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Universitg of Minnesota


Dr. 0. Meredith Wilson, President

Mr. Laurence R. Lunden, Secretary

Mr. Clinton T. Johnson, Treasurer

Mr. Sterling B. Garrison, Assistant Secretary

The Honorable Ray J. Quinlivan, St. Cloud First Vice President and Chairman

The Honorable Charles W. Mayo, M.D., Rochester Second Vice President

The Honorable Daniel C. Gainey, Owatonna

The Honorable Richard L. Griggs, Duluth

The Honorable Bjarne E. Grottum, Jackson

The Honorable Robert E. Hess, White Bear Lake

The Honorable Marjorie J. Howard (Mrs. C. Edward), Excelsior

The Honorable A. I. Johnson, Benson

The Honorable Lester A. Malkerson, Minneapolis

The Honorable A. J. Olson, Renville

The Honorable Herman F. Skyberg, Fisher

SMOKING AND USE OF CAMERAS-It is requested, by action of the Board of Regents, that in Northrop Memorial Auditorium smoking be confined to the outer lobby on the main floor, to the gallery lobbies, and to the lounge rooms. The use of cameras in the auditorium by members of the audience is prohibited.

~lt1s Js Vour Universitv CHARTERED in February, 1851, by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota, the University of Minnesota this year celebrated its one hundred and tenth birthday. As from its very beginning, the University is dedicated to the task of training the youth of today, the citizens of tomorrow. How well it has succeeded is indicated by the number of physicians, lawyers, engineers, social workers, educators, journalists, dentists, veterinarians, farmers, business­men--community and civic leaders in all fields-who have gone from its several campuses to participate actively in the upgrading of the welfare of the citizens of our state. During the period of its existence the University has awarded more than 151,000 degrees to its students who have completed the rigorous training demanded by the complexities of modem society.

In addition to the enormous task of giving collegiate instruction to more than 28,000 students on its Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, and Morris Cam­puses, the University offers, through its Schools of Agriculture and its General Extension Division, specialized training designed to assist those who wish to study on a part-time basis. Still in addition, its staff members who are county agents, home agents, 4-H Club agents, and recreation and health consultants give effective assistance to citizens of the state in their very homes.

But the University of Minnesota, like all great universities, has expanded far beyond its early teaching and training programs. In the diverse research labora­tories on its four campuses, at the several agricultural experiment stations scattered throughout the state, at the Rosemount Research Center, the Cloquet Forest Research Center, the Cedar Creek Natural History Area near Bethel, the Fruit Breeding Farm and the Arboretum at Excelsior, the Lake Itasca Forestry and Biological Station, the Mayo Foundation at Rochester, the Har­mel Institute at Austin, and at University Hospitals, University scientists at any one moment are working on countless research experiments of vital im­portance to the future health and welfare of us all. These projects deal with such matters as cancer, heart surgery, taconite, gamma irradiation, cheese­making, teacher training, municipal government, nuclear energy, school surveys, and new varieties of grains, fruits, and flowers, to mention only a few.

THE UNIVERSITY is recognized as the cultural hub of the Northwest; it is the home of the University Artists Course, Radio Station KUOM, the Uni­versity Theater, the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, and the local perform­ances of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Through the University of Minne­sota Program Service, the University brings to more than a million and a half people in the area it serves, artists and lecturers of quality and talent.

The people of Minnesota are proud of their University, not only because it is one of the leading state universities in the nation, but also because of the extent and quality of its services from which they, their families, communities, and organizations benefit. Their interest in the University is a dynamic, living thing and expresses itself in many ways. Contributions from them have made it possible for the Variety Club Heart Hospital and the great Mayo Memorial Building to be constructed. Through the American Legion and its auxiliary posts all over the state, thousands of friends have made generous donations to


provide an endowed research professorship in heart disease. Further contribu­tions have made it possible for the University to build the Masonic Memorial Hospital, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Cancer Research Center, and Diehl Hall (which houses the biological-medical library and additional medical re­search facilities) .

Equally generous have been the contributions made by corporations, asso­ciations, foundations, trade unions, clubs, and individuals, whose thoughtful cooperation has made hundreds of scholarships and fellowships available each year to students of promise. Chiefly because of financial difficulties, only one­half of the Minnesota high school graduates of high ability enter any college or university. Because of this, the friends and supporters of the University are con­stantly trying to increase the number of scholarships and the amount of money available for such assistance.

Over recent years, much of the University's energy has gone into the neces­sary planning for the anticipated increases in future enrollments. At present about half of the students in Minnesota colleges and universities attend the University of Minnesota. If the other institutions continue to take this same percentage of these students, not less than 47,000 full-time, fully matriculated students will be attending the University in 1970. This means more teachers, more civil service staff members, more land, and more buildings.

THE 1959 LEGISLATURE granted the University $49,068,181 for general maintenance during the 1959-61 biennium. In addition, the University will receive $8,879,748 for University Hospitals; $4,141,355.69 for special appro­priations, including special extension and research activities; and $14,457,1.50 for new buildings, land, and for the rehabilitation of existing buildings.

Each year the University publishes and widely circulates a summary finan­cial statement, which is available to anyone upon request as is a much more comprehensive and complete statement for those who wish to make a special study of the University's income and expenditmes.

The summary financial statement of 1959-60 showed that the University received $90,177,067.15 and spent $90,177,626.52. This includes a total of $16,228,815.94 received from student tuition and fees, hospital and other de­partment receipts; $1,254,107.29 from intercollegiate athletics; $15,243,194.78 from such services as dormitories and dining halls, printing, the laundry, the University of Minnesota Press, the Department of Concerts and Lectures, the University Theater, and the Health Service, and from the revolving funds; and $20,265,209.92 from trust funds, including gifts, grants, donations, and income from endowments and research contracts for instruction, research, prizes, schol­arships, and the care of the sick. Also, $2,659,035.91 came from federal appro­priations for instruction, research, Agricultural Extension, and plant expansion.

Of the total of $90,177,067.15 which the University received for 1959-60, $34,526,703.31, or 38.3 per cent, came from the state.

All students at the University, their families and friends are invited to con­tinue their enthusiasm and interest in the University of Minnesota. Graduates are especially urged to identify themselves with the Minnesota Alumni Associa­tion and the Greater University Fund and to return as frequently as possible to visit us here at the University.


Order of &vents PROCESSION: Before the procession starts, the Frances Miller Brown Memo­rial Bells, played by Miss Helen Garvey, University Carillonneur, will be heard from Northrop Memorial Auditorium. During the procession, the University Concert and Symphony Bands, conducted by Instructor in Music Frank Ben­criscutto, D.M.A., Bandmaster, will play from the steps of the Auditorium. The procession will move from the front of Coffman Memorial Union, across the footbridges, up the Mall, and into the Auditorium. Leading the procession \Viii be the Mace Bearer, Associate Professor Gordon I. Swanson, Ph.D., Col­lege of Education, Faculty Marshal. Next in the line of march will be the Color Guard, made up of University Army, Navy, and Air Force HOTC cadets and midshipmen. Following will be the graduating students, marching by colleges, with the faculty and the President marching last. The University Army and Air Force ROTC Bands will join the line of march on the Mall. Conductors of the Bands are: Army HOTC, Cadet Major Carl Baumeister; Air Force ROTC, Cadet Major Waldemar Scherer.

IN THE AUDITORIUM: The audience is requested to remain seated so that all can see the procession. As the Mace Bearer enters the Auditorium, herald­ing the arrival of the academic procession, Mr. Christian Koch, B.A., Graduate Student, will play the University Organ. The Mace Bearer will present the Mace at the center of the stage. Graduating students will take their places on either side of the middle aisle. When the faculty members have taken their places on the stage, the Mace Bearer will put the Mace on the table, to signal the beginning of the ceremony.

PRESENTATION OF COLORS: As the Color Guard enters the Auditorium, the audience will rise and remain standing for the Presentation of Colors, and for the National Anthem and the Invocation.

NATIONAL ANTHEM: The entire audience and Assistant Professor of Music Paul Knowles, M.M., soloist.

Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.

Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

INVOCATION: The Reverend John W. McKelvey, Adviser to Methodist stu­dents and staff members on the St. Paul Campus of the University.

PRESIDING: Dean of Students Edmund G. Williamson, Ph.D.


Order of 8vents SPEAKING FOR THE CLASS OF I961: Mr. James R. Spensley, IT '62, out­going President of the Minnesota Student Association.

SPEAKING FOR THE UNIVERSITY: President 0. Meredith Wilson, Ph.D.

ADDRESS: Professor of English Elizabeth Jackson, Ph.D.

PRESENTATION OF STUDENTS: Dean Williamson will present to the fac­ulty and to the audience the members of honor societies, the recipients of scholarships, fellowships and awards, the honor students, and the members of the graduating class.

HAIL! MINNESOTA, the University's Alma Mater song, sung by the audi­ence and Professor Knowles.

Minnesota, hail to thee!

Hail to thee, our college dear!

Thy light shall ever be

A beacon bright and clear;

Thy sons and daughters true

Will proclaim thee near and far;

They will guard thy fame

And adore thy name;

Thou shalt be their Northern Star.


Like the stream that bends to sea,

Like the pine that seeks the blue,

Minnesota, still for thee

Thy sons are strong and true;

From thy woods and waters fair,

From thy prairies waving far,

At thy call they throng

With their shout and song,

Hailing thee their Northern Star.

Faculty marshals, wearing maroon caps and gowns, are: Professor Swanson; Associate Professor 'Vayne J. Anderson, Ph.D., General College; Associate Pro­fessor Truman R. Nodland, Ph.D., Instih1te of Agriculture; Associate Professor LeVerne F. Snoxell, Ph.D., Office of the Dean of Students.



including members elected during the year 1960-1961

Alpha Omega Alpha

National Honorary Medical Society


Calvin M. Bandt, Minneapolis B.A. '57, St. Olaf College

Allan D. Belden, Red Wing B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Martin G. Bruhl, Faribault B.A. '57, University of Minnesota

David W. Burgan, Helena, Mont. B.S. '58, Montana State College

Clifford A. Carlson, International Falls B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

John A. Cich, St. Paul B.A. '58, University of r-.tinnesota

William C. Conrad, St. Paul B.A. '57, Bethel College

Nancy Jo Engeset, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

RichardT. Foreman, St. Paul B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Harry I. Katz, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

John B. Leary, St. Paul B.A. '58, University of Minnesota B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

~1alcolm I. Lindsay, Jr., Minneapolis B.A. '57, Dartmouth College

Charles L. Murray, Minneapolis B.S. '57, Massachusetts Institute of


Robert E. Olson, Fargo, N. D. B.S. '56, North Dakota Agriculture

College Gerald R. Onstad, Hopkins

B.A. '58, University of Minnesota Patrick J. Scanlan, Minneapolis

B.A. '52, College of St. Thomas James R. Schimschock, Minneapolis

B.A. '59, University of Minnesota Fred L. Shapiro, Minneapolis

B.A. '.58, University of Minnesota Joseph L. \Vestermeyer, Melrose Park, Ill.

B.S. '.59, University of Minnesota David M. Worthen, Salt Lake City, Utah

B.S. '58, University of Utah


Charles W. Drage, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Margaret L. Grunnet, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Leon \V. Hoyer, Windom B.A. '58, Harvard University

George N. Rogentine, Jackson B.A. '58, Harvard University

Beta Gamma Sigma

National Honorary Commerce Society


Donald A. Berglund, Isanti Darrold D. Burris, Fergus Falls \Villiam H. Christensen, Austin Roger E. Earle, St. Paul Warren A. Field, \Vayzata Kenneth A. Hagstrom, Minneapolis Jerry H. Halldorson, Minneapolis Kenneth E. Hanson, Farmington Thomas W. Hughes, Robbinsdale Harvey F. Kaplan, St. Paul Charles E. Kirk, Jr., St. Paul Richard R. Lammers, Minneapolis Dana X. Marshall, Braham \Vayne J. Nelson, Las Vegas, Nev.


Daniel V. Noble, St. Paul Deanna D. Peterson, Blooming Prairie Dennis L. Peterson, Chisago City James F. Pritchett, Minneapolis Paul H. Havich, Los Angeles, Calif. Arnold E. Rolfsrud, Watford City, N. D. James N. Rosse, Minneapolis Karen M. Hutherford, Albert Lea Darrell E. Tilleskjor, Anoka


Frank H. Berman, Minneapolis John A. Foreman, St. Paul David K. Hamry, Minneapolis Thomas J. Klassen, De Graff

Chi Epsilon

National Civil Engineering Honor Fraternity

Faculty Adviser

,\Iiles S. Kersten, Minneapolis B.C.E. '34, University of ,\linnesota .\1.S.C.E., '36, University of Minnesota Ph.D. '45, University of ,\linnesota

Graduate Students

A. Norris Breivik, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

George G. Hebaus, St. Paul B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Robert D. Holtz, St. Louis Park B.C.E. '60, University of Minnesota

David E. Jankowski, South St. Paul B.C.E. '61, University of Minnesota

David W. Kirkwold, Glenwood B.S. '60, University of l\linnesota

\Varren \V. Krech, South St. Paul B.S. '59, University of ,\linnesota

Richard E. Turner, St. Charles B.C.E. '60, University of .\1innesota

Fifth Year

Peter Bjornberg, Willmar Kenneth E. Bruestle, St. Paul Donald J. Flemming, Winona James F. Gasner, New Ulm George D. Hagen, Mabel David E. Melander, St. Paul Lane H. Smith, Minneapolis Gerald M. Sunde, Bloomington Hichard Swanson, Minneapolis

Fourth Year

Hobert B. Doolen, Billings, .Mont. Raymond V. Knutson, Rochester Hichard S. McGinnis, Wayzata Robert C. Polta, New Ulm Dale A. H.eisdorfer, Adrian Hichard Sauers, Stillwater


Junior Women's Honorary Society

Faculty Adviser

Louise A. Stedman, St. Paul B.A. '30, State University of Iowa M.A. '37, State University of Iowa Ph.D. '47, Purdue University


Erna Barstad, St. Paul Lou Ann Benshoof, Detroit Lakes Sheila Berman, Minneapolis Joyce Cremers, Minneapolis Nancy Goodwin, Minneapolis

Susanne Graham, \Vest Hartford, Conn. Gretchen Hagemeister, Robbinsdale Judith Hamann, Lake Park, Iowa Carolyn Hathaway, Minneapolis Dorothy Kaup, Minneapolis Bette Lawrence, Minneapolis Nancy Margolis, St. Paul ,\,!arne Nelson, Alexandria Diane Jean Palmer, Minneapolis Susan Hhame, St. Paul Sharon Sanders, Minneapolis Sharon Squibb, Redwood Falls .\lary Jo Woestehoff, Minneapolis

Delta Phi Delta

National Honorary Art Fraternity


Melvin Waldfogel, Minneapolis A.B. '47, University of North Carolina A.M. '51, Harvard University Ph.D. '61, Harvard University

Allen Downs, Minneapolis B.S. '37, Kansas State Teachers College i\I.A. '40, State University of Iowa


Frederick J. Armstrong, l\linneapolis Karen C. Carlson Dixie '\1. Davis, St. Paul 1\larolyn J. Downing, Hopkins


Cynthia H. Fisher, Minneapolis Edward C. Harrington, Minneapolis Jerome E. Kyllo, Wanamingo l\largaret E. Patten, Minneapolis l\1ary Ellen Ponsford, Minneapolis Nancy Ann Record, St. Paul i\lary Lee Short, Minneapolis David A. Swanson, Minneapolis Valerie Lee \Ventzel, Minneapolis


Annabella Gonzaly Charlene Hersh, Minneapolis Sidnee Lee, Fargo, N.D. Pat Zontelli, Crosby

Eta Kappa Nu (Omicron Chapter)

National Electrical Engineering Honor Society


Donald E. Anderson, St. Paul B.S.E.E. '52, University of Minnesota M.S.E.E. '54, University of Minnesota Ph.D. '58, University of Minnesota

Fourth Year

Hilding A. Bjorklund, Grand l\Iarais Michael B. Colligan, Ebro Paul L. Hill, Detroit, Mich. Ray R. Kaste, Winona Robert D. Keillor, Minneapolis Clayton P. Kjeer, Ostrander Douglas E. Load, St. Paul Ronald W. Madson, Minneapolis Marie P. Prins, Minneapolis Kenneth F. Hamacher, St. Francis

Fifth Year

John M. Braasch, Minneapolis Lyle G. Cloud, St. Paul Robert A. Gerber, Donnelly William A. Glasser, Minneapolis Philip D. Gunderson, Minneapolis Donald L. Gustafson, Eau Claire, \Vis. Richard E. Hall, Minneapolis David Hanson, Minneapolis Roger E. Lund, Mound Milton H. Monnier, Sauk Rapids Ronald E. Nielsen, Minneapolis Kent A. Penwarden, Rochester James Peterson, Cambridge Gerald F. Sauter, Minneapolis Donald P. Strandberg, St. Paul Rodger E. Ziemer, Amery, Wis.

Gamma Sigma Delta

Honorary Society of Agriculture


George R. Blake, St. Paul Department of Soils

Frederick G. Holdaway, St. Paul Department of Entomology and

Economic Zoology Irvin E. Liener, St. Paul

Department of Agricultural Biochem­istry

Albert J. Linck, St. Paul Department of Plant Pathology and

Botany Truman R. Nodland, St. Paul

Department of Agricultural Economies Joseph C. Olson, Jr., St. Paul

Department of Dairy Industries

Graduate Students

Department of Agricultural Economics

John D. Hyslop, Fulda Lloyd C. Rixe, Hilger, Mont. William G. Tomek, Table Rock, Neb.

Department of Agricultural Education

Gordon Eastwood, Australia Donald G. Johnsen, Kenmare, N. D.

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Herbert Lapp, Canada Shu-Tung Chu, China


Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics

Robert W. Briggs, Emden, Ill. Muhammad Y. Chaudri, Pakistan Ben R. Jackson, Muskogee, Okla. Charles A. Laible, Rock City, Ill. Johng Ki Lim, Korea

Department of Animal Husbandry

William J. Boylan, Bozeman, Mont. Richard M. Prouty, Milford, Mass. Guenther W. Rahnefeld, Clifton, N. T l\1anuel Soldevila, Puerto Rico ·

Department of Dairy Husbandry

Edward V. Carnolo, Cranston, R. I. \Villiam A. Olson, Minneapolis Kammula G. Raju, India

Department of Dairy Industries

William E. Hobbs, Hartford, Conn. Edmund A. Zottola, Grants Pass, Ore. Ronald H. Olsen, Sleepy Eye

Department of Entomology and Economic Zoology

Karl M. Schurr, Bellefontaine, Ohio

Department of Horticulture

Philip Ito, Hawaii Sadao Sakamoto, Japan

Department of Plant Pathology and Botany

Ernest Eino Banttari, Hibbing George Albert Bean, Westbury, N.Y. Wiley Nathan Garrett, Rosebud, Tex. David Lawrence Gerwitz, Buffalo, N.Y. Johannes Jorgensen, Denmark Bill Wade Kennedy, Durant, Okla. William Merrill, Jr., Pike, N.H. David Louis Mumford, Mt. Pleasant,

Utah Ricardo Arturo Rodriguez, Costa Rica Wallace Edward Rogers, Providence,

R.I. Darroll Dean Skilling, Alma, Mich. Ronald Earle Welty, Winona

Department of Soils

Harvey Hermanson, Spring Valley Jacques Jorgensen, Stevensville, Mich. Jerome B. Weber, Kilkenny

C allege of Veterinary Medicine

William F. Cates, Prior Lake

School of Forestry

Patrick J. B. Duffy, Canada Gilbert H. Fechner, Fort Collins, Colo. Ver Lee R. Gjovick, Strathcona Miron Heinselman, Grand Rapids William C. Kelso, Memphis, Tenn. John F. Kraus, St. Paul Vilis Kurmis, Latvia

Thomas D. Rudolph, Rhinelander, Wis. Roland E. Schoenike, Winona


Neil V. Anderson, St. Paul Richard King Anderson, Helena, Mont. Charles Michael Berigan, Minneapolis Terry Michael Boldingh, Breckenridge Donnell V. Buck, Zumbrota William T. Burke, Lakefield Charles H. Casey, St. Paul George F. Derscheid, Kenyon James N. Dougherty, Ettrick, Wis. Wesley W. Ebert, Osseo John D. Engels, Chicago, Ill. David A. Etnier, Watertown Richard A. Faulkner, Woodruff, Wis. Walter R. Fehr, East Grand Forks Thomas F. Field, Minneapolis Duane D. Hacklander, Blue Earth Mylo M. Hagberg, Faribault Larry J. Hei, Plum City, Wis. Larry D. Hensen, St. Paul Richard L. Hilliker, Madison, Wis. Daniel H. Janzen, Minneapolis Dean E. Jenson, Lake Preston, S. D. Gerald P. Keller, Tenney James M. Langmo, Willmar Roland R. Larter, Lancaster Richard 0. Lyman, Excelsior William J. Magee, Minneapolis Warren W. Marquardt, St. Paul Keith R. McCaffery, Stanley, Wis-. Gerald J. Miller, Austin Bruce A. Muggenburg, Sioux Falls, S. D. John A. Newman, St. Paul Ronald H. Olsen, Racine, Wis. Jerome J. Pella, Minneapolis Gene V. Peterson, Fisher Richard H. Schultz, St. Paul Charles J. Smith, St. Paul Gordon K. Tritz, Du Mont Edward S. Wirta, Embarrass

Kappa Tau Alpha

National Society Honoring Scholarship in Journalism


Philip D. Jordan, Minneapolis B.S. '27, Northwestern University M.S. '28, Northwestern University Ph.D. '35, University of Iowa

Graduate Students

Leslie Spalding Haines, Lowell, Mass. B.A. '59, University of Maine

Edward C. Hotaling, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

B.A. '59, Syracuse University


Jerry D. Hursh, St. Paul B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

J. K. Hvistendabl, Brookings, S. D. B.A. '41, Augustana College M.A. '50, University of Oregon

Rhoda Greene Jacobs, Minneapolis B.A. '49, University of Minnesota

David A. Nelson, St. Paul B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Virginia Martin Walker, Minneapolis B.A. '.57, University of Minnesota


Carol A. Greason, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Joan M. Hedlund, Minneapolis Gale Brower Hursh, Minneapolis Wilburn 0. B. Nelson, St. Peter Nancy C. Nietz, Owatonna


Margot J. Christensen, St. Paul Kay Ruth Jordan, Austin Farhad ~Iassoudi, Tehran, Iran Kathleen S. Michels, St. Paul

Lambda Alpha Psi

Honorary Language and Literature Society


Joseph J. Kwiat, Minneapolis M.A. '40, Northwestern University Ph.D. '50, University of Minnesota

Cecil Wood, St. Paul B.A. '38, University of Minnesota Ph.D. '53, Yale University

Groduate Students

Edward Brooks, Jr., St. Paul B.A. '44, Harvard University

Lester John Bullock, Minneapolis B.A. '54, University of Minnesota

Robert Cherry Foy, Avondale Estates, Ga. B.A. '55, Emory University

Calvin Bryan Hanson, Minneapolis M.A. '55, University of Minnesota

Elina Holst, Bethesda, Md. B.A. '57, University of Kansas

Joseph Conrad J erdee, Minneapolis B.A. '49, Luther College

Arthur Kremer, Minneapolis B.A. '50, St. John's University

Mary Lewis, St. Paul B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

James D. Muhly, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Jan Pavel, Minneapolis M.A. '50, Washington University

Janet Plane, England B.A. '57, Liverpool University

Philippe Poisson, Spencer, Mass. M.A. '54, Harvard University

Richard T. Scanlan, Minneapolis M.A. '52, University of Minnesota

Thomas M. Sheets B.A. '57, St. Thomas College


Marilyn Louise Anderson, Minneapolis Barbara Beaudette, St. Paul Bronna M. Bornstein, Minneapolis Philip N. Bray, Duluth Carl E. Dennis, St. Louis, lvlo. Roger D. Johnson, St. Paul Amy Jonsson, Minneapolis Wolfgang Kraft, Minneapolis Gina H. Kurovsky, Minneapolis Rodney C. Melka, Minneapolis Donald Schultz, St. Paul Sigrid B. Olness, Peterson William E. Oyler, St. Paul Jill Patricia Saxton, Minneapolis Harry Senn, Minneapolis Barry S. Spector, Minneapolis Ludmila Stupnitsky, St. Paul Irene K. Sweet, Hopkins Dorothy K. Wittenberg, Minneapolis


Sharon L. Andre, Minneapolis Gary Bartlett, St. Paul James J. Emdy, Chisago City Margaret L. Fair, St. Paul Elizabeth Harvey, St. Paul Charles \V. Hasset, St. Paul Arlyss Lamson, \Vhite Bear Lake Raymond H. Larson, Hector Margaret C. Lawler, Rochester Benjamin M. Lifson, Minneapolis Myrna M. Peterson, Minneapolis

Minnesota Law Review Student Editorial Board


William F. Brooks, Jr., Minneapolis B.A. '48, Union College

John L. Burbidge, Stanley, N.D. B.S. '54, University of North Dakota

David S. Doty, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Terence N. Doyle, Minneapolis B.A. '58, St. Thomas College


Lloyd Graven, Greene, Iowa B.A. '58, St. Olaf College

Josephine D. Greene, Syracuse, N.Y. A.B. '57, Syracuse University

Sandra Heims, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Paul 0. Johnson, Minneapolis B.A. '.58, Carleton College

Laurence F. Koll, \Vinona B.A. '58, St. John's University

William E. Kretschmar, Venturia, N.D. B.S. '54, St. Thomas College

William J. Lockhart, Hobbinsdale B.A. '55, University of l\linnesota

Stephen G. Nordquist, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Philip J. Orthun, Virginia B.A. '56, University of Minnesota

Howard A. Patrick, '61, Minneapolis Stewart H. Perry, Minneapolis

B.S. '58, University of Minnesota Gene R. Sommers, Minneapolis

B.S.L. '57, University of Minnesota Robert A. Stein, Minneapolis

B.S.L. '60, University of Minnesota Robert }, . Struyk, Boyden, Iowa

A.B. 54, Hope College A.M. '57, Columbia University

David V. Trask, Mound B.Met. '58, University of Minnesota

Lynn G. Truesdell, III, Minneapolis B.A. '58, Amherst College

Robert J. Tweedy, Minneapolis LL.B. '61, University of Minnesota

Richard L. Young, Charles City, Iowa B.A. '58, State University of Iowa

Third Year

Roger L. Ellison, '62, St. Paul

Second Year

Philip W. Aaron, '63, Minneapolis Larry D. Downing, Eagle Grove, Iowa

B.S. '58, Iowa State College Curtis D. Forslund, '62, Red Lake Falls Ernest A. E. Gellhorn, Minneapolis

B.A. '56, University of Minnesota Thomas S. Hay, St. Paul

B.A. '60, University of Minnesota Richard J. Higgins, Minneapolis

B.B.A. '59, University of Minnesota Henry J. Hokenson, Minneapolis

B.A. '58, Yale University Charles R. Kennedy, Wadena

B.A. '60, University of Minnesota Richard H. Kyle, White Bear Lake

B.A. '59, University of Minnesota Norman J. Laboe, Minneapolis

B.B.A. '59, University of Minnesota Patricia M. Lines, '62, Robbinsdale John J. McGirl, Jr., Duluth

B.A. '59, Iowa State Teachers College Grant J. Merritt, D~luth .

B.A. '55, University of Mmnesota, Duluth

Michael P. Sullivan, Robbinsdale B.S. '56, Marquet~e University .

Richard W. Sunde, 63, Minneapolis Stanley M. Taube, Minot, N. D.

B.A. '59, University of Minnesota Jack M. Winick, Des Moines, Iowa

B.A. '59, University of Minnesota ~1ichael W. Wright, '62, Minnetonka


Mortar Boord

Senior Women's Honorary Society


\Irs William Edson, St. Paul - B:B.A. '38, University of Minnesota

M.A. '47, University of Minnesota Theda Hagenah, Minneapolis . .

B.A. '37, George Washington Umversity M.S. '39, Wellesley College Ph.D. '53, University of Minnesota

Shirley Erickson, St. Paul B.S. '55, University of Minnesota


Mary Sue Anderson, Mahtomedi Barbara Bowers, Minneapolis Judy A. Carpenter, Minneapolis. Judy K. Carpenter, Oshkosh, Wis. Nancy Orme Crampton, St. Paul :\iary Emerson, Minneapolis


Carole Hauser, Charles City, Iowa Emily Henning, St. Cloud Ruth Hillgren, Minneapolis Shirley Stettner Jackson, St. Paul JoAnn Johnson, Little Falls Paula Jurgensen, Owato~na Raleigh Kane, Minneapolis . Elizabeth Mulligan, Minneapolis Barbara Myzal, Dulut~ . Patricia Nordstrom, Mmneapolis Mary Ann A. Spurbeck, Berkeley Heights,

N.J. . Susan Erickson Thorud, Lmdstrom Ann \Varren, Dallas, Tex. Britt Wedin, Minneapolis . . Marilyn Anderson \Yilson, ~mneapohs Lynn Kidder Y e, Mmneapolis Nancy Zeller, Pine Island

Omicron Kappa Upsilon

National Honorary Dental Society


Herman T. Aeziman, Minneapolis D.D.S. '52, University of Minnesota

Anand P. Chaudhry, Minneapolis B.D.S. '47, DeMontmorency College M.S. '53, University of Michigan Ph.D. '56, University of Minnesota

George D. MacGibbon, Minneapolis D.D.S. '50, University of Minnesota

Allan D. Petersen, Minneapolis D.D.S. '47, University of Minnesota


Gary L. Floyd, Boise, Ida. Jerome H. Kleven, Minneapolis Dan G. Middaugh, Minneapolis Michael J. Moga, St. Paul Roy Y. Nakamoto, Wailuku, Maui,

Hawaii Murray R. Robinovitch, Brandon,

Manitoba R. Stuart Schwartz, Sleepy Eye Lowell F. Sorenson, Albert Lea John A. Takala, St. Paul Jerome L. Welna, Minneapolis Marvin G. Wick, Minneapolis


Honorary Scholastic Society in Medical Technology


Harriet G. Burstein, Minneapolis Dorothy A. Engelbretson, St. Paul Renalda J. Hess, Minneapolis Mary Alice Johnson, Alexandria Clareyse E. Nelson, Detroit Lakes Cheryl J. Schleif, Hanover


Janet C. McDonald, Minneapolis Karen L. Munson, Minneapolis Audrey L. Nelson, Minneapolis Marlys J. Nelson, Kensington Carolyn L. Ramaker, Chester, Iowa

Order of the Coif

National Honorary Society of Law Students

Terence N. Doyle, Minneapolis B.A. '58, St. Thomas College

William J. Lockhart, Robbinsdale B.A. '55, University of Minnesota

Stephelil G. Nordquist, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Michael A. Olson, '61, South St. Paul

Philip J. Orthun, Virginia B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Robert A. Stein, Minneapolis B.S.L. '60, University of Minnesota

Robert J. Struyk, Boyden, Iowa A.B. '54, Hope College A.M. '57, Columbia University

Phi Zeta

National Honorary Society in Veterinary Medicine

Graduate Students

Byung R. Cho, Korea D.V.M. '50, Seoul National University M.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Sukanta K. Dutta, India B.Sc. Vet. '56, Bombay Veterinary

College, Bombay, India M.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Yun S. Jeon, Korea D.V.M. '51, Seoul National University M.S. '55, Seoul National University M.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Alan J. Kenyon B.S. '55, University of Minnesota D.V.M. '57, University of Minnesota


Clarence A. Tervola, Hastings B.S. '53, University of Minnesota D.V.M. '55, University of Minnesota


Thomas Frederick Field, Minneapolis Charles D. Gibson, St. Paul Ralph A. Johnson, Minneapolis Clifford C. Laurence, Hanska Warren W. Marquardt, Minneapolis Bruce AI Muggenburg, Sioux Falls, S. D. Ralph Arden Nordine, Lancaster Henry Arthur Pattison, Durand, Wis. Richard H. Schultz, River Falls, Wis. Jerry B. Stevens, Maple Lake


Kenneth F. Detlefsen, St. Paul Jerry D. Hilgren, Parkers Prairie

.\1. Herbert Smith, St. Paul Forrest G. Thannum, Hayward, \Vis.

Pi Epsilon Delta

National Honorary Dramatic Society


H. Lee Adey, .\linneapolis B.A. '52, Allegheny Colle~e M.A. '56, University of Mmnesota

Arthur H. Ballet, Minneapolis B.S. '47, University of Minnesota M.A. '49, University of Minnesota Ph.D. '53, University of Minn.esota

Kenneth L. Graham, Minneapolis B.A. '36, University of low~ . .\1.A. '39, Northwestern Umvers1ty Ph.D. '47, University of Utah

Wendell J. Josal, Minneapolis A.B., Jamestown College . M.A. Northwestern University

Merle \V. Loppnow, Minneapolis B.A. '49, University of Minn~sota

Robert D. Moulton, Minneapolis B.A. '47, University of Mi~mesota M.A. '49, University of Mmnesota Ph.D. '56, University of Minnesota

Frank M. Whiting, Minneapoli~ . B.A. '30, Brigham Young Umversity M.A. '32, University of Ut~h Ph.D. '41, University of Mmnesota

Graduate Students

Helen Marie Backlin, Minneapolis B.A. University of Minnesota

Gerald J· Brennan, Winona B.A. 57, St. Mary's College .

Daniel E. Cashman, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Min~esota

John B. Davidson, Minneap?lis B.A. '58, University of Mn.mesota

Edwin E. Felien, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minneso.ta

Donald D. Fogelberg, Minneapoh~ B.S., B.A. '60, University of Mmnesota

John N. Gill, Minneapolis B.A. '48, Yankton College M.A. '54, University of South Dakota

Robert T. Hazzard, \Vashington, D.~· B.F.A. '54, Illinois \Vesleyan Umver-

sity U . 'ty M.A. '55, Michigan State n~versi

James \V. Horswill, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota


Bentley Lenhoff, Petosky, Mich. B.A. '51, Albion College M.A. '53, Michigan State University

John W. Lewin, Minneapolis B.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Helen A. Manfull, Canton, Ohio B.A. '55, Western College M.A. '56, University of Minnesota

Lowell L. Manfull, Ogden, Utah B.A. '53, University of Utah M.A. '55, University of Utah

William Marchant, Bemidji B.A. '54, Bemidji State College M.A. '56, University of Minnesota

Walter L. Mills, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Saskatch~wan

.\1arilyn B. Murphy, Ellsworth, Wis. B.S. '56, River Falls State College

Jerry B. Rumley, Denver, Colo. B.A. '55, University of Denver M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Robert L. Snook, Minneapolis B.A. '47, Augustana College

Carol E. Torgerson, Thief River Falls B.A. '60, Concordia College

Larry J. Whiteley, Minn.eapo.lis B.A. '57, Hamline Umversity

John W. Willcoxon, Ill, Richmond, V!l. B.A. '52, Washington and Lee Umver-

sity . .\1.A. '57, University of Mmnesota


Richard P. Gibbons, St. P~ul . Naomi Strang Hatfield, Mmneapohs Jay Paul Hornbacher, Redwood Falls Mary Sue Kelly, Edina Nicholas J\1. Lewis, Northfield Samuel M. Niefeld, St. Paul Susan E. Osterberg, Minneapolis Thomas M. Scanlon, Sleepy Eye Mary Alice Stmchen, Minneapolis


Jeanne Dalton Cashman, Minneapolis Gail Ellen Frank, Minneapolis

Pi Lambda Theta

National Honor Society of Women in Education

Graduate Students

Mary Adams, Minneapolis B.A. '46, University of South. Da~ota B.S. '49, Johns Hopkins Umversity M.A. '52, Columbia University

Gertrude B. Bouman, Minneapolis B.S. '39, University of Minnesota

Margery Ann Duffey, Minneapolis M.S., Western Reserve College

Mary Ann Feldman, St. Paul B.A. '54, University of Minnesot~

Annamarie M. Flattum, Minneapolis B.S. '57, University of Minnesota

Lois Fielding Shirley Graffam, Elmhurst, Ill. Mary Lamb . . Celeste Leemhuis, Mmneapohs

B.S. '22, University of Minnesota Dorothy Mrkonich Ruth I. Nielson, Minneapolis

B.S. '50, University of Iowa Bette Jean Peltola, Minneapolis

B.A. '59, University of Minnesota B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Catherine Pfaff Harriet Rossi Carolyn Ann Sands, Ames, Iowa

B.S. '59, Iowa State College Mary Ann Schuette, Anoka

B.S. '54, University of Minnesota Roberta L. Sellers, Sioux City, Iowa

B.S. '56, South Dakota State College Ruth E. Sonsteng, Salol

B.S. '55, Augsburg College M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Donna Mae Spooner, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Linda M. Swanson, Greenwood, Mass. B.A. '60, Bates College

Helen Turck, Minneapolis Lillian J.. Fuhre Wall, Milwaukee, Wis.

B.S. 53, Wisconsin State College Betty Lou Kohnen Waszut, Robbinsdale

B.S. '55, University of Minnesota Elayne Bartler Wright, Golden Valley

B.S. '53, Macalester College M.A. '60, University of Minnesota


Nancy Ellen Almquist, Gary, _Ind. . Marilyn Louise Anderson, Mmneapohs Erna Elaine Barstad, Slayton Barbara Jean Beadette, St. Paul Sharon Lee Sperry Berglund, Losalto, Calif. Bethine Bernhisel, Minneapolis Judy Ann Carpenter, Minneapolis Bonnie Jean Christoffersen, Ogema, Wis. Joan Baker Churchill, Cloquet


Laura Jane Clarke, Albert Lea Sarah M. Dinham, Duluth Bonnie Barbara Ekbom, Aitkin Kathleen E. Erickson, St. Paul Karen Ann Fausch, Morristown Bernadine M. Feldman, Prior Lake Jeanne Jones Fox, Carroll . Lorraine M. Fredrickson, Mahtomedi Nom1a H. Gardill, Pittsburgh, Pa. Marisue Green, Minneapolis Mary Jean Rage, Minneapolis Naomi S. Hatfield, Minneapolis lone B. Page Henry, South St. Paul Evelyn J. Hurwicz, Minneapolis Hilda E. Jacob, St. Paul Helen E. Johnson, Minneapolis ~1argaret Bain Johnson, Scotland Jane B. Katz, St. Paul . VirginiaN. Lawson, Somerset, Wis. Mary Alice B. Lytle, Minneapolis Luanne J. Lemberg, Culver Helen F. Levin, Danville, Ill. Wanda L. Lillemoe, Minneapolis Kathryn A. Montgomery, St. Paul France B. Moos, St. Paul Edith Morean, Minneapolis Barbara C. Myzal, Duluth Judith L. Nelson, St. Paul Judith Kay Olson, ~Hnneapolis Judith M. Olson, Minneapolis Jill W. Saxton, Minneapolis Janet E. Silverness, Mondovi, Wis. Sarallah Shields, Annandale Mary L. Smith, Minneapolis Joy D. Spurrell, St. Paul Joanne S. Stewart, Milaca Jean P. Stoms, St. Paul Ellen J. Stowell, Minneapolis Jean K. Swedberg, Cloquet Patricia D. Wahlgren, Akron, Mich. Barbara Ann \Vilcken, Minneapolis Pearl \V. Wilson, Minneapolis Patricia A. Winchell, South St. Paul :\1ary Winter, Redwood Falls Carole E. Wood, St. Paul Louise M. \Vuertz, Austin


Gail S. Amunson, Mondovi, Wis. Ruth M. Armel, Minneapolis Barbara Ann Brackett, Minneapolis Jean K. Chard, Willmar Cynthia C. Christopherson, Benson Bonita B. Griffin, Minneapolis Carol L. Halverson, Richfield Kathleen E. Moberg, Grandy Tamara Neren, St. Paul Diane J. Palmer, Minneapolis Marilyn R. Pollock, Minneapolis Sharon L. Squibb, Redwood Falls

Pi Tau Sigma

National Honorary Mechanical Engineering Fraternity

Faculty Adviser

Professor A. 0. Lee, St. Paul B.S.M.E. '38, Iowa State College M.S.M.E. '46, University of Minnesota

Leslie E. Anderson, Duluth B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

David G. Barry, '61, Minneapolis Charles R. Jonason, '61, Shafer William H. Kuretsky, '61, St. Paul George B. Mattson, St. Paul

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Douglas R. Norman, St. Paul

B.S.M.E. '60, University of Minnesota David A. Nealy, Adrian

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Niel R. Petersen, Tyler B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Phillip Pickman, Minneapolis B.S. '60, UniversitY. of Minnesota

William F. Raleigh, 62, St. Paul James W. Ramsey, '61, Minneapolis Roland K. Rodum, '61, Wayzata Steven J. Samsel, '61, Minneapolis Leon D. Strand, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Robert E. Sundell, Dassel

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Kenneth E. Torrance, '61, Minneapolis Gordon 0. Voss, '61, Proctor Roger F. Yurczyk, St. Joseph

B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Rho Chi

National Honorary Pharmaceutical Society

Faculty Adviser

Frank E. DiGangi, St. Paul B.S. '40, Rutgers University M.S. '42, Western Reserve University Ph.D. '48, University of Minnesota


John E. Fossen, Aitkin Donald A. Koechel, Waseca Norman E. Sladek, Montgomery Conrad 0. Thompson, Spring Valley

Sigma Gamma Tau

National Honorary Aeronautical Engineering Society

Graduate Students

James J. Baltes, St. Paul B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Sun Hwan Chi, Seoul, Korea B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

James R. Datta, Winona B.S. '61, University of Minnesota

Charles H. Haight, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Sheldon R. Hess, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

William K. Lockman, St. Paul B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Daryl J. Monson, St. Paul B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Donald F. Mowbray, Duluth B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Lawrence W. Rust Jr., St. Paul B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Robin Schaller, Stillwater B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Philip W. Schasker, Lake City B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Peter J. Torvik, Underwood B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

James Urnes, St. Paul B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Robert Warming, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota


Donald A. Berglund, Isanti Donald J. Eckstrom, Butterfield Gene W. Hemp, Minneapolis Kenneth A. Kline, Minneapolis Jack L. \Vood, Minneapolis

Sigma Phi Alpha

National Honorary Dental Hygiene Society


Barbara M. Blanich, Crosby Anita M. Bleier, Hudson, \Vis.


Carol H. Petersen, Minneapolis Judith L. Thompson, Minneapolis

Sigma Theta Tau (Zeta Chapter)

National Honor Society of Nursing

Berthine Bernhiscl, '61, Minneapolis Mary Bock, '61, Sioux Falls, S. D. Mildred Freel, '61, Des Moines, Iowa Norma Gardill, '61, Pittsburgh, Pa. Phyllis Hinck, '61, Lake City Karen Seeger Holmes, '61, St. Paul Patricia Johnston, '61, East Grand Forks Lyla Kinneberg, '62, Spring Grove Mary Lamb, '61, Fargo, N. D. Gisela Lueck, '61, Sioux Falls, S. D. Carol Jean Lyden, '61, Grand Rapids Carol Jean Madsen, '61, Cedar Falls,

Iowa Huth Constance Meberg, '62, Park River,


Barbara Jean Olson, '61, Hibbing Judith Arlene Oszman, '62, Rochester Elizabeth Ann Rost, '61, Minneapolis Elaine Marjorie Ruesch, '61, Medford,

Wis. Dorine \Vessman Seaquist, '61, Cadillac,

Mich. Savallah Shields, '61, Annandale Joan Stensland, '62, Minneapolis Kathryn Starkey, '62, St. Louis Park Ellen Jane Stowell, '61, Tulsa, Okla. ~Iary Ruth Thompson, '62, Sunberg Clovis Todd, '61, !\1emphis, Tenn. Patricia \Vahlgren, '61, Akron, Mich.

Tau Beta Pi

National Engineering Honor Society

Faculty Advisers

Keith S. Champlin, Minneapolis B.S. '54, University of Minnesota M.S. '55, University of Minnesota Ph.D. '58, University of Minnesota

Darrell A. Frohrib, St. Paul B.S. '52, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology ;\I.S. '53, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology \Varren E. Ibele, Minneapolis

B.S. '44, Tulane University M.S. '47, University of Minnesota Ph.D. '53, University of Minnesota

R. E. Summers, St. Paul B.S. '24, Oregon State College M.S. '33, Oregon State College Ph.D. '46, Oregon State College


Byron E. Anshus, '62, Minneapolis Carlos P. Avery, Glenwood

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota David G. Barry, '62, Minneapolis David A. Berg, '62, Thief River Falls Donald A. Berglund, '61, Isanti John M. Braasch, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Stanley Brodsky, '61, St. Paul Sun Hwan Chi, Seoul, Korea

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota William R. Christensen, '61, Austin Michael B. Colligan, '61, Ebro Duane W. Condiff, '61, New Brighton Robert P. Dickey, '62, Cottonwood Thomas G. Dzubay, '61, Minneapolis Stanley Ecklund, '61, Minneapolis Glenn L. Evavold, '61, Minneapolis


Jay P. Fillmore, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

David P. Fleming, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

George N. Gamota, '61, Minneapolis James C. Gay, '61, Morris Stanley L. Gordon, '62, Walnut Grove Donald L. Gustafson, Eau Claire, Wis.

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Ralph Hager, '61, Minneapolis Richard A. Hager, '61, Minneapolis David G. Hanson, '61, Minneapolis Gene W. Hemp, '62, Minneapolis Paul L. Hill, '62, Detroit, Mich. Donald N. Holzmer, '61, Hastings Timothy B. Jensen, '62, Minneapolis Lane R. Johnson, Pipestone

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Kenneth A. Kline, '62, Minneapolis \Varren W. Krech, South St. Paul

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota James G. Loken, '61, Minneapolis Wayne R. Long, '61, St. Paul Roger E. Lund, Tyler

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Peter M. Malkovich, '61, Gilbert David A. Meyer, Minneapolis

B. Aero. E. '59, University of Minnesota ~Iilton Monnier, Sauk Rapids

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Daryl J. Monson, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Halbert L. Mork, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Jack C. Mortick, '61, South St. Paul Donald F. Mowbray, Duluth

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Clayton B. Murray, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

David A. Nealy, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Ronald E. Nielson, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Edward H. Opitz, '61, St. Cloud Donald F. Park, '61, Ruthton Neal R. Peterson, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Karl A. Pfitzer, '61, Duluth Phillip Pickman, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Robert L. Porter, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, UniversitY. of Minnesota William F. Ramsey, 61, Minneapolis James W. Rayleigh, '61 Steven J. Samsel, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Gerald F. Sauter, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Philip W. Schasker, Lake City B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Glenn Schober, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Larry G. Settle, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Rodney J. Soukup, '61, Montgomery Gerald M. Sunde, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Robert E. Sundell, Dassel

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Glenn E. Tersteeg, '62, Redwood Falls Kenneth E. Torrance, '61, Minneapolis Peter J. Torvik, Underwood

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Jack R. Williams, '62, Minneapolis James W. Weiske, '61, Brainerd Rodger E. Zeimer, Amery, \Vis.

B.S. '61, University of Minnesota

Xi Sigma Pi

National Honorary Forestry Fraternity


Edward Ira Sucoff, St. Paul B.S. '55, University of Michigan M.S. '56, University of Michigan Ph.D. '60, University of Maryland

Graduate Students

Leonard F. Burkart, St. Paul B.S. '49, University of Washington M.F. '50, University of Washington

VerLee R. Gjovik, St. Paul B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Richard A. Horn, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of Minnesota


Edwin W. Cramer, Chatfield James W. Dieckhaus, Janesville

Keith R. McCaffery, Stanley, Wis. Ronald H. Olsen, Racine, Wis. Daniel R. Peterson, Viroqua, Wis. Donald B. Stone, Osage


Wendell G. Beardsley, Stillwater Melvin E. Chase, Rochester Richard P. Doucette, Wagner, Mont. Hugh W. Hayes, Stanley, Wis. Timothy P. Heisler, Park Falls, Wis. Philip K. Hunkins, Breckenridge Richard W. Klukas, St. Paul Douglas W. Larson, Alexandria Donald T. Myren, Baldwin, Wis. Robert K. Seemel, Little Marais Gerald W. Zamber, St. Paul Maurice B. Ziegler, Dassel

Phi Beta Kappa

National Honor Society

Students Who Have Graduated

Y oseff Aelony, Minneapolis B.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Ann M. Banovetz, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Martha Bereziuk, Hibbing B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Rita M. Cawley, Waseca B.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Patricia A. Dahlstrom, Minneapolis B.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Elizabeth W. Field, Decorah, Iowa B.A. '60, University of Minnesota


Alice L. Fiola, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Ruth K. Hammar, Minneapolis B.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Beverly D. Hayden, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Barbara J. Hursh, St. Paul B.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Bruce R. S. Johnson B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Randall L. Johnson, Robbinsdale B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Nancy A. Johnston, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Helen F. Levin, Danville, Ill. B.S. '61, University of Minnesota

Patricia M. Lines, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Daniel V. Noble, St. Paul B.B.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Kathleen B. Rogers, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Lei£ I. Solberg, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

David A. Swanson, Cambridge B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Patricia G. Turner B.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Jeanne E. Wasson, Alexandria B.A. '61, University of Minnesota


Randall W. Ackley, Minneapolis Harvey L. Anderson, Minneapolis Robert E. Anderson, LaCrosse, \Vis. Donald S. Asp, Milaca David W. Bahnemann, St. Paul John M. Barry, Minneapolis Barbara J. Beaudette, St. Paul Douglas G. Berry, St. Paul Robert A. Bjork, Minnetonka Beach Marjorie Blackburn, Minneapolis John A. Bridge, Minneapolis Deborah L. Brown, Minneapolis Judy A. Carpenter, Robbinsdale Carol J. Cohen, Minneapolis Loren W. Crabtree, Ellendale, N. D. Joan M. Davies, Minneapolis Carl E. Dennis, University City, Mo. David L. Eckstrand, St. Paul Daphne J. Ellis, Regina, Saskatchewan,

Canada Mary M. Emerson, Minneapolis Richard L. Ernst, Minneapolis Gary E. Garvis, l\Iinneapolis Frank Geretz, Minneapolis Phyllis J. W. Gilbert, Lake City JohnS. Codes, St. Paul Dale R. Haaheim, Minneapolis Helen L. Hanover, International Falls John M. Hatton, Minneapolis Ann R. Helgeson, Minneapolis Harold J. Hofstrand, St. Louis Park Clayton A. Johnson, Chisholm Richard V. Johnson, Minneapolis


\Valter C. Johnson, Hipon, \Vis. Kathleen l\1. Keenan, Austin ~1ary B. Lytle, Minneapolis ~1erryalice Maki, Chisholm Phillip H. Martin, St. Paul Hose E. McDonald, Alexandria Sue A. ~Iickley, Shakopee Nancy L. Moe, Minneapolis Katherine J. Monson, St. Paul Edith Marean, Minneapolis Barbara C. Myzal, Duluth James L. Newman, Minneapolis Patricia A. Nordstrom, Minneapolis Guy E. O'Grady, Minneapolis Ross W. Olmsted, Brainerd Sigrid B. Olness, Peterson Dallas V. Ouren, Sedan Richard L. Patten, Bemidji Edward T. Paukert, St. Paul John L. Pollock, St. Louis Park Ronald J. Ross, St. Paul James N. Rosse, Minneapolis Elliot C. Hothenberg, l\Iinneapolis Judith G. Rubinsky, Minneapolis Donald D. Schultz, St. Paul Michael S. Shapira, Minneapolis Richard J. Spock, St. Paul Lawrence B. Stein, St. Paul Eugene S. Strout, Excelsior Kathleen L. Terrell, Nopeming Paul H. Thomas, Fargo, N. D. Patricia A. Torske, Pine River Sara L. Torvik, Underwood JoAnn Viner, St. Paul Jacqueline l\1. Wachs, Minneapolis Martha A. Watland, Excelsior James D. Wiese, Luverne Glayde D. Whitney, St. Paul Dorothy K. Wittenberg, Minneapolis Hobert ~1. Zemmers, Duluth


Sandra G. Bellin, Minneapolis Janice E. Bredberg, Dunnell Jerry G. Dygert, Minneapolis Raymond H. Larson, Hector Max A. Malmquist, North Branch Steven S. Manos, St. Paul Patricia N. Scott, Des Moines, Iowa Ervin Staub, Budapest, Hungary Carla B. \Valdemar, Minneapolis


utilized during the 1960-61 academic year

Advertising Club of Minneapolis

Sponsor: Advertising Club of Minneapolis

Awarded to a student specializing in advertising on the basis of superior scholarship, special talents, and future promise .

Donald R. Gillies, '61, Hopkins

Alcoa Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: Alcoa Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Awarded to undergraduate students who are working toward a degree in agricultural, chemical, civil, and mechanical engineering, or mines and metallurgy, on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Maurice D. Blehert, '63, St. Paul Paul A. Nelson, '63, Minneapolis James G. Loken, '62, Minneapolis Edward H. Opitz, '61, St. Cloud David V. Nelson, '61, Pelican Rapids

Allan, Delaney and White Law Firm Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Allan, Delaney and White of Rochester, Minn.

