher E, Ass! Prof (Smiley'a) Mpls,4380 Thielen Ave S, Edina 55436, 724-6473,ottxOO130tc.umn.eduOTT liD Frederick W, Ass! Prof (Radiology) MMC292, Del Code 8292, B238 Mayo,ottxx0140tc.umn;eduOTT Harald, Ass! Prof (Physiology), ResearchAssoc (Biomedical Engr. Ctr 10<) Room 7-10511IBSsndBE, Del Code 1191 (628-3355), 3008Lyndale Ave S Apl304, Mpls 55408,ottxx0570tc.umn.eduOnE Diane M, Instructor (FUMC) MMC 494, 420Delaware 81 SE, Mpls 55455,ottxx0150tc.umn.eduOnEN Theresa R, Ass! Prof (UMM~ 01Humanities) Room 104 Hum, M233A, 600 E 4th 51,Manis 58287,.504 East 5th Stteet, ManIs 56267,ottentrOmorris.umn.eduOTTERBY Donald E, Prot (Retired) (AnimalScIence) Room 205 HckrH, 1364 Eckles Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6118, 660 Riveria Drtve,New Brighton 55112-7616, 651-636-2304,otterOO10tc.umn.eduOnESEN Hal, Prof (UM Rochestar) 855 30th AveSE, Rochester 55904 (507-280-2833), 42478County Road '86, Mazeppa 55956,HaI.OltasenOroch.eduOTTESON Brett A, Taaching Ass! (Electrtcal andComputer Engr), Resaarch Ass! (EleclricaI andComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EEICScI, Del Code0572 (824-3930), 591 Fairvtew Avenue, St Paul55116,651-698-4478, bottesonOtc.umn.eduOmNGER Barbara B, Adjunct Instruclllr (AbbottNOllhMSlem Hospital) (11119), 600 E 28th St,MpIs 55407, 8112 Vincent Ave S, Bloomington55431-1239,952-948-1916,bUnge0050tc.umn.eduOTTJES Nikki, Teaching Ass! (SchooI.of Muelc)Room 100 FergH, 2106 4th St S, Mpts 55455, DelCode 7811, 1064 Sherran S1nset West, Roseville55113,651-340-3960, ottjOOO30tc.umil.eduOTTO Duane 0, Landsc8pe Gardener (MNLandscape Arboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,ChaskB,55318-9613 (952-44a-l455), 11515 CtyRd 24, Watertown 55388, 952-955-3721 ,0IlllldlO70tc.umn.eduOTTO Eric L, Research Ass! (Water ResourcesCenter) Room 173 McNH, Del Code 8148(625-9252), 651-324-3190, ottox1250tc.umn.eduOTTO Rachael M, Ass! Coach (UMO Athletics,Intercollegiate) 170 SpHC, 0806, 1216 OrdaanCourt, Duluth 55812, rottoOd.umn.eduOTT-PlNCKAERS Nancy L, Ass! Prof (SouthdaiePediatrics - Edina) no 120, 3955 Pari< Lawn Ave,Edina 55435, ottxxOO90tc.umn.aduOTUBUSHIN Festus 0, Building and GroundaWori<er (Facilities Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB,1936 Commonwealth Ave, 81 Peu1551118, DelCode 6168, 5960 144th Lane NW, Ramsey 55303,763-421-4159,otubu0020tc.umn.aduOTUBUSHIN Marilyn C, Assoc Admin (FacMgmt-Zone 2-West Bank) ~7 Heller Hall, Del Code3121 (624-7831), m-otubOtc.umn.eduOU Narith N, Instructor (81 Marys HoepItaI/MayoClinic) Phannacy Dept, 1216 2nd 81 SW,Rochester 55901,15638 Come/I TraU, Rosemount55068, ouxxxOO30tc.umn.eduOU Winston, Postdoctoral Assoc (Institute lorMathematics and its A) 400 Und HaH, 207ChurchStreet SE, Mpls 55455, 0uxxx0130tc.umn.aduOUUCKY Cheryl, Prin Accounlanl (SponsoredFinancial Reporting) Room 450 McNamara Ctr, DelCode 2003 (624-7033), ouIlllOOl Otc.umn.eduOULIIAN JurIS A, Adjunct Instruclllr (HealthEastClinics) 1983 Sloan Place, 81 Paul 55117(651-490-0433),2320 HHlsIde Ave, 81 Paul 55108, .651-644-4293, ouImaOO10tc.umn.eduOlJ-QlJlNLAN ToIa, PelllOllnel Sp8c (DentistryAdmin - Human Resources) Room 15-118 MoosT,Del Code 1291 (628-4172), 0uxx00020tc.umn.eduOUREN Dallas l. Lecturer (Humanities) Rm 831HellerH, Del Code 7057 (825-6583), 28783 Hwy104, Glenwood 58334, 320-278-3538,ouren0020tc.umn.eduOURSLER Merry J, Ass! Prof (UMD-Blology) 211 LSci, Duluth (218-726-3533), 29687 82nd Ave Way,Cannon Falls 55009, 218-72&-7614aus Jeffrey 0, Ass! Prof (MIlItary ScIence) 110Annory, Del 'Coda 0894 (824-8014; 624-7300),ousxxOOl0lc.umn.eduOUTCALT Devld M, Research Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0691, 651-390-2560,

OUTlEY Coriiss, AsstProt (Kinesiology) 209Cooke, Del .Code 2061 (624-3085),ooutleyOte.urnn·eduOUYANG Wei, Research Asst (DiagIBloIo SCi ­0r0lacIaI Paln -.1') 7-220 Moos Towet, Del Code1291, 0uya00190te; '

OUYANG Zhlmlng, Research Ass! (VetPathobioIogy) Room 295 AnScWM, 1988 FilchAve, 81 Paul 55108, DeI.Code 6019,

OVERBY Phillip G, Ass! Prot (Pari< NiCOllet ­Blaisdell) 2001 Blalsen Ave S, MpIs 55404,overbOOBOtc.umn.eduOVERGAARD NicIcy M, Instructor (EquineIndustries Mjjmt) 100 A UTOC, Crookston 56718(218-281-8128), 40108190th 81 SW, East GrandFor1<s 56721, 218-773-431~,novergaaOmail.cri<.umn.eduOVERLAND Aaron, Graduate School Trainee '(Department of Neuroscience) 6-145 Jackson HaH,321 Church St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 1216,3212 Fremont Ave S AptlO3, Mpls 55408,963-2347, overOl050tc.umn.eduOVERLAND Maribeth S, Instructor (UMDEduclHuman Svc Pro, Col of) 113 BohH, 0141,1207 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7156;218-728-7687),1502 E Slyfina Pkwy, Duluth55805,218-728-4009OVERLANDER Joel, Non Univ Staff (Medicine) 1Veterans Drive Mpts, overiOOl 'OVERIlIER J Bruce, Prot (Psychology) N-218EItH, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, Del Code3281 (625-1835), psyjboOtc.umn.eduOVERTON JR John W, Adjunct Instructor(Minneaota Thoracic AssociateS) 920 East 38th 81no 440, MpIs 55407, 3985 Plymouth Road,Minnetonka'55305,952-933-3216, .

OYERTOOM Michelle L, Sr One Stop Counselor(One 510p 51udent Services) 20Il Fraser Hall, DelCode 3395 (628-2042), overtOlZOtc.umn.eduOWEN Brandon A, Dental Fellow (Developmental& Sutg Sci-Qrtho) R«xn 6-320 MoosT, Del Code1291 (625-3444), 823-0690.owanx0300tc.umn.eduOWEN Erica L, Graduate SChool Fell~ (PoIilicaIScience) Room 1414 SocSci, 7175, 28719th,AveS, Mpls 55455, 124 TImber Brook, Penfield NY14528, I

OWEN Jann, Manager(~ngIT~Services), Exempt Temporary or Casual (RealEstate Olfica), Del Code 2171 (626-1703),j-owenOtc.umn.eduOWEN Kay J, Coordinator (Cartson Sbhool ofMgmt) 2-250 CariSMgmt, Del Code 7041(626-3789), 3486 Ivy Place, Wayzata 55391,0wenx0700tc.umn.eduOWEN Mary K, Clinical Spec (Primary DentalCere-Health Ecology) Room 9-288 Moos T, DelCode 1291'(625-1191), owanxOOl Otc.umn.eduOWEN Patricia L, Adjunct Ass! Prot (Hazeldan)ProtasaJonal and Community Selvices, pO Box 11.Canter City 55012, 1240 Churchill St, St Pool

·55103, owenOOll Otc.umn.eduOWENS Boone B.'Prot (Chemical Eng & Mat Sci)112 Amund H, Del Code 0531 (625-1332),owans0030tc:umn.eduOWENS Cheryl T, Libnuy Asst 3 (Fores1ry Ubnuy)B50 Skok Hall. Del Code 6147 (624-8258),e-owenOtc.umn·ecJuOWENS Joseph I, PrOf (PhilOSOPhy) 608 HellerH,Del Code 7057 (825-0851), . 'owensOO20tc.umn.ecllOWENS HI ~ue~ Administrative Professional(Intercollegiate Athletics) 140 SpPav. Del Code2691 (625-2829), 1306 Boardwalk PJaee, Mpis55411,378-2245, 0wens0180lc.umn.eduOWENS Suannah L, Prtn Administrative Spec(Department of Cantral security) University OfficePtaza - Suite 335, Del Code 2703 (824-1750),763-789-4689, owens0230tc.umn.eduOWNBEY Gerald, Prof (Retlied) (Plant BIology),15161 Afton Hills DrS, Alton 55001,ownbeOO10tc.umn.eduOXNARD Graham M, AdjunClIl)structor (ISJ) 1695Lor Ray Dr. North Mankato 56003,oxnatOOl'OYEDELE Babatunda 0, BuIldIng and GroundsWori<ar (Facilities Mgml-ZOne 2 Area B) Room 300DonhowaB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpis 55455,1DelCode 3121, 600 University Ave S E Apt 408, Mpls55414, 623-3892, oyedeO(ll


OYEN Duane P, Sr GrantIConlraet Alinin(Sponsored Projecls Alinin) 450 McNamaraCtr,Del Code 2003 (625-6826), 7347 Orchid Ln N,Maple Grove 55311, 763-420-5640.cloyeOOtc.umn.eduOYLER Alan R, Sr Research Assoc (UMDChetnis1ry) 106Chern, 1039 University Dr, Duluth55812 (218-728-7212), 2735, Northridge Dr, Duluth55811,.218-720-2925, aoyterOd.umn.eduOZ Gulin, Ass! Prof (Radiology), Research Assoc(Raciology)'CMRR, Del Code 2841 (825-7697),ozxxxOOl Ote.umn.eduOZAIR Sahban N, Research Ass! (Chern Eng &Material ScIence) 186 AmundsOn HaH, Del Code0531 (826-2021),1247 Gibbs Ava, Falcon Heights i

55108, 651-644-2917, ~rOOl Otc.urm.eduOZDOGAN Ayca, Teaching Ass! (Economics),Graduate School Fellow (Economics) Economics,Room 1035 HallerH, 271 19th Ave S, Mpis 55455,Del Code 7052 (825-6353), ozd0g0020tc.umn.eduOZEKI Masashi, V'ISilInatr, 228 Uons Res BldgMpls, 9350 Collegeview Road, Bloomington Mn55455,0~1 Otc.umn.eduOZER Mua\afa, Research Ass! (TherapeuticRadiology) Masonic Cancer Center Ml0S, 420Delaware 81 SE, MpIs 55455, 2514 EmalllOllAvenue South Apt2, Mpis 55405, 386-1742,ozarOOOSOtc.umn.eduOZGUR AyaeI, Reseerch Ass! (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Roorri 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, MpIa 55455, Del Code 0571,ozgu00030tc.umn.aduOZMUN Robert C, Lecturer (Accounting) 3-122CariSMgmt, 32119th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7041, ozmunOOl Otc.umn.eduOZOUNS Andrew L, Asst Prot (Padatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, ozollOOl

PPAAVALA Jean M, Prin Accounts Spec (VetDiagnostic Medicine) 244 Vet 0 L, 0eI Code 6184(825-1248),58 W Iowa Ave, 81 Paul 55117,651-489-3731, J-paavOtc.umn.eduPABON Maria, Research Ass! (College 01Education) Room 206 BuH, Del Code 3171(624-6083),608 Berry 81144, SaInt Paul 55114,651-398-0587, paboOOO20tc.umn.eduPABST John E, Instructor (Ncs Phannacy)l286Corporate Center Dr, Eagan 55121, 222 5thAvenue NQrth, Hopkins 55343,pabstOO10tc.umn.eduPACALA James T, Assoc Prof (FamilyMedicinalComm HeaIth). Program Dlr (FamilyMedIclneJOomm Health) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code8381, 6th Floor Mayo, Am A682-1 (625-0954),4455 Dupont Av S; Mpls 55409, 825-4834,

PACE David E, Assoc ProfjRetired) (UMEJdenslon Ctr oI4-H Youth Oev) S1e 2708McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2016 (624-8489), 21118Ferris Lane, Roseville 55113, 86Hl36-62ll7, •pacex0020tc.umn.eduPACE JennHer E, Research Ass! (MN PlJIl4IallorfCentar) Room 537 HalIerH, 271 19th Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7059, paceOOOl Olc.umn.eduPACHARINSAK ChoIawat Research Ass!(Veterinary and BiomedIcal ScIence) Roem 212AnScWM, Del Code 6187, pacha0030tc.umn.eduPACKER Craig, Prof (EooIogy,EvoIutionlBahavior), Adjunct Prot (Medicine) 506Ecology, Del Code 6098 (625-5729).pacl<aOOl Otc.umn.aduPACKIRISAIIY Venl<atesan, ResaarchAss!(Computer SciencelEngineenng) Room 4-192EElCSCI, 200 Union 81 SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code0571, 1000 8th Street SE, Apt 102, Mpls 55414,packOO480tc.umn·ecJuPADAIISEE Mahajabean, Research Ass! (PlantBloIogy) 250 BloScICtr, Del Code 6022 (625-7740;825-1234)PADDOCK Dorothy L, Prtn Accounts SpeclAcclSuPV (Clinical Systems-Patient Acclg) 7:158 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (825-9191), 1589 Payne Ave, StPaul 55101, paddoOO30lc.umn.eduPADELFORD Richard J, Utility Wori<er (TSB AllThird Floor) Room 302 T88, 511 Washington AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1963, 589 Front 51, 81Paul 55117';851-488-1854, pedelOO30tc.umn.eduPADGITT Noelle R, Teaching Ass!(Speach-Lang-Heartng Sci, Dept) Room 115ShevH, 164 Pillsbury Dr SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code4401, 3252 Freniont Ave S Apt3, MpIs 55408,866-~13,



PALLO Maria, Sr Ole Spec (University Foundation) PAN Tmgrui, Research Assoc (ElectricallCornpuler (Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2011 Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572 i(625-6107), 85H39-9778, (626'7188), iPALLO Steve C, Food Servlce Worker (Ca~son .PAN Vong-Yi, Adjunct Instructor (Health Partners- !

. Dining Servlces) L145H, Del Code 7041 Coon Rapida Clinic) 11475 RobinSon Drive, Coon •(625-5566), 3817 Macalester Dr NE Apt 204, St Rapids 5531" IAnthony 55421, 788-9555, PAN Wei, Assoc Prof (Biostatistics) MMC 303PALM Christine L, Medical Laboratory Technician Mayo, Del Code 8303, A428 Mayo (826'2705), I(Veterinary Medical callter) Room 305 VMC, 1365 851-639-0839, rGortner Ave, Sl Paul 55108, Del Code 6194, 224 PAN Weihong, Ass! Scientist (MedIcineBurke Ave W, Roseville 55113, 651-489-7028, Hematology Office) MMC 460 Mayo, Del B480, 14-155 PWB (628-4346), 651-765-0791, .PALM Nancy J, Accounts Spec (RAR) MMC 69 IMayo, Del Coda 6069, '1-525 PWB; 3547 21st Ave PAN Xiaojing, Post-Doctoral Assoc iS, Mpls 55407, (Pharmacology) Room 6'120 Jackson Hall, Del ,

Code 1213,1119 East River Parkwy, Mpls 55414, !PALM Selly L, Asst To (Lab Medicine & Pathology) iMMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8809, 7-134 BSandBE PAN Yihui, Teaching Asst (Finance), Research 'It(628-4431),2634 Monroe St NE, Mpis 55418,782-Q588, Asst (Finance) 3-122 Ca~SMgmt, Del Coda 7041 !PALMA Russell L, AdlU'nct Prof (Physics & (626-9702; ,624-2688), 423-6931, J "Astronomy) 231 Phys, Del Coda 0331 (624-6001), PANAGOPOULOS Anastasia, Teaching AsstApt 2,500 Holly Ave, St Paul 55102, r651-225-0693, (Philosophy) Rm 831 HelierH, 27119th Ave S, IPALMER Ann T, Asst Scientist (Department of Mpis 55455, Del Coda 7057 (625-6563), ; 1Pediatrics) MMC 491 Mayo, Del Code 8491,3-110 PANCIERA Katie, Teaching Asst (Compuler 'BSandBE (626-3708), SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192EE1C!ki, 200PALMER Christopher J, Adjunct Asst Prof (Office Union 81 SE, Mpls 55455, Del Coda 0571,1004of Emergency Medicine) 3300 Oakdale Ave N, 7th 81 SE Apt 101, MpIs 55414, 859-985-0788,Robbinsdale 55422, panci0020tc.umn.eduPALMER Larry B, Building and Grounds Worker PANCOE Christopher S, Teaching Asst (Art(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 5 Area D) Room 300 Department) Room E201 RegisCtr, 405 21st AveDonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpis 55455, Del S, Mpls.55455, Del Code 7831,2530 8th St S,Code 3121, l00329th Ave SE Apt F, MpIs 55414, Mpls 55454, panc00050tc'.umn.edu623-0209, PANDEY Gaurav, Research Asst (CornpulerPALMER Naomi C, Adjunct Asst Prof (Family SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200MedicinelComm Health), Instructor (Pediatrics) Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571, 400 6thPartners in Pediatrics, no 501,3366 oakdale Ave Ave SE Apt16, Mpls55414,N, Robbinsdale 55422, pandeOll0tc.umn.eduPALMER-DENSMORE Melissa, Post-Doctoral PANDEY Krishan K, Post-Doctoral AssocFellow (Animal Science) 495 An SeW M, Del Code (Pharmacology) Room 6-120 Jackson Hall, Del6014 (624-3295). 8883 Aviary Path, Inver Grove. Code 1213, 22 Vanmark Way, Seint Louis MdHeights 55077, 851-905-0891, 63144,331-9305, PANDEY Om N,lnstructor 01A Medical canter)PALMQUIST Daniel M, Adjunct Asst. Prof (Family One Veterans Drive, Generallntemal Medicine,MedlcineJComm Health; UMDFamily Medicine) 1110, Mpls 55417, pandeOI40tc.umn.eduRaiter Clinic, 417 Skyline Blvd, Cloquet 55720, PANDITA RoM, Teaching Asst (Aerospace and Mechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union St

SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731,PALMQUIST Jos8ph M, Jr Scientist (2001 6th S, pandiOOBOtc.umn.eduSE) Room no, 845-1370, palmqOI50tc.umn.eduPALMQUIST Julie A, Instructor (United & PANEK Andrew, Sergeant of Police (Police Dept)Childrens Hospital) 333 N Smith, St Paul 55102, 100 T S B, Del Coda 1981 (824-3550),1514140th Lane NW, Andover 55304, PANEK Sandra L, Program Assoc (Patient

. Accounting - Dentistry) Room 7-530 MoosT, DelPALMQUIST Krista L, Sr Ole Spec (Envm Health Code 1291 (62~232), panekOOl Otc.umn.eduSciences (SPH)) 351L McNamare Ctr, Del Code PANETTA Carmelo J, Asst Prof (cardiovascular2004 (625-3871), 2434 Plaesant Ave Apt3, Mpls Division) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 29655404,729-9059, palm0221 VCRC (625-9156), paneIOO20tc.umn.eduPALMSTROM Chris J, Prof (Chemical Eng & Mat PANGBORN Toni, Sr Administrative oirSci) 151 Amund H, Del Coda 0531 (625-7558), (Classroom Mgmt-Classroom Support) Wm80nH, Del Coda 0174 (625-2660),PALS Patricia A, CMA (Boyn HS) Nursing pangbOO10tc.umn.eduDepartment, Del Coda 1171 (624-1134), PANGBURN Todd 0, Graduate School (Chem Eng & Malerial Science) 185 AmundsonPALU VieId, Non Univ Steff (Medical School Hall, Del Coda 0531 (628-2021),Admin) C~7 Mayo Mpls, paluxOOl pangbOI40tc.umn.eduPALUMBO Stephanie J, 81udant Personnel PANIZZA Steve, Info Tech Prol (7-178 WDH) 308COOrdinator (Graduate School) 313 JOO H, Del Harvard St SE; 308 Hervard St SE, Del Coda 1332Code 3773 (825-2040), 1883 Ross Ave, St Paul (625-7203; 826'5232), panizOOl Otc.umn.edu55106, 851·77lHl227, PANKAKE PHD Marcia J, Prof (ArtslHumanitiesPALUMBO Theresa J, Teaching Ass! (College of Collections (CDM)) 170B OMWL, Del Code 7111Education) Room 206 BuH, Del Code 3171 (624-7099; 624-5860),,10740 Inwood Ave N, Grant 55115, PANKIEWlCZ Krzyszlol W, Prof (Pharmacy, College of), Sr Research Assoc (Drug Design,PAMARTHY Kalyan, Research Asst (Minnesota Center lor) 7-125 Weaver Denslord Hell, Del CodaPopulation canter) 50 Willey Hall, Del Code 7931 1332 (625-7968), 401 S First 81rest, Apl802, Mpls(624-5818), lOIS, Essex Street SE, Apt 114, Mpls 55401,344-2026, panki0010tc.umn.edu55414, PANKONIN Janet M, Prin Aocounts SpecPAMBUCCIAN S1elan E, Assoc Pro! (Lab (Comstock Hall E), Del Code 1092 (626-1405),MedicinelPathology), Asst Prof (Otolaryngology) pankoOO20Ic.umn.eduMMC 76 Mayo, Del Coda 8076, C442 Mayo, PANKOW James S, Assoc Prof (Epidemiology) Ste 300 WOOB, Del Code 7525 (624-2883), 1555PAMPUSCH Mary S, Research Assoc Blackhawk Lk Dr, Eagan 55122, 851-458-9790.(Department of Animal Science) 320 ABLMS, Del pankoOO10tc.umn.eduCode 6099' (825-811'1; 624-8752), PANNKUK Bruce A, Electromechanical Spec (Microlllchnology Laboratory) 1-165 EElCSci,PAN Guoyu, Post-Doctoral Assoc (3-140 Del Code 0573 (626-1856), pannkOOl Otc.umn.eduWeaver-Denslord Hall) 308 Harvard 81 SE, Del PANNKUK Pany, Non Univ Steff, University OfCode 1332 (825-0675), 1185 Raleigh St, St Paul Minnesota Mpls (851-578-7217),55108, pannk0030tc.umn.eduPAN Lidong, Teaching Asst (Physics and PANSHIN Dan, Prof Emer (FlsheriesIWildlije, DeptAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE, of), Coordinator (Retired) (loiN Ext Svc Directors)MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331, Room 503, No 3, 499 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (824-1034), 1021Lane 8, Wenzhi Road, Shanghai 200434 China, Goodrich Ave, St Paul 55105-3133, 851-291-1862,088-021-, I

PAHLEN Rhonda S, Sr CashierlFood Aide(UMC-Food Service) Crookston 56716(218-281-8539), rpahlen

PAHLICH Annelle, Jr Laboratory Technician(Ecology Evolution and Behavior) 1987 UpperBuford Circle, Del Code 6098 (624-6951), 2177Knapp Street, St Paul 55108,pahliOOl 0Ic.umn.eduPAHWA ROOini, R_rch Asst (School of SocialWork) Rm 105 PelersH, 1404 Gortner Ave, Sf Paul55108, Del Code 6161, 1387-Cleveland Ave N,Saint Paul 55108, 978-3398,

PAIGE R Michael, Chelr (Educational Policy andAdmin), Pro! (Educational Policy and Admin) 330Wull H, Del Code 3345 (626-7456),13175 Kerry81, Coon Rapids 55448,

PAINE Tapan K, P6st;Doctoral Assoc (Departmentof Ch~islry) 139 SmIth Hall, Del Code 3661, K-14Becharam Chatlerjee ROad, GovI Housing Estate,Behela, CaJcutia 700034 India,

PAINTER Richerd W, Prof (Law School) Room 285MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S, MpIs 55455, Del Code7911, palnI0120tc.umn.eduPAJAK James, Plumber (Facilities Mgmt-CPPM U01 MConstru) Room 300 Donhowe Bldg, 319 15thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 2070 Coon .Rapids Blvd, Coon Rapids 55433, 763-228-1620,

PAJERSKI Dean T, Inlo Tech Pro! (OIT ­EAS/Syslems Support) Room 880 WBOB, 1300 S2nd 81, Mpls 55454, Del Code 7531 (626-8645),udtpOOl ~.umn.eduPAJUNEN Brigld M, Adju!lCllnstructor (SuperiorHealth Medical Group) 1010 4th St, Two Harbors55816PAKALA Pratima, Asst Prof (Surgery), R_rchAssoc (Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Coda 8195,M405 Maeonic (624-1430),

PAKALNS Teika, Asst Dir Univ WIde (Patents &Technology Mktg) 450 MCNamaraC1r, Del Coda2003 (624-8529), 'pakaoool

PAKIS Valentine A, Teaching Asst (German, Scan& Dutch) Room 205 FoIH, 9 Pl8asant St SE, MpIs55455, Del Coda 0143, 906 W42 81rest, Apt II,Mpls 55409, 581-0514, pakisOOl

PAL Amil, Teaching Asst (Food Science andNulrtllon) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Ecldes Ave, 81Pau155108, Del Code 6099, Apt 12, 2030 BrewsterStreet, Saint Paul 55108, 662~9840,paIxxOO30tc.umn.eduPALAHNIUK Andrew M, Sr Ole Spec (UniversityLibrarian's 0IIice) 499 OMWL, Del Code 7111(625~982), ampaIaOtc.umn.eduPALAKOVICH Julie A, Teaching Asst (UloiDBiology) 74 MWAH, 1023 University Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-8818),717-512-4288,palak0040d.umn.eduPALANI Malin A;Teachlng Asst (Design, Housing,and Apparel) Room 333 McNH,.De1 Code 6136(625-2737), 1847 Randolph Ave Apt 102, SeintPaul 55105,·

PALCHICK Susan M, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Entomology) Room 2nd A HodsonH, Del Coda6125,2608 Princeton Ave S, Sl Louis Park 55416,palch0020tc.umn.eduPALER Lloyd D, Asst Prof (Retired) (UloiDScilEngr Admin, Col 01), 445 E Oxford St, Duluth55803, palerool

PALEWlCZ Frank W, Carpenter Foreman (CPPM·Uof MConstruction) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (625-7588), 1587A S Niles Lane, C8nlUria WI54824,715-485-9315, paIewOOl Otc.umn.eduPALIK Brian J, Adjunct Assoc Pro! (ForestrySciences Lab) 1831 Hwy 169E, Grend Rapids55744, palik0010Ic.umn.eduPAUK Joyce F, Clinical Assoc Pro! (School ofDentistry) Room 15-209 MoosT, 515 Delaware 81SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1291,palikOO20tc.umn.eduPALLANSCH Ruth A, CornmunitylClinicaiPreCeptor (School of Nursing) Room 6'101 WDH,308 Harvard St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1331,RRI Box 199C, Clitherall 56524, 218-864-8179,palla0010tc.umn.eduPALLER Maik S, Asst Vica President (AcademicHealth canter), Prof and Asst VP lor R_rch(Medicine) MMC 501 Mayo, Del Coda 8501, 485Childrens Rehab (624-1458; 625-3855), 4439Fremont Ave So, Mpls 55419,824-7246,


PADHYE Apurva S, Teaching Asst (UMOComput_Sclence) 320 HH, D174, 1114 Kirby Dr,

. DulLJIh 55812, 1127 East 3rd 81reet, Apt 1, D'u1uth55805, padhyOO50d.umn.eduPADRON RODRIGUEZ Victor, Visiting Assoc Pro!(School 01 Mathematics) 428VinH, Del Code 0412(625-9031), 1021 5th Street SE, Mpls 55414, .379-4156, padroOO50tc.umn.eduPAEHlKE Jilann J, Asst Gardener'(MN LandscapeArboretum) 3675 ArborelUm Blvd, Chaska55318-9613 (952-443-'2460; 952-443-1400), 15255CtyRd 30, Mayer 55360, 952-467'9614,paehIOO20tc.umn.eduPAEK Chang-yub, Jr Scientist (Department 01Chemistry) Room 317 Smith Hall, 207 Pleasant StSE, MpIs 55104, 708 University Avenue, SE Apl14,Mpis 55414, 624-5870, paekxOOl Otc.umn.eduPAETZNICK DebbIe, Jr Scientist (Food Scienceand Nutrition) Room 111 FScN, Del Code 6099(624-3032; 624-5366), paeIOO120tc.umn.eduPAGAC 81ephanie T, One 810p Counselor (OSF ­One Slop 81udant Servlces) 200 Fraser Han, DelCode 3395 (628-9637), pagacOO10Ic.umn.eduPAGANINI Maria F, Pro! (French & lt8lian) 204Nolte C1r, Del Code 0139 (624-5807), 56 InnerDrive Apt120, 81 Paul 55116, 651-699-2140,pllganOOl

PAGANO Anthony M, Research Asst (Fisheries,Wildlije & Cons Bioi) 200 HodsOnH, 1980 FolwellAve, 81 Paul 55108, Del Code 8125,1740 Marion81rest Apt 1, RoseviUe 55113, 851-357~924,

PAGE Arthur R, Prof (Aspen Medical Group­Bandana Square) 1020 W Bandana Blvd, St Paul55108, pageX0230tc.umn.eduPAGE Debbie A, Assoc Admin (OSF-HR) 210Fraser.H, Del Coda 3395 (626-0588),

PAGE Emily, Exec Asst (CCO) Room 660 WOOB,Del Code 7531 (625-3816), 1503 Branslon St, StPaul 55108, 851~7-1414,epageOtc.Umn.eduPAGE Jessica A, progrem Assoc (Carlson Schoolof Mgmt) 1-110 CariSMgm~ Del Code 7041,page00640tc.umn.eduPAGE Kenneth W, Ubrary Ass! 2 (Area 81udles(MAC)) 160 QMWL, Del Coda 7111 (625-7879),3220 Holmes Ave So, MpIs 55408, 825-271"k-pageOtc.umn.eduPAGE Marjorie J, Adjunct Instructor (FUMC) MMC88,420 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,pagexOO30tc.umn.eduPAGE Michelle L, Asst Prof (UMM Education,Division o~ UMM Cont EduclRegionai Prgm; UMMAcademic Administration), Assoc Pro! (UMM ContEduclRegional Prgm) Room 200 Edu, M231A, 600E 4th St, Morris 56267 (32o-58U405;320-58U400), 320-589-0467,pagemOmorris.umn.eduPAGE Roger B, AssoC Dean (Retired) (Lib ArtsAdm Ole 01 the Dean), 91 Seymour Avenue SE,Mpls 55414, pagerbOtc.umn.eduPAGE Ronald C, LeclUrer (Industrial Relations Ctr)3-300 CariSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, MpIs 55455,Del Code 7041, pageX0260tc.umn.eduPAGE Sharon L, Adjunct Instructor (Schoo! ofNursing) Room 6'101 WDH, Del Code 1331(626'3360), pageX0100tc.umn.eduPAGE Susan L, Ole Supv (Univ Counseling &Consuhing Servl) 200 EddyHall, Del Coda 4601'(824-1879), pagexOOl Otc.umn.eduPAGE Timothy J, Inventory Servlces Spec(Inventory Servlces) Suite 4 WBOB, Del Coda7529 (826-8214), 3537 34th Ave So, Mpls 55406,721-1300, t-pageOtc.umn.eduPAGEL Adem P,-Coordinator (Epidemiology)Room 300 WOOB, Del Code 0171,pageletc.uma.eduPAGEL Bob, Coordinator (Animal Science) Room317B HckrH, Del Code 61'8,(624-2289), 8461170th 81 E, Nerstrand 55053, 218-729-1639,bpagelOtc.umn.eduPAGEL Paul E, Sr Engineer (loiN Tap) 350McNarnaraC1r, Del Code 2004 (624-4638;624-1300), ppagalOlc.umn.eduPAGENI(OPF Unde L, Education Spec (28908 ­BOth Ave S) Hawley 58549, 28908 80th Ave S,Hawley 58549, 218-937-5589, .PAGLIARI Paulo H, Research Asst (Dept of Soil,Water, and Cllmete) Univ Qf MN, Del Code 8028,1605 Minnehaha, Apt 103, 81 Paul 55104,



PAHSHIN Palricia C, Coordinator (Epidemiology)Room 3OOWBOB, Del Code 7525 (626-7111),1021 Goodrich Ave, St Paul 55106, 651-291-1862,,ppanshinOtc.umrl.aduPANTEKOEK Karl E, Research Ass! (Psychiatry)F282/2A. West-Il, Del Code 8393,

PANTUN Gayle C, Ass! SClanIist (Vet Dia\1lOllllcMedicine) 244 yet 0 L, Del Code 8184 (825-1298),24920 N8ICissus St NW, Isanti 55040,pantIOOl Otc.umn.aduPANTON Miriam E, Ole Spec (UMM Library) Room232 Lib, M230A, 800 E 4th St, Morris 56287, 300South Str8el, Apt 304, Monis 56267,320-589-1182, pantonmOmorris.umn.aduPANUCCIO Greg, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Chem Engr &, Mal SCi) 457 Amundllon Hall, DelCode 0531 (825-6073; 825-6(83), 110 W Grant SI,Apt 23.1, MpIs 55403, 339-5382,panu00060tc.umn.aduPANZER Matthew J, Graduate SChool Trainee(Chern Engr & Mad SCi) 414 Amundson Hall, DelCode 0531 (828-9952), Apt 202, 401 9th StreetSE, Mpls 55414, 308-9082, panz00120tc.umn.eduPANZIRONI Jessie S, Clinic Ass! (Boyn HS)Pallenl Abistance lind Information, 410 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1171,panzi0020lc.umn.eduPAOLA Chris, Prof (Geology & Geophysics) 30BPiUs H,DeI Code 0211 (824-8025),cpaoIaOlc.umn.aduPAPA Marco, PhD CandiGate Research Ass!(Machanical ErVneeling) Room 225, Del Code0691 (825-0782), papa00290tc.umn.aduPAPANICOLAOU Andreas, Sr Planner (AcademicHealth Ctr Facilities Mgml) MMC 23 Mayo, DelCode 8023,547 Boynton (824-8412), 4224 GarfialdAve S, MpIs 55409, 82So8617,papan0040lc.umn.adu ,PAPANICOLAOU Susan, Program Asscc(AHc.communicaIion) MMC 735 Mayo, Del Code8735, A395 Mayo (824-5100), 4224 Garfiald AveS, MpIs 55409, papan0030tc.umn.aduPAPAHlK(lLOPOULOS NH<olao, PI\ll (ComputerScience & Engi.-ing) So201 E EIC SCi, Del Code0671 (825-0183), P8Jll¥lOOI0te.umn.aduPAPARELLA Michael, Prof (MN Head, Ear & NeckCHnic) Riverside Park Plaza, Sle 200, 701 25thAve S, MpIs 55454, 2201 Kenwood Pkwy, Mpls55405, papaIOOl0lc.umn.aduPAPAS Ann Marie, Sr Ole Supv (Surgery) MMC280 Mayo, Del Code 8280,11-200 PWB(825-7800; 825-5809), papaeOO10te.umn.aduPAPAS KJearchos K, Ass! Prof (SurgeryDepartment) MMC 280 Mayo, Del Code 8280, 421Masonic Cancer Canter (826-0471), 6872 PeonyLane Dr N, Maple Grove 55311-2912,817-776-4833, papasOO80te.umn.eduPAPE Kathryn A, Research Asscc (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 1431 RosewoodCt, New Brighton 55112;papexOO10te.umn.aduPAPENFUSS Jessica C, Non-Univelsily Employee(UMExtension Aitkin Cnly) Courthouse, 2092ndSI NW, Aitkin 58431 (218-927-7321),pajJenOll Otc.umn.aduPAPENFUSS Nancy A, Admlnlstralive Professional(Vet Teaching Hosp CHnic) 3200 Vet Tch HOS, DelCode 6194 (82s-5702; 82So1746),papenOOl Olc.umn.aduPAPP Oliver, Teaching Spec (Carteon, Operations& Mgmt Sciences) 4-213 Ca~SMgmt, Del Code7041 (824-8307),788-6189, opappOte.umn.eduPAPPAIOANOU Marguerlle, Prof (Epiderillology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (824-1818), 500East Grant Str8el, Apartment 810, MpIs 55404,236-{)610, pappa0480te.umn.aduPAPPAS CIlrisIoIlher J, Teaching Ass! (SOCiOiOgYDepartmenl) 1123 SocSci Bldg, Del Code 7171(824-7328; 62~), pappOO300lc.urnn.eduPAPPAS John G, PlpeIIt1er (FaciIlIle8 Mgml-CPPM- U 01 M ConsI) Room 300 Donhowe Bldg, 31915th Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3121,1141Cherry Lane, Mpls 55421, 783-571-4781,pappa047Ote.umn.aduPAPPENFUS Ted M, Ass! Prof (UMM DIv 01Sclence and Math) Room 1355 SCi, 800 E 4th St, 'Morris 56287 (320-589-8340),pappaOO10morris.umn.aduPAQUETlE Matthew J, AtVocI Ass! Prot (ANWMedical Education) Medical Educadon,Buildinglll35,800 E28th St, MpIs 55407, 744Chippewa Ave, St Paul 55107, 651-290-9465,

PARADISE Jonathan, Prof Eme~ (Claasicel &Near Eastem Studies) 107C Fol H, Del Code 0149(824-6506),6515 Duluth Sl, MpIs 55427,7&a-593-9679, jparadIsOte.umn.aduPARADISE Jordan K, Research Asscc '(Consortium on Law & Valuea) Law School~ DelCode 7911 (82So2948), paradiseOtc.umn.adu

P"""DISE Nathaniel J, Ass! Academic Advlsor(CLA Student ServIces) 122 JohH, 101 Pleasanl StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3774 ('624-2549),'p8rad0040tc.umn.aduPAIwIGURU Kamrakali, Teaching Ass!(Operadons and Mgmt Sclences) 3-150Ca~SMgml, Del Code 7041 (824-7010),paraOO900tc.umn.eduPARASHOS Solitios A, AdjunctAsst Prof(Minneapolis CHnic of Neurology) 8383 France AveS; Edina 55435, parasOOl Otc.umn.eduPARASHURAM Shriram, Graduate School FeHow(Hith ,Svcs ResaarchIPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, DelCode 8729, 718 University Aveilue SE, Apt 4, MpIs55414, para00920Ic.umn.adu

PARBOOSINGH Adam, Ass! Prol (UMM Dlv ofHumanities) Room 104 Hum, 800 E 4th St, Monis58287, Divi8Ion 01 Humanities, 800 E 4th St, Monis56287, aparboosOmonis.umn.aduPARCELLS Barbara A, Inventory services Spec(Networ1<ing & Telecommunicadons), Del Code2171' (626-9856), parceOOl Otc.umn.adu

PARCELLS sera A, Building and Grounds Worker(FaCilities Mgmt-ZOne 3 Health SCien) B 117 MoosTower, 515 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,parce003OIc.umn.eduPARDEU.O Renee M, Extension Educator(Natural Resources Admin) 235 Skok Hall, 2003Uppar BuIofd Circle, SI Paul 55108, Del Code8147 (824-8479); •

PARDEY Philip G, Prof (Dept 01 AppliedEconomics) 1994 Buford Ave, Del Code 8040(62So2766), 2137 Folwetl Ave, St Paul 55108,651-917-7044, ppardeyOlc.umn.eduPARDO Jose V, Prof (Psychiatry Research) VAMedical Center, One Veterans Dr, Dept CNU 11·P,MpIs 55417, jvpardoOte.umn.aduPARDO PHD Patricia J, Ass! Prof (VAMC - BrainSciences Canter) Dept 01 Psychiaby, 11·B, 1Veterans Drive, Mpls 55417 (467-1896 x1896),651-454-4340, pjpardoOtc.umn.aduPAREDES Usa L, Adjunct Instructor (Wast SideHealth Canter) 153 Concord St, St Paul 55107,2832 27th Ave South, Mpls 55406,paradOO10tc.umn.eduPAREKH Dhaval R, Medlcal Fellow (PediatricCardiology) MMC 94 Mayo, Del Code 8094, 208VCRC, 1314 Marquette Ave, Suite 1308, Mpls55403,338-1580, parek0090tc.umn.eduPARENDO Kevin A, Graduate School Fellow(Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116Chul'ch St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,parencl<aOte.umn.eduPARENDO Lance, Producdon services Analyst(cco-cenlral Computing Operadons) 880 W B 0B, Del Code 7531 (626-7409),paren0070te:umn.aduPARENT Marc A,Research Ass! (Neuroscience)Rm 6-145 JecH, 321 Church St S, MpIs 55455, DelCode 1218, 972-73s-8402, paren0830tc.umn.aduPARENTE JR James A, Asscc Dean (Ub ArtsAdm Assc Dean Faculty), Prof (German,ScandInavian; and Dutch) 212 Joh H; 206 Fol H,Del Code 3774 (824-9839; 82s-4377), 18305· 5thAve N, Plymouth 55447, paren(lOI01c.umn.aduPARENTE Stephan T, Ass! Prof (Rnance;HeaI1hcare Management) 3-149 CarISMgmt, DelCode 7041 (824-1391), parenOl00te.umn.aduPARIlI Keshab K,Prof (Dept 01 EIeclricaI &Computer Engr) 4-178 E EIC SCi, Del Code 0572(624-4116), partlIOIc.umn.adu •PARK Illlngsoo, Teachlng Ass! (Americari Studies)104 Scott Hall, Del Code 3231 (824-4190),park03500te.umn.aduPARK Chang-Won, Post·Doctoral AssoC (UMDComposition) 424 H, 0154, 1281 Ordea~ Court,Duluth 55812 (825-0979), ApI 207, 1822 Ca~

Street, Saint Paul 55108-1278, 651-846-9956,parkxl320tc.umn.aduPARK Chongwon, tnetructor (UMD Composldon)420 H, 1201 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-8131), cpark20d.umn.aduPARK Chum Tech, Teaching Ass!(Marketinglloglstics Management Rnanee) 3-150CMSMgm~ Del Code 7041,1287 Ftfield Place, StPaul 55108,

PARK David H, Adjunct Ass! Prof (232 N MaIn St)SdIIwater 55082,

PARK Eungslk, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Chern Eng & Material SCi) 60 Amundson Hall, DelCode 0531 (62So2884). 379-7048,park05970te,umn.eduPARK Gall E,. Adjunct Prof (RestoradveScl-Oparative Dentistry) 4-215 Moos T, Del Code1291 (82s-8485), henseOO101c.umn.eduPARK Glennon K, Instructor (Medicine;DeveIopmentaVSurgicai Sctence) VAMC, UrgenCarelER, 1 Veteran's Drive, MpIs 55417(ns-2158), parkx0540te.umn.adu

PARK Hae-Sun, Research Assoc (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 1480 Mayo(824-9968), 8561 PromonIoly Drtve, Eden Prairie55346, 952-937-9220, parkx0730te.umn.adu

PARK Haon Joo, Visiting Ass! Prof (TherapeuticRadiology) MMC 494 Mayo, Dill Code 8494, 420Delaware St SE (626-6558), 830 Cedar Ave S Api1206, Mpls 55454, 343-9321,chaexOO10tc.umn.eduPARI( Hyung-WooI<, Teaching Ass! (History ojSciencelTechnoiogy) Rm 167 SocSci, 28719thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7152, 1068 27th AveSE, Un~ C, Mineapolia 55414, 822-880-8129,park07170tc.umn.eduPARK Ian A, Adjunct Prof (ResteradveSci-Oparatlve Dentistry) 4-215 Moos T, Del Code1291 (82s-8485)' 15011 Linner Rdg, Wayzata55391, 952-473-0446, parkxOO10tc.umn.aduPARK Ina U, Physician (Acad Health CanlerDepartments) 1st FI90r 925 Delaware, 925Delaware SI SE, Su~e 220, Mpls 55414, Del Code2131, 31~-8086, parkx3320tc.umn.eduPARK Jaekeun, Post-Doctoral,Asscc (Ctr MagneticResonance Rsrch) CMRR, 2841, 2021 8th St SE,Mpls 55455 (826-2001), 323 7th SrSE ApI108,MpIs 55414,823-3373, parkx131 Olc.umn.aduPARK Jeongmin, Ass! Sclendst (Medicine/GI)MMC 36 Mayo, Del Code 8036, &-207 PWB, 1822Ca~ St Apt207, St Paul 55108, 65HI46-9956,parkx2680tc.umn.aduPARK JI Kyung, Research Ass!(MarketinglLoglstics Management) 3-150CMSMgmt, Del Code 7041,1414 South ThirdStr8el, Apt412, Mpls 55454,917-981-5754,parkx3120te.umn,eduPARK Ji Young, Research Ass! (Environrrien1B1Health SCiences) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807,1023 29th Ave SE B, Mpls 55414, 823-8815,part<q6970tc.umn.aduPARK Jihoon, Research Ass! (ElectricaVComputerEngrj Room 4-174 EEICSCi, Del Code 0572,1017 '29th Ave SE Apt C, MpIs 55414,park06120tc.~mn.adu

PARK Jinhee, PhD.Candldate Teaching Ass!(SChool 01 Matheniatlcs) 506 V1nH, Del Code 0412,park06300te.umn.aduPARK JlnOok, Teaching Ass! (AsianLanguagesILIleratul88), Graduate School Fellow(UngEngl Second LanWSlavic) Room 432B FoIH,Del Code 0144 (828-1468), parkx2750te.umn.aduPARK Juyaon, Research Ass! (Design, Housing,and Apparel) Room 240 McNH, 1965 Buford A~,St Paul 55108, Del Code 8136,505 Harriet Ave,Apt 1403, Shoreview 55128,parkx2590te.umn.eduPARK Keum J, Ass! Sclentisl (Southam Researchand Outreach Clr) 35838 l20th St, Waseca 56093,140 W Pea~ StAp!304, 0wa1onna 55060,507-448-5899PARK Kyong, Research Ass! (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB; Room 300 WBOB, Del Code7525 (82So5865), park06940tc.umn.eduPARK Kyoung, Research Ass! (Humphray Insl 01Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 30119th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7461,park06880te.umn.aduPARK Noma, PptII-Doctoral Asscc (AeroepaceEngineering and MechanIc8) 110 Union St SE, 107AIlennan Hall, Mpls 55455, 1180 Cushing ClrApI201, St Paul 55108, parkx358',PARK RosemaM J, Asscc Prof (Work, Community& Family Educ) 4200 Vo Tech, 081 Co4e 6197(825-6287),928 Dertmouth Pt, Mpls 55414,parkx002Otc.umn.aduPARK seijin, Research Asscc (Univ (jf Minnesota)306 Alderman Hall, 1970 Folwell Ave, S81nt Paul55108 (824-1218), parkx0750te.umn.adu .PARK Stephan R, ~nct Asscc Prof (Ely MedcaICanter) 224 E Chapman, Ely 55731,parkx0220tc.umn.adu


PARK Sung Wool<, Research Asst Prof(Pharmacology), Research Assoc (Phennacology)3-210 BSBE, Del Code 1213 (82So5189), 1498191h Ave NW, New Brighton 55112, 6510,482-0287,parkx0920tc.umn.eduPARK Susan J, Teaching Asst, (PIYChoIogy),Research Asst (Psychology) PeychoIogy, N-218EItH, 75 E River Pkwy, MpIs 55455, Del Code3281,2211 Colfax Ave S, Apt 210, Mpis 55406,791-8282, park06160te.umn.eduPARK Yonsit, Graduate School Fellow (BiomedIcaJEngineering) Room 7-105 NHH, 312 Church St SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 1191, 7-1207 Garam Apt,6amcheon-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon 302744Republic 01 Korea, parkx32001c.umn.aduPARK Young-taek, Research Ass! (Hith SvcsResearchlPoIIcy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8129(828-8492),1042 27th Ave SE AptB, MpIs 55414,331-5268, park0801 Olc.umn.eduPARKE Bob T, Coordinator (Col 01 Nat Res,Student services) 150 Skok Hall, Del Code 8147(824-3220), 30828 reIIection Ave, Shafer 55074,651-257-3429, park02930tc.umn.adu .

PARKE Donna M, Jr Sclentist (UMDBioehemIMoIecular Biology) 252 SMed, 0602,1035 Unlver$fty Dr, Dututh 55812, 3718 NortIIRidge Road, Duluth 55804, 218-526-7184,dparkeOd.umn.adu

PARKE Marje 0, Community Program Sp8c(Transplant Information Services) Dinnaken OfficeBldg, Suitt! 150, Del Code 2131 (826-3877),30828Reftecdon Ave, Shaler 55074,schr03560tc.umn.adu .

PARKER Chris, Sr Ole Spec (Clr lorTeachinglleaming Svc) Room 315 SciC8, DelCode 3581 (825-2382),2197 Selby Ave, St Paul55104,851-917-9011, parke1200te.umn.aduPARKER David L, Ass! Prof (Environmental HealthSclences) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807,parke0650te.umn.adu

PARKER Dean J, Graduate School Fellow (LawSchool) Room 265 MondaIeH, 229 19th Ave S,Mpla 55455, Del Code 7911, 14017 ChesInut DrtveApt C, Eden Prairie 55347, 952-934-4478,part<e2750te.umn,eduPARKER Deborah L, Sr Word Proc Spec(University Reladons) 3 MontII Hall, Del Code 0265(825-3089),dlparkerOtc.umn.aduPARKER Diane, Sr AccountIurt (School 01 .DentIstry - P8Iienl Accou) 6-320 Moos TeMer,Room 8-440 Moos Tower, D8I Code 1291(82So1446), parke0180te.umn.aduPARKER Emily D,R-.-ch Aast (Epidemiology).Graduate School Trainee (Epidemiology)Epidemiology, Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St,MpIs 65454, Del Code 7525 (824-1573),parkOl800te.umn.aduPARKER Gary, Prof (Civil Engineering) 301 HL,Del Code 4891 (82So2397), ~98 18th St NW, NewBrighton 55112, parkIOO20te.umn.aduPARKER JR James W, Student Support Services'Asscc (School 01 JoumaIIsm) Room 110, Del Code0371 (825-4054), j-parkl01c.umn.eduPARKER Jason P, ~n Accounts Spec (FredericI<R Weisman Art Museum) 200 Weisman Art, DelCode 1651 (824-5446), parke0140te.umn.aduPARKER Jay L, Adjunct Prof (SMDC) 400 E 3rdSt, Duluth 55805PARKER Jeffrey S, Research Assoe (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 PhV', 116 Church St SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331, 2850 Sylvan Str8el,UItle Canada 65117, 651-490-7088,parke2960te.umn.eduPARKER John, Prof (Relited) (Lib AcademicPrograms), 2346 Seabury Avenue, MpIs 55406,parke0130lc.urnn.eduPARKER Jonathan A, Adjunct Instructor(Diag/Surg SCi - TMJ) Room 8-320 MoosT, D8I .Code 1281, parke02001l::.umn.aduPARKER Joeh B,~ (VeterinaryDiagnostic Lab8) 238 VeIOL, Del Code 8184(8l!5-9770), park046301c.umn.aduPARKER Judith G, Asscc Program Dlr (Health SCiSpacIal Progs) MMC 408 Mayo, Del Code 8408,823 Ch R C (824-0937), 83Cl8 Sp~ng Lake Road,Mounds VIew 55112..783-788-6791,judilhOte.umn.aduPARKER julie A, Sr Accountant (Research-GradSchool AdmIn) 420 Joh H, Del Code3773(82s-6888), parke0520lc.umn.aduPARKER Mary M,Coorilinator (MINITEX) 15Andersen Library, Del Code 7921 (824-1024),m·parkl

PATTEN Sonia E, Fellow (Fam Practice & IICommunity HIth) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code 8381,6-240 P W B (624-2622), 2932 37th Ave So, Mpls55406, patte0020tc,umn,edu

PATTERS N'Jai·An E, Graduate School Fellow .1(History) Room 614 SocSci, 267 19th Ave 5, MpIs55455, Del Code 7165, 1605 1sI Ave South, Apt32, Mpls 55403, 410-997-4675, , iPATTERSON Charies, Sr laborer (University IStores) 2901 Talmadge Ave SE, Del Code 3121(624-1348; 625-1015), IPATTERSON Darrell M, Sign Language Interpreter!(UMD Access ClrlDisability Svcs) 138 KPlz, 0129,1206 Kirby Dr, Duluth 5581?(218-72ll,8709), 1916Kenwood Drive, Duluth 55811, 218-728-1494,dpatler30d.umn.eduPATTERSON Donnal, Teaching Spec(Educational PsycholOgy), Teaching Asst(Educational PsycholOgy) 227 Burton Hall, DelCode 3171 (624-5064), patte0440tc,umn.eduPATTERSON Gary, Teaching Spec (English)Room 207 UndH, 207 Church St SE, MpIs 55455,Del Code 0613,

PATTERSON Gregory A, lecturer (Joumalism)111 Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371 (625-1338),651·238-9293, patte221 Otc.umn.eduPATTERSON James, Non Univ Staff (Comm UHIth Care CtrNar Child) 2001 Bloomington AvenueS Mpls, 4744 EwlnQ Avenue South, Mpls Mn55410, patle2500tc.umn.eduPATTERSON Joan, Assoc Prof (EpidemiolOgy),Adjunct Assoc Prof (Family Social Science) Suhe300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1394),

PATTERSON Matthew C, Aast' Prof(Glencoe Area iHealth Canter) 705 18th St E, Glencoe 55336 .(320-864-3158), patte0430tc.umn.eduPATTERSON DVM Ned, Asst Prol(Small AnimalClin Sci) C303 Vet Tch Has, Dal Code 6192(625-5799), [email protected]

PATTERSON Richerd J, Ass! Prof (Children'sHealth Care) 2525 Chicago Ava, Mpls 55404, 4326Wooddale Ave, Mpls 55424, .PATTERSON Robert P, Prof (Physical Med &Rehabiliiation) MMC 297 Mayo, Del Code 8297,R371 Ch R C (626-3308), 3761 Foss Rd, MplS55421, 788-4860, patt8001 Otc.umn.eduPATTERSOt<j PHD Stave, Research Assoc(Genter for Drug Design) 7-146 PWB, 516Delaware Street SE, Mpls 55455 (625-7962),

PATTERSON Steven R, Inlo Tech Mgr (UMD-InfoTech SystemslServices) 15 0 Ad B, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812·3011 (218-726-8785),spattersOd.umn.eduPATTERSON Thomas F, Ubrary Supv (MINITEX)15 Andersen, Del Code 7111 (624-3523),

PATTERSON Tyler M, Research Asst (HumphreyInst of Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr. 301 19thAve 5, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451, 102 langfordPart< 51reet, St Paul 55108, patte2430tc.umn.eduPATTOCK Mary C, Communications Dir (School ofNursing) Room 5-160A WDH, Del Code 1331(624-0939),2782 Dean Parl<way, Mpls 55416,922-7609, [email protected]

PATTON Eric S, Graduate School Fellow (Physicsand Aalronomy), Teaching Asst (Physics andAstronomy) PhYsics and Astronomy, Room 148Phys, 116 Church 51 SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code0331, 1800 3rd Ave S, Apt 36, Mpls 55404,320-885·7029, patlO2760tc.umn.eduPATTY Elizabeth W, Assoc Development Ofcr(MinnesotaMedical Foundation) MMC 727 Mayo,Del Code 8727, 200 Oak SlTeet SE, SuHe 300,Mpls stl55 (626-1143; 624-6900), 525 MontroseLana, St Paul 55116, 651-690-3914,pattyOlc.umn.eduPATWARDHAN Kedar A, Research Ass!(ElactricaVCompUler Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572 (625-0898), patwOOO70tc.umn.eduPAUDEl Misti l, Prin Survey Interviewer(EpidemiolOgy) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(626-7545), 1297 Fifield Place, St Paul 55108,205-0715, ames00470tc.umn,eduPAUGH Dana H, Adjunct Instructor (VAMC) OneValarans Drive/II2A, Mpls 55417,paug00030Ic.umn.eduPAUGH Jerry M, Inlo Tech Mgr (MN 'MedicalFoundation) Room 300 Gateway, Del Code 2012(626-1532),952-922-6117,paughool, page 608-2488


PATE Alexs 0, Vlsiting Aast Prof (AIrAmerican/African Studies), L.ecturer (English,LanguagelUterature) 883 SocisI Science Tower,Del Code 7155 (626-7587), patex0030tc.umn.eduPATE John S, Adjunct Assoc Ptaf (WadenaMedical Canter) 4 NW Deerwood Ave, Wadena56482, 904 South West King Avenue, Wadena56482,

PATEL Ketan J, Research Asst (5-142 MCB) MMC460 Mayo, Del Code 8460, 420 Delaware St SE,3424 Colfax Ave S, Apl205, Mpis 55408,242-6526, '

PATEL Manlsh K, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Medicine)MMC 460 Mayo, Del Code 8460, 3320 FremontAve S Apt4, Mpls 55408, patelO69Otc.umn,eduPATElKE Richard l, Research Fellow (UMDNatural Rsrc Rsrch Inst) 0186, 5013 Miller TrunkHwy, Duluth 55811 (218-720-4242),

PATENAUDE Deanna l, Community ProgramSpec (UMC RSVP) 247 Student Genter, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (218-281-6268),1301 Radisson R~d, Crookston 56716,dpatenauOmall.crt<

PATERSON Cory I, Jr Scientist (Biochemlstly,Molecular BioI, &Biop) 5-290 BSandBE, Del Code1214,5844 OakIawn Ave, Edina 55424,952-393-2679, pateI1l260tc.umn.eduPATHAK Nishith, Research Aast (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, DelCode 0571,718 University Ave SE, Apt4, Mpls55414, pathaOll0tc.umn.eduPATHAK Rashmi, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Genter lorDrug Design) 7-159 PWB; 516 Delaware StreetSE, Mpls 55455 (625-8253; 625-7962),pathaOI20tc.umn.eduPAnl Vlnayak M, Teaching Aast (UMD ComputerScience) 187 MWAH, 1023 University Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-6674), Apt G, 205 N 10th Ave E,Duluth 55805, paliOO280d.umn.eduPATKA Kathleen M, Prin Administrative Spec(DevellSurg Sci-elelt Palale) 6-296 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (625-5945), •PATHAYAK Devi P, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Veterinary Diagnostic labs) 350 VetOl, Del Code6184 (625-1963), 1257, Fifield place, Seint Paul55108,651-646-0685, patnOOI60tc.umn.eduPATON John, Student Support Services Aast(Neuroscience) Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church St S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216, 651-341-8098,pat000060tc.umn.eduPATOW Cari A, Assoc Prof (HeaIthPartners) 810034th Ave 5, PO Box 1309, Mpls 55440-1309,patowOO20tc.umn.eduPATOW Susan M, Assoc Dir Univ Wide (Patents &Technology Mktg) 450 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2003 (624-3966), patowOOl Otc.umn.eduPATRAS Dianne, Non Univ Staff (Family Medicineand Comm Health) 160 WBOB Mpls (625-1500),palTaooI0tc,!,ATREK William G, Research Fellow (Coord Clr'for Biometric Rsrch) Room 200 UOffPI, Del Code2702 (626-9017), 6756 Amherst ln, Eden Prairie55346,952-937-0552, patreOO10tc.umn.eduPATRIAS PHARMD John M, Ass"Prof (Mn DaptOf Human Services) 444 lafayette Rd, 51 Paul55155-3653,2565 Byrd Ave N, Golden Valley55422, 763-529-9286, patriOO30tc.umn.eduPATRICK Amy M, Ph o.Candidale Grad Instructor(Rhetoric), Graduale School Fellow (Rhetoric)Room 64 CIaOff, Del Code 6043 (624-4933),patriOI90tc.umn.eduPATRICK Berbara K, Assl Prof (HCMC) Dept ofNeurolOgy, 701 Part< Ave, Mpls 55415;palri0780tc,umn,eduPATRICK Christopher J, Prof (PsychologyDepartment) N416 Elliott Hall, Del Code 3281(626-9916), cpetrickOtc.umn.eduPATRONAS Elaine M, Prin Administrative Spec(UMD Housing) 103 LSH, 0207; 513 NiagaraCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8400),epatrona0 d.umn.eduPATTAY Ricq, Inlo Tech Prof (College ofVeterinary Medicine - IS) 257 VelSei, Del Code6194 (625-7757), ricqOtc,umn.eduPATTEN Debra K, Exec Administrative Spec (UMEJdension Regl CIT Mankato) 1961 Premier Dr Ste148, Mankato 56001-5901 (507-389-6780),patlel640tc.umn.llduPATTEN Marshalleen S, Inlo Tech Spec (Room250) law School, Del Code 7911 (625-0740), 8731North Brook Circla, Brooklyn Part< 55428,763-535-1412,

PARSONS Stetanie A, Athletic Trainer (UMCAthletiCS) Room 154 SportsC, 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8427), 630 20th 51 NW,East Grand Fort<e 56721-1228, 218-773-4330,sp"arsonsOmail,crltumn.edPARTIN Melissa R, Aast Prof (VAMC) 15212E, 1Vetarans Drive, Mpls 55417, partl0070tc.umn.eduPARVULESCU Anca, Graduata School Fellow(English) Room 207 UndH, 207 Church St $E,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0613, 1050 27th Ave SEUnh 0, Mpls 55414, 651-646-8715,parv00080tc.umn.eduPARVUlESCU Constantin, Graduate SchoolFellow (German, Scandinavian & Dutch) Room 209FoIH, 9 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0143, 1050 27th Ave SE Unh 0, Mpls 55414, •623-2455, parvOOQ70Ic.umn.eduPASALAR Sisvash, PhD Candidate Research Assl(Mechanical Engineering) Room 125 MechE, 0691,111 Church St SE, Mpls 55455 (626-9216), 1000'8th St SE, Apl210, MpIs 55414, 676-0719,pasal0020te.umn.eduPASCH Keryn E, Exempt Temporary or Casual(Public Health, School of), Research Ass!(Epidemiology), Teaching Aast (EpIdemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818),peec00740tc.umn.eduPASCHKE.,JOHAHNES Jeffery, Aast AcademicAdvisor (CLA PSych Sci 51udent Community) 30Johnston Hall, Dei Code 3774 (626-7707),pasch0340tc.umn.eduPASCOE David A, Graduate School Fellow (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 5 FScN, Del Code6099 (625-2768), 651-636-8245,peec00170tc.umn.eduPASEK JR George T, E~ator Mechanic (FacilitiesMgmt-Administralion) 202 F M B, Del Code 3121(625-2506),1526 Crawford Ave, Falcon HIs 55113,651-1146-1383, pesekOOl Otc.umn.eduPASIUK Joan P, Program Dir (PUblic Health, SchOf-Adm) MMC 819 Mayo, Del Code 6819, 0305Mayo (628-5005), pasiUOOl Otc.ullln.eduPASKET Rachelle l, Instructor (PCS HealthSyslmes) 5701 GreenValley 0_, Mpls 55437,651-786-4956, paske0060tc.umn.eduPASKETT Duane, Sr Parking Attandant (Parking &Transportation Services) 300 T S B, Del Code1983 (626-7275), pesk80010tc.umn.edlIPASKO Brian S, Tchg Spec/Adjunct Assoc Prof(Law Schoo~ Room 265 MondaIeH, 22919th AveS, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911,pask00030te.umn.eduPASS Randall S, Adjunct InstnJctor (MarinerMedical Clinic) 109 N28th St, Superior WI 54880P~E Angele S, Teaching Spec (Ctr lor EarlyEducation & Davelop) Room 202 PtH, Del Code4201 (626-8723), 86 Seymour Ave SE, Mpls55414, 379-0729, passeOO80tc.umn.eduPASTARR Ethel, Adjunct Instructor (HennepinCounty Medical Canter) Dept Of ObIGyn, 701 Part<Ava S, Mpls 55415,1815 ChestnUl Ave W, Mpls55405. pest8oo10tc.umn.eduPASTERNAK James M, Gradual. School Fellow(German, Scandinavian, Dutch) Room 209 FoIH,Dal Code 0143 (625-9530), pasteOI20tc.umA.eduPASTIR Jellray A, Adjunct Aast Prof(HealthPartners -Maple Grove) 13000 63rd Ave N,Maple Grove 55369,1735 Marrimac Lane N,Plymoul1l55447,763-404-1737,pasti0020tc.umn.eduPASTOR III John 0, Clinical Assoc Prof (FairviewUniversity Mad CIT) Dept 01 Phe-mcal Serv,MMC 611, 420 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,pestoOOl, page 899-8358PASTOR John J, Prof (UMD Biology), Sr ResearchAssoc (UMD Nat Resources Rsrch Inst) 406 NRRI,5013 Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55812(218-720-4271), 1612 E Skyline Pkwy, Duluth55805,218-728-5066, jpastorOnrri,umn.eduPASZEK Adam A, Asst Prof (VetrinaryPathobiology) 205 Vet Sciance, Dal Code 6010(624-9722), 495 Cretin Avenue South, 51 Paul55116,651-690-4311, pazekOOl Otc.umn.eduPASZEK Albert A, Adj Asst Prof (VeterinaryBiosciences) 205 VSB Mpls (625-5255), 495 CretinAvenue So, St Paul 55116, pasz8001ittc.umn.eduPATANKAR Sohas V, Prof (Retired) (MechanicalEngineering) Room ~ 101 MeChE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691 (625-6302), 7848Ithaca Lane N, Maple Grove 55311, 763-420-7667,patanOQ10tc,umn.eduPATCltEN Tom, Electrician Foreman (FacMgmt-Zone 4-Campus'District) Room 1300FoodOB, Dal Code 5803 (625-7304),


PARKER SCott, Non Univ Staff (Web:Developmenl) 660 WBOB Mpls (624-9742),petke2890tc.umn.eduPARKER Susan C, Adjunct Assoc Prof (ColonRectal Surgery Associates) 600 RiversideProfessional Bldg, 606-24th Avenue South, Mpls55454, oongiOOl Otc.umn.eduPARKER TetTY l, Scientist (Mn Mo/ecUI8r & CellTIler) 102 M MC T, Del Code 6133 (624-0767),952·927·7211, perke0050tc.umn.eduPARKER Wendy S, MedicaJ Transcriptionist(Student Health Service),N-302 BoynHS, ~110Church St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1171, 99162nd Avenue South, Bloomington 55420-4912,952-884-8169, part<eOll Olc.umn.eduPARK GREGG Kim J, PhD Candidete TeachingAast (American Studies) 104 SCott Hall, Del Code3231, gregOO51 Otc.umn,eduPARK HAN Young Mi, Post-Doctoral Assoc(E~lilputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,0572, Del Code 0572,1146-1 Nae-dong, Hyundai,Apt 202·1, Kimbea KyoungNam 621-905RepubUcof Korea, hanxx0630tc.umn.eduPARKHURST Mariene G, Prin Administrative Spec(GC-Tech~ica1 SuPPOrt Servicea) 211 Ap H, DalCode 3501 (626-9417), part<hool Otc.lJmn.eduPARKIN Michael 0, Graduate School Fellow(Polhical Science) 1414 Social Science, Del Code7175,2504 Silver lane NE, 201, Mpls 55421,perk05440tc.umn.eduPARKINSON Usa, Jr Scientist (VTH Small Animal)1365 Gortner Ave, Del Code 3281,part<05300tc.umn.eduPARKS Elizabeth J, AsS! Prof (Food Science andNutrition) 139 FSfN' Del Code 6099 (625-1785),apart<eOtc.umn.eduPARKS Maureen A, lab Animal Technician Spec(Vet Teaching Hasp Clinic) 359 Vet Tch Has, DelCode 6192 (625-8281), 2251 74th Street:Somerset WI 54025, 715-247-4683,part<a0090tc.umn.eduPARKS Richard C, Graduate School Fellow(History of Medicine) MMC 506 Mayo, Del Code6293,511 Diehl Hall (624-4416),905 Aspen Drive,Bumsvifte 55337,952-808-7786,perk08670tc.umn.eduPARLIAMENT Claudia A, Prof (Applisd Econ) 231CIs Off, Del Code 6040(625-5733), 375-1723,cpariiamOtc.umn.eduPARUAMENT Claudie, Non Univ Slaff, UniversityOf Minneeola MpIs (625-5733),

, PARUN Cathy, Student Support Services Asst(Garman, Scandinavian & Dutch) 205 Fol H, DelCode 0143 (625-6835), par1iOO20tc.umn.eduPARMELEE David F, Prof (Retired) (Bell Museumof Natural History), 7433 Painted Shadows Way,Las Vegas NV 89129, parmeOOl Otc.umn.eduPARD Serah M, Info Tech Prof (UMD InloTechnology SyStems & Serv) 175 Kirby Plaza,1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6317;218-726-6222),2257 Wesll3th Street, Duluth55808,218-726-1953, sparoOd.umn.eduPAROD John 0, Adjunct Prof (Oakdale MedicalBuilding).3386 Oakdale Ave N, Robbinsdale55422, parodOOl Otc.umn.eduPARRA David, Clinical Aast Prof (Veterans AffairsMedical Center) Patient Sopport Sevices (119A), ,Department of Cardiology, 7305 N Milhary Trail,West Palm Beech Fl3341Q-640Q, 171 EastHampton Way, Jupiter FL 33458, 561-748-0207,, page 580-U229PARRAN leslie 5, Instructor (FUMC) MMC 460,420 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,parr8001 Otc.umn.eduPAliROTT Susan T, Prin Data Proc Tech (UMDFac Mgmt.OfficelSupport) 255 Lund Bldg, 223 WCollege St, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6357),sparrottOd.ul1ln.eduPARROW Janice, Prin Veterinary Tech (VetTeaching Hasp Clinic) 395 Vet Tch Hos, Del Code6194 (625-9726), parroOO10tc,umn,eduPARRY Gareth J, Prof (Neurology) MMC 295Mayo, Del Code 8295, 12-100 P W B,parryOOI0tc.umn.eduPARRY Susan, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Philosophy) 831 Heller Hall, Del Code 7057(~, parr00680tc.umn.eduPARSONS Jonathan A, Prof (Retired) (Gene~,Cell Bial, Dev TMED), 68 WGolden lake Rd,Circle Pines 55014, parsoOI20tc.umn.eduPARSONS Leonard F, Adjunct Assoc Prof(MlnnetQnkaClinic Family Physicians) 19685 Hwy7, Shorewood 55331, 2912 Mumford Rd, BrooklynCanter 55430,


..PAUL Bradford N, Teaching Asst (Psychology),Research Asst (Psychology) Psychology, N-218EltH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, Del Code3281, paut06050tc.umn.eduPAUL Emily J, Sr Ole Spec (Disabilily Services)Room 180 McNamaraCtr, 200 Oak 81 SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 2017,

PAUL John, Teaching Asa1 (E1ecIricaI/ComperEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572,72551h Ave SE APt2, Mpis 55414, 308-1092,

PAUL Nora, Program Cir (JoumalismlMass Comm,Sch 01), lecturer (CCE Pers Enrich Prgms 1nstr1)317 Murphy HaD, Del Code 0371 (824-8593;825-(578),5118 Penn Ave, Mpis 55419, 922-3666,

PAUL Stephen, Teaching Spec (Art) E261RegisClr, Del Code 7831 (825-3218),8806 181hWest, 81 Louis Park 55426, 952-542-3822,

PAUL Theodore J, Maintenenee Pelnter(UMC-Facllilies t.1/Inagement) Kiser8, Crookston56716 (218-281-11486), 35122 Maple Cilde SE,Mentor 56738,

PAULE PHD Charles R, Info Tech Prof(Computellonel Biology Center) MMe 43 Meyo, DelCode 8043, Am 150 Childrens Rehab (826-3059;624-9135),800 Laurel Ave, 81 Paul.55102,651-290-9482,

PAUUIiI Jelme, Veterinary Medical Assoc(Veterinary Population Medicine), Teaching Ass!(Velerinary Population Medicine) 157 VetOL, DelCode 6164 (824-9611), 2002 Knapp Ave, SeintPaul 55108,

PAULJN.CURLEE Geiss G, RllS88rch Asst(Veterinary Diagnostic Lab) 244 Vet DiagnosticLab, Del Code 6164 (822-7053), 610 Gotzian St,Saint Paul 55106, 651-793-6429,paulO4720lc.umn.eduPAUUNG Melody L, Exec Sec (German,Scandinavian & Dutch) 205 Fol H, Del Code 0143(825-7399),5114 41st Ave S, Mpls 55417,pauliOOl

PAUUNG S1eve, Facilities Menager (FaclllIIesMgmt-Zone 5-East Bank DI) L150 Mech Eng Bldg,Del Code 3121 (825-6596; 826-9983),

PAULSEN Cindi, Sr Ole Spec (CCE-Personal·Enrichment Program) Room 380 CoIH, Del Code6081, 916 Hatch Ave, 81 Paul 55103,651-48!H19ll7, pauls3900tc.umn.eduPAULSEN Karen L, Project Manager (School otNursing) 2-1398 WOH, Del Code 1331 (825-2496),3315 Pierce 81 NE, Mpls 55418,pauIs0130lC.umn.eduPAULSEN KIlsten S, Adjunct Instructor(Department of Architecture) Room 254 NIchH, DelCode 3901 (824-7686), 377-209a,paulO2170lc.umn.eduPAULSEN MIchael S, Prof (Law Sch Instr-Faculty)328 MondaI8 HaD, Del Code 7911 (825-0018),stokeD010lc.umn.eduPAULSEN Sharon R, Aast Voce Presiden1 (SrVPAcademic AllairslProvost), Assoc Prof (LawSchool) 234 MorriN Hell, Del Code 0282(825-0051), reichOO20tc.umn.eduPAULSON Anna R, Teaching Spec (EducationalPsychology), EducatiOn Spec (EducationalPsychology) 204 Bu H, Del Code 3171 (826-9411),pauIs0350tc.umn.eduPAULSON Cathy A, Sr Dele EntIy Oper (0IIice ofAdmissions) 240 Wd6amson HaN, Del Code 0171

, (625-1005), pauls0820te,umn.eduPAULSON David A, Sr Building and GroundsWorker (UMD-Housing (Griggs HaII) 103 L S H,513 Niagara Court, Dululh 55812, •dpauIso20d.umn.eduPAULSON David E, Library Manager (MINITEX)15 Andelsen Library, Del Code 7921 (824-7568),d-peulOtc;umn.eduPAULSON Diane, Non Univ Staff, University OfMinnesote MpIs (21~1-8813),pauIs1140tc.umn.eduPAULSON Jennifer, Prin Lab Technican(Neurology) MMe 295, Del Code 8295, 1381 StClelr Ave ApI2, Saint Paul 55105, 651-489-2860,pauls0750tc,umn.eduPAULSON John R, Instructor (South Lake ClinicPlymouth) Suite 235, 2805 Cempus DrivIi, 'Plymouth 55441 (763-559-1325), 8341 RanchviewLane N, Maple Grove 55311, 763-55HI72O,

PAULSON JonC, AdjUnct Ass! Prof (Shrine) 1701Cu~ Crest, Stillwater 55082,pauls0630tc.umn.eduPAULSON Kristine A, Ass! Coach (InteroollaglateAlhlalics) 2936 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (824-4308),4216 Sheridan Avenue, Mpls 55410, 823-3458,paulsl090te.umn,eduPAULSON Patricia J, Admlsalons Interviewer(Clinical Systema-Patient Acctg) 7-220 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (826-4921), pauIsOO90te.umn.aduPAULSON Relph K, Delivery Sarvice Driver (FaeMgmt-Zone loSt Paun 202 F 1.1 B; Del Code 6168(824-2718), 3238 Edgerton S1reet, Vadnais His55127, pauls0020tc.umn.eduPAULSON S1even E, 'Community Program Ass!(UMD Recreationel Sports) 121 SpHC, 0210, 1216Ordean Court, Dululh 55812 (218-7211-7128), POBox 3324, Dululh 55803, spaulsonOd.umn.eduPAULSON Susan D, Adjunct Asst Prof (AlelCllndriaClinic) 610 30th Ave W, A1ellllndria 56308,pauts381 Otc.umn.eduPAULSON Suzanne M, Cir (Sponsored FinancielReporting) Room 450 McNemaraCtr, Del Code2003 (624-5007), SpaIlIOtc.umn,eduPAULU David G, Sr Envm HaallhlSalety Tech(W-173 Boynton Health Service) 410 Church StSE, Del Code 1171 (825-1682),991-1738,pauIU0100tc.umn,eduPAULY Benjamin H, Teaching Asst (Dept ofArchitecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811,13815741h 81 S, Meyer 55380-9510,952-657-2519, pauIyOO80lc.umn:eduPAULY Mery Jo, lecturer (Art Department) E281RegisCtr, Del Code 7831 (825-3216),611 West StN, Jordan 55352, pauIy0230tc.umn.eduPAUMEN AHison L, Research Asst (SpeechLanguage Haering Sciences) 115 Shevlin Hall, DelCode 4401, paurn00040tc.umn,eduPAUPORE Andy J, Info Tech Prof (GeneralClinicel Research Center) MMe 504 Mayo, 081Code 6504, 211B Masonic Cencer Cenler(6~), paupoOOl Otc.umn.eduPAutz MD David E, Adjunct Ass! Prof (AspenMedical Group) 3918 W491/2 81, Edina 55424,pautz0020tc.umn,eduPAUWELYN Karen Ann L, Post-Doctoral Aasoc(Medicine Hematology 0IIice) MMe 480 Meyo,8480, 420 Delaware, Mpls 55455, 904, DartmoulhPlace SE, MpIs 55414,343-7653,pauweD010te.umn.eduPAVLOWSKl Cindy, Sr Academic Advisor (AcadCounseIinItlntellg Alh~WI8ICa) 280 BFA B, DelCode 3061 (825-1374; 825-6868),pavIoOO20tc.umn.eduPAVONE CerIa, Teaching Ass! (StrategicMgmtlOrganizalion), Research Ass! (S1reteglcMgmtlOrganization) 3-365 CarlSMgmt, Del Code7041,871-4352, pavoOOO30tc.umn.eduPAWUSCH Lissa S, Research FaHow (Agronomy& Plant GeneIica) Room 411 BorH: 1991 UpperBuford Circl&, 81 Paul 55108, Del Code 8026, 4537Portland Ave S, MpIs 55407, 827-3875,pawlOO480tc.umn.eiluPAWLOSKI Pamela A, Clinical Ass! Prof (Sune304 3300 Qakdale Ave N) RobbInsdale 55422,.13250 Jay St NW, Coon Rapids 55448PAWlOWICZ Thomas J, Buildlng/Grounds Supv(UMD FoocWending Sarvicee) 245 KPIz, D206,1208 Kirby Dr, Dulutlt55812 (218-726-7422), 4704Dalka Road, DuluIh 55803, 218-72104350,pawloOO40d.umn.eduPAWLOWSKI lucia, Teaching Asst (English) 790Civil Engineering, Del Code 0613,pawlOO680tc.umn.eduPAYETTE Lani, Editor (Training Sarvices) Room280 WBOB, Del Code 7523 (826-7731),payelOO30tc.umn.eduPAYLOR Rogerich T, Medical FeHow (Radiology)MMe 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292,1641 NW 172ndSI, Edmond OK 73003, 405-216-9309,payloOO10tc.umn.eduPAYNE Daniel A, Sr Maintenance Carpenter(UMM-Plant Svcs-General Melnt) 3 Cam, Morris56267 (320-589-6100), paynedaOmorria,umn.eduPAYNE Elizabeth E, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyMedlclneIComm HeaIlh), Asst Prof(Ofolaryngology) Affiliated Ot01aryngoIogy, OakdeleMedical Bldg, Ste 307, 3386 Oakdale Ave N, Mpis55422, payneOO50tc.umn.eduPAYNE Pia, Non Univ Stall, University OfMinnesote Mpls (309-7065),

PAYNE Richard A, PlpafiIter (FacilitiesMgml-Admlnistralion) 400 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (826-7865), 4348 13th Avenue SpuIh, Mpis55407, .

PAYNE Shir1ey, Prin Accounts Spec (ElectricalEngr & Computer Science) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572 (625-4865),

PAYNE Tep R, Chair (lIMM Humanities, Divlslon01), Prof (UMM Humanities, DivIsion pf; VMMAcademic Administration) Room 104 Hum, M233A,800 E 41h St, Morris 58267, 206 E 3rd, Morris56267,320-589.1620,

PAYNE William D, Prof (Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo,Del Code 8195,11-200 P W B (625-5151),payneOOl

PAYNE William E, Assoc Prof (UMD Theatre) 144MPAC, 1215 Ordean Court, Dulu1h 55812(218-726-6597; 218-726-8562), 4420 Robinson St,Dulu1h 55804, 218-525-1512,

PAZANDAK Carol H, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Psychology) N-218 EIlH, 75 East River Road,MpIs 55455, Dal Code 3281, 9300 Collegeview RdApt301, Bloomington 55437,

PAZOERNIK leRoy J, lectul8r (CeRler lorlearning FoundatIOns) 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56718 (218-281-8256), RR 1, Box 255,Mentor 56736,218-574-2007,pazcleOO40mail,erltumn.edPEACOCK James 1.1, Research Assoc(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St,Mpis 55454, Del Code 7525 (826-0071),paacoOO40tc.umn.eduPEACOCK Katie, Coordinator (Ceresr andCommunity Learning Cents) 345 Fraser Hell, 106Pleasant S1rest SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3383(826-2044), 1410 2nd S1reet NE, Mpis 55413,kpaacockOtc,umn.eduPEARCE Sara B, Instructor (Felrview RiversideWarnens Clinic) no 402, 701 251h Ave S, Mpls55454, pearc0190tc, .

PEARCY Wanda J, Ass! Prof (UMD Art endDesign) 421 ABAH 1207 Ordean Court,.Dululh55812 (218-726-7:l11), wpearcyOd.umn.eduPEARLMAN Vivian, Asst Prof (Hennepin CountyMed'1C81 Center) Dept Of Psychiatry, 701 Park AveS, MpIs 55415, pearlOO50tc.umn.eduPEARSALL Thomas E, Prof (Retired) (Rhetoric),651 Landings Way, Savannah GA 31411,pears0680te.umn.eduPEARSON Allen E, Building and Grounds Worker(Fadlilies Mgml-BIdg Sarv- Area A) Room 400DonhoweIl, 319 151h Ave SE, lApIs 55455, DelCode 3121, 1809 Nebreska, St Paul 55119,pears0670tc.umn.eduPEARSON Annie L, AneIystIProgrammer (ADM)680 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (825-4382), 203-0065,pears0650tc.umn.eduPEARSON Arwen, Asst Prof (Iliochem, MoIec BioI,Biophy TCSS), R_rch Assoc (Biochem, MoIecBioi, Biophy TMED) 5-232 BSandBE, Del Code1214 (824-0141), peat&0790tc.umn.eduPEARSON Cheryl, Accounts Spec (UMo-Sch MedAdministration) 133 SMed, 1035 University Dr,Dululh 55812 (218-726-7571), 1321 E 1st St Apt1,Dululh 55805, 218-728-5885,cpearsolOd,umn.eduPEARliO" David J, Adjunct Prof (ProfeBlllonalMed Assoc Ltd) 701 S DeIwoOd, Cembrldge 55008(783-689-1411),510 Rum River Dr, Cambridge55008,763-889-5814, peare0190tc.umn.aduPEARSON Deboreh J, Teaching Spec (TheatreArts end Dance) 58Q A Rarig, Del Code 7752(825-8699),903· 20th Ave NE, ApI2, MpIs 55418,pears4960te,umn.eduPEARSON Donna D, Research Assoc (Work,CommunitylFamily Educ), Coordinator (Work,CommunitylFamily Educ) ROom 210 VoTech, DelCode 6197 (625-5229), peareOO40tc.umn.eduPEARSON Dama L, Info Tech Spec (Nstworking& Telecom Srvs), Del Code 2171 (825-9378),peare0120te.umn.eduPEARSON HaroldD, Adjunct Assoc Prof (81 CroixVellay C6nic) 921 S Greelay, Stillwater 55082,9995 Arcola CI, S1iHweter 55082,pears0340tc,umn.eduPEARSON Janet L, Exec Administrative Spec (DivOf Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code7525 (826-8644), peare0140lc:umn.eduPEARSON Jennifer L, ~nct Asst Prof (U~Family MedIcine) 400 E 31d 81, Dululh 55805, 4532London Rd, Dululh 55804, 218-525-0099,


PEARSON Jill 1.1, Asst COach (IntercollegiateAlhlelics) 290FBFAB, Del Code 3061 (824-2889),Suite 2406, 5250 Grandview Sq, MpIs 55436,952-476-2907, paare4540tc.umn.eduPEARSON Joanne M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MerttCere Clinic) 700 1st Ave S,Fargo ND 58103(701-234-4000),740 River Dr, St Paul 55116,

PEARSON John A, Prin User Sarvice6 Spec(ADCS) Room 190 ShepLab, Del Code 0771(826-8344),2172 MldIand VI8W Court N, RQ8evllIe55113,851-«33-6234,, page826-8368PEARSON Jolene A, Teaching Spec (Childllevelopme!rt, Inst 01; Early Education Dev, Ctr lor)ChDev, Del Code 4011, 3501 Belden Drive, MpIe55418,789-3851,pe8IOl150tc.umn.eduPEARSON Kathryn L, Instructor (Polllical Science)1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175, 3417 81 Louie Ave,Mpis 55418, 92lHl780, kpearsonOtc.umn.ec1iPEARSON Keith C, Instructor (Pamida Pharmacy)1101 E 371h S1, HlbbIng 55746, 331 9 1/2 S1reetNE, Chisholm 55719,

PEARSON Ruanne R, Adminislrlltive ProIeBsional(OSF - Undergraduate ServIce8) 210 Fraser H, DelCode 3395 (825-9578),

PEARSON Tracy, Non Univ StafI (UDS AffIliatedStall) G049H Coftman Union Mpls (825-5011), .

PEARSON VeIorIe D, Cook (3685 ArborelumDrive) Chaska 55318 (952-443-1434),593 MissIonHills Way W, Chllnhasaen 55317, 952-906-9106,pear00650tc.umn.eduPEARSON-WOOD Jill, Program As80c (carison,Juran Center) 3-306 CarlSMgml, Del Code 7041(826-4555), peani1280tc.umn.eduPEART Richard D, Prin Laboratory Technician(UMD-NRRI-GARTDIMineraIB) CoIerelne MineralsResearch Lab, PO Box 188, Colerelne 55722(218-245-4201),42999 County Rd 333, Bovey55709,218-245-1041PEART Sue L, Teaching Ass! (Kinesiology) URCRoom 27, Del Code 2061 (625-1334),peartOO70tc.umn.eduPEARTHREE Steven J, Ass! To (Family SocieIScience) 290 McNseI Hall, Del Code 6140(625-8771), spearlhrOtc.umn.eduPEASE Nick, lecturer (Peasa Proee Sarvicee)Mpis 55419 (824-3304), 6040 Logan Ave S, MpIe55419, peaseD060tc.umn.eduPEASLEY S1eve D, Mechanic 1 (Fecllilies Mgml­Zone 1 ,81 Paul) 202 F 1.1 B, Del Code 6168(824-2718), paasIOOl0te.umn.eduPECHMANN Daniel J, Bulking and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgml Zone 2 - West Bank)Room3OODonhowe,Bldg, 319 151h Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3121, 2575 ConqoiQ Way,Mendote HeIghts 55120, 651-881-1700,pechm0080tc.umn.eduPECILUNAS Paul D, Plin MedIa ResourcesProducer (learning TechnoIogIee)~ 5108RartgC, Del Code 7751 (824-1688),pacilOOl Otc.umn.eduPECK Banjamin L, Info Tech Prof (HumanResources) 8-20 Donhowe8, Del Code 3122(824-9800), packOO810tc.umn.aduPECK Jaaori 1.1, Ph DCendIdate Grad Instructor(German, ScandInavian, and Dutch), ResearchAss! (Advanc:ed Study, Institute for), PhDCendida18 Research Asst (Gecman, ScanciJlao;;an,and Dutch) 224 Fol H, Del Code 0143 (825-9350),pecIodlO80tc.umn.eduPECK Jeri, Coordinator (Forest R.,ources, Dept01), Gfllduele School Fallow (Forest Resources,Dept 01) Room 115 GreenH, Del Code 6112(824-5317),651-917-3729, peckjOtc.umn.eduPECK JRTheodore T, Asst To (Humphrey Inst otPublIc Allelr) State and Local Policy Prgm, Rm158, Del Code 7451 (824-8813),pecIodl150tc.\lIIln.eduPECKHAM Bruce B, Aasttic Prof (lIMOMath/Stata), Ass! To (UMD MethlSlats) 104 C Clr,Dulu1h (218-72lHl168), 2530 E 8Ih 81, Duluth55812, 218-724-7899, bpackhamOd.umn.eduPEDELTV Merle H, Assoc Prof (General Collage)256 ApH, Del Code 3501 (825-8383), 601 MelnS1reet SE, Apt 235, MpIs 55414, 659-8237,pedallmhOte.umn.eduPEDEN-MCALPiNE Cynthia J, Assoc Prof(Nursing, School 01) 6-172 WOH, Del Code 1331(824-0449), 15340 Pelnters Lane N, Stillwater55082,651-436-2402,


PEDERSEN PHD Bill, Asst Pro! (UMDMechanicalllndustrial Engr), Adjunct Instructor(UMD Continuing Education) 105 VKH, 1305Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7359), 5739pine Circle Dr, Duluth 55811-9798, 218-729-8634,

PEDERSEN Bt1Id, Assoc Prof (Horticul1ure) Room305 AJderH, 8008, 1970 FclweIl Ave, St Paul55108 (824-7407), 49121 Spor1eman's Lane,Waterville 56096, peder0060tc.umn.eduPEDERSEN Jerome W, Assoc Clinical Spec(Primary Dental Care), Program Dir (PrimaryDental Care) Hibbing Community College, DelCode 1291(824-7934),4335 St Mary's Drive,Eveleth 55734, 218-263-7680,pederOBOOtc.umn.eduPEDERSEN LaI1l 101, Sr Academic Advisor (CLACommlMedia Student Community) 8-16 JohnstonHall, e.t Code 3774 (824-1820),peder0410te.umn.eduPEDERSEN Paule J, Asst Pro! (UMD Psychology),Adjunct Ass! Pro! (UMD Continuing Education)347A BohH, Duluth (218-726-7860),ppederseOd.umn.eduPEDERSEN Ted, Assoc Prof (UMD ComputerScience) 320 HH, Duluth (218-726-ll770;218-726-7607),1pedeIseOd.umn.eduPEDERSON Bill, Ubl1lry Ass! 2 (Ubl1lry TechnicalServioes) 160 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (825-0381;624-7097),929 WRoselewn Ave, Roseville 55113,651-208-0460, pedeOO550te.umn.eduPEDERSON Diane, Assoc Admin (College ofPharmacy) 8-114 WDH, Del Code 1332(824-6184),2108 Como Ave SE, Mpls 55414,331-5149, pederOO50te.umn.eduPEDERSON Glenn 0, Prof (Applied Econ) 231 CleOff, Del Code 6040 (825-8770),pedersonOtc.umn.eduPEDERSON Jane A, Program Assoc (Nursing,School Of-Adm) 5-139 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-2490), pederOl00tc.umn.eduPEDERSON Jayne L, eommunily Program Spec(Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, RmM402 Masonic (824-8402), 8206 Goodrich Rd,Bloomington 55437, peder0590tc.umn.eduPEDERSON Jonethan E, Adjunct Prof (6545France Ave S) Su"e 235, EdirJ 55435,pederOI60te.umn.eduPEDERSON Katherine R, Student Support8etvices Ass! (CareerlCommunily L.aemingCanter) 135 JohH, Del Code 3774 (626-4481),pede02520tc.umn.eduPEDERSON Kim, Lecturer (Car1son Schoof ofMgmt) 3-150 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-8818),763-780-6657, pederI150tc.ulllll.eduPEDERSON LaUI1l A, Sr ,Veterinary Technician(Smell Animal Clin Sci) B325 Vet Tch Hos, DelCode 61.92 (824-7277), peder0570tc.umn.eduPEDERSON Unds 101, Sr Adminlstnltive Spec(UMM Academic Administration; UMM SponsoredSalartes) Fee Ctr HumA, M226E, 600 E 4th St,Morris 58267 (320-589-8273); 206 W9th St, Morris58267,320-589-2540, pederslmOmorris.umn.eduPEDERSON Lori A, Ass! Scientist (Ophthalmology)MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493, 7016 Eagle Trail,Centerville 55038-7055, 651-429-4661,peder4390tc.umn.eduPEDERSON Marie T, Adjunct Instructor(HealthPartners) 8100 34th Ave South, Mpls 55440(953-883-5327), pede!0840te.umn.eduPEDERSON 8endI1l E, Adjunct Instructor (UMDArt and Design) 234 Engr, 1201 Ordean Court,Duluth 55812 (218-726-8944),spedersoOd.umn.eduPEDERSON Tammy J,Progl1lm Assocj~yn &Women's Haalth) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395,12-211 Moos Tower (828-6628),peder0040tc.umn.edlJPEEBLES Kala L, Teeching Ass! (Plant Pathology)Room 495 BotH, 1991 Upj>er IIuIoId Circle, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6030, •peab00040tc.umn.eduPEGORS Donne W, Assoc pnif (Retired) (UMDMusic), 1802 Wallace Ave, Duluth 55603,pegorOO10tc.umn.eduPEHRSON Debol1lh A,Accounts Spec (SouthamResearch & Outreech Canter) 35838.12Oth Street,Wasece 56093 (507-837-5613), 511 North StateStreet, Waseca 56093, 507-835-5917,pehIllOO40tc.umn.eduPEHRSON Sally C, CDA, RDA (Boyn HS) DentalClinic, Del Code 1171 (825-5430),


PENG Vi, Research Ass! (Biostatistics) MMC 303 IMayo, Del Code 8303 (624-4655; 826-9014), 1015 ,29th Ave $E, Apt 0, Mpls 55414, !pengx0360tc.umn.eduPENG Yun, Ph 0 Cendidate Grad Instructor (ALL) I431 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0144 (626-0591), I'pengOO250te.umn.eduPENGRA Nancy L, Community Health Coordinator I(Envrn Health Scienoes) MMC 607 Mayo, Del iCode 8807, 1220 Mayo; 350 McNemal1l Ctr :(626-4824), 137 Bates, St Paul 55106, I651-774-5015, !PENKHUS Stephen 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Mankato Clinic lid) PO Box 6874, Mankato56002-8674, 36 Tl1lil Drive, Mankato 56001,penkhOO10tc.umn.eduPENLAND-MlLLER Elizabeth, CommunityProgram Spec (Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del ICode 7525 (824-1818; 826-9199), !PENN Lee, Asst Prof (Chemistry) 225 Smith Hall, iDel Code 3661 (626-4680),!PENN Mischa, Assoc Prof (Anthropology) 395 I.HHH Center, Del Code 7455 (825-1376), 831 So ,Werwick, St Paul 55116, 651-698-9679, :PENN Sarah, Veterina{y Technician (CVM Large .Animal Hospital) C243 VetTchHosp, Del Code6194 (825'6700), 5617 73rd Ave NApt 122,Brooklyn Park 55429,379-4567,pennxOI20tc.umn.eduPENNEUL Christophar A, Assoc Pro! (LabMedicinelPaihology; Cancer Canter) MMC 609Mayo, Del Code 8609, 7600 0 V C C R C(625-7138; 625-0453), 632 Wetersedge Terr,Mendota Hgts 55120, 651-686-0310,penneOO10te.umn.eduPENNICK Ronald E, Pharmacy Technician (VMCPhannacy) Room 342 VMC, Del Code 6194,728-9895, penni0840tc.umn.eduPENNI!; Heather L, Head Coach (UMM PECenter) Room 225 PEC, 101231 B, 600 E4th St,Morris 56267 (320-569-8425),penniehIOmorris.umn.eduPENNINGTON Derric N, Research Fellow(FlSherieslWildlne, Dept 01), Graduate SchoolFellow (FisherieslWildlne, Dept 01) Fisheries,Wildlife and Cons Bioi, 200 HodsonH, 1960 Folwell .Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6125 (824-4222),937-890-2920, .

PENNY Timothy ~, Sr Fellow (HHH Inst PublicAffatrs-Pub Af), Teaching Spec (HHH Inst PublicAffairs-Pub AI) 138 H H HCtr, Del Code 7451(825-9505), penny0020tc.umn.eduPENOVICH Patricia E., Adjunct Prof (MinnesotaEpilepsy Group PAl 310 NSM~ Ave, Su"e 300,St Paul 55102, 344 Salem Church Road, St Peul55118, penovOOl Otc.umn.eduPENTEL Peul R, Prof (Medicine; Phannacology)Hennepin County Medical Center, Dept OfMedicine, 701 Park Ave S, Mpls 55415, 941Angelo Drive, Golden Valley 55422,pentelOtc.umn.eduPEN'fEL Paula R, Teaching Spec (Geography)346 SocSci, Del Code 7183, 941 Angelo Dr,Golden Valley 55422, pent00060tc.umn.eduPEPER Christine R, Teechlng Asst (EducetionalPsychology) 206 Burton Hell, Del Code 3171(824-6063), hen1l1150tc.unin.eduPEPER George T, Lecturer (UMM Div ofEducation) Room 200 Edu, M231A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (320-569-8300), 5310 60th Ave NE,Willmar 56201, 320-235-1049,pepergOmorris.umn.eduPEPER Jody L, Exae Asst (Corrosion ResearchCtr) 112 Amund H, Del Code 0531 (625-4048),peperO«110Ic.umn.eduPEPIN Alice 101, Communications Dir.(EnterpriseFin Sys Proj) Sulfe 2OOA, Del Code 2455(624-0154), pepinOD30tc.umn.eduPEPIN Constance, Info Tech Prof (AHC Offica ofEducation) MMC 501 Meyo, Del Code 8501, 410ChRC, 4031 Zen~ Avenue S, Mpls 55410,922-1253, cpepinOtc.urnn.eduPEPIN Robert 0, Dir CampuslCollege Level(Technology Stu Supt Svc, Inst), Prof (Physics endAstronomy) 421 Shep Lab, Del Code 0331(624-0819; 825-2800), 6730 Willow Lane, BrooklynClr 55430, pepinOD10te.umn.eduPEPPER Bernice, Ofc Spec (UMD Upward BoundVision Quest) 116 CINA, 0031, 1123 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-6906),

PELLETT Harold 101, Pro! (Retired) (Mn LandscapeArboretum) 3675 Arboretum Or, Box 39,Chanhassen 55317 (952-443-1504), 1450 GemeFann Rd No, Mound 55384, 952-472·1008,pelIeOO20tc.umn.eduPELUZZER Giuseppe, Assoc Pro! (Physiology)8-125 Jec H, Del Code 1216, pelliOO10tc.umn.eduPELOQUIN Catherine A, Assoc Oir CmpICol(Car1eon School of Mgmt) 4-307101 CertSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (626-0556), peloqOO40tc.umn.eduPELOSO Marco, Ass! Prof (Room 342E) Physicsand Astronomy, Del Code 0331 (824-6525),2901McKinley St N E, MpIs 55418, peIosoOtc.umn.eduPELnER George L, Adjunct Ass! Pro! (HenneplnCounty Medicel Canter) 701 Park Ave (689A), Mpls55415, peIti0030tc.umn.eduPELnER Marilyn K, Ass! Pro! (Sims-Denae) 1265Grey Fox Ad, St Paul 55112, 761 Uncaln Avenue,St Paul 55105, peItiOOl0tc.umn.eduPELTO Janet A, Counselor (CCE-Cereer &LneWork Center) Room 200 McNamaraCtr, DelCode 2009 (625-2529), paI1oOO1 Otc.umrtildu

.PELTOLA Nancy A, Adjunct Instructor (OlmstedMedical Group-Preston) 926 Church Ave, StChartes 55972PELTONEN Joanne K, Coordinator (CLALanguage Canter) Room 137 JonesH, Del Code3945 (624-0882), pe/toOO30tc.umn.eduPEl.TONEN Richard T, Sr Ofc Ass! (ClinicalSystems - Records) Room 7-220 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291, Apt 214, 10511 Cedar Lake Rd,Minnetonka 55305, 952-~,penoOO50tc.umn.eduPELUSO Mlcheel, Assoc Department Dir .(University Foundation) Room 500 McNamal1lCtr,Del Code 2011 (828-0502), 3010 12th St NW, NewBrighton 55112, 651~5265, ,PELZEL Jemie 101, MedicaJ Fellow (MedicineCardiology Offica) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code8508, 289A VCRC (826-2451), 2510 Clover fieldDrive, Chaska 55318, 952-36Hl639,peIzOOO60tc.umn.eduPELZl Julie, Program Oir (University Foundation)Room 500 McNameraClr, Del Code 2011(826-1076), pelzIOO10tc.umn.eduPEMBERTON Stuart R, Adjunct Ass! Pro! (VadnaisHeights Family Physicians) 1055 Canterville Circle,Vednais Heights 55127, 218-736-5493,pembeOO30tc.umn.eduPEN Suroma, Ass! Scientist (OphthaJmology) MMC493 Mayo, Del Code 8493, 374 1407 Unlv SE(626-0778), penxxOO10tc.umn.eduPENA Femando A, Ass! Pro! (Orthopaedic Surg)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, R311 Ch RC(626-3928), 750 Second Stnlet S, Apartment 203,Mpls 55401,339-6383, petlaooI30tc.umn.eduPENCE David M, Adjunct Ass! Prof (AbbotNorthweslern HospiteO 800 E 28th St, Mpls 55414(664-1383),1010 Mulberry, Mankato 56001,507-3117-7703, penceOO2 Ote.umn.eduPENDAZ Sedie R, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Minnesota Population Canter) 50 Willey Hall, DelCode 7931 (624-5618), pend00350tc.umn.eduPENDERGRASS LaUI1l A, Lecturer (Psychology)N-218 EnH, 75 East River Road, MpIs 55455, DelCode 3281, pend00020tc.umn.eduPENDSE Nined 0, Research Ass! (ChemicalEngrlMat Sci), Teaching Ass! (Chemical EngrlMatSci) 244 Gortner,DeI Code 0531 (824-3204), 1998Brwester Street, Apt 202, St peul55108,pend00490tc.umn.eduPENG David, Teechlng Ass! (Operations and MgmtSciences), Research Ass! (Operations and MgmtSciences) Operations end Mgmt SCiences, 3-150CartSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7041,1058 27th A~ SE, Apt 0, Mpls 55414,651-468-9224, peng00630tc.umn.eduPENG Grace T, Sr Research Fellow (Biostatistics)200 2221 Univ SE, Del Code 2702 (826-9221),pengx0060tc.umn.eduPENG U J, Research Ass! (Biochemistry) 7-160MoiCeliBio, Del Code 1214 (826-4494),744Bennett Drive, Chaska 55318,308-7041,peng00330tc.umn.eduPENG Szu-Yi, Teaching Ass! (Family SocialScience) Room 290 McNH, 1965 Buford Ave, SIPaul 55108, Del Code 6140 (825-4240),pengx0240te.umn.eduPENG Xiaoxia, Teaching Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 146 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 401 9th St SEAptl07, MpIs 55414,

PEl PHD Duanqing, Assoc Pro! (Pharmacology)3-136 BSendBE, Del Code 1213 (826-1468), 1923Bluestein Lane, Shoreview 55126, 826-1408,peixx00301c.umn.eduPEl Jing, Ass! SCientist (MedicinelHematology)MMC 460 Mayo, Del Code 8460, 660 CCRB(626-9935), peixx0040tc.umn.eduPEl Min, Sr Labol1ltory Technici8n (Univ ofMinnesota Cancer Center) MMC 806 Mayo, DelCode 8606, 570 CCRB (825-7442),peixxOO70tc.umn.eduPEICKERT Gerald L, Sr Partdng Attendsnt(Partdng & Transportation Services) 300 T S B, DelCode 1983, peickOOI01c.umn.eduPEIFER Richard W, Education Spec (GeneralBiology Program), Ass! To (Genel1ll BiologyProgram) 3-104 MolCeRBiol, Del Code 1231(625-9048), rwpelferOtc.umn.eduPEIFFER Timothy J, Network Support Engineer(NetwortdnlJ'Telecomrn Services), Del Code 2171(626-7884),3930 Sheridan Ave N, Mpls 55412,586-5061, peillerOtc.umn.eduPEIKERT Cart F, Adjunct Pro! (DoctOrs Clinic Ltd)1540 Slake St, Forest Lake 55025, 20920 HeathAve N, Forest Lake 55025, pelk80010tc.umn.eduPEINE MD Ctaig J, Assoc Pro! (Hennepin CountyMedical Canter) Dept Of Internal Medicine, 701Park Ave S, Mpis 55415, 354 Elton Hills Drive NW,Rochester 55901, peln80020tc.umn.eduPEKA ~hell, Building end Groundll Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Adminls\l1ltion) 202 F 101 B, DelCode 6168 (824-6738), 4341 4th St NE, ColumbiaHeights 55421, .PEKA Nor1lert R, Building end Groundll Worker(Fee Mgmt-Zone 3-HaeIth Services) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 6059, B117 Moos T (824-2900),

, 2623 Westem Ave, Roseville 55113,pekaxOOl Otc.umn.eduPEKA Richerd N, BuDding and.Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Administration) MMC 59 Mayo,Del COde 6059, ax 59 Mayo (824-5655),pekax0020tc.umn.eduPEKARNA Devid, Instructor (HaalthcareManagement), Development Ofcr (HIth SvcsR_rchIPoIicy) H.eaIth Services RschlPoIicy, 027<l-4 Mayo BuDding, MMC 510, 420 DelawareStreet SE, Mpls 55455 (825-1321; 825-0333), 1056Westcliff Court, Shoreview 55126, 651-787-9855,pekarOO10tc.umn.eduPEKURI Malthew W, Ubnlry Ass! 2 (WallerCirCUlation) B3 WaUb, Del Code 3725 (825-2345),1866 Walnut St, LaurerdaJe 55113, 651-207-4363,pekuOOO50te.umn.eduPELACHO Bealriz, Post-Doctoral Assoc (14-142PWB) MMC 460 Mayo, Del Code 8460, 420 .Deleware St SE (625-0602), 609, Oak St SE,Ap12·9, Mpls 55414, 379-9749,pel8COO20tc.•umn.eduPELC Brien 0, Gl1lduete School Fellow (ForestResources) Room 115 GreenH, 1530 N C1evelendAve, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6112, 61537 101110Avenue, Bend OR 97702,541-382-9749,peIcOOO20te.umn.eduPEUNSKI Stephen J, Lecturer (Theatre Arts andDance) Room 560 RarigC, Del Code 7752(625-6699), 463614th Avenue South, Mpls 55407,822-8866, pellnOD10tc.umn.eduPEUlANT Ann C, Sr Ole Ass! (UMD Bookstore)175 KSC, 0205, 1120 Klrlly Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7286), 982 85th Avenue West, Duluth55808,218-826-1560, epellantOd.umn.eduPELLEGRINI Anthony 0, Pro! (EducationalPsychology; Early Education Dev, Ctr lor) 204BuH, Del Code 3171 (825-4353), 1973 QueenAvenue South, Mpls 55405, peIIe0130tc.umn.eduPELLETIER Juli 101, Prin Accoun!ant (BiologicalSci, College Of-Adm) 128 Snyder Hall, Del Code6174 (824-8728), pell80030tc.umn.eduPELLETIER Julie A, Ass! Pro' (UMM SocialSciences, Ow of; UMM Cont EduclRegionaJ Prgm)UMM Div of Social Science, Room 109 Cam,M249A, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267(320-569-8214),320-565-5457,pelletje0 morris.umn.eduPEULETIER Rene W, Adjunct Assoc Prof (350 StPeter St) Sulfe 240, St Paul 55102,pelle006Otc.umn.eduPELLETT DaIWin A, Gerdener (MN L.andscepeArboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd, Chaska55318-9613 (952-443-1400), 833 Quail Parkway,Watertown 55388,952-955-1039,

I~ ,


PEPPER Gerald L, Assoc Dean (UMD UberaI ArtsAdmin, Col 01), Assoc Prof (UMD Communication),Adjunct Assoc Prof (UMD Continuing Education)469 A BAH, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7274),218-724-5018, [email protected]

PEPPER Thomas A, Assoc Prof (Cultural Studies& Comparative Ute) 102 F01we1I Hall, Del Code·0147 (624-8099; 624-9596), 2615 Park Avenue,Apt615, MpIs 55407,339-3409,tapepperOtc.umn.eduPERAlA-oEWEY Susan M, Instructor (UMDComposition) 419 H, 1201 Ordean Court, DuIuIh55812 (218-72lHl726), 236 West Lewis Street,Duluth 55803, 218-724-3987,

PERCICH PHD James A, Prof (Plant Pathology)316 Stak H, Del Code 6030 (625-6240),jamesJiOlc.umn.eduPERCIVAL Garrick L, Ass! Prof (UMD PoliticalScience) 305 CinaH, 1123"Unlversity Dr, Duluth

. 55812 (218-726-7077), 951-369-8009,

PERDIGAO Jorge, Assoc Prof (RestorativeSCiences; Dental Education, Continuing;Diagnosticllliolog SCiences) Room 8-450 MoosTower, Del Code 1291 (625-8486; 625-5432),perdiOOl Olc.umn.eduPERDUE MD MSPH David G, Ass! Prof (Medicine

. Gastroenterology Office) MMC 38 Mayo, Del Code6038, A541 Mayo,929-2113,perdUOOl Olc.umn.eduPERDUE Leuralee, Ole Spec (CIvil Engineering)Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE, MpIs 55455,Del Code 0651, 261 Au1'!lra Ave, St Peut 55103,651-224-8308,

PERDUE Nina R, Instructor (Pediatrics) MMC 391Mayo, Del Code 6391,13-118 PWB, 2 Red cedarLane, Mpls 55410,929-2113,heff80020lc.umn.eduPEREIRA Ana P, Graduate SChool Fellow(Sociology) Room 909 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7171, 8781 Hastings CircleNE, Blaine 55449 55449,

PEREIRA Anne G, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMed Ctr) 701 Park Ave S, Mpls 55415,3212Dupont Ave S, MpIs 55408, 822-3154,apereiraOlc.umn.eduPEREIRA Chrystian R, Ass! Prof (Pharmacy,College 0I),Ass! Clinical Spec (Phannacy, Collegeof) College 01 Phannacy, Room 5-130 WDH, 308Harvard St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332, 414Desnoyer Ave, St Paul 55104, 720-6647,

PEREIRA PHD Donald L,Ass! Prof (Entcmology)Room 2nd A HodsonH, Del Code 6125,pereiOOl Olc.umn.eduPEREIRA Isabel M, Sr Laboratory Technician(Genetics and Cell Development) Room 6-160JacH, 321 Church St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code1217,3956 GienlIiew Avenue, Arden HHI8 55112,384-6429, pereOl140lc.umn.eduPEREIRA PHD Mark A, Ass! Prof (Epidemiology) .300 W BOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818), 3212Dupont Ave S, Mpls 55408, pereiiOO4,Otc.umn.eduPERELL DaVid R, Adjunct Assoc Prof (PrimaryDental Care-Hibbing) Room 15-138 MoosT, 515Delaware St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1291,[email protected] .PEREZ Lascar N, Dental Fellow (Reslolative~nces-Proslhodontics) Room 9-531 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (625-5655),1160 Cushing Circle Apt212, St Paul 55108, pere2!0520lc.umn.eduPEREZ.pWOL SHvIa, Post·DoctoraI Assoc(Medicine Hematology Office) MMC 460 !>layo, DelCode 6460, MMC 460 Mayo, 641 Huron Blvd Apt42068, Mpls 55414, perez061 Olc.umn.edoPEREZ RODRIGUEZ Carlos A, Research Ass!(ISSS, Univefsity 01 Minnesota) 190 HlllI1phrey Clr,Del Code 6030, 1305 Gibbs AWlllue, Saint Paul55108,651-917-2164, pereOl480lc.umn.eduPERG Lesley A. Ass! Prof (Geology & Geophysics)Room 108 PiIIsH, 310 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0211 (624-3864), 1235 Lafond Ave,Saint Paul 55104, •PERGAMENT Michael L, Adjunct Prof (Pe<iatricUrology Clinic) MMC 394 Mayo, 6394, 420Delaware, Mpls 55455, 331 5aIem Church Rd,Sunfish Lake 55118, perga0020lc.umn.eduPERlA William T, Prof (Retired) (Dept 01 Electrical&Computer Engr) 4-178 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0572(625-8033; 626-7197), 5932 Tamarac Ave, Edina55436-1744,952·935-1331,

PERIAKARUPPAN Peri, Greduate SChool Tralnee(Environmental Health Sciences) MMC 807 Mayo,Del Code 8807,1271 FIIieId Place, FaIconHlllghts55108,763-559-5343, peri00220lc.umn.eduPERIUS Leana M, Instructor (UMD Composition)326 KPIz, 1208 Kirlly Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-6745),lperiusOd.umn.eduPERKEY Jeffery P, Exec Ass! (Research Sub)Protect Program) MMC 820 Mayo, Del Code 8620,0-526 Mayo, perkeOOl Olc.umn:eduPERKINS Edward L, Ass! Prof (UMDBlochernIMoIecular Biology) 249 SMed, 0602,1035 Univefsity Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-72lHl345;218-726-8356), eperkinsOd.umn.eduPERKINS Jemma M, P1'!lgram Assoc (AHC .Communications) MMC 735 Mayo, Del Code 8735,A295 Mayo (626-7037), merri0640lc.umn.eduPERKINS Joanna L, Adjunct Instructor (Pediatrics)MMC 464 Mayo, Del Code 6464,13-107 P W B,hans006401l:.umn.edoPERKINS Mary B, Adjunct Instructor (WestHennepi~ Community Serv) 1001 Hwy 7, Suije217, Del Code 6161, 1001 State Hwy 7, Hopkins55305, ,PERKINS Michael, Assoc VICe President (CapitalPlanning ll. Proj Mgmt-Olc of) Room 400DonhoweB, Del Code 3121 (626-0662), 9524Riverview Avenue South, Bloomington 55425,perki0440tc.umn.eduPERKINS Stephen S, Network Support Analyst(NetworkingfTelecomm Services), Del Code 2171(625-0132), perkinsOlc,umn.eduPERKOWSKI Unda C, Assoc Dean (MedicalSChool Admin), Assoc Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Health) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code8293, B639 Mayo (626-4985),perkowskOlc.umn.eduPERLMAN David M, Ass! Prof (PACC Medicine)MMC 276 Mayo, Del Code 6276, 350 VCRC(624-0099), .PERLMAN Greg, Teaching Asst (Psychology) .N-218 EIIH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3281,15721 Fox Circle, Apple Valley 55124,

PERLMUTTER Cherie R, Assoc Vice President(Retired) (Medical Sch Admin) MMC 293 Mayo,Del Code 8293, C693 Mayo (625-6125), 757Green Twig Way, Stillwater 55082-9174,651-439-0599,, pege699-6564PERMAN Heidi J, Career Professional (St PaulCampus Career Clr) 197 McNl@1 Hall, Del Code6142 (624-9120), hpermanOlc.umn.eduPERMAN VICtor,~ Dean (Retired) (Vet MedAdmin, College 01) (624-2745), 1724 W SkillmanAve, St Paul 55113, 651,631-2572,perma0010lc.umn.eduPERNELL Kern J, Non Univ Slaff, 270 LRBMpls,pemeool .PERRA Joseph H, Ass! Prof (OrIhopaediC Surgery)Room no 255, 2512 So 7th St, Mpls 55454(273-8000),438 Horseshoe Dr W, Shoreview55126, perre0040lc.umn.eduPERRAULT Rudy, Ass! Prof (Music) ~1 H, Duluth(21&'726-8215),1225 East7th Street, Duluth55805,218-724-3484, [email protected] 'PERREAULT Nicole K, Veterinary TechniCian Ass!(Veterinary Teaching Hosp Emergency) 305VetTchHosp, 1385 Gortner Av, St Paul 55108,651-766-5267, perro2260lc.umn.eduPERRI Robert T, AsSoc Prof (V A Medical Cantar)One Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417, 14821 WilliamSburgCurve, Bumsvllie 55337, perriOO30lc.umn.edUPERRINE Unda K, Ole Menager(UM ExtensionBecker Cnty) Human Services Bldg, 712 MinnesotaAve, PO Box 1617, Detroit Lakes 56502-1617(218-647-3141), [email protected] Gregory B, Administrative Aide (BaileyH81Q, Del Code 6017 (624-3439; 624-0700),perriOO10tc.umn.eduPERRO Dennis A, Telecom Engineer (Networking& Telecom Srvs), Del Code 2171 (624-2300), '.'

PERRON Philip T, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities, Mgmt-Admlnistration) 2OODonhowe B,Del Code 3121 (625-6258), 72710th Avenue NW,New Brighton 55112,651-633-5070,perr00030lc.umn.eduPERRONE Catherine A, Research Assoc(Genetics, Cell Biology, & Development) 4-224MoICaIIBlo, Del Code 1217 (626-2621), 2005Marshall Ave, St Paul 55104, 651,645-6304,

PERRY Charles H, Non Univ Slaff, 1992 F01we1IAvenue St Paul (651-649-5191),[email protected]

PERRY Cheryl L, Prof (Epidemiology) 300 W'B 0B, Del Code 7525 (624-4168),[email protected]

PERRY Cydne, Research Spec (Phannacology),Graduate School Fellow (Pluirmacology) Room8-120 Jackson Hell, Del Code 1213,11039 ArdathAvenue, Inglewood CA 90303,perryl630lc.umn.eduPERRY David A, Adjunct AssocProf (FamilyMedIcal Clinic/Amery) PO Box 106, 225 Scholl S1,Amery WI 54021,l32612Oth Ave, Amery WI54001, [email protected]

PERRY Helen M, Food Service Worker (LakeItasca ForestryIBio Sin) At.2, Box 308, Shevlin56676, At 2 Box 306, Shevlin 56676,

PERRY James A, Head (FlSheriesIWildllfe, Dept01), Prof (FisherieslWildiife, Dept 01; ForestResources, Dept 01) 204 Hodson Hall; 116 Pills H,Del Code 6125 (625-4717; 624-3800), 307 .Edgewood, Stillwater 55082, JpenyOtc.umn.eduPERRY Jennifer L, R_rch Ass! (Psychiatry),Teaching Asst (Psychology) Psychology, N-218EIIH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, Del Code3281, 20525 Chadwick Lane, Brookfield WI 53045,perryOSO.9lc.umn.eduPERRY Julia N, Ass! Prof (Psychology) N218 EllH, Del Code 3281,

PERRY Lauretta M, Community P1'!lgram Spec .(UMD Health Services) 158 HS, 0212, 615.Niagara Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8155),[email protected] Reid A, Teaching Ass! (Kineslology &Leisure Studies) Room 20 Cooke H, Del Code2061 (625-9387), peny021

PERRY Susan L, Teaching Spec (PersonalEnrichment P1'!lgram) Room 201 CofH, 1420·Eckles Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6081, 4133Upton Av S, Mpls 55410, peny0140tc.umn.eduPERRY Thomas K, Ass! P1'!lgram Dir .(Intercollegiate Athletics) 290 BFAB, Del Code3061,737 Mohican Court, Mendota Heights 55120,651-454-4653, perry0290lc.umn.eduPERSHICA Megan A, CoordInator (Center for·,Reading and Research) Room350 VoTech, DelCode 6197 (624-4561), 651-455-6931,[email protected]

PER,SING Melissa L, Extension Educator/Ass! Prof(MN Ext Svc South Central), Assoc Program Dir(MN Ext Svc West central) UM Extension Traverse,Cnty, 702 2nd Ave N, PO Box 457, Wheaton5t296-o457 (320-563-4515), 402 3rd St N,Wheaton 56296,,320-563-4557:persi0020lc.umn.eduPERSON Anthony 0, Post-Doctoral F.ellow(Genetics and Cell Development) Room 6-160JacH, Del Code 1217 (625-9648), 411.9 VincentAve N, Mpl8 55412, 952-454-6578,perso094@lc,

PERSON PHD Hen.ry B, Assoc Prof (UMD-Finance& Mgmtlnfo Sci) 158 SBE, Duluth (218-726-7532;218-726-8559),4926 Glendale St, Duluth55804-1103,218·525-9317,

PERSON Howard A, Extension Educator/Professor(UM Extension Pennirigton Cnty) Courthouse, POBox 616, Thief River Faits 56701-0616(21lHl83-7030), 20548 Willchard Dr, Thiel RiverFalls 56701, pers00050lc.umn.eduPERSON Richard A, Malnlenance Equip~ Oper(Facilities Mgmnt-BIdg Service, Wast) Como Y, DelCode 5301, 1768 3971h Ave NE, Stanchfield55080, 396-3554, persoOO20lc.umn.eduPERSOON Patricia M, Administrative Ass! (UMExtension RegI Ctr Marshall) 1424 E College DrSta 100, Marshall 56258-2087 (507-337-2800),[email protected] Andrew R, Utility Worker (FacilitiesMgmt-Donhowe-Wast Mgnt) Room 300 DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,6881 Lake Viaw Drive, Uno Lakes 55014,651-784-5252, pertx0020lc.umn.eduPERT Russall 0, Sr Laborer (Facilltes Mgmnt-BIdgServices, Wast) ComoY, Del Code 5301, 6881Lakeview Dr, Uno Lakes 55014, 651-784-5252,pertxOO10lc.umn.eduPERUN Gwendolyn C, Assoc Prof (Retired)(UMD-Education) 248 Man H,.Duluth(218-726-6308),1909 Franklin Ave SE, Mpls55414,378-9424,


PERUSHEK Bar!laJa A- Teaching Spec(UMD-Unlvel"sity CoIIega DuIUtn) 403 [), Ad B,Duluth; 1000 18th StJ8eI, CIoquat 55720 .(218-879-3393 x3102; 218-879-6721 xl322),bperushaOcloquel,k12.1m.usPESCH Ryan W, Extension Educatorllnstr (UMRegI Ctr Fergus Falls) 223 W Cavour AWlllue,Fergus Fall8 58537-2103, 44593 275th Avenue,Pelican Rapids 56572, 218-342-2619,[email protected] sandra, Teaching Spec (French & Italian)260 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0139 (624-0239),peeolOll 'lc.umn.eduPESStAN Soudabeh, Instructor (DiversifiedPluinn8cy) 7760. France Ave S, Minneaplis 55435,peesi001

. PESUN Igor J, Assoc Prof (Rastorative Sciences;Dental Education, Continuing) 8-45OB Moos T, DelCode 1291 (625-3924), peetmOOl Otc.umn.eduPETCOFF Luanne G, Ole Spec (UMDToxicology/Alumm) 238 SMed, 1035 University Dr.Duluth 55812 (i!l8-'126-6892), 5494 AirowheadRd, Hermantown 55811, 218-729-9190,[email protected] Gary E, Teaching Spec (General College;General CoIIega Admin) 151 Appleby Hal, DelCode 3501 (624-2981), peter9010lc.umn.eduPETERFESO James J,~ Instructor(VelllranS Medical Center) One Veterans Drive112A, Mpls 55417,984 St Clair Ave, St Paul55106,651-222-2427, [email protected] Williem 0, Prof (Retired) (I,JMM SocialSciences, Div of), 607 W6th 51, MorrIs 56267,peter4750lc.umn.eduPETERMAN Carol N, Exec Administrative Spec(DMED Physiology & PhannacoIogy)352 SMed,103P University Dr, Duluth 55812.(218-726-6551),

,4525 Peabody St, Duluth.55804, 218-525-1116,cpetennaOd.umn.eduPETERS Christopher M, Glllduate School Trainee(DiagIBioio Sci - Neurosy8lemS) Room 18-154MoosT, 515 Delaware St SE, MpIs 55455(625-7974), 1544106th AWll1U8, Coon Rapids55433, 763-7~1-(l884, petlll5270lc.umn.eduPETERS Deborah A- Student PersonnelCoordinator (eLA Communications and Media)B-16Johnston Hal, Del Code 3(14 (624-1620),pete22390lc.umn.eduPETERS Dolores A- Research Fellow (History)Room 614 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7165, .Jenna L,Cooninator (Canter lor ReedingResearch) Room 350 VoTech, Del Code 6197(624-4561), 586 HamHton Ct. River Falls WI 54022,715-425-7995, ~eMller A, Sr Teaching Spec (Nursing,:;en OI-Prog & Ree) 8-175 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-9950),16323 Pine Crest Dr, Kearney MO64060, 816-635-9009, __

PETERS Jennifer L, Sr Da1a Entry Oper (LawSChool) Room 265 MondaIeH, 229 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911 (625-1823), 'PETERS John E, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691(625-1503),1000 F 271h Ave SE, Mpls 55414,623-6295, pet8130901c.iJmn.eduPETERS Roealle A- Prin Administrative Spec(Paten18 & Technology MIdg) 450 McNamara Ctr.Del Code 2003 (626-7552), 763-755-9768,pete57890lc.umn.eduPETERS Bonnia H, Info Tech Prof (HRMS) Room660 waOB, Del Code 7531 (625-2395),763-755-9769, pete55550lc.umn.eduPETERS Te/T8llC8 R, Utility Worker (Parking &TransportatiOn Services) 4 St Ramp, Del Code2921,10334 310th Ave NW, Princelcn 55371,763-421-1538, peter0530lc.umn.eduPETERS Timothy J, Exec,Ass! (MINITEX) 15Andersen Ubrary, Del Code 7921 (625-9527),t-peteOlc.umn.eduPETERS Toni, Medical Fellow - Grad P1'!lg(Pediatric HemIOncoIogy) MMC 464 Mayo, DelCode 6464, 0-557 Mayo, 3000 W River PkwyApt210, Mpls 55406, 728-6930,peter5510tc.urnn.eduPETERS VIctoria M, Lead Stores Clerk (UniversityStores) US\orN, Del Code 5201 (626-1571),peter4650lc.umn.eduPETERSEN Anita H, Nursing Professional(Medicine Rheumatology 0IIice) MMC 108 Mayo,Del Code 8108, lAMe 108 MayoA529, 1033 -24thAve SE, Mpis 55414, 378-1432,


PETERSEN Cindy M, Extension 'EducatorlProIessor (UM Extension Regl CIfHutchinson) 980 2nd Ave SE, Hutchin~n55350-2608 (320-234-0440), 2022 Silver Street,Waconia 55387, 952-442-5646,peter2100tc.umn.eduPET~RSEN Diane E, Ass! Prof (Women's HealthCcnsuItants, PA) Ste 300, 821 Marquette Ave,Mpls 55402 (333-4822), 4904 Poppy Lane, Edina55435, peter2610tc.umn.eduPETERSEN Genna K, Administrative Aide (TwinCities Student Union-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, 300Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1051(626-6919),2639 5th Ave South, Mpls 55408,pete24010tc.umn.eduPETERSEN Ha~an 0, Extension Educator/Ass!Prof (Dept of Bio-besed Products) 202 KaufL, 081Code 6130 (624-3407), 854 Cannon Ave, ,Shoreview 55126, 651-483-3585,peteI1l160tc.umn.eduPETERSEN Jean E, Ole Supv (MN AlumniAssociation) Room 200 McNamara Clr, Del Code2009 (625-9167), peter0250tc,ull'ln.edUPET1;RSEN Jerald M,Adjunct Assoc Prof (NorthClinic) Ste 215, 3366 Qakdale, Mpls 55422(520-7900), 8545 Julianne Terrace, Golden Valley55427, 763-544-4553, peter4080tc.umn.eduPETERSEN Joan S, Assoc Admin(0t0Ia1)'llQology) MMC 396 Mayo, Del Code 8396,8-247 P W B (625-2410), peteI1l960tc.umn.eduPETERSEN Joan, 8ecreta,y1Ofllce Coordinator(UM Extension Mille Lacs Cnty) 620 Central Ave N,Milaca 56353-1788 (320-963-8317),peteI5360tc.umn.eduPETERSEN Mariene A, Lecturer (General College)269 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501 (625-4046),peter9170tc.umn.eduPETERSEN Matthew E, Teaching Ass! (Chemistry)Room 139 SmilhH, 2iJ7 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3661, Apt 108, 815 13th Ave SE,Mpls 55414, 378-3084, pete26300tc.umn.eduPETERSEN Tony R, Ass! Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 243 GNFPF, Del Code 3061 (624-6881;624~), 651-702-1419, peter4ll40tc.umn.edUPETERSEN-PERLMAN Deborah, DirCampus/College Level (UMD Equal Oppo~unity),Assoc Prof (UMD Communication), Adjunct AssocProf (UMD Continuing Education) 273 0 Ad B,Duluth (218-726-7528; 218-726-6849),dpetersl Od.umn.eduPETERSON Alicia A, Research Ass! (Chemistry)Room 139 SmilhH, 2iJ7 Pleasant St SE, Mpls'55455, Del Code 3661, 6187 Bartlett Blvd, Mound55364, 919-5941, bossOO480~.ull'1n.eduPETERSON Alison M, Adjunct Ass! Prof (RiverValley Clinic) 6911 W Point Douglas Rd, CottageGrove 55016, 2iJ74 Scheffer Ave, St Paul 55116,peter2200tc.umn.eduPETERSON Allan G, Prof (Retired)(FIshe~eslWoldme, Dept 01), 44841 320th Street,Aitkin 58431, peter1670tc.umn.eduPETERSON Alyssa M, Network Support Analyst(NetworkinWTelecomm Services), Del Code 2171(625-0006), a1yssOtc.umn.eduPETERSON Amanda J, Ass! Scientist (Departmentof Pediatrics) MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code 8366,Cancer center, 1280 Larpenteur Ave West Apt115, saint Paul 55113, ajdawsonOtc.umn.eduPETERSON Amy K, Sr Administrative Spec; (UMCAgricuhure) Room 101 H, Crookston 56716(218-281-11101), 211AJohnson Place, Crookston

'56716,218-289-0443, apetersoOmalf.crk.umn.edPETERSON Andree J, Exec Administrative Spec;(Clr for Applied Research & Ed Impro) 275 PeikHall, Del Code 4301 (624-0300),peter3270tc.umn.edU 'PETERSON Ann M, Clinic Ass! (Boyn HS) PatientAssistance and Information, 410 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code m'l,peterl380tc.umn.edUPETERSON Ann M, Lecturer (WCFE) 425 Vo TechEd Bldg, 1954 Buford Avenue, 6197, St Paul55108,2051 Roe Crest Drive, North Mankato56003, peter6170tc.umn.eduPETERSON Anne L, Police Ueutenant (UMDPolice) 287 DAdB, 0217, 1049 University Dr,Duluth 55612, apeter160d.umn.eduPETERSON Bath A, Sr Accounts Ass! (UMDOutdoor Program) 121 SpHC, 0021, 1216 OrdeenCourt, Duluth 55612 (218-728-6533), 4907Glendale St, Duluth 55804, bpetersl Od.umn.eduPETERSON Baverly A, Prin Accountant '(Psychiatry) F282I2A West-B, Del Code 8393,F269-112A West,

PETERSON Beverly M, Dental Hygienist (P~maryDental care-Hibbing) Hibbing Community College,Del Code 1291 (218-263-2918), 8862B cettaR Dr,Britl55710, 21&741,5611, pete32930tc.umn.edUPETERSON Bonnie J, Program Assoc(Medicine-UMD) 141,SMed, 1035 University Dr,Duluth 55612 (218-726-7034), 5162 DickermanRoad, Seginaw 55n9, 218-729-6545,bpeters50d.umn.edU •PETERSON Bradley J, Instructor (MedicalAnestheSia Ltd) 6490 Excelsior Blvd, Mpls 55426,2764 De8n Parkway, Mpls 55416,petel1l71 Otc.umn.eduPETERSON Brian R, Sr Administrative Spe<; (ChildDeVelopment) ChDev, Del Code 4011 (624-0210),3145 Dupont Ave S, Mpls 55408, 889-1436,pete23250tc.umn.eduPETERSON Bruce A, AdjunCt Assoc Prol (LawScbooI) Room 265 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911,peter5490tc.umn.eduPETERSON Bruce A, Prof (Medicine) MMC 286Mayo. Del Code 8288, 504 Mas Can Clr(624-5631),3826 Zenith Ave So, Mpls 55410,929-3818, peteI1lO10tc.umn.eduPETERSON CsroI A, Teaching Spe<; (EmergencyMedicine) MMC 911 Mayo, Del Code 8911, A825Mayo (626-6911), peter4nOtc.umn.eduPETERSON PHD cerol B, Ass! Prof (Psychology;Psychiatry), Research Assoc (Psychiatry) EatingDisorders Research, Professional Bldg, Sune 602,606 24th Ave S, MpIs 55454 (827-4496),peter1610tc.umn.edUPETERSON cerolyn M, Instructor (FamilyMadicinelComm Health), Ass! Clinical Spec; (FoodSciencelNutrition HE) 268 FSN, Del Code 6099(625-5265), 3250 Owasso Heights Rd, Shoreview55126, cmpetersOtc.urnn.edUPETERSON Charlene M, Scientist(DiagnosticlBiological Sciences), ExemptTemporary or casual (Diagnosticl8lo1ogica1Sciences) 18-242 Moos T, 081 Code 1291(824.()667), 4425 Holm Oak Ln Dr, OaiIdale 55128,651-779-6707, peter0690tc.umn.eduPETERSON Cha~ A, Ass! Prol (Psychology)N-218 EItH, Del Code 3281,1549 Albany Ave, StPaul 55108, 651-645-212iJ, peter4800tc.umn.eduPETERSON Cha~ R, Adjunct Prof (Park NicolletHeart cel)ler) Cardology, Suite W2OO, 6490Excelsior Blvd, St louis Park 55426, 5900Josephine, Edina 55436, peterl330tc.umn.eduPETERSON Chip F, Program Dir (Laaming AbroadCenter) 230 Heller Hall, Del Code 7457(624-4608),1711 UncaIn Ave, St Paul 55105,65Hl~88, c-peieOtc.umn.edUPETERSON Chris, Supplementary QlliceISvc Wrkr(UMD Human Resources) 255 DAdB, 0218, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55612, capetersOd.umn.eduPETERSON Christopher 0, Fiscal Ofcr (OSF ­Fiscal) 210 Fraser H, Del Code 3395 (624-4355),peterl320tc.umn.eduPETERSON Dana-L, Ubrary Ass! 3 (Magrath ubCircIResIBorrPrlvlFmes) 60 MagrathUb, Del Code8034 (824-7473), petel1l51 Otc.umn.edUPETERSON Danlelle, Community Program Spec;(Humphrey Ins! 61 Public Affajr) Room 130

, HHHC!r, 301 19th Ave S, MpIs 55455, Del Code7451, peter9890tc.umn.edUPETERSON Denny W, Ole Spec; (U of MInformation Services) Suita 305, Del Code 2709(624-1680), peter4230tc.umn.edUPETERSON Derle K, Exec Sec (UMMDean'sOffice) Room 315 Bahm, M226A, 6QO E 4th St,Morris 56267 (320-569-6015), 320-763-7026,petersdkOmorris.umn.eduPETERSON DMene M, BLlilding and GroundsWOrker (UMD-Housing (Sumtsida Hall» 103 L S H,513 Niagara Court, Duluth 55612 (218-726-8400),501 East 4th St Apt A, Duluth 55805,2111-727-6078, dpeters50d.umn.eduPETERSON Darrell H, Teeching Spe<; (Curiiculumand Instruction), Training Coordinator (HumanResources, Office 01) Room 260 WBOB, Oat Code7523 (624-1610), 233 -3rd Avenue NE, Osseo55389,763-315-4599, pete262iJOtc.umn.eduPETERSON David C, Si Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-ZOne 1 St Paul) Room 202FMB, 1938 Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108,Del Code 6188 (625-8038), 1064 Marshall Avenue,Selnt Paul 55104, 651-647-1829,peter21301c.umn.edUPETERSON David J, Ubrary Ass! 2 (BiomedicalInformation Service) 305 DiehIH, Del Code 1691(626-2142),116 Malboume Ave SE, Mpls 55414,378-4846, pate20840tc.umn.edU

PETERSON David M, Research Ass! (Ael'OSflilCSEngr and Mechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 UnionSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731, 899 BrickYardBlvd, Sedro-Woolley WA 98284, 380-656-1337, ,peta53570tc.umn.edU

PETERSON Dean M, Sr Research Assoc NRRI(UMD Geologica1 ScIences), Sr Research Assoc(UMD Nat Resources Rsrch Inst) 284 NRRI,CARTDlMinerals, 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth55611 (218-72iJ-4393), 117ca~isleAve, Duluth55803,218-724-1672, dpetersl0nrri.umn.eduPETERSON Debra S, Education Spe<; (Curriculumand Instruction; Reeding Research, Ctr for) f50Peik H, Del Code 4301 (628-9380), 1219 ColettePlace, St Paul 55116, peter3280tc.umn.eduPETERSON Dennis L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyPractice Medical center) 502 2nd St SW, Willmar562iJl

PETERSON Diane K, Business Analyst (HRMS)Room 680 WBOB, Del Code 7531, 432iJMinnetonka Blvd, Apt 4038, St Louis Park 55416,pete57540tc.umn.eduPETERSON Donald C, Instructor (Fergus FallsReg Treatment Ctr) 1400 N Union Ave, FergusFalls 56537, peter2020tc.umn.eduPETERSON Donna C, Assoc VlCll President(University Relations) 3 Mar H, Del Code 0265(624-9022), 3160 Dean Court, Mpls 55416,722-7918, petel1l11 Otc.umn.edUPETERSON Douglas A, Ass! Prof ry A MedicalCenter) Cardiology, lllC,.()ne Veterans Dr, Mpls55417, peter2210tc.umn.edUPETERSON Ea~ A, Prof (Physics & Astronomy)354A Phys, Del Code 0331 (624-0319),3141 DeanCourt, Apt 501, Mpls 55418, peteI1lO80tc.umn.edUPETERSON Emily B, Die Spe<; (Aerospace Engrand Mechanics) Room ,107 AkerH, 110 Union StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731 (825-8000), /PETERSON Erik J, Ass! Prof (MedicineRheumatology) MMC 108 Mayo, Del COde 8108,6-122 BSBE (625-5634; 625-0861), 4009Roanoake Ave, QoIden Valley 56422,763-3n-9178, peter8990tc.umn.eduPETERSON Erik S, Ass! Prof (UMD Uberal ArtsAdmin, Col 01), Coordinator (Indu$lrial RelationsCtr) lllBCinaH, Del Code 7041 (218-726-8683),559 Rose St, Duluth 55603, 218-525-1095,epeters50d.umn.edUPETERSON Erika L, Prin Informational Rep(ContinUing Professiona1 Educ) Room 352B CIaOff,Del Code 6051, 940-6510, pete57840tc.umn.eduPETERSON Erin N, Police OIer (Department ofPolice) 100 T S B, Del Code 1981 (624-3550),511Washington Ave SE, MpiS 55455, 624-3550,

PETERSON Frederick W, Prof (Retired) (UMMCont EduclRegional Prgrn; UMM Humanities,Division 01) 5 H F A, Morris 56267 (320-569-6230),peterslwOmonis.umn.eduPETERSQN Gail B, Assoc Prof (Psychology) Nl05En H, Del Code 3281 (625-2883),peteI1lO40tc.umn.eduPETERSON Garratt J, Adjunct Instrllctor ryeteransAffairs MadicaI Center) One Veterans Drive, Mpls55417,5916 Oaldand Ave So, MpIs 55417,881-4415, peteOl520tc.umn.edUPETERSON Geny F, Ass! Prof (Hennepin ely MedExaminer) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8809,(347-2125), peter1360tc.umn.eduPETERSON Gary E, Sr Stores Clerk (centennialDining Services) B96 CenH, Del Code 1811(625-8875), peteI1l880tc.umn.eduPETERSON Gary M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (oenleldMedical center) 4702 Grand Ave, Duluth 55607(218-726-8155) -

PETERSON Gerald J, Instructor (Lake RegionHospital) 712 S Cascade, Fergus Falls 56537, At 4River Oaks, Fergus Falls 56537,peter201 Otc.umn.eduPETERSON Garald R, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Management) MMC 59 Mayo,Del Code 6059, pelerl030tc.umn.eduPETERSON Grace C, Ass! Prof (Retired) (UMDMathlStalS),101 Artavla S~ Duluth 55611,peterl880tc.umn.edUPETERSON Hal, Research Asst (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0571 , 4659Heritage Hills Circle, BiOOrnington 55437,pate27910tc.umn.edUPETERSON Harvey L, Assoc Prof (Retired)(UMC-Agricuhural Mgmt) 13 UT 0 C, Crookston56716 (218-281-8109), hpetersoOmail.crk,umn.ed

PETERSON, Heather L, Sr One Stop Counselor(One Stop Student Services) 200 Fraser H, DelCode 3395 (625-6307), peter9090tc.urnn.eduPETERSON James L, Lead Stores Clerk (UMDFoodIVending Services) 245 KPlz, D2iJ6, 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612; 245 KPlz, 0208, 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612, 8701 Vinland St, Duluth55610, 218-628-2616, Jpelel220dumn.edUPETERSON James R, -Adjunct Assoc Prol (LawSchool) Room 285 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911, LAMP Office, 22919th Avenue South, Mpls 55455,peter1720tc.umn.edU

PETERSON Jane M, Exec Administrative Spec;(Sociologoy) 909 SocIal Science Bldg, Del Code7171,

PETERSON Jennie K, Non Univ Stall (Pediatrics)224 VCRC MpIs (626-4246), 4829 Abbott Ave So,Mpls 55410,, pege899-6939PETERSON Jennifer J, Sr Teeching Spe<;

• (German, Scandinavian, and DUtch), Teeching ISpec; (German, Scandinavian, and Dutch) 209 Fol IH, Del Code 0143 (625-9350), IPETERSON Jerome, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Adrninistration) MMC 59 Mayo, !Del Code 8059;400 Donhowe B (624-6364), 1226 !Marquette Avenue, Apt 109, Mpls 55403, - ,341-3026,

PETERSON Jerrold M, Prof (UMD-Eoonomics) 174'S B E, Duluth (218-7416-7256), 354 Kenilworth Ave,'Duluth 55803, 218-728-5697,!PETERSON Jesse A, Research Ass! (Geneticsand Cell Development) Room 6-160 JacH, 321Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1217, 2294Bronson Or, Mounds View 551121430,763-784-0823, pete56700tc.umn.eduPETERSON Jill R, Elevator Mechanic (FacilniesMgmt-Elevator Shop) SB12 Donhowe Bldg, DelCoda 3121, 11561 Douglas Drive, Chemplin55316, pete28860tc.umn.eduPETERSON Jillian K; Community Program Ass!(Psychiatry) F282I2A West-B, Del Code 8393,2876 Humboldt Ave S Apt2iJ4, Mpls 55408,825-1760, pete56290tc.umn.eduPETERSON John A, Owne(s Representative(Cepital PIailning Project Mgmnt) 400 DonhoweBldg, Del Code 3121 (624-3568),6857 35th St N,Oakdale 55128, 651-773-5807,, page 621-8349PETERSON John W, Accounting Supv(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(626-8817),

PETERSON Jonathan R, Ph 0 Candidate GradInstructor (poinical Science) Room 1414 $pcSci,267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7175(624-5057),

PETERSON Judy, Education Spec; (Psychology)N218 En H, Del Code 3281 (626-1732),erick0050tc.umn.eduPETERSON Judy L, Sr Administrative Dir (PublicHealth, Sch Of-Adm) MMC 197 Mayo, Del Code8197, A308 Mayo (624-7196), 6!115 Olympia St,Golden Valley 55427,763-546-0692,peteI1l420tc.umn.eduPETERSON Judy, Sr Personnel Document Analyst!(Fam Practice & Community HIth) MMC 381 Mayo, 'Del COde 8381, 6-240 P W B (624-9949),peteI1l500tc.umn.eduPETERSON Jules, Sign Language Interpreter(Disability Services) Room 160 McNamaraCtr, 200Oak St SE, ",pis 55455, Del Code 2iJ17 (626-1346x2), peter8900tc.umn.edUPETERSON Julie E, Teaching Ass! (Design,Housing, and Apparel) Room 250B McNH,DeICode 6138 (624-9308), E5753 BOOth Avenue,Menomonie WI 54751, 715-235-6267,jepetersOtc.umn.eduPETERSON Keren A, Ass! Scientist (MedicineHematology Office) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Coda8480, (626-4217), brungOO20tc.umn.eduPETERSON Karen A, Prin Accounts Spec; (HumanResources) Room 100 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122(628-3853), karenepOtc.umn.eduPETERSON Karlyn M, Instructor (HCMC) no 864A,701 Park Ave S, Minneeplis 55415,pater9350tc.umn.edUPETERSON Kathleen F, Departmental Oir (Bio SciStudent Svc, COl 01), Sr Academic Advisor (Bio SciStudent Svc, Col 01) MMC 502 Mayo, Del Code8502, 2-571 Moos Tower (624-6767),peteI1l170tc.umn.edU


PETERSON Kerry 0, Lecturer (Food ScIehce andNutrition) Room 126, Del Code 6099 (624-1733x4-1733), kdonnellOtc.umn.eduPETERSON Keven L, Instruelor (Kmart 13780)1001 Hwy 23, Bypass N, Marshall 56258, Box 44,Cottonwood 56229, peter2420tc.umn.eduPETERSON Kevin A, Ass! Prof (Fam Practice 8<Community HIU1) Room 221 Oinnaken, Del Code2131 (624-3116),651~,peter2230tc.umn.eduPETERSON Kevin P, Adjunct Asscc Prof (CamdenPhysicians lid) 4209 Webb8r PkWy, MpIs 55412,8278 Hidden Bay CI N, Lake Elmo 55042,peter5410tc.umn·eduPETERSON Klr8ten A, Teaching Ass! (Art Dept)W217 RegisCtr, Del Code 7831,pete28020tc.umn.eduPETERSON Kristin A, ReMarch Asscc (Ole ofEduc Accoun1llbilily) Room 1181313 5th, DelCode 3095 (62NI068), peteI5280tc.umn.eduPETERSON LaRae L, Sr Lab Tech (UMDBiochemlMolecular Bioklgy) 262 SMed, 1035 .University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7927), 2825W1st Street, Duluth 55806, 651-246-8086,peter9980tc.umn.eduPETERSON Unde J, Graphic DesignerlMedlaArtist (CCE-MaI1Ieti1g) Room 340 CotH, Del Code6081 (~1779), 118 Prospect Blvd, St Paul55107,651-227-9476, wheeI0340tc.umn.eduPETERSON Use A, Asscc Prof (Cancer Canter)MMC 807 Ma~, Del Code 8807, 760D CCRa(626-0164), peter4310tc.umn.eduPETERSON Lon B, Adjunct Asscc Prof (ReginaMecical Group) Ste 1, 1265 Nininger Rd, Heslings55033,1120 Lilac Ct, Hastinge 55033,peter3800tc.umn.eduPETERSON MaIl:us G, Info Tech Prof (MinnesotePopulation Ctr) 50 Willey Hall, Del Code 7931(626-4216; 624-5818), 2108 25th Ave So, Apt 1,Mpls 55406, 339-0074, peter4620tc.umn.eduPETERSON Mark A, Prin Plant Engineer (FacilitiesMgmt-BSAC) Room 300 Donhawe Bldg, 31915thAve SE, MpIs 55455. Del Code 3121.pete03270tc.umn.eduPETERSON Mark F, Adjt.lnct Assoc Prof (MankatoClinic Ltd) 1'230 E Main St, Mankato 56002, 75North HHI Drive, Mankato 58001,peter3570tc.umn.eduPETERSON Mark S, Sr Sclentist (Medicine) MMC276 Mayo, Del Code 8276, 387 0 V C C R C(625-7615),550 Glacier Ln N, Mpls 55447,473-0428, peter0260tc.umn.eduPETERSON Mamie L, Ass! Prot (Pharmacy,College 01), Adjunct Ass! Prot (Microbiology) MMC296 Mayo, Del Code 8296,1030 Mayo Bldg(626-4388), peter3770tc.umn.eduPEllRSON Mary J, Non Univ Staff (NCResearchlOutreach Canter) 1992 F01we1I AvenueSt Paul (651-649-5277), pete54900tc.umn.eduPETERSON MatII.w C, Teaching Spec (IndustrialRelations Ctr) 3-300 CariSMgn~ Del Code 7041,6012 Pine Grove Rd, Edina 55436, 952-933-3725,peter4430tc.umn.eduPETERSON Michon, Administrative Oir (MENDAdministrative Center - HR) MMC 194 Mayo, DelCode 8194, D688 Mayo (626-0483),peterl090tc.umn.eduPETERSON Nancy J, Ass! Oir, Student SupportSvc (Classroom Mgmt-ScheduUng) 150 WmsonH,Del Code 0174 (625-6089).-4652 Brunswick Ave N,Crystal 55422, 763-537-4382, nil8leOtc.umn.eduPETERSON Nancy J, Instructor (UMDCompoeition; UMD FirVMgmt Into SCiences),Adjunct Instructor (UMD Continuing Education) 320K PIz, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7329),5126 WArrowhead Road,tiennantown 55811, 218-824-1206,npeters30d.umn.eduPETERSON Neal C, Teaching Ass! (UMD Art andDesign) 339 ABAH, 1121 Ordean Court, Duluth55812 (218-728-8944), 1313 12th Street SW, MinotNO 58701, 7OHI38-5348, pete57270d.umn.eduPETERSON Nichole M, Scientist (AdvancedGenetic AnaJysis Canter) Room 18 SnH, Del Code8174 (~7736), 8017 33rd Place N, Crystal55427, 763-~764, peter5850tc.umn.eduPETERSON Pam 0, Building and Grounds Worker(Cedar Creek NebJraJ History Area) 2680 FawnLake Dr NE, BatheI55005, 1393 276th Lane NW,Isanti 55040, 763-444-6113, peter9840tc.umn.eduPETERSON Paul R, Ass! Prof (209 Hayes HaH)1509 Gortner Avenue, Del Code 6026 (625-3747),5773 Ridge Creek Road. ShOl8view 55126,651-764-2455,

PETERSON Peul R, Info Tech Prof (ComputerScience) 4-192 EElCSci, Del Code 0571(624-8278), peter0900tc.umn.eduPETERSON Phillip K, Dir (Medtcine), Prof.(Med'ocine) MMC 250 Mayo, Del Code 8250, 0416Mayo (624-9996), 4822 Russell Ave S, Mpls55410,920-5578, peter1370tc.umn.eduPETERSON Polly R, Info Tech Prof (CCE·Offk:e ofInlonnation Systems) 306 WesH, Del Code 3831(825-1578), peter3620tc.umn.eduPETERSON Polly, Sr Personnel Document Anelyst(HR Cell Center) Suite 526J, Del Code 7531(625-2016),2801 Irving Ave N, Mpls 55411'1228,522·7178, peter0890tc.umn.eduP£TERSON Rand!, Heed Coach (UMM P ECanter) Room 225 PEC, M231 B, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267; Room 15 SC, M270F, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (32ll-56!Hi425; 320-589-6080), 1124Park Ave, Morris 56267, rp23450morris:umn.eduPETERSON Rick, Teeching Spec (GeneralCollege) Room 262 ApH, Del Code 3501, 2930Natchez Ave So, St Louis Perk 55416,952'922-2650, peter5100tc.umn.eduPETERSON Rodney, Adjunct Asscc Prof(Orthopaedic Surgery) 3250 W66th St, Mpls55435, peter2700tc.umn.eduPETERSON Roger C, Plumber Foreman (CPPM-Uof MConstruction) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (625-3869), 2340 l50th Ave NE, Ham Lake55304, 763-421-2218, peter0390tc.umn.eduPETERSON Roneid J, Ass! Prof (John A HaugenAssociates) Ste 400, 801 NicOllet Mall, MpIs 55402(333-2503), peterl34O'tc.umn.eduPETERSON Rosesnn E, Community Program Ass!(Department 01 Psychiatry) A611 Mayo, 420Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455; A605 Mayo, 420Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455 (628-7926;626-1125),2665 Matilda St, RoseviUe 55113,483-5844, petel901 Otc.umn.eduPETERSON Sandra G, Sr Administrative Spec(UMD Tweed Museum of Art) TMA, 0202, 1201Ordean Court, Duluth 55812, 4903 Wh~etail Drive,Hermantown 55811, 218-729-757Y,sgpetersOd.umn.eduPETERSON sandra L, Prof (Philosophy) 721HellerH, Del Code 7057 (625-6058),peter0090tc.umn.eduPETERSON Sandra M, Extension Sec (UMExtension Service Kandiyohi Cmy) 400 BensonAve SW Ste 8, Willmar 56201-3467(320-321-7690), pete32980tc.umn.eduPETERSON Sera J, Instruelor (VA Medical GenterPhennacy) One Veterans Drive, Mpls 55417, 1393Wood Duck Trail, Shakopee 55379, 952-498-1223,peter4630tc.umn.eduPETERSON Sera L, Teaching Ass! (UMD BioiogY)207 JISSB, 1035 Kirby Or, Duluth 55812(218-~2; 218-726-8811),175 Wildwood Dr,Esko 55733, 218-390-6765, pete21710d.umn.eduPETERSON Serah V, Community Program Spec(Department of PediatrlOl) MMC 504 MayO, DelCode 8504, Rm 203 Masonic Campus Center(625-7931), pete56010tc.umn.eduPETERSON Sheri L, Asst Prof (Work, Community& Family Educ) 420F Vo Tech, Del Code 6197(624-4980), peteIOO70tc.umn.eduPETERSON Sharon F, RN (Boyn HS) PublicHealth, 410 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code1171, petII9020tc.umn.eduPETERSON JR Sherwood E, Instructor (PineIsland Healthmert Phenncy) 119 S Main St, PineIsland 55963, 55060 26th Avenue North West,Rochester 55901, peter2340tc.umn.eduPETERSON Shay 0, Prin Administrative Spec (386Kirby Canter) 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-6033; 218-726-60(0), 2123 West 7thStreet, Duluth 55806, 218-722-0025,spetersl0d.umn.eduPETERSON Sonja 0, Inlo Tech Prof (Dept of Art)Wll0 RegisCtr, Del Code 7831 (624-5715),sonjaOtc.umn.eduPETERSON Suzy E, Medical Fellow (Psychietry)F282I2A West;B, Del Code 8393,peter2690tc.umn.eduPETERSON Terry M, AdjUnct Asscc Prof (AffiliatedMedical Genter) 205 N Main~ New London58273 (320-354-2222), 11091 N Shore Dr, Spicer58288, peter2170tc.umn.eduPETERSON Thomes A,' AdjunCllll8lruetor(Superior Health Medical Group) 1010 4th St, TwoHarbors 55616PETERSON Thomes J, Veterinary Technician Ass!(Veterinary Medical Canter) Room 369 VMC, DelCode 6194 (625-8281),

PETERSON Timothy J, Instructor (UMDFiNll'lClllltlgmt Inlo Sciences) Room 154 SBE,Duluth, 4903 Wh~etall Dr, Hennantown 55611,218-729-75~, tpetera20d.umn.eduPETERSON Willard C, Adjunct Prof (Su~e 538)6545 France Ave, Edina 55435, 65 WoodlandCircle, Edina 55424, peter4590tc.umn.eduPETERSON William C, Head (UIoIC Arts,HumenitleslSoc Sci), Prof jUMC Math,SciencelT8chnology) 243 Dow H A, Crookston58716 (218-281-6261), 27209 220th Ave SW,Crookston 56718, 218-281-1142,bpetersoOmail.crk.umn.eduPETERSON-HICKEY Melanie; Ass! Prof (MultiCulturallnst Of Aced Health) 1-125 Moos T, DelCode 3773 (825-5412), m-petel0tc.umn.eduPETERSON-VANGSNESS GIeny, ExtensionEducatorlProfessor (UM Extension Regl CtrMankato) 1961 Premier Dr Stel46, Mankato58001-5901 (507-389-6732),602 2nd St,CIaveJand 56017, 507-931-6530,peter1780tc.umn.eduPETIT Moira A, Asst Prof (Kinesiology) 275 URC,Del Code 2061 (~5506), 1432 Laurel Ave, StPaul 55104, mpetitOtc.umn.eduPETlCAU Judi W, Youth Program Coordioalof (ArtMuseum) WeismenArt, 333 E River Rd, Mpls55455, Del c:;ode 1651, 88620th Ave SE, Mpls55414, petkaOOl Otc.umn.eduPETRABORG Kirsti J, Graduate School Fellow(Music) 100 Ferguson Hall, Del Code 7811, 4247Bluebell Court, Vednais Heights 55127,651-484-4649, petr00860tc.umn.eduPETRACEK Kenneth J, Laboratory AnimalAttendent (Research Animal Resources) MMC 69Mayo; Del Code 6069, 1-525 PWB (824-6169), 820Waahi~gton Avenue SE, Apt 5, Mpls 55414,721-6327, petie0080tc.umn.eduPETRELLA Paul A, Inlo Tech Prof (MN MedicalFoundelion) Room 300 Geteway, 200 Oak St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 2012, 351A Belvidere St E,St Peul55107, 651-281-0495,petre002Ota.umn.eduPETRICH Marilyn J, Cooldlnator (OisabilityServices) Room 180 McNemaraCtr, Del Code 2017(626-6035), petri0150tc.umn.eduPETRIE Jack, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Aspen Clinic)2004 Ford Pky, St Paul 55116. 15100 NorthSquare Lake Terrae, Stillwater 55082,petriOO60tc.umn.eduPETRIE Jennifer L, Ass! Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Health), Physician (FemilyMedicinelComm Health) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code6381, Dept 01 Family Medicine, North Mem, lll:1OWest Broadway, Mpls 55411,petri0880tc.umn.eduPETRINI Mario A, Prof (park Nicollet MlldicalCanter) ObIGyn Dept; 3800 Park Nicolett Blvd, StLouis Park 55418 (952-993-3262),

,PETROFF David G, AltninlstralMl Professional(Intercol.te Athletics) Room 155 BFAB, DelCode 3061 (625-8005), 1744 Pioneer Lane, Wh~eBaar Lake 55110, petr02530tc.umn.eduPE1llOI.IA PHD Danlal R, Reseerch Asscc(Applied Economics) Room 231 CIIiOff, 1994

. Buford Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 8040, 2623Laxington Ave N, AptlO3, Roseville 55113,651-765-0825, petrOl860tc.umn.eduPETROVA Iryna, Exempt Temporary or Casual(Ctr lor Nations In Tranailion, HHH) HHH, 301 ­19th Ave S. Del Code 7451, 514 22nd Ave NE,Mpls 55418, petr02490tc.umn.eduPETRY Glngsr S, Assi Prof (UMC Business) Room109 DH, C103A, 2900 University Ave, Crookston58718 (507-537-7870), 1213 Shennan, MarquetteMI49655,906-228-8051,gpetryOmell.cl1<.umn.eduPETRY ROger W, Into Tech Prof (UMD Inlo TechSylitemslServices) 165 KPIz, 0182, t208 KirbyPlaza, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7950; .218-726-7587),218-591-3189, IJl8tryOd.umn.eduPETRYK Anna, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics; Genetics,Cell Bioi, Dev TMED) MMC 404 Mayo, Del Code .6404(824-5409), pelry0050tc.umn.eduPETSCHAUER Robert, Painter (CPPM- Uof MConstruction) Room 300 Donh0we8, 319 16th AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, .pelllcOOl '

PETTERSEN Cherie, Teaching Spec (UMDContInuing Education) Room 403 DAdB, 0653, 10University Dr, Duluth 55812, 1647 Vermillion Road,Duluth 55803,


PETTERSENI.H, T8lIching Ass! (UMDMathematicslStatl) 1168 sec, 1117 UniversityDr, Dulutlt 55812 (218-726-7995), 121 ChesterParkway, Duluth 55805, ingehepOgmail.comPETTIGREW Beryl L, Teaching Spec (UMD-Music)231 H, Duluth (218-726-8208), 4727 Robinson StDuluth 55804, 218-525-4585'pETTlNARl J8IM8, Research Fellow (Dept 01Landscape Architecture) Room 144 RepeonH, DelCode 0811, 541-~, pettiOl00tc.umn.eduPETTlNGE,LL sandra L, Research Assoc (Nursing,Sch Of-Prog & Res) 6-192 WDH, Del Code 1331(826-6892), 6432 JonquU Lane North, Maple Grove55389,763-315-0674,

PEmT Janet M, S( Scientist (Epidemiology) 300W BOB, Del Code 7525 (626-9457),ditleOOl .

PEmT Patricia M, Instructor (Associates InWoman's Health) Ste 100, 7250 France Ave S,Mpla 55435 (952-8Ofl.OOll), 9080 Juneau Dr,Woodbury 55125,

PETTY Michael G, Adjt.Inct InstructOr(Falrview-Univerally Med Clr PCU) 500 HarvardStreet SE, Mpls 55455 (273-5807; 273-3063), 7615Xerxes Ave S, Richfield 55423-3&16, 2Q-0665,

PE1VRSDOmR Anna-Llnd G, Reseerch Ass!(InS! on Community fntegraJlon) Room 102 PtH,4201, 150 PUIsbury Dr SE, MpIs 55455(~),738 Pierce St,NE, MpIs 55413, .pelUOOOl

PETYT David A, RiIseaII:h Asscc (Physics andAstronomy) Room 146 Phy$, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331 (825.a309), 111Marquette kie S Apt 2606, Mpls 55401,petylOOl0tc.umn.eduPElZEL Robert A, Asscc Prof (Upper MidwestNetwork) One Veterans Dr, Mpla 55417, 4621 EHerriet Parkway, MpIs 55409,petzel1020tc.umn.eduPETZEL PHD Sue V, Ass! Prof (0bIGynDepartment) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395,MMC 395 Mayo, 4621 eLake Harriet Pkwy, MpIs55409, petzeOO10tc.umn.eduPETZOLD Andrew M, ReNarch Ass! (VeterinaryandBlomedIc$l ScIences) Room 205G VetS, 1971Commonweetth Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code6187, petzoOO20tc.umn.edupEUSCHOLD Dawn M, Lecturer (Psychology)N218 Ell H, Del Code 3261, •peuscOO10tc.umn.,eduPEW Ted L, Landscape Gardener (MN LandscapeArboretum) 3675 Arborawm Blvd, Chaska55318-9613 (952-443-1477),pewxxllOl Otc.uIIVI.eduPEXA Chariea E, Aqunct Prot (North MemorialMedical Center) 3300 0ekdeIe Ave N, RobbinsdaleS5422, 1200 Lymann Ave, Wayzata 55391,pexoOOl Otc.umn.eduPEYLA Barbara A, Non Univ Steff, 113 N C FOR,1944 Walnut 81,S! Peul55113, 65HI36..2611,peyta0020tc.umn.eduPFAHL Carta S, Ass! Ubrarien (Digital Rei &Distributed \,eam Srv) 180 OMWL, Del Code 7111(625-0622), pfahlOOl0tc..umn.eduPFANNKUCH Hans-<ltaf, Prof (Geology &Geophy$lcs) 20 P1Bs H, Del Code 0211(824-1820),2358 Boume'Aw, St Paul 55108,65HI45-3764; h2oIelpfOtc.umn,eduPFARR David G, Exlension EducatorJAssoc Prof(UM Extension Blue Earth C!lly) Nichols Bldg Ste110, 410 EJackson, PO Box 6608, Mankato56002-8608 (507-304-4143), 42265 310th~ LaSueur 58056, 507-665-6920, dpiarrOtc.umn.eduPFAU Michaill W, Ass! Prof (UMP Communication)461 ABAH, 1121 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8888), mplauOd.umn.eduPPEfFER Randy P, Bulking and Grounds WOIker(Facilities Mgmt-Altnini8lrlItion) 202 F MB, DelCode 8188 (~7291), 1881 Park Ridge Ct, StPaul 55119, 651-738-6558, pIeffOO20tc.urnn.eduPFEIFER Lori A, IIlS!fUCIor (Smau Animal ClinicatScience) C-339 VetTchHos, Del Code 6192, 11490Elmwood Ave North, Champlin 55318,pIeif0120tc.umn.eduPFEIFFER emily S, PhD Candldete Research Ass!(Pharmacology) Rm 6-120 JaeH, Del Code 1213,377-3427, p1ei00690tc.umn.eduPFEIFFER Jeanne, Teaching Spec (School 01Nursing) Room 6-146 WDH, Del Code 1331(826-7021),9035 23Id Ave North, Golden Valley55427, 952-454-0652, pteilO520tc.umn.l!du

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA STAFF PFENDER-PIERCE 333i-PFEN--oe-R-E"':"ml-'I,-p-rof-(-R-eti-'red-)(-M-ech-an-ica-I--~P-HA-T-AK-A1-h-ed-,-P-h-D-can-dida-'-te-Resea<ch---Ass-t-"'P-H-IWPS--M-ichaeI--J,-Ass-I-Prof-(-Mn-Dep-I-OI--"'-PIC-K-ETT-K-risl-'-en-A,-T-ea-ch-i-ng-Ass-I-(Ki-'n-"'-'-ology-,-f

Engineering) Rooril2101-D, Del Code 0691 (Chemical EngrlMat Sci), PhD Candidate Teaching Natural Resoun:es) Division 01 Forestry, 500 Room 20 CookeH, Del Code 2061 (625-3313),(625'6012),1947 Bidwell W St, W St Paul 55118, Assl (Chemical EngrlMat Sci) 316 Amundson Hall, La!ayette Rd, Box 44, St Paul 55155-4044, 1340 1710 Larpenteur Ave, Apt2G, Falcon Heights I651..$1-7297, Del Code 0531 (625-0067), 1112 8th Street SE Apt Glen Road, Newport 55055, 55113,651-343-1532, .

PFEUFFER Josef, Ass! Prof (Radiology_CMRR) 10, Mpls 55414, PHIWPS Paul P, Adjunct Ass! Prof (ANW Gen PICKMAN Gregory H, Teaching Spec (Design, IMMC 192 Mayo, Del Code 8192, 102 CMRR PHELAN Andrew, Ass! Dir Univ Wide Med Assoc) Internal MedicIne, Suite 100, 8100 W Housing, and Apparel) Room 270 McNH, Del Code r(626-2001; 625-7897), 2021 6th St SE, Mpls (Environmental Health & Sa!~) l00c I W M,De1 78th St, Edina 55439, 494 Hills Courte N, Roseville 6136 (624-9233), 952-929-4695, . i55455-3007, p!eulOOl Code 2681 (626-7744),2325 Mpls Ave, Mpls 55113,651-464-4700,' I

PFLASTER Gregory J, Adjuncl Assoc Pro! 55406,724-3699,, page PHIWPS Richerd E, Prof (Retired) PIECZKIEWlCZ David S, PhD candidate Teaching i(Partners in PedialJics·Maple Grove) 12770 Bass 621-1268 (EcclogylEvoIutionlBehavior) Room 100 Ecology, Asst (Lab Medicine & Pathology) MMC 511 Mayo, "Lake Rd, Maple GI'Ove 55369, 5524 Kellog Ave, PHELAN Christopher J, VI8l1lng Assoc Prof Del Code 6098 (624-7238), Del Code 8511, Bx 511 Mayo (625-3241;Edina 55424, 952-928-8992, pIIasOOl (Economics) 1035 Heller Hall, Del Code 7052 PHIWPS Robin L, Adjunct Assoc Pro! 625-6440), !PFLAUII Ann M, University Historian (University (625-5363), (Consortium on Law & Values) Law SChool, N- 140 PIEHL Barbara L, Extension EducatorlProtessor !Press; University Releticns, OIc of) 69A Wes H, PHELAN Phyllis W, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Psychiatry), Mondal Hall, 229 19th Ave So, Mpls 55455, (UM Extension Regl Ctr Andover) Bunker Hills "Del Code 3831 (626-1788),2725 DeerhUi Rd, Long Asst Pro! (Psychology) Hamllne Par1< Plaza, Sis Aclivities Clr, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW Ste L-l,Lake 55356,763-473-4134, 302,570 Ashbury St, St Paul 55104, 1823 NE PHILUPS Ronald L, Regents Prof (Agronomy & Andover 55604-4199 (783-767-3882), iPFLAUM JR Douglas 0, AdjUnct Assoc Prof (Lake Buchanan, Mpls 55418, phelaOOl Plant Geneli(:s) 518 Bor H, Del Code 6026 I,City Clin Mayo HIth Syst) 500 W Grant St Lake (625-1213),651-484-9522, phII1OO50tc.umn.eduCity~1,' PHELPS Corey, Assl Coach (UMM Women's PHILLIPS RonaldW, Cook (GCRC-Medical PIEHL Laura B, Ass! SCientist (Genelics, Cell "

PFLEGER F Hea I . Intcllg Athletic), Coordinator (UMM Studenl SChool) MMC S04 Mayo, Del Code 8504, 268 Biology & Dev) 4-242 BSandBE, Del Code 1217rancis L, d (Retired) (Pant Personnel) Room 225 PEC M231B 600 E 4th St (624 ~74), 13937 Euclid CI, Apple Valley 55124,

Pathology), Prof (Plant Pathology) 495 Bar H, Del Morris 56267, PO Box 381:Morris 562e7, 'UFW, 952~-&407, ,Code 6030 (625-4705), pIIegOOl PHILUPS Terel.N, Building and Grounda Wor1<er iPFLUG Irving J, Prof Emeritus (Food SCience and (Facilities Mgmt-FoodOB) Room 150 FoodOB, PIEPKDRN Craig L, Instructor (Small Animal INutrition) Room 225 FSCN, 1334 EcI<Ies Ave, SI PHELPS Nicole M, PhD candidate Research Ass! 2904,Fairmount St SE, MpIs ~14, Del Code Clinical SCience) C-339 VMC, 1365 Gortner Ave, I'Paul 55108, Del Code 6099 (626-1278), (History; Austrian Studies, Clr Ior), Ph 0 candidate 5803,230 oak grove st, Apt 405, mpls 55403, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6192, 4820 Grad Instructor (History) 614 5th St, Del Code 243-0323, Road, Mound 55364, 952-472-4900, \PFUTZENREUTER III Richar, Voce President and 7165 (624-28Oll; 624-4003), PHIWPS JR William 0, Prof (History) 735 Soc ICFO (Office 01 Budget & Finence) 334 MorH, Del PHIBBS JR CllIlord M, Adjuncl Assoc Pro! Sci, Dei Code 7165 (624-6813; 624-2800), 1307 PIEPKORN Jacqueline W, InsllUctor (Veterinary ,Code 0263 (625-4517), 1788 Saunders Avenue, St (Oxboro Clinic) 600 W 98th St, Bloomington 55420, Tyrol TraH, Mpls 55416, Clinical SCiences), Exempt Temporary or CasualPaul 55116, 651-687-0471, plutzool PHILUPSON Steven, Adjunct Asst Pro! (Veterinary Clinical Sciences) C339 VMC, DelPHADKE Vandana, Research Ass! (Department of PHILBIN Michael T, Adjunct ¥at Prof (Preventive (SMDC-Lakeside) 4621 E Superior St, Duluth Code 6192 (625-8727), 4820 Canlerbury Road,Physical medicine and) MMC 388, 420 Delaware Sci - Cleft Pala1e) Room 6-296 MooaT, 515 55804 'Mound 55364, 952-472-3068,Street SE, Mpls 55455,327 University Avenue, SE, Delaware St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1291, PHILPOTT Oevid A, Comfort Zone Instructor (Boyn plepk0030Ic.umn.eduAppt Aptl03, Mpls 55414,724-549-1732, 952-941·3088, phl1bOO40te.umn,edu liS) Health Promotion, 410 Church St SE, MpIs PlERACH Claus A, Prof (Abbott PHILIBERT Famboara J, General Mechanic 55455, Del Code 1171, philpOOl Hospital) Medical Education, 800 E 28th St, MplsPHADUNGATH ChenOkphat, Research Ass! (Food (Centennial Hall), Del Code 1811, PHILSON Stephen B, Sr Scien~st (Chemistry) 55407,6930 Willow Lane NO,Brooklyn Clr 55430,Science and Nutrition) Room 225 FSCN, 1334 S174 KoU H, Del Code 3881 (626-0297),1158 piera0030te.umn.eduEcKles Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 90/206 PHIUP Peter, Postdoctoral Assoc (Institute lor Borealis Lane, Columbia Hgls 55421, PIERCE Albert F, lead, Perlo011ance ManagementGoldenplace Village, Soi Walcharaphon, Mathemali(:s) (CCD-Cenlral Compullng Operations) 880 W B°Ramlnthra Road, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10220 0611, PHIMMAVONG Mayrinda P, Exec Assl (Human B, Del Code 7531 (624-1635), 1415 Arona St, StThailand, ResourceslBenellts) Room 100 DonhoweB, Del Paul 55108, 651-1145-5314, &-plerOlc.umn.eduPHAIR Craig B, Assoc Prof (Restorative PHIUPH David A, SCientist (Ophthalmology) MMC Code 3122 (626-3854), 201-1830, Spec

Sci..()paralive Dentistry) 8-376B Moos T, Del Code 4(6932<~~~),DeI174CodelAron

9493a St',9-F~:':!.~~55113, P&IECoRCnsEBAIOnln)200

M, THeadsonchingHaIl De(~isherieCode' s6'l



1291 (625-7945),400 Wyndham Cir W, New ..........,., ......., ' ...~ 0 ,651 ·aA,-,"'.,. h'1iOO401 edu PHIPPS Sharrnyn, Community Program Spec (UM (624-4222)' rOl66""t umn ed

Brighton 55112, 651-636-7590, .......~"""', pl. c.umn. Extension Dekota Cnly) Suite 101, 4100 220th SI ,pie .. c. . PHILIPP Michelle, veterinary Technician (VMC W, Farmington 55024-9539 (851-460-7700), PIERCE Bassle L, Nutrition Education Ass! (UMPHAM Anh-Thu T, Prin Accounts Spec (Disability Large Animal Surgery) Room C243 VMC, Del Extenslon Ramsey Cnly) 2020 Whne Bear Ave, StServicas) Room 230 McNamaraClr, Del CQde 2017 Code 6194,1900 East Orange Ave, St Paul 55119, PHOMIIAJACK Jennifer, Food Service Wor1<er Paul 55109-3795 (651-747-2259),(625-1034; 626-1333), 651-m-2689, (Collman Dining Services) G47 CMU, Del Code plerc0060Ic.umn.eduPHAM Doug T, Inlo Tech Prof (Comstock Hall E), PHIUPPON Daniel J, Assoc Prof (Rhetoric; Ag, 1051 (625-3555),721-2889, PIERCE Catherine A, Lab Animal Care TechnicianDel Code 1092 (625-1377), FoodIEnvt Sci Admin, Col of) 111 ClaOII, Del Code (Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo, 6043 (624-4209; 624-3445), PI Xiaodong, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Mechenical Code 8069, 1·525 PWB; 1407 Univ SE (624-6169; ,PHAM Huynh T, Sr Accounts Assl (Ubraries PHILIPPY James K, Instructor (990 Payne Ave) St Engineering) Room 2102 MechE, Del Code 0691 626-0760), 20320 Polk St NE, E Bethel 55011 , .Business Office) 409D OMWL, Del Coda 7111, Paul 55101, 877 Goodrich Ave, St Paul 55105, (625-2944), 763-413-5183, PIASECKI Brian P, Research Asst (Planl Biology) PIERCE Deb, Exec Administrative Spec (UMPHAM Lan, Research Ass! (Epidemiology) Sle 300 PHIUPSON Willard 0, Assoc Prof (Retired) (MN Room 250 BIoSCi, 1445 Gortner Ave, St Paul Extension Reg! Clr Roseau) 1307 3rd St NE SteWBOB, Del Code 7525 (625-7523), 651-224-1528; Ext Svc Programs), 1960 10th $1, White Bear Lake 55108, Del Code 8022,1010 Essex St SE Apt 305, 102, Roseau 58751-2105 (218-463-0291), 55110, Mpls 55414, 651·235-3915, 550th Ave, Warroad 58763,218-388-3467,

. PHAM Laura N, Program Assoc (Dept of Family PHILUP Winiam A, Research Ass! (Chem Eng & PICHE Gene L, Prof (Retired) (Curriculum and piercl600Ic,umn.eduMedicine) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code 8381, 6-240 Material SClenee) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Code Instruction), 1758 N Albert St, St Paul 55113, PIERCE Janel R, Assoc Admin (Medicine-UMD)PWB (626-0194), 0531,3451 Dupont Ave S Apl206, MpIs 554Oll, 139SMed, 1035 University Dr, Duluth 55812PHAM Richerd H, Post-Doctoral FellOw (Dept Lab 952-393-5162, PICK Anne 0, Prof (Retired) (Inst 01 Child Dev) (218-726-7802),11288 S Beach Ave, PO Box 252,Medicine and Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del PHIWPPI Joel J, Lecturer (Cartson SChool of 170 Ch Dev, Del Code 4011 (624-2070), 2261 Solon Springs WI 54873, 715-378-4118,Code 6609,7-192 Weaver Denstord Hall Mgml) 3-110 CariSMgmI, Del Code 7041, 8812 Folwell SI, St Paul 55108, 851-646-0386,, 3333 North Garden Lane, Avondale AZ. Flesher Circle, Eden Prairie 55347-1747, PIERCE Jenniler L, Assoc Prof (American Studies)853233813,623-877-5534, 952-943-9025, PICK Gretchen E, Teachlng Spec (Theatre Arts 104 SCott Hall, Del Code 3231 (624-9809; PHILUPS Cari V, Fellow (Envm & Occupational and Dance) Room 111 Bar1<erCtr, Del Code 7841 624-4190), pierc0120te.umn.eduPHAM Simon H, Rnancial Aid CQunselor (OSF - Health) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807, 1210 (624-5060), 332615th Avenue South, Mpls 55407, PIERCE Jon L, Prof (UMD-Managemenl Studies)SCholarships & Complianca) 279 Fraser H, Del Mayo (625-6635), philI0470Ic.umn~u 276-0883, 119 S BED I til (218-726-7929)Code 3395 (624-3890), ' uu ,

PHfLUPS Carla R, Prof (History) 514 Soc Sci, Del PICK JR Herbert L, Prof (Child Development, Insl jpierceOd.umn.eduPHAM Tai, One Slop Counselor lOne Slop Code 7185 (626-1796), ot, Psychology) 206B Ch Dev, Del Code 4011, PIERCE Kathleen R, Exec Assl (CPPM-U of MStudent Sarvices) 200 Fraser Hell, Del Code 3395 (624-2062),2261 Folwell St, St Paul 55108,(626-1525), PHILLIPS James R, Instructor (Pediabics) MMC 651-646-0386, ConstlUction) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121PHAII Tong, Adjuncl Ass! Pro! (Pm Ncollet 742 Mayo, Del Code 8742,413 VCRC, PICKAR Erin, Community Health Assl (624-2880),3404 35th Ave So, Mpls 55406,Clinic) Internal Medicine, 2001 Blaisdell, Mpls (Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525, 722-0593, plerc0090tc.umn.edu55416, PHILLIPS Jane A, Education Spec (CBS PIERCE Kenneth F, Building and Grounds Wor1<erPHAN Margaret M, Student PerSonnel Coordinator Instructional Labs - St Paul) 210 BIoSciences; PICKARD Kathleen L, Dir (University Foundalion) (Fac Mgmt-BIdg Serv- Area A) Room 300

C Room 3-154E MCBB, Del Code 6174 (624-2789), DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del(C E-DCPlSludenl Sarvices & Advising) Room 1378 Breda Av, SI Paul 55108, 851-1148-1492, Room 500 MeNamaraClr, Del Code 2011 Code 3121,3253 32nd ·Ave S, Mpls 55406,150 WesH, Del Code 3831 (624-9369), (626-4537; 624-3333), PICKERING JeIlrey A, Administrative Professional 729-2692, pierc02501c.umn.eQuPHAN Myriam T, Community Program Assoc PHIWPS Karen J, Research Spec (Forest (Facilities Mgmt-BSAC) Room 300 DonhoweB, 319 PIERCE Lawis H, Adjunct Assoc Pro! (Restorative(AHC-CUHCC) C U H CO, Del Code 7851 Resources) Room 115 GreenH, 1530 Cleveland 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121 Sciences-Prosthodontics) Room 9-470 MoosT, Del(638-0700), Ave N, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6112, (625-8883), 10105 Crestridge Drive, Minnetonka Code 1291,2702 Mackubin St, SI Paul 55113,PHAN Tuoc V, Teaching Ass! (Mathematics, 55305,952-544-8717, pickeol1 851-490-9312, pierc171 Ote.umn.eduSChool 01) VillCSflt Hell 19, Del Code 0412 PHIWPS Kelly, Non Univ Stall, F268 OA West PICKERING Margery G, Studenl Support Sarvices PIERCE Marilyn, Assoc Admin (A303 Vet Teaching(625-4022), Mpls (273-9836),1910 Bums Avenue, Apt221, SI Ass! (Psychology) N218 En H, Del Code 3281 Hospital) 1352 Boyd Av, Del Code 6194 .PHANTHANIVONG Chanthay, l3\Jilding and Paul 55119, (625-5875), (624-1702),3201 West Owasso Blvd, ShoreviewGrounds Wori<er (Fadlilles Mgmt-Admlnislralion) PHIWPS Laura, Teaching Ass! PICKERT Evelyn V, Exec Ass! (Vel Teaching FIosp 55126,651-464-8467, 'MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code 8059,307 Donhowe B (EcoIogylEvolutionlBehavior) Room 100 Ecology, Clinic) 305 Vet Tch Has, Del Code 6194 PIERCE Mary J, Program Assoc (Systems Admin,(624-5968),3658 Regenl Ave No, Robbinsdale 1987 Uppar Buford Circle, 51 Paul 55108, Del (624-4769),1741 Maple Court, St Paul 55113, Ole o! Sr VP) 110 MorH, Del Code 026155422, 763-588-Q397, phan1OO1 Code 6098, 2347 Chilcombe Ave, Saini Paul 651-645-5443, (624-6327),

PHARIS Mar1< W, Assoc Deen (Ub Arts Adm OIc of 5511)8, PICKERT Robert R, Ass! Prof (Kinesiology & PIERCE Toni L, Teaching Spec (Theatre Arts andtha Dean), Prof (Art Dept) E285 RegisClr; 215 PHIWPS Merrily J, Sr Personnel Document Leisure Studies) Room 220B Cooke H, Del Code Dance) Room 111 Bar1<eJCtr, Del Code 7841Johnston Hall, Del Code 3774 (625-3234; Analyst (Payroll Services) Room 545 WBOB, Del 2061 (625-8888),1741 Maple Court, Falcon Hghts (624-5060),88 N LeXington Pkwy, St Paul 55104,624-2535), Code 7534 (626-2078), 55113, 651-222-2550,


PIERCE Trudy L, sec (UM ExIen8ion SteeleCnty)635 Florence Ave, PO Box 890, Owatonna55060-0890 (507-#4-7885), pierc0340tc.umn.eduPIERPONT Gordon L, Assoc Pro! N'A MedicalCenter) DepI Of C8tdiology, One VelBrans Dr,Mpls 55417, pierpOO20tc.umn.eea.

PIERPONT liD PHD Mary E, ASsoc Prof(OphlhaIrnokigy; Pediatrics) MMC 94 Mayo, DelCode 8094, 220 VCR C (851-220-8884;626-2755), pierpOOl Otc.umn.eduPlERQUET Patrick L, Research Spec (Bi<HlesedProducts) 40 Skok Hall, Del Code 6130(624-9219), pielOO750te.umn..eduPIERSON 8aIbara A, Sr Building and GroundsWOIker (UMD F8(: Mgmt-G1l8lodi8I Maint) 241DAdS, 1049 UniversilyDr, 0ulu1h 55812(218-726-8269).5599 N Shore Drive. Duluth55804, 218-525-7307, bcaI1so1

. PIERSON Chad M, InsInJclor (UMD MaIhIStats),. Adjww:t lnslruclot (UMD Continuing Education)

135E CCtr, 0uMh (218-728-8137),Cpiersol0d.umn.eduPIERSON Cindy A, Sr O!C Spec (ST Paul campusC~ Ctr) Room 198 McNH, Del Code 6142(625-5271), cpiersonOtc.umn.eduPIERSON JolIn L, MechanIc 1 (FaclIitie8 Mgrnt­ZOne 1 - St Paull Room 202 FMB, Del Code 6188(624-4783), 11925 Sumter Ave No, Champlin55316, 763-42HI054, piers0060tc,umn.edUPIERSON William T, Teaching Spec (Cuniculumand Instruction) Room 145 PelkH, Del Code 4301, •2400 Vmcent Ave N, Mpls 55411,1piersonOtc.UUlIl.eduPIERZINA Debra L, Exec Ass! (St Anthony FallsLaboratory) Room 310, Del Code 4691 (624-4606),pierzOOl Otc.umn.eduP!ESCHER Kristine N, Research Ass! (FamUySocial SCience) Room 290 McNH, 1985 BufordAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6140, 23642 IsantiStreel NE, East 1Ielhe155005, 763-882-2127,

PIESKE Nancy A, Sec (UM Exlensicln MurrayCnty) 2848 Broadway Ave, PO Box 57, Slayton56172-0051 (507-83H927);

PIETERS SILVA MariaG, R-oo Ass!(ClncVPopulalion Sci-An6cwM) Room 385AnSCWM, Del Code 6012 (625-3784),1256 GibbsAve, Saint Paul 55108, 851-6444323,pielOO940tc.umn.eduPIETSCH Donna L, .Administretive P!oIesslonal(Comstock Hall E), Del Code 1092 (626-1158),pielsOOl Otc.umn.eduPIGNATELLO Joey R, Ubrary Aast 2(Undergraduate Initiatives) 160 OMWL, Del Code7111,3512 -451hAve So, Mpls 55406,reid00580tc.umn.eduPIGNOLET Louis H, Pro! (241 A Smith Hall) 207Pleasant Street SE, Del Code 3881 (~7),218-475-2762, pignoIet01C.umn.eduPIGUILLEIi Juan F, Teaching Aast (Economics)Room 1035 HeIIelH, 2.7119lh Ave S, MpIa 55455,Del Code 7052 (625-6353), piguiOOl 01C.umn.eduPIHLAJA Sheri A, Program Assoc (UMDEduclHuman SvcPro, COl 01) 1200 BohH, 0141,1207 Ordean COurt, Duluth 55812 (218-~75),spIhIajaOd.umn.eduPIHLSTROII Bruce L, Pro! (PreventiveSCi-Periodontology) 17-116 Moos T, Del Code1291 (626-5722),7701 Woodmont Ave ApI 1008,Belhesda MD 2081~, 651-636-7547,bpihlsOte.umn.eduPIJOAN Carlos, Dir CampuslCollege Level(Vel8rinary PopuIstion MlKIcine), Pro! (VeterinaryPopulation Medicine; Animal Science, Dept 01) 385An SciN M, Del Code 6190 (625-1233), 226 EOwasso Lane, Shore\/iew 55126, 851-481-8820,pijoaOOl ,PIJUT Eleanor M,lnIO Tech Pro! (OSF - ITSS) 210Fraser H. Del Code 3395 (624-2586),e-piju01C.umn.eduPIKE Anthony N, Jr Engineer (UMD Nalural RsrcRsrch Inst) NRRI-GARTOIFoI8s1 Products, Dl86,5013 Miller 'frunk Hwy, Duluth 55811(218-720-4294), 6924 Lenroot St, 0UIuth55808-1251,218-626-1306, pIkeOO280d.umri.eduPIKE 1IeIi, Ass! Prof (Afro-Ameriean & A1rtcanStudies) 876 Soc Sci, Del Code 7155 (624-0362),pikexOOl Otc.umn.eduPIKE Carrie C, ~rch Fellow (Forestry Canter)175 UniversiIy Rd, Cloquet 55720 (218-728-8406),518 W Webbeking Or, Carlton 55718-9716,218-384-9737,

PIKE Halen M, Pnn Laboratory Techniclan (Hormel1nsti1ute) 801 16th Ave NE, Austin 55912(507-437-9627), 140511thAve NW,Austin 55912,507-433-4035, hmpikeOsmig.netPILAClNSKlJeIf, Word Proc Spec (Medical SchoolEducation-Admission) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code6293, B604 Mayo (625-7977),

PILBEAII Renee M, Jr Scientis1 (UMD Hllh, PhysEduclRecreation) 110 SpHC, 0144,1216 OrdeanCOurt, Duluth 55912, 504 North 15th Ave East ApI2, Duluth 55812, 218-349-1113,pilbOOO10d.umn.eduPILCHER Jeffrey M, Assoc Prof (History) Room614 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, M~ 55455, DelCode 7165, 2212 Fremont Ave S, Apl2, Mpls55405. pilcherjOtc.umn.eduPILGRAM Emese, Teaching Spec (SponsoredProjec1s Admin) 450 IvlcNamaraClr, Del COde.2OO3(624-1379),

PILLATZJ(J Sharon, Food ServiceWorker(UMMFood Service) Food SC, M262A, 600 E 4th S\,Morris 56267, 115 W 8th S\, Morris 56267,320-58&-3870,

PIWNG Barbara B, Program Aseoc (Inlnl Student& SCholer Services) 190 HHH Clr, Del Code 7457(626-7100), piIliOO301C.umn.eduPILLOW Usa, Ass! Ubrarian (Wilson Info Ref andInstru Serv) 180 OMWL,Del Code 7111(626-5836), piIlowOtc.umn.\'dU .

PILIIAN Nicole J, Assoc Admin (Canson,Undergraduate Program) 1-105 CarlSMgrnt, DelCode 7041 (6~-7288), boIdlOO20tc.umn.eduPILON Kristin J, Environmntl HeaJ1handSaletySpec (Office 01 Regulatory Affairs) MMC 358Mayo, Del Code 6501, 163 CIilldrens Rehab Clr(626-3115),

PILSTE~EARSON Rebecca, Technology Spec(Academic & Dist COmp Svcs) Room 13 ShepLab,Del Code om (625-1300; 625-2549),beccaOtc.umn.eduPIU Jeffrey J, Lecklrer (North Iowa Area CommCOllege) 500 COllege Dr, Mason City IA 50401,

PlIISLER Stuart, Affilia1ed Faculty (Theatre Artsand Dance) 111 Barker center Mpls (624-5060),1937 Glenwood Parkway, Mpls 55422, .763-521-7736, pimsI0030tc.umn.eea.

PlNC Shannon C, Prin Administrative Spec(Diabetes Institute) MMC 260 Mayo, Del COde6260, M405 Masonic, pinc00060te.unin.eduPINCH Barbara M, Sr Laboratory Services Coord(1lioIogicaI SCience Cantral Teaching) 3-154DMCBB, Del COde 1231 (624-6784),13929 OzarkAve N, StiUwater 55082,851~,pinchOOl Otc.umn.eduPINDER Evette 0, Graduate SchoOl Trainee(Environmental Heshh Sciences), ~rch Aast(Environmental HesIlh Sciences) MMC 807 Mayo,Del C<xje 8807, 3620 W32nd St, Apl205, Mpls55416, .PINE CaiUin, Prin Admin1s1ra1ive Spec (MedicalSchool Education) MMC 293 Mayo, Del COde6293, B833 Mayo, plneX0140te.umn.eduPINE Don, Adjunct Pro! (Park NicOllet Clinic)17621 Hwy 7, Minnetonka 55345, 3605 Ewing AveS, Mpis 55410, pinedeOte.ullln.eduPINEDA Manene, Adjunct Ass! Prof (PrimaryDental Care), Dentist (Comm U HIth Care CtrNarChild) Comm-Univ Health Care Canter, CUHCC, .2001 Bloomlnglon Ave S, Mpis 55404, Del Code7851 (638-0700 x227), 1788792nd Ave N, MapleGrove 55311, pin800250tc.umn.eduPINEDA Renan, Research Assoc (AgronomylPlantGenelics) 132 Boriaug Hall, Del Code 6026(625-4201),.17887 92nd Ave, Maple Grove 55311,851-645-7842, pinedOO30tc.umn.eduP1NELES Ann, Plin Student Personnel Worker (ITLower Division) 128 lind H, Del Code 0611(624-2890), pinelOOl Otc.umn.eduP1NGUE Julie A, Systems Analys1 (OSFA - ITU)210 Fm.r HaI~ Del Code 3395 (624-2578),pinguOO10tc.umn.eduPINKERTON Daniel F, Editor (Austrian Studlas)314 Soc Sci, Del COde 7156 (624-7321), 211322nd Avenue S, Mpls 55404, 673-1131,danpinkOtc.umn.8duPINKHAM Kim S, Sr Medical TechnoIoglet(Pediatrics) MMC 491 Mayo, Del Code 8491,13-125 Moos T; 13-229 Moos Tower (626-0980;626-3286), 5024 Clover Ridge, Edina 55436,952-926-7239, pinkhOOl

PINNOW Jell, Teaching Asst (UMO AmerIndianIMlnortty Hllh) 162 SUed, 0003, 1035University Or, Duluth 55812, pinnOO120d.umn.eduPINOLA Gail T, Accountant (UniversityServioeH>rojecl Acctg) 300 Oonhowe B, Del Code3121 (624-2522), 851-663-8852,pinoiagOtc.umn.eduPINOS Carlos R.Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgrnt-Zone 5 Area B) Room 300Donh0we8, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 3149 Pleasant Avenue S. Mpls 5540B,871-4894,

PINSJoel J, Sr Scientist (Family Practice &COmmunity HIth) MMC 361 Mayo,~ Code 8381,Rm 0498, 4th Floor Mayo (625-8412), PO Box14570, Mpls 55414, 377-2237,pinsxOO10te.umn.eea.PINTADO M R, Assoc Pro! (RestorativeSciences-Biomalerials) 16-2366 Moos T, Del Code1291 (625-6975), pintaOOl 01C.umn.eduPINTO Abby W, Aast Department Dir (CarlsonBusiness Career Center) Hl0A-l CanSMgmt, DelCOde 7041 (624-0011), 537 saratoga Stree1 South,5aint Paul 55116, 851~2335,pint00030tc.umn.eduPlOSKE Elaine R, Accounting Supv (HHH InstPub! Alf-Admin) 300 H H H Ctr, Del Code 7451(625-0353), 2328132nd Ave NE, Blaine 55449,763-785-0116, ploskOOl

PIOSKE Gregg A, Administrative Professional(5-133 Weaver-Dansford HalQ 308 Harvard St SE,Del Code 1332 (626-3851), 2326132nd Ave NE,Blaine 55449,783-165-0116, gregg01C.umn.eduPIOTROWSKI AndI28j, Assoc Pro! (Dept ofArchItecture) Room 151F RapsonH, Del Code0811 (624-6036), 378-7223,llfl1lrOOl 01C.umn.eduPIOTROWSKI Gliy E, Student Support ServicesAssoc (School 01 Public. health) MMC 819 Mayo,Del COde 8819, 819 MMC (624·1991),piolrOO501C.umn,eduPIOTROWSKI Keith A, Ass! Scientist (Soil, Water& Climale) S504 Soils, Del Code 6028 (625-3717),

PIOTROWSKI LaursK, Aast Prof (UMD Thealfll):Ac10r Technician (UMO Theatre Productions) 37BMPAC, 0200, 1215 Ordean COurt, Duluth 55812(218-726-8172),2019 W4th s\, Duluth 55806,218-722-0292, IpiolrowOd.umn.eduPIPER JR Donald A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyPractitioners, P A) 7460 80th StS, Cottage Grove55016, piperOO20tc.umn.eduPIPER Kathleen M, Exec Administrative Spec(UMD-SchooI 01 Medicine) 174 SMad, 1035University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-8873), 52SNorth 20th Avenue East, Duluth 55812,218-728-5813,

PIPHO David A, Adjunct Instructor (SMOC-ER) 400E 3rd St, Duluth 55805, 2384 Apple Ridge Drive,Duluth 55811, 218-238-5572PlRI ArIiss T, Sr Accountant (COmmunityIntegration, Insf On) 102 PI H, Del Code 4201(624-9361), .

PIRIE James D, Info Tech Prof (Chemical Eng &Mat Sci) 123 AmundH, Del Code 0531 (624-2546;626-0712), 1497 Cali1Qm1a Ave, Falcon Heights55108,851-603-0413,, pege538-9211 .PlSARCHIK Alexander V, Post-Doctoral Assoc .(Biochem, Molecular Biol/Biophy) RoOm 140 Goll,1479 Gortner A.Ve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6104,2400 Larpenteur Apl2;1..audeldaIe 55113,901-575-2097, pisarOOSOte.umn.eduPlTHUA Patrick, Post-Doctoral Assoc (VeterinaryPopulation MedIcine) Room 225 VMC, 1365Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6190,e-er Apartments, 2054 Brewster St ApI 12,Saint Pa~I55108, 851·3311-7110,pilhuOOl0tc.umn.eduPlTKUS Andrea R, G(IIduate School Trainee(Medicine) WC 460 Mayo, Del Code 8460,14-155 PWB, 4585 Slater Ad ApI 202, Eagan55122, pitk00060tc.umn.eduPlTSCHKA Steven M,~ Aast Prof (M! RoyalMedical Canter) 1400 Woodland Ave, Duluth55812PlTS11CK Jana L, CoordInator (Research-GredSchool Admin) 420 JoII H, Del Code 3773(625-7585), p1tsIOO10tc.umn.eduPITT DavId G, Prof (lancIIcape Architecture),Adjunct Prof (HHH Inst PWIic Affairs-Pub AI)Room 145J RapsonH, Del Code 0811 (625-7370),987 Lydia Dr, Roseville 55113,651~,Pilbd)0101C.umn:edu


PITT Jeanalle B, Extension E<*lcatorlProIeesot(UM Extension RegI Ctr Brainerd) 708 Maple St,Brainerd 56401-3831 (218-628-2323), 37054 DeerSt, AitIdn 58431, 218-927-3176, •pi1tXOO401C.umn.eduPITT Michells L, Aast.Sci!lntIst (Dept 01 MedicineHematology Office) MMC 460 Mayo, Del Code8460, 14-142 PWB (626-4217),5542 E BavarianPass. Fridley 55432. 763-572-0711,

PITTENGER Amy L, AastProf (Pharmacy, CollegeoI),Aast Program Dlr (Ph8rmacy, College of)A·290 Mayo MMC387, Del Code 1332 (625-7629),3101·Canterbury Dr, Bloomington 55431,952-a35-5998, alpOtc.umn.eduPlTTIIAN Judith A, Non-University Employee (UMExtension 9aItnIrnI Cnty) 7223 Fairgrounds AdNW, Berni~ 58601·9114 (218-444-5722), 39557CQunty 2, Bagley58821 , 218-785-2406,pil1mOO40mall.Clk.umn.edPlTZELE Charles, Assoc Pro! (CharleS E PItzele,MD PA) 232 Wentworth Ave E, W St Paul 55118,pilzeOO40tc.unln.eea. - L, Aast Prof (Retired) (School 01Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, Del Code 6161(~169), 640 19lh Ave SE, Mpis 55414,331·1970,

PITZL Gerald A,~~Pro! (Silvllr LakeClinic) 3900 Stinson BMl, MpIs 55421, 5090 BonaRd, Mounds VIew 55112, piizIOOl Ote.umn.eduP1VA Ronald J, Non Univ Stall, 507 N C FOR,pivaXOOl Otc.umn.eduPIVARAL Sonia C, Exec Ass! (DeveVSurg Sci ­Drthodonti(:s) 6-320 Moos Tower, Del Code 1291;5670 Hadley Ave Apll07. Qakdale 55126,651-2SB.a390, pivarOO10tc.umn.eduPlZlNGER Ronald J, AdjtJnct Ass! Pro! (Medicine),Adjunct Assoc Pro! (Family MedicinelCommHealth) Mtnneaota Gastroenterology, P A, Suile200, 1973 Sloan Place, St Paul 55117 (722-5700),2803 Intenachen Drive, SliHwaler 55062,pizInOOl 01C.umn.eduPIZZUTO David T, Assl-Prol (Anesthesiology)MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 6294, 6515 Mayo(624-9990), piZzuOOl Otc.umn.eduPLACK Jeralyn J, Prof (Retired) (Kinesiology,School 01), 2016 N 101st St, Omaha NE 88134, '

PLAGEIIANN Pel8r G, Prof (Microbiology) MMC196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,1435 Mayo (624-3187),1955 Cleveland Ave No, St Paul 55113,851-633-0466, pIsgeOOl Otc.umn.eduPLAISANCE Katie, Greduate School Fellow(Philosophy) Rm 831 HelIarH, Del Code 1291(625-0374), 2893, Knox Ave S, ApI 505, MpIs55406, 825-3071, pIaiOOO90lc.unln.eduPLAMBECK Angle S, Personnel Ass! (College 01Uberal Arts) Room 205 JohH, 101 Pleasant,St SE,MpIs 55455. Del Code 3774 (624-0098; 624-9839),plambeckOte.umn.eduP~K Colin P, Research Ass! (Geography)Room' 414 SocSci, 267 ~9lh Ave S, MpIs 55455,Del Code 7183, 1106 E 38th St Aptl, MpIs 55407,624-2621, pIanOO930tc.umn.eduPLANTE Christopher M, Maintenanca Plumber(UMC Plant Servicel) Room 2 KiserB, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716,604 Ash St S,Crookston 56716,218-281-4882,planOOSOOmaJ1•crk.umn.edPLANTE Michael J, Laboratcry Machlnisl Spec (StAnthony Falls LeIloraJOry) SAFL, Del Code 4691(627-4606; 627-4(10), 1256 Draper Ave, Roseville55113,651-1146-5517, pIanIOO80te.umn.eduPLASENCIA Steven M, Heed coach(interoollegiate A1h1etics) 240E BFAB, Del Code3061 (624-0592).851-484-7477,'PLASS Karen, Info Tech Pro! (UMO Education)186E K PI, 0146, 1208 KiltJV Drive, Duluth 55812(218-726-8650), kplassOd.umn.eduPLATE Andrea Y, Ph 0 Candidate 'Grad InsInJclor(Food SCience and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN,1334 Eckl\lS Ave, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6ll99,1188 Gibbs Ave N3, St Paul 55108, 763-439-2751,.p1s1OO720tc.umn.eduPLATH David R, Supervisor, Maat Laboratory(Animal Science) 36 A B L M S, Del COde 6099(624-9260), pIathOO101C.umn.eduPLATH Jennifer A, CoorlIna1or (Twill CitiesStudent Union-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, 300We8hlnglon Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1051(624-7271),3050 Ewing Ave S Apl207, MpIs55416,


PLATH Mary'M,Me<!1ca1 Technologist (VeterinaryMedical Canter)325G VMC, Del Code 6194(625-5702), 3416 Richmond Ave, Shoreview55126,651-481-9573, plath00201C.umn.eduPLATHE David A, Administrative Protesslonal(Accounting Services) Room 549E WBOB, DelCode 7529, 1345 Highland Rd, Stillwater 55062,651-336-5661, d-pletOtc.umn.eduPLATOU Can N, Special Asst (Medical SchoolAdministration) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code 6293, 0605 Mayo Bldg (625-3997), pletoOO50tc.umn.eduPLATT Karen, Community Program Assoc (UMExtension Wilkin Cnty) 505 S 6th 81, PO Box 199,Breckenridge 56520-0199 (216-643-5481), 1120Mackubin Ave, Breckenridge 56520,216-643-2319, plaltOO701c.umn.eduPLATT Philip B, Non Univ S1eff (Campus Club)412 Coffmen Mpls (625-1442), 252 W George 81,81 Paul 55107, plallOtc.umn.eduPLATT-BOUSTAN Leah, Visiting Instructor.(Canson School of Mgmt) 3-300 CanSMgmt, DelCode 7041, 4744 Co~ax Ave, Mpls 55409,platt0470tc.umn.eduPLATTETER S1ephanie L, Oir Campus/CollegeLavel (CCE-Marketing) Room 340 CofH, Del Code6081 (624-3203), 4304 Branson S1reel, Edina55424,952-922-1994, plal10130tc.umn.eduPLAUNTMARnN Claudia J, Student SupportServices Assoc (UMO Aced Support Prgm, VChan), Prin Administrative Spec (UMD Healthservices) 40 sec, 0211, 1117 University Drive,Duluth 55612 (216-726-6256), cplauntOd.umn.eduPLEASANTS MD Michael E, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Lagoon Family HeaI1hcare) 1203 Lagoon Ave,Mpls 55406, pleas0030tc.umn.eduPLECHNER Deborah M, Ass! Prof (UMDSociology/Anthropology) 226 CinaH, 0164, 1123

.• University Dr, Duluth 55612, dplechneOd.umn.eduPLESOFSKY Nora S, Research Assoc (PlantBiology) 250 Bio Sci, Del Code 6022 (624-5375;625-5223), 2719 Humboldt Ave S, Apt5E, Mpls55406,361-0172, vigxxOO10tc.umn.eduPLEUSS Jessica C, Research Asst (ChildDevelopll)8nt, Inst 01), Teeching Asst (ChildDevelopment, Inst of) ChDev, Del Code 4011(624-4572), 651-21~123, pleuOOO20tc.umn.eduPUCE William A, Assoc Prof (Retired) (Electricaland Computer Engr), 23020 Clearwater PI Rd,Brainerd 56401, pliceOOl Otc.umn.eduPLiHAL Jane, Assoc Prof (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 235 PeikH, Del Code 4301(624-3069), 3436 11th Ave So, Mpls 55497,722-1993, pli/la0010tc.umn.eduPLiHAL Thomas L, Instructor (Ridgeview MedicalCenter) 500 S Maple St, Waconia 55367,pliha0020tc.umn.eduPLIMPTON David B, Adjunct Instructor (Specialistsin Intemal Medicine) Intemal Medlcine, 920 E 26thSt, Suite 740, Mpls 55407, p1impOO10tc.umn.eduPLISKA Benjamin T, Dental Fellow(Developmental & Surg Sci-Qrtho) Room 6-320MoosT, Del Code 1291, plisOOO70tc.umn.eduPLOETZ Catherine M, Program Dir (ContinuingProfessional Educ) Room 352C CIaOff, Del Code6051 (625-4257), cpIoetzOtc.umn.eduPLOETZ semantha J, Ole Spec (French & ItalianDepartment) 260 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0139(626-1640),22 E 22nd S1reel, Apt504, Mpls 55404,ploeIOO30tc.umn.~u

PLOGE Holly J,.Prin Administrative Spec(Sponsored Projects Admin) 450 McNamaraAlumni Ctr, Del Code 2003, plogeOOl0tc.umn.eduPLONIS Denise 0, Sr Administrative Spec (NorthCentral Research/Ou1reech Ctr) 1661 E Hwy 169,Grand Rapids 55744 (218-327-4490), 45317.CoRd 172, Deer River 56636, 218-246-9210,ploniOOl Otc.umn.eduPLOSZAJSKI piotr; Adjunct Prof(IntemationalProgram Dev) 4-104 CanSMgm1, 321 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, 'pIoszOOl0tc.umn.eduPLOTNIKOFF MD G~ry A, Assoc Pro!(Medicine), Ass! Pro! (Pediatrics) 2001Bloomington Ave S, Del Code 7651 (627-4774),plotn0020tc.umn.eduPLOUFF Robert T, Asst Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Heallh; Pediatrics) Mpls Children'sMe<! Canter, Emergency Dept, 2545 Chicago AveS, Mpis 55404, 51361!fth Ave S, Mpl$ 55417,729-2534, pIoufOO20tc.umn.eduPLOWMAN Elizabeth J, Research Ass! (FamilySocial Science) 290 McNeal Hall, Del Code 6140,14712 60th PI N, Maple Grove 55311,763-420-7767,

PLOWMAN Shari A, Community Program Spec(Pediatrics & AdoIesoent Health) KDWB VarietyFamily Canter, Del Code 2016,plowOO140tc.umn.eduPLUHAR G Elizabe, Asst Prof (VTH Small AnimalClinical Sciences) D-309 VetTchHos, Del Code6192,836 Deer Park, 81 Paul 55116,651-695-tlO94, pluha0060tc.umn.eduPLUHAR Robert E, Ass! Pro! (V A Medical Center)Phannacy Services, One Veterans Dr, MpIs 55417,6620 Blaisdell Ave S, Richfield 55423,pluha0020tc.umn.eduPLUMBO Margaret A, Instructor (NUrsing, SohOf-Prog & Res) 6-114 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-7609), plumbOOl Otc.umn.eduPLUMIl-SMITH Jill M, Sciantist (NeUroscience)1-206 BSBE, Del Code 1216 (624-0437), 'PLUMMER David W, Assoc Pro! (HennepinCounty Medical Canter) Emergency MediCine no625,701 Park Ave, Mpls 55415,plummOO10tc.umn.eduPLUNKETT Elizabeth A, Ass! To (Inst Of ChildDev) 104 Ch Dev, Del Code 4011 (624-2396),1467 Huron 51, St Paul 55108,plunk0060tc.umn.eduPLUNKETT Robert, Prof (Retired) (AerospaceEngrlMechanics), 1034 Liberty Pail< Drive Apt201,Austin TX 78746, plunkOOl Otc.umn.eduPOCH Robert K, Ass! Dean and Dir of SS in GC(General College Admin), Lecturer (EducationalPolicy and Admin) 109 Appleby Hall, Del Code3501 (625-5636), pochXOOl Otc.umn.eduPOCOCK Laure J, Sr Parking Attendant (Parkingand Trensportetion) Room 300 TSB, Del Code1963 (626-4146), 46 - 69th Way NE, Fridley 55432,763-766-6624, sakryOOl Otc.umn.eduPODESTA Barbara L, Sign Language IntelJlreter(Disabirlly Services) Room 160 McNamaraCtr, DelCode 2017(626-6246 x3), podesOO20tc.umn.eduPODETZ·PEDERSEN Kelly M, Ass! Scientist(Genetics, Cell Biology, & DeveIopme) 5-226 MCB,Del Code 1217 (628-1435), podelOOl Otc.umn.eduPODOLAK Ann R, Prin Acoounts Spec (HumphreyInst of Public Affair) !'lOom 307 HHHCtr, 30119thAve S, Mpls 55455, bel Code 7451 (626-6699),p0d000140tc.umn.eduPODVIN Bruce J, Mechanic 2 (FacilitiesManagement) B 117 Moos Tower, Del Code 6059,16501 Territolial Rd, Maple Grove 55369,763-494-9924, podvI0070tc.umn.eduPOE mBobby G, PhD Candidate Research Asst(University of Minnesota) Department of Chemistry,Del Code 3661 (626-1663),1016 27th Ave SE AptC, Mpls 55414, 617-6036, poeiiOO10tc.umn.eduPOE Christine R, Sr Teaching Spec (Nursing, SohOf-Prog & Res) 6-126 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-6411), poeXXOO20tc.umri.eduPOE Donakl P, Prof (UMD-Chamistry) 333 Cham,Duluth (218-726-7217), 2616 E 3111 S1, Ouluth55612-1943,218-728-1527, dpoeOd.umn.eduPOESCH Lowell L, NIon Univ S1eff (CCEIntonnetion Systems, Ole of) 170 McNamaraAlumni Mpls (626-2924), IpoeschOtc.umn.eduPOETZSCHE Christian, VISit Scholar(Mathematics, Soh of) 323 VinH Mpls (625-6602),515 4th Street SE, Mpls 55414,poetzschOtc.umn.eduPOGATCHNIK David P, Ass! Pro! (V A MedicalCenter) 4601 6th St N, St Cloud 56301, 42646 CoRd I, Rice 56367, pogaIOO10tc.umn.eduPOGATCHNIK Jannifer P, Development OIer (ITAdminislration) Room 105 WaUb, Del Code 3731(626-9501),67 N Milton 81 Aptl, 81 Paul 55104,651-222-3737, pogSlOO50tc.umn.eduPOGATSHNIK Mary E, Teaching Spec (Spanleh &Portuguese) 34 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0133(625-5656; 625-4371), poga00020tc.ulM.eduPOGGIONE Mary S, Departmental Dir (UniversityPress) Room 290 111 3111, Del Code 7461(627-1931), poggiOOl Otc.umn.eduPOGORELSKIN Alexis E, Head (UMD History),Assoc Prof (UMD History), Adjunct Assoc Prof(UMD Continuing Education) 217 ABAH, Duluth(216-726-7548),218-726-6061,apogoreJOd.umn.eduPOHL Janles M, Prin Buildinl1Grounds Supv(UMD Housing) 103 LSH, 0207, 531 NiagaraCourt, Duluth 55612 (216-726-6526), 4604 W 7thSt, Duluth 55607, 218-624-9236, jpohIOd.umn.eduPOHL Renee G, Gardener (MN LandscapeAriloretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd, Chaska55318-9613 (952-443-1400), 6020 Cardinal Dr,Waconia 55367,

POHLOD Susan M, Prin Administrative Spec(Applied Econ) 231 Cia Off, Del Code 6040(625-6779), pohloOO10tc.umn.eduPOHTILLA James F, Assoc Pro! (Retired)(Physical MedlRehabililation), 17715 25th Ave N,Plymouth 55447, pohtiOOl Otc.umn.eduPOINDEXTER Gavin J, Research Fellow(Humphrey Inst of Public Affair) Room 130HHHCtr, 30119th'Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code7451,4954 Queen Ave S, Mpls 55410,poinOOO60tc.umn.eduPOIRE Ronald R, Musician (~usic, Sch Of) 2FergH, Del Code 7811 ~624-6575), 3567 NE Pierce 81,Mpis 55418-1316, 768-0469,poireOOl Otc.umn.eduPOIRIER Roberta R, Adjunct Instructor (HeallhPartnerslRamsey Clinic) Dept Of ObIGyn, 640Jackson St, 5t Paul 55101, 111 East Kellogg BlvdApt 2115, St Paul 55101, poiri0020tc.umn.eduPOKORA Thomas J, Adjunct Assoc Pro! (FamilyMedicineIComm Heallh), Ass! Prof (Pediatrics)Pediatricians for Health, S1e 302, 1655 Beam Ave,Meplewood 55109, pokbIOO20tc.umn.eduPOKORNY Alexandra C, Ole Spec (Klnesiotogy)Room 111 CookeH, Del Code 2081 (626-0658),pokor0250tc.umn.eduPOKORNY Andrew J, Teaching AsS! (School ofMusic) Room 100 FergH, 2108 4th 81 S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7811, 1435 Hampshire Ave S,Apt 315, 81 Louis Park 55426, 952-546-1756,pokoOO150tc.umn.eduPOKORNY Jill 0, Non Univ S1eff, 539NCFE8-HDHS, 5695 Town Hall Dr, Greenfield55357, 477-6436POKUTSA OIekssndr P, Post-Doctorel Assoc(Depannent of Chemistry) 464 Smith Hall, DelCode 3661,519 3rd Ave SE Aptl06, Mpls 55414,pokutOO10tc.umn.8duPOLACIK Peter, Pro! (School of Mathematics) 226VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-2352),poIaC0060tc.umn.eduPOLAKIEWICZ Leonard A, Assoc Pro! (ILES) 209NCCE, Del Code 0095 (625-1364), 651-49().5062,polakOO10tc.umn.eduPOLAND Jarome 0, Adjunct Pro! (1 3rd AvenueNE) Crosby 56441, poIan0030tc.umn.eduPOLANSKA Katarzyna M, Teachl"g Ass!(Sociology) 1067 Soc Sci, Del Code 7171(624-5296; 624-4300), poIa00240tc.umn.eduPOLANSKI John B, Sciantist (MN Tap) 350McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2004 (6.24-4619), 1720CPleasant S~ Lauderdale 55113, 651-646-4290,

. polanOOl Otc.umn.eduPOLASKY Alan S, Pro! (337E Classroom 0ffIcaBldg) 1994 Buford Ave, Del Code 6040 (625-9213),polas0040tc.umn.eduPOUCOFF Ivan, Assoc Pro! (Retired) (UnivCoVindIDlstance Laaming) Room 25 WesH, 77Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3631, 4360Reiland Ln, St Paul 55126, policOO10tc.umn.eduPOLING Jon A, Sr Envm HealthlSafety Tech(Environmental Health & sateiy) 100 TCEM, DelCode 2661, 3130 Raleigh Ave S, Apt 106, St LouisPari< 55416, 952-929-4604, poIin0040tc.umn.eduPOUNG Ronald A, Pro! (Physics & Astronomy)146 Phys, Del Code 0331 (624-7670), 1742Bayard Av, St Paul 55116, 65H!98-9277,polingOtc.umn.eduPOLKOVNICHENKO Nataliya, Greduate SchoolFellow (carlson, Finance) 4-273 CanSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (628-9706), polkOO190tc.umn.eduPOLKOVNICHENKO Valery Y, Ass! Prof (Canson,Finance) 3-135 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-6081), poIkovnIOtc.umn.eduPOLLA Dennis L, Pro! (Electrical and ComputerEngr, Lab MedicinelPathology; Tech Leadership.Ctr for Oev) ElectricaVComputer Engr, Room 4-174EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code0572 (626-2753),, page67~164

POLLARD Mary A, Teaching sp8c (School ofNursing) Rm 4-149 WOH, Del Code 1331, 1774seunders Ave, St Paul 55116, 65H!99-8105, 'pollOO55.Otc.umn.eduPOLLARO Philacite, Food Service Worker(Sanford Dining 8ervices) 177 SanH, Del Code4701 (624-6549),669-6276, pollaOl00tc.umn,eauPOLLARD Richard W, Community Program Spec(IT Apexes) 107 Und Hall, Del Code 0611(626-0219), 4915 29th Ave S, Mpis 55417,721-1265, poIIa0070tc.umn.eduPOLLEY John F, Ass! Prof (Retired) (UMCAgricuhure), At 1, Box 92, Winger 56592,

POLLOCK Kathy, Administrative Dlr(EcoiogylEvolutionlBehavior) Room 100 Ecology,Del Code 6096 (624-6765), 950 No Shore Dr WesMauri<! 55364, poIIa0040tc.umn.eduPOLLOCK Stacy B, Ass! Scientist (WIllmar Pou~ryTesting Lab) PO Box 126, 622 Business Hwy 71NE, Willmar 56201 (320-231-5170),2304 5th AveSE, Willmar 56201, polloOO30tc.umn.eduPOLLY JR David W, Prof (Orthopaedic Surgery)Fairview-Riverside, R-2OO, 2450 Riverside Ave,Mpls 55454 (273-6000), pollydw,

POLOMSKI Elisha F, Research Assoc(Astronomy), LectUrer (Astronomy) Physics andAstronomy, Room 365 Phys, 116 Church 81 SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331 (626·1811), i

POLSFUSS Marilyn, Non Univ Staff (Ag, IFoodIEnvt Sci Admin, Col of) 1900 Hendon Ave StPaul (625-7766), 651-439-4959, I iPOLSHVNA Ganna, Jr Scientist (UMD Medif:ine, iSchool of) 324 SMed, 0599, 1035 University Dr, !Duluth 55612, 4527 Otsego St, Duluth 55604, :POLSINEW James F, Teaching Asst (UMD I_MathematicslStatistics) 140 sec, 1117 University IDr, Duluth 55612 (216-726-6239), 3 Silsby Rd, iCleveland Heights OH 44116, 216-932·7630, ,POLSKY Gregg 0, Assoc Prof (Room 426) Wa~er 'F Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911 (624·2951),polskOO10tc.umn.eduPOLSON JaffeI\' T, Plumber (130 Chiller Plant)223 W College 51, Ouluth 55612 (218-726-6616).3015 Hughill Ave, Suparior WI 54860,715-392-8733, jpolsonOd.umn.eduPOLUMETLA Aditya, Teaching Asst (UMDComputer Science), Research Ass! (UMDComputer Science) UMD Computer Science, 320HH, 0174, 1-114 Kilby Dr, Duluth 55612,1123 E4th St, Apt 2, Duluth 55605, 218-349-3261, 1POLUNOVSKY Vilaly A, Prof (Medicine) MMC 276Mayo, Del Code 6276, 340 0 V C C RC(628-2112),3460 Pilglim Lane N, Plymouth 55441,'763-525-0416, poIunOOl Otc.umn.eduPOUJN David J, Pro! (Small Animal Clin Sci)C325 Vet Tch Has, Del Code 6192 (6254254),3745 46th Ave So, Mpls 55406,polzlOOl Otc.umn.eduPOLZIN Kayle M, Adjunct Asst Prof (Food Science:and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave, .St Paul 55106, Del Code 6099,polziOll0tc.umn.eduPOLZIN Ronald G, PhD Candidate Research Asst :(Biochamistry) 7·196 MoiCeliBlo, Del Code 1214 .(626-3505), poIz00120tc.umn.eduPOMERANZ Howard 0, Asst Prof (Neurosurgery).Adjunct Ass! Prof (Naurology) Department ofOphthalmology, 9-249 Phillips WangensteenBuilding, 6493, Mpls 55455; Ophthalmology, MMC '493, (626-3937; 625-44(0), 3610 West 44th Street:Mpls 55410, 929-1036, [email protected] Lori J, Community Program Assoc(UM Extension Martin Cnty) 104 Courthouse, 201Lake Ave, Fairmont 56031·1945 (507-235-3341),pomer0130tc.umn.eduPOMERENKE Melody, Prin Administretive Spec(Neurology Department) MMC 295 Mayo, Qal Codal8295, 12-100 PWB, 'POMMER Deborah F, Student Support servicesAss! (Ole Of The Registrar-St Paul) 130. CoffeyHall, Del Code 6054 (626-6513),pomrneOO10tc.umn.eduPOMMlllER Stephanie M, Development OIer (CVMDevelopment) Room 414 VMC, Del Code 6194(625-6460), spommierOtc.umn.eduPOMPEI Vanessa 0, Lab services Coordinator(General College) 372 Appleby Hall, Del Code3501, 9~264, pompOO120tc.umn.eduPOMPLUN Nancy A, Community Program ~t(Department of Pediatrics) Youth and AIDS Project':Loring Park 0ffIca Bldg, 426 Oak Grove St, Mpis55403 (627-6626), 671-4271,pomp00040tc.umn.eduPOMROY Deboreh L, Asst Sciantist (UMDBiology-Q1ga Lakela Herilarium) 203 L Sci, 1110Kirby Drive, Ouluth 55612 (218-726-6542), 6143Pequaywan Lake Rd, Duluth 55603, 216-525-7502,dpomroyOd.umn.eduPONCE DE LEON F Abel, Head (Animal Science,Dept of), Prof (Animal Science, Dept 01) 3058HckrH, Del Code 6118 (624-1205),


POND Peggy J, Community Program Ass! (SChool·of Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, Del Code 6161(624-3700), ppondOtc.umn.eduPONDER DVM JuRa, Assoc Dir CfOIlICol (RaptorCenter), Ass! Clinical Prof (Raptor Center) RaptorCenter, GRaplCtr, 1920 Filch Ave, St Paul 55108,Del Code 6108 (624-3431), pondeOO30te.umn.eduPONOMARENKO Mariya, PhD C8ndidateTlllIChIr!g Ass! (School 01 Math) 353 Lind Hall, DelCode 0412 (625-()356), ponort1OO20tc.umn.eduPONTAREW Adt1anneT,Teaching Ass!(EIectricaI/Compu Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 372-4917, pontOO270tc.umn.eduPONTERIO P_ E, Jr aaentist (Dept of .MIcr0bioIogy) 420 Delaware Str8et SE, MMe 196,Mpis 55455, ponleOO60tc.urnn.eduPONTIGGIA Laura, Ass! Prof (Statistic8) Room498 FordH, Del Code 0457 (625-6844), 813A NorthTaney St, PhiIedelphia PA 19130,pontOO250tc.urnn.eduPONTO Julie A, InslnJcIor (Mayo Clinic) Women'SCancer Program, 200 1st St SW, Suite Nw521,Rochester 55905, 5416 Nicklaus Drive NW,Rochester 55901, 507-285-2532,

• POOCH Allan C, Golf Course Mainlenance Supv(Interoollegiete AthIetic&IGoIf Cour) GC S S, DelCode 6100 (827-4138),1988 Herschel Stree~Roseville 55113, 651-ll45-3266,poochllOl Ote.umn.eduPOOCH Jean, Unemployment c;leimIPIcml Spec(Human Resources) 100 Donhowe B, Del Code3122 (625-4855), j-poocOtc.umn.eduPOOCHIGIAN Aeron V, Ph 0 C8ndidate GradInstructor (Classichlear Eastem Studies) Room305 FoIH, 9 Pleasent St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code0149,220 Eest 19th St Apl203, Mpis 55403,poocOOO20tc.umn.eduPOOR Robert J, Prof (Art History) 358 HellerH, DelCode 7055 (824-4396), poorxOOl Otc.umn.eduPOPE Deniel, Ass! Prof (UMD IndustrielEngineering) 105 VKH; 1305 Ordean Court, Duluth55812 (218-72tHi685), 3808 Allendale Ave, Duluth55803, 218-724-1638, ~Od.umn.eduPOPE Devid A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (JanesvilleMedical Clinic) 312 N Main, Box 190, Jenesville56048, 312 North Main Box 190, Janesville 56048,popexOO50te.umn.eduPOPE Nicholas B, Teaching Ass! (Art) W217RegisCtr, Del Code 7831,1442 Ridge Run, NewRiclvnond WI 54017, 715-248-2682,popel1051 Ote.umn.eduPOPE Priscilla G, Library Asst 2 (Wilson BorrowingPrivileges & FIIl8S) 110 OMWL, Del Code 7111(624-3383), p-popeOtc.umn.eduPOPE Tom W, I.8cIurer (CCE-PersonalEnrichment Progrem) RQom 380 CoIH, Del Code7055 (624-4500),1442 Ridge Road, NewRichmond W154017, 715-248-2672,poppx0020te.umn.eduPOPHAM Sendy S, InslIUclor (UMD Medicine,School 01) Room 113 Med, 0599, 10 University Dr,Duluth 55812, 400 E 3rd Street, Duluth 55812,218-722-8364POPKIN Michael K, Prof (Ps¢liatry; MedIcine)Hennepin County MedIcel Center, Dept 01~iatry Adabec 844, 701 Perk Ave S, Mpis55415,1285 Oekview Rd, Long Lake 55356,popkiOOl Otc.umn.eduPOPOWSKI Sherry A, ParaJegel (GeneralCounsel, Ole Of) 380 McNamara Ctr, Del Code,2014, popowOO30lc.umn.eduPOPP Kristy L, Teaching Ass! (Kinesiology) 20Cooke Hall, Del Code 2061 (625-9387),219-309-0170, poppOO910tc.umn.eduPOPPE Cindy S, Exec AdmInistrative Spec (UMMDiv 01 Humanities) Room 104 Hum, M233A, 800 EI4th St, Morris 58267 (320-58~51), 46597 208lhSt, Morris 58267, 320-589-1831,poppecsOmonis.umn.eduPOPPE Steven R, ~rch Plot Coordinator(West CentraJ Research & 0utI88Ch Ct) 48352State Hwy 329, Morris 58267 (320-589:'1711), .46597 208th Str8et, Morris 58267, 320-589-1831,poppesrOmonis.umn.eduPOPPELE Richerd E, Prof (Neuroscience) 3-145Jac H, Del Code 1216 (825-7823), 97 Arthur AveSE, MpIs 55414,378-9242, dickOte.umn.eduPOPPER 8amueI H, Prof (Retired) (EducalionalPolicy end Admin), 1225 L.aselle Ave Apt 1507,Mpis 55403, poppeOOl0tc.umn.eduPOPPLET~ KrIsten I, Teaching Spec (Rhetoric)64 CIaOII, 1994 Buford Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6043, 859 22nd Ave SE, Mpis 55414,331-9214,

PORISCH Katherille A, Medical Technologist (LabMedicine & Pethology) MMC 809 Mayo, Del Code8609, 3-325 Moos T, poosOO10te.umn.eduPORTE-AGEL Fernando, Assoc Prof (HydraulicLab) s'AFL, 2 aid Ave SE, MpIs 55414, Del Code4691 (825-8055), 1696 Pleaaent St, Apt C, St Paul55113-5254,823-4802,tportaOtc:umn.eduPORTEL Joan M, Exec Administrative Spec(Department 01 Pediatrical MMC 404 Mayo, DelCode 8404, 13-124 PWB (624-5958),portell260tc.umn.eduPORTER AIen E, FielI:t Service Engineer(Networking & Telecom Srvs), Del Code 2171(824-9011), porta0240Ic.umn.eduPORTER Allen W, Instructor (Cub Phannacy)12900 Riverdale Dr, Mpls 55448, 5979 Rubin oakCourt, Shoreview 55126, p0rta0180tc.umn.eduPORTER AITYf L, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Anthropology) 395 HHH Ctr, Del Code 7455,portOl350tc.umn.eduPORTER Devid H, Sr Research Assoc (LCSE) 499Walter Library, Del Code 3721 (824-1817;625-2859), Hedera, Non Univ Staff (Agronomy andPlent Genetics) 411 Borlaug Hall Mpls (824-8774),1947 Westwood Cirele, Roseville 55113,porta2050lc.umn.eduPORTER Kate, Exec Sec (Cultural Studies &Comparative Ut) 350 FolH, Del Code 0147(624-7896;.824-8099), porteOO30tc.umn.eduPORTER Mary E, Assoc Prof (Genetics, CellEliology & Oav) 4-106 MoICeIIBio, Del Code 1217(828-1901),865 Fairmount Ave,St Paul 551 OS,porteOO10lc.umn.eduPORTER Paul M, Assoc Prof (AgronomylPlantGenetics) Room 305 HayesH, qeJ Code 6026(825-6719; 825-7773), 1947 Westwood CrlCle,Roseville 55113-5331, 651~1834,pportarOtc.umn.eduPORTER Philip W, Prof (Retired) (Geography) 435Soc Sci, Del Code 7183 (625-4085), 10Burkehaven Terrace, Sunapee NH 03782,308-763-5538, porterOtc.umn.eduPORTER Raymie, Research Assoc (N CentralExperiment Station) 1861 Hwy 169 E, GrandRapids 55744, raportarOtC.umn.eduPORTER Stephen B, Ass! ScIentist (Department 01Pediatrics) MMC 388 Mayo, Del Code 8386, 580CCRB, porteOO70tc.umn.eduPORTH Karen, Adjunct Asst Prof (MinneapolisClinic of Neurology) 8363 France Ave S, Edina

.55435 (920-7200), porthl1020tc.umn.eduPORTILLA Wiltiam, Adjunct Prof (SMDe) 400 E3rd St, Duluth 55805PORTILLO Carlos H, Ubrary Ass! 2 (MINITEX) 15Andersen Ubrary, Del Code 7921 (826-8356),porliOO20te."mn.eduPORTNEIi Joyce, Assoc Continuing Educ Spec(UC-Program Oav & Management) 305N C C E,Del Code 0091 (625-4897), port00870tc.umn.eduPORTNOY Natalya G, Inlo Tech Prof (EnvlmHealth~ (SPH)) 350 McNamara Ctr, 200oak St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 2004, 1592LancaSter Lane, Eagan 55122,651-994-7971, ,PORTNOY Rich, Assoc To (Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (828-8804; 828-7933), 4444Vincent Ave S, Mpls 55410, 926-3300,r-portOlc.umn.eduPORTOGHESE Philip S, Prof (College 01Pharmacy) 8-111 WDH, Del Code 1332(624-9174),17 Oriole Lane, St Paul 55127,portoOOl .PORTU Jody 8, Adjunct Instructor (AbbottNorth_m Hospitals) 800 E 28th St, MpIs55407, 5232 WHighwood Dr, Edina 55436,portu0030tc.umn.eduPORTYANKO Vladimir A, Reaearoh Assoc(Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 240 Borlaug Hall, DelCode 6022 (62+9230; 824-1773), Apt 809, 605Herriet Ave, Shoreview 55126, 651-7~70,portyOOl Otc.umn.eduPOR12 Molly M, Coordinator (AHCCommunications) MMC 735 Mayo, Del Code (1735,A395 Mayo (625-2640), 4914 35th Avenue South,MpIs 55417, mpotlzOtc.umn.eduPORYCKY AnIlll V, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Dept ofArchiteclure) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811(824-7833),651-578-3779, porycOOl0tc.umn.eduPOSADAS IlaJbara M, Vislting Prof (UMM DIv ofSocial SCience) 118 Cam Hall, 800 E4th St, Morrie58267 (320-589-6788),

POSBERGH Thomas A, Assoc Prof(EIectricaIIComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EEICSci,200 Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0572(625-5302),955 Nordic Ave N, Stillweter 55082,posberghOtc.umn.eduPOSCH Tina M, Instructor (UMD CommScienceslDisorders) Room 19 MonH, Dulufll(218-726-7994)POSEY Edward W, Ass! Prof (V A Medical Center)One Veterans Dr, Mpis 55417,poseyOO10tc.umn.eduPOSPISIL James A, AdjuncllnS!ructor {UMDMusic), Teaching Spec (UMD Fme Arts Admin,SChool 01) 231 H, Duluth (218-728-8208), 1425North Rd, Duluth 55811, 218-724-8337, .jpospisiOd.umn.eduPOST Connie J, Prin Accountant (MN sea GrantProgram), Sr Accountant (Intrdiscp Ctr Sldy GlobalChng) Room 173 McNH, Del Code 6142(624-9239),2810 Seminary Dr, New Brighton55112,651-833-7678, posIXOO30tc.umn.eduPOST Kathleen A, Accountant (Cia, Accounting &Budgetsl209 Joh H, Del Code 3774 (624-0814), .postxOO20tc.umn.eduPOST Peter J, Ass! Prof (St Mary's Hospital)Phannacy Services, 1216 2nd St SW, Roch~ter55902, 1781 38th Ave SE, Rochester 55904,postxl1060tc.umn.eduPOST Serah I, Teaching Ass! (SChool ofMathematics) Room 127 VIOH 550, 206 Church StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0412 (524-2838), 38Jarvis Ave, Hingham MA 02043, 315-229-6978,postx0520tc.umn.eduPOST'Thomas R, Prof (Curriculum & Instruction)175 Peil< H, Del Code 4301 (625-0069), 2182l.akebrook Dr, Naw Brighton 55112,postxOOl Brenda L, Assoc Program Dir (UMExtension Wright Cnty) County GovernmentCerrter, 10 2nd St NW, BuIIaJo 55313-1186,9177Gowan Ave NW, Maple Lake 55358,postl10600tc.umn.eduPOST-WHITE Janica E, Adjunct Assoc Prol (USMAIL ONLY) Polihua Holdings LLC, 707 KenwoodParkway, MpIs 55403, poatwOOl Otc.umn.eduPOTEGAL Michael, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics; .Neurology) MMC 486 Mayo, DeIC9de 8486, 710Mayo Building (825-7486; 825-6964),poIegOOl Otc.umn.eduPOTENZIERI Carl R, Graduate School Trainee(Naul'OSl:ience) Rm 6-145JacH, 321 Church St S,MpIs 55455, Del Code 1216, 1226 Minnesota St S,Shakopee 55379, potenOOl Otc.umn.eduPOTIIAST James L, Teaching Spec (UMDContinuing Education) Room 403 DAdB, 0853, 10University Dr, Duluth 55812, Susan L, Inlo Tech Prof (Exlllnsion4HCtr for Youth Dev), Prin Accounts Spec (Extension4H Ctr lor youth Oav) Center tor 4-H YouthDevelopment, Del Code 2016 (825-7683),potra0070tc.umn.eduPOTRATZ Wayne E, Prof (Art Department) E171RegisCtr, Del Code 7831 (825-0021),potraOOl Otc.umn.eduPOTRETZKE Aeron M, Exempt Temporary orCeaual (Medicine) MMe 101 Mayo, Del Code8101, 20805 Nevada AV'iI, Prior Lake 55372-9782,potIOO130tc.umn.eduPOTTALA James V, Teaching Ass! (Biostatistics,Division of SPH) MMe 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303,MMe 303 Mayo, 805-4161, pottaI190tc.umn.eduPOTTER Bruce 0, ExtensIon Educator/Ass! Prof (SW~rch and Outreach Cerrter) 23889 l30thSt, Lamberton 56152-1326 (507-752-5066),120 SFront S~ New Ulm 58073, 507-354-7508,bpotterOtc.umn.eduPOTTER Karen P, Ole Spec {EdPA) Room 330Wulltl, Del Code 3345 (824-7574),kppotterOtc.umn.eduPOTTER Uricoln R, Assoc Prof (Blochem, MoIecBioI, Biophy TMED; Phannacology) 7-126 MeB;7-174 MoICeIIBio, Del Code 1214 (624-7251; •824-7282), 507 Owasso Hills Dr, Roseville 55113,potlerOtc.umn.eduPOTTER Michelle, Program Assoc (HufTlPhray InS!01 Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, Del Code 7451(825-0750),1857 Gold Trail, Eagen 55122,651-994-1277, pottOO330tc.umn.eduPOTTHOFF Sandra J, Assoc Prof (H1th Svcs~olicy; Healthcera Mgmt Ind Stlly Prgm;Healthcare Management) Health ServicesRsch/Pollcy, A 269 A Mayo BuildIng, MMe 510,420 Delaware Straet SE, MpIs 55455 (624-9019),


POTTINGER TrecIa, Teaching -'sst (AmericanStudies) Room 104 ScottH, 72 Pleasant St SE,Mpis 55455, Del Code 3231 (824-4190),p0tt01590tc.umn.eduPOTTS Anne M, Teaching Ass! (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525, 17580 GillelteWay, lakeville 55044, 5070351-5936,potts0200tc.umn.E\dUPOTTS Jarome F, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) 5 W Lake St, MpIs 55408, .pottsOOl, page 336-0813POTTS Lester N, Grounds Superiritendenl(Facilitiea Managernent-L.andcare) 150 FoodOB,Del Code 3121 (824-4844), pottsOO20te.umn.eduPOTTS Mary E,'PIio Laboratory Technician(Veterinary Diagnoslic Lab) Room 244 VOL, DelCode 8184 (625-1970), p0tt01140te.umn.eduPOTVIN AITYf W, Bookstore Dept Supv (U of MBookstore (Coffmen Store» Room G54 CMU, DelCode 1051 (825-9541), potviOO1 Otc.umn.eduPOTVIN lID Mario, Aqooct Ass! Prof (FairmontClinic) 800 Clinic Circle, Fainnont 58031(507-238-4283), potvil1020tc.umn.8duPOULAKIS PHD VICtOria S, Lecturer(CCE-Independent & Distance Leaming) Room 25WesH, 77 Pleasant St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code3831, 905 Dorchester Place Apl303, ChartottesvilleVA 22911, 703-437-5427, pouIeOOl Otc.umn.eduPOUUOT Kathryn M, Analysl (Employee Benefits)100 Donhowe B, Del Code 3122 (825-8588),pouII0010tc.umn.eduPOUNDS James E, Teaching Spec (School 01Joumalism) 111 Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371(625-1338),789-7822, poundOO60tc.umn.eduPOUPORE Michael T, Maritime Wor1<er 1 (UMDLarge Lakes Observatory) 109 RLB, 0137, 2205 E5th St, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7839), PO Box3272, Dul.uth 55803, 218-343-3mPOUR-EL Marian B, Prof (Retired) (Mathamatics,Sch Of) 262 VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-1035),1666 Collman, AptI26, Falcon HIs 55108,651-644-6584, poureOO10te.umn.eduPOVEL Paul E, Ass! Prof (Flflance) 3-257CertSMgmt, Del Code 7041 {824-D288; 824-2688),povelOtc.umn.eduPOWELL Angela H, Student Support Services Ass!(ALl) 453 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0144 (825-6534),p0wet0300tc.umn.eduPOWELL Christine Y, Ole Supv (MINITEX) 15Andersen Ubrary, Del Code 7921 (624-4565),poweI0200tc.umn.eduPOWELL Deborah E, Deen (Medical SChoolAdmin), Aast Voce President (Academic HealthCenter), Prof (Lab MedicinelPathology) MMC 293Mayo, Del Code 8293, C607 Mayo (826-4949), .POWELL Glen L, Assoc Admin {Geography) 414ASoc Sci, Del Code 7183(825-8828),powell6001C.umn.eduPOWELL Heather L, Administrative Professional(U Cerd 0Ilice) G22 Collman Memorial Union, DelCode 1051 (828-9901), poweI0250tc.umn.eduPOWELL Jen, Prin Accounts Spec (Twin CitiesStudent Union-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, Del Code1051 (824-3787). poweI0320tc.umn.eduPOWELL Janet Y, Student Support Services Ass!(Ole 01 The Reglstrar-8t Paul) 130 Col H, DelCode 6054 (824-5355), poweIOO20tc.umn.eduPOWELL Usa L, Assoc Clinical Prof (Small AnimalClinical Science) D-307 VMC, Det Code 6192,14146 88th Place North, Maple Grove 55389,763-420-7012, poweI0290tc.umn.eduPOWELL Merk M, Dlr CampuslCollege l.aveI (DataSecurity) Suite 548E WBOB, Del Code 7531(625-8598), 952-944-8343, m-p<l\V80tc.umn.eduPOWELL NathenielJ, Applications Programmer(Ctr Magnetic Resonance Rarch) MMe 292 Mayo, .Del Code 8292, CMRR (828-2001),poweIl800tc.umn.eduPOWELL JR lID Ralph 0, Physiclen (LabMedlPathology Department) MMe 76 C443 Mayo,8609, 420 Delaware, MpIs 55455 (273-9632),11155 Mill Run, Minnetonka 55305, 952-548-1215,rpoweIiOtc.umn.eduPOWER David V, Ass! Prof (Fam Practice &Community HIth)MMe 381 Mayo, Del Code 6381,Rm A684-1, 6th Floor Mayo (824-2138),, page 651-223-7319POWER DI8ne P, Ass! librarian (MINITEX) S40OMWL, Del Code 7111,1031 St Clair Ave, St Paul55105, powerl220te.umn.eduPOWERS Jennifer S, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Soli,Water, and CIImaie), Research Assoc (Ecology,EvoIutionlBehavior) UnIv of Minnesota, Del Code6028 (624-7902), powelSOtc.umn.edU .


PRIES ConIlBnce N, Adjunct Asst Prof (ParkNicoIIel Clinic) OCcupational MedIcine, 3800 ParkNicollet Blvd, St louis Park 55416,1390 32ftd AveNW,New Brighton 55112, 331-4719,

PRIESTER Greg J, Building and Grounds Worker(Fac Mgmt·Zone 3-Heahh Services) 8117 Moos T,Del Code 3121 (624-2900), priesOl1 Oll:.umn.eduPRIESTER Joy M, Lab Animal Cere Technician(Research AnImal Resource.cVM) E311VTechHos, Del Code 6194 (624-2900),pries0030tc.umn.eduPRIESTER ReInhard, Coordinator (Heahh ServiceRschIPoIlcy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729, 0~ Mayo (626-3549), prieaOOI0tc.umn.eduPRIGGE Bemardo F, Net Sup EnglUnlx Sys Admi(NetwortcingfTeIecomm Services) 2218 Univ, DelCode 2171 (625-7093),

. PRIGGE Kevin L, Sr Systems Prollrammer (Acedand Distr Comp Srvcs) 130 Und H, Del Coda 0771(826-0001), k1pOtc.umn.eclu

PRIKRY Ka,. L, Prof (Mathematics, Sch Of) 214VInH, Del Code 0412 (625-4514),

PRILEY Tracy L, Personnel Oocu"*!t AnaiyIt !(UMD Academic AdmInistration) 420 oAdll, 1049UniveFllty Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-7538), 1941 ,WocxIlaven Ln, Duluth 55803, 218-726-1274, ilpnleyOd.umn.eduPRINCE Christopher G, Ass! Prof (UMD Computer'Science) 313HH, Duluth (218-728-8514; !218-728-7607),216-724-0006, cprinceOd.umn.edIjPRINCE June K, Program Asaoc (Chemicel Eng & 'Mat Sci) 151 Amund H, Del Code 0531 (625-0362;:625-1313), '

PRINCE KaI8n E, Exec Sec (Acad and Distr Com~SIVCS) 190 Shap Lab, Del Code 0771 (625-6057), :kprinceOtc.umn.eduPRINGLE Robert 0, Mechanic 2 (Fac Mgmt-Zone i3-Heahh Sciencesl BI17 Moos T, Del Code 3121, :PRINTZ Jason W, Police OIer (Police Department):100 T58, Del Code 1981 (624-3550), , :

.\PRINTZ John R, Assoc VIce Chancellor (Retired) i

(Ole Of Admissions and Financial AId) 105 BahmHi800 E 4th St, Morris 56267 (320-589-6035), I851-636-5855, ,PRINTZ John R, Non Unlv Steff (UMM-Admsn and!Financial Aid) 1863 W Skoillman Ave Roseville, i1863 W SkoiUman Ave, Roseville 55113,print0040tc.umn.eduPRITCHARD Katie Mae L, Exec Adminislralive :Spec (Mn Medical Foundation) 300 McNamer!!, DelCode 2012 (625-5882), poeIzOOl IPRlTCHm Hallie, Ubrary Ass! 3 (Borchert Map i

Ubrary) S-76 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (624-2030), !PRITZKER Marc R, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Abbott I

Northwestem) Cerdlology, 920 E 28th SI, Mpls55407,27 Crocus-Place, St Paul 55102,pritzOO101C.umn.eduPRlZMENT Anna E, Research Ass! (Genetics, Cel~Biology & Dev) 1-202 BSendBE; Room 300 I

WBOB, Del Codie 1211 (624-3177),851-639-2554.1prizrnOOl •

PROBST Matthew J, Info Tech Prof (MedicalSchool Education) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code .6293,2-134 PWB (626-2325), 1633 Edmund Ave :Apt 2,51 Paul 55104, 239-1441,probsOO701l:.umn.eduPROCHASKA Mark G, Instruclor (Small Animal iClinical Science) C-339 VetTchHos, 1385 Gortner 'Ave, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 8192 (625-7744), !5917 France Avenue South, Edina 55410, '952-928-0980, prochOO70tc.umn.eduPROCHAZKA Brae L, Sr Accountant ,(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St, fMpls 55454, Del Code 7525 (624-1818), IPROCHNlEWICZ-NAKAYAMA Ew, Ass! Prof(Biochem, Molec Bioi, Biophy TMED), ResearCh iAssoc (Biocham, Molec Bioi, Biophy TMED) 5-121 iBSBE, Del Code 1214 (826-3322), !prochOOl Otc.umn.eduPROCTOR Todd E, Graphic DesignerlMedle Artist!(Univershy Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraClr, IDel Code 2011 (624-7505), iPROELL Duane J, Program Oir (RecllNlllonal tSports) 32A UAq Ctr, Del Code 2061 (628-1352), i10009 Belmont Rd, M1ka 55305, 952-546-4783, iproeIOOl !

