resolution 20-225 testimony - granicus

RESOLUTION 20-225 Testimony ZH MISC. COM. 621

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RESOLUTION 20-225Testimony


MISC. COM. 621


IlO\’CI.LTII1 -{\\TI q6813

September IS. 2020

TO: Committee on Zoning. Planning & HousingHonolulu City Council

FROM: Senator Stanley Chang. District 9Chair. Senate Committee on Housing

RE: Resolution 20-225Kawainui Street Apartments Affordable Housing Project

Aloha Chair Menor and Honored Councilmembers.

i\4y name is Stanley Chang, and I am chair of the State Senate’s Committee on I-lousing. I amwriting today in STRONG SUPPORT of the Kawainui Affordable Housing Project.

Hawaii is in the midst ofa devastating housing shortage. It contributes to our honielcssnesscrisis, It creates an enormous cost burden on our residents. As a result, Hawaii has now lostpopulation for three straight years due to the exodus of local people to the mainland.

Every year in Hawaii, about 18.000 babies are born, and 10.000 people die. So every year. thereare 8,000 new, local people in Hawaii. We’re lucky to get 2,000 new housing units. The currentrate of home construction in Hawaii falls grossly short of the demands of the population. Theonly solution is the large scale construction of affordable housing.

The proposed Kawainui Affordable I-lousing Project is about as good as affordable housing getsin Hawaii. Over 90 percent of the units in this property will be affordable, and preference willgo to current community residents. It is conveniently’ located next to a bus stop, so its residentswill not need cars. While the buildings may be larger than the buildings currently on the site, ifwe keep the buildings, the decades long price increases of Kailua real estate will force localresidents to continue to leave the community. Affordable housing projects help a community tomaintain its character and local families to remain in their neighborhoods.

If not here, then where? If not now, then when?

Office of Senator Stanley Chang(808) 586-8420

Please vote yes on the Kawainul Affordable 1-loushig Project and help keep Kailuans in Kailua—now and in the future.


Stanley Changl-Iawai’i State Senator

Senator Laura I-I. ThielenHawaii State Capitol

Senthielen( * 587-8388

September 1 8, 2020

Testimony of Senator Laura ThielenBefore the Committee on Zoning, Planning and HousingHonolulu City Council

Re: Resolution 20-225 Proposed CDI

Let me begin by apologizing for the lack of formal letterhead. I left my Capitol laptop at theoffice, and am typing this at home.

I support Resolution 20-225 Proposed CDI. I stand by my earlier written testimony in supportof this affordable rental housing project, submitted to you at the hearing earlier this month.

I just want to add one point.

The testimony from the Kailua Neighborhood Board at the earlier Committee hearing stated thatthe “Board supports affordable housing in Kailua that is in compliance with existing zoning.”

I have great respect for the Kailua Neighborhood Board and its members. I have foughtalongside many Board members for years on many issues in which we are in solid agreement:stopping unpermitted vacation rentals; keeping agricultural land in agricultural use;strengthening laws and regulations to stop runoff destroying our nearshore waters and reefs; andmany, many more.

But on this point, we disagree.

Land prices in Kailua are so high that it Lc iwt economically possible to bit/Id affordablehousing in Kailua th at complies will, existing zoning. The on/v way to build affordablehousing in Kailua is to build a low-rise on residentially-zoned land, or a mid-rise on apartment-or commercially-zoned land.

If existing zoning is the litmus test to permit an affordable housing project in Kailua, it meansyou will never permit an affordable housing project in Kailua. Which may explain why we havenot had an affordable housing project built in our community for nearly 30 years.

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is today. Long-time Kailuaresidents who are renters need affordable housing to be able to stay in our — their

— community.Please approve this project.

c5”’ I,,IIt] B..rv’. Sue 51(1

s: Liv

/ &L:,,,4;j Fax Submiflal: (808) 768-3827

‘ciEmail Submittal: http://www,bonolul ii,gov/ccl—tesdmony—form. html


1-lonolulu City Council Committee on Zoning, Planning and Housing

In Support of Resolution 20-225 and CDI Amendment


Aloha Chair Menor, Vice Chair ‘10mm)’ Waters and Members of the Zoning, Planning and HousingCommittee:

I am Hairy Saunders, President of Castle & Cooke Hawaii testi’ing in Strong Support for theproposed 20] H-38 Kawainni Street Apartment Affordable Housing Project.

As a developer ofhotising for I-IowaN’s people, having delivered over 24,000 homes, of which over6,000 have been categorized as “affoidable” and over 90% sold to Hawaii residents, I commend thedevelopers of this project for their vision in creating and proposing this project in Kailua. I know how hardit is to go through this process, including acquisition of entitled and, designing, financing, and overcomingobjections from those that already have a home, As a professional in the business for over fomty-f’mve (45)years, I can safely statc that this is a great project. It would have been easier for the developer to (10 a“market’’ single family project, have on easier time financing the project, and generally cain a higher pm-ofitfrom their efforts. Much credit and kudos for their efforts to take the harder ‘cad of developing a much-needed affordable rental project.

On a personal level, our fi’mily moved to Kailua, from Date Street in 1953. My dad was abe tomake the move due to the development ofa leasehold project that made the purchase much more affordableat that time. ] was able to enjoy our beach cornmun ity and attend Kailua Elementary, intermediate andHigh School together with my four (4) sisters. Over the past sixty-seven (67) years, I :-uave seen Kailua growas we were discovered by many more families as well as many of our visitors. This has resulted in moretraffic, more people at the beach, more shopping and dining opportunities, more medical facilities, and molejobs. Unfortunately, added regulations and restrictive land use and zoning has minimized the availabilityof affordable housing. The results have been the multi-generational occupancy of homes and dramaticincrease of prices that have forced many of our family members leaving Kailua and, in my family’s case,leave the Slate.

We must encourage creative solutions to that lack of affordable housing that, in a small way, thisproject does. Move forward quickly on this approval, minimize the inclination to increase cost andencourage more of these. Our families need these opport tin ities.

Thank you for your consideration of my testimony. Should you have any questions, please feelfree to contact me.


J.. Hariy Saunders, President

(‘uslle & (‘,,,,ke II,nn’i u’uuuusisls iii lie II;ni’;n’i uilusidiari,’s ii] (‘;usitc & (‘mile, lime.


September 17, 2020

Chair Ron MenorCommittee MembersZoning, Planning and Housing CommitteeHonolulu City Council

Re: Support for Resolution 20-225, CD1 Kawainui Affordable Apartments

Aloha Committee Chair Menor and Councilmembers:

The Affordable Housing and Economic Development (AHED) Foundation is a 501 (c)(3)nonprofit whose mission is to create and preserve affordable housing and otheropportunities to Hawaii’s residents in need. Kailua, like every other community on Oahu,has the right to thrive and prosper. But it also has the responsibility to care for all of itsmembers over the long term. Part of this responsibility includes providing good, clean,safe and affordable housing options to its residents. Housing is one of the most importantand basic human needs, and cannot be reserved solely for the wealthy or lucky few.

That is why the AHED Foundation has partnered with the Ahe Group and stronglysupports the development of the Kawainui Affordable Apartments near the heart ofdowntown Kailua. The project will provide affordable, workforce rental housing toapproximately 70 families earning 60% or less of the median income for at least the next61 years. These vital and deserving families will enrich the community with their talentsand energies, be able to commute safely to school and work, and contribute to Kailua’sdiverse and thriving community life.

There are always concerns and reasons to say no to any new development. However,Kailua has said no to affordable housing for far too long. In fact, it’s been 30 years sincean affordable rental housing project has been built in Kailua. Affordable housing delayed,is affordable housing denied, so let’s not wait another 30 years. Windward Cahu needsmore affordable housing for our working families. And we need it now. Please supportthis project.

Very truly yours

Scott Settle, Director, AHED Foundation

900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1818, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 [email protected]

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 3:25 PMSubject: Zoning. Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name LauraE Thielen

Phone 8088432282


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Kawainui Affordable Housing Project

Your position onSupport

the matter

Representing Organization

Organization Partners In Care Oahu

Do you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?

Aloha City Council Members. My name is Laura E. Thielen, I have been a resident ofKailua for about 25 years. My husband and kids were born and raised in this community. Iam also the Executive Director for Partners in Care, which is a planning, coordinating andadvocacy alliance that develops reconimendations for programs and services to fill needswithin Oahu’s Continuum of Care for homeless person.

As a member of the Kailua Community. and a homeless service provider, I see the need foraffordable housing in Kailua every day. As Executive Director for Patners in Care I amresponsible for overseeing the annual l-lomeless Point in Time Count. We currently havemore than 4,400 people confirmed as homeless on the island of Oahti And those onlyincluded folks that we found during a 7 hour period on one da). This statistic does&t even

Written begin to count the people that are borderline homeless or living in over crowded housingTestimony because that is all they can afford. These numbers are only going to grow with the

oncoming recession due to Covid-19 and the job losses we have experienced island wide. Iknow many people in Kailua that have no options left in their hometown to find affordablehousing and will have to move away. 73 housing units might seem like a lot to you. but tome it isn’t even the tip of the tip of the iceberg. The island ofOahu doesn’t just need thisproject, it needs a thousand of these projects. The fact that we are not willing to be 1/1000of the solution leaves me disappointed in the community 1 call my home. When we did areview of all the affordable housing and by income housing across the island of Oahu itwas startling to see the inequity across the board regarding where affordable housing islocated. Here is a simple breakdown of affordable houing based on city breakdown:

8 buildings in Ewa Beach

81 buildings in Honolulu8 in Kaneohe9 in Kapolei5 in Mililani9 in Pearl City9 in Wahiawa9 in Waianae10 in WaipahuAnd,

I project in Kailua built in 1992 vith a 10 year wait list and only available to seniors

It is our responsibility to find solutions to community concerns as best we can, but in theend it is also our responsibility to our community to encourage these units to be built. Fortoo long, we have shut down any affordable housing project that has been proposed in ourcommunity. Unless we say yes and work on improving this project to meet some of ourconcerns, we will look back on this time and realize that once again, we have failed to helpour neighbors who need affordable housing.Thank you for your time and attention to this project. I look forward to working with ourcommunity on future plans to address the immense shortage of affordable housingthroughout our island.

With Best Regards,Laura E. ThielenLaura E. Thielen


Accept Terms andAgreement




Habitatfor HumanityAssociation

Building strength and s/ability through shelter

September 15, 2020

Committee on Zoning, Planning and HousingFriday, September 18, 2020


Aloha Councilmembers:

I am submitting testimony in my capacity as Executive Director of Hawaii Habitat for HumanityAssociation (I-IHFHA). a nonprofit community development financial institution and StateSuppor Organization for the direct service Habitat for Humanity organizations across the state toSTRONGLY SUPPORT RESOLUTION 20-225, the proposed affordable housing project on460 Kawainui Street.

I-lawaii Habitat of Humanity understands the need for affordable housing and housing stability.As an organization, we serve over 55 families in Hawaii a year, providing homeownershipopportunities in partnership with low income families earning $35,000 to $75,000 per year. Ourorganization knows homeownership is important, however, we also recognize the growing needfor affordable rental housing. Hawaii’s housing market is dynamic and our response needs todynamic as well, supporting both affordable homeownership and rental opportunities as a part ofthe housing cycle.

The Kawainui Affordable Apartments project will help expand the affordable housing needs ofHawaii’s low- and moderate-income households. The 73-unit rentals project will be able toprovide households making 30% to 80% of the area median income (AMI) range, or $36,150 ayear to $72,300 a year, with affordable rent. The affordability of rental units with this project issignificant. Rent for a two-bedroom apartment, for example, would range from $598 a month to$1,412 a month. By comparison, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment on Oahu is$2,361 a month. The need for more projects like this is growing, as the most recent HawaiiHousing Planning Study estimated 52% of housing units we will need by 2025 must be for low-income households earning up to 80% AMI. Even more importantly, these units will remainaffordable with rent control guaranteed 61 years.

With rental units of this project guaranteed to be priced at no more than 1/3 of the monthlyincome for residents, this project is an important opportunity for Kailua residents. Kailua has oneof the highest housing cost-to-income ratios on Oahu —housing costs consume 45% of householdincome in Kailua, compared to 29% in Urban Honolulu. Many Kailua residents fall under thecost burdened or severely cost burdened group for housing expenses. Habitat for HumanityInternational (HFHI) recently launched its Cost of Home campaign which focuses on increasing

205] Young St#82 Honolulu. H] 96826 508-847—76/6 wwwhaIniihibirLn (Jj

home affordability for the I in 6 families nationwide who are severely cost burdened, spendingnearly half of their income on housing. Through local, state, and federal policy, HFHI has anambitious goal of improving home affordability for 10 million people. Hawaii Habitat forHumanity recognizes affordable housing projects such as the Kawainui Affordable Aparmentsproject as a step forward in its goals.

The affordability of these rentals allow Kailua residents who are cost burdened to stay in Kailua.Without rent controlled, long-term affordable housing options, Kailua will become increasinglymore expensive to live in - displacing long-term local families who are renters. The Kawainuiproject will not only help in this regard, but local Kailua residents will bc given priority to therental units. Those who live or work in the 96734 zip code will be given preference, andapplicants are required to show proof of residency or employment in order to qualify. Pcoplewho live in other areas would be accepted only after exhausting the Kailua preference list.

Kailua has long needed more affordable housing options. The last affordable rental housing builtin the neighborhood was in 1992, with the construction of the Lani Huh Kupuna apartments onAulike St. The apartments have a waiting list of over 95 people, roughly translating to about a 10year wait, All five previous efforts for developing affordable housing units have failed due toneighborhood opposition, citing traffic and location as being primary issues. Although increaseddensity impacts are a valid concern, every affordable housing project proposed locatedthroughout Kailua has been rejected outright. If location and traffic continue to be an argumentto reject a project outright, all affordable housing opportunities will continue to be rejected whilealso continuing to displace long-term Kailua residents. It is important for the developer to conicup with solutions to mitigate the increased density impact, but the opportunity for this project istoo important to not resolve the cited issues.

The current shortage of affordable housing on Oahu is a symptom of a larger problem. namelythe lack of housing inventory in general for all segments of the market. Providing more supply ofnew housing in all segments of the housing market is one way to address the affordable housingcrisis. The proposed Kawainui Affordable Apartments is one project that will address thispressing need in Hawaii.