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Dean C. Funk, Worthington B.A. '57, University of South Dakota

Allied Chemical Corporation Fellowship in Chemical Engineering

Sponsor: Allied Chemical Corporation, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemical engineering

Richard L. Miller, Troutdale, Ore. B.S.Ch.E. '55, Oregon State College M.S. '58, Oregon State College

Charles and Ellora Alliss Educational Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: Charles and Ellora Alliss Educational Foundation

Awarded to students in any college with preference given to freshmen on the basis of academic aptitude and vocational promise

Alice Nl. Busch, '64, Jordan Kenneth D. Kadlec, '64, Hutchinson Louise M. Carlson, '64, Garvin Jean K. Langlie, '64, Bemidji Gail E. Cottrell, '64, Stewartville Everett G. Leff, '65, Hector Robert I. Flynn, '65, St. Paul Thomas R. Lindquist, '65, Minneapolis Kenneth H. Grossmann, '65, Gibbon Vincent D. Michealson, '65, Fergus Falls Eileen F. Hanratty, '64, Ortonville \Iarilyn K. Miller, '64, Sebeka James L. Hansen, '64, Grand Rapids John A. Mogen, '65, Dodge Center Dennis M. Harper, '65, Cass Lake Donald D. Olmsted, '65, Lakeville Shelby A. Hackert, '65, Minneapolis Judith A. Olsen, '64, Montevideo Dennis H. Hoffman, '65, Proctor Lynn L. Remly, '65, Minneapolis Dale E. Holden, '64, Pine River Glenice V. Rugland, '64, Roseau Sherwood B. Idso, '65, Thief River Falls Jule F. Schroeder, '65, Hutchinson Delores J. Ingvaldson, '64, Benson Patricia R. Truax, '64, Virginia


Judith E. Turnquist, '64, Monticello .\1ary L. Vogel, '64, Henning Margaret G. Wayne, '64, Goodridge

Don \V. Wennberg, '64, Thief River Falls Delores J. \Vestman, '64, Browns Valley

Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship

Sponsor: Beta Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, professional teaching sorority of Minne­apolis

Awarded to junior or senior women students in the College of Education on the basis of scholastic achievement, vocational promise, and personal qualifications

Donna J. Peterson, '61, Cokato

Alpha Gamma Rho (Lambda Chapter) Scholarship

Sponsor: Alumni Association, Alpha Gamma Rho, Lambda Chapter, professional agri­cultural fraternity

Awarded to active members of Alpha Gamma Rho, Lambda Chapter, in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics and in the College of Veterinary Medicine on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, and leadership

Juels A. Carlson, '63, Marshall

Alpha Phi Omega Scholarship in Memory of Dean Elmer Johnson

Sponsor: Gamma Psi Chapter of the Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity

Awarded to a male freshman who is or has been an active member of the Boy Scouts of America or related Scout activities on the basis of academic aptitude, personal attributes, and leadership potential

James R. Campbell, '64, Byron

Alpha Zeta Traveling Scholarships

Sponsor: LaGrange (Minnesota) Chapter of Alpha Zeta, national honorary agriculture and forestry society

Awarded to junior or senior students in agriculture, forestry, or veterinary medicine with high scholarship and strong professional interests to attend a meeting of an appropriate professional, scientific, or technical society or association

Dale L. Dinger, '61, Rothsay Ronald D. Lindmark, '61, Leonard Patrick J. Maher, '61, Danvers

Frederick B. Morlock, '61, St. Paul Melvin R. Neyers, '61, Gibbon

American Art Fellowships Sponsor: Anonymous

Awarded to graduate students for work in modern American art

Frederick W. Peterson, Minneapolis B.A. '54, St. Olaf College B.Th. '57, Luther Seminary, St. Paul

Joan V. Smith, Minneapolis B.A. '50, University of Minnesota

American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Grant

Sponsor: The American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to a graduate student for thesis research in the petroleum field

Marion A. Rogers, Richmond, Ind. B.A. '58, Earlham College M.A. '60, University of Minnesota


American Cyanamid Graduate Fellowship m Chemistry

Sponsor: American Cyanamid Company, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Karl Marhenke, Berkeley, Calif. B.S. '57, University of California

American Foundation for the Blind Fellowships in Education

Sponsor: American Foundation for the Blind, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to qualified graduate students who wish to prepare to teach blind children in the midwestern area

Stanley E. Bourgeault, St. Paul M.A., University of Denver

Lawrence R. Jahn, Appleton B.A. '51, Macalester College

Linda Z. Jenkins, Burlington, Iowa B.A. '57, Colorado College

Jeanne G. Martin, Moorhead B.A. '57, College of Idaho

Grace D. Napier, Collingswood, N.J. B.A. '44, Douglas College M.A. '45, New York University M.Ed. '59, Temple University

Linda M. Swanson, Greenwood, Mass. A.B. '60, Bates College

American Foundation for the Blind Fellowship in Social Work

Sponsor: American Foundation for the Blind, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to a graduate student who is preparing for work in agencies or institutions serving blind persons

Ralph H. Hilgendorf, Welcome B.A. '55, University of Minnesota

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Fellowships

Sponsor: American Foundation for .Pharmaceutical Education

Awarded to a graduate student majoring in one of the professional areas of the pharmacy curriculum

Robert C. Lanman, Grand Rapids B.S. '56, University of Minnesota

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Scholarships

Sponsor: American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education

Awarded to junior or senior students in the College of Pharmacy who are in the upper quarter of the classes and who are maintaining a "B" or higher average on the basis of personal attributes and professional promise

Dennis L. Larson, '61, \Vyoming James F. Schwarten, '61, Braham

American Guernsey Cattle Club Scholarship

Sponsor: American Guernsey Cattle Club, Peterborough, N.H.

Awarded in recognition of outstanding livestock work in connection with the American Guernsey Cattle Club Training Program

Ronald D. Knutson, '62, l'vlontevideo


American Institute of Industrial Engineers (Twin City) Scholarship

Sponsor: American Institute of Industrial Engineers, Twin City Chapter

Awarded to qualified students in industrial engineering in the Institute of Technology on the basis of academic aptitude, personal attributes, and leadership potential

Douglas R. Norman, St. Paul B.M.E. '60, University of Minnesota

American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers (Minnesota Section) Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Section of the American Institute of .\lining and Metallurgical Engineers

Awarded to students in the School of Mines and Metallurgy or the Department of Geology on the basis of academic aptitude. vocational promise, and character

Wayne G. Carlson, '64, St. Cloud

American Legion Music Scholarship

Sponsor: :\linneapolis American Legion Convention Corporation

Awarded on the basis of service to the University Band

June F. Hallberg, '62, St. Paul Park

American Numismatic Society Fellowship

Sponsor: American Numismatic Society, New York

Awarded to a graduate student in the field of humanities or social sciences who is at the thesis writing stage

Bernard L. Marthaler, Chaska D.D. '53, Rome, Italy ~1.A. '56, University of Minnesota

American Physical Therapy Association (Minnesota Chapter) Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Chapter, American Physical Therapy Association

Awarded to a qualified junior in physical therapy on the basis of high scholarship and personal attributes

Judith A. Taplin, '61, Willernie

American Society for Metals Foundation for Education and Research Scholarship

Sponsor: American Society for l'vietals Foundation for Education and Research, Metals Park, Novelty, Ohio

Awarded to a student having two years of engineering and acceptance for advanced work in metallurgy or metallurgical engineering on the basis of academic apti· tude, vocational promise, and character

John F. Kittell, '62, Minneapolis


American Society for Metals (Minnesota Chapter) Scholarship

Sponsor: American Society for Metals, Minnesota Chapter, Minneapolis

Awarded to an undergraduate student pursuing training in metallurgy on the basis of scholastic achievement, professional promise, and character and leadership

Robert B. Elo, '63, Minneapolis

American Society for Quality Control (Minnesota Section) Fellowship

Sponsor: American Society for Quality Control, Minnesota Section

Awarded to a student for use in the fourth or fifth year of the course in industrial engineering with preference given to a student in the area of quality control

Lowell D. Nystrom, Minneapolis B.S.M.E. '58, University of Minnesota B.B.A. '58, University of Minnesota M.S.I.E. '60, University of Minnesota

American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Fellowship

Sponsor: American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, Pa.

Awarded to successful candidates selected from among the nation's schools of engi­neering or science which grant advanced degrees to promote materials science through pure or applied research on materials

Leon l\1. Keer, Los Angeles, Calif. B.S. '56, California Institute of Technology M.S. '58, California Institute of Technology

Alexander P. Anderson and Lydia Anderson Summer Fellowships

Sponsors: The late Alexander P. Anderson, former professor of botany, and his wife, the late Lydia Anderson

Awarded to graduate students in botanical and zoological science who are graduates of the University of Minnesota

Daniel Isaak, Minneapolis A.B. '54, Tabor College M.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Paul W. Lukens, Hibbing B.S. '52, University of Minnesota M.S. '56, Agricultural and Mechanical

College of Texas

Esther E. Nordlie, Little Falls B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Andrews Scholarship

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Boening, St. Paul, in honor of Mr. and !\Irs. Eugene S. Andrews, parents of Mrs. Boening

Awarded to a freshman in home economics on the basis of scholarship, ability, and personal attributes

Barbara J. Vukelich, '64, White Bear Lake

Appreciation Day Band Fund Scholarship

Sponsor: Appreciation Day Band Fund

A warded on the basis of service

Anton Thompson, '64, Henning Peter C. Vollmers, '62, Red Wing


Archer-Daniels-Midland Company Scholarships

Sponsor: Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, !\1inneapolis

Awarded to senior students in organic chemistry or in chemical engineering on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership po­tential

Robert P. Dickey, '62, Cottonwood John W. Gilje, '62, St. Paul

Archer-Daniels-Midland Company Scholarship in Industrial Accounting

Sponsor: Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to a student in the School of Business Administration with particular inter­est in industrial accounting

Robert G. Jones, '61, St. Louis Park

Ray V. Arnold Scholarship

Sponsor: The late Eunice P. Arnold, alumna, in memory of her husband, Ray V. Arnold

Awarded to a student in the College of Medical Sciences on the basis of scholastic excellence, special talents, and future promise

Daniel C. Conlon, '62, Minneapolis

Associated General Contractors of Minnesota, Inc., Scholarships

Sponsor: Associated General Contractors of Minnesota, Inc., Minneapolis

Awarded on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and lead­ership, to Minnesota residents who have completed two years of college work in engineering and who intend to do advanced work in civil engineering

Glen R. Anderson, '65, Comfrey Kenneth M. Hoeschen, '65, Hastings George R. Ballata, '65, Sandstone George W. Moss, '65, Wayzata Alden G. Christianson, '61, Pelican Eddie H. Schmidt, '65, Monis

Rapids Lane Smith, '61, Minneapolis Glenn L. Evavold, '61, Battle Lake Roger V. Stageberg, '64, Orr

(Walter E. Carlson Scholarship) Darryl L. Terho, '62, Minneapolis Charles E. Flolo, '65, Benson James M. Ullrich, '65, Red Wing John J. Haggerty, '65, Browns Valley

Frank B. Astroth Scholarship

Sponsor: Mrs. Frank B. Astroth, St. Paul, in memory of her late husband, Frank B. Astroth, one of the outstanding leaders in the livestock industry in Minnesota

Awarded to a male student majoring in dairy production, including entering fresh­men, on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Ronald D. Knutson, '62, Montevideo

Dolores and Lawrence M. B. Atkinson Scholarship

Sponsor: Atkinson Drug and Prescription Centers, Minneapolis

Awarded to a student in pharmacy at the University of Minnesota with preference to graduates of Bloomington High School on the basis of academic aptitude, voca­tional promise, character, and leadership

Jeffrey F. Andrews, '64, Minneapolis


Louise C. Ball Scholarship

Sponsor: The late Dr. Louise C. Ball, fanner New York City dentist

Awarded to a senior or graduate of the course for dental hygienists for advanced study in some other department of the University on the basis of superior scholarship, leadership potential, and special promise

Barbara M. Blanich, '61, Crosby

Band Service Scholarship

Sponsor: Alumni Band Association

Awarded on the basis of outstanding musicianship, unusual contribution to the concert and marching bands, excellent character, and scholarship

Peter C. Vollmers, '62, Red Wing

Thomas F. Barnhart Memorial Scholarship

Sponsors: }.Iinnesota Newspaper Association, journalism alumni, and friends of the late Thomas F. Barnhart, professor of journalism

Awarded to a junior or senior major in the School of Journalism who has shown pro­fessional promise and the intent to make a career in journalism

Robert D. Harris, '61, Minneapolis

Barzen of Minneapolis, Inc., Scholarship in Agronomy

Sponsor: Barzen of }.Iinneapolis, Inc.

Awarded to students, preferably freshmen, who wish to major in agronomy, on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Gerhardt N. Fick, '64, Vergas

Beebe- Hilltop Scholarships

Sponsor: Beebe-Hilltop Laboratories, St. Paul

Awarded to a junior and senior student in the College of Veterinary Medicine on the basis of scholarship and professional promise

Clifford P. Ling, '62, Round Lake John A. Newman, '61, St. Paul

Bend-Southaii-McBratnie Company Scholarships

Sponsor: The Bend-Southall-McBratnie Company of ~1inneapolis

Awarded to sophomores and juniors at the University of Minnesota, in any college, on the basis of academic ability and future promise

Kenneth B. Buchanan, '64, St. Paul Douglas V. Jewson, '62, l\linneapolis John J. Horvei, '62, Fairmont

James G. Bennett Fellowship

Sponsor: Hennepin County Department of Court Services through funds from James G. Bennett

Awarded to a selected graduate social work student preparing for work in the field of corrections

~fary Lee Coe, St. Paul B.A. '56, University of Minnesota


Bertha- Hewitt PTA Scholarship

Sponsor: Parent Teacher Association of Bertha-Hewitt Schools, Bertha

Awarded to a student preparing to teach in elementary or secondary schools, on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character, and service

Dale C. Captain, '62, Eagle Bend

Best, Flanagan, Lewis, Simonet and Bellows Low Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Best, Flanagan, Lewis, Simonet and Bellows of "Jinncapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Dean E. Peterson, '63, Robbinsdale

Carroll Binder Memorial Scholarship

Sponsors: Colleagues and friends of the late Carroll Binder, editorial page editor of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune

Awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student who shows promise in the reporting and/or interpreting of international affairs, and who expects to go into newspaper work

Farhad li.Iassoudi, '61, Tehran, Iran

Charles K. Blondin Foundation Fellowships in Forest-Tree Genetics

Sponsor: The late Charles K. Blandin, Grand Rapids, pioneer paper manufacturer, to encourage development of Minnesota's forest resources

Awarded to outstanding graduates interested in forest-tree genetics

Robert L. Sajdak, Iron River, Wis. Roland E. Schoenike, St. Paul B.S. '59, Michigan College of li.Iining B.S. '.51, University of Minnesota

and Technology li.LS. '52, University of li.Iinnesota

Allan T. H. Bluhm Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Allan T. H. Bluhm

Awarded to a junior, male or female, in each of the following: the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts, the College of Medical Sciences, and the School of Dentistry, on the basis of exceptional merit, character, leadership, scholarship, and loyalty to the University

Mary M. Emerson, '61, Minneapolis Melvin \V. Walters, '62, Beltrami

Patrick J. Scanlan, '61, .\[inneapolis

Boord of Publications Scholarship

Sponsor: Board in Control of Student Publications, University of .\Iinnesota

Awarded to a student with demonstrated interest in professional writing or in vari­ous fields of journalism on the basis of academic aptitude, character, and leadership

Kathryn :\1. Sederberg, '63, li.Iinneapolis

Borchert-lngersoll, Inc., Scholarship

Sponsor: Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc., St. Paul

Awarded to a student in engineering who intends to take advanced training in highway engineering, based on scholarship and professional aptitude

Ervin A. Quast, '63, Green Isle


William Boss Agricultural Engineering Scholarship

Sponsor: Specialty Manufacturing Company, St. Paul, in honor of William Boss, professor emeritus of agricultural engineering, and chairman of the board of the Specialty Manufacturing Company

Awarded to a pre-college student who intends to pursue a career in agricultural engi­neering on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Ralph H. Willgohs, '65, Porter

Wolter D. Boutell Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Walter D. Boutell Memorial Scholarship Fund, in honor of the founder of Boutell Brothers, Minneapolis

Awarded to students who have shown exceptional industry and ability in their work, and are in the Law School, Medical School, or College of Science, Literature, and the Arts

William P. Dinan, '63, Duluth James J. Emdy, '62, Chisago City Dean C. Funk, '63, Worthington Carol Ingerson, '63, Farmington John C. Jeppesen, '63, Minneapolis

Frederick W. Keiser, '63, St. Paul Henry D. Knudsen, '63, Moorhead John B. Leary, '61, St. Paul Robert J. Wagner, '63, \'Vatertown, S.D. John W. Wheeler, Jr., '63, Minneapolis

John Brandt Memorial Fellowship

Sponsor: John Brandt Memorial Foundation in memory of John Brandt, a leader in American agriculture

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in dairy husbandry

Garth E. Miller, West Concord B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Otto Bremer Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: The Otto Bremer Foundation, St. Paul

Awarded to graduates of high schools in Ramsey County on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Sylvia L. Alexander, '62, St. Paul Neal E. Anderson, '61, New Brighton Phillip A. Annen, '65, St. Paul George W. Barbato, '65, St. Paul Dennis A. Bowman, '61, St. Paul Karen M. Brooten, '63, St. Paul Barbara L. Buckrey, '64, St. Paul Paul L. Canner, '61, St. Paul Gordon B. Carlton, '62, St. Paul Daryl E. Durum, '62, St. Paul Perry Finck, '62, St. Paul Errol R. Flom, '64, Kenyon Helga E. Freiseis, '63, St. Paul Herman Frismanis, '62, St. Paul Paul H. Gensch, Jr., '62, St. Paul Brian G. Gnauck, '64, White Bear Lake JohnS. Codes, '64, St. Paul David J. Goon, '65, St. Paul Carol R. Gustafson, '62, North St. Paul Donald W. Hayden, '61, St. Paul Elizabeth L. Henry, '61, Stillwater


John D. Hudson, '65, West St. Paul Judith E. Ingemann, '62, St. Paul Wayne T. Kasprazak, '63, St. Paul Douglas U. Kells, '62, Minneapolis Sandra E. Lind, '62, St. Paul Lawrence Maeda, '63, St. Paul Carol A. Miller, '62, St. Paul Carlton E. Mix, '63, St. Paul Donald L. Montgomery, '62, St. Paul Grant S. Nelson, '61, St. Paul Robert D. Nelson, '65, St. Paul Dennis R. Peterson, '65. White Bear Lake Jonathan V. Plaut, '64, St. Paul Gerald R. Shaw, '64, St. Paul Donald M. Shields, '65, Roseville Duane F. Smith, '63, St. Paul \'Vayne B. Sorensen, '64, North St. Paul Joseph N. Steinbach, '65, St. Paul Gary F. Toenjes, '64, St. Paul Roberta L. Velin, '61, White Bear Lake James G. Wolf, '63, St. Paul

The Charles R. Brett International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers State Council Scholarship

Sponsor: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers State Council, St. Paul

Awarded to qualified sons or daughters of members of Minnesota International Broth­erhood of Electrical Workers on the basis of academic aptitude, leadership, and vocational promise

Carol A. Larson, '61, Minneapolis

Briggs and Morgan Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Briggs and Morgan of St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

James W. Fahlgren, Chatfield B.A. '60, Macalester College

David E. Bronson Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Mr. David E. Bronson, a Minneapolis lawyer

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Noor Mohammad, Banaras, India B.Com. '47, Muslim University LL.B. '51, Hindu University M.A. '55, Hindu University

Mary L. Bull Scholarship

Sponsor: Alpha Alumnae Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron, national honorary home economics society, in honor of Mary L. Bull, former University instructor in home economics and extension specialist in home management

A warded to worthy students enrolled in home economics

Judith I. Erickson, '6.3, Minneapolis

Bundlie, Kelly and Torrison Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Bundlie, Kelly and Torrison of St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Michael P. Sullivan, Robbinsdale B.S. '56, Marquette University

Paul Bunyan Electronic Representatives Fellowships

Sponsor: The Paul Bunyan Electronic Representatives

Awarded as an encouragement to graduate students in electronics on the basis of ability

William D. McNeil, St. Paul B.S. '57, University of Minnesota

Duane H. Tack, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota


Burpee Scholarship in Horticulture

Sponsor: \V. Atlee Burpee Company, Philadephia, Pa.

Awarded to a student in agriculture with a major in horticulture or related fields on the basis of scholarship, practical experience, interest in flower and vegetable growing, promise of leadership, and character

Donald Huisingh, '62, Brooten

James B. Burroughs Memorial Scholarship in Aeronautical Engineering

Sponsors: Various donors including the Burroughs family, relatives, and friends

Awarded to a student enrolled in aeronautical engineering on the basis of high scholarship, personal attributes, and special promise in aeronautical engineering

David R. Carlson, '61, .\1inneapolis

California Exploration Company Scholarship

Sponsor: California Exploration Company, San Francisco, Calif.

Awarded to fourth and fifth year students in the School of Mines and Metallurgy interested in the petroleum and mining industries on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

John R. Guenther, '61, Sheboygan, Wis.

Cant, Taylor, Haverstock, Beardsley and Gray Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Cant, Taylor, Haverstock, Beardsley and Gray of Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Douglas D. Reid, St. Paul B.A. '60, :!11acalester College

Cargill Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: The Cargill Foundation of .\linneapolis

Awarded to law students on the basis of scholarship and legal aptitude

Frederick W. Keiser, Jr., St. Paul B.A. '60, St. Thomas College

Robert J. Struyk, Boyden, Iowa A.B. '54, Hope College A.M. '57, Columbia University

Jack M. Winick, Des Moines, Iowa B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Martin William and George Leland Case Medical Scholarships

Sponsor: Mrs. Frank M. Anderson, Hanover, N.H.

Awarded to an outstanding and worthy student in the ll1edical School

David C. Brown, '62, Minneapolis

Leora E. Cassidy Scholarship

Sponsor: Comstock Hall Government Association in memory of Leora E. Cassidy, a former director of Comstock Hall

Awarded to a resident of Comstock Hall for superior scholarship and future promise

Judy L. Paschke, '61, Winnebago


Evar T. Cedarleaf Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: Mrs. EvarT. Cedarleaf

Awarded to a student in the School of Business Administration on the basis of aca­demic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership, with preference given to students interested in insurance and surety-bond underwriting

Kenneth D. Weiss, '62, Minneapolis

Chapman Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: The Chapman Foundation of the Chapman Chemical Company, Memphis, Tenn.

Awarded to freshmen and sophomores in the School of Forestry on the basis of aca­demic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership


Alan R. Ek, Minneapolis Paul P. Ochocki, Osseo Walter J. Tomascak, Minneapolis Robert W. Wentz, Platteville, Wis.


Larry L. Christian, Waltham Richard W. Klukas, St. Paul Richard B. Lea, Minneapolis Richard E. Yolk, St. Paul

Wilbur H. Cherry Scholarships

Sponsors: Alumni and friends of the Law School in honor of the late Wilbur H. Cherry, former University professor of law

Awarded on the basis of legal aptitude, high scholarship, and service to the Law School

John L. Burbidge, Stanley, N.D. B.S. '54, University of North Dakota

Thomas A. Clure, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota,

Duluth Curtis D. Forslund, '62, Minneapolis John M. Foslien, Minneapolis

B.A. '59, St. Thomas College Ernest A. Gellhorn, Minneapolis

B.A. '56, University of Minnesol:l Sandra Heims, Minneapolis

B.A. '58, University of Minnesota Richard J. Higgins, Minneapolis

B.B.A., University of Minnesota Paul 0. Johnson, Minneapolis

B.A., Carleton College

Frank W. Levin, St. Paul B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Grant J. "-'lerritt, ,\1inneapolis B.A., University of .\1innesota, Duluth

Jonathan Rose, Mahtomedi B.A. '60, University of Pennsylvania

Harlan E. Smith, '61, Minneapolis Robert A. Stein, Minneapolis

B.S.L. '60, University of Minnesota Robert J. Struyk, Minneapolis

A.B., Hope College A.M., Columbia University

David V. Trask, Crystal B. of .\let. '58, University of Minnesota

Jack .\I. Winick, Des Moines, Iowa · B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

E. G. Cheyney Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota Forestry Alumni Association in memory of the late E. G. Cheyney, a member of the staff of the School of Forestry from 1904 to 1947

Awarded to junior or senior forestry students of acceptable scholarship who have demonstrated outstanding ability and improvement in writing and speaking skills

Alvin A. Aim, '61, Albert Lea Cameron E. Ferweda, '61, Henning


Richard R. Flannelly, '61, Minneapolis

Chicago Farmers Scholarship

Sponsor: The Chicago Farmers, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded to a senior in agriculture on the basis of scholarship, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Donnell V. Buck, '61, Zumbrota

Children's Aid Society of Winnipeg Fellowship

Sponsor: Children's Aid Society of \Vinnipeg, Canada

Awarded to prospective employees of Children's Aid Society to pursue graduate study in social work

David Schellenberg, Winnipeg, Canada B.A. '59, University of Manitoba

Children's Village of Fargo Fellowship

Sponsor: Children's Village, Fargo, N.D.

Awarded to employees of Children's Village for graduate study in social work

Wayne E. Wagstrom, Moorhead B.A. '48, Concordia College

Citizens Committee of Hennepin and Ramsey Counties Scholarships

Sponsor: Citizens Scholarship Committee

Awarded to college freshmen, especially those directly out of high school, on the basis of scholastic achievement, leadership potential, vocational promise, and personal attributes

:Mmyanne M. Alderson, '64, Minneapolis Mansoor Alyeshmerni, '64, Iran Jacqueline D. Anders, '64, Minneapolis Susan B. Anderson, '63, Minneapolis Rudite Baumanis, '64, Minneapolis Kenneth Benson, '64, Wayzata David E. Bentley, '63, St. Paul Joyce M. Berg, '64, Minneapolis Merriam R. Bernstein, '64, Minneapolis Michael H. Bittem1an, '64, St. Paul John Blaus, '64, Minneapolis James M. Celt, '65, Minneapolis Sandra J. Dahl, '64, Minneapolis Jon B. Darling, '65, White Bear Lake John E. Dean, '64, Minneapolis Michele L. Dorschner, '64, Minneapolis John B. Ferber, '64, St. Paul Judith A. Habig, '64, Wayzata Nancy G. Hale, '64, St. Paul Gloria J. Hanson, '64, St. Paul Christine M. Hays, '64, St. Paul Marc J. Hebert, '65, St. Paul Robert H. Homstad, '64, Minneapolis


Dan Jacobus, '65, St. Paul Mary M. Katynski, '64, St. Paul Gordan W. Keller, '65, Mounds View Anita J. Kraml, '64, Hopkins Marlene J. Kupetz, '64, Minneapolis Beverly B. Lehman, '64, Minneapolis Loren A. Lemmerman, '65, Maple Plain Joseph H. Lunacek, '65, Minneapolis Gail M. Martinson, '65, St. Paul Karin K. McGourty, '64, Minneapolis Roberta M. McLeod, '64, Minneapolis Arijs Pakalns, '64, Minneapolis Maia Pank, '64, Minneapolis Marylou Patten, '64, Minneapolis Suzanne K. Pedersen, '64, Osseo Charles Reich, '65, Minneapolis Paul B. Schwartz, '65, St. Louis Park Mary Jo Sieg, '64, Minneapolis Hyler S. Silesky, '65, Minneapolis Franklin W. Slotto, '65, St. Louis Park Lois A. Wyland, '64, Minneapolis Margo K. Wyland, '64, St. Paul John R. Youngdahl, '65, St. Paul

Class of 1894 Medical Education Fund

Sponsor: Members of the Class of 1894

Awarded to students of high ability with special consideration given to juniors and seniors in the School of Medicine

Robert J. Cumming, '61, St. Paul Walter D. Cunningham, '61, Sturgeon Lake

Class of 1916 Bernie Bierman Fund Fellowship

Sponsor: The Class of 1916-Mr. Wendell T. Burns, Excelsior, president-in honor of Bernie Bierman, former University football coach

Awarded to an outstanding student in any college of the University on the basis of scholastic excellence, leadership, and special promise

William A. Joern, Minneapolis B.A. '58, St. Mary's College

Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company Scholarships

Sponsor: Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company, Cleveland, Ohio

Awarded to students in the School of Mines and Metallurgy on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Bernhart \V. E. Mannila, '61, Meadowlands Jon D. Pakarinen, '65, Ironton

Walter B. Cline Memorial Fellowship

Sponsor: The late \Valter B. Cline, a former member of the Anthropology Department

Awarded to a student of high scholastic ability interested in the languages and/or cultural history of Asia or the Moslem world

Pransbendu Das Gupta, Jadavpore, India B.A. '56, Vidyasasar College M.A. '58, Jadavpore University

Walter C. Coffey Scholarships

Sponsor: Mrs. Walter C. Coffey, Minneapolis, in memory of her late husband Walter C. Coffey, former president of the University of Minnesota

Awarded to students in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics on the basis of scholarship, leadership, including leadership in the religious life of students, and high moral character

Duane D. Hacklander, '60, Blue Earth Nancy C. Hacklander, '63, Blue Earth

Coffman Memorial Union Food Service Scholarships

Sponsors: Coffman Memorial Union Food Service and friends of the University, through the Greater University Fund

Awarded to qualified student employees of Coffman Union on the basis of academic aptitude, job performance, and personal attributes

Donald C. Aamodt, '62, St. Louis Park Thomas Nelson, '61, Willmar


Vera J. Stephens, '62, Minneapolis

Nina Morais Cohen Fellowship

Sponsor: Minneapolis Section of the National Council of Jewish Women

Awarded to a Jewish student on the basis of high scholarship and future promise

Shanee Birenbaum, Edmonton, Canada B.A. '60, University of Alberta

Collins Radio Company Fellowships

Sponsor: The Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Awarded to graduate or undergraduate students in engineering, preferably electrical or mechanical, on the basis of professional development

Paul L. Hill, '62, Detroit, Mich. Dennis L. Reese, '62, Ottertail Ronald W. Madsen, '62, Minneapolis Michael A. Savageau, '63, Fargo, N.D. Marie P. Prins, '62, Minneapolis Gerald W. Timm, '63, Garfield

Continental Grain Company Scholarships

Sponsor: Continental Grain Company, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to students who are pursuing studies in areas pertinent to the grain industry, on the basis of aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Wesley \V. Ebert, '61, Osseo Ronald E. Eikaas, '61, Minneapolis

Continental Oil Company Scholarship in Geology

Spons:Jr: The Continental Oil Company, Ponca City, Okla.

Awarded to an outstanding senior in geology

Darryl B. Tharalson, '61, Minneapolis

Continental Oil Company Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

Sponsor: Continental Oil Company, Houston, Texas

Awarded to a student in mechanical engineering with preference given to a sopho-more

Gordon 0. Voss, '61, Proctor

John Cowles Foundation Fellowships

Sponsor: The Foundation of John Cowles, president of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune

Awarded to highly qualified students from Asia (particularly the Middle East, India, Pakistan, and Southeast Asia) for advanced work in any field or area of study at the University of Minnesota

Erol Abiral, Turkey B.S. '59, Robert College, Istanbul,

Turkey Abir Arbel, Tel-Aviv, Israel

B.S. '60, Technion-Israel Samuel C. Arthur, Ghana

B.S. '60, Philander Smith College Gamil A. Chelico, Cairo, Egypt

B.A. '60, American University, Cairo Rafiqul I. Choudhury, Pakistan

B.A. '55, Dacca University, Pakistan M.A. '56, Dacca University, Pakistan


Subira Chowdhary, India B.A. '51, Agra University M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Pransbendu Das Gupta, J adavpore, India B.A. '56, Vidyasasar College M.A. '58, Jadavpore University

Obaid U. Haq, Hyderabad, India B.A. '52, Osmania University, India M.A. '54, Osmania University, India

Joannes K. Huyen, Vietnam B.A. '57, Ohio Wesleyan University M.A. '59, \Vestern Reserve University

Hashid K. Irani, India B.S. '55, University of Bombay A.I.S.M. '58, Indian School of Mines

Gopal Ji, Allahabad, India Inter. Cert. '44, K.P.I. College B.S. '46, Allahabad University '.I.S. '48, Allahabad University

Iftikhar A. Khan, Pakistan :\LA. '48, University of Lucknow LL.B. '48, University of Lucknow

Dolly S. Kotwal, India B.A. '54, St. Xavier's College }.LA. '56, University of Bombay Dip. in Applied Psy. '57, Tata Institute

Khin Kyi, Burma B.Sc. '60, University of Minnesota

Prantosh Nag, India B.A. '53, Calcutta University

Krishan K. Nanda, India B.Sc. '50, Punjab University :\LA. '53, Punjab University

Zahide A.M. Noorani, Bombay, India B.A. '5.5, University of Bombay

Ibrahim M. z. Oweiss, Egypt B.Com. '52, University of Alexandria

Amir Rafat, Tehran, Iran B.A. '55, University of Geneva M.A. '58, University of Nebraska

Kammula G. Haju, India B.V.Sci. '57, Madras University

Hajinder S. Saini, India B.S. '53, Punjab University

Bhanu V. Sheth, India B.A. '54, Osmania University M.A. '56, Osmania University

Pravin D. Sheth, India B.Arch. '58, University of Baroda

Irtaza H. Siddique, India G.B.V.C. '50, Bihar Veterinary College

Mohammed M. Siddiqui, Pakistan B.A. '52, Osmania University B.E. '56, Osmania University

Haghbir Singh, India B.S. '52, Punjab University M.S. '55, Punjab University

Vijai B. Singh, India B.Sc. '54, Hindu University B.V.Sc., A.H. '58, U. P. Veterinary

College Hajpal S. Tyagi, India

B. V .Sc. '.53, U .P. Veterinary College '.LS. '59, Michigan State University

Paparao Yarlagadda, India B.E. '59, University of Mysore

Caroline M. Crosby Memorial Fellowships in Botany

Sponsor: John Crosby, retired milling company executive, :\Iinneapolis, in memory of his sister, Caroline M. Crosby

Awarded for graduate work at the University of Minnesota Forestry and Biological Station or a similar biological station

Hobert B. Kaul, Owatonna B.S. '57, University of Minnesota M.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Norman J. Norton, Percy, Ill. B.A. '58, Southern Illinois University

Alice L. Patience, Millville, N.J. B.A. '59, Connecticut College for


Dairy Husbandry Scholarships

Sponsors: Consolidated Breeders Cooperative, Anoka, Minnesota Dairy Industries Committee, St. Paul, and Minnesota Valley Cooperative Breeders Association, New Prague

Awarded to male students majoring in dairy husbandry on the basis of academic apti­tude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Todd K. Fetsch, '63, St. Paul George L. Slinkard, '64, New Prague

Dennis E. Wolfgram, '64, Elgin

Edward Everett Davidson Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Endowment provided by the gift from the late Mrs. Julia B. Davidson in memory of her husband, Edward Everett Davidson, St. Paul


Awarded to young men who are residents of Minnesota, on the basis of scholastic achievement, special talents, leadership potential, and future promise. One award given annually to a qualified student in the Medical School and one or more to freshmen who enter the University from Minnesota high schools

John C. Anderson, '65, Cambridge David Kittelson, '65, Minneapolis Robert N. Gale, '65, Minneapolis Leonard E. Munstermann, '64, Correll Richard A. Hansen, '65, Morris David L. Nelson, '63, Grove Citv Gerhard J. Johnson, '62, St. Paul Ronald L. Soderstrom, '65, St. Paul

Davidson Publishing Company Scholarship

Sponsor: Davidson Publishing Company, Duluth

Awarded annually to students majoring in journalism who are judged to have sub­mitted the best entries in competition of an analysis of a busines~ publication (or several in the same field) and an article aimed for that publication

Perley J. Frazier, '61, Corvallis, Ore. Daniel E. Martin, '61, St. Paul

Katharine J. Densford Scholarships

Sponsors: Alumni, staff, and friends of the School of Nursing in honor of Katharine J. Densford, former director of the School of Nursing

Awarded to students in the School of Nursing on the basis of superior scholarship and future promise

Verniece M. Anderson, '61, Albert City, Iowa

Donna J. Jarvi, '62, Ely

Judith E. Johnson, '61, St. Paul Joan K. Stensland, '62, Minneapolis

Doherty, Rumble and Butler Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Doherty, Rumble and Butler of St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Robert J. Wagner, Watertown, S.D. R.A. 60, St. Thomas College

Caleb Dorr College Scholarships

Sponsor: Bequest of Caleb Dorr, pioneer Minneapolis lumberman

Awarded to the highest ranking students in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Horne Economics and in the College of Veterinary Medicine in their respective classes of the preceding year

Junior Scholarships

Julie M. Dupere, '61, Minneapolis Mylo M. Hagberg, '61, Faribault Robert A. Megraw, '61, Rochester

Sophomore Scholarships

Gary W. Leske, '62, Buffalo Lake Diane J. Palmer, '62, Minneapolis Forrest G. Thannurn, '62, Minneapolis


Freshman Scholarships

Bruce A. Kimball, '63, Isle Charles J. Smith, '63, St. Paul Carol J. Streufert, '63, Minneapolis

Caleb Dorr Research Fellowships

Sponsor: The late Caleb Dorr, pioneer Minneapolis lumberman

Awarded to graduate students in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics and the College of Veterinary Medicine on the basis of scholastic record

John R. Pedersen, Manhattan, Kan. B.S. '54, Kansas State University M.S. '59, Kansas State University

Eugene C. Stauffer, Minneapolis B.S. '56, North Dakota Agricultural

College M.S. '58, North Dakota Agricultural


Dorsey, Owen, Scott, Barber and Marquart Fellowship

Sponsor: Law finn of Dorsey, Owen, Scott, Barber and ~[arquart of Minneapolis

Awarded to a worthy law student as selected by the faculty of the Law School

William F. Brooks, Jr., Minneapolis B.A. '48, Union College

C. Earl Dougherty Memorial Scholarships in Pharmacy

Sponsor: Manda Photo Company, St. Paul

A warded to students in the final three years of the pharmacy curriculum on the basis of scholastic progress and vocational promise

Charles F. Richards, '61, Duluth

Douglas Aircraft Scholarship

Sponsor: Douglas Aircraft Company, Santa Monica, Calif.

Awarded to a fifth year student in aeronautical engineering on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Peter J. Torvik, '61, Underwood

The Dow Chemical Company Fellowship in Chemistry

Sponsor: The Dow Chemical Company, Mtdland, Mich.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

George J. Meisters, Milwaukee, \Vis. B.S. '58, University of Wisconsin

E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Fellowship in Chemical Engineering

Sponsor: E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Del.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemical engineering

Robert P. Goldstein, Binghamton, N.Y. B.Ch.E., '60, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Postgraduate Teaching Assistant Award in Chemistry

Sponsor: E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, \Vilmington, Del.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Judson S. Pond, Minneapolis B.l\I.E. '47, University of Minnesota B.B.A. '47, University of ~Iinnesota

Elks National Foundation Scholarship

Sponsor: Elks National Foundation, Boston

Awarded to senior and certificate students in physical therapy

Doris K. Nichols, '61, Manhattan, Kan.

Ellerbe and Company Architectural Scholarships

Sponsor: Ellerbe and Company, Architects and Engineers, St. Paul

Awarded to undergraduate students in architecture or those prepared to enter the School of Architecture on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership potential

A. Mario Averbuj, '61, Argentina Roger F. Johnson, '61, .\1inncapolis

Marlin G. Lord, '62, Ironton Michael F. Southworth, '62, Kasson

Ellerbe and Company Engineering Scholarships

Sponsor: Ellerbe and Company, Architects and Engineers, St. Paul

Awarded to undergraduate students in civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering, who are graduates of Minnesota secondary schools, on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership potential

John D. Brecht, '64, Minneapolis Alan M. Hoff, '64, Marshall George D. Hagen, '61, Mabel

Emporium Retail Advertising Scholarship

Sponsor: The Emporium Department Store, St. Paul

Awarded to an advertising student who has completed the junior year, who has de­clared intention of entering the retail advertising field, and who has a creditable academic record

Margot J. Christensen, '61, St. Paul

Esso Research and Engineering Company Fellowship in Chemical Engineering

Sponsor: Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, N.J.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemical engineering

Robert L. Sani, Antioch, Calif B.Ch.E. '58, University of California M.S. '59, University of California


Esso Research and Engineering Company Fellowship m Chemistry

Sponsor: Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, N.J.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Ellen Lem Wu, Shanghai, China B.A. '54, Carleton College

Ethyl Corporation Fellowship m Chemistry

Sponsor: Ethyl Corporation, Detroit, Mich.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Jerry Robert Witt, Marshfield, Wis. B.S. '57, University of Wisconsin

Evangelical Lutheran Church Fellowship

Sponsor: Board of Charities, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Minneapolis

Awarded to a selected Lutheran student for graduate study in his related field

Paul B. Eid, New York, N.Y. B.A. '47, St. Olaf College

Evans Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: Western Golf Association, Golf, Ill.

Awarded to former caddies with a minimum of two years at a member club or clubs of the Western Golf Association who are high school graduates and rank in the upper one-fourth of their high school classes, on the basis of outstanding charac­ter, integrity, and leadership. Awards are renewable for each year until gradua­tion with a B.A. degree on the basis of scholastic achievement and extra-curricu­lar and community participation

Dennis G. Anderson, '64, Minneapolis Robert A. Bjork, '61, Minnetonka Beach Robert B. Cairns, '65, Waukegan, Ill. Geoffrey W. Caufman, '65, Minneapolis Roger L. Gilles, '61, St. Louis Park John Goth, '62, Evanston, Ill. Franklin Grefsheim, '64, Chicago, Ill. James M. Hahn, '63, Minneapolis Eugene E. Hansen, '62, Minneapolis Thomas J. Harrigan, '61, Stillwater Carson D. Herron, '61, Minneapolis Kenneth E. Hokanson, '63, Robbinsdale Stanley Johnson, '64, Minneapolis Richard J. Keenan, '62, St. Paul Charles B. Knaus, '62, St. Paul Stephen A. Kollins, '64, St. Louis Park \Vayne H. Larson, '63, Hopkins

Edwin P. Lindborg, '63, ~Iinneapolis D.tvid C. 1\lahler, '64, South St. Paul Raymond E. ~vfarshall, '64, Duluth David P. Meade, '64, White Bear Lake \Villiam J. 1\Iiller, '61, St. Paul ~Iiles \V. Ottinger, '65, West St. Paul Curtis M. Palmgren, Jr., '62, Minneapolis Karl A. Pfitzer, '63, Dnluth James A. Resler, '6.5, White Bear Lake John W. Rydeen, '65, l\1inneapolis Phillip l\1. Schneider, '62, South St. Paul Robert C. Sodoma, '61, Hopkins Francis E. Stary, '64, St. Paul George W. Stenger. '65, St. Paul Dale S. Ticsvold, '64, Minneapolis Thomas H. \Vest, '64, ~1inneapolis

Faculty Women's Club Scholarships

Sponsor: Faculty \Vomen's Club of the Uni~ersity of J\finnesota

Awarded to women students in any department of the University on the basis of scholarship, character, and future potential

Patricia A. Dahlstrom, '61, Minneapolis Brigitte Klaus, '6:3, \1inneapolis


Mary Farrell Coffman Scholarship Diane J. Palmer, '62, Minneapolis

Faculty Women's Club (Student Section) Scholarships

Sponsor: Student Section of the Faculty Women's Club of the University of Min­nesota

Awarded to women students in any department of the University on the basis of scholarship, character, and future potential

~lartha A. Watland, '61, Excelsior

Anne Dudley Blitz Scholarship

Carolyn M. Kruschke, '61, St. Paul

Faegre and Benson Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Faegre and Benson of Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Stephen E. Lee, Hutchinson B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Faricy, Moore and Costello Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Faricy, Moore and Costello of St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Frank ·w. Levin, St. Paul B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota Scholarship

Sponsor: Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota

Awarded to juniors or seniors in horticulture with major interest in landscaping, ornamental horticulture, or lloriculture on the basis of academic aptitude, voca­tional promise, personal attributes, and leadership

James F. Ritzer, '61, Stillwater

Felhaber, Larson and Fenlon Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Felhaber, Larson and Fenlon of St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Elliot M. Cohen, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Oscar W. Firkins Fellowship

Sponsor: The late Miss Frances Firkins in memory of her brother, Oscar W. Firkins, head of the Department of Comparative Literature, playwright and friend of the theater

A warded annually to an outstanding graduate student in theater

John W. Lewin, Minneapolis · B.A. '60, University of Minnesota


Flour City Architectural Education Fund Scholarship

Sponsor: Flour City Architectural Metals, Division of Hupp Corporation, Minneapolis

Awarded to students in the School of Architecture on the basis of high scholarship

Pravinbhai D. Sheth, Ahmedabad, India B.Arch. '59, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India

Ford Foundation Fellowships for Social Science Research

Sponsor: The Ford Foundation, New York, N. Y.

Awarded on the basis of superior undergraduate records and potential for research careers in the social sciences

Arthur J. Arrowood, West St. Paul B.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Francis G. Caro, Milwaukee, Wis. B.S. '58, Marquette University

Kenneth N. DeYoung, Sparta, Mich. B.A. '56, Michigan State University M.A. '57, Michigan State University

James G. Greeno, Minneapolis B.A. '57, University of Minnesota M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Karl L. Hakmiller, Berkeley, Calif. A.B. '58, University of California

DanielL. McFadden, Salisbury, N.C. B.S. '57, University of Minnesota

Bernard Saffran, Brooklyn, N.Y. B.A. '56, City College of New York

Jerome E. Singer, Mount Vernon, N.Y. B.A. '56, University of Michigan

Leonard Weller, New York, N.Y. B.A. '55, City College of New York

Ford Foundation Workshop Fellowships in Economics

Sponsor: The Ford Foundation, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to outstanding doctoral candidates in economics

Leonall C. Andersen, Northfield Enrique A. Roldan, Quito, Ecuador B.S. '49, Gustavus Adolphus College B.A. '57, Central University of Quito M.S. '52, University of Illinois M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

James A. Johnson, Gheen Harvey B. Safeer, Brooklyn, N.Y. B.A. '58, University of Minnesota, B.B.A. '58, City College of New York

Duluth M.A. '61, University of Minnesota M.A. '60, University of Minnesota James R. Williams, Minneapolis

Hideo Kanemitsu, Tokyo, Japan B.A. '57, University of Minnesota B.E. '56, University of Tokyo M.A. '60, University of Minnesota M.E. '58, University of Tokyo Donald L. Winklemann, Minneapolis

Hirschel Kasper, Providence, R.I. B.S. '53, University of Nebraska B.A. '56, Boston University M.A. '58, University of Nebraska M.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Foreign Student General Scholarships

Sponsors: Robert L. Moore Foundation, Boston, Mass.; Professor and Mrs. \Vilfred 0. Stout, Jr., St. Paul; and other miscellaneous contributions through the Greater University Fund

Awarded to foreign students attending the University of Minnesota on the basis of scholastic achievement, special aptitude, and future promise

Jack F. Z. Hajj, '65, Lebanon Rashid K. Irani, '61, India Vasant V. Merchant, Bombay, India Basil Papandreou, '61, Volos, Greece


Fidelis N. Umeh, '64, Nigeria Young W. Yoon, Seoul, Korea

B.A. '58, University of Rhode Island

Foreign Student Tuition Scholarships

Sponsor: Board of Regents, University of Minnesota

Awarded to students from other countries in any department or college on the basis of outstanding scholarship and promise


Graduate Students

Anthony Barry, England B.A. '60, University of Liverpool,

England \Volfgang Erdmann, Gem1any Paul Firmino, Northern Rhodesia

B.A. '59, University College of Pius XII, Africa

Nerissa Forbes, Philippines B.S.E.E. '58, Philippines Normal

College, Philippines Prem Gupta, India

B.Pharm. '57, Banares Hindu University, India

M.Pharm. '58, Banares Hindu University, India

Ram Lakhina, India B.A. '59, University of Delhi, India

Florencia Medina, Philippines B.S.E. '54, Lopez Jaena Memorial

Colle~e, Philippines ~t.P.A. 60, University of the

Philippines Swan K. Sie, Indonesia

Candidates Degree, Municipal University

State University of Leiden, Holland Gurdial Singh, India

B.Sc. '59, Panjab University, India Kota Kamath, India

Bachelors '58, Osmania University, India

Masters '60, Osmania University, India

Ting Chung Kan, Taiwan B.S. '.55, National Taiwan University

Undergraduate Students

Assibi Abudu, Ghana Nathan Fedha, Kenya (U.M.D.) Jee Hoon Lee, Korea ( U.M.D.)

Noriko Takahashi, Japan Fidelis Umeh, Nigeria


Graduate Students Indru Advani, India

B.A. '53, University of Rajputana, India

LL.B. '57, University of Bombay, India

Felicie Affolter, Switzerland License in Psych. '54, University of

Geneva Joginder S. Ahluwalia, India

B.Sc. '58, Bombay University, India Rajindra Bhalla, India

B.Vet.Sci. '52, Panjab University, India

Rafiqul Choudhury, Pakistan B.A. '55, Dacca University, Pakistan M.A. '56, Dacca University, Pakistan

Frank Epp, Canada B.T.W. '53, C.M.B.C., Winnipeg B.A. '56, Bethel College, Kansas M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Gayatri Gupta, India B.Sc. '56, Delhi University, India M.Sc. '.58, Delhi University, India

Gian P. Jain, India B.A. '.57, Panjab University, India


Tai-Shick Kang, Korea B.A. '56, Seoul National University,

Korea B.A. '58, Lincoln University, Pa.

Daw Khin Kyi, Burma B.Sc. '50, University of :\linnesota

Ho-Nien Liu, Taiwan B.Sc. '55, National Taiwan University

Bahman Mehri, Iran B.S. '56, University of Tehran, Iran

Purushotton Patel, India B.S. '52, Institute of Agriculture,

Anand, Gujarat, India M.S. '56, Institute of Agriculture,

Anand, Gujarat, India Kammula Raju, India

B.V.Sc. '57, Madras University, India Rajinder Saini, India

F.Sc. '51, Panjab University, India B.Sc. '53, Panjab University, India

Gideon Shavit, Israel B.Sc. '59, Israel

Josephine Sun, Taiwan B.A. '55, University of Taiwan

N. Veerappan, India B.E. Highways '59, Madras University,

India B.E. Civil Engineering '57, Madras

University, India Minh Chi Vu, Vietnam

B.A. '59, College of St. Catherine

Tinna Wu, China A.B. '58, University of the East, P. I.

Yi Wu Yang, Taiwan B.S. '57, National Taiwan University

Undergraduate Students

Mohammed I. Sabri, Sudan Ngo-Dinh Thinh, Vietnam


Graduate Students

Erol Abiral, Turkey B.S. '59, Robert College Eng. School-

1st, Turkey Khursheed Alam, Pakistan

B.Sc. '41, Patna T. University, Pakistan

1\I.Sc. '43, Patna T. University, Pakistan

Indo Bang, Korea B.S. '36, Euha University, Seoul,

Korea M.S. '59, Euha University, Seoul,

Korea Ilyas Ba-Yunis, Pakistan Exaltacion Castillo, Philippines

B.A. '57, Philippine Woman's University, Philippines

Esteban Cepeda, Chile B.A. '58, University of Chile

Ko Chieh Chi, Taiwan B.S. '57, Chung Kung University,

Taiwan Shiang Chien, Taiwan

B.A. '58, Taipei, Taiwan Sze Ting Chien, Taiwan

B.S. '55, National Taiwan University S. Chowdhary, India

B.A. '51, Agra University, India M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Josefa Dikitanen, Philippines B.Sc. '52, University of Philippines

Patrick Duffy, Canada B.S.F. '55, University of British

Columbia 1\LF. '56, Yale University

Luis Duran, Cuba B.A. '50, Colegio de Belen, Havana,

Cuba M.A. '56, Jesuit Seminary, Cuba

Liang Fan, Taiwan B.A. '56, National Taiwan University

Anand S. Garg, India B.A. '~6, Ag. University, Ghzziabad,

India M.A. '59, Delhi University

Jane George, India M.A. '53, Patna, India


Chung Gong, Taiwan B.Sc. '55, National Taiwan University

Naguib Greis, U.A.R. B.A. '45, Cairo University Dip. in Education '48, Ein Shams

University, Cairo Dip. in English Studies '52, Institute

of Higher Studies, Cairo Hui Min Hwang, Taiwan

B.S. '55, National Taiwan University Silvia Moreau

B.A. '59, University of Chile Misbah Oreibi Ibrahim Oweiss, U.A.R.

B.Com. '52, University of Alexandria, Egypt

C. Papostathopoulos, Greece B.A. '.59, Coe College

Prabhakar Parikh, India B. in English '59, Bombay University,

India S.N. Patel, India

B.E. (Civil) '57, Baroda, India A. Patitsas, Greece

B.S. '58, University of Minnesota Rudolfo Perez, Philippines

B.F.A. '57, Aligrah University, India Om P. Prakash, India

B.Sc. '47, Delhi University, India 1\I.Sc. '57, Aligrah University, India

Kalim Qidwai, Pakistan B.Sc. '50, Aligrah University, India

Mahesh Kumar Rai, India B.U.Sc. '54, University of Saugor :\LP.,

India M. Kocayusufpasaoglu, Greece

B.A. '60, l\1acalester College Justina (Ching Lan) Lin, Taiwan

B.S. '57, Chung Gung University, Taiwan

Dah Wei Luo, Taiwan B.Sc. '57, Ching-Kung University,

Tainan, Taiwan S. Mahadeva, Ceylon

B.Sc. '55, Powa, India

Indira ~Ialani, India ~LA. '53, Banaras Hindu

University, India Narinder ~1ehta, India

B.A. '59, University of Delhi M.A. '59, University of Delhi

Ghulam ~1ohammed, Pakistan A.A. '55, Santa Ana College B.A. '57, U.M.D., Pakistan :\LA. '60, University of Minnesota

Noor Mohammed, India B.Com. '47, B.M.U. Banaras and M.U.

Aligarh, India LL.B. '51, B.H.U., Banaras, India

Prantosh Nag, India B.A. '53, Calcutta University, India

Krishan Nanda, India B.Sc. '50, Panjab University, India M.A. '53, Panjab University, India

Yiyi Ijiri, Japan LL.B. '56, Ritsumeikan University,

Kyoto, Japan Rashid Irani, India

B.Sc. '5.5, University of Bombay, India A.I.S.M. '58, Indian School of Mines,

India Issam Jano, U.A.R.

B.Sc. '55, University of Damascus, U.A.R.

Saroj Jha, India GB. VC. '51, Bihar Vet College, Patna

M.S. '59, Michigan State University Tohn Karoussos, Greece

Diploma '50, University of Athens, Greece

Astrid Karstad, Norway Matric '52, Firda Gymnas, Norway B.A. '60, Mississippi State College for

Women Noriko Kazama, Japan

B.S. '53, Hokkaido University, Japan M.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Iftikhar Khan, Pakistan B.A. '46, University of Allahabad,

India M.A. '48, University of Lucknow,

India LL.B. '-18 Do.

Kwan Suk Kim, Korea B.A. '59, Seoul National University,

Korea M.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Y ong Hyok Kim, Korea B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Young J in Kim, Korea B.A. '59, U.M.D.

Tahil Ramani, India B.Tech. '56, Khargpur, India

James Rathod, India B.A. '43, Baroda College, Bombay

University, India B.Ed. '45, Bombay University, India J\I.Ed. '52, University of Baroda, India


Ganta Gopal Reddy, India B.Sc.Ag. '52, Allahabad University

Ramchandra Reddy, India B.V.Sc. '56, Ashania, India M.Sc. '60, University of Nebraska

~luhammed Rizvi, India B.Sc. '54, Lucknow University, India ~1.Sc. '57, Lucknow University, India

Bhanu Sheth, India B.A. '54, Osmania University, India :\1.A. '50, Osmania University, India Dip. in French '56, Osmania

University, India Balwant Singh, India

B.U.Sc. and A.H. '55, U.P. Vet College, India

Cur Deep Singh, India B.Sc. '47, Panjab University, India B.T. '50, Panjab University, India M.A. '52, Panjab University, India M.Ed. '54, Panjab University, India

Harbans Singh, India B.U.Sc. and A.H. '55, Agra University,

India M.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Raghbir Singh, India B.Sc.(Ag.) '52, Panjab University,

India M.Sc. ( Ag.) '55, India

Rajindra Singh, India Bachelor's Vet. Sci. '58, Agra

University, India B.Sc. '54, Agra University, India

Vijai B. Singh, India B.V.Sc. and A.H. '58, U.P. College of

Vet. Science and Animal Husbandry A. Tahmasebi, Iran

M.A. '59, University of Minnesota John Toews, Canada

B.A. '47, Tabor College, Canada M.A. '57, United College, Canada

Victor T. Tsou, Taiwan Bachelor's in Pol. Sci. '59, National

Taiwan University Rajpal Tyagi, India

B.U.Sc. '53, India M.S. '59, U.S.A.