STAFF POWERs-PROELL 33~PRESTWICH NatalIe K, Asst Academic Advisor(CLA Student SeIVIces) 8-16 Johnston Hall, 101Pleasant St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3774(624-1820), pras003301l:.umn.eduPRETZEL Harold, ElectricIan (Fao Mgrnt-TcElectric Operations) 300 Oonhowe B, Del Code3121 (626-7837), prelZOO10tc.umn.eduPREUS James B, Asst Vice Preeldent (Retired)(Student Affairs), 5 Buena Ventura Place, Sente FeNM 87505, j-preuOtc.umn.eduPREUS Margaret T, Instructor (UMo English) 410H, 1201 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812(218-~8), 1747 Columbus Ave, Duluth55803, 218-726-4780PREUSS Angela, Non-Universi1y Employee (UMExtension Dodge Cnly) 42 E MaIn St, PO Box 159,Dodge Center 55940 J507-374-8435), 1112 3RI AveSE, Hayfield 55940, preu803101l:.umn.eduPREVES Devid A, Assoc PlQI (3500 Holly Lane N,Suhe 10), Del Code 4401, prsveOOl Otc.umn.eduPREVOST Yves H, VIsh Sci (Forest Resources,Dept of) 330E Green Hall, prevoOO60tc.umn.eduPREWITT JR Leland, Asst Prof (Chlldrena HealthCere) 2525 Chicago Ave, MpIs 55404, 5128 Mirror.Lakes Dr, Edina 55436, prewIOOl 01C.umn.eduPRIBYL Douglas W, Teaching Asst (SolI, Wa1lIr,and Climate Dept)~ Solla Bldg, Del Code 6028(625-6021; 625-8104), 33l5O Lyndale Avenue N,Mpls 55412-2554, 521-7818,pribOOOl Otc.umn.eduPRIBYL Jane, Assoc Oir (Accounting Services)Room 850 WBOB, Del Code 7529 (624-7972),4685 Debra Lane, Shoreviiew 55126,851-48lHl868, priby02401C.umn.eduPRIBYL Janel M, Teaching Spec (UMD ContfnulngEducation), Prin Sluden1 P.l8OIInel Worker (UMDCareerlPtacement Service) 21 sec, 0131, 1117Univershy Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-7985;218-726-8967),2610 W 8th St, Duluth 55806-1428,218-722-4844,

PRICE Andrew P, Ass! Scientist (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 368 Mayo, Del Code 8386, 430CCRB (626-4322), 320 Seratoga Ln, Plymouth55441,763-545-4142, price0510lc.umn.eduPRICE Candice S, Pay Soc Worker, Urg Counselor(Boyn HS) Mental Hiealth Clinic, Del Code 1171(625-8475), 377-5816, priceOO201C.umn.eduPRICE Krys K, Sr Ole Spec (Medicine CerdiologyOffice) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 294 .VCRC (826-3591), 7886 73rd St S, Cottage Grove55016, 851-45lH1573, kpriceOlc.umn.eduPRICE Usa 0, Jr Scientist (75 ASNM) 1986 FhchAve, Del Code 6187 (625-4204),pricOl290tc.umn.eduPRICE Mary M, Assoc Prof (Retired) (PhyelcalMedlRahabilhetion), Apt 818, 12800 MariOn LaneW, Minnetonka 55305-1359, price0090tc.umn.eduPRICE Matthew A, Asst Scientist (Lab MedIcine &PathOlogy) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8809, Bx609 Mayo (625-5453), 11764 4th St NE, Blalne55434, 763-767-7333, price02301c.umn.eduPRICE Patti A, Instructor (Regions HospltaQPharmacy Dept, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101,7715 Somerset FIoed, Woodbury 55125, .pricOl390tc.umn.eduPRICE Paula A, Teaching Spec (Masters ofBusiness Taxation) 3-108 CartSMgm1, 32119thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041,1937 JanEcho TraK, Eagen 55122, 1abeOO200tc.umn.eduPRICE Phitip J, Jr Scientist (Entomology) Room2nd A HodsonH, 1980 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55106;Del Code 6125, 60843 - 1881h S1rlle1, Janesville56048, 507-245-3993, Jlrtce0270tc.umn.eduPRICE Tammy, Prin Accountant (Dept of FamilyMedicine) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Codie8381, 6-240PWB (624-8649), priceOI40tc.umn.eduPRICE WiUiam J, AssocProf (Retired) (Ub InfoAcceasIDeI Svc), 555 Dupont Ave N, BrooklynCenter 55430, priceOI30tc.umn.eduPRIEDHORSKY !laid R, Web OeveIoper(Computer SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Codie0571 (628-0544),851-690-2218, reldOtc.umn.eduPRlEDmS Daumants E, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgm1-Donhowel B&G) Room300 Donhowe BLDG, 319 15th Ave SE, MpIs55455, Del Code 3121, 4550 Central Ave NE Lot1134, Mpls 55421, 418-7414,prie00630tc.umn.eduPRlEUPP Richard C, Head (Anesthesiology), Prof(Anesthesiology) MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 8294,420 Delaware St SE (624-6432),

PRAn Gregory C, Ass! Prof (EnvironmenialHeahh Sciences) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807,

PRAn John R, Ass! Program Oir (IntercollegiateAthletics) RldderA, Del~ 2892 (624-7864),pratt0380111.umn.eduPRAn Kathryn C, Teaching Ass! (Geography)Soc Sci, Del Code 7163 (625-8591),3206 38thAve S, Mpls 55406; pralOO330tc.umn.eduPRAn Leslie, Assoc Prof (Park Nicollet PerinatalClinic) Ste E-lll, 6490 ExceIaior Blvd, Mpls 55426(952-993-3537), 4313 YOSemHe Ave S, St LouisPark 55436, praltOO701C.umn.ecluPRAn Unda 0, Prin Administrative Spec(Pediatrics) MMC 715 Mayo, Del Code 8715, 1-210Moos (625-2186), pratt0020tc.umn.eduPRAn Usa S, Prin Administrative Spec (UMDUniv ReiationsIDeveIopmenl) 315 oAdB, 0225,1049 Univershy Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-7164),712 RidgewoodRoad, Duluth 55804,218-724-4082,

PRAVATINERJiII C, Assoc Program Dir(Centennial Hall) 814 Delaware St SE, Del Code1811 (625-3985),

PRAVETONI Marco, Research Aest (Departmentof Pharmacology) 6-120 Jackson Hall, Del Code1213 (625-5657), 771ledfGrd St SE, Apt4, Mpls55414,232·7017, prsveOOl Otc.umn.eduPRAWER Steven, Adjunct Prof (Associated SkinCare) 7205 Univershy Ave NE, Fridley 55432, 6313W Franklin Ave, St Louis Park 55426,952-546-5292, praweOO10tc.umn.eduPRAX Valerie J, Extension EducatorlProfessor(UM Extension Ragl Clr Mora) 2008 Mahogany StSte 2, Mora 55051-7107 (320-225-5054), 2149Hwy 70, More 55051, 320-679-5207,

PRECIADO Oiego A, Asst Prof (Ololaryngollogy)MMC 396 Mayo, Del Code 8396, .

PRECKSHOT J E, Assoc Prof (French & Italian)135 Fol H, Del Code 0139 (624-8624).preckool0tc.umn.eduPREISEN Unda S, Coordinator (TSB All SecondFloor) Room 221 TSB, 511 Washington Ave SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1982(626-1808),IprelsenOlc.umn.eduPREISLER Mary N, Program Oir (Fenner LanderMediation Program) 1526 170th Avenue, Bejou56516-9736 (218-935-5785), 1526170th Avenue:Bajou 58516-9736, 218-935-2245,preISOO20tc.umn.eduPREISS Donna, Assoc OeveIoprnent Ofcr •(Univershy Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraClr,Del Code 2011 (626-8562), preiS0040tc.umn.eduPREKKER Toni A, Inlo Tech Prof (Office of HumanResources) 100 Donhowa B, Del Code 3122(624-2362; 625-2000), prekk0030tc.umn.eduPRELL Rlv-Ellen, Chair (American StudiesProgram), Prof (American Studies Program) 203Scott H, Del Code 3231 (624-4190),2700Glenhurst Ave So, St Louis Park 55416,952-922-7014, prallOOl Otc.umn.eduPRELLWITZ Carty A, Prin Collections Rep(Sponsored Financial Reporting) Room 450McNamaraClr, Del Code 2003 (626-1849),

.. PREM Konald A, Prof (Retired) (Obs1etrics andGynecology), 4608 Sunnyside Rd, Mpls 55424,premx002Otc.umn.eduPRESCOn Marcia J, Instructor (Pes HiealthSystems) 5701 Green Valley Dr, Bloomington55437, prasc0050tc.umn.eduPRESSLEIN HeIdi M, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,1017 S 1st Street,Stillwater 55062, pres00510tc.umn.eduPRESTHUS James B, Ass! Prof (OI>'Gyn West, PA) Suhe W·115, 6490 Excelsior Blvd, St louis Park55426 (952-249-2000), 58589 Long Brake Trail,Edina 55439, prestOI50tc.umn.eduPRESTON Anne J, Sr Ole Spec (Certlson School ofMgrnt) 4-300 CeriSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-2804), aprastonOtc.umn.eduPRESTON Duane A, Prof (Area Ext Ole) Hwy 2 E,Box 301, E Grand Forks 56721, 1006 James AveSE, E Grand Forks 56721, 218-773-1417.dprestonOtc.umn.eduPRESTON Howard 0, Teaching Spec (CivilEngineering) Room 122 CivE, Del Code 0851(625-1807; 625-5522), 9163 55th St,Lake Elmo55042,851·770-0582,

POWERS Michael 0, Scientist (CoJ.OfPhalmoResearch & Grad Prog) 8-1~ WDH, DelCode 1332 (624-3190), 2338 Cleveland St NE,Mpls 55418, 788-8140, power0040tc.umn.eduPOWERS Robert L. Prof (Retired) (LarpenteurFamily Physicians) 1050 Larpenteur Ave W, StPaul 55113, 5285 Hodgson Rd, St Peul55112,power0090tc.umn.eduPOWERS Sue Ellen, Prin Accounts SpeclAcctSupv (Disbursement Services) Room 638A WBOB,Del Codie 7529 (628-1760), 143 Anthony Dr,Lakeville 55044,952-469-8515,perroOll0tc.umn.eduPOWERS Thomas F, Ass! Prof (UMD PoliticslScience) Room 307 Cina, Duluth (218-726-8697),421 N 11th Ave West, Duluth 55806,218-279-5072,

POWLESS Robert E, Prof (Retired) (UMD-AmerIndian Studies) 116 Cina, Duluth (218-728-85!l9),4911 Wyoming St, Duluth 55804, 218-525-7544,

PRABHU Serika V, Research Assoc (Col OfPhann-Research & Grad Prog) 8·101 H S Unh F,Del Codie 1332 (624-3985), Apt 1007, 401 S 1st St,MpIs 55401, 332-6676, prab00040tc.umn.eduPRAGER Stephen, Prof (Retired) (Chemistry),3320 N Dunlap St, St Paul 55112,prageOO10tc.umn.eduPRAGMAN Alexa A, Professional School Fellow(Medical School Admin) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code8196,507 West 33rd Streel, Apertment2, Mpis55408, alexilOlc.umn.eduPRAHL Andre E, Departmental Dir (Carlson, MgmtOle of the Dean) 4-3OON CariSMgmt, Del Codie7041 (625-2998),.aIyonOlc.umn.eduPRAHL Susan A, Exec Administrative Spec(PSydlology) 249 Eh H, Del Code 3281(624-4181), prah1OO1

PRAKASH Anand, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691(626-4405),11327 Columbia Pike, Apt 04, SilverSpring MD 20904.301-477·1098,pr8l<OO100tc.umn.eduPRAKASH RalllPrasath A, Research Ass!(Aerospace EngrlMeclw1ics), Teaching Asst(Aerospace Engr~nics) Aerospace Engr andMechanics, Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731 (626,7596),1121Univershy Av SE, Rm 6, Mpls 55414, 871-6239,prak0Q090tc.umn.eduPRALL James L, Assl Prof (Pediatricians forHeahh) no 302, 1855 Beam Ave, Maplewood55109, prallOOl Otc.umn.eduPRANGE Cindy, Exec Administrative Spec(Urology) MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 8394, 0595Mayo (628-3386), prangOOl Otc.umn.eduPRASAD Abhay S, Jr Scientist (Diaglbiolo Sci •Oral Pathology) Room 16-139 Moos Tower, DelCodie 1291 (624-5679),763-577·1428,prasaOI30tc.umn.eduPRASAD Gyaneshwar, Research Assoc (Biocham,Molecular BioVBiophy) 244 GorL, Del Codie 6104,7225 Guider Drive Apt 204, Woodbury 55125,651·776-Q892, prase0230tc.umn.eduPRASAD Hari S, Sr Scientist (OiagIBiolo Sci ••OralPathology) Room 16-144 Moos Tower, Del Codie1291 (626-2190),15835 Gleasen Lake Dr,Plymouth 55447, 405-360-5650,prasaOI20tc.umn.eduPRASAD Kavitha, Research Ass! (MinnesotaPopulation Cenler) 50 Willey Hall, Del Code 7931(624-5818), Apt 35 SVGNS5 Layout,Basaveshwamagar, Bangalore, Kamateke 560079India, prasOO560Ic.umn.eduPRASAD Ravi, Lecturer (AsianLanguagaslLiteratures) 427 Folwell, Del Code0144 (624-1092), prasa0060tc.umn.eduPRASITT1SOPIN Baralee, Research Ass! (Collegeot'phannacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332, 415 Erie St SE,ApI 102, Mpls 55414, 376-0731.pras00470tc.umn.eduPRASKA James L, Scholarship Coordinator(Athletics Compliarice Office) 230 BFAB, Del Code3061 (626-7117),861 A1dine si. St Paul 55104,851-647-6076, praskool Otc.umn.eduPRAn David E, Communhy Program Assoc(MAST Intemational) R395 VoTech, Del Codie6198 (824-3740), dprattOtc.umn.eduPRAn Douglas C, Prol Emeritus (Plant Biology),22353 Peabody Trail t-j, Scandia 55073,851-433-2914,


PROFANT Shari, Program Assoc (DepaIlmenI ofOb8l8trics, GynecoIog) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code8395, 12·207 Moos Tower (626-3503),proIaOO20tc.umn.eduPROHASKA Joseph R, Prof (UMDBiocIlem/MoIecu Biology; UMD Chemistry andBiochemistry) 259 SMed, 1035 Univelsity Dr,Duluth 55812 (2111-726·7502), 2730 E 8th 81,Duluth 55812, 2111-724-2204, JprohaskOd.umn.eduPROKOP Julia L, Sr Ole Asst (U cI M Bookstore)Room G54 CMU, 300 WashingtOn Ave BE, MpIs55455, Del Code 1051, prokOO200tc.umn.eduPROKOP PllIlMlla A, Sr Ole Spec (Disability~) Room 180 McNamaraClr, 200 Oak StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 2017 (625-6166),1243CQIette PI, St Paul 55116, 651-699-3537,morI80200lc.umn.eduPROMER James R, Info Tech Prof (College ofVeterin8ty Medicina - IS) 2S7 VetSci, Del Code6194 (62&9278), promeOOl Otc.umn.eduPROPEN Amy 0, Ph 0 Candidate Grad Instructor(Rhetoric) Room 64 CIaOll, 1994 Buford Ave, SIPaul 55106, Del Code 6043,propeOO20tc.umn.eduPROPP Kathleen J, Prin 5tudenl ParsonnelWOlker (Dept 01 ElecIricaI & Computllr Engr)4-174 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0572 (62&4327),proppOOl Olc.umn.eduPROPP Lemoyne 0, Instructor (Anoka-Melro Reg'Treatment Ctr) Pharmacy, 3300 4th Ave N, Anoka55303, 902 Weetwood Dr, Alexandria 56306,pr0pp0020tc.umn.eduPROSEN Tracy L, Asst Prof (MatemaJ FetalMedicine Ctr) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395, 60624th Ave 5 Ste 400 (627-4187),prosenOtc.umn.eduPROSSER John A, EJectrician (Fee Mgmt-Zonel-St Paul) 202 F M B, Del Code 6168 (624-0754),pr08S0010tc.umn.eduPROULX Jamie B, Asst Olr of Communications(Humphrey Inst of Public Affair) Room 300HHHCtr, Del Code 7451 (625-9436),153 WestemAve North, Apt9, Saint Paul 55102, 651~186,proulOll Otc.umn.eduPROULX Krista B, Ubfary Asat 2 (UMC teamingEnhancemenl) 174A K. Crool<ston 56716(218-281-8398),121 Adams St, Crool<ston 56716,218-281-6887, kproulxOmail.crk.umn.eduPROUTY Jo M, Coordinator (Applied Econ) 231Cia OIl, Del Code 6040 (625-3727), 437 ForshamLake Dr, Uno L.akes 55014, jproutyOtc.umn.eduPROUTY Robert W, 5r Resean:h Fellow(Community Integration, Insl On) 210A PI H, DelCode 4201 (626-2020), 437 Forshan Lake Dr, Uno'Lakes 55014,.pr0ut0040tc.umn.eduPROUTY Susanne M, Asat ScienlisI (VeterinaryPathoBiology) 204 VfII. Sci Bldg; 222 VfII. Sci Bldg,Del Code 6187 (625-8115), proulOO50lc.umn.eduPRUSAK Dona 5, Instructor (UMD Education) 120MonH, 1211 Ordean Coull, Duluth 55812(218-726-7233),218-879-3439,dprusakOd.umn.eduPRUSAK Usa A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (P 5 Rudie,MD & Associafes Ud) Medical Arts Bldg, Suite 302,324.W Superior ,81, Duluth 55802 (218-722-6613)

PRUSS Rebecca L,Communlty Program Assoc(UM Extension Houston Cnty) 820 N Hwy 44176,PO Box 228, Caledonia 55921-{)22ll(507-725-5807),1009 East Ave N, Onalaska WI54650, price0530tc.umn.eduPRYCE Douglas J, Asat Prof (Hennepin CountyMedIcal center) Dept of Medicine, 701 Pall< Ave 5,MpIs 55415, 3148 Colfax Ave S, Mpis 55406,377-()615, pryceOOl Otc.urnn.eduPRYOR MD JonL, Head (Urologic Surgery), Profand Dept Head (Obstetrics and Gynecology;Urologic Surgery) MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 8394,C-514 Mayo(~), pJYOrOO10tc.umn.eduPRYOR lID TIIIlOthy 0, Adiuncl ASaoc Prof (ParkNicollet Clinic) 15111 Twelve 08ks Ctr Dr,Mlnnatonka 55305, pryorOOBOtc.umn.eduPRYTZ MiclIaal G, Info Tech Prof (Resean:h, VocePrasldent tor), Exempt TarnpoI8ly or Caaual(University PI8SS) 429 Joh H, Del Code 3773(626-4478), prytzOOl Otc.umn.eduPRYTZ Michelle K. Departmental Oir (UniversityPI8SS) 111 3rd Ave S, Del Code 7481 (627-1941), 'PRZEIIIENIECKJ Chris J, Head Coach (UMCAthletics) 1390 Sports C, Crool<ston 56716(21 &-281-&420), 5201 Riverside Dr N, Grand ForksNO 56203, 218-5328,

PRZYBILLA Kimbe~y A, Sr Data Entry Oper(0lIIca of Admissions) Room 240 WmsonH, DelCode 0171 (625-0593), przyb0040tc.umn.eduPSIHOS George J, Teaching Spec (Chem Engr &Maft Sci) 404 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(624-9058),5520 Halilaxln, Edina 55424,952-920-9561, psihoOO10tc.umn.eduPTACEK Cheri, Sr Mministrative OIr (MedicineHematology Office) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Code8480,14-148 PWB (625-2654),ptaee0020tc.umn.eduPTACEK Ma'Y J, Inslructor (Fairview SouthdaleHospiI1lI) Pharmacy, 6401 France Ave S, '¥ina55435, 5020 Thomas Ave S, MpIs 55410,,926-1552, [email protected] Jingzhi, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Chemistry) Room101 SmIthH, Del Code 3661 (624-9843), 1048 A,27th Ave SE, Mpls 55414, 37'9-2422,puxxOOO70tc.umn.eduPUCEL Barbara T, Asst To (MechanicalEngineering) 11oo-B MechE, Del Code 0691(625-9315),2630 14th St NW, New Brighlon55112, 651~5755, bpucaIOtc.umn.eduPUCEL David J, Prof (Work, COmmunity & FamilyEduc) 425FVo Tech, Del Code 6197 (624-1736),2630 14th SI NW, New Brighton 55112,651~5755, pucelOOl Otc.umn.eduPUDAS Nancy J, Teaching Spec (Kinesiology &Leisure Studies) 228 Cooke H, Del Cod~ 2061(625-5300), 19150 Pheasanl Circle, Eden Prairie55346,952-937·1489, pudasOO10Ic.umn.eduPUFFER Duncan R, Adjunct Asat Prof (PrimaryDental Care-Hibbing) Hibbing Community College,Del Code 1291 (218-263-2916),5030 Jonan Dr,Hermantown 55811, 218·729-0452,puffa0040tc.umn.eduPUGH Bridget, VISiting Prof (UMD English) 237LSci, 1110 KiriJy Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7722),Apt 415, 100 Elizabeth St, Duluth 55812,218-728-4187, bpughOd.umn.eduPUGH Kristin B, Adminislrative Professional(Auxiliary services Admin) 212 P S B, Del Code5401 (62&1816),3036 Thunder Bay Rd, lillieCaneda 55117, 651-490-1136,pughxOO10tc.umn.eduPUHL Joshua G, Graduate School Trelnee(Neuroscience), Graduate School Fellow(Neuroscience) Neurosciance, Am 6-145 JacH,321 Chun:h 51 5, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216,puhIxOO90tc.umn.eduPUt David Y, Prof (Mechanical Engineering; CCEConi Proft Educ Instr!) Room 31 01-F MechE, DelCode 0691 (62&2537), dyhpuiOtc.umn.eduPUKENIS Uz, 5r Accountant (Applied Economics)Room 231 ClaOll, Del Code 6040 (62&7273),3058 Arthur St NE, MpIs 55418, 788-8709,pukanOO10tc.umn.eduPULKRABEK Shelley M, 5r MedIcal Technologist(Lab Med/PathoIogy) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code8609, D204 Mayo Bldg (626-0406),pulkrOOl Otc.urnn.eduPULLEN Michael M, Prot (Retired) (Clinical &Population Scienoes) 495 S1VM, Del Code 6190(624-1749),5530 Pelerson Rd, White Baar Lk55127,651-426-5945, mpuJJenOtc.umn.eduPULLES Greg, Non Univ Stan, University 01Minnesota MpIs (952-475-7910),pulle0040tc.umn.eduPULLEY Reid A, Exempt Temporary or Casual(Ilioeystema/Agricuhurel Engr) Room 112BioAgErlg, Del Code 6005, 17063 Grover Dr, Utica55979, 507·932-4459, puI1OO230tc.umn.eduPUWNG Fredertck G, Inlo Tech Spec (ceo)Room 680WBOB, Del Code 7531 (624-0001),puUiOO30lc.umn.eduPULLMAN Jane L, Lecturer (Art Departmenl) E261RegisCtr, Del Code 7831 (625-3216),pulirnOO10tc.umn.eduPUMPER Karen M, 5r Data Entry Oper(Admissions-Support servlces) 220 WmsonH, DelCode 0171 (625-5849),1855 Beckman Ave, ArdenHilla 55112, pumpeOOl Otc.umn.8du .PUNCOCHAR PHD Judith M, Grad SchoolCommillee Member (Educational Psychology) 204BuH, Del Code 3171', 722 WCOllege Ave,Marquette MI 49855, 651-645-5405,puncochaOtc.umn.eduPUNTAIIBEKAR Kanan P, PhD CandidateResean:h Asat (Chemical EngineerlngIMal Sci)Room 151 AmundH, Del Code 0531 (624-9578),331-9069, punIOOO30tc.umn.eduPUPKES Jean B, Adjunct Instructor (NorthMemorlal HoepitaI) 3300 Oakdale Ave North Room3300, Robbinsdale 55422,

PURDIE Jacquelyn A, Library Asat 2 (Wilaon 5tackMalntananea) S50 OMWL, Del Code 7111(624-3897), 1906 3rd Ave S Apt36, Mpls 55404,872.Q865, purdOO290tc.umn.eduPURDY Charles R, ,Prof (Retired) (Apcounting)3-122 CariSMgml, 3211!lth Ave S, I,lpls 55455,Del Code 7041, 1100 5 Elizabeth SI: Denver CO80210,2002, •PURDY Dwlght H, Prof (Humanities-UMM) 224Hum, Morris 56267 (320-589-6265), 7176A,Cemetery Highway, Saint Martinville LA 70582,337·394-8131, purdydhOmorris.umn.eduPURDY John K, Lecturer (JoumaJism) 101 MurphyHall,DeI Code 0371 (625-1338), 1975 FagemessPI Rd, Wayzatta 55391, 952-471-9712,purdyOll Olc.umn.eduPURDYJoyceL,E~tionSpec(MCWTS)PO

Box 686, Albert Lea 56OOHl688 (507-377-0574),1506 Manor Ave, Albert Lea 56007,purdyOOBOlc.umn.eduPURDY Margarel A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Restorative Sciences; DiagnosticlEiioiogicalSciences) 9-470iMoos T, Del Code 1291(625-8969), purdyOOSOtc.umn.eduPURDY Stephanie, Community Program Assl(Transplanllnfonnalion ServIcas) OInnaken Bldg,Del Code 2131 (625-5665), puJdyOI20tc.umn.eduPUREV Salonga F, DMD (Boyn HS) Dental Clinic,Del Code 1171 (625-5430), purevOO20Ic.umn.eduPURl Shakunfta, Instructor (Falrviewj OxboroClinics) 600 W 98th 81, Bloomington 55420,purix0030tc.umn.eduPURPLE Richard L, Prof (Retired) (Physiology)3-120Jac H, Del Code 1215 (62!Hi151), 83 BartonAYe" SE, Mpls 55414, 378-2S35,purplOOl Olc.umn.eduPURVEY Maria A, Administrative Aide (MENDAdministrative Center - HA) MMC 194 Mayo, DelCode 8194,{)690 Mayo (62&0448),[email protected] Debra L,Assoc Dir CmplCol (05F ­GllIdlUndergraduate ServIcas) 210 Fraser H, DelCode 3395 (624-3865), 1833 James Ave, SI Paul55105,651-699-2262, diluSaOtc.umn.eduPUSEY Anne E, Prof (EooIogy, Evolution &Behavior) 100 EcolOgy, Del Code 8098 (625-5721),1805 Kenwood Pky, MpIs 55405,puseyOO10Ic.umn.eduPUTNAM Daniel B, Graduate SChool Fellow(Geography) 444 Soc Sci, Del Code 7183(62&6060), putn00440tc.umn.eduPUTNAM Janice L, Instructor (Cub Pharmacy 601)100 W County Ad B, Maplewood 55117,putna0030tc.umn.aduPUTNAM Matthew 0, Prof (Orthopaedic Surgery)Room no 229, 2512 Sa 7th St, Mpls, 55454(273-8000),5416 Stauder Cirole, Edina 55436,952-935-1902, mdpmdOtc.umn.eduPUTZIER Donald C, AdjunCt Assoc Prof (MankatoClinic Ltd) 1230 E Main St, Box 8674, Mankato56002, 180 Country ClLtJ Dr, Mankato 56001,putziOOI0tc.umn.eduPUUIIALA Ricard R, Adjunct Prof (Puumala Clinic)40 5 12th 51, CIoqueI5572O,rpuumaJaOd.umn.eduPYATIGORETS Andrey V, Resean:h Asst (CivilEngineering) Room 122 eNE, 500 PIHabu'Y Dr 5E,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851, Abilay-Khan, 46-9,Almaty 480004 KazakatanPYATSKOWIT Joshua W, Research Asat (UMDMed Microblollmmunology) 317 SMed, 1035University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6909),pyaIOOO30d.umn.eduPYKKONEN Jaffrey L, Asat Prof (SI Mary'SlDuluthClInic) Pharmacy Dept, 407 E 3rd St, Dulllth55805, 800 Old Howard MiN Road, Duluth 55804,pykkoOOl Otc.umn.eduPYLE Richard L, Assoc Prof (Retired) (Psychiatry),9317 Wadgewood Dr, Woodbury 55125,pylexOOl Otc.umn.eduPYLES Lea A; Asat Pio! (Echocardiography Lab)MMC 94 Mayo, Del Code 8094, MMC 94 Mayo,pyIeaOOl Otc.umn.eduPYUPOW Mary E, VisIting Instructor (Pedlatrlca)MMC 39 Mayo, Del Code 8039, 17928 BaarpathTrail, Eden Prairie 55347, pytiplOl Otc.umn.eduPYLKA Wealay J, EnginMring Records Supv(Facility Enginee~ng) 50 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (62&9064), 5336 Cedarwood Ct, St Paul55110,651-429-4198. pylkaool Otc.umn.eduPYNE TIqnas H, Radiologic Technologist (BoynH5) RadIology, Del Code 1171 (624-3169),


PYPER-HOLl~ A, Ublllry BooIcbinder(University BI~) Room 180 PSB, 2818 ComoAve SE, MpIs 55414, Del Code 5405, 1421 DupontAve No, MpIs 55411, 529-4924,pyperOOl


QASlM Awo H, Translator (Comm-Univ HealthCare Cenler) CUHCC, Del Code 7851,qasimool Otc.umn.eduQI Jinmei, Teaching Asat (Boyn HS) Buildingservices, Del Code 0457 (825-7497),qixxxOI90tc.umn.eduQI Jinning, Rasaarch Assoc(BIosyaIemsiAgricuhural Engr) Room 200BIoAgEng, 1390 EckIee, St Paul 55106, Del Code8005, qlxxOO240lc.umn.eduQllejun, ReSearch Ass! (Chem Eng & MaterialScience) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(626-2021), qiXXX0240Ic.umn.eduQI Xiaochu, Teaching Asat (ComputerSciencelEnglneering) Room 4-192 EElCSCi, 200Union St 5E, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0571,qixx00190tc.umn.eduQI Xlaoyuan, Resean:h Asst (ElectricaVComputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572,qixx00170tc.umn.eduQI Y'mg, Resean:h Asat (Biostatialics, DivisIon ofSPH) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303, MMC 303Mayo (628-7073), qixxOO200tc.umn.eduQI YIpIng, Resean:h Asat (Planl Biology) Room250 BioSci, 1445 Gartner Ave, 51 Paul 55106, DelCode 8022, 1080 27th Ave 5E Apt A, t,fpls 55414,qixxOO260tc.umn.eduQf Yongchang, Asat Prof (UMDMathamaftcslStatialics) 164 CCtr, Duluth(218-726-7591), yqiOd.umn.eduQIAH Haileng, Graduate School Fellow(EIectricaVCornputer Engr) Room 4-174 EEICSci,Del Code O572,qian00220tc.umn.eduQIAH Qin, Resean:h Ass! (St Anthony FallsLaboratory), Teaching Ass! (CivilEn~) CivilEngineering, Room 122 eNE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851, Apt B, 1051 29th Ave5E, Mpls 55414, 623-8234, qianOO370tc.umn.eduQIAH Tao, PhD Candidate Teaching Asst (Physicsand Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 11,6 Chun:h StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331 (624-9321),651·917-ll026, qian00200tc.umn.eduQIAH Yongzhong, Assoc Prof (Physics and 'Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Chun:h St'SE,MpIs 55455, Del CoiI8 0331, 2175 Zanzibar LenaN, Plymouth 55447, 763-249-1610,qianx0070tc.urm.eduQlAO Chunhua, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Center torDrug Deslgn) 7·169 PWB, Del Code 8204, 7-169PWB, q1aoxOOSOIc.umn.eduQfN Jlan, Resean;hAss! (Chem Eng & MaterialScience) 307 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(626-1013),1176 FIfiekI Ave, N3, Sf Paul 55106,qinxxOOBOtc.umn.aWQIN Uhong, Asat Prof (Therapeutic Radiology)MMC 494 Mayo, Del Code 8494,qinx00020tc.urnn.eduaiuJiaoming, Rasaarch Asst (EIectrIcaI/CoqlrEngr) Room 4-174 EEICSci, Del Code 0572(626-9952),42513111 Ave SE, Apt 1103, MpIs55414, qlux00210tc.umn.eduQIU U C, Adjuncr Prof (Carleon Inlernationalprograrna) 4-104 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041(628-7323), 38-2-304 SoUthwes1 VUIage, NankaiUniversity, Tl80jin PR Chine 300071 Chine,cituxx0160tc.umn.aWQfU Ming, Resean:h Assoc (Cancer Center) MMC806 Mayo, Del Code 8606, 490 CCRB, 420Delaware St SE, MpIs 55455, 2246 WhisperingTIlIII, Eagan 55122, 210-479-3903,qIuxxOI20tc.umn.eduQlU Pelhua, Prof (StatisIIcs, School of) 389 FordHall, Del Code 0457 (~19),qluxx0080tc.umn.eduQfU Xinjle, Resean:h Asst (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Chun:h St SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331 (624-4806),414 7thAve $E, C206, MpIs 55414, 228-6022,qlUXOO260tc.umn.eduQlU Yu, Post-DoctoraJ Assoc (Pharmaoology) Am6-120 JacH, 321 Chun:h Sf 5E, MpIs 55455, DelCode 1213 (628-8539), qiuxxOI40tc.umn.eduau 0, Operations Supv, Fadts Mgm! (Fee Mgmt­Bldg serv -Area D) U50 Mach Eng Bldg, Del Code3121 (625-2539),




QU Lijun, Research ~t (ComputerScienceJEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571(625-0065),

QU Yanping, Teaching Ass! (Statistics) Room 313FordH, 224 Church St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code0457 (625-8046),2000 Knapp Ave, St Paul 55108,quxXxoI30tc.umn.eduQU Youxing, Teaching Ass! (Statistics) Room 313FordH, 224 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0457 (625-8046), quxxxOI40tc.umn.eduQUADAY James W, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Pulmonary & Critical Care) Ste 201, 255 N SmhhAve, 51 Paul 55102, 26 Deer Hills Drive, NorthQaks 55727, quadaOOl

QUADAY Karen A, Ass! Prof (Regions Hospital)640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101,

QUADE Mary C, Dental Hygienist (ClinicalSystems· Faculty Practice) Room 6-263 MoosTower, Del Coda 1291 (625-5430; 626-3233),

QUALE Angela C, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Genetics, Cell BiollDev) MMC 334 Mayo, DelCode 8334, 6-270 BSBE (626-6713; 624·7470),1072027111 Ave SE, Mpis 55414, 331-0035,wiI106620tc.umn.eduQUALE Michelle "I, Adjunct Instructor (HutchinsonMedicsl Centerp Century Ave, Hutchinson 55350,765 Century Ave SW Ap1201, Hutchingson 55350,[email protected]

QUAM Jean K, Oir (Social Work, School of), Prof(Social Work, School of) 105 Pe1Brs' H, Del Code6161 (624-3719),3942 York Ave S, Mpls,55410,929-1166,

QUAM Janny L, Sr Ole Spec (UMM·Finance-Adm)309 Bahm, Moms 56267 (320-589-e024), 2Skyview Lane, Moms 56267, 320-589-3547,quarnjl0 moms.umn.ediJQUAMMEN S&Ilie F, Grants and Research OIer(General College Development 0Ifics) 148 Appleby

, Hall, Del Code 3501 (626-9036), 3714 UptonAvenue South, Mpis 55410, 929-2376,quamm0010tc.umh.eduQUAN i<ien T, Info Tech Prof (Biostatistics) 2002221 Univ SE, Del Code 2702 (626-8612),kienOtc.umn.eduQUAN Siu-Fun t, Info Tech Prof (Biostatistics) 2002221-Univ SE, Del Code 2702 (626-7954),[email protected]

QUAN Toan 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof (RealorativeSci~rative Dentistry) 6-450 Moos T, Del Code1291 (625-9622),5909 Pi>rtland Ave S, Mpls55417,661·1679, quanxOO30tc.umn.eduQUANBECK Deborah S, Ass! Prof (GilletteHospital) MMC 492 Mayo, Del Code 6492, 200. EUnivarsity Ave, 51 Paul 55101,[email protected] Randi "I, Assoc ProgramDir (Aerospace Engr and Mechanics) Room 20SCAkOllH, Del Code 0731, 1628 Ryan Avenua,Roseville 55113, 6&1-ll49-0074,[email protected] Jane E, Ass! Clinicsl Prof (SI\laIl AnimalClinical Scianees) 0312 Veterinary TeachingHospit8ls, Del Code 6192 (B2s-s165), 760Parkview Ave, St Paul 55117, 651467-4207, '

QUAST Emilie J, Library Ass! 2 (MAC Projects andData (MAC PO») 160 OMWL, Del Code 7111(624-6358 xTTY), 1819 Talmage Ave SE, Mpls55414, [email protected] Matthew J, Police Ofcr (Polics Dept) lOOTS B, Del Code 1981 (624-3550),quastOl10tc.umn.eduQUAST Sharon E, Teaching Spec (Nursing, SchOf'Prog & Res) 6-140 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-9492),2656 Glenhurst, St Louis Pk 55416,952·949-3540, quastllOl Otc.umn.eduQUAmEBAUM Frank, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Surgery), 1537 N FISk St, 51 Peul55117,quatlOO20tc.umn.eduQUE Chengyu, Prof (I88S, Univarshy ofMinnesota) 190 Humphrey Ctr, Del Code 7041,quexx0040tc.umn.eduQUE Debra J, AN (Boyn HS) Nursing Department,Del Code 1171 (625-4862), 1764 Sargent Ave, StPaul 55105, 651~99-1733, quexxOO20te.umn.eduQUE JR Lawrence, Prof (Chemistry) 343 Smith H,Del Code 3661 (625-0389), 1764 Sargent Ave,Saint Paul 55105, 651~1733,quejrOOl

QUEBBEMANN Aloysius J, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Pharmacology) Rm 6-120 JacH, 321 Church St S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1213, 2566 Sun CrestDrive, Sierra Vista AZ 65650,[email protected] Bamard, Adjunct Instructor (HeahhPartners) 205 S Wabasha, 51 Paul 55107, 201 SWabasha, 51 Paul 55102, quebrOOl Otc.umn.eduQUENEMOEN Rachel F, Sr Research Fellow (Inston Communhy IntegrationlNCEO) Room 350 EUiottHall, Del Code 3281 (624-9340),[email protected] Massan, Building and GroundsWorker (Middlebrook Dining SaNices) 117 MoosTower, Del Code 6059, SOC MDBK, 2747 StevensAve S, Apt 202, Mpls 55408, 872-2472,[email protected]

QUICK Janics R, St Survey Interviewer(Pediatrics) MMC 715 Mayo, Del Code 8715, 1-210Moos (624-9116), 1858 Margaret St, St Paul55119, quickOOBOtc.umn.eduQUICK Jennifer A, Accounls Spec (Medicine-UMD)245 SMed, 1035 Univarsity Dr, Duluth 55812(216-726-6788),3715 Alexander Rd, Hermantown55811 )216-727-1607, jquickOd.umn.eduQUICK Karin, Ass! Cllnicsl Spec (P~ma;Y DentalCare-CCC) Room 9-334 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-4908), qulckOO30te.umn.eduQUICK Tracy L, Telecom Engineering Technician(NetworkingITeIecomm Sarvices), Del Code 2171,31758 JaCkson Rd NE, cambridge 55006, .

QUICKEL Robert R, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedicsl Center) Dept 01 Surgery, 701 Park Ave,Mpis 55415, 1750 Johnson Dr, Stillwater 55082,651-439-1329, quick0050tc.umn.eduQUIE MD PaulG, Regents Prof (Retired)(Pediatrics), Program OIr (MadIcaI School Admin)MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code 6293, B685 (626-2558),2154 Commonw8alth.Ave, St Paul 55108,651~1461, quiexOO10tc.umn.eduQUIGLEY Ann "I, Communhy Program Assoc (UMExtension Dakota Cnty) SuRe 101, 4100 22nd StW, Farmington 55024-9539 (651-480-7700),sache0110tc.umn.eduQUIGLEY Evelyn 0, Instructor (MantCare HeahhSystem) 720 4th 51 N, Fargo NO 58122, 253P,airiewood DrSW, Fergo NO 58103,701·237-5942; quiglOO40te.umn.eduQUIGLEY.Susan, Instructor (Gillette Children'sSpecially) Heahh Cere, 200 East UniversityAvenue, 51 Paul 55101, 8824 Summer Wind Circle,Woodbury 55125, 651-702~15,quiglOl00tc.umn.eduQUIJADA Sada, Ole Spec (Epidamiology) Room300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (625-8834),quija0010tc.umn.eduQUILL Jason L, Graduate School Fellow(Biomedical Engineering) Room 7·105 NHH, 312Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191,961-4908, quillOl00tc.umn.eduQUINLAN Deldre A, Communhy Program Sf'8C(School of Madiclne) 141 SMell, 1035 UnivershyDrive, Duluth 55812, 2618 Lismore Rd, Duluth55804, 218-525-044t, dquinIanOd.umn.eduQUINLAN Robert B, Extension Educa1or/AseocProl (UM Extension Regl Ctr Crookston) 251 OwenHall, 2900 Unlvershy Ave, Crookston 56716-5001(218-281-8689): 215 4th St NE, Mclntoeh 56556,218-563-7295, quinIOO30tc.umn.eduQUINN JudRh H, Instructor (51 Francis Regional"led Center) 325 W 5th Ave, Shakopee 55379,quinnOOBOtc.umn.eduQUINN Kathleen "I, Ole Spec (U 01 "I InformationSarvicesj2221 l,Inivarshy Avenue, Del Code 2709(626-6942), k-quinOtc.umn.edUQUINN Paul V, Adjunct Prof (StiUwater MedicalGroup) 921 S Greeley, Stillwater 55082,qulnnOl00tc.umn.eduQUINN Thomas P, Into Tech Prof (UnivarshyStoras) UStorN, Del Code 5201 (624-3599), 1406Goodrich Ave, 51 Paul 55105,651~1,t-quinOIc.umn.eduQUINNELL Josh, Research Ass! (MachenicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691,quinOI670tc.umn.eduQUINNEY Bob, DepartmenlslR25 Coordinator(Claeeroom Mgmt-Scheduling) 150 WmsonH, DelCode 0174 (624·2399), quinn0200tc.umn.eduQUINONES Mario, Ass! Prof (Regione HoapitaJ)640 Jackson Street, 51 Paul 55101, '

QUINT Marcal, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Plant Biology)250 BIoSci, 6022, 1445 Gartner Ave, St Paul55106,2177 Knapp S1reet, SaInt Paul 55106,651-646-0653, quint031

QUINTON Charlotte A, Nursing ProIeseional(ECRC) Ste 201 • 1100 Wash, Del Code 7494(626-9199), quinIOO30tc.umn.eduQUIRAM Paul J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (RealorativeSci·Prosthodontics) Room 8-426 MoosT, Del Code1291 (625-6987), RR 1 Box 405, Elgin 55932,507-876-2054, quiraOOl Otc.umn.eduQUIRIN Edmund A, Research Ass! (404 StakmanHalQ 1519 Gortner Avenue; 1515 Gortner Avenue,Del Code 6030 (624-3437), 1622 ca~ St, Apt 310,St Paul 55106, 651-645-5765,quiIOO530tc.umn.eduQUIRING Steven R, Research Plot Coordinator (SW Reeearch and Outreach Center) 23669 l30th51, Lamberton 56152·1326 (507-752-5075), 42Lincotn Lane, New Ulm 56073, 507-~,

QUIST Lawrence H, Adjurict Assoc Prof (90 9th 51S) SuRe 318, Mpis 55402,

QUITO-RIVERA Mayra F,Jr Scientist (Departmentof Neurosurgery) 421 Lions Research Building, DelCode 28731626-9208; 626-9210), 3646 3rd StreetNE Aptl, Mpis 55418, 781:2817,quhoOO10tc.umn.eduQURESHI Ahmad S, MadIcaI FeDow(PuimonarylCriIIcaI Care "led) MMC 276 Mayo,Del Code 6276, 350 VCRC (624-0999),

RRAAB David E, Adjunct Prof (Park Nicollet MedicalCenter) 6490 Excelslor Blvd, Suife 200, St LouiePark 55416 (952-993-3360).. 6213 Idytwood Lane,Edina 5&436, raabx0020tc.umn.eduRAAB Linda S, Coordinator (Sponsoned ProjecteAdmin) 450 McNamara Alumni Center, Del Code2003 (626-6427), 10342 Rhode leland Circle,Bloomington 55438, 952-944-7083,

RAAB Raymond L, Prof (UMD-Economics) 175 SBf:, Duluth (218-126-8506), 504 Kenilworth,Duluth 55603,

RAABE JohnJ, Teaching Spec (UnivCoVlnd/Distenee.Laaming) Room 25 WasH, 77Pleasant 51 SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 3631, •

RAABE Oriana N, Research Ass! (Veterinary andBiomedical Scieneea) Room 205G VetS, 1971Commonweahh Ave, 51 Paul 55108, Del Code6187,811 Thornton 51 SE, Mpls55414,

RAABE Winfried A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (HeahhPartners) Dept 01 Neurology, 2220 Rivarside AveS, Mpls 55454-1321, 692 Fairrnounl fiNe, St Paul55105, raabeOOI0tc.umn.eduRAASCH Jane "I, Exec Administrative Spec(Heahh Sarvices RechlPoUCy) MMC 729 Mayo, DelCode 8729,15-200 PWB (625-0955),

RAASCH MD Jason P, Medical Fellow (Medicine·Allergy) MMC 434 Mayo, Del Code 6434, 350VCRC (624-5456), raas00270tc.umn.llduRAATZ PHD Susan K, Ass! Prof (Medicine), SrResearch Assoc (Medical School Admin) MMC 504Mayo, Del Code 6504, 251 Masonic (624-6642),764 Dayton Aptl, 51 Paul 55104, 651-224-2596, '.raaIz0010tc.umn.eduRABAS David l, PrQI Emeritus (NCResearchlOutreach Center, AgronomylPlantGenetics) UM North Central Research Center,1661 East Highway 169, Grand Rapide 55744(218-327-4490),215 SW 12th Avenue, GrandRapids 55744, 216-326-6668, drabasOtc.umn.eduRABE Nick, Communhy Heahh Coordinator(Department of Pediatrics) MMC 491 Mayo, DelCode 6491, Nephrology Diviaion (624-5152), 2050Ridge Dr Apt12, St Louie Park 55416, 423-2015,

RABE '" William H, Instructor (Mork Clinic· ElkRiver) 530 3rd St NW, Elk Rivar 55330,rabeiOOl Otc.umn.eduRABIE Kathleen A, Adjunct Instructor (HennepinCounty MadicaI Center) Nurse-Midwl1e UnR, 25K,701 Park Ave S, Mpis 55415, 2330Commonweahh, St Paul 55106,[email protected]

RABIE Siegfried P, Adjunct AssocProI (FridleyPlaza Clinic) 6401 Univarshy Ave NE, Fridley55432, rabi80010tc.umn.eduRABINOVITCH Mark, Assoc Prof (HeahhPartnersWast) no 100, 5100 Gamble Dr, St Louis Park55416, rabin0040tc.umn.eduRABINOWITZ Paule, Prof (English l.angu8ge &Lh) 256 EIectE, Del Code 0813 (625-2063),rabinOOl Otc.umn.eduRACER Harley J, Assoc Prof (Family MedicalCenter) 5 Wast Lake 51, Mpis 55408,racerOO10tc.umn.eduRACK Thomas W, MaIntenance carpenter(UMM-Plant Svcs-General MainI) 3 Cam, 600 E4th St Monia 56267(~100),rachtwO mon1s.umn.eduRACH Timothy C, Farm Animal Attendant (Wast

Central Research & Outreach Ct) 48352 S1ate~329, Mon1s 56267 (320-589-1711),rachxOO10mome.umn.eduRACHAC carol U, Ass! To (S0cloIogy) Room 909SocScl, Del Code 7171 (624-4106; 624-4300), . • . ~RACHEU Deadamona T, Sr Ole Ass! (BiostBti .Divieion 01 SPH) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 6303,MMC 303 Mayo (625-5451), 651-469-2762, IRACHINSKY Anna, Ass! Prof (UMD Biology) 315 !LSci, 1110 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (216-726-7270; t216-726-6262), :RACHMACIEJ Jennifer L, Coordinator (Orientatiori& First·Yeer Programs) 315 Coffman Memorial iUnion, 300 Washington Ave SE, Mple 55455, Del iCode 2161 (~3), rachrnOO10tc.umn.eduRACKLEY Stan, Exec Adminietrative Spec(Collage 01 Pharmacy) 5-13OF Weaver·DensfordHall, Del Code 1332 (625-1197),rackIOOl Otc.umn.eduRACKUFFE catharine L, Personnel Spec (UMDEqual Opportunhy) 269 DAdB, DOlI, 1049Univarshy Dr, Duluth 55812 (216-7~7),cracklKOd.umn.eduRACKNER Cheryl R, Ass! To (PoIl1!caI ScIence)1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175 (624-2063; ,624-4144), coIeenOtc.umn.eduRACKOWSKl Diane J, Info TeCh Pro! (CLALanguage Center) Room 110 JonesH, Del Code3945(626-7749),

RADAICH Roberta L, Community Program Assoc 1(UM Extension Itasca Cnty) CourthQuse, 123 NE '4th St, Grand Rapids 55744-2659 (218-327-7466), iRADCLIFFE David G, Lecturer (School of ,Mathematics) Room, 127 VinH, 208 Church St ~:jMpls 55455, Del Code 0412, 2425 E Old Shek""""Rd Apt 19, (lloomington 55425, 952-853-2471, !radcIOO80tc.umn.eduRADCUFFE Edward B, Prof (Entomology) 219Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (624-9773), 608 C&rIa iLn, LiItIe Canada 55109-1947, 651-484-5676, 'RADCUFFE Peter "I, Sr Analyst (CLA Accounting;& Budget Offics) Room 202 JohH, Del Code 3774 !(626-0304),568 Riviera Dr, New Brighlon 55112, :651-639-1665, :RADDATZ Virgil T, Faf!ll Animal Attendant (Wee! 1Central Research & Outreach Ct) 48352 S1ate Hw\!329, Moms 56267 (320-589-t711), 5942 County tRd 15,~ton 56296, 320-563-6791, iRADECK Gina "I, Dental Ass! (Primary Dental'Care-Presbyterian) Room 15-136 Moos T, Del ~Code 1291 (651~1~), radecOOI0tc.umn.ed~

RADEMACHER Peggy G, Fiscal OIer (Lab' !Medicine & Pathology) IAMC 609 Mayo, Del Code I8609, MMC 609 (625-6407), ,RADER Bruce J, Depertrnental Dir (!.IN Alumni IAssociation) Room 200 McNamara Q1r, Del Code I2009 (626-4819), IRADER Peggy J, Departmental Oir (Collage 01Edueetion)Rm 117 BuH, Del Code 3171(626-6762), radar0040tc.umn.eduRADER Shannon N, Research Ass! (Ctr forApplied Research & Ed Impro) 275 Peik Hall, Del ,Code 4301 (625-0701), I

RADERS James L, Adjunct lnetructor (FemalePelvic Medicine) 2605 Cmpus Dr Ste 405,Plymouth 55403, 35 SummR Pl, Mpls 55403,raderOOSOtc.umn.eduRADHAKRISHNAN Hari, Research Spec(Biomedical E~ng) Room 7·105 BSandBE,312 Church StSE, Mpie 55455, Del Code 1191(625-3083),


RADISoIICCLUSKEY Holly A, .Exec Ass!(U~rts & l8clu1llS) 105 N M A, Del Code0251: (625-0509), 2016 Marshall Ave, StI'aul55104,651-646-9642, radlsOOl Otc.umn.eduRADKE Ba1bara K, Extension Eduqator/Ass! Prof(UM Extension Regl Ctr CIoque1) Cloquel ForestryClr, 179 University Rd, Cloquet 55726-9506(218-726-6476). radk80060tc.umn.adu

RADMER Lorien E, Teaching Ass! .(Agronomy/Planl-Genetics) Room 411 BorH, 1991Upper Buford Circle, St Paul 55108, Del Code6026,4199 VICtoria St N, SholllView 55126,651-490'0797, radm00120tc.umn.adu

RADOSEVK:it David M, Adjunct Ass! Prof (HIthSvcs Rese8rch/Po1icy), AsstProf (SuQl8ry),Program Oir (SuQl8ry) Oinnaken Bldg, Del Code2131 (626-4701),

RADOSEVICH Slaven G, Adjunct Asat Prof(Health Partners - White Bear lake) InlelnalMedicine, 1430 Hwy 96, Wh"eBear lake 55110,radosOO301C.umn.eduRADOVIC DIM1ja, Sr Laboratory Technician(ClncVPopuIation Sci-VetTchHoe) Room 225VetTchHos, 1365 Gor1ner Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6190 (625-1963), 2432 Unity Avenue N,Golden Valley 55422, 763-522.Q31,radlMlOl

RADOVICH Lynsie J, Teaching Ass! (UMDBiolOgy) 1530 sse, lo:l5 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-6262),1210 W6th St, DuIu1h 55806,218-590-7697, radoOO350d.umn:adu

RADOVICH Tani J, AdjOOet Ass! Prof (GrandRapids Clinic-East) :l55 River Road, Grand Rapids55744RADTKE Amf M, Sr Admlnlstrative Oir (Center lorcardlovasculilr Repair) Room 7-105A NHH, DelCode 1191 (626-1416), radt1<

RADUEGE Elizabeth M, Instructor (UMD Medicine,SChool of) Room 113 Mad, 0599, 10 University or,Duluth 55812

RADZlLDWSKI John, Exempt Temporary orCasual (Humphrey Inst of Public Affair) Room 130HHHCtr, 301 19th Ave S, Mpis 55455, Del Code7451, radziOOl Otc.umn.eduRAE Bonnie J, Exec.Adminisirative Spec(Department of Animal Science) 317A HaeckerHall, Del Code 6116 (624-4995),

RAEDLER Evelyn C, Ed"or (MN AlumniAssocialion) Room 200 McNamara Ctr, Del Code2009 (626-4656), 3665 Towndele DrIve,Bloomington 55431, 952-635-9513,raedlOOl Otc.umn.eduRAETH G, District Dir (UM Extension DistrictFI8Id Ole) CLC Ag Center, 1630 Airport Rd,Staples 56479-0099 (218-894-5177), 1155 24thAve SW, Backus 56435-9629, 218-587-4495.raeth0020tc.umn.eduRAEnI-KNIGHT Mary'l, Ass! Scientist (AnimalScience) 154 Haecker Hall, 1364 EcIdas Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6118 (624-2717),11257240th S1reel NW, Zimmerman S539lHlOO8,763-656-3037, raelhOO30tc.umn.eduRAFFERtY Michael P, InstruclOT (ll8partment ofPsychiatry) F262/2AWest, Del Code 8393,F282/2A West Bldg, rallOO300tc.umn.eduRAFFERtY Robert F, Adjunct Ass! Prof (BuffaloClinic) 1700 Highway 25 N, Bullalo 55313(7~·'3'3), 7 Riverside Cr, Monticello 55362,raff800601C.umn.eduRAFFERtY Susan B. Ass! Department Oir (HumanResouroes-Emp Relations) Room 200 DonhoweB,Del Code 3122 (62<Hl557), ralleOO50tc.umn.eduRAFFERtY T8I8I1C8 J, Program DIr (Dept ofArchitectura) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811(624-8817), .RAFTERY Michael A, Prof (Retired) (Biochem,Molec Biol, Biophy TCBS; Chemistry) 140 Gar L,Del Code 6104 (624-9734), Amf R, Extension Educator/Ass! Prof (UMExtension Reg! Ctr Morris) we Research andOutraach Ctr, 46352 State Hwy 329, Monia56267-0471 (320-589-1711),8085 Hwy7 SW,Montevideo 56265, 320-269-5103,ragerOOl Otc.umn.eduRAGHAVAN AnIind, Resea~ Assoc(Microbiology) 196 MMC, DefCode 8196,1344Mayo (624-0469), ragha0020tc.umn.eduRAGHAVAN Vaidyanathen, Teaching Ass!(Strategic Mgml/Organization; Operations andMgmt Sciences)~ CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-5232),631-682·9761,

RAGHUVEER Aravindan, Resee~ Ass! (Spanish& Portuguese) 34 f'C)lweil Hall, 9 Pleasant St SE,Mpls 55455, 718 University Ave SE Apt 9, Mpls55414, 378-4968, ,

RAGNOW Marguerite, Asst Ubrerian (HiatorY) 715Soc Sci Bldg, Del Code 7165(625-6303),ragnOOO10tc.umn.eduRAGOONANAN VIShard, Resea~ Ass!(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0891,rag00004 Otc.umn.eduRAGSDAlE David W, Prof (Entomology) 219Hoc:IsOn H, Del Code 6125 (624-6771; 624-8718),ragsdOO10tc.umn.eduRAHAM Rebeoca A, Teaching Spec (German,Scancfonavian, Dutch) 224 Fol H, Del Code 0143(625-6008), raha00040tc.umn.eduRAHEJA Gloria G, Prof (Anfllropology) Room 395HHHCtr, Del Code 7455 (625-8547),rahajaOtc.umn.eduRAHMAN Dipu, PhD candidate Teaching Ass!(Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 118Chu~ St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331(62~5), rahm00360tc:umn.eduRAHMAN Faten A, Sr Stores Clerk (DeveVSurgSci - Oral Surg) 7-406 Moos T. Del Code 1291(624-8600),110 61st Ave NE Aptl, Fridley 55432,763-572'2509, rahma0070tc.umn.eduRAHMAN Yueh-Erh, Prof (Retired) (College OfPhermacy-Instr GeneraQ In H S U~" F, Del Code1332 (624-5644), 939 Coast Blvd, Un" 00, La JollaCA 92037-4125,379-7143, rahmaOOI0tc.umn.eduRAHN WenOj M, Assoc Prof (Pol~1 Science;Psychology) 1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175,1509Hythe Street, St Paul 55108,rahnx0030tc.umn.eduRAHRMANN Eric P, Reaea~ Ass! (VeterinaryDiagnostic labs) E220 VOl, Del Code 6184(626-3582), 404 Meadowlark Court NW, Byron55920, 626-3582, rahr00030tc.umn.eduRAJ Neara), Teaching Ass! (Chemistry) Room 139Sm~H, 207 Pleasant St SE, MpIs 55455, DelCode 3661, raixOOO70tc.umn.eduRAlCHERT carol A, Prin Admlnistratlve Spec(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(625-1636),952-881-4845, raich0040tc.ul1ln.eduRAJMIST Rachel A, Teaching Ass! (WomensStudies) Room 425 FordH, 224 Chu~ St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Coda 0455 (624-8506),raimOOO70tc,umn.eduRAJNERSON Brian M, Plumber (Fee Mgmt - ZOne4 campus) Room 150 FoodOB, 2904 FairmountStreet SE, Mpls~14,De1 Code 5603, 7088Carey Lane, Maple Grove 55389, 763-315-0:306,raineOI80tc.umn,edu'RAINES John R, Adjunct Instructor (Aspen MedicalGroup) 3024 SnelUng Ave S, Mpis 55406,raineOO10tc.umn.eduRAINS-JOHNSON Susan, Student SupportSBhIices Assoc (Mest International) R395 VoTech,Del Code 6198 (624-2732),5128 30th Ave S, Mpls55417,721-4840, srainaOtc.umn.eduRAINWATER Orion M, Jr Scientist (Moleculilr &Cellulilr Biology (MCB)) MMC 206 Mayo, Del Code8208, Room 5-184 (625-6452),rairiwOO10tc.umn,eduRAISSNIA Amirali, Informational Representative(University Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraClr,Del Code 2011 (625-6850), 325-3780,rai800080t<!umn.eduRAJA Furqan F, Medical Fellow (Medicine RenalOllice) MMC 736 Mayo, Del Code 8736,14·136PWB (624-9444), r:ajax0020tc.umn.eduRAJALA Scott M; Community Program Asat(Transplant Information Services) Dinnaken OffIceBldg, Del Code 2131 (625-0410),1903 CovingtonLn, Eagan 55122, 651-454-2187,srajaiaOtc.umn.eduRAJAIIANI Rajesh, Assoc Prof (MechanicalEngineering) room 203 MechE, Del Code 0691(626-7961), rajamOOI01c.umn.eduRAJAIWII Srlpi!ya, Post-Doctoral Fellow (HealthSBrv RachlPoIicy) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609,0-364 Mayo (624-1110), Ajitha, Resea~ Asat (Computer.SciencelEngineerlrlg) Room 4-192 EElCSc~ 200Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0571(825-5873), 708 University Ave SE, Apt 5, Mpls55414,201-4613, rajaOO5301c.umn.eduRAJASANKAR Sushanth. TeaclIing Ass!(Marketingllogiatics Mgmt) 3-150 CartSMgmt, 32119th Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7041,708University Avenue SE, Apartment Number Apt18,Mpls 55414,

RAJCOOAR Rose, Aocounts Spec (Boyn HS)Patient Accounting - W227, 410 Church SI SE,Mpis 55455, Del Code 1171, 9632 Upton Ave N,Brooklyn Park 55444, 783-425-6278,rajcoOO20tc.umn.eduRAJE MD Poonam, Research Assoc (pediatrics)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, Suite 300 WBOB;MMC 226 Mayo (626-9n4), rajexOO20tc.umn.eduRAJPUT Aahok K, Teaching Spec (All) 427FClIweII Hall, Del Code 0144 (825-2494; 625-6534),205 Buell S~ Malison WI 53704,·

RAJU Nalinl ~' Medical Fellow (SuQl8lY) MMC 195Mayo, Del Code 8195,740 MIssissippi River BlvdSouth, AptI2B, St P.auI55116, 651-494-0910,rajuxOO20tc.umn.eduRAKAUSKAS Michael E, Reaea~ Fellow(Mechanical Engineering) Room L·103 MathE, DelCode 0891 (624-4614), AI!' 710,700 Douglas Ave,Mpis 55403, rakeuOOl Otc.umn.eduRAKE Patricia A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(DevelopmentaVSurgical Science), Adjunct Ass!Prof (Dental Education, Continuing) 7·1746 MoosTower, Del Code 1291 (625-0477), 8801 LegendsClub Dr, Prior Lake 55372, 827-7995,tuniOOl Otc.umn.eduRAKE Scott A,~ Prof (DiagnostirJSurg - OralSurg) 7-174 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (624-9959),8815 Legends Club Dr, Prior lake 55372,952-440-8609, rakexOO10tc.umn.eduRALPH Elise A, Assoc Prof (UMD Physics) 353MWAH, 1023 University Dr, Duluth 55812; 35llMWAH, Duluth (218-726-7627),eralphOd.umn.eduRALSTON Donald F, Non Univ Staff(AgronomylPlant Genetics) 411 BorH SI Paul(625-m3), 1616 Merrill Street, St Paul 55108,651-488-7240. ralstOOl Otc.umn.eduRALSTON Peter R, CoordInator (Inst~ of ChildDevelopment) 134 ChDev, Del Code 4011(624-3347), 5865 NE Tennison Drive, Fridley55432, 763-502-8930, raIstOO30tc.umn.eduRAM Amy M, Accounts Spec (MictobiologyDepartment) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,MMC 196 MayC), rarnxx0020tc.umn.eduRAM David, Building and Grounds Worker (TwinCities Student Union-MP~) Room 500 CMU, 300Washington Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1051,413614th Ave S, Mpls 55407, 823-5167,ramxxOO40tc.umn,eduRAMACHANDRAN Divaker, Post-Dodoral Assoc(Chern Engr & Materials Science) 219 AmundsonHall, Del Code 0531 (626-8011),ramac0130tc.umn,eduRAMACHANDRAN GUfUII\urthy, Prof(Environmental Health Sciences), Assoc Prof(NJlic Health, School of) MMC 807 Mayo, DelCode 8607, 1232 Mayo (626-5428),5607 21st AveS. Mpis 55417·2822, 276-0460,ramac0020tc.umn.eduRAMAKER Wendy, Non Univ Steff (UDS AffiliatedStell) LI45A CMU MpIs (825-25118), •ramekOl00tc.umn.eduRAMAUNGAM Subbiah, proi (MechanicalEngineering) Room 215 MechE, Del Code 0691(625-4017), ramal0010tc.umn.eduFlAMALlNGAM IYER KavIta, Resea~ Spec(Chern Engr & Materials Sa1 265 Amundson Hall,Del Code 0531 (625-3051; 625-8803),ramaIOO60tc.umn.eduRAMALLO Sharon, Soltwanl Test Engineer (Orr ­EnteIPria& AppIicationsIl.) Room 660 WBOB,Del Code 7531 (825-5305), ramaIOO30tc.umn.eduRAMAN Lakshml, InstruclOT (Pediatric CriticalC8I9) MMC'742 Mayo, Del Code 8742, 413 VCRC,14415 47th Avenue North, Plymouth 55448,763-551-5996, ramanOl00tc.umn.eduRAMANARAYANAN Ananth, Reseaich Ass!(Economics) 1035 Heller Hall, Del Code 7052_(625-e353), 1904 Como Ave SE, Mpis 55414,703-2847, rarnaOO960lc.umn.eduRAMANATHAN Natarajan, Scientiat (UMD NatunIJRare Rs~ Inst) NRRI- CWE, DIM, 5013 Miller .Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55811,14 North 17th Ave E Apt2, Duluth 55812, 807-5n-5841,nramanatOd.umn.eduRAMANATHAN Shrlram, PhD candidateR88ll8~ Ass! (Cham Engr & Material Sci) 307Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531 (82601013), 709Triphammer Road, Apt 2-1B, Ithaca NY 14850,229-2029, rama00670tc.umn.edulWWII Anup P, Ass! Prof (Urologic SUQl8lY)MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 8394, D594 Mayo(~2),


RAMARATHNAM Karthlk, Teaching Asat (Anance)3-122 C8J1SMgmt, 32119th AveS, Mpis 55455.Del Code 7041, 23/219 'GokuIam' Tamil SangamMarg, SIan - (East) Maharashtra, Mumbal400022India, 952-457-5927, ramarOO90tc.umn.eduRAMASWAMY ApamlI, Teaching Spec (TheatreArts and Dance) Room 111 BarkerCtr. 500 21stAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7841, 13720 JamesAve S, Burnsville 5?337, ramas0090tc.umn.eduRAMASWAMY Ranee, TeaclIing Spec (TheatreArts and Dance) Room 111 BarkerCtr, 500 21stAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7841,ramasOOI0tc.umn:eduRAMASWAMY Shri, Heed (Ilio-Based Products),Prof (Ilio-Based Products) 206 Kaufert L, Del Code6130 (624-8797; 625-2287), 1517 Briarknoll Dr,Arden Hills 55112, 651-«33-9422, shrlOtc.umn.eduRAMBECK Desirae 0, Teaching Ass! (UMDBahavIoiaI Sciences) 236 SMed, Del Code 3261,7562 Backer Trail, Inver Grove HIs 55076,651-241-5004, aIber0600lc.umn.eduRAMBECK Joan H, Research Assoc (canter lor.Infectious Oisease Resea) MMC 2tl3 Mayo, DelCode 8263, C-315 Mayo (624-2288), 4020 52nd StE Apt209, MpIs 55417, 927-G717,rambe0260tc.umn.eduRAMBERG CinOj, AnaIystIProgrammer _(CCQ-Soflware Adrnlnlstration) 660 W BOB, DelCode 7531 (624-7348), c-rambOtc.umn.eduRAMBERG Richard P, Electrician (FacilitiesMgmt-CBmpus Di8\rict) Room 1:lOG FoodOB, DelCode 5803 (626-9809), 424745th Ave So, MpIs55406, 721-1933, rambeOO10tc.umn.eduRAMBO Monlque A,.Yeterinary Technician(Veterinary Medical Center) Room 353 VMC, DelCode 6194 (625-9726), ramb00140tc.umn.eduRAMBO T MychaeI, Teaching Spec (Theatre Artsand Dance) Room 560 RarigC, 330 21st Ave S,Mpls 55455. Del Code n52, 871 Aurora Ave, StPaul55104, 651-225'4204, .ramboOO60tc.umn.eduRAMBOW Meredith R, Teaching Spec (CCECollege in the Schools) Room 202 WasH, DelCode 3831, 651-844-5443, ramboOO401c.umn.eduRAMEL Kath'-> J. Exec As8l (Epidemiology) 300W BOB, Del Code 7525 (626-8813),ramelOO10tc.umn.edulWIER Timothy J, AssfProf (FamilyMedicinelComm Health), Physicialll(FamilyMedicinalComm Health) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code6361,2615 Franklin Ave E (333-{)n4),ramerOO101c.umn.eduRAMEY Mary l, Teaching Spec (labMedicinelPathology), Me<Ical Technologist (labMedicinelPathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code8609, 1;>142 Mayo, 7875 PQlaJis Lane N, MapleGrove 55311, 763-420-7479,rameyOOl Otc.umn.eduRAMHARRY Dennis, Constroction ProjectManager (CPPM-U of M ConstructIon) B15DonhoweB, Del Code 3121 (625-9847),ramh8001 Otc.umn.eduRAMlN Kirk 0, Aaeoc Prof (OBIGYN & Women'sHealth) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395, 12-211Moos Tower (627-4187), PO Box 215, NorthfleId55051, 507-.477·3343, ramin0030tc.umn.eduRAMIREZ BeniImm R, Mechanic 2 (FacilitiesManagement) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code 8059,3325 34th Ave S, MpIa 55406, 721-2194,ramlrOl10tc.umn.eduRAMIREZ Mario, VISit Res Fellow (Agronomy and·Plilnt GeneticS) 411 Bortaug St Paul (625-7219),2297 StandIih Street, St paul 55108,ramlrOI20tc,umn.eduRAMIREZ Sharon M, Cooldnator (School of SocIalWork) Am 105 Pet8rsH,1404 Gartner Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6161, 827-3531, 'RAMIREZ Vivian, Ole Spec (CLA, Olfice of theDean) 215 JohH, Del Code 3774 (626-7999), 8240Market Blvd Apt 2309, C/lantIaasen 55317,952-451-2129, ramiI0420tc.umn.eduRAllNARAiNE~ L, Scientiat (OlthopaedicSurg) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 470 CCRB(624-0636), 3200 Park Ave S, MpIs 55407,824-5494, ramnaOOl Otc.umn.eduRAMNARAYAN Preethi, Teaching Ass! (carlsonSchool of Mgmt) 3-300 CarlSMgmt, Del Code7041, House No A2, Doctors Colony, Madhapur,~bad, Andra Pradesh 500081 Indlil,ramna<1090tc.umn.eduRAMOLAE Michael 0, Ass! Dir CmplCol (Partdng& Transportation S8rvices) 300 T S e, Del Code1963 (626·9288), 408 9th St SE, Mpls 55414,376-2863, ramolOOl




RAMON Cecilia, Adjunct InstnJclor(UMD Art andDesign; UMD Continuing Educallon) 130 ABAH,1121 University Drive, DuIu1tl55812,cramonOd.umn.eduRAMOS Chrlstine E, Ass! Scfentist (Genetics, CellBiology, & Davelop~) 530 ecRa, Del Code 1217(624-9663), 2886 Hamline Ave N, Roseville 55113,651~3627,

RAMOS Paula S, Research Asst (Genatics, CellBIology and Developm) MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code8108,5-150 NCB (625-6183; 625-9738), 8781Hastirigs Circle NE, Blaina 55449, 763-717-Q089,ramol10320tc.umn.eduRAMOS JR Ramon, Concrete Finisher (FacilitiesMgmt-CPPM - Uof M Const) Room 300 DonhoweBldg, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code3121, lOOIl.lain Street, BOyceville WI 54725,715-632·2251, ramOS0410tc.umn.eduRAMClS-GARCIA Luis A, Assoc Prof (Spanish &Portuguese) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (625-3039),laramosgOtc.umn.eduRAII()S GASCON Antonio, Prof (Retired)(Spanish and Portuguese), 1035 5th St SE, Mpls55414, ramosOOBOtc.umn.eduRAMP! Susan 0, Prtn Accounts Spec (U of MBooIcstores, Twin Cities) Room G54 CMU, DelCode 1051 (625-6326), rampiOOl Otc.umn.eduRAMPl-LAMBERTZ Mia M, prtn Accounts Spec(Mechanical Engineertng) Room 101, Del Code0691, rampl0030tc.umn.eduRAMSA., Robert C, Adjunct Prof (6365 FranceAve S) Sulta 570, Edina 55435,ramse0060tc.umn.eduRAMSOEN PHD Martin, Research Assoc(Neurology Department) MMC 295 Mayo, 6295,420 Delaware, Mpls .55455,ramsdOI60tc.umn.eduRAMSEUR Jean M, Sr Ole Spec (Minnesota LionsReseach Lab) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 6493,Room &-240 PWB (626-4650),ramseOO70tc.umn.eduRAMSEY Gregory W, T6!lChing Asst(InlormatlonlDecision Sciences), Research Ass!(InIom1ationlDecision Sciences) 4-365 CartSMgmtDel Code 7041 (624-7586), rams00950tc.umn.eduRAMSEY James W, Prof (Mechanical Engineertng)Room lloo·A MechE, Del Code 0691 (625-8390),2125 Unity Ave No, Golden Valley 55422,763-fi88.0358, jwramsayOtc.umn.eduRAMSEY Laura B, Graduate School Fellow(Biochem, Molec Bioi, Biophy TMED), ResearchAss! (Medieine) MMC 8108, Del Code 1214, 586Iowa Ave E, Saint Paul 55101, 651-774-6171,robIn4440tc.umn.eduRAMSEY Mark G, Lecturer (CCE Cont Profl EducInslr1),Asbestos Abatement Laborer (FacilitiesManagement) 200 Donhowe B, Del Code 5301,ramse0040tc.umn.eduRAMSTAD Michelle L, Sr Administrative Spec(UMC Plant Ssrvices) Room 2 KiserB, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (218·281-8483),1313 Radisson Rd, Crookston 56716,218-281-6788, umIIOO50mail.crk.umn.eduRAMSTAD Patrtcia G, Prtn Administrellve Spec(UMC Arts, HumanilieilSoc Sci; UMC Athletics)IIOJ sec, Crookston 56716 (218-281-6256),tramstadOmall.crk.umn.eduIlAM$TORF Bruce A, Teaching Spec (UMCStudent Affairs) Room 7A H, C116, 2900 Unive!S1tyAve, Crookston 56716, 2067 245th St, Ada 56510,ramst0030mail.qrk.umn.edRANAIVOSON Andry Z, Post-Doctoral Assoc (SoilWater & Climate) 146 BOrlaug Hall, Del Code 8028(625-1798),651-647-9535, ranaOOO10tc.umn.eduRANATUNGA Wasantha K, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Biochemistry, Molecular Bioi, Bioph) 5-262BSsndBE, Del Code 1214 (625-2170), 3200Diamond 8 Terrace, Apt203, St Anthony 55421,706-1635, ranatOO20tc.umn.eduRANCONE Jeanne A, Instructor (Regions Hospital)840 Jackson St St Paul 55101, 451 PresservePath, West St Paul 55118, rancoool Ssndra S, Assoc Admin (UM Extension Ctrof 4-H Youth Dev) Ste 2708 McNamaraCtr, DelCode 2016 (624-6426), 103 Canterbury Rd, CirclePines 55014, 763-784-8622,randxOO10tc.umn.eduRANDA Daniel, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MinneapolisClinic of 'Neurology) 3980 NW Coon Rapids Blvd,Coon Rapids 55433, randa0240tc.umn.eduRANDALL Dale L, Sr StoreslDelivery Supv (RoomS15.Smith) 207 Pleasant Street SE, Del Code3681 (625-3093),255 North Star Ln, Circle Pines55014, 763-784-74Q2,

RANDALL Gregory, Visiting Prof(Electrical(Computer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci;Del Code 0572, 4912 Zenith Ave S, Mpls 55410,929-0437, randa1190lc.umn.eduRANDALL Gyles W, Prof (S ResearehlOutreachCenter, Soil, Water, and Climate) 35838 l20th St,Weseca 58093-4521 (507-837-5816),grandallOtc.umn.eduRANDALL SR Michael W, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-BIdg Ssrv - Area A) Room300 Donho'MlB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, rand800401l:.umn.eduRANDALL Philip S, Ass! Prof (Fairview OxboroClinics) 600 W 98th St, Bloomington 55420 •(952-885-6130), randa0050tc.umn.eduRANDALL ScoltW, Plumber (130 chiller Plant)223 W Coliege st DuIu1tl55812 (218-728-8818),39 W Lamon St, Duluth 55811, 218-72lHl988,srandaIlOd.umn.eduRANDALL WThomas, InstnJctor (Small AnimalClinical Science)c-339 VetTchHos, DaI Code6192,780 Iowa Ave West, St Paul 55117,randa0210tc.umn.eduRANDLE Lovie, OIc Supv (OSF - ITSS) 167 FiaserH, Del Code 3395 (624-7381), .randIOO10tc.umn,eduRANDLE Nicole A, Prin Data Entiy Oper(Disbursement Ssrvices) Room 619A WBOB, DelCode 7529 (624-6358), 12212 Oak Leaf Circla,Bumsville 55337, 327-4780, randIOI20tc.umn.eduRANDOLPH Bobbie Jo C, Exec AdministrallveSpec (Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195,11-132 PWB (628-6122), 578-6620,randoOO50tc.umn.eduRANDOLPH Elaine K, Recal OIer (Office of'lhtemational Programs) Room 845 HellerH, DelCode 7457 (626-8829), e-randOtc.umn.eduRANDOLPH Kevin S, Polica OIcr (Department ofPollca) 100 TSB, Del Code 1981 (824-3ss0),Police Dept -100 TSB, 511 Washington Ave SE,Mpls 55455, randoOO20tc.umn.eduRANDRIANAMPY Vola, Teaching Ass! (Statistics)Room 313 FordH.. 224 Church St SE, Mpis 55455,Del Code 0457 (625-8048), randr0020tc.umn.eduRANE Andrea L, Laboratory Animal Allendant(Research Animal Resources) MMC 89 Mayo, DelCode 8069, 1-525 PWB (624-6189), 808-628-9733,raneX0040tc.umn.eduRANELU PHD Paul L, Prof (350 Kirby Plaza) 1208KirlJy Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6009),pranelliOd.umn.eduRANGARAJAN Bharath, Ass! Prof (MechanicalEngineertng) Room 313, MechE, Del Code 0691(628-2867), range0130tc.umn.eduRANGARAJAN Ramya, Research Ass! (Center forHolocuest & Genocide Stu) 100 Nolte Center, 315Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455 (624-0256), 708University Ave SE, Apt 8, Mpls 55414, 770-0098,

RANGE Rosie M, Personnel Spec (Phannacology)Room 6·120 Jackson Hall, Del Code 1213(625-3887), rangeOO70tc.umn.eduRANGEL Barbara J, Supervisor, Pal Assist andInfo (Boyn HS) Patient Assistance and Infonnation,Del Code 1171 (624-4666; 625-6400),rang80010tc.umn.eduIIANGEL Marta M, Communily Program Spec(BOyn HS) Heaith PromotionlPublic Health, 410Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1171,rangOO100tc.umn.eduRANGEL Tami R, Assoc To (Leadership Minor)1901 University Avenue SE, Del Code 0261(624-1559),2907 Couger Path, Prior Lake 55372,trangeIOtc.umn.eduRANGWALA Huzela S, Research Ass! (ComputerScienceJEnglneertng), Teaching Ass! (ComputerScienceJEngineertng) 427 WaUb Bldg, Del Code0571 (624-1092),720 6th Avenue SE Apt 4, Mpls55414, rangOO530tc.umn.eduRANJAN Amil, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(CEMS) 11 AmundsooHeIl, Del Code 0531(628-1008),425 13th Ave SE Apt904, Mpls 5541~,

239-0658, ranj00030tc.umn.eduRANJAN RajIY, Researoh Asst (Cham Eng &Material Science) 185 Amundson Hall, DaI Cbde0531 (626-2021), ranj00080tc.umn.eduRANK Brtan H, Adjunct Ass! Prof (HealthPartnersInc) Hematology and Oncology, 8100 34th Ave S,BOx 1309, Mpls 55440, rankx0040tc.umn.eduRANK Douglas J, Sr Stores Clerk (ClinicalSystems) Room 8N MoosT, Del Code 1291(625-8631), III Marquette Ave South, Apt 1809,Mpls 55401, 333-3239, rankxOO20Ic.umn,edu

RANKIN Alexandra M, Research Fallow(Anesthesiology) MMC 294 MaYO, Del Code 6294,13·515 Mayo (624-6825), ranklOO30tc.umn.eduRANNEY Susan E, Lecturer (Currtculum &Instruction) 1660 Peik H, Dill Code 4301(628-0319),

RANSOM Lakeesha K, Teaching Ass! (Olc ofMulticultural Affairs) 432 Mol H, DaI Code 0264(626-9836), ransOO150tc.umn.eduRANSOM Tivon L, Ole Spec (U of M Bookstore(Collman Store)) Room G54 CMU, Del Code 1051,1806 Bryant Ave N, Mpls 55411, 851-338-2140,

RANUM Laura P, Prof (GeMlics CallB~, &Development) 5-128 MoICelIBio, DaI Code 1217(624-0901), ranumool0tc.umn.eduRANZ William E, Prof (Retired) (ChemicalEngrlMat Sci), 6412 Aspen Rd, Edina 55436,ranzxaol0tc.umn.eduRAO Akshey R, Chair (MarketingILogisticsManagement), Prof (MarketingILogisticsManagement), Program Dir (MarketinglLogisticsManagement) 3-211 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-8049), araoOtc.umn.eduRAO Dileap R, Sr Lecturer (StrategicMgmtIOrgenization; MBA Program, Execullve;Execullve Development Ctr; Intemational ProgramDev), Lecturer (Tech Leadership, CIT 10, Dev)3-318 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-6817), .RAO Gundu H, Prof (Lab MedicinelPathoiogy;Anesthesiology) MMC 809 Mayo, Del Code 8809,231 DVCCRC (628-2717), 9333 Hyland Creek Ad,Bloomington 55437, raoxxOO10tc.umn.eduRAO Jyothi P, Medical Fellow (Department ofMedicine Endocrtne Of) MMC 101 Mayo, Del Code8101,6-124 PWB (626-1980), 1647 SherwoodWay, Eagan 55122, 312-528-0595,

• raomOOOl

RAO Prtyanka A, Research Ass! (LabMedlPathoiogy Department) MMC 809 Mayo, DelCode 8809,'164 UonsRes, 172 6th St E, Apt 1708,Saint Paul 55101 , raoX00610tc.umn.eduRAO Raghu, Asst Prof (Pediatrics Division ofNeonatology) MMC 39 Mayo, Del Code 8039,0136 Mayo (625-3280; 626-0644),raoxx0170tc.umn.eduRAO Raghunath S, Graduate School Fellow.(MarketinglLogistics Management) 3-150CartSMgmt, 321-19lh Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7041, 1164, Frfield Ave, Apt 5-3, St Paul55108, raoxOO530tc.umn.eduRAPACKI Ryswd, Adjunct Prof (IntemationalProgram Dev) 4-1 04 Ca~SMgmt, 321 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041,rapacOO20tc.umn.eduRAPACZ Mary L, Community Health Coordinator(Biostatistics) 200 2221.Univ SE, Del Code 2702(628-8820),635 Jeflerson Ave, St Paul 55102,rapecOOl Otc.umn.eduRAPH Pat, Graduate School Tralnee (School ofNursing) Room 8-140 WDH, DaI Code 1331(625-1801),11805 Kennally Road, Bumsville55337,952-895-5758, raph00080tc.umn.eduRAPNICKI PaUl, Assoc Clinical Prof (CAPS) 225Vet Teaching Hospital, Del Code 6190 (625-8164),4975 LaMire Lane, While Bear Lake 55110-8631,651 -653-6492, rapniOOl Otc.umn.eduRAPP David N, Ass! Prof (Educational, Psychology)Room 206 BuH, Del Code 3171 (624-2920),rappx0090tc.umn.eduRAPP George R, Regents Prof (Retired) (UMDGeological Sciences) 55812 (218-728-7829),37671 S Hill Side Dr, Tucson AZ 65139-2222,grappOd.umn.eduRAPPORT Aaron, Teaching Ass! (PoliticalScience) Room 1414 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455,.Del Code 7175, 78 10th St EApt1404, seint Paul 55101, 651-298.Q186,rapp00300tc.umn.eduRAPPORT Philip N, Ass! Prof (Southdale MedicalBldg, Ste 564) 6545 France Ave S, Edina 55435,3546 Holmes Ave S, Mpls 55408,rappoOO30tc.umn.eduRAPPORT Rebecca T, Lecturer (Currtculum &Instruction) 350-B PeikH, Del Code 4301(624-4533), rappoOOl Otc.umn.eduRAPSON Ralph E, Prof (Retired) (Architacture), 1Ssymour Ave SE, Mpls 55414,raps00020tc.umn.eduRARICK David L, Assoc Prof (CommunicaftonStudies) 264 Ford Hall, Del Code 0456 (624-9349),

RARICK John 0, prtn :lurvey Interviewer (Eplleps~Research & Education) 7-222 PWB, Del Code I1332 (626-2170), 2616 Washington St NE, Mpls I55418, rartcoo20tc.umn.eduRASCH Devid B, Operations Supv, FacIts Mgmt(Bailey Hall), Del Code 8017 (624-1250), 2756 ,Sunset Ln, Bumsville 55337,952-895-0523, Irasch0020tc.umn.eduRASCHICK R Michael, Head (UMD Social Work,Dept of), Assoc Prof (UMD Social Work, Dept of)218 BOh H, Duluth (218-726-7642), 431 E SkylinePkwy, Duluth 55805, 218-722.Q475,mraschicOd.umn.eduRASH John R, Teaching Spec (Joumalism) 101Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371 (625-7316),8586Lake Jane Trall North, Lake Elmo 55042,rashxool0tc.umn.eduRASHED Dalla H, Inlo Tech Prof (AHC InlonnationSystems) MMc 210 MaYo, Del Code 6210, R568ChRC (626-1919), daliaOll:.umn.eduRASHIO AI M, Research Asst (ComputerScienceJEngineertng) Room 4-I~ EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del eoae 0571 I(624-8372), ,RASHID Ayeshe, Medical Fellow (MedicineEducation OffIce) MMC 264 Mayo, Del Code 8264, f14-100 PWB (625·1670), I 167 Calilomia Dr Apt !105, St Paul 55108-2236, 651-<18&-9887, IrashiOO50tc.umn.eduRASHID John W, Ass! Dir CmplCol (UMD FacMgrnt-Construction Admin) 241 DAdB, Duluth(218-726-6930), jrashidOd.umn.eduRASKE Nicole E, Parking Area Supv (TSB AllThird Floor) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1983 (626-7850;282.(936), 507-537-1783, rask00280tc.umn.eduRASKIND John R, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Minneapolis Veterans Medical C1r) I VeteransDrtve, Mpls 55419 (273-8000),raskiOl00tc.umn.eduRASIIIUSSEN Alvin R, Extension Educator/lnstr(MN Ext Svc Eest Cantral), Assoc Program Dir(MN Ext Svc Tech Unil Northwest) UM ExtensionClearwater Cnly, Courthouse Dept 106, 213 MainAve N, Bagley 56821-8304 (218-694-8151), POBOx 718, Bagley 56621, 218-894-6151,rasmu0320tc.umn.eduRASMUSSEN Cathertne M, ExtansionEducator/Assoc Prof (UM Extension Regl CtrHutchinson) 980 2nd Ave SE, Hutchinson55650-2808 (320-234-0437),rasmu0350tc.umn.eduRASMUSSEN Chelon L, Assoc Program Dir(Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, 429BMasonic Cancer Cantar (625-9126),TSSmul090tc.umn.eduRASMUSSEN James M, Adjunct Prof (VeterinaryPopulation Medicine) .ClncVPopulation ,Sci-VetTchHos, Room 225 VMC, 1365 GortnerAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6190, W 10596690th Ave, River Falls WI 54022, 715-426-0991,rasmuOI40tc.umn.eduRASMUSSEN Krtstina A, T8ach;ng Spec (Mastersof Business Taxation) 3-108 CartSMgmt, 321 19th 'Ave S, Mpls 55455, .Del Code 7041RASMUSSEN Lowell C, Assoc Vice Chancellor(UMM-Plant Svcs-Adm) 9 cam, Morris 56267(320-58&-6100), rasmusIcOmorrts.umn.eduRASMUSSEN Maxine K, Lecturer (UMC LeamingFoundations) I loe sec, Crookston 56716(218-28Hl282), mrasmussOmail.crtc.umn.eduRASMUSSEN Meloni J, Sr Admini8trative Spec(UMC Caraer Center) Room 236 Student Center,2900 University Ave, Crookston 56718(218·281-11586), 18808 260th St SW, Crookston56716,218-281-7521, rneIonirOmall.crk.umn.eduRASMUSSEN Rand Z, Program Dir (UMC-5tudentAffairs-Adm) 270 Owen, Crookston 56716(218-281-a555), 42515th Ave N, Fargo NO 58102,701-799-8965, rrasmussOmail.crk.umn.eduRASMUSSEN Rodney J, Into Tech Supv (UbraryInfonnation Technology Srvs) 409B OMWL, DelCode 7111 (625-0734), r-rasmOtc.umn.eduRASMUSSEN Ruth C, Continuing Iiduc Spec (Ctrfor Public Hhh Edu and Oulreac) Room 350, DelCode 2702 (625-6836), PO BOx 718, Bagley58621,218-694-2556, Laura J, Graduate SchoolTrainee (Epidemiology) Ste 300 WBOB, Del Code7525,4009 21st Ave S, Mpls 55407, 72&-1535,resm02180tc.umn.eduRASMUSSON Donald C, Prof (Retired) (Agronomya; Planl Genetics) 410 BOr H, Del Code 8026(625-7278; 625-0250), 2112 Folwell, St Paul55108,651-644-9309,


IWISIER Rebecca A, Coordlnalor (IndviduallzedDegree Programs) 345 Fraser Hall, Del COde 3393(624-8006), rassIOO30tc.umn.eduRAST TlIllOlhy J, Scienti8I (Genetics, CellBIoIogyIDeY) 8-178 MolCeIIBIo, Del COde 1217(625-4732), rastxOOl Ote.umn.eduRATCUFF WlUI8m C, RaMrch Ass! (EcologyEwlution and Behavior) 405 Ecology, Del COde6098,1124 Gibbs AWl N2, 81 Paul 551OB,840-4983,·

RATH Am L, Sr AdrnInislratiWl Spec (Food Sci &Nutrition) 238 ABlMS, Del Code 6099 (628-1278),217 RidgewOOd Ave Apl201, Mpis 55403,870-0498, ralhxOOl Ote.umn.eduRATH C8roI J,'Printing Production Ass! (PrintingServices) 102 P S B, Del Code 5401 (825-9500),ralhxOO20te.umn.eduRATH Michael Bi Adjunct Aeeoc Prof (Farilily MedClinic 01 N Miriato) 1575 Lookout Dr, N Mankato56003,10 Bella VISla Court, Mankato 56001, .RATH Mona L, PrOgram Assoc (Healtl ServicesRschIPoIicy) 0262 Mayo BuIlding, MMC 510, 420DeI8WaI8 Street SE, MpIs 55455 (628-7378), 115Maria AWlIW8, 81 PaUl 55108, 651-793-7722,mralhOte.umn.eduRATH Pamela P, Ass! Prof (0ph1haIm0I0gy) MMC493 Mayo, Del COde 8493, 9-231 PWB (625-4400),raIhxOO70te.umn.llduRATHBUN DavId R, Teaching Spec (CCE Collegein the Schools) R(lom 20;! WISH, Del COde 3831,rathb0050te.umn.eduRATHE Daryl, Aeeoc Admin (UMD FacMgmt.()ffica(8upport) 241 pAdB, 1049 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (21l1-72lHl203),dratheOd.umn.eduRATHERMa JaIl A, Lecturer (Art Depar1ment)E261 RegisCtr, Del COde 7831 (825-3216),929-2876, ratheOOl

RATHKE DaIoI8S J, Sr Food Service Worker(UMM Food Service) Food SC, M262A. 600 E4th81, Morris 58267 (320-589-6136). 517 E 8th St,Monis 58267, 320-589-2621.rathk0030monis.umn.eduRAllIS David J, Building and Grounds Wol1ler(UMM-Plant Svcs-Cuatodial-General) 9 cam,Morris 58267 (320-589-6100), 518 1st Si, HancocI<56244, 320-392-5924, ralhadjOmonts.umn.eduRAllIS Janice R, BUilding and Grounds Worker(UMM Plant Service) Room 9 cam, M268A, 600 E4th 81, Morris 58267, raths0040morris.umn.eduRATKOVICH Anthony S, PhDCandIdate ReeearchAss! (Department 01 Chemistry) R(lom 9 SmlthH,Del Code 3661 (825-3098), 6455 York Ave S, Apt213. MpIs 55414, .RATUFF Clancy A, Graduate School Fellow(Rhetoric) R(lom 64 CIaOIf, 1994 Buford Ave, StPaul 551OB, Del COde 8043 (624-4933),ra1llOO80te.umn.eduRATLlfF.CRAIN Jaffrey A, Aeeoc Pro! (UMMSocial Sciences, Div 01; UMM Cont EduclRegionaiprgm) 135 S S, Morris 58267 (320-589-6204), 50511th 81 N, Benson 56215, 320-343-2490,raUIffjOmonis.umn.eduRATNANJAU Ratnanjali, Reeearch Ass!(ElectricaI/Compuer Engr) R(lom 4-174 EElCSci,Del COde 0572,1190 Fifield Ave, 81 Paul 55108,651-645-0611, ratna0040te.umn.eduRATNER Edward R, Aeeoc Prof (MedIcine), Ass!Pro! (Family Mediclne.Qlmm Health). AdjunctAe80c Prof (Hith Svcs ReeearchlPoIicy) MMC 741Mayo, Del COde 8741, 6-140 PWB,ra1neOO10te.umn.eduRAUCH Diane M, Scientist (Cancer center) MMC806 Mayo, Del COde 8806, Un" J 3-425(27~), trussOOl Ote.umn.eduRAUCIFUSS Julia, Graduate School Fellow(Geography) R(lom 414 SocSci, 28719lh Ave S,Mpis 55455, Del COde 7183,rauch0240te.umn.eduRAUEN Pamela 0, Exec Sec (Oftice 01VP-UniversityServices) 317 Morril HaA, Del COde0263 (824-3557).6648 W 136th St, Sevege 55378.952-102-0793, pamrauenOte.umn.eduRAUK PhHIip N, Aeeoc Prof (OOIGYN & Women'sHealth) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395, Room12-262 MoosT (627-4187), 1321 31st $I W, MpIs55408. raukx004Ote.umn.eduRAUP Phq, M, Prof (ReUted) (Appffed Economics)332F Classroom Oftice Building, 1994 BufordAvenue, St Paul 55108 (625-8241),1572 Fulham81,81 Paul 55108. 651-644-7491,praupOtc.umn:edu

RAUSCH Ann E, Exec Sec (UNITE) 114 UndH,Del COde 0818 (624-5775), 3201 VIVian Avenue,ShoI'llView 55126, 651-38Hl221,seyfoOOl Otc.umn.eduRAUSCH Douglas J, ,Ass! Pro! (Hennepin CountyMed center) HematologylOncology. 701 Park AveS, Mpis 55415, 447 Tanymore Ave, Mpls 55419,82s.5985, rauscOl00Ic.umn.eduRAUSCH Janice M, Sr HAIS Spec (AHC HumanResouroes) MMC 23 Mayo, Del COde 8023, 543Boynton HeaJth Service (626-8478),rausc0280tc.umn.eduRAUSCH Michael, Sheet MeteI Worker (Facilities ,Mgmt-CPPM U 01 MConstru) Room 300 DonhoweBldg. 319 15th AWl SE, MpIs 55455, Del COde3121, 6768158th Lane NW, Ramsey 55303,rausc0850te.umn.eduRAUSCH Vema L, Pro! (Retired) (LabMediclnelPathology), 5609 Fremont Ave S, Mpls55419. rauscOO30te.umn.eduRAUSCHENFELS Susan E, FISC8I Ofcr(UMD-Continuing EdUcation) 116 DAdB, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812-3011 (216-726-8634),5977 SPike Laka Rd, Duluth 55811,216-729-«)11, srauschaOd.umn.eduRAYDIN Jonathan I, Head (Medelne), Prof(MedIcIne) MMC 194 Mayo, Del Code 8194,14-110A P W B (625-4162), ravdiOO10tc.umn.eduRAVEENDRAN Ganesh, Adjunct InstnJcIor (292VCRC) MMC 508 Mayo, Del COde 6508. 401 ~

River Rd, 200 First St SW, Rochester 55905,507-202-2899, raveeDOl Ote.umn.eduRAVEENDRANATHAN Miruthub, PhD candidateReeearch Ass! (Biochemistly) 6-218 MolCeliBIo,Del COde 1214 (624-0480), mraWl8ndOtc,umn.eduRAVEN Randy, Info Tech Spec (CCO) Room 660WBOB, Del COde 7531, 21100uany Ave So,Lakeland 55043, 651-436-1748,raven0050tc.umn.eduRAVENSCRAFT Sue A, AQjunct Assoc Prof (ParkNicollet Clinic) Pulmonary and Critical Care ME!d,3600 Park Nicollet Blvd, 81 louis Park 55416,, page 580-0269RAVI Lawnya. Reeearch Ass! (MechanicalEngineering), Teaching Ass! (MechanicalEnginMring) Mechanical Engineering, Room 1101MechE, 111 Church 81 SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0891, 1503 8th 51 SE. Apt 305, Mpls 55414,ravioo190te.umn.eduRAVINA Renato, Research Ass! (Humphrey Inst ofPublic Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 301 19th Ave S.Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451, 2641 Garfield Ave SApt 103, Mpis 55408. ravi00230te.umn.eduRAVlTS Harold, Pro! (First Star center) 101 E 5thSt, Sufte 2108, 81 Paul 55101,ravftOO10te.umn.eduRAWSON Mergaret, Prin AdministraUve Spec(University Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr.Del COde 2011 (624-2593).5320 42nd Ave S, Mpis55417,729-2860, rawsoOO10te.umn.eduRAY Amilabha: Hormel Fellqw (HormellnsUtute)80118th Ave NE, Austin 55912-3679,611, 2nd 81NW Apt 11, Austin 55912, rayxx091 Otc.umn.eduRAY Kathy, Prin Adl"inislratiWl Spec (NeurologyDepartment) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8285.MMC 295 Mayo (624-6145), 13635 Garratt Ave,Apple Valley 55124, 952-431-1030, .rayxx0210te.umn.eduRAY Sugeta. Teaching Ass! (Art History) Room336 HellerH, 271 19th AWl S. Mpls 55455, DelCOde 7055, 414 7th Avenue SE. Apartment AptA302, andrew house, MpIs 55414,rayx00950te.umn.eduRAY T1mothy, Electronics Technician (UMM MedIaSvc) Room 35 HFA, M230B, 600 E'4th St, Morris58267(~152), At 1, 881181158311,320-986-2822, raytjOmorris.umn.eduRAYBURN Judy A, Chair (Accounting), Prof(AccounUng; Intemational Program Dev) 3-283Cer1SMgml, Del COde 7041 (624-3640).jraypumOte.umn.eduRAYGOR Trenton J. Help-Une ConsullantITraining(ADCS) Room 190 ShepLab, Del COde 0771 .(624-5876), .RAYMOND Gayle S, Exec Ass! (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (628-0539), graymondOtc.umn.eduRAYMOND Joanne L, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical center) 701 Park Ave S. Mpls 55415,raym00080te.umn.eduRAYMOND Kally J, Prin Laboratory Technician(Veterinary DIagnostic Lab) 180 VeterinaryDiagnostic Lab, Del COde 6184 (628-1244),

RAYMOND Nancy C, Aseoc Prof (Psychiatry). Ass!Pro! (Family Medictne/Comm HeaJth) F282I2AWest, Del COde 8393, F286I2A West (273,9808;825-1500), raymoOO20te.umn.eduRAYMOND Rod M, Instructor (UMD Health, PhysEdlRec).Exec Student P8Isonnai Worker (UMDRae SpoIls) 121 SpHC, 0210. 1216 Ordean Court,Duluth 55812 (218-728-8111), 2ZT Fairmont S1reeI.Duluth 55803-1968. 216-728-0610,rraymondOd.umn.eduRAYMOND Stuart R, Copy Center EquipmentOpar (Printing Services) 147 Smith Hall, Del COde3661,2132 Hillview Rd, Moundsview 55112,651-994-0758, raym00820te.omn.eduRAYNES Shil1ey, Exec Ass! (Auxiliary Services)Room 210 PSB, Del Code 5404 (624-8318),· .

RAYNOR Peter C. Ass! Prof (Envm Health .Sciences) MMC 807 Mayo, Del COde 8807, 1230Mayo (625-7135), 2624 Burd PI, 81 Louis Park55426,952-513-0729, praynorOtc.umn.eduRAZA PHD AbbaS, Research Assoc (Cenier for 'Drug Design) 6-125 Weaver Densford Hall, DelCOde 1332,1395 W Jeeeamine'Ave, A Apt 202,Saint Paul 55108, 651-&15-2331,razaxOO30tc.umn.eduRAZAK Muzbah A, Laboratory Animal Attendant(Reeeearch Animal Resouroes) 1-525 PWB, 420Delaware S1reet, Mpls 55455 (624-6169).220-2879, razakOOl

RAZAVI MAJOMARD SaId All, Teaching Ass!(Electricai/Computer Engrj Room 4-174 EEIC&:i,Del COde 0572, razaOOO70tc.umn.eduHAlOLA MARINO Laura, VIsiting Instructor (StAnthony Falls Lab) Mississippi River at 3rd Ave _.1'SE, Del COde 4691, ClBurgos no2 41 2, Madrid Zll28039 Spain, razolOOl

REA Rebecl:a L, Ass! Child care Teacher(University Child Care Center) ChlidCare, 1600ROllins Ave SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 3071(62704014), reax00130te.umn.eduREA Siri M, Prin Veterinary Tech (VeterinaryMedical Center) Room 365 vue:Del Code 6194(625-1924),136 Jessamine Ave E, St Paul 55117.,651-488-7264, reaxx0030te.umn.eduREAD Abigail E, Teaching Ass! (HHH Inst PublicAffairs-Pub AI), Research Ass! (HHH Inst PublicAffairs-Pub AI) Humphrey Ins! 01 Public Affair,Room 130 HHHClr, 30119th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7451, 1929 2nd St NE Ap1201, Mpis55418, read00400tc.umn.eduREADER Diane M. Adjunct Instructor (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334EcIIIes Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 3412Maplewood Drive NE, 81 Anthony 55418,769-5176, noole0020te.umn.eduREADING William H, Non Unlv Staff (NCAesearchlOutreach Center) 1982 FOlwell AvenueSaint Paul (65H149-5190), readi0050te.umn.eduREAGAN Robert, Non Univ Staff (Soc SciResearch FacililiaS) 7780 France AvenueBloomington (952-832-4143), Sun Microsystems,Bloomington 55435, rraaganOte.umn.eduREAL carmen, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Preventive Sci ­AEGD) Room 6-2ZT MoosT, Del Code 1291(625-5441),8301 W Lake Ct, Chanhassen 55317,952-906-9085, reaJOOO70te.umn.eduREALMUTO George M, Aeeoc Prof (Psychiatry)F282I2A West-B, Del COde 8393. F22912B West(273-9711). realmool .REAMES Phyllis L, Adjunct InstnJcIor(HealthEastClinics) 1875 woodwiiids Driw, Woodbuiy 55125,3041 12th.Ave S, Mpls55407, 722-1080,reameD020tc.umn.eduREANDEAU Dawns C, Teaching Ass! (Sociology)1123 Social Science Bldg, Del COde 7171.(624-0051). 217,Adams Street, Anoka 55303,783-433-9267, reandOO10te.umn.eduREANEY JudsOn B, Insttuetor (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del COde 8391,,page 580-2532REARDON Richard, Meda PrO<M:er (DlgftaJ Mediacenter) Room 212 WaIlarllb, Del COde 3729(625-3486), rearllonOte.umn.eduREAROON Robert F. Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical center) Emergency Mecicine no 825, 701Park Ave, Mpls 55415-1829,reard0020tc.umn.eduREAVIE Euan 0, Aeeearch Aeeoc(UMD-NRRI-CWE) 1900 E Camp St. Ely 55731(218-365-7243),42 E BaacOn Hili Rd, Ely 55731, .


REAY William A, Ass! Pro! (81 Mary's MedicalCenter) 407 E 3rd St, Duluth 55805, 720 IRidgewood Rd, Duluth 55804REBEAU Julie H, Ae80c Admin (CLA ExtemalRelations) 225 Johnston Hall, Del COde 3774(825-5811).3505 Architect AWl, Mpls 55418,788-4458,

REBELLO,Salome A, Research Ass! (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334Eckles Ave, 81 Paul5s108, Del COde 6099,srebeIIoOtc.umn:eduREBER Elaine M, Prin Administrative Spec(Applied Economics) Room 231 ClaOff, 1994Buford Ave, 81 Paul 55108, Del Code 6040, 2200Irene Str, Roseville 55113,851-487-2994,rebei0020te.umn.eduREBER Rfte E, Communfty Program Ae80c(Department of Pec:iatrics) MMC 391 Mayo. DelCOde 8391, Global Pelialrics Program (825-8383;825-8384),

RECH Bruce, Adjunct Instructor (FairviewSouthdale Hospital) 6401 France Ave S. Edina55435, 1415 St Francis Ave, Shakopee 55379, .

RECHITSKY Raphi K, Teaching Ass! (Sociology)1058 Soc Sci Bldg, Del COde 7171 (624-2360;624-4300), rechi0090te.umn.eduRECKMEYER Nicole M, Teaching Ass! (FoodScIenceINutrition HE), Reeearch Ass! (FoodSciencelNutrition HE) Food ScIence and Nutrition,Room 225 FScN. 1334 Eckles Ave. 81 Paul 55108,Del Code 6099,15337 Greenhaven.L.ane, AptlO4,Bumsville 5530B, 952-892-0612,reckOO470te.umn.eduRECKNER Jennifer L,~ Admin (SLHS) Room115 ShevH, Del COde 4401 (624-5576),recknOOl Otc.umn.eduRECKNOR Adam, Prin Accoun~ 8p\lC (Sl AnthonyFalls laboratOry) Room 309 SAFL, Del COde 4691(624-4744). 6770 158th S1reet W. Apple VaHey55124,

REDA MoUa, Research ASst (Humphrey Ins! 01Public Affair) ROom 130 HHHCtr, 301 19th Ave S,Mpis 55455. Del COde 7451, A1amata Post8IAQancy, Atamata, South TograyEthiopia,651-497-5790, redaxOO40te.umn.eduREDDA HaiteA, Bulking and Grounds Worker(Fee Mgmt-Zone 1-Sl Paul) 202 F MB, Del Code6188, 1041 Black Duck Crt, Uno Lakes 55014,651-604-9913, reddaOO10te.umn.eduREDDY Jyothsna M, Adjunct Ass! Pro! (NorthwestFamily Physicians PAl 5502 West Broadway,Crystal 55428 (?83-537-8475), 1635 Major Drjve,Golden Valley 55422, reddyOO90tc.umn.eduREDDY Kristine A, .Lecturer (carison, AccounUng)4-264 cariSMgmt. Del Cocle 7041 (825-2394).1159 Mamie Court South, Maplewood 55119,651-730-4372,

RE;DDY Rajyashl'!M'. Teaching Ass! (Geography)Room 414SocSci, 287 19lh Ave S. Mpis 55455,Del Code 7163, nara00390tc.umn.eduREDDY Sei Madhukar, RaMrch Ass! (Cheq1 Eng& Material Science) 185Amundson Hall. Del COde0531 (626-2021),600 University Ave SE Apt 305,Mpis 55414,

REDDY V,enkata J, Teaching Ass! (UMD Chemistryand BIoc\18miSIry) 246 Chern, 1039 University Dr.Duluth 55812 (216-726-7212),venka0440d.umn.eduREDENIUS Jessic8 M, Sr Veterinary Technic;ian(Vete.rinary Teaching Ho6pital) 331 VTH, Del COde6194 (625-8281), 2425 WCounty Rd C2, Apt 212,Roseville 55113, 78&-5525, redenOO20tc.umn.eduREDFIELD Corey B, Lecturer (Finance), ProgramDir (International Program Dev) 3,122 CartSMgmt,Del Code f041 (624-2888; 624-2888),redIlOOl0tc.umn.eduRED HORSE John G, Head (UMD Amer IndianStudies). Pro! (UMD Amer Indian Studies; UMDSociaJ Work, Dept of) 116 Clrla, Duluth,jredhorsOd.umn.eduREDIG Patrick T, Oir Campu8lCo1lege Level(Velerinary Clinical Sctencas), Pro! (VeterinaryClinical Sciencas), Ae80c Prof (Animal Science.Dept 01) l00c G Rapt Ctr, Del COde 6108(624-4969), redIgOOl0te.umn.eduREDING David A, Supv, Invent and MonRor Staff(Networking & Telecom Srvs), Del COde 2171(624-401 D), redinOO30te.umn.eduREDING Mark T, Ass! Pro! (Medicine) MMC 480Mayo, Del Cod88480, 14-142 P W B (624-0123;625-1104),


REIF Robert W, Prof (Retired) (St Johns Hospital)1575 Beam Ave, Maplewood 55109, 429-7352,reilxOO70tc.umn.eduREIFF Marl< 0, Oir, QuaI;\y Assur and PA(Enterprise ApplicatlonslMaint) Suite 229, DelCode 7531 (624-2642), reIffOO40tc.umn.aduREIFF Michael I, Assoc Prof (Pediatrics; FamilyMadi<:inelComm HaaJIh), Program Oir (Pedietrics)MMC488 Mayo, DaI Code 8488,reiffOOl Otc.umn.eduREIFSTECK Janet A, Cooldinator (Student & IProfesSional Services) 110 Wull H, Del Code 33451(625-6842), 728-8061, reiIsOOl0fc.umn.aduREIGSTAD Karen A, Nursing Professional(Pediatrics) MMC 742 Mayo, Del Code 8742, 413VCR C (625-5995), reigsOO10tc.umn.aduRElHE Cathy J, Building and Grounds Worl<er(Facilities Management) MMC 59 Mayo, DlII Code8059, 10913 Washington Street NE, Blaine 55434,763-755-0362, reiheOO10tc.umn.aduREIK John W, Sr Lecturer (Finance) 4-151Ca~SMgrnt, Del Code 7041 (624-4034; 624-2888),reikxOOl Otc.umn.aduREILEY Kathryn J, Teaching Asst (Design,HouSing, and Apparel) Room 250C McNH, DelCode 6136 (624-9441), 1656 Leurel Avenue, StPaul 55104, iREILING Jan, Dental CUnic Supv (AHC-CUHCC) CIU HC C, Del Code 7851 (636:0700), 'reiliOOl Otc.umn.aduRElUNG John G, Lecturer (HealthcareManagement) 3-150 Ca~SMgrnt, 321 19th Ave S, :Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, 2245 Stanford Ct, St iPaul 55105, 651-696:5402, relIOO710tc.umn.adu :REILLY Ann M, Exec Administrative Spec (Health 'Services Rsch/Policy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code !8729, 15-200 PWB (624-8624), [email protected] Brian K, ViSiting Prof (Flshertas, Wildlne & ICons Bioi) 200 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Ave, St 'Paul 55108, Del Code 6125, !REILLY cavan S, Asst Prof (Biostatistics, Division :of SPH) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303, MMC303 Mayo; Sulle 200 (624-9644; 626-8962), 14Oak Grove St Apt 306, Mpls 55403, 870-1407,reiIl0170tc.umn.aduREILLY Daniel R, Sr OperatiAg Engineer (UMDFac Mgmt-Heating Plant Malnt) 125 Lund Bldg,223 WCollege St, Duluth 55612 (216:728-6280),4759 anderson rd, Hennantown 55811,218-723-1384, dreillyOd.umn.aduREILLY Denise 0, Adjunct Assoc:,Prof (LewSchool) Room 285 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911, reiI10740te.umn.eduREILLY Jennifer T, Accountant (NanolabricetionCenter) Room 1'185 EEICScI, Del Code 0573(624-5263), 724-7081; harri2200tc.umn.aduREILLY John J, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSoc:ial Worl<) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 8161,reil10900tc.umn.adu .REILLY Unde F, Asst Dir, Student Support Svc(Madi<:al School AdminlEduc) MMC 293 Mayo, pelCode 8293, 8667 Mayo (624-9608; 626-5812),952-474-2308, reilIOO20tc.umn.aduREILLY-SPONG PHD Maryann, Research Fellow(7-150 Weaver·Denslord Hall) 308 Hervard St SE,Del Code 1332 (628-1184), reilI0260te.umn.eduREILY Ken, Teaching Asst (ComputerSciencelEnginearing) Room 4-192 EElCScI, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571 ,reil00370tc.umn.aduREIMER Janet L, Prin Survey Interviewer .(Pediatrics) MMC 715 Mayo, Del Code 8715, 1-210;Moos (624-9116),1912 carroli Ave Apt4, St Paul ;55104,651-847-1960, reime0040te.umn.eduREIMERS RIchard E, Gardener (UMM Grounds),Maintenance EqulplT1ent Oper (UMM Grounds),MaintenceOperations Mechanic (UMM Grounds),Delivery Service Driver (UMM Grounds) Room 9Cam, M268A, 600 E 4th St, Morris 58267, 60338State Hwy 28, Chokio 56221,reimerreOmorris.umn.eduREINARDY James R, Assoc Prof (School 01 SocialWorl<) Rm 105 PetersH,DeI Code et61(624-3673), 188 Authur Ave SE, Mpls 55414,379-1499, jreinardOtc.umn.eduREINARTZ John J, Asst Prof (Lab Medicine &Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, DaI Code 8809, 0242Mayo (625-9171), 770 Osceola Ave, Stp.,uull55105,, page 891if993IIEINARTZ JR Thomas J, Lecturer (Curriculum &Instruction) 150 PeikH, Del Code 4301 (625-4006),1255 Berkeley Avenue, St Paul 551 05,651-603-0577, relnOOI20tc.umn.adu


REHMANN Ronald E, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMadicine Clinic) 3960 Coon Rapids Blvd, Ste 107,Coon Rapids 55433,

REICH Edger, Prof (Retired) (Mathematics, SchOf) 531 VinH, Del Code 0412 (628-9135),1235Yale PI Apt301, Mpls 55403, 336:5043,

REICH Peter B, Prof (Forest Resources) 115 GmH, DaI Code 6112 (624-4270), 74 Neptune Street,Mahtomedi 55115, 651-653-7556,prei<:hOtc.umn.eduREI.CHARD William J, Lecturer (English CreativeWriting Progr) Room 207 UndH, Del Code 0813(625-3363),.reichOI70tc.umn.aduREICHEL Leurie A, Asst Scientist (VeterinaryDiagnostic Lab) 244 Veterinary Diag Lab, Del Code6184 (625-1732), reich0330tc.umn.eduREICHENBACH Mike, Asst Prof (ForestResources, Dept 01), Extension Educator/AssocProf (MN Ext Svc Tech Unil Northeast), ExtensionEducator/Asst Prof (Bio-Besad Products) UMExtension Regl Ctr Cloque~ Cloquet ForestryCenter, 179 University Rd, Cloquet 55720-9506(218-726-6470),.rei<:h0270tc.umn.eduREICHERT John A, Prof (Park Ni<:oHet Medi<:alcanter) ObIGyn Dept, 3600 Park Ni<:ollet Blvd,Mpls 55416 (952-993-3123), rei<:hOO80tc.umn.aduREICHHOFF Julie A, Instructor (UMD Madicine,School of) Room 113 Mad, 0599, 10 Univitrsity Dr,Duluth 55612

REICHLE Joe E, Prof (Speech Language HearingSciences) 115 Shev H, Del Code 4401 (625-6542),

REICHOW Aaron J, Inlo Tech Prof (UMD UbralYl210 L, 0139,416 Library Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-6651); 1205 East 4th St, Duluth 55805,216:724-0773, arei<:howOd.umn.aduREICHTER Brett A, Assoc Program Dir (TerritorialHall), Del Code 1791 (625-8991),417 Walnut StSE, Mpis 55455, reich0560tc.umn.eduREICHTER Jacqueline S, Assoc Program Dir(Riverbend Comnions Res Hall), Del Code 1111(625-6768), schheI400tc.umn.eduREICHTER Russell E, Adjunct Asst Prof (SMOC)400 E 3rd St, Duluth 55805REICKS Erin C, Assoc Program Oir (Comstoc:ikHall E), Del Code 1092 (624-¥76),reick0040tc.umn.aduREICKS Marta M, Prof (Food Sci & Nutrition) 162 FSc N, Del Code 8099 (624-4735),mrei<:ksOtc.umn.eduREICOSKY Donald C, Prof (N Central SoilConaerv Res Lab) 803 Iowa Ave, Del Code 8028,408 Birch Ave, Morris 56267,rei<:oOO20tc.umn.aduREICOSKY Joan E, Instructor (UMM Soc:ialSciences, Div ot, UMM Cont Educ/Regional Prgm)16 cam, Morris 58267 (320-589-8194), 408 BirchAve, Morris 58267, 320-589-2069,rei<:osjeOrnorris.umn.eduREID Barbara, Prof Emerile (Ub Arts Adm Ole ofthe Dean), Prof Emerile (Thealre Arts and Dance)100 Ferguson Hall, Del Code. 7811 (624-7060),2273 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-646-1888,reidxOO10tc.umn.aduREID Kenneth J, Prof (Retiredj (Civil Enginearing)122 Civ E, Del Code 0851 (625-5558),1.1068Hyland Terrace, Eden Prairie 55344,952·943-8909, reidx0020tc.umn.eduREID Samuel R, Instructor (Children's - St Paul)ER Dep~ 345 N Smith Ave, St Paul 55102,reidxOI50tc.umn.eduREID Teresa J, Asst Prof (Hennepin CountyFacuily Assoc) no 720, 825S 8th St, Mpls 55404,reidxOI30tc.umn.aduREIERSON Richard N, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical ScIence) e-339 VetTchHos, Del Code6192,17520 117th Ave North, Dayton 55327,reier0060tc.umn.eduREIERSON Shirley A, Instructor (UMD SupportiveServk:es) campus Center 60, Duluth(216:726:7879), sreiersoOd.umn.aduREIF Christopher J, Asst Prof (FamilyMadicineIComm HaaJIh), Physician (FamilyMadicinelComm HaaJIh) Regions Hospitel, Dept 01Family Practice, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101(651-221·3540), 500 W49th SI, Mpls 55409,reilxOO20te.umn.aduREIF Jack N, Lecturer (CCE Maeters 01 BuSinessTaxation) 3-110 ca~SMgmt, Del Code 7041, 479Owasso Hills Dr, Roseville 55113, 651-484-0371,

REESE Eric C,. PM Administrative Spec(Department of Pediatrics) MMC 39 Mayo, DelCode 8039,0136 Mayo Bldg (625-7736),reese0930tc.umn.eduREESE Michael H, CooIdinator (West cantralResearch & Outreach C) 46352 StateHwy 329,Morris 56267-(320-589-1711),26566 375thAvenue, Hancock 56244, 320-392-5853,reesemOlllOlTis.umn.eduREEVE BaSil, Lectuter (Music, Sch Of) 100 FergH, Del Code 7811, 481712th Ave S, Mpis 55417,

REEVES Andrew L, Adjunct Asst Prof (ISJ - MHS)PO Box 8873, 1025 Marsh St, Mankato58002-8873, reeve0770tc.umn.aduREEVES Brenda J, Sr AnalystIProgrammer (ADM)Suite 229 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (625-5319),3916Sunset Rd N, Brooklyn Park 55443,reeve0300tc.umn.eduREEVES Bruce 0, Inlo Tech Prof (UMD InloTechnology Syst & Serv) 15 DADB, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55612-3011 (218-7~1),

breevesOd.umn.aduREEVES Cheryl 0, Community Program Spec(School of SocIal Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404Gertner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 6008Chicago Ave S, Mpls 55417, 886-4928,creevesOtc.umn,eduREEVES Usa R, Student Support Servk:es Assoc(UMD KnowIedge MgrnlCtr) 42 sec, 1117University Drive, Ouluth 55612 (216:726:7701),

REEVES Michael A, Web Developer (WebDevelopment) Room 660 WBOB, Del Code 7529(625-9013), reeveDll Otc.umn.eduREEVES Mike; Delivery Servi<:a Driver (CollmanDining Servk:es) 047 CMU, Del Code 1051(625-3555), 2638 Cleveland Street NE, Mpis554.18, 789-8074, reeve0940tc.umn.eduREEVES Steven L, Cook (Centennial DiningServi<:ea) B96 CenH, Del Code 1811 (625-8875),301313th Ave S, Apt 12, Mpls 55407, 625-7953,reave034·

REFSLAND Eric W, Jr ScIentist (BlochamislJy)6:212 MCB, Del Code 1214 (625-495n, 229-4529,relslOOl Otc.umn.aduREFSNIDER Jeanine M, Research Spec (EcologyEvolution and Behavior) 100 Ecology, 1987 UpperBuford Circle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6098, 8625MissisSippi Blvd, Coon Rapids 55433,

REGAL Jean F, Assoc Dean (UMD Medicine,School 01), Prof (UMD BlochemlMolecular Biology)~13 SMad, 1035 University Dr, Duluth 55612(218-726-8950; 218-726-6512), 2129 Sussex Ave,Duluth 55803, 218-728-1333, jregalOd.umn.aduREGAL PHD Philip J, P~f (Ecology, Evolution &

• Behavior) 214 Ecology, Del Code 6098, 343-5590,regaJOOl Otc.umn.aduREG~L Ronald R, Prof (UMD MathlStats), SrResearch Assoc (UMD Nat Resources Rarch Inst),Assoc To (UMD MathlStats) l40C CCtr, Duluth(218-726:7556),2129 Sussex Ave, Duluth 55803,218-728·1333, rregalOd.umn.aduREGAN Mary J, Teaching Spec (SChool ofNursing) 6:101 Weaver DensIord Hall, Del Code1331 (824-9600), 119 Oxford St, Richmond Hill ONL4C4L6C8nade, 763-553-1540,regaOOI70tc.umn.eduREGARD Monlque M, Asst Prof (ParkviewObIGyn) Ste 400, 360 Sharman St, St Paul 55102,360 Crow Hill Rd, Mount Kisco NY 10549-3806,regeIOO10tc.umn.eduREGELMANN Warren E, Assoc Prof (Padiatrics)MMC 742 Mayo, Del Code 8742, 411 V G RC(824~2), regaIOO10tc.umn.eduREGENFUSS John M, MEND Admin Csntar Dir(MEND Administrative canter) MMC 295 Mayo,Del Code 6295, 12-114 PWB (625-6405),johnrOtc.umn.aduREHA Joyce F, Exec Sec (Madicinal Chemislly)8-101 WDH, Del Code 1332 (624-9919),rehaxOOl Otc.umn.eduREHM George W, Prof (Soil Water & Climate) 231Soils, Del Code 8028 (625-6210), 8431 County 17Blvd, Cannon Falls 55009, rehmxool0tc.umn.eduREHM Jackie, Instructor (Park Pharmacy) 101Main St N, Parl< Rapids 56470,rehmX0030te.umn.aduREHM Kelly, Asst Prof (Radiology) MMC 292Mayo, DaI Code 6292, 13-231 Mayo (624-5915;725'2230), 728-5870, rehmx0020tc.umn.adu,page 609-4069

REDISH David, Asst Prof (4-142 MCB) 420Washington Ava, DaI Code 1216 (626-3736;626-3741), redis0030Ic.umn.adu

REDUNGER David J, Teaching Asst (CarlsonSChool 01 Mgmt) 3-365 carlSMgrnt, Del Code7041, 1610 8th Street NE, Watartown SO 57201,605-882-9205, radIOOI50tc.umn.aduREDMAN Neal T, Instructor (UMD CompoSition),Adjunct Instructor (UMD Continuing Education) 108CinaH, 1123 Univitrsity Dr, Duluth 55612'(2111-726-6175), nredmanOd.umn.adu

REDl,tON JliInes B, Assoc Prof (Madicine), AsstProf (Urologic Surgery) MMC 101 Mayo, Del Code8101, (628-1960), 5124 Newton Av S, Mpis 55419,920-3546, redrnoOOl0tc.umn.adu

REDMOND Edwyna A, Child care Teacher (UMDChildren's Place) 280 KPIz, 0143, 1208 Kirby Dr,Duluth 55612 (2111-726-6092), 5214 Munger ShawRoad, Saginaw 55779, 2111-729-4936,

REDOUTEY Karolyn M, Assoc Academic Advisor(CCE.J>CP/Student.Sarvk:es & Advising) Rooml50C WesH, Del Code 3631 (624-4000;624-589n, redou0010tc.umn.eduREECK Joanne K, Coordinator (Twin CitiesStudent Union·MPLS) Room 500 CMU, 300Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1051(624-5562), 7440 Oak Parl< Village Drive, Apt 9,Saint Louis Parl< 55426, 21 CHl571,

REED Brian, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Neuroscience)Rm 6:145 JacIf, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1216, reedx2490tc.umn.adu

REED Bruce A, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Donhow&-Area A) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, reedOI120tc.umn.eduREED Catherine C, Research Assoc (Entomology)219 Hodson H, Del Code 6-125 (624-3636), 2215Doswell Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-644-3765,reedxOI20tc.umn.aduREED Dana R, Research Assoc (Chemistry) 139Smith H, DaI Code 3661 (625-8099; 624-366n,4125 43rd Ave S, Mpls 55406, 676:0973,reedx032 Otc.umn.eduREEl! Dawn, Nco Univ Staff (HeallhSciences-Adm) 126 Mayo Mpls, 27 Old CountyRoad C, UltIe canade 55117,readX0430tc.umn.eduREED Del, Library Supv (Reference Servi<:ea) 275Diehl H, Del Code 1691 (624-3128), 1523 BranstonSt, St Paul 55lO8, 651-1144-7997,reedxOI30tc.umn.aduREED Jalle M, Jr ScIentist (UMD-NRRI-CWE) 451NRRI, 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55811, 2621E 2nd St, Duluth 55812, 218-724·1533,jreadOnrri.umn.aduREED Jann, Sr EditOr (Leaming Abroad canter)230 Heller Hall, DaI Code 7457,reedx0850tc.umn.adu .

REED Joanne R, Adjunct Asst Prof (HeaithPar1ners West Clinic) 5100 Gamble Drive, St LouisParl< 55401, reedx0550tc.umn.aduREED Kent M, Assoc Prof (VeterinaryBiosciences), Asst Prof (Animal Science, Dapt of)295 ASNM, Del Code 6010 (624-1287; 624-5390),reedx0540tc.umn.eduREED Peter J, Prof (Retired) (English Lenguage &Lit) 310F UndH, Del Code 0813 (625-4368), 2950Dean Par1<way Apt 1001, Mpls 55416, 625-7660,reedxOOl Otc.umn.eduREED Stephanie L, Medi<:al Technologist (SurgicalPathology) MMC 76 Mayo, DaI Code 8076, C422Mayo (628-1930), reedx0630tc.umn.eduREED Willa A, Exec Administrative Spec (UMExtension Program Support) 240 Colley Hall, DelCode 6070 (625-4703), wreadOtc.umn.aduREEF Adam C, Assoc-Adrnin (CCE-Degree &Credit ProgramsIMLS) Room 202 WesH, DaI Code3631 (626:8724), reeIxOOl Otc.umn.eduREEL-SILVIS Anthony, Accountant (Spanish &Portuguese) 432A Folwell, Del Code 0133(625-2555), reeloool0tc.umn.eduREESE Colby L, Info Tech Supv (HealthSciences-Adm) MMC 210 Mayo, Del Code 6210,588 childrens Rehab (628-2323),reese0070tc.umn.9duREESE Curtis 0, Research Plot Technician(Southam Research \ Outreach canter) 35836120th St, Waseca 58093 (507-835-3620), PO Box182, Benson 56215, 805-693-6751,reeseOO69morris.umn.adu


REINDERS AlIke, Re8earch As80c (Plant BloIogyDept) 622 Bio ScI Center, Del Code 6022(624-2791; 625-2778), ankeOtc.umn.ectJ,REINECClUS GaIy A, Prof (Food ScI & NutrllIon)147 F SC N, Del Code 6099 (624-3201), 2249Carter Ave, Sl Paul 55108, 651-&44-5484,grelneccOtc...m.ectJREINEKE PeIer K, 8ergeant of Police (100 TSB)511 Washinglon AvenueSE, Del Code 1981(624-1036), Illine0140tc.umn.ectJREINERVIClOr S, Prof (Mathematic8, SCli Of) 256VInH, Del Code 0412(~), 48131.akeviewDriw, Ecina 55424, 952-92&-4102,IllineOOl Otc.UIM.ectJ.REINERS MIke, Teaching Spec (ITCEP) 4 VlIlC8lltHall, Del Code 0412 (625-28611, 355 ManlhaII Ave,Sl Paul 55102, Illine0130tc.UIM.eduREINERT Kennelh C, PhD CandIdate R_rchAssl (NeuIOllCience) Am 6-145 JacH, 321 Church

, Sl S,~ 55455, Del Code 1216,1llin02590tc.umn.eduREINERT Roger J, Inslructor (UMD Liberal ArtsAdmin, Col 01), Prin Sludenl PelllOM8l Worker(UMD L.IleraI Arts Admin, Col 01) 112 Cine Hall,1123 Univenlily Dr, Duluth 55812,

REINHARDT CoI8y 1:1, A8st Child C8l8 Teacher(University Child cere center) ChildCare, 1600Rollins Ave SE,~ 55414,De1 Code 3071(627-4014), 1927llirmlngliarn Sl N, MepIewood55109,651-246-2646, rllcdonl390tc.umn.eduREINHART EIIzabeIh A, Adjunct Instructor (3460Lexington Ave N) Shoreview 55126, 523 Heinel Dr,Ro8eYiIIe 55113, IllinhOO70tc.umn.eduREINHOLD Cheri M, Community Program Spec(EIlYIII HeaIlhIHeeIth StudIe8) 350 McNaamaraCtr,DeI'Code 2004 (625-3462), reinh0150tc.umn.eduREiNISCH Debra J, Instructor (Obstetrics andGynecology; Nursing, SChool 01) UniversitySpeciaisls, RivenIlde ProIesaionaI Bldg, 606 24thAve S, SuIIe 611, Mpls 55454, 473 Rice CIllBkBlvd, Fridley 55432, reiniOO30tc.umn.eduREINKE MD Donovan B, Prof C" A MediceIcenter) One Veterans Dr, Suite 114, MpIs 55417,reink0020tc.umn.eduREINICING Mer8ha L, Exec AdmlnilllralIve Spec(Sch Of Nllic Heelth) MMC 197 Meyo, Del Code8197,1«J2 Meyo (626-1426; 624-6669),reinkOO10tc.umn•.ectJREINSCHIIIDT Jemie L,~ A8st Prof (NorthSuburban Family Physlcians)576 Apollo Driw,Uno Likes 55014, reinsOO30tc•,REIS Andre I, Vl8Iting Prof(E~ andComputer Engineering) 4-174 EEICScI, Del Code0572 (625-3300), Av ProlasIo AI¥es, 7355-Aplo1001-817, Porto Alegre 91310003 BrazlI,rei8x0330tc.umn.ectJREISDORFER J8ff K: Info Tech Prof (AppliedEconomics) Room 231 CIaOff, 6040, 1994 BufordAve, Sl Paul 55108, 2109 - H, Vining Drive,Wood:lury 55125, jrelsdorOtc.umn.eduREISETTER Angela J, R_rch As80c (Physicsand Astronomy) Room 148 Phya, 116 Church SlSE,~ 55455, Del Code 0331 (624-4606), 1026Avon Street North, &lint Paul 55103,651-645-9956, reiaOO810tc.umn.ectJREISHUS Diane L, Instructor (Target) 13201RklgedeJe Dr, Minnetonka 55305,17021 Creel<Ridge Tr, Minnetonka 55345,reiahOOl Otc.omn.eduREISIIAN DenieI 0, Assoc Prof (Retired)(CIasaic8I & Near Eastem Sludiea) 330 Fa! H, DelCode 0149 (624-1395),'REISS Ira L, Prof (RetIred) (Sociology), 5932Medicine Lake Rd, MpIs 55422,raisaOOl Otc.umn.ectJ·REITAN Cheryl R, Assl Oir CrnpICol (UMD UnlvReialionslDevelopmet) 315 DAdS, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812 (216-72H996),216-726-3154, ClllilanOd.umn.eduREITER Jeanne M, Nursing ProIeasionaI (8553Mayo) MMC 603 Mayo, Del Code 6603,

. (625-1926),533 Sc;hIellY Drive, U\lI8 Canada55117, 651~,1'8ile0060tc.umn.eduREITER MallMw E,~ Spec(FlSheriealWlkIiIe, Dept 01), Advanced Mea1IInlReaearch Assl (FlsheriealWildlile, Dept Qf) 200HodsonH, Del Code 8125, 321 Maryland AveWest, Floor 2, Sl Paul 55117, 651-487-2210,reilO1270tc.umn.eduREmeH Fernando L, Aasoc Department Oir(Mathematics, SCh of), Prof (Mathematics, SCh 01)451 VinH, Del Code 0412 (626-1324), .1'

REmlElER Joan C, Prin AdmInlstratlY!l Spec(UMC Busineaa Affairs) Room 121 SelH, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (216-261-8331),jreilmeiOrnell.erk.umn.edREITMEIER Joy 0, Ubrary Ass! 2 (MINITEX) 15Andersen Library, Del Code 7921,reilmOO70te.umn.eduREITZ Howard 0, Project Admin (cco-centralComputing Operations) 660 W BOB, Del Code7531 (626-7442), 3027 Paecal Street North,Roseville 55113, 651-1131-9071,,page 648-5971REITZEL Robert .L, Painter (CPPM- U 01 MConstruction) Room 300 DonhoweIl, 31915th Ave!lE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3121, 12969 Keller AveN, Hugo 55036, 651-439-4426,reilzOO60tc.umn.eduREJAU Roxanna, Asst To (EducationStulProIeaslonaI SYC) Room 110 WullH, Del Code3345 (625-2085), rejalOOl Otc.umn.eduREJTO Peter A, Prof (Mathematics, SCh Of) 430Vin H, Del Code 0412 (625-4598), 1539 E RiverTerrace, MpIs 55414,339-1232,rejloOOl0tc.umn.eduRELOPEZ Coronado G, Building end GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Adminialratlon) 307Donhowe B, Del Code 3121 (624-7817),reIopOOl0tc.umn.eduRELOPEZ Rose M, Ass! To (Nursing, SChooloI/Adm) 5-14OC WDH, Del Code 1331 (624-1410),relop0030te.umn.eduRELOS Rene, Non Univ Slaff (Surgery) V157 VFWMpIs, 611 Fulton Sl SE, MpIs 55414,relosOOl, page 899-9325REM Lois, Administrative Aide (Sludenl LegalS-, Univ) Room 160, West Bank Skyway, 21919th Avenue S, Mpls 55455 (624-1814), 1670Glenview Court, Arden Hilla 55112-2807,651~159, rernxx0010tc.umn.eduREM 8auvann, Outpatient Clinic Aast(CUHCCNCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave S, Del Code7651 (638-0700 xl53), 2100 Bloomington Ave SApt309, MpIs 55404,674-1094,remxxOO20te.umn.eduREMAFED! Gary J, Prof (Youth and AIDS Project)426 Oak Grove St, Mpls 55403 (627-6620),remaIOOl Otc.umn.eduREIIENIKOVA Tanya, Prof (Music, Sch Of) 216Ferg H, Del Code 7611 (624-0809),4141 DupontAva S, MpIs 55409, 625-9537, .remenOOl Ote.umn.eduREMICK RuSsell C, Maintenance Electrician (UMCPlant SeIvicea) Room 2 Kiser B, 2900 UniversityAve, Crookston 56716 (216-26H14~), 23269l40th Ave SE, Red Lk Falls 56750, 216-253-2363,rremIckOmail.crk.umn.eduREMILLARD-HAGEN Erika N, Jr ScIentist(Gastroenterolog MedicIne Ole) MMC 36 Mayo,Dei Code 8036, BSBE 6-280, 651-489-7003, 'REMINGTON John, Dlr (Labor EducationSarvicea), Prof (Labor Education Sarvicea) 4-123C8r1SMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-5020; 624-7663),1445 Sumrn\t Avenue, Sl Paul 55105,651-642-1365, remin0030te.umn.eduREMINGTDN'Susann, Non Univ Staff, 640Jackson Street St Paul, ln3 Stanford Avenue, StPaul 55105, 651~5673, reminOOl O'te.umn.eduREMIS lachary C, Teaching Ass! (PsychOI~)N-218 EItH, 75 East River Road, MpIs 55455, DelCode 3261, 116 Arthur Ave SE, Mpls 55414,~, remi00250te.umn.eduREMMEL Rory P, Prof (College Of Pharmacy)6-174 WDH, Del Code 1332 (624-0472), 2162Doswell Ave, Sl Paul 55108, 651-647-1797,remrrieool Otc.umn.eduREIIMEN John G, Plpeliller (Facilitiea Mgmt-Zone5 - Eeat Bank) Room 300 Donhowe Bldg, 31915thAve SE, Mpla55455, Del Code 3121,16906Hubbard Trail, l.akeville 55044, 952-953-6808,remrne0140tc.umn.eduREMNEK Miranda B, Prof Emeritus(ArlllIHumanItles ColIactiOna (COM)) 170B OMWL,Del Code 7111 (624-7557), m-remnOte.umn.eduREMUCAL HonoratQ C, Adjunct Prof (HutchinsonMedical center) Hutchinson Med Center, 1091Hwy 15 S, Hutchinson 55350,ramucOO10te.umn.eduREMUS Stuart J, Instructor (College of Pharmacy)Snyder Pharmacy, ,915 Wildwood Rd, Whne BaarLake 55115, remue0020te.UIM.eduREN Guanshen, A8st Prof (UMDMathematicsISta) 102 sec, 1117 UniversityDr, DulU11l55812 (216-726-6255),

REN Cian, Teaching Assl (Phyaice and Astronomy)Room 148 Phys, 116 Church Sl SE, Mpis 55455,Del Code 0331, 81513th Ave SE, Apt 308, MpIs55414,379-3312, renxx0140tc.umn.eduREN Ting, R_reh Ass! (Humphrey Ins! 01 PublicAffair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 30119th Ava S, MpIs55455, Del Code 7451, retlxOO200tc.umn.eduREN Yanhua, Post-Doctoral Aasoc (Pharmacology)6-120 Jackson Hall, Dei Code 1213, 2297 StarKiahSlApt 11, St Paul 55108, 651-644-1796,renxx0150te.umn.eduREN Vi, Advanced Masters Resa8rch Ass!(G8netics, C8111lio1 & Development) 5-140 MoosT,Del Code 1217 (624-5673), 1986 Knapp Ave, SelntPaul 55108, 651-917-ClO31, renx0021 Ote.umn.eduRENARD-PAULE lisa M, Nursing Professional(Psychiatry) F262flA West-B, Del Code 8393, 600Leurel Ave, SI Paul 55102, ren8IOO20te.umn.eduRENAUD Armand A, Prof (RetIred) (French andItalian), 3712 Edmund Blvd, Mpls 55406,renaUOO10tc.umn.eduRENDAHL Aaron K, Graduate SChool Fallow '(Slali8tics) Room 313 FordH, 224 Church Sl SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 0457, 4053 Vera Cruz AveN, Robbinsdale 55422,763-533-1219,rendOO200tc.umn.eduRENDAHL Merry, Exec Aaat (Office oi the Provost)217 MorH, 100 Church Sl SE, MpIs 55455, DelCode 0262 (626-1027), rendaOO30tc.umn.eduRENDAHL Robert E, BuIlding and Grounds WOIker(Fae Mgmt·Zone 3-HaaIth SeIvicea) Bl17 MoosTower, Del Code 8059, 300 Donhowe B(624-2900), 4011 Garllald Avenue South, MpIs55409, 625-3956, rendaOO10tc.umn.eduRENEAU Jeffrey K, Prof (Animal ScIence, Dept 01;Veterinary Population MedicIne) 2250 HckrH, DelCode 6118 (624-9791), reneaOOl Ote.umn.eduRENNARD David C, Graduate SChool Fellow(Cham Eng & Material ScIance) 165 AmundsonHall, Del Code. 0531 (626-2021), 333 6th St SE un~

111, MpIs 55414, renna0590tc.umn.eduRENNE Amy B; Instructor (UMD AchievementC8nter), Aast Academic Advisot (UMD ScIIEngrAdmIn, Col 01) UMD ScIenceIEngr, Collage 01, 140Engr, 0166, 1303 On:lean Court, Duluth 55812,arenneOd.umn.eduRENNER Dan B, Jr Scientlsl (Biochem, MolBiology, & Biophysics) 5-202 BSandBE, Del Code1214 (625-S66ll), 13620 Judicial Loop, Bumaville55337,319-321-7366, renn8os10tc.umn.eduRENNER Emily, Ass! Child cere Teacher(University Child Care C&nter) ChlldCare, Del Code

'3071 (627-4014),216 Gunderson Blvd, Kenyon55946, 507-7~l, renn00610te.umn.eduRENNER Randsll F, Construction LebOrer (CPPM­U 01 MConstruction) Room 300 DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpia 55455, Del Code 3121, 3639593n:l Sl, Pierz 56364, 320-355-2190,renneOO60te.umn.eduRENNINGER Salina, Lecturer (EducationalPsychology), Psychologist (CounICnsItg Sarvicea,Univ) 108 EddyHalI, Del Code 4801 (626-7374),renniOOl Otc.umn.eduRENNOLET Charles L, Lecturer (ElectricalEngineering) 4-178 E EIC ScI, Del Code 0572,rennoOO20te.umn.eduREND Brad, Info Tel:h Prof (ADCS) B40 MagrathLibrary, Del Code 6034 (624-2296), 'RENSTROM Scoll C, InatnJclor (Good SamaritanPharmacy) 305 2ndSl NW, New Brighton 55112,2516 Doiothy, White Bear Lake 55110,renstOO10tc.umn.eduRENTERIA Gail P, Sr AudItor (Dept 01 Audits) 276DAdB, Duluth (216-726-8099),grenterl Ote.umn.eduRENT% Mjchael S, Teaching Ass! (Humphrey Ins!01 Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 301. 19th AveS, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7451, 5913 WoodlandCircle, Minnetonka 55345, 952-934-9679,rentOOO90lc.umn.eduRENZ Chrialopher P, Tchg SpeclAdjunct Aasoc,Prof (Lew SChool) Room 265 MondaIeH. 229 19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911, 3145 Dean CtApt 704, MpIs 55416, ranzOOO40tc.umn.eduREPESH Ullian A, Aasoc Dean (UMD MedIcine, .School 01), Assoc Prof (UMD Anatomy end CellBiology) 173 SMSIl, 1035 University Dr, Duluth55812 (216-726-6ll72), 1345 Cliff Avenue, Duluth55811,216-726-2906, IrepeahOd.umn.eduREPINSKI Robert A, Head(UMD Fine Arts, SChool01), Aasoc Prof (UMD Art and Dealgn; UMD FineArts, SChool 01), Adjunct Aasoc Prof (UMDContinuing Education) 317 ABAH, Duluth(216-726-6504), 1915 Greysoion Road, Duluth55812,216-724-3603,


REPKA Tanya L, Adjunct Assl Prof (5t Luke'sHospital) 915 E 1st Sl, Duluth 55605 . .

RESCH David, Adjunct Assl Prof(DeveiopmentallSurgical SCi· Orthod) Room 6-312Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (625-9976;625-6444), reech0070tc.umn.eduRESCH DavId J, ExtensIon EducatorlAssoc Prof(MN Ext Svc SCJrth CentraI), County ExtensIon Oir(MN Ext Svc~ Central) UM Extension RegI CtrHutchinson, 980 2nd Ave SE, Hutchinson55350-2806 (320-234-0434), 5714 l00th S~

Glencoe 55336. 320-864-5787,reech0030tc.umn.eduRESCH Joaeph A, Prof (RetIred) (Neurology), 1609Pleasant Sl Apt307, Lauden:laIe 55108,reachOO90tc.umn.eduRESCHKEC8ro1, ScIentist (UMD Natural AsreRsrch Inst) NRRI,Dl86, 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy,Duluth 55811, 869 Shoreview Heights Road, Two .Harbors 55616, 216-634-2904,er30cpinternet.comRESELE Arma M, Student Pel'SQllnal WOIker(Upw8!'d 8I,lund) 2 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501(625-3369), 4030 Pillsbury Ave, MpIs 55409,reseOOO90tc.umn.eduRESENDE-FILHO MoIaea, Reaearch Ass!(Department of Applied Economics) 317AClassroom OffIce Bulkllng, 1994 Buford Ave, SlPaul 55106-6040, Un~ F, 1056 27th Avenue SE,Mpls 5541'1-2730, 376-0055,reae00130tc.umn.eduRESENDIZ CynthIa, Community Program Assoc(CUHCCNCC), Del Code 7651 (638-0700), 3595Raa Ln, Wood:lury 55125, resenOO50te.umn.eduRESENDIZ.RIta M, U8ar Support Spec (HumphreyIns! 01 PubHc Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, Del Code

'7451 (625-9361), Ban, Info Tech Spec (Office 01 theRegistrar) 150 WmsonH, Del Code 0174(625-3520), reama0010tc.umn.eduRESNICK Michael 0, Prol (Pediatrics), AdjunctProf (Epidemiology) Suite 280 McNamara, DeiCode 2016 (624-9111), reaniOOl Ote.umn.eduRESNIK Emeato R, A8st Prof (Pediatrics),Reaearch Assoc (Pecialrics) MMC 742 Meyo, DeiCode 8742, 404 VCR C (625-9186; 626-4062),455 Madison Sl NE, MpIa 55413,331-8803,resnIOO40tc.umn.eduRESS PHD Dino K, Poat-Doctoral Assoc (UMDChemistry and Biochemistry) 248 Cham: 1039University Dr, Duluth 55812 (216-726-7212), ApI II,4110 Maadow Pkwy, Hermantown 55811,216-729-8542, dreasOd.umn.eduRESSLER Alice H, Ass! Scientlsl (BSBE) 1-234BS and BE, 312 Church Street SE, MpIs 55455,2165 Commonwealth Ava, Sl Paul 55108,651-647.9516; reaaIOO60tc.umn.eduREST Ellen B, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Dermatology),

; Ass! Prof (Lab MadlclnelPathology) AssociatedSkin Care, 7205 University Ave NE, Fridley 55432,9247 Duckwoocl Trail, Woodbury 55125,651-576-1567, reatxOO20tc.umn.eduRESVICK Michael E, Instructor (Target PharmacyT-215) 4201 W Division Sl, Sl Cloud 56301,1611521st Ave N, PIymQuth 55447,reaviOOl Otc.umn.eduRETAMOZA Natalie G, Adjunct'Ass! Prof(Northbrook Clinic) Sla 100, 6559 Edinbrook Pky,Brooklyn Park 55449, retamOOl Otc.umn.eduRETTERATH Debbie L, Community Program Spec(SChool 01 SocIal Work) Am 105 PetersH, 1404Gartner Ave, Sl Paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 206181 Sl NW Box 415, Adams 55909, 507-582-3623,retteOOl Otc.umn.eduREmo PHD Kethryn K, Prof (Family SocIalScIance) 290 MeN H, Del Code 6140 (625-n45),krettigOtc.umn.eduRETTIIANN Connie R, Administrative Ass! (UMExtension Sibley Cnty) COunty Sarvice C&nter, 1116th Sl, PO Box 207, Gayton:l55334-0207(507-237-4100), rettmOO10te.umn.eduRETTNER Stephen 11, Building and GroundsWorller (FacllItiea Mgmt Zone-3-HeaIIIl ScIe) B 117Moos Tower, 515 Delaware Sl SE, Minneapolis55455,1006 -13th Ave SE, MpIa 55414, 202-0537,rellOO240tc.umn.eduRETZEL Ernest F, Oir CampuaICoIIege Level(AHc -Reaearch Computing) MMC 43 Meyo,DeiCode 6043, 650 ChRC (626-0495), 910 LinwoodAve, Sl Paul 55105, 651-293-1311,ernestOtc.umn.eduRETZLAFF BeveI1y 0, Aasoc Admin (Genetics,Ceil Biology & Dev) 6-160 Jac H, Del Code 1217(625-4440), retzIOOl Otc.Uf)


REUBOLD Todd J, Ass! Dlr Univ Wide (CBSIIREEInnialive lor Renewable E) 111 Cargill Building, DelCode 6127 (624-6140), 1919 Como Ave SE, Mpls55414, reubOOO20tc.umn.eduREUTER Gary S, Scientist (Entomology) 219Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (624-3838),

REUTER Laura J, Teaching Ass! (FacilitiesMgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB, 31915thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 628 JohnsonStreet; Anoka 55303, 763-323-4917, •reut0051 Otc.umn.eduREUTlMAN Teri, Jr Laboratory Technician(Department o! Psychiatry) MMC 392 Mayo, DelCode 8392, 688 Diehl Hall, reuti0030tc.umn.eduREUTTER Debra L, Teaching Spec (Curriculumend Inlllruction) Room 345 PelkH, Del Code 4301(624-2078), 4040 Harriet Ave S, Mpls 55409,627-5732, reut00080tc.umn.eduREVENAuGH Justin, Prof (Geology & Geophysics)Room 108 PilIsH, 310 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0211, 2128 Uncoln Avenue, saint Paul55105,651-698-3916, justinrOtc.umn.eduREVIER Michael, Building and Grounda Wori<er(Facilnies Mgmt-Adminietration) 400 Donhowe B,Del Code 3121 (624-5855), 48 East Road, CirclePines 55014, 763-780-1651,

REVOIR EHsabeth A, Adjunct Ass! Pro! (NorthlandOBIGYN Assoc) 1000 E 1st St, Duluth 55805REWEY Richard M, Inlo Tech Prof (PrintingServices) Room 102 PSB, Del Code 5401(625-6803; 625-9500),1049 E 3rd, St Paul55106-5204,651-776-5038,reweyOO10tc.umn.eduREX Alexandra S, Laboratory Animal Attendant(Research Animal Resources) 1·252 PWB, 420Delaware Street SE, Mpls 55455 (628-2895),952-322-4896, baile2500Ic.umn.eduREX Jeanna M, Sr Public Health Spec(Epidemiology) Su~e 300, Del Code 7525(628-8566), rexxxOO30tc.umn.eduREYERSON Kathryn L, Pro! (Hilllory) 531 Soc SCi,Del Code 7165 (624-8569),

REYES Andrea M, Sr Laboratory Technician(FISheries & W1ld1l1e) 200 HodsonH, 1960 FolwellAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6125,raya00400tc.umn.8duREYES Lucila S, Personnel Document.Analyet(Human Resources) Room 200 DonhoweB, DelCode 3122 (628-1523), 13038 Uncoln St NE,Blaine 55434, 763-754-0538,reyesOO50tc:umn.eduREYES JR Octavto B, Sergeant of Police (PoliceDePt) 100 T S B, Del Code 1981,reyes0020tc.umn.eduREYMAN Jesalca L, R8S!larch Asst (Rhetoric)Room 64 CIaOll, 1994 Buford Ave, St Paul 55108,Del Code 6043, 614 Portland Ave Apt302, St Paul55102, reymaool0tc.umn,edIJREYNOLDS Anne M, Lacturer (Chemilllry) Room101 Srn~hH, De! Code 3861 (625-4322),reyn0061 Otc.umn.eduREYNOLDS Barbara A, Nursing Professional(Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525, 3Skillman Ln, North Oaks 55127,651-483-2028,reyno0190tc.umn.eduREYNOLDS Daniel W, Instructor (Surgery) MMC 1Mayo, Del Code 8001, Bx 1 Mayo, 6020 St CroixTrail, Denmari< Township 55033, 851-845-4865,reyno0290tc.umn.eduREYNOLDS Nicole, Ass! Clinical Spec (ResearchAnimal Resources) MMC 351 Mayo, Del Code8351, B305 PWB; B305 PWB (624-5156;624-9100), rayno0420tc.umn.eduREYNOLDS Sally S, Musician (227 S Wheeler),Del Code 7841 (651-696-7460),227 S Wheeler St,St Paul 55105, 651-696-7460,rayno0480tc.umn.eduREYNQLDS Suesn K, Ass! SCientist (308 HayesHall) 1509 Gortner Avenue, Del Code 6028(625-3151),8405 57th Ave N, Crystel55428,763-537-5367, reyno0610tc.umn.eduREYNOLDS Thomas J, Assoc Pro! (G

, e-lnstrlCommunlcation) 270 Ap H, Del Code 3501(628-0065), reyn00040tc.umn.eduREYNOLDS Timothy 0, Research Ass! (ChemEngr& MaU SCi) 185 Amund Hall, Del Code ,0531(626-2021),215 5th St NE, Apl3F, Mpls 55413,783-218-8305, rayno1760tc.umn.eduREYNOLDS TImdthy M, Inlo Tech Prof (State &

, Private Fore,try) North Central Research Station StPaul, Del Code 6148 (651-849-5242)

REYNOLDS Warren L, Pro! (Retired) (Chemietry),1898 Euelie St, St Pllul55113,raynoOl00tc.umn.eduREZAC Jane E, Nutrttion Education Ass! (UMExtension Dakota Cnly) Ste 101, 4100 220th St W,Farmington 55024-9539 (851-480-7700),

RHAME MD Frank S, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Epidemiology), Ad/unct Prof (Medicine) AbbottNorthwestern HOspital, Inlectioua Dieease, Clinic42, Mail code 17200, 800 E 28th S1, MpIs 55404,401 S llll S1, ApI 702, MpIs 55401·2565,321-9399,, page 89&-2810RHEES David J, Ass! Prof (The Ilalcken Ubraryand Museum) 3537 Zenith Avenue South, MpIs55416,140 W48th St, Mpls 55409, 623-5896,rheeSOO10tc.umn.eduRHEINBERGER Marguerite M, Non Univ Stall(Nursing, Sch of-Prog and Res) 6-101 WDH Mpls(626-4938), rheln0020tc.umn.eduRHOAl>ES John 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof (BUrnsvilleFamily Physlciane) 625 E Nicollet Blvd no 100,Bumsvllie 55337, 13013 Terrace Circle, Bumsvllie55337, rhoad0030tc.lJmn.eduRHOADES Todd J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Dept o!Arch~ecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811(624-7866), 1580 Fulham Street, Falcon Heigh"55108,651-659-0342, rhcadOO10tc.umn.eduRHOADS Susan E, Nursing ProIesaIonaI (UMDQuick Care Clinic - HS) 101 HS, 0212, 615Niagara Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8866),128East Winona Street, Duluth 55803, 218-724-7067,srhoadsOd.umn.eduRHODE Patrice M, Inlllructor (United HospitalPharmacy) 333 N Smith, St Paul 55102,

RHODE RUSS, In!o Tech Pro! (Applied Economics)Room 231 ClaOll, 6040, 1994 Buford Ave, St Paul55108,4155 Polaris Lane No, Plymouth55446-2645,763-557-9298, rrhodeOJe.umn.eduRHODES Felisha L, Exteneion Educator/Ass! Pro!(UM Exten,ion Reg! Ctr Farmington) Dakota CoExt and Cons Ctr, 4100 220th St WSte 100,Farmlngton 55024-8087 (651-480-7719;651-48()-77B8), rhodeOO60tc.umn.eduRHODES Krisline L, Coordinator (epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St, Mpls 55454, DelCode 7525 (624-1818; 628-8574), t235 ThomasSt, St Paul 55104-2541, 651-846,2840,rh0de0160tc.umn.eduRHODES Mari< C, Inetructor (UMD Medicine,SChool of) Room 113 Med, 0599, 10 University Dr,Duluth 55812, 2704 E 5th Street, Duluth 55812RHODES Pang, Teaching Ass! (General College)339 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501 (625-4894),651-308-5832, rhodOO820tc.umn.eduRHODES Roger W, Assoc Pro! (Pari< NicolletMedical Center) 0bIGy" Dept, 15111 Twelve OaksCenter Dr, Minnetonka 55343 (952-993-4510), 'RHODES Virgil T, Adjunct Prof (Developmental &Surg Sci-elelt Pala) Room 6-296 MooeT, Del Code1291 (625-5945), 9301 Yukon Ave S, Bloomington55438, rhodeOO40tc.umn.eduRHODES William F, Sr Ole Spec (UMD ComputerComer) 175 KSC, 0205,1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth55812 (218-728-8218), 5998 Cant Rd, Duluth55804,218-525-0392, wrhodesOd.umn.eduRHODUS Netaon l, Pro! (Dia!lBlolo SCi - OMD)7-536 Mooe T, Del Code 1291 (625-0693), 1855Ashland Ave, St Paul 55104,651-641-11769,rhoduOOl Otc,

RHODY Shella S, Prin Accoun" SpeclAcct Supv(OSF - Third Party Billing) 8-1 Fraser Hall, DelCode 3395 (824-2928), s-rhodOtc.umn.eduRHUDE David J, Ass! Pro! (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Dept 01 Medicine, 701 S Pari<Ave, Mpis 55415, 4430 Thomas Ave S, Mpls55410, rhudeOO10tc.umn.eduRIAN Amanda R, Exec Adminilllra1lve Spec(Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(626-8870), cortleOO70tc.umn.eduRIAl Mahmoud, Prof (Retired) (Dept Of Electrical& Computer Engr) 4-178 E EIC SCi, Del Code 0572(624-8837),1711 Emerson Ave S, MpIs 55403,377-3412, riazOtc.umn.eduRIIIBACH Unda J, Info Tech Pro! (DisbursementServices) 638C_W BOB, Del Code 7527(624-9315),374-2918,I-ribbOtc.umn.eduRIBEIRO PEREIRA A1ejandr, Research Ass!(EleclricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSCi,Del Code 0572, 1318 Gibbs Ave, St Paul 55108,651-848-5177,

RIBNlCK Evan J, Teaching Ass!(EleclricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSCi,Del Code 0572, 423-6904, ribn00030tc.umn.eduRICAURTE Miguel F, Research Ass! (MinnesotaPopulation Clr) Room 50 Wdl8yH, Del Code 7052(624-5818), riceoo130tc.umn.eduRICCI Mike, Non Univ Staff, University OfMinnesota Mpls (651-225-91n),ricci0060tc.umn.eduRICCIARDI Rocco, Ass! Prof (Rm 318 VCRC)MMC 450 Mayo, Del Code 8195, 401 E RiverRoad, ricc00300tc.umn.eduRICCO Carolina H, Vet,rinary Medical Assoc(Veterinary Clinical Sciences), Teaching Ass!(Veterinary Clinical Sciences) Veterinary ClinicalSCiences, e-339 VMC, 1352 Boyd Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 8192 (628-3869),ricc00020tc.umn.eduRICE Birgilla I, Community Program Spec(Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(624-2080),7412 Parkview, Dr, St Paul 55112,651-785-4013, ricex0160tc.umn.eduRICE Elizabeth A, Ascal OIer (Enterprise Fin SysProj) Court Intemalional, Del Code 2455(624-0030),952-915-1619,·RICE Gloria L, Sr Accountant (OIT) 2218 Univ, DelCode 2171 (826-0256),

RICE James L, Pipetitter (Facilities Mgmt-Zone 4­Campus) Room 150 FoodOB, 2904 Fairmount SlSE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 5803, 810 SpringStreet, Clearwater 55320, ricex2500tc.umn.eduRICE John 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof (2221 FordParkway Suite 210) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code8493, St Paul 55116,

RICE John G, Prof (Retired) (GeograPhy) 414 SocSCi, Del Code 7163 (625-2056),ricexOO10tc.umn.eduRICE Kathryn L, Assoc Prof (V A Medical Canter)Pulmonary (111N), One Veterans pr, Mpl, 55417(725-2000 x4400), ricexOO90tc.umn.eduRICE Marianne K, Community Program Spec(Envm Health Sciences (SPH» MMC 2004, DelCode 2004 (625-3586), 1443 Pacific St, St Paul55106, 651-772-8481, wiss00230tc.umn.eduRICE Pamela, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Dept of Soil,Water, and Climate) USDAIARS - Univ of MN, DelCode 6028 (624-9210), pamriceOtc.umn.eduRICE Randy H, PipeIltter (Facilities Mgrnt-EnergyMgrnt) Room 300 Donhowe Bldg, 319 15th AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 15922 53rdStreet NE, St Michael 55376, 763-428-5751,ricex2450tc.umn.eduRICE Stephen A, Ass! Prof (Microbiology) MMC196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 1435 Mayo (626-4183),4115 Upton Ave S, Mpls 55410, 927-8262,ricex0190tc.umn.eduRICH Hampton, Adjunct Prof(DeveiopmentallSurgicai Science), AssocPro!(Surgery) Room 6-296 Mooe T, Del Code 1291(625-5945), 14 Pari< Lane, Mpls 55416,richxOOl Otc.umn.eduRICH Roy L, Jr ScientIsl (115 Green Hall) 1530Cleveland Ave N, Del Code 6112 (624-0m), 2009Asbury St, Roseville 55113-5820, 651-1146-5176,rIch04750tc.umn.eduRICH TImothy P, Medical Fellow (MedIcinePulmonary) MMC 276 Mayo, Del Code 6276, 350VCRC (624-0999),,RICHARD J Joshua, Info Tech Pro! (UMD In!oTech SyetemslServices) 173 MWAH, 0162, 1023University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8848),jrichar40d.umn.eduRICHARDS Candlca E, Assoc Dir Cmp/Col (UMDFac Mgmt-AdminICust & Gmds Div) 241 DAdB,Duluth (218-726-6261),4 Coltage Ave, Duluth55812,218-724-0883, crlcter10d.umn.eduRICHARDS Cari, Adjunct Prof (Mn Sea GramCollege Program) 208 W H, 2305 E 5th Street,Duluth 55812-1445 (218-726-8710; 218-720-4332),2432 East 7th Street, Duluth 55812;218-724-5885RICHARDS Gall P, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Cen1er) Dept Of Peychiatry, Ste 844, 701Pari< Ave S, MpIs 55415, 3243 Casco Circle,Wayzata 55391, richa0690tc.umn.eduRICHARDS HaRie N, Adjunct Ass! Prof (AbbottNorthwestem Hospital) Medical Education 0IIIce11135,800 E 28th St, Mpls 55407 (863-4581),richa031 Otc.umn.eduRICHARDS Jean, Assoc Prof (UMM Div ofHumanities) Room 104 Hum, M233A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56287(~35; 320-589-6250), 1005W4th St, Morris 56287, 320-588-1259,

RICHARDS Jeanne E, Teaching Spec (UMMMiJaic Departmem) 79 H F A, Morris 56287(320-589-6241), 1005 W 4th St"Morrie 56287,320-588-1259, richarjeOmoms.umn.eduRICHARDS Joaeph V, Instructor (UMD MedIcine,SChool 01) R,oom 113 Med, 0599, ro University~Dr,Duluth 55812, 3600 Tower Ave, Suparior WIRICHARDS Kathleen M, Sec (UM Extension CleyCnly) 71511 St N Ste 1078, PO Box 280, ;Moorhead~ (218-299-5020),richal070tc.umn.eduRICHARDS Rlckelle, Research Ass! (FoodSCience and Nutrition) Room 225 FSCN, 1334'Ecklee Ave, St Paljl55108, Del Code 6099, 2515University AveSE, ApI 228, Mpis 55414,203-1775,

, RICHARDS Suean A, Ass! Dir CmpICol (MedIcalSchool-Adm) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code 6293,C814 Mayo (626-4367), rlcha0160lc.umn.eduRICHARDS Suesn L, Accounls Spec (UMD


IBookstore) 175 KSC, 0205, 1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth55812,30 E Calvery Rd, Duluth 55803,218-724-3418, srichllrl Od.umn.eduRICHARDSON Audrey F, Coordinator (College of IEducation) Room 107 BuH, 178 Piltebury Dr SE, IMpls 55455, Del Code 3171, 3800 Glenhursl Ave,St Louis Pari< 55416, 925-9176, \richOl480tc.umn.eduRICHARDSON David W, ExteneklnEducatorJProlesllor (Applied Econ) 231 CIa 011, Del'Code 6040 (625-1964), 449 Glenwood Ave,Roseville 55113,651-489-7956, wynnOtc.umn.eduRICHARDSON Elizabeth A, Sr Accountant (UMExtension Finance and Planning) Room 415 CofH, 'Del Code 6070 (624-2702), erichardOtc.umn.eduRICHARDSON Eric S, Graduate School Fellow(Biomedical Engineering) Room 7-105 NHH, 312Church St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 1191, 8570Magnolia Trsil Apt210, Eden Prsirie 55344,952-488-7543, ,RICHARDSON GallO, .Prin Accountant (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Cod8 8195,11·115 PW B(625-5964), g-richl .RICHARDSON Jason 0, Teaching Spec (UMDContinuing Education) Room 403'DAdB, 0853, 10 ,University Dr, Duluth 55812, .jrichardOcloqueLk12,mn.usRICHARIJSON Jayson W, Research Ass!(Educational Policy & Admin) Room 330 WuIlH,Del Code 3345 (824-6331), 915 20th AvenueSouth, Apartment 201, Mpls 55404, 372-5070,rich06870tc.umn.eduRICHARDSON Jesae F, Inlo Tech Prof (CCE-InloSylllem" Ofc Of) Room 308 WOSH, Del Code 3931(624-5896),872-6719, richa4580tc.umn.eduRICHARDSON Keenan, Instructor (WestonkaMedical Group) 2200 Commerce Blvd, Mound55384, richa0720tc.umn.eduRICHARDSON Maria 0, Ole Spec (UMD HeaithServices) 108 HS, 0212, 615 Niagera Court,Duluth 55812 (218-726-8131), 12 Dewberry Lane,Duluth 55810, 218-624-0683, 'mrichardOd.umn.eduRICHARDSON Mari< R, Adjunct Inlllructor (VAMC)One Veterans Drivel112A, Mpls 55417,richa4340tc.umn.eduRICHARDSON Paul A, Sr Lacturer (Finance),Program Dir (Finance) 3-122 CariSMgmt, Del Code7041 (324-2888), richa0890tc.umn.eduRICHARDSON PaulT, Instructor (DrewProfessional Bldg) 8525 Drew Ave S, Mpls 55435,9382 Tnnerwood Rd, Woodbury 55125,rich80250tc.umn.eduRICHARDSON Rebecca C, Dental Ass!(Preventive Sci -Pediatric Dentistry) Room 8-150Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (624-0184),509Farrell St, Maplewood 55119, 851-774-6758,richal090tc.umn.eduRICHARDSON Vema K, Ole Spec (UMD Kirby StuCtrlSlu ActVll) 134 KSC, 0208, 1120 Kirby Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-728-71B8), 1540 Quail Ave,Cloquel55720, vrichard!Jd.umn.eduRICHEY Jon S, Inlllructor (Health Span HomeCare Pharmacy) 2750 Arthur Street, Roseville55113,12315 45th Avenue North, Plymouth 55442,763-557-1418, richaOO60tc.umn.eduRICHIE MiChael 0, Building and Grounds Wori<er(BaIley Hall), Sr Bullding and Grounds Wori<er(BaIley Hall), Del Code 6017 (624-7250), 3014 31lllAve S ApI14, Mpls 55408-2061, 729-2481,richI0020tc.umn.eduRICHMAN Jack E, Research Assoc(Biochemietry-eBS) 140 Gor L, Del Code 8104(624-4278), 6710 Stillwater Blvd N, Oakdsle55128-3811,851-770-9409,


RICHMOND Jo M, llispalcher (Depallment 01Pcilice) 100 TSB, Del COde 1981 (624-7828),richrn01201c.umn.eduRICHOTTE JR Keith S, Teaching Ass! (AmerIcanStudIes Program; American Indian StudIes)American Studie, Room 104 ScoIIH, 72 PleasantStSE,Mpls55455, Del Code 3231, 1150 CushingCircle Apt302, St PlIUI55108, 65HI44-2819,rich02740tc.urm.~

RICHTER KBenjami, PhD C8ndidat8 ResearchAss! (Chern Engr & Mall SCI) 440A Amundson Hall;Del COde 0531 (626-8656), 606 7th St SE Apt 4F,MpIs 55414, rich06020tc.urnn.eduRICHTER Kai H, Tchg SpeclAdjiJncl·Assoc Pro!(Law $chooI) Room 285 MondaIeH, 229 19th AveS, MpIs 55455, Del COde 7911,,

RICHTER Kathleen M, Coordinator (MNLandscape Altloretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9&13, 400'1 CoIurn/1US Ave So, Mpls55407, rich049301c.umn.eduRICHTER MaroeI K, Pro! (ECOflClmlcs) 1035Hellertl, Del COde 7052 (625-7832), 65HI44-96IT,richtBr01c.urnn.eduRICHTER Mildred P, Sr Ole Spec (Research-GradSChool Admin) 309 Joh H, Del COde 3n3(625-2040), richIOO5 Otc.umn.eduRICKml Wayne H, Assoc Pro! (Mathematics, SchOf) 235 VinH, DerCOde 0412 (625-1856),wayner01i:.urnn.eduRICHTEJl.MCALPIN Julie R, Teaching Spec (ChndDevelopment) 160 ChDsv, 51 East RlYer Road,MpIs 55455, Del COde 4011 (624-«163),richOO3001c.urm.eduRICK11IYER Eric W, Re$e8rch Ass! (Inst lorGlobal StudIes) 214 Social S<:Ience Buiking, DelCOde 7173 (624-9007), Apt 2, 2220 Grand Ave S,MpIs 55405, rich0571 Otc.urnn.eduRICKARD Michael 0, El8ctrician FOf8II18Il (FacMgmI-Tc ElectriC Operations) 400 Donhowe B, DelCOde 3121(621107637), 3530 173rd Lane NW,Andover 55304, 763-753-4910,ricf(aoo60tc.urnn.eduRICKARD Pat, 5r Ole SupV (IT Administration)Room 105 WeLIl, Del cod8 3731 {624-2512),pricf(ardOtc.urnn.eduRICKE Lori A, Ass! Pro! (Heellh Partnels) 640Jackson St, St Paul 55101 , r1ckeoo60tc..lmn.eduRICKE Robin M, PhD Cllndldate Research Ass!(Biochemistry) 8-216 MQICeIIBIo, Del COde 1214(624-0460), 920-0479, ricke02201c.umn.eduRICKER Beverly J, Instructor (7608 Huron Ave)Chanhassen 55317, rickeOO40tc.umn.eduRICl<EnS Richard'D, Ass! Pro! (UMD Ge01ogicaISciences), Researoh Assoc (Ut.,1D Large LakesObservatory) 105 RLB, Duluth (218-726-7828),rickeIlsOd.umn.eduRICORD BsJbara A, Administrative AIde (UMCChancello(s 0IIice)105 8eIvig HaI1, 2900Univefsity Ave, Crookston 56716 (218-28HIS46),218-281-2320, brIcordOrnall.CI1<.umn.eduRIDDLE Megan J, Jr Scientist (Department 01Pediatrics) MMC 366 Mayo, Del COde 8366, 580CCRB (628-4975), baurn02360tc.umn.eduRIDER James E, Medical Fellow (MedIcineCardiology) MMC 508 Mayo, Del COde 6506,VCRC 2ll9A (626-2451), 3318 Wren Ln, Eagan55121, 65HI86-7349, rider0080tc.umn.eduRIDER Jolene N, Prill Administrative Spec(Inten:ollegiate Athletics) 240 BFAB, Del COde3061 (625-6063),724-5666, rider0030tc.umn.eduRIDER KaIhIeen M, Teaching Spec (French &italian) 260 Fol H, Del COde 0139 (624-7517),651-665-9044, rideOOO20tc.urm.eduRIDGEWELL AIioe M, Sr Ilook8Iore Manager(UMD BookaIOre) 175 KSC, 0205, 1120 Kilby Dr,Duluth 55612 (218-726-7286; 218-726-6543), 704N BoundaJy Ave, Duluth 55610, 216-624-2701,aridgeweOd.umn.eduRIDGWAY Lae A, Accounts Spec (Comstock HallE), Del COde 1092 (626-1403),ridgw00201c.umn.eduRIDLEY David J, Adjunct Instructor(M~Intamal MelIclne) 1690 UnivelslIy Ave, 8llite 570,St Paul 55104, 1696 HiIIcresI Ave, St Paul 55106,ridIeOOl Otc.urnn.eduRIOI..ON JoshE, BuIlding and Grounds WorIter(Collman Dining 8arvices) G47 CMU, Del COde3121 (625-2037),2076 Como AveApt4, St Paul55108,751-5553, ridIOCI180tc.urnn.eduRIEBE Marsha L, Exec Ass! (HHH Ins! PubIAll-Ins!) 238 H H H CIT, Del COde 7451 (625-0366),4436 17th Ave S, MpIs 55407, 724-9496,riebeOOl

RIEBE Mary P, Sr Lectul'1lr (Marketing/l.oglsllcsManagement) 3-150 Ca~SMgmt, Del COde 7041,riebe0220tc.urnn.eduRIECK Perry P, Farm Animal Allendant(SouthemResearch & Outreach Center) 35638 l20th St,Waseca 56093 (952-835-3620)RIECK Trisha L, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Dentistry-Aestol'1ltive Sc~Prosthodo) Room 9-450MoosT, Del COde 1291 (~969),

1ykeOOO30tc.umn.aduRIEDEL Laurel W, Adjunct Instructor (HennaplnCounty Medical Center) Nurse Midwilery8arVice,701 PlIIk Ave S, MpIs 55415, 5133 Bryant Ave S,Mpls 55419, [email protected] Marcus, Ass! Pro! (Electrical/CompulerEngr) Room 4-174 EEICSci, Del COde 0572,mriedeIOtc.umn.eduRIEDEL Michelle M, Graphic DesignarMedia Artist(Veterinary MedIcine Dean's 0IIice) 432 Vet 5, DelCOde 6187 (624-9719), 7914 9th Street Circle N,Oakdale 55128, 651-702-9017,riedeOO20tc.umn.eduRIEDEL Patrick J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (MinnasoteEye Consultants, PAl 9117 Lyndale Ave S,Bloomington 55420, riedOOO70tc.umn.eduRIEDINGER Lonna J, Student Support 8arvlcas~ (CLA~t SVI:s) 49 Joh H, Del COd83IT4 (625-9033(, riadlool Otc;urnn.eduRIEDL John T, Prof (Computer ScIence &Engineering) 4-192 E EIC ScI, Del COde 0571(624-7372),651-642-0166, rielIOtc.umn.eduRIEDL Maureen S, Rllll88rch Assoc(Neuroscience) 4-110 BSandBE, DtiI Code 1216(624-4436), 1340 Callfomia Ave W, Falcon HIs55108,651-642-0166, riedlOO30tc.umn.eduRIEDLBERGER Michael 0, Building and GroundsWol1<er (Facilities Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400DonhoYlf&8, 31915th Ave SE, MpIs 55455, DelCOde 3121,1625 Apt 10 Donegal Dr, Woodbury55125,651-486-0745, rIedIOO60tc.umn.eduRIEGERT JR Leo W, 0fC Spec (Instutute forAdvanced Studies) 131 NOlIe Center, Del Code0095 (626-5028), rieg00040tc.umn.eduRIEHL James P, Dean (UMD ScIIEngr Admin, Colof), Pro! (UMD ScIIEngr Admin, Col of) 140 Engr,Duluth (218-726-6397), 3024 E 1st Street, Duluth55612, jprIehIOd.umn.eduRIEHLE MicIieIIe M, Post-Doctorel Assoc (Ctr lorMicrobial and Plant Genomic) 1500 Gortner Ave,Del COde 6127 (624-2707), 1616 Chelsea St, SaintPaul 55108, mriehleOtc.urnn.eduRIEHM MaryJana E, Clerical Ass! (UM ExtensionCarlton Cnty) 310 Chestnut St, PO Il<.>x 307,Carlton 55716-0307 (218-364-3511),riehrn0020tc.umn.eduRIEKE Anne W, Asst Counsalor/Advocate(Ganaral CoIIegeIStudent Parent Halp) BOGAppleby Hall, Del COde 3501 (625-1330),566-9701, rieka0020tc.urnn.eduRIEKE Eric F, Prin Laboratory Technician(Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del COde 8195, Bl05Mayo (624-0192; 626-4933), riek00140tc.umn.aduRIEKE Kytie A, Outpatient Clinic Ass! (ClinicalSystems Dentistry) Room 6-434 MoollT, Del COde1291,1000 9th Street SE Apt 205, Mpls 55414,308-3079, riaka0270tc.umn.eduRIEMENSCHNEIDER Don E, Assoc Pro! (ForestrySciences Cab) 5965 Hwy K, Rhlnalander WI54501, rlema0020tc.umn.aduRIEMENSCHNEIDER Pater A, Info Tech Prof(Univerai\y Relations) 3 Morrill Hall, Del COde 0265(624-2929), priamenOtc.umn.eduRIEMER Ahdrew, Non Univ Stall, Univ8rsity OfMinnesota MpIs (651-m-6636)" ,RIENTS Bob 0, Heed Coach (UMD Athlelics,Intarcolleglate) Room 170 SpHC, D606, 10University Dr, Duluth 55612, 1220 Missouri Ave,Duluth 556", 2.18-726-7967, rriantsOd.umn.eduRIES Brian T, Research Ass! (Computer

, SciencelEnglneering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del COde 0571, 1722Ridge Road, Sheboygan WI 53083, 710-3656,riesOl120tc.umn.eduRIESGRAF Brien S, Info Tech Pro! (School ofMaIhemaUcs) Room 127 VmH, 206 Church St SE,MpIs 55455, Del COde 0412,6304 BJooinlngtonAve, Richfield 55423, riasgrafOtc.umn.eduR1ESGRAF Kim M, Lecturer (Educallonal Policy &Admin) Room 330 WuIlH, Del eoqe 3345(624-1006),7451 Dallas Ct, Maple Grove 55311,763-420-3760,

RlESGRAF Sue M, Community Program Spec(MAST Intamatlonal) Room 395 VoTech, Del COde6198 (625-1287), 1412 State St, CheSka 55318,952-448-3944, rIesgOO30tc.umn.adu

. RlESLAND Unda J, Building and Grounds Wor1car(UMD Fac Mgmt-Custodial MaInt) 241 DAdB, 1049UnivelslIy Dr, Duluth 55612 (218-726-6269), .

RlESSEUlAN Ryan T, Police 0Icr (100 TSB) 511WaehIngton AveAue SE, Del COde 1981(624-3550), 511 Washington Avenue SE, MpIs55455, riess0050tc.umn.adu

RIESSEN Reinhard E, Adjunct Assoc Pro! (1230 EMain S~ Box 6674) MankatO 56001, 4210 FairviewLane, Madison Lake 56063,

RIESTERER Jessica L, Advanced MastersResearch Ass! (Chern Eng & Material Science) 219Amundson Hall, Del COde 0531 (~11;625-6506), 314O.Chowen Ave S Apt 427, MpIs55416,922-0227, rias00710tc.umn.eduRIFF Kenneth, Aflitiated Faculty(SpiritualitylHealing, CIT lor) 67-1125 M~malahoa

Highway Kamuela (608-887-0228), 67-S011yutaka Pen Place, Kamuela HI 96743,riIIxOOl0tc.umn.adu

RlGATUSO Joseph L, Prof (HeeIlhPartners ­Como) 2500 Como Ave, St Paul 55108,rIga1OO10tc.ul'

RIGDON CarriaE, Graduate School Trainee(Envm tteallh ScienceS) MMC 607 Mayo, DelCOde 8607, 1260 Mayo, rigd00030tc.umn.eduRIGELHOF Fred, Jr ScIentist (Food Sclance andNutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6099, 65651ves Lane N,Maple Grova 55369, 763-425-2254,rigalOOl .

RIGGI Gloria M, Prin Administrative Spec(University Child Care Center) ChildCare, Del COde3071 (627-4014), rljlgiOO10tc.umn.eduRIGGINS Fredllrick J, Ass! Prof(IniormatIonIDecIsIon Sciences; executiveDeveIoprnant Cti) 3-370 CarlSMgmt, Del COde7041 (624-5760), 2870 WhIte Eagle Dr, St Paul55129-4290, '

RIGGS Anne C, Taaching'Spec (UMM Div 01Education) Room 200 Edu,M231A, 600 Eoo4th St,Morris 56267, 2520 lOOmme Dieu Hgts Ad NE,Alexandria 56308, rlggsaOmorris.umn.eduRIGGS Channing W, Ass! Oir Univ Wide _(University Relations, 0IIice 01 lila) 3 Morrill Hall,Del Code 0285 (624-686ll),,riggs0350tc.umn.eduRIGGS William J, Teaching Spec (UMM Div ofEducation) Room 200 Edu, M231 A, 600 E 4th St,Monis 56267 (320-S89-2211), 2520 Le HommeDleu Hgts NE, Alexandria 56308, 320-763-7686,riggsbOmorris.umn.eduRIGOR Alex, Rasearch Ass! (Room 303 HayesHaI~ 1509 Gortner Avenue, Del Code 6026, 2089Carter Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-645-5234,rIgor0020tc.umn.eduRIGSBY Christophar, System Archllect (EAM)Room 225 WBOB, Del COde 7531 (624-5334), .RIHA Emily C, Prin Administrative Spec (Ins! onCommunity Integration) Room 204 PtH, Del COde4201 (625-1566), mclooOCl1 Otc.umn,eduRIIHL Wesley F, Farm Animal Allendant (SouthemResearch & Outreach Canter) 35638 ~ 20th St,Waseca 56093 (507-1135-3620), 12379275th Ave,New Richland 56072, 507-<165-3347RIKER-COLEMAN Kristin E, PhI) CandidateResearch Asst (UMD Geological ScIenCes) 229HH, Duluth (218-726-7935; 218-726-6385),218-52!Hl299, rika000301c.umn.eduRIKITU Abnet A, Building and Grounds W~r­(Facilities Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 llonhoweIl,31916th Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3121,rikilOOl Otc.umn.eduRILEY Carta J, Assoc Development OIer (UMMAlumni Relations) Room 123 HPA, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (320-589-6394), 22 Skyvlaw Ln,Morris 56267, 320-S89-1206,rileycjOmorris.urrin.eduRILEY Deanna L, Instructor (UMDMathematicslStatlsllt:s) 102 sec, 1117 UniversityDr, Duluth 55612 (216-726-6255),driIeyOd.umn.aduRn.EY Donald P, I'rogram Assoc (Department 01Pediatrics) MMC 3\11 Mayo, Del COde 8391,13-102 PWB (624-1192), riIeOO320tc.umn.eduRILEY John 0, Adjunct Pro! (4001 StInson BlvdNE) MpIs 55421, r1IeyOll


RILEY Judith K, Prin InIormatIonaI Rep(UMM-Chancello(s Ofo-Adm) 11 Edu, Morris56267 (32ll-S89-605O), 320-569-2792, .

RILEY Mlcheel L, EJevator Mechanic (Facili1iesMgmt-Elevator Shop) SB12 Donhowe Bldg, DelCOde3121,looo Bayside Lane, Mound 55364,952-472-IT25, riIey0440tc.umn.aduRILEY MlchaelP, PfpeIitter (CPPM-U of MConstruction) Room 300 DonhoweB, 31915th AveSE, MpIs 55455, Del COde 3121,riIey0340tc.umn.eduRILEY Pamela C;SociaI Worker (Comm-UnivI'teaIIh Care Center), Del COde 7951, 484 WestWinona Street, St Paul 5510T, .riIeyOO30tc.umn.eduRILEY Susan A, Teaching Spec (School 01Nursing) Aoom 4-149 WDH, Del Code 1331(626-5204), 5626 Vincent Avenue So, Mpls 55410,925-4625, riley05901c.umn.eduRILEY Timothy K, Building and Grounds Wor1car(UMD Faclrllies Management) 241 DAdB,0219,1049 University Dr, Duluth 55612, 7545 SunsetLake Drive, Saginaw 55779, 218-72lHl749,IkriIeyOd.umn.eduRILEY WIlUam J, Adjunct InstructOr (Nursing,SchooJ,of), Oir 01 Program DeveIoprnant (HIlh SVI:sRe$e8rch1Po1icY), Adjunct Assoc Prof (ExecutiveDevelopment Ctr; HIIh SVI:s ResearchIPoIIcy) MMC729 Mayo, Del COde 8729,0363 Mayo(625-0615), riteYOOl Otc.umn.eduRILLO MD Arth~r, Adjunct Ass! Prof (ACMeGranite Falls) 29510th Ave, Granlle Falls 56241,riIIoOOl Otc,umn.eduRIMANDO Marlon P, Instructor (Park NicolletClinic) Physical Medlcina and Rehab, SaInt LouisPark 55416, rimanOO101c.umn.eduRIMBU Adrian, Production Support Analyst (ceoand ISS) Room 860 WBOB, 1300 5 2nd St, Mpis55454, Del COde 7531 (625-6541),rimbuOOl''RIMBU Alina, AnelystfProgramar (OIT-NTS), D.eICOde 2171, 1825 22nd Avenue NE, MpIs 55418,762-2126, rimbu0020tc.urnn.eduRlMELL Frank L, Assoc Pro! (Otolaryngology),Ass! Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 396 Mayo, Del COde8396, 8-240 P W B (625-3200),rimeIOO20tc.urnn.eduRIMESTAD Martin L, AdjiJncl Assoc Prof (FamilyMedIcal Canter) 225 Scholl St, Amery WI S4001(715-286-7131),424 RIverside, Amery WI S4001,rimes0020tc.urnn.eduRIMMINGTON Usa M, Accounts Spec (Dept 01Medlclna) MMC 194 Mayo, Del Code 8194, A635Mayo (626-0919), korenOCi30tc.umn.eduRINARD Peggy J, Communications Oir (BIologIcaIScience Communlcatlolls) Room 124 SnH, DelCode 6174 (624-0IT4), rinarOO10tc.umn.eduRINCON Jody A, CommunIty Program Ass!(Transplant InIormation 8arvices) Oinnaken Bldg,Del COde 2131 (625-0460), 4308 42nd AvenueSouth, Mpls 55406, 724-5600,

! rincoOO10tc.urm.eduRINDAL Donald B, Adjunct Assoc Pro!(Restorative ScI-P)'OllIhodontics) 6-428 Moos T,Del Coda 1291 (625-1144), rindaOO10tc.umn.aduRINDAL Vickie L, Exec Administrative Spec (UMPSupportive 8arvices prgrn) 60 sec, 0135, 1117University Dr, Duluth 55612 (216-726-7152),140Broedway, WrensheII55797, 218-384-9891,vrindalOd.umn.eduRINDE Carole A, Mad Flee 5r 011 Ass! (Boyn HS)MedIcal Records, Del COde 1171 (825-3611),rindeOOl Otc.urnn.eduRINIli=LEISCH Mark L, BuJIdIng and Grounds .Worker (Facilitles'Management) Room 202Faallties Management Bldg, Del COde 6166, 42513th Avenue SE Apt8Oll, MpIs 55414, 617-6151,rindlOO20tc.umn.eduRINEHART Ann L, Instructor (Raglons Hospital)640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, 4362 BraundaIeAve, St louis Park 55424, rinahOO40tc.umn.eduRINEHART Garald 0, Vice Provost (StudentAffairs), Lecturer (\Jndergl8dua1e Program, CSO)110.Morrill Hall, Del COde 0261 (626-1242),g-rinaOtc.urnn.eduRINEHART Peggy M, Assoc Dir CmplCol(DIsability 8arvices) Room 160 McNamaraCIT, DelCOde 2017 (626-9649), 2236 While Pine Ct,Hudson WI 54016, 715-361-6331, .

RINEHART William J, Administrative ProIassionaI(Facilities MgmI' llIdgo8arv - Area) 1300 FoodOB,

. Del COde 3121 (624-4453), 909 CoIteen Avenue,Shoreview 55126, 651-490-5921, .



RINES Deborah L, Instructor (Small Animal ClinicalSCience) C-339 VetTchHos, 1365 Gortner Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6192, 5597 Donegal Drive,Shoreview 55126, [email protected] Howard W, Adjunct Prof (AgronomylPlantGenetics) Room 504 Bor H: Del Code 6026(625-5220), 4292 Nancy Place, Shoreview 55126,651-483-0901, rineeOO1 @tc.umn.eduRING Sera N, Coordinator (MINITEX) 15 AndersenUbrary, Del Code 792), [email protected] Deborah R, Teaching Spec (Nursing,SChool of; SpiritualitylHealing, CIt fOr) 6-137 WDH,Del Code 1331 (624-0913), [email protected] Herbert M, Accountant (Neuroscience)Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church St, Mpls 55455, Del ­Code 1216 (624-5115),11343 Stratton AveAp1224, Eden Prairie 55344, 952-854.()()66,ringh0080tc.umn.eduRINGHOFER Kalli R, PhD Candidate TeachingAsst (History) 614 Soc Sci, Del Code 7165(625-1083), [email protected] John N, Prof (Retired) (UMD Physics),PO Box 3511, Duluth 55603, rings0040lC.umn.eduRINGSRUD Karen ~, Asst Prof (Lab Medicine &Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609, 0-142Mayo (625-5421),1946 Drew Ave So, Mpls 55416,922-0555, [email protected] Wayne L, Plumber (UMD FacMgmt-Mech Maint) 130 Chiller Plant, 223 WCollege St, Duluth 55912 (218-726-6818),[email protected] Elizabeth M, Ubrary Manager(MINITEX) 15 Andersen Library, Del Code 7921(624-0375), [email protected] Krystal M, Sr Accountant (Agri,Food, and Envm Science) Room 2n CofH, DelCode 60711 (824-9788), newto0130tc.umn.eduRINKEL Michaela M, Social WoJ1<er (School ofSocial WoJ1<) Am 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 979WakelieldAvenue, St Paul 55106, 651-793-4656,[email protected] Jennniler 1.1, Sign LanguageInterpreter (Disability Services) Room 160McNamaraClt, Del Code 2017, 4943142nd StWest,Apple VaHey 55124, rinke0250tc.umn.eduRINNE Maria, Prin AdrOinlstrative Spec (U/.1DHealth Services) 200 HS, 0212, 615 NiagaraCourt, Duluth 55812, [email protected] Karen, Non Univ Staff (UDS AffiliiltedStaff) 116 FOB Mpls, rinzeOO1 OlC.umn.~RIORDAN Kim E, Instructor (UMD Education; UMDEdlHuman Servica Profs; UMD Social WoJ1<, Deptof) Room 120 MonH, Duluth (218-726-7251), 4501Cambridge,Street, Duluth 55604, 218-525-8994,[email protected] Randy R, Special Asst (Naval SCience(Naval ROTC)) Room 203 Annory, Del Code 0893(624-4833; 825-8677), ApI4, 13317 PaJ1<woodDrive, Burnsville 55337, [email protected] Zulema, Med Rac Sr Off Asst (Boyn HS)W123, Medical Records, 410 Church St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 1171, 911 Hudson Road, St Paul55106, 651-n2-214O, contrOO70tc.umn.eduRIOS-GUTIERREZ Fernando, Asst Prof (UMDElectrical & Computer Engineeri) 255 MWAH,Duluth (218-726-8606; 218-726-6147), 427 AspenLane, Duluth 55804-1707, 218-728-5383,friosgutOd.umn.eduRlPORTELLA Julie A, LPN (Boyn HS) NursingDepartment, 410 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1171, 3540 Emerson Ave S Apt 103,Minneapolis 55408-3940,824-9105,riporOO10tc.umn.eduRIPP Kenneih M, Adjunct Asst Prof (Raiter Clinic)417 Skyline Blvd, Cloquet 55720RIPP Lawrence B, Building and Grounds W6J1<er(Fac t.1gmt-Zone 3-Health ServiceS) 300 DonhoweB, Del Code 3121 (824-2900),886 Hunt PI, St Paul55114,651-642-1935, rippxOO10tc.umn.eduRIPPlE Edward G, Prof (Retired) (Pharmacy,College of), 101n Cedar Fells Rd, Hazelhurst WI54531, [email protected] Mary J, Instructor (Public Healtl) Nursing)MN Dept of Health, 1717 Delaware St SE, t.1pIs55414,1439 Grand Avenue ApI 3, St Paul 55105,rippkOO1 Otc.umn.eduRIS8EY Kelly R, Researei) Ass! (Educ Policy Adm)Room 330 WuIlH, 86 Pleasant St SE, t.1p1s 55455,Del Code 3345 (624-7388), risbOO1201c.umn.eduRI8BRUDT Isaac, lcemaker (Intercollegiate •Athletics) Room 141 BFAB, Del Code 2892(625-5587; '627-4138), 5426 Radford Ave NE,Olaego 55374, 763-428-7031,risblOO1

RISCH MaJ1< L, Student Personnel WoJ1<er (OSF ­Undergraduate Services) 210 Frasar H, Del Code3395 (824-7598), risch001 OlC.umn.eduRISCHALL Daniel, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Aspen ELake Clinic) Intemal Medicine, 3Ol!4 Snelling AveS, Mpls 55406, 2060 Upper St Dennis Rd, St Paul55116, [email protected],Jack 1.1, Prof (Veterinary PopulationMedicine), Ass! Clinical Spec (ComparativeMedicinelAHC) MMC 351 Mayo, Del Code 8351,B305 PWB (624-9100), 65101153-9258,[email protected] Jeannette S; MD (Boyn HS) InternalMedicine, Del Code 1171 (624-1134),risda001 OlC.umn.eduRISDON Brenda J, Prin Administrative Spec (UMDSciencelEngr, College of) 145 Engr, 0166, 1303Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6994), 6733Highway 194, Seginaw 55779, 218-729-5137,brisdonOd.umn.eduRISDON Devid R, Teaching Spec (UMD-Music)11,3 H, Duluth (218-726-8206), 6733 HighwayApt194, Seginaw 55779RISDON Kenneth C, Asaoc Pro! (UMDComposition) 433 H, 0154, 1201 Oldean Court,Duluth 55812 (218-728-8112), 131 Waverly Place,Duluth 55803, 218-728-2521, krtedonOd.umn.eduRISKEDAHL Jessica J, Teaching Ass! (Computer

, SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571,risk00290lC.umn.eduRISSI Peter L, Food Service WoJ1<er (CantennialDining Services) B96 CanH, Del Code 1811(825-8675), rissi001 .

RISSKY·HEDIN Mary B, Non-University Employee(UM Extension Lal<e Cnty) 601 Third Ave, TwoHartxlrs 55616 (218-834-&469), ~5 3rd Ave, TwoHartxllS 55616, •RISS PHARMD Jenniler R, Graduate SchoolFellow (College of Pharmacy) LABlMTRF, 20016th St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 28]3,(626-5216),[email protected] Eric A, Scientist (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) 28 Crops Research Bulking, Del Code6026 (625-1965),1844 Bayard Ave, St Paul 55116,651-899-2488, [email protected] James P, Instructor (Central P~atrics- Midway) no 300, 393 N Dunlap St, St Paul 55104,ritch0060lC.umn.eduRITCHMOND Diana L, Asaoc Admin (Entomology)219 Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (624-3278), 3424New Brighton Rd, Arden Hills 55112,651-639.Q067, dritchmoOlC.umn.eduRITENOUR E Rusaell, Prof (Radiology) MMC 292Mayo, Del Code 8292, 8-275 Mayo (826.Q131),8713 Wood Cliff Circle, Bloomington 55438,riten001, page 193-2063RITMEESTER Tineke, Head (UMD Women'sStudies Dept), Asaoc Prof (UMD Women's StudiesDept) 465 H, Duluth (218-726-6224;218-726-7953), tritmeeeOd.umn.eduRITTBERG Barry R, Ass! Prof (Psychiatry),Program Dir (Psychiatry) F282I2A West, Del Code8393, F28712A West (273-9813),rittb0010lC.umn.eduRITTER Daniel R, Non Univ Staff, 417 CMU t.1pIs •(625-1676), [email protected] Frank J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (MinnesotaEpilepsy Group) 310 N Smith Ave, Sune 300, St ,Paul 55102, 1690 Neal Ave N, Stillwater 55082,[email protected] Johannes B, Ass! Prof (Radiology),Research Asaoc (Radiology) RadiologyICMRR,105 CMRR, 2021 6th St SE, t.1pIs 55455, Del Code2841, ritle0230tc.umn.eduRITTER Joseph A, Asaoc Prof (164 HumphreyCenter), Del Code 7451 (625-0442),jritterOtc.umn.eduRITTERSON Jeanne F, Survey Interviewer (HSRPSurvey Canter) Oinnaken Building, Su~e 120, 925Delaware SfSE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2131,3644 Pleasant Ave S, Mpis 55409, 598-0734,[email protected] Laurie J, Instructor (Methodist Hospital) 6500Excelsior Blvd, Box 650, Mpls 55440, 5425 RiverBluff Curve, Bloomington 55437,ritzx0010lC.umn.eduRITZ Terri, Ass! To (Genetics, Call Biology, andDevelop) 6-160 Jackson, Del Code 1217(634-5953), tritzOlC.umn.eduRITZER Mary, Business Analyst (Enterpriae FinSys Proj), Del Code 7523 (624-0274),

RITZER RLA Thomas, University LandscapeArchilect (Facilities Mgmt·Landcare) Room 150FoodOB, Del Code 3121 (824-8225; 625-7381),[email protected]

RITZSCHKE Robert P, Guard (UMM CampusPollee) Room 9 cam, M257A, 600 E 4lh St, Morris58267,211 E 8th5t, Morris 58287, 320-589-3381,[email protected] Andrew L, Research Asaoc (ExperimentalSurgical services) MMC 207. Mayo, Del Code8207, 331 Variaty Club Research Cerrter(625-8414), 4386 Thielen Avenue, Edina 55438"[email protected]

RIVARD Anna M, Community Program Spec (UMExtension Anoka Cnty) Bunker Hille ActivitiesCanter, 550 Bunksr Lake Blvd NW, Andover55304-4199, rlveIOO90tc.umn.eduRIVARD Cheryl A, Sr PaJ1<ing Attendant (TSB 1111Third Floor) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1963, 1846 Polk St NE,Mpls 55418,781-3364, river0370lC.uml).eduRIVERA Daniel R, Building and Grounds WoJ1<er(Facilities t.1gmt- Bldg Serv Dey CUel) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpis 55455, DelCode 3121 (625-2001), river0020lC.umn.eduRIVERA sandra, PIOl/IlIlT1 Asaoc (Cancer Denter)MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8808, MMC 806 Mayo(625-4441), river03901c.umn.eduRIVERS David A, Teaching Spec (UnivCoVlndIDistance Leaming)'Room 25 WasH, n.Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831,riveI0100tc.umn.eduRIVERS Renee N, Supervisor, Computer Services(University Computer Services) 2218 Ul)iv,DeICode 2171 (625-4525), niversOte.umn.eduRIVERS Ryan P, PolIce Ofcr (Departr{,ent ofPolice) 100 TSB, Del Code ~981 (624-3550),4532Beard Ave S, t.1pIs 55410, 624-3550,[email protected] Thomas A, Adjunct Prof (UrologyAsaociates, Ltd) 6545 France Ave S, Suite 234,Edina 55435, 6409 Indian Pond Circle, Edina55439, [email protected] Marisa, Info Tech Prof (School ofStaUslics) 375 Ford Hall, Del Code 0457(624-5859), 2407 Irving So, Mpls 55405, 374-5822,marisaOtc.umn.eduRIZVI Moham.:nad, Ass! Prof (DiviSion ofCardiology) Rm 2025, RegionS HospItel,640Jackson St, St Paul 55101, rizviOO1 Otc.umn.eduRIZZI Patricia A, Training Coordinator (AHC 0llIcaof Education) MMC 261 Mayo, Del Code 8261, .1-528 Moos Tower (624-6166), 6581 - 30th StreelNorth, Oakdale 55128, 651-m-on1,[email protected] JR Thomas J, Ph 0 Candidate GradInstructor (Cultural StudiesICompa Ln), ResearchAss! (Cultural SludIesICompa Lit) 408 Fol H, DelCode 0147 (626-6278), 3017 East 24th Street,Mpls 55406, 728-9305,

ROAN Michael 1.1, Non U"iv Staff (Law Schoo~lnd

Entities) 434 Law Mpis (825-5027),mroanOtc.umn.eduROBACK Richard J, Ass! Scientist (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) E203 Vet 0 L, Del Code 8184(625-0255),2301 Gerlield St NE, Mpls 55418,robac0030tc.umn.eduROBACK Stacy A, Adjunct Prof(DeveiopmentaVSurgical Science; Surgery) Room6-296 Moos T, Del Code 1291 (625-5945),18Merilane, Mpls 55436, robaC0040lC.umn.eduRQBARGE Craig M, Gardener (UMD CampusMarnl), Maintenance Equipment Oper (UMDCempus Maint) Reel Grounds Malnt, 120 WElizabeth St, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6398), 62n NTischer Rd, Duluth 55604, 218-525-1351,crobargeOd.umn.eduROBARGE David N, Instructor (St JosephsHospital) 69 W EXchange St, St Paul 55102,roberOO1 Otc.umn.eduROBB George, Asaoc Vice President (Retired)(University Relations, Ole of), 5329 Washbum AveS, Mpls 55410, [email protected] Christo, Program Dlr (UMC Business;UMC DistancelCont Ed, Clr for) 105 Hill B,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8144), 1013 GrovelandAve, Crookston 56716, 218-281-1n1,crobbertOmall.cJ1<.umn.edROBBERTS Stephan, Teaching Spec (Math,Science and Technology Dept) 2900 UniversityAve, Crookston 56718 (218-281-8585), PO Box226, Crookston 5671B-0226, 202-360-422!,srobbertOmail.cJ1<.umn.ed

ROBBINS Andrea M,Sr OIc Spec (College ofEducation) Room .104 BuH, Del Code 3171(825-5060), arobbinsOtc.umn.eduROBBINS Brenda L, Lab Animal Technician Spec(Veterinary Medical Canter) 353 VMC. Del Code6194 (625-2727), robblOO10lc.umn.eduROBBINS Karin J, Prin Student Personnel WoJ1<er(UMD Aced SUpportiSludent Lite) 237 KSC, 1120Kilby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-8962), 1426 E10th St, Duluth 55805, 218-728-1925,krobbin1 @d.umn.eduROBBINS William P, Prof (Dept Of Electrical &Computer Engr) 4-178 E EIC Sci, !ll)1 Code ,0572(625-8014),2160 St Croix St, St Paul 55113,651-633-4945, [email protected] Usa R, Asaoc Admin (Carlson,Accounting) 3-122 carlSMgmt, Del Code 7041(824-6522),6519 21st Street N, Oakdale 55128,651-675-0301, [email protected] .ROBERT Christina J, Teaching Asst (ChildDevelopment, Inst 01), Research Ass! (FamilySocIal Science) Room 290 McNH, Del Code 6140(625-2789)', robar10301c.umn.eduROBERT Christopher 0, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Hennepin county Medical Canter) Mpls,robe04250lC.umn.eduROBERTS Arnie M, Community Program Asaoc(UM Extension Washington Cnty) GovernmentCenter, 14949 82nd St N, PO Box 6, Stillwater55Oll2 (651-430-8600), rober1990tc.umn.eduROBERTS Ann E, Sr Accountant (AHC Finance)MMC 501 Mayo, Del Code 8501, 455 ChildrensRehab (626-4037), rober0870tc.umn.eduROBERTS Bobbie, Exec Admlnlstratlva Spec (UMExtension Human Resources) Room 260 Cof H,Del Code 6070 (624-4773), bobbleOlC.umn.eduROBERTS David, Asaoc Prof (SciencelMath) 2360SCI, 600 E 4th St, Morris 58287 (320-589-6348),robertsOmorris.umn.eduROBERTS Devid J, Adjunct Prof (North MemorialMedical Canter) Emergency Department, 3300Oakdale Ave N, Robbinsdale 55422, 1283Kenilworth Drive, Woodbury 55125,robar0380lC.umn.eduROBERTS DeeDee, Personnel Spec (HumanResources) 100 Donhowe B, Del Code 3122(625-8802), d-robaOlc.umn.eduROBERTS Evan, Greduate SChool FeHow(History), PhD Candidate Reaearch Ass!(Minnesota Population Center) 411 PeoplesCanter, Del Code 7931 (826-3488), 728-3881,robe04190lC.umn.eduROBERTS Jason M, Ass! Prof (Political Science)1414 Soc SCI, Del Code 7175, jmrOIc.umn.eduROBERTS Jeffrey T, Chair (Chemistry), Prof(Chemistry) 207 Pleasant Street SE, Del Code3861 (825-2383), • 'ROBERTS Joel L, Prof (Methamatlcs, Sch Of) 351VinH, Del Code 0412 (825-1078), 2118 FairmountAve, St Paul 55105, 851-690-5889,roberOOSOlC.umn.eduROBERTS John C, Graduate School Trainee(9-186 Weaver-Denslord Hall) 308 Harvard St SE,Del Code 1332 (825-7452), 387-9490,rober1130lC.umn.eduROBERTS Kari, Clln histr (Pediatrics) 0136 MayoMpls, rober6940tc.umn.eduROBERTS Kenneth P, Asaoc Prof (UrologicSurgery), Ass! Prof (Physiology), Research Asaoc(Genetics, Call Bioi, D8v TMED) MMC 394 Mayo,Del Code 8394, 4-135C Jackson; MMC 394 Mayo(625-9977), 2107'Pinehurst Ave, St Paul 55116,651-699-3359, robelO400lC.umn.eduROBERTS Kevin G, Scientist (MicrotechnologyLaboratory) 1-165 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0573(824-7092), 50 4th Ave N ApI46A, Mpls 55401,338-5039, [email protected] Unda 1.1, Ass! To (Interco/IegiilteAthletics) 159 MarA, Del Code 2891 (826-7657),[email protected] Lori A, Exec Administrative Spec (UMDArner Indian Studies; UMD liberal Aria Admin, Colof) 116 CinaH, 0151, 1123 Unlversily Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-8n1), IrobertsOd; .ROBERTS Memory 1.1, Research Ass! (FamilySocial SCience) 290 McNeal Hall, Del Code 6140,3847 McKinley St NE Apt 304, Mpis 55418,78101)491, mrobertsOIc.umn.eduROBERTS Nancy L, Prof (Journalism &MassComm, Sch Of) 306 Mur H, Del Code 0371(625-0345), rober0030lC.umn.eduROBERTS Scott A, Research Ass! (ChemicalEngrlMat Sci), Teaching Ass! (Chemical EngrlMatSCi) 185 F AmundsonHall, Del Code 0531(824-2818),1170 CUshing Cir ApI 138, SainI Paul55108,· .


ROBERTS Shannon, Inlo Tech Prof (Dl8bursementservices) Room 642F WBOB, Del Code 7529(626-1562), r0be0201

ROBERTS VICkIe L, Oir, Student Support S8Mces(Registrar, 0IIlce of the), AasI Oir, Student SupportSvc (CCE Degree and Creelh Proqrams) Room 130CofH, Del Code 6054 (624-1792),5512 WoodcreslDr, Edina 55424, 952-922-ll93O,v-robel Otc.umn.eduROBERTS Warren W, Prof (Retired) (Psychology),'1448 Windermere Dr, Fridley 55421,robeI0280tc.umn.eciJROBERTS Wlnlam K, Oil' C8mpuaICoIIege Lavel(Fleet services) FIeeIServ, Del Code 5391(62&8020),952-894-1263, rober0290tc.umn.eduROBERTS WlUIam 0, AssOc Prof (Family pracIica,Phalen Village CIt) MMC 361 Mayo, Del Code6361.1414 Maryland Ave East, St Paul 55106,

ROBERTS EDENBORG Katheri, AdvancedI,1aaters Teaching AasI (JOumalism & Mass Comm,SC:h 01) 300 Mur H, Del Code 0371 (fl2&.1647),robe02550lc.umn,edu

ROBERTSON AarIk A, Sr Laborer (UniversityStores) USlolN, Del Code 5201, 3300 38th Ave S,Mpis 55406, 205-2411, robe0457Otc.umn.adu

ROBERTSON Andr8a 0, Teaching AasI (History)Room 614 SocSci, 267 19th /lINe S, Mpta 55455,Del Code 7165, 2437. Garfield Avenue, Mpis55405, robe05270te.umn.eciJ

ROBERTSON Andrew J, Community ProgramSpec (Room N501 EIIio1I HalQ 75 East River Road,Del Code 3281 (626-9769),651-33CHl103,roberl390te.umn.eduROBERTSON Ayama S, Sr Survey IntelVieWar(Early Risers) Am 306, 430 Oak Grove St, Mpls55403, robe02050te.umn.aduROBERTSON BarTy A, Ole Spec (Csmpus MaIQ154 USlofS, Del Code 5201 (62lH)707), 3300 38thAve S, MpIs 55406, 722-3281,

ROBERTSON Branda G, Teaching Spec (CCECollege in the Schools) Room 202 WasH, DelCode 3631, robaI0830tc.umn.eciJ .

ROBERTSON Cheryl L, AasI Prof (SChool ofNursing) 6-118 WOH, Del Code 1331 (624-5412),2032Saabury Ave, Mpis 55406, 371-4748,

ROBERTSON Dasit8e R, R8N8rth AasI(Entomology) 219 Hodson Hall, Del Code 6125(624-!I23li), 2118 Como Ave Apt5, St Paul 55108,651-644-1307, roba04940tc.umn.eduROBERTSON Donald W, Ass! Dean (Ratired)(Genetics, cetl BioI, Dev MD), 6787 CountyRoad 31, Box 406, Big Fans 56627,.651-m-7807,robar0040tc.umn.eduROBERTSON Douglas F, Prof (G c-Insl CompS1uliesIStalsIMth) 358 ApH, Del Code 3501(625-1075), drobartlIOtc.umn.eduROBERTSON Francill B, Sr DaveIopmenl OIer .(University Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr,Del Code 2011 (625-Ql93), 8132137th Ct W,Apple VeMey 55124,952-891-5499,robar0380tc.umn.eduROBIA Sath L, Post-Doctoral AssOc (Biochamistry)5-290 BSandBE, Del Code 1214 (626-3322), 500cambridge St, 113, HopkIns 55343. 952-~,robIaOO20tc.umn.eduROBIN James R, Teaching Spec (Dept ofLandscape Archltaclure) Room 144 RapsonH, DelCode 0811 (~), 5935 Glencoe Road,Excelsior 55331, 952-474-3948,robinl270te.umn.eduROBIN s-n B, Adjuricl AasI Prof (RegionsHospi1aI) Dept 01 0plheI. WAr, S1a 9, 840Jackson St, St Paul 55101, 501 Theodore WithPkwy Apl31', MpIs 55422, robin0580tc.umn.eduROBINER PHD WIlliam N, Asaoc Prof (Medicine)MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295, 12-100 P W B(624-1479), robinOOSOtc.umn.aduROBlNm Bally, Asaoc Vice Presidenl (Retired)(Sr VP Academic AllairsiProvost), 1936 PmForest, State College PA 16803, 814-237'3718,robinl120tc.umn.eduROBlNmE Nick. Teaching Ass! (English) 790Civil Engineering, Del Code 0813, 511 UniversityAve, ApI 103, MpIs 55414, robi04560tc.umn.eduROBINSON Amefy B, Jr Scientist (St AnthonyFalls L.aboraIory) Room 301 SAFL, 2 - 3rd AvenueSE,~ 55414, Del Code 4891, 1488 CanfieldAve, SainI Paul 55108, 218-724-4274,

ROBINSON Beatrice E, AssOc Prof (FamilyMedicineiComm Health). Ad]uricI AssOc Prof(Famlty Social SCience) 180 W BOB, Del Code7521 (625-1500; 624-8078), 32 Summh View,North oaks 55127,651-738-0031,robin0090tc.umn.eduROBINSON carol C, Nutrition Education Ass! (UMExtension Mahnomen Cnty) Courthouse, 311 MainPO Box 4n, Mahnomen 5655Hl4n(218-935-2226),18154 302 Ave, Detroit Lake56501, 218-849-2265, robin5050tc.umn.eduROBINSON Christopher J, Teaching Ass! (SChoolof Mathematics) Room 127 VmH 552, 206 ChurchSI SE, MpIs 55455. Del Code 0412 (624-5552),132161s1andv1ew Drive, Elk River 55330,763-360-7470,

ROBINSON Daniel G, Adjuricl AssIl'ro' (DenfeldMadicaI Cenlar) 4702 Grand Ave, Duluth 55807ROBINSON IV Francis J, Adjunct Inslructor(SChool of SooiaI Work) Rm 105 PelersH, 1404Gortner Ave,SI Paul 55108, Del~ 6161,2806Humboldt Ave SApIA, MpIs 55406, 3n-4980, .ROBINSON Gloria A, Building and GroundsWorker (FaciII1les Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB,1936 Commonweahh Ave, SI Paul 55108, DelCode 8168, 815 Charles Avenue, St Paul 55104,robin1240tc.umn.eduROBINSON JR Harry J, Ass! Prof (OrthopaedicSurgery) Room no 248, 2512 So 7th S~ Mpls55454 (273-9000), 630 Shawnee Woods Rd,Medina 55340. 763-53f:7015,robin0060tc.umn.eduROBINSON J Paul, Head Coach (InlercollegiateAthlelics) 240.1 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (625-4075),3545 Rosewood Lane, PIymouIh 55441,763-550-1586, robin0020tc.umn.eduROBINSON Jill M, Assl Prof (Family Practice &Community Heahh) MMC 361 Mayo, Del Code8381, Smiley's Cnnlc, 2615 East Franklin Ave,Mpls 55406. lundOO240tc.umn.eduROBINSON Julia W, Prof (DaJlI of Architecture)Room 145E RapsonH, Del Code 0811 (624-5733),2830 Kenwood Isles Drive, Mpis 55408, 374-4935,robin0030tc.umn.eduROBINSON Karen R, AasI Prof (SChool 01Nursing) Room 6-101 WDH, Del Code 1331, 21035 As N Unh 14, Fargo NO 58102,robin0790Ic.umn.eduROBINSON Lisbeth· C, Resaarth Asst(Pharmacology) Rm 8-120 JacH, 321 Church StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1213,robi03860tc.umn.eduROBINSON Lori A, Editor (Minnesota GeOlogicalSurvey) Room 104 2642 Univ, 2642 University AveW, St Paul 55114-1057, Del Code 2411 (627-4780x221), 2909 38th Ave S, MpIs 55406-1723,676-1862, robInl260tc.umn.eduROBINSON Mallia L. Sr Data Entry Oper(Admissione-Processing) 220 Wmson H, Del Code0171 (625-1005), moorm0010tc.umn.eduROBINSON Paul S, Res8arth AssI (Biomedical .Engineering Dept) Room 7-105 BS8ndBE, 312Church SI SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191, 3121Chowen Ave S, ApI 356, Mpis 55416, 987-6374,robip4500tc.umn.eduROBINSON Paula J, Nutrition Education Ass! (UMExtanaion Mahnomen Cnty) 115 E Medison Ava,PO Box 4n, Mahnomen 56557-04n(218-847-3141),28922 290th Ava, Waubuil56589,218-935-9006, robin080C!tc.umn.eduROBINSON Peter H, AssOc Prof (Franch & Italian)280 Fol H, Del Code 0139 (624-9624), 1904 JamesAve So, MpIs 55403, 374-3146,robinaonOtc.umn.eduROBINSON Robert A, Prof (Retired) (Clinical &Population SCiences) 225 Vet Tch Has, Del Code6190 (625-7280),1900 cart St, Lauderdale 55113,651-631-3387, robin0120tc.umn.eduROBINSON Rosie, Sr Ole Supv (Medicinecardiology 0IIlce) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Coda6508, MMC 508, roaleOtc.umn.eduROBINSON Steven L, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Zona 2 Area B) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpis 55455, DelCode 3121,1262 E Minnehaha Ave, SI Paul55108, robinl040tc.umn.eduROBINSON Theresa J, AssOc Vice Presldenl(Retired) (General services); 838 Overtook Dr,Rosaville 55113; 651-484-5816, t-robiOtc.umn.eduROBINSON limothy K, Sr Printing Estimator(Printing'Sarvlces) 132A P S B, Del Code 5401(625-9500),

ROBISON Leslla L, Ac4unct Prof (CallC8f Cantet)'MMC 422 Mayo, Del Code 6422, 554E CCRB '(626-2902), 7358 Maple Shadow Cv, GermantownTN 38138, 952-927-5887, robisOO10tc.umn.eduROBLES sendra E, Assoc Admin (Pediatrics &AiloIescent Heahh) Suha 280 McNamaraCtr, DelCode 2018 (624-8644; 626-2820),kolheOO10tc.umn.eduROBROCK John p. Adjuricl AssOc Pro' (ParkNicollet CIInk:) 1885 Plaza Dr, Eagan 55122(952-993-4000), robroOO10tc.umn.eduROBSON Robert E, Parking Attendanl (UMDPolicelParking services) 287 DAdB, 0217, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812, 3801 E 4th Strael,Duluth 55804ROBU Mara, Post-Doctoral Fellow (DiaglBloloSci·MinnCResT Program) Room 5-214 MCB, DelCode 1291 (625-9648), r0bux0020tc.umn.eduROBY lim, Teaching Ass! (Ail Department) W217ReglsCtr, Del Coda 7831 (626-8951),305Starwood Pass, Lake in the Hills IL 60158, .n3-407·3405, robyxOO80tc.umn.eduROCHE Florence K, Ass! Scientist (Neuroscience)4·280 BSandBE, Del Code 1216(624-4494), 6009Dublin Cir, Edina 55439, 952-944-6494,roch80050Ic.umn.eduROCHELEAU Rainer G, Adjuricl Asaoc Prof(Assoclales ObIGyn) S1a 399, 380 Sherman St, SIPaul 55102 (651-292-1939), 4520 Cenlerville Rd.St Paul 55127, rocha0080tc.umn.eduROCHFORD linda, AsSflC Prof (UMDManagemenl Studies) 123 SBE, Duluth(218-726-75n; 218-726-9992),IrochlorOd.umn.eduROCHFORD Molly, Personnel Spec(Pharmacology) Rm 6-120 JacH, 321 Churth SISE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1233. 13560Technology Drive ApI 1125, Eden Prairie 55344ROCK Ann M, Ass! Prof (UMD Medlclna, Schoolof), Adjunct AssOc Prof (Obstetrics andGynecology) 1000 E 1st St, Duluth 551li>5(218-722-5629), rockxOO40Ic.umn.eduROCK Claucia J, Exec Sec (UMD GeologicalSciences) '229 HH, 0175, 1114 Milby Dr, Duluth55812 (218-728·7238), 2701 Triggs Avenue,Duluth 55811. 218-724-1840, erockOd.umn.eduROCK JoeI1yn J, Ass! Prof (UMD Art and Design),Adjuricl Ass! Prof (UMD Co~tinulng EdueatJon)131A VKH, 1305 Ordaan Ct, Duluth 55812(218-726-7545),218-525-2299, jr0ck20d.umn.eduROCK MD Michael p. Adjuricl Assoc Prof (Dept ofEmergency Medicine) MMC 911 Mayo, Del Code8911. rockxOll Olc.umn.eduROCK Nancy J, Food SeMce Worker (CECCCatering) 183 EBCEC. Del Code 8094 (624-5420),1755 Blair Ave, St Paul 55104, 651-1144-5356,rockx0480Ic.umn.eduROCK Patrick M, Adjuricllnstructor (AmericanIndian &Minority Health) 2221 Univ Ave SE Suha100. Mpls 55414 (626-9139),r0ckx0140tc.umn.eduROCK R Bl)'an, Instructor (Medicine· InlecllousDiseases) MMC 250 Mayo, Del Code 62~ 3-218McGuire Translational (624-9996), •r0ckx0120tc.umn.eduROCK Suzie C, Community Program AssI (UMDUpward BoUnd Vision aueS\) 116 CINA, 1123University Drive, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6908), 27N63rd Avenue Wast, Duluth 55807, 218-624-8050.srockOd.umn.eduROCKNE Lauri L, Assoc Department Dir (carlsonIndustrial Relations CIT) 3-3OOV CertSMgml, DelCode 7041 (624-9300), l-rockOtc.umn.eduROCKNE-8EMKOW MlCheIe S, ExecAdministratiVe Spec (IT Career services) 50 lindHall, Del Coda 0611 (624-4090),rocknOO80tc.umn.eduROCKSWOLD Gaylen L. Adjuricl Pro' (HennepinCounty Medical Canter) 701 Park Ave, Mpls .55415. rocksOOl0tc.umn.eduROCKSWOLD Gordon A, Ass! Prof (E(ll&rgeneyMedicine), Physician (Emergency Medicine)Hennepfn County MedIcal Center, EmergencyMe<flcine no 825, 701 Park Ave S, Mpls55415-1629,952-938-3107, rocksOO20tc.umn.eciJROCKWOOD Todd H, AssOc Prof (Haalth servicesRschIPoIiI:Y) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729, C313 Mayo (625-3993). 3852 43rd Avenue South,Mpis 55406, 722-5287, 1'OCk\1(OO10tc.umn.eduRODD limmothy L, Building and Grounda Worker(UMD Custodial), lcemakar (UMD Custodial) 241DAdS, 0219. 1049 Unlvel5ity Dr, Duluth 55812,4704 Vaux Road, Duluth 55811, 218-729-5397,


RODDY Robert J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Psychiatry)9n Sull1mh Ave, st Paul 55105, 702 SyIvandaIeCt, Mandota~ 55118,roddyOO20tc.umn.eduRODE Helan K, Family ~JOr Coordinator (UMExtension Martin Cnty) Courthouse Rm 104,201lakeview Ave, Fairmont 58031(504-235-3341),rodeX0020tc.umn.eduROOEL Donna M, Adjunct Ass! Prol (ANW Gan 'Med AssOc) Internal MedIcine. Suha 100. 8100 W78th SI, Edina 55439, rodeIOO30tc.umn.eciJRODERICK Ric M, Sr Laboratory Tachnician (PlantBiology) Room 250 1lIoSd, 1445 Gortner Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Codlt 8022, B358 Jersey Ave ill,\lrooklyn Park 55445, 783-425-1109, .

RODGERS Margaret, Student Personnel Workar(CLA Student S8rv1ces) 114 Johnston Hall, DelCode 3n4 (624-7540), rodgeOOl0tc.umn.eciJRODGERSON RIchartI·W, Teaching Spec(Kinesiology, SChool 01), Lecturer (Kinesiology,SChool 01) 310A YMCA, Del Code 2061(624-9009), rodgeOO60tc.umn.eduRODINE Pater R, Ass! Scientist (MedIcineRheumatology 0IIlce) MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code8108,6·248 BSBE (625-5168), 1610 Quebec AveN, Goldan VaHey 55427, 763-540-0988,rodinOOl Otc.umn.eduRODKEWICH Patricia J, Assoc'Prof Emeritus(Magrath library Ralerance sarvtce) Magra1hUb,Del Code 6034 (624-4799), 1985 W County Ad 0,SI Paul 55112, 651-631-2758, p-rodkOtc.umn.eduRODMAN WIffiam P, Adjunct Ass! Prot (2545Chicago Avenue) MpIs 55404,rodma0030tc.umn.eduROORIGUES Nicola 0, Teaching AasI (Ins! onCommunity Integration) Room 6 PtH; Room 5-180WDH, Del Code 4201, ApI 4, 2190 Robbins Straet,SI Paul 55114, 65,-647-66",rodrtl13O GOMES Maria L, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Rsdiology) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292.J-2-571 U Hasp (626-6004),gom8110020Jc.umn.eduRODRIGUEZ Abby L, Veterinary Technician(Vatertnary and Biomedical Sciences) 295 BASNM, Del Code 6187 (624-6170), 146110th StNW ApI206, New BriglIon 55112,651-207-4992,shaW01110Ic.umn.eduRODRIGUEZ Andras H, Dental Fellow (RestoralivaSCi - Prosthodontics) Room 9-531 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (625-5655; 624-1644), 1517 80thAvenue North, Brooklyn Pail< 55444, ~187, .ROORIOUEZ Latica, Nutrition Education Ass! (UMExtension Nobles Cmy) 315 Tenth SI, PO Box 757,Worthington 58187-0757 (507-372-8210), 318 11thAve, Worthington 56167, 507-372-7493,rodri0300tc.umn.eduRODRIGUEZ MIchael C, AssOc Prof (EducalionalPsychology), Lecturar(Educationai PsychoIoQy)204 Burton Han, Del Code 3171 (62.y324),mcrdzOtc,umn;eduRODRKlUEZ RaqueI. Ass! Pro' (Phannacy,College 01), Ass! Oir (Pharmacy, College 01)5-120A WDH, Del Code 1332 (628-1183),rodr80010tc.umn.eciJROORIGUEZ Roxana, Research Ass! (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(624-6083), 2055 Knapp Ave ApIE-3, St Paul55108, •RODRIGUEZ CALCERRADA Jesus, VISit Scholar(Forest Resources) 115 Green Hall MpIs(624-3671). 1506 Raymond Avenue. St Paul55108, rodri17601c.umn.eduROORIGUEZ OELGAOO Joea 0, Research Ass!(Economica)1035 Haller Han, Del Code 7052, 521 .5th Avenue SE, AparImenI ApI2, Mpis 55414,378-4838,rodri0590tc.umn.eduROORIOUEZ-ECKMAN Tanya, Graduate SChoolFellow (Philosophy) Rm 831 HalIerH, 271 19th AveS,MpIs 55455, Del Code 7057 (625-4852), 3242Girard Ave S, ApI 104, MpIs 55406, 623-1544RODRIGUEZ-LOZANO Sujey, Dental Fellow(Prosthodontics Advanced Training Prj Room9-531 MooaT, Del Code 1291, 520 Huron Blvd SE,ApI 7, Mills 55414, rodri1670tc.umn.eduRODRIQUES Z8dIe E, StafIing Consultant (AHCHuman Resources) MMC 23 Mayo, Del Code8023, Room 546 Boynton Health servica1626-4340), z-rodrOtc.umn.eduRODSETH John N, Sr Ole Ass! (UMC-BusinessOle) 127 Bade H, Crookslon 56718(218-281-6329),1605 McKinley, Crookslon 56716,


, ROE David, Research Ass! (LabMedicinelPathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code8609 (625-9122), 2701 Dupont Ave S Apt3, Mpls55408, roexOO500te.umn.eduROE James A, Assoc ProglllRl Oir (Bell Museumof Nat History) Room 392 BelllMus, Del Code 0051(625-2711),865 LanoxAve, St Paul 55119,jimroeOtc.umn.eduROE Mikel R, Research Ass! (Biocham, MolecularBIology, & BIoph) 7-155 MCB, Del Code 1214(624.0381),1270 W Larpenleur Ave, Apt 309, StPaul 55113,624-0381, r0exx0160te.umn.eduROE Sharon l, Sr Lecturer/Assistant Prof (Dept ofArcMecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0611(624-7866),4234 Blai8dell Ave, Minneapolis55409-2011, roexxOO70tc.umn.eduROE Terry L, Prof (Applied Eoon) 231 Cia Off, DalCode 6040 (625-6706), 25511501h Ave NE, HamLake 55304, 763-434-8631 , troeOlc.umn.eduROE Todd R, Exec Ass! (UMD Bookstore) 175KSC, 0205, 1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-6267),3935 Martin Rd, Duluth 55803,218-728-6808, tnoeOd.umn.eduROECKLEIN Steven W, ~nct Instructor (Schoolof Social Work) Rm 105 PelersH, 1404 GortnerAve, St Paul 55108; Del Code 6161,roeckOO40te.umn.eduROEDIGER Mollie J, Research Fellow (DivIsion ofBiostatistics) Room 200 2221 Univ, 2221 UniversityAve SE, MpIs 55414, Del Code 2702 (626-8862),3805 35th Avenue South, Mpls 55406, 729-2415,poehlmmjOmorris.umn.eduROEHL Jail L, Info Tech Prof (OSF -ITSS) 8-1Fraser H, Del Code 3395 (624.0222),j-roehOtc.umn.eduROEHR Chartotte L, Asst Prof (PhysicalMedIRehab Dept) MMC 297 Mayo, 8297, 420Delaware, Mpis 55455, 15380 Red OakJ; Road SE,Prior Lake 55372,,440-e909,roehrOO20tc.umn.eduROEHRICH Heldi, Sc'tentist(Depl ofOphthalmology) Room 370, Lions Research Bldg,Del Code 2873 (624-8542), rohriOO20Ic.umn.eduROEHRICK Carynn R, Program Assoc (TranspStudies, CIr for) Room 205 TSB, 511 WashlngtonAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1962 (625-8401),2504 Hennepin Avenue, Mpis 55405, 3n-4028,roehOO350te.umn.eduROEHRIG Gillian H, Ass! Prof (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 370C PsikH, Del Code 4301(625-0581),326 Melville Ct N, Stillwater 55082;651-351-9058, roehrOI30tc.uinn.eduROEKER Casey J, Assl Fanm Animal Anend8nt(Southam Research & Outreach Center) 3563812th Street, Waseca 56093, 28238 50th Street,Janesville 56048, roekeOOl Otc.umn.eduROELFS Alan P, Visiting Prof (Cereel DiseaseLab) Room 22, Del Code 6086 (825-6299), 14500Feriy Road, Grantsburg WI 54840, 715-463-5826,roeIfOOl0te.umn.eduROELFS David A, Utmty Worker (PaOOng &Transportation serviceS) 300 T S B, Del Code1983 (626-8000), roeIIOO20\C.umn.eduROELOFS Darla J, Assoc Clinical Spec (PrimaryDental Ca....Admissions) Room 7-364 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (626-3038), roeloOOl Ote.umn.eduROELOFS Delton J, Assoc Dir CmplCol (LIIMCUniversity Relations), Development OIer (UMCUniversity Relations) 215 K, Crookston 58716(218-281-11438),39309 E Union Dr, Erskine 56535,218-281-1485, droelofsOmail.crk.umn.eduROELOFS Jim, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292 (273-9620;625-9947), 12609 Perch Lake Dr, Baxter 58425,roeIOOI20te.umn.eduROERIG James L; Ass! Prof (Regions Hospital)Dept Of Psychiatry, 640 Jackson St, St Paul55101, 2561 132nd Ln NW, Coon Rapids 55448,roeriOO20te.umn.eduROERING Kenneth J, prof (MarketinglLogisticsManagement, Executive Development ClI; TechLeadership, Ctr for Dev) 3-167 CarlSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-5703),1201 Yale Place Apt402,Mpls 55403, 651-484-4n4, kroeringOte.ul)ln.eduROESCH Mildred H, Assoc Prof (Mn Dept OfHeellh) 717,Dalaware St SE, Box 9441, Del Code1291, roeSCOOl Ote.umn.eduROESLER Jan S, Community Program Spec(CCE-Degree & Credl1 Programs) Room 202WesH, Del Code 3831 (624-3521),825-7663,roeelOOSOte.umn.eduROESLER Michelle A, Community Program Spec(UnlY of Minnesota Cancer C1r) MMC 806 Mayo,Del Code 8606, 554 Cancer center Research Bldg(624-2139),

ROESSLER Jeffrey A, Scientist (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) 541 Bor H, Del Code 6028 (625-5710),459 Terrace Dr, Roseville 55113, 651-484-5338,roessOOl Ote.umn.eduROElTGER Mark A, Adjunct Ass! Prof (PrimaryDental Care-Health Ecology) Room 15-136 MoosT, Del Code 1291, 651-748-8507,roeIlOO30te.umn.eduROElTGER Mary E, Lecturer (Art) E261 RegisCtr,Del Code 7831 (625-3216); roett021 Ote.umn.eduROFFERS-AGARWAL Julaine, PhD CandidateResearch Ass! (Genetics, Cell BioI & Development)4-174 MCB, Del Code 1217, 1769 Ross Ave, SaintPaul 55106, 651-n2-2161 , rolfOOI30te.umn.eduROFORTH Matthew "1, Ass! Scientist (Departmentof Pediatrk;s) MMC 386 Mayo, Dei Code 8366, 420CCRB, rolOOOO1 '

ROGERS Brenda, Non UnlY Staff (Ag, FoodIEnvtSci Admin, Col of) 1900 Hendon Ave St Paul(625-n66), 485 WoodrUff Ave, Roseville 55113,651-488-7800, rogerOO70te.umn.eduROGERS Carrie A, Teaching Ass! (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 125 PelkH, 159 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Dal Code 4301, 5201 Beard Ave S,Mpls 55410, barn02840te.umn.eduROGERS Chartes A, lnatruetor (Children's HealthCare -Minneapolis) 2525 Chicago Ave S, Mpls55404,

ROGERS Cheryl, Assoc Admin(Ass-Admlnlstretion) 120 BioAgEng, Del Code6005 (624-8971), 2838 7th St NE, Mpls 55418,781-3218, roger0060te.umn.eduROGERS Christopher P, Administrative Aida(Intercollegiate Athletics) Room 250 BFAB, 51815th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3061,1761North Pages Place Dr, Bounlilul UT 84010,251-1144, r0ga01260tc.umn.eduROGERS Christopher, Research Ass! (Inst onCommunity Integration) 6A PtH, Del Code 4201(624-1151), r0ga02290te.umn.eduROGERS Dana L, Ole Supv(Admlsslons-Processingf 220 Wmson H, Del Code0171 (625-2381),8414 Thomas Ave So, Richfield55423, 869-5738, d-rogeOte.umn.eduROGERS Elizabeth B, Nursing Prolessionai(AHC-CUHCC) C U H CC, Del Code 7851(838.0700), roger021 Ote.umn.eduROGERS James A, Adjunct Asst Prof (Raiter ClinicLtd) 471 Skyline Blvd, Cloquet 55720,roger0600te.umn.eduROGERS Jennifer, Teaching Ass! (Art) E235RegisCtr, Dal Code 7831 (825-8507),763·208·9302, roger2590tc.umn.eduROGERS Janry P, Adjunct Prof (Dakota Clinic)Moorhead Canter Mall, Moorhead 58560ROGERS JOBnn E, Adjunct Ass! Prof (HealthPartners) 13000 63rd Ave N, MapIs Grove 55369(763-551-3n4), 7676 Mariner Drive, Maple Grove55311, 763-494-9397, roger0630te.umn.eduROGERS Jonathan W, Adjunct Instructor(Minneapolis CardIology Assoc) Cardiology, 920 E28th St Suile 300, MpIs 55407, 3980 Dahl Rd,Orono 55364, roger0570te.umn.eduROGERS Unda R, Ole Supv (Univ Counseling &Consltg serv) Room 103 UStorS, Del Code 5703(626-1803), rogerOOBOte•.umn.eduROGERS Usa "1, Scientist (OBIGYN & Women'sHealth) MMC 385 Mayo, Del Code 8385, 3-258BSandBE (626-3843), roger0310tc.umn.eduROGERS Melanie, Research Assoc (Biochem,Molecular Bioi, & Biophysi) 5-202 BS and BE, DelCode 1214 (625-3688),roger2820tc.umn.eduROGERS Nicholas R, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Cenier) 701 Park Ave S, MpIs 55415,4617 Drexel Ave, Edina 55424,roger0250tc.umn.eduROGERS Richard W, Food service Worker(Coffman Dining services) G47 CMU, Del Code1051 (625-2037),1112 Galtier St, St Paul 5511.7,651-207-5720, roger091 Ote.umn.eduROGERS Rosemary C, Exec Ass! (LawSch-Deans Ole) 381 Law, Del Code 7911(625-9073),308 So seretoga, St Paul 55105,651-698-1185, rogerOl00te.umn.eduROGERS Tanya, Non Univ Staff (UDS AffiliatedStaff) G47 CMU Mpls (625-4684),roger2910te.umn.eduROGERS Timothy P, Teaching Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 8018 Fairfield Circle,Brooklyn Park 55444, 651-336-0216,

ROGERS Tyson B, Research Fellow(MedicinelHernatology) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Code8480, 14-142 PWB Bldg (ll28-84Oll), .651-647-3463, roge02850te.umn.eduROGERS W Benjami, Graduate School Fellow(Chem Eng & Malerical Science) 185 AmundsonHall, Dal Code 0531 (826-2021),rogersOcems.umn.eduROGGOW Darla J, Instructor (Oncology CNS)FUMC PCU 7C, Mpls 55455, 4OIlO SEwingAvneue, Mpls 55410, roggoOOl0tc.umn.eduROGIER June, Ass! Prof (Retired) (Ul1lnfoAeeessJDeI Svc), 16400 Hidden Valley Rd,Minnetonka 55345, rogieOO10te.umn.eduROGIN Joanne B, Adjunct Prof (MinneapoliSClinicof Neurology) 4225 Golden Valley Rd, GoldenValley 55422, roginOO10tc.umn.eduROGNESS Beverly E, Nursing Prolessionai(Medicine) MMC 504 Mayo, Del Code 8101,6-158P W B (624-6963), 825-9869,rogn90010te.umn.eduROGNESS Jonathan P, Visiting Ass! Prof(Mathematics, Sch o~ Educ Prgm, Inst Tech Ctrfor), Ass! Prof (Educ Prgm, Ins! Tech CIr for) 208Church St, Del Code 0412 (825-3896), .rognessOte.umn.eduROGOFF Noah T, Graduate School Fellow (Music)200 FergusonHaJI, Del Code 7811, 14797 115thStreet North, Stillwater 55082,651-351-2153,rogoOO250tc.umn.eduROGOTZKE Anne S, Ass! Prof (Duluth Clinic) 400E 3rd St. Duluth 55805 (218-722-8384), 1810 TrailDrive, Duluth 55803, arogotzkOd.umn.eduROGOWSKI Jason 0, Research Ass!(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd S~

MpIs 55454, Del Code 7525, 560 Old Highway 8SW, New Brighton 55112, 651-271-1278,rogoOO200tc.umn.eduROGOZIN Evgany A, Honmei Fellow (HonmelInstitute, Univ of Minnesot) 80118th Ave NE, 'Austin 55912-3679 (507-437-9616),1100 14th StNW, ApI203, Austin 55912, 507-434.0229,rogozOOl Ote.umn.eduROGOZINA Olga P, Hanmel Fellow (HonmelInstitute, Univ of Mlnnesot) 801 16th Ave NE,Austin 55912-3879, 1100 14th 51 NW Apt 203,Austin 55912-1494, rogoz0030te.umn.eduROGUSKI Mary, Assoc Admin (U of M.lnfonmationservices) 2221 University Avenue, Del Code 2709(625-4062; 628-1385), Anton, Ass! Prof (Anesthesiology) MMC294 Mayo, Del Code 8294,8515 Mayo (624-9990),3105 37th Avenue South, Mpis 55406, 721-1l841 ,rohan0010tc.umn.eduROHDE Barbara J, Research FellQW (HumphreyIns! of Public Allair) State and Local PolicyProgram, Del Code 7451, rohde0060te.umn.eduROHDE Elisabeth A, Assoc Program Dlr(Recreational Sports) Room 41 Univ Aquatic Ctr,Dal Code 2081 (825-3794), rohde0200te.umn.eduROHDE James A, Adjunct Prof (Edina Family CareClinic, P A) 5203 Vemon Ave, Edina 55438,rohdeOI20te.umn.eduROHDE Michael B, Teaching Ass! (Phi\osoJlllY)831 Heller Hall, Del Code 7057 (625-6575),rohdOO330te.umn.eduROHDE Nancy J, Ass! Prof (Retired) (Work,CommunitylFamlly Educ) Room 325K VoTech, DelCode 6197,702 3rd Ave SE, MpIs 55414,331·7860, rohdeOO20te.umn.eduROHDE Robert A, Coordinator (IntercollegiateAthletics) 103 BFAB, Del Code 3081 (625-9891),rohdeOO10te.umn.eduROHDE Thomas 0, Sr Scientist (Surgery) MMC195 Mayo, Del Code 8185, 308 VCR C(625-7602),702 3rd Ave SE, Mpls 55414,331-7880, rohdeOO50te.umn.eduROHLAND Jeanne "1, Prin Administrative Spec(Gastroenterology MedIcine Ole) MMC 38 Mayo,Del Code 6036, A539 Mayo, 1562 Hague Ave, StPaul 55104, 651-917-7865, rohIOOO70te.umn.eduROHLF Kristine E, Nursing Professional.(Medicine)MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code 8108, A529 Mayo(625-5166),4237 Soon Terrace, Edina 55416,627-4602, rohIfOO10te.umn.eduROHLFSEN Joanna L, Asst Prof (Preventive Sci ­Periodontology) Room 7-388 MoosT, Del Code1291 (625-2418), Apt 102, 1825 Ford Parkway, 51Paul 55116, rohIfOO40te.umn.eduROHLIK Steven E, Assl Coach (Athletics) 170SpHC, Duluth, srohlikOd.umn.eduROHLOFF Cynthia K, Food service Worker (UMMFood service Admin), Sr Food service Worker(UMM Food service Admin) Food SC, M262A, 600E 4th St, Morris 56267 (320-589-8130),[email protected]


ROHMAN Paige, Ass! To (1985 Buford Ave) 320McNeal Hell, Saint Paul 55108 (625-8261),prohmanOte.umn.eduROHOVIT Julie L, Assoc Academic Advispr (CCEDegree and Credn Programs), Lecturer (SocialWork, School of) Room 290 McNH; Del Code6140, 379-3254, rohovOOl Ote.umn.eduROHRER Jeffrey A, Adjunct Ass! Prof (OperativeDentishy) Room 8-450 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-8486), 9757 Unre Rd, Bloomlngton.55437,952-831-3397, rohrOO240te.umn.eduROHRER Usa M, Teaching ASs! (ChildDavelopment) 214B ChDev, 51 E River Rd, Mpis55455, Dal Code.4011 (626-2296),3528Bloomington Ave S ApI1, Mpls 55407, 722-4912,rohr00840te.umn.eduROHRER Michael 0, Prof (OiagnosticlBioIoglcalSciences; Dental Educa~on, Continuing) Room16-116B Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (824·5478; •624·2463), 4500 Edmund Blvd, Mpis 55406,rohreD080te.umn.eduROHRER Richard L, Departmental Dlr (Retired)(Lib Organlzalion Dev), Assoc Prof (Retired) (UbOrganization Dev) 96 Cant Lib, Del Code 6034(824-6296),217 Windsor Ct, New Brighton 55112;651-1131-9575, r·rohrOlc.umn.eduROHWEDER Angela K, Research Ass! (UMDNatural Rsrc Rsrch In8l) NRRI- CWE, 0186, 5013Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55811,rohwOOO30d.umn.eduROIKO semuel A, Graduate School Trainee(Velerinary Population MedIcine; Phanmacology)Room 8-120 Jackson Hall, Del Code 1213,11139Frankfort Pkwy NE, Saint Michael 55376,232-1478, roikOOO20te.umn.eduROITMAN Alexander, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Neuroscience) Rm 6-145!JacH, 321 Church St S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216 (626·7280), 1023Linwood AveApt4, SI Paul 55105,ronm0020te.umn.eduROJAS Anne C, Ubrary·Ass! 1 (Entomology Fish &Wildlne Library) 375 HodsonH, Del Code 6125(624-4921),2193 Eleanor Ave, St Paul 55116,651-698-6226, rojasOI80Ic.umn.eduROJAS Guillenmo, Assoc Prof Emeritus (ChicanoStudies) 2 Soon H, Del Code 3232 (624-6005),rojasOO10tc.umn.eduROJAS COLLINS Molly C, Sr Teaching Spec (GenColl-inst-Cornmanding Eng) 233A Ap H, Del Code3501, coIlI0380te.umn.eduROJJANAPRAPAYON Rujira, Ass! Prof (UMMHumanities, DMsion o~ .LJMM Cont EducJRegionalPrgm) HFA M 1000, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267(320-589-6286), 904 1/2 Colorado Ave, Morris56267,320-589-7165, rojjanarOmorris.umn.eduROKUSEK Debra M, Prin Laboratory Technician(Veterinary Diagnostic Labs) 380 VetDl, Del Code6184 (625-4238), rokusOO20tc.umn.eduROLAND serite K, Sr Data Entry. Oper(CUHCC/VCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave S, Del Code7851 (638-0700),5116 Washbum Ave N, MpIs •55430, 825-2555, rolanOOSOlc.umn.eduROLANDEW Susan E, Nursing Professional(Dapartmenl of Neurology) MMC 295 Mayo, DalCode 8295, 12-100 PWB, 4431 34th Ave S, Mpts55406,724-0905, rolanOl00tc.umn.eduROLEWICZ Thomas F, Ass! Prof (Parker HughesInstitute) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, 2848Patton Road, Roseville 55113, 'rolewOO10tc.umn.eduROLEY Sarah S, Research Spec (Fisheries,Wildlne, & ConS9lVation) Room 2nd FI HodsonH,Del Code 6125,1990 Marshall Ave, Apt I, seintPaul 55104, 218-745-5717, roIeOO130te.umn.eduROLFE Und8, Assoc Admin (UMD AcademicAdministration) 420 DAda, 1049 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7105), 6252 Heritage Rd,Duluth 55804, 218-525-4162, IrolfeOd.umn.eduROLFSON Todd 0, Data Storage servicesEngineer (OIT - ceo) Room 860 WBOB, 1300 S2nd St, Mpls 55454, Del Code 7ij31,trolfsonOte.umn.eduROLINE Alan C, Head (UMD Accounting), AssocProf (UMD Accounting; UMD BusinessJEcon,School of) 1335 B E, Duluth (218-726-8550),arolineOd.umn.eduROLLEFSON Michael R, Assoc To(Research-Grad School Admin) 417 Joh H, DelCode 3n3 (626-8284), 10085 N 65th Street,Sliliwater 55082,651-747-6307,roIIeOOl0te.umn.eduROLLER JR Willie J, Electrician (FacilitiesMgmt-Donhowe) Room 300 DonhoweB, 319 15thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,[email protected]


ROWNG DavId M, Lectum (UMC 1lII8f11888), A8stCoach (UMe AIhIeIic8) UMC BU8iI1888, Room 109DH, C103A, 2900 University Ave, Crookston56716. roIIi0680mail.crk.umn.ed

. ROLL-fWHNEAmanda S, Leclw8r (Center lorDev Tech l.88denIhIp) R0!lfIl510 WBOB, DelCode 7536 (ll2609246), rolIkOO20ll:.umn.eduROUlICK AJ1hur J, Adjunct Prof (IntsmalionalProgram Dev) 4-104 cartSMgmt. 32119th Ave S,MpIs 55455, Oel Code 7041; rolniOOBOtc.umn.eduROUucKJ"Tom, Non Univ Stall (Journalism andMass Comm, SCh 01) 121 UnivOllPlz MpIs .(625-&97), 2885 Knox Ave S, MpIs 55408,

. rolnIOO50tc.umn.edufIOUIfl Sandra G, Teaching Ass! fDepl 01 SoIl,Water, and Cfima1&) Univ of MN; Room 439 BorH,Del Code 6028 (625-8206), 3301 44111 Ave S, MpIs55406, 722-9399, rolphOO30tc.umn.eduROIIAif Deborah 0, Adjunct A8st Prof(Netnosurgery), A8st Prof (Phy8lcaIMed/Rehebilitation), I'sycIlo1ogisI (Physical~) MMC 390 Mayo, Del Code .8390, C867 Mayo (824-1412),dIIckeOO30tc.Umn.1ldIl

. IlOIIAN MaJuxa I, ReMarch A8st (Department 01Pharmacology) 3-230 BSBE, Del Code 1213(624-5170), romaOO890tc.umn.eduIlOIIAN 11molhy J, Info Tech Prof (CCE·lnfoSystems, Ole Of) Room 308 WeaH, Del Code 3831(625-1760), 3208 Grand Avenue Soulh, MpIs55408, 874-8751, roman0290te.umn.eduRO.IIANO JetIr8y C, Prin Bookstore Manager(UMD BooI<stof8) 175 KSC, 0205, 1120 Kirby Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7286), 38 Snelling Ave.Dululh 55812, 218-726-1400, jromanoOd.umn.eduROMANO John L, Chair (EducaIionaI Psydlology),Prof (EducaIionaIl'sychoIqgy) 204 Bu H, Del Code3171 (624-1099), iomanOOl Otc.umn.eduROIIANO Juan E, A8tscc Prof (VeterinaryPopulation Mediclne) Room 225 VMC, 1365Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6190(624-9694), 1809 PIeuant St Apt 308, Lauderdale55108,651-917-9196, roma00330te.umn.eduROMANOWSKI Kacy B. Veterinary Technician(Veterinary Medicel center) Room 305 VMC, 1365Gortner Ave, StPaul55108, Del Code 6194,roman09901l:.umn.eduROMERO Denie/ P, Assoc Prof (PhennacoIogy)3-128 BSandBE, Del Code 1213 (624-8997), .ROIIERD-8AIlR\l11ETA A1me, ReMarch Assl(Minnesota Population Ctr) Room 50. WdIeyH, DelCode 7052 (824-5818), 521 5th Avenue SE Apt2,Mpis 55414, romeOO51 Otc.umn.eduROMEY Ke1hy S, AssI Prof (Music, SCh Of) 100Ferg H, Del Code 7811 (624-9557),561 PelhamBlvd, St Paul 55104,651~,romeyOOl 01l:.umn.eduROMINE Ann S. Community Program Assoc(Department 01 PByl;hiatry) F282I2A West Bldg,Del Code 8393, F282I2A West Bldg, 2621PIeuant Ave Apl8, MpIs 55408, 879-0053,romiOOO40ll:.umn.eduROIINESS K8I8n L, Coordinator (College 01Education) Room 107 BuH, 178 PIllsbury Dr SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 31071,romneOO70ll:.umn.eduROllO John L, AssI Program Oir (InteroollegiateAIhIetics) 244J BFAB, Del Code 3061 (824-7318;625-4090), romoxOOl Ote.umn.eduROIISTAD ICeIleS, Velerinery Tec:hnician AssI(Veterinery Medicel Center) Room 331 VMC, DelCode 6194 (625-8281), 1OIIl$lOO40te~umn.eduRONDEAU Scott A, Par1dnil Enforcement OIer(Police Dept) 100 TSB, Del Code 1981 (624-3550),rondeOO60ll:.umn.eduRONDES'TVEDT 110 Paul C, A8st Prof (FairviewUniv Medicel Center) Emergency Dept, 2450Riverside Ave, Mpis 55454-1400,rondeOO30te.umn.eduRONEN Ilamar, Assl Prof (RadIoIogy-CMRR) MMC292 Mayo, Oel Code 6292, 102 CMRR, 38 RoaeSt, SommerYiIIe MA 02143, I\lIl9IIOOl0ll:.umn.eduRONEY James J, Pipefttter Foran1an (FaclfitIeBManagement) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code 6059,15950 St FrancillllMl, Rameey 55303-5946,763-422-4lO29, roneyOO30te.umn.eduRONEY Mark J, Ass! SCientIst (MedicineHematology 0IIice) MMC 480Mlyo, Del Code8480, 14-155 PWB (824-8942),roneyOOl0lc.umn.eduRONNANDER Cenie M, Teaching Spec (MNPopulation Center) 537 HeNer Hail. 27119th AveSo, MpIs 55455; Room 25 WeeH, 3831, 77P1eaaant St SE, Mpfe 55455, 1021 East GrandAve, Eau ClaIre WI 54701,71~,

RONNAHOER Elspeth K, Exempt Temporary orcasual (GenetIcs, Cell Bioi & Development) 5-212MCB, Del Code 1217, 209 Irvine Ave SW, Bemidji5ll601-4022, 218-751-1935,

RONNEBERG Tunothy J, Ass! Prof (FamilyMediclneteomm Health), Physician (FamilyMedIcinelComm HaaIth) MMe 381 Mayo, Del Code8381, Family Practice and Community Health,Phalen Clinic, 1414 Maryland Ave East, St Paul55108, 1364 Grand Avenue, 81 Paul 55105,ronn00410tc.umn.eduRONNING Bonnie L, Marketing 8nd Pub! RelationMngr (MN Landscape Arbol8lUm) 3875 Arbol8lUmBlvd, Cha8l<a 55318-9813 (952-443-1445), .ronniOO70tc.umn.eduRONNING Cynthia K, Ass! To (InstIDept ResearchMed School) MMC 396 Mayo, Del Code 8396,8-253 P W B; MMC 98 (625-9998),ronnIOO201c.umn.eduRONNING DeAnn, Prin Administrative Spec(S!Jrgery Department) MMe 195 Mayo, Del Code8i95, RM 11-200 PWB (624-1927),roooi0090tc.umn.eduRONNING Patrick M, Ole Spec (MINITEX) 15Andersen Ubrary, Del Code 7921,1900 Colfax AveS, Mpls 55403, 87Q-6136, ronnlO730lC.umn.eduRONNINGEN Debra J, Prin Accountll Spec(School 01 Ma1hernatics) 127 VinH, Del ClIde 0412(625-6886),larsol070te.umn.eduRONNKVIST Amy M, PhD CandIda1ll Research •,t,8Sl (S0cloIogy) 1160 Soc SCi Building, Del Code7171 (624-8040),

RONSTED Nina A, R9688rch Assoc (822BioIogicaJ SCiences Center) 1445 Gortner Ave, StPaul 55108, •ROODE William N, Assoc Prof (Retired) (Art Dept),1910 Court Ave, Newport Beach CA 92683,roodeOOl Otc.umn.eduROOKER Bernadette M, Prin Accoun1ant (MNMolecularlCellular Therapy), Del Code 6133(625-3131), roolceOOl·RooKS5andra K, Instructor (Pina Ridge IndianHospital) PO Box 1201, Pine Ridge SO 5mO, .