Mahalo for your time, leadership and consideration. Please contact me directly at 808.847.7676or should you have any questions or need additional information.

Sincerely,/ ,‘/‘: •)1/t

Jean LilleyExecutive Director

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:00 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Gary Weller

Phone 8082530675

Email we I Iergemanaika

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item RESOLLTION 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Organization

Organization Kai Iua Neighborhood Board

Do you wish to speak at the hearing? Yes

Total 9/18 testimony is now:

19 SUPPORT (14%)

112 OPPOSE (85%)


The grand total of 9/8 & 9/18 is now:

661 SUPPORT (39%)Vv’ritten Testimony

1043 OPPOSE (61%)

11 COMMENT(1%)

If the 1.704 opposed petitioners are included:

661 SUPPORT(19%)

2747 OPPOSE (80%)

II COMMENT (0%)Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:46 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony


Phone 8084525549


Meeting Date 09-18-2020Council/PH


Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Organization

Organization ORIGINAL RESIDENTS OF KAILUADo you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?


I am a lifelong resident of Kailua and a proud, active member of our community. I stand

Writtei united with the overwhelming majority ofniy home town in opposition of the proposedconstruction project on the corner of Kawainui St. & Oneawa Street. ibis project does notTestimon”fit the character of our town, does not coincide with our sustainable community plan anddoes not follow the standards set forth by the zoning for that property. Please hear ourvoices and discontinue any further support of this project. I would like to kindly ask that allpermits be denied for anything other than R-5 single family homes on that property.


Accept Termsand Agreement




Email; conimnninitionsiuIupnno.roni

HONOLULU CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON ZONING, PLANNING, AND HOUSINGFriday, September 18, 2020— 9:00 am. — City Council Chamber

Ulupono Initiative offers comments on Resolution 20-225, Kawainui StreetApartments Affordable Housing Project (2020/GEN-7).

Dear Chair Menor and Members of the Committee:

My name is Amy Hennessey, and lam the Senior Vice President of Communications &External Affairs at Ulupono Initiative. We are a Hawaii-focused impact investment firmthat strives to improve quality of life throughout the islands by helping our communitiesbecome more resilient and self-sufficient through locally produced food; renewable energyand clean transportation; and better management of freshwater and waste.

Parking policies have a significant impact on whether our commLlnity members choose todrive or choose a more energy-efficient mode of transportation, aligning with the City’sstated energy, transportation and environment goals, and our mission of reducing fuelimports and emissions. Recent national research by the University of Wisconsin showedthat for every 10 percent increase in parking spaces per capita, the share of workerscommuting by car is expected to increase by 8 percent. Essentially, more parking spacesmean more traffic and congestion.i

As stated in Transcending Oil: Hawai’i’s2ath_toaflean Energy Eronorny. parking policyreform in Hawaii (including both on-street and off] has the potential to achieve a 30percent reduction in vehicle miles traveled by introducing more choice about whether ornot one wants to pay for parking. The result will be less reliance on single-occupancyvehicles, enabling a reduction of future car emissions and increasing the viability of activetransportation and transit options. Additionally, having a location that is convenientlylocated to transit, as well as close proximity (i.e. easy walk or bike ride] to everydaynecessities, further supports lower demand for parking and better enables communitymembers to reduce their reliance on driving.

In many cases with proposed new development, the familiar refrain is that there isn’tenough parking.2 However, it becomes clear when looking at maps that this idea is not true.Through Google Maps and local validation checks, we developed a set of maps (attached]

i https://us2.streetchIng.oxg/2O1fQ1/1 3/snciaI-engineei’ing-ciilec-th2t.huild-nlnrerparking-get-more-trafric/2 https://www.hihndget,org/hlog/kawainiii.affnr.lahle.hnucing-prnhlems-hawaii

Investing thu Sustainable Huivai’i

999 Bishop Street. Suite 1202(ifonolulu, 1-Iaw4ii’i 96813 r80R544.8960:1 808.432,9695 I


that illustrate how the problem is not one of parking supply, but rather one of operationsand demand management. Each map highlights examples of parking supply aroundHonolulu and has two versions. One is mostly green — showing the overall supply ofparking regardless of use or access. The second version is multi-colored and segregates thedifferent types to help answer where and how much parking is available.

Lastly, it is important to note that the decision to require parking regardless of demandcarries a significant financial cost. The average monthly carrying cost of each space permonth spans $18O-$410 per space on O’ahu — all of which is passed on to the local resident.Per our recent study conducted by PER Hawai’i called “The Costs of Parking in Hawaii,” thiscan add up to an additional $2,000-$5,000 in housing costs per year — even if you don’t owna car!3 Reducing this expense is critical for lower income households, where the cost ofparking can account for more than 35 percent of the overall rent

Thank you for this opportunity to testify.

Amy Hennessey, APRSenior Vice President, Communications & External Affairs

*Note: Ulupono Initiative values this measure before the Council today and appreciates theopportunity for continued civic engagement; however, we are unable to attend in persondue to concerns around COVID-19 and to remain consistent with company policy andgovernment directives encouraging social distancing. Mahalo for your understanding.


a http://nlnpnno.cnm/news poctc/repnrt-revealc-the-hidden-cncts-nf-parking-in-hawall

Ala Moana LEGEND

• All Parking

0.25 Miles Radius


Ala Moana LEGEND

Open ParkingStreet ParkingMulti-Level ParkingMixed-Use ParkingSchool/Closed-Use!Residential0.25 Miles Radius


Dillingham LEGEND

I All Parking

0.25 Miles Radius



Dillingham IIGFND

Open ParkingStreet ParkingMixed-Use Parking

Limited AccessParking0.25 Miles Radius

• Multi-Level Parking 0.25 Miles Radius




Open ParkingStreet Parking





• All Parking

0.25 Miles Radiim

til.uponoeIN IT 1*11 V E

Kailua LEG END

• All Parking

0.25 Miles Radius

I. S



Open Parking SchoollClosed-Use/Street Parking Residential

• Multi-Level Parking 025 Miles RadiusMixed-Use Parking




• All Parking

0.25 MiI€ Radius




Open ParkingStreet Parking

• Multi-Level ParkingMixed-Usc ParkingSchool/Closed-Use!Residential0.25 Miles Radius

utupon 0‘INIT P AT IV C

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:31 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Thomas Christensen

Phone 8087729488

Email thomas27(ä

Meeting Date 09-17-2020

Council/P I-I Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Reso 20-225

Your position on theSupport


Representing Self


Do you wish to speak atNo

the hearing?

I support this resolution because Hawaii needs more affordable housing for ourWritten Testimony .

- hard working iesidents and we need it now.

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:41 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kenneth Ogata

Phone 8083069835

Email kogata009gniailcom

Meeting Date 09-1 8-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-225

Your position on theSupport


Representing Self

OrganizationDo you wish to speak at

Nothe hearing? -

I support this resolution because Hawaii needs more affordable housin2 for ourWritten Testimony- hard working residents and we need it now.

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms andAgreement

IP: 192.168.20067

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:40 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Regiatration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Trisha Ogata

Phone 8083412434

Email Irishaogatagmai!.com

Meeting Date 09-1 8-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-225

Your position on theSupport


Representing Self


Do you wish to speak atNo

the hearing?

I support this resolution because Hawaii needs more affordable housinu for our\k ritten J estimonv- hard working residents and we need it now.

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms andAgreement

IP: 92i68,20067

September 17, 2020

Honolulu City CouncilZoning, Planning and Housing Committee

RE: Support for Resolution 20-225

Aloha Chair Menor and Councilmembers:

Thank you for your time and service to this important committee. I am a born-and-raised Kailua

homeowner. I was born at Castle Hospital, attended Maunawili Elementary, Kailua Intermediate and

Kailua High School and I continue to reside in Kailua.

40 years ago I was raised here by a single working mother who was trying to make ends meet, working

two jobs to take care of 3 young kids. It was hard, really hard. It is still hard, two generations later, for

my siblings’ families and the families of many friends.

A project like the proposed Kawainui Apartments would have changed outcomes for generations of our

families. It would have been an affordable place where we could have had our mother home everynight to guide us and keep us safe instead of working until 8am. It would have been a secure place tolive within walking distance to preschools, elementary schools, and middle school where we qualifiedfor subsidized breakfast and lunch and would have made going hungry disappear. It would have been aplace safe from unwanted visitors that prey and abuse single moms and their children, a hiddensuffering that can arise in working class families that many people never talk about because it’sembarrassing.

I was at the Kailua Neighborhood Board meeting where many aggressive testifiers were opposed to thisdevelopment for many different reasons which made me confused. What Kailua are they trying toprotect from a safe living space for single parents with fixed incomes?

The development looks more attractive in my opinion than anything around it. Since when is 50-year oldhomes with tarps, string lights, weeds and broken-down cars a beautiful Kailua?

Parking and traffic complaints? Kailua is littered with homes that have 4 to 6 cars per household and areparked on every street around this project site, including blocking sidewalks and setbacks. Are thesetestifiers talking about these neighbors or the controlled parking lot of the new development?

Why does Kailua have more liquor stores than affordable housing developments? More tattoo parlorsthan affordable housing projects? More adult entertainment bars than affordable Housing projects?

Where is our Kailua Councilman on this project? Where is the support for the people who need help themost? Opponents of this project are just like the rest of us, mad about any development, NIMBY’s, stircrazy from the coronavirus and taking it out on this project for no real substantial reason.

Please pass this out of committee and give this development its chance at a vote for affordable housing.

Ma halo,Keaka Robinson

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:52 PMSubject: Zoning, P!anning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Linda K. K. Y. Schatz

Phone 8084288717

Email [email protected] Date 09-1 8-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onS Li ii

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?

I strongly support Kawainui Street Apartments Project. The conflict and tension on thisproject is clearly about segregation along class lines. Its not really about traffic, orneighborhood character, or even about height. Those are just cover ups for the real truthwhich is homeowners who do not want to have low-income renters come into theirneighborhood and also enjoy the same quality of life as they do in Kailua. It’s homeowners

\Vritt nwho are keeping their property interests and not wanting to share the benefits of living in

T‘ Kailua with others, The people who will live at Kawainui are local people, who likely greestimony

up on Oahu. and even some will likely come from the windward side. There are many

housing projects that need a zoning exemption to build just like Kawainui. This project is notthe only one - and if we use that as the reason to not build this project - you are also sayingtoday that thousands of other units shouldn’t he built and we will continue to perpetuate thishousing crisis. We need to as a community stan saying YES to housing in all neighborhoodson Oahu. Thank you for the opportunity to let me share my comments.


Accept Termsand Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:52 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Linda K. K. Y. Schatz

Phone 8084288717

Email I [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onSupportthe matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?

I strongly support Kawainui Street Apartments Project. The conflict and tension on thisproject is clearly about segregation along class lines. It’s not really about traffic, orneighborhood character, or even about height. Those are just cover tips for the real truthwhich is homeowners who do not want to have low-income renters come into theirneighborhood and also enjoy the same quality of life as they do in Kailua. It’s homeowners

Writtenwho are keeping their property interests and not wanting to share the benefits of living inKailua with others. The people who will live at Kawainui are local people. who likely grewestirnonyup on Oahu. and even some will likely come from the windward side. There are manyhousing projects that need a zoning exemption to build just like Kawainui. This project is notthe only one - and if we use that as the reason to not build this project - you are also sayingtoday that thousands of other units shouldn’t be built and we will continue to perpetuate thishousing crisis. We need to as a community start saying YES to housing in all neighborhoodson Qahu. Thank you for the opportunity to let me share my comments.


Accept Termsand Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:21 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration)Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Quincy Brown

Phone 8082928509

Email qbrown II

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-225

Your position on theSupport


Representing Self


Do you wish to speak atNo

the hearing?I support this resolution because Hawaii needs more affordable housinQ for our

\\ ritten Testimony- hard working residents and we need it now.

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms andAgreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 1:36AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kristen I lui

Phone 8084577172


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onSupport

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Aloha Councilmembers of the committee on Zoning. Planning & Housing.

I am in support of the 460 Kawainui Street affordable rental housing project proposed bthe Ahe Group. and Resolution 20-225.

Lack of housing supply in Hawaii is an enormous issue. When new housing is actuallybuilt, the majority of it is for-sale housing. and priced at market-rates. Last Tuesday, a StarAdvertiser article was published “Oahu Single Family Homes I-lit Record Median Price of$839,000 in August (2020)”!

A key fundamental thing to understand and to recognize is that l-Iawaii’s continually risingWritten astronomical median housing price — and the difficulty of securing a massive down paymentTestimony - puts home ownership out of reach for most households earning workforce incomes.

Three out of four people living in Hawaii believe that housing and cost of living arc theirnumber one worries, and the truth for many who have grown up here is that if they are notthe lucky ones to inherit a home or other assets, their only realistic option is to rent,

Hawaii’s rental housing shortfall is massive today and it is forecasted to get worse withevery passing year. Kailua is not Kaka’ako. But to use Kaka’ako to illustrate what Kailuahas voiced it does not want to become, even in the more ‘development receptive’ area oftaller higher density buildings in the Kaka’ako development district, despite the delivery ofhousing units, there aren’t enough rentals,

From 1976 through today, in this 44-year period, 38 housing projects have been completedin Kaka’ako, of which 27 projects were for-sale condos, 8 projects were rental housing. and3 were senior living projects, totaling 11,228 completed units.

However, those 11,228 delivered units. only 3 projects offered rental housing to householdsearning 60% of Area median income, equating to 416 units, or 3,7%. If this is not enough ofthe right-type of truly affordable 60% AMI rental housing for a Kaka’ako neighborhood. anurban neighborhood designated for higher growth. what can Kailua rentcrs hope for?

The 460 Ka’vainui Street affordable rental housing project will have a direct and immediatebenefit to our the local community that cannot be denied. Our State. our island, eachneighborhood community, each are facing a housing crisis and home ownership is out ofreach for many. There aren’t enough rental units in Honolulu for people to live and work inthe same vicinity. In addition, the State’s housing study showed that 70 percent of all thehousing is needed for households earning 8O% of the area median income, or less.

Developing rental housing. let alone affordable tax-credit housing is not ens). Thisdeveloper plans to build this type of much needed rental housing to help be a part of thesolution our community is facing and they are operating with passion. vision and a sense ofresponsibility; a triple bottom-line approach to promote social and environmental goals ineconomically sustainable ways.