Kallappa U gargol, India B.E. '60, Poona, India

M.S. Venkatesan, India B.Com. '59, Bihar University, India

John Ching-Yu Wang, Taiwan B.A. '57, National Taiwan University

Josef Weidacher, Austria Thomas Wu, Taiwan

B.A. '53, Taiwan National University Yeong-Her Yeh, Taiwan

B.A. '55, University of Taiwan M.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Lorraine Yen, Taiwan B.A. '57, National Taiwan University M.A. '61, University of Minnesota

Georgiana Young, China B.S. '59, University of Illinois

Jose Zarraga, Philippines B.S.Ag.Ed. '57, Central Lugon Ag.


Undergraduate Students

Elisa Buenaventura, Philippines Charles Chikeka, Nigeria Sein Hlaing, Bum1a

Chin Hyung Kim, Korea Chun Kyu Loh, Korea Edward Ng, Hong Kong

French Government Scholarships

Sponsor: The French Government

Special scholarships awarded to participants in the Summer Session French House Project

Alice L. Fiola, '62, Duluth Carol A. Johnson, '62, Minneapolis Hannelore Odorff, '62, St. Paul

Iva Lou Slocumb, Moose Lake Lucy H. \Vallace, '63, Mound

John P. Fridley Foundation Fund Graduate Fellowships in Research

Sponsor: John P. Fridley Foundation

Awarded to outstanding graduate students in chemical engineering

Neville Blakemore, Jr., Louisville, Ky. Lee R. Raymond, Watertown, S. D. B.S.E. '60, Princeton University B.S.Ch.E. '60, University of Wisconsin

John P. Fridley Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: Bequest of Mrs. Edith G. Fridley

Awarded to students in the field of chemical engineering on the basis of scholastic ability and achievement, vocational promise, and personal attributes

Galen C. Britz, '61, North Branch Kenneth R. Carlson, '63, Lake City Jurgen H. Exner, '64, St. Paul Ronald J. Fitzgerald, '64, Minneapolis

Larry 0. Jones, '63, Blue Earth Donald S. Kompelien, '63, Canby Robert B. Moffatt, '62, St. Paul Charles H. Swanson, '64, Minneapolis

Friends of Marcia Enbody Scholarships

Sponsors: Friends of the Minneapolis Youth Center in honor of ~Iarcia Enbody, founder and director of the Center

Awarded to qualified graduates from Minneapolis and suburban high schools on the basis of academic aptitude, character, leadership potential, and vocational promise

Robert T. Ahola, '65, Minneapolis Richard A. Hendrickson, '65, Minneapolis Beverly M. Hill, '64, Minneapolis Carolyn D. Kolar, '64, Spring Park

Mary Latvala, '64, Minneapolis Sharon H. Lind, '64, Minneapolis Rosemary A. Nelson, '64, ~1inneapolis

Frontier Hall American Indian Scholarship

Sponsor: Frontier Hall Council, University of Minnesota

Awarded to an American Indian student on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, and personal attributes as a supplement to part-time work in the dormi­tory

Dennis ~1. Harper, '65, Cass Lake


Fulbright Fellowship

Sponsor: The Government of Indonesia through the Fulbright Fellowship Program

Awarded to selected students for advanced study abroad

Hoo Nio Tan, Indonesia D. Juris '58, University of Indonesia

General Electric Company Fellowship in Engineering

Sponsor: General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y.

A warded to an outstanding graduate student in engineering

Jerold H. Klaimon, St. Paul B.S. '55, University of Colorado M.S. '57, University of Southern California

General Electric Foundation Fellowship in Chemistry

Sponsor: General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

David M. Schrader, Des Moines, Iowa B.S. '54, Iowa State University of Science and Technology

General Foods Fund Fellowship in Home Economics

Sponsor: The General Foods Fund, Inc., New York, N. Y.

Awarded to full-time students meeting requirements for graduate study who have an interest in advanced study and who have definite plans for a professional career. The awards are available for study in any major home economics subject matter area

Sister Ingrid Anderson, O.S.B., St. Joseph B.S. '53, College of St. Benedict M.S. '5.5, University of Minnesota

~lary E. German, Bellingham, Wash. B.S. '46, Washington State University

General Mills Foundation Law Scholarship

Sponsor: General Mills Foundation, Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

David C. Priebe, Balaton B.A. '60, University of :Minnesota

General Motors College Scholarships

Sponsor: General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich.

Awarded to entering freshmen in any college or department of the University, subject to renewal each year, on the basis of academic aptitude, leadership, character, and vocational promise

Charles W. Carlson, '65, Cambridge Larry \V. Finger, '63, Walnut Grove David E. Fulkerson, '64, Minneapolis Robert \V. Goodwin, '63, Minneapolis Donald A. Grgurich, '64, Crosby John H. Henderson, '63, Nashwauk Katherine 0. Hunt, '62, Minneapolis


Jon E. Isaacson, '64, Virginia John J. Keating, '61, St. Louis Park David J. Kivela, '65, Embarrass Thomas W. Lezniak, '64, Minneapolis Karen J. Matison, '61, Austin James W. McCarville, '63, Ortonville Gary A. Orfield, '62, Minneapolis

Daniel H. Rich, '65, Fairmont John M. Roue, '61, Fosston Jon L. Schasker, '61, Elbow Lake

Sara J. Streich, '64, St. Paul Norman T. Uphoff, '62, Minneapolis Edmund L. Wegscheid, '62, Minneapolis

Tres F. Goetting Memorial Scholarships

Sponsors: Friends of the late Tres F. Goetting, Minneapolis advertising and public relations counselor

Awarded annually to two students intending to make careers in public relations or advertising on the basis of academic aptitude, professional promise, and character

Fred B. Bauries, '61, St. Paul Ronald E. Dick, '61, Windom

Gordon Foundation Scholarship

Sponsor: Gordon Foundation, Inc., Minneapolis

Awarded to a North High School graduate for use during pre-medical education on the basis of scholastic record and personal qualifications

Hanan J. Rosenstein, '64, Minneapolis

Graduate School Doctoral Fellowships

Sponsor: Graduate School, University of Minnesota

Awarded to doctoral students in any area of study on the basis of scholarship

Lowell L. Manfull, Minneapolis Wayne G. Menke, St. Paul B.S. '53, University of Utah A.B. '50, Chico State College, M.A. '55, University of Utah California

Phillip L. Martin, Houston, Texas M.A. '59, University of Minnesota B.A. '57, Rice Institute Robert D. Merideth, Minneapolis M .. A. '58, Rice Institute B.A. '57, University of Illinois

M.A. '58, Oklahoma State University

Graduate School Doctoral Special Fellowships

Sponsor: Graduate School, University of Minnesota

Awarded to doctoral candidates who are preparing their dissertations

Cornelius Canon, Minneapolis B.S. '55, Mankato State College M.A. '57, University of Minnesota

1\Iaurice G. Chenoweth, Minneapolis A.B. '54, Earlham College M.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Reed G. Geiger, Lakewood, Ohio B.A. '54, College of Wooster M.A. '57, University of Minnesota

John C. Haugland, St. Paul B.S. '54, Wisconsin State College,

Superior M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Robin P. Hoople, Minneapolis B.A. '53, Syracuse University M.A. '54, Syracuse University

Richard A. Lebrun, St. Paul B.A. '53, St. Johns University M.A. '57, University of Minnesota


Fort P. Manno, Newark, N.J. B.A. '53, Bates College M.A. '55, University of Connecticut

Frederick W. Peterson, Minneapolis B.A. '54, St. Olaf College T.Th. '57, Luther Seminary, St. Paul

Fredric R. Steinhauser, St. Paul B.S. '49, Mankato State College l\LA. '51, University of Chicago

Norbert J. Tracy, Minneapolis B.A. '47, Loyola University, Chicago S.T.L. '57, St. Louis University

Daniel B. Weber, Minneapolis B.A. '51, Western Michigan College M.A. '56, Western Michigan College

Graduate School Tuition Fellowships

Sponsor: Graduate School Tuition Fellowship Fund

Awarded to holders of certain specific graduate fellowships

Grace Po-Yuen Chin, Minneapolis B.S. '57, East Texas Baptist College

Hichard \V. Condon, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Omaha M.A. '60, University of Omaha

James P. Erickson, Minneapolis B.A. '55, University of Minnesota M.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Peter A. Fillmore, Dartmouth, N. S. B.S. '57, Dalhousie University, Halifax,

N. S. Jacques R. Jorgenson, Stevensville, Mich.

B.S. '52, Michigan College of Mining and Technology

M.S. '57, Michigan State University Ralph 0. Kehle, Sherman Oaks, Calif.

B.S. '56, California Institute of Tech­nology

M.S. '57, California Institute of Tech­nology

Sara Jo Kroll, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Lowell L. Manfull, Minneapolis B.S. '53, University of Utah M.A. '55, University of Utah

Michael C. Mann, Minneapolis B.A., University of Minnesota

Phillip L. Martin, Houston, Tex. B.A. '57, Rice Institute :\LA. '58, Rice Institute

John C. Massmann, Melrose B.A. '54, St. John's University

Wayne G. Menke, St. Paul A.B. '50, Chico State College M.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Robert D. Meredith, Minneapolis B.A. '57, University of Illinois M.A. '58, Oklahoma State University

Richard L. Meyer, Independence, Mo. B.S. '54, Missouri Valley College

David Montgomery, St. Paul B.A. '50, Swarthmore College

John R. Pederson, Manhatten, Kan. B.S. '54, Kansas State University M.S. '59, Kansas State University

Patricia M. Reeves, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Ellen Y. Siegelman, Minneapolis B.A. '47, New Jersey College for

Women M.A. '50, University of Minnesota

Sheldon W. Simon, Birmingham, Ala. B.A. '58, University of Minnesota M.F.A. '60, Princeton University

Clyde E. Stauffer, Minneapolis B.S. '56, North Dakota Agricultural

College M.S. '58, North Dakota Agricultural

College Thomas C. Sutton, St. Paul

B.A. '55, University of Minnesota

Gray's Drug Stores Pharmacy Scholarship

Sponsors: Samuel S. Grais and Arnold M. Grais, St. Paul

Awarded to a student who is enrolled for prepharmacy training or for the first or second professional year in the College of Pharmacy who has demonstrated a strong interest in the practice of retail pharmacy

Susan J. Bettner, '64, Lamberton

Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Joint Apprenticeship Conference Scholarship

Sponsor: Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area Joint Apprenticeship Conference

Awarded to students at the University who are interested in the field of construction

Mary C. McKee, '61, Bemidji Daryl E. Sipprell, '65, Hopkins

Greater St. Paul Community Chest and Council Fellowship

Sponsor: Greater St. Paul Community Chest and Council under a grant from the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation, St. Paul

Awarded to a resident for graduate social work study preparatory to service in Ram­sey County

William Hardesty, St. Paul B.A. '58, Hamline University


Greater University Fellowships

Sponsor: Greater University Fund

Awarded to graduate students in any field

James P. Erickson, Minneapolis B.A. '55, University of Minnesota M.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Peter A. Fillmore, Dartmouth, N.S. B.S. '57, Dalhousie University,

Halifax, N.S.

Ralph 0. Kehle, Sherman Oaks, Calif. B.S. '56, California Institute of

Technology ;\LS. '57, California Institute of


Greater University Special Doctoral Fellowships

Sponsor: Greater University Fund

Awarded to doctoral candidates who are preparing their dissertations

Charles W. Buzicky, St. Paul B.A. '57, University of Minnesota M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Donald D. Harward, Pittsburgh, Pa. A.B. '55, Waynesburg College M.A. '56, Ohio University

Ahmad M. Kolkaila, Alexandria, Egypt B.S. '50, Faculty of Science,

Alexandria University M.Sc. '54, University of Alexandria

David Montgomery, St. Paul B.A. '50, Swarthmore College

Green Giant Agricultural Engineering Scholarship

Sponsor: Green Giant Company, LeSueur

Awarded to a precollege student who intends to pursue a career in agricultural engineering on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Stanley C. Chastek, '65, Hopkins

William F. Hagerman Award

Sponsor: Mrs. William F. Hagerman, St. Paul

Awarded to a student who has completed two quarters in the Technical Certificate Program in Agriculture, College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, on the basis of scholarship and contributions in leadership and citizenship

David E. Kelley, Tech.Cert. '62, Garden City

Hall, Smith, Hedlund, Juster, Forsberg and Merlin Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Hall, Smith, Hedlund, Juster, Forsberg and Merlin of Minne­apolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

David S. Doty, Jvlinneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

M. A. Hanna Company Mineral Technology Scholarships

Sponsor: M. A. Hanna Company, Hibbing

Awarded to students in mineral technology on the basis of scholastic achievement and professional promise

David P. Gregorich, '6.3, Eveleth Gary E. Dobos, '6.5, Pengilly


Josephine L. Harper Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: Endowment provided by a gift from the late Carrie M. Harper

Awarded to a student in any department of the University on the basis of superior scholarship, leadership, and future promise

James A. Holmer, '62, Wayzata

Haskins and Sells Foundation, Inc., Scholarship

Sponsor: Haskins and Sells Foundation, Inc., New York, N.Y.

Awarded to an outstanding junior accounting major who will be enrolling as a senior, on the basis of over-all excellence, vocational promise, academic aptitude, and character

Paul H. Ravich, '61, Minneapolis

Haskins and Sells Scholarships in Accounting

Sponsor: Haskins and Sells, Certified Public Accountants, Minneapolis

Awarded annually to students in the School of Business Administration with special interest in accounting, on the basis of academic aptitude, character, vocational promise, and leadership

Melroy L. Aslakson, '60, Red Wing David A. Nelson, '61, Minneapolis

Jennie Hildeen Memorial Scholarships

Sponsors: Roger G. and Catherine Riggs Hildeen

Awarded to men and women students in any college of the University on the basis of scholastic achievement, leadership, special talents, and future promise

Phillip W. Arneson, '62, Minneapolis Allan E. Tungseth, '61, Kennedy

Home Economics Association Scholarship

Sponsor: Home Economics Association, St. Paul Campus

Awarded to a student in home economics on the basis of service, professional aptitude, character, scholarship, and membership in the Home Economics Association

Dianne M. Eichstadt, '62, Sanborn

Homelite Forestry Scholarships

Sponsor: Homelite Corporation, Division of Textron, Inc., Port Chester, N.Y.

Awarded to juniors or seniors in forestry on the basis of academic achievement, lead­ership, vocational promise, and character

Richard L. Hilliker, '61, Madison, Wis. Harrison L. Morton, '61, St. Paul

Hoo Hoo Immortals Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Twin Cities Hoo Hoo Club No. 12, Minneapolis and St. Paul Lumbermen's Organization, and Mrs. Frances B. Partridge of Minneapolis, through the estab­lishment of the Twin Cities Hoo Hoo Club Fund and the Thomas Murdock Partridge Memorial Fund, in honor of six Hoo Hoo Immortals, including Ormie C.


Lance and the late T. J\1. Partridge, S. L. Boyd, T. T. Jones, W. M. Wattson, and Harry T. Kendall, prominent "1 win City lumbermen

A warded to juniors in forestry on the basis of character, leadership, and scholarship. The cash award is accompanied by a scroll to memorialize the names of the Hoo Hoo Immortals in whose honor the scholarship was established

Wendell G. Beardsley, '62, Stillwater

Horton Art Scholarships

Sponsor: Miss Edith Lee Horton of Providence, Rhode Island, in memory of her father

A warded to juniors in the Art Department

Annabella Gonzalez, "62, Minneapolis Leanne A. Schmirler, '62, Minneapolis

Albert Howard Fellowships

Sponsor: The late James T. Howard in honor of Albert Howard

Awarded to graduates of the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts of the University of Minnesota for the purpose of doing graduate work in liberal arts

Martin Manosevitz, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Sheldon \Veise Simon, Burmingham, Ala. B.A. '58, University of Minnesota "'1.P.A. '60, Princeton University

Hungarian Refugee Tuition and Fee Scholarships

Sponsor: Board of Regents, University of 1\Iinnesota

Awarded to qualified Hungarian students at the University of 1\Iinnesota

Clara H. Bares, '62, Pittsburgh, Pa. Joseph Kollarits, '62, Chicago, Ill. Ferenc T. Beiwal, '63, Hungary Geza Locsey, '64, Duluth Laszlo G. Fulop, '62, Hungary Sandor Saros, '62, Minneapolis Eva Hradetzky, '61, Hungary Ervin Staub, '62, St. Paul Ivan Kaszas, '61, Hungary Gabor Stein, '62, Chicago, Ill.

John C. Hutchinson Scholarships

Sponsor: Established by Lura C. Hutchinson, a former member of the Library School faculty, in memory of her father, John C. Hutchinson, a former member of the Classics Department

A warded to a Library School student or graduate student in classics on the basis of scholastic achievement, professional promise, and personal attributes

Polymnia Metaxa, Athens, Greece B.A. '59, Athens University

Hvass, Weisman, Peterson, King and Schwappach Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Hvass, Weisman, Peterson, King and Schwappach of Minne­apolis

Awarded to a law student on the basis of general achievement

Richard W. Sunde, '62, St. Paul


Illinois Deportment of Public Welfare Fellowship

Sponsor: Child Welfare Services, Department of Public \Velfare, State of Illinois, Springfield, Ill.

Awarded to employees or prospective employees of the Division of Child Welfare Services, State of Illinois, to pursue graduate study in social work

Nadeau A. Larson, Hector B.A. '58, Augustana College

Indiana Mental Hygiene Fellowship

Sponsor: Division of Mental Hygiene, State of Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind.

Awarded to employees or prospective employees of the Indiana Division of ~lental Hygiene for graduate study in social work

Gerald Lindabauer, Minneapolis B.S. '60, Wisconsin State College, River Falls

I.T. Alumni Scholarships

Sponsors: Various alumni of the University of Minnesota Institute of Technology

Awarded to graduates of Minnesota secondary schools and junior college students who have completed a minimum of two years of engineering training in college on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, and character

George D. Halonen, '65, White Bear Lake Ralph A. Jerulle, '61, Chisholm Leroy F. Kamarainen, '63, Keewatin Andrew D. Keller, '65, Faribault

Jerry A. Lezniak, '64, Minneapolis Robert A. Noreen, '65, Minneapolis Paul W. Swanstrom, '65, St. Paul

Insurance Companies of Minnesota Scholarships

Sponsors: Member Companies of the Minnesota Insurance Information Center

Awarded to outstanding students in business administration with a major interest in insurance

Arthur R. Carlson, '62, Hopkins Karen M. Rutherford, '61, Albert Lea

International Nickel Company Scholarship

Sponsor: International Nickel Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.

Awarded to an entering freshman in engineering, with preference to mining and geo­logical engineering and metallurgy, on the basis of scholastic achievement, per­sonal attributes, and professional promise

Theodore E. Fine, '65, Minneapolis

Iraqi Government Fellowship for Graduate Study

Sponsor: Government of Iraq Awarded to a graduate student on the basis of scholarship

A.K. Al-Dulaimi, Baghdad, Iraq B.Sc. '56, Agriculture College, Baghdad, Iraq


I rene Fraser Jackson Scholarships

Sponsor: Mr. Raymond A. Jackson as a memorial to his wife, Irene Fraser Jackson, a public librarian and a former member of the Library School faculty

Awarded as an annual scholarship to students in the Library School at the University of Minnesota on the basis of scholastic achievement, professional promise, and personal attributes

Diane W. Crane, Austin B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Russel C. Evans, :\linneapolis B.A. '55, Lawrence College

Edward M. and Effie R. Johnson Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: Edward M. and Effie R. Johnson Foundation

Awarded for the purpose of encouraging scholarship and thoroughness of training in students who appear capable of unusual service or leadership; given preferably to juniors and seniors in any college of the University who have been in resi­dence at least one year

Patricia A. Dahlstrom, '61, Minneapolis Robert A. Mcgrew, '61, Rochester

Marcia A. Rafinski, '61, Rockford, Ill. Nancy A. Westerberg, '61, Minneapolis

John A. Johnson Memorial Scholarships

Sponsors: Yliscellaneous donors as a memorial to John A. Johnson, fonner governor of :\finnesota

Awarded to freshmen entering the University directly from high school on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, and leadership

Shonna L. Arf, '64, Grand Rapids Judith A. Duncan, '64, Faribault

Lawrence A. Rivers, '6.5, Minneapolis

Jones and Laughlin Fellowship

Sponsor: Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Awarded to a student in metallurgical engineering on the basis of scholastic achieve­ment, personal attributes, and professional promise

Robert B. Schluter, Cass Lake B.S. '57, University of Minnesota ~I.S. '61, University of Minnesota

Junior Achievement of Minneapolis Scholarships

Sponsor: Junior Achievement of Minneapolis, Inc.

Awarded to .tvlinneapolis high school students participating in Junior Achievement on the basis of superior industry and achievement, leadership potential, char­acter, and future promise

David A. Beveridge, '64, Minneapolis Barbara Bluem, '64, Minneapolis Ivanette M. Callies, '64, Minneapolis Arthur L. Fretag, '64, Minneapolis Owen Green, '6.5, Minneapolis Susan A. Jensen, '64, Minneapolis WillardS. Jensen, Jr., '62, Hopkins TerriL. Leonard, '64, Minneapolis


Thomas E. Lindstrom, '63, Minneapolis Robert J. Linngren, '65, Minneapolis Robert R. Moeller, '64, Crystal FrankL. Nelson, '64, Minneapolis Lowell C. Noreen, '65, Duluth Dana A. Rea, '64, Minneapolis Bruce Rivers, '64, Minneapolis John :\f. Vanasek, '64, Minneapolis

Junior Achievement of St. Paul Scholarships

Sponsor: Junior Achievement of St. Paul, Inc.

Awarded to St. Paul high school students Achievement projects

who are active participants in Junior

Richard K. Henningsen. '6.5, St. Paul Ronald E. Hicks, '64, St. Paul

Bonnie C. Lehmann, '64, St. Paul William Rosenbloom, '63, St. Paul

Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation Fellowship in Business Administration

Sponsor: Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, Oakland, Calif.

Awarded to two outstanding graduate students in business administration

Donald J. Hempel, Brainerd B.A. '59, University of l\linnesota,


David J. Kolander, Slayton B.Ch.E. '58, University of Minnesota

Janette Kelley Memorial Fund Scholarship

Sponsors: :Miscellaneous donors in memory of Miss Janette Kelley, former director of the Home Service Department, General Mills, Minneapolis

Awarded to a student in home economics on the basis of scholarship and professional attitude

Susan E. Thorud, '61, Lindstrom

W. K. Kellogg Foundation Doctoral Program in Hospital Administration

Sponsor: W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Mich.

Awarded to doctoral candidates in the program in hospital administration on the basis of scholastic achievement

Donald M. Cook, Minneapolis B.A. '51, University of Minnesota

Duluth M.H.A. '53, University of Minnesota

Robert J. Laur, Minneapolis B.B.A. '58, University of Minnesota M.H.A. '60, University of :Minnesota

Donald L. Van Hulzen, Minneapolis B.A. '57, State University of Iowa M.A. '59, State University of Iowa

Margaret Houlton Kendall Educational Scholarships

Sponsor: Endowment provided by the legacy from the late Katherine Lillian Ken­dall, former resident of l'vlinnesota

Awarded to outstanding women graduates of high schools in the state of Minnesota for use during the freshman year at the University of Minnesota

Judith A. Berglund, '64, Lindstrom Elizabeth A. Kraemer, '64, Greenwald Diane P. Hyatt, '64, Anoka Margaret A. Milbrandt, '65, Fairmont Virginia R. Kickertz. '64, Glenwood Mary Ann Rathe, '64, Duluth

Frederick Klaeber Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Bequest of Frederick Klaeber, fom1er professor of English at the University of Minnesota


Awarded to undergraduate students in any college of the University, with preference given to those in their sophomore year, on the basis of scholastic proficiency, leadership potential, and vocational promise

Patricia R. Bassett, '64, Minneapolis Susan L. Burroughs, '63, Minneapolis Gaye A. Danielson, '64, Fosston Carole Y. Fick, '63, Vergas

Kristen E. Iversen, '63, Waseca JoAnne E. Sather, '63, Albert Lea Bernard E. Statland, '63, St. Paul Ann M. Titterud, '63, Anoka

Cecil A. Kre~itz Memorial Scholarship

Sponsors: Family and friends of the late Cecil A. Krelitz together with other contribu­tors to the Cecil A. Krelitz Memorial Fund

A warded to a student who is enrolled for prepharmacy training or for the first pro­fessional year in the College of Pharmacy, who has demonstrated a strong voca­tional interest and the capacity for superior scholastic achievement and leader­ship

\Vayne \V. Stockman, '63, Stewart

Dolores Rude LaBissoniere Scholarship

Sponsors: E. L. LaBissoniere and others

Awarded to an undergraduate woman intending to pursue a course in business, eco­nomics, or insurance on the basis of academic aptitude, character, and participa­tion in campus activities

Karen M. Rutherford, '61, Albert Lea

Ladish Scholarships

Sponsor: Ladish Company, Cudahy, Wis.

Awarded to entering freshmen in metallurgy or mechanical engineering with prefer­ence to metallurgists on the basis of scholastic achievement and personal character

Leonard L. Laskow, '6.5, Minneapolis Raymond E. Pettman, '63, Robbinsdale

Elvira C. Larson Scholarships

Sponsor: Estate of Curt A. Larson, a former employee at the University of l\linnesota

Awarded to women majoring in home economics, with preference given to Minnesota residents in sophomore, junior and senior classes, on the basis of academic apti­tude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Barbara C. Goranson, '61, Minneapolis Sharon A. Johnson, '61, Guckcen

Gilbert 0. Larson Dairy Industries Scholarship

Sponsor: Gilbert 0. Larson of Cambridge Dairy, Cambridge

Awarded to regularly classified students, including entering freshmen, from Isanti and Mille Lacs Counties, State of Minnesota, majoring in dairy industries, on the ba.sis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leader­ship

John C. Anderson, '64, Cambridge


Larson, Lindquist, Fraser and Magnuson Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law finn of Larson, Lindquist, Fraser and Magnuson of Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Robert A. Minish, Robbinsdale B.A. '60, University of r-linnesota

Law Wives Scholarship

Sponsor: Law \Vives Club of the University Law School

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Harlan E. Smith, Minneapolis A.L.A. '52, University of ~Hnnesota B.S.L. '59, University of r-linnesota

League of United Latin American Citizens Scholarship

Sponsor: The Saint Paul Council No. 328 and the Minneapolis Council No. 330 of the League of United Latin American Citizens

Awarded to any person of Latin American descent, especially of Mexican parentage, attending the University of Minnesota, on the basis of academic background, leadership potential and personal attributes

Annabella G. Quintanilla, '62, Minneapolis

Leonard, Street and Deinard Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Leonard, Street and Deinard of Minneapolis

A warded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Robert F. Collins, '63, Rosemount

Levitt, Palmer and Rogers Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Levitt, Palmer and Rogers of Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Laurence F. Koll, Winona B.A. '58, St. John's University

Garwood lippincott Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Law Review in honor of Garwood Lippincott, former President of the Minnesota Law Review, who was killed in World War II

Awarded to a member of the Student Editorial Board of the Minnesota Law Review who has completed one year of work on the Board. Selection is made by the officers of the Board

Robert J.. Struyk, Boyden, Iowa A.B. 54, Hope College A.M. '57, Columbia University


Lipschultz, Altman, Geraghty and Mulally Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Lipschultz, Altman, Geraghty and :\lulally of St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding student of high promise

Paul 0. Johnson, Minneapolis B.A. '58, Carleton College

Edmund J. Longyear Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: E. J. Longyear Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to a student in metallurgical or mineral engineering or geology on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Thomas C. Sutton, St. Paul B.A. '55, University of Minnesota

Josiah and Sarah E. Lothrop Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Mary Lothrop Farrahar, alumna, in memory of her parents, Josiah and Sarah E. Lothrop

Awarded to juniors, seniors, or first year graduate students majoring in history, on the basis of academic aptitude and vocational promise

Martha A. Watland, '61, Excelsior James D. Wiese, '61, Luverne

Lovering Construction Company Scholarship

Sponsor: Lovering Construction Company, St. Paul

Awarded to a graduate of Mechanic Arts High School, St. Paul, to be used at the University of Minnesota Institute of Technology

Bruce R. Geske, '64, St. Paul

Lutheran Welfare Fellowships

Sponsor: American Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, and Lutheran Welfare of \Vis­cousin, Milwaukee, Wis.

Awarded to selected Lutheran students for graduate study in social work

Gordon Day, Granite Falls Ronald Jacobson, Minneapolis B.A. '60, St. Olaf College B.A. '59, Augsburg College

Machinists State Council Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota State Council of the International Association of Machinists, St. Paul

Awarded to sons and daughters of members of labor unions affiliated with the ~fin­nesota State Federation of Labor on the basis of scholastic achievement, leader­ship potential, and vocational promise

Larry G. Brown, '64, Moorhead

Mackall, Crounse, Moore, Helmey and Holmes Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Mackall, Crounse, Moore, Helmey and Holmes of Minneapolis Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

William F. Brooks, Jr., Minneapolis B.A. '48, Union College


Conway MacMillan Memorial Research Fellowship in Botany

Sponsor: The late Charles J. Brand, alumnus, in honor of the late Conway MacMillan, former professor of botany

Awarded to a doctoral student in botany on the basis of ability and promise in research

Richard L. Meyer, Independence, Mo. B.S. '54, Missouri Valley College

George Macpherson Fellowship

Sponsor: The late George Macpherson

Awarded to a graduate student majoring in chemistry, physics, biology, or mathe­matics

Frank G. Nordlie, New London B.S. '54, St. Cloud State College M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Doris and Ted Maier Scholarship

Sponsors: }.1r. and Mrs. Ted 11aier, \Vinona

Awarded to a student who is enrolled for prepharmacy training or for the first or second professional year in the College of Pharmacy with preference to residents of Winona and vicinity

Donald R. Stephans, '62, Rushford

Mail Advertising Service Association Scholarship

Sponsor: Twin City Chapter, Mail Advertising Service Association

Awarded on the basis of scholarship, special talents, and vocational promise to a student whose major emphasis is in or allied to advertising

James J. Williams, '61, Robbinsdale

Mankato Stone Company Scholarship

Sponsor: Mankato Stone Company Education Fund, Mankato

Awarded to a student in the School of Architecture to stimulate knowledge and skill in design

To be awarded

Dr. E. S. Mariette Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Hennepin County Tuberculosis Association

Awarded to students preparing for medical social work practice

Lyla M. Kinneberg, '62, Spring Grove Robert N. Lindholm, '63, Minneapolis Lois A. Krenz, '62, Faribault

Julia Marshall Fellowships

Sponsor: Miss Julia Marshall, Duluth Awarded to foreign students in any college of the University on the basis of superior

scholarship and future promise of service in their native countries

Mohammed S. Chazy, Egypt Ali Khabiri, Tehran, Iran B.S. '40, Cairo University Effat A. Maher, Cairo, Egypt }.1.S. '53, Cairo University B.Pharm. '52, Cairo University


Cur D. Singh, Punjab, India B.Sc. '47, Punjab University B.T. '50, Punjab University M.A. '52, Punjab University M.Ed. '54, Punjab University

Hermann \Veber, Siegen, \Vest Germany '60, University of Berlin

Masquers Scholarship

Sponsor: Masquers, the undergraduate University Theater organization

A warded annually to an undergraduate theater major on the basis of scholarship and service

Jean C. Korsh, '63, Minneapolis

Claude A. Mather Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: The late Claude A. Mather, former Iron Range pharmacist

Awarded to a student from the Iron Range who is enrolled in any college of the University on the basis of academic aptitude

Kent T. Johnson, '62, Grand Rapids

Maytag Scholarship in Commerce

Sponsor: The Maytag Company Foundation, Inc., Newton, Iowa

Awarded to a student in business administration on the basis of superior scholar­ship, technical and administrative potential, leadership qualities, and future promise

Terry 0. Romundstad, '61, White Bear Lake

Maytag Scholarship in Engineering

Sponsor: The Maytag Company Foundation, Inc., Newton, Iowa

Awarded to an engineering student for his senior year of study on the basis of scho­lastic standing, character, technical and administrative potential, and extracur­ricular activities

John D. Rykken, '61, Mahtomedi

McCabe, Van Evera, Donovan and Mundt Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of McCabe, Van Evera, Donovan and Mundt of Duluth

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Thomas A. Clure, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota, Duluth

Joseph E. McElvain Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: C. A. McElvain, president, McElvain Mortgage Company, Chicago, Ill., in memory of his son, Joseph McElvain, killed in action in Korea

Awarded to active members of the Minnesota Air National Guard who are pursuing an academic course leading to a degree, selected in terms of scholarship, personal attributes, and future promise

Charles A. Maas, '62, Minneapolis Kenneth B. Sanville, '62, Minneapolis


Kenneth P. Windolfl', '64, St. Paul

Bertha D. McWilliams Memorial Scholarship

Sponsors: The estate of the late Bertha D. McWilliams, former Minneapolis pharma­cist, and her immediate family, relatives, and friends

Awarded to a student in the College of Pharmacy, preferably a woman student, on the basis of scholastic achievement and character

Carol Sue Kirkland, '64, Sacramento, Calif.

Meagher, Geer, Markham and Anderson Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Meagher, Geer, Markham and Anderson of Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

C. Byron Holje, Ogilvie B.A. '60, Hamline University

Medical Student Summer Research Scholarships

Sponsors: Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, N. Y.; the Minnesota Heart Association, St. Paul; the Minnesota Pathological Society; the National Foundation, New York, N. Y.; the National Fund for Medical Education; the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.; the Tobacco Industry Research Committee, New York, N.Y.; the Western Institute in Epilepsy, Salt Lake City, Utah; U. S. Public Health Service; Wyeth Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pa.; and various other donors

Awarded to medical students for summer research, on the basis of interest and apti­tude

Allen V. Bergh, '63, Long Prairie Eugene Birkemeyer, '61, Willmar Robert S. Brown, '64, St. Paul Grace A. Canfield, '63, St. Peter Peter C. Christenson, '63, St. Paul James A. Collinge, '64, Stillwater John Faker, '63, Minneapolis Donald Gluckaman, '61, Newark, N. J. James L. Gorder, '63, Minneapolis Ronald D. Guttmann, '61, Minneapolis Beverly M. Hallquist, '63, Minneapolis Herbert T. Hobday, '63, LeCenter Dennis D. Jacobsen, '63, Minneapolis

Bruce L. Jensen, '63, St. Paul Raoul T. Kunert, '63, Minneapolis James A. Kunz, '61, St. Paul Thomas C. Leach, '62, Minneapolis Janet M. Lindquist, '63, Grand Marais John N. Mork, '62, Minneapolis James H. Quackenbush, Jr., '63, Mankato Donald A. Stenzel, Minnesota Lake Peter J. Strand, '63, St. Paul Orville Swenson, '63, Mabel Daniel J. Ullyot, '62, St. Paul John l\L Vener, '63, Ward Springs

Medicine Lake Garden Club Scholarship

Sponsor: Medicine Lake Garden Club, Minneapolis

Awarded to a junior or senior majoring in landscaping in the Department of Horti­culture on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Dennis F. Downing, '61, Minneapolis

Mediclinics Scholarship

Sponsor: Mediclinics of Minnesota

Awarded to a member of the senior class who has demonstrated outstanding skill and scholarship in the basic medical sciences and in clinical areas

Lawrence W. DeSanto, '60, Duluth


Samuel W. Melendy Memorial Fellowships

Sponsor: The late Samuel \V. Melendy, early pharmacist and founder of the College of Pharmacy

Awarded to outstanding graduate students in the pharmaceutical sciences

Theodore H. Eickholt, Lamberton Howard L. McClain, Jr., Tallahassee, Fla. B.S. '55, University of Minnesota B.S. '50, Xavier University

Eugene I. Isaacson, Minneapolis M.S. '52, University of Wisconsin B.S. '56, University of Minnesota Chandulal N. Patel, Bombay, India

Effat Abdalla Maher, Cairo, Egypt B.Pharm. '50, L.M. College of B.S. '52, University of Cairo Pharmacy

Hawkins V. Maulding, Foreman, Ark. M.Pharm. '58, L.~L College of B.S. '58, University of Arkansas Pharmacy

Samuel W. Melendy Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Samuel W. Melendy, early pharmacist and founder of the College of Pharmacy

Awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy on the basis of outstanding scholar­ship during the preceding year, character, personality, and leadership

John D. Barbknecht, '64, Waseca Paul A. Black, '64, Minneapolis Richard E. Cook, '63, Hastings John E. Fossen, '62, Aitkin Daniel A. Koechel, '62, Waseca Richard L. Matuseski, '64, Moose Lake

Patricia Jane McGinty, '61, Wayzata John R. Omacht, '61, Osakis Roger A. Rabold, '63, South St. Paul Richard A. Schlorf, '61, White Bear Lake Norman E. Sladek, '62, Montgomery Roger C. Wachter, '63, Farmington

Josephine L. Merriam Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Josephine L. Merriam, Minneapolis

Awarded to outstanding men graduates of high schools in the state of Minnesota for use during the freshman year at the University of Minnesota

Niels H. Andersen, '64, Excelsior Michael M. Holm, '65, Roseau Klaus P. Becker, '65, Minneapolis Robert W. Hovey, '65, Albert Lea Dale E. Berger, '64, Dent Timothy C. Johnson, '65, Minneapolis Neil C. Berglund, '65, Duluth Wayne S. Kaplan, '65, Owatonna Ernest H. Bergquist, '64, Cloquet Ronald S. Kari, '65, Minneapolis Richard W. Blood, '64, St. Paul Harvey I. Keller, '65, St. Paul Michael D. Briscoe, '64, Montevideo Michael J. Kellum, '64, St. Paul Robert G. Butala, '65, McKinley Dennis P. Klein, '65, Minneapolis Stanley C. Chastek, '65, Hopkins Arthur R. Kvam, '65, Benson Allen D. Christensen, '65, Osakis Derrill J. Lambert, '65, St. Paul Steven C. Dunsworth, '65, St. Louis Park Richard P. Larson, '65, Minneapolis Paul T. Edstrom, '65, White Bear Lake Michael A. Lee, '64, Minneapolis Keith W. Engdahl, '64, St. Paul Donald L. Marier, '65, Hugo Carlton R. Erickson, '64, \Villmar Vincent J. Matthys, '65, Cottonwood Patrick H. Esser, '65, Shakopee John L. Meagher, '64, Hopkins Michael J. Filipek, '64, Minneapolis Jerold J. Meyer, '65, Eden Valley Gary N. Florentz, '65, Milaca Robert A. Meyer, '65, Minneapolis William R. Franta, '65, St. Paul Juergen W. Momber, '65, Vining James B. Crones, '65, Minneapolis Thomas I. Myers, '65, Hastings James W. Haight, '64, South St. Paul Bruce A. Nelson, '65, Milaca Philip N. Hamilton, '65, Maple Plain David E. Nelson, '65, Trimont Wayne I. Haskell, '64, Minneapolis Ralph E. Nelson, Jr., '64, Beardsley Arnold D. Hedine, '64, Glenwood Patrick H. O'Brien, '64, International Peter W. Heinrich, '65, Richfield Falls Gary D. Hodges, '65, South St. Paul ~[ichael J. Ogg, '64, Heron Lake


Ray J. Oliverson, '64, Olivia Larry K. Pearson, '65, Richfield James B. Pranke, '65, St. Paul Leonard R. Price, '64, St. Paul Roger Puchreiter, '65, Crosby Rodney B. Rask, '65, Graceville James A. Resler, '65, White Bear Lake Kent F. Richardson, '65, Richfield Richard C. Rowe, '64, South St. Paul Donald R. Rye, '64, Blooming Prairie Thomas A. Rygg, '65, St. Paul Robert A. Sammelson, '64, Red Wing Douglas K. Sauter, '65, Cologne Neil B. Schulte, '65, St. Paul Lynn A. Schultz, '65, Osakis

Joseph R. Schumi, '65, St. Paul Larry C. Siegersma, '64, Milaca Gerald R. Smith, '65, Minneapolis Roger A. Stark, '64, Kensington George W. Stenger, '65, St. Paul Larry D. Stordahl, '65, Roseau Arlan L. Strehlo, '64, Elbow Lake Gary E. Swanson, '64, Deer River John W. Thoreen, '65, Fosston David L. Thorsell, '65, Duluth Richard N. Utterberg, '65, Richfield Lloyd E. Weisert, '65, Effie David J. \V entzel, '65, Minneapolis William H. Wolfe, '65, Minneapolis

Mesabi Tire Company, Inc., Scholarship

Sponsor: :\lesabi Tire Company, Inc., Hibbing and Virginia, Minn.

Awarded to students who intend to pursue or who are pursuing study in mining, geo­logical, mineral or metallurgical engineering at the University of Minnesota on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership, with preference given to residents of the Minnesota Range, including Duluth, with first consideration given to entering freshmen and transfers from the range

David A. Larson, '65, Nashwauk

Metropolitan Twin Cities Area Gasoline Dealer Scholarships

Sponsors: Twin Cities gasoline service station dealers

Awarded to deserving students in any college at the University of Minnesota, fresh­men or upperclassmen, on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, leadership, and scholastic achievement

Richard J. Keenan, '62, St. Paul

Donald Abbott Miller Memorial Fellowship

Sponsor: The Donald Abbott :\Iiller Memorial Tuition Scholarship Fund in memory of the late Donald Abbott Miller, a graduate of the School of Social Work, :\1inneapolis

Awarded to a selected graduate student in social group work

Carole R. McLachlan, Robbinsdale B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Minneapolis Foundation Fellowship

Sponsor: Hennepin County Department of Court Services through funds from the :\tinneapolis Foundation

Awarded to a graduate social work student preparing for work in the field of cor­rections

John Jacobson, Wayzata B.A. '56, St. Olaf College


Minneapolis Gas Company Engineering Scholarships

Sponsor: The Minneapolis Gas Company

Awarded to undergraduate students in engineering with preference to those in chemical engineering

Galen C. Britz, '61, North Branch William R. Christensen, '61, Austin Larry J. Gerdin, '64, Cambridge

John M. McCormick, '63, Mountain Iron Donald R. Mathiowetz, '62, New Ulm Glen L. Sjoblom, '64, Rapid City, S.D.

Minneapolis Gas Company Service Scholarship

Sponsor: The Minneapolis Gas Company

Awarded to a third quarter sophomore or junior student majoring in foods and busi­ness in home economics on the basis of character, personality, and scholarship

Judith A. Carlson, '61, Cokato

Minneapolis Hide and Tallow Company Scholarship

Sponsor: Minneapolis Hide and Tallow Company, New Brighton

Awarded to single, Minnesota male students, preferably to sophomores, juniors, or seniors, who major in poultry or swine husbandry, on the basis of academic apti­tude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Darryl W. Rosenthal, '62, Waseca

Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Terence N. Doyle, Minneapolis B.A. '58, St. Thomas College

Minneapolis-St. Paul National Office Management Association (NOMA) Scholarship in Business Administration

Sponsor: Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter of the National Office Management Association

Awarded on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character and lead­ership to a student in the School of Business Administration or in a prebusiness sequence, with preference given to a student majoring in office management or in the general field of management

David N. Goodwin, '61, Robbinsdale

Minneapolis Thrift Committee Scholarships

Sponsor: Minneapolis Thrift Committee, composed of local businessmen

Awarded to Minneapolis high school seniors who have demonstrated ability for high scholarship, business acumen, and future promise

Stanley J. Korns, '65, Minneapolis Penny A. Larson, '64, Minneapolis


Carol J. Shoebottom, '64, Richfield

Minnesota Alumnae Club Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota Alumnae Club, University of Minnesota

Awarded to freshman girls who are graduates of Minnesota high schools on the basis of academic aptitude, leadership potentialities, and special talents

Ruth A. Eder, '64, St. Paul Kathleen G. Kunzman, '64, Minneapolis Janice A. Knutson, '64, St. Paul Inta Stolcers, '64, Minneapolis

Minnesota Alumni Scholarships

Sponsors: Gifts from alumni and friends of the University through the Greater Uni-versity Fund

Awarded to outstanding men and women graduates of Minnesota high schools

Leo J. Alex, '64, Rochester Bernadine V. Lundberg, '64, Hancock Sharyn A. Aronson, '64, Littlefork Thomas M. Massey, '64, Eveleth Eunice P. Bisbee, '64, Marshall Elizabeth C. Matson, '64, Harmony William L. Blake, '64, Hendricks Judithanne McGrew, '64, Edina John E. Brenna, '64, Mabel Judith A. Mertz, '65, Minneapolis Robert L. Brown, '64, Thief River Falls Mary L. Parker, '64, Detroit Lakes Timothy J. Cady, '64, Minneapolis Larry L. Pearson, '64, Minneapolis Karen J. Campbell, '64, White Bear Lake Douglas R. Rainbow, '64, Anoka Stephen W. Ellingson, '64, Spring Grove Katharine Raynolds, '64, St. Paul Jeffrey B. Fisher, '65, Faribault James W. Rigdon, '65, Mankato Jerome D. Franson, '64, Braham Rose Marie Russe, '64, Keewatin Beatrice H. Goblirsch, '64, Sleepy Eye Carole J. Searle, '64, Rochester Donald A. Hanson, '64, Minneapolis Timothy K. Skusa, '64, Minneapvlis Elizabeth L. Johnson, '64, Anoka Sandra I. Soderberg, '64, Proctor Thomas M. Johnson, '65, Minneapolis Catharine A. Stockman, '64, Minneapolis Linda M. Kalina, '64, Alexandria Silvia Strauman, '64, Minneapolis Paul N. Keaton, '65, Minneapolis Richard G. Vogt, '64, Chokio Loretta A. Keil, '64, Aitkin Kenneth L. Welle, '64, Melrose Brenda L. Larson, '64, Kensington Robert J. Welter, '64, Olivia Joyce Ann Lavik, '64, Minneapolis Josephine A. "'heeler, '65, Benson Lowell E. Lindgren, '64, Willmar

Minnesota Alumni Scholarship (University of Minnesota Memorial Fund)

Sponsor: University of Minnesota Memorial Fund

A warded to an outstanding man or woman graduate of a high school in Minnesota for use during the freshman year at the University of Minnesota

Meredith J. Jewson, '64, Minneapolis

Minnesota Alumni Scholarships (Senior Class of 1959)

Sponsor: University of Minnesota Senior Class of 1959

Awarded to outstanding men and women graduates of Minnesota high schools for use during the freshman year at the University

Barbara H. Burnikel, '64, Hopkins Agnes M. Ripka, '64, Minneapolis William J. Hoglund, '64, International Stephen L. Rolf, '64, St. Paul

Falls Dennis 0. Stillings, '64, Hutchinson Barbara M. Kaufman, '64, Alexandria


Minnesota Alumni Scholarship (Alumni Club of Greater St. Louis)

Sponsor: Alumni Club of Greater St. Louis

Awarded to an outstanding graduate of a Minnesota high school for use during under­graduate study at the University of Minnesota

Harold C. Olsen, '61, Montevideo

Minnesota Alumni Scholarship (Pittsburgh Club)

Sponsor: Pittsburgh Alumni Club

Awarded to outstanding men and women high school graduates for use during the freshman year at the University of Minnesota, renewable with the approval of the sponsor

Darrel L. Lary, '62, Northfield

Minnesota Benefit Association Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota Benefit Association, State Capitol, St. Paul

Awarded to two entering freshmen who are children of members of the Minnesota Benefit Association in any college of the University on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Bruce H. Emmel, '64, Pelican Rapids Donald R. Geiser, '65. Bluffton

Minnesota Citizenship Clearing House Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Citizenship Clearing House through funds from the Falk Foun­dation

Awarded to an undergraduate on the basis of scholarship and political interest for use in observing political party organization by active participation

Timothy R. Erlander, '6.3, Minneapolis David Lebedoff, '60, Minneapolis

George W. Mattson, '63, Lindstrom

Minnesota Dairy Industry Scholarships

Sponsor: Various dairy processing companies interested in encouraging capable young men and women to prepare themselves for careers in the dairy industry

Awarded to entering freshmen and qualified undergraduates in the dairy industries curriculum on the basis of academic and professional aptitude and character

Thomas 0. Amren, '63, St. Hilaire Paul R. Johnson, '64, Stanchfield Jerri! B. Andrews, '64, Shafer Peter E. Larson, '62, Mandan, N.D. Galen G. Blomster, '64, Harris Dennis S. Lucas, '63, Browerville Philip A. Hanson, '64, St. James William C. Miller, '64, Paynesville Robert P. Israels, '62, Colfax, \"/is. Paul F. O'Connell, '63, LeCenter David L. Jar!, '61, Annandale Lyle J. Reul, '64, Owatonna H. Douglas Johnson, '61, Minneapolis James A. Rolloff, '64, New Ulm

Minnesota Department of Public Welfare Fellowships Sponsor: Minnesota Department of Public \Velfare

Awarded to employees or prospective employees of the l\Iinnesota Department of Public Welfare for graduate study in social work

Barton Bauer, Montgomery B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

John Jacobson, Wayzata B.A. '.56, St. Olaf College

Charles Turnbull, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota


Minnesota Department of Public Welfare Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Department of Public 'Welfare

Awarded to prospective employees of the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare for study in occupational therapy

Maryann E. Hitchcock, '61, Minneapolis

Minnesota Funeral Directors Association Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Funeral Directors Association, Minneapolis

Awarded to a resident of Minnesota who is studying mortuary science on the basis of academic aptitude, professional promise, personal attributes, and leadership potential

Howard E. :\Iunson, '61, St. James

Minnesota Future Farmers of America Foundation Scholarship in Agricultural Education

Sponsor: !\linnesota Future Farmers of America Foundation, Inc., St. Paul

Awarded to a freshman in agricultural education on the basis of capacity for leader­ship, scholastic ability, practical farm experience, personality, and interest in teaching agriculture in the public schools of Minnesota

Eugene H. Appeldorn, '64, Pipestone

Minnesota Garden Flower Society Scholarship in Memory of Roger S. Mackintosh

Sponsor: Minnesota Garden Flower Society, in memory of Roger S. Mackintosh, former secretary of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society and professor of horticulture

Awarded to a student in the regular four-year course in agriculture with a major or minor in horticulture, on the basis of scholastic ability, interest in floriculture, promise of leadership, and character

Bert T. Swanson, '62, Taylor, N. D.

Minnesota High School Press Association Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota High School Press Association Scholarship Fund

Awarded to seniors of Minnesota high schools on the basis of scholastic achievement, journalistic excellence, and future promise

Elizabeth A. Campbell, '64, St. Paul Kent J. Kobersteen, '64, Minneapolis

Lisbeth Moller, '64, Cloquet

Minnesota Lathing and Plastering Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Lathing and Plastering Bureau, St. Paul

A warded to a student in the School of Architecture

Dale E. Dzubay, '63, Wausau, \Vis.


Minnesota Library Association Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Library Association

A warded biennially to students who intend to enter the library profession in public or college libraries, and who qualify for admittance into the Graduate Library School, on the basis of academic aptitude and professional promise, with prefer­ence given to those who have had library experience

Julia F. Wallace, Mound B.A. '60, Carleton College

Minnesota Medical Foundation Scholarships

Sponsors: Minnesota Medical Foundation, an organization of physicians, laymen, cor­porations and friends, which contributes voluntary support to various activities of the University of Minnesota Medical School. Medical organizations contribut­ing to its Scholarship Fund are: Minnesota Academy of General Practice, Min­neapolis Academy of General Practice, Nu Sigma Nu Medical Foundation, Kandiyohi-Swift-Meeker County Medical Society, Nicollet-LeSueur County Medi­cal Society, Minnesota Surgical Society, Minnesota Academy of Medicine, Min­neapolis Guild of Catholic Physicians, Alpha Omega Alpha Honorary Medical Fraternity, and the Minneapolis Society of Internal ,\fedicine. Organizations sup­porting individual scholarships are listed after the name of the recipient.

Awarded to students in the University of Minnesota Medical School on the basis of academic achievement

Class of 1961

Calvin Bandt, Revelle, S. D. (Alpha Omega Alpha)

Allan D. Belden, Jr., Red Wing (!\linne­apolis Gas Company)

Paul E. Nordlie, New London (Post­graduate Medicine Magazine)

Patrick J. Scanlan, St. Paul (George A. Macpherson Trust)

Joseph J. Westermeyer, Melrose Park, Ill. (Minneapolis Guild of Catholic Physicians)

Class of 1962

Daniel R. Baker, Centuria, \Vis. Donald D. Dahlstrom, Balaton William D. Erickson, Minneapolis (Post-

graduate Medicine Magazine) Robert D. Flaig, Alexandria Mary C. Howell, Edina Paul E. Mertens, Robbinsdale (Minnesota

Academy of Medicine) Laurence S. Rivkin, Minneapolis (Minne­

apolis Society of Internal Medicine) G. Nicholas Rogentine, Jackson (Nu

Sigma Nu-Erling S. Platou Memorial) Albert H. Roth, Lake Crystal (Minne­

apolis Academy of General Practice) Lawrence J. Schut, Maple Lake F. Thomas Ellingson, Detroit Lakes

(Pfizer Laboratories)


Class of 1963

Russell E. Beran, Wymore, Neb. (!\[r. and ,\[rs. H. Bloom)

Terrence D. Capistrant, St. Paul (Minne­sota Academy of Medicine)

Dennis C. Frisbie, McAllister, Mont. H. Thomas Hobday, LeCenter (Interstate

Clinic of Red Wing, Minn. in memory of Dr. R. F. Hedin)

Dale R. Kaye, Minneapolis (Modern ,\[edicine Magazine)

H. David Knudsen, Minneapolis (Mr. Henry Baskerville, Sr.)

John H. Sargent, Minneapolis David A. Swanson, Cambridge (Minne­

sota Academy of General Practice)

Class of 1964

Jackie !\1. Cooper, Detroit Lakes (Rowell Laboratories)

Jan P. Dawson, Buhl (Mr. and Mrs. H. Bloom)

John R. Huberty, Sleepy Eye (Minne­apolis Foundation)

Thomas P. Lake, Rochester (Minneapolis Gas Company)

Dennis M. Leahy, Maple Lake Lawrence !\lcEvoy, St. Paul (George A.