ROON Mary F, Adjunct Instrue\or (Cannon ValleyClinic) 835 First St SE, Faribauh 55021, 4052Pil1sbury Ave S, Mpls 55409,roonx0020tc.umn.eduROOI'! Robart J, Assoc Prof (Biochemistry) 7-118MoICeIIBio, Del Code 1214 (625-9479), 121 OneHorse Ln, Port Angeles WA 98382-9265,roonxOOl .ROONEY Ronald H, Prof (School of Social Work)Rm 105 PelersH, Del Code 8181 (824-3712),3244Emerson Ave So, Mpls 55408, 824-0851,rrooneyOte.umn.eduROOPHARINE Osha, Ass! Prof (BIochem, MolecBioi, Iliophy TMED), Research Assoc (Biochem,MoIec BIoI, Biophy TMED) 1-102 BSandBE, DelCode 1214 (628-8470), 878-1103,roopnOOl Ote.umn.eduRODS AnnaMarie E, Assoc Prof (UMD History)215 ABAH, Dululh (218-726-7544),aroosOd.umn.eduRODS Brant N, Operations Supv, FacIts Mgmt(Fee Mgmt-Bldg sarv·Araa B) 57 Heller Hall, DelCode 3121 (625-7710),4121 Austin'St NE, CirclePinas 55014, 783-780-9161,roosxOO40tc.umn.eduRODS Julia, Lecturer (History Department) 652Sociai SCience Tower, Del Code 7165 (625-6418),1717 Laurel Ave, St Paul 55104,jroosOte.umn.eduRODS Robart J, Coordinator (Center lor InlectlousDisease) MMC 263, Del Code 6263, R_rch andPolicy (625-3937), bobroosOte.umn:eduRODS Stephan J, Lecturer (L.andscapeArchitecture), Ras8arch Fellow (Ag, FoodIEnvt SCiAdmin, Col 01) Room 3 Coffey Hall, Del Code 6074(624-9273; 624-7025), 3949 26th Ave S, Mpls55406, 724-8624, roosxooeOtc.umn.eduROOT Joc:efyn, Community Program Aest(Psydllatry) F282I2A West-B, Del Code 8393,651-497-4822, rootx0570te.umn.eduROOT Michael 0, Assoc Prof (Philosophy) 854HelIerH, Del Code 7057 (625-9304),rootxOOl 01l:.umn.eduROOT Richard L, lJt1Ilty Worker(SRMearchlOutraech Center), MaintenanceEquipment Oper (S R9688rch/OutIeach Center)35838 1201h 81, Waseca 56093(507~),24640 1201h St, New Richland 56072,507-465-3311

ROOT Troy 0, Fann Animal Attendant (SouIhemR9688rch &Outreach Center) 35838 12OthSt,Waseca 56093, 13029 275111 Ave, New Richland56072RD01D Debbia L, Exec sac (PediatricsInleclious Oisease) MMC 296 Mayo, Del Code6298,850 Mayo Building (62....1986),rooteOOl Olc.umn.eduROOT KUSTRITZ Margaret V, Assoc Prof(Vaterinary ClInical SCiences), Program Ofr

. (Veterinary Clinical SCiences) C333 VetTchHollp,Del Code 8192 (624-7290), rootkOOl01c:umn.eduROPELI.A Jayne, Non Univ Steff, University 01Minnesola Mpls (651-293-8870);ropeIOO10tc.umn.eduROPER John Samuel J, Graduate SchoolFellow(School of Music) Room 100 FergH, 2108 4111 St S,Mpis 55455, Del Code 7811, 2848 Irving Ave S,Apt 1, Mpls 55408, 228-5364, •ROQUme Blmel C, Assoc Prof (Retired) (SCi &Math-UMM) 420SC, Morris 58267 (~2211),408 W 71h SI, Morris 58267, 320-589-3749. .roquilbcOIc.umn.eduROREM Mark P, Adj\Jnct Assoc Prof (Immanuel-StJoaeph's Hospllal) 08pt 01 Emergency ~edicine,1025 MarshSt, Box 8873, Mankato 56002, 2021Roe Crest Drive, North Mankato 56003,romnOOSOIc.umn.eduROSAASEN Judy M, Sr Accountant (NatResouroea, Collage OI-Adm) 250 Skok Hall, DelCode 6147,

ROSALES Cellos R, ReMarch Spec(Pharmaoology) Room 8-120 Jackson H~I, DelCode 1213,

ROSAND Jennifer A, Asslst Ofr 01 Recrul1menl(School of Public HaaIth) MMC 819 D-385 Mayo,

. Del Code 8197, MMe 819 0-365 Mayo (828-8903),rosanOOSOtc.umn.eduROSANDICH PHD Ryan G, Assoc Prof (UMDMechanicaVlndustriai EngrL Adjunct Assoc Prof(UMD Continuing Educatioll) 105 V K H, Dululh(218-726-7226), 4627 Crosley Ave, Dulu1l1 55804,218-525-2282, rroeandIOd.umn.eduROSAS Mary V, Sr Ole Spec (EpIdemiology) 300WOOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818), 724 S BidwellSt, St Paul 55107, ba1l1kOOSOtc.umn.eduROSATI Ross F, Ass! Oireelor-Accounllng (U 01 MBookstores, Twin Cities) Room 290 WmeonH, DelCode 01711 (625-5518), rosaIOO201c.umn.eduROSBERG Joanne I, Horticulture Ass!.(UM€x1enSion Carltoh Cnty) 310 Chestnllt St, PO Box'JJJ7, Cerlton 55718-0307 (218-384-3511), .

ROSBOROUGH TerTill K, Ass! Prof (AbbottNorthwestem HospilaI) 800 E 29th St, Mpls 55407,rosboOO20te.umn.eduROSBY Randa J, Departmental Dlr (Collage 01Education) 103 BuH, Del Code 3171 (825-2548),randaOtc.umn.eduROSBY Trenton R, Info Tech Prof (Admin InfoSystems (AHC))'MMC 210 Mayo, Del Code 8210,568 ChRC (825-1175), trenlOte.umn.eduROSCHKE Benjamin A, Student Support sarvicesAss! (Department 01 Pediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo,Del Code 8391, Medical Education OIIIce(624-4418), (OSChOO80lc.umn.eduROSCOE Sleven fl, Electriclan (Facll"iesMgmt-<:PPM-U 01 M Constru) Room 300DonhoweB, 319.15111 Ave SE, Mpts 55455. DelCode 3121, 618 Waet Fall Street South, PO Box211, Beardsley 58211, 320-265-6398,r0s000130Ic.umn.eduROSE Alan G, Prof (Lab Mecfocine & Pathology)MMe 76 Mayo, Del Code 6078, C445 Mayo(273-5758), rosex0310te.umn.eduROSE Christopher C, Library Professional (WIlSonCirculation) 110 OMWL, Del Code 7111 .(624-0299),1380 Tarrace Dr Apt208, Roseville55113,651-638-1491, roaex051 Otc.umn.eduROSE Daniel E, CIinlcaI Spec (PreventiveSCi-Haal1I1 Ecology) 15-137 Moos T, Del Code1291 (628-6935),4385 Olion Lane, Eagan 55123,851'1181'8554, roaex03501l:.umn.eduROSE Debra J, Exec sac (UMD Cherniatry) 246Cham, 0172, 1039 Univeralty Dr, Dululh 55812(218-728-8183; 218-726-7212),droael0d.umn.eduROSE Dletmar W, Prof (Retired) (ForestResources) 115 Gm H, Del Code 8112 (624-9711),8624 High RIdge Place NE, Albuquerque NM87111-8174, 651-638-7395;


ROSE Jeremy H, Lecturer (CommunicationStucie$) 480 Fol H, Del Code 0456 (824-3309),r0aex0130tc.umn.eduROSE Kara, Ass! Department Oir (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNameraCtr; Del Code2011 (625-$181),998 Brooka.Ave W, Roseville55113, 651-483-5883,

ROSE Michael J, FISC8I 0Icr (Department 01Pediatrics) MMe 391 Mayo,-oat Code 8391,13-14() Ph/IIlps Wangensleen Bldg (628-0108),8991 Montegue Terrace, Brooklyn Park 55443,763-493-5158,

ROSE MicIley L, ~ra1 MaIntenance Supv(uMM-PIant Svcs-GeneraJMaInt) 9 Cam, Morris58267 (320-589-6115), 51524 220th St, Morris58267, 32Q.589-4344, roesmlOmorris..umn.eduROSE Nancy,A, Extension Educatornnstr (UMExtension Regl Ctr Fannington) Dakota Co Ext andConservation Ctr, 4100 2201h St W, Suite 100, .Farmingtcn 55024 (651-480-7705),nroseOtc.umn.eduROSE Pamela A, Pr AnaiystlProgrammer (OfT - .Enterprise Financial System) Court Intema1ionaiBuilding, Del Code2455(825-8884), 651413thAvenue Soulh, Bloomington 55425, 952-854-4743,1O$8x081 Otc.umn.eduROSE Roger N, Maintenance Equlpmenl Oper(UMDFac Mgml-Grounds Main!) Fleel GroundsMalnt, .120 W Elizabeth St, DuIu1h 55812(218-728-6398), 5252 McQuade Road, Dululh55804,218-525-2983,

ROSE Suaan, AIsoc Prof (EdueatlonaiPsychology) 204 Bu H, Del Code 3171 (624-6387),424 Otis AV$, St Paul 55104, 651-1l44-4084,sroaeOtc.umn.eduROSE Susan, ComrnunilY Program Spec

. (EpIdemiology) Room 300 WOOS, 1300 S 2nd 81,Mpis 55454, Del Code 7525 (826,;.8824), &730Gre1chan Ct N, Oakdaie 55128-3132,651-779-7202, roesX0870tc.umn.eduROSE Terrie K, Lacturar (Child Development) 198ChDev, Del Code 4011 (828-8825), 952-285-8879,·' .

ROSE Thoinas A, Prof (Art Department) E279RaglsCtr, Del Code 7831 (825-3231), 91 NicolletSt, Mpis 55401, 378-2938, roseXOOl Otc.umn.eduROSEBOROUGH David J, Lecturer (School ofSocIal. WOI1<) Am 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortnar Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6181, 2549 - LCobbIeHill Court, WoocIJury 55125,651-898-9121,rose04550tc.umn.eduRDSECKE RichaJ!l L, MeChanic 1 (FeeMgmt-Zone l-SI Paul) 20ll F M B, Del Code 6168(290-5642), r-roes01l:.umn.eduROSEEN Janet M, Training Coordinator (StaffDevelopment and Training) s-so OMWL, Del Code7111 (625-1077), 378-9038, j·°ROSE-HELLEKANT Teresa, Ass! Prof (DMEDPhysiology & PharTnaoology) 341 SMa'd, 1035University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-E621;218-728-8551), 14111'j 9th Ave E, Duluth 55805,trosehalOd.umn.eduROSEMElER Doro1hy M. Program Ofr (UMExtension ServIce) we Research and OutreachCtr, 48352 State Hwy 329, Morris 58267-0471

. (320-589-1711), 860801h Ave SE: De Grall 58271,320-875-2022, roesrneIeOtc.umn.eduROSEN Cerl J, Prof (Soil, Weier, and Cllmete),Program Dlr (Soil, Water, and Cllmete) S233 Soils,Del CodIl 6028 (625-81114), 1794 Ryan AvenueWaet, Roseville 55113,651-646-0284,rosenOO80te.umn.eduROSEN Caroline, Education Spec (Ctr lorTeachlnglLeaming Svc) Room 315 SClCB, DelCode.3581 (825-3017), mroz1OO1 Ote.umn.eduROSEN David M, Uaabillty Consultant (WebDevelopment) Room 860 WBOB, Del Code 7531,3018 James Ave So Apt~" MpIs 55408,'952-393-6556, rose841401c.umn.eduROSEN Galla, Adjunct Assl Prof (clo Ceria Nelson)Dept of Radiology, MMe 292, 420 DelaW1118 St SE,6292, Mpls 55455 (273-7195), .rosenl130tc.umn.eduROSEN Gerald M, Assoc Prof. (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, 1904 Humboldt Ave S,MpIs 55403, roaen0520lC.umn..eduROSEN J Ben, Prof (Retired) (ComputerSCiencelEngineering), 4771 Carninito fmpersado,san Diago CA 921'JJJ, rosenOte,umn,eduROSEN Mark 0, VISiIAssooProf, 414 MondaIeHall Mpfe, lQ15 Noy8s Street, EvanslIln IL 60201,


ROSEN Mark 0, Visiting Assoc Prof (law School)Room 414, Del Code 7911, rosen5530tc.umn.eduROSEN Renee A, Research Asst (Food Scienceand Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave,SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 4315 Fembrook .Lane N, Plymouth 55446, rose05600tc.umn.eduROSEN Robert S, Teaching Spec (Theetre Artsand Dance) Room 580 RarigC, 330 21st Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7752, 3915 Pillsbury AveSouth, Mpls 55409, 'r0sen9020tc.umn.eduROSEN Ronald A, Sr Electronics Technician (UMMMedis Svc) Room 35 HFA, M23OB, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (32ll-589-6155), 804 Sunsel Place,Morris 56267, 320-589-3511,rosenraOmorris.umn.eduROSEN Susan R, Exempt Temporary or casual(Marketing & Logistics Mgmt) 1235 MgmtlEcon,Del Code 7041 (624-5055), roseOOl00tc.umn.eduROSEN MD WilJlam C, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics) MMC39 MaYO, Del Code 8039,0136 Mayo (624-1986),744 Mill Run Circle, Eagan 55123,651-452-8666,[email protected] Susan R, Prin Administrative Spec(Southem ExpIStation Annel\ll2298 350th Ave,Waseca 56093-5160, rosen0350tc.umn.eduROSENBAUM Edward L, Adjunct Prof (centralLakes Medical Center) 31 3rd Avenue SE, Ct'Osby56441, 9780 Maple Shores Rd, Deerwood 56444,rosen0880tc.umn.eduROSENBAUM Gall A, Prin Administrative Spec(Lab Medicine & Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, DelCode 8609, 0142 Mayo (625-7622), 87151vywood

. Ave S, Collage Grove 55016, 651-459-5019,rosenOI80tc.umn.eduROSENBERG Andreas, Prof (Retired) (LabMedicine & Pathology) MMe 609 Mayo, Del Code8609, 554 VCR C (625-6455), 2814 W River Rd,MpIs 55406, 722-9640, rosen002 Otc.umn.eduROSENBERG David B. Ophthalmic Technician(~ HS) Eye Clinic, Del Code 1171 (624-2107),rosan0440tc.umn.eduROSENBERG Lesll M, Assoc Development OIcr(Minnesota Medical Foundation) 300 McNamaraAlumni canter, Del Code 2012 (624-9078),[email protected] Mark E, Dlr (Medicine), Prof(Medicine) MMC 736 Mayo, Del Code 8736,14-112 PWB (624-9444), rosenOOl Otc.umn.eduROSENBERG Michael S, Asst Prof (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, J-2-571 U Hasp(626-2557), rosenOll Otc.umn.eduROSENBERG Peerl P, Ass! Emeritus Dean(Medical School AdminlEduc), 1150 CushingCircle, Apt223, St Paul 55108,[email protected] Robert H, Adjunct Prof(DevelopmantaVSurgical ScIence), Asst Prof(Otolaryngology) Room 6-296 Moos T, Del Code1291 (625-5945),7373 France Ave So Sle 302;Edina 55435, [email protected] Thomas, Teeching Spec (Music)100 FergH, Del Code 7811,1911 Princeton Ave, StPaul 55105, 651-699-3535, [email protected] Judith, InformationalRepresentative (Immigration Hlstcry Res CIf) 311Elmer L Andersen Ub, Del Code 7921 (624-5774),r0sen0150tc.umn.eduROSENBLATT Paul C, Prof (Family SocialScience) 290 McN H, Del Code 6140 (625-3120),651-636-8114, prose~b10tc.umn.eduROSENDAHL David, Printing Equipment Oper(Printing Services) 102 P S B, Del Code 5401(625-9500), 1708 l80th St, Centuria WI 54624,715-646-2509, rosen0200tc.umn.eduROSENDAHL Harlan L, ExtensiOn Educator/lnstr(UM Extension Regl Ctr St Cloud) Midtown OfficeComplex, 3400 1st St N Ste 400, St Cloud56303-4000 (320-203-6104),rosen0330tc.umn.eduROSENER Stephanie E, Adjunct Instructor (AlJlnaMedical Clinic) United Family Practice, 545 W 7thStreet, St Paul 55102, rosenI670tc.umn.eduROSENFELD Claire M, Graduate School Fellow(carlson, Finance) 4-271 CarlSMgmt, Del Code7041(626-9703), rose04540tc.umn.eduROSENOW Kathy, Exempt Temporary or Casual(Kinesiology) Room 100 CookeH, 1900 UniversitYAve SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 2061 (626-0874xS), 16137Dysprosium St NW, Ramsey1i5303,763-433-0870, rose04590tc.umn.eduROSENSTEIN Deborah G, Coordinator (CarlsonSchool 01 Mgmt) 3-300 carlSMgmt,' Del Code7041,

ROSENSTEIN Hanan J, Adjunct Prof (DoctorsFamily Physiciana) 1300 Lagoon Ave, Suite 200,Mpls 55408, 4617 East 36th St, Mpls 55406,[email protected] Martin J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (NorthMemorial) 3:l66 oakdale Ave, Suite 506, MpIs55422, rosen0540tc.umn.eduROSENSllEL Jennner, Ass! Clinical Spec(Fairview-University Children's Hasp) Suite106-Dept 01 Clccup Therapy, 420 Delaware St'SE,Mpls 55455, 1389 Kaston St, St Paul 55108,651-647-1894, Steven J, Dean (Ub Arts Adm Oleof the Deen), Prof (Political ScIence) 215 JohH, DelCode 3774 (624-2535), rosen0600tc;

ROSENTHAL Amy M, Student Personnel Worker(CLA Student Services) 106 JohH, Del Code 3774(625-3946; 625-1490), amrosenOtc.umn.eduROSENTHAL Donna L, Sr Administiative Dir(Aeroepece Eng & Mechanics) 107 Aker H, DelCode 0731 (625-3348), d-roseOtc.umn.eduROSENTHAL Gary J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (VascularSurgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, RegionaHospitel, 640 Jackson Street St Paul 55101,rosenl530lC.umn.eduROSENTHAL Peter M, Ubrary Ass! 2 (WilsonBinding and Marking) 30 OMWlo Del Code 7111(825-3028), p-roseOmorrls.umn.eduROSETH Cary J, Teaching Ass! (College 01Education) Room 206 BuH, Del Code 3171(624-6083), r<lIl805l!80tc.umn.eduROSHAL Jay, Prof (Retired) (UMM SciencelMath,Division 01), 2124 N Monroe St, Arlington VA22207, rosha0020tc.umn.eduROSHWALD Mordecai M, Prof (Retired) (Zone 5,CLA), 8811 Colesville Road, Silversprings MD20910, roshWOOl Otc.umn.eduROSING Genny M, Info Tech Supv(Reseerch-Grad School Admin) 310 Joh H, DelCode 3773 (625-9839), rosingOtc.umn.eduROSKE Mark H, Exec Administrative Spec (MNExt Site Directors), Prin Acoounts Spec (LawSchool Admin) 300 McNamara Alumni Center, DelCode 2012 (624-8034), roske0020tc.umn.eduROSKE Mark H, Non Univ Stall (law SchooI-Adm)285 Mondale Mpls (626-5255),roskeOll Otc.umn.eduROSKE-GROTH Mary L, Clinical Soc Worker,Counselor (Mental HaaJth Clinic) BoynHS, 410Church St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1171,rosk80040tc.umn.eduROSLAK Robyn, Assoc Prof (UMD Art endDesign; UMD Fine Arts, School of) 355 A BAH,Duluth (216-726-7920), rroslakOd.umn.eduROSLER Vicky V, Info Tech Prof (FinancialSystems Support) 2620C WBOB, Del Code 7523(625-9005), [email protected] Alice M, Exec Asst (G C-Aced All & Curr)33 Ap H, Del Code 3501 (626-7141),rossx0040tc.umn.eduROSS Betty I,Accountant (Comstock Hail E), DelCode 1092 (624-8105), rossx0630tc.umn.eduROSS Daniel J, GaRlener (FacilitySupport-Lanck:are) 300 Donhowe B, Del Code3121, rossx0300tc.umn.eduROSS JR Donald, Prof (English,LanguagelLiterature) 210L UndH, Del Code 0613(625-5565),4516 Garfield Ave S, Mpls 55409,[email protected] Elaine M, Ass! Prof (UMM Div ofHumanities) Room 104 Hum, M233A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267,18 Riverview Dr, Morris 56267;320-585-5436, elrossOmorris.umn.eduROSS Emma L, Sr Ole Ass! (UMD EconomicDevelop{llent) Suite 210,0192,11 E SuperiorSt,Duluth 55802, 4254 Honey Tree Rd, Danbury WI54830,715-259-7263, [email protected] Jeen F, Lecturer (Design, Housing, andApperel) Room 250F McNH, Del Code 6136(624-9441),3624 Bryant Ave So, MpIs55409-1018,624-2080, [email protected] John S, Assl Prof (UMM Humanities,Division ot, UMM Cant EduclRegional prgm) Mus74 HFA, 800 £ 4th St, Morris 56267(320-589-6236), 18 Riverview Dr; Morris 56267,[email protected] Julie A, Prof (Pediatrics), Adjunct AssocProf (Epidemiology) MMC 422 Mayo, Del Code8422, 554C CCRB (626-2902),rossXOI40Ic.umn.eduROSS Karen 0, Research Ass! (History ofMedicine) 535C Diehl Hall; Room 300 WBOB, DelCode 7525 (626-5114), rossOI990tc.umn,edu

ROSS Karen F, ResearchAssoc (Diagnostic andBiological ScIences) Room 17-174 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (626-1932),2345 Beverly Rd, St Paul55104,651-645-4003,

ROSS Kathleen P, Exec Sec (Room 139 Smith,Box 0-10) 207 P1eesent Street SE, Del Code 3661(624-2894), rossx0090tc.umn.eduROSS Kevin M, Owne(s Representative (CapnalPlanning Project Mgmnt) Room 400 DonhoweB,Del Code 3121 (626-8283), r0ss03880tc.umn.eduROSS Kim, Non Univ Stall, University 01Minnesota MpIs (507-896-3378),rossX0920tc.umn.eduROSS Leslie, Laborer (MN Landscape Arboretum)3675 Arboretum Dr, Chaska 55318-9613(626-0303), 1119 West Franklin Ave Apt1 08, Mpls55405,871-6275, [email protected] M EliZabe, Adjunct Prof (Weill MedicalCollege of Cornell U) 525 W 68th St; W605, NewYork NY 10021, rossxOOl Otc,umn.eduROSS PHD Marvin J, Adjunct Asst Prof (Ecology,Evolution!Behavior), Assoc Program Dir (LakeItasca ForastrylBio SIn) Itasca Biological siation,28131 University Circle, Lake Itasca 56470, 28166University Circle, l.ak8 Itasca 56470,rossx0080tc.umn.eduROSS Minnie, Non Univ Stall (UDS Affiliated Stall)116 FOB MpIs (626-9971), rossx094@tc,

ROSS PHD Patricia A, Research Assoc(Philosophy) Room 355 FordH, Del Code 7057(625-6635), rossX0350tc.umn.eduROSS Patricia M, Coordinator (Center for ReadingResearch) Room 350 VoTech, Del Code 6197(624-4561),25391/2 Street N, Seuk RapIda56379,320-230-6424, rossx3130tc.umn.eduROSS Robert J, Sr Research AssoC (UMD NaturalRsrc Rsrch lnat) 5013 Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth55811 (218-720-4294) ,

ROSS Robert W, Assoc Prof (Retired) (UMCStudent Activi1Ies), 2515 Hillegass Ave, Berkely CA94704, [email protected],edu

ROSS Sheri J, Ass! Clinical Prof (VeterinaryClinical Sciences) C303 Veterinary Madical center,Del Code 6192 (625-8212), [email protected] Stephen D, Ass! Prof (Kinesiology) Room218 CookeH, Del Cod.e 2061 (624-7529),[email protected]

ROSS PHD Terrance K, Lecturer (Social Work)386 MeN H, Del Code 6161 (624-3700), 961Marshall Ave, St Paul 55104, 651-642-9152,r0ssx0360tc.umn,eduROSS ThomaS, Ass! Department Dir (UMM Officeof Residential Lile) ORlo M279A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267, ResLile Rd Indy Hall, 600 E4th St,Morris 56267, 320-589-6478,[email protected] Ximana, Research Ass!(Pharmacology) Room 6-120 Jackson Hall, DelCode 1213,2936 Dean Parkway, Apt 102, MplS55416,922-9272, r0ase0290tc.umn.eduROSSER B RSimon, Prof{Family MedicinelCommHealth), Adjunct Prof (Epidemiology) Sune 180WBOB, Del Code 7521 (625-1500),3921 XerxesAv S, Mpls 55410, 925-5652,rosseOO10tc.umn.eduROSSI Mary A, Adjunct Instructor (Nursing, Schoolof); Teaching Spec (Nursing, School of) Room6·101 WDH, Del Code 1331, rossiOOl Otc.umn.eduROSSI Matthew J, Prin Food Operations Manager(UMD FoodIVending Services) 245 KPlz, 0208,1208 Kirby Dr, DulUth 55812 (216-726-7955),[email protected] Paula E, Assoc Admin (UMD FoodIVendingServices) 245 KPIz, 0206, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-7177), 16435 Berk River Road,Herbster WI 54B44,715-774-3971,[email protected] Kim L, Teaching Spec (American IndianStudies) Room 2 ScottH, 72 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3232, 4016 Drew Ave So, Mpls55410, [email protected] Deniel J, carpentar (CPPM-U of MConstruction) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121(625-0344), [email protected] Marilyn, Assoc Prof (Work,CommunitylFamily Educ; Family Social Science)325J Vo Tech, Del Code 6197 (624-3062), 99Cambridge, St Paul 55105, 651-690-4370,rossmool0tc.umn.eduROSS MCCAUB Laureen lo Coordinalor (NaturalResources Admin) Room 250 NatResAdm, DelCode 6147 (624-9476),

ROSSMILLER Adam E, Graduate School Fellow(Mu.sic) 100 Ferguson, Del Code 7811, 1523R 11thAve S, Mpls 55404, 432-1345,rossm0080tc.umn.eduROSSMILLER David, Adjunct Instructor(Minnesota Health Family Physicians) 3550 LaboreRd no 7, Vadnais Heights 55110,

ROSSOM Rebecca C, Instructor (1 Veterana Drive)116A, Mpls 55417, [email protected]

ROSSOW Kurt 0, Assoc Clinical Prof (VDM) 240vdl, Del Code 6184 (625-7043),[email protected]

ROSSOW Nicholas R, Painter (Fac Mgmt • Zone 4• Campus) Room 150 FoodOB, 2904 FairmountStreet SE, MpIs 55414, Del Code 5803 (826-0551),697 West Shore Drive, Somerset WI 54025,rossoOO90tc.umn.eduROSTAL Pam, Non Univ Stall (InfoRnationTechnology, Ole of) 551G WBOB Mpls, 1211Frank Court, Maplewood 55109, 651,308-0917,rostaOI80tc.umn.eduROTA Marilyn E, Coordinator (Center for Reedingand Reseerch) ijoom 350 VoTech, Del Code 6197(624-4561), 810~ 100,th Place, Champlin 55318,763-424-0561,

ROTENBERG Mark B, General Counsel (GeneralCounael, Ole Of) 360 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2014 (624-4100), rotenool Otc.umn.ed~

ROTH MD Craig S, Assoc Prof (V A MedicalCenter) One Veterans Dr (1110), Mpls 55417,2010 W 49th St, MpIs 55409,

ROTH Gregory T, Lilhographer (Printing Services)Room 102 PSB, 2818 Como Ave SE, Mpls 55414,Del Code 5401, grothOtc.umn.eduROTH Hannah B, Teaching Ass! (Intercolle9iateAthletics) 190 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (624-9573),132 N Kane St, Burlington WI 53105,660-665-1469, roth03200tc.umn.eduROTH Marty, Prof Emeritus (English Language &LiI) 210A Und H, Del Code 0613,rothxOO20tc,

ROTH Neele L, Director, University Union (UMDKirby Stu Ctr/Stu Aetvs) 134 KSC, 0208, 1120Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7163), 29 E StMarie St, Duluth 55803, 218-724-0640,[email protected] Pamela, Instructor (UMD Education),Adjunct Instructor (UMM Cont EduclRegionalPrgm), Coordinator (UMD Education) 144 MonH,1211 Ordeen Court, Duluth 55812 (216-726-8494;218-726-6827),29 East St Marie, Duluth 55803,218-724-0640, [email protected]

!lOTH Patricia A, Exec Asst (Office 01 the Bursar)145 Wmson H, Del Code 0172 (625-6525;625-7535), p-rothOtc.umn.eduROTHCHILD Jennifer, Asst Prof (UMM SocialSciences, Div of; UMM ConI EduclRegionat Prgm;UMM Sponsored Selaries) 2 West Annex, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267 (32ll-589-6279),jrothchOmoms.urrin.eduROTH DAY Monica L, Assl Dir CmplCoI (ClrAmericen Indian & Minority Heel) 165 SMed, 1035University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8384),[email protected] Peter R, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Hea~hpartnerS) St Paul Clinic, 205 Wabasha St S,SI Paul 55107-1894, 665 Fairmount Ave, SI Paul55105, roth8OO90tc.umn.eduROTHENBERGER David A, Heed (Surgery), Prof(Surgery) MMC 450 Mayo, Del cOde 8450, RM11-132 PWB,445 Tumstone Court, St Paul 55113,626-1999, rothe0020tc.umn.eduROTHENBERGEIlIlI James H, Instructor(Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(625-5692), roth8001@1\c.umn.eduROTHER Diego 0, Research Ass!(ElectricaIIComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, [email protected] Usa M, Cook (lJIke Itasca ForestrylBioSin) 1009 Be~rami Ave NW, Bemidji 56801, 1009Be~rami Ave NW, Bemidji 56801,218-444-4538,klin80240tc.umn.eduROTHER Michael A, Asst Prof (UMD ChemicalEngineering), Adjunct Ass! Prol (UMD ContinuingEducalion) 176 Engr, 1303 Ordeen Court, Duluth55812 (218-726-6154), mrotherOd.umn.eduROTHERT Jacek A, Teaching Ass! (Economics),Graduate School Fellow (Economics) Economics,Room 1035 HetlerH., 271 19th Ave S, MpIs 55455,Del Code 7052 (625-6353),


ROTtIIAN Alexander J, Assoc PIOI (P8ydlology)N218 Ell H, Del Code 3281 (825-2573),2445Humbolt Ave S. MpIs 55405,rothmOOl0ll:.umn.eduROTtIIAN MIch8el J, ~nct Assoc Prof (LawSchool) Room 285 MondaIeH, 229 19lh Ave S,Mple 55455, Del Code 7911,roIhm02001l:.umn.eduROTtIIAN Nancy L, Assoc~ (FisherIes andWkIIIe) Room 200 HodsonH, Del Code 8125(624-2295), 1986 JelIeIson Ave, StPaul551il5,851~, rolhmOO50tc.umn.eduROTItROCK • Stanley H, Student Supportsenrices Ass! (MusIc) 100~ Hall, Del

.Code 7811, 429 W Idaho Ave ApI25, St Paul55117, rolh02280te.umn.eduROTHWELER Michael R, CommunIIy ProgramAssoc (Univenlily Day CommunIIy) 2700 SummerSt NE, Del Code 5101 (827-4107),, page 538-3822ROTHWELL Patrick E, GrBduate .SchooI Trainee(Neuroecience) Am 8-145 JacH, 321 Church St S,Mple 55455, Del Code 1218, 10478 29th Ave SE,Mple 55414,

.ROTONDI Mary A, Laclurer (UND-Education) 120MontH, DuIuIh, 5807 W 8th St, DulUIh 55807,mrotondiOd.umn.eduROTSCIW'ER Jell R, Instructor (Me1hodIslHo8pil8I) 8500 ExcelsIor Blvd, St LouIs PlIIlt55426, 7576 Eileen Street, Eden Prairie 55348,rotscOO301l:.umn.eduROTlICItAfER John C, Prof (Regions Ho8pitaI)640 Jaclcson Sl, Del Code 1332, 5959 Hebe Lane,While Bear lk 55110, rotscOOl01l:.umn.eduROTTENBERG David A, Prof (Neurology;Radiology) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295, Bx295 Mayo, roII8OO10te.umn.eduROUBEtI Anna, Tead1ing Ass! (ComputerSciencIlIEns;r-ing) Room 4-192 EEJCScI, 200Union St SE, MpIs 55456, Del Code 0571, 614 N1st St. ApI 608, Mple 55401,roubOOllJOlc.umn.eduROU8INEK Eric S, Teaching Ass! (Hisloly) Room614 SocSd, 26719lh Ave S, Mpis 55455, DelCode 7165, roubOOll0te.umn.eduROUDABUSH Stephen E, Instructor (Walgreens)8308 Hwy 7, St Louis Park 55426, 10700Hampshire Avenue So 101, 'BIoomlngIon 55438,roudaOOl0te.umn.eduROUEN John T, Info Tech Spec (cco-centralComputing OperatIons) 660 W BOB, Del Code7531 (828-0550), hscsjIrOte.umn.eduROOFS KalhIeen M, Dir C8mpusICoIIege Laval(UMO Acad AmI, VIc:e Chancellor, UMOAcadSupport Prgm, V Chan) 10 CCtr, 0uIulh(218-728-8761), 1008 MIsaisalppI Ave, DulU1h55811,218-724-7493, kloulsOd.umn.eduROOFS TIIIl, PIOI (UMD SocioIogy/Anlhropology),Adjunct Prof (UMD ContInuing Education) 215CIna, DulUIh (218-728-7536), 1008 MIsalsslppiAve, DuIuIh 55811,218-724-7493,troutsOd.umn.eduROUGEUX Richard T, lnatruetor (HealthPar1nars •West) no 100, 5100 Gamble Dr, St Louis PlIIlt55418, rougeOO30lc.umn.eduROUGH Bonnie J, Laclurer (English) Room 207LindH, 207 Church St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code0613, ~01c.umn.aduROUGYIE Ann E, Assoc Prof (Genetica, CellBIoIogyIDev) 4-104 MoICeIIBlo, Del Code 1217(824-4706), I'Ollg\IOOl Ote.umn.eduROUIIEU01lS SteIgIos, Ass! Prof (ComputerScienceIEngir-m) Room 5-189 EEJCScl, DelCod8 0571 (828-7507),1OIIInlIOO30te.umn.aduROUSEPatrlcill, GraphiC DeslgnerIMecla Artist(Transp StudIes, Ctr For) 200 T S B, Del Code1982 (62lI-l077),1OUlI8OO40lc.umn.eduROUSSEAU Eugene E, Laclurer (School of MusiC)Room 100 FelgH, Del Code]811,1OUIIIOO70lc.umn.eduROUllSLAHG RonIIId i BulkIng and GroundsWorker (FacIIilIee Mgmt.Amlil1slrllllon) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 8069, 307.Don/lOWe B(824-6868), .ROUSSOS Nc:oIe 0, Teaching Ass!(EngIlah) 790CiviI~, Del Code 0613,1OU8I0230te.umn.eduROU1'ItE K8nIn l, Prln Adrn1nIslratIwl Spec(Applied Econ) 231 CIa OIl, Del Code 6040(625-2758), IaOulheOte.umn.adu •ROUTIE RichaId H, Instructor (Small AnImalCIinlcII SCIenCe) e-339 VMC, 1365 GoI1ner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 8192, 4284 ReIand Lane,Shor8view 55126, 651-486-8211,

ROUX Sheila A, Head Coach (UMc A1hIetlc8)Room 139 Spol1s C, 2900 University Ave,CI'OOIc8Ion 56718 (218-261-a423),rouxOOO30mail.crk.umn.edROUZER Paul F, Assoc Prof (ALL) 423 FolwellHall, Del Code 0144 (625-2564),prouzerOte.umn.eduROUZINA IoulIa F, Ass! Prof (Biochem, Molac BioI,BIopIiy TCBS), Research Assoc (Biochem, MoIacBioI, Biophy TCBS) 5-134 BSBE, Del Code 1214(624-7488),2404 31st Ave So, MpIs 55406-1470,729-7312, rouzIOO20tc.umn.aduROVA MlIIlt N, Prin Accountant (SponsoredFinancial RepOrtIng) Room 450 McNamaraCtr, DelCode 2003 (624-2014), rovaxOOl0tc.umn.eduROVERUD Jaclyn A, Research Ass! (InstitUte oncommunity Integration) NCEO, Del Code 3281(62fHl65lI), roveOOO90tc.umn.aduROVIRA Alberto, Research Ass! (Clinical andPopuIalIon Sciences) 3Il5 ANSCWet Med Bldg,Del Code 6012 (624-1220), 3443 Holmes Ave,Mpis 55406, RlV8OO100te.UlI1n.eduROWAN Hennan T, Prof (Retired) (ArtDepartment) E259 RegIaCtr, Del Code 7831(625-3214), 191519lh Ave HE, MpIs 55418,789-1962, rowanOOl0te.umn.aduROWAN James J, Ass! Dtr Cmp/CoI (Admissions,Ole Of) 240 Wmson H, Del Code 0171 (824-4538),j·rowa01l:.umn.eduROWAN JUlian M, Coordinator (MulllculturalAllairs) 160 Klaeber Ct, Del Code 3013(62lHl733), belldOO20te.umn.eduROWAN Mary M, Sr Teaching Spec (School ofNursing) 8-118 Weaver DensIord HaD, Del Code1331 (624-8937), rowanOOSOtc.umn.eduROWE James E, Admlnislralive Professional(ROIl8IIlOUIll Research & Outreach Ctr) 1805 1601hSt W, Rosemount 55068 (851-423-2455), 3481 NW48th Slraet, Owatonna 55060, 507-451-9395,jrowaOlc.umn.aduROWE Jennifer, Sr Editor (Facilities .Mgrnl-eommunlcatloniAve) Room 300 DonhoweB,Del COde 3121 (825-3488),625-3488,r0wex0190te.umn.eduROWE William L, Prof (Retired) (Anthropology),3102 W Calhoun Blvd, MpIs 55418, .rowexOO10tc.umn.eduROWEJOHNSON Michelle E, Non Univ Staff, 035182 MpIs (624-7563), rowejOOl0te.umn.aduROWEKAIIP Janl8e K, Departmental D1r (CLALanguage c:8nter) Room 110 JonesH, Del Code3945 (625-3865; 824-2901), 3215 33Id Ave S,MpIs 55406, 722-8054, rowekOOl0te.umn.eduROWELl. James W, Assoc Prof (UMD·Math &Stalisllcs) 170 C Ctr, Duluth (218-728-7958),Errorl$lOaol.oom, page 218-722-4098ROWELl. Randy E, KItchen Helper (UMDFocxWanding senrices) 245 KPIz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr, DulU1h 55812 (218-728-7615)ROWEN Timolhy N, Jr SclenIist (2001 6th St SE)Room no, '781-5672, roweOO640te.umn.eduROWLEY JR C Stevens, Prof (Retired)(UMD-Accoun1Ing) 138 S B E, Duluth(218-728-7966), srowIeyOd.umn.eduROWLEY David 0, Teaching Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE,lll Church StSE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 0891, .

ROY Benjamin M, Research Ass! (Chern Engr &Mall sa) 285 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(625-3051),4825 Twin Lake Ave No, BrooklynC&n1er 55429,7~, .royxx0740tc.umn.aduROY John J, Sr General MechanIc (Parking &TI8naIJOfl8lIon 8a1v1c:ea) 1074 St Ramp, Oal Code2921 (826-6000), r0yxx0130te.umri.eduROY PhIlemon, Adjunct Assoc Prof (RiChie MedicalPlaza) 310 N SnIlth.Ave, Suite 330, St Paul 55102,2711 Ilasca Ave, Lakeland 55403,royjrOO10te.urnn.eduROY Robert R, Adjunct Ass! Prof (EnvironmentalHeIIth ScIences), Ass! Prof (Phannacy, Collegeof), A4unct Prof (Veterinary PopuIatlon MadIcine)MMC em Mayo, Del. Code 8807, 3M Company, 3MMedIcal Department, 3M Center, Bui1dlng220-2E-02, St Paul 55144-1000,r0yxx0070te.umn.eduROY Rudrava, ApplIcations Programmer(Paychcllogv) ....218 EItH, 75 Eest RIver Road,MpIs 55455, Del Code 3281 (625-4518),royxOO8201l:.umn.eduROY SabIla. Assoc Prof (Pharmacology; Surgery)3-108 BSBE, Del Code 1213 (624-5983),royxxOO20te.umn.adu

ROYctlOWDHURY JaIjeet, Assoc Prof(ElecIrlcalIComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EEJCScl,200 Union .St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Coda 0572(828-7203; 628-7203),jrOte.umn.eduROYCRAFT Eve M, Info Tech Pro! (Ue-Concerts& Laclures) 105111 M A, Del Code 0251(625-0074),2910 Arcade St, UtUe Canada 55109, .

ROYCRAFT Kathrine K, Nutrition Education Ass!(UM Extension Waseca Cnly) Ste 2, 300 N StateSl, Waseca 56093-2933 (507-835-0600),r0yct0020tc.umn.eduROYER Mary L; Sr HospilaI Central Svc Tech(Clinical Systems Dentistry) 8-434 Moos Tower,pel Code 1291 (625-4704), royer0050tc.umn.eduROZAJT1S Bill, Assoc EWcalIon Spec (Ctr torTeachinglLeaming S1Ic) Room 315 SciCB, DelCode 3561 (825-6812),5 Timberglada Road,Bloomington 55437; rozaiOOl Otc.umn.eduROZAK Phillip R, Jr Sciantist (Surgery) MMC 195Mayo, Del Code 8195, 11037 4th St NE, Blaine55434, 763-757-7068, ioza00040tc.umn.eduROZEN Silvia K, SclenIist (Pedalrlcs) MMC 491Mayo, Del Code 8491, 254 0 V C C R C(62lHl172), 3493 Pilgrim Ln, Plymouth 55441,763-544-2598, rozanOO10te.umn.eduROZEN80IM Israel, Adjunct Ass! Prof (ISSS,University of Minnesota) 190 Humphrey Ctr, DelCode 6014, sagjOtc.umn.aduROZGA Peter B, Assoc Development 0fllY(University foundation) Room 500 McNamareCtr,Del Code 2011 (628-8536), 851-699-5098,rozgaOO10tc.umn.eduROZUMALSKI Fred J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Arch & •Lnd8cp Arch, Colt) 110 Arch, Del Code.0811(628-9848),788-1853, rozumOO10tc.umn.eduRUAN R Roger, Prof (BiosystemsIAgricutluraJEngr), Adjunct Prof (Food ScIenceINutrition AFES)206 BIo Ag Eng, Del Code 6005 (625-1710),ruanxOO10tc.umn.aduRUAN Xuejln, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Geography; Minnesota Population Canterj 50Willey Hal~ Del Code 7931 (625-0892; 624-5618),1029 29th Ave SE, Apt E, Mpis 55414,379-4950,ruanOOl00tc.umn.eduRUARK Elizabeth A, Instructor (UMD Education)246 MonH, 1211 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-6682), eruarkOd.umn.aduRUBENFELD Marian R, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMadlcinelComm Health; Ophthalmology) 750 ArtsBuilding, 825 Nicollet Man, MpIs 55402 (338-4861),4917 Fremont Ave S, MpIs 55409,rubenOO20tc.umn.eduRUBENFELD Stephan A, Prof (UMD ManagarnentStudies), Adjunct Prof (UMD BusinesslEcon,ScllooI 01) 120S B E. Duluth (218-7~107), 3941FountaIn Gale Dr tel, Duluth 55811,218-724-3623,srubenIaOd.umn.eduRUBENIS Paul M, Sr Systems Admin (CCO) Room660 WBOB, Del Code 7529, 5609 91st CrescentNorth, Brooklyn Park 55443, 763-315-6875,paulrOtc.umn.eduRUBENSTEIN Irwin, Prof (Retired) (Plant Biology)220 Sio ScI, Del Code 6022, IrwinOtc.umn.eduRUBERG Sharon L, Coordinator (Work,CommunllylFamlly Educ) Room 350 VoTech, DelCode 6197 (624-4917), ruberOl00te.umn.eduRUBIN Justin H, Assoc Prof (UMD Music; UMDFine Arts, School 01) 232 H, l)uIUIh (218,728-8218;218-726-8208),218-343-5857, jrublnl Od.umn.aduRUBIl Karol R, Acpcllnatruetor (Naurology)MMC 485 Mayo; Del Code 8485,7-148 PW B(625-2472),515 W 53rd SIr, MpIs 55419-1224,827-5080, rubln0080te.umn.eduRUBIN Maria C, Adjunct Illstructor (SchOOl 01Nursing) 6-101 WDH, Del Code 1331 (638-0700),1800 Greham AV, Apt 302, St Paul 55118,rubinOll0tc.umn.aduRUBINS JaIIray B, Prof (V A MedIcal Canter)Pulmonaly Section lllN, One Veterans Dr, MpIs55417, 2515 Irving Ave S,MpIs 55405-3529,, page 660-7373RU8INYIRobert M, Exl8nsIon EducatorlProiassor'(UM ExtensIon Comm & Educ Tech Svcs) Room405 Col H, Dal Code lI070 (624-2706), 1325Maryland Ave No, Golden Valley 55427,nniOte.umn.eduRUBLE Jeanne A, Peraonnel Spec (Hennel1natilule)601 18th Ave NE;Auatin 55912(507-437-9603), rubIeOO30te.umn.eduRUCH Gerald T, PhD Candidale Research Assi(Physics and Astronomy) Room 385 Phys, 116Church St SE, Mpia 55455. Del Code 0331,


RUI)AZ serge, Prof (Physics & Astronomy) 325Phys, Del Code 0331 (624-5022), 2600 HunliniltonAve S, St Louis PlIIlt 55416-3918,952-928-8037,rudazOO""Ote.umn.eduRUDBERG Susan R, Adjunct lnatructor (Mesab8CliniC) 1814 E 14th Ave, Hibbing 55746RUDD Cathy, Adjunct Inal1Uctor (UMD Education)120 MonH, 1211 Ordean Court, DiJlUIh 55812(218-728-7l!33), 9493 to! HIghIine Rd, Hayward WI54843,715-638-2548, rudd00140te.umn.adu

RUDD Linda M, Prin Accountanl (NCROC) 1881 EHwy 189, Grand Rapids 55744 (218-327-4356;218-327-4490), 15148 Danson Rd, Grand Rapids55744, 218-327-1916, ~Otc:umn.eduRUDDICK Keith, Prof (Physics & Astronomy) 260Phys, Del Code 0331 (824-9587), 3401 EaStCalhoun Pkwy, MpIs 55406, 825-7247,ruddIOOl0te.umn.eduRUDDl.E Thomas E, Info Tech SpeC (Curriculumand Instruction) Room 125 PeikH, Del Code 4301(624-3579), trudcleOte.umn.eduRUDDY Martha, Ass! LIbrarian (WIlson lib Info Refand InstN serv) 160 OMWL. Del Code 7111,ruddyOO50tc.umn.ed4,RUDE Jennifer L, Student Personnel Workar (CLASludant services) 8-18 JohH, tleI Code 3774(624-6044), rude\10440te.umn.aduRUDE Jarome L, Landscape Maintenance Supv(UMC-Facllities Management) KillerS, CI'OOIc8Ion56718 (218-261-8498),106 Twin Dr, Crookston56716,218-261-5407, jludaOmail.crk.umn.eduRUDEUUS William, Prof (Ratired)(MlIIlteti~ Management; IntemalionalProgram Dev)Ma~ Management,3-150Ca~SMiJnl, 32119lh Ave S, MpIs 55455,Del Code 7041, 377-2670, rudeliusOtc.umn.eduRUDEUUlI-PALMER Kr1sIi L, Program Dir (LawSchooIlnatItules), Assoc Program Dlr (Law SchoolInstilutes) N120 BWalter F MondaIe Hall, DelCode 791.1 (828-7794), krpOtc.umn.adu •RUDELT Amanda R, Sr Survey Interviewer(Epidamloiogy) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(628-9199),2500 BlaIsdell Ave Apl407, MpIs55404,651-398-5207, gyorOOOl0tc.umn.eduRUD,EN P Paul, Prof (Dept Of Electrical &Computer Engr) 4-174 E EJC Sci, Del Code 0572(624-6350), rudanOtc.umn.aduRUDLOFf Joel H, Sr OB AnaIysl (IntegratedSystems Solutions) 660 W BOB, Del Code 7531(624-8561), j-nJdIOtc.umn.eduRUDNEY Gwen L, Assoc Prof (UMM Education,Division 01; UMM ConI Educiflegional Prgm; UMMAcademic Adminlstrelion) Room 200 Edu, M231A,600 E 4th St, Monis 56267 (320-589-6411), 303 E5th St, Morris 56267, 320-589-3541,rudneygIOmO!ris.umn.eduRUDNEY Joel 0, Prof (DiagnosIicJBioISclenc8s),'Assoc Pro! (Dental Education,Contin,ulng) 17.-238A Ioloos T, Oal Code 1291(624-7199),1724 Lau"!l Ave, St Paul 55104,65Hl47-5338, jrudney01l:.umn.eduRUDNICK Lawrence, Prof (Astronomy) 383 Phys,Del Code 0331 (624-3398),5137 Upton Ave So,Mpis 55410, 927-5311,lanyOlc.umn.eduRUDNIK Frank S, BuildIng and Grounds Workar(Facilities Mgmt·Adminislrallon) MMC 59 Mayo,Del Code 8059, Bl17 Moos T (624-5968),rudnlOO20tc.umn.eduRUDOLF MIchael, VISit Scholar (ComputerSciencalEnginaering) 4-192 EEICS Bldg MpIs,2508 Deillware St SE, MpIs 55414, 808-554-4570,rudoI0730tc:umn.aduRUDOLPH RiChard L, Prof Emeritus (History)Room 614 SocScl, 26719th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7165 (624-2800), 1354 Sylvan Court,Healdsburg CA 95448, 707-433-7889,~rOtc.umn.adu

RUDOLPH Stave J, MedIcal Fellow (MedicineGastroenterology Office) MMC 38 Mayo, Del Code8038, A542 Mayo (625-8999), 2912 40th Ave S,MpIs 55406, 320-252-0135, srudoIphOte.umn.eduRUDSTROM Margaretha V, Asst Piof (WCResearch10utiaach Canter; Applied Economics)48352 Stale Hwy 329, Morris 56267(320-589-1711),320-569-D480,rudslrmvOmorris.umn.eduRUDSTROM Nancy, Owner's Representative(Capital Planning & Projecl Mgmt) 400 Donhowe,D8I Code 3121 (624-7882), rydstOO10tc.umn.eduRUE Debra L, Prin Veterinary Tech (VeterinaryMedIcal Center) 385 VMC, Del Code 6194(625-1200), PO Box 247, Shalar 55074,651-257-2417,


RUEGEllEa Grace. Inlo Tech Spec (Departmentof CenlraJ Security) Unlvel8lly 0lIlce Plaza • Suite335. Del Code 2703 (624-2648), rtzogOtc.umn.eduRUEGG Joshua M, Info Tech Prof (Admissions)240.Williemson HaD, Del Code 0171 (625·5087).rueggOO50tc.umn.6duRUEKERT Robert W, Aasoc Dean (Mgml OIe.ofIhe Deen. car1son). Prof (Melle8llnglLogistlcsManagement) 3-203 carllSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-4898), rruekertOtc.umn.eduRUESCH Andrea B. Community Program Aasoc(UM Extension Service Jackson Cnty) 607 6 Hwy86. PO Box 309. Lakalield 5615lHl309(507-372-3909), 93693 4701h AY8IlU8, Windom56101, ruescOOl Otc.umn.8\luRUESlNK Krisli A, 6upport S1aff (UM ExtensionFdlmore Cnty) 902 Houston 61 NW no 3. Preaton55965-1080 (507-765-3896). rueslOO10tc.umn.eduRUmR Martha A, Aasoc Prof (Family SocialSCienoe) Room 290 McNH, Del Code 6140.mrueterOtc.umn.eduRUFER Moriya M, Research Ass! (Entomology)Room 2nd A HodsonH. 1980 Folwell Ave. S1.Paul55106, Del Code 6125, 207 2nd SI NE, MAls55413. rufer0020tc.umn.eduRUFF Kelly L. Altendanl (SanfOrd Dining Servtces)177 SanH, Del Code 4701 (624-6549),rulfxOO70tc.umn.eduRUFFA Gregory J, Exempt Temporary or casual(Biological ScI Admin, Col of;MUhlcullural/Academic Affairs) 123 Sn H. Del Code6174 (626-1055). 379-9622, ruflaool0te.umr\.eduRUGO Bradley W. Program Dir (UM Extension Ctrof 4-H Youth Dev) S1e 2708 McNamar&Ctr. DelCode 2016 (624-6443). 525 W McKinley,Owatonna 55080. 507-455-1159.ruggxOO20Ie.urnn.eduRUGGER JR Warren E. Ass! Scientist(Departmenl of Soil. Water. and Clim) Unlvel8lly ofMinnesote, S432 SolI SCIence BIc;tg. 1529 GortnerAve, 81 Paul551~. 312 511l 81 SE. Waseca56093, rugge0020te.umn.eduRUGGERI Larry A, Instruclor (Wal-Mert) 13020Riverdale Dr, Coon Rapids 55448,15009 CraneStreat Nor1ll W88I, Andover 55304,ruggeOOl Ote.umn.eduRUGGLES call1erlne, Non Univ Staff (Minne80tePopuIatkin canter) 50 Willey MpIs, 1073 SouthOrange Grove B, Pasadena CA 91105,iuggI0120tc.urnn.eduRUGGL!S SI8Y8Il. Prof (Histcry; MinnesotePopula1lon canter) 50 Wdley Hall, Del Code 7931(624-4061; 624-5618),97 Orlln Ave SE. Mpis

·55414, 33H79O, rugglOOl Otc.umn.eduRUHE Valerie, Rasaarch Aasoc (Ctr forT8IChir¢.eaming Svc) Room 315 ScICB. DelCode 3581(625-1261), ruhexOO10lc.umn.eduRUHLAND Sharon A, Prin Adminlstrative Spec(Facil~ Mgmnl-AVP 0ffIca) 400 Donhowe B, DelCode 3121 (626-9532),5100 8th SI NE Apt23,Columbia Helghts 55421, 763-57100354,s-ruhIOtc.umn.eduRUHNKE Ronald G, Building and Grounds Wolleer(Facilities Mgml-Donhowe).Room 400 DonhoweB,31915th Ave SE, MpIs 55465, Del Code 3121, 606So 9IIl SI Aptl06, Minneapolis 55403,651-206-4557, ruhnOOO60tc.umn.eduRUHNKE Suzanne R, Jr CashierlFood AIde (UMDFOOIWending Servtces) 245 KPiz. D206, 1206Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612 (218-726-7176), 2306Ensign Ave, Duluth 55611, 218-786-0243.ruhnkOO10d.umn.eduRUHR DIane M, Ass! Prof (Western 0bIGyn Lid)550 S Maple SI, Waconia 55387, 5133 Emerald·Dr.Mound 55364, rtlhrxOOl Otc:urnn.eduRUIS Brian L, AsS! SCienlisl (Biocham, Mol Biology& Biophysics) 6-226 MCB, Del Code 1214(624-0935).140 Larpenteur Ave E, 81 Paul 55117,651-48HI246, ruisxOO10lc.umn.eduRUIl Emeat. Prof (Emergency Medicine Prog"m)MMC 911 Mayo, Del Code 8911, MMC 911 Meyo(626-4140), ruIzxOO30tc.umn.eduRUIl Ellher. Prln Survey IntelllteMr(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB. 1300 S 2nd SI,Mpis 55454, Del Code 7525;1945 oakdale Ave, W81 Paul 515118, 651-786-9118,· .RUIl Joeeph, BuIldIng and Grounds Worker(FeclIItles i.1gmt-AdmlniS\r.8tiOf!) 400 Oonhowe 1;1,Del Code 3121 (624-7817),536 7lh Av S, So SIPaul 55015. ruIzxOOl Otc.umn.eduRUIl MallhewD, Teechlng Aaat (KinesloIogy) •Room 20 CookeH, Del Code 2061 (625-9387),15286 Flower Way. Apple Valley 55124.952-891-4697.

RUIl MlgweI A, Assl Prof (W88I Side Clinic) 153Concord SI, SI Peul55107, 2518 TIberIee Drive,Woodbury 55125, rulzxOO40tc.umn.eduRUIl GARCIA Emesto, Adjunct Instructor(Department of Archileclure) Room 145 RapsonH,Del Code 0611 (624-7866), ruizgOO1.0tc.umn.eduRUKAVINA Peull J:Clinical Instructor (FalnriewHighland Palle Clinic) 2155 Ford Pkwy, Sl Paul55116,3841 Nor1ll RIdge Dr, Eagan 55123.651-454-7303, .RULAND Joni W, Instruclor (ComprehensiveObIGyn servtces) 3460 Laxington Ave N,Shoreview 55126, 2249 Lamplight Dr, Woodbury55125, rulanOOl Otc.umn.eduRUMBI,.EY Jon N, Assl Pro! (Duluth PharmacyProgIlIm; UMD Chemistry lII)d llIochemistry) 253CSSB, 1035 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612; 342 KPIz, 1206Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612 (218-72&-7423;218·726-7212), jrumbleyOd.umn.8fluRUMMEL Mery K, Assoc Prof (Retired) (UMDEducation), Adjunct Aasoc Prof (UMD ContinuingEduca1lon) 138 Man H, Duluth (218-726-7174),5538 W Danube, Fridley 55432.763-574-1367, .

RUMMELS Olivia D, CMA (Boyn HS) NursingDepartment Del Code 1171 (625-4662),rumrne.0020tc.umn.eduRUMORE Gina M, Teaching Ass! (Hiatory ofSclencelTec;lmology) Rm 167 SocSci, 267 1911lAve S, MpIs!55455, Del Code 7152,1400 KilmerAve, Saint Louis Palle 55426,rumooool Ole.umn.eduRUMPLE Bryan K, Prin Accountant (Unlvel8llySeMces-Finanoe) 300 DonhoweB, Del Code 3121(62&-4037), 783-323-3431, rumplOO10tc.umn.eduRUIot8EY Elizabeth J, Granl/Contracl Admin AsS!(UMD SponsoredPr0ject8 Admin) 413 DAdB,0025, 1049 Unlvel8lly Dr, Duluth 55612 '(218-728-7471), •RUMSEY Mary, Ublarlan (Law Llbrary) 120Mandala Hall, Del Code 7911 (625-2905),rum880060tc.umn.eduRUIot8EY PHD Robin K, Aaat Prof (PediatricClinical Neuorsclenoe) MMC 488 Mayo, Del Code8486,706 Meyo BuIldIng (620H451). 2516 29thAvenue NE, Mpis 55418, 789-0m,rum88002 Olc.umn.eduRUIotSEY MD TH1loIhy J. Adjunct Aasoc Prof(United Family Mad Residency Pgnn) Suite 3, 545W 7lhSI, 81 Paul 55102-3094 (851-293-0069), 791Undwood, 51 PI\llI55101. 651-222-3078.ruIll88OO50Ie.umn.eduRUNCK Luann M, Building end Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Adminislralion) 200 Oonhowe B,Del Code 3121 (624-9313), runckOOl Otc.umn.eduRUNO Carroll D, Adjunct Ass! Prof (2409 S10utRoad) Menomonie WI 54751,rundxOO20Ie.umn.eduRUNDQUIST Bran! D, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Restorative Sci- Endodontics) Room 8-186 MoosTower, Del Code 1291 (624-9900), 925-3559,rundqOOl Otc.umn.eduRUNESHA PHD HBirali, Sci Compuation GroupMgr (Supercomputing InstIIuIe) Room 599 WaUb,Del Code 3721 (624-8662), ruoesool Otc.umn.eduRUNG Jillian E, Prin ~ntenl (LabMedlPathology Department) MMC 609 Mayo, DelCode 8609, Room 760 Meyo (626-4834),rung00200tc.umn.eduRUNGE CsrIlsle F, Prof (Applied EconOmics;Forest R8800roes, Dept 01), Prog(8m Dir (ApplIedEconomics) 332K CIa Off, Del Code 6040(625-9208), rungeOO10tc.umn.eduRUNGE Dele E, Mechan!c\2 (FacItiIIeaMgmt·Adminislra1lon) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code8059. B117 Moos T (624-2900),rungeOO20te.urnn.ed!JRUNKEL Anthony C, Assl Prof (Ear1ll sCiGeoIogylGeophysics), Sr Sclenlisl (Ge010gIcaISurvey, MN) MN Geological Survey, Room 1042642 Univ, 2642 Unlvel8lly Ave, 81 Paul 55114,Del Code 2411 (627-4760 x(22), 1065 carltonDrive, Shoreview 55126-8126,runkeOOl Otc.umn.eduRUNKLE David E, Sr l.ec1ur8r (Anance) 4-222carl5Mgml, Del Code 7041 (624-1018; 624-2686),runklOOl Otc.umn.eduRUNNING Lynell8, Laboratory Svc Coordinator(Canoer canter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806.405 CCRB (624-7167), runni00201c.umn.eduRUNNING Thomas W, Plumber (Facilities Mgml­Zone 1 SI Paul) Room 202 FMB. 1938Commonwealth Ave, 81 Paul 55106, Del Code6166, 26080 Glen 08k Drive, Wyoming 55092,

RUNYON Marie, Research Ass!(PulmonarylCriIIcaI Cere Mad) MMC 276 Meyo,Del Code 6276, 383 KE, 6015 0lNer Ave S, Mpls55419,868-5413,

RUNZEL Brian R, Research A8st (CivilEngineering) RQOI1l122 eivE. 500 P1l1ebufY Dr SE.Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851.1714 Eustis SI,Lauderdale 55113, 218-736-3502,

RUONE Susan J. Research Ass! (DiagIBlol ScI ­Molecular Virology) Room 18-256 Moos T. DelCode 1291 ~4-0667; 624-5172).ruon00080tc.umn.eduRUPAR Terry J, CoordInator (Hibbing CommunityCollege) 1515 E 25th 81, Hibbing 55792(218-262-6703),

RUPPERT.Thomes. Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgml-Adminislration) 400 Oonhowe B,Del Code 3121 (624-6364). 627101h Ave SE, Mpls55414. ruppe0030tc.umn.eduRUPPMAN Gregory A, Electromechanical SystemsSpec (Facilities Mgml Bsec) A 18 Mayo, Del Code3121, rupprn0040lc.umn.ed~RUBACK Roger W, Prof (Physics & Astronomy)146 Phys, Del Code 0331 (624-2322).rusaCOOl

RUSCH Colleen K.~ Instructor (HealthPartners) 1415 61st Ave NE, Spring Lake Park55432, rusch0040tc.umn.eduRUSCH Melissa A, PhD Canddate Research Ass!(Genelics, C811 Bioi & Development) 5-140 MoosT,Del Code 1217, rusc00420tc.umn.eduRUSCHlotEYER 0rIend0 R, Ass! Prof (Retired)(Environmental Health SCIences), 1798 carl 51, SIPaul 55113,

RUSCHY David L, Info Tech Prof (Soil Waler &Cllmale) 6315 Soils, Del CQde 6028 (625-5227).564 Janesville 81 NE, Fridley 55432,763-780-4613,

RUSH Milagros R, Ass! Prof (Law Ubrary) 1108Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911 (625-0793),

RUSH Nancy M, Adminlatrative Dir (Clinical an~PopuIa1Ion ScIences) Room 225 VetTehHos. De,Code 6190 (624-5344; 624-3258), 4596 Oller LakeRd, White Bear Lake 55110, 651-407-3702.rushxOO10tc.umn.eduRUSfI Peter A, Teaching Spec (Entomology)Room 2nd A HodsonH, 1980 Folwen Ave, SI Paul55106. Del Code 8125, 40654 Rutabaga Road,Askov 55704, 320-838-1641,rushx0190Ie.umn:eduRUSHTON Hollie A, Research Ass! (FoodSCienoelNutrl1lon HE), Teaching Aaat (FoodSciancelNutrition HE) FoQd ScIence and Nutrition,Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave, 81 Paul 55106,Del Code 6099,10207 N Foxkirk Dr, Mequon WI53097,

RUSIN James D,~ Aasoc Prof (NorthwayClinic) 13200 cantral Ave NI', Blaine 55434, 3512Rum River Dr. Anoka 55303,rusin0030tc.umn.eduRU,," Lou J. Adjunct Ass! Prof (PeI1c NicollelMedical canter) 15111 Twelve oaka canter Dr,Minnetonka 55305, rusinOOl Otc.umn.eduRUSINKO JoneII M, Prin Informational Rep (AHCCommunications) MMC 735 Meyo, Del Code 6735,A 395 Meyo (624-5680), .'RUSKA Tammy J, MedIcal Technologisl(Veterinary MedIcal Center) 325G VMC, Del Code6194, 11535 711l Streat NE, BlaIne 55434,johns9160te.umn.eduRUSNAK Rae A, Teechlng Spec (GeneralCollege-Sclenoes) 360 Ap H. Del Code 3501(625-7812), h0isv0010tc.umn.eduRUSNAK Robert A, Aasoc Prof (Hennepin CountyMedIcal canter) Emergency Medicine, 701 PalleAve, lApis 55415. ruanaOOl Otc.umn.eduRUSSAS Valerie G, Coordinator (College ofPharmacy) Room 5-13OWDH, 306 HeMrd 81 SE,Mpls 55456, Del Code 1332 (624-6115). 2623 W40th 81. MpIs 55410, 925-1161.russaOOl 'te.umn.eduRUSSELL Ch8rtes B, Exec Adminlatrative Spec(lAN Medical Founda1lon) Room 300McNarnaraCtr. 200 oak SISE, MpIe 55455, DelCode 2012,·RUSSELL Charles E, Building and GroundsWolleer (Facilities Mgml-FMB) Room 202 FlAt!,1938ComrnonwNlth Ave, 81 Paul 55108. DelCode 6186 (624-2900), Apt 707, 4703 BlaIne AveS, Inver Grove Heights 55078,

RUSSELL JR Donald A, Utility Worker (FaeMgml·Zone 4-Campus District) 1300 FoodOB, Del.Code 3121 (624-2288),

RUSSELL Elizabeth, Sr One Stop Counselor (OneSlop~ Servtces canter) 200 Fraser Hall, DelCode 3395 (625-5621),1425 WJessamine AveAp1307, SI Paul 55106,,RUSSELL Herry K, Ass! Prof (V A Medical Center)One Veterans Dr, Del Code 3261,

RUSSELL James M, Post-Doctoral Aasoc(Umnologlcal ResIGeology) 220 PlllsH lApis. DelCode 0211 (218-310-2118),721-6152,

RUSSELL Joan C, OperalionS Supv, Facffs Mgmt(Fae Mgml- Bldg Serv - Area 0) Ll50 Mach EngBIc;tg' Del Code 31il (624-9534),branc0030tc.umn.eduRUSSELL Joseph L, Ass! Coach (InlercollegiateAthlelics), Teaching Spec (Kinesiology, School 01) .Room 240H BFAB, Del Code 3061 (625-3026). POBx 14253, Mpls 55414,

RUSSELL Keith C, Aasoc Prof (Kinesiology,School of) 100 Cooke Hall, Del Code 20611624-4370I, krusseIiOle.umn.eduRUSSELL Nancy C, Sr Ole Spec (CLA Honors)115 Johnston Hall, 101 Pleasanl 81 SE. Mpls55455, Del Code 3774 (624-4323),

RU~LL Patrick C, Ole Spec (UMO Housing)149 L8H, 0207,513 Niagara Court. Duluth 55612.1723 EStlrSI. Duluth 55612, 218-260-9609,prussaI20d.umn.eduRUSSELL Peter L, Adjunct Prof (Eden canterFamily Physicians) 630 Prairie canter Dr. EdenPrairie 55344, 8091 Current PI, Eden Prairie55347,

RUSSELL Robert S. Research AsS! (Ctr for Urbanand Rgnl Affairs) Room 330 HHHCtr, 301191h AveS. Mpis 55455, Del Code 7452, 103 W 41h Ave,Miller SD 57362, 339-4296, russl1090Ie.umn.eduRUSSELL Robin 0, Laboratory Machinist Spec(Mechanical Engi~88ring) Room 171 MechE, DelCode 0691 (625-1301). 10045 Mound SpringTerrace, Bloomington 55420, 952-8884479.russe0400tc.umn.eduRUSSELL Sadie A, Sr Ole Spec (81 Paul Studentcanler) Room 42 Steen. 2017 BuIordAve, SI Paul55106, Del Code 6180, 1U8880750lc.umn.eduRUSSELL Stephanie A, Adjunct Assl Prof (PrimaryDental Care-Dental Hygiene) Room 9-436 MoosT,515 Delaware SI SE. Mpls 55455, Del Code 1291,

RUSSELL II Thomas, AdjUnct Ass! Prof (RegionsHospitel) cardiology; 640 J8ckson 81, 81 Paul55101,651-439-9186. russe0520tc.umn.eduRUSSELL Tina M, Prin Administrative Spec(Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, 11·I 64PWB. russe0410lc.umn.eduRUSSELLE Michael P, Prof (Dept of Soil, Waler,and Climale) S435 Soli Science Bldg, Del Code6028 (62~145), 1480 Chalmsford SI, 81 Paul55106,651-648-3620, russelieOtc.urnn.eduRUSSETtl Kevin P, Teaching Assl (UMD Biology)284 SSB, 1035 Universlty Dr, Duluth 55612(218-726-7919; 218-726-7705), 1615 E 4th St.Duluth 55612, 218-728-4102,russ01760d.umn.eduRUSSO Jesslcs P, Community Program Aasoc (4Hyouth Developmenl Center) Room 270McNamaraCtr, Del Code 6070 (624-7625).651-644-3739, pier02390lc.umn.eduRUST Joseph W, Prot(Relired) (NCResaerch/Oulreech Center). 807 3rd Ave SW,Grand Rapids 55744-3541. 218-326-5396,rustxOO20tc.umn.eduRUST Richerd H, Prof (Retired) (Soil, Water, andClimate), 1922 Autiumn SI, Falcon Heights 55113, .

RUSTAD MD Ruth A, Adjunct Instruclor (AdvancedSkin Care InatiIuIe) Intemal Medicine, 700 VlnageCtr Drive. SOite 125, Nor1Il Oaks 55127, 3736CoIIax Ave S, MpIs 554b9, 627-5926,rusta0030tc.umn.eduRUSTERHOLZ Jill H, Aasoc Prof (Aasociates inWomen's Health) 625 NIcoIIeI Mall, Mpis 55402(952-806-0011),6624 Girard Ave S. Richfield55423. rust80010Ie.umn.eduRUSTERHOLZ Kurt A, Ass! Prof (Mn Depl OfNaturaiIResoun:es) 500 Lafayet18 Rd. Box 25. StPaul 55155, 469 Darla Court, West 81 Paul 55118,



RUSTJCHINI AIdo, Prof (Economics) RQom 1035tiellerH, 271 19th Ave 5, MpIs 55455, Del Code7052, 1816 Irving Avenue So!JIh, MpIs 55403,rustiOOl Otc.urm.eduRUTH Anita M, Musician (Theatre ArIs l\nd Dence)Room 580 RarigC, 330 21st Ave 5, MpIs 55455,DelCode 7752, 3322 Holmes Ave So, Mpls 55408,az;!-7803, ruthxOO50tc.umn.eduRUTH David,Public RelatiOns Rep (UnIver8IIyRelations, Office 01 the) 3 MorriU Hall, Del Code0265 (626-1720), 3340 UJac Dr N, GoIdan Valley55422, 783-252-2525, dlUthOlc.umn.eduRUTH Georga R, Prof (Retired) (VeterinaryDiagnostic Lab), 1210 W RoaaIawn, St Paul 55113,ruthxOOl Otc.umn.eduRUTH Paul A, Adjunct Aasoc Prof (FainnontMedica1 Clinic) 800 Clinic Circle, Fairmonl58031,3613 Cedar C!eak Court, Fainnont 5803(ruthxOO30tc.umn.eduRUTH Richard W, Inlo Tach Prof (Admin-Ubrary)8-425 Moos T, Del Code 1291 (625-1477),ruthxOO80tc.umn.aduRUTHERFORD Leana H, Aasoc Prof (UMDInstructional Dev $arvice) l20C BohH, 1207Ordean Court, Duluth 55812-3010 (218-72&:6207),3205 Minnesota Ave, Duluth 55802, 218-733-9082,

, IrulherfOd.umn.eduRUTHERFORD MarfI 5, Dir CMlpus/CoIIaga Lave!(Veterinary Biosciances), Aasoc Prof (Veterfna'YBiosciences) 295 An sew M, Del Code 8010(625-4281), 1168 Famwood Ct, ShonlView 55128,651-488-7890, ruthaOO30tc.umn.eduRUTKOWSKI Gregory, Ass! Prof (UMD ChamicalEnginaeltng; Duluth Pharmacy Program), AdjunctAss! Prof (UMD Continuing E<klcetion) 215 Engr,1303 Ordaan Court, Duluth 55812 (218-728-7828),grutkowsOd.umn.aduRUTLEDGE Baverty A, Teaching Spac (parkNicollet Clinic) 8000 Ealta Brown Drfve, Brooklyncenter 55430, 5155 69th Lane, GI89IlfieId 55357,763-498-7289, 11lIIeOO20tc.umn.aduRUTLEDGE Connie R, Ass! Program Dlr (Car1sonSChool 01~) 3-306 CaltSMgmt, Del Code7041, rulIOOO60tc.umn.eduRUTLEDGE David W, Teaching Spac (CCECollaga in the Schools) Room 202 WeeH:De1Code 3831, 1629 RillIIl1Ikamp. Vinceness IN47591, rutleOO10te.umn.eduRUTLEDGE Jennifer G, Teaching Ass! (PolilicalScience) 1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175, 729-2404,rutll10170te.umn.aduRunAN Vernon W, Regents Prof (Retired)(Applied Economics; HHH lnet PublIc Aflairs-PubAI) 231 Cia OIl, Del Code 8040 (825-4701),1666Collman Stl89l, Apt112, St Paul 55108,651-644-9570, vruttanOte,umn.eduRUTTEN Stephanie C, Ra&earch Asst (VeterfnaryPopulation Medicine) Room 225 VMC, 1365Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6190, 4337Mill Lake Shores Road SW, Farwell 56327,320-886-9413, ruttOO11 Ote.umn.eduRUUD RandaIIl, Pipefitler (Facl Mgmt - EnefgyMgmt) Room 100 Donhowe Bldg, 31915lh AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 14349 BadlordDrfve, Eden Prairie 55346, 229-4910,ruudx0090te.umn.eduRUUD 5cott,Deputy CIO (OIT- EntarpriseApplication Systems) Suite~, Del Code 7531(628-7495),ruudxOl00te.umn.eduRUZEK Jon D, Pltn Student Personnel Worker(Car1son SChool of Management) 4-106CaltSMgmt, Del Code 7041,ruzekOl·RUZYCKI Elaine M, As8l ScientIst (UMD NaIResources Rsrch Inst), Reuarch As8l(UMD NatResources Rsrch Inst) 4511 NRRI, 5013jM11er'Trunk Hwy, DuIlJlh 55811 (218-720-4337), 76720Kaukamo Rd, Iron River WI 54847, 715-372-8303, .eruzyckiOd.umn.eduRYAN Andrew, ResearcI1I'e11ow (Envm HealthSciences) MMC 807 Mayo, Del CodI8807, 1225Mayo Bldg (625-1443), 593-1332, .RYAN Bany M, Research Fellow (Mas-ProgramStaff &Org Devf) 231 CIa OIl, Del Code 8040(625-7233), ryanx0200te.umn.eduRYAN Christina M, Analyst (Auxiliary~) 210Pltnling 5ervlces Bldg, Del Code 5404 (624-6821),c-ryanOte.umn.eduRYAN DeIofes M, Adjunc:t InstruelOr (Pharmacy,Collaga of) Sta 2, 5 E County Road B, UtIleCanada 55117, 422 QakCraek Court, VadIlaisHeights 55127, 651-428-4439,

RYAN Edwin H, Adjunct ANI Prot (6383 FranceAve 8) Suite 570, Edina 55435,ryanjOO10tc.ymn.eduRYAN Jeffrey L, Dental Fellow (EndodontiCsAdvanced Training Progr) Room 8-522 MooaT, DelCode 1291 (624-9900), 567 Pelham Blvd, St Paul55104, .RYAN Julia M, Info Tach Prof (GeneralCollegelTech Center) 211 Appleby Hall, Del Code3501 (625-8525), 1811 Elliot Avenue South, UnIt 8,Mpls 55404, 871-9330,'ryanjOtc.umn.eduRYAN Karen A, Fiscal Ofcio (CCE-AnaRcialManagement SeIVices) 201-K CoIH; Room 201CoIH, Del Code 6081 (624-1280),5915 NorwoodLane, Plymouth 55442, 763-694-0044, .k-dalaOte,umn.aduRYAN lID Karen S, ANI Prof (Minnesota PhylicalMadiclne PAl PO Box 17971, little Canada 55117,ryanX0240tc.umn.eduRYAN Kalhleen J, AdminIstratiVe Aide (UnlverailyVillage), Del Code 2241 (625-8743),ryanx0060te.umn.eduRYAN Kay M, Pltn Adminlstr8tive Spac (PrimaryDental Care-Hibbing) Hibbing Community COllege,

. Del Code 1291 (688-749-8108; 218-283-2917).ryanx0740tc.umn.eduRYAN Kelly M, Aooounts Spec (DIsability Servicae)Room 230 McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2017(625-3835), ryamt0130te.umn.eduRYAN Lolt J, ProIessIonal School Trainee(Ep!demiology) Ste 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,61010151 Ote.umn.eduRYAN Marc F, Aasoc Depertmenl Dir .(Intercollegiate Alhletic&)25OG BFAB, Del Code3061 (625-2377), 12870 Dorchester Tratl, AppleVaney 55124, 952-322-3211,ryanxOl10tc.umn.aduRYAN Mary E, Exec Asst (Networking &Telacommunications), Del Code 2171 (624-2308),6824 Girard Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55444,763-585-0228, mryanOte.umn.eduRYAN Mary-Lynn L, Sr EditOr(DentIstry-Administration) Room 15-209 MooaT,Del Code 1291 (625-7468), ryanx4410te.umn.eduRY.\N Marynel K, Instructor (History) Room 814SocScI, 287 19th Ave S, Mpla 55455, Del Code7165, mkryanOmorlts.umn.eduRYAN Michael E, Asst Prof (Madiclne-UMO) 141Mad, Dutu1h, 3502,E 2nd 51. Duluth 55804RYAN Pamela K, Coordinator (Canter lor ReadingResearch) Room 350 VoTech, Del Code 6197(624-4561), 10337 Xerxes Ave So, BloOmington55431, 952-88HI045, ryan03130tc.umn.aduRYAN Therese A, ANI Prof (Pediatrlcs) MMC 391Mayo, Del Code 8391, "-ker0280te,umn.eduRYBERG Soren A, Adjunct ¥st Prof (NoranNeur01ogicai Clinic) 910 E 281h St, Sulte 210, Mpls55404, ryberOO20tc.umn.eduRYBICKI Sarah L, Community Program Aasoc(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(624-1818), rybicOOl Ote.umn.eduRYCZEK Genevieve M, Community Program Spac(N504 Elliott HalQ75 E River Road, Del Code3281,3845 Columbus Ave S, Mpls 55407,625-2195, ryczOOOl Ote.uinn.eduRYDEEN Sarah K, Teaching Asst (FOOd SCIenceand Nutrition) Room 225 FSCN, 1334 Ecklea Ave,St Paul 55108, Del~ 8099, 1551 lakeWOod Dr,Maplewood 55119, 651-779-8233,rydeOO330te.umn.eduRYD£LL Sarah A, Coordlna\ol' (Epidemiology)Room 3OOWBOB, Del Code 7525 (625-1017),5956 Newlon Ave S, MpI8 55419, 922-4443,rydeIOO40te.umn.eduRYDEN John M, Instructor (UMD MedIcIn8, SChoolof) Room 113 Mad, 0599, 10 UnIver8Ity Dr, DuIUlh55812, 4621 E SUperior Street. 'Duluth 55804RYDEN Muriel B, Prot EmeIItus (Nutslng, SchOf.prog & ReI) 8-101 WDH, Del Code 1331(824-9600), rydenOO10tc.umn.eduRYDER Laurie J, Lead SloIeI Clerk (UMDFoodIVencing SeIVices) 270 KSC, 0206, 1120Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-8171), 103Mitehell Circle, Duluth 55811, 218-727-5117,IryderOd.umn.adu .RYDER Shannon, Program Aasoc (Ctr lor PublicHIth Edu and OUtreac) Room 350 UOIfPI, DelCode 2702 (626-5539; 828-4515),ryder0210tc.umn.eduRYG Jeffrey J, Building and Grounde Worker (TwinCities StudenlUnion-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, 300Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1051,rygxxOO20te.umn.adu

RYGIEL Richard J, InstnlClor (Coon RapIdsMadicaI center) OlliGyn Dept, 9055 Sp'!ngbrookDr, Mpls 55402 (783-786-7030),rygi90010te.umn.aduRYLE Pat M, Ass! Clinical Spec (501 Ski HiU Dr)Staplea 56479, rylexOO10te.umn.aduRYMAL Travis A, Non Univ Staff, 531 NCRS StPaul (651-649-5121), ,RYNDA Eleanor C, ANI Prof (Retired) (UMDHealth, Phys EdIRac), 511 W Farfbauff, Dutu1h55803, ryndaool0tc.umn.aduRYNDERSJohnE,Prof(RetinKQ(E~tionai

Psychology) 204 Bu H, Del Code 3171 (624-5241),ryndeOOl Ote.umn.eduRYNEX Carolyn R, Teaching Spec (UMD Music),Teaching Ass! (UMD Music) 113 H, 1201 QrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-728-8881),rynexOOl Od.umn.eduRYOO Jlhoon, ieachlng ANI (School ofMathemalic8) 506 VinH, Del Code 0412(625-8553), ryooxOO10tc.umn.eduRVZEK Don-Felix, Jr SCIentist (Genetica 8nd CalDevelopment) Room 8-180 JecH, 321 Church StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1217, 8233 Harriet AveS, Bloomington 55420, ryz900010lc.umn.eduRVZlfIKH Dmhlt A, Teaching Asst (PhYsicS andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 118C~urchSt BE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331,1107 4th Street SE,Apt 8,Mpla55414, ryzhOOO10te.umn.eduRZEPKA Andrew A, Adjunct Aasoc Prof (ParkNicollet - Brookdale) 8000 Earie Brown Dr, BookIynCanter 55430, rzepkOOl

SSAAD Youse!, Prof (Computer SCience &Engineerfng) 4-192 E EIC Sci, Del COda 0571(624-7804; 625-4002),aaadOte,lJIl1I1.edI!SAADAT Manny, Asst Prof (HealthPal1nelll o

Spltng Lake Park) 1415 81st Ave NE, Sprfng LakePark 55432, NlIdaOO20lc.umn.aduSMII Dianna'E, Small AnIm8I Oncology ReaidenI(Veteltnary Clinical ScIences), Teaching ANI(Veterinary Clinical ScIences) Veleltnary ClinicalScIencea, C-3;l9 VMC, 1352 Boyd Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 8192, 2804 Munroe Rd,Nanalmo, 8(ltish Columbia V9R6X4Canada,saamxOO10te.umn.eduSAAIIANEN Renf19 C. Student Personnel Worker(UMD Ananclal AId) 139 DAdS, 1049 UnlversltyDr, Dutu1h 55812,II8lIIT18neOd,umn.eduSAAR Amy L, Lecturer (Spanish andP~)Room 34 FolH, 9 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455, DelCode 0133, 1916 Pltnceton Ave, Saint Paul 55105,379-0110, .SAAR Martin 0, Asst Prot (Pillsbury Hall Room 21);, Del Colle 0211 (625-7332; 625-6112),1916Prinoeton Ave, SaInt Paul 55105, Midlael K, Teaching Asst (Thealre ArIs andDance)'Room 111 BarkerCtr, 500 21st Ave S, MpI855455, Del Code 7841,Apt B, 1718 Fremont AveS, Mpla 55403, 623-3403, aaarXOOl Ote.umn.eduSAARELA Marvin J, 5t LabOt'81Ory services Coord(UMO-Electrical & Computar Eng) 189E MWAH,1023 Univertllty Dr, Duluth 55812,l40715lhStreet. Cloquet 55720,l1l888relaOd.umn.eduSAARI cather1ne H, Study. Abroad CoordinatOr(OSF - Undergradullle Servtces) 210 Fraser H, DelCode 3395 (824-8555), heuerOO10te,umn.edu8AARl1ID Diana M,~ Asst Prof (Obstelrlos, Gyneoology) MMC 395 Mayo, Del. Ollde 8395,12-207 Moos T(378-7650), guIoOOO20tc.umII.eduSAARI Robert J, EIecIrIci8n (cPPM- U01 MConstructIon) B15llonhOw81l, Del Code 3121(625-0008), aaarlOO401C.umn.eduSAARINEN Devid M,~ Prof ,(SMDC-Alhland) 1625 Maple line, Ashland WI54806SABAH YaciD, Cook (MidllebrookDlningServices) SOC MDBK. Del Code 7651 (625-5009),3518 141h Ave SoUlh, MpIs 55407, 722-4043,sabahOO10te.umn.eduSASARWAL ShWl!llena, TeaChing ANt(AppfiadEconomics) Room 231 ClaOfI, 1994 Buford Ave, StPaul 55108,-De1 Code 8040,sabIlrOO70te.umn.eduSABASKO Shawn P, Lab Animal Care Technician(Research AnimalR_ (CVM» 455 VMC,Del Code 6194 (624-6169), sabaeOOl


SAB,\SK9 StephanIe I, Account8 Spec (RaseiIrchAnIm8I R98OUrces) MMC 89 Mayo, Del Code 8069,1-625 PWB (1124-6169), rodri0290te.umn.eduSABATH LD,Prot (Medicine) MMC 489 Mayo, DelCode 8489, D416 Mayo (62"-1), 2504Washbum Ave So, Mpls 55416; m-3770,sabIltOOl Otc.umn.eduSABEr Shatwn 5, Sr Ok: Spec (Ok: lorMulticuffulll & Aced AIIalr) 432 Morrill Hall, DelCode 0284 (624-0594), sabe00140tc.umn.eduSABINO Me'Ann C, R-.roh Ass! Prof(Developmental & Burg ScK>1Il SUrg) Room7-174G MoosT, Del Code 1291 (624-2968;626-5511), sabiOOO80te.umn.eduSAlUWAlA Nadya, ClinlcaI Health Prom Coord(Boyn HS) N215 Health PromotIon, 410 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1171 (624-6819),sabu00030te.umn.eduSACCO Nancy B, Exac Asst (Physiology) 8-125Jac H,.De1 Code 1215 (625-9137), 4311 ThomhiULn, Vadnais H1lI55127. 651-428-5285,saccoOOl Otc.umn.eduSACHDEV Deepall, Ra&earch Aasoc (Cancercenter) MMC 806 MIivo, Del Code 8806, BoX 806(828-4579; 828-28111), 1410 Caltlng Drfve Apt214,St Paul 55108, 851-645-$189, 'SACHI t<aren, Sr GrantIContrael AdmIn(Sponsored Projacia AdmIn) 450 McNamaraAlumni Ctr, Del Code 2003 (624-0895),sachiOO30te,umn.eduSACHI Timothy J, Into.Tech Prot (Oph1haImoIogy)MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8483, 9-318A P WB(624-5691),, page 539-2053SACHIOANANDAII5ivanaruI, Post-DoctoraIFellow (Lab MadIcInlIIPIl1hoIOgy) MMC 511 Mayo,Del Code 6511, sachsOIc.urnn,eduSACHS Mary A, InstnlClor (Children's Health Cafe)345 Smlth Ave N, St P811155102, 4120 PrairieRidge Road, Eagan 55123, 651-686-9020,sachsOO40tc.umn.eduSACHS TIm01hy R, DelIvery service DrIver(Coffman Dining SeMoee) 647 CMU, Del Code1051 (625-3420), eache00701ll.umn.eduSACKETT Paul R, Prot (Psychology) N-475 EItH,Del Code 3281 (624-9642), 2200 Humboldl AveSo, Mpls 55405, m-l682, peackettOtc.UIM.eduSACKETT Sandra K, Atmc Prof (Drs Sac;kett,Huberty & Pohij 2940 Snelling Ave N, Ao8eviIIe55113,'

.SACKETTE l,aiJrie J, BulkIng and GroundsWorker(UMDG~) G, D203, 3300 London •Rd, Dutu1h 55804 (218-726-8910) ,SADANANOAN SreeIuIn1h, Teaching Asst(InIormatIorVDacI5cienceS) 3-365 CarfSMgmt,321191h Ave s, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7041,DeviKripa, TC 1411535-1, VazhuthacaUd,Trivandrum 695014 IncIa, 88danOO10tc.umn.eduSADEGfll Lalla, Reuarch A8Il (FOOd Science andNutrition) Room 225 FSeN. 1334 Eckles Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 8099, 2508 Delaware StreetSE~, Mpls 55414, 8lIdeOO190tc.urnn.eduSADJADI Fm.adA. Teaching ANI (Physics and

. Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St BE,MpIa.55455, Del Cc1de 0331,3400 Highcrest RoadNE, St Anthony 55418, 788-4838,sadjOOOl Otc.urm.eduSADLER Holly A. Jr'ScI,enti8l (DlagI8loIo Sci ­Molecular Virology) Room 18-258 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (625-7108),1532 Grand Ave Apt7, StPaul 55105, 651-elO-2841,awana2550te.umn.eduSADLOWSKY Roger A, Teachlng Spec (SChool 01Mathernstica) 509 VmH, Del Code 0412(624-7073),2393 F'IeaMnIvieW Dr, New BrI{j1ton55112, 651-838-0383, sadoOOl0te.urm.eduSADOWSKY Alan E,~ Ass! Prof (6341\JnIveisItyAve NE) Fridley 55432,88d0W0020tc.umn.eduSADOWSKY MIc:t.eI J, """ (Soli, Water, andClImate; IlIotaclInology 1netiIul8) Room 25B BorH,Del Code 6028 (624-2706; 625-1722),1957 RyanAve W.,.., R~56113,651-636-9477,sadowskyOte.umn.eduSADflAI Mahmoud, Research ANI (Lir9EngISecond Lang/SIavIc), Teaching Asst (Lib ArIsTechnology, Col of) Room 220 Noita center, tlelCode 0095 (628-1448), sadralOtc.umn.eduS:'DfWE Hamid R,~ As8l (CivilEllgIllll9rtng) Room 122 GivE, 500 Pitlabury Dr SE,Mpis 55455, Del Code 0851 (624-7500),425131hAve SE, Apt 1301, Mpla 55414,sadra0020tc'


SAEED Fatma M, Building and Grounds Worl<er(Facililles Mgmt-Zone 5 Area D) Room 300DonhoweB, 319151h Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 3912 Minnehaha Ave Apt 11, MpIs55406, 722-0545, saeed0040tc.umn.eduSAEED Curatulain, Jr Scientist (LabMadlPathoiogy D~rtment) MMC 609 Mayo, DelCode 8609, 7-270 BSBE (626-2358),saeedOO90tc.umn.eduSAENGSUDHAM Chongchith, Translator (HSRPSurvey Center) Dinnaken Building, Suite 120, 925Delpware 51 SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2131,18553 015011 Street NW, Elk River 55330,763-447-0318, saeng0080tc.umn.eduSAEWYC Elizabeth M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (U ofBC SChool of Nursing) T201-2211 Wesbrook Hall,Vancouver BC V8T2B5Canada,saewycOtc.umn.eduSAFFERT David J. f,.1usician (Theatre Arts andDence) Room 111 Barl<erCtr, 500 21st Ave 5, Mpls55455, Del Code 7841, 230 Oak Grove St Ap1115,Mpls 55403, 813-0197, safleD020tc.umn.eduSAFFORD Ross A, Nutrition Education Asst (MNEx1ension Washington Cnty) 14949 62nd St N, POBox 6, Stillwater 55082-0008 (651-430-6800), 428Parl< Place, Mahtomedi 55115, 651-762-0976,saIIoOO10tc.umn.eduSAFONOV Mikhail V, Prof (Mathematics, Sch Of)231 VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-8571), 505 UndenLn, Uno Lakes 55014, 651-483,3144,saIonOO20tc.umn.eduSAGE Abby M, Assoc Prol (Veteri~ary PopulationMedicine), Program Dlr (Veterinary PopulationMedicine) 2250 Vet Tch Hos, Del Code 6190(625-4730),5024 Colfax Ave S, Mpis 55419,624-3890, sagex0040tc.umn.eduSAGE MPH Starr K, Graduate School Trainee(Environmental Health Sciences) MMC 807 Mayo,Del Code 6807, 67007318, sage00050tc.umn.eduSAGEDAHL Joel A, AdjunCt Instructor (NorthwestFamily Physicians) 1495 Hwy 101 N, Plymouth55447, sageOO230tc.umn.eduSAGER Adam J, Prin Laboratory Technician(Veterinary Diagnostic Labs) E220 VetOL, 1333Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6184(624-7405), 700 Washington Ave N, Apt4OO, Mpls55401, 238-9348, sagelO21 Otc.umn.eduSAGISSER Dan, Info Tech Spec (COllege ofEducation) Room 203 BuH, Del Code 3171(628-1325), dansagOtc.umn.eduSAGOR Eli 5, Asst Prof (Forest Resources, Deptof), Ex1ension Educator/Asst Prof (MN Ext SvcTech Un~ Northeast) 116B Green Hall, Del Code6112 (624-8948), 3030 Woodbridge Street,Roseville 55113, 651-766-5719,sa9OlOO1 Otc.umn.eduSAHA Jyotirmoy B, PhD Candidate Resaarch Asst(Physics and Astronomy) Room 146 Phys, 116Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331(~14), 203-3274, sah8XOO1 Otc.umn.eduSAHADEVAN Meena, ASs! Prof (Hennepin FacultyAssociates) 701 Parl< Ave, Mpls 55415,sahadOO1 Otc.umn.eduSAHAL Amina A, Building and Grounds Worl<er(Facililles Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB,31915th Ave SE' Mpis 55455, Del Code 3121,16276th St 5 Apt601, MpIs 55454, 333-1680,sahaIOO10tc.umn.eduSAHGAL Kamal K, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMedicinelCommHealth), Lecturer (Medicine)Wayzata Internal Medicine Ltd, 250 N Central Ave,Wayzata 55391, 14339 Gullview Dr, Eden Prairie55343, sahga001 Otc.umn.eduSAHGAL Prateek, Asst Prof (Radiology) MMC 292Mayo, Del Code 6292, B228 Mayo (628-3002), 15Arbor CT, Excelalor 55331-9471, 381-1665,sahga0020tc.umn.eduSAHI Simran, Asst To (Economics) 1035 HelierH,Del Code 7052 (625-8353), sahiXOO1 Otc.umn.eduSAHIN M Behnan, Asst Prof(Mediclne/Hemetology) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Code8480,14-246 Moos Tower (626-4710),sahinOO30tc.umn.eduSAHIA' Ahmed H, Attendant (CartSOll Diningservices) L145A CSOM, Del Code 7041(625-5586),3127 Central Ave NE, Apt 27, Mpls55418,788-1519, sahiIOO10tc.umn.eduSAHLBERG Jeffrey A, Mechanic 3 (FacilitiesMgmt-St Paul·Zone 1) 202 FMB, Del Code 6168(624-6738), 8406 N Shore TI8iI, Forest Lake55025,651-464-7033, sahlbOO10tc.umn.eduSAHUN Marilyn A, Child Care Teachar (UMCCC)Childcare, Del Code 3071 (627-4014),

SAHU Geeta R, Post-Doctoral Assoc (MedicineHematology Office) MMC 480 Mayo, 8480, 420Delaware, Mpls 55455 (624-7104), 614 Huron BlvdSE Apt3, Mpls 55414, 331-3059,sahux0040tc,

SAlCE Wallaca, Bullcflllg and Grounds Wor1<er(Facilities Mgmt-Administration) 307 Donhowe B,Del Code 3121 (824-8384), 1016 lowry NE, MpIs55418,789-8488, salceOO1 Otc.umn.eduSAiKRISHNAN Neelakantan, Research Asst(Aerospaca Engr and Mechanics) Room t07AkerH, j 10 Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code0731, 708 Universily Avenue SE, Apt 17, Mpls55414,763-257-8833, saikr0020tc.umn.eduSAiLSTAD Nancy B, Bookatora Dept Supv (UMDBookstore) 175 KSC, 0205, 1120Kilby Dr, Duluth55812 (218-728-7286), 529 N Old Howard MillRoad, Duluth 55804, 218-724-5896,

SAINATI Robert A, Adjunct Assoc Prol(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 11121 Upton Ave 5, Bloomington55431, saina0020tc.umn.eduSAITO Rebecca N, Affiliated Faculty (ReadingResearch, Ctr for) 395-5 McNamara Alumni Mpis(624-8108),

SAJJA Suchilra, Jr Scientist (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 742 Mayo, Del Code 6742,14-115 PWB (62<Hl942),

SAKAGUCHI Ronald l, Adjunct Prof (RestorativeSciencas - Biomaterials) Room 16-212 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (625-0950), mg28100tc.umn.eduSAKAGUCHI Scott, Assoc Plol (~ne) MMC508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 289 VCR C(625-4401), sakagOO1 Otc.umn.eduSAKAMOTO Cart K, Adjunct Ass! Prof(AnestheSiology) MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 6294,8515 Mayo {624-999ll), sakaOOOSOtc.umn.eduSAKEN Robert, Instructor (Fridley Medical Center)7675 Madison St NE, Fridley 55432,saken001

SAKKAL Fadel, Adjunct Asst Prof (FridleyChildren's &Teenage MedIcaJ) no 310, 500Osborne Rd, Fridley 55432,sakha001 Otc.umn.eduSAKKINEN Pamela A, Adjunct Instructor (Un~Hospital) 333 Sm~ Ave N, St Paul 55102,sakkOOO10tc.umo.eduSAKRY Janice B, Sr GrantlConlraet Admin (UMDSponsored Projects Admin) 413 DAdS, 0138, 1049Universily Dr, DulUth 55812 (218-726-6593),

SAKTHONG Phantipa, Teaching Asst (7-164Weaver-Denslord Hall) 308 Harvard St SE, DelCode 1332 (62<Hl105), 615 Ontario Street SE Apt11, Mpis 55414, 862-472-4746,saktOOO10Ic.umn.eduSALATA Debra, V1a~ Scholar (HlsIoIy) 614 SSTMpls, POBox 4488, St Paul 55104,

SALAZAR Core l, Adjunct Instructor (School 0'Social Worl<) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,51 Paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 8658 96th StreetCirde 5, Cottage Grove 55016,

SALAZAR GONZALEZ Rosa Ma, Post-DoctoralAssoc (Gastroenterology Medicine Ole) MMC 38Mayo, 8038, 420 Delaware, Mpis 55455; 2001 6thSt SE, Mpls 55455, 2310 Aldrich Avenue South,Apt 310, Mpls 55405, salaz0250tc.umn.eduSALDANA Douglas A, Ole Spec (CLA Studentservices) 30 JohH, 101 Plaasant St SE, Mpis55455, Del Code 3n4, 2832 Aldrich Ave 5 Apt2,Mpls 55408, 679-8053, ~1daOO7 Otc.umn.eduSALDANA Edgar F, Adjunct Instructor (St luke'sHospital) 915 E 1st St, Duluth 55805SALDANHA Arun, Asst Prof (Geography) 432SST, Del Code 7163 (625-6080),saldanhaOlc.umn.eduSALEH Delia A, Research Asst (Forest Resources)Room 115 GreenH, Del Code 6112 (624-9007),717 Universily Ave SE Apl201, Mpis 55414,378-1673, salaOO560tc.umn.eduSALEH Khaled J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (OrthopaedicSurgery) Room no 246, 2512 So 7th St, Mpls55454, saleh0020tc:umn.eduSALFER James A, Ex1erislon EducatorlProfessor(UM Ex1ension RegI Clr 51 Cloud) Midtown 0IliceComplex, 3400 1st St N Sle 400, St Cloud58303-4000 (320-203-8093), 72295 273rd St,Dassel 55325, 320-275-2845,·

SALFm Nadim I, Medical Fellow(Medicine-Gastroenterology) MMC 38 Mayo, DelCode 8038, A539 Mayo (625-8999),saIfi0010tc.umn.eduSALGADO-VELASQUEZ Weber, Teeching Asst(Philosophy), Graduate SChool Fellow (Philosophy)Philosophy, Rm 631 HellarH, 271 19th Ave 5, Mpls55455, Del Code 7057 (625-6583),salgOO130tc.umn.eduSALGE James R, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Cham Eng & Mad Sci) 457 Amundson Hall, DelCode 0531 (625-6073), 763-786-5962,salgOO100tc.umn.eduSALGE Tara M, MD (Boyn HS) NursingDepartment, 410 Church St SE, "'pis 55455, DelCode 1171, salge0020tc.umn.eduSAUNGER Jane H, Adjunct Instructor (VAMe)One Veterans Drivel112A, Mpls 55417, 4909Russell Ave 5, Mpls 55410, salin0350Ic.umn.eduSAUS Howard M, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chem Engr &Mad Sci) 165E Amundson Hall, DelCode 0531 (624-2802), sali0090'tc.umn.eduSAUTERMAN Laura 5, Asst Prof (South LakeClinic - Minnetonka) no 101, 17705 Hutchins Dr,Minnetonka 55345, salilOO10tc.umn.eduSALITERMAH liD Steven 5, Adjunot Asst Prof(Meadowbrook Med Bldg) Ste W110, 6490Excelalor Blvd, St Louis Parl< 55428; Room 7-105BSandBE, 1191,312 Church St SE, Mpls 55455(626-3332), 14310 Minnehaha Place, Wayzata55391, drsteveOtc.umn.eduSALK Raintry J, Resaarel) Asst (ForestResources) Room 115 GraenH, 1530 N ClevelandAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 8112,salk00060tc.umn.eduSALKOWSKI Nicholas J, ~Ing Asst(Biostatistics, Division of SPH) MMC 303 Mayo,Del Code 8303, MMC 303 Mayo (624-2174), 1292Niles Ave, St Paul 55116, 651-698-1188,salk00080tc.umn.eduSALUS James H, Utility Worl<er (Parking &Transportation services) 300 T 5 B, Del Code1983 (628-7275), sal11OO1 Otc.wnn.eduSALLOWAY Amy L, Prin Administrative Spec(Recreational Sports), Exempt Temporary orCasual (Interprolesslonal EduclRsr Clr) Room 108CookeH, Del Code 2061 (626-9681),

. SALIIE.LA Karen E, Instructor (UMD Accounting)131 SBE, Duluth (218-728-8541; 216-728-7968),2617 East 4th Street, Duluth 55812, 216-724-1712,ksalmeIaOd.umn.eduSALMI Gregory H, Adjunct Prof (Southwest Clinic)6121 Wooddale Ave 5, Mpis 55424,salmi001 Otc.umn.eduSALMI Patricia M, Research Asst (Inst onCommunity Integration) 204 Pattee Hall, Del Code4201 (625-0171), 4518 Edina Blvd, Edina 55424,salmoo540tc.umn.eduSALO Wilmar l, Assoc Prof (Retired) (UMDChemistry and Biochemistry; UMD Medicine,School of), Prof (UMD Pathology/Lab Medicine)217SMed, 1035 University Dr, Duluth 55812(216-726-7911), wsaIoOd.umn.eduSALOKA Hallie L, Prin Administrative Spec(Fisheries, Wildlife & Cons BioI) Room 2nd AHodsonH, 1980 FolweO·Ave, 51 Paul 55108, DelCode 6125 (624-3421), 4100 24th Avenue South,Mpls 55408, curtn0040tc.umri.ed~SALOMON Christine, Post-Doctoral Fellow .(DiagIBlolo Sci - MinnCResT) Room 140 GorL, DelCode 6104 (624-5905), 1239 Fairmounl Ave, StPaul 55105,651~, csaJomonOtc.umn.eduSALOVICH Elmer, Adjunct Asst Prof (Abbott) 325066th St, Mpls 55424, saIovOO20tc.umn.eduSALSCHEIDER Ka~ W, Asst Prof (Bamidji StateUniversily) 1500 Birchmonl Drveno 29, Bemidji58601·2899 (218-755-2770),30693 US HighWay 2,Cass Lake 56833, 216-335-6507,salscOO10mail.crl<.umn.edSALTER Ed J, Prin Accountanl (Ntl Center forFood Protection & De) 200 Dinnaken 0IliceBuilding, Del Code 2131 (624-2498),651-489-6289, ed1 Otc.umn.eduSALTER Mary 5, AdjUnct Asst Prof (PHS IndianHealth service Hospital) 317 7th St NW, CassLake 56833SALTZMAN Daniel A, Asst Prof (Surgery;Pediatrics) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 6195, Bx195 Mayo (626-4214), saItzOO20tc.umn.eduSALVATI Laura l, Asst Scientist (V A MedicalCenter) Res 151, Rm 30-116, Bldg 70, OneVeterans Dr, Mpis 55417 (725-2000 x:nn;725-2000 x(925),

SALVERDA Wayne E, Instructor (College of iPharmacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE,!Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332, 2907 Arcade Sireet, iLillie Canada 55109-1040, 651-415-0481, isaJve0020tc.umn.eduSALVESON Sue, Sr Accountant(UMD-NRRI-Admiftistration) 380B NRRI, 5031Mill8r Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55811 (218-720-4221),ssaIvesoOnrri.umn.eduSALYARDS Judy, Exec Sec (UMDSociology/Anthropology) 226 CinaH, 0164, 1123 iUniversity Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-7551), 5732 iE Superior St, Duluth 55804, 216-525-6507, i

jsalyardOd.umn.eduSALYERS Cindy, Business Systems Analyst :(Information Management Systems) SuKe 1l6O' Del iCode 7531 (624-8620), {SALZER Troy M, Ex1enslon Educator/Assl Prof i(UM Ex1enslon Cartton Cnty) 310 Chestnut St, PO ;Box 307, Cartton 55718-0307 (218'384-3511), f3457 sendy Lake Rd, Barnum 55707, :216-389-6669, salzeOO30tc, .

SAMAC Deborah A, Adjunct Prof (Plant pai!lology)i317A Christensen Labs, Del Code 6030 :(625-1243),143 Roselawn Ave E, Maplewood :55117,651-489-8534, dasamacOtc.umn.eduSAM AGUDU NadlS A, Medical Fellow (PadlSlricInlectious Disease Divisi) MMC 296 Mayo, DelCode 6296, 850 Mayo Building,aguduOtc.umn.eduSAMAHA Joel B, Prof (History; Sociology) 635SoeSei Bldg, Del Code 7165 (624-3529), 12601Orchard Rd, Minnetonka 55305-4211,952-933-5645, jbsOtc.umn.eduSAMARGlA Sheryl A, Instructor (UMD CommScienceslDiSOrders) 221 BohH, 1207 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (216-728-7974), 194 ButtemutCourt, River Falls WI 54022SAMATAR Abdi I, Prof (Geography) 386 Soc Sci,Del Code 7163 (625-6080), samaIOO10tc.umn.eduSAMATAR Mohobo A, Translator (Comm-Univ

, Health Cera Center) CUHCC, 2001 BloomingtonAve 5, Mpls 55404., Del Code 7651, 400Cambridge St Apt206, Hopkins 55343,952-933-4717, samat0030tc.umn.eduSAIIBASIVAN Gayathri, Assoc Clinical Spec(CUHCCNCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave 5, Del Code7651 (638-0700), 7614 Ridgeview way,Chanhassen 55317, samba0010tc.umn.eduSAMBERG Palricia A, Assoc Admin (UMPEconomic Development) Su~e 210, 0192, 11 ESuperior St, Duluth 55802 (216-728-6192), 6060Chartas Rd, Saginaw 55779,216-729-5762,psambergOd.umn.eduSAMLET7l<A Bonnie R, Student Support servicesAssoc (CCElDCP-S!udent services & Advising)101H Wes H, Del Code 3831 (625-2887),b-samIOtc.umn.eduSAIIPER ZELAYA Jorge A, Teeching Asst(Ca~soo School of Mgmt) 3-385 Ca~SMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-5232), i1C/809 un~ed NationsPlaza, clo W Kolsun, New Vorl< NV 10017-5380,212-984-5403, sampe0030tc.umn.eduSAMPOLINSKI serah C, Assoc Program Dir(Bailay Hall), Del Code 8017 (624-9251),sampoOO10tc.umn.eduSAMPSON Andrea M, Teaching Asst(Conservation Biology) 199 MCNH, 1965 BufordAve, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6146,samp00870tc.umn.eduSAMPSON Coral B, Prin Administrative Spec(Nursing, Sch Ol-Prog &Res) 6-138 WDH, DelCode 1331 (624-0808),16121&1 Ave 5 Apt102,Mpls 55403, 874-0453, samps0040tc.umn.eduSAMPSON Grafton M, Building and GroundsWorl<er (Middlebrook Hall), Del Code 7651(625-0144), 61620th Ave S Apt A, MPlS 55454,332-1188, sampsOO70tc.umn.eduSAMPSON IU Ma~in W, Assoc Prof (PolillcalSclanca) 1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175 (624-2389),marsamOlc.umn.eduSAMPSON Mary F, Olc Spec (Lab Medicine &Pathology) MMe 809 Mayo, Del Code 8609, 5-187Lyon l (624-3144), 781-4703,samps011 Olc.umn.eduSAMUEL Jeffrey J, Sr Food service Worl<er (UMDFoodNending services) 245 KPlz, 0208, 1206Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-7175), 4710 PittSiraet, Duluth 55804, '32D-262-9480SAMUEL MeronR, Building and Grounds Worl<er(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 2 Area B) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 2087 Scenic PIaca, St Paul 55119,651-739-9041,


SAMUEL Redi, Building and Grounds WOI1ulr(Facilities Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB,31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,2087 Scenic Place, St P,ul55119, 651-227-2889,zerexOOl Otc.umn.eduSAMUEL Robel R, BulIding and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 3 Area C}Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 2087 Scenic Pl Apt 2087, St Paul55119-4607,651-739-9041,sarnuOO790tc.umn.eduSAMUELS David J, Assoc PrO! (Political SCience)Room 1466 SocSci, Del Code 7175 (624-9876;624-4144), dsarnuelsOtc.umn.eduSAMUELS S Jay, PrO! (Educational Psychology)204 Bu H, Del Code 3171 (625-5566),sarnueOO1 Olc.umn.eduSAMUELSON Amy J, Coordinator (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171,samuOO100tc.umn.eduSAMUELSON Lisa A, Student Personnel Worker(UMC Student Activities) Room 238 Studentcenter, 2900 University Ave, Crookston 56716(216-261-8507), 2900 University Ave, Cmokston56716,216-261-8947, sarnue0260rnail.crk.umn.ed

SAMUELSON Roger, Instructor (pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,

SAMUELSO!l Thomas W, Adjunct Assoc PrO! (710• E 24th St) Suite 106, Mpis 55404,

SAN Robert, Prin Inlonnatlonal Rep (UniversityRelations) 3 MorH, Del Code 0265 (624-4082),789-4932,

SANBORN RlJl!l A, Exec Sec (Aes-Administration)120 BioAgEng, Del Code 6005 (625-5795),sanboOO10tc.umn.eduSANCHEZ Jesus, Painter (FaclliIes Mgmnt-ZOne5-East Bank 01) U50 Mech Eng Bldg, Del Code3121,2205 Wentworth Ave, South StPaul55075,651-453-1099, sanch0220tc.umn.eduSANCHEZ MaryAnn, Ole Spec (HumanResources/Job Center) Room 170 DonhoweB, DelCode 3122 (624-tlll54), 1029 21st Ave SE, Mpis55414-2517,376-1856, sanch0400tc.umn.eduSANCHEZ Rebecca A, Jr Scientist (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB,DeI Code 7525, 301 St AnthonyAve SE, Apt3L, Mpls 55414, 320-352-3536,step02360tc.umn.eduSANCHEZ OLARTE Desiree 0, Dental Fellow(Primary Dental Csre-OHSOA) Room 15-136 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (624-7934), 1296 FllieId Pl, StPaul 55108, sancOO9701c.umn.eduSAND Richard E, Assoc PrO! (Pedatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 6391, Robert 0, Inlo Tech PrO! (UMD Inlo TechSystemsIServices) 144 MWAH, 0162, 1023University Dr, DuIulh 55612 (216-726-6122),rsandOd.umn.eduSANDAGER Maribelh M, Asst Scientist (MedicineRheumatology 0Ilice) MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code8108,251 Diehl Hall (625-7963; 625-1155),maribethOtc.umn.eduSANDAGER Nancy G, Community progrem Assoc(UM Extension Rock Cnty) 319 E UncoIn, PO Box898, Luverne 56156-0898 (507-283-13O2),sande0090tc.uinn.eduSANDANGER Sharon A,. PM Administrative Spec(BiosysIemsfAgricuUuraJ Engr) Room 219BioAgEng, Del Code 6005 (625-9733),sandaOOl Otc.umn.eduSANDAU Michelle M, Research Asst (LabMedicinelPathoIogy), Greduate School Trainee(Microbiology) MMC 19611layo, Del Code 8196,1460 Mayo Buiklng, sandllUOtc.umn.eduSANDBACK Leonard, EIectrlcIan (CPPM-U 01 MConstruction) Room 300 DonhoweB, 31915th AveSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3121, 2356 SherwoodRoad, Mounds View 55112,763-783-1770, .

SANDBERG Daniel 0, Carpenter (FacilitiesMgrnt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB, 31915thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 4065Kentucky Ave North, Crystal 55427, 763-504-0751,sandb0200tc.umn.eduSANDBERG Deborah J, Physician (Boyn HS)Primary Care, Del Code 1171 (625-2612),sandbOOl Otc.umn.eduSANDBERG Sherri L, Asst Scientist (Depar1ment01 Pediatricsj MMC 448 Mayo, Del Code 8448,Gene Therapy center (625-8912),

SANDE Jonathan R, Instructor (UMD Medicine,School of) Room 113 Med, 0599, 10 University Dr,Duluth 55612, 400 E 3rd Street, Duluth 55805·SANDEEN Jill M, Adjunct Instructor .(Fairview-Riverside Womens Clin) 701 25th Ave S,Suite 302, MpIs 55454,

SANDEUN Scott. A, Hesd Coach (UMD Athletics)170 SpHC, 10 Unniversity Dr, Duluth 55612(216-726-8579),

SANDELl PHD Elizabeth J, Technicai ConsOltant(Human Ecology, Cig Of-Adm) Room 376 McNH,Del Code 6142 (625-8261), esandellOtc.umn.eduSANDELL Joy L, Instructor (Park Nicollet MedicaiCanter) 1511 Tweleve Oak Pwy, Minnetonka.55305,5116 Ewing Ave South, Mpls55410,

SANDELL Stephan P, Progrem Dir (HHH Inst PublAll-Admin) 125 H H H C1r, Del Code 7451(624-5693),

SANDER Paul R, Medicai Fellow (MedicineCardiology) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 289AVCRC (626-2451),~Windcrest C1, Eagan55123,651-686-5076,

SANDER Ted C, Non Univ Stell (UDS AffiliatedStall} 110 FOB Mpls (624-4169), 1647 Orchard Ln,Whhe Bear Lake 55110,

SANDERFOOT Anton, AsstPrO! (Plant Biology)Room 250 BioScI, 1445 Gortner Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6022 (624-1747; 624-3105), Apt305, 1410 Ca~ing Drive, St Paul 55108,651-645-0873,

SANDERS Edward J, Elfictriclan (Fac Mgmt-TcElectric Operations) 400 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (626-7638), sand!OI401c.umn.edliSANDERS Gerald A,1Iot (Retired) (UnglEnglSecond Lang/Slavic), 624 Gabriel Rd, St Paul55119, sandersOtc.umn.eduSANDERS Janine L, TeachingAsst (Operationsand Mgrnt Sciences), Research Asst (Operationsand Mgmt SCiences) Operations and MgmtSciences, 3-150 Ca~SMgrnt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7041, sand07290tc.umn.eduSANDERS Lawrence J, Asbestos AbatementLaborer (FM Como Recycling Facility) ComoRFac,3009 Como Ave SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 5301,sande0660tc.umn.1lduSANDERS Margaret M, Cook (Comstock DiningServices) G3-A ComH, Del Code 1092 (624-3992),1240 St Clair Ave AptS, St Paul 55105,651~10, sand80630tc.umn.eduSANDERS Marl?'A, -Program Oir (BiologicalScience Deans Ole) 35C Sn H, Del Code 6174(624-3454), 1711 Albert St N, St Paul 55113,65Hi46-9562,, page740-9794SANDERS Marvina D'-Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt·Zone 3 Area C) Room 400DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, sande0670tc.umn.eduSANDERS Meagan A, Studel)! Support ServicesAsst (CCE-Advanced HS Stud Supp Svs) Room1078 Annory, Del Code 0895,sande0540tc.umn.eduSANDERS Michel M, Prol (Biochemistry) 7-112MoICalIBio; 7-206 MolCellBio, Del Code 1214(624-9637; 624-3127), 1472 E Como Blvd, St Paul55117,651-488-5478, sand80010tc.umn.eduSANDERs Paul S, Adjunct Prol (Cambridge Clinic)626 SW 7th Ave, Cambridge 55008,sandOBOOOIc.umn.eduSANDERS Robin M, Instructor (Snyder Phannacy)Apple Valley Medical Ctr, 14655 Galaxie Ave,Apple Valley 55124, 209lnte~echen Rd, Burnsville55306, .

SANDERS Steve, Exec Asst (Parking &Transportation Services) 300 T S B, Del Code1963 (625-1333), 1319 Ingerson Road, Arden Hills55112, 651-746-0765,

SANDERS Stuart C, PM Media Resources.Pmducer (Lesrning TechnologieslRadlo K) 610Rarig C, Del Code 7751 (625-7826),ssandersOtc.umn.eduSANDERS Tricla M, Departmental Oir (UMCBusiness Allairs), Asst To (UMC Business Allaire)Room 106 SeIH, 2900 University Ave, Crookston56716 (216-281-8326), 512 4th Avenue Northeast,Crookston 56716, 216-281~104,sand08030rnail.crk.umn.edSANDERSFELD Shane C, Asst Pmgram Dir(Intercollegiate Athletics) 244 K BFAB, Del Code3081 (626-0299), 18093 Settlers way, Eden Prairie55347, 554-7207,

SANDERS-GENDREAU Kristin, InstnJctor (AspenMedical Group- Maplewood) 1850 Beam Ave,Maplewood 55109, sandeo590tc.umn.eduSANDERSON Baverly M, NUrsihg ProfeSsional(~raJ Clinic Research Center) MMC .504 Mayo,Del Code 8504, 235 Masonic, 4206 NE Van BurenSt. Columbia Heights 55421,sandeOO60tc.umn.eduSANDERSON MD David, Adjunct Assoc PrO!(Fergus Falls MediCal Group) 615 S Mill St, FergusFalls 56537, sande0580tc.umn.eduSANDFORT Jodi R, Visiting Asst PrO! (HumphreyInst of Public Allair) floom 160 HHHCtr, Del Code7451 (624-3800), sandf0020tc.umn.eduSANDHOFER Charles R, Adjunct Asst PrO!(Owatonna Clinic) 134 Southview, Owatonna55060, sandhOOl Otc.umn.eduSANDICK Pea~ E, Teaching Asst (PhySics andAstronomy), Research Asst (Physics andAstronomy) Physics and Astronomy, Room 146Phys, 116 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0331, sand07970tc.umn.eduSANDKAMP Mary K, Progrem Assoc (LeamingAbroad Center) Room 230'Heller. Hall, 301 19thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7457 (625-8829),sandkOOSOtc.umn.eduSANDLER Noah, Assoc Prol (DevelopISurg-OraJSurg) Room 7-174F MoosT, Del Code 1291(626-2361), sandIOO301c.umn.eduSANDLUND Catherine R, Training Coordinator(Health Careers Center) MMC 502 Mayo, Del Code8502, 2-565 Moos Tower (624-0903),sand02270tc., ,SANDQUIST Brenda L, Education Spec (MN ChildWelfare Training System) 20303 - 210lh Street,Hutchinson 55350 (320-587-7639),sandquiOtc.umn.eduSANDQUIST Mark R, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgrnt-BIdg Serv Day Custo)Room 300 DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3121 (624-2900),sandq0020tc.umn.eduSANDRI Brien J, Research Asst (Biocham, MoIecBioi, Biophy TMED), Del Code 1214, 839-5655,sand04490tc.umn.eduSANDRI Kay, Sr Data Entry Oper(AdmissionS-Support Services) 220 Wmson H, DelCode 0171 (625-1005), sandrOO10tc.umn.eduSANDS Gary R, Assoc Prol (Biosys & Agr Engrj209 Bio Ag Eng, Del Code 6005 (625-4756;625-9733), 651-626-0440, grsandsOtc.umn.eduSANDS Gerald, Non Univ Stell (UDS AffiliatedStell} 841 CMU Mpls (626-8178), .

SANDS Uri, Teaching Spec (Theatre·Arts andDance) Rm 111 BarkerCtr, 500 21st Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7841, 88 N Laxington Pkwy, StPeul55104, 651-222,2550, sandsOI50tc.umn.eduSANDSTEDT Kathy R, Exec Administrative Spec(UMD Tweed Museum) 305 T M A, 1201 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (216-726-8753),ksandsteOd.umn.eduSANDSTROM Aaron 0, Teaching Asst (Carlson'SchooI 01 Mgmt) 3-365 Car1SMgrnI, Del Code7041, 253 Chatham Rd NE, Ceder Rapids IA52402-1563, sandsI150tc.umn.eduSANDSTROM Jane M, Exec Sec (Mllied Econ)231 Cia 011, Del Code 6040 (625-3112), 888 BurkeAve W, Roseville 55113, 651-487-1356,jsandstrOtc.umn.eduSANDSTROM Peter W, Teacl)ing Spec (Ed Policyand AdmInistretion) 330 Wulling Hall, 86 PleilsantSt SE, Minneaoplis 55455 (624-7519),sands0040tc.umn.eduSANDVE Marlys, Teaching Spec (School ofNursing) Room 6-101WDH, Del Code 1331,sandvOl00tc.umn.eduSANDWICK Helen E, Exec Administrative Spec(UMD Aarospace StudIes) ROTC, 0167, 1229University Dr, Duluth 55812 (216-726-8159),hsandwicOd.umn.eduSANE Kumud S, Asst PrO! (Pediatrics) MMC 404Mayo, Del Code 8404, 13-126 P W B (624-5409),sanexOO30tc.umn.eduSANE Madhura 0, Technicai Supplemental(AcadIDlstributed Camp Svc), Research Asst(Mechanical Engineering) Mechanicai Engineering,Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church St SE, MpIs55455, Del Code 0691, 61610111 Avenue SE, Apt104, Mpis 55414, sanexOO50tc.umn.eduSANE Shashikant M, Asst PrO! (Childrens HealthCare) 2525 Chicago Ave, Mpls 550404, 20890 StAlbens Green, Excelsior 55331,


SANEI Nasrin H, AIlIunct Instructor .(HealthPartners) 1430 Hwy 96 E, Whhe Bear Lake55110,201 Crestridge Drive, Burnsville 55337,952-896-4160,.saneOOll601C.umn.eduSANFlUPPO SyIvesler J, Assoc PrOf (Pediatrics)6637 Southcrest Dr, Ecina 55435,sanfi00201c.umn.eduSANFORD Christy, Instructor (Aspen MedicalGroup - E Lake SI) 3024 Snelling Ave S, MpIs55406,

SANFORD 0 Marie, Community ProgrliJIl Spec(Ganerel College) 60F Appleby Hall, Del Code7171 (624-2889}"sanIoOQ20tc.umn.eduSANGER Emity, Non Univ Stall (UMM ComputingServices) 302 RFC MOrris,ernsangerOmorris.umn.eduSANGER sandra S, Teaching Asst (Educational 'Psychology) 206 Burton Hall; Room 109 EddyHaJI,Del Code 4601 (624-6083), engx0021 Olc.umn.eduSANGURDEKAR Dipen P, Research Asst (ChamEngr & MaU Sci) 165 Amundson Hall., Del Code0531 (626-2021), 1998 Brewster St Apt 110, SaintPaul 55108, 298-0886, sangOO380tc.umn.eduSANKOVrrz Kristin R, Tchg Spec/Adjunct AssocPrO! (Law School) Room 285 MondaIeH, 229 19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911, 1242 AdrianDrive, Chaska 55318, 952-443-1352,oIson3170te.umn.eduSANNES Mark R, Asst PrOf (HeMC) InlectiousDisessas Division, 701 Park Ave S, MpIs 55415(873-9617), sannOO1201c.umn.eduSANTACRUZ KaI8ll S, AsstProl (LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology) MMC 174 Mayo Bldg,Room K·l07 Diehl Hall, 420 Delaware Street SE,Mpls 55455 (626-5154), sanIaOI30te.umn.eduSANTANA Amy S, Sr oic Spec (School 01 PublicHealth) MMC. 197 A-302 Mayo, Del Code 8197,MMC 197 A-302 Mayo (626-1926),sante0300te.umn.eduSANTANA Va- E, Teaching Spec (Spanish &Portuguese) 34 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0133 '(624-5529), S8lIIOO910lc.umn.eduSANll Peter, PrO! (0I0Iaryng0I0gy) Room 121Uons Res Bldg, Del Code 2873 (626-9881;626-9882), psantlOIc.umn.eduSANTIAGO Milagros, Assoc Prol (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, 420 Delaware 51 SE, Mpls 55434, 3744Edmund Blvd, MpIs 55406, santIOO30tc.umn.eduSANTlLU Jamie 0, Asst PrOf (Fam Prectice &Community HIth) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code 6381,

, 6-240 P W B, santiOOSOtc.umn.eduSANTILU Steven M, Assoc PrO! (Surgery) MMC195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, ll-?OQ P W B(625-5151), santi0020tc.umn.eduSANTL Karyn L, Extension Educator/Asst PrOf (UMExtension AegI Ctr Rosesu) 1307 3rd St NE Ste102, Rosesu 56751-2105 (216-463-0293),santlOOl Otc.urim.eduSANTORI Maiy S, Asst DepartmentOir (FacilitiesMgmt-Enelgy Management) Room 400 DonhoweB,Del Code 3121 (625-5359), sant0171 Otc.UIIlI).eduSANTOS Edward R, Ass! PrO! (OrthopaedICSurgery) ;1450 Riverside Ave S, A220, Mpls 55454,sanlOl680tc.umn.eduSANTOSA Fadll, Depallmental Dir (Mathematics,Sell of), PrO! (Mathematics, Sell of) 533 VmH, DelCode 0412 (626-0528), sant00020tc.umn.eduSANYALPallab, Teaching Asst(InIonnatloniDel:ision Sciences), Research Asst(InIonnalionlDecision Sciences) Information andDecision Sciences, 3-365 CartSMgmt 321 19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, -,SANZONE lite M, Assoc Admin (General~ Of The Dean) 109 Ap H,.De1 Code 3501(625-0300), 21118 St Francis Blvd NW, Anoka55303, 783-753-6027, sanzoOOl0tc.umn.eduSAPAKIE Sidney F, AdIlndustriai Prof andLecturer (Food Science and Nutrition) 146 FScN,Del Code 6099, 2710. Comstock Lana, Ptymouth55447, sapakOO10tc.umn.eduSAPANARO JR Daniel J, Coordinator(Intercollegiate Athletics) 227 GNFPF, Del Code3081 (624-974O), 8165 Belle Vernon Dr, Novelty­OH44072, 440-724-8726, sapanOOl Ote.umn.eduSAPATNEKAR 5achin S, PrOf (Dept Of Electrical& ComPuter Engrj 4-174 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0572(625-0025), sechinOlc.umn.eduSAPIENZA Harry J, PrOf (StrategicMgmtJOrganIzatI; Slrelegic Mgrnt Research Ctr)3-312 CerlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (625-2442),sapieOOl


SAPIRO Guillermo R, Prof (Dept 01 Electrical &Computer Engr) 4-174 E EIC SCI, Del Code 0572(625-1343),

SAPLIS Rachel J, Research Ass! (Genelies, cellBIal, Dev TMED), Graduate SChool Fellow(Microbiology) Genetlcs, cell Blal andDevelopment, 5-220 MCB, 420 Washington AveSE, Mpls 55455, 13637 Pierce St NE, Ham Lake55304, 763-755-6222, sapIOOO50tc.umn.eduSAPOGIN Konstentin V, PhD C8ndidate ResearchAss! (Dept 01 Astronom) 475A Physics, Del Code0331 (621),1841), Oepto1 Astronomy, 116 ChurchSt SE, Mpls 55455, sapoOOO50tc.umn.eduSAPOZHNIKOV Vidor B, Research Assoc (TranspStudies, Ctr For) 384 H L, Del Code 4691(627-4597), 14009 Mount Terrace, Minnetonka55345, 952-935-2676, sapozOOl Otc.umn.eduSAR sala, PhD Candidate Teaching Asst(JoumalismlMass Comm, Sch ¢), PhD CandidateResearch Ass! (JoumallsmlMass Comm, ~h 01)School 01 Joumalism, Room 111 MurH, 206Church St SE; Mpls 55455, Del Code 0371(62+0241), sarxOOO10tc.umn.eduSAIlABAMDI TIna, E1eclronics Technician(Psychiatry) MMC 392 Mayo, Del Code 8392, 110019th Ave SE, Apl7, Mpls 55414, 378-ll576,sarabOOl Ot~.umn.eduSARACINO Teresa M, Social Wort<er (Comm-UnivHealth cere Center) C U HC C, Del Code 7851(838-0700 x268), saracOOl Otc.umn.eduSARAFOGLOU Kyriakie M, Ass! Prof (PediatricEndocrinology & Genetics) MMC 404 Mayo, DelCode 8404,13-124 Phillips Wangensteen Bldg(624-5409), saralOl00tc.umn.eduSARANEN Devid W, Digital Equipment sarviceSpec (Physics and Astronomy) Room 146 Phys,116 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,117 South 7th Street, Virginia 55792,2111-749-3998, saranenOtc.umn.eduSARGEANT Donald G, Chancellor Emeritus (UMCAdministration) Room 242 Student Center,Crookston 56716 (218-281~2), 18546 W UnionTrl SE, ElSkine 56535, 218-28HI830,sargeantOmail.crt<.umn.eduSARGENT Jamie F, Business Analyst (FinancialSystems Support) 295-V WBOB, Del Code 7523(625-2362),822-8351, sarge0160tc.umn.eduSARGENT John H, Adjunct Prof (Rica St Clinic)1006 Rica St, St Paul 55117, 967 Lydia Drive, StPaul 55113, 651-464-6545, sarge0040tc.umn.eduSARGENT LoUise J, Ass! Prof (Bethesda Hospital)OeptOl Pharmacy, 559 capitol Blvd, St Paul55103,2545 Hamline Avenue North Apt312,Rosevin& 65113, sargeOO50tc.umn:eduSARIBALAS Michael, Adjunct Instructor(Psychiatry) F282I2A West Bldg, .2450 RlvelSideAvenue, Mpls 55454, saribOOl Olc.umn.eduSARICH Stephanie A, MadicaI Transcriptionist.(Boyn HS) Word Processing, Del Code 1171(624-2121), saricOOl Otc.umn.eduSARKANEN Slmo, Prol (Dept of Bio-basedProducts) 106 KaulL, Del Code 6130 (624-8227),651-633-1109, sar1<aOO10tc.umn.eduSARKAR Sula, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(MN PopulatiOn Center) Room 537 HelierH, 27119th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7059(624-7591),1231 Ray Place, saint Paul 55108,651-917-()492, sanb00270tc.umn.eduSARKINEN Ullian M, Assoc Admin (Lab Medicine&Pathology) MMC 437 Mayo, Del Code 8437,15-144 PWB (626-5670; 628-5387), 4446 Arthur StNE, Columbia HeIghts 55421, 763-788-4306,sarklOOl Otc.umn.eduSARLES Hervey B, Prof (Cultural Studies &Comparative Ul) 117 Fol H, Del Code 0147(626-7863; 624-8099), 1225 LasaIie Av Apl2003,Mpls 55403, 332-9032, sal1eOOl Otc.umn.eduSARPAL Rajblr S, Ass! Prof (Regions Hosptial)640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101 , 806 24th Ave So,Mpls 55454, sarpaIOtc.umn.eduSARPPO Donna L, AdminIstrative Professional(Cil~eon, MISRC) 3-322 Ca~SMgmt, Del Code7041 (624-9520), dsarppoOtc.umn.eduSARTORIUS RoK E, Prof (Relired) (Philosophy),121 Washington Ave S, Mpls 55401,sart00020tc.umn.eduSARVELA Pamela, Ass! Business Dev Spec (UMDEconomic Development) Sun&210, 11 E SuperiorSI, Duluth 55602 (218-726-7539), 7584 South BlueJay Drlve, L8ke Nebagamon WI 54849, .715-374-3492, psarvelaOumdced.oomSARVIS Kerry, Non Univ Staff (UMM ComputingsalVices) 10 Behmler Morris,

SASAGAWA Mass, Unlvel8lty Associate(SpirilualilylHeaUng, Ctr lor) 14500 Juanita DrlveNE Kenmore, 14500 Juanita Drive NE Apt5,Kenmore WA 98028, sasagOOl Otc.umn.eduSASAKI Kolchl, Visiting Assoc Prof (305 HaeckarHall) 1384 Eckles Avenue, St Paul 55108,sasak0060tc.umn.eduSASEK Jean, PM Administrative Spec(CCE-Morris CIt) 231 C S, Morris 56267(320-589-8450), 501 W 7th StraeI, Morris 56267,320-589-9030, sasekjOmorris.umn.eduSASIK Christopher T,Ass! Prof (RestcrativeSCI-Prosth0d0ntic8) 9-470 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-3681),2000 Woodstone Dr, VlClona 55386,952-443-9889, saslkOOl Otc.umn.eduSASS Gene W, Telecom Engineer (Networ1<ing &Telecom SIVS), Del Code 2171 (626-7917),sassx0030tc.uinn.eduSASS Renee J, Laclurer (cerlsOn School of Mgmt)3-122 ce~SMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-2888;625-1252), S8S8X0150tc.umn.eduSASS Shannon K, Sr Die Spec (Center lorSpiritualily & Healing) MMC 50!! Mayo, Del Code8505, C 568 Mayo (624-2141), 1700 East IdahoAve. St Paul 55106, 651-793-0159,sassX0060tc.umn.eduSASSEN Gary L, Sr Automotive Mechanic (Fleetsarvices) FIeel8aIV, Del Code 5391 (625-7817),304316th St NW, New Brighton 55112,sasseOO60tc.umn.eduSASSENBERG Ellen 0, Teaching Spec (CCEOegreelCredK Prgms Inst~) 806 6th St SE,Rochester 55904, 806 6th St SE, Rochester55904, 507-287-0385, saseeool Otc.umn.eduSASS ZARAGOZA Lise, Teaching Spec (ChicanoStudies), Coordinator (Chicano SIulies) 2 ScottHall, Del Code 3232 (624-3834; 624-63(9),822-3884, sasazOOl Otc.umn.eduSATCHELL B, Prin Administrative Spec (ResearchSubjects Prolection Prog) MMC 820 Mayo, DelCode 8820, 0.528 Mayo (626-5654),satcOOOl .

SATER Laslie A, Survey Intervienr (HSRPSurvey center) Dinnaken BuHding, Suite 120, DelCode 2131,374-4147, se\e00130tc.umn.eduSATHER Amy K, Prln Acoounl8 Spec (UMDBusinass Office) 209 DAdS, ~16, 1049 UnivelSiIyDr, DuIUlh 55612 (218-726-6965),asatherOd.umn.eduSATHER Ann M, Prin Acoountant (Research-GradSchool Admin) 420 Joh H, Del Code 3m(625-1039),505 2nd Ave SE, Mpls 55414-1103,623-9281, a-sathOtc.umn.eduSATHER Gregory P, FISCal OIcr (UMD BusinessOffice) 209 DAdS, 0216, 1049 Unlvel8lty Dr,Duluth 55612 (218-726-6137), 90 Stillmeadow Rd,Esko 55733, 218-879-3457, gsatherOd.umn.eduSATHER Mary L, Adjunct Instructor(UMD-Education) 120 Mon H, Duluth(218-726-7233)SATHERS Christine A, BUi~ and GroundsWor1<er (UMD FoodIVendlng sarvices) 270 KSC,0206, 1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612(218-728-81601, 4736 8athe1S Dr, Duluth 55611,218-729-7469, csatheISOd.umn.eduSATHOFF Edward C, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Psychialrfc Clinic 01 Mankatc) 1400 E MadisonAve Ste 352, Mankato 56001, 1538 NottinghamDrive, North Mankato 56003,sathoOO10tc.umn.eduSATHOFF Jessica L, Teaching Spec (UMC EquineIndustries Management) 1001. UTOC, Crookston56716,1185th Avenue N, Crook8\On 56716,507-695-2739, sath00770mall.crt<.umn.edSATIN David J, Ass! Pro! (Family MedicinelCommHealth; Bloethics, center lor), Physicten (FamilyMedlcinalComm Health) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code8381, Dept 01 Family Medicine, Smiley's C, 2615East Franklin Ave, Mpls 55406,satiOOO30tc.umn.eduSATKOWSKl Leon, Prof (Archileclure; Art History)Room 15lC RapsonH, Del Code 0811 (624-1308),salkoOO1·Otc.umn.eduSATO Masanao, Post-Doctcral Assoc (PlantBiology) 250 BioSci, Del Code 6022,satox0200tc.umn.eduSATO Mlstillna, Ass! Pro! (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 152-8 PelkH, Del Code 4301(625-4006),697 Como Avenue, saint Paul 55103,392-0260, msatcOtc.umn.eduSATRAM Daniel, Medical Fellow (MedicineCardiology Office) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code8508, 289A VCRC (626-2451),

SATRAM Leon, Assoc Prof (Pedlalrfcs) MMC 391Mayo, Del Code 8391, 4-207 P W B (624-6424),1521 Alplne Pass, Mpls 55416,374-4092,

SATRE Connie L, Dental Ass! (Develop/SurglSci-Periodontotogy) 7--168 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-7999),

SATRE Thomas J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (MidMinnesota Family Practice Cenle) 1520 Whi1neyCt, sauk Raplds 56303, 1820 Star Dr, sauk Rapids56379,

SAmRFlELD cetherine S, Graduate SchoolFellow (Neuroscience), Graduate School Trainee(Veterinary Population MEidicine) Neurosciance,Rm 6-145 JecH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1216, 2123 3rd St NE, MplS 55418,961~5,

SAmRFlELD John'R, Adjunct Asst Pro!(Midwest Heart & Lung Clinic) SuIte 318, 3960Coon Raplda Blvd, Coon RapIds 55433; .

SAmRNESS Cynthia J, Lecturar (MechanicalEngineering) 125 Mach E, Del Code 1191(626-8476), 8597 Red oak Dr, Eden Prairie 55347,952-906-3955,

SATZ Mart< L, Ass! Prof (Part< Nicollet MedicalCenter) OIoiaryngoiogy Dept, 3800 Part< NicolletBlvd. St louis Part< 55416 (952-993-3146),satzxOOl Otc.umn.eduSAU Rajes, Teeching Ass! (Aerospace Engr andMechanics) Room 107 AkarH, 110 Union St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Cod8 0731, 525 Unlveratiy AveSE, Apt 12, Mpls 55414,

SAUER John K, Cooldnaior (cornmunilyIntegration, Inst On) 204 PlH, Del Code 4201(626-0535),6372 46th St N, Oakdale 55128,651-773-1844,

SAUER Unda K, Sr Scientist (IT CharacterizationFacilily) Room 12 ShapLab, Del Code 0771(625-0776), IksauerOtc.umn.eduSAUERWEIN Robin L, Accountant (Concerts andLaclures) 109 NMA, Del Code 0251 (625-8324),dysonOO20tc.umn.eduSAUL Raymond, Painter (CPPM-Construction)Room 300 DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3121,14581 Homestead AvenueN, Hugo 55038, sauIxOO30tc.umn.eduSAUL William 0, Ass! Prof (River Valley Clinic)1400 JallelSOO Rd, Northfield 55057.(507-663-9000),713 East Fourth Street, Northfield55057, sauIXOO10tc.umn.eduSAUNDERS Joan M, Editor (CCE-teamingTechnologies) Room 510B Rar1gC, Del Code 7751(624-9516),7283 Quantico Lane, Maple Grove55311, 763-420-7685SAUNDERS Michael J, Adjunct Instructor (LakeTomah Clinic) 325 Butls Ave, Tomah WI 54660SAUNDERS Patrick C, Research Ass! (ComputerSClencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSCI, 200Union St Sf. Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571,saunOO770te.umn.eduSAUNDERS Roberta E, Teeching Spec (CCECollege In the Schools) Room 202 WesH, DelCode 3831, 1934 Deer Hili Drlve, Wayzata 55391,, saund0140tc.umn.eduSAUR Colleen R, Sr C8shier (UMD Bookstore) 175KSC, 0205, 1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612,1870Aspen Road, Two Hal1lors 55616, 218-834-4131,

SAURET Martine, Laclurer (French & I1allan) 260Folwell Hall, Del Code 0139 (624-4308),saureOO10tc.umn.eduSAURO Nancy L, Editor (Unlvel8lty Press) 111 3rd.Ave S, Del Code 7481 (627-1935; 6I!7-1970), 8750Meadowvale Dr, Eden Prairie 55347,952-937-1759, saur00020tc.umn.eduSAUTER Gall M, Assoc To (University 01 MNRochaster) 855 30th Ave SE, Rochester 55904(507-292-5114), saute0080tc.umn.eduSAUTER Janet L, Sr Food sarvice Wort<er (UMMFood sarvice Admin), Cook (UMM Food sarviceAdmin) Food SC,M262A, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267 (320-589-6130), All Box 71 A, Morris56267,320-589-2015, sauterjIOmorns.umn.eduSAUTER Nancy J, Prln Administrative Spec(Department of Pedalrics) MMC 94 Mayo, DelCode 8094, 206 VCRC (626-2943), 6O-64th WayNE, Frkley 55432, sauteOO10te.umn.eduSAUTER Randy R, Teeching Spec (IndustrialRelations Ctr) 8-300 cerlSMgmt, 32l 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, 15092 64th Street N,oak Part< Heights 55082,

SAVio Guy M, Adjunct Ass! Prof (ISJ Clinic) 1015MaISh St, Mankato 56001, 129 Bertholomew Lane,Mankato 56001,savaXOOl

SAVADOGO Alasaane, Building and GroundsWort<er (Facilities Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, MplS 55455, DelCode 3121, PO Box 13046, Mpls 55414, 379-76n,

SAVAGE Debra J, Assoc Admin (ce~son, PhysicalResources) 4-213 CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-3842), 1343 Jackson Dr, Hastings 55033,651-437-2231, ISAVAGE Edward B, Prof (Retired) (English) Room207 UndH, Del Code 0613 (625-3363), 1666 ICollman St Apt315, Falcon Heights 55108,

SAVAGE Eleanor V, Lecturer (Women's Studies)425 Ford Hall, Del Code 0455, .

SAVAGE John E, Ass! Prof (Minneeota PelvicSurgeons) Ste 430, 310 N Smith, StPaul55102(651-220-7557),360 Sharman, Apl35O, SI Paul55102, savag0030tc.umn.eduSAVAGE Marjorie B, Prognuri Dir (Comm & Pub! &Student Oev) 110 Morrill Hall, Del Code 0281(626-9291), mbsavageOtc.umn.eduSAVAGE Wendy L,lnstructcr (UMDAmer IndianStudies) 116 CinaH, 1123 Universily Dr, Duluth55812SAVAYAN Peka C, Research Assoc (BrainSciences center (11 B») One Veterans Drive Room48-130, Del Code. 1216 (628-5359), 2285 StewartAv, Apt 2405, saint Paul 551!6, 651-675-7461,savayOO10tc.umn.eduSAVEll. Deve R, Non Univ Stall (UMMComputing sarvices) 10 Behmler Morris,

SAVEll. David, Inlo Tech Prof (UMM CompulingSvc) R1lorn 10 Behm, M228A, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267 (320-589-6381), daveOmorris.umn.eduSAVELSBERG Joachim J, Prof (SocIology) 1181Soc SCI, Dei Code 7171 (624-0273),1745 AshlandAve, SI Paul 55104, 651-844-6971,savelOOl Otc.umn.eduSAVERAID Travis C. Ass! Clinical Prof (VeterinaryClinical SCIences) C-339 VMC, 1352 Boyd Ave, SIF'aul55108, Del Code 6192,saver0060tc.umn.eduSAVm Laurence A, Prof (Retired) (1605Edgcumbe Rd) St Paul 55116, St Paul 55116,savelOOl Otc.umn.eduSAVIK Kay, flesaarch FeIiow (Nursing, SchOI-Prog & Res) 6-190 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-0405),807 SummK Avenue, St Paul 55105,651-291-0751, savikOOl Otc.umn.eduSAVILE Christopher K, Research Spec(Biochemistry-CBS) 174 Gamter Labs, Del Code6104, 1746 Selby Ave. Selnt Paul 55104,saviIOO30tc.umn.eduSAvm Gragg J, Adjunct Ass! Pro! (FamilyMedicinelCornm Health), Instructor (Pediatrics)

.Partners in Pediatrics - Uptown, 3145 HenneplnAve S, Mpls 55408, savitOOl Otc.umn.eduSAWCHUK Ronald J, Pro! (College 01 Pharmacy)9-143 WDH, Del Code 1332 (624-0646), 1762 20th !Ave NW,New Brighton 55112, 851-633-0025,sawchOO10tc.umn.eduSAWHNEY Mandeep S, Ass! Pro! (VAMC) GI8action (1110), 1 Veterans Drlve, Mpls 55417,sawhnOO10tc.umn.eduSAWHNEY Simona, Ass! Prof (ALL) 431 FolwellHell, Del Code 0144 (628-0591), 3014 Holmes AveS, Apl6, Mpls 55408, 625-1776,sawhneyOtc.umn.eduSAWICKY Charles A. Teaching Ass! (Accounting)3-122 cerlSMgmL Del Code 7041, 763-442-0073,sawiOOO70tc.umn.eduSAWKINS Frederick J, Prof (Retired) (Earth SciGeoIogylGeophysics), PO Box 118, Urbanna VA23175-0118, .

SAWYER Brooke A, Assoc Academic Advisor (260BFAB) 516 15th Ave SE, Del Code 3081(625-6888; 625-1556), sawys0130tc.umn.eduSAWYER Gregory S, Prin Student PersonnelWort<er (General College Student Sarvices) 56Appleby Hen, Del Code 3501 (626-6665), 1738salby Ave, SI Paul 55104, 851-222-2649,sawyOOl10tc.umn.eduSAWYER Jellrey B, Ass! Prof (V A MedicalCenter) 1 Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417 (725-2047),1500 S Hwy 100, Apl311, St louis Part< 55416,952-404-1628,


SAWYER KeniE, Jr Scientist (Departmenl ofpeciatics) MMC 491 Mayo, Del Code 8491,13-219Moos Tower (624,6153),651-645-2355,sawy80140te.umn.eduSAWYER Nate, Assoc Program Dir (CCE-Degree& Credit Programs) Room 1070 Annory, Del Code0895 (624-3873), sawy80150tc.umn.eduSAWYER Shannon K, Ole Spec (Undergraduate'Program, CSOM) 3-105 ce~SMgmt, Del Code7041, sawyOO760te.umn.eduSAWYER Werdf W, Sr Ole Supv (Dentistry ­Patient Accounting) Room 9-220 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291 (626-2342), 1108 Stratford Ln E,Bumsvil1e 55337, 952-882-9037,wegen0030te.umn.eduSAXENA Krishna M, Assoc prof.(Retired)(Pediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,saxen0060te.umn.eduSAXENA Kusum, C~n Assoc Prof Emsr, RegionsHospital St Paul (221-2873),saxenOO10te.umn.eduSAXENA Maiinee, Adjunct Ass! Prof (DermatologyConsunants, I' A) 1464 St Albans St N, St Paul55117,saxen0020te.umn.eduSAXENA Rishik, Teaching Asst(~ andAstronomy) RoOm 148 Phys, 116 ChuR:h St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 102714lh AvenueSE, Unn Apll, Mpls55414, sax800250te.umn.eduSAXTON Julie A, Instructor (Pediatric & YoungAdun Medicine) 233 Grand Ave N, St Pau155102,saxtoOOl Ote.umn.eduSAYER Ashleigh L, Program Assoc (Denmark'sInri Study Program (DiS)) Room 94 Blegan Hall,30119lh Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7457,1929 3rd Ave S Apt302, Mpls 55414,413-303-0304, asayerOtc.umn.eduSAYER Nina A, Ass! Prof (PsychOtogy; Medicine;Psychiatry) N-218 EItH; 282J2A West Bldg, DelCode 3281, sayerOOSOtc.umn.eduSAYKALLY Jessi N, Research Ass! (Biochemistry)Rm 6-155 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpis 55455, DelCode 1214, 3962 5th Street NE, Columbia Heights55421, 720-6895, saytcaool0tc.umn.eduSAYLER Beth J, Mentoring Program Dir (UMExtension Polk Cnty West) UTeaching andOutreach Ctr, PO Box 556, Crookston 56716-0556(218-281-8696), say1eOO20tc.umn.eduSAYLES Laura M, Coordinator (Institute for GlobalStudies) Room 235 SocSci, Del Code 7173(624-5839; 624-9007),lsaylesOtc.umn.eduSAYLES BELTON Sharon L, Sr Fellow (HumphreyInst of pubiic Allair) Roy Wilkins Center, Room258, Del Code 7451 (625-0315),sayl80060te.umn.eduSAYRE Valerie N, Communny Program Spec(Department of Pediatrics) MMC 486 Mayo, DelCode 8486, 12-157 Phillips Wangensteen Bldg(625-3675),515 W 50th St, MpIs 55419,821-0326,sayreOO70tc.umn.eduSCAGUAMauraen A, Assoc Admin (AHC - BasicScience Bldg) 3-005 BSBE, Del Code 1191(625-2967; 62&0011), scaglOOl Otc.umn.eduSCAL Peter B, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Pediatrics &Adolescent HeaIth)KDWB Variety Family Center,Del Code 2016, 2120 Oliver Avenue South, Mpls55405, 925-4665, scaIOOO50tc.umn.eduSCAlETTA Kurtis, Sr Instructional eonsunant(Digital Media Center) Room 212 WanerUb, DelCode 3729 (624-1323; 625-5055), 4411 Oliver AveN, Mpis 55412-1122, kurtisOtc.umn.eduSCAUA Leann, Director, Child Care Camer (UMDChild Care) 260 KPlz, 0143, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth55812 (218-72lHl727),lscaIIaOtc.umn.eduSCAUCI Bruno, Prin Accounts Spec (HistoryDepartment) 609 Social Science rower, Del Code7165 (624-5596), bscaliciOtc.umn.eduSCALLEN Raymond W, Adjunct Prof (Medical ArtsBuilding) AMC - Nicollet Mall, Sooe 300, 825Nicollet Mall, MpIs 55402, 4711 E Lake HarrietPkwy, MpIs 55404, scaI1OO30tc.umn.eduSCALLON Stephen, Instructor (Stillwater Med"ocalGroup) 921 S Graeley St, Stillwater 55082,scaJIOO40te.umn.eduSCANDURA Jani, Assoc Prof (English) 17 UndH,Del Code 0613 (625-9017), janiOtc.umn.eduSCANLAN John M, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Psychiatry), Lecturer (Public Heanh, School 01)Butzer and Scanlan, Ltd, E1316, 332 Minneso1S St,St Peul 55101, 256 Oakview Rd, W St Paul55118-4431, scanIOO50tc.umn.eduSCANLAN Tom, Assoc Prof (Rhetoric) 64 CIa Off,Del Code 6043 (624-1262), 2355 CommonwealthAve, St Paul 55108, 651-644-2761, 'scanlOOl

SCANLON Joseph 0, Research Ass! (Chemistry),Teaching Ass! (Chemistry) Chemistry, Room 139SmnhH, 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpis 55455, DelCode 3661, 7201 36th Ave N, Crystal 55427,765-430-2939, scan00660tc.umn.eduSCEARCY Lynn R, Coordinator (EducationalPolicy and Admin), Lecturer (Educational Policyand Admin) 330 WullH, Del .Code 3345 (626-8244),scearOOl, page 318-7101SCHAAF Michael S, Coordinator (InteroollegiateAthletics) 15GNFpF, Del Code 3061 (625-0579),5349 Radford Ave NE, Otsego 55374,763-428-4118, scheaOO90te.umn.eduSCHAAF-eoMEAU Shannon M, Exec StudentPeJ1lOllne1 Worker (OSF - ScIloIarships) 210 FraserHall, Del Code 3395 (624-2324),schaaOI40tc.umn.eduSCHAAP Wade A, Prin Accountant (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,13-140 PWB (626-2367), schaaOll Otc.umn.eduSCHAAR James 0, Lecturer (UMe-ctr lorLeaming Foundations) 121 SeIH, Crookston 56716(218-281-11253),212 S Nelson, Crookston 56716,218-281-7540, jschearOmail.crk.umn.eduSCHABER Patricia L, Ass! Prof (Physical Med &RehabHilation) MMC 388 Mayo, Del Code 8388,MMC 388 (626-5111),110 Dylan Ct, Mahtomedi55115, 651-407-9330, schab0020tc.umn.eduSCHACHER Gregg, Research Ass! (HumanEcology Admin) Room 32 McNH, 1965 Buford Ave,St Paul 55106, Del Code 6142 (625-7178),344931st Ave S, Mpls 55406, 724-2128,gschacheOtc.umn.eduSCHACHERER Robyn M, Nursing Professional(Neurology) MMC 437 Mayo, Del Code 6437,12-100 PWB (624-8431), 374-2398,SchacOO90tc.umn.eduSCHACHERN Pat, Sr Scientist (Otolaryngology)226A Lions Res, Del Code 2873 (626-9876),schacD020tc.umn.eduSCHACHT Jeanlle E, Teaching Spec(JoumalismlMalls Comm, Sch of), GraphicDesignerlMedia Artist (General College Admin) 109Appleby Hall, Del Code 350t (625-3319), 1486Hythe St, St Paul 55108, 651-645-0859, 'schaC0060tc.umn.eduSCHACHTELE Cha~s F, Prof(DiagnosticlBlological Sciences; Dental Education,Continuing) 18-104 Moos T, Del Code 1291 '(624'2630),2105 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108,schacOOl Ote.umn.eduSCHACHTELE Theresa L, Exec Sec (DiaglBioloSci - Neuroeyslfms) Room 18-208 Moos Tower,Del Code 1291 (626-2560),651-647-0879,tlschachOtc.umn.eduSCHACK Lesley L, Ednor (Minnesota MedicalFoundation) 300 McNamara Alumni Cemer, DelCode 2012 (625-6540), 318 Eest 25th Street, ApIOIl, Mpls 55404,763-434-3266,scha06240te.umn.eduSCHACKER TImothy W, Assoc Prof (Medicine)MMC 250 Mayo, Del Code 8250, 0 410 Mayo; 0410 Mayo (624-9955), schac0080tc.umn.eduSCHADER Matthew Q, Teaching Ass!(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci.Del Code 0572, 2012 Reaney Ave, St Paul 55119,651-731-1793, schad0400tc.umn.eduSCHADEWALD Diane M, Teaching Spec (Nursing,School 01), Teaching Spec (Nursing, School 01)Room 6-152 WDH, Del Code 1331 (626-5204),13381 Flagstaff Ave, Apple Vallay 55124,schad0130tc.umn.eduSCHAEFER Anna, Dental Ass!(DevetopmsmeVSurgical Sci - Orthod) Room.6-344Moos T, Del Code 1291, 734 JeffeJ1lOll Street NE,MpIs 55413, schae2060tc.umn.eduSCHAEFER Brannon J, Resaarch Ass!(BiosystemsiAgricunurai Engr) Room 310BioAgEng, Del Code 6005, 3540 34th Ave, Mpis55406,651-470-8912, scha08960tc.umn.eduSCHAEFER Cathe~ne M, Exec Ass! (EmployeeBenetits) 100 Donhowe B, Del Code 3122(626-0266),108 Sims Ave, St Paul 55117,651-227-7949, c-schaOtc.umn.edusctIAEFER Diane M, Sr Ole Ass!(Dentistry-ellnical Systems-IMS) Room 8-434MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625-9471),15230Hematne St NW, Ramsey 55303, 763-421-9674, 'schael780tc.umn.eduSCHAEFER Lee, Electrician Foreman (FacMgmt-zone +Campus DIstrict) Room 1300FoodOB, Del Gode 5803, 5385 Stacy TR Apll05,Stacy 55079, 651-462-1821,

SCHAEFER Mark T, Adjunct Prof (AssocPsydloIogicaI Con&unnts) Sta 1242, One AppleTree Square, Bloomington 55420 (952-854-5550),schaeOO80te.ulnn.eduSCHAEFER Rex A, Mad Ctr Maintenance/OperMech (Admin-Dental Eng Svcs) 18-205 Moos T,.Del Code 1291 (625-7112),763-421-9674,schaaOO60lc.umn.eduSCHAEFER SCott T, Adjunct Instructor(Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493,3971 Princeton Ave, St Louis Park 55426,952-925-1654,

SCHAEFER Shelly S, Teaching Asst (sOciology)1067 SocSci, Del Code 7171 (624-5296;624-4300),

SCHAEFERS Matthew M, AsSt Scientist (Collegeof Pharmacy) 4-500 MTRF; 4-438 MTRF, Del Code2873 (626-7012; 626-6114), 1045 Cromwell Ave,ApI 4, St Paul 55114, 803-8180,

SCHAEFERS VICki K, Instructor (Children'sHospital) 345 N Smnh Ave, St Paul 55215, 4314Minnehaha Ava Apt2, MpIs 55406,721-1597,

SCHAEFFER James 0, Instructor (Snyder Store15) 1121 W Larpenteur, St Paul 55113, 2003Longfellow, St Paul 55119,

SCHAEPPI Klmbe~ A, Prin Accounts Spec/AcctSupv (Parking & Transportation Services) 300 T SB, Del Code 1983 (625-0307),scha80040tc.umn.eduSCHAFER Bill, Assoc Prof Emeritus (Food Sci &Nutrition) 264 F SC N, Del Code 8099 (624-4793),1056 N Laxington.Pkwy, St Paul 55103,651-468-1733,

SCHAIFER Ch8Isie, Ass! Acad&mic Advisor(Education StuIProIessional $ve) Room 110 WullH,Del Code 3345 (625-6501), [email protected]

SCHAFER Jeremy A, Clinical Instructor(Pharmacy, Gollege oll, Post·Doctoral Assoc(Pharmacy, College 01) 4-442 MTRF, Del Code2673 (626-2291), 6538 Klngsview Lane North,Maple Grove 55311,

SCHAFER John R, Inlo Tech Spec (NanoCoordinating Office) Room 1-263 EECS, Del Code0573 (625-9634), 5356 Riverview Rd, Mpls 55417,729-6669, jschalarOtc.umn.eduSCHAfER Lauri A, Communny Health Coordinator(Department of Pediatrics) MMC 491 Mayo, DelCode 8491, Blood Pressure Study (627-6815),1766 3rd St, WMe Bear Lake 55110,schaIOO30tc.umn.eduSCHAFFER Erin, Ole Supv (Human Resources)Room 200 DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3122 (625-9653), 377-2256,schaI0610tc.umn.eduSCHAFFER Erwin M, Prof (Retired) (PreventiveSci-Periodontology) Room 17·172 MoosT, DelCode 1291, 1240 Angelo Dr, Golden Valley 55422,schaI0250tc.umn.eduSCHAFFER Jan, Non Univ Staff (Gener~ CollegeStudent Svc) 101 27th Ave S E, Suile Mpls(627-4107), 1790 Goodrich Ave; St Paul 551Q5,schljf0340tc.umn.eduSCHAFFER Janet M, Ass! Prof (Park NicolletMedical Center) ObIGyn Dept, 3800 Park NicolletBlvd, St Louis Park 55416; schaIOO60tc.umn.eduSCHAFFER Stephanie M, Exec AdministrativeSpec (Continuing Medical Education) 190McNamara, Del Code 2016 (626-3515). 772f}. 36thAve N Apl119, Crystal 55427,schaIIarOtc.umn.eduSCHAGRIN Gwen L, Ass! Ubra~an (Wilson InfoRei and Instru Serv) 180 OMWL, Del Code 7111(628-4477), 3345 Dupont S ApI 4, Mpls 55408,schagOO30tc.umn.eduSCHAGUNN Cerol J, Exec Administrative'Spec(Continuing Medical Education) Suite 190, DelCode 2016 (626-1748). schagOO20tc.umn.eduSCHAHCZENSKI Gloria J, PaInter (FacDniesMgmt-Donhowe-Construclio) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th AVfJ SE, MpIs 55455, DelCode 3121, 434312th Ave S, Mpis 55407,823-2328, schahOOl Otc.umn.eduSCHAKEL sally'F, Sr Scientist (Epidemiology) 300W BOB, Del Code 7525 (626-9454), 18052Qualny Ct So, Lakeland 55043, 651-438-8868,schakOO10tc.lJI!ln.eduSCHALL Steven A, Building and Grounds Worker(Comstock Hall), Del Code 1091 (624-0987),14398 Sorrel Way, Eden Prairie 55347,schalOO2


SCHALLER Duane 0, Pipefitter (FacilniesMgmt-Oonhowe) Room B15 DonhoweB, 31915thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,1114 ArgyleStreet, St pau155103, 651-487-6023,'[email protected]

SCHALLER Robin E, Adjunct AssoI; Prof(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE, MpIa 55455, Del Code 0691, 13265Humboldt Ave So, BumsvilIe 55337, 952-890-6955,schaI0210tc.umn.eduSCHALLES MaljoOO M, Plin Administrative Spec(Unlv Student LagaI Service) Room 160, WestBank Skyway, Del Code 7351 (624-4050), 74936th Avenue NE, MpIs 55418, 627-0319,

SCHALLOCK Ryan 0, Building and GroundsWorker (MN Landscape ArtloraIum) 3875Arboretum Blvd, Chaska 55318-9613(952-443-1400), 1388 81st St, VICtoria 55386,952-474-5647, schaI0200tc.urnn.eduSCHAMBER Nancy, Adjunct Instructor (HennepinCounty Medical Center) Nurse-Midwife sarvice,884A, 701 Park Ave S, Mpis 55415, 2415 25th AveSouth, Mpis 55406, scham0020tc.umn.eduSCHANDEL Klmbe~M, Ole Spec (UMD TweedMuseum of Art) 205 H, 120t Ordean Court, Dufuth55812 (218-726-6750), 5205 Oneida St, Duluth55804,218-525-1568,

SCHANDER RaQuI E, Sr Lecturer (CMson Schoolof Mgmt) 3-365 ce~SMgmt Del Code 7041, 1521365th Street N, Stillwater 55082, 651-430-1215,[email protected]

SCHANFIELD Paul M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyMedicineiComrn Health), Adjunct Prof (Neurology)Neuro Assoc of St Paul, pA, 1650 Beam Ave,Maplewood 55109,

SCHANILEC Klmbe~ E, Instructor (Indian HealthBoard of Mpls) 1315 E 24th5t, Mpls55404, 1747Englewood Ave, St Paul 55104, [email protected]

SCHANKE Geraldine N, Building and GroundsWorker (Facllnies Management) MMC 59 Mayo,Del Code 8059,

SCHAPER Kirt A, Info Tech Prof (VA MedicalCenter (111')) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 6295,One Veterans Drive, Mpls 55417 (487-4791;725-2230),707 Stewart Ln, South St Paul55l175,651-457-1188, kirtOtc.umn.ed1ISCHAPIRO Randall T, Adjunct Prof (Fairview M SCanter) 701 25th Ave S, MpIs 55454, 4295 WestonWay, Shoreview 55126,65HI97-9116,schapOO30tc.umn.eduSCHAPMAN JR Thomas W, Asst Prof (UMDFinancelMgmt Inlo Sciencas) 150 SBE, 412 UbraryDr, Duluth 55812; 125 SBE, 412 Ubrary Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-7532; 218-726·7966)SCHARBER Cassie M, RaseaR:h Ass!(Communlly Inlegration;lnst on; Curriculum andInstruction) Room 270 PeikH, Del Code 4301(626-7261),901 Hawthorne Ave E, St Paul 55106,651-774-3800, scha08090tc.umn.eduSCHARBER Julie A, Communny Program Ass!(Transplant Information sarvices) Dinnaken 0IlicaBldg, Del Code 2131, schar0230tc.umn.eduSCHARF Haley R, Research Asst (EducationalPSychology) 2Oli. Burton Hall; Del Code 3171(624-6083), 1209 Ray Place, Saint Paul55108-1155, sChar0570te.umn.eduSCHATZ Melanie J, PrinAdministretive Spec(Administration) 450B DiehlH, Del Code 1691.(626-0998), schat0040tc.umn.eduSCHATZLEIN Dale T, [)ir (UC-Concerts &lectures) 109 N M A, Del Code 0251 (625-9878),229 Russell Ave So, MpIs 55405, 374-5556,schatOO10tc.umn.eduSCHAUB Jaffary T, Ass! To (Biochemistry) Rm6-155 JacH, Del Code 1214 (625-1166).j-schal0tc.umn.eduSCHAUB Kathleen, Sr Csshier (UMD Bookstore)175 KSC, 0205, 1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8745),224 WWabasha St, Duluth55803,218-724-2635, kschaubOd.umn.eduSCHAUBEN Laura J, Teaching Spec (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 petarsH, 1404 Gor1ller Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,scha0031 Ote.umn.eduSCHAUDT Berry F, Chiel ofTechnology(Supercomputing Institute) Room 599 WaUb, DelCode 3721 (626-1765), schauOll Otc.umn.eduSCHAUER Rebecca R, Scientist (Epidelnlology)Room 300 WOOB, Del Code 7525, 722-6080,

STAFF SCHAULAND-SCHLIEVERT 359 i::::::::-::=:-:-:-:--:--::--:-:::-:-----,------------:---r------.:.....----,...::....:..::..:...:..:...:..:::......:....:.-:...:.==..:..::.:..:...:..---=-=-=.tSCHAULAND Mabel 0, Ass! Prof (Retired)-(UMD SCHEMPP Ashley L, Community Heahh SCHIEFELBEIN June M, Building and Grounds SCHIRMER Ronald C, Teaching Spec fSociology/Anthropology), 100 Elizabeth St Apt604, Coordinator (OBIGYN & Women's HIth) MMC 395 Wor1ler (Fac Mgmt-Zone 3-HeaIl/1 services) Bl17 (Archaeology) 395 HHHCtr, 30119th Ave S, MpiS IDuluth 55803, Mayo, Del Code 8395, 12-168A Moos T Moos T, Del Code 3121 (624-6364), 55455, Del Code 7455, 3601 Minnasota Lane tSCHAUS Patrice 0, Ass! To (MEND Administrative (626-5174), North, Plymouth 55446, iCenter-Accting) MMC 194 Mayo, Del Code 8194, SCHENCK Carlos H, Assoc Prof (Psychiatry SCHIERENBECK Todd W, Prih Data Entry Oper SCHIRMERS Fran, Administrative Dir (UNITE) 114 ID646 Mayo (626-1493), 651-454-1341, Department) MMC 393 Mayo, Del Code 8393, (Disbursement services) Room 619C WOOB, Del Und H, Del Code 0618 (624-2332), MMC 393 Mayo, Code 7529, 7275th Ave 5, Apt 105, Mpls 55415, iSCHAUS Philip J, Research Plot Coordinator SCHENDEL Frederick J, Research Assoc 651-442-3456, schieOll60tc.umn.eGu SCHISSEL A M Coo 'I(Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 105 Cr Res, Del nn, rdinalor (Psychology)Code 6026 (625-9263), 651-454-1341, (Bloprocess Instltute/BRC) Room 140 GorL, 1479 SCHIERMAN Therese, Non Univ Staff (MN N-218 E~H, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, Del Gertner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6106,3839 Molecular and Call Ther) 59 MMCT St Paul, Code 3281, 4501 Par1l Glen Road Ap!318, St Louis ISCHAUS Steven M, Student Support seft.....s Gresham Ave No, Oakdale 55128, Par1l55416, I

,.~ SCHIESSER C I A, Accou ts S (UMD H "h SCHIVELY C' A Ass! - h IAss! (Humphreylnst of Public Affairs) Room 130 aro n pec ea" anssa, Prof (Hump rey lnst of 'HHHCtr, Del Code 7451 (626-7247), SCHENK Thomas J, Coordinator (CLA Research selVices) 108 HS, 0212, 615 Niagara Court, Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 301 19th Ave 5, Development) 426 Johnston Hall, Del Code 3n4 Duluth 55812 (218-726-7070), Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451 (626-3193), 'SCHAVEY Denise L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Fairmont (628-9612),590 S Saratoga, St Paul 55116, IClinic) Mayo Health 5ystems, 800 Clinic Circle, 651-690-1782, SCHIFERL Dawn M, Lab Animal Care Technician SCHIZAS loannis, Research Asst IFairmont 56031, 5221 330th Ave, Blue Earth SCHEPERS Jennifer L, System Software Admin (Research Animal Resources) CoRage Veterinary (ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4·174 EElCSci,56013, echavOOl (OIl) Room 660 WBOB, 1300 5 2nd St, Mpls Medicine, Del Code 6194, 3266th St N, Hudson Del Code 0572, 2057 Knapp Ave, Apt W2, SaintSCHECKEL Wendy M, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Lab 55454, Del Code 7531 (625-9207), WI 54016, 651-645-6n3, Paul 55108, schizOOl !MedicinelPathology) MMC 511 Mayo, Del Code SCHIFF Jeffrey S, Asst Prof (Pedlallicians for SCHLAEFER James G, Adjunct Assoc Prof I8511, SCHEPERS John M, Ass! To (Child Development) Health) no 302, 1655 Beam Ave, Maplewood (Family MedicinelComm Health), Adjunct Asst Prof ISCHEDIN Laurel L,lnfo Tech Prof (Veterinary 190 ChDev, Del Code 4011 (626-0518),2112 55109, (Surgery) Health Partners, 1415 81st Ave NE, ITeaching Hospitals) 325E VetTeechHosp, Del Stanford Ave, Saint Paul 55105, 730-7829, SCHIFF Leslie A, Dir (Microbiology), Prof Spring Lake Pk 55432, 2632 Irving Ave S, Mpls ICode 6194 (624-7298), magelOOl schepOO10tc.umn.9du (Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 55408, ISCHEEL Amd, Assoc Department Dir SCHER Deanna P, Graduate School Trainee 1435 Mayo (624-9933), SCHLAGER Amy A, Nutrition Education Ass! (UM !(Math/Applications, InS! lor), Prof (Mathematics, (Environmental Heafth Sciences) MMC 807 Mayo, SCHIFFLER Glenn A, Adjunct Prof (Camdan Ex1ension Jackson Cnty) Community HealthSch 01; Math/Applications, Inst for) 251 VinH, Del Del Code 6607, 1491 Canfi$1d Ave, Saint Paul Physicians Ltd) 9750 Rockford Rd, Plymouth Services, 407 5th St no 209, Jackson 58143-1566, ICode 0412 (825-4065), 105112th Avenue SE, 55108,247-4996, 55422,4010 Or1eans Lane N, Plymouth 55442, 605 P~r1I Street, Jackson 56143,507-647-5849,Mpls 55414, SCHERBEL Ma~ys 0, Ole Spec (Univ Counsaling schlagerOtc.umn.eduSCHEEL Marianne P, Police OIcr (Police Dapl) & Consu~ SeIV) Room 130 UStorsS, Del Code SCHIFFMAN Eric L, Assoc Prof SCHLANGEN Susan, Non Univ Staff (Sr VP100 T ~ B, Del Code 1981 (624-4879), 5703 (626-0307), (Diagnoslic/Biological Sciences; Dental Education, Academic AffairsIProvost) 110 Morrill Mpls,' Continuing) 6~2OD Moos T, Del Code 1291 Church Street SE, Mpls 55455,SCHEER TImothy A, Carpenter Foreman (CPPM-U ~H~= ~:e~~7=~~~7=~: (625-5146), 1596 Northrop St, 5t Paul 55108, schla1170tc.umn.eduof M Construction) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code (624-7343), 1666 Coffman Str Apt226, Falcon 651-643-0876, schifOOl SCHLAUCH Robert S, Assoc Prof3121 (626-9048), Heights 55108, 651~184, SCHILDT Patrick W, Prin Laboratory Technician' (Speech/LanguagelHearing ScQ, LecturerSCHEFERS Jeremy M, Asst Clinical Prof SCHERF Laura E, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Burnsville (Room 202 Smtth Hall) 207 Pleasant Street SE, (Otolaryngology) 115 Shev H, Del Code 4401(Veterinary Diagnostic Lab) 220 VOL, Del Code Family Physicians) 825 E Nicollet Blvd no lOll, Del Code 3661 (624-1662), (624-7001), 2517:35th Ave NE, St Anthony 55418,8184 (625-8780), 270 State Ave, New Germany Bumsville 55337, 301 Valley High Road, Bumsville SCHILLER Elizabeth J, Technical Supplemental 768-9458, [email protected],952-353-1573, [email protected] 55337, (Early Risers) Psychiatry, Ste 306, 430 Oak Grove SCHLEGEL Susan L, Prin Cashier (Office of lheSCHEFFERT Donna R, Extension St, Mpls 55403, Bursar) 145 Wmson H, Del Code 0172 (825-75:35;EducatorlProfessor (MN Ext Svc Directors), SCHERMAN Elizabeth R, Research Ass! 625-6020), s-lenaOtc.umn.eduTeach'ng Spec (HHH I st P bl' Affa' P b AI) (Vete~nary and Biomedical Sciences) 160 Vet Sci, SCHILLER Jay W, Construction SuparintendentR '460 CofH n u IC Irs- u Del Code 6187 (625-5276), 2453 Buffalo SI, WMe (CPPM-U of M Construction) B15 Donhowe B, Del SCHLEICHER John C, Building and Grounds

oom , Del Code 6070 (625-3334), 809 Code 3121 (O~ ft360), sch,· Wor1ler (UMC-Athletics) Lysaker, Crookston 56716Mayt\owe< Court, Northfield 55057, Bear Lake 55110, 651-426-5468, '"''''' , SCHILLER Philip J, Ass! Prof (HealthEast Clinics) (218-281-6510), 1245 HubbaFd SI, CrookstonSCHEFLO Monica R, OIc Spec (UMD SCHERMANN Anthony J, Electrician (Fac 3460 Laxington Ave N, St Paul 55126 56718, pramstadOmail.cr1l.umn.eduEduclHuman Svc Pro, Col of) 125 BohH, 0141, Mgmt-Zone 1-5t Paul) 202 F M B, Del Code 6168 (651-490-0433),1612 Blackhewk Lk Dr, Eagen SCHLEIFER Andrew J, Info Tech Spec (Statistics)1207 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7665), (624-0754), 55122, Room 313 FordH, 224 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, SCHERMANN Michele A, Research Fellow SCHIWNG Staven M, Prin Building/Grounds Supv Del Coda 0457 (624-2559), 3335 25th Ave S, MplsSCHEFTEL Joni M, Prof (Clinical and Pop4lation (Biosystems & Agricultural Eng) 42 Bio Ag Eng, (UMD Fac Mgmt-Grounds Supv) Fleet Grounds' 55406, 226-68,61, schle171 Otc.umn.eduSciences) 225 VTH, 1365 Gortner Avenue, St Paul Del Code 6005 (824-7444), Maint, 120 W Elizabeth 51, Duluth 55812 SCHLEIFFARTH Rob, Graduate School Trainee55108, Del Code 8190, 15155'County Road 32, SCHERPING Steve S, Info Tech Spec (CLA (218-726-6342), (Pediatrics) MMC 404 Mayo, Del Code 8404,mayer 55360, Language Center) Room 110 JonesH, Del Code SCHIMMENTI MD Usa A, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics; 501-2758, schI04780tc.umn.eduSCHE!ICH Laurie, Assoc Voce President (Auxiliary 3945 (624-6811; 626-9407), Ophthalmology) MMC 730 Mayo, Del Code 8730, SCHLEISS Mar1l R, Prof (Pedialric InfectiousServices) Room 210 PSB, Del Code 5404 SCHERR Chris B, Inlo Tech Prof (CLA Networ1l 4·152 Moos Tower (624-5613), Diseases) MMC 296 Mayo, Del Code 8296,850-1(624-0542), scheiOOl Support) Room 110 AndH, 25719th Ave S, MpIs SCHIMPF David J, Dir (UMD Biology), Assoc Prof Mayo Building (624-1966), schleissOlc.umn.eduSCHEID Diane K, Prin Admlnis1nllive Spec 55455, Del Code 7331, (UMD Biology) 211 L Sci, Duluth (218-726-7265), SCHLESINGER Peter A, Ass! Prof (Hennepin(Research-Grad School Admin) 303 Joh H, Del SCHERTZ Cletus E, Prof (Retired) 1125 Brainerd Ave, Duluth 55811, County Medical Center) Dept 01 Medicine, 701Code 3n3 (625-4858), (Blosy$lemsiAgric~ral Engr), 2579 Orchard [email protected] Park Ave S, Mpls 55415,,SCHEll Andrew, Ass! Prof (English) 110K Und Lane, WMe Bear Lake 55110, SCHINDLBECK Shawn 0, Webmaster (OSF _ page 336-0398Hall, Del Code 0613, ITSS) B-1 Fraser Hall, Del Code 3395 (625-6423), SCHLESKE Ea~ A, Chief Technologist (Acad andSCHElL Katherine W, VISiting Assoc Prof (English) SC ERTZ 706 E Acadamy St, Apt L, Owatonna 55060, Distr Comp SIVCS) 190 Shep Lab, Del Code om19 Und Hall, Dei Code 0613, H Joseph, ,Research AsS! (Forest 507-446-8554, (625-1300),3017 Townview Ave NE, St Anthony

Resources) Room 115 Green Hall, 1530 Cleveland 55418 ~0 dSCHElNE.R PHARMD Shellina, Instructor Ave N, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6112, 13590 4th SCHINI Alison E, Adjunct Instructor (Department of ,ea tC.umn.e u(Apothecary selVices of St Paul) 2551 E 7th Ave, SI Crt N, Stillwater 55082, Dermatology) Par1l Nicollet Clinic, 3800 Par1l SCHLESSELMAN Dorothy, Program Assoc (LawNorth St Paul 55109, 4403 Meadowood Circle, Nicollet Blvd, SI Louis Per1l55416, School) Room 285 Law, Del Code 7911 (626-7325;Vadnais Heights 55127-6013, 651-787-0701, SCHEUERMAN William, Prof (Political Science) [email protected] 625-9073), Room 1414 SocSci, 26719th Ave S, Mpls 55455, SCHINTZ SCHLE!SSER Nicholas J, Advanced Masters

Del Code 7175, Unda A, Sr Administrative Spec (Wor1l,SCHEIRMAN Margaret A, Sr Teaching Spec Community & Family Educ) 210 Vo Tech, Del Research Ass! (Fisheries, '('ildlie & Cons Bioi)(Minnesota English Canter, Human Resources, SCHEURER William T, Departmental Dlr (Ca~son, Code 6197 (624-3004), 2044 Oakdale Avenue Room 2nd FI HodsonH, Del Code 6125. 5091Office of) 318 NCCE, Del Code 0095, Executive Development Ctlj 2-250E Ca~SMgmt, Apt117, West St Paul 551 18, Garfield Ave, La Mars IA 51031,712-562-6299, Del Code 7041 (624-2545), 140 Intel10chen Ln, schin0030tc.ul1\ schI05140tc.umn.eduSCHEU.ER Amy M, Ass! Education Coordinato Tonka Bey 55331, SCHIPP Eric C, Building and Grounds Wor1ler SCHLETZER Vera M, Prof (Retired) (Acad(Ctr lor Pyblic Hith Edu and Outrellc) Room 350, SCHEVING Dartene M, OIc Spec (One Stop (Facilities Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB, 1936 Counseling Intcllg Athl), 6105 Ridgeway Rd, EdinaDel Code 2702 (624-3962), Student service Center) 2900 University Ave, Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 55436, schleol00tc.umn.eduSCHEWNGER Adam P, PhD Candidate Crookston 56716 (218-281-8569), 27408 220th 6168, 7112 92nd St S, Cottage Grove 55016, SCHLICKT Erik J, Research AsS! (Psychology)Research Ass! (University of Minnesota) Ave SW, Crookston 56716; 218-281-1122, 651-459-7999, N-218 E~H, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, DelDepartment of Chemistry, Del Code 3661 [email protected] SCHIPPER Rogar L, Athletic Trainer _ Code 3281 (626-8848; 625-4516),(624-5870), sche0541 SCHIAPPA Edward, Chair (Communication (Intercollegiate Athletics) 1440 BFA B, Del Code schlO3600tc.umn.eduSCHELSKE Bruce A, Program Dir (GC-TRlo-Std Studies), Prof (Communication Studies) 237 Ford 3061 (626-8nl), 1411 Thelen Farm Trail, Hollon SCHLICHTING Chris R, CoordinatorSupp SeIV) 80E Ap H, Del Code 3501 (825-0772), Hall, Del Code 0458 (624-2608), WI 54082, 715-549-0030, schipOO10tc, (Arch/Landscapa Arch) Room 107 RapsonH, SCHIPULL Pamela L, Graduate School Trainee Code 0811 (628-1000),2545 4th Street NE, MplsSCHELSKE Sharyn A, Program Dir SCHICK Jecqueline M, Prof (Retired) (Epidemiology), Teaching Ass! (Epidemiology) 55418,3436,874-7598, 800 Ap H, Del Code :3501 • (EducIHuman Dev, College 01), 2817 A1brook Room 300 WBOB; Room 2 Appleby Hall, Del Code SCHUEF Clarissa M, Ubrary Manager (Learning(625-0n2), Circle, Las Vages NY 89117, 7525,4560 Orchid Avenue, Northwood IA 50459, Resources Center) Room 108 WaUb, Del CodesCHEMAN Naomi, Prof (Philosophy) 758 HelierH; [email protected] 641-324-2408, 3725(824-0238), c-schIOtc.umn.edu483 FordH, Del Code 7057 (625-3430; 826-8190), SCHICKER Brent A, Instructor (Walgreens) 6525 SCHIRBER Carol J, Outpallent Clinic Ass! SCHUES Daniel J, Prin Photographer533 Laurel Ave Apt A, SainI Paul 55102-2019, Univelllity Ave NE, Fridley 55432, 1254 N Court, (DevelopiSurgi Sci - Periodontology) Room 7-442 (Medicin&-UMD) 124 SMed, 1035 University Dr,651·224-9399, New Brighton 55112, 651-633-6972, Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (625-6177), Duluth 55812 (218-726-7941),SCHEMPER Mar1l J, Teaching Ass! (PoIiIicaI dschIiesOd.umn.eduScIence) Room 1414 SocScI, 26719th Ave S, SCHIEFELBEIN Edward L, Scientist (Agronomy & SCHIRLE-KELLER Jean-Paul, sCientist (Food SCHUEVERT Patrick M, Dir (Microbiology), ProfMpIs 55455, Del Code 7175,911 21st Ave S, Apt Plant Gell8tics) 104 Crops Research, Del Code Science and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 (Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,204, MpIs 55404, 708-204-0591, 6026 (625-0250), 10811 Nyberg Ave S, Hastings Eckles Ave, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 960 Mayo (624-1484), 5305 Birchcrest Dr, 55033,651-436-3612, 651-644-0338 55436,952-925-4924, [email protected]



SCHLOFF Leon8Id D, AdjunQ Assoc Prof (AspenMedic:aI Group) 2004 Ford Parkway, St Paul55116, schIoOO601c.umn.eduSCHLOFF Unda M, Non Unlv Stall (library

• Collection Dev8loproenI) 320 AndIrlib MpIs(62!HlI92), 1827 HHIcr8sl Aw, St Paul 55116,651-690-2113, schIo0250Ic.umn.eduSCHLOFF Pamela G, Scientist (Epidemiology) Ste300 WBOB, Del Code 7525, 5045 AbboII Ave S,MpI8 55410, 926-2974, .SCHLOSSER Gregory A, InsIructor (St CloudHospiIaI) Rllhab, 1406 61h Aw N, St Cloud 56303,schIoOI301c.umn.eduSCHLOSSIIACHER Robert A, Printing EquipmentOper (Printing 8aNlces) 102 PS B, Del Code 5401(625-9500), 997 Stinson St, St Paul 55103,651-468-9471, schIoOOl Otc.umn.eduSCHLOTFELDT Richard L, AaaI Athletic Trainer(1nIetccIIegiaIe Athletics), T"ing Spec(Klneslology, SChool 01) 190A BFAB, Del Code3061 (626-9488), schlo031 Olc.umn.eduSCHLUTTER Dennis J, Scienlisl (PhysIcs &Astronomy, Sell Of) 146 Phys, Del Code 0331 \(62~1), 4827 ENerdale Rd, MlnneIonka 55345,schIuOO201c.umn.eduSCHIIAEDEKE Jill M, Info Tech P!of (SponsoredProjecIs M'nin) 450 McNamara Alumni Ctr, DelCode 2003 (625-0715), schrnaOO701c.umn.eduSCHIIAEDEKE Patricla A, AdjunQ AsaI Prof(Family Practice MadicaI Center) 502 2nd St SW,Willmar 56201, 2121 Country Club Dr HE, Willmar56201,320-214-7525, schmaOI301c.umn.eduSCHllALEH8ERGER David J, Assoc Prot(UMD-Music) 246 H, Duluth (21IH26-«104;218-726-6208),944 SE 161h Street, For8st Laka55025, 651-464-6258, dschmaleOd.umn.eduSCHMELING David J, Adjunct Ass! Prof(PedialricSurgical Associatas LId) 2545 Chicago Aw S Ste104, MpIs 55404, 6311 Trap Une C11de,Chanhassen 55317, schmeDl1 Olc.umn.eduSCHMELING DavId, Scienlial (IntnI Ctr AntIvtralRsrch Epid) MMC 437 Mayo, Del Code 6437,15-119 PWB (626-5746; 626-5670),schma00201c.umn.eduSCHIllO HaI8ld H, Prof (Ratired) (HonneIlnatiMe)801 161h Aw NE, Austin 55912 (507-437-9610),2701 2nd Aw NW, Austin 55912, 507-433-4210,schmi061 Olc.umn.eduSCHMID Jenny, AaaI Prof (Art) E277 Regis Ctr,Del Code 7631 (625-3230), 3240 EUioI Aw S, MpIs55407,625-2165, jrschmidOIc.umn.eduSCHMID MlchaeI F, Teaching Spec (Klneelology)Room 226 CookeH, Del Code 2061 (625-5300),955 Seminary, St Paul 55104, 651-468-6765,schmit0901c.umn.eduSCHMID Nancy L, Buyer Supv (Pulchasing8aNlces) Room 554C WBOB, Del Code 7532(624-5762), schml72601c.umn,eduSCHMID WiUiam D, Prot (Retired) (Ecology,Evolution & Behavior) 416 Ecology, Del Code 8096(624-6752), 2546 361h Aw So, MpIs 55406,722-4601, schmi0030te.umn.eduSCHMIDGALL Charles L, Resident Mgr R_rchSites (llaaca BloIogiceI Slalion) 28131 UlversltyCilde, Lake Itasca 56470, ltaaca BioI Station,28188 Ulversity Circle, Lake IIaaca 58470,218-266-3691, schmI28001c.umn.eduSCHMIDGALL Diane M, Cook (UMMFood8anrice) Food SC, M2B2A, 800 E 4Ih SI, Merris56267(~I30),.RR 3 Bx 187, Moms56267, 320-589-2637, schmIddmOmonia.umn.eduSCHMIDL Mary K, AdjUnct Ass! Prof (409 VadnaisLake Drive), Del Code 6099, 409 Vednals Lake Dr,St Paul 55127, .SCHIIIDT MD AndIllW H, Assoc Prot (HCMC) 701Park Aw S, MpIs 55415, 3630 Rosewood Lane,PIymouIh 55441,783-553-9335,schmiI1501c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Araan J; Graduale SChool Fellow (Art)E237 RegisCIr, Del Code 7631 (62!Hl743),schmI67801c.umn.eduSCHiIIDT Beverly J, Prin Admlnislrallve Spec(Physical Med & RehabilIla!i9n) MMC 388 Mayo,Del Code 8297, R271 Ch RC (626-5887),schmi0390Ic.umn.eduSCHMIDT CeIherine, Accounts Spec (MRFITCoord CIr) MMC 3113 Mayo, Del Code 8303, Room200 2221 Unlv (826-8888), schmI03701c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Chad R, Prin Engineering AsaI(Facililies MgmI-Landcete) Room 150 FoodOB, DelCode 3121 (624-5678), schmOll4201c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Chad W, Reeearch AsaI (Center forApplied~) Room 275 PeIIcH, Del Code4301 (626-1319), 620 Wentworth Aw, So St Paul55075,651-552-7913,

SCHMIDT Christine Y, Ole Spec (U 01 MIntonnalion 8anrices) lulle 305, Del Code 2709(625-6380), schmi36901c.umn.eduSCHMIDT David R, Extension Educator(BiosysIem8 & Agricultural Eng) 306 Bio Ag Eng,Del Code 8005 (825462), 6782 Lakevfew CIrcfe,Corccran 55340, 763-478-9102,schmlO71 Olc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Deenatle A, Exec Administrative Asst(SChool of NUl1llng) Room 8-145 WDH, Del Code1331, schmi0630tc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Debra J, Acccunting Supv (Carlson,Financial 8aNlces Office) 4-3078 cariSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (626-9382), d-schmOIc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Dennis C, Operations &wi, FacllaMgmI (Fac Mgmt-BIdg 8arv- Area B) 57 HellerHall, Del Code 3121 (625-0800),schmil050Ic.umn.eduSCHMIDT Derak J, Ass! Prot (Regions Hospital)MMC 396 Mayo, Del Code 8396, Departmenl 01OtoIamygology, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101(625-3200), 2475 Gallier C11de, Roseville 55113,651-787-9849, schmil3401c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Dina M, OIc Asst (UMMAdmia8ionslFlnancial Aid) Room 105 Bahm,M759A, 800 E 4th SI, Merrie 56267, 404 West11th, Merrie 56267, 320-589-3539,

SCHMIDT Dena E, IIl8IIucfor (United HospItalPhannacy) 333 North Smith Avenue, SI Paul55404,2518 Slevens Awnue South, MpIs 55404,872-4827, schmi06901c.umn.eduSCHIIIOT Elmer L, Prot (Dept 01 Bio-basedProducts)~ Kaufert L, Del Code 6130(624-4792), schmIOl001c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Jason J, Teechlng Ass! (Humphrey Inst01 Public Aflalr) Room 130 HHHCtr, 301 19th AwS, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7451, N7351 S SchmidtRd, Gresham WI 54128, 715-787-3804,schml48001c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Jason P, Post-Dcctoral Assoc(Mechanical Engineering) Room 2102 MechE, DelCode 0531 (625-2944), echm09020tc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Jeff W, Operations Supv, Faclls Mgml(Fee MgmI-Bldg Serv - Area A) Room 202 FMB,Del Code 3121 (625-8873), schmi0450tc.umn.eduSCHMIDT JaMller J, Community Program Assoc(UM Extension 8anrice Isanti CnIy) 555 18th AveSW, Csmbrldge 55008-9388, 239 North Birch SI,Apl2, cambridge 55008, 218-340-3631,jjsOIc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Julie, Extenaion Educatornnstr (UMExtension Reg! Ctr Hutchinson) 980 2nd Aw SE,Hutchinson 55350-2808 (320-230\,0441), 54588County Road I, Winthrop 55396, 507-&47-3640,knobIOO70tc.umn.eduSCHMiDT Lanny 0, Regems Prof (Chemical Eng &MaI.8cl) 151 Amund H, Del Code 0531 (625-9391),4652 13th Ave So, MpIs 55417, 623-8189,schmiOO101c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Loreen, Assoc to the Head (Surgery,Ortho Surg, Urology, PM&R) MMC 195 Mayo, DelCode 8195, RM 11-164 PWB (62~7480;

~7), schmIOO801c.umn.eduSCHMIDT louisa K, Baker (Dining canter) 167BAH, Del Code 6180 (625-8157),

SCHMIDT Mark J, Adjunct InslnJclor (MelropolllariMed Office Bldg) Gastroenterology, 625 S 8th St,Suite 1122, MpIs 55404, 2806 Xerxex Ave S,Apl104, Mpls 55418, schmil940tc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Martin P, AsbesIos Abatemanl Laborar(FM Como Recycling Facility) ContoRFac, 3009Come Aw SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 5301,1538111th St So, Alton 55001, 651-438-9996,schmlt9301c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Mary E, Assoc To (AHC - OIIice 01Educelicn) MMC 501 Mayo, Del Code 8501, R 880Childrens Rehab (625-2621; 625-3972),651-484-0058, mesellmIdOIc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Mellasa A, CooIlinator (The Aurora Ctrfor Mvoca::t & Educe) N-302 BllynHS, Del Code1171 (626-3433),

.SCHMIDT Michael S, AIIlIndanI (Centennial Dining8aNlces) B96 canH, Del Code 1811,schmi49ll01c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Milan C, Adjunct Assoc Prot (NewPrague Medical CHnic) 301 E MaIn St, New Prague58071, ·204 4th St, Montgomery 58089,schmit 190te.umn.eduSCHMIDT MA Niccle L. IIl8IIucfor (UMDPaychoIogy), Teaching Spec (UMD ContinUingEducation) UMD.Psychology, Room 320 BchH,0147, 10 UnIveI8iIy Dr, Duluth 55812, 16955Toronto Ave SE Apl117, Prier Lake 55372,952-412-6534

SCHMIDT JR Peter A, Gtaduale SChool Fellow(Hiatoly 01 Science{1'echnology) Rm 167 SocScI,2B7 19th Aw S, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7152,8Chmi3850Ic.umn.eduSCHMIDT Rabecca L, Gardener (FacilitiesMgmI-Landcare) Room 300 Oonhowe Bldg, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 1935Jchnson St NE, MpIs 55418, 781-7283, 'SCHMIDT Richard, Adjunct Pref (VA) OneVeterans Dr, Mpls 55417, schmi24201c.umn.eduSCHMIDT Rila A, 0utpatIenI Clinic Ass! (Bcyn HS)Eye Clinic, Del Code 1171, ApI 4, 80 Groton DrIve,Amherst NY 14228, 729-3749,schmiOI30tc.umn.8llJSCHMIDT Sarah Frederiqu, Community ProgramSpec (School of Social Work) Rm 105 PelersH,1404 Gertner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,743-6799SCHMIDT Sharleen D, Adjunct AaaI Prof (WadenaMedicaJ Ctr) 4 Dilarwood Aw NW, Wadena 56462,schmI2410tc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Shari L, Management Sec (UMExtension Regl Ctr St Cloud) MldIown OffComplex, 3400 1st St N Ste 400, St Cloud58303-4000 (320-203-8051),echmi3740tc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Steven A, Asst Gardener (MNLandscape Arboretum) 3875 Arboralum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613 (952-443-1400), 17880 Kellylake Rd, carver 55315, 952-448-6258,schml253otc.umn.eduSCHMIDT Thomas E, Info Tech Prof (Recrealione/Sports) 109 CookeH, Del Code 2061 (624-7028),schmi20901c.umn.eduSCHMIDT PHD Thomas L, Assoc Prof (North CnIriForest Expnnt Sin) Room 107 NCFor, Del Code6146, schmi06801c.umn.eduSCHMIDT TIna M, Inlo Tech Prof (AcademicHealth Center) M39 MasCanCtr, Del Code 602B(626-3059), raphxOO1.Ic.UInn.eduSCHMIDT Tom, Assoc,D1r CmpICoI (OSF ­Student Financial ColIectIona) 20 Fraser Hall, DelCode 3395 (625-1062;625-8007),t-schmOIc.umn.eduSCHMIDTBAUER MEG, Exec Student PersonnelWorker (OSF - Loan Programs) 210 Fraser H, DelCode 3395 (624-0624), schmil3801c.umn.eduSCHMIDT-DANNERT Claude, Assoc Prof(BIochem, Melecuiar BIolIIlIophy) 256 Gertner Lab,Del Code 6104 (625-5782), 651-490-3180,schml2320te.umn.eduSCHMIECHEN Nathan J, AaaI Prof(Fairview-University Medical Ctr) Emergency Dept,2450 Riverside Aw, MpIa 55454,schmiI6101c.umn.eduSCHMIEG lori J, Sr Veterinary Technician(Veterinary Medical~r) Room 325E VMC, DelCode 6194, 1526 WInChell Street, St Paul 55106,651-704-9463, schm/24401c.umn.eduSCHMIEG Nicholas J, Veterinary Technician AsaI(Veterinary Teaching HospIIaJ) 331 VelTchHoe, DelCode 8194 (625-6281), achmi39201c.umn.eduSCHMIEGEL Gabriele Marga, Counselor (IntiStudent & Scholar 8aNlc8s) 190 HHH Ctr, DelCode 7457 (626-7100), .SCHMIESING JR Gary C, Lab Animal CereTechnician (Veterlnaty POpuIauon Medicine) 0317·VMC, Del Code 6190, 1017 Mills Place, Faribault55021,507-331.:0492, schmD0730tc.umn.eduSCHMIT Jeff, Pltn Acccunlanl (CCQ.AdmfnislrallveSupport) 680 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (625-0151),schmil3201c.umn.eduSCHMITT James A, Asst Fann Animal Allendanl(N cenlral Experiment Stelion) 1881 Hwy 189 E,Grand RapIds 55744 (218-327-4490), 32311061hSIr NE, Bey River 56672, 218-889-9000,schmiI280tc.umn.eduSCHMm MD Janet M, ClInical AsSoc Prot (UnlladFamily Heallh Center) 5445 West 7th St, St Paul55102, schmlO380lc.umn.eduSCHMITT Jennifer A,~ Aast (EcclogyEvolution and EIehavIor) 100 Ecology, 1987 Upper .Buford Circle, 81 PaUl 55108, Del Code~,jorg020601c.umn.eduSCHMITT Lynn D,Enterpriae Storage Spec(cco-central Computing Operations) 880 WB 0B, Del Code 7531 (624-3881), ~schrriOtc.umn.eduSCHMm Michael A, Assoc Dean (Ag, FoodIEnvISci Admin, Col 01), Prot (SoIl, Water, and Climate)277 Coffey Hall, Del Code 8074 (625-7098;625-7098),4030 Deelwood Trail, Eagan 55122,651-881-8503,


SCHMITT TIm B, A4unc:l AsaI Prot (WadenaMedical Center) 4 NW Deelwood, Wadena 56462,schmI1460Ic.umn.eduSCHMITZ Ann8IIe J, Jr eashierlFood Aide (BlegenDining 8aNlces) 23 BIegH, Del Code 7211(625-0842), achmI39401C.umn.eduSCHMnz Brenda J, Sr Acccuntanl (C&nical &Populetlon ScIences) 225 Vet Tch Hoe, Del Code6190 (625-2269; 625-7755), 13895 Holly SIr NW,Andover 55304, 763-862"'755,

SCHMnz Kristen A, ~rch A$SI (Food Scienceand Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 EcIdea Aw,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 1730 WI..a/penteurAve ApI1G, Falcon HeighlB 55113, 651-&45-0262,schml23501C.umn.eduSCHMnz Krietine L, 5cientisI (Epidemiology) 300WBOB, Del Code 752S (626-9445), 8884Cherokee Trail W, Eden Pr8irte 55344, 928-8030,nieleOO20tc.umn.eduSCHMnz M Kathryn, Adjllnct Assoc Prof(Epidemiology),~ Assoc (MetropoIIIanDeeIgn Center) 433 WBOB, Del Code 7525(625-8Q56), 316 Cecil SIr SE, MpIs 56414,

, halliOOl

SCHMITZ Paul R, Rado SteIIon Manager(UMD-KuMD Ado) 130 H, 1201 Ordean Court,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7181), 901 Grandview Aw,Duluth 55812, 218-728-4387,pschmilzOd.umn.eduSCljMITZThomasR, Sr Accountanl(EpIIIemicIogy) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(625-2276), l-schml0tc.umn.eduSCHMnzX8vier,~ Asst (SChool 01 SocialWork) Rm 105 PatersH, 1404 Gertner Aw, St Paul55108, Del Code 8181,lllIchmi1z01c.umn.eduSCHNABI!L BentOn C, Program Manager (100 T SB) 511 Washing\lll1 Avenue SE; B2 CoffmanMemcrial Union, Del Code 1981 (624-1550),schnaOI501c.umn.edU ~

SCHNABEL Robart F, InalrucIor (PlIlialrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, schnaOl001c.umn.eduSCHNADT Janelle M, Administrative Prot.8ionaI(Forest Resourcee) 115 Grri H, Del Code 6112(624-2799), 2174~ Aw, St Paul55108,651-&47·9951, jschnadtOIc.umn.eduSCHNAtTH Eric J, Instructor (Fairview Red WingClinic) Hwy 81 West, PO Bex 54, Red Wing 55068,schna0050tc.umn.eduSCHNASSE Susan, Info Tech Prot (College 01Phannacy) 1-130 W_-DensIo!d Hall, Del Code1332 (825-5154), cIolfOOl01c.umn.eduSCHNAnERLY Karen A, Aast Prot (SIrategicMgml/OrganiZalion; ExecuIIve Dev8lopment Ctr)3-404 CartSMgmt; Del Code 7041. (624-1337),4180 Burton Ln, MpIs 55406, 721-9180,schnaOI401c.umn.eduSCHNEEKLOllt Dennia A, AdmlnistrallveP~onaI (Accounting 8aNlc8s) 855B WBOB,Del Code 7529 (624-3878), schne02501c.umn.eduSCHNEEWEIS AdIna A, TeseIllng Ass!(JournallsmlMass Comm, Sell 01), GraduateSChool Fellow (JoumeI/emIMasa Comm, Sell 01)SChool 01 Journalism, Room 111 MurH, 206ChurchSt SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0371,g1urOOO201C.umn.eduSCHNEIDER Andenlon L. Teaching AaaI(Economlca) Room 1035 HellerH, 271 19th Aw S,MpIs 55455, Del Code 7052,schne43801c.umn.eduSCHNEIDER BlaIne A, Graduate SChool Trainee(NeIircsclence) Am 6-145 JecH. 321 Church St S,MpIs 55455,De1 Code 1216, 895-1462,schn047801c.umn.eduSCHNEIDER Byron J, Assoc Prof (Extenaion 4HCtr lor Ycuth DeY; Educational Policy and Admin)330 Wull H, Del Code 3345 (624-2590), 5438Pillsbury Aw So, MpIs 55419,827-3409,schne00301c.UIM.eduSCHNEIDER Cart M, Adjunct Ass! Prot (PrimaryDenIal CIinio-HIlbing) HIlblng Community CoII8ge,Del Code 1291 (218-283-2916), 1414 E 41st St,Hibbing 55746, 218-262-2023,echneI210tc.umri.eduSCHNEIDER Gary S, AsaI Prot(Dtversifieci Phann8anrices) 3800 W80th St, Mail At 810704,Blooming\lll155431, 12910 37th Aw N, Plymouth55441, schne0240lc.umn.aduSC}lNElDER Ingrid E, Assoc Prot (ForestReecurcee, Dept 01), Program D1r (ForaetReecurcee, Dept 01) Room 301GGraenH, DelCode 6112 (624-2250),


SCHNEIDER Joyleen V. Administrative Dir (UMDHealth Services) 102 HS.'0212. 615 NiagaraCourt. Duluth 55812 (218·726-8299)[email protected] Julie A. Sr OIc Spec (NaturalResources Admin) Room 250 Skok Hall. Del Code6147 (625-2599). schneQ760tc.umn.eduSCHNEIDER Kristin A. Research Asst (ChildDevelopment) ChDev; 51 E River Rd. Mpls 55455.Del Code 4011 (624-0526). 176 Downs Avenue.Meplewood 55117. 651·[email protected] Leslie Pitt. Non Univ Staff (Reseerch.Vice President for) 420 Johnston Mpls. 420Johnston Hall. MpIs 55455. 952·924·[email protected] Lori K, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Microbiology) MMC 196 Meyo. Del Code8196.4745 McDonald Drive. Stillwater 55082.651·351·7628. [email protected] Mark F. Counselor (Intnl Student andSchOlarServlces) 190 HHH. Del Code 7457.m·[email protected] Mary K. AsS! Education Spec (194Ferguson Hall) 2106 4th St S. Del Code 7811(626-0430; 626-6873)SCHNEIDER Monica C. Ph 0 Candidate GradInstructor (POIKical Science) Room 1414 SocSci.267 191h Ave S. MpIs 55455. Del Code [email protected] Robert K. LecMer (HistoryDepartment) 614 Social Science Tower. Del Code7165 (624-2800). 1001 5th Street SE. Mpls 55414.590-5703. [email protected] Dale D. Sr Ole AsS! (GraduateSchool Administration) 322 Joh H. Del Code 3n3.schne501 Otc.umn.eduSCHNELL April D. AsS! Department Dir (cartsonSchool of Mgmt) 1-11OG carlSMgmt. Del Code7041 (624-0011). [email protected] Eric. Dlr Campus/College Level(CCE·Leaming Technologies Unit) Room 540H .RarigC. Del Code n51 (626-9189).eschneiIOtc.umn;eduSCHNELL Rogene A. Assoc Dir Cmp/Col (StudentServlCes) Room 223 SnH. Del Code 6174(624-3481). .SCHNELL Steve. Scientist (Neuroscience) 4·105GBSendBE. Del Code.1216 (626-4437; 624·2991).724-3m. [email protected] Renana S. AsS! Education Spec(ClassicallNear Eastern Studies). Lecturer(ClasaicellNear Eastern Studies) Room 305 FoIH.Del Code 0149 (625-5353; 624-1395),[email protected] Joe. Info Tech Prof(NetworkinWTelecornm Servlces) 2218 Unlv. DelCode 2171 (626·1210). PO Bo~ 40249. St Paul55104.651-645-4599. schnideOtc.umn.eduSCHNITKER Gary, AsS! Prof (Hannepin CountyMedical Center) Ent Dept, 701 Park Ave S. Mpls55417.6400 Umerick Dr. Edina 55435.schniOO10tc.umn.eduSCHNURR Judy. Non Univ Staff (Agronomy andPlant GenetiCs) 411 Borlaug Hall Mpls (625-2797).287 l20th Lane NW, Coon Rapids 55448,763-755-6670. schnu0060tc.umn.eduSCHNURRENBERGER Douglas. Asst Curator(Geology & Geophysics·Lrc) 220 Pills H, Del Code0211.310 Pillsbury Dr SE Apl22O. Mpls [email protected] .

SCHOCHET liD Larry. AsS! Prof (HennepinCounty Medical Certtar) 701 Park Ave S. Adabee810. Mpls 55415.1752 Hampshire Court. St Paul55116, schocOOl, page 336-9018SCHOCK Bonnie J. Lecturer (Theatre Arts &Dance) 120 Rarig C. Del Code n52 (625-4001).schocOO20tc.umri.eduScHOCK Monica L. Adjunct Asst Prof (RestorativeSciences·Prosthodontics) Room 9-470 MoosT. DelCode 1291. N 7189 1275th St. River Falls WI54022, [email protected],eduSCHOCK Rynell K, Coordinator (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH. 178"Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455. Del Code 3171.• 11867 County Road30. Staples 56479. 218-894·3796,[email protected] SHEAFFER Teresa. Sr Scientist(Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 209 Bor H. Del Code6026 (625-1748). 956 Amble Rd. Shoreview55126.651-482·9583, schoeOO90tc.umn.eduSCHOELKOPH Ula M. Community Program Assoc(Research Servlces Organizatioll) MMC 406 Mayo.Del Code 8406. R618 Childrens Rehab (624-8475)

SCHOEN Gregory G. Adjunct Assoc Prof (FairviewNorthland Clinics) 919 Northland Dr. Princeton55371. 1431~ 310lh Avedrive. Princeton 55311.shoen0020tc.umn.eduSCHOEN .Jason M. Prin Administrative Spec'(Sponsored Projects Admin) 450 McNamara Ctr.Del Code 2003 (624-0850).1922 Sharon AvenueSE, Apt 1: MpIs 55414, 379-llOO4,scho04050tc.umn.eduSCHOEN Lynne A. Asst To (University Foundation) .Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2011(624-3333). [email protected] Theodore A. Assoc Prof (UMD Music).Asst Prof (UMD Ane Arts Admin. School 01) 221 H,Duluth (218-726-8279). 729 Mellwood Ave, Duluth55804.218-728-1193. [email protected] Mary K, Sec III (MN Ext SvcEast Central). Clerical Supplemental (MN Ext SvcSouth Central) UM Extension SCott Cnty. Ste 100.7151190lh Sf W. Jordan 55352·2104(952-492-5379). scho80490tc.umn.eduSCHOENBORN Mary. Library Prolessional(Business Reference Service) Room 40MWL. DelCode 7111 (624-1810). hawl<iOO30tc.umn.eduSCHOENECKER Anthony H. Research AsS!(Forest Resources) Room 115 GreenH. 1530Cleveland Ave N. St Paul 55108. Del Code 6112,10659 Grey Cloud Trail'S. Cottage Grove 55016.651-459·6671. schoe272@tc,umn.eduSCHOENECKER Christine. CommunKy ProgramAsst (Transplant Information Services) Suite 150.925 Delaware St SE. Mpls 55414. Del Code 2131.529 Bellwood Ave East. Maplewood 55117.scho8OO80tc.umn.eduSCHOENFELD Maryjo A. Sec • PT (UM .ExtensionSteele Cnty) 635 Aorence Ave, PO Bo~ 890,Owatonna 55060-0890 (507-444·7685)[email protected] Susan J, Laborer (SouthernResearch & Outreach Center) 35838 120lh St.Waseca 56093. 518 2nd Ave NW. Waseca 56093SCHOENFUSS Heiko. Research Assoc (Fisheries& Wildlil"e) Room 200 HodsonH. Del Code 6125(624,2720). 3961 Brunswick Avenue South. StLouis Park 55416. 952·922-4164.schoo0200tc.umn.eduSCHOENHOLZ Deborah L. AsS! To (Departmentof Chemistry) 241. SmKh Hall. Del Code 3661. 2615Emerson Ave S. Mpls 55408, 374·5866,[email protected] Herbert A. Clin ASS! Prof Emer(Physical Med and RehabilKation). 4828 Penn AveS, Mpls 55409. 926-4336. sch090130tc.umn.eduSCHOENLEBER Michael 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Heaith Partners) 3001 Hennepin Ave. Mpls 55408,1885 Shady Beach Ave. Roseville 55",[email protected] MD William. Adjunct Prof (ParkNicollet Clinic) 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd, St LouisPark 55416, Asthma and Allergy Dept. 3800 ParkNicollet Blvd. St Louis Park 55416.schoeQI20tc.umn.eduSCHOETTLE Ferdinand p. Prof (Law SchInstr·Faculty) 316 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911.schoeool0tc.umn.eduSCHOFER Evan, Asst Prof (Sociology; MinnesotaPopulation canter) 267 19th Ave S. Del Code 7171(624-4075). schoIOO70tc.umn.eduSCHOFF Patrick K. Prof (UMD Biology). ResearchAssoc (UMD Nat Resources Rsreh Inst) 5013Miller Trunk Hwy. Duluth 55811 (218-720-4368),3249 Strand Rd. Duluth 55803, 218·[email protected] William, Prof (Retired) (Psychiatry).4300 W River Parkway, Apl437, Mpls 55406.schoIOO10tc.umn.eduSCHOLBERG Henry C. Prof (Retired) (Soc SciResearch Facilities). 195 Windsor Ln. NewBrighton 55112, [email protected] Sarah E. Sr Laboratory Technician(Child Development) Room 218 ChDev, Del Code2011 (626·9370).832 24th Ave SE. Mpls 55414•.309-6798, [email protected],eduSCHOLL Julia K. Asst Scientist (Clncl!Population'Sci-VelTchHos) Room 225 VelTchHos. 1365Gortner Ave. St Paul 55108. Del Code 6190(625-6764). 11850 County 1 Blvd. Goodhue 55027,jkschollOtc.umn.eduSCHOLLETT Max E, Teaching Asst (Art) W217RagisCtr, Del Code 7831 (626-6951),[email protected] Harold. Prof (Retired) (CCE Lmg TechUnitlnstrt). 1427 Clarmar Lane, St Paul 55113.651·633·1092, [email protected]


.SCHOLZ Kurt, Lecturer (School 01 Mathematics)Room 127 VinH. 206 Church St SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0412. 3233 Snelling Ave. St Paul 55112,schoI0160tc.umn.eduSCHOMAKER Maggie S, PhD CandidateResearch AsS! (Ca~son School of Management)3·365 CSOM. Del Code 7041 (625-9009).651-696-1095, sprinOI2o,c.umn.eduSCHOMBERG Jesse D. Extension Educator (UMDSea Grant College Program) 2305 E 5th St, Duluth55812 (218·726-6182). 2379 Old North Shore Rd.Duluth 55604. 218-525-0325.jschombeOd.umn.eduSCHOMMER Jon C. Prof (Pharmacy. College 01),Program Dir (Pharmacy. College 01) 7·155 W 0 H.Del Code 1332 (626,9915). 2372 Bouldar RidgeLane. Woodbury 55125, 651·501·2735.schomOl00tc.umn.edusct10MIIER William E. Instructor (FairviewRiverside Pharmacy) 606 24th Ave S. Mpls 55454.16604 Jonray Court. Lakeville 55044.schom0070tc.umn.eduSCHONBERG Valerie K, Teaching Asst (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334Eckles Ave. St Paul 55108. Del Code 6099. 1600Summn Oaks Court. Burnsville 55337.952-894·9984, schoOO450ic.umn.eduSCHOt(DELMEYER Stephen W, Head (Pharmacy.College 01). Prof (Pharmacy, College 01) 7·159WDH. Del Code 1332 (624·9931),schon001@tc,umn.eduSCHONE Joyce. Non Univ Staff (Surgery) 331VCRC Mpls. schon0460tc.urnn.eduSCHOOK Lawrence B. Prof (Animal Science, Deptot, Veterinary Blosciences) 447 Vet S, Del Code6194 (625·5255). sch000090tc.umn.eduSCHOOLER Greg J; Accounting Manager (Officeof~t Management) Room 1452221 UniversKy.Del eode 2704 (625-2012). 3719 Nicollet Ave.Mpls 55409, 625-2012. schoo0240tc.umn.eduSCHOOLER Semuel L, Police OIer (Police Dept)100 TSB. Del Code 1981 (624-3550). 100 TSB.511 Washinglon Avenue SE. MpLs 55455.651-635-0737. sch000270tc.umn.eduSCHooNBROODT Alice. PhD CandidateResearch ASS! (Economics) 1035 Heller Hall. DelCode 7052. 521, 5th Avenue SE, Apt 6. Mpls55414. sch005570tc.umn.eduSCHOONOVER Hollis. Receptionist (SociologyLife Course Ctr) Room 1014 Soc Sci Bldg. DelCode 7171 (624-6333). schooOO70tc.umn.eduSCHOONVELD Cheri, Adjunct Instructor(Genetics. call Bioi, Dev TCBS) MMC 98 Mayo.Del Code 8098 (826-8494), 844 calil"omla Ave W,Saint Paul 55117. 651-487-4161,nien00370tc.umn.eduSCHOPER Wayne W. ExtensionEducator/Professor (UM Extension Brown Cnty)300 2nd Ave SE. Sleepy Eye 56085-1402;Government canter. 501 S Minnesota Ave. StPeter 56062·2553. SChopOO20tc.umn.eduSCHOPPER Darlene A. Dental Asst (ClinicalSystems Dertistry) 8-434 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-0980), phaneool0tc.umn.eduSCHORE'R Anna E. Assoc Prof (V A MedicalCenter) HematologylOncology (111 E). OneVeterans Dr. Mpls 55417. 912 St Clair. St Paul55105.651-455-0445. 660·7332SCHOTT Jeffrey H. Assoc Prof (Cham Engr & MailSci) 354 Amundson Hall. Del Code 0531(625·1420; 625-1313). schotOI50tc.umn.eduSCHOTTEL Janet L. Prof (Biochamistry-GBS) 158Gor L. Del Code 6104 (624·6275),schotOO20tc.umn.eduSCHOTZKO Charles p. Adjunct Prof (Aitkin FamilyPractice) 25 4th St SW. Aitkin 56431(218·927·2157). Route 1. Bo~ 331. Aitkin 56431.218·927-3173. [email protected] John T. Adjunct Asst Prof (ParkNicollet Clinic) Rhaumatology. 3800 Park NicolletBlvd, St Louis Park 55416, 117 Interlachen Road.Hopkins 55343. 952·993-3877, [email protected] Debbie A, Buyer (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) 244 Vet 0 L. Del Code 6184 (625-6729).763·78ll-3482. [email protected] Usa M. Prin Accounts Spec(Aerospace Engr and Mechanics) Room 107AkerH. Del Code 0731 (626-8315).schou0060tc.umn.eduSCHOWALTER John R. Systems Analyst (BoynHS) W30 MIS Departmant, 410 Church St SE. .Mpls 55455, Del Code 1171 (626-3024),


SCHRACHTA Teresa M. Sr Veterinary Technician(Veterinary Medical Center) no 353. 1365 GortriarAve, St Paul 55108. 610 Franklin St. Baldwin WI54002.281,0636.

SCHRADER Brendon J, Teaching Spec(Kinesiology) 226 Cooke Hall. Del Code 2061(624-4882). ISCHRADER Cecily J. Research AsS! (HumphreyInst of Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr. 301 19thAve S. Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451. 5703 ChicagO IAvenue South. Mpls 55417. ISCHRADER Cheryl L. Prin Administrative Spec I(Univ Student Lagal Service) Room 160. WestBank Skyway. Del Code 7351 (624·1001).376Labore Road Apt211, lillie Canada 55117. I651-487,8698,

SCHRAG Adam T. Teaching AsS! (English) 26 ILind Hell, Del Code 0613, !

SCHRAM Brian R. Post.Doctoral Assoc(BSBE l6·264) MMC '108 Mayo. Del Code 8108. 312 !Church St SE. 1010 23rd Ave NE Apl4, Mpls i55418. 'SCHRAM Erica K. Research AsS! (Water IResou~ Center) Room 173 McNH. 1985 Buford iAve. St Paul 55108. Del Code 6146.

SCHRAMM Cicely L. Research Asst(NeuroscienCe) Rm 6-145 JacH. 321 Church St S, ,Mpls 5s45s. Del Code 1218, 312 Allen St. Laurens'IA 50554, 712·841-4571,

SCHRAIIM Rick D. Operations Supv. Faclts Mgmt(Fac Mgmt·Zone 4-Gampus District) l30GFoodOB, Del Code 3121 (625-4248), 12900 44thAve N, Plymouth 55442. 763-550·7924.schra0070tc.umn.eduSCHRANKLER Kerilyn K. Research AsS!(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB. Del Code 7525.4301 Colleen Court. Arden Hills 55112,[email protected]

SCHRATER Paul R. Asst Prof (Psychology) 218Eit H. Del Code 3281 (626-8638; 626-1839)

SCHRAUFNAGEL Donald R. Recreation FacilitiesManager (Weber Music Hall) WMH, 0894.1151University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218·726-7361). 5384Greenwood Road. Duluth 55804, 218-525-0163.dschraulOd.umn.eduSCHRECK Kathleen M, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (UniversKy of Minnesota) Department ofChemistry. Del Code 3661 (624·5226).schr06090tc.umn.eduSCHREIBER Clara M. Sr Word Proc Spec (ForestResources) 115 Gm H. Del Code 6112 (624·2213).305 Daylon Av Ap13. St Paul 55102,651-31ll-9906. schre0060tc.umn;eduSCHREIBER John R. Haad (Pediatrics). Prof(Pediatrics), Adjunct Prof (Microbiology) MMC 391Mayo. Del Code 8391.13-118 PhillipsWangensteen Bldg (624·3113). jrsOtc.umn.eduSCHREIBER Kristin'L, Prolessl~nal School Fellow(Combined MDIPhD Training Program) MMC 293Mayo, Del Code 8293, 8690 Mayo (825·3680).schr03320tc.umn.eduSCHREIFELS Jeffrey M. Jr Scientist (Genetics.Cell Biology. & Development) 5-174 MolCellBio.Del Code 1217 (624-1117). 3201 Diamond 8Terrace Apt305. SI Anthony 55421. 788-9439,

.SCHREINER Pamela J. Assoc Prof (Epidemiology)300 W BOB. Del Code 7525 (626·9097).schreQI20tc.umn.eduSCHRIMPF Vance E, Inlo Tech,Prof (College ofEducation) Room 203G BuH. Del Code 3171(626-9111),965 Como Blvd E. St Paul 55103,651-489-5290. vanceOtc.umn.eduSCHRINER Maureen M. Teaching Asst(JoumalismlMass Comm. Sch 01). GraduateSchool Fellow (JoumallsmIMass Comm. Sch 01)School of Journalism. Room 111 MurH, 206Church St SE. Mpls 55455. Del Code 0371. 531WMe Pine Way. Eagan [email protected] Deborah, Non Univ Staff(DeveiopmentaVSurgical Science) 6·320 MoosTower MplsSCHROCK Christian G. Adjunct Prof (520 OakdaleMedical Building) 3366 Oakdale Ave N. Mpls55422, schroOI20tc.umn.eduSCHROCK John B, Adjunct Assoc Prol (520Oakdale Medical B~) 3368 Oakdale Ave N. Mpls55422


SCHROECKENSTEIN David. Aasl Prof (SouthdalePediatrics - Edina) no 120. 3955 Park Lawn Ave.Edina 55435. schr00570tc.umn.eduSCHROEDER Albert J. Assoc Prof (Pediatrics)7220 York Ave S. no 212, Edina

SCHROEDER Andrew M, Teaching Aasl (Art)Wl78 RegisCtr. Del Code 7831 (625-6388),810-1355.

SCHROEDER Barbara J, Adjunct Instr,uctor(Rochester Methodist Hospital) 201 W Canler St.Rochester 55902. 2860 25th Street NW, Rochester'55901. schro0150tc.umn.eduSCHROEDER Dora, Lab Animal Technician Spec(Veterinary Medical Center) Room 353 VMC. DelCode 6194 (625-2727), schr00670tc.umn.eduSCHROEDER Fred E, Prof (Retired) (UMD UberalArts, College of; UMD SociologyfAnthropology)UMD Sociology/Anthropology, 228 CinaH, 0184,1123 University Dr, Duluth 55812. 5756 N ShoreDrive. Duluth 55804, fschroedOd.umn.eduSCHROEDER Gary G, L.acturer (St AnthonyRegional Hosp) SClark St, Del Code 2708,

SCHROEDER .10. Administrative Professional(Fisheries & Wildlife) 212 Hodson H, Del Code6125 (624-2295). 729-5891,

SCHROEDER Jonathan P, Research Aasl(Minnesota Population Center, Geography) 537Heller Hall, Del Code 7059 (624-7591; 625-ll892),1391 Simpson 51, Saint PeuI55108.651~. scIuOO440tc.umn.eduSCHROEDER Laura J. Jr Scientist (PsychologyMCTFR) N518 En H, Del Code 3281. PO Box 392,Undstrom 55045. 651 '257-2257,schrol350tc.umn.eduSCHROEDER Mary M. Extension Educalor/AsstProf (UM Extension RIlQI Ctr Marshall) 1424 ECollege Dr 51e 100, Marshall 56258-2087(507-337-2817),507-627-8460,

SCHROEDER Meadow T. AdministrativeProfessional (Univ 01 Minnesola Cancer Canler)MMC 806 Mayo. Del Code 8806, C-504-2 Mayo(624-9487),763-295-3180. [email protected],page 329-1066

SCHROEDER Michael L, Teaching Asst (UMDChemistry and Biochemislry; Duluth PharmacyProgram) UMD Chemistry, 246 Chem, 0172. 1039University Dr. Duluth 55812. 5243 Dodge St.Duluth 55804. 218-525-5299,

SCHROEDER Natalia M, Teaching Aasl (FoodSciencefNutrition HE). Research Aasl (FoodSciencelNutrition HE) Food Science and Nutrition,Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave, 51 Paul 55108,Del Code 8099. 6529 Dearewood Lane, BismarckNO 58503. 708-0604. schr06200tc.umn.eduSCHROEDER Patrick C, Ole Supv (Dept ofArchitecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811,413 cedar Ave South, AptS, Minneapolis 55454,339-4070, schr02050tc.umn.eduSCHROEDER RandoH W, Painter (CPPM- U of MConstruction) Room 300 Donh0we6, 31915th AveSE, Mpis 55455. Del Code 3121, 517 Westfield Ln,Vadnais Heigh1s 55127. 651-429-6493.schrol34Otc.umn.eduSCHROEDER Roger G, Prof (Operations andMgm1 Sciences), Program Dir (Operations' andMgmt Sciences) 3-231 CarlSMgml, Del COde 7041(624-9544), 2217 Heritage In. New Brighton55112,651-633-8426, rschroedOtc.umn.eduSCHROEDER Sue, Research FeRow (Fisheries.WildlHe & Cons BioI) Room 2nd F1 HodsonH, DelCode 6125 (624-3479; 624-2228). 3900-4th AveSo, Mpls 55409. 823-8063. schro1240tc.umn.eduSCHROEPFER Dominic 0, Research Aasl(ElectricalfCompuler Engr) Room 4-174 EEfCSoi,Del Code Q572. 14931 290th A.... Sleepy Eye56085, 507-794-6662. schr08470lc.umn.eduSCHROETKE Gail L, Coordinator (Curriculum andInstruction) Room245 PeikH. 159 Pillsbury Dr SE,'Mpls 55455, Del Code 4301, 1271 Wyncrast Lane,Arden Hills 55112, 651-636-9069,schroI200tc.umn.eduSCHROM Jes, Teaching Asst (Art Dept) W176RllQisCtr, Del Code 7831 (626-7395),2107Pleasant Avenue South Apl2, MpIs 55404.218-236-77.54. schr07270tc.umn.eduSCHROTT Usa M. Adjunct Aasl Prof(Pharmacology) 2-290 BSandBi. Del Code 1213(626-2564).763-566-3272, schr0041

SCHRUNK Ivancica 0, Lecturer (ClasslcfNearEastem Studies) Room 305 FolH, 9 Pleasant StSE, Mpls 55455. Del Code 0149 (624-3331), 310832nd Ave NE, SI Anthony 55418, 788-3328,schru0040tc.umn.eduSCHRYVER Jimmy, Ass! Prof (UMM Div ofHumanities) Room 104 Hum, 600 E 4th SI, Morris56267, schryverOmorris...",n.aduSCHUBERT Christopher. 'Instructor (FamilyMedical Canter P A) 811 SE 2nd St, Uttle Falls56345-3505; schub0090tc.umn.eduSCHUBERT Nancy K, Program Assoc(CCE-D\lQree & Credh ProgramsfBAS) Room 208EWesH, Del Code 3831 (626-1383),schub02201c.umn.eduSCHUBRING Terrance C, Info Tech Prof (LeamingTechnologies) Room 510J RarigC, Del Code 77.51(62~), schub0190tc.umn.eduSCHUELKE L David, Prof (Retired) (UnivCoVlnlWistance Leaming) Room 25 WesH, 77.Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831, OneLily Pond Rd, North Oaks 55127, 651-484-8477.,schu&OO10tc.umn.eduSCHUELLER David, Aasl Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 103 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (625-4416),7818 Van Buren St NE, Mpls 55432,schu&0310tc.umn.aduSCHUEPPERT Michael T. Adjunct Instructor (ParkNicollet Clinic) 3900 Park Nicollet Blvd, St LouisPark 55416. 1071 Fairmounl Ave, St Paul [email protected] Jeffray W, Painter (CPPM- Uof MConstruction) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121(625-1535),schueOO30tc.umn.ed~

SCHUETH Samuel J. Teaching Asst (Geography)Room 414 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S. Mpls 55455.Del Code 7163. schul341 Olc.umn.eduSCHUH G Edward, Regents Prof (HHH Inst P~blicAffairs-Pub At), Prof (Applied Economics;Economics) 155 H H H Ctr, Del Code 7451(625-6388), 8400 Demontreville Tr N. Lake Elmo55042.651-77.9-8758, schuhOtc.umn.eduSCHUH Ignez, Non Univ Staff (HHH INST PUBLAFF-INSl) 55 Humphrey Clr Mpls (625-1065),8400 Demontreville Trail. Lake Elmo 55042,[email protected] Robert N. Prof (Fairview RedWing Clinic) Hwy 61 West, PO Box 54, Red Wing55066, [email protected] Mark. Non Univ Staff (AHC CUHCC)2001 Bloomington Ave SMpls, 3812 Thomas AveS, MpIs 55410. [email protected])n.eduSCHULER Mary R, Chief Deputy (UM ExtensionCarver Cnty) 609 W 1st St, Waconia 55:l87-1204(952-442-4496), schull650tc.umn.eduSCHULER Susan M. Exec Administrative Spec(UM Extension Regl Ctr Grand Rapids) 1881E USHwy 169. Grand Rapids 55744-3396(218-327-5958), [email protected] William E, Asst Prof (CQmputerSciencefEngineering) Room 4-192 EEfCSci, 200Union SI SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571, .schul2860tc.umn.eduSCHULLER Sean 0, Non Univ Staff (UnivServices Finance) 300 Donhowe Mpis (624-3983),schul9430tc.umn.eduSCHULMAN Jana K, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Medieval Studies) 131 Nolte Center, Del Code0095, Apt204, 18044 Old Covingt9" Hwy,Hammond LA 70403, 504-429-1403,[email protected] Joanne J, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Science) C-339 VetTchHos, Del Code6192,2107 Penn Ave South, Mpls 55405,schuI1200tc.umn.eduSCHULT Tamara M, Graduate School Trainee(Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(624-1818),726 Greten laM, Hastings 55033,651-437-3838, knud01040te.umn.eduSCHULTE Elizabeth M, Aasl Depar1menl Dir(Comstock Hell E), Del Code 1092 (626-4106),2515 University Ave SE. Apt WI29, Mpls 55414.331-4119, schuI1430Ic.umn.aduSCHULTE Herb, Adjunct Prof (Primary DentalCare-Heatth Ecology) Room 15-138 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (826-4000), [email protected] John K, Assoc Prof (ReslQretiveSciences; Dental Edueation, Continuing) 9-176CMoos T. Del Code 1291 (625-7954).schlu0060tc.umn.eduSCHULTE Marcy L, Adjunct Ass! Prof(ArcMecture), Lecturer (Design Instl1ute) Room145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811 (624-7866),600 S2nd 51 Apt 304, Mpls55401-2160,

SCHULTE-8ASSE Jochen, Prof (German.Scandinavian & Dutch) 338 Fol H; ROOll1 350 FolH,Del Code 0143 (825-1545; 624-8099), 408 N 1st StApt 704, Mpls 55401-3386, 333-4493,

SCHULTZ Arturo E. Assoc Prof (Civil Engineering)122 Civ E, Del Code 0851 (626-1540),schulO880tc.umn.adu

SCHULTZ Ashley R, Sr Accountant (Joumalism)111 Murphy Hall, Del Coda 0371 (625-2341),[email protected]

SCHULTZ BrianD. Research Assoc (ChemicalEnginearingfMal Sci) 11 Amundson Hall, Del Coda0531 (626-1008), schu09250tc.umn.eduSCHULTZ David A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (LawSchool) Room 285 MondaleH, 22919th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Coda 7911, 1120 SI Clair Ave, 5tPaul 55105. '

SCHULTZ David M. Asst Prof (AnesthesiologyDepartmenl) MMC 294 Mayo. Del Code 8294,MMC 294 Mayo, 5950 Ridge Road, Shorewood55331,

SCHULTZ Debra L. Instruo!lor (Orphan Medical)Suhe 475,13911 Ridgedale Drtve, Minnelonka55305, 377.6 Bayberry Lane, Eagen 55123,651-U1-()914.· .

SCHULTZ Diana L. Building and Grounds Worker(UMM Plant Service) Room 9 Cam, M268A, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267, 104 South St, Morris 56267.320-589-1569, [email protected] Gene J, Asbestos Worker (CPPM-U ofM Construction) B15 DonhoweB, Del Coda 3121,424 English St Apt 101, St Paul 55106, '651-77.4-3019.

SCHULTZ Jannifer S, Asst Prof (UMD Economics)72 MWAH, 1023 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-6695), [email protected]

SCHULTZ John H. Assoc Prof (Retired)(Kinesiology) Room 100 CookeH. 1900 UniversityAve SE. Mpls 55455. Del Code 2061,schuI0040Ic.umn.eduSCHULTZ Keith E, CQnstruction Laborer (FacMgmt-Zone l-St Paul) 300 Donhowe B, Del Code3121, [email protected] Kim J. Assoc Admin(UMM-Flnance-Adm) 205 Bahm; Morris 56267(320-589-8001),20284 450th Avenue, Morris56267. 320-795-2222. schuI1ksOmorris.umn.eduSCHULTZ MD Kris Ann P, Medical Fellow(Pediatric HemfOncology Division) MMC 484Mayo, Del Code 8484, 0557 Mayo, 2155 AnnArbor Street, St Paul 55104, 651-641-8577.SCHULTZ Leonard S. Adjunct Aasl Prof (AbbottNorthwes1em Hospital) Suite 206, 2545 Chicago .Ave S, Mpls 55404,

SCHULTZ Lori A, Prin Accounts Spec (SmallAnimal Clin Sci) C339 Vet Tch Hos. Del Code 8192(625-4795). 799 Oakdale Ave, Aptl, St Paul55107,651-227-3234, schulOO90tc.umn.eduSCHULTZ Mark. Prln Administrative Spec (Health& Nu1rilion Program) Room 436 ColH. Del Code6070 (825-8278), 1411 Raymond Avenue, St Paul55108, mschuItzOtc.umn.eduSCHULTZ Mary H. Teaching Spec (EducationalPsychology) 206 Bu H, Del Code 3171 (624-6083),1289 Roselawn Ave ViI. Roseville 55113,651-644-1534. schuIOO80tc.umn.eduSCHULTz Melissa, Ubrary Bookbinder (UniversityBindery) Room 180 PSB, 2818 Como Ave SE.Mpis 55414, Del Code 5405,schul050Otc.umn.eduSCHULTZ Nathan E. PhD Candidate ResearchAasl (University of Minnesota) Department ofChemistry. Del Code 3861 (825-5311), 10 PearsonPlace. North Oaks 55127, 651-426-5191.schu07560tc.umn.eduSCHULTZ Nathan J, Ass! Prof (DiversHiedPharmaceutical Ser) 77.80 France Ave S, Suite500, Edina 55435. 2209 Winnelka Ave N, GoldenValley 55427. schulO400lc.umn.eduSCHULTZ Nikki, Ole Spec (Theatre Arts & Dance)580B Rarig Center, Del Code 77.52 (624-9183),1045 23rd Ave SE Apt3. Mpis 55414,nikkiOtc.umn.eduSCHULTZ Paul E, Instructor (530 Cantral MedicalBldg) 393 N Dunlap, 51 Paul 55104.schuI0390Ic.umn.eduSCHULTZ Ray, Ass! Prof (UMM Humanilies,Division of, UMM Cont EducfRagional Prgm) I05BHFA, 800 E 4th 51. Morris 56267 (320-589-8267).410 W 7th St, Morris 56267, 320-589-1989,[email protected]


SCHULTZ S1aci 0, Coordinator (Canter lorReadtng and Research) Room 350 VoTech. DelCoda 6197 (624-4581). 25259 Co Rd 2, staP;as56479.218-894-1201, schuI96eOtc.umn.9duSCHULTZ Stephen W, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Music, Sch Of) 100 Ferg H, Del Code 7811(624-5740), 1127 Amble Dr, Arden Hills 55112.651-631-2059.