We need this project to help create new inventory of much needed rental housing andimprove the community. Mahalo for the opportunity to share support. hopefully everyonecan find some common ground.

Kristen H.


Accept Terms andAgreement

lP: 192168.200.67


From: CLK Council infoSent: Thursday. September 17, 2020 10:22 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Angelica Penaran

Phone 8083736469


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onSupport

the matter

Representing Self


[Jo you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I would like to show my support for this and future affordable housing initiatives. As we allknow, affordable housing in Hawaii has been at a crisis level for decades. There are manybureaucratic and political obstacles that stand in the way of developers building the housingour community needs. 1-lowever. the most nefarious of these obstacles, by far, is that of

WrittenNIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard). This mentality that certain areas of Oahu are off-limits

1to others because of cost. Groups like protect kailua” use language to perpetuate this idea

estlmonthat Kailua is under attack’ and needs to be defended. Defended against what? Againstwho? Against hard working families who are just trying to survive here in Hawaii? In themidst ofan economic recession, a raging pandemic. and social and political unrest in ourcountry, it’s a shame people still find time to complain about parking spots. Mahalo for ‘ourtime.


Accept Termsand Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:21 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name John Covey

Phone 808-237-9231

Email coveyjegmai1.coin

Meeting Date 09-17-2020


. ZoningCommittee

Agenda hem Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self

Organ izat ion

Do you wish to

speak at the Nohearing?

I strongly oppose this development. No matter how much it appears the complex is withinlocal code & city ordnances, the complex will create parking and traffic congestion in anarea which is already really bad. Parking on this street is full all day long and traffic isnonstop throughout the night. This complex will only make thee issues worse, There is

Writteninadequate parking in this area, there is already too much traffic on this street. People willviolate the rental agreement which says no car is allowed. What if their job situation

Festimonchanges and they need to drive to work for whatever reason? What if they get ajobdelivering find or driving Uber? Its just crazy, you cannot stipulate there is no way you canown a car or it breaks your lease agreement. Its unenforceable in my opinion because it willnot hold up in court. My point these parking management measures mentioned in thehearing are not convincing.


Accept Terms andAgreement

IP: 192,168.20067


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:18 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Nathan Yoshioka

Phone 808-286-2352


Meeting Date 09-17-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I strongly oppose this development. No matter how much it appears the complex is withinWritten local code & city ordnances, the complex will create parking and traffic congestion in anTestimony area which is already really bad. Parking on this street is full all day long and traffic is

nonstop throughout the night. This complex will only make thee issues worse.


Accept Termsand Agreement

IP: 192.168.200,67

From: OLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:37 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Sarah Pedro

Phone 8082627357


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Conimittee Zoning

Agenda Item Resolution No.20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak atNo

the hearing?

Stop the insane asylum at 460 Kawainui St!Written Testimony A sensible location would he better. Mv friends wouldn’t mind living there hut it’s

too dangerous and too many accidents

lestimony Attachment

Accept Temm andAgreement

IP: 92.l68.20067

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:31 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name John Pedro III

Phone 8082589449

Email Kizoniboy83Dyahoo.coin

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No.20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I travel on Oneawa and Kawainui Streets for years and I can tell you the traffic is NUTS!Written Testimony The only thing makes any sense there are 1-2 story homes. Stop the ARE projects

housing. It’s not about affordable it’s about sensible living!


Accept Terms andAgreemeni


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:34 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Cheryl rnorita

Phone 808 261 3200

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Zoning

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? No

\ktritten Testimony

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 1 8, 2020 7:15 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Cynthia Kelly

Phone 8084451496

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item RES2O-225

Your position on theOppose


Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Aloha! I oppose the Kawainui Housing Project. I love in Kailua in Coconut Grove. Whybuild an apartment building on one of the busiest streets in Kailua?? The residents arcWritten Testimony .

going to suffer & we are against it! Please stop this! Mahalo!Cynthia Kelly


Accept Terms and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:30 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kaholo Faulkner

Phone 8083062010


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-255

Your position on the matter Oppose

Rcpresenting Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? Yes

Written Testimony I oppose this project. It is bad for Kailua.

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement 1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:16 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Charles Kalarna III

Phone 8083915201

Email cur1upanddyeigmail.coin

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda 11cm Reso 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

In 1951, my family and I moved to Kailua. At that time our State was a Territory. We livedat 502 Kawailoa Court which is now Kailua Beach. 1 also raised my children in Kailua andwe all still reside on this side. I represent the many families that have been here in Kailua.The Kalama’s, Mahoes, Manoa’s. Ane’s, Gramberg’s, and Murakami’s. as well as the manymore families not mentioned here, These families I mentioned have been living in Kailuasince the 1800s. I strongly OPPOSE this build because of the Location, I agree thatAffordable homes is necessary but Kawainui Street is the Wrong Location. I have manyreasons for opposing this build. I was a firefighter for 30 plus years. 27 years at Kailua FireStation. I joined Kailua Station in 1974. and retired from that Station in 2001. In the 80s and

Written 90s. while working at Station 18, traffic on the Oneawa street was horrible. In the morningTestimony and afternoon peak hours of traffic, Oneawa was backed up all the way to the Kalaheo

bridge. Fast forward to today the traffic on Oneawa has not let up and has grown to becomea big problem. As a first responder. I have responded to many accidents on this street. mysister Charlani being involved in one of the many. Another accident we responded to was aa young girl hit and killed right on that street. Oneawa can not handle more traffic then ithas now, especially during emergencies. It’s like putting 5 galloons of water into a 1 galloncontainer. IT \\.:‘ILL NOT WORK PROPERLY Kawainui Street is already congested withparked cars because you have 3rd generation families living in one dwelling, they all havecars which are needed to commute to work.This 70 unit building will only add to thealready congested street and become a bigger safety issue to the residents of this area.


Accept Terms and1

Agreeme at

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:08 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Sarona DeCosta

Phone 808-265-7336

Email sdecosta2(i)hawaiiantel net

Meeting Date 09-1 8-2020

Counc H/PHZoninu


Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I’ve been a Kailua resident for 67 years and I oppose the changing of the zoning fromresidcntial to mixed use commercial. It is not right and unfair to allow a building like thatone in a residential zoned coconut grove community. We’ve followed the zoning laws all\\ uttenthese years and they should too. You should uphold the will of the residents and notfestimonvdevelopers, property managers and contractors. Please vote to oppose this resolution andmay God Bless Us All.Aloha


Accept Terms andAgreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:09 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name John Pedro

Phone 8082627357


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda [tern Resolution No.20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

460 Kawainui St pioposed apartments is in a bad location.The renderings that wassubmitted shows a design that is totally out of character and is not smartWuttendevelopment.Considei-ate planning was overlooked for both occupants and the currentestimon>community. Why is it so hard to understand and sensible concerns made knownby community


Accept Terms andAgreement

lP: 192168.200.67

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:56 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Joshua Perry

Phone 808-389-0725


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Co ILHC il/PHZoning


Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I have lived in Kailua for 34 years and I totally oppose this project. The traffic and parking\Vritten Testimony is horrendous in the area. I hope if you approve this that a developer will build a affordable

apartment bui]ding in your neighborhood next to your house.


Accept Terms and1




From: CLK Councfl InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:51 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Rita Bachini

Phone 310-561-3414


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Res 20-22 5

Your position onOpposethe matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

To City Council Members:

I oppose this development for three basic reasons: 1. Wrong/inappropriate location2. Size and scope is too mammoth for Kailua and 3. Developer will receive too muchmoney/tax breaks at Kailua residents expense.Is there any council member here that cares about Kailua residents and the impact of thisdevelopment at this location? How ethical is AHE Group to have non residents of Kailuawrite you letters of support of this project for the low cost of a free meal? How much didyou receive?

Written Testimony Fast track approval seems not only self serving for the developer but it reeks of graft andpolitics as usual for all of you who are supposed to represent your constituents, not bigbusiness with deep pockets who have the nerve to ask for more!Your proposed amendments to this project area disgrace. Throw the public a pittance to distract them that this project is a done deal.Why the fast track in the time of COVID closures? How can environmental impact studiesnow be considered accurate or a true representation of traffic and usage of roads?Fast approval, fast money exchanged for tax breaks and Kailua residents get left holdingthe bag and suffering the consequences.Say no to this project at this location!


Accept Terms andAgreement

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:47 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kaui Todd

Phone 808-492-0481

Email [email protected]

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position on theOpposematter

Rcpresenting Self


Do you wish to speak atNothe hearing?

I live in Kailua for 32 years and I am against this project because a large apartmentWritten Testimony .

building shall not be built on residentially zoned parcels. Its just wrong.Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and1Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:51 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Lauren Tonokawa

Phone 8085546404

Email Laurentonokawagmai1.corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Reso]ution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I grew up in Kailua and now live in Kapahulu. What’s happening with the Kawainui project

Written is another example of a flawed process for development on this island. The process mighthave been built with good intention, with the intention of giving communities a say inI estimonydecision making, but that is not reality. This is an opportunity to recognize the flaw and fix


Accepl Termsand Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:47 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Stjohn kelly

Phone 8083871465


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? No

Vv’ritten Testimony

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement 1


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:45 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kanani Todd

Phone 8082301156


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Resolution agenda 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? No

Written Testimony

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement 1

IP: 192168.200.67

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:01 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Gayenell Kalama

Phone 8083918620


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Reso 20-225

Your position on theOppose


Representing Self


Do you wish to speak atNo

the hearing?

I strongly OPPOSE this build. The Location is congested and dangerous. It is\k ritten Testimony - .

ovei-populated and safety issue for the residents.

testimony Attachment

Accept Terms andAgreement

IP: 19216820067


From: CLK Council InfoSent; Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:01 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Solomon David

Phone 8082268181

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I have been a Kailua resident for most of 51 years (lived in Kaneohe for 2 years). Myfamily lived on Ulupaina Street then moved to Keolu Drive.

I cannot believe the parking assessment information and map that ARE Group has providedCity Council Members which misleads them to believe that there’s “tons of existingparking. If you ARE from Kailua. you know that is NOT TRUE. Iost of the parking thatis referred to on the map are for businesses not tenants.

The streets in Coconut Grove are packed with cars of people who LIVE there and it’s a veryWritten densely populated residential area where AHE Group wants to build its 4 story highTestimony monstrosity.

A three story building was built on Maluniu Avenue by Coulter Corporation. Inc. withoutopposition by the Kailua Community. Its a street that is parallel to Oneawa Street andlocated at a corner as well but it was in an area that zoned for this type of structure. AREGroup’s Oneawa Street location is NOT ZONED and SHOULD NOT BE RE-ZONED FORTHIS PROJECT.

Please listen to the Kailua Community and let your vote reflect what the people who aregrown here, not flown here are saving. WE OPPOSE RESOLUTION 20-225.


Accept Terms andAgreement

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:45 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Brvnne Asing

Phone 8083583914


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item RES2O-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

This project is not for Kailua. Our little beach town has already been over developed withWritten big name retail stores and other housing buildings that have changed Kailua for the worse.Testimony There is too much traffic and adding this structure will just acid more congestion. This is

also just another move to push long time ]ocal Kailua families out of Kailua.lest i mo flyAttachment

Accept Terms and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:45 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Elizabeth Agnes Connors

Phone 808 261-8839

Email [email protected]

Meeting Date 09-18-2020


Comm iltee

Agenda Item Proposed revision to Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

This resolution revision offers no significant change. Imagine, they will provide ‘one freeyearly The Bus pass per household.” The people have spoken, the people you are supposed

Writtento serve. They don’t want this project in this place, in its enormity and with the incredibly

Testimonlarge number of variances, that totally jeopardize the existing community housing.“landscaping to hide the structures,” really? Nothing can hide the fact that this is the wronglocation for such a project. It should not be supported for the many reasons already clearlyarticulated.ZbKj i


Accept Terms1

and Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:20 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Zak DeBruyne

Phone 7386684

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item RES2O-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I live in Kailna in Coconut Grove and oppose this project. The proposed location ofthcKawainui Affordable housing project is at a very busy intersection with bad sight lines. Byadding an additional 73 units the traffic and safety is a major concern, With only 50 parkingspes you can not tel] me that there will not be overflow in our neighborhoods. which is

Written already packed with cars from residents. The ARE group made no effort to talk to ourTestimony community about the project and our concerns. The modern building does not fit in with

the single family homes in which many were built in the 50’s. Please listen to ourcommunity and uphold the zoning laws that were put in place to protect us from this ‘erything. Kailua is a special place. please help us preserve and protect our community andneighborhood.


Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:20 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kurt Obed

Phone 8083913820


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing’?

I believe this project is technically illegal. I believe the land parcel in which the apartmentproject is to be built on, is a residential zoned parcel and not an apartment zoned parcel.This alone should force the developers to discontinue this apartment project. There arecorrectly zoned apartment parcels available across the street and if the developer wants tocontinue with this apartment project they should be forced to move to the conectly zonedareas.I also believe that the land parcel in question does not have the sufficient plumbing to

Written support an apartment building of this magnitude. The plumbing and infrastructure is veryfestimony old and to add 100-120 more toilets/sinks/showers would put too much pressure on the old

existing pipes creating more issues for the City and Count. I also believe that the City andCouncil has placed guidelines on this parcel allowing no more than 8, I believe, singlefamily homes to be built. The project in question is definitely more than 8 single familyhomes.I believe this project is a greedy attempt at a big cash grab because the price of this parcel isbased on it being in the residential zone as opposed to the more expensive apartment zone.Please vote to end this development!


Accept Terms andAgreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:12 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Marion Newman

Phone 8088649432


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 460 Kavainui

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at theNo


I agree that Kailua needs affordable housing. The site chosen is not the\Vritten Testimony best.

The complete disregard for the local zoning laws is reprehensible.

Testimony Attachment

‘\ceept Terms and Agreement 1


From: CLK CouncH InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:11 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kaley Nellans

Phone 8085460720

Email kal eynel I ansgrnai 1. corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item ResolLition No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I was born in Kailua and have lived here all my 18 years. I am about to go to collegeelsewhere and I don’t want to come home to something completeR’ different. I want to stayliving in the Kailua that I know. The Kailua where there wasn’t buildings on every corner. Ihave watched this city grow into something like never before. I can’t stand by and watchthese places get built with such poor planning... 73 potential houses with 53 parking spots.