!\[acpherson Trust) Wayne E. Tate, South St. Paul John V. Tyberg, Minneapolis

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Fellowship in Chemical Engineering

Sponsor: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemical engineering

Charles F. Snyder, Carlsbad, N. M. B.S.Ch.E. '57, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Fellowship in Chemistry

Sponsor: Minnesota J\lining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Cecilio E. Gracias, Lisboa, Portugal M.S. '57, Instituto Superior Tecnico

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Law Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota Mining and \1anufacturing Company, St. Paul

Awarded to outstanding law students of high promise

Donald L. Bye, '63, Pequot Lakes Stewart R. Perry, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Mexican Fellowship

Sponsor: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul

Awarded to a Mexican student on the basis of academic aptitude and future promise

Jose H. Martines, Montezuma, Mexico B.S. '45, Escuela Nacional Preparatory M.D. '51, Escuela Nacional de Medicina

Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company, St. Paul

A warded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Gene R. Sommers, Minneapolis B.S.L. '57, University of Minnesota

Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association

A warded to a student in occupational therapy on the basis of promise, scholastic achievement, and personal qualifications

Janet K. Hendrickson, '61, J\linneapolis

Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company Research Fellowship m Forestry

Sponsor: Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company, International Falls

A warded to an outstanding graduate student in forest management

Richard C. Trochlil, St. Paul B.S. '59, University of Minnesota


Minnesota Press Women Scholarship

Sponsor: l\linnesota Press Women Association A warded to a junior or senior woman student in journalism on the basis of superior

scholarship and special promise

Karen Syverson, '61, Minneapolis

Minnesota Recreation Association Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota Recreation Association Awarded to prospective students, undergraduates, or graduate students who have

demonstrated ability or college aptitude with an interest in the recreation field as a profession

Mary B. Lundmark, '62, Rice Lake, Wis. Harriet E. Marsh, '63, Minneapolis

Richard J. Rano, '61, Hibbing

Minnesota Rexall Pharmacists Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota Rexall Club

Awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy or to students enrolled at the University for pre-pharmacy training with preference to students preparing for a career in retail phannacy

Eric A. Lange, '64, Minneapolis Donald G. Soltis, '63, Holdingford Charles M. North, '63, Olivia

Minnesota Society of Medical Technologists Scholarship

Sponsor: Minnesota Society of Medical Technologists

Awarded to a third or fourth year student in Medical Technology on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Cheryl J. Schleif, '61, Hanover

Minnesota State Bar Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota State Bar Foundation

Awarded on the basis of high scholarship and legal aptitude

David S. Doty, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Ernest A. E. Gellhorn, Minneapolis B.A. '56, University of Minnesota

Robert A. Stein, Minneapolis B.S.L. '60, University of Minnesota

Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association Scholarships

Sponsor: Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, St. Paul

Awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy on the basis of scholastic achieve-ment, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Daniel C. Dzuik, '64, Foley Waldo R. Narr, '61, Minneapolis Bonita E. Falkner, '65, Glenwood Joyce A. Syhre, '65, Pine River Karen L. Jordahl, '65, Atwater Thomas \V. Thurik, '63, Minneapolis


Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association Senior Scholarship

Sponsor: ~linnesota State Pharmaceutical Association, St. Paul

Awarded to that student in the College of Phannacy who has earned the highest ~cholastic average in the first eight quarters of professional study

Ronald \V. Agerter, '61, \Vest Concord

Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Association Women's Auxiliary Scholarships

Sponsor: The Women's Auxiliary to the l\linnesota State Pharmaceutical Association

Awarded to women students enrolled in any of the last three years of the pharmacy curriculum

Aija S. Strelnieks, '63, ~linneapolis Sandra Sutton Newhouse, '62, St. Paul

Minnesota State Veterinary Medical Association Scholarships

Sponsor: "linnesota State Veterinary "ledical Association

Awarded to a Minnesota 4-H Club boy or girl and to an FFA boy in their freshman year in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Roger \Y. Boser, '64, Pierz Kenneth R. Carter, '64, Ada

Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers Society Highway Engineering Scholarships

Sponsor: l\'linnesota Surveyors and Engineers Society

Awarded to graduate and undergraduate students who are residents of the state of Minnesota and who are specializing in highway engineering; selected on the basis of scholastic achievement, leadership potential, and future promise

Darrel H. Burkowitz, '61, North St. Paul Lawrence R. Fenske, '61, Bemidji Leroy A. Larson, '63, White Bear Lake Curtis l\1. Palmgren, Jr., '62, Minneapolis

Daryl L. Ranstrom, '62, \Varren Dale A. Reisdorfer, '62, Adrian Harold E. Taggatz, '62, Gibbon Ronald J. Voelker, '61, St. Paul

Monsanto Chemical Company Fellowship in Chemistry

Sponsor: l\lonsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, l\lo.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Helen R. M. Parker, St. Paul B.S. '57, Ohio State University M.S. '56, Ohio State University

Monsanto Chemical Company Scholarship

Sponsor: l\[onsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo.

Awarded to an outstanding student in chemistry or chemical engineering

Duane \V. Cundiff, '62, St. Paul


Moorman Manufacturing Company Scholarships m Agriculture

Sponsor: Moorman Manufacturing Company, Quincy, Ill.

Awarded to entering freshmen and students in any year of undergraduate work, preferably those interested in animal agriculture, on the basis of academic apti­tude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Edwin C. Andrews, '61, Princeton ~faurice B. Overgaard, '63, Dalton Walter R. Fehr, '61, East Grand Forks Clair D. Sauer, '63, \\'alters \Varren C. Hanson, '61, Benson

George W. Morgan Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Bequest of George \V. Morgan, a member of the Class of 1905

Awarded to students, preferably undergraduates, in any college or department of the University on the basis of scholastic proficiency, character, leadership potential, and vocational promise

Aliniece C. Crosby, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Helen J. Garvey, adult special, Anoka Sharon B. Thompson, '63, St. Paul

The James Lewis Morrill Scholarship Sponsor: Anonymous

Awarded to a student, graduate or undergraduate, at the University of Minnesota on the basis of superior scholastic ability and achievement and vocational promise

Gail L. Syverton, \Vayzata B.A. '59, University of i\Iinnesota

The Colonel Robert H. Morse Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: The Colonel Robert H. ~Iorse Foundation, Chicago, Ill., bequested by the former chairman of the hoard of directors of Fairbanks-Morse and Com­pany, in honor of his son, John i\forsc

Awarded to students in electrical and mechanical engineering on the basis of su­perior scholarship, leadership potential, and special promise

Lyle G. Cloud, '61, St. Paul Niel R. Petersen, '61, Tyler

Donald P. Strandberg, '61, St. Paul

Moses, Friedel!, Share, Rosen and Goldstein Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Moses, Friedell, Share, Rosen and Goldstein of ~finneapulis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Larry D. Downing, Eagle Grove, Iowa B.S. '58, Iowa State College

Weed Munro Scholarships

Sponsor: A bequest of Georgia F. :\Iunro in memory of her husband, Weed Munro

Awarded on the basis of legal aptitude and high scholarship to students in the Law School

David S. Doty, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of lvlinnesota

Frank W. Levin, '64, St. Paul


The National Association of American Business Clubs Scholarships

Sponsor: Scholarship Program of the National Association of American Business Clubs

Awarded to junior and senior students on the basis of scholarship

Laima E. Bergmanis, '61, Rochester Polly J. Henkes, '62, Farmersburg, Iowa

Sonja S. Messner, '61, Minneapolis

National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church Fellowship

Sponsor: The National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to an Episcopalian student for graduate study in social work

Evangeline Broburg, St. Paul B.A. '57, University of ~innesota

National Defense Graduate Fellowships

Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education

Awarded to holders of the Bachelor's degree who have not done more than a half year of graduate study and who plan to continue to the Ph.D. degree

Stephen R. Alderson, St. Paul B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Noel K. Barstad, St. Paul B.A. '58, St. Olaf College

Solomon Becker, New York, N.Y. B.A. '60, City College of New York

Kenneth N. Berk, Hyattsville, Md. B.S. '60, Carnegie Institute of

Technology Sargit S. Bupara, Sacramento, Calif.

B.S. '59, University of California Bmce A. Bydal, Minneapolis

B.S. '59, University of Illinois Bruce A. Christensen, Minneapolis

B.S. '59, University of Minnesota Charles E. Clifton, Jr., Los Altos, Calif.

A.B. '60, Stanford University Carl 0. Enderstein, Minneapolis

A.B. '60, Marquette University Charles N. Dunn, St. Paul

B.S. '58, University of Minnesota M.S.E.E. '60, University of Minnesota

Kenneth Falk, Murdock B.A. '60, St. Olaf College

Jay P. Fillmore, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Richard L. Floyd, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Michigan

Thomas B. Giddings, Nashville, Tenn. A.B. '60, Oberlin College

James M. Gullemd, Mankato B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

David A. Jackisch, Oshkosh, Wis. B.S.Ch.E. '59, University of \Visconsin

James R. Jordan, Minneapolis Th.B. '55, Baptist Bible Seminary Th.M. '59, Baptist Bible Seminary

Alan D. Kaske, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota


Roger E. Lund, Tyler B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Warren L. !viason, Keewatin B.A. '59, University of Minnesota,

Duluth Roger S. Morcomb, Winona

B.A. '60, Hamline University Thomas A. Morehouse, St. Paul

B.A. '60, Harvard University Gordon R. Mark, Minneapolis

B.A. '60, Yale University Ronald E. Nielsen, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota John T. O'Connor, New York, N.Y.

B.A. '59, Manhattan College Leo Philippe, Mishawaka, Ind.

A.B. '60, University of Notre Dame David J. Radel, Bishop, Calif.

B.A. '60, Harvard University Richard Rosenberg, Brooklyn, N.Y.

B. B.A. '60, College of the City of New York

David L. Russell, St. Paul B.A. '60, Emmanuel Missionary

College David B. Sanford, Minneapolis

B.S. '57, University of Minnesota Gerald F. Sauter, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Glenn E. Schober, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota Anton H. Turrittin, Minneapolis

B.A. '59, University of Minnesota M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Loren S. Urdahl, Litchfield B.A. '60, Concordia College, Moorhead

Roger C. Vergin, Brainerd B.B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Norman M. Watt, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Howell K. Wilson, Savannah, Ga. B.S. '60, Georgia Institute of


Robert L. Wind, Westfield, Mass. B.A. '55, Wesleyan University M.A. '57, University of Wisconsin

David C. Young, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Missouri M.A. '60, State University of Iowa

The National Foundation Health Scholarships in Physical Therapy

Sponsor: The National Foundation, New York, N.Y

A four-year scholarship awarded to promising students who wish to enter the pro­fession of physical therapy

Sandra R. Alcorn, '63, West Union, Iowa Jean R. Cawelti, '64, Sioux Falls, S.D. Karin L. Erb, '63, Lester Prairie Barbara A. Held, '64, Minneapolis

Karen R. Kettunen, '63, Keewatin Carol A. Lehner, '63, St. Paul Ruth A. Lindquist, '64, Minneapolis Joyce M. Wiitala, '64, Embarrass

The National Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: Department of Professional Education, the National Foundation, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to junior, senior, and certificate students in physical therapy on the basis of preliminary training, scholastic record, and professional promise

Jane G. Bennett, '61, Minneapolis Judith K. Carpenter, '61, Oshkosh, Wis. Patricia A. Christianson, '61, Minneapolis

Kate Johnson, '61, Coos Bay, Ore. Sandra J. Jurkovich, '61, Chisholm Kathleen M. Micka, '61, Hibbing

National Hillel Commission Scholarship

Sponsor: National Hillel Commission to honor King Gustav of Sweden

A warded to the junior student who has made the greatest contribution to interfaith amity on the campus

Patricia A. Nordstrom, '61, Minneapolis

National Merit Scholarships

Sponsor: National Merit Scholarship Corporation, Evanston, Ill., and various cooper­ating industries and foundations

Awarded to entering freshmen, male or female, under national competition through the auspices of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and renewable for the remaining three years of undergraduate work on the basis of eligibility in terms of scholastic record and personal attributes


Margery L. Cunningham, '63, St. Paul Herbert R. Halvorson, '63, Chatfield John S. Kronholm, '63, Crookston Bonnie Lang, '64, Glenwood James A. Lieberman, '64, St. Louis Park John C. Lynskey, '61, Thief River Falls Rosemary Morgan, '64, Sturgis, S.D. Terry L. Newstrom, '62, Aitkin Sherry Sather, '63, Minneapolis Peteris Zarins, '63, Brookings, S.D.



Boeing Airplane Company Gary E. Kriesel, '64, Owatonna

Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Carolyn M. Amundson, '62, Underwood

International Business Machines Corporation

Judith A. Niemi, '6.3, Duluth

Northwest Bancorporation William A. Befort, '63, Red Wing

Phelps Dodge Foundation Robert E. Burtness, '62, Caledonia

Shell Companies Foundation David \V. Bahnemann, '62, \\.'est

St. Paul

National Plant Food Institute Soils and Crops Achievement Scholarship

Sponsor: National Plant Food Institute, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to a junior or senior student with major in soils or agronomy on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership. The scholarship is accompanied by an engraved key, and the name of the re­cipient is inscribed on a National Plant Food Institute plaque

Donald P. Snustad, '62, Guthrie

National Science Foundation Cooperative Graduate Fellowships

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to graduate students of unusual promise for study and research in the sciences

Philip l\1. Becker, Falls Church, Va. B.S. '58, University of California

Albert W. Black, Ill, Princeton, N.J. B.S.M.E. '57, Washington University M.S.E. '59, Princeton University

Elizabeth J. Cahoon, Minneapolis B.A. '55, University of Minnesota

Arnold J. Dahm, Pella, Iowa B.A. '58, Central College, Iowa

Patrick F. Flynn, Regal B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

John C. Gavan, St. Louis, Mo. B.S. '57, University of Missouri

Nathaniel Grossman, Aurora, Ill. B.S. '58, California Institute of

Technology Charles H. Haight, Minneapolis

B.S. '59, University of Minnesota Alan E. Hedin, St. Paul

B.S. '58, University of Minnesota Donald C. Johnson, St. Paul

B.S. '57, Hamline University William W. Johnson, Minneapolis

B.S. '57, University of Minnesota Duane A. Jones, New Brighton

B.A. '57, St. Olaf College Dorothy M. Kautz, Parma, Ohio

B.A. '60, Western Reserve University

John R. Keenan, St. Paul B.S. '57, College of St. Thomas

Robert Koncos, Park Forest, Ill. B.S. '.56, University of Illinois

James L. Levine, Long Island, N.Y. B.S. '58, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology Louis J. Maher, Jr., Iowa City, Iowa

B.A. '55, State University of Iowa Gordon C. Marten, Wausau, Wis.

B.S. '57, University of Wisconsin Paul E. R. Nordquist, Jr., Arlington, Va.

B.S. '58, George \Vashington University

Neville W. Reay, Minneapolis A.B. '57, Occidental College

Richard R. Ries, New Ulm B.S. '57, St. Edward's University

Dale S. Sappenfield, Miami, Fla. B.A. '55, Northwestern University

Norman F. Sather, Urbana, Ill. B.S. '58, University of Illinois

Larry L. Schaleger, Milwaukee, Wis. B.A. '57, Grinnell College

Robert B. \Varden, Swarthmore, Pa. B.S.E. '59, Princeton University

Anthony F. Yapel, Jr., Soudan B.A. '59, St. John's University

National Science Foundation Fellowships in Chemistry

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to outstanding graduate students in chemistry

Robert W. Jordan, St. Louis, Mo. James B. Togeas, Fort Dodge, Iowa A.B. '59, Washington University B.A. '59, ·St. Olaf College

Richard J. Sundberg, Linn Grove, Iowa B.S. '59, State University of Iowa


National Science Foundation Fellowship in Zoology

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to a graduate student of unusual promise for study and research in zoology

Clarence E. Harms, Ulysses, Kan. B.A. '55, Tabor College M.A. '57, University of Kansas

National Science Foundation Grants for Academic Year Institute for High School Mathematics Teachers

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to teachers of high school mathematics with at least three years' experience on the basis of future potential, academic record, and dedication to their pro­fession

Gordon H. Amb, East Grand Forks B.S. '54, University of North Dakota M.Ed. '57, University of North Dakota

Richard M. Anderson, Hinckley B.A. '52, Macalester College

Lester A. Becklund, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Barry D. Biegun, Napa, Calif. B.A. '55, San Francisco State College

George A. Brandenstein, New Holstein, Wis.

B.S., Wisconsin State College, Oshkosh Rufus D. Champion, Jr., Austin, Texas

B.S. '51, University of Texas Robert W. Cooke, Castro Valley, Calif.

A.B. '56, University of California Joseph F. Cvetan, Trafford, Pa.

B.Ed. '58, Duquesne University Larry E. Easton, Oshkosh, Wis.

B.S., Wisconsin State College, Oshkosh Leland F. Erickson, Fergus Falls

B.A. '56, Augsburg College Leroy J. Holman, Stockdale, Pa.

B.S. '57, California State Teachers College, California, Pa.

Florence E. Iverson, Alexandria B.S. '55, University of Minnesota

Richard W. Jacobson, Sunnyside, Wash. B.A. '48, Washington State University B.Ed. '51, Washington State University

David C. Johnson, Rochester A.B. '58, Colgate University

l\1arvin L. Juel, Centerville, Iowa B.S. '5.5, Wisconsin State College,

LaCrosse Ernest M. Kneeland, Dillon, Mont.

B.A. '.58, Montana State University Lillian E. Knutson, Bigfork, Mont.

B.A. ',59, Montana State University John R. Koch, Johnstown, Pa.

A.B., University of Pittsburg William B. Koenen, Jr., St. Paul

B.A., Macalester College Brother B. Kenneth Kohles, Oakland,

Calif. A.B., St. Mary's College of California


Louis .\1. Korth, Antigo, Wis. B.S. '57, Wisconsin State College,

Stevens Point Stark \V. Lash, Lewistown, Pa.

B.S. '56, State Teachers College, Shippensburg, Pa.

Jesse L. Leister, Fenton, Mich. B.S. '57, Western Michigan University

Honald M. Lerum, Buxton, N.D. B.S. '57, State Teachers College,

Mayville, N.D. John .\1. Ludvigsen, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota William C. McCollum, Inkster, Mich.

B.S. '56, Eastern Michigan University Alan D. McNamer, Glencoe

B.S., University of Minnesota John T. Mahoney, Jr., Brookfield, Mass.

B.S. '55, State Teachers College, Bridgewater, Mass.

M.Ed. '60, Boston University Billy E. Mason, Faucett, Mo.

B.S. '56, Northwest Missouri State College

Haymond C. !\toilet, Gann Valley, S. D. B.A. '.59, Dakota Wesleyan University

RobertS. Nelson, Minneapolis B.A. '56, Luther College

Loyd R. Percy, Tacoma, \Vash. B.A. '51, College of Puget Sound

Lorene T. Rhodes, Kinston, N. C. B.S. ',56, Livingstone College,

Salisbury, N. C. Hoger A. Hosendich, Aurora

B.S., University of Minnesota, Duluth Charles R. Hoss, Terry, Mont.

B.S. '57, Eastern Montana College of Education

Robert H. Savre, Chatfield B.A. ',53, Luther College, Decorah,

Iowa Thomas E. Selby, Benton Harbor, Mich.

B.S. '48, Central Michigan University Budd M. Sherrard, Robbinsdale

B.S. '48, St. Cloud State College

Eugene R. Swanson, Ellsworth, \Vis. B.S. '54, River Falls State College

Bruce ,V. Thompson, Milan B.A. '57, Concordia College

Margaret S. Turner, Stillwater B.A. '43, College of St. Catherine

Charles D. "'atkins, Danville, Iowa B.A. '.52, State University of Iowa

Gordon H. Webb, Richfield B.S. '52, University of Minnesota

Eugene "'ermer, Minneapolis B.S. '36, College of City of New York

Notional Science Foundation Stipends for Summer Research in Biology

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to outstanding biology students for the purpose of studying and carrying on research at the Lake Itasca Biology Session

~1ary W. Bishop, Ladysmith, Wis. William D. Schmid, St. Paul B.S. '59, University of Minnesota B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Thomas W. Collins, Murphysboro, Ill. B.S. '52, Southern Illinois University

Notional Science Foundation Summer Fellowships

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to graduate teaching assistants

John F. Brandts, Celina, Ohio B.A. '56, Miami University

Kenneth Emerson, Minneapolis B.A. '53, Harvard University ~1.A. '58, University of Oregon

Donald C. Johnson, St. Paul B.S. '57, Hamline University

Duane A. Jones, St. Paul B.A. '57, St. Olaf College

Orner R. Larson, Pencer B.A. '54, University of North Dakota

George J. Meisters, Milwaukee, Wis. B.S. '58, University of Wisconsin

Frank G. Nordlie, New London B.S. '54, St. Cloud State College M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Paul E. R. Nordquist, Jr., Arlington, Va. B.S. '58, George Washington Univer­

sity, D.C. James W. Ratz, Detroit Lakes

B.S. '59, University of Minnesota Mary E. Read, Fairfield, Conn.

B.A. '59, Beloit College Duane P. Sather, Minneapolis

B.S. '59, University of Minnesota Larry L. Schaleger, Milwaukee, Wis.

B.A. '57, Grinnell College William Silverman, Minneapolis

B.A. '58, University of Minnesota David L. Stockman, Charleston, Ill.

B.S. '57, Eastern Illinois University

National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Grants in Statistics

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to undergraduates with high scholarship who are interested in research as a career and who have shown interest in statistics through formal course work or experience in a field that uses statistics

John W. Hagen, '62, Minneapolis Kathleen S. Michels, '61, St. Paul

Notional Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Participation Program in Chemistry

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to undergraduate students of high ability and promise in research

Robert M. Carlson, '63, Howard Lake James M. Gordon, '62, Minneapolis Robert J. Cedergren, '61, Delano James E. Johnson, '61, Hanley Falls Gail G. Engerholm, '60, Glenwood Richard A. Kretchmer, '62, Tracy


Roger A. Lovald, '60, Buffalo Lake Rodney F. Meyer, '64, Kenyon

Mary K. Reck, '60, Minneapolis Hyler S. Silesky, '65, Golden Valley

National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Participation Program in Chemical Engineering

Sponsor: The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

A warded to undergraduate students of high ability and promise in research

David A. Berg, '61, Thief River Falls Arnold T. Olsen, '61, Robbinsdale Duane W. Condiff, '61, St. Paul Robert W. Park, '61, Minneapolis Timothy B. Jensen, '61, Minneapolis Lawrence A. Reed, '61, St. Paul Dennis G. Nelson, '61, Pine City Howard J. Wick, '61, Shakopee JohnS. Nordin, '61, Minneapolis

National Secretaries Association Scholarship

Sponsors: Duluth, Minneapolis, and St. Paul Chapters of the National Secretaries Association

Awarded to a student in secretarial training, School of Business Administration, on the basis of scholarship and special promise

Gladys !\1. Westergard, '61, Richfield

National Society of Colonial Dames Fellowships

Sponsor: National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of Minnesota

Awarded to foreign students in any college of the University on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal qualifications, and potential contributions to home com­munities

Manuel S. Aldana, Manila, Philippines B.A. '56, University of the Philippines M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Erdem Bektas, Istanbul, Turkey B.S. '56, Yildiz Technical School

Jane George, Kerala, India M.A. '53, Patna University M.A. '53, University of Parno, India

Sein Hlaing, '61, Rangoon, Burn1a Kyung He Kim, Seoul, Korea \Vhal Min Kim, Seoul, Korea

B.A. '56, Beloit College M.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Dolly S. Kotwal, India B.A. '54, St. Xavier's College M.A. '56, Bombay University Dip. in Applied Psy. '57, Tata Institute

Indira Malani, Calcutta, India M.A. '53, Banaras Hindu University ;\f.Ed. '55, Banaras Hindu University

Narinder K. Mehta, India B.A. '59, University of Delhi M.A. '59, University of Delhi

Edward W. Ng, '62, Hong Kong Fritz A. Purrmann, '63, Germany Kalim U. Qidwai, Pakistan

B.Sc. '50, Aligarh University Ganta Gopal Reddy, Hyderabad, India

B.Sc.Ag. '52, Allahabad University Mohamed Sabri, '62, Khartaum, Sudan Harbans Singh

B.U.Sc., A.H. '55, Agra University M.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Vijai E. Singh, India B.Sc. '54, Hindu University B.V.Sc., A.H. '58, U.P. Veterinary


National Steel Corporation Fellowship Sponsor: National Steel Corporation, \Veirton, W.Va.

Awarded to a graduate student in the School of Mines and Metallurgy on the basis of scholastic achievement and professional promise

Alan T. Gorton, Pelican Rapids B.S. '59, University of Minnesota


National Wildlife Federation Scholarship

Sponsor: National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to an outstanding student interested in the field of forestry conservation

Larry Henson, '62, St. Paul

Nelson- Forchay Pharmacy Intern Scholarship

Sponsor: Ralph D. Nelson and Donald Forchay, Minneapolis pharmacists

Awarded to students in the College of Pharmacy who are nominated by the phanna­cists of the Twin City area on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Cyrus B. Elliott, '64, St. Paul Gerald P. Schotik, '61, St. Paul

Neville, Johnson and Thompson Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Neville, Johnson and Thompson of Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Roger W. Frank, Winona B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Dean E. E. Nicholson Scholarship

Sponsor: Senior Class of 1942 in memory of E. E. Nicholson, former dean of student affairs

Awarded to veterans of World War II on the basis of superior academic performance and leadership

Paul H. Klaverkamp, '61, Minneapolis

J. Anna Norris Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Dr. J. Anna Norris, director of the Department of Physical Educa­tion for women from 1912 to 1941

Awarded to women students in physical education on the basis of excellent scholar­ship, capacity in physical education, good leadership, personal qualifications, and interest in the teaching field

Sandra L. Langseth, '64, 111inneapolis Jerielyn H. Swenson, '64, Minneapolis

North Dakota Department of Public Welfare Fellowships

Sponsor: Department of Public Welfare, State of North Dakota, Bismarck, N.D.

Awarded to employees or prospective employees of the North Dakota Department of Public Welfare to pursue graduate study in social work

Daniel Boyle, Grafton, N.D. B.S. '58, St. John's University

Terence Finn, Williston, N.D. Ph.B. '60, University of North Dakota

Carol Jeske, Jamestown, N.D. B.A. '48, Jamestown College


Northern States Power Company Agricultural Engineering Scholarships

Sponsor: Northern States Power Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to third or fourth year agricultural engineering students on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Terrance R. Dahl, '65, Stephen David L. Kill, '64, Donnelly

Northern States Power Company Electrical Engineering Scholarships

Sponsor: Northern States Power Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to fourth and fifth year undergraduates in electrical engineering (prefer­ence given to those in power option) on the basis of academic aptitude, voca­tional promise, character, and leadership

David R. Carlson, '62, Ceylon Larry W. Karkela, '63, Grand Rapids

Northern States Power Company Home Economics Scholarship

Sponsor: Northern States Power Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to a senior student in home economics with preference given to students majoring in home economics in business and home economics education, on the basis of vocational promise, character, and leadership

Judith A. Nelson, '61, St. Paul

Northern States Power Company Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Northern States Power Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

David R. Swanson, International Falls B.A. '60, Gustavus Adolphus College

Northwest Council of Advertising Agencies Scholarship

Sponsor: Northwest Council of Advertising Agencies

Awarded to a junior student in advertising on the basis of leadership ability, scholar­ship, and professional promise

Linda M. Joyce, '61, Minneapolis

Northwest Daily Press Association Scholarship

Sponsor: Northwest Daily Press Association, Minneapolis

Awarded to a journalism junior of outstanding scholarship and professional aptitude

Darrell M. Lowe, '61, Minneapolis

Northwest Feed Manufacturers' Association Scholarships

Sponsor: Northwest Feed Manufacturers' Association, Minneapolis

Awarded to junior and senior students and qualified sophomores majoring in animal, dairy, or poultry husbandry with emphasis on nutrition, on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Charles M. Berigan, '61, Minneapolis DarrelL. Peterson, '61, Fairmont Paul R. Henry, Jr., '61, Sedgwick, Kan. Donald D. Schroeder, '62, Wells Melvin R. Neyers, '61, Gibbon Owen'"~· Sivertson, '62, Dalton


Northwest Paper Foundation Fellowship in Forestry

Sponsor: Northwest Paper Company, Cloquet

Awarded to an outstanding student interested in the continuous forest inventory

Myron D. Grafstrom, Salol B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Northwestern Drug Company Scholarship

Sponsor: Northwestern Drug Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to a student in the College of Pharmacy on the basis of scholastic achieve­ment, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Ronald W. Agerter, '61, West Concord

Northwestern Industrial Editors' Association Scholarship

Sponsor: Northwestern Industrial Editors' Association, Minneapolis

Awarded to a journalism undergraduate on the basis of scholastic achievement, per­sonal attributes, and future promise

Carol Foertsch, '61, Minneapolis

Norwegian-American Fellowship

Sponsor: Norwegian Luncheon Club, Minneapolis

Awarded to a Norwegian graduate student on the basis of superior scholarship

Jon H. Falnes, Oslo, Norway Artium '54, Berg H~yere Almenskole Siv.Ing. '59, Norwegian Institute of Technology

LaVerne Noyes Scholarships

Sponsor: Endowment provided by the LaVerne Noyes Foundation, Chicago, estab­lished by the late LaVerne Noyes, Chicago industrialist

Awarded to outstanding students in any college of the University who are direct blood descendents of veterans of World War I

Phillip W. Arneson, '62, Minneapolis David Bergquist, '62, Minneapolis Lucille I. Bjore, '62, Pine River Sandra C. Chai, '62, Minneapolis Terrence L. Clark, '63, Minneapolis Patricia A. Dahlstrom, '61, Minneapolis Harvey E. Djerf, '61, Minneapolis Louella E. Edwards, '62, Moorhead Mervin D. Eid, '62, Minneapolis Paul H. Eide, '62, Minneapolis David P. Engh, '62, Starbuck Emilie R. Fallstrom, '62, Buhl David Getzkin, '61, Minneapolis Mary S. Hoch, '64, Minneapolis Annette :\1. Holmquist, '61, Minneapolis


James E. Johnson, '61, Hanley Falls Hillard M. Kahan, '64, St. Paul Elsie M. Klapperich, '62, Aitkin Sharon K. Knutson, '64, Minneapolis Malcolm E. Nicholson, '61, Minneapolis Duane S. Petersen, '61, Cloquet Richard D. Platte, '62, Santa Barbara,

Calif. Nancy L. Pogue, '61, Long Lake John F. Reighard, '61, Minneapolis Janet E. Silverness, '61, Mondovi, Wis. Margaret A. Twentyman, '62, Rochester Janice M. V.'ebster, '63, LeCenter Carroll W. Wickstrom, '61, Palisade

Emil Oberhoffer Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Annie Oberhoffer, in memory of her late husband, Emil Oberhoffer, first conductor of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra

A warded for excellence in music

Deryl R. Gibson, '62, New Brighton Shirley S. Jackson, '61, Minneapolis John R. Klinger, '63, Minneapolis William Krinke, '64, Belview

Dennis N. McLain, '64, Wayzata Joseph A. Morris, '61, Minneapolis Phillip V. Nichols, Minneapolis

F. J. O'Brien Law Scholarship

Sponsor: F. J. O'Brien, a Rochester lawyer

A warded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Robert T. Stich, Minneapolis B.A. '60, St. John's University

William A. O'Brien Scholarships

Sponsors: Medical Technology alumni, Student Council, and Orbs, honorary medical technology society, in honor of the late Dr. W. A. O'Brien, the founder of the course in medical technology at the University of Minnesota

Awarded to students in the third year of the Medical Technology curriculum on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Renelda J. Hess, '61, Minneapolis

Occupational Therapy Club Scholarship

Sponsor: University of Minnesota Occupational Therapy Club

Awarded to a senior student on the basis of promise in occupational therapy, aca­demic achievement, and personal attributes

Janet K. Hendrickson, '61, l\Iinneapolis

A. C. Ochs Brick and Tile Company Scholarship

Sponsor: A. C. Ochs Brick and Tile Company, Springfield

A warded to a student in architecture on the basis of architectural ability

Donovan D. \Vagner, '60, Menomonie, Wis.

Office of the Dean of Students Scholarship

Sponsor: The Office of the Dean of Students, University of Minnesota

Awarded to a qualified undergraduate student in any college or department of the Universi~y of Mi~nesota on the basi~ of sch~larship record, measured ability, leadership potential, and personal attnbutes, With preference given to Minnesota Indian students, orphans, and students who have demonstrated qualities of lead­ership and initiative, in that order

Ervin Staub, '62, Budapest, Hungary


Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Training Fellowships

Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Awarded on the basis of good scholastic standing, the intention to pursue a career in rehabilitation counseling, and the recommendation of the Psychology Department faculty, to rehabilitation and counseling trainees at the University to further training opportunities for prospective workers in this field

Hobert C. Barron, Minneapolis B.A. ',57, Lake Forest College, Ill.

Ann L. Beck, Duluth M.A. '58, University of ~linnesota

John L. Cowan, St. Paul B.A. '54, DePauw University B.D. '57, University of Chicago

Kenneth C. Edson, Boise, Idaho B.A. '57, Chico State College, Calif.

Michael S. Goldman, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of ~Iinnesota

Francis L. Hallberg, Minneapolis B.A. '55, University of ~linnesota

William D. Hammel, Hopkins B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Jon 0. Heise, \Vausau, \Vis. B.S. '59, University of Wisconsin

David ~I. Hugener, Chisholm B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Charles E. Johnson, Lanesboro B.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Dwight R. Kauppi, Minneapolis B.A., University of Minnesota, Duluth

Lester l\l. Kephart, Minneapolis B.A. '54, University of Minnesota

Mary S. McLeod, Minneapolis B.A. '.58, University of Minnesota

Karl W. Nitardy, St. Paul B.A., University of Minnesota

Norman D. Petrik, Tyndall, S.D. B.A. '60, Augustana College, Sioux

Falls, S.D. Solomon Shapiro, St. Paul

B.S.S. '39, College of City of New York M.A. '42, New York University

William Siegel, St. Paul B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Thomas F. Siess, St. Paul B.A. '57, Valparaiso University, Ind.

Patricia A. Spencer, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Donna H. Stein, Minneapolis B.A., University of Minnesota

Andrew Thompson, Minneapolis B.A. '56, University of Minnesota M.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Janice J. Walter, Starbuck B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Social Work Fellowships

Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Awarded to graduate students in social work whose objective is work in rehabilitation programs

Ida Benjamin, Minneapolis B.A. '49, American University, Cairo

Evangeline Broburg, St. Paul B.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Allen E. Brown, Remer B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Susanne Gotlieb, St. Paul B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Barbara R. Hammargren, l\linneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Miriam H. Milgram, Minneapolis B.S. '33, University of Pennsylvania

\Vayne E. \Vagstrom, Moorhead B.A. '48, Concordia College, Moorhead

David A. Witt, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Traineeships in Speech and Hearing

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Awarded on the basis of training for rehabilitation of handicapped persons and of an outstanding scholastic record during that training

Philip R. Collins, Minneapolis Earl W. Stark, Minneapolis B.S., University of Minnesota B.A. '57, University of Utah

M.A. '58, The Ohio State University


Jane A. Starr, St. Paul B.A., Hamline University

Raymond A. Stassen, South St. Paul B.A. '52, l\tacalester College

Joanne Z. Lake, Minneapolis B.A. '60, Beloit College, Wis.

Hichard H. ~Iartin, l\Iinneapolis B.A. '56, College of Idaho '..LA. '.:;8, State University of Iowa

Kenneth E. '..Iiller, Minneapolis B.S. '.';9, University of Minnesota

Susan A. \Vilcox, St. Paul B.S. '.58, University of Minnesota

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Traineeships in Occupational Therapy

Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Awarded to students in occupational therapy on the basis of academic achievement, professional promise, and personal attributes

Lo:1vain G. Arndts, '62, Bemidji Susan J. Cook, '62, Minneapolis Mary K. Cowan, '62, Minneapolis Lois A. Crandall, '61, Randolph DeAnne E. Franks, '62, St. Paul Suzanne R. Katz, '62, Minneapolis

Judith A. Lind, '61, St. Paul Marilyn C. Linnerson, '61, Carver Carol E. l\Iatson, '61, Finlayson Karen l\1. l\Iulen, '62, Mound Rita A. Pearlman, '62, Minneapolis '..laymie J. Schulz, '61, Grand Rapids

Opera Workshop Scholarships

Sponsor: Opera Workshop Fund, established by local citizens interested in opera

Awarded for excellence in music or outstanding aptitude in the realm of opera

Michael Carrier, '62, New Ulm '..Iatthew Murray, St. Paul B.A., Macalester College

Oppenheimer, Hodgson, Brown, Boer and Wolff Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Oppenheimer, Hodgson, Brown, Baer and \Volff of St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Philip J. Orthun, Virginia B.A. '56, University of Minnesota

Clarence A. Orendorff Scholarships

Sponsor: Endowment from the late Gertrude Orendorff, Minneapolis civil rights leader, in memory of her husband, Clarence A. Orendorff

Awarded to students in the Medical School by recommendation of the scholarship committee in the Medical School

Ralph \V. Bergstrom, Jr., '64, Hutchinson \Varren F. Hoffman, '62, Minneapolis David J. Perry, '62, Duluth

James E. Monfore, '61, Springfield, S.D. David .M. Worthen, '61, Provo, Utah

Panhellenic Council Scholarships

Sponsor: Panhellenic Council, University of Minnesota

Awarded to women students in any college who have been in attendance at least two quarters at the University of Minnesota, on the basis of academic aptitude personal qualifications, vocational promise, and contribution to campus activitie~

:Mary M. Battermann, '61, St. Paul Vlasta L. Roubalik, '63, \Virt Susan R. Goldstein, '63, Minneapolis Sherrill B. Selander '62 l\linneapolis Merryalice Maki, '61, Chisholm ' '


Past Presidents Scholarship

Sponsor: Past Presidents Club of the Minnesota Funeral Directors Association

Awarded to a mortuary science student on the basis of scholarship

James D. Postlewaite, '62, St. Paul

Patterson-Hettinger-Cary Fellowship

Sponsor: The Patterson Dental Supply Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to a dental student for research work on the basis of scholarship

Richard D. Kingston, '61, Ogden, Utah

Captain DeWitt Jennings Payne Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Olive Payne Stover in memory of her brother, Captain De\Vitt Jennings Payne, the first American aviator killed in World War I

Awarded to students in the Department of English who show special capacity for literary studies

Marjorie A. Blackburn, '61, Minneapolis Donald D. Schultz, '61, St. Paul Steven S. Manos, '62, St. Paul

F. H. Peavey and Company Law Scholarship

Sponsor: F. H. Peavey and Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Patricia l\I. Lines, '62, Minneapolis

F. H. Peavey and Company Undergraduate Scholarship

Sponsor: F. H. Peavey and Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to a junior or senior majoring in agronomy, plant pathology, or soils, who has demonstrated his scholastic ability and continuing interest in cereal crops in 11innesota

George F. Derscheid, '61, Kenyon

Wesley E. Peik Teacher Education Scholarship

Sponsors: Miscellaneous gifts as a memorial to Wesley E. Peik, forn1er dean of the College of Education

Awarded to a student in education on the basis of scholastic achievement, leader­ship potential, and future promise

Diane J. Palmer, '62, Minneapolis

Pemberton, Michaels, Bishop and Seeger Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Pemberton, Michaels, Bishop and Seeger of Rochester

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

John C. Jeppesen, Minneapolis B.B.A. '60, University of Minnesota


Perry Peterson Memorial Scholarships in Electrical Engineering

Sponsor: The Control Corporation, Minneapolis, in memory of Perry Peterson, founder of the company

Awarded to students in electrical engineering on the basis of academic aptitude and character

Richard A. Heise, '63, Minneapolis Theodore J. Szczech, '61, Minneapolis

Pfeifer and Shultz Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

Sponsor: Pfeifer and Shultz, Engineers, Minneapolis

Awarded to a high school graduate or junior college student who has completed a minimum of two years of training in engineering on a college level and who is pursuing or intends to pursue a career in mechanical engineering on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, and character

Joseph G. Loe, '65, Cottonwood

Anna Von Helmholtz Phelan Scholarships

Sponsor: Delta Phi Lambda, University honorary society for proficiency in writing, in honor of Anna Von Helmholtz Phelan, assistant professor emeritus of English

Awarded to students on the basis of high scholarship and special talent in creative writing

Robert J. Barta, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Edward D. Blodgett, Minneapolis B.A. '56, Amherst College

Phi Delta Scholarship

Sponsor: Phi Delta Sorority, Minneapolis

Awarded to an Upper Division woman student at the University of Minnesota who is pursuing a degree in business administration, commercial education, econom­ics, or other sequences in the School of Business Administration; or in a busi­ness sequence in the University College, on the basis of scholastic ability and achievement and personal attributes

Sharon L. Squibb, '62, Redwood Falls

Phi Upsilon Omicron Foreign Student Fellowship

Sponsor: Alpha Alumnae Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron, national honorarv home economics society ·

Awarded to a worthy foreign student of high scholarship and professional interest to carry on advanced study in home economics

Josefa Abarcar-Dikitanan, Quezon City, Philippines B.S.E. '52, University of the Philippines

Phi Upsilon Omicron Scholarship

Sponsor: AlJ?ha Al.umnae Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron, national honorary home economics society

Awarded to a student in home economics on the basis of scholarship, personality and public service '

Karen M. Sharp, '63, Janesville


Pickands-Mather and Company Scholarship

Sponsor: Pickands-Mather and Company, Cleveland, Ohio

Awarded to students in the School of Mines and Metallurgy on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Randall H. Caton, '65, Jvlinncapolis ~!elvin L. Kankelfritz, '65, Minneapolis Ronald M. Knutson, '64, Excelsior

Brian L. Krogseng, '62, St. Paul Karl F. Veith, '62, Minneapolis

John S. Pillsbury Family Law Scholarship

Sponsor: The JohnS. Pillsbury Family of ~linneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Terence M. Fruth, Brainerd B.S. '60, St. John's University

Pioneer Engineering, Division of Poor and Company, Inc., Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

Sponsor: Pioneer Engineering, Division of Poor and Company, Inc., Minneapolis

Awarded to a high school graduate or a junior college student who has completed a minimum of two years of training in engineering and who intends to pursue or is pursuing a career in mechanical engineering on the basis of academic apti·· tude, vocational promise, and character

Dennis K. Kreid, '65, Grand Meadow

Richard H. Plunkett Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Richard H. Plunkett, a Rochester lawyer

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Richard J. Higgins, Minneapolis B.B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Alice Pomeroy Scholarship

Sponsor: The late :Mrs. Eunice P. Arnold, alumna, in memory of her sister Alice Pomeroy Tyrholm, alumna

Awarded to a woman student in education on the basis of superior scholarship and future promise in the field of education

Mary M. Gamel, '61, Isanti

Presser Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: The Presser Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa.

Awarded to further the study of students in music education

G. Susan Amunson, '62, Mondovi Lowell E. Lindgren, '64, Willmar Judith A. Green, '63, Minneapolis Nancy E. Zeller, '61, Pine Island


Procter and Gamble Fellowship in Agricultural Biochemistry

Sponsor: The Procter and Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio

A warded to an outstanding graduate student in agricultural biochemistry

Theodore L. Hullar, St. Pan! B.S. '57, University of .\Iinncsota

Procter and Gamble Fellowship in Chemical Engineering

Sponsor: The Proctor and Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemical engineering

Kenneth J. Valcntas, Chicago, Ill. B.S.Ch.E. '60, University of Illinois

Radio Corporation of America Scholarships

Sponsor: Radio Corporation of America, New York, N. Y.

Awarded to engineering students on the basis of superior scholarship, leadership, and future promise

Stanley D. Ecklund, '62, Minneapolis Kenneth E. Unger, '63, International Falls

Ralston Purina Scholarship

Sponsor: Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis, Mo.

Awarded to a student majoring in a field closely associated with the feed industry, on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character, good citizenship record, and purpose

Richard 0. Lyman, '61, Excelsior

Harvey T. Reid Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Harvey T. Reid, a St. Paul lawyer

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Felix A. Mannella, Minneapolis B.A. '60, St. John's University

Reserve Mining Company Fellowship

Sponsor: Reserve Mining Company, Silver Bay

A warded to a graduate student in the School of Mines and Metallurgy and Geologv on the basis of scholastic achievement and professional promise ·

Clifford W. Schultz, Hancock, Mich. B.S. '53, Michigan College of Mining and Technology M.S. '56, Michigan College of Mining and Technology


Resources for the Future Fellowships in Forest-Tree Genetics

Sponsor: Resources for the Future, Inc., of the Ford Foundation, to stimulate de­velopment of natural resources

Awarded to outstanding graduate students interested in forest-tree genetics

Knud Clausen, Wyoming John F. Kraus, St. Paul B.S. '49, Giesegard Forestry School, B.S. '56, University of Michigan

Denmark M.F. '56, University of Michigan M.S. '59, University of Minnesota Lawson L. Winton, St. Paul

B.S. '57, University of California

Harlow C. Richardson Scholarships

Sponsor: Bequest of Harlow C. Richardson

Awarded to deserving students in the Institute of Technology on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership with preference given to those in the five-year course taking electives in the humanities

Thomas G. Dzubay, '63, Minneapolis Richard D. Platte, '62, Santa Barbara, Donald J. Eckstrom, '62, Butterfield Calif. Edwin K. Evenson, '63, Moorhead Reuben D. Rieke, '62, Fairfax Franklin D. Grefsheim, '64, Chicago, Ill. Gene E. Rosenthal, '62, Jonesville David F. Grimm, '64, Cokato Gilmore J. Sem, '64, Underwood Donald D. Johnson, '64, McGregor Robert L. Smith, '62, Duluth Nobutaka Kawatsu, '64, Nagoy, Japan Ronald R. Swenson, '65, Winthrop Raymond V. Knutson, '62, Rochester Francis E. Stary, '64, St. Paul Ronald S. Lazarus, '63, Minneapolis Roger J. Vacek, '64, Glencoe Paul W. Lommen, '64, Minneapolis Robert W. \Vells, '64, Minneapolis Karl A. Pfitzer, '62, Duluth

H. J. Richardson Low Scholarships

Sponsor: Mrs. Anna R. Richardson in memory of her husband, Harold J. Richardson

Awarded to outstanding law students of high promise

Henry J. Hokenson, Minneapolis Grant J. l\Ierritt, Duluth B.A. '58, Yale University B.A. '55, University of Minnesota,


Rilco Laminated Products Agricultural Engineering Scholarship

Sponsor: The Rilco Laminated Products, Inc., St. Paul

Awarded to a student who intends to pursue a career in agricultural engineering, on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, and leadership

Robert S. Grote, '65, Braham

Dr. Martha Ripley Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: Maternity Hospital Auxiliary, Minneapolis

A warded to students who have completed undergraduate work in nursing or nursing education and who plan advanced study in obstetrics on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, and personal attributes

Dianne L. Kading, '62, Minneapolis


John F. Rishmiller Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Dr. John F. Rishmiller, Minneapolis

Awarded to qualified children of relatives and associates of Dr. John F. Rishmiller and to other outstanding students in any college of the University

W. Harold Ford, Jr., '61, Hopkins Carla M. Waldemar, '61, Minneapolis

Robins, Davis and Lyons Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Robins, Davis and Lyons of Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Richard L. Young, Charles City, Iowa B.A. '58, State University of Iowa

Craig Hallum Robinson Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: Dr. Cortland 0. Robinson, in memory of his brother, Craig Hallum Robinson

Awarded to men or women students on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, leadership potential, and personal attributes

Norman D. Bican, '65, Clarissa

Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship

Sponsor: The Rockefeller Foundation

Awarded to a student in India to take advanced study abroad

Ved Vrata Sharma, Gwalior, India B. S. '49, Balwant Rajput College M.S. '51, Balwant Rajput College

Maurice L Rothschild Scholarships

Sponsor: Mrs. M. L Rothschild, Chicago, Ill., and associates in memory of Maurice L Rothschild

A warded annually to one student specializing in merchandising and to two or more students in business administration without limitation as to major on the basis of superior scholarship and future promise

Bruce K. Anderson, '62, Minneapolis Eugene F. Blanski, '61, St. Paul Eldred G. Boze, '61, Detroit Lakes Karmon L. Christopherson, '61, Fergus

Falls Jeremy H. Halldorson, '61, Minneapolis Harold E. Halvorsen, '61, Minneapolis Roger D. Isenberg, '62, Atwater

Dewey J. Kulzer, Jr., '61, Minneapolis Patricia A. Lamprecht, '62, Hibbing Paul C. Nystrom, '62, St. Paul Leo A. Rau, '62, Montevideo Theodore F. Ryan, '61, Minneapolis Francis W. Wentz, '62, Houston John H. Werner, '61, St. Paul

St. Cloud Catholic Charities Fellowship

Sponsor: St. Cloud Catholic Charities, St. Cloud

A warded to a graduate social work student preparatory to work in Catholic Charities

Marilyn Gratto, St. Cloud B.A. '50, College of St. Scholastica


St. Paul Campus Faculty Women's Club Scholarship

Sponsor: Faculty \Vomen's Club of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus

Awarded to a student in home economics on the basis of character, scholarship, and achievement

Joan Y. Rt>ineke, '62, Faribault

St. Paul Central High School Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Sadie L. Matson, St. Paul

Awarded to graduates of Central High School, St. Paul, on the basis of scholastic achievement, leadership potential, and future promise

Irwin L. Gubman, '64, St. Paul Sharon L. Vingers, '64, St. Paul

St. Paul East Parks Lions Club Scholarships

Sponsor: St. Paul East Parks Lions Club

Awarded to students from the St. Paul East Parks area on the basis of academic apti­tude and future promise

Judy E. Guetz, '64, St. Paul Robert A. Isaacson, '64, St. Paul

St. Paul Sales Executives Club Scholarship

Sponsor: Sales Executives Club, St. Paul

Awarded on the basis of relative scholastic achievement or special promise and apti­tude in the field of sales or sales promotion

John B. Hyzer, '60, Minneapolis

St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly Scholarships

Sponsor: AFL-CIO St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly

Awarded to suns and daughters of members in good standing of the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly in any field of study, on the basis of academic achievement, personal attributes, vocational promise, and leadership potential

Irwin L. Gubman, '64, St. Paul Janice A. Knutson, '64, St. Paul

Emmett Salisbury Sales Management Fellowship

Sponsor: Minneapolis Sales Executives, Inc.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in business administration

Roderick H. Rude, Duluth B.S. '56, University of Minnesota

Sanford Hall Scholarship

Sponsor: Sanford Hall Government Association, University of Minnesota

Awarded to a resident of Sanford Hall, on the basis of superior scholarship and future promise

Joan E. Wallestad, '63, Amboy


Herbert P. Sawyer Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Mrs. N. I\Iinora Sawyer, Red \Ving, in memory of her husband, Herbert P. Sawyer

Awarded to medical students on the basis of scholastic ability and aptitude in the :\1edical School, character, and citizenship

Neil M. Bealka, '61, Minneapolis Nancy Jo Engesct, '61, Minneapolis

Arthur J. Loerzel, '61, St. Paul Evan L. Nelson, Jr., '61, Minneapolis

William A. Schaper Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: Bequest of Harriet L. Schaper

Awarded to an outstanding Upper Division student majoring in political science on the basis of academic record and vocational promise, with preference given to a student in the junior year

Kathleen J. Munger, '61, Minneapolis

Carl Schlenker Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: The late Jessie P. Schlenker in memory of her husband, Carl Schlenker, former chairman of the University's German Department

Awarded to an outstanding student in the field of German language and literature

Mary S. Anderson, '61, Mahtomedi

Henry Schmitz Student Leadership Scholarships

Sponsors: Stanley J. Buckman, president, Buckman Laboratories, Memphis, Tenn. and alumni of the School of Forestry

A warded to a junior or senior in the School of Forestry on the basis of scholarship and leadership

Gilbert B. Churchill, '61, Austin Richard M. Pederson, '61, St. Paul Ronald D. Lindmark, '61, Leonard

School of Nursing Foundation Scholarships

Sponsors: Various donors, including alumni and friends of the School of Nursing, University of Minnesota

Awarded to students in the School of Nursing on the basis of scholastic achievement and vocational promise

Mary Ann Anderson, '61, Berkeley Heights, N.J.

Donna J. Jarvi, '62, Ely Dianne L. Kading, '62, Minneapolis

Raleigh M. Kane, '61, Minneapolis Karen S. Seeger, '61, South St. Paul Lynn A. Soppeland, '62, Hopkins

Nancy J. Schutz Scholarship

Sponsor: Mrs. John G. Schutz, Minneapolis, in memory of her daughter, Nancy J. Schutz, former student at the University of Minnesota

Awarded to a junior woman student in the College of Education on the basis of potential ability in and enthusiasm for the teaching profession, and academic aptitude; preference given to students in the area of social studies

Dianne M. Eichstadt, '62, Sanborn


Augustus L. Searle Scholarships

Sponsor: Bequest of Augustus L. Searle, pioneer Minneapolis grain man

Awarded to entering freshman women in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, char­acter, and leadership

Dorothy A. Bednar, '64, Pequot Lakes Geraldine L. Bonney, '64, St. Paul Judith A. Brine, '64, Forest Lake Charlotte K. Carlson, '64, Barrett Mary E. Chapman, '64, Minneapolis Janet A. Deutscher, '64, Minneapolis Evelyn J. Edin, '64, Minneapolis Judy L. Erskine, '64, Staples Charleen G. Halvorson, '64, Plato Clify L. Holme, '64, Minneapolis Betty A. Jarvis, '64, Lake Crystal Ila M. Johnson, '64, Minneapolis

Marilyn R. Johnson, '64, St. Paul Carolyn D. Kolar, '64, Mound Pamela A. Leino, '64, Minneapolis Bonnie R. Nystrom, '64, St. Paul Beatrice A. Pishney, '64, Silver Lake Barbara J. Rine, '64, Winnebago Carol J. Schreck, '64, Lake City Rochelle A. Swee, '64, Pine Island Marcella J. Swenson, '64, Mahtowa Judith A. Tobolt, '64, Moorhead Edna R. Wickham, '64, Kelliher Kathleen A. Wollum, '64, Coon Rapids

Sears-Roebuck Foundation Scholarships in Agriculture and Forestry

Sponsor: The Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Minneapolis

Freshman Scholarships

Awarded to farm boys who enroll as beginning freshmen in agriculture or forestry in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics on the basis of promise of success in college and leadership ability

Warren A. Anderson, '64, Proctor Leo R. Antl, '64, Owatonna Lyle P. Bartholome, '64, Goodhue Ronald J. Dufault, '64, Red Lake Falls Donald F. Groth, '64, Houston Allen E. Ideker, '64, Hokah Philip L. Johnson, '64, Roseau Stanley P. Kolstad, '64, Lakeville Albert S. Lorentz, '64, Howard Lake

Jerald R. Luscomb, '64, Fairmont Ronald I. Pick, '64, Minnesota Lake Roger E. Ruehling, '64, Belle Plaine Daniel L. Schafer, '64, Buffalo Lake John B. Swanson, '64, Cokato George H. Tesmer, Jr., '64, Millville Jerome T. Thayer, '64, Bagley Lawrence C. Thimijan, '64, Lake City

Sophomore Scholarship

Awarded to the outstanding student in the group of Sears-Roebuck Foundation fresh­man scholars of the previous year

William A. Krueger, '63, Dunnell

Sears- Roebuck Foundation Home Economics Freshman Scholarships

Sponsor: The Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Minneapolis

Awarded to rural girls entering as beginning freshmen in home economics on the basis. of scholastic aptitude, potentialities for leadership, and expressed interest in home economics, particularly in home economics education or home demon­stration work as a career

Betty J. Bengtson, '64, Spicer Bette L. Runck, '64, Fairfax Marlys C. Knutson, '64, Blooming Prairie


Sears- Roebuck Scholarships

Sponsor: The Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Minneapolis

Awarded to graduates of Minneapolis and St. Paul high schools on the basis of superior scholastic performance, special talents, and future promise

Marjorie I. Achten, '64, St. Paul Carolyn M. Agnew, '62, St. Paul Daniel W. Bickel, '64, St. Paul Robert Bye, '65, St. Paul Gloria J. Davis, '64, Minneapolis Carolyn M. Effenberger, '64, St. Paul Robert I. Flynn, '65, St. Paul David H. Gobeli, '65, New Brighton Joan M. Gorder, '64, Minneapolis Gordon R. Johnson, '65, Minneapolis Gary L. Konkler, '65, Minneapolis Beverly B. Lehman, '64, Minneapolis

Richard K. Lindahl, '64, Minneapolis Bruce M. Mason, '65, Minneapolis Franklyn McCoy, '64, St. Paul Diane K. Moschogianis, '64, Minneapolis Tamara Myroniuk, '64, St. Paul Marie M. Nelson, '64, St. Paul Arlene H. Quickstrom, '64, Minneapolis Colleen M. Smith, '64, Minneapolis John Sharp, '65, Minneapolis Joan B. Timm, '64, St. Paul Nancy J. Usan, '64, Minneapolis Charles E. Woods, '64, Minneapolis

Setter, Leach and Lindstrom Architecture Scholarship

Sponsor: Setter, Leach and Lindstrom, Inc., Minneapolis

Awarded on the basis of ability in architectural design

Ronald J. Spivak, '61, New York, N.Y.