.SCHULTZ Susan L. Prin Accounts Spec (UMMAdmissionsfFinancial Aid) Room 105 Bahm.M759A, 600 E 4th St, Morris 56287(320-589-8035),3105 Columbia Ave, Morris56267.320-589-1173, schuItzsOmorris.umn.eduSCHULTZ Terri A, Into Tech Prof (Bioslalislics)200 2221 Univ SE, Del Code 2702 (628-9028).651-482-9011, schulOl00tc.umn.eduSCHULTZE Mary J. Exec Aasl (PediatricHemfOncIBMT) MMC 386 Mayo, Del Code 8366.660 CCRB (628-2961). schulO3201c.umn.eduSCHULZ Calherine L. Reseate-.Fellow (FamilySocial Science) 290 MeN H, Del Coda 8140(625-2705~ 1574 E l60th St, Faribauit 55021,

,507-332-2692. cschulzOlc.umn.aduSCHULZ Eric W, Into Tech Prof (Chernis!IY) 136SmithH, Del Code 3861 (624-7007),schuI1320tc.umn.eduSCHULZ Jennifer L, Sr Editor (Office 01Intemational Programs) 845 Haller Hall, Del Code7457 (624'0557), schull600tc.umn.eduSCHULZ Lynn R. Into Tech Prof (UMMComputingSvc) Room 10 Bahm;M228A, 600 E 4th SI, Morris56287 (320-589-8392). 17142 US Highway 59.Morris 56267, 320-589-1796, •IynnOmorris.umn.eduSCHULZ Lynn R. Non Univ Staff (UMM ComputingServices) 32 Bahmler Morris,schulzOmorris.umn.eduSCHULZ Michelle A, Instructor (Loch Pharmacy)2975145th St W. Rosamount55068. 2100Mohawn Drive, Medina [email protected] DDS PaulO, Clinical Assoc Prof (PrimaryDental Cere-MDU) Mobile Dental Unit, Del Code1291 (624-5331).875 Prior Avenue S, St Paul55116, schuI0950Ic.umn.eduSCHULZ Rebecca L, Adjunct Asst Prof (PrimaryDental Care-Dental Hygiene) Room 9-436 MoosT,515 Delaware St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1291,19313 County Rd 50 SE, Big Lake 55309,763-263-6460, [email protected] ScOtt A, Studenl S~pport Services Assoc(UMD Acad SupportfStudent ute) 23 sec. 1117University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8819;218-726-7171). 218-727-3081,sschulzl0d.umn.eduSCHULZ MD Sellmann C, Head (Psychiatry), Prof(Psychiatry) F282f2A West-£!. Del Code 8393(273-9820), scsOlc.umn.eduSCHULZ Tanner F. Teaching Aasl (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE.Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 234 Mississippi RiverBlvd N Apt, StPaul55104, schuI93801c.ullln.eduSCHUMACHER April J, Research Aasl (Biochem.Molecular Biology, & Bioph) 6-222 MeB. Del Code1214 (851-6474192). 651-233-0503,schul4800tc;

SCHUMACHER Jennifer F, Graduate SchoolTrainee (Neurosciance) Am 6-145 JacH, 321Church St S. MpIs 55455, Del Code 1216. 10551Greenbrier Rd, Apt 324. Minnetonka 55305.schum204Otc.umn.eduSCHUMACHER Julie, Assoc Prof (EnglishLanguage & Lit) 207 Und H. Del Code 0613(625-3459), achuml1030tc.umn.eduSCHUMACHER Mary Alice, Exec Aasl (Ole ofExec VP and Provost) 234 MorH. Del Code 0262(624-2223), m-schuOlc.umn.aduSCHUMACHER Ronald V. Pipetitter Foreman(CPPM-U 01 M Construction) B15 Donhowe B. DelCode 3121 (625-4591). achum01801c.umn.eduSCHUMACHERThomas J. Dir (Office 01Compliance) 411 Johnston Hall, Del Code 377.3(628-7852), schum0350tc.umn.eduSCHUMACHER Todd W, Research Fellow (Deptof Soil. Water, and CUmate) Univ 01 MN. Del Code8028 (628-2457). 4887 Horlen Point, Eagan 55122,651-452-1745. schuOl880tc.umn.eduSCHUMACHER-sTAfIIKEY Joann, Sr Ole Spec(EooIogy, Evolution & Behavior) 340 Ecology. DelCode 6098 (82~714), schum031 Otc.umn.eduSCHUMAKER 51even J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (LawSchool) Room 285 MondaleH, 229191h Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911,77.10 Somerset Rd,Woodbury 55125,


SCHUMAN Lynne R, Program Dir (HHH Inst PublAlf-Admin) 225 H H HCtr, Del Code 7451(625-2847), [email protected] samuel, Chancellor (UMMAdministration), Prof (UMM Hurnanities, Divi$ionof) 315 Behm, Moms 56267 (32Q-58!HlO15), 521 E4th St, Morris 56267, 320-589-9034,schurnansOmorris.umn.eduSCHUMANN Erik A, Graphic DesignerlMedia Artist(University Policy arid Process D8IIel) Rm 678EWBOB, Del Code 7529 (626-7984), 9990 Cord StNE, Blaine 55014,763-785-8926,schum0430tc.umn.eduSCHU~NN Paul A, Lecturer (Art) E261 RegisCtr,Del Code 7831 (625-3216), 180518th Ave NEApt2, Mpls 55418, 760-2112,schum0650tc,umn.eduSCHUMER Henry J, Research Plot Coordinator (NCentral Experiment Station) 1861 Hwy 169 E;Grand Rapids 55744 (218-327-4490), 32088 GunnPark Dr, Grand Rapids 55744,hschumerOtc.umn.eduSCHUMI Winnred A, Ass! Vice President(Oversight Analysis & Reporting) 411 Joh H, DelCode 3n3 (624-1.158; 624-5750), 990 WinstonCircle, Mendota Heights 55118-1035, .wschumiOtc.umn.eduSCHUNN Richard G, Info Tech Prof(ArcM..andscape Arch) Room 108 RapsonH, DelCoda 0811 (625-5098), schunOO10tc.umn.eduSCHURMAN Rachel, Assoc Prof (Sociology)Room 909 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7171,4029 Colfax Ave S, Mpls 55409,584-4239, schunnanOtc.umn.eduSCHUSTER Lewrence D, Adjunct Prof (SouthdaleMedical Building) .6545 France Ave S, Suite 363,Edina 55435, 4430 W Leke Harriet Blvd 204, Mpls55410, schusOO50tc.umn.eduSCHUSTER Mark J, Carpenter (FacilniesMgmt-West Bank-Zone 2) 57.Heller Hall, Del Code3121 (625-0568),7315 Brunswick Avenue N,Brooklyn Park 55443, 763-566-5398,schusOO30tc.umn.eduSCHUSTER Mary L, Prof (Rhetoric) 64 Cia Off, DelCode 6043 (624-2262), 1149 Pleasant Circle,Arden Hills 55112, 651-636-5703,mmiayOtc.umn.eduSCHuSTEfl Todd F, Sr Laboratory Technician(Honnellnstitute, Univ of Minnesot) 801 16th AveNE, Austin 55912 (507-437-9675), 1025 SecondAve SW, Wells 56097,507-553-5755SCHUT Ronald L, Asst Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Dept Of Medicine, Infect Dis, 701Park Ave S, Mpis 55415, schut0040tc,umn,eduSCHUTH Matt N, Fann Equipment Oper (MNLandscape Arboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613 (982-443-1482), 341-3836,schut0080tc.umn.eduSCHUTTA Deborah E, Exec Administrative Spec(Supercomputing Instnute) Room .599 WaUb, DelCode 3721, 651-833-2246, schut0600tc.umn.eduSCHUTTE Carol A, Community Program Assoc(Orthopaedic Surgery Department) RegionsHospnBl, no 323, 3-North, 640 Jackson Street, StPaul 55105, [email protected] Lee Ann, Teaching Spec (School of

. Journalism) Room 111 MurH, 206 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Dei Code 0371 (625-1338),810-0039,[email protected]

,SCHUVEILLER Holly J, Analyst (SponsoredProjects Admin) 450 McNamara Alumni Ctr, DelCoda 2003 (625-1753). schuvOO40tc.umn.eduSCHUVEILLER Unda S, Scientist (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) 219 Vet DL, Del Code 6184 (624-7405),11144 Jefferson 51 NE, Blaine 55434,763-757-1536, schtlooOl Otc.umn.eduSCHWAB Berbara, Ass! to the Dir (MN PopulationCenter) 50 WHley Hall, Del Coda 7931 (624-5212),[email protected] Charles J, Fann Animal Attendant(Southern Research & Outreach Center) 35838t20th St, Waseca 56093, 34014 35th St, Janesville56048, 507-234-5259SCHWABACHER William B, Prof (Retired)(General College), 107 Seymour Ave SE, Mpls55414, schwaOO70tc.umn.eduSCHWABE Adrienlle"L, Research Asst (Inst onCommunny Integration) Room 111 PtH, Del Code4201 (624-8300),651-426-2395,schw07080tc.umn.eduSCHWABENLANDER Marc D, Ass! Scientist(Valerinary Diagnostic Labs) 157 VDL, Del Code6184 (625-0255),1196 Reaney Avenue, St Paul55106,651-631-3630',

SCHWAGERL Ranee J, Teaching Spec (UMMMisic Depsrtment) 68 H F A, Morris 56267(320-589-6444), 86060 State Hwy 28, Beardsley56211, 320-265-6228, [email protected] Kathryn A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 1.11Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691, 6635County Road lQl, COrCOl8l\ 55340,schwaI270tc.umn.eduSCHWALLER John F, Vice Chancellor (UMMAcadamic Administration), Dean lUMM AcademicAdministration) 315 Behm, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267 (320-58!HlO15), 1 Riverside Rd, Morris56267, schwalirOmorris.umn.eduSCHWALM Mizuho K, Lecturer (UMC Math,SciancelTechnology) Room 109 SCC, C909, 2900Universny Ave, Crool<ston 56716, 528 Hamline SI,Grand Forks ND 58203-2812, 701-746-£385, .schwa6720mail.crk.umn.edSCHWANDT Kevin C, Teaching Ass! (Music) 100Ferguson Hall, Dal Code 7811, 908 Grand Ave Apt105,51 Paul 55105, schwa7220tc.umn.eduSCHWANKE Robart W, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Epldamiology), 1907 Uncoln Ave, St Paul 55105,schwa0730tc.umn.eduSCHWANKE Vicki L. Administrative Ass! (UMExtension Otter TaH Cnty East) 118 N Main, POBox 250, New York Mills 5656Hl250(218-385-3000),258 6th Ave SW, Perham 56573,218-34tl-3615, schwaI300tc.umn.eduSCHWANTES Cha~as 0, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Science) C-339 VetTchHos, Del Code6192, 16880 Franklin Trail SE, Prior Lake 55372,

SCHWARTAU~W, Extension Educator/Ass!Prof lUM ExtensIOn Regl CIT Rochester) 863 30thAve SE, Rochester 5s904-4915 (507-536-6308),807 7th Str NW, Kasson 55944, 507-634-4738,bwschwarOtc.umn.eduSCHWARTAU Chuck, ExtensionEducatorlProfassor (UM Extension Regl CtrRocheslar) 863 30th Ave SE, Rochester55904-4915 (507-536-6301), 33343 Cty 6 Blvd,Goodhue 55027-8028, 651-258-4490,cschwartOtc.umn.eduSCHWARTAU Connie M, Education Spec (UMExtension Regl Ctr Marshall) 1424 E College DrSte 100, Marshall 56258-2087 (507-337,2819),1817 90th Ave, Belaton 56115,schwa0470tc.umn.eduSCHWARTE Andrea R, Post·Doctoral Assoc(Pediatric Naurology) MMC 486 Mayo, Del Code6488, Room 705 Mayo, 446 Madison St NE Apt4.MplS 5541.3,331-1629, schwa241 Otc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Burton S, Adjunct Pro! (Piper Bldg,Suite 405) 800 E 28th St, Mpls 55407, 6117Heritage Circle, Goidan Valley 55422, ~

SCHWARTZ Dona B, Assoc Prof (Journalism &Mass Comm, Sch Of) 327 Mur H, Del Code 0371(625-5088), donaOtc,u\lln.eduSCHWARTZ Gary S, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Associated Eye Care) 232 North Main St,Stlilw~ter 55082, schwa0400tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Harold L, Assoc Pro! (Retired)(Genetics, Cell Bioi, Dev TMED), 43 Spring ViewWay, Las Flores CA 92688-8703, 949-766-3263,schwa0020tc.umn.apuSCHWARTZ Howard W, Ill6tructor (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Coda 8292, B-228A Mayo(628-3200), 7400 Winnetka Heights Dr, GoIdanValley 55427-3549,763-546-9722"schwaQ060tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Jaannie M, Program Assoc (0513Mayo) MMC 505 Mayo, Del Coda 6505, MayoMemorial Bldg (624-9166), 7400 Winnetka HeightsDrive, Golden Valley 55427-3549, 763-546-9722,schwaOll0tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Kathryn M, Student Support sarvicesAssoc (Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code7525 (6;!6-2247), schwaI390tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Kimbe~y E, Sr Veterinary Technici,ln(Vetarinary Medical Centar • Anesthe) Room 365VMC, Del Coda 6194, 4338 Adair Ave N, Crystal55422, 763-971-2596, [email protected] Lene 0, Graduate School Fellow(Computer ScienceJEngineering) Room 4-192EElCSci, 200 Union SI SE, Mpls 55455, Del Coda0571, schwa717@tc.\!mn.eduSCHWARTZ Lea T, Exec Sec (VatarinaryPathoBiology) 205 VetSci, 1971 CommonweallhAv, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6187 (624-2292),[email protected]

SCHWARTZ Unda 0, Food Service Worker(Coffman Dining sarvicas) G47 CMU, Del Coda1051 (625-2037), schwa0630tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Unda L, Exec Sec (Appliad Econ)231 Cia Off, Del Coda 6040 (625-3n7), 1653Ames Ave, St Paul 55106, 651·n4-7628,IschwartOtc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Matthew D, Jr SCientisl (LebMed/lPathology Department\ MMC 609 Mayo, DillCode 8609,6-266 BSBE (626-6713), 2800 RusticPlace, Apt117, Uffie Canada 55117, 651-484-9603,schwa7230tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Michael H. Asst Prof (OrthopaedicSurg) MMC 492 Mayo, Del Code 8492, 350 VCRC (651-229-3929), 5312 Bloomington Ave, Mpls55417,729-6568, schwaQ21 Otc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Michael L, Adjunct Prof (920 E 281hSt, SunB 180) Mpls 55407. schwa0640tc.umn.~uSCHWARTZ Ranee J, Teaching Spec(Accounting) 3-122 Ca~SMgmt. 32119th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041,10354 National StreetNE, Blaine 55014, 651-429-1958, JspeI00260tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ St8llen, Ass! Prof (Veteran's MedicalCanler) MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 8394,1120, 1Veteran's Drive, Mpls 55417,1201 Yale Place Apt1904, Mpls 55403, 349-9159,schwaI490tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Tammy A, Prin Accounts Spec(Carlson School of Mgmt) 4-300 Ca~SMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-5727), schwal320tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZ Wendy M, Prin Accounts Spec (UMDFae Mgmt..OfficelSupport) 281 Lund Bldg, 223 WCollege St, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6344),wschwartOd.umn.eduSCHWARTZBAUER Thomas, Lecturar (EducPrgm, Inst Tech CIT for, Mathematics, Sch of) 503VinH, Del Coda 0412 (624-7890), 1968 SkillmanAve W, St Paul 55113-5403, [email protected] Joseph E, Prof (Retired)(Geography) 473 S9c Sci, Del Code 7163(625-4577), schwa0040tc.umn.eduSCHWARrzHOFF Jenner L, Asst Scientist(Genetics, Celi Biology & Develop) VA MedicalCentar, Del Code 1217, 1965 Silver Bell Rd,Apt312, Eagan 55122, 651·905-0926,schwa6680tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZHOFF Kim M, Taaching Spec(Curriculum and Instruction) Roosn 148 peikH, DelCoda 4301 (625-7818),3121 36th Avenau S, Mpls55406-2126, 722-2376, schwa6730tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZKOPFF Othild, Asst Pro! (Pediatrics)930 Highview Circle, Mendota Heights 55118,schwaI150tc.umn.eduSCHWARTZWALD Leura J, Instructor (ThriftyWhite Drug) Westgate Mall, Brainerd 56401,12536Rabbit Trail, Mldn 56431, schwa0890tc.umn.eduSCHWARZ Donald C, Lead Stores Clerk(Universny Stores) UStorN, Del Code 5201,d·[email protected], page 527-8806SCHWARZ Elaina A, Ass! Prof (Retired) (FonnerWaseca Department), 11789 Wilton Bridge Road,Waseca 56093, schwa0450tc.umn.eduSQ1WARZ Patricia P, Prin Accounts Spec(Rosemount Research & Outreach Ctr) 160516QthSt W. Rosemount 55068 (651-423-2455),pschwarzOtc.umn.eduSCHWARZ Patrick J, Gardener (FacilitiasMgmt-Lendcare) Room 300 DonhoweB; 31915thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,756 HolleyAve, St Paul Park 55071,651-644-1848.schwe6740tc.umn.eduSCHWARZ Shelly R, Sr Food sarvice Workar(UMD FoodIVending sarvlces) 245 KPlz. D206,1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7175), 3089Fitger Road, Duluth 55804, 218-525-5436,[email protected] Susan M, Exec Sec (Medical SchoolAdminiEduc) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code 8293,8663 Mayo (626-5812), 3337 161h Ave S. Mpls55407, [email protected] Sarah J, Assoc Prof(Pediatrics) MMC 185 Mayo, Del Coda 8185,13-136 P W B (624-4669; 624-1133),[email protected] Ramona C, Exec Asst(Phannacology) 6-120 Jac H, Del Code 1213(626-4460), 763-786-4778, schwa0200tc.umn.eduSCHWEBKE.Kay E, Ass! Prol (Dept of Medicine!Infectious Disaa) and Intemational Medicine,Hennapin County Medical Center, 701 Park Ave,Mpls 55415,1552 Osleola Ave, 51 Paul 55105,[email protected]

SCHWEDER Ginny, Studant Support sarvices IAsst (Office of the Registrar.cofH) Room 130 ICofH, Del Coda 6054 (625-9299; 624-3731), 4108.Aldrich Ave S, Mpls 55409, 827-7829, II

[email protected]

SCHWEI Matt, Teaching Asst (Heallh Services IRsch/Policy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Coda 8729,MMC 729 Mayo, ISCHWEIGER Cerole L, Program Assoc(UMD,-Continuing Education) 335 KSC, 1120 KirbyDrive, Duluth 55812 (218-728-7837), 822 INorthland Avenue, Duluth 55804, 218-525-5374,[email protected] Kyle F, Head Cosch (UMDAthletics, Intercollegiate) 290 SpHC, 1216 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7121),[email protected]

SCHWEIKERT Maria S, Teaching Spec (ILES) 21NCCE, Del Coda 0095 (626-1894),1362 97th AveNW, Coon Rapids 55433,763-757-4632,schweOOl

SCHWEIKERT Scott A, Info Tech Mgr (UMD AcadISupport/Student Ufe) 14 DAde, 0211, 1049Universny Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8787), :SCHWElM Kelly J:Exemp! Temporary Of Casual I(2-165 Weaver-Denslord Hall) 308 Harvard St SE, iDel Coda 1332 (651-624-2154), 13310 Alabama .Avenue S, Savage 55378, 952-882-0666,[email protected]

SCHWEITZER Trioia D, Coordinstor (Twin CitiesStudenl Union-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, 300Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Coda 1051(625-7281), schwe0300tc.umn.eduSCHWENDER James 0, Ass! Prof (OrthopaedicSurgery) Room no 255, 2512 So 7th St, Mpls55454 (273-8000), schwe0370tc.umn.eduSCHWENKE Roberta P, Ole Spec (HumanRasources) Room 200 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122,schweOI8@tc,

SCHWENSDHN Jane M, Prin Administralive SpeC!(Restorative Sci - Endodontics) Room 8·166 Moos:Tower, Del Code 1291 (624-9900),schwe0080Ic.umn.eduSCHWETMAN John 0, Ass! Prof (UMD English),Adjunct Ass! Prof (UMD Continuing Education) 3281Kirby Plaza, 1201 Ordean Court. Duluth 55812 '(218·726-8437), 1857 Vennilion Road, Duluth55803,218-727-3435, jschwetmOd.umn.eduSCHWIMMER Jill, Ass! Program Dir (MinnesotaMedical Foundation) 300 McNamara AlumniCanter, Del Coda 2012 (626-2981)i 4000 LindenHills Blvd, MpIs 55410, 925-4498,schwi0310tc.umn.eduSCHWINDT Jason P, Operating Engineer (UMCPlant Services) 2900 Universny Ave, Crookston511716 (218-281-8495), 23886240th Av SW,Crookston 56716,701-760-8602,schwiOI70mail.crk.umn.adSCHWINDT Leura A, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Restorative Sciences-Patient Manage) Room6-194 MoosT, Del Coda 1291 (625-2161),loveOO290tc.umn.eduSCHWINGLE Brian W, Research Asst (PlantPathology) Room 495 BorH, 1991 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Goda 6030, 253-0152,[email protected]

SCHWITZER Gary J, Asst Prof (Journalism) 417Murphy Hall, Del Coda 0371 (626-4637),

SCIERKA Barbara J, Teaching Spec IEducational I

Psychology) 250A Bu H, Del Code 3171(624-2342), scieOOOl Otc.umn.eduSCLAVI,Rhonada R, Police Ofcr (UMD Police) 287DAdB, 0217, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7933), [email protected] Andrew J, Asst Sciantist (Soil Water &Climate) 262 Boriaug Hall, Del Code 6028(625-2712),8715 Alamo Circle NE, Blaine 55449,763-717-9696, scobbOOl0tc.umn.eduSCOTT II Alexander W, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys,116 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Coda 0331,1355 Maryland Ave E, St Paul 55106,[email protected] Andrea K, Departmental Dir (GradusteSchool) 327 Joh H, Del Coda 3n3 (625-1303),4374 Vernon Ave So, Mpls 55436,scott0020tc.umn.eduSCOTT Anthony!.. Student Support Services AsSI(CCE-Infonnation Center) Room 20 CofH, DelCode 6081,3445 Oliver Ave N, Mpls 55412,529-8250, [email protected]


SCOTT Charles J, Asscc Prof (Retired)(Mechanical E~ring) Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE, Mpis 55455, Dlli Code 0691(625-7318), 11 Hawk Ln, St Paul 55127,651-48oHl53ll, scotIOO40tc.umn.eduSCOTT ChaIyI L, PhD Candidate R_rch Asst(Plant Biology), PhD Candidate Teaching Ass!(Plant Biology) Plant Biology Dept, 250 BiologicalScIences center, 1445 Gortner Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6022, scoI01360tc.umn.eduSCOTT Collin S, security Admin I (OIT • Datasecurity) Room 660 WBOB, Del Code 7531(826-8385), scoI01080tc.umn.eduSCOTT Cynthia L, Asscc Dir Univ Wide (UniversityRelations) 3MorH, Del Code 0265 (824-4559), .SCOTT Devid J, Adjunct Instructor (2855 campusOr, Su~e 5400) Plymouth 55441, 4374 VemonAvenue South, Mpis 55438, 952·926-4322,8COlI0290tc.umn.eduSCOTT Dinah C, Plio Administrative Spec (HumanResources) Room 200 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122(826-1363), scoI02990tc.umn.eduSCOTT Doneka R, Ass! Prol (PharmacY, Collegeof), Ass! Education Spec (Pharmacy, College of)College of Pharmacy, Co205 Meyo Building,MMCno 387, 420 Delaware Street SE, Mpls 55455(826-6108), doneI<aOtc.umn.eduSCOTT Dorene L, Coordinator (Inst on CommunityIntegrationlNCEO) Room 350 Elliott Hall, Del Code3281 (824-4073), 1404 Raymond Ave, Apt 4, StPaul 551'08, 651-m-osos, scot10270tc.umn.eduSCOTT Dorian, Food Service Worker (PioneerDining Services) B32L PioH, Del Code 1751(624·5420), scotI0790tc.umn.eduSCOTT Earl P, Chair (Air AmericarVAIricanStudies), Prof Emeritus (Geography) 808 SocialScIence Bldg, Del Code 7155 (82!HlOllO; , ;625-2300),3112 Wendhurst Ave NE, MpIs 55418,78H1570, scotIOO30tc.umn.eduSCOTT Gregory E, Building and Grounds Worker(Teni10rial Hall), Sr Building and Grounds Worker(Sanford Hall), Del Code 1791 (625-5160), 2201Lacasse Dr, Uno Lakes 55038, 651-653-4673,scott1770tc.umn.eduSCOTT Jack C, Adjunct Ass! Prof (AssocialeliSkinCare) 7205Univsrsity Ave NE, Fridley 55432,10309 Scarborough Road, EllOomington 55437,scotI031 Oie.umn.eduSCOTT James 0, Instructor (ClinicalPharmacokinetics) Millard Fillmore HospiIaI, 3Gates Circle, Buffalo NY 14209, 1st Floor, 785Aubum, Buffa/o NY 14222, 716-88lHl232,SCOt10840tc.umn.eduSCOTT lID PHD Karen S, Ass! Prof (Pedialrics)MMC 39 Meyo, Del Code 6039, 0136 Mayo(626-2958), h0sp0001 Otc.umn.eduSCOTT Unda M, Dantal Ass! (PreventiveSci-Pediatric Dentistry) Room 6-126 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (624-0184),4490 Oak.Leaf Dr, VadnaisHeights 55110, scot10800tc.umn.eduSCOTT Lori K, Ass! Prof (S W Research andOutreach Center) 23689 130th St, Lamberton56152-1326 (507-752-5060; 507·537-7096), 101 EHollett St, Tracy 56175, 507-629-3913, .SCOTT Patricia M,R_rch Ass! Prof (UMDBiochamlMolecular Biology) Room 269 SMed,1035 University Dr, Duluth 55812 (216-726-7049),1848 Vermilion Rd, Duluth 55803,psoottOd.umn.eduSCOTT RObert H, Adjunct Asscc Prof (AbbottNOI1hwestem HospiIaI) Intemal Medicine, ChicagoAve at 27lh lit. MpIs 55407, 1376 West MinnilhahaPkwy, Mpls !l5402, scot10820tc.umn.eduSCOTT Robert L, Prof (Retired> (CommunicationStudies) 268 Ford Hall, Del Code 0456 (624-6832),SCOt10330tc.umn.eduSCOTT Rosanne J, Maritime Worker 2 (UMDLarge Lakes Observatory) 109 RLB, 0137, 2205E5th St, Duluth 55812 (216-7~904), 26 StAlbans ,Rd, Superior WI 54880, 715-392-4003,1SCOt10d.umn.eduSCOTT Ryan C, PhD Candidate Research'Asst(Genetics, Cell Biology, & DeveIopmen) 5-245MoosT, 515 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455(826-5217), scot1rcOtc.umn.eduSCOTT Sharon L, Sr Ole Ass! (COnical SystemsDentistry) 7-22O'Moos Tower, Del Code 1291(625-7990),992 Carroll Ave, St Paul 55104,651·917-3704, scot14200tc.Uinn.eduSCOTT Ted,R_rch Ass! (Earth SciGeoIogylGeophysics), Graduate SChool Feflow(Earth Sci GeoIogylGeophysics) Geology andGeophysics, Room 108 PinaH, 310 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0211, 1362 DantOl1h St,Saint Paul 551 f7,

SCOTT Thomas A, Copy Canter Equipment Oper(Printing Services) MMC 800 Mayo, Del Code .8600,0118 Mayo (625-8914),scott1070tc.umn.eduSCOTT Thomas M, Dir (UrbarJI\e!IIonal Affairs, Clrfor), Prof (Political SCience) Room 330 HHHCtr,Del Code 7452 (625-1551), 2413 Russell Ave S,Mpls 55405, scot1OO1 Otc.umn.eduSCOTT Thomas R, Adjunct Prof (HealthPartners ­West) no 100, 5100 Gamble Dr, St Louis Park55416, scot1051 Otc.umn.eduSCOTT Troy A, Adjunct Asscc Prof (FairviewRidge Valley Clinic) 4151Wdlowwood St SE, PriorLake 55372,1420 Praire Lane, Shakopee 55379,scot10420tc.umn.eduSCOmNG Carol S, Ole Manager (UM extensionPipestone Cnly) MunicipeJ Bldg Ste 2, 119 SW 2ndAve, Pipestone 56164-1684 (507-825-6715),soott1010tc.umn.eduSCOTTSTON Barbara F, Teaching Spec (UnivCoII1nd/Distance Leamlng) Room 25 WesH, 77 .Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831 ,soottI190tc.umn.eduSCOVILLE James G, Prof (Carlson IndustrialRelations Center) 3-289 Ca~SMgmt, Del Code7041 (624-1579),2093 Jefferson Avenue: St Paul551OS, 825-5333, scoviOO10tc.umn.eduSCRANTON Deborah L, Teaching Spec (Work,CommunitylFamily EdUl:) Room 210 VoTech, DelCode 6197, scran001.0tc.umn.eduSCRIVEN L E, Regents Prof (Chamical Engr./MatSci; CCE Cont Proll Educ Instri) 151 Amund H, DelCode 0531 (825-1058),2044 Cedar Lk Pkwy, Mpls55416,922-4586, scrivOO1 Ote.umn.eduSCRIVNER Jeffrey P, AdjUnct Asscc Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Heahh; UMD Family Medicine)NOI1hIand Medical Clinic, 135'Pine Tree Drive,Bigfork 56628, scrivOO30tc.umn.eduSCROGGINS James, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-BIdg Serv Day Custo)Room 300 DonhoweB, 319 1.5th Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3121, 4134 Bryant Ave No, Mpls55412, .

SCRUTON Chris, Sr Multimedia Instr Consult(Dig~ Madia Canter) Room 212 WalterUb, DelCode 3729 (624-3519), scru00020tc.umn.eduSCUDlERO Tony, R_rch Ass! (LabMedicinelPathoiogy) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code8609 (625-9127; 301·5494), 4207 Heine Ct, Eagan55122,747-4389,scud00050tc.umn.eduSCULLY JOan S, Prin AqIlinistrative Spec(CCE.Degree & Credit Programs) Room 200WesH, Del Code,3831 (624-8831),scuI1OO20tc.urnn.eduSEABORN John R, Exec Administrative Spec(Department 01 Pediatrics) MMC 94 Mayo, DelCode 6094, Cardiology (826-2727),, page 193-6129SEABURG Mark 0, Adjunct Instructor (ParkNicollet Medical Center) Intemal MecflCine, 2001 SBlaisdell Ave, Mpls 55404, 2001 South BlaisdellAve, Mpls 55404, seabuOO1 Otc.umn.eduSEABURY Susan A, Exec AdminlstrsUve Spec(UM ExtensIon Regl Clr Cloquet) Cloquet ForestryClr, 179 University Rd, Cloquet 55720-9506,seabu0030tc.umn.eduSEACAT Andrew, Adjunct Prof (VeterinaiyDiagnostic Medicine) 244 VelDL, 1333 Gortner Av,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6184, 1186 8addlebrdol<Lane, Woodbury 55125, 651·578-0120,seacaool Otc.umn.eduSEAGER Katherine N, Program Asscc (MISA) 413Hayes Hell, Del Code 6026 (625-8235), 'kseagerOtc.umn.eduSEALOCK Adam W, R_rch Ass! (Entomology)Room 2nd Fl HodsonH, 1960 FoIwaII Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6125, sealOO280tc.umn.eduSEAMAN Catharine A, Community program Asst(Tf8llSpiant Information Servioes) Dinnaken QfIIceBldg, Del Code 2131, 8105 Cly Rd 117 SW, Byron55920, 507-365-6839, searnaOO80tc.umn.eduSEAMAN Jeffrey A, Small Animal Resident(Veterinary Clinical Scienoes), Teaching Asst(Veterinary Clinical Scien088) Room C352 VMC,Del Code 6192, seama0170tc.umn.eduSEAMAN Usa L, Interpreter COOrdinator (DisabilityServicas) Room 160 McNarnaraClr, Del Code 2017(624-7338), seama001 Otc.umn.eduSEAMANS Mark E, Research Fellow(FisheriesIWlldlife, Dept of), Teaching Spec(FisherieeIWrIdIiIe, Dept 01) Fisheries and WIIdIIIe,Room 2nd Fl HodsonH, 1960 Folwell Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6125 (624-7709), 5479 AdamsStreet, MoundaView 55112,

SEAQUIST Elizabeth R, Prof (Medicine) MMC 101Mayo, Del Code 8101, 6-150 P W B (626-4833),seaquOO1, page 193-7498SEAQUIST Lea A, Nursing Supv (FamilyMedicinelComm Health) MMC 361 Mayo, Del Code8361,892 Weslwind Dr, LItUe Caneda '551 09,651-848-1848, seaquOO20te.umn.eduSEARL Rena C, Development OIct (UniversityFOUndation) Room 500 McNamaraClr, Del Code2011 (825-5042): 2710 RiverWoods Lane,BumsVllle 55337, 952·707-8477,

SEARL Stllphen C,Development OIcr (CarlsonSchool of Mgmt) 4-327 Ca~SMgmt, Del Code 7041(626-7339); sear10460tc.umn.eduSEASHORE Karen R, Prof (Educational Policy &Administration) Room 330 WuIIH, Del Code 3345(626-8971),3205 Co"ax Ave South, Mpls 55408,821·9289, klouisOtc.umn.eduSEATTER Susan, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195 (825-7911),

SEAVEY Robert T, R_rch Asscc (~pt 01Bio-based Products) 203 Kaufert L, Del Code 6130(624-3028), 5313 Morgen Ave So, Mpl~55419,927-8872, seaveOOIOte.umn.eduSEAY JR Russell E, Ass! Prof (Pharmacy Gold,Inc) PO Box 64812, St Paul 55184-0812, 653North Lexington Parkwey, St Paul 55104,seayjOO10tc.umn.eduSEBASTIAN James A, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMedlcinelComm Health), Asscc Prof (Obstetricsand Gynecology) Ste 204, 1000 E 1st St, Duluth55605 (218-722·5629)

SEBEAG Andrea L, Help Desk SUfi (FacilitiesManagement-Information S) 300 DonhoweB, DelCode 3121 (626-1070), bish00170tc.umn.eduSEBERG Michael C, Into Tech Prof (FacilitiesMgmt-Information Service) Room 300 DonhoweB,Del Code 3121 (625-2908),3551 Benjamin StreetNE, Mpls 55418, 782-69V, seberOO30tc.umn.eduSEBESTA Edith M, Adjunct Instructor (Dept ofArch1tecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811(624·7866), 4311 Russell Ave N, Mpls 55412,588·7371, ciziOOO1 Otc.umn.eduSECK Denisa M, AssOc Controller (AocountingServices), Del Code 7523 (624-2513),2221Riverwood Place, St Paul 55104, 651-642-0984,secIotOO10tc.umn.eduSECORD Paul J, Painter (Facilities Mgmt-CPPM Uof M Constru) Room 300 Donhowe Bldg, 319 15thAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 22649159thStreet, Elk River 55330, 763-263-3591,secorD110tc.umn.eduSECOR·TURNER Molly A, Graduete SchoolTrainee (Nursing, School 01), Rasearch Asst(Pediatrics) 6-154 WDH, Del Code 1331.(625-9132),2445 Cavell Ave S, St Louis Park55426, .

SEDA Tracy L, Ass! ScientIst (VeterinaryDiagnostic Labs) 240 VelDL, Del Code 6184(825-9286),217 West NebrasfCa, Apt 201, St Paul55117,651-487-5519, sedax0010tc.uinn.eduSEDAIE Behrooz, Ass! Prof (UMC LeamingFoundations) 1100 sec, Crookston 56718(218-281-8195),218-281-3360,bsedaieOmail.crk.umn.eduSEDANO Heddie 0, Asscc Prof (Retired)(Dentistry), 5217 Alamosa Park Drive, OceansideCA 92057, sedan001 Otc.umn.eduSED£ASTROM Joel M, Scientist (Cencer Canter)MMC 808 Mayo, Del Code 8808 (626-4568;626-7013),11951 71st Ave N, Maple Grove 55369,272·7485, sedeOOO40tc.umn.eduSEDG!WJCK Gerald J, Program Dir

.(Neuroscience) 1-205 BSendBE, Del ,Code 1216(624-6607), 965 Cromwell Avenue, St Paul 55114,65Hi41-D361,'SEDLACKOVA Lanka, Jr ScientIst (420 DelawareStreet SI=) MMC 196, Mpls 55455, 1100 18th AveSE, Mpis 55414, sedIOO290tc.umn.eduSEOO Galen, ReSearch Ass! (Chamistry) Room139Sm~: 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpis 55455, DelCode 3661, 291 West 7th St Apl8ll1, SainI Paul55102, 70l-306-1728, sedoOOO80te.umn.eduSEOO Kathryn J, Sr AItomey (Law Sch Instr-Clinic)190 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911 (825-5515;624-5813),701 Parkvlew Terrace, !Apls 55416,sedoxOO10tc.umn.eduSEE John H, ~1na1or (carlson LaborEducation Servi08) 4-115 Ca~SMgmt. Del Code7041 (824-6039),, page622·9660 .


SEEBA Paul~ Non Univ Staff, University 01Minnesots Mpls (851-803-8743),$88ba00301c.umn.eduSEEBER Gilg,V~ Prof (Political ScIence) 1246Soc Sci, Del Code 7175 (624-4305), 2401Humboldt Ave S, MpIs 55405,718-8837,seebe0050tc.umn.eduSEEF!AT W1I1lam, Nelwottl Admin(OIT·EAS/SysI8ms SuppoII) Room 660 WBOB,Del Code 7531, seeIeOO40tc.umn.eduSEE~ON David L, Electrician (Facililies MgmtZone 3 Health Scien)Room B 117 MoosT, 515Delaware St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1291, 14EKenwood Terrace, Mora 55051, 32lHl79-4362,seelcoOOl Otc.umn.eduSEELAND Tina M, Non Univ Staff, 1992 FolwaIIAvenue Seint Paul (651-849-5153),1150 BrooksAvenue W, Roseville 55113,seeIaOO30tc.umn.eduSEELEY Mark W, Prof (Soil, Water, and Climate;CCE Pers.Enrich Prgms Inslrt) S335 Solis, DelCode 6021\ (625-4724), 2121 Como Ave, St Paul55106,651-641-0745, mseeleyOtc.umn.eduSEELEY Patricia J, Ubtary Ass! 3 (AccessServices) 2788 Diehl H, Del Code 1691(826-5967), JHl8lll.oll:.umn.eduSEELEY William S, Sr Lacturer (Strategic Mgmt &Organization) 3-365 Cari~m~ Del Code 7041,66 Berton Ave SE, MpIs 55414,seeIeOO1 Otc.umn.eduSEaY OQriS_J, Assoc Librarian (Area Studies(MAC) 160 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (825-6858),1530 So 6t1l St Apt 702, MpIs 55454, 339-3058,d-seelOte.umn.eduSEETAPUN Dominique, TeaChing Ass!(Biomedical E~ring Dept) Room 7-1 OS"BSendBE, 312 ChurchSt SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1191,17837 Powderhorn Dr, Minnetonka55345, seelOOO70tc.umn.eduSEFFERNICK Jennifer L, Post-Doctoral Asscc(Biochem, Molecular BloI/Iliophy) 156 Gor L, DelCode 6104 (624-4278; 825-1722), 10935 38th AveN, Plymouth 55441, 763-546-91OS, .seffeOOl Otc.umn.eduSEFFROOD Andrew T, Word Proe Spec(DeveVSurg Sci-Oral Surg) Room 7·174 MoosT,Del Code 1291 (624-5940),4128 ·19th Ave S,Mpls 55407, 203-9313, seffOOO10tc.umn.eduSEfTlCK Susan R, Scientist (Epidemiology) 300W BOB, Del Code 7525 (824-0223),seftiOO10tc.umn.eduSEGAL Barbara M, Asscc Prof (A527 Meyo) MMC108 Mayo, Del Code 8108,420 Delaware St SE(624-1182),2942 Fernwood St, Ro6evIIIe 55113,651-330-7619, segaI0170tc.Umn.eduSEGAL Ira S, Ass! Prof (Hennepin County MelicaICenter) Dept 01 Anestheslology, 701 Park Ave S,Mpls 55415, 5520 Bristol Lane, Minnetonka 55343,sega\OO201c.umn.eduSEGAL MD Robert M, Asscc Prof (Pediatrics)MMC 391 Mayo, 420 Delaware, Mpls 55455(824-4477), se9afoo5~tc.umn.eduSEGAL Rosalyn A,Ass! To (Melical SchoolDean's Office) MMC 293 Meyo, Del Code 8293,C684 Meyo (825-el66), IlIeglIIOtc.umn.eduSEGAL'yoav, Asit Prof (MedlcfneiRenaQ MMC736 Mayo, Del Code 8736,14·106 PWB(626-8854), ysegalOtc.'!'"n;eduSEGALA Laura N, Te8chIng Ass! (EducationalPsychology) 208 Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(624-6083), 17210 27th Ave North, Pfymouth55447,763-476-9843, segaOO420te.umn.eduSEGALL Miriam, Assoc Prot (Lab Medicine &Pathology) MMC 724 Meyo, Dll! Code 87'24, 7·130P W B (273-5389), 920 Mount I!:urve Av, MpIs55403, 377·3773, segaIOO10tc.umn.eduSEGERSTROM Bruce A, Electrician (Fac Mgmt-TcElectric Operations) 300 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (821;.7837), w7827135th Ave, Heger City WI54014, 763-389-8025, eegerOO70tc.umn.eduSEGERSTROM Juli K, Electrician (FacilitiesMgmt-Landcare) Room 1300 FoodOB, Del Code5603 (626-7554), jenlOO1 Otc.umn.eduSEGUIN Bradley E, Prof {Veterinary PopulationMedicine; Animal ScIence, Dept of) 435H An SciNM, Del Code 6190 (624-474,1),.88 Mid au. Ln,R088VlIle 55113, 851-844-4212,seguiOO10tc.umn.eduSEGUIN Daniel M, BuiklIng and Grounds WOl1<et(UMD-Houaing (Lake Superior Hall) 103 L S H,503 Niagara Court, DuIulh 55812 (218-726-8400),3305 No 73rd West, Duluth 55810, 216-624-0817,


SEHGAL Httakshi, Teaching Aas1 (School ofNursing) Room 5-160 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 1331, 927 Winter St NE,Minneapolis 55413, 859-420-5814,sahg00060tc.umn.aduSEHNKE Sandy A, Madical Ass! (Boyn HS)Nursing Department, Del Code 1171,sahnkOO20tc.umn.aduSEIB Carrie A, Library Asst 3 (Chartes BabbageInsliluta Archives) 211 AnderLib, Del Code 7921(625-4867), casaibOtc.umn.aduSEIDEL Bob, Prof (Chemical EngrlMet Sci),Adjunct Prof (SclencalTachnology, Hist of) Room101 AmundH, Del Code 0531 (624-8003),rwsOtc.umn.aduSEIDEL Branda L, Scientist ('j MMC 606 Mayo,Del Code 8806, ' 55455 (626-2838), 4859 189thSt, Farmington 55024, rickoo770tc.umn.aduSEIDEL Clerance W, Irila Tach Spec (CCD-CantralComputingOperations) 660 W BOB, Del Code7531 (624-0855), c-saidOtc.umn.aduSElDEL Wayne R, Extension Educator/Professor(UM Extension Lake Cnty) Courthousa, 601 3rdAva, Two Harbors 55616-1517 (218-834-8377),579 Valley Road, Two Harbors 55616,saida0020tc.umn.aduSEIDMON EJames, Pro! (Urologic Surgery) MMC394 Mayo, Del Code 6394, Rm 0596 Mayo(624-7666), saidmoo20tc.umn.aduSElFERMANN Aloys, Cook (UMM Food Service)Food SC, M262A, 600 E 4th St, Morris 56267(320-589-6130), Box 95, Albarta 56207,320-324-2601, saif80040morris.umn.aduSEIFERT Gregory J, PipafitterForaman (FacllttlesManagement) B15 DonhowaB, Del Coda 3121,sellaOO70tc.umn•aduSEIFERT Kathy, Teaching Spec (EducationalPsychology) 259 Burton Hall, Del CO\l9 3171(625-6559), saIlOO740tc.umn.aduSEIFE,RT Laura E, Accounts Spec (Office ofIntematlonal Programs) 645 HellarH, Del Code7457 (628-6623), saIIOO560tc.umn.aduSEIFERT Luverne G, Ta8ching Spec (Theatre Artsand Dance) Room 560 RarigC, 330 21st Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7752, saifa0140tc.umn.aduSEIFERT Randall 0, Prof (366 Kirby Plaza) 1208Kirby Drive, Dul'lth 55612, 7937 Agency Narrows

'Drive NW, Walker 58484, 218-547-3553,[email protected] Jeffrey J, Program Dir (IntercollegieteAthletics) Room 141 BFAB, Del Coda 3061'(624-7559; 624-2868), 851-463-8657,salirOOl Otc.umn.aduSelLER Annette L, Painte; (FacilitiesMgmt-CPPM-U of MConstru) Room 300 DonhowaBldg, 3121, 31915th Ava SE, Mpls 55455(625-3633), 729 Home 51rtlal, Kenyon 55946,599-4119, seil90220tc.umn.aduSElLER-pmRSON Jody L, Tachnology ProjectCoordinator (Offica of the Raglstrar) 150 WmsonH,Del Coda 0174 (625-3674), sailaOO30tc.umn.eduSEIM Harold C, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMadiclnalComm Health) MMC 361 Mayo, Del Coda838l, seimxOOl •SElM Michael, Aqjunct Aas1 Prof (EmergencyPhysicians PAl Sutte 650, 7301 Ohms Lane, Edina55439, [email protected] Peter 0, Ole Spec (MINITEX) 15 AJldarsanLibrary, Del COde 7921,3513 -18th Ava Apt 2,Mpls 55407, 651-983-5548, [email protected] Mary E, Aas1 Pro! (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Dept 01 Dentistry, Del Code 1291,4915 Thomas Avenue South, Mpls 55410,selarOOl Otc.umn.aduSElTZ Kathryn L, Police OIer (Dapartment ofPolice) 100 TSB, Del Code 1961 (624-3550),[email protected] Catherine, Coordinator (Dept ofArchitectura) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Coda 0811(624-7868), 729-6469, sllilzOll Otc.umn.aduSEKHON Jeffrey 0, Building and Grounds Worker(Faciltties Mgmt-BIdg Serv - Area A) Room 300DonhowaB, 319 15th Ava SE, Mpls 55455, DelCoda 3121, 333 8th St SE Aptl14, Mpls 55414,[email protected] Sylvia M, Assoc Prof (HealthPartners ­Como) 2500 Como Ave, St Paul 55108,[email protected] Julie A, Assoc Dir CrnplCol (OSF ­One Slop Student SaMces) 247 Fraser Hall, Delcoda 3395 (625-6579), g00da021!uSELDEN Crsig G, ,4\djunct Ass! Pro! (RestorativeSci.Qparaliva Dentistry) 8-450 MoosT, Del Code1291 (625-4908), seIdaOO20tc.umn.adu

SELF Karl 0, Dir CampusiCollage Laval (Comm UHIth Cara CtrNar Child), Adjunct AssoC Prof(Primary Dental Cera) 2001 BlOOmington Ava 5,0$1 Code 7851 (838-0700 x208; 638-0655), 3615Oak Creak Terrace, Vadnais Heights 55127,sallxool0tc.umn.eduSELF Lydia M, Prin CoIlactions Rep (OSF ­Student Financial CoItact1ons) 20 Fraser H, DelCoda 3395 (625-5544), saIlxOO20tc.umn.aduSELINE Beverty J, Cook (UMD Food/VendingServices) 245 KPIz, D206, 1208 Kirby Dr, Ouluth55812 (218-726-6193), selinool Od.umn.aduSEUSKER Mary S, Exec Ass! (Controller's .Orgn-Fin Syst Support) 295-0 WBOB, Del Code7523 (625-3493), 632 Village Parkway, CirclePines 55014,763-763-1017, m-saIiOtc.umn.aduSEUESKOG Edward L, Prot Emeritus (51e 110)2605 5th St, Rapid cny SO 57701,seljaOO10tc.umn.eduSELKIRK Christina G, Teaching Asst (GaneralBiology ~rogram) RM 3-104 MCB, 420 WashintonAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Coda 1231, 2823LeXington Ave N Apt317, Roseville 55113,773-415-5127, hutt90180tc.umnJlduSELL George R, Prof (Mathematics, Sch Of) 329VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-8381), saIiOtc.\Jmn.aduSELL Jane M, Assoc Admin (StatisticsDepartment) 313 Ford Hall, Del Code 0457(625-9861), salIx0030tc.umn.aduSELL Kevin A, Instructor (HCMC Poison ControlCante~) 701 Pakr Avenue South, Mpls 55409,sallx0120tc.umn.eduSELL Scott M, Research Fellow (fisheries &Wildlife) 200 Hodson H, Del Coda 6125, 600Krueger Ave, Oconto WI 54153, 920-835-4036,selixOll0Ic.umn.aduSELJ.E Joyce M, Assoc Admin (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 368 Mayo, Del Code 8366, CCRBSutte 660 (628-2961), saIlaOO30tc.umn.eduSELLE Laura A, Teaching Spec (Theatre Arts andDance) Room 111 BarkerCtr,'500 21st Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7641, saI1OO740tc.umn.aduSELLECK Scott B, Prof (Pediatrics; Genetics, CatlBioi, Dev TMEo) 5-245G MoosT, Del Code 1217(624-4659), sallaOl1.0tc.umn.aduSELiLERGREN David C, Lecturar (Humphrey Instof Public Affair) Room 225 HHHClr, 30119th AveS, Mpls 55455, Oat Code 7451, Fradikson andByron, 4000 Pillsbury Center, 200 South SixthStreet, MpI!l 55402-1"25, 651-690-0104,sall90050tc.umn.aduSELJ.ERS Thomas A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Epidemiology) Room,300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St,Mpls 55454, Del Code' 7525, 16303 B1enhalm Way,Minnetonka 55345, sallaOO20tc.umn.aduSELLEW Kathleen S, Assoc oir Univ Wide (Offica0; Intematlonal Programs) Room 645 HellerH, DelCoda 7457 (626-6634), 1588 Vincent 51, St Paul55108,651-847-1260, k-saII0tc,umn.aduSELLEW Philip H, Assoc Pro! (Classil:al & NearEastem Studies) 305 Folwell Hall, Del Coda 0149(625-2026), 1588 Vincent St, 81 Paul 55108,851-847-1260, psaiIawOtc.umn.aduSELUE Ronllld 0, Painter (CPPM- U of MConstruction) Room 300 DonhoweB. 31915th AveSE, Mpls 55455, 0$1 Code 3121, 3028 BellairaAve, Maplewood 55109, 651-773-9043,[email protected] Thor C, Aas1 Scientist (Soil Water &Climate) 262 Bortaug Hall, Del Coda 6026(625-2712),2543 E 14th Av, N St Paul 55109,651-770-5943, tsaliiaOtc.umn.eduSELiLMAN Jonathan 5, Asst Prof (Medicine(Infactious Diseasa») MMC 250 Mayo, Del Coda6250, 14-102 pwe (624-9996),seIl00490tc.umn.eduSELLNER Mark A, Lecture~ (Carlson Masters ofBusiness Taxatio) 3-110 CartSMgmt, Del Coda7041, [email protected] Anna M, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Genetics, Call Bioi, Dev TCBS), GraduateSchool Fellow (Genetics, Cell Bioi. Dev TCBS)6-166 MCB, Del Coda 1217,[email protected] Cecilia A, Assoc Admin (Univ Counseling& Consulting Serv) 200 Eddy H, Del Coda 4601(624-6534), [email protected] Kira A, Teaching Spec (Masters ofBusiness'Taxatlon) 3-108 CartSMgmt, Del Coda7041, 111 Marquette Avanue Apt 1502, Mpls55401,341-9616, saIsaOO30tc.umn.aduSELTZ Magan M, Assoc Academic Advisor(CCE-DCPlStudent Services & Advising) Room136C WesH, Del Code 3631 (625-5595),seltzOll

SELTZER George, Prof (Ratired) (IndustrielRelations Ctr) 3-300 CarlSMgmt, 3211~ Ave S,MpIs 55455, Del Code 7041,1917 E River Rd,Mpls 55414,332-8277,

SELTZER Jon, Lecturer (MarkatinglLogisticsManagement) 3-150 CarlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Coda 7041,

SEL"'US Amy R, Prin Administrative Spec(Institute for Global Studies) 214 Social Science,Del Code 7173 (624-9007),

SELZLER Bemard J, Pro! (UMC LeamingFoundations) 319 SaIH, Crookston 56716(218-281-8272), [email protected] Douglas J, OIc Aas1 (Admin-Finance &Personnel) 1-776 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-5972), 1870 E26th St, Minneapolis55404-4055,481-0939, samblool Olc.umn.aduSEMEJA Donna J, Aas1 Department Oir (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (624-4076),12410 llex St NW, Coon Rapids55448, 763-757-9400, ,d-semeOte.umn.eduSEMMENS Michael J, Prof (Civil Enginaari~g) 122 ,Civ E, Del Coda 0851 (625-9857), 851-699-7359, '

SEMMES Robart M, PhD Candidata ResearchAsst (Collage of Education) Room 107 BuH, DelCoda 3281 (624-6063), Apartmanl205, 840 18thAve SE, Mpls 55414-2561, 623-3939,[email protected] Mike, NTS Operations Engineer(Networking & Telacom Srvs), Del Coda 2171(624-8222), mikeOtc.umn.eduSEN Cahid8, Research Aas1 (ADCS) Room 190ShapLab, 100 Union 81 SE, Mpls 55455. Del Code0771, senxOOll Otc.umn.aduSEN Soma, Asst Prof (Medicine (Cardiology))MMC 508 Mayo, Del, Coda 8508, 277A VCRC(625-2454), sanxx0040tc.umn.eduSENAUER Benjamin H, Prof (Applied Economics),Program Dir (Applied Economics) 231 Cia 011, DelCoda 6040 (625-5724), bsenauerOtc.umn.eduSENCER SuSan F, Instructor (Children's Healtheare -Minnaapotis) 2525 Cllicago Ave S, Mpls55404. [email protected] Sue E, Instructor (AbbottNorthwastem Hospttal) 600 E 28th St, Mpls 55407,[email protected] Dick, Assoc Dean (UM Extension Comm& Educ Tach SVCS) 405 CofH, Del Code 6070(625-m9), 724-6485, dsanasaOtc.umn.aduSENGER Matthaw E, Info Tach Spec (UMMComputing Services), Info Tach Prof (UMMComputing Services) Room 10 Behm, M228A, 600E 4th St, Morris 56267; Room 205 Behm, M255B,600 E 4th St, Morris 56267 (320-589-6391;320-089-6128),705 Imperial Dr, Apt 206, Morris56277, mattOmorris.umn.aduSENIOR Matthaw J, Assoc Prof (Humantties-UMM)216 Cam, Morris 56267 (320-569-6296), 209 E 1st,Morris 56267, 320-569-2487, .saniormOmorris.umn.aduSENSAT Michelle L"Adjunct Asst Prof (PrimaryDental Cara-Dental Hygiene) Room 8-536CMoosT, Del Coda 1291, [email protected] Brian E, Info Tach Spec (Medical SchoolEducation) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Cod8 6293, B 693Mayo (626-6560), [email protected] Gary W, Head Coach (UMC-Athl, Intcll)142 Sports Cmp, Crookston 56716(218-261-8417),40996 US Hwy 10, Perham56573,218-261-2532, gsanskaOmeil.crk.umn.eduSENST Bonnie L, Asst Prof (Med Management)4700 Nathan Lane N, Plymouth 55442,[email protected] James C, Assoc Prof (Retirad)(Intamational Ag Programs), 56 WGolden LakeRd, Circle Pines 55014, jcsantzOtc.umn.aduSEO Bosu, Lacturer (Economics) 1035 Heller Hall,Del Coda 7052 (625-6353), 1058 27th Ave SE AptC, Mpls 55414, 362-9697, saoxOO240tc.umn.aduSEO Dong Gi, Teaching Asst (Psychology),Research Asst (Psychology) Psychology, N-218ERH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, Del Coda3281, 1021 29th Avenue SE, Apt 'C'~Mpls 55414,saoxx021 @tc.umn.aduSEO Dongju, Research Asst (Psychology;Psychiatry) Psychology, N-218 ERH, 75 East RiverRoad, Mpls 55455. Del Code 3281,saodOtc.umn.eduSEO He Weon, Research Ass! (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(626-0096; 624-6063),

SEO Kyounghee, Teaching l?pec (Curriculum &Instruction) Rqam 125 PeikH, 159 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Coda 4301 (625-0760),seoxx0050Ic.umn.eduSEOL Kyoung Ok, Research Asst (Psychology)N-218 EltH, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, DelCoda 3281, 401 8th St SEi Ap12, Minneapolis55414, saoI00020tc.umn.aduSEONG Kye Yong, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Plant,Pathology) Room 495 BorH, Del Coda 6030, 8560Magnolia Trl, Ap1219, Eden Prairie 55344,[email protected]

SEONG Wook-Jin, Assoc Clinical Spec(Restorative Sci-Prosthodontics) 9-470 Moos T,Del Code 1291 (625-5677), saongOOl Otc.umn.adu.

SEPPANEN Patricia S, Lecturer (ApplReslEductionallmpr, Ctr) 275 Peik H, Del Code3345,4414 Oxbow Circle 5, ARon 55001-9655,651-996-1762, sappa0060tc.umn.eduSEPULVED\II ADAMS Daniel A, Research Spec(7-159 Weaver-Densford Hall) 308 HarVard SI SE,Del Coda 1332 (624-6489),1131 Hamlina Ave N,Apt 19, St Paul 55108, 651-847-6266,[email protected]

SERA Maria 0, Pro! (Inst 01 Child Dev) 208C ChDav, Del Coda 4011 (624-2856), seraOtc.umn.eduSERAFIN Dorota, Program Assoc (IntemationalProgram Dev) 4-104 CarlSMgmt, 32119th Ave 5,Mpls 55455, Del Coda 7041, serafOOl @Ic.umn.eduSEREDNYAKOV Alexey S, Teaching Ass!(Carlson, Finance) 4-267 CartSMgmt, Del Coda7041 (626-9696; 628-9696), 360 West LarpanteurAva Apt 8, Seint Paul 55113,sera00090tc.umn.aduSERFASS Robert C, Assoc Dean (EduclHumanDev, Collage of), Ass~ Pro! (Kinesioiogy, Schoolof) Room 104 Burton H; Room 224A CookeH, DelCode 3171 (825-2016), 1400 Grantham, St Paul55108,651-644-6804, sarfaOO1@,tc.umn.aduSERIER Jill M, OIc Supv (IT Administration) Room105 WaLib, 117 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCoda 3731 (625-0721), seri90030tc.umn.eduSERIEVSSOL Claire A, Research Aas1 (Fisheries,Wildlife & Cons Bioi) Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 1980Folwell Ava, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6125,serioo260tc.umn.eduSERIO Chris, Non Univ S1aff (UMM ComputingServices) 60 Food Service Morris,serioc@,morris.umn.aduSERPE Mihaela, Research Assoc (Genatics, CellBiologylDev) Room 5-235 Moos HS Tower, DelCode 1217 (625-8602), 651-463-2836,serpaOO10tc.umn.aduSERPOSS Alan 0, Adjunct Ass! Prof (FoshayTower, Ste 1810) 621 Marquette Ave, Mpls 55402,1'05 E Elmwood Plaza, Mills 55409,[email protected] Madeline I, Jr Scientist (Genetics, CellBioiogylDev) Room 5-108 MoosT, Del Code 1217(626-2947),623-3191,88",,0010tc.umn.aduSERRES Terrence J, Research Spec (ForestResources) Room 115 GreenH, 1530 ClevelandAve N, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6112, 3548 KyleAve N, Crystal 55422, sarr00420tc.umn.aduSERRIN James B, Regents Prof (Retired) (Schoolof Mathematics) l09B VinH, Del Code 0412(624-9530), 4422 DuPont Ave S, Mpls 55409,serriool0tc.umn.aduSERSHA James P, Instructor (UMD Education),Coordinator (UMD Education) 144 MonH, 1211Ordaan Court, Duluth 55612 (218-726-7483 x7483;218-726-8627), [email protected] Christina, Graduate School Trainee(Public Health, School of), Teaching Asst(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,serv90080tc.umn.aduSETH Gargi, PhD Candidate Research Aas1 (ChemEng & Matarial Sci) 265 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (625-3051; 625-0808), 2031 Knapp St AptE4,St Paul 55108-1141, 651-210-6642, •sethoo220tc.umn.eduSE1'H Milan C, Teaching Asst (Biostatistics,DiviSion of SPH) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 6303,MMC 303 Mayo (624-2474), 3424 Lyndale Ave 5,Mpls 55408, 622-0450, [email protected] Surendra, Adjunct Asst Prof (Anoka-MetroRegional Treatment Ctr)Cardiology, 3301 7th AveN, Anoka 55303, 1212 Benton St, Anoka 55303,sethi0020tc.umn.aduSETLIFF Gregory P, Teachi~g Ass! (Entomology)Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 1960 Folwell Ava, St Peul55108, DetCoda 6125, sedOOO30te.umn.adu


SETNESS Peter A, Assoc Prof (Family Medicalcenter) 5W Lake St, Mpls SS408, 1355 MaybenyTran, Marine on St Croix 55047,setneOOl Oic.umn.eduSETRAH Michael 1', Building and Grounds Worl<er(UMD Housing) 149 LSH, 0207. 513 NiagataCOurt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8400),132Northfiekt Street, Duluth 55803,msetranOd.umn.eduSETTEIlGREN Nicole M, Teaching Asst (UMDCtlemlstry) 246 Chem, 0172, 1039 University Dr,Duluth 55812, 3735 Lismore Road, Duluth5fi803,9745, 218-721-3596, sellOO460d.umn.eduSETTERHOUI Dale R, Asst To (MinnesotaGeological Surwy) Room 104 2642 Unlv, 2642UnlvelSily Ave W, St Paul 55114-1057, Del Code2411 (627-4780 x223), 20929 Lofton Ave N,Marine on Saint CroiX 55047-9718, 651-433-3738,setteO\ll Ote.umn.eduSETTlE Clayton L. SpecIal Asst (104 Armory) 15Church St SE, Univ of Minnesota 55455-0137, 'smullBA Nelson, Teaching Spec (MechanicalEngineering) Room 125 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455. Del Code 0691 (624-2986),209-1780, setIOO540te.umn.eduSElTV' Shaun P, Medical Fellow (Surgery) MMC207 Mayo, Del Code 8207, setlOO620te.umn.eduSETZER Steven C, Instructor (Hennepin PoisonCenter) 701 Part< Ave, Mpls55415,~54CoveRoad, Hudson WI 54016, setzeOlll0tc.umn.eduSEVCIK Molly A, Ass! Scientist (DialVBiOlo ScI ­Neurosys1ems) Room 18-186 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291 (625-5511), 498 Etna St Apt201, StPaul 55106, 507-331-7379, sevao040tc.umn.eduSEVERANCE Sharon K, Sr Administrative Spec(Divof Social ScIence) 109 cam, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (32Mll!Hl2OO), 30522 l20th Street,Herman 56248, ~77-2543,severaskOmorris.umn.eduSEVERINSON Jemlfer 0, Program Assoc (UMCCtr for Aduh Leaming) Room 219 SelH, 2900University Ave, Crooksloli 56716 (218-281-8681),210 Russel St•. Reynolds NO 56275,ujds2010mail.crt<.umn.eduSEVERS Ronald W, Sr Scientist (Cloquet ForestryCenter) 175 UnIversity Rd,C~ 55720-9594(218-72lHl412), PO Box 116, sawyer 55780,rseversOlc.UIM.eduSEVERSON Men R, Prof (Medcine-UMD) 209SMed, 1035 University or, Dullllh 55812(218-726-7903), 50 Juntunen Rd, Esko 55733,218-879-5476, aseversoOd.umn.eduSEVERSON ~tt W. Personnel Spec (HumanResources) Room 200 Donhowel8. De.1 Code 3122(626-8608), sever0430te.umn.edtiSEVERSON Constance J, Accounting Supv (Deptof Architecture) Room 145B RapeonH, Del Code081 I (62~), 8566 Xerxes Lane North,Brooklyn Part< 55443, 763-425'7514,severtlO60ic.umn.eduSEVERSON James M, Teaching Spec (UMM P Ecanter) Room 225 PEC, M231 B, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (32Mll9-6433), 808 Fnmcis St AptB,Faribauh 55021-6281, 589-3898,seversjrnOmorris.umn.eduSEVERSON Karen C, Community Program Spec(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,3151 29th Ave S Apt306, Mpls 55406, 987-0523,seveOO240te.umn.eduSEVERSON Kermit E, Instructor (FairviewUniversity Mad Ctr) 2450 Riverside Ave, Mpls55454. 6001 St JohnS Avenue, Edina 55424,severOl1 Ote.umn.eduSEVERSON Lara M, Police Olcr (Department ofPolice) 100 TSB, Del Code 1981 (62~-3550),

Police Dept- 100 TSB, 511 Washington AveSE,Mpls 55455, sever0620te.umn.eduSEVERSON Marilyn A, Asst Payroll sarvicesManager (Payroll) Room 545 WBOB, Del Code7534 (624-&92), .SEVERSON Mart< J, Research Fellow (UMD NatResources Rsrch InsI; UMD Geological Sciances)212 N RR I, 5013 Miller Trunk .Hwy, Duluth 5581 I(218-720-4239),2122 W22nd St, Duluth 5581 I,218-726-0071, .SEVERSON Michael V. Instructor (BrainerdMedical Center) 2024 S 6th St, Brainerd 56401,sever0190te.umn.eduSEVERSON Paul A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (cantralLakes Medical Ctr) 301 First St SE, Crosby 56411SEVERSON Russell K, Extension

'EducatorJProlessor (MN Ext Sve Tech 'unONorthwest), Assoc Program Oir (MN Ext Sve TechUn~ Northwest) UM Extension Polk Cnly,Agricuhural Research Ctr Rm 110, 2900 UniversityAve, Crookston 5671~56 (218-28HI695), .28247160th Ave SW, Crookston 58718-8844,218-281-3248, [email protected]

SEVERSON Sussn J, Research Nurse Clinician(Pediatrics), 'Exempt Temporary or CssuaI(Pediatrics) MMC 74? Mayo, Del Code 8742, 4-206P W B (625-7995), severOO30tc.umn.eduSEVERT Anthony L, Asst Prof (Radiology) MMC292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, C-205 Mayo(626-3002), 5440 Vernon Ave S Ap1331,.Edina55436, 952-925'3890, sever0250te.umn.eduSEVERTSON Steve J, Assoc Prof (Bio-Based 'Products) 1041<aufert L, Del Code 6130(625'5265),

SEVIGNY Monica J, Jr CashierJFood Aide(UMe-Food sarvices) 233 sec, Crookston 56718(218-281-8539). 119 4th Ave N. Crookston 56716,218-281 -6227, msevignyOmail.crl<

SEVY Michale A, Info Tech Prof (OSF - ITSS) B ­12 Fraser H, Del Code 3395,

SEWELL Melinda H, Coordinator (Oversight,Analysis & Reporting) 409 Joh H, Del Code 3773(624-4042), seweIOO50tc.umn.eduSEXTON Matthew G, Teaching Asst (Physics andAstronomy), Research Asst (Physics andAslronomy) Physics and AstronomY. Room 148Phys, 116 Church St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code0331, sexto04I Otc.umn.eduSEXTON sarah J, Exec Administrallve Spec(School of Statistics) 313 Ford Hall, Del Code0457, 651-nD-9451, johns1690tc.umn.eduSEXTON Theresa 1'" Coordinator (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171.sextOO220tc.umn.eduSEVBOLD Robart A, Sr PsychoIQgIsl (UnivCounseling & Consulting sarv) 130 Col H, DelCode 6054 (625-8214). 651-63&' 'SEYBOLD PHD Virginia S; Prof (4-120 BSBE) 312Church St SE, Del Code 1216 (624-9406),vseyboIdOte.umn.eduSEYBOLT Cameron R. Lecturer (Masters 01 .Business Taxation) 3-108 ca~SMgmt, 321 19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041.2131 SharidanHills Road, Wayzata 55391, 492-7053,[email protected]

SEYBOLT Richard A, Prof (UMD-Fgn Language &Literature) 479" H, Dululh (218-726-7575), 812Mellwood Avenue, Duluth 55804, 218-724-f333,[email protected] Deborah A, Program Assoc(Pediatrics &Adolescent Heahh) Suite 260 McNamarli, DelCode 2016 (626-2953; 626-2820), 2695 AlissaLane, Maplewood 55119, 651-704-9506.dappeOlll0te.umn.eduSEYFRIED Devid F, Asst Prof (UMC Business andTechnology) lI09 salH. Crookston 56716(218-281-8370), seylriedOumcrookston.eduSEYFRIED JR William E, Head jEarth SciGeology/Geophysics), Prof (Earth ScIGeologylGeophysics) 104C Pills H, Del Code 0211(624-0340),1005 W Hoyl Ave, St Paul 55117,[email protected]

SEVKORA Anthony J, Prof (Animal ScIence) 225BHcl<rH, Del Code 61 18 (624-3448), 1872 EldridgeAvenue W, Roseville 55113-5606,651-636-9213,seykoOO10te.umn.eduSEYMOUR JOhn L, Asst Prof (Retired)(Neurosurge'ry), 5104 Bryant Avenue South, Mpls55419, seymoOO20tc.umn.eduSEVOUM Ginnal, Building and Grounds Worl<er(Facilities Mgml-Donhowe) Room 400 Donh6weB,31915th Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3121, 418Maryland Avenua W, Apl103, St Paul 551 17,65H57-0564, sey0U0020te.umn.eduSEZEN Ahmet S, Teaching Asst (MechanicalEngineering), PhD Candidate Research Asst(Mechanical Engineering) Mechanical Engineering,Room I 101 MechE, I I I Church St SE. Mpls55455, Del Code 0691, sez800020tc.umn.eduSFAXI Mohamed, Adjunct Asst Prof (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292 (626-5566), 212Vroom Ave, Spring Lake NJ 07762-1628,slaxiOOl Ote.umn.eduSHACKELFORD Jole R, Adjunct Asst Prof (Histolyof Medicine) MJ.1c 506 Mayo, Del Code 6506, 51 IDiehl Hell (624-4499), 992 Portland Ave, St Paul55104,651-227-4691, sheckOO10tc.umn.eduSHADDUCK Erika, Non Univ Stall (MechanicalEngineering) 333 Johnston Hall Mpls, .shaddOl00tc.umn.eduSHADE Shelley A, Pon Accountant (UniversityStores) UStorN,tlel Code 2017 (625'5335),

SHAFAT Abdihltah 0, Research Fellow (ILASLl)Room 214 NCCE, 315 Pillsbury Dr SE, MpIs55455, Del Code 0095, shafa0340te.umn.eduSHAFER Brende M,Extension Educator/Asst Prof(UM Extension Regl Ctr Moorhead) 715 11th St NSte 107C, Moorfl~ 58560-2083 (218-236-2010),shafeOO60te.umn.eduSHAFER Karin R, Medical Technologist(Veterinery Medical canter) 325 VMe, Del Code6194,2061 Westem Avenue, Roseville 55113,651-488-6331, shale0300te.utnn.8duSHAFER Megan, Instructor (Department ofPsychiatry) f282I2A West, 2450 Riverside Avenue,Mpls 55454, shaf80100te.umn.eduSHAFFER Amy M, Exec Administrative Spec (UMExtenison Ctr for 4-H Youth Dev) Room 270 BMcNamara Ctr, Del Code 2016 (624-8193),

SHAFFER John H, Adiynct Instructor (School ofSocial Worl<) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 1493 Ashland Ave,St Peul55104, 651-647-1755,

SHAFFER Joseph J, Adjunct Asst Pro!(Dennatology Consuhants) 1165 Town CenterDrive, Suite 220, Eagan 55105, .

SHAFFER Warren F, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Educational Psychology), 24655 Crooked Rd,Bovey 55709, shaff0140te.umn.eduSHAH JenyV, Teaching Ass! (Civil Engineering),Research Asst (Waler Resources Center)CivifEngineering, Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpis 55455, Del Code 0851,[email protected] Nisha V, Scientist (cancer canter) MMC806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 625 CCRB (626-4839),[email protected] Priti P, Assoc Prof (StrategicMgmtlOrganization; executive Development Ctr)3-360 carfSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-9663),shahxOO70tc.umn.eduSHAH Rachna, Asst Prof (Cartson, Operations &Mgmt ScIences) 3-215 cartSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-4432). 9672 Laforet Dr. Eden Prairie55347-3538,952-937-5983,[email protected] Syed Faisal A, Research Asst(Electrical/Computer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 651-647-9056,shah01400tc.umn.eduSHAHAR Eyal, Prof (Epidemiology) 300 W BOB,Del Code 7525 (624-8231), shaheOlll Ote.umn.eduSHAHRIARI Ali, Medical Fellow (Surgery) MMC195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, shahrOO70tc.iJmn.eduSHAIK Naveed M, Research Asst. (Collage ofPhannacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE,Mpis 55455, Del Code 1332,319 6th Ave SE,Second Floor, Mpls 55414, 763-218-3411,shai00150te.umn.eduSHALABY Judith L, Sr Editor (Olc 01 TheRegistrar-St Paul) 130 Col H, Del Code 6054(624-8792), j-shaIOte.umn.eduSHALAEV Evgenvi Y, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Pfizer,Inc) Groton Labs, MS 8156-004, Eastem PointRoad, Groton CT 06340, shela0020tc.umn.eduSHAM Kln.Joe, Research Asst(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, shem00440te.umn.eduSHAM Yuk Y, Med Chem VislWkslation l.aIl Mgr(Supercomputing Institute) 'Room 599 WaUb, 117Pleasant SI SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3721(624-7427; 624-0783), 763-503-6721,[email protected] Talyana A, Research Assoc (Meailhsarvices RschlPollcy) MMe 729 Mayo, Del Code8729, MMC 729 Mayo (625'3629), 3110 RaleighAve S Apt205, St Louis Parl< 55416,shamI0050tc.umn.eduSHAMMASH Ellen R, AdjUnct Asst Prof (RegionsHospital) Rheumatology, 640 Jackson S~ St Paul55101,1605 Murphy Parllway. Eagan 55122,[email protected] ,SHAMP Douglas, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Restorative 'Sci-Prosthodontics) 9-470 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-1144), •SHAMSOLKOTTABI Susanne, Asst Prof(Aneslheslology) MMe 294 Mayo, Del Code 8294,shams0040tc.umn.eduSHAN Ke}ia, TeachingAsst (Stetistics) 313 FordHall, Del Code 0457 (625-5388),[email protected]


SHAN, Xiaopeng, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Departmentof Chemistry) 462 Kotthoft Hall, Del Code 3861.415 lOne Street, Apl3OB, Mpls55414,shenx009'tc.umn.eduSHAND louise M, Exec Asst (Microbiology) MMe196 Mayo. Del Code 8196; 1460 Mayo (624-5947),shandOte.umn.eduSHANE UndaoC, Sr Research Assoc (Geology &Geophysics) 220 Pills H, Del Code 021 I(626-7889; 825-8428), 9 FIeldstOne COurt, POIllandME 04103, shan80020lc.umn.eduSHANECK Marl< T, Research Asst (ComputerSclencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EEICSci, 200Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0571,651-644-1631, shan02090te.umn.eduSHANEDUNG Janet A, Dir EducationalDevelopment (AHC Offi:a of Educatkin) MMe 205MaYO, Del Code 8206, 1-528 Moos Tower.(626-2873), 5316 Colfax Ave South. MpIs 55419,824-1478, janetOlc.umn.eduSHANEDLING PHD Stanton B, Asst Prof(Epidemiology) MMe 97 Mayo, Del Code 8097,D355 Mayo (952-833-8315), 5316 Colfax AvenueSouth, Mpls 55419, 824-1478,shaileOO30te.umn.eduSHANK JB, Asst Prof (History Departrneni) 614SST, Del Code 7165 (624-7323), 1696 James Ave,St Paul 55105, jbshankOte.umn.eduSHANK Nicholas B, Asst To (ArtDepartrnellt)E112 RegisCtr, Del Code 7831 (624-6518),343218th Ave S, Mpls 55407, 724-6099,shankOO10tc.umn.eduSHANK Richan:l 0, Adjunct Asst Prof (Medicine)280 N Smith Ave, Suite 144, St Paul 55102, 425Mt Curve Blvd, St Paul 55105,shank0060tc.umn.eduSHANKWnz Craig R. Program Oir (MechanicalEngineering) Room L-1 I I MechE, Del Code 0691(625'0323), shank0040tc.umn.eduSHANNON Lyle J, Instructor (UMD illoIogy),Research Fellow (UMD Biology) 17 SSB, 1035Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7276), 1021Berwick C~ Duluth 5581 I , 218-724-8299,IshennonOd.umn.eduSHANNON Robart W, Graduate School Trainee(Child DevelOpment) ChDev, 51 E River Rd, MpIs55455, Del Code 401 I (625-8670), 779 WCo RdB2, Roseville 55113, 651-483-9004,shan01470te.umn.eduSHANNON Sarah K, Research Asst (Social Wort<,School of), Graduate School Trainee (Social Wort<,School of) School of Social Worl<, Rm 105PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6161, 3404 Irving Ave N, Mpls 55412,sterOl 71 Ote.umn.eduSHANNON Terrie M, Assoc Prof (UMD Education),Adjunct Assoc P.rof (\IMD Continuing Education)120 Mon H, Duluth (218-728-8349),tshannonOd.umn.eduSHAO Feng, Teaching Asst (Chemistry) Room 138SmtthH, 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3861, sha000200te.umn.eduSHAO Nan, Teaching Asst (UMD Chamistry) 246Chem, 1~ University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-~12), 5017 Dodge SI, Duluth 55804,' ,.

SHAO Yongwu, Research Asst (School of Math)MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295, 354 Und Hall(626-0045),615 Ontario St SE ApI9, Mpis 55414,331-2532, sha000150lc.umn.eduSHAO Yunleng, Research Asst (AerospaceEngrlMechanics), Teaching Asst (AerospaceEngrlMechanics) Aerospace Engr and Mechanics,Room 107 AkerH, 1I0 Union 51 SE. Mpis 55455.Del Code 0731 (624-6361). shaoOO130te.umn.eduSHAP/Ii Nir, Research Asst Prof (Biotechnology

'Insthute), Research Assoc (Biotechnology Institute)Bioprocess Institute, Room 240 GorL, 1479Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 8106(625-2790), 1470 RoeeIawn Ave W, Falcon Heights55113,651-899-3020, nsh8p; .SHAPIRO Alan E. Departmental Dlr .(SclencalTechnology, Hist 01), Prof(SclencelTechnology, His! 01). Prof (Physics andAstronomy) 148 Phys, Del Code 0381 (624-5770),95 Badlord St SE:Mpis 55414, 379-4307,shapiOO10tc.umn.eduSHAPIRD Alice C, Adjunct Asst Prof(EpidemiOlogy) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,2340 Valentine Ave, St Paul 55108,shapi0130te.umn.eduSHAPIRO Burton L. pnif (Diagnostic and BiologicalScIences) 17-228A Moos T, Del Code 1291'(624-3991), 148 Nina St Apl2, St Peul55102,651-222-3415, bUrtOte.umn;edu


SHEEHY Todd P, Pipelitter (Fac Mgmt - Zone - 3Facilities Mgmt) B 117 Moos Tower, 8059, 515Delaware Stleet SE, Mpis 55455 (626-0493),14006 OrChid Ave, Rogers 55374, 201-9647,sheeh1080tc.umn.eduSHEETS Becky A, Research Plot Technician (Plant ~Pathology) Room 495 BorH, Del Code 6030, 'I11072241 SIr, Staples 56479,218-894-3449, [email protected] ;SHEETS George A, Chair (ClassicaVNear Eastern IStudies), Assoc Prof (ClassicallNear Eastern !StUdies) 305 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0149(625-3326),651-486-9144, [email protected] Usa A, Exec Student Personnel iWorl<er (Dentistry - Enrollment Management) ,Room 15-121 Moos Tower, Del Code 1291(624-3300), [email protected] Marit B, Clinical Asst Pro! (OblGynDepartmenl) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395,MMC 395 Mayo (626-3503), 15 Seymoul Ave SE,Mpls 55414, 827-7008, [email protected] Susan J, Ofc Managel (UM ExtensionClearwater Cnty) Courthouse Dept 106, 213 MainAve N, Bagley 56621-8304 (218-69Hl151), RR3Box 261, Begley 56621,218-694-6151,[email protected] Meagan R, Ofc Spec (Surgery) MMC220, Del Code 8220,64 KE (524-8100), 3619SneKing Ave S, Mpls 55406, 728-7968,shegs0040Ic.umn.eduSHEHADEH Nasfat J, Asst PlOf(MedicinelHematology) MMC 286 Mayo, Del Code8286,510 Masonic.(628-8138), 12807 Do Uttle Dr,Minnetonka 50305, 952-931-0666,sheha0050tc.umn.eduSHEIKHOSMAN Abdi, Adjunct Assoc Prof (LawSchool) Room 285 MondaIeH, 229 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911,sheioo380tc.umn.eduSHEILS· CEM Michael A, ElectromechanicalSyslems Spec (FaCilities Mgmt - Energy) 19 ScottH, Del Code 3121 (624-5583),763-434-2455,sheil0020tc.umn.eduSHEKELS Laulie L, Research Assoc (V A MadicalCenter) Resealch Sarvice (151), One Veterans Dr,Mpls 55417 (725-2000 x2924), 1345 North ArmDrive, Orono 55384, 952-472-1572,shekeOQ10tc.umn.eduSHEKHAR Shashi, PlOf (Computer Science &Engineering) 5-203 E ElC Scl Del Code 0571(624-8307), shekh~rOtc.umn.eduSHELBY David M, SI Par1<lng Attendant (Par1<lng &Transportation Sarvices) 1074 St Ramp, Del Code1983 (626-7275), 701 26th Avenue NE Apt3, Mpls55418,781-0377, shelbOO10tc.umn.eduSHELDON III Albert M, Adjunct Asst Prof (Pari<Nicollel Medical Center) 5000 W 39th St, Mpls55416, [email protected] Amy, Prof (Communication Studies)228 Ford Hall, Del Code 0456 (624-2504),[email protected] Timothy 0, Research Assoc (Center forApplied Research) Room 275 PeikH, Del Code4301 (626-7237), 1409 Englewood Ave, St Paul55104-1902,651-643-0781, [email protected] Amy M, Exec Asst(CUHCCNCC) 2001 Bloomington Avenue, DelCode 7851 (638-0700), shelI0080tc.umn.eduSHELSTAD Riana C, Sr Cashier (UMD Bookstore)175 KSC, 0205,1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-852.0),4261 Timber Ridge Lane Unit B,Hermantown 55811, 218-349-7867,[email protected] '

SHELTON Thomas 0, Asst Pro~ (Radiology) MMC292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, J2-491 U Hosp(626-6195), 1406 Wildcat Hollow, Austin TX 78746,512-708-0897, [email protected], page626-8453SHELVER Steven J, Adjunct Asst P~of (NewLondon Clinic) 205 N Main St, New London 56273,13848 Skyline Drive, Spicer 58268, 320-796-5506,shelv0020tc.umn.eduSHEN Chuan-ehou, Research Assoc (MinnesotaIsotope Laboratory), Del Code 0211 (624-9598),shantwnOte.umn.eduSHEN Jianhong, Asst Plof (School of Mathematics)539 VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-3570), 331-6695,shenx0340tc.umn.eduSHEN Uchun, PhD Candidate Resealch ASS!(UnivelSity of Minnesota) Dapartment ot Chemistiy,Del Code 3661 (625-3020), [email protected] Liming, Ass! Prof (Radiology) MMC 292Mayo, Del Code 8292, C M RR (626-2431;626-7007),2370 Jakin Way, Suwanee GA'3OO24,338-6520,


SHAW Sarah B, Teaching Spec (Journalism &Mass Comm, Sch Of) 101 MUI H, Del Code 0371(625-7316), shaWX011 Otc.umn.eduSHAW Tracy K, Exec Administrative Spec (UMDIndustrial Engineering) 105 VKH, 0176, 1305Oldean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-72.6-6161),tshawOd.umn.eduSHAWLOT William, ASS! Prof (Genetics, CellBiology & Dev) 5-245F Moos T, Del Code 1217(625-5171), shawlOOl Otc.umn.eduSHAY Nancy J, Teaching Spec (UMC Arts,Humanities/Soc Sci; UMC Math,Sciencerrechnology) 2900 Univers~ Ave,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8256), 5101 AmberValley Par1<way Apt21, Fal90 NO !i8104,701-772-2617, nshayOmail.Crl<.umn.eduSHAYEGAN Bijan, Adjunct Instructor (StillwaterMedical Group) 921 Greeley SI, Stillwater 55082,[email protected] Yakov M, Ph 0 Candidate GradInstructor (Sociology Depertment) 1052 Soc SciBldg, Del Code 7171 (62.6-7230),940 FranklinTerrace Apt 410, Mpls 55406,shch00010tc.umn.eduSHEA Brian:Teeching ASS! (Statistics) 313 FordHall, Del Code 0457 (625-8046), Apt 2.04, 425University Ave SE, Mpls 55414,sheax0520tc.umn.eduSHEA Gale L, Dir CampusIColiege Level(Enrollmenl Management) Room 15-110 MoosTower, Del Code 1291 (526-5533),shaaxQ010tc.umn.eduSHEA Glynis C, Coordinator (Pediatrics andAdolescent Heanh) Su~e 260 McNamara Center,Del Code 2016 (624-3772; 526-3087),721-5839,sheax011

SHEAFF Robert J. ASS! Prof (Cancer Center;Medicine; Biochem, Molec Bioi, Biophy TMED)MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 654C CCRB(626-4778; 626-0977), sheaf0040tc.umn.eduSHEAFFER Craig C, Prof (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) A404 Hayes Hell, Del Code 6026(625-7224),956 Amble Rd, Shoreview 55126,651-482-9583, sheafOO1 Otc.umn.eduSHEAR Wendy 5, Asst Prot (VA Medical Center)Caldiology, One Veterans Drive, Mpls 55417,12500 Cleek Road West, Minnetonka 55305,shear0040tc.umn.eduSHEAREN John G, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MNSurgical Assoc, PAl Sutte 450, 280 N Smnh Ave,St Paul 551 02, 1346 Goose Lake Ad. St Paul55100-4171, shearOO70te.umn.eduSHEARER James A, Assoc Dir CmplCoI (UMDFac Mgmt-AdminlSupport) 241 DAdS, Duluth(218-726-8198),2702 E 2nd St, Duluth 55812,218-728-4835, jsheararOd.umn.eduSHEBUSKI Ronald J, Asso!: Plof (Pharmacology)Rm 6-120 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1213, 918 East Shore Rd, Bergland MI49910,906-842-3212, shebuOO10tc.umn.eduSHEEHAN Cecilia L, Operations Supv, FacUsMgmt (Fac Mgmt-Bldg SaIV-Ar98 C) b117 Moos T,Del Code 3121 (625-0098),5313 W 56th St, Edina55438,952-927-7348,.sheeh0060tc.umn.flduSHEEHAN Joshua T, lBuilding and GroundsWort<er (Facilities Mgmnt-·Zone 4) 117 MoosTower, Del Code 8059, 2904 Fairmont St SE, 5313W 56th St, Edina 55438, 952-927-7348,sheeh033@\I:.umn.eduSHEEHAN Lee E, Building and Grounds Worl<er(Facilities Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 300 DonhoweB,31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,[email protected] Nuria, Sr Ole Spec (University Press)290 111 3rd Ave S, Del Code 7481 (627-4821),[email protected] Trisha A, Extension Educator/AssocProf (UM Extension Regl CII Hutchinson) 980 2ndAve SE, Hutchinson 5535D-2608 (32.0-234-0442),PO Box 2.22, 590 5 11th Slree~ Bird Island 55310,320-385-4734, tsheehanOtc.umn.eduSHEEHAN Victoria L, TAC Managel (Networt<ing &Telecom Srvs), Del Code 2171 (624-8393),763-571-5177, vsheehanOtc.umn.eduSHEEHAN William P, Adjunct Instructor (WoodlandCenters) PO Box 787, Wilmar 562.01,1212

•Oakwood Lane NW, Hutchinson 55350,sheeh0150tc.umn.eduSHEEHY Colleen J, Program Dir (Art Museum,Weisman), Exempt Temporary or Casual (Design,HOUSing/Apparel) 200 Weisman Art, Del Code1851 (625-9677),4851 5th Ave So, Mpls 55409,822-1163, sheehOO1

SHARP Paul, Head (UMD Political Science), Prof(UMD Political Science) 302B Cina, Duluth(218-726-6221),1123 Mississippi, Duluth 55811,218-724-1438, pshaIpOd.umn.eduSHARPE Andrew T, Coordinator (UMMAdmissionslFinancial Aid) Room 105 Behm,M759A, 600 E 4th St, Morris 58267(320-589-6035), 38990 County Rd 18, Starbuck56381, sha<peaOmorris.umn.eduSHARPE Benjamin G, Program Dir (IT StudentAffairs) 105 Und H, Del Code 0611 (624·8504),sharpOO30tC.umn.eduSHARPE Kathryn N, Teaching Ass! (Geography)Room 414 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Det Code 7163 (625-6080), 6501 ChelOkee Trail,Edina 55439, 952-944-2568,sharOO560tc.umn.eduSHARPE Leah M, Research Ass! (Fisheries,Wildlife & Cons BioI) Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 1980I'olwen Ave, 51 Paul 55108, Del Code 6125, 1887Gland Ave, Apt 7, St Paul 55105, 651-330-6047,Sha!p0920tc.umn.eduSHARPE Leslie A, Assoc Prof (HeanhPartnersRiverside) 2220 Riverside Ave S, Mpls 55454(371-1620), sharp0060tc.umn.eduSHARPE Michael N, Research Assoc (ICI) 108Patee Hall, Del Code. 4201 (826-8155),324heritage Trl, Circle Pines 55014-5009,763-444-9659, shaIpOO40te.umn.eduSHARPE Pauline A, Exec Administrative Spec(Neurology) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295, 694Diehl H (625-0963), sharpOO50tc.umn.eduSHARROW Ubby, Asst Coach (lnteroollegiateAthletics) 250 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (624-3508),952-888'7968,sha.r01390tc.umn.eduSHATAVA Duane A, Building and Grounds Worl<er(Fac Mgmt-Zone 1-St Paul) 202 F M B, Del Code6168, shata0020tc.umn.eduSHAUGHNESSY Marlene, Research Assoc(Carlson Juran CentM) 3-306 CertSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (625-4554), shaugOO10tc.umn.eduSHAUKAT Faraz A, Info Tech Prot (Departmenl otAnimal Science). 317C Haecker Hall, Del Code6118 (624-3435), 13211 Bush Lane, Eden Prairie55347-2194,952-914-9422,mian00050tc.umn.eduSHAVER Myles, Prot (StrategicMgmtlOrgenization; Executive Development Ctr)3-424 CertSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (625-1824),james0540tc.umn.eduSHAW Charles 0, Heavy Equipment Mechanic(UMD Campus Maint), Maintenance EquipmentOper (UMDCampus Maint) 120 W Elizabeth St,Duluth 55812 (218-72.6-82.02), 6201 Greene St,Duluth 55807, 218-624-1275, cshawOd.umn.eduSHAW Daniel B, Adjunct Asst Prot (Dept otLandscape Archhecture) Room 144 RapsonH, DelCode 0811 (625-6860), N5063 Cty Dd, EllsworthWI 54011, shawx0440tc.umn.eduSHAW Gordon A, Ass! Coach (InteroollegiateAthletics) 251 GNFPF, Del Code 3061 (624-6004),8161 Shadyview Lane N, Maple Grove 55311,763-494-4848, shaWX0190tc.umn.eduSHAW Jocelyn E, Assoc Prof (Genetics, CellBioiogylDev) 4-108 MoICeIiBio, Dei Code 1217(625-1912), shawx0050tc.umn.eduSHAW Keyatta, Non Univ Staff (Dentistry) 7-174Moos Tower Mpls (624-4435),shawx1950tc.umn.eduSHAW Mary E, Counselor/Advocate (GC-Stdtllnstruction Suppt Srvs) 52 Ap H, Del Code3501 (625-4576), shawx001 Otc.umri.eduSHAW Melia A, Ofc Spec (Center tOI AnirnalHeanh & Food Sal) Room 136, 1354 Eckles Ave,St Paul 55108, 554-9207SHAW Melissa A, Coordinator (CUrriculum andInstruction) Room 245 PeikH, 159 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 4301,614 Landau Drive,Woodbury 55125, 651·207-6938,[email protected]

SHAW Michael J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Pari<Nicollet Medical Cenlel) 3800 Pari< Nicollet Blvd, StLouis Perl< 55416, shaWX0180tc.umn.eduSHAW Paul M, Assoc Prof (Music; Sch Of) 100Ferg H, Del Code 7811 (524-052.3),377-7643,shawx0040tc.umn.eduSHAW Richard 0, Lecturer (CCE-Independent &Distance Learning) Room 25 WesH, 77 PleesantSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831, 1503 $candiaCircle, Reston VA 20190, 703-437-5427,shawx0200tc.umn.eduSHAW Ruth G, Prof (Ecology, Evolution andBehaviol) 100 Ecology, Del Code 6098 (624-7206),


SHAPIRO Elsa G, Prof (Pediatrics; Psychology;Neurology) MMC 486 Mayo, Del Code 8486,12·168 P WB (625-7486; 625-1628),165 WestemAve No AptS06, St Paul 55102, 651·228-9583,

SHAPIRO Gabriel, Teaching Ass! (CSCL) 408Folwell Hall, Del Code 0147 (624-2634), 1101 17thAvenue SE, Mpls 55414, 651-398-8885,

SHAPIRO George L, Prof (Retired)(Communication Studies), 13231 North 98th AveUn~ K,Sun C~ AZ 85351, shapi0060tc.umn.eduSHAPIRO Holiday C, Reseerch ASS! (AdvancedStudy, Institute for), Teeching Asst(JoumalismIMass Comm, Sch 01) 131 NCCE, DelCode 0095 (626'0805), 4009 19th Ave 5, Mpls55407,

SHAPIRO lIVing, Adjunct Prof (825 Nicollet Ave)Su~e 750, Mpls 55402,

SHAPIRO Joseph, Prof (Retired) (Eerth SciGeologylGeophysics), 3205 WOwasso Blvd, StPaul 55126, ShapiOO20tc.umn.eduSHAPIRO Ralph S, Asst Prof (Westonka MedicalGroup) 2200 Commerce Blvd, Mound 55364,shapi0050tc.umn.eduSHAPIRO Robert 5, Asst Prof (HCMCIHFA)Pulmonary and Critical Care, 701 Perl< AveBuilding 8522, Mpls 55415 (347-2625), 4120Abbott Avenue South, Mpls 55410, 926-0727,[email protected]

SHAPIRO Ron, Adjunct Instructor (5270 W 84thSt, 1500) Bloomington 55437, 5270 W 84th St,Apt500, Bloomington 55437, 669-7442,shapi1230tc.umn.eduSHAPIRO Sidney, Prof (1660 Hwy 100 S) Mpls55416, shapi011

SHAPLAND Ceci, Adjunct Instructor (HealthyReed to Worl< Ntl Ctr) 470 Vadnais Lake Drive,Vadnaid Heights 55127, 470 Vadnais Lake Drive,Vadnais Hls 55127, 651-482-1811,

SHARAFKANDI Sarah, Research Asst (ComputerScienceiEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571, 5074thSt, SE, Apt 4, Mpls 55414, shar0271

SHARIF Ashfaq A, Adjunct Asst Prof (NeurologicConsultants) 2365 Ariel Street, Maplewood 55109,10228 Grand Oaks Trait, Woodbury 55129,shari0050tc.umn.eduSHARKEY Leslie C, Assoc Prof (VeterinaryDiagnostic Labs) E332 VetDL, Del Code 6190(62Hl171), 1018 Sherwood Rd, Shoreview 55126,651-490-0435, shar1<OO90tc.umn.eduSHARMA MD Himanshu S, Asst Prof (RegionsHospital) 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101-2p95,[email protected]

SHARMA Jagdev M, Prof (Veterinary Biosciences;Animal Science, Dapt 01) 258 Vet 5, Del Code6187 (625-5278), 260 Meadowood Ln, VadnaisHgts 55127, 651-484-8166,

SHARMA Manish, Research Asst (Cham Eng &Material Science) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (626-2021),410 6th Street SE, Apt103, Mpls55414,917-125-7490, sharm0630tc.umn.eduSHARMA Navneet Jagganp, Research Asst(Pharmacology) Room 6-120 Jackson Hall, DelCode 1213, navneetsharma3150yahoo.comSHARMA Shwets, Research Ass! (Biostatistics,Division of SPH) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303,MMC 303 Mayo; Room 200 UOffPI (626-902.1),sharm0530tc.umn.eduSHARMA liD Vineet, Medical Fellow (VineetSharma) Fallow, AduU Reconstructive Surger,Fairview Univers~ Medical Center, R -200 2450Riverside Avenue S, ~s55454, 2220 FranklinAve East, Apt 115, MpIs 55404, 225-2347,sharm0750tc.umn.eduSHAROPOVA Netasha, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Plant Biology) Room 2.50 BioSci, 1445 GortnerAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6022 (624-9230),605 Herriet Ave Ap1609, Shoreview 55126,651-765-0970, sharoOO20tc.umn.eduSHARP Angela M, Instructor (UMDMathematicslStatistics) 102 CCtr, 1117 Univers~

01, Duluth 55812; 100 RLB, 2205 E 5th St, Duluth55805 (218-726-8255), 218-72Hl2.29,[email protected] MD Harvey L, Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 185Mayo, Del Code 8185,13-130 P W B (624-1133),6328 Umerick Lane, Edina 55439,952-941-2145,sharpOO1, page 193-2652

367 1---------..:------.-----------------r---------------,.....--'----------,-----'-,i


SHEN Wei, Info Tech Prof (Department ofPediatrics) MMe 803 Mayo, Del Code 8803.8412-3 Mayo Buikjing (626-6726),

SHEN Welkang. Research Asst(ElectricaJICompuer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572 (62IH591), 1224 Gibbs Ave N3, StPaul 55108. 65Hl47-1136, shen00860tc.umn.eduSHEN Xiao, Research Asst· (EleclricaVComputerEngr) Room ....174 EElCSci. Del Code 0572,419Erie St SE ApI 105, Mpls

SHEN Xiaolong. Prof (School of Statistics) 364Ford Hall. Del Code 0457. shenx0020tc.umn.eduSHENG Wen, Ass! Prof (2001 - 6th St SE) Roomno 3-432·34 LRBlMTRF, Attn: Wen Sheng. Mpls55455. 3700 Colfax Ave S. MpIs 55409, 624-8517,

SHENKER Moshe. Research Spec (Deparlment ofSoil. Water. and Clim) S529 Soils Bldg, Del Code6028 (625-5268), 1258 Rose Vosla courts.RoseviKe 55113. sheAk0090tc.umn.eduSHENOI Mlthun M, Professional School Fellow(Medical School) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code 6293,B690 Mayo (625-3680; 625-7402), .SHEPARD Lansing R, Coordinator (Nat ResourcesAdmin, Col ot, Bell Museum of Natural History) 250Skok Hall. Del Code 6147 (624-4986). 1908Fremont Ave·S, Mpls 55403,651-291-8078,

SHEPARD Melanie F. Prof (UMD-SociaJ Work) 220Bah H, Duluth (218-726-8859), 218-724-4960,mshepardOd.umn.eduSHEPARD Sue A. Development 0Icr (Ag.Food/Envt Sci Admin. Col ot, Development. Officeof}-Room 500 McNamaraClr, Del Code 2011(624-7731). 1235 Vale Place ApI905. MPI!l55403,339-5186, sshepardOtc.umn..eduSHEPELA Anja S. Graduate School Fellow(German, Scandinavian and Dutch) Room 209FolH, Del Code 0143 (625-9350),Shep01510tc.umn.eduSHEPELA Chris, Asst Prof (Medicine) MMC 36Mayo, Del Code 8036, shep01570tc.umn.eduSHEPHERD Deborah J, Post-DOctoral Assoc(Center lor Medieval Studies) Room 214 NCCE,Del Code 0095 (62....2800). 5201 147th Lane NW,Ramsey 55303-5148, 763-433-8741,shephOO50tc.utM.eduSHEPHERD John D. Adjunct Asst Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Health) 1630 Adams S~ Mahkato56001 (507-345-6151), Apt5. 130 Telon Lane,Mankalo 56001,507-387-7343.shephOO70tc.umn.eduSHEPHERD Melody M, Ass! Scientist (Lab .MedicinelPathoIogy) MMe 609 Mayo, Del Code8609 (625-9155), shep0091 Otc.umn.eduSHEPHERD Nina G. Coofdinator (Bell Museum ofNat History) Room 300 BelIMus. Del Code 0051(624·7369), shephOOl Otc.umn.eduSHEPHERD Wdliam G, Prof (Retined) (Electricaland Computer Engr), 2197 Folwell St. St Paul55108, sheph0020tc.umn.eduSHEPPARD Byron A, Mechanic 1 (Fac Mgmt-?one3-Health Services) Bl17 Moos T. Del Code 3121(62....2900), sheppOO40tc.umn.eduSHEPPARD Eric S, Prof (Geography) 515 Soc Sci,Del Code 7163 (625-5640), 2248 Sargent Ave, StPaul 55105. sheppOOl Otc.umn.eduSHEPPARD Maia G, Teaching Ass! (Curriculumand Instruction) Room 125 PeikH. 159 Pillsbury DrSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 4301. 5042 LyndaleAve S, ~pls 55419. 625·1963.shepOl600tc.umn.eduSHER Michael G. Sr Lecturer (Finance) ....222CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-1018),sherx0020tc.umn.eduSHER Neal A. Adjunct Prof (OphthaJmology) MMe493 Mayo, Del Code 8493. PWB 9-240 (625-4400).sheexOO10tc.umn.eduSHER Phyllis. Assoc Prof (Pediatrics) MMe 391Mayo, Del Code 8391,1621 Univer$ity Ave W. AptNl88. St Palll55104, sherxOO10tc.umn.eduSHERAR Gregory A. Info Tech Prof (CivilEngineering) 122 Civ E. Del Code 0651(625-4014).262 Hallam Curve. Mahtomedi 55115,651-429-0881, sheraOOl Otc.umn.eduSHERBERT Tracy S. Training Coonlinator(Univer$ity of Minnesota Foundation) McNamaraAlumni Center. Del Code 2011 (628-8550),

SHERIDAN Judson 0, Prof (Genetics, Cell Bioi,Dev TCBS), Oir of Intemational Prog (Biological SciAdmin. Col of) 6-160 JacksQn Hall; 6-140MolCeIIBio. Del Code 1217 (625-8122; 624-9728),sheri0120tc.umn.eduSHERIDAN Kevin J. Instructor (Pediatrics) MMe391 Mayo, Del Code 6391. sherlOO40tc.umn.eduSHERIDAN Suzanne M. Coordinator (UMExtension Dakota Cnty) Stel0l, 4100 WZlOtti St.Fannington 55024-9639 (651-480-n21),sheri0080tc.umn.eduSHERIFF Sonja A, Buyer, Ole Eqpt and Bus Sves(Purchasing) 557B W BOB, Del Code 7532(624-4554; 62....2628). s-sherOtc.umn.eduSHERIN Scott E. Exec Student Personnel Worleer(UMD Housing) 149 LSH. 0207. 513 NiagaraCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7392).ssherinOd.umn.eduSHERLOCK David J, Buyer (UniversityServices-Purchasing) 400 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (626-8758). sherlOOl Otc.umn.eduSHERMAN Abigail K. Research Fellow (Vouth andAids Project) Loring Parle Office Bldg. 428 OakGrove St, MpIs 55403. 1960 Walsh Lane, MendolaHgts 55118, ,SHERMAN E"~abeth. Coordinator (IntercollegiateAthletics) 159 MarA. Del Code 2891 (624:7028),5634142nd Street W. Apple Valley 55124-4615,952-922-5762. beem9001 Otc.umn.eduSHERMAN John, Plumber (FacilitiesMgmt·Donhowe) Room 300 Donhowe Bldg. 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,6480Upper 54th Street. Oakdale 55128,shennl540tc.umn.e<!'!SHERMAN Julianne M, Research Fellow (ChildDeveiopment) 226 ChDev; 196 ChDev. Del Code4301, 952-928-0334. boxerOO10tc.umn.eduSHERMAN Mathew A, Prin Laboratory Technician(Deparlrnent of Neurology) MMe 295 Mayo, DelCode 6295. 12·100 PWB (625-5654),

SHERMAN Melissa M. Medical Fellow (Medicine ­HOT) MMe 480 Mayo. Del Code 8480,1 ....142PWB (824-0123). sher03380tc.umn.eduSHERMAN Patrick J. Prin Student PersonnelWorleer (Biological Science Student Services)Room 223 SnH, Del Code 8174 (624-9717),pshennanOtc,umn.eduSHERMAN Richard 0, Editor (CLA StudentServices) 106 Johnston Hall. Del Code 3n4.rdsOtc.umn.eduSHERMAN Sandra M, Exec Administrative Spec(Univ of Minnesota Cancer Clr) MMe 806 Mayo,Del Code 8806, 654 CCRB (626-0871). 4008 FossRd Apl206, Mpls 55421, 762-8868,sherm0190tc.umn.eduSHERMAN Shelley. Nutrition Education Asst (UMExtension Hennepin Cnty) 479 Prairie Center DrSte 2. Eden Prairie 55344-5378 (596-2125),651-645-4102, sherm0280tc.umn.eduSHERMAN Susan E, Laborer (MN LandscapeArboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd. Chaska55318-9613. •SHERIIAN-HOEHN Katherine. Student SupportServices Ass! (5-110 Weaver-Denslord Hall) 308Harvard St SE, Del Code 1332 (624-9490).sherm0570tc.umn.eduSHERR Laura J. Teaching Ass! (Psychology)N-218 ERH, 75 E River Pkwy. Mpis 55455, DelCode 3281, 2~ Ridge Drive, Apt318, Saint LouisParle 55416-5849. sherr0300tc.umn.G:'luSHERVEN Peg J. Info Tech'Prof(UMC-Technology) 137 K. Crookston 56716(218-28Hl376), pshervenOmail.crle.umn.edUSHERWOOD Brian, Ass! Scientist (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE.Mpls 55455. Del Code 0331 (62....1534),sher01300tc.umn.eduSHERWOOD Nancy E, Adjunct Asst Prof(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(624-4173), sherwOO50tc.umn.eduSHERWooD-GABRIELSON Pame. TeachingSpec (Univ CoIIInd/Distance Leaming) Room 25WesH, n Pleasant St SE. MpIs 55455. Del Code3631,19800 Quinnell Ave N. Scandia 55073.sherw0060tc.umn.eduSHESH Amll P, Research Asst(ComputerScie~nglneering) Room ....192 EElCSci. 200Union St SE. Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571(625-0365). 718 University Avenue SE Apt 6. Mpls55414, 379-7127. shesh0030tc.umn.eduSHESHUKOV Aleksey V, Research Assoc(Biosysterns and Agric; Engineering) 112BioAgEng, Del Code 6005 (624-0759; 624-4915).651-48NI904.

SHESTOV Alexander, Research Assoc (CtrMagnetic Resonance Rsrch) MMe 292 Mayo, Del

, Code 8292. CMRR (625-2427; 628-2001),shestOO10tc.umn.eduSHE1lI Dimple 0, Coordlnetor (ColArch/LandscapeArch) Room 254 NichH, 216Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3901(624-7866),324 Selby Ave. Saint Paul 55102,shelOOO30tc.umn.eduSHETKA Amy L, Teaching Spec (Kinesiology)Room 100 CookeH. 1900 University Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 2061 (625-1043).shetkOO10Jc.umn.eduSHETKA Heather L, Assoc Develop!1'ent OIcr(Minnesota Medical Foundation) 300 McNamaraAlmuni Center, Del Code 2012. 1847 117th AveNE, Blaine 55449. hasl90010tc.umn.eduSHETKA Marle A.~nfo Tech Prof (UMD Info TechSystemslServices) 165 KPI~, 0182, 1208 KiltlyDrive. Duluth 55812 (218-726-8857),mshetkaOtc.umn.eduSHETTY Shailesh. Adjunct Asst Prof (Medicine)55455 (625-9100), sheUOO10tc.umn.eduSHEVUN Lynne M, Fiscal OIcr (The ControllefsOffice) 651B W BOB. Del Code 7527 (624-8554),4468 Lynx Court. Eagan 55123. 651-681-9257,j-shevOtc.umn.eduSHI Amy V, Asst Scientist (Cancer Center) MMC806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, Bx 806 Mayo(628-5162), yonglOOl Otc.umn.eduSHI Ke. Post-Doctoral Assoc (Biochemistry) 5-246BSandBE, Del Code 1214 (625·5175),shixx0230tc.umn.eduSHf Lei. Te8ching Ass! (Chemistry UMN) MailboxL15, Department of Chemistry. Smith flail. 207Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455-0431, Qixiu. Chahe.Nantong, Jiangsu. Province. P R China, 228408China, shixx0360tc.umn.eduSHI Q~n, Research Ass! (Biostatistics, Division ofSPH) MMC 303 Mayo. bel Code 1291 (624-7073).1175 Fifield Ave, ApI N4, St Pl\UI55108,qunshiObiostat.umn.eduSHI Shannon, Ass! Librarian (Shannon $hi) 600East 4th Street; Morris 56287, 3 East 9th Street.Morris 56287i 320·589-3012,shiyxOmorris.umn.eduSHIELD Carol K,Assoc Prof (Civil Engineering)122 Civ E. Del Code 0651 (625-5635),ckshieldOtc.umn.eduSHIELD Thomas W, Prof (Aerospace Engr andMechanics) Room 222 AketH, Del Code 0731(628-7793), shieldOtc.umn.eduSHIELDS TImothy, Teaching Spec (Carlson Schoolof Mgmt) 4·284 CarlSMgmt. Del Code 7041(625-2394), 625-2394. tshieldsOtc, Baltlara L. Assoc General Counsel(General Counsel. Ole 01) 360 McNamaraClr, DelCode 2014 (624-4100). shielOOl Otc.umn.eduSHIER W Thomas, Prof (Medicinal Chemistry)8-168 WDH, Del Code 1332 (624-9465),210Wexford Heights Drive, New Brighton 55112,651-631·0618, shierOO10tc.umn.eduSHIFMAN'Mikha~ A, Prof (Theoretical Physics Insf)148 PhYSi Del Code 0331 (626-0723), .shihnanOtc.umn.eduSHIFRIN Laura. Accounting Supv (Ophthalmology)MMe 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493, 9-240 PWB(625-4671), shifrOOl Otc.umn.eduSHIGETA Masaya, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Mechanical Engineering) Room 136 MechE, DelCode 0691 (625-5315), 1260 Larpanteur Ave WApt407, St Paul 55113, 651-489-0096, .shige.OO10tc.umn.eduSHIH Denise V, Dental Fellow (Developmental &Surg Scl·Perio) Room 7-360 MoosT, Del Code1291,425 Erie St SE APt 307. Mpls 55414.623-8115, shih00270tc.umn.eduSHIH Jerome S. Psychologist (CqunlCnsRgServices. Univ). Lecturer (Educational Psychology)109 EddyHall, Del Code 4601 (624·9545), 308Busch Terrace. Mpl~ 55409. 825-~994,shihx0080tc.umn.eduSHIH Karen L. Teaching Spec (Entomology) 219Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (624·3241),1917Pleasant St, Lauderdale 55113-5116,651-836-8079, molin0080tc.umn.eduSHIH Tiffany C, PhD Cendidlite Resea'!lh AsS!(CEMS) 11 Amundson Hall. Del Code 0531(826-1008),1920 South Firsl StApl305, Mpis55454. .SHIKHARE IndranaeJ D. Research Asst(Biotechnology Institute) Room 146 GOrL. 1479Gartner Ave, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6104. 0-37Lokrnanye Nagar, T H Kalaria Merg. Mahim,Maharashtra Slate, Mumbai 400016 India,912·243-4927,


SHlWNGS Greg W, Instructor (Walgreen Drug)7040 Valley Creek Plaza. Woodbury 55125. 3456Falrfax Lane. Woodbury 55,.29-9342,651-739-4492, sh~1OO301e.umn.eduSHIM Kyong Jin, Research AsS! (Genetics, CellBioI & Development) 5-212 MolCeJlBio. Del Code1217, shimX0140tc.umn.edUSHIMA Naoko, Asst Prof (Genetics. Call Biology.and Develop) 6-136 MeB. Del Code 1217(826-7830; 628-7631), shima0230tc.umn.eduSHIMANSKI Gregg T. Administrative Professional(Intercollegiate Athletics) 250H Bierman FreidAthletic Bulldin. Del Code 3081 (624-0257), 1603Monroe Street. Madison WI 53711·2201,608-231·t887. shiml10210tc.umn.eduSHIMEK Mett. Graphic DesignerlMedia Artist(Carlsor SChool of Manageme~t) ....374CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (628-9830). 781.()888.shime0080tc.limn.eduSHIMEK WilHam J. Teaching Spec (CaMer ForEducetional Programs) 4 VinH. Del Code 0412(625-2881), 215077th St NE. Cedar 55011.763-434-8563. shimeOOl .SHIMIZU Clement R, Research AsS! (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci. 200Union St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 0571, 2817Princeton Ave S. St Louis Parle 55416.952-922·7969, shimOO700tc.umn.eduSHIMIZU Voji, Dir (Microbiologyt, Prof (LabMedicinelPathology; Cancer Center) MMC 609Mayo. Del Code 8609, 6-112 BSandBE(628-6849). shlmi0020tc.umn.eduSHIMKO Robert B. Teaching Ass! (Theetre Artsand Dance) Room 580 RarigC. 330 21st Ave S,Mpls 55455. Del Coden52. 1510 Emerson AveNorth, Apt 1, Mpls 55411.872-2456.shim00850tc.umn.eduSHIMOTORI Tsutomu. Teaching Ass! (CivilEnginearing) Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE.Mpls 55455, Del Code 0651 (624-7893 x4-7893;625-3016 x5-3016), ApI A, 1008 27th Ave SE. MpIs55414. shim01020tc.umn.eduSHIMP William S. Adjunct Instructor (ACMe ­Willmar) 101 Willmar Ave SW. Willmar56201-3591, 13008 Hklenway Trail. Minnetonka55343. shimpOOl Otc.umn.eduSHIN Gilbert J, Ass! Prof (Anesthesiology) MMC294 Mayo, Del Code 8294, Bx 294 Mayo(62....9990), shinx0140tc.umn.eduSHIN Hyun Joo, Teaching Ass! (Philosophy).Graduate School Fell6w (Philosophy) Philosophy,Rm 831 HelierH, 271 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7057 (625-7573), 623-123-4329.shinX0780tc.umn.eduSHIN Jonghyeon G, Teaching Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 PhYS. 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code .0331,shinx0970tc.umn.eduSHIN Royce E. Web Designer (Web Development)Room 660 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (628-8308),shinx0190tc.umn.eduSHIN Sanghyun, Research Assoc (240 Bar1augHall) 1991 Upper Buford Circle. Del Code 6028.shinxl0l0tc.umn.eduSHIN Susan M. Prin Survey Interviewer(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB; Room 300WBOB. Del Code 7525 (826-8341).shinx0130tc.umn.edUSHIN Tae Seob, Graduete Sch.ool Fellow(Educational PsycIlology). Research Ass!(Educetidnal Psychology) 206 BuH. Del Code 3171(824-8083), shinx0870tc.umn.eduSHIN Wean Gyu, Research Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1100. Del Code 0691,1163Gibbs Ave. St Paul 55108, shinX0540lc.umn.edUSHiNDE Selomi K. TMching Ass! (Insf onCommunity Integration) Room 111 PtH, Del Code3171.187 N McKnight Rd Ap1112. St Paul 55119,shin015201e.umn.eduSHINDO Keisuka, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Biochem,MoJecularBJoJ, & Biophysic) 6-222 MeB, Del Code1214 (624-0459), shindOO90tc.umn.eduSHlNOHARA ChUra, PhD Candidate Admin Fellow(Sociology llepartmentj 1156 SocSci Bklg. DelCode 7171 (62....9882; 624-4300).shin01040tc.umn.eduSHINOZUKA Jeannie N, Braduete Schoot Fellow(History DePt) 614 Social Science Tower, Del Code7165 (624-2800), shinOl290tc,umn.eduSHIO Thadeus J. Resean:h Fellow (Design.Housing/Apparel). Teaching Spec (Design.Housing/Apparel) 346 McNeal Hail. Del Code 6136(624-2254),1179 Raleigh Straet. St Paul 55108,651-803-8621,


SHIPLEY Amber L, Research Asst (Humphrey Instof Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 30119th AveS, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451, 2514 Emarson AveS Apt 4, Mpls 55405, ship00420tc.umn.eduSHIREH Fosiya K, Building and Grounds Worker(FacIIiIIes Mgmt CLA Zone 5) Room 19 ScottH, 72Pleasanl St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3233, 1020Medicine Lk Dr WApt132, Plymouth 55441,

. 825-1774, shireOO10tc.umn.eduSHIREK Sandra M; Instructor (Heatth Partners)Phennacy Dept, 2500 Como Ave, SrPaul55108,17151 Creek Ridge Pass, Minnetonka 55345,

SHIRGURKAR Abhijeet V, Teaching Asst(UMDElectricallComputer Engr) 271 MWAH, 1023Univelllity Dr, Duluth 55812,1107 E2nd St, Duluth55805,091-020, shirgOOl Od.umn.eduSHIRK Michael B, Lecturer (Healthcare Mgmt IndSilly prgm) Room 110 2221 Univ, 2221 UniversityAve SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2706, 3000Shoreside Dr, Columbia MO 65203,shir1l4lO20tc.umn.eduSHIVELY J Lance, Prin Collections Rep (UMDFinancial Collections) 129 DAdB, 0216, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8824),218-728-2919, jshiveIyOd.umn.eduSHr.teLY W Phnlip, Prof (Political ScienceDepartment) Room 1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175(624-4395; 624-4144), 1572 Northrop St, St Paul55108,651-644-0615, shiveIyOtc.umn.eduSHIVERS Jan L, Scientist (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) 220 Vet 0 L, Del Code 6164 (625-1732;824-7297),1151 Ryan Ave W, Roseville 55113,651-488-6625, shive0030tc.umn.eduSHKLOVSKII Boris I, Prof (Theoretical PhysicsInsl) 420 Phys, DaJ Code 0331 (625-0771),4510Cedarwood Rd, St Louis Pk 55416, 952-926-8806,shldoOO10tc.umn.eduSHMUEL Amir, Ass! Prof (CMRRlRadiology) MMC292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, shmueQOl

SHOAKENA Bien, Teaching Ass! (Joumalism) 300Murphy Hall, Del Cod8 0371,shca00060tc.umn.eduSHOBER Jim, Non Univ Staff (UDS Affiliated Staff)B50B Middlebrook Mpls (625-4078),shobeOO80auxs.umn.eduSHOCKER Allan 0, Prof (Retired)(MarketingILogistics Management; ExecutiveDevelopment Ctr) MarketingILogisticsManagement, 3-150 CerlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S,MpIs 55455, Del Code W41, 1 Baldwin 4ve Apt220, San Mateo CA 944111, 332-8749,shock0020tc.umn.eduSHOCKLEY Rebecca P, Prof(Music, Sch 01) 100Ferg H, Del Code 7811 (624-4877), 18 Berton AveSE, Mpls 55414, 379-7907, shockOOl Otc.umn.eduSHOEMAKER Justin, Teaching Spec (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55106, Del Code 8161, 3210 Hamlet Drive,WoodbUTY 55125, 651-229-0319,shoem0090tc.umn.eduSHOEMAKER Scott M, Teaching Asst (Dept ofLandscape Archllecture) Room 144 RapsonH, DelCode 0611, 2201 N Dixon Rd, Kokomo IN 48901,765-457-2481, shoeOO300tc.umn.eduSHOEMAN Janice A, Prin Laboratory Technician(Physical Med & Rehabtlitation) MMC 297 Mayo,Del Code 8297, 2-269E eSBE (626-3169), 177Demar Ave, Shoreview 55126, 651-481-8994;shoem0030tc.umn.eduSHOFNER Jennifer L, Ole Spec (CCE·Degree &Credll Programs) Room 107 Armory, Del Code0695 (625-1855; 626-4518),1420 Raymond Ave,St Paul 55118; shofOOI10tc.umn.eduSHOKOHI Nahid, Instructor (Heatth Partnars)Ridgedale Medical Ctr, 14001 Ridgedale Dr,Minnetonka 55305, 13101 Shadydale Rcad,Minnetonka 55343, shokoOOl Otc.umn.eduSHOllENBERGER Sindie L, Research Asst(EdPA) Room 330 WullH, Del Code 3345(62F388), 3812 Longfellow Ave, Apt2" Mpls55407, • I

SHOLLER Lewrence J, Ass! Prof (Fridley PlazaClinic) 8341 University Ave NE, Fridley 55432,sholIOO20tc.umn.eduSHQNTZ Suzanne M, Post·Doctoral Assoc(Computer ScienceJEngineering) Room 4-192EEiCSci, 200 Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code0571, 7500 Highway 7, Apt454, St Louis Park55426,952-935-1104, shon00030tc.umn.eduSHOOP Elizabeth G, Visiting Ass! Prof (Microbialand Plant Genomics) Room 111 CargillB, Del Code6127 (626-8934),

SHOPE Richard E, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Veterinary Medicine, Col of), 1024 MoonbeamRoad, Hudson WI 54016-7310,shopeOO10tc.umn.eduSHOQUIST Monica M, Dental Asst (PreveriliveSci·Pedialric Dentislry) 6-126 Moos T, Del Code1291 (824-0184), .

SHORE Elizabeth A, Survey Interviewer (HSRPSurvey Center) Dinnaken Building, Suite 120, 925Delaware SI SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2131,1999 Ninth Strllet NW, New Brighton 55112,651-834-3894, shore0040tc.umn.eduSHORE Marta 0, Teaching Ass! (Statistics) 313Ford Hall, Del Code 0457 (825-8048),shoreOQ701c.umn.eduSHORE Sandra L, Teaching Spec (Theatre Artsand Dance) Room 111 BarkerCtr, Del Code 7641(624'5060), 5323 LyndaJe North, Mpls 55430,763-549-0353, shoreOOl Otc.umn.eduSHORES David A, Prof (Chemical Eng & Mat Sci)151 Amund H, Del Code 0531 (625-0014), 455Ripley Ave, Maplewood 55117, 651-774-7357,dshotesOtc.umn.eduSHORES Wdliam G, Adjunct Prol (St Peter ClinicLtd) 622 Sunrise Dr, St Paler 56082, 1401Wilkinson Ct, St Peter. 56082,shore0030tc.umn.eduSHORMA Sarah R, OIc Spec (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (626-9199),2518 NE Arthur St, Mpls 55418, 788-1329,shonnool0tc.umn.eduSHORT Jacob M, Teaching Asst (Economics),Graduate School Fellow (Economics) Economics,Room 1035 HelierH, 271 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7052 (825-6353), shorOl020tc.umn.eduSHORT James H, Research Spec (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, 2709 Park AveApt 201, Mpls 55407-1026,554-7388,shor00670tc.umn.eduSHORT Marianne 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof (LawSchool) Room 285 MondeleH, 229 19thAve S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911, 2215 Summll Ave, SIPaul 55105, 651-645-9105, shortOl90tc.umn.eduSHORT Sonja S, Adjunct Instructor (Pediatrics) Bx391 Mayo, 420 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,shortOI20tc.umn.eduSHORTER Glenda, Licensed Practical Nurse(CUHCC!VCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave.South, DelCode 7651, 651-771-4953, short0590tc.umn.eduSHOUMAN StefanyAnn, Sr Data Entry Oper(Minnesota Population Center) 408 People'sCenter, Del Code 7931 (824-5789),peter5980tc.umn.eduSHOVEIN Chris, Police OIcr (UMD Police) 287DAdB, 0217, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726'7000), cshoveinOd.umn.eduSHOWALTER Sandra H, Instructor (St Mary'sHospitellMayo) 1216 2nd Street NW, Rochester55902, showa0030tc.umn.eduSHOWERS Sidney G, Ass! Prof (HeatthPartners ­Maplewood) 2165 WMe Bear Ave, Maplewood55109, showeOO10tc.umn.eduSHOYOMBO Bebatunde, Non Univ Staff (UDSAffi"ated Staff) 145 CSOM MpIs (625-5566),shoyoOO10tc.umn.eduSHRADER-BOGEN Cheryl, RN (Boyn HS) NursingDepartment, 410 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1171, shrad0030tc.umn.eduSHRAOOWITZ Eugene, Prof (Computer Science &Engineering) 4-192 E ElC Sci, Del Code 0571(625-3388), shragowiOtc.umn.eduSHRESTHA Ajay, Teaching Ass!(EleclricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 1475 Cleveland Avenue N, SaintPaul 55106, 651-645-8231, shreOQ350tc.umn.eduSHRESTHA Roshen K, Post·Doctoral Assoc (StAnthony Falls Laboretory) 2 • 3rd Avenue SE,4691, Mpls 55414, 515 4th SI SE Aptl01, Mpls55414, shres0080tc.umn.eduSHREVE Johenna R, Teaching Ass! (Classics andNear East Studies) 305 Folwell Hall, Del Code0149 (625.5353), 2438 Elliot Ave S, Mpls 55404,986-6941, shreOO400tc.umn.eduSHRIVASTAVA Abhishek, PhD CandidateResearch Assl (Chemical EngrlMat Sci), PhDCandldete Teaching Asst (Chemical EngrlMat Sci)224 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531 (824-0270),708 University Ave SE Apt 11, Mpls 55414,623-1125, shri0021 .SHRIVASTAVA PHD Devashis, Post·DoctorelAssoc (Ctr Magnetic Resonance Asrch) MMC 292Mayo, Del Code 8292, CMRR (625-2427;626-2001),

SHROFF Pervin K, Assoc PrtlI (Accounting) 3-123ca~SMgmt, Del Code 7041 (824-6506), 2350Ridge Dr Apt 117, St Louis Perk 55416,952'545-2276, shrolOO30tc.umn.eduSHROYER Steven L, Info Tech Prof (GC·TechnicalSupport Services) 211 Ap H, Del Code 3501(624-9810), shr0y0020tc.umn.eduSHU Yanqun, Asst Scienlist (TherapeutiCRadiology) MMC 494 Mayo, Del Code 6494(626-4323), 2555 Ridge Lane, Mounds View55112,651-645-6501, shwodll00tc.umn.eduSHU Yuan, Assoc Program Di'(~sonIntemational Programs) 4-104 Ca~SMgmt, DelCode 7041 (626-8727), shwodlll Otc.umn.eduSHUBAT Deborah, Instruc\Ol (UMD Biology),Adjunct Instructor (UMD Continuing Education), SrResearch Plot Technician (UMD Biology) 221 LSci,0170,1110 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7258),2155 Johnson Rd, Duluth 55804,218-525-3063, dshubatOd.umn.eduSHUBAT Pamela J, Asst Prof (EnvironmentalHeatth Sciences) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807,shubaool0tc.umn.eduSHUCK Diane M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Creel<sideFamily Physicians) 6800 Excelsior Blvd, Ste 160,St Louis Park 55426, 4130 Ximrines Ln N,Plymouth 55411, shuckOOl Otc.umn.eduSHUCKHART Michael R, Food Service Worker(UMM Food Service Admin), Sr Food ServicaWorker (UMM Food Service Admin), Building andGrounds Worker (UMM Food Service Admin),Cook (UMM Food Service Admin) Food SC,M262A, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267(320'589-6130), 512 Sludda~ Ave, PO Box 41,Graceville 58240, 320-748-7378,shuck0060morris.umn.eduSHUDY Patti A, Exec Ass! (Veterinary TeachingHosp) 307 VetTch Hos, Del Code 6194,shudyOO30tc.umn.eduSHUFF Robbie L, Hazardous Mat Disposal Spec(Environmental HealthlSefety) IWM, 501 23rd AveSE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2681, 8244th Ave SEAp18, Mpls 55414, shulfOOl Otc.umn.eduSHUFORD Sera S, As6l To (Economics) 1035HelierH, Del Code 7052 (625-6015),s·shufOlc.umn.eduSHUll Dean L, Fann Equipment Oper (UniversityStores) 2901 Talmadge Ave SE, MpIs 55414,635Ash St, Shoreview 55126,651-481-8027,shullool0tc.umn.eduSHULMAN Yechiel, Prof (Retired) (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691, 833 Elk CloverCenter, Palm Desa~ CA 92211-7499,760-360-3122, shulmanOtc.umn.eduSHULTZ Joseph B, Teaching Spec (EducationalPolicy & Administration) Room 330 WullH, DelCode 3345 (624-7388; 824-1006), 3138 GeorgiaAvenue South, Sllint Louis Park 55426,952-922-1995, shuI00480tc.umn.eduSHULTZ Pamala J, Assoc PrtlI (Retired)(Medicina), 131 Chaparral, Apple Valley 55124,shuttOO30tc.umn.eduSHULTZABARGER Valeria, Community ProgramAssoc (Cancer Center) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code8806, Suite 201 (627·1657),2579 Schaller Drive,Maplewood 55119, 651-738-6836,shuttOO20tc.umn.eduSHUMAN Bryan N, Asst Prof (Geography) Room414 SoeSei, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7163, bshumanOtc.umn.eduSHUMAN Stephen K, Assoc Prof (Primary DentalCare·Health Ecology) Room 15-138C Moos T, DelCode 1291 (626-0158),793 Millwood Avenue,Roseville 55113, 651-482-9749,shumaool Otc.umn.eduSHUMER Robert 0, Lecturer (Work, Community &Family Educ)R460 Vo Tech, Del Code 6161,1505McCarthy Rd, Eagan 55121, 651-405-0068,rshumerOtc.umn.eduSHUMWAY Sara J, Prof (Surgery) MMC 207Mayo, Del Code 8207, 347 0 V C C R C(626-0976), 952-944-6889,shumwOO10tc.umn.eduSHUN Joanne M, Student Support Services Assoc(Office of the Registrar-St Paul) 130 Coffey Hall,Del Code 6054 (625-1502), 763-755-0382,j-shunOtc.umn.eduSHUN Launa M, Sr Accountant (Ecology, Evolution& Behevior) 1000 Ecology, Del Code 6098(624-6761), shunxOO10tc.umn.eduSHUPE David A, Lecturer (CCE·lndependent &Distance Leaming) Room 25 WesH, 77 PleasantSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831, 651-636-0955,

SHURSON Gerald C, Prof (Animal Science, Deptof), Adjunct Prof (Veterinary Population Medicine)3350 An SCW M, DaJ Code 6012 (624-2764),shursOO10tc.umn.eduSHURSON Susan R, Asst Dir (Medical SchoolAdminlEduc) MMC 293 Mayo, Dei Code 8293,B690 Mayo (625-3880), 2331 30th Ave 5, Mpls55406, shursOO20Ic.umn.eduSHUSHPANOV Ivan, Research Fellow (Physics)372A Physics, Del Code 0331, 1220 Selby AvenueApt4, 5t Paul 55104, shushOO101c.umn.eduSHUSTER Samuel J, Research Assoc(Neuroscience) Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 ChurchSLS,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1218, 3401 HOlmes Ave S,Mpls 55406, shusOOO20Ic.umn.eduSHUTE Gary M, Assoc Prof (UMD-GomputerScience) 320 H H, Duluth (218-726-7533), 2418 E3rd St, Duluth 55812, 218-724-0500,gshuteOd.umn.eduSHUTSKE John M, Pro! (BiosystemsiAgricutturatEngr), Adjunct Prof (Environmental HealthSciences) 224C Bio Ag Eng, Del Code 6005(626-1250),9645 Lakeside Trail, Chemplin 55316,763-422-8562, ..SHUTTE William F, Instructor (Unity HospitalPhannacy) 550 Osbome Rd, Fridley 55432, 1340Buchanan Place, Mpls 55421 ,shulfOO10tc.umn.eduSHUTTLEWORTH Maura J, Tchg Spec/AdjunctAssoc Prof (Law School) Room 265 MondeleH,229 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911,shutOOO90tc.umn.eduSHYKES Marilyn V, Sr Accounts Asst (UMDBookstore) 175 KSC, 0205, 1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-8745), 2641 E Lismore Rd, Duluth55804,218-525-3802, mShykesOd.umn.eduSHVVAN Vitally V, Research Ass! (Inst on,Community IntegrationlNCEO) Room 350 ElliottHall, Del Code 3281 (624-1624),shyyaool0tc.umn.eduSIAS Ctlnnie P, Assoc Prof (V A Medical Center)Dept 01 Medicine (111), One Veterans Dr, Mpls55417, parenOO20tc.umn.eduSIBBEN Linde S, Accountant (Assat Management)2221 University Ave, Del Code 27041624-8835),l·slbbOlc.umn.eduSIBIUA Christopher P, Teaching Spec (TheatreArts and Dance) Room 111 BarkerCtr, 500 21 slAve S, Mpls 56455, Del Code 7841, 3304 OaklandAve 5, Mpls 55407, 825,8203,sibilOO2 Otc.umn.eduSIBLEY Shalamar, Ass! Prof (Dept of MedicineDiabateslEndocrine) MMC 101 Mayo, Del Code8101,6-136 PWB (624-6460; 626-1960), 745Bridle Ridge Road, Eagan 55123, 651-405-1917,sibleQ040tc.umn.eduSIBOMANA Silas, OIc Ass! (Human Resources)Room 200 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122 (624-0509),3409 65th Ave N, Apt 8, Brooklyn Center 55429,763,206-0817, slbomOOl Otc.umn.eduSIBUL Ray K, Asst Prof (Humanllies·UMM) 215Cam, Morris 56267 (320-589-6296), 403 W 8th St,Morris 56267, 320-589-2257,sibulrkOmorris.umn.eduSIBUYA yasutaka, Prof (Retired) (Mathematics,Sch Of) 223 VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-4811),3038 Patton Rd, Roseville 55113,sibuyOO10tc.umn.eduSICHENEDER Andrew R, Scientist (TherapeuticRadiology), sicheOQ10tc.umn.eduSICK MD Brian T, Instructor (GeneraVPreventiveMedicine) MMC 741 Mayo, Del Code 8741, MMC741 Mayo, slckx0020tc.umn.eduSICKBERT Jan L, Development Ofcr (NaturalResources Admin) Room 235 '0' NatResAdm, DelCode 6147 (624-3283; 624·1234), 1078Tamberwood Ct, Woodbury 55125, 651-739-2042,sickbOO10tc.umn.eduSICKEL£R Tacy A, Research Plot Coordinator(MN Lendscape Arboretum) 3875 Arboretum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613 (952-443-1490),204 Ash St,Chaska 55318, 952-388-3045,sickeOQ10Ic.umn.eduSIDDIQUI Fareed A, Asst Prof (Radiology) mmc292, Del Code 8292, sidd00040tc.umn.eduSIDELL MD Philip A, Asst PrtlI (MomingsideFamily Physicians) 3920 Sunnyside Rd, Edina55424, sidelOO20tc.umn.eduSIDERS PaulO, Assoc Prof (UMD Chemistry andBiochemistry) 313 Chern, 1039 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-6138), psidersOd.umn.eduSIDIROPOULOS Nicholas, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Electrical and Computer Engineering) Rm 4-174EElCSci, Del Code 0572, Koonoopidiana Campus,ECE Dept, Technical University 01 Crete, ChaniaCrete 73100 Greece, sidirOOl


SIDLER Angela K, Asst Prof (Depal1ment ofPediatrics) MMC 88 Mayo, Del Code 8088, Room4-213 PwB (626-2820), sidIeOO20tc.umn.eduSIDMAN Donald J, Teaching Ass1 (GeQtogy and

.GeophysiCs) l00E PillsH, 310 PiUsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455 (626-1583), 3214 South Thirly-eighthAvenue, MpIs 55406, 728-5849,sidrnOOOl Otc.umn.eduSIDMAN James 0, Assoc Prot (Otolaryngology;Pedialrics) Pedialric ENT Associates, 910 E26thSt, Su~e 323, Mpls 55404 (874-1292),sidma0010tc.umn.eduSlEBENBRUNER Jessica 1.4, Coordinator(Children, Youth & family Consortium) 270AMcNamara Alumni Ctr, Del Code 2016 (625-7874),slebOO360tc.urnn.eduSIEBER Julianne C, Adjunct Instructor (FoodScIence and Nutrition) Room 225 fScN, 1334Ecldes Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 3200Shorewood Drive, Arden Hills 55112,651-636-4294, seibeOO50tc.iJmn.eduSIEBERT Elizabeth, Asst Education Spec(Educational Psychology/ASL) Room 240 VoTech,Del Code 6197, siebeOI70tc.umn.eduSIEBERT Renee 1.4, Asst Education Spec(Educational Psychology; Curriculum andInstruction) Room 240 VoTech, Del Code 6197(624-1743), siebe0070tc.umn.eduSIEBERT Richard C,Asst Prof (Retired)(Neurosurgery Department) MMC 96 Mayo, DelCode 8096, MMC 96 Mayo, 5500 Blake Road,Edina 55436, siebeOO40tc.umn.eduSIEDMAN Robin, Coordinator (InterrollegiateAthletics) 155A BfAB, Del Code 3061 (626-8749),siedmOO10tc.umn.eduSIEfFERMAN Thomas 0, Instructor (Pediatric &Young Adult Medicine) 233 Grand Ave N, St Paul55102, 1607 Ashbury Place, Eagan 55122-1223,651-452-8054,'[email protected] Kent J, Assoc Prof (Law School) Room285 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7911, sieflOO50tc,umn.eduSIEGEL Carol, Assoc Department Dir(Research-Grad School Admin) MMC820 Mayo,Del Code 8820, 0528 Mayo (626-5654),siageOOI0tc.urnn.eduSIEGEL Debra L, Program Assoc (CLA ExternalRelations) 225 Johnston HillI, Del Code 3774(625-7346; 625-5031), 534 Brimhall St S, St Paul55116,651-699-7738, siegeOO20tc.umn.eduSIEGEL Gerald M, Prol (Retired)(SpeechIlanguageiHearing Sci), 5050 GladstoneAve S, Minneapollis 55419, sIegeIOtc.umn.eduSIEGEL MD Leighton G, Adjunct Prof (familyMedicineIComm Health), Assoc Prof(Otolaryngology) Ear, Nose and Throat SpecialtyCare, Richie Bldg, Ste 120, 310 Smith Ave, St Paul55102 (651-227-0821), siegeOO50tc.umn.eduSIEGEL Ronald A, Heed (Pharmacy, College o~,

Prof (Pharmacy, College ~, Adjunct Prof(Biomedical Engineering) 9-127E WDH, Del Code1332 (824-6164), siegeOI70tc.umn.edliSIEGEL Wayne G, ASs! Prof (Psychology) N-218EllH, Del Code 3281, 4001 Kipling Avenue South,Edine 55416, [email protected] Gretchen K, Community Program Spec(Transplant Information Services) Dinnaken Bldg,Del Code 2131 (628-9983), slege0220tc.umn.eduSIELAFF Kathleen 1.4, Prin Accountant(Admin-Finance & Personnel) 15-117 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (625-0436), 1631 Pennsylvania AveSo, St Louis Park 55426, 952-544-8630,k-sieIOtc.umn.eduSIEMERS Ross F, Adjunct Assoc Prot (HUbert HHumphrey Cancer Canter) Plaza 100, 3300Oakdele Ave N, Robbinsdele 55422(763-520-1140), 14984 64th Ave N, Maple Grove55311,763-559-1221, siem80010tc.umn.eduSlEMIATKOWSKl Tomasz, Ass1 Prof (IntemationalPrograms) 4-104 CSOM, 321-191h Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7041, siemiOOl Otc.umn.eduSIEMS Monica L, Coordinator (CareerlCommunltyL~ming Canter) 345 Fraser Hall;DeI Code 3393(626-2044), siemsOO50tc.umn.eduSIENKO Barbara L, Administrative Aide (Univers~

Foundetion) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (624-1636; 624-3333), b-slenOlc.umn.eduSIENKO Mary, Asst To (TSB All Third Floor) Room302 TSB, 511 Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 1983 (626-5828), sienkOll Otc.umn.eduSIEPMANN llja, Prof (Chemistry) 139 Sm~h H, DelCode 3661 (624-1844), 14727 70th Street South,Hastings 55033, 729-2160,

SIERRA Joseph M, Asst Prof (Family MedicalCenter) 5 W Lake St, Mpls 55408, 4200 22ndAvenue South, MpIs 55407, sierr0020tc.umn.eduSIEVE Ronald M, Instructor (Mayo Medical Center- SMH) 1216 2nd Street SW, Rochester 55902,6001 55th Street SE, Rochester 55904,507-280-6099, siev8011 Otc.umn.eduSIEVERS John C, Teaching Ass1 (English) 26 UndHall, Del Code 0613, 702 6th Str SW, Rochester55902,507-288-0590, sIeV00440tc.umn.eduSIEVERS Tony P, Sr Veterinary Technician(Veterinary Medical Center) Room 385A VMC, DelCode 6194 (625-4729),1526 Winc/lell Street, StPaul 55106, 651-704-9483, sieveOI40tc.umn.eduSIEVING Renee E, Assoc Prof (Nursing, School of;Pediatrics), Adjunct Asst Prof (Pediatrics) Room6-101 WDH, Del Cocle 1331 (626-4527),651-917-8534, sieviool Otc.umn.eduSlFFRING Corydon W, Ass! Prof (UMD Medicine,School o~ Room 113 Med, 0599, 10 Univers~ Dr,Duluth 55812, 400 E 3rd St, Duluth 55805,218-722-8364SIGAL Bradley S, Sr Otc Spec (Envm HealthSciences (SPH» Room 350 McNamaraCtr, 200Oak St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 2004(625-4329), [email protected] MeMn E, Prof (Ear, Nose & ThroatSpecialty Care) 2211 Park Ave S, MpIs55404-3711 (871-1144), 1344 Kilmer Ave, Mpls55426, sigeIOO20tc.umn.eduSIGELMAN Robert J, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493,May 493, sigelOOl Otc.umn.eduSIGFORD Jane, Non Univ Staff, Univers~ 01Minnesota Mpls (763-745-5022),sigloOO40tc.umn.eduSIGFRINIUS James J, Prin laboratory Technician(UMD-NRRI-CARTDlMinerals) Coleraine MineralsResearch Lab, PO Box 188, Coleraine 55722(218-245-4201), Carolyn, Asst Prof (UMD English) Room410 H, Duluth (218-726-8640), csiglerOd.umn.eduSIGLER Wayne, Dir CampuslCollege Level (Otc OtAdmissions-Admin) Room 240 WmsonH, 231Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0171(625-2006), 378-3804, [email protected] Shayna 1.4, Assoc Prof (Room 328)Waller f Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911 (624-4597),[email protected] Joan 1.4, Exec Administrative Spec(UM Extensoo Community Vrtality) 463 CoffeyHall, Del Code 6070 (651-704-2081),1697 E CoRd C, Maplewood 55109, 651-770-2666,sigmuOO10tc.umn,eduS1GRIN Ben, Non Univ Staff (MechanicalEngineering) 333 Johnston Hall Mpls,sigriOO30tc.umn.eduSIGSTAD Christopher, Non Univ Staff (Pediatrics)12-166 PWB Mpls (625-4287),sigsIOO50tc.umn.eduSIH Ron, Adjunct Asst Prof (Medicine CardiologyOtfica) Cardiology, MMC 508 Mayo, 420 Delaware,Mpls 55455, sihxxOOl Otc.umn.eduSlH Ronald, Non Unlv Slaff (Me(licine) 294 VCRCMpls, 461 Hickory Lane, Oakdale 55128,[email protected] Steven f, Pr Systems Programmer (Acedand Distr Comp Srvcs) 130 Und H, Del Code 0771(626'()244), [email protected] .SIK Sarah, Teaching Asst (Art History) Room 338HelierH, 271191h Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code7055 (624-4500), 333-2754, sikxOOO30tc.umn.eduSlKKA Rachana, Commun~ Program Spec(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,924 EOld Willow Rd, Prospect Heights IL 60070,331-5695, [email protected] Kathryn A, Prof (Political Science) 1414Soc Sci, Del Code 7175 (62~7513),

ksikkinkOtc.umn.eduSIKORA Joseph J, Scientist (VA Medical Center)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, Dept ofCardiovascular Surgery (609-4178),sikorOO21ttc.umn.eduS.ILBERGU1T Benjamin, Lecturer (EducationalPsychology) Room 204 BuH, Del Code 3171,silbOOOSOtc.umn.eduSIlBERMAN Edward, Prof (Retired) (CivilEngineering), 5901 Laurel Ave Un~ Apt336, Mpls55416, [email protected] Robert B, Assoc Prof (Art History)Room 310 HelierH, Del Code 7055 (624-1672;624-4500),2121 Milwaukee Ave, Mpls 55404,'339-1560, [email protected]

S1LBERST~IN Josh, Research Assl (Comm-UnivHealth Care Canter) CUHCC, 2001 BloomingtonAve S, Mpls 55404, 'De1 eocie 7851,

SlLFLDW Carolyn 0, Prof (Plant Biology) Room442 BloSci, Del Code 6022 (624-0729), 2230Marion Rd, Roseville 55113, silflOOl

SlLGA Asha H, Building and Grounds Worker(Recreational Sports) Room 100 CookeH, 1900University Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 2081,Apt 201,912 22nd Ave So, Mpls 55404,721-0417,silgaool0tc.umn.eduSILICIANO Deanna, Ass1 Prof (Anesthesiology)MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 6294,[email protected]

SIUCIANO Paul G, Assoc Prof (Biochemistry)6-110 MolCellBio; 6-208 MolCeiIBio, Del Code1214 (625-4928; 626-2150),

SIWENDAHL Mae L, Exec Administrative Spec(UMD SciencelEngr, College o~ 145 Engr, 1303Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7804), 4702Norwood Street, Duluth 55804,[email protected]

SILLARS Dawn M, Research Ass1 (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Cocle 7525,[email protected]:edu

SILSBY Janet L, Environmnll HealthandSafetySpec (Environmental Health & Safety) W176 BoynH S, Del Code 1171 (626-1995),920-1581,silsbOO10tc.umn.eduSILTBERG Leah K, Teaching Asst (School ofMusic) Room 100 FergH, 2106 4th SI S, MpIs55455, Del Cocle 7811, 5630 Oliver Ave S, Mpls55419,922-0824, silt00090tc.umn.eduSILVA Dane D, Affiliated FacultyISpiriluality/Heallng, Ctr for) 15-156 Puni KahakaiLoop Pahoa (808_965-8917), 15-156 Puni KahakaiLoop, Pahoa HI 96778, 808-965-8917,silva051·SILVA Eduardo, Electrician (FacilitiesMgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB, 319 15!hAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121,1837Portland Ave, St Paul 55104, 651-665-9655,[email protected]

SILVA Joaquin, Ass1 Prof fVA Medical Center)MMC 494 M,ayo, Del Code 8494, 1 Veterans Drive(725-2000 x4633), silva0260tc.umn.eduSILVA-BIOm Javier A, Human ResourcesConsullant (Academic Health Ctr HumanResources) MMC 23 Mayo, Del Code 8023, 544Boynton Heallh Service (626-5858),1051 MadeiraAvenue, Mpls 55405-2112, silva0040tc.umn.eduSILVEIRA Denise A, Training Coordinator (AHCLeeming Commons) MMC 205 Mayo, Del Code8205, 535 Diehl Hall (626-5242),silvOl460tc.umn.eduSILVER Nancy M, Receiving Manager (U of MBookstore (Coffman Store» Room G54 CMU, DelCode 1051, nsilverOtc.urnn.eduSILVERA Deanne 0, Program Assoc (InU Student& Scholar Services) 190 HHH Ctr, Del Code 7457(624-9512), silv80250Ic.umn.eduSILVERMAN Andrea, Non Univ Staff (Surgery)312A VCRC Mpls, siIve1920tc.umn.eduSILVERMAN Douglas, Research Asst (Hllh SvcsResearchlPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729,2008 Brewster St ApI306, St Paul 55108,651-917-2344SILVERMAN Greg M,lnfo Tech Prof (EnvmSciences Health) 350 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2004 (625-6870),, page740-3899SILVERNAIL Carter, Post-Doctoral Assoc(ChemislJy) Room 392 SmithH, Del Code 3661,10155 Greenbrier Rd Apt207, Minnetonka 55305,silveI910tc.umn.edUSILVERNALE David L, Sr Electronics Technician(Classroom Mgmt-Technical ServiCes) 103 UPIflllS,Del Code 2713 (625-0113), 4889 Monroe StNE,Mpls 55421, 763-572.Q359, silv80160tc.umn.eduSILVERS Carmen R; Sr Laboratory Technician(Chemistry; Ecology, EvolutionlBahavior) 207Pleasant Street, SE, Del Code 3661 (624-0519),[email protected] Kevin A, Research Assoc (PlantBiOlogy) 768 Bio Sci, Del Code 6022 (624-3057),siIve0230tc.umn.eduSILVERSTEIN Paul, Adjunct Prof (Retired) (MplsClinic 01 Neurology) Meadowbrook Medical Bldg,6490 Excelsior Blvd, St Louis Park 55426, 3440Fairway Ln; Minnetonka 55305,


S1LVIEUS Summer I, Graduate School Fellow(Plant Biology) ROOm 220 BlOSei, 1445 GartnerAve, St Paul 55108, Del~ 6022,1707 Fry StApl14, Falcon Heights 55113,siIv01240tc.umn.eduSILVIS Jeffrey M, Info Tech Prof (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, Del Code 0331(625-4518),1784 Maple Lane, Roseville 55113,651-746-0233, sihri0030tc.umn.eduSIM Bredley T, Adjunct'Ass! Prof(DiagnosliclBiological Sci - OMD) ROOm 7-536Moo\Tower, Del Code 1291 (625-8418),2969Lakeshore Ave, Maple Plain55359, 763-479-1492,simxx0020tc.umn.ilduSlM Teck Ping, Reeearch Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0891,651-645-5934, .SIMCIK Matt, Ass1 Prof (Envm Health Sciences)MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807,1158 Mayo(626-8269),651-275-0859, msimcikOtc.urnn.eduSlME Alice 1.4, Prof Emeritus (Nursing, SchooI.~,8100 Wtm 86th St Circle, Bloomington 55438,952-a29-7931, simexOO10tc.umn.eduSlME DeeAnn R, Teaching Spec (German,Scandanavian & Dutch) Room 205 FolH, 9Pleasant St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 0143, 6135Olsdn Memorial Hwy, Golden Valley 55422,simeX0060tc.umn.eduSIMENSEN Batty J, Coordinatol (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH,178 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171,7361 Bush LakeDrive, Bloomington 55438, simen0180tc.urnn.eduSIMENSON John A, Chief Mate (UMD LargeLakes Observatory) 109 RLB, 0137, Z!05 E 5th St,Duluth 55812, 5412 Hughilt Ave, Superior WI54880,715-392-4800, jsimensoOd.urnn.eduSIMENSON Steven T, Instructor (GoodriichPharmacy) 100 Monroe St, Anoka 5?303, '5165156th Lane North West, Ramsey 55303,simen0010te.umn.eduSIMENSON Wendy L, Instructor (Kemper Drug)323 Jackson Ave, Elk River 55330, 5165158thLand North West, Ramsey 55303,simen0030tc.umn.eduSIMER Kelly L, Teeching Asst (EduclHuman Dev,College o~, Research Ass1 (Public Health, Schoolo~ Collega of Education, Rooml07 BuH, 178Pillsbury Dr SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3171,spencl480tc.urnn.eduSIMHA Narendra K, Ass! Prof (OrflopaedicSurgery), ~rch Assoc i>rthopaedic Surgery)MMC 289 Mayo, Del Codel289, .R379 ChildrensRehab Canter (626-9078), simhaOtc.umn.eduSIMLER Norman J, Prof (Retired) (Economics),1907 Goodrich Ave, St Pau, 55105,siml80030tc.umn.eduSIMMERS Michael J, Teaching Spec (Center lorLeeming Fou~tion) 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716,·2133 9th Street SE, East GrandFOrks 56721, 701-m·9715,msimmersOmail.crk.umn.edSIMMONS Baverty J, Student Support Services.Asst (CCE Information Canter) ROOm 20 CoIH, DelCode 6081 (824-6722; 624-4000),simmoOOSOtc.urnn.eduSIMMONS Franklin D, Info Tech Prof (UMD InfoTech SystemslServices) 165 i<Piz, 0182, 1208Kirby Plaza, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8849),l$itnmonsOd.urnn.eduSIMMONS Michael J, Prof (Genetics, CellBiologylDev) Room 204 BlOSei, Del Code 6022(624-5354), 1740 W Laipenteur Apt 3D, St Paul55113, simrn00040tc.umn.eduSIMMONS Patricia S. Regent (flegents, Board o~

600 McNamara Alumni Cante MpIs,simmonsOtc.umn.eduSIMMONS Rebecca L, Ole Spec (GeneralColiegelRegiSfrars Office) 33 Appleby Hall, DelCode 3501 (626-2032), 11644 Xylon AvenueNorth, Champlin 55316, 763-433-0203,simmoI470tc.umn.eduSIMMONS Richard K, Adjunct Prof (Medica) Box9310, Mpls 55440, simIllOO210tc.umn.eduSIMMONS Steve R, Prof (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) 204 Bor H, Del Code 6026 (625-3763), .454 E Brooks Ave, St Paul 55117, 651-484-2193,ssimmonsOtc.urnn.eduSIMMONS William R, Sr Laboratory Technicien(Room 202 Smrth Hall) 207 Pleasant Street SE,Del Code 3661, simrnOO720tc.umn.eduSlMO Kalhleen K, Adjunct Prof (fairviewCrosstown Clinic;) 6545 France Ave S, no, 11017Girard Curve, Mpis 55431, simoxOOl


SIMON David J, Head Coach (UMC Athletics)Room 139 SportsC, C1l8, 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716 (218·281·8418), 610 Fir Lane,Crookston 56716, 218-281-7588,[email protected]

SIMON Geza, Prof {Retired} (V A Medical Ce~ter)Hypertension Clinic, One Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417,[email protected]

SIMON Gyoergy J, Research Asst (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Dei Code 0571, 3451Dupont Av S Apt 306, Mpls 55408,[email protected]

SIMON Jeffrey A, Assoc Prof (Genetics, CellBioIogylDev) 5-2356 Moos HS Tower; 515Delaware Street SE, Del Code .1217 (626-5097;~'5125), [email protected]«IMON Jill E, Teaching Spec (Child Development)ChDev, 51 E River Rd, Mpls 55455, Del Code4011, [email protected]

SIMON John E, Clinical Assoc Prof (ClinPsychophannacology Consul) Ste 303, 701 25thAve S, Mpls 55454, 801 Torchwood Dr, NewBrighton 55112, simon031

SIMON Kimberty S, Assoc To (Equal Opportunity &Affirmative Act) 419 Morrill Hall, Del Code 0264(624·9547), 929-0992, [email protected] Lula, Building and Grounds Worker(Facililies Mgmt-Zone 2) Ro~m 300 Donhowe Bldg,31915th Ave SE, Mpls 5545'5, Del Code 3121,3417 65th Ave N, Apt 3, Brooklyn Center 55429,763,533-5535, simon131

SIMON Mary, Aocounts Spec (UMD Social Work)207 Engr, 1303 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-7854), [email protected] Michael K, Utilily Worker (FacilitiesMgmnt-West Bank·Zone 2) 57 Heller Hall, DelCode 3121,1621 Wynne Avenue, St Paul 55108,651-646-0418, [email protected] Rick, Prin Administrative Spec (7-159Weaver-Densford Hali) 308 Harvard St SE, DelCode 1332 (624·9931), 1101 28th St W Apt303,Mpls 55408-2006, 871-7632,[email protected] Ron J, Painter (Facilities Mgmnt-·Sign &Graphics U) 105 F Stor, Del Code 5803, 505 FifthAvenue CI, Isanti 55040, 763-444·0467,[email protected]

SIMON Sidney, Prof (Retired) (Art History), 2668Inglewood Ave S, Mpls 55416, [email protected] Steve M, Sr Attomey (Law Sch Instr·Clinic)190 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911 (625-5515),4108 Colfax Ave So..Mpls 55409, 824-2374,[email protected] Terrence W, Prof (Mechanical Engineering)Room 235 MechE, Del Code 0691 (625-5831),2144 Stanford Ave, St Paul 55105, 651-698-1205,[email protected] Terry J, Scientist (Food Science andNutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Ec~s Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 8099, 8100 Trillium Ciltle,Victoria 55366, 952-443-2062, [email protected] Donald A, Chair (Diagnostic/BiologicalSciences), Prof (DiagnosticJBiological Sciences)Room 17·252 Moos Tower, Del Code 1291(625-6404), [email protected]

SIMONEPamela A, Jr Scientist (Surgery) MMC195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, 233 P W B (625-6460),simonOl1, page 534-7996SIMONE Peter 1.1, Research Asst (Chemistry)Room 139 SmithH, 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3661, 1280 W Larpenteur Ave,Apt 320, St Paul 55113, 320-363-6964,simo03080tc.umn.eduSIMONELU Christine, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Woodbury Heahh East Clinic) 1875 WoodwindsDrive, Woodbury 55125 (651-232-6733), 66Seymore Avenue SE, Mpls 55414,[email protected]

SIMONOVSKA Ina, Teaching Asst (Economics)Room 1035 HelierH, 271 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7052 (625-3446), [email protected] Diana L, Adjunct Instructor(Ramsey Clinic Association) 640 Jackson St, SIPaul 55.101, [email protected] Andrew 1.1, Assoc Prof (FisheriesIWildlife,Dept of; Btll Museum of Natural History) Room116 Ecology, Del Code 6098 (624-6292), 1796Bayard Avenue, St Paul 55116,[email protected] Robert 1.1, Adjunct Asst Prof(ACMC·Marshall) 300 S Bruce St, Marshall 56258,1100 Indiana Jones Ave, Marshell 56258,507·532-6855, [email protected]

SIMONSEN Richard J, Adjunct Prof (OralSciences) Room 17-252 MoosT, Del Code 1291(626-2190),2112 Arcade Street; St Paul 55109,651-778-0034,

SIMONSON Angela B, Communily Program Spec(Medicine Rheumatology Office) MMC 108 Mayo,Del Code 8108, 6·284 BSBE (624-6843),[email protected]

SIMONSON Dana A, Exempt Temporary or casual(ExpertmenteJ & Clinical Phannaoolog) B288 MayoMem Bldg, Del Code 1332 (626-2291), 1188Ashland Ave, St Paul 55104, 651,917-0162,[email protected]

SIMONSON Deron P, carpenter (FacilitiesManagement) MeC 59 Mayo, Del Code 8059, 3153rd Street E, PO Box 734, Cokato 55321,320-286·5815,

SIMONSON Jay S, Adjunct~ Prof(Cardiovascular Consuhants Ltd) 3300 OakdaleAve N, Suite 200, Mpls 55424,[email protected] .

SIMONSON Jonna K, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,[email protected]

SIMONSON Julie K, Instructor (Fainriew-UnivMedical Center) Box 611, 420 Delaware Street SE,Mpls'55455, 306 Oak'Grove Street Apt38, ~pls55403, 874-6343,

SIMONSON Margaret G, Ole Spec (UMM PostOffice) Room 1150Sci, M268G, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (320-589-4143), 302 E 2nd St, Morris56267,320-589-3165,

SIMONSON Peggy J, Dental Hygienist (PrimaryDental care·Health Eoology) Room 9-268 Moos T,Del Code 1291 (626-3139),651-770-0377,[email protected]

SIMONSON Sidney, Non Univ Staff, Universily OfMinnesota Mpls (218-749-8130),[email protected]

SIMONTON WeSley C, Prof (Retired) (Lib ArtsAdm Ofc of the Dean), 6229 Maloney Ave, Hopkins55343-8564,

SIMPSON Jeffry A, Prof (Psychology) N-218 EhH,3281, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, 7610Gibrallar Terrace, Apple Valley 55124,952-891-1585, [email protected] Kirk W, Adjunct Prof (Bloomington LakeClinic) 1150 Cenre Pointe Curve, Mencjota Heights55120,6660 West 129th St, Apple Valley 55124,

SIMPSON Margaret L, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical canter) 701 Park Ave S, Mpls 55415, 140W Diamond Lake Rd, Mpls 55419,

SIMPSON Richard E, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Management) B 117 MoosTower, Del Code 8059, 517 Warwick Street, StPaul 55116, 651-699-2872, simps1130tc.umn.eduSIMS Albert L, Assoc Prof (NW ReseerchlOutreachCenter; Soil, Water, and Climate) AgRC, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (218-281-6619),121 Mill St, Crookston 56716, 218-281-7073,simsxOOBOlc.umn.eduSIMS Cannen, Student Services Supv (CartsonFull-Time MBA Program) 2-210 CartSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-6393), guerr0150tc.umn.eduSIMS Michelle 0, Teaching Spec (School of SocialWork) Rni 105 PetersH, Del Code 6161,[email protected] •SIMSER Joann I, Lecturer (Work Communily &Family Education) 210 VoTechEd Bldg, Del CocIe6197, [email protected] Lee A, Adjunct Prof (Park Nicollet MedicalCtr) 5000 W 39th St, Mpls 55416, 4906 WCoventry Rd, Minnetonka 55345,simsoOO30tc.umn.eduSIMULA Vemon L, Prof (Retired) (UMDDevelopment, Office on, 5780 North Road, Toivola1.11 49965, simuI0010tc.umn.eduSINAIKO Alan R, Prof (Pediatrics; Phannacology)MMC 491 Mayo, Del Code 8491, 13-254 Moos T(625-8483), sinaiOOl Otc.umn.eduSINCLAIR Aiyson P, Research Asst (English)Room 207 LindH, 207 Church St SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0613, slncI0320tc.umn.eduSINCLAIR Janice M, Adjunct Instructor(Ophthalmology) MtoAC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493,9·240 P W B (625-4400), [email protected] Nicholas J, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt·Administration) 307Donhowe B, Del Code 3121 (624-6364),

SINDHVAD Swetal P, Coordinator (UM ExtensionCtr for 4-H Youth Dev) 490C Coffey Hall, Del Code6070 (624-8112), 6125 CocIe Ave, Edina 55436,763-416-4722, sindhOO10tc.umn.eduSINES Lloyd K, Prof (Retired) (Psychiatry), 17679182nd Avenue, Big Lake 55309,sinesOOl

SINGER Jackie M, Dir Campus/College Level(Human ResourceslEmp, Benefits) Room 100DonhoweB, Del CocIe 3122 (626-0792),

SINGER Randall, Ass! Prof (VeterinaryBiosciences), Adjunct Asst Prof (EnvironmentaiHeahh Sciences) Room 300A VetSci, Del Code6187 (625-6271),

SINGER Rexford 0, Prof Emeritus (Public Heahh,School ot; Environmental Heahh Sciences) MMC807 Mayo, Del CocIe 8807, singeOOl

SINGH Amarjit, Assoc Prof (Children's - Mpls)Heart Ciinic, no 106, 2545 Chicago Ave S, Mpls55404, singhOO70tc.umn.9du

SINGH Anurag, Research Asst (AerospaceEngrlMechanics), Teaching Ass) (AerospaceEngrlMechanics) Aerospece Engr and Mechanics,Room 107 AkerH,l10 Union StSE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0731, [email protected]

SINGH Ashok K, Assoc Prof (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) 244 Vet 0 L, Del Code 6184 (625-6782),763-571-6605, singhOOl

SINGH Harrydeo, Asst To (School of Mathematics)127C VinH, Osl CocIe 0412 (625-5591),[email protected]

SINGH Jasbir, Asst Prof (Lab MedlPathologyDepartment) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code" 8609,MMC 609 Mayo, 2009 Palace Ave, St Paul 55105,[email protected]

SINGH Jaskirat, Research Asst(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572 (626-0320), 1131 Hamline Ave N,Apt 14, St Paul 55108, 627-9714,bindOO250tc.umn.eduSINGH Jasvinder, Ass! Prof (VA Medical Center)Division of Rheumatology, One Veteran's Drive,Mpls 55417, 4346 Yorktown Drive, Eagan 55123,651-454-1231, singh0460tc.umn.eduSINGH Mohini 0, Sr Aocountant(Biochemistry·Med Sch) 6-155 Jac H, Del Code1214 (625-8607), [email protected]

SINGH Nimi, Asst Prof (Pediatrics & AdolescentHealth) Suite 260 McNamaraCti, Del Code 2016(625·5497), 16809 Blenheim Way, Minnetonka55345, 952,935-2240, singh031

SINGH Paul, Assoc Prof (Pediatrics) 19 S DeepLake Rd, St Paul 55127,

SINGH Raghav E, Teaching Spec (IndustrialRelations Clr, CCE Cont Profl Educ Instrt)Industriai Relations Clr, 3-300 CartSMgmt, 32119th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041,[email protected]

SINGH Rajdeep, Assoc Prof (Finance), Prof(Executive Development Ctr) 3-253 CartSMgmt,Del Code 7041 (624·1061; 624-2888),[email protected]

SINGH PHD Sushmila, Research Assoc (BMGG)Room 123 Synder Hall, Del Code 6174 (624-3014),[email protected]

SINGH Udai B, Sr Research Engineer (Biosystemsand Agricultural Engr) Room 302 BioAgEng, DelCode 6005 (625-1951), 1374 Knoll Drive,Shoreview 55126, 651-645-0908,[email protected]

SINGH Virajila, Research Fellow (Arch/LandscapeArch 1425 Univ) Room 220 1425 Univ, Del Code4803 (625-3447), 4300 Lyndale Ave S, Mpls55409, 871-0262, [email protected],eduSINGLE Brett W, Help Desk Coordinator (ADCS)Room 190 ShepLab, Del Code 0771 (625-8425),

SINGLETON Carol A, Info Sec An 1IV0p Lead(Data Security) 548F WBOB, Del Code 7531(626-1010), csingOtc.umn.eduSINGLETON Cynthia H, Exec Asst (Phannacy,College Of-Adm) 5-130 WDH, Del Code 1332(624-5137), 920-6608, [email protected] Robert J, Administrative Professional(NetworkinglTelecom Services), ExemptTemporary Or casual (NetworkingITelecomServices) 2218 Univ, Del Code 2171 (625-2876),2700 Hawthome Ln, Stillwater 55082,651-439-8923, r·[email protected] Tim, Assoc Prof (Lab MediPathologyDepartment) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609,0223 Mayo (273-5464), [email protected]


SINHA Abhinaya, Research Asst (ForestResources) Room 115 GreenH, 1530 ClevelandAve N, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6112,229-9748,[email protected]

SINHA Akhouri A, Adjunct Prof (V A MedicalCenter) Research Servica (151), Del CocIe .1217(725-2000 x2646), 3254 48th Ave So, Mpls 55406,724-4871, [email protected] Kingshuk K, Prof (Operations and MgmtSciences; Intemational Program Dev; ExecutiveDevelopment Clr), Program Dir (Operations andMgmt Sciences) 3-227 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-7058),4501 Oxford Ave, Edina 55436,952·920·5018, [email protected] Jill M, Scientist (Brain Sciences Center) OneVeterans Drive, D,el Code 1216, 3380Hardscrabble Rd 'N, Minnetrista 55364, 298-0705,[email protected] I

SINKS Jeffrey J, Prin Media Resources Producer I(UMC-Ctr for Leaming Enhancement) Room 150 K,Crookston 56716 (218-281-6405),520 W 6th St, !Crookston 56716, 218-281-5866, ,[email protected] .

SINNER Jan:t J, Landscape Maintenance Supv I(MN Landscape Arboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd, iChaska 55318-9613 (952-443-1454), 12315 Kelly tAve, Cologne 55366, 952-466-2770, [email protected] 'SINNETT Diane L, Sr Administrative Spec(Recreational Sports) 108 Cooke H, Del Code2061 (625-6386), sinneOOl

SINNIGER Beverty R, Asst Prof (Retired) (CCEAdministration), 1599 Glenbeigh Place, Woodbury !55125, [email protected]

SINNOn Michael J, Sr StoreslDelivery Supv(UMD FoodNending Services) 245 KPlz, 0206,1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218·726-7313;218-726-8171), 515 West Ideal SI, Duluth 55811,218-727'7783, msinnottOd.umn.eduSIORIS Leo J, Prof (SafetyCalllntemational)10949 Bren Road East, Minnetonka 55343,sioriOOl @tc.umn.eduSIPSAS Florence, Sr Food Service Worker (UMDFoodNending Services) 245 KPlz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726·7696), 626·3191,[email protected]

SlRANY Trudy 0, Asst Prof (HealthPartners SpringLake) 1415 81st Ave NE, Spring Lake Park 55432(763-785-3100), 3200 Fremont Ave S Apt 3, Mpls55408, siranOOl Otc.umn.eduSIRC Geoffrey 1.1, Prof (G C-lnstr/Communication)282 Ap H, Del Code 3501 (625-0134), 100Malcolm Ave SE, Mpls 55414,378-9595,[email protected],edu

SIRENO John J, Mechanic 2 (FacilitiesMgml-Administration) 202 F 1.1 B, Del Code 6188(624-2288), [email protected] Racheal A, Building and Grounds Worker(Comstock Hall), Del Code 1091 (624·0987),[email protected]

SIRJORD Holly L, Non·University Employee (UMExtension Nonnan Cnty) Courthouse, 16 3rd Ave ESte 101B, Ada 56510, RRI Box 164, Gary 56545,218-356-8731, [email protected] Elizabeth M, Teaching Spec (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, DelCode 0571, [email protected] Debbie, Ass! Prof (Duluth PhannacyProgram), Assoc Program Dir (Duluth PhannacyProgram) 366 Kirby Plaza, 1208 Kirlly Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-6019), 5343 Split Rail Dr,Hermantown 55611, [email protected]

SITKA Greg, Adjuncrlnstructor (Hennepin FacuilyAssociates) Ste 0110. 914 S 8th St, Mpls 55404,sitkaOOl @tc.umn.eduSinON Greg W, Research Asst (Chem Engr &Mati Sci) 185 Amund Hall, Del Code 0531(626-2021), 8188th St SE, Apt 1, Mpls 55414,573-465·2021, [email protected] Marcia A, Asst Clinical Spec (Sister KennyInstitute) Ste 620 • Occup Therapy, 825 S 8th St,Mpls 55404, 44531st Ave S, Mpls 55409,sitzxOOl

SITZMANN Jeanne M, Student Support ServicesAssoc (Mechanical Engineering) Room 1120MechE, Del Code 0691 (625-5842),[email protected]

SIU Lawrence K, Supv User Support Spec(College of Phannacy) 1-130 Weaver-DensfordHall, Del Code 1332 (624-2625),[email protected] Joseph J, Ass! Prof (Medicine-UMD) 236Med, DUluth, 3713 Crescent View, Duluth 55804,[email protected]


S1VAHANDAII Shanlhi, Instructor (PediatricC8rdiology Division) MMC 94 Mayo, Del Code8094,203 VCRC (626-2782), 9143 BrentwoodTrail, Woodbury 55125, 651-452-2964,

SIYAHANDAN V, Prof (Retired) (VeterinaryBiosdences; Animal ScIence, Dept of) AnimalScIence AnScilVM, Room 495 AnScilVM, 1988Filch Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6014, 183Ut1le Canada Rd E Apt116, Ut1le Canada 55117,

S1VAHlCH Barbara J, Student Support ServicesAsst (Graduate SChool) Room 321 JohH, 101Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3773(625-2040), 5040 Zeniltl Ave S, MpIe 55410,926-8504,

S1VAPRAKASAM Aarthi, Graduate School Fallow(Biomedical Engineering) Room 7·105 NHH, 312Church St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1191, 708University Ave SE Apt 23, Mpls 55414,

SlYARAIIIAKRISHHAN Shyam, Research Ass!(Mechanical Engineering), Teaching Ass!(Mechanical Engineering) Room ll00.oel Code0691,708 Univef$ily Ave SEApt17, Mpls 55414,378-1815,

S1VASUBBU Sridhar, Post·Doctoral Assoc(Genetics, Call Biology, & Development) Room5-214 MCB, Del Code ; 217 (625-9848),sivasOOl Otc.umn.eduSlYASWAII'f Salish Barghav, Research Ass!(EleclricalICompuler Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, Apt 2, 718 Univef$ily Ave SE, Mpls55414, slvaOO2401c.umn.eduSIVERSON Susan J, Sr Ofc Supv (UMDEducIHuman Svc Pro, Col of) 125 BohH, 0141,1207 Otdean Court, DIIluth 55812 (218-726-6537), J

SlVERT Eileen B, Assoc Prof (French & Italian)351A Fol H, Del Code 0139 (624-0368),,

SIVERTSEN John M, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Chemical Eng & Mat Sci) 151 Amund H, Del Code0531 (625-9388), 505 Unlv Ave SE Apt 208, Mpls55414,

SIVITZ Ali, Research Ass! (Plant Biology Dept) 250Bioiogical'Sciences Center, 1445 Gortner Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6022, 1404 Raymond AveApt3, Saint Paul 55108, 651-646-9569, .sivi000301c.umn.eduSlY Jerome C, Adjunct Instruclor (RegionsHospital) Internal Medicine, 640 Jackson Street,North Building, St Paul 55101,siyxxOO101c.uriln.eduSIZER Mlchaal A, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(History) Room 614 SocSci, Del Code 7165(624-2800), 1753 Columbia Rd NW Apt 311,Washington DC 20009, sizerOOl Olc.umn.eduSlZOVA Elena P, Teaching Ass! (Chemistry) 137Smiltl Hall, Del Code 3661, 519 3rd Ave SE Apt311, MpIs 55414, 205-7854, sizoOOOl

SJERVEN Gerald G, Info Tech Prof(UMD-NRRI-cwE) 311 N RR I, 5013 Miller TrunkHwy, Duluth 55811 (218-720-4388),1314 Easl9thSt, Duluth 55605, 218-7~1778,

SJOBERG Sera A, Research Ass! (Food ScIenceand NutriliQn) Room 225 FScN, f334 Ecfdes Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099 (624-1733),sjobOO300tc.umn.eduSJODAHL Gregory M, Pipefiller (Facilities

.. Mgmnt·Zone 4-Campus Dist) l30G FoodOB, DelCode 5803, 5605 Quail Avenue North, Crystal55429,763-535-7047, sjodaOO10tc.umn.eduSJODlNGCari W, Adjunct Prof (Medicine-UMD)2205 East 5th St, Duluth 55805,sjodiOOl01c.umn.eduSJOLUND Serena I, Prin Accounts Spec (AcadAffairs & Provost) 234MorriH Hall, Del Code 0262(625-8899), sjoIOOO20tc.umn.eduSKAAR Daniel 0, Chair (Primary Dental Care),Dentist (Primary DentaJ Care) Room 7-384 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (628-4234),skaar0030tc.umn.eduSKAAR Debra J, Ass! Prof (College 01 Pharmacy)Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE, MpIs55455, Del Code 1332 (626-3005),skaar00601c.urnn.eduSKAGGS Rlchard H, Prof (Geography), ProgramDir (Geography) 568 Soc Sci, Del Code 7163(625-6643),1160 Josephine Rd, Roseville 55113,651-483-3580,

SKALA VICkie K, Prin Veterinary Tech (Veterlna/yMedical Center) 305 VMC, Del Code 6194(625-2727), 154 Golden Meadow Rd, Eagan55123, 1dang0020tc.umn.eduSKALBERG Randall K, Ass! Prof (UMDAccounting; UMD BusinesslEcon, School of) Room125 SBE, Duluth (218-726-7150), 6945 Baar IslandRd, Duluth 55803-9998, 218-721-3173,

SKALLMAN Warren N, Ass! Dir CrnpICol(Accounting Services) 653B WBOB, Del Code7529 (624-7365),

SKALSKI Paul, Asst Prof (UMD Communication)415 ABAH, 1121 Univef$ily Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8576), pskaiskiOd.umn.eduSKAR liD Duane C, lnstruclor (Pediatric & YoungAduff Medicine) 233 Grand Ave N, St Paul 55102,skarxOO101c.umn.eduSKAR Jennifer C, Exec Administrative Spec(Univef$ily 01 Minnesota) MMC 293 Mayo, DelCode 8293, Medical School - Dean's Offica(626-4990),

SKARDA Paula K, Adjunct Asst Prof (HealthPartners - Midway) Intemal MedicIne, 451 NDunlap St, St Paul 55104, 1795 Bohland Ave, StPaul 55116,

SKARIA Ajay, Assoc Prof (History) Room 614SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code7165,2722, Dorman Avenue, Mpls 55406·1834,332-5773,

SKARPHOL Tricia L. Comm~nity Program Spec(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(626-8212),713151 St E, Bumsville 55306,952-892-6067,

$KARSTEN Roger C, Teaching Asst (German,Scandinavian & Dutch) 209 Fol H, Del Code 0143(625-9350), 555 40th St NE, Banson 56215,320-843-3146, skarsOOl

SKATTER Heather M, InformatiOnalRepresentative (CeE-Marketing) Room 340 CofH,Del Code 6081 (624-mO), skaltOO10tc.umn.eduSKAY Carol L. Research Assoc (School ofNursing) Room 6-190 WDH, Dal Code 1331(624-9909; 624-4454), skayxOO20tc.umn.eduSKAY Donald 0, Painter (Fac Mgmt-Zone 3·HeaIlhServices) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121,712333rd Ave N, Cryslal55427, 763-535-0447,skayx00301c.umn.eduSKEANS Melissa, Research Fellow (Biostatistics)MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303, Room 200 2221Univ Ave SE (626-9011), 3216 Colfax Ave So,Mpls 55408, skeanOOl Otc.umn.eduSKEATE Robert C, Post-Doctoral Fellow (LabMedicine and Pathology) 421 29th, Del Code 2821,1920 1st St S Apt 2206, Mpls.55454,skeaOOO101c.umn.eduSKEIE Devid R, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Bldg Se", Dey Custo) Room 300DonhoweB, 3f9 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121 (624,2900), 709 26th Ave S, Mpls55454,338-5155, dskeieOlc.umn.eduSKEIE Robin E, Jr CashierlFood Aide (TerraceCafe) 115 SPSC, Del Code 6090 (625-1990),skeie0020tc.umn.eduSKELLY Carol L, Community Program Assoc (UMExtension Anoka Cnly) Bunker Hills ActivitiesCenter, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, AJioka55304-4f99 (783-755-1280),739 Oakwood Dr,Anoka 55303, 763-427-5428,skeI1OO10tc.umn.eduSKELLY Dawn M, Prin Public Relations Rep(Cerison School of Mgmt) 4-300 CerlSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-8770), skalOO31 Olc.umn.eduSKELTON Kathy M, Assoc Admin (UMD AcadSupportlStudenl Life) 297 DAdB, 0211, 1049Univef$ily Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8501), 3261Zimmerman Rd, Duluth 55804, 218-525-9459,kskaItonOd.umn.eduSKELTON Margaret A, Community Heaffh Supv(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525,7020 Boyd Ave, Eden Prairie 55348-3530,952·937-9564, skellOOl Otc.umn.eduSKELTON Nan A, Fellow (Humphrey Inst of PublicAffair) Cntr Dem and Citizenship, Rm 141, DelCode 7451 (625-3003), skaIlOO301c.umn.eduSKEMP Charlie, Non Univ Staff, Univef$ily OfMinnesota Mpls (651-582-8850),skernp0060tc.umn.eduSKIBA Teresa G, AdjunCt Ass! Prof (ANW) InternalMedicine, 800 E 28th St, 11135, Mpls 55407,18750 11th Ave N, Plymouth 55447,763-449-9411,

SlOE Duane A, Lacturar (School 01 Mathematica)Room 127 VinH, 208 Church St SE, Mpls 55455,Dal Code 0412, 345 Minriesota Avenue, Roseville55113-4712,651-484-9071, skiexOOl Otc.umn.eduSKILDUM Andrew J, Research Assoc (DMEDPhysiology & Pharmacology) 372 SMad, f035Univef$ily Drive, Duluth 55812,askiIdumOd.umn.eduSKILDUM Steven C, Adjunct Prof (Highland FamilyPractica) 1540 Randolph, St Paul 55105, 3437Glenardon Rd, Arden Hills 55112,skildOO10tc.umn.eduSKILUNG Meriam H, Survey Interviewer (HeailtlSalViess RschIPolicy) Dinnaken Building, Su~e120, Del Code 2131 (624.()996),skiI1OO80tc.umn.eduSKILLMAN Even 0, Prof (Astronomy) 371 Phys,Del Code 0331 (624-9523), skiIlOO10tc.umn.eduSKINNER Brooke A, Research Ass! (Family SocialScIence) 290 McNeal HaU, Del Code 6f4O(625'1900), bskinnerOtc.umn.eduSKINNER C Hallie, Exec Administrative Spec(Development of Tech Laadelllhlp) Room 510WBOB, Del Code 7538 (624-4745),gran03720tc.umn.eduSKINNER Joseph P, PhD Candidate ResearchAss! (Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys,116 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,2566 Ellis Ave, Saint Paul 55114, 840-6238,skinOO1701c.umn.eduSKINNER PHD Pamala J, Ass! Prof (VeterinaryPathobiology) Room 339 VetSci, Del Coda 6187(624-2644), skinn00201c.umn.eduSKINNER Robert W, lnatruclor (Small AnimalClinical Science) C-339 VelTchHos, 1365 GortnarAve, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6192 (825-7744),8655 Damel Rd, Eden Prairie 55344',952-943-8554, skinn00901c.umn.eduSKINNER Susan M, Adjunct Instructor (MayoFoundation) 200 First 5t SW, Rochester 55905,507·285-1713, sklnnOI20tc.umn.eduSKINNER·WEST Gail, Interim Dean (CCE-Admin)Room 201 CofH, Del Code 6081 (624:1751), 921River Pky, Champlin 55316, 763-427-8254,skinnerOlc.umn.eduSKJERVEN Jime M, Adjunct Instructor (Hennepin,Cly Med Center) 701 Park Ave S, Mpls 55415,skjetOO101c.umn.eduSKJEVELAND Ronald E, MaintlOperations Supv(Hormellnstitute) 801 16th Ave NE, Austin 55912(507-437·9870),508 22nd Ave SW, Austin 55912,507-434-0411, reskjeveOIc.umn.eduSKOBERG Alison K, Assoc Program Dlr(Research-Grad School Admin) 314 Joh H, DelCode 3773 (625-7579), 8901 River Ridge Rd,Bloomington 55425, 952-854-2866,skobeOO10tc.umn.eduSKOGEN Geri, Asst To (Food Sci & Nutrition)225C F Sc N, Del Code 6099 (624-4789;624-1290),1987 Garden Avenue, Falcon Heights55113-5543,651-645-0073, gSkogenOIc.umn.eduSKOGEN Kirk H, Sr Accountant (Surgery) MMC195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, 11-154 P W B(625-3954), k-skogOtc.umn.eduSKOGLUND Amanda M, Library Asst2 (MINITEX)15 Andersen Library, Del Code 7921, 463Desnoyer Ave, St Paul 55104, 651-644-1313,skogOO9301c.umn.eduSKOGLUND Bath R, Sr Administrative Spec (UMDFinancial Collections) 129 DAdB, 0035, 1049Universily Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-8103),bskoglun0 d.umn.eduSKOGLUND Cerol A, Exec Sec (UMD-ElectricaJ &Computer Eng) 271 MWAH, 1023 Univef$ily Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-728-6830; 218-726-6147), 324Kissel Ave So, Duluth 55811,218-727-5576,cskoglunOd.umn.eduSKOGLUND Larry L. IlooI<store Dept Supv (UMDBookstora) 175 KSC, 0205, 1120 KIrby Dr, Duluth55812 (218·726-8540), 324 Kissel Ave So, Duluth5581" 218-727-5576, lskoglunOd.umn.eduSKOGLUND Robert S, Adjunct Prof (VeterinaryDiagnostic MedIcine) 244 VelOL, 1333 Gortner Av,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6184,, page 5IIO-OIl35SKOGMAN Ted 0, Info Tech Prof (OSF - ITSS)B-1 Fraser Hall, Del Code 3395 (624-0252),t-skogOtc,umn.eduSKOK Richard A, oBan (Retired) (Nat ResourcesAdmin, Col 01),1873 Shryer Ave W, St Paul 55113,skokOIc.umn.eduSKOLER Rebecca I, Nursing Professional(Comm-Unlv Heailtl Care Center) CUHCC, 2001Bloomington Ave S; MpIa 55404, Del Code 7651,3345 lIVing Ave South, MpIs 55408, 827-2887,skoleOOl


SKOUARS Diane F, Dir CampusiCollege Level(UMD Univ RelationaIlleveIopment) 315 DAdB,1049 Unlvef$ily Dr, Duluth 55812,dskomarsOd.umn.eduSKONARD Julie B, Ole Spec (Mn Pouffry TestingLaboraJory) 822 Buisnass Hwy 71 NE, PO Box126, Willmar 56201, 1580 60th Ave NE, Wdlmar56201, 320-235-0509, skonaool

SKONIECZNY Amy M, Ph 0 Candidate GradInstruclor (PoIilicaJ Science) Room 1414 SocSci,267 19th Ave S, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7175(824-1389),2731 Fremont Ave 5 Apt2, MpIs55408, skoniOOl Otc.umn.eduSKOOG Kelli P, Community Program Spec(Psychiatry) 106 2701 Univ Av, Del Code 2694,skoogOOSOIc,umn.eduSKOOGMAN Leon H, Ass! Prof (Retired) \(Pharmacy, College 01), 14003 Royal Court,Minnelonka 55345,

SKORCZESKI Mary E, lnatruclor (R~nsHospital) Dept 01 OB/GYN, 640 Jackson St, StPaul 55101, skorcOOl Olc.umn.eduSKORICH DaIl~ N, Adjunct Ass! Prof (400 E 3rdSt) Duluth 55805,

SKORUPA Jenny C, Ole Spec (MN Book Center)Room 290 WrnsonH, 231 Pillsbury Dr SE, MpIs55455, Del Code 0173, 3239 Bryant Ave N, MpIs55412,728-9379, skOruOOl John E, Teaching Spec (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EEJCSci, 200Union.SI SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code, 0571,skovbOOl0tc.umn.eduSKOVHOLT Thomas M, Prof (EducationalPsychology) 204 Bu H, Del Code 3171 (625-3573),skovhOO; Otc.umn.eduSKOVSTED Dennis, Information Systems Au<ilMgr (Audhs, Dept Of) 277S WBOB, Del Code 7523(625-3079), SkovsOOl Olc.umn.eduSKRBICH Karen 0, lnatruclor (UMD Health, PhysEdlRec), Adjunct Instruclor (UMD ContinuingEducation) 110 SpHC, Duluth, mlllkrllichOaol.comSKUBITZ Amy P, Assoc Prof (Lab Medicine &Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609,7-130BSandBE (625-5920; 625-4942),skubiOO20tc.umn.eduSKUBITZ KeitIl M,Prof (MeOlClne) MMC 286Mayo, Del Code 8286, 508 Mas Can Clr(624-2869), skublOO101c.umn.eduSKUE Claudia S, Prin Accountant (Institute forGlobal Studies) 214 SocSci, Del Code 7173(625-1329), 'SKULE Marshall H, Facilities Manager (FacililiesManagement Heailtl Scienc) MMC 59 Mayo, DelCode 8059, BI17 Moos Tower (626-7580), 215North Third Slraet, Rivei' Falls WI 54022,715-426-1643, skuIeOO20tc.umn.eduSKUPIKD Lynn L. Library Ass! 2 (Wilson Info Rafand Inslru Serv) 179 OMWL, Del Code 7111(824-1809), l-skupOIc,umn.eduSKURLA Becky, Exec Administrative Spec (UMDEconomics) 165 SBE, 0193, 412 Library Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-7284),725 No 20th Ave E, Duluth55812,218·728-3247, bskurtaOd.umn.eduSKURLA James A, Business Dav Spec(UMD-BBER) SBE 19, 412 Library Dr,.Dulyth(218-728-7895; 218-720-4339), 725 N20th Ave E,Duluth 55812, 218-728-3247, jskurlaOd.umn.eduSItUZA PHD Jennifer A, ExtensionEducatorlAssdc Prof (UM Extension UrlHln 4-HYouth Dev) 495 Col Hall, Del Coda 6070(824-7798),3204 41st Ave S, Mpls 55406,721-2909, skuzaOtc.umn.eduSKYELANDER Kimberly B, Instructor (UMD Hiltl,Phys EduclRecraation) 110 SpHC, 0144, 1216Ordean Court, Duluth 55812, kskyelanOd.umn.eduSLADE George, Program Dir (Department Of Art)E2f f RegisCtr, Del Code 783f (626-9640),s1adeOO301c.umn.eduSLADEK PHD Norman E, Prof (Pharmacology)3-236 BSandBE, Del Code 1213 (625-0691),-5608Gata Park Rd, Edina 55436, s1adeOOl Olc.umn.eduSLADKY Marie A, lnatruclor (Retired) (UMDLiblLrn Resource Svc), 1932 Minnesota Ave,Duluth 55802, msladkyOIc.umn.eduSLAGHT Jonathan C, Research Ass! (BtlMuseum 01 Nat History) Room 300 BallMus, 10Church St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0051,651-488-8900, sIagOO2701c.llIIln.eduSLAGHT Laurie L, Assoc Ac8demic Advisor(Cerlson, Undergraduate Program) 1-I05SCarlSMgrnt, Del Code 7041 (624-3313),


SLAGLE James R, Prof (Retired) (ComputerScience & Engineering) 4-192 E ElC Sci, Del Code0571, 13630 Berryknoll Lane, Houstin TXn079-5928, 609-945-5415, [email protected],eduSLAGLE sang W, Sr Accountant (Comstock HallE), Del Code 1092 (626-2137),slaglOOl @tc.umn.eduSLAGTER Jo A, Prin Laboratory Technician(Wnlmar Pouttry Testing Lab) PO Box 126, 622Business Hwy 71 NE, Willmar 56201(320-231-5170),5805 73rd Street SW, Raymond56282, [email protected] Vicki L, Dental Ass! (Primary DentalCare-Health Ecology) Room 9-227 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (625-5441), [email protected] Ketherine M, Adjunct Instructor (UMM Divof Social Science) Room 109 Cam, M249A, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267, 320-796-5871,[email protected] Micheel A, Ass! Prof (Coon RapidsMedical Center) Ob/Gyn Dept, 9055 SpringbrookDr, COOn Rapids 55433 (763-780·7030),slamaOOl @tc.umn.eduSLAPP Julia K, Prin Accountant (College of·Education & Human Dev) Room 103 BuH, DelCode 3171'(624-8348; 624-{)407),sleppOOl @tc.umn.eduSLATER Nancy S, Adjunct Ass! Prof (533 MedicalArts Building) 825 Nicollet Mall, Mpls 55402, 4365Chimo East, Deephavelf 55391,[email protected] Joel W, Assoc Prof (1120 VA MedicalCenter) MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 6394, 1Veterans Drive, Mpls 55417, 3806 W 32nd St, Mpls55416-4270,925-6278, [email protected] Steven H, Adjunct Assoc Prof (NorthSuburban Family Physicians) 576 Apollo Dr, LinoLakes 55014, [email protected] Catherine A, Jr Scientist (MedicineRheumatolOgy Office) MMC 108 Mayo, 8108, 420Delaware, Mpls 55455, 10320 Devonshire Circle,Apt 313, Bloomington 55420,[email protected] William S, Psychologist (UnivCounseling & Consutting sarv) 109 Eddyhl, DelCode 4601 (625-4568), [email protected] Brenda K, Exec Sec (UM ExtensionHennepin Cnty) 479 Preirie Center Dr Ste 2, EdenPrairie 55344-5378 (596·2132),[email protected] Kelly T, Research Asst (CarisonInformationlDecision Scienc) 4·359 CariSMgmt,Del Code 7041 (624·9323),624-3816,[email protected] Deborah A, Personnel Spec (Pediatrics)MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, 13-107 PWB(626-6910), [email protected] Joanne L, Prof (Food Sci & Nutrition) 166F Sc N, Del Code 6099 (624-7234),[email protected]

.SLETTEHAUGH Thomas, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Curriculum and Instruction), 49 Williams Ave SE,MplS 55414, [email protected]·MATTESON Joe, Prin AccountsSpec (College of Pharmacy) Room 5-137 WDH,Del Code 1332 (624-0617), [email protected] Ann M, Instructor (Pfizer Inc) Jordan5P352, [email protected]·SLETTEN Gary 0, Instructor (Snyder. Drug) 2930W66th St, Mpls 55423, 9337 Overiook Trail, EdenPrairie 55347, [email protected] Peul W, Adjunct Assoc Pro! (OsceolaClinic) 301 River St, Box 218, Osceola WI 54020,1012 River Rd, Osceola WI 54020,[email protected] sandra J, Community Program Spec(Psychiatry) F282I2A West-B, Del Code 8393(273-4447), [email protected] Laure J, 'Paralegal (General Counsel, OIcOf) 360 McNamaraClr, Del Code 2014 (624-4'100;626-9047), Slen0160tc.umn.eduSUFER Lynn, Development OIcr(EducatlonlHuman Developi'nent) 105 Burton Hall,Del Code 3171 (625-5511),5004 Upton Ave S,Mpls"55410, 928-791'3, [email protected] Jessica K, Teeching Ass! (Philosophy) RIO831 HellerH,271 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7057 (625-6563), W153 N9830 NeptuneDrive, Germantown WI 53022, 608-358-6601,slind0170tc.umn.eduSUNDEE Marie A, Prin Survey Interviewer(Epidemiology) Ste 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(625-6661), 4437 34th Ave So, Mpls 55406,729-7961, [email protected]

SLINGER Kathleen A, Food sarvice Worker (UMDFoodNending sarvices) 245 KPlz, 0206, 1206Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7195), 2101 W4th Street, Duluth 55806, 218-727-4934,[email protected] Yelena, Medical Fellow (Medicine RenelOffice) MMC 736 Mayo, Del Code 8736, 14·136PWB (624·9444), 1917 Bohland Ave, St Peul55116,651-698-2569, [email protected] Alexandar B, Police OIer (Polica TrafficEnforcement) 100 T S B, Del Code 1981, 7313Cornelia Dr, Edina 55435, 952-842-7347,[email protected] Margaret R, Assoc Prof (Retired) (PublicHeatth, School 01), 1400Palm Valley Dr Apt16,Hariingen TX 78550, [email protected] Charies, Community Program Assoc(AHC-CUHCC) C U H C C, Del Code 7851(638-0700 x 264), lobanOOl @tc.umn.eduSLOCUM Scan S, Info Tech Prof (Epidemiology)300 W BOB, Del Code 7525 (626-9442),[email protected] David J, Instructor (Children's - StPeul) 345 N Smith Ava, St Paul 55102, 620 GrantSt, Springdale PA 15144, [email protected] Shelley J, Prin Administrative Spec(Intercollegiate Athletics) 35 UAqCtr, Del Code3061, slomi0010tc.umn.eduSLOPER Dan, Non Univ Staff (Urologic Surgery)One Veterans Drive Mpls (467-2890),[email protected] Daniel T, Scientist (Clr For Spiri1ualityand Healing) MMC 505 Mayo, Del Code 8505,C592 Mayo Bldg (626-5280), 651-m-9746,slopeOO20tc.umn.eduSLOSSER Geius J, Assoc Prof (ObIGyn West P A)Meadowbrool< Med Bldg, Ste 115-W, 6490Excelsior Blvd, St Louis Park 55426(952-249-2000), 4602 Browndale S, Edina 55424,[email protected] Aaron J, Info Tech Prof (340 KirbyPlaza) 1206 Kirby Drive, Duluth 55812-3095(218-726-6004), [email protected] Pamela J, Sr CollectionsRepresentetive (UMD Financial Collections) 129DAdB, 0216, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726·1511), [email protected] Brian J, Assoc General Counsel (GeneralCounsel, OIc Of) 360 McNamara Clr, Del Code2014, [email protected] Devid P, Adjunct Ass! Prof (SMDC) 407E 3rd St, Duluth 55805 (624-1934)SLOWIAK Kimberly K, Exec Administrative Spec(Carison School of Mgmt) 4·300 CariSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (625-0388), slowi0090tc.umn.eduSLUNGAARD AlOe, Assoc Prof (Medicine) MMC460 Mayo, Del Code 8460, 14-142 P W B(624-0123), [email protected] Bridget, Non Univ Staff {Surgery) 315VCRC Mpls, [email protected] Staci L, Community Program Assoc(UM Extension Becker Cnty) Human sarvicas Bldg,712 Minnesota Ave, PO Box 1617, Detroit Lakes56502-1617,550 1st St, Apt 203, Audubon 56511,[email protected] Yuriy, Visiting Assoc Pro! (Dept ofOphthalmology) 9-240 Phillips Wangensteen Bldg,516 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455, 2630 LyndaleAve S, Ap12, Mpls 55408, 763-206-5863,slyvkOOl @tc.umn.eduSMABY Gary P, Program Oir (Cerison School ofMgmt) MBA Entrprises Ste 3-306, Del Code 7041(625-7583), 700 South 2nd St Apt70, Mpls 55401,smabyOOl @tc.umn.eduSMAJDA JO", Teaching Asst (Sociology; Lib ArtsTechnology, Col 01) 1067 Social Science Bldg, DelCode 7171 (624-0201), 3601 27th Ave S, Mpls55406,331-4656, [email protected] Sondra S, Adjunct Instructor (SondraSmalley & Associates) Digestive Healthcare, 1270Tealwood Place, Long Lake 55356,[email protected] Yorie I, Program Assoc (Clinical &Population Sciences) E303 Veterinary TeachingHosp, Del Code 6194 (625-5746),[email protected] Lotus, Asst Scientist (VeterinaryDiagnostic Lab) 244 VetDL, Del Code 6184(625-1963; 624-1178), 7000 26th St W, St LouisPark 55426, 202-0159, [email protected] Ron X, Mechanic 2 (Fac Mgmt-Zone3-Hea~h Services) Bl17 Moos T, Del Code 3121(624-2900), [email protected]

SMEBY Loren A, Assoc Prof (Oakdale ObIGyn PA) Oakdale Medicsl Bldg, Sre 450, 3366 Oa~dale

Ave N, Robbinsdale 55422 (763-588-0575), 2711June Ave N, Mpls 55422, [email protected] Stephen J, Lecturer (Humphrey Inst ofPublic Affair) Room 250 HHHClr-Grad prgmsOffica, Del codti 7451 (625-1350),[email protected] Kari E, Info Tech Spec (Mgt Grad/ProfMgt Prgm, Carison) 2·210 CariSMgmt, Del Code7041 (625-9513),2140 Juno Ave, St Paul 55116,651-698-6230, smelkOO30tc.umn.eduSMELTZER David M, Asst Prof (Pertners inPediatrics Ltd) no 104, 8559 Edinbrook Parkway,Brooklyn Park 55443, sm'[email protected] Kristi A, Student Support Services Asst(Pharmacy, College 01) MMC387 Mayo, Del Code8397 (624-7976), 763-425-2631,[email protected] Thllresa J, Info Tech Prof (AHC • AIS)MMC 210 Mayo, Del Code 8210, Childrens Rehab(626-5100),3648 Bryant Ave S, Mpls 55409,827-6010, [email protected] Dmitri, Sr Scientist (Medicine,Pulmonary, Allergy and Cr) MMC 276 Mayo, DelCode 8276, 383 KE, 755 Windamere Drive,Plymouth 55441, 763-541-0000,smimOOl @tc.umn.eduSMISEK Gary R, Adjunct Prof (RestorativeSci-Operative Dentistry) 4-215 Moos T, Del Code1291 (625-8485), 1966 Sharondale Ave, Roseville55113,651-636-4063, smiseOOl Otc.umn.eduSMISEK Ronald M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (DiaglBiolSci· OMD) 7-221 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-4431), 991 Lydia Dr, Roseville 55113,651-462-8627, [email protected] Alan G, Assoc Prof (Horticu~ural Science)356 Alder H, Del Code 6008 (624-9290),[email protected] Alan K, Asst Pro! (French and Italian) 351 EFolwell Hall, Del Code 0139 (624-4308), 8385Sunnyside Road, Mounds View 55112,763-786-9415, [email protected] Alexander B, Sr Research Assoc (Physics& Astronomy, Sch Of) 253 Phys, Del Code 0331(626-0364), 2008 2nd Avd S, Mpls 55404,[email protected] Amanda P, Teaching Ass! (UMDChemistry) 246 Chem, 1039 University Dr, Duluth55812 (218·726-72.12), smit17270d.umn.eduSMITH Amy N, Ole Spec (Cardiovascjllar Surgery)MMC 207 Mayo, Del Code 8207, Room 112VAMC, One Veterans Drive, Mpls 55417, 3500Dupont Ave, South Apl208, Mpls 55408,[email protected] Andrew J, Instructor (Park Nicollet MedicalCenter) Dept of Neuroscience, no 200, 6490Excelsior Blvd, St Louis Park 55426(602·927-3200), [email protected] Andrew J, Medical Fellow (MedicineCardiology Offica) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code8508,294 VCRC (626-4411), 4643 Garfield Ave S,Mpls 55409-2409, 824-4949,[email protected] Angela A, Non-l)niversity Employe8 (UMExtension Cariton Cnty) 310 Chestnut St, PO Box307, Carlton 55718-0307 (218-384-3511), 254Retika Rd, Esko 55733, [email protected] Angela R, Medical Fellow· (PediatricHem/Oncology Division) MMC 484 Mayo, Del Code8484, 0557 Mayo, 331 WCOllage Avenue, saintPaul 55117, 651-489-9n5, [email protected] Angelique B, Food sarvice Worker(Centennial Dining Services) 896 CenH, Del Code1811 (625-6675),763-519-1167,[email protected] Anne J, Scientist (Biochemistry) 7-178MCB, Del Code 1214 (624-4744),[email protected] Barbara J, Info Tech Pro! (Admin InfoSystems) MMC 210 Mayo, Del Code 8210, R568Childrens Rehab (626-4252), [email protected] Barbara J, Library AIlS! 3 (WatterPhotocopy) Room 108 WaLib, Del Code 3725(624-0831), [email protected] Berbera M, ASS! Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 249C BFAB, Del Code 3061 (624-7304),[email protected] Benjamin N, Teaching Spec (UMD-Music)231 H, Duluth (218-726-8208), 1507 Cliff Av,Duluth 55811,218-724-0106SMITH Bemard P, Lecturer (School ofMathematics) Room 127 VinH, 206 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0412,[email protected]


SMITH Candie N, Outpatient Clinic Asst I(DevelopiSurg Sci - Oral Surgery) Room 7-406Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (624-6600),[email protected] ISMR'H Charies L, Assoc Prof (Hennepin County iMedical Center) 701 Park Ave, 05, Mpls 55415, I8541 Winsdele St No, Mpls 55427,[email protected] ,I

SMITH Cheryl F, Assoc Prof (FScN) 161 FScN, IDel Code 6099 (624-2217),1091 Montana Ave W,St PauI55117, 651-488-9904, [email protected] Christopher E, Teeching ASS! (Curriculumand Instruction) Room 125 PeikH, Del Code 4301(625-5129),4100 4th Street NE, Apt 101, ColumbiaHeights 55421,763-782·8670,[email protected] Cindy'F, Adjunct Assoc Prof (AffiliatedCommunity Medical Center) 101 Willmar Ave SW,Willmar 56201, firkiOOl @tc.umn.eduSMITH II Clark M, Assoc Prof (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, [email protected] Coleman I, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMedicine/Comm Healtl)), Adjunct Assoc Prof(Medicine) Minnesota Gastroenterology,Gastroenterology, Suite 300, 15700 37th Ave N,Plymouth 55446, [email protected] Dan, Research Asst (ComputerScience/Engineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571, 1640 NSkyline Dr, Stevens Point WI 54461,608-442-9953, [email protected] Daniel C, Adjunct Asst Prof (#202) 7373France Ave S, Edina 55435, 8033 PennsylvaniaRd, Bloomington 55438, 952-829-6018,[email protected] Darwyn M, Instructor (St Joseph's MadicalCenter) 523 N 3rd St, Brainerd 56401, 4120Andberg Way North, Brainerd 56401,[email protected]

SMITH David C, Assoc Prof (Carlson School ofMgmt) 3-122 CariSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-2888; 625-1252), [email protected] David E, Prof (Food Sci & Nutrition) 136H AB L M S, Del Code 6099 (624-3260),17 Red FoxRd, St Paul 55127, [email protected] David M, Prof(UMD-Sociology/Anthropology) 219 eina, Duluth(218-726-7550),5681 N Tischer Rd, Duluth 55604,!218-525-4466, [email protected] David 0, Adjunct Asst Prof (Retired)(Family Medicine/Comm Heatth), Instructor(Surgery) North Memorial Medical Center, Ste 300, i3366 Oakdale N, Robbinsdale 55422, 5010 NobHill Dr, Edina 55439, [email protected] Douglas W, Asst Prof (Bemidji StateUniversity) Physical Ed Complex, 1500 BirchmontDr NE, Bemidji 56601-2699 (218-755·2765),1515 iS Lake Irving Dr, SW, Bemidji 56601, .218·751-1902, [email protected] Duane R, Coordinator (CLA StudentServices) 122 Johnston Hall, Del Code 3774(624-2549), [email protected] JR Edward H, Lecturer (Heatthcare MgmtInd Stdy Prgm) Room 1102221 Univ,2221University Ave SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2708,[email protected] Eldred R, Prof (Retired) (Lib Administrative ,Services), 100 Bay Place, Apt 401, Oakland CA !94610, e-smitl '•SMITH Eric R, Info Tech Prof (304 Stakman), DelCode 6026, [email protected] 'SMITH Erin A, Community Program Spec (Collegeof Pharmacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code .1332 (624·9407),[email protected] Eugenia M, Coordinator (Cia, Office 01External Relations) 225 Joh H, Del Code 3n4(624-0812; 625-5031), 822-6636,[email protected] Frances 0, Ass! Prof (Small Animal Clinicat!Science) C-339 VetTchHos, Dei Code 6192, 5162 !Union Lake Trail, Lonsdale.55046,[email protected](juSMITH JR George F, Asst Prof (FamilyMedicine/Comm Health), Physician (FamilyMedicine/Comm Health) MMC 381. Mayo, Del Code8381,891 White Bear Ave, [email protected] Gloria P, Asst Program Dir (UniversityRelations, Office of the) 3 MorH, 100 Church StSE, Ml1Is 55455, Del Code 0265 (624-6868),[email protected] Gregory J, Info Tech Mgr (Neuroscience)6·145 Jec H, Del Code 1216 (626-3645),[email protected]


SMITH Ha~an M, Prof (Retired) (Univ, CoUIrnIDislance Leeming) Room 25WesH, 77

Pleasant St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 3831, 1706W Ryan Ave, St Paul 55113,smilh0970tc.umn,edu -

SMITH Henry T, Adjunct Prof (Hennepin Facul1yAssociates) 825 S 8th St,Suile 206, Mpis 55404,6717 Cahill Road, Mpls 55435,smlthI470tc,umn,edu

SMITH Holly G, Instructor (PACE - WhRe BearLake) 3615 Grand Ave, WhRe Bear Lake 55110,smRh1540tc,umn,edu

SMITH JacIyn 0, Communily Program Assoc (UMExtension Scoll Cnty) SuRe 100, 7151190th St W,Jordan 55352-2104 (952-442-7609),smRh5150tc,umn,edu

SMrnt James C, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Health), Lecturer (Medicine)Group Health Plan, 8600 Nicollet Mpls 55420,1716 Trail ROlid, St Paul 55718,smRhI530tc,umn,edu

SMrnt James L, Prof (Fi~eries & Wildlife) 318Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (624-5369), 2215 W49th St, MpIs 55409, 915-1934, •

SMITH JR James 0, Info Tech Prof (CBSComputing Services) 247 Gortner Lab, Del Code6174 (625-6208), 940 Franklin Terrace, Apl403,Mpts 55406, josjrOtc,umn,edu

SMITH James T, Prin Veterinary Tech (Clinical &Population Sciences) 225 Vet Tch Hos, Del Code6190 (624-1703), 2806 E 265th St, Webster 55088,952-758-2712, smRh045@tc,umn,edu

SMrnt Jan L, Clinical Social Wort<er (Boyn HS)Mental HeaRh Clinic, N404, Del Code 1171(624-1444), j-smROtc,umn,edu

SMrnt Jason A, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Plant Path)410 Stakmon Hall; 1991 Upper Buford Circle, Del,Code 6030 (625-4204),1552 Holion St St Paul55108·2326, 65HI46·1877, smRI2780tc,umn,edu

SMrnt JannRer A, Post-Doeloral Fellow(Microbiology Department) MMC 196 Mayo, 8196,420 Delaware, Mpts 55455 (624-9934), 3647Therese Street, Deephaven 55391, 952-249-9977,smRh4600tc,umn,edu

SMrnt Jerie, Non Univ Staff (Student ActivitiesOffice) 1407 N Cleveland St Paul (651-M5-4561),2559 Ridge Lane, Moundsview 55112,smRhl450tc.umn.eduSMITH Jerry W, Info Tech Prof (Inst on CommunilyIntegration) Room 204 PlH, Del COde 4201(624-4336), 1906 Laurel Ave, St Paul 55104-5939,651-64Hl280, smRh4950tc,umn,ilduSMITH Jo A, Prin Accounts Spec (Agriculiu(alExperiment Station) 120 BioAgEng, Del Code 6005(625-6263)SMrnt Joan A, Assoc Prof (Theatre Arts & Dance)207 Berbara Bert<er Dance Center, Del Code 7841(626-7265; 624-5060), smRh2790tc.umn,eduSMrnt Joan M, Prin Veterinary Tech (VeterinaryMedical Canter) 395 VMC, Del COde 6194(625-4729),2323 Standish Street, St Paul 55108,

, smRh3060tc,umn,eduSMrnt John, Building and Grounds Wort<er(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 6) Room 400 DonhoweB,Del Code 3121, 790 South Yate Ave North,Brooklyn Part< 55443, 763-535-9218,smith7530tc.umn,eduSMrnt John G, Coordinator (InsliMe OnCommunily Integration) 223 PI H, Del COde 4201(624-0219), 2327 TerrRorial Rd, St Paul 55114,651-649-1577, smRhI44@tc,umn,eduSMrnt Jon P, Adjunct Asst Prol (Fairview/Abboll)701 25th Ave S, Mpis 55454,smRh4830tc,umn,eduSMITH Julie A, Program Assoc (UMD MAPL Ctr forAdvocacy & PoIKie) 112 CINA, 1123 UniversityDrive, Duluth 55812 (218·726-6711), 8351 ESuperior St, Duluth 55804, 218-525-5323,jsmRh70d,umn,eduSMrnt Juline A, Lab Services Coordinator (UMDBiology) 43 SSB, 1035 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218·728-7477),3529 Usmore Rd, Duluth~,218-721,3154, jasmithOd, •

SMrnt Karen A, Scientist (Medicine PulmonaryOffice) MMC 276 Mayo, Del COde 8276,(628-2736; 625-7615), smRh4930tc.umn.edjJSMrnt Karen R, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Prima"Dental Care), Adjunct Ass! Prot (Dental Education,Continuing) Room 8-536C Moos T, Del COde 1291(625-9121),4228 Oakmede Ln, WhRe Bear Lk55110,651-428-7087, [email protected]

SMITH Ka~ A, Prof (Civil Engineering; HumanResources, Office of), Assoc Prof (TechLeadership, Clr for Dev) 122 Civ E, Del Code 0851(625-0305),2619 Talmadge Ave SE, Mpls 55414,331-8875, ksmRhOtc.umn.eduSMrnt Katherine L, Laborer (MN LandscapeArboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd, Chaska55318-9613, [email protected] Kathryn A, Ass! Prof (Bemidji StateUniversity) 1500 Birchmont Drive NE no 35,Bemidji 56601-2699, 35842 Idlewild Drive, Bemidji56601-6105,218-751-3517,smRh7890mail.crt<.umn.edSMrnt Kathy, Fiscal OIcr (Lab MedlPathologyDepartment) MMC 609 Mayo, Del ,Code 8609,MMC 609 Mayo (625-3602), k-smR@tc,ul!ln.eduSMITH Katie, Administrative Professional(Graduate Business Career Clr), ExemptTemporary or Casual (Graduate Business CareerClr) 1-110 Ca~SMgmt, Del COde 7041 (624-0011;625-7587),4358 Browndale Ave, St Louis Part<55424,952·925-3440, wannOOI6@tc,umn,eduSMrnt Kay, Prin Administrative Spec(UMD-Pharrnacology School of Med) 397 SMed,1035 University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6996),165 Korby Road, Esko 55733,kaysmRh Od,umn.eduSMrnt Kevin L, Lecturer (SpirilualitylHealing, Ctrfor), Sr Teaching Spec (Nursing, School of) 6-142WDH, Del Code 1331 (625-3692), 6855 CortlawnCir S, Golden Valley 55426, smith2460tc,umn.eduSMITH Kevin M, Building and Grounds Wort<er(UMD Custodial), Sr Building and Grounds Wort<er(UMD Custodial), lcemaker (UMD Custodial) 241DAdB, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812,11441,South SmRh Street, Solon Springs WI 54873,715-392-6544, ksmnhl Od.umn.eduSMrnt Kevin P, Assoc Prof (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) A407 Hayes Hall, Del Code 6026(624-1211; 625-0250), 2001 Lee St, Maplewood55117,651-776-8610, smRh3760tc.umn.eduSMITH Kirt< E, IDstructor (MN Department ofHeaRh) MDH, Del Code 1931,smRh0530tc.umn.eduSMrnt Kristen L, Graduate School Trainee (LabMedictnelPathology), Research Asst (LabMedi<:ineiPathology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Coda8196,2446 CoUax Ave S Apl308. Mpis 55405,651-690-4516, mueI0249,Otc.umn.eduSMrnt Kristen N, Research Ass! (Food Scienceand Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 870-2621,[email protected],edu

SMITH Kristin A, Coordinator (Olfoce 01Admissions) 240 Williamson Hall, Del Code 0171,[email protected] Lahra, Teaching Spec (Political Science)Room 1414 SocSci, 26719th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7175, smn38700tc.umn.eduSMrnt Larry J, Assoc Prof (NWResearch/Outreach Center), Prof (AgronomylPlantGenetics) AgRC, 2900 University Ave, Crookston56716 (218-28H1602), 1900 Radisson Rd,Crookston 56716, 218-281-5624,smRhI830tc.umn.eduSMrnt Lauren M, Prin Accounts Spec (Addressing& Mailing) 190 P S B, Del COde 5402 (628-1735),smRh2480tc.umn.eduSMrnt Lawrence H, Prof (Retired)(AgronornylPlant Genetics), 10460 170lh St N,Hugo 55038, smRhOI90tc.umn.eduSMrnt Leslie B, Laboratory Animal Allendant(Research Anirnal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo, DelCode 8069, 1-525 PWB, 11916 Oregon AvenueNorth; Champlin 55316, 763-421-2452,smit34240tc.umn.eduSMrnt Usa A, Ass! Scierrlisl (Biochem, MolecularBiol/Biophy) 7-178 MCB, Del COde 1214(624-9798),2001 Lee Street, Maplewood 55117,651-776-8610, smRhOOl Otc.umn.eduSMITH Mart< G, Sr Farm Animal Technician (WestCantral Research & Outreach Ct) 48352 State Hwy329, Morris 58267 (320-589-1711),smRhmgOmorns,umn,eduSMrnt Marsha L, OIc Spec (Admissions-Transfer)230 Wmson H, Del Code 0171 (625-6652),9710Russell Cir No, Brooklyn Part< 55444,763-493-4589, m-smilOtc.umn.eduSMITH Matthew J, Graduate School Fellow (CivilEngineering) Room 122 GivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del COde 0851, 3629 Silver Lake Rd,St Anthony 55418,788-4928,

SMITH Matthew J, Resaarch Ass! (Biochemistry)Rm 6-155 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1214, 1746 Selby Ave, SeintPaul55104,651-647-0492, smRhmOtc.umn.eduSMITH Maureen G, Info Tech Prof (PharmacyOED) G-205 Mayo, Del COde 1332 (624'7236),maureenOtc.umn,eduSMITH Maureen M, Lacturer (School ofJournalism) 111 Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371(625-1338), smROO720tc.umn.eduSMrnt Michael L, Laboratory Allendant (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334Eckles Ave, St Paul 55108, Del COde 6099, 17Red Fox Road, North Oaks 55127,651·483-4234,smRh7970tc.umn.eduSMrnt Myma G, Assoc To (Graduate School),Program Dir.(Graduate School) 314Joh H, DelCode 3773 (625·7579), mgsrnithOtc.umn.eduSMITH Pamela J, Assoc Prof (Applied Economics)332 H COB, Del Code 6040 (625-1712),psmRhOtc.umn.eduSMITH Pamela J, Sr Accountant (Genetics, CellBiology, &Development) Room 6-160 JacH, DelCOde 1217 (626-1918), [email protected] Randee J, Info Tech Prof (CCo-ProductionServices) 6700 WBOB, Del Code 7531(626-7638), [email protected],edu 'SMITH Rick J, Exec Student Personnel Wort<er(UMD Arner Indian Lm Rsrc Clr) 209 BohH, DI50,1207 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-6293;218-726-6379), rsrnithl0d.umn.eduSMITH Rita M, Ole Spec (OSF - UndergraduateServices) 210 Freser H, Del Code 3395(625-2387), smilh5420tc.umn,eduSMITH Robert G, Assoc Prof (UMC Business),Crookston Division Dlr (UMC Business) 109 A DowH, Crookston 56716 (218-281-8175), 924Groveland, Crookston 56716, 218-261-6663,rsmRhOmail.crt<.umn.eduSMrnt Rodney ,6, Assoc Prof (Applied Econ) 231Cia OIl, Del Coda 6040 (625-6136),smRhI420tc.umn,eduSMITH Sendra, Jr CashierlFood Aide (Ca~son

Dining Services) L145H CSOM, Del Code 7041(625-5566), smith0390tc.umn.eduSMrilt Sendra S, Lecturer (Mart<eting & LogisticsMgmt) 4-235 Ca~SMgmt, Del Code 7041 ,smRh3360tc.umn.eduSMITH Sera M, Ubrary Ass! 2 (GovernmentPublications Library) 10 OMWL, Del Code 7111(624-0241),2540 Calnomia St NE. Mpls 55418,781·2919, [email protected]~.eduSMITH Serah E, Program Assoc (Learning AbroadCanter) 230 Heller Hall, Del COde 7457(628-7138),2871 Humboldt Ave S Ap12, Mpls55408, 501-7088, smRh7810tc.umn.eduSMITH Scoll M, Sr OIc Spec (AHC Administration)MMC 502 Mayo, Del COde 8502, 485 ChildrensRehab i626-9956; 625-3972), 822-3949,[email protected] Shelley L, Assoc Prof (UMD InstructionalDevelopment), Grad School CommRtee Member(Communication Studies) 1200 BohH, 1207Ordean.Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7715), 1018Chester Part< Dr, Duluth 55811, 218·724-4827,[email protected] PHD Sheryl W, Lacturer (StrategicMgmtlOrganization; Finance) 4-255 Ca~SMgmt,

Del Code 7041 (625-5050; 624-2888),smR36420tc.umn.eduSMITH Stanley L, Adjunct Ass! Prof (North Clinic)3366 Oakdale Ave N, SuRe 601, Robbinsdale55422,196 Oxford St So, St Paul 55105,[email protected] Stephen, Lecturer (Classical &'NearEastern Studies) 305 FoIweU Hall, Del Code 0149(625-0751), smRh5040tc.umn.eduSMrnt Stephen W, Assoc Prol (Hennepin CountyMedical Canter) Emergency Medicine, 701 Part<Ave S, MpIs55415,, pege336-0165SMrnt Steven C, Non Univ Staff (InformationTechnology, OIc of) 680 WBOB Mpls, 155 WindsorLane, Ne.", Brighton 55112, 651-633-3005,smR37280tc.umn.eduSMITH Susan L, Employee Benefits Counselor(Employee Benefits) 100 DonhoweB, Del COde3122 (626-0793), smRh0370tc.lJmn.eduSMITH Susannah L, Coordinator (MinnesotaPopulation Center), Lecturer (History) 50 WilleyHall; Room 280 SocSci, Del Code 7931(628-3923), 3739 47th Ave South, Mpls 55406,729-0576,


SMITH Tadjek, Delivery Service Driver (FacilitiesMgmt-Administration) 6-150 Moos T, Del Code5301 (626-1777), 4301 Columbus Avenue South,Mpls 55407, 823-8094, [email protected] Thomas C: Building and Grounds Wort<er(Fac Mgmt·Zone 3-HeaIth Services) MMC 59Mayo, Del COde 8059, 300 Donhowe B, 3832 13thAve So, Mpls 55407. smRh2760tc.umn.eduSMmi TOOmas J, Research Assoc (Kinesiology,School of), Lecturer (Kinesiology, School of) Room310E, Del Code 2061 (625-2044),625 HampshireDrive, Mendota Hts 55120, 651-688-7444,smith2930tc.umn.eduSMITH Thomas N, Mechani<: 1 (FacilRiesMgmt-Zone 4-Campus Distr) 1~ FoodOB, DelCode 3121 (625-0165),639 Farrell Street,Maplewood 55119. 651-730-5481,[email protected]

SMITH Thomas R, Adjunct Assoc Prof (HeaRhEestWoodbury Clime) Endocrinology and Metabolism,Woodwinds Birch ~r, 1875 Woodwinds Drive,Woodbury 55125,800 Bachelor Avenue, MendotaHeights 55118, smRh3950tc.umn.eduSMrnt Timothy M, Assoc Prof (Bio-BesedProducts), Adjunct Ass! Prof (Mart<etingILogisticsManagement) 222 KaufL, Del Code 6130(624-6755),651-489-1876, smlth4630tc.umn.eduSMrnt Toni L, Coordinator (UM Extension Ole 01Dean & Director) Room 249 CoIH, 6070, 1420Eckles Ave, St Paul 55108-6070 (651-224-3344),1509 River Dr So, Wabashe 55981,651-565-3495,[email protected]

SMrnt Tracie L, Asst To (One Stop StudentServices Center) 200 FraserH, Del Code 3394(624-9068),

SMrnt Tracy M, Assoc General Counsel (GeneralCounsel, OIc Of) 360 McNamaraClr, Del Code2014 (624·9546), 5009 Yort< Ave South, Mpts55410,952-927-8511, smRh229@tc,umn.eduSMrnt Trina A, Building and Grounds Worj(er(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 2 Area B) Room 400DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, [email protected] Trina S, Ph 0 Candidate Grad Instructor(Sociology) Room 909 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del COde 7171 (624-5021),[email protected]

SMITH Valerie, Community Program Assoc (Youth& AIDS Project) 426 Oak Grove, Mpts 55403, 565Mendota, St Paul 55106, 651-774-5571,smRhI820tc.umn.eduSMrntKNECHT Mathew M, Lead Stores CIeri<(University Stores) UStorN, 2901 Talmadge AveSE, Mpls 55414, Del COde 5201, 1517 78th Ave N,Brooklyn Part< 55444, 763-561-1309,[email protected]

SMITHKtECHT Zachary S, Sr Laborer (UniversityStores) UStorN, Del Code 5201 (624-4878), 883061 1/2 Avenue N, New Hope 55428,763-227·7395, smilti4890tc.umn.eduSMITHSON Angela J, Aqunct Instiuctor(MinnHeaRh-Banning Clini<:) 4786 Banning Ave,WhRe Bear 55110, smith2Q40tc.umn.eduSMITH WRIGHT Deborah, Assoc Prof (ShrinersHospRaJ) 2025 E River Rd, MpIs 55414,[email protected] JoseptT N, Instructor (V AMedicalCanter) 4801 8th St N, St Cloud 56303, 1100 24thAve NE, Sauk Rapids 56379,[email protected] Patlicia H, Prin Administrative Spec(Department 01 ObIGyn & Women's Heal) MMC395 Mayo, Del COde 8395, 12-240 Moos Tower(626-6034), smolk0020tc.umn.eduSMOLKA Sandra M, PM Accounts Spec(IntelCOUegiate Athletics) 274 BFAB, Del COde3061 (624·3866), s-smoiOtc.umn.eduSMOOOY Michele, Administrative Professional(Professional Educ DIvision) 5-120 WDH, Del COde1332 (624-6685), smoodOOl0tc;umn.eduSMOOT Shawn 0, Into Tech Supv (Adnlin IntoSystems (AHC) MMC210 Mayo, Del COde 8210,R568 ChRC (624-2184), 470 Arnica Drive,Watertown 55388, 952-926-1644,smootOO30tc.umn.eduSMUCKER Peter C, Teaching Asst (School 01Musi<:) Room 100 FergH, 2106 4th St S, MpIs55455, Del Code 7811, smuck0040tc.umn.eduSMULL AIIenL, Carpenter (FacilRies Mgmt. Zone- 5 -East Be) Room 300 DonhoweB, 319 15th AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del COde 3121, 1436 Owl St,Braham 55006, 320-396-0321 ,[email protected]





SMUTKA Tanya 1.4, Teaching Spec (Molecular &Cenular Biology Bldg) 3.104 MeB, 420 WashingtonAve, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1214 (625-2532),

SMYRL Winiam H, Prof (Chemical Eng & Mat Sci)151 Amund H, Del Code 0531 (625-0717); 263713th Terrace NW, New Brighton.55112,551-63IHI986, smyrlOOl

SMYTH Mary H, Sr Public Health Spec(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(626-9968), 19001 State Hwy 66, Good Thunder56037,507-278-3816, smyth0020tc.umn.eduSNAZA Nathan J, Teaching Asst (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 150 PeilcH, Del Code 4301(625-1598),310 N 2nd St, Mpls 55401,

SNEAD Debbie L, Sr Ole Asst (SurgeryDepartment) MMC 195 Meyo, Del Code 8195,M405 Masonic, snea00030tc.umn:eduSNELL George, Pipefiller Foreman (FacilitiesMgmt-Adminis!ration) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code8059, Bl17 Moos T, snellOOl Otc.umn.eduSNELL Phuong T, Pnn Accounts Spec (HumanResources) Room 100 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122(624-3632); sneII0120te.umn.eduSNELLMAN Leonard W, Ass! Prof (HeaIthPal1nefS- WMe Bear Lake) 1430 Hwy 96, Whfte Bear lake55110, [email protected] sarah B, Non-Univel$lty Employee(MN Ext Svc Tech Unft Northwest), CommunityProgram Assoc (MN Ext Svc Tech Un~ Central)UM Extension Mahnomen Cnty, 115 E MlIdi80nAve, PO Box 4n, Mahnomen 5555744n(218-935-2226), grove0270te.umn.eduSNEVE Mary G, Asst Scientist (Medicine-UMD)272 SMed, 1035 Universlly Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8188), 124 N 23rd Ave E, Duluth 55812.218-728-1269, msneveOd.umn.eduSNIDER Jim, Asst Coach (IntercoHegiate Athletics)137 Mariucci Arena, Del Code 2891 (628-9163),1901 4th St SE, MpIs 55455, 608-217-9642,jasniderOtc.umn.eduSNODGRASS Pat, Aseoc Admin (HumanResourceslCHRD) 200 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122(625-8824), 4747 Twin Lake Ave, Brooklyn Center55429, 783-504-9660,'SNOECKX Rlkkert L, Post-Doctoral Aseoc '(MedIcine) MMe 480 Mayo. Del Code 8480, 4011st St S Apt704, Mpls 55401,snoecOOl .

SNOKE Martin, Prof (Retired) (EducationalPsychology), 8106 Highwood Dr Apt y126,B1oomiilgton 55438, snok80010tc.umn.edU

SNOOK Judith B. Instructor (Affiliated MedicalCenters P A) 101,WiUmar Ave SW. Willmar 56201,


SNOOK II Robert W, Instructor (Affiliated Medicalcanters P A) 101 Wiilmar Ave SW, Willmar 58201,snookOO10te.umn.eduSNOPL Pamela J, Coordinator (Transp Studies,Clr For) 200 T S B, Del Code 1962 (624-0841).snopIOO101c.umn.eduSNOUFFER Deb, Ass! To (Social Work, Sch Of)105 PatH, Del Code 6161 (624-3728; 625-1220),729-3051, dsnouffeOtc.umn.eduSNOVER Dale C, Prof (Fairview SouthdaleHospital) 6401 France Ave S, Edina 55435,snoverdOIc.umn.eduSNOW John D. Lecturer (School of Music) Room100 FergH, 2106 4th St S, Mpis 55455. Del Code7811, 1792526th Ave N. Plymouth 55447.763473-1068, snowxOO80te.umn.eduSNOW liD LeAnn 1.4, Scientist (Physical Med &Rahabilnstion) MMe 297 Mayo, Del Code 8297,500 Boyn H S (626-4050)"snowOO180tc.umn.edOSNOW Mary A, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Bldg Serv Day Custo) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121 (624-7817),230 Oak Grove St ApI100..Mpls 55403. snowxOO40lc.umn.eduSNOWDEN Frank W. Prof (UM Mal RSlCh ScilEnglCtr), Program Dir (Technology Admin. In~e of)IT Adrninistratlon - Apexes, Room 107 lindH" 207Church St SE, Mpls 55455; ChemicalEngineeringlMat Sci. UMN MRSEC, Room 401AmundH, 4,21 Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455(626-0219; 626-2207). 9812 Cove Drive,Minnetonka 55305, 952-545-1595,snowdOO10te.umn.eduSNOXELL Ellen B, Ass! Prof (Psychology) N-218EdH, Del Code 3281, 2329 carter Ave, SI Paul55108. snox8001

SNUSTAD Andrew P, Instructor (UMD ForeignlanguagesIUI) 453 H, 1201 Ordean Court, Duluth55812 (218-726-7943), andreanustadOyahoo.comSNUSTAD 0 Peter. Prof (Piant Biology; Genetics, .Cell Bioi, Dev TCBS) Room 438 BioSci, Del Code6022 (624-3499), snusiool0tiumn.eduSNYDER Bruce, Adjunct Prof (Minneapolis Clinicof Neurology) 4225 Golden Valley Rd, GoldenValley 55422, snyde0390te.umn.eduSMYDER Carty, SI Ole Aast (UMD Library) 110A L,416 Library Dnve, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8166;218-726-8102).218-280-8860,csnydarOd.umn.eduSNYDER Edward N. Teaching Ass! (Lib ArtsTechnology, CoI'ol; History), Research Asst(History) 614 Social Science, Del Code 7155. 440Capen Blvd. Amherst NY 14226.snyd02080te.umn.eduSNYDER Greg, Jr Scientist (Vetennery andBiomedical Sciences) Room 331 VetSci, Del Code6187,2880 James Ave S Apt 104, Mimeapols55408,702-4830, [email protected] GregOry B, Adjunct Asst Prof (RadiolOgy)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 6292. J2-491Fairview-Univeraity,Med Qr (273-8927; 273-7195),snyde0320tc.umn.eduSNYDER Jeni B, Research Ass! (EducationalPolicy & ~ Admin) Room 330 WuIlH. Del Code 3345(625-6679). 1493 Huron Street, St Paul 55108"386-4662, snyderOtc.umn.eduSNYDER JenMII p, Sr Accountant (Entomology)219 HodsOnH, Del Code 8125 (624-1n6),763-792-1708,

SNYDER Kristine M, Teaching Ass! (Curriculumand Instruction) Room 125 PeikH, 159 Pillsbury DrSE. Mpls 55455. Del Code 4301, 1847 ClevelendSt NE, Mpls 55418, wardx311 Ote.umn.eduSNYDER laura, Survey Interviewer (HSRP Surveycanter) Dinnaken Building, SuH'12O, 925Delaware St SE, Mpls 55414,De1 Code 2131,1~ Eustis Street AptB, Lauclerdele 55108.621-325-7126. snyd02090te.umn.eduSNYDER l,isa A, Training .Coordinator (TrainingServices) Room 260K WBOBo' Del Code 7523(626-9230), snyde261 Olc.umn.eduSNYDER Lynn M, Aseoc Program Oir (carlsonSchool of Mgmt) 4-107 Cel1SMgmt. Del Code 7041(626-7147), snyde251 Ote.umn.eduSNYDER Mariah, Prof Emeritus (Nursing. SchOf-Prog 81 Res) 6-174 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-2686),1628 Rosehin Circle, lauderdale55108,551-644-2357. snydeOO20tc.umn.eduSNYDER Mark J, Instructor (UMD Social Work,Dept of) 220 BohH, 10 Unvtersity Dr. Duluth 55812(218-726-7245),228 N80th Ave W. Duluth 55807.218-628-2984, mjanyderOd.umn.eduSNYDER Mark, Prof (Psychology) N218 Ed H, DelCode 3281 (625-1507), 4700 Aldrich Ave So, Mpls55419-5349. 822-7986. msnydeIOte.umn.eduSNYDER Mary K. Ofc Spec (Womens StU<Mes) 425Ford Hall, Del Code 0455 (624-6006). 1330 GibbsAve. St Paul 55108. 551-849-0895.snydOl620tc.uJ11n.eduSNYDER Michelle L, Nul$lng Professional(General Clinical Research Clr) MMC 504 Mayo.Del Code 5504, 235 Masonic (624-0104), 125McKnight Rd N ApIO. St Paul 55119-6653.651-n6-3665. snydeOO30tc.umn.eduSNYDER Mm, J, Manager. IT Services (OIT ­EASISystems Support) Room 880 WBOB. DelCode 7531 (624-7066),4814 Red Pine Court,Eagan 55123, 851-330-9480, m-snydOte.umn.eduSNYDER Oscar P, Aseoc Prof (Retired) (FoodScienceJNutrition AFES), 2175,Draper, Roseville55113, snyde0590tc.umn.eduSNYDER Paul V, Coordinator (Pediatrics AdolHealth) Suns 280 McNamara canter. Del Code2016 (626-8412),122 W 48th St. Mpls 55419.827-0879. [email protected] Robert W, Aseoc Prof (Retired) (AppliedEconomics). 3943 Pleasant Ave S, Mpls 55409.822-6791, snyde021 Olc.umn.eduSNYDER Seth A, StUdent Support Services Asst(CCE-Infonnalion Center) Room 101 WesH. DelCode 3631 (624-80n; 624-4000),snydOl080tc.umn.eduSNYDER Stephanie A. Non Univ Staff, 1992Folwell Avenue St Paul (651-649-5294),[email protected] Steven J, Lecturer (canson School ofMgmt) 3-355 CarlSMgmt. Del Code 7041(624-5232), sn¥

so Namho, Parking Allendant (TSB All ThirdFloor) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington Ave SE.Mpls 55455, Del Code

SOBALVARRO J Roberto, Teaching Spec(Kinesiology) Room 226 CookeH, Del Code 2061(625-5300). 1838 SummH Ave, St Paul 55105,551-335-6342,

SOBEK Matthew J. Research Aseoc (MNPopulation canter) 50 Willey Halt. Del Code 7931(626-3926). 3739 47th Ave South. Mpls 55406,729-0576, sobekOOl @lc.umn.eduSOBELMAN Gerald E, Aseoc Prof (Dept OfElectrical & Computer Engr) 4-174 E EIC Sci, DelCode 0572 (625-8041), sobeImanOtc.urim.eduSOIJIECH Paul A, Coordinator (RecreationalSports) 220 Univel$lly Recreation canter, DelCode 2061 (626-9233), 5501 266Iti St. Wyoming55092,551-462-5501,

SOBOUK Melissa M, Asst To (Northam GreatPlains Inc) Su~ 201, 4838 Rocking Horse Fann,Fargo NO 58104.

SOBOTA Joseph A, A<ininiatralive Professional(Printing Servicaa) 102 P S B, Del Code 5401(625-4827), 9320 Newcastle Rd, Woodbury 55125,651-730-1984.

SOBOTKA Suzanne p. Research Asst(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St.MpIs 55454, Del Code 7525,586-739-<1710,sobolOl001c.umn.eduSOBTZAK Gerald A, Plln Laboratory Technician(UMD-NRRI-eARTDlMinerals) Coleraine MineralsR88ll8rch Lab, PO Box 188, Coleraint 55722(218-245-4201).102 Sebenius SI, PO Box 673,Coleraine 55722. 218-245-1908

SOCHA JuNa la, Commun~ Program Assoc (inston Commun~ Integration) Room 6F PlH. DelCode 4201 (624-2008), [email protected];eduSOCHA Ronni K, Ass! Athletic Trainer(Intercollegiate Athletics) 190 BFAB, Del Code3061 (625-5845),5540 145th Circ\8 NW. Ramsey55303. 502-552~1855,

SOCKALOSKY Jose"" J. Ass! Prof (FamilyMedicineiComm H8aIth; Pediatrics) St PaulChildren's Hospital. 345 N Smith Ave. St Paul55102. 2147 Iglehart Ave. St Paul 55104,socka0010tc.umn.eduSODAHI. Tnsh, Aseoc Admin(UMD-NRRI-Administration) 375 NRRI, 5013 MillerTrunk Hwy, Duluth 55811 (218-720-4207),tsodahIOnrri.umn.eduSODERBERG DougIasM, AsstProf (Paul larsonClinip) OIlIGyn Dept, 5517 Drew Ave S, Edna55435, 5209 Park Ave S. Mpls 55417,soder0250te.umn.eduSODERBERG John A, Coordinator (Anthropology),lacIurer (CCE Pars Enrich Prgms Inslll) 395 HHHCtr. Del Code 7455 (625-3400), 2243 Fillmore $INE. Mpls 55418. 789-4641, s0de00180te.umn.eduSODERBERG Karen L, Research Coordinator(SHADAC Center) 2221 UniverS~ Ave SE, DelCode 2701 (624-4802). 288 Washbum Ave N,Mpls 55405,374-3613, soder1.450ic.umn.eduSODERBERG Melinda E. Human ResourcesConsuilant (Employee Benefits) 100 Donhowe B,Cel Code 3122 (625-4050). soder0200tc.umn.eduSODERBERG Thomas. Teaching Spec(Kinesiology) Room 226 CookeH, Del Code 2061(625-5300).418 County Road F, Hudson WI54016,

, SODERBERG TImothy J, Ass! Prof (UMMSciencelMath, Division of; UMM AcademicAdministration) 1320 Sci. 600 E 4th St. Morris56267 (320-589-6331), 4 Thomas St. Morris56267.320-589-4495, soderbtOmorris.umn.eduSODERGREN Paul K, Sr Administrative Oir(Nursing, School Of-Adm) 5-1408 WDH, Del Code1331 (624'{)105), soder0040tc.umn.eduSODERHOLM Jennifer L, Development Oler (MNMedical Foundation) Room 300 Gateway, DelCode 2012 (626-3379). [email protected] William A. Instructor (Village SnyderDrug) 700 Division St. Northfield 55057, RR3.Northfield 55057, soder0090tc.umn.eduSODERMAN Dale V, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-BIdg Serv - Area C) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121. 33114th Avenue NE. Mpls 55413,651-698-5005. soder0290Ic.umn.eduSODERMAN-OLSON Marcia, Lecturer (ArtDepartment) E259 RegisCtr, Del Code 7831(625-3214),651-628-9822,

SOECHTlNG John F, Prof (Neuroscience) 6-145Jac H, Del Code 1216 (625-7961), 3800 EdmundBlvd, Mpls 55406, 724-8954,

SOEGIARTO Airon C, Research Asst (ChemicalEngrlMat Sci). Teaching Ass! (Chemical EngrlMatSci) 414 Amundson Hall. Del Code 0531(624-1405),2508 Delaware,St SE Apt266, Mpls55414,[email protected] Hooi L, Asst Prof (INST Linguistics & ESL)215 NCCE, Del Code 0095 (626-9887),sohxxOOl Otc.umn.eduSOH Martin, Research Spec (Department ofElectrical and Comput) University of Minnesota,4-172 EECS, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455,sohxx0040tc.umn.eduSOHL-KREIGER Ruth A, Instructor(Abbott-Northwestem Hospilal) 26th St andChicago Ave, Mpls 55407, 9415 N 84th St,Stillwater 55062,551-429-8684,sohlkOOl @te.umn.eduSOHN Deborah K, lab Animal Technician Spec(Vet Teaching Hosp Clinic) 225 Vet Tch Hos, DelCode 6190, 6306 Weicome Av N, Brooklyn Park55429, 763-208-5744. rasugOOl Otc.umn.eduSOHN Kiwon. Research Ass! (Pediatrics) MMC742 Mayo. Del Code 8742, [email protected]:eduSOKN Suk-Hee, Teaching Spec (School ofJoumalism) Room 111 MurH. 206 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0371, 114-201 Mok-DongApt 1 Dan-Ji, Yang-Chun Gu. Seoul 158751Republic of Korea. [email protected] Judith A. Prin Administrative Spec (Physics& Astronomy) 146 Phys, Del Code 0331(624-6388). soineOO20tc.umn.eduSOKOL James E, Sr Parkinll. Allendant (TSB AllThird Floor) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington AveSE. Mpls 55455. Del Code 1963,

SOLBERG MD laifl. Adjunct Prof (HealthPartnersResearch Foundation) 8100 34th Ave S, PO Box1309. Mpls 55440-1309 (952-883-5017),soIba0170te.umn.eduSOLBERG Nonnan S. Assoc Prof (Obstetrics andGynecology), Adjupct Prof (Family Medicine/Comm :I-{ealth) Park Nicollet Medical Center, OIlIGyn Dept, '3600 Pilrk Nicollet Blvd, SI Louis Park 55416 ~

(952-993-3123).2819 West 42nd St, Mpls 55410,solbe0060tc.umn.eduSOLBERG Patricia L. Prin Student PersonnelWorker (lab Medicine & Pathology) MMC 609Mayo, Del Code 8809,15-170 P W B (625-9490),solbeOO20tc.umn.eduSOLBOE William L, Asst Education Spec (180McNamara Alumni Center) 200 Oak Street SE, DelCode 2017, solboOO1 Otc.umn.eduSOLDAT Lisa G. Adjunct Ass! Prof (3017Bloomington Ave S) Mpls 55407 (721-6511), '

SOLEIM Maryann. Administrative ProfesSional(UMD Unlv RelationslDevelopment) 315 DAdB,0225, 1049 Univers~ Dr. Duluth 55812(218-726-8993).522 No 21st SlIeet. Superior WI54880.715-392-7708, msoleimOd.umn.eduSOLEIl Chris L, Electrician (UMD FaeMgmt-Electrical Foreman) B40 Cina Hall, 1123University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8570), 3166Midway Rd, Duluth 55810, 218-624-0527,ctsolemOd.umn.eduSOLEM Lynn 0, Assoc Prof (Ramsey Clinic) DeptOf Surgery, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101,[email protected], page 5804478SOLEMSAAS Matthew M. Asst Scientist (WestcantralResearch & Outreach CI) 46352 State Hwy ,329, Morris 56267, 102 S Oregon Ave. Morris56267-1514, 320-589-2805, 'solemsaaOmorris.umri.eduSOLESKI Tatiana, Postdoctoral Aseoc (Institute for IMathematics and its A) 400 Lind Hell. 207 ChurchStreet SE, Mpls 55455, solesOO20tc.umn.eduSOLHEID Maniko, Ass! Scientist (Geology andGeophysics) 108 Pillsbury Hall, 310 Pillsbury DrSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0211 (624-3348;624-2338), manlkoOtc.umn.eduSOLHEID Peter A, Sr Scientist (Geology &Geophysics) 287 Shep lab. Del Code 0211(624-5274),651-917-3965, peatOtc.umn.eduSOLHEI~ Catherine A. Assoc Dean (HumanEcology Admin, Col of), Assoc Prof (Family SocialScience) Room 32E McNH. Del Code 6142(625-1201; 625-7272). 2972 Ontano Rd, lillieCanada 55117, 551-484-4694,[email protected]


SOLHEIM Janet A, Word Proc Spec (NWReHarth/Oulreacl1 Center), SupplementaryOIIiceISvc Wrkr (NW Researoh/Outreac center)AgRC, 2900 UniveI1ity Ave, Crookston 56716(218-281-8604),17600 350lh Stree1 SW,CrooksIon 56716-8744, 218-281-2182,)soIhelmOte.umn.~

SOLHEIM William A,Assoc Al;8demic Advisor(CLA Advising) 30 Johnston Hall, Del Code 3774,soJheOOl0te.UlM.eduSOLIE Christi A, Prin Accounts·Spec (CLASSBudget Office) 20 JohH, Del Code 3774(~14), soIie0270te.umn.~

SOLIE Dwight, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilitia& Management) B 117 Moos Tower, DelCode 8059, 242 W Franklin Aptl0l, MpIs 55404,871-3080, soIieOO20te.umn.eduSOLIS LeAnn M, FISC8I OIcr (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,13-110 Phillips Wangens1een Bldg (624-2905), 389Dayton Avenue Apt27, Saint Paul 55102,berry0400te.umn.eduSOLIS Scott J. Jr Scientist (Urologic Surgery)MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 8394,soIisOOl

SOlJS.GARCIA Mario A, Teaching Ass!(Economics), Graduate SChool Fellow (Economics)Economics, Room 1035 HenerH, 271 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7052 (625-&53),

SOLHITZKY Paul R, Carpenter (FacilitiesMgmt-CPPM-U 01 MConstnJ) Room 300 DonhoweBldg, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code3121,434 Hawes Ave, Vadnais HeIghts 55127,651-426-5671, soIniOOl

SOLO Cindy M, Prin Admit\i~ Spec (CarlsonFull-Time MBA PRogram) 2-210 CariSMgml, DelCode 7041 (625-4857), c-solo01c.umn.eduSOLOMAKOS James A, Non Univ S1sff, Nc For StPaul (65H49-5145), soIorn0040ti;.umn.~SOLOMON Calhy, Non Univ Staff, Unlvel1ityOl .Minnesota MpIs (651-653-8551),solorn0260te.umn.eduSOLOMON Jody L, Community Program Spec(VAMC) CCDOR (152-2E), One VeI9rans Dr, Mpls55417 (467-2562), 868 A1dine St. St Paul 55104,651-644,1561, soIoOO500tc.umn.eduSOLOMON Robin K, Asst Prof (VA MedicalCanter) Pathology 113, One Veterans Dr, Mpls55417, soIomOl1 Olc.umn.eduSOLoMoN Sylvia A, Sr Food SeJVice Worker(Sanford Oining Sentices) 177 SanH, Del Code4701 (624-6549), ~0220te.umn.eduSOLOIlONSON J<a1herlne M, Assoc Prof(Archilectura), Assl Prof (Art History) Room 145FRapsonH, Del Code 0811 (624-5565),solom0030lc.umn.eduSOLOT4ROFF Robert 0, Prof Emeritus (EnglishLanguage &LiI) 210F lindH, Del Code 0613(825-2563),4148 Upion Ave So, Mpls 55410,920-0818, soIoIOOl0lc.umn.eduSOLOVEY Anna, Assl Prof (Medicine), ResearchAssoc (Medicine) WC 480 Mayo, Del Code 8480,14-157 P W B (624-7104), 952-525-9953,soIovOOl .

SOLTIS Ronald 0, Assoc Prof (Medicine) MMC 36Mayo, Del Code 8036, A-538 Mayo (625-8999), 4W Pleasant Lake Rd, NOaks 55127,soItiOO10te.umn.eduSOLUM Allan B, Adjunct Assoc Prof (200 1st St W)Paynesville 56362, 29011 Dorchester Lane,Paynesville 56362. soIumOOl Olc.umn.eduSOLUM Gregory R, Tchg'SpeclAdjunct Assoc Prof(Law School) Room 285 MondaleH, 229 19th AveS, Mpis 55455,'1leI Code 7911,14223 Valley VIewRd Aptl02, Eden Prairie 55344, .