Written that makes no sense. I have driven by that area many times content with how it is right now.Testimony Not too big not too busy. it’s just right. The street that this property would be built on is too

tiny to have all those parked cars that can’t get a stall within the parking garage be parkedon the side of the road, and that will disrupt all of the residents who already live thcr& Andon land that already has property on it will cause those people to lose their homes for anundisclosed amount of time and that is not okay. Therefore I am opposed to this propertyand say it should not be built whatsoever.


Accept Terms andI




From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:10 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Matthew Mitchell

Phone 8087824749

Email [email protected], corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I was born, raised, and still reside in Kailua. I’ve lived here for over 5 decades. I have neverbeen compelled to submit testimony for or against another project until now. Kailua hasunfortunately gained a reputation as being a bunch of NIMBYs and the rest of the islandoften calls us Crylua. and I suppose sometimes this reputation is deserved. But t]iis projectis different and it has really struck a nerve with me. It is very important for me to slate thai Iam not against affordable housing in Kailua. I am opposed to this location. This is a horriblelocation for this development. I travel down Oneawa several times each week to get to theH3 onramp off of Mokapu Blvd and I can personally attest to the already existing trafficproblem at the intersection of Oneawa and Kawainui. It will be so much worse if thisproposal is approved. I have also been doing some research on this proposal and I haveconcluded that the ARE group is not acting in good faith. Their recent amendment with the

Written attached parking map of Kailua is a prime example. The map that they submitted is soTestimony misleading and deceitful. Are they really suggesting that future residents of their

development should park in our public lots where we do our shopping? They havehighlighted several lots including Target. Safeway. Times, Longs, Whole Foods whichseems to suggest that is exactly what they are doing. They even highlighted the Ka Malanaiapartments in Yellow and listed this area as “Mixed use” parking! This is NO’l mixed useparking!!! This is resident parking ONLY. Those of us that own single family homes inKailua purchased our homes with the expectation that we will be surrounded by other singlefamily homes. If we wanted to live among high rises, we would move to Honolulu. 1-lowwould you feel if you purchased a single story home in a residential neighborhood and somerich developer suddenly decides to ask for zoning exemptions so she can build a 4 storybuilding right next to your single family home? This is worse than a Monster House whicheveryone opposes! This will set a very ugly and dangerous precedent and I am begging you

all to please oppose this project. There are other suitable locations within the KailuaBusiness District that are much better suited for this type of development. Please don’t allowthis prQjecl to go forward. Mahalo!


Accept Terms and1


IP: 192.168200.67


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:56 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Nancy Keegan

Phone 8083303052

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOpposethe matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

No. This development is poorly planned and deceitful. The infrastructure needs to beappropriately planned for a development such as this. Yes to affordable housing. 100% noWritten Testimonyto reso 20-225 based on location, parking, safety, infrastructure, and communityopposition.


Accept Terms and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:40 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker RegistrationlTestimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kahaunani Mahoe-Thoene

Phone 808-620-7836


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOpposethe matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing’?

I’m in favor of affordable housing but OPPOSE this building site at Kawainui Street. Thisproperty isn’t the right location to develop a three-four story building. It’s going to increasethe traffic to an already dangerous intersection. The developer proposed to give 50% of theunits to 80% AMI income fami]ies or individuals, this is at the cost of those families wholive on this street who will now need to deal with unforeseen problems and issues. Many ofthose families have been living there for decades, they now have to put up with parkingissues, increased automobile, and foot traffic, and noisy delivery and tras]i trucks. Thedeveloper is only going to provide bus pass for up to 5 years from the date the tenant moves

Writtenin, what if they don’t leave which will cause issues with parking. They say that theinfrastructure for water and wastewater doesnt pose a threat now or in a few \‘ears, but whatTestimony . -

about in 10 years.If you still plan to build units, keep the buildings to 1-2 stories instead of 3-4 stories anddesignate 40% of those units affording housing with 80% AMI, also include an option topurchase with minimum 15 years occupancy. This will keep the families who the developersare trying to help with this project as long-time investors to the coconut grove communityand the Kailua community in its entirety. I understand you can’t please everyone but youshould learn how to compromise with all parties and understand how the people of Kailuaare feeling. This project should be a win-win for both the Kailua community, the developersand those who will call this place home one day.


Accept Terms1

and Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:32 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Alan and Dorothy Park

Phone 808 261-7461


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 460 Kawainui St and Oneawa St

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Senator Latira Thielen said quote, Kailua people need to ‘bear our share” unquote.

Let us see.We have a women’s prisonA boys homeAn abuse women’s shelter (Wailepo St)A 4 story illegal apartment, (also on Wailepo)Sex offenders spread throughout the Kailua communityKapaa quarry (rubbish dump)Military come to live in KailuaHomeless have multiplied

Writien Crime has.soaredTestimony

Japanese tourists with many tour buses dropping them off for the day at our Kailuabeaches(polluting our beaches and facilities)Lanikai is now a parking lot with major back up traffic. Residents takes hours to get home.Not to mention emergencies.

Multiply facilities all over the neighborhood including the very one we live across the streetto on kawainui st. It houses up to 20 beds and 12 or so bathrooms to recently releasedmentally ill prisoners, with drug addiction with contagious disease. Dual.This is the one where Laura’s mother Cynthia Theilen came to our kawainui st after the fact.They never notified us neighbors of what was coming. They moved in the facility and thensaid by the way, we are here. The theility started to say to the state of Hawaii that the

neighbors loved them to be here. If you would like to see the Olelo film from the Kailuaneighborhood board, you will see me talking to them with the truth. Every other day is afire trLLck. ambulance, how the ex prisoners approach my teenage daughters and scaringthem tremendously, how they throw feces into the neighbors yard, etc,etc,etc. We werenever informed, and we were told tough.

How dare you insult the people of Kailua in that manner. “Bear our share”We are throughly insulted by that comment.You want us too look bad for your gain.

10 or so years ago, on the news, there was a recorded voice conversation between two cityand county or legislators or state employees literally had said F... These f Hoale inKailua. For a long time time. kailua residents have always been insulted.

And now Senator Laura Theilen says “bear your share” And Cynthia Theilen told us toughto our new prisoners neighbors. Is that bearing our share?Very’ insulting!!!

Our neighborhood is Coconut Grove, we have many different races and to he calledf hoales is beyond words.What we in Kailua see, is that the developers Macva, Ahi Group, the investors and the citycouncil are all going to profit from this scandolous project, while we, Kailua lose from this.Where is your heart, Senator Laura?Affordable housing you say,The $70,000 a year is not affordable in Hawaii.Macva and Ahi Group will make a lot off this project.We Coconut Groove will only suffer tremendously.Why are you so adamant about doing this in a residential zone.Oh yes, that’s right, commercial property is much more expensive that residential.Macva is buying cheaper residential propcrty.This is know as carpet bagging.The president of the United States recently signed a bill stating that housing can no longerbe forced into the suburbs. And no longer can use Hud as a false narrative.This Macva and her Ahi Group is going through the back door to put up an expensiveillegal structure and calling it affordable.Out of the 72 units, only 5 to 10 or so are set aside of affordable, 5500 and up.This location cannot possibly accept this commercial monster building.You will destroy the very small opening to Coconut Grove. The gateway.Please think about our hearts and how long we fought to keep our homes.Find a commercial piece of property to build it the right way.Let’s not forget the recent numerous violations that Maeva got.Do you remember what happened to the multiple 3 story “Kailua Arms”? Buildings weretorn down with the promise that the residents (long time low income families) can comeback in a year or two. Instead they put up $800,000 unit condos.Where is your heart then?

My father, David Park moved his family to Kailua in 1948. He and his son have built manythings in Kailua. He built the Nazerine church on Onewa, he help build castle hospital, andtook a cut in his pay to help.David also built many churches across the islands, he help build Kailua theater stages, mymother sewed the curtains. Many times he was not paid, he received room and board in


some cases.David also built commercial buildings in Kailua, many customs homes in Kailua.He also did numerous renovations and always helped many Kailua families with any repairsthat was needed, He enriched the Kailua community.My family has always had the heart for Kailua.“Bear our share”Do not tell us we don’t have the heart. This our life, this is our home. this is our mana.We are proud to be Kailua.

Do this the right way. And do not insultKailua anymore. Enough already.Signed the heartless ones. So sad.No more aloha for us.


z-\ccept Terms and1




From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2Q20 4:20 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Patty May

Phone 18088615601

[mail [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Aloha I have lived in Kailua since 1985; raised 2 children and one grandchild. Theskatepark at Kailua Rec was named after my son. That was a good thing and hadcommunity support for the kids that needed a place to safely skate. The size of the half-pipein the park was determined by number of kids it could support: the impact on theneighborhood and the positive role it would play in improving Kailua.

The buildings being proposed by AHE have NOT taken any of these things into

\‘ 11consideration. The size of the buildings is NOT in compliance with the residential homes in

11 ,enthat area. The impact on the neighborhood is negative. The potential of having as many as

cstimon}222 people (35 one-bedroom = 70 people. 38 two-bedroom = 152 people) crammed into aspace and neighborhood that cannot accommodate them would be terrible and that is whythere is so much opposition.

What is needed is something that is affordable, fits into the existing residential area, and isKai I ua-friendlv.

Please listen to Kailua. Please vote NO. Mahalo


Accept Ternm and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:16 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Jerina Dement

Phone 8082066489


Meeting Date 09-08-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I am all for affordable housing, I see and hear the need for it. But not at this location! Thereare building zones and codes for specific reasons and they should be followed. Hadsomeone just taken the time to talk to the community, they would have known from the

Written start. If you take even a minute to observe Oneawa and the location on Kawainui Street, youTestimony would see for yourself that the proposed plan is not for the benefit of a community but for

the benefit of an individual company. Old Coconut Grove isa piece of the past that hasremained untouched. If we allow for this to happen. Coconut Grove will cease to beCoconut Grove.


Accept Terms andI



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:11 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Stacy Mashiha

Phone 808-391-1887

Email stacymashibagmai1 .com

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item CDI Amendment to Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I. The restricted parking zone information listed in the amendment is vague and does notfull)’ address and satisfy residents’ concerns regarding street parking and traflic i5SLLC5.

2. There was an overwhelming amount of testimonies from longtime Kailua residentsWritten (myself included) that oppose this project and we continue to oppose it. It is myTestimony understanding that the Kailua Neighborhood Board DOES NOT support this project. The

voices of the people of the affected community who are concerned about the detrimentalimpact this project will have on the community should be given greater consideration thanthe developer who financially benefits from building this project.


Accept Terms andAgreement

IP: 192168,200.67


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:05 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Mia Molinaro

Phone (808) 429-6574

Email Miakai1uayahoo.corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOt’ pose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I am writing in opposition to the housing complex at 460 Kawainui St. I believe that thereare many reasons that this Is the wrong location for this housing project. It is in a residentialarea on a small strect with single-family homes surrounding it. There is very limited streetparking as it is and no sidewalks on that street. It is a very dangerous location for

Written pedestrians, cars, and bicyclists. It is a highly trafficked area and is often backlogged inboth dircctions. A building of this size will add to the already congested area and bringTestimony . .

more traffic and congestion. There are other locations that would sustain a building this sizeand 1 believe Abe group should be truthful about other real estate options. I urge you tolisten to the residents of Kailua, especially those who live in the area. We are looking outfor the well-being of the fLiture of Kailua and the future of our children to be safe on theirown streets. That’s why I believe this is the wrong location for this pioject.


Accept Terms andAgreement

IP: 192168.200.67


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 3:45 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Loretta Noble

Phone 562- 884-8884

Email nob1e1oretta(

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOpposethe matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Please ilisten to the residents of Kailua. Others outside of Kailua were encouraged byTracey and the Ahe Group, Therre is no benetir to people in neighboring cities. The last

Writtenmeeting was all about questions relating to parking outside of the apartment omplex.. Thereare more problems that were not addressed: density of traffic, height of the building,Testimonyneighbors losing their use of solar panels, no final report concdrning Water and sewer lines.This is the wrong location and project. Tracey falsely denies that there are other duablelocations for low incornee housing.


Accept Tenim andIAgreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 3:31 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Laurie Ahigren

Phone 808-561-6931

Email kai1uaIaur,

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item ResolLition 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Wrong project, Wrong place and Wrong time!So many issues with the project 1) not enough parking, 2) no safe routes to walk or ride a

Writtenbike to school. 3) no stoplight or other improvements planned for the Oneawa/Kawainuiintersection. 4) no sewer upgrade for the area when adding 73 new family users. and 5) theJ estimonybiggest issue still to he addressed: A 50 ft Apartment Building monstrosity in an k-S zonedneighborhood is simply wrong!I say \O to 460 Kawainui Street Apartments.


Accept Terms andI


IP: 192.16820067

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 3:16 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Dale Moore

Phone 8082184744


Meeting Date 09-1 8-2020



Agenda Item 20-255

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I live on Kcanjani St., born and raised in this Coconut Grove area. The project on thecorner Oneawa and Kawainui is not a good place to build it. The traffic is alrcadcongested as it is a main road in Kailua. What if there’s a fire, would the emergencyvehicles be able to get in there?

Written Testimony The project is way to big and all the exemptions AHE group wants is way to much. If shegets that the homeowners should be able to get exemptions to add on to their proper ies tomake more living space for their family’s.Also. if it’s built looking at the mountains, there would be a big eye sore of buildingsblocking the Koolaus.


Accept Terms andI



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 4:29 PMCc: [email protected]: Council/Public Hearing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Alexandra KirleyPhone 808-340-5320

Email Alexkhawah(EThotmail.comMeeting Date 09-1 8-2020


CommitteeAgenda Item Redo-20-225Your position on Opposethe matter

Representing SelfOrganization

Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?


Thank you for accepting my written testimony. As a long-timeWindward resident, I am absolutely opposed to this developmentproject. The proposed location is the wrong location in Kailua as thestreets adjacent to it are already beyond congested. The residents

Ten have spoken and it should not be permitted to allow a few people toes imony

continue with this development that change the landscape of anentire town.