Albert I. and Annie R. Shapiro Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: The Albert I. and Annie R. Shapira Foundation, Inc., Minneapolis

A warded to entering freshmen on the basis of high scholarship and personal attributes

Philip T. Carr, '64, Excelsior Carolyn K. Robbins, '64, Hollandale Darrel L. Nelson, '65, Thief River Falls

Shell Fellowship m Chemistry

Sponsor: Shell Companies Foundation, Inc., New York, N.Y.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Charles D. Johnson, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Shell Fellowship in Geology and Geophysics

Sponsor: Shell Oil Company, Shell Fellowship Committee, New York, N.Y.

A warded annually to an outstanding graduate student in geology or geophysics

Donald W. Kohls, Rosemount B.S. '56, Carleton College M.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Alice Shevlin Fellowship

Sponsor: The late Thomas H. Shevlin, Minnesota lumberman in honor of his wife Alice Shevlin ' '

Awarded to a graduate student in the field of agriculture chemistry, medicine, or science, literature, and the arts '

Grace Po-Yuen Chiu, Minneapolis B.S. '57, East Texas Baptist College


Charles Peter Sigerfoos Fellowship in Zoology

Sponsors: Friends of the late Charles Peter Sigerfoos, former instructor in zoology at the University of ~Hnnesota

Awarded to a graduate student of outstanding ability in zoology

John l\1. Arnold, St. Paul B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Sigma Alpha Iota Alumnae Scholarship

Sponsor: The St. Paul Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, national honorary music society for women

Awarded to the outstanding student member of Sigma Alpha Iota for her excellence in music

Karin A. Swanson, '61, Minneapolis

Sigma Rho Alumni Association (Beta Chapter) Scholarships

Sponsor: Beta Chapter Alumni Association of Sigma Rho, professional mining engi­neering fraternity

Awarded to undergraduate students in the School of Mines and Metallurgy on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

James P. Brill, '63, St. Paul Terrence L. Dignan, '65, Finlayson

Sigma Theta Tau Scholarships

Sponsor: Zeta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, national honorary nursing society

Awarded to students in the basic nursing program on the basis of academic aptitude, professional promise, character, and leadership

Raleigh M. Kane, '61, Minneapolis Lyla l\1. Kinneberg, '62, Spring Grove Darlene A. Maeder, '61, Henderson

Judith A. Oszman, '62, St. Paul Karen S. Seeger, '61, South St. Paul

Sigma Xi Scholarship

Sponsor: Society of the Sigma Xi, Minnesota Chapter

Awarded to an undergraduate student in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, the College of Veterinary Medicine, all departments in the natural or physical sciences in the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts, the College of Pharmacy, or the Institute of Technology on the basis of high aptitude and proficiency in some field of scientific endeavor

Donald D. Dickinson, Jr., '63, Verndale

Silver Anniversary Scholarship

Sponsor: Silver Anniversary Classes of the mortuary science alumni

Awarded to mortuary science students on the basis of scholarship

Wayne F. Bateman, '63, Minneapolis Leo A. McGinley, '61, Minneapolis Robert L. DeMaree, '62, Lake City


Sinclair Fellowship in Organic Chemistry

Sponsor: Sinclair Research Laboratories, Inc., New York, N.Y.

A warded to an outstanding graduate student in organic chemistry

Donald R. Theissen, St. Paul B.Chem. '.58, University of Minnesota

Florence Goodrich Sinclair Scholarships

Sponsor: Mrs. James H. Sinclair, Miami, Fla.

A warded to women students in any field of study on the basis of high scholarship, high personal attributes, academic aptitude, professional promise, and character

Julie A. Gerber, '62, Ortonville Ann M. Gilland, '63, Sleepy Eye 1\Iarian R. Karlstrom, '61, Minneapolis Ingrid B. Kizen, '63, New Richmond

Bernice L. Martin, '63, Minneapolis Lillian I. Tangen, '63, Warren ~Iary L. Thompsen, '61, Minneapolis

Lee H. Slater Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Lee H. Slater, a St. Paul lawyer

A warded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Robert V. Atmore, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota, Duluth

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Inc., New York, N.Y.

A warded to male students who are juniors majoring in a scientific subject, mathe­matics, or business administration on the basis of exceptionally high scholastic achievement, and who have demonstrated administrative ability and community responsibility

James C. Benson, '60, Minneapolis Stanley L. Gordon, '62, Walnut Grove Kenneth A. Hagstrom, '61, Minneapolis Sheldon H. King, '63, Minneapolis Thomas J. Klassen, '62, DeGraff Kenneth A. Kline, '62, Minneapolis

Hichard A. Kretchmer, '63, Tracy Max A. Malmquist, '62, North Branch Thomas F. Olson, '62, Roseau James W. Hamsey, '62, Minneapolis Charles P. Reinert, '62, Tracy

Smith-Douglass Company, Inc., Scholarships

Sponsor: Smith-Douglass Company, Inc., Norfolk, Va.

Awarded to students in agriculture, including entering freshmen, with a major interest in soils, on the basis of academic aptitude, promise of success in the field of soils, research or teaching, personality, and leadership qualities

Charles M. Berigan, '61, Minneapolis Roy 0. Bratlien, '62, Hawley Roy D. Colver, '63, Minneapolis Larry E. Hillesland, '63, Nelson Leland P. Johnson, '64, Dassel \Vayne W. Marzolf, '63, Preston


Alan E. Olness, '63, Kenyon Gary E. Spalding, '62, Waseca Gary A. Steen, '63, Ortonville Clyde G. Swenson, '64, Scandia Leland D. Torgerson, '64, Motley

Dora V. Smith Scholarships in Education

Sponsors: Minnesota teachers and librarians

Awarded annually to students in the College of Education on the basis of academic aptitude and character

Michael A. Halleen, '61, Lake City Sonja E. Ulsaker, '61, Battle Lake

Snyder's Drug Stores, Inc., Scholarships

Sponsor: Snyder's Drug Stores, Inc., St. Paul

Awarded to students who are enrolled for prepharmacy training who have demon­strated satisfactory scholastic ability and intention to prepare for careers in pharmacy

Allen D. Bengtson, '65, Tracy Jerome J. Kotsmith, '65, Shakopee

Social Service Council Scholarships

Sponsor: Social Service Council, University of Minnesota

Awarded to men and women students, native or foreign, in any college of the Uni­versity on the basis of scholastic excellence, leadership potentialities, and future promise

Robert A. Bjork, '61, Minnetonka Beach Dianne M. Campbell, '63, St. Cloud John A. Duerst, '64, Lyle Jacklyn M. Flett, '62, Cloquet David B. Fowler, '61, St. Paul Roger F. Fredeen, '61, Minneapolis Beverly D. Hayden, '61, Minneapolis Patricia A. Holmer, '61, Wayzata Karl F. Jacobs, '61, St. Paul Louise M. Jasken, '63, Arlington Katherine L. Kaliher, '63, Minneapolis Stella A. Katifori, '64, Greece Kathleen M. Keenan, '61, Austin Judith L. Komives, '63, St. Paul Wolfgang S. Kraft, '61, Minneapolis Bernard Kivisto, '63, Deerwood Mary Ann McConnell, '63, St. Paul Park Jehuda H. Menczel, '63, Winona Kirsten J. Munson, '63, Minneapolis

Everett J. Nash, '63, Alden Curtis L. Nelson, '61, St. Paul Mary E. Olson, '64, St. Paul Rosalie A. Osowski, '62, West Concord Fritz A. Purrmann, '63, Hannover,

Germany Kay F. Reinartz, '62, Rose Creek Ruth 0. Rodewald, '63, Minneapolis Beverly J. Seeker, '62, Minneapolis Ruth F. Siegfried, '63, Minneapolis Wesley J. Streed, '62, Duluth Janet E. Tallman, '63, Hopkins Sharon B. Thompson, '62, St. Paul J. Kathleen Ulku, '62, Minneapolis Allan D. Unseth, '62, Albert Lea Frank A. Voelker, '64, Solway Liberty K. Wright, '62, Minneapolis David P. Wyman, '64, Faribault Ruth F. Zink, '61, Minneapolis

Sonstegard Brothers Scholarship

Sponsor: Sonstegard Brothers (Goodwin J., Oleen S., and Donald M. Sonstegard), Paynesville Turkey Industries, Paynesville

Awarded to students majoring in poultry husbandry, preferably entering freshmen, on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Larry J. Klaustermeier, '64, Lester Prairie


Belle Bonsteel Sorensen Music Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Belle Bonsteel Sorensen, alumna of the University of Minnesota

Awarded to students in the Department of Music on the basis of demonstrated talent

Richard A. Bowdin, '62, i\linneapolis Julie Bryan, '64, Anoka Esteban 0. Cepeda, Santiago, Chile

Certificate '58, Conservatory of Chile

Mary Tuven, '62, Mankato Donald Varville, '63, Minneapolis

Special Education Research Fellowships

Sponsors: Gifts from various donors through the Greater University Fund

Awarded to graduate students in education for research in mental retardation

James R. Brough, Minneapolis B.S. '53, University of Minnesota M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Richard E. Fischer, Des Moines, Iowa James L. Gavenda, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

G. Harry Lindahl, St. Paul B.A. '55, University of Minnesota B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Special Education Scholarships

Sponsors: Gifts from various donors through the Greater University Fund

A warded to students preparing to teach exceptional children (mentally retarded, mentally gifted, physically handicapped, etc. ) on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

Merodie A. Anderson, '61, Winnebago James E. Jenuwine, '61, Forest Lake Frederick P. Burke, '61, Lakefield Gail K. Johnson, '61, Duluth Gladys Gustafson, '61, Maple Plain

Standard Oil Company of California Fellowship in Chemical Engineering

Sponsor: Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco, Calif.

A warded to an outstanding graduate student in chemical engineering

Ronald J, Zeman, Berwyn, Ill. B.S.Ch.E. '60, Northwestern University

Standard Oil Company of California Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

Sponsor: Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco, Calif.

Awarded to an undergraduate student in mechanical engineering on the basis of aca­demic aptitude, vocational promise, and leadership potential

Roger A. Paulson, '61, Montevideo

Standard Oil Foundation (Indiana) Fellowship 1n Chemistry

Sponsor: Standard Oil Foundation, Inc., Chicago, Ill.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Donald C. DeLuca, Sharon Springs, N.Y. B.S. '57, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Harriet Stoll Memorial Scholarship Sponsor: Anonymous

Awarded to freshman and sophomore students in the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts, whose major emphasis is in science, math, literature, or the arts, on ~he basis of superior scholastic achievement, leadership potential, and personal attnbutes

Heidrun Becker, '63, Minneapolis

Stringer, Donnelly and Sharood Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Stringer, Donnelly and Sharood of St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Curtis D. Forslund, '62, Red Lake Falls

Sun Oil Company Fellowship m Organic Chemistry

Sponsor: Sun Oil Company, l\1arcus Hook, Pa.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in organic chemistry

Richard H. Mumma, Wilmington, Del. B.S. '57, University of Delaware

Joyce A. Swan Scholarship

Sponsor: Alpha Delta Sigma, professional advertising fraternity, in honor of l\lr. Joyce A. Swan, general manager of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune

Awarded to a student in the School of Journalism or the School of Business Adminis­tration with an advertising major, who is a member of Alpha Delta Sigma

Donald R. Gillies, '61, Hopkins

John Torrence Tate Memorial Scholarships

Sponsors: l\liscellaneous donors through the Greater University Fund in memory of the late John Torrence Tate, former dean of the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts, and professor of physics, University of Minnesota

A warded to students who have completed at least one year of college work and are pursuing or intend to pursue advanced study in astronomy, chemistry, engineer­ing, mathematics, or physics, on the basis of superior scholastic achievement, leadership, character, special promise, and aptitude for work in the sciences

Stanley J. Brodsky, '62, St. Paul Sara L. Torvik, '62, Underwood

Texaco Scholarships

Sponsor: The Texas Company, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to entering freshmen who are United States citizens and residents of Minne­sota and who intend to pursue scientific or engineering careers in the petroleum industry on the basis of academic aptitude, physical fitness, and vocational promise

John A. Briese, '63, Buffalo Lake Robert E. Buntrock, '63, Minneapolis


Ronald F. Christenson, '61, St. Paul Frank Geretz, '61, Minneapolis


I i I

Theta Sigma Phi Scholarship

Sponsor: Twin City Alumnae Chapter, Theta Sigma Phi, professional honorary journalism fraternity

Awarded to a sophomore woman journalism student on the basis of high scholarship and high journalistic aptitude

Sally Jo Bowman, '62, Kailua, Hawaii

Blanche L. Thompson Memorial Fellowship

Sponsor: The Minnesota Association of School Librarians, as a memorial to Blanche L. Thompson, a former Minneapolis school librarian

Awarded to a student working for a c\Iaster's degree in library science with a major emphasis on school librarianship, on the basis of academic aptitude, professional promise, and character

Janet H. Benson, Minneapolis B.S. '45, University of Wisconsin

Faith Thompson Scholarships

Sponsor: The late Faith Thompson, professor of history

Awarded to students in law, pre-law, and music on the basis of outstanding scholar­ship, leadership, and future promise

G. Susan Amunson, '62, Mondovi, Wis. Eugene H. Kraut, '64, Minneapolis James E. Mayer, '62, Minneapolis

Donald R. Melquist, '63, Gibbon R. \Vayne Olmsted, '61, Brainerd Deanna D. Uecker, '62, South Haven

Tozer Foundation Fellowships

Sponsor: Tozer Foundation, Inc., Stillwater

Awarded to graduate students in any field of specialization on the basis of superior academic performance, special talents, and future promise

Frank T. Benson, St. Paul B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Edward V. Caruolo, Cranston, R.I. B.S. '53, University of Rhode Island :\1.S. "55, University of Connecticut

James E. Connolly, St. Paul B.A. '58, University of Minnesota M.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Donald D. Horward, Pittsburgh, Pa. A.B. '55, Waynesburg College M.A. '56, Ohio University

Mary J. Howell, Minneapolis A.B. '54, Radcliffe College M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

John Q. Imholte, St. Paul B.A. '52, Washington and Lee

University l\I.A. '57, University of Minnesota


Perry W. Kirklin, Jr., Ellwood City, Pa. B.S. '57, Westminster College, Pa.

Janet Kispert, Stillwater B.A. '60, Grinnell College

Richard W. Mahlman, Minneapolis B.A. '44, North Central College, Ill. M.A. '58, University of Minnesota

James S. McMillin, l\Jinneota Carol E. Torgerson, Thief River Falls

B.A. '60, Concordia College, Moorhead Alan Z. Trachtenberg, Minneapolis

A.B. '59, Temple University M.A. '56, University of Connecticut

Leonard \Yeller, Minneapolis B.A. '55, City College of New York

Clifton E. Wilson, Minneapolis B.S. '50, University of Utah M.A. '50, University of Utah

Tozer Foundation Scholarships Sponsor: Tozer Foundation, Inc., Stillwater

Awarded to high school graduates from Washington, Kanabec, and Pine Counties by a special scholarship committee of the Tozer Foundation on the basis of scho­lastic aptitude, leadership, and future promise

James A. Bauer, '64, Pine City Arthur H. Miller, '64, Mahtomedi Nancy J. Beeman, '62, Pine City Harvey W. Mohrenweiser, '62, Mora Anita G. Bloom, '63, Scandia Dennis G. Nelson, '62, Pine City Muriel S. Brink, '62, Sturgeon Lake Catherine A. Olsen, '63, Forest Lake John M. Bylund, '65, Mora Judith A. Olson, '61, Sandstone Bruce A. Campbell, '63, Mahtomedi Collette R. Ostrom, '62, Braham John T. Carlson, '64, Mora Peter L. Peterson, '61, Grasston Judith A. Chaon, '62, Mora Leonard R. Price, '64, St. Paul Park Melvin E. Dale, '63, Braham Alexander C. Purves, '63, Newport Patricia J. Delaney, '64, Lake Elmo Lauren D. Roesner, '64, Braham Lester L. DeRaad, Jr., '64, St. Paul Park Janice M. Sahlin, '63, Forest Lake Jerry M. Dornfeld, '65, Bayport Kenneth M. Sando, '62, Ogilvie John F. Ecklund, '63, Askov Richard J. Sauers, '62, Stillwater Nancy J. Edin, '63, Hinckley Philip A. Scherman, '64, Finlayson Patricia A. Flynn, '62, Stillwater David J. Selvig, '61, Mora Jerome D. Franson, '64, Braham Darlene A. Simmons, '63, Forest Lake June F. Hallberg, '62, St. Paul Park John F. Skoglund, '62, Forest Lake Janet R. Hillman, '63, Mora JoAnne M. Snyder, '61, Ogilvie Julianne Holly, '63, Willernie Peter J. Strand, '63, Stillwater Judith A. Jagusch, '62, Mahtomedi Clyde G. Swenson, '64, Scandia Donald I. Jensen, '64, Askov Judith A. Taplin, '61, Willernie Karen L. Kiekow, '63, Mora Joseph R. Trepanier, '62, Forest Lake Joan R. Lundstrom, '62, Mahtomedi Frederick C. Tuma, '63, Pine City Lynn A. Lundstrom, '62, Mahtomedi Jerry W. VanRennes, '64, Ogilvie Charles A. McPherron, '62, Stillwater JoAnn Vosika, '63, Pine City Richard W. Mensing, '64, St. Paul Park Sharone N. Zabrok, '63, St. Paul John G. Meyer, '64, Newport

Trone Company Fellowship

Sponsor: Trane Company, LaCrosse, Wis.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in mechanical engineering on the basis of superior scholarship

Stuart T. McComas, Minneapolis B.S. '56, Marquette University M.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Nellie S. Trufant Memorial Scholarship in Engineering

Sponsor: Bequest of Nellie S. Trufant Awarded to a junior or senior student in the Institute of Technology on the basis

of ability, achievement, leadership potential, and personal attributes

Carolyn M. Trott, '64, Iowa City, Iowa

Twin Cities Chemical and Allied Trades Association, Inc., Scholarship

Sponsor: Twin Cities Chemical and Allied Trades Association, Inc. Awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in chemistry or chemical engineering

who is a resident of Minnesota on the basis of academic aptitude and achieve­ment, vocational promise, and personal attributes, with preference given to a student from the Twin Cities

Jehuda H. Menczel, '65, Winona


\ \

Twin Cities News Photographers Association Scholarship

Sponsor: Twin Cities News Photographers Association

Awarded to a junior, senior, or graduate student in the School of Journalism who has demonstrated interest in photojournalism

Charles E. Bjorgen, '61, Minneapolis

Twin City Association of Purchasing Agents Fellowship in Business Administration

Sponsor: Twin City Association of Purchasing Agents

A warded to an outstanding graduate student in business administration

Dean E. Danielson, Minneapolis B.B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Twin City Carpenters District Council of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Scholarships

Sponsor: Twin City Carpenters District Council of the United Brotherhood of Carpen­ters and Joiners of America

Awarded to students in any college or department of the University who are sons or daughters of members of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America local unions affiliated with the Twin City Carpenters District Council on the basis of academic aptitude, leadership, character, and vocational promise

Evanette M. Callies, '64, Minneapolis Evelyn J. Edin, '64, Minneapolis Juanita F. Hanson, '61, Anoka

Janet C. McDonald, '62, Minneapolis Melvin A. Niska, '64, Montrose Karin A. Swanson, '61, Minneapolis

Twin City Home Economists in Homemaking Scholarship

Sponsor: The Twin City Home Economists in Homemaking

Awarded to a student in home economics on the basis of academic aptitude, voca­tional promise, personal attributes, and leadership

1\[ary J. Powelson, '61, St. Cloud

Twin City Panhellenic Association Scholarships

Sponsor: Twin City Panhellenic Scholarship Association

Awarded to women students in any college of the University on the basis of superior scholarship, leadership, contribution to campus activities, and future promise

Heidrun Becker, '63, Minneapolis Gina H. Kurovsky, '61, Minneapolis Lillian M. Hruska, '63, Buffalo Mary Ann Soulsby, '64, Minneapolis

Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory, Inc., Chemistry Scholarships

Sponsor: Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory, Inc., St. Paul

Awarded to undergraduate students majoring in chemistry at the University of "-'fin­nesota on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, and character

Ronald R. Hamann, '63, Minneapolis John \V. Thoreen, '64, Fosston


Twin City Wholesale Drug Company Scholarships

Sponsor: Twin City Wholesale Drug Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to students who are enrolled for prepharmacy training at the University on the basis of scholastic aptitude and vocational interest

Peter A. Bodin, '65, St. Paul William D. Swanson, '65, Tracy

Virginia Sheffield Tyler Memorial Scholarships

Sponsor: Panhellenic Council, University of 1\linnesota, through funds contributed by various donors

Awarded to women students in any college of the University on the basis of superior scholarship, leadership, contribution to campus activities, and future promise

Joyce ~1. Cremers, '62, ~1inneapolis Gail J. Pierson, '62, Hardwick

Clara H. Ueland Memorial Fellowship

Sponsor: A group of friends in honor of Clara Ueland, one of Minnesota's pioneers in the women's suffrage movement and in the League of Women Voters

Awarded to a recent woman graduate whose interest is in politics and government

Sara Jo Kroll, Minneapolis B.A. '.59, University of Minnesota

Union Carbide Corporation Fellowship in Organic Chemistry

Sponsor: Union Carbide Chemicals Company, a division of Union Carbide Corpora· tion, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in organic chemistry

Charles D. Adams, Ames, Iowa B.A. '58, Grinnell College

Union Carbide Corporation Scholarships in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering

Sponsor: The Linde Company, a division of the Union Carbide Corporation, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to high school graduates and undergraduate students in the Institute of Technology who have the aptitude for and who plan on careers in chemical or mechanical engineering on the basis of academic aptitude, personal qualities, and talents and abilities

Bruce V. Korblick, '65, :Minneapolis Howard J. Wick, '62, Shakopee

Union Carbide Corporation Scholarships in Metallurgical Engineering

Sponsor: Electro Metallurgical Company, a division of Union Carbide Corporation, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to students in metallurgy, metallurgical engineering, or chemical engineering who rank highest in terms of scholastic achievement, potential in engineering. scientific study, and vocational promise

Byron E. Anshus, '62, Minneapolis Ronald K. Ziebol, '63, Waite Park


United Cerebral Palsy Scholarships in Occupational Therapy

Sponsor: United Cerebral Palsy through the American Occupational Therapy Asso­ciation, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to a student in occupational therapy on the basis of academic achievement, professional promise, and personal attributes

Lorraine M. Wolfe, '62, Minneapolis

United Cerebral Palsy Scholarship in Physical Therapy

Sponsor: United Cerebral Palsy through the American Physical Therapy Association, New York, N. Y.

Awarded to a promising senior student in the course in physical therapy

Richard A. Teschner, '61, St. Paul

U. S. Bureau of Mines Fellowship

Sponsor: U. S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to a graduate student in mineral engineering on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Francis X. Delzer, Zeeland, N.D. B.S. '58, University of North Dakota

James C. Gay, Morris B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Donald R. Reichmuth, Lewistown, Mont. B.S. '60, Colorado School of Mines

U. S. Office of Education Fellowships

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education

A warded to graduate students with one year of experience working with mentally retarded children, who wish to prepare for leadership positions in the field of education for mentally retarded children

Stanley C. Knox, St. Paul B.S. '52, University of Minnesota M.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Berniece I. Nash, University City, Mo. B.A. '58, Harris Teachers College,

St. Louis, Mo.

Edith K. Webber, Savage B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

U. S. Office of Education National Defense Fellowship Program in Industrial Organization

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education

Awarded to outstanding graduate students in economics

Daniel R. Cregan, Minneapolis B.A. '59, St. Thomas College

Thomas B. Giddings, Nashville, Tenn. A.B. '60, Oberlin College

Carl F. Marquardsen, New York, N.Y. B.B.A. '60, City College of New York


Roger S. Morcomb, Winona B.A. '60, Hamline University

Mark H. Rodman, Lynn, Mass. B.A. '60, Lawrence College

Richard Rosenberg, Brooklyn, N.Y. B.B.A. '60, City College of New York

U. S. Public Health Service Biostatistical Research Scholarships

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Division of General Medical Sciences

Awarded on the basis of scholastic record and interest in the development of bio­statistical aids for research

Franklin W. Briese, St. Paul B.A. '59, University of ~Iinnesota

Paul L. Canner, St. }0 aul B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Iver A. Iversen, Minneapolis M.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Marcus 0. Kjelsberg, St. Paul M.A. '55, University of Minnesota

Richard E. Pogue, Jr., St. Paul B.A. '52, University of Minnesota

Robert E. Sherman, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Douglas B. Tang, Winnemucca, Nev. B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Bette L. Tilbury, Zumbrota B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Randall R. Tuffs, ~Iound B. A., Dakota Wesleyan University

Vernon E. \Veckwerth, St. Paul M.S. '56, University of Minnesota

Ralph P. Winter, Minneapolis B.A. '49, College of St. Thomas M.Ed. '51, College of St. Thomas

Gregory G. Young, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Duane C. Zimmerman, St. Paul B.A. '57, Emmanuel Missionary

College, Mich. !\LS. '60, University of !\Iinnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Fellowships in Cancer Research

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Cancer Institute

A warded for purposes of cancer research

Roger E. Boldt, Minneapolis B.S. '51, University of Wisconsin M.S. '53, University of Wisconsin Ph.D. '58, University of Wisconsin

Agustin P. Dalmasso, Minneapolis M.D. '58, Universidad Nac. de

Cordoba William A. Foley, Minneapolis

M.D. '56, University of Minnesota John A. Gronvall, Minneapolis

B.A. '53, University of Minnesota B.S. '54, University of Minnesota M.D. '56, University of Minnesota

Erhard V. Haus, Innsbruck, Austria M.D. '51, Innsbruck University,

Austria John H. Kersey, Jr., Minneapolis

B.A. '60, Dartmouth College Juan M. Lopez, Paraguay

Pharmacist '54, University of Asuncion Dr. Biochemistry '57, University of

Asuncion Arland E. Oleson, Claremont

M.S., University of Minnesota Bertram F. Woolfrey, St. Paul

B.A. '50, University of Minnesota M.D. '55, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Fellowships for Doctoral Study in Social Work

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded to selected professional social workers for doctoral study

John A. Crane, St. Paul B.A. '45, University of Manitoba M.S.W. '50, McGill University

Martin Hunsberger, Minneapolis B.A. '52, College of Great Falls M.S.W. '55, University of Minnesota


Milton M. Kaplan, Bridgeport, Conn. B.S. '40, University of New

Hampshire M.S.W. '47, Columbia University

U. S. Public Health Service Fellowships in Epidemiology Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service,

Division of General Medical Sciences

Awarded for postgraduate study in the field of epidemiology

Ernest A. Ager, Minneapolis B.S. '49, University of Minnesota M.B. '51, University of Minnesota M.D. '52, University of Minnesota

Frederick D. Arny, St. Paul B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Allan D. Belden, Red Wing B.S., University of Minnesota

Walter J. Dawson, Jr., Bedford, Ohio B.S. '47, Western Reserve College M.H.A. '50, University of Minnesota M.D. '57, University of Minnesota

John A. Elstrom, Minneapolis B.A. '59, Gustavus Adolphus College

Warren H. Cullen, Minneapolis M.D. '54, University of Minnesota M.P.H. '57, University of Minnesota

Clarence E. Henke, St. Paul B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Herbert T. Hobday, LeCenter B.A., St. John's University

James H. House, Woodlake B.A. '59, South Dakota State College

Clayton A. Johnson, Chisholm Jaakko K. Kihlberg, ~finneapolis

B.A. '50, University of Helsinki M.A. '50, University of Helsinki

Huk Yong Ma, Pusan, Korea M.D. '35, Seoul National University

Otto H. Ravenholt, Luck, Wis. M.D. '59, University of Minnesota

William C. Reed, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Hugh A. Scanlon, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Stanley L. Silbert, St. Paul B.A. '51, University of Kansas M.A. '52, University of Kansas M.P.H. '59, University of Kansas

Donald A. Stenzel, Minnetonka Lake B.A. '57, Mankato State College

Peter H. Ullrich, Red Wing B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Donald D. Woodke, Lakefield B.A. '54, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Fellowships in Psychiatric Social Work Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service,

National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded to selected graduate social work students fM professional study preparatory to service in the mental hygiene fields

Robert Bergherr, Minneapolis B.A. '54, College of St. Thomas

Paul B. Eid, New York, N.Y. B.A. '47, St. Olaf College B.Th. '51, Luther Seminary

Nicholas Even, Excelsior B.B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Merlin Garner, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Nora C. Giesey, Seattle, Wash. B.A. '58, University of British

Columbia Allan J. Kohls, Minneapolis

B.A. '55, Augsburg College l\fargaret A. Lamb, Marquette, Mich.

B.A. '57, University of Michigan

Roberta Larson, St. Paul B.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Sharon McNulty, Minneapolis B.A. '60, College of St. Catherine

Jean Mongeau, Fairmont B.A. '5/3, University of Minnesota

Tai D. Shigaki, Minneapolis B.A. '44, Dennison University M.R.E. '47, Andover-Newton

Seminary Elaine R. Somers, Chicago, Ill.

B.A. '60, Roosevelt University F. Owen Turnlund, Minneapolis

B.A. '56, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Fellowships for Research in Child Development

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \'Velfare, Public Health Serv­ice, National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded to outstanding graduate students in child psychology

Judith Phillips, Phoenix, Ariz. Elizabeth Ring, Minneapolis A.B. '60, Stanford University B.A. '57, University of Minnesota

Rachel E. Keen, Burkesville, Ky. B.A. '59, Berea College M.A. '60, University of Minnesota


U. S. Public Health Service Fellowships in School Social Work

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded to selected graduate social work students for professional study preparatory to service in school social work

Max L. Allen, Anoka B.A. '47, York College B.D. '50, United Seminary

Patricia D. Eldridge, Shafer B.A. '59, Augsburg College

Merle Fossum, Webster B.A. '60, St. Olaf College

John F. Jacobson, Wayzata B.A. '56, St. Olaf College

Huth H. Luhman, Mahnomen B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Howard Rod, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Hichard Samelian, St. Paul B.A. '55, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Division of General Medical Sciences

Awarded for postdoctoral research in the health science fields

Harvey M. Solomon, Baltimore, Md. B.S. '55, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute M.D. '59, University of Maryland

U. S. Public Health Service Post Sophomore Research Fellowship in Dentistry

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Dental Research

Awarded to dental students who wish to drop out of their dental studies for a year or more to pursue a research project

Fred C. Emmings, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Predoctoral Research Fellowship

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded for postgraduate study in the health science fields

Arnold A. Liebman, St. Paul B.S. '56, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Predoctoral Research Fellowships (Department of Bacteriology)

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Awarded to outstanding graduate students for research

Dwight L. Anderson, Minneapolis Robert J. Waller, Minneapolis B.A. '57, University of Minnesota B.S. '57, St. John's University M.S. '59, University of Minnesota M.S. '60, University of Minnesota

James L. Hardy, Fort Benton, Mont. B.A. '54, Montana State University M.A. '56, Montana State University


U. S. Public Health Service Predoctorol Research Fellowships (Division of General Medical Sciences)

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service, Division of General Medical Sciences

A warded for postgraduate study in the health science fields

William A. Brueske, Wayzata James F. Stubbins, St. Paul B.A. '57, University of Minnesota B.S. '53, University of Nevada

Jonathan P. Green, Great Neck, N. Y. M.S. '58, Purdue University B.S. '57, Pennsylvania State University

U. S. Public Health Service Predoctorol Research Fellowship (Notional Heart Institute)

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service, National Heart Institute

Awarded for postgraduate study in the health science fields

Frederick G. Duerr, Stillwater B.A. '56, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Predoctorol Research Fellowship (Notional Institute for Neurological Diseases and Blindness)

Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Blindness

A warded to students in the health science fields

Robert A. Schinske, Long Prairie B.S. '48, Hamline University M.A. '59, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Scholarships in Dentistry

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Dental Research

Awarded to students in dentistry for summer research and for completion of required manuscript

Dan G. Middaugh, '61. l\linneapolis Michael J. Moga, '61, St. Paul Murray R. Robinovitch, '61, Brandon,


F1·eeman \V. Rosenblum, '61, St. Paul Roy S. Schwartz, '61, Sleepy Eye John A. Takala, '61, St. Paul Jerome L. \Velna, '61, Holdingford

U. S. Public Health Service Teacher-Training-Research Fellowships in Dentistry

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Dental Research

Awarded to graduate students for study with a major in a basic science area and a minor in an area of dentistry

Robert J. Isaacson, Minneapolis D.D.S. '56, University of Minnesota

Arthur R. Johnson, St. Paul D.D.S. '56, University of Minnesota

Robert W. Mundt, Onamia D.D.S. '60, University of Minnesota


William R. Sabes, Minneapolis D.D.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Richard E. Stallard, Minneapolis D.D.S. '58, M.S.D. '59, University

of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeship in Allergy, Infectious Diseases, and Microbiology

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Awarded to a student doing advanced work in microbiology

Donald C. Creevy, Minneapolis B.A., University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Anatomical Sciences

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service, Division of General Medical Sciences

Awarded to graduate students with outstanding scholarship

G. Eric Bauer, Cambria Heights, N.Y. B.S. '57, Queens College M.S. '59, Western Reserve University

Chester A. Glomski, Detroit, Mich. B.S. '51, Detroit Institute of

Technology M.S. '53, Wayne University

Charles H. Good, Minneapolis B.S. '48, University of Minnesota

Gordon H. Herbst, Mankato B.A. '56, University of Minnesota B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

John H. Honour, Newark, Del. B.A. '59, University of Delaware M.A. '61, University of Delaware

Karen K. Horibe, Hanapepe, Kauai, Hawaii

B.S. '59, Northeast 1\lissouri State Teachers College

David R. Kvistberg, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

James R. Morehead, Owatonna B.A. '55, Grinnell College M.A. '57, Williams College

Carl R .. Morgan, Minneapolis B.A. '50, Wartburg College M.A. '52, University of Nebraska

Leonard R. Murrell, Hamilton, Ontario B.S. '57, McMaster University M.S. '58, McMaster University

Lois M. Neukirch, Euclid, Ohio B.A. '53, Hunter College M.Ed. '55, Kent State University

Joseph L. Rigatuso, Omaha, Neb. B.A. '59, Omaha University

Frank Saccoman, Nashwauk B.S. '58, Bemidji State College

Michael R. Schweisthal, Lakeville B.A. '58, Luther College, Iowa

Raymond U. Seale, Roswell, N.M. B.S. '56, Eastern New Mexico

University A.M. '58, Washington University

Erla A. Steuerwald, Minneapolis B.A. '46, University of Wisconsin M.A. '49, University of Wisconsin

Harold H. Traurig, Jr., New Ulm B.S. '58, Mankato State College

David L. Wright, Byron B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Clinical Psychology

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded to graduate students in psychology on the basis of scholarship and accept­ance into the clinical psychology training program

Jean L. Bradford, Minneapolis Richard R. Friberg, Roseville B.A. '56, University of Minnesota B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Mildred Byrum, Minneapolis Elsa S. Greenberg, Minneapolis B.A. '55, University of Minnesota B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Maurice 0. Elvekrog, Minneapolis Seymour Gross, Brooklyn, N.Y. B.A. '56, College of St. Thomas B.A. '57, Brooklyn College

Mary L. Farnham, Minneapolis David A. Heiberg, Minneapolis B.A. '58. University of Minnesota B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Joanne 1\L.Floyd, Minneapolis James C. Kincannon, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of !\Iichigan B.S. '55, Washington and Lee



Rodney G. Loper, Minneapolis B.A. '52, University of Minnesota

John W. Mohrbacher, Minneapolis B.A., College of St. Thomas ~1.A., St. Louis University Ph.D., Loyola University

R. Owen Nelsen, Hastings B.A. '60, Gustavus Adolphus College

Lois A. Nichols, Lake Elmo B.A. '60, University of Maine

Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Richard J. Rose, Minneapolis B.A. '57, University of Minnesota

George M. Shears, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Infectious Diseases

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Awarded to students doing advanced work in virology

Hobert W. Dickerman, Minneapolis B.S. '51, Cornell University ;\1.S. '54, University of Arizona

Teiji Miura, Minneapolis M.D., University of Tokyo

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Mental Health

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded for postgraduate mental health training in the School of Public Health

Helen M. Campbell, Hed Hook, N.Y. Betty F. Sorensen, Minneapolis B.S. '55, Syracuse University B.S. '52, University of Minnesota

Cora R. Shelstad, Finley, N.D. B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Neurology

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness

Awarded to graduate students in neurology on the basis of interest and satisfactory Medical School performance

Gerald H. Onstad, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Lawrence J. Schut, Minneapolis A.B. '58, Hope College

Herbert S. Thompson, r..Hnneapolis B.A. '53, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Nursing Administration and Education

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health

Awarded to registered nurse students enrolled in pre-baccalaureate and post-bacca­laureate programs in nursing education and nursing administration on the basis of ability and promise

Virginia L. Anderson, St. Paul B.S. '50, University of Minnesota

Bessie M. Ball, Hibbing R.N. '32, St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Paul

l\Iary C. Bock, Minneapolis B.S. '56, College of St. Theresa

Gladys M. Borman, Minneapolis B.S. '50, University of Minnesota

Lorraine D. Botts, Minneapolis B.S. '51, University of Minnesota

Alyce E. Bowes, DeSmet, S.D. B.S. '51, University of Seattle


Isabelle V. Brockbank, Ladysmith, Wis. R.N. '41, Ancker Hospital, St. Paul

Lois L. Dougherty, Wisconsin Dells, vVis. R.N. '53, Minneapolis General Hospital

Ellen C. Egan, Minneapolis B.S. '57, University of North Dakota

Lois L. Fielding, Minneapolis B.S. '56, University of Minnesota

Mildred I. Freel, Des Moines, Iowa R.N. '54, Iowa Methodist Hospital,

Des Moines Geraldine R. Glasenapp, Milwaukee, Wis.

B.S. '53, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Ill.

Gwendolyn R. Good, Faribault B.S. '60, University of Minnesota

Jane M. Griffin, Shelton, Conn. B.S. '52, University of Connecticut

Lois M. Hanson, Chaska R.N. '59, Swedish Hospital,

Minneapolis Lorraine A. Hanson, Sioux Falls, S.D.

B.S. '48, University of Omaha Phyllis E. Hinck, Minneapolis

R.N. '56, Abbott Hospital, Minneapolis Ida N. Johnson, Webster City, Iowa

R.N. '46, Jennie Edmundson Memorial Hospital, Council Bluffs, Iowa

Robert J. Johnson, Sleepy Eye R.N. '60, Minneapolis General Hospital

Mary M. Lamb, St. Paul B.S. '55, University of North Dakota

Betty Lou Lia, Minneapolis R.N. '56, Minneapolis General Hospital

Ardell H. Loomer, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of l\1innesota

Gisela E. Lueck, Sioux Falls, S.D. H.N. '58, Milwaukee Hospital

Joan F. Lund, Minneapolis B.S. '54, College of St. Catherine

Kathleen M. Malcolm, Minneapolis B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Margaret A. Mondloch, St. Paul H.N. '42, St. Cloud Hospital

Barbara J. Morey, Greene, Iowa R.N. '59, Methodist-Kahler Hospital,

Hoc hester Helen E. Mracek, Lonsdale

R.N. '57, College of St. Catherine Dorothy E. Mrkonich, Echo

B.S. '60, St. Olaf College

Anita R. Namock, Minneapolis B.S. '59, Hamline University

Dorothy A. Naugle, Minneapolis B.S. '53, University of Minnesota

Genevieve M. Nieman, Minneapolis B.S. '52, Marquette University

Alice J. Olson, Minneapolis B.S. '56, University of Minnesota

Jeanne E. Ott, Minneapolis R.N. '47, Swedish Hospital,

Minneapolis Marcella M. Hamey, Minneapolis

H.N. '48, Lynn General Hospital, Lynn, Mass.

Ann L. Hichter, Minneapolis B.S. '49, University of Minnesota

Harriett M. Bossi, Morris, Ill. B.S. '53, University of Minnesota

LaVonne K. Russell, Grand Forks, N.D. B.S. '54, University of North Dakota

Yvonne K. Ryberg, Mitchell, S.D. R.N. '59, Abbott Hospital,

Minneapolis Marie E. Schuber, Chicago, Ill.

H.N. '53, St. Elizabeth Hospital, Chicago, Ill.

Maureen Sherwin, Chicago, Ill. B.S. '58, College of St. Teresa

Savallah M. Shields, Minneapolis B.S. '35, University of Minnesota

Patricia B. Soderberg, St. Louis Park B.S. '57, Hamline University

Marcella Steinkrauss, Milwaukee, Wis. B.S. '54, Marquette University

Louise Teisberg, Ashby B.A. '49, Macalester College

Clovis K. Todd, Memphis, Tenn. R.N. '44, Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta,

Ga. Huth K. Van Luven, South St. Paul

H.N. '58, Swedish-American Hospital, Hockford, Ill.

Patricia A. Wahlgren, Lindstrom R.N. '55, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit,

Mich. Josephine B. Westerdahl, Duluth

B.S. '42, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth

Gladys M. Whitley, Palmer, Neb. B.S. '59, University of Nebraska

U.S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Personality Research

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded to outstanding graduate students who show exceptional promise in research

Richard B. Darlington, Woodstown, N.J. Larry E. Roberts, Mound B.A. '59, Swarthmore College B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

Orville F. Peterson, St. Paul Harvey D. Winston, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota B.A. '58, University of Minnesota


U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Physiology Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service,

National Heart Institute Awarded to students doing advanced work in the field of physiology

Quentin N. Anderson, North Branch John V. Milligan, Alberta, Canada B.S., University of Minnesota B.Sc. '58, University of Alberta B.A., University of Minnesota ~1.Sc. '60, University of Alberta

George W. Bonewell, Kankakee, Ill. David L. Nelson, Grove City B.S. '58, University of Minnesota B.A. '59, St. Olaf College

Paul J. Buttweiler, St. Paul Anton S. Nesse, '63, Jordan B.S. '58, St. Cloud State College Edwin I. Nordheim, Bemidji

Richard E. Erickson, Duluth B.S. '41, Bemidji State College B.A., University of Minnesota, Duluth M.S. '42, University of Illinois

Joseph D. Fenstermacher, Worthington Moon J. Pak, Seoul, Korea B.A. '56, Augustana College B.M.S., Yonsei University M.S. '59, Michigan State University M.D., Yonsei University

John E. Haaland, Minneapolis Lei£ Solberg, '63, Minneapolis B.A. '57, University of Minnesota David A. Swanson, Cambridge

Robert W. Hamilton, Coon Rapids B.A. '60, University of Minnesota B.A. '51, University of Texas Kathryn H. Thomas, Cody, Wyo. M.S. '58, Agricultural and Mechanical B.A. '59, Montana State University

College of Texas John L. Walker, Durham, N.C. Fred E. Kickertz, Glenwood B.S. '56, University of Wisconsin

B.A., Moorhead State College M.A. '58, Duke University H. David Knudsen, '63, Minneapolis George W. Wermers, Lawrence, Mass. Richard G. Lester, Minneapolis B.A. '53, Merrimack College

B.S. '42, Illinois Wesleyan University M.S. '54, Boston College Robert N. Lindholm, '63, Minneapolis John W. Wheeler, '63, Minneapolis John B. McMullen, '63, St. Paul

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Professional Public Health Nurse Training

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health

Awarded for postgraduate training in public health nursing for supervisory, adminis-trative, and teaching positions

Mary L. Bakeman, Maple Plain B.S. '57, Mount St. Mary's College

Mary L. Belair, St. Paul B:S. '47, University of Minnesota

Eleanor Brunetto, Thornwood, N.Y. M.A. '58, Columbia University

Teachers College Florence Cavagnero, Torrington, Conn.

B.S. '49, Simmons College, Boston, Mass.

Frances A. Decker, Manominee, Mich. B.S.N. '56, University of California at

Los Angeles

Ethel L. Kallins, Baltimore, Md. B.S. '52, Johns Hopkins University

Barbara L. Paustian, Bettendorf, Iowa B.S.N. '54, State University of Iowa

Grace E. Plude, Des Moines, Iowa B.S. '49, University of Minnesota

Rosella M. Skalicky, Mahnomen B.S. '52, University of Minnesota

~tarian A. Van Fossen, Iowa City, Iowa B.S.N. '51, Vanderbilt University

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Psychiatry Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service,

National Institute of Mental Health

Awarded to students on the basis of their expressed interest in psychiatry and on their satisfactory performance in the Medical School

Clifford A. Carlson, St. Paul Rodney C. Johnson, Minneapolis B.A., University of Minnesota B.A. '55, Universitv of Minnesota

George G. Haberman, St. Paul Evan L. Nelson, Jr., Minneapolis B.S. '.57, Hamline University B.A. '.52, Dartmouth College


U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Public Health

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service, Bureau of State Services

Awarded for postgraduate public health training

Joan W. Arnold, Minneapolis John A. Massey, Winnetka, Ill. B.S.N. '53, University of Minnesota B.A. '60, Carleton College B.S.N.Ed. '56, University of Minnesota Thomas C. Mcindoe, Racine, Wis.

Harry C. Bostick, Quincey, Ill. B.S., Wisconsin State College, Eau B.S. '55, \Vestern Illinois University Claire M.S. '56, Western Illinois University Raymond A. Mill, Pierre, S.D.

Dudley J. Conner, Leitchfield, Ky. B.A. '57, University of Iowa B.A. '58, Berea College, Ky. Jean E. }.1orehead, Minneapolis

James D. DeField, Denver, Colo. B.A. '55, Grinnell College B.S. '60, University of Denver Virgil l\1. Muller, Aplington, Iowa

Stanley S. Gittelman, Brooklyn, N.Y. B.S. '59, Iowa State University B.S.A. '60, University of Georgia Beverly J. Stump, Warren, Ohio

Philip C. Hoyer, Minneapolis B.A. '53, Hiram College B.A. '51, University of ~linnesota M.D. '59, University of Maryland

Bernard F. Ludes, Minneapolis Ralph Van Buskirk, Omaha, Neb. B.S. '55, Rensselaer Poiytechnic B.S. '61, Central Missouri State

Institute College ~LD. '59, Columbia University

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships in Public Health Nursing

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service, Bureau of State Services

Awarded to graduate nurses for training in public health nursing

Jean F. Alberta!, Minneapolis Marilyn R. Hanson, Ogema B.A., University of Minnesota R.N., Northwestern Hospital,

Sandra D. Arnold, Kansas City, Kan. Minneapolis B.S. '57, University of Kansas Marie E. Heim, Forest Lake R.N. '59, University of Kansas R.N. '57, St. Gabriel's School of

Catherine A. Bartscher, St. Paul Nursing, Little Falls R.N. '54, Ancker Hospital, St. Paul Avis M. Hernwall, Eagle Bend

Mary E. Campion, Lake City R.N. '52, St. Barnabas Hospital, B.S.N. '60, College of St. Teresa Minneapolis

Datie M. Caruthers, Nashville, Tenn. Ruth E. Huether, St. Paul B.S., Meharry Medical College, R.N. '59, Hamline University

Nashville, Tenn. Leslie M. Hutchins, Proctor Lorraine Chapman, Minneapolis B.S. '60, Hamline University

R.N. '48, St. Elizabeth School of Margaret M. Jasa, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Nursing, Chicago, Ill. R.N., Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa

Norma Cox, Speedway City, Ind. Edna E. Johnson, St. Paul B.S. '59, Indiana University R.N. '58, Hamline University

Nora M. Cray, Pawnee, Ill. Sarah L. Johnson, Austin R.N. '45, St. John's School of Nursing B.S. '58, St. Olaf College

Education, Springfield, Ill. Gertrude R. Kaese, St. Paul Geraldine Dernek, Winona B.S. '60, Hamline University

B.S. '60, College of St. Teresa Ruth Ann Krutz, Crookston Dorothy E. Downey, Wichita, Kan. R.N. '52, Kahler Hospital

R.N. '50, St. Joseph School of Anna M. Lanz, St. Paul Nursing, Wichita, Kan. R.N. '50, College of St. Catherine

Marilyn A. Draxton, Hopkins Ruth G. Law, Milbank, S.D. R.N. '59, Northwestern Hospital, B.S. '60, Hamline University

Minneapolis LaVerne E. Lee, Grand Forks, N.D. Mary G. Elmore, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of North Dakota

B.S. '56, University of Michigan


Doris A. Lorentson, St. Paul R.N. '53, Fairview Hospital,

Minneapolis Carmine :l\1. Marks, Mankato

R.N. '58, St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester Mary E. McElroy, Minneapolis

B.S. '60, Hamline University Mary 1\IcGuire, St. Cloud

B.S. '.'59, College of St. Catherine Elizabeth J. Norman, Spokane, Wash.

B.S. '57, Whitworth College, Spokane, Wash.

Judith A. Ohs, Minneapolis R.N., West Suburban Hospital,

Oak Park, Ill. Janice C. Opsal, Alexandria

R.N. '53, Swedish Hospital, Minneapolis

Sally Ann Pape, Milltown, Wis. B.S. '60, St. Olaf College

Janice M. Peterson, Minneapolis R.N. '58, College of St. Scholastica,

Duluth Carol E. Pues, St. Paul

R.N. '57, Mills College A.A., Bethel College

Nelda M. Rhodes, LaJunta, Colo. B.A. '60, Goshen College, Ind.

Barbara Ann Schroeder, Jordan R.N. '58, Lutheran Deaconess

Hospital, Minneapolis

Barbara Ann Shinners, Green Bay, Wis. R.N., St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester

Lucille E. Sime, Wayzata R.N. '51, Northwestern Hospital,

Minneapolis Mary L. Skinner, Fairview, Kan.

B.S. '57, Kansas State University R.N. '59, University of Kansas

Karen H. Swanson, Minneapolis R.N. '53, Swedish Hospital,

1\linneapolis Lilly A. Swanson, Mcintosh

R.N. '55, Swedish Hospital, Minneapolis

Donna M. Swor, Duluth R.N. '53, St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth

Ruth Van Kampen, Benton Harbor, Mich. B.S. '60, Northwestern University

Amy E. Verrall, St. Paul R.N. '49, St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth

Doris M. Welin, Alvarado R.N. '58, Hamline University

Shirley R. Wilson, Denison, Iowa B.S. '49, State University of Iowa

Litta E. Winkler, Metamora, Ill. R.N. '58, St. Francis School of

Nursing, Peoria, Ill. Judith J. Yates, Minneapolis

B.S. '58, St. Olaf College

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships for Research in Diabetes

Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases

Awarded to deserving medical students for research in diabetes

Terrence D. Capistrant, '63, St. Paul James L. Gorder, '63, Minneapolis Charles E. Crutchfield, '63, Minneapolis Brian M. Krasnow, '63, St. Paul Paul B. Dickinson, '63, Granite Falls John H. Sargent, '63, Minneapolis Edward A. Ellis, '63, Minneapolis B. Todd Troost, '63, Mankato Larry J. Gallagher, '63, Wadena

U. S. Public Health Service Traineeships-School Psychology Training

.Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health

A warded to doctoral students preparing for careers in school psychology selected by a committee from Educational Psychology, Psychology, and Child Develop­ment on the basis of aptitude, interest, and scholarship

Elizabeth R. Gallistel, Wayzata James E. Henning, St. Cloud B.A. '37, University of Wisconsin B.A. '.57, St. Cloud State College

Marian D. Hall, Minneapolis Margaret C. Mikkelson, St. Paul B.A. '37, Calvin College B.S., College of St. Scholastica, Duluth M.A. '38, University of 1\lichigan James Scheibe, Hastings

B.A. '59, University of Minnesota


U. S. Public Health Service Training Grants in Biochemistry

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and \Velfare, Public Health Service National Institutes of Health '

A warded to outstanding graduate students in biochemistry

Samuel I. Berman, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of ~1innesota

Charles H. Blomquist, Rockford, Ill. B.S. '55, University of Minnesota

Helen B. Cost, Akron, Ohio B.A. '57, Lake Erie College for \Vomen

Leland K. Dahle, Minneapolis B.A. '50, St. Olaf College M.S. '52, Purdue University

Holly K. Hayes, St. Paul B.S. '52, Hamline University M.S. '53, University of Wisconsin

Richard W. J oos, Cologne B.S. '58, College of St. Thomas

James L. Kennedy, Jr., Swisshome, Ore. B.S. '59, University of Oregon

Tracy C. Linn, Norman, Okla. B.S. '59, University of Oklahoma

Barbara R. ~1erritt, Chadron, Neb. B.S. '55, University of Nebraska

"1ary L. Mobberley, St. Paul B.A., Macalester College

Sister John B. Murrill, St. Louis, Mo. B.S. '60, Fontbonne College, Mo.

Lyle F. Norton, Minneapolis B.A. '56, Cornell University

William J. Peterson, Minneapolis B.A. '.55, University of Minnesota

Joseph J. Rahm, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Eleanor M. Saffran, Minneapolis B.S. '59, City College of New York

U. S. Public Health Service Training Grant in Biology

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health

Awarded to outstanding biology students for the purpose of studying and carrying on research at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.