SOLVIE Duane K, Non Univ S1sff (UMMComputing Sentices) 10 Ilehmler Morris,soIviedkOmorris.umn.eduSOLVIE Pamela A, Ass! Prof (UMM EWcation,Division 01; UMM ConI EduclRegiona(Prgm),Instructor (UMM Sponsored SeIaries) Room 200Edu, M231A, 600 E4th St,Morris 56287(320-589-6403), 20881 468lh Avenue, Morris56287, 320-569-2560, pso/vieOmorris.umn.eduSOU Hollis A, RN (Boyn' HS) Nursing DepartmentDel Code 1171, soIzxOOl01c.umn.eduSOM Veera, Translator (AHC-CUHCC) C U H C C,Del Code 7851 (~7oo xl34), 3201 Jundy CtSo, Eagan 55121, 65H18H1604,SOl11JO(()

SOMA Narasimhulu B, Post-Doctoral Assoc(PlantBiology Dept) 250 Biological Sciences Canter,1445 Gartner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6022,1013 Trillium Court, Eagan 55123,somax0030lc.umn,edu

SOMANI Arif, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 742,Mayo, Del Code 8742, 413 VCR C (624-5649;626-2916), somenOO70lc.umn.eduSOMDAHL Chas, Info Tech Prof (GeneralCollege-Sciences) 320 Ap H, Del Code 3501(626-7733), 3909 Snelling Av S, Mpla 55406,722-5072, somdaOOl Olc.umn.eduSOMERMEYER Michael G, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Kidney Disease & Critical Care) 8155 Duluth St,Golden Valley 55422, 728 Goodrich Ave, St Paul55105, somesQOl Olc.umn.eduSOMERS Donald E, Adjul1\lllnstructor (LakeviewClinic) 424 State Hwy 5, Waconia 55387, 7352Kochia Lane, Victoria 55366,somer0030tc.umn.eduSOMERVILLE Beth I, OIc Spec (Ctr for Spiritualityand Healing) MMC 505 Mayo, Del Code 8505,C588 (626-2395: 624-9459), 3632 27th Ave S,Mpls 55406,721-5670, somer0120Ic.umn.eduSOlIIA Nikunj V, Asst Prof (Genetics, Cell Biology,&i)evelopment) 5-124 MolCaIIBIo, Del Code 1217(625-6988), 19010 27th Ave No, Plymouth 55447,763-559-5787; somiaOOl Ote.umn..eduSOMMARS Sheri L, Lab Animal Care Techolcian(Research Animal Resources) WC 69 Mayo, DelCode 8069, 1-525 P W B (624-6169),sommaDOl Ote.umn.eduSOMMERDORF MD Vernon, Adjunct Prof (U of MWilder Senior Health Clinic) 516 Humboldt Ave, StPaul 55107 (651-22().1812), 1 Kennard Court, StPaul 55106, 651-776-5697,sommeQ200lc,umn,edu

SOMMERFELD Fredi, Maintenance EquipmentOper (Environmentel Heallh & Safety) l06A 1W M,Del Code 2681 (624-8855),789-8717,, page 621·1741SOMMERFELD Tu L, Library Asst 1 (UMCLeaming Enhancemenl) 174C K, Crookston 56716(218-281-839n, sommeD320maU.crk.umn.edSOMMERS Jennifer, Non Univ Staft (UMMComputing Services) 10 Behmler Morris,jsommers0 morris.umn.eduSOMMERS Michael J, Teaching Spec (TheatreArts and Dence) Room 560 RarigC, 330 21st AveS, !Apls 55455, Del Code 7752, 3205 PorUand AveS, Mpls 55407,827-3156,

SOMMERS Nlincy L, Cllnicallnstructot (ChlldrensHospitals & Clinics) 2525 Chicago AveS, Mpls55404, 1556 North Albert Street, St Paul 55108, .

SOMMERS Paul A, Assoc Program Dir(Cardiovascular Pievention) MMC 50s Mayo, DelCode 8508, Box 290NHRC; MMC 480 (826-425n,1619 Laurel Ave, Hudson WI 54016,715-386-7745, sommeQ230tc.umn.eduSOMMERS Tamler, Instructor (UMM Div ofHumanities) Room 104 Hum, M23'3A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267, sommersOmorris.umn,eduSOMMERS William A, Lecturer (Educational Policyand Admin), Sr Fellow (EduclHuman Dev, Collegeof) College of Education; Room 104 BuH, 178Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171(624-4946), 7005 Sally Lane, Edina 55439,somme0150te.umn.eduSOMMERSTAD Carl R, Asst Oir Univ Wide (Olticeof Business Deve!olllTlent) 1000 Weslgli.. Dr, DelCode 2431 (625-8352), 13643 Duluth Circle,A~Valley 55124, 952-423-5539,sommeQ2401c.umn,eduSOMU Ravindranadh V, Posl-Doctoral Assoc(Center lor Drug Design) 7-169 PWB, 091 Code8204,7-169 PWB (625-7956), 379-1428,ravin0020tc.umn.eduSON 8eohee, Research Ass! (Family SocialScience) 290~al Hall, Del Code 6140,Seohan-Hwasung Apt 103-707, Bummul-dongSusuilg-gu, DaeguAepublic 01 Korea,ssonOlc.umn;eduSONBOL Yasair A, Medical Fellow (Medicine·Caniology) MMC 508 MaYo, Del Code 8508, 289AVCRC (626-2451), 1420 Falrlawn Way, GoldenVallay 55416, 763-377-9272,sonboOO10lc.umn.eduSONDA Paul J, Posl-Doctoral Assoc (BiomedicalEngineering) 179 Shepherd Labs, Del Code 1191,2124 Garfield Ave Apt4, MpIs 55405,

SONDEIlI!GGi:R John L, Art Museum Preparator(Fradarick R Weisman Art Museum) 200 WeismanArt, Del Code 1851 (825-9614),

SONDIlEAL Thomas J, Sr Media RasourcesProducer (UMC Meda Sentices) 151 K, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (218-281-8682),tsondl88O.mail.crk.umn.eduSONEHBLUM Christine W, Lecturer (EducationalPolicy & Admin) Room 330 WuDH, Del Code 3345(624-1006),5921 Covington Terr, Minnetonka55345, soneOOO10tc.umn.eduSONESON HeldjM, Program Oir (Learning AbroadCanter) 230 Heller Hall, Del Code 7457(625-2571),2126 Edgcumbe Road, St F'aul55116,651-690-3836, soneaOOl Ote.umn,edu

SONG Chang W, Prof (Therapeutic Radiology)MMC 494 Mayo, Del Code 8494, Kl19 Diehl H(626-8852),

SONG Charles C, Prof (Retired) (CMI Engineering;St Anthony Falls Laboratory) 1.49 H L, Del Code0851 (627-4599),7200 Galpin Lk Rd, Excelsior55331, •SONG Inhong, Posl-DoctoIaI Assoc (SouthemResearch & Olllraach Canter) 35636 l20th St,Waseca 56093 (507-837-5848),songxl02Otc,

SONG Jae H, Non Univ Staff (Info and DecisionSciences) 3-314 CSOM MpIs, 351112Ih Ave S E,St Cloud Mn 56304, songx0340te.urnn.eduSONG John Y, Ass! Prof (Medicine; 6ioethics,Canter for) Sle N504 Boynton;, Del Code ,1171(624-8936: 638-0700), songxOO60lc.umn.eduSONG Joseph H, Jr Scientist (Phannacology)Room 6-120 Jackson Hall, Del Code 1213, 701Main St,"t SE, ApI 503, MpIs 55414,201-218.1715,

SONG Kyuyoung, Posl-DoctoIaI Assoc(Phannacology) 6-120 Jackson Hall, Del Code1213, 1339 Carling Drive, Apt 347, St Paul 55108, •SONG Sang Ho, Research Ass!(ElectricallComputer Engr)~ 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 1409 Como Ave SE Apt 7, Mpis55414,

SONG Sue, Community Program Spec(Psychiatry), Research Ass! (Psy!:hoIogy) F262I2AWest Building, Del Code 3281,SongOl450te.umn.eduSONG Yan, Sr Research Assoc (Physics &Astronomy, Sch Of) 148 Phys, Del Code 0331(624-4053), yanOte.umn.eduSONGORA Fortunata G, Graduate School FeDow(Sociology), PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Inlrdiscp Ctr Stdy Global Chog) S0cloIogy; Room909 SocSci, ~67 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7171 (624-0201), Apt W-2, 1307 GibbsAvenue, St Paul 55108, 651-844-3559,songOO990Ic.umn.eduSONIER Teresa V, Asst Prof (Medicine ClinicP-7)Hennepin Cty Med Ctr, 701 Park Ave S, MpIs55415, sonlOO030\C.umn.eduSONKOWSKY, Prof Erner Robe, Prof Emeritus(C~ical & Near Eastem Studies) 305 F01we1IHall, Del Code 0149 (625-6050; 625-5353), 1235Yale Place Apt209, MpIs 55403, 371-0645,sonkoOO10tc.umn.eduSONNACK John L, Info Tech Mgr (HumanEcology, College OI·AIin) 32 McNH, 081 Code6142 (624-3404;· 624-3251), jsonnackOlc.umn.eduSONNEK Erie N, Extension Educator (MN Ext SvcTech UnIt Northeast), Assoc Program Oir (MN ExtSvc Tech Unit Northeast) 11M Extension StllamsCnty, Midtown Office Complex Stel03, 3400 1stSt N, St Cloud 56303-1924 (320-255-6189),1~l50th Ave, Foreston 58330, 320-983-6845,sonne0060lc.umn.eduSONNEHBERG Sarah E, Non Univ Staff (HumanResources, Offica 01) 100 Donhawe Mpls(624-9090), sonne0350lc.umn.eduSONNESYN St_ W,~ Asst Prof (Inf8c;llousDisease Consultanta PAl Inlectioua Diae8sas, .11676 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka 55305,sonneD050te.umn.eduSONNICKSEN'Mlke, Info Tech Prof (CCE-InfoSystems, OIc Of) Room 306 WasH, 091 Code 3831(626-1566), sonn00460tc.umn.eduSONNTAG Robert,Adjunct Assoc Prof (ParkNicollet Clinic) 15111 Twelve Oaks Center Dr,Minnetonka 55305 (952-993-4540), 3075Tamarack Dr, Long Laka 55356,·'


SONQUIST Angle K, Sr Ole Spec (Al;8demicHealth Canter - AdmInislnl) MMC 501 Mayo, DelCode 8501; FloolI) 4.10 Childrens Rllhab(626-3684), sonqUistOtc.umn.eduSONSTENG Kathleen, Ass! Prof (B$m~ StateUnivel1ity) Education Ails Building no 306, 1500Birchmonth Drive NE, Bemidji 56601(218-755-4613), aonstOO3.0mail.c,dl,Umn.edSONTAG Diane S, Word Proc Spec (Medcallmaglng,vel Teac:hing Heap) 368 VeterinalyTeaching Hospital, Del Code 6194 (625-1200),sonta0040te.umn.eduSONTAG Kevin J, Mechanic 2 (Facilities Mgml-StPau~Zone 1) 202 FMB, Del Code 6168(624-5303), 253 Woodridge Lane, lino Lakes55014,651-482-1894, sonta0030lc.umn.eduSOON See Che'N, Teaching Asst (CivilEngineering), Research Ass! (Civil Engineering)Civil Engineering, Room 122 CivE, 500 PiIlabIHy DrSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851 (625-3886),soonOOO50lc.umn.eduSOPER Paul W, Teaching Spec (CLA HonoraDivision) 1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175 (624-4078),3609Bal<er ROlId; MiMeIonka 55305,psoperOlc.umn.eduSOPHIA Kate, Technical Writer (ADCS)'Aoom 190ShepLab, 100 Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Codeom (628-4095), kaophia01c.umn.~SORAUF Francis J, RagenI$.Prof Erner (PoliticalScience), 1201 Yale Place Apt409, MpIs55403-1956,373-0936, soraufOlc.umn.eduSORBY I.aur8I M, AfftIiated Facully(SpIrilua1ity11-faafing, Ctr for) PO Box 845 Kamuela(808-881-4873), PO Box 845,KamueIa HI 96743,808-885-1943, SOIbyOO40tc.umn.eduSORCANPoIIy, Non Univ Staff, Univel1ity 01Minnesota MpIs (218-749-8130),sorcaool Oil.umn.eduSORENSEN Berb8ra 0, ExtensionEducatorlPmtassOr (UM Extension RagI CtrFannington) 09kote Co Ext and ConsCtr, 4100220th St WStel00: Farmington 5502HI087(651-460-7104),2104 North Ridge Or, NorthMankato 56003, 507-388-M56,bsorensa01c.umn.eduSORENSEN Dale K, Prof (Retired) (Veterinary .Medlcill!llileans Ole) Room 455 VMC, 1368Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6194, 5690Heather Ridge Or, ShQI8view 55126,soran0150tc.urnn.eduSORENSEN Erika 8, Research Assl (Genetics andCell DeV$lopmenl) Room 6-160 JacH, 321 ChurchSt SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 1217, 5275th AveSE Apt4, MpIs 53414, 262-705-3667,soren327Ote:umn.eduSORENSEN Ilene I., Nutrition Education Asst (UMExtension linc:oln Cnty) 402 N Harold, PO Box130, Ivanhoe 56142-0130 (507-694-1470), 2mCounty Road 125, Arco 56113,507-487-5771,soran02201c.umn.eduSORENSEN Jason M, Teaching Ass! (School 01Mathematics) Room 127 V1nH 552, 206 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0412 (624-5552), 4019th St SE AptlO4,MpIs 55414, 6OQ.7526,sora02460te.umn.eduSORENSEN John A, ReHarch Fellow (UMDPhysics) 371'MWAH, 0179, 1023 University Dr,Duluth 55612 (218-726-8469),40 Cleveland St,Duluth 55611; jsorensaOd.umn.eduSORENSEN Karan L, Exec Administr8live Spec(UM Extension Comm & Educ Tech Svcs) Room405 Col H, Del Code 6070 (625-6757),kIorOte.umn.eduSORENSEN Peier W. Prof (Fisheries & Wlklile)200 Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (624-4997), 1309Raymond AV8nue, St Paul 55108,soran00301C,umn.eduSORENSEN Soot1 W, Ass! Prof (V A MedicalCanter) Inlectlous Dtaeases (l11F), One VeteransDr, Mpls 55417, 4160 Strawberry Lane, Eagan55123,651-888-5513,,SORENSEN Todd 0, Ass9c Prof (Pharmacy,College 01), Program Oir (Phannacy, College of) .College of Pharmacy, Room 5-130 WOH, 306Harvard St SE, 'MpIs 55455,De1 Code 1332(82!>-8845), 651-994-0095,,page 329-5819SORENSON ptjD Brant A, Asst Prof (UMC NaturalResourcea) 207 H, 2900 University Ave, Crookston56716 (218-281-8138; 218-281-8449), 10991450lh SI SE, Fertile 56540, 218-945-3642,soren0450mail.crk.umn.ed 'SORENSON 1lNnI, Jr SCienIisf (SurgeryDepartment) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195,(624-1994; 626-4214), soren0540te,





SORENSON Dena C, Sr Parking Attendant(Parking & Transportation Services) 300 T S B, DelCode 1983 (825-8328),

SORENSON Dean P, Instructor (School of Music)236 FergH, Del Code 7811 (824-2334), 12387195th lane NW, Elk River 55330, 763-274-1465," .

SORENSON Delllk W, Sr Cashier (TSB All ThirdFloor) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington Ave SE.Mpls 55455, Del Code 1983, 6641 Thomas Ave S,Richfield 55423, 866-3360, soren3780Ic.umn.eduSORENSON Lowell F, Adjunct Asal Prof (PrimaryDental Cere - CCC) 7-336 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-4908), 1240 Pond View Lane, Whije BearLake 55110, 651-429-6104, soren0600Ic.umn.eduSORENSON Robert L, Prof (G_tics, Cell BIOlogy& Dev) 4-128 BSandBE, Del Code 1217(624-6414; 624-9115), 4901 Woodlawn Blvd, Mpls55417,129-8509, soI1lllOO10tc.umn.eduSORENSON Slewart W, Mechanic 2 (FacMgmt-Zone 3-HeaIth Services) Bl17 Moos T, DelCode 3121 (624-9446), sorenoo60tc.umn.eduSORENSON-WAGNER Merk, Deparlmental Dir (IT SlUdent Support Services) Room 50, Del Code0611 (824-4090), wagnenneOlc.umn.edusosA Flomina, Professiorlal School Fellow(BiOChemistry) Rm 6-155 JacH, 321 Church St S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1214 (624-3790),


SOSONKINA Mesha, Assoc Prof (UMD ComputerScience) 319 HH, 1114 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-6149; 218-726-7607),masha0 d.umn.eduSOSTEK Brian 0, Teaching Sp8c (Theatre Artsand Dance) Room 580 RarigC, 330 21st Ave S,Mpls 55455,081 Code 7752, 600 W ~lst St, Mpls55408-2921,384-6914,

SOTHERN PHD Robert B, Research Assoc (PiantBiology; Lab MedicinelPathology) 612 810 Sci, DelCode 6Q22 (625-7045),1903 Selby Ave, St Paul55104,651-644-5438, sotheOOl0tc.umn.eduSOTILLO Deley V, Scientist (OiagIBioio Sci ­Orofacial Pain - T) Room 18-104 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291 (826-3349), sotilOOl Otc.umn.eduSOTILLO RODRIGUEZ Julio, Graduate SchoolTrainee (DiagnostdBiologlcal Sctences-Neur)Room 18-202 Moos Tower, Del Code 1291,1375754th Avenue North, Plymoulh 55446, 581-4154,sotiOOO20tc.umn.eduSOnRAKOPOULOS Andrea J, Veterinary MedicalAssoc (Veterinery Clinical Scie!lce6), TeachingAsat (Veterinary Clinical Sciences) VeterinaryCilnical Sciences, 1352 Boyd Avenue, Saint Paul55108, sotI.OOO40tc.umn.eduSOTIROPOULOS Vassilios, Research Asst (ChamEng & Malt "Science) 457 Waller, Del Code.0531(625-8102),301 University Avenue SE Apt207,Mpls 55414, 331-9402, 9OtirOO20Ic.umn.eduSOUCY Elizabeth A, Exec Adminls1rativ8 Spec(UMDRE Park) 1605 l60th St W, RoeemOunt55068 (651-423-2455), eso.ucyOtc.umn.eduSOUDER David L, Teaching Asst (Carlson SchoolofMgmt) 3-365 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624·5232), 1335 • 84th Lane, Brooklyn Park55444,763-503-5655, soudOO160tc.umn.eduSOUFFLET Robert B, Building and GroundsWorker (UMD fac Mgmt-eustodial Meint) 241DAdS, 1049 University Dr, Dulu1h 55812(218-726-8978), rsoulfIeOd.umn.eduSOUGSTAD Ryan S, Research Asst (CartsonSchool of Mgmt) 4-359 CertSMgmt, Del Code7041, a0uga0020Ic.umn"eduSOUKUP Sleven J, Instructor (Cub Pharmacy 639)6015Den Rd, Eden Prairie 55344,3218 AldenPond Lane, Eagen 55121, soukUOOSOte.umn.eduSOULE Charles L, Asst Sctentist (Surgery) MMe107 Meyo, Del COde 8107, e171 Meyo (624-8742),soul80050tc.umn.eduSOULE Priscilla B, Sr Ole Spec (Univ Counseling& Consulting Ssrv) 109 EddyH, Del Code 4601(624-3323), soul80030Ic.umn.eduSOULEN Thomas K, Asaoc Prof (Retired) (PlantBiology) 220 Bio Sci, Del Code 6022 (625-2761),1725 W Eldridge Ave, St Paul 55113,651-831-2069, soul8001"SOUMEKH Benhoor, Asst Prof (2211 Park AveSouth) MMe 396 Mayo, Del Code 8396,Mpls55404, 12601 Bent Tree Road, Minnetonka 55305,952-593-5240, soumeOOl Otc.umn.eduSOUMEKH Flora, Instructor (HealthPartners - StPaul CIlnIc) 205 S Wabesha, St Paul 55107,

SOUPIR Kathleen A, SlUdent Support SsrvicesAssoc (Envm Health Sciences) MMe 807 Meyo,Del COde 8807, 1215 Meyo (825-0622),soupi0010tc.umn.eduSOUTHER Dana M, AdmInistrative Dir(Dlipartment of Animal Sctence) 305A HaeckerHall, Del Code 6118 (824-7453),south0050tc.umn.eduSOUTHERN Peter, Assoc Prof (Microbiology)MMC 196 Meyo, Del Code 8196,1-942 Meyo(625-2141),1541 Eleanor Ave, St Paul 55116,651-899-1791, soultl0030tc.umn.eduSOUTHWARD M8Ijorie J, Teaching Asat(Speech-lang-Hearing Sci, Dept) Room 115ShevH, 164 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code4401, 12633 50th St S, Alron 55001,651-436-8658, souIOO450tc.umn.eduSOUTHWELL Brian G, Asst Prof (JournaJjsmIMassComm, Sch 01), Adjunct Prof (EpklemIology) 206Church St SE; Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 0371(624-2491; 824-1818), south0260tc.umn.eduSOUTOR Cerol A, Adjunct Asst Prof(HealthPartners) 2220 Riverside Ave S, Mpls55454, souloOO30te.umn.ed~SOUVAHNASOTH san, Community ProgramAssoc (AHC-eUHCC) C U HC C, Del Code 7651(638-0700),5908 91st Trail North, Brooklyn Park55443, 763-425-3331, souvaOOl Otc.umn.eduSOUZA Suzanne M, Community Program Assoc(UM Extension Big Stone Cnty) 11 SE 2nd Street,Ortonville 56278-1544 (320-839-2518),

SOWER Annalee F, Jr Scientist (VeterinaryDiagnostic Labs) E220 VetDL, 1333 Gartner Ave,St Peul55108, Del Code 6184 (824-0761),sowerOO20tc.umn.eduSOWER Kenneth B, Info Tech Prof (HumanEcology, Coliage of-ADM) Room 69 McNH, DelCode 6142 (624-9760), 7608 Emerson Ave S,Richfield 55423, 869-9481, ksowerOtc.umn.eduSOWOKINOS Joseph R, Prof (HortioulluralScience) 305 Alder H, Del Code 6008, 3501 7thAve N, Gland Forks NO 58201, 701-772-8969,sowokOOl Otc.umn.eduSOZANSKY Bill, Dir CempuslCollege Lavel(UMD-Ubrary) 465D L, Duluth (218-726-8102),293l! E Superior St, Duluth 55812, 218-728-5690,

SOZANSKY Marty, Instructor (UMD Composition).Adjunct Instructor (UMD Continulng Education) 419H, 1201 Ordean Ct, Duluth 55812 (218-728-6726),2932 E Superior St, Dululh.55812, 218-728-5690,msozanskOd.umn.eduSPAAK Torben H, Visiting Assoc Prof (LawSchool) 'Room 265 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911, Hagerstens aile 50,129 37 Hagersten, Sweden,spaak0020tc.umn.eduSPACK RaymOnd J, Lecturer (Civil Engineering)Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0651,1288 Shooner Way, Woodbury55125, spackOOl Otc.umn.eduSPADACCINI Nicholas, Prof (Spanish &Portuguese) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (625-0732),spada0010tc.umn.eduSPAETH Mera E, Info Tech Pro! (UMD AcadSupportlSlUdent Ufa) sec 135, 0211, 1049Universlty Dr, Dululh 55812, 218-741-2060,mespaethOd.umn.eduSPAETH Sonia 0, Asst Prof (UMC LeamingFoundations) 110F SCC, Crookston !?6Z16(218-281-8260), sspaethOmail.crk.umtfeduSPAGNOLO Anthony A, Adiunct Prof (ParkNicollet Clinic) 1415 St Francis Blvd, Shakopee55379 (952-993-7750), spagnOOl O\c.umn.eduSPAKOWICZ Daniel J, Jr Scientist (Biochem, MolBiology, & Biophysics) 5-290 BS and BE, Del Code1214, 1070 26th Ave SE, Mpls 55414-2644,331-5489, spak00040tc.umn.eduSPALDING Frances e, Info Tech Prof (SponsoredProjects Admin) 450 McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2003(625-0848; 624-1033), 512517th Ave S, Mpls55417,724-1212, spald0030tc.umn.eduSPANGLER George R, Prof (Fisheries & Wildl~e)

200 Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (624-9229),spangOO10tc.umn.eduSPANGLER Meurlce W, Adjunct Prof (DakotaClinic) 70S Pleasant Ave, Park Rapids 56470, HCole, Box 61, Park Rapids 56470,spangOO70Ic.umn.eduSPANHAKE Dawn. Coordinator (Transp Studies,Ctr for) 200 TSB, Del Code 1982 (826-1536),952-944-5817, spanhOOl

SPANIER Justin A, Teachlng Asst (UMDBiochemlMolecular Biology)~ SMed, 0602,1035 University Dr, Dululh 55812, 826 N 6th AveE, Duluth 55805, 218-260-1277,spanOOO50 dJlmn.eduSPANIER Tobiaa A, Extension Educator/lnatr (UMExtension Reg! CIr Mershall) 1424 E College DrSte 100, Mershall56258-2087 (507-337-2815),spaniOO10tc.umn.eduSPANJERS Deanna M, Research Asst(Community Integration, Ins! on; Appl Rsrch/EducImpr, Ctr for) Room 212 P1H; Room 275 PeikH, DelCode 4201 (626-7142; 824-3315),span00840tc.umn.eduSPANNAU8-MARTIN Donna J, Asaoc Prof(Division of Medical Technology) MMe 609 Meyo,Del Code 8609, 420 Delaware Street SE, MMC609,15-170 Phillips-Wangensteen Bldg, Mpls55455 (825-9490; 826-6579),spann0030tc.umn.eduSPANO Dennis C, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Lake CityClinic) 500 Grand St W, Lake City 55041, 1113WMarlon Street, Lake City 55041,span00030tc.umn.eduSPANO Wy, Instructor (UMD Uberal Arts Admin,Col 01), Program Oir (UMD Uberal Arts Admin, Col01) 112 CINA, 1123 University Drive, Dululh 55812(218-72H658; 651-470448ll), 1469 EdgcumbeRd, St Paul 55116-1776, 651-470-4488,wspanoOtc.umn.eduSPANOS VBsiteios, Research Assoc (Deparlmentof Physics) 411 Physics Bldg, Del Code 0331,5601- 73rd Ave N Apt 112, Brooklyn Park 55429,span00090tc.umn.eduSPARBER Sheldon B, Prof (Phannacology;Psychology), Adjunct Prof (PsydliatIY) 3-124BSandBE, Del Code 1213 (825-5657; 825-5960),Apt 2308B, 19 S 1st Street, lApIs 55401, 332-1914,sparbOO10Ic.umn.eduSPARKS Cerolyn 0, Asst Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Health), Physician (FamilyMedicinelComm Health) MMe 381 Mayo, Del Code8381, Dept of Family Medicine, Smiley's, 2615East Franklin Ave, Mpis 55406, 485 Banfd SI, StPaul 55102, spatOO990tc.umn.eduSPARKS Tim k, Musician (UMM ON of ,Humanities) Room 104 Hum, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267, PO Box 476, Frazee 56544, 218-334-2209,sparksIOmorris.umn.8duSPARUNG John R, Building SeIvices Supv (BoynHS) Central Supply, Del Code 1171 (825-7497),1375 Pieroe Terrace, Columbia HIs 55421, .763-571-6528, spaJ1OO10tc.umn.eduSPARROW Alina, Assoc Prof (Retired) (PublicHeallh, School 01), 8229 Sheridan Ave S, Richfield55423, sparr0020tc.umn.eduSPARROW Ephraim M, Prof (MechanlcaIEngineering) Room 238 MechE, Del Code 0691(825-5502), 2105W Hoyt Ave, St Paul 55108,651-647-0787, 8Sp8lTOwOtc.umn.eduSPARROW Peter J, Construction Laborer(Facilities Mgmt·Steem Utilities) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, lApIs 55455, DelCode 3121, 31438145th Street, Princeton 55371,763-856-4474, sparrOO30Ic.unlO.eduSPARTZ Angela K, PosI-Docloral Assoc (PiantBiology) 660 Bio Sci, Del Code 6022 (825-5270),sparOO190tc.umn.eduSPARTZ Rebeoca 0, Teaching Spec (School ofSocial Work) Rml05 PetersH, 1404 Gottner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 4615 28th Ave S,Mpls 55406, spart0250te.umn.eduSPAULDING Lynsi J, Teaching Asal (TheGraduate School) 55455 (625-1894),lynsisOtc.umn.eduSPEAKMAN Benjamin P, PhD CendidateResearch Asst (Physics and Astronomy) Room 148Phys, Del Code 0331 (824-0511);speaOO2s0tc.umn.eduSPEAKS Charles E, Prof(SpeechlLanguagelHearing Sci; Psychology) 212Nolte Cenler, Del Code 0095 (628-4507), 3653Village Ct, Woodbury 55125,651-735-9901,speakOOl Otc.umn.eduSPEAR Alian H, Assoc Prof Emeritus (History)Room 614 SocSci, 26719th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7165, 2429 CoKax Ave So, Mpls 55405,377-1735, spearOOl Otc.umn.eduSPEAR Alysia B, CommunitylClinical Preceptor(North Perinatal Center) 3300 N Oakdale,Robbinsdale 55422, 11466 Welcome Lane North,Champlin 55316, spearOO90lli.umn.eduSPEAR Constance L, Community Health Asst(Health Serv RschIPolicy) Dinnaken Building, Suite120, Del Code 2131 (824-0910),651-644-2866,

SPEAR Klmbe~ey M, Development Ofcr (MNMedical Foundallon) Room 300 McNemaraCtr, 200Oak St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 2012 (824-4429;825-1440),

SPECHT Sara A, Infonnetio;,al Rapresentetive(Music) 200 Ferguson, Del Code 7811 (824-1069),968-0630, sspechtOtc.umn.eduSPECKER Sheila M, Assoc Prof (Psychiatry;Family MedicinelComm Health) F282I2A West, DelCode 8393, F292I2A West; MMC 392 (273-9806),speck0010Ic.umn.eduSPECKHARDT John 0, Prin Administrative Spec(MN Tap) 350 McNamaraClr, Del Code 2004(624-5129), speckOO20tc.umn.eduSPECKMAN Ulrika A, Community Program Asst(Work, CornmunitylFamily Educ) Room 320VoTach, Del Code 6197 (824-8256), •

SPECTOR Beatrice 0, Assoc Development OIer(MN Medical Foundation) Room 300 Gataway, DelCode 2012 (624-8650), Apt 2, 1652 Ashland Ave,St Paul 55104, 651-644·7601,spectOO90tc.umn.eduSPECTOR Janet 0, Assoc Prof (Retired) (UnivCol/Ind/Distence Leaming) Room 25 WesH, 77Pleasant SI SE, Mpts 55455, Del Code 3831, 2704Veranda Rd NW, Albuquerque NM 87107,spectOO10tc.umn.eduSPECTOR Logan G, Asst Prof (Pediatrics), AdjunctAsst Prof (Epidemiology) MMe 715 Mayo, DelCode 8715,515 Delaware Street SE (624-3912), ,SPEED Meryl, Teaching Spec (EmergencyMedicinal MMe 911 Mayo, Del Code 8911, RoomA625 Mayo, •

SPEEDIE Marilyn K, Dean (Pharmacy, College 01),Prof (Pharmacy, CoRage 01)5-130 WDH, Del Code1332 (624-1900), 2125 Lower St Dennis Road, StPaul 55116, 651-899.~,

SPEEDIE SlUart M, Prof (Medical School Admin),Prof (Lab MedicinalPathology; Pharmacy, College01) MMe 293 Mayo, Del Code 8293, B608 MeyoMMe 293 (624-4657), 2125 Lower Saint DennisRoad, St Paul 55116, 651-699-9433,speed0020tc.umn.eduSPEHDorInda 0, Asat Scientist (S W Researchand OUlreach Canter) 23669 l30th St, Lamberton56152-1326,2135 60th Ave, Belaton 5ll115,507-734-4143, spehxOOl Otc.umn.eduSPEHN Cindy, Prin Administrative Spec (CtrMagnetic Resonance Rsrch) MMC 292 Mayo, DelCode 8292, CMRR (626-2001),spehn0020tc.umn.eduSPEHN Steven K, Assoc Vice Presidenl (FacilijiesMenagement-AVP) 329 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (626-1091), spahn0010tc.umn.eduSPEICHER Merk A, Building and Grounds.worker(Facilities Mgmt-Admlnistralion) 307 DonIro\V8 B,Del Code 3121 (824-9313), speiCOOl Otc.umn.eduSPEIDEL T Michael, Prof (Retired)(DiagnosticlSurg-Qrthodontics) 6-320 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (825-5678),7438 Park Ava S, "Richfield55423, 866-8888, speidOO10tc.umn.eduSPELLACY Patrick J, OIr (University PolicyDevelopment) Rm 617 WBOB, Del Code 7529(625-0331),4290 Highland Or, Shoreview 55126,651-483-2081, p-speIOtc.umn.eduSPENCE Aaron A, Info Tech Prof (Dept of Soil,Water, and Climate) 513 Bortaug Hall, Del Coda6028 (624-3701), spancD130tc.umn.eduSPENCI Joan M, Research Asa! (ForestResour5s) Room 17 GreenH, Del Code 6112(824-7732),18221 Sand Valley Rd SW, Solway55678,218-467-3210, spen0051 Ote.umn.eduSPENCE laBarre, Assoc Program Oir (CerlsonSchool of Mgmt) 2-210 CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-2044), apencD31 Otc.umn.eduSPENCER DonnaL, Research Fellow (SHADACCenter) 2221 University Ave SE, Del Code 2701(625-2492), spenOl430tc.umn.eduSPENCER Jane 0, Adju~ct Instructor (ParkNicolletClinic) 3007 HartJor Lane, Plymouth 55447.104 Maddaus Ln, Golden Valley 55416,377-0707,spencD270tc.umn.eduSPENCER Jill. M, Program Assoc (Medical SchoolAdminlEduc) MMC 293 Meyo, Dal Code 8293,8675 Mayo (626-5803; 625-3622),spenC0300te.umn.eduSPENCER Joyce A, Nufslng Professional(Comm-Univ Health Care CenterNCC) 2001Bloomington Ave S. Del Code 7851 (638-0700),2645 Clearview "'ve, Mounda View 55112,76:3-784-7633, spe(


SPENCER Martha L, Assoc Prof (Pari< Nicollet - Stlouis Park) 3800 ParI< Nicollet Blvd, St Louis Park55416, spenc0240tc.umn.aduSPENCER Mary Jo, Adjunct Ihstructor(Department of PediatriCs) MMC 39 Mayo, DelCode 8039, Intemational Adoption Clinic(626-1102;624-1164),5033 Morgan Ave S, MpIs55419, spenOO630lc.umn.aduSPENCER Mary Jo, Non UnlY StaIf (Health.Sciences-Adm) 126 MayO Mpls,( spenc0190ti:.umn.eduSPENcER Michael P, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Colon &

.Rectal Surgary Assoc) 605 Oakdale MedlCllI Bldg,3366 Oakdale Ave N, Robbinsdale 5542l!, 6737Indian Way W, Edina 55439,

. SPENCER Pamela K, Ass! Academic: Advisor(UMD Liberal Arts, College of) 306 KPIz, 0149,1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612 (218-726-8563),pspencerOd.umn.aduSPENCER Paul J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (AallaFamily Practice, Pal 4520 Canterville Rd, WhReBear Lake 55127, 822 9th Ave NW, New Brighton55112, spencOll Otc.umn.eduSPENCER Virginia A, Exec Administrative Spec(Health 8ervices RsrohIPoIicy) MMC 729 Mayo,Del Code 8729, 420 Delaware Street SE(624-5171), spenc0540tc.umn.eduSPENCER WiN, Teaching Ass! (Design,HousinglAppal9l; ArchRecture) Room 101RapsonH, Del Code 0811, 1751 Ross Ave, St Paul55106,695-1043, wspencerOtc.umn.eduSPERBECK-John M, Assoc Prof (Ag Adm InstrReserve, Col 01; Extension CommlEduc TechSves) Room 405 Col H, Del Code 6070(625-1794), sperbOOl Otc.umn.eduSPERBER Steven I, Prof (Mathematics, Sch 01)457 VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-4374), 645Goodrich Avenue, St Paul 55105,sperberOtc.umn.eduSPERUNG Jeff A, Dir Campus/College Level(UMC Technology Canler) 140 K, Crookston 56716(218-281-6373), 1210 Alexander St, Crookston56716, sperlingOmail.crk.umn.aduSPERR Jodi C, Prin Accounts Spec (UMMBusiness 0Ifice) 205 Behm, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267 (320-~), 27603130th Street,Herman 56248, 320-6n-2736,speITjOmorris.umn.eduSPERRY Paullatta L, OIc Spec (MedicalSchool-AdminlEduc) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code8293, B669 Mayo (625-9949), 4004 Fordham DrNE, Mpls 55421-4335,781-2360,p-sperOtc.umn.eduSPETLAND Charles G, Assoc Ubrarian (CollectionDevelopment) 170B OMWL, Del Code 7111(626-7960), c-spetOtc.umn.eduSPtCER'Jakki K, PhD Candidate Teeching Ass!(Cultural StdylComperative LR) 408 FoIH; Room350 FoIH, Del Code 0147 (624-2637; 624-8099), .spic00150tc.umn.eduSPICER Sharon C, BSAC OperatorlTechnician(Fac Mgmt:Bsac) B30 Donhowe Bldg, Del Code3121 (624-3357),4101 Wandover Court,Minnatonka 55345, 952-949-6596,spic:e0040tc.umn.eduSPIEGEL Oavid A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Shitt,efsHosp lor Children) MMC 492 Mayo, Del Cod'e6492,2025 East River Parkway, Mpls 55414, 1768Pinehurst Avenue, St Paul 55116,spiegO(lBOtc.umn.eduSPIEHS Mindy J, Extension Educatcr/Assl,frol(UM Extension Regl C1r Morris) WCROC, "'352State Highway 329, Morris 56267-0471 (625-3743),spieOO730tc.umn.eduSPIELMAN CFNP Daniel P, Nursing Professional(Aced Heafth Center Departments) Dept 01 FamilyMedicine, 925 Delaware SI SE, 1st Floor, Mpls55414, Del Code 2131,1622 Regalia Dr,Woodbul)l55125,651-738·1567,spieOl070tc.umn.eduSPlKA Paul E, Prin Public Relations Rep(Neuroscience) Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church StS,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216, 2728 Drew AyeSouth, Mpls 55416, spika0060tc.umn.eduSPILAHE Michael T, Asst Prof (Regions Hospital)640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101,sp~aOOl Otc.umn.eduSPILKER Bertram A, Prof (Phrma) 1100 15th StNW, Washington DC 20005, 2107 WindsongCircle, Wayzata 55391, spilkOOl Otc.umn.eduSPILLERS Cindy 5, Assoc Prof (UMD-CommunSciences & Disorders) 227 Bah H, Duluth(218-726-7992), [email protected]

SPILLERS Teri R, Counselor (Human Resourcee)Room 200 DonhoweB, Oal Code 3122 (624,2624),763-420-4180, [email protected] Paul M, Adjunct Prof (Stillwater MedicalGroup) 921 S Greeley/Stillwater 55062,4593McDonald Dr Ou1look, Stillwater 55082,spiisOO10tc.umn.eduSPINDLER Deborah K, Nurslng P~ional(Surgel)l), Exempt Temporal)l or Casual(Obstetrics and Gynecology) Dinnaken Bldg,'De1Code 2131 (624-2472), spindOOl Otc.umn.eduSPINDLER Mett, Research Asst (Work,CommunitylFamily Educ) Room 210 VoTech, 1954Buford Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6197(624-6233), spinOO240tc.umn.eduSPINDLER Susan K, Adjunct Instructor (7101 YorkAve 5, Suile 213) Edina 55435,spind0020tc.umn.eduSPIRN Daniel, Asst Prof (School 01 Mathematics)112B VinH, Oal Code 0412 (625-1349),[email protected] Maria S, PhD Candidate Teaching Asst(Civil Engineering) Room 122 CIvE, 500 Pilisbul)IDr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851 (624-4613),1307 Talmage Ave SE, Mpls 55414, 627-9152,berg0411 Otc.umn,eduSPITZER Slephan P, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Sociol6gy), 2007 Milwaukee Ave, Mpls 55404,spitz0020tc.umn.eduSPI1ZMUELLER Jim, Adjunct Prof (RestorativeSci-Endodontics) Room 8-166 MoosT, Del Code1291 (624-9900), spitzOOl Ote.umn.eduSPIVAK Ma~a, Assoc Prof (Entomology) 219Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (6244798), 491 OIisAve, St Paul 55104, spiva0010tc.umn,eduSPIlMAN Rose E, Nutrition Education Asst (UMExtension Remsey Cnty) 2020 White Bear Ave, StPaul 55109-3795 (651-747-2261),spizmOOl Otc.umn.eduSPLAN Patricia R, Instructcr (UMD-<;hemistl)l) 134Chem, Duluth (218-726-6828), 2621 E 2nd St,Duluth '55612,218-724-6215, pspIanOd.umn.eduSPLETT Katherine A, Lecturer (UnlYCoVIndIDistance Leamlng) Room 25 WasH, nPleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831, 7905Lower 139th Court W, Apple Velley 55124,splelOO80tc.umn.eduSPLETT Patricia, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FoodSciencelNutrition AFES), Lecturer (FoodSciencelNutrition AFES) 3219 Midland Avenue,WhRe Bear Lake 55110 (624-1290), 3219 MidlandAve, WMe Bear Lk 55110, 651-nO-2165,spleIOO40tc.umn.eduSPLETT Philip J, Instructor (Forest Resources,Dept of), Coordinator (NalUral Rsrcs SlU Svcs, Colof) 135 Skok Hall, Del Code 8147 (624-6247),3219 Midland Ave, WhRe Bear Lk 55110,651-nO-2165, sp!etOO20Ic.umn.eduSPLElZER Elizabeth A, Education Spec(KinesiolOgy & Leisure Studies) Room 222B CookeH, Del Code 2061 (628-8159),6450 York Ave S,Apt405, Edina 55435-2380, spIetOO30tc.umn.eduSPODEN Greg, Research Assoc (Soil, Water, andClimal8) 8315 Soils Building, Del Code 6028 .(651-296-4214),6832 66th Ave N, Brooklyn Park55428,763-537-6068, gspodenOtc.umn.eduSPOELHDF Gerard 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Superior Heahh Medical Group) 2900 PiadmontAvenue, Duluth 55811SPOHR Jean M, Exec Sec (UM Extension Regl CtrMorris) WC Research and Ou1reach Clr, 46352State Hwy 329, Morris 56267-0471(320-589-171 1), 46407 330th Street, Hancock56244,320-392-5148, spohrjrnOmorris.umn.eduSPOHR Liz A, Actor Technician (UMM DIY ofHumanities) Room 104 Hum, M233A, BOo E 4th St,Morris 56267 (320-589-6274), 16 A Highland Dr,Morris 56267, 320'589-2385,[email protected] Ludwig J, Asst Prof (Retired) (UnlvCounseling & Consulting Serv) 109 Eddy H, DelCode 4601 (624-4568), PO Box 671, Tahoe CityCA 96145-0671, 530-5814212, 'spolyarOtc.umn.eduSPONG MD Richard S, Asst Prof (Medicine(Renal)) MMC 736 Mayo, Del Code 8736, 14·136PWB (624-6444), Scott R, Ass! Prof (Psychology;Psychiatry) VA Medical Canter, PsychologyService (116B), One Veteran's Dr, Mpls 55417(725-2074), sponhOOl Otc.umn.aduSPOONER Paler F, Ass! Prof (UMD Art and •Design), Museum Professional (UMD TweedMuseum 01 Art) 3108 T M A, 1201 Ordean Court,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7056),4931 Jey St, Duluth55804,218-525-5216,

SPOONER MO Ted H, Adjunct Assoc Prof (ParkNicollet Heart Ctr) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code8293, 5000 Wast 39th Street, Mpls 55416,spoonOO40tc.umn.eduSPOONY Michele, Ass! Prof (Psychology;Psychiatry) Psychology Silrvice (116B), Del Code3281 (725-2037), 6p9OnOO50tc.umn.eduSPRAlNER Stacey M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (ParleNicollat) Urgent Care, 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd, StLouis Park 55416 (62~), Apt 203, 7230 YorkAve S, Edina 55435, 651-696-0979,spraOO550tc.umn.eduSPRENGELER Karen U, SlUdant Support ServicesAsst (Student Servicas) 135 Skok Hall, Del Code6147 (624-6768; 625-5233),[email protected] Madelon M, Prof (EnglishLanguage & Lit) 13 lindH, Del Code 0613(625-8314),96 Clarence Ave SE, Mpls 55414,331-5953, sprenOOl 0Ic.umn.aduSPRENKLE Mark 0, Ass! Prof (HannapinFacultyAssociates) Pulm Med 865B, 701 Park Ave S, Mpls55415,4113 West 42nd St, Edina 55416,952-928-4864, sprenOOSOtc.umn.eduSPRING Marline, Coordinator (Epidemiology),Exempt Temporary or Casual (Comm U Hhh CareClrNar Child) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525, 'SPRING W Donald, Prof Emeritus (UMM DIY ofHumanities) Room 104 Hum, M233A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56287, Professor Emeritus of English, Apt1316,111 Kellogg Blvd E, StPaul55101,651429-5298, sprinOl00tc.urim.eduSPRING JR WilUam 0, Adjunct Asst Prof (VAMCPsychiatry 1leA) 1 Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417,wspringOtc.umn.eduSPRINGER Catherine A, Ass! Scientist (AgronomySeed House) 1472 Gortner Avenue, Del Code6026,2108 Western Ave, Roseville 55113,651487-1113, clayx0310tc.umn.eduSPRINGER Jeremy S, Asst Prof (Creekside FamilyPhysicians) 6600 Excelsior Blvd, SuRe 160, StLouis Park 55426, sprin0190tc.umn.eduSPRINGER John A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Orthopaed'lC & Fracture Clinic) PO Box 4369,1431 Premier Drive, Mankato 56002, 217 S 7th St,St Peter 56082, sprin0040tc.umn.eduSPRINGER Linda J, Sr Data Entry Supv(Psychology) N523 Ett H, Del Code 3281(626-7224), lindasOtc.umn.eduSPRINGER Mary, Lecturer (Dept of ArcMecture)Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811 (624-7666),sprin0280tc.umn.eduSPRINGER Nathan M, Ass! Prof (Plant Biology)Room 366 BioSci, Del Code 6022,[email protected] Todd, Teaching Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 1095121h Ave SE,Lower Unit, Mpls 55414, sprinl020tc.umn.eduSPRINGI:IEI,P John R, Sciantist(V A MedicalCenter) Research Service (151), One Veterans Dr,Mpis 55417 (72~2000 x2918),[email protected] Jennifer L, Jr Scientist (DiaglBioJSciences-Qrofacial Pain T) 18-104 Moos Tower,Del Code 1291 (625·3982),472 Laurel Avenue, ,StPaul 55102, 651-357-7916, [email protected] David N, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Medicine),Adjunct Prof (UMD Family Medicine) 220 MedicalArts Building, 324 W Superior St. Duluth 556029PRONK DVM Gordon 0, Instructor(ClncVPop*lionSci-VatTchHos) Room 225VetTChHos; 1365 Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, OalCode 6190 (625-n55), 694 121st Street,Pipestone 56164, 507-825-4211,spronOOl @tc.umn.eduSPRUTH Steve, Sr Lecturer (Ca~son, StrategicMgmVOrganizatio) 4-357 Ca~SMgmt, Del Code7041 (626-1047),4925 Aldrich Ave S, Mpls 55409,627·1713, sprutOO30trl.umn.eduSPUCKLER Amanda, Teechlng Asst (EngI'lSh) 790'Civil Engineering, Del Code 0613, .spuck0010tc.umn.eduSPYCHALLA Mary, Non Univ Staff, University 01Minnesota Mplil (952-432-7960),spych002@tc;umn.eduSQUIRES Curt, Sr Technology Spec (Acad andDistr Comp Srvcs) 1 Nich H, Del Code Onl(625-2324), csquirasOte.umn.eduSQUfRES Jeffrey A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Associated Skin Care Specialists) 7205 UniversityAve NE, Fridley 55432, 3219 140th Ave NW,Andover 55304, 763-323-6495,


SQUIRES Julia L, Lecturer (University 01Mimesota Duluth Camp) 85530th Ave SE,Rochester 55904 (625-6372), 724 22nd St NE,Rochester 55906, 507-282-7138,squir0130tc:umn.adu

SQUIRES Roderick Ii, AssocProf (Geography)54il Soc Sci, Del Code 7163 (625-0179), 2592Delaware Avenue, Sunfish La/(e ~1 18,squiresOtc.umn.eduSREENIVASAM Dharma, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Entomology) 219 Hodson Hall, Del Code 8125,155 Canabury Court, St Paul 55117,651481-6488, sreen0030tc.umn.eduSREEVATSAfil Srinand, Assoc Prof (VeterinaryPopulation Medicine) 138 Andrew Boss Laboratory,Del Code 8190 (625-3789), 3101 Shorewood Ln,RosevilllJ 55113, 651-638-5268,

SRIDHARAN Raja, Visiting Assoc Prof (School ofMathmatics) 511 VmH, Del Code 0412 (626-9136),3135 South Dupont Ave, Apt 3, Mpls 55408,825-1981,

SRIDHARAN Varadarajan, Teaching Ass!(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0691, No107 (Old No 29), 4th Main Road, Between 10thand 11th Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore,Kamataks 600036 India, sridhOll

SRIENCFriedrich, Prof (Biotechnology l/Isti1Ule;Chemical EngrlMat Sci) 257A Amund H; 240Gortner Lab, Del Code 6106 (624·9n6; 625-6362),4955 Jerome Ave No, Lake Elmo 55042,651·n9-6580,

SRIKANTH Shwela, Raseareh Asst (BioprocessInstitute) Room 140 Gorl, 1479 Gortner Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6106, 2054 Bnlwster Street,Apt 2, St Paul 55108, 205-9335"[email protected] Rajeswari, Web ApplicationOaveloper (Web Development) Room 6fl!l WBOB,1300 S 2nd St, Mpls 55454, Del Code 7531(624-8333),

SRINIVASAN Srikanth V, Research Asst(Operations ,and Mgmt Science) 3-150 CarlSMgmt,Del Code 7041,708 University Avenue SE, Apt12,Minneapolis 55414, srini0240t\Umn.eduSRINIVASAN Vinod, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Mechanical Engineering) 125 MechE, DelCode 0691 (628-4562; 625-5049),1000 8th StreetSE, Apt110, Mpls 55414, srinOO200tc.umn.eduSRIVASTAVA Jaideep, Prof (Computer Sciance &Engineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200 Union StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571 (625-4012),

SRIVASTAVA Malini, Adjunct Instructor (Dept 01ArchRecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811,

SRIVASTAVA Shwete, Teaching Ass!(ElaetricaVCompuler Engr) Room 4-174 EEICSci,Del Code 0572, 400 6th Ave SE, Apartment Apt20, Mpls, MpIs 55414, sriva0260tc.umn.eduSRIVASTAVA Swedesh K, PhD CandidateResearch Asst (Cham Engr & Mali Sci) 22Amundeon Hall, 421 Weahington Ave SE, MpIs55455 (626-1008), 1900 Como Avenue SE, Mpls55414,378-1215,

SROCK Rose M, Qeta PIOC Technician 1 (HannelInstitute) 80116th Ave NE, AUstin 55912(507437-9652), 5471o.23B1h St, AusM 55912,507-355-1229, SlOCkOOl Oll:.umn.eduSROUFE L Alan, Prof (Child Development, Insf of;Psychology), Adjunct.Prof (Psychiatry) 140 ChDev, Del Code 4011 (624-1035), 4eoB lyndale AvesO, Mpls 55409, sroufOOl0ll:.umn.eduSSEREMBA Vincent S, Research AsSt(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE, MPIs 55455, Del Code 0691,1600Grand Avenue, saint Paul 55105,sser800101c.urM.eduSTAACK Marcia M, RN, CNP (Boyn HS) Women'sClinic, Del Code 1171 (625·9994),steacOO10tc.umn.eduSTAATS Elizabeth A, Ass! Ub..rian (MINITEX) 15Andersen Libra!y, Del Code 7921 (6?4-7873), 4222Blaisdell Avenue South, Mpls 55409, 3n-2011,fried0040tc.umn.eduSTAATS Susan K, Ass! Prof (General College)356 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501 (625-7620),staatsOtc.umn.eduSTAIA Emil J, prof (RetlrecI) (PharmacyAdministration), 2640 Stinson Blvd, Mpls 55418,


r -


STACHOW Richard R, Video Photographer (CLATV Production) Room 508B Rarig centllr, DlllCode 7751 (626-3212), stacOO21 Otc,umn,eduSTACHOWICZ Marian S, Prof (UMD-Elllctrical &Computllr Eng) 273 MWAH, DOluth(218-72&6531),5196 LllSlllr Rivllr Road, Duluth55804, 218-525-6532, mstachowOd,umn,llduSTACY Thomas W, Adjunct Asst Prof(Dentislry-Restorativll Sci-Qpllrativll) Room 15-229MoosT, Dlli Code 1291, 5421 Woodlawn Blvd,Mpls 55417, stacy0070tc,umn.lldu

STADDON Jack H, Prollissional School Fellow(Dllpllrtrnllnt of Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, DlilCode 8196"Box 196 UMHC, 1460 Mayo MemorialBuilding, 420 DllIawarll Slrl1el SE, MpIs55455-0312 (625-9629),1400 S Sllcond Strllet,Apartment Bl09, Mpls 55454,staddOO10tc.umn.llduSTADELMANN Eduard J, Prof (Ralirlld)(Horticu~ural ScieflCll), 478 Wllst Larpllntuer, StPaul 55113, estadlllmOtc.umn.eduSTADLER Bllth, Asst Prof (Dept 01 ElllCtrical &Computllr Engr) 4-174 E ElC Sci, Dlil Code 0572(626-1628),339 Oakwood DriVll, ShorllVillw 55126,651-486-9490, stadI0020tc.umn.lldu

STADLER Jody L, Studl'nt Personnel Coordinator(OSF - Loan Programs) Room 210 Fr8SllrH, DlliCode 3395 (626-7353), stadOO590tc.umn.lldu

STADSVOLD Dllborah K, Lab Animal TllChnicianSPllC (Ve"'rinary Mlldical centllr) 372 Vllt MlldCllnter, Dlli Code 6194 (624-4260; 625-6249),18021 Barium St NW, RamSllY s!;303-3391,763-753-4071, sladsOO10Ic.umn.llduSTADTHER Liz, Sr OIc SpllC (IT Administration)Room 105 WaLib, 117 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455, Dlli Code 3731 (626-1802),stadtOO10tc.umn.llduSTAEHLE Rogllr W, Prof (ChllmicalEngiOlleringlMat Sci) Room 151 AmundH, DelCode 0531,22 Rlld Fox Road, North Oaks 55127,staeh0010tc.umn.llduSTAEHNKE JR Clell, Sr Building and GroundsWorkllr (Facilities Mgmt- Bldg Sllrv-Day Cust)Room 300 DonhoWllB, 31915th AVll SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3121 (624-1887),staeh0020tc.umn.llduSTAEHNKE Dana R, Administrative Prof_ional(Fac Mgmt-Bldg Sllrv-Araa C) B117 Moos T, DelCode 3121 (626,9533). staeh0030tc.umn.llduSTAFFORD Carol C, Prin Accountant (WeismanArt MUSllum) Room 200 WeismanArt, Del Code1851 (625-9644), c-stafOtc.umn,llduSTAFFORD Rachel I, Nutrition Education Asst (UMExtension Dakota Cnty) Sune 101, 4100 220th StW, Fannington 55024-9539 (651-480-7719),13517Collax, Bumsville 55337,952-894-1856,staff0200tc.umn.llduSTAFFORD Richard, Assoc Prof (DigestiveHealthC8rl1) Ste 423 S, 2550 UniVllrsity AVll W, StPaul 55114, staffOl001c.umn.llduSTAFFORD Susan G, Dean (Nat ResourcesAdmin, Col of), Assoc Dir CmpICol (Ag EXpllrimentStn Admin), Prof (Foresl RllSOUrceS, Dllpt of) 235Skok Hall, Del Code 6147 (624-1234),staffordOtc.umn.llduSTAFNE Eric E, Prof (Retirlld) (Primary DentalCare; DllVelopmentaVSurgical ScIence; RestorativeScience~; DllntalEducation, Continuing) 7-369Moos T, DllI Code 1291 (626-0440),staInOO10tc.umn.llduSTAGEBERG JamllS E, Prof (Retired)(Archnllclurll), 4820 Penn AVll S, Mpls 55409,stagllOO10tc.umn.llduSTAGGS Rodney A, Info TllCh Prof (Univ ofMinnesota Cancer cen"'r) MMC 806 Mayo, DelCode 8806, 8532 Mayo (624-2445),stagg0040tc.umn.llduSTAGNER David L, Adjunct Assoc Plof (1600UniVllrsity Ave, Ste 312) St Paul 55104,stagnOOl Otc.umn.llduSTAHL Jason M, PhD Candida'" RllSllarch Asst(History) Room 614 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7165, stah00640tc.umn.llduSTAHL JeSSll C, OIc SPllC (U of MBookstorll(Coffman StOrll)) Room G54 CMU, Del Code 1051,877-2918, stahI0270tc.umn,llduSTAHLE GalllO W, Adjunct Asst Prof (Ste 100)12450 Wayzata Blvd. Mpls 55343,stahIOl00tc.umn.llduSTAHLMANN William G, Sr AdlT\inistlative Dir(Parking & Transportation SllrviCllS) 300 TSB, DelCode 1983 (625-1859), 393 Arbor St, St Paul55102,651-227-6419, stahlOOl Otc.umn.lldu

STAIGER Jeromll W, Sr Public Health SPllC(Environmental HllaIth & Safety) WI68 Boyn H S,Dlli Code 1171 (626-6764). 1492 Goodrich Av, StPaul 55105, 651-690-3045, staigOOl Otc.umn.lldu,page 621-4824STALEY Jim, Asst Prof (NDSU) BBFH, Fargo ND58105 (701-231-7371), 3666 22nd St S, Fargo ND58104,701-232-3638. staleOG30mail.crk.umn.lldSTALLKAMP Sarah E, Assoc Program Dir(RllCrll8tional Sports) Room 41, University AquaticCenter, Del Code 2061 (625-5339), 2500 BlaisdellAve, Apt 405, Mpls 55404. 385-1597,staIOO530tc.umn.llduSTALLMAN Elizabeth M, ReSll8rch Asst(Education StulProfllSSional Svc) Room 330 WullH,Del Code 3345 (624-6331).623-7501,stall0440tc.umn.llduSTAMBAUGH PHARMD Richard, Asst Prof (StCloud V A Mlldical Canter) 4801 8th St N, St Cloud563~, 36573 N 50th Ave, St Cloud 56303.stambOO10tc.umn.llduSTAMPE Jennifer, Tll8ching Asst (Anthropology)395 HHH Ctr, Del Codll 7455 (625-7347),stam00090Ic.umn.eduSTANAnlS HARVEY Pat, Mlldical PhotographyManager (Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, DlliCode 8493, ~240 P W B (625-4.400 x5915;625-5915), stana0050tc.umn.llduSTANAWAY CIndy, Non Univ Stall (MN Molecularand C811 Ther) 14 MMCT 51 Paul.stan80140tc.umn.llduSTANAWAY Janet G, Exlle Administrative SPllC(UMD Philosophy) 385 ABAH, DI62, 1121UniVllrsity Dr, Duluth 55812, 4996 Heritage Dr,Duluth 55803, jstanawaOd.Ufn.llduSTANBURY Geoffrey C, Ole SPllC(MarketingILogistics Management) 3-150CartSMgmt, DllI Codll7041, 2219 Bfyant AVll S,Apt 2. Mpls 55405, 810-1936.stanb0210tc.umn.llduSTANCHFIELD Warrlln R, Asst Prof (HennepinCounty Mlldical cen"'r) Dept. 01 Mlldicallmaging,701 Park Ave, Room 2E 22, Mpls 55415, 211223rd AVllnua South, Mpls 55404.stanC0040tc.umn.lldu, page 530-8658STANDERING Julie A, Head Coach(In"'rcollegiate Athletics) 260E BFAB. Del Codll3061 (624-7856), stand0040tc.umn.llduSTANDFIELD Lureine J, Building and GroundsWorker (FacilitillS Mgmt-Bldg Sllrv Dlly Custo)Room 300 DonhowllB, 319 15th AVll SE, Mpls55455, DllI Code 3121, morilOO30tc.umn,llduSTANDISH Leanna J, Affiliatlld Facu~

(SpirituaiitylHll8ling, Clr for) 14500 Juanife DriveNE Kenmore (425-802-3162), 1525 NE 92ndStreet, Sllattle WA 98115, 206-525-0630,stand0360tc.umn.llduSTANEK Kay, District Dir (UM Extension WeslCentral Dist OIc) WC ReSll8rch and Outrll8ch Clr,46352 State Hwy 329, Morris 56267-0471(320-58~1711), 17398 310th AVll, Starbuck5638l, 320-23~3950, staneoo50tc.umn.llduSTANEK Richard p. Adjunct Assoc Prof (St PaulEye Clinic) Lowry Bldg, Sui'" 240, 350 51 Paler St,St Paul 55102, 57 FOrllst Dale Road, Mpls 55410,staneOG20tc.umn.llduSTANESLOW Paul W. Asst Prof (Retirlld) (Ub ArtsLanguage Ctr), 3189 W Owasso Blvd, St Paul55126, stanaOO10tc.umn.llduSTANFlE,LD Mark, Instructor (UMD Composition),Adjunct Instructor (UMD Thll8tre) 153 MPAC, 1215Ordll8n Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7721;218-726-6562), 1701 Kenwood Ave, Duluth 55811.218-724-0129, mstanfieOd.umn.lldu ,STANFIELD-JoKNSON Rosema, Asst Prof (UMDHistory) 265 ABAH, 1121 UniVllrsity Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-6685). rstanfieOd.umn.llduSTANFORD Edward B, Prof Emeritus (LibAdministrative SllrviCllS), 1666 Coffman Apt215, StPaul 55108. stanfOO30tc.umn.llduSTANG Gerald S. Pipllfitter (EnergyManagement-51118m Distrib) 400 Donhowll B, DlliCode 3121 (626-7329), stang0060tc.umn.llduSTANG MD Howard J, Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 391Mayo, 420 Delaware, Mpls 55455 (624-4477),stang0070tc.umn.llduSTANG Jamie S, Continuing Educ SPllC(Epidllmiology) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(626-0351; 624-1818), 952-930-1596,stang0020tc.umn.llduSTANG Rllbecce A, ReSllarch Asst (Curriculumand Instruction) Room 125 PeikH, 159 Pillsbury DrSE, Mpls 55455, Dlli Code 4301. 622 4th St SE,Apt 301, Mpls 55414, 37~1168'

STANG Robert N, Pipelttter (EnergyManagament-Stll8m Dislrib) 400 Donhowe B, DlliCode 3121 (626-7329).stangOOSOtc.umn.llduSTANGRET Lanaya L, Exlle Ass! (DeVlllopmentOffice) 499 OMWL, Dlli Codll71 11 (624-9339),stangretOlc,umn.llduSTANIS Gregory J, Sr Accountant (HumanRllSOurceslBenefits) Room 200 DonhoweB, DelCode 3122, gstanisOtc.umn.llduSTANISLAV Andrea C, Asst Prof (Art) E265RegisClr. Del Code 7831 (62&-3217),acstanisOtc.umn.llduSTANKE Judnh U, Asst Librarian (ReferllOceServices) 275 Diehl H, Dlli Code 1691 (624-3128),j-stanOtc.umn.llduSTANKEY GaH D. Prin Accounts SPllC(Disbur&llr08nt ServiclIS) 632F WBOB. Dlli Code7527 (624-9889), 3553 Tyler 51 NE, Mpls 55418,789-0742, g-stanOtc.umn.llduSTANKOVICH Marian T, Prof (Room 325 Smith)207 Plll8sant Slrllet. DllI Code 3881 (624-1019),1088 23rd Ave SE, MpIs 55414, 'stankoviOtc.umn.llduSTANLEY Marc T. Prof (NROTC Unit, University ofMinnesota) 203 Annory, 15 Chruch Sf SE, Mpls55455-0108 (625-3055), 1001 Burke Ave W"ROSllvilie 55113, 651-487-6437.stanI0130tc.umn.llduSTANLEY Nicholas J, R_rch Ass! (MlIchamC.JEnginllering), Tll8ching Ass! (MechanicalEnginllering) Mechanical Engineering. Room 1101MllChE, 111 Church 51 SE. MpIs 55455, Del Code0691,651-739-1618, Nnll3320tc.umn.eduSTANOCH Thomas M, Graphic DelignerlMedieArtist (MN Extension Info & Leeming Tllchno)Room 405 CotH, DllI Codll6070 (825-4261),stan03470tc.umn.lldu .

STANSBURY DeAnna. Teaching Ass! (English) 26Lind Hall, Del Code 0613, stana02S0tc.umn.llduSTANSBURY Jll8n C, Adjunct Instructor (GilletteChildrlln'S) SpllciaIty HlI8llhcarll, 200 UniversityAve E, St Paul 55101, 2432 Cottage GroVll Driva,Woodbury 55129, stans0080tc.umn.eduSTANSBURY MD John A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Asplln Medical Group) 7920 Clldar Ave S.Bloomington 55425, 651-641-7147,stansOO4Otc.umn.llduSTANTON DllOnis W, Prof (Sch 01 Mathematics)253 VinH, DllI Code 0412 (624-7544). 121Washington AVll S Apt414, Mpls S5401, 672-0911,stanlOOl Otc.umn.llduSTAPLES Kathryn J, Ph D Candidllte GradInstructor (History) ROOm 814 SocSci, 267 19thAve S, Mpls 55455. Dlli Code 7165 (624-4812),keISllykjOtc.umn.llduSTAPLES Scott A, Adjunct Instructor (Hutchinson 'MlldicalGenter) 3 Cantury AVll SE, Hutchinson .55350STAPLETON Mollie A, Adjunct Instructor(Min-No-Aya-Win) 927 TrlIttIe Ln, Cloquet 55720STAPLETON Thomas R, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Psychiatry) 7021 DaMar Estates, 51 Peter 56082,7021 DaMar Estates, St Paler 56082,stapl0060tc.umn.llduSTAR Dianne, Sr Ole Spec (Minnesota PopulationCen"'r) 408 PllopIe's cenlllr, Del Codll7931(624-5789), starXool Otc.umn.llduSTARBIRD Jacqueline D, MUSllum AsS! (WeismanArt Museum) Room 200 WeismanArt, Del Code1851 (626-3561), starbOO20tc.umn.llduSTARCHERDllOnis E. MacIlanic 2 (FaciHtillSMgmt-Zone 5,East Bank) Room 300 DonhoweBldg, 31915th AVll SE, Mpls 55455. Dlli Codll3121,18400 Euclid 51 Apl255, Farmington 55024,651-480-6627, starc0080tc.umn.llduSTARCHOOK Constantin N, Asst'Prof(Anesthesiology) MMe 294 Mayo, 081 Code 8294,4911 Bllyswa"'r Rd, Minnetonka 55345-3362,952-745-1105. starcOOl Otc.umn.llduSTARFIELD Anthony M, Prof (Ecology, Evolution& Bllhavior) 306 Ecology, Del Code 8098(625-5721),1614 ROSllhili Cir, Laudllrdale 55108,651-644-7287, starfOOl Otc.umn.llduSTARICH Todd A, Asst Prof (GMetics, Cell Bioi,Dllv TCBS). R_arch Assoc (GMetics, Call Bioi,Dev TCBS) 4-210 MolCallBio, Dlli Codll1217(625-9238), 3240 46th AVll S, Mpls 55406.728-0330, stariOOI0tc.umn.llduSTARK Andrea L, Accountant (SponsorlldFinancial Reporting) Room 450 McNamara ClIOter,Del Code 2003 (624-8375), stark2280tc.umn.ejIuSTARK Bryan R, Sr Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Administration) 202 F M B, DlliCode 6168, starkOOSOtc.umn.lldu

STARK Carol K, Adjunct Asst Prof(MinnHll8l1h-Banning Clinlc) 4786 Bllnning Ave,WMe Bllar Lake 55110, stark0350tc.umn.eduSTARK Fran. A, Community Program SPllC (GC ­TRIO Programs) 40 Ap H, DllI Code 3501(625-0772; 625-6604), 3317 Lyndale AVll N, Mpls55412.588-3832, starkOO70tc.umn.llduSTARK Heidi K, Tll8ching Asst (American IndianStUdillS) Room 2 ScottH, 72 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455, Dlll Code 3232, star02010tc.umn.eduSTARK John G, Asst Prof (Orthopalldic Surgery)Fairview-Riverside Campus, 2450 RiVllrsideAVllOue, Mpls 55454, Apt175, 2000 SouthPlymouth Road, Plymouth 55305, 952-474-2175,starkOO20tc.umn.llduSTARK Linda B, Prin Aocounts Spec/Acct Supv(University StorllS) UStorN, 2901 Talmadge AVllSE, Mpls 55414. Del Codll5201, 116 York AVll, 51Paul 55117, stark0270tc.umn.llduSTARK Lois K, Proj SPllC PeopleSoft (centralComputing Operations) 660 WBOB, DllI Code7531 (624-0296), l-starOtc.umn.llduSTARK Peter J, Instructor (UMD ManagemenlStudillS; UMD BusinesslEcon, School of) 110 SBE.412 Library Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8992). 324Hampton SI, Wayazta 55391, 952-475-0577,pjstarkOchaosnavigation.comSTARK Randall P, Adjunct Asst Prof (MetropolifenCardiology Cons) Cardiology, Thll Hll8rt Center,4040 Coon Rapids Blvd, Surte 120, Coon Rapids55433, 5308 WllSt 64th Stlllet, Edina 55439,stark0310tc.umn.llduSTARK Stacey L. Instructor (UMD Continuil\gEducation). Coordinator (UMD GllOQraphy) 326CinaH, 113aUniversity Dr, Duluth 55812(216-726-7438),5101 Lester River Rolld, Duluth55804.218-393-4003. s1starkOd.umn.llduSTARKER Colby G. Post-Doctoral Assoc (PlantBiology) 250 Bio Sci Canter, 1445 Gortner AVll, StPaul 55108, Dlli Code 6022, s!llrk2240tc.umn.eduSTARKEY Carol J, Prin Accountant (LeamingTllChnologillS) Room 540 RarigC, Del Code n51(625-3414), 1589 ViflCllnt St, st Paul 55108,651-493-9114, stark0040tc.umn.eduSTARKEY Michael T, Research Asst (EducationalPsychology). Graduate School Fellow (Educational I

Psychology) 206 Burton Hall, Dlli Code 3171, 205W 15th St, Apartment 5, Mpls 55403,stark2160tc.umn.llduSTARR Gary E, Visiting Assoc Prof (Psychology)N-218 EltH, Del Code 3281, starr0300Ic.umn.llduSTARR John M, TlIehnoiogy SPllC (Acad & DistComp Svs) Room 190 ShepLab, Del Code 0771(624-3668), starr0270tc.umn.llduSTARR Patrick J, Prof (Mechanical Enginllering)Room 105 MllChE, Dlli Codll 0691 (625-2315),251BlIdford St SE, Mpls 55414. 37H399,starrOO10tc.umn.eduSTARR TImothy K. Post-Doctoral Assoc (Genetics,Cell BiologylDev) 6-160 Jackson Hall, Del Code1217 (626-6971),3125 E 22nd St, Mpls 55406,729-4722. star00440tc.umn.llduSTARRY Karlin K, Dllpllrtmental Dir(Research-Grad Schoo1 Admin) 316 Joh H, DlliCode 3773 (625-2815), starryOtc.umn.llduSTARY Patrick J, Sr Data Entry Opllr (MinnllSOtaPopulation center) 50 W~ley Hall, Del Code 7931(624-5789),77 N Mition St Apl204, St Paul 55104,

I 651 -310-9653. star01760tc.umn.llduSTASKUS Katherine A, Sr ReSll8rch Assoc(Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,1535 Mayo (624-9118), 651-696-9192,kathrynOtc.umn.llduSTASSART JacqullS, Asst Prof (ReproductiveMlldicine Associallls) Ste 350, 380 Shllnnan S~ StPaul 55102 (651-222-6050), 238 S MississippiRiver Blvd, St Paul 55105, stassOOl Otc.umn.llduSTASSEN Shannon D, Hll8d Coach(UMC-Athletics) 117 Sports C. Croo!Islon 56716(218-281-8425),508 Spruce Ln, Crookston 58716,sstaSSllO 0 mail.crk.umn.llduSTATE Andrllw E, PhD Candidate Teaching Asst(Sociology) Room 909 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S,MpIs 55455, Dlli Code 7171, 2054 BrlIwster Strllet,Apt No 12, SI Paul 55108, 651-330-7110,stateOG10tc.umn.llduSTA-THOPOULOS Slephanie M. Asst To (Room135 Smnh) 207 Pleasant Strllet SE, Del Code 3661(624-8008), mllle0630tc;umn.llduSTATT Dllbra J, Food Sllrvice Workllr (TerraceCafe) 115 SPSC, Dlll Code 6090 (625-1990). 3921EffrllSS Rd, Whne Bllar Lake 55110, 651-407-1379,stat1OO10tc.umn.lldu


STATZ Catherine L, Nurse Manager (Surgery)MMC 242 Mayo. Del Code 8242, I I -205 Moos T(626-3151). statzOOl Otc.umn.eduSTAUB Barbara. Asst Prof (Regions Hospital),Department of Pediatrics, Suite 7. 640 Jackson St.St Paul 55101-2595. 20233 Quinnellan. Scandia55073. 433-3284, staub0060tc.umn.eduSTAUB Barbara E. Aasl Prof (Regions Hosptial)Pediatric Clinic. 640 Jackson St, St Paul55101-2595, staub0090tc.umn.eduSTAUB Henry p. Pro! (Staib Pediatric C~nic) 70125t~Ave S. MpIs 55454. staub00801c.umn.eduSTAUBER Ben A. Police OIcr (UMD Police) 287DAdB. 0217, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7000). bstauberOd.umn.eduSTAUBER James D. Instructor (UMD IndustrialEnginaering) 241 EngrB, 1305 Ordaan Court,Duluth 55812, 130 Cartisle Avenua. Dulu1h 55803,218-724-1768. jstauberOd.umn.eduSTAUBUS Donna L. Building and GrQUIlds Worker(Facilities Mgml·Adminislration) MMC59 Mayo.Del Coda 8059. Bl 17 Moos T (824-2900). 5504Ewing Cr So. Edina 55410, 952-926-6278,staubOO10tc.umn.eduSTAUBUS Iris C. Continuing Educ Spec (Clr forPublic HIth Edu & Outraach) Room 350. Del Code2702 (624-4515), 6040 Kalen Dr, MpIs 55129.651-459-5271. staubOl 40tc.umn.eduSTAUBUS JR John J, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgml·Administration) MMC 59Mayo. Del Coda 8059. B117 Moos T (624-2900),5504 Ewing Circle So, Edina 55410, 952-926-8278,staubOO'lOtc.umn.eduSTAUDENMAJER Suzanne. Teaching Spec(SChool of Social Work) Rm 105 Peta.... 1404Gortner Ave. St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,340920th Ave S. MpIs 55407. staud0260tc.umn.eduSTAUFFER PHD Edward K, Assoc Prof (DMEDPhysiology & Phannacology)349 SMed. 1035University Dr. DuIu1h 55812 (218-726-7930;218-726-8960). 5702 Avondale Slnset. Duluth55804-1316. 218-525~1. estauffeOd.umn.eduSTAUFFER Lee D. Assoc Pro! Emeritus (PublicHealth. SChool 01). 13005 Glenview Dr. BumsVlile55337, staufOO20tc.umn.aduSTAUFFER Regis J. Instructor (UMD-eommunSciences & Disorders) 217 Boh H. Duluth(218-726-7993). rstauffeOd.umn.aduSTAUFFER Rite F, Sr Accountant (Obstetrics &Gynacotogy) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395,12-211 Moos Tower (626-5251).r-stauOtc.umn.eduSTAUFFER mWilliam M. Asst Prof (InfectiQusDiseases Ole Med) MMC 250 Mayo. Del Code8250, 0407 Mayo (624-9996). 5124 30th Ave S,Mpls 55417. 722-3389; staufOO50tc.umn.eduSTAUSS Gina M. Program Assoc (DennatologyDepartment) MMC 98 Mayo, Del Coda 8098. 4-240PWB (624-9964). stau00650tc.umn.eduSrAVlG John D. Program Dir (StrategicMgmtlOrganizalion) 3-324 CartSMgmt. Del Cods7041 (625-2485). 780 N Brown Road. Long Laka55356, slavi0030tc.umn.eduSTAVREDES TN M, Lecturer (Work.CommunitylFamily Educ; Educational Psychology)205 Burton Hall. Del Coda 3171. 13167 RagstaffAve. Apple Valley 55124, 952-891-5925,staVlOO50tc.umn.aduSTAVROU Soterios G, Lecturer (ClassicalINearEastem Studies). Assoc Editor(G~ Studies.Inst for) 325 SocSci, Del Code 7173 (624-4526),639 E 57th St. MpIs 55417. 825-3939,staVlOO40te.umn.eduSTAVROU Theofanis G. Pro! (History;ClassicellNear Eastem Studies) 327 SocSci. DelCode 7173 (824-5734). stavrOO10tc.umn.eduSTAWARZ Brian E. Adjunct Instructor (HumanServices Inc of Washington C) 7068 StillwaterBlvd. Oakdale 55128. n4 Lower Colonial Dr.Mendola Heights 55118, stawa0010tc.umn.eduSTAYNER Scoff. Research Asst(MedicinelEndocrinology & Diaeles) MMC 101Mayo, Del Code 8101, P-WB 6-132, 3524 15thAvenua South. Mpls 55407. CLAIRE 'Jeanne M. Teaching Asst (Work.Community & Family Educ) 4200 Vo Tech. DelCode 6197 (625-2204). stcJOOI50te.umn.eduST CYR David J. P~lice OIer (,police Dept) 100 T SB. Del Code 1981 (624-3550; 624-8098).stcyrOO20tc.umn.eduSTOLC Student C. Non Univ Staff (Ole of StudentFinance Admin) 20 Fraser Mpls, 106 Pleasant StSE, Mpls 55445, [email protected]

STEADLAND Jon C. Asst To (Board 01 Regents)Room 600 McNamaraClr. Del Code 2015(625-6300),4704 12th Avenue South. Mpls55407.jsteadlaOtc.umn.eduSTEAHL Donald V, Mechanic 3 (FacilitiesMgrnnt-Zone 5-East Bank D) Ll50 Mech Eng Bldg.Del Code 3121 (624-2900; 626-2704), 1508 BlackOaks Place N. plymouth 55447. 952-9334126.steah0010te.umn.eduSTEALEY Thomas, Asst Prof (MatropolrtanPediatric Specialists) no 260, 303 ENicollet Blvd.Bumsville 55337. stealOOl Otc.umn.eduSTEARNS Barbara F, Sr Accountant (Physiology)6-125 JacH. Del Coqe 1215 (625-2970).b-steaOtc.umn.eduSTEARNS Debra J. Food Service Worker(Coffman Dining Services) G47 CMU. Del Coda1051 (625-2037).651-815-5051.stear1l400tc.umn.eduSTEARNS Mary Jane, Exec Administrative Spec(UM Extension Reg! Ctr Rochester) 863 30th AveSE. Rochester 559044915 (507-280-2863), 431420th Ave NW, Rochester 55901-()438,507-281-1324, msteamsOtc.umn.eduSTEARNS Sera A. Coordinator (Office ofAdmissions) Room 240 WmsonH. 231 Pillsbury DrSE. Mpls 55455, Dal Coda 0171,stea00290tc.umn.eduSTEBBINS Mary M, Adjunct Instructor (Children'sHeallhcare) 2525 Chlcego Ave S. Mpls 55404.8059 Boulder Ridge Rd. Woodbury 55125.stebbOO20tc.umn.eduSTEBER Aaron C, Research Spec (ForestResources) Room 1I 5 GreenH. 1530 N ClevelandAve, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 61 12,6437 QuailAve N, Brooklyn Cantar 55429, 296-7348.stebeOO20tc.umn.eduSTEBERL Julie. Asst Prof (Metro Dentaicare) 7400.lyndala Ave S. Del Coda 1291. 3268 Black OakDriva. Eagan 55121. [email protected] Elizabeth A, Prin Administrative Spec(Law Sch Instr-Fac Support) 31 I Law. Del Code791 I (625-9566), 3040 Humboldt Ave So, Mpls55408. [email protected] Adrian 0, Asst Scientist (Agronomy andPlant Genetics) 513 BorH, Del Code 6026(625-1208). stecx0020tc.umn.eduSTEC Edward J. Adjunct Assoc Prof (RestorativaSci - Endodontics) Room 8-166 MoosT, Del Coda1291 (624-9900).7602 Wyoming Trail. Wyoming55092.651-462-8220, stecx0040tc.umn.eduSTECH Hartan W. Head (UMD Math/Slats), Prof(UMD Math/Stats) 140B C Ctr. Duluth(218-726-8272),2420 E 6th St. Duluth 55812.218-724-5761, hstechOd.umn.eduSTECK Jason P, Teaching Ass! (Political sCiance)1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175.1555 Bellows St Apt302.West Seint Paul 55118, 651,340-0598,stec00420tc.umn.eduSTECKER Shelly S. Exempt Tamporary or Casual(Dentistry· Leaming Resources Ctr) Room 8425Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (625-14n), 4308Arthur St NE, Columbia Heights 55421, .763-782-7940, [email protected] Hilary H, Assoc Prof (HealthPartners ­St Paul Clinic) 205 S Wabasha. St Paul 55107,steckOO30tc.umn.eduSTECKLEIN John 'E, Prof (Retired) (EducstionalPsychology), 2670 No Oxford St. Ap1211 , St Paul55113. steck0020tc.umn.eduSTEDJE Phil, Prin Student Personnel Worker(CCElDCP-Studant Services & Actvlsing)138AWes H, Del Cods 3831 (625-7356).9010 46th AveNo, New Hops 55428, stedj0010tc.umn.eduSTEDMAN Kristi A, Exec Administrative Spec (UMExtansion Regl Ctr,Cloquet) Cloquet ForestryCenter. 179 University Rd,Cloquet55720-9506.3683 Hilliop View Road. Barnum 55707,218-389-0327, stedm0130tc.umn.aduSTEDMAN Susan V. Community Program Asst(School of Music) 100 Ferguson Hell. Del Code7811. 272 Xerxes Avenue North. Mpls 55405.3n-5282, vstedmanOtc.umn.eduSTEDMAN -sMITH Maggie. Research Asst(Environmental Health Sciences), Graduate SchoolTrainee (Environmental Health Sciences) MMC807 Mayo, Del Coda 8807. 4415 Chowan Ave, UM202. MpIs 55410. stedOO120Ic.umn.eduSTEELE Carol A, Exec Administrative Spec(Clinical Systems-Clinical Systems) 8426 Moos T,Del Code 1291 (624-2128). steeIOO70tc.umn.eduSTEELE Daniel J. Sr Communications Technician(Leaming Resources Canter) R09m 108 WaLib.Del Code 3725 (624-1071),

STEELE Dennis J. Electromechanical Sy,stemsSpec (Admin·Denlal Eng Svcs) 16-205 Moos T,Del Coda 1291 (626-7074). steaIOO20tc.umn.aduSTEELE Donha J. Technical Administrative Assis(UM Extension Faribaull Cnty) 412 N Nicollet St,PO Box 130. Blue Earth 56013-0130(507-526-6240). steal021

STEELE Ginny. Coordinator (ExecutiveDevelopment Ctr) 2-25OC CartSMgml, Del Code7041 (624-7825),

STEELE Jaeson C. PhD Candidata Teaching Asst(Pharmacy, College of). PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Pharmacy. College of) COllage of Pharmacy.Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE, Mpls55455, Del Cods 1332. 6722 Meadow Grass Ln S,Collage Grove 5,5016,

STEELE Jeanna R. Post-Doctoral Fellow(Pediatrics) MMC 715 Mayo, Del Code 8715.Room 1-210 Moos Tower (625-2181),971 ComoBlvd East, St Paul 55103, [email protected]

STEELE John, Non Univ Staff (UDS AffiliatedStaff) 50A MdbH Mpls (626-8518),[email protected]

STEELE Meianie M. Instructor (UMD Composition)108 CinaH, 1123 University Dr, Duluth 55812; 60sec, 0014, 1117 University Dr. Duluth 55812(218-726~175), 320 N25lh Ave W, Duluth 55806,[email protected]

STEELE Terry W, PhD Candidate Research Asst(UMD Chemistry) Room 246 Chem. 0172, 10University Dr, Duluth 55812 (624-6193), 308Harvard St SE. 8-I 01 WDH. Mpls 55455.242-051 7, tsleeleOtc~mn.eduSTEELE Vaughn R, feaching Asst (Psychology).Research Asst (Psychology) Psychology, N-218EffH. 75 E River Pkwy. Mpls 55455. Del Coda3281, Apt101, 520 2nd Ave SE, Mpls [email protected]

STEEN Heathar A, Prin Accountant (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo. Del Code 8391,13-110 Phillips Wangensteen Bldg (625-7921)[email protected] Justin D, Help Lina Coordinator (ADCS)Room 190 ShepLab. Del Coda Onl (625-1300),jdsOtc.umn.eduSTEENLAGE Esther J. Ole Supv (Psychology)N-218 EItH. 75 East River Road. Mpls 55455. DelCode 3281 (625-1537).516 6th Street, Newport55055.251-4335, stee01520tc.umn.adu

STEENSON MD Carol C. Pro! (Radiology ofDepartment) MMC 292 Mayo. Del Cods 8292.MMC 292 Mayo (273-7195).colem0120tc.umn.eduSTEER Clifford J. Prof (Medicine) MMC 36 Mayo.Del Code 8038. A536 Mayo (625-8999). 1924Pinehurst Ave. St Paul 551 16. 651~98-6880.steerOO10tc.umn.eduSTEFAN Heinz G. Prof (Civil Engineering) 305 HL, Del Coda 0851 (625-2810).2328 Nollingham Ct,Minnetonka 55305. 952-544-5742.stefa0010tc.umn.eduSTEFANEK Thomas N. Supervisor. GlassTechnology (Chemistry) S-146 Koll H, Oat Code3681 (625-9573). S!ela0040tc.umn.eduSTEFANOVAlvanka. Research Assoc (Geology &Geophysics) Room 108 PilisH. 310 Pillsbury DrSE. MpIs 55455. Del Coda 0211. 1426 Hythe SI, StPaulSS108, stefa0140te.umn.eduSTEFANOWSKI Cathryn M, Community ProgramAssoc (lnst on Community Integration) Room 5PttlI. Del Code 4201 (624-1 145). 763-559-2192.stef01960tc.umn.adUSTEFFAN Frank J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MankatoAnesthesia Assoc Ltd) Immanuel St JosephHospilal, PO Box 1373, Mankato 58002. 70'Telamark Drive. Mankato 58001,steff0090tc.umn.eduSTEFFEN Benjamin V, Jr Laboratory Technician(Psychology) N-218 EItH, 75 East River Road.Mpls 55455. Del Coda 3281. stef01340tc.umn.eduSTEFFEN Lyn M, Ass! Prof (Epidemiology) Ste300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (625-9307)[email protected] '

STEFFEN Raymond H. Farm Animal Attendant(UM - NCROC) 1861 Hwy 169 E, Grand Rapids55744 (218-327-4490). 42898 W Send Lake Dr.Bovey 55709, 218-326-4450. steff0060te.umn.eduSTEFFEN Scoll G. Info Tech Prof (UniversityFoundetion)'Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Coda2011 (626-8556), 66n Clearwater Creek Dr. UnoLakes 55038. 651-762-8685.


STEFFENS Jo, Asst Program Dir (Canter ForEducational Programs) 115 Yin H, Del Code 0412(625-2861). staff0030tc.umn.eduSTEFFENSON Brian J. Prof (Plant Pathology) 495BorH. ,Del Code 8030 (825-4735; 625-6n6).bsleffanOtc.umn.aduSTEFFENSON Suzanne M. Editor (VaterinaryTeaching HOSpf1aIs) 225 VetTeachHosp, 1365Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, oelCode 6194.steff052Otc.umn.eduSTEFFES James P,lnfo Tech Prof (Office 01Budget & Finance) 313 MorH. Del Coda 0283(626-1690). 1400 S 2nd Apt AS03, Mpls 55454, ,359-9139,, page 740-4188STEFFES Mary T. Teaching Spec (NUrsing. SChOI-Prog & Res) 6-136 WDH. Del Coda 1331(624-3123).3528 47th Ava S. Mpls 55406,724-9095. steffOO50tc.umn.eduSTEFFES Michael W. Pro! (Lab Mad'lCine &Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo. Del Coda 8609, 8203Mayo (624-8164). staffOOl Ote.umn.eduSTEGEMAN ChaJtes A. Assoc Pro!(HeaIthPartners) ObIGyn Dept. 205 S Wabasha. StPaul 55107 (651-2il3-8100), 1465 BridgeviewTerrace, Eagan 55121, stegeOO30te.umn.eduSTEGEMAN MIchalaG. Community/ClinicalPreceptor (Heatth Partners) 2829 University AveSE. Mpis 55414. 2225 Rogers Court. MendolaHghts 55120. 651-683-0082.stegeOO50te.umn.eduSTEGER Brell M. Laboratory Animal Attendanl(Rasearch Animal Resources) MMC ~9 Mayo. DelCods 8069, 1-525 PWB(624-5686), 409 UniversityAve SE Ap16. MpIs 55414.763-234-0039.stege0150tc.umn.aduSTEGER John G. Asst Coach (UMO-Athletics) 170SpHC. 10 University Drive. 55812 (218-726-8168).1325 Lincoln Park Dr. Duluth 55806-1130.218-525-8374, jslegarOd.umn.eduSTEGER Michael F. Asst Prof (Psychology) N-218EItH, 75 East River Road, Mpis 55455, Del Code3281. steg00430te.umn.eduSTEGMEIR Matthew J. R_rch Asst (AerospaceEngrlMechanics). Teaching Asst (AarospaceEngrlMachanics) Aerospace Engr and Mechanics.Room 107 AkerH. 110 Union St SE. MpIs 55455,DeICode 0731. 218-875-3304.steg00440tc.umn.eduSTEGORA Noel. Attendanl (Dining Canter) 167BAH. Del Coda 8090 (625-8157). 1084 E LawsonAve, St Paul 55106, 651-n4-1845,stegoOO10tc.umn.eduSTEHLIK Barry J. Sr Ole Spec (G G-Acsd ServCtr) 140 Ap H. Del Coda 3501 (626-8156). 125Wast Grant Sinsel. Apl306. Mpls 55403.374-3588. stehIOO30tc.umn.eduSTEHR Angela J. Prin Administrative Spec(Cartson Business Call18r Canter) 1-110CariSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (625-0583).stehrOO20tc.umn.eduSTEIER Chuck. Ole Supv (Police Depertmenl) 100TSB, Del Code 1981 (626-7686; 624-7828) 'STEIGMAN Karen F. PhD Candidate TeachingAsst (English) 790 CivE. Del Coda 0613.stei03030tc.umn.aduSTEIN Alexandra I. Greduate School Fellow(Sociology). Ph 0 Candldale Grad Instructor(Sociology) I 123 Social Science, Del Coda 7171(624-0201), stelO3010tc.umn:eduSTEIN Andreas, Prof (Room 219 Smith) 207Pleasant Street SE. Del ,Code 3681(624-1802).stein0500tc.umn.eduSTEIN Jerome A. Sr Fellow (SoCial Work. Schoolof). Extansion Educator/Asst Prof (Extension 4HCIT for Youth Dev) Sle 2708 McNamaraCtr; W245Boyn HS. Del Coda 2016 (621-624-7187). 51Barton Ave SE. MpIs 55414. 623-9404.stei!10350tc.umn.eduSTEIN Joyce K. Community Health Coordinator(Pedialrtca) MMC 491 Mayo, Del Code 8491.13-110 Moos T (626-4725). stein0160te.umn.aduSTEIN Linda G. CommunitylClinical Preceptor(HIth Svcs ResearchlPolicy) ,MMC 729 Mayo. DelCoda 8729. sleinl050tc.umn.eduSTEIN Marvin L. Prof (Retired) (ComputerSciencelEnginaering). 98 MaicoJm Ave SE. Mpls55414.stain0020tc.umn.eduSTEIN Mary T. PerSonnel Spec (Office ofInformation Technology). Del Coda 0322(626-7801). stein0940tc.umn.eduSTEIN Meaghan E. Teaching Asst (Psychology)N-218 EltH, 75 East River Road. MpIs 55455, DelCode 3281, 240 W Grandview Ave. Apt312.Roseville 55113. 651-486-8892.mestelnOte.umn.adu

-- -,~~~---~-------------:--:-------------------------------"'T"---


STEIN Robert A, Prof (law School) Room 285MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code7911, [email protected]

STEIN Steven 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Health; Neurology) Mpls Clinic 01Neurology, W414 Meadowbrook Bldg, St LouisPark 55426, slein05ll0tc.umll.eduSTEIN Wayne A, Prof (Retired) (Astronomy), 1920First Street S, Apt 1807, Mpls 55454,steinOOl @lc.umn.eduSTEINBACH Michael S, Research Fellow(Computer SCi & Eng) Room 4·192 EElCSCi, DelCode 057; (626-8083; 626-7515),[email protected]

STEINBERG Norman I, Adjunct Asst'Prof (V AMedical Center) Cae Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417,5133 Gartield Ave S, Mpis 55419, 827-6087·,[email protected] Roger A, Asst Prof (Retired).(UMExtension Southeast Dist OIc) 863 30th Ave SE,Rochester 55904-4915 (507-280-2867), 2413Alpine Ln NW, Rochester 55901, 507-288-9263,[email protected] Julia, Assoc Prof (Pediatrics)MMC 94 Mayo, Del Code 8094,118 VCR C(626-2755), stein0550tc.umn.eduSTEINER Jodi L, Community Program Asst (UMCRetired Sr Vol Prgm) 247 Student Center,Crool<ston 56716 (218-281-8289), 1418 St Mary'sDr, Crool<ston 56716, 218-281-1661,[email protected] Karen R, Adjunct Asst Prof(HealthPartners Woodbury Clinic) IntemalMedicine, 8450 Season Pkwy, Woodbury 55125,206 WalWick Street SE, MpIs 55414,[email protected] MDMarie E, Assoc Prof (Pediatrics)MMC 484 Mayo, Del Code 8484, 0-557 Mayo(626-2778), stein0830tc.umn.eduSTEIN~ Susan, Administrative Professional(SChool of Dentistry) 15-209 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291 (624-2424), 10067 Antrim Ct,Woodbury 55129, 651-739-4557,steinerOtc.umn.eduSTEINHAGEN Greg, Mgr, Research AnimalFacilities (Research Animal Resources) MMC 69Mayo, Del Code 8069,1-525 P W B (626-7024),[email protected] Virginia I, Sr lacturer (Geonan,Scandinavian, and Dutch), Lecturer (German,scandinavian, and Dutch) 209 Fol H, Del Code0143 (625-9350), 2019 James Avenue, St Paul55105-1721,651-698-6257, stein0930tc.umn.eduSTEINHAUSER Fredric R, Prof (Retired) (GeneralCollege), 1269 NCleveland Ave Apt6B, St Paul55108-1827, stein0080lc.umn.eduSTEINHAUSER Mark A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MnHealth-Scanic Hills Clinic) 261 Ruth St, Sf Paul55119,2497 Arcade St, Little Canada 55109,stein0340tc.umn.eduSTEINHOFF Dillne M, Asst Department Dir (MNAlumni Association) Room 200 McNamara Ctr:DelCode 2009 (625-9162), 1510 Covey Drive, RiverFells WI 54022, 715-426-0550,steinl020lc.umn.eduSTEINHORST Merie A, Sr Technical Spec (ADM)Sutte 229 WBOB, Del Code 7531, 9649 Quanticolane North, Maple Grove 55369,763-420-5336,stein0760lc.umn.eduSTEINKE Isaiah P, Teaching Assf (Electricsl &Computer Eng) EElCSCI 5-147C, Del Coda 0572(625-9536; 626-7184), 3112 45th Ave S, Mpls55406, [email protected] Melanie L, OIc Spec (AmericanStudies) 104 SCott Hall, Del Code 3231(625-9584), [email protected],STEINMETZ Kurt M, Lead loemaker, MariucciArena (Intercollegiate Athletics) 137 Mar A, DelCode 2892 (625-5587), 7607 Jensen Ave S.Cottage Grove 55016, 651-459-0442,stein0870tc.umn.eduSTEINNES Donald N; Prof (UMD EconomiCS) 178SBE, 412 Ubrary Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8243),7723 E lawis Ave, Scottsdale t>;Z85257,480-421-6306, [email protected] Susan C, Ass! Ubrarian (James Ford BellLibrary) 462 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (624-7040),stekllOO20tc.uinn.eduSTEKERT Ellen J, Prof (Retired) (EnglishLanguage &Lh) 207 Und H, Del Code 0613(625-3363), 4917 Lyndale Ave So, Mpts 55409,824-7003, [email protected]

STELLER Matthew M, Jr SCientist (DMEDPhysioiogy & Pharmacology) 397 SMed, 0606,1035 University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8953),218·722-0784, steIOO620d.umn.eduSTELLMACH Scott J, Jr Scientist (DMEDPhysiology & Pharmacology) 397 SMed, 1035Universtty Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6683), 1223W 4th Street, Duluth 55806, 218-341-9715,steI00950d.umn.eduSTELLMACK Mark A, Research Assoc(Psychology), Lecturer (Psychology) N218 ER H,Del Code 3281 (825-8557), steI1OO60tc.umn.eduSTEULPFLUG Kari J, TlI8ching Spec (Educ Prgm,Inst Tech Ctr lor, UM Rochaster) 4 Vincent Hall,Del Code 0412 (625-2861), 728 E 10th St, Winona55987,507-474-1995, robin121 Otc.umn.eduSTELMAN Deniel J, Business Analyst (EnterpriseFin Sys Proj), Del Code 7523 (624-0435), 5924 W35th St AptB, St Louis Park 55416,763-913-0100,[email protected] Barbara A, Library Manager (WilsonMaterials Acq & Control) 160 OMWL, Del Code7111 (625-6074), 464410th Ave So, MpIs55417,823-4597, [email protected] Kim A, Prof (Mechanicel Engineering),Lecturer (Chemistry) Room 311 MechE, Del Code0691 (625-6528), 5605 Hillside Ct, Edina 55435,952-828-0909, [email protected] Brian L, Info Tech Spec (Army Hgh PerCom Rsrch Ctr) Room 101 1100 Wash, 1100Washington Ave S, Mpts55415, Del Code 7492(626-8087; 626-8077), steItOO50lc.umn.eduSTEMM Mara E, Library Ass! 2'(Wilson InterlibraryLoanILUMINA toU) 110 OMWL, Del Code 7111(624-1806).824-0250, stemOO320lc.umn.eduSTEMPEL Jarrold M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyMedlcinelComm Health; Medicine) North Clinic,3366 Oakdale, Suite 215, Mpls 55422, 662 FoeldWay, Edina 55436, stemp0020lc.umn.eduSTEMPER James A, Assoc Ubrarian (COMElectronic Resources) 499 OMWL, Del Code 7111(624-7082), stempOO30lc.umn.eduSTENACH William, Uthographar (Printingservices) 102 PSB, Del Code 5401 (625-9500),979 Loi,s Ln, Uno lakes 55014, 651-788-8237,stenaOOl @lc.umn.eduSTENDAHL Berbara 0, Communtty ProgramAssoc (UM Extension Dakota Cnty) Ste 101, 4100220th St W, Farmington 55024-9539; 1605 l60thStreet East, Rosemount 55068 (651-480-7700),[email protected] Chalies G, Adjunct Prof (ReslO<ativeSci-Prosthodonlics) 9-470 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-6969), 14049 Dunbar Ct, Apple Valley 55124,stend0010tc.umn.eduSTENDE Gregory W, Adjunct Ar>soc Prof(Preventive Sci-Periodontology) 7·368 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (825-5400),5742 Donegal Dr,

. Shoreview 55126,651-484-0434,stend0020lc.umn.eduSTENDER Bruce H, Building and Grounds Worker(MN landscape Arboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613 (952-443-1400 x5006),stendOO30tc.umn.eduSTENE Frik N, Ass! Prof (Children's Hospttals &Clinics) 2525 Chicago Ave S, Mpls 55404(813-617~), [email protected] Heather M, InstNctor(UMD-Composition) 324 KPLz, 1206 Kirby Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7360), 2326 W 5th St,Duluth 55806, hstenemaOd.umn.eduSTENEMANN Erik A, sergesn) of Polica (PoliceDept) 100 T S B, Del Code 1981 (624-3550),[email protected] Jan M, Bookstore Dept Supv (U ofM Bookstore (Coffman Store)) Room G54 CMU,Del Code 1051 (625-3000; 626-2076),frits0040tc.umn.eduSTENGER Jerry, Education Spec (Carlson MgmtOIc of the Dean) 4-325 CariSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-7380),2006 Portland Avenue, St Paul 55104,651-917-2671, steng0260lc.umn.eduSTENHJEM Pamela H, Education Spec(Communtty Intergration, Inst 01) 6 Pattee Hall, DelCode 4201 (625-3863), 14341 Glenda Dr, AppleValley 55124,952-431-2083,huntxOl00lc.umn.eduSTENNES Leif M; Graduate SChool Fellow (ChildDevelopment, Inst of), PhD Candidate ResearchAss! (Child Development, Inst of) ChildDevelopr,nent, ChDev, 51 E River Rd, Mpls 55455,Del Code 4011 (626-0353),

STENNE8-ROGNESS Suzanne, Teaching Spec(CCE College in the SChools) Room 202 WesH,Del Code 3831, 3709 24th Ave S, Mpls 55406,[email protected] Nancy J, Prof (ILES) 222 NCCE, DelCode 0095 (624-2529), 2423 Clinton Ave So, Mpls55404, stensonOtc.umn.eduSTENZEL Steven D. Lecturer (Art Department)Room E201 RegisCtr, Del Code 7831 (625-3214),16265 530th Ave, Wells 56097-6500,651-228-7195, stenz0240te.umn.eduSTEPAN Bradley S, Assoc Program Dir (LeamingAbroad Center) 230 Heller Hall, Del Code 7457(626-9299),3129 Colfax Ave S Apt4, Mpls 55406,823-8890, bstepanOlc.umn.eduSTEPANOV PttD Irina, Research Assoc (CanoerCenter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 780Cancer Canter Research Bldg (626-3410), ,'STEPHAN Christina L, Post-Doctoral Fellow (labMedicinelPathology)MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code8729, 12745 Flint lane, Overiand Park KS 66213,913-685-728, steph2200tc.umn.edUSTEPHAN David R, Teaching Spec (Dept ofChemistry) 115 SmtthH, DelQlde 3681, 4430Ceder Ave S, M~1s 55407, 205-0310,steph0440tc.umn.eduSTEPHANE Massoud, Adjunct Asst Prof(Psychiatry; Psychology) Psychiatry, MMC 393,mstephanOlc.umn.eduSTEPHANS Judtth A, Instructor (College 01Pharmacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 1332, 308 HarvardSt SE, Mpls 55455, 8274 Orchid lane North,Maple Grove 55311, 763-420-2576,steph0330lc.umn.eduSTEPttANSON Cindy E, Prin Acoountant(Psychiatry) F282I2A Wast-B, Del Code 8393,F26712A West (273-9841), stephOOSOlc.umn.eduSTEPHENS David W, Prof (Ecology, Evolution &Behavior) 314 Ecology, Del Code 6098 (625-5722),1152 Amble Dr, Arden Hills 55112, 651-638-3989,steph0310tc.umn.eduSTEPHENS Jaffrey J, Adjunct Instructor(Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493,9-231 PWB (625-4400), steph0380lc.umn.eduSTEPHl'NS Lu A, Teaching Spec (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burton, Del Code 3171(624-6083), [email protected] Stephen, Prin laboratory Technician(Genetics, Cell Biology, & Development) 4-228MolCeliBlo, Del Code 1217, 1364 Victoria Street N,St Paul 55117, 651-489-3531,steph0340tc.umn.eduSTEPHENSON James H, Head Coach(Intercollegiate Athletics), Teaching Spec(Kinesiclogy, School 01) 025 Pelk G, Del Code3061 (624-0514), stephOO70tc.umn.eduSTEPHENSON Jamie L, R_rch Asst (History)Room 614 SocSci, 26719th Ave S, Mpts 55455,Del Code 7165, camp04360lc.umn.eduSTEPHENSON Margaret 0, Head Coach(Intercollegiate Athletics) G35 Peik G, Del Code3061 (625-6576), stephOI80lc.umn.eduSTEPHNEY Kari L, Police OIer (POliceDepartment) 100 TSB, Del Code 1981,stephneyOlc.umn.eduSTERUNG Jacque6ne C, Exec AdministrativeSpec (Transplant Information services) DlnnakenOffice Bldg, Del Code 2131 (624-5453),steriOO50tc.umn.eduSTERN Erica B, Assoc Prof (Physical Med &Rehabilhation) MMC 388 Meyo, Del Code 8388,271 Ch RC (626-2799), 439 Brimhall St, St Paul55105, stemOOl Olc.umn.eduSTERN Gwen B, Coordinator (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 245 PeikH, 159 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 4301 (624-9147),2401HumboR Ave S, Mpts 55405, ster00620tc.umn.eduSTERN Joshua J, Ass! Prof (V A Medical Center)Pet Imaging Center, One Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417(725-2000 x4258), 1785 Venus Ave, Arden Hills55112,651-636-6766, stemoI40lc.umn.eduSTERN laurie J, Teaching Ass! (SChOOl ofJoumalism) 300 Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371(625-8370), stemI300tc.umn.eduSTERN Marshall 0, Prof (Animal Science) 180AHckrH, Del Code 6118 1624-9296),1915 Field Ave,St Paul 55116. 651-699-2305.stem0020lc.umn.eduSTERN Wayne L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (920 E 28thSt, Suite 700) Mpis 55407, 4014 15th Ave S, Mpls55407,

STERNBERG James H, Ass! Prof (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, 8058 VictoriaWay, St Louis Park 55426,952-836-1225,[email protected] Steven P, Assoc Prof (UMDChemical Engineering; UMD TechSystemslServices), Adjunct Ass! Pro! (UMDContinuing Education) 227 Engl, 1303 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6165), 320 EBuffaioSt, Duluth 55811, sstembeOd.umn.eduSTERNER JeanneJ, AQiunct Instructor (Dept 01Architecture) Room 145 RepsonH, Del Code 0811,4712 Isabel Ave, Mpls 55406,722-3842,[email protected] Robert W, Prof(Ecology, Evol!J\ion &Behavior) 100 Ecology, Del Code 6098 (625-6790),[email protected] Steven P, Assoc Prof (HennepinCounty Medical Center) Emergency Medicine no825, 701 Park Ave S, Mpls 55415,[email protected] Susan M, OIc Spec (ADCS) Room 190ShepLab, Del Code 0771 (624-5089), 9820 CordSt NE, Blaine 55014, 763-792-3538,stemerOlc.umn.eduSTERRIE Norman, Asst Prof (Pediatrics) 4638 WLake Harriet Parkway, Mpis 55410.stenOO10tc.umn.eduSTERTZ Tom, Coordinator (WCFE) 2100 VoTechEd Bldg, 1954 Bulord Avenue, Mail Delivery Code6197, St ~aul55106 (625-7250), 7304 ClintonAvenue South, Richfield 55423, 869-3697,sterOI120tc.umn.eduSTERUD Steve, Non Univ Staff (UMM Computingservices) 10 Behmler MorrisSTETS Ted, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Ecology Evolution and Behavior) 415 Ecology, DelCode 6098, 3153 34th Ave S, Mpls 55406-2167,stetOO220tc.umA.eduSTETSENKO OIana V, Assoc Education Spec (Ctrfor TeachlnglLeaming Svc) Room 315 SCiCB, DelCode 356t (625-3829), 11079 Oregon Curve,Bloomington 55438, 952-835-8673, •STEUER Kathryn L, Adjunct Asst Prof (ParkNicollet Clinic) 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd, St LouisPark 55416,354 Stonebridge Blvd, St Paul 55106,steue0040lc.umn.eduSTEVENS Chris, Exec Ass! (UMD FacMgmt-Sporls Fac Support) 197 SpHC, 1216Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7387),22513th St, Proctor 55810, cstevensOd.umn.eduSTEVENS Derek M, Research Asst (Chem Eng &Materiel SCience) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (626-2021), 157 SE Williams Ave, Mpls55414,847-445-6758, [email protected] Eric R, Professional SChool Fellow(NeuroScience) Rm 6-145 JacH, Del Code 1216(626-5813),2596 Forest Street, Maplewood 55109,651-415-2703, steVOI160tc.umn.eduSTEVENS James G, AnaIystIProgrammer (ADM)Room 660 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (624-0354), 286South Exchange St, Saint Paul 55102,651-848-0471, stevOOI40lc.umn.eduSTEVENS James M, Graduate SChool Fellow(Global Studies, Inst lor), Teaching Ass! (Ub ArtsTechnology, Col of; English, language/Uerature)ILASLL, Room 214 NCCE, 315 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0095,steveI250tc.umn.aduSTEVENS Kerry A, Building and Grounds Worker(Rosemount Research Center) 15325 BabcockAve, Rosemount 55068, steve0970lc.u,mn.eduSTEVENS Kimberiy A, Teaching Spec (Spanish &Portuguese) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (625-Q010),651-228-1784, steveQ520tc.umn.eduSTEVENS Mary J, Sr SCientist (Epidemiology) 300WBOB, Del Code 7525 (626-9428), 719 S ShoreDr, Amery WI 54001, 715-268-7794,steve0040tc.ufTln.eduSTEVENS Meftssa R, Program Assoc (PediatricsDepartment) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,GME Office (626-5655),1508 16th Ave S, St Cloud56301,320-229-2931, stevel390tc.umn.eduSTEVENS Michelle L, InstNctor (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 6391, steve0440tc.umn.eduSTEVENS Samuel 0, Research Asst (Biochem,Molecular Biology, & Bioph) 5-184 MCB, Del Code1214 (825-5190), 3641 92n(j Ave NE, circle pines55014, 481-2702, [email protected] Stanley C, Assoc Prof (Retired) (AppliedEcon) l30C Cia OII,Del Code 6040 (625-8770),3265 East l30th Street, Dundas 55019,507-663-7907,


,STEVENS TlIIlOIhy J, Web Development Proj Mgr(Web Development) Room 237 WOOB, Del Code7531 (626-9994), [email protected]

STEVENS Victoria L, 4-H Sec (UM ExtensionGoodhue Cnty) Govemment Center Rm 201, 509W 5th St, Red Wing 55066-2540 (651-385-3100),

STEVENSON'Anne M, ExtensionEducatorlProfessor (UM Extension Regl ClrAndover) Bunker Hms Activities Center, 550Bunker Lake Blvd NW Ste L-l, Andover55304-4199 (763-767-3883);[email protected]

STEVENSON David E, Guard (UMM CampusPolice) Room 9 Cam, M257A, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267, [email protected]

STEVENSON David H, Assoc Curator (MNLandscape Arboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613 (952-443-1420),[email protected]

STEVENSON Dawn, Sign Language Interpreter(UMD Disability Sves and Resources) 216 KSC,0129, 1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 .(218-726-6129), [email protected],edu

STEVENSON Deanne M, Instructor (FairviewSouthdale Hospital) 6401 France Ave S, Edina55435-2199,1640 W Hwy 36 Apt141 , Roseviile55113,

STEVENSON Drew, Help LinefTraining Consultant(ADCS) Room 190 ShepLab, 100 Union 51 SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0771, 565 Portland AvenueApt104, Seint Paul 55102, 651·208·9102,

STEVENSON Eric B, Prin Laboratory Technician(Veterinary Diagnostic Labs) E220 VetDL, 1333Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6184(625-1298),3016 W 102noSt, Bloomington 55431,396·1004, [email protected]

STEVENSON PHD Jean M, Asst Prof (UMDEducation), Adjunct Asst Prot (UMD ContinuingEducation) 120 MonH, 1211 Ordean Court, Duluth55812 (218-726-7451),510 Kenilworth Ave, Duluth55803,218-724.1914, [email protected]

STEVENSON Jenoller L, Scientist (Epidemiology)300 W BOB, Del Code 7525 (626·9456), 516ll1th Lane NW, Coon Rapids 55448,763-754-9688, [email protected]

STEWARD Lori B, Teaching Spec (UMD-Music)231 H, Duluth (218-726-8208), 2026 E 9th St,Duluth 55812, 218·724·0416, [email protected]

STEWART Aaron Keith, Community Program.Assoc (Human Sexuality Program) Room 180WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St, Mpls 55454, Del Code7521, [email protected]

STEWART Bill, Non Univ Staff (UMM ComputingServices) 10 Behmler Morris,[email protected]

STEWART Chel, Human Resources Consultant(Human Resources) Room 200 DonhoweB, DelCode 3122 (625--7320),

STEWART Cheryl, Asst Prof (UMM Divof SocialScience) Room 109 Cam, M249A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267, [email protected]

STEWART Dan, Non Univ Staff (Networking andTelecom Srvcs) 2218 University Avenue SE Mpls(625-1355), 832 Woodland Drive, Mahtomedi55115, stewa3460tc.umn.eduSTEWART Dennis, Assoc Prof (UMM SocialSciences, Div of; UMM Cont EduclAegional Prgm;UMM Academic Administration) UMM Div of SocialScience, Room 109 Cam, M249A, 600 E 4lt\ SI,Morris 56267, 124 South Oregon, Morris 56267,stewaridOmorris.umn.eduSTEWART Douglas R, Construction Laborer(CPPM- U of M Construction) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCoda 3121, 14494165th St NE, Foley 56329,320-355-2166, stewa0340tc.umn.eduSTEWART Ida, Non Unlv Staff (UMM ComputingSelVices) 10 Behmler MOrris,stewartiOmorris.umn.eduSTEWART Kristen M, Pos~Doctoral Fellow(Department of Chemistry) 445 Smith Hail, DelCoda 3661, 'STEWART Lorraine G, Assoc Prof (Retired) (LabMedicinelPathology), 1920 Graham Ave Aptl06, StPaul 55116, [email protected]

STEWART Maria L, Teaching Asst (FoodSciencelNutrition HE), Research Asst (FoodSciencelNutrition HE) Food Science and Nutrition,Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Avenue, St Paul55108, Del Code 6099, 3717 E 26th St, Mpls55406, 724-2384, [email protected]

STEWART MeffeMarie, Otc Spec (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church Sf SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331 (624-7375),

STEWART Patricia M, Instructor (Regi,onsHospital) MMC 297 Mayo, Del Code 8297, 640Jackson Street, St Paul 55101 ,

STEWART Peggy T, Exec Administrative Spec(Army Hgh Per Com Rsrch Ctr) Room 101 1100Wash, Del Code 7492 (626-1550),[email protected]

StEWART R Justin, Teaching Asst (ArtDepartment) E237 RegisClr, Del Coda 7831(625-0743),414-574-6984, [email protected]

STEWART Sharon M, Assoc Prof (UMC Business;UMC Distance/Cont Ed, Clr for) 110G SCC,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8202), 766 Big SkyCircle, Grand Forks NO 58203,701-775-9592,[email protected]

STEWART Steven C, Clinical Prof (Clinical &Population Sciences) 225 Vet Tch Hos, Del Code6190 (625-4293), 7840 Bristol Rd. Woodbury55125,651-730-6645, [email protected]

STEWART Thomas M, Mechanic 2 (FacMgmt-Zone 3-Health Services) BI17 Moos T, DelCode 3121 (624-2900), [email protected]

STEYAERT John W, Assoc Prof (Art History)Room 364 HelierH, Del Coda 7055 (624-0520),stey~ool

ST HILL Catherine, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Veterinary PathoBiology) 295 Animal ScienceNetMedicine, Del Code 6010 (624-9741),1764 LincolnAve~ue, St Paul 55105, sthilool

STIBBE Cheryl E, Nursing Professional(Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine) MMC 276Mayo, Del Code 8276, 350 VCRC (625--1435),[email protected]

STICHA Kristina R, Asst Dir Univ Wide (Patent &Technology Mktg) 450 McNamara Alumni Ctr, DelCode 2003 (624-4850),

STICKNEY Thomas A, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Administration) 400Donhowe B, Del Code 3121 (624-9313),[email protected]

STIEFEL Sharon, Non Univ Staff (StudentActivities Office) 1521 University Ave SE Mpls(379-4026),2136 Stanford Ave, St Paul 55105,651-696-1766, stief001

STIEGLER Michael B, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Camden Physicians Ltd) 13600 83rd Way, MapleGrove 55369, [email protected]

STIEHM Andrew J, Medical Fellow (Medicine ­Pulmonary) MMC 276 Mayo, Del Coda 8276, 350VCRC (624-7163), [email protected]

STIENSTRA Ward C, Prof (Retired) (PlantPathology) 495 Bor H, Del Code 6030 (625-6290),6035 McKinley St, Fridley 55432, 763-571-0253,

STIERNAGLE Theresa L, Asst Scientist (Genetics,Cell BiologylDev) 4-114 MoiCeliBio, Del Code 1217(625-2265),1158 Fernwood Ct, Shoreview 55126,651-490-3249, stiertlOl

STIFFLER Krista K, Community Program Spec(Department of Pediatrics) MMC ,491 Mayo, DelCoda 8491, 2314 University Ave no 18 (627-6815;627-6816),251-9804, [email protected]

STIFFMAN Michael N, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Regions Hospital) Fam Medicine Residency Prog,640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101-2502,stiffOO20tc.umn.eduSTIGLER Melisse H, Asst Prof (Epidemiology) 300we 0 e, Del Code 7525 (626-7894), 4540 AldrichAvenue South, Mpls 55409, 822-1897,[email protected] Anita M, Exec Administrative Spec(Carlson School of Management) 3·108CarlSMgmt" Del Code 7041 (624-7511),astilesOtc.umn.eduSTILES Beverly S, Adm Assistant, Operations(Boyn HS) Administration. Del Code 1171(624-5655), [email protected]

STILES Kevin K, Adjunct Asst Prof (Foley MedicalCenter) 471 Hwy 23; PO Box 218, Foley 56329STILL Carol 0, Prin Accountant (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, 13-110PWB(626-5609), [email protected]

STILLERMAN Allan, Adjunct Asst Prof (Allergy &Asthma Spec, PAl Allergy and Asthma, 825Nicollet Mall, Suite 1149, Mpls 55402, 11509Cedar Pass, Minnetonka 55305, 952-544-2921,[email protected]

STILLMAN Arthur E, Prof (Radiology) MMC 292Mayo, Del Code 8292, 1-354N U Hosp (273-1944),', page 899-2600

STILLMAN M Thomas, Adjunct Prof (HennepinCounty Medical Center) Dept Of Medicine, 701Park Ave S, Mpls 55415, 9800 St Johns Rd,Minnetonka 55343, [email protected]

STILLMAN JD MD Martin J, Asst Prof (HennepinCounty Medical Center) General Medicine, 701Park Ave 5, Mpls 55415, 3900 West 28th Street, StLouis Park 55416, [email protected],edu

STILLWELL Thomas J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (NUrology Ltd) Ste 502, Oakdale Medical Bldg,Robbinsdale 55422, [email protected]

STIMAC Missy M, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB, 1936Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code6168,223 95th Lane NW, Coon Rapids 55433,763·784-4775,

STINAR Phyllis H, Ofc Manager (UM ExtensionMarshall Cnty) Courthouse, 208 E Colvin Ave,Warren 56762-1698 (218-745-5232),919 N 7th St,Warren 56762, 218-745-6321,stinaool

STINCHFIELD Patricia A, Adjunct Instructor(Children's Hospitals &Clinics) Mail Stop 60144,345 N Smith Ave, St Paul 55102, 689 FairmountAve, St Paul 55105, [email protected]

STINCHFIELD PHD Randy 0, Research Assoc(Psychiatry) F28212A West·B, Del Code 8393,F282I2A West, 689 Fairmount Ave, St Paul 55105,651-224-4152, stincool

STINE Robert A, Assoc Dean (Nat ResourcesAdmin, Colon, Assoc Dean (Cioquet ForestryCenter), Coordinator (Cloquet Forestry Center)Room 235 Skok Hall St Paul; 175 University RoadCloquet, Del Code 6147 (624·9298;218-726-6403), [email protected]

STINSON Thomas F, Assoc Prof (AppliedEconomics), Program Dir (Applied Economics) 231Cia Off, Del Code 6040 (625-1217),1370 CarlingDr, Apt306, St Paul 55108, 651-647-0501,[email protected]

STIRLING Susan 0, Teaching Spec(Communication Studies) 288 Ford Hall, Del Code0456 (624-3309),

STISH Bradley J, Research Asst (TheraputicRadioiogy) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609, 590CCRB (626-4323), 7408 Imperial Rd, Royalton56373-3940.320-282'5047, [email protected]

STISH Richard J, Asst Prof (Relired) (Physiology)1-155 Jac H, Del Code 1215 (625-1646), 3511Maplewood Dr NE, Mpls 55418, 789-4983,

STITZEL Joel 0, Info Tech Prof(Admissions-Support SelVices) 240 Wmson H, DelCode 0171 (625-0824), sti1zOOl

STlVLAND Polly A, Prin Administrative Spec(Continuing Medical Education) 190 MacNamaraCenter, Del Code 2016,

STWLAND Todd A, Adjunct Instructor (SMDCHennantown) 4855 W Arrowhead Rd. Duluth55811 (763-476-6776)

STJOHN Mary K, Assoc Prof (General College)340 ApH, Del Code 3501, 635 Maple Park Drive,Mendota Heights 55118, [email protected]

STOCK Holly H, Statistician (School of Nursing)Room 6-101 WDH, Del Code 1331 (626·2473),1121 Laurel Avenue, St Paul 55104,651-224-6135, [email protected]

STOCKE James C, Operations Supv, Faclts Mgmt(Facilities Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB"Del Code1291 (624-7278),89 375th Avenue NW,Stanchfield 55080, 763-786-7362,stockOOS@tc.,umn.eduSTOCKE John, Maintenance Equipment Oper(Facilities Mgmt-Bldg Services, Wast) CornaY, DelCoda 5301 (626-1777),7265 331st Avenue NE,Princeton 55371, 763-389-8657,[email protected] Goren K, Prof (German,Scandinavian & Dutch) 322 Fo1 H, Del Code 0143(625-7506), stockool Otc.umn.eduSTOCKMAN Carol R, Prin Administrative Spec(UMD Mathematics/Statistics) 140 SCC, 0177,1117 University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8747),222 W Kant Rd, Duluth 55812, 218·724-8205,[email protected]

STOCKWELL Cory, Teaching Asst )CulturalStudies & Comparative Lite) 408 Folwell Hall, DelCode 0147 (624-2637;.624-8099), 301-605 RiverAve, Winnipeg MB R3L OE7Canada,807-852-3231, [email protected]


SToCKWELL Jason 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof (UMDBiology) 211 LSci, 1110 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(2111<-726-6262; 218-728-6611)

STODDARD Ma!thew 0, Teaching Asst (CulturalStudies & Comparative Ute) 408 Folwell Hall, DelCode 0147 (624-2638; 624-8099), 3030 EmersonAve South, Mpls 55408, [email protected]

STODDARD Serah A, Adjunct Instructor (Nursing,SChool on, Research Ass! (Nursing, School on,Graduata School Trainee (Nursing, School 01)School of Nursing, Room 5-160 WOK, 308 HalVardSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1331, 1152 LincolnAve Apt2, St Paul 55105, 481-2664,[email protected]

STODIECK Velia I, Nutrition Education Asst (UMExtension Hennepin Cnty) 479 Prairie Center DrSte 2, Eden Prairie 55344-5378 (596-2127), 8912Knox Ave So, Bloomington 55431, 952-884-5094,stodiool @tc.umn.sdu

STODOLA Timothy J, Jr Scientist (Entomology)219 HodsonH, Del Code 6125 (624-3423), 62922nd Ave SE, Mpls 55414,331-9295,[email protected]

STOE Alicia 0, Student Personnel Worker (UMCAdmsnlEnrl Mgmtl Room 1700, 2900 UniversityAve, Crookston 56716 (218-281-8570),805 N 43rdSt, Apt C27, Grand Forks NO 58203,[email protected]

STOE Robert C, Ventilation Mechanic (UMC PlantSelVices) Room 2 Kiser B, 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8483), 617 N Front St,Crookston 56716, 218-281-1337,stoe.oOl0mail.crk.umn.ed

STOE Tammy K, Building and Grounds Worker(Ag Research Center) 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716, 617 N Front St, Crookston56716,218-281-1337, [email protected]

STOECKMAN Angela K, Post-Doctoral Fellow(Medicine Rheumatology Office) MMC 108 Mayo,,Del Code 8108, 6·284 BSBE (625-2686),[email protected]

STOEHR Mary L, Prin Administrative Spec (LawSch Instr-Faculty Support) 333 Law, Del Coda7911 (625-7540), [email protected]

STOEVER Sarah K, Teaching Asst (Psychology)N-218 EltH, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3281, Apt 2, 2723 Hennepin Ave, Mpls55408,870-1752, [email protected]

STOFFEL Jennller A, Clinical Asst Prof (7115Northland Terrace, Suite 500) Brooklyn Park55428, [email protected]

STOFFEL John R, Operations Supv, Faclts Mgmt(FacMgmt-ZOI1e-1-St Paul) Room 202 FMB, DelCode 6168 (647-7278), [email protected]

STOfFEL Michael J, Assoc Editor (UniversityPress) 111 3rd Ave S Suite 290, Del Coda 7481(627-1982; 627-1970),651-645-9607,[email protected]

STOFFREGEN Thomas, Prof (Kinesiology) 202BCooke Hall, Del Code 2061 (626-1056), 1842Moore Street, Falcon Heights 55113,[email protected]

STOFFREGEN Tonia T, Development OIer(carlson School Development) 4·313 carlSMgmt,Del Code 7041 (626-7104), stQff0060tc.umn.eduSTOFLET Barb, Non Univ Staff, University OfMinnesota Mpls (952-938-0068),stofiOOI @tc.umn.eduSTOHL Karen K, Exec Administrative Spec(Journalism &Mass Comm, Sch Of) 111 Mur H,Del Coda 0371 (625--2576),7\32 12th Ave So,Richfield 55423, 869-7873, [email protected] Jann 5, Ass! Coach (IntercoilegiateAthletics) 260A BFAB, Del Code 3061 (626-9367),922 Cherokee Avenue, West Saint Paul 55118,[email protected]

STOKES Joshua P, Program Assoc (Depi ofMedicine Education Office1 MMC 284 Mayo, DelCoda 8284, 14-100 PWB (625-1670),stokOO27,Otc.umn.eduSTOLARSKA Magdalena, Post-Doctoral Assoc(School of Mathematics) 270C VinH, Del Coda0412 (624-8389),

STOLARSKI Henryk K, Prof (Civil Engineering;Anny HPC Research Center) 122 Civ E, Del Code0851 (625--2501),5204 Knox Av S, Mpls 55419,929-3666,

STOLEE Curtis N.. Adjunct Prof (St Peter Clinic)622 Sunrise Dr, St Peter 58082, 826 N 9th St, StPeter 56082, stoIeOO50tc'

STOLL JR Gary L, Admini$trative Professional(Printing Services) lOOP S B, Del Coda 5401(626-8965; 625--9500), [email protected]


STOLLE SCHMIDT Laura C, Prin AdministrativeSpec (Surgery) MMC 207 Mayo, Del Code 8207,Am 337 DVCCRC (626-5328),[email protected]

STOLPESTAD Amy 0, Teaching Spec (Curriculumand InstNClion) Room 159 PeikH, Del Code 4301(625-4006), 1397 Summn Avenue, Saint Paul55105,651-330-0886, [email protected] Jill L, Assoc Prof (Primary DentalCare; Dental Education, Continuing) Room 9-3720Moos T, Del Code 1291 (625-5651),4115 ReilandLn, Shoreview 55126, 651-484-8789,[email protected] MD John J, Adjunct Asst Prof(125 Unity Prefessionel Bldg) 500 NE Osborne Rd,Fridley 55432, 6085 McGinty Rd W, Wayzata55341, [email protected] Lowell I, Asst Prof (FMC) 5 WestLake, Mpls 55408, 305 Gramercy Ave N, Mpls

. 55405,317-5254,

STOLUSKY Thomas J, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, [email protected] Mark R, Research Assoc(Mechanical Engineering), Lecturer (CCE ContProfl Educ Inst~) Room 272 MechE, Del Code0691 (625-8354), [email protected] Eileen F, Community Health Supv(Restorative Sci-Prosthodontics) 9-176A Moos T,Del Code 1291 (625-3943), [email protected],eduSTONE BNce R, Product Manager (WebDevelopment) Room 660 waOB, Del Code 7531(625-6402),4640 Elliot Ave S, Mpls 55417,822-6997, [email protected] Clarke J, Exec Administrative Spec (ChemEngr & Materials Science) 421 Washington AveSE, Del Code 0531 (624-5763),[email protected] Curt, Administrative Professional (FaeMgmt-Zone 2-West Bank) 57 Heller Hall, Del Code3121 (624-6089), [email protected] Debra J, Community Program Assoc(General Pediatrics &Adolescent Hea) Suite 260McNamara Center, 200 oak St SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 2016 (626-1379), dstoneOtc.umn.eduSTONE Frederic M, Assoc Prof (Children's Mpls)Heart Clinic, no 106, 2545 Chicago Ave S, Mpls55404, stone019C1tc.umn.edUSTONE III James R, Assoc Prof (Work, Community& Family Educ) 425 Vo Tech, Del Code 6197(624-1795), stoneOO30tc.umn.eduSTONE Jan, Asst Librarian (Law Library) 120Waller F Mondala Hall, Del Code 7911,stone3250tc.umn.eduSTONE Janice L, Instructor (Reden &Anders Ltd)Suite 3430, 60 S 6th St, Mpls 55402,952-541-7465, [email protected], Joseph A, Info Tech Mgr (Acad HealthCenter Dept, Family Med) 2nd Floor DinnakenBldg, Del Code 2131 (624-3192),889-4243,[email protected] Ka~a R, Research ASS! (Curriculum andInstNction) Room 125 PeikH, 159 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 4301 (625-5894), 4850Dona Ln, Mpls 55422,763-521-4165,[email protected],eduSTONE Ken, Teaching Spec (Joumalism) 111Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371 (625-5539), 3231Canterbury Ct, Woodbury 55125, 651-739-4153,stonel040tc.umn.eduSTONE"Laura 5, Asst Prof (Neuroscience), AdjunctASS! Prof (Anesthesiology), Research Assoc(Neuroscience) Rm 6-145 JacH, Del Code 1216(625-4487), stone0230tc.umn.eduSTONE Laurie R, Research Asst (Plant Biology)250 Biological Sciences Center, 1445 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6022, 2888 Joppa Ave SApt2oo, Mpls 55416, 732-225-3817,[email protected] Melissa M, Assoc Prof (HHH Inst PublAff-Inst) 149 H H H Ctr, Del Code 7451 (624-3844),1656 Garden Ave, FaiC8n Hts 55113,651-646-7215, stoneo390tc.umn.eduSTONE Paul C, ASS! Prof (Humphrey Inst of PublicAffair) Room 130 HHHCtr, Del Code 7451(624-2800), stone0690tc.umn.eduSTONE Susan K, Sr Ofc Asst (MN LandscapeArboretum) 3675 Arboretum Dr, Chaska55318-9613, [email protected]·KOEHLER Cynthia L, ASS! Prof(Pediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo, Dei Code 8391,12170 Deepwoods CT, Rosemount 55068-3563,651-455-9615, [email protected]

STONEMAN Jean L, Nursing Professional(General Clinical Research Center) MMC 504Mayo, Del Code 8504, M-235 Masonic Bldg(624-0104), [email protected] NUNNELEY Judy, Lecturer (DesignHousing & Apparel) 270 McNeal Hail, Del Code6136 (624-9233), [email protected] Kathleen A, Buyer, Travel and Athletics(Purchasing) 5550 WOOB, Del Code 7532(624-1696), [email protected] Linda K, Medical ASS! (AHC-CUHCC) CU H C C, Del Code 7851 (638-0700), 520Eastwood Ct, Eagen 55123, 651-687-9968,[email protected] Nail T, Prof (UMD-History) 211 A BAH,Duluth (218-726-7207), 811 Kenwood Ave, Duluth55811,218-728-5442, 'STORCK Kay M, Building and Grounds Worker(Residential Life-UMM) 301 H L, Morris 56267(320-589-6475), 14168 440th Avenue, Morris56267,320-795-2421, [email protected]·HENRICKSEN Jili M, Sr Laborer (WestCentral Research & Outreach Ct) 46352 State Hwy329, Morris 56267, 39968170th Street, Cyrus56323, [email protected] James B, Extension Educator/AsstProf (MN Ext Svc Tech Unit Northwest), AssocProgram Dir (MN Ext Sve Tech Unit Northwest) UMExtension Polk Cnty, Municipal BUilding, PO Box69, Mcintosh 56556-0069 (218-563-2465), 240Second St SE, MCintosh 56556, 218-563-2349,stordahiOtc.umn.eduSTORDALEN Christopher J, Info Tech Supv(Leamlng Abroad Center) 230 Heller Hall, DelCode 7457 (625-6490), stordOO50tc.umn.eduSTOREBO JaniCa S, Communily Program Spec(Veterinary Outreach) 440 Vet Tch Hos, Del Code6194 (624-3434), 3106 Pierce Street NE, Mpls55418,781-5046, stor90030tc.umn.eduSTOREY Kathleen, Non Univ Staff (Agronomy andPlant Genetics) 411 ElG~aug Hall Mpls, 2821 LakeDiane Court, New Brighton 55112,store0010tc.umn.eduSTOREY Lawrence M, Info Tech Supv (ChemEngr & Materials Science) 185 Amund H, Del Code0531 (624-2557), 3030 37th Avenue South, Mpls

, 55406, IstoreyOtc.umn.eduSTORFER Rochelle, Administrative Professional(St Anthony Falls Laboratory) Room 304, Del Code4691 (624-4598), slorfOOl

STORK Benedict H, Teaching Assl (CSCl) 408Folwell Hall, Del Code 0147 (624-2634),[email protected] Erik F, Lecturer (Personal EnrichmentProgram) Room 3600 CofH, 1420 I;:ckles Ave, StPaul'55108, Del Code 6081, stor1OO90tc.umn.eduSTORM Kimbe~y A, AdjUnct Instructor (UMDSociology/Anthropology) 228 CinaH, 1123Universily Dr, Duluth 55812, kstormOd.umn.eduSTORM Nancy M, Teaching Spec (CCE CoI\ege inthe Schools) Room 202 WasH, Del Code 3831,5668 l50th St SE, Prior Lake 55372,952-447-8497, stormOO30tc.umn.eduSTORMS Norma A, Assoc Admin,(UM ExtensionCtr for 4-H Youth Dev) Ste 270B McNamara Ctr,Del Code 2016 (62&3636), [email protected] Mary B, Sr Cashiar (TSB All ThirdFloor) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington Ave SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1983, 11812 Grouse St NW,Coon Rapids 55446-1950, 763-757-2762,storsOOl @tc.umn.eduSTORVICK David A, Prof (Mathematics, Sch Of)109A VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-6398), 4812121hAve So, Mpls 55417, 825-1730,storvOO10tc.umn.eduSTORVICK Eric J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MankatoClinic Ltd) 1230 E Main SI, Mankato 56001, 2509 EMain, Mankato 56001, storvOO30tc.umn.eduSTORVICK Rolf E, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MankatoClinic) 1230 E Main St, Mankato 56001(507-625-1811),106 Momingside Heights,Mankato 56001,507-625-4427,storv0040tc.umn.eduSTORY PHD Mary T, Assoc Dean (Public Health,School of), Assoc DeanIProfessor (Epidemiology;Pediatrics) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (626-6801),storyOOl C1tc.umn.eduSTOTTLEMYER PHD Janet, Teaching Spec (GC-Insl/Prep Math) 368 Ap H, Del Code 3501(626-8250), [email protected] Julie J, Administratiive Asst (UMExtension Lac Qui Pa~e Cnty) Courthouse, 600 6thSt, Madison 56256-1295 (320-598-3325),sto~OO5C1tc.umn,edu

STOTTLER Lynn M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyMedicine/Comm Health), Adjunct Asst Prof (UMDFamily Medicine) Gateway Family Health Clinic,716 Kenwood Ave, Moose Lake 55767(218-485-4491), [email protected] Robin R, Curriculum Coordinator(Coliege of Pharmacy Student Srvcs) 5-110 WDH,Del Code 1332 (625-3936), stoudOOl @tc.umn.eduSTOUFFER Kristin L, Communications Coordinator(School of Public Health) MMC 197 Mayo, DelCode 8197, 0-360 Mayo BUilding (624-4460),[email protected] Michael W, Assoc Prof (Retired) (ArtHistory) Room 306 HelierH, Del Code 7055(624-4874; 624-4500), [email protected] Graeme A, Ph 0 Candidate GredInstNctor (Cultural Studies & Comparative Lita)408 Folweli Hali, Del Code 0147 (624-2637;'624-8099), CSCL - 408 Folweli Hali; 9 PleasantAve SE, University of Minnesota, Mpis55455-0195, 872-0999, [email protected] James H, Prof (Geology & Geophysics) 24Pills H, Del Code 0211 (624-4344), 2223 ScudderSt, St Paul 55108, 651-645-7017,[email protected] Laurence E, Asst Scientist (Genetics, CeliBiology &Dev) 4-121 BSandBE, Del Code 1217(626-0611; 624-9115), [email protected] Paul M, Sr Ofc Spec (Envir Hea~hSciences (SPH» 350 McNamara Ctr, 200 Oak StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 2004 (625-2642),763-521-4297, [email protected] Susan 0, Asst Education Spec (MinnesotaNurses Association) no 140, 1295 Bandana Blvd,St Paul 55108, 2049 Jersey Avenue South, StLouis Park 55426, stoulOOl Otc.umn.eduSTOVER Sandra L, InstNctor (UMD Medicine,School of) Room 113 Med, 0599, 10 University Dr,Duluth 55812STOVER·HANEY Rachael L, AdjunctlnstNctor(School of Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,[email protected] Carrie L, WeblMarketing Coordinator(Coliege of Veterinary Medicine Comm) Room 440VMC, Del Code 6194 (624-5315), 5016 38thAvenue South, Mpls 55417, 630-1051,[email protected] Samuel M, Jr Laboratory Technician(Ecology Evolution and Behavior) 100 Ecology,1987 Upper Buford Circle, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6098,1937 aldrich Ave S, Apt 12,Minneapolis 55403, 763-234-9661,[email protected] Thomas P, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MedicalCenter, P A) 811 SE 2nd St, Little Falls 56345(320-632-6611),11583 Bay View Rd; Little Faits56345, 320-632-3378, stoyxOOl @tc.umn.eduSTOYANOVA Lora S, Teaching Asst (ArtDepartment) Room E201 RegisCtr, 405 21 st AveS, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7831,stoya0060tc.umn.eduST PETER Wendy L, Assoc Prof (Coliege OfPharmacy) 5-110 WDH, Del Code 1332(624-8617), [email protected] PETER PHARMD John, Assoc Prof(Experimental &Clinical Pharmacolog) 7-115AWeaver-Densford HaiL Del Code 1332 (624-5430),[email protected] Michele, Non Univ Staff'(Pediatrics)160 McNamara Alumni Mpls (625-3683),[email protected], page 609-6161STRACK Adam, Assoc Admin (Coliege of HumanEcology) 54 McNeal Hall, Del Code 6142(625-9206), astrackOtc.umn.eduSTRACK Otto 0, Prol (Civil Engineering) 122 CivE, Del Code 0851 (625-3009),23 Black Oak Rd, StPaul 55127, 651-483-0054, str8COO10tc.umn.eduSTRADER J E, Exec Sec (Office of Budget &Finance) 334B Morrili Hali, Del Code 0263(625-4517), [email protected] Gary 0, Cook (Middlebrook DiningServices) SOC MDBK, Del Coda 7651 (625-5009),[email protected] .STRAHAN Francis X, Info Tech Prot (Envrn Hea~h

Sciences) 350 McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2004(625-4304), strahOOl Otc.umn.eduSTRAHAN Micheal B, Building and GroundsWorker (Twin Cities Student Union-MPLS) Room~oo CMU, 300 Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455,Oel Code 1051,721-5390, [email protected] Anna K, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Microbiology), Graduate School Trainee(DiagnosticlBiological Sciences) MMC 196 - 1460Meyo, Del Code 8196,1425 Mayo (624-9934),651-739-6369, [email protected]

STRAIN Kimbe~ey A, Lecturer (English,Language/Literature; Wri1ing, Center for) 337CNCCE, Del Code 0613 (624-1653; 625-2888),[email protected] ,

STRAIT Kelly E, Teaching Asst 'iomedicaiEngineering Dept) Room 7-105 BSandBE, 312Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191, 10041/2 Lowry Ave NE, Mpls 55418,788-0168,[email protected]

STRAIT Kevin B, Medical Fellow (MedicinePulmonary) MMC 276 Mayo, Del Code 8276, 360VCRC (6f6-5031), 7141 2nd Ave South, Richfield55423,382-2218, [email protected]

STRAIT Matthew L, Teaching Asst (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,10041/2 Lowry AveNE, Mpls 55418, 788-0168, [email protected]·Vickie L, Teaching Spec (DCP) 202Wesbrook Hall, 17 Pleasant St SE, Mpis 55455,Del Code 3831, [email protected]

STRAKA Robert J, Assoc Prof (Experimental &Clinicai Pharmacolog) 7-109 Weaver-DensfordHall, Del Code 1332 (624-5663),strakOOl

STRAND Clare 0, Asst Dir, Student Support Sve(Stu Affairs-UMM) 212 Bahm, Morris 56267(320-589-6026), 14397 430th Ave, Morris 56267,320-795-2840, [email protected] Cynthia M, Asst Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Dt!pt Of Dentistry, Del Code 1291,HCMC Oen18I,'701 Park Ave, Mpls 55415,stran037C1tc.umn.eduSTRAND Ella Q, Asst Prof (Retired) (UMCAdministration), Unn 115, 9125 E Purdue Ave,Scottsdale Al85258-5112, [email protected]

STRAND Jens A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FridleyMedical Center) 7675 Madison St NE, Fridley55432, stran0040tc.umn.eduSTRAND Jill R, Departmental Dir (UMO SupportiveServices), InstNctor (UMD Supportive ServiCes) 60C Ctr, Duluth (218-726-7099), iStrand3C1d.umn.eduSTRAND Joyce, Asst Prof (UMD Education; UMDEdlHuman Service Profs), Adjunct Asst Prof (UMDContinuing Education; UMD Education), Lecturer(Educational Policy and Admin) 120 MontH, Duluth(218-726-7233; 218-726-8182),jstrandl C1d.umn.eduSTRAND Judith J, Assoc Development Ofcr(Minnesota Medical Foundation) McNamara AlumniCenter, Del Code 2012, 4528 Columbus AvenueSouth, Mpls 55407-3526, 624-1685,spraIOO30tc.umn.eduSTRAND Keme M, Lab Animal Technician Spec(Vet Teaching Hosp Clinic) 365H Vat Tch Hos, DelCode 6192 (62~8242), 651-6W-5784,[email protected] Linda M, Prof (College Of Pharmacy)3-160 WDH, Del Code 1332 (624-8631),stranool @tc.umn.eduSTRAND Lindsay, Non Univ Staff, University OfMinnesota Mpls (952-936-7595),[email protected] Peter, Instructor (HeMe) 701 Park AveS, Mpls 55415, atran0530tc.umn.eduSTRAND Steven J, Sr BUilding and GroundsWorker (UMD Custodial), 'Icemaker (UMDCustodial) 241 DAde, 1049 Univ,ersily Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-8978), 3202 Rastormel St Aptl,Duluth 55806, 218-940-4973,

STRAND TNdy 0, Nurse Manager (Pediatrics)MMC 491 Mayo, Del Code 8491, 13-152 Moos T(625-6943; 625-2996), 952-997-6594,stran020Cltc.umn.eduSTRANDBERG Kristi L, Research Asst(Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,868 20th Ave SE, Mpls 55414; 651-785-5339,stran0940tc.umn.eduSTRANDE HAASKEN Beth, Communily ProgramAssoc (MN Ext Service East Central) Aitkin CountyExt Office, Courthous, 209 2nd St NW, AUkin56431, Barbara L, Adjunct InstNctor(Central Minnesota Group Hea~h) 1245 15th AveN, St Cloud 56303, 121 4th Ave SE, St Cloud56304, [email protected] Martin J, Asst Prof (RegionsHospital) 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101 ,stran012 C1tc.umn.eduSTRANDQUIST Patty, Teaching Spec (CCECollege in the Schools) Room 202 WesH, DelCode 3831, 5035 Woodlawn Blvd, Mpis 55417,722-6452, [email protected]


SlllANGE MauIll8ll 0, Adjunct InaInIclor (UMOHealth, Phy Ed & Ree) 110 SpHC, DuIu1h, 4605Cambridge St, Duluth 55804, 218-525-2630, .STRANIK Tessa ., 'reaching Ass! (AerospaceEngr and Mechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 UnionSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731, PO Box 253,Eatonville WA 98328, 507-459-4043,stran3220tc.umn.eduSTRAS Devid R, Assoc Prof (450 Walter FMondaIe HalQ, Del Code 7911 (624-2947),dslrasOtc.umn.eduSTRAS8ERG Harriet A, Program Dir (UnivCounseling &Consulting Srvcs) 22 Eddy H, DelCode 4601 (624-3571), 651~726,strasOO10tc.umn.eduSTRASSER Simon T, PhD Candidate TeachingAss! (Astronomy), Graduate School FellGw .(Astronomy) Physics and Astronomy, Room 469APhys, 118 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0331, stra04900tc.umn.eduSTRAte Susan K,Coordinator (Humphray Inst ofPublic Aflalr) Canter lor Nations in Transition, DelCode 7451, sll8tOI70Ic.umn.eduSTRATHY GreggM, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Gillette)8490 Excelsior, St Louis Park 55426,strat0080tc.umn.eduSTRATHY Janette H, Adjunct Prof (Park NicolletMedical Canter) ObIGyn Dept, 3800 Park NicolletBlvd, St Louis Park 55416 (952-993-3262), 54~West Highwood Dr, Edina 55436,stratOO30tc.urnn.eduSTRATHY Kevin M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamHyMediclnelComm Health), Adjunct Ass! Prof(Surgery) Allil Reconstructive and Cosmetic Sur,3366 Oakdale Ave N, Mpls 55422,strat0040tc.umn.eduSTRATTON Tim, Assoc Prof (College ofPharmacy) 386 KPIz, 0897, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth55812,5819 London Road, Duluth 55804,218-525-5811, tstrattoOd.umn.eduSTRATTON Travis 0, Financial Aid BusillessAnalyst (OSF • Undergraduate Services) 210Fraser Hall, Del Code 3395 (628-0750), 815Cleveland Ave S Apt LB, Saint Paul 55116,651-707-5663, stra04OO0tc,umn.eduSTRAUB Terrenoe J, Community .Program Assoc(UM Extension Service Hehnepin Cnty) 479 PrairieCenter Drive, Eden Prairie 55344,strau0970tc.umn.eduSTRAUIiANN Rich, Prin Administrative Spec(Environmental Health & Slilety) W-14O Boyn H S,0aI Code 1171 (~16), 4380 Arden ViewCourt, Arden Hills 55112,651-638-1796, •STRAUllAH-RAYMOND Karen S, Dir of Nursing(Boyn HS) Rm 233A, Nursing Department, DelCode 1171 (625-9119), strau0850tc.umn.eduSTRAUSS George S, Adjunct Ass! Prof (ParkNicollet Medical Canter) 5000 W39th St. Mpis55416, 2115 Newton Avenue South, Mpis 55405,strauOOSOtc.umn.eduSTRAUSS Tony, Dir (PalentslTechnoiogyMarketing), Asst Voce President(PatenlslTechiloIogy Marketing) 450McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2003 (624-0869),1413Calilomia Ave W, Falcon Heights 55108,651-647-1421, tony-sOtc.umn.eduSTRAW T!KJmas E, Assoc Prof (Retired) (UMMSciencelMalh, Division of; Benefits SpecialCircumstances), 2491 2nd St SE, St Cloud .56304-9174, strawteOtc.umn.eduSTREBIG Kelly, Exec Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Room 125 MechE, Del Code 0691,1421 Clement St, Mendota HIs 55118,651-457-1404, strebOO20tc.umn.eduSTRECKER Carol E, Coordinator (Ball Museum ofNatural History) 307 Bell Museum, Del Code 0051(626-9602; 626-2220), 27991 Wild Plum Lane,Welch 55089, 651·258-4991, birtzOOl Otc.umn.eduSTREED Ta,yn R, Program Assoc (Carlson,Executive Development Ctr) 2-250 Car1SMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-2545), 2700 Arthur Street NE,Mpls 55418,763-571-4472, munsontOlc.umn.eduSTREET MAnne, Nursing Professional (MedicalSchool Admin) MMC 504 MaYo, Del Code 8504,719 Winslow Ave, St Paul 55107, 651-221-1029,stree0650tc.umn.eduSTREmR Joanne K, LPN (Boyn HS) NursingDepartment, Del Code 1171 (624-3142),streeOO201c.umn.eduSTREETS Summer 5, Research Ass!(Environmentst Health Sciences) MMC 807 MayoBid, 0aI Code 8807, 2355 Valentine Ave, St Paul55108, stre&

STREFELER Mark S, Assoc Prof (Dept of Biology)Augsburg College, 2211 Riverside Avenue, Mpls55454, 7276 Tarragon Ct, West Chester OH45069, [email protected] Gary L, Sr Administrative Dir(UMM-Fil18nce-Adm) :105 Behm, Morris 56267(320-~24), streigIOrnorris.umn.eduSTREIFEL AndrewJ, Public Health Spec(Environmental HeatthlSafety), Lecturer (CCE ContProff Iiduc Instrl) WI80 Boyn H S, Del Code 1171(626-5804),1783 Eleanor Ave, St Paul 55116,651-690-5175, streiOOl Otc.umn.eduSTREIT Courtney E, Recru~er (School of Nursing)Room 5-160B WDH, Del Code 1331 (624-1906),slre01400tc.umn.eduSTREIT Jessica L, Accounts Spec (CLA RegionalAccounting 0IIica) 414 Ford Hall, Del Code 0455(824-3824),425 -13th Ave SE Apt 1508, Mpls55414,617·9731; streI0220tc.umn.eduSTREIT Richard J, Asst Prof (St Mary's Hospital)Pharmacy Dept, 1216 2nd St SW, Rochester55902, 601 23rd Street South West, Rochester55902, streiOl00tc.umn.eduSTREITZ JR John M, Asst Prof (UMD Medicine,School of), Adjunct Assoc Prof (UMDPathologylLab Medicine; UMD Famity Medicine;Surgery) UMD Medicine, School of, Room 113Med, 0599, 10 University Dr, Duluth 55812,jstreill0d.umn.eduSTREITZ Julie M, Graphic DesignerlMedle Artist(Printing Services) Room 102 PSB, Del Code5401,1546 Holton St, St Paul 55108,651-644-3523, strel0710tc.umn.eduSTREU liD Richard E, Adjunct Prof (NorthMemorial Family Prac Clinic) 1020 W Broadway,Mpls 55411, 401 S First St Apt 1202, Mpls 55401,streuOO10tc.umn.eduSTREVELER Megan J, Instructor (UMD Hlth, PhysEduclRecreation) 110 SpHC, 1216 Ordean Court,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7120), 218-310-3732,mstrevalOd.umn.eduSTREY Ann E, Teaching Spec (DCP) 202Wlisbrook Hall, n Pleesant St SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 3831, ~reyOO10tc.umn.eduSTRICHERZ Orbs 0, Exec Administrative Spec(Inslitute for Malhematics) Room 400 UndH, DelCode 0611 (624-9386), waI1OO940tc.umn.eduSTRICKER David R, Teaching Ass! (Work,CommunitylFamlly Educ) Room 425 VoTech, DelCode 6197 (624-6204), 11273164th Street W,Lekeville 55044, 952-435-2063,striOO260tc.umn.eduSTRICKLER Matty, Student Support Services Asst(AHC Facili~es) MMC 23 Mayo, 0aI Code 8023,D448 Mayo (626-1561), striOO570tc.umn.eduSTRIEBEL Charlotte A, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Mathematics, Sch of), PO Box 165, Belaire MI49615, strieOOl Otc.umn,eduSTRIEF Jeremy W, Teaching Ass! (Statistics)Room a13 FordH, 224 Church SI SE, MpIs 55455,Del Code 0457, 211 University Ave NE, Mpls55413, 379-0538, ~riOI210tc.umn.eduSTRIEPE Meg I, Adjunct Asst Prof (Fam Practica &Comm HIth, PHS) Su~e 180 WBOB, Del Code7521, strieOO20tc.umn.eduSTRIKE David.G, Ass! Prof (Regions Hospital) 640Jackson St, St Paul 55101, strikOI40tc.umn.eduSTRIKER Jessica P, Teaching Asst (Health &Natural Science8 Community) 8-18 Johnston Hall,Del Code 3n4 (624-8044), 1810 4th Ave S, Mpls55404,874-9946, myerOl680tc.umn.eduSTRINDEN Gertrude M, Ass! Prof (Retired) (MNExt Svc Home Economics), 2200 Midland G~veRd, Apt 209, Roseville 55113,strinOO70tc.lJrnn.eduSTRINGER Chris A, Medocel Asst (Boyn HS)Patient Assistance and Info, Del Code 1171(624-4402), bergx0120tc.umn.eduSTRINGER Gene C, Adjuncl Assoc Prof (St CroixValley Clinic) 921 SGreely St, Stillwater 55082,13730 47th Street No Ct, S1111wB\8r 55082, •STRINGFIELD David E, University 'nspecter(BUilding Codes Division) 270 Donhowe B, DelCode 3123 (626-9458),,page 622-6890STRIPE Erich G, Cook (Middlebrook DiningServices) SOC MDBK, 0aI Code 7651 (625-5009),3801 Harriet Aye S Apt1; Mpis 55409, 822-93n,strip002Otc:umn.eduSTRNAD JR Rob, Sr Ole Spec (Andersen UbFaclll1ies & Op Mgmt) 8 Anderlib, Del Code 7921(625-9825), Apt4, 944 Seint Paul Ave, Saint Paul55116, 651·338-4034,

STROBEL Jack L, Assoc Prof (Partners InPediatrics Ltd) 12nO Bess Leke Rd, Maple Grove55389, 905Windemere Curve, Plymouth 55441,str0b0030tc.umn.eduSTROCK Jeffrey S, Aseoc Prof (5 W Researchand Outreach Canter) 23669 l30th St, Lamberton56152·1326 (507-752-5064), 602 South Grove St,Lamberton 56152, 507·752·n68,

STROESSNER Todd S, Prin Accounts Spec(Sponsored Financial Reporting) Room 450McNamara Center, Del Code 2003 (824·8265), 38Jackson Av S, Hopkins 55343, 952·930·0972,str0e0020tc.umn.eduSTROHMAN Deena R, Research Ass! (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 111 FScN, Del Code6099 (624-5366), 2231 Hendon Avenue, St Paul55108,651-644-5087,

STROHMEfER James 0, Sr Engineer (UMD FecMgmt·AdminiBldg Services) 280 Lund Bldg, Duluth(218·726-8267), 1631 E 5th St, Duluth 55812,218-724-3046, jstrohmeOd.umn.eduSTROIK Lori L, Info Tech Prof (UMD Development0IIica) 315 DAdB, Dululh (218-726-6285), 127 N64th Ave W, Duluth 55807, 218-628-1862,[email protected] Oars, Ass! Prof (Politicel Science)1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175 (626-0213),stroIOO10tc.umn.eduSTROM Jackie L, Accounts Receivable Accountent(Sponsored Financial Reporting) Room 450McNamara Center, Del Code 2003 (624-7522),strom0690tc.umn.eduSTROM Jeffrey 0, Research Ass! (UMD LergeLakes Observatory) 109 RLB, 2205 E 5th St,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7396; 218·726·7639), n32W 841h Street Cir, Bloomington 55436,952-404-9085,

STROM Kathryn A, Ass! Prof (Regions Hospital)Obstetrics and Gynecology, 640 Jackson St, Ste 5,51 Paul 55101, str0m061

STROMBERG JR Bert E, Assoc Dean (Vet MedAdmin, College 01), Prof (Veterinary Biosciences;Animal Scienca, Dept of) 445 VetTchHosp, OatCode 6194 (625-7008), 4219 Oilkdale Ave 5,Edina 55416, 952-927-8933,

STROMBERG David C, Info Tach $pac (EnvrnHealth Sciences (SPH) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code8807,1260 Mayo (626-4825), 25 W39th Streat,Mpls 55409,824·0512,

STROMME David A, Ass! Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 249B BFAB, Del Code 3081 (624-1539),11924 Isanti Street NE, Blaine 55449,763-767,1001,

STROMME Karen L, Asst Dir Cmp/Col (UMDWomen's Athletics), Heed Coach (UMD Women'sAlhletics) 170 Sp HC, Duluth (218-726·7143),1060 Chester Park Dr, Duluth 55812,218·724·2nO, kslrotnmeOd.umn.eduSTROMMER Jean T, Exec Asst (MulflculturalCtr-Aced Prog & Res) 186 Klaeber Ct, Del Code3013 (625-5503), strom0050tc.umn.eduSTROIiSTAD Darin J, Teaching Spac (UMCBusiness) Room 318 Selvig, 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8267),stroOI700mail.crk.umn.edSTRONG Gary E, Building and Grounds Worker(UMD Facilities Management) 241 DAdB, 0219,1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812, 7404 SouthCounty Hwy A, S4parior WI 54880, 715-399-8987,gstrongOd.umn.eduSTRONG Gary J, Lecturer (Healthcare Mgmt IndStdy Prgm) Room 110 2221 Unlv,2221 UniversityAve SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2708, •

STRONG Usa C, Research Assoc (Biochemistry)356 Gortner Leb, Del Code 6104 (624·n55);stron0060tc.umn.eduSTRONG Shelly L, Instructor (Central Pediatrics)7803 Afton Rd, Woodbury 55125, 14131ntertachenParkway, Woodbury 55125,651-702-0596,stronOI20tc.umn.eduSTROTHER Patrick J, Visiting Assoc Prof (Schoolof Journalism) 101 MurH, Del Code 0371(626-1851), strotOOSOtc.umn.eduSTROTtfMAN Susan C, Adjunct Asst Prof (Dept ofArcMecture) Room 145 RepsonH, Del Code 0811(624-7868),4915 3rd Avenue South, Mpls 55409,374-2797, str0i0040tc.umn.eduSTROUD Dale E, Ass! Prof (Retired) (Genetics,Cell Bioi, Dev TMED), 6368 Pheasant Ct, Edina55436, S1roUOOl


STROUPE Craig; Asst Prof (UMD Composition) .425 H, 0154, 1201 Ordean Co4rt, Duluth 55812(218-726-6249), estroupeOd,iJmn.eduSTROZINSKY Aaron J, Sr Editor (UniversityServices) 3148 MorriH Hall, Del Code ll263 . ,(625-1522), strozOO10tc.umn.eduSTRUB Carolyn A, Gardener (MN LendscepaAIboretum) 3675 AIborelum Blvd, Chaska55318-9813 (952-443-1400),strubOO10tc,umn.eduSTRUPP John P, Research Fellow(Radiology-CMRR) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code8292, 102 CMRR (628-0361), 12767 Ibis St NW,Coon RaJlids 55448, 763-862-5157,struppOlc,umn.eduSTRUSS Ron, Extension Educator/Ass! Prof (UMExtension Regi Ctr Farmington) 4100 220Ih St WSte 100, Farmington 55024-8087 (651-480-n08),651-698-1267, rstruasOtc.umn,eduSTRUTHERS Lynsey E, Assoc Program Dir(Minnesota Medical FOUndation) 300 McNamara,Del Code 2012 (624-2117),9409 Third Ave South,Bloomington 55420, 952-681-9083,strut02501c.umn.eduSTRUTHERS Roxanne, Ass! Prof (Nursing, SchOI-Prog & Res) 6-113 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-8637),320 117th Ave NW, Coon Repids55448, 763-502-9568, strulOO50tc.umn.eduSTRun Gregory M, Sr DB Analyst (IntegratedSystems Solutions) 660 W BOB, Del Code 7531(626-8368), g-struOtc.umn,edu .

STRUVE James K. Adjunct Prof (BloomingtonLake Clinic) 3017 Bloomington Ave, MpIs 55407,482438th Ave S, Mpls 55417, 722.0944,stru01140tc.umn.eduSTRYKER Robin S, Prof (Sociology) 1144 Soc SciBldg, Del Code 7171 (624-9085),stryk0060tc.umn.eduSTRYkER-GORDDN Ruth P, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Public Health, School 01),535 5 LaxingtonParkway Apt404, St Paul 55116, 651-699-8590,[email protected] Jill M, Instructor (College ofPharmacy) 4665 Balsam Ln, Plymoulh 55442,4665 Balsam Ln; Plymouth 55442,stryk0050tc.umn·eduSTRYKOWSKJ Paul J, Prof (MechanicalEngineering) Room 237 MechE, Del Code 0691(626-2008), 4665 Belsam Ln N, Plymoulh 55442,763-557-1738, pstryOtc.umn.eduSTUART Chris A, Adjunct Instructor (NoI1hwestFamily Physicians) 5502 W Broadway, Crystal55428, stuaOO130tc.umn.eduSTUART David 0, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedlcsl Center) Dept 01 Medicine, Mc885B, 701Park Ave S, Mpls 55415, 5205 Knob Hill Court,Minnetonka 55345-4510, stuar0040tc.umn.eduSTUBBLEFIELD Robin A, Coordinator (Careerand Community Leaming Cante) 135 JohH, 0aICode 3774 (6z,t:7577), wahlO121 Otc.umn.eduSTUBBLEFIELD Susan E, Asst Department Dir(Comstock Hall E), Del Code 1092 (626-5897), .

STUBBS Connie 0, Non Univ Staff (NCResearch/Outreach Canter) 1992 Folwell AvenueSt Paul (651-649-5194), stubb0380tc.umn.eduSTUBBS Ellen R, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Maryl8ndAve Clinic) 911 E Maryland, St Paul 55106, 711Timberland, !St Paul 55126, stubbOO20tc.umn.eduSTUBER'Sha~,Sr~mant(Sponsored

Projects Admin) 450 McNliinaraCtr, Del Code 2003(625-4537), •STUCKER Robert E, Prof (Retired)(AgronomylPlanl Genetlcs), 3316 N Victoria Ave,Shoreview 55126, stuckQ030tc,umn.eduSTUCKERT Kalhryn 5, Ass! To (OIIica of IhePresident) 202 Morrill Hall, Del Code 0262(625-8844), stuek0050tc.umn.eduSTUCKERT Marti, Non Univ Staff (UDS AffiliatedStall) 179C Sanford Mpls (624-6549), •stuckOI40tc.umn.eduSTUCKEY Claire M, Library Manager (Law Ubrary)120 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911 (624-7536),c-stucl Otc.umn.eduSTUCKEY Mark W, Adjunct Ass! Prof(DevelopmentaVSurgical Science; PhysicalMed/RehabilitaUoo) MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code8294, B515 Mayo; MMCno (624-9990),stuckOO10tc.umn.eduSTUCKI Kara L, Teaching Ass! (Work,CommunitylFamity Educ) Room 425 VoTech, DelCode 8197 (625-3757), 9620 Lonsdale Circle,Minnetonka 55305; 952-545-0848,


STUDDEN Shannon, Instructor (UMDManagement Studies) 112 SBE, Duluth(218·726·7619),218,525-9951,sstuddenOd.umn.eduSTUDENSKI Leslie L, Assoc Program Dir(Transplant Inlormation Services) Dinnaken Bldg,Del Code 2131 (624-2433), debeIOO30tc.umn.eduSTUDENT Richard E, Adjunct Prof (4001 StinsonBlvd NE) Mpls 55421, studeOl00tc.umn.eduSTUDENT INFO Cia, Non Unlv Staft (Ub Arts Ass!Dean's Office) 49 Johnston Mpls (625-2020),stude0430tc.umn.eduSTUDENT SERVICES Pharmacy, Non Univ Staft(Pharm Student Affairs, Col of) 5-110 WDH Mpls,stude0560tc.umn.eduSTUDIER Randolph M, County Extension Dir (UMExtension Regl Ctr Albert Lea) 2360 CrossroadsBlvd, Albert Lea 56007-4001, rstudierOtc.umn.eduSTUEBNER Kathleen M~ Program Assoc(Veterinary Medical Center) 440 Veterinary MedicalCenter, Del Code 6194 (624-2485),17635' 24thAve N, Plymouth 55447, 763-476-2359,stuebOO50tc.umn.eduSTUECHER Uwe H, Prof (UMD Psychology; UMDSociology/Anthropology), Adjunct Pro! (UMDContinuing Education) 347C Boh H, Duluth(218-726-8138), ustuecheOd.umn.eduSTUEDEIlANN Lois A, Ubrary Asst 3 (Wilson

.Reserves) 65 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (625-8387),l·stueOtc.umn.eduSTUENKEL Kristen N, Prin Survey Interviewer(Pediatrics & Adolescent Health) Room 270McNamaraCtr, 200 Oak St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 2016, 3724 40th Ave S, Mpls 55406,721-7491, stuen0010tc.umn.eduSTUEVEN Dawn M, RN (Boyn HS) NursingDepartment, 410 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1171, stuev0140tc.umn.eduSTUEwe Luke A, Advanced Masters ResearchAss! (Soil, Water, and Climate) Room 439 BorH,1991 Upper Buford Circle, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6028, 400 W Forest St Belle Plaine 560",stue00650tc.umn.eduSTUEWER Roger H, Prof Emeritus(SciencelTechnology, Hist of; Physics andAstronomy), Grad School Committee Member(SciencelTechnology, Hist of) 238 Phys, Del Code0331 (624-8073),124 Windsor Ct, New Brighton55112,651-633-0178, rstuewerOtc.umn.eduSTUHLER Berbara J, Prof (Retired) (CCEAdministration), 130 P.rospect Blvd, St Paul 55107,stuhI0010tc.umn.eduSTUHR Cam E, Research Asst (Early EducationDev, Clr for), Teaching Asst(SpeechlLanguagaiHearing Sci)Speech-Lang-Hearing Sci, Dept, Room 115ShevH, 164 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code4401, 3220 East 25th Street, Mpls 55406,722-0710, stuhOOOBOtc.umn.eduSTUHR Joshua F, Asst Athletic Trainer (UMCAthletics) Room 139 SportsC, Cl18, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716, 718 3rd Ave NEApt 8, Crookston 56716,stuhrQ140mail.crk,umn.edSTULBERG Heidi L, Accountant(Dentistry·Administration) Room 15-163 MoosT,Del Code 1291 (624-9916), stulOO250tc.umn.eduSTULEN Daniel P, Prin Operating Engineer (UMDFac Mgmt-Heating Plant Maint) 125 Lund Bldg:223 W College St, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8260),dstulenOd.umn.eduSTULEN Scott A, Lecturer (Art Dept; CCE PersEnrich Prgms Instri) E259 RegisClr, Del Code7831 (625-3214), 532-22nd Street NE, Rochester55906, 952-848-1n8, stuI00200tc.umn.eduSTULL ERICKSON Deborah M, Editor (HumanResources) Room 100 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122(626-7153),570 Judd St, Marine on St Croix55047,651-433-4443, stuI1OO40tc.umn.eduSTUM Marlene S, Assoc Prof (Family SociillScience) 290 MeN H, Del Code 6140 (625-4270),1040 Amble Rd, Shoreview 55126, 651-481-3988,mstumOtc.umn:eduSTUMME Pallicia A, Extension Educator/Professor(UM Extension Regl Ctr Mankato) 1961 P.remier DrSte 148, Mankato 56001·5901 (507-389-6764),507-826-3652, stumm0030tc.umn.eduSTUMNE Jeannie F, Ass! Counselor Advocate(General CoilegelStudent Services) 180 ApplebyHall, Del Code 3501 (625-5307),stumn0010tc.umn.eduSTUMNE Steven 0, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB, 1936Commonwealth Ava, SI Paul 55108, Del Code6168, 25n8 Freeport Avenue, Wyoming55092-7320, 629-6572,

STUMNE Valerie L, Building and Grounds Workar(Facilities Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB, 1936Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code6168,25778 Freeport Avenue, Wyoming 55092,320-829-6572, stumn0030tc.umn.eduSTUMP TOdd M, Research Ass! (Humphrey Inst ofPublic Affair) Room 281 HHHCtr,301 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451, 3344 ConaJt Ave SE,Mpls 55408, stum20000tc.umn.eduSTUPAR Robert M, Research Spec (Plant Biology)Room 250 BioScl, 1445 Gortner Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6022, 1626 Eustis St Apt2, StPaul 5510\1, 414-425-8251, stup00040tc.umn.eduSTURGEON Jared 0, Research Ass!(Epidemiology), Graduate School Trainee(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(625-3680), 1211 S Barkley, Mesa AZ. 85204,[email protected],eduSTURGIS James B, Administrative Professional(Classroom Mgmt-T8(:hnical SarviceS) 103 UPress,Del Code 2713 (625-3432), 1031 Roselawn AveW, Roseville 55113, 651-251-2601,[email protected] PHD Shana J, Asst Prof (MedicinalChemistry & Cancer Center) 9-151Weaver-Denslord, Del Code 1332 (626-0496),3221 Irving Ave S, Mpls 55408,825-7289,sturi0020te.umn.eduSTURM James T, Adjunct Asst Prof (RegionsHospital) 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, 1879Rome Ave, St Paul 55116, sturm0040tc.umn.eduSTURM Selly, Student Support Services Ass!(UMD SciencelEngr, College of) 140 Engr, 0166,1303 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7564),6505 Nashua St, Duluth s5607, 218-624-9089,ssturmOd.umn.eduSTURM Sheryl, University Associate (Research,Vice President for) 420 Johnston Mpls, 420Johnston Hall, Mpls 55455, 952-924-5204,sturm0420tc.umn.eduSTURMER Matthew G, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Science) C-339 VetTchHos, 1365 GortnerAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6192 (625-n44),sturmOO50tc.umn.eduSTURM-LIND Kiya B, Sr Parsonnel DocumentAnalyst (Payroll) Room 545 WBOB, Osl Code 7534(625-6335), sturm0340tc.umn.eduSTUROS Joseph, Non Univ Staff, 113 NC FOR StPaul (651-649-5155), sturoOOl Otc.umn.eduSTURTIVANT Ca~, Lecturer (Compular Science &Engineering) 4-192 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0571(625-2384), sturtOOl Ote.umn.eduSTUTELBERG Brenaa S, Info Tech Spec (Officeof tha Registrar) 130 CofH, Del Code 6054,sMe0030tc.umn.eduSTUTHMAN Decn 0, Prof (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) A411 Hayes Hall, Del Code 6026(625-3709),1685 FemWoodAve, Roseville 55113,651-644-8588, stuthOOl Otc.umn.eduSTYCZVNSKI Angala L, Research Ass!(Biomedical Engineering Dept) Room 7-105BSandBE, 312 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1191, 822-0122,

. STYLIANOPOULOS Triantafy, Research Asst(Chem Eng & Material Scienca) 187 Shephard

,Lebs, Del Coda 0531 (626-9032), [email protected],eduSTYPULKOWSKl Unde M, Lecturar(Speech-Lang-Haaring Sci, Dept) Room 115ShevH, 164 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code4401, stypu0020tc.umn.eduSTYRVOKY Elizabeth, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Tha IslesGroup) Women's Health, 2800 Hennepin Ave, Mpls55408, slyrvOO10tc.umn.eduSTYVE Susanna M, Assoc Development Ofcr(Agri, Food, and Envm Science) Room 299 CofH,Del Code 6074, sstyveOtc.umn.eduSU Janny C, Teaching Ass! (Psychology) N·216EItH, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, Del Code3;!81 (624-1591; 624-1591),suxx00170tc.umn.eduSU Jian, Teaching Ass! (Accounting; Finance)Accounting, 3-122 Ca~SMgmt, 321 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, 1058 27th Ave SE,Apt 0, Mpls 55414, 651-468-9490,[email protected] Liansheng, Research Asst (UMD Chemistry)Room 246 Chem, Del Coda 3661 (624-6000),l066F 27th Ava SE, Minneapolis 55414, 331-3925,[email protected] Yan, Research Asst (Mechanical Engineering)Room 1101 MechE, 0691, 111 Church St SE, Mpls55455, 42513th Avenue SE, Apt1705, Mpls55414,308-8227, suxxOO51

SUAREZ Harrod J, Research Asst (AmericanStudies) ROOm 104 ScottH, 72 Pleasant St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3231 (624-4190),203-6365,suarQ0220tc.umn.eduSUAREZ Jose R, Teaching Ass! (Epidemiology)Room 300 WooB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818),763-789-3619, suarQ0260tc.umn.eduSUBBARAMAN Kavitha, Teaching Ass! (CarlsonSchool of Mgmt) 3-365 CariSMgmt, Del Code7041, 1400 Second Street South, Apt C204, Mpls55454, subba0030tc.umn.eduSUBBAREDDY Pramod K, PhD CandidateResearch Asst (Aerospace Engr and Mechanics)Room 394 ShepLab, Del Code 0731 (626-0573),subbOOO10tc.umn.eduSUBER Michelle, Affiliated Faculty(SpiritualitylHealing, Ctr lor) PO Box 2385 Kamuela(808-887-8792), PO Box 2385, Kamuela HI 96743,808-887-8792, suberQ040tc.umn.eduSUBRAMANIAN Amar, Post-Doctoral Fellow(Haalth Computer Sciences DIv) MMC 511 Mayo,Del Code 85", 797 Mayo,,page 580-9939SUBRAMANIAN Kartik, Research Asst (Chem Eng& Material Scienca) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (626-2021),410 6th Strest Apt 103, Mpls55414,651-291-2412, subra0420tc.umn.eduSUBRAMANIAN Ramanathlln, PhD CandidateResearch Asst (Chem Eng & Material Sci) 457Admundson Hall, Del Code 0531 (625-6083;625-6073),409 7th Street SE Apt 2, Mpls 55414,379-2518, subr00440tc.umn.eduSUCH Shiriey 0, Sr Ole Spec (Twin Cilles StudentUnion-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, 300 WashingtonAva SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1051 (625-5288),suchx0010tc.umn.eduSUCHY Susan 0, Prin Administrative Spec(Carlson Industrial Relations Clr) 3-110CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-5810; 624-2500),ssuchyOtc.umn.eduSUCOFF Edward I, Prof (Retired) (ForestResources) 103 Gm H, Del Code 6112 (624-7249),1974 Midland Hills Rd, St Paul 55113,651-631-0710, sucofOOl Otc.umn.eduSUDAK Nancy L, Instructor (UMD FamilyMedicine), Clinic Physician (UMD Health Services)HS, 0212, 615 Niagara Court, Duluth 55812SUDDERTH William 0, Prof (School of Statistics)320 Ford Hall, Del Code 0457 (625-2801),332-3796, suddeOOl Otc.umn.eduSUDO Kazuhiro, Graduate School Trainee(Medicina) 14-217 Moos Tower Mpls (625-0602),sudoxOO30tc.umn.eduSUDOH Ann C, Adjunct Asst Prof (SMDC) 400 E3rd St, Duluth 55805SUEDBECK Chris A, Asst Dir Unlv Wide (AssetManagament) 2221 University Ave, Del Code 2704(624-8534), 672 W~low Grove Lane, VadnaisHeights 55127, 651-426-6667,suedbOO10tc.umn.eduSUEK Mary C, Ubrary Asst 2 (Lew Ubrary) 150AMondele Hall, Del Code 7911 (626-1357),m-suekOtc.umn.eduSUGA Haruhisa, Visiting Ass! Prof (PlantPathology) Room 495 BorH, 1991 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6030, 1131Hamline Avenue, Apt20, St Paul 55108,sugax0060tc.umn.eduSUGITA Shinya, Ass! Prof (Ecology, Evolution &Behavior) 403 Ecology, Del Code 6098 (624-3406),17G7 Tatum Street, Apt 4, Falcon Haights 55113,651-645-7413, sugitOOl Otc.umn.eduSUGNET Anne E, Lecturer (Art Depertment) E259RegisCIr, Del Code 7831 (625-3214),sugneOD20tc.umn.eduSUGNET Charies J, Assoc Prof (English,LanguageILiterature; Intrdiscp Ct, Stdy GlobalChng) 310F UndH, Osl Code 0613 (625-1526;625-3363), sugnetOtc.umn.eduSUH Eun-Kyung, Asst Prof (UMD Art & Design) 25VKH, 1305 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812-3042(218-726-8225), A6, 1005 Glen Place Dr, Duluth55806,218-727-0234, esuhOd.umn.eduSUH Sangwon, Asst Prof (Bic-based Products) 203Kaufart Lab, 2004 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6130 (624-1293),1960 Brenner Ave,Rosevilla 55113, sangwonOtc.umn.eauSUHADOLC Ryan J, Jr Scientist (Dept ofMicrobiology) 420 Delaware Street SE, MMC 196,Mpls 55455,36 Pine Drive, Circle Pines 55014,651-329-3283, suha00060tc.umn.eduSUHR Benjamin 0, Adjunct Instructor (Surgary)MMC 1 Mayo, Del Code 8001,11-154 P W B(625-8483), 2885 Knox Ave S Ap1208, Mpls 55408,825-7106, suhrQOOl

SUI Siguang, Research Asst (Cham Eng &Material Science) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Coda0531 (626-2021), 1631 Cari St, Apt 15, saint Paul55108,

SUITER Amy M, Leb Sarvices Coordinator(General Biology) 3-104 MCBB, Del Code 1231,1630 Eustis St ApI9, St Paul 55108, 65,-503-,61"suilOOO80tc.umn.eduSUK Dae Hwan, Post·Doctoral Assoc (Center lorDrug Design) 7-159 Phillips Wangansteen Building,Del Code 8204, 7-159 Phillips WangansteenBuilding, sukxx0070tc.umn.adu

SUKOVICH David J, Research Ass! (Departmentof Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,1460 Mayo (626-4585),

SUKUIlARAN NAIR Santhakum, Post-DoctoralAssoc (CAPS) 385A ASNM, Del Code 6012(625-4243), sukumOOl Otc.umn.eduSULEJEWlCZ A1eksander, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Intemational Program Dev) 4·1 04 Ca~SMgmt, 32119th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041,

SULIT Maria-Therese C, PhD Cilndidete AdminFellow (English Lenguaga & LiI) 790 Civ Min E, DelCode 0613 (624-3375), 425 University Ave SEApt301 , Mpls 55414, 617-9456,,

SULLIVAN Alfred 0, Assoc Vica President(System Admin, Ole of Sr VP for), Prof (Bio-BasedProducts) 220 MorH, Del Code 0262 (626-3838),332 Wyndham Circle East, New Brighton 55H2, .

SULLIVAN Anthony L, Mechanic 1 (FacMgmt-Zone 2-West Benk) Bl17 Moos T, Del Code1291,6048 Upper 51st St N Apt12O, St Paul55128, 651-m-3827, sulli0540Ic,umn.eduSULLIVAN Barbara L, Prin Administrative Spec(Humphray Inst of Public Affair) Room 130HHHCtr, Del Code 7451 (624-1546),suIl02790tc.umn,eduSULLIVAN Becky J, Adjunct Instructor (FoodScienca and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334Eckles Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6G99, 9225Briar Lana, Bloomington 55437, 952-642-94",autioOO20tc.umn.eduSULLIVAN Christopher J, Adjunct Asst Prof (saintJoseph Hospital) 69 W Exchanga St, St Paul55102,

SULLIVAN Constance A, Assoc Prof (Spanish &Portuguese) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (625-6377),suHi0020lc.umn.eduSULLIVAN Daniel J, Prof (Joumalism) 230 MurphyHall, Del Code 0371 (625-0742; 625-9824), 217Norwood Rd, Annapolis MD 21401-1203,922-8580, dansOtc.umn.eduSULUVAN Daniel J, Teaching Spec (Joumalism &Mass Comm, Sch Of) 101 Mur H, Del Code 0371(625-0742), suIliOOBOtc.umn.eduSULLIVAN Daniel M, Info Tech Prof (TSB All ThirdFloor) Room 302 TSB, Del Code 1983,[email protected] Dennis J, Asst Prof (Regions, Dept ofSurgery) 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, 1083Lakewood Drive South, Maplewood 55119,651-501-3647,

SULLIVAN E Thomas, Sr Vice President (Sr VPAcademic AffairsIProvost), Prof (Law School) 234Morrill Hall, Del Code 0262 (625-0051),suIli0590tc.umn.eduSULLIVAN John L, Chair (Political Scienca),Regants Prof (Political Scienca; Psychology) 1414Soc Sci, Del Code 7175 (624-4305), 1735Princeton Ave, St Paul 55105, 651-699-5630,jsuIiOtc.umn.eduSULLIVAN Joseph P, Assoc Director-DB Admin(Information Managemant Systems) 549A WooB,Del Code 7531 (624-8236), 2302 5th St, WhiteBear Leke 55110-3017,651-653-4702,j-sulll0tc.umn.eduSULLIVAN Kevin M, Buyer (UniversityServices-Purchasing) 400 DonhoweB, Del Code3121 (626-8757), 1043 Bowdoin Street, St P~ul55116,651-695-0128, suIIG1980tc.umn.eduSULLIVAN Lucy J, Jr Scientist (Neuroscienca) Rm6-145 JacH, 1216, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455,867-1556, suIli3760tc.umn.eduSULUVAN PHD Mary, Ass! Pro! (Neurology) MMC295 Mayo, Del Code 8295, 12-153 PWB(625-7423), sulli0090tc.umn.eduSULLIVAN Melissa A, Program Assoc (AppliedEconomics) Room 231 CIaOff, Dal Code 6040(625-5783),


SULLIVAN Michael T, Student Support S8IViceaAss! (UMD EduclHuman Svc Pro, Col 01) 113BohH, 0141, 1207 Ordean Court, Dulu1h 55812(218·72lHi914), 810 E 10th St, Dulu1h55805·1433,218-393-6568, msulliv10d,umn,eduSUWVAN Michele, Clinical and Med SocialWorl<er (Psychiatry Department) MMc 393 Mayo,Del Code 1171, sulliOll @tc,umn,eduSULLIVAN Nicole L, Jr Scientist (Surgery) MMC195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, RM 1.1431 Masonic,251-2730, sullOl880tc,umn,eduSUWVAN Pamela A, Lead Stores Cieri<(UMC-Morsels) 233 C C, Crookston 56716(218-281-8541),824 Groveland, Crookston 56716,218-281'5462, paulliva0 mail.cr1<.umn,eduSULLIVAN Regina, Assoc Department Dir(Intercollegiate Alhletics) 250F BFAB, Del Code3061 (624-0070), sulliI17@tc,umn.eduSULLIVAN Steven J, Graduate School Trainee(Neuroscience) Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church St S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216, 9060 E SunriseCircle, Eden Prairie 55347, 952-937-8848,sulli4190tc,umn,eduSUI,LIVAN Susan M, Lab Animal Care Technician(ClnctlPopulation Sci-VetTchHos) Room 225VetTchHos, 1365 Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6190, 607 Ninlh St E, Northfield 55057,507-664-9219, sullil530tc,umn.eduSULLIVAN Tara S, Exec Administrative Spec(Asset Management) 2221 University Ave, DelCode 2704 (624-5558), suI61470tc.umn.eduSULLIVANThomas G, Adjunct Instructor (UMDHllh, Phys Educ/Aecreation) Room 110 SpHC,0144, Duluth, 724 Mellwood, DuIu1h 55804SULLIVAN Vt1a V, Medical Fellow (Surgery) MMC207 Mayo, Del Code 8207, suI103810tc,umn.eduSULLWOLD Kristin M, Research Asst(Psychology), Graduate School Trainee(Psychology) N-218 EIIH, Del Code 3281(62~), suII018901c.umn.eduSULLWOLD Patricia J, Asst Pro! PI A MedicalCenter) One Veterans Dr, lfHI, Mpls 554!7, 1104WCo Rd 0 Apl118, New Brighton 55112,suIlwOO10tc.umn.eduSULT Thomas A, Adjunct Asst Prof (100 South2nd St) Sartell 563n (243-3767), PO Box 607, 'New London 56273, 320-354-5383,sullxool Otc.umn,eduSULTZ Jerald R,Ass! Pro! (Plastic ReconstructiveSurg 01) MMC 122 Mayo, Del Code 8122, MMC122 Mayo, 7374 Bridle Drive, Nashville TN 37221,suItzOO10tc,umn.eduSUMAN Balram, Research Ass! (ChemicalEngrlMal Sci), Teaching Ass! (Chamical EngrlMatSci) 457 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(625:ao73; 626-2021), 1174,.Fifield Ave, S-4, StPaul 55108, 703-967-8781,suma002101c.umn.eduSUMANGIL Anne J, Administrative Pro!essional(Carlson, Executive Development Clr) 2-250CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-2545),suman0040tc.umn.eduSUMMERBELL Sarah B, Program Coorl\inator(Vet Medicine-Dean's OIIice) 440 Vet Tch Has, DelCode 6194 (624-3434), peter41501c,umn.eduSUMMERS Carole G, Pro! (OPhlhalmology;Pediatrics) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493, Bx493 Mayo (625-4400), sumrneOOl 0Ic,,page 538-4553SUMMERS Judith M, Administrative Dir (UMD FineArts, School 01) 212 H, 0197, 1201 Orttean Court,Dulu1h 55812 (218-72lHi183; 218-726-7261), 1818Shilhon Ad, Duluth 55804, jsummersOd.umn.eduSUMMERS Marl< 0, Info Tech Mgr(Medicine-UMD) 114A SMed, 1035 University Dr,Dululh 55812 (218-726-7942),1818 Shilhon Road,Dulu1h 55804, msummersOd.umn,eduSUMMERS Nannie, Building and Grounds Worl<er(Facilities Mgml-Administrlltion) 307 Donhowe B,Del Code 3121 (624-7817),summ80030tc,umn.eduSUMMERVILLE Gary J, AdministrativeProfessional (Capital Planning & ProjectManageme) 400 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121(625-8363),815 Everett Drive, Stillwater 55082,651-430-3021, [email protected],eduSUMPMANN Mary J, Adjunct Instructor (Nursing,School 01), Ass! To (Cancer Can1er) MMC 806Mayo, Del Code 8806, 754B CCRB (624-8484),sumpmOO10tc,umn.eduSUN Canlsn, Research Assoc (Cancer Center)MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 2201 AlbertStreet N, Apt105, Roseville 55113, 626-3n-0071 ,canlansOtc,

SUN Hac, Teaching Asst (School of JournaJlsm)300 Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371 (625-7564;825-8370),521 East 9th St, Morris 56267,sunxxll00tc.umn.eduSUN Jiannong, Teaching Asst (Economics) 1035Heller Hall, Del Code 7052, [email protected] Junsong, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Veterinary &Biomedical Sciences) 205 VelSei, 1971Commonweallh Ave, St Paul 55108, 2297 StandishSt Apt17, SI Paul 55108, sunXX0970tc,umn.adu

SUN U, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Chemistry), PhD Candidate Teaching Asst(Chemistry) Depertment of Chemistry, Del Code3661 (626·5085), E, 1009 29th Ave SE, Mpls55414, [email protected],edu

SUN U-Yan, Scientist (Department of Pediatrics)MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code 8366, 430 CCRB(626-4321),

SUN Liyong, Research Asst (MechanicalEngineering), Teaching Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Mechanical Engineering, Room 1101MechE, 111 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0691, sunx0171

SUN Mu, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Gene~ and CellDevelopment) Room 6-160 JacH, 321 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1217, 414 Erie St SE,Apt 8, Mpls 55414, sunXX0680tc.umn.eduSUN Shipeng, Research Asst (Geography) Room414 SocSci, 26719th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7163, 600 10th Ave SE, Apt203, Mpls 55414,378-7854, sunx01700tc.umn.eduSUNDARAM Ramakrishnan, Prot (Pharmacoiogy;Obstetrics and Gyneeology) 3-134 BSandBE, DelCode 1213 (626-8461), sundaool0tc.umn.eduSUNDARAMURTHI Prakash, Teaching Asst(Pharmacy, College 01), Graduate School Fellow(Pharmacy, College 01) College o! Pharmacy,Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 1332, 3412, Mettu Street,Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600041 India,

SUNDARAIlAJAN A~un, Teaching Asst(Computer Science/Engineering) Room 4-192EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0571,616, 10th Ave SE, Apl302, Mpls 55414,no-3913, sunda0200tc,

SUNDARESWARA Rashmi N, Research Asst(Mechanical Engineering), Teaching Asst(Psychology) Computer SciencelEngineering,Room 4·192 EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 0571, [email protected] Carol., Program Dir (Medical SchoolAdministration) MMC 293, Del Code 8284, B-649Mayo (626-3317; 625·7634),sundbOO10tc.umn.eduSUNDBERG R Dorothy, Prot (Retired) (LabMedicinelPalhology), 322 Bishops Brtdge Dr,Cincinnati OH 45255-3947, sundbOO30tc.umn.eduSUNDBERG Stephen B, Asst Pro! (GilletteChildren's Hospital) MMC 492 Mavo, Del Code8492, 200 E University Ave,, page 527-4965SUNDBORG Lynn M, Jr Scientist (DiabetesInstijute) MMC 280 Mayo, Del Code 8260, RmM414 M$SOnic, 1805 W 91h Avenue, Spokane WA99202, 209-4529, sundb0900tc,umn,eduSUNDE Jodi K, Food Operations Supv (UMDFoodNending Services) 245 KPlz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr, Dulu1h 55812 (218-726·7175), 5319 NorthTischer Road, Duluth 55804, 218-525·2115,sundamaticOaol.comSUNOE Sheryl L, Jr CashierlFood Aide (UMDFoodIVending Services) 245 KPlz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr, Dulu1h 55812, 85 Solway Road, Esko55733, 218-879-9631 •SUNDERMEYER Peggy A, Dir (Graduate School)420 Joh H, Del Coda 3773 (626-7850), 2723Garfield St NE, Mpls 55418, 706-7821,sundeOO50tc.umn.eduSUNDET Cindy T, Adjunct Asst Prof (PatientManagement Program) Room 6-194 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (625-8485),7113 Lanham Lane, Edina55439, sUfll!eOO6@tc,umn.eduSUNDGAARD Scott 0, Plumber Foreman(Facilities Mgmnt-West Bank-Zone 2) 57 HellerHall, Del Code 3121, sundg0020tc.umn.eduSUNDGREN Denise L, Dispatcher (PoliceDepartment) 100 TSB, Del Coda 1981 (624·3550),sundg0060tc.umn.eduSUNDIN Jessica R, Prin Administrative Spec(Physiology) 6-125 Jackson Hall, Del Code 1215.(625-7456), sundi00801c.umn,edu

SUNDIN Patricia A, Student SuppoI1 Sarvices Ass!(UMD EduclHuman Svc Pro, Col 01) 115 ilohH,0141,1207 Ordasn Court, Dulu1h 55812(218·726-7074), paundinOd,

SUNDQUIST Wesley B, Prof (Retired) (ExtensionAgrVApplied E.con), 1666 Coffman Apt328, FalconHeights 55108, sundqool Otc.umn.aduSUNDSMO John W, Lecturer (CCE Cont ProflEduc Instrt), Facinties Support Supv, FM (FacilitiesManagement) ComoY, Del Code 5301 (626-0313;625-6481), sunds0020tc.umn.eduSUNDSMO Karne E, Ote Spec (TSB All ThirdFloor) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington Ave SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1983, 9945 37th Place N,Plymouth 55441,763-593-5697,[email protected]

SUNDSTROM Jon! A, Teaching Asst (ILES) 233Notte Center, Del Code 0095 (624-3831),[email protected] Barbara A, Prin Administrative Spec(DeveVSurg Sci - Periodontology) Room 7·368Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (625-5168), 2943Douglas Drive, Crystal 55422, 763-847-9143,[email protected] .

SUNG Joo H, Pro! (Retired) (LabMedicinelPathology), 4 Blue Crane Lane, St Paul55127, sungx001@tc,umn,eduSUNG Sang-Yeob, Research Ass!(ElectricallComputer Engr) Room 4·174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572 (625-5389), [email protected] Yoonhee, Research Asst (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(624-6083), sungx0320te.umn,eduSUNGUR Engin A, Prof (UMM SciencelMath,Division of; UMM Cont EduclAegional Prgm; UMMAcademic Adminislration), Assoc Prof (UMM ContEduclReglonal Prgm: UMM SciencelMath, Divisionot, UMM Sponsored Salaries) 1350 SCI, 600 E 4thSt, Morris 56267 (320-589-6325), 7 Riverview.DrRt 3 Box 307, Morris 56267, 320-589-3278,[email protected]

SUNNAFRANK Michael J, Prof (UMDCommunication), Adjunct Pro! (UMD ContinuingEducation; UMD Intemationai Educ Clr) 457 ABAH,1121 University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218,728-6363;218-726-6386), msunnafrOd.umn.eduSUNSHINE Ellen, Student Personnel Worker (MLKProgram) 19 Johnston Hall, Del Coda 3n4(625-2300), sunshool0tc.umn.eduSUNVOLD Judy, Assoc Program Dir (CCEContinuing EduclCon! Clr) Room 280 CECC, DelCode 6094 (~25-3n5), PO Box 1411, MapleGrove 55311-6411, 819-on2, [email protected] Juha 0, Visiting Prof (SociologyDepartment) 968 SocSci Bldg, Del Code 7171(624-9046; 624-4300), 2407112 • 24th Ave South,Mpls 55406, [email protected] Rob, Administrative Canter Dir (O PEN)MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, 13-112 PWB(624-0138), superOO20tc.umn.eduSUPER Therese R, Sr Accountant (EmployeeBanefits) 100 Donhowe B, Del Coda 3122(626·1555), superOOl Otc.umn.eduSURA Patrick 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof(SMDC-Superior) 3800 Tower Ave, Suparior WI54880SURBER Rachel L, Prin Aocountanl (Chem Engr &Materials Sci) 151S Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (625-4071), surbeOO20tc.umn.eduSUREK Jack T, ~hD Candidale Research Ass!(Biochemistry) 5-209 BSandBE, Del Code 1214(626-3322),3580 Madison PI NE, Mpls 55418,sure00050tc.umn.eduSURERUWOHNSON MA Chris, CommunityProgram Spec (Department o! Psychiatry)Prolessional Builq;ng Su~e 602, 806 24th Ave S,Mpls 55454, surerOOl Otc.umn.eduSURESH Jayanti, Scientist (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) 4416 Bor H, Del Coda 6026 (825·1208),4395 Meadowood Cir, Vadnais Hts 55127,651-483-2828, suresOOl Otc,umn.eduSURPRENANT Tass M, Assoc Program Dir(Carlson, Business Career Center) 1-110CariSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (824-4383),929-2901,[email protected] Fajarrllni, Teeching Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 56455, Del Code 0691, Margorejo IndshIIB-l08, Surabeya, Jawa Timur 60238 Indonesia,205-4849, suryOOO701c,umn.eduSURYANARAYANAH Raj, Prot (College OtPharmacy) 9';127B WDH, Del Coda 1332(624-9626), suryaool


SUSAG P&ter E, Teac!ling Asst (English) Room207 lindH, 207 Church St SE, Mpls .55455, DelCoda 0613, susag0030tc.umn.eduSUSKI Diane M, Sr Ole Supv (EAS Finance) 621CWBOB, Del Code 7531 (626-6055),dsuskiOtc.umn.eduSUSMAN-STILLMAN Amy R, Assoc DepartmentDir (Child Development, Inst Of) 196 Ch Dev, DelCode 4011 (624-3367), 2671 Inglewood Avenue S,St Louis PIIr1< 55416-3927, 952-922-1716,asusmanOtc.umn.eduSUSSMAN Kenneth E, Ass! Pro! (East RangeClinics Ltd) 910 8th Ave N, Virginia 55792,sussm0020tc.umn.eduSUSSMAN Victor J, PhD Candidate Teaching Ass!(University of Minnesota) Department o! Chemistry,Del Code 3681 (625-9398), 110 W Grant St 32C,Mpls 55403, 332-3749, suSS00060tc,umn.eduSUSTACEK James P, Info Tech Spec (UNITE)Distributad Learning LindH, Del Coda 0618, 15891Cicerone Palh, Rosemount 55068, 651-322-6659,susta0040tc.umn.eduSUSZVNSKI Wieslaw J, Resealch Fellow(Chemicel EngrlMat SCI), Lecturer ICCE Cont ProIIEduc Instrt) Room 151 AmundH, Del Code 0531(626-0895), suszyOOl Otc.umn.eduSUTCLIFFE Renae K, Nursing Professional(Clinical Research Canter) MMC 504 Mayo, DelCode 8504, 211 Masonic (62~104), 4601 PennAve N, Mpls 55412-1134, sutclool Otc.umn.eduSUTER Frances C, Nursing Professional (AcadHIIh Ctr Otc of Research) MMC 408 Mayo, DelCode 8406, 1817 Spruce Drive, Rad Wing 55068,651-385-0429, suterOO20tc.umn.eduSUTHERLAND Aimee, Instructor (Small AnimalClinicai Sciences) C339 VetTchHosp, 1365 GartnerAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6192,[email protected] Carolyn R, Asst Scientist(Otolaryngology) MMC 396 Mayo, Del Code 8396,8-310 PWB (624-5468; 626·9883), 952-831-5632,[email protected],eduSUTHERLAND David E, Dir (Surgery), Prof(Surgery) MMC 280 Mayo, Del Code 8280, 11-200PWB (625-7600), dsuther@tc,umn.eduSUTHERLAND Megan, Sr Ole Spec (Music) 200Ferguson Hell, Del Code 7811 (624·5740), 1293Roselawn Ave, Roseville 55113, 651-402-4338,suth0059@tc,umn,eduSUTHERLAND Steven J, Adjunct Asst Prof (UMDMedicine, School 01) Room 113 Med, 0599, 10University Dr, Duluth 55812SUTHERLUND Howard F, Plumber (FacilitiesMgmt • Zone· 5 • East B) Room 300 DonhoweBldg, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code3121 (626-7382), 8704 Midway Street NE, Blaine55449,763·784-6528, [email protected] Michael V, Info Tech Supv (InformationTechnology Services) 499 OMWL, Del Code 7111(625-8894),9247 Jeffrey Ave S, Cottage Grove55016,651-458-9035, msutliflOlc,umn.eduSUTTER Gwen K, Assoc Admin (Frederick RWeisman Art Museum) 200 Weisman Art, DelCode 1851 (625-9632), [email protected],eduSUTTER Paul M, Adjunct Asst Prof (ANW GanMed Assoc) Intemal Medicine, Su~e 100, 8100 W78th St, Edina 55402, [email protected] Reginald L, Cook (Middlebrook DiningServices) SOC MDBK, Del Code 7651 (625-5009),3807 5th Ave S, Apl2, Mpls 55409,998-1365,suttIOO10tc.umn,edu 'SUTTON JR Harry L, Sr Fellow (Readars &Anders) 222 Sou1h Ninth Street, Su~e 150, Mpls55402,6616 Scandia Road, Edina!i5439,952-941-11621, suttoOO20tc,umn.eduSUTT,ON Teresa L, Informational Rep~tative(EngliSh) 207 Und Hall, Del Coda 0613 (626-1528), 'SUTTON Thomas M, Asst Prof. (Children's Mpls)Heart Clinic, no 106, 2545 Chicago Ave S, MpIs55404, suttoOI40tc.umn.eduSUWAN Thamrong, Adjunct Instructor (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, 1243 WyncrestCt, Arden Hills 55112, lxsUwanOtc.umn.eduSUZUKI Junichi, Research Asst (Economics) 1035Heller Hall,7052, 271191h Avenue Sou1h, Mpls55455, suzu00420tc.umn.eduSUZUKI Norman T, Instructor (VA Pshcs MedicalCenter) 1660 S Columbian Way (119), Seattle WA98108,4433 281h Place West, Seattle WA 98199,[email protected] Susan L, Student SuppOrt Sarvices Asst(CCE-Information Center) 101 WesH, Del Code3831 (624·3341; 624-40(0), 3133 16th Ave S,Mpls 55407, 722-101'1: svat8001 @tc,umn,edu


SVEA Bradley A, Sr Maintenance Painter(UMM-P1ant Svcs-General Maint) 9 Cam, Morris .56267 (320-589-6116), l05W Ridgeview Dr,Starbuck 56381, 320-239-4323,sveabaOmorris,umn.eduSVEDARSKY W Daniel, Head (UMC NaturalR8flOUrces), Prof (UMC Natural Resources; UMCAgricuhure; UMC Academic Affairs; NWResearch/Outreach Center) 113 Hill, Crookston56716 (218-281-8129), 18205 300th St NW,Crookston 56716, 218-281-1220,dsvedarsOtc.umn,edu

.SVEDBERG Patricia H, Prin AdministratiVe Spec(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525

.(624-1818), svedbOOl Otc.umn.eduSVEEN Deborah J, Support Steff - PT (UMExtension Regi Ctr Rochestllr) 86330th Ave SE,Rochester 55904-4915 (507-280-2863),dsveenOtc,umn,eduSVENDSEN Charles A, Adjunct AsS! Prof(Surgery) MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 8394, Bx 394Mayo, svendOO20tc, page 899-8755SVENDSEN Craig A, Adjunct Prof (East SideMedical Canter) 1453 Helmo Ave N,'Oakdale55119, svend0030tc,umn,eduSVENDSEN Dennis W, Lecturer (UMMHumanities, Division 01), Help-lineConsultanl/Training (Acad/Distributed Comp Svc)Room 190 ShepLab, Del Code Onl, 6651 WinfieldCircle N, Rockford 55373, 763-477-5703,svenrlsenOtc,umn.eduSVENSSON Bengt, Post-Doctoral Assoc (7-1250Weaver-Densford Hall) 308 Harvard St SE, DelCode 1332 (626-4429), 3932 Cedar Ave S Apt2,MpIs 55407, 724-9195, svansoo50tc,umn,eduSVERAK Vladimir, Prof (Mathematics, Sch Of) 236VlnH, Del Code 0412 (625-1899),sveraool0tc,umn,eduSVETAZ Maria V, Adjunct Instructor (Pediatrics)MMC 721 Mayo, Del Code 8721, 0-136 Mayo(626-2820), svetaOQl Otc,umn,eduSVEUM MD Richard J, Adjunct Prof (Medicine),Prof (Pediatrics) Part< Nicollet Clinic -St Louis Park,Allergy Dept, 3800 Part< Nicollet Blvd, St LouisPart< 55416, sveumOO10tc,umn,eduSVINDAL Rick J, Sr labOrer (FacilitiesMgmt-Donhowe-Waste Mgmt) Room 300 ,DonhoweB, Del Code 5301, 4433 7th St NE,

, Columbia Heights 55421, 783-572-1214,svindOOl Otc,umn.eduSVlRIDOVA Irina, Accounts Spec (InventoryServices) Suite 4 WBOB, Del Code 7529(626-8218), sviriOO10tc, .SVOBODA Lance W, Adjunct Asst Prof(DiagnosticlSurg Sci - Oral Surgery) Room 7-174GMoos Tower, 515 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,5354 Abbott Ave S, Mpls 55410, 963-6223,sv0b00040tc,umn.eduSWACKHAMER DebOrah L, Prof (EnvironmentalHealth Sciences), Program Dir (Water ResourcesCenter) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Coda 8807, 1115Mayo (626-0435), dswackOtc.umn,eduSWAIM oevid, Musician (Theatre Arts and Dance)Room 111 Bart<erCtr, 500 21st Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7841,1081 GOrman Ave, W St Paul55118,651-451-8561, swaim0030tc.umn.eduSWAIM MD William R, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Mediclne), Assoc Prof (Lab MedicinelPathology)MMC 809 Mayo, Del Code 8609, MMC 609 Mayo,, page 640-D540SWAIMAN Kenneth F, Emeritus (Neurology;Pediatrics) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295,12-112 P W B (625-7486), swaimool Otc.umn.eduSWAIN Annette F, Exec Asst (Medical SchoolDean's Offica) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code 8293,8635 Mayo (625-1476), swainool Otc.umn.eduSWAIN Edward B, Askt Prof (Fisheries & Wildlife)Room 200 Hodsonl4, Del Code 6125,swain0060tc.umn,eduSWAIN JR Frederick M, Prof (Retired) (Earth SciGeologylGeophysics), 1625 E River Terrace, MpIs55414, swain0020tc,umn,eduSWALLEN Thomas 0, Asst Prof (Retired) (LabMedicinelPathology), 2020 Adair Ave N, GoldenValley 55422, swallool Otc,umn.8duSWAMINATHAN Senthilkumar, Research Asst(Mechanical Engineeringl, Teaching Asst(Mechenical Engineering) Room 125 MechE, DelCode 0691 (625-9881), Apt 201, 1000 8th StreetSE, Mpls 55414, 331-5670,swam00060tc,umn.eduSWAMINATHAN Swama, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Genetics, Cell Biology, and Develop) Room 4-182MeB, Del Code 1217 (824-4807), 1039 Briar GlenLane, Woodbury 55129, 651-337-0833,swamaOtc.umn,edu

SWAN Craig E, Vice Provost (Sr VP AcademicAffairslProvost), Prof (Economics) 234 MorH, DelCode 0282 (625-0051), 2831 Irving Ave So, Mpls55408,374·2496, swanOtc.umn,edu

SWAN III George M, InfO Tech Prof (CollectionSupport &Preservation) 170B OMWL, Del Code7111 (624-5860), g-swanOte.umn.eduSWAN Johll'E, Building and Grounds Wort<er (FacMgmt-Zone 5-CIa) 300 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121(624-1623), swanx0070tc,umn,edu

SWAN Lynn A, Instructor (fUMC) Box 85 Mayo,420 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,swanx0030tc,umn.eduSWAN Paul, Asst Prof (Medicine/GeneralMedicine) MMC 741 Mayo, Del Code 8741, B529Mayo (626-8739), swanx0200tc,umn.eduSWAN Suzanne K, Assoc Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Div Of Nephrology, 701 Part< AveS, Mpls 55415-1829, 2508 Upton Ave So, Mpls55405, swanXOOSOtc.umn.eduSWANBERG Karen A, Security Coordinator (OITSecurity and Assurance) Room 300 UOffPI, DelCode 2706 (625-8807), swanbergOtc,umn,eduSWANBY Belle G, Exec Sec (UM Extension StLouis Cnt) Govemment Services Clr Ste 111, 320W2nd St, Duluth 55812-1495,bswanbyOtc,umn,edu '

SWANGSTUE Larry, Printing Equipment Oper(Printing Services) P S B, Del'Code 5401, 6301Coyote Trail, Lino Lakes 55014, 651-484-6485"swangool0tc,umn,eduSWANLUND David J, Assl Scientist (MechanicalEngineering) Room 3120 MechE, Del Code 0691(625-25n), swanlool Otc.umn.eduSWANN Susan M, Dental Asst (ClinicalSystems-Mobile Dental Un~) Room 8-434 MoosTower, Del Code 1~91 (651-343-3042),5500 filECedarwood St, Prior Lake 55372, 952-233-3548,schwa2190tc,umn.eduSWANSON Andrea E, Instructor (UMD HIth, PhysEduc/Recreation) 110 SpHC, 0144, 12;6 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 5581,2, aswansoOd,umn,«!uSWANSON Ann 1!1, Lecturer (PsycIlQlogy) N-218EltH, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, Del Coda3281, 1873 Summ~ Ave, St Paul 55105,liesoo350tc.umn.eduSWANSON Ashley M, LabOratory AnimalAttendant (Research Animal Resources) MMC 69Mayo, Del Code 8069,1-525 PWB, 1405 ·5th StSE Apt303, Mpls 55414, 507-764-6697,swan081160tc.umn,eduSWANSON Brian J, Assoc To (Budget &Finance)335 Morrill Hall, Del Code 0263 (625-6665),824-0769, bswansonOtc.umn.eduSWANSON Chantelle L, Assoc Admin (FacMgmt-Zone 3-Health Services) MMC 59 Mayo, DelCode 8059,8-117 Moos T (624-8642),swansoncOtc.umn.eduSWANSON Cherles 0, Teaching Spec (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room,4-205 EElCSci, DelCode 0571 (625-0330), swansl530tc.umn.eduSWANSON Christine A, Assoc Academic Advisor(CLA Student Servicas) 8-18 Johnston Hall, DelCode 3n4 (824-6044), swansl550tc.umn,eduSWANSON Dale A, Research Fellow (ElectricalEngineering) Room 4-178 EElCSci, Del Code 0572(625-0787), swansonOtc,umn.eduSWANSON Daie 0, Mechenic 1 (Fac Mgmt-Zone4·Campus District) 1300 FoodOb, Del Code 3121(626-2228), 6781 Plaza Curve NE, Fridley 55432,763-574-1969, swans0140tc.umn.eduSWANSON Dave, Electronics Technician(Classroom Mgmt-Tethnical811rvices) 103 UPress,Del Code 2713,17460 Berrington Court,Minnetonka 55345, 952-937-5489,swans9940tc.umn,eduSWANSON David A, AsS! Prof (RediologyDepartment) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292,MMC 292 Mayo, 5720 Long Brake Trail, Edina55435, swans041 Otc.umn,eduSWANSON David C, Adjunct Assoc Prof (DoctorsPlaza, P A) 300 S Bruce St, Marshall 56258(507-532-9631),612 Adobe Cirle, Marshall 56258,507-532-3191, swans0490tc,umn,eduSWANSON David L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Dept ofDermatology) Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, 13400 EShea Blvd, Scottsdale AZ 85259,12081 N 118thWay, Scottsdele AZ 85259,swans0450tc,umn.eduSWANSON Debra L, Scientist (Genetics and CellDevelopment) 5-226 MoICeIlBio, Del Code 1217(626·1435), swans061

SWANSON Douglas R, Scientist (Agronomy &!,Iant Genetics) 112 Cr Res, Del Code 6026(624-7729),7985 Greenwood Dr, Mounds View55112, 763-784·7858, swans0300tc.umn,eduSWANSON E Kay, Prin Administrative Spec(Patents & Technology Mktg) 450 McNamaraCtr,Del Code 2003 (624·9508), 3300 Greenbrier St,Vadnais Heights 55127, 651-699-8602,swans1400tc,umn,eduSWANSON Edward, Coordinator (MINITEX) 30Wilson Library, 309 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7111 (624-6390; 624-4373), 1085 PortlandAve, St Paul 55104-7011, 651-291-1261,swans1520 tc,umn,eduSWANSON Elizabeth M, Sr Ole Spec (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(624-0042), betsysOtc.umn.eduSWANSON Erik H, Sergeant of Polica (PoliceDept) 100 T S B. Del Code 1981 (624-3550),swans0780te.umn.eduSWANSON Gene E, A~junct Assoc Prof(Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic, P A) 309 Holly Ln,Box 3487, Marshall56Q01, 612 Adobe Circel,Marshall 56258, swans0760tc,umn,eduSWANSON Harold B, Prof (Retired) (Ag Adm InstrReserve, Col 01), 2190 S Rosewood Ln, Rosaville55113, [email protected],eduSWANSON Janice L, Dir of Outreach (VetMedicine Administration) 428 Vel Tch Hos, DelCode 6194 (624-2268), 7985 Greenwood Dr,Mounds View 55112, 783-784-7856,swans032Otc,umn'eduSWANSON Jean D, Exec Sec (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) 411 Bor 1:1, Del Code 6026 (625·2740),1676 Rosehill Circle, Lauderdale 55108,651-917-2796, swans0080tc,umn,eduSWANSON Jean P, Assoc Prof (Retired) (UMDMusic), 2716 West Skyline Pal1<way, Duluth55806-1138, swan05620tc,umn.eduSWANSON Jodi A, Research Asst (Entomology)Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 1980 Folwell Ave, St Pal(l55108, Del Code 6125, 1503 Grissom Drive, EauClaire WI 54703, swan09340tc.umn.eduSWANSON John 0, AsS! Prof (Lab MedlPathoiogyDepartment) MMC 809 Mayo" Del Code 8609,MMC 809 Mayo, 5424 Nordic Cir, Edina 55439,swansl130tc.umn,edJJSWANSON Joyce E, Dietician (General ClinicalResearch Ctr) MMC 504 Mayo, Del Code 8504,250 Masonic (626-1455), swans0250tc,umn.eduSWANSON Judrth A, Assoc Oir CmpICol (OSF ­One Stop Student Services) 200 Fraser H, DelCode 3395 (624-3562), swans0460tc.umn.eduSWANSON Karen, Adjunct Instructor (227 7th StSE)Mpls 55414, Mpls 55414, 378-0447,swans4070tc,umn.eduSWANSON Karen J, Teaching Asst (Kinllsiology)Room 100 CookeH, 1900 University Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 2081 (625-5300), 790 NebraskaAve E, St Paul 55106, swans0040tc,umn,edu'SWANSON Katherine M, Teaching Asst (UMDChemistry and Biochemistry) 246 Chem, 1039University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7212), 12Scharte Dr, Superior WI 54880,morrOl380 d,umn'eduSWANSON Kim R, Ole Manager (UM ExtensionPennington Cnty) 101 NMain St, Box 616, ThiefRiver Falls 56701 (218-683-7030),swansl440tc.umn.eduSWANSON Kimberly, Sr AnalystIProgrammer(ADM) Room 239L WBOB, Del Code 7531(624-0237), swan09320tc,umn,eduSWANSON Kyle C, Adjunct Instructor (Orthopedic& Fracture Clinic) 1431 Premier Dr, Mankato56001, [email protected] Laura L, Sr Veterinary Technician(Small Animal Clin Sci) 8310 Vet Tch Hos, DelCode 6192 (625-n35), 217412th St, While BearLake 55110, 651-653-4450,samueOO30tc,umn.eduSWANSON Marilyn R, Accounts Spec (Agronomy&Plant Genetics) 408 Bor H, Del Code 6026(624-1268), 760 H West County Road F,Shoreview 55126, 651-484-3273,holexOO10tc,umn.eduSWANSON Mark H, Exec Asst (Law Schoolqevelopment) 474 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911(624-0097; 625-1000), 724-7~0,mswansonOtc,umn,eduSWANSON Mary A, Adjunct Instructor(Robbinsdale/Armstrong High School) 10635 36thAve N, Plymouth 55441,1315 Black Oaks Lane,Plymouth 55447, 763-476-0429,[email protected]

SWANSON Michael J, Sr Engineer (UMD FacMgmt-PlanninglT'ech Support) 241 DAdB, 1049University Dr, Duluth 5q812 (218-726'8430), 305Ave C, Cloquet 55720, 218-879-7376,mswansol0d.umn.eduSWANSON Paul K, Info Tech Prof (MINITEX) 15Andersen Library, Del Code 7921 (626-7829),sw~ns062@tc,umn,edu

SWANSON Paula B, Student Personnel Wort<er(Law Soh Admin-Student Serv) 285 Mondale Hall,Del Code 7911 (625-8430), bergswanOtc,umn.eduSWANSON Rick C, Operations Supv, Faclts Mgmt(Fac Mgmt-llldg Serv-Area B) 57 Heller Hall, DelCode 3121 (626-0731), swansOnOtc,umn,eduSWANSON Serah A, Ofe AsS! (Biological ScienceStudent Svc) 223 Snydar Hall, Del Code 6176,swan0020@\C,umn.eduSWANSON Steven A, Delivery Service Driver(University Stores) U Stores N, Del Coda 5201,swans0210tc,umn,eduSWANSON Susan J, Jr Cashier/Food Aide (UMDFoodNending Services) 245 KPlz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55612, [email protected] Susan L, Teaching Asst (Art History),Research Asst (Art History) Art History, Room 338HelierH, 271 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code7055,586-4740, swan08080tc.umn.eduSWANSON Timothy V, AsS! Prof (Affiliated MedicalCenters P A) 101 Willmar Ave SW, Willmar 56201;swansl220tc.umn.eduSWANSON Trisha K, Lecturer (UnivCoVlnd/Distance Leaming) Room 25 WesH, nPleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831,14585 SW Grandview Lane, Tigerd OR 97224,swansl460tc.umn,eduSWANSON Van E, Extension Educatornnstr (MNExt Svc Tech Un~ Northwest), Assoc Program Dir(MN Ext Svc Tech Unit Northwest) UM ExtensionPennington Cnty, Courthouse, PO Box 616, ThiefRiver Falls 56701-0616 (218-683-7030), 14499l40th Street NE, Thief River Falls 56701,218-681-8836, swans051@tc, 'SWANSON Walfred W, Coordinator (School ofJoumalism) Room 111 MurH, 206 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0371 ,swans2900tc.umn,eduSWANSONCHOI Wendy, Non Univ Stan,University Of Minnesota Mpls (651-681-87-!i),swans283@tc,umn,eduSWANSO~HUNA Jud~h E, Sign LanguageInterpreter (UMD Access ClrlDisability Svcs) 138KPIz, 0128, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-6129), [email protected],eduSWANSO~MAG"L1S Julie K; Lab Animal CareTechnician (Veterinary Population Medicine) Room225 VMC, 1365 Gorfn&lr Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6190,11856 Cty 9 Blvd, Goodhue 55027,507-283-2191, swan0941 Otc,umn.eduSWANSON MOORE Laurel A, Coordinator(Curriculum &Instruction) Rm 245 Pei~ Hall, DelCode 4301 (624-9792), swans0500tc,umn,eduSWARD Daniel L, Info Tech Prof (FacilitiesMgmnt-BusinessiApplicati) 300 Donhowe B, DelCode 3121 (626-0703),4215 24th Avenue So,Mpls 55406, 724-0722, swardOO10tc,umn,eduSWARM JR Harley 0, Mechenic 3 (FacilitiesMgmnt-Zone 5-East Bank D) L150 Mech Eng Bldg,Del Code 3121,10030 Norway St NW, CoonRapids 55433,763-755-7449,swarmOO1@tc,umn,eduSWART Russell M, Building and Grounds Wort<er(Fac Mgmt-Zone 2-West Bank) 57 MgmtlEcon, DelCode 3121, swariOO8@tc,umn'eduSWARTWOOD Deborah E, Instructor (PharmacyGold Inc) 3400 Yankee Dr, Eagen 55121, 1677Glenview Circle, Arden Hills 55112,swart007@tc,umn'eduSWARTWOUDT Tina M, Coordinator (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr. SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171, 202 Anderson Road,Esko 55733, s,[email protected] Sheryl S, Sr Ole Spec (Ctr for Public HhhEdu &Outreach) Room 350, 2221 UniversityAvenue SE, Mpts 55414, Del Code 2702(626-4649; 626-4515), swart0140tc.ul1ln,eduSWARTZ Teresa T, Asst Prof (SociologyDepartment) 952 Soc Sci Bldg, Del Code 7171(624-0061), tswarlz@tc,umn,eduSWATEZ Ian M, AsS! Prof (Radiology Department)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, MMC 228 Mayo, 'swateOO2@tc,umn,eduSWAVELY DeeAnn, Community Program Spec(Envrn Heallh ScienceslHealth Studia) 350McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2004 (626-8180),swaveOOl @tc,umn,edu



SWAVZE Claude R, Assoc Prof (Ane81hesIoIogy;Lab MedicinelPathology) Hennepin County MedicalC8r!l8r, Anesthesiolgy Dept, 701 Park Ave 5, Mpls55415 (347-3152), 27 Benrnll Road, St Paul 55105, •SWEARINGEN Amanda J, Jr Scientist (Genetics:GelI BioI & Development) 5-145 MoosT, Del Code1217, 225 W 15th St Apt 309, MpIs 55403,,Q08-239-3587, sweaoo160tc.umn.aduSWEDBERG Patricia R, Administrative Sec (UMExtension St louis Cnty Duluth) GovemmentseIViclis Ctr Ste 111, 320 W2nd St, Duluth55602-1495 (2111-733-2870),swecIlOOl Otc.umn,eduSWEDBERG Rich8ld H, Facilitias Planner(Academic Health Ctr Facill1les) MMC 23 Mayo,Del Code 8023, 56(j Boynton Health Service(626-4376), 456 Ohio St, St Paul 55107,651·229-0203, swedbOO50tc.umn.eduSWEDBERG TIm, Non Univ Staff (NCRaseerchIOutreach center) 1992 Folwell AvenueSeint Paul (651-649-5257), swedlO380tc.umn.eduSWEDEEN Karen R, Instructor (Pe<ialrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, swede0030tc.umn.eduSWEDEEN VICki L, Teaching Spec (CCE CollegeIn the Schools) Room 202 WasH, Del Code 3831,911 West 2nd St, Northfield 55057, 507-645-0338, .SWEDELL John A, Teaching Aast (GeneralCollege) 339 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501(625-4894), swed00280tc.umn.eduSWEDELL Kathleen M, Pnn AdmInistrative Spec(Mathemalics, Sch Of) 127 Vin H, Del Code 0412(626-7422), swedeOO20tc.umn.eduSWEDO Elizabeth M, Teaching Aast (Hislbry)Room 614 SocScl, 267 1911l Ave 5, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7165, swedOO470tc.umn.eduSWEENEY Bonnie, Program Dir (Department ofPedielrics) MMC 803 May.o, Del Code 8603, C517Mayo Bldg (625-1159),968 Fairmount Ave, St Paul55105,651-221-0207,

.SWEENEY Carol, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Epidemiology) Ste 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(626-9096), sween0160tc.umn.aduSWEENEY Kan L, Info Tech Prof (660 WBOB)1300 SJnd St, Del Code 7531 (626-7166),2200Ford Rd, Minneton~a 55305, 952-546-0435,

SWEENEY Michael F, Assoc Prof(Anesthesiology), Asst Prof (Pediatrics;

.Anesthesiology) MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 8294,6515 Mayo (624-9990), sweeoOOl Olc.umn.eduSWEESY TIllS M, Research Assi •(EnvrnIOccupalion Health) .,.,c 807 Mayo, DelCode 8607, 1260 Mayo (624-0408), 2733 39th Ave5, MpIs 55406, 724-6998, sweee0030tc.umn.eduSWEET Jonalhan, Program Assoc (Kinesiology &Leisure Studies) Room 203 Cooke H, Del Code2061 (625-0139), sweetOO60tc.uAlll.eduSWEET Unda E, Accounts Payable Maneger (U 01M IlooI<stores, Twin Cities) Room 290 WmsonH,231 PiUsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0173(626-0036), 1oneyOO30tc.umn.eduSWEET Megan, Aast Dir CmplCol (Twin CItIesStudent Union-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, Del Code1051 (625-8266; 490-5137), 651-340-0365, .SWEET Paige, Teaching Asst (CulturalStudiesICompe Lit), Research Aast (CulturalStudiesICompe Lit) 408 Folwell Hall, Del Code0147 (624-2638; 624-6099),SW8801520tc.umn.eduSWEET MD Rob, Ass! Prof (Urologic Surgery)MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code. 6394,

SWEETMAN Kathleen M, Ass! Prof (lakevieWClinic) 424 Hwy 5 West, Waconia 55387,sweet0170tc.umn.eduSWEETSER Janet T, Nursing Professlonal(Epidemiology) MMC 250 Mayo, Del Code 8250(625-7920), f9450 ShadY Hills Rd, ShoIewood55331,952-474-5948, sweet0190tc.umn.eduSWEETSER 5arah K, Instructor (central Pediatrtcs- Woodbury) 7803 Alton Rd, Woodbury 55125,.swIlll10180tc.umn.eduSWEEZER Brtan A, Cook (Outside In DiningServices) 1-450 Moos, Del Code 5804, (625-4496),sweezool Otc.umn.eduSWEIGARD Wes, Ole Spec (IntercollegiateAthletics) fOl MarA, DeIQ)de 2891 (624-5280),4119 E50th St, MpIs 55417,729-5500,

SWEITZER Julie A, Dtr (Equal Opp & AffirmatfveAction) 419 MorH, Del Code 0264 (624·9547),sweilOOl Otc.umn.eduSWENSEN CMstine L, Adjunct Assoc Prof. (DuluthClinic - Hermantown) 4855 WArrowhead Rd,Duluth 55811SWENSON Beverly L, Community Program Assoc(UM Ex1ension Kittson Cnly) 410 5th St So Ste200, Hallock 56728-4141 (218-843-3874),swens0650tc.umn.eduSWENSON Bne A, Graduate School Fellow ,(History) Room 614 SocSci, 2671911l Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7165, swen0331 Otc.umn.eduSWENSON Brynnar N, Ph 0 Candidate GradInstructor (Cu~ural Studies & Comparative Lite)408 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0147 (624·2638;624-6099),3146 Longfellow Ave ApI2, Mpls55407-1759,872-0419, swen0171 Otc.umn.eduSWENSON Curtis E, General Mechanic (BeileyHall), Del Code 6017 (624-3081), 1228 WynndgeDrtve, Arden Hills 55112, 651-638-3482,swensOO70tc.umn.eduSWENSON Daniel C, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-ZOne-5-East Ben~) Room300 Donhowe Bldg, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 3121, 1228 Wynrtdge Dr, Arden Hills55112,651-283-8747, swenS421 Otc.umn.eduSWENSON Danny L, Building and GroundsWorker (N Cantral Research & Outreach Cntr)1861 Hwy 169 E, Grand Rapids 55744(218·327-4490),414 Hartley PO Box 693,Coleraine 55722SWENSON David K, Departmenlal Dir (UMMStudent ActIvItIes) Room 15 SC, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267, 100 East 5th St, Morris 56267,320-585-5715. dswensonOmorris.umn.eduSWENSON David X, Asst Prof (Madicine-UMD)238 Mad, Duluth, 2646 Lauren Rd, Duluth 55804SWENSON Donald B. Prof (Retired) (CapitalMedical Offics) 590 Park St, SuRe 401, St Paul55103, 4957 Island View Drtve, Mound 55364,952-472-2848, swens0550tc.umn.eduSWENSON Enk N, Mechanic 2 (Fac Mgmt·Zonel-St Paul) 202 F M B, Del Code 6168 (624-2268),SWllIlSOO40tc.umn.eduSWENSON Jenni A, Info Tech Prof (Soli, Water,and Climate Dept) S229 Soils Building, Del Code6028 (625-5797), 4558 Edmund Blvd, Mpls 55406,722-1209, jswensonOtc.umn.eduSWENSON John B, Ass! Prof (UMD GeologicalSciences) Room 229 HH, 0175, Duluth'(218-726-6844; 218-726-8385),jswenso20d.umn,eduSWENSON Lee, Non Univ Staff (Athletics, Men'sIntcllg) 200 GNFB Mpls (625-0135),swens0600tc.umn.eduSWENSON Lyle J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (RegionsHospital) Cardiology, Room 2025, 640 Jackson St,St Paul 55101, 1864 Hillcrest Ave, St Paul 55116,swenS0020tc.umn.eduSWENSON Mary K, Sr Accountant (Law SchAdmin-Finance) 285 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911(626-9656), f6393 76th Placs No, Maple Grove55311, 763-416-5958, swens051 Otc.umn.eduSWENSON Pamela C, Sr Ole Spec (OIT) 2218Univ, Del Code 2171 (624-1172),651-257-2815,swens0520tc.umn,8!luSWENSON Randy, Info Tech Prof (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818), n5C~ Ave, Mendota Heights 55120,651-454-4780, swensl080tc.umn.eduSWENSON Rebecca 0, Teaching Asst (School ofJoumafism) Room 111 MurH, 206 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0371, bolioo260tc.umn.eduSWENSON Susan J, Instructor (CambrtdgeMamortal Hospital) Pharmacy Dept, 725 5Dellwood, Cambrtdge 55008, 97~ Dorset Lane,Eden Praine 55344, swens0190tc.umn.eduSWENSON Tami C, Research Fellow (MinnesotaPopuletion Canter, HIth Svcs Research/Policy) 50Willey Hall, Del Code 793f,

.SWENSON Thomas W, Building and GroundsWorker (UMM Plant service) Room 9 Cam,M268A, 600 E 4th St, Morris 56267(320-589-6100), 403 W 5th St, Morris 56267,320-589'2600, swenl"!Omorris.umn.eduSWENTKO Wa~er M, Ass! Prof (FamilyMadicinelComm Health), Program Dtr (MedicalSchool Admin) MMC 81 Mayo, Del Code 8ll8',B640Mayo(824-3111),23113OthAveSo, Mpls55406, 722-0684,, pege530-7313

SWlCA Henryk K, Aast Prof (Twin CitiesAnethesiology AssoCiate) Ste 801, 606 24th Ave 5,Mpis 55454 (672-6634), 3020 Unden Dnve, NewBrighton 55112, 651-638-9577,swicaOOl Otc.umn.eduSWIDERSKI Patncia A, Pr Accounts Spec (ADCS),Del Code 0771 (625-2474), 4237 Salem AvenueSouth, St Louis Park 55416, 952-925-Q,564,swideOO30tc.umn.eduSWiDORSKI Jacob J, Teaching Asst (Cherriiatry)Room 139 SmithH, 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455, 0eI Code 3661, n30 4th Ave 5, Apt 104,Richfield 55423, 866-7014, swidOOO70tc.umn.eduSWlERZSIN Bonnie J, Lecturer (ILES) 233 NCCE,Del Code 0095, 56 Arundel Ap19, St Paul 55102,651-227-0717, swi800060tc.umn.eduSWIFT James Q, Prof (DevelopmenlaVSurgicalScience), Assoc Prof (Dental Education,Continuing) 7-174C Moos T, Del Code 1291(624-7937), swiltOOl Otc.umn.eduSWIHART Ernest W, Assoc Prof (South Lake'Clinic - Minnetonka) no 101, 17705 Hutchins Dr,Minnetonka 55345, swiha0020tc.umn.eduSWINBURNE ROMINE Russell, Teaching Asst(Collega of Education) Room 107 BuH,178Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171, 2055Montreal Avenue, Saint Paul 55116,swinOO300tc.umn.eduSWINEHART Charyl 0, Asst Prof (Lab Medicine &Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609,15-178 P WB (625-9138),16377 May Ave, Manneon St Croix 55047. 651-433·5920,swineool0tc.umn.eduSWINGEN Cory M, Post-~oral AssOc(Radiology) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, MMC292 Mayo (624-5617; 626-6848),swingOO10tc.umn.eduSWlONTKOWSKI Marc F, Head (OrthopaedicSurgery), Prof (Orthopaedic Surgery), Adjunct Prof(HIth Svcs ReS8archlPollcy) Orthopaedic Surgery,Room no 258A, 2512 So 7th St, Mpls 55454(273-8000), 2240 Abingdon Way, Long ~e55356, 952-449-9476, swionOOl Otc.umn.eduSWISHER William 0, Info Tech Spec (GraduateSchool Admissions) 309 Joh H, Del Code 3773(625-2040), swishOO30tc.umn.eduSWISS Thom, Visltlng'Prof (School of Joumalism)219 Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371 (625-6554),500E Grant St, Apt 2504, Minneapolis 55404, .SWITEK Karen A, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chemistry Dept) 101 Sm~h Hall, Del Code 3661(624-1816),601 Leonard St, Ironwood MI49938-1435, switOO140tc.umn.eduSWITZER Julie A, Aast Prof (Orthopaedic Surgery)R-2oo, 2512 5 7th St, MpIs 55454,swi1z0120tc.umn.eduSWOFFORD JR Harold 5, Prof (Retired)(Chamlstry) 139 SmithH, Del Code 3661(624-6048), swolfordOtc.umn.eduSWOGGER Jacob K, Communications Technician(AcademIC Health Ctr Classroom servl) MMC 23Mayo, Del Code 8023, D446 Mayo (625·1292),swoggOO10tc.umn.eduSWOPE Jeanne L, Editor (Distance Education/lDL)Room 540 RangC, Del Code 7751 (625-8382),sw0pe0020tc.umn.eduSWORA Rebecca J, Instructor (Aspen MedicalGroup) 1850 Beam Ave, Maplewood 55109,1024Mercury Dr W, Shoreview 55126, ~1-482-9620,sworaool0tc.umn.eduSWORD Carne B, Coordinator (CommunityIntegration, Inst on), Lecturer (CCE PelS EnrichPrgms Instrl) 101 PtH, Del Code 4201,swordOO20tc.ullJl·eduSWORD Daniel G, Teaching Aast (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church 51 SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 2113 Bryant Ave SAp13, MpIs 55405, swordOl00tc.umn.eduSWORD Jean M, AIat Prof (Retired) (UMD SociaJ

.Work, Dept 01),802 N21st St. Supenor WI 54880,jswOrdOtc.umn.eduSWOVERLAND Mark L, Info Tech Spec(Educational Psychology) 204 Burton Hall, DelCode 3171 (625-5017), swovtechOtc.umn.eduSWOVERLAND Robert G, AdministrativeProfessional (pnnting 5ervicas) 102 P5 B, DelCode 5401 (625-1518), 1614 23rd Ave NW, NewBrtghton 55112, 651-628-9464,swoveOO10tc.umn.eduSWYTER DougIasC, Pnn Acoountant (AccountingServicss) Room 8530 WBOB, Del Code 7529(624-5035),


SYCK Lawrence J, Ass! Prof (Retired)(UMD-Aceounting) 138 S B E, Duluth(218-726-8120),3905 Rockview Ct, Duluth 55804,21S:525-1578,IsycI<Od.umn.eduSYDOR Michael, Prof (UMD-Physics) 376 MWAH, Duluth (218-726-7205), 218-525-2594,msydorOd.umn.eduSYDORENKO Nadiya, PhD Candidate Research.Asst (UMD Chemistry) 246 Cham, Del Code 3661,1117 7th 51 SE Apt 205, Mpls 56414, 379-0385,sydorOO20tc.umn.eduSYDOW Berbara P, Ole Spec (UMD ConlihuingEduC8tion) 104 DAdB, 0853, 1049 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-6288), 202 East 9IIl Street,Duluth 55805, 218-722·7447, bsydowOd.<JIIlIl.eduSYEDAIN Zeeshan H, Research Asst (Cham Engr& Mali SCi) 185 Alnund Hall, Del Code 0531(626-2021), syeda0040tc.umn.eduSYKES Rey, Research Ass! (EdPA) Room 330WullH, Del Code 3345'(624-6331),3415 38th Ave5, Mpls 55408, 345-4!l52, sykes031 Otc.umn.eduSYKES Robert 0, Aseoc Prof (Dept 01 LandscapeArcMecture) Room 1400 RapsonH, Del Code0811 (625-8091),4524 Casco Ave, Ecina 55424,sykesOO20tc.umn.eduSYLVESTER Mae 5, Coordinator (Pediatrics &.AdoIescsnt HeaJ1h) Suite 260 McNamaraCtr, DelCode 2016 (826-0162), 162 College Ave WApt 6,St Paul 55102, 651-227-3740,sylv80010tc.umn.eduSYMALLA Barbara J, Instructor (Childrens'Hospital and Ciinics) 345 North Smith Ave, St Paul55102,1623 Wellesley Ave, St Peul55105,symalOO20tc.umn.eduSYMANSKI MeliSsa A, Teaching Ass! (HeaIlhcareManag8ment) 3-150 CartSMgmt, 321 1911l Ave 5,.Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, 330 0aI< Grove S~

304, Minneapolis 55403, 251-3348,symanOO10tc.umn.eduSYMBAL Patricia A, Building and;Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt·FMB) Room 202 FMB, 1938Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code6168 (624-5968), symbaOOl Otc.umn.eduSYME Kathiyn H, PnnAdministratlve Spec(Continuing Profesaional Educ) Room 353 Clapll,Del Code 6051 (624-4938), 3385 Bellaire Ave,Wh~e Bear Lk 55110, symexool Otc.umn.eduSYMONS Frank J, Assoc Prof (College 01Education) Room 238 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171 (626-8697).symon007.0tc.umn.eduSYMONS Sendra M, Exec Administrative Spec(Ollicelor Student AIlairs) 110 Morrill Hall, DelCode 0261'(624-4599),

.SYNHAYSKY Arkedy, Adjunct Asst Prof(Mecjicine), Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyMediclneiComm Health) Kidney Disease andCritical Care, 2045 Rice St, ROll8v1l1e 55113.2085Rica Street, Roseville 55113,synhaool Otc.umn.ecluSVPNIESKI Jacquelyn R. Dental Ass! (PnmaryDental Care-Health Ecology) Room 9-227 Moos T,Del Code12~1 (625-5441),5251 Taylor St NE,Fndley 55421, sypnIOO20tc.umn.eduSYRmCheryi L, Adjunct Instructor (UMD HPER)110 SpHC, Duluth (218-726-7120)SYRING PHD David, Aast P~ (UMD .Sociology/Anthropology) ROom 205 KPIz, Duluth(218-726·7551),218-722·3802,dsynngOd.u'l'n:l!dUSYRJAMAKI KUCHTA Manan, Sr Word ProcSpec (UMD Acad SupportlStudent ute) 184 DAda,0211, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7147), msyrjamaOd.umn.!iduSYRSTAD .lI!stin J, Research Ass! (AerospaceEngr anll Machanics) !;loom 107 AkarH, 110 Uni.onSt SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code,0731, 16340 SO Hwy15, Revillo SO 57259, 605-623-4335,syrst0020tc.umn.eduSYSTEM Testing, Sr Research Assoc(DiagnosticlSurg-TMJ & Orofacial) 6-354 Moos T,Del Code 1291 (625-6930),2402 Porter Ave,Anoka,55303, 763-421-0705,systOOO1 Od.umn.eduSYTINA Julia, Coordinator.(ElectricaVComputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572(625-4097), 2700 Holly Lane N, Plymouth 55447,763-449-\1857, sytinOOl O\C.umn.eduSYVERSON Jennifer J, Pnn Administrative Spec(Carlson MISAQ) 4-343 CarlSMgmt, Del Code7041 (624-2029), syverOO10tc.umn.eduSYVI!RSON MA JoAnn, Sr Lecturer(Undergraduate Program, eso; Maslers 01BusinsssTaxation) 4-231C8rlSMgmt, Del Code7041 (624-3373), 9464Cree~ Dr, EdenPrairie 55347, 952-996-9932,syvar0040tc;


SYVERSON Ryan L, Research Ass! (PlantPathology) Room 495 BorH, 1991 Uppar BufordCircle, St Paul 55H)8, Del Code 6030,syveOO39@tc,

SZABO Las J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (PlantPathology) Room 495 BorH, Del Code 6030(625-3780; 625-6299), 1551 Undig Street, St Paul55108, IszaboOtc.umn.eduSZADOKIERSKllsadora E, Research Ass!(College of Education) Room 107 BuH, 178Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171, 1696Hague Ave, Apt I, Saint Paul 55104,szadoOO10tc.umn.eduSZAFRANSKI Dar1ene M, SecretarylAeceptionist(UM Extension Benton Cnly) 531 Dewey St, POBox 650, Foley 56329-0650 (320-968-5077),szafrOO10tc.umri.eduSZAJNER Ruth 0, Adjunct Instructor (NorthMemorial Clinic) 13560 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka55305, 3417 !'Ioble Ave N, Crystal 55422,763-529-6036, szajOOOl @tc.umn.eduSZALAY Andrea, Assoc Admin (EmergencyMedicine Program) MMC 911 Mayo, Del Code8911, MMe 911 Mayo (626-4299),[email protected]

SZALAY Nicole E, Research Ass! (Heatth ServiceS'RschIPoIicy) 0 262 Mayo Building, MMe 510, 420Delaware Street SE, Mpls 55455, 13505 Parker St,Omaha NE 68154-3832, [email protected] Tomasz, Adjunct Prof (IntemationalProgram Dev) 4-104 carlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041,

SZAREJKO John M, Reeearch Ass! (LabMedicinelPathology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code8196,651-487-8070, [email protected] POlly E, Prof (ILES) 214 NCCE, DelCode 0095 (624-3331), szatrOOl Otc.umn.eduSZCZECH David N, Fann Animal Attendant (NWResearch and Outreach Center) AgRC, 2900Universiiy Ave, Crookston 56716 (218-281-8614),311 Leonard, Crookston 56716,dSZQ:echOmajl.crk.umn.eduSZIARTO Kristin M, Graduate School Fellow(Geography) 414 Soc Sci, Del COde 7163,[email protected] Tamas, Jr Scientist (Plant Pathology)Room 495 BorH, 1991 Upper Buford Circle, StPaul 55108, Del COde 6030, tszinyeiOtc.umn.eduSZONDY Margaret M, Adjunct Instructor (Nursing,S""ool of), Teaching Spec (Nursing, School 01)4-149 WDH, Del Code 1331 (626-5204),7719Newbury Road; Woodbury 55123,651-714-7197,szondOO20tc.umn.eduSZYMANSKI Steven R, Teaching spec'(Hea~re Mgmt Ind Stdy Prgm) Room 1102221UniY,2221 Universily Ave SE, Mpls 55414, DelCode 2708, [email protected]

TT Dileepan, Research Ass! (VeterinaryPatho8iology) 205 Veterinary Science Bldg, DelCode 6187 (625-7703),1992 Knapp Avenue, CTCHousing, Universily of MinneSOla, SainI Paul55108,651-1147-0748, dileOOO30tc.umn.eduTA Tuan A, Sr Accountant (Lab "led/PathologyDepartment) MMe 809 Mayo, Del Code 8609,Mayo 7-760, taxxx0030tc.umn.eduTABAH Azah A, Research Ass! (Department ofPhannacology) 3-270 BSBE, Del Code 1213(625-8491),4633 Fillmore St NE, ColumbiaHeights 55421, 763-574-7577,1aIlahOOl01c.umn.eduTABAKA Katherine A, Prin Administretive Spec(Pediatric Nephroiogy DMsion) MMC 491 Mayo,Del Code 8491, 13-250 Moos Tower (624-0110;625-8483), tabaoo250tc.umn.eduTABANAO Dlndo, Ass! Scientist (303 Hayes Hall)1509 Gortner Avenue, Del COde 6026 (625-7773),1047 29th Ave SE Apt A, Mpls 55414-2767,331-9147, taba00240tc.umn.eduTABORN John M, Assoc Prof (Retired)(Educalional Psychology; Afr American/AfricanSludies) 249A Bu H; 249A Burton Hall, Del Code7155 (624-9847), taborOOl Otc.umn.eduTABOURNE PHD Carta E, Assoc Prof (Kinesiology& Lalsure Studies) Room 207 Cooke H, Del Code2061 (625-7590), tabouool Otc.umn.eduTACKm Jennifer L, Reeearch Ass! (Psychology)N-218 EttH, 75 East River Road, Mpis 55455, DelCode 3281,

TACKLINO James W, Technical Consuttant (HtthSves l;IesearchlPoiicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code8729,

TADAVARTHY S Murthy, Assoc Prof (RadiologyDepartment) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292,MMC 292 Mayo, 9515 Leaftop Circle, Eden Prairie55347,

TADE Susan J, Media Producer (Digital MediaCenter) Room 212 WetterLib, Del Code 3729(625-5094; 625-5055), 7111 Palmer Lk Cir,Brooklyn Center 55429,763-566-7357,[email protected]

TADESSE Bedassa, Asst Prof (UMD Economics;UMD BuslnessIEcon, School 01) 172 SBE, 412Library Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8365), 4911London Rd, Duluth 55804, [email protected]

TADESSE Salilish T, Attendanl (Sanford DiningServices) 177 SanH, Del Code 4701 (624-6549),1820 1st Ave S, ApI206, MpIs 55404, 879-5070,tades0060tc.umn.eduTADESSE Yared K, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Motii) Room 19 Scott Hall, 72Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3233, 161Arlington Ave E, St Paul 55117, 651-224-1026,

TAOMOR Ellad B, Visiting Assoc Prof (AerospaceEngr and Mechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 UnionSt SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 0731,

TAFF Steven J, Assoc Prof (Applied Econ) 231 CiaOff, Del Code 6040 (625-3103), sjtaffOtc.umn.eduTAFFE Chuck, Non Univ Staff (UMM ComputingServiCllS) 10 Behmler Morris,taffecOmorris.umn.eduTAGATZ George E, Prof (Obstetrics andGynecology), Lacturer (Medicine) MMC 395 Mayo,Del Code 8395, Bx 395 Mayo, 5828 Long BrakeTrail, Edina 55439, 952-941-7930,taga1OO10tc.umn.eduTAGELDIN Shaden M, Asst Prof (Cuttural Studies& COmparative Ut) 325 Folwell Hall, Del Code0147 (625-8445; 624-8099), tageldinOtc.umn.eduTAHNK.JOHNSON MaryE, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Kidney Disease & Crit Care Assoc) R_I, 4310Nlcollel Ave S, Mpis 55409, tahnkOOl Otc.umn.eduTAHOE Nuzha M, Post-Doctoral Fellow (PedialricsInfectious Disease) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code8196,1315 Mayo Building (624-0489; 624-6759),nmtahoeOtc.umn.eduTAHRAN Arlene A, Plin Administrative Spec(UMC-Business and Technology) 109 Dow H,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8176),atahranOmail.cr1<.umri.eduTAHTlNEN Evelyn M, Sr Laboratory SarvicesCoord (UMD Chemistry) 132 Chern, 1039Universily Dr, Duluth 55812'(218-728-7209), 428W Cleveland St, Duluth 5581" 218-724-0573,etahtineOd.umn.eduTAHTlNEN Sarab E, Teeching Asst (Curriculumand Instruction) Room 125 PeikH, Del Code 4301(625-5894),708 Nightingale Blvd, Stillwater 55082,651-689-0010, taht00050tc.umn.eduTAl Feng, Research Ass! (BiostatisticS, Division ofSPH) MMe 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303, MMC 303Mayo (626-1170; 624-4655),feng00410tc.umn.eduTAINTOR Jerry, Buyer, Fumiture and Printing(PUfchaslng) 554C We0 e, Del Code 7532(624-5762), tain1OO1 Otc.umn.eduTAJIBAEVA Usila, Lecturer (HHH Inst PublicAllairs-Pub AI), Rasearch Ass! (AppliedEconomics) 316 Classroom Office Bldg, Del Code6040, tajI000401c.umn.eduTAKADA Kensuke, Post-Docteral Assoc (Dept ofLab Medicine and Pathology) MMC 334 Mayo, DelCode 8334, 6-256 BSBE (625-1626), 911 22ndAve S Apt350, MpIs 55404, 339-2701,takad0020tc.umn.eduTAKAMURA Kenjl, Jr Scientist (VAMC­Department of Medicine) Research 151, OneVelerans Dr, Mpls 55417, takaOO580tc.umn.eduTAKEMORI Akira E, Prof (Retired)(Phannacology), 5237 Wooddale Ave, Edina55424, [email protected] Ai, Research Asst (Educational Policy& Administration) Room 330WuIIH, 3345, 86Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455 (625-6679), 24-11MOloyoyogl-eho, Shibuya·Ku, Tokyo 1510062Japan, [email protected] Sandre K, Exec Asst (Surgery) MMe 207Mayo, Del Code 6207, (625-8698),takinool

TAKYAR Mir Shahrouz, Research Asst (Electricaland Computer Engr), Teaching Ass! (Electrical andComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCScI, Del Code0572 (626-8676), 425 - 13th Ave SE • Apt 1301,Minneapolis 55414, takyOOOI0tc.umn.eduTAL Michal, Research Asst, (Geology andGeophysicS) l00F PillsH, 310 Pillsbury Dr SE,Minneaplis 55455 (627-4582) 2208 MilwaukeeAve, Mpls55404, 721-3503, &lxOOOl Otc.umn.eduTALAKOWSKI Valerie, Non Unlv Staff (UDSAffiliated Staff) 23 Blegen tiall Mpis (625-0842),talakOOl ,fALBERG Michael C, Physician (Acad HealthCenter Departments) 1st Floor 925 Delaware, 925Delaware St SE, Suite 220, Mpls 55414, Del Code2131,368 Ouentin Ave N, Lakeland 55043,651-436-8330, talba0020tc.umn.eduTALBERT Samuel W, Facilities Manager (FacMgmt-Zone I -St Paul District) Room202 FMB, DelCode 6168 (624-6276), s-talbOtc.umn.eduTALGE Nicole M, Reeearch Ass! (ChildDevelopment) ChDev, Del Code 4011 (626-2296),talgOOO10tc.umn.eduTALGHADER Joseph J, Assoc Prof (Dept OfElectrical & Computer Engr) 4-174 E EIC Sci, DelCode 0572 (625-4524), joeyOtc.umn.eduTALLAKSEN Kelly J, Administrative Professional(Accounting Sarvices) Room 658E WOOB, DelCode"529 (624-9014), oconn04401c.umn.eduTALLER Jennijer, Non UOIY Staff (Agronomy andPlant Genetics) 411 BorIaug Mpls (625-6223),4810 Sandra Lane, Whtte Bear Lake 55110,taI1e0230tc.umn.eduTALLEY Emily R, Info Tech Pro.f (SponsoredProjects Adm-e-Research) 450 McNamara AlumniCtr, Del Code 2003 (624-2040),taI1OO210tc.umn.eduTALLMAN Jonathan C, Adjunct Ass! Prof(HeatthPartners - Ridgedale>, 14001 RidgedaleDrtve, Minnetonka 55305, 3306 Humboldt AveSouth Apt3, Mpls 55408, [email protected] Ishi, Non Univ Staff (Chemical EngrlMatSci) 347 Amundson Mpls (626-0712),talmonOlc.umn.eduTALUKDER Kana, Research Ass! (Humphrey Instof Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 301 19th AveS, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451,1600 6th SI S Apt6306, Mpls 55454, 338-2504,[email protected] Lai·Wa, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Plant Biology)Room 448 BioSel, Del Code 6022 (624-1219), 'TAM PHD Patty, Ass! Prof (Medicine), ResearchAssoc (Medicine) MMe 108 Mayo, Del Code 8108,254 Diehl Hall (626-6857; 625-7983), 1445Maryland Ave N, Golden Valley 550\27,[email protected] .