Alexandra KirleyTestimonyAttachment

Accept Terms1and Agreement

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Hans Chun

Phone 18083088943

Email FIanschuni;yahooconi

Meeting Date 11-11-2011



Agenda Item Coconut grove development in ksilua

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Our island is covered with thousands of home more teal affordable housingWritten like this one that been here a long time must be preserved for were will theseTestimony family’s go .There is no were to go but million dollor homes its time to save

real affordable housing like this one ALOHA


Accept Termsand Agreement

IP: 192.168.20067

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Suzanne Bell

Phone 808 679-1533

Email Guambell(

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Co Li nc il/P 1-1Council


Agenda hem Affordable Housing Kailua

Your position on Opposethe matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Please helpHH

As a resident of Kailua. my concerns for the proposed Affordable Housingconstruction project on Kaiwainui and Oneawa will negatively impact andhurt the community. Clearly, the area of construction is already a highlycongested area for automobile as well as pedestrian traffic. Adding 73 units ofresidential options will only exacerbate an already challenging congestionWritten . . - -

- situatLon. The construction plan exceeds current restriction and does not[estiinonyaddress adequate parking arrangements. The height proposed exceeds currentresidential neighborhood code, a waver is not warrented.

Affordable housing is a v onderful plan, plain and simple, this location is nota wise choice.

Suzanne Bell


Accept TermsIand Agreement

September 18, 2020

Dear Chair Menor, Vice-Chair Waters, and Committee Members: Elefante, Kobayashi,and Manahan,

As a long time resident and child of Kailua, I am writing in opposition to Resolution20-225, known as the Kawainui Affordable Housing Apartments.

I serve on the Kailua Neighborhood Board, but represent myself in my testimony. Isupport my community and the many voices of friends, family, classmates, neighbors,paddling sisters, kupuna and teachers who have come to me with grave concernsabout the proposed development at 460 Kawainui Street.

Noted are the recent amendments (CD1) proposed by Chair Menor. While I appreciatethe effort, these amendments are insufficient and do not adequately address ourconcerns as members of the community. I remain opposed to Resolution 20-225.

The amendments have not tackled the most serious of the issues of contention thatmatter to us a community members: the height of the proposed development remainsthe same. The scale of the proposed development remains the same. The number ofunits of the proposed development remains the same. The concessions offered in theamendment simply do not address the root causes of our concerns. The proposeddevelopment remains too big and in the wrong location. If accepted by theCouncil, it sets a precedent for noncompliance and negligence of current zoninglaw. It essentially paves the way for future developments to proceed in the samemanner: (without public input at inception, without public participation in the planningof our communities, and instead rewards developers by granting numerousexemptions, while ignoring the impact of communities affected by their developmentprojects). To me, this seems unconscionable for a project that is intended to benefit thecommunity.

For small, tight communities like Kailua, this is all we have. Our land has been sold anddeveloped repeatedly. We’ve watched it happen over and over. Once the land is gone,it cannot be reclaimed. It’s out of reach for our families. Communities like CoconutGrove live in fear of being encroached by buildings, parcels of land being consolidatedand looming developments overtaking small residential areas. This struggle is real andhas caused much anxiety in our community. This issue has not caused divisiveness.The community, for the most part is united in its opposition to this project because ofits massive scale. This is not about social justice or affordable housing, this is aboutour community’s voices being heard and wanting to play a role in our own developmentand future.

With respect to the proposed amendments, requiring a green landscaping waIl aroundthe property is cosmetic and a temporary solution. It will not shield the massivestructure from public view, This massive structure will instead dominate and block the


viewing plane of the beautiful Ko’olau. Offering bus passes will not reduce traffic andoffering to reposition solar panels or compensate neighbors does not seem feasible norsustainable for the families living there. A building of this scale will always cast ashadow on the properties behind in. They will forever be subject to living in itsdarkness and looming height. The establishment of a restricted parking zone will bechallenging to do in an area that already has to fight for street parking. During thepandemic, we have noticed cars overflowing on every side street in this area. There isno additional parking. The capacity of this area can’t handle what is being proposed. Iremained concerned about infrastructure and public safety.

My reasons for opposition remain the same as my prior testimony:

1. Zoning Violation: The proposed location for this development is currently zonedR-5. It is a densely populated area with many families living in single family homes.In many cases these homes are multigenerational. If the AHE Group (the developer)is allowed to build this massive apartment complex, essentially this negates the R5zoning laws intended to keep our communities residential and preserve thecharacter of our neighborhoods. If the 460 Kawainui Street development proceeds,there is nothing standing in the way of other apartment complexes popping up onevery corner in Kailua. The zoning laws and restrictions are in place for a reasonand they need to be honored and upheld.

2. The community’s voice was not included in the planning process. Thedeveloper has applied using a law (201 H) which does not require public input. Tome, any process that does not allow the public to weigh in at the inception(especially on a development that is situated among our families and communitymembers) is flawed and morally wrong. My personal belief is that if you are going tobuild in a community that you say will benefit the community---then thecommunity needs to be involved. I believe that affordable housing can be doneright, but you need feedback from the community first, especially the people whoselives will be impacted. Planning must be done with the community in mind, notan afterthought. We don’t want our voices to be excluded from the decisions thataffect and impact us as a community. The outcome and final decision made by theCity Council for this proposed project will be a vote on whether the voices of thecommunity will be heard or silenced.

3. Scale and Impact to Infrastructure: The footprint a building of this scale is notappropriate for this location. The infrastructure for this community is old and thecurrent systems in place will be heavily taxed. We have concerns about sewer andwater capacity. This is one of oldest parts of the original Kailua town. There areoften water main breaks and the area is heavily utilized by residents. The propertyis situated on one of the busiest intersections of Kailua. Additionally, there areconcerns about whether and how emergency vehicles including FIRE and EMSwould be able to navigate an already crowded neighborhood and narrow streets.


4. Compromising the residential character of Kailua. Allowing this developmentwould destroy the residential character of this neighborhood, set a precedent forfuture development and negate the existing zoning laws. Coconut Grove is theheartbeat of Kailua. Like any old neighborhood, it is historic and it is one of the lastplaces where our children can enjoy the same kind of childhood that we had. If thisbuilding is built, it sets a precedent. People come to Kailua for the charm of Kailua.If we become massive concrete structures, where the view of the Ko’olau areobstructed, the rays of the sun are cut in half and there is more concrete thancoconut trees, we won’t be Kailua anymore.

5. Displaced Families. If this project goes through, it will contribute to internallydisplacing families that currently reside on the property at 460 Kawainui Street.These families are being forced to leave in the middle of a pandemic without anycompensation and with nowhere to go. I’ve met with the families and they areextremely worried that they will end up in a tent at Waimanalo Beach. When theyhave to fight for their survival, it puts other measures of security (their jobs and ahouse over their head, their child’s ability to do distance learning in a home) injeopardy. This is morally wrong. The families were among the last to find out whatThe AHE Group plans were. They were not consulted.

6. Environmental Impact. There is concern that having a building of this scale willadversely impact the migratory patterns of birds who live in Kawainui Wetland, thelargest wetland in the state. We have worked hard to protect the four native birdspecies, but more concrete and glass and LED lighting could definitely impact thewildlife and their habitat. The building itself no matter if it has LEED certification willalso have environmental impacts over time. These are always long termconsequences to the environment.

7. Loss of Electricity from Solar Panels. At the special community meeting, severalfamilies were extremely concerned that they will loose between 40-60% of thepower they get from the solar panels they invested in, which they use to heat theirhot water and provide electricity. Many are on fixed income and they know that a 5story building at 460 Kawainui Street would cast a shadow over their homes. Thiswould result in additional economic burdens on these families. One elderlygentleman said: ‘Who is going to pay my bills? Is the developer going to pay mybills, because I cannot afford to.”

8. Traffic. There are major concerns with traffic and safety. As it stands, many of uswho live in Kailua avoid Oneawa Street at all costs and use Kainalu and Kalaheoroads which run parallel to Oneawa. However, for people who drive to work in town.Oneawa is the main thoroughfare to the H3 highway. It also works in the reverse—Oneawa is the main entry to downtown Kailua. During peak hours — there are waitsfor half and hour or longer when there is a back up of traffic and this assumes thatthere are no accidents. Adding an additional 73 units and 53 parking spaces wouldincrease the population density and additionally bottleneck traffic. This is a real


concern. Accurate traffic studies could not be done because of stay at home ordersduring COVID-19, but when life returns to normal and children go back to schooland people go back to work, this community will be very busy. I’m also concernedas there are preschools in this area, churches and it is the main road that leads toKalaheo high school. Pedestrian safety is of utmost concern. The risk topedestrians and bicyclists will increase with this development.

9. We have a community plan which dictates the vision for our community. TheKoolaupoko Sustainable Communities Plan which places value on protecting theresidential character of our neighborhoods. The last update was in 2017. There is nomention in this plan of affordable housing. We should take this opportunity to go to ourcommunity and do community planning right. Let us —the people who live here be apart of the process. We have community leaders ready and willing to do the work.

In conclusion, no one is disputing the fact that we need affordable housing. Everyone Ihave spoken to agrees that it is sorely needed. There have been missed opportunitiesin the past. The expensive condos of Ka Malanai along Kailua Road which stare at usin the face everyday are a prime example. That used to be low income housing. Manyof us spent our childhood there and were horrified to see it be sold off to people whoarent even from Kailua. Kailua has been wrongly portrayed as being NIMBY. This is nottrue. Many of the families that live in Coconut Grove and throughout Kailua would loveto see their ohana have a home of their own that they can afford with their hard earnedmoney.

When you hear it from the local community that they don’t want a project of this scale,you must listen because we have valid concerns and our reasons for rejecting thisproject are not baseless. We have community members across professional sectorsincluding architects, realtors, developers, and contractors who are opposed to theproject. There are valid reasons for their rejecting such a project.

Affordable housing has to be done right. It has to be done with the collectiveconscience of this community and with consideration and careful planning ofwhat is pono by the people who live here now, the multigenerational familiessome of whom trace their ancestry to 1900 and who remember Coconut Grovebefore it was developed. Please hear our voices.

Thank you for your consideration. I urge you to do what is right by our residents andvote NO on resolution 20-225.


/Levani R. Lipton!


Donna ‘Wong1525 ruruhao Street

3(aiIua, .9-lawal ‘1 96734

September 18, 2020

Committee On Zoning. Planning and HousingRon Menor, ChairTommy Waters, Vice ChairBrandon ElefanteAnn KobyashiJoe Manahan


I am an elected member of the Kailua Neighborhood Board but this is my personal testimony.

I urge you to opposed Resolution 20-225, which undermines all planning and zoning laws, rules andplans and establishes a had precedent.

The proposed amendments to Resolution 20-225 do not address the key issues of bypassing planningand zoning laws, rules and plans to allow an apartment building in residential zoning.

Nor do they’ address the single and cumulative impacts on adjacent residents; the neighborhood andcommunity from allowing a 50-foot apartment building with approximately 146 tenants in an areazoned residential R-5 single-family with a 25-foot height limit.

The Queen Emma Apartments parking plan sent to the committee is not a parking plan for Kailua. Theonly reference to Kailua is the picture with a circle. It is unclear what the circle is supposed torepresent but it does not begin at Kawainui Street. Kawainui Street is 2 blocks north from the left rimof the circle,

Does inferring that parking is available in downtown Kailua mean that tenants of 460 Kawainui Strectapartments will need to park more than two blocks away from their apartment?

It is hard to differentiate the colors but the so-called open parking areas appear to be private businessparking lots, which are open to their shoppers only and not the community at large. Some of the lotsare locked at night, have guards and tow cars that do not belong there.

A “parking plan” that does not have any text applicable to Kailua and shows parking spaces blocksaway in private business parking lots is not a parking plan for tenants of 460 Kawainui Street or arearesidents.

One amendment recommends creating a Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) program something that doesnot exist in Kailua. Residents of Kawainui Street or any street in Kailua have not come to the Kailua


Neighborhood Board requesting that a RPZ be established. A RPZ is not needed by existing residentsbecause they are neighbors who kokua and work together to solve issues.

Why would Kawainui Streel residents want to institute something that has the potential to pit neighboragainst neighbor and requires the involvement of others outside their community to enforce?

Inserting this amendment shows that this project, while saying that tenants will only have 53 cars so 53parking spaces is sufficient anticipates that there will be impacts to residents on Kawainui Street fromadditional ears and traffic. Kawainui Street residents deserve an explanation as to why a RPZ is neededand what the impacts would be to the community.

Should a RPZ be established to restrict parking on Kawainui Street who is responsible for oversight ofthe program? Does the oversight responsibility and enforcement fall on the Department ofTransportation Services, the street residents or the Kailua Neighborhood Board? What powers doeseach entity have?

Resolution 20-225 is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

In order to build this apartment building on a residential zoned property it only requires:

• Exemptions from all plantung, all plans. all zoning, all laws, all statutes, all rules and the CityCharter

• Exemption from the Land Use Ordinance (LUO) Section 2 1-3.70-1(a) relating to residentialuse standards to allow a multi-family dwelling in residential zoning

• Exceeding the 25 foot height limit to allow a three- to four-story building with a maximumheight of approximately 47 feet

• Allowing the apartment building to exceed the maximum allowed building area by 4.163square feet

• Allowing the proposed building to encroach into the 30 foot required front yards fornonresidential uses by about 20 feet

• Exemptions from review, permit and utility fees totaling Sl.292,254 (8/12/20 DPP letter)

• Exempting the park dedication requirement of approximately 8,030 square feet and waiving then-lieu fee of 8870,200.

• Allowing a bulker building than would ordinarily be permitted in the R-5 residential district

• Reduction of off-street paring from the required 100 spaces to 53 spaces, a waiver of 47parking spaces

• Reduction in size of the required loading space from 12 x 35 feet with a vertical clearance of 14feet to 8.5 x 19 feet with a 10 foot vertical clearance


• Not being consistent with the Koolaupoko Sustainable Communities Plan such as allowing anapartment building in R-5 residential zoning where they are not permitted

As chair of the Kailua Neighborhood Board Planning. Zoning and Environment Committee, whichworked extensively on the Koolaupoko Suslainable Communities Plan (KSCP) for ovcr 2 years I knowthat the intent, policies and objectives of the Plan are to protect residential communities from theintrusion of buildings such as what is being proposed.

It is disheartening to learn that the Planning Director does not support “each specific policy in theKSCP” a Plan that her department wrote, incorporated community and Kailua Neighborhood Boardrecommendations, and recommended Council approval.