Sandra Joy Green, Coleraine B.A. '.59, University of Minnesota

U. S. Public Health Service Training Grant in Human Genetics

Sponsor: U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service

Awarded to outstanding pre- and post-doctoral students in human genetics

Esther E. Nordlie, Little Falls ~Ieredith Safely, Cedar Rapids, Iowa B.A. '58, University of Minnesota B.A. '58, Coe College

U. S. Rubber Company Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: U. S. Rubber Company Foundation, New York, N. Y.

Awarded to undergraduate students who are planning careers in industry and who have completed at least two years of college, on the basis of academic aptitude, professional promise, and leadership potential

George N. Gamota, '62, South St. Paul John 0. Knudso~, '61, Redwood Falls Lelan R. Jamison, Jr., '63, Hopkins Donald F. Park, B2, Ruthton Roger I. Johnson, '62, St. Louis Park Richard P. Sunderman, '62, Long Prairie

U. S. Rubber Company Fellowship in Chemistry

Sponsor: U.S. Rubber Company, New York, N.Y.

A warded to an outstanding graduate student in chemistry

Robert W. Campbell, Rochester B.S. '57, Dartmouth College


U. S. Steel Foundation Fellowship m Mining

Sponsor: U.S. Steel Foundation, Inc., New York, N.Y.

Awarded to a graduate student in mineral engineering, metallurgical engineering, metallurgy, or geology on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Paul F. Gnirk, Burke, S.D. B.S. '59, South Dakota School of !\lines and Technology

Universal Oil Products Company Scholarships

Sponsor: Universal Oil Products Company, Des Plaines, Ill.

Awarded to outstanding seniors in chemical engineering

Timothy B. Jensen, '61, Minneapolis JohnS. Nordin, '62, Minneapolis

University Artists Course Music Scholarships

Sponsor: Department of Concerts and Lectures, University of Minnesota

Awarded annually to undergraduates, preferably entering freshmen, who are gradu­ates of Minnesota high schools and who possess special talents and high aptitude for advanced study in music

Lowell E. Lindgren, '64, Willmar Judith M. Peterson, '63, Anoka

Karin A. Swanson, '61, Minneapolis

University Bookstores Scholarships

Sponsor: University Bookstores, University of Minnesota

Awarded to men and women students in any college of the University on the basis of scholastic achievement, leadership, special talents, and future promise

Eugene L. Anderson, '62, Rush City Roger E. Anderson, '61, St. Paul John A. Appelget, '62, Shakopee Neil I. Arnold, '62, St. Paul l\lyrna J. Back, '63, Pine Island Sally L. Bakke, '62, Bemidji Feral L. Bangstad, '62, Buffalo Jeffry P. Barnes, '63, Bedford Carol J. Bergman, '63, Hutchinson Mervyn 0. Bergman, '61, Cook Gary L. Boster, '61, Mora Marlys A. Breberg, '63, Dawson Beverly B. Brown, '63, Odessa Kathleen G. Canner, '63, Minneapolis Harold L. Cannon, '61, Eveleth Constance C. Cave, '61, Minneapolis C. Winston Chrislock, '62, Minneapolis Nick G. Costantine, '64, St. Paul Marilee Cottington, '62, Crystal Lake Dianne M. Crandall, '64, Monticello l\lary J. Crandall, '63, Pipestone Gwen Crommett, '63, St. Paul Susan M. Daniels, '64, Chaska Joan Davies, '61. Minneapolis Susan E. Davis, '63, Anoka Barbara C. D'Estrada, '64, Minneapolis

Virginia Drewicke, '64, Graceville Barbara J. Galazen, '62, Minneapolis James Good, '62, Faribault Gary Granzberg, '62, St. Paul Richard C. Griffith, '63, Warsaw Joseph J. Gutenkauf, '63, West St. Paul Susan Hanson, '61, Minneapolis Carolyn J. Hathaway, '62, Minneapolis John Hatton, '61, Minneapolis Karen Reaser, '64, Minneiska William S. Hoglund, '65, Great Falls,

l\1ont. Carol M. Holmes, '63, Fergus Falls Mary A. Holstein, '63, Tracy Patricia A. Horan, '61, Motley Donald Huisingh, '62, St. Paul Barbara Hultman, '63, Minneapolis Bruce E. Hutchins, '62, Minneapolis Daniel H. Janzen, '61, Minneapolis Mary A. Johnson, '61, Alexandria i\Hchael E. Kampen, '61, Watertown,

S.D. Elaine Katz, '63, :\Hnneapolis Gary W. Kielley, '62, Minneapolis i\1ary H. Kinsell, '63, Minneapolis Phyllis J. Klima, '63, Silver Lake


David G. Klomp, '63, St. Paul Randy Klopfleisch, '63, Hastings Dennis Kluver, '61, St. Paul James P. Knudson, '63, Redwood Falls Judith M. Koll, '61, Winona Karen K. Korpi, '64, Hopkins Carolyn M. Kruschke, '61, St. Paul Everett L. LaBuda, '62, St. Paul Mary l\1. Lindemann, '63, St. Louis Park Patricia M. Lines, '61, Minneapolis John L. Magnussen, '64, Plainview Karen M. Maher, '63, Beardsley Patrick Maher, '61, Danvers Michael E. Mayeron, '63, Detroit Lakes Carol A. McColm, '61, Farmington, N.M. Anne M. Melcher, '61, Germany Geraldine M. Moquin, '62, St. Paul Edith Morean, '61, Minneapolis Jack Moskowitz, '62, Minneapolis Barbara L. Nelson, '61, Minneapolis Margaret V. Nelson, '61, Elbow Lake Sharon D. Nelson, '62, Cambridge James L. Newman, '61, Minneapolis Dorothy Odegard, '63, Montevideo Guy E. O'Grady, '61, Minneapolis Stephen Olsen, '62, Minneapolis Nadine Olson, '61, Madison William Olson, '62, Eveleth David P. Olstad, '61, Hanska Darcy Oman, '64, St. Louis Park Dallas Ouren, '61, Sedan Aaron E. Parkhurst, '64, Albert Lea Mary A. Peach, '61, Milaca Elizabeth A. Perrizo, '63, Benson Gail Pierson, '62, Hardwick Doris H. Priebe, '62, Marshall Thelma Purcelli, '63, New Castle, \V'yo. Carolyn Ramaker, '62, Chester Sherry R. Randle, '64, Owatonna

~Iargaret Reid, '61, Mound Sandra Reitz, '63, St. Paul Jack S. Resnick, '63, St. Paul Sandra Reuben, '63, St. Louis Park Beverly J. Ring, '64, Medford Linda K. Rogers, '63, Tracy Kenneth A. Rood, '63, Minneapolis Kathleen A. Rosenthal, '63, Janesville Roger Ryan, '61, Minneapolis David P. Sanger, '61, St. Paul Thomas M. Scanlan, '61, Sleepy Eye Cedric Schoot, '63, New Prague Richard H. Schultz, '61, St. Paul Judith N. Scott, '61, Minneapolis Michael Shapira, '61, Minneapolis Theodore Sideras, '63, Wayzata Paul A. Sitz, '64, Park Rapids James Spartz, '62, Adrian Sharon Squibb, '62, Redwood Falls Gilbert Stallknecht, '62, Waverly Ervin Staub, '62, Minneapolis Charles A. Stoerzinger, '64, South

St. Paul Barbara Thompsen, '63, Minneapolis Sharon B. Thompson, '62, St. Paul Edward A. Timsans, '61, Hopkins Ruth A. Traver, '61, Easton Arnold Turchick, '62, Minneapolis Vivian VanValkenburg, '62, Long

Prairie Gwen M. Varner, '63, Robbinsdale Judith M. Vogel, '64, Slayton Noel Vreeland, '63, Bergenfield, N.J. Jon E. Wallestad, '63, Amboy Lloyd A. Wallin, '63, St. Paul Patricia L. Wapola, '63, New York Mills Susan M. Ward, '63, Cambridge Ethan Windahl, '62, Minneapolis l\Hchael Yablonski, '63, Minneapolis

University of Minnesota International Exchange Scholarships

Sponsors: Minnesota Student Association, Social Service Council, and various contribu­tions from individuals, organizations, and foundations

Awarded to qualified undergraduate or graduate foreign students who will attend the University of Minnesota under terms of a student exchange program on the basis of scholastic achievement, vocational promise, and personal attributes

\Volfgang Erdman, Hannover, Germany Kota Kamath, Secunderabad, India Paul J. Firmino, Northern Rhodesia Bachelors '58, Osmania University

B.A. '59, University College of Masters '60, Osmania University Pius XII, Africa Ram L. Lakhina, New Delhi, India

B.A. '59, University of Delhi

University of Minnesota Women's Club of Detroit Scholarship

Sponsor: University of Minnesota Women's Club of Detroit, Detroit, Mich.

Awarded to a woman student in any college of the University on the basis of superior scholarship, social talent, and future promise

Sarah J. Rundgren, '62, Minneapolis


University Theater Scholarships

Sponsor: University Theater, University of Minnesota

Awarded to students planning to major or already majoring in theater on the basis of theatrical ability, academic aptitude, personality and character, and vocational promise

Charles F. Anderson, '64, Minneapolis Jane A. Dahle, '64, Olivia

Melanie J. Hoffman, '64, St. Paul Mary C. Luger, '64, Minneapolis

William Reynolds Vance Scholarships

Sponsor: Charles M. Dale, '17, to perpetuate the name and honor the memory of the late Dean WillL1m Reynolds Vance

Awarded to law students of high ability and character

Larry D. Downing, Minneapolis John J. l\lcGirl, Jr., Duluth B.S., Iowa State College B.A. '59, Iowa State Teachers College

Howard A. Patrick, '61, Minneapolis

Marion L. Vannier Scholarships

Sponsor: School of Nursing College Board, and Powell Hall Governing Association, in honor of Marion L. Vannier, a former director of the School of Nursing

Awarded to students in a nursing curriculum on the basis of scholastic achievement, personal attributes, and professional promise

Elaine M. Ruesch, '61, Medford, Wis.

Vennum, Newhall, Ackman and Goetz Law Scholarship

Sponsor: Law firm of Vennum, Newhall, Ackman and Goetz of Minneapolis

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

William P. Dinan, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota, Duluth

Veterans Administration Work-Study Stipends in Social Work

Sponsor: Veterans Administration, \Vashington, D.C.

Awarded to selected graduate students in social work who are preparing for work in either medical or psychiatric social work

William S. Henderson, St. Paul William McRae, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota B.A. '50, Gustavus Adolphus College

Louise McAnulty, Circle Pines Louise Miller, Minneapolis B.A. '55, Macalester College B.A. '46, University of Minnesota

M.A. '50, University of Minnesota

Villaume Box and Lumb~r Company Scholarship in Wood Working Sponsor: Villaume Box and Lumber Company, St. Paul

Awarded to a student of merit registered in the Building Products Merchandising­Construction and Forest Products Engineering curricula of the School of Forestry

Thomas A. Weber, '61, Minneapolis


Seppo J. Viikinsalo-Lincoln Foundation Scholarships

Sponsor: James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Awarded on the basis of scholastic attainment, imagination, ingenuity, and ability

Wayne A. Ebert, '65, Minneapolis Lyle L. Raymond, '62, Laporte

Visking Corporation Fellowship in Agricultural Biochemistry

Sponsor: Visking Corporation, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in agricultural biochemistry

Ronald C. Roberts, St. Paul B.S. '57, Pennsylvania State University

Margaret Scheman Wahlquist Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: \Voman's Auxiliary to the Minnesota State Medical Association, ~linneapolis, in honor of Margaret Scheman Wahlquist, deceased wife of Dr. Harold F. \Vahl­quist

Awarded to a senior student in the School of Nursing or to a graduate nurse pursuing advanced study in some specialized area of nursing on the basis of scholastic performance, demonstrated ability, vocational promise, leadership potential, and personal attributes

Mary Ann A. Anderson, '61, Berkeley Heights, N.J.

Archie D. Walker and Bertha H. Walker Foundation Social Work Fellowships

Sponsor: The foundation of Archie D. Walker and Bertha H. Walker, Minneapolis philanthropists

Awarded to graduate students in social group work on the basis of professional potential

~1ax L. Allen, Anoka B.D. '50, United Theological Seminary,

Dayton, Ohio A.B. '57, York College, Neb.

Paul K. Casperson, Minneapolis B.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Paul B. Eid, St. Paul B.A. '47, St. Olaf College B.Th. '51, Luther Theological Semi­

nary, St. Paul

Ronald K. Jacobson, Minneapolis B.A. '49, Augsburg College

Carole R. McLachlan, Robbinsdale B.S. '58, University of Minnesota

Therese K. Travis, North St. Paul B.A. '60, College of St. Catherine

Charles V. Turnbull, New Brighton B.A., University of Minnesota

Louis Ware Scholarship-Fellowship

Sponsor: International .Minerals and Chemical Corporation, Skokie, Ill.

Awarded to students in mineral sciences on the basis of outstanding scholarship, character, and personality

Steven W. Clark, '62, Beltrami

WCCO Television Scholarship

Sponsor: WCCO-TV, Minneapolis Awarded to a high school graduate who plans a career in broadcasting on the basis

of scholarship, professional intent and promise, and personal attributes

John Dennison, '64, Minneapolis


Bertha Weiskopf Scholarship

Sponsor: Minneapolis Section, National Council of Jewish Women

Awarded to a student in the College of Education with high scholarship and com­petence in the field of intercultural education

Edith Morean, '61, Minneapolis

Stephen L. Wells Scholarship in Public Opinion and Public Relations

Sponsor: Stephen L. Wells, alumnus and public relations expert, Stephen L. 'Wells Company, Los Angeles, Calif.

Awarded to a junior, senior, or graduate student in journalism who plans to work in the area of public opinion or public relations

Arma Jane Szczepanski, '62, St. Paul

Western Electric Fund Engineering Scholarships

Sponsor: Western Electric Fund, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded to students in the fields of study related to the company's operation on the basis of academic aptitude

vVilliam S. Carlson, '64, Minneapolis Warren M. White, '65, Minneapolis

Westinghouse Fellowship

Sponsor: The Westinghouse Educational Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in mechanical engineering on the basis of superior scholarship

Charles E. Bullock, Lengby B.S. '59, University of Minnesota M.S. '61, University of Minnesota

Harold C. Wieman Scholarship

Sponsor: Bequest from the estate of Harold C. Wieman

Awarded during the freshman year to a graduate of Henderson, Minnesota, High School on the basis of academic aptitude, leadership, character, and vocational promise

David Langworthy, '65, Henderson

Henry L. Williams Scholarships

Sponsors: Individuals and organizations through the Greater University Fund in honor of a former University football coach

Awarded to men students in any college of the University on the basis of academic aptitude, leadership, and vocational promise

Ralph L. Allen, Jr., '65, Palos Verdes John Bergman, '64, St. Paul Estate, Calif. Gene B. Bontems, '61, Duluth

Gerald M. Annis, '61, Carlos Terry A. Brown, '65, Austin Robert J. Bateman, '64, International Charles C. Coffee, '61, Mound

Falls David G. Colvin, '64, Biwabik Clark Bergman, '63, St. Paul Arthur W. Davis, '64, Richfield


Rolf L. Deming, '63, Minneapolis Judge A. Dickson, '62, Clairton, Pa. Patrick M. Doyle, '61, Minneapolis Daniel P. Drexler, '64, Blue Earth Louis J. Eich, '64, Little Falls Robert Estes, '64, Norman, Okla. James A. Fischer, '62, Linton, N.D. Robert M. Frisbee, '62, Cut Bank, Mont. James H. Gilbertson, '63, Spring Lake

Park Marshall L. Hyde, '63, Wichita, Kan. Steven J. Jackman, '63, Rochester Robert N. Jensen, '64, Sidney, Mont. Jay A. Johnson, '63, Biwabik Robert J. Kammerer, '63, Minneapolis William W. Kauth, '61, Wisconsin

Rapids, Wis. Thomas L. Kezar, '63, Austin Thomas R. King, '62, Minneapolis Wayne W. Knapp, '61, Hopkins Thomas L. Loechler, '62, Robbinsdale Terence L. Maus, '63, Austin

Thomas P. McGrann, '63, Watertown, S.D.

Jennings D. McLellan, '64, St. Paul William J. Milota, '63, Chicago, Ill. Charles D. Morrow, '64, Montgomery James R. O'Neill, '64, Chicago, Ill. Paul R. Ramseth, '64, Redwood Falls Bruce A. Rasmussen, '64, Hopkins James F. Rogers, '61, Mankato Joseph N. Salem, '61, Sioux Falls, S.D. Milton J. Schwantz, '64, Plainview Vance C. Stanoff, '62, Hibbing James M. Stinziani, '64, West St. Paul James C. Stordahl, '63, Roseau \Vayne T. Teigen, '63, Aberdeen, S.D. Steven J. Wally, '63, Winona Gerald L. Westby, '61, Minneapolis James J. Wheeler, '62, Minneapolis Rodney M. Wilson, '63, Minneapolis Kenneth B. Wold, '62, Crookston William R. Wright, '61, Waterloo, Iowa James M. Zak, '63, Little Falls

Milton G. Williams-Anthony B. Cassius Scholarship

Sponsor: Twin City Observer and the St. Paul Sun, Mr. Milton G. Williams, editor and publisher

Awarded to candidates nominated by the sponsor and approved by the University Scholarship Committee on the basis of academic aptitude, character, citizenship, leadership potential, and vocational promise

James 0. Jackson, '61, Minneapolis

Florence Munson Wilson Memorial Scholarship

Sponsor: Trust fund established by Farm House National Fraternity and the family of the late Florence Munson Wilson

Awarded to a student in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics who has shown a high quality of scholarship, character, and exceptional promise in his or her chosen field

Louise M. Jasken, '63, Arlington

Harold K. Wilson Scholarship

Sponsors: Friends and relatives of the late Dr. Harold K. Wilson

Awarded to a worthy student, preferably a sophomore, junior, or senior, in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, personal attributes, and leadership

Robert L. Warner, '62, North Redwood

H. W. Wilson Scholarship

Sponsor: H. W. ·wilson Company, publishers of library _indexes and reference services. This was originally established by Mr. H. W. W1lson, founder of the company and an alumnus of the University of Minnesota

Awarded to a Library School student or prospective student on the basis of scholastic achievement and professional promise

John A. McCrossan, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota


Woodrow Wilson Notional Fellowships

Sponsor: Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Princeton, N.J.

Awarded to outstanding college seniors and graduates who have earned less than a year's graduate credit

\Villiam B. Conway, Stuart, Iowa B.A. '60, St. Ambrose College

Linda S. Crawford, Madison, Wis. B.S. '60, University of Wisconsin

Roger W. Cummins, Minneapolis A.B. '60, Brown University

James T. Gallant, Delaware, Ohio B.A. '60, Denison University

Allan R. J eppsen, Ogden, Utah B.A. '60, University of Utah

Hal B. Krehbiel, Wichita, Kan. B.A. '60, University of Kansas

Sonia E. Patten, Minneapolis B.A. '60, University of Minnesota

VictoriaS. Poulakis, New York, N.Y. B.A. '60, Hunter College

Fred E. H. Schroeder, Minneapolis B.S. '60, University of Wisconsin

William F. Sheldon, Salina, Kan. B.A. '60, Kansas University

Robert G. Zich, Omaha, Neb. B.A. '60, University of Omaha

Wisconsin Child Welfare Fellowship

Sponsor: Division of Children and Youth, Wisconsin State Department of Public Welfare, Madison, Wis.

Awarded to an employee of the Wisconsin Department of Public Welfare to pursue graduate study in social work

Paul Rekstad, Winona B.A. '58, Northland College

Women's Advertising Club of Minneapolis Scholarship

Sponsor: Women's Advertising Club of Minneapolis

Awarded to a woman student in journalism on the basis of high scholarship and high professional performance

Marilyn M. Moberg, '61, Minneapolis

Women's Auxiliary to Ramsey County Medical Society Scholarship

Sponsor: \Vomen's Auxiliary to Ramsey County Medical Society

Awarded to a student in any class in the Medical School on the basis of scholastic achievement, leadership, character, and potential for highly successful work in some field of medicine

\Varren L. Kleinsasser, '62, St. Paul

Women's Physical Education Alumnae Scholarship

Sponsor: The \Vomen's Physical Education Alumnae Association, University of Minnesota

A warded to an entering freshman woman student in physical education on the basis of excellent scholarship, capacity in physical education, good leadership and personal qualifications, and interest in the teaching field

Judith l\1. Vogel, '64, Slayton


Wood Conversion Foundation Fellowship in Forestry Sponsor: Wood Conversion Company, St. Paul

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in forest genetics

George M. Blake, St. Paul B.S. '57, University of Idaho M.S. '59, University of Minnesota

Wool Growers Association Scholarship Sponsor: Wool Growers Association, Minneapolis

Awarded to a man or woman of junior or senior classification in the College of Agri­culture, Forestry, and Home Economics or in the Graduate School, who is inter­ested in either sheep or wool or fabrics made of wool

Donna M. Olson, '62, Minneapolis

Wright and West Law Scholarship Sponsor: Law firm of Wright and West of Minneapolis

A warded to an outstanding law student of high promise

Thomas A. Clure, Duluth B.A. '60, University of Minnesota, Duluth

Harvey Yantis Memorial Scholarship Sponsor: Northwest Feed Manufacturers Association, Minneapolis, in memory of Har­

vey Yantis, former president of the Miller Publishing Company

Awarded to a senior student specializing in agricultural journalism in the School of Journalism or minoring in agricultural journalism in the Institute of Agriculture

Harlan R. Stoehr, '60, Elgin

Hobart M. Yates Law Scholarship Sponsor: Hobart M. Yates, a St. Paul lawyer

Awarded to an outstanding law student of high promise

William T. Dolan, St. Paul B.S. '59, Georgetown University

Zeta Phi Eta Alumnae Scholarship Sponsor: Zeta Phi Eta alumnae, women's honorary speech society

Awarded to a junior girl majoring in some phase of speech or language arts on the basis of scholastic achievement, character, interest and ability in some phase of speech, and future promise

Kay F. Reinartz, '62, Rose Creek

William H. Ziegler Company and the Zeco Company Scholarships Sponsor: The William H. Ziegler Company, Inc., Minneapolis

Awarded to students who have completed one year of training in engineering on the basis of academic aptitude, vocational promise, character, and leadership

William A. Hustrulid, '63, St. Paul Dale A. Reisdorfer, '62, Adrian

Zeco Company Scholarship

Charles D. Youel, '63, St. Cloud



presented during the 1960-61 academic year

Agricultural Education Club Outstanding Student Award

Sponsor: Agricultural Education Club

Awarded annually to an outstanding senior majoring in Agricultural Education on the basis of scholarship and contributions to campus and community life

Eugene E. Bieraugel, '61, Lafayette

Air Force Association Award

Sponsor: Air Force Association, Washington, D.C.

A warded annually to an Air Science 4 cadet who has completed summer camp and has shown outstanding ability in academic subjects, military subjects, and mili­tary leadership

Robert L. Bussell, '61, Minneapolis

Alpha Chi Sigma Prize in Chemistry

Sponsor: Alpha Chi Sigma, professional chemistry fraternity

A warded to a male sophomore in the School of Chemistry having the highest grade point average of all required courses listed in the first five quarters of his cur­riculum

Richard A. Kretchmer, '62, Tracy

Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship Medal

Sponsor: Minnesota Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business fraternity

A warded to the male junior in the School of Business Administration who has main­tained the highest scholastic standing throughout his junior year

John A. Foreman, '62, St. Paul

Alpha Omega Scholarship Award

Sponsor: Alpha Omega, professional dental society

A warded to the graduating senior in the School of Dentistry having the highest grade point average throughout the four-year dental curriculum

2\1urray R. Robinovitch, '61, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

Alpha Rho Chi Medal

Sponsor: Alpha Rho Chi, professional architectural fraternity

A warded to a graduating senior in the School of Architecture for leadership, service to the school, and promise of professional merit

To be awarded


American Academy of Dental Medicine Award

Sponsor: American Academy of Dental Medicine

Awarded to the senior student in the School of Dentistry who has shown the greatest interest in the cause, prevention, and control of diseases of the oral cavity and adnexia

Murray R. Robinovitch, '61, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

American Academy of Gold Foil Operators Award

Sponsor: American Academy of Gold Foil Operators

Awarded to the senior dental student who has exhibited excellence in gold foil work

Larry V. Franz, '61, Mountain Lake

American Academy of Oral Roentgenology Award

Sponsor: American Academy of Oral Roentgenology

Awarded to the senior dental student who has exhibited the greatest interest and accomplishment in oral roentgenology

Joseph L. Zbacnik, '61, Hibbing

American Institute of Architects Medal

Sponsor: The American Institute of Architects

Awarded to a graduating senior in the School of Architecture for excellence in scholarship

Robert M. Hysell, '61, Long Prairie

American Institute of Chemists Medal

Sponsor: Twin City Chapter of the American Institute of Chemists

Awarded to the outstanding senior student in the School of Chemistry

Philip C. Kelley, '60, :tvlinneapolis

American Society of Agricultural Engineers Honor Award

Sponsor: Minnesota Student Branch, American Society of Agricultural Engineers

Awarded to an agricultural engineering senior in the Institute of Technology for out­standing achievement in scholarship, leadership, and extracurricular activities

James Rodney Sutherland, '61, Hallock

American Society of Civil Engineers (Northwestern Section) Prizes

Sponsor: Northwestern Section, American Society of Civil Engineers

Awarded to outstanding senior students majoring in civil engineering, who are mem­bers of the American Society of Civil Engineers

First Prize Edward H. Opitz, '61, St. Cloud

Second Prize Gerald :\1. Sunde, '61, 1\linneapolis

Third Prize "'ayne R. Long, '61, \Vhite Bear Lake


The American Society of Dentistry for Children Awards

Sponsor: The American Society of Dentistry for Children

Awarded to the senior students showing the greatest interest and adaptability in den­tistry for children

\Varrcn \V. Hunt, '61, St. Paul John A. Takala, '61, St. Paul

The American Society of Dentistry for Children (Minnesota Unit) Award

Sponsor: i\linnesota Unit of the American Society of Dentistry for Children

A warded to the senior student showing the greatest interest and adaptability in den­tistry for children

Frank W. Worms, '61, Minneapolis

American Surgical Trade Association Award

Sponsor: American Surgical Trade Association

A warded to the first-year student in Hospital Administration for the highest scholastic standing in Administration and in Public Health

Administration Warren L. Rutherford, '61, Minneapolis

B.B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Public Health Paul E. Mullen, Perry, Iowa

B.S. '52, Trinity University

Thomas F. Andrews Undergraduate Research Prize

Sponsor: The late Thomas F. Andrews, alumnus, and the Minnesota Chapter of Sigma Xi, national science society

A warded to an undergraduate student who has completed outstanding scientific work

James M. Hakman, '61, Cedar

Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Award

Sponsor: Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association

Awarded annually to a fifth year electrical engineering student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities, both in military and campus activities, and who has exhibited high moral character and a definite aptitude for military service

Roger A. Torkelson, '61, Luverne

Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Gold Medal and Scroll Award

Sponsor: The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association

Awarded to the outstanding Army ROTC student majoring in electrical engineering who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of military leadership, high moral character, and definite aptitude for military service, and has distinguished him­self either academically or by demonstrated leadership in campus activities

John J. !gel, '61, Minneapolis


Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association NROTC Award

Sponsor: Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association

Awarded to the NROTC senior majoring in electrical engineering who has demon­strated outstanding qualities of leadership, high moral character, and definite aptitude for the military service, and has distinguished himself either academi­cally or by demonstrated leadership in campus activities

Donald L. Gustafson, '61, Eau Claire, Wis.

Elliot Baron Memorial Award

Sponsor: The Baron Memorial Fund in memory of Elliot Baron, former student in the School of Journalism

Awarded to a journalism major in recognition of outstanding work on a student publication

Thomas G. Matthews, '61, Minneapolis

Borden Agricultural Scholarship Award

Sponsor: The Borden Company Foundation, Inc., New York, N. Y.

Awarded to the student in agriculture who at the beginning of the senior year has maintained the highest scholastic average in all his work, including two or more dairy subjects

James 1\1. Langmo, '60, Willmar

Borden Home Economics Scholarship Award

Sponsor: The Borden Company Foundation, Inc., New York, N. Y.

Awarded to the student in home economics who at the beginning of the senior year has maintained the highest scholastic average in all her work, including two or more courses in food and nutrition

Julie M. Dupere, '61, Minneapolis

Borden Journalism Scholarship Award

Sponsor: The Borden Company Foundation, Inc., New York, N. Y.

Awarded to the student in the School of Journalism who has achieved the highest average grade in all college work preceding her senior year

Kathleen S. Michels, '61, St. Paul

Borden Undergraduate Research Award in Medicine

Sponsor: The Borden Company Foundation, Inc., New York, N. Y.

Awarded to the member of the senior class who has made the most significant con­tribution to medical research during his student years

C. Carlyle Clawson, Montevideo B.S. '56, Hamline University 1\l.D. '60, University of Minnesota


John Y. Breckenridge Memorial Book Award

Sponsor: The late Mrs. John Y. Breckenridge, in memory of her husband, Class of 1908

Awarded to a junior student in the College of Pharmacy in recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement, professional promise, and leadership ability

Conrad 0. Thompson, '62, Spring Valley

Bristol Laboratories Award

Sponsor: Bristol Laboratories, Inc., New York, N. Y.

Awarded to the senior student in the College of Pharmacy who has earned the high-est numerical average in the course in compounding and dispensing ·

Ronald \V. Agerter, '61, \Vest Concord

William Jennings Bryon Prize

Sponsor: The late \Villiam Jennings Bryan, famous lawyer and journalist

Awarded to an undergraduate major in the Department of Political Science for an outstanding major paper

Ross H. Paradeau, '60, Minneapolis

The Cherne Design Awards in Architecture

Sponsor: Anthony L. Cherne, president of Reuben L. Anderson-Cherne, Inc., Minne­apolis

A warded to graduating seniors in the School of Architecture to recognize and encour­age achievement

John F. Chisholm, '60, Bismarck, N. D. Hobert P. Cooke, '60, Billings, Mont.

Duane E. Thorbeck, '60, Bagley

Chi Epsilon Junior Award

Sponsor: Chi Epsilon, honorary civil engineering fraternity

A warded to the ninth-quarter civil engineering student with the highest scholarship record at the University of Minnesota

Donald W. Ringrose, '63, ~Iinneapolis

Chicago Tribune Air Force Gold Medals

Sponsor: Chicago Tribune Company, Chicago, Ill.

A warded annually to an Air Science 4 cadet for demonstrating outstanding military achievement, scholastic attainment, and ch<uacter

Byron E. Anshus, '61, Minneapolis Glayde D. Whitney, '61, St. Paul


Chicago Tribune Army Gold Medals Sponsor: The Chicago Tribune Company, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded each quarter to Army ROTC sophomore students for achievement, scholastic attainment, and character

Spring Quarter ( '60)

Robert B. Kosse, '62, Minneapolis

Fall Quarter

Mark H. Kohler, '64, St. Paul

Winter Quarter

RichardS. Telke, '64, Minneapolis

Chicago Tribune Army Silver Medals Sponsor: The Chicago Tribune Company, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded each quarter to Army ROTC freshman students for achievement, scholastic attainment, and character

Spring Quarter ( '60)

Robert M. Grover, '65, Minneapolis

Fall Quarter

Charles W. Haas II, '64, Minneapolis

Winter Quarter

Peter J. Igel, '64, St. Paul

Chicago Tribune Navy Gold Medals

Sponsor: The Chicago Tribune Company, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded to NROTC seniors and juniors who are outstanding in military achievement, scholastic attainment, character, and leadership

Allan P. Bakke, '63, Miami, Fla. David A. Berg, '61, Thief River Falls

Dennis C. Nelson, '61, St. Cloud

Chicago Tribune Navy Silver Medals Sponsor: The Chicago Tribune Company, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded to NROTC sophomores and freshmen who are outstanding in scholastic attainment, military aptitude, and leadership

Carl J. Newberg, '64, Minneapolis George M. Spilseth, '64, Kensington Glen L. Sjoblom, '64, Ely

Class of 1954 Award

Sponsor: The Hospital Administration Class of 1954 Awarded to the first year student in Hospital Administration for the best hospital

clerkship paper Robert D. Holmen, Minnesota

B.S. '59, Gustavus Adolphus College

Convair Award

Sponsor: Convair Company, San Diego, Calif. Awarded to a graduating NROTC midshipman in recognition of scholastic achieve­

ment, military aptitude, and participation in aviation activities

John J. Krall, '61, Ely


Robert V. Cram Memorial Award

Sponsors: Friends of the late Robert V. Cram, professor of classics

Awarded annually to a graduating senior majoring in classics, English, or one of the modern foreign languages

Raymond H. Larson, '61, Hector

Rollin E. Cutts Prize in Surgery

Sponsor: Mrs. Martha S. Cutts in memory of her husband

A warded to a member of the senior class who has done outstanding original research on a surgical problem

Ronald D. Guttmann, Minneapolis B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

The Virginia Dare Award

Sponsor: The Virginia Dare Extract Company

Awarded annually to a senior in Dairy Industries for excellence in scholastic achieve­ment and its practical application in flavor discrimination and ice cream manu­facture

H. Douglas Johnson, '61, Fergus Falls

Harry J. Davis Awards of Merit

Sponsor: The late Harry J. Davis

Awarded to either interns or residents of University Hospitals on the basis of attain­ment in scholarship

Ward 0. Griffen, Jr., Minneapolis A.B. '48, Princeton University M.D. '53, Cornell University

Harlan D. Root, Minneapolis A.B. '50, Cornell University M.D. '53, Cornell University

Peter A. Salmon, Minneapolis B.Sc. '51, University of Washington M.D. '55, University of Washington

Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key

Sponsor: International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, professional business fraternity

Awarded to the male senior in the School of Business Administration having the highest scholastic average for work done in the School of Business Administra­tion and in the prescribed pre-business work if done at the University of Minne­sota

James N. Rosse, '61, Minneapolis

Distinguished Military Graduate Award

Sponsor: Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to a graduating senior in the Army ROTC for continued scholastic attain­ment, leadership, and character who has prior designation as Distinguished Military Student leading to opportunity for Regular Army commission

Robert F. Hervey, '61, \"'inona


Distinguished Military Student Awards

Sponsor: Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to seniors in the Army ROTC for scholastic attainment, leadership, and character

To be Awarded

Caleb Dorr Senior Gold Medals

Sponsor: Bequest of Caleb Dorr, pioneer Minneapolis lumbennan

Awarded to the highest ranking seniors in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics and in the College of Veterinary Medicine

Julie M. Dupere, '61, Minneapolis Mylo ~1. Hagberg, '61, Faribault

Robert A. Megraw, '61, Rochester John A. Newman, '61, St. Paul

Caleb Dorr Special Scholarship Prizes

Sponsor: Bequest of Caleb Dorr, pioneer Minneapolis lumberman

Awarded to all students in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics and in the College of Veterinary Medicine who have had two or more quarters of work in these colleges and who have a grade point average of 3.5 or better

John C. Anderson, '64, Cambridge Judith E. Anderson, '64, Minneapolis Neil V. Anderson, '61, St. James Richard K. Anderson, '63, Helena, ~font. James L. Andrews, '64, Shafer Judith A. Berglund, '64, Scandia Jean Bezoir, '63, Rochester Terry ~1. Boldingh, '63, Breckenridge William L. Brown, '63, St. Paul Kenneth R. Carter, '64, Ada Charles H. Casey, '63, St. Paul Judith A. Chaon, '62, Braham David L. Cole, '62, St. Paul Roy D. Colver, '63, Minneapolis Patricia A. Daniels, '63, Tracy Susan ~1. Daniels, '64, Chaska James N. Dougherty, '6.3, Ettrick, Wis. Julie M. Dapere, '61, Minneapolis Alan R. Ek, '64. ~1i:meapolis Danford W. Erhart, '63, Phe City Joanne P. Espe, '63, Minneap1lis Robert E. Evenson, '62, Minnesota Lake Emilie R. Fallstrom, '62, Buhl Walter R. Fehr, '61, East Grand Forks Darrell J\1. Frogness, '62, Sugar Grove,

Ill. Barbara C. Goranson, '61, ~Ihneapolis Nancy C. Hacklander, '63, Blue Earth .Mylo M. Hagberg. '61, Faribault Larry J. Hei, '63, Plum City, Wis. Robert L. Hickman, '64, Pine River

Richard L. Hilliker, '61, Madison, Wis. Kenneth E. Hokenson, '63, Minneapolis Daniel H. Janzen, Jr., '61, Falls Church,

Va. Dean E. Jensen, '63, Preston, S.D. Floyd 0. Johnson, '61, Minneapolis Jay A. Johnson, '63, Biwabik Bruce A. Kimball, '63, Isle David G. Klomp, '63, Lime Springs, Iowa Norma A. Krenik, '63, Madison Lake Douglas W. Larson, '61, Alexandria Pamela A. Leino, '64, Minneapolis Gary W. Leske, '62, Buffalo Lake Sharon K. McComb, '61, Minneapolis Robert A. l\tegraw, '61, Rochester Nancy L. Monhardt, '63, Fairmont John A. Newman, '61, St. Paul Diane J. Palmer, '62, Min~1eapolis Karen R. Plaggerman, '64, Cambridge Mary J. Powels:m, '61, St. Cloud Deanncl L. Prince, '64, Minneapolis Marjorie E. Rod:·erg, '62, St. Paul Karen M. Sharp, '63, Janesville Charles ]. Smith, '63, Park Rapids Donald P. Snustad. '62, Guthrie Carol J. Streufert, '63, Minneapolis Forrest G. Thannum, '62, Hayward, 'Wis. Sue E. Vogelpohl, '63, New Ulm Richad E. Volk, '62, St. Paul Susan E. Weiss. '62. Hastings Mary Winter, '61, Redwood Falls

Helen Dwan Prize

Sponsor: The Helen Dwan Fund established by the parents of Helen Dwan in her memory

Awarded to a junior for outstanding progress and attainment in music

Sanford Margolis, '62, .Minneapolis


Thomas F. Ellerbe Prizes in Architecture

Sponsor: Ellerbe and Company, St. Paul architectural firm, in honor of Thomas El­lerbe, senior partner

Awarded to students in the School of Architecture for excellence in the study of cooperatives and in the design of buildings for cooperative organization

Richard E. Matson, '61, Minneapolis Kazuo P. Matsubayshi, '61, Yamaguchi

City, Japan

Clinton L. Sathnun, '61, Wanamingo

Essay Prize in European History

Sponsor: The History Department Service Fund

Awarded to the student submitting the best historical essay

Richard L. Quam, '63, Minneapolis

Eta Kappa Nu Award

Sponsor: Eta Kappa Nu, honorary electrical engineering association

Awarded to the junior in electrical engineering who has made the highest scholastic record in his first five quarters of residence in the Institute of Technology

Gerald E. Riach, '63, ~1inneapolis

Faculty Scholarship Prize in Medical Technology

Sponsor: Faculty of the division of medical technology

Awarded to a senior in Medical Technology on the basis of scholastic achievement

Renelda J, Hess, '61, Minneapolis

Flour City Architectural Education Fund-George B. Melcher Prizes

Sponsor: The Flour City Ornamental Iron Company, Minneapolis, honoring ;'vir. Melcher, chief designer ·

Awarded to students in the School of Architecture for winning designs involving the aesthetic and decorative use of metal

James G. Burr, '62, Minneapolis Ernst A. Ibs, '62, Marne Holst, Germany Robert M. Lambert, '62, Sioux City, Iowa

:t-.fichael Metcalf, '61, Wisconsin Hapids, Wis.

Dean E. M. Freeman Medal for Student leadership

Sponsor: Forestry organizations in honor of the late Edward M. Freeman, first dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics

Awarded to that senior student who has made the greatest contribution to student life on the St. Paul Campus of the University

Richard 0. Lyman, '61, Excelsior


Gargoyle Club Prizes

Sponsor: Gargoyle Club, a group of St. Paul architects

Awarded to students in the School of Architecture for the best theses submitted during the academic year

David J. Bennett, '60, Minneapolis Robert P. Cooke, '60, Billings, Mont.

RichardT. Faricy, '60, St. Paul

Gopher-Cactus Chapter Reserve Officers' Association Plaque Award

Sponsor: Gopher-Cactus Chapter, Reserve Officers' Association

Awarded to an outstanding advanced course Army ROTC senior student for military distinction

Gerald L. Benedict, '62, Minneapolis

Samuel B. Green Scholarship Medal

Sponsor: The late Mrs. Samuel B. Green in memory of her late husband, the first professor of forestry and horticulture at the University of Minnesota

Awarded to the senior in forestry having the highest scholastic average at the end of the fall quarter

Robert A. Megraw, '61, Rochester

Hamilton Watch Award

Sponsor: The Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster, Pa.

Awarded to the senior in engineering who has most successfully combined proficiency in his major field of study with academic and extracurricular achievements in the social sciences and humanities

George Gamota, '61, South St. Paul

James A. Hamilton Award

Sponsor: James A. Hamilton, director of the Program in Hospital Administration

Awarded to the student in the Hospital Administration Program with the greatest promise of achievement

Charles C. Lindstrom, Minneapolis B.A. '52, University of Minnesota

Sabra M. Hamilton Award

Sponsor: The late Mrs. Sabra M. Hamilton, wife of the director of the Program in Hospital Administration

Awarded to the student in the Hospital Administration Program for the best research or management report

Robert J. Laur, Minneapolis B.B.A. '58, University of Minnesota

Tom Hastings Navigation Award

Sponsor: Tom Hastings, Minneapolis, alumnus

Awarded to an NROTC midshipman for excellence in practical navigation

John P. Johnson, '62, Roseau


Honeywell Undergraduate Award

Sponsor: Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, Minneapolis

Awarded to a fourth or fifth year student in the Institute of Technology for distin­guished individual performance. Accomplishment shall be judged in an area of intellectual achievement associated with professional contributions such as an outstanding technical paper or leadership in a technical society

John W. Gilje, '62, St. Paul

Honorary Membership in the Marine Corps Association

Sponsor: The Marine Corps Association, Quantico, Va.

Awarded to a candidate for a Marine Corps commission who has demonstrated out­standing professional interest in the Marine Corps

Eugene P. Kummeth, '61, Owatonna

Honorary Membership in the United States Naval Institute

Sponsor: The United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md.

Awarded to one senior Regular and one senior Contract NROTC midshipman who have demonstrated exceptional professional interest in the United States Navy

Jon B. Middleton, '61, Marshall Lowell K. Williams, '61, Austin

Jewett Memorial Award

Sponsor: Minneapolis Travelers Aid Society in memory of Frank G. Jewett

Awarded to an outstanding graduate student in the School of Social Work

Barbara R. Hammargren, Minneapolis B.A. '59, University of Minnesota

Johnson and Johnson Award

Sponsor: Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, N.J.

Awarded annually to the member of the graduating class in the College of Pharmacy who has made an outstanding record in the required and elective credits in the area of business administration

Stephan C. Sommer, '61, Minneapolis

Kappa Epsilon Prize

Sponsor: The Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Epsilon, national women's pharmacy frater­nity

Awarded to the senior woman student who has rendered outstanding service to the College of Pharmacy

Patricia Jane McGinty, '61, Wayzata

Kiwi Award

Sponsor: Arnold Air Society, University of Minnesota

Awarded annually to an active voting member of the Arnold Air Society in his senior year on the basis of military interest and enthusiasm, voice and personality and military bearing and knowledge '

David A. Hennessy, '61, Minneapolis


Lehn and Fink Gold Medal Award

Sponsor: Lehn and Fink Products Corporation, New York, N.Y.

Awarded to that student in the College of Pharmacy who has earned the highest gen­eral average for four years at the time of graduation

Ronald\\'. Agerter, '61, vVest Concord

Ludden Freshman-Sophomore Oratorical Contest Awards

Sponsor: The late John D. Ludden of St. Paul

Awarded to the first, second, and third place winners of the annual Freshman­Sophomore Oratorical Contest, open to all University freshmen and sophomores

John P. Greenagel, '63, Edina (First Daniel Harden, '63, Minneapolis (Third Place) Place )

Lee G. King, '63, St. Paul (Second Place)

Lawrence C. Lundberg Award

Sponsor: Mrs. Lawrence C. Lundberg, in honor of her husband, the late Captain Lawrence C. Lundberg, United States Air Force

Awarded annually to an Air Science 4 cadet who is qualified for pilot training, is making satisfactory progress in the Flying Instruction Program, is interested in military aviation, at least partially self-supporting and who possesses a better than average grade point average and high leadership qualities

Ronald N. Johnson, '61, Minneapolis

Moses Marston Prize of the Fellowship Association of the University of Minnesota

Sponsor: The late Moses Marston

Awarded to an undergraduate student in recognition of special capacity for literary and linguistic studies

Joan Plutzer Davies, '61, Minneapolis

Oscar L. Mather Scholarship Award

Sponsor: Minnesota Federation of Women's Clubs and Mrs. Oscar L. Mather, Madi­son Lake, in memory of her husband, a lumberman deeply interested in conser­vation

Awarded to the student in forestry displaying outstanding scholarship, leadership, and character

Keith R. McCaffery, '61, Stanley, Wis.

J. Lewis Maynard Memorial Prize in Chemistry

.Sponsors: Family and friends of the late J. Lewis Maynard, former professor of chemistry

Awarded annually to an outstanding graduating senior majoring in chemistry

Gail G. Engerholm, '60, Glenwood


Merck Pharmacy Awards

Sponsor: Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, N.J.

Awarded to the two senior students in the College of Pharmacy who have earned the highest scholastic averages in the four years of professional work

Ronald \V. Agerter, '61, West Concord Patricia J. McGinty, '61, Wayzata.

Merck Veterinary Medicine Awards

Sponsor: Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, N.J.

Awarded to a student in each of the junior and senior classes in the College of Veterinary Medicine on the basis of their scholastic records

Neil V. Anderson, '61, St. James Jerry D. Hilgren, '62, Parkers Prairie

Merriam-Webster Prize

Sponsor: G. & C. Merriam Company, Springfield, Mass., publishers of !\[erriam­W ebster dictionaries

A warded to that graduating senior majoring in English and minoring in a foreign language who has the best record in these subjects, to encourage literary and linguistic studies

Karen Jo Matison, '61, Austin

Minneapolis Council of the Navy League Award

Sponsor: Minneapolis Council of the Navy League

Awarded to a graduating NROTC midshipman who has demonstrated outstanding aptitude for the naval service based upon leadership, character, patriotism, in­terest in the naval service, and scholastic attainment

James L. Eriksson, '61, Minneapolis

Minneapolis District Dental Society Auxiliary Awards

Sponsor: Women's Auxiliary of the i\[inneapolis District Dental Society

Awarded to the two highest ranking dentistry freshmen, sophomores, and junicrs, and the highest ranking freshman dental hygienist


James H. Wittnebel, Hopkins Arnold B. Carver, Neodesha, Kan. Ronald P. Schmidt, Mt. Horeb, Wis.


Henry J. Menke, Jordan James E. Gjerset, Jamestown, N.D.


Michael :\1. Gibson, Sioux Falls, S.D. :\[elvin \V. \Valters, Beltrami

Freshmen Dental Hygiene Student

Estdle A. Epstein, Sioux City, Iowa

Minneapolis Gas Company Prize Awards

Sponsor: Minneapolis Gas Company

A warded to students in the School of Architecture for best designs in composition

John G. Bulov, '62, Minneapolis Edward B. Allen, '62, Madison, Wis. Robert G. Currie, '62, Blacksburg, Va. Larry J. Hurlbut, '63, Watertown, S.D.


Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association Award

Sponsor: Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association

Awarded to the outstanding senior student in clinical veterinary medicine

John A. Newman, '61, St. Paul

Minute Man Army Medals

Sponsor: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

Donor: Colonel J. B. Ladd, USAR, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded each year to outstanding Army ROTC freshmen

To Be Awarded

Minute Man Navy Awards

Sponsor: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

Donor: Colonel J. B. Ladd, USAR, Chicago, Ill.

A warded to outstanding NROTC freshmen

Craig C. Larrivee, '65, Minneapolis Carl J. Newberg, '64, Minneapolis

Richard A. Oudal, '64, Minneapolis

C. V. Mosby Awards

Sponsor: The C. V. Mosby Company

Awarded to five students in the School of Dentistry who have demonstrated excep­tional knowledge and skill in specific areas of dental practice

Crown and Bridge

Leonard C. Smith, '61, Minneapolis

Operative Dentistry

Robert J. Beerhalter, '61, Duluth

Oral Surgery

RichardT. Ford, '61, Anoka


R. Stuart Schwartz, '61, Sleepy Eye


Richard D. Kingston, '61, Ogden, Utah

Charles Nichols Service Award

Sponsor: Mrs. Charles W. Nichols, in memory of her husband, Charles W. Nichols, 1888-1944, professor of English, a great teacher and friend of the theater

Awarded to the undergraduate who has contributed the greatest service to the Uni­versity of Minnesota Theater during the year

Donald D. Fogelberg, St. Paul B.A. '60, University of Minnesota


Order of Polaris

Sponsor: NROTC Unit, University of Minnesota

Awarded to the graduating midshipman who is held in highest esteem by classmates for his selfless devotion to the Midshipman Unit and its activities, and who in his daily associations has been most inspirational to his fellow midshipmen

James L. Eriksson, '61, Minneapolis

Outstanding Air Science 4 Cadet Award

Sponsor: Colonel Arthur W. Dern, professor of air science

Awarded annually to the graduating Air Force ROTC Cadet who has exhibited out­standing academic, leadership, and military attributes

John C. Andres, '61, St. Paul

Charles Lathrop Pack Prizes in Forestry

Sponsor: Charles Lathrop Pack Foundation, Washington, D.C.

A warded for the best essays of a popular nature on forestry during the year

First Prize Second Prize

Garry W. Frits, '64, Minneapolis Lawrence R. Revier, '62, Waubun

Third Prize

Craig M. Smith, '64, Minneapolis

Frank H. Peavey Freshman-Sophomore Debate Prizes

Sponsor: Frank T. Heffelfinger, Minneapolis, chairman of the Board of the F. H. Peavey Company, in memory of Frank H. Peavey, founder of the Company

Awarded to four winning members of the Freshman-Sophomore debate team

Donald Forsberg, '63, Minneapolis Lee G. King, '63, St. Paul

Darrell P. Nelson, '61, Frazee Claire M. Sorensen, '63, St. Paul

Phi Delta Junior Scholarship Award

Sponsor: Phi Delta, local professional business sorority

A warded to the junior woman in the School of Business Administration who has maintained the highest scholastic average during her first two years and the first two quarters of the junior year

Joanne C. Tomczyk, '62, :Minneapolis

John S. Pillsbury Prizes

Sponsor: Eleanor F. Pillsbury Trust Estate

Awarded to the first, second, and third place winners of the annual Pillsbury Ora­torical Contest, open to all University juniors and seniors

First Place Second Place

Donald B. Marti, '61, Minneapolis A. Reid 1\IcFarlane, '62, St. Paul

Third Place

Ralph W. Jewell, '62, Minneapolis


The Regular Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Program

Sponsor: United States Navy under the Act of 13 August 1946, as amended and re­enacted ( lO U.S.C. 6901)

Awarded to approximately forty students who meet the standards and are selected annually by members of a State Selection Committee on a competitive basis

Graduate Students

Donald L. Gustafson B.S. '60, University of Minnesota


Joseph H. Adams, Superior, Wis. Charles E. Alsip, South St. Paul Alan A. Anderson, South St. Paul David A. Berg, Thief River Falls Douglas D. Blaha, Wolf Lake Richard L. Cluever, Jordan James L. Eriksson, Minneapolis William G. Hill, Ely John J. Krall, Ely Richard J. Kraus, Sheboygan, Wis. Eugene P. Kummeth, Owatonna Roger A. Kyllo, McCanna, N.D. Thomas A. Lunneberg, Minneapolis Michael J. Maloney, Detroit Lakes Donald R. Mathiowetz, New Ulm Kenneth W. R. Mielke, Hutchinson Dennis C. Nelson, St. Cloud David A. Olsen, Minneapolis Neil A. Ray, Little Falls Charles D. Schroyer, St. Paul Allen J. Standish, Minneapolis Gary E. Stoos, Faribault Theodore P. Trampe, St. Paul Charles V. Trubl, Winona John L. Upthegrove, Duluth Lowell K. Williams, Austin Michael J. Wons, St. Paul


Allan P. Bakke, Miami, Fla. Gordon J. Bentson, Montevideo Eugene E. Cook, Ellsworth Kurt A. Driscoll, Anoka Robert P. Gustafson, St. Paul Donald E. Hanson, Robbinsdale James H. Harmon, Anoka Kenneth E. Hendrickson, ;'\linneapolis John P. A. Johnson, Roseau John C. Jordahl, Albert Lea Lawrence J. Lopp, Jr., Brainerd Judsen R. ~larquardt, \Vausau, \Vis. Richard E. Miller, Pipestone Robert B. Moffatt, St. Paul Edward M. Nelson, St. Louis Park Wayne J. Nelson, Pocatello, Idaho Boyd D. Obermeyer, Aberdeen, S.D. Jeffrey M. Parsons, Minneapolis Donald T. Pooielarz, Amsterdam, N.Y. Terry A. Rhoaes, Boise, Idaho Roger E. Ring, Medford

Eugene J. Rouleau, Stillwater Roger G. Schroeder, Faribault Arthur W. Smith, Pine City Jeffrey P. Szalapski, St. Paul Bruce G. Wachter, Minneapolis Michael L. Walman, St. Louis Park John 0. Wang, Excelsior James W. Weiske, Brainerd Charles R. Witt, Bemidji


James L. Barsness, Minneapolis \V illis A. Barstad, Littlefork John R. Bergquist, Minneapolis Timothy S. Brady, St. Paul Rudolph M. Dahl, Chevy Chase, Md. Dennis G. Draper, Mankato Joseph R. Fischenich, Sioux Falls, S.D. Richard F. Fullerton, Lakewood, Ohio Stuart L. Henning, Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph F. Hering, St. Paul Thomas H. Hoivik, St. Paul Leonard R. Krolak, Stephen Richard G. Lacher, St. Cloud Philip R. Monroe, St. Cloud Charles E. Nightengale, Alexandria David A. Nitz, Minneapolis James C. Perso, Minneapolis Paul M. Rivard, Stephenson, Mich. William M. Ryan, Clinton, Iowa Robert W. Sharp, Minneapolis Glen L. Sjoblom, Roseau George M. Spilseth, Kensington William D. Tobin, Minneapolis Charles W. Tomhave, Austin James E. Traver, Arlington Heights, Ill. Robert C. Ullman, Albert Lea Douglas R. W ellumson, Edina


Ralph W. Ackerman, Northfield Dixon J. Anderson, Cottonwood David A. Burleigh, Litchfield Darrel F. Coleman, Willmar Robert E. Engberg, Mora Eric E. Fiedler, Missoula, Mont. Dale E. Gabrielson, Virginia Leonard R. Greger, South St. Paul David 0. Kauppi, Minneapolis Edward L. Keiser, Milford, Mich. Rodney D. Knutson, Jacksonville, Fla. Robert J. Larson, Marshall David R. Lartaud, Fair Haven, N.J. George M. Lucas, Frankfort, Ind. Robert C. Lytle, LaPorte, Ind. William B. McCowan, Rumford, R.I.