TAMBORN'NO Joseph, Ass! Prof (HCMC) 701Park Ave S, Mpls 55415, tamb00040tc.umn.eduTAMBORNINO Mark E, Adjunct Instructor (Dept ofArchitecture) Room 145 RapeonH, Del Code 0811(624-7868), 3640 Pillsbury Avenue Soufh, Mpls55409,624-6812, tamboOO201c.umn.eduTAMMA Kumar K, Prof (Mechanical Engineering),Assoc Program Dir (Anny HPC Research Center)Room 325E MechE, Del Code 0891 (625-1821),ktsmmaOtc.umn.eduTAMRAT Tsahay G, Building and Grounds Worker(Facililies Mgmt CLA Zone 5) Room 19 ScottH, 72Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3233, 2119Pillsbury Ave, S, Aptl08, Mpls 55404, 622-4835,tamra0020tc.umn.eduTAMTE Karen E, Instructor (Soufhdale Pediatrics)6050 Clearwater Drive, Suite A, Minnetonka 55343,20915 Oak Lane, Excelsior 55391, 473-2718,tamleOOl Otc.umn.eduTAMTE Sheri M, Teaching Spec (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 150 PeikH, Del Code 4301,140Pond View Drtve, Loretto 55357,[email protected] Annie, Instructor (Obstetrics andGynecology), Medical Fellow (Obstelrics endGynecology) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395,12-211 Moos T (626-3111), tanxooll Otc.umn.eduTAN Chalel, Asst Prof (386 Kirby Plaza) 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6031;218-726-60(0), ctanOd.umn.eduTAN Edmundo N, Instructor (Children's Mpls) ERDept, 2545 Chicago Ave 5, Mpls 55404,tanxx0130tc.umn.eduTAN Jack, '-'<:Iurer (ComputerScienceJEngineering)Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union SI SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 0571,[email protected]

TAN Kong HSarwa B, PhD Cendidate RasealchAss! (Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys,116 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331(625-9832; 624-9368), 3020 31st Avenue S, AptII, Mpls 55406-2063,724-7756,[email protected] U Ping, Medical Fellow (Medicine RenalOffice) MMC 736 Mayo, Del Code 8736, 14-136PWB (624-9444), 3617 Bryant Ave 5 Apt 302, Mpls55409,623-7377, tanxxI170tc.umn.eduTAN U W, Research Ass! (Chemical EngrlMatSel), Teaching Asst (Chemical EngrlMat Sel) 461Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531 (626-2246), 103929th Ave SE, Apt A, Mpls 55414,331-3568,lanxOloo0tc.umn.eduTAN Miguel, Instructor (Surgery) MMe 195 Mayo,Del Code 8195, [email protected] Min, Teaching Asst (ElectricaVComputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572, 616llAve SE Room ApI2, Mpls 55414, 086-1387,minxx0240tc.umn.eduTAN Ye, Research Fellow (Departrnenl ofPedialrics) MMC 803 Mayo, Del Code 8803,6412-1 Mayo Building (624-2604),tenxx0480tc.umn.eduTAN Zhong-Shu, Teaching SPEH; (Spanish &Portuguese) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (625-5858), 'tanxx0040tc.umn.eduTANAKA Masayoshi, Teaching Ass! (Chemistry)Room 139 SmilhH; 207 Plaasanl St SI:, Mpls55455, Del Code 3681, [email protected] Sandre L, Coordinstor (MN LandscapaArboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd, Chaska55318-9613 (952-443-1451), 8060 Cardinal Dr,Waconia 55367, 952-442-4809,[email protected] Nalasha, Non Univ Staff (UDSAffiliated Staff) 116 FOB Mpls (626-9806),tande0060tc.umn.eduTANDON Veeti, Ass! Scientist (Medical SchoolAdmin) MMC 293 Mayo, Del COde 6293, 4948Lyndale Ave South, Mpls 55409, 822-7979,tandool1 Otc.umn.eduTANDY Deborah L, Building and GroundS Worker(Riverbend Commons Res Hall), Del Code 1111(625-7787), tandyOOl 0Ic.umn.eduTANEJA Usha, Accountant (Patents & TechnologyMIdg) 450 McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2003(626-7290), tanejool Otc.umn.eduTANG Faqing, Honnal Fellow (Hormellnslitule)University of Minnesota, 80116th Ave NE, Austin55912-3679,900 14th St NW, Apt207, Austin55912, langxl020tc.umn.eduTANG' Hue, Ass! Prof (UMD EleetricaVComputerEngr) 276 MWAH, 1023 Universily Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-7095; 218-726-6147), Apt 503,Portland Manor, 831 E 4th St, Duluth 55805,[email protected] Jianwu, Reeearch Assoc (ForestResources) Room 28 GreenH, Del Code 6112,2297 Standish St, Apt 10, St Paul 55108,jtangOtc.umn.eduTANG Jingpang, Asst Prof (UMC Math,SciencalTechnology) Room 109 sec, C909, 2900Universily Ave, Crookston 56716;jptangOmail.crk.umn.eduTANG Jun, PhD Candidate Teaching AsfI.(EIec1ricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSel,Del Code 0572, 651-623-1816,[email protected] Oin, Research Asst (Pediatrics) MMe 609Mayo, Del Code 8609, 1233 Fifield Avenue, SainIPaul 55108, 651-646-8678, [email protected] Rong, Post-Doctoral Assoc (MedicineCardiology Office) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code8508, MMC 508 Mayo, 624 Huron St SE Ap1103,Mpls 55414, [email protected] Ruoqi, Teaching Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,1015 Essex Street SEAp132O, Mpls 55414, [email protected] Weihong, Research Assoc (Epidemiology)300 W BOB, Del COde 7525 (624·1818),[email protected] Weihua, ResearchAsst (MechanicalEngineering), Teaching Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Mechanical Engineering, Room 1101MechE, 111 Church St SE. Mpls 55455, Del Code0691, 42513Ave SE, Apt 1705, Mpls 55414,[email protected] Xiao Olng, Research Assoc (Neuroscience)Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455. DelCode 1216,2297 Standish Street, Apt 15, SainIPaul 55108, [email protected]


TANG Y8U-Chien, Prof (Retired) (Physics and.Astronomy), 1666 Coffman Str8et, Apt32O, St Paul55108, tangxOO20tc.umn.eduTANG Ye, Reeearch Spec (MedicInal Chemistry)8-101 WDH, Del Code 1332 (624-9919; 624-2146),

. 2555 Ridge Lane, Mounds VI8W 55112,763-786-5574, tangx0270tc.umn.eduTANG Yu, Post-Docloral Assoc (Chemistry) 407SmithH. Del Code 3661, 2008 brewster st, Apt105,sl, paul 55108, langXI160tc.umn.eduTANG Yulin, Research Spec (Plant Biology) Room250 8ioScI, 1445 Gortner Ave, SI Paul 55108, DelCode 6022, tangx0460tc.umn.eduTANGQUIST Jason P, Assoc Depar1Jnent Dir(UMC Athletics), Head Coach (UMC Athletics) 270Owen, Crookstlln 56716, 718 Thomdale Ave,Crookstlln 56718, 218-281-7181,jlangquiOmaH.crttumn.eduTANI Douglas,~ Assoc Prof (17 WExchange St) SuI1e 200, St Paul 55102, 809MiAwood Alta, RosevIlle 55113, 651-484-5470,tanIxOO40tc.umn.eduTANI Paul M, AdjUnct Assoc Prof (Ophthalmology)MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493, Mayo 493(625-4400), tanix0030tc,umn.eduTANIGUCHI Aye, Ass! ScIentist (Neuroscience)Rm 8-145 JacH, 321 Church St S, MpIs 55455, DelCode 1216, taniguchOtc.umn.eduTANIGUCHI Yuko, Lacturer (English) 2-172EElCScI, Del Code 0613 (624-2343),taniOO130lc.umn.eduTANK Andrew T, Ass! Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 240A BFAB, Del Code 3061 (625-5663),1920 1st St S Apt 1008, Mpls 55454, 220-4963, .

TANK Angeta M, Graphic Des!9nertl.1edia Artist(Office of Educational Development) C-205 MayoMMC387, Del Code 1332 (628-4211), 33 S AvonApt5, Saint Paul 55414, 651-222-6238,atankOtc.umn.ilduTANNER Dewn R, Graduate School Fellow(Fisheries, WJklIiIe & Cons BioQ Room 2nd FIHodsonH, Del Code 6125 (624-4222), 350Goodrich Ave, St Paul 55102,tannOO420tc.umn.eduTANNER Pal A, Non Univ Staff (UMM Computingservices) 10 Behmler Morris,\annerpaO morrIs.umn.eduTANSEK Karin M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (ENTProfessional Assoc Ltd) no 1750, 825 Nicollet Mall,MpIs 55402 (339-0304), 1750 MedicaJ Arts, Mpls55402, tanseOOl Otc.umn.eduTANTRY Jaidev S, Post-DoctoraIAsaoc (Dept ofPharmaceutics) 9-125 Weaver-Denslord Hall, DelCode 1332 (624-7968), 1998 Brewster Street, Apt307, seint Paul 55108, 651-646-4644,tantrOOl Otc.umn.eduTANTZEN JennWer E, Inlo Tech Prof (DigitalLibrary Development Lab) 201B OMWL, Del Cads7111 (624-1618), tantt0030ic.umn.eduTANTZEN WiHiam L, Info Tech Prof (Digilal LibraryDevelopment Lab) 201B OMWL, Del Code 7111,4057101h Av S, MpIs 55407, 822-9933,tantzOO10tc.umn,eduTANZ Mark L, Ass! Prof (Hennepin County MedicalCanter) Dept 01 0bIGyn, 701 Park Ave S, Mpls55415, 4817 East Lake Harriet, MpIs 55409,tanzxOOI0tc.umn.eduTAO HunWen, Graduate SChool Fellow (CivilEngineering) Room 122 CivE, ·500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851, 2528 Helmo Ave N,Oakdale 55128, taoxx019.0tc.umn.eduTAO Liu, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Neuroscience) Rm8-145 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, DelCads 1216, 1009 Lowry Ave NE, MpIs55418-3727, 651-647-()948, 1iuxx2150tc.umn.eduTAO Pao-Luh, VISiting Prof (Phannacology) Room8-120 Jackson Hall, Del Code 1213, 2297 StandishSt, Apt 1" St Paul 55108, 651-644-1796,laoxx0250tc.umn.eduTAO Wulan, Adjunct ASst Prof (Stem Cell Institute)MMC 716 Mayo, Del Code 8716,14-271 MoosTower (626-9935; 628-2110), 763-478-2846,taoxxOOBOtc.umn.eduTAPUCK Bracley N, Teaching Ass! (Dept ofArchitactura) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 081"tapIOOOl0tc.umn.eduTAPUN BracIey R, Info Tech Prof (InformationSystem8) 203A DiehIH, Del Code 1691,tapIiOO50tc.umn.eduTAPUN Elizabeth C,Asaoc Development OIcr(~ College Development & A/ufrfl) 146Appleby Hall, Del~ 3501 (628-3445),tapliOOl .

TAPP Robert B, Prof (Retired) (Humanities) Rm831 HellerH, Del Code 7057 (625-6563), 2027Kenwood Pky, Mpls 55405, tappxOOl @tc.umn.eduTAPPEN Martha J, Assoc Prof (Anthropology) 395HHH Center, Del Code 7455 (625·3087), .TARANCO Manuel B, Building and GroundsWorker (FacilRies Mgit:Administration) BI17Moos T, Del Cads 3121 (624-2900),333 OakGrove St Apt302, Mpls 55403, 879-8050,taranOO10tc.umn.eduTARAS Elizabeth P, Ass! SCientist (RadiationTherapy Department) MMC 494 Mayo, Del code8494, Cancer Center (628-4323),taras0030tc.umn.eduTARFULEANicoleta E, Teaching ASst (SChool ofMathematIcS) 508 VinH, Del Code 0412(624-9099), Apt E, 1053 29th Ave SE, ComoStudent Community, MpIs 55414, 623-7652,tartu0020tc.umn,eduTARIBAGIL Rajiv R, Research ASst (Chem Eng &.Material ScIenca) 165 Amundson Hall, Del Cads0531 (628-2021),taribOO30tc.umn.eduTARKIN Ivan S, Instructor (Orthopaedic Surgery)MMC 492 Mayo, Del Code 8492, Regions HospRal,[email protected]

TARN Tony, Research Spec (Pharmacy Practice)7-159 WDH, Del Code 1332 (624-9931),lamxOO10tc.umn.eduTARONE Elaine E, Prof (LinwEngt secondLang/Slavic; International Programs, OIc of;Curriculum and Instruction) 331 G NCCE, DelCode 0095 (624·2023), etaroneOtc:umn.eduTARR Stephanie, Non Univ Staff (UDS AffilialedStall) Ll33 CSOM Mpls (628-9155),[email protected] Rafael E, Asaoc Librarian (SociaiSCiences Collections (COM)) 367 OMWL, DelCode 7111 (624-4317),,n.eduTARREL. Ronald M, Adjunct Assoc Pro' (NoranNeuro Clinic, P A) 910 E 26th St, Mpls 55419,tarreQ020tc.umn.eduTARREN Patricia C, Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Mail Code 814, Dentistry, 701Park Ave S, Mpls 55415, 1676 SCheffer Ave, StPaul 55116, tarrenOtc.umn.eduTART Kelly, ASst Clinical Prof (Veterinary ClinicalSCiences), Program Dir (Vetarinary ClinicalSCiences) Room 305 VMC, Del Cads 6192(624-4769),5768 Oxford St N, ShoreView 55126,651·765-0015, johns1720tc.umn.eduTASHIRO Ty 0, Asst Prof (Psychology) N·218EnH, 75 East Aiver Road, Mpls 55455, Del Cads3281 (625-9501),3300 Fremont Ave S Aptl08,Mpls 55408, 669·9898, 1ashOOO20tc.umn.ed~TASKIN Mugs, Teaching Ass! (SChool of Math)Vincent Hall 456, Del Code 0412 (625-0356),taskiOO10tc.umn.eduTASSEW Eshetu, Sr Hospital Canltal Svc Tech(Veterinary Medical Center) Room 279 VMC, DelCads 6194, 51011481h path West, Apple Valley55124, 952-322·5371, tasseOOl @tc.umn.eduTASSONE Patricia, Assoc Admin (Carlson,OIT)4-173 CartSMgmt, Del Cads 7041 (624-5519),casey0320tc.umn.eduTATE Douglas Y, Ass! Prof (Metropolitan PediatricSpecialists) no 260,303 E Nicollet Blvd, Burnsville55337, tatex0080tc.u'mn.eduTATE Elvis, Exempt Temporary or Casual (NavalSCience NROTC) 206 Armory, Del Cads 0893(624-4833; 625-6677), 3612 Denmark Ave; Eagsn55123,651·905-0365, tatex0460tc.umn.edlJ'TATE Gregory, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt) 300 Donhowe, Del Cads 3121,1372 McAfee, St Paul 55106, 651-778-6388,tataxOO70tc.umn,eduTATE Mary, Asaoc Program Dir (System Admin,OIc of Sr VP for), Administratlve Dir (MedicalSChool Admin) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code 8293,B605 Mayo (625-1494), tataxOOl Otc.umn,eduTAnNi Sita R, Prof Emeritus (Food ScI & Nutrition)264 A B L MS, Del Code 6099 (624-7412;624-1290), 10865 Thone Road, Woodbury 55129,651'636-8742, statiniOtc.umn.eduTATONT Andrew, Ass! Prof (455 Kollhoff) 207Pleasant Street SE, Del Cads 3661 (628-4681),2389 Greenbrier Circle, LillIe Cenada 55117,tatonool Otc.umn.eduTATSUMI Yasuakl, Hormel Fellow (HormelInstitute) University of Minnesola, 801 16th AveNE, Ausstin 55912 (507-437·9667), 804·F 25thAve NW, Austin 55912, 507-437·9273,

TATUM Jerome w, Asaoc Development Ofcr(Universtty Foundation) Room 500 McNemaraCtr,Del'Cads 2011 (828-1317),6811 Briarwood Court,Chanhassan 55317, tatumoo20tc,

TAUBE Rochelle R, Adjunct Ass! Prof (France AveFamily Physicians) Sta 410;7250 France Ave,Edina 55435, 1832 Wellesley Ave, St Paul 55105,

'TAUBE Sytvia 0, Ole Spec (SponSOred FInancialReporting) Room 450 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2003 (624-4313), tauba0030tc.umn.eduTAUBER Wayne L, Analyst (Auxiliary Services)Room 210 PSB, Del Code 5404 (628-1075;624·1442), taubeOO50lc.umn.eduTAUBERT Carol L, Exec Adminislrallve Spec(Medicine) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Cads 8486,14-142 P W B (625-9604), 1220 Powderhorn TerAp133, Mpls 55407, 729-7605,taubeOO10tc.umn.eduTAUER Anna L, Research Ass! (CommunicationStudIes) 225 Ford Hall, Del Code 0456,65~-646-2278, colli3490tc.umn.eduTAUER PHD Carol A, Visiting Prof (Bloethics) 410Church Street SE, Del Code 1171, 1962 DorotheaAve, St Paul 55116, 651-690-2433,[email protected]

TAUSSIG Karen·Sue, Ass! Prof (Anthropology;Medicine) 395 HHH Cneter, Del Code 7455,taussig 0 tc.umn.eduTAUTIN Francis S, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Restoratlve Sci - Prosthodontics) Room 4-215Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (625-8485), 145Maple Hill Rd, Hopkins 55343,

TAVAI-TUISALO'O Margre1, Exec AdministrativeSpec (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory) 244Veterinary D1ag Lab, Del Cads 6184 (825-5253),1333 Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108,laugsool @tc.umn.eduTAVEIRNE Kimberly M, Non-University Employee(UM Extension Douglas Cnty) Ste 8090, 720Rllmore, Alex~ndria 56308-1763 (320-762.3890),laveiOO10tc.umn.eduTAWFIC Sherif, Ass! Prof (Lab Medicine &Pathology) MMC 909 Mayo, Del Code 8809, 0242Mayo (625-9171), tawliOO10Ic.umn.eduTAYLOR. Anne L, Asaoc Dean (Medical SchoolAdmin), Prof (Medicine) MMC 293 Mayo, Del Cads8293, ; 284 VCRC (628-2183),

TAYLOR Audra.L, Medical Record Clerk(AHC-eUHCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave S, Del Code7851 (638-0700), mo 36th Ave N Apt215, Crystal55427, 522-6093, taylo084.0tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Barbara M, Dir (Reading Research, Ctrfor), Prof (Curriculum and Instruction) 338 Peik H,Del Cads 4301 (625-0169), bmtaytorOtc.umn.eduTAYLOR Clifford G, Building and Grounds Worker(UMD Feeililies Management) 241 OAdS, 0219,1049 Unlwrsity Dr, Duluth 55812,1965 MoenRoad, Two Harbors·55616, 218-834-4400,[email protected]

TAYLOR 0 Craig, Program Dir (Olc for Bus &Comm Econ Develpoment) 136 University OIcPlaza, Del Code 2705 (624-0530),

TAYLOR Darious L, Attendant (Centennial FOOdservice), Food service Worker (Centennial Foodservice) B96 CenH, Del Code 1811 (625-8675),651-228-0708, tayI02080tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Dean C, Prof (Orthopaedic Surgery) Rm200, 2512 So 7th St, Mpls 55454,tayt06180tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Doris A, Prof (PhysIology; Medicine)7-112 BSBE, Del Code 1191 (628-1416),dataylorOtc.umn.eduTAYLOR Edwerd H, Assoc Prof (School of SocialWork) Am 105 PetersH, 1404 Gartner Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6161 (624-1250),651-765-8053,ehtaytorOtc.umn.eduTAYLOR Erika L, Community Program Spec(Whittier Elementary School (NELC)) MMC 65Mayo, 091 Cads 8085, 2620 Grand Ave S,tayto5440tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Erika L, R_rch Ass! (ChildDevelopment) 1511 ChDev, 51 E River Rd, Mpls55455, Del Cads 40tl (628-1:lO8), 10201 CedarLake Road, Apt12O, Minnetonka 55305,952-544-6834, watso2240tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Eugenia R, Asaoc Prof Emeritus(Nursing, School 01), 293 S Laxlngton Pkwy, StPaul 55105, layloOl1


TAYLOR Frederick R,~ AsSoc Prof (ParkNicollet Headache Ctr) Park Nicollel Health SeIVSuRe E-4, 8490 Excelsior Blvd, Mpis 55426,laytol020tc,umn.eduTAYLOR H Jeeni8, Assoc To (Olc of thePresident) 202 Morrill Hall; 110 Morril Hall, DelCode 0262 (625-617~; 625-2385), 225 9th Ave EApt501, St Paul 55101, 651-292-0247,taylol33c,tc,

TAYLOR Jell, Asst Librarian (Goddary Library)University Center Rocheeter, 651 30th Ave SE,Rochester 55904-4999, tayIol090tc.umn.eduTAYLOR JennWer M, Coordinator (Food ScIencaand Nutrillon) Room 225 FScN, D9l Code 6099(625-9658), jtaylorOtc.umn.eduTAYLOR Joann "1, Prin Aocounts Spec (Fiestservices) Fleetserv, Del Code 5391 (625-6818),5574 Donegal Dr, Shoreview 55126,651-484-4562, tayloOI60tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Kay E, Library Professional (MACProjects and De1a (MAC PO)) 160 OMWL, DelCads 7111 (625-0035), k-taytOtc.umn.llIlI

TAYLOR Kevin C, Administrative Prolea8lonal .(Faellnlj!e Mgmnt-Zone 4-Campus DisI) l:lOGFoodOB, Del Cads 3121 (625-5365),2290 -131stAve NE, Coon R8jllds 55448, 783-757·1466,

TAYLOR Lany R, MechaniC 2 (Fac Mgmt-Zonel-St Paul) 202 F M B; Del Code 6168 (624-5303),2066 Pathways Dr, St Paul 55119, 651-138-0111,taylo0470tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Leann, Teaching Ass!(Speach-Lang-Hearing ScI, Dept) Room 115ShevH, 164 Pillsbury Dr se, Mpis 55455, Del Code4401,2122 Lincoln Ave, St Paul 55105,651-260-9688,

TAYLOR Lucas '" Building and Grounds Worker(Centennial Hall); Del Code 1811 (625-7470),651-493-1353,

TAYLOR Lucienne J, Leeturar (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 3171, taytol280tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Margare1, Adjunct Instructor (ParkNicollet Clinic) Suita Ell', 8490'Excelsior Blvd, StLouis Park 55428, 35 Nathan Lane Apt228,Plymouth 55441,, pags527-4199TAYLOR Mark A, Program Dir (Class ASsistantDelIn's OffIce) 106 Joh H, Del Code 3774(624-90n), taytol9601c.umn.eduTAYLOR Mark P, Adjunct Asaoc Prof (Mankato­Clinic Ltd) 1230 E Main St, Box 8674, Mankato56002-8674, 75 Talemark Dr, Mankato 56001,

TAYLOR Michael L, Teaching Ass! (UMDGeological Scienc8s), ReMarch Ass! (UMDGeological ScIences) 2021208 HH, 1114 Kirby Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-728-7484; 218-728-7935), 3819W 4th St, Duluth 55807, 218-624-4384,tayt03350d.umn,eduTAYLOR Miriam, Ass! ScIentist (Diagnostic andBiological ScIences) 17-175 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291 (625-8428), tayl00530tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Patricia A, Research Assoc (Pediatrics)MMC 387 Mayo, Del Code 8367, 420 0 V C C R C(625-1481), tayloOI20tc.umn.eduTAYLOfl Pater 0, Ass! Prof (Anesthesiolgy) MMC294 Mayo, Del Code 8294, 8515 Mayo,tayto1120tc.umn.edu1AYLOR ~ichard 0, Ass! Prof (Hannepln CountyMedical Centar) CerdioIogy Division, 701 Park AveS, Mpls 55415, 1410 Summil Ave, St Paul 55105,laylo0380tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Roger Ti Jr Scieniist (Microbiology) MMC196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 135 N Nathan Lane,Apt 232S, PIyrnoutll 55441 , 763-545-0075,taylo5510tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Romeyn, Prof Emeritus (History) Room614 SocScI, 26719th Ave S, MpIs 55455,DeICode 7165, 2519 Humboldt Avenue S, Apt 106,Mpls 55405-3528, taytoOOl Otc.umn.llIlITAYLOR Roxanne C, Building and GroundsWorker (Housing & Res Lif&.Centemial HaR), DelCode 1811 (625-7470),2290 131st'Ave NW, CoonRapids 55448,783-757-1466,taylo0260tc.umn.llIlITAYLOR Ruth A,Asaoc Dir CmpICoI (CarlsonSchool of Management) 4-145 CartSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-1532), taytoI190tc.umn.eduTAYLOR Tegwin K, Vaterinary Pub HeatthResident (Center lor Animal Health & Food sef)136 Andrew Boss Laboratory, Del Code 6190,tegwin

STAFF TAYLOR-TESTER 39UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTATAYLOR Theresa M, Payroll Assoc (Carlson,Financial servicea 0If1C8) 4-309 CarlSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (625-1090), taylo041

TAYLOR-NANISTA Sarah E, Reaearch Asst(School of Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,1808Englewood Avenue, St Paul 55104,ataylomOtc.umn.eduTAZAWA Kenichi, Teaching Spec (ALL) 440Folwell Hall, Del Code 0144 (626-9481),tezawOO10tc.umn.eduTCHIDA Courtn~y R, Student PersonnelCoordinator (1509 Gomter Avenue) 415 HeyeaHall, Del Code 6026 (625-2738), 1183 Lafond Ave,St Paul 55104, 850-1807, tl:hi00030tc.umn.eduTEACHOUT Michael P, Prin AdminiatratiVe Spec(Carlaon Marketing & Communicationa) 4·300CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (626-n56), 522-0538,teach0020tc.umn.eduTEACHOUT serah A, Sr OIc Am (U of MBookstore (Coffman Store)) Room G54 CMU, DelCode 1051,1213 22nd Ave N, Mpls 55411,763·529-3289, teach0040tc.umn.eduTEACHOUT Terry R, Adminiatrativa Profeasional(Workefa Compensation) 633 WBOB, Del Code7529 (624-6054), [email protected] Cynthia M, Asst Librarian (Digital Ref &Distributed Leam SlY) 499 OMWL, Del Code 7,1"teaguOOl @tc.umn.eduTEAl Dina M, Program Aasoc (ContinuingProfeasional Educ) Room 353B ClaOff, Del Code6051 (624-0768), 13158lsanti.Streat NE, Blaine55434,763-755·2680, teaIxOO30tc.umn.eduTEALE Brad, Info Tech Prof (Digital Library ,Development Lab) 201B OMWL, Del Code 7""7418 Bristol Village Drive, Bloomington 55438,952-941-<)607, teaIeOO30tc.umn.eduTEBOW Gina L, Prin Laboratory Technician(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(626-9199),8016 Greenbriar Lane, Woodbury55125,651·501-7908, tebowOO20tc.umn.eduTECLEGIORGIS semere, Building and GroundaWorker (Facil~iea Mgmt·Bldg selY' Molii) Room300 DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 906 Emerson Ave North, Mpls 55411,374~179, tecIeOO10tc.umn.eduTEDER Karin, Sr Technology Spec (Aced and OistrComp SlYcs) 1 Nich H, Del Code Onl (625'5046),5309 Portland Ave, Mpls 55417, 825-8526,karinOtc.umn.eduTEDICK Diane J, Assoc Prof (Curriculum &Inatruction) 254 Peik H, Del Code 4301(625-1081),608 Queen Ave South, Mpls 55405,3n-0504, [email protected] James, Teaching Asst (Geography)Room 414 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7163, [email protected] Shana, Non Univ Staff(Neurosurgery) 421 LRB Mpls, ln4 MarshallAvenue, St Paul 55104, [email protected] Jamea W, Inatructor (UMO Medicine,School of) Room 113 Med, 0599, 10 University Dr,Duluth 55812, 400 E 3rd Street, Duluth 55805,218-722·6364 •

TEG11IEIER Erin M, Program Oir (ExtensionRegional Center) 863 30th Avenue SE, Rochester55904-4915,68064 260th Avenue, Kasson 55944,tegtmOO30tc.umn.eduTEGWEN Joelle, lnto Tech Prof (Inst onCommunity Integration) Room 6 PtH, Del Code4201 (625-8230), [email protected] Gnagg A, Instructor (ObIGyn West) Ste115-W, 6490 Excelsior Blvd, St Louis Park 55426(952-249·2000), [email protected] Richard 0, Lecturer (Cerlson Masters ofBuainess Taxatio) 3-110 CarlSMgmt, Del Code7041,1 Bant Tree Lane, North Oake 55127,[email protected] Kristin 0, Coordinator (Konopka lnat IAdolHealth) Room 270 McNamara CIr, 200 Oak St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 2016, 843 5 Snelling Ave,St Paul 55116, 651-699-{)644,teipeOO10te.umn.eduTEKAUTZ Jane, Patient Aocounting Supv (BoynHS) Patient Accounting, N325, Del Code 1171, .

TEKIE Tacie, Building and Grounds Worker(Facil~ies Mgmt CLA Zone 5) Room 19 ScottH, 72Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3233, 72Pleasant St, Mpls 55455. berhe0040tc.umn.eduTEKLAY Nigisti A. Outpatient Clinic Asst (PrimaryDental Care) Room 9-227 Moos T, Del Code 1291(625-9622),

TEKLE Daniel M, Building and Grounds Worker(Twin C~iea StuQant Union·MPLS) Room 500CMU, 300 Washington Ave SE, Mpla 55455, DelCode 1051,571 Aldine St Apt27, St Paul 55104,651-645-5082,

TEKLER Laszlo 5, Adjunct Aaat Prof (St Luke'sHos~al) 915 E 1st St, Duluth 55805TEKMEN Mohac, PhD Candidate Teaching Asst(Phyaics and Astronomy) Room 146 Phys, 116ChuICh St SE, Mpla 55455, Del Code 0331(625-7819),·

TELANDER Robert L, Adjunct Prof(DevelopmentaVSurgical Science; Surgery) Room6·296 Moos T, Del Code 1291 (625-5945), 11Geneva Blvd, Bumsville 55337,

TELIAS Adriana E, Research Aaat (University ofMinneaola) 256 Aldennan Hall, 1970 Folwell Ave,St Paul 55108, 1970 FolweU Ave, seint Paul55108, tell00050tc.umn.eduTELKE Susan E, Instructor (Biostatistics, Divisionof SPH) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303, MMC303 Mayo (6260S887), 5605 Highwood Drive, Edina55438, 952·922-2206,

TELLEGEN Auke, Prof (Retired) (Psychology;University Preas), Adjunct Prof (Psychiatry)Psychology, N218 E~ H, 75 E River Rd, Mpls55455 (625·1351),1965 Sharondale Ave, St Paul55113, 651-631-0502, 18119001 Otc.umn.eduTELLES Arien H, Ole Spec (General CollegeStudent services) 25 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501(625-3339), 1622Cart St ApI304, Lauderdale55108,

TELLETT Anne E, Asst Prof (UMO Social Work)203 BohH, 1207 Ordaan Court, Duluth 55812(218-726·7679), ateltettOd.umn.eduTELLO Abel E, Medical Fallow (MedicinelRenal)MMC 736 Mayo, Del Code 8738,14-136 PWB(624·9444);545 1st St N Apt Ill, Mpis 55401,6n-1479, abeteIIoOtc.umn.eduTELLO Barbara, Teaching Aaat (Dept otArchitecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 081.1,1836 Munster Ave, St Paul 55118,teIlOOO80tc.umn.eOu

TEMP ACCOUNT Temp Account, Noh Univ Staff(Dermatology) 4-240 PWB Mpls, None, None55455, tempaool Otc.umn.eduTEMPLE Heidi A, Asst Librarian (MINITEX) 15Andersen Library, Del Code 7921 (626-9843;624-4002), htempieOtc.umn.eduTEMPLE Kathleen M, Police OIer (Polica Dept)100 TSB, Del Code 1981 (824·3550), Polica Dept·100 TSB, 511 Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455,624-3550, templOI90tc.umn.eduTEMPLE Marylee 5, Social Worker(AHC.:cUHCC), Del Code 7851 (638-0700),templOO6 Otc.umn.eduTEMPLE Michael 0, Adjunct Instructor (VAMC)One Veterana Drivelll2A, MplS 55417,temp00610tc.umn.eduTEMPLE Traci, Prin SulV9Y Interviewer (EnvmHea~h Sciences (SPH) Room 350 McNamaraClr,200 OakSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 2004(625·1838), templO21 Otc.umn.eduTEMPLEMAN David, Aasoc Prof (HCMC) 701 ParkAve 5, Mpls 55415,tempI0150tc.umn.eduTEMPLEMAN Dennis R, Aasoc Prol (UMM SocialSciences, Div of; UMM Cont EducIRegional Prgm)17 Cam, Morris 56267 (320-589-6189),408 E 4thSt, Morris 56267, 320-589--3152,templedrOmorris.umn.eduTEMPLETON Michael A, Coordinator (Center torReading Research) Room 350 VoTsch, Del Code6197 (624-4561), 313518the Avenue South, Mplsa55407,214-2446, tempO!J030tc.umn.eduTEMPlETON Robert B, Adjunct PrQf (PreventiveScl·Cleft Palate) Room 6·296 MooaT, Del Code1291 (625-5945),952·929-6160,tempIOO10tc.umn.eduTEMPLIN Brenda L, Attendant (senford DiningServicea) 1n SanH, Del Code 4701 (624-6549),tempI0230tc.umn.eduTEMPLIN Elizabeth E, ExtensionEducatorlProfessor (UM Extension Regl CtrAndover) Bunker Hills Acliviliea Clr, 550 BunkerLake Blvd NW Ste L-l, Andover 55304-4199(763-767-3860), 319 Edgewood Av, Stillwater55082, 651-43Q..2164, templinOtc.umn.eduTEMPLIN Justin L, Tchg Spec/Adjunct Aasoc Prof(Law School) Room 285 MandateH, 229 19th Ave5, Mpla 55455, Del Code 79",[email protected]

TENCZAR Emily G, ResealCh Aaat (Entomology)Room 2nd FI HodaonH, 1980 Folwell Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6125, t8llCOOO40tc.umn.eduTENNESSEN Jason M, PhD Cendidate RaaeaIChAsst (Genetics, Cell Bioi, Oev TCBS), GraduateSchool Trainee (Genetics, Cell Bioi, Dev TCBS)4-220 MolCeliBio, Del Code 1-217 (625-3161),N8920 Hwy 55, Menasha WI 54952,920-989·1958, tenn0061 Otc.umn.eduTENNEY Marcia, Exec sec (Dept of LandscapeAICh~ecture) Room 145S RapsonH, Del Code0811 (625-6394), tenn80020tc.umn.eduTENNISON Dana, Community Program Aasoc(Psychiatry) F282I2A Wast Bldg, Del Code 8393,tenni0030tc.umn.eduTENNYSON Robert 0, Prof (EducationalPsychology) 204 Bu H, Del Code 3171 (626-1618),3767 Linden Ln, Eagan 55123, 651-663-9753,rtennyOtc.umn.eduTENNYSON Willard W, Prot (Retired) (EducationalPsychology), 1935 Summer St, St Paul 55113,tennyOO10tc.umn.eduTERADA Yasuhiko, Assoc Prof (Genetics, CellBioi, Dev TMED), Reaearch Aasoc (Genetics, CellBioi, Dev TMEO) 4-230 BSBE, Del Code 1217(626-4089), Apt15, 414 Erie St SE, Mpls 55414,379-1089, teradOO20tc.umn.eduTERAGAWA Mark 0, Sr Administrative Dlr(University Storea) U Slllrea N, Del Code 5201(625-3835), m·, page 538·7058TERAGAWA Suzanne S, Adjunct Inatructor(Aspen Medical Group) 1850 Beam Ave,Maplewood 55109, teragOOl Otc.umn.eduTERAI Keoru, Visiting Instructor (RadiationTherapy Department) MMC 494 Mayo, Del Code6494, M26 Masonic Cancer Center (626-6146),The Melrose Apt 262-<:, 2508 Delaware St SE,Mpls 55414, teraiOOl Otc.umn.eduTERAOKA Ariene A, Aasoc Dean (Lib Arts AdmAssc Dean Aced), Prof (German, Scandinavian,and Dutch) 212 Joh H; 205 Fol H, Del Code 3n4(624-9839), 18305 5th Ave N, Plymouth 55447,763-476-7698, teracOO10tc.umn.eduTEREICK Jerald J, Teaching Spec (School ofMathematics) 509 VinH, Del Code 0412(624-7073),651-464-9030, tereiool Otc.umn.eduTERFASSA Abonesh B, Building and GroundSWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Zone 5 Area B) Room 300OonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, Apt 405,25155 9th St, Mpls 55406,339·1743, terfaool Otc.umn.eduTERGESON Alana, Non Univ Staff (Pediatrics) 160McNamara Mpls, tergeOQ10lc.umn.eduTERNAND Christine L, Aaat Prof (Pediatrics) MMC404 Mayo, Del Code 6404, 13-124 PhillipsWangensteen Bldg (624-5409),temaool0tc.umn.eduTERPSTRA Melissa J, Aaat Prof (Radiology),Research Aasoc (RadiolOgy) Center for MagneticRasonance Reaea, Department of Radiology, 20216th Street SE, Mpis 55455 (62S:7897), 10803 125St, Milace 58353, 320-983-2210,terpsool0tc.umn.eduTERRELL Bumham, Prof (Retired) (Philosophy),5201 Claremont St, Houston TX n023-3209,terr80070tc.umn.eduTERRELL MD Carrie A, Clinical Aaat Prof(Obstetrics & Gynecology) MMC 395 Mayo, DelCode 6395, 12·207 Moos T (376·7650),5017Lyndale Avenue South, Mpls 55419, 823-5467,terr&[email protected] Shirlyn J, Prin Adl'flinistrative Spec(Inatitute of Human Genetics) MMC 206 Mayo, DelCode 8206, 4-122 MT (625-1609).lerre0020tc.umn.eduTERRILL Paul E, Adjunct Aasoc Prof (SawtoothMountain Clinic, Inc) PO Box 1090, Grand Marais55604TERRY Joseph M, Adjunct Aasoc Prof (2500Como Avenue) 51 Paul 55108, 5109 Ridge Road5, Edina 55436, 952-933-4963,lerryOO30tc.umn.eduTERRYLL Kelly M, Building and Grounds Worker(UMM Plant service) Room 9 Cam, M268A, 600 E4th St, Morria 56267 (320-589-6100), 54438 StateHwy 28, Alberta 56207, 320-324-2742,terrylkm 0 morris.umn.eduTERSTEEG Daniel P, Advanced MastersResealCh Aast (Soil, Water, and Climate Dept)Univof MN, Del Code 6028, tersOOO90tc.umn.eduTERVEEN Loren G, Aasoc Prof (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 0571(624~310), 3829 Vincent Ave 5, Mpls 55410,[email protected]

TERVO Raymond C, Aasoc Prof (GilletteChildren's Speciality Care) 200 E UniversityAvenue, St Paul 55101, 4730 WMe Oak Court,Eagan 55122, teIYOOO30tc.umn.eduTERWILLIGER James 5, Prof (Retired)(Educational Paychology; Paychology) College ofEducation, Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Or SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171, terwlool Otc.umn.edTERWISSCHA Laura A, Program Dir (CarlsonFull·Time MBA Program) 3-356 gmt, Del Code7041 (626-0682), terwl0040tc.umn.eduTESCH Julie L, Exec Oir • MAELC (Work,CommunitylFamlly Educ) Room 320 VoTech, DelCode 6197 (624-6249), jteachOtc.umn.eduTESCH Nathan K, Asst To (University of MNRochester) 855 30th Ave SE,Rocheater 55904(507-280-5017),507-358·1026,tesch0260tc.umn.eduTESCHKE Danial 5, Program Oir (IntercolleglateAthletics) 103H Mar A, Del Code 2891 (626~),

710 7th St SE, Mpls 55414, tesch0020tc.umn.eduTESCHNER Terry A, Cable Oeaign Engineer(NetworkingfTalecomm services), Oal Code 2171,teschnerOtc.umn.eduTESDAHL Randi J, Exec Administrative Spec (Col01 Pharmacy·PCHS) 7·155 WDH Del Code 1332(624-2973), 9655 Enaign CiICle, ilJoomlngton55438, tesdaool Otc.umn.eduTESFAGA8ER Trhas T, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilitiea Mgmt·BIdg selY·Area C) Room300 OonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpla 55455, DelCode 3121,1825 Ford Parkway ApIA, St Paul55116,651-695-1572, testaOI20tc.umn.eduTESFAJ Nitesha T, Buildis and Grounds Worker(Facilitiea Mgmt'Oonhowe'Area C) Room 300DonhoweB, .319 15th Ave SE, Mpla 55455, DelCode 3121, 1247 St Anthony Ave Apt 1805, StPaul 55104, 651-229-9854, teafaOI50tc.umn.eduTESFAYE Mesfin, Research Assae (PlantPathology) 495 Borlaug Hall, Del Code 6030(625-6724; 625-1728), 651-917-8878,gebeyOO10tc.umn.eduTE$FAYE Sara A, Building and Grounds Worker(Facil~ies Mgmt Zone 2 West Bank) Room 300Oonhowe Bldg, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 1615 South 4th Street Apt M3OO5,Mpls 55454, 952~90-5296, tesfaOI60tc.umn.eduTESFAYE Zulan, Sr OIc Aaat (TransplantInformation servicea) Dinnaken Office Building, DelCode 2131, tesfa0080tc.umn.eduTESHETE Muhamde F, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Zone 2 Area B) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, tesh8001 Otc.umn.eduTESHITE Tomas 0, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgml;Zone 1 Aree A) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121,306 Arlington Ave West, St Paul

.55117, 651-488-7820, teshiOO20tc.umn.eduTESKA Byron A, Adjunct Aast Prof (3960 CoonRapida Blvd) Coon Rapids 55433,teakaool0tc.umn.eduTES~E Barbera K, Fiscal OIcr (UMO BusineasOffica) 210 OAdB, 0216, 1049 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-72~288), bteakeOd.umn.eduTESK.E Bradley E, Instructor (More 4 FamilyPharmacy) 951 Frontage Ad E, Litchfield 55355,602 5 Marshall, Litchfield 55355,teak80050tc.umn.eduTESKE Jen, ReseaICh Aaat (ReseaICh $elYice151) VA Medical Center, One Veterans Drive, Mpls55417, 13256 Owatonna Court NE, Blaine 55449,763~2-9702, [email protected] Bav J, Sr Accountant (Sch 01 PublicHealth) MMC 197 Mayo, Del Code 8197, RoomA310 Mayo (624-1495), tbjtOtc.umn.eduTESMER Jerrold A, Extenaion Educator/Assae Prof(MN Ext Svc East Central), Assoc Program Oir(MN Ext Svc Tech Un~ Southeast) UM ExtensionFillmore Cnty, 902 Houston St NW no 3, Preaton55965·1080 (507-765-3896),teameOO10tc.umn.eduTESSIER Michelle M, Exec sec (UMO CommScienceslDisorders) 221 SohH, 0142, 1207Ordaan Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726·7974),[email protected] Calendar, Non Univ Staff (Acad and OislrComp Srves) 130 lindH Mpls, 130 Lind Hall,Minnneapolis 55455, aIcaItstOtc.umn.eduTEST Ssl, Non Univ Staff, 152 Shep Iaba Mpls,

TESTER John R, Prof (Retired) (Ecology, Evolution& BahaviOl) 100 Ecology, Del Code 6098(625-5731),2104 Carter Av, St Paul 55108,651~-2585, test8001


TESU Burka W, Buildlng and Grounds Worl<er_(Facilities Mgmt-ZOoe 3 Aree C) Room 300

DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 1547 Marlon St Apl312, St Paul55117,651-487-8184, tesuxOOl Otc.umn.eduTETUE Alden R, Adjunct Assoc Prof (HighlandFamily PhysicIans) 1540 Randolph Ave, St Paul55105,2284 Commonweellh Ave, St Paul 55108,le1IiOO10tc.urnn.eduTETRICK Lori l, Community PlOQI8m Spec (V AMedical Cen!aIl Reasearch, 151, One Vetrans Dr,Mpls55417 (725-2000 x4168), 952-808-0176,telriOO20tc.urnn.eduTETTEH Hassan A, Medical Fellow (Surg8IY) MMC195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, leltaOO20tc.umn.eduTEUBER Larry l, Ass! Prof (Ste 110) 2805 5th Ste,Rapid City SO 577111(805-341-2424), 5205 SpringCanyon Trail, Rapid City SO 57702,leubeOOIOlc.umn.eduTEWFlK Ahmed H, Prof (Depl Of Electrical &CompuIer Engr) 4-178 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0572(625-8024), tewfik01e.umn.eduTEWOLDEBAHAN Minassle Y, Teechlng Ass!(ElaetriCaIICornpuer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCScI,Del Code 0572,leWOOOOl Otc.umn.eduTEXTER Douglas W, Teeching Ass! (CompulerScIe~ring; English, Languagellilerature)110 Und Hal, Del Code 0613,lext00020tc.umn.eduTEYS$lER Christian, Prol (Geology & Geophysics)210B PIUs H, Del Code 0211 (624-6801),teysslerOtc.umn.eduTEnA PHD Albert, Prof (Retired) (UMD English),5412l.ondon Rd, Duluth 55804,atezlaOd.umn.eduTHACItIl Anil J, Research Ass! (Veteftnary andBiomedical ScIences) 338 Vet Sci, Del Code 6187(625-1737), thachOO30tc.umn.eduTHACKER Mary G, Prin Administrative Spec (433Mondale Han) 229 19th Av S, Del Code 7911(625-9659)..thackOO20Ic.umn.eduTHACKERAY Usa M, Research Fellow (Division 01Biostatistics) Room 200 2221 Univ, Del Code 2702(625-6450), 3629 GeneVieve Ave N, OlIkdale55128, 763-757-0095, thackeriOtc.umn.eduTHAllEK-KOCH Thomas, Research Assoc(Physics and Astronomy) 161 B, Del Code 0331(625-9323), 4240 46th Ave S, Apl2, MpIs 55406,~2161, thade0030Ic.umn.eduTHAI AM P, Into Tech Prof (College 01 VeterinaryMedicIne - IS) 257 VetScl, Del Code 6194(625-1769), lhaixOO20tc.umn.eduTHALLER Scott A, Research Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church 51 SE,MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331, 19 27th Ave SE Api1, MpIs 55414, thaIOO3301C.umn.eduTHAO Fue W, Networl< server Admin (ceo) Room660 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St, MpIs 55454, Del Code7531, 651-226-25n, thaoOO940tc.umn.eduTHAO Mala, Ole Spec (CUHCC) 2001Bloomington Ave S, Del Code 7851 (638'()700x172), thaox0230tc.umn.eduTHAO Tao, Attendant,(Comstock Dining services)G3-A ComH, Del Code 1092 (624-3992), 1315Case Ave, St Paul 55108, 851-nl'()ln,'THAO Tom K, Inlo Tech Prof (Human Ecology ClgOf-Adm) Room 32 McNH, Del Code 6142(624-4791), 1960 Montana Ave, Saint Paul 55119,651-216.()nO,1thaoOtc.umn.eduTHARP Terri M, Coordinator (Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525, 14241 CsndIewood Ln NE,Prior 1.aJu155372, 952-496-3581,lharpOO10tc.umn.eduTHATCHER Jackson, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Parl<Nicollet Heart Center) 6490 Excelsior Blvd, Ste2OOW, St Louis Parl< 55426, 10016 Ch9WenAvenue South, Bloomington 55431,thatcOO10tc.umn.eduTHATCHER Sabina, teaching Spec (Music) 100Ferguson Han, Del Code 7811, 1648 Portland Ave,SI Paul 55104, thalC0260tc.umn.eduTHAWLEY Oavid G, Dean (Rettred) (VelMediclne-Dean's 0fIiC8)455 Vet Tch Hos, DelCode 6194 (624-6244), 32 E 0lIks Rd, North Oaks55127, 651-483-2969, thawleyOtc.umn.eduTHAYANANUPHAT Area, Research Assl(Department 01 Animal Science) 455 An ScIIVetMed, 1988 Filch Avenue, St Paul551~14, DelCode 6014 (624-7264),1280 Rm206 LarpenteurAve, St Paul 55113, thayaOOl Otc.umn.eduTHAYER Ellen R, Sr Technofogy Spec (Aced &Distr Comp Srvcs) Ml33 FrllSllr, Del Code Onl(625-1300),

THAYER John A, Prol Emeritus (History) 748 SocSci, Del Code 7165 (624-9021), 2119 Girard AveSo, MpIS 55405, 3n-.9540, thayeOO10te.umn.eduTHAYER Marie E, Sr Administretive Spec (WilsonMalerials Acq & Control) 160 OMWL Del Code7111 (625-4343), 1720 West 76th St Apt 3A,Richfield 55423, 869-2157, m-thayOtc.umn.eduTHAYER Nalalie L, Business Analyst(Neurosctence) Rm 6-145 JacH, Del Code ,1216(~), 405 Skogen Drive, Kanyon55946,507-789-5658, thaye0090Ic.umn.eduTHAYER Stanley A, Prof (Pharrnacology)3-116BSandBE, Del Code 1213 (826-7049), 560 MissionHoose Ln, New Brighton 55112,sathayerOtc.umn.aduTHEILER Brian J, Adjunctlnstruclor (School ofSocIal Wor1<) Rm 105 PelersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,1910 South Ave,laCrosse WI 54601, 507-895-6591,theiIOO80te.umn.aduTHEIN Amanda H, Teeching Spec (Curriculum andInstruction) Room 125 PeikH, 159 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 4301 (625-1598), 5553Emerson Ave S, Mpls 55419, 822-3562,haeIOO120tc.umn.eduTHEIS Daniel P, Research Ass! (Chemistry) Room139 SmllhH, 207 Pleasant SI SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3661, 3800 Macafister Dr, Apt 5, SI Anthony55421, theiOl830tc.umn.eduTHEIS Dennis C, Adjunct Assoc Prof(DiagnosticlBiological Sci- OMD) 7-221 MoosTower, Del Code 1291, 1801 Lakeview Terrace,Orono 55356, 952-476-7632,theisl380tc.umn.eduTHEIS Katie, Receptionist (Human Resources)Room 100 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122 (624-2589),802-8406, thels0390te.umn.eduTHEIS Unda 0, Sr Analysl/Programmer (ADM)Suite 229 WBOB, Oal Code 7531 (624-5203), 6471Dawn Ave E, Inver Grove Heights 55075,65H51-2308,, page 650-5599THEIS Lori A, Exec Ass! (Employee BenefitslOHR)Room 100 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122 (624-1054),lheis0200tc.umn.aduTHEIS Milly 0, Dir 01 Fiscal Opef8tions (Ag, Food& Envt ScI-Admin) 2n Col H, Del Code 6074(624-3487), [email protected] James J, Adjunctlnstruclor (Psychiatry)4441 Garfield Ave S, Mpls 55409 (763-576-5625),4441 Gargield Ave South, Mpls 55409,jlheisenOte.umn.adu .

THEIs-MAHON Nicole R, Ubrary Supv (TeChnicalserviceS) 325 DiehlH, Del Code 1691 (625-5410),thais0250Ic.umn.eduTHELANDER Craig, Non Univ Stall (Ag, FoodIEnvtSci Admin, Col 01) 1900 Hendon Ave St Paul(625-n86), thelaOOl Ote.umn.eduTHELEN Gregory L, Ass! Prof (Veterens Affairs)One Veterans Drive, Mpis 55417 (467-3762),18885lronriver Trail, Lakeville 55044,952-469-8585, thele0120Ic.umn.eduTHELL Carolyn M, Administrative Professional.(Community University Health Care CI) CUHCC,Del Code 7851 (638'()700), theII0070tc.umn.eduTHEND Baril, HR Dir (BiolOgical Science DeansOfc) 124C Snyder Hall, Oal Code 6174 (624-2793),bthenoOlc.umn.aduTHEODORATOS Nilcolaos, Research Asst (CivilEngineering) Room 122 eivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851,715 7th St SE, Mpls55414, the000330tc.umn.eduTHEODOROU E;angelos, Teeching Ass!(Computer ScIencelEngineering; Psychology)Psychology, N-218 EIIH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls55455, Del Code 3281, Kompotheklas 4,ThessaIonlki 54843 Greece,theoOO270tc.umn.eduTHERIEN Jill M, Ass! Prof (Pedialric Neonatology)MMC 39 Mayo, Del Code 8039, 0138 Mayo,thariOO10tc.umn.eduTHERINO Amy, Non Univ Stall (UDS AffilialedStaff) 110 FOB MpiS (624-8767),theriOO70tc.umn.eduTHERINO Katherine L, Research Fellow (DesignCIT/Arner Urban Lndscp) Room 1 RepsonH, DelCode 081 1 (624-3759), thaIOO190tc.umn.eduTHERKELSEN David J, LaclUrer (Joumalism &Mass Comm, Sch Of) 101 Mur H, Del Code 0371(625-7316), ther1<OO40tc.umn.eduTHIBAULT James W, Prin Building/Grounds Supv(Fec Mgmt-custodial Supv) 340 H, 1201 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8285),

THlEDEDea Ann, Software Test Engineer (OIT ­Entelpriae Application&'Maint) Suite 229 WooB,Del Code 7531 (824-6849), d-thieOtc.umn.eduTHIEDE Megan C, Prin Administrative Spec(Bio-Based Products) KauIL, Del Code 6130(624-1293), thied0160tc.umn.eduTHlEGS Joseph K, Development Ofcr (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (624-4158), thiegsOtc.umn.eduTHIEL Christopher W, Assoc Prol (Obstetrice andGynecology), Adjunct Prof (Family MedicinelCommHealth) HealthPartners,ObIGyn Oapt, 8600Nicollel Ave S, Bloomington 55420(952-88H600), 3000 West River Rd, Mpls 55406,thieI0050tc.umn.aduTHIEL Keri E, Program Assoc (Leaming AbroadCenter) 230 Heller H, Del Code 7457 (628-7679),2831 Taylor Slreet, NE, Mpls 55418, 481-2941,kthielOlc.umn.adu

THIEL Terrance J, Ass! Scientist (Clinical GeneralResearch) MMC 504 Mayo, Oal Code 8504, V264VFW (624-1409), 3713 33rd Ave NE, Mpls55418,788-1911, thiel041 'THIELE Irene E, Outpatient Clinic Asst(DeveloplSurg-Qrthodontics) 6-240 Moos T, DelCode 1291 {625-6444),4445 40th Ave So, Mpls55406, 729-5401, IhlelOO30tc.umn.aduTHIELE Troy E, Asbestos Abatement Laborer (FMComo Recycling Facility) ComoRFac, 3009 ComoAve SE, Mpls 55414, Oal Code 5301, 934 MainisCrossing Avenue, Amery WI 54001,thielO160tc.umn.adu

THIELEN Jill M, Ole Spec (Human ResourceslEmpBanefits) Room 200 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122(626-4161), 180315th Ave NW, New Brighton551125473, 651-281-n46, thie02080tc.umn.eduTHIELEN Joshua L, Assl ScIentist (Cancer Center)MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 6806, 560 CCRB(625-4192); 651-334-1326, thieI0450tc.umn.eduTHIELEN Kimbariee A, Adjunct Asst Prol (KidneySpecialists of Minnesota, PAl Renal, 4310 NicollelAve S, Mpls 55409, thieIOO60tc.umn.eduTHIELEN Steven L, Affiliated .Facully (MilitaryScience) 110 Annory Mpls (624-801~),

thielensOtc.u"m.eduTHIELEt«lAFFEY TIna, Assl Prof (UMD-Music)242 H, Duluth (216-726-6212; 218-726-8208), 714E6th Street, Duluth 55805-1459, 218-726-9652,tthielenOd.umn.aduTHIELKE Laura L, Prin Accounts Spec (UMMExtemal Relations) 123 HFA, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267 (320-589-6494), 62793 270th St, Chokio56221-3047,320-324-2897,thielkelOmorris.umn.eduTHIELMAN Anlte M, Prin Accountant (MedicalSchool Admin) MMC 293 Mayo, Oal Code 8293,C617 Mayo (626-3142), thieIOO70tc.umn.aduTHIENPRASIT P, Assl Prol (MilleniumNeurosurgery) 1650 Beam Ave, Maplewood 55109(651-748-1461), thienOOl Otc.umn.eduTHIESCHAFEll Amanda J, Teeching Ass!(Kinesiology, School 01), Research Asst(Kinesiology, School 01) URC 27, Del Code 2061(625-5300),320-256-7376, thie017QOtc.umn.eduTHIESSE Sandrs K, Exec Ass! (Printing Services)102 P S B, Del Code 5401 (625-9500), 15185 91stAve No, Maple Grove 55369,thies0030tc.umn.aduTHILL Chrisfian A, Assoc Prol (HorticulluralScience) 334 Alder H, Del Code 6008 (624-9737),thiIlOO50tc.umn.eduTHILL James W, Teaching Assl (CivilEngineering), Research Ass! (St Anthony FallsLaboratory) Room 301, Del Code 4891 (625-5385),thI1OO200tc.umn.eduTHISSEN Jennifer R, Prin Administrative Spec(Chem Engr & Mati ScIenoo) 257 Amund H, DelCode 0531 (62lHl587; 826-7830),thisOO170tc.umn.eduTHISSEN Maria M, 4-H Program Ass! (UMExtension McLeod Cnty) 840 Century Ave SW,Hutchinson 55350-3754 (320-587.()nO),thissOO20tc.umn.eduTHISSEN MILDER Mary, Non Univ Stall,University Of Minnesota MpIs,thiss0030tc.umn.eduTHOE Cari C, Prin Aocounts Spec (DisbUrsementservices) 632E WBOB, Del Code 7527 (826-1652),thoexOO10tc.umn.eduTHOELE Merry J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (PrimaryDental Cere; Dental Education, Continuing) Room9-438 MooaT,De1 Code 1291, 18540 Querlz StNW, Ramsey 55303, 763-753-4654,


THOEMKE Charlene F, Exec Assl (HealthSciences-Adm) MMC 501 Mayo, Del Code 8501,410 Ch RC (626-3700), e-thoeOtc.£lmn.eduTHOEN Gall A, Ass! Prof (G e-Inst/Soc Scij 152Ap H, Del Code 3501 (625-3830),763-551-1518,thoenOOl Otc.umn.eduTHOEN Joseph 0, Coordinator (Twin CitiesStudant Union-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, 300Washington Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 105;,2811 Grend St NE, Mpls 55418,644-0956,'

THOEN Malt M, Info Tech Spec (Humphrey lnst 01Public Affair) Compstall- Room 290, Del Code7451 (628-9235)THOLAKANAHALUV~r, Ass! Prof(Medicine Cardiology 0Ifice) MMC 508 Mayo; DelCode 8508, MMC 508 Mayo, 8508, 420 ~ware,Mpis 55455, 2573 Cedar Hills Dr, Minnetonka55305-2957, 952-893-1079, tholaOOl Otc.umn.eduTHOLAKANAHAW Venka1akrishna N, AItiIiaIedFacully (Medicine) 294 VCRC Mpls, 2573 CedarHills Drive, Minnetonks 55305,thotaOO20tc.umn.eduTHOMALLA Carol, SpecIal Project Assoc(Industrial FIelations CIT) 3-300 CariSMgmI, 32119th Ave S, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7041(624-5218; 625-7572), 971 Brooks Court,Maplewood 55109, 651-490-1783,thoma0990Ic.umn.eduTHOMAS Andrew J, Prof (HeallhPartners ­MaPlewood) 2165 WhIte'Bear Ave, Maplewood55109, thoma0680tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Anthony <!, Inlo Tech Prof (Dept 01 LabMedicine and Pathology) MMC 809 Mayo: DelCode 8609, (625-3871), thoma1270tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Avts J, Rasearch Fellow (CCBR) Room200 2221 Univ, 2221 University Ave SE, MpIs55414, Del Code 2702 (624-1109),thoma1400tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Barbara A, Instructor (Bloomington I.aJuIClinic) 1150 Center Point Curve, Mendota Heights55120, 1421 Appalooss Trail, Eagan 55122,651-545-2857, thomal7301c.umn.eduTHOMAS Carol E, Exec Administrative Spec(Medicine) MMC 286 Mayo, Del Code 6268, 504Mas Can CIT (624-5944), thoma0280tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Chantal, VISII Assoc Prof, 412 MondalaHall Mpls, 300 West 110lIl Slreet, Ap, New Yorl<NY 10028, thomasOtc.umn.eduTHOMAS Charyl A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (HumphreyInst 01 Public Allair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 301 19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451,1915Humboldt Ave S, MpIs 55403,Ihornel120tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Clail1l V, Adjunct Ass! Prof (InterstaleMedical Center) Hematology .00 Oncotogy,Hwy61 W, Red Wing 55088, 237 Bultemut Avenue,Red Wlrig 55088, thomal1801c.umn.eduTHOMAS CIar1< E, Operations Supv, Factts Mgmt(Pionaer Hall), Del Code 1751 (824-6127),thoma2290tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Cynthia A, MedIcal Assl (Comm-UnivHealth Care Cent"'), Del Code 7851,Ihoma5920Ic.umn.eduTHOMAS Oavid D,Prof (Blochemistry-Med $Ch)5-124 BSBE; 5-290 BSandBE, Del Code 1214(625-0957; 826-3322),4744 Thomas Ave S, MpIs55410,920-4246, ddtOte.umn:eduTHOMAS Dean C, Administrative Professional(Comm-Univ Health care Center) CUHCC, 2001Bloomington Ave S, MpIs 55404, Del Code 7851,824 Springhill Dr, Burnsvllte 55306, 952-431-1291,thomil69301c.umn.eduTHOMAS Debra J, Nutrition Education Ass! (UMExtension Hennepin Cnty) 479 Pralria Center Dr,Ste 2, Eden Prairie 55344-5378 (596-2136), 433 '75th Ave N, Brooklyn Par1< 55444, 763-560-7878,thoma0450tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Emanda J, Research Ass! (HumphleyInsloll'ublic AIIair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 30119thAve S, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7451, 7540 JarseyAve Apt201, Brooklyn Par1< 55428,thomI6980tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Gaiy C, Assoc Prol (CullUraI Studies &Comparative Lit) 341 Fat H, Del Code 0147(624-3527; 624-8099), th0ma0020tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Gloria R, Teeching Spec (MortuaryScience) MMC 740 Mayo, Del Code 8740, A275Mayo (624-8464; 628-4183),thoma2530tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Jane E, Buyer, Computer and AVEquipment (PuroheSing) 5570 WBOB, Del Code7532 (624-2095), 2084 oakwood Dr, Mounds Voew55112,763-780-1745,


THOMAS Jason P, Adjunct Instructor (SMDC) 400E 3rd Sl, Duluth 55805

THOMAS Jeff, Dir of Finance (Biologicai Sci,Coitege Of-Adm) 124F Snyder Hall, Del Coda 6174(624-3207),651·774-7160, j·thoml Otc.umn.adu

THOMAS Jessy, Assoc Program Dir (Office ofRegulatory Affairs) MMC 356, Del Coda 8501,Childrans Rehab Center (624-2431),thoma0980tc.umn.aduTHOMAS John H, Research Assoc (ITCharacterization Facility) 12 Shepherd Labs, DelCode Onl, 524 Maple Street, Mahtomedi 55155,thome2410tc.umn.aduTHOMAS Jon V, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Ear Nose &Throat Care Of Mn) Suile 602, 347 N Smith Ave,St Paul 55102 (651-227·0821), 401'Vadnais LakaOr, Vadnais Heights 5512'7,thoma0860tc.umn.adu

THOMAS Julia K, Asst Pro! (EconomiCS) 1035Heller Hall, Del Code 7052 (625-6353),thoma1500tc.umn.adu

THOMAS Kathleen M, Asst Prof (ChildDevelopment) 168 ChDev, Del Coda 4011(625-3389; 624-0075), thoma1140tc.umn.adu

THOMAS Katia M, Sr Veterinary Technician(Veterinary Teaching Hospilal) 305 VeterinaryTeaching Hasp, Del Code 6194 (625-6281),651-330-8470, thoma2260tc.umn.aduTHOMAS PHD Kay A, Dir CampuslCollege Lavel(Intemational Programs, Ole of), Asst Prof(Pharmacy, College 01), Laeturer (EducationalPsychology) RoolJl19O HHHCtr, Del COda 7457(626-7100),823-7847, kthomasOtc.umn.aduTHOMAS Landon 0, InfO Tech Spec (ComputerScienceJEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSCI, 200Union Sl SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0571, 12937Hamlet Ave, Apple Velley 55124-4618,thom15760tc.umn.eduTHOMAS Mark J, Asst Prof (Neuroscience;Psychology) Neuroscience, Rm 6·145 JecH, 321Church St S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216,tmhomasOtc.umn.aduTHOMAS Mary M, Laeturef (Science &Technology, His! of) Room 148 Phys, 116 ChurchSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 1125 lowe AveW, St Paul 55108-2241, thom02090tc.umn.aduTHOMAS Molly S, Post-Doctoral Fellow(DiagnosliclBiological Sciences; LabMadicinaIPethoiogy) MMC 334 'Mayo, Del Coda8334, 6-266 BSBE (626-6713),thoml\6100te.umn.adu

THOMAS Phyllis C, Community Program Spec(1300 South second Strael) Suite 300, Del Coda7525, 9400 Old Cedar Ave S Apl324, Bloomington55425, thomal360tc.umn.aduTHOMAS Riohard A, Research Assoc (Physicsand Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331 (624-8840), 5805BTeakwood Lane North, Plymouth 55442,thome2310tc.umn.aduTHOMAS Ruth G, Chair (Curriculum andInslructlOn), Prof (CUrriculum and InslnJetion;Family Social SCience) Room 145 PeikH, Del Coda4301 (625-1362),900 Edgewater Ave W, Sl Paul55126,651-484-6767, thoma0080te.umn.eduTHOMAS semantha L, Network Group Manager(Digital Technology Center) Room 599 WeLib, 117Pleasant 5t SE, Mpls 55455, Del Coda 3721(624-0532), sthomasOfC.umn.aduTHOMAS Wendy L, Curator (Minnesota PopuletionCenter) 50 Willey Hail, Del Coda 7931 (624-4369),1758 Pascal St N, Falcon Heights 55113,651-645·7581, w-lraaOtc.umn.eduTHOMAS William, Assoc Prof (Biostatistics) MMC303 Mayo, Del Code 8303, A467 Mayo (625-0651).3415 Harriet Ave S, Mpls 55406-4234, 824-7185,

THOMAS W"liam C, Assoc Vica President(Retirad) (Humen Resources, Office 01),2149 SCottAve N, Mpls 55422, thoma0120tc.umn.aduTHOMES Lisa A, Lecturer (Personal EnrichmentProgram) Room 201 CofH, 1420 Eckles Ave, SIPaul 55106, Del Code 6061,lhorn09150tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Aaron S, Asst Coach (UMM P ECenter) Room 225 PEC, M231 B, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267, 8 WestWood Acres, Morris 56267,701-866-8209, thompsaOmorris.umn.aduTHOMPS9N Alonzo, Building end Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 5 Area 0) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121,1618 Vincent Ave N, Mpls 55411,529-4903, thomp2440tc.urnn.adu

THOMPSON Andrew R, Research ASs!(Biochemistry, MoiBiology, & Biophy) 5-290 asandBE, Del Coda 1214 (626-3322),thompsarOtc.umn.adu

THOMPSON Andy M, Building and GroundaWorker (Facilities Mgmt:Zone 3 Health Scien) B117 Moos Tower, 515 Delaware Street SE, Mpls55455, 152&Lamar Drive, North Mankato 56003,507·345-1120, thoml8690tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Brent J, Clinicai Instructor (KanabecHospilal) 301 S Hwy 65, Mora 55051, 1628Rainbow St, Grasston 55030, 320-396-5037,thom23310te.umn.adu

THOMPSON Brtan R, Graduate School Fellow(Biochem, Molec Bioi, Blophy TCBS), PhDCandidate Research Asst (BIochem, MoIeC Bioi,Biophy TMED) 7-178 MCa. Del Code 1214(624-9798), thoml7090tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Bruce R, Instructor (CernbridgeMadical Center) 701 S Dellwood, Cembridge55008,,930 6th Avenue North Wast, Cambridge55007, thomp061 Otc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Carmen R, Community ProgramAssoc (UM Extension Mower Cnty) Courthouse,201 NE 1st St, Austin 55612-3475 (507-437·9552),29454 670 Ave, Dexter 55926, 507-584-0206,thomp0690fC.umn.aduTHOMPSON Christine C, Exec AdministrativeSpec (Dentistry· Academic Affairs) Room 15·226Moos Tower, Del Coda 1291 (625-9521),thomp2560tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Constanca C, Asst Department Dir(Comstock Hall E), Del Coda 1092 (624-6174),thomp036 Otc.umn.aduTHOMPSON David L, Research Asst (CivilEngineering) Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Coda 0851, 4000 13th Ave S,Mpls 55407, 763-242-6465,thom06910tc.umn.eduTHOMPSON MD David M, Asst Prof (FamilyMadicinalComm Heahh; Padiatrics) HennepinCounty Medical Center, 5 W Lake St, Mpls 55406(347-8421),4824 Northrop Or, MpiS 55406,722·9014, thomp0600tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON David, Pro! (Retired) (Theatre Artslind Dance), 1380 Marice Dr Apt459, Sl Paul55121-2145, thomp0180tc.umn.adu

THOMPSON Dawn M, Food service Worker (LakeItasca ForestrylBio SIn) I'lta 2, Box 362, Shevlin56676, RR 2 Bx 362, Shevlin 56676,218-286-3447, thomp1760tc.umn.adu

THOMPSON DIane L, InfO Tach Spec (Mgmt Oleof InfO Tech, Cartson) 4-264 CartSMgmt, Del Coda7041 (625-9393), thomp223'Otc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Dionne N, Non·Unlversity.Employee(MN Ext Svc East Central), Accounts Spec (MNExt Svc East Central) UM Extension HennepinCnly, 479 Prairie Center Dr Ste 2, Eden Prairie55344-5378 (596-2111), thom2334 Otc.umn.adu

THOMPSON JR Donald M, Teaching Spec (CCECollege in the SChools) Room 202 WasH, DelCoda,3831 , 2931183id Ave NE, Wyoming 55092,783-434-4394, thomp1980tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Douglas G, Sr MaintenanceCarpenter (Lake Itasca ForastrylBio Sin) 28188University Circle, Lake Itasca 56470(218·266-3691), RR 2 Box 362, Shevlin 56676,218-268·3447, thol1)p1750tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Erin 0, Teaching Spec (Theatre Artsand Dance) Room I,ll BerkerCtr, Del Coda 7841(624-5060),4609 Lyndale Ave S, Mpls 55409,thomp0650tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Funmi T, Administrative Dir (PACCMadiclne) MMC 276 Mayo, Del Coda 8276, 350VCRC (624-0999), 2750 18th Ave So, Mpls 55407,724-1157, thomp0140tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Gabriet F, Hazardous Mat DisposalSpec (TCEM) 501 23rd Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 2881 (624·5588), 15919 Artree Drive, AppleValley 55124,378-1719, thom23590tc.urnn.aduTHOMPSON Galen, Research Fellow (NWResearch and Outreach Center) AgRC, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (218-281-8626),839 Great Plains Court, Grand Forks NO 56201,701-775-5698, thomp1690tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Gregory S, InfO Tach Prof(Biostatistics) 200 2221 Univ SE, Del Coda 2702,thomp0350tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Heather A, Asst Prof (GeneralIntemal Madicine) MMC 741 Mayo, Del Coda6741,6-136 PWB (624-6984),thomp0570tc.umn.adu

THOMPSON Ian F, Palldng Area Supv (TSB AllThird Floor) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1983, 543 Nevada AveE, St Paul 55101, 651-774-2987,thomp3390tc.urnn.aduTHOMPSON Jacob A, Jr SCientist (Madicine) MMC480 Mayo, Del Code 8480, Apt 2, 69 Bedford StSE, Mpls 55414, 201-9632, 1hom12680tc.umh.aduTHOMPSON Jaime 0, Info Tach Prof(ITS-Microcompu1ar Support) 499 OMWL, DelCode 7111 (625-4812),2650 40th Ave S, Mpls55406, jaimeOtc.umn.aduTHOMPSON James 0, Adjunct Pro! (FamilyMadicinalComm Health), Asst Prof (EmergencyMadlcine) FailView Riverside Medical Ctr,Emergency services, 2450 Riverside Ave S, Mpls55455, thompl140fC.umn.aduTHOMPSON Jan M, Administrative Aida(Economics) 1035 Heller Hall, Del Code 7052(625·3446), thomp0320tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Jefferson, Laboratory SvcCoordinator (Community Univ Hhh Care Ctr) 2001Bloomington Ave S, Del Code 7851 (638-0700>(241),232 Tiffany Drive, Hastings 55033,651-437-9885, thomp2150tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Jennner A, Asst Program Dlr(Recreational Sports) Room 100 CookeH, 1900University Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 2061,682 Grand Ave Apt22, St Paul 55105, 626-0831,thom07160tc.umn.adu

THOMPSON Jerrilyn L, Adjunct Asst Pro! (ForestResources) 115 Gm H, Del Code 6112 (624-3699),thompsonOtc.umn.aduTHOMPSON John G, Sr Laborer (Wast CentralReseatch & Outreach Ct) 46352 State Hwy 329,Morris 56267, 18996 360 Ave, Cyrus 56323,320·795-2285, thomp2390morris.umn.aduTHOMPSON John R, Sr Teaching Spec(Heahhcare Mgmt Ind Stdy Prgm) Room 110 2221Univ, 2221 University Ave SE, MpIs 5541~, DelCode 2706, thomp0530tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Julie A, Madicel Fellow(Madiclne-Gastroenterology) MMC 36 Mayo, DelCoda 8036, Mayo A539 (625-8999),thom0235 Otc.umn.adu •

THOMPSON Karan B, Assoc Program Dir(Intrdiscp Ctr Stdy Global Chng) Room 537HellerH, Del Coda 7053 (624-0255), 333-4478,kbtOtc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Kevin 0, Asst Prof (UMC Arts,Humanities/Soc Sci) Room 110F SCC, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716,thom23560mail.crk.umn.adTHOMPSON Kimberly 0, Exec AdministrativeSpec (UM Extension 4-H Foundation) Room 270McNamaraCtr, Del Coda 2016 (624-m4),thomp0370tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Kimberly M, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Duluth CUnic - West) 4325 Grand Ave, Duluth55607THOMPSON Kristin B, Research Asst (HumphreyInst of Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, Del Coda7451 (624-2053), thomp2720tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON laDora V, Assoc Prof (PhysicaiMedlRehabillt8tion), Asst Pro! (Physiology) MMC368 Mayo, Del Code 8388, 368A Ch R C(626-5271; 626-3169),13 Thompeon Lane, NorthOaks 55127, 651-481-1982,thoinp0670tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Larry C, Prof (UMD Chemistry) 336Chern, 1039 University Dr, Duluth 55612,19Cambridge Court, Kennebunk ME 04043,IthompsoOd.umn.aduTHOMPSON Linda R, Asst Prof (Department ofPadiatrics) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Coda 8391,Hemmepin County Madical Center, 701 ParkAvenue, Mpls 55415, thomp0630tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Maggie G, Assoc Admin (CancerCentar) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806,310Dinnaken (624-0850), th0m22880tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Marcie V, One Stop Counselor (OneStop Student services Ctr) Room 210 FraserH,106 Pleasant Sl SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3395,7600 Morgan Ave North, Brooklyn Park 55444,thomp392 Otc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Maljore I, Performance ManagementDiraeto (AHC-CUHCC) C U HC C, Del Code 7851(638-0700), thompl060tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Mark E, Lecturer (Healll1care MgmtInd Stdy Prgm) Room 1102221 Univ, 2221University Ave SE, Mpis 55414, Del Code 2706,W75 N761 Tower Ave, Cedarburg WI 53012,thomp0780tc.umn.adu

THOMPSON Micheel A, Audiovisual OperationsManager (UNITE) 206 Mach E, Del Code 0618(624-6008), thomp0230tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Muriel, Education Spec (Writing,Center fOr; English, LanguagelLiterature), TeachinSpec (Writing, Centei for) Room 227 lindH, DelCoda 0617 (625-6323), muriehOtc.umn.aduTHOMPSON NicOle R, Teaching Asst(Speech·Lang:Hearing Sci, Dept) Room 115ShevH, 184 Pillsbury Or SE, MplS 55455, Del Code4401, thom1261 Otc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Paul E, Adjunct Prof (600 E Park)Olivia 56277, 806 N 9th St, Olivia 56277,thomp0960tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Penny M, Teaching Asst (CLALanguage Center) 110 Jones Hall, Del Coda 3945,thom01700tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Randall M, Ass! SCientist (Neurology)MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295, 811 Diehl H(624-0906), thomp0130fC.umn.aduTHOMPSON Robert 0, Jr Engineer (UMM·Plant •Svcs-Adm) 9 Cern, Morris 56267 (320-589-6108), 5Westview Dr, Morrts 56267, 320-589-2356,thompsrdOmorris.umn.aduTHOMPSON JR Roby C, Assoc Dean (MadicalSchool Admin), Prof (Orthopaadic Surgery) MMC293 Mayo, Del Coda 8293, MMC 293 Mayo(626-9910), 1520 Tanglewood Rd, Long Lake55356, thomp0040tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Ronda M, Nursing Professional(Neurology Department) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code8295, 12·100 PWB, 1639A 293rd Ave, Frederic WI54837,715-472·2291, thoml6970tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON sellie P, Community Program Spec(Baby's Spece) 2436 -18 th Ave South, Del Coda4011 (729-5171),2415 Bryant Ave S, Mpls 55405,374·9133, thomp2360tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON sendra J, Research Assoc (Inst onCommunity IntegrationlNCEO) Room 350 ElliottHall, Del Coda 3281 (625-5336),thomp1780tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON serena K, Research Asst(Psychology), Graduate School Trainee (CognitiveSciences, Ctr fOr) 8690 Mayo, Del Coda 3281(625-7402), thom17120tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Shewn A, Telecom EngineeringTechnician (01T) 2218 Univ, 2218 Universily AveSE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2171, 42024 County Rd1, Rica 56367, thom21230tc.u~n.aduTHOMPSON Sleve A, Prin Adminlstretlve Spec(Epidemiology) Room 300 WOOB, Del Coda 7525(625-7124),6906 Wentworth Ave S, Richfield55423,869-6320, thomp0300tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Tamara L, Exec Administrative Spec(Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,1480 Mayo Bldg (624-6190),thomp2420tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON Theodore R, Prof (Padietrics;Obstetrics and Gynecology) MMC 32, Del Code8032,0136 Mayo (626-2841), 772 Mimosa Lane,New Brighton 55112,, page193-2721THOMPSON Timothy, Adjunct Assoc Prof (StJoseph's Emergency Room) 69 West Exchange St,St Paul 55102, 1446 Hythe St, St Paul 55108,thomp0750tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON PHD Travis, Prof (Center forNeurobehavorial Developm) 3rd Floor, VFWCancer Research Cent, 406 Harvard St SE, Mpls55455 (626-4844), thompl990tc.umn.adu .THOMPSON Wayne W, Adjunct Assoc Prof (1690University Ave, Suite 320) Sl Paul 55104, 1677Millwood Avenue, Roseville 55113,thomp0620tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON WilHam M, Prof (Retired) (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, 2·349 U Hosp(273-3458), 225 Galway Or, Chapel Hill NC27514-6556,919-980-5097,thompOO30tc.umn.aduTHOMPSON zachary J, Research Asst (ChernEngr & Mati SCi) 356 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 {626-1005), thom21360fC.umn.aduTHOMSEN Rhonda F, Building and GroundsWorker (Recreational Sports) MMC 59 Mayo, DelCoda 8059, Room 101 Cooke Hall (625-0652),thoms0020fC.umn.aduTHOMSEN Shawn, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt) Room 202 FMB, Del Coda 6168(624·2288), 1125 Mark Court Apt 3E, Newport55055,651-458·9877, thoms0080tc.umn.aduTHOMSON NicOle M, Exempt Temporary orCesual (Cancer Center) MMC 806 Mayo. Del Coda8806, 790 CCRB (626-5220),


THOMSON Tyler J, Head Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 293 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (e24-*l59),634 3rd Avenue SE, Mpis 55414,th0ms0160te.umn.eduTHOMSON lIClNNES Bridget, Teachlng Ass!(Computer SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192EEICSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0571, bthomsonOd.urnn.eduTItOI'RAKARN Anouphab, Building and GroundsWor1<er (Facilities Mgmt-Admlnistralion) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 8059, 200 Donhowe B(624-5968), 4700 92nd Crescent N, Brooklyn Park55443, 763-425-5694, thoplOOl Ote.umn.edUTHORBECK Dewey, Prof (An:hneclure), ProgramDir (Ag, FOO<1IEnvt Sci Admin, Col of) Room 3Colley Hall, Del Code 6074 (624-7866), 2121Delaware Ave, Mendota Hgtll55118, '651-454-3101, lhorbOOl Ote.umn.eduTHORESON Bryan, Info Tech Prof (CLA Nat)Room 110 AndH, Del Code 7331 (624-8163),, page-65Hll0-0097THORESON Robin L, Program Assoc (PediatricCIinlca/ Neuroscienca) MMC 486 Mayo, Del Code8486, 12-169 PWB (625-61861,ande!2050te.urnn.eduTHORKJLIlSON Slndra S, Exec Ass! (MN MedIcalFoundation) Room 300 Ga1eway, Del Code 2012(824-6488; 825-1440), 2745ll1ew Ave So, Mpl555416,927-4858, lhorkOO10te.umn.eduTHORLEIFSON Harvey, Departmental OIr(Geological Survey, MN), Prof (Earth SciGeoIogylGeophysica) MInnesota GeologicalSurvey, Room 104 2642 Univ, 2642 University AveW, 5t Paul 55114-1057, Del Code 2411,1011 - 5thSt SE, Mpls 55414-1917, 623-3449, .thor1eifOte.umn.eduTHORMAN Dorothy A, Clinical Social Worller(Boyn HS) Mental Health Clinic, Del Code 1171(624-1444), lhonnOO20te.umn.eduTHORN JR Robert E, Aulomotive Mechanic (MNLandscape AI1lorelum) 3675 Arbonltum Blvd,Chast<a 55318-9613 (952-443-1456), 2847 VemonAve So, 51 louis PI< 55416, 952-929-6643,lhorn0050te.urnn.eduTHORNBERG Pat L, Exec Asst (Pediatrics) MMC94 Mayo, Del Code 8094, 210 VCR C (628-2755),1ongw0020te.umn.eduTHORNBtACK Hattie, Adjunct As$! Prof (OralSciences-Iliomaterials) Room 16-212 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (625-0950), 1325 Selby Ave, St Paul55104, lhomD180te.umn.eduTHORNTON Dann L, Ass! Prof (UMD MusIc; UMDFine Arts Admin, SChool of) 245 H, 1201 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 \218·726-8178), 2019Springvale Rd, Dulu1ti 55811, 218-724-4968,dthomtoOd.umn.eduTHORNTON Julia N, Graduate SChool Fellow(EconomiCs) Room 1035 HelierH, 27119th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7052,thoml180te.umn.eduTHORNTON Kyan C, Exec Ass! (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,13-118 PWB (624-3113; 626-2589),thor01910te.umn.eduTHORNTON Paliicia M, Coordinator (CUrriculumand Instruction) Room 125 PeikH, Del Code 4301(626-8974),1835 Palace Ave, St Paul 55105,651-699-1455, lhomD200te.umn.eduTHORP Chris K, Research Spec (BiomedicalEngineering Department) Room 7·105 BSandBE,312 Church 51 SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 1191,

. 192 Saymore Ave SE, Mpls 55414, 3n-1907,thorpOtc.umn.eduTHORP Deborah A, Assoc Prof (Obstetrics andGynecology), Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyMedicineJComm Health) Park Nicollet MedicalCenter, ObIGyn Dept, 2001 Blaisdell Ave S, Mpls55404 (952·993-6010), 4701 Bryant Ave S, Mpls55409, lhorpOO30te.umn.eduTHORP Norma L, Ass! Prof (Retired) (UMMAdministration), 8305 High 51, Desoto KS 66018,thorpOOBOte.umn.eduTHORPE Suzanne, Ubrarian (Law Ubrary) 120MondeIe Hall, Del Code 7911 (625-0187), •THORSEN Amy J, Adjunct Instrue10r (Colon &Rectel Surgery Associates) central MedIcalBuilding, 393 Dunlap Street North, 51 Paul 55104,563 East Minnehaha Pkwy, Mpls 55419, 822-6204,thor04000tc.umn.eduTHORSON Amy, Non Univ Steff (UDS AffiliatedStaff) 1-145H Carlson Mpls (624-5752),

THORSON Carolyn E, Community HealthCoordinator (Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, DelCode 7494 (626-8564), 12165 Part~dge St NW,Coon Rapids 55448,763-767·9780, 'thorsOO20tc.umn.eduTHORSON David C, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Minnesota Health P A) 4786 Banning Ave, WhiteBear Lake 55110, 5 Birchwood Road, Mahtomedi55115,

THORSON Elizabeth M, Teaching Spec (ThealreArls end Dance) Roo(lll11 BarllerCtr, 500 21stAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7841, 825·8445,thors0270te.umn.eduTHORSON Gregory R, Assoc Prof (UMM SocialSciences, Div ot, UMM Academic Administration;UMM SponSOred Salaries; UMM ContEduclRegional Prgm), Asst Prof (UMM ContEduclRegidnal Prgm) 145C S S, Morris 56267(320-589-6208),320-589-4882,

THORSON Karen E, Ub;ary Asst2 (MAC East(Walter» Room 108 WaUb, Del Code 3725(624-5233), [email protected]

THORSON Megan J, Community Program Assoc(UM Regl Clr Albert Lea) 2360 Crossroads Blvd,Albert Lea 56007-4001,10585 790th Ave, Glenville56036, 507·373-8390, mthorsOtc.umn.eduTHORSON Melissa A, Adjunct Instructor (Nursing,School of), Teaching Spec (Nursing, School of)North Memorial Medical Center,3300 Oakdale AveNorth, Robbinsdale 55422, [email protected]

THORSTAD Anntionette 0, Teaching Asst (UMOSocial Worll) 220 BohH, 0148, 1207 Ordean Court,Duluth 55812, 2206 Springvale Cl, Duluth 55811 ,218-722-1207,

THORSTENSON Kristen M, Graduate SchoolTrainee (Ophthalmology) MMC 36 Mayo, Del Code8036, 3532 Bryant Ave S, Apt 209, Mpls 55408,thors0230te.urnn.eduTHORUD Edwin N, Info Tech Supv (UNITE) 208Mach E, Del Code 0818 (624-9533), 399 HarrietCircle, Shoreview 55126,651-484-6969,

THORVILSON MD Nancy K, Asst Prof(Anesthesiology) MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 8294,

THRALOW Amanda M, Instructor (UMD Math &Statistics) 1350 C Ctr, Duluth (218-726-6240), 216W8th St, Duluth 55808, 218-773-()764, 'THRANE Unda, Vice President (UniversityRelations, Off of the VP) 3 Morrill Hall, Del Code0265 (624-6868), •

THREIHEN Carol A, Program Assoc (UMDInlernational Education) 136E KPlz, 0159, 1208Kirby Drive, Duluth 55812 (218·726-6274), 4914Woodland Ave, Duluth 55803. 218-724·8972,cthreine 0 d.umn.eduTHRUNE Melissa M, Research Asst (Departmentof Animel Science) Dairy Cattle Teach/Res Facility,1364 Eckles Ave,St Paul 55108-6118, Del Code6118,12415 Porcupine Court, Eden Prai~e 55344,thru00060Ic.umn.eduTHUFTEDAL Unda M, Prin Administrative Spec(Physical Mad & Rehabilitation) MMC 297 Mayo,Del Code 8297, 500 Boynton Health SerVIceBridge (626-5448), 12958 Gerner Ln, Apple Valley55124, 95~1-7347, thuftOOl Ote.umn.eduTHUL Maaghan M, AsSl To (CLA S1udantServicas) 106 Johnston Hall, Del Code 3174(624-5013), [email protected] Thomas L, Adjunct Assoc Prof(HealthPartners Como Clinic) 2500 Como Ave, StPaul 55108, 4400 47th Avenue South, Mpls 55454,thuIXOO10tc.umn.eduTHUUL John R, Laborer (MN LandscapeArboretum) 3675 Arboretum Dr, Chaska55318-9613,33945 Oakshire Rd, Melrose 56352,320-987-3139, [email protected] MATH Vivek, Research Asst (Deptof Medicine) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Code 8480,14-142-PWB, 701 University Ave SE Apt3, Mpls55414,378'1294, thumb0020te.umn.eduTHUMMA Saritha C, Medical Fellow (MedicineHematology Office) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Code8480,14-142 PWB (624-6123),thummOD20tc.umn.eduTHUNSTROM Ruth N, Nutrtlion Education Ass!(UM Extension Isanti Cnty) 555 18th Ave S,,!,Cambridge 55006-9366 (763-689-1810), 29502Vickers St, Isanti 55040, 763-444-4476,

THUNSTROM Thafme, Sr Ole Ass! (HRMS) Room528G WBOB, Del Code 7531 (626-2286), 896Galtier St, St Paul 55117, 651-340-0644,[email protected] PaulO, Research Assoc (Psychiatry)F282I2A West·B, Del Code 8393, C-696 Mayo;0362 Mayo (626·3624), 2757 Bryant Ave S, Mpls55408·1249,874-7959, thura0010tc.umn.eduTHURBER Kathryn F, Teaching Asst (Afl'()oAmerand African Studies) Room 808 SocSci, 267 ,19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7155, 313117th AveS, Mpls 55407, 729-4103, [email protected] Adrienne K, M8dical Technologist(UMD Health Services) 113 HS. 0212, 615Niagara Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7047),[email protected] Kyle 0, Graduate School Fellow(Biomedical Engineering) Room 7-105 NHH, 312Church 5t SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191, 1618Eustis Street Apt 3, Lauderdale 55108,651-644-2167, thur00950tc.umn.eduTHURIOT Sarah, Jr Scientist (Univ of MinnesotaCancer Clr) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 554Cancer Center Research Bldy (626·2836),763·768-()237, thuri0030tc.umn.eduTHURK Scott B, Info Tech Spec (Nursing, SchOI-Prog & Res) 6-132 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-5105), thurkOOt Olc.umn.eduTHURLOW Martha L, Sr Research Assoc (Inst onCommunity IntagrationlNCEO) Room 350 ElliottHall, Del Code 3281 (624-4826), 183 UtIle CanadaRoad E, Apt103, Little Canada, 51 Paul 55117,651-484-7557, thu~OOl Ote.umn.eduTHURLOW Thomas A, Info Tech Prof (DigitalTechnoiogy Center) Room 599 WaUb, Del Code3721, tthu~owOtc.umn.eduTHURMAN Erik J, Development OIcr (MN MedicalFoundation) 300 McNamara Alumni Center, DelCode 2012 (626-4848; 625-8980),thunn0240tc.umn.eduTHURMES Anna K, Research Asst(Speech/LanguagelHearing Sci), Teaching Asst(Speech/LanguagelHearing Sci) 115 Shevlin Hall,Del Code 4401, 626-3478: [email protected] Christopher P, Ass! Scientist (VetDiagnostic Medicine) 244 Vet 0 L, Del Code 6184

, (625-2173),

THURN Joseph R, Assoc Prof fI/ A MedicalCanter) Dept 01 Infect Diseases (111-F), OneVeterans Dr, Mpls 55417, 1425 Fainnount Avenue,St Paul 55105, thumD030tc.umn.eduTHURN Mary 0, Analyst (AUXiliary Services Admin)209 P SB, Del Code 5404 (825-4850), 1368Frankson Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-845-3218,thum0010tc.umn.eduTHUTA satish, Research Ass!(EleetricaVComputer Engr) Room 4·174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 1005, 12th Ave SE, Apt104, Mpls55414,625-3841. thute0020tc.umn.eduTHWAITS Benjamin F, Advanced MastersResearch Asst (Fisheries, Wildlije & Cons Bioi)Room 2nd FI HodsonH, Del Code 6125, 2401Jenny Ct, Merrill WI 54452, [email protected] Murilo L, Post-Doctoral Assoc (University ofTexas at Avstin) ICES, ACES Bldg Rm 4102,1University Station (C0200), Austin TX 78712-()227,[email protected] Bole, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Surgery) MMC195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, [email protected] Deleng, Post-Doctoral Assoc (MedicinalChemistry) 8·139A Weaver-Denslord Hall, DeiCode 1332 (826·5543),1252 Gibbs Ave, FalconHeighls 55108, tianx0280Ic.umn.eduTIAN Jinfeng, Research Ass! (2021 6 Th St SE), .Del Code 2841 (626-7567), 102627th Ave SE, AptF, Mpls 55414, 331-2518, [email protected] Xiabli, Librery Ass! 2 (Area Studies (MAC»160 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (626-3587),tianx0150lc.umn.eduTIAN Zhixin, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Department ofChemistry) Room 299 SmithH, Del Code 3661, 'TIBBrnS Steven P, Teaching Spec (Mad SchoolEducJMortuary Science) MMC 740 Mayo, Del Code8740, A275 Mayo (624-3976), 463314th Ave S,Mpls 55407, 823-1031, hbbeOOl Otc.umn.eduTIBBS Cathe~ne, Building and Grounds Worller(Facililies Mgmt-Admlnistration) 307 Donhowe B,Del Code 3121 (624-5968), tibbSOO20tc.umn.eduTIBERG Kirsten R, Instructor (PeS HealthSystems. Inc) 5701 Green Valley Drive, Mpis55437, 9935 Briar Road Apt208, Bloomington55437,952-897-0625,


TlBERIUS Valerie, Assoc Prof (Philosophy) 815HeilerH, Del Code 7057 (625-0036; 625-6563),[email protected]

TIBLIN Mariann, Assoc Prof Em~ritus (SocialSciences cOllections (COM» 170B OMWL, DeiCode 7111 (626-8253), m-tiblOtc.umn.eduTICE Ronald G, Teaching Spec (Theatre Arls andDance) Rqom 560 RarigC, 330 21st Ave S, Mpis55455, Del Code 7752, 827-1511,[email protected] Renata, Research Ass! (EducationalPsychology) Room 227 BuH; Room 102 PtH, DelCode 3171 (624-2342), 180415th Ave NW, NewBrighton 55112-5474, tichOO180tc.umn.eduTICHENOR Phillip J, Prof (Retired)(JoumalismJMesa Comm, Sch of), 7808 UnityAvenue N, Brooklyn Park 55443,[email protected] Theresa, ITlWeb Team Lead (CIr torPublic HIth Edu & 0utreeC) Room 350, Del Code2702, tichich Otc.umn.eduTICHY Michelle L, Research Ass! (MulticulturalAffairs) Room 190 KIaCt, 320 16th Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3013 (624-0876; 626-1584),8412Yates Ave N, Brooklyn Parll55443, 763-493-5166,[email protected] Cynthia, Program Assoc(CCE·Advanced High School Stud Serv) Room107M Annory, Del Code 0895 (826-0214),[email protected] Juli C, Sr Ole Spec (Research SubjectsProtection Progra) MMC 820 Mayo, Del Code8820,0-528 Mayo, tidw00070tc.umn.eduTIEDE WiI~am S, Adjunct Assoc Prof (WayzataIntemal Medicine, Ud) 250 N Central Ave no 220,Wayzata 55391, tiede0030te.umn-.eduTIEDEMANN Jami8 C, Dir Campus/College Level(Aurora Ctr for Advocacy & Education) 407 Boyn HS, Del Code 1171 (626-9988),tiedeOOl @tc.urnn.eduTIEDEMANN Patti A. Graphic DesignerlMediaArtist (UMC University Relations) 115 K, Crookston56716 (218-281-11402), 534 Cantral Ave No,Crookston 56716, 218-281-6248,[email protected] Charon, Non Univ Staff, U 01 M Mpls(320-354-2252), [email protected] Janet M, Training Coordinator (TrainingServices) Room 280 WBOB, Del Code 7523(624-8218),415 Wagner 81, Roseville 55113,651·2HH606, tiemD530te.umn.eduTIERNEY Jon P, Adjunct Prof (1)0 E 24th St) Suita406, Mpls 55404, [email protected] JR Lawrence G, Help UnelTrainingConsultant (ADCS) Room 190 ShepLab, 100 UnionSt SE, Mpls 55455, Dei Code 0771 (626-3512),[email protected] Marll W, Lecturer (ISP Executive StudyProgram) Ca~SMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, MpIs55455, Del Code 7041, 1787 Dupont Ave So, Mpls55403, 377-4922, [email protected] NI.ckolas P, Ass! Prof (HealthEsstClinics) ObIGyn Dept, 3480 Lexington Ave N,Shoreview 55126 (651-490-0433), 820 CountrysideLane, Hudson WI 54016, tiem0040tc.umn.eduTIETJE Renee A, Info Tech Prof (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraClr, Del Code2011 (624-1368), tietj0020lc.umn.eduTIFFANY Brad, Research Asst(EleetricaVComputer Engr) Room 4·174 EElCSci,Dei Code 0572, 2186 Scudder Street Apt301, SaintPaul 55108, tifIOOO50te.umn.eduTIFFANY Douglas G, Research Fellow (Ag, Fd endEnvlSci·CoIl of) Room 231 ClaOff, Del Code 6040,1 West Shore Road, North Oaks 55127,tiffa0020te.umn.eduTIFFANY Michael J, Teaching Spec(Speech-Communlcation) 309 Fol !"i, Del Code0161 (625-6672), tiff00030lc.umn.eduTIFFIN Peter L, Ass! Prof (Plant Biology) Room250 BioSci, 1445 Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, DeiCode 6022 (624-7406), 2820 42nd Ave So, MpIs55406, ptiffinOte.umn.eduTlGAR 'traci A. RN (Boyn HS)Publlc Heall~, 410Church St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 1171,tigaOOO10tc.umn.eduTIGGES Julie A. Program OIr (Law School) Room

• 265 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7911, 5009 Queen Avenue S, Mpis 55410,tigge0040tc.umn.eduTIGHE Susan J, Instructor (HeeIthEest Clinics)3480 N Lexington, Shoreview 55126, 1288 BayardAve, St Paul 55116, [email protected]


TlLAHUN Tadele G, Building and Grou~ds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 4 Area A) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121,1310 130th Lane NE, Blaine 55434,872-5235, [email protected] Karen E, Assoc Prot (Geography) 408 SocialScience, Del COde 7183 (625-0079),tillx0040tc.umn.eduTILL Michael J, Prot (PreventiveSciences-Pediatric Dent) 6-150 Moos T, Del Code1291 (624-4492), 4725 Isabel Ave, Mpls 55408,724-0352, tillx001 @tc.umn.eduTILLERAAS Truman W, Asst Prof (Retired) (UMCAgriculture), Rte 2, Crookston 56716,[email protected] Michelle J, Exec Sec (Olc of Exec VP &ProVOst) 234 MorH, Del Code 0262 (625-1105),[email protected] GDavid, Prof (Ecology,EvolutionlBehavior), Program Dir (Ceder CreekNatural Hist Area; Ecology, EvolulionlBehavior),Lecturer (CCE Pers Enrich Prgms Instrl) Room 511Ecology St Paul, Del Code 6098 (625-5740;625-5743), [email protected] Ronald L, Assoc Prof (Minnesota Zoo)Conservation Office, 13000 Zoo Blvd, Apple Valley55124-8199,·12783 Durllam Way, Apple Valley55124, [email protected] David J, Instructor (St Cloud Women's &Children's Me) 1520 Northway Dr, St Cloud 56303,[email protected] Janet S, Research Asst (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171, 914 MomingstarCourt, sartell 56377, [email protected] Maureen T, Graduate School Trainee(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del COde 7525(624'1733), [email protected] Elizabeth E, OIc Spec (School ofKinesiology) CookH 220, Del Code 2081(625-1007), 393610thAve S, Mpls 55407,[email protected] PHD Gerald W, Prof (1313 5th Street SE)Mpls 55414, 930 Mount Curve Avenue, Mpls55403, [email protected] Jennifer A, Asst Scientist (VeterinaryDiagnostic Labs) 180 VetDL, Del Code 6184(625-1298),651-423-5005,[email protected],eduTIMMERMAN Kristina, PhD Candidate TeachingAsst (Fisheries & Wildlil~) 200 flldson H, DelCOde 6125, timmOO540tc.umn.eduTIMMINS Paul, Coordinator (Career/CommunityLearning Ctr), Teaching Spec (Career/CommunityLearning Ctr) Room 135 JohH, Del COde 3774(624-7577), [email protected] Joe, Coordinator (Inst on CommunityIntegration) Room 150 PtH, Del Code 4201(624-5659), [email protected] Thomas E, Adjunct Assoc Prof (NorthMemorial Health Care) 3300 Oakdale Ave N,Robbinsdale 55422, 2080 Major Circle, GoldenValley 55422, timmoOO10tc.umn.eduTIMS Albert R, Dir (JoumalismlMass Comm, Schof), Assoc Pro! (JoumalismlMass Comm, Sch of)111 Mur H, Del Code 0371 (625-0020; 625-1336),timsxOO1 @tc.umn.eduTIN Thiha, Adjunct Instructor (ISJ Clinic- MHS)1015 Marsh St, PO Box 8673, Mankato 56001, 10Restless Ct, Apt 7, Mankato 56003,507-388-1657,[email protected]

TINBERG Jacqueline A, Adjunct Asst Prof (PrimaryDental Care-Dental Hygiene) Room 9-436 MoosT,515 DelawareSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1291,8491 Brellon Way, Chanhassen 55317,952-380-1474, [email protected] Cheryl A, Prin Administrative Spec(Medicine) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 170 VC.R C (625·7613), [email protected] Dana H, Prin Administrative Spec(School of Statistics) 313 Ford Hall, Del COde 0457(625-6046; 625·8046), 1411 Thomas Ave, St Paul55104-2450,651-647-0893, [email protected] Nalasha, Asst Prof (English) 11 OG LindHall, Del Code 0813, tinsI0130tc.umn.eduTINUCCI Mary E, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gartner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,tinuCOO10tc.umn.eduTIO So L, Ass! Prot (HealthPartners • Bloomington)8600 Nicollet Ave S, Bloomington 55420,tioxxOO10tc.umh.eduTIONGSON Jose Victor H, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Zone 2 West Bank) Room300 Donhowe Bldg, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 3121, 10433 Arrowhead St NW, CoonRapids 55433, 763-712-0236,[email protected]

TIPCKE Bonnie, Exec Administrative Spec (StuAffairs-UMM) 110 M R C, Morris 56267(320-589-6095), tipckebl 0

TIPPING Robert G, Sr Scientist (MN GeologicalSu.rvey) Room 104 2642 Univ, 2642 UniversityAve, St Paul 55114, Del Code 2411 (627-4780x226), 1837 Berkeley Ave, Saint Paul 55105-1659,651-699-4131, [email protected]

TIPPLE Andrea L, Asst Prof (St Croix Valley Clinic)Ob/Gyn Dept, 921 S Gr$eley St, Stillwater55062-5997 (651-439-2215), [email protected]

TISCHLER Gail M, Extension Educator/Assoc Prof(EXtension CommlEduc Tech Svcs), Coordinator(Extension CommlEduc Tech Svcs) Room 405 ColH, Del Code 6070 (625-3141),1136 James Ave, StPaul 55105, 651-699-2517, [email protected]

TISDALE III William A, Graduate School Trainee(Chem Eng &Material Science) 165 AmundsonHall, Del Code 0531 (626-2021),761-7513,

TISHCHENKO Oksana, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Chemistry) Room 139 SmIthH, 207 Pleasant StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3661, 207 Pleasant StSE Apt139, Mpls 55455, tisIlcOO<!

TISINGER Danielle L, Assoc Program Dir(CCE-Degree & Credit Programs) Room 107AArmory, Del Code 0895 (62&-1666),1927 Pierce StNE, Mpls 55418, niahlu0020tc;

TISINGER Scott M, Inlo Tech Supv (CCE-InfoSystems, OIc Of) 308 Wes H, DelCode 3831(625-6566),1927 Pierce Street NE, Mpls55418-4613,789-9433, [email protected]

TITCOMB Cassidy K, Development OIer (9-344)Phillips-wagenstein, Del Code 2012,[email protected]

TITRUo Glenn 0, Administrative Dir (Sand PlainResearch Farm) PO Box 344, BeCker 55308,19382 Uplend St NW, Elk River 55330,763-441-5875,

TITUS Aarica M, Utility Worker (TSB All ThirdFloor) Room 302 TSB, Del Code 1963,[email protected]

TITUS Balbara J, Instructor (UMDCommunication), Adjunct Instructor (UMDContinuing Education) 320 BohH, 1207 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6253), 647 Jill St,Duluth 55603, 218,525-6053,

mus Bradley J, Program Assoc (Leaming AbroadCenter) 230 Heller Hall, Del Code 7457(625-4366), [email protected]

mus Margaret A, Assoc Pro! (Genetics, CellBiology, & Devaloplnent) 4-102 MoICaIiBio, DelCode 1217 (625-8498);

TIVEY Ken, Sr OIc Spec ,Cuhural Studies &Comparaliv& Lit) 350 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0147(625-5358; 624-6099), [email protected]

TJIPTOWIDJOJO Kristianto, Research Asst(Chemical EngrlMat Sci), Teaching Asst (ChemicalEngrlMat Sci) 66 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(625-3063; 625-2884), 2601 University Ave SERoom 236, Mpls 55414, 301-0763,[email protected]

TKAC Ivan, Asst Prof (Radiology), Research Assoc(Radiology) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 6292, 102CMRR (625·7897), 4031 39tt] Avenue S, Mpls55408, 722-4834, tkacxOO1

TlACHAC Randall J, Program Dir (MN Molecular&Cellular Therapeutic) Room 102;NRRI-CARTD/Chem Derivatives, Del Code 6133(624-0765; 624-8700), [email protected]

TLOUGAN Michele R, Exec Sec (UM ExtensionRegl err Rochester) 883 30th Ave SE. Rochester55094-4915 (507-260-2864), 445 7th Street SW,Plainview 55964, 507-534-3336,[email protected]

TLUSTY Becki, Jr Scientist {Soil, Water, andClimate) Room 254 BorH, Del Code 6028(625-8163), btlustyOtc.umn.eduTOAL Stacie A, Research Asst (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(624-6331),4710 Minnehaha Ave, Mpls 55408,[email protected] Kathleen R, Dir, Donor Rei and Rec(University Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr,Del Code 2011 (626-8537), loayx001

TOBIAN JR Louis, Pro! (Retired) (Medicine),Adjunct Prof (Epidemiology), 1437 E River Rd,Mpls 55414. tobia001 Otc.umn.eduTOBIAS Anthony H, Assoc Prof (Veterinary ClinicalSciences), Program Dir (Veterinary ClinicalSciences) Room 455 VetTchHos, Del Code 6192(624-7428), 1436 Ca.lllomia Ave W, St Paul 55108,651-644·8063,

TOBIN John, Assoc Prof (Shelter Harbor) Box 432Verdi Rd, Westerly RI 02891,[email protected]

TOBIN John 0, Asst Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 391Mayo, Del·COde 8391,

TOBIN Sally R, Teaching Spec (School of Soc,alWork) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404'Gortner Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6161, 319 7th Street W, WestFargo NO 58078,701-282-8716,[email protected]

TOBIN STANLEY Maureen, Asst Prof (UMDForeign LanguageslLit) 457 H, 1201 Ordean Court,Duluth 55812 (218·726-8337; 218-726-7951),[email protected]

TOBON Uliana M, Research Asst(Medicine/Rhematology) MMC ,) 06 Mayo, DelCode 8106,5-150 MCB,

TODD Jeffrey M, Asst Clinical Prof (Small AnimalClinicel Science) C·339 VetTchHos, 1365 GortnerAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6192 (625-1747),[email protected]

TODD Jeremy G, Classroom Planner (ClassroomMgmt-Facilities) 150 Williamson Hall, Del Code0174 (625-5379), [email protected]

TODD Lorri L, Sr OIc Spec (Health ServicesRschIPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729, 0351 Mayo (625-8954), [email protected]

TODD Patricia L, Coordinator (Health CareersCenter) MMC 502 Mayo, Del Code 8502, 2-571Moos Tower (624-5261), [email protected]

TODD Stephanie, Library Ass! 2 (Arts &Humanhies (MAC}) 160-oMWL, bel COde 7111(624-1612),722-5193, [email protected]

TOoD-BENSE Brenda L, Adjunct Instructor(Schooi of Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,[email protected]

TODD-WALDEN Adrienne, Community ProgramSpec (CCE-Science Ca.ntrUM) Room 107MArmory, Del Code 0695 (625-2505), 722-2603,[email protected]

TODERO Tony 0, Teaching Spec (CommunicationStUdies) 285 Ford Hall, Del Code 0456 (626-0574),402-895-5662,' to!leOOO20 tc.umn.eduTODHUNTER Deborah A, Scientist (TherapeuticRadiology) MMe 96 Mayo, Del Code' 6096, 3508County 9 Blvd, Dennison 55018, 507-789-6787,tOdhUOO1

TODOROV Plamen V, Sr Stores Clerk (ClinicalSystems) Room 8-519 MoosT, Del Code 1291(625-8631), Apt 2,1362 Wynne Ave, St Paul.55108, 651 ~2-9388, todolOO1 Otc.umn.eduTODOROVA Miglena S, Ph 0 Candidate GradInstructor (American Studies) 104 Scott HAIl; 790Civil Engineering, Del Code 3231, 1362 WynneAvenue Apt 2, St Paul 55108,[email protected]

TOEoA Kazuki, Visiling Assoc Prof (InternationalAgri Programs) Room 190 CofH, 1420 Eckles Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6062, 1-10,Tegatayamaminamimachi, Akiia City 05 010-0645Japan, toede001

TOEoTER Darlene J, Student Support ServicesAsst (Biochem, Molecular Biol/Biophy) Room 140GorL, Del Code 6104,

TOETSCHINGER Richard W, Info Tech Supv(OSF - ITSS) 259 Fraser Hall, Del Code 3395(626-9076),. toets001

TOEWS Carl A, Postdoctoral Assoc (Institute forMathematics and i1s A) 400 Lind Hall, 208 ChurchStreet SE, Mpls 55455, [email protected]

TOFTELANo Julie M, Nutrition Education Asst(UM Extension Rock Cnty) 319 E Lincoln, PO Box898, Luveme 56156-0098 (507-263-5070), 104071st Street, Luveme 56156, 507-283-4503,[email protected]

TOGEAS .James B, Prol (Sci & Math-UMM) 2305SCI, 600 E 4th St, Morris 56267 (320-589-8309),702 Imperial Drive Apl103, Morris 56267,320·589-4329, [email protected] Silas R, Laboratory Animal Allendant(Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo, DelCode 8089,1-525 PWB, 1815· 1st Ave Apl204,Mpls 55404, 874-9804, tohanOOl @tc.umn,edu

TOHER Cynthia A, Adjunct Ass! Prof (ParkNicollet-/cardiology) Suite W 200, 6490 ExcelsiorBlvd, $t Louis Park (625-9100),[email protected]

TOKUNAGA Hironori, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Psychiatry) MMC 393 Mayo, Del Code 8393,MMC 833 Mayo (627-4901),tokun001

TOlAAS TheOdore W, Coordinator (Room 206Smith) 207 Pleasant Street SE, Del COde 3661(624-5585), 1835 160th Ave, Centuria WI 54624,715-846-2512, [email protected]

TOLAN Edward F, General Maintenance Supv(Parking & Transportation sarvices) 107B 4 StRamp, Del Code 2921 (626-8000),tolanOO1

TOLAR Jakub, Asst Prof {pediatrics) MMC 366Mayo, Del Code 8366, CCRB 460A (626-5501),[email protected]

TOLBERT 0 Frankli, OIc Spec (Research-GradSchool Admin) 322 Joh H, Del Code 3773(625-7657),1669 Burke Ave, Maplewood 55109,[email protected]

TOLLEFSON Elizabeth A, Ass! Dlr CmpiCol (UMeDevelopment) 215 K, Crookston 56716(218-281-6432; 218-281-8432),[email protected] .

TOLLEFSON Lee E, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Dept ofArchitecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811(624·8011),651-291-1951, [email protected]

TOLLEFSON Megan A, Administrative Aide (UMCBookstore) Room 109 RH, 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716, [email protected]

TOLLEFSON Megan N, Teaching Spec (UMCArls, Humanities/Soc Sci) Room 110G sec, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (218-281-6282),[email protected]

TOLLEFSON Nicole J, Web Designer (WebDevelpment) Suife 660 WBOB, Del Code 7531,651-497-5899, [email protected]·

TOLMAN William B, Prof (Room 361 Kollhoff) 207Pleasant Street SE, Del Code 3661 (625-4061),tolma001

TOLMASKY Carlos, Asst Prof (School ofMathematics) 507 VinH, Del Code 0412(624'5876), 1805 W Lake St Apt 307, Mpls55406-2557,952-593-9566, [email protected]

TOLO Patti L, Development OIcr (UMD Fine Arts,School of) 102 Tweed Museum of Art, LL, 1201Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8702;866-888-8702),2827 JeffelSOn St, Duluth 55812,218-728-0859, [email protected] .

TOMAC Tracy A, Adjunct Asst Prof (UMDBehavioral Sciences) 236 SMed, 0601, 1035University Dr, Duluth 55812

TOMASSONI Pamela J, Coordinator (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171, 2629 Exhibibilion Dr,Duluth 55811, 218-722'5462,[email protected]

TOMASZEWSKI Stanley, Building and GroundsWorker (UMC-Facil~ies Management) KiserB.Crookston 56716 (218-281-6491), 25045 CountyHwy 252 SW, Crookston 56716, 218·281-6654,[email protected]

TOMBERS Joseph M, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Minnesota Gastroenterology) Gastroenterology,Suite 300, 1,5700 - 37th Ave N, Plymouth 55446,7428 Girard Avenue South, Richfield 55423,[email protected]

TOMBLYN Marcie, Asst Prof (Department ofMedicine) MMC 460 Mayo, Del Code 8480,Hematology/OncologylTransplantation (624-5109),8082 Galway Road, Woodbury 55125,tombl001

TOMHAVE Daniel P, Prin Student PersonnelWorker (UMD Acad Support/StUdent Llle) 23 SCC,1117 University Dr, Duluth 55612 (218-726-8812),816 N 17th Ave·E, QlJluth 55812,

TOMHAVE Stacy J, Student PelSOnnel Worker(College of Pharmacy - Duluth) 3150 Kilby Plaza,1208 Kilby Dr, Duluth 55812-3095 (218-726-6030),816 N 17th Ave E, Duluth 55612,[email protected]

TOMLINSON Charles N, Asst To (Room 241Smith) 207 Pleasant Street SE, Del Code 3661(624-0313), [email protected]

TOMLINSON Patricia S, Prof Emeritus (Nursing,Sch OI-Prog &Res) 6-101 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-6684),651-845-4127, tomli001 Otc,

TOMMERVIK Mary E, Prin Administrative Spec(UM Extension Farmer Lender Mediatn) 1526170th Ave, Bejou 56516 (218-935-9053),1528140th St, Bejou 56516-0000, 218-935-5854,[email protected]

TOMPKINS Derek M, Research Asst (CivilEngineering) Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0651,[email protected]


TOMSCH! James J, Instructor (St Maly's Medicalcenier) Pharmacy Dept, 407 E3rd St, Dullllh55805,1817 E 71h St, Duluth 55812TOMSHINE Jonathan R, ~rch Ass! (ChemicalEng & Ma1eriel ScIence) 461 Amundson Hall, DelCode 0531 (626-2246), 1354 Arthur L.n NW,Rochester 55901, 507-202-4987,tomsOO100tc.umn.eduTOMSICEK Clayton A, Electrician (Fee Mgmt-Zone4-Cempus DistricI) Room 1300 FoodOB. DelCode 5803, tomsicekOtc.umn.eduTOMSYCK John P, Lecturer (UnlvCoIIlndlDistsnce learning) Room 25 WesH. 77Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831, 1350E Como 1lMI, St Pau/55117, .tomsOO160tc.umn.eduTONE.pAH-HOTE Jenny E, Teaching Ass!(History) Room 614 SocSci, 26719th Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7165, Apt 315, 2652 Malshall StNE, Mpis 55418, 651-644-2819,tonepOOl0tc.umn.eduTONG Cindy B. Assoc Prof (Horticullure) 434AlderH, Del Code 6008 (624-3419),c-tongOtc.umn.eduTONG Ung, Ass! Scientist (Veterinary DiagnosticLab) 224 Veterinary D1ag Lab, Del Code 6184(624-2728),651-765-0030, tongxOO90tc.umn.eduTONINATO Carol, Non Unlv Staff (Surgery) 337KE MpIs (625-4941). tonin0060tc.umn.eduTONINATO William J, Electrician (FacilitiesMgmt-campus DIstrict) Room 1300 FoodOB. Del

.Code 5803. tonInOO10tc.umn.eduTONNESON Julie A, Dir (0fIIce 01 Budget &Finance) 333 MorH, Del Code 0263 (626-9278),tonneOOl Otc.umn.eduTONRY Michael H, Prof (Lew SCh Instr-Faculty)312 Law, Del Code 7911 (625-1314),·tonryOO10tc.umn.eduTOOL Joanie, Community Health Coordinator,(Epidemiology) Sta 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(626-7738). tooIxOO20tc.umn.eduTOOLE James C, Lecturer (Social WOf1<. Sch 01)386 MeN H. Del Code 6161, tooIeOO30tc.umn.eduTOOMEY Treci I., Assoc Prof (epdemioIogy) 300WBOB, Del Code 7525 (626-9070), 399-1296,toorneOO10tc.umn.eduTOPE Whi1ney 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof (U of Calsan Francisco) Dermatologic Surgery, 3rd Floor,1701 Dlvisadero St, San FranciscO CA 94115,topexOO10tc,umn.eduTOPIE Julie A, Prin Administrative Spec (UMDAcademic Administration) 420 DAda, 0136, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812 (216-~993), 411Lakeview Ave, Duluth 55812, 216-726-3535, .TOPP Mary I., Coordinator (College 01 Education)Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE, MpIs 55455,Del Code 3171,2127 Dreem Drive E, Mankato56002, 507-345-4353, IQppOOl001l:.umn.eduTOPPING Eric I., Electn>nica Technician(Classroom Mgmt-Technlcel Sarvlces) 103 UPress,Del Code 2713, 362.Q360, t0ppi0070tc.umn.eduTOPPING Julie G, Cllnlcellnstructor (HennepinCounty MeOcaI center) G5 241, 701 Park Ave.Mpls 55425. 13421 Morgan. Ave S, Bumsvllie55337, toppiOO801l:.umn.eduTORBERT Leura A, Extension Educatornnstr (UMExtensIon ServIce Carver Cnty) 609 W First St,Waconia 55367-1204; 71,511901h St W, Suite 100,Jordan 55352-2104 (952-442-4496;952-492-5410), torb00220tc.umn.eduTORGERSEN Kurt 0, Resesrch Ass!(Biochemistry) 5-290 BSBE, Del Code l

TORGERSON Abby I., Community Program Assoc(UM ExtensIon Wabasha Cnty) 625 Jellerson Ave,Wabasha 55981,1529.1818 Hiawatha Drive East,Wabasha 55981,507-219-1515,torgOO160tc.umn.eduTORGERSON Andrea J, Teaching Ass!(Anthropology) 395 HHH center, Del Code 7455(624-0393), 3218 Vincent Ave N, Mpls 55412,torgOOSeOIl:.umn.eduTORGERSON Heidi C, Nutrition Education Asst(UM ExtensIon Big Stone Cnty) 11 SE 2nd St,Ortonville 56276-1544 (320-839-2518),torge0050tc.umn.eduTORGESON Jessica L, Prin Administrative Spec(SLHS) 115 Shevlin Hall, Del Code 4401(624-3322),

TORGIllMSON JennHer, Exec Administrative Spec(UM ExtensIon Regl Ctr Farmlng!on) Dakota CoExt and Cons Ctr, 4100 220Ih SI W Sta 100, 'Farmington 55024-8087 (651-480-7715),910 WastFirst Stree1, Northfield 55057. 507-e63-me,

TORKELSON Carolyn J, Ass! Prof (FamilyPractiCe & Community HIth) MMC 361 Mayo, DelCode 8361,6-240 PWB (625-8718), 15290 HowardLake Road, Shakopee 55379, 952-496-0507,t0f1<00040tc.umn.eduTORKELSON Jane L,Adjunct Instructor (FUMC ­Div of MedIcal Oncology) MMC 806, 420 DelawareSt SE, Mpls 55455. torkeOO20tc.umn.eduTORKZAOEH Nickdokht, Sr Technology Spec(Aced and Dislr «omp SIYCS) 190 Shep Lab. DelCode 0771 (625-3528), nickyOIl:.umn.eduTORMONDSEN Michele M, Sr Cashier (UMDBookstore) 175 KSC, 0205, 1120 Kirby Dr. Duluth55812 (2111-726-7286), 5601 E SUperior St, Duluth55804,216-525-4481, mtormondOd.umn.eduTORNABENE Ledona I., Assoc Prof (UMD Heslth,Phys EdlRee) 111 SpHC, Duluth (218-726-7522;218-726-7120). homabeOd.umn.eduTORNEY-PURTA Judith, Visiting Prof (PolilicalScience) Room 1414 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7175.torneOl00tc.umn.eduTORNIAINEN Maarit-Hanne!. Instructor (UMDComposition) 322 KPLZ, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth55812-2496 (216-726-7485). 625 W4th St, Duluth55806,216-724-6559, mtomlaiOd.umn.eduToRP Erikka J. Prin Cashier (Veterinary TeachingHospitel) 305 Veterinary Tesching Hosp, Del Code6194 (625-8766), 1231 Cleveland Ave S, St Paul55116,651-699-2562, t0rp00060tc.umn.eduTORR Bema M. Post-Doctoral Assoc (MinnesotaPopulation Center) 50 WiIi4lY Hall. Del Code 7931(624-5818),339-0812. torrxOO10tc.umn.eduTORREANO Margaret A, Physician (UMD HeahhSarvices) HS, 615 Niagara Court, Duluth 55812(218-~155), mtorreanOd.umn.llduTORRELL Mary, Operations Supv, Factts Mgmt(Frontier Hall), Del Code 1771 (624-2194),torre0050tc.umn.eduTORREMORELL Montserrat, Instluctor (VeierinaryPopulation Medicine) 385 An SeW M, Del Code6190 (624-1220),3033 Neshville Rd. PO Box 348,Franklin KY 42134, 270-586-9224 x 367,ton00330tc.umn.eduTORRES Eden E, Assoc Prof (Women's Studies)459 Ford H. Del Code 0455 (625-5035), 721-6953,torreOO701c.umn.eduTORRES Fernando, Prof Emeritus (Neurology)MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 6295.12·142 PW B(625-01847). 6800 Telemark Trail, Mpls 55436.952-933-2408, torreOOl Otc.umn.eduTORRES Sheila M, Ass! Prof (Small Animal ClinSci) AS53 VetTchHosp, Del Code 6192 (625-3715),2301 Benjamin St NE, Mpls 55418, 789-2388.torre00901c.umn.eduTORRE8-0EDEKER Evelyn J, Ass! Prof(Soulhdale ObIGyn) Ste 100, 3625 W 65th St,Edina 55435, torreOO80tc.umn.eduTORREY Tricia H, Sr Administrative Spec (LawSchcioI Admin) 285 Mandale Hall, Del Code 7911(625-1000; 625-1845), bealzOO10tc.umn.eduTORRISON Jerry L, Assoc Clinlcel Prof (CAPS).Room 225 VetTchHos, 1365 Gertner Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6194 (624-9778). 1408 WinonaSt, St Peter 58062, 507-934-3671,torriOO10tc.umn.eduTORRISON Sharon L, Instructor (UMDBu$inesSlEcon, School 01). Ass! To (UMDBusIEcon Admin, Sch of) 21 SBE, 412 Ubrary Dr.Duluth 55812(218-726-8757), sIomsoOd;umn.eduTORSTENSON SyMa K, Coordinator (Center forRealing and Resesrch) Room 350 VoTech, DelCode 6197 (624-4581), PO Box 62. 509 E MainStreaI, Hayfield 55940. 507-477-3486,

•TORT cenk, Research Ass! (Civil Engineering)Room 122 CivE, 500 PillsbUry Dr SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0851 (826-8763), 1005 S First 51 Apt 20,Champaign IL 61820, tortOOO80tc.umn.eduTOSCANO Diane L, Sr Scientist (Envm HealthSciences) MMC 807 Mayo. Del Code 8807,1120Mayo (624-1472), 900 30th Avenue South. Mpls55406,659-9231, tosca00301c.umn.eduTOSCANO John P, Asst Prof (V A Medical Center)Pharmacy Sarvlce (119). One Veterans Dr, Mpls55417,5220 132nd Sireet WtlSI, Apple Valley55124-8714,952-322-5628,, pege860-7470TOSCANO JR William A, Head (EnvironmentalHealth Sciences), Prof (Environmental HealthSciences) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807. 1260Mayo (624-2967), 900 30th Ave S, Mpls 55406,659-9231,

T080 Bradford L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (UniledClinics) 545 W7th St. SI Paul 55102, 3442 OxfordCircle, Woodbury 551;!5, [email protected] Joel W. Lecturer (Civil Engineering) Room122 CIvE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE. Mpls ~5455, DelCode 0851,1734 St Mary St. Falcon Hgts 55113,losox0040tc.umn.eduTOsa Scott L, Operating Englneer (UMC-FacilitiesManagemenl) KiserB, Crookston 56716(218-281-6495), 1405 Alexander Ave. CrooI<ston56716,216-281-2736, stosoOmail.crk.umn.eduTOSOVIC Ellsabetta C, Tesching Spec (French &ttalian) Room 280 FoIH, Del Code 0139(624-0239), carr02920tc.umn.eduTOSSEY Jason W, Police QIcr (100 TransportationSafety Building), Del Code 1981 (624-3550;624-7799),511 Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455,624-2575, tosseOOl Otc.umn.eduTOSTEVIN Gilbert B. Asst Prof (Anthropology)

• Room 395 HHHClr, 301 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7455 (625-5542), 3449 Garfield St NE,MplS 55418, 788-6441,tosteOO30tc.umn.eduTOTEVA Galya, Teaching Asst (ClasslclNearEastern Studies) Room 305 FoIH, 9 Pleasant StSE. Mpls 55455, Del Code 0149 (625-8672),359-624-0~79, •TOTH Julie, Resesrch Ass! (Depertment ofOtolaryngology) MMC 396 Mayo, Del Code 8396,6-338 PWB (626-3018). toIhOO140tc.umn.eduTOTUSHEK Allys Y, Administrative Dlr(BiomelflCSl Library) 450B Diehl H, Del Code 1691(626-D473), 6933 Elliot Ave So. Richfield 55423,869-5257, a·totuOtc.umn.eduTOUNTAS Chris P, Adjunct Prof (LendmarkOrthopaedic Clinic) 17 W Exchange, Suite 307, StPaul 55102. 729 West Marie Avenue, MendoteHeights 55118, tounIOO101l:.umn,eduTOURE Lutelo A. PhD Candidate Teaching Asst(PoIftlcel SCience; Air American/African Studies)380 Soc SCi, Del Code 7163 (626-D252;625-6080), toureOD10tc.umn.eduTOUSSAINT Joshua W, Jr ApplicationProgrammer (Health Sarvices RschlPoIicy)Dinnaken BUilding, Del Code 2131 (625-7435),tousOO310tc.umn.eduTOWARD Carrie R. Prin Accounts Spec(Mechanical Engineering) Room 101 Mach E, DelCode 0691, fran03720tc.umn.eduTOWARD Samuel M, Sr Ole Ass! (MENDAdministrative Center - HR) MMC 194 Mayo. DelCode 8194, D848 Mayo (626-0620), 1800Englewood Ave, Apt 305. SaIni Paul 55104;763-607-2094, towaD0060tc.umn.eduTOWERS Gall A, Lab Animal Care Technician(Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo. DelCode 8069, H25 P WB (624-8169),towerOO20tc.umn.eduTOWEY Anne W, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo. Del Code 8493,Box 493 (625-4400), towey0020tc.umn.eduTOWEY Sue M, Lecturer (Canter for Spirituality &Healing) MMC 505 Mayo, Del Code 8505. C588Mayo (626-3046; 624-9459), 1962 Penn Ave S,Mpls 55405. 374-2405, towayOOl0tc.umn.eduTOWLE Howard, Prof (Biochemistry) 7-144MolCellBio; 7-168 MoICellBio, Del Code 1214(625-3862; 625-2686), 7915 Western Ave. GoldenValley 55427, 763-545-5458. .towteOO10tc.umn.eduTOWLE Margare1 H, Dir CampuslCollege Level(500 CMU), Del Code 1051, towIeOO20tc:umn.eduTOWLE Mary Jane, Sr Administrative Dlr (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo. De! Code 8195,11-1450 P WB(625'8636),7915 Western Ave. Golden Valley55427, 7630545-5458, towIeOO30tc.umn.eduTOWN Robert J, Assoc Prof (HIth SvesResearchlPoIicy), Adjunct Ass! Prof (HealthcareManagament) MMe 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729,15-229 PWB (626-4683), rjIownOtc.umn.eduTOWNE Sarah K,.Research Ass! (UMO Education)120 MonH, 1211 Ordeen Court. Duluth 55812(218-726-7233), 1921 1/2 E 71h St, Duluth 55812.216-220-1511, t0wne0230d.umn.eduTOWNS Sanna N, Teaching Spec (CCE College Inthe Schools) Room 202 WesH, Del Code 3831, 79.Western Ave NApt208, St Paul 55102,651-224.()833, towns02101l:.unin.eduTOY Charles 0, Teschlng Ass! (MechanlcelEngineering), Research Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Mechanlcel Engineering, Room 1101MechE,lll Church St SE. Mpls 55455, D8I Code0691,1724 RQlllns Ave SE Apt5, Mpla 55414,414-336-6933,


TOYOTA·KlNDLER Yumiko H. Ubrary Supv (Arts& Humanities (MAC» 160OMWL, Del Code 7111(625-2837), y-toyoOIl:.umn.eduTRACH Elliott I. Instr\!ClOr ('304) 2350 RidgeDrive. Mpls 55348, lrach00201l:.umn.eduTAACHET Sarah, FISCal OIcr (Health SaIVicesRschlPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del.Code 8729, C393 Mayo (624-0454), scatIOO1 Otc,umn.eduTRACHTE George J, Assoc Dean (UMD Medicine,School of), Prof (UMD PhsrmacxJlogy) 319 SMed,1035 Univelllily Dr, Duluth 55812 (216-726-6975),818 Chaster Park Dr, Duluth 55812,gtrachtl0d.umn.eduTRACY James 0, Prof (History) 723 Soc SCI, DelCode 7165 (624-0808), 757 Osceola Ave Apt2, StPaul 55105, tracyOO10tc.umn.eduTRACY Margaret, Exec Sec (ALL) 480 FolwellHall. Del Code 0144 (624-4180). m~OIl:.umn.eduTRACY Mary F. Adjunct Asst Prof (FUMe) PCU4C, 500 Harvard St, Mpis 55455, 3070 Shields DrAptl03, Eagan 55121, 651-454-3442.tracy0050tc.umn.eduTRAC" Michael F, Prin Public ReIlItions Rep (U 01M Info Services) 2221 University Avenue SE, DelCode 2709(624-4180), traey0030tc.umn.eduTRACY Patricia J, Ole Maneger (UM ExtensionTraverse Cnty) 702 2nd Ave N, PO Box 467,Wheaton 56296-t1457 (320-563-4515),tracyOO80tc.umn.eduTRACY 11m, Head (Pharmacy, College of). Prof(Pharmacy, CoDege 01) 7-168 Weaver-DenslordHall, Del Code 1332 (625-7885).tracy0170tc.umn.eduTRAEN Michelle, Assoc Program Oir(Inten:oilegiate Athle1lcs) 2448 BFAB, Del Code3061 (624-0522). 9820 Drew Ave 1\P1205,Bloomington 55431. Iraenool0tc.umn.eduTRAGER Dennis, Sr Laborer (FacilitiesMgmnt-Bldg Sarvices, Was) Como Y, Del Code5301, 10080 Tyler St NE, Blaine 55434,763-786-7003. trage004011:.umn.eduTRAGER Diane R, Exec Administrative Spec(SChool of MaIherna1ica) 127 VinH, Del Code 0412(625-1306), 13714 Underclift Street NW, Andover55304, 763-786-7003, trageOO50te.urnn.eduTRAGESER Ruth, Lecturer (UMM Education,Division of; UMM~ EduclRegional Prgm) Room200 Edu, M231A, 800 E 4th St, Morris 56267(320-589-6405). 14474 Skyline Dr, SpIcer 56288,320-796-0074, trageserOmorris.umn.eduTRAiLL Stecie A, Library Supv (Sa Sciences(MAC) Room 180 QMWI., Del Code 7111(624-1501), IraJIOO10tc.umn.eduTRAINA Onestop. Non Unlv Stell, 290 FraserMpls, 106 Plessant St SE, Mpis 55455.trainOO50tc.umn.eduTRAlNB Onastop. Non Unlv Staff, 290 FraserMpIs. 108 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,train0060tc.umn.eduTRAiNe Onestop, Non Univ Stell, 290 FraserMpls, 106 Pleasant SI SE, MplS 55455.trainOO70tc.umn.eduTRAlND Onestop, Non Unlv Stefl, 290 FraserMpls, 106 Plessant St SE, MpIs 55455.lrainOOSOtc.umn.eduTRAiNE Onastop, Non Unlv Staff. 290 FraserMpls, 106 Pleasant St SE, Mpis 55455,tralnOO90tc.umn.eduTRAINER IV Denn 0, Ass! Education Spec(Disability SaIVices) Room 180 MeNamaraCtr. 200Oak SI SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 2017, 1004 45thAvenue NE, Columbia Heights 55421 ,lraln0420tc.umn.eduTRAlNF Onestop, Non Unlv Staff, 290 FraserMpls, 108 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,trainOl00tc.umn.eduTRAING Onestop, Non Unlv Staff, 290 FraserMpIs, 106 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,lrainOll0tc.umn.eduTRAiNH Onestop. Non Unlv Staff, 290 FraserMpIs, 106 PIeasa.nt St SE, Mpls 5545$,train0120tc.umn.eduTRAIN! Onestop. Non Unlv Staff. 290 Fraser MpIs,106 Plessant St SE, Mpls 55455,IrainOI301c.umn.eduTRAINJ Onestop, Non Univ Staff, 290 Fraser Mpls,106 Pleasant St SE, Mpis 55455,train01401l:.umn.eduTRAlNK Fasf, Non Unlv Staff, 290 Fraser MpIs,106 Pleasanl St SE, Mpis



TRAlNL Fasf, Non Univ Slaff, 290 Fraser Mpls,106 Pleasant StSE, Mpls 55455,trainj)160tc.umn.eduTRAINM Fasf, Non Univ Slaff, 290 Fraser Mpls,

, 106 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,train0170tc.umn.eduTRAINN Fasf, Non Univ Staff, 290 Fraser Mpls,106 Pleasant St SE, Mpis 55455,train0180tc.umn.eduTRAINO Fasf, Non Univ Staff, 290 Fraser Mpls,106 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,train0190tc.umn.eduTRAINP Fasf, Non Univ Staff, 290 Fraser Mpls,106 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455,train0200tc.umn.eduTRAlNQ Fasf, Non Univ Staff, 290 Fraser Mpls,106 P1easent St SE, Mpls 55455,train0210tc.umn.eduTRAlNR Fasf, Non Unlv Staff, 290 Fraser Mpls,106 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,train0220tc.umn.eduTRAINS Fasf, Non Unlv Staff, 290 Fraser Mpls,106 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,[email protected] Fasf, Non Univ Staff, 290 Frasar Mpls,106 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,traln02401c.umn.eduTRAJANO Daniel A, Adjunct Instructor (FamilyPractice) 825 Wash, 825 Washington Ave SE,Mpls 55414, Del Cod8 2152,13311 Coort PI,Bumsville 55337, 952-808-9957,trajaool0tc.umn.eduTRALLE Minnell L, Extension EducatorlProfessor(UM Extension Regl Ctr Andover) Bunker HillsActivi1les Clr, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW Ste L-1,Andover 55304-4199 (763-767-3881),10825 208thAve tom, Elk River 55330, traJIOO1 Otc.umn.eduTRAM Kevin V, Ass! SCientist (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 366 Msyo, .Del Code 8366, 430CCRB (626-4321), 18181 69lh Place North, MapleGrove 55311, 812-8199, tram00130tc.umn.eduTRAMEL Mary M, Ole Spec (GeneraVPraventiveMedicine) MMC 741 Mayo, Del Code 8741, MMC741 Mayo (824-8984), 4025 Colfax Ave S, Mpls55409,825-4844, tram80020tc.umn.eduTRAMEL Sarah A, Teaching Ass! (Mgmt OIc of theDean, Carlson) 4-300 CartSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S,Mpis 55455, Del Code 7041, 2216 Garfield AveSouth, Apt 202, Mpls 55405,trame0060tc.umn.eduTRAMEL William C, Asst Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 36 UAqCtr, Del Code 2061 (625-8637),btramelOtc.umn.eduTRAMMELL Esther Y, Assoc Prof (Retired) (FoodSCiencelNutrllion AFES), 17207 NBoswell Blvd­Ap1207, Sun Cily AZ. 85373,tramm0030tc.umn.eduTRAN Ann T, Accountant (Chem Engr & Maff.Science) 151S Amund Hall, Del Code 0531(624-5295), tranx0470tc.umn.eduTRAN Giac-Theo T, Graduate SChool Fellow(Psychology) N-218 EItH, 75 E Rivar Pkwy, Mpls55455, Del Code 3281, 558 E Laurel Ave;Glendora CA 91741,510-205-4022,tranxl 81 Otc.umn.eduTRAN Hau C, Lab Animal Care Technician(Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Msyo, DelCode 8089, 1100 LionsRes (628-0759),tranx0030tc.umn.eduTRAN Hleu N, Accts Spec Coordinator (Boyn HS)Patien1 Accounting, N325, 410 Church St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 1171, 6994 4th Street, Oakdale55128,651-235-9986, trarix0480tc.umn.eduTRAN Hoa 0, Prin Accounts Spec (Kinesiology)Room 100 CookeH, Del Code 2061 (625-3332),[email protected] Hung T, Technlcel Supplemental (Fisheries,Wildlife, & Conservation) 200 Hodson Hall, DelCode 6112,620 Cedar Ave S, Apt307, Mpls55454, tran02860tc.umn.eduTRAN Khanh, Prin Accounts Spec (LibrariesBusiness 0IfIce) 409D OMWL, Del Code 7111 '(624·1587), [email protected] Kim N, Library Asst 2 (Arts & Humanities(MAC» 160 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (625-5855),

TRAN Lynn H, Library Asst 3 (MathematicsLibrary) 310 Vin H, Del Code 0412,I-tranOtc.umn.eduTRAN Michael L, Ass! Prof (Pediatric UrologyClinic) MMC 394 Msyo, Del Code 8394, MMC 394Mayo, 10815 46th PIece North, Plymouth 55442,

TRAN Nang, Lecturer (ElectricaVComputer Engr)Room 4-174 EE!CSci, Del Code 0572,tranx0510tc.umn.eduTRAN Nga T, Accounts Spec (Boyn HS) PatientAccounting, W227, 410 Church St SE, MpIs 55455,Del Code 1171, tranx0550tc.umn.eduTRAN Nga T, Prin Accountant (Diagnostic andBiological Sciences) Room 17-252 Moos Tower,Del Code 1291 (625-9166), n·tranOtc.umn.eduTRAN Phuoc T, Library Ass! 2 (MAC East (Walter»Room 108 WaLib, Del Code 3725 (625-5855),p-tranOtc.umn.edUTRAN Phuong N, Student Personnel Worker (OSF• loan Programs) 210 Fraser H, Del Code 3395(624-4892), tranxOO1 Otc.umn.eduTRAN Sisi, Research Ass! (Psychology) N-218EltH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, Del Code3281, tranx1690tc.umn.eduTRAN Tina N, Asst Scientist (Ophthalmology)LionsRes, 2001 6th St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code2873, tran025S0tc.umn.eduTRAN Tot T, Accounts Spec (Surgery Department)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195,11-115 PWB(625-5633), 8846 Penn Ave S, Bloomington 55431 ,tranx0420tc.umn.eduTRAN Tri M, Community Program Asst (Inst onCommunity Integration) 5 Pattee Hall, Del Code4201 (624-5575), 1665 Victoria Street N, St Paul55117,651-487-8004, tran03450tc.umn.eduTRANBY Eric P, Teaching Asst (SocIology) Room909 SocSCi, 267 19th Ave S, MpIs 55455, DelCode 7171,1680 Race Street, Saint Paul 55116,651-698-3577, tran04100tc.umn.eduTRANBY Sandra G, Instructor (Unned PainCenter) 280 N Smllh Ave, Sune 737, St Paul55102, 12073 Geniry Coort, Apple Valley 55124,lranb0020tc.umn.eduTRANBY Wade M, Instructor (Cub Pharmacy 67)1940 Cliff Lake Rd, Eagan 55122,12073 GautayCourt, Apple Valley 55124, tranbOO1 Otc.umn.eduTRANGLE Michael A, Adjunct~ Prof(Behavioral Health ServiceslMPI) Wasie Bldg 4thFI, 800 E 28th St, Mpls 55407 (863-5327),trangOO10tc.umn.eduTRAN-UM Teresa A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (5775Wayzata Blvd) St Louis Park 55416,tranIOO10tc.umn.eduTRANQUILLO Robert T, Head (BiomedicalEngineering), Prof (Biomedlcel Engineering;Chemlcel EngrMat SCi) "·114 BSBE, Del Code1191 (625-6868), tranquiIOtc.umn.eduTRANSFELDT Ensor E, Assoc Prof (OrthopaedicSUrg8IY) Room 255, 2512 So 7th St, Mpls 55454(273-8000), 13 Paddock Rd, Edina 55436,952-929-9329, transoo1 Otc.umn,eduTRANTER John H, Teaching Spec (Music)Ferguson Hall 100, Del Code 7811, 545 WSandhurst Dr Apt1 09,Roseville 55113,651-489-:8019, trant0040tc.umn.eduTRANTER Terry L, Sr Lecturer (Accounting;Healthcare Mgmt Ind Stdy Prgm) 4-289CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-5246),ttranterOlc.umn.eduTRANTER Virginia M, RN (Epidemiology) Room300 WIlpB, Del Code 1171, trantOO20tc.umn.eduTRAPP Laster W, Departmental Oir (AuxiliaryServices Admin) 211 PS B, Del Code 5404(625-8343), 13946 SlOth St, Claremont 55924,507-528-2363, htrapOtc.umn.edutRATZ Todd M, Assoc Program Dir (RecreationalSports) 104 Gym, Del Code 6114 (625-2242 x3),823-2940, tralZ001 Otc.umn.eduTRAUB Michael, Affiliated Faculty(SpiritualllylHealing, Ctr tor) 75-5759 Kaukini Hwy,Sull Kailua Kona (808-329-2114), 75-5759 KaukiniHwy, Suit, Kailua Kona HI 96740, 808-329-2114,traubOO70Ic.umn.eduTRAUB·WERNER Marion R, Teaching Ass!(Geography) Room 414 SocSci, 26719th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7163, 2504 17th Ave SApt2, Mpls 55404, 991-4158,traU00450tc.umn.eduTRAUTMAN Travis J, Business Anelyst (Office ofthe Registrar) 150 Williamson Hall, Del Code 0174(626-7195), 195 5th St E, Apt 408, St Paul 55101 ,651-602-0709, trau0001 Otc.umn.eduTRAVERSE Jay H, Asst Prof (Medicine) MMC 508Mayo, Del Code 8508, 101B 0 V C C R C(625-9100),3716 Zenith Ave South, Mpls 55410,925-5552, trave0Q40te.umn.eduTRAVIS Marsha L, Adjunct Instructor (FairviewRiverside Women's Clinic) Sutie 302, 701 25th AveS, MplS 55454,

TRAVNICEK John M, Teaching Spec (EmergencyMedicine Department) MMC 911 Meyo, Del Code8911, A662 Mayo Building, 8469 Corcoran Path,Inver Grove Heights 55076, 651-450-4517,[email protected] Nikolas, Teaching Asst (ComputerSciencelEngineering), Research Ass! (ComputerScience/Engineering) ComputerSCience/Engineering, Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571,trawn001 @tc.umn.eduTRAXLER Cindy 0, Student Support Services Ass!(School of Nursing) Room 5-160 WDH, Del Code1331, trax00070tc.umn.eduTRAYNOR Anlla L, Licensed Practical Nurse(CUHCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave S, Del Code7851,14099 Furtong Trail, Hastings 55033,tray00090tc.umn.eduTRBOYEVICH,Hyang S, Building and GroundsWorker (North Central ResearclVOutreach Clr)1861 EHwy 169, Grand Rapids 55744(218-327-4490)TREACY Kevin W, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MedicalArts Building, Sulle,800) 324 W Superior St, Duluth55602TREADWELL John T, Ole Spec (The Controlle(sOffice) 619 W BOB, Del Code 7529 (624-4007),1947 Eustis, Lauderdale 55113, 651-746.Q746,j-treaOtc.umn.eduTREANORTwyla M, Ass! Prof (UMC Msth,SCiencelTechnology; UMC Athletics) 215B Dow H,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8181), 601 4th Ave NEAp19, Crookston 56716, 218-281-1468,ttreanorOmail.crk.umn.eduTREAT Stephanie T, OIc Supv (CLA LanguageCenter) Room 110 JonesH, Del Code 3945(626-6017), 4713 Pleasant Ave South, Mpls 55409,834·9078, traetOO20tc.umn.eduTREAT.JACOBSON PHD Diane, ASs! Prof(SChoOl of Nursing) Room 6-133 Weaver·DensfordHall, Del Code 1331 (624-7613),6909 WashburnAvenue South, Richfield 55423, 866-2827,traatOO10tc.umn.eduTREBESCH Branda K, Sr Planner (Acad HIth CtrFacilities Management) MMC 23 Meyo, Del Code8023, 549 Boynton (624-7982),treb80010tc.umn.eduTREDINNICK Ross 0, Research Ass! (ComputerSCience/Engineering; Digital Technology Center)Computer SCiencelEngineering, Room 4-192EElCSCi, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0571,7104th St NE Apt 2, Mpls 55413,tredi0020tc.umn.eduTREECE PHD Rick, Education Spec (Lib ArtsLanguage Ctr, French and Italian) Room 110JonesH, Del Code 3945 (626-8032), 6425 AspenRd, Edina 55436, 952-936-9312TREEFUL Amy E, Research Ass! (Small AnimalClinical SCience) 0 302 VMC, Del Code 6192(624-5695), tra800020tc.umn.eduTREFRY Carol M, Coordinator (Food SCience andNutrition) 225 FScN, Del Code 6099 (624·1290),308 Cardinal Dr, Mankato 56001,507-386-1946,ctrefryOtc.umn.eduTREHUS Eric, Adjpnct Assoc Prof (HealthPartners) Brooklyn Center Medical Center, 6645Lee Ave N, Brooklyn Center 55429-1799,3446Zenith Avenue North, Robbinsdale 55422,trehu001 @tc.umn.eduTREICHEL Tyler W, Environmnff HealthandSafetySpec (Facilnies Mgmnt·Haz Mat Program), DelCode 3121 (625-5052),36351 Hwy 65 NE,Stanchfield 55080,320-396-3896,treiCOO70tc.umn.eduTRELLES Juan P, ResearctfCAsst (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691 (625-1312),treI00110tc.umn.eduTREND Beth L, Dir (Retired) (Patents &Technology Mktg) 450 McNamaraClr, Del Code2003 (626-9293), 60 Mounds Blvd, St Peul55106,

.TRENKNER Stephen W, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Mayo Clinic) Department of Radiology, 200 RrstStreet SW, Rochester 55905, 4384 Coolidge Ave,Edina 55424, trenk001 @tc.umn.eduTRENT Ava M, Assoc Prof (Veterinary PopUlationMedicine; Animal SCience, Dapt of) 462B Vet TchHos, Del Code 6190 (624-7477),1696 SkillmanAve W, Roseville 55113, 651-639-0483,trentOO10tc.umn.eduTRESSEL Luke A, Ass! Coach (InterCOllegiateAthleticS) 103 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (625-6732),688 Havenhill Rd, Eegan 55123, 651-862-4900, •[email protected]

TRmER Jean-Nickolaus N, Library Asst 2(Special Collections and Rare Books) 111AnderLib, Del Code 7921 (624-7526), 529 PortlandAve, Saint Paul 55102, 651-222-6969,[email protected] Natalia Y, Assoc Prof (CancerCenter), Ass! Prof (Pharmacy, CoIlega of) MMC806 Meyo, Del Code 8806, 760E CCRB(626-3432),5000 16th Ave S, MpIS 55417,722-2055, [email protected] Joe M, Assoc Prof (Lib Info AccesslDelSvc) 8013 4th Ave W, Bradenton FL 34209-3255,8013 4th Ave W, Bradenton FL 34209-3255,­941-795-1663, treudOO10tc.umn.eduTREUER David R, Asst Prof (English) 110L lindH,Del Code 0613 (626,7119), 1838 Pierce St NE,MpIs 55418, treue00301c.umn.eduTREUER Paul, Assoc Prof (UMD Acad Support .Prgm, V Chan), Special Project Assoc (UMDAchievement Center) 135A sec, 1117 UnivarsllyDrive, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6102), 2700Minnesota Avenue, Duluth 55602, 218-724-4387,ptreuerOd.umn.eduTREUL Sarah A, Teaching Asst (Political SCience)Room 1414 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S: Mpls 55455,Del Code 7175, 1768 FremOl)t Ave S Apt2, Mpls55403, treuIOO2@lc,'TREVORROW Linda K, Teaching Spec (EdPA)Room 330 WuIlH, Del Code 3345 (624-1006)TREXEL Dale, Web DevelOper (Law School) Room285 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7911, trel!oo30tc.umn.eduTRI James R, Carpenter (FacilitiesMgmt-Administration) 300 Donhowe B, Del Code3121 (826-0845), 2443M Mounds Av, NewBrighton 55112, 651-636-9751,trixx0010tc.umn.eduTRIEBWASSER Donna M, Info Tech Prof (Officeof the Registrar-WmsonH) Room 150 WmsonH,Del Code 0174 (625-3512), dtriebwaOtc,umn.eduTRINCADO Cartas A, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Clinical & Population Sciences) 385AnSCiIVM, Del Code 6194 (625-8762), 1324 GibbsAve, St Paul 55108, 651-644-4274,trincOO10tc.umn.eduTRINE Timothy 0, Asst Prof (CommunicationDisorders) Room 115 ShevH, Del Code 4401,8670 Stanley Trail, Eden Prairie 55347,trin80020tc.umn.eduTRINH Alanna L, Sr Administrative Spec (French &Italian Department) 260 Folwell Hall, Del Code0139 (624-4308), luomoo220tc.umn.eduTRINH Cong T, Research Asst (Chem Eng &Matertal Science) Gotner Lab, Del Code 0531(624-3213),19902 Sand Creek, KetyTX 77449,281-492-7368, trin00630tc.umn.eduTRINKA Kevin A, Instructor (K·Msrt Pharmacy)7191 N 10th St, Oakdale 55128, 8859 PinehurstCircle, Woodbury 55125,651-739-8307,trink0020tc.umn.eduTRIPATHI Anand R, Prof (Computer Science &Engineering) 4-192 EElCSCi, Del Code 0571(625-9515), tripathiOtc.umn.eduTRIPATHI Pragati, Info Tech Prot (UniversllyFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (625-0016), tripa0020tc.umn.eduTRIPLm Karan M, Dir (Purchasing) 557E WB0B, Del Code 7532 (624-1347), ktripCltc.umn.eduTRIPP Adam R, Maritime Worker 1 (UMD LargaLakes Observatory) 109 RLB, 0137, 2205 E 5th St,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7639), N4826 CranberryDrive, Spooner WI 54601-7329, 715-635-n37,[email protected]

TRITES Jill K, Sr Teaching Spec (GeneralCollege), Teaching Spec (General College) 278 ApH, Del Code 3501 (625-3035),trite001 C1tc.umn.eduTRITlE Regina C, Communlly Program Spec(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(626-8876), triff001 Otc.umn.eduTRITSCHLER Douglas 0, Scientist (Genetics, CellBiology, & Developmen) 4-224 MoiCeIiBio, DelCode 1217, 651-405-9506, trits001 Otc.umn.eduTRITTIN Sheryl M, Prin Administrative Spec(School of Nursing) 6-108 Weaver-Densford H~II,

Del Code 1331 (624-2688), tritt0030tc.umn.edUTRIVEDI Rahul J, Research ASS! (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571, 800,10th Avenue SE, Apt 303, Mpls 55414,triv80050tc.umn.e<!uTROCHINSKI Jen, Sr OIc Spec (Academic HeanhCenter) MMC 501 Mayo, Del Code 8501, 410Childrens Rehab (626-3700), 651-769-4591,trOCOO21


TROCKIIAH Rachel W, As8t Prof (PedIalrics)MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,trockOOl, page 336-0488TROEDSSON Mats H, As8t Prof (Clinical &Population 5ciences) 495 An SdIV M. Del Code6190 (62~733), 13029 SW 31st Avenue,Gainsville FL 32618-2108.651-466-9960,troedOOl Otc.urnn.eduTROGDON Steven A, Assoc Prof (UMD-Math &Sl8tistics) 110 C Ctr, Duluth (218-72H173), 650Everatt St, Duluth 55803, 218-525-4690.StrogdOnOd.urM.eduTROIANI John, Instructor (Pediatrics), ResearchAssoc (Lab MedicineJPathology) MMC 292 Mayo,Del Code 8609, Consulllng. Maple Grove.troia0010te.umn.eduTROLANDER Judith A, Prof (UMD-History) 269ABAH, Duluth (218-72H271), 3934 Minn8SlltaAve, Dufuth 55802,218-727-4828,jtrolandOd.umn.eduTROMBLEY Holli M, Teaching As8t (UnivCounseling & Consuning Serv) Room 199 CoffeyHall, 1420 Eckles Ave, St Paul 55108 (625-9727).603 Ballantyne Lane NE. Spring Lake Park 55432,htrombleOtc.umn.edulROMICZAK KristIne R, Instructor (HealthPartners) &40 JacksOn Street Suite 5, St Paul'55101, tromOOI Otc.umn.eduTROOLIN Barbara L, LeCturer (EducationStuJProIessionaI Svc) Room 330 WullH, Del Code3345 (625-9087),10760 StonebriT Tratl,Stillwater 55082, 651-430-3303,trooIOO20tc.umn.eduTROSHICIN Maxim, Teaching Asst (Economics),Graduate School Fellow (Economics) Economics,ROom 1035 HellerH, 271 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7052 (62~), treshOO10tc.umn.eduTROST Francis, Adjunct Assoc Prof 'YA) 7373France Ave, Edina 55435, tr0st0040tc.umn.eduTROST Jared J, Asst Scientist (Forest Resources)iRoom 115 Gl88nH, 1530 N Cleveland Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6112 (624-3722), 23016 SunsetAd NE, East Bethel 55005, 651-408-1805,trostOl00tc.umn.eduTROTTER Deborah A, Community Program Spec(School Of Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404Gertner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,45140 228th S~ Altl<in 56431, 218-678-2813,trotlOO40tc.umn.eduTROTTER Michelle J, Research Asst (Inst onCommunity Integration) Room 110 PlH, Del Code4201 (624-0060), trolOO260tc.umn.eduTROUWER JR Noonan J, Lacturer (ComputerScience) Room ~192 EElCSci, Del Code 0571,1155 KaJth Lake Drive, Arden Hills 55112-5757,651-636-7897, troulOOl Otc.umn.eduTROUP Ellioll V, AIlJunct Assoc Prof (1330 WCounty Ad B) Roseville 55113,troup00401c.umn.eduTROUP Palrid< N, Dir CampuslCollege Lawf(Mulllcunora! Affairs) Room 102 KlaCl, Del Code3013,5&40 12th Avenue S, MpIs 55417,troupOO70Ic.umn.eduTROUPE Jay E, Delivery Service Driver (FacMgmt-Zone l-St Paul) 202 F '" B. Del Code 6168(624-8294), 1100 23rd Ave SE, Mpls 55414,troupool Ote.umn.eduTROUT Mullet G, Teaching Asst (Curriculum &Instruction) Room 150 Pell< Hall, Del Code 4301(625-.1598), mille386Otc.umn.eduTROY Katherine L, Research As8t (School 01Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gorlner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,troy000801c.umn.eduTROYER John E, PhD candidate Teaching Asst(Cunora! Studies/Compa Lit; Ub AdministrativeServices) 408 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0147(624-2638; 624-8099), 2516 Haniel Ave S Apt 2,Mpis 55405, 870-4405, troyOOOSOte.umn.eduTROYER Raymond, Media Resouroes PrinEngineer (Classroom Mgm1-Technlcal Services)Room 103 UPress, Del Code 2713 (826-0891),lroyeOO601c.umn.eduTRUDEAU David L, Adjunct Assoc Prof 'Y AMadicaI Center) One Veteians Dr (116M), Mpts55417 (725-2000), Apt 4402, 168 6th St, St Paul55101. trudeOO30tC.umn.eduTRUDEAU Gary J, Mechanic 2 (Fee Mgmt-Zone3-Heanh Services) 8-117 Mayo, Del Code 3121(624-2900), trudeOOl Ote.umn.eduTRUDEAU Gregory P, Asst Prof (UMD Accounting)125 SBE, 412 Ubrary Dr, Dufuth 55812(2111,726-7966), 2420 John Ave, Superior WI54680, gtrudeau0 d.umn.adu

TRUDE.\lHlPANJERS Michell, Prin LaboratoryTechnician 'Yete~nary Diagnostic Lab) Room 244VDL,DeI Code 6184 (624-7405), 8755 2121h St CrtN, Forast Lake 55025, 651-982-0037,trudeOl00te.umn.eduTRUDEL Judith L, AdjUnct Assoc Prof (Colon & ,Rectal Surgery AssOciates) MMC 195 Mayo, DelCode 8195, Suite 500, 393 Dunlap Street North, StPaul 55104, trudeOO90tc.umn.eduTRUDELL Timothy N, Teaching Asst (Statistics)Room 313 FordH, 224 Church St SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0457 (625-8046), trude0360tc.umn.eduTRUE Use C, Program Assoc (ContinUing MedicalEducation) 190 McNamara, Del Code 2016(826-1n3), nrueOte.umn.eduTRUEN Roxanne R, Instructor (DowlingElementary School) 3900 W River Parkway, Mpls55406, 9950 223rd St Cr North, Forest Lake55025, 651-433-48S2, lIU8nOOl0te.lJmn.aduTRUESDALE Tim, Training Coordinator (TrainingServices) Room 299 WBOB, Del Code 7523,763-560-5150,

TRUHLAR Donald G, Dlr CsmpllslCollege Level(Supercomputer Institute), Pro! (Chemistry) 207Pleasant Street SE, Del Code 3861 (624-7555;824-1355),5033 Thomas Ave S, Mpts 55410,929-2833, truhlarOte.umn.eduTRULLINGER Ryan 0, Prin Accountant"(TSB AllThird FloQr) Room 302 TSB, 511 Washington AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1983, 9719 PennAvenue, Brooklyn Park 55444, 763-315-0414,trul00020te.umn.eduTRUMBLE Kerry A, Research Asst (AerospaceEngr and Mechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 UnionSt SE, Mpts 55455, Del Code 0731, 08710Dutchman Bay Rd, East Jonlan MI 49727,231-538-2186. trumbOll

TRUMM Mark J, Instructor (Trumm Drug) 600Fillmore, Box 397, Alexandria 56308, 721 CedarStreet, Alexandrie 56308, trummool

TRUONG Chau, Teeching Spec (Kinesiology)Room 100 CookeH, 1900 University Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 2081, 565 Redwood Lane, NewBrighton 55112, tI\Jllll\03ll0te.urim.eduTllUONG Hai V, Asst ScIentist (Nauroscience)4-144 Jac H, Del Code 1216 (624-2412). 1746Sartell Ave, Eagan 55122. 651-452-9259,truonOO101c.umn.eduTllUONO Lena W, Jr Sclentist (Genetics, callBiology" DeveIopme) Room 5-162 MCB, DelCode 1217 (626-3521), tru000840lc.umn.eduTRUONG Merina, Survey InI8rviewer (HSRPSurvey canl8r) Dinnaken Building, SuKe 120, 925Delaware Sf SE, Mpls 55414, Del cede 2131, 210Delaware Street SE, Apt 618W, Mpls 55455,651-255-6899, truoOO980te.umn.eduTRUPKE Julie E, Prin Administrative Spec(car1son. Strategic MgmtIOrganizatn) 3-353CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-1684),3020 31stAve AptS, Mpts 55406, 724-2218,trupkOO10te.umn.eduTRUSHEIM John E, Adjunct Asst Prof (MinneapolisCUnic 01 Neurology) 63S3 France Ave So, SuKe200, Edina 55435, 10341 Heidi Lane, Chaska55318, 952-496-0473, trushOO30te.umn.adu

TRUSKINOVSKY Alexander M, Asst Prof (LabMedlPathology Department) MMC 76 Mayo, DelCode 8076, C476 Mayo (273-5465),trusOOO10te.umn.eduTRUTOR Jonathan W, Teaching Asst (History)Room 614 SocScI, 26719th Ave S. Mpts 55455,Del Code 7165, trut000201c.umn.eduTRUWlT MD Chartes L, Prof (Radiology;Pedietrics; Neurology) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code8292,2-447 U Hosp (347-3014),, page 899-2105TRYAN Sondra E, As8t Child Cpra Teacher(University Child care Center) ChildCsre, 1600Rollins Ave SE, MpIs 55414, Del Code 3071(627-4014), tryaoool0te.umn.adu

.TRYGESTAD Joann C, Lacturer (Curriculum endInstructiOn) Room 125 Pell<H, 4301,159 PlllsIluryDr SE, Mptl 55455 (825-4006), 2632 HampshireAve So, St Louis Park 55426,trygOO120tc.umn.eduTRYGGESTAD Soren K, Teaching Asst (UMDChemistry and Biochemistry) 246 Chem, 1039University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-728-7212),218-~, trygg0170d.umn.aduTRYGSTAD Eric W; Asst Prof (HeanhPartners)ObI'Gyn Dept, 2500 Como Ave, St Paul 55108~Hl4H2OO), 6013 Concord Avenue. Edina55424, trygsOOl

TRYGSTAD Gall E,lnIo Tech Pro! (UMD Ubrary)205 L, 416 Ubrary DrIve, Duluth 55812(218-726-7689),1497 ViI Knlle River Rd, Two­Harbors 55616,218-525-7244,gtrygstaOd.umn.eduTRYGSTAD Tim, Teaching Asst (Chemistry) Room386 KonH, Del Code 3861, 1084 25th Ave SE,Mpls 55414, trygOO190tc.umn.eduTRYON Dian B, Prin Accounts Spec (PurchasingServices) 560 WBOB, Del Code 7532 (624-0069),tryon0020te.umn.eduTSAI Aaron W:Adjunct Instructor (Ophthalmology)MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493, 9-240 P W B(625-4400),2968 Matilda St, Roseville 55113,651-486-7375, tssix0210te.umn.eduTSAI Bilin P, Prof and Dept Head (UMD Chemistryand Biochemistry), Head, Prof (UMD Chemistryend Biochemistry) 246 Cham, 1039 lJniversity Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-728-7220), 2616 East 3rd St,Duluth 55812, 218-728-1527, btsaiOd.umn.eduTSAI Michael Y, Prof (Lab & Pathology)MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609, 3-114 BSandBE(626-3629), tsaix0010tc.umn.eduTSAr Michelle, Coordinator (Work,Community/Family Educ) Room R-350 VoTech,1954 Buford Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6197(624-9147),651-484-1519, [email protected] Nian-Pei, Research Spec (Pharmacology)Rm 6-120 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpts 55455, DelCoda 1213, 1015 Essex St SE Apl303, Mpls55414,379-0008, .TSANTIR Dean C, Student Support Services Asst(Educational Policy & Admin) Room 330 WuffH,Del Coda 3345, 115 Cecil St SE, Mpls 55414,432-1485, taanOOOSOte.umn.eduTSAPATSIS Michael, Prof (Chem Engr &, Mati Sci)445 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531 (626-0920),331-4281, taapeOOl Otc.umn.eduTSATSOS Nikolas G, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Biochemistry) 7-168 MCB; 7-188 MoICeIIBIo,Del Code 1214 (625-2688), 18321 Laka RidgeDrive N, Maple Grove 55311.763-416-1783,taatOOO10tc.umn.aduTSCHAMPL Wendy M, Prin Administrative Spec(Physics and Astronomy) Room 260 Phys, DelCode 0331 (624-7688), tschamptOtc.umn.eduTSCHIDA David R,lnstructor (Target Pharmacy)11000 Crooked Lake Blvd, Coon Rapids 55433,504 Douglas Street, Anoka 55303,!Sch1OO30tc.umn.eduTSCHIDA Karen, Administrative Dir (0 PENAdministration) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,13-140 Phillips Wangensteen Bidg (625-8805),!Schi0020te.umn.eduTSCHIDA Michelle A, Exec As8t (COAFES) Room2n CoIH, Del Code 6074 (624-7460), 535 WIllCourt, Vadnais Heights 55127,stschidaOtc.umn.eduTSCHIDA P A, Research Fellow (Biostatistics),Exempt Tamporary or C&suaJ (EpidamJology)Room 200 2221 Univ; Room 300 WBOB, Del Code2702 (624-8321; 624-1818),1573 Arundel StApt204,St Paul 55117, 651-845-7942,ptschidaOtc.umn.eduTSCHIDA Paul J, As8t VICe President (Ratired)(Health and Safety) (626-0521), 362 Sum", Ave,St Paul 55102, 651-222-7450,!SchOO10Ic.umn.eduTSCHIDA Sarah T, Student Support Services As8t(Leeming Abroad canter) Room 230 Heller Hall,Dai Code 7457 (628-1928), tschi0660tc.umn.aduTSCHIDA Suzanne J, As8t Prof (Director ClinicalServices) Chronimed StalBcript Pharmacy, 10900Red Clrde Or, Minnetonka 55343, 671 Biidle RidgeCme, Eagen 55123, josIIOO20te.umn.eduTSCHIDA Vietor H, Adjunct Assoc Prof (255 NSmith Ave, SuKe 100) St Paul 55102, 740Manomin Ave, St Paul 55107,!Schi0080te.umn.eduTSCHIDER Chartotte A, Usability Consullent (Oil)Room 860 WBQB, 1300 S 2nd S~ Mpls 55454, DelCode 7531, tschOO700te.umn.eduTSCHIDER Steve, Teaching Spec (Abbott N WHospital) 600 E 28th St, Mpts 55407, 2620 Wast 58Street, Mpts 55410, tschi004.0te.umn.eduTSCHIRNER Ulrike W, Assoc Prof (Bio-BasedProducts) 204 Kaulert L, Del Code 6130(624-8798),1517 Briarknoll Dr, Arden HiHs 55112,!Sch1OO70lc.umn.eduTSEGAI Daniel, Bunding and Grounds Worker (FacMgmt-Zone 2-Wast Bank) 57 MgmtlEoon, DelCode 3121 (624-1386),2371 Unwood Ave E,Maplewood 55119, 651-298-8832,[email protected]


TSEKOS Nlkolaos V, Ass! Prof (A!ldiology-CMRR)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, 102 CMRR(625-7302), 2021 6th St SE, Apt CMRR, Mpts55455, 952-829-7080, tsekoOOl Ote.umn.eduTSENG Angela, Teaching Asst (ChildDevelopment, Inst 01), Gradua18 School Trainee(CognKive Sciences, Ctr lor) ChDev, Del Code4011 (624-2862), ataangOte.umn.eduTSENG Stella S, Sr Information Systems AudKor(Dept 01 Audits) Room 277P WBOB, Del Code7523 (628-0098), tsengOO80tc.umn.eduTStLlBARY Ellle-Photini, Assoc Prof (LabMedicine & Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code8609,3-170 Jac H(~113), 1025 29th Ave SEAptC, Mpls 55414, 824-0041, tsiliOOl Ote.umn.aduTSILO Tot J, Research Asst (1509 GortnerAvenue) Room 303 Hayes Hall, Del Code 6026,2089 Carter Avenue, St Paul 55108,651-845-5234, tsiIoOOl Olc.umn.eduTSONG TiS!'Y, Prof (Biochemistry:CBS) 140 GerL, Del Coda 6104 (624-8n3), 7 Dove Lane, NorthOaks 55127,

TSUOA Kanichi, Post-Doctoral Assoc (PlantBiology) Room 250 BIoSci, 1445 Gertner Ave, StPaul 55108, Dai Code 6022, 1260 Larpenteur AveWApt302, St Paul 55113, tsuda0040tc.umn.eduTSUDA Takeaki, ViSit Scholar (INDS PSHIPRSRCH INTFCIMAt ENG) 60 Amundson HailMpls, tsuda0020)C.umn.eduTSUJI Hiroyukl, ResearCh Assoc (ElectricelEngineering) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572(625-8817), 1400 Laul8l Ave Apt WS08, MpIs55403, hlroyOOl Ote.umn.eduTSUKADA Hanae, Assoc Counselor (Intnl Student& Scholar Services) 190 HHH, 081 Code 7457(628-7194),

TSUKAYAMA Dean T, Assoc Prof (HennepinCounty Medical Center) Dept Of ,Medicine, 701park Ave S, Mpts 55417, 79Q8 West 87th Street,Bloomington 55415, tsukaOOl Ote.umn.eduTSUPRUN Tatyana L, Software Tester (EnI8rJPeApplicationsiMeint) Room 860 WBOB, Del Code7531,2014 Louisiana Ave S, St Louis Park 55426,

.952-582-9494, tsupr0060te.umn.eduTSUPRUN Vladimir, Research Assoe(Otolaryngology) 282 Lions Res, Del Code 2873(625-0512),2014 louisiana Ave S, St Louis Park55426, 952-582-9494, tsuprOOl Otc.umn.eduTU Chia-Chen, Teaching Asst (EducationalPsychology) 208 Burton Hall. Del Code 3171(624-6083), 1015 Essex St SE Apt 203, Mpis55414, 688-292-2086, tuxx00270te.umn.eduTU Haink C, Graduate School Trainee (MectianicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE. 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691, 814-862-7091,tuxxx021

TU Zheng Jin, Comp Biology Corlsun&nt(Supercomputing Institute) Room 599 WsUb, DelCode 3721(624-9504; 624-0115),zheng0070te.umn.eduTUAN In-Un, MadicaI Fellow (Departmem ofPsychiatry) F282I2A West Bldg, 2450 RiversideAvenue, Mpts 55454 (273-9822),tuanxOO30tc.umn.aduTUBA Imre, Asst Prof (UMM Div of Science andMath) 2550 Sci, M242A, 600 E 4th S~ Morris56267, 503 W 7th St, Morris 56267, cart B, Adjunct Asst Prof (Associated Eyecare) 232 N Main St, Stittwater 55082,tubbaOOl Ote.umn.aduTUBRE Travis, Lacturer (Industrial Relations Clr)3-300 CatlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Coda 7041, tubreOOl Ote.umn.eduTUCK casey P, Community Program Spec (60624th Avenue South) Suite 602, Mpls 55454(827-4825), 720 Spring Creel< Circle, MendotaHeights 55118, 651-452-3781, 'TUCKER Aneisha J, Assoc Edilor (SchOOl 01Nursing) Room 5-160 WDH, Del Code 1331(628-1817),651-293-1219, tucke1270tc.umn.eduTUCKER Ann, Prin Survey Interviewer(Epidemiotogy) Room aoo WBOB, Del Code 7525(624-1831), tuck80320te.umn.eduTUCKER David L, Pipefitter (FacilitiesMgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB, 31915thAve SE, MptS 55455, Del Coda 3121,

TUCKER Dennis M, Adjunct Asst Prof (RastorativeSci - Endodontics) Room 8-168 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291 (624-9900),


TUCKER Elliot, Medical Fellow (Pediatrics) MMC94 Mayo, Del Code 8094, tuckeI170ro.umn.eduTUCKER James J, Jr Engineer (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691, 2517 28thAvenue So, Mpls 55406, tuclIe0410tc.umn.eduTUCKER Keith R, Art Research Studio Techniciim(ArcM..andscape Arch) Room 139 RapsonH, DelCode 0811 (624·9093), 2748 France Ave N,Robbinsdale 55422-3736, 321.Q958,tuck&

TUCKER Linda J, Sr Cashier (UMC Bookstore;UMC Business Allairs) Room 109 RH, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (218-281-8335),tucke0400mail.crk.umn.edTUCKER Sharon J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (MayoClinic) 200 First St SW, Rochaster 55905, 532Meadow Run Drive SW, Rochester 55902,tuck00510tc.umn.eduTUCKER Theresa A, Info Tech Prof (HonnelInstitute) 801 18th Ave NE, AU$lin 55912(507-437-9652), 24357546th Ave, Aystin 55912,

• 507-437-3525, tatuckerOtc.umn.eduTUCKNER John E, Building and GrounEjs Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 1 St Paul) Room 202 I'MB,1936 Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6168, 2244 Maplelene E, Maplewood 55105,651·748-8454, tucknQ080ro.umn.eduTUCKSON Reed V, Adjunct Prof (Unijed HealthGroup) 9900 Bren Road E, Minnetonka .55343,3501 Zenith Ave S, Mpls 55416, 285-8206,tucksOO10tc.umn.eduTUDOR Kim-Sue R, Ass! Prof (LabMedicine/Pathology) MMC 334 Mayo, Del Code8334, tud0r0040ro.umn.eduTUITE Paul J, Assoc Prof (Neurology) MMC 295Mayo, Del Code 8295, 12-146 P W B (624-4469),

TULEUBEKOV Kairat, Greduate School Fellow(Civil Engineering) Room 122 CIvE, 500 PillsburyDr SI:. Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851, 600 UnlversijyAve SE, Apt 206, Mpls 55414,tuleu0020ro.umn.eduTULKKI Michael J, dental Fellow (Restorative Sci·Endodontics) Room 8-522 Moos Tower, Del Code1291 (624-9900),433 South 7th St Unij 1901, Mpls55415,802-1848, tuJkkOO10tc.umn.eduTULLAR Sue E, Non Unlv Staff (UniversityServices) 300 Donhowe Mpls (626-4223), 317 8thAve S E, Osseo 55369, 763--49-3-83,tuIIa0030ro.umn.eduTULLOCH MD John W, Assoc Prof (Department ofNeurology) MMC 295 MayO, Del Code 8295,12-142 PWB (625-5152),310 Oakwood Terrace,Vadnais Heights 55127-6018, 651-483-3616,tulloOO10tc.umn.eduTULLY JR Michael J, Adjunct AsS! Prof (NorthMemorial Medical Center) 3300 Oakdale Av N,Robbinsdale 55422, tuIlOOO70tc.umn.eduTUMMALAPALLI Sreedhar R, Teaching Asst(UMD Chemistry) 246 Cham, 1039 University Dr,Duluth 55612 (218-726-7212), 1301E 4th Street.Ap1205, Duluth 55805, tummooI20d.umn.eduTUNA Naip, Prof (Retired) (Medicine) MMC 508Mayo, Del Code 8508 (626-3462; 625-3600),tunaxOO10ro.umn.eduTUNBERG Thomas C, Adjunct Instructor(Cernbridge Clinic) 626 SW 7th Ave, Cambridge55008, 2630 Joy Court, Goldenwood, Cambridge55008, tunbeOOl Otc.umn.eduTUNELL Linda M, Social Worker (Unlversijy DayCommunijy) 2700 Summer St NE, Del Code 5101(627-4107), tuneIOO20tc.umn.eduTUNELL Robert W, Administrative Professional(Facilities Mgmt-·-eall Center) Room 300DonhoweB, Del Code 3121 (624-3345),9980Cloman Path, Inver Grove Heights 55076,tunel0010ro.umn.eduTUNG Ling-Hsuan, Teaching Ass! (Psychology)N-218 E~H, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3281, tungOO200ro.umn.eduTUNG Mimi, Development OIer (UniversijyFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraClr, Del Code2011 (625-9006), tungx0030ro.umn:eduTUNGSETH Ronald G, Teaching Spec (CCECollege in the Schools) Room 202 WesH, DelCode 3631, 10509 Zion St NW, Coon Rapids55433, 763-576-1m, tungs0040tc.umn.eduTUNHEIM An Inge Myhre, Jr Scientist(BiosystemslAgricu~ral Engr) Room 100BioAgEng, Del Code 6005 (624-2211),Bonhaugveien 98, Soarieisa 9310 Norway,651-645-8787, [email protected]

TUOMI Patricia A, Exec Asst (MedicalSchool-Adm) MMC 293 Mayo. Del Code 8293,C696 Mayo (626-3807), tuomiOOl Otc.umn.eduTUOMINEN Kathryn J, Sec (UM Extension StLouis Cnty Duluth) Govemment Services CIr Ste111, 320 W 2nd St, Duluth 55802·1495(218-733·2871), tuomiOO70tc.umn..eduTUOMINEN Kory L, Adjunct Instructor (Lake CijyClinic-Mayo) 500W Grant, Lake Cijy 55041TUONG Dong T, Scientist (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code 8366, 690'CCRB (625·9419), tuongOOl Ote.umn.eduTUPPER David, Assoc Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Department of Neurology, 701Park Ave S, Mpls55415,11111,tuppeOOl @tc.umn.eduTURBES Joel R, Info Tech Prof (Liberal Arts,College Of-Adm) 110 and H, Del Code 7331(624-9528),5795 126th Street West, Apple Valley55124,952-997-3904,jrturbesoro.umn.eduTURBES Thomas S, RN (Boyn HS) NursingDepartment - Urgent Care, Del Code 1171(625-7631),2203 Selby Avenue, St Paul 55'104,651-845-1893, [email protected] Elizabeth, Coordinator (CCE-Marketing)Room 340 CofH, Del Code 6081 (625-1274),turchOO10tc.umn.eduTURCOTTE PHARMD Aimee, program Dir(Veterinery Teaching HospMI) 342 VefTchHos, DelCode 6192 (625-7715; 625~33),karda0020ro.umn.eduTUREK Williern E. Sr Envrn HealthISefety Tech(Environmental Health & Safety) 118 1518'Cleveland, Del Code 1171 (624-3055), 70 OriinAve SE, Mpls 55414, 651-489-8748,turekOOl @tc.umn.eduTURI Kathleen A, Adjunct Instructor (HennepinCounty Medical Center) 701 Park Ave S, Mpls55415, turixOO10tc.umn.eduTURINSKE Kimberly P, Adjunct Instructor (StJohn's) St Paul, 1356 Almond Aw, St Paul 551 08,651-649-5688, peka00040ro.umn.eduTURK Brian A, Student Pereonnel Worker (UMDAced SupportlStudent Life) 297 DAdB, 0211, 1049Universijy Dr, Duluth 55612, 205 2nd Ave, TwoHarbors 55616, 218-728.Q780,[email protected] nsh~, Instructor (UMM Div of Humanities)Room 104 Hum, M233A, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267,406 E 9th St, Morris 56267, 320-585-5659,turktOmorris.umn.eduTURKAY Evsen, Teaching Ass! (Economics)Room 1035 HellerH, 27119lh Ave S, MpIs 55455,Del Coda 7052, 305 W Franklin Ave Apt 307, Mpls55404, turk00250tc.umn.eduTURKUIAINEN Vlrpi, Research Spec (Operationsand Mgmt Sciences) 3-150 CarlSMgmt, 321 19lhAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, .turku0010ro.umn.eduTURMAN Adam R, Graphic OesignerlMedia Artist(CCE-Marketing) Room 340 CofH, Del Code 6081(624-2782), 5530 Vermont St, Saint Louis Park55418,952·926-0080, tunnaOO2etro.umn.eduTURMAN PHD James C, Asst Vice Provost(Recreational Sports), Lecturer (Kinesiology,School of) 108 Cooke H, Del Code 2061(625-9037), tunnaOOl Otc.umn.eduTURNER Casey L, Dental Fellow (EndodonticsAdvanced Training Progr) Room 8-522 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (624-9900),717 Augusta, Midland TX79705,210-614-1554, tume2670te.umn.eduTURNER Deane A, Prof Emeritus (Ag, Food/EnvtSci Admin, Col of), 2925 Lincoln Dr N, Apt 714,Roseville 55113, tum&0180tc.umn.eduTUR.NER Eileen C, Adjunct Instructor (HealthPartners) 701 4th Ave S, Mpls 55415, 3310 W55thSt, Edina 55410,952-929-2369,tum&[email protected] Gabriel C, SGI Origin Sys Admin(Supercomputing Institute) Room 599 WaLib, 117Pleasent St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3721(625-1818: 626-1535). 651-492-3335,tume0460tc.umn.eduTURNER Harvey L, Assoc To (CPPM-UniversijyPlanning) 400 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121(624-4085),7315 Glouchester Ave, Edina 55435,952-835-9755, tumeOO10ro.umn.eduTURNER Hudson, Assoc Prof (UMD-eomputerScience) 320 HH, Duluth (218·726-6168;218·726-7607), hudsonOd.umn.eduTURNER John E, Regents Prof (Retired) (PolijicalScience), 289 Bridge St, Shoreview 55126,

TURNER Karen A, Info Tech Prof (Health ServicesRsch/Policy) Dinnaken Office Building, Del Code2131 (624-9176), katumerOtc.umn.eduTURNER Linda H, Adjunct Assoc Prof(GroupHealth Inc) 205 Wabaaha Ave S, St Paul55107, 1692 Highland Parkway, St Paul 55116,[email protected]

TURNER Lindsay J, Sr Laboratory Technician(Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo. Del Code 8195, B22DVCCRC (624-8100), tUm02250lc.umn.EiduTURNER Lorraine L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (eAIR)211 W4th St, Duluth 55801TURNER Patricia F, Assoc Prof (Retired) (LibOrganization Dev), 62111th Ave SE, Mpls 55414,p·[email protected] Sharri L, Ass! Prof (EducationalPs~) 139A Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(624-1381),651-714-1496, tume0470tc.umn.eduTURNER Terilyn C, Lecturer (EducationStulProfessional Svc) Room S30 WullH, Del Code3345 (624-1006), tume2300tc.umn.eduTURNER Thomas C, Assoc Prof(Humanities-UMM) 214 Cern, Morris ~67(320-569-2211),211 So St, MorriS 56267,320-569·3941, tumertcOmorrls.umn.eduTURNER Thomas, Teaching Spec (School ofMusic) Room 100 FergH, 2106 4th St S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7811, 4205 Aag Ave N, NewHope 55428,763-535-7981, tum&0480ro.umn.eduTURNER Toya M, Prin Aecounts Spec (SurgeryDepartment) RM 11-115 PWB, 516 Delaware StSE, Mpls 55455, 1621 W FairField Ct, Glendale WI53209, [email protected] Tracey L, CommunitY Program Assoc(UM Extension Service Lake Cnty) Courthouse ­601 3rd Ave, Two Harbors 55616-1517,tume2750tc.umn.eduTURNER Williern G, Asst Prof (Duluth Clinic) 400E 3rd St, Duluth 55605 (218-722-8364), 3?!lO E 1stSt, Duluth 55604TURNER Williern L, Prof (Fernily Social Science)Room 290 McNH, 1985 Buford Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6140 (625-3f35), 1809 CreekLane, Northfield 55057, 507-664.()233,

TURNGREN Andrea, Info TeCh Prof (EngiishLanguage &~) 307 lindH, Del Code 0613(625-5812), tumgrenOtc.umn.eduTURNQUIST Kevin N, Adjunct A8st Prof (AnokaRegional Treatment Center) 3300 4th Ave N,Anoka 55303, 340 Long Lake Court, Shoreview55126, tumqOO30lc.umn.eduTURNQUIST Uss G, Exec Ass! (Infectious DiseaseOfc Med) MMC 250 Mayo, Del Code 8250, 3-124MTRF (626-6577), tumq0070lc.umn.eduTURNURE James E, Prof (Retired) (EducationalPsychology; EduclHuman Dev, College of) 254 BuH, Del Code 3171 (62~), 114 Mackubin St, StPaul 55102, 651-844-2233, tumuOOl Otc.umn.eduTURONIE Kendre A, Coordinator (Coordinator forStd & Communijy Rei) Office of Student Affairs,Del Code 0261 (625-8939), 9543 Bluegill Rd,Woodbury 55125, turonOOl Ote.umn.eduTURPIN Sendra, Student Support Services. Assoc(Graduate School Admissions) 313 Joh H, DelCode 3773 (625-1353), turpi0020tc.umn.eduTURUNEN MA Ira M, Ass! Coach (UMD Athletics,Intercollegiate) 170 SpHC, 0806, 1216 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55612, ijurunenOd.umn.eduTUSSA Muhiden M, Building and Grounds Worker(Middlebrook Hall), Del Code 7651 (625-0144),1688 Sherbume Ave, Apt 204, St Paul 55104,651-428-3187, tussaOOl Otc.umn.eduTUSSING Kristine, Sr Ole Spec (School ofNursing) Room 5·160 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-4454), tussi0020tc.umn.eduTUT Rajveer, Non Unlv Staff (MechanicalEngineering) 333 Johnston Hall Mpls,tutxxOO10tc.umn.eduTUTTLE Todd M, Assoc Prof (SurgeryDepartment) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195,MMC 195 Mayo. 8195, 420 Delaware, Mpls 55455,tuttI0060te.umn.eduTUZEL Erkan, Research Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455. Del Code 0331 (626-7764),tuzeI0010tc.umn.eduTUZEL Vasfiye H, Teaching Ass! (School ofMathematics) 270C VinH, Del Code 0412(624-8389), metiOOO10tc.umn.eduTUZlNSKI Terese A, Info Tech Prof (Office of theRegistrar·WmsonH) Room 150 WmsonH, DelCode 0174 (625-4630),


TVEIT Ellen, Ass! To (Humphrey Inst of PublicAffair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 30119lh Ave.S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7451 (625-6330),tveiOOO20tc.umn.eduTVETER Susen K, Receptionist (PurchasingServices) 560 WBOB, Del Code 7532 (624-2828),

TVRDIK ANDERSON Valerie, Coordjnator(ArchlLandscape Arch) Room 102 RapsonH, DelCode 0811 (626-7571),4213 W42nd St, Edina55416,952,927·7257,

TWAIT Christine M, Teaching Ass! (Food Science .and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099,522 Aurora Av, St

, Paul 55103,

TWAMLEY BeckyR, Instructor (Gallery Pharmacy)17 W Exchange, St Paul 55102, 2534 Timber1eaDrive, Woodbury 55125, twamlOOl Otc.umn.eduTWEEDIE Catherine, AsS! To (Libraries BusinessOffice) 4090 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (626·7573),1611 W22 St, Mpls 55405, 377-2375,tweedOO50ro.umn.eduTWEEDIE Marianne L, Wbrary Ass! 2 (SocialSciences (MAC)) 160 OMWL, Del Code 7111,377-2375, tweed0060tc.umn.eduTWEEDY Kathryn A, Clinical Instructor (SouthdaleOBIGYN ConsuMnts) 3625 W 65th St Ste 100,Edina 55435, tweedOOl Otc.umn.eduTWIGGS Leo B, Prof (Obstetrics & Gynecology)MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395, 12-216 Moos T(626-3347), twiggOOl Oro.umn.eduTWITE Kathleen R, Teaching Spec (UMCBookstore) 2900 Universijy Ave, Crookston 56716(218-281-8335), 18051 420th Ave SW, East GrandForks 56721, 218-773-7935,twijeOOl 0 mail.crk.umn.edTWO BuLLS Caroline L, Communijy ProgramSpec (Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S2nd St, Mpls 55454, Del Code 7525,1311 Alles,Apt301, Rapid Cijy SO 57701, 605-867-2546,twobuOO10ro.umn.eduTWOMEY John A, Asst Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Ctr) 701 Park Ave, MpIa 55415, 4322Longleliow Ave S, Mpls 55407,twomeOO50tc.umn.eduTWOMEY Patrick A, Adjunct Asst Prof (UMDFamily Medicine; Lab Medicin~athology) 400 E3rd St, Duluth 55805TWU Krista S, Asst Prof (UMD English) 411 H,DUluth(218-726-6598; 218-726-6228), 1857 'Vennilion Rd, Duluth 55803-2510, 218-727·3435,ldwuOd.umn.eduTYLER Susan C, Accounting Supv (Dept OfElectrical & Computer Engr) 4-174 E EIC Sci, DelCode 0572 (625-5514), shuleOOl Oro.umn.eduTYNALIEV Unnat M, Research Ass! (Dept ofWork, Communijy, & Family E) Votech Building,Del Code 6197 (625-3757), Kok Jar mikr 23-80,Bishkek-82 720082 Kyrgyzstan, 721-8765,tynaOOO30te.umn.eduTYRA Kris E, Sergeant of Police (Police I

Department) 100 T S B, Del Code 1981(624-3550), tyraxOOl Oro.umn.eduTYRRELL William R, Assoc Dir CmpICoi(UMC-Athl, Intell) SportsC, Crookston 56716(218-281-8422), 1903 21st Ave S, Grand Forks NO58201,701-775-6037, wtyrreIlOmail.crk.umn.eduTYSDAL Marie 0, Exec Administrative Spec (UMExtension Regl Clr Fergus Falls) 223 W CavourAve, Fergus- Falls 56537-2103 (218-998-5787),tysdaOOSOro.umn.eduTYSON Amy M, Ph 0 Cendidate Grad Instructor(American Studies Program), PhD CandidaieResearch Ass! (Ainerican Studies Program) 104Scott Hall, Del Code 3231 (624-4190),2709Emerson Ave S Ap12, Mpls 55408, 824-2306,tysoOOI50tc.umn.eduTZE William Tai Yin, Asst Prof (Bio-basedProducts) 206 KaulL, Del Code 6130 (624-2363),1707 Tatum Street, Apt 8, Falcon Haights 55113,wtzeOtc.umn.eduTZENIS Connie 0, Education Spec (Olr forTeachinglLeaming Svc) Room 315 ScICB, DelCode 3561 (625-3330), 11285172nd St W,Lakeville 55044, 952-435-5675;

uUBEL JI'l Frank A, Prof (Retired) (Medicine), 2192Berkeley Avenue, St Paul 55101 ,


UBa Karen, IAboratoly RecepItonIst (Iloyn HS)1Aboratoly, Del Code 1111 (625-2668),

. UBEL Pamela A, Sr Qfc Spec (Risk Managementand1_)Room 208 WBOB, Del Code 1523(624-5884), novIcOO20lc.umn.eduUCER MOrhan,A~ lnatructor (NeurologicConIuItants) 2365 ArielS!Rlet, Maplewood 55109,Ul:8IXOOl0lc.umn.eduUCHAL carol A, Administrative Ass! (Boyn HS)HaaIth EducalioIl, Del Code 1111 (625-6410),uchaIOOl0tc.UIM.eduUCHIDA Ayumi, Teaching Spec (ALL) 440 FolweUHalt, Del Code 0144 (624-5193; 62!Hl534), 1005

, 15th Ave SE ApI8, MpIe 55414, 623-8353,uchiOOO90te.umn.eduUDANl AdI1ano'A; Teaching Ass! (PollticafScience) Room 1414 SooScl, 2S119th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1115, 2400 Fremont AveSoulh, Apt 1, MpIs 55405, udanIOO10lc.umri.eduUDEN Donald L, Assoc: Dean (Pharmacy, College01), Prof (Pharmacy, College 01) 1·115 WDH, DelCode 1332 (624-9624), udenXOO10te.umn.eduUEFUJI Hlrotaka, Poa!.Doe\oral Assoc(1liolec:hnoIogy Institute) 140 Gortner lab, DelCode l102lI (625-1122), 143lHi Yamanouchi,Syoubara 34 12lHl131 Japan,uelujOO10te.umn.eduUEHLING JR Thaodonl E, Prof (HumanReeoun:es-Dl8abillly Payments) 201 cam, Morris56261(~), 1946 Pinetr8e Trail, Ely55131,320-589-2151, 'UELAND :Erman 0, Assoc Prof ,(Retired)(UMC-Agricullural Mgmt) 113 HiH B, erookaton56116 (218-2SHl14O), auelandOmaif.c:rlc.umn,eduUFEIIA Kale, Prof (UMD·Thea!re) 141 t.\PAC,Duluth (218-726-8779),1405 N 8th AvE, Duluth55605, 218-724-2S55, kufemaOd.umn,edu 'UGALDE Nicki F, Teachlno Spec (Univer8IIy 01 MNRochester) 855 3Oth,Ave SE, ,Roche8llIr 55904,2092·B 11th Ave SE, Roche8ter 55904,ugaIdOO10tc,umn.eWUGGEM Chrlstopher, Prof'(SocIoIogy) Room 909SocSci, 26119th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code1111 (624-4016; 624-4300),uggenOO10tc,umn.eduUGUR8ft. Kamu, PrDI (RadIology; MedicIne;Biochem, MoIec BioI, IlIophy TMED) MMC 292Mayo, Del Code 6292,102 CMRR (626-9591),ugurbOO10tc.umn.eduUJHI!LVI MicI)aeI, Assoc Prof (Medlronic AFResean:h) 1000 C&ntrai Avenue NE T203, MpIs55432, 9311 Tewsbtuy Cole W, Maple Grove55311,163-420-6815, ujheIOOl0tc.umn.eduUKA Shaga K, Building and Grounds Worker(Facill1les Mgmt Cl.A Zone 5) Room 198cottH. 12PIeasan1 81 SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3233, 1515Humboldt Cir N, BroClklyn Part< 55444,163-603-9299, kojIOOl001l:,umn.eduUKAGA Okechukwu, Ass! Prof (UMD Geography),Ex1ension Educalol1Assoc Prof (MN Ext SvcDiraclol&) UM Exlanlion service, Cloquet FoI88lryCtr, 115 University Rd, Cloquet 5512G-9594(218-126-6412; 218-128-1368), 3112 East ThirdStreet, Duluth 55804, 218·126-0930,ukaga001 Otc.umn.eduUKESTAD Laurie K, Coordinator (Envm HealthScience&) MMC 801 Mayo, Del c;ode 8801, 1180Mayo (62Il-2S42), ukeslOO,10tc.umn.eduUKESTAD Tera M, Ole Spec (U 01 M Bookslcre(Coffman Store» Room G54 CMU, Del Code 1051(62~), 651-<1894151. uke8lOO20tc.umn.eduUU'ERTS Teri L, Sr V8terinary Technician (RAR) ,MMC 69 Mayo, Del Code 8069, 1-525 PWB(624-9110), rnanzXOO10tc.umn.eduULLAND Unda M, P'1l9r&m Dir (U 01 MNEx1ension,Service) CLC Ag Center, 1830 AirportRd. Staples 564n-3252, uUan0120tc.umn.eduULLERY Charles G, l8cturer (School 01 Music)ROom 100 F*'l/H, 2106 4th 81 S, MpIs 55455, DelCode 1811,1804 Maple Ln, RoeevIIIe 55113,651-636-9893, uIIerOOl0tc.umn.eduULLOA-MONTOY'A Femando, PhD C&ndIdateResean:ll Ass! (Cham Eng & MalaltiaI SCI) 210Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531 (825-3051;623-0758), t322 W 32nd 81101, MpIs 55408,623-<1158, uIIoOOO50tc.umn,eduULLRICH Amanda L, Communlly Program Assoc(U 01 M Extension Dakots Cnty) Room 101, 4100220th 81 W, Farmingtcn 55024-9539 '(651-480'1100), 5184lJpper 183rd S1reetW,FanningtDn 55024, 651-423-1873,"

ULLRICH S1ave, Teaching Spec (Work,CommurillylFamlly Educ) Room 42l! VoTech, DelCode 6191, 5690 South Park Drive, Savage55318,952-440-1288, uliri0030tc.umn.eduULRICH Eric J, Gardener (FacltltiesM~t·L.andcare) Room 150 FoodOB, Del Code3121,3061 Charrywood Ct, ~agan 55121,651-406-9534, ulric0110tc.umn.eduULRICH Jason S, Ass! Scl8fl1l&l(BiosyslemS/AgricUlturai Engr) Room 304BioAgEng, Del Code 8005, 1615 Wheelock RidgeRoad, St Paul 55101, 651·2S1·1212,u1ri00100tc.umn.eduULRICH Kami J, Communlly Health Coordinator(Department of Pediatrics) MMC 115 Mayo, DelCode 8115,1·210 MoDe (625-3623; 625-2188),u1ri00450tc.umn.eduULRICH Usa K, Prin Veterinary Tech (SmaUAnimal cnn SCi) B323 Vet Too Hos, Del Code6192, 3621 182nd Avenue Northwest, Oak Grove55303, 183-213-8180, UIlQ8IOO30tc.umn.eduULRICH Miriam G, Research,Asst (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH. 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 8181, 183-155-6410,ulri00610tc.umn.eduULRICH JR Stephen C, Re8Mrch Ass! (HumphreyInst 01 NlIic Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr. 30119thAve S, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1451,ulric0560tc.umn.eduULSBY Joeeph E, Sr GeMraI Mechanic (CloquetForeatry Center) 115 Unlvenlily Rd, Cloquet 55120(218-126-8415),218-628-1018.uI&byOO10tc.umn,eduULSETH·Rose, Ofc Spec (UM<: UniversilyRefationt; NW ResearchlOutl'88Ch canter) 115 K,Crook&tcn 56116 (218-2S1-8439), 29499 365th 81SW, CrooI<ston 56116. 218,928-5553,NIaethOmall.crk.umn.eduULSTAD Valerie K, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Mpls •Cardiology Assoc) South YaJIey Health Campus,Suite 110, 1515 St Frances Ave, Shakopee 55319(62S-5812), uIstaOO10tc.umn.eduULSTADWARKE~N liD Chllr. Ass! Prof (RiceS1reet Clinic) 1006~ St, tOO6 Rice 51, St Paul55111,2122 Cleveland Ave N, Roseville 55~13,

uIsta0020tc.umn.eduULSTROII Robert A, Prof (Retired) (Pediatrics),4616 Sunset RIdgf, MpIs 55418,ulstrOOl O, 'ULTAN RosIye'B, Lecturer (NCCEl, Del Code8061, 5249 Lochloy Dr, Edina 55436,952·926-3516, ultanOO10tc.umn.ecjuULVESTAD RoU F, Adjunct Prof (Deveiopmenlef &Surg SCi-e1eft Pala) Room 6-296 Moos T, Del 'Code 12111 (625-5945), uIvesOO10tc.umn,eduUIIBREIT Mark S, Prof (Social Work, SChool 01;SpIritua1l1ylHealing, Ctr lor) Rm 105 Pel8r&H, DelCode 6181 (624-4923), mumbreilOtc.umn.eduUIIEIIOTO Koichiro, Info Tech Prof(Supercomputing Institute) Room 599 WaUb, DelCode 3121 (624-2812), 100 Douglas Ave Apl106,Mpls 55403, 3n-6233, umernoD010tc.umn.eduUIIUUS David M, PhD C&ndidate Research Assl(Ch8m Engr & Mati SCl)265 Amundson Hall, DelCode 0531 (625-3051), umulOOO10tc.umn.eduUN Annique C, Visiting Ass! Prof (CarisOn SChool01 Mgmt) 3-365 CariSMgmt, Del Code 1041(624-5232), 1400 S Second 51, Apt A·202, MpIs55454, 339-2215, umoodI030tc.umn.eduUN Pan J, InatNetor (Small Animal ClinicalSCience) c-339 VetTOOHos, Del Code 6192, 84White Pine ROfI\1, Uno Lakes 55014,unxxxOO1.0tc.umn.eduUNDEII Peggy C, Exec Sec (CCE·Admin) Room201 CoIH, Del Code 8061 (625-0238),undernOO10tc.umn.eduUNDERl'EIITH Jason A, Teeching Ass! (TheatreArts and Dance) Room 580 RarIgC, 330 21st AveS. Mpls 55455, Del Code n52, 613113lh AveSoulh, MpIs 55411, 622-a229,undelO880tc.umn.eduUNDERGRAD 51udentc, Non Univ 51aff (Ole 01Student Anance Admin) 220 Fraser MpIs, 106Pleasant 81 SE, MpIs 55455,undaI0420tc,umn.eduUNDERGRADUATE Carlson, Non Univ SljIff(Mgnt. C Leartson Sch of'Adm) 1·105 CariSMgmtMpls, 321 19th Ave S, MpIs 55455.undeI1l340tc.umn.ed~

UNoERGRADUATESTUDIES Hi&lory, Non'UnivStaff (HIstory) 846 SST Mpls (624-5640), 2S119thAve S, MpIs 55455

UNDERSANDER Ann T, Ass! SCientist (VeterinaryDi8gnoSlicMediclne) 236 ValDL, Del Code 8194(825-n58), 1130 laIpenteur Ave WApt 2B, 81Paul 55113, 65t-845-4101, under0110tc.umn.eduUNDERWOOD Jean M, Dir 01 Student 88M(BIoIogicalSClenceS1udent Sve) Room 223 SnH,Del Code 6114 (624-4964), jmunderOtc.umn.eduUNDERWOOD II Jon M, Research Ass!(Pharmacology), Graduata School Trainee,(Pharmacology) Room 6-120 Jackson Hall, DelCode 1213, 240 Lockmeada W..y, FayelieviUe GA30214, under0390lc.umn.eduUNDERWOOD Ted L, Plllf (Retired) (SocSCi-UMM) 11,8 Cam, Morris 56261 (320-589-8188),underwtIOtc.umn.eduUNGAR Frank, Prof (Retired) (Biochem, MoIecBioi, Biophy TMEO), 5232Slevens Ave Si MpIs55419. ungar0020tc.umn.eduUNGER PHD Gretchen M, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Surgery Dept) MMC 809 Mayo, 081 Code 8809,MMC 120 Mayo (626-3482), 3180 High PointDrive, Chaska 55318, unger021"tc,umn.eduUNGER Leonard, Prof (Retired) (English,LenguagelLiterature), t888 Collman SI Apl321, StPaul 55108, unger0050tc.umn.eduUNI Dadi T. Building and Grounds Worker(Facil"ies Mgmt-BIdg 88rv· Motli) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 300 Fuller Ave Apt 10, St Paul 55103,651·298-0621, unbot0130tc.umn.eduUNNI Chandra S, Adjunct Ass! Prof (AifmsonionClinic P A) Ironwood Sqare; Ste 206, 300 3rd AveSE, Rochester 55904, 855 Paxton Rd SW,Rochester 55902, unnlxOOl Otc,umn.eduUNO Mayumi, Research Ass! (SocIology) 1061Soc Sci Building, Del Code 1111 (824-5296;624-43(0), unoXXOO20tc.umn.eduUNRUN Pomkamol, Greduate School Fellow(Chern Eng & Malerial SCIence) 165 AmundsonHall, Del Code 0531 (626-2021),unrea0010Ic.umn.eduUNTIEDT Christopher W, Gardener (UMI3 C&mpusMaint), Maintenance Equipment Oper (UMDcampus Malnt) Fleet Grounds Malnt, 120 WEIizabelh St, Duluth 55812 (2t8-126-6398), 8421Trasdlln, 88ginaw 55119; 216-129-1888,cuntledtOd.umn.eduUNTIEDT Stephanie A, Teaching Spec(C&reer/Communlly Leeming canter) 135 Joh H;199 Coffey Hall, Del Code 3n4 (824-1517;625-9121), u?tieOO10tc.umn.eduUPADHYAY Bhaskar, Ass! Prof (Curriculum andInstruction) RQOlIl314A PeikH. Del Code 4301(625-3286), upadh0060te.umn.ilduUPADHYAYA Kamala, Administrative ProIessionaI(cancer C&nter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8808,Suite 310 (626-5328), 2808 Aglen Ave, RoseviU855113,851-488-4924, upadhOO40tc.umn.eduUPADHYAYA Premod,Ass! Prof (labMedlcinelPathology), Sr Research A8soc (cancercanter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 160CCRB (626·5143), 2808 Ag\lln Ave, Roseville55113.651-488-4924, upactlOO30tc,umn.eduUPHUS BNC8 A, Building and Grounds Worker(Fee Mgmt-Zone 8-1T) 300 Donhowe e, Del Code3121,798 Ottawa Ave, 81 Paul 55101, 'UPHUS Robert J,Adminlstratlve Prof8S$ionai (FacMgmt·Bsac) B30 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121(625-0365), 8430 Amade.n Ridge Circle,Bloomington 55438, 952-942·9634"uphueOO10tc.umn.eduUPPALA Padmaja, Re8Mrch Ass! (Biochemistry)Rm 8-155 JacH, 321 Church 81 S, MpIS 55455, DelCode 1214 (624-2236),1032 F, 21th AveSE, MpIs55414, uppa00010tc.umn.eduUPSHER David K, Delivery 88rvice Driver(FacilitieS Mgmnt-Bldg88rvice&, Wa) ComoY, DelCode 5301, upsheOO20lG.umn.eduUPSHER Marietl8 M, One Stop Counsalor (OneStop S1udant ServIces) 200F_Hall, Del Code3395(628-4561), upIhe.OO30tc.umn.eduUPSON Krislen, Project Manager (Nursing, School01), Exempt TernPOrary or casual (Medicel SchoolAdmin) Rm 6-142 WDH, Del Code 1331 .(624-5113), 1203 29th Ave NE, Mpls 55418,upsoOOD20tc.umn.eduUPSON Roger, Prof (Healthcare Management)3-140 CarlSMgnt, Del Code 1041,5809 Amy Dr,Edina 55438-1931, 952-929-2052. 'upsonOOl Otc.umn.eduUPTON Kevin J, Sr l8ctu18/ (MarketinglLogistic&Managemll/l~ International Program Dev;~ecutive Development Ctr) 3-151 C&riSMgmt, DelCode 1041 (625-5142),


URIAN Andrew T, Teaching Aast (HIstory),Graduate School Fallow (HIstory) HIstory, Room614 SocScI, 2S119th Ave S, ...pIs 55455, DelCode 1165, 3331 Fremont Ave SApt4. MpIs55408, urbe00900tc.umn.eduURBAN.Anna M, Jr S!:IentiIl (770 CCRB) MMC806 Mayo, Del Code 8806. 3025 Fremont AvenueS, Mpls 55408, 801~168(urbaOl010te.umn.eduURBAN Caria J, Coordinator (MINITEX) 15Andersen Ubrary, Del Code 1921 (625-0590), 114Arthur "ve SE, MpIs 55414, ,URBAN. Marcia E, l8cturer (CCE Masters 01Buslnesa Taxation) 3-:110 C&riSMgmt, Del Code1041, urganOO10ll:.umn.eduURBANIAK Bill, Ptp8fttter (Fee Mgmt·Zone 1-81Paul) 202 F MB, Del Code 6188,1060 OnekaLeke Blvd, Hugo 55038, 651-:426-Dt2S,'URBANIAK Kathie H, Dental Ass! (Clinicel~s·FacuIly PI'lICIice) 1·300 PWB, Del Code1291 (6211-3233), ur!lanOO10lc.umn.eduURGESSA Gameda 1', Building and GIllUnd&Worker (FllcUitle& Mgmt·Z0ne3 Health Scienc)Bll1Moo& TOW8I, 515 Delaware 51reet SE;MpIs55455, 1856 Dilar HlRs Tit, Eagan 55122,651.905-0965, UIgll&OO20lc.umn.eduURGESSA Gutata F, BuIldIng and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mane.gement) B 111. Moos Tower, DelCode 8059, 1856 Dilar Hills Tri, Eagan 55122,651·905-0985, urgeel1010tc.umn.eduURHEIM Jon E. Ass! Prof (Physics andAstronomy) Room 145 PhyS, Del Code 0331(624-1881),

URLACH~ 8aget J, Ass! Academic Advisor(EcNcatioll StulProIe&&IonaI Sv<:) Room 110 WulIH,Del Code 3345 (625-1506),

.URNESS Carol L, Prof Emeritus (James Ford BellUbralYl462 OMWL, Del Code 1111 (624-6895),102S 23i'd Ave NE, MpIs 55418,181-3921, / '

URNE$8 Myra,CoordInator (Radiology) ~MC 292Mayo, Del Code 8292, Ke18C 0 V C C RC(~),, page193-6598URNE$8 Timothy M, Teaching Spec (ComputarScIenceIEngI.-ing), GreduateSchool Fallow(Computer S<:Ienc:e/Er9neng) CoIIlpuler'SclencelEngineering, Room 4·192 EEICSci, 200Union St SE. Mpls 55455, Del Code 0511, '

URQUtWrt Alex T, Teaching Ass! (AmericanS1udies Program), Resean:h As&t (History)

, Ainerican Studes, Room 104 8cottH, 12 PleasantSt SE, MpI& 55455, Del Code 3231,urquh0060tc,umn.eduURRY PHD Dan W, Prof (BIological Process TechInst) 24O.Gor L, Del Code 8106 (624-2241), 316North 2nd 51, Stillwetar 55062,5006, '851-351.2810, unyxOO10tc.umn.eduURTASUN Ainhoa; VlIiting Prof (C&rleon School ofMgmt) 3-3OO,CarlSMgmt,1041, 32119th Ave S,Mpls 55455 (824-2500), CI San Gregorio 34-36 5Dcha, Pamplona 3t 31001 Spain,urta&OO10tc.umn.eduURUETA Roman&. Ass! Prot (Nursing, SchOf.prog & Rea) 8-111 WDH. Del Code 1331(624-2946),2465 Londin Ln Apt 104, 81 Paul55119,651-1311-1054, uruetOOtOtc.umn.eduUSHIO Ewa C" Exec Admlnislretive Spec (MeilicelSchool Educ Dev &~ MMC 293 Mayo"Del Code 8293, B809 Mavo.l625-6101), 3125Irving AveS, MpI& 55408-2516, 824-5449,ushioOO10tc.umn.eduUIS~ Edward C, Research Fellow (AppliedEconomics) Room 231 ClaOIl. 1994 BuIordAve, StPaul 55106, Del Code 8040,U8881OO10tc.umn.eduUTAMI Sri, Prin t..abonItory Technician(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St,Mpls 55454, Del Code 1525,,612 Donegal Circle,

. Shoreview 5512S, 651-483-4261,utamlOOl Otc.umn.eduUTECH Tracy, CoordinalOr (Pediatrics &Adolescent HeaItb) Suite 280 McNamara, DelCode 2016 (625-1614), ut8chOtc,umn.eduUTECKT Alexander H, Communlly Prognun Spec(MN Medical Foundation) Room 300 Geteway, DelC<p 2012 (626-1931), 2841 CoIoredo Ave S, '88int Louis Park 55416, 651·246-8814,utec00010tc.UIM.eW



UTESCH Brian L, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Bldg Sarv - Area B) Room 300DonhowaB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 651-768-0560, uteaOOO40tc.iJmn.eduUTHE Richard E, As1IOC Prof (GeneralCollege-Sciences) 372 Ap H, Del Coda 3501(625-0193), 2557 Clay Hill Road, Decorah IA52101, 563-382-5750, uthe~ool @tc.umn.eduUTKE Robert J, Coordinator (EducationalPsychology) 204 Bu H, Del Coda 3345 (625-1084),ulkexOO10Ic.umn.eduUTRERA Vnelio I, Prof.(ClncllPopulationScl-VetTchHos) R,oom 225 VMC, 1365 GortnerAve, 81 Paul 55108, Del Code 6190,utreIOO20tc.umn.eduunERa,tARK Val J, Student Support SarvicesAss! (UMe-Aeglstral) 170 Owen, Crookston 56716(218-281-6547), vaIOmail.crk.umn.8du _

UTTLEY IIOSCoti A, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493,9-240 P W B (625-4400), utti80010tc.umn.eduUVEGES Margueritle Fl, Sr Ole Supv (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, RM 11-184 PWB(~7), 1808 E Holly Dr, Hugo 55038,651-429-0971, uveg8001 Otc.umn.eduUWASU Michinori, Research Ass! (AppliedEconomicS) Room 231 CIaOft, 1994 Buford Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6040, 1209 Raleigh Street,St Paul55108, uwasuool

VVACCARELLA R J, Ass! Prof (81 Paul AllergyClinic) 565 Snelling Ava S, St Paul 55116,vacca0020tc.umn.eduVACHARAKSA Anjalee, Rasaarch Asst(Diagnostic and Biological SCiancas) Room 17-175MoosT, Del Code 1291 \624-5423; 625-8426), 415Erie S1reet, Apt 207, Mpls 55414, 617-1066,tangOl600tc.umn.eduVADAU Monil<a L, Research Asst (EnvironmentalHealth SCiences), Teaching Ass! (EnvironmentalHealth Sciences) MMe 807 Mayo, Del Code 6807,7361 Zane Ave N, Brooklyn Park 55443,vadalool0tc.umn.eduVADNAIS Missy, Research Ass! (Genetics, Celland Dev Biology) MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 6394,4-108 BS and BE (624.Q413; 624-0874),vadnoo160tc.umn.eduVAGLE Mark D, Teaching Spec (Curriculum andInstruction), Coordinator (Curriculum andInstnJction) Curriculum and Instruction, Room 125PeikH, 159 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code4301 (624-5501),3037 Jarsey Avenue South, 81Louis Park 55426, 952-920-8473,vagI00060tc.umn.eduVAGSTAD Kris, Library Ass! 2 (MAC East (StPaul)) 60 Ma9rathLib, Del Code 6034 (624-n38),k-vagsOtc.umn,eduVAIDYANATHAN Rajiv, Prof (UMD ManagementStudies), Assoc Prof (UMD Business!Econ, Schoolof) 117 S B E, Duluth (218-726-6817), 675Ridgewood Road, Duluth 55804-1856,218-724-0729, rvaidyanOd.umn.eduVAIDYANATHAN Urns, Research Asst(Psycho1ogy), Teaching Asst (Psychology)Psychology, N-218 EItH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls55455, Del Code 3281, vaidy0170tc.umn.eduVAIL Andrew W, Research Ass! (BiotachnologyInstitute) Room 140 GorL, 1479 Gortner Ave,StPaul 55108, Del Code 6104,9447 Wentlock Rd,Woodbury 55125-3561, 651-730-4071'­vailx0200tc.umn.eduVAIL Angie L, Asst To (Computer Science &Engineering) 4-192 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0571

,(625-0765; 625-4002), angieOtc.umn.eduVAINIO Ame, Instructor (UMD Family Medicine)Room 141 SMed, 0603, 1035 University Dr, Duluth55812, avainoOd.umn.eduVAINSHTEIN Arkady, Prof (Theoretical PhysicaInst) 440 Phys, Del Coda 0331 (626-0814),665Schifsky Rd, Shoreview 55126,651-481-8296,valnshteotc.umn.eduVAJSLEII MD Inne, Non Unlv Staff (HealthSciences-Adm) 126 MaYo MpIs, 2233 SycamoreTrail, Woodbury 55125, vaislOOl Otc.umn.eduVALAPOUR Maryam, Ass! Prof (MedicIne;Bioethica. Center lor) MMe 276 Mayo, Del Code8276, 350 VCRC (624-9440),valapOOl Otc.umn.eduVALASEK Marion l,Assoc Prof (Retired) (UMDFine Arts, School 01). 20 So 56th Ave E, Duluth55804, valasOOl

VALBERG Stephanie J, Prof (VeterinaryPopulation Medicine), Program Dir (VeterinaryPopulation Mediclna) 225 Vet Tch HOB, Del Code6190 (625-5768), valbeOOl

VALDES Marcelo; Adjunct Ass! Prof (Architacture),Lecturer (CCE Pars Enrich Prgms Instr1) Room 254NichH, Del Code 3901 (624-7866),3412Williamsburg Pkwy, Woodbury 55129, 379-3037,vaId00170tc.umn.eduVALE Charles W, Electromechanical SystemsSpec (ILES) 214 Nolte Center, Del Code 0095(625-9687; 624-3331),

VALE Jeanne M, Assoc Admin (Fleet Sarvices)FleetSarv, Del Code 5391 (624-1063),valexOOl Otc.umn.eduVALENSKY David W, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt CLA Zona 5) Room 19ScottH, 72 Pleasant St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code3233, 1020 Lyndale Cir Apl302, Bloomington55420, 952-934-2489.

VALENTAS Kenneth J, Oir (Biological ProcessTach Inst) 240 Gor L, Del Code 6106 (625-4250),

VALENTI Ann F, InstruCtor (Small Animal ClinicalScience) C-339 VetTchHos, Del Code 6192,9047Barnet Ave East, Inver Grova Heights 55On,

VALENTINE BreI J, Teaching Ass! (FoodSCiencelNutrition HE), Research Ass! (FoodSCiencelNutrition HE) Food Scl8nce and Nutrition,Room 225 FSCN, 1334 Eckles Ave, 81 Paul 55108,Del Code 6099, Wl660 Mariah Dr, Kaukauna WI54130,608-358-9678.