To provide context to the comments in her 8./12/20 letter to the Council some of the salient objectivesin the KSCP are:

• 3.5 Residential Use• 3.5.1 Policies

o Protect the character of existing residential areas...• Section Suburban Communities

o Adopt development standards and design guidelines for lots designated for residentialwithin the Community Boundary in order to:

• Retain the physical character and definition of neighborhoods and minimize long-term adverse impacts... and new infill development on surrounding neighborhoods

• Encourage appropriate scale and privacy...• Limit building height to 2 stories

o Adopt zoning maps that recognize existing residential apartment developments, but allownew apartment development only under the following circumstances

• The site is at least 1 are in size and is located in close proximity to a Regional TownCenter

• The building height does not exceed 3 stories; andI The density does not exceed 30 units per acre

• Section Special Needs Housingo II is anticipated that special needs housing will be accommodated primarily within the low-

density aparimeni areas and the commercial-residential mixed use areas in the RegionalTown Centers

Kailua is not unique in having large lots that could accommodate an apartment building. Such lotsexist though out residentially zoned neighborhoods where an unplanned for 201 I-I affordable housingapartment could be built with five votes.

Kailua is the test case and unlike Las Vegas what happens in Kailua will not slay in Kailua.


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday) September 17, 2020 4:29 PMCc: [email protected]

Subject: Council/Public Hearing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Alexandra KirleyPhone 808-340-5320Email Alexkhawaikhotmail.comMeeting Date 09-18-2020CounciL/PH


Agenda Item Redo-20-225Your position on

Op posethe matterRepresenting SelfOrganization

Do you wish tospeakatthe Nohearing?


Thank you for accepting my written testimony. As a long-timeWindward resident, I am absolutely opposed to this developmentproject. The proposed location is the wrong location in Kailua as the

W streets adjacent to it are already beyond congested. The residents


have spoken and it should not be permitted to allow a few people toes imony continue with this development that change the landscape of anentire town.


Alexandra KirleyTestimonyAttachmentAccept Terms

1and Agreement

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Hans Chun

Phone 18083088943

Email Hanschun(

Meeting Date 11-11-2011



Agenda Item Coconut grove development in ksilua

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Our island is covered with thousands of home more real affordable housingWritten like this one that been here a long time must be preserved for were will theseTestimony family’s go There is no were to go but million dollor homes it’s time to savc

real affbrdable housing like this one ALOI-lATestimonyAttachment

Accept Termsand Agreement


Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Suzanne Bell

Phone 808 679-1533


Meeting Date 09-1 8-2020

CoLinc il/PHCouncil


Agenda Item Affordable Housing Kailua

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Please help!!!!

As a resident of Kailua. my concerns for the proposed Affordable Housingconstruction project on Kaiwainui and Oneawa will negatively impact andhurt the community. Clearly, the area of construction is already a highlycongested area for automobile as well as pedestrian traffic. Adding 73 units ofresidential options will only exacerbate an already challengin2 congestion\\rmtten .

TsituatLon. The construction plan exceeds current restriction and does notestimon)address adequate parking arrangements. The height proposed exceeds currentresidential neighborhood code, a waver is not warrented.

Affordable housing is a wonderful plan, plain and simple, this location is nota wise choice.

Suzanne Bell


Accept Termsand Agreement

September 18, 2020

Dear Chair Menor, Vice-Chair Waters, and Committee Members: Elefante, Kobayashi,and Manahan,

As a long time resident and child of Kailua, am writing in opposition to Resolution20-225, known as the Kawainui Affordable Housing Apartments.

I serve on the Kailua Neighborhood Board, but represent myself in my testimony. Isupport my community and the many voices of friends, family, classmates, neighbors,paddling sisters, kupuna and teachers who have come to me with grave concernsabout the proposed development at 460 Kawainui Street.

Noted are the recent amendments (CW) proposed by Chair Menor. While I appreciatethe effort, these amendments are insufficient and do not adequately address ourconcerns as members of the community. I remain opposed to Resolution 20-225.

The amendments have not tackled the most serious of the issues of contention thatmatter to us a community members: the height of the proposed development remainsthe same. The scale of the proposed development remains the same. The number ofunits of the proposed development remains the same. The concessions offered in theamendment simply do not address the root causes of our concerns. The proposeddevelopment remains too big and in the wrong location. If accepted by theCouncil, it sets a precedent for noncompliance and negligence of current zoninglaw. It essentially paves the way for future developments to proceed in the samemanner: (without public input at inception, without public participation in the planningof our communities, and instead rewards developers by granting numerousexemptions, while ignoring the impact of communities affected by their developmentprojects). To me, this seems unconscionable for a project that is intended to benefit thecommunity.

For small, tight communities like Kailua, this is all we have. Our land has been sold anddeveloped repeatedly. We’ve watched it happen over and over. Once the land is gone,it cannot be reclaimed. It’s out of reach for our families. Communities like CoconutGrove live in fear of being encroached by buildings, parcels of land being consolidatedand looming developments overtaking small residential areas. This struggle is real andhas caused much anxiety in our community. This issue has not caused divisiveness,The community, for the most part is united in its opposition to this project because ofits massive scale. This is not about social justice or affordable housing, this is aboutour community’s voices being heard and wanting to play a role in our own developmentand future.

With respect to the proposed amendments, requiring a green landscaping wall aroundthe property is cosmetic and a temporary solution. It will not shield the massivestructure from public view. This massive structure will instead dominate and block the


viewing plane of the beautiful Ko’olau. Offering bus passes will not reduce traffic andoffering to reposition solar panels or compensate neighbors does not seem feasible norsustainable for the families living there. A building of this scale will always cast ashadow on the properties behind in. They will forever be subject to living in itsdarkness and looming height. The establishment of a restricted parking zone will bechallenging to do in an area that already has to fight for street parking. During thepandemic, we have noticed cars overflowing on every side street in this area. There isno additional parking. The capacity of this area can’t handle what is being proposed. Iremained concerned about infrastructure and public safety.

My reasons for opposition remain the same as my prior testimony:

1. Zoning Violation: The proposed location for this development is currently zonedR-5. It is a densely populated area with many families living in single family homes.In many cases these homes are multigenerational. If the AHE Group (the developer)is allowed to build this massive apartment complex, essentially this negates the R-5zoning laws intended to keep our communities residential and preserve thecharacter of our neighborhoods. If the 460 Kawainui Street development proceeds,there is nothing standing in the way of other apartment complexes popping up onevery corner in Kailua. The zoning laws and restrictions are in place for a reasonand they need to be honored and upheld.

2. The community’s voice was not included in the planning process. Thedeveloper has applied using a law (201 H) which does not require public input. Tome, any process that does not allow the public to weigh in at the inception(especially on a development that is situated among our families and communitymembers) is flawed and morally wrong. My personal belief is that if you are going tobuild in a community that you say will benefit the community---then thecommunity needs to be involved. I believe that affordable housing can be doneright, but you need feedback from the community first, especially the people whoselives will be impacted. Planning must be done with the community in mind, notan afterthought. We don’t want our voices to be excluded from the decisions thataffect and impact us as a community. The outcome and final decision made by theCity Council for this proposed project will be a vote on whether the voices of thecommunity will be heard or silenced.

3. Scale and Impact to Infrastructure: The footprint a building of this scale is notappropriate for this location. The infrastructure for this community is old and thecurrent systems in place will be heavily taxed. We have concerns about sewer andwater capacity. This is one of oldest parts of the original Kailua town. There areoften water main breaks and the area is heavily utilized by residents. The propertyis situated on one of the busiest intersections of Kailua. Additionally, there areconcerns about whether and how emergency vehicles including FIRE and EMSwould be able to navigate an already crowded neighborhood and narrow streets.


4. Compromising the residential character of Kailua. Allowing this developmentwould destroy the residential character of this neighborhood, set a precedent forfuture development and negate the existing zoning laws. Coconut Grove is theheartbeat of Kailua. Like any old neighborhood, it is historic and it is one of the lastplaces where our children can enjoy the same kind of childhood that we had. If thisbuilding is built, it sets a precedent. People come to Kailua for the charm of Kailua.If we become massive concrete structures, where the view of the Ko’olau areobstructed, the rays of the sun are cut in half and there is more concrete thancoconut trees, we won’t be Kailua anymore.

5. Displaced Families. If this project goes through, it will contribute to internallydisplacing families that currently reside on the property at 460 Kawainui Street.These families are being forced to leave in the middle of a pandemic without anycompensation and with nowhere to go. I’ve met with the families and they areextremely worried that they will end up in a tent at Waimanalo Beach. When theyhave to fight for their survival, it puts other measures of security (their jobs and ahouse over their head, their child’s ability to do distance learning in a home) injeopardy. this is morally wrong. the families were among the last to find out whatThe AHE Group plans were. They were not consulted.

6. Environmental Impact. There is concern that having a building of this scale willadversely impact the migratory patterns of birds who live in Kawainui Wetland, thelargest wetland in the state. We have worked hard to protect the four native birdspecies, but more concrete and glass and LED lighting could definitely impact thewildlife and their habitat. The building itself no matter if it has LEED certification willalso have environmental impacts over time. These are always long termconsequences to the environment.

7. Loss of Electricity from Solar Panels. At the special community meeting, severalfamilies were extremely concerned that they will loose between 40-60% of thepower they get from the solar panels they invested in, which they use to heat theirhot water and provide electricity. Many are on fixed income and they know that a 5story building at 460 Kawainui Street would cast a shadow over their homes. Thiswould result in additional economic burdens on these families. One elderlygentleman said: “Who is going to pay my bills? Is the developer going to pay mybills, because I cannot afford to.”

8. Traffic. There are major concerns with traffic and safety. As it stands, many of uswho live in Kailua avoid Oneawa Street at all costs and use Kainalu and Kalaheoroads which run parallel to Oneawa. However, for people who drive to work in town,Oneawa is the main thoroughfare to the H3 highway. It also works in the reverse—Oneawa is the main entry to downtown Kailua. During peak hours there are waitsfor half and hour or longer when there is a back up of traffic and this assumes thatthere are no accidents. Adding an additional 73 units and 53 parking spaces wouldincrease the population density and additionally bottleneck traffic. This is a real


concern. Accurate traffic studies could not be done because of stay at home ordersduring COVID-19, but when life returns to normal and children go back to schooland people go back to work, this community will be very busy. I’m also concernedas there are preschools in this area, churches and it is the main road that leads toKalaheo high school. Pedestrian safety is of utmost concern. The risk topedestrians and bicyclists will increase with this development.

9. We have a community plan which dictates the vision for our community. TheKoolaupoko Sustainable Communities Plan which places value on protecting theresidential character of our neighborhoods. The last update was in 2017. There is nomention in this plan of affordable housing. We should take this opportunity to go to ourcommunity and do community planning right. Let us —the people who live here be apart of the process. We have community leaders ready and willing to do the work.

In conclusion, no one is disputing the fact that we need affordable housing. Everyone Ihave spoken to agrees that it is sorely needed. There have been missed opportunitiesin the past. The expensive condos of Ka Malanai along Kailua Road which stare at usin the face everyday are a prime example. That used to be low income housing. Manyof us spent our childhood there and were horrified to see it be sold off to people whoaren’t even from Kailua. Kailua has been wrongly portrayed as being NIMBY. This is nottrue. Many of the families that live in Coconut Grove and throughout Kailua would loveto see their ohana have a home of their own that they can afford with their hard earnedmoney.

When you hear it from the local community that they don’t want a project of this scale,you must listen because we have valid concerns and our reasons for rejecting thisproject are not baseless. We have community members across professional sectorsincluding architects, realtors, developers, and contractors who are opposed to theproject. There are valid reasons for their rejecting such a project.

Affordable housing has to be done right. It has to be done with the collectiveconscience of this community and with consideration and careful planning ofwhat is pono by the people who live here now, the multigenerational familiessome of whom trace their ancestry to 1900 and who remember Coconut Grovebefore it was developed. Please hear our voices.

Thank you for your consideration. I urge you to do what is right by our residents andvote NO on resolution 20-225.


!Levani P. Lipton!


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 5:15 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Jesse

Phone 8083379263

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self

Organ izati on

Do you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?

that was suggested puts the burden of management of parking on to us, the neighbors. Andyour statement only mentions Kawainui st and not the neighboring streets which alreadyhave to deal with people from Oneawa and Kawainui parking on them.I have an ADU and in my 10 ycars of tenants I have never even interviewed a tenant whodoes not own a car. Parking is going to be an issue. The developer is wrong when she saysit won’t.

I checked craigslist and found 20 rentals around $ 1200-1400 a month depending on rooms.Some at $2000 for a 3 bedroom.If we took that $1.3 million in exemptions we could offer 40 families $3,250 a year for tenyears to offset rent.No one mad, everyone is happy. No four stories in R5. No more protests.Written ‘I estimonyWe dont need more rentals. We need proper management.

I called a apartment connected to the cinnamons parking. They are at 70%vacancy! Andthey are below market rate. Parking being the main issue as they were built bcforc it wasrequired. Parking will be an issue.The developer has shown zero regard to Kailua. She has not made any real adjustments tothe public’s or your wishes.She has spread lies and recruited people from outside Kailua and the island to fight againstus.She was recently cited for operating a business I. A residential zone on Makawao streetand building a fence without a permit.She is a developer, she knows the rules, she doesn’t believe they apply to her. We don’t

trust that.If the government would have listened at Mauna Kea how much money would it havesaved the state? If the government would have listened at Sherwoods how much moneywould it have saved? Now the community is yelling, are you listening?


Accept Terms andI


IP: 192168.200.67


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 4:21 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Lawrence DeCosla III

Phone 8087813266

Email ldciH(?i’ao].com

Meeting Dale 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-22 5

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

A lo ha.My name is LaTence Dc Costa III. I have been a kailua resident nu whole life. I opposethis eyesore completely. I am not against Affordable housing, however i am against whenyou compromise the essence and infrastructure of the landscape in this area. The area is

w. already congested with the problems of not having enough parking and plague with heavyutten eslimontraffic. Allowing the R5 zoning to be changed will be detrimental to the community. Ihis iswhy your predecessors originally zoned this area for R5 and not for a 4 story Complex.This is a good idea hut 100% the WRONG location!MahaloLawrence Dc Costa III


Accept Terms andI


IP: 192.168.20067

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 1:31 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Aldemir Lugo

Phone 343-0383


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item RES2O-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the -

-. Nohearing?



Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement I



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 1:27AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Denise Lugo

Phone 343-0119

Email niseyd7l

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Aloha,I a resident of Kailua. I live on Ulupaina St. just 2 blocks from the proposed Kawainuiproject. I have lived here for 45 years, I went to Kailtia El, Inter & graduated from Kalaheo.I also work here and have seen first hand all the changes and development ofKailua. I amwriting on behalf of my family and our future generations. we strongly OIPOSE thisproject!

This monstrosity of a building doesnt belong on this corner. It should remain a residentialzone and should not be allowed to be built. There are other properties across the strcet thatis zoned for what they are asking for. Parking is a big issue for current residents of thisstreet already as it is. with many mu]ti generational family liviniz under the same roof andI estimonv . - -

the business owners and employees who work’ around the area do not want to pay formetered parking during the day will also park on that street.Traffic is also horrendous on Oneawa at any given hour and I see it getting worse if this isbuilt.Thank you for your consideration and pray that you will not allow this to be built at thisparticular location,

Mahalo.Denise Lugo



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 1:04 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Tehani Ebalei

Phone 8086923278

Email tehanion1ineigrnai1 corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Reso 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?

I have put into writing my opposition previously. After sitting in the 5hour+ meeting duringthe last hearing, not only do I remain in opposition but my concerns have heightened from

Written hearing the details of the project directly from ARE and DPP. I strongly oppose. 4thTestimony generation Kailua resident, raising five 5th generation keiki who inlend to have their roots

here for life. We live one block Mauka from the site and will be heavily impacted by thisdecision. On hands and knees we pray and we beg you to vote no.


Accept Terms andAgreement

IP: 192168.200.67


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 12:16 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kavcika Smith

Phone 8083585975


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Reso 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I oppose this project. I live in Kailua and on the street where this plan is being proposed.!have lived at 328 Kawainu Street for 15 years. My wife and her family are one of theoriginal families of Kailua. We decided to raise our family here because of all the thingsthat make Kailua, We are not against affordable housing. This project is not right for this\\ littentown and is in the wrong location. It is not Kailua. It will destroy this town. There have

es irnonybeen many changes that I have seen in the last 15 years. HeLp us to peetuate what is lefl.Please oppose the 460 Kawainui Street Apartments.

Thank you.


Accept Terms and1


IP: 192.168200.67


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 12:06 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Jade Lau

Phone 8087825233


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self

Organ i zati on

Do you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?

Aloha.Mv name is Jade Lau, and I am a lifelong resident of Kailua. 1 have watched Kailua gro inmany good ways, and in some ways not so much. I am firmly opposed to the 460 KawaijiuiProject! 1 oppose this project simply because it does not meet the current zoning laws ofthat particular location in Kailua. Something 1 thought was a simple concept. However, intalking to others, 1 realized it’s not as simple as I thought as many people responded with.“The project doesn’t follow the rules; The council was elected to enforce the rules; and/orWell, the council wont let this happen”. That said, there are a few questions that I wouldlike to ask each of you elected council members.1) Why do we spend so much time, money, and resources to develop a Sustainahility Planfor the community. and then completely disregard it?

Written 2) How can you, in good conscience, approve a project that is beyond the scope andTestimony recommendations of the Ko’olaupoko Sustainability Plan, and have it connect to the

existing sewer infrastructure knowing that the most recent (201 8) repairs to the KailuaRegional Wastewater Treatment Plant were federally mandated just to meet current EPAcodes and stop the overflow of raw sewage into Kailua Bay?3) Why is it that an individual citizen landholder is forced to follow the current zoning laws.yet a developer can come in and request exemptions to those laws at everyones expense?4) Why is this project application even being considered when the applicant has two cuncntviolations outstanding? The first for zoning violation R0H1990 chapter2l (knowinglyoperating a business in a residential zone), and the second for ROH 1990 chapter 18(constructing a driveway and a new wood fence without a permit). The driveway waswidened to allow space for customers and/or employees of the business being operatedthere. It should be noted this is on a one way street, next to an elementary school.

5) Does anyone read and verify the information presented in these application packets? Ifso, I really hope that you all caught the huge errors on the availability of parking in Kailua.It NEEDS to be noted that areas presented by the applicant as “open parking”, “multi levelparking”, and “mixed use parking” are ALL PRIVATE PARKING areas. The applicant hasgrossly misrepresented the parking in Kailua. All of the identified parking areas haverestrictions/rules attached to them (meaning you must be a resident, a customer, oremployee of businesses associated to those areas).I am not against affordable housing in Kailua, and would be somewhat supportive of thisproject if it were within proper zoning regulations. What I am against is blatant disregardfor the laws/rules of the community, and the huge waste of time. money, and resources onplans that are developed to support the community, but are completely disregarded bydevelopers only focusing on the money.I ask of you members of this council to please OPPOSE the 460 Kawainui Street Project inits current form as it is not the right fit for this neighborhood. Please protect yourconstituents and uphold/enforce the laws of the community. Thank you.


Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Councfl InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 12:06 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Valerie

Phone 808-728-3932

Email Plumeria342002yahoo,com

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH- Zonino


Agenda Item Resolution no. 20-225

Your position onOpposethe matter

Representing Self

Organ i zat ion

Do you wish tospeak at the Nohcari ng?

This is just the x\Tong project in the wrong location. There’s a reason why so many Kailuaresidents have spoken against this. It just doesn’t belong there. I dont like that we’re beingtold that we have a problem with affordable housing. That is just to turn it on us.

We’ve seen this before with the apartment buildings across the baseball field. They housedWritten ‘festimonv many low income families there before but they tore it down and promised that it was

going to be affordable housing again. That never happened.

All I see is greed. There’s a lot of money to be made with this development and thedeveloper doesnt care about the community at all. It does&t affect them in any Was

except money in their pocket.Testimony


Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 12:08 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Havea Smith Akana

Phone 8082629927

Email soljahgyrl55 1 3(ZiiaolcornMeeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Reso 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I oppose this project. I live in Kailua at 328 Kawainui Street with my family. It is not

Kailua. It will destroy Kailua.You will take away all the thins that make me love Kailua\\ ritten Testimony . . . . -

- by approving this. Once you let one in more will come and it will never be the same. Pleaseoppose this project.


Accept Terms and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 12:01 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Shawna-lei Smith

Phone 8083931620

Email akanashagmail.corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? No

Written Testimony I live at 328 Kawainui Street and I oppose this project.

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement I


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 11:47 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Sharon Stewart

Phone 808-271-3063

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225 Kawainui Apartments

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I am asking you to please consider the placement of this project and deny allowing it to bebuilt. It is too large, at 4 stories high, and way too dense for this single familyneighborhood,The vehicle and pedestrian traffic is already a nightmare and adding at ]east 200 people tothis less than one acre property will seriously exasperate the problem. Many children usethis busy area to get to school and it is already nerve wracking to navigale during rushhours.Where will the large number of children, this project will bring in, play? One of therequested exemplions is to forego the playground that should absolutcl accompany this

Written ‘lcstimony project. There are no parks in this area!This is absolutely not the right place for this project.

The Ahe Group is asking for huge exemptions that will cost the city (read taxpayers) alarge amount of money at a time when money will be in very short supply. The next fewyears will be very hard for all of us, including the city. Please do not allow this project!!

Mahalo.Sharon StewartKailua. HI


Accept Terms andI



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 11:42 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kathleen Thurston

Phone 808-841-8585

Email thurstonhawaii’

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-225 CD1

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? No

Written Testimony

‘lestimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:55 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Eric Kingma

Phone 18083892653

Email eric.k.kingmagrnailcom

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Reso2O-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Eric Kingma. Kaelepulu, Kailua resident. I strongly oppose this project.

This project would set a significant precedent. Rezoning R5 single family neighborhoods inthe name of affordable housing and using the fast track 201K process is an abuse of thesystem.

If attempted in other communities across Oahu, the community reaction would the same asKailua.

The o’ertvheIming ma joritv of Kailua residents oppose this project.

Written The proposed amendments are not clear and also lack adequate impact evaluation. ForTestimony example. the proposed amendment says ‘In Condition C. details specific parking

restrictions and requirements, andspecitic enforcement provisions and remedies that must be set forth in the Project’sdevelopment agreement and all tenant rental agreements.”

Where are the actual details?? Parking is one of the most controversial aspects of thisproject, yet there is no study and there’s no details. The amendment mentions tenantenforcement. The property manager admitted that they can’t enforce the ‘no car rule’. whichby the way sounds draconian. Whatever happened to life, liberty and the pursuit ofhappiness? Tough to get to the beach with a family without a car...

And new “Condition 0”?? Are we really talking about requiring permits to park on city

streets? What a terrible idea and is neighborhood killer. My ohana lives on Kawainui. hut Ican’t park on their street without a permit? This would be a huge disruption to people livesand is the antithesis of culturing community relationships and identity. Not to mentionmajor reduction in property values for Kaiwainui residents and surrounding streets.

Please deny this project. There are other areas in Kailua better suited for this type of project.

IVIahalo nui

Test i rn onyAttachment

Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:47 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Steve Farmer

Phone 808-542-7321

Email kaukaw?,Thawaii .rr.corn

Meeting Date 09-1 8-2020





‘Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Aloha City Council Members.

My name is Steve Farmer and i currently reside in the Coconut Grove section of Kailua.Oahu. I have lived in Kailua for over 25 years. most of which in Coconut Grove.

During the time Lye lived in Kailua Oneawa Street has changed very little: Theres still nota sidewalk from end to end. Even though it’s little more than a two lane street lined withhouses from start to end. Oneawa Street is one of the primary thoroughfares into KailuaTown.

writtenKailua however, has changed considerably. No more Andy’s Drive In. Craig’s Bakery,

TLiberty House, Holiday Mart or Kailua Cinema. All gone and replaced with big box stores

5 itnon>and businesses: Target, Whole Foods, Waigreens, Starbucks, California Pizza Kitchen, andmore. Combined with the opening of the H3 in 1997 all this growth has significantlyincreased traffic on Oneawa St., particularly where it enters Kailua Town by Kawainui St.Even seemingly minor changes have had considerable impact: 7-Eleven’s opening disrLiptedfluid traffic flow on Oneawa St., further exacerbated by the renovated Taco Bell with adrive-thru. Both of these businesses are located just Kawainui St. as one enters KailuaTown.

1 oppose the 460 Kawainui Affordable Housing Project Resolution 20-225 primarilybecause I do not believe the traffic study was objective and did not fully account for theamount of traffic that traverses Oneawa St. Much has changed since the 2016 study. Its


unrealistic to believe adding this complex will not have an adverse impact on traffic. Theintersection of Oneawa and Kawainui Streets is perhaps the worst place you could buildsuch a complex. Truthfully, it won’t the be great majority of Coconut Grove residents whothis will impact; we know how to traverse the side streets to get into Kailua. It will beKailua businesses and commerce that will suffer. Visitors will become frustrated and maychoose to visit other areas on Oahu,

I fu]ly support the need for affordable housing in Kailua. Kailua is a wonderful p]ace to liveand raise a family and those who were born and raised here deserve an opportunity to livctheir entire lives in Kailua. I believe Coconut Grove. Kailua-based small businesses and thefuture residents of an affordable housing complex deserve a solution that benefits all in thecommunity for the long term. Please don’t make a decision that will only benefit thedevelopers and negatively impact the community for the next half century. Find a betterlocation in Kailua!


Steve FarmerKailua-Coconut Grove Resident


Accept Terms and1




From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:41 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Spcaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kara Gibler

Phone 8083720745

Email Karagiblerl (

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Born and raiscd in Kailua’s heart. My family use to he really’ big in kailua. all my auntiesand uncles lived this side for generations. Everytime there’s a new development Hawaiiansget pushed out. Either to the west side or mainland. In 2008, 1 was graduating from Kalahcohigh school, more than half my classmates became homeless that year due to a similardevelopment happening in Kailua. that promised affordable housing. Friends had to sleepon the beach and families scrambled for places to live. This development will only misplacea fraction of that previous development but will impact the ncighborhood negatively jLLst thesame. There is no promise that these will go to Kailua residents first, there’s too many loopholes for this.

Written Another concern is traffic, my son plays with his friends down our street which is used as aTestimony through a way now because Oneawa gets congested. Since Covid the street has been clear

enough to play on like when I was a kid.The traffic survey conducted was done at the wrong time. This is a horrible location andwill encourage more people to use side streets to rush past traffic. Also the intersectionthere has no light system, I’ve seen accident happen so many times there. The trafficsurgery needs to take place when Covid is over. With tourist and people back to work plusschool hours the traffic gets so backed up Coconut grove is not a mixed use area we havezoning regulations for a reason. Our neighborhoods are congested.Please move this project or downscale it.Don’t displace more Hawaiians like what happened in 2008


Accept Terms and1


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:36 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Mary Topic

Phone 808 2346842

Email pakala2022v7igmail.comMeeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I oppose this development. Kailua is Too crowded with all the tourists who areWritten Testimony encouraged to come to the \VW side, since A &B came to town! H Local residents unable

to access our own beaches because of over crowding The location is totally unsuitable!v


Accept Terms and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:31 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony


Phone 18082956288


Meeting Date 09-08-2020

Council :PHZoninu


Agenda item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Chair and Council members,1 am appalled by the cheap tactics of the ARE group over the past week since the firstreading. I STAND IN STRONG OPPOSITION to this resolution and its proposed“compromises”. The amendments suggested by the developer are a paultry attempt tohoodwink the community.The issue is DENSITY. The building is TOO LARGE in comparison to the rest of theneighborhood. The “free bus pass” is ]aughable. The promise to screen for local residents isa violation of Federal Laws regarding equal access to affordable housing. Under thisstatute. the ONLY FACTOR which can legally be considered is income. An’ other criteriaconsititutes discrimination.Rather than the developer meeting with the community to put forth true compromise. ARE

Written group is flooding the island with half-truths in an attempt to create an illusion of support.Testimony The KAILUA community DOES NOT support this excessive density housing.