Karl F. Mohns, New York, N.Y. Carl J. Newberg, Minneapolis William M. Oakley, Excelsior Richard A. Oudal, Minneapolis Dennis H. Peters, Waynesville, Mo. Eric L. Peterson, 'Wayland, Mass. Gerald L. Pitman, Ada Roger W. Redenbaugh, Minneapolis David \'V. Reese, New Richmond, \Vis.

Robert A. Reineke, Faribault Charles D. Reite, Edina Loren C. Rozeboom, LeMars, Iowa Peter K. Rumely, LaPorte, Ind. Alan E. Rypka, Owatonna Patrick J. Sokol, ~1inneapolis PhilipP. Stevens, North Muskegon, Mich. Douglas E. Veum, Cyrus Francis A. Walker, Seaside Heights, N.J.

Reynolds Aluminum Prize for Architectural Students

Sponsor: Reynolds Metals Company, Chicago, Ill.

Awarded to students in the School of Architecture for winning designs to stimulate interest in the design potential of aluminum

William J. E. Haaversen, '61, Bemidji

Rexall Mortar and Pestle Award

Sponsor: Rexall Drug Company, Los Angeles, Calif.

Awarded to a member of the graduating class of the College of Pharmacy who has rendered outstanding service to the College

Sharon K. Fuller, '61, Ivanhoe

Rhetoric Service Awards

Sponsors: Department of Rhetoric, College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Eco­nomics, Professor Emeritus Robert C. Lansing, formerly head of the Department of Rhetoric, and the Caleb Dorr College Scholarship Fund

Awarded to students in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics in contest work in six divisions of rhetoric competition


First Prize

Philip A. Abrahamson, '64, Lanesboro

Second Prize

Robert A. Sammelson, '64, Red \Ving

Third Prize (tie)

Donald Huisingh, '62, St. Paul Karen M. Sharp, '63, Janesville


First Prize

Audrey R. Johnson, '62, \Vatertown, S.D.

Second Prize

Thomas L. Heenan, '63, Minneapolis

Third Prize

Robert E. Evenson, '62, Minnesota Lake


First Prize

James R. Miller, '62, St. Peter

Second Prize

Jan A. Nosker, '62, Minneapolis

Third Prize

Harold L. Bous, '64, Long Prairie


First Prize

David R. Sand, '64, Cokato

Second Prize

Nancy"[. ~fcrgens, '63, Stillwater

Third Prize

Fred A. Hauber, '63, Park Rapids



First Prize

Judy A. Chaon, '62, Braham

Third Prize

Ruby A. Lesch, '63, Ormsby

Second Prize

Pamela A. Leino, '64, Minneapolis


Second Prize Informative Writing

First Prize Philip K. Hunkins, '62, Breckenridge

Fritz A. Purrmann, '63, Seelze-Hannover, Germany

Rho Chi Award

Sponsor: ~Iu Chapter, Rho Chi, pharmacy honor society

Awarded to the sophomore student in the College of Pharmacy who has earned the highest scholastic average

Roger C. Wachter, '63, Farmington

St. Paul Chapter Reserve Officers Association Army Award

Sponsor: St. Paul Chapter of the Reserve Officers Association

Awarded to the advanced course Army ROTC student who contributed the greatest service to the University in a military way

Edward M. Thomas, '62, Minneapolis

St. Paul Chapter Reserve Officers Association NROTC Gold Medal

Sponsor: St. Paul Chapter of the Reserve Officers Association

Awarded to the senior NROTC midshipman who has contributed the greatest service to the University in a military way

Gary E. Stoos, '61, Faribault

Scabbard and Blade Efficiency Award

Sponsor: Company B-1, Scabbard and Blade

Awarded to an outstanding sophomore Army ROTC student

To Be Awarded

School of Chemistry Faculty Prize

Sponsor: School of Chemistry, University of Minnesota

Awarded to the senior having the highest grade point average in all subjects of the sophomore and junior years and the first two quarters of the senior year, while registered in the School of Chemistry

Arthur W. Westerberg, '60


Sigma Delta Chi Citation for Achievement

Sponsor: Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic fraternity

Awarded to a senior man majoring in journalism, who shows high scholarship and high promise of professional achievement

Todd T. Hunt, '60, St. Paul

Sigma Delta Chi Scholarship Awards

Sponsor: Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic fraternity

A warded to the highest five per cent of graduates in journalism

Rubel! A. Lindman, '60, Benson Conrad A. Razidlo, '60, St. Paul Nancy C. Nietz, '60, Owatonna Todd T. Hunt, '60, St. Paul

Society of American Military Engineers Award

Sponsor: Society of American Military Engineers

Awarded to fifteen outstanding NROTC students in the country in their fourth year in the engineering curriculum

William F. Raleigh, '62, St. Paul

Sons of the American Revolution Army ROTC Award

Sponsor: Minneapolis Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution

Awarded to an Army ROTC student for military distinction

Ralph E. Skoe, '62, Northome

Sons of the American Revolution NROTC Award

Sponsor: l\Iinneapolis Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution

Awarded to a junior NROTC student for military distinction

Jeffrey P. Szalapski, '62, St. Paul

Southern Minnesota Medical Association Award

Sponsor: Southern Minnesota Medical Association

Awarded to a member of the senior class who has demonstrated outstanding pro­ficiency in medicine and surgery

To Be Awarded

Elvin Charles Stakman Award

Sponsors: Friends and former students of Elvin C. Stakman, professor emeritus of plant pathology

A warded to a research scientist of any country for excellence of research in cereal diseases

Norman E. Borlaug, Plant Pathologist The Rockefeller Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico


Superior Cadet Ribbon Awards

Sponsor: Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.

Awarded to an outstanding Army ROTC student in each academic class

Robert F. Hervey, '61, V\linona Douglas B. Hollenbeck, '64, White Bear Lake Emery C. Stenquist, Jr., '6:2, Minneapolis

Richard S. Telke, '64, :Minneapolis

Theta Sigma Phi Service Award

Sponsor: Twin City alumnae chapter, Theta Sigma Phi

Awarded to a senior in the undergraduate chapter for outstanding service to the chapter

Nancy C. Nietz, '60, Owatonna

United States Armor Association Award

Sponsor: The United States Armor Association

Awarded to the outstanding Army ROTC student to be commissioned in armor

Larry L. Leslie, Minneapolis

University Business Women's Club Scholarship Key

Sponsor: University Business \Vomen's Club

Awarded to the woman in the School of Business Administration who has maintained the highest scholastic average throughout her four-year college course

Karen M. Rutherford, '61, Albert Lea

John Watson Memorial Award

Sponsor: Fifth District American Legion, Minneapolis

Awarded each year to the outstanding Army ROTC student

John J. !gel, '61, Minneapolis

Women's Auxiliary to the American Veterinary Medical Association Award

Sponsor: \Vomen's Auxiliary to the American Veterinary Medical Association

Awarded to a senior student in the College of Veterinary Medicine for outstanding contributions to student activities on the campus

Donald W. Luchsinger, '61, Onamia

Women's Auxiliary to the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association Award

Sponsor: \Vomen's Auxiliary to the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association

Awarded to a junior student in the College of Veterinary Medicine on the basis of scholarship

Jerry D. Hilgren, '62, Parkers Prairie


Wulling Club Key

Sponsor: The Wulling Club of the College of Pharmacy

Awarded to that student in the College of Pharmacy who has earned the second high­est average for four years

Patricia Jane McGinty, '61, 'Vayzata


Alumni Awards for Meritorious Research

Sponsor: Alumni Association of the ~layo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Awarded to fellows or graduate students for outstanding research

Earle E. Crandall, M.D. (Neurosurgery) Harry L. Roth, ~LD. (Dermatology)

J. A. Borgen Award

Sponsors: Individual contributions to the J. A. Bargen Fund

A warded to fellows for excellent research in gastroenterology

Richard L. Lipson, ~1.D. ( ~ledicine)

Judson Doland Travel Award

Sponsor: Dr. Judson Daland, Philadelphia, Pa.

Awarded for special achievement as a fellow in internal medicine

Murray N. Silverstein, ~I. D. ( :\ledicine)

Ralph K. Ghormley Award

Sponsors: Contributions from Mayo Foundation Alumni

Awarded for special achievement in orthopedic surgery

George E. Nelson, Jr., M.D. (Orthopedic Surgery)

Howard K. Gray Travel Award

Sponsors: Individual contributions to the Mayo Association in memory of Dr. Howard K. Gray

Awarded for special achievement in surgery

Louis A. Buie, Jr., M.D. (Surgery)

H. V. Jones Foundation for the Advancement of Medical Sciences Awards

Sponsor: Bequest of Herschel V. Jones to the Mayo Association

Awarded to fellows of the Mayo Foundation for superior ability in medical sciences

Harris M. Hauser, M.D. (Neurology and ~Iaurice J. Martin, ;\I. D. (Medicine) Psychiatry)


E. Starr Judd Award

Sponsor: Dr. Frank C. Mann in honor of E. Starr Judd

Awarded for the outstanding surgical research thesis

Norman E. Larson, M.D. (Surgery)

Neurosurgical Travel Award

Sponsor: Individual contribution to the Mayo Association

Awarded for excellence in clinical neurosurgery

Albert L. Nisswandt, M.D. (Neurosurgery)

Edward John Noble Foundation Awards

Sponsor: The Edward John Noble Foundation, Greenwich, Conn.

Awarded for the display and development of leadership

Richard N. Moersch, M.D. (Surgery) Juergen E. Thomas, M.D. (Neurology) John F. Carnevali, M.D. (Surgery) James R. McPherson, M.D. (Medicine)

Paul A. O'Leary Award

Sponsors: Individual contributions to the Mayo Association in memory of Dr. Paul A. O'Leary

Awarded for outstanding research in demmtology

Ernest Lorenc, M.D. (Dermatology)

Postgraduate Travel Award

Sponsors: Individual donations to the Mayo Association

Awarded for high achievement in internal medicine

Adrian Dronkert, M.D. (Medicine)

J. William White Award

Sponsor: Bequest of Dr. J. William White, Philadelphia, Pa., to the Mayo Association

Awarded for outstanding work by a fellow in surgery

Ronald H. Hayward, M.D. (Surgery)


STUDENTS WITH AVERAGES OF "B" OR HIGHER The following students have completed at least two quarters (26 credits) of work

at the University of Minnesota with a scholarship average of "B" or higher through winter quarter 1961.

Grade averages for the School of Dentistry, Law School, College of Pharmacy, and the College of Veterinary Medicine are based solely on the professional school record. Medical students are not listed because the Medical School grading system does not provide a basis for determining "B" averages. Grade averages for the other schools and colleges are based on the entire record including preprofessional work with the exception that freshmen and sophomore physical education courses are not included.

Students whose names are preceded by a star (0) have maintained an "A" average.



Angelo, Mary J., Virginia Bartholomew, Maureen E., Wayzata Berglund, Sharon S., Cambridge Berigan, Charles M., Minneapolis Brown, Patricia M., Grand Rapids Buck, Donnell V., Zumbrota Croswell, Sue, Minneapolis Derscheid, George F., Kenyon Dieckhaus, James W., Janesville Dupere, Julie M., Minneapolis Ebert, Wesley W., Osseo Eggen, David L., Minneapolis Engels, John D., Chicago, Ill. Etnier, David A., Watertown Fehr, Walter R., East Grand Forks Gerber, Julie A., Odessa Gertjejansen, Roland 0., Fulda Goranson, Barbara C., Minneapolis Hacklander, Duane D., Blue Earth Hanson, Juanita F., Anoka Henson, Larry D., Hopkins Hilliker, Richard L., Black River Falls,

Wis. Hintz, Roberta B., New Ulm Horsager, Leslie G., Verndale Iversen, Warren L., Benson Jacobson, James E., Minneapolis Jagusch, Judith A., Mahtomedi Janzen, Daniel H., Jr., Minneapolis Johnson, Floyd 0., Minneapolis Johnson, Sharon A., Guckeen Jurgensen, Paula A., Owatonna Keller, Gerald P., Tenney Langmo, James M., Willmar Larson, Douglas W., Alexandria Larson, Lynette C., Minneapolis Larter, Roland R., Lancaster Lawson, Virginia N., Somerset, \Vis. Lindmark, Ronald D., Leonard Lyman, Richard 0., Excelsior Maher, Patrick J., Danvers McCaffery, Keith R., Stanley, Wis. McComb, Sharon K., Minneapolis Megraw, Robert A., Rochester Neyers, Melvin R., Gibbon


Olsen, Ronald H., Racine, Wis. 0 Palmer, Diane J., Minneapolis Pella, Jerome J., Minneapolis Peterson, Darrel L., Fairmont Peterson, Gene V., Fisher Powelson, Mary J., St. Cloud Roberts, William L., Crystal Schaar, Leland B., Deer River Siefert, Richard E., Deer River Snustad, Donald P., Guthrie Stone, Donald B., Lengby Swanson, Bert T., Taylor, N. D. Templin, William J., Gibbon Thorud, Susan J., Lindstrom Tritz, Gordon K., Dumont Ulrich, Gretchen M., Minneapolis Vang, Dee Ann E., Litchfield Warner, Robert L., North Redwood Wedin, Britt C., Minneapolis Wells, Arnold R., Clinton Winter, Mary, Redwood Falls Wirta, Edward S., Embarrass


Allen, Dana L., Howard Lake Anderson, Nancy K., Virginia Argue, Charles L., Fergus Falls Barstad, Erna E., Slayton Chaon, Judith A., Minneapolis Christensen, Carolyn A., Westbrook Cole, David L., St. Paul Cooke, Mary E., Billings, Mont. Ellestad, Judith J., Mabel Evenson, Robert E., Newport

°Fallstrom, Emilie R., Buhl Fausch, Karen A., Morristown Flygstad, Jean H., St. Paul Franklin, Suzanne K., Austin Frogness, Darrell M., Havward, Wis. Grazin, Eldon R., St. Paul Hagemeister, Gretchen R., Robbinsdale Hamann, Judith A., Lake Park, Iowa Hathaway, Carolyn J., Minneapolis Heisler, Timothy P., Park Falls, Wis. Huisingh, Donald, Prinsburg Humphrey, Judith A., St. Paul

Johnson, Judith M., Chokio Kleven, Stanley H., Dawson Klukas, Richard W., St. Paul Knodt, Alva C., Wayzata Krueger, \Villiam A., Dunnell Lea, Richard B., Minneapolis Leske, Gary W., Buffalo Lake ~1aier, Charles P., Jr., East Troy, Wis. Markus, Kristina M., St. Paul ~1athews, Ronald E., Rochester Morgan, Virginia A., Wauwatosa, \Vis. Morris, John E., Kilkenny Osgood, Norman L., Milwaukee, Wis. Ostergaard, David E., Evansville Pankow, Eileen R., Rochester Pihlaja, Donovan J., Maple, Wis. Prieve, Charlene A., Minneapolis Reineke, Joan Y., Faribault Revier, Lawrence R., \Vaubun Rodberg, Marjorie E. J., Minneapolis Rouse, Karen L., Minneapolis Sandness, Elizabeth, Duluth Schjeldernp, Carol A., Plummer Yolk, Richard E., St. Paul Weiss, Sus:m E., Hastings Zamber, Gerald W., Dousman, \Vis. Ziegler, \1aurice B., Dassel


Beadles, Lois J., Minneapolis Bezoier, Jean, Rochester Breuer, Dee Ann R., Lake City Brown, \Villiam L., St. Paul Burg, Ursala l\1., St. Paul Colver, Roy D., Minneapolis Concidine, \Veslyn A., \Vabasha Daniels, Patricia A., Tracy Ellickson, Gloria C., Oklee Erhart, Danford \V., Pine City Espe, Joanne P., Minneapolis Ferdon, Ellen L., Minneapolis Filk, Judith A., Hutchinson Freiheit, Marjorie A., Zumbro Falls Hacklander, Nancy C., Blue Earth Hokanson, Kenneth E. F., Robbinsdale Jarvinen, MarieN., Zumbrota Jasken, Louise M., Arlington Johnson, Jay A., Biwabik Kantrnd, Harold A., Fergus Falls Kimball, Bruce A., Isle Klomp, David G., Lime Springs, Iowa Kosen, David H., Wood Lake Krenik, Norma A., Madison Lake Larson, Phyllis J., New Ulm Lembcke, William J., Appleton, Wis. Monhardt, Nancy L., Fairmont Oace, Susan M., North St. Paul Olness, Alan E., Kenyon Paulat, Theodor R., St. Paul Sauer, Dale A., Minneapolis Schafer, David E., Buffalo Lake


Schmidt, Conrad B., \Northington Sharp, Karen M., Janesville Steen, Gary A., Ortonville Streufert, Carol J ., Robbinsdale Tomascak, \\'alter J., Minneapolis Vinkemeier, Luann L., Watertown Vogelpohl, Sue E., New Ulm Walch, Herbert N., St. Paul Ward, James V., Minneapolis Wedin, Mona-Lisa E., Minneapolis \Vildung, Jane C., Nassau


Abrahamson, Philip A., Lanesboro Ackland, Hazel B., Owatonna Anderson, John C., Cambridge Anderson, Judith E., Minneapolis Anti, Leo R., Owatonna Beekman, Kathleen F., Houston Berglund, Judith A., Scandia Blomster, Galen G., Harris Borg, Loren G., Cokato Boser, Roger W., Pierz Boyer, LuAnne K., Bemidji Carter, Kenneth R., Ada Conrad, Ronald L., Amboy Ek, Alan R., Minneapolis Geving, Jesslyn D., Minot, N. D. Halvorson, Charleen G., Plato Hanson, Philip A., St. James Hoeft, Janet K., Anoka Hoffman, Gloria G., Sank Rapids Humenik, Barbara A., Minneapolis Jarvis, Betty A., Lake Crystal Johnson, Ila l\1., Minneapulis Johnson, Sharalyn E., ~1inneapolis Kadlec, Kenneth D., Hutchinson Kolstad, Stanley P., Lakeville Kroll, Barbara L., Bemidji Lagerstedt, Lynn M., Gibbon Leeseberg, Anna l\1. H., Parkers Prairie Leino, Pamela A., Minneapolis McElroy, David F., New Brighton Perrizo, Elizabeth A., Benson Plaggerman, Karen R., Cambridge Prince, Deanna L., Minneapolis Quast, John F., Winsted Ray, Paul E., St. Paul Reese, Twylla M., Minneapolis Regier, John J., Mountain Lake Rine, Barbara J., Winnebago Runck, Bette Lou, Fairfax Swanson, Judith E., St. Louis Park Swenberg, James A., Detroit Lakes Swenson, Marcella J., Mahtowa Tesmer, George H., Jr., Millville Torgerson, Leland D., Motley Turnquist, Judith E., Monticello Vermedahl, Leo D., Emmons Wentz, Robert W., Platteville, Wis.



Burris, Darrold D., Fergus Falls Earle, Roger E., St. Paul Field, Warren A., Wayzata Hagstrom, Kenneth A., Minneapolis Halldorson, Jeremy H., Minneapolis Hanson, Kenneth E., Farmington Jones, Charles D., Minneapolis Kirk, Charles E., St. Paul Lammers, H.ichard R., Minneapolis Marshall, Dana X., Braham Nelson, Wayne J., Pocatella, Idaho Noble, Daniel V., St. Paul Pritchett, James F., Minneapolis Ravich, Paul H., Los Angeles, Calif. Rixe, John W., Minneapolis Rolfsrud, Arnold E., Watford City,

N.D. Bosse, James N., Omaha, Neb. Rutherford, Karen M., Albert Lea

Schultz, Dan F., St. Paul Wentz, Francis W., Chatfield Wilson, Gilbert A., Minneapolis


Anderson, Bruce K., Minneapolis Berman, Frank H., Minneapolis Farrington, Bruce H., Blooming Prairie Foreman, john A., St. Paul Gorski, Gerald L., Minneapolis Hamry, David K., Minneapolis Klassen, Thomas J ., DeGraff McCann, Jordan N., St. Paul Nelson, Jerome G., St. Paul Nystrom, Paul C., St. Paul Parish, Thomas j., Virginia Solum, Dale 0., Spring Grove Soukup, Donald H., Owatonna Thompson, Gary W., Minneapolis \Veiss, Kenneth D., Minneapolis



Floyd, Gary L., Boise, Idaho Ford, RichardT., Anoka Fredeen, Hoger F., Minneapolis Kleven, Jerome H., Minneapolis McCollor, Ronald S., St. Paul Meyer, George W., Minneapolis Middaugh, Dan G., Minneapolis !\[oga, Michael J., St. Paul Nakamoto, Roy Y., Wailuku, Maui,

Hawaii Robinovitch, Murray H., Brandon,

Manitoba, Canada Schwartz, Roy S., Sleepy Eye Smith, Leonard C., Minneapolis Sorenson, Lowell F., Albert Lea Takala, John A., St. Paul \Velna, Jerome L., ~1inneapolis Wick, Marvin G., Minneapolis \Vorms, Frank vV., Jr., St. Paul Wright, Robert C., St. Paul


Anderson, Kenneth N., Minneapolis Bandt, Carl L., Nekoosa, Wis. Bergstedt, Jacob H., Minneapolis Fitz, William H., Harlem, Mont. Gibson, Michael M., Sioux Falls, S.D. LeMay, George A., St. Paul Streed, \Vesley J., Duluth Walters, Melvin W., Beltrami




Beck, Michael F., Bismarck, N.D. Gjerset, James E., Minneapolis Jentoft, Kip B., Duluth King, David L., Cambridge Lawton, Robert D., Loretto Look, John 0., Anoka McPherson, William E., Chinook,

Mont. Menke, Henry J., Jordan Naeve, James D., Rapid City, S.D. Olson. William H., Lanesboro Schindler, Charles W., Kendall, Wis. Twomey, David \V., St. Cloud Wilhelm, H.ichard J., Coeur D'Alene,



Beavens, John W., St. Paul Burbidge, James D., Stanley, N.D. Carlson, Dennis H., Park Forrest, Ill. Carlson, Gary L., Clinton Carver, Arnold B., Neodesha, Kan. Casperson, Carl C., Minneapolis Dale, Melvin E., Mora Hove, Kent A., Kimberly, Idaho Johnson, Walter C., St. Louis Park Pfleger, Ronald W .. Sturgis, S.D. Poss, Paul A., Franklin Schmidt, H.onald P., Mt. Horeb, Wis. Svare, Carl W., \Vest St. Paul Swenson, H.ichard V., Mandan, N.D. Tri, Terrance L., Hastings Wittnebel, James H., Glenwood Zimmer, John H., Jr., Minneapolis

Dental Hygiene

Second Year

Blanich, Barbara M., Crosby Bleier, Anita M., Hudson, Wis. Edwards, Mary Jo., St. Paul Keown, Mary A., Rapid City, S.D. Petersen, Carol J ., Minneapolis Thompson, Judith L., Minneapolis

First Year

Benson, Bonnie L., Sacred Heart Epstein, Estelle A., Sioux City, Iowa Kestler Dorit S., Ft. Meade, S.D. Lowe Susan E., Minneapolis Mikel~on, Sydney A., LaCrosse, Wis.



Almquist, Nancy Ellen, .Gary, ~nd. . Almquist, Russell Frednck, Mn~neapohs Amunson, Gail S., Mondovi, Wis. Anderson, Elaine M., Minneapolis Anderson Marilyn L., Minneapolis Anderson: Wendell L., Minneapolis Andrews, Joan E., Min?eapolis. Arling, Heather M., Mmneapohs Arrowood, Judith M., St. Paul Barnes, Sandra L., Edina Beaudette, Barbara J., St. Paul Behr, Mary J., Paynesville Bergman, Mervyn 0., Cook Berkman Brendalee, St. Paul Bethiue, Sax B., Minneapolis Berntsen, Dean G., Minneapolis Berry, Ann L., Hector Bix Michele P., St. Paul Blu'me Elizabeth R., Minneapolis Bower;, Barbara A., Minneapolis Branch, Janice M., Faribault Brown Martha L., Minneapolis Buan Verniece M., Minneapolis Buffi~gton, William D., Valparaiso, Ind. Carlson David C., Fosston Carnah~n, Nancy E., Minneap~lis Carpenter, Judy A., Minnea~ohs Charon Joel M., Minneapolis Chatterton, Joanne E., Minneapolis Chopp, Eileen M. J., St. Paul . Christofferson, Bonnie J., Ogema, Wis. Churchill, Joan B., Cloquet Clarke, Laura J., Albert Lea Clinite Carolynn, Minneapolis Cook, John B., Des Mo~nes, Io":a Corazza, Dianne C., Mmneapohs Cordes, Janet M., St. Paul Crawford, Linda J., St. Paul Daly, Sara H. S., Savage. . Danielson, Daniel D., Mmneapohs Dinham, Sarah M., Duluth Doran, Rodney L., Detroit Lakes Dreyling, Roger A., St. Paul Dunn, Edward R., Delano . Eckwall Judith M.G., St. Loms Park Eikaas, Ronald E., Minneapolis Ekstrand, David L., St. Paul Erickson Kathleen E., St. Paul Evans, Dorothy A. C., Minneapolis


Ekbom, Bonnie B., Aitkin Fair, Margaret L., St. Paul . Feldman Bernadine M., Pnor Lake, Jeanne M. B., Minneapolis Fox Jeanne J., Minneapolis Fredin, Judith A., Minneapolis Gardill, Norma H., Pittsburgh, Pa. Garrity, Nancy, Austin Geretz, Elaine S., Minneapolis Gilbert, Phyllis J ., Lake City Goldman, Helen F., Danville, Ill. Gollnick, Nancy G., St. Paul Graham, Shannon D., Bremerton, Wash. Green, Marisue, Minneapolis Greenwaldt, David D., St. Paul Griffin, Bonita B., Minneapolis Gustafson, Ruthye E., Minneapolis Haaheim, Dale R., Minneapolis Hage, Mary J., Minneapolis . Halleen, Michael A., Lake City Halvorson, Carol L., Minneapolis Hansen, Linda L., Minneapolis Harrington, Gayle A., Plainvie~ Hatfield Naomi S., Minneapolis Hauser, 'carole A., Charles City, Iowa Hinsverk, John K., Minneapolis Hokanson, Lois J., Minneapolis Hong, Yeo Shin, Seoul, Korea Hubel, Keigh H., Maynard Huber Edna G., Albert Lea Hurwi~z, Evelyn J., Minneapolis Hyllengren, Karen B., Anoka Jensen, Janet A., Dodge Center Jensen, Shirley A., Minneapolis Johnson. Carol G., Minneapolis Johnson; Darrel A., Chisholm Johnson Delores M., Osage, Iowa Johnson: Margaret J., Minneapolis Johnston, Patricia A., Grand ~orks Karlson, Marie A., Minneapohs Katz Jane B., St. Paul Kerr' Susan E., Minneapolis Kobias Zada A., Minneapolis Koch, Richard B., Minneapolis Koemptgen, Carolyn L., St. Paul Kosiak Ann, Chisholm Lagerquist, Janice C., ~inneap~lis Laing, Beverly A. J., Mmneapohs Larson Roy C., St. Paul Latcha~, Ralph B., Jr., Minneapolis

Lawler, Margaret C., Rochester Lee, Sidnee H., Fargo, N.D. Lemberg, LuAnne J. L., Minneapolis Lenz, Dorothy J., Delano Leslie, Larry L., Delavan Lillemoe, Wanda L., Minneapolis Lind, Ardis E., Robbinsdale Lind, Sandra E., St. Paul Lindberg, Jean H. P., Minneapolis Linderman, Patricia L., Minneapolis Linderoth, Virgil M., Minneapolis Lucas, James E., St. Paul Lueck, Gisela E. M., Sioux Falls, S.D. Lufkin, Jane B., Minneapolis Lundheim, Jean E., Anoka Lynskey, John C., Thief River Falls Lysne, Marget A. A., Minneapolis Lytle, Mary A. B., St. Paul Matison, Karen J., Austin Mattson, Ruth E., St. Paul McCluskey, Jay T., St. Paul McFarland, LaDonna M., Lake Citv McKeen, SaraN., Minneapolis McMannus, Mary E., Minneapolis Mehlhaff, Bruce G., Eureka, S.D. Miller, Jean L., Corpus Christi, Tex. Mohr, Carole E. K., Minneapolis Montgomery, Kathryn A., St. Paul Moore, Alice E., Minneapolis Moos, Frances B., Minneapolis Marean, Edith, Minneapolis Morey, Barbara J., Greene, Iowa Morgan, Margaret M., Harrison, Neb. Mracek, Helen E., Lonsdale Mulligan, Elizabeth, Minneapolis Myzal, Barbara C., Duluth Nelson, Judith L., St. Paul Nelson, Karin L., Minneapolis Nissila, Sylvia E., Makinen Nordstrom, Patricia A., Minneapolis Notermann, Dolores J. T., Minneapolis Olson, Judith K., Alexandria Olson, Judith M., Minneapolis Oppen, Janice M., Minneapolis Orme, Nancy, St. Paul

"Oyler, William E., Jr., St. Paul Palmer, Pauline J., Minneapolis Pendle, Frank E., Jr., Rochester Peterson, Colleen A., Minneapolis Peterson, Donna J., Cokato Peterson, Janice L. R., Minneapolis Peyrath, Adrian, Minneapolis Pietsch, Janet M., South St. Paul Pollack, Marilyn R., Minneapolis Pomye, Ralph B., New Prague Raymond, Mary A., Marble Redwing, Loreen A., Mable Rice, Patricia L. F., Minneapolis Rockier, Michael J., Minneapolis Rohrer, Jane C., Marshall Rosenblum, Shirley A. R., Minneapolis Russell. Sharlyn E., Appleton, Wis. Sager, Judith A., Minneapolis St. Germain, Richard P., St. Paul


Sampson, Anthony, Makinen Saxton, Jill P., Minneapolis Schmookler, Pauline K., St. Paul Schwarz, Philip D., Vernon Center Schwarzkopf, Robert J., St. Paul Sidlo, Jane F., Minneapolis Silverness, Janet E., Mondovi, Wis. Spurrell, Joy D., St. Paul Stanford, Richard F., St. Paul Steffen, Shari A., Minneapolis Stewart, Joanne C. S., New Brighton Starns, Jean C. P., St. Paul Staas, Gary E., Faribault Stowell, Ellen J., Tulsa, Okla. Seanson, Irvin D., Cook Swedberg, Jean K. 0., Cloquet Swintek, Cletus A., Little Falls Thompson, Mary Louise A., Minneapolis Tkach, Alexandra, Columbia Heights Turula, Helene E. G., St. Paul Tweito, Anstes N., Spring Grove Ulsaker, Sonja E., Battle Lake VanLuven, Ruth S., South St. Paul Vickers, Warren L., Minneapolis Viker, Sharon I., St. Paul Vincent, Esther L., Minneapolis Viner, JoAnn, St. Paul Wachs, Jacqueline M., Minneapolis Wahlgren, Patricia A., Lindstrom Westerberg, Nancy A., Minneapolis Whitcher, Adele L., St. Paul Wilcken, Barbara A., Minneapolis Wilson, Pearl W., Minneapolis Winchell, Patricia A., St. Paul Winer, Natalie, Chicago, Ill. Wood, Carole E., St. Paul Wuertz, Louise M., Austin Yanacek, Ruth C., Wayzata Zeller, Nancy E., Pine Island Zobitz, Carolyn D., Chisholm


Adams, Janet M., Austin Anderson, Gloria J., Duluth Armel, Ruth M., Minneapolis Balkin, Roberta S., Wayzata Bergquist, David G., Minneapolis Berman, Sheila A., Minneapolis Bickett, Margaret F., Minneapolis Bloom, Marvin S., Minneapolis Bonstrom, Ruth ]., Minneapolis Brackett, Barbara A., Minneapolis Buckley, Keith D., Minneapolis Carlson, Kenneth R., Lake City Chard, Jean K., Willmar Christensen, Adolph C., Minneapolis Christopherson, Cynthia C., Benso!'l Dibbern, Darlene E., Luverne Doney, Ruth E., Wood Lake Edgar, Hilda M., Minneapolis Elton, Bonita J., Pine Creek Enestvedt, Mary M., St. Louis Park Etem, Virginia E., Minneapolis

Feldman, Janet M., Duluth . Fladeland, Linda V., Minneapolis Gamel, Mary M., Isanti Gilbert, Jerry J., Minneapoli~ Gilbert, .\1ary E., Minneapolis Gilland, Ann M., Sleepy Eye Graham, Curtis R., St. Paul Gregoire, John B., Murdock Grenz, Sharon L., Mobridge, S.D. Gustafson Carol M., Minneapolis Hanson, Sl1aralyn M., Excelsior Hauger, Barbara A., Baudette Hundley, James E., St. Paul Jackson, Robert W., Eveleth Johnson Bonnie L., Prior Lake Johnson: Deborah A., J:Iopkins . Johnson, Lorene E., Mmneapolis Kinsel Judith A., St. Paul Knoss,' Jeanette A., Minneapolis LaBuda Everett L., St. Paul Larson, \villiam A., Minneapolis Levering, Diana L., Long Lake Lewis Carol E. Rivercrest, Calif. Lindf~rs, Janet b., Minneapolis Lonnes Perry B., St. Paul Magnu~on, Carol A., Minneapolis Matthews Ann M., Minneapolis Mauseth, Elaine S., Minneapolis . McCollister, Virginia S., .\tinneap?lis McGinnis Corinne M., Maple Plam McGuire, \tary J ., Minneapolis. McVey, Patricia A., Minneai?olis Mielke, Betty A., Minneapolis Miller Doyle W., St. Paul Mobe;g, Kathleen M., Minneapolis Moquin, Geraldine M., St. Paul Morgan, Anne, Austin . . Moskowitz, Jack W., Mm.neapolis Nelson, Georgia E., Osakis Neren, Tamara, St. Paul Nichols, Jack G., St. Paul Nomura, Judith E., St. Pa~l Olson, Lyle A., Minneapolis Olson Susan A., Austin Overstreet, Lucille A., Minneapolis Person Carolee J ., Big Lake Peters~n David A., Minneapolis Reavis, Dolores Y., Minneapolis Reed, Sylvia L., St. Paul Ripke, Bette A., St. Paul Ruth Karen M., Duluth Sche~efeld Alice M., Milaca Schwartz ~1arcia, Minneapolis Shoop, ~fary J., Austin Smith, John T., Forest Lake. Solberg, Janet 1., Minneapolis Squibb, Sharon L., Redwood Falls Stanway, Carleen~· C., St. Pau! Stern, Judith L., Milwaukee, \VIs. Stoffer, Paul D., Rochester Stussy JaniceK., Wells Taylo;, Clarence Ellis, St. Paul \Verner, Meredyth F., Redwood Falls Wilson, Larry J., \Vayzata


Woestehoff, Mary J., Minneapolis Wright, Liberty K., Minneapolis Zontelli, Patricia R., Crosby


Ackerson, Marilyn L., Edina Anderson, Astrid L., Minneapolis Bina, Barbara J., Minneapolis Brewer, Leon S., Minneapolis Brye, Ainsley A., Edina Buchanan, Peter J ., Hopkins Cunningham, Margery L., St. Paul Davis, Susan E., Anoka Dern, Prairie C., Minneapolis Fick, Carole Y., Vergas Fink Stuart J., St. Paul Fout~, Stephanie S., Kansas City, Mo. Frerichs, Janet C., Minneapolis Gallagher, Arlette M., Clearwater Hackett, Mary J., \Vaseca Hansen, John C., Minneapolis Huntsinger, Carol J., \Vorthington Kramer, Barbara A., Minneapolis Mahal, Constance M., \Vabasso Manthey, Velma M., Cloquet McGonagle, Mary L., Faribault Mieras, Eloise M., Rochester Mitchell, Alice A., Fayetteville, Tenn. Monson Diane L., New Brighton Nelson 'Roxanne M., Hopkins Nohre,' Sandra L., Minneapolis Noss Louise A., Bloomington Olse~, Jacquelyn T., Minneapolis Olson, Janet R., West St. Pa';ll Olson Nancy T., Minneapolis Ott Maxine A., Minneapolis Rogers, Linda K., Tracy Rotramel, Joanne M., Morris Samuels, Barbara L., Duluth Stang, Donald R., Deerwood . Swenson, Sandra E., Minneapolis Thomas, Mary Jo, Minneapolis Titterud, Ann M., Anoka \Vard, Susan M., Cambridge


Addis, Elizabeth A., Minneapolis Bachman, Linda M., Minneapolis Berry, Nancy L., St. Paul . Birnbaum, Bernard F., Minneapolis Cram, Marcella A., Minneapol~s Deline, Patricia G., Minneapolis Dibble, Joyce E., Minneapolis Dorschner, Michele L., Minneapolis Grashuis, Sharron E., Minneapolis Hallquist, Harriet H., Minn~apolis Hanson Marilyn J., St. Loms Park Hauke, 'Barbara K., Minneapolis Howkinson, Patricia A., LaGrange, Ill. Jensen, Mary J., Richfield Krause, Rita A., St. Paul Lustig, Raymond J., St. Paul

Ring Beverly J., Medford Smith, Kathleen V., 'tvtinneapolis

Smith Marilou N., St. Paul Webber, Colleen J., Watertown, S.D.


Second Year

Ahrens Bruce L., St. Paul Deming, Jack R., Minneapolis. Dempster, William B., St. Loms Park Geisen, Richard J ., St. Paul Griffin Doris E., St. Paul Hagen' Ronald R., Minneapolis Halve;son, Kurt B., Spring Park Handtke Daniel K., St. Paul Hanson, buane C., Ortonville Held Randi D., St. Paul Hill 'william D., Minneapolis Hoffman Robert B., Edina Hooper, Betsy J., Minneapolis Jackson Harvey E., Richfield Johnson', Delmont M., Hopkins Johnson, Glenn E., St. ~au! . Johnson, Richard L., Mmneapohs Johnson, Warren E., Anoka Larson Richard A., Willmar Littfin,'John A., Winsted Marien, Glen A., St. Paul Martin Suzanne J ., St. Paul McPhe~son David R., Minneapolis Metcalfe Alexander H., Minneapolis Millar S~ndra St. Louis Park Miller: John D., Minneapolis . Morse William A., Minneapohs Nielse~, Adrian M., New Brighton Nordstrom, Sandrea K., Rochester O'Keefe Dennis P., St. Paul Pappas, 'Linda K., New Brighton Peterson Dallas E., Shakopee Peterson: Jerome W., Minneapolis Pettersen, Lee S., Minneapolis Pieper, John F., Minneapolis Schwartz, Robert E., vVadena Smith Gordon A., Minneapolis Stoess~l, Robert L., Jr., St. Louis Park Truman, Gayleen T., Canton Urquhart, Sally A., St. Cloud Vaughn, GeorgeS., Rochester Welch, Donald L., St. Paul Whittle£, Larry ,V., Minneapolis Williamson, Michael T., Shakopee

First Year

Allard, John B., Minneapolis Andersen, Wayne R., St. Paul Anderson, Carl J., Minneapolis Arey Stuart L., Jr., Minneapolis Battl~s Donald E., Berkeley, Calif. "Bauma~ Gilbert L., Minneapolis Birch, William L., Minneapolis Butts, James C., Minneapolis Carlberg, John P., Minneapolis Connelly, Eugene J., St. Paul


"Delzer Helene S., Minneapolis Desmo~d Dennis W., Minneapolis Dorf Ch~rlotte M., Silver Springs, Md. Eng~n, Clement C., Minneapolis Feine Karen M., Hector Fritz,'John W., Minneapolis . Gastman Patricia A., Mmneapohs Geerken 'Forrest K., Jr., Minneapolis Gepner, 'steven R., N!inneapolis Goldish. Jeffrey M., St. Paul Gulden, Donald F., Columbia Heights Haedtk~, Robert H., Minneapolis_ Hendrickson, Jack L., Minneapohs Hite Harry W., Jr., St. Paul Hock Mary S., Minneapolis Holli~beck, Robert F., Minneapolis Hutton, Charles P., Jr., St. Paul Irgens, Donald L., Glenwood Johnson Beverly L., Red Lodge, Mont. Johnson: Thomas C., Thief River Falls Kaplan, Phyllis, Min~eapolis . Kaslow, Bruce D., Mmneapohs Kaster William T., Wayzata Kavan~gh, John J., Minneapolis Kjeldsen, John P., Mundelein, p!. Kragness, Gene R., Minneapo!Is Kurtz, Leo C., Jr., Minneapohs Larson, Lloyd D., Richfield Lavoy, Jerry D., Brookston . LeMon, Jerome R., Minneapohs Lewen, Wayland R., North Riverside,

Ill. Lindgren, David P., Minneapolis. Lindgren, Robert W., Minneapohs Loverud Noel E., Minneapolis Lucking: David L., Minneapolis Luptak Ronald J., Dickinson, N.D. Marklu~d, Stephen L., Minneapolis McClellan, Bruce C., Minneapolis Miller, Dennis M., Minneapolis Moneta, John E., Minneapolis Morris, Larry T., Excelsior Nirschl, Francis A., Minneapolis Niskanen, Stanley A., Minneapolis Ramirez, David J., Minneapolis Rauch, James H., Minneapolis Robinson, Gary E., West St. Paul Rognas, Roger D., Minneapolis Silvermann, Wendy S., St. Louis Park Smith, Lawrence C., Minneapolis

"Speltz, Conrad J., Lewiston Sundt, Richard L., Minneapolis Suss, Richard S., Minneapolis Swenson, Warren J., Minneapolis Talus, Rebecca J., Biwabik Thayer, Barbara J., Minneapolis Thompson, Russell C., Minneapolis Tomas, Eugene B., St. Paul

Turner, Michele R., St. Paul Wallace, Shirley J., Minneapolis

Wangen, Arlette C., Minneapolis Whitehill, Roy M., Minneapolis


Mortuary Science Third Year

Anderson, John C., Stromsburg, Neb. Broer, Richard N., New Providence,

Iowa Philipp, Thomas A., Shakopee

Second Year

Geyer, Keith A., What Cheer, Iowa Strike, Hugo G., Jr., Isanti White, Stephen, Ferguson, 1\lo.

First Year

Hamilton, \Yayne E., Denver, Colo.



Brooks, William F., Jr., Minneapolis Burbidge, John L., Stanley, N.D. Doty, David S., Minneapolis Doyle, Terence N., Minneapolis Galinson, Murray L., St. Louis Park Graven, Lloyd, Greene, Iowa

"Greene, Josephine D., Syracuse, N.Y. Hale, JohnS., Edina Hansen, Richard R., Minneapolis Heims, Sandra, Minneapolis Johnson, Paul 0., Minneapolis Karon, Stanley E., Duluth Kretschmar, William E., Venturia, N.D. Lockhart, William J., Robbinsdale Melberg, Curtis L., St. Paul Nelson, Maurice J., Brainerd Nemer, Ronald J., St. Paul Nordquist, Stephen G., Minneapolis Olson, Michael A., South St. Paul Orthun, Philip J., Virginia Rice, John D., Caledonia

Sanner, Royce N., Lancaster "Stein, Robert A., Minneapolis Struyk, Robert J., Boyden, Iowa Swartz, Stephen B., Minneapolis

Third Year

Ellison, Roger L., St. Paul

Second Year

"Aaron, Philip \V., Minneapolis Beugen, Robert J., Minneapolis Forslund, Curtis D., Red Lake Falls

"Gellhorn, Ernest A. E., Minneapolis Hay, Thomas S., St. Paul Hokenson, Henry J., Minneapolis

"Kyle, Richard H., White Bear Lake "Laboe, Norman J., Minneapolis Lines, Patricia M., Robbinsdale McGirl, John J., Jr., Duluth Priebe, David C., Balaton Sullivan, Michael P., Robbinsdale


Medical Technology Seniors

Burstein, Harriette P., Minneapolis Hess, Renelda J., Minneapolis Johnson, Mary A., Alexandria Nelson, Clareyse E., Detroit Lakes Schleif, Cheryl J., Hanover


Fadden, Donna J., Wayzata Gesme, Lura J., Benson McDonald, Janet C., Minneapolis Munson, Karen L., Minneapolis Nelson, Audrey L., Minneapolis Nelson, Marlys J., Kensington Ramaker, Carolyn L., Chester, Iow:t Rosenthal, Kathleen, Waseca

School of Nursing


Adams, Merriam R., Minneapolis Edwards, Penelope J., Minneapolis


Erickson, Carolyn B., Rochester Foote, Jean A., Portland, N.D. Freel, Mildred I., Des Moines, Iowa

Goldfarb, Rita S., Kansas City, Mo. Grier, Audrey M., Moorhead Hackett, Susanne, Waseca Hanson, Lois M., Marshall Herbert, Lavonne E., Balaton Holmes, Karen R., St. Paul Jacobson, Katherine C., Dennison Kane, Raleigh M., Minneapolis Karin, Irene L. \V., Minneapolis Karlen, Sharon R., Austin Lyden, Carol J., Grand Rapids Madsen, Carol J., Cedar Falls, Iowa Maeder, Darlene A., Henderson Mondloch, Margaret A., St. Paul Olson, Barbara J., Hibbing Ott, Jeanne E., Minneapolis Peterson, Dolores C., Effie Ramey, Marcella M., Minneapolis Rost, Elizabeth A., Minneapolis Ruesch, Elaine M., Medford, Wis. Sanders, Patricia J., Hibbing Seaquist, Dorine R., St. Paul Snyder, Louanne E., Havre, Mont. Speer, Justine J., Princeton Srigley, Sylvia S., Galesburg, Ill. Tegenfeldt, Margaret L., Rochester,

N.Y. Todd, Clovis K., Memphis, Tenn. Van Essen, Gloria C., Brainerd \Veils, Andrea, Jackson


Dalen, Audrey J., Georgetown Haglund, Constance N., Northfield Johnson, Mabel M., Northfield Johnson, Marian A., Northfield Kinneberg, Lyla M., Spring Grove Krenz, Lois A., Faribault McKay, Bernadette A., Fresh Meadows,

N.Y. Oszman, Judith A., Rochester Heishus, Karen A., Marshall Repp, Carol A., Minneapolis Schuber, Marie E., Chicago, III. Spurbeck, Mary Ann A., Berkeley

Heights, N. J. Starkey, Kathryn E., St. Louis Park Stensland, Joan K., Minneapolis Thompson, Mary R., Sunburg \Vhite, Florence E., Warren, Pa. Y oon, Marilyn ]., Minneapolis

First Year

Barness, Carol Sue, Crookston Bloom, Anita G., Scandia Carlson, Linda F., Minneapolis Giere, Karen L., Minneapolis Goff, Gertrude H., Seattle, Wash. Hartley, Sarah A., Tulsa, Okla. Holub, Judith A., New Prague Hurst, Darlene, Charles City, Iowa Ofstad, Cynthia A., Minneapolis Samuelson, Janet V., Minneapolis

Occupational Therapy Seniors

Cronin, Anne T ., Excelsior Hendrickson, Janet K., Minneapolis Mastro, Carol A., Minneapolis Smith, Charlotte E., Minneapolis


Rundgren, Sarah J., Lindstrom Wolfe, Lorraine M., Minneapolis Zelcovich, Sheila M., Winnipeg, Mani-

toba, Canada

Physical Therapy Seniors

Bennett, Jane G., Dodge City, Kan. Jurkovich, Sandra J., Chisholm Messner, Sonja S., Hibbing Micka, Kathleen M., Hibbing Olmen, Karen H., St. Paul \Veimar, Karen V., Cumberland, '''is.


Allan, Barbara J., Minneapolis Cummins, Gordon H., St. Paul Dauwalter, Mary A., Carver Engebretson, Karen J., Hutchinson Henkes, Polly J., Farmersburg, Iowa Komives, Dolores M., St. Paul Linderman, Barbara E., Minneapolis Makinster, Jennifer A., Clinton

Public Health Nursing Seniors

Kadow, Mary A., Manitowac, Wis. Pues, Carol E. Y., Spring Valley, Calif. Swanson, Karen H., Minneapolis Winkler, Litta E., Peoria, Ill.



Bartscher, Catherine A., St. Paul


Rasmussen, Doris A., Des Moines, Iowa



Agerter, Ronald W., West Concord Larson, Dennis L., Wyoming McGinty, Patricia J., Wayzata Omacht, John R., Osakis Schlorf, Richard A., White Bear Lake


Fossen, John E., Aitkin Koechel, Daniel A., Waseca Sladek, Norman E., Montgomery


Cook, Richard E., Hastings Johnson, Ronald R., Mora Lauring, Richard S., Coleraine

Marshall, John A., Fergus Falls North, Charles M., Olivia Rabold, Roger A., St. Paul Soltis, Donald G., Holdingford Stockman, \Vayne W., Stewart Strelnieks, Aija S., Minneapolis Wachter, Roger C., Farmington Zemmers, Vija V., Duluth


Barbknecht, John D., Waseca Bigot, Alfred E., Minneapolis Black, Paul A., Minneapolis Erickson, Philip R., Madison, Wis.

"Matuseski, Richard, Moose Lake Schmitz, Stephen E., Hutchinson Sinner, Gregory T., Minneapolis



Aalberg, Richard M., ~[inneapolis Abbott, Leo D., Minneapolis Ackermann, Adele M., Minneapolis Ackley, Randall W., Minneapolis Adams, Gail L., Minneapolis Aelony, Yossef, Minneapolis Aelony, Zev, Minneapolis Ahrens, Joyce K., St. Paul Akin, Charles R., Minneapolis Allen, Frank T., Royalton Allen, Marveen E., St. Ansgar, Iowa Anderson, Devona E., Minneapolis Anderson, Harvey L., Minneapolis Anderson, Kathleen R., Minneapolis Anderson, Mary S., Mahtomedi Arent, Patricia A., St. Paul Banovetz, Ann M., Duluth Barry, John M., St. Charles Bell, Michael J., St. Paul Bellin, Walter J., Minneapolis Bereziuk, Martha, Hibbing Berman, Sharon V., Minneapolis Berner, William S., Minneapolis Bezoier, Ann B., Rochester Bjork, Robert A., Minnetonka Beach Blackburn, Marjorie A., Minneapolis Blazek, Lloyd, Pine City Boardman, Peter J., St. Paul Bogen, Earl A., Glenwood Bonney, Rachel A., St. Paul Bornstein, Bronna M., St. Louis Park Bourne, Betty L., St. Paul Bray, Philip N., Jr., Duluth Bridge, John A., Minneapolis Brower, Gale R., Minneapolis Brown, Deborah J., Minneapolis Cain, Stephanie C., Rochester Canner, Paul L., St. Paul Carlson, Janet M., Dent


Cawley, Rita M., Waseca Chelberg, James E., New Brighton Child, Dean H., Minneapolis Chodos, Stephen D., Minneapolis Christensen, Margot J., St. Paul Cohen, Carol J., Minneapolis Costigan, Patrick \V., Minneapolis Crabtree, Loren W., Ellendale, N.D. Crosby, Edwin L., Minneapolis Cuthbert, Adele W., Minneapolis Czaky, Vernie M., St. Paul Dahlstrom, Patricia A., Minneapolis Davies, Joan M., Minneapolis Dennis, Carl E., University City, Mo. Dessaint, William 1., Brooklyn, N.Y. Downes, Jerome A., Willmar Duck, John C., Minneapolis Dzubay, Dale E., Wausau, Wis. Eaton, Lynne S., Rochester Eckberg, Mary A., Minneapolis Elin, Ronald J., Minneapolis Emerson, Mary M., Minneapolis Ernst, Richard L., Rochester Farina, James R., New Buffalo, Mich. Farrell, Nancy C., St. Paul Farrell, Patrick A., South St. Paul Foertsch, Carol E., Minneapolis Foster, Curtis H., Garvin Frederiksen, Nancy J., Winona Freer, Robert J., Farmington Fritz, Eva A., Minneapolis Gardner, John F., Edina Geretz, Frank, Minneapolis Gilbert, Frederick E., Minneapolis Gillis, Ruth J., Minneapolis Granquist, Judith E., Minneapolis Granroth, Gerald G., Detroit Lakes Granzberg, Gary R., St. Paul Greer, Barbara M., Minneapolis Grossman, Kathe A., Minneapolis

Gustafson, Nancy E., Eau Claire, \Vis. Hadel, John B., St. Paul Hammar, Ruth K., Minneapolis Hanlon, Jane S., St. Paul Hanover, Helen L., International Falls Harrington, Edward C., Beloit, Wis. Harrington, Ronald J., Minneapolis Hartl, Donna M., Independence, Mo. Hatton, John M., Minneapolis Haugen, John E., Minneapolis Hayden, Beverly D., Hockford, Ill. Helgeson, Ann R., Chicago, Ill. Henning, Emily, St. Cloud Heymer, Judith A., Wayzata Higgins, Gerald C., Excelsior Hofstrand, Harold J., St. Louis Park Holian, Mark \V., Melrose Hradetzky, Eva A., St. Paul Hume, Elroy L., Crookston Humphrey, Noreen S., Minneapolis Huntsinger, Vance L., Worthington Hursh, Barbara J., St. Paul Hursh, Hoger H., Minneapolis Husemoller, Roger P., Austin Hynes, Kathleen D., Winnebago Jacobs, Karl F., St. Paul Jamieson, Margaret P., Los Angeles,

Calif. Johnson, Bruce E., Minneapolis Johnson, Roger D., St. Paul Jones, Dwayne M., Minneapolis Jordan, Kay R., Austin Josephs, James R., Kensington Jurkovic, Samuel M., Boyceville, Wis. Kaplan, Sidney, Chicago, Ill. Karlstrom, Marian R., Minneapolis Katz, Gail D., Minneapolis Keating, John]., St. Louis Park Keenan, Kathleen M., Austin Kinneberg, Lois A., Spring Grove Kinyon, Richard S., Minneapolis Klein, Nancy C., Elizabeth, Pa. Kohler, Melinda, Marion, Ohio Koll, Judy M., Winona Krukenberg, Claire E., Blue Earth Kruschke, Carilyn M., St. Paul Kurovsky, Gina H., Minneapolis Lacabanne, Leon B., Minneapolis Larkin, Karen H., Minneapolis Larson, Hazel 0., Minneapolis Larson, Marianne T., St. Paul Larson, Steven L., Minneapolis Lavelle, Thomas G., Minneapolis Leach, Peter J., Racine, V/is. Leeds, Barbara F., New York, N.Y. Levin, Bruce S., St. Paul Lob, Chun K., Seoul, Korea Luhring, Alan A., Faribault :'vlaki, Merryalice, Chisholm Maloney, Barbara A., Minneapolis Margolis, Sanford Z., Minneapolis Marshall, Barbara M., Minneapolis Massoudi, Farhad, Tehran, Iran Matros, Ronald J., Minneapolis


.\1cColm, Carol A., Farmington, N . .\1.