VALENTINE Devid, Ass! Prof (Anthropology) 364HHH Canter, Del Code 7455 (626-8692),valen076CJtc.umn,eduVALENTINI Gina M, Exec Administrative Spec(Pharmacology) 6-120 Jac H, Del Code 1213(625-2665), 3865 Minnesota Lane North, Plymouth55446, valenool Otc,umn.eduVALERo-GARCES Bias L, Research Assoc(Geology & Geophysics) 108 Pillsbury Hall, DelCode 0211, 3131 Girard Ave S, Apt 4, Mpls 55408,valer0020tc.umn.eduVALER04ARCES Maria C, Assoc Prof (ProgramIn Translation and Interpra) 220 Nolte CIT, DelCode 0095 (624-5024; 624-4055),valerQl10tc.umn.eduVALERO MONTERO Rosendo, Post-DoctoralAs1IOC (Chamistry) SmnhH 236, Del Code 3661(626-8405), 5154th Street SE, Mpls 55414,valeI0220tc.umn.eduVALGEMAE Mark S, Adjunct Ass! Prof (CoonRapids Medical Center) 9055 Springbrook Dr,Coon RapIda 55433, vaIgaOO30tc.umn.eduVAUGA Dan J, Non Univ Staff (Centrel ComputingOperations) 660 WBOB Mpls (626-4469),valigOO20tc.umn.eduVAUGA Dan, Java Developer (OIT· WebDevelopment) Room 660 WBOB, Del Code 7531(626-4469), 1618 A~ington Avenue E, Saint Paul55108, 651-n8-0491 , valigOO30tc.umn.eduVALLAGER Kari A, Student Personnel Worker(UMC First Year Experience) Room 145 G StudenlCenter,2900 U"iversfty Ave, CrooIcston 56716(218-281-6527), ukav0020maii.crk.umn.eduVALLAKAn Ravlkrishna, Teaching Asst (UMDChamistry and Biochamistry) 246 Chern, 1039University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7212), ApI205, 1301 E4th St, Duluth 55805, 964-931-6235,

VALLEE DDS Mark C, Dental Fallow(Pros!hodontics Advanced Training Prj Room9·531 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625-5655), 1015Essex St SE Apt317, Mpls 55414, 623-1991VALiLEAA Daniel A, Prof (Therapeutic Radiology;Lab MedicinelPathology) MMC 367. Del Code8367, 460B Cancer Canter Research Bldg(626-6684), valleOOl Otc.umn.eduVALLEY Michael T, Clinical Ass! Prof (ParkNicollet Clinic) 3600 Park Nic6llet Blvd, St LouisPark 55416, vali80150tc.umn.eduVALLS Oriol T, Prof (Physics & Astronomy) 350BPhys, Del Code 0331 (624-0516),olvalisOtc.umn.eduVALNES Barllara A, Prin Accounts Spec(UMM·Flnance-Adm) 205 Behm, Morris 56267(320-589-6125),45863 230th St, Morris 56267,320-589-4769, valnesbaOmorris.umn.eduVALNES Jean, PriO Accounts Spec (CCE-MorrisCtr) 225 C S, 600 E 4th St, Morris 56267 "(320-589-8452),

VALOIS Teresa G, Assoc Admin (Anthropology)395 HHH Ctr, Del Coda 7455 (625-2696;625-3400), valoiool Otc,umn.eduVAN Jeffrey W, Lecturer (Music, SCh Of) 116 FergH, Del Coda 7811 (624-4111),941 Delaware Ave,St Paul 55118, 651-457-9168,vanxx0010tc.umn.eduVAN ALSnNE James B, Prof (SCi & Math·UMM)1365 SCI, 600 E 4th St, Morris 56267(32Q.589-6313), 19601 US Highway 59, Morris56267, 320-589-2535, vanatSljOmorris.umn.eduVAN ALSnNE Jon D, Research Ass! (UMDGeological SCiences), Teaching Asst (UMDGeological Sciences) 229 HH, 1114 Kirby Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7935),

VANASEK Tracy L, Post-Doctoral Assoc (CCRB)MMe 806 Mayo, Del Coda 8806, Sune 490(624-1971), vanasOOl Otc.umn.eduVANBEEK Allen L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (7373France Ave S Ste 510) Mpls 55435-4551,vanb80060tc.umn.eduVAN BREE Margaret M, Ass! Prof (FairviewUniversity Med Centar) Hospftal Administration,2450 Riverside Ave, Mpls 55454, 1348 LincolnAvenue, St Paul 55105, 651-695-6070,[email protected] Thomas P, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Wadena Medical Canter) 4 NW Deerwood Ave,Wadena 56462, PO Box 568, Wadena 56462,vanbrOO10tc.umn.eduVAN BRUNT Laurie, Teaching Spec (UMD Music;UMD Fine Arts Admin, School of) 231 H, 1201Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8208), 729Mellwood Ave, Duluth 55804,[email protected]

VANBUREN PrinceS&, Ass! Scientist(Biosystems/Agrtcul1ural Engr) Room 16 BioAgEng,Del Code 6005 (625-9220), vanbOO200tc.umn.eduVAN BURIK liD Jo-Anne H, Assoc Prof(Medicinellnlactious Diseases) MMe 250 Mayo,Del Code 6250, D 493 Mayo (624-9996;625-8462).1011 Voctoria Greens Blvd, Voctoria55366-8505,978-9173, vanbu0040tc.umn.eduVAN CAMP Joan M, Ass! Prof (Depenment ofSurgery) Hennepin County Medical Canter, 701Park Avenue, Mpls 55415, vanca0040Ic.umn.eduVAN CAMP Joseph R, Ass! Prof (Depertment ofSurgery) Hennepin County Medical Canter, 701Park Avenue, Mpls 55415, 6655Pinnacle Dr, EdenPrairie 55346, 952-975-2852,vanca0030tc.umn.eduVANCAMP Marcia A, Instructor (UMD Music) 246H, 1201 Ordaan Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-7504; 218-726-8208), 726 W5th SI,Duluth 55808, 218-726-1993,mvancampOd.umn.eduVANCE Carrotl P, Adjunct Prof (AgronomylPlantGenetics) 540 Bor H, Del Code 6026 (625-5715;624-(763), 648191h Avenue NW, New Brighton55112, [email protected] J Corwin, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Dennatology)MMC 96 Mayo, Del Code 6096, 4-~7 P W B(625-6625),5690 Ridge Rd, ShoreWood 55331,vanC80010tc.umn.eduVAN CLEAVE Linde J, Sr Food Service Worker(1300 5 2nd St Dining Sarvices) 1st Floor WBOB,Del Code 7528 (624-5752), vanctOO20tc.umn.eduVANCOEVERING Pamela A, Coordinator(Epidemiology) Ste 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(626-9094), [email protected] Dawn R, Non-Universfty Employee(UM extensiOn Jackson Cnty) 607 S Hwy 68 POBox 309, Lakefield 5615O-Q309, 74862 470th Ave,Jackson 66143, vancuoo70tc.umn.eduVANDEELEN Nicholas J, Instructor (UMDMedicine, School 01) Room 113 Med, D599, 10University Dr, Duluth 55812, 400 E 3rd Street,Duluth 55812, 218-722-8364,nvandeeIOd.umn.eduVAN D'ELDEN Stephanie C, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Medieval Studies) 131 Nohe Ctr, Del Code 0095,1920 S 1Sl S~ Apt 304, Mpls 55454, 338-8020,[email protected] DEMOORTELE Pierre-F, Asst Prof(Radiology), Research Assoc (Radiology) MMe292 Mayo, Del Code 8292,102 CMRR (626-2001),vande0940tc.umn.eduVANDENBERG Douglas L, Television SupervisingTech (UMD-Info Tectt Systems/Sarvices) 175 KirbyPlaza, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-728-61?1), 5723 Wyoming St, Duluth 55804,218-525-6528,

VANDENBERG Guy F, Sr Accountant (GC:Financial Services) 172 Appleby Hall, Del Code3501 (625-7336),651-764-7443,

VANDENBERG Michael R, Coordinator (UMMAdmissionslFinanclal Aid) Room 105 Behm,M759A, 600 EAth St, Morris 56267(320-589-6035), 705 Imperiel Drive ApI 208, Morris56267,320-585-5576,

VAN DEN BOGAERT Kris, Post·Doctorai Assoc(Medicine Hematology Oftica) MMe 480 Mayo,8490, 420 Delaware, Mpls 55455,[email protected]

VANDENBOSCH Kathryn A, Head (Plant Biology),Prof (Plant Biology) Plant Biology, Room 250BloSci, 1445 Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6022 (624-2755), [email protected]

VAN DEN BROEK Paul W, Prof (EducationalPsychology), Adjunct Prof (Psychology) 204 BuH,Del Code 3171 (626-1302),

VANDENDRIESSCHE Christa, Sr VeterinaryTechnician (Research Animal Resources) MMC 69Mayo, Del Code 8089,1-525 PWB (624-6169),122Demonl Ave East Apt359, Little Canade 55117,651-765·1726,

VANDENHEUVEL Richard M, Research Assoc(Soil, Water, and Climate) Room 439 BorH, 1991Upper Buford Cilcle, St Paul 55106, Del Code6028 (625·1793), 805 Lund St, N, Hudson WI54016, [email protected] Michael W, Exec AdministrativeSpec (Facilitias Mgmt Call Center) Rm 300Donhowe Bldg, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Dei,code 3121 (626-7895), 18n Minnehaha Ave Ap12,St Palil55104, 414-5nl,

VANDER HAAR Emilie L, Jr Scientist (Biochem,Mol Bioi, & Biophysics) 7·154 MCa, Del Code1214,2681 Irving Ave S Apt33, Mpls 55408,508-6605, vande4150tc.umn.eduVANDERHEIDEN Steven J, Asst Prof (UMDPolitical Science) Room 304 Cina, Duluth(218-726-7391; 218-726-7534),[email protected]

VANDER HORCK Ka~ J, Assoc Prof (Retired)(UMD Instructional Development), 2319 E 4th St,Duluth 55812, vande0360tc.umn.eduVAN DER MERWE Lori K, Assoc Admin(Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493,9-223 PWB (625-4618),

VAN DER SANDEN Klaas. Coordinator (Inslnutefor Global Studies) 337 Social SCiences, Del Code7173 (625-1856), vandeool Otc.umn.eduVANDERSTEEN Daniel P, Instructor (UMDMedicine, School of) Room 113 Med, 0599,10University Dr, Duluth 55812, 400 E 3rd S1reet,Duluth 55812, 218-722-8364VANDER VELDEN Heidi A, Advanced MastersTeaching Asst (Kinesiology) Room 400 CookeH,Del Code 2061 (625-5300). 3000 Cardinal PI,Appleton WI 54915, 92Q.735-9467, '[email protected] Kristy, Graduate School Fellow(Neuroscience) Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church St S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216, 3921 45th Ave S,Mpls 55406, 721-2517, [email protected] DE VEN' Andrew H, Prof (Ca~son, StrategicMgmt/Organizatn) 3-402 Ca~SMgmt," Del Code7041 (624-1864), 1765 Medina Rd, Long Lake55356, avandeveOtc.umn.eduVANDEVENTER Joshua A, Ole Spec (CLAStudent Sarvices) 560 Heller Hall, 271 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7061 , 4324 BloomingtonAve, Mpls 55407, 623-3373,[email protected] John T, Asst Prof (Mn RegionalPoison Center) 8100 34th Ave 5, Box 1309,Bloomington 55440-1309, Sacred Heart Hospital,Phannacy, 900 W Clairemont Ave, Eau Claire WI54701,715-633-6567, [email protected] Liilda M, Outpatient Clinic Ass! (BoynHS) Patient Assistance and Infonnation, 410Church SI SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1171,vandiOll Otc.umn.eduVAN DOORN Bas W, Teaching Asst (polnicalScience) 1208 Soc SCi, Del Code 7175 (624-5562),

VANDAASEK Barllara J, Research Assoc(Geography) 374 Soc Sci, Del Code 7163(625-0571), vandrOO20tc.umn.eduVAN DYKE Asron C, Lecturer (Art) E259 RegisCtr,Del Code 7831 (625-3214),298 Benfil SI, St Paul55102,651-353-2451,


VANEECKHOUT Margaret, Ass! Clinical Spec (4AWest CMHU) 2450 Riverside Ave, MpIs 55454,331 Otis Ave, 81 Paul 55104,


VAN EGEREN Linda, Ass! Prof (Psychology)N-218 EItH, Del Code 3281,511 DesnoyerAvenue, St Paul 55104, vanegOO20tc.umn.adu

VANEK Balint, Research Ass! (Aerospace Engrand Mechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0731 (625-8561),362-344-<1324, vene00990tc.umn.aduVAN EPS Judith A, Sr Ole Ass! (UMM Div of Hum)HFA 76, 600 E 4th 51, Morris 56287(320-58H246), 27851 360th Avenue, Hancock56244,320-392-5460, vanepsjaOrnorris.umn.adu

VAN EPS Sharon K, Assoc Admin (UMM ConiEduc) Room 231 CS, M226D, 600 E 4th St, Morris56267 (320-589-6464), 310 E 9th St, Morris 56267,vanepsskOmorris.umn.adu

VAN.EREM Roberla K, Adjunct Prof (PrimaryDental care-Dental Hygiene) Room 8-536C MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625-0942),

• venerOOl Otc.umn.adu

VANERP Theodore P, Adjunct Ass! Prof (FairviewNorthland Reg Hospital) 919 Northland Or,PrinClllon 55371, vener0020tc.umn.aduVAN ESSENDELFT WiUiam R, Departmental Dlr(CCE Degree and Credtt Programs), ContinuingEduc Spec (CCE Degree and Cradtt Programs)Room 200 WesH, Del Code 3831 (625-5058), 12Pheasant Lane, North oaks 55127, 651-483-4457,venesOOl Otc.umn.aduVANFOSSEN Brian T, Lecturer (UMC'Arts,HumanitieslSoc Sci) Room 109 SCC, CI02, 2900University Ave, CrooIcslon 56716,vanf00040mail.crk.umn.adVANG Chia Y, Graduate SChool Fellow (AmericanStudies) Room 104 SCollH, 72 Pleasant 81 SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3231, 1070 27th AvenueSE, Apt C, MpIs 55414, 721-1778,vang01470tc.umn.eduVANG Her, Teaching Asst (AsianLanguageslL.i1eratures) Room 453 FolH, 9Pleasant 81 SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0144, 103227th Ave SE, MpIs 55414, 62<1-7863,vang06810tc.umn.ecluVANG Kiang B, Greduate School Fellow(Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,/vang02800tc.umn.eduVANG Koua, Progr&llj Dir (UMD S1udent EquityPrograms) 235 KSC, 1120 Kltby Dr,Duluth 55812(21IH26-6335), 3624 Woodland Ave, Duluth55803,218-724-0182, kvangOd.umn.aduVANG Lea M, Accounts Spec (5-145Weaver·DensIofd Hell) 308 HaIV8rd 81 SE, DelCode 1332 (624-5957), mora00700tc.umn.eduVANG Michael R, BUilding and Grounds Worker(Pioneer Hall), Del Code 175~ (624-6127),vangx0020tc.umn.aduVANG Moue, Community Program Assoc(AHC-CUHCC Menllli Haalttl) Variety ClubChildren's Clinic, Del Code 7851 (838-0700 x306),651-487-2146, vangxOll Otc.umn.eduVANG Nou B, Community Program Assoc(Comm·Univ Heaith Care canter) CUHCC, 2001Bloomington Ave S, Mpls 55404, Del Code 7851,3038 carey Heighls Dr, Maplewood 55109,651-765-9770, IeexOl600tc.umn.aduVANG Phay, Prin Accountant (Applied Econ) 231Cla 011, Del Code 6040 (625-4264),pvangOtc.umn.aduVANG Susan E, Sr Accountant (CLAAccounlingIBudgets) Room 346 HeRerH, Del Code7055 (626-9127), svangOtc.umn.aduVANG Thomas L, Business Analyst (Enterprise FmSys Proj), Del Code 7523 (624-0728),651-324-7013, vangx3080tc.umn.eduVANG Tia, l>8ntal Asst (Clinical Systems • COC)Room 8-434 Moos T, Del Code 1291 (624-0615),29 Demont Ave, Little canada 55117,651~, vangx041 Otc.umn.eduVAN GENDEREN Therese S, Prin AdminiatretiveSpec (VOL Dept Office) 240 VOM, Del Code 8184(624-4229), bechaOO20tc.umn.eduVANGETSON Gretchen R, RaMrch Ass! (NaflCtr on Educat OutcomesIICI) N-218 EItH, Del Code3281 (626-0658),830-688-0331,vang06030tc.umn.aduVANGSTAD Ann M, Bultding and Grounds Worker(Residential Life-UMM) HC, Morris 56267(320-589-6475), 3509 Pawnee Dr SE, Alexand~a56308,320-246-3374, vangsamOmorris.umn.adu

VANGSTAD Michael 0, AdministrativeProfessIonll (UMM·Pianl SVCS-BIdgTrades-General) 9 Cam,Morris 58267(320-589-6110),3509 Pawnee Or SE, Alexandria56308, 320-783-6948, vangsmdOmorris.umn.eduVAN HEEL N8ncy M, Coordinator (Epidemiology)300 W BOB, Del Code 7525 (626-9452), 1092047th Ave N, Plymouth 55442, 7~559-1190,vanheOOiOtc.umn.aduVANHEERDE Darla J, Adjunct Instructor (RatterClinic) 417 Skyline BlVd, Cloquet 55720VAN HEEST Ann E, Assoc Prof (OrthopaadicSurgery), Ass! Prof (SUfQ8ry) Orthopaadic Surgery,Room no 227, 2512 So 7th 51, Mpls 55454(273-6000), vanheOO30tc.umn.aduVANHOLLAND Melissa L, lns1ructor (Fairview,Sou1h<lale HospJtal) 6401 France Avenue South,Edina 55435, 11315 47th Ave N, Plymouth 55442,763-551-9566, vanhoOO90tc.umn.eduVAN HORN Kareh J, OIc Spec (UMM Dean'sOffICe) Room 315 Bahm, M226A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (320-589-6018), 11912 470lh Ave,Donnelly 56235-1033, 320-589-2063,venhomkOmorris.umn.adu

VANHOUTEN James F, Sr Lecturer (Ca~son,Slrategic MgmtlOrganizatio) 30-385 Ca~SMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-5232), vanhoOOl Otc.umn.eduVAN HOUTEN James, Non Univ Stall, I,Jniverstty01 Minnesota Mpls (836-0120),vanho0160tc.umn.eduVANHOUTEN Melanie J, Lecturer (Departmant ofArt) E259 RegisClr, Del Code 7831 (625-3214),vanh00850tc.umn.aduVAN ISEGHEM Lawrence C, Pro! (UMDChemistry) Room 246 Chem, 0172, 10 UniversityOr, Duluth 55812, 2920 East Superior Street,Duluth 55812VANIWAARDEN Donna 0, Sr Lecturer (HeaithcaraMgmt Ind S1dy Prgm) Room 110 2221 Un;v, 2221Univemity Ave SE, MpIs 55414, Del Code 2708,1864 Blue Isle Court, Holland MI 49424,vaniwOO20tc.umn.eduVANKIRK Joseph E, Adjunct Assoc Prof (LakeviewClinic) 424 Slate Hwy 5 W, Waconia 55387, 1124Sugarbush Lane, Waconia 55387,vankiool0tc.umn.aduVANLEAR James F, Laboratory Animal Attendant(Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo, DelCode 8069, 1-525 PWB (624-6169),vanIe0120tc.umn.eduVAN LENGERICH Bamhard, Adjunct Prof (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 225 FSeN, 1334Eckles Ave, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6099,vanleQ030tc.umn.adu

VAN MOOY Banjamin, Asst Prof (UMD LargeLakes Observatory) 109 RLB, 0137, 2205 E 5th 51,Duluth 55812 (218-726-8522)VANN Alissa R, Community Program Spec(Epicjemiology) Room 300 WiBOB, 1300 S 2nd St,Mpls 55454, Del Code 7525,vannx0140tc.umn.aduVANN Theodora C, Nutrition Education Asst (UMExtension Ramsey Cnty) 2020 WMe Baar Ave, StPaul 55109-3795 (651-747-2262),vannxOOl Theresa M, Post·Doctoral Assoc (MedievalStudies) 131 NQRe Center, Del Code 0095(626-0805),901 7th St NApl207, Sartell 58377,vannxOO30tc.umn.aduVANNADA Jagadeshwar, Post·Doctoral Assoc(Center for Drug Design) 7-125 Weaver DenslordHall, 308 Harvard SI SE, Mpls 55455,vannaOOSOtc.umn.aduVAN NESS Brian G, Head (Genetics, call Blot,Dev TMED), Prof (Genetics, Cell Bioi, Dev'TMED;Biochem, MoIec Biol, Biophy TMED; LabMadicinelPathology; Genetics, Cell Bioi, DevTCBS) 560B CCRB, Del Code 1217 (624-9944),vanneOOl Otc.~mn.eduVANO Andrew, Prof (Aerospace Engt andMechanics) Room 322 AkerH, Del Code 0731(625-3867), 6950E Lake ca~os Dr NE, Ca~oa56319, 320-846-0861,vanoxOOl Otc.umn.aduVANOFfELEN Henry K, Teaching Spec (Glr lorAgriculture and Natural Res) 2900 University A'It,Crookston 56716, 50785 Bucks Mill Road, DelroflLakes 56501, vaftolOO30mail.Clk.umn.edVANOFFELEN sara J, ExtensIon Educ:atorllnstr(UM Extension AegI Ctr Moolhead) 91118lh AWl N,PO Box 280, Moolhead 58581-0280(218'236-2007), 507851lucka Min Road, DetroitLakes 56501, 218-847-7416,vanofOO10tc.umn.adu

VAN OI'PEN Dirk J, Assoc Prof (Bloomington UlkeClinic) ObIGyn Dep1, 3017 BloomingtOli Ave S,MpIa 55407 (121-3469), 2209 Humboldt Ave S,MpIs 55405, vanopOOl

VAN OIl8OW Usa, Non Univ StaIf (MN MoIacularand Cell Ther) 59 MMCT Mpls,vanor0140tc.umn.aduVAN ORr Brent R, OIc Spec (Raptor Center)GRaptCtr, 1920 Fttch Ave, 81 Paul 55108, DelCode 6108, 1529 Olive Street West, Stillwater55082-5582, 651-430-2733,

VANOS Bradley L, Carpenter (FacilitiesMgmt-CPPM U of MConstru) Room 300 OonhoweBldg, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code3121, 19277 85th Ave, Sacred Heart 56285,320-765-2650, van0s0090tc.umn.eduVAN05S-TUMCHUCK Elizabet, Teaching Spec(Children's Heaith Care) 2525 Chicago A'it S, Del .Code 6099, 2851 Westridge Road, Minnetonke55305, vanosOOl Otc.umn.aduVAN OVERBEKE Mark M, Inlo Tech Prof (UMMComputing Svc) Room 10 Behm, M228A, 600 E4th SI, Morris 56287 (320-589-6378), 9 Thomas St,Morris 56267, 320-589-4800,mar1<voOmorris.umn.aduVAN OVERBEKE Mark M, Non Unlv Stall (UMMComputing Servicesj 34.Behmler Morris,vanoV0080morris.umn.aduVANPELT Jill C, Post·Doctora1 Assoc (P8dlatrics),Exampl Temporary or Casual (Psychiatry) MMC295 Mayo, Del Code 8295, 706 Mayo Bldg(624-8451),28 Inner Drive, St Paul 55116,651-1;95-1392, vanp00390Ic.umn.aduVAN PELT Susan G, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FairviewRiverside Emergency) 2450 Riverside Ave S, MpIs55454, 5060 Woodand Trail, Greenfield 55357,vanpe0040tc.umn.aduVANPILSUM John F, Prof (Retired) (Blochem,Molec Bioi, Biophy TCBS) (824-1542). 4356Laandar Lane, Columbia Heights 55421,vanpiOO20lc.umn.eduVAN POECKE Remeo M, Post·Doctoral Assoc(,,*,t Biology) 326 MfcPIntGe, 1500 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Minner Drive ~6, Saint Paul55116,651-644-3044, vanp00030tc.umn.aduVAN RIPER David C, AeHarch Fellow (MinnesotaPopulation canter) 50 W~ley Hall, Del Code 7931(624-5818), 1547 Wynne Ave, Apt2, St Paul55108,651-917-0880, vanr00330tc.umn.eduVAN RIPER Laura C, Research Assoc (Agronomyand Plant Genetics) 232 Borlaug Hail, Del Code6026 (625-8891), Apt 2, 1547 Wynne Ave, St Paul55108,651-917-0880, sch005360tc.umn.eduVAN ROEKEL Jane E, Ass! Pro! (Dakota PediatricClinic) 5975 Carmen Ave E, Inver Grove Heights55076, vanroOO20tc.umn.aduVANROY Victoria L, AdjunctAssoc Prof (FamilyMadicinelComm Heaith), Adjunct Ass! Prof(Dermatology) Park Nicollet Clinic, 14000 FairviewOr, Bumsvllle 55337, vanroOOl Otc.umn.aduVAN RYN PHO Michelle, Adjunct Assoc Prof(EpidemiolOgy), Assoc Prof Family MedICom HI1h(Family MadiclnelComm HeaI1h) Acad Heaithcanter Departments, 1st Floor 925 Delaware, 925Delaware SI SE: Mpls 55414, Del~ 2131(625-9105), 952-983-0445, vanryOOl Otc.umn.aduVAN RVZlN Mark J, Teaching Asst (Collegeo!Education) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Or SE,Mpls 55465, Del Code 3171 (626-1584),801-658-1677, vanr00400tc.umn.e(juVANSCOY Michael S, Adjunct Ass! Prof (SMOC)400 E 3Id 81, Oututh 55805VANSELOW MlchaeIJ, Tchg Spec/Adjunct AssocProf (Law SChool) Room 285 M.ond8IeH, 229 19thAve S, MpIs 55455, Del Code 7911,vanseool Otc.umn.eduVAN lICE Eve M, Teeching Ass! (PoliticalScience) Room 1414 SocScl, 26719th Ave S,MpIs 55455, Del Code 7175,vansiOll1'tc.umn.eduVAN SLY"E VIctoria 0, LactuNr (SChool o! SocialWork) Rm 1115 PetersH, Del Code 6161(624-3878),4800 Tholnas AWl S, Mpls55410,YYIlnslyk'tc.umn.aduVAHSLYKE.zASLOFSKY M Fr, Exec StudentPel1lOlltMll Worker (CCEIOCP-8tudent SeMI:ee &Advleing) 101C we. H, Del Code 3831 (!2s-8Ol11),f·' TAII!LL DianM oJ. AdJunct Prof(Communicatton DisordenI~115 Shav ii, Del Code4401, 4509 WoodhIH Ad, Mlnnetonke 55345,651-844-4979, dlltOtc.umn.adu


VAIl TAIIEL BIlan A, MuslcIan (Theatre Arts andDance) Room 580 AarigC, 330 2191 AWl S; MpIa55455, Del Code 7752, n19 Tanglewood Ct, MpIs55439,281-3085, vanta0070tc.umn.aduVAN TASSEL Robert A, Adlunet Assoc Prof(Mlnneapolls cardiology Assoc) 920 E28th 51,Sutta 300, Mpls 55407-1139, 6420 Bayview Place,Excelsior 55331, vanta0030tc.umn.aduVAN TlNT1!REN Jemy, Non·Unlversity Employee(Humphrey 1ns1 o! Public AffaIr) Room 55 HHHCtr,301 19th Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7451(624-6582),3306 Marquette Place, Mpls 55401,vant00480tc.umn.eduVAN VELDHUIZEN Michele L. Rasearch Ass!(Entomology) Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 1980 F01we1IAve, 81 Paul 55108, Del Code 6125, 31099145thSt, Waseca 58093, 507-135-7033,vanv00600tc.umn.aduVAN VLECK Harriet, Research Ass! (EcologyEvoluUon and Behavior) 100 Ecology, 1987 UpperBuford Circle, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6098, 196Pinnacle Rd, Lyme NH 03768, 602-684-3022,vanvOO570tc.umn.aduVANVOOREN MD James S, Asst Prof (FamilyMadicineiComm Heaith), Physician (FamilyMedicinelComm He8ith), Program Dir (FamilyMadIclnelComm Heaith) MMC 381 MaY", Del Code8381, (851-227-8551), vanvoOOl'tc.umn.eduVAN VOORHIS SUsan N, Dir (Olc 01 TheRegistrar-Admin) 150 Wmson H, Del Code 0174(625-8098), vanYOOO20tc.umn.eduVANWIE AlisSa M, Research Ass! (Clr lor PublicHith Edu and Outreac) Room 350, Del Code 2702(626-4515), 400 Selby Ave, Art 322, St Paul55102, 303-578-7281, vanwi0140ft:.umn.aduVAN WINKLE Bradley E, PhD CandidalllResearch 'Ass! (Biomedical Engineering Dept)Room 7-105 BSandBE, 312 Church 81 SE, MpIs55455, Del Code 1191 (624-3905), 2207 Hayes 81NE, MpIs 65418, 763-443-4029,vanwOO270tc.umn.eduVANWYK Eric, Ass! Prof (ComputerSCiencelEngi~g) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571, 455343Id Avenue South, Mpis 55406, 'vanwyOO20tc.umn.eduVANWYNGARDEN Ray H, Adjunct Ass! Prof (New(JIm Medical Center) 1324 5th St N, New Ulm56073, 400 South Washington Street, New Ulm56073, vanwyOOl Otc.umn.aduVAN ZEE Christine C, Sr Ole Spec (ClinicalSystems Dentistry) 8-434 Moos Tower, Del Code1291 (82&-5305), 292 Momingaide Circle, 81 Paul55119,851-501-0470, vanze00401c.umn.aduVAPLON ConnleA, Administrative Ass! (UMExtension Wabasha Cnty) 625 Jefferson Ave,Wabasha 55981-1613 (651'585-5168),cvaplon Otc.umn.aduVARADACHARI V C, Lecturer (UnlvColIlndlDistance Laaming) Room 25 WesH, 77Pleasant St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3831, 851So McKnight Rd, 81 Paul 55119,varad0060lC.umn.aduVARECKA Thomas, Ass! prOf (HeMC) 701 ParkAve S, MpIs 55415, V8f8COOl Otc.umn.aduVARGAS Jaime, Ole Spec (Martin Luther KingProgram) 19 JohH, Del Code 3774,varga0050tc.umn.aduVARGHESE Anthony,Ass! Prof (Medicine),R_rch Assoc (Medicine) VAMC, One VeteransDrive, Aeeearch 151, Mpls 55417 (725-2000x4701),3248 15th Ave S, MpIs 55407,729-1699,varghewOtc.umn.eduVARGO Keith J, Community Program Spec (HHH1ns1 Pub! AII·Admin) 130 H H H Ctr, Del Code 7451(624-5592), 4141 11th Ave South, MptS55407-3237, 823-OOOO,VargoOOl Otc.umn.eduVARNI!Y Joan 0, Ass! Prof (UMD Education) 109t.tonH, 1211 OrdlNln-Court, Duluth 56812(218-72&-1343),218-724-0480,~.d.~.•VAIlfIIlESS Lee A, Teaching Spec (UMM MusIcDepartment) 88 H F A, Morrla 56267(320-589-6250), 320-28H875,varpnelaOrnorri$.umn.edtiVAIlRO Pa1rick J, Teaching Ass1 (ChildDeveIoprneilt, 1ns1 01), ...rch Ass! (1ns1~ Ind AepoIting) Psychology, N-218 EItH,7S &It RIver Roed, MpII 55455, Del Code 3281,3225 DiImond 8Terr Apt308, 81 Anthony 55421,VII'IOOO40te.umn.eduVAIlIllNEY Oushyant, Post-Doctoral Assoc(9-127 Weaver-Denslord HaM) 308 Harvard·S1 SE,Del Code 1332 (624-7968), varsh0030tc.umn.adu


VARTAK Ashish P, PhD Candidate Research Asst(College of Phannacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308Harvard St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332(624-3985), vart00060tc.umn.eduVAS Amit C, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Genetics, CellB~, and Develop) Room 6-164 MCB, DelCode 1217 (624-4966), 607 Washington Ave S,Apt 504, Mpls 55415, 529-8222,vasXXOO20tc.umn.eduVASDEWANI Jayprakash N, Research Fellow(Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 6030(624-0469),1998 Brewster Street, Apt 104, SaintPaul 55108, vasdOOO1 'VASQUEZ Susan H, Personnel Asst (NavalSCience (Naval ROTC}) Room 203 Annory, DelCode 0893 (625-5674; 625-6677),vasqu001 Otc.umn.eduVASQUEZ Vanessa L, Ole Spec (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (625-3601),moore1170tc.umn,edu

VASSALLO Jeniffer S, oic Spec (Career &Community Lmg Ctr) 135 Joh H, Del Code 3774(624-7577), vassa001

VASSERMAN Eugene Y, Teaching Ass!(Computer Science/Engineering) Room 4-192EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0571, vass00080tc.umn.eduVASUDEVAN Krishnacumar, Teaching Asst(MarlletingILogistics Management) 3-150CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041, 708 Universi1y AvenueSE Apt 22, Mpls 55414, vasudOO20tc.umn.eduVATALARO Robert F, Info Tech Prof (Psychology)N523 En H, Del Code 3281 (628-7224),robvOtc.umn.eduVATALARO Robert J, Prin Rsrch Shop Foreman(UMD-NRRI-GARTDlForesl Products) 125 N RR I,5013 Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55611(218-720-4349; 218-720-4215), 6518 W HunterLake Rd, DuMh 55803, rvatalarOnrri.umn.eduVATALARO Tami L, Prin Administrative Spec(UMD SOCiology/Anthropology) 228 CinaH, 0164,1123 University Dr, Duluth 55612 (218-726-7801r.6518 W Hunter Lake Road, Duluth 55803,218-721-4516, tvatalarOtc.umn.eduVATASSERY PHD Govind T, Prof (Psychiatry) VAMedical Center, Psychiatry, 3P106, ResearchCenter, One Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417 (725-2000),651-699·9498VAUGHAN JR J Thomas, Assoc Prof(Radiology-CMRR) MMC,292 Mayo, Del Code8292, 102 CMRR, vaugh0200tc,umn.eduVAUGHAN-FIER Jonathan F, Adjunct Instructor(Social Worll, School 01), Communi1y ProgramSpec (Day Community Program) 2700 Summer StNE, Del Code 5101 (627-4107),1426 JulietAvenue, Saint Paul 55105, 651·224-4349,[email protected] Judi C, Sr OIc Spec (Dentistry-GlinicalSystems) Room 8-440 Moosl, Del Code 1291(625-8631), vaugh0050tc.umn.eduVAUPEL Cindy K, Instructor (St Paul Children'sPhannacy) 333 North Smith Ave, St Paul 55102,vaupeOO20tc.umn.eduVAURIO Rebecca G, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Pediatric Neurology) MMC 486 Mayo, Del Code8486, Room 705 Mayo Building,vauriOOSOtc.umn.eduVAVRUS Mary 0, Assoe Prof (CommunicationStudies) 234 Ford Hall, Del Code 0456 (624-5515),vavru0010tc.umn.eduVAYDA Douglas W, Adjunct Assoe Prof(DeveiopmentaVSurgical ScI - Orthod) 6-320 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625-3903), 5601 Oaklawn Ave,Edina 55424; 952-9211-7630,vayda0010tc.umn.eduVAYDA Patricia M, Assoc Clinical Spec(Diagnostic/Surg Scij Room 7-194 Moos Tower,Del Code 1291 (625-3652)~ 5601 Oaklawn Avenue,Edina 55424,952-927-7630,macchOO10tc.umn.eduVAYGHAN Jamshld A, Teaching Spec (ComputerSciencelEngineering), Sr Lecturer(InformationlDecision Sciences) Room 4-192EElCScI, Del Code 0571, vayghanOtc.umn.eduVAZQUEZ-BENITEZ Gabriela, ReSearch Ass! (MNPopulation Center) 537 Heller Hall; Room 300WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-5789; 624-0348),1276 Fifield PI, St Paul 55108, 651-641-0698,vazq00230tc.umn.eduVEACH Patricia M, Prof (Educational Psychology),Adjunct Instructor (Genetics, Cell Bioi, Dev TMED)204 Bu H, Del Code 3171 (624-3580),[email protected]

VEBLEN-MORTENSQN Sara K, Coordinator(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(624-1818), vebleOO1

VECERA Vincent B, Teaching Asst (PoliticalScience) Room 1414 SoeScl, 26719th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7175, 2010 Parll Ave, Apt203, Mpls 55404,765-977-1598,vecerOO20tc.umn.eduVECINO Gabriela M.Web DeveioperlSystemAdmin (ADCS)Room 190 ShepLab, 100 Union StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0771 (625-9435), 1318Gibbs Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-646-5177,gabrielaOtc.umn,edu

VECOLI Rudolph J, Prof Emeritus (ImmigrationHistory Res Ctr) 311 Elmer L Andersen Lib, DelCode 7921 (625-5573; 625-4800), 2338 ChilcombeAvenue, St Paul 55108, 651-917·2287,vecol0010tc.umn,edu

VEENENDAAL Melody A, Exec AdministrativeSpec (Student Affairs-UMM) 309 Behm Hall, Morris56267 (320-589-6013), 4 Westwood Acres, Morris56267,320-589-2153, veenenmaOmorris.umn.eduVEERA Venkatesh, Teaching Asst (Operations andMgmt Sciences; Strategic Mgmtibrvanization),Research Asst (Operations and Mgmt Sciences)3-365 CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-5232), NewNo 15, 14th Cross Street, Shastri Nager, Adyar,Chennai 600020 India, veerOO120tc,umn,eduVEERARAGHAVAN Harini, Research Ass!(Computer SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0571 (625-2409), veerOOOBOtc.umn,edu

VEGA Christopher A, Building and GroundsWorller (Fac Mgmt-Zone 6-1T) 300 Donhowe B, DelCode 3121, vegax0060tc,

VEGA Jane E, Exec Administrative Spec (HHHInst Pub! Aff-Admin) 225 HHH Ctr, Del Code 7451(624-3800; 624-3800),

VEGA Jesse, Staffing Consuffant (HumanResources) 100 Donhowe B, Del Code 3122(624-7844), vegax001

VEGA VILLA Fjosario, Teaching Spec (Spanishand Portuguese) Room 34 FoIH, 9 Pleasant St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0133,vegaoo27@tc,umn,edu

VEGELL Alicia C, Sr OIc Spec (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(624-0367), acvegelIOtc,

VEGELL Linda J, Exec Administrative Spec(School of NulSing) 5-14OH WDH, Del Code 1331(628-4772), 2425 E 22nd St, MpIs 55406,722-0356,[email protected] Gianluigi, Asst Prof (229 Smith Hall) 207Pleasant St, SE, Del Code 3661 (625-0756), 405245th Ave S, Mpls 55406-3544,vegliOO10tc.umn.eduVEGOE Amands L, Asst Scientist (Rhaumatology)MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code 8108, 6-246 BSBE, 312Church St SE, Mpis 55455, beker1120tc.umn.eduVEGOE Eric J, Sr OIc Spec (Research SubjectsProtection Prog) MMC 820 Mayo, Del Code 8820,0-528 Mayo (624-4490), 651-398-4374,vegoeOO40tc.umn.eduVEGOE Sharon L, ContinuingEduc Spec (Ctr forPublic Hnh Ed & Outreach) Room 350, Del Code2702 (625-2974; 628-4515), 988 W Lydia Dr,Roseville 55113,651-483-3895,

VEHE Cynthia L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (HeanhPartners) 2220 Riverside Ave S, Mpis 55454(763-780-7072),2921 Merrill St, Roseville 55113,651-636-8275, vehexOO20tc,umn,eduVEHE Richard K, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 817Mayo, Del Code 8817, 13-156 P W B (626-4598),vehax0010tc.umn.eduVEILLET Robert L, Building and Grounds Worller(UMD Fac Mgmt-Gustodial Maint) 241 DAdB, 1049Universi1y Dr, Duluth 55612, 218-727-8520,[email protected]·VEILLEUX Frederick J, Community Program Spec(AHC-CUHCC) C U H C C, Del Code 7851(638-0700), veill0040tc,umn.eduVEILLEUX Joseph C, Building and GlOundsWorller (Facilities Mgmt·Administration) 307Donhowe B, Del Code 3121 (624-9313),3655 2ndSt NE, Columbia: HIs 55421, 763-789-9111,jveill@tc,umn.eduVEILLEUX William 0, Building and GroundsWorller (Facilities Mgmt-Administration) MMC 59

, Mayo, Del Code 8059, B1 17 Moos T (624-2900),2550 N Wheeler, Roseville 55113, 651-633-2973,

VEITH Gilman 0, Sr Research Assoc (UMDNatural Rsrc Rsrch Inst) 450 NRRI, 5013 MillerTrunk Hwy, Duluth 55611 (218-720-4294), 1501West Knrle River Rd, Two Harbors 55616,

VELANDER Lynnette M, Exec Administrative Spec(UMD EducIHuman Svc Pro, Col of) 120B BohH,0141,1207 Ordean Court, Duluth 55612(218-726-7442),

VELASCO Alfonso L, Adjunct Asst Prof (ParkNicollet Medical Ctr) 3800 Parll Nicollet Blvd, StLouis Parll55416, 2561 Abbey Hill Dr, Minnetonka55305, [email protected]

VELASCO Darta G, Dental Asst (Comm-UnivHeanh Care Center) CUHCC, 2001 BloomingtonAve 5, Mpls 55404, Del Code 7851,101 CanaburyCt, Little Canade 55117, 651-490-3305,velaaoo20tc.umn.eduVELASCO Gene W, Adjunct Prof (OakdaleMedical Building) Sulle 104, 3366 Qekdale Ave,Mpls 55422 (529-9131), 3315 Beard Ave N,Robbinsdale 55422, 763-521-2070,[email protected]

VELASCO-8EVILLA Liilana, Research Assoe(Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,vel8S021 @tc,umn,edu

VELASQUEZ RODRIGlEZ Guil, 5, Research PlotTechnician (AgronomylPlant Genetics) 104 CropsResearch, Del Code 6026 (625-0250), 640 ComoAvenue, St Paul 55103, 651-487-3915,

VELAYUDHAN Binu T, Research Asst (VeterinaryPathoBiology) 301 Veterinary Science Bldg, DelCode 6187 (625-1737), 1979 Knapp Ave, Apt W-4,St Paul 55108, 651·917-2341,veIa00450tc.umn.eduVELDE Norma J, Prin Administrative Spec(Facilities Mgmt-Landcare) Room 150 FoodOB, DelCode 3121 (625-7361),8671 Tyler St NE, Blaine55434-2355, 763-786-6619, veldeOO1 Otc,

VELDE Tryg M, Ass! Prof (Regions Hospital) 640Jackson St, St Paul 55101, 1200 NicolletAve Apt904, Mpls 55403, [email protected] R Scott, Ass! Prof (Community UnivHlth Care Ctr), Del Code 7851 (636-0700 x165),, paga 651-899-6872

VELDOF Jerilyn R, Assoc Librarian(Undergreduate Initiatives) 180 OMWL, Del Code7111 (624-1529),

VELETStANOS George, Research Asst(Educational Policy and Administrali) Room 140BWuIlH, 3345, 86 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455(624-7519), velet0060tc.umn.eduVELGERSDYK Kevin M, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical ScIence) C-339 VetTchHos, Del Code6192, 4300 West 78th Street, Bloomington 55435,velgaOO1 @tc.umn.eduVELISHEK Andrew J, Community Program Assoc(UM Ex1ension Service Rica Cnty) GovernmentServices Bldg, 320 NW Third St Suite 7, Faribault55021-6143,10450 150th St W, Montgomery56069,507-364-6747, veliaoo20tc.umn.eduVELLEKSON Donn J, Research Plot Coordinator(Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 36 Cr Serv, Del Code6026 (625-9765), velleOo1 Otc.umn.eduVELLENGA Barbara A, Ass! Prof (Moomead StateUniversity) Moorhead 56563, 501 2nd Street West,Ada 56510, veI1eOO30tc,

VELLENGA Ray, Instructor (Century College)3300 Century Ave N, While Bear Lake 55110,7617 172nd Ave N, Forest Lake 55025,651-464-5274, vell80060tc.umn.eduVELLENGA Thomas J, Dir Campus/College Level(Humphrey Inst of Public Affair) Room 300 HHHCtrDeans Office, Del Code 7451 (824-8189),veI1eOO70tc.umn.eduVELTRI Gregory H, Coordinator (Cancer Center)MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 420 DelawareStreet, SE (625-7165), 2618 Lincoln Street, NE,Mpls 55418, venrOO1 Otc.umn.eduVELURE ROHOLT Ross R, Teaching Spec(School of Social Worll) Rm 105 PetersH, DelCode 6161 (625-1220), rOO00001 Otc.umn.eduVEMULA Kumudini, Research Assoc (13-207Moos Tower) 515 \lelaware Street SE, Mpls 55455(626-2922),12500 Marion Ln W Apt 4217,Minnetonka 55305, 952-546-6218,[email protected]

VENETTE Robert C, Adjunct Assoc Prof (137Greenhouse Annex) Universi1y of Minnesota, DelCode 6125 (651-649-5028), venetOO1

VENGCO lsabelita, Scientist (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 206 Mayo, Del Code 8206, 430CCRB (624;1195), 2939 Cleveland St, NE, Mpls55418, [email protected] Robert L, Prof (Hnh SvcsResearch!Policy; Nursing, School of) MMC 729Mayo, Del Code 8729, 0362 Mayo (625-7459),3296 Samuel Ct, St Paul 55127, 651-482-0919,veninOO10tc.umn.eduVENKATARAMAN Ramgopal, Asst Prof(Accounting; Intemational Program Dev) 3-117CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (625-7584),venka018@tc,umn.eduVENKATJlSETTY PHD H V, Research Fellow(Chemical Engineerin!1Mat Sci) G-7 Amund Hall,Del Code 0531 (625-2823), venka0060tc.umn.eduVENKATASUBRAMANIAN Indir, Research Assoc(OBIGYN & Women's Heanh) MMC 365 Mayo, DelCode 8395, 3-256 BS and BE (626-1481), 505Universi1y Ave SE Apt 202, Mpls 55414, 378-0626,subra0170tc.umn.eduVENKATASUBRAMANIAN Ramji, Research Ass!(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1100, Del Code0691 (626-4442), 701 University Ave SE, Apt 102,Mpls 55414, venka0350tc.umn.eduVENKATESAN Lakshmi Naray, Teaching Asst(Operations and Mgmt ScIences; StrategicMgmtiOrganization) 3-365 CartSMgmt, Del Code7041 (624-5232), 718 University Ave SE Apt11,Mpls 55414VENN Kim A, Ass! Prof (Physics and Astronomy)Room 356 Phys, 118 Church St SE, Mpls55455,Del Code 0331, 1232 Mouming Dove Ct, Eagan55123,651-452-6429, vennxOO20tc.umn.eduVENNERSTROM Robert A, Adjunct Asst Prof(Fergus Falls Medical Group) 615 S Mill St, FergusFalls 56537, [email protected] Jack, Prof (Retired) (Medicine), 8221Amsden Road, Bloomington !\5436,[email protected] Stacie 0, Asst Dir Cmp/Col (Ag, Fdand Env ScI Student Affairs) 190 Coffey Hall, DelCode 6082 (624-4748), 5950 Mallard Ponds Drive,While Bear Township 55110, 651-407-6947,dosde001 @tc.umn.eduVENT~REA PHD Rodney T, Adjunct Asst Prof(Soil, Water, and Climate) Room 439 BorH, 1991Uppar Buford Circle, St Paul 55108, Del Code6028, ventarea@tc,umn.eduVENTERS Homer 0, Prof (Retired) (Pediatrics),1604 Maple Knoll Dr, St Paul 55113,, pege 580-0516VERBY John E, Prof (Retired) (Medical SchoolAdmin), 9609 Washbum Ave S, Bloomington55431, verbyOOl @tc.umn.eduVERCELLI Barbara, Visit Sci (Chemical EngrlMatSci) 414 Amundson Mpls (826-9952),verce0040tc.umn.eduVERCELLOm Gregory M, Sr Assoc Dean(Department of Medicine) MMC 480 Mayo, DalCode 8480, Hematology/OncologylTransplantation(628-3757),12909 Otchipwe Ave, North, Stillwater55062, verceOO1 Otc.umn.eduVERFAILLIE Catherine M, Prof (Stem CellInstitute) MMC 716 Mayo, Del Code 8716, 14-287Moos Tower (624-3921; 625-0602),verla001, page 899-8635VERGELDT Jeri L, Adjunct Asst Prof(SMDC-Intemational Falls) 2501 Keenan,Intemational Falls 56649, jvergeld@d,umn.eduVERGIN Shelly R, Community Program Assoe (UMEx1ension Swift Cnty) 30114th St N, PO Box 305,Benson 56215-0305 (320-643-3796), 1075 20thAve SW, Benson 56215, 320-6434931,vergiOO20tc.umn.eduVERGONA Charles, Instructor (UMD FamilyMedicine) Room 141 S Med, 0603, 1035University Dr, Duluth 55612VERHAGEN Elly, Community Program Spec(Minnesota Medical Foundetion) Room'3OOGateway, Del Code 2012 (625-9114),vema0010tc,umn.eduVERHULST Ryan P, Research Asst (Wood andPaper Science) KaulL, 6130, 2004 Folwell Ave, StPaul 55108 (625-5200), 707 Universi1y Ave SEApt104, Mpls 55414, 730-1722,[email protected] Ravi, Teaching Asst (UMD ComputerScience) 187 MWAH, 1023 Universi1y Dr, Duluth55612 (218-726-6674; 218-726-7607),1107 E2ndSt, Duluth 55805, vermao18@d,umn.eduVERNER'S Michael R, Asst Prof (Sulle 660) MMC366 Mayo, Del Code8366, Cancer Center(626-2961),


VERNICK Kenneth 0, Assoc Prof (Microbial andPlant Genomlcs) Room 111 CargillB, 1500 Gortner.Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6127 (624-5068;624-5068), kvemickOtc.umn.eduVERRILL John E, Prof (Retired) (UMD Education),1401 Riverview Ave Apta, Stevens PI WI 54481,

VERSlUIS An1heunls, Research Ass! Prof(Restorative Sciences), Adjunct Ass! Prof (DentalEducation, Continuing) 16-236A Moos T, Del Code1291 (626-3962),

VERSlUIS Deranee, Research Assoc (RestorativeSciences - Biomaterials) Room 16-270 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (625-4933), tenlOOO20tc.umn.eduVERVILLE sarah M, Adjunct Ass! Prof (PrimaryDental 6lre-Dental Hygiene) Room 8-536C MoosTower, Del Code 1291 (625-9121), 6n BellandAve, Vadnais Heights 55127, 651-494-9023,verviool0tc.umn.eduVERY Nicole M, Post-Doctoral Fellow (DiaglBioloSci - MinnCResn Room 18-256 MoosT, Del Code1291,708-8455, veryxOO1@tc:umn,eduVESGA Juan J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (RestorativeSciences), Dentist (Comm U HIth Care CtrNarChild) ; Room 9-470 MoosT, Del Code 7851(625-5655), 17694 72nd Place North, Maple Grove55311,763-416-0944, [email protected] Donald, Prof (Retired) (Envm &

, OCcupational Health) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code6807,1112 Mayo (626-3420), 5135 Matterhom Dr,Columbia Heights 55421,763-574-1707,vesleOO10tc.umn.eduVESPASIANO Michael, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics)MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,vespaool Otc.umn.eduVEST Thomas E, Sr Building and Grounds Wortter(500 CMU), Del Code 1051 (625-5985),3115 4thSt SE, Mpls 55414, 331-4535,[email protected] Steve, Lecturer (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci. 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571, 13Spring Fann Lane, North Oaks 55127,vesta0040tc.umn.eduVESTRUM John A, Info Tech Pro!(Supercomputing Institute) Room 599 W~:DelCode 3721 (625-1818), 1021 Englewood Avenue,Saint Paul 55104, 651-489-2172,vestOO100tc.umn.eduVETSCH Jeffrey A. Asst Scientist (SouthemResearch & Outraach Center) 35838 l20th St,Waseca 56093 (507-837-5654), 409 24th AvenueNE, Waseca 56093, 507-835-8318,jvetschOtc.umn.eduVETTER Brian J. Public Health Spec(Environmental Health & Safety) W-131 Boyn H S,Del Code 1171 (628-5247; 626-8002), 4244 46thAve S, MpIs 55406. 729-2036.vetteOO10tc.umn.eduVETTER Lany G, TurtandGrounds progCoordinator (Minnesota Turt & GroundsFoundation) University 01 Minnasota, 422 AldennanHall, 1970 Folwell Avenue,St Paul 55108(625-9234),3617 LarchWO(\d Dr, Minnetonka55345, vett80080te.umn.eduVETTER sara M, Research Ass! (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, MMC 196, 420Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,vellOO370tc.umn.eduVEUM Michael P, Visiting Assoc Prof (Physics &Astronomy) B15 Physics, Del Code 0331(624-1876), [email protected] PHARMD Heather, Ass! Prof (Intnl CtrAntiviral Rsrch Epid) MMC 437 Mayo, Del Code8437, MMC 437 Mayo (624-9156), 2610 BurdPlace, St Louis Partt 55426,wynnx0040tc.umn.eduVEZNER Nancy M, Bookstore Dept Supv (U of MBookstore (Collman Store)) Room-G54 CMU, DelCode 1051 (626-8569),2837 42nd Av S, Mpls55406,722-2180, [email protected] Pamela J, Community Progntrn Spec(Department of Pe<fiatrics) MMC 803 Mayo, DelCode 8803. C585 Mayo (626-6816), 920-3047,[email protected] Spyridon, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(461 Amundson HalQ 421 Washington Ave SE, DelCode 0531 (626-2246; 626-2248), 407 7th StreetSE, Apt 215, Mpls 55414, 623-6296,[email protected] SiJvester, Teaching Spec (Music) 100Ferguson Hall, Del Code 7811, 1693 Portland Ave,St Paul 55104, [email protected]

YICICH Lori A, Communications Dir (HumanResources) Room 100 DonhoweB, Del Code 3122(625-0357), vicicOOl @to.umn.eduVICK John S, Prin Administrative Spec (295WBOB) 1300 S 2nd St, Del Code 7523 (624-8087),2507 Emerson Ave S, Apt 2, Mpls 55405,374-1044, [email protected] Rebecca J, Teaching Asst (Geography) 414Soc Sci, Del Code 7163, 4412 43rd Ave S, Mpls55406, 722-2095, vickOO600tc.umn.eduVICKERS Douglas T, Electrician Foreman(CPPM-U 01 M Construction) B15 Oonhowe B, DelCode 3121 (626-9809),6152 Oakwood Dr, UnoLakes 55014. 651-463-3286,vickeOO70tc.umn.eduVICKERS John F, Asst Prof (Obstetrics andGynecology) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395,16815 41st Ave N, Plymouth 55446, 763-551-0023,vick80120tc.umn.eduVICKERS Robert A, Prof (Retired) (Oral Sci-QralPathology) 16-116B Moos T, Del Code 1291(624-2463),1678 Ridgewood Lane, St Paul 55113.651-645-5666, vickeOOi Otc.umn.eduVICKERS ~ta M, Prof (Food Sci & Nutrition) 140F Sc N, Del Code 6099 (624-2257),[email protected] Sara E, Prin Adminlstrative Spec(Veterinary Diagnostic Labs) E220 VetDL, DelCode 6184 (624-3048), 6248 Maclynn Avenue NE,Otsego 55330, 763-497-4815,[email protected]

VICKERY Stephen P, Info Tech Prof(Environmental Health and safety) W-140 BoyntonHeal Service, 410 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1171, 8441 Idaho Ave N, Brooklyn Par~

55445, 763-425-9646, vick80380tc.umn.eduVlCKMAN Thomas M, Teaching Spec (CCE-BAS)

.101 Was H, Del Code 3831,[email protected] Andrea M, Exempt Temporary or Casual(Psychiatry) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295,foSCOOO20tc.umn.eduVICTORA Randall H, Prof (Electrical Engineering)6-157 EElCSci; 6-157 EElCSci Bldg, DelCode0572 (625-1825), [email protected] Ann, Dental Asst (Comm-Univ HeallhCare Canter), Del Code 7851,victoOl I Otc.umn.eduVICTORIA Douglas 0, Assoc Program Dir (CCEDegree and Credit Programs), Lecturer(InfonnationJDecision Sciences) Room 2060WesH, Del Code 3831 (625-2462), 12460 KumquatSt NW, Coon Rapids 55448, 763-754-1673,victoOO30tc.umn.eduVIDAL Heman, Prof Emeritus (Spanish &Portuguese) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (625-1837),13408 Pineview Court, Dayton 55327,[email protected] Charlene F, Prin Accountent (ComputerScience) 4-192 EElCSci, Del Code 0571(626-8020), videenOtc.umn.eduVIDMAR Karyn E, Teaching Spec (University ofMinnesota) Department of Horticultural Science,305 Aldennan Hall, 1970 FoIweR Avenue, SaintPauISS108,3935 Emerson Ave N, Mpls 55412,625-4792, vidm00090tc.umn.eduVIDNOVIC JR Michael G, Asst Program Dir(Intercollegiate Athletics) 252A GNFPF, Del Code3061 (624-1080),2296 Long Avenue, St Paul55114,651-644-6535, vidnoOO20tc.umn.eduVIDOR Nicholas B, Teaching Asst (UMD Chemistryand Biochemistry) 246 Chem, 1039 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7212), 2583 CR 103,Intemational Falls 56649, 218-240-1953,vid000040d.umn.eduVIDYARTHI Subhash C, Assoc Prof (407 E 3rd $1)Duluth 55805, 3619 11th Avneu North, GrandFortts NO 58201VIEDMA Pablo, Asst Education Spec (Spanish andPortuguese; Ub Arts Language C1r) Room 110JonasH, Del Code 3945 (626-4487),viedmaOtc.umn.eduVIEIRA Joaquim, Asst Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) 701 Partt Ave, Room 2E 22, Mpls55415,9620 Toledo Circle, Bloomington 55435,vieraool0tc.umn.eduVlEMEISTER Nasi F, Prof (Psychology;Speech/l.anguagelHearing Sci) N264 Ell H, DelCode 3281 (625-4024), nIvOtc.umn.eduVIEREGGE Alissa M, Student Wortter (Boyn HS)Studant Insurance Office, Del Code I I 71. 315 WFranklin Ave Ap1313, MpIs 55404,306-4589,[email protected]

VIETH William, Non Univ Slsff, University 01Minnesote Mpls (651-642-1759),vieth0040tc.umn.eduVIG Lori, Info Tech Prof (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, DelCode 0571 (626-9767), [email protected]

VIGEANT Danielle L, Prin Administrative Spec(Medicinal Chemistry) 8-101 Weaver-DensfordHall, Del Code 1332 (624-9919), dIvOtc.umn.~u

VIGEANT Felix J, Communications Technician(Classroom Mgmt-Technical sarvices) 200 UPress,Del Code 2713, 906 Raymond Ave Apt4, St Paul55114,865-7467, vigeOO21

VIGEN Carrie L. Personnel Spec (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 Gateway, Del Code 2011(625-7371),

VIGUETTA Emily, Research Asst (EducationalPsychology) 350 Elliott Hall, Del Code 3281(624-4156),315-559-0642,

VlJAYARAGHAVAN Krishna, Research Asst(Mechanical Engineering), Teaching Asst(Mechanical Engineering) Mechanical Engineering,Room 1101 MechE, 11 I Church St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 0891,

VIKEN Kevin J, Jr Scientist (UMDBiochemIMolecular Biology) 272 SMed, 0602,1035 University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8188),1127 West 4th St, Duluth 55806,[email protected]

VIKER Paula R, Instructor (UMC Health andHuman Services) 210 SelH, Crookston 56716,[email protected]

VIKER Susan K, Student Support Services Ass!(Food Science and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, DelCode 6099 (624-6753; 624-1290), 651-846-2445,[email protected] Vilis, Asst Vice President (Retired)(Health Sciences-Adm) MMC 501 Mayo, Del Code8501,410 Ch RC (624-3148), 5821 WooddaleAve, Edina 55424, 952-920-7127,[email protected] Erik, Teaching Ass! (UMD RecreationalSports) 121 SpHC, 0210, 1216 Ordean Court,Duluth 55812, vile00040d.umn.eduVILETA James J, Ubrary Prolessional (UMDUblLm Resource Svc; Lib Administrative sarvices)272 L, 416 Ubrary Drive, Duluth 55812(218-726-6157),2311 Morris Thomas Road, Duluth55811,218-786-0299, jviletaOd.umn.eduVlLLALTA Peter W, Sr Research Assoc (CancerCenter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8808, 735CCCRB (6264108), 4018 Aldrich Avenue S,.Mpls55409-1416,554-2882, villaool0tc.umn.eduVILLANUEVA Jaime. Research Ass! (CarlsonSchool of Mgmt) 4-352 CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-0096),675 1st Street North, Ap1117, Mpls55401,578-6941, [email protected]

VILLAR PHD Susan M, Education Spec (Spanish& Portuguese) 34 Fol H, Del Code 0133(625-2840),7 Evergreen Lane, North Oaks 55127,651-483-3453, villa0030tc.umn.eduVlLLARRAZO Marcelli, Research Asst (PoliticalScience) Room 1414 SocSci, Del Code 7175. 3220Girard Ave S, Apt 206, Mpls 55408,viIl01590tc.umn.eduVlLLEZCAS Jose 0, Cook (Carlson DiningServices) L145A CSOM, Del Code 7041(626-9155), vilie0040tc.umn.eduVILLONES Balbino C, Building and GroundsWortter (UMD Fac Mgmt-Gustodial Malnt) 241DAdB, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8285),316 W Ideal St, Duluth 55811,218-722-6165, .

VINCE Robert, Prof (Drug Design, Center for),Program Dir (Academic Health Center) 8-123AWDH, Del Code 1332 (624-9911), 782HilI1op Rd,Mendota Hts 55118, 651-456-9273,

-vinceOO10tc.umn.eduVINCENT Gerald G, Prin Photographer (Surg4lly)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, Bx 195 Mayo(625-9463), vince0040tc.umn.eduVINCENT Steven R, Adjunct Assoc Pro! (AbbottNW Emergency) 800 E 26th St, Mpls 55407-3799,2509 35th Ave S, MpIs 55406,vinceooaOtc.umn.eduVINCENTE WiMer, Research Fellow (Clinical and 'Population Sciences) 225 YTH, Del Code 6190(625-nSS), 217 W Nebraska A..mue, Apt 319, St.Paul 551n, 651-488·7691, wiIteOO20tc.umn.eduVINCENT FRANCO Mary, Coordinator (HumanEcology) Room 12 McNH, Del Code 6142(624-4762),


VlNDEDAHL Joan W, Accounting Supv (Geology& Geophysics) 108 PIlls H, Del Code 0211(624-2012), vindeOOi

VINE Craig J, Ass! Prof (Regions Hospital) 840Jackson St, St Paul 55101 , cjvinemdOtc.umn.eduVINE 51ephanie M, Adminlstrative Aide (UMDHealth Services) 102 HS, 0212, 615 NiagaraCourt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6759), 1810Piedmont Ave, Duluth 55811, 218-720-6301,

VlNERETSKY Karin A. Jr Scientist (NeurologyDepartment) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295.12-100 PWB, vine00050tc.umn.eduVlNGERS Julie A, Adjunct Instructor (HeaIthEastOB-Gyn) 3460 Lexington Ave North, St Paul55126,651-429-6141,

VINIARD-WEIDEMAN Aimee L, Program Dir (UMExtension Ole of Dean & Director) Room 240CoIH, Del Code 6070 (625-1759), 655 Pineview C1,Roseville 55113, 651-487-9781, •[email protected]

VINSON Gregory A, Teaching Asst (Psychology)N-218 E1lH. 75 East River Road. Mpls 55455. DelCode 3281, vinsOO100tc.umn.eduVIOLA Janica L, Environmental Hygiene OIcr(Environmental Health & Safety) W140 Boyn H S,Del Code I I 71 (628-5935), violaool Otc.umn.eduVIRDEN Richard A, L.ecturer (Humphrey Inst o!Public Affeir) Room 270 HHHC1r, 30119th Ave S,Mpls 554SS, Del Code 7451, virda0060tc.umn.eduVIRGILIO Chrostopher, Instructor (HCMCPhannacy) 914 South 8th Street OS, MpIs 55404,3146 West Calhoun Blvd, Mpls 55146, 838-0587,

VIRNIG Arden E, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Mille LacsHealth System) 200 N Elm, Onamia 56359,[email protected],.eduVIRNIG Beth A, Assoc Prof (Haalth ServicesRschIPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729, A•365 Mayo (624-4426), vimiool @tc.umn.eduVIRNIG Heather P, Teaching Spec (Work,CommunitylFamily Educ) Room 240 VoTech, 1954Buford Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6197,vimi0300tc.umn.eduVIRNIG Karen A, Community Program Spec(Health Services RschIPolicy) Dinnaken OfficeBuilding, Del Code 2131 (624-0160),3828 AldrichAve S, Mpls 55409, 825-6368,vimiOO20tc.umn.eduVIRNIG NolJllan L, Prof (St Cloud HospilaI)Neonatal, 1406 6th Ave N, St Cloud 58303(651-255-5781),2004 Charter Oaks C1, si Cloud56303, vimi0030tc.umn.eduVIATA Unda S, Radiologic Technologist(DiagIBiolo Sci - OMD) 7-221 Moos T, Del Code1291 (625-1126), virtaOQl Otc.umn.eduV1SARIf. Rachana, Research Assoc (MechanicalEngineering) Room 201, Del Code 0891(625-4461), 1040 - 6th Street SE, Mpls 55414,379-4543, visarOOl Otc.umn.eduVISKOCIL Patricia J, Administrative Clertt (UMExtension Waseca Cnty) Ste 2, 300 N Stele St,Waseca 56093-2933 (507-835-0600).viskoOO10tc.umn.eduVITKO Paul A, Sr SysteiIlS Technical Support(CCo-Central Comptjling Operations) 660 W B 0B, Del Code 7531 (626-1835),763-493-5983,[email protected] Nancy J, Community Program Assoc(University Foundatibn) Room 500 McNarnaraCtr,Del Code 2011 (626-8533; 624-3333).viloIOOl0tc.umn.eduVmpRIO Ruth E, Copy Center Equipment Oper(UMD Print sarvices)24 DAdB, 0209, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8707), 422No 13th Ave E, Duluth 55805. 218-721Hl88ll,rvilioriOd.umn.eduVITULU.Thomas F, Building and Grounds Worker(Facil~ies Mgmt-Administration) 400 Donhowe B,Del Code 3121 (624-7817),vituIOO10tc.umn.eduVlTZTHUM Sandra R, InstnJctor (Fergus FallsMedical Group P A) 615 S Mill, Fergus Falls58537, 115 E Bancroit, Fel'llus Falls 56537, .VIZENOR Gerald, Prof (Retired) (Ub Arts Adm OIcof the Dean), 236 Dickens Way, Senta Cruz CA95084, .vizen0040tc.umn.eduVlZUETA Nathalie, Research Asst (ChildDevelopment, Inst 01), Graduate SChooITrainee(Cogn~ive Sciences, Ctrfor) Psychology, N-218EnH, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, Del Code3281 (624-1650),


VLADISLAV loana, Massage Therepist (Boyn HS)Massage Therapy, Del Code 1171, 4142 3rd AveS, Mpls 55409-1613, 822-4097,[email protected]

VLADYKIN Vladimir A, Research Asst (MinnesotaPopulation Ctr) Room 50 WilleyH, 22519lh Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7931 (626-3925),vladOOO2C1tc.umn.eduVLASOVA Irina A, Research Assoc (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,1315 Mayo(624-ll469; 625-7679), 510-306-8464,v1asoOO1

VO Minh T, Asst Prof (UMM Social Sciences, Divof; UMM Sponsored Salaries; UMM ContEduclRegional Prgm) UMM Div of Social Science,Room 109 Cam, M249A, 600 E4th St, Morris56267 (320-589-6183), minhvoClmorris.umn.eduVO My-Nuang T, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chemistry), PhD Candidate Teachihg Asst(Chemistry) Chemistry, Room 139 SmithH, 207Pleasen\ St SE, Mpls 55455, Dal Code 3661 ,[email protected] Catherine W, Community/Clinical

~ PreceptQr (The Mayo Clinic) Medical Genetics, MailCode E7, Rochester 55905, 703 10th Ave SW,Rochester 55902, vock/OO1 @tc.umn.eduVOEGELI Owan R, ASS! Prof (Regions Hospital)Dept Of Medical Imaging, 640 Jackson St, St Paul55101-2595, 11029 Woodelves Way, Columbia MD21044, [email protected] Helen T, Info Tach Prof (Biostatistics)200 2221 Univ SE, Del Code 2702 (626-9016),[email protected]

VOELKER Raymond K, Info Tach Mgr (College OfEduc & Human Dev) 203 Bu H, Del Code 3171(625-2881), rvoelkerOtc.umn.eduVOGEL Benjamin 0, Racreation Facilities Manager(Twin Cllies Student Union-MPLS) Room 500CMU, Del Code 1051 (625-7707),[email protected]

VOGEL Eric W, Extension EducatorlAssoc Prof(UM Extension Regl Ctr SI Cloud) Midtown OIIiceComplex, 3400 1st St N Ste 400, St Cloud56303-4000 (320-203-6105), 320-214-7945,[email protected]

VOGEL Gerhard G, Electromechanical SystemsSpec (Department of Central security) UniversityOffice Plaza - Sulle 335, Del Code 2703(62,4-8615), [email protected] Mary C, Program Dir (CALA Dean's Office;MN Ext Svc Directors) Room 215B 1425 Univ;Room 411 Bor)-f, Del Code 0811 (626-7417;625-8759), 725 Pinecone Trail Box 204, Marine StCroix 55047, vogel001 @tc.umn.eduVOGEL Paul R, Teaching Spec (Kinesiology &Leisure Studies) 110 Cooke H, Del Code 2081(625-5300),314 N 4thSt, Bayport 55003,651-426'8723, [email protected] Lisa 1,1, Adjunct Instructor (UMDPsychology) 322 BohH, Duluth (218-726-.!l605),IvogelsaCld.umn.eduVOGT Cari E, InstNetor (Forest Resources) 115Gm H, Del Code 6112 (624-3639),voglx001 @tc.umn.eduVOGT Jessica A, Sr Asse Dir Admin and Racruit(Carison School of Mgmt) 4-106 CariSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (625-5239), [email protected] Peter A, Adjunct Instructor (MinoeapolisPlastic Surgery) Sulle 200, 4825 Olson MemorialHwy, Golden Valley 55422,719 MinnetonkaHighland Ln, Long Lake 55456,[email protected] Kathleen 0, ~t Prof (MarketingltogisticsManagement) 3-150 CariSMgmt, Del Code 7041,[email protected] Cher, Coordinator (Intrdiscp Ctr StdyGlobal Chng) Room 537 HelierH, Del Code 7053(626-7487), 1661 Dayton Avenue, St Paul 55104,651-.!l44-4910, cvoightClte.umn.eduVOIGHT Terri A, Non Univ Staff (Kinesiology,School of) 220 Cooke Mpls, voigh0050tc.umn.eduVOJE Kate, Sr Payroll Spec (Vetarinery MedicineBusiness Ofc) Room 452 VMC, Del Code 6194(624,5362), 1684 Bums Avenue, St Paul 55106,651-793-4695, [email protected] William E, Laboratory Machinist Spec(Physics & Astronomy, Sch Of) 30 Phys, Del Code0331 (624-7048),794 High St, Newport 55055,651-459-77~9, [email protected] Denise 1,1, Administretive Asst (UMExtensiOl1 Reg! Ctr Cloquef) Cloquet Forestry Ctr,179 University Rd, Cloquet 55720-9506(218-726-6464), [email protected]

VOLKER Jo A, Accounts Spec (West CentralResearch & Outreach Ct) 46352 State Hwy 329,Morris 56267 (320-589-1711), 212 ColoradoAvenue, Morris 56267, 320-589-3112,[email protected]

VOLKER Nancy J, Production Asst, Univ Press(Duplicating .serv-UMM) 140 C S, Morris 58267(320-589-6145), [email protected] Shelley L, Student PersonnelCoordinator (Comstock Hall E), Del Code 1092(626-0954),1144 Randolph Ave Apt4, SIPaul55105,651-698-0274, [email protected] Wendy R, Info Tech Prof (HumanResources) Room 200 DohhoweB, Del Code 3122(625-7846), [email protected] LIEN Caria, Network Admin(OIT-EASISystems Support) Sulle 660 WOOB, DelCode 7531 (625-8886; 625-1010),[email protected], page 640-1223VOLKMANN Nicholas L, Teaching ASS! (UMDMathematicslStatistics) 152 SCC, 1117 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7153), 14240 55th StNE, Saint Michael 55376, 763-497-2012,volkOO71 @d.umn.eduVOLKOV Boris B, Research ASS! (EducationalPolicy & Admin) Room 330 WuIlH, Del Code 3345(624-6331; 624-1006), [email protected] Vaughen R., Prof (Civil Engineering) 122Civ E, Del Code 0851 (625-0764), 1531 E RiverTerrace, Mpls 55414, 332-5150,voll8001 @te.umn.eduVOLNA Michael 0, Assoc Vice President(Controllefs 0IIica), Controller (Controllefs Office)205 W BOB, Del Code 7523(625-9529),1640 1stSt SW, New Brighton 55112, 651-635-9771,,[email protected] Mikhail B, Prof (Theoretical PhysicsInst) 424 Phys, Del Code 0331 (625-0798), 8724Westmoreland Lane, St Louis Park 55426,952-545-6887, [email protected] Angelo V, Lecturer (English) 210F LindHall, Del Code 0613 (624-3375),[email protected] Susan, Community Program Spec(MAST Intemational) R395 Vo Tach; 190 CoffeyHall, Del Code 6198 (625-8797), 1631 Selby Ave,St Paul 55104, 651-646-0358,[email protected] DASSOW Eva, Asst Prof (Classics & NearEastem Studies) 305 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0149(626-4787), vonda0010tc.umn.eduVON DISSEN Rebecca A, Administrative Aide(Microtachnology Laboratory) Room 1-165EElCSci, Del Code 0573 (625-3069),vondOO1 Cltc.umn.eduVONDRACEK Bruce, Adjunct Prof (Fisheries &Wildlife) Ftoom 318 HodsonH, Del Code 6125(624-.!l748), vondrOO1 @tc.umn.eduVON DUYKE Andrew L, Graduate School Fellow(Fisheries, Wildlife & Cons Bioi) 200 HodsonH,1980 Folwell Ave, StPaul55108, Del Code 6125,5028 Woodhill Road, Minnetonka 55345,952·935-2050, [email protected],eduVON GOHREN Abbey C, Research AsS! (219Nolte Center) (624-4055), 3829 28th AvenueSouth, Mpls 55406, 952-200-9409,[email protected] KEITZ Marc G, Assoc Department Dir(Biological Process Technology Inst) 240 GoriL, DelCode 6106 (624-6758; 624-6774),[email protected] Chartes 0, Electrician (FacilitiesMgmt - Zone 4 Campus) Room 150 Food DB,2904 Fairmount Striaet SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code5803, 9975 Bagley Ave, Northfield 55057,507-646-5119, [email protected] Karan S, Adjunct Instructor(Hennepin County Medical Center) 701 Park AveS, Mpls 55415, 23625 Jersey Ct, Lakeville 55044,vonru001 'VONSTERNBERG Thomas L, Adjunct Assoc Prof(HeallhPartners Medical Group) 8100 34th Ave,PO Box 1309, Mpls 55440,134 Arthur Ave SE,Mpls 55414, [email protected] WEYMARN PHD Linda B, Research Assoc(Cancer Center) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806,720 ceRB (626-5029), [email protected] Ward B, Prof (Soil, Water, andClimate) Room 439 BorH, 1991 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6028, RR1, Morris56267, voorh0040tc.umn.eduVORA Mshul M, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chem Eng & Material Sci) 316 Amundson Hall,Del COde 0531 (625-0067; 624-4421), 510 4thStreet SE, Apt 5, Mpls 55414,[email protected]

VORK Robert W, Sr Cashier (Boyn HS) Pharmacy,Del Code 1171, vorkOOO30tc.umn.eduVORONOV Alexander A, Assoc Prof (School ofMathematics) 324 VinH, Del Code 0412 •(624-0355), 500 Robert St N Apl508, seint Paul55101-2246, 651-224-5634, [email protected] Peggy E, Medical Asst (GeneralClinical Research ClI) MMe 504 Mayo, Del Code8504,235 Masonic (624-0104),[email protected] Sandra F, PhD Candidate Research ASS!(Chem Eng & Material Sci) 414 Amundson Hall;Del Code 0531 (626'9952), 622 5th St SE Api1,Mpls 55414, 386'9567, frilO1360tc.umn.eduVOSE David A, Assoc Prof (Retired)(UMD-Economics) 177 S B E, Duluth(218-726-.!l756), 2015 Woodhaven Lane, Duluth55803,218-728-5901, [email protected] Darrell 0, Instructor (Anoka-MellO RegTreatment Ctr Pharm) 3301 7th Ave N, Anoka55303,32613 Skogman Lake Rd NE, Cambridge55008,763-689-4214, [email protected] Nick, Teaching Asst (Departmentof Chemistry) 139 Smith Hall, 207 Pleasant StreetSE, Mpls 55455, voskoOO10tc.umn.eduVOSOONEY Alex, Pon ACcounts Spec(Disbursement servicas) Room 660 WBOB, 7529,1300 S 2nd St, Mpls 55454 (624-2302),651-340-2963VOSOONEY Tony R, Jr Scientist (Food Scienceand Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 EcldesAve,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099 (625-8292),[email protected] Jessica L, Community Program Assoc (UMExtension service Faribault Cnty) 412 N NicolletSt, PO Box 130, Blue Earth 56013-0130,[email protected] John C, Asst Prof (UMDMachanicaVlndustriai Engr), Assoc To (UMDMachanicaVlndustrial Engr) 105 V K H, Duluth(218-726'8252),4981 Wesllund Rd, Saginaw55779,218-729-9304, [email protected] Steven H, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Forest LakeDoctors Clinic) 1540 Slake S T, Forest Lake55025,21263 Floral Bay N, Forest Lake 55025,[email protected] Peter 0, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Plant Biology) 250 Biological Sciences Center,1445 Gortner Ave, ~t Paul 55108, Del Code 6022,2145 39th st, San Diego CA 92105, 619-264-7207,[email protected] Philip M, Info Tach Prof (Liberal Arts,College Of-Adm) 614 Soc Sci, Del Code 7165(625-9879),2217 23rd Ave So, Mpls 55404,724-2200, [email protected] Deborah J, Asst Clinical Spec(Veterans Affairs Medical Center) Dept of OccupTherapy, One Veterans Drive, Mpls 55417,133 9thAve N, Hopkins 55343, voydeOO1 @tc.umn.eduVOYLES Richard M, Assoc Prof (ComputerScience & ingineering) 4-192 E ElC Sci, Del Code0571 (624-8306), [email protected] Eric P, AsS! Prof (Fairview-UniversityMedical Ctr) Emergency Dept, 2450 Riverside Ave,Mpls 55415, [email protected] Kenneth L, Teaching Spec (Kinesiology)226 Cooke Hall, Del Code 2061 (625-5300), 4360Andromeda Way, Eagan 55123,[email protected] Nancy F, Building and Grounds Worker(NW Research and Outreach Center) AgRC, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716,vraax0040mail.crk.umn.edVRAA Neal C, Gardener (UMC-FacillliesManagement) KiserB, Crookston 56716(218-281-6467), [email protected] John R, Dir Campus/College Level (IntiAg Prog) 190 Cof H, Del Code 8082 (624-3221;624-1774),3940 29th Avenue South, Mpls 55406,728-7021, [email protected] Lance A, Research Fellow (Fisheries &Wildlife) 200 Hodson H, Del Code 6125(624-.!l713), 819 2nd St NW, Rochester 55901,507-285-0614, [email protected] Barbara L, Prin Administrative sPec(University of MN Rochester) 855 30th Ave SE,Rochester 55904, [email protected] Choua C, Scientist (Cancer Center) MMC 806Mayo, Del Code 8806, 790 ceRB (626'5220),2633 Brittany Lane, Woodbury 55125,651-735-1367, [email protected] Cue K, Teaching ASS! (General College) Room109 ApH, 128 Pleesent St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3501,5536 32nd Ave S, Mpls 55417,721-5091, [email protected]

VU Dai K, Translator (General Coliege/UpwardBound) 2 Appleby Hall; 555 Cedar St, Del Code2131 (625-3021; 651-292-n04), 5535 32ndAvenue South, Mpls 55417, 859-5101,[email protected] Linh H, Research Asst (Applied Economics)Room 231 ClaOll, Del Code 6040, 332MClassroom OIIice Building, 1994 Buford Avenue, StPaul 55108, [email protected] Trista, Instructor (UMDCommunication), Adjunct Instructor (UMDContinuing Education), Exempt Temporary'orCasual (UMD Rac Sports) 328 KPlz, 1208 KirbyDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6660),[email protected] John P, ASS! Prof (Psychiatry),Adjunct Asst Prof (Psychology) F282I2A West-B,Del Code 8393, F282I2A West Bldg (273-9761),[email protected] Chau C, Sr Survey Interviewer (HSRP SurveyCenter) Dinnaken Building - Suite 120, 925 'Delawara St SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2131,156Conyer Street, West St Paul 55118,[email protected] Houa, Research Asst (Food Science andNutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6099, 6813 O'rchard Ave,Brooklyn' Center 55429, 338-9866,[email protected] Song, Nutrition Education Asst (UM ExtensionHennepin·Cnty) 479 Prairie Center Dr Ste 2, EdenPrairia 55344-5378 (596-2134),[email protected] Yee L, Sr Survey Interviewer (HSRP SurveyCenter) Dinnaken Building, Suite 120, 925Delaware St SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2131,2059 Bush Avenue East, St Paul 55119,651-330-5081, [email protected] James, Research Asst (AmericanIndian Studies), Teaching Asst (American IndianStudies) American Indian Studies, Room 2 ScottH,72 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3232,3712 26th Ave So, Mpls 55406,[email protected] Lucy, ASS! Prof (Neuroscience)Rm 6-145 JacH,Del Code 1216 (626-4073;626-4339), vulch001 @te.umn.eduVULDJEVA Maria E, Program Assoc (UMDIntemational Education) 136G KPlz, 1208 KirbyDrive, Duluth 55812 (218-726'6673),mvuldjevCld.umn.eduVUOLO Michaei C, Research ASS! (Sociology)Room 909 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7171, [email protected] Christopher S, AsS! Prof (Pioneer Clinic) 2550University Ave WSte 229N, Del Code 2451, 347Ramsey Street, St Paul 55102,[email protected] Martin, Research Asst (Aerspace Eng& Mech) 266 Shep, Del Code 0731 (624-.!l352),917 Weaks Ave SE, Mpls 55414, 331-2927,vysoOOO1 @tc.umn.eduVYSOHUD Miki, ASS! Academic Advisor (CLAStudent Services) 114 JohH, 101 Pleasant St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3774, [email protected] Ravi, Research Asst (Plant Biology)250 BiologiCal Sciences Center, 1445 Gartner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6022 (624-2791), 1017 A29th Street SE, Mpls 55414,651-340-3952,[email protected]

WWAAGE Roger K, Physician (Duluth FamilyPractice Center)l630 N 8th Ave E, Duluth 55805,[email protected] Jon J, Graduate School Trainee(Neuroscience) Rm 6'145 JacH, 321 Church St S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216, 2241 Lea Ave N,GoldenValley 55422,763-529-4188,[email protected] Daniel M, Cook (UMD Food/VendingserviceS) 245 KPIz, 0206, 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-7615), 822 E 6th St, Duluth55805,218-724-0276, [email protected]'WABIK Gajlie A, Food Service Worker (UMDFood/Vending Services) 245 KPlz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7195), 822 E 6thStreet, Duluth 55805, 218-724-0276,[email protected] Kathy A, Asst Scientist (Ophthalmology)MMC 493 Mayo, Del Code 8493, 9-317 PWB(625-2987), 4209 Elliot Ave S, Mpls 55407,822-3437, wabne001 @tc.umn:edu


\vACEK Mary Beth, Non Univ Stan, 113 ncfol StPaul (651-649-5207), 1497 N Pascal, St Paul55108, waeekOOl Otc.umn.adu

WACHDORF CacitIa M, Sr Teaching Spec (Schoolof Nursing) Room 5-160 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1331, 2210 Arlhur St NE,MpIs 55418, 70&-3233, wachdOO20tc.umn.eduWACHTER Janelle M, Exec Sec (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) 244 Vet 0 L, Del Code 6184 (625-8236),22825 0Igifvie Avenue North, Scandia 55073,wacht0020tc.umn.aduWACHTER Jerri R, Teaching Asst (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818),14594 Rail Hollow Ad, Woodman WI 53827,608-988-4306, wach0041 Otc.umn.eduWACHTER Michael L, Research Fellow (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334Eckles Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 2199Sargent Ave, St Pau/55105, 651-695-9419,mwachterOtc.umn.aduWACKERLE A1is~ K, Research Asst (Inst onCommunity Integration) Room 102 PtH, 150

. Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 4201(624-6300), 824 Sandl1urst [lr W, RoseVIlle 55113,989-233-0555, wacl<eo200tc.umn.eduWACKETT Lawrence P, Prof (BiotechnologyInstitute; Biochem, Melec Bioi, Biophy TCBS) 156Gor L, Del Code 6104 (625-3765), 1575 Merrill, StPaul 55108, 651-487-3664,wacl<eQ030tc.umn.eduWACKMAN Daniel B, Oir (JoumalismlMassComm, Sch oli, Prof (JoumalismlMass Comm, Schof) 308 Mur H, Del Code 0371 (626-n53),4070Crestview Lane, Shoreview 55126, 651-484-n29,wackmOOl Otc.umn.eduWACLAWSKl Timothy A, Teaching Asst (Dept ofCommunication Studies) Room 225 FordH, 224 .Church St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 0456, 2825Fremont Ave 5 AptlO3, Mpls 55408, 385-3404,waclOOO10tc.umn.eduWADD Wallace B, Ass! Prof (Midway Hospita~

1700 University Ave, St Paul 55104, 2530Oueensport Road, Woodbury 55125,651-738-9038. waddOOI80tc.umn.aduWADDELL James E, Research Spec (Fisheries,Wildlife & Cons BioI) Room 2nd A HodsonH, 1980Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6125,wedde0130tc.umn.eduWADDELL James L, Assoc Prof (Clinical &Population Sciences) 385 An SeW M, Del Code8190 (625-3118), 2305 Valley Court, Northfield55057, 507-663-7047, waddeOOl Otc.umn.eduWADDINGTON Cecil J, Prof (Retired) (Physicsand Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church SfSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0331 (624-2566),waddiOO10tc.umn.eduWADE Carrie L, Research Ass! (Department ofPharmacology) 6-120 Jackson Han, Del Code 1213(625-7452), .

WADE Michael G, Chair (Work, CommunitylFamilyEduc), Prof (Kinesiology, School of) Room 111Cooke H, Del Code 2061 (626-2094),10567Morgan Ave 5, Bloomington 55431,mwedeOtc.umn.aduWADE William 0, Vice Chancellor (UMD-URelations & Development) 315 0 Ad B, Duluth(218-726-8831),8786 W Branch Rd, Duluth 55603,218-ll48-2m, wwadeOd.umn.aduWADE-FERRELL Darcie, Actor Technician(School of Music) Room 100 FergH, 2106 4th St S,Mpls 55455, 1702 Selby Ave, Apt 3, Saint Paul55104,703-5107. wade00390tc.umn.eduWADHWA Punft 0, Ass! Prof (VAMe)HematoiogylOncoiogy 111 E, One Veterans Drive,MpIs 55417, wadhWOO20tc.umn.eduWAEDEKIN Gayle 0, Prin Accounts SpeciAccISupv (Clinical Systems·Patient AccIg) 7-156 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (624-9696),eggenOOl Otc.umn.eduWAEGENER Laura L, Outpatienf Clinic Ass!(DeveloplSurg-Orthodontics) 6-240 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (625-7601), 1739 McMenemy St,Maplewood 55117, 651-n6-4832,waegeQOl

- WAESCHLE Richard K, Ass! Prof (Pediatrics)2836 Mayfield Rd, Wayzata 55391, .wae&cOOl ,WAFA AL-DAJANl Waleed, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Bic-based Products) 203 KaufL, Del Code 6130,aldajOOl Otc.umn.aduWAGENAAR PHD Alexander C. AdjUnct Prof(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(624-8370), wagenOOl

WAGENIUS Swart, Research Assoc (EcologyEvolution and Behavior) 100 Ecology, 1987 UpperBuford Circla, St Paul 55108, D'el Code 6098(624-6711), wageOOO50tc.umn.eduWAGNER Angela R, Researc/l Ass! (CAREl)Room 275 PeikH, Del Code 4301 (625-6327),11208 Gravel Pft Rd NW, Brandon 56315,701-261-4956, wagn03860tc.umn.eduWAGNER Carston R, Prof (Pharmacy, College of),Program Dir (Pharmacy, College of) 8-174Weaver-Denslord Hall, Del Code 1332 (625-2614),wagne0030tc.umn.eduWAGNER Casey J, Info Tach Spec (UMMComputing Svc) Room 10 Behm, M228A, 600 E4th 51, Morris 56267, wagnercOmorris.umn.eduWAGNER Daniel W, Product Manager(Applications Dev & Mainl Group) Sune 229WBOB, Del Code 7531 (624-2052), 5520 BlaisdellAve S, Mpls 55419,823-2917,wagneo250Ic.umn.eduWAGNER Elaine A, Exec Administrative Spec (UMExtension Reg! Ctr Brainerd) 708 Maple 51,Brainerd 56401-3631 (218-828-2276),wagneo790tc.umn.eduWAGNER Gail, Info Tach Spec (Department ofCentral Security) University Office Plaza - SuRe335, Del Code 2703, wagnergOtc.umn.eduWAGNER George M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FsirllauUClinic) 924 NE 1st St, Faribaull55021, 20250Canby Ave, FaribauU 55021,wagne0280tc.umn.eduWAGNER Gerald L, Lead Copy Center Oper(Printing Services) 102 P S B, Del Code 5401(625-9892), 8243 Ivywood Ave 5, Cottage Grove55016,651-458-9825, wagn80520tc.umn.aduWAGNER Heidi T, Exec Adrilinisfratlve Spec(School of Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,hwagnerOtc.umn.eduWAGNER JennRer 0, Ass! Prof (School ofMathematics) 507 VinH, Del Code 0412(624-5878), wagnel330tc.umn.aduWAGNER Jennner 0, Exec Administrative Spec(UM Extension Community Vitality) Room 441 CofH, Del Code 6070 (624-2811),denom0010tc.umn.eduWAGNER Joel A, Electromechanical SystemsSpec (Facilities Management BSAC) Rm 57 HellerHall, Del Code 3121 (624-6047),7805 west riverrd, brooklyn park 55444, 651-780-5537,wagn80110tc.umn.eduWAGNER John E, Oir (MN MolecularlCeli TherapyPrgm), Assoc Department Dir (Cancer Center),Prof (PediafliCS) MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code 8366,

-660 Mas Can Ctr (626-296t),wagneoo20tc.umn.eduWAGNER Julie A, Food Service Worker (UMMFood Service Admin), Sr Food Service Worker(UMM Food Service Admin) uMM Food Service,Food SC, M262A, 600 E 4th St, Morris 56267, 811W 4th 51, Graceville 56240, 320-748-7621,wagne0840morris.umn.aduWAGNER M, Administrafive Dir (Department of

, Pedialrics) MMC 391 Mayo, Del Code 8391,13-102 PWB (624-0410), obrieQ9t Otc.umn.aduWAGNER Mark 0, Adjunct Asst Prof (DUluthClinic·Hibbing) 730 34th 51 E, Hibbing 55746, 4nO1st Avenue, tt1bbing 55746,wagn90270tc.umn.eduWAGNER Michael P, Instructor (Walgreens DrugStore) 12 W 66th St, Richfield 55423, 6941Southdale Road, Edina 55435,[email protected] Michele 0, Asst Prof (History) 833SocSci Bldg, Del Code 7165 (624-8079),[email protected] Michelle L, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Veterinary PathoBiology) 160 Animal SciencelVet"led, Del Code 6010 (625-6222),wagn90390tc.umn.eduWAGNER Nicole J, PhD Cand'odale Teaching Asst(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1100 MechE,DelCode 0691, wagneo71 Olc.umn.eduWAGNER Paul V, Sr Data Entry Oper (MinneiotaPopulation Cenler) 50 Willey Hall, Del Code 7931(624-5818), pvwagnerOlc.umn.eduWAGNER Rickey J, Inlo Tech Prof (FacilftiesManagemenl-Information 5) 300 DonhoweB, DelCode 3121 (824-6067), wagne061,page 680'6583WAGNER Robert J, Adjun<:t Assl Prof (RamseyFamily Physicians) 860 Arcade Sf, St Paul 55106,503 Orange Ave W, 51 Paul 55117-4233,65l-488-n94,

WAGNER Samuel, Asst Prof (Col 01 Pharm-PCHS& Prime Institute) 7·194 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE,Mpis 5545p (825-4186), 9758 82nd 51 So, CottageGrove 55016, wagne0510tc.umn.eduWAGNER Sara R, Community Program Assoc(UM extension Service Scott Cnty) 715t 190th StW, Sufte 100, Jordan 55352-2104, Stephen, Ass! Prof (245 N Ruth St) 51Paul 55119 (651-220-7334),12245 N 18th 51 Ct,Lake Elmo 55042, 651-436-7552,[email protected] Susan P, Exec Sec (Music, Sch~ 194Ferg H, Qel Code 7811 (624-6873),wagneo290tc.umn.eduWAGNER-HE,NRY Sherry L, Program Dir (TheatreArts & Dance) 110 Rarig C, Del Code n52(625-1052), swhOtc.umn.eduWAGONER Douglas L, Adjuncf Assoc Prof(Glencoe Medical Center) 705 E 18th St, Glencoe55336 (320-864-3116), 1020 Vemen Ln, Glencoe55336, 320-864-3426, wagon0020tc.umn.eduWAHEED Samuel 0, Food Service Worker(Outside In Dining Services) 1-450 Moos, Del Code5804 (625-4496), 519 10th Ave SE, Apt 3, Mpls55414,408-3990, waheeOOl Otc.umn.eduWAHL David R, Mechanic 2 (Facilities _Mgmt-Zone-4-Campue) Room 150 FoodOB, 2904Fairmount St SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 5603,2510 Blakeley Ave, Eau Claire WI 54701,715-864-1305, wahIX0750tc.umn.eduWAHL Diane H, CoordinatOr (Center for ReedingResearch) Room 350 VoTach, Del Code 6197(624-4561),4639 Sugar Bush Ct NE, Bemidji56601,218-751-7864, wahIx0760tc.umn.eduWAHL John W, Instructor (St Cloud Medical GroupP A) 1301 W Saint Germain, St Cloud 55301,wahlx0120tc,umn.eduWAHL Kay H, Ass! Prof (Edu~onal Psychology)Room 1390 BuH, Del Code 3171 (624-4577),kwahIOtc.umn.eduWAHL Tim, Inlo Tech Prof (MN Geological Survey)Room 104 2842 Univ, 2642 University Ave, St Paul55114, Del Code 2411 (627-4801; 627-4780 x227),tewahIOtc.umn.eduWAHLBERG David S, Heating Control Spec (181AKirlly Annex) 1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8002),4339 Jamie Drive, Hermantown55611, dwahlberOd.umn.eduWAHLBE~ Donald V, ElectromechanicalSystams Spec (Electronic Instruments Services) 25BioSciences Ctr, Del Code 6174 (625-6745), 1451Arden Place, Arden Hills 55112, 651-633-5456,wahIbOO20tc.umn.eduWAHLBERGUnde M, Ass! Prof (ProfessionalEducation Depart 130) 1500 Birchmont Dr NE,BemIdji 58601-2699 (218-755-3732),1220 BeRramiAve NW, Bemidji 56601-2827, 218-444-5552,wahIbOO90mail.crk.umn.edWAHLERT Bernard K, Building and GroundsWorker 3 (Housing & Res Ufe-Beilay Hall) Be H,Del Code 6017 (624-2194), lnl0 Tonto St NW,Ramsey 55303, 763-753-1531,wahIeOO10tc.umn.eduWAHLSTROM Billie J, Vice Provost (Sr VPAcademic AffairslProvost), Prof (Rhetoric) 236Morrill Hall; 234 Morrill Hall, Del Code 0282(626-1215; 626-1215). bwahlsfrOfc.umn.aduWAHLSTROM Dustin B, Research Asst(Psychology), Graduate School Trainee (CognitiveSciences, Ctr for) Psychology, N-218 EIIH, 75 EastRiver Road, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3281, 308Laurie Court, Stillwater 55082, 803-6028,wahIOO280tc.umn.eduWAHLSTROM John G, Instructor (51 Paul AllergyClinic) 565 Snelling Ave 5, 51 Paul 55116,

.WAHLSTROM Kyla L, Dir Campus/College Level(Appl ReslEductionallmpr, Ctr) 275 Peik H, DelCode 430t (624-1890), 2500 Sheridan Ave 5, Mpls55405, 3n-7883, wahlsOOl .WAHMAN Andrea J, Instructor (UMD Medicine,School of) Room 113 Mad, 0599, 10 Universfty Dr,Duluth 55812, 200 Rockridge Cir, Duluth 55804WAHMANHOLM Karen J, Ass! Prof (V A MedicalCenter) Psychialry Dept (116A), One Veterans Dr,Mpls 55417, wahmOOO30tc.umn.eduWAHOFF MD PHD David C, Instructor (PediatricSurgical Associafes) Suita 104, 2545 Chicego Ave5, Mpis 55404, 4813 Townes Road, Edina 55424,wahofOO20tc.umn.eduWAHRMAN Carolyn A, Ubrary Manager(Biomedical Information Service) 305 Diehl H, DelCode 1691 (626-4236), wahrmOOl


WAID David K, Post·Doctoral Assoc (Psychlatry)MMC 392 Mayo, Del Code 8392, 680 Diehl H(624-8432),10324 Surmat Ave NE, Circle Pines55014,763-717-1318, [email protected]$MAN Mariana M, Ass! Prof (UMD Arl andDesign~25 B VKH, 1305,Orcfean Court, Duluth55612 (218-726-7631), mwaismanOd.umn.eduWAIT Brian 0, Field Service Engineer (Networking& Telecom Srvs), Del Code 2171 (625-4545),bdwail@tc,umn.aduWAIWAIOLE Sharon M, Exempt Temporary orCasual (CUHCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave S, Mpls55404, 2130 Quentin Ave S, St Mary's Point55043, 651-436-2571, [email protected] Assela B, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilfties Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB,31915th Ave SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3121,2515 S 9th St, Apt 1416, Mpls 55406, 340-1462,wakdiool,WAKEAELD Christine, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Administration) B117Moos Tower, Del Code 8059, 400 Donhowe B(624-4198),6132 Edgewood Ave, Woodbury55125, wakefOO20tc.umn.eduWAKEFIELD Ray M, Chair (German,Scandinavian, and Dutch), Assoc Prof (German,Scandinavian, and Dutch) 127 FOI H, Del Code0143 (625-4896), 3928 Thomas Ave So, Mpis55410, 92O-9n5, wakefOOl Olc.umn.eduWAKEFIELD Sara E, Greduate School Trainee(Sociology) 1156 Social Science Bldg, Del Code7171 (624-7468), wakeOO51 Otc.umn.aduWAKKER Jessica P, Research Asst (Departmentof Animal Science) 155E Haecker Hall, 1364Eckles Avenue, St Paul 55108-6118, Del Code6118 (624-3610),1007 Cromweil Ave, St Paul55114,952-210-1352, [email protected] Matt, Research Asst (Room 303 HayesHall) 1509 Gortner Avenue, Dal Code 6026, RR 1Box '7, Allura 55910, walch0230tc.umn.eduWALCHECK Bruce K, Assoc Prof (VeterinaryBiosciences), Asst Prof (Lab MedicineJPathology)295J An SeW M, Del CO(le 6010 (624-2282),763-717-7252, walch0030Ic.umn.eduWALCHECK Cera E, Community Program Spec(Epideniiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(624-1830), waIch0040Ic.umn.eduWALCHER MD David J, Adjunct Instructor(Southdale Intemal Medicine) Sufte 225, 6545France Ave S, Edina 55435-2121,14000 FairviewDrive, Bumsville 55337, [email protected] Curtis A, Community Program Spec(UMD Economic Development) Suite 210, 0192,11 E Superior St,Duiuth 55802, 333 WestRainbow 51, Dulolh 55811, 218-727-2830,cwaJczakOd.umn.eduWALCZAK Stephanie A, Communfty ProgramSpec (Oapartment of Pediatrics) MMC 484 Mayo,Del Code 8484, Pediatric Oricology (625-9123;626-2n8), 218-310-7032, waIC00280tc.umn.eduWALCZAK Thaddeus S, Adjunct Prof (Neurology),Assoc .Prof (Neurosurgery) Mincep Epilepsy Cere,Ste 230, 5n5 Wayzata Blvd, Mpls 55416(525-2400), 5n5 Wayzata Blvd, Mpls 55416,walcz0030tc.umn.8duWALD Pamela K, PhD Candidate Teaching Ass!(Sociology), PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Spciology) Sociology, Room 909 SocSci, 267191hAve 5, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7171, 940 FranklinTerrace Apt410, Mpls 55406; 343-8822,waldOl37OfC:.umn.aduWALDEAB Visa!< G, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilfties Mgmt·FMB) Room 202 FMB, 1936'Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code6168, 1393 Cleveland Ave N Apt13, St Paul 55108,65HI44-6289, waIde0120tc.umn.eduWALDEMAR Gary L, Electrician (Facilities Mgmnl­ZOne 5-East Bank) L150 Mach Eng Bldg, Del Code3121 (626-9809), [email protected] Michael L, MaintenceOperationsMechanic (Rosemount Rsrch Ctr) 15325 Babco<;t<Ave, Rosemount 55068, 16560 Frszer Way W,Rosemount 55068, 952-432-3205WALDEMAR Sarah W, Fiscal OIcr (Envm HealthSciences) MMC fIJ17 Mayo t260 Mayo, Del Code8607, 1260-4 Mayo (626-4803), 16560 FrazerWay, Rosemount 55068, 952-432-3205,s-wolgOtc.umn.adu .WALDEN Dawn M, AsstScientist (Surgery) MMC120 Mayo, Del Code 8120, RM Bl43 PWB(624-9991), waldeOl00te.umn.eduWALDEN Scott 0, Ass! Dir Univ Wide(Comparative MedicinelAHC), Asst Clinical Spec(Comparative MedicinelAHC) MMC 351 Mayo, DelCode 8351, B305 PWB (626-1161; 624-9100),waldeo08@tc,

------~~--~.._~~_._--~ -


WALDERA Erica A. Teaching Asst (CarisonSchool of Mgmt) 3-300 CariSMgmt. Del Code7041.\YALDFOGEL Melvin. Prof (Retired) (German.Scandinavian. and Dutch). 9 cedar Ledge Ln.Cohasset MA 02025. [email protected] Connie. Exec Administrative Spec(Center lor Transporiation Studies) 200Transportation and Safety BUildin. Del Code 1982.8444 Yates Ave N. Brooklyn Pk 55443.763-424-8428. [email protected] Carol C. Lecturer/Assistant Prof(Design. Housin!J'Apparel). Lecturer/Assistant Prof(Design. Housin!J'Apparel) 240 McN H, Del Code6136 (624-3633). [email protected] Florencemae, Visit Res Fellow(HistOlY) .614 SST Mpls. 1012 Westbrooke WayApt7. HoPkins 55434. wald!0450tc.umn.eduWALDRON Jerel L. Building and Grounds Worker(Facilllies Mgmt-Bldg Serv - Area A) Room 300DonhoweB.'51915th Ave SE. Mpls 55455. DelCode 3121 (624-2286). waldrOO20tc.umn.eduWALDRON John. Adjunct Assoc Prof (Suite 104)2545 Chicago Ave S. Mpls 55404. 6230 BraebumCircle. MplS 55435. waldr0060tc.umn.eduWALD!lSKY TImothy E. Sr Survey Interviewer(HSRP Survey Center) Dinnaken Building. Suite120.925 Delaware St SE. Mpls 55414. Del Code2131. 2412 - 25th Avenue South. Mpls 55406.724-4421. waldOOI60tc.umn.eduWALE Nikil. Research Asst (ComputerSciencalEnglneenng) Room 4·192 EElCSci. 200Union St SE. Mpls 55455. Del Code 0571(624-5364).1131 Hamline Ave N Apt 23. St Paul55106.859-5332. [email protected] Dinesha S. Scientist (Genetics. CellBiology & DevelOpmen) 1-202 BSandBE. Del Code1211 (624-3177).8049 34th PI N. qrystaI55427.walekOO10tc.umn.eduWALEN Betty Jane. Non Univ Staff(Ophthalmology) 9·318 PWB Mpls (625-5496).1324 Marshall. St Paul 55104. 651-646·3212.walenOO30tc.umn.eduWALEWSKI Joseph W. Instructor (UMD Hlth. PhysEduclRecreation) 110 SpHC. 0144. 1216 Ordean

. Court. Duluth 55812. jwalewskOd.umn.eduWALIANY Rarnzan A. Sr Parking Attendant(Parking & Transporiation Services) 300 T S B. DelCode 1983. walia0020tc.umn.eduWALK David. Assoc Prof (Neurology) MMC 295Mayo. Del Code 8295. 12-144 PWB. 2400 ZirconLane N. Plymouth 55447. 763-249·1614.walkxOO10tc.umn.eduWALKER Arnold W. Assoc Prof (Retired) (MediaResources KUMD), 2437 Humboldt S. Mpls 55405,[email protected]·WALKER Benie, One Stop Counselor (One StopStudent Services Clr) 200 FraserH. Del Code 3395(626-5433).9715 Linden Ave N. Brooklyn Park55443.763-425-1847; [email protected] Calvin L. Ass! Dean (Retired) (UMExtension Human Resources) Room 260 CofH. DelCode 6070 (624-2171). 9715 Linden Ave N.Brooklyn Park 55443,1863, walke0980tc.umn.eduWALKER Constance L,Assoc Prof (Curriculum &Instruction) 250 Peik H. Del Code 4301(625-4828), walkeOO20tc.umn.eduWALKER Donald L. Building and Grounds WorkerjFacilllies Mgmt-Zone 1 Area A) Room 400.DonhoweB. 319 15th Ave SE. Mpls 55455. DelCode 3121. 3243 zane Ave No. Crystal 55422.763-533-7165. walkel060tc.umn.eduWALKER Erma L, Administrative Professional(OSF - Undergraduate Services) 210 Fraset H. DelCode 3395 (624-2588). e-walkOtc.umn.eduWALKER JR H Chartes. Assoc Prof (Retired)(Radiology). Rt 5 Box 279a. Devil's Lake NO56301. .WALKER J 0, Sr Multimedia Instt Consult (DigllalMedica Center) Room 212 Wallerlib. Del Code3729 (624-1097). jdwalkerOtc.umn.eduWALKER Janny B. Asst To (UMD-CSE StudentAffairs) 140 Engr. Duluth (218-726-7606).1123Mississippi Ave. Duluth 55811. 218-724-1438,jwalkerOd.umn.eduWALKER Jennifer L. Teaching Ass! (Anthropology)Room 395 HHHCtr. 30119th Ave S. Mpls 55455.Del Code 7455. 651-224-8983.walkeI490tc.umn.eduWALKER Jerimi A. Teaching Asst (UMDMathematicSlStatistlcs) 115 SCC, 1117 UniversityDr. Duluth 55812 (218-726-6239)

WALKER Jill M. Teaching Asst (Psychology)N-218 EIlH. 75 East River,Road. Mpls 55455. DelCodll3281, 17886 Liv Lane. Eden Prairie [email protected]

WALKER PHD Joyce A. ExtensionEducator/Professor (UM Extension Ctr of 4-HYouth Ctr) Ste 270B McNamaraCtr. Del Code 2016(624-8449). 402 N 4th St. Stillwater 55082.651-439-5057, walke0070tc.umn.eduWALKER Karia J. Instructor (Medtox LaboratoriesInc) 402 W County Rd D. New Brighton 55112. 95824th Avenue North East Ap16. MpIs 55418.walkB0290Ic.umn.eduWALKER Kevin R. Ass! Prof (OrthopaedicSurgery) Room no 244. 2512 So 7th St, Mpls55454 (651-273-8000). walke0090tc.umn.eduWALKER Kimberly J. Ole Spec (Cartson School ofMgmt) 4-300 CariSMgml, Del Code [email protected] Kyle E. Graduate School Fellow(Geography) Room 414 SoeSci, 267191h Ave S.Mpls 55455. Del Code 7163 (625-6080).walke4120tc.umn.eduWALKER Marcia R. Lecturer (UMC DistanceIContEd, Ctr lor; UMC Business). Student PersonnelWorker (UMC Career Center) Room 245A StudentCenter. 2900 University Ave. Crookston 56716(218-281-8583). [email protected],WALKER Mery H. Inlo Tech Spec (CarisonIndustrial Relations Ctr) 3-300 Ca~SMgmt. DelCode 7041 (624-0233). [email protected] Mary M. Prin Collectlons Rep (OSF •Student Financial Collections) 20 Fraser H. DelCode 3395 (625-11395). m-walkOtc.umn.eduWALKER MD Michael J. Adjunct Instructor (Sulle2101) MMC 195 Mayo. Del Code 8195.111Marquene Ave S. Mpls '55401. 111 Marquette AveS Apt 2101. Mpls 55401. 672-9807.

.walke0900tc.umn.eduWALKER Neal F. Instructor (University MedicalClr-Mesabi) 750 E 34th St. Hibbing 55746. 802West391h Street, Hibbing [email protected] JR Orville C. Prof Emerifus(MarketinlJ'Logistics Management) 3-177CariSMgmt. Del Code 7041 (624-0361). N471244th St. Stockholm WI [email protected] Patricia F, Asst Prof (Regions Hospital)640 Jackson SI. St Paul 55101.walke0680tc.umn.eduWALKER Paul C. Sr Scientist (PediatricS) MMC491 Mayo. Del Code 8491.13·219 Moos T(624-6153).5559 Bimini Dr, Minnetonka 55343.952-931-0999. [email protected] PaulO. Adjunct Assoc Prof (PreventiveSci· Pediatric Dent) Room 6-150F Moos Towe,.Del Code 1291 (624-6631),walkeool page 193-2794WALKER Phyllis A. Accounts Spec (Law Sch IndEnt-Law Review) 285 Mondale Hall. Del Code7911 (625-4581). walke0220tc.umn.eduWALKER Roger D. Prof (S Research/OutreachCenter; Animal Science. Dept 01) 35838 l20th St.Waseca 56093-4521 (507-835-3620).9792Lemond Rd. Ellendale [email protected] .

WALKER Ryon S, Extension Educator/Asst Prof(UM Extension Regl Ctr Grand Rapids) 1861 E USHwy 169. Grand Rapids 55744-3396,[email protected]'n.eduWALKER Stanley D. Adjunct Asst Prof (402Oakdele Medical Building) 3366 Oakdale Ave N.Robbinsdale 55422. walke0800tc.umn.eduWALKER Virginia. Non Univ Staff (Agronomy andPlant Genetics) 403 Hayes Hall St Paul(624-0763). 10660 President Drive N E. Blaine55434.755-3280. [email protected] William F. Asst Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 205G BFAB. Del Cqde 3061 (625-3085)[email protected] Maya. Inslructor(FUMC • R) 2450 Riverside. Mpls 55454.walkiool @tc.umn.eduWALL Melanie M. Assoc Prof (Biostatistics) MMC303 Mayo. Del Code 8303. A460 Mayo (625-2138;624-4655). wallx0070tc.umn.eduWALLA Albert A. Teaching Spec (EducationalPsychology) 245 Peik H, Del Code 4301(624-6301).952-920-2166. walla0050tc.umn.eduWALLACE Anita L. Ofc Spec (Philosophy) 849Heller Hall. Del Code 7057 (624-6416; 625-6563).2409 25th Ave S. Mpls 55406. 729-8038,[email protected]

WALLACE Doreen E. Exec Administrative Spec(Medicine-UMD) 252 SMed. 1035 University Dr.Duluth 55812 (218-726-7922). 3058 Lillie CloquetRiver Rd. Duluth 55803. [email protected] John R. Prof (Philosophy) 868 HelierH.Del Code 7057 (624-5210; 625-6563). 4536Dupont Ave S, Mpls55419. [email protected] Joyce A, Sr Administrative Spec(DialJ'Biolo Sci - OMD) 7-536 Moos T. Del Code1291 (625-8418). walla0070tc.umn.eduWALLACE Julia F. Librarian (GovernmentPublicetions Library) 1 OMWL. Del Code 7111(626-7520; 624-0241). j-waIiOtc.umn.eduWALLACE Kendall B. Prot (UMDBiochemlMolecular Biology; UMD Chemistry andBiochemistry) 255 SMed. 1035 University Dr.Duluth 55812 (218-726-8899),[email protected] Larry J. Prof (Veterinary ClinicalSciences; Animal Science, Dept of; OrthopaedicSurgery) C309 Vet Tch Has. Del Code 6192(625-1266).1511 Pine Pointe. White Bear Lake55110, walla0060tc.uml\.eduWALLACE Lila C, Personnel Spec (UMD HumanResources) 255 DAdB. 0218. 1049 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7822).IwaliaceOd.umn.eduWALLACE Marion B. Prot (Ratlred) (Entomology.Dept 01), c/o Liz Tulle. 3241 Columbus Ave S. Mpls55407, brook0080tc.umn.eduWALLACE Pamela. Non Univ Staff (UDS AffiliatedStaff) 841 CMU Mpls. walla2160tc.umn.eduWALLACE PHD Teresa L. Research Assoc(Institute On Community Integration) lIlA P1 H,Del Code 4201 (626-7220),910 Ivy Streeet.Owatonna 55060. 507-455-9613.wallaool0tc.umn.eduWALLACE Terri L. Exec Sec (Center for Writing)227 Lind H. Del Code 0617 (626-7583)[email protected] Theodore S.Building and GroundsWorker (UMD Facilities Management) 241 DAdB.0219,1049 University Dr. Duluth 55812. 3061Little Cloquet River Road. Duluth [email protected] Margaret M. Student PersonnelCoordinator (CLA - Assistant Dean's Office) 106Johnston Hall. Del Code 3774 (624-9077).wallel040tc.umn.eduWALLER Niels G. Prof (Psychology) N-218 EltH.75 E River Pkwy. Mpls 55455. Del Code 3281.1596 Vincent St. Falcon Heights [email protected] W Gail. Survey. Interviewer (HSRPSurvey Center) Dinnaken Buidling. Sulle 120. DelCode 2131 (624-4090).651·[email protected] Dorothy A. Instructor(HeathPartners) 2220 Riverside Ave South, Mpls55454. 2273 Commonweallh Avenue. St Paul'55106. [email protected] Lori A. Coordinator (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 391 Mayo. Del Code 8391.13-110 Phillips Wangensteen Buildin (625·1479),l-waUOtc.umn.eduWALLING Carrie B. Teaching Asst (PoliticalScience) 1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175.5425Grand Ave S. MpIs 55419. 786-6177,walli0350tc.umn.eduWALLING Linda L. Adjunct Assoc Prot (Rice StClinic) 1006 Rice St. St Paul •WALLNER Diane E. Adjunct Asst Prof (OwatonnaClinic) Owatonna 55060. 550 NE 36th St.Owatonna 55060. walln0060tc.umn.eduWALLNER Linda M. Adjunct Assoc Prof (CamdenPhysicians) 13800 63rd Way, Maple Grove [email protected] Christophe M. Asst Prof (French& Italian) 260 Folwell H.all. Del Code 0139(624-4308). wallrOO70tc.umn.eduWALL WAGNER Dian J, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Administration) 307Donhowe B. Del Code 3121. [email protected] Ma;y A. Instructor (Mn Veterans HomePharmacy) 5101 Minnehaha Ave. Mpls 55417.walquool0tc.umn.eduWALSER Mary M, Pro! (Retired) (VeterinaryDiagnostic Medicine; ,(ulimal Science. Dept 01) 262Vet 0 L. Del Code 6184 (625-9744)[email protected]

WALSER Robin M. Exec Administ18tive Spec(Design. Housing. and Apparel) Room 244 McNH.Del Code 6136 (624-7434). [email protected]

WALSETH Timothy F, Prof (Pharmacology) 3-132BSandBE. Del Code 1213 (625-2627)[email protected]

WALSH Bill T, Non Univ Staff. University OfMinnesota Mpls (651·582-1145)[email protected] David A, Asst Prof (Music). Lecturer (C.CEPers Enrich Prgms Inst~) 100 Ferguson Hall. DelCode 7811 (624-6596).4106 James Avenue North.Mpls 55412. 623-7834, walsh0570tc.umn.eduWALSH David A. Lecturer (Nationallnstllute OnMedia) and The Family. Sulle 606. 606 24th Ave S.Mpls 55454. 3221 East 24th St, Mpls 55406,722-0867. walsh0300tc.umn.eduWALSH Dominique A. Teaching Asst (PoillicalScience) 1414 Soc Sci. Del code 7175.wals02470tc.umn.eduWALSH Ericka M. Research Asst (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB. Del Code 7525. 720 WestCounty Road B. Apt 108. Roseville 55113.651-335-4668. walsh2080tc.umn.eduWALSH Gregory L. Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 300 DonhoweB.31915th Ave SE. MplS 55455. Del Code 3121,1909 Ford Parkway Apt8. St Paul 55116.651-699·4245, walsh0370tc.umn.eduWALSH James W. Prof (Radiology) MMC 292Mayo. Del Code 8292, Bx 292 Mayo (625-7434).walsh0020tc.umn.eduWALSH Kimberly.L. Coordinator (Human RightsCenter) N-120 Waller F Mondale Hall. 229-191hAve South. Mpls 55455 (626-2226).walsOI690tc.umn·.eduWALSH Krista K, Lecturer (Art Depariment) RoomE261 RegisClr. Del Code 7631. 661 Delaware Ave.St Paul 55107. [email protected] Lorry, Prin Accounts Spec (UMDRecreational Sports) 121 SpHC. 0210. 1216Ordean Court. Duluth 55812 (218-726-8594).4430Peabody Lane. Duluth 55804, 218-525-6501.IwalshOd.umn.eduWALSH Michael J, Building/Grounds Supv (MNLandscapa Arboretum) 3675 Arboretum Bivd.Chaska 55318·9613 (952-443-1400)[email protected] Michael T. Exec Sec (English) Room 225Lind Hall. Del Code 0613.1406 Spruce Place Aptl,Mpls 55403. [email protected] Pamela J. Research Asst (Microbiology)420 Delaware St SE. MMC 196. 8196. Mpls 55455.wals02320d.umn.eduWALSH Patrick T. Teaching Ass! (Kinesiology) 211Cooke Hall. Del Code 2061 (626-0876).716·510-9179. walsh2150tc.umn.eduWALSH Paula J. Asst Academic Advisor (Spanishand Portuguese StUdies) 34 Folwell Hall. Del CodeDI33 (624-9348). 1334 Coach Road, Apt325. StPaul 55106. [email protected] Richard J. Post-Doctoral Fellow(Microbiology Department) MMC 198 Mayo. DelCode 8196.1315 Mayo Bldg. MMCI96 (624-0469).558 McKinley St. Anoka 55303, 763-323·2072,walsh0530tc.umn.eduWALSH 6hannon L. Teaching Asst (Theatre Arts &Dance) 580 Rarig Center. Del Code 7752(625-6699), [email protected] Thomas F. Prof (Physics & Astronomy)148 Phys. Del Code 0331 (624-1371). 161Williams Ave SE, Mpls 55414, [email protected] Thomas M. Adjunct Instructor (ParkNicollet) 6490 Excelsior. St Louis Park 55;426. 90422nd St, Cloquet 55720. walsh0420tc.umn.eduWALSH William E. Adjunct Prof (FamilyMedicineiComm Health; Medicine) Adult and ChildAllergy. 1690 University Ave W, Ste 450. St Paul55104.990 Lydia Drive. St Paul 55113.walsh0260tc.umn.eduWALSKI Jamie M. Sr Ofc Spec (Dept ofOphthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo. Del Code 8493.9-240 PWB. walsOl630tc.umn.eduWALSTEDT Jo A. Exec Administrative Spac (I TStudent Affairs) 106 Lind Hall. Del Code 0611(624-4513) •.walsIOO30tc.umn.eduWALSTROM Chad C. Info Tech Prof (BiologicalSci Admin, Col 01), Exempt TemPOlary or Casual(Biochem. Molec Bioi, Biophy TCBS) 247 GortnerLabs, Del Code 6174 (624-2918; 625·9284).

I [email protected]


WALSTROM Scot L, Mechanic 2 (FacilitiesMgmt-Zone 2 West Bank) Room 300 DonhoweBldg, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code3121,23541 Belmont St, Hampton 55031,651-480-2153, waIst0370tc.umn.eduWALTER AbigaU J, Graduate School Fellow(Entomology) Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 1980 FolwellAve, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6125 (624-1782),965 Highway 36 West, Apt 107, Roseville 55113,517-285-2639, sommOI360tc.umn.eduWALTER Ann M, Extension Educator/Assoc Prof(UM Extension Reg! Ctr Albert Lea) 2360Crossroads Blvd, Albert Lea 56007-4001(507-379-3527), 812 Nordland Avenue, Lyle55953,

'. WALTER Jallray P, Teaching Ass! (PsychOlogy)N-218 EItH, 75 E River P1<wy, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3281, 118 Arthur Ave SE, Mpls 55414-3412,379-0806, wal10331 Otc.umn.eduWALTER Jennifer A, Ass! Scientist (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 6-220 BSandBE(626-1188), whife071 Otc,umn.eduWALTERKa1hleen A, Student PersonnelCoordinator (College of Education) Room 107 BuH,Del Coda 3171 (624-1698), kwanerOtc.umn.eduWALTER Max 0, TeaChing Ass! (ComputerSciellC$lEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571,walte2120tc.umn.eduWALTER Michelle E, Teaching Spec (4 VincentHall) 206 Church St SE, Mpls 55455 (625-2861),1818 Larpenteur Ave W, Aptl', saint Paul'55113,wan02890tc.umn.eduWALTER Patricia A, Assoc Prof (Retired) (SmallAnimal Clin Sci) C336 Vet Tch Hos, Del Code 6192(625-8727),12101 Dodd Blvd: Rosemount 55068,651-423-3123, walteOO40tc.umn.eduWALTER Ronald F, Lecturer (ILES) 206 NCCE,Del Code 0095 (625-4505), 3100 Prior Circle,Roseville 55113, 651-639-0386,waneOQ20tc.umn.eduWALTER-HANSEN Kurt, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Science) C-339 VMC, 1365 Gartner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6192, 12101 Dodd Blvd,Rosemount 55068, 651-423-3123;walte0440tc.umn.eduWALTER-MARCHETll PHD Cia, Director, OIc forUniv Women (Ole for University Women) 406Morrill Hall, Del Coda 0264 (625-0039), 11761 AbleSt NE, Blaine 55434, 763-757-5167, 'WALTERS Diane L, Info Tech Prof (HumanResourceslProjects) 320A Morrill Hall, Del Code0263 (626-1048), 1388 E 6th St, St Pau/55106,651-nl-6322, washeOQ30tc.umn.eduWALTERS Diane R, Development OIer (CLAExtemal Relations) Room 225 johnstOn Hall, DelCode 3n4 (625-4324), 1517 West 53rd Street,Mpls 55419, 929-6235, walte041 Otc.umn.eduWALTERS Eileen M, Building and Grounds Worker(UMD Fac Mgmt-Custodial Maint) 241 DAdB,1049University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8285),ewaltersOd.umn.eduWALTERS Kevin L, Adjunct Ass! Prof (DakotaClinic) 705 Pleasant Ave, Park Rapids 56470(218-732-2800), wane0350tc.umn.eduWALTERS Kylie J, Asst Prof (Biochem, MolBiology & Biophysics) 5-128 BsandBE; 4-~74BsandBE, Del Coda 1214 (625-2688; 62sll3764),walte0480lc.umn.eduWALTERS Lynn M, Laboratory Animal Tech Spec(Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo, DelCode 8069, 1-525 PWB (624-6705),wane0470tc.umn.eduWALTERS Piper L, Library Ass! 2 (Waner FMandale Hall) 229--19th Avenue South, Mpls55455, ~Inner Drive M Apt25, St Paul 55116,walte2190tc.umn.eduWALTHER John W, Teaching Spec (Center ForEducational Programs) 127 VinH, Del Coda 0412,5521 Regis Drive NE, Fridlay 55432,763-571-1556, wanhOO30tc.ump.eduWALTHOUR Kate A, Coordinator (Social Work,School 01), Teaching Spec (Social Work, School 01)Rm 105 PetersH, Del Coda 6161 (624-3763),kwalthouOlc.umn,eduWALTMAN MeHssa L, Teaching AsS! (Psychology)N-218 EItH, 75 East River Road, Mp\s 55455, DelCode 3281 (625-2869),706-3098,wan02600tc.umn.eduWALTHER Ann B, Chair (History), Prot (History)614 Soc Sci, Del Code 7165 (624-2800), 1604 ERiver Terrace, Mpls 55414, 339-4239,

WALTON Kate E, Post-Doctoral Fellow(Psychology) N-218 EnH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls55455, Del Code 3281, wanoOnOtc.umn,eduWALTON Tanya E,Sr GrantlContraet Admin(Sponsored Projects Admin) 450 McNamareAlumni Clr, Del Code 2003 (626-8265),twaltonOlc.umn.eduWAI,TON Thomas W, Teaching Asst(Anthropology) 395 HHH, Del Code 7455(625-0166),248-736-0190, waft04120tc.umn.eduWALTONEN Michael S, Help-lineConsunanVTraining (ADCS) Room 190 ShepLab,100 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0771, 301Shelard Pkwy Apt228, Saint Louis Park 55426,waltonenOtc.umn.eduWALTZ Anne L, Ofe Spec (Col 01Pharm·Research & Grad Prog) 5-130 WDH, DelCoda 1332 (624-3956), ~hns8nOlc.umn.eduWALVlG Tasha B, Community Program Spec(MCTFR) N518 Elliott Hall, Del Coda 3281(626-6n4), 3515 39th Avenue S, Mpls 55406,waIvOOO70tc.umn.eduWAll Anita M, Extension Educatornnstr (UMExtension Regl Clr Sf Cloud) Midtown OfficeComplex, 3400 Rrst Street N Suite 400, St Cloud56303-4000, walzx061 Otc.umn.eduWAll Greg A, Library Ass! 2 (MINITEX) 15Andersen Library, Del Code 7921,walzx0640tc.umn.eduWAll Jodie L, Curator (Arch/l.andscapa Arch)Room 65 RapsonH, Del Coda 0811 (624-4080;626-7851),651-644-2952, walzx0090tc.umn.eduWAll Micheal J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Ripple RiverMedical Center) 25 4th St SW, Ait!<in 56431, At 4,Box 58A, Aitkin 56431, walzxool Otc.ump.eduWAll Peter N, Info Tech Prof (Geography) 333SocSci, Dei Code 7331 (625-8389), .pnwOtc.umn.eduWAllER Arthur E, Prof (Rhetoric) 64 Cia Off, DelCode 6043 (624-3058), 2183 St Clair, St Paul55105,651-699-5663, awalzerOtc.umn.eduWAMBACH Cathrine A,Assoc Prof (G C-lnsVSocSci) 146 Ap H, Del Code 3501 (625-2547),wambaool0tc.umn.eduWAMMES Birgitte, Non Univ Staff (Epidemiology)300 WBOB Mpls (624'1818),wamme0Q40tc.umn.eduWAMSLEY Duane J, Mechanic 1 (FacilitiesMgmt-ZOne 4-eampus Disk) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 10150 420lh Street, Har.ris 55032,651-674-6219, wamslool Otc.umn.eduYiAMSTAD Joseph A, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Genetics, Cell Bioi & Development) 5-147MoosT, Del Code 1217, wams00040tc.umn.eduWAMUO Augustine N, Prin Cashier (Office of theBursar) 107 CofH, Del Code 6060 (625-8108;625-7288), a·[email protected] Chen P, Research Fellow (MAST) MASTLab,25254th St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 2631(626-0308), wanx00070Ic.umn.eduWAN Feng, Research Ass! (Civil Engineering)Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0851, 100515th Avenue SE Apt 6, MplS55414, wanlO(021 Otc.umn.eduWAN Haibo, Research Fellow (FisheriesiWildlife,Dept 01), Research Ass! (RsheriestWildlife, Dept01) 200 Hodson Hall, Del Coda 6125 (624-4222),wanx00290tc.umn.eduWAN Tlan, Research Asst (Aerospace Engr andMechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 UnionSt SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731,wanx00250tc.umn.eduWANAMAKER Barbara J, Research Assoc(Geology & Geophysics) 2n ShepLab, Del Code0211 (624-1547), bwanaOlc.umn.eduWANBERG Connie R, Prof (Industrial RelationsCtr), Assoc Prof (1ntemational Program Dev)3-255CilrlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-4804), 14299Fridfey Way, Apple Valley 55124,wanbeOO10tc.umn.eduWANDER Kenneth V:Cerpenter (FacilitiesMgmnt·Zone 4-Campus Dist) Room 130G .FoodOB, Del Code 5803, 9333' 185th Avenue,Becker 55308, 763-263-6854, .wandeOOSOtc.umn.eduWANDERA Angela, Exempt Temporary or Casual(DiagiSurg Sciences - Orthodontics) Room 8-320Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (625-5110),wande0090tc.umn.eduWANDURAGALA Danushka M, CommunityProgram Spec (Department of Psychiatry) 602Professional Bldg, 606 24th Ave S, Mpls 55454(627-4878), 533 Summit Ave, Apt 2, St Paul55102,651-983-6266,

WANG PHD BI80, Post·Doctoral Assoc (Dept ofMedicineJliematology) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Coda8480, 14-142 PWB (624-0123; 624-5116),wangx5180tc.umn.eduWANG Bo, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chemistry) Room 139 SmithH, 207 Pleasant StSE, MplS 55455, Del Coda 3661, Apt 1406, 42513th Ave SE, Mpls 55414, 251-8795,wang07020tc.umn.eduWANG Ce, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Chemistry) Room 139 SmilhH, 207 Pleasant StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Coda 3661,wangx3180tc.umn.eduWANG Chengxing, Research Assoc (OralSciences) Room 17-175 MoosT: Del Code 1291(625-4916),1627 Cerl St, Apt4, Lauderdale 55108,651-646-1568, wangx3060tc.umn.eduWANG Chian-Jen, Ass! Prof (School ofMathematics) 240 VinH, Del Coda 0412(625'()885), wangx3480tc.umn.eduWANG Chuanfeng, Research Assoc (VA MedicalCenter) Research sarvica 151, Del Coda 6099(725-2000 >(2882), 6753 Amherst Lane, EejenPrairie 55346, cwangOtc.umn.eduWANG Chun" Ass! Prot (Biomedical Engineering'Dept) 7-116 BSBE, Del Code 1191 (628-3990),wangx5040tc.umn.eduWANG Dan, Teaching Ass! (Biostatistics, Divisionof SPH) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Coda 8303, MMC303 Mayo (624-2474), wangx4670tc.umn.eduWANG David H, Adjunct Ass! Prot (Boyn HS) .Primary Care West, Del Coda 1171 (825-8400),wangx0660tc.umn.eduWANG Dong,~ Prof (Soil, Water, andClimate) Room 439 BorH, 1991 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6028 (625-5n9;625-1244), wang><2420tc.umn.eduWANG Doris J, Lecturer (UMC Business &Technology) llOE sec, Crookston 56716(218-281-8203), Box 574, Stephen 56757,[email protected] Feng, PhD Candidate Teaching Ass!(Computer SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0571,1211 Fifield Ave, St Paul 55108, 860-2186,wang08670tc.umn.eduWANG Fenghuan, Research Asst (UMDMathlStals), Teaching Asst (UMD MathlStats) 115SCC, 1117 University Dr, Duluth 55612(218-726-6239), 7 Vergennes St, Superior WI54880, 715-394-6330, .WANG Guangjian, Research Assoc(Neuroscience) 3-160 Jackson Hall, Del Code 1216(626-2114), wangx0270tc.umn.eduWANG Guixia, Post·Doctorai Assoc (VAMC) OneVeteran~ Drive, Research Center (151 ), Mpls55417 (725-2000 >(2876), 5839 Park Place Dr,Shoreview 55126, 651-482-7899,[email protected] Haiying, Research Ass! (School ofMathematics) 556 VinH, Del Code 0412(624-3339), wang06560tc.umn.eduWANG Hao, PhD Candidate Teaching Asst(Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,wangx2490tc.umn.eduWANG Hongbo, Post·Doctoral Assoc (PediatricHematologylOncology) MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code8386,425 East River Road, 419 Erie'Street SE,Apar1ment Apt201, Mpls 55414,wangx3520tc.umn.eduWANG Huan, Post·DocIoral Assoc (MedicineCerdiology Office) MMC 508 Mayo, 8508, 420Delaware, Mpls 55455, Aptl0, 820 Washington AV,SE, Mpls 55414, huenwangOlc.umn.eduWANG HUixin, Teaching Ass! (Statistics) 313 FordHall, Del Code 0457, wangx331 Otc.umn,eduWANG Jane J, Info Tec!l Prot (COAFES·Admin)30 Coffey Hall, Del Code 6074 (624-9745),janewangOtc.umn.eduWANG Jian·Guo, Post-Doctoral Assoc (14-149PWB) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Coda 8480, 420Delaware St SE, 415 Eire St SE Apt201, Mpls55414, 378'()799, wangx3500tc.umn.eduWANG Jianping, Assoc Prof (BeetricaVComputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, 200 Union St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0572, ;ilwangOtc.umn.eduWANG Jiaping, Prof (Mathematics, Sch 01) VinH230, Del Code 0412 (624-3829), 408 CoventryLane, Edina 55435, 952-631-3863,wangx2080tc.umn.eduWANG Jinfeng, Post·Doctoral Assoc (Bio-besedProducts) 108 Kaulert Lab, Del Code 8130(624-3089), 1619 Cerl St, Apt7, St Paul 55108.651-917-3719,


WANG Jing, Post·Doctoral Assoc (Aerospace Engrand Mechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731 (624-5204),wang05120tc.umn.e<iJWANG Jingh~, Research Assoc (Pharmacology),Post·Doctoral Fellow (Veterinary PopulationMedicine) Room 2-206 BSBE, Del Coda 1213 •(624-5983), 5838 Ridge Creek Road, Shoreview55126, wangx2190tc.umn.eduWANG Jingyue, Teaching Spec (Mathematics & nsApplications) 251A Und Hall, Del Code 0412,10008th St SE Apt 111, MpIs 55414,wang05230tc.umn.eduWANG Junhui, Research Asst (stlitistics) 492 FordHall, Del Code 0457 (626-9190), Apt 8-1, 1186Gibbs Ave, St Paul 551Q8, 651-815-1556,wang06050tc.umn.eduWANG .lye, Research Ass! (Hnh SvcsResearchlPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Coda 8729,1238 Ray Place, St Paul 55108, 651-645-2192,wang0641 Otc;umn.ewWANG Kuei-Chun, Graduate School Fellow(Biomedical Engineering) Room 7-105 NHH, 312Church St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 1191, 103 LnEast3 Hwang-Pu Fengshan, Kaohsiung830Taiwan,.wangx6620tc.umn.eduWANG.Kyuhyun, Adjunct Prot (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) 701 Park Ave S, Mpls 55415,8309 Loch Moor Drive, Edina 55435,wangx0030tC.umn.eduWANG Lan, Ass! Prof (Statistics) 365 Ford Hall,Del Coda 0457 (~7843), 331-5314,wangx3460lc.umn.eduWANG Lan, Graduate School Fellow (ChemicalEngrlMat Sci), PhD Cancidate Research Ass!(Chemical EngrlMat ScI) 40 Amundson Hall, DelCode 0531 (625-1018), Apt 109, 1015 Essex StSE, Mpls 55414,803-5461,wang08390tc.umn.ewWANG Le R, Adjunct Asst Prof (Primary DentalCare - CCC) 7-336 Moos T, Del Coda 1291(625-4908), 856 FonIst Dale Rd, New Brighton55112,651-633-8839, wangxl540tc.umn.eduWANG Lei, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Mechanical Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE, Mpls 55455, 081 Coda 0691, 104227th Ave SE, Apt 0, Mpls 55414, 331-9191,wang06200lc.umn.eduWANG Liangchun, Post·Doctorai Assoc(Immunology) MMC 334 Mayo, Del Coda 8334,6-108 BSandBE, 1823 Como Ave SE, Minneaplis55414, wangx4760tc.umn.eduWANG Liangyou, Posi·Doctoral Assoc (MedicinalChemistry) 8-139 Weaver·DensfOrd Hall, Del Coda1332 (625-5543), wangx6590tc.umn.eduWANG Lifang,.Teaching Ass! (Statiftics) Room313 FordH, 224 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCoda 0457 (625-8048), wangx2460tc.umn.eduWANG Lin, Teaching Ass! (Bioprocess Instituta)Room 240 GorL, 1479 Gortner AWJ, St Peul55108,Del Code 8106 (625-1722),warig08020tc.umn.eduWANG Ling, Teaching Spec (ALL) 444 FolwellHall, Del Coda 0144 (624-2366), 1953 MalvemStreet, Lauderdale 55113, 651-646-8749,wangx3330tc.umn;eduWANG Liping, Assoc Prot (History) 5i8 Soc Sci,Del Code 7165 (624-4834), 2104 30th Ave So,Mpls 55406, UplnOO30tc.umn.eduWANG Mingyao, AsS! Prot (LabMedicinelPathology), Sr Research Assoc (CencerCenter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 760CCRB (624-0439; 826-5162),wangxl260tc.umn.edUWANG Peng, Teaching Ass! (ComputerScience/Engineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 0571,warig06760tc.umn.eduWANG Pengna, Teaching Ass! (Masters ofBusiness Taxation) 3-108 CerlSMgm1, 32119thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Coda 7041, 1233 GibbsAvenue, St Paul 55108, 228-5710,wang0836O'tC.umn.eduWANG Ping, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Pharmacology)6-120 JacH, 321 Church St SE; Mpls 55455, DelCoda 1213, 2036 knapp Ave, St Peul55108,651-646-838lj, wangx3380tc.umn.eduWANG Ping, ScientIst (Veterinary PopulationMedicine) Room 225 VMC, Del Code 6190, 1506Oakwood Terrace, Shoreview, St Peul56126,651-784-7312, wangx8670tc.umn.eduWANG Qiang, Teaching Ass! (Civil Engineering),Researcl1 Ass! (Civil Engineering) AerOspace Engrand Mechanics, Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731,1262 Fifield Ave,St Paul 55108, 651~78,


WAt.iG Qiming. Ass! Prof (UMD Finance/Mgmt InloSciences) 150 SBE. 412 Library Dr, Dulull1 55812(218-726-7532). 2Q5.239-8321,[email protected]

WANG Qinghua. Post-Doctoral Assoc(Biochemistry) 5-266 BsandBE. Oal Code 1214(626-2353). [email protected]

'WANG Renqiu, Research ASS!(Electrical/Computer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSCi,Oal Code 0572. 425 13111 Ave SE, Apt 406. Mpls55414. [email protected]

WANG RUi, Research Assoc (Dept of Soil. Water,and Climate) 5325 Soils Bldg, Del Code 6028(624,1645),1419 Mart>ee Dr Ap14. Omaha NE68124, [email protected]

WANG Sharyn T, Library Ass! 2 (Social SCienC6S(MAC» 160 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (626-3630), '

WANG Shengyue, Research Asst (ComputerSCiencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Oal Code 0571(626-9742; 625-7876), [email protected]

WANG Shun, Teaching Asst (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpis 55455, Del Code 0331, 700 University AveSE, Mpls~4,

WANG Songwen, Adjunct Asst Prof (Soil. Water,and Climate) Room 439 BorH, t991 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6028,[email protected]

WANG Suntao, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Oal Code 0331,[email protected]

WANG Tairan. Research Asst (Electrical/Computer'Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSCi, Oal Code 0572,wang08220tc.umn.eduWANG Tracy Y, Ass! Prof (Finance) 3-122CariSMgmt, Oal Code 7041 (625-1252),

WANG Wei, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Department of Pharmaoology) 3-141 Moos Tower,Oal Code 1213 (626-6539).1205 Ray Place, StPaul 55108, 651-917-9906,[email protected]

WANG Wei, Research Assoc (Biochem, MolecularBioIIBlophy) 7-222 MeB, Del Code 1214(624-3790), wangx241

WANG Xiantang, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Department of Geology & Geophysics) 108Pillsbury Hall, 310 pnlsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455(624-9598; 626,7663),

WANG Xiaohong, Info Tech Prof (Plant Pall1ology)305 Cargill Center, Del Code 6030, 1619 CariStreet. Apt 15, St Paul 55108, 207-288-0524,

WANG Xiaohong, Sr Research Assoc (MedicineCardiology Office) MMe 508 Mayo, Del Code8508, 188C VCRC, 5688 Deer TrL W, Shoreview55126,651-645-5340,

WANG Xiaoli, PhD Candidate Research ASS!(University of Minnesota) Department of Chemistry,Del Code 3681 (624-5870), 1048 27th Ave SE, AptE, Mpls 55414,

WANG'Xiaoliang, PhD candidate Research Asst(Mechanical Engineering) Room 125 MechE, OalCode 0691 (625-7307), AptN3, 1160 Fifield Ave, StPaul 55108, 651-644-1993,

WANG Xiaoqiang, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Institutefor Mall1ematics) 400 Lind HaLL, Oal Code 0811,xiaoqOO10tc.umn.eduWANG Xiaoyuan, Teaching Ass! (Statistics) Room313 FordH, 224 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, OalCode 0457, [email protected]

WANG liD PHD Xin, Assoc Prof (UMP. RadiationOncology Center) Fairview Lakes Regional,Medical Office Building, 5160 Fairview Blvd, Suite1100, Wyoming 55092, [email protected] Xin, Asst Prof (Lab MedicinelPathology)MMC 716 Mayo, Oal Code 8716,

WANG Xin, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Electrical/Computer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Oal Code 0572,1010 Essex St SE, Ap1202, Mpls 55414,

WANG Xing, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Pharmacology)3-262 BSandBE, Oal Code 1213 (624-t929), 1205Ray Place, St Paul 55108, 651-917-9908,

WANG Xinjing, Asst Prof (Lab MedicineIPatIlology)MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609,wangx511

WANG Xinyu, Post-Doctoral Assoc(ElectricallComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSCi.Oal Code 0572, 1111 Hamline Ave N, Apt 27, SaintPaul 55108, wangx5200tc.umn.eduWANG Xiping, Research Assoc (UMD Natural RsrcRsrch Inst CARTD) USDA Forasi SVCIForest ProdLab, 0186, One Gifford Pinchot Dr, Madison WI53705-2398,9815 Talons Way, Verona WI 53593,608-827-8204, xwangOIs.fed.usWANG Xuelin, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Genetics, Cell B,IoI & Development) 4-212 MCB, 'Del Code 1217 (626-4329; 625-1299), 1998Brewster St, Apt 309, St Paul 55108, 281-1793,wang07220tc.umn.eduWANG Yang, Emeritus (Cardiology Dept) MMe508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 282 VCRC (625-4401;625-9100),100 2nd Street NE, Apt A350, Mpls55413, [email protected] Yexun, Post-Doctoral Assoc (BiochemistryGorL) Room 140 GorL, Oal Code 1214 (624-3790),651-649-0996, wangxI970tc.umn.eduWANG Yijiang, Prof (Carison Industrial RelationsCtr) 3-097 CariSMgmt, Oal Code 7041 (624-6814),wangxOl00tc.umn.eduWANG Yingchun, Research Ass! (Carison SChoolof Mgmt) 3-300 CariSMgmt, Oal Code 7041, ,WANG Yini, Research Asst (University ofMinnesota) Department of Chemistry, Del Code3681 (626-9951), wangx2530te.umn.eduWANG Yongbao, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Biochem,MolecBiol, & Biophysics) 6-226 MeB, Oal Code1214, 5974 femwood st, Shoreview 55126,wangx6790tc.umn.eduWANG Vue, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Veterinary andBiomedical SCiences) Room 2050 VetS, Oal Code6187, wengx6580tc.umn.eduWANG Yuyan, Research Asst (Electrical andComputer Engineering) 4-174 EElCSCi, Del Coda0572 (624-4887), Apt 10708, 1070 27111 Ave SE,Mpls 55414-2m, wang0511 Otc.umn.eduWANG Zejing, Non Univ Staff (MechanicalEngineering) 333 Johnston Hall Mpls,wangx701 @tc.umn.eduWANG Zhe, Hormel Fellow (Hormellnstilute)University of Minnesota, 801 16th Ave NE, Austin55912-3679, 1000 14111 St NW, Ap1312, Austsin55912,507-434-2884WANG Zhen, Teaching Ass! (Political SCience)Room 1414 SocSCi, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7175, 1170 Fifield Ave N-2, 51 Paul55108; 651-644-1994, wangx4880tc.umn.eduWANG Zhiyong, Research Ass! (Chemistry) Room139 SmijhH, 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, OalCode 3681, W2, 1991 Knapp Avenue, St Paul55108,651-917-2861, wang08080te.umn.eduWANGENSTEEN Douglas, Head (Physiology),Prof (Physiology; Pediatrics) 6-125A JacH, OalCode 1215 (625-5580), 2171 Princeton Ave, StPaul 55105, 651-698-0687,wangeool0tc.umn.eduWANGENSTEEN Kirtl J, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Genetics, Cell Bioi &Oavelopment) &-212MCB, Det Code·1217 (625-9648), 1525 East RiverTerrace, M~ls 55414-3647, kirtlOtc.umn.eduWANGSNESS John A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Minnesota Oncology Hematology) 310 N Smlll1Ave, Suite 460, St Paul 55102, 15 Oriole Lane, StPaul 55127, wangsool Ote.umn.eduWANNEBO Dawn A, Cook (20248 203rd Ave)Bagley 56621, Bagley 56621, 218-651-2266,wann80070mail.crtl.umn.edWANNER Renee G, Prin Cashier (UMD Ceshiers)140 DAdB, 0216, 1049 University Dr, Dulull155812 (218-726-7llil), 1135 MiSSisipi Ave, Duluth55811, 218-724-38i7, rwannerOd.umn.eduWANNER Sarah J, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Genetics, Cell Bioi, Dev TMED), Graduate SchoolTrainee (Genetics, Cell Bioi, Dev TCBS) 4-174MCB, Del Code 1217, wann00260tc.umn.eduWANSCHURA Judith A, Adjunct Prof (GroupHeal1h - Skyway) 701 4111 Ave S, Mpls 55408,5012Normandale Ct, Edina 55436,[email protected] Lucille A, Jr Scientist (USDA CerealDisease Lab) 1551 Lindig, Del Code 6030(625-3787), N7501125111 Street, River Falls WI54022, lucywOtc.umn.eduWANTA Dufera 0, Lab Aflimal Care Technician(Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo, Oal 'Code 8069, 1-525 PWB (624-6169),[email protected]

WARD Allen, Instructor (Anoka Drug &Gifts) 530W Main St, Anoka 55303, 225 Burnside Olive,Golden Valley 55422, wardX021

WARD Amy, Editor (Center for Boiethics) N504Boynton, Oal Code 1171, [email protected]

WARD Andrew C, Research Asst (MinnesotaPopulation Ctr) MMC 729 Mayo, Oal Code 8729,Room 50WilleyH (624-1433), 651-644-5650,[email protected]

WARD David A, Prof (Retired) (Sociology) 909 SocSCi, Del Code 7171 (624-9085),

WARD Erin E, Community Program Assoc (Wortl,CommunitylFamily Educ) Room 480 VoTech, DelCode 6197, 1853 Randolph Ave, Apt301 , St Paul55105,651-357-8059,

WARD Gilbert E, Prof (Retired) (VeterinaryBiosciences; Veterinary Medical Center), 1040Cariton Dr, Shoreview 55126,

WARD Herbert B, Prof (V A Medical Center)Surgical sarvice (112), One Veterans Dr, Mpls55417 (725-2148), 797 Linwood Av, St Pau155105,651-224-3651,

WARD Jean W, Prof (Retired) (SChool ofJoumalism) 101 Murphy Hall, 206 Church St, Mpls55455 (625-7316), 4037 Linden Hills Blvd, Mpls55410, wardxOOl

WARD Jeannie K, Support Staff (UM ExtensionRegl Ctr Mankato) 1961 Premier Dr Ste 148,Mankato 56001-5901 (507-389-6720),[email protected]

WARD John M, Ass! Prof (618 Bio Sci Center)1445 Gortner Ave, Del Code 6022 (625-4763),[email protected]

WARD John P, Prof (Retired) (AfrAmerican/African Studies), PO 88392, IndianapolisIN 48208, wardx0470tc.umn.eduWARD Julie P, Adjunct Instructor (Nursing, SChoolof), Teaching Spec (Nursing, Sc/1ool of) St Mary'sHospital- Mayo Foundatio, 12162nd St SW,Rochester 55908,

WARD Kara L, Sr OIc Ass! (UMD Chemistry) 248Chem, 0172,1039 University Dr, Duluth 55812,113rd Street, Proctor 55810, 218-624-5674,

WARD Karla 1.1, Administrative Dir(UMD-Chancello(s Ole-Adm) 517 0 Ad B, Duluth(218-726-6202), 13 West 8th St, Duluth 55806,218-722-4850, [email protected] Kathlean T, Non Univ Staff, 332 N C FOR,wardxOI80tc.umn.e9uWARD Kristen N, Research Asst (Biostatistics),Teaching Asst (Biostatistics) Room 200 UOffPI, DelCode 2702 (626-1172), 218-624-4973,

WARD Margaret H, Jr SCientist (USDA-ForestService) NCRS-Forestry Sciences Lab, 1831 Hwy169 East, Grand Rapids 55744,

WARD Michael 0, Departmental Oil (UM MatRsrch ScilEngr Ctr), Prof (Chemical Engr/Mat Sci)151 Amund H, Oal Code 0531 (625-3062),2401Forest Meadow Circle, Minnetonka 55343,[email protected]

WARD Miriam, Oapartmental Dir (HRMS) 532WBOB, Oal Code 7531 (624-1370), ,3964 FairviewAve North, Arden Hills 55112,651-636-3941,, page 640-6172WARD Molly E, Aooounts Spec (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1103 MechE, Del Code 0691(625-4099),801-2940, wafd00860tc.umn.eduWARD PHD Nic, Research Assoc Prof(Mechanical Engineering) Room L-l07 MechE, DelCode 0691 (625-6448), [email protected] Nicole, Non Univ Staff (Pediatrics) 160McNamara Mpls, wardx3200tc.umn.eduWARD Patrick C, Head (UMD PathoiogylLabMedicine), Prof (UMD PathoiogylLab Medicine)223 SMed, 1035 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7911),5700 London Rd, Duluth 55804,218-525-3893, [email protected]

WARD $Cott R, Instructor (Wa~Mart) 3300 Hwy210 W, Fergus Falls 56537, RRI Box 369, FergusFalls 56537, [email protected]

WARD Sue, Sr Analyst/Programmer (OIT­Enterprise Applications &Dev) Room 239N WBOB,Del Code 7531 (624-7634),15861 Crane St NW,Andover 55304.

WARD Susan 1.1, Prin Administrative Spec (CPPM- U of M Construction) B15 Donhowe Bldg, DelCode 3121 (625-3407), wardXOll

WARE Colleen H, Editor (CLA) 205 Joh H, DelCode 3774 (819-8630), warexOO50tc.umn.eduWAllE 0 Clifton, Prof (Music, SCh Of) 100 Ferg H,Del Code 7811 (624-5270), warexOOl Otc.umn.eduWARE Jacintha H, Food sarvice Wortler(Middlebrook Dining sarvices) 50C MDBK, OalCode 7651 (625-5009), warexOl00tc.umn.eduWARE Robert J. Asst Program Oil (InlelcollegialeAthletics) 205 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (625-9086),[email protected] Roger, Asst Dir CmplCol (UMMGrants Dev) Room 235 CS, M226C, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (320-589-6458), 410 West 7111 Street,Morris 56267, 320-589-1989,warehamrOmorris.umn.eduWARFA Habiba 1.1, Building and Grounds Wortler(Facilijies Mgmt-Donhowe-Area B) Room 300OonhoweB, 31915111 Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 630 Cedar Ave S Ap1305, Mpls 55404,340-1594, warla0030tc.umn.eduWARFIELD Susan M, Assoc Counselor/Advocate(General College Student Svc), Program Dir(General College Student Svc) 133A Appleby Hall,Del Code 3501 (625-0625),3841 So Chowen Ave,Mpls 55410, 285-8864, warli0020tc.umn.eduWARHOL Bonnie L, Adjunct Ass! Prof (RagionsHospital) 640 Jackson, St Paul 55101, 34264111 StN, Mpls 55412, 521'6009, [email protected] Bonnie L, OIc Supv (EducationalPsychoiogy) 204 Bu H, Oal Code 3171 (624-1698),[email protected] Joseph F, Building and Grounds Wortler(Facilities Mgmt-I'MB) Room 202 FMB, 1936Commonweal1h Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code6168, warhOOO30tc.umn.eduWARHOL Richard 1.1, Adjunct Prof (Aspan MedicalGroup) 1850 Beam Ave, Maplewood 55109-1162(651-779·2500), 164 Red Oaks Dr, St Paul 55127,651-482-1393, warhoool0tc.umn,eduWARHOL Robin M, Building and Grounds Worker(Facimies Mgmt-Bldg Serv - Area A) Room 300Donh(jWeB, 31915th AveSE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, martllool0tc.umn.eduWARK David 1.1, Prof (Retired) (Coun/Cnsijgsarvices, Univ), 1586 Northrop, SI Paul 55108,[email protected] Berta E, Scientist (PediatriCS-HumanGenetics) MMC 208, Del Code 8206, 4-145 MoosTowel (625-4076), [email protected] Edward J, Lecturer (Civil Engineering)Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0851, 4864 Pittman Avenue SE, Apt30,Cokato 55321-4660, 651-602-9571,wamx0020tc.umn.eduWARNBERG Jonall1on A, Prin Administrative Spac(CCRB C 504-4 Mayo) MMC 806 Mayo, Oal Code8806, (624-5931), 651-707-5878,wambOO10tc.umn.eduWARNER Brione L, OIc Spec (Research Subjects'Protection Prog) MMC 820 Mayo, Del Code 8820,0-528 Mayo (626-5654), eatonOll Ote.umn.eduWARNER Owain, Prof (Retired) (Bell Museum ofN~tural History), 36663 Xeon St NW, Stanchfield55080, [email protected]

, WARNER Hubar R, Assoc Oaan (CBS Dean'sOffice) 123 Snyder Hall, Del Code 61'74(625-1839),356 Windsor Lane, Mahtomedi 55115,[email protected] '

WARNER Kristi K, Tchg Spec/Adjunct Assoc Prof(Law) Room 285 Law, Del Code 7911,wameQ270tc.umn.eduWARNER Mary L, OIc Spec (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Oal Code2011 (624-0593), [email protected] Michael R, Building and GroundsWortler (Fac Mgmt-Zone 3-Heal1h Services) B117Moos T, Oal Code 1291, warwuOO10tc.umn.eduWARNER Raymond M, Prof (Retired) (flectricaland Computer Engr), 1615 Lincoln Drive, Apt155,Edina 55436, [email protected] William H, Emeritus (AerospaceEngrlMechanics), 1235 Yale Place Ap1210, Mpls55403, warneool @tc.umn.eduWARNESS Ronald N-; Pr Technology Spac (OIT­Desktop SupportiData Security) 660 W BOB, Del

,Code 7531, 1945 Midland Hills Rd, Roseville '55113,651-636-9230, [email protected] Pamela K, Sr Laboratory ServicesCoord (Agronomy & Plant Genetics) 100 Agr P GGh, Oal Code 6026 (625-3153), 763-717-9371,[email protected] Senia A, Advanced Masters ResearchAsst (Plant Pathology) Room 495 BorH, 1991Upper Buford Circle, St Paul 55108, Del Code6030, 763-234-9775,


WARNKE Thomas W, Sr Administrative Oil(Aes-Adminislralion) 104 F G Mnt, Del Code 6096(625-1228), wamkOOl

WARNKEN Mar!(, Ass! Prof (HealthPartners ­Woodbury) 8450 seasons Par1(way, Woodbury55125,

WARP George A, Prof (Retired) (HHH Inst ofPublic Affairs), 3701 Bryant Ave So, Apt703, Mpls55409,

WARPEHA Josaph M, Teaching Asst (Kinesiology)Room 100 CookeH, 1900 University Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 2061 (624-2943),

WARPEHA JR Waller S, Adjunct Prof(Developmental & Surg SCi-elell Para) Room 6-296MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625-5945),

WARREN Ca~ M, Sr Attomey (Law SchInstr-etinic) 285 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911(625-8581), 188 Radio Rll8d, River Falls WI54022, 715-426-5215, warreOOl

WARREN Deborah J, Communi1y Program Spec(Envm HeaIlh SciencaslHealth SludIe) 350McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2004 (625-4036), 3115 E25th St, t.lPIs 55406-1449,721-5006,

WARREN Emily J, Research Ass! (School ofSocial Wor!() Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6161, 3448 LongfellowAvenue, Mpls 55407,

WARREN Gary S, Head Coach (UMC Athletics)151 Sports C, Crookston 58716 (248-281-8428),1032 Front 51 S, Crookston 58716, 218-289-0646,gwarren0!(

WARREN Hen~tte, Lecturer (Child Development)ChDev, Del Code 4011 (626-2295),warrel430le.umn.eduWARREN James B, Ass! Prof (Regions Hospital)General Medicine, 640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101 ,[email protected]

WARREN Jay H, Sr DB Analyst (AHC Admin lnfoSystems) MMC 210 Mayo, Del Coda 8210, 588ChRC (626-4385), 952-985-5704,

WARREN Jim, Research Fellow (Cloquet ForestryCenter) 175 Universi1y Avenue, Cloquet 55720(218-726-6405), warre0360tc.umn.eduWARREN John R, Assoc Prof (Sociology) Room909 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpis 55455, DelCoda 7171, 2234 Hayes St NE, Mpls 55418,warre0460tc.umn.eduWARREN Meghan, Graduate SChool Trainee(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, 1300 S 2nd St,Mpls 55454, Del Code 7525 (626-1893),warre0480le.umn.eduWARREN Randall C, Assoc Prof (Mor!( Clinic ­Anol<a) 1833 2nd Ave S, Anoka 55303,warr90180tc.umn.eduWARREN Tonya 0, Sr Accountant (AccountingServices) Rm 651A WBOB, Del Code 7529(624-5748),

WARRINGS Gregory B, Electrician (Fac~lties

Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB, Del Code 6188, 2876Hilo Ave North, Oakdale 55128, 651-330-1110,warriOO20le.umn.eduWARRINGS Mary K, Prin Laboralory Technician(Oral Sciences - Oral Palhology) Room 16-133BMoos T, Del Code 1291 (624-5879),45 MoundAve, Tonka Bay 55331,

WARSAME Farhan A, Building and GroundsWor!(er (Pioneer Hall), SrBuilding and GroundsWor!(er (Pioneer Hall), Del Coda" 1751 (624-6127),501-9411, warsa0040le.umn.eduWARSAME Halimo M, Building and GroundsWor!(er (Facililies Mgmt-Donhowe--Area A) Room400 DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpis 55455, DelCode 3121,1530 South 6th 51, Apt C 909, Mpls55454, 339-2040,

WARSHAW Erin M, Assoc Prof riA MedicalCentar) Dermatology - Dept 111 K, 1 Velerans Dr,MPls 55417, [email protected] JeIlrey S, Assi Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Canter) 701 Par!( Ave S, Mpts 55415,2420 Humboldl Ave S, Mpls 55405,[email protected] Jly{ce, Asst Prof (Children'sHealth Care MpIs) 2525 Chicago Ave S, Mpls55404, warsh0020tc.umn.eduWARTA Andrew M, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chern Engr & Mall Sci) 207 Amundson Hall, DelCoda 0531 (624-0270), 1405 West Jessamine AveApl304, St Paul, 55108, 402-571-7983,warlaOOl

WARTCHDW Diane E, Counselor/Advocate(General College Student Services) 64 ApplebyHall, Del Code 3501 (625-6555),926-1325,

WARTO Carrie A, Teaching Ass! (Psychology)N-218 EIlH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3281, 1831 Cleveland Street NE, Mpls55418,

WARWICK Warren J, Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 742Mayo, Del Coda 8742, A523 Mayo (624-7175),1952 East River Terrace, Mpls 55414-3672,[email protected]

WASCHEK James, Visiting Prof (Genetics, CellBiology, and Develop) Room 5-212 MCB, DelCoda 1217 (626-4509), 408 No 1st St, Apt509,Mpls 55401, 763-954-5778,[email protected]

WASCOE Joyce L, Exempt Temporary or Casual(HousinglResidential Life) G58 ComH, Del Code1092 (624-4529), 2421 Lee Ave N, Golden Valley55422, 763-588-3543, [email protected]

WASEEN Amber 0, Adjunct Instructor (UMDMusic), Teaching Spec (UMD Music) 231Humanities, 1201 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-8208),

WASEEN Symeon L, Adjunct Instructor (UMDMusic), Teaching Spec (UMD MuSic) 231 H, 1201Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8208),swaseenOd.umn.eduWASEM Linda M, Exec Sec (Mn LandscapeArboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd, Chaska55318-9613 (952-443-1442),1074 Falls Curve,Chaska 55318, 952-361-6721,

WASEM JR Michael B, Publicity Designer(Concerts and Lectures) Room 109 NMA, 64Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0251,

WASHABAU Robert J, Chair rleterinary ClinicalSciences), Prof (Veterinary Clinical SCiences)C-349 VMC, Del Code 6192 (625-5273),

WASHBURN Elizabeth L, Ass! To (Director ofCommunications) N 221, Del Code 7911(625-1538), 1465 Fairmount Avenue, St Paul55105, [email protected] .

WASHBURN Fredrick P, Adjunct Instruclor (451 NDunlap) St Paul 55104, 598 Maple Par!( Dr,Mendota Heights 55118, [email protected]

WASHBURN Kevin K, Assoc Prof (Law School)Room 285 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Coda 7911 (624-3869), 1465 FairmountAvenue, SI Paul 55105, 651-699-1418,[email protected]

WASHENBERGER LeRoy, Lithographer (PrintingServices) 118 PSB, Del Code 5401 (625-2819),51West Orange Ave, St Paul 55117, 651-488-7092,[email protected]

WASHINGTON Kenneth, Lecturer (GuthrieTheatre) 725 Vineland Place, Mpls 55403, 700Douglas Ave, Apt 209, Mpls 55403,[email protected]

WASHINGTON Marion M, Sr OIc Spec (UMDBusiness Office) 209 DAdB, 0216, 1049 Universi1yDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8292),[email protected]

WASHINGTON Rosalyn 0, Exec AdministrativeSpec (MN Medical Foundation) Suite 300 Gateway,Del Coda 2012 (626-5464), 165 N McKnight RdApt 208, St Paul 55119, 651-735-61t3,[email protected]

WASHINGTON Teresa A, Program Assoc(Continuing Professional Educ) Room 352F ClaOff,Del Code 6051 (624-3745), [email protected] Amanda M, Sr LaboratoryTechnician (Ch~d Development) ChDev, 51 EO RiverRd, MpIs 55455, Del Coda 4011 (624-8843),2153Moonlight Dr, Green Bay WI 54313-7803,236-8920, [email protected] Karen R, Ass! Prof (Surgery), ResearchAssoc (Surgery) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195,11-205 Moos T (625-2682; 625-2984),

WASKO Cheryl M, l'"o Tech Prof (HRMS) 535WBOB, Del Code 7531 (624-5759),c-waskOle.umn.eduWASON Cheryl A, Teaching Spec (CCE College inlhe SChools) Room 202 WesH, Del Code 3831,1478 Thomas Lane, Eagan 55122, 651-454-9436,[email protected] Christina L, Graduate SchoolTrainee (Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, DelCode 7525, 2544 South Adams St, Blooming1on IN47403,

WASSEN Richard E, Sr Fellow (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, Del Coda 3171(625-3427), [email protected]

WASSERMAN Brian 0, Lecturer (UnivCoVlndlDistance Learning) Room 25 WesH, nPleasant Sf SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831, 6388158th St W, Apple Valley 55124, 952-953-0134,[email protected]

WASSERMAN Ne~ F, Prof (V A Medical Center)One Veterans Dr, Box 114, MpIs 55417,[email protected]

WASSIF Heba S, Instructor (1 Veterans Dr) Mpls55417 (725-2000), 409 Fairview Ave N Ap12, StPaul 55104, 651-648-7588, [email protected]

WASYUSHIN Renae L, Laboratory SvcCoordinator (Chemistry) 202 Smith H, Del Coda3661 (624-0860; 624-1662),[email protected]

WATABE Yuki, Teaching Asst (ALL) 440 FolwellHall, Del Code'Ol44 (624-5793),[email protected]

WATANABE PHD Yoichi, Assoc Prof (TherapulicRadiology Department) MMC 494 Mayo, Del Code8494, Ml0 Masonic Cancer Canter (626-6708;626-2440),

WATCHKE James A, Accounlanl (Arch/LandscapeArch) Room 145U RapsonH; Room 308 NMA, DelCo<je 081 1 (624-4839), [email protected]

WATCZAI{,Jeff J, Building and Grounds Wor!(er(Glenshee'l'i) 3300 London Rd, Duluth 55804(218-726-8915)WATERBURY Thomas L, Prof (Retired) (lawSchOOl), 9 Pleasant Lane, North Oaks 55127,[email protected]

WATERHOUSE Bath E, Teaching Spec (Fisheriesand Wildlife) 324 Hodson Hall, Del Code 6125(625-8188),818 Third Ave Apt 305, Excelsior55331, •

WATERS C Kenneth, Dir (Philosophy of Sci, MN .elr for), Assoc Prof (Philosophy; Philosophy of SCi,MN Ctr lor) 735 HelierH, Del Code 7057(625-4325; 625-6635), ckwatersOtc.umn.eduWATERS Debbie L, Ass! Scientist (UMD NRRICWE) 5013 M~ler Truck Hwy, Duluth 55812(218-720-4294),4925 Oneida St, Duluth 55804,218-525-1853, [email protected]

WATERS Katherine C, Vet Public Heallh Resident(Center lor Animal Health & Food Sal) Room 136ABLMS, Del Code 6190, 720 West County Road B,Api 307, Roseville 65113, [email protected]

WATERS,shonna 0, Teaching Asst (Psychology)N-218 EIlH., 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, DelCoda 3281, [email protected]

WATERS Stanley R, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Science) C-339 VMC, 1365 Gortner Ave,SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6192, 12808 IngersollAve North, Hugo 55038, 651-426-1359,water0390tc.umn.eduWATERS Thomas F, Prof (Retired)(FisheriesIWildlife, Dept 01), 2754137th Lane,Andover 55304,

WATKINS Angela K, Coordinator (Epidemiology)Ste 300 WBOB, Del Coda 7525 (625-7896), 2426McNair Dr, Golden Valley 55422, 763-529-9058,[email protected]

WATKINS Douglas J, AdjUnct Asst Prof (HeartlandClinic Centra Care) 1520 WMney Ct, 'St Cloud58303

WATKINS Eric, Asst Prof (Horticulture) Room 338AlderH, 1970 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6008 (624-7496), 4331 Arden View Crt,Arden Hills 55112, 732-846-5565,ewat1<[email protected]

WATKINS Joan C, Prin Administrative Spec(Medicine Pulmonary Office) MMC 276 Mayo, DelCode 8276, 350 VCRC, wat1<[email protected] John, Prof (English Itnguage & Lrt)210H lindH, Del Code 0613 (624-8879), 4924 1stAve S, Mpls 55419,

WATKINS Mandi M, Program Dir (StudentActivities Office MPLS), Teaching Spec(EOpucational Policy and Admin) Siudent AcIIviliesOffice, 300 Washington Avenue SE, Mpls 55455(626-6919), wat1<i0140le.umn.eduWATRIN Michele A, Coordinator (General ClinicalResearch Center) MMC 504 Mayo, Del Code 8504,271 VFW (624-2621), walriOOl .

WATSON Christopher L, Asst To (EarlyEduclDevelopment, Ctr) 215 PI H, Del Code 4201(625-2898), watso0120·

WATSON Dennis, Regenls Prof (Retired)(Microbiology), 2106 Hendon Ave, SI Paul 55108,[email protected]


WATSON Donald J, Plumber (Fac Mgmt - Zone 4­Campus) Room 150 FoodOB, 2904 Fairmounl StSE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 5803, .

WATSON Jerrnaine 0, Jr,Scientist (Microbial andPlant Genorhlcs) Room 111 CargillB, 1500 GortnerAve, SI Paul 55108, Del Code 6127,74 Smrth Ave,Bayshora NY 11706, [email protected]

WATSON Kathleen V, Assoc Dean (MedicalSchool Admin), Assoc Prof (Medicine) MMC 284Mayo, Del Coda 8284, 14-114C PWB (625-1129;624-ll199), [email protected]

WATSON Kevin R, Communi1y Program Ass!(Youth & Aids Project) Loring Par!( Offica Building,428 oak Grove SI, Mpts 55403 (627-4335),[email protected] .

WATSON Larry 0, Plumber (Fec Management­Zone 5 East Bank) Room 300 Donhowa BLDG,31~1, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpts 55455,6805 NicoIle1Ave S, Richlield 55423, [email protected]·

WATSON Leslie A, Tchg Spec/Adjunct Assoc Prof(Law School) Room 285 MondaleH, 229 19th AveS, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911,walso046

WATSON Linda A, Departmental Dir (BiomedicalLibrary) 450B Diehl H, Del Code 16914626-7039),928 Nine M~e Cove S, HopkIns 55343,952-938-6264,

WATSON Marion E, Ass! Prof (Retired) (ExtensionComrnlEduc Tech Svcs), 2140 W Hoyt Ave, StPaul 55108, walSOOOl

WATSON Peter J, Ass! Prof (Speech languageHearing SCiences) 115 Shevlin Hall, Del Code4401, [email protected]

WATSON Valerie J, Human Resources Consultant(Human Resources) Room 200 DonhoweB, DelCoda 3122 (625-6710),

WATT Gavin 0, Inlo Tech Supv (Envm Health.Sciences) 350 McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2004(625-6614; 625-6160), 2731U~sses St NE, Mpts55418,788-6981,

WATTANAKIT Keatliyoat, Research Assoc(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,5017 18th Ave S, Mpls 55417-1219,722-3389,[email protected]

WATTANAPHANSAK Suphot, Research Ass! (190Humphrey Ctr) 301 19th Ave S, Del Code 6012,2033 Knapp Avenue ApI!N3, 51 Paul 55108,625-ll728,

WATTENBERG Elizabeth V, Assoc Prof (EnvmHealth Sciences) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807,

. 1110 Mayo (626-0184), [email protected]

WATTENBERG Esther F, Prof (Social WOr!(, Sch01) 105 Petk, Del Coda 6161 (625-1220),

WATTENBERG Lee W, Prof (Retired) (LionsResearch Building) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code8609, Room 183 (626-9195), 53Seymoor Ave SE,Mpls 55414, 378-2929, [email protected],page 625-0617

WATTENHDFER AOOt, Inlo Tech Prof (Mg~ Oleof Info Tech, Cartson) 4-127 CarlSMgmt, Del Coda7041 (624-1154),526 8th Ave NE, Mpls55413-2130,331-2488, [email protected]

WATTERS Jenifer M, Instructor (Regina MedicalCenler) Phermacy, 1175 Nlninger Rd, Hastings55033,

WATTERS Shana K, Teaching Asst (CompuWScience/Engineering) Room 4-192 EEICSci, DelCoda 0571, 500 Mission Road West, Bloomington55420,952-884-9116,

WATTRUS Nigel J, Assoc Prof (UMD GeologicalSciences; UMD Large Lakes Observatory) 203 R LB, Duluth (218-726-7154),

WATTS Harry E, Assoc Prof (Retired) (UMD-Art)131 V K H, Duluth (218-726-8259),hwaltsOd.umn.eduWATTS Janina A, Assoc Prof (Retired)(UMD-Psychology & Mental Health) 320 Boh H,Duluth (218-726-8186)

WATTS Kevin T, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Biochem, Molecular Biol/llklphy) Room 140 GoriL,1479 Gartner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6104(624-7409), Apt 105, 3534 Grand Ave S; Mpis55408,

WArts JR Winlhrop F, Research Assoc(Mechenical Engineering) Room 467 MechE, DelCoda 0691 (625-2045), [email protected]

WAVRIKCarolyn J, Sr Editor (IT Administration)Room 105 WaUb, Del Coda 3731 (624-8257),wavriCOl


WAWERS Stephanie S, Sf Paoong Attendant (TSBAll Third Floor) Room 302 TSB, Del Code 1983(625-1990), wawerOO30tc.umn.eduWAWRZONEK Uzbeth, Ole Spec (Theatre Artsand Dance) 111 Bartler, Del Code 7841(624-1581),2016 Emerson AV9 S, Mpls 55405,99Hl948, lizOtc.umn.eduWAX Denica A, Exempt Temporary 'or Casual(Neurology) MMC 295 Mayo, Del Code 8295(626-2675; 626-9919), 2125 E River Tarrace,Apt102, Mpls 55414, 339-2441 ,w&xXOOO10tc.umn.eduWAYMAN Miya M, Research Asst (ICIIEducational Psychology) Room 178 BuH, Del Code3171 (624-5785),97043 1/2 Ave NE Apt7,Columbia Heights 55421, 763-788-0868,miuraOOl @tc.umn.eduWAYNE DVM Spencer R, Research Asst(veterinary Population Medicine), Graduate SchoolFellow (Veterinary Population Medicine) VeterinaryPopulation MediCine, Room 225 VMC, 1385Gortner AV9, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6190,wayn00030lc.umn.eduWAYNEWOOD Dorian M, Info Tech Prof (AHCAIS) MMC 210 Mayo, Del Code 8210, ChildrensRehab R588 (624-9245), [email protected] Robert W, Assoc Program Oir(Mechanical Engineering) Roorn463 MechE, DelCode 0691 (625-1827), waytuOOl Ote.umn.eduW,;zwAZ Fadwa, Programmer AnalystlDBA (1MB)no 660 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (624-8882),wazwaOOl Otc.umn.eduWOOWYCHYN Dabra K, Library Asst 3 (Arts &Humanities (MAC» 160OMWL, Del Code 7111(625-3036),1527 6th Street NE, Mpls 55413,789-5157, d-aykeOtc.umn.eduWEATHERMAN Richard, Prof (Retired)(Educational POlicy & Admin) 330 Wulling Hall, DelCode 3345 (624-1006), 32 Mallard Rd, St Paul55127,651-48103958, weathOOl .WEATHERSPOON MarCy, Asst Scientist(Genetics, cell Biology, &Development) 7-227PWB, Del Code 1217 (626-3521), 3282 78th St E,Inver Grove Heights 55076, 218-564-5699,wealhOOSOtc.umn.eduWEAVER Arden W, Assoc Dean (UMD Fine ArtsAdmin, School of), Prof (UMD Theatre) 212 H,1201 Ordean C9Urt, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8760),4919 Ivanhoe Street, Duluth 55804·1 I 31 ,aweaV9rOd.umn.eduWEAVER Daniel J, Ass! Prof (Mililary Science)102 Annory, Del Code 0894 (624·7611; 624-7300),weaYOO160tc.umn.eduWEAVER Jessie L, Teaching Ass! (CI~cs &Near East Studies) 305 Folweq Hall, Del Code0149 (625-5353), 623 N 5th St, Atchison KS66002, 785-«l8-6065, weaV91090tc.umn.eduWEAVER Margie E, Lecturer (Universily Theatre)Room 120 RarlgC, Del Code 7752 (626-0279;625-6699), weave0290tc.umn.eduWEAVER Marti T, Inlo Tech Spec (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (626·1607),weave0300tc.umn.eduWEAVER Mary B, Lecturer (Universily YMCA)Room 2101901 Univ; Room 202 WasH, Del Code3774, wesve0230tc.umn.eduWEAVER Matthew J, Sr Ole Ass! (ClinicalSystems Dentistry) 8-440 Moos Tower, Del Code1291,5503 Regis Trail, Fridley 55432,763-~71..co73, weave0560tc.umn.eduWEAVER HI Roy, Ole Ass! (CCElDCP·SlI\dentServices & AdviSing) Room 150 WesH, Del Code3831 (624-8039; 624'6(59),weave0350tc.umn.eduWEAVERS Linda K, Visiting Assoc Prof (CivilEngineering) Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpis 55455, Del Code 0851, 2686 Sylvan Street,LittleC8nada 55117,651-484-1139,weavOOO70tc.umn.eduWEB ACCESS Language center, Non Univ Staff(CUI Language Clr) 51 Folwell Hall Mpls, 9Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, IcwebOtc.umn.eduWEBB Andrea E, Nutriiion Education Asst (UMExtension Dakota Cnty) Ste 101, 4100 220th St W,Farmington 55024-9539 (651-480-7700), 1212Balsam Trail E, Eagen 55123, 651-452-7337,webbx0060tc.umn.eduWEBB Chiu-Ho T, Scientist (Virology Research)MMC 437 Mayo, Del Code 6437,15·107 PWB(626-2958), 5205 Windsor Ave, Edina 55436,952-915-4485, webbx0180tc.umn.eduWEBB Jordan, Exec Administrative Spec(Department of Neurosurgery) Lions ResearchBldg, Del Code 2873 (626-9204), 816-633-6:11,[email protected] '

WEBB Matthew M, Teaching Asst (UMOElectriceVComputer Engr) 271 MWAH, 0173, 1023Universiiy Dr, Duluth 55812,1120 E 6th St, Apt206, Duluth 55805, 507-282-0630,

WEBB Peler J, Prof (Mathematics, Sch Of) 350VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-3491),[email protected] Rabecca L, Exec Administrative Spec(UMMoChancello(s OIc-Adm) 309 Behm, Morris56267 (320-589-6020), [email protected]

WEBBER Nancy B, Lecturer (Accounting) 3-122CartSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7041, 3000 West River Parllway, ApartmentApt209, Mpls 55406, webbOl160tc.umn.eduWEB CAMPER Ades, Non Unlv Staff (centralComputing Operations) 190 ShepL Mpls, 100Union St S E, MpIs 55455, webtm41 Otc.umn.eduWEB CAMPER Ades, Non Univ Staff (centralComputing Operations) 190 ShapL Mpls, 100Union St S E, Mpis 55455, webtm420tc.umn.eduWEBER Alvin F, Prof (Retired) (VeterinaryPopulation Medicine; Veterinary Biosciences) 335FAn Sci!V M, Del Code 6010 (624-226n, 1666Coffman Street Apt333, St Paul 551 08,651-644-1550, weberilO90te.umn.eduWEBER Bllly; Resaarch Fallow (ArchiLandscapeArch 1425 Univ) Aoom 220 1425 Univ, Del Code4603 (625-0598), weber0640tc.umn.eduWEBER'Brad J, Sr Food SeIVice Wortler(University Child Care center) Childcare, Del Code3071 (627-4014),795 Butternut Avenue, Saint Paul55102-4104,651-690'9819,weber0220tc.umn.eduWEBER Claudia V, Prin Student Personnel Wortler(UMD Health SelVices) 241 HS, 0212, 615Niagara Court, Duluth 55812 (218·726-8155), 4298Charies Road, Dulutl 55803, 216-724-5685,cvweberOd.umn.eduWEBER Cynthia A, Prin Accounts SpeclAcct Supv(Comstock Hali E), Del fJDda 1092 (624-9152),3524 Chelmsford Rd, SI Anthony 55418, 788'4327,[email protected] Cynthia M, Exec Administrative Spec (UMExtension Reg! Clr Albert Lea) 2360 CrossroadsBlVd, Albert Lea 56007-4001 (507·379-3512),4109th AV9 SW, Wells 56097, 507-553-3253,weberl680tc.umn.eduWEBER Gregory M, Electrician (CPPM- U of MConstlUCtion) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121,[email protected] Gregory S, Adjunct Asst Prof (RestorativeSci· Operetive OeIrtist) Room 6-450 MoosT, DelCode 1291 (826-6969), 104 Ridgebrook Or,Cannon Falls 55009, [email protected] Jim, Facilities Support Supv, FM(Facilities Mgmt-Administration) 300 DonhoweB,Del Code 3121 (625-7361), 168 Ulmer Dr, LinoLakes 55014, 851 ·765.()681,,WEBER Joseph G, Asst Prof (HCMC) MMC 294Mayo, Del Code 8294, 701 Partl Ave S (347-4157),weber0830te.umn.eduWEBER Kendra A, Program Oir (Universily of MNRochester) 855 30th Ave SE, Rochester 55904(507·2llO-2831), kendraweberOroch.eduWEBER Kristina 0, Teeching Ass! (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB; Health Promotion, Del Code7525, webe0371 Otc.umn.eduWEBER Laura E, Coordinator (General College)109 Applaby Hall, Del Code 3501 (625-6566),392017th Ave S, Mpls 55407, l-webeOtc.umn.eduWEBER Lynn F, Prin Adminislrativa Speo(Pharmacology) 6-120 Jacl<son Hall, Del Code1213 (626-6902), [email protected],eduWEBER Marc L, Instructcr (Medicine Renal Office)MMC 736 Mayo, Del Code 8736, 14-136 PWB(624-9444), PO Box 14931, Mpls 55414, 396-0467,webeOO170tc.umn.eduWEBER Michael 0, Carpenter (FacilitiesManagement) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code 8059,2462 84th Avenue, Osceola WI 54020,71'5-294-4455, [email protected] Phil J, Adjunct Asst Prof(HealthParlners·lnver Grove Heights) 5625 CenexOr, Inver Grove Heights 55077 (651-552-2630),6850 A~a Lane, Inver Grove Heights 55077,weber0720tc.umn.eduWEBER Robert R, Adjunct Assoc Prof (NorihSuburban Family Physicians) 404 W Hwy 96,Shoreview 55126 (651-482-8080),

WEBER Sendra J, Building and GroundS WorIIer(Facilities Mgmt-FMB) Room 202 FMB, 1936Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code6168,

WEBER Wanda J, Scientist (Animal Science) 120HckrH, Del Code1l118 (625-1249; 624-5346),weber0230tc.umn.eduWEBER Warren E, Visiling Prof (Economics) 1035Heller Hall, Del Code 7052,wabbeOO10tc.umn.eduWEBER William J, Instructor (Snyder Drug Store52) PO Box 320 T, Mpls 55440-0320, 'weber0440tc.umn·edlJWEB~RG Neil A, Sr Laborato!)' Services Coord(UMD Chemistry & Biochemistry) 241 SSB, 1039University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8600 x8600),4104 Hemlock Drive, Duluth 55803, 218-724-0886,[email protected] Anne M, Asst Prof (FamilyMedicineiComm Health), Assoc Program Dir(Family MedicinalComm Health) MMC 361 Mayo,Del Code 8361, Room 5-255 PWB (624'5864),1288 Schletti St, Saint Paul 55117, 651-487-9017,weberOO50tc.umn.eduWEBER·PAXTON Sheryl B, Coordinator(CCE-Marketing) Room 340 CofH, Del Code 6081(625-0290),4909 Chicago Ave, Mpls 55417,823-3382,

WEBSTER Amanda K, OIc Ass! (Inst onCommunity Integration) Room 204 PtH, Del Code4201 (624-6328),2130 Como AV9nue SE,Apartment 105, Seint Paul 55106, 507-732-7640WEBSTER David L, AdjUnct Asst Prof ,(Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology) 209 Mercy HealthCare center, 3960 Coon Rapids Blvd, CoonRapids 55433, [email protected] Elizabeth, Administrative Dir (Medicine)MMC 284 Mayo, Del Code 8284, 14·114A PWB(626-4804), webstOO30tc.umn.eduWEBSTER Gwen; Admissions Interviewer(Dentist!)'· Patiant Accounting) Room 7-220 MoosTower, Del Code 1291 (624-2668),webst0130tc.umn.eduWEBSTER Kaija M, Communily Program Spec(UMD Outdoor Program) 121 SPHC, 0021, 1216Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6257), 706High Street, Duluth 55605, kwebsterOd.umn.eduWEBSTER Niles W, Research Asst (UMOManagement Studies) 110 SBE, 412 Library Or,Dululh 55812, 3209 Larchmore Ave, Wayzata553912827,952-473-6943, [email protected] Patrice L, AdminiSfrative Professional(Research-Grad School Admin) MMC 820 Mayo,Del Code 8820, 0528 Mayo (626-5654),webst0190tc.umn.eduWEBSTER Patricia A, Coordinator (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, 176 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, D,el Code 3171, '938 1st Ave M, SaukRapids 56379, 320-253-6562;webst1450tc.umn.eduWEBSTER Stephen B, Adjunct Prof (GundersonClinic) 1836 SAVe, LaCrosee WI 54601 ,webst0040tc.umn.eduWECK Mary 0, Adjunct Instructor (Social Wortl)Room 400 FordH, Del Code 6161,2916 SimpsonSt, Roseville 55113, weckx0020tc.umn.eduWECKWERTH VemonE, Prof (HIth SvcsResearch/Pollcy) Health Services RschiPolicy, A270 A Mayo, MMC 510, 420 ,Delaware Street SE,Mpls 55455 (624-9000), 1668 Coffman Apt334, StPaul 55108, 651·64IHl836,weckwOO10tc.umn.e<luWEDDLE-8CHOTT Lori A, ExtensionEducator/Asst Prof (UM Extension Regl Ctr Mora)2008 Mahogany St, Mora 55051-7107(320·225·5055),23351 Keystone Rd, Milaca56353, 320-983-3050, weddl0020tc.umn.eduWEDEKIND Alison M, Research Asst (Cham Eng& Material Science) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (626-2021),2015 Central Ave NE, Apt 202,Mpls 55418, 443·57ll-8671 ,,WEDEKING Justin P. Technical Supplemental (LibInfo AccesslDel Svch Teaching Asst (PoliticalScience) 1414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7175,1911Sheridan Ave, St Paul 55116, 651-699-4276,wedeOO170tc.umn.eduWEDERSTROM Lorelee A, Dir Campus/CollegeLevel (Heelth Sciences·Adm) MMC 23 Mayo, DelCode 6023, 551 Boyn H S (626-7088), 722·2360,wedarOO10tc.umn.eduWEDIN Gr8QOIY G, Electrician (CPPM-U of MConstruction) B15 Donhowe B, Del Code 3121(625-5018),


WEDIN Gregory P, Clinical Assoc Prof (HennepinCounty Medical Canter) 701 Partl Ave, Mpls55415,1703 fairway Dr, Glencoe 55338,320-664-6720,

WEDIN Walter F, Adjunct Prof (AgronomylPlantGenetics) Room 411 BorH, 1991 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55106, Del Code 6026 (624-3284),110 Grant St WApt31A, Mpls 55403, 338-6070,wedinOOl

WEEKES Mary M, Administrative Aide (UnlversilyFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (626-9586), 611 N Van Buren Tri, Hopkins55343, week80030tc.umn.eduWEEKS J Stephen, Assoc Prof (Dept ofArchitecture) Room 145E RapsonH, Del Code08111624-2832), 1532 E Rivar Terrace, Mpls55414, weeksOOl

WEEKS Karan G, Sr OIc Ass! (U of M Bookstore)Room G54 CMU, 300 Washington Ave SE, Mpis55455, Del Code 1051 (625-5362; 625-4558),

WEES Carrie E, Sr Scientist (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) 244 Vet 0 L, Del Code 6184 (625-2212;625-9286), mahluool Otc.umn.eduWEFEL Carol A, Purchasing Asst (Purchasing) ,555F WBOB, Del Code 7532 (624-8332),wefelOOl

WEFEL David W, Assoc Mmin (CartlOll, Finance)3-117 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041,[email protected] Joel 0, .Ass! Prof (FamilyMedicineiComm Health), Physician (FamilyMedicineiComm Health) MMC 361 Mayo, Del Code8361, Dept of Family Medicine, Smiley's C, 2615East Franklin Ave, Mpls 55406,wegenOO20tc.umn.eduWEGER Larry, Non Univ Staff (UOS AffiliatedStaff) 116 FOB Mpls (626-7116), '

WEGGE Rodney S"Asst Farm Animal Attendant(NW Research and Outreach Center) AgRC, 2900University Ave, Crookston 56716 (216-281-8614),37166 450th St SW, Nielsville 56588,218-946-2785, rweggeOmail.crtl.umn.eduWEGMANN Kent W, Assoc Prof (Children's StPaul) 345 N Smilh Ave, St Paul 55102,wegma0010tc.umn.eduWEGNER Elizabeth A, Adjunct Instructor (HealthEast Vadnais Heights Clinic) 1055 centervilleCircle, Vadnais Heights 55127,wegn00260tc.umn.eduWEGNER Marti, Prin Administrative Spec (prtmaryDental Care-Health Ecology) Room 15-136 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (624-7934),wegne0090tc.umn.eduWEGNER Roger V, Owne(s Represantativa(Capital Planning Project Mgmnt) 400 Donhowe,Del Code 3121 (626-4846),4057 Ensign Ave No,New Hope 55427, 545-0487,wegne0020tc.umn,eduWEGREN Thomas J, Prof (UMD Music; UMDScilEngr Admin, Col of; UMD Fine Arts, Schooi of)230 H, Duluth (218·726-8208), 102 Lewis St,Dulutll 55803,twegrenOd.umn.eduWEGSCHEID Laura A, Exec Ass! (Office of thaPrasidenl) 202 Morrill Hall, Del CocIlI 0262(624-4521), wegscOOl Otc.umn.aduWEGSCHEID Pamela J, Coordinator (College ofEducation) Aoom 107 BuH, 178Pilisbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171,wegscOO50tc.umn.eduWEHNER Dave, Post-Doctoral Assoc (HumanResources, Office of), Teaching Spec (Writing,Center for) 790 CivE, Del Code 0613 (624-3375),651-450-4833, wehne0020tc.umn.eduWEHRLE Vemon K, Info Tech Prof (p~tents &Technology Mktg) 450 McNsmaraCtr, Del,Code2003 (624-4051), wehriool Otc.umn.eduWEHSELER RIchard A, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Affiliated Communily Medical Ctr) 205 Main St N,New London 55273WEI David T, Technical Supplemantal(ElectriceVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0572,2000 Herschel St, Roseville 55113,651-659-9199,weix00260tc.umn.eduWEI Hong, PhD cendidate Research Asst (ChemEng & Material Sci) 461 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (625-1018; 624·2790), 1027 29t11 Ave SE,Apt C, Mpls 55414,331-3688,weix00400tc.umn.eduWEI Li·Na, Prof (Pharmacology) 3-106 BSandBE,Del Code 1213 (625-9402), [email protected]


WEI Uan. Research Ass! (ECP) Masonic CancerCtr 39. Del Code 1332. 42513lh Ave SE. Apt1704, MpIs 55414, weixOO580te.umn.eduWEI Peng, ReseaIl:h Ass! (Biostatistics: Medicine)Room 200 UOfIPI; MMC 303Mayo. Del Code 2702(625-6467). 2041 Knapp Ave, W4. Saint Paul55108, 65HI46-8074. welxx0350te.umn.eduWEI Ran, Teaching Ass! (UMDMathamaticslSta1istIcs) 115 sec, 1117 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6239).waixx0380d.umn.edUWEI Shu. R_rch Spec (Plant Biology) 122Cargill Bldg, Del Code 6127, 22 Raymond Pl, Apt12,81 Paul 55114, 651-494-4517.weIxx0430tc.umn.eduWEI Wei, Teaching Aaat (111 Murphy HaD) 2li6Church 81 SE, Mpis 55455. weixx0410tc.umn.eduWEI Xiaoqiao, Teaching Aaat (Statialics) 313.FordHall, Del Code 0457.

,WElBLEN George D. Aaat Prof (Plant BiologyDept) 250 Biological Sciences Cantar. Del Code6022 (624-3461), 2222 Folwelll\venue, FalconHeights 55108. gweiblenOtc.umn.dlWElCHERDING Barbara J, Support Stall (UMExtension Brown Cnty) 300 2nd Ave SW, SleepyEye 58085-1402 (507-794-7993).weich0040tc.umn.eduWElCHERDlNG Patrick J, ExtensionEducatorlProIessor (UM Extenaion Reg! CtrAndover) Bunker Hilla Activities Canter, 550Bunker Lake IlIvd NW 81e L-l, Andover55304-4199 (763-767-36n), 1109 93rd Lane NW,Coon Rapids 55433, 763-662-3n4.weich0020tc.umn.eduWEIDEMANN Jason R, EdI10riaI Ass! (UniversityPress) Mil Place, Del Code 7481 (627-1975),weIdeOO70tc.umn.eduWEIDENFELD Matthew C, PhD CandidataTeaching Ass! (Political Science) Room 1414SocSci, Del Code 7175 (624-2537),weid0043Ote.umn.eduWEIDMAN Amy J, Adjunct Instructor (UMD CommScienceslDisorders; UMD Continuing Education)225 BohH, Dututh (218-726-8693; 218-726-7974),aweidmanOd.umn.eduWEIDMER-OCAMPO Richard T, Instructor (UMPFor LanglLit; UMD International Educ Clr). AdjunctInstructor (UMD Continuing Education) 461 H,Duluth (218-726-6997), 10745 Highway Apt8,Floodwood 55736, tweidmerOd.umn,eduWEIDNER Robert R. Aaat Prof (UMDSociology/Anthropology) 228 CinaH, 1123University Dr. Duluth 55812 (218-726-7551),rweidnerOd.umn.eduWEIERS Kar1ya R, Jr Scientist (4-242 BS&BE) 312Church 81 SE, D8I Code 1217 (624-6606).parenOI80tc.umn.eduWEIERS William J, Instructor (Fairview SouthdaleMedicaQ Phannacy Dept, 6545 France Ave S,Suite 100, Edina 55435, 24075 East Cedar LakeDrv, New Prague 56071, weierOO20tc.umn.eduWEIGEL Brenda J. Ass! Prof (Padia1rlcsHematologylOncology) MMC 368 Mayo, Del Code8366, 460G Cancer Canter~rch Bldg(626-5501: 626-5501), weigeOO70te.umn.eduWEIGEL Devid C, Electrician Foreman (FeeMgml-TC Electric Operations) 300 DonhoweB, DelCode 3121 (628-7839), 5149171st Ave NW.Andover 55304, 651-78H1938,, page 622-4978'WElL Connie H, Assoc Prof (Geography) 452 SocSci, Dei Code 7163 (62~2056), weilOte.umn.eduWElL Gordon A, Info Tech Supv (Epidemiology)300 W BOB. Del Code 7525 (628-8851), 4238Washbum Ave N, Mpla 55412, 588-54711,weilx0020tc.umn.eduWEILAND Derek R, Post-Doctoral Assoc (UrofogicSurgery) MMC 394 Mayo, Del Code 6394,weilandrOte.umn.eduWEILAND Sandra L, Community Program Assoc(UM Extension Roeeau Cnty) 606 5th Ave SW ­Room 130, Roseau 56751-14n (218-463-1052),welIa0080tc.umn.dlWEILER Clay N. Teaching Aaat (IntercollegiateAthletics) Room 250 BFAB, 51615th Ave SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3081 (624-9573), 1897 WMinnehaha Ave, Apt 2. St Paul 55104,720-840-8355, weiIe0320tc.umn.dlWEILER Devid J, Info Tech Prof (HumanResourcesISystem support) Room 516 WBOB, DelCode 7531, weilOO46Qtc.umn.eduWEILER Lyn J, Audio'iisual Operations Manager(ADCSlVldeo & Netwo!1<ing Services) 540 Rar!gC,Del Code n51 (~15),,weileOOl

WElMEASKlRCH Michael p. Teaching Assl(School of Mathematics) 557 VinH. Del Code 0412(624-5047),4330 Minnetonka IlIvd - Apt 102A, 81louis Park 55416. 618-5733, .WEINAND Paul T, Sr Veterinary Technician(Veterinary Teaching Hosphal) Large AniinalHospital. Del Code 6194 (625-6700), PO Box 213,Royalton 56373. 651-646-3554,weina00801c.umn.eduWEINANDT Bonnie M, Ole Spec (Student &Professional Services) 110 Wull H, Del Code 3345(625-6618), b-weinOtc.umn.eduWEINBECK Michael p. Editor (Carlson School ofManagemenl) 4-374 CanSMgmt. Del Code 7041(624-3534), weinbOll Otc.umn.eduWEINBERG David I, Adjunct Instructor (MinnesotaGastroenterology) Gastroenterology, Suhe 300,15700 • 37th Ave N, Plymouth 55446, 8305Franklin Avenue West, Mpls 55426,weinbOOSOtc.umn.eduWEINBERG David M, Teaching Spec (College ofCont Ed) Room 202 WesH, Del Code 3831(626-0214), 1694 Lincoln Ave, 81 Paul 55105,weinbOI50tc.umn.eduWEINBERG Richard A. Dir (Early Education Dev,Ctr for), Prof (Child DeVelopment. Inst 01;Psychology: University Senate Admin Exp) 180 ChDev, Del Code 4011 (624-3575),weinbOO201c.umn.eduWEINBERG Susan C. Dir (Real Estate Ole) 424Donhowe B, Dei Code 3121 (62~539),

weinbelgOIc.umn.eduWEINBERGER Christopher J. Aaat Gardener (MNLandscape Arboratum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613 (952-443-1400), 738-2418,weinbOI30tc.umn.eduWEINBERGER Hans F, Prof (Retired) (School ofMathematics) 510 VinH, Del Code 0412(625-8088),141 Onin Ave SE, Mpls 55414,weinbOO10tc.umn.eduWEINER Melissa F, Ph 0 Candidate GradInstructor (Sociology) 935 Social Science Bldg, DelCode 7171 (624-9333), welnOI790tc.umn.eduWEINERT MD Craig R, AsS! Prof (PACCMedlclne)MMC 276 Mayo, Del Code 6276, 350 VCRC(624-0999: 626-4607), 1509 Sergent Ave, SI Paul55105, weine0080tc.umn.eduWEINGARDEN Alen S, Adjunct Assoc Prof (260Wond Trade Bldg) 31 E 7th St, 81 Paul 55102,weing0020tc.umn.eduWEINHANDL Joyce C, Dietician (Dept of FamilyPractice) Rm 223, 925 Delaware, 925 Delaware StSE, Mpis 55414, Del Code 2131 (624-3129),weinh0040tc.umn.eduWEINHAUS Anthony J, Aaal Prof (Physiology),Aaat Prof (Physiology) 4-1508 BSandBE, Del Code1215 (626-0611), 5708 20th Avenue South, Mpls55417,724-8989, welnhOOl Otc.umn.eduWEINHOLD Peter J, Info Tech Supv (SystemsAdministration) 350A Diehl Hall, Del Code 1691.3903 Edgewood Road, Circle Pines 55014.weinhOOSOtc.umn.eduWEINIG Cynthia, Ass! Prof (230 BioScl Center)1445Gortner Avenue: Del Code 6022 (624-1037).2105 Goodrich Ave, St Paul 55105-1019,cweinigOtc.umn.eduWEINMANN Robert H, Inst!Uclor (RediologyDepartment) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 829~,

MMC 292 Mayo, weinmool Ote.umn.eduWEINREICH Michael A, Post-Doctoral Fellow(Medical School Dean's Office) MMC 293 Mayo,Del Code 6293, 8690 Mayo (625-3680: 62~7402),309 8th SI SE. Apt211, MpIs 55414,206-335-1340,weinrOl00tc.umn.eduWEINRICH Matt A, Adjunct Instructor (WestemOBIGYN) 550 S Maple 81, Waconia 55387,weinr0020te.umn.eduWEINSHEIMER Joei C, Prof (English Language &Lh) 16 lindH. Del Code 0613 (~3503),

weinsOO10tc.umn.eduWEINSHEIMER Joyce E, Program Dir (Clr forTeechinglleaming Svc) Room 315 ScIC8, 222I'leasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3561(62~), 1238 Pecks Woods Drive, NewBrighton 55112, 651-638-6430,weinsheIOtc.umn.eduWElNSHENKER Donald. Aaat Prof (V A MadicalCantar) Internal Medicine (1110). One Vaterans Dr,Mpls 55417, weins0040te.umn.eduWEINSTEIN Joshua H, Adjunct Ass! Prof(Architecture), Lecturer (Art Museum, Weisman)Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0611 (624-7eB8),6200 Westedge Blvd, Mound 55364,

WEIR Edwerd K, Prof (Medicine; Physiology) .v AMadicai Center, Cardiology (111 C). One VeteransDr. Mpis 55417 (7~2000 x3853), •WEIR Voctor J, AsS! ClinicaJ Spec (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo. Del Code 8292, B255 Meyo(624-8458), weir00030tc.umn.eduWEISBECK Jesse L, Info Tech Prof (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraClr, Del Code2011 (628-8553),

WEISBERG Gabriel. Prof (Art History; Design,Housing/Apparel) 348 HellerH, Del Code 7055(624-0323), 1920 South 1st SIr Apt 2204, Mpis55454,340-1408. weisbOOl

WEISBERG Sanford, Prof (Statistics, Sch Of) 362Ford; 362 Ford Hall, Del Code 0457 (625-8355:625-8777), '

WEISBERG Stephen C, Adjunct Prof (TheCriterion Group) 80551l1ake Ridge Rd, Mpls55436. weisb0020tc.umn.eduWEISBERG Yenna J, Teaching Ass! (Psychology)N·218 EltH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpis 55455, DelCode 3281, weis04060te.umn.eduWEISDORF Daniel J, Prof (Medicine) MMC 480Mayo, Del Code 8480.14-168 P W B (624-0123),l1(j Bank SI SE Apt 2101, Mpls55414, 331-4992.weisdOO10tc.umn.eduWEISE Ruth 0, Ass! Prof Emeritus (Nursing.School of), 9741 Grand Ave So Apl125,Bloomington 55420,

WEISE William J, Electrician (FacilitiesMgmt-Campus District) Room 1300 FoodOb, DelCode 5803, wjwOlc.umn.eduWEISENBURGER Joe, Assoc To (School of PublicHealth-Qean's Ole) Box 197, Del Code 8197,A-309 Mayo (62~90), j·weisOIc.umn.eduWEISENHORN Julie E. Teaching Spec(Horticultural Science) 405 Aldtrman Hall, DelCode 6008 (624-7407), 1733 Blue Bird Lane,Mound 55384, 952-472-2138, •WEISENSEE Mary G, Aaat Prof Emeritus (Nursing,Sch OI-Prog & Res) 6-117 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-6804), weiseOOl Nikki, Adjunct Instructor (FairviewUniversity Medical Canter) 420 Delaware St SE,Mpis 55455, 1710 Southview Lane. Albert Lea56007. 763-497-!l209, rove00040tc.umn.eduWEISKE John W, Departmental Dir(UMD-Housing) 149 L S H, Duluth (218-726-8768),122 W College St, Duluth 55812, 218-724-5060,jweiskeOd.umn.eduWEISKOPF Julie M, R_rch Aaat (Afro-llmerand African Sludies) Room 808 SocScl, 267 19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7155 (624-9847),weis03800tc.umn.eduWEISMAN Herbert N, Adjunct Aaat Prof(Restorative Sci· Operative DentIst) Room 8-450Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (625-8485),weIsmOO90tc.umn.eduWEISMAN Irwin 0, Ass! Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) 701,Park Ave. Room 2E 22, MpIs55415,300 Woodlawn Avenue, 81 Paul 55105,weism0040te.umn:eduWEISPFENNING Donna. Sr Edhor (OSF •Communications) 243 Fraser H. Del Code 3395(624-1606), d-weisOte.umn.eduWEISS Anne L, Instructor (HealthPartners - COonRapids) 11475 Robinson Dr, COon Rapids 55433,weiss0360tc.umn.eduWEISS Caroline R. Assoc Prof (Retired)(Kinesiology, School of). 3407 S 15th Ave, Apt3.Mpls 55407. welss0020lc.umn.eduWEISS DavidJ, PlOf (Psychology) N680 Ett H. DelCode 3281 (625-0342), d]welssOtc.umn.eduWEISS Douglas J. Prof (Vet PlIthobiology) 212 VIIIS, Del Code 6187 (62~9242),

weissOO50te.umn.eduWEISS Duane R, Scientist (Vat DiagnosticMedicIne) 244l/et 0 L, Del Code 6184 (625-0255),1763 Lafond Ave, SI Paul 55104, 651~94,weissQl)60tc.umn.eduWEISS Faith R, Adjunct InstruclQr (School 01SocIal Work) Am 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,81 Paul 55108, Del Code 6161, 2832 HumboldtAve S Apt13, Mpls 55408. 872-4637,weisOI570tc.umn.eduWEISS Gerhard H. Prof Emer (Gennan, Scand &Dutch) Room 205 FoIH, 9 Pleasant 81 SE, Mpis55455, Del Code 0143 (625-2080), 4101 AbboftAve So, Mpls 55410, 922-5352,weissOO30,


WEISS Karin E. Instructor (Family Medcinel'CommHealth), Paychologist (Family MediclneICommHealth) MMC 381 Mayo. Del Code 8381, Bx381Mayo (625-1500), PO ex 156; Annandale 55302,

WEISS Sharon K. Community Program Aaaoc (UMExtansiQn Red Lake Cnty) CourthouSe, PO Box279. Red Lake Falls 56750-0279 (218-253-2897)

WEISS Wendy S. Sec tuM Extension Fr88bomCnty) Courthouse, 411 S Broadway PO Box 1147,Albert Laa 56007·1147 (507·37r.5660) '

WEISSBEAGER Barbara F, Assoc Prof (Spanlsh &Portuguese) 34 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0133(625-5656). weiss0460te.umn.8du

WEISSBRODT David. Prof (Law SchooQ 434Mandala HaD. Dei Code 7911 (625-5021), 2001 W21st S~ t,4p1a 55405, 3n-4578,weissOOl Otc.llmn.eduWEJSS.H()LZBAUER Edith A, Adjunct Instructor(Prairie Family Practice) 600 E Park. OlIvia 562n(320-523-1480). 80404 US Hwy 7t. bfMa 562n.320-523-1491, weIse0540tc.umn.eduWElSSIilAN Jon ii, Assoc Prof (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 8-189 EEICSci, DelCode 0571 (628-0044), 854 Holly Ave, 81 Paul55104, weiss0390te.umn.eduWEISSMANN MD Pater F, Ass! Prof (HShnepinCounty MadlCaI Cantar) Dept Of Medicine, Suite814,701 Park Ave S, MpIs 55415,weissOI70tc.umn.eduWEISZ Frederick V. Ass! Prof (Pilot City MantalHealth) 1313 Pam Ave N, Del Code 3281. 600Ridgewood Avenue. Mpis 55403.weisz0030Ic.umn.eduWEISZHAAR Orvifle L, Lacturer (5027 Drew AveS), Del Code 3831,1314 Marquetta Ave, Apt 2206,Mpls 55403, 332-4172. weiszOO50fc.umn.eduWEITZ Carol R, Lacturar (Joumaliam & MassComm, Sch Of) 101 Mur H, Del Code 0371(~7316). weilzOO80tc.umn.eduWEITZ Eric D. Dir (DAAD CtrlGerman andEuropean Sdy), Prof (HIstory) Room 782 SocSci,Del Code 7165 (824-7506; 624-2600). 2133 UpperSt Dennis Rd, 81 Paul 55116, 651-69G-9894,weI1zOO40te.umn.eduWEIXEL Camille. Non Univ Staff (UDS AffIliatedStaff) G3 ComH Mpls (628-3891),weixe0040tc.umn.dlWEIXEL Elizabeth M. Exempt Temporary orCasual (English) Room 790 Civil Eng. Del Code0613 (626-7540; 624-3375),weiXOO100te.umn.eduWElZENEGGERPetar B, Art Museum Preparator(UMD Tweed Museum of Art) 201 Humanities,1201 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812, 218-~48;pweizeneOd.umn.edt.iWELCH Alica A. Library Aaat 3 (Wilson IntenibraryLoan) 110 OMWL. Del Code 7111 (624-1806).a-weIc01c.umn:dlWELCH Amy S, CMA (Boyn HS) NursingDepartment. 410 Church 81 SE, Mpla 55455, DelCode 1171, weIch0380tc.umn.eduWELCH Catherine, Res8arch Assoc (Food

. ScIenc8 and Nutrition) Room 134 FScN, Dei Code6099 (763-807-0559). 2811 Copperfield Circle,Minnetonka 55391. cwelchOte.umn.dlWELCH Luanne M. NursingP~ (ECRC)Ste 201, Dei Code 7494 (628-9173), 523914thAve S, MpIS 55417. 82~26711,wek:h0280tc.umn.dlWELCH Margaret R. Instructor (pcs HealthSystems) 5701 GIMI1 Valley Drive, MpIs 55437.121 WashingtOn Ave South Apt 1509, MpIs 55401.~55, weIchOI50tc.umn:eduWELCH Nancy J, Ole Spec (CLA Advising) 8-16Johnston Hall. Del Code 3n4 (624-1820;624-5603).720 Haven,hiD Rd, Eagan 55123-1657,65Hl88-0709, weIchOOllOtc.umn.eduWELCH Scott J, Fann AnImal Attandant(Rosemount Experiment Station) 1605160th SIrWest. Rosemount 55068. 9429 1/2 E l60th S1,Hastings 55033. 651-438-2138.wak:h0050tc.umn.dlWELCH Shawn R. Graphic DesignerlMedia Artist(Printing Services) Room 118 PSB, Del Code 5401(625-8084). 10984 Ashley Lane, Woodbury 55129.651-438-3265, weIch0250tc.umn.8duWELCH Wayne W. Pro! (Re1lred) (EducationalPsych0!WlY). 8745 Hwy 361. Port Aransas TX76373, '2'18-326-4517.


WELDE David A, Telecom Engineering Technician(Networ1<ingITelecomm S81vices) 2218 Unlv, Del

_ Code 2171,

WELDGEBRIEL Asegedech 0, Building andGrounds Worker (Facilities Mgmt-Bldg Serv- Motll)Room 300 DonhoweB, 31915th Ave BE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3121, 2515 9tIT Ave S Apt 1416,Mpls 55406, 340-1462, weidgOO1

- WELOU Tesfu T, Sr Building end Grounds Worker(Fac Mgmt-Zone 3-HeaIth Services) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 8059, 8-117 Moos T,16270kenworth ct, Iakvillel55044,weidUOO10tc.umn.eduWELDY Eric A, Assoc VIC8 Chancellor (UMD AcedSupportlStudent Ute) 297 DAdB, 1049 UniversityOr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8502), 711 Bong Blvd,Duluth 55811, eweldyOd.umn.eduWELK Kevin L, Prin Laboratory Technician(Department of Pediatrics) MMC 742 Mayo, DelCode 8742, 4-222 PWB (626-5180),welkxOO1

. WELKE Barbara Y, Assoc Prof (History) 752SocSci Bldg, Del Code 7165 (624-7017),welke0040tc.umn.eduWELLE Laura L, Teaching Spec (UMM Div ofEducation) Room 200 Edu, M231A, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267, 5290 Lawler Beech Road, Willrnar56201,320-235-5029, welleIOmorris.umn.eduWELLEMEYER Arlene S, Assoc Analyst (CancerCenter) MMC715 Mayo, Del Code 8715, 1-210Moos Tower (624-0159), welIeOO60tc.umn.eduWELLER Dennis R, SCientist (Pharmacy, CoHageof; Lab MedicinelPathology) MMC 437 Mayo, DelCods 8437,7-115 WDH (624-5697; 626-5748),2295 Randy Ave, WMe Beer Lake 55110,651-429-2462, weI1e0120tc.umn.eduWELLER Janis F, Teaching Spec (MUSic) 200Ferguson, Del Code 7811,2609 Xerxes Ave N,Robbinsdale 55422, 763-522-8544,weIIe0040tc.umn.eduWELLER Lawrence E, Prof (Music, Sch 01) 100Ferg H, Del Code 7811 (624-4569),wel1eOO1 Otc.umn.eduWELLER Susan J, Assoc Prof (Entomology) 219Hodson H, Del Code 6125 (625-6253), 7555 99tITSt Ct N, WMe Beer Lake 55110, 651-653-1226,welIeOO80tc.umn.eduWELUK Relbecca L, Sr Olc Spec (Arch/LandscapeArch) Room 101 RapsonH, Del Cods 0811, .

WELUNGTON Robert J, Teaching Asst (Physicsend Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 952·888-3822,weIl10300tc.umn.eduWELLMAN Lori, Prin Laboratory Technician (VetPathobiology) 212 An SCiN M, Del Code 6010(624-4994), 3621BlelsdsH Ave So, Mpls 55409,825-9652, weIIm001 Otc.umn.eduWELLS Carol L, Prof (Lab Medicine/Pathology;Surgery) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609, 3-112BSendllE (625-5951; 625-9155),weI1sOO20tc.umn.eduWELLS Donald E, Prof (ReUred) (Rhetoric), 334Honeycomb Clr; SeqUim WA 98382,weIIsOO70tc.umn.eduWELLS Judy A, Asst Prof (Ub Acad PrgmsIHumSoc SCi), Coordinator (Ub Aced PrgmsIHum SocSci) 4 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (624-0535),j-weIlOtc.umn.eduWELLS Martin G, Research AsS! (Classical $. NearEast Studies) 305 Folwell HaH, Del Cods 0149(625-5353), welI02880tc.umn.eduWELLS Nancy L, Adjunct Instructor (3700 CedarLake Ave) MpIs 55416, 8911 48th Ave N, NewHope 55428, 763-535·3488,crepsOO10tc.umn.eduWELLS Nathan P, PhO Candidate Research Asst(Chemistry) Room i 39 SmithH, 207 Pleasant StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3661,welI02600tc.umn.eduWELLS Peter S, Prof (Anthropology) 395 HHH Ctr,Del Code 7455 (62~; 625-3400),2285 WHoyt Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-1348-7315,wellsoo10lc.umn.eduWELLS Scott J, Assoc Prof (Veterinary PopulationMedicine), Adjunct Assoc Prof (EnvironmentalHealth SCiences) 225 Vet Teaching Hospital, DelCode 6190 (625-8166),1424 County Road I,Solr!erset WI 54025, weI1s0230tc.umn.eduWELLS Stephen R, Instructor (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Hennepin Regional POison Ctr,701 Park Ave, Mpls 55415-1676, 1788 JonQ4i1Lane North, Plymouth 55441,weI1sOO90tc.umn;edu, page 336-0695

WELLS Susan J, Pro' (School of Social Work) Rm233A Peters H, Del Code 6161 (624-4721),651-765-6053:

WELLS William 0, Pro' (Retired) (Journalism &Mass Comm, Sch Of) 111 Mur 1-1, Del Code 0371(624-6276), 4300 W River Pkwy Apl112, MpIs,55406,651-292-1031, wells0040tc.umn.eduWELS Joseph A, AsS! Prof (Regions Hospital)MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 6294, 640 Jackson St,St Paul 55101, welsXOO1 Otc.umn.eduWELSCH Delane E, Prof (Retired) (Applied Econ)231 Cia 00, Del Code 6040 (625-4701), 2558Mounds View Or, St Paul 55112-4110,651-764-2133, WelschdOtc.umn.eduWELSCH Edward A, Coordinetor (Food SCi &Nutrition) 247 F Sc N, Del Code 6099 (624-2265),4537 Birch Ridge Rd, Vadneis HIs 55127,651-653~2031, ewelschOtc.umn.eduWELSH Bill, Teaching AsS! (ArchJLandscape Arch)Room 101 RapsonH, 89 Church St SE, MpIs55455, Del Code 0811, wels00570tc.umn.eduWELSH Elizabeth T, Teaching AsS! (IndustrielRelations Ctr) 3-300 CariSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S,MpIs 55455, Del Code 7041, 285-7088,welsOO780tc.umn.eduWELSH MD Jennifer L, Asst Prof (FamilyMedicifl8/Comm Health), Program Oir (FamilyMedicineiComm Health) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code6381, Rm A684-2, 6th Floor Mayo (625-0610;343-7123), welsh011 Otc.umn.eduWELSH Jenn~er L, Prin Administrative Spec(Family Social Science) 290 MeN H, Del Code6140 (625-7036), jwelshOtc.umn.eduWELSH Joshua C, Technical Writer (OIT) 2218Univ, .DeI Code 2171 (624-9945),welsh0590tc.umn.eduWELSH WIItism G, Electrician (UMD FacMgmt-Electrical Maint) B40 Clna Hall, 1123University Or, Duluth 55812 (218-726,8570),wwelshOd.umn.eduWELTER Clere A, Adjunct I~structor (West SideHealth Center) 153 Concord Street, St Paul 55107(651-222-1816),2091 Stenlord Ave, St Paul55105,651-699-4433, weIte0170tc.umn.eduWELTER David A, Prin Accountant (Dept of FamilyMedicine) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code 6381, Room6-240PWB (624-6936), we~e0040tc.umn.eduWELTER Jeremy, Prin Accounts Spec(Educational Psychology) 204 Burton Hall, DelCode 3171 (624-3543), weIte0140tc.umn.eduWELTER Kari, AsS! Prof (University of NorthDakota) 261 Clifford Hall, Grand Forks NO58202-9007 (701-m-4733), 3029 Broadway Blvd,Grand Forks NO 56201, 701-795-9778,well80160mail.crk.umn.edWELTER Robert, Plumber (Facilities Mgmt-CPPMU of M Constru) Room 300 Oonhowe Bldg, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code ~121, 10639Wellington Lane North, Maple Grove 55389,763-493·5489, we~80650tc.umn.eduWELTERS James M, Adjunct AsS! Prof (NorthwestFamily Physcians) 1495 Hwy 101 N, Plymouth55447, we~80120tc.umn.eduWEN Steve 0, AsS! Prof (606 24th Ave S Suite801) MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 8294, (624-9990),763-694-0172, wenxx0120tc.umn.eduWENCL Laura F, Sr Administrative Spec(Enterprise Fin Sys ProjfThe Control) Room 201 N,Del Code 2455 (e26-5500), 275 Shell\rd Pkwy, StLouis Park 55426, wencl0020tc.umn.eduWENDA Keilh T, AsS! Prof (Fridley OIJIGyn) Ste255, 500 Osbome Rd NE, Fridley 55432(763-786-6011), 500 Osbome Road NE, Fridley55432, wenda0020tc.umn.eduWENDA Walter T, Lecturer (CCE-Independent &Distance Leamlng) Room 25 WesH, 77 PleasantSt SE, Mpls 55455, Oel Cods 3831, 2832Humboldt Ave So, Apt3, Mpls 55408, 605-1757,sklplndOtc.umn.eduWENDINGER Michael J, Departmental Oir (UMDAthletics), Instructor (UMD Health, Phys EdlRec;UMD ConUnuing Education), Ass! Athletic Trainer(UMD Athletics) 170 SpHC, Duluth; 110 SpHC,Duluth (218-726-8637; 218-726-8717),mwendingOd.umn.eduWENDINGER Patricia J, Instructor (HIth, Physll'8lEduc & Recreation) 110 SPHC, Duluth(218-726-7120),1503 Mpls Avenue, Duluth 55803,pwendingOd:umn.eduWENDLAND Elizabeth T, Web Deve~r (Acedand Dislr Comp Srvcs) 190 Shap Lab, Del Code0771,1752 Dayton, St Paul 55104,wendland

WENDORF Richerd J, Instructor (Pediatric .Pulmonary & Critical Care) MMC 742 Mayo, DelCode 8742, (624-6967), 1482513th PI N,Plymouth 55447, 952-938-3796,

WENDT Christine H, Assoc Prof (PACC MedIcine)MMC 276 Mayo, Del Code 8276, 350 VCRC(624-5682; 624-0999), wendt0050tc.umn.eduWENDT John T, Asst Prof (Environmental Hea~h &safety) MMC 807 Mayo, Del Code 8807, 1260Mayo (626-0900), wendIOO30tc.umn.eduWENDT Minh H, Research AsS! (AppliedEconomics) Room 231 ClaOll, 1994 Buford Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6040, 378-1000,wendt0150tc.umn.eduWENISCH Nicole M, AsS! Sciantist(Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, Del Cods 6493,wenls0030Ic.umn.8c:tuWENKEL Nancy E, Sr sec (CCE ContinuingEduclConf Ctr) Room 280 CECC, Del Cods 6094(624-3275),1825 No Fairview, St Paul 55113,651-644-5794, wenk80020tc.umn.eduWENKER Laurie, Instructor (Minnesota Veterans'Home) 5701 Minnehehe Ave S, Mpls 55417,<1146Parkridge Or, While Bear Lake 55110,651-653-7038, wenke0040tc.umn.eduWENNBERG Karen, Asst Scientist (495 BortaugHell) 1991 Upper Buford Circle, Del Code 6030(625-9202),1548 Arona St, S, Paul 551Q8,wennbOO30tc.umn.eduWENNBLOM Trevor J, Jr Application Programmer(664 Chlldrens Rehab Canter) MMC 43 Mayo; DelCods 8043,· ,

WENNER Cynthia A, Affiliated Faculty(SplrituelltylHeailng, Ctr lor) 14500 Juanita DriveNE Kenmore (425-602-3163), 123 234th Place SE,Bothell WA 98021, 425-487-4364,wenn80450tc.umn.eduWENNER Joseph H, Adjunct Prof (Developmental& Surg SCi-Cleft Pala) Room 6-296 Moos T, DelCods 1291 (625-5945),16817 Fox Hollow Road,Cold Spring 58320, wenn80010tc.umn.eduWENNER Steven W, Pipefitter Foreman (FacMgmt-West Bank-Zone 2) 57 Heller Hall, Del Code3121,275 Pendryn HIli Ct, Woodbury 55125,651'578-1893, wenneOO30tc.umn.eduWENSTAD Cassie L, Dental AsS!(DeveloplSurgical SCi - Orthodontics) Room 6-344Moos Tower, Del Code 1291,pumph0050tc.umn.eduWENTORF Fred A, Research Fellow (OrthopaedicSurgery), Teaching Spec (Biomedical Engineering)Orthopaedic Surg, RT12, 2512 So 7th St, Mpls55454 (273-2072),~ Evelyn St, Roseville55113-1214, wentOOO1 Olc.umn.eduWENTWORtH Deborah N, Research Fellow(Biostatistics) 200 2221 Univ SE, Del Cods 2702(626-9005),1915 sargent Ave, St Paul 55105,651-699-0094, wentwOO1 Otc.umn.eduWENTWORTH Jon R, EnvironmntiHea~hendsafety Spec (Environmental Health &Safety) 10DE I W M, Del Cods 2681,wentw002Otc.umn.eduWENTZCOVITCH Renata M, Assoc Prof(Chemical Eng & Mat SCi) 151 Amund H, Del Code0531 (625-6345), wentz0020tc.umn.eduWENTZELL Jay M; Teaching Spec (UNO Air ForceROTC) PO Box 8360, Grand Forks NO58202-8360 (701-m-4957), 2518 River DriveNorth, Moorheed 56560, 218-287-4926,wentz036 0 mail.crk.umn"edWENTZELL Mark S, Adjunct Instructor (Dept ofArchitecture) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code 0811(624-7016), wentz001 Otc.umn.eduWENZ Randsll J, Delivery Service Driver (UMMGrounds), Maintenance Equipment Oper (UMMGrounds) 9 Cam, Morris 56267 (320-589-6138),22968 490th Ave, Morris 56267,320-589-1939,wenzIjOmorris.umn.eduWENZEL Lamont N, Electrician (FacilitiesMgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB, 319151bAve SE, Mpls 55455, Del Cods 3121,wenz80100tc.umn.eduWEPRIN Rebecca B, Instructor (Fairview-RiversideWomen's Clinic) Ste 302, 701 25th Ave S, Mpls55454 (672-2900), 3441 St Louis Ave, Mpls 55416,[email protected] Roneld E, Prof (Retired) (VelerinaryDiagnostic Lab), 1420 W Ryan Ave, Roseville55113, werdiOO10tc.umn.eduWERE Valerie L, Info Tech Prof (Water ResourcesCenter) RoOm 173 MCNH, 1985 Bulord Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6148 (624-7430),651-647-1232,


WERGIN Colleen J, Exec Administrative Spec(UMD-Geology) 230 H H, 1114 Kirby Or, Duluth55812 (218-726-8385), 5231 Wildamess Trail,Duluth 55811,218-729-7063,

WERUNG Robert T, Adjunct Instructor (UnlledHospital) 333 N Smith Ave, St Paul 55102, 2109James Ave S, Mpls 55405, 377-2622,

WERMAGER Susan J, Olc Spec (Chemcial Eng &Mat Sci) 151 Amund H, Del Code 0531 (625-0054),

WERNE Josef P, Asst Prof (UMD Chemistry andBiochemistry; UMD Geological Sciences) 237Chem, 1039 University Drive, Duluth 55812; 109RLB, 2205 E 5th St, Duluth 55812 (218·726-7438;218-726-7435),

WERNER PHD Ann Z, Program Dlr (EducetionalPolicy and Admin), Lecturer (Educational Policyand Admin) 330 Wull H, Del Code 3345(626-8647),8525 Upper 206th Street W, Lakeville55044, 952-469-6420, wem80230tc.umn.eduWERNER David 0, District Dlr (UM Extension ReglCtr Marshell) 1424 E College Or Ste 100, Marshall56258-2087 (507-337·2807), 1244 Patricia Ct E,Marshell56258,507·537·1087,[email protected] Debra A, library AsS! 2 (TechnicalProcessing) 325 DiehlH, Del Code 1691(626-6587),5320 Elliot Ave S, Mpls 55417,823-2205, [email protected]

WERNER Jan, Prof (EconomicsY1012 Heller Hall,Del Code 7052 (625-0708), jwemerOtc.vmn.eduWERNER Jeff, Visll Assoc Prof (Art History) 338Heller Hall Mpls (624-4500),

WERNER Jeffrey J, Research AsS! (CivilEngineering) Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Ot SE,Mpls 55455, Del Cods 0851 (625-9848; 626-7961),633 Woodview Ave, Sheboygen Falls WI 53085,920-467-11647, wem01220tc.umn.eduWERNER Unnetle R, Lecturer (Ollica of SludentAffalrslLaedershl) Room 205, 1901 University AveSE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2084 (624-1006),wern00650tc.umn.eduWERNER Molly M, Applications Programmer (S WResearch and Outreach Canler) 23669 1301h St,Lamberton 58152-1326 (507-752-5062),weme0220tc.umn.eduWERNER Seth E, Lecturer (MarketinglloglstlcsManagement) 3·150 CariSMgmt, 32119th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, 2003 FranklinAvenue, SE, Mpls 55414, weme0620tc.umn.eduWERNERSBACH Jackee A, Sr Ole Supv (Olc 01The Registrar-Records) 150 Wmson H, Del Code0174 (625-4035), j-wernOtc.umn.eduWERNZ Phyllis A, Adjunct Instructor (CommunityNurse Midwives) 606 24th Ave S, Suite 611, Mpls55454, 4252 Coltax Avenue South, Mpls 55409,

WERRY Margeret L, Asst Prof (Theatre Arts andDance) Room 580 RarigC, 330 21st Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7752, werryOO1 Otc.umn.eduWESA MD Kathleen M, Asst Prof (HennepinCounty Med'1C81 Center) Div of Addiction andAlternative Med, 701 Park Ave, Mpls 55415(347-3306), 700 South Missisipl River Blvd, St Paul55116,651-699-9763, wesa0001.0tc.umn.eduWESLEY Jann E, Adjunct Instructor (HennepinCounty Crisis Intervention) 701 Park Ave, Mpls55415, wesl80070tc.umn.eduWESOLOWSKI Denne J, UbrarY Asst 2 (CLA-QIT)480 Heller Hall, Del Code 7055 (624-2064),wesoOOO10Ic.umn.eduWESSELS Emanuelle M, Teaching Asst(Communication Studies) 225 Ford Hall, Del Cods0456, 2420 Seabury Ave Apt 1, Mpls 55406,wess00600tc.umn.eduWESSELS Gregory, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Administratlon) 307 Donhowe B,Del Code 3121 (624·9313), 1415 Barclay St, StPaul 55106, 651-772-1770,wess80030tc.umn.eduWESSENDORF Martin W, Assoc Prof(Neuroscience) 4-116 BSendBE, Del Cods 1216(626-0145; 624-2991), wess80010tc.umn.eduWESSERLE Eleonore 0, Coordinator (NaturalResources Admin) Room 150 Skok Hall, Del Code6147 (624-9770), 651-785·7636,[email protected] Amy, Ass! Librarian (GovemmentPublications Library) 10 OMWL, Del Code 7111(625-6368),


WEST Ann M, Teaching Spec (UMD-Music) 231 H,Duluth (218-72H208)WEST CIndy L, Student Support Services Asst(Medicine) MMe 284 Mayo, Del Code 8284, MMC~ Mayo (62!H>154), 4817 York Ave S, lApIs55410,743-3995, _lnOte.umn.eduWEST Kathy A, Head Child care Teacher(University Child care Center) Childcare, Del Code3071 (627-4014), IaJeyOOl0te.umn.eduWEST laura L, Sr Ole Spec (Veterinary MedicineDeans Ole) Room 455 VMC, Del Code 6194,763-552-0219,

•WEST Melissa J, Ass! Prof (V A Ma<ical canter)Dept 01 Medicine, One Veterans Dr, Mpis 55417,3845 Columbus Avenue South, Mpls 55407,

WEST Teri L, Users Services CoonJinator(Carison, FII18IlCiaI Sarvices 0Ifice) 4-307carlSMtPn!, Del Code 7041 (625-3580), .

WEST William G, Lecturer (Rhelork:) 64 Classroom0Ifice BuHding, Del Code 6043 (824-3445), 3921Xerxes Ave S, lApIs 55410, 347·5572,

'WESTACOTT Deniel B, Sr Systems Programmer(NetworkingITeIecomm Sarvices), Del Code 2171(625-7373), 2220 31st Ave South, Minneapolis55406, 721-3079, dwestOlc.umn.eduWESTAD Deboreh K, Ass! Scienlisl (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 1020 Mayo(625-9959; 624-5684), haggeOO20te.umn.eduWEST8ERG Ched R, Teaching Ass1 (Plant BiologyDept) 250 Biological Sciences Center, 1445Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6022, 2056481h St NW, Rochester 55901,870-7178,west05560tc.umn.eduWESTBERG Michael C, Jr Scientist (Bell Museumof Nat History) Room 300 BeIiMus, Del Code 6098,651-647-6754, westb0070tc.umn.eduWESTBERG Sarah M, Asst Prof (356 Kirby Plaza)128 Kirby Drive, Duluth 55812·3095(218-728-6005),244 W Owatonna St, Duluth55803,218-724-4757, swestberOd.umn.eduWESTBROOK Annick 0, Asst Prof (HennepinCounty Medical Center) MMe 395 Mayo, Del Code8395, Department of O6IGYN, 701 Park Ave, Mpis55415, -'b0230tc.umn.eduWESTBIlOOK Thomas R, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Deptof Archllaclure) Room 145 RapsonH, Del Code0811 (625-1868),4741 Hibiscus Avenue, Edina55435;952-926-4041, westb0020tc.umn.eduWESTCOTT Kant M, Sheet Metal Foreman(CPPM-U of M ConsbUction) 1600 F M B, DelCode 3121 (625-3197),3948 43rd Ave So, Mpls55406, 72Hl012, westcOOI0tc.umn.eduWESTENDORF Jennller J, Assoc Prof (Cancer .canter, 0I1h0paedic Surgery) MMe 806 Mayo, DelCode 8806, 560E CCRB (626-3385; 626-4603),weste0470te.umn.eduWESTENDORP l-'S 0, Mgr, Res8arch AnimalFacilities (RAR - CVM) E313 V T H, Del Code6194 (624-2216), 3228 Irving Ave S, lApIs 55408,822-6740, westeOO60tc.umn.eduWESTERGAARD Etty 0, Ass1 To (GraduateSludenl Services) 316 Joh H, Del Code 3773(625-0068), weste0490tc.umn.eduWESTERGREN Kay M, Ubrary Ass13 (UMDUbrary) 1lOB L, 0139, 416 Ub!ary Dr, Duluth55812 (218-726-6628), kwesterOd.umn.eduWESTERLUND Dick, Program Dir (University.ofMN Rochester) 855 30th Ave SE, Rochester 55904(507·280-2821; 507-280-2632), 1638 WilshireDrive NE, Rochester 55906, 507-289-7836,west90230te.umn.eduWESTERMAN John D,lnlo Tech Prof (Inst onCommunity Integration) Room 204 P1H, Del Code4201 (624-1349), wes1&0500tc.umn.eduWESTERMEYER Joseph J, Prof (Psychielry)F282I2A West, Del Code 8393, (725-2037), 1935Summ~ Ave, St Paul 55105, 651-644-3770,west&01001c.umn.eduWES~N Christine M, Program Assoc (Ctr forPublic Hith Edu & Outreach) Room 350 2221 Univ,2221 University Ave SE, Mpis 55414, Del Code2702 (625-2443), 1947Highway 96, White BearLake 551 10,651-429-6973, westell480tc.umn.eduWESTERN David, Adjunct Prof (Fl$heries, Wild/lie& Cons BioI) Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 1980 FolwellAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6125WESTFALL Michaal L, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Science) C-339 VetTchHoe, Del Code6192,8154 Hudson Road, Woodbury 55125,westfOOl

WESTHOLII Daniel E, Research Asst (Ph8nnPraclPhannaceutical Sci) 386 KPIz, 0697, 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6000), 1820Denim Street, Duluth 558112902, 218-724'0195,west05350tc.umn.eduWESTIN Robert K, Adjunct Ass1 Prof (Cantl81Lakes Medical Center) 301 181 5t SE, Crosby56411WESTUNG Robin K, Olc Spec (IntercollegiateAthlelics) 137 Mar A, Del Code 2892 (625-5804),923 123rd Lane NW, Coon Rapids 55448,763-757-<)185,leexx0660tc.umn.eduWEStlUND Julie A, Deparimental Dir (UMDCareerlPlacernent Service), Lecturer (UMDContinuing Educationj"21 C Clr, Duluth(218-726-8964; 218-726-7985), 32 W 9th St,Duluth 55806, 218·722-9263, jwes1IunOd.umn.eduWEStlUND Laura J, Managing Edilor and ProdDept Mg (University Press) 111 3rd Ave S, DelCode 7481 (627-1985), westIOO30tc.umn.eduWESTIIEYER Jennifer A, Prin Administrative Spec(Art History) 338 Heller Hall, Del Code 7055,westm0470tc.umn.eduWESTON Cherie L, Library Manager'(W~son

Interilbrary LoanlLUMINA loU) 110 OMWL, DelCode 7111 (624-4125), c-westOtc.umn.eduWESTON Dale A, Teaching speC (American IndianStudieS) 2 SCottH, Del Code 3232 (624-1338;273-7795), Wl 122 Aspen Drive, Spring Valley WI54767, 715-n8-4816, westoOO50tc.umn.eduWESTON Darcy F, Jr Scientist (AgronomylPlant .Genetics) 37 Crop R_rch, Del Code 6026(62~724), wes100080tc.umn.eduWESTON Kathleen A, Prin sec (Law SchoolClinics) 190 Walter F Mondale Hall, bel Code 791 1(625-2597), kwestonOtc.umn.eduWESTOVER Thomas M, Teaching Ass1 (College ofEducation) Room 203 BuH, 178 PIllsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171, j

WESTRA Bonnie L, Ass1 Prof (Nursing, School 01)School of Nursing, Room 6-135 WDH, 1331, 308Harvard SI 5E, MpiS 55455 (625-4470),weslrOO60te.umn,eduWESTRA Ruth E, Head (UMD Fam~y Medicine),Asst Prof (UMD Family Medicine), Physician (UMDFamily Medicine) Room 145 SMed, 1035 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8393),rwestraOtc.umn.eduWESTRE Aaron L, Research Asst(ResearchlGraduate School) 306 Joh H, Del Code3773 (824-7581), 2631 McKinley Street NE, Mpls55418,706-0565, westr0150lc.umn.eduWESTRICH Brian J, Instructor (Heallli ComputerSciences DiY) MMC 511 Mayo, Del Code 8511,MMe 511 Mayo, westrichOlc.umn.eduWESTROM Lyle E, Assoc Prof (UMe AgriclNatResources) l00H UTOC, CrookstOn 55716(218-281-8110),724 Stuart Ave, Crookston 56716,218-281-2709,lwestromOmail.crk.umn.eduWESTRUP James A, Mechanic 2 (FacililiesMgml-~e 1 - St Paul) Room 202 FMB, 1938Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code

.6168, 259 Trillium Ln, Annandale 55302,320-274-8750, westr0560tc.umn.eduWETHERELL-MORIARTY Jo A, Info Tech Prof(METINET) Room 50 ColH; Room 50 CofH, DelCode 6062,3261 Victoria St N, Shoreview 55126,651-482-8109, jwethereOtc.umn.eduWETHERILLE III Robert· E, Adjunct Prof (MedicalSchool Dean's Ollica) MMC 293 Mayo, eel Code8293, MMe 293 Mayo, wethe()()20tc.umn.eduWETMORE CllIlord M, Prof (Plant Biology) 250 BioSci, Del Code 6022 (825-6292), 2680 Oxford Str NApI104, St Paul 551 13,651-415-9805,wetmoreOlc.umn.eduWETTERSTROM Roy G, Coordinator (CarisonSchool of Mgmt) 3-318 cartSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-6817),295 Lythrum Lane, Hamel 55340,wett& .WETTSTEIN Andrew J, Inlo Tech Prof (843Physics), Del Code 0331 (624-5040), 1272 EustisSt,.Saint Paul 55108, 202-2725,wettsOI20tc.umn.eduWETZSTEON Rachal J, PhD candidate ResearchAsst (Kinesiology) Room 100 CookeH, Del Code2061 (625-5300), 608-763-5886,wetzsOO10tc.umn.eduWEVER Sandra, Inventory Sarvices Spec(Networking & Telecom SM), Del Code 2171(624-5850), osg0000201c.umn.eduWEVLEY David M, Bu~ding and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Administration) 307 Donhowe B,Del Code 3121 (624-5855),2060 Ridge DriveApt34, St Louis Park 55416, 952-595-0873,

WEWERKA Sandi M, Research Fellow (ChildDevelopment) Rm 2260 ChDev, Del Code 401 1(624-4351),

WEXLER Harold, Adjunct Prof (Primary careCHnic) FUMC, Box 88, 420 Delaware St SE, Mpis554<f, 2631 Mmtry Pkwyt; MpIs 55426,

WEXLER Michael R, Ass1 Prof (Allergy Clinic Ltd)12450 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka 55343,

WEYER Lynn M, Teaching Asst (Chemistry) Room139 SmithH, 207 Pleasant St SE, lApIs 55455, DelCode 3661 ,407 71h St SE, Apll02, MpIs 55414,763-232-4636, wey&0021

WHALEN Diane L, Community Program Assoc(UM Extension DQdge Cnty) 42 E Main St, PO Box159, Dodge Center 55927-0159 (507,374-8435),504 -8th St SW, Rochester 55902, 507·288-1350,

WHALEN Stephen M, Teaching Spec (School ofMathematics) 524 VinH, Del Code 0412(625-0072),763-862-9614,

WHALEY Bridgett E, Research Ass1 (BiomedicalEngineering Department) Room 7-105 BSandBE,Del Code 1191 (624-6396), [email protected]

WHALEY Susan R, Exec Adminis1rative Spec(Neurosurgery Depariment) MMe 96 Mayo, DelCode 8096, 0·429 Mayo Building (626-5767),whaleOOl

WHARTON Keith, Prof (Retired) (Rhetoric) 64 Cia011, Del Code 6043 (824-3121),

WHEATON Jonathan E, Prof (Animal Science) .495C An SciN M, Del Code 6014 (624-1225), 444Park Avenue, Mahtomedi 55115-1647,651-463-4725, whaatOO10tc.umn.eduWHEELER Daniel B, Research Fellow (Soil,Water, and Climate) 5525 Soils Bldg, Del Code6028 (625-8791; 625-1244),

WHEELER Dawn E, Ass1 Prof (Comm-Univ Healthcare Center), Del Code 7851 (627-4n4),932 •Fairmount Avenue, St Paul 55105, 651-291·7840,

WHEELER Gerald A, Curalor (BeN Museum of NatHistory) Room 300 BelIMus, Del Code 0051(625-0215),

WHEELER Julia R, Community Progl8m Ass1(Leaming Abroad canter) 230 Heller Hall,DelCode 7457, wheelerOtc.umn.eduWHEELER Karen R, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Science) e-339 VelTchHos, Del Code

,6192,13570 Inglewood Ave South, Savage 55378,

WHEELER Mark P, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MankatoCHnic Ltd) 1230 E Main St, PO Box 8674, Mankato56001,1029 Oak Terrace Dr, North Mankato56003,

WHEELER Penny A, Ass! Prof (Women's HealthConsultants) Ste 300, 821 Marquette Ave, Mpls55402,4405 Garfield Ave, Mpls 55409,

WHEELER Robert L, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Administralion) 200 Donhowe B.Del Code 3121 (624-5988), At 1, South Haven55382,

WHEELER Wi»iam B, Ass1 Pro' (Children's lApIs)Rasp and Critical Care, no 617, 2545 Chicago AveS, Mpls 55404, wheelO21, page538-0563WHEELER-DAVIS Jennifer A, Instnuctor (HeMCounty Med Ctr Phannacy) 914 South 8th Street,Mpls 55404, 10720 95th Place North, Maple Grove55369, 763-425-9556, whaelO280tc.umn,eduWHEELOCK Darren L, Parking Attendant (ParkingSarvices), PhD candidate Teaching Ass1(Sociology) 960 Soc Sci, Del Code 7171(624-8040),2310 Girard Ave South, Apl3, Mpls55405, 827-7552,

WHELAN Diane, Prin AccounlS Spec (Sci Ole2556 Sci) 600 E 4th St, Morris 58267, 401 E 4thSt, Morris 56267, whalandOmorris.umn.eduWHELAN Julie R, Community Program ASI1iOO(Psychiatry) 628 Diehl Hall, Del Code 8392,jwhaJanOtc.umn.edUWHELAN Tim, Ass! Prof (PACC Medicine) MMe276 Mayo, Del Code 8276, 350 VCRC,whaJaOll0tc.umn.eduWHIPPLE Ira G, Sr Accountant (Disbur18lll8lllServices) 632B WBOB, Del Code 7527 (624-4086),


WHIPPLE Kelln, Visiting Prof (St Anthony FallsLaboretory) Room 301 SAFL, 2 - 3rd Avenue SE,Mpls55414, Del Code 4891, 2B8 Franklin S1,Reading MA 01867, ~.Otc.umn,eduWHIPPLE Tony G, Scienlisl (MicrotechnologyLabolatory) 1-155 E EiC Sci, Del Code 0573(626-1868), whipp0030te.umn.eduWHITAkER Trina, Teaching Spec (French andItalian) 347-BFoIweII Hall, Del Code 0139(624-1590; 624-4308), whIlaOO601!:.umn.eduWHITCCjUB David R, Industrial Fellow (11Shephard Laba) 100 Union St SE, Del Code 0531(626-2282; 628-2230), whilcOO301c.umn.eduWHITC08B Julie E, Research Ass1 (MechanicatEngineering) Room 1100, Del Code 0691, 21365Iverson Ave No, Forest Lake 55025,whl108()2 '

WHITE Anne E, Dir C8mpus/ColI8ge Level(Arch/l.andscape Arch) Room 107B RapsonH. DelCode 0811 (625-0595), whlll10360tc.umn.eduWHITE Aubrey R, Teaching Asst(Speech-Lang-Hearing Sci, Dept) Room 115ShevH, 164 PiIIsbufy Dr SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code4401, 3838 29th Ave SouIh, Apt 1, MpIs 55406,871-8665, whlt095001c.umn.eduWHITE Brian R, Greduate School Trainee (Collegeof Phannacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308 HaMlrd StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332, 808 Berry StApl173, Saint Paul 55114, 851-255-6282,whit09400tc.umn.eduWHITE Cart W, Prof (Medicine) MMe 508 Mayo,Del Code 8508, 237 0 V C C RC (625-2454), 14TllIlbarglade Rd, IlIoom/ng1on 55437,952-835-9723, whiteOOl Otc,umn.eduWHITE Clarence L, Laborer (MN LandscapeArboretum) 3875 Arboretum Blvd, Chaska55318-9613 (952-443-1400),whit09000te.umn.eduWHITE Dennis E, Prof (Mathematics, Sch 01) 261VinH,.De1 Code 0412 (624-5713),5024 Park AveSo, Mpls 55417, 825-2803, while()040Ic.utnn.eduWHITE Donald B, Prof (HoI1icuItunlll Science) 456AlderH, Del Code 6008 (624-9206), 2585 Crown ~H~I CI, White Bear Lk 551 10,651-429-0100,whIteOO70tc.utnn.eduWHITE Douglas W, Ass! Prof (Retired) (UbAcademic Programs), 9 ArboIWOOd Trail, CandlerNC 28715-9346, whIte0540tc.umn.eduWHITE Owayne A, Leed Uthographar (Printingservices) 102 P S B, Del Code 5401 (625-9500),868-7083, whIteOl1 Olc.UllVl.edU '

WHITE Elisabeth A, Prof (Retired) (VeterinaryMadical Center), 4008 E 44th St, Mpis 55406,whIte0190tc.ll/M.eduWHITE ,Erica M, Info Tech Prof (UMC Admsn/EnrtMgmt) Room 1700,2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716 (218-28HI562), 1815 71h Ave N,Grand Forks NO 58203, 701-795-1584,ewhiteOmail.crk.umn.eduWHITE Heidi A, Teaching Ass1 (IntercollegialeAthletics) 190 BFAB, Del Code 3061 (626-4688),8308 West 30 ",1 St Apl114, Saint Louis Park50238, wh~e7340te.umn.eduWHITE James G, Regents Prof (LabMedicineIPathoIogy; Pediatrics) MMC 609 Mayo,Del Code 8609, 231A 0 V C C R C (62&-2992;626-2848),15 Summ~ Place, lApIs S5403,374-3594, whileOO30te.umn.eduWHITE James R, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MINCEPEpilepsy care) 5n5 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 200,Mpls 55416, 110 W Grant St, Apl26G, Mpls55403-2314, 330-9916, wh~e1670tc.umn.eduWHITE Jeffrey C, lilstructor (Cash Wise Pharmacy)113 Waite Ave S, Waite Park 58387, 2049 14thStreet North, St Cloud 58303,wMe0850tc.umn.eduWHITE Jennifer A, PhD Candidate Research Ass1(Plant Biology) !!20 Bio Sci, Del Code 6125(625-7245), 10164lse11a St NE, Oircle Pines55014,763-717-9806, whi1OO790tc.umn.eduWHITE Jenny A, Non Univ Staff (OrthopaedicSurgery) R247 Fairview Rehab Mpls (273-1177),whlte7500te.umn.eduWHITE John S, Prof (Retired)(MachanicalEngineering), 518 W Walnut St, River Falls WI54022, whIte13301c.umn.eduWHITE Kathryn, Community Program Spec (MNLandscape Arboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613 (952-443-1400), 27430 PineBend, Excelsior 55331, WhIte232 Otc.umn.eduWHITE Kathryn W, Adjunct Jnstructor (VAMe) OneVetreans Drivel112A. Mpis sp417, 440 Harriet Ave,Shoreview 55126, 651-482-9902,


WHITE Kevin M. Pipefitter (Fac Mgmt·Zone l-StPaul) 202 F M B. Del Code [email protected]

WHITE LilaAnn C. Asst Prol (liMO Theatre) 153MPAC. Duluth (218-726-8955). [email protected]

WHITE Lloyd R. Prol (Chemical EngrlMat Sci).Research Assoc (Chemical EngrlMat Sci) 354Amund H. Del Code 0531 (625-1419). 1922 PennAv S. Mpls

WHITE Mark A. Sr Research Fellow(UMD-NRRI-GWE) 311 N RR I. 5013 Miller TrunkHwy. Duluth 55811 (218-720-2710; 218-720-4275).1219 E 6th St. Duluth 55805.

WHITE Marvin. Sr Building and Grounds Worker(Pioneer Hall). Del Code 1751 (624-6127)

WHITE Mary Jane, Research Asst (College ofEducation) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455. Del Code [email protected]

WHITE Mary M, Administrative Aide (MENDAdministrative Center· HR) MMC 194 Mayo. DelCode 8194. D648 Mayo (626-0634). 13940Townline AVe, Shakopee 55379.952-445-2737,[email protected] Michael E. Prol (Animal Sciance) 350 A BL M S, Del Code 6099 (624-5370)[email protected]

WHITE Nancy A, Ofc Manager (UM EldensionStevens Cnty) PO Box 269. Morris 56267-0269(320-589-7423), [email protected] Natalie. Teaching Asst (UMD Biology) 211LSci; 1110 Kirby Dr. Duluth 55812 (218-726-6262;218-726-8811). [email protected] Paul A. Lecturar (Accounting). Program Dir(Accounting) 4-286 CariSMgmt. Del Code 7041(626-9156). white131 Otc.umn.eduWHITE Ronald 0, Fiscal OIer (Acad and DistrComp Srvcs) 190 ShepLab, Del Code 0771(625-2333). whital0501c.umn.eduWHITE Sarah E, Teaching Asst (Student Writingcenter) Room 207 lindH. 207 Church Sf SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 0613,5908 281h Avenue South,Mpls 55417, 722-0973. [email protected] Susan K, Research Fellow (Agronomy &Plant Genetics) 134 Bor H, Del Code 6026(624-4971). whitaOO90tc.umn.eduWHITE Thomas. Info Tech Prol (Auxiliary Services)210 PSB. Del Code 5404 (625-3059),[email protected] Timothy J, Art Museum Preparator(Frederick R Weisman Art Museum) 200 WeismanArt. Del Code 1851 (625-9608),[email protected] Tonya J, Asst Prof (Psychiatry; Pediatrics)F282I2A West·B. [lei Code 8393, University 01Minnesota, Division of Child Psychiatry, F25612BWest. 2450 Riverside Avenue. Mpls 55454-1495(273-9762), [email protected] Robin R. Lecturer (Hlth Serv Res &Policy) 0-527 Mayo. Del Code 6161. '[email protected] Emma M. Prol (Retired) (SponsoredProjects Admin). 101 W Winsol Rd Apt 5201,UnbanjllL 61802. white1370tc.umn.eduWHITEHEAD Nick, Research Asst (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1100. Del Code 0691.651-402-7265. [email protected] Avisia M, Lecturer (HHH Inst PublicAffairs·Pub AI; Child Development. Inst onHumphrey Inst 01 Public Affair. Room 225HHHCtr·Grad Prgms OfIice, 301 19th Ave S, Mpls55455. Del Coda 7451. 1976 Pinehurst Avenue. StPaul 55116, 651-698-3779. [email protected] Mel. Prol (Retired) (UMD·Biology) 211L Sci. Duluth 55812 (218-726-8123). PO Box16505. Duluth 55816, 218-728-2951,[email protected] Christofer E. PhD Candidate TeachingAsst (Chemistry) 101 Sm~h Hall, Del Code 3661,[email protected] Christopher T. Adjunct Asst'Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Heahh; UMD Family Medicine)SMOG-Aurora, 405 W 3rd Ave N, Aurora 54871.whiti0120tc.umn.eduWHITING David W, Adjunct Asst Prof (FamilyMedicinelComm Heahh). Lecturer (Ophthalmology)~ye West Center, 2605 Campus Dr Suite 125.Plymouth 55441, [email protected]

WHITLEY MD PHD Chester B. Prol (Pediatrics)MMC 446 Mayo, Del Code 8446,13-146 P W B(625-7422). [email protected]. page 626-3000WHITLOCK Daniel J, Asst Prof (Mpls Chlldren'sMedical Center) 2525 Chicago Ave S. Mpls 55404,4211 Freemont Ave South, [email protected] Mark E, Assoc Prof (UMD Music;UMD Fine Arts. School of) 226 H, Duluth(218-726-6124). 1001 Missouri Ave. Duluth 55811,218-724-9241, [email protected] Jill, Non Univ Staff (Sponsored ProjectsAdmin) 450 Gateway Mpls.

WHITMAN Andrew F. Prof (Carlson IndustrialRelations Ctr) 3-111 CariSMgmt. Del Code 7041(625-2553), 6969 Carey Lane, Maple Grove 55369,763-425-4040. [email protected], page425-4040WHITMORE Jay H, Research Asst (Geography)Room 414 SocSci. 26719th Ave S. Mpls 55455.Del Code 7163, [email protected] Sheila A: Research Fellow (Fisherias.Wildlile &Cons Bioi) Room 2nd FI HodsonH. 1980Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6125,[email protected]

WHITNEY Carolan H, Ass! Athletic Trainer(Intercollegiate Athletics) 36 UAqCtr. Del Code2061 (625-2580). [email protected] Donna L, Prof (Earth SciGeology/Geaphysics) 11~ Pills H, Del Coda 0211(626-7582). [email protected] •WHITNEY Gail M, Development OIer (Univers~ •Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (626-8554),507-319-0239,[email protected]

WHITNEY Gayle. Prin Administrative Spec (HumanEcology. Clg Of·Adm) Room 12 McNH, Del Coda6142 (624-4244). [email protected] Mark H. Eldension Educator/Asst Prof(UM Eldension Regl Ctr Mankato) 1961 Premier DrSte 148. Mankato 56001-5901 (624-1793). 20645Cedar Lake Trail, Morristown 55052,507-685-2676. whM0070tc.umn.eduWHITT Debbie. Exec Administrative Spec(Department 01 Naval Science - NROTC) 203Annory Building. 15 Church Street SE. Mpls55455-0108 (625-6677). 2935 Logan Avenue N,Mpls 55411-1271.623-7699. [email protected] Nathan L, Commun~ Program Spec(TRIO Student Support Services) 80J Appleby Hall.128 Pleasant Street SE. Mpls 55455. 4006 GrandAvenue South. Mpls 55409. [email protected] Benjamin H. Adjunct Ass! Prol (ANW •Gen Med Assoc) Intemal Medicine, 800 E28th St.BUilding 22300, Mpls 55407.1889 W Fann Rd.Orono 55356, [email protected] Thomas H, Prol (Clinical and PopUlationSciences) Room 225 VTH, 1365 Gortner Avenue.St Paul 55108, Del Code 6190. 2946 110thAvenue•. Glenwood City WI 54013. 715-265-4107,[email protected] Megan N. Project Coordinator (BoynHS) Health Promotion, Del Code 1171,[email protected] Shennon R. Asst Scientist (VeterinaryDiagnostic Lab) 219 VelDL,DeI Code 6184(625-9286). 14484 Xeon Street NW, Andover55304.763-413-7257. [email protected] Kyle A, Teaching Asst (Ecology.Evolution and Behavior) 405 Ecology, Del Code6098,2392 W Larpenteur Apt7. Saint Paul 55113.856'256-8403. [email protected] Anne, Accounts Spec (VeterinaryMedical Center) Room 452 VMC, Del Code 6194(625-7778), [email protected] Anne B. Adjunct Asst Prof (Mt RoyalMedical Center) 1400 Woodland Ave. Duluth55812WHOLEY Douglas R. Prof (Health ServRsehiPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729,15-223 PWB (626-4682; 624-6151),wholeOol @tc.umn.eduWHYTE JR Amelious N, IlSsoc To (StudentAffairs), Teaching Spec (Educational Policy andAdmin) 110 Morrill Hall. Del Coda 0261 (624-2678;624-3560), [email protected] .WHYTE Patricia J. Departmental Dir (GraduateSchool Diversity Office) 329 Joh H, Del Code 3773(625-4069), [email protected] Robert A. Instructor (Cub Phannacy 672)1440 Univers~ Ave. 5t Paul 55104,[email protected]

WIARD-BAUER Linda K. Teaching Spec (CenterFor Educational Programs) 115 Vin H, Del Code0412 (625-2861). 4046 Lindan Hills Blvd, Mpls .55410,929-2415. [email protected]

WIBBEN Joshua J. Teaching Asst(Electrical/Computer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 8999 Goold Rd. Eden Prairie553473328.952,937-0455. [email protected]

WIBERG Cody C, Asst Prof (MinnesotaDepartment 01 Human Servi) 444 Lalayette RoadNorth, St Paul 55155, 1628 Bush Street. Red Wing55066,651-368-3102. [email protected]

WIBERG James J. Adjunct Assoc Prof (Fort RdMedical Center) 360 N Shennan. Su~e 250, StPaul 55102. 2499 Matilde. St Paul 55113,[email protected]

WIBERG Thomas A. Adjunct Instructor (IntemalMedicine Specialists) CardiOlogy. DoctorsProfessional Building, 280 N Smith Ave, Suite 144,St Paul 55102. 3031 Little Bay Road. Roseville55113, [email protected] '

WICAL Beverly S. Asst Prof (Neurology) MMC 486Mayo, Dei Code 8486. 12th Fir P W B (625-7466),[email protected]

'WICHLEN Pam, Non Univ Staff (UDS AffiliatedStaff) G47 CMU Mpis. [email protected] Lisa L, Assoc Admin (Graduate MedicalEducation) MMC 293 Mayo. Del Code 8293. RoomB-620 Mayo (625-8285). wichmanOtc.umn.eduWICHTERMAN Grant J, Painter (FacilitiesMgmnt-Zone 4-Campus Dist) Room l30GFoodOB, Del Code 5803. 220 Marina View.Rockford 55373, 763-494-4872.wichtOO1 @tc.umn.eduWIC<K Kurt A. Sr ~ientist (Physics & Astronomy)148 Phys. Del Code 0331 (624-2831)[email protected] Michael A, Lecturer (ComputerScience/Engineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci. 200Union St SE. Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571.wickxool @tc.umn.eduWICK Nancy J, Business Analyst (FinancialSystems Support) 295 WBOB, Del Code 7523(625-1069), [email protected] Shawn M, Teaching Asst (Sociology) 1067SocScI. Del Code 7171 (624-5296; 624-4300)[email protected] Susan M, Prol (Plant Biology; HumanResources, 0ffic8 on 250 Bio Sci. Del Code 6022(625-4718), 1603 Huron St, St Paul 55108.651-488-0063, [email protected] Julie A. Administrative Professional(Ca~son, Physical Resources) 4-215 CariSMgmt,Del Code 7041 (624-5567). [email protected] Cha~ene C, Sr Accounts Asst(MN Landscape Arboretum) 3675 Arboretum Blvd,Chaska 55318-9613 (952-443-1430),1505 NiagaraStreet. Waconia 55387, [email protected] Maria E. Ofc Spec (Student &Professional Services) 110 Wull H, Del Coda 3345(625-7350), m·[email protected] Kay, Prin Administrative Spec (School ofNursing) Room 6-134 WDH, Del Code 1331(626-5236), [email protected] 'WlCKESBERG Albert K. Prof (Retired) (StrategicMgmtlOrganization), 4501 Roanoke Rd. Mpls55422. wickeOQl @tc.umn.eduWICKLUND Mark D. Teaching Ass! (ILES) 233Nolte Center. Del Code 0095 (624-3631), 360011th Ave S, Mpls 55407. [email protected] Paul T. Adjunct Prof (17 W ExchangeSt, Suite 222) St Paul 55102. 10 Nortt> Oaks, StPaul 55127, wickI0030tc.umn.eduWICKLUND MD Richard G. Prol(HealthPartners·Apple Valley) MMC ~91 Mayo. DelCode 8391.15290 Pennock Lane, Apple Valley55124. [email protected] Kevin 0, Assoc Prol (Phannacology)3-118 BSBE, Del Code 1213 (624-5966;624-5170), [email protected] Alan L, Laboratory Animal Atlendant(Research Animal Resources) 1-525 PWB. 420Delaware Street SE. Mpls 55455 (624-6169)[email protected] M. Research Asst (Biochemistry)Rm 6-155 JacH, 321 Church St S. Mpls 55455, DelCode 1214,225 E County Rd B-2, Apt 177, LittleCanada 55117, 804-5244, [email protected] Eva M. Community Program Spec (Office01 Development) 5-133 WDH, Del Code 1332,5640- 36th Ave S, Mpls 55417

WIDIASIH Esther R. Teaching Spec (Mathematics.Sch on, Teaching Asst (Mathematics, Sch onVincent Hall 112A. Del Code 0412 (625-9835),2211 Collax Ave S Apt305. Mpls 55405. [email protected]

WIDLUND Mary E, Head Child Care Teacher(University Child Care Center) Child Care. DelCode 3071 (627-4014), 1451 W MinnehahaParkway. Mpls 55409, 922-9636,widluool

WIDMER Stephanie, Research Asst (Dept of Soil,Water, and Climate) Univ 01 Mn. Del Code 6028,413-382-0921. [email protected]

WIDOME Rachel L. PhD Candidate Research Asst(Epidemiology). PhD Candidate Teaching Asst(Epidemiology) Ste 300 WBOB. Del Code 7525(625-3404). 2849 Irving Ave S, Apt 2. Mpls 55408.874-6627, widomool

WIEBE Carol, Graphic DesignerlMedia Artist(School 01 Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH. DelCode 6161 (624-6243). [email protected]

WIEBERS Laura A. Info Tech Prol (College ofPhannacy) 2-163 WDH. Del Code 1332.wiebeOQl

WIEDMANN Timothy S. Prol (Phannacy. Collegeon, Program Dir (Phannacy, College on 9-127AWDH, Del Code 1332 (624-5457)[email protected]

WIEGAND Laura K. Library Asst 3 (PlantPathology Library) 395 BorH. Del Code 6026(625-9m), 871-4504, [email protected]

WIELDE Carolyn A. Sr Accountant (LabMad/Pathology Department) MMC 609 Mayo, DelCode aa09, MMC 609 Mayo (624-8689), 3319Taylor St NE, Mpls ~18, [email protected]

WIELING Elizabeth. Assoc Prof (Family SocialScience) 282 McNeel Hall, Del Code 6140(625-8106),[email protected]

WIEMANN Shelly A, Teaching Spec (Psychology)N-218 EltH, Del Code [email protected]

WIEN Molly. Child Care Teacher (Univers~ ChildCare Center) ChiidCare. 1600 Rollins Ave SE,Mpls 55414, Del Code 3071 (627-4014), 11200Isanti Coort NE. Blaine 55449.763-785-1262.wienxool0tc.umn.eduWIENEKE Carolee. Exec Administrative Spec(General Clinical Research Center) MMC 504Mayo. Del Code 8504. 211B Masonic (626-0476).minck001

WIENER Daniel N, Adjunct Prof (Ste 801) 1225laSalle Ave S, Mpls 55403 (332-4400),wieneOOl

WIENERS Sharon. Asst Librarian (GoddardLibrary) University Center - Rochester. 851 30thAve SE. Rochester 55904. [email protected]

WIENS Katie M. Research Asst (Neuroscience)Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church St S. Mpls 55455, DelCode 1216 (624-9198). 2450 Blaisdell Ave Apt 1,Mpls 55404, 432-4868,

WIENS Loma M. Education Spec (Social Work)200 1st St N, Suite 7, Staples 56479(218-894-5047). 11862 261st Ave. Staples 56479,218-894-2715, [email protected]

WIERMAA Douglas L, Laboratory Machinist Spec(Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys. 116Church St SE. Mpls 55455. Del Code 0331, 1525 EHarvey St. Ely 55731. 218-365-7639,wiennool @tc.umn.eduWIERSEMA Dale A. Resident Mgr Research Sites(Cloquet Forestry Center) 175 University Road,Cloquet 55720. 425 Shady Lane. PO Box 285.Winton 55796, [email protected] Jochum J. Eldension Educator/AsstProf (NW Research and Outreach Center) AgRC.29OQol)niversity Ave. Crookston 56716(218-281-8629; 218-281-8604), 24466 230thAvenue SW, Crookston 56716-9132,218-281'3155. [email protected] John V. Assoc Prol (NWResearchlOutreach Center; Agronomy/PlantGenetics) AgRC, 2900 Univers~ Ave. Crookston56716 (218-281-8607),1104 St Anne St,Crookston 56716. 218-281-1952,[email protected] Ryan W, Technical Supplemental(Honnellnstitute. Univ 01 Minnesot) 801 16th AveNE, Austin 55912-3679 (507-437-9619), 323 36thSt SW, Austin 55912, 507-219-0808,[email protected]

---- -----------------~


WIESE Kurt J. General Mechanic (Territorial Hall),Del Code 1791 (625-5160). wieseOO40tc.umn.eduWIESE Susan A, Editor (HumanResoureeslCommunieations) Room 200DonhoweB. Del Code 3122 (625-1543),wiese0540tc.umn.eduWIESE Susan S. Outpatient Clinic Ass1 (ClinicalSystems-Recepl, Regis, &) 9-205 Moos T, DelCode 1291, wiese0020tc.umn.eduWIESE WaOOy, Ass1 Scientist (Vet DiagnosticMedicine) 240 VetOL, Del Code 6184 (625-1963),wieseOl00tc.umn.eduWlESE-BJORNSTAL PIID Dian, Assoc Prof(Kinesiology & Leisure Studies) Room 203B CookeH, Del Code 2061 (625~), dwieseOlc.umn.eduWIESER Paul B, Department Oir (InformationTechnology, Ole of; Learning Excellence, CSOMOle) 4-329 cartSMgmt. Del Code 7041 (626-1598),wieaeOI80lc.umn.eduWlESINGER Andrew 0, Teaching Spec (Spanishand Portuguese) Room 34 FoIH, 9 Pleasant St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0133 (625-5858), 4600 E46th 51 Ap123, Mpls 55406, 722-9180,wiesiOOl Otc.umn.eduWIESNER Stephen M, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Department o! Neurosurgery) MMC 96 Mayo, Del

. Code 8096. 5166 MCB (626-6971), 2124 Penn AveS, Mpls 55405, 3n-25nWIETECKI Michael J, Research Ass1 (forestResources) Room 115 GreenH, 1530 ClevelandAve N, 51 Paul 55108, Del Code 6112, 2428Farrington Circle, RosevHle 55113, 651-481-7890,wieIOOO60tc.umn.eduWlETGREFE S1ephen W, Scientist (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,1415 Mayo(624-4649),6101 Arbour Ln, Edina 55436,wietgOO10tc.umn.eduWIGGINS Lisa K, Exec Sec(EcologylEvolutionlBehavior) Room.. loo Ecology,Del Code 6098 (624-6nO), wigginsOtc.umn.eduW1GREN David I, Asst Pro! (Matro Med Ole Bldg,M-50) 825 S.81h 51, Mpls 55404, 4965 LowryTerrace, Golden Valley 55422,wigreOO10tc.umn.eduWlIK Kristen L. Research Ass1 (ChildDevelopment) ChDev, 51 E River Ad, MpIs 55455,Del Code 4011 (625-6472), wiik00020tc.umn.eduWlISANEN Ronald E, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Meritcare Park Island) 600 S 4th St. Fargo NO58103WIKLUND Jeffrey C, Instructor (UMD Accounting)125 SBE, Duluth (218-726-7966)WIKSTROM Deb, Prin Accounts Spec (School o! 'Social Work) Rm 105. PetersH, Del Code 6161(624·3792), dwikstroOtc.umn.eduWIKSTROM Sharon L, Assoc Development Olcr(University Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr,Del Code 2011 (625-5393).4633 LouisianaAve N,Crystal 55428, 763-533-3132,wiksIOO50tc.umn.eduWIKSTROM Sue, Personnel Spec (AHC HumanResources) MMC 23 Mayo, Del Code 8023, Room547 BoJlllOn Health Service (624-7124),wikslOO30tc.umn.eduWlLIlER Andy, Graduate School Fellow (Geneticsand Cell Development) Room 6-160 JacH, 321Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1217,105129th Ave SE ApIA, Mpls 55414, 952-631-9598,wilb00290te.umn.eduWlLBERS Stephen, Lecturer (4826 10th Ave S),Del Code 0571, MPJs 55417,wilbe0040tc.umn.eduWlLBRAND CONLEy Ingrid, Ass1 Prof (PartnersOb/Gyn) 1737 Beam Ave, Maplewood 55109, 1727Wordsworth. St Paul 55116, wilbrOO10tc.umn.eduWILBUR John W, Electromechanical SystemsSpec (Electronic Instrument Services) 25BioSciences Ctr, Del Code 6174 (625-6745), ' ..WILCKE Bin. Pro! (Biosystems & Agricul1ural Eng)204 Bio Ag Eng, Del Code 6005 (625-8205),wilckOO1 Otc.umn.eduWILCOX Amanda, Asst Prof (CIass""'-"lear EastStudies) 305 Folwell Hall. Del Code 0149(625-5540), 3520 17th Ave S, Mpls 55407,­722-5785, wiIco0430tc.umn.eduWILCOX Cfiflord L, Pro! (Retired) (RsmntResearehlOutreach canter), 1048 E Elm Street, StGeorge UT 84790-8409, 435-628-9035,wiIco0110tc.umn.eduWILCOX George L, Prof (Neuroscience;Dermatology; Pharmacology), Del Code 1216(625-1474), georgeOtc,

WILCOX Kimerty J. Multimedia Inst Consult (DigitalMedia Center) Room 212 Wa~erLib, Del Code3729 (624-3528), wllCOOO1 Otc.umn.eduWILCOX Lauren B, Teaching Asst (PoliticalScience) Room 1414 SocSci, 26719th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7175, 651-353-7401,wiIC00990tc.umn.eduWILCOX Mary, Word Proc Spec (Economics) 1035HellerH, Del Code 7052 (625-6353), 3158 GarfieldSt NE. Mpls 55418,788-4637,wilcoOI70lc.umn.eduWILCOX Michael R, AdjUnct Assoc Prof (NorthMemorial Hea~h Care) 3300 Oakdale Ave N,Robbinsdale 55442, 310 1st Ave NW, New Prague56071,952-758-3090, .

WILCOXON Kathe M, Assoc 08partment Dir(University Foundation) Room 500 McNamaraCir.Del Code 2011 (626-9630), wilcoxonO'

WILCOXSON Roy 0, Prof (Retired) (PlantPathology), 1669 Co Rd 8230, West Plains Me65n5, [email protected] CREA Mary T, Instructor (Dakota PediatricClinic) 5975 Carmen Ave E, Inver Grove Heights55076. wildcOOi Otc.umn.eduWILDE Jason L, Research Asst (Family Social,Science) 290 McNeal Hall, Del Code 6140, 3532Quail Ave N, Crystal 55422, 763-522-6326,jwlldeOtc.umn.eduWILDE Mark J, Survey Interviewer (HSRP SurveyCenter) Oinnaken Building. Suile120, 925Delaware St SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2131,1939 Pierce St NE, Mpls 55418, 788-8157,wiIde0650tc.umn.eduWILDER Timothy E, Business Analyst (Office o!the Registrar) 150 W,lIIarnsonH, Del Code 0174(626-1393),3526 Goodwin Ave N, Oakdale55128-3947, 651-7n·2844, wildeOI30tc.umn.eduWILDER Wa~er L, Assoc Pro! (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, wiIdeOO70tc.umn.eduWlLDERSON JR Frank B, Prof (Retired) (InstnuteOn Community Integration) 204 Bu H, Del Code3171 (626-8697), 1717 James Ave So. Mpls55403, 3n-0491 , wildeOO1 Otc.umn.eduWILDES Pete F, Product Services Analyst(CCD-Central Computing Operations) 660 W B 0B, Del Code 7531 (626-1646; 624-0855),788-8757, wildO0220tc.umn.eduWILDEY Gina M, Jr Scientist (Surgery) MMC 195Mayo, Del Code 8195, Rm M420 Masonic CancerCtr (626-9926), wildoo960tc.umn.eduWlLDUNG David K, Prof (NC Research/OutreachCenter, Horticultural Science) 1861 E Hwy 169,Grand Rapids 55744 (218-327-4711),712 SW 7thAve, Grand Rapids 55744, 218-326-4764,dwiIdungOtc.umn.eduWlLEBSKI Roxalln M, Parking Enforcement Olcr(Police Department) 100 TSB, Del Code 1981(624-3550), wllebOO20tc.umn.eduWlLEBSKI Serah L, Cook (Pioneer Din',ngServices) B32L PIOH, Del Code 1751 (624-5420),435 Totem Rd, St Paul 55119, 651-731-9571,wilebOO70tc.umn.eduWlLEBSKI WiUiam R, Maintenance EquipmentOper (Facilitias Mgmnt-llldg Satvices, Wa)ComoY, Del Code 5301, [email protected] Alan J, Lecturer (Accounting) 3-122CartSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7041, 2093 Sherwood Lane, Minnetonka55305,,952-926-0434, wilenOO30tc.umn.eduWILEY Lisa A, Student Services Supv (StudentServices Ollica) 135 Skok Hall, Del Code 6147(624-2748),3855 Westbury Dr, Eagan 55123,651-452·7661.lwileyOtc.umn.eduWILEY Sara, Asst Coach (Intercollegiate Athletics)215A RidderA, Del Code 3061 (626'9792),651-793-6942, wiley0040tc.umn.eduWlLGREN CLYNE Cheryl L, Sr Otc Spec(JoumalismiMass Comm, Sch of), Teaching Asst(Lib Arts Technology, Col of) 313 Murphy Hall, DelCode 0371 (625-0576), cIyneOO30lc.umn.eduWILHELM Mark W, Adjunct Pro! (Developmental &Surg Sci-Gleft Pala) Room 6-296 Moos T. DelCode 1291 (625-5945),6861 Upper Afton Road,Woodbury 55125, 651'227-2427,wilheOO10tc.umn.eduWILHELM Sonja A, Research Asst (ForestResources) Room 115 GreenH, 1530 N ClevelandAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6112,60 Rose AveW, St Paul 55117, wilh00650tc.umn.eduWILHELMI Jeff A, Administrative Professional(Accounting Services) Room 656A WBOB, DelCode 7529 (624-2068), 2717 87th Trail N, BrooklynPark 55443,

WILHELMI Mark L, Coordinator (MINITEX) 15Andersen Library, Del Code 7921,wllhe0400tc.umn.eduWILHELMSON Nancy R, Dir (Human Resources,Ollica of), Asst Prof (Human Resources, Offica of)100 Donhowe B. Del Code 3122 (625-9872),9005Cambridge Road, Woodbury.55125, 651-578-0320,[email protected] MSW UCSW Gari C, Instructor (UMDSocial Work, Dept of), Coordinator (UMD SocialWork, Dept of) UMD Social Work. 220 BohH,0148, 1207 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812, 51659219th Ave. Bemidji 55601, gwili":,ekOd.umn.eduWILKE Christopher T. Research Asst (CombinedMDIPHD Training Program) 8690 Mayo, Del Code1191,1891 Hidden Valley Lane, Fort Dodge IA50501, 843-0722, wilk02420tc.umn.eduWILKE Mark S, Adjunct Asst Prof (Dermatology),Physician (Lab MedicinelPathology) MMC 609Mayo, Del Code 8609. 0242 Mayo (625-6408),9611 Wyoming Circle, Bloomington 55438,952·941-4994, wilke008@tc'l', page193-8420 '

WILKE Norbert, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Radiology)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, Bx 292 Mayo(273-6004),, page 193-2014WILKE Robert C, Adjunct Ass1 Prof(Developmental & Surg Sci-Cleft Pala) Room 6-296Moos T, Del Code 1291 (625-2619),[email protected]

WILKENfaul W, Mechanic 2 (FacilniesMgmt-Administration) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code8059, B117 Moos T (624-2900),wilke<1060tc.umn.eduWILKENING Jeffrey 0, Pipefitter Foreman(Facilnes Mgmnt-Zone 5-East bank Di) L150 MechEng Bldg, Del Code 3121 (625-0008),wilkeoo20tc.umn.eduWILKENS Jane R: Adjunct Assoc Pro! (StillwaterMedical Group) 981 S Greeley St, Stillwater [email protected] .

WILKENS Linda A, DUplicating Equipment Oper(UMC University Relations) 125 K, Crookston56716 (218-281-8403), 920 Steams, Crookstop56716,[email protected] Mary E, Adjunct Assoc Prof (HopkinsFamily Physicians) 50 S 81h Ave, Hopkins 55323(95~-993-2175), 316 Edgewood, Golden Valley55427,763-541-0462, [email protected] Deb, Development OIer(General College Development Office) 121 ApH.Del Code 3501 (625-8398). [email protected] Ashley, Prin Photo Lab Tech (Art iIIistory)430 HellerH, Del Code 7055 (624-1357),[email protected] loren M, Adjunct Asst Prof (FairviewArden Hills Clinic) 7455 ViUage Dr, Circle Pines55014, wilk80140tc.umn.eduWILKIN Deborah L, Exec Student PersonnelWorker (OSF - Undergraduate Services) 210Fraser H, Del Code 3395 (624-1878), 231419thAvenue NE, Mpls 55418, 789-2491,d-wilkOtc.umn.eduWILKIN Mary K, Instructor (Children's Mpls) Respand Critical Care, no 617,2545 Chicago Ave S,Mpls 55404,,WILKING Judy A, Teaching Spec (School o!Nursing) Room 4-138 WDH, Del Code 1331(624-6472), 394 West County Rd J, Shoreview55126,651-481-9117, john30630tc.umn.eduWILKINS David E, Prof (American Indian Studies)330 ScoltH, Del Code 3232 (624-1634; 624-1338),wilkinsdOtc.umn.eduWILKINS Sybil, Olc Spec (Universily Foundation)Room 500 McNamaraCir. Del Code 2011(624-5894), wilkinsOtc.umn.eduWILKINS Tracey L, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,51 Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,wilkil100te.umn.eduWILKINSON Todd J, TeachingAsSt (Psychology)N-218 Elliott Hall, Del Code 3281 (625-2818),827-8150, wilk01590lc.umn.eduWILL Harley L, Oir campuslCoUege level(Administration -Finance & Perso~nel) Room15-234 Moos Tower, Del Code 1291 (624-6621).willhIOtc.umn.eduWILL Lori L, Asst Oir CmpICoI (Twin Cities StudentUnion-MPLS) Room 500 CMU, Del Code 1051(625-6270), willxOO50!c.umn.eduWlU Norman R, In!o Tech Prof (UMD NRRI-GWE)311C NRRI, 5013 Miller Tnmk Hwy. Duluth 55811(218-720-4209),49 Stillmeadow Rd, Esko 55733,218-879-5961, [email protected]


WlU Patricia A, Building and Grounds Worker(UMD Facilities~t) 241 DAdB.0219,1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6269),5673 South Street Road 35, Superior WI 54880,715-399-8189, pawifIOd.umn.eduWILL Tom, Adjunct Ass1 Prof (Fisheries andWildlife) Room 2nd F1 HodsonH, Del Code 6125(624-2720). 2221 Hillside Ave, St Paul55108-1610,651-646-3399, wiIlX0090tc.umn.eduWILL Trish, Program Oir (MN Alumni Association)Room 200 McNamara Clr. Del Code 2009(626-0425), wiI1x0100!c.umn.eduWlU Wynetle M, Graduate School Fellow ,(Immunology) MMC 334 Mayo, Del Code 8334,6-105 BSBE (625-3608), wiIIx0160lc.umn.eduWlLLAERT Frances A, Olc Ass1 (MN LandscepaArboret~m) 3675 Arboretum Dr, Chaska55318-9613, wilia0450tc.umn.eduWlLLAERT Rebecca. Jr Scientist (GaneticsMedicine OffICe) MMC 485 Mayo, Del Code 8485,MMC 485 Mayo, wiI109590tc.umn.eduWILLARD Janelle A, Exec Sec (epidemiology) 300W.B 0 B, Del Code 7525 (626-6586) •

WlLLARDSON NielD, Adjunct AssocProf (LawSchool) Room 285 MondaleH, 229 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7911, 515N 1st Apt 111.Mpls 55401-2460, wiUaOI20tc.umn.eduWlUCOXON Jeanne I. Graduate School Fellow(Theatre Arts and Dance) Room 580 RarigC, 33021st Ave S. Mpls 55455, Del Code n52, 764Parkvlew Avenue West, St Paul 55117.wil/[email protected] Jannffer, Research Ass1 (EducationalPsychology), Teaching Ass! (EducationalPsychology) Room 206 BuH, Del Code 3171(624-6083), wiIIcOOllOtc.umn.eduWlLLECK Allen R, Building and Grounds Worker(UMD Food/Vending Services) 245 KPIz.D206,1208 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7175), 5108Hyw 33, Saginaw 55779,218-590-4675.awiIIeckOd.umn.eduWILLEMSEN Peter J, Ass1 Pro! (UMO ComputarsCIence) 331 HH, 1114 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8228; 218-726-76(7),willemsnOd.umn.eduWILLENBRING Cynthia K, Sr Accounta Ass! (00-UCS) 2218 Univ, 2218 Universlly Ave SE, Mpls55414, Del Code 2171 (824-4800).801-4693,willl1750tc.umn.eduWILLENBRING MD Mark L, Prof (Psychiatry)F28212A West, Del Code 8393, (467-3967),651-698-3714, wiI1eOO10tc.umn.eduWILLENBRING Michael R. Lab Animal CareTechnician (RAR) MMC 69 Mayo, Del Code 8069.1-525 PWB, wiI1e0300lc.umn.eduWlLLENZlK Howard J, Prin Informational Rep(CCE-Marketing) Room 340 ColH, Del Code 6081(624-3006).4245 30th Avenue South, Mpls 55406,822-2282, ,WILLER Katie L, Ole Spec (Human Resources)Room 200 Doli_B. Del Code 3122 (625-8504),2023 Stevens Ave So Apt4, Mpls 55404.wiI109620tc.umn.8duWlUERSCHEIDT Anton B, Adjunct Ass1 Prof(3900 Park NlcoIJet Blvd) Mpls 55416,will80250tc.umn.eduwiUERT Steven H, Maintenance Equipment Oper(Facilities Mgmt-Administration) 200 Donhowe B.Del Code 3121 (626-1777),763-757-6890,wille0050tc.umn.eduWILLETT Tamara L, Adjunct Asst Pro! (PrimaryDental cara-Dental Hygiene) Room 8-536C MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625-9121).320-239-4512,will80530te.umn.eduWlUETTE Mark J, Greduata School Fellow (Depto! MicrobiolOgy) 420 Delaware Street SE. MMC196, Mpls 55455, 623-7632, willeI730tc.umn.eduWILLEY David A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (ValleyFamily Practical 822 Yellow Brick Rd, Chaska55318 (952-448-3303), 863 Oriole Lane, Chaska55316, w111e0220tc.umn.eduWlLLHrrE Gary C, Pm Student Personnel WOIl<er(UMC'Resldentiel ute) 118 McCallH, Crookston56716 (218-281-6530). gwillhnOtc.umn.eduWlUHrrE Laurie A, Clinical AsSt Pro! (Fairview­Riverside Medical C1r) Pharmacy Dept, 2450Riverside Ave. MpIs 55454, 5029 Thomas Ave S,Mpls 55410, wilIhOO20te.umn.eduWILLIAMS Allen N, Adjunct Asst Prof (MinnesotaDept of Health) MMC 807 MayO, Del Code 8807,Chronic Oisease and Environmental Epi, 717Delaware St SE. Mpls 55414, 4116 CoIlax Ave S,Mpls 55409,


WlWAMS Amy J, Sign Language Interpreter (180McNamara Alumni canter) 200 Oak Street SE, DelCode 2017 (626-1346), [email protected]

WILLIAMS III Andrew L, Graduate School Fellow(Education StulProfessional Svc) Room 330 WuIlH,Del Code 3345 (624-1006), 203 Manitou Street,Northfield 55057, 507-351-5937,[email protected]

WlWAMS Ann A, Building and Grounds Worker(UMM Plant Service) Room 9 Cam, M268A, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267, 400 Birch Ave, Morris 56267,320-589-3403, williaaaOmorris.umn.eduWIWAMS Bonnie, Sr Administrative Spec(Gaography) 414 Soc Sci, Del Code 7163(625-6060), [email protected]

WlLUAMS Bradley A, Mechanic 2 (FacilitiesMgmnt-Zone 5-East Bank D) L150 Mech Eng Bldg,Del Code 3121, willi0330te.umn.eduWIWAMS Brent W, Ass! Scientist (TherapeuticRadiology) MMC 494 Mayo, Del Code 6494(626-6090), willi2200te.umn.eduWILLIAMS Candice C, Adjunct Asst Prot (PrimaryDental Care-Dental Hygiene) Room 8-536C ).4oosT, Del Code 1291 (625-9121), 6426109th Place N,Champlin 55316, 763-424-5076,[email protected] Carolyn J, Instructor (Pediatrics) MMC'391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, [email protected] PHD Carolyn L, Prot Emerita(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(624-6858), 21955 Minnetonka Blvd, Unit 8,ExcelSior 55331-5601, 952-942-6032,

WILLIAMS Cheryl A, Ou1patient Clinic Asst(AHC-CUHCC) C U HC C, Del Code 7851(636-0700), uchewOOl Otc.umn;eduWILLIAMS Cynthia -8, Community Program Spec(PACC Medicina) MMC 276 Mayo, Del Code 8276,350 VCRG (625-7464; 624-0999),[email protected]

WlWAMS Daniel J; Student Suppo~ ServicesAss! (Chemical Eng & Mat Sci) 151 Amund H, DelCode 0531 (625-2375), willi0370tc.umn.eduWlWAMS Darlisha A, Asst Scientist(Microbiology) MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196,1315 Mayo (624-0469),

, WILLIAMS David F, Adjunct Ass! Prof (6363France Ave S) Suite 570, Edina 55345,dwillia10tc.umn.eduWlWAMS David N, PrOf (Hennepin CountyMedical canter) 701 Park Ave S, Mpls 55415,5113 Arden Ave, Edine 55424,willi0660te.umn.eduWIWAMS Denise E, Lecturer (UnivCounseling&Consulting Services) Room 9EddyHaIl, 192 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 4601 (624-5520),'willi025C1tc.umn.eduWILLIAMS Delder, Building imd Grounds Worker(FacililiesMgmt-Bldg Serv-Area C) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 960 Frost Ave, Maplewood 55109,651-793-4122, '

WlWAMS Donald 0, Food Service Worker(Blegen Dining Services) 231llegH, Del Code 7211(625-0642), wiIli297C1te.umn.eduWIWAMS Douglas W, Inlo Tech Prof (UMMComputing Svc) Room 10 Behm, M228A, 600 E4th St, Morris 58267, 400 Birch Avenue, Morris56267,320-589-3403, [email protected] Frank G, Instructor (VeterinaryBiosciences), Rasearch Assoc (Neuroscience) Rm6-145 JecH, Del Code 1216 (625-6441; 624-4436),252 Emerald Street SE, Mpls 55414, 379-4565,frankwOte.umn.eduWILLIAMS Frederick 1,1, Admissions Counselor(Biological Sciences-Student Servica) 223 SnyderHall; 240 Williamson Hall, Del Code 6174,willl0530tc.umn.eduWlWAMS Garland E, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Administration) 200Donhowe B, Del Code 3121, willi091 Otc.umn.eduWlWAMS Gary, Applications Programmer(Surgery) MMC 107 Mayo, Del Code 8107, B171Mayo (624-3161), 4144 44th Ave S, Mpls 55406,724-7318, [email protected] Gloria J, Outpatient Clinic Ass!(AHC;cUHCC) C U HC C, Del Code 7851(636-0700), wiIli1200tc.umn.eduWIWAMS Gloria 1,1, Assoc Prof (Design Housing& Apparel) 240 McN H, Del Code 6136 (624-3210),4254,Basswood Rd, St Louis Park 55416,

WILLIAMS Gregory 0, Operations Supv. FacltsMgmt (Fac Mgmt-Bldg Serv - Area A) Rm 202FMB, Del Code 3121, 3031 Ewing Avenue SoApt206, Mpls 55416, 366-7057,willil33C1tc.umn.eduWILLIAMS Howard Y, Prof (Retired) (EducIHumanDev, College of), Apt 619, 1509 10th Ave So, Mpls55404-1753, [email protected] Jacob A, Graduate School Fellow(Diehl Hall) MMC 506 Mayo, Del Code 8506, 4623Bloomington Ave, Mpls 55407,[email protected] James S, Coordinator (Psychology;Child Development, Inst of) 75 E River.Rd. DelCode 3281 (625-0515),4053 Clover Ave, VadnaisHts 55127, 651-4?9-8081, willi306C1tc.umn.eduWILLIAMS Jan, Communications Dir (College ofVeterinary Medicina) 455 Veterinary TeachingHospital, Del Code 6194 (624-6228), 891 ParkviewAve, St Paul 55117, willi32OCltc.umn.eduWILLIAMS Jeanette 0, Community Program Spec(Southem Research & Outreach canter) 35636120th St, Waseca 56093 (507-835-3620),30660145th St, Waseca 56093, [email protected] Jeffrey T, Info Tech Prot(ArchlLandscap8.Arch) Room 127B RapsonH, DelCode 0811 (624-1683; 626-7760),wiIli290Cltc.umn.eduWILLIAMS John 0, Electrician Foreman (FacilitiesMgmt-Safety) Room 400 DonhoweB, 319 15th AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121, 9519 Briar Circle,Bloomington 55437, [email protected] Julie 1,1, Instructor (UMD Education),Adjunct Instructor (UMD Continuing Education) 120MonH, 1211 Ordean Courl, Duluth 55812

. (218-726-7233),230 W 6th St, Duluth 55806,218-728-9644, [email protected] Karen A, Assoc Dir CmplCoI(University Librarian's Office) 499 OMWL, DelCode 7111 (626-4190), [email protected] Karen A, Building and Grounds Worker(Fac Mgmt-Zone 1-St Paul) 200 Donhowe B. DelCode 6168, willi096C1tc.umn.eduWILLIAMS Karl K, Instructor (Southdale Pediatrics- Edina) no 120, 3955 Park Lawn Ave, Edina55435, wiIli1900tc.umn.eduWILLIAMS Kennath A, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Chemical EngrlMat Sci), Ph 0 CandidateGrad Instructor (Chemical EngrlMat Sci) 457Amundepn Hall, Del Code 0531 (625-6073;625-6083), [email protected] Kevin T, Curator (Bell Museum Of NatHist) 390 Bell Museum, Del Code 0051 (624-3898),1708 Lincoln Ave, St Paul 55105, 651-£98-2936,[email protected] Laura S, Sr Grant/Contract Admin(Sponsored Projects Admin) 450 McNamaraAlumni Clr, Del Code 2003 (625-9601), 7512Banning Way, Inver Grove Heights 55077,651-457-5057, [email protected] Lauree E, Dental Hygienist (ClinicalSystems Dentistry; Boynton Health Service) Room7-300 PWB; Dental Clinic, Del Code 1291(626-4000; 625-5430), [email protected] Leah V, Library Asst 1 (Human RightsCenter) N120 Walter F Mandale Hall Mpls, DelCode 7911, Apt A, 917 Bancroft Way, Berkeley CA94710,702-3655, [email protected] 'WILLIAMS Lee, Sr Stores Clerk (Clinical Systems)Room 9-541 Moos Tower, Del Code 1291, 564173rd Ave N Apt47, Brooklyn Park 55429,[email protected] LeeAnn A, Community Program Assoc(UM Eldension Fillmore Cntyl902 Houston St NWno 5, Preston 55965-1060 (507-765-3896), RR 1Box 9, Mabel 55954, 507-493-5247,wiIli2800tc.umn.eduWILLIAMS Liliya L, Assoc Prot (Astronomy)Physics and Astronomy, Room 353 Phys, 116Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,'willi312C1tc.umn.eduWILLIAMS Lori-Anne, Departmental Dir (UniversityServices, Otc of VP) 315 Morrill Hall, Del Code0263 (624-2863; 624-3557), [email protected] Marcia L, PhD Candidate TeachingAsst (General College) 239 Appleby Hall, Del Code3501 (624-5795), [email protected] Marilyn E, Accounts Spec (OSF ,Student Financial Collections) 20 Fraser Hall, DelCode 3395 (625-9589), m-willClte.umn.eduWILLIAMS Mark, Ass! Prof (Regions Hospital)Dept Of Psychiatry, 640 Jackson St. St Paul55101·2595,11453 Meadow Lane, Blaine 55441,[email protected]

WILLIAMS Marsha A, Ole Spec (CLA StudentServices) 122 Johnston Hall, Del Code 3774(624-2549), [email protected]

WILLIAMS Melissa, PhD candidate Teachfng Asst(American Studies) Room 104 ScottH, Del Code3231 (624-4190),651-645-1815,[email protected] Michael 0, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Administration) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 8059. 8-117 Moos T (624-2900),PO Box 176, Welch 55089, [email protected]

WILLIAMS Oliver J. Prof (School of Social Work)Rm 105 PetersH, Del Code 6161 (624-9217),651-699-5099,

WILLIAMS Owen E, Library Manager (UMCLeaming Enhancement) 172 K, Crookston 56716(218-281-8395),437 Russell, Crookston 56716,[email protected]

WIWAMS Pablo, Research Asst (Food Scienceand Nutrition) Room 225' FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099, 2089 CarterAvenue, St Paul 55108, 624-7717,[email protected] MD Preston P, Assoc Prot (Obstetrics& Gynecology) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395,664 Mayo (376-7650), [email protected]

WILLIAMS Ralph E, Ass<x: Prot (Retired) (UMMHumanities, Division of), 5 Northridge Drive, Morris56267, wiIli2370te.umn.eduWILLIAMS Rhiannon 0, Research Asst (GeneralCollege) 166 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501(624-0526),1813 S Irving Ave, Mpls 55403,[email protected]

WILLIAMS Robert, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Zone 1 Area A) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121,1041 Reaney, St Paul 55106,651-774-5572, [email protected] Robert E, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Management) MMC '59 Mayo,Del Code 8059, 8680 Old Cedar Avenue Apt211 ,Bloomington 55425, 952-854-8254,[email protected]

WILLIAMS Robert E, Prof (Retired) (UMD-Music)231 H, Duluth (218-726-8279), 218-728-3394,[email protected]

,WILLIAMS Roxanne, Adjunct Instructor (FoodScience and Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334Eckles Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6099,9875Friar Drive, Eden Prairie 55347,[email protected]

WILLIAMS Shelby J, Community Program Spec(Academic Health canter) MMC 501 Mayo, DelCode 8501,475 ChRC (626-3700; 624-1946)WILLIAMS Shirley L, Instructor (Ragions Hospital)640 Jackson St, St Paul 55101, 10449 Bames WayEast, Inver Grove Heights 55077,[email protected]

WILLIAMS Sonja 0, Asst Prof (V A MedicalCenter) Psychiatry Dept, 116A, One Veterans Dr,Mpls 55417, 6430 Pennsylvania Road Apt318,Bloomington 55438, [email protected] Yolanda Y, Teaching Spec(Afro-American & African Studies) 883 Soc SciBldg, Del Code 7155 (625-0153; 624-9647),[email protected]

WILLIAMSON Bill, Info Tech Prot (Agri, Food, andEnvrn Science) Room 277 CotH, Del Code 6074,wwiliiamOte.umn.eduWlWAMSON Eric B, Sr Laboratory ServicesCoord (Kinesiology) Room 100 Cooke H, Del Code2081 (624-2943),,1613 Alameda St, St Paul 55117,247-3355: [email protected] Patricia A, Assoc Admin (Carlson,Strategic Mgmt/Organizatn) 3-353 CarlSMgmt. DelCode 7041 (624-2878), 2465 Londin Lane Apt304.Maplewood 55119-6711, 651-738-6953,[email protected] Stanley P, Adjunct Ass! Prot(DevelopmentaVSurgical Sci - Orthod) 6-230MoosT, Del Code 1291, 5221 Malibu Drive, Edina55436-1014,952-936-0204, [email protected] Wendy J, Library Manager(Economics) 1235 HelierH, Del Code 7052(625-2516), [email protected] Allen 0, Audit Manager (AUdits, Dept Of)277K WBOB, Del Code 7523 (625-5898), 11967Radisson Rd NE, Blaine 55449-5423,763-757-0443, [email protected] Reynold, Assoc Prot (Retired) (Curriculumand Instruction), 290 Windsor Ln, New Brighton55112, [email protected]

WILLIS Charles G, Jr Laboratory Technician (PlantBioiogy) Room 250 BioSci, 1445 Gortner Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6022, 801 Ridge Rd, SiouxFalls SO 57105, 605-331-3945,[email protected] Garth 1,1, Research Asst (EdPA) Room 330WuIlH, Del Code 3345 (626-7241), 2267Commonwealth Avenue, St Paul 55108,[email protected] Jacob R, Police Ofcr (UMD Police) 287DAdB, 0217, 1049 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7000; 218-726-7933), [email protected]

WILLIS Kevin 0, Telecom Engineering Technician(NetworkinglTelecomm Services), Del Code 2171,5262 Cannon Ave SE, Albertville 55301,[email protected] Raymond E, Prof (Retired) (StrategicMgmt/Organization), 2267 Commonwealth Ave, StPaul 55108, [email protected] Shelly L, Visiting Instructor (Geography),Exempt Temporary or Casual (Art Museum,Weisman) Weisman Art Museum, Room 200, 333East River Road, Mpls 55455 (625-9686),729-1998, [email protected]

WILLOUGHBY Brian J, Teaching Asst (FamilySocial Science), Research Asst (Family SociaiScience) Room 290 McNH, Del Code 6140,1720Pleasant St Unit F, Lauderdale 55113,[email protected] Kelvin W, Program Dir (Ctr tor DevTechnical Leadership) Suite 510 WBOB, Del Code7536 (626-9750; 624-7510), Marquette Place 3401,1314 Marquette Avenue, Mpls 55403-4136,338-3044, [email protected] Diane, Asst Prof (Art) E205 RegisCtr, DelCode 7831 (624-2833), 3237 31 st Avenue South,Mpls 55406, 728-8042, [email protected] .WILLS Laurel 1,1, Asst Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 721Mayo, Del Code 8391,0136 Mayo (626-2820),[email protected] Michelle R, Chief Financial Ofcr (Carlson,Financial Services Office) 4-307C CarlSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (625-9890),3240 Dodd Rd, Eagan55121, m-willl

WILMOT Carrie 1,1, AsstProl (5-120 BSBE) 312Church St SE; 312 Church Str, Del Code 1214(624-2406; 624-0141),

WILSKE David 0, Sergeant of Police (Police Dept)lOOT S B, Del Code 1981 (624-3550),wilskOOl @tc.umn.eduWILSON Amy R, Asst Prot (Health ServicesRschIPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729, 516Delaware Street SE (626-3732),[email protected]

WILSON Beverly J, Assoc Admin (Law SchAdmin-Development) 9 Mondale Hall, Del Coda7911 (625-5387), [email protected] Bruce N, Prof (Biosystems & AgriculturalEng) 205 Bio Ag Eng, Del Code 6005 (625-6770),651-486-9106, [email protected] Christoper J, Teaching Asst (PlantBiology Dept) 250 Biological Sciences Center,1445 Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6022,1108 E 5th St, Superior WI 54680, 207-5758,[email protected] Christopher 1,1, Asst Scientist (LeblMedPathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609, 7-256BSBE (625-5453), 50 Langer Circle, West St Paul55118,651-457-0189, [email protected] Clifford J, Lab Animal Care Technician(Research Animal Resources-CVM) E311VetTchHos, Del Code 6194,10277 Frazier St NE,Blaine 55014, 763-760-5398,[email protected] Corinne S, Teaching Asst (Sociology)1080 SooSci, Del Code 7171, 374 Wheeler St, N,Apt 3, St Paul 55104, 651-336-2097,[email protected] ~

WILSON Craig A, Teaching Asst (Dept ofLandscape Architecture) Room 144 RapsonH, DelCode 0811 (625-6860),377-6307,[email protected] Daniel J, Scientist (Center for DrugDesign) 7-169 PWB, Del Code 1332,[email protected] Denise 1,1, Ass! To (Enterprise FinancialSystems (EFS)) 2550 University Avenue, Del Code2455 (624-0581), 80 WGolden Lake Rd, CirclePines 55014, 763-765-7919, [email protected],eduWILSON Elizabeth J, Asst Prot (Humphrey Inst ofPublic Affair) Room 130 HHHClr, Del Code 7451,2375 Carter Ave, St Paul 55108,[email protected]


WILSON Frederick A, AnaJystIProgrammer (CCO)660 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (624-0029),, page 650-7785WILSON Gary L, Head Coach (IntercollegiateAthletics) 290A BFAB, Del Code 3061 (624-2058),13220 51st St N, Stillwater 55Oa2,

WILSON Gene A, Mechanic 1 (FacUitiesMgmt-Administration) MMe 59 Mayo, Del Code8059, Bl17 Moos T, wilso0230tc.umn.eduWILSON Grant L, Coordinator (Natural Rsrcs StuSvcs, Col of), Student Personnel Coordinator(AdmissionS, Office of) Room 150 Skok Hall, DelCode 6147, 651-457-3221,

WILSON JaneIt9 L, Head (UMDSociology/Anthropology). Assoc Prof (UMDSociology/Anthropology), Adjunct Assoc Prof (UMDContinuing Education) 205 Cina, Duluth(218-726-6364), 1305 E 8th Street, Duluth 55805,218-124-0098, jwilson20d.umn.eduWILSON John, Adjunct Assoc Prof (VA) 7373France Ave, Edina 55435, wils00980tc.umn.eduWILSON Joseph R, Adjunct Asst Prof (SouthCentral Human Relations Clr) 610 Florence Ave,Owatonna 55060 (507-451-2630), 910 St AndrewsPl, Owatonna 55060, 507-451-8807,wilsol640tc.umn.eduWILSON Julia H, Assoc Prof (CliniCal & PopulationSciences) 225 Vet Tch Hos. Del Code 6190(625-3745), 10777-11Oth Stl'99t, Stillwater 55082, '

wiLSON Kathy, Olc Spec (UMD Info TechSystemslServices) 176 MWAH, 0182, 1023University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7587),218-726-0370, kwilsonOd.umn.eduWILSON Kent S, Assoc Prof (Otolaryngology),Adjunct Assoc Prof (Family MedicinelComm ,Heallh) Otolaryngology and Head and Neck, P A,Central Medical Bldg, Ste 600, 393 Dunlap St N, SIPaul 55104 (651-645-0691), 656 Montcalm Place,St Paul 55116, [email protected]

WILSON Kirt H, Assoc Prof (CommunicationStUdies) 263 Fold H, Del Code 0456 (624-5235),wils00920tc.umn.eduWILSON Laurie J, Asst Education Spec(UMe-Goun, Career Plan, Plcmnt) 270 F 0, 2900University Ave, Crooks'ton 56716 (218-281-8587),218-281-3537, IwilsonOmail.crk.umn.eduWILSON Leonard G, Prof (Retired) (InstIDeptResearch Med Sch; Medicine), 797 Goodrich Ave,St Paul 55105, wils00040tc.umn.eduWILSON mLynn B, TeachingAsst (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331, 624 NE 8th St, GrandRapids 557442916, 218-326-1559,wils08090tc.umn.eduWILSON Michael J, Adjunct Prof (G_tics, CallBioi, Dev TCBS), Prof (Lab MedicinelPathology) VA Medical Center, Research Service, OneVeterans Dr, Mpls 55417,2053 Dayton Ave, StPaul 55104, 651-646-4316, wiIso0420tc.umn.eduWILSON Michael L, Research Assoc (EcologyEvolution and Bahavior) 3400 Ecology, Del Code6098 (824-6714), 955 Quarry Rd, Marion IN 46952,7~, wiIso1980tc.umn.eduWILSON Michael S, Teaching Ass! (Work,CommunitylFamily Educ) Room 425 VoTech, DelCode 6197 (826-2818), 4932 Sleven Avenue, Mpls'55419,558-1692, wils01200tc.umn.eduWILSON Nancy, Outpatient Clinic Ass! (ClinicalSystems - Pediatric Dentis) 6-150 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291 (625-71711625-4967),nwilsonOtc.umn.eduWILSON Nedra F, Post"Doctoral Assoc (Plant'Biology) Room 448 BioSci, Del Code 6022(624-1219),1730 Larpantuer Ave AprIE, St Paul55113,651-644-5189, wiIs01440tc.umn.eduWILSON Pamela t, Program Oir (Uniwrsity of MNt.!'w School) Room 285, Del Code 7911"'26-0945), pwilsonOtc.umn.eduWILSON Patricia A, Adjunct Instructor (HeallhPartners) 205 S Wabasha, St Paul 55107,wils00410tc.umn.eduWILSON Paul, Teaching Ass! (Art History) Room338 Hellertl, Del Code 7055 (624-4500),2312Harriet Ave Apl305, Mpls 55405, 872-4767,wils05830tc.umn.eduWILSON Renita R, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,wilsOl0l0tc.umn.eduWILSON Richard C, Asst Coach (IntarcollegiateAthletics) 233 GNFPF, Del Code 3061 (624-9866),10630 Rockfold Rd, 103, Plymouth 55442,763-383-2924,

WILSON IV Robert C, Exec Ass! (ClassroomMgmt-Scheduling) 150 Wmson H, Del Code 0174(625-6594),5829 Garfield Ave S, Mpls 55419,861-4494, [email protected]

WILSON Robert F, Prof (Medicine) MMC 508Mayo, Del Code 8508, 290 VCR C (625-9100),3107 Owasso BlVd, Roseville 55113,651-415-0668, iYilso0080tc.umn.eduWILSON Scott 0, Asst Prof (School ofMathematics) 127 Vincent Hall, 206 Church St SE,Del Code: 0412, Mpls 55455, scottwOtc.umn.eduWILSON Sheryl R,'Research Asst (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,[email protected]

WILSON Theodore A" Prof (Retired) (AerospaceEngr and Mechanics) Room 120 Akertl, Del Code0731 (62~56), 4132 Aldrich Ave So, Mpls55409,824-8715, wilsoOO50tc.umn.eduWILSON Thomas F, Laclurer (Educational Policy &Adm) 330 WuIlH, 86 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 3345, 14722 Oak Run Lane, Burnsville553il6, 952-892-5846, [email protected] Tracy T, Editor (Water Resources Center)173 McNeal Hall, Del Code 6146 (625-2282;624-9282), [email protected]

WILSON Virginia R, Nutrition Edueation Asst (tiMExtension Yellow Medicine Cnty) 1004 10th Ave,PO Box 128, Clarkfield-66223-o128(320-669-4471), wilso061 Otc.umn.eduWILSON-BARNARD Scott, Sr Multimedia InstrConsoli (Digital Media Canter) Room 212WalierLib; Room 212 WalierLib, DeI.Code 3729(624-5074; 625-5055), 2753 41st Ave S, Mpls55406,722-6470, scottOtc.umn.eduWlLTTimothyJ, Prof (VAMC) 111-0, 1 VeteransDrive, Mpls 55417,2409 Russell Avenue South,Mpls 55405, [email protected] Donald A, Building and Grounds Worker(UMD Fac Mgmt-Custodial Maint) 241 DAdB,1049Uniwrsity Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8262), 8707Willon Rd, PO Box 334, Brookston 5571 "218-453-5647, wiltoOOl Otc.umn.eduWlLTSCHECK Anne, Exec Ass! (Uniyersity ofMinnesota Foundation) 200 Oak Stl'99t SE, DelCode 2011 (624-8256), [email protected]

WIMMER Julie K, Dietician (Medical School Admin)MMe 504 Mayo, Del Code 8504, 2721 ParkviewBlvd, Robbinsdale 55422, 540-520-0540,[email protected] William A, Instructor (GoodrichPharmacy) 530 3rd SI, Elk Riwr 55330, 8900167th Lane, Ramsey 55303,wimme0040tc.umn.eduWIMMERGREN Nyra J, Nursing Professional(GCRC) MMC 504 Maye, Del Code 8504, 211Masonic Cancer Center MMe 504 (624-0104),[email protected] Betty K, Audit Manager (Audlls, Dept Of)2770 WOOB, Del Code 7523 (625-2371), '[email protected]

WlNANDY Jerry, Pro! (Dept of Wood an<tPaparScience) 203 KaufL, 2004 Folwell Ave, SI Paul55108, Del Code 6130 (625-5200), 9227Katzenbuechel Road, Mazomanie WI 53560,jwinandyOtc.umn.eduWINBERG Trisha R, Administrative Aide (VMDAthletics, Intercollegiate) 170 SpHC, 0806, 1216Ordean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8166),twinbergOd.umn.eduWINCHESTER Benjamin S, .Cooldinator (UMMAcademic Administration), Laclurer (UMMSciencelMath, Division of) CST 110 CS, 600 E 4thSt, Morris 56267 (320-589-6468), 847 Maylott Ave,Hancock 56244, 320-392-5245, "[email protected]

WINCKELMAN Stephen E, Program Dir (Room421) Law School, Del Code 7911 (625-9327),651-489-2849, stevewOtc.umn.eduWlNDAU Cindy, Ole Spec (5-110Weaver-Densford Hall) 308 Harvard St SE, DelCode 1332 (624-9490), [email protected] Carol E, Prof (NW Research/OutreachCenler; Plant Pathology) 2900 UniversilyAve,Crookston 56716 (218-281-8608), 1015 ReevesDr, Grand Forks NO 58201, 701-746-9781,cwindetsOtc.umn.eduWINDE;LS Harvey F, Assoc Prof Emer (NWResearchlOutreach Canter), 214 Goff Terrace Dr,Crookston 56716-1104, 218-281-2953,winde0020tc.umn.eduWlNDFELDT Katherine M, Teaching Spec (ForestResources) Room 115 Gl'99nH, 1530 ClevelandAve N, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6112,

WINDHAM Nedy, Ass! To (Bus & Community EconDev) 138 University Ole Plaza, Del Code 2705(625-2053; 624-(530), [email protected]

WlNDlNGSTAD Sheila J, Prin Accounts Spec(UMM Business Office) Room 205 Behm, M255B,600 E 4th St, Morris 56267 (320-589-6003), 500 E31d Stl'99t, Morris 56267,320-589-1220,[email protected] -

WlNDSCHITL Mark R, Teaohing Asst (College ofPharmacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvald St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332, 111 parkway Apll03,Mankato 56001,507-388-5687,[email protected]

WINDSOR Jennifer, Chair(SpeechlLanguagelHearing Sci), Prof(SpeechlLanguagelHearing Sci) 115 Shev H, DelCode 4401 (625-0071),

WINEMAN Arthur P, Adjunct Assoc Pro! (GroupHeallh) 5625 Canea Dr, Inver Grove Heights55077 (651-558-2631), 1359 Breda Avenue, StPaul 55108, 651-644-3094,winemool

WlNESETT Eric, Lecturar (Art Department) E261RegisCtr, Del-Code 7831,3415 34th Avenue S,Mpls 55406, 721-6451,

WINFIELD Joan 1.1, Sr Personnel DocumentAnalyst (HRMS/Payroll Call Center) Suite SoaR,Del Code 7531 (625-2016), [email protected]

WINFREY MA Steve E, Teaching Spac(Leaders~ip Prog) 110 Morrill Hall, Del Code 2082(826-3566),

WING Brad, Teaching Spec (EducationalPsychology) Room 227 BuH, Del Code 3171(626-0387),

WING Debbie, Info Tech Prof (UMD-Info TechSystems/Services) 15 0 Ad B, 1049 University Dr,Duluth 55812-3011 (218-726-8784),[email protected]

WING John, Research Asst (History), GraduateSchool Fellow (Global Studies, Inst for) History,Room 614 SocSci, 26719th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7165,

WlNGEIER Ruth M, Adjunct Instructor (Long,Prairie Medical Ctr) 24 9th St SE,. Long Prairie55406, RR 2 - Box 178, Long Prairie 56347,[email protected]

WINGER Mary S, Exec Asst (Medical School-Adm)MMC 293 Mayo, Del Code 8293, C607 Mayo(626-4949), wingerOtc.umn.eduWlNGERCHUK Caron L, Instructor (Henn CountyMed Ctr Pharmacy) 914 S 8th Street, Mpls 55404,2455 Highway 52 N Apt 4-303, Rochesler 55901,507-285-5207, wingeOl1 Otc.umn.eduWINGERT Deborah A, Education Spec (Ctr forTeachinglLeaming Svc) Room 315 SciCB, DelCode 3561 (625-3405), [email protected]

WlNGES Sara A, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Neuroscience) Rm &:145 JacH, 321 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1216,5172 NolanDrive, Minnetonka 55343, 259-5177,[email protected]

WINGFIELD Jacquelyn R, Sr Olc Spec (Carlson,Mgmt Olc of the Dean) 4-300 CarlSMgmt. DelCode 7041 (626-8129), [email protected]

WlNHAM lIya P, Teacbing Ass! (Political Science)Room 1414SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7175, 911 21st Ave S Apt204, Mpls55404, 605-331-4214, winha0040tc.umn.eduWlNHOL12 Linda C, Accounts Spec (Law Library)120 Walter F Mondale Hall, Del Code 791 1(625-9582),712 3rd Ave SE, Mpls 55414,379-2537, [email protected] Zev 1.1, Post-Doctoral Assoc (PlantBiology) 220 810 Sci, Del Code 6022 (625-524»,6909 Ashwood Road Ap1303, Woodbury 55125,651-714-0816, winicOOl Otc.umn.eduWINK Edward F, Assoc Vice President (Sponso~Projects Admin) 450 McNamaraCtr, Del Code 2003(624-1648), 12714th Ave NW, New Brighton55112-7322, 651-633-2658,

, WINKEL Amy, Business Systems Analyst (lMS)660 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (625-2845),

WINKEL Daniel B, Adjunct Instructor (Mayo Clinic)200 First St SW, Rochester 55905,507-634-6147,[email protected] Lisa, Non Univ Stall (MechanicalEngineering) 333 Johnston Hall Mpls,[email protected]

WINKELMAN Nathan L, Adjunct Prof (Clinical VetPop Sci-VetTchHosp) Room 225 VMe, 1365Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, 1640 40th Slieet N,



WINKELMAN Susan L, Prin Administrative Spec,(Food Sci & t'lutrilion) 225K F Sc N, Del Code6099 (624-9755),

WINKER-BERGSTROlllol0nica, Info Tech Prof(Information Techilology S8tvices) 409C OMWL,Del Code 7111 (625-1554),,page 526-5481

WINKLE Jim, Research Ass! (Epidemiology;Pediatrics) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,4023 31d Avenue South, Mpls 55409,267-918-5377, wink0151

WlNN Wendy L, Ph 0 Candidate Grad Instructor(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,2OO.Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0572,

WINN-LENETSKY Jonah A, Teaching Ass!(Theatre Arts and Dance) Room 580 RarigC, 33021st Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7752,1316 4thStreet NE, MpIs 55413,235-4966,

WINSLOW Herbert E, Lecturer (Music, Sch Of)200 Ferg H, Del Code 7811,1393 Clipper ShipAlcove, Woodbury 55125, 651-739-0394,

WINSLOW Toni L, Community Program Ass!(UMD FamUy Medicine) 297 SMed, 0603, 1035University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7835),2315Tower Avenue, Superior WI 54880,

WINSOR James S, Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Science) G-339 VetTchHos, Del Code6192,7131 CahUi Ave, Inver Grove Heights 55076,[email protected]

WINSTEAD Colleen J, Research Asst (Medicine)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 19 27th Ave SE,Apt 22, Mpls 55414, 332-9128,

WINSTON Robert L, Info Tech Prof (HumanResourceS/System support) Room 516 WBOB, DelCode 7531 (626-9376),

WINT Mary C, Nutrition I;ducation Ass! (UMExtension Kanabec Cnty) 903 E Forest Ave, Mora55051-1617 (320-679-6340), 972 E Maple Avenue,Mora 55051, 320-879-4517, winlxool Otc,

WINTER Catherine E, Insttuctor (UMDComposition) 1048 CinaH, 1123 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-8934), 2830 E 2nd St,Duluth 55812, 218-724-5501,

WINTER Jacob 0, Lithographer (Printing SerVices)102 PSB, Del Code 5401 (625-9500),37820Greenway Ave, North Branch 55056, 462,1874,

WINTER Nancy J, Nutrition Education Ass! (UMExtension l(andiyohi Cnty) 400 Benson Ave SWSte 6, Willmar 56201-3467 (320-23H890),

WINTER Nathan E, Extension .Educator (UMExtension McLeod County) 840 CanturyAve SW,Hutchinson 55350-3754 (507-831-4022), 580Milwaukee Ave SW, HUlchil18Ol1 55350,

WINTER. Robert, Adjunct Prof (Gillette) 200Uniwrsity Ave, St Paul 55101 ,

WINTER Tate N, Teaching Ass! (Pharmacy,College of), Graduate School Fellow (Pharmacy,College of) 308 Harvald St SE, Del Code 1332(852-1172),2812 Silver Ln NE Apll09, MpIs55421,860-5641, winlOl660tc.umn.eduWINTERHELO Helke A, Research Ass!(Psychology).N-218 EI1H, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls55455, Del Code 3281, winte2160tc.umn.eduWINTERS AI, Non Univ Stall, University OtMinnesota Mpls (763-682-5583),

WINTERS Deb, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(Biochamistry Med School) 5-290 BSBE, Del Code1214 (626-3322), winI90280tc.umn.eduWINTERS Gayle L, Buikling and Grounds Worker(Territorial HaI~, Del Code 1791 (625-5106),

WINTERS Heidi A, Sr Administrative Spec (UMDPathology & Lab Medicine) 217 SMed, 1035Uniwrsity Drive, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6880;218-728-6994), hrobareOd.umn.eduWINTERS Ken C, Prof (PSychiatry), Adjunct Prof(Psychology) F262I2A West, Del Code 8393,F282I2A West (273-9815; 273-9800),1575Northrop Street, Falcon Heights 55108,851-649-0544,

WINTERS Margaret R, Ass! Prof (VA MedicalCanter) 1140 One Veterans Dr, Mpls 55417(725-2133), winl90320tc.umn.~u


WINTERS Mary P, Ubrary Supv (Wilson Info Refand Instru SelV) 179 OMWL, Del Code 7111(624-1809),

WINTERVOLD Bruce L, Musician (Theatre Artsand Dance) Room 111 BarkerCtr, Del Code 7841{625-6699}, [email protected]

WINTON Andrew, Prof (Carlson, Finance) 3-275CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-0589),[email protected]

WINTON Laura A, Teaching Asst (Theatre Arts &Dance) 580 Rarig Center, Del Code 7752(625-6699),

WlPF Michael H, Adju'nct Instructor (PediatricUrology Clinic) MMC 394 Mayo, 8394, 420Delaware, Mpls 55455,3312 Decatur Lane, StLouis Park 55426, 952-938-7976,[email protected]

WlPHUSIT Orachatr, Info Tech Prof (24O McNealHall) Design Housing and Apparel, Del Code 6136(625-3178), [email protected]

WIPPLER Cinthia, Non Univ Staff {Ag, FoodlEnvtSci Admin, Colon 1900 Hendon Ave St Paul(625-7766),651-488-5712, [email protected]

WIPPLER Roger, Non Univ Staff (Ag, FoodlEnvtSci Admin, Colon 1900 Hendon Ave St Paul(625-7766), 651-488-5712, [email protected]

WIPSON Kimberty A, Building and GroundsWorker (UMD-Housing (Griggs Hall)} 103 L S H,513 Niagera Court, Duluth 55812,[email protected]

WIRES Linda R, Research Fellow (Fisheries &Wildlife) 200 Hodson H, Del Code 6125(624-2297)., 729-8652, wiresOOl

WIRINGA Peter, Help-line ConsultanVTraining(ADCS) Room 190 ShepLab, 100 Union St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0771, [email protected]

WIRKKULA Leanne M, Asst To (Exec VP &Provost) 234 Morrill Hall, Del Code 0262(625-0563),4359 Sheridan Av N, Mpls 55412,529-1694, [email protected]

WlRTA Anna R, Asst Dir Univ Wide (UMD.AmerIndianlMinority Hlth) 185A SMed, 1035 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7235),[email protected]

WIRTH Donna M, Sr Food SelViCe Worker (DiningCenter) 167 BAH, Del Code 6090 (625-8157),[email protected]

WIRTZ John G, Exempt Temporary or Casual(School of Journalism) 330 Murphy Hall, Del Code0371,1180 Ray Place, Saint Paul 55108,[email protected]

WIRTZ Victoria 0, Community Program Spec(Psychiatry) 606 24th Avenue South, Suite 602,Mpls 55454 (627-4843), 3736 45th Avenue South,Mpls 55406, 724-8662, [email protected] .

WlSDORF John T, Building and Grounds Worker(Fac Mgmt-ione 3-Heanh Services) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 8059, B-117Moos T (624-1194),[email protected]

WISE Aaron R, Non Univ Staff (UMM ComputingSelVices) 60 Food SelVice Morris,[email protected]

WISEMAN Barry S, Prof (ClinicaVPopulationSciences) Room 225 VetTchHos, Del Code 6190,wisemOOl •

WISEMAN Kevin T, Teaching Asst (Economics),Graduate School Fellow (Economics) Economics,Room 1035 HellerH, 27119th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7052 (625-6353), [email protected]

WlSENDEN Brian 0, Asst Prof (U of M Lake ItascaStation) HC05, Box 7, Del Code 6174(218-266-3302),1321 12th Ave S, Moorf1ead56560,218-291-1974, [email protected]

WISH Aren J, Teaching Asst (Sociology) 1067 SocSci, Del Code 7171 (624-5296; 624-4300),651-765-9767, [email protected]

WISNIEWSKI Loren U, Community Program Spec(University Day Community) 2700 Summer St NE,2700 Summer St NE, Mpls 55413, Del Code 5101,781 Curfew St Floor Apl2, St Paul 55114,651-489-0082,

WISSINGER Jane E, Lecturer (Chemistry), AssocEducation Spec (Chemistry) 207 Pleasant StreetSE, Del Code 3661 (625-9586), [email protected]

WISTROM Betty J, Nutrition Education Asst (UMExtension Lake Cnty) Courthouse, 601 3rd Ave,Two Harbors 55616-1517 (218,834-8377), 2654Hwy 2, Two Harbors 55616, [email protected]"m.eduWISWELL Nancy J, Prin Administrative Spac(Music, Sch Of) 100 Ferg H, Del Code 7811(624-574O; 624-7064), 3406 Washbum AvenueNorth, Mpis 55412, [email protected]

WITHBROE George L, Adjunct Prof (Phy8ics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,wilhbOOl

WITHEROW Katharine A, Assoc To (HumanEcology, Clg Of-Adm) Room 32H McNH, Del Code6142 (624-7488), [email protected]

WITHERS Stephanie A, Lab Animal CareTechnician (ClncVPopulation Sci-VetTchHos)Room 225 VMC, Del Code 6190,thomI6320tc.umn.e<1I

WITHERS Tony, Research Assoc (Geology &Geophysics) Room 108 PillsH, 310 Pillsbury DrSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0211, 53 ArtIlur AveSE, Mpls 55414, .

WITHERSPOON Sharon L, Student PersonnelWorker (UMD Financial Aid) 21 sec, 0013, 1117University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8114), POBox 585, Duluth 55801, 218-724-6183,swilherl

WITHERSPOON Wendy M, Program Assoc(Carlson School of Mgmt) 4-104 CarlSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (624-4334), 15142 CimmarrOil Crt,Rosemount 55068, 651-322-5249,

WmKKO Lonnie K, Info Tech Spec (CCO) 1300 S2nd Sf no 660, Del Code 7531, PO Box 528,Undatrom 55045,

WITIKKO Neil, Instructor (UMD English), AdjunctInstructor (UMD EducatiOn) Room 412 H, Duluth(218-726-8228),5215 Chris Dr, Hermantown55810,218-624-3334,

WITOWSKI Nancy E, Research Assoc (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, V-1S7 VFWCRC(625-0516), 952-941-3374, wiIowOOl

WITRAK Geoffrey A, Asst Prof (St Mary's MedicalCenter) 400 E 3rd 51, Duluth 55805, 2430 E 2ndSt, Duluth 55812

WITRAK Laura A, Teaching Asst (General BiologyProgram) Room 3-104 MeB, 1231,420Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55455, 500 Benz Rd,New Brighton 55112, wilrOOO10tc.umn.eduWITSON Jean, Assoc Program Dir (Diabetesinstitute) MMC 280 Mayo, Del Code 8280, 421Masonic (624-7118), 851-699-9624,wilao0010lc.umn.e<1I

wm Emma L, Research Asst (Dept of Soil,Water, and Climate) 572 BoMug Hall, Del Code6028, [email protected] Jennifer L, Coordinator (School of SocialWork) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6161, 429 Grand Avenue ApI6,St Paul 55102,

wm Rodney, Asst Prof (Bemidji State University)Haag-Seuer 351 ,Bemidji 56602 (218-755-2834),4412 Brinkman Dr NE, Bemidji 56601 ,218-751-2811, [email protected]

wm Terrence J, Adjunct Asst Prof (Red CedarClinic) 2211 Siout Rd, Menomonie WI 54751WITTE Judy, Nursing Professional (Univ ofMinnesota Cancer Center) MMC 806 Mayo, DelCode 8806, C552 Mayo (626-0169),mirab0010tc.umn.eduWITTE Lora J, Prin Administrative Spec (12Shepherd Labs) 100 Union Street SE, Del Code0771 (626-7594), IwitteOtc.umn.eduWmE Theresa M, Extension Educator (UMExtension Regl Clr MarshaH) 1424 E College OrSte 100, Marshall 56258-2087 (507-337-2821),2940 251st Ave, Madison 56256, 320-752-4760,witt02270tc,

WITTEK JR James R, General Mechanic(Intercollll9iate Athletics) 137 MarA, Del Code2892;5579138th St N, Hugo 55038,651-653-1595,

WmEL Susan M, Prin Administrative Spec(Philosophy) Rm 831 HeilerH, Del Code 7057(625-6563), hardyOO50tc.umn.eduWmENBURG Deniel R, Prin Accounts Spec(Purchasing Services) 555A WBOB, Del Code7532 (624-2319), 3449 Ensign Ave N, New Hope55427,870-1841, witteDI20tc.umn.eduWmENSTROM John C, Adjunct Asst Prof (Schoolof Dentistry-Preventive Sci) Room 15-135 MoosT,Del Code 1291 (625-6969),

WmERHOLT Suzanne, Adjunct Asst Prof (AnokaMetro Rll9ional Treatment Clr) 3300 4th Ave N,Anoka 55303, witteDll

WmER-5ARGENT Lori A, Adjunct Asst Prof(ANW Gen Med Assoc) Intemal Medicine, Suite100,8100 W 78th 51, Edina 55439,[email protected]

WlTTHOFT Lucille C, Exec Sec (UMD Info TechSystemsiSelVices) 178 MWAH, 0182, 1023UnlversiIy Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7589), 30112th Ave E, Suparior WI 54880, 715-394-6829,

WITTtIuflN Bruce A, Research Asst Prof(Biochem, Molec Bioi, Biophy TCBS), ResearchAssoc (Biochem, Molec Bioi, Biophy TCBS) Room140 GorL, Del Code 6104 (624-2269; 624-9798), .

WITTtIUHH Janet I" Lecturer (EducationalPolicy/Admin) 330 WuIlH, 86 Pleasant SI SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3345, 2800 N Hamline Ave, Apt129, Roseville 55113, 651-633-1413,wiIthOO50tc.umn.eduWlTTIG Rob, Instructor (UMD Art and Design;UMD Fine Arts, School 01; UMD Composition;UMD Tech SystemslServices), Adjunct instructor(UMDContinuing Education) 131A VKH, 1305Ordean Ct, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7545),[email protected] Chad A, POllt-Doctoral Assoc (Geology& Geophysics) Room 218 PillsH, Del Code 0211(624-5828), [email protected]

WmKDPp Thomas A, Adjunct Asst Prof(Lakeland Psychiatry Associates) 523 N 3rd St,Brainerd 58401 (218-828-7394), 1320 Pike BayRoad, East Gull Lake 58401, [email protected]

WlTTL Sera J, Research Asst (Hith SvcsResearch/Policy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729,[email protected] Todd C, Teaching Asst (Mathematics,Sch on 127 Yin H, Del Code 0412, 134510th StNW Apt 103, New Brighton 55112,[email protected]

WITTMERS JR Lorentz E, Assoc Prof (DMEDPhysiology & Pharmacology) 351 SMed, 1035University Or, Duluth 55812 (218-7Z6-7934), 4322McCulloch St, Duluth 55804; 218-525-6273,[email protected]

WmORF .t\tyssa A, Research Asst (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,16710 ProspectPI, Wayzata 65391-2835, wittoOll

WITTWER Jessica R, Jr Scientist (Soil, Water, andClimate) Room 439 BorH, 1991 Uppar BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6028 (625-3136),2130 Como Ave Apt305, St Paul 55108,651-755-7934, wittwOOl

WITZIG Frederick T, Prof (Retired) (UMDGeography), 808 Arrowhead Rd, Duluth 558",[email protected] Jonathan 0, Medical Fellow (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195,witzOOI3@tc,

WITZKE Linda S, Ole Spec (UMD Education) 120MonH, 0146, 1211 Oldean Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-7592; 218-726-1233), 218-525-3591,[email protected] Alan R, Exempt Temporary or Casual(Distance EducationlMedia Resources) Room 540RarigC, Del Code 7751 (625-9596),[email protected] Aaron P, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Chern Ene & Material Sci) 337 Snyder Hall,Del Code 0531 (651-624-3213; 651-624-3723),258 Selby Ave, Apt 301, saint Paul 55102,[email protected]

WLASCHIN Jhon T, Teaching Asst (Psychology)N-218 EltH' 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3281, 2028 portland Av, St Paul 55104,651-330-0218, wlasOOOSOtc.umn.eduWLASCHIN Katie F, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Chern Eng &Material Sci) 270 AmundsonHall, Del Code 0531 (625-3051), 258 SelbyAvenue Apt 301, 5t Paul 55102,[email protected]

WLODARCZYK Holley A, Teaching Asst (CulturalStudies & Comparative Lile) 408 Folwell Hall, DelCode 0147 (624-2638; 624-8099), 9946 WentworthAve 5, Bloomington 55420, 952-884-1874,wlodaOOl @tc.umn.eduWOBKEN Jane 0, Scientist (Pediatrics) MMC 39Mayo, Del Code 8039, 566 VCR C (624-8123),2208 Drew Ave S, Mpls 55416, 922-2517,[email protected]

WOBSCHALL Tommy A, Building and GroundsWorker (Hormellnstilute) 801 16th Ave NE, Austin55912 (507-437-9670). Route " Box 232, Lyle55953, 507-325-4173WODALLO Samuel L, Laboratory AnimalAttendant (Research Animal Resources) 1-525PWB, 420 Delaware Street 5E, Mpls 55455(624-6169), 11380 Kerry St NW, Coon Rapids55433, 763-208-6384, [email protected]

WODRICH Peter A, Instructor (UMD FamilyMedicine) Room 141 SMed, 0603, 1035 UnlversilyPr, Duluth 55812, 3528 4th Ave E, DulutH 55802,21,8-728-0316WOESTE Marcia J, Extension Educator/Asst Prof(UM Extension Regl CIf Brainerd) 708 Maple st,Brainerd 58401-3631 (218-828-2386),woestOOl

WOESTE Maryann, Ofc Manager (UM ExtensionTodd Cflty) Courthouse Annex, 119 3rd St 5, LongPrairie 56347-1354 (320-732-4435),

WOETZEL Curtis L, Instructor (Regions Hospital)Pharmacy Dept, 840 Jackson St, St Paul 55101 ,7393 Newburg Alcove, Woodbury 55125,woetz0030tc.umnl'duWOGEN Anne, Asst Ubrarian (MINITEX) S-40OMWL, Del Code 7111 (624-4002),[email protected]

WOGEN Matt T, Research Asst (EnvironmeQtalHealth Sciences) 807 Mayo Bldg, Del Code 8807,952-994-5571, [email protected]

WOHL LaVonne E, Community Progrllm Assoc(UM Extension Service Polk Cnty) Municipal Bldg,PO Box 69, Mcintosh 56556-D089, 30256 270th StSW, Crookston 56716, 218-281-6946,[email protected]

WOHLHUTER Kay A, Assoc Prof (UMDEducation), Adjunct Assoc Prof (UMD ContinuingEducation) 248 MonH, Duluth (218-726-8586),1621 Kenwood Avenue Apt304, Duluth 55811,kwohlhut@d,

WOJAHN Bruce P, Instructor (North MemorialHospital) 3300 Oakdale Ave N, Robbinsdale55422, 7708 Riverdale Dr N, Brooklyn Park 55444,763-566-8047, [email protected]

WOJTASZEK James A, Assoc Prof (UMMHumanities, Division on, Asst Prof (UMM ContEduclRegional Prgm) 214 Cam, 600 E 4th St,Morris 56267 (320-589-6295),[email protected] Magdalena, Research Assoc(Psychology), Lecturer (Speech/LanguagelHearingSci) Room N625, Del Code 3281 (625-8557),1237Imperial Lane, New Brighton 55112, 651-415-0509,[email protected] Steven F, Asst Prof (CivilEngineering) Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851, ykvich@tc:umn.eduWOLBRINK Daniel C, Jr Scientist (Genetics, CellBioi & Development) 5-212 MCB, Dei Code 1217,600-8230, [email protected]

WOLD Philip A, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MankatoClinic Ltd) Internal Medicine, 1Z30 E Main St, POBox 8674, Mankato 56001, 25 Browns Ct, Mankato56001, [email protected]

WOLD Ryan J, Asst Scientist (Institute ofTech-ShepLab) Room 12 ShepLab, Del Code0771,9810 Monroe St NE, Blaine 55434,205-0303, wold0071 @tc.umn.eduWOLD Stanley R, Prof (UMP-Music) 246 H, Duluth(218-726-7504),3622 Greysolon Road, Duluth55804,218-728-5925, [email protected] Million B, Building and GroundsWorker (Facililies Mgmt-Zone 5 Area B) Room 0\00DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 1132 8th$, Apt 106, 612-343-8088,Mpls 55404, 343-8088,[email protected]

WOLDAI Yonathan G. BUilding and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Area 0 Custodial) Room300 DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 2243 Leonard Ct, St Paul 55119,651-730-8535, [email protected]

WOLD-BURKNESS Suzanne J, Research Fellow(Entomology) Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 1980.FolwellAve, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6125, 6788 MeadowGrass Lane South, Cottage Grove 55016,[email protected] Shimelise A, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Bldg SeIV MoUi) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 438 Main Slreet ApI266, St Paul55102,651-290-6855 x4226,[email protected]

WOLDEABZGHI Tesfay Y, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-Zone 2 Area B) Room 300DonhoweB, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 1280 Westminster, Apt 305, St Paul55101,651-771-1490, woldeD060tc.umn.eduWOLDEMEDHIN Mitiku G, Sr Hosphal Central SvcTech (Veterinary Medical Center) Room 305 VMC,1365 Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6194.9864 Jackson St NE, Blaine 55434, 763-717-6826,[email protected]


WOLDEYES Abayneh, Building and GroundsWor1<e, (Facilities Mgmt-BIdg Serv- Motti) Room300 OonhoweB, 319,15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 9799 Pierce Street NE, Blaine 55434,763-763-7285, woIdeOO90te.umn.eduW01DORSKY AocheII8, Lecturer (Art Department)E259 RegisCtr, Del Code 7831 (625-3214),2512Stevens, Mpls 55404, 872-0601,,

WOLEAN Donna M, Asst Prof (Retired) (UMDPsychology), 4187 Caribou Lake Rd, Duluth 55810,woIea0010te.umn.eduWOLF Cynthia B, Asst Clinical Prof (Clinical &Population Sciences) 2,25 Vet Tch Hos, Del Code6190 (625-1780), RR 1, Box 116A, Rushford55971, 507-864-7848, woI1xOO60te.umn.eduWOLF Dale A, Adjunct Ass! PrO! (UMDSociology/Anthropology) 228 Cina, Duluth(218-726-6305),545 Gemetery Rd, Wrenshell55797,218-384-3544, dwoIfOcplntemet.comWOLF.Eve, Editor (President, Office of the;Metropolitan Design Genter), Del Code 0262(624-5720),4108 45 Ave S, Mpls 55406-3546,729-«Jn, 8'{80te.umn.eduWOLF Frank L, Adjunct Assoc Prof (1025 MedicalArts Bldg) 324 W Superior St, Duluth 55804(218-727-7407),3501 E 2nd St, Duluth 55804,218-728-1928WOLF Gloria A, Community Program Spec (UMExtension Hennepin Cnty) 479 Prairie Center DrSte 2, Eden Prairie 55344-5378 (596-2139),woIfx0160tc.umn.eduWOLF Gloria fl, Prin Adminis1rative Spec(Psychiatry) F282I2A West, Del Code 8393,F282I2A West (273-9802), woIlxOO30tc.umn.eduWOLF Julie M, Research Asst (Microbiology) MMC196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 520 2nd Ave SEApl304, Mpls 55414, wolfx2020te.umn.eduWOLF Robert C, Instructor (Mayo Medical Center)201 West Center Street, Rochester 55902,woIfx0340te.umn.eduWOLF Ryan 0, Data AnalystlProgrammer (Ctr forPublic HIth Edu and Outreac) Room 350 UOffPI,Del Code 2702 (624-3965; 625-4515), 7201 YorkAve S, Apt 616, Edina 55435, 226-5382,woIfx2370tc,umn.eduWOLF Sarah R, Ole Spec (Cuhural Studies &Comparative Ute) 350 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0147(624-8099), 1837 Aldrich Ave So, Mpls 55403,871-4961, woIIx0460tc.umn.eduWOLF Susan M, Dir (Law School Admin), Prof(Law School; Medicine) in Law, Heelth and UteSciences; in Health, Environment and Ute Sci, DelCode 7911 (625-3406), woIlxOO90te.umn.eduWOLFANGEL Brigitte, Info Tech Spec (FinancialSystems Support) 295 WBOB, Del Code 7523(624-1617), brigilleOtc.umn.eduWOLFANGEL Deborah A, Info Tech Prof(CCE-Info Systems, OIc Of) 308 Wes H, Del Code3831 (625-8830), dwoIfangOte.umn.eduWOLFANGEL Gretchen, BUsiness Analyst(FInancial Svstems Support) Room 295 waOB,Del Code 7523 (625-5367), 711 -95th Lane NE,Blaine 55434, 763-784-4283, ,wotla0010tc.umn.eduWOLFE Benjarriin S, Adjunct tnstructor (UMDBehavioral Sciences; UMD Continuing Education)110 SpHC, Duluth, 3733 E 4th St, Duluth 55894,216-728-2465, bwotIeOd.umn.eduWOLFE Brenda, Coordinator (CMson IndustrialRelations Ctr Re) 280 HHH Center, Del Code 7041(624-7011), woIfe0320te.umn.eduWOLFE Charles, Instructor (UMD Famity Medicine)Room 141 SMed, 0603, 1035 University Dr, Duluth'55812WOLFE John K, Assoc Prof (HealthPartners ­Ridgedale) 14001 Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka55305,, page 538-6955WOLFE Kimberly J, Building and Grounds Worker(Fac Mgmt-Zone 3-HeaIth Services) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 8059, B117 Moos T (624-2900),johns2730tc.umn.eduWOLFE Thomas C, Assoc Prof (HiStory;JoumaJlsm/Mass Comm, Sch 01) 614 SocialScience Building, Det Code 7165 (624-1886;624-2600),1848 Merrill Street, Roseville 55113,651-645-6585, woIfe0230tc.umn.eduWOLFEWOOD James A, Scientist (Department ofPediatrics) MMe 296 Mayo, Del Code 6296,Division of Inlectiouspiseese (624-3951),wotle1410te.umn.eduWOLFF Adam S, Jr Application Programmer(Computer SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0571, 6221 Creek Valley Rd, EdIna 55439,747-1564,

WOLFF Brian B, Teeching Asst (CCe-lndependent& Distance Leaming) Room 25 WasH, 77 PleasantSt SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831,952-894-0959,[email protected] Denise L, Asst Prof (18664 KenwoodTrail) Lakeville 55044, 6035 Cheshire lane North,Plymouth 55446, [email protected] Heidi, Ole Spec (A395 Mayo) MMC 735Mayo, Del Code 8735, Mayo Building,hwoIffOte.umn.eduWOLFF Jason J, Teaching Asst (EducationalPsychology), Graduate School Fellow (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burton Hall, Del Code 3171(624-6083), [email protected] JennHer "I, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Genetics, Cell Biology & Dev) 5-145 Moos T, DelCode 1217 (626-4259), 1270 W Larpenteur, Apt304, St Paul 55113, 488-8523,[email protected] Julius, Prof (Retired) (UMO PoliticalScience), 1515 Vennillion Rd, Duluth 55812,[email protected]

WOLFF Larry F, Chair (DevelopmentaVSurglcalScience), Prof (DevelopmentaVSurgical Science)17-164 Moos T; Room 15-136B MOO$T, Del Code1291 (625-5681; 626-6935), 6221 Creek Valley Rd,Edina 55439, [email protected] Lois C, Prin Administrative Spec (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, 11-200 PWB '(625-1485),76 W Stevens Apt 207, St Paul 55107,[email protected] Margaret A, Prin Public Relations Rep(University Relations) 3 MorH, Del Code 0265(62~), woIffOO20Ic.umn.eduWOLFF Maria C, Adjunct Instructor (HealthPartners) 2500 Como Ave, St Paul 55f08(651-641-3152), woIff0240te.umn.eduWOLF-MEYER Matthew J, Teaching Asst(Anthropology) ROom 395 HHHCtr, 301 19th AveS, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7455; 1955 East Snell,Rochester "II 48306, 721-6578,wolf03580tc.umn.eduWOLFRAM Christopher "I, Medical'Fellow(Medicine Gerdiology Office) MMC 508 Mayo, DelCode 8508, 279 VCRC (626,2451), 3836 AshburyRd, Eagan 55122, 651-207-5873,wolf00450tc.umn.eduWOLFRAM Julie A, Jr Scientist (Neuroscience)Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1216 (625-2236), woltr0030te.umn.eduWOLFSON Elizabeth, Assoc To (Drug DesignCenter) 7-125 Weaver-Denslord Hall, Del Code1332 (624-2227), ravdi0020tc.umn.eduWOLL Anne C, Community Program Spec(Int8(prolessional EduclRsr Ctr) MMC 261 Mayo,Del Code 8261, 2,241 Phillips Wangensteen Bldg(624-9691), woIIx0030tc.umn.eduWOLL Petter S, Research Asst (MedicineHematology Office) MMC 480 Mayo, 8480, 420Delaware, Mpls 55455 (626-3588), 409 6th AveSE, Apt 315, Mpls 55414, 331-2730,woIIOO7401c.umn.eduWOLLA Kristin "I, Radiologic Technologist(Diag/Bioio Sci - 0"10) Room 7-536 Moos Tower,Del Code 1291 (625-5642),1947 Arona St,Roseville 55113, 651-649-0714, Iwolla0030te.umn.eduWOLLACK James W, Exempt Temporary orCasual (Biological Sci Admin, Col of), TeachingAsst (Chemistry)'Chemistry, Room 139 SmithH,207 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3661,4061 Haines Road, Duluth 55811, 540-443-1099,wolla0260te.umn.eduWOUACK Patricia S, Exec Administrative Spec(UMD Industrial Engineering) 229 VKH, 0176,1305 Oldean Court, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8117),4061 Haines Rd, Duluth 55811, 218-72~0141,[email protected] BNC8 F, Prof (Dept Of Electrical &Computer Engr) 4-174 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0572(626-7192),5100 Prescott Dr, Mtka 55345,952-933-7456, wollenbeOtc.umn.eduWOLLENBERG Joan R, library Asst 2 (MINITEX)15 Andersen library, Del Code 7921,woI1eOO60tc.umn.eduWOLLNER Diane R, Departmental Dir (Office OfInfo Technology) 203 Johnston Hall, Del Code3n6 (626-1311), wollnOO10te.umn.eduWOLNER Teri "I, Program Assoc (SurgeryDepartment) MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, AM11-145A PWB (625-3926), wolne0060tc.umn.eduWOLOSZ Gerol J, Coordinator (UMDElectricaVComputer Engr) 291 MWAH, 1023 /University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7448;218-726-8651),6543 Eest Hunter Lake Road,Duluth 55803, 218-721-4845, [email protected]

WOLPERT Seth I, Asst' Prof (Department ofSurgery) Regions Hospitals, 640 Jackson Street, StPaul 55101,

WOLSKA Aleksandra, Asst Prof (Theatre Arts andDance) Room 5500 RarigC, Del Code n52(625-6699),·

WOLSZON Beth I!<, library Asst 2 (MAC East (StPaul)) 60 Magrathlib, Del Code 6034 (624-7401),[email protected]

WOLTER Daniel J, Dir Gempus/College Level(University Relations, Off of the VP) 3 Morrill Hall,Del Code 0265 (625-8510; 624-6868), 2224 Waterlilly Lane, Eagan 55122, 651-882-7814,[email protected] Peter T, Research Fellow(UMD-NRRI-CWE) 326 N RR I, 5013 Miller TrunkHwy, Duluth 55811 (920-465-5029),[email protected]

WOLTERS Jody, Non Unlv Staff (Ag, Food/EnvtSci Admin, Col of) 1900 Hendon Ave St Paul(625-n66), prudh001

WOLTERS Mark A, Instructor (Hla) 625 S 6th St,Suite 206, Mpls 55404, 700 Douglas Ave Apt 1008,Mpls 55403, wolteOI20te.umn.eduWOLTERSTORFF Karen "I, Assoc To (ITAdministration)'Room 105 Walib, Del Code 3731(624-5032),

WON Katie A, Instructor (Hennepin Cty MedicalCenter) Mail Code 850, 701 Park Avenue South,Mpls 55415, 763-757-7031, [email protected]

WON Youjip, Visit Scholar, 4-192 EElCSci B Mpls,[email protected]

WONG Choy F, Sr Accountant (University Press)290 111 3rd Av S, Del Code 7481 (627-1943), '

WONG Chunyu, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Physics) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 0331, 414 7th Ave SE Apt noC304, Mpls 55414, [email protected]:edu

• WONG Eric 0, Teeching Asst (Humphrey Inst ofPublic Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, 301 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451,6615 West SkylineParkway, Duluth 55810, 218-310-2335,

WONG Freeman, Adjunct Instructor (HealthPartners) Suite 100, 5100 Gamble Drive, St LouisPa.rk 55416, 5100 Gamble Drive Apt1oo, St LouisPark 55416,

WONG Jason T, Asst Prof (Radiology) MMC 292,Del Code 8292 (626-3002),[email protected]

WONG Kin-Yiu, Research Asst (Chemistry) Room139 SmithH, 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3661, wong02720tc.umn.eduWONG Lynette, Research Asst (HorticulluralScience) 305 A1dennan Hall, 1970 Folwell Avenue,St Paul 55106, Del Code 6008, .•[email protected]

WONG Miguel, PhD Candidate Research Asst(370 St Anthony Falls Lab) Mississippi River and3rd Avenue SE, Del Code 0851 (624-4675;624-4363), 3429 Emerson Ave S, Apt 204, Mpts55408, 622-2861,

WONG Phillip Y, Scientist (Medicine) MMC 36Mayo, Del Code 8036, 14-123 P W'B (625.0979),866-9628, wongx0160te.umn.eduWONG Shee Q, Heed (UMDFinIMgmtlnfoSciences), Prof (UMD FinlMgmt Info Sciences;UMO BusinesslEcon, Schoo/ of), Adjunct Prof(UMD BusinesslEcon, School of) 156 SBE, Duluth(218-726-8506; 218-7~7532), swongOd.umn.~u

WONG Zoe E, OIc Spec (C~ildren Youth & Family)270A McNamara Ctr, Del Code 2016,zwongOtc.umn.eduWOO Ellyn W, Student Support Services Asst(HumartResoulCElS Administration) 200 OonhoweB, Del Code 3122 (625-3097),

WOO Maybelle, Research Spec (Chemical Eng &Material Science) 461 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (626-2246), [email protected]

WOO Sue A, 0 0 (Boyn HS) Eye Clinic, Del Code1171 (624-2134), woolOCOO20tc.umn,edu

, WOO Yen Chin, T"!lching Asst(ElectricallComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EEICSci,Del Code 0572, wooX00330te.umn.eduWOOCK linda L, Dir (FInancial Systems Support)293 WBOB, Del Code 7523 (626-6007), 9119Douglas Dr, Eden Prairie 55347, 952-975-0363,

WOOD April K, Sr AnatystlProgrammer (OIT ­Enterprise Financial System) Court InternationalBuilding, Del Code 2455 (626-9607),

WOOD Brenda J, Community Program-Spec (2001Bloomington Ave S), Del Code 7851,

WOOD Bryan R, Community Program Spec(Department of Pediatrics) MMC 504 Mayo, DelCode 8504, Rm 203 Masonic Campus Center(626-2182),

WOOD David J, Instructor (Smatl Animal ClinicalScience) C-339 VetTchKos, 091 Code 6192,15862Village Woods Drive, Eden Prairie 55347,

WOOD Eileen, Teaching Asst (Institute for GlobalStudies) 214 SOc Sci, Del Code 7173 (624-8543),

WOOD Emily L, Asst Program Dir (IntercollegiateAthletics) 290H BFAB, Del Code 3061 (624-4859),[email protected]

WOOD Frank H, Prof (Retired) (EduclHuman Dev,College 01),141 Bedford St SE, Mpls 55414,

WOOD Gibson, Prof (Department ofPhannacology) V A Medical Center, Del Code1213 (725-2051; 725-2000x3303), 18091 HuronPath, Lakeville 55044, 952-891-1683,

WOOD Heather M, Exec Administrative Spec(School of Nursing) Room 6-169 WDH, Del Code1331 (625-3919),

WOOD Helen, Teaching Spec (School of Nursing)Room 5-160 WDH, Del Code 1331, 32326 StinsonRidge Road, Houston 55943, 507-896-2335,

WOOD James R, Adjunct Instructor (MinnesotaGastroenterology) Gestroenterology, Suite 300,15700 - 37th Ave N, Plymouth 55446, 2545Chicago Ave South, Mpls 55404,[email protected]

WOOD John E, Instructor (UMD Medicine, Schoolof) Room 113 "led, 0599, 10 University Dr, Duluth55812

WOOD Katflerine J, Taeching Spec (Music) 100Ferguson, Del Code 7811, 2505 Pleesant Ave S,Mpls 55404, 879-0701,

WOOD Ma", R, Adjunct Instructor (HealthPartners) 8600 Nicollet Ave, Bloomington 55420,

WOOD Nancy, Dental Hygienist (AHC-eUHCC) CU H C C, Del Code 7851,

WOOD Nethen B, PhD Gendidate Research Asst(Educational Psychology; Appl Rsrch/Educ !mpr,Ctr for) 101 Smith Hall, Del Code 3661 (626-8541),

WOOD Patricia A, Food Service Worker (DiningCenter) 167 BAH, DelQxle 8090 (625-8157), 455Maryland W Apt 308, St Paul 55117, 489-1584,[email protected]

WOOD Robert J, Adjunct Assoc Prof (MinnesotaCtr Craniofacial Services) MMC 195 Meyo, DelCode 8195, 2oo.Eest University Avenue, St Paul55101, Hb2513 Dartmouth Col. Hanover NH03755,

WOOD Rosemary L, Sr Veterinary Technician(Veterinary Medical Genter) 305 VMC, Del Code6194, 1215 16th Ave N, Mpls 55411;woodx041

W~D Veronica M, Assoc Prof (Retired) (UMMHumanities, Division 01), 3308 Owasso HeighlS, SIPaul 55126-4149, [email protected]

WOODARD David E, Lecturer (UnivCoVlndIDlstance l.el\ming) Room 25 WesH, nPleasant SI SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3831,1614Jefferson Avenue, St Paul 55105, 651-699-4762,

WOODBURY Millie, Exec Administrative Spec(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(624-4386), 1063 Lovell Lane N, Roseville 55113,651-488-7288, woodburyO,

WOODCOCK Victoria H, ReSearch Spec(Department of Chemistry) 336 Smith Hatl, DelCode 3661 (62&-2901), [email protected]

WOODEN John, Lecturer (Rhetoric) Room ,64CIaOff, 6043, 1994 Buford Ave, St Paul 55108,[email protected]

WOODFORD Craig R, Info Tech Spec (CLANetwork Support) 110 Anderson Hall, Del Code7331 (624-4357), 810 Thomton St SE, Apt 1301,Mpls 55414, 232-6824, w00d0131

WOODHOUSE Wdliam tA, Info Tech Prof (HeelthServices RschIPoticy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code8729,0330-10 Mayo (624-0635),woodhOO1 Otc.umn;edu


WOODROFFE Jesse R, Research Asst (Physicsand Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,915 20th AvenueSouth, Apartment 204, Mpls 55404, 251-4800,[email protected]

WooDROFFE-PATRICK Meagan, ResearchAsst(Carlson School of Managament) 3·300CarlSMgmt, Del 'Code 7041,1849 Washington AveSouth, Apt 320B, Mpls 55454,[email protected]

WOODRUFF Gayle A, Program Dir (LearningAbroad Center) 230 Heller Hall, Del Code 7457(626·9000), [email protected]

WOODS Caroline A, Physician Asst (UMD FamilyMedicine) 141 SMed, 0603, 1035 University Dr,Duluth 55812, [email protected]

WOODS Donald Z, Prol (Retired) (MN Ext SvcPrograms), 554 Portland Avenue, St Paul 55102,[email protected] Jack, Teaching Asst (Philosophy) 831Heller Hall, Del Code 7057 (625-6563),1912Clinton Ave 5, Apt 101, Mpls 55404,508-337-6358, [email protected]

WOODS Todd W, Teaching Spec (CommunicationStudies), Research Spec (Communication Studies)288 FOfd Hall, Del Code 0456 (624-3309),woods0960tc,umn.eduWOODSON Frederick 0, Electrician (FacimiesMgmt·Donhowe-COnstructio) Room 300DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE" Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121,12749 Ethelton Way, Apple Valley55124, woods0940lc.umn.eduWOODWARD Brent, Non Univ Staff (AnimalSCience) 265C Haecker St Paul (624-3667),brantwOlfumn.eduWOODWARD Charles E, Prof (116 Church St SE)356 Physics; 385 Physics Bldg, Del Code 0331(624-0254; 626·2067), 300 Popler St, Northfield55057,507-663·1090, woodw0240tc.umn.eduWOODWARD Clare K, Prof (Retired)(Biochemistry-eBS) 140 Gor L, Del Code 6104(624-7155), [email protected] Jarrard 0, Community ProgramAssoc (UM Extension Servica Olmsted Cnty) 1421SE 3rd Ave, Rochester 55904·7947,[email protected] Paul R, Prol (LCSE) 499 WalterLibrary, Del Code 3721 (625-4097),[email protected] SUS8na P, Instructor (UMDWomen's Studies Dept; UMD AchievementCentar), Adjunct Instructor (UMD ContinuingEducation), Program Dir (UMD AchievementCenter) 233 KSC, 1120 Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8444), 205 N 24th Ave East, Duluth55812,218-724·5775, swoodwarOd.umn.eduWOODWARD Val W, Prof (Retired) (Geneties, CellBioi, Dev TCBS), PO Box 333, Garden City UT '84028, 435·946-2949, [email protected] Jill M, Physician Asst (Boyn HS)Primary Care South, Del Code 1171 (624-8491),4716 13th Ave 5, Mpls 55407,nonna026@tc.•umn.eduWOOLDRIDGE Sondes 0, Teaching Spec (French& Italian) 260 Folwell Hall, Del Code 0139(624-4308), douziOOl @tc.umn.eduWOOLLEY Anthony, Adjunct Assoc Prol (ParkNicOllet Medical Center) Renal, 3800 Park NicolletBlvd, Mpls 55416, [email protected] Traci M, Fiscal OIcr (MENDAdministrative Center·Aceting) MMC 194 Mayo,Del Code 8194,0653 Mayo (625·1634),[email protected] Janet Z, Teaching Spec (CCE Collegein the SChools) Room 202 WesH, Del Code 3831,[email protected] Sandra J, Assoc Prof (UMDPsychology), Adj.nct Assoc Prof (UMD ContinuingEducation) 347B BohH, Duluth (218·726-8592),[email protected] Michael R, Asst Prol (FamilyMedicinelComm Heal1h), Physician (FamilyMedicine/Comm Health) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code8381, [email protected] Ghitiann R, Sr Lecturer (HealthcareMgmtlnd Stdy Prgm) Room 1102221 Univ, 2221University Ave SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2708,wotceOOl @tc.umn.eduWORKMAN Charles M, Adjunct Assoc Prof (StJohn's Hospital) 1575 Beam Ave, Maplewood55109,1093 Golden Oaks Lene, Hudson WI54016-7132, [email protected]

WORKNEH Rediatu W, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmtlbonhowe) Room 400DonhoweB, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121 (625·5009), Apt 423, 1808 UniversityAvenue NE, Mpls 55418,781-3189,worknOOl @tc.umn.eduWORLEY Katherine A, Student PersonnelCoordinator (Vet Med Academic & Student Affairs)Room 460 VMC, Del Code 6194,[email protected] Marcia M, Asst Prol (Duluth PhannacyProgram; Phannacy, College of) 386 Kirby Plaza,1208 Kirby Drive, Duluth 55812·3095,[email protected] Ellen M, Asst Prol (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Phannacy Dept, Mail Code 850,701 Park Ave, Mpls 55415 (341-4523),[email protected] Brenda A, Phannacy Cashier (Boyn HS)Phannacy Department, 410 Church St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 1171, [email protected]

WORNER. Wendy L, Adjunct Instructor (VAMC)One Veterans Drive, Mpls 55417, 5862 OxboroAve North, Oak Park Hghis 55082, 651-439-0986,[email protected]·~ASHKOFF Krist, Ass! Prof (UMDPathology/Lab MedICine) 222 SMed, 1035University Dr, Duluth 55812, PO Box 6068, St Paul55108,646-7887, kkraftsOd.umn.eduWORRALL Cethy L, Instructor (Mayo MedicalCenter) Dept 01 Phannacy Admin, Mbg722, 12162nd St SW, Rochester 55902, 3855 CobblestoneLae NW, Rochester 55901, [email protected] Rose Lyn, Network Support Analyst(Networking & Telecom Srvs), Del Code 2171(625-9300), worreIOtc.umn.eduWORRELL Robert J, Food Service Worker(Coffman Dining Services) G47 CMU, Del Code1051 (625-2038), [email protected] Roger J, Sr Ventilation Mechanic(UMD Fac Mgmt·Mech Maint) 241 DAdB, 1049University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8991), 605No Blackman Ave, Duluth 55811,218-726-0866,rworthin CI d.umn.eduWORTMAN Mike, Project Manager (OIT ­Enterprise Financial System) Court IntemationalBUilding, Del Code 2455 (624-0707),651-714·8276, [email protected] Martin M, ReS8arch Assoc (SI AnthonyFalls Laboratory) Room 301 SAFL, 2 - 3rd AvenueSE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 4691,[email protected] Donald 0, Asst Prof (Abbott NorthwesternHospilal) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395, ThePerinatal Center, 800 E 28th St, Mpls 55407,wotheOOl @tc.umn.eduWonPKA Christine M, Asst Prof (EducationalPolicy & Administration) Room 330 WullH, 86PleaS8nt St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3345(626-5118), [email protected] Kalhreen A, Teaching Asst (Physics andAslronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331 ,woyaOOO10tc.umn.eduWOYDA William C, Adjunc;t Assoc Prol (200Oakdale Medical Ctr) Mpls 55422, 3607 Beard AveN, Mpls 55422, [email protected] Christopher A, OIc Spec (EpilespyResearch COP) 7·227 PWB, Del Co<\91332(624-5982),1102 County Road 0 W, ApartmentApt310, New Brighton 55112,[email protected] Jeffrey R, Adjunct Asst Prof(Psychology), Ass! Prol (Psychiatry), AssocPsychologist (Psychiatry) F25612B West, Del Code8393, F25612B West (273-9711),[email protected] Jesse 5, Graduate SChool Fellow(Sociology) 1058 Soc Sci Bldg, Del Code 7171(624-2360; 624-4300), wozniOI9C1tc.umn.eduWOZNIAK Robert P, EGMS Web Developer (WebDevelopment) Room 660 WBOB, Del Code 7531(626-4216), 3426 39th Ave 5, Mpls 55406,276·1365, [email protected] Susan J, Prin Administrative Spec(Room 341 Smijh) 207 Pleasant Street SE, DelCode 3661 (625-5889), [email protected] James L, Food Service Worker (CentennialDining Services) B96 CenH, Del Code 1811,wrenx007C1tc.umn.eduWRIGHT Deborah J, Adjunct Instructor (SChool ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,[email protected]

WRIGHT Donald F, Teaching Spec (UMDAerospace Studies) ROTC, 1229 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-8159), UMD, ROTC Bldg,1229 University Dr, Duluth 55812,[email protected] Eugene, Prof (Retired) (Rhetoric), 11029Bluefield Ct, Sun City AZ. 85351,wrigh0250tc.umn.eduWRIGHT George T, RegentsProl (Retired)(English, LenguagelLiterature), 2617 W CrownKing Dr, Tucson AZ. 85741, [email protected] Gregory B, Assoc Prof (Children's Mpls)Heart Clinic, no 106, 2545 Chicago Ave 5, Mpls55404, [email protected] JR Herbert E, Regents Prol (Retired)(Earth Sci Geology/Geophysics), 1426 Hylhe St, StPaul 55108, [email protected] Jay 0, Asst Prof (SChool 01 Mathematics)302 VinH, Del Code 0412 (625·9817),[email protected] Jerry A, Assoc Prol (W Central Researchand Outreach Ctr) 46352 State Hwy 329, Morris56267 (320·589·1711), 490 2nd St NE, Glenwood56334, 320-634-4306, jwrighICltc.umn.eduWRIGHT John 5, Adjunct Instructor (Small AnimalClinical Sciences) A215 Veterinary TeachingHospitals, Del Code 6192 (626-1280), 5 LengfordPark, Saint Paul 55108, 651-959-0323,[email protected] John 5, Assoc Prof (AIr American/AfricanStudies; English, LenguagelLiterature) 812 SocSci, Del Code 7155 (624·0845),[email protected]~

WRIGHT Karen, Teaching Asst Prof (HumphreyInst of Public Affair) Room 130 HHHCtr, Del Code7451 (625-9505),3220 Irving Ave 5, MpIs 55408,651·699-4532, [email protected] Kristine A, Dir Ole 01 Std Finance (Officeof Student Finance) 210 Fraser H, Del Code 3395(626·0302), [email protected] Martha M, Assoc Prof (Ophthalmology),Program Dir (Ophthalmology) MMC 493 Mayo, DelCode 8493, 9-240 P W B (625-4400),[email protected] Mary F, Asst Prof (UMD Education),Adjunct Asst Prol (UMD Continuing Education)UMD Education, 120 MonH, 0146, 1211 OrdeanCourt, Duluth 55812, mwright20d.umn.eduWRIGHT Michael L, Mechanic 2 (FacilijiesMgmt·Hhh SCi-Zone 3) BI17 Moos Tower, DelCode 3121, [email protected] Michelle M, Assoc Prol (English) 11 OJLind Hall, Del Code 0613, wrigh391 Cltc.umn.eduWRIGHT Nakeeia L, Coordinator (College 01Education) Room 107 BuH, 178 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3171,[email protected] Pat E, Prin Administrative Spec(ArchlLandscapa Arch) Room 111 RapsonH, DelCode 0811 (626-2087), pwrightOtc.umn.eduWRIGHT Patrick J, Adjunct Assoc Prol (MinnesotaLung Center) 17 W Exchange St, Suije 750, StPa1ll55102, 1797 West Skillman Avenue, Roseville·55113, [email protected] Patrick 5, Teaching Asst (Mechanical,Engineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691, (95-) 93,[email protected] Robin L, Assoc Dean (Biol9gical SciAdmin, Col of), Prof (Genetics, Cell Bioi, DevTCBS) Room 123 SnH, Del Code 6174 (624-2244;625-1183),2129 Hoyt Ave W, Falcon Heights55108,651-644-0752, wrightrOlc.umn.eduWRIGHT Scott A, Sr Survey Interviewer(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 1811(379·9271),2405 Cole Ave SE AptB, Mpls 55414,770·5916, [email protected] Serena L, Administrative Aida (GeneralCollege) Room 251 Appleby, Del Code 3501(624-0430),901 Dartmouth PI SE, Mpls 55414,331-3443, [email protected] Thomas E, Concrete Finisher (FacilijiesMgmt-CPPN Uof M Conslruc) Room 300 DonhoweBldg, 319 15th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code3121, PO Box 483, Osceola WI 54020,651·214-0300, [email protected] Wendy 5, Jr Scientist (7·178 MCB) 420Washington Ave SE, Del Code 1214, 6440 258thStreet, Wyoming 55092, 651-462-8216,[email protected] William E, Prof Emeritus (History) Room614 SocSCi, 26719th Ave 5, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7165 (624-2800),16200 Honeysuckie Lene,Deephaven 55391-3618, 952-473·1614,wrighool

WRIGHT-PETERSON Virginia, Adjunct Asst Prol(UMD Fine Arts, School of) 212 H, 0197, 1201Ordean Court, Duluth 55812WROBBEL TereS8 E, Adjunct Ass! Prol (BuffaloClinic) 1700 Hwy 25 N, Buffalo 55313,[email protected] Gretchen E, Research Assoc (FamilySocial SCience) 290 McNeal Hall, Del Code 6140(625·1900), [email protected] Mary M, Exec Sec (Rhetoric) 64 Cia Off,Del Code 6043 (624-4761), 966 Como Ave, StPaul 55103, 651-488·6961, [email protected] Diane 5, Adjunct Asst Prof (MayMedical Center) 851 30th Ave SE, Rochester55904,1533 Camelback Ct NE, Rochester 55906,[email protected] 'WROBLESKI Jim, Instructor (UMD ManagementStudies) Room 110 SBE, Duluth (218·726-8553),140 Waverly Place, Duluth 55803, 218-728·0958,jwroblesOd.umn.eduWROBLEWSKA Wiktoria, Adjunct Asst Prof(International Programs) 4-104 CSOM, 321-19thAve 5, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041, •[email protected] Elizabeth A, Chiel AdministrativeOIcr (College 01 Biological Sciences) Dean's Office,Del Code 6174 (624-3441), 222 Amherst Street, StPaul 55105, 651-699-2516, wrobI0030tc.umn.eduWROBLEWSKI Emily E, Research Asst (Ecology,Evolution and Behavior) 313 Ecology, Del Code6098,4114 31st Ave 5, Mpls 55406,825·2949,[email protected]'WSKr Matthew 5, Jr Scientist (Biochem,Molecular BioVBiophy) Room 140 GorL, 1479Gortner Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6104, 152323rd Ave NW, New Brighton 55112,[email protected] Craig C, Sr Development OIcr (MinnesotaMedical Foundation) 300 McNamara AlumniCenter, Del Code 2012 (625-2298), 9956 AntrimRoad, Woodbury 55125,651-576-3816,wruckOOl @tc.umn.eduWU Anhua, Post·Doctoral Assoc (Neurosurgery)2001 6th Street SE, Del Code 8096, Neurosurgery,Lions Research Bldg, 2001 6th St SE, Mpls 55455,[email protected] Baolin, Asst Prol (Biostatistics, Division 01SPH) MMC 303 Mayo, Dei Code 8303, MMC 303Mayo (624-0647), [email protected] Bin, PhD Candidate Research Asst (Physicsand Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church StSE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0331 (626-8914),[email protected] Chengwei, Instructor (Ctr Megnetic ResonanceRsrch) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, CMRR(626·2001),13 27th Ave SE, Mpls 55414,339-'3065, [email protected] Chaodong, Asst Prof (Biochem, Molec Bioi,Biophy TMED), Research Assoc (Biochem, MolecBioi, Biophy TMED) 7-160 MolCeliBio, Del Code1214 (626-4494), [email protected] Fred M, Medical Fellow (Medicine CardiologyOffice) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 279VCRC (626-2451), wuxxx0820tc.umn.eduWU Huailing, Teaching Asst (JournalismlMassComm, Sch of), Graduate School Fellow(JournalismlMass Comm, SCh on School ofJournalism, Room 111 MurH, 206 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0371,1619 Thomas Ave, StPaul 55104, [email protected] Jianxiong, Assoc Program Dir (CLA LanguageCenter) Room 110 JonesH, Del Code 3945(625-8658; 625-8658), wuxxxOI5C1tc.umn.eduWU Jindong, PhD Candidate Research Asst (Deptof Soil, Water, and Climate) 166 Boriaug Hall, DelCode 6028 (625·1798), jindongCltc.umn.eduWU Jlng, PhD Candidate Research Asst (CEMS)54 AmundsorrHall, Del Code 0531 (625·1018;625-3429), 1026 27th Ave SE, Apt E, Mpls 55414,651-645-5698, [email protected] Junxian, PhD Candidate Research Asst(CEMS) 358 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(625-2565), 1001 29th Ave SE Unij 0, Mpls 55414,331·3142, [email protected] Ke, ReS8arch Asst (General College) 339Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501 (624-4057),[email protected] Ping, Teaching Asst (InlonnationJDecislonSciences), Research Asst (InfonnationlDecisionSciences) Information/Decision Sciences, 3-365CariSMgmt, 32119th Ave 5, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7041,1289 Gibbs Avenue, St Paul 55108,[email protected]


WU Oifang, Research Asst (Phannacology) Rm6-120 JacH. 321 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1213. wuxx02850tc.umn.eduWU Seongho, Teaching Ass! (Statistics) Room 313FordH, 224 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0457, 1002 27th Avenue SE Apt A, Mpls 55414,987-3205.

• WU Sinmin, Ass! Prof (Retired) (SCi & Math-UMM)249 Sc, Morris 56267 (320-589-6323),

WU Tang, Into Tech Mgr (Physiology) 2-1650 JacH, Del Code 1215 (625-2407), 12501 PortlandAvenue Apt 315, Burnsville 55337, 952-707-8640,

WU Tzu G, Ass! Prof (Urologic Surgery), Ass! Prol(Urologic Surgery) MMC 394 MaYo, Del Code 8394(626-5810), wuxxx2050tc.umn.eduWU Xiao, Advanced Masters Research Ass!(BiosystemsiAgriculturai Engr) Room 200BioAgEng, 1390 Eckles, St Paul 55108, Del Code6005 (624-2211),wuxxxl990tc.umn.eduWU Xinl<ai, Research Asst (Civil Engineeririg)Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE, MPis 55455,Del Code 0851, 524 Huron Blvd, Apt Cl0, Mpls55414,331-9123, wuxxx2730tc.umn.eduWU Yiming, Research Asst (Aerospace Engr andMechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731 (625-1047),600University Ave SE Apt408, Mpls 55414, 532-9279,wuxxxl790tc.umn.eduWU Zhe, Ass! Prof (Geography) Room 414 SocSci,267 19th Ave S, Mpis 55455, Del Code 7163(625-1397), Rm 102, 318 8th Ave SE, Mpls 55414,

WU Zhan, PhD Candidate Research Assl(Chemical EngrlMat Sci), PhD Candidate TeachingAss! (Chemical EngrlMat Sci) 424 Amundson Hall,Del Code 0531 (625-4809), 1004 27th Ave SE, AptF, Mpls 55414, 384-6460, wuxx02670tc.umri.eduWU Zhishan, Adjunct Asst Prof (Entomology) 219HodsonH; 1907 Dudley Ave, Room 102, Del Code6125 (625-3n9),

WU Zhong Q, Post-Docto<a1 Assoc (Chern Engr &Materials SCience) 284 Amund H, Del Code 0531(624·2872), 120 Uberty Avenue Port Jefferson,New York NY 11m, wuxxx2nOtc.umn.eduWUERTZ Beverty R, Scientist (Department ofOtolaryngology) Rm 270 Uons Research Bldgi2001 6th St SE, Mpis 55455 (625-3090; 624-5573),knier0030tc.umn.eduWULF Rhonda K, Assoc Program Dir (UMEl\Iension S9rvice Kandiyohi Cnty) 400 sensonAve SW Ste 6, Willmar 56201-3467,33595 470thAve, Hancock 56244,

WULFMAN David R, Research Fellow (Lab MedPathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609, 0211Mayo; Room 2102 MechE (fl26-{)416; 625-2944),2112 Emerson AYfI S Apt4, Mpis 55405, 3n-8633,wuttmool Otc.umn.eduWUNDERLICH Susan K, Info Tech Spec (MNMedical Foundation) Room 300 Gateway, DelCode 2012 (624-8474), 423 Thomas Ave So, Mpls55405, 381-()408,

WUNDERUN Eric 0, Into Tech Prof (Carlson, OlD4-207 CartSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-1038),wunde0050tc.umn.eduWUNSCHMANN Amo, Ass! Prof (DiagnosticVeterinary Medicine) 244 VeIDL, Del Code 6184(624-3249),1811 Tatum Street, St Paul 55113,wunscOOl Otc.umn.eduWUOLLET Chartes A, Carpenter (Fac Mgmt-ZOne3-Heanh Services) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code 8059,Bl17 Moos T (624-2900), 17582 County Road 37NW, Southhaven 55382, 320·286-2905,wuollOOl Otc.umn.eduYiUOLLET Steven J, Carpenter (FacilitiesManagement) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code 8059,8716 79th St NW, Annandale 55302,320-274-7142, wuolIOO30tc.umn.eduWUOLU David J, Exempt Temporary or Casual(UMM Ubrary) Room 232 Ubi M230A, 600 E 4thSt, Morris 56267 (320-589-6164),wuoluOmorris.umn.eduWUORI Melissa, Prin Accounts Spec (Ctr torPublic Hlih Ed and Outreach) Room 350, Del Code2702, wu0ri0030tc.umn.eduWURL Joel F, Curator (Immigration History RsrchCtr), Assoc Program Dir (Immigration History RSrchCtr) 311 Elmer L Andersen Ub, Del Code 7921(625-0553),2044 Reaney Ave, St Paul 55119,wurtxOOl Otc.umn.eduWUSSOW Kathryn A, Instructor (Children's StPaul) 345 N Smith Ave, St Paul 55102,

WUST IU John P, Clinical Asst Prof (OBIGYN &Women's HeaIIh) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8395,12-211 Moos Tower (626-3111), 2608 91stCrescent N, Brooklyn Park 55443-3845,763-315-4112, wustxOOl Otc.umn.eduWUTZKE Unda 0, Instructor (Fairview RidgeviewPhannacy) 303 East Nicollet Blvd, Burnsvine55337, wutzkool

WYATT Gary J, ExtenSion EducatorlProfessor (UMExtension Regl Ctr Mankato) 1961 Premier Dr Ste148, Mankato 56001-5901 (507-389-6748),75057340th St, St James 56081, wyattOtc.umn.eduWYATT Richard A, Ass! Prof (Park Nicollet - StLouis Park) 3800 Park Nicollet Blvd, Sl Louis Park55416, wyattOO70tc.umn.eduWYBERG Terrence R, LectUrer (Curriculum andInstruction), Assoc Education Spec (Curriculumand Instruction) Room 125 PeikH, Del Code 4301(625-9623), wyberOOl Otc.umn.eduWYBIERALA Michael T, ElectromechanicalSystems Spec (CCE Continuing EduclConf Ctr)280 CECC, Del Code 6094 (624-3667), 77978Railroad Ln, Bruno 55712, 651-226-6036,wybiOOO10tc.umn.eduWYCHOR Paul J, Delivery Service Driver(CPPM-U of M Construction) MMC 59 Mayo, DelCode 5803 (624-2900), wychOOOl Otc.umn.eduWYCKHUYS Kris A, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Entomology) Room 2nd FI HodsonH, 6125, 1980Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108 (625-7055), 214 E 19thSt Apt 305, Mpls 55403, 765-404-5430,wyckhOO10lc.umn.eduWYCKOFF Peter, Assoc Prof (UMM SciencelMath,Division of; UMM Cont EduclRegional Prgm) Room2430 Sci, M242A, 600 E 4th St, Morris 56267,1111 Park Ave, Morris 56267, 320-589-0402,wyckoIlpOmorris.umn.eduWYCKOFF TImna J, Ass! Prof (UMMSCienceJMath, Division 01; UMM ContEduclRegional Prgm) 1370 SCi, M242A, 600 E 4thSt, Morris 56267 (320-589-6352), 1111 Park Ave,Morris 56267, 320·589-0402,wyckolftOmorris.umn.eduWYGANT John R, Assoc Prof (Physics &Astronomy) 479 Phys, Del Code 0331 (626-8921),wyganOO10tc.umn.eduWYGANT Susan M, Research Asst (150 Peik Hall)159 Pillsbury Dr SE, Del Code 4301,13423 Xe!XesAve S, Burnsville 55337, wygaOOOl Otc.umn.eduWYLY Anne L, Instructor (Abbott N W HospitalPhannacy) 600 E28th St, Mpls 55407,wyIyx0020tc.umn.eduWYMAN Jean F, Prof (Nursing, School 01), AdjunctProf (Family Medicine/Comm Heallh) Room 6-161WDH, Del Code 1331 (624-2132), 952-40Hl688,wyman0020tc.umn.eduWYMAN Nicole S, Research Fellow (Division ofBiostatistics) Room 200 2221 Univ, Del Code 2702(624-5564),2799 Rustic Place, litlIe Canada55117, wymannOtc.umn.eduWYNNE TIm, Non Univ Staff (UDS Affiliated Staff)UDS SPSC MpIs (625-8157),wynne0040tc.umn.eduWYRICK David A, Head (UMDMechanicaVlndustrial Engr), Prof (UMDMechanicaVlndustrial Engr) 105 V K H, Duluth(218-726-7184; 218,726-6161),dwyrickOd.umn.eduWYSE Donald L, Prof (Agronomy & PlantGenetics) 411 Bor H, Del Code 6026 (625-7064),1057 Westcliff Curve, Shoreview 55126,651-481-7042, wysaxOO10tc.umn.eduWYTHERS Kirk R, Research Fellow (ForestResources) Room 115 GreenH, Del Code 6112(625-2261), 2096 Lincoln Ave, Seint Paul 55105,651-696-1638, wyth9001 Otc.umn.eduWYTKO Anna M, Teaching Asst (Music) 100Ferguson HaU, Del Code 7811,1012 E Vlnedo Ln,Tempa AZ. 65284, 480-82lHl382,wytkOOO10tc.umn.eduWYUM Virginia A, Nursing Professional (ECRC)Ste 201 - 1100 Wash, Del Code 7494 (626-7965),

xXANTHOS Jennner B, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Ganetics, Call Biology & Dev) 5-147 Moos T, DefCode 1217 (625-4673), xantOOOl Otc.umn.eduXAPHAKDY Christopher H, Ass! AcadamicAdvisor (CLA Student Services) 575 Heller Hall,27119th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7061, 8644Wildflower Dr S, Cottaga Grove 55016-1727,651-769-0904, xaphaool

XAPHAKDY Soukthanome, Sr Administrative Spec(188 Klaebar Court) 320 18th Ave SE, Mpls 55455,1269 Fremont Ave, St Paul 55106-5325,651-nl-7757, xaphOOOl Otc.umn.eduXIA Hong, Research Assoc (Medicine) MMC 276Mayo, Del Code 8276, 395 DVCCRC (626-3453),651-486-2812, xiaxxOl00tc.ump.eduXIA Lily H, Asst SCientist (Pediatric BMT 0tIica)MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code 8366, 480 DVCCRC(624-5936), xiaxxOll Olc.umn.eduXIA Weidong, Asst Prof (InfonnationIDecisionSciences; International Program Dev) 3-364CartSMgml, Del Code 7041 (626-9766),wxiaOtc.umn.eduXIA Yu, Research Asst (Chem Eng & MaterialScience) 165 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(626-2021),514 Huron Blvd Apt A8, Mpls 55414,220-3330, [email protected] Wei, Post-Doctoral Assoc (UMD Chemistryand Biochemistry) 246 Chem, 1039 University Dr,Duluth S5812 (218-726-7212), [email protected] Ying, Research Fellow (CoordinatingCenters for Biometric) Room 200 2221 Univ, DelCode 2702 (624-9688), xi8hOO130tc.umn.eduXIAO Feng, Research Assoc (MedicineHematology Office)MMC 480 Mayo, 'Oaf Code8480,670 CCRB (625-7409),1060 17th Av SE,Mpls 55414,378-0623, xiaoxOOllOti:.umn.eduXlAO Jing, ,Research Assoc (Neurosurgery Lab)MMC 96, Del Code 8096, 421 Uons ResearchBuilding (626-9211), 3026 Arona St, Roseville55113, xiaoxool Otc.umn.eduXIAO Jinjun, Research Ass! (ElectricaVComputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572(625-4392), xiaOOO290tc.umn.eduXIAO Kun, Research Fellow (Plant Pathology) 318Christensen Lab, Del Code 6030 (624-2253),xiaoxOO30tc.umn.eduXlAO Zhengguo, Post-Doctoral Assol; (VeterinaryPathoBiology) 205 Veterinary SCience Building, DelCode 6187 (625-1913; 624-0752),1288 FifieldAve, St Paul 55108,651-644-3568,xiaox0060tc.umn.eduX1E Benhuai, Research Ass! (Biostatistics),Teaching Asst (Biostalislics) Room 350 UOffPI;MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 2702 (624-4523),xiex00410tc.umn.eduXIE Feng, Research" Ass! (Civil Engineering) Room122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 0851,2280 Priscilla Street, Apt12, St Paul55108, xlex00550tc.umn.eduXIE Hongwei, Research Assoc (Biochemistry)7·155 MCB, D81 Code 1214, 2280 Priscilla St Apt18, St Paul 55108. 423-2573,xiexx0380tc.umn.eduXIE Jiao, Jr Scientist (DiaglBiolo Sci - MolecularVirology) Room 18-242 MoosT, Del Code 1291(626-4975), xiexx0270tc.umn.eduXIE TIng 0, Ass! SCientist (Neurology) MMC 295Mayo, Del Code 6295, 12-100 PWB, 19057Pleasanlview Rd, Eden Prairie 55346,952-93Nl073, xiexxool0tc.umn.eduXIE Yang, Graduate SCihooI Fellow (MRFIT CoordClr) MMC 303'Mayo, Del Code 8303, Room 2002221 Univ; Room 140 GorL (624-3204), 1205Fifield Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-&l5-58n,xiexOO290tc.umn.eduXIE Yonghong, Ass! Scientist (Department ofMedicine) VAMC, One Veterans Drive, Mpis 55417(467-2903), xlexx0040tc.umn.eduXIE Yuanyuan, Teaching Ass! (Pharmacy, Collegeof), Graduate School Fellow (Pharmacy, Collegeof) 308 Harvard St SE, Del Code 1332 (625-4987),xiexx0410tc.umn.eduX1N Beohua, Teaching Ass! (Accounting),Research Asst (Accounting) 4-135 CartSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (626-9781), ApI C, 1014 27th Ave SE,Mpls 55414, xinxOO150tc.umn.~uXIN Wu-Ping, Research AsSt (Civil Engineering)Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0851 (625-0249; 626-1648), 2420 31stAve S, Mpls 55406, xinxx0070tc.umn.eduXIN Xlangrong, Research Ass! (BiomedicalEngineering Dept) Room 7-105 BSandBE, 312Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191, 1405 ­5th St SE Ap1202,MpIs 55414,xinxOO160tc.umn.eduXING Chengguo, Ass! Prof (8-106Weaver-Denslord Hall) 308 Harvard St SE, DelCode 1332 (626-5675), 651-784-3912,xingx0090tc.umn.eduXING Zhiqiang, Teaching Ass! (AerospaceEngrlMechanics), Research Ass! (AerospaceEngrlMechanlcs) Aerospace Engr and Machanics,Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union St SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0731,425 13th Avenue SE, Aptl206,Mpls 55414,


XIONG PHD B1ong, AsS! Prof (General College)266 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501,3001 CountryWood Drive, Burnsville 55337, 952-895-1708,

XIONG Hui, Teaching Ass! (Civil Engineering),Research Asst (Civil Engineering) UMDMathamaticslStalistics, 140 SCC, 1117 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6251),xi0n03570tc.umn.eduXIONG Mai C, Communily Program Spec(TobaccO Research l.abI;Trtmt) Room 201 2701Univ, 2701 University Ave, Mpis 55414, Del Code2694 (627-8806), xion02010tc.umn.eduXIONG Mai K, Translator (AHC-eUHCC) C U H CC, De,I Code 7851 (638-0700),xiong0130tc:umn..eduXIONG Pang, ,Medical Record Clerk(CUHCCNCC) 2001 Bloomington Ave South, DelCode 7851,1537 East 8th Street, St Paul 55106,

,651-793'9709, xi0ng0420tc.umn.eduXIONG Tao, Research Ass! (Electrical andComputer Engr), Teaching Ass! (Electrical andComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code0572,1222 Gibbs AveS-l, Saint Paul 55108,xion03820tc.umn.eduXIONG lang, Research Ass! (Biostatistics),Teaching Ass! (Biostatistics) Room 350 UOIIPI;MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 2702 (626-8351), 42513th Ave SE, Apt 1601, Mpis 55414,xion0321

XIONG Zhengming, Research Assoc(Neurosurgary) MMC 96 Mayo, Del Code 8096,0429 Mayo Building, 616 ,11th Avenue SE ApI2,Mpls 55414, xiong2280tc.umn.eduXU Chengsu, Scientist (Lab Madicine andPathology) MMC 609, 420 Delaware St SE, MpIs55455 (626-2483),418 7th Street SE, Ap1301,Mpls 55414, 379-0028,·XU Duo, Post-Doctoral Assoc (VeteransAdminstration Medical Cant) MMC 295 Mayo, DelCode 8295, 1 Veterans Drive, 5209 45th Ave S,Mpls 55417, 724-6748, xuxxxl030tc.umn.eduXU Fei, PhD Candidate Teaching Asst (School 01Math) 555 Vincent Hall, Del Code 0412(624-2527), xuxx0121,Otc.umn.eduXU Guowu, Research Ass! (Guowu Xu) 385Animal SciencelVeterinary Med. 1988 FrtchAvenue, St Paul 55108, 651-645-7907,xuxx01250tc.umn.eduXU Jia, Teaching Ass! (Biostatistics; Ub AcadPrgmslSciences) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code 8303,MMC 303 Mayo (624-2474),xuxxxl540tc.umn.eduXU Jian, Non Univ Staff (Medicine) 14-2178 MoosMpls (624-4488), xoxxxl560tc.umn.eduXU Jiannong, Research Assoc (Microbial and PlantGenomics) Room 111 CargiRB, 1500 Gartner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6127, 1725113th Ln NE,Blaine 55449,

XU Jianyan. PhD Candidate Research Ass!(University of Minnesola) Department 01 Chemistry,Del Code 3661 (626-7978), 1121 University AveSE, Mpls 554.14, xuxxx0590tc.umn.eduXU Juhua, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Department ofChemistry) 439 Smith Hall, Del Code 3661, 2030Brewster St, Apt 21, St Paul 55108,xuxxx0810tc.umn.eduXU Kai, Teaching Ass! (MINITEX) 15 AndersenUbrary, 222 21st Ave S, Mpls 55455(218-726-7616),331-4111, kaiOcs.umn.eduXU Kuai, Research Ass! (ComputerScience/Engineering) Room 4-192 EElCSCi, 200Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 0571, 1211Fifield Ave, St Paul 55108, xuxx01400tc.umn.eduXU Sa, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Food Science andNutrition) ROom 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6099,xuxxx1390tc.umn.eduXU Wayne, Genomics User Support(Supercomputing Institule) Room 599 WaUb, DelCode 3721 (625-1818), ApI203, 1206 4th St SE,Mpls 55414, 37lHlO47, xuxxx0740tc.umn.eduXU Wenjie, Teaching Asst (UMDMathamaticslStalislics) 174 sec, 1117 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6251), 615 E 5th St,Duluth 55805, 218-279-5109,xuxxx1530d.umn.eduXU XiaohUa, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Neuroscience)Rm 6-145 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpis 55455, DelCode 1216, 924 Sherwood Road, Shoreview55126, xuXXX0990tc.urnn.eduXU Xin, Post-Doctoral Assoc (CardiovascularDivision) MMC·508 Mayo, Del Code 8508,Department of Medicine, Med School, 2329 S 9thSt Apt B307, Mpls 55406,


XU Yanlng, Research Assoc (Microbiology) MMC11111 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 1020 Mayo (624--5684),651-765-0470, yanlnOOl

XU Yictln, Teaching A8st (Physics and Astronomy)Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE, MpIs 55455,Del Code 0331 , 2030 Bl'8W81er Ave Apt15, Sl ~aul55108, 651-917-()695,

XU Yunhao, Research Asst (EleclricallCompu1erEngr) Room 4--174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572,1049,?9th Ave SE, Apt A;MpIs 55414,xuxx01810tc.urnn.eduXUE Chuan, Research A8st (Universily ofMinnesota) 127 Vincent Hall, 206 Church St SE,Mpis 55455,

XUE Jay L, A8st Prof (Clinical & PopulationSCiences) 385 An SeW M, Del Code 6190,

XUE Wei, Research Asst (MechanicalEngineering), Teaching A8st (MechanicalEngineering) Machanical Engineering, Room 1101MechE, 111 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code0891,415 Erie SI SE Apt 201, Mpfs 55414,xueXOO300tc.umn.eduXUE Yuanjing, Research A8st (Ed Policy andAdministration) 330 WuWng Hall, 86 Pleasant StSE, MpIs 55455, Del Code 3345 (625-i679),

VYACOUB Essa S, A8st Prof (Radiology) MMC 282Mayo; Del Code 8292, B226 Mayo (626-2001), 154Dunberry Pass, Hudson WI 54016, 715-531-0323, .yac000060tc.umn.eduYACOVELLA ThoInas J, Adjunct A8st Prof(Regions Hospi1aI) Intemal Medicine, 640 JacksonSt, St Paul 55101, 533211thAve South, MPls55417, yacovOOl Otc.umn.eduYADAV Preety, Java Developer (WebDevelopment) Room 660 WBOB, Del Code 7531(624--9723), yadavOOl Otc.umn.eduYAEGER John W, Teaching Spec (School 01SociaJ Work) Rm 105 Pel8rsH, 1404 Gor1ner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,2885 Knox Ave S,Apt 801, Mpis 55408, 822-3009,yaege0060tc.umn.eduYAEGER Kathy, Assoc To (Uriiversily Relations) 3Mor H,De1 Code 0265 (624--5641),3981 59thStreet NW, Maple Lake 55358, 320-963-6920,yaegerOtc.umn.eduYAEGER Mark S, Sr Accountant (FoodOperations) G56 ComH, Del Code 1092(625-4934), 4945 Sheridan Ave S, Mpls55410-1920,922-0959, yaege0020lc.umn.eduYAEGER Peter, Info Tech Prof (CCE<>I1ice 01 infoSys1ems) Room 302 WesH, Del Code 3831(626-7380), 667 Hillary Farm Rd, Hudaon WI54016,715-386-6563, yaege0050tc.umn.eduYAGER Dave M, Lab Animal Care Technician(Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo, DelC0d6 8069, 1-525 PWB, yagerOO10tc.umn.eduYAGER Sarah K, Research AssI (Epidemiology)Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 3281,3150 Girard'Ave South Apt304, Mpls 55408, 812-8108,yageOOO30tc.umn.eduYAGODKIN Elisey, Teaching Asst (Chemistry) 417Smith Hall, 207 Pleasant !?treet, SE, Mpls 55455,1512 Brook Ave SE ApI1, Mpls 55414, 227-8302,yagodOO10tc.umn.eduYAHNKE Robert E, Prof (Gen Coll-lnst-Humantiea)258 Ap H, Del Code 3501 (625-0504),yahnkOO10tc.umn.eduYAMADA Hiroyuki, Research Spec (College ofPharmacy) 9-177 Weaver Denslord Hall, 308

. Harvard Street SE, Mpls 55455, 2411Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108,yarnad0090tc.umn.eduYAMADA Tetauya, Asst Prof (Art Dept), ExemptTemporary or Casual (Boynllln Health SaMce)E273 RegisClr, Del Code 7831 (625-3228),tyamadaOtc.umn.ecIuYAlIAGISHi Masumi, VISiting A8st Prof (236Bortaug Hall) 1991 Upper Buford Circle, Del Code6026 (625-9760), 2166 Scudder Street, St Paul55108, 651-644-~12, yamag0040te.umn.eduYAIIAGUCHI Amy L, Outpatient Clinic AssI(Clinical Systems) Room 8-434 MoosT, Del Code1291 (624-2481), yamag0140tc.umn.eIluYAMAMOTO Daisaku, Teaching Spec(Geogrqaphy) 414 SocSci, Del Code 7163, •[email protected]

YAIIAilUIlA Yasuko, Instructor (0betetric8 andGynecology), Madical Fellow (Obstatrics andGynecology) MMC 395 Mayo, Del Code 8396,12-211 Moos T (626-3111), 1848 Concordia Aw,SI Paul 55104, yama00950tc.umn.eduYAN Tao, Posl-Doctoral Assoc (Soil, Wa1er, andClimate) Room 439 BorH, 1991 Upper BufordCircle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6028 (625-1722),yanx00460tc.umn.eduYAN Yelena L, Coordinator (College 01 Education)Room 136C BuH, Del Code 3171 (626-3866),yanxx0160te.umn.eduYAN YUhu, Teaching AssI (UMDPhyeics) 358MWAH, 1023 Univeraily Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-8558), yanx00570te.umn.eduYANCY Carietta Y, Sr OIc Spec (DisabilityServices) Room 180 McNamaraCtr, 200 Oak StSE, MPIs 55455, Del Code 2011 (626-8987),16530 39th Ave N, Plymouth 55448,783-559-9621, yancyOO20tc.urnn.eduYANES KahIlI J, Teaching Asst (Geogrllphy) Room414 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7163(6~),

YANG A, Teaching Ass! (General CoIIItt) 51ApfIleby Hall, Del Code 3501 (626-7432),808-217-8019, yangx3260tc.urM.eduYANG Baiyln, Assoc Prof (W0I1l,CommunltylFl/llily Educ) Room 420 VoTech, DelCode 8197 (625-6265), 6801 WIldIIawer Dr S,Cottage Grove 55016, ylnyangOtc.umn.eduYANG Chee X, Nu1rition EduQIltion Ass! (UMExtension Rallll8Y Cnty) 2020 White Beer Ave, StPaUl 55109-3795 (651·747-2260~ 661-730-0266, '

YANG Chris, GI'Iduat8 School Trainee (School ofSocial WOI1l) Am 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortnar Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,yang08330tc.umn.eduYANG Fan, Teaching A8st (Fonance), ResearchAss! (Finance) 3-122 CartSMgml, Del Code 7041(626-9722; 624--2888), yang09460tc.umn.eduYANG Fan, Teaching A8st (Statistica) 498 FordHall, Del Code 0457 (625-6644),yang07120tc.umn.eduYANG Fang, PhD candidate Research A8st(Economics) 1035 Heller Hall, Del Code 7052,1212 Ray Place, Saini Paul 55108,yang06790IC.umn.eduYANG Fe!, Teaching Assl (BiomedicalEngineering), Research A8st (BiomedicalEngineering) Biomedical Engineering Dept, Room7-105 BSandBE, 312 Church SI SE, Mpis 55455,Del Code 1191, yang09470tc.umn.eduYANG Gaoxee M, Translator (HSRP Surveycanter) Dinnaken Building, Suite 120, 925Delaware Street SE, Mpls 55414, Del Code 2131,yangx2260tc.umn.ecIuYANG Guang, Research A8st (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church SISE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691,yang09220tc.umn.eduYANGHaoping, PhD candidale Teaching Assl(Aerospace Engr and Mechanics) Room 107AkerH: 110 Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code0731, 42513th Avenue, SE, Apartment 1504, Mpls55414,625-7858, yang07200tc.umn.eduYANG Hong, Dir CampuslCollege LaveI(TheChina Center) 290 Humphrey center, Del Code7457 (624--1002; 624--1002), 8587 Fountain LanaNorth, Maple Grove 55311-3765, 763-420-5478,hongyangOtc.umll.eduYANG Hsin Jung, Sr Labol'lloly Technician(Genetics, Cell BIOlogy, & DeveIopmInt) 4-220BsandBE, Del Code 1217 (624-7996),yangx2000tc.umn.eduYANG Hyun J, Research Asst (Neuro&eience) Rm6-145 JacH, 321 Church SI S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1216,600-5147, yang09290tc.urnn.eduYANG Iris, PhD Candidale Research Ass!(Aerospace Engr and Mechanics) Room 107AkerH, lW Union St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code0731 (624-6381), yang06150tc.urnn.eduYANG Jianbo, Asst Prof (Lab MldicinelPalhology),Research Assoc (Lab MedicinelPathoIogy) MMC609 Mayo, Del Code 8609 (625-5453), !M77 JawelLn N, Maple Grove 55311, [email protected] Jiann-Shlou, Prof (UMD EleclricaVCompEngr) 274 MWAH, Duluth (218-726-6290;218-726-6147), jyang0d.urnn.eduYANG Jianying, Research Asst (LabMedicine/Pathology) MMC 334 Mayo, Del Code8334,548 vicki In, shoreview 55126,[email protected]

YANG Jie, Post-Doctoral Assoc (College ofPhaIlnIcy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE,Mp1155455, Dei Code 1332 (624-4495),yangx3090Ic.umn.ecIu

YANG Joon S, Asst Prof (UMD Accounting) 125SBE, 412Ubrary Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7454), jyangl

YANG Julie M, R~arch Asst (Food Science andNutrIIIon) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6099 (624--9224),[email protected]<juYANG Maykia N, Translator (Comm-Univ Heatthcare canler) CUHCC, Del Code 7851 (636-0700),1007 Montclair Ave, Mounds V18W 55112,783-792-0172, yangx0230tc.umn.ecIuYANG My, Prin Laboratory Technician (Veterinaryand Biomedical SCiences) 300B Vet Sci, Del Code8184 (625-7053),

YANG Pa Nhia 0, R8Sl!8rch Asst (Family SocialScIInce) Room 290 McNH, Del Code 6140,Pf)Y8IlllOtc.umn.eduYANG Phoua, Teaching Spec (ALL) 427 FolwellHIlI, Del Code 0144 (62.4-2304), .pyangOtc.umn.eduYANG Shuxia, Scientist (Pediatrics) MMC 742Mayo, Del Code 8742, 407 VCR C (624-0436),

YANG Siqin, Technical Supplemental (Law School)Room 285 MondaIeH, 22919th Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Code 7911,

YANG Theo, VlStt Assoc Prof (BiOchem, MolecBioi, Biophy Tmed) 5258 BSBE MpIs (625-8611),1216 Blueberry Drive, Eau Claire WI 54703,715-832-3231,

YANG Ue, Nutrition Education Asst (Ramsey CoExt Ole) 2020 While Bear Ave, SI Paul55109-3795,91 W Geranium, St Paul 55117,651-488-7266,

YANG Vang Vee J, OIc Spec (MINITEX) 15Andersen Ubrary, Del Code 7921 (626-1742;624·4575),532·8691,

YANG Wang, Info Tech Prof (College of VeterinaryMediCine - IS) 257 VelSci, Del Code 6194(625-4244), 1752 Elm st, While Bear lake 55110,651-787-0392,

YANG Xiao!eng, Research AssI (Aerospace Engrand Mechanics) Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0731 (625-1055),

YANG Xiaoyu, Research AssQC (NanofabricalionCenter) Room ,.,65 EE/Csci, Del Code 0573(626-0732), 7451 Devin Lane. Shakopee 55379, [email protected]

YANG Yuhong, Assoc Prof (Statistics) 376 Ford,Del Code 0457 (626-8337), [email protected] Bangi, Non-Universily Employee(Minneasota Population Center) 537 Heller Hall,271 19th Ave So. Mpls 55455, 911 2nd Ave SApt282, Mpis 55404, yanikOOl Otc.umn.eduYANISH Erin Y, OIc Spec (UM Ext'Regl ClrHutchinson) 980 2nd Ave SE, Hutchinson55350-2608 (320-234-0431),yanjs0060tc.umn.ecIuYANK Jane R, Teaching AssI (Kineslology) Room100 CookeH, 1900 Univeraily Ave SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 2061 (624-0288),

YAN"OPOULOS MD Demetrl, Medical Fallow(Medicine cardiology) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code6508,289 VCRC (626-2451),yannoOO10tc.umn.eduYANOWITZ Jannner L, Research Asst(Psychology) N-218 EttH, 75 EaslRiver Road,Mpls 55455, Del Code 3281,yanoOOO40tc.umn.eduYANTA Michelle M, Veterinary Technician(Veterinary Medical canter· ER) Room 313 VMC,Del Code 6194, 6423 31st Ave North, Crystal55427, 763-593-0171, yanta0040tc.umn.eduYANTA TImothy J, Instructor (Byerlys Pharmacy)3m Park Cenler Blvd, St Louis Park 55416,yanta0010tc.umn.eduYAO HUi, PhD candidate Research Asst(ElectricallComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EE/CSci,Del Code 0572 (626-7791), [email protected]

YAO Ke, Hormel Fellow (Hormellnstitule)Universily of Minnesota, 801 16th Ave NE, Austin55912-3679,900 14th St NW, Aptll1, Austin55912, [email protected],ecIuYAO Latitia J, Research Assoc (Chemistry) S168Kon H, Del Code 3661 (625-8374),[email protected]


YAO Qing, Researcb.Assoc (Cancer canter) MMC806 Mayo, Del Cod.P8806, 1078 Lovell Ave,Roseville 55113, 651-463-8938,[email protected] Shiyi, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Pharmacology)6-120 JacH, Del Code 1213, 61515th Ave S, Mpls55414, [email protected] Xiaofeng, Teaching A8st (EleclricaVComputerEngr) Room 4·174 EE/CSci, Del Code 0572,626-1591, [email protected],eduYAP Divah 0, Assoc Development OIcr (Universityof Minnesota Foundation) McNamara AlumniCenter, Del Code 2011 (626-1751),319 8th StreetSE Apt 304, Mpls 55414, 331-4602,yapXOO100tc.umn.eduYAQUB Basim A, AdjUnct Prof (Riyadh ArmedForces Hospital) PO Box 7897, Room 26, Building2, Riyadh 11159, KSASaudi Arabia, PO Box 7897 •Xl006, Riyedh 11159 Saudi Arabia,yaqubOO10tc.umn.ecIuYARDLEY Donald H, Prot'(Retired) (CivilEnginaering), 2107 Fairways Ln, St Paul 55113,yardI0010Ic.umn.ecIuYARKE Cory A, Graduate School Trainee(Microbiology), Research Asst (Medicine) MMC108 Mayo, Del CodI8108, 1343 Maryland Ave, StPaul 55106, 651-260-6076, [email protected] Scott M, Adjunct Instructor (CourtInternational Bldg, Sle 229N) 2550 University AveW, St Paul 55114, 2550 Univeraily Ave W, St Paul55114, yarosOOl Otc.umn.eduYASMINEH Walid G, Assoc Prof (fletired) (LabMedicine/Pathology), 2735 Mackubin St Aptl0,Roseville 55113, yasmiOOl Otc.umn.eduYATES Gayle G, Prof Emerita (American Studies)104 Scott H, Del Code 3231 (624-5076),4105 •Vincent Ave So, MpIs 55410, 920-2501,!l'aha0010tc.umn.ecIuYATES Sarah E, Asst Ubrarian (Law Library)Room 120 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911(625-1898), [email protected] Jimmy, Food Service Worker (Collman DiningSarvices) G47 CMU, Del Code 1051 (625-2038),yauxx0010tc.umn.eduYAVUZ Rukiye I, Teaching Ass1 (StrategicMgmtiOrganlzation), Research Ass1 (StrategicMgmtlOrganization) 3-365 cartSMgmt, Del Code7041 (624--5232), Gmk Bulvari 77/17 Mattepe,Ankara 06570 Turkey, [email protected] Barbara, Adjunct Prof (OlmSlead Medicalgroup) 210 9th St SE, Rochester 55904(507-287-2758),626 19th St, Rochesler 55904,507-280-9217, [email protected] Gany E, Laboratory Animal Tech Spec(Research Animal Resources) MMC 69 Mayo, DelCode 8069, l-e25 PWB (624-6169; 626-7015),1507 Raymond Ave N, SI Paul 55108,651-646'5753, yazelOOl @tc.umn.eduYAZICIOGLU Hija, Asst Prof (Anesthesiology)MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 8294, B515 Mayo(629-9990), 5986 Pheasanl Drive, Shoreview55126,651-486-7075, yaziCOOl Otc.umn.edUYBURAN Eunice M, Ole Spec (SociologyDepartment) 909 Soc Sci Bldg, Del Code 7171 ,"(624-4300), [email protected] Songqing, Teaching Assl (Plant Biology Dept)250 Bioiogical Sciences Center, 1445 Gartner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6022 (624-1218), 1020,27th Ave Southeast, Apt B, Mpls 55414,378-0315,[email protected] Zhiguo, Taaching Asst (History) Room 614SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Dei Code7185,614 Social Science Building, 26719th AveS, Mpis 55155, 379-7980, yaxx00460tc.umn.eduYEAGER Steven M, Lecturer (Music) 100Ferguson Hall Del Code 7811, PO Box 16452, StPaul 55116, 61;1-698.7577, [email protected] Donald G, Plumber (Facilites Mgmt·Zone5-Easl Bank Dis) U50 Mech Eng Bldg, Del Coda3121 (625-3669), [email protected] Mark W, Asst Prof (Fam Praetica &Community Htth) MMC 381 Mayo, Del Code 6361,Room 5-255 PWB (624-2335), 4728 Colfax Ave S,Mpls 55419, 827-8201, [email protected] Cheri, Non Univ Stall, University 01Minnesota Mpls (651-582-8204), Universily 01Minnesota, Mpls 55455, yeck80040tc.umn.eduYECKEL Andrew J, SrResearch Asaoc (ChemicalEng & Mat Sci) 204 Amund H, Del Code 0531(626-9455),3414 31st Ave So, Mpls 55406,722.0379, yeckeOO3@tc,umn,eduYEE Douglas, Prof (Medicine; Pharmacology)MMO 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 5540 CCRB(626-8487; 624-8484),


VEE Joon Chong, PhD CandiQIlte Research Asst(Chem Engr & MatI Sci) 260 lIlundson Hall, DelCode 0531 (625-3051; 62~), 622 4th St SE,Apt 101, MpIs 55414, 651-2OlHl694,yeex00230tc.umn.eduVEH Stuarl S, Ass! Prof (Educational Policy andAdmin; Educalional PaychoIogy) Room 330 WuIIH,Oat Code 3345 (624-0285), 2030 Pinehurst'Avenue, St Paul 55116, 651·340-17",

YEHLEN Jarrett P, Ass! Program Dir (RecreationalSports) Rm 144, University Recreation Cante, DelCode 2061 (6211-7591), 3218 Washbum Ave N,Mpls 55412, 522-4126, yehIeOO20tc.umn.eduYEKKIRALA Ajay, Sr Labora\olyTechnician(Medicin81 Chemis1ry) 8-120 Weaver-DenstoroHall, Del Code 1332 (624·3190), 78 13th Ave SW,New Brighton 55112, 952-20(H;890 ,

YELENGI Nkasa T, Assoc Prof (UMD-HistOly) 207ABAH, Duluth (218·726-7569),nyelengiOd,umn.eduVELUJYOSUU Kiran S, Resean:h Asst(Computer SciencelEngineering) Room 4-192EElCSci, 200 Union St SE, MpIs 55455, Del Code0571,1112,8lI1 Street SE, Apt 4, MpIs 55414,968-5315, yeIIOO21 Otc.umn.eduYELLE Matthew C, Adjunct Assoc Prof (FamilyMedicinalComm Heallh; UMD Family Medicina) 4NW Deerwood Ave, Wadena 58482,yeI1eOO10tc.umn.eduYEMETS Sargiy V, Research Assoc (UMD NaturalRsrc Rsrch lnst) NRRI, 5013 MUter Trunk Hwy,Duluth 55811 (218-720-4294), 1732 E4th St,

. Duluth 55812YEN Shih-Pau, Deputy CIO (Aced and Distr CompSrvcs) 190 Shep Lab, Del Code om (624-8865), .

YENNIE Karen L, Instructor (HeaIthPartnels) 5625Cenex Drive, Inver Grove sson, 504 White BirchCt NW, Oronoco 55960, 507·289-1095,

YEO Saungsoo, Research Asst (EducationalPsychology), Graduate School Fellow (EducationalPsychology) 206 Burlon Hall, Oat Code 3171(624-6083), 425 Erie St SE, Mpls 55414,978-3231, yeoxxooaOtc.umn.eduYERASIMOU Theano, Teaching Spec (Curriculumand Instruction), Technical SUpplemental (ChildCare Canter) Room,125 PeikH, Oat Code 4301(626-8985), yeraOOOl Otc.umn.eduYERBY Erin D, Teaching Asst (CSCL) 408 FolwellHall, Del Code 0147 (624-2634),yerby0020tc.umn.eduYERICH An10n K, Asst Scientist (Department ofPediatrics) MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code 8366, 430CCRB (626-4321), yeriCOO10tc.umrt.eduYERUOGLU Enver, Medical Fellow (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195,yerliOOl Otc.umn.eduYESUF Tememesh, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Mgmt-Donhowe) Room 400 DonhoweB,31915th Ave SE, MpIs 55455,DeI Code 3121,1043 laFond Ave, Saint Paul 55104,651-487-4996, yesuIOOl Otc.umn.eduYEW Pen-Chung, Prof (Computer Science &Engineering) 4-192 E EIC S<;i, Del Code 0571(62~726: 625-7387), yewOtc.umn.eduYI Byeong-Uk, Assoc Prof (Philosophy) 719 HellerHall, Del Code 7057 (626-1710),yixxx0170tc.umn.eduYILDIZ OIcay T, Post-Doctoral Assoc(ElecfricallComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, Stonearch Apartmenls, 601 MainStreet SE, Apt 231, Mpls 55414,yildiOOSOtc.umn.eduYIM Dong-Sun, TeachingAsst(Speech-lang-Hearing Sci, Dept) Room 115ShevH, 164 PiHsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455, Oat Code4401 (625-9326), 625-9326,yimxOOI70tc.umn.eduYIMBO William 0, Teaching Asst(JoumallsmlMass Comm, Sch 01), GraduateSchool Fellow (JoumalismJMass Comm, Sch of)School of Journalism, Room 111 MurH; 206Church St SE, MplS 55455, Del Code 0371, 11410Kerry St NW, Coon Rapids 55433, 763-323-0272,yimbOOO101l:.umn.eduYIN Bin, Research Assoc (Molecular &CellularBiology Bldg) Room 5-224; 854 ceRe (MaU), DelCode 1217 (626-6971), 5797 Prairie Ridge Drive Po Box, Shoreview 55126, binxx00201l:.umn.eduYIN K Karen, Prof (BiG-Based Products) 322CKauIL, Del Code 6130 (624-1761; 625-5200), '

Y1NG Lu, PhD Candidete Research Asst(Chemistry) Room 139 SmithH, 207 Pleasant StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3661,yingOOI40tc.umn.eduYINGCHUN<Zhang, Post-Doctoral Assoc (7-t 05BSBE) 312 Church St SE, 1191, Mpls 55455,11296th St SE Ap1202, Mpis 55414, 423-6006,zhang3200tc.umn.eduYUNIEMI Willard R, Extension Educator/Asst Prof(UM Extension Hubbard Cnty~ 201 Fair Ave, ParkRapids 56470-1483 (218-732-3391), 45125Schoolhouse Rd, Osage 56570, 218-573-3525,yiiniOO30tc.umn.eduYOAKAM John R, LeCturer (Social Work Dept)College of St Benedict, 37 S College Ave, StJoseph 56374 (62H826), 400 Groveland AveApt413, Mpis 55403, 872-1n8,yoekaool0tc.umn.eduYOCCA Kevin R, Research Ass! (Chem Eng &Material Science) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (626-2021), yoccaool Otc.umn.eduYOCHEM John J, Research Assoc (Genetics, CellBiologylDav) 4-212MoICelIBio, Del Code 1217(625-3730); ,150 Orlin Ave SE, Ap12, Mpis 55414,362-D866, yoch9001 Otc.umn.eduYOCHIM Paul 0, Asst Prof (Anesthesiology) MMC294 Mayo, Del Code 8294, 3884 Fairway Dr,Woodbury 55125, yochi0020tc.umn.eduYODER Andrea R, Jr Scientist (Room 770) MMC806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, CCRB, 404 CreekwoodClr N, Champlin 55316, 763-565-1206,yoder0130tc.umri.eduYOHO Carole B, Assoc Prof (Retired) (AppliedEcon) 231 Cia Off, Del Code 6040 (625-1941),10357 Manning Ave No, Stillwater 55082,651-439-7898, yohoxDOl Oll:.umn.eduYOKOTA Kiyoko, Teaching Asst (EcologyEvolution and Behavior) 407 Ecology, Del ,Code6098 (624-6297), yokoOO260tc.umn.eduYOKOYAMA PHD Yumi, Research Assoc(Pharmacology), Post-Doctoral Fellow (VeterinaryPopulation Medicine) 3-258 BSandBE, Del Code1213 (624-1461), yokoyOO30tc.umn.eduY~A Emmanuel, Visiting Asst Prof (Institute forMathematics & its App) 400 Und Hall, 207 ChurchStreet SE, Mpls 55455,1619 Cerl Street, Apl10,lauderdale 55108, yomba0020tc.umn.eduYON Tamara L, Lacturer (UMC-Business andTechnology) 115 Dow H, Crookston 56716(218-281-8176),511 5th Ave NE, Crookston56716,218-281-1269, tyonOmaiI.Crk.umn.eduYONAS Albert, Prof (Child Development, Inst 01),Adjunct Prof (Psychorogy) 160 Ch Dev, Del Code4011 (624-6805),500 East Grant Street, Apt 2110,Mpls 55404, [email protected] Alexander, Asst Prof (School ofMathematics) 127 Vincent Hall, Oat Code no 0412,Mpls (625-0172), ayongOtc.umn.eduYOO Eunhye, Teaching Asst (SociOlogy) Room .909 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7171, yooxD0580tc.umn.eduYOO Jin Soung, Research Asst (ComputerSciencelEngineering) Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Oat Code 0571, 1287Fifield Place, St Paul 55108, 65Hl44-3854,yooxOO460tc.umn.eduYOOK Se-Jin, Research Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691 (624-0282), 1400Second Street South Apt C405, Mpls 55454,yookOOO20tc.umn.eduYOON Chul-ho, Research Assoc (Neuroscienca)Rm 6-145 JacH, t216, 321 Church St S, Mpls55455, yoonx0780tc.umn.eduYOON Euisik, Assoc Prof (EIecfricaVComputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572,13235-E 58th Ave N, Plymouth 55442,763-559-0386, yoonOtc.umn.eduYOON Henry H, Teaching Asst (Psychology)N-218 ERH, 75 East River Road, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3281, 20 2nd Street NE Apt 1106, Mpls55413, y00n00550tc.umn.eduYOON PHD Jiyoon, Asst Prof (UMD Education),Adjunct Asst Prof (UMD Continuing Education) 120MonH, 1211 Oldean Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-7233), jiyoonOd.umn.eduYOON MD John S, Instructor (UMD Medicine,School 01) Room 113 Med, 0599, 10 University Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7916), 109 N 28th St,Superior WI 54880, 715-394-4339,jyoonOd.umn.eduYOON Joong-Ku, Adjunct Asst Prof (PreventiveSciences - GPR) Room 7-321 PWB, Del Code1291 (626-4000), Apt 2005, 2150ak Grove St,Mpls 55403,

YOON Junghae, Research Fellow (Small AnimalClinical Science) C-339 VMC, 1365 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6192, 3209 DiamonctEight Terrace Apl10 1, St Anthony 55421,789-0245, yoonx0300tc.umn.eduYOON Sang-Seok, Teaching Spec (ALL) 432 BFolwell Hall, Del Code 0144{626-D378; 625-6534),1609 Pleasant Apt 111, Lauderdale 55108;651-497-4031, yoonx0480tc.umn.eduYOON Yeo-Sung, Adjunct Prof (Veterinary andBiomedical Sciencaa) Room 212 AnScWet Mad,Del Code 6187, yoonxOnOtc.umn.eduYOON Young G, Research Assoc (Neurology)MMC 206 Mayo, Del Code 8206; 12-100 PWB(626-6516),6835 Pine Crest Trail South, CottageGrove 55016, 651-645-4910,yoonx0150tc.umn.eduYOOS Jennifer A, Adjunct Asst Prof (Departmentof Arch~ecture) 106 Nicholson Hall, Del Code 3901(624-7016), yoosxool0tc.umn.eduYOREK Steff, OIc Spec (Surgery) MMC 220 Mayo,Del Code 8220 (625-4937), 823-2841,yorekOOl 'YORK PHD Darrin M, Assoc Prof (Chemistry)Chemistry Dept, Del Code 3661 (624-8042), 4605Ewing Ave N, Robbinsdale 55422,yorkx0090tc.umn.eduYORK John T, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chemistry) Room 139 Smithtl, 207 PIe8sant StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3661, 373 Old Highway8, Apartment Apt 102, New Brighton 55112,307-742-8539, yorloc01601l:.umn.eduYORK-IlARR Jennifer, Assoc Prof (EducationalPolicy & Administration) 330Wull H, Del Code3345 (625-6387; 624-1(06), yorkxOOl Otc.umn.eduYOSHIDA Ken, Research Asst (Kinesiology) Room5A Cooke Hall, Del Code 2061 (624-1025), Iyoshi0280tc.umn.eduYOSHIDA Shigenobu, Research Assoc(Department of Plant Pathology) 495 Borlaug Hall,Del 90de 6030, 3209 Diamond Eight Terraca,Suite 303, St Anthony 55421,

. yoshi0130tc.umn.eduYOSHIDA Tomohide, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Chemistry) KoRH 90, 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpis55455,409 University Ave SE, MpiS 55414,yoshi0290tc.umn.eduYOSIEF Mulugeta, Building and Grounds Worker(Facilities Management) MMC 59 Mayo, Del Code8059, 1630 6th Street Apt D303, Mpls 55454,332-6761, yosia0030tc.umn.eduYOSIEF Yemane, DBA An8Iyst (Boyn HS) W30 ­MIS Department, Del Code 1171 (625-2420),yosi9001 Otc.umn.eduYOST Jeffrey R, Assoc Department Dir (CharlesBabbege Institute) Rm 211 AnderLib, Del Code7921 (624·5050), 1069 Hubbard Ave, St Paul

,55104·1508, 721-n52, yostx0030tc.umn.eduYOU Di, Research Ass! (EdPsych) 206 BurtonHall, Del Code 3171, l046F, 27th Ave, SE, MpIs55414, youx0021 Otc.umn.eduYOU Ungfeng, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Chemistry)407 SmithH, Oat Code 3661(625-3020), 808 BerTySt, Apt 109, Mpls 55114, 412-31lH931,ycAJxx021 @tc.umn.eduYOU Zhicheng, Teaching Asst (Phyeics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mple 55455, Del Code 0331, Apt 511, 900Washington Ave SE, Mpls 55414,youxx0090tc.umn.eWYOUMANS William L, Adjunct Prof(Cemden-Emerson Physicians) 1206 42nd Ave N,lApis 55412, youmaDOl Oll:.umn.eduYOUN Moon Yean, Research Asst (Food Scienceand Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Eckles Ave,St Pau/55108, Del Code 6099,1034 271h AvenueSE Apt F, Minneapolis 55414, 331-5451,younxOOBOtc.umn.eduYOUNG Diane C, Sr DaveIopment Oler (UniversityFoundetion) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (624-8819),2147 Hoyt Ave W, St Paul55108,651-645-4590, young0540tc.umti.eduYOUNG Eva C, Info Tech Prof (University PolicyDaveIopment) Rm 878F, Del Code 7529(624-4372),1308 BoanlwaIkAve, Mpls 55411,588-2044, young041 Otc.umn.eduYOUNG Franz S, Teaching Asst (History) Room614 SocSci, 2871llth Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7165, 1270 W Larpenteur Ave Apt317, StPaul 55113, young6250tc.umn.eduYOUNG Jane M, Dental Asst (Ctinical SystemsDentistry) 9-176 Moos Tower, ·Del Code 1291(626-4000), youngOl1


YOUNG Janios, Sr Ole Spec (Humphrey Ins! ofPublic Affair) Room j 30 HHHClt', Del Code 7451(826-0347), young1050tc.umn.eduYOUNG Jeasica B, Pnn Administrative Spec(Pediatric Rheumatology) MMC 817 Mayo, DelCodt 8817,13-158 PhlIIlpsWa~ IlIdg,

YOUNG Karen N, Sr Ole Supv (ClinicalSystems-Faculty PnIctice) 7-300 PWB, Del Code1291 (~3189),

YOUNG Kari, Sr CashlerlFood Aide (UMDFoodIVendingSarvicesj 245 KPlz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr,Du!uth 55812 (218-726-7698), 5367 StarkRd, Proctor 55810, 218-628-1113,milllOO10d.umn.eWYOUNG Laura M, Sr Administrative Spec (UMDKirby Stu CtrlStu AcIvs) 115 KSC, 0208, 1120Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-7169), 1718 E 8lI1St, Duluth 55812, 2180-724-0367,!youngOd.umn.eduYOUNG Unde L, Exec Administrative Spec (HeallhSeIVices RschIPoIlcy) Dinnaken Building, Suite120, Del Code 2131 (624-9635: 624-9635),young0960tc:umn.eduYOUNG Lynde J, Assoc Prof (Primary DentalCare; Dental Education, Continuing) Room 6-406Moos T, Del Code 1291 (625-5499), 1285 GrottoSt N, SI Paul 55117, 651-481·1658,youngOO20tc.umn.eduYOUNG Mary L, Assoc Prof (Retirad)(EduclHuman Dev, College 01), 1920 Fairway Dr,Mpls 55421, youngl)990tc.umn.eduYOUNG Marra L, Lecturer (School of Social Work)Rm 105 PetarsH, Del Code 6181 (625-1220;253-5223), youngl390tc.umn.eduYOUNG Nevin D, Prof (Plant Palhology) 320CargillB: Room 495 BotH, Del Code 6030(625-2225),2147 W Hoyt Ave, Falcon Heighls55108,651-645-4590, nevinyOtc.umn.eduYOUNG Nicole, Non Univ Staff (SponsoredProjec1s Admin) 450 Gateway Mpls,young1200tc.umn.eduYOUNG Pamela J, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 Peterstl, 1404 Gartner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6161,young7220tc.umn.eduYOUNG Patricia A, Instructor (UMD English) 328KpIz, 1208 Kirby Dr,Duluth 55812 (218-726-8437),payoungOd.umn.eduYOUNG Rilea M, Exec Administrative Spec(Minnesota Mildical Foundation) 300 McNamaraAlumni Center, Del Code 2012 (B26-2251),young1950tc.umn.eduYOUNG Rob, Grabte School Fellow (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpis 55455, Del COde 0691,1108 Pomona,Ann Arbor M148103, 607-339-9031,young6870tc.umn.eduYOUNG Sarah E, Program Assoc (LeamingAbroad Center) 230 Heller Hall, Del Code 7457(626-9000), young1240tc.umn.eduYOUNG Sue M, Pm Accountant (MENDAdministrative Center-Accling) MMC 194 Mayo,Del Code 81,94, D653 Mayo (626-0927),young0060tt:.umn.eduYOUNGBLOOD Ruth"Lab Animal Techni~Spec (Veterinary Teaching Hospital) 365 VetTeaching Hospital; Del Code 6194 (625-1924),3313 LyndaJe Ave North, MpIS 55412, 529-9455,young1550tc.umn.eduYQUNGER Judith T, Prof (law Sch (nslr-Faculty)322 Mondala Hall, Del COde 7911 (625-5844),3520 Celhoun Pkwy W, Mpls 55416,youngOO10tc.umn.eduYOUNGERMAN Salah E, Assoc Dir (Aced HIlh CtrPublic Relations) MMC 735 Mayo, Del Code 8735(624-4804; 624-5100), syoungerOtc.umn.eduYOUNG-ISEBRANO Elisabeth, CommunityProgramSpec (Foras! Resources) Room 115GreenH, 1530 Cleveland Ave N, St Paul 55108,Del Code 6112, 3829 Longfellow Ave, Mpls 55407,youngl4' .

YOUNG JR JR VlCIor G, Sr Research Assoc(Chemistry), Lecturer (Chemistry) 160 Kol1 H, OatCode 3661 (625-68971, 2014 Edgewater, ArdenHills 55112, 651-639-a265, young0640tc.umn.eduYOUNGQUIST IlernaJll E, Prof Erner (NWResearchlOutreach Centerl, 1666 CoffmanApt118, St Paul 55t08, y0ung0780tc.umn.eduYOUNGREN Nancy M, Nursing Professional(Pediatrics) MMC 484 Mayo, Del Code 8484, Bx484 May\> (626-2778), 13522 Lower Elkwood Ct,Apple Valley 55124, 952-423-1598,


YOUNGREN Orlan M, Scientist (Animel SCience,Dept ofj, Asst SCientist (Animal SCience, Dept of)462 An SCWet Med, Del Code 6014 (624-2775),804 O~ve Street W, S~lIweter 55082-5633,651439-7248,

. YOUNGS Julie K, Adjunct Ass! Prof (PaynesvilleArea Hlth Care Sys)200 1st St W, Paynesville56362, 16923~rd Ave, Paynesville 56362,young0770tc.umn.eduYOUNG-W1LUAIIS Lori L, Prio Accounts Spec(Disabilily Services) 230 MeNamaraC1r, Del Code2017 (626-1872), [email protected]:eduYOUNIE Kathryn B, Prin Administrative Spec(Biosystems & Agricultural Eng) 213 Bio Ag Eng,Del Code 6005 (625-7733), [email protected]< Judith A, Teaching Spec (CCE College inthe SChools) Room 202 WesH, Del Code 3831,3115 Navajo Ave, Watertown 55388,952-,955-2552, younkOOl Otc.umn.eduYOURCHUCK Terrance L, Farm Animal Attendant(Rosemount Experiment Station) 1605160lh StreetW, Rosemount 55068-6099 (651423-1252),15355Akron Ave, Rosemount 55068-6031,651-423-2302, yourcOO10tc.umn.eduYOUSAFZAI Qaisar, Info Tech Prof (ChildDevelopment) 419 Elliott Hall, Del Code 4011(625-1351)YOUSSEF Riad E, Adjunct Ass! Prof(DiagnosticJSurg' Oral Surgery) 7-174 MoosTower, Del Code 1291 (624-9959),[email protected] Nassil A, Asst Prof (Retired) (LibraryCollection Dev & Mgmt) 170B 0 M W L, Del Code7111 (625-1077), American Universily, AUC,Library, PO Box 2511,11511 CairoEgypt,546-4656, [email protected] Earl, Lecturer (SChool of Music) Room100 FergH, 2106 4th St S, Mpls 55455, Del Code7811,1652 Beechwood Ave, St Paul 55116,651-690-0983, [email protected] Abadir Po. Building and Gl\lunds WOrl<er(Centennial Dining Services) B96 CanH, Del Code3233,1384 St Paul Ave Aptl0, St Paul 55116,65Hi09-0589, [email protected] James E, Dir (Reading Research,Ctr for), Prof (Educational Psychology) 350 ElliotHall, Del Code 3281 (624-4014),2337 LehmanLane, Blaine 55449, 763-792-9849,[email protected] Benjamin L, Facilities Manager(Facilities Management--West Benk Di) 57 HellerHall, Del Code 3121 (625-6601),[email protected] Chuanxin, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Veterinary andBiomedical SCiences) 205 Vet SCi, 1971Commonwealth Ave, St Paul 55108,[email protected]

YU Dan, Research Ass! (ElectricaVComputer Engr)Room 4-174 EElCSCi, Del Code 0572 (626-8038),1000 8th St SE Apt " Mpls 55414, 379-3229,[email protected] Deyue, Teaching Ass! (Psychology), ResearchAsst (Psychology) Psychology, N-218 EItH, 75 EastRiver Road, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3281,[email protected]

YU Dingman, Teaching Spec (College in theSChools) 107E Armory, Del Code 0895,1214 PikeLake Dr, St Peul 55112, yuXX00630tc.umn.eduYU Fei, Research Ass! (BiosystemsiAgricutluralEngr) Room 310 BioAgEng, Del Code 6005(625-4706; 625-8218), 1265 Gibbs Ave, St Paul55108,651-917-2939, yuxxx0690tc.umn.eduYU Frank, Sr Lecturer (Finance) 3·271 CarlSMgmt,Del Code 7041 (6~995; 624-2888),[email protected]

YU Guo-Yun, Research Assoc (Neurology) MMC295 Mayo, Del Code 8295, 611 Diehl Hall(624-1462), gyyOtc.umn.eduYU Haoyu, Info Tech Prof (SupercomputingInstitute) Room 599 WaLib, Del Code 3721, 6150Quinwood Lane N Apt 5212, PlymOuth 55442,[email protected] Hua, Into Tech prof (Coord C1r for BiometricRsrch) Room 200 UOffPI, Del Code 2702,651-784-3912, [email protected] Ivy, Ass! Scientist (Vet Pathobiology) Room295 AnSciNM, 1988 Fitch Ave, St Paul 55108, DelCode 6010, 1725113th Ln NE, Blaine 55449,651-793-7112, [email protected] Jisun, Research Ass! (Strategic'MgmVOrgenization), Teaching Asst (StrategicMgmtiOrganization) Strategic MgmtiOrganization, '3-365 CarlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7041 (625-7575), 1609 Pleasant Street,Apt 3", Lauderdale 55108,651-647-0365,

YU Mimi, Prof (Cancer Canter; Miedicine) lAMe806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, (625-8018), ' ,

YU Nanxiong, Research Fellow (Cancer Center)MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 760 CencerCenter Research Bldg (625-5162),[email protected]

YU Shiyong, Post-Doctoral Assoc (UMP LargeLakes Observatory) 214 RLB, 2205 E 5th St,Duluth 55812 (218-726-6055), sYuOd.umn.eduYU Tzy-Chyi, Research Asst (MinnesotaPopulation Ctr) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code 8729,Room 50 WilleyH, [email protected]

YU Xiaoyun, ViSiting Ass! Prof (Finance) 3-259CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-8305; 624-2888),yuxxOO55@tc, '

YU Xinhua, Research Assoc (Health ServicesRsch/Policy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del, Code 8729,MMC 97 Mayo (624-1411),

YU Xun, Research Asst (Mechanical Engineering),Teaching Asst (Mechanical Engineering)Mechanical Engineering, Room 1101 MechE, 111Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691(625-3579; 624-8220), 1175 Fifield Ave, Apt N4, StPaul 55108,

YU Yanlln, Into Tech Prof (UMD Into TechSystems/Services) 148 MWAH, 0182, 1023University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6450),[email protected]

YU Yimin, Researcn Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, [email protected]

YU Yingqun, Research Asst (ElectricaVComputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, 200 Union SI SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0572 (625-7542), 2049Knapp Ave, AptW3, St Paul 55108, 651-64Hl477,[email protected]

YU Y~nggang, Research Asst (Ch8\llistry) Room139 SmIthH, 207 Pleasant SI SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3661,1010 Essex StSE, Apt 301, Mpls55414, [email protected]

YU Zhenhua, Teaching Ass! (Finance) 3-122CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-2888),

YUAN Ching, Ass! Prof (Ophthalmology) MMC 493Mayo, Del Code 8493, MMC 493 (625-0875),

YUAN Han, Graduate SChool Fellow (BiomedicalEngineering) Room 7-105 NHH, 312 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191, 808 13th Ave SE Apt2, Mpls 55414, 868-826-3266, ,

YUAN Huina, Greduate SChool Fellow (CivilEngineering) Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851, Institute Of River andCoastal Eng, Depertment Of HydraulicEngineering, Tsinghua Universily, Beijing 100084China, 86-0-86, yuanX0390tc.umn.eduYUAN Jia, Teaching Asst (Economics) Room 1035HelierH, 271 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455:DeI Code7052, yuanx031

YUAN Jian-Min, Assoc Prof (Epidemiology; CancerCenter) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525(624-1818),2849 Lexinglcn Ave North AptF,Roseville 55113, 626-445-0750,

YUAN lilian, Ass! Prof (Neuroscience) Rm 6-145JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, Del Code1216,2166 Niles Ave, St Paul 55116,651-699-2341, [email protected],edu

YUAN Na, Teaching Ass! (Biostatistics), ResearchAsst (Biostatistics) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code8303, MMC 303 Mayo (624-5047),yuanx0300tc.umn.eduYUAN XiaoN, Research Ass! (Chemistry) 101Sm~hH, Del Code 0571 (625-0365),yuanOO150tc.umn.eduYUAN Yingli, Teaching Ass! (College of Pharmacy)Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 1332, 2008 Knapp Ave, St Paul55108,

YUE Christopher H, Dental Fellow (Developmental& Surg SCi-Pede) Room 6-150 MoosT, Del Code1291 (624-1965), 10746 - 71st Avenue, EdmontonAB T6EOX6Canada, [email protected]

YUE Mary J, Teaching Spec (Lab Medicine &Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code 8609, Bx609 Meyo, 6812 Gleason Ad, Edina 55439,952-829-0862, [email protected],edu

YUE Tianwen, Post-DoCtoral Assoc (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195,1379 Rice CneekTrail CT, Shoreview 55126, 651-784-3763,[email protected]

YUEN David A, Prof (Geology & Geophysics) 284S C C, Del Code 0211 (624-9801),yuenxOOl

YUFFA Alex J, Teaching Ass! (SChool ofMathematics) Room 1l!7 VinH, 206 Church SI SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0412, 150111th AvenueSouth, Mpls 55404, yutlaOOl

YUKI Kiwamu, Research Spec (College ofPharmacy) 9-125 WDH, Del Code 1332(624-7968),20 2nd Street NE Ap1609, Mpls 55413,623-3088, yukixOOl

YULO Tony, Prin Administrative Spec (AerospaceStudies (AF ROTC)) 3 Armory, Del Code 0891(624-3385), 6210 Newton Ave S, Richfleld 55423,869-5523, yuloxOOl

YUN Gong H, Ass! Scientist (Medicine HematologyOffice) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Code 8480, 670CCRB (626-4217), 2826 S Pleasant Ave Ap12,Mpls 55408,379-1480, yunxOOll

YUNGERS Bertlara, Student Support ServicasAss! (Office of the Registrar-CotH) Room 130CotH, Del Code 6054 (625-9745; 624·3731),b-schul0tc.umn,edu

YUNlS Norman G, AdjUnct Ass! Prof (Medicina),Adjunct Assoc Prof (Family MedicineiCommHeallh) Riverside East, Pulmonary, 2450 Riverside,Mpls 55454,

YUNUS Irwan, Non Univ Stafl (Student ActivitiesOffice) 98417th Ave SE Mpls, 984 17th Ave SE,Mpls 55414, yunusOOl

YUNUS Mohammad, TeachingAsst(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 621 5th Ave SE, Apt 26, Mpls55414, yunus0020tc,

YUSSEN Steve, Dean (EduclHuman Dev, Collegeofj, Prof (Child Development, Inst ofj 104 BuH, DelCode 3171 (625-6806), [email protected]

YUST Becky L, Head (Design, Housing/Apparel),Prof (Design, Housing/Apparel) 240 MeN H, DelCode 6136 (624-7461), 256 Goodrich Avenue,Saint Paul 55102, 651-228-9377,

YUST Chuck, Into Tech Prof (ArchlLandscapeArch) Room 67 RapsonH, Del Code 0811(624-3388),651-224-2493,

YUSUF Ahmed I, Communily Program Assoc(AHC-CUHCC), Del Code 7851 (638:.0700),[email protected]

YUSUF Renja J, Sr Editor (Universily Relations) 3MorH, Del Code 0265 (624-9552),yusufOOl

YUT lIiya, Research Asst (CivilEngineering) Room122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, DelCode 0851, 1401 6th St SE Apl209, Mpls 55414,

VZAGUIRRE Margaret M, Human ResourcesConsullant (Liberal Arts, Conege Of-Adm) 212 JohH, Del Code 3774 (626-9352), [email protected]

zZABINSKI Christopher I, Cook (Cot1man DiningServices) G47 CMU, Del Code 1051 (625-3420),2309 Quincy St NE, Mpls 55418, 788-1450,

ZABROCKI Hany F, Asst To lUMD-Business Ofc)2050 Ad B, Duluth (218-726-8294), 3523Woodland Avenue, Duluth 55803, 218-728-2449,[email protected]

ZACCAGNINI Mary E, Instructor (Pharmacy,College ofj, Teaching Spec (Nursing, SChool ofj4·151 WDH, Del Code 1331 (626-0402),

ZACCHI Lucia F, Research Ass! (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196 (624-7994), 2089Carter Ave, Seint Paul 55108, 651-645-5234,zaoch0020tc.umn.edLlZACHARIAH Michael R, Prof (MechanicalEngineering) Room 3101-0, Del Code 0691(626-9081),

ZACHARIAS Christopher L, Adjunct Asst Prof(Operative Dentistry) Room 8-450 MoosT, DelCode 1291, [email protected]

ZACK Shirley A, Assoc Prof (Retired) (LibAdministrative Services), 1758 James Ave, St Paul55105·2113, zackxOO10tc.umn.eduZACKERY Robert T, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial Worl<) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gertner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6'll', 538 HawthomeWoods Dr, Eagan 55123, 651-452-8262,zackeDOl

ZADRA Cat, Non Univ Staff(DevelopmenteVSurgical SCience) 7-174 MoosTower Mpls, zadreDOl

ZAGAR Monika, Assoc Prof (German,Scandinavian & Dutch) 231 Fol H, Del Code 0143(624-4467), zagerOOl

ZAGER Timothy, Ass! Prof (Duluth Clinic) 400 E3rd St, Duluth 55805, [email protected]

ZAGRABELNY Matthew P, Info Tech Prof (UMDInto Tech Systems/Services) 173 MWAH, 0182"1023 Universily Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-8844),123 Mpls Ave, Duluth 55803, 218-724-4529,[email protected]

ZAGRZEBSKI James F, Ass! Prof (Naval SCience)203 Armory Building, Del Code 0893 (625-1567),'235 Court St N, Prescott WI 54021-1511,715-262-8706, zagrzOOl

ZAHAREAS Anthony N, Prof (Retired) (SpaniSh &Portuguese) 19 Fol H, Del Code 0133 (625-1539),1920 1sl St S Apt604, Mpls 55454, 339-7228,zaharOOl

ZAHEER S Akbar, Prof (StrategicMgmVOrganization; Executive Development Ctr;Intemetional Program Dev) 3-420 CarlSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (626-8389), [email protected]

ZAHEER Sri, Chair (Strategic MgmtlOrgenlzation),Prof (Strategic MgmVOrganization; InternationalProgram Dev) 3-426 CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041(624-5590), zaheeOOl

ZAHL Mart-Anne, Research Assoc (SChool ofSOcial Work) Rm 77 Peters Hell, Del Code 6161(625-8129), [email protected]

ZAHLiER ClaCa T, Teaching Spec (Music) 200Ferguson Hall, Del Code 7811 (626-1882),651-457-4237,

ZAHLER Noel B, Dir (Music), Prof (Music) 200Ferguson Hall, Del Code 7811 (626-1882),651-457-4237, [email protected]

ZAKRA Shaker A, Chair (StrategicMgmVOrganizatiOn), Prof (StrategicMgmtlOrganization) 3-365 ClIrlSMgmt, Del Code7041 (626-8623), zahraOO4Cf'

ZAHS Kathleen R, Assoc Prof (Physiology), SrResearch Assoc (Physiology) 3-136 Jac H, DelCode 1215 (826-4884), zahsxOOl

ZAIDI Mahmood A, Prof (Industrial Relations C1r;Intemational Program Dev), Program Dir(International Program Dev) 3-265 CerlSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (625-0578),528 No Miss River Bivd, SIPaul 55104, 651-647-9896,

ZAIMONT Judith L, Prof Emerita (Music, SCh Of)100 Ferg H, Del Code 7811 (624-7329),6845 SellyLane, Edina 55439,

ZAINI M Ron, Asst Prof (Rediology Department)MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code 8292, MMC 292 Mayo,715-344-9003, [email protected]

ZAJAC Robert J, Research Spec (Pediatrics) MMC391 Mayo, Del Code 8391, 13-107 PhillipsWangensteen Bldg, 1729 Pari< Point Rd, waconia55387-1540,952-442-3231, zajacOOl

ZAK Deborah M, District Dir (UM ExtensionNorthwest Dist Ole) 262 0, 2900 University Ave,Crookston 56716-5001 (218-281-8684),1036713200 Ave SE, St Hilaire 56754-9783,218-964-5787,

ZAK John C, Editor (UMC University Relations)120 K, CrookSton 56716 (218-281-8394),10367132nd Ave SE, Seint Hilaire 56754-9783,218-964-5787,

ZAK Robert J, Environmntl HealthandSefely Spec(Networking & Telecom Srvs), Del Code 2171(626-8056),

ZAKHAROVA Lena, Teeching Ass! (Finance);Research Ass! (Finance) Finance, 3-122CerlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7041, zakha0020tc.umn.eduZAKRZEWSKI Je,ssica J, Jr Scientist (Business &Comm Econ Dev) 110 MorH, Del Code 0261(624-1193),

ZAKULA Michael, Adjunct~ Prof (PrimaryDental Cere-Hibbing) Hibbing Communily College,Del Code 1291 (218-263-2916),333 Highland Dr,Hibbing 55746, 218-263-9140,

ZALK David C, Teaching Spec (The Blake SChool)511 Kenwood Parl<way, Mpls 55403, 601 MeadowLane South, MpIs 55416, 763-374-21~,zalkxOOl

ZALLAPS Todd A, Prin Administrative Spec (LabMedlPathoiogy Department) MMC 609 Mayo,8609,420 Delaware, Mpls 55455,19139 StaplesSt, East Bethel 55011,


ZALOUDEK Julie A, Research Asst (Family SocialScience) 190 McNeal Hall, Del Code 6140, N 2615Boot lake Rd, Sarona WI 54870, 'jzaloudeOtc.ullln.eduZAIIANIAN Maryam, MedIcal Fellow lMedicinePulmonery 0IIice) MMC 276 Mayo, Del Code8276,350 VCRC, 3820 Grand WBY Apt 417, StlouIs Park 55416, 410-252-2490,zamaoo140tc,umn.eduZAMARRIPA Gloria J, BuIlding and GroundsWorker (Fecifities Mgmt-Administration) MMC 59Mayo, Del Code 8059, Bx 59 Meyo (624-6364),zamarOOl Otc.umn.eduZAMBONI Brian 0, Asst Prof (FamilyMedk:inelComm Health), PsychologIst (FamilyMedk:inelComm Health), Lecturer (Psychology)Human Saxuality Program, Room 180 WBOB,1300 S 2nd St. Mpis 55454, Del Code 7521,870-7662, zamboOOl Otc.umn.eduZAMOON JamHlah, Post-Doctoral Aseoc(Biochemistry) Rm 8-155 JacH, 321 Church St S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1214, 139 Smith Hall, 207Pleasam Street SE, Mpls 55455, 651-235-9124,

. zamoOO230tc.umn.eduZAMORA D"oomides S, Extension Educator/AsstProf (UM Extension Regl Ctr Brairi8ld) 708 MapleS~ BraInerd 56041-3631 (218-628-2273),708Maple St~ BraInerd 56401, 850-206-2275,zamor0150tc.umn.eduZAMPIERI Cristiane, PhD Candidate ResearchAsst (Physical MedlRehabilnation), GraduateSchool Fellow (Physical MediRahabiln&tion) MMC388 Mayo, Del Code 8388, 1000 8th St SE, Apt106, Mpls 55414, 331-4266, Anlhony M, Wab Developer(Academic & Distribuled Comp SVCS) 190ShepLabs, Del Code 0771 (624-2059), 797Cottage Ave W, St Paul 55117, 651-1144-3401, .ZAMZOW Joel A, Adjunct Asst Prof (OrthopaedicAseoc of DUlulh) 1000 E 1st St, Duluth 55805

ZANDLO Amanda M'frin Laboratory Technician(Veterinary Pathobiology) 332 VSci, Del Code 6184(625-7053),23723 Roanoke St, Saint Francis55070, 651-771-8114, pehlool1 Otc.umn.eduZANDLO James A, Research Aseoc (Soil, Water,and Climate) 5315 Soils Building, Del Code 6028(651-298-4214), jzandioOtc.umn.eduZANG Ming, Research Aseoc (174 AHPCRC), DelCode 0691 (626-7212), zangxOO20tc.umn.eduZANICK Devid C, Adjunct Ass! Prof (HealthSystem MN AirpQrl Clinic) Occupational Medicine,m5 26th Ave S, Mpls 55450, 1502 MeearthyOrad, Eegan 55121, zaniCOOl 0Ic.umn.eduZANKO Carolyn N, Asst To (Busn & Econ-UMD)104 SB E, Duluth (218-726-7262),czankoOd.umn.eduZANKO Lawrence M, Research Fellow(UMD-NRRI-Cartd/Minerals) 207 N RR I, 5013MIller Trunk Hwy, Duluth 55811 (218-720-4274),1360Wesl KnOe River Rd, Two Harbors 55616,218-525-4892,lzankoOd.umn.eduZANMIUER Joe, Computer Operations Supv(CCO-Cantral Computing Operations) 660 W B 0B, Del Code 7531 (624-7852), jpzOtc.umn.eduZAHNER Wdliam, Ass! Prof (Soil, Water & Climate)570 BorJaug Hall, Del Code 6028 (624-7784), 1203Idaho Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-488-7096,zann00010tc.umn.eduZANTER JenMer L, Community Program Aseoc(Medk:ine) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code 8508(626-6966), zanIOOO20tc.umn.eduZAPP Kenneth M, Lecturer (Canson School ofMgmt) 3-122 CanSM~ Del Code 7041(624-2888; 625-1252), zappXOO30tc.umn.eduZAPZALKA Candace A, Exec Asst (Ag, Fd & EnvSci Student Affairs) 277 Coffey Hall, Del Code6074 (624-4212), zapzaool0tc.umn.eduZARAGOZA AJoida M, Community Program Assoc(G C-Upward Bound) 80C Ap H, Del Coda 3501(625-3099), zaragOO30tc.umn.eduZARAGOZA Merk L, BuIldIng and Grounds Worker(FacHnies Mgmt Zone - 5 - East Ban) Room 300Donhowe Bldg, 319 15th Ave'SE, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3121, 636 Ontareo St SE, Mpls 55414,

• 623-9242, zarsg0080tc.umn.eduZARAMBO Susan A, Administrative Professional(MN Alumni Association) Room 200 McNamaraCtr, Del Coda 2009 (625-9180),zaram0060tc.umn.eduZARAMEUA Mettia, VisIting Instructor (ISSS,UnIversity 01 Minnesota) 190 Humphrey Clr, DelCode 4691, Via Delle Melette 16, P&dova 35138Italy,

ZARE Hossein, Teaching Ass!(Electrical/Computer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Coda 0572, hosseinOtc.umri.eduZARGARAN Baheshteh, Jr Scientist (201 StakmanHall) 1519 Gortner Ave, Del f:ode 6030,8758Cottonwood Ln N, Maple Grove 55369,763-503-7469, zargaool Otc.umn.eduZARKOWER David A, Aseoc Prof (Genetics, CellBiology & Dev) 5-147A Moos T, Del Code 1217(625-9450),1125 Ashland Ave, Saint Paul 55104,651-310-9658, zarkoool

ZARLING Darrick 0, Scientist (MechanicalEngineering) Room 471 MechE, Del Code 0691(624~), 635 Parkwood CIR, Vadnais Heights55127,651-653-5275, zart00020tc.umn.eduZARUNG Max E, Instructor (Retired)(Neurosurgery), 1800 Stanford Avenue, St Paul55105, [email protected] Wendy, Lecturer (Music) 100Ferguson Hall, Del Coda 7811, 9470 Club HouseRd, Eden Prairie 55347, 952-221-9802,zaroXOO10te.umn.eduZASADA John C, Prof (5985 Hwy K) RhinelandarWI 54501, 5360 Hixon Lake Orad, Rhinelander WI54501, [email protected]

ZASTROW Ann Y, One Stop Counselor (One StopSludant Sarvicas) 200 Fraser Hall, Del Code 3395(624-2963), [email protected] Carrie L, One Stop Counselor (OneStop Student Sarvicas Ctr)2OO FreserH, Del Code3395 (625-6051), 633 Kenwood Pkwy Apt 1, Mpls55403, [email protected] Chanes R, Aseoc Program Dir (MNMedical Foundation) Room 300 Gateway, DelCode 2012 (625-6973), 9642 lakesida Tr,ChamplIn 55316, 763-576-1932,

•ZAUNER Marguer~e A, Health Educator (Boyn HS)Room N203, H&anh Promotion, 410 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1171,zauneOO10tc.umn.eduZAVIALOVA Maria L, Graduate School Fellow(English) Room 207 UndH,'207 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0613,1029 29th Ave SE apF, Mpls 55414, [email protected] PHD Hatem Z, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Pediatrics) MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code 8386,Pediatric BMT, 30 Arthur Ave SE, Apt 5, Mpis55414, zayedool @tc.umn.eduZEASKE jessIca A, Asst Dir Univ Wide (Patents &Technology Mktg) 450 McNamara Ctr, Del Coda2003 (625-8615), [email protected] Helene, Non Univ Staff (MechanicalEngIneering) 333 Johnston Hall Mpls,

ZEFF Leonard J, Adjunct Instructor (School ofSocial Work) Rm 105 PetersH, 1404 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Coda 6161, ~509 NorthwoodPkwy, New Hope 55427, zellxOO10tc.umn.eduZEHM Michele A, Instructor (Snyder Drug #68)8545 Edinbourgh Centre Dr N, Brooklyn Park55443, 1173 Ravenswood Street, Shoreview55126, [email protected] Douglas J, General Mechanic (RiverbendCommons Res Hall) RbCRH, Del Code 1111(625-7787),624 Hurpn Blvd SE Apt 201, Mpls55414,627-9206, zehrOOO70tc.umn.eduZEHI'lER Jacinta L, Instructor (3M Health Care)8890 15th St North, Lake Elmo 55042, 8890 15thStreet North, lake Elmo 55042,zehreOO10tc.umn.eduZEIOLlK·Z1MNEY Nancy A, Word Proc Oper(School of Social Work) Rm 105 PetersH, DelCode 6161, 24301 E Typo Dr, Stacy 55079,zeidIOO10tc.umn.eduZEIGCorey J, Teaching Spec (EmergencyMedicine) MMC 911 Mayo, Del Code 8911, 1700Four Oaks Road, Conclo 151, Eagan 55121,801-3261, [email protected] Adam R, Graduate School Fellow(Fisharies, WHdlHe & Cons Bioi) 200 Hodson Hall,11180 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6125,598 Uluhaku St, Kailua HI 96734, 808-262-9340,zeil00060tc.umn.eduZElSE Sharon L, Asst Depertment Dir (UniversityServices - Finance) Room 300 Donhowe Bldg, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3121(625-9429), 19502 Jasper Terrace, Lakeville55044, 952-469-4745, ze"oseOtc.umn.eduZEITOUNI PHD Naomi, Research Aseoc (ApplIedEconomics) Room 231 CIaOff, 1994 Buford Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6040, 4812 Hibiscus Ave,Edina 55435, 952-922-9336, zeitoOOl

ZEITOUNI Ofer, Prof (School of Mathematics) 227VinH, Del Code 0412 (625-6522),[email protected] Eileen M, Prof (UMD For LanglL~), AdjunctProf (UMD Continuing Education) 477 H,Duluth(218-726-8239),1912 E 5th St, Duluth 55812,218-724-3865, ezeI1z0d.umn.eduZEITZ Erich J, Adjunct Ass! Prof (MethodistHospital - 'Emergency Dept) 6500 Excelsior Blvd,St Louis Park 55426, [email protected] Sleven C, Instructor (St Paul AllergyClinic) 565 Snelling Ave S, St Paul 55116,zekowOOl @tc.umn.eduZELEZNAK Karen A, Adjunct Instructor (City ofBloomington) 1900 West Old shakopee Rd,Bloomington 55431, zeleoo160tc.umn.eduZELEZNIKAR Robert J,Asst Prof (FairviewRiverside Medical Center) Emergency Department,2450 Riverside Ave, Mpls 55454,[email protected] Nicholette A, Asst Scientist(Environmental Heanh Sciences) "C 807 Mayo,Del Code 8807, zeliaool0tc.umn.eduZELICKSON Alvin S, Adjunct Prof (Dermatology)Bx 98 Mayo, 420 Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455,101 Ardmore Drive, Mpls 55422, 377-3460,zeIiCOO10tc.umn.eduZELICKSON Brian 0, Adjunct Assoc Prof(Dermatology) MMC 98 Mayo, Del Code 8098,4-240 PW B (625-8625), zeliCOO20tc.umn.eduZELIOLI GiovannI, Research Ass! (MechanicalEngineering) 1100 Mech E, Del Coda 0691 ,zeI1oOO10Ic.umn.eduZELL Traci L, Research Aseoc (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Coda 8196, Bx 196 Mayo(626-6713),5542 Donegal Dr, St Paul 55126-4716,zeI1xOO10tc.umn.eduZELLER Kristen M, Assl Prof (AnesthesiologyDepertment)MMC 294 Mayo, Del Code 8294,B515 Mayo, zelle0070tc.umn.eduZELLMANN Stacy L, DIrect Marketing Manager (UPress) SuIle 290 111 3rd, Del Code 7481(627-1934; 627-1970), [email protected] Mary E, Ass! Prof (StrategicMgmt/Organization; Strategic Mgmt Research Clr),Prof (International Program Dev) 3-209 '.CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (625-2342), '[email protected] Janis 1,Info Tech Spec (Department ofRadiology) CMRR, Del Code 2841 (626-0277;626-2001),4827 Columbus Ave S, Mpls 55417,822-9599, zeltiool @tc.umn.eduZELTWANGER Sandra K, Sr AdmInIstrative Spec(UMM P E Center) Room ?25 PEC, 600 E4th'St,Morris 56267 (320-589-8425), 33251 County Road1, Hancock 56244, 320-392-5953,zeHwaskOmorrIs.umn.eduZEMKE Cathy, Sr Word Proc Spec (Curriculum &Instruction) 125 Peik H, Del Code 4301(625-7835), zemkeool Otc.umn.eduZEMKE KImbeny K, Departmental Dir (School ofNursing) Room 4-153WDH, Del Code 1331(626-2102), 4536 Majestic Oaks Place, Eagen55123,651-681-1786, [email protected] Kwin 0, Ass! To (AuxUiary ServicesAdmin) 213 P S B, Del Code 5404 (625-4892),5299 Taylor St, Fridley 55421,763-574-1168,zemkeOO30tc.umn.eduZEMLICKA MelIssa A, Community Program Spec(Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, Del Code 7525,3150 Sumter Ave S, St louIs Park 554263611,952-238-8403, zemI00090tc.umn.eduZEMLIN Bruce T, TeachIng Spec (CompulerScience & EngIneering) 4-192 EElCSCI, Del Code0571, 625 Grand Avenue, Center City 55012,651-257-3231, zemliOOl Otc.umn.eduZEMSKY Beth; Coordinator (Human Resources,0IIice of), Teaching Spec (Social Work, School 01;Women's Studies Program) Room 200 DonhoweB,Del Code 3122 (626-0561),zemsk0020tc.umn.8duZENG Lep8ng, Research Ass! (BiomedicalEngineering Dept) Room 7-105 BSandBE, 312Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191(624-6167),1983 Knapp Ave El, St Paul 55108,zengx0140tc.umn.eduZENG Pengyun, Teaching Ass! (Pharmacy,College of), Graduate School Fellow (Pharmacy,College of) College of Pharmacy, Room 5-130WDH, 308 Harvard St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code1332, \ZENG Xianke, Research Ass! (Pharmacology) .6-120 Jackson Hall, Del Code 1213, 1015 E 29thAve SE, Mpls 55414, 331-1611,


ZENK David A, Teaching Spec (Geography) Room414 SocSci, 267 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7163, zenkx0020tc.umn.eduZENK LeslIe R, Coordinator (UMMAdmissionslFinancial Aid) Room 105 Behm,M759A, 600 E4th St, Morris 56267 (874-7763;3200-589-6035), 6721 Penn Ave S, Richfield 55423,874-7763, zenklrOmolris.umn.eduZENK Margaret E, Info Tech Prof (MN MedicalFoundation) Room 300 Gateway, Del Code 2012(624-9938),651-487-4077, zenkx0040tc.umn.eduZENKER Paul N,Ass! Prot (Pediatrics), MedicalFellow (Pediatrics) Pediatric Emergency Medicine,ChUdrens HosptaI - Emer Room, 2525 ChicagoAve S, Mpls 55454, 10935 Territorial Drive,Bumsville 55337, zenk80020tc.umn.eduZENNER Eric K, Asst Prof (Forest ReSClurces)Room 101C GreenH, Del Code 6112 (625-3733),651-917-3729, ezennerOtc.umn.eduZENNER Linda T, Aseoc Admin (Biostatistics) 2002221 Univ SE, Del Code 2702 (626-9067),taylo0200tc.umn.eduZENTNER Melanie A, Program Assoc (CarisonBusiness Career Cemer) 1-110 CarlSMgmt, DelCoda 7041 (624-3549),227 Oak Grove St Apt305,Mpls 55403, 872-4082, zentOO120tc.umn.eduZENTNER BACIG Karen, cbordinator (Sr VPAcademic AffairsIProvost), Lecturer (EducationalPolicy and Admin) 234 Morrill Hall, Del Code 0262(624-5062), kbacigOtc.umn.eduZENZEN Marilyn E, Assoe Admin (FacilitiesMgmnt-Zone 4 - Campus) 1300 FoodOB, DelCode 3121(624-7845), 3975 Balsam Lane N,Plymouth 55441, 763-559-0738,[email protected]'.edu

ZEPCEVSKI Joline, Teaching Ass! (History ofScienceITechnology) Am 167 SocScI, 267 19thAve S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7152, 808 Berry StApt488, St Paul 55114, 651-917-9168,zepceOO10tc.umn.eduZERA Richard T, Ass! Prof (Department 01Surgery) HennepIn County Medical Center, 701Park Avenue Soulh, MpIs 55415, 4956 WoodhurstLane, MInnetonka 55415, 347-2810, '

ZERBY Mike, Teaohing Spec (School ofJoumalism) 111 Murphy Hall, Del Code 0371(625-;338), 1400 64th Ave NE, Fridley55432-5203, zerbyOll Otc.umn.eduZERDY Joanne, Teaching Asst (Theatre Arts andDance) Room 580 RarigC, 330 21st Ave S, Mpls55455, Del Coda 7752, 2446 Aldrich AV!J S, Apt311, Mpls 55405, zerdyOOl Otc.llmn.eduZERESNAI Solomon, Building and GroundsWorker (Facilities Mgmt-AdmInistration) Bl17Moos T, Del Code 1291, zeresOO10tc.umn.eduZERGER Erena K, TeechIng Ass!(ElectricaVCompuler Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,0572,200 Union St SE, MpIs 55455,5516 26thAvenue Soulh, Mpls 55417,724-9119,zergOOO10tc.umn.eduZERONlllan, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chemistry) 11 8mi1h,HaII, Del Code 0531(625-0575), 2621 Idaho Avenue South, Saint LouisPark 55426, 952-922-9530, zeroOOO30tc.umn.eduZERU Meseret, Inlo Tech Spec (GC - Tech SuppSarli) 209 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501(625-4536), zeruxool Otc.umn.liduZETTERBERG J Peter, Dir (Inst Research andReporting), Sr Analyst (lrlSI Research andReporting) 319A Mor H, D4iI Coda 0263(626-9414),8018 Hill TraU N, lake Elmo 55042,851-770-2414, J-zettOtc.umn.eduZETTERVALL Sara, Program Assoc (law SchoolInslnule) Joint Degree Program, Del Code 7911(625-0055), zette0170tc.umn.eduZEUG Roberta J, Scien1ist (Epidemiology) 300 WBOB, Del, Code 7525 (626-9440), 'zeugxool0te.umn.eduZEYEN PHD Richard J: Prof (Plant Pathology) 495Borlaug Hall, Del Code 6030 (625-4754),richzOtc.umn.eduZHAI Antonia B, Ass! Prof (CompulerScience/Engineering) Room 4-192 EEICSci, 200Union, St SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 0571,10415th St SE, Mpls 55455, ;331-1813,zhaIXOO50tc.umn.eduZHAI Xiuhong, HormelFellow (Hormellnstilute)University 01 Minnesota, 801 16th Ave NE, Austin55912-3679 (507-437-9627),1000 14th St NW",pt306, ,Austin 55912, zhaix0060tc.umn.eduZHAN Phillip H, Adjunct Asst Prof (Primary DentalCare-Heallh Ecology) Room 15;136 MoosT, 515DelawareSt SE, Mpis 55455, Del Code 1291,


ZHAN Xiaowei, Teaching Asst (UMDMathematics/Statistics) 174 sec, 1117 UniversityDr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6251),zhanxOl0@d,

ZHAN Yong, Research Asst (ElectricaVComputerEngr) Room 4-174 EElCSci, Del Code 0572(625-5006),425, 13th Ave SE, Apt 701, Mpls55414,396-4142, [email protected]

ZHANG Aihua, Teaching Ass! (Accounting) 3-122CarlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave 5, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7041, Building 8-312 Apartment 2·203,Fengrun District, Tangshan, Hebei Province063030 China, 625·3583, [email protected]

ZHANG Bin, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Lab Medicineand Pathology, Dept of) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code8609,3-112 BSBE, [email protected]

ZHANG Bin, ResearchAsst (MechanicalEngineering) Room 1101 MechE, 111 Church StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691 (626·1057),1011B 29th Ave SE, Mpls 55414,651-497-4858,[email protected]

ZHANG Bo, Post-Doctoral Assoc (BTl) 265 Gorl,Del Code 6104 (624-3723; 624·3213), 2280Priscilla St, Apt 10, St Paul 55108,[email protected].~u

ZHANG Bo, Teaching Asst (Statistics) 313 FordHall, Del Code 0457 (625·8046), 2000 Knapp St,St Paul 55108, 651-644-3396 xTTY,[email protected] Changxu, Technical Supplemental(Mechanical Engineering) ROOm 1101 MechE, 111Church 51' SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0691,[email protected]

ZHANG Dongli, Teaching Asst (Operations andMgmt Sciences), Research Asst (Operations andMgmt Sciences) Operations and Mgmt Sciences,3-150 CarlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7041,1287 Gibbs Ave, Saint Paul55108, [email protected]

ZHANG Dongmu, Teaching Asst (College ofPharmacy) Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332, 1985 Knapp AvenueW3, St Paul 55108, [email protected]

ZHANG Edward, Research Ass! (BioprocessInstitute) Room 140 Gorl, 1479 Gortner Ave, StPaul 55108, Del Code 6106,1066 26th Ave SE,Mpls 55414, 517-410-5217,[email protected] Ge, Teaching Asst (BiomedicalEngineering Dept) Room 7-105 BSandBE, 312Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191 ,651-645-7056, [email protected]

ZHANG GUlfang, Post·Doctoral Assoc (9-125Weaver-Densford Hall) '308 Harvard St SE, DelCode 1332 (624-7968), zhang3370tc.umn.eduZHANG Guizhen, Research Ass! (Diagnostic andBiological Sciences) Room 17·252 MoosT, 515Delaware St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1291,1229 Ray Piace, St Paul 55108,[email protected]

ZHANG Haiwen, Graduate School Fellow(Accounting) 3-110 CarlSMgmt, 321·19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7041 (626-0288),zhan04000tc.umn.eduZHANG Hang, Research Asst (School ofMathematics) 520 VinH, Del Code 0412(624·2329), 1623 Carl St, Saint Paul 55108,624-2329, zhan0401 Otc.umn.eduZHANG Heng, Research Asst (Chem Eng &Material Science) 185 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (626·2021), 1203 8th St SE, Mpls 55414,zhang4400tc.umn.eduZHANG Hong, Teaching Spec (AsianLanguagesILlferawres) 435 Folwell Hall, Del Code0144 (624-5793), 4932 96th St W, Bloomington55437,952-832-5761, zhang0760tc.umn.eduZHANG PHD Hua, Post-Doctoral Assoc (CancerCenter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 420Delaware Street SE (626-2838), 2815 Arona St,Roseville 55113, 432-2413, [email protected]

ZHANG Hui·Jian, Sr Research Assoc (Surgery)MMC 195 Mayo, Del Code 8195, M-423 Mes CanClf (624-7197), [email protected] Ivy X, Instructor (Accounting) 3-122CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041,[email protected] Jiilnbin, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chem Eng & Material Sci) 316 Amundson Hall,Del Code 0531 (625-D819), 1034C, 27th Ave SE,Mpls 55414, 651-646-2688,

ZHANG Jtanjie, Teaching Asst (Physics and ..Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331 ,[email protected]

ZHANG Jianmin, Graduate School FelloW (SOil,Water, and CAmate) Room 439 BorH, 1991 UpperBuford Circle, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6028(624-1645), [email protected] Jianyi, Prof (Medicine), Assoc Prof(Radiology) MMC 508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 288VCR C (625-7403), zhang0470tc.umn.eduZHANG Jie, Ass! Scientist (Medicine HelIlatology0IIice) MMC 480 Mayo, Del Coda 8480,14-155PWB (626-4345), 1030-6th sf SE, !Apls 55414,378-3997, zhang3360tc.umn.eduZHANG Jiehai, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Bio-besedProducts) 30A KilulL, Del Code 6130, 2384 WestLarpenteur, Apt 3, St Paul 55113,[email protected] Jingshan, PhD Candidate R_rch Asst(Physics and Astronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331(624-9321), Apt C, 1032 27th Ave SE, Mpis 55414,331·2138, zhan04080tc.umn.eduZHANG Jingyan, Research Assoc(Biochemistry-TMed) 5-202 BSBE, Del Code 1214(625-3688), 1009 5th St SE, Mpls 55414,~17·9926, zhangl640tc.umn.eduZHANG Jingzhi, Research Assoc (Physics andAstronomy) Room 251 Phys, Del Code 0331, 31717th Ave SE, 403-3, Mpls 55414,zhang4590tc.umn.eduZHANG .)inhui, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Food Scienceand Nutrition) Room 225 FScN, 6099, 1334 EcklesAve, St Paul 55108, [email protected] Lei, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Department ofPharmacology) Room 6-120 JacH, Del Code 1213(626-6539), zheng2470tc.umn.eduZHANG Liang, Ass! Prof (Education Policy andAdministration) Room 330 WuIlH, Del Code 3345(626-5996), 1018 6th Street SE, MpIs 55414,[email protected] Ling, Research Asst (Chem Eng &Material Science) 336 Amundson Hall, Del Code0531 (625-0584; 625-8573),zhan05240tc.umn.eduZHANG Meng, Teaching Ass! (MechanicalEngineering), Research Asst (MechanicalEngineering) Mechanical Engineering, Room 1101MechE, 111 Church St SE, !Apls 55455, Del Code0691, zhan04980tc.umn.eduZHANG Na, Asst Scientist (MedicineRheumatology Office) MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code8108,6·120 BSBE, zhang281 Otc.umn.eduZHANG Naixia, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Biochem,Mol Biology & Biophysics) 4-280 BSandBE, DelCode 1214 (625-8764), 1215 4th St SE Apt4, Mpls55414, zhang332@tc,'ZHANG Nan, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Army Hgh PerCom Rsrch Ctr) Room 101 1100 Wash, Del Code7492,2014 3ni Avenue South, Mpls 55404,[email protected] Nanyin, Post-Doctoral Assoc (BiomedicalEngineering Dept) Room 7·105 BSandBE, 312Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1191,zhan03100tc.umn.eduZHANG Ping, Research Assoc (173 VCRC) MMC508 Mayo, Del Code 8508, 420 Delaware St SE(624'1971), 1836 Shryer Ave W, Roseville 55113,651-648-6740, zhang0740tc.umn.eduZHANG Qlngquan, Teaching Ass!(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, Apt 2, 2280 Priscilla St, Saint Paul55108, [email protected] Qun, Vislling Prof (UMDElectricaVComputer Engr) 271 MWAH, 1023University Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726-6099;218-726-6147),508-264-3410,[email protected] Ruan, Research Ass! (Center forImmunology) MMC 108, Del Code 8108, 6-202BSBE, zhangl840tc.umn.eduZHANG Shijun, Post·Doctoral Assoc (8-120Weaver-Densford Hall) 308 Harvard St SE, DelCode 1332 (624-4495), zhan02850tc.umn.eduZHANG Shuping, Info Tech Prof (Ag, Food & EnvtSci·Admin) 2n Col H, Del Code 6074 (625-7276),shupingOtc.umn.eduZltANG Shuxia, SDVL Lab MgrlSci Computation(Supercomputing Institute) Room 599 WaLib, DelCode 3721 (624-8858), 158817th Ave NW, NewBrighton 55112, [email protected] Siyi, Research Ass! (Collegs of Pharmacy)Room 5-130 WDH, 308 Harvard St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 1332, zhan05050tc.umn.eduZHANG Suning, Teaching Ass! (Accounting),Research Asst (Accounting) 4-131 CarlSMgmt, DelCode 7041 (626-9784), 1143 Quail Creek Circle,San Jose CA 95120, 408-997-2862,

ZHANG Tianpei, Research Ass!(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4·174 EElCSci,Del Code 0572, 1989 Knapp Ave E2, St Paul

·55108, zh8l!

ZHANG Tianyu, PhD Candidate Research Ass!(School of Math) 358 Vincent Hall, Del Code 0412(62~72), 1925 East River Parkway, Mpls 55414,

ZHANG Wei, Research Asst (Genetics, Cell Biol &Development) 4-182 MCB, Del Code 1217, 1998Brewster Street, St Paul 55108,[email protected]

ZHANG Weilin, Teaching Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331 (624-8315), 116Church St SE, Mpls 55455, zhan0254.0tc.umn:edu

ZHANG Wenhao, Teaelling Ass! (Physics andAstronomy) Room 148 Phys, 116 Church St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0331,1176 Fifield Ave,Apartment N2, St Paul 55108,

ZHANG Wenjing, Research Asst (Plent Biology)250 Biological Sciences Center, 1445 Gortner Ave,St Paul 55108, Del Code 6022,

ZHANG Wenliang, Teliching Asst (School 01Mathematics) Vincent HalIII2A, Del Code 0412(625-9835), 1001 29th Avenue Sf, Apt C, MpIs55414,

ZHANG Xiaoliang, Asst Prof (Radiology), ResearchAssoc (Radiology) MMC 292 Mayo; Del Cod88292, CMRR (626-2001), zhan02860tc;

ZHANG Xihong, Research Assoc (cancer Canter)MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, 630 CCRB(626-2819), [email protected]

ZHANG Xijing, Research Assoc (Neuroscience)2-260 BSandBE, Del Code 1216 (626-4304),

ZHANG Xinping, Info Tech Prof (CCE-InfoSystems, Olc Of) Room 306 WelH, Del Code 3831(626-4783), 1403 Clevelend Ave N AptE22, SaintPaul 55108, 651-343-2464,

ZHANG Xiuling, Research Fellow (Plent Pithology)209 Siekman Hal; 201 Stakman Hall, Del Code6030 (625-9776), 851-917-2548,

ZHANG Xu, Graduate School Fellow (GeneralCollege) Room 235 ApH, Del Code 3501(625-7825),504 East 81st Street Apt 5C, New YorkNY 10028, [email protected]

ZHANG Xuejun, PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chemistry) Room 139 SmithH, 207 Pleasant StSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 3661, Apartment 1406,425 13th Ave SE, Mpls 55414, 578-0548,

ZHANG Yan, AnalystIProgrammer (IMS) Room660 WBOB, Del Code 7531 (626-8617),

ZHANG Yan, PhD Candidate Research Asst(BiochemIMoiecular Biol/Bophy) 7-218 MCB, DelCode 1214 (624-6211), zhan04050tc.umn.ed~

ZHANG Yan, Research Fellow (Univ of MinnesotaCancer Canter) MMC 806 Mayo, Del Code 8806,8484-4 Mayo (624-6916),

ZHANG Yan, Research Spec (LabMedicinelPathoiogy) MMC 809 Mayo, Del Code8609,1174 Fifield Ave S·3, St Paul 55108,[email protected]

ZHANG Yang, Asst Prof (SLHS) 49 Shevlin Hall,Del Code 4401 (624-7818),

ZHANG Yi, Post·Doctoral Assoc (Soil, Water, andClimate) 175 Borlaug Hall, Del Code 6028,1623Carl Street, Apt 10, Lauderdale 55108,651-487-5729, zhang251 Otc.umn.eduZHANG Yi, Research Assoc (Radioiogy/CMRR)100 CMRR, Del Code 2841 (625-5095),763-374-4720, zhang0340tc,

ZHANG Ying, Research Assoc (8484 Mayo) MMC806 Mayo, Del Code 8806, (624-2939),zhang4660tc.ull)

ZHANG Yongli, Teaching Ass! (Statistics) Room313 FordH, 224 Church St SE, Milts 55455, DelCode 0457, [email protected]

ZHANG Yongling J, Research Asst (EdPA) Room.330 WuIlH, Del Code 3345 (625-6679), 1482Charles Ave, St Paul 55104, 004-1513,zhang4290tc.umn.eduZHANG Yongshu, Research Assoc (Diagnosticand Biological Sciences) Room 17-175 MOO8T,DeICode 1291 (625-4916), Apt 210, 1998 Brewster St,St Paul 55108, 651-917-3724,[email protected]


ZHANG Yuan, Post·Doctorai Assoc (Chemistry)Room 139 SmithH, Del Code 3661, 1121University Ave SE, Mpls 55414,zhang471 @tc.umn.eduZHANG Yuegsng, Post-Doctoral Assoc(Pharmaceutics) 3-120 Weaver·Denslord Hall, DelCode 1332 (624-5443), zhang3860tc.umn-eduZHANG Yulen, Research Ass! (Bio8tatislics),Teaching Asst (Biostatistics) MMC 303 Mayo, DelCode 8303, MMC 303 Mayo (624-4665),yzhangl0d.umn.eduZHANG YUping, Teaching Asst(ElectricaVComputer Engr) Room 4-174 EElCScI,Del Code 0572, zhan04800tc.umn.eduZHANG Zhen, Rasearch Ass! (Carlson School 01Mgmt) 3-3OOC CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041(626-2063), 626-2083, zhan04550tc.umn.eduZHANG Zhenq!ng, Teaching Ass! (P01lticaiScience) Room 1414 SocSci, 26719th Ave S,Mpls 55455, Del Code 7175, Apl107, 81712111 AveSE, Mpls 55414, 624-1389, zhan03990ll:.UIIll\,eduZHANG Zhi-Li, Assoc Prof (Computer ScienctI &Engineering) 4-192 E EIC Sci, Del Code 0671(625-8568), zhang0890tc.umn.eduZHANG Zhigang, PhD Candidate R_rch AlaI(Chem Eng I Bio Tech Inst) 337 Snyder HaU, DelCode 0531 {624-37Z3: 624-3213),1043 29th AveSE, Apt F, Mpls 55414,331-1838,zhan03940tc.umn,edu ,

ZHANG Zhlwen, Ass! Scientist {5-29O BSBEj 312Church St SE, Del Code 1214 (625-2486), 10395th St SE, Mpls 55414, 331-4894, 'zhangI930tc.umn.eduZHANG Zhiyong, Research Ass! (Aerospace Engrand Mechank:s) Room 107 AkerH, 110 Union StSE, MpIa 55455, Del Code 0731,zhan04290tc.umn.eduZHANG Zhong, Non Univ Staff (Geology andGeophysics) 209 Pillsbury Hall Mpls{626-1860),zhangI250tc.umn.eduZHANG Zhong, Research Fallow (Geology &Geophysics) 209 PillsH, Del Code 0211(624-9593), zhangl340tc",

ZHAO Cuiping, Jr Scientist (Neuroscience) Rm6-145 JecH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1216, [email protected]

ZHAO Dajiang, Non Univ Staff(BiosystemaiAgricul1ural Engr) 112 BIoAgEng StPaul (624-4915),1165 Raleigh St, Falcon Heights55108,651-644-3535, zhaoxl170tc,umn.eduZHAO HUi, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Depertment 01Ph8rmacology) 6-120 Jackson Hall, Del Code1213,1015 Essex St No 211, Mpls 55414,331-3179, zhaox0610tc.umn.eduZHAO Luping, Teaching Asst (Biostatistics),Research Ass! (Hhh Svcs ResearchlPoIicy) MMC303 Mayo, Del Code 8303, MMC 303 Mayo; Deptof MedicinelEndo (624-4655), 763-218-5616,[email protected]

ZHAO Minyuan, Asst Prol (StrategicMgmtlOrganization; intemational Program Dev)3-~ CarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-n95),1045 5th St SE, Mpls 55414, 378-4920,zhaox0830tc.umn.eduZHAO Shiyong, Sr Fellow (China Canter) Room290 HHHClr, 7457, 301 19th Ave SE, Mpls 55455,[email protected] .

ZHAO Shone, Adjunct Ass! Prof (Regions Hospllal)Health Services Research, 640 Jackson St, St Paul55101 (952-883-5388), zhaox0280tc.umn.eduZHAO Wei, Ass! Scientist (Diagnostic andBiological Sciences) 18-237 Moos Tower, DelCode 1291 (624-0667), zhaoX0480tc.umn.eduZHAO Xln, PhD Candidate Teaching Ass!(University of Minnesota) Department of Chemistry,Del Code 3661 (626-2085), zhaoOlll Otc.umn.eduZHAO Yan, Honnel Fellow (Hormellnstitute)University of Minnesota, 801 16th Ave NE, Austin55912-3679 (504-437'9681), 1000 14th St NW,Apt312, Austin 55912, 507-434-2864,zhaoxI150tc.umn.eduZHAOYan, Research Assoc (University ofMinnesota) Depertment of Chemistry, Del Code3661 (626-2213), Department of Chemistly, UolMinnesota, L-7139 Smith Hall, 207 PIeaaant StSE, Mpls, MN 55455, Mpis 55455, 625-5311,[email protected]

ZHAO Yiyuan J, Prof (Aerospace Engr andMechanica) Room 224 AkerH, Del Code 0731(625-2048), gyyzOtc.umn.eduZHAO Zhanlen, Jr Scientist (DeveVS!JrgSci-Periodontology) Room 18-220 Moos T, DelCode 1291 (626-2486),5715 Deer Trail West,Shoreview 55126, 651-648-3820,zhaox0500tc.umn.ed~


.VIOANI.ON Olga, Research Assoc (DMEDPhyaloIogy & ~1llVIC01ogy) 372 SMell, 1035U~ Dr, DulUlh 55812 (218-726-7049),ozhdan/

·XHlWfKIH VaaiIi V, Teeching AssI(~Engr) Room 4-174 EElCSci,DeI.Code 0572, 3420 E 4th St, DuIUlh 55804,638-3351, zh! Viklor, Prof (UMD-Chemistry) 319C!lem, DuIUlh (218-726-6902), 3420 E 4th St,Duk.dh 55804,'ZHDANOV DmiIry, GIllduate School Fellow(CarIlIan InIormalionIDecsion Scienc) 4-331CaltSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-3816),Zhdeoool Otc.umn,eduZHI!HG Duo, HonneI ~Iow (Honnellnslilule)Univel1ity 01 MInnesota, 801 16111 AYfJ NE, Austin56912-3679 (507-437-9616),1100 14th St NW',Apt211, Austin 55912, 607-434-7517,Zheng05001c.UIM.eduZHENG Hul, Research AssI (Pharmacology) Room6-120 Jackson Hall, Del Code 1213, Apt 6, 1005,15th AYfJ SE, MpIa 55414,86--3610,zh&n009101c.umn.eduZHENG U, R-.arch Fellow (V&1&rjnary andBiomedical Sciences) 220 VelSci, Del Code 6187,203 Room, 1988 AplIrtman1, ~ter Street, StPaul 55108, zheng0480tc.umn.eduZHENG aei, ReHarch AssI (Electrical andCompU18r Engr), Graduate School Fellow(Electrical and Computer Engr)' Room 4-174EElCSci, D&rCode 0572, zh&n00440tc.umn.eduZHENG Yaguo, Post-Doctoral Assoc (MedicinalChemistry) 9-153 Weaver-Dens1ord Hell, Del Code1332 (624-4643), 3425 UrbandaI& Ln N, Plymouth55447, 763-208-5589, zh&n00330b:.umn.eduZHENG Yemie Y, Research AssI (BIostatistics),Teaching AssI (Biostatistics) MMC 303 Mayo, DelCode 8303, MMC 303 Mayo (625-9142; 624-9432),yanzhengObioslal.umn.eduZHITOMIRSKY David Y, Scientist (Genetics, CellBIoIogyIDev) Room 5-235 MooaT, Del Code 1217(825-8602),1461 St Paul Ave Apt8, St Paul 55116,zMoOO10tc.umn.eduZHONG U, Teaching AssI (School o! Malh&matics)Room 127 VlnH, 206 Church St SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0412 (625-8553), zhonOO320tc.umn.eduZHONG Ung, Ole Spec (Research Services OrgOle) MMC 406 Mayo, Del Code 8406, Rm 623Childrens' Rehab center (625-4171),.zhong00401c.umn.eduZHONG Sheng, Research AssI (PhysicalMadlRehabilitation) MMC 388 Mayo, Del Code8388 (626-3169), zhong021 Otc.umn.eduZHOU Bing, AssI Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 491 Mayo,Del Code 8491,13-117 Moos T (626-5552),zhouxOO20tc.umn.eduZHOU ChristIne, Teaching AssI (Psychology)N-218 EItH, 75 East River Road, Mpfs 55455, DelCode 3281, zhouOl390tc.umn.eduZHOU Fanhuan, Teaching Asst (School ofMalh&malics) Room 127 VinH 603, 206 Church StsE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0412 (624-7890), 42513th Ave SE, Apl1204, Mpls 55414, 702-4127,zhoux0860tc.umn.eduZHOU Ke, Taaching AssI (Elaclrical and ComputerEngr), Research AssI (ComputerSci&nce/Engine&ring) Room 4-174 EElCSci, DelCode 0572, zhoux0820tc.umn.eduZHOU Lel, Research AssI (Kinesilology) 211Cooke HaD, Del Code 2081 (624-2887), 600UniVfJl1ity Ava SE Apl403, MpIs 55414,319-321-6783, zhouxI190tc.umn.eduZHOU Min, AssI Prof (UMM Humanities, DiVisiOnot, UMM CotJl EduclRegional Prgm) UMM Div ofHumanities, Room 104 Hum, M233A, 600 E 4th St,Monis 56267,390 Glenwood Street, Ann A1bor MI48103, zhoumOrnorris.umn.eduZHPU Ning, PhD ¢andidate Research AssI (ChemEngr & Mad Sci) 811 Smith Hall, Del Code 0531(625-0575), 1994 Knapp AYfJ, Saint Paul 55108,651-641-1791, zhoux0600tc.umn.eduZHOU Peng, Post-DoctoraJ Assoc (Food Scienceand Nutrllion) Room 225 FScN, 1334 Ed<I&s Ave,St Peut 55108, Del Code 8099, 2333 PriscillaStr&&!, Apt2, St Paul 55108-2036,zhouxl320tc.umn.eduZHOU Wei, Research AssI (EI&cIItCaIIComput&rEngr) Room 4-174 EE/CSci, Del Code 0572, 2047Kn&pp Ave, E-I, St Paul 55108,zhouOI200tc.umn.eduZHOU Xia, Research Fellow (EpIdemiology) Room300 WBOB, Del Code 7525 (624-1818), 1246Gibbs Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-278-3423,

ZHOU Xiangmin, Research Assoc (Army Hgh PerCom Rsrch Clr) Room 101 1100 Wash, 1100Washington Ave S, Mpls 55415,0&1 Code 7492(626-8089), ApI 0, 1066 27th Ave SE, MpI$ 55414,zhouOOI60tc.umn.eduZHOU ~zh&ng, Asst Prof (Pediatrics BMT)MMC 366 Mayo, Del Code 8366, 660C CCRB(625-4193), zhoux0580tc.umn.eduZHOU Xin, Research Asst (Phannacy, College of),Teaching Asst (Pharmacy, College of) College ofPhannacy, Room 5-130 WDH, 308 HalVard St SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 1332 (624-9919),1988Br&WSl&r St; Apt 202, St Paul 55108, 379-0170,zh0ux0880tc.umn:eduZHOU XiI1yu, Research Asst (LabMedicinalPalhOlogy; Nursing, School of) MMC 511Mayo, Del Code 8511 (625-9127),651-646-8774,zhouOl070tc.umn.eduZHOU Xun Sam, Research AssI (ComputerScianc&lEngineering), Teaching Asst (ComputerScienc&lEngineering) ComputerScienc&lEngineering, Room 4-192 EElCSci, 200Union St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0571,zhouX0910tc.umn.eduZHOU Yuedong, Coordinator (The China Center)290 HHH Clr, Del Code 7457 (624-1002),zhoux0510tc.umn..eduZHOU Yuming, Post-Doctcral Assoc (Departmentof Chemistry) 462 Koithoff Hall, Del Code 3661(624-3726), zhoux0400tc.umn.eduZHOU Yunkai, Post-Doctoral Assoc (ComputerScienc&lEngineerlng) Room 4-192 EE/CSci, DelCode 0571, yunkaiOtc.umn.eduZHU Changqi, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Genetics, CellBioI & Development) 5-235 MooaT, De/ Code1217,1441 Belmont Ln W, R6seville 55113,623-0053, zhuecOtc.umn.eduZHU Dac&, Laboratory Technician (Boyn HS)Laboratory, Del Code 1171 (625-2668),zhuxxOI90tc.umn.eduZHU Dennis W, Assoc Prof (Regions Hospital)Mailstop 11102H, 840 Jackson St, St Paul 55101,716 lake Point, Chaska 55317, 952-470.,5702,zhuxx0730tc.umn.eduZHU Feng, Hormel Fellow (Hormellnslitute, Univof Minri&sot) 801 16 Ava NE, Austin 55912-3679(607-437-9616),900 14th St NW, Ap1201, Austin55912,607-434-2586, •ZHU Jianleng, Teaching AssI (Anthropology) Room395 HHHCtr, 301191h Ave S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 7455,1020 27th AYfJ SE, Apt E, Mpls 55414,zhuxOl090tc.umn.eduZHU Jianhui, Research Assoc (Medicine GI Office)MMC 36 Mayo, Del Code 8036,14-123 PWB, 9126Comstock Ln N, Maple Grove 55311,763-420-7549, zhuxx071 Otc.umn.eduZHU Jing, Teaching Asst (Industrial Relations Ctr)3-300 certSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S, Mpls 55455,Del Code 7041, 425 13th Ave SE, Apt·807, Mpls55414, zhuXOl450Ic.umn.&duZHU Jun, Assoc Prof (BiosystemsiAgricutiuralEngr, S Research/Outreach center) SouthemR&S&8rch and Outreach center, 35836120th St,Waseca 58093 (507-835-3620 x125; 625-2713),21166 Hyacinth Avenue,lakeville 55044,952-985-0897, zhuxx0340tc.umn.eduZHU U, Library Asst 3 (East Asian Ubrary) S-75OMWL, Del Code 7111 (624-9633),zhuxx0250tc.umn.eduZHU Uang, Sr Accountent (Center forTransportation Studies) Room 200 TSB, Del Code1982 (626-7927),805-5992,zhuXOI390tc.umn.eduZHU Shanjiang, Research AssI{Civil Engineering)Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE, Mpls 55455,Del Code 0851, Building7, Room 348, TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing 100084 China. 008-1361,zhuxxI2001c.umn.eduZHU TonO"in, Assoc Prof (UMD Geography),Adjunct Assoc Prof (UMD Continuing Education)319 Cina, Duluth, tzhuOd.umn.&duZHU WenQuang, Post-Doctoral Assoc (Ha~ardUniversity) CIIIfl 402, 17 Oxford St, Cambridge MA02139 (617-495-3392), zhuxxI250tc.umn.eduZHU Xi, Teeching Asst (Sociology) 1067 SocSci,Del Code 7171 (624-5296; 624-4300), 'ZHU Xiao-Hong, Assoc Pro! (Radiology), ResearchAssoc (Radiology) MMC 292 Mayo, Del Code6292, 102 CMRR (626-2001),zhuxx0220tc.umn.eduZHU Xiaochun, Research ,ASSI (VeterinaryPopulation Medicine) Room 225 VMC,I365Gortn&r Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6190, 2026Br&WSler St, Apt 3, St Paul 55108,

ZHU Xiaoyang, Prof (Room 239 Smith) 207Pleasant Street, Del Code 3661 (624-7849),zhuxx031

ZHU Yanni, Research AssI (Pediatrics), TeachingAsst (Biostatistics) MMC 303 Mayo, Del Code8303, MMC 303 Mayo (624-2474),[email protected]

ZHU Zhengxi, 'Research AssI (Chemical EngrlMatSci), Teaching AssI (llhemical EngrlMat Sci) 336Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531 (625-0584),[email protected]

ZHUANG xuelin, Software Tester (EnterpriseApplicationslMaint) Room 229 WBOB, Del Code7531, [email protected]

ZHUIKOV Marie E, Sr Editor (Mn Sea GrantCollege Program) 208 W H, 2305 E 5th Street,Duluth 55812·1445 (218-726-7677),mzhuikovOd.umn.eduZHUO Ujuan, Sr Laboratory Technician (LabMedicine/Pathology) MMC 609 Mayo, Del Code8609,

ZlAI,E Babak, Adjunct Asst Prof (EE/CSci) 200Union Street, Del Code 0572 (625-1574),2905Browning St, West Lafayelle IN 47906,876-1894,ziai&[email protected] '

ZlDAN Omar A, Assoc Prof (Rastorative ScienC&S;Dental Education, Coiltinuing) 8-450A Mooa T, DelCode 1291 (626-0604),

ZIEBARTH Ann, Assoc Prof (Design, Housing, and.Apparel) Room 240 McNH, Del Code 6136, 1796Holton St, Falcon Heights 55113,[email protected]

ZIEBARTH John W, Adjunct Instructor (RiYfJrwoodHeaJthcare Center) 200 Bunker Hill Drive, Aitkin56431, 29561 395lh PI, Ailldn 58431,651-641-1843, zi&

ZIEBARTH Thomas M, Adjunct Instructor (LakeCity Clinic-Mayo) 500 W Grant, Lake City 55041

,ZIEGENFUSS Jeanelle K, Research Asst (HIlhSves ReS&8rcIVPolicy) MMC 729 Mayo, Del Code8729,3304 30th Ave S, Mpls 55406, 'zi&

ZlEGENHAGEN John T, Departmental Dir (Ole ofPlanning & Acad Affairs) 220 Morrill Hall,~ Code0262 (625-0051), ziag&

ZIEGLER DVM Andre F, AssI Clinical Prof(Veterinary Diagnostic labs) E220 VetDL, 1333Gortn&r Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6184(624-1974), ziegI0280,lc.umn.eduZIEGLER Devid M, Scientist (SoUthern Research &Outreach Center) 35838 1201h St, Waseca 56093(607-837-5845), 35471120th St, Waseca 58093,607-835-7278,

ZIEGLER Edgar F, Assoc Clinical Spec(Rastorative SCi-Dperative Dentistry) 9-332 MoosT, Del Code 1291 (625-6917), 1332 Valley ViewRd, Chaska 55318, 952-446-2498,[email protected] Edith L, Teaching Spec (Ramsey Clinic)640 Jacl<son St, St Paul 55101, 3608 Tara Lane,Woodbury 55125, zi&glOO30tc.umn.eduZIEGLER John D, Sr Media Resources Producer(UMD-KUMD Radio) 130 H, 1201 Ordaan Court,Duluth 55812 (218-726-7181),

ZIEGLER Laura E, AssI Clinical Prof (Small AnimalClinical Sciences) 313 VetTchHosp, Del Code6192 (624-1267), ziegI0270tc.umn.eduZIEGLER Man D, Coordinator nCI) III Palljl&, DelCode 4201 (626-7322), zi&glO100lc.umn.eduZIEGLER Richard J, Dean (UMD Medicine Admin,School of), Prof (UMD Medicine Admin, School 01)117 SMed, 1035 University Dr, Duluth 55812(218-726-7572),1440 Cliff Ave, Duluth 55811,218-728-4982, rziegarOd.ulfln.eduZIEGLER Richard S, AssI Prof (Pediatrics;Neurology) MMC 486 Mayo, Del Code 8486,12-160 P W B (625-7486; 625-7659),

ZIEGLER Susy S, Ass! Prof (Geography) 548 SocSci, O&I.Code 7163 (625-9354),zi&gl&rOtc.umn.eduZIEGLER Toni, Prin Accountant (Cia, Accounting &Budgets) 209 Joh H, Del Code 3774 (624-4153),729-6623, a-ziegOtc.umn.eduZIELINSKI Nicl<oIai V, Instructor (UMD Music) 231H, 1201 Ordean Court, Duluth 55812(218-726-6304), nzialinsOd.umn.eduZIEMBA Beth A, R_arch AssI (6-284 BSBE)MMC 108 Mayo, Del Code 8108, 312 Church StSE, 958 Manvel ApI 6, St Paul 55114,


ZlER Judhh L, Aast Prof (Pediatrics) MMC 742Mayo, Del Code 8742, 413 VCR C (626-2916),zierxool0tc.umn.eduZlERDEN Heidi S, Research AssI (UMD IndustrialEngineering) 229 VKH, 1305 Ordean Court, Duluth55812 (218-726-7020), 218-721-5591,zierdOO50d.umn.eduZlERDT Mark R, Manager, Computer Services(Networking & Telecommunications), D&I Code2171 (625-00021,36416 Hillshira Ave, NorthBranch 56056;

ZlERHUT Heather, Teaching Asst (General BiologyProgram) Room 3-104 MCB, 1231, 420Washinglcn Ave SE, MpIs 55455, 10425 GrandForest Lana, Woodbury 55129,zierOO340tc.umn.eduZIERKE Patricia A, Instructor (UMD Achi&v&mentCenter), Ubrary AssI2 (UMD UblLm ResourceSvc) 215 L, 416 Ubrary Drive, DulUlh 55812(218-726-7883), pzierkeOd.umn.eduZlERTMAN Dean G, ~rch Plot T&<;hnician'(General ServicalMalntanance) 104 FGMnt, DelCode 6096 (625-6756), ziert0020tc.umn.eduZlERTMAN Steve R, Sr Autoniotive Machanlc(AES-administration) F G Mnt, Del Code 6096(625-5730), ziertOOl

ZlESKA Mary B, Food service Worker (CartsonDining Services) LI45H CSOM;DeI Code 7041,zieskOO20tc.umn.eduZlGAS Brian J, Mechanic 1 (Fac Mgmt-Zone 6-1T)300 Donhowe B, 319 15th AveSE, Mpls 554p5,zigas0020tc.umn.eduZlGICH Jan M, Assoc Bus Dev Spec(UMD-Economlc O&v, Clr For) DulUlh TechnologyVillage, no 210,11 E Superior St, Duluth 55802(218-726-7298), 4255C~nt Dr, DulUlh 55803,218-721-4453, jzigichOd.umn.eduZlLLANG lillang, Sr Parking Attendant (TSB AllThird Floor) Room 302 T56, 511 Washington AveSE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1983, 670 Eldridge AveW, Roseville 55113, 379-1467,zillaool @tc.umn.eduZ1LLlOX Larry, Extension EducatorlProlessor (UMExtension Douglas Cnty) Ste B090, 720 Filmore,Alexandria 56308-1785 (320-762-3890), 360Karens Way NW, Alexandrta 56308, 320-762-8502,[email protected] Paul E, Adjunct Prof (Developmantal &Surg Sci-eleft Pala) 6-296 Moos T, DerCode 1291(625-5945), zion&[email protected] JeSS& J, Assoc Prof (Naval ScienceDepartment) 203 Armory, 15 Church St SE, MpIs55455 (625-9763), [email protected] Catherine D, Scientist (MN TachAssistance Program) 360 MeNamaraClr, Del Code2004 (624-4635; 624-1300),zlmma0530tc.umn.eduZIMMER Debra A, AssI Prof (VA Medical center)General Medicine, One Veterans DriYfJ, Mpis55417, 1478 Almond Avell\l&, St Paul 55108,zimma0570tc.umn.eduZIMMER Jeanne F, Research AssI (E~PA) Room330 WuIIH, Del Code 3345 (624-6331), 671 SmithAve, St Paul 55107ZIMMER Sandta E, Exec Administrative Spec(UMD Art) 317 H, DI98, 1201 Ordaan Court,Duluth 55812 (218-72&:7800),szimmerOd.umn.eduZIMMERMAN Beh G, Pro! Emeritus(Pharmacology) 2-104 BSandBE, De\ Code 1213(625-3960), 2225 FoiwaU Ave, Falcon HgIs 55108,651-645-1662, zirnma0030tc.umn.eduZIMMERMAN Branda, Sr SUlVey Interviewer(Pediatrics) MMC 715 Mayo, Del Code 8715, 1-210Mooa (624-9116), 2225 Folwall Ave, St Paul55108, zimlllaOl1 Otc.umn.eduZIMMERMAN Charyl L, Prof (Collage OfPhannacy) 9-1498 WDH, Del Code 1332(624-4611),2182 Doswell AYfJ, St Paul 55108,651-847,1797, zimm&0050tc.umn:eduZIMMERMAN Faith A, Program Diractor, HIlhScience (UniVfJl1ity of MN Roch&slar) 855 30thAve SE, Rochastar 55904 (607-280-2834), 1209NE 21 st St, Rochastar 55906, 607-280-9675,faith.zimmermanOroch.eduZJIIIMERMAN George L, AssI Prof (UMD Elec &Computer Engr) 259 MWAH, Duluth(218-726-6237; 218-726-6147),IzimmermOd.umn.eduZlMI¥RMAfoi GUlhria S, Research Fellow(Fisheries and WIidliIe) Room 2nd FI HodsonH,1980 Folwell Ave, St Paul 55108, Del Code 6125,


ZIMMERMAN Jane P, Sr OIc Supv (Police Dept)125 T S B, Del Code 1981 (624-3550; 624-6598),[email protected]~du

ZIMMERMAN Jason A, Dental Fellow(Developmental & Surg Sci-Peda) Room 6-150MoosT, Del Code 1291 (624-1985),3100 Ariel StN, Suite 101, Maplewood 55106, 624-2161,[email protected]

ZIMMERMAN Jason M, Resaarch Fellow (DesignCtr Amef Urban Landscape) Room 1 RapsonH,Del Code 0811 (624-3594),[email protected]

ZIMMERMAN Julie G, Adjunct Asst Prof (NorthSuburban Family Physicians) 404 W HVIY 96,Shoreview 55126, 6649 Wh~e Birch Court, CirclePines 55014, [email protected]

ZIMMERMAN Kenneth C, Assoc Dean (Retired)(Graduate School), 1648 Lakeview Ct, Arden Hills55112, [email protected]

ZIMMERMAN Marl< E, Sr Research Assoc(Geology & Geophysics) 108 Pillsbury Hall, DelCode 021 f (626-0572; 626-9361),[email protected]

ZIMMERMAN Scott A, Sr Cashier/Food Aide (UMDFoodIVanding Services) 245 KPlz, 0206, 1208Kirby Dr, Duluth 55812 (218-726,7317), 116 17thSt Cloquet 55720,218-879-3191,[email protected]

ZIMMERMAN Shirley L, Prof Emeritus (FamilySocial Science) 283 McN H, DeiQode 6140(625-5289),3843 Glenhurst Ave, Mpls 55416,926-8644, [email protected]

ZIMMERMAN William E, Assoc Prof (Stevens CoExt OIc) Colonial Square, 208 Aflantic Ave, Morris56267-1321,2101 2nd St SW, Buffalo 55313,763-682-3617,

ZIMMERMAN·LE VOIR. Holly, Program Dir(Learning Abroad Center) 230 Heller Hall, DelCode 7457 (625-9688), 5709 Fairfax Av, Edina55424,952-924-9037, [email protected]

ZIMMERMANN Elizabeth S, Resaarch Assoc(Horticu~ure) 320 AlderH, Del Code 6008(624-2715),2724 W River Rd, Mpls 55406,724-1971, [email protected] Laura J, Teaching Asst (UMDMathematics/Statistics) 133 SCC, 11 17 UniversityDr, Dululh 55812, 218-310-4449,[email protected]

ZIMMERMANN Peter P, Laboratory MachinistSpec (Mechanical Engineering) lloom 171 MechE,Del Code 0691 (625-1301),1048 26th Ave SE,Mpls 55414, 623-4508, [email protected] Randal J, Program Dir (CarlsonSchoOl of Mgmt) 4-104 carlSMgml, Del Code 7041(626-8182), [email protected]

ZIMMERMANN JR William, Prof (Relired) (Physics& Astronomy) 148 Phys, Del Code 0331(624-4387; 624-6046), 2724 West River Parkway,Mpls 55406,724-1971,

ZINDA Carol J, Asst Librarian(SciencelEngineering Reference) 247 WaLib, DelCode 3725 (626-7698; 624-0224),

[email protected]

ZlNDLER Usa M, Instructor (Fairviaw UniversityMed Center) Women'S Clinic, 701 25th Ave S,Suite 302, Mpls 55454, 3709 W 54th Street, Edina55410, [email protected]

ZINGGELER Jeannette M, Resaarch Asst (CancerCenler) MMC 806 Mayo, Dal Code 8806, Lab705A; 6690 Mayo BUilding (626-3550; 625-3680),8975 Jackson Avenue, Circle Pines 55014,jzingOlc.urnn.eduZlNK Robert M, Prof (Bell Museum of NaturalHistory; Ecology, EvolutionlBehavlor; Lake ~sca

ForestrylBio Stn) 230 Ecology Building, Del Code6098 (624-7207), 7555 99th St Cl N, Wh~ BearLake 55110, 651-653·1226, zinkx0030tc.umn.eduZlNK Theresa M, Adjunct Asst Prof (Dept ofResaarch) Olmsted Medical Center, 210 9th SI,R~hester 55904, zink00030tc.umn.eduZlNN Gesa, Assoc Prof (UMD For Langllit) Room457 H; Dululh (218-726-7951), 5406 Oneida Street,Duluth 55804, gzinnOd.umn.eduZlNN Kelly E, Research Asst (531 Borlaug Hall)1991 Upper Buford Circle, Del Code 6026(625-7219), [email protected]

ZlNS Andrea M, Sr Veterinary Technician (VetTeaching HosplMed Imaging) 385 Vet Tch Hos,Del Code 6194 (625-1200),8050 Jergen AveSouth, Cottage Grove 55016, 651-768-0401,zinsx01 1Otc.umn.eduZlNS Troy T, Data Proc Technician 1 (CCEContinuing EduclConf Ctr) Room 55 CECC, DelCode 6094 (624-9249), [email protected]

ZIPES Jack, Prof (German, Scandinavian, andDutch; Cultural Studies/Compa Lit) 223 Fol H. DelCode 0143 (624-1041), 3245 Irving Av S, MpIs55408, 825-9060, zipesOOl

ZIRBEL Pete, Non Univ Staff (University 8ervi(:es)300 Donhowe Mpls (626-7209), 5536 OaklawnAve, Edina 55424, 952--92-9-39,

Z~RBES Aeron J, Info Tech Prof (Envrn HealthSciences (SPH») Room 350 McNamara Ctr, 200Oak St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code ioo4(625-3480), 763-571-6696,

ZIRBES Jacquelyn, Non Unlv Staff (HealthSciences-Adm) 742 Mayo Mpls, 8632 Neal Avenue,S, Hasflngs 55033, zirbeOO1

ZIRBES Jane, Assoc Admin (SupercomputingInstrtule) Room 599 WaLib, Del Code 3721(625-0012), 2544 Beyberry Avenue, Stillwater55082,651-275-0517,

ZIRPEL Lance, Asst Prof (Neuroscience) Rm6-145 JacH, 321 Church St S, Mpls 55455, DelCode 1216, zirpeOOl

ZlSSLER James F, Prof (Retired) (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo, Del Code 8196, 584 StoneMeadow Lane, Montec~o CA 93108,zisslool

ZlTA Jacquelyn N, Assoc Prof (Women's Studies)436 Ford Hall, Del Code 0455 (624-9326),z~axool

ZLONIS Nicholas, Info Tech Prof (UMD MN SeaGrant) 208 W H, 2305 E 5th St, Dululh 55812, 510N 13th Ave E, Duluth 55805, 218-724-1501,[email protected]

ZMIJEWSKA-EMERSON Hahna, Lecturer(German, Scandinavian & DulCh) 204 Fol H, DelCode 0143 (625-6613), zmijeool

ZMORA Arie, Teaching Spec (General College)262 Appleby Hall, Del Code 3501 (625-2928),[email protected]

ZNIEWSKI Dana F, Administrative Professional(Eastcliff) 176 N Mississippi River Blvd, Del Code2531 (627-6800; 627-6801),

ZOBEL Leon 0, Program Dir (University Relations)3 MorH, Del Code 0265 (624-7018),[email protected]

ZOFKA Adam M, Research Assl (CivitEngineering) Room 122 CivE, 500 Pillsbury Dr SE,Mpls 55455, Del Code 0851, 2431 Cole Ave SE,Mpis 55414, 804-2343,

ZOGG Thomas R, Assoc Librarian (UMD LiblLmResource Svc), Ass! Librarian (Lib AdministrativeServices) 266 L, Duluth (218-728-8549),[email protected]

ZOGHBY MD Ziad, Medical Fellow (MedicineEducation Office) MMC 284 Mayo, Del Code 8284,1.4-100 PWB (625-1670), [email protected]

ZOLLINGER Stephanie W, Assoc Prof (Design,Housing, and Allparel) 485 McNeal Hall, Del Code6136 (624-3205), 2142 Arcade SI, Maplewood55109,

ZOLNOWSKY Wendy M, Info Tech Prof (UMD InfoTech Systems/Services) 15 DAdB, 0182, 1049University Drive, Dululh 55812 (218-726-8855),1374 Highland' Village Dr Apt 16, Oululh 55811,218-722·5895.

ZOLTAI Tibor Z, Prof (Retired) (Earth SciGeology/Geophysics), 476 Summ~ Ave, St Paul55108,

ZOMERFELT Judy A,· Exec Administrative Spec(Mn Sea Grant Collage Program) 208 W H, 2305 E5th Street, Duluth 55812-1445 (218-726-8106;218-726-8107),6263 Bachelor Rd, Saginaw55779,218·729-7464, jzomerfeOd.umn.eduZOPFhlORDAN David M, Assoc Librarian (LawLibrary) 150 Mondale Hall, Del Code 7911(625-4300; 625-9534), d-zopf@!

ZORMAN Jack 0, Laboratory Machinist Spec(Soudan Underground Lab) Box 175, Del Code0331 (218-753-6611), zorma001

ZORN Deborah J, Community Program Assoc(Medical School - Communications) MMC 293Mayo, Del Code 8293, C 618 - Mayo (625-1185),7574 Ridgeview Point, Chanhassen 55317,952-470-8991,

ZOSCHKE David C, Adjunct Assoc Prof (Arthritis &Rheumatology, Assoc) Rheumatology, Suite 215,7250 France Ave S, Edina 55435, 9000 44th CircleNo, New Hope 55426,

ZOSEL Mary, Personnel Asst (UMM-Finance-Adm)309 Behm, Morris 56267 (320-589-6022),320-589-9047, [email protected]

ZOTALEY Theresa L, Instructor (Target Pharmacy)2555 79th St W, Bloomington 55431,5504Parkwood Lane, Edina 55436,

ZOTAUS Jason A, Development OIer (UniversityFoundation) Room 500 McNamaraCtr, Del Code2011 (624-4318), [email protected]

ZOU Hui, Instructor (Statistics) Room 313 FordH,224 Church St SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 0457,[email protected]

ZOU Liangxing, ResaarchAsst (Department otMedicine) MMe 108 Mayo, Del Code 8108,Rheumatology, Lab 801 Inslof Genetics, Beijing100101 China,

ZOU Zhen, Assoc Educalion Spec (Lib ArtsLanguage Ctc, Asian LanguagesILrteralures) Room110 JonesH, Del Code 3945 (625-4826),651-646-8749, [email protected]

ZOUARI Sami, Visiting Scholar (Humphrey Inst ofPublic Affair) Room 232 HHHCtr-Prof Assaad, 30119th Ave S, Mpls 55455, Del Code 7451,[email protected]

ZU Lijun, Graduate School Fellow (ChemicalEngrlMat Sci), PhD Candidate Research Asst(Chemical EngrlMat Sci) 421 Washington Ave SE,Del Code 0531 (825-1018; 624·2790), 1054 27thAve SE, Apt 0, Mpls 55414, 226-7420,[email protected]

ZU Tao, Posl-Doctoral Assoc (Genelics, CellBiology, & Davelopme) 5-162 MeB, Del Code 1217(626-3521), 651-765-0791, zuxxxOOl

ZUBRZVCKI Mary J, Community HealthCoordinator (Epidemiology) Room 300 WBOB, DelCode 7525 (624-1818), [email protected]

ZUCKE'R Kenneth J, Adjunct Asst Prof(Restorative Sciences-Endodontics) Room 8-166MoosT, Del Code 1291 (624-9900),7869 GuildCourt, Apple VaHey 55124,

ZUCKERMAN Jeffrey J, Lecturer (English) 17 LindHall, Del Code 0613 (625-3363), 1218 Edlin Place,Mpls 55416, [email protected]

ZUCKERMAN Stephen L, Adj&'ct Asst Prof(Aspen Medical Group) Intemal Medicine, 3024Snelling Ave, Mpls 55406, 2222 Harriet AveApt301 , Mpls 55455,

ZUCKWEILER Rebecca L, Adjunct Instructor·(Rosaville Professional Center) 2233 N HamllneAve, Suite 607, Roseville 55113,zuckwOOl

ZUEHLKE JR Robert 0, Prin LaboratoryTechnician (UMD-NRRI-CARTDlMinerals)Coleraine Minerals Research Lab, PO Box 188,Coleraine 55722 (218-245-4201),[email protected]

ZUHARS Tom C, Siudent Support Services Asst(Medicine) MMC 736 Mayo, Del Code 8736,14-136 P W B (624-9444), 4153 - 21st Ave S, Mpls55407, 724-2421, [email protected]

ZUIDEMA Elisabeth A, Lab Animal CaraTechnician (Research Animal Resources) MMC 69Mayo, Del Code 8069, 1-525 PWB (624-6169),4945 Pennine Pass NE, Columbia Heights55421-2075, 763-571-9627,

ZUIKER Virginia S, Assoc Prof (Family SocialScience) 290 MeN H, Del Code 6140 (625-4225),[email protected]

ZUMETA David C, Non Univ Staff (Nat Resources,College of-Adm) 35A NAAB Mpls (651-603-0108),

ZUMHOFE Lisa K, Adjunct Instructor (UMD Music),Teaching Spec (UMD Music) Room 231 H, DUlulh,131 Soulh Ave, Two Harbors 55816,[email protected] Candelario, Prin Student PersonnelWorl<er (Carlson, Undergraduate Program) 1-105MCarlSMgmt, Del Code 7041 (624-9394),[email protected]

ZUNIGA Javier, Teaching Asst (School of Math)522 VinH, Del Code 0412 (624-4143), 42513thAve SE Apt 1405, Mpls 55414,[email protected]

ZUNKEL Gretchen M. Ass! Prof (School ofNursing) Room 6-177 Weaver-Dansford Hall, DelCode 1331 (624-5435),

ZUNKER Nicholas 0, Teaching Asst (Chemistry)Room 139 SmithH, 207 Pleasant St SE, Mpls55455, Del Code 3661, [email protected]

ZUO Huigang, Research Asst (Wood and PaperScience) 203 KaulL,2004 Folwell Ave, St Paul55108, Del Code 6130 (625-2287; 625-6218),1220Fifield Ave, St Paul 55108, 651-646-0812, [email protected]

ZUPAN PHD Brian A, Scientisl (Health ServicesRsch!Policy) 0 360 Mayo Building, MMC 510, 420Delaware Street SE, Mpli-55455 (624-7291),[email protected] .

ZUPANCIC John T, Adjunct Asst Prof (PrimaryDental Care-Hibbing) Room 15-136 MoosT, 515Delaware SI SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code 1291,[email protected] Mary L, Asst Scientist (Microbiology)MMC 196 Mayo. Del Code 8196,1415 Mayo(624-4649), maryzOtc.umn.eduZUPANCICH John A, Resaarch Spec (Chemistry),PhD Candidate .Resaarch Asst (Chemical EngrlMatSci), PhD Candidate Teaching Asst (ChemicalEngrlMat Sci) 336 Amundson Hall, Del Code 0531(625-0584).215 5th St NE, Apt 3A, Mpls 55413,[email protected] Laurie A, Prin Administrative Spec(Epidemiology) 300 W BOB, Del Code 7525(624-1818},l8013rdSISW, New Brighton 55112,zurbeOO1 @tc.umn.eduZURIFF Susan R, Assoc Librarian (Area Studies(MAC)) 160 OMWL, Del Code 7111 (625-0529),2024 26th Ave So, Mpls 55406, 332-2011,[email protected] Rhonda L, Program ,Dir (IT Administration)Room 105 WaLib, Del Code 3731 (626-7959),[email protected] Kathryn J, Asst Prof (Hennepin CountyMedical Center) Dept Of Anesthesiology, 701 Par\(Ave, Mpls 55415, 6513 Navaho Trail, Edina 55439,zuspaool

ZUSllAK Susan M, Radiologic Technologist(DiaglBiolo Sci - OMD) 7-220 Moos T, Del Code1291 (625-5842), 6546110th Ave N, Champlin55316, zustiOO10tc.umn.eduZUZEK Kathryn J, Scientist (Horticultural ResaarchCenter) 600 Arboretum Blvd, Excelsior 55331(952-443-1494),8187 Savanna Valley Way,Victoria 55386, 952-443-3197,zuzekool0tc.umn.eduZWEBER John H, Adjunct Instructor (St FrancisRagional Hosp) 1455 St Francis Ave, Shakopee55379, [email protected] John P, Asbestos Worl<er (FacilitiesMgmt-CPPM U ofM Constru) Room 300 Donhowe'Bldg, 31915th Ave SE, Mpls 55455, Del Code3121, 119-2Oth Ave North, South St Paul 55075,[email protected] RISIC Keri A, Asst Dir CmplCol (Office ofAdmissions) 240 Wmson H, Del Code 0171(624-4680), 3065 Casco Point Rd, Wayzata 55391,zweigOO20Ic.umn.eduZWIEBEL Felix, Adjunct Prof (FamilyMedicineiComm Health; Neurology) Mpls Clinic ofPsych and Neurology, 4225 Golden Valley Rd,Mpls 55422, 4900 W 28th St, Mpls 55416,zwiabOO10tc.umn.eduZWOLAK Pawel, Post-Doctoral Assoc (MedicineHematology Office) MMe 480 Mayo, 8480, 420Delaware, Mpls 55455, 515 Oak St SE, Mpls55414, [email protected]

~DLEWSKA Agnieszka, Lecturer (InternationalProgram Dev) 4-104 CarlSMgmt, 321 19th Ave S,Mpls 55455, DaICode 7041.zydleOO10tc.umn.eduZVDOWICZ Daniel A, Adjunct Assoc Prof(InterMed Consultants) 6363 France-Ave S, Edina55435 (952-920-2070), zydowOO1 Otc.umn.eduZVI(OVA Tatiana A, Hormel Fellow (HormelInst~ule, Univ of Minnesot) 80118th Ave NE,Austin 5591?-3679 (507-437-9616), 900 14th StNW, Aptll0, Austin 55912, 507-434-0188,[email protected] Janet N, Teaching ~t (Psychology)N-218 EItH, 75 E River Pkwy, Mpls 55455, DelCode 3281, 1511 Lagoon Ave Apt2, Mpls 55408,872-4705, zyllnool Otc.umn.eduZVLLA Emily B, Research Asst (Department ofPsychiatry) Room 106, Del Code 2694 (627-1847),2244 Benjamin St NE, Mpls 55418, 371-4442,ezyliaOtc.umn.eOOZVTKOVICZ Andrea E, Research Asst (RadiologyDepartment) MMC 292 Mayo, Dei Code 8292,Biophysical Sciences and Medical Ph (624-6458),415 SE 4th St Apt5, Mpls 55414, 617-515-9243,[email protected]