.\kCoy, Ronald G., Austin

.\1cCulla, J\1ary C., Crookston McCutchen, Lee W., Minneapolis McDonald, Hose E., Alexandria J\1eclelman, John P., White Bear Lake J\lichels, Kathleen S., Breckenridge J\lickley, Sue A., Minneapolis .\litchell, David E., Minneapolis :\Joe, Nancy L., Minneapolis Monson, Katherine J., St. Paul .\1ortenson, James A., Minneapolis Morton, Pauline E., Glenwood Moyle, Joseph W., Excelsior Murray, l\latthew H., St. Paul Namenwirth, .\1arion M., New York,

N.Y. Nathanson, Iric M., Minneapolis Nelson, Marcia H., Rochester Nelson, Peter F., Breckenridge Nemec, Judith A., Minneapolis Newman, James L., Minneapolis Niazi, Salwa A., Granite Falls Obichere, Boniface, Owerri, Nigeria O'Grady, Guy E., Minneapolis Ojala, Jeanne A., Cloquet Olmsted, Ross W., Brainerd Olness, Sigrid B., Peterson Olsen, Erma W., \Vestbrook Olson, Donald ]., Cloquet Olson, Marlene M., Minneapolis Olson, Vernon K., Minneapolis Oshima, Don, Minneapolis Otis, Gerald D., Northfield Owens, Margaret J. Fargo, N.D. Pankake, Jon A., Dassel Paschke, Judith L., Winnebago Patten, Richard L., Bemidji Paukert, Edward T., St. Paul Pearce, Jeffrey B., St. Louis Park Pearson, Alfred G., Minneapolis Peterson, Baird D., Minneapolis Peterson, Gerald C., Minneapolis Pilhofer, Herbert, Minneapolis Plourde, Ferdinand ]., Minneapolis Pogue, Nancy L., St. Paul Rafinski, l\1arcia A., Minneapolis Rand, Thomas A., East Grand Forks Ray, Neil A., Little Falls Richardson, Judith A., Des Plaines, Ill. Rockland, .\1ae S., New York, N.Y. Rogers, Kathleen B., Arlington, Va. Hoss, John R., St. Paul Rossini, Bernard G., St. Paul Rothenberg, Elliot C., Minneapolis Hone, John M., Fosston Rubinsky, Judith G., Minneapolis Rudel, Michael, St. Paul Scanlan, Thomas M., Minneapolis Scanlon, Daniel J., St. Paul Scheiner, Susan G., Minneapolis Schochet, Lois K., St. Paul Scholz, Robert F., St. Paul Schramm, Lorraine M., Stormlake, Iowa

Scott, Judith N., Canton Selden, Marcia H., Minneapolis Serbine, Adrienne M., St. Paul Sillerud, Robert H., Rothsay Silverman, William B., Minneapolis Sisler, Ella C., Minneapolis Solberg, Leif 1., Minneapolis Spack, Richard J., St. Paul Spurrier, Richard A., St. Paul Stein, Lawrence B., St Paul Strom, Clifford D., Minneapolis Sun, Chung-Ji, Hong Kong Swanson, David A., Cambridge Sweet, Irene K., Hopkins Tang, Douglas B., Winnemucka, Nev. Terrell, Kathleen L., Nopeming Thorpe, Robert P., Minneapolis Trenholm, Gerald L., Savage Turner, Patricia M., Minneapolis Ueland, Clara M., Minneapolis Vertelney, Paula N., Duluth Vine, Kay M., Minneapolis Vinnes, Norman M., St. Paul Wadd, Susan M., Janesville Waldemar, Carla M., Minneapolis Wannego, Paul E., Minneapolis Warhol, Richard M., Minneapolis Wasson, Jeanne E., Alexandria Watland, Martha A., Excelsior Weir, Carolyn R., Excelsior Wheeler, John W., Minneapolis Whitney, Glayde D., St. Paul Wicklund, Jon A., Minneapolis Wiese, James D., Minneapolis Wikstrom, Matti T., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wittenberg, Dorothy E., Minneapolis Walch, Judith M., Winnipeg, Manitoba,

Canada Young, Priscilla E., Irvington, N. Y. Zimmerman, Carol J., Robbinsdale


Abramson, Sandra J ., St. Paul Allen, Ronald L., Blue Earth Anderson, Kathryn J., Mora Anderson, Reginald A., St. Paul Anderson, Robert E., La Crosse, Wis. Anderson, Robert R., Robbinsdale Anderson, Thomas C., Minneapolis Andre, Sharon L., Minneapolis Asp, Marlyce 1., Hutchinson Azine, Sheldon L., St. Paul Bachman, Gaylen D., Minneapolis Bahnemann, David W., West St. Paul Baker, Arlene S., Minneapolis Bakke, Sally L., Bemidji Bard, Stephen A., Minneapolis Barnett, Joan S., Minneapolis Bartlett, Gary N., St. Paul Battermann, Mary M., St. Paul Bellin, Carol R., Minneapolis Bellin, Sandra G., North Dakota Benshoof, Lou A., Detroit Lakes

Bill, Patricia L., St. Paul Bjorge, Gary J., Tomah, Wis. Braatz, Gordon A., Fergus Falls Bradshaw, John H., White Bear Lake Bredberg, Janice E., Dunnell Brennan, Thomas D., South St. Paul Brink, Karl D., Hutchinson Bruce, Jane, St. Paul Bruesehoff, Gene E., Hopkins Burke, Thomas E., Minneapolis Burnham, Sarah L., St. Paul Carter, Elizabeth B., Princeton, N.J. Cers, Janis, Minneapolis Chai, Sandra P., Minneapolis Chapman, Carol H., Albert Lea Chozen, Rollie F., Spirit Lake, Iowa Chrislock, Carl W., Minneapolis Clark, Terrence L., Minneapolis Close, Ann M., St. Paul Cohen, Marshall A., Duluth Colness, Patricia J., Benson Condit, Christine A., Yonkers, N.Y. Cranston, Craig H., Minneapolis Cremers, Joyce M., Minneapolis Darrah, Aloa D., Minneapolis

~Delfiacco, Gerald P., St. Paul Dille, Steven B., Mcintosh Doeltz, Kathleen L., St. Paul Dolan, Edward M., Worthington Doren, Carmen R., Badger, Iowa Dorn, Jane Marie, Otisco


Doyle, Jerry J., Grand Rapids Duff, Richard M., Excelsior Dygert, Jerry G., Minneapolis Edin, Nancy J., Hinckley Edwards, Louella E., Moorhead Eidc, Paul H., Minneapolis Ekberg, Carl J., St. Paul Ellenberg, Kenneth E., Spring Valley Ellis, Daphne J., Regina, Saskatchewan,

Canada Emdy, James J., Chisago City Engleson, Sandra L., Minneapolis Erskine, Virginia A., St. Paul Falk, Andrew E., Cook Fanter, Joanne H., Ceylon Farrington, Dennis A., Richfield Fatemi, Hashem, Isfahan, Iran Folland, Glen A., Kittson Foss, Donald T., Minneapolis Frane, Gerald T., Minneapolis Frank, Gail E., Minneapolis Franzen, Mary E., Minneapolis Freed, Lynne S., St. Joseph, Mo. Fryer, Joan L., St. Paul Gartner, Karen A., Hopkins Goetz, John R., Minneapolis Gonzalez, Annabella Q., Minneapolis Good, James S., Faribault Goodspeed, Robert A., Chaska Goodwin, Nancy A., Minneapolis Gordon, James M., Minneapolis Gordon, Michael, St. Paul Goudie, Andrea K., Minneapolis

Gustafson, Carol R., North St. Paul Hagen, John C., Minneapolis Hagen, John W., Minneapolis Hamelberg, Eileen T., Minneapolis Hammar, Michael D., Mountain Lake Harvey, Elizabeth A., St. Paul Haugan, Judith K., St. Paul Haugesag, Dentlcy M., Minneapolis Henry, Ronald vV., Minneapolis Hill, Mary M., Minneapolis Hitz, Duane E., St. Paul Holscher, Sharon E., Rapid City, S. D. Hume, Gary W., Minneapolis Hunt, Lana K., Minneapolis Hutchins, Bruce E., Minneapolis Iverson, Jerry A., Kerkhoven Johanson, Arnold E., Dalton Johns, MichaelS., St. Paul Johnson, Audrey R., Watertown, S. D. Johnson, Carol A., Minneapolis Johnson, Dallas D., Olivia Johnson, David A., Ormsby Johnson, David L., Cokato Johnson, Kathryne M., St. Paul Jonsson, Amy S., Minneapolis Jordan, Mary A., St. Paul Katter, John C., Minneapolis Kern, Andrea S., Minneapolis Kiesel, Tonu M., Minneapolis Kim, Chin H., Seoul, Korea Kinney, Evelyn A., St. Paul Kjos, Wendell A., Alexandria Klein, James R., Bluffton Laison, Lucy J., Wayzata Lamson, Arlyss A., White Bear Lake Larsen, Marcia J., Osseo

0 Larson, Carol A., Minneapolis Larson, Raymond H., Hector Larson, Robert J., Minneapolis Lary Darrel L., Northfield Lazarus, Barry M., Minneapolis Levy, Jane A., St. Paul Lifson, Benjamin M., Minneapolis Lindquist, Linda C., St. Louis Park Longstaff, Susan J., Minneapolis Mahle, Philip P., Plainview Malmquist, Max A., North Branch Manos, Steven S., St. Paul Margolis, Nancy R., St. Paul Martin, Janet M., Waterloo, Iowa Martin, Stephen H., St. Paul McBride, Patricia A., Virginia McGregor, Byron C., Mapleton McGregor, William R., Great Falls,

Mont. McManus, Marilyn R., Princeton Melting, Robert A., Albert Lea Miller, Thomas E., Minneapolis Minard, Alice J., Philip, S. D. Moan, Thomas C., Glenwood Moller, Henry E., Cloquet Monson, Warren A., St. Paul Moore, James M., Minneapolis Mulvania, Richard L., Red Wing


\Iunger, Kathleen J., Minneapolis Nealy, Timothy E., Adrian Neff, Carolyn J., Duluth Nelson, Audrey M., Austin Nelson, Margaret V., Elbow Lake Nelson, Richard C., Minneapolis Nelson, Robert P., Grove City

"Ng, Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong Nyquist, Nancy A., Minneapolis Odorff, Hannelore H., Berlin, Germany Ogulis, Gundega M., Minneapolis Oldre, Arnold N., St. Paul Olsen, Stephen M., Minneapolis Olson, Thomas F., Roseau Olson, William M., Eveleth Orfield, Gary A., Minneapolis Oster, Jerry D., Dassel Ouren, Dallas V., Sedan Overbach, Avrin M., St. Louis Park Parker, Gary A., St. Paul Pederson, David R., Underwood Peterson, Myrna M., Minneapolis Piepgras, David G., Luverne Pierson, Gail J., Hardwick Pishney, Joyce L., Minneapolis Pitman, Gregory H., St. Paul Podgorski, John P., Hastings Priebe, Doris H., Marshall Raddant, Mary K., West Allis, Wis. Raleigh, Donald T., Lake Elmo Ransom, ~Iargaret J., Ottumwa, Iowa Rayer, Anthony L., Ely Resch, Rose E., Minneapolis Reynolds, Phyllis C., Minneapolis Rhame, Susan F., St. Paul Risch, Cynthia A., Minneapolis Rivers, Susan E., Minneapolis Rockman, Julie A., Minneapolis Rostomily, Diane W., Minneapolis Bozman, Stephen L., Minneapolis Butchick, Anita L., St. Paul Rydell, Ralph E., Wheaton Schmalzbauer, Arnold R., New Brighton Schmatz, Alice L., Chicago, Ill. Schmirler, Leanne A., Minneapolis Schneider, Philip M., South St. Paul Schultz, Donald D., St. Paul Schuppel, Edith M., Minneapolis Scott, PatriciaN., Des Moines, Iowa Segal, Jerry A., Minneapolis Segal, Rose Z., St. Louis Park Selner, Michael J., St. Paul Shapira, Michael S., Minneapolis Shaw, Floyd E., Rochester Snow, Dean R., Sleepy Eye Sobek, Norbert L., Minneapolis Solberg, Carl E., Robbinsdale Southworth, Michael F., Kasson Staub, Ervin, Budapest, Hungary Stephens, Vera J., Minneapolis Stolberg, Sharon L., Virginia Strand, Calvin L., Redwood Falls Stuetzer, Irmgard, Hopkins Sturmanis, Martins, Minneapolis

Swanson, Karin A., Minneapolis Swanson, Wallace M., Staples Szczepanski, Anna J., St. Paul Tangen, Lillian I., Warren Tarr, Rubyrae L., Minneapolis Thompson, Sharon K., Minneapolis Thorsen, Barbara J., St. Paul Torske, Patricia A., Pine River

4 Torvik, Sara L., Underwood Towley, Mary K., Hopkins Trott, Carolyn M., Iowa City, Iowa Turchick, Arnold M., Minneapolis Twentyman, Margaret A., Rochester Unscth, Allan D., Albert Lea VanValkenburg, Vivian G., Long Prairie Verson, Alan R., St. Paul Vogel, Mary C., Red Wing \Vachter, Bruce G., Minneapolis \Vaiden, Daniel C., Minneapolis Walgreen, Joanne M., Minneapolis Weiner, Rachel E., Minneapolis Weinmann, Mary E., Granada Wenkstern, Beverly M., Mound Westdal, Lincoln W., Minneota Wieneke, William M., Minneapolis Wilson, Bonnie A., l\lorris Wind, Joann C., St. Paul Windahl, Ethan L., Minneapolis Young, David A., New Ulm Zarek, David S., Minot, N. D.


Abbott, Dennis A., Minneapolis Abudu, Assibi, Accra, Ghana Alexander, Eugene A., Minneapolis Amireault, Mary V., Minneapolis Amundsen, Ruthanne E., Robbinsdale Anderson, David J., Benson Anderson, Helen S., Pelican Rapids Anderson, Jan E., Minneapolis Anderson, Roger C., Minneapolis Argue, Julie L., Albert Lea Arthur, Roberta K., Cloquet Ashwill, Darrell M., Dassel Aufderheide, Janet L., St. Paul Bailey, Richard E., Minneapolis Baker, Ellen B., Minneapolis Baker, Gerald E., St. Paul Bangstad, Ferol L., Buffalo Banks, Thomas R., St. Paul Barnes, Jeffry P., Medford, Ore. Barrett, Roberta H., South St. Paul Barsness, James L., Minneapolis Bassett, Charles E., Minneapolis Bassett, Patricia R., Minneapolis Becker, Heidrun, Minneapolis Becker, William A., St. Paul

"Beckman, Evelyn H., l\tinneapolis Beecher, Bonnie J., Annandale Befort, William A., Red Wing Benson, Susan M., Sauk Centre Berg, Janet C., Minneapolis Bergstedt, John E., Jr., St. Paul


Bernstein, Sue Ann W., St. Paul Blair, Louise J., Springfield, Ill. Bleedorn, Diane R., St. Paul Blehert, l\taurice D., St. Paul Borken, Stuart H., Minneapolis Breberg, Marlys A., Dawson Brivkalns, Zinta, Minneapolis Broderson, Philip M., St. Paul Brooten, Karen M., St. Paul Browman, Kathleen E., International

Falls Brown, Gordon M., Minneapolis Burroughs, Susan L., Minneapolis Byron, David J., Minneapolis Campbell, Bruce A., Mahtomedi Campbell, Dianne M., Hopkins Carlson, John G., Minneapolis Carlson, Judith I., Marshall Carney, Richard A., Minneapolis Charnley, Deborah, Minneapolis Connelly, Bridget A., Graceville Corder, Karen M., Minneapolis Craig, Graham F., Rochester Crandall, Mary J., Pipestone Crouch, JohnS., Minneapolis Dahlberg, Virginia A., Minneapolis Danielson, Gaye A., Fosston Davis, Arlene S., St. Paul Davis, Robert M., Minneapolis Delaney, Joseph T., St. Paul DeMuse, Janet L., Minneapolis DeVries, Dallas J., Minneapolis Dickinson, Donald D., Verndale Dunham, Charles K., Richfield Ellenberg, David C., Spring Valley Erickson, Ellen C., Aitkin Erlander, Timothy R., Minneapolis Espelien, Judith H., Minneapolis Fairbanks, Ronald A., Federal Dam Feldman, Sharon P., Minneapolis Feldstein, Nancy A., St. Paul Ferguson, Marvis J., Minneapolis Ferraro, Julianne T., Nashwauk Finden, Earl D., Minneapolis Fisher, Stephen T., Robbinsdale Fiterman, Carolyn D., Golden Valley Fleischer, Peter, Minneapolis Flom, Jon 0., Minneapolis Flynn, Mary M., Fairmont Foley, Rachel A., Minneapolis . Frederickson, Sarah J., Minneapolis Ganschinietz, Suzanne, St. Paul Garten, Adele J., Minneapolis Gerber, Paul D., Minneapolis Gerwing, Dennis J., Pierz Gilbertson, James H., Minneapolis Goldbarg, Jane M., St Paul Goldstein, Susan R., Minneapolis Colle, Joann M., Minneapolis Goodland, James R., Roseville Goodman, Phillip B., Minneapolis Gordon, Joy L., Minneapolis Grabow, Gretchen A., Toledo, Ohio Graham, John R., Brainerd

Gray, Gerald G., Richfield Green, Robert B., Minneapolis Greenagle, John P., Edina Griffith, Richard C., Warsaw Grimmer, Dennis J., Ely Grossman, Eileen T., Minneapolis Gutenkauf, Joseph J., West St. Paul Haase, Vaira E., St. Paul Halloran, Maribeth, Minneapolis Halmrast, Jordis M., Minneapolis Halpern, John A., Minneapolis Harder, Bruce C., Mountain Lake Harris, Warren D., St. Paul Hayden, James R., Hutchinson Heinemann, Charles A., Minneapolis Heller, Susan D., Hopkins Henricksen, Bruce C., Minneapolis Hill, Judith M., Minneapolis Hill, Sharon R., Minneapolis Hillard, Claire C., Alexandria Hillman, Janet R., Mora Holmboe, Evelyn L., Tracy Holmes, Carol M., Fergus Falls Holmsten, Carolyn E., St. Paul Holstein, Mary A., Tracy Horton, Paul C., Robbinsdale Howard, Leslie J., Duluth Ingber, Marvin C., St. Paul Ingerson, Carol M., Farmington Johnson, Karin J., Minneapolis Johnson, Marlene C., Fertile Johnson, Sharon L., Duluth Johnson, William A., St. Paul Jorissen, Judith A., Chanhassen Jost, Jean J., Long Lake Karlins, Marvin, Minneapolis Kasprzak, Wayne T., St. Paul Kauffman, Howard J., Minneapolis Keir, Laurily B., Des Moines, Iowa Keller, Janet C., Sleepy Eye Keirn, David A., St. Paul Kespohl, Beverly J., Minneapolis Keyser, Melinda J., Minneapolis Kezar, Thomas L., Austin Kinsell, Mary H., Minneapolis Kivisto, Bernard N., Deerwood Kizen, Ingrid H., New Richmond, Wis. Klaus, Brigitte, Minneapolis Knapp, Sheila J., Stewartville Knudson, James P., Redwood Falls Knutson, Henry T., Hopkins Komives, Judith L., St. Paul Kopp, Michael J., St. Paul Kraft, John H., Brewster Krebs, Colleen C., St. Paul Kronholm, John S., Crookston Kruger, Patricia L., Glencoe Krupp, Stephen A., St. Paul Kurz, Clara M., Redfield, S. D. Kvale, Tonette M., Rochester Ladendorf, Janice M., Bloomington Lange, Karen J., Owatonna Langer, Nancy D., Minneapolis


Larson, Bertha E., Minneapolis Larson, James H., Minneapolis Larson, Joyce E., Minneapolis Lathrop, Alford A., St. Paul Latts, Elizabeth L., St. Paul Langen, Ronald C., Minneapolis Lawrence, Elizabeth B., Minneapolis Lawrence, Sylvia J., Minneapolis Leaf, Linda E., St. Paul Lenarz, Mary M., Minneapolis Lindemann, Mary M., St. Paul Little, Kathryn L., Minneapolis Lin, Margaret E., Mound Luedtke, Charles H., Minneapolis Lundberg, Eve L., St. Paul Lundeen, Barbara A., Minneapolis Luoma, Barbara L., International Falls MacDonald, Mariellen K., Glendive,

Mont. Maetzold, Dennis F., Minneapolis l\Iaher, Karen M., Beardsley Mann, Marjorie J., Washington, D.C. Mannila, Myrna, Esko Marsh, Bonnie L., St. Paul Maus, Terence L., Austin Mays, Marsha E., Minneapolis McClary, Larry R., Detroit Lakes McGirl, Gerald N., Duluth McKay, Marguerite H., St. Paul McLean, Daniels W., Minneapolis McRae, Stuart M., Minneapolis Melquist, Donald R., Gibbon Meyer, Noel R., St. Paul Meyer, Roger N., St. Paul Michales, Jean M., Minneapolis Miller, James L., Minneapolis Milota, William J., Chicago, Ill. Moan, Audrey E., Glenwood Moy, Alice, St. Paul Munson, Kirsten J., Minneapolis ~furphy, John R., Hopkins ~lurray, Raymond L., Minneapolis Nelson, Darby M., International Falls Nelson, Janet L., Minneapolis Nelson, Paul E., Slayton Newman, Betty J., Minneapolis Nickolay, Michael J., West St. Paul Nielsen, Karl A., Askov Nordstrom, Leonard A., St. Louis Park Novak, Richard J., St. Paul Oare, Marion T., Long Lake Odegard, Dorothy M., Montevideo Olson, David T., Minneapolis Olson, Ronald G., Minneapolis Olson, Rupert E., Rockford, Ill. Opsahl, Robert L., Fergus Falls Orr, Judy A., Verndale Ost, \Vayne A., l\fontevideo Ostrin, Karol M., Minneapolis Otto, Daniel B., Minneapolis Palmer, Leanne R., Albert Lea Palmer, Sandra L., Minneapolis Parkhurst, Aaron E., Albert Lea Pearlman, Nathan \V., White Bear Lake

Peet, Walter J., Wolverton Perry, Judith E., Minneapolis Peterson, Armand G., Hector Peterson, Donald R., Minneapolis Peterson, Judith M., Anoka Plummer, Sara J., Northwood, Iowa Pollock, Peter M., Richfield Pool, Amy L., Garvin Porter, Sally L., Minneapolis Potthoff, Raymond T., St. Paul Prest, Stephanie, St. Paul Purcelli, Thelma J., Minneapolis Qualey, ;\lary E., Northfield Quam, Richard L., Minneapolis Rademacher, Richard L., Minneapolis Ratwik, Karen E., St. Paul Reitz, Sandra L., St. Paul Resnick, JackS., St. Paul Reynolds, Charlotte A., Minneapolis Rice, Karen M., St. Paul Richters, Herold M., Minneapolis Robinson, James K., Rush City Robinson, Marion E., Minneapolis Rolig, Barbara G., St. Paul Rood, Kenneth A., Minneapolis Rosenberger, Gail L., St. Paul Ross, Karen J., International Falls Rossman, Karen A., Minneapolis Roth, Katherine, Minneapolis Roubalik, Valasta L., Wirt Runck, Alan H., New Ulm

"Russell, Rebecca K., Scottsburg, Ind. Sampson, William F., Ottertail Savran, Abetta L., Minneapolis Sawyer, Roberta L., San Francisco,

Calif. Schneider, Carolyn M., Blue Earth Schwartz, Melvin M., Minneapolis Sederberg, Kathryn M., Minneapolis Sether, Joanne H., Albert Lea Severson. Karen M., Hopkins Shepherd, Anne E., St. Paul Silva, Maria H., St. Paul Silvers, Frederick M., Minne::tpo!is Skildum, Patricia A., St. Paul Smith, Murry S., St. Louis Park Smith, Susan M., St. Paul Spackman, Rodney B., Fairfield, Idaho Sperry, Jeanne, Western Springs, Ill. Spiess, Gerald, Newport Statland, Bernard E., St. Paul Stearns, Rodney J., Minneapolis Stein, Leslie, Minneapolis Stemsrud, David W., Minneapoli'i Stensrud, Susan R., Minneapolis Stewart, Noel A., Wayzata Stoerzinger, Charles A., St. Paul Storlie, Erik F .. Minneapolis Sushak, Frank R., Chisholm Swanson, Thomas R., Richfield Tallaksen, Rasmus J., Kristiansand,

Norway Templin, Charlotte H., Sibley Thelen, Jerome L., South St. Paul


Thompson, Gary W., St. Paul Thompson, Sharon B., St. Paul Thorstad, David H., Thief River Falls Thurik, Thomas W., Minneapolis Tremann, James A., Excelsior Trostad, Lynn F., Duluth Turgeon, Richard A., Minneapolis Turner, Elizabeth A., Des Moines, Iowa Uphoff, Norman T., Minneapolis Vape, Andrejs, Minneapolis Vare, Floyd C., Minneapolis Viker, Sandra L., Little Falls Volkmann, Max F., St. Paul Wallestad, Joan E., Amboy Wallestad, Jon E., Amboy Walter, Deloris R., Ortonville \Vannarka, Mary A., Comfrey Watrud, Karen A., Worthington Weikle, Douglas A., Minneapolis Weinard, Roberta A., Robbinsdale Weisberg, Herbert F., Minneapolis Weiszel, Michael J., St. Paul Westrum, Carol A., Minneapolis Whittmore, Dexter D., Bemidji Wicklund, Richard G., Minneapolis Wilson, Kent S., Bemidji Winslow, Robert M., New Ulm Winter, Edward D., St. Louis Park Worch, Elsie M., St. Paul Yablonski, Michael E., Minneapolis Zamansky, Marshall J., St. Paul Zdrazil, Andre J ., Hopkins Ziskin, Dianne D., Minneapolis


Alex, Leo J., Rochester Allen, Roger K., St. Paul Anders, Jacqueline D., Minneapolis Andersen, Niels H., Excelsior Andersen, Rossland, Minneapolis Anderson, Judith L., Edina Anderson, Karen J., New Brighton Anderson, Patricia L., Gilbert Arf, Shonna L., Grand Rapids Bair, Pauline H., s~. Paul Bakuzis, Dace, St. l>aul Benson, Julie A., Minneapolis Benton, John W., St. Paul Berg, David E., Montevideo Berger, Dale E., Dent Bergman, John, St. Paul Berkowitz, Frances, Neponsit, N.Y. Bickel, Daniel W., St. Paul Biery, Richard M., Minneapolis Blair, Grace L., Ekalaka, Mont. Blomberg, David J., Minneapolis Blood, Richard W., St. Paul Boggs, Charles W., Robbinsdale Bomsta, Carolyn J., Minneapolis Bonde, John R., St. Paul Bonder, Isaac L., Minneapolis Bowman, Robert J., Minneapolis Briscoe, Michael D., Montevideo

Brown, Larry G., Moorhead Browne, Terence C., Anoka Buelow, Marilyn E., Minneapolis Burnikel, Barbara H., Hopkins Callender, Robert H., St. Paul Carlson, Louise M., Garvin Chambers, Linda B., Austin Cheng, John, Minneapolis Chernoff, Sharon R., St. Louis Park Cobb, Carol A., Minneapolis Cohen, Malcolm S., Minneapolis Coleman, Stephen M., Minneapolis Comstock, Cynthia P., St. Paul Connell, Stanley W., St. Paul Cooney, Kathryn A., Minneapolis Cottrell, Gail E., Stewartville Crawford, Beverly J., Spring Park Dahlman, Carolyn M., Minneapolis Davis, Gloria J., Minneapolis DeCourcy, Donald M., St. Paul Destrada, Barbara C., Minneapolis Detrick, Robert A., Minneapolis Drury, Martha J., Richfield Duncan, Judith A., Faribault Dwyer, Joseph D., Minneapolis Eckert, Karin T., St. Paul Eder, Ruth A., St. Paul Ekola, Dean R., St. Paul Enroth, Jayne 0., Edina Erickson, John J., Mora Espeland, Lee M., Granite Falls Estes, Robert D., Norman, Okla. Falkner, Bonita E., Glenwood Fehr, Susan M., St. Paul Felix, Thomas P., Little Falls Filipek, Michael J., Minneapolis Freidson, Stephen W., St. Louis Park Friedel!, Beverly R., Minneapolis Frisch, George H., St. Paul Funk, Eleanore C., Minneapolis Gabel, Catherine E., Alden Gale, Robert N., Minneapolis George, David S., Robbinsdale Gerstein. Arnold A., Minneapolis

"Getty, Naomi l\1., Willmar Gislason, Joanne, Barnesville Goblirsch, Beatrice H., Sleepy Eye Goldfarb, David A., St. Paul Goldner, Loris A., Minneapolis Golob, Sandra E., St. Louis Park Gomsrud, Lowell R., Minneapolis Cortner, David A., St. Paul Gravell, Diane M., West St. Paul Greenberg, Joseph H., Minneapolis Greenley, Kurtis A., Dassel Grehl, Jerome E., St. Louis Park Gross, Carol A., Minneapolis Gubman, Irwin L., St. Paul Gutz, Nadean H., St. Paul Haagenson, Roger D., Minneapolis Hagen, Ronald R., Minneapolis Haider, Gerald H., St. Paul Hall, Phyliss, Minneapolis Hanson, Donald A., St. Paul


Hargens, Lowell L., St. Paul Harris, Alan D., St. Paul Hartje, Jeffrey H., Thief River Falls Haskell, Wayne I., Minneapolis Hauger, Nancy L., Baudette Hegg, Nancy A., Minneapolis Heimdahl, Hugo W., Litchfield Heinen, Toni A., Minneapolis Heller, Steven A., Minneapolis Hill, Georgene J ., Hopkins Hoffman, Gloria G., Sauk Rapids Hoffman, Melanie J., St. Paul Hoglund, William J., International Falls Holden, Dale E., Pine River Holmes, Dina L., Fergus Falls Holmquist, Betty A., Gibbon Holmquist, Mary M., St. Paul Hosfield, William B., Excelsior Hotchkiss, Marlow S., St. Paul Hotz, Michael E., Wadena Houck, Donna J., St. Paul Houck, Lewis, Minneapolis Hreha, David J., Minneapolis Hughes, Nancy L., Worthington Hulsing, Dare! J., Minneapolis Hustrulid, Robert I., St. Paul Hyatt, Diane P., Anoka Indihar, Frank J., Gilbert Ingvaldson, Delores J., Benson Isaacson, Jon E., Virginia Ives, Candace L., St. Paul Ivory, Sue A., Minneapolis Jacobson, Lorena W., Rochester Jatnieks, Girts U., Minneapolis Jewson, Meredith J., Minneapolis Johnson, Ann L., Wayzata Johnson, Bonnavieve M., Nisswa Johnson, Elizabeth L., Anoka Johnson, Grace I., Minneapolis Johnson, Kathryn J., Minneapolis Jolstad, Douglas A., Franklin Jordan, Judith E., Minneapolis Kahn, Deborah, Minneapolis Kahn, Risa I., Minneapolis Kaner, Wendy J., Eveleth Karschina, Dianne D., St. Paul Katz, Susan E., Minneapolis Keillor, Richard A., Minneapolis Kellum, Michael J., St. Paul Kelly, Kathleen J., Tracy Kickertz, Virginia R., Glenwood King, Judy G., St. Louis Park Kittel, Robert P., St. Paul

"Klemp, Susan L., St. Paul Knutson, Janice A., St. Paul Kopstein, Emanuel Z., Minneapolis Koski, Alice J., Minneapolis Krahmer, Fred C., Fairmont Krause, David E., Hopkins Kromer, Kathleen E., Mound Kunzman, Kathleen G., Minneapolis Kupetz, Marlene J., Minneapolis Kvanbeck, Donald M., Minneapolis

"Lang, Bonnie L., Glenwood

Langlie, Jean K., Bemidji Lapp, Barbara J., Minneapolis Lapp, William S., St. Louis Park Larson, Judith A., Hopkins Latvala, Mary A., Minneapolis Laughlin, Kathleen J., St. Cloud Laurie, Gerald T., St. Paul

"Lee, Michael A., Minneapolis Lenington, Sarah G., Minneapolis Levine, Tamara G., Hopkins

"Levitt, David G., St. Paul Liebennan, James A., St. Louis Park Lind, James D., St. Paul Lind, Kirsten E., Minneapolis Lind, Nancy K., Minneapolis Lindahl, Richard K., Minneapolis Lindgren, Lowell E., vVillmar Lindstrom, Ann L., Minneapolis Linnee, Susan J., Minneapolis Lins, Dorothy K., Stewartville Locketz, Joel D., Minneapolis Loding, Darlene M., Minneapolis Lorimor, JaniceK., Earlham, Iowa Luloff, Yvonne M., Mora Lundgren, Shirley A., Minneapolis Lystig, Linda M., Minneapolis Manthey, Joseph W., vVaseca Marker, Stephen C., Two Harbors Marx, Robert W., Minneapolis Matson, Elizabeth C., Harmony Matthews, Stephen T., Minneapolis McCoy, Franklyn M., St. Paul McPherson, William B., Minneapolis Meisch, Richard A., Minneapolis Messerli, Donna M., Winthrop Mickelson, Katherine M., Grand Rapids Mickelson, Marilyn M., Minneapolis Miller, Arthur H., Mahtomedi Miller, ·Marilyn K., Sebeka Mitchell, Winifred L., Hopkins Moberg, Patricia C., St. Paul Moor, Jay H., St. Paul Morgan, Rosemary, Sturgis, S.D. Morton, Rebecca, St. Paul Munson, Michael L., Howard Lake Nash, Jill, St. Paul Nawokas, Irena A., Bird Island Nelson, Jacquelyn J., Minneapolis Nelson, Kathleen A., Minneapolis l\'elson, Linda M., Hopkins Nimmer, Cynthia K., Minneapolis Ogg, Michael J., Heron Lake O'Link, Karen E., St. Cloud Olson, Ross S., Minneapolis Oman, Darcy P., St. Louis Park Opheim, Louise R., Minneapolis Ostrow, Robert D., Minneapolis Ozols, Karlis, Minneapolis

"Palm, Sydney J., Litchfield Paradise, David M., Minneapolis Patrick, Dennis E., Minneapolis Pearson, Larry L., Minneapolis Pedersen, Virginia M., Minneapolis Pederson, Charles E., Harmony


Perlman, Rollie J., St. Paul Peters, Diane K., St. Paul Peterson, Kenneth C., St. Paul Peterson, Kristen E., St. Paul Peterson, Leroy W., St. Paul Ploof, Judith I., Minneapolis Popkin, Michael C., Minneapolis Predmore, Laila L., Rochester Quall, Linda L., Minneapolis Raihill, Dana L., Duluth Rand, Renee D., Minneapolis Raynolds, Katharine, St. Paul Reese, Jerry T., Marshall Regan, Gerald L., Pine Island Rickert, Judith A., Okabena Rindelaub, Gene C., St. Paul Rivers, Carol M., Minneapolis Roe, Gerald B., Minneapolis Rolf, Stephen L., St. Paul Ross, Steven G., Minneapolis Ryer, Ronald E., Montclair, N.J. Saari, Eleanore M., Minneapolis Saloway, Robert L., Minneapolis Salvatore, Helen A., St. Paul Sampson, Robert L., Round Lake Sanford, Georgia M., Austin Sanford, Mary G., St. Paul Satz, Mark L., Minneapolis Savage, Judith L., Little Falls Schissel, Ann J., Adams Schlukebier, Margaret R., West St. Paul Schreiberg, Sheldon L., Minneapolis Schulman, Sharon J., ~linneapolis Schwartz, Jeanne L., Minneapolis Schwartz, John S., Minneapolis Schwartz, Paul B., St. Louis Park Sehman, Gertrude I., West St. Paul Shapiro, Kathy F., St. Louis Park Shiff, Myra L., St. Louis Park Shulstad, Ronald C., Barnesville Sigal, Rowena N., Minneapolis Skildum, John D., St. Paul Smith, Colleen M., Minneapolis Smith, Kathleen A., Minneapolis Soretsky, Barbara H., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Soule, Gary M., Nashua, ~1ont. Soulsby, Mary A., Minneapolis Spector, Jill E., Minneapolis Stavnes, Karen L., St. Paul Steen, Norma J., Minneapolis Stenslie, Irene D., Minneapolis Stolcers, Inta, Minneapolis Stillings, Dennis 0., Hutchinson Storti, Susan A., St. Paul Straus, Jean M., St. Paul Streich, Sara J., St. Paul Sullivan, Joseph P., Cleveland, Ohio Sundvall, Jean M., Milaca Swanson, June E., Minneapolis Swanson, \Villiam D., Tracy Swenson, Judith A., St. Paul Taflin, Leo A., Lengby Taylor, Helen M., Hibbing Townsend, Mary J., Minneapolis

Trolande~, Judith A., Minneapolis Tyson, Constance A., Roseville Unowsky, Roul D., St. Paul Uphoff, Eugene J., Minneapolis Uram, Marian D., St. Paul Verson, Gail A., Glencoe, Ill. Vikingstad, Carol V., Minneapolis Villaume, Antoinette D., St. Paul Vosika, Gerald J., Minneapolis Wall, Edward S., McMinnville, Tenn. Wanhala, Judith A., Minneapolis Welter, Robert J., Olivia \Vest, Thomas H., Minneapolis

\Nestman, Delores J., Browns Valley Wettleson, Alice M., North St. Paul Widseth, Jane C., Minneapolis Wieriman, Virginia J., Minneapolis Williams, Keith C., Minneapolis Williams, Randall M., Osseo Willis, Amy K., Hopkins Witt, Donald M., Winthrop \Vittmers, Lorentz E., Minneapolis Wolf, Aimee B., Minneapolis Wright, Lonnie R., Edina \Vyland, Lois A., Minneapolis


Fifth Year

Astleford, William J., Minneapolis Berglund, Donald A., Isanti Berreau, Alfred ]., Brewster Brastad, Brian A., Minneapolis Carlson, David R., Minneapolis Chesire, Daniel E., Fairfax Christensen, William R., Austin Christenson, Ronald F., St. Paul Christian, Keith D., Winton Clark, Steven W., Beltrami Cluever, Richard L., Jordan Cottle, Richard E., St. Paul Doolen, Robert B., Billings, Mont. Engelhart, Robert H., Minneapolis Evavold, Glenn L., Battle Lake Guenther, John R., Sheboygan, Wis. Haase, Ronald, Milwaukee, Wis. Halonen, Raymond M., St. Paul Harris, Charles A., Minneapolis Hem1anson, Robert D., Minneapolis Hess, Raymond S., Minneapolis Holzmer, Donald, Hastings Jensen, George E., Osseo Johnson, Roger \V., Roseau Jonason, Charles R., Shafer Keck, Robert A., Oconomowoc, \Vis. Kirkwold, David W., Glenwood Lunde, George G., Minneapolis Matsubayashi, Kazuo P., Japan Malkovich, Peter M., Gilbert l'vlelby, Fredric E., Rochester Olson, James J., Granite Falls Opitz, Edward H., St. Cloud Peterson, James C., Isanti Rodum, Roland K., Wayzata Rosandich, John B., Ely Sathrum, Clinton L., \Vanamingo Sayovitz, John J., Ely Smith, Lane R., Minneapolis Smith, William A., Austin Spivak, Ronald J., New York, N.Y. Sunde, Gerald M., Minneapolis Wanous, Daniel J., Owatonna Williams, Jack R., Minneapolis Zinter, Herman B., Minneapolis


Fourth Year

Ackerman, Alan David, Rochester Allen, Edward B., Madison, Wis. Anshus, Byron E., Minneapolis Baker, Gregory N., Claremont Barry, David G., Minneapolis Barsness, Lawrence R., Glenwood Bening, Lionel C., Jr., Winona Berg, David A., Thief River Falls Bjorklund, Hilding A., Jr., Grand Marais Britz, Galen C., North Branch Brodsky, Stanley J., St. Paul Brown, Edwin A., Anoka Cedergren, Robert J., Delano Cloud, Lyle G., Mt. Vernon, Ore. Colligan, Michael B., Ebro Condiff, Duane W., St. Paul Datta, James R., Winona Dickey, Robert P., Cottonwood Ecklund, Stanley D., Minneapolis Eckstrom, Donald J., Butterfield Ekroot, Charles G., Duluth Emme, Daryl R., Minneapolis Farm, Raymond J., Mankato Field, Daniel R., Minneapolis Fjerstad, Roger L., Alexandria Freeberg, Roger C., Minneapolis Gamota, George, South St. Paul Gilje, John W., St. Paul Gordon, Stanley L., Walnut Grove Hager, RalphS., l'vlinneapolis Hager, Richard A., Minneapolis Hajicek, James D., Minneapolis Hanson, David S., St. Paul Hardwick, Alden E., Delano Harris, Charles T., Milwaukee, \Vis. Hauge, Peter S., Minneapolis Hemp, Gene \V., Minneapolis Hill, Paul L., Cedar Grove, N.J. Hofmann, David J., Albany Jensen, Timothy B., Minneapolis Johnson, Larry J., Dodge Center Kaste, Ray R., \Vinona Keillor, Robert D., Kansas City, Mo. Kieer, Clayton P., Ostrander Kline, Kenneth A., Minneapolis

Knutson, Raymond V., Rochester Koski, Melvin J., Aurora Kuretsky, William H., St. Paul Loken, James G., Minneapolis Loud, Douglas E., Minneapolis Madsen, Ronald W., Morgan Mathiowetz, Donald R., New Ulm Mehl, James B., Breckenridge Mortick, Jack C., South St. Paul Nelson, Dennis G., Pine City Nordin, John S., Minneapolis Olsen, Arnold T., Robbinsdale Park, Donald F., Ruthton Park, Robert W., Minneapolis Patrin, Nicholas A., St. Paul Paulsen, James J., Worthington Paymar, Eugene M., St. Paul Perlbachs, Andrew, Minneapolis Pfitzer, Karl A., Duluth Polta, Robert C., New Ulm Prins, Marie P., Minneapolis Pulkrabek, Willard W., St. Paul Raleigh, William F., St. Paul Hamacher, Kenneth F., St. Francis Ramsey, James W., Minneapolis Raymond, Lyle L., St. Paul Reed, Lawrence A., St. Paul Reese, Dennis L., Ottertail Reinert, Charles P., Tracy Rieke, Reuben D., Fairfax Rosen, James M., Minneapolis Rosenthal, Gene E., Janesville Ross, James E., Minneapolis Samsky, David N., Martinsburg, W. Va. Sand, David S., Minneapolis Sando, Kenneth M., Ogilvie Searle, Clark W., Middle River Soukup, Rodney}., Montgomery Sunderman, Richard P., Long Prairie Szczech, Theodore J., Minneapolis Tersteeg, Glenn E., Redwood Falls Thompson, Milo H., Swanville Torrance, Kenneth E., Minneapolis Viste, Norman D., Austin Voss, Gordon 0., Proctor Wegscheid, Edmund L., Winsted Weiske, James W., Brainerd Welsh, Michael E., Mankato Wick, Howard J., Shakopee \Vood, Jack L., \Vayzata


Abramson, Bruce F., Chippewa Falls, Wis.

Bakke, Allan P., Miami, Fla. Barg, \Villiam M., Mason City, Iowa Barrett, Leon R., St. Cloud Berg, James I., Minneapolis Berglund, Lance W., Duluth Bergman, Clark, St. Paul Briese, John A., Buffalo Lake Buntrock, Robert E., Minneapolis Carlson, James R., Grand Rapids


Crawford, John T., Superior, \Vis. Davis, Donald T., St. Paul Dzubay, Thomas G., Minneapolis Eberhart, Raymond H., Hutchinson Edgecumbe, John, Minneapolis Edwards, Leon R., New Ulm Evenson, Edwin K., Moorhead Fingalson, Donley A., Detroit Lakes Garfin, David E., Minneapolis Geske, Marvin L., St. Paul Goodwin, Robert W., Minneapolis Goth, Gary J., Rogers Gram, Fredrick P., St. Paul Gregorich, David P., Eveleth Haag, Jack D., St. Paul Halladay, Henry E., Minneapolis Harder, David F., Litchfield Harder, Robert D., Butterfield Henderson, John H., Nashwauk Hendrickson, Kenneth E., Minneapolis Hinderman, Jerry D., Minneapolis Hobart, John R., Richfield Hoffmann, Richard W., Minneapolis Holm, John D., St. Paul Hustrulid, William A., St. Paul Jaglowski, Marc A., St. Paul Jamison, Lelan R., Hopkins Johnson, Duane P., Minneapolis Johnson, Roger I., St. Louis Park Jones, Larry 0., Blue Earth Karkela, Larry W., Grand Rapids Katz, Eugene A., Minneapolis Kimmel, William D., St. Paul King, Sheldon H., Minneapolis Knaff, Lawrence C., St. Paul Kompelien, Donald S., Canby Kral, Ronald A., Sleepy Eye Kretchmer, Richard A., Tracy Lalude, Olufemi A., Nigeria Langseth, Rollin E., St. Paul Lazarus, Ronald S., Minneapolis Linnerooth, John D., St. Paul Lohn, Peter D., Minneapolis Lommen, Paul W., Minneapolis Mahaffey, Gary J., St. Charles Mass, Robert 0., Brainerd McDonald, Larry J., Minneapolis McNally, Jerry D., Grantsburg, Wis. Moose, Victor C., Jr., Montevideo Nelson, Paul A., Minneapolis Nixon, James F., Minneapolis Pedersen, Richard A., Farmington Peterson, David C., Austin Pierson, William P., New Brighton Quast, Ervin A., Green Isle Rein, Richard E., Minneapolis Riach, Gerald E., Minneapolis Riley, Edward P., St. Paul Ring, Roger E., Medford Ringrose, Donald W., Minneapolis Rosner, Leonard G., Cleveland Savageau, Michael A., Fargo, N. D. Schmoker, James W., St. Paul Schroeder, Roger G., Faribault

Sellstedt, John H., St. James Sjerven, John E., St. Paul Smith, David P., Minneapolis Spriggs, Thomas W., Arlington Sroga, James J., Coon Rapids Stuetzer, Max, Hopkins Sweeney, Wilbur F., Arkansaw, Wis. Syrjanen, John R., Kinney Theissen, Robert J., St. Paul Unger, Kenneth E., International Falls Weber, Roland E., Lakefield


Anderson, Gerald A., Brainerd Aus, Hans M., Minneapolis Bach, Randall E., LeSueur Bartley, Bruce B., Faribault Bassett, Patricia R., Minneapolis Bateman, Robert J., International Falls Bell, Herbert H., Minneapolis Bernstein, James, Sioux City, Iowa Bodien, Danforth G., Minneapolis Braatz, Gordon A., Fergus Falls Brinkman, Thomas C., Farmington Buckrey, Barbara L., St. Paul Buretta, Richard J., Minneota Canner, James P., St. Paul Carlson, Wayne G., St. Cloud Carlson, William S., Minneapolis Cecchi, Willard J., St. Paul Chenevert, Gary M., Cross Lake Clark, Henry B., St. Paul Constantine, Nick G., St. Paul DeRaad, Lester L., St. Paul Park Donndelinger, Thomas M., Hampton Ebert, Wayne A., Minneapolis Eichinger, Bruce E., Minneapolis Esisi, Jackson B., Burutu, Nigeria Exner, Jurgen H., St. Paul Fitzgerald, Ronald J., Gibbon Forstrom, Richard J., Minneapolis Frick, Roger L., Minneapolis Friedman, Thomas L., Duluth Fulkerson, David E., Minneapolis Gauger, Glenn E., St. Paul Gille, Bruce L., Williams Grefsheim, Franklin D., Chicago, Ill. Grgurich, Donald A., Crosby Grimm, Donald F., Claremont Hanson, Warren D., Minneapolis Harrison, James D., Minneapolis Hendrickson, Westly]., Detroit Lakes Hoff, Alan M., Marshall Juettner, James G., Minneapolis Kahan, Hillard M., St. Paul Klein, Vernon F., Plummer Krahn, Robert C., Minneapolis Kriesel, Gary E., Owatonna Lacasse, Cyril H., Hugo Larson, Robert C., Minneapolis Larson, Wayne A., St. Louis Park Lau, Richard V., Hopkins Lee, Larry T., Cottonwood


LeFevre, Paul H., Wayzata Lehmkuhl, George D., Waconia Lemke, Lyle T., Osseo Lezniak, Jerry A., Minneapolis Lezniak, Thomas W., Minneapolis Martin, David L., St. Paul Mayo, John A., Minneapolis Meyer, Bruce R., St. Paul Mueller, Hubert W., Jr., Hamburg Nichols, David H., Minneapolis Nielsen, David G., Evanston, Ill. Niska, Melvin A., Montrose Nord, Roger H., Pelican Rapids Nyholm, David A., Minneapolis Ogrins, leva, St. Paul Park, James L., Minneapolis Peterson, James T., Annandale Plaisance, Thomas H., Richfield Sitz, Paul A., Park Rapids Sjoblom, Glen L., Rapid City, S. D. Spilseth, George M., Kensington Stageberg, Roger V., Duluth Stenbakken, Gerard N., Minneapolis Swanson, Charles H., Minneapolis Throne, Darwin H., Glenwood Turton, Gary A., Minneapolis Tyler, Ralph S., St. Paul Wagstrom, Robert G., Minneapolis Walther, John W., St. Paul Weed, Michael A., Minneapolis White, Gerald D., Minneapolis


Aktansel, Yucelkut, Turkey Barberree, Daniel A., Minneapolis Beaver, John B., Tekamah, Neb. Berglund, Roger D., Minneapolis Burleigh, David A., Litchfield Carlson, Charles W., Cambridge Carlson, Ronald L., Minneapolis Caton, Randall H., Minneapolis Cheney, James E., St. Paul Connoy, Jerome V., Minneapolis Cunningham, Earl A., New Brighton Cunningham, Matthew J., Minneapolis Dahlquist, Gerald A., Cambridge Dean, David R., Osseo Deters, Gerald A., Spring Grove Dornfeld, Jerry M., Bayport Egge, Robert G., Hopkins Elmer, William H., Wells Fair, Richard A., Chokio Francis, Robert C., Minneapolis Franzen, Douglas L., Sioux Falls, S. D. Gobeli, David H., New Brighton Goon, David J., St. Paul Grams, Ralph R., Minneapolis Greger, Leonard R., South St. Paul Grimes, Timothy L., Minneapolis Hakanson, Peter C., Minneapolis Hamilton, Philip N., Maple Plain Heggerston, Harris E., Walnut Grove Hendrickson, Richard A., Minneapolis

High, Maynard D., Mankato Hirman, Joseph W., Raymond Huber, James D., Aitkin Jones, Steven R., St. Louis Park Kimball, John C., Excelsior Kittelson, David B., Minneapolis Kolehmainen, Michael A., New York

Mills Korblick, Bruce V., Minneapolis Kreid, Dennis K., Grand Meadow Laskow, Leonard L., Minneapolis Leff, Everett G., Hector Lernas, Richard J ., Minneapolis Libhardt, Lawrence J., St. Paul Lindquist, Thomas R., Minneapolis Lloyd, John R., Minneapolis Lunacek, Joseph H., Minneapolis M:o~son, Bruce M., Minneapolis Mayer, William J., St. Paul Mellum, Gale R., Hibbing Meyer, WilliamS., Minneapolis Michaelson, Margaret L., Bloomington Michealson, Vincent D., Fergus Falls Mortenson, Robert L., Minneapolis Muckenhirn, David J., St. Paul Mueller, Conrad E., St. Paul Newberg, Carl J., Minneapolis Noble, Charles C., Coon Rapids Noreen, Robert A., Minneapolis Oja, David J., Cloquet Olmsted, Donald D., Lakeville

Olson, Gary E., St. Paul Olson, Lee W., Wayzata Peters, Dennis H., Waynesville, Mo. Peterson, John A., Minneapolis Peterson, Rolf C., Minneapolis Pratt, Derrill B., Minneapolis Rasinpera, Asko A., Hibbing Rasmussen, Kenneth R., Minneapolis Reed, James B., Minneapolis Reich, Charles, Minneapolis Rich, Daniel H., Fairmont Ritchie, Allan C., St. Louis Park Rivers, Lawrence A., Minneapolis Rygg, Thomas A., St. Paul Schulte, Neil B., St. Paul Sharp, John E., Minneapolis Sigford, Lee J., Minneapolis Soderstrom, Ronald L., St. Paul Sorenson, Robert J., Minneapolis Spitzner, Jerome G., St. James Swanay, Donald C., St. Paul Tanner, Dennis D., Minot, N. D. Thoreen, John W., Fosston Umeh, F1delis N., Nigeria Vierath, Douglas R., St. Paul Voxland, Paul C., Erskine Wahlstrand, Noel D., St. Paul Wangensteen, Ove D., St. Paul Whitehill, Terrell R., Minneapolis Witzke, Gary T., R'chester

University College


Baum, John W., Highland Park, Ill. Greenagel, Frank L., Edina Martin, Phillip H., St. Paul Midgarden, Marjorie F., Hoople, N.D. Pollock, John L., St. Louis Park Timsans, Edward A., Hopkins


Godin, Scott A., Minneapolis Jenson, DanielL., Hutchinson Moe, Ronald J., Minneapolis


Leavenworth, Carol J., Minneapolis



Anderson, Neil V., St. James Burke, William T., Lakefield Field, Thomas F., Minneapolis Hagberg, Mylo M., Faribault Johnson, Ralph A., Fairmont Marquardt, Warren W., Erhard Muggenburg, Bruce A., Sioux Falls,

S.D. Newman, John A., Mahtomedi Schultz, Richard H., River Falls, Wis. Stevens, Jerry B., Maple Lake


Detlefsen, Kenneth F., St. Paul Hilgren, Jerry D., Parkers Prairie Ling, Clifford P., Round Lake


Lohrenz, Robert P., Brownton Nissen, Chris H., Lake Wilson Smith, Malcolm H., Granville, N.Y. Thannum, Forrest G., Hayward, Wis.


Anderson, Richard K., Helena, Mont. Boldingh, Terry M., Breckenridge Casey, Charles H., St. Paul Cummings, Jerry J., Wells Dougherty, James N., Ettrick, Wis. Faulkner, Richard A., Woodruff, Wis. Hei, Larry J., Plum City, Wis. Jenson, Dean E., Lake Preston, S.D. Lahmers, Gerald A., Eyota Magee, William J., Little Falls Miller, Gerald J., Austin

Smith, Charles J., Park Rapids Stresemann, Dennis C., Winthrop Weiss, Raymond B., Annandale


Andrews, James L., Shafer Daniels, Susan M., Chaska


EsJ,Jeseth, David A., Benson Goltz, Dennis J., Marion, Wis. Hickman, Robert L., Pine River Lyngaas, Kermit M., Doran Mortimer, James D., Belle Fourche,

S.D. Ree, Ronald D., Montevideo Uecker, John H., Dickinson, N.D.