An example is the ridiculous parking map which supposedly shows ‘ample parking, butthe open parking is actually commercial parking lots (Target, O’Reilly’s. and otherbusinesses. That is unacceptable and overtly deceptive. Equally concerning is thedeveloper’s attempt to bring a comparison to an affordable renovation on Queen Emmaacross from St. Andrew’s. The two locations are NOT comparable in ninny ways, butclaiming the tenants are “just happy to have an apartment. Even before the project iscomplete, people are double parking, parking iillega]iy, and attempting to usurp reservedguest parking in the nearby condos,

The Kailua community sees only half-truths and deflection from this developer.I urge you to reject this project and direct the developer to go “back to the drawing board”

to deal more honestly with the community.

:Mahalo for allowing me to submit testimony in STRONG OPPOSITION to Resolution 20-225.


Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:25 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Robert Topic

Phone 8087225993

Email [email protected]

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

This is wrong. Totally wrong for the community of Kailua. It does not fit with the conceptof helping the local community. It is being purposely fast paced into consideration and willnot benefit what the local community of Kailua inhabitants. It is. It being designed for

Written people who have lived here all their lives. It is being touted as a help to lower incomelestimony families but very few will be able to afford these units. It will overcrowd parking and traffic

issues which are currently over capacity. Take a drive down any street after 5pm and youwill see the reality of life in Kailua.I still oppose this project.


Accept Terms and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:14 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Davis Mckenzie

Phone 808 263-5932

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020

Council :PHZoning


Agenda Item RES 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?

This is awful! How could you pack and crowd Kailua even more. Did you guys not passbill 89 to remove all the tourist that were pouring millions of dollars to Kailua every year toreplace with folks who will take away money from Kailua and lower our hardworkingWritten Test]monyproperty values.

You guys at the City Council are awful - shame on all you guys.TestimonyAttachment

Accept Terms andIAgreement

IP: 192.168.20067


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:01 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Bert Ishimaru

Phone 8084971167


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I’ve been extremely fortunate to be born, raised, and living in Kailua for all 50 years of mylife. I’m against this project because it doesn’t fit in the proposed residential area and isn’t astructure that would complement the surrounding community. It’s extremely disappointing

n ento hear about the permitting loopholes that can override zoning and restrictions that help

1 estimony . .

prevent overdevelopment in residential neighborhoods like Kailua. Tm not against proJectsthat help the less fortunate but a development of this size needs more planning and feedbackfrom the community to be successful.


Accept Terms andAgreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:56 PMSubject: Zoning. Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Brad ford Wood

Phone 8082263358

Email [email protected]

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

CoLincil/PH -

LonincaConuni ttee

Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Hello,There is a need for low income housine on Oahu: but not at this proposed location. IMHO:\kritten Testimony .

Oneawa St is already too crowded for vehicle traffic, I avoid driving through this section.always taking alternate routes. I strongly urge the council to vote no on this project.

Ye sti momAttachment

Accept Terms andAgrcemenl



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:52 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name [on Yoshioka

Phone 8082862352

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH-‘ Zonin


Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOpposethe matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

First, I am not opposed to affordable housing.

I believe this location is the wrong site for the proposed project, which is too large for the

writtenalready congested Kawainui/Oneawa Street area. Currently, street parking is already anissue, and barely supports the culTent residents and businesses within I block. Additionally,Testimony . . .

- the size, height and density of the proposed structure is too large; negatively impacting andencroaching upon the natural tradewinds and sunlight of neighboring homes. This is not theright location for a 50 proposed foot building. Please listen to the Kailun families - pleaseoppose this project. Thank you.


Accept Terms andIAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:25 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Joyce Tuia

Phone 808-261-0592

Email jstuia@yahoo. corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-255

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I live in my grandparents’ home on Maluniu Avenue at the top of Kawainui Street. Mygrandparents bought this home in the early 1950’s, and put down roots here. While I mayhave lived in different parts of the world throughout my life, Kailua has always been home.And like all things in life, I have seen how much Kailtia has changed since my hanabatadays playing at the beach, Most of these changes aren’t so great. The one thing that I havenoticed and become more and more alarmed about is the amount of traffic that has crowdedour streets. So much so, that I find nwself taking out of the way routes just to get homeduring certain times of the day. I do not understand how anyone in their right mind wouldwant to build a project on the corner of Kawainui Street and Oneawa where Oneawa goesfrom two lanes into one. I do not understand how there can be markings on a map giving“proof” that there is sufficient parking in the surrounding area for residents. Kawainui

Written Street is already a narrow lane for cars to drive down with other residents parking on theTestimony street, and the so called sufficient parking is for businesses and their customers. That, in

itself, is ridiculous! I have spent the last four years trying to find a suitable place to open acreative business that I am running out of my home and the one thing that ends up being theissue is parking. I am always wondering where potential customers will park. How then canAHE group expect residents to just park on the street or in business parking without therebeing some push back by businesses? I remember when there used to be an old dirt parkinglot just across the street from us on the corner of Uluniu and Maluniu. It is now anoversized apartment building. That took away parking for many people who work onUluniu, so much so that these employees began parking in front of the houses on our sidestreet, It got to the point where we couldn’t even back out of the driveway because therewere cars blocking it. Even now I see people who work on Uluniu parking blocks away onthe street and then walking to work. •‘hat a total inconvenience for them...and for the

people who live around this area. It’s so bad that small streets like our have put up ‘noparking’ signs just to keep people from parking there. There is not sufficient parking inKailua. There hasn’t been sufficient parking in Kailua for years. Make no mistake about it. 1am all for affordable housing, but I am absolutely opposed to AHE Group’s idea of whataffordable housing is and where they would like to put it. Add this to the fact that she wantsto have exceptions to build something that is not correctly zoned and I have to wonder whythis is dragging on. Kailua has had enough. If you allow this to continue, you havecontributed to the killing of this town, and eventually these islands, by a thousand cuts.Enough is enougH

Test i momAttachment

Accept Tenns and1




From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:29 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Shelbie Ishirnaru

Phone 8086733636

Email shelhie.ishirnarugmaiJ corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

As a next generation Kailua resident I see the importance of affordable housing, but I alsounderstand that we should always follow the rules. This reasoning alone is why I opposethis project. I love and am so proud to have grown up is such an amazing community andwant to be able to show my children the beauty of the town just like my parents did for me.Written — . . -.

THowever I worry that allowing exemptions to build out of zoning for this project will opcn ae imonblack hole leading to the complete modification of our lovely little town. 1 am ;oung but inmy education I have learned about the issues that could arise from loosely handing outexemptions from mainland cases. Is this our states goal? I personally feel that we shouldavoid this black hole to maintain Kailua rather than becoming “Kailuafornia”,


Accept Termsand Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:27 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kristie Ishimaru

Phone 808-554-1255


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

My family are to long time Kailua residence. I also have chosen to grow and raise myWritten family in Kailua It is a shame that the developer thinks this project fits into our town. ThereTestimony are laws set for a reason which we need to follow. I totally oppose this project being built in

this spot. I am not against affordable housing I am very against this project in this location!!


Accept Termsand Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:17 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

\ame Tomomi Nakashima

Phone 801-244-2832

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-255

Your postt[on onOppose

the matter

Representing Self

Organ i zat ion

Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

The proposal for this apartment is said “affordable” housing. I am not sure how many unitsare necessary for passing the proposal. But I am sure that I cannot the unit even if! applied.Then the rest of the apartment is not different from other expensive ones in Kailua.

Also, this apartment doesn’t have enough parking lots for the residents. The developer isexplaining that we can park on the streets OR use neighbor business parking lots. Isn’t thiskind of violating the other proper y? Uluniu avenue is very busy street, especially theconstruction will be happened around this area is the bottle neck sport from town side andmauka side. the sidewalk is very narrown and not separated from the main road. If the

Writtenresidents who cannot fine their own sport park on the street. that is inviting more accidentsand traffic jam.


I am living a couple of block from this spot. I am wondering how many people in the CityCouncil and Developer really know this area and this side of Kailua town. I agree that weneed more housing. but why it would be particularly here. How come the Developer cannotfind another spot? I don’t know any political deals or strategies, but I don’t understand whythe Developer insists to build the apartment here now. If the City Council and theDeveloper sincerely think that they would like to help us (residents who are low income).PLEASE reconsider and find another spot to build “affordable” housing apartment. Thisplan will make more people cry rather than make all of us happy. I don’t want to see thatKailua will not he Kailua...


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, Septomber 17, 2020 9:18 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Ryan Kele

Phone 808-281-5318


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? No

Written Testimony

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement 1

IP: 192.168200.57


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:15 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Cydnee Pascoe

Phone 8089134470

Email Cydnee.pascoegrnaiI corn

Meeting Date 09-] 8-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the Nohearing?

I have lived in Kailua on Maluniu for many years and nn’ family has also grownWritten Testimony - -

up here I oppose for this project

‘testimony Attachment

Accept Terms andAgreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:13 PMSubject: Zoning, P’anning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Gary Moore

Phone 8082551181

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

As a long time Coconut grove area, Kailua has change a lot. Lots of traffic on OneawaStreet now and they want to build an affordable housing complex in the busiest bottle necksection on Oneawa Street. This project shouldn’t be built in that spot.

ritlen Testimony . , - . -

AHE said there s lots of parking areas for tenants to park. They want them to park inbusiness’s parking lots and they will get tickets. They are not fooling the residents ofKailua. I am for affordable Housing but, this is NOT the right location.


Accept Terms andAgreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:04 PMSubject: Zoning. Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Robert Kanahele

Phone 808-722-7286


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Res. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I strongly oppose the development at 460 Kawainui. I’m Native Hawaiian and a lifelongWritten resident of Kailua town and this is wrong no matter how you look at it. To ourTestimony representatives: don’t sell us out to line your own pockets. Take a stand and help us retain

what little essence of the old Kailua we have left. Do not let this happen. I OPPOSE!


Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday September 17, 2020 9:05 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Malia Peters

Phone 8084793425

Email maliablisspetersgmai1.corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Yeshearing?

Aloha Council Members,

My ohana and I remain in strong opposition to the 460 Kawainui Affordable I-lousingProject.

While we appreciate the attempt the Zoning. Planning. and I-lousing Committee has putforth with the addendum to address many of the issues and concerns, the one primaryconcern that was not addressed was the height and density of the project. This is aresidentially zoned property- and it was disappointing that this primary point of contentionwas not addressed.

Written As previously shared, we are fourth generation residents of Kailua. are remain extremelyTestimony concerned by the impact the past decade or more of development has changed the character

of our town. It has been us as kama’aina who have had to make concessions for years toinvestors, snowbirds who have a 2nd or 3rd home here that sits empty, to vacation rentals,tour buses, and tourists in Kailua town and our residential neighborhoods. What have wereceived in exchange for all of this? How is this our fault that we now have properties thatare gold minds a housing crisis?

Our opposition is NOT against affordable housing. we are not anti-development. Ouropposition is to this project because it is too big for the location, the character of the designis not acceptable, and more importantly the precedence of what this could mean for the restof Kailua. or any other neighborhood. is extremely concerning.

We want to preserve and protect our residential neighborhoods to ensure our community isheld to the integrity that has made our home town so special.

I recently read a beautiful article on the beloved Laura Thompson who passed awayrecently. It shared that in the middle of a heated exchange between different parties. Lauraasked what do we need to do that’s worthy of this place, and in that moment she changedthe entire public process, breaking it down to what is our kuleana and how do we cometogether around worthiness.”

Today. we must all ask the same question of this project. Is it worthy of being built in thatlocation? Our kuleana is to protect and preserve what we can for the past, for the current.and for the future.Please vote against this project as submitted and regardless of the addendum suggested.

Mahalo for your time and consideration,

Me ke aloha pumehana.


Accept Terms1

and Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:01 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Benjamin Ray

Phone 8082180132


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I am formally re-submitting testimony in opposition of 460 Kawainui Apts. I have many

reasons as to why this project is unacceptable to me as a resident of Cocontit Grove. To heshort and hopefully not too vague, this is the wrong project for this location (size and scope.parking issues, questionable and/or wrong zoning). I also believe this is the wrong time to

Written he trying to pass this through all the phases of approvals and permitting. This makes me andTestimony I am sure many others feel like this could be overlooked due to all of the constraints of’

Coronavi rus,

Thank you for your time,Benjamin Ray


Accept Terms and1


IP: 192168.200.67

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:51 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Oscar Valdivia

Phone 808 741-1214

Email tarnarao sc aryahoo corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Kawainui Marsh Kailua Affordable Housing

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at thehearing?

This project is not in the right area. It will cause a traffic and parking nightmarc‘ ritten Testimony . .

for the area. Please stop this project.

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms andAgreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:50 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Linn Kanahele

Phone 808-741-1422

Email linnl 212gmailcom

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Res. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I am a lifelong Kailua resident and I strongly oppose the development at 460 KawainuiStreet.For years we Kailuans have been subjected to the urbanization and gentrification of ourcommunity, all for the sake of tourism and the almighty dollar, and we are fed up. Yes.there is an incredible need for affordable housing. We do not dispute this. What we DOdispute. however, is this particular location. It is WRONG in each and every way. Whyshould Trace Macva and her group be authorized to develop this property against theexisting LAWS that the rest of us have to follow? I-TOW is this even a consideration? Whatis the point of establishing laws if you grant this woman and this group whateverexception(s) they need/want in order to get around them? Just because she has millions ather disposal doesnt make her exempt. It does NOT give her the right to bulldoze her \\a

Written through this process. She is effectively thumbing her nose at all of us, the community andTestimony our elected officials alike, and it is NOT acceptable. It sets a dangerous precedent that will

open the door for further development that goes against the very fabric and integrity of ourhome. Our HOME.Traffic in the area is horrendous as it is and this hideous monstrosity will only add to it. It isNOT meant to be affordable, regardless of the words Tracey Maeva spouts. That recentmap Ahe Group distributed that supposedly depicts “available” parking in Kailua forresidents of this structure is ajoke. No one in the Coconut Grove area parks on the otherside of Kailua town in areas that are for businesses and their customers.Tactics such as this are deceptive and frankly, just con’upt and dirty; for our electedofficials to stand by and let her get away with it is absolutely sickening. She cares nothingof the community she is attempting to overtake. If she did, at the very least she would havesought our input and realized this is NOT the proper location for a development of this

scale.The leaders we elect are supposed to speak for the people and the general interest of thecommunity, not sit back and allow money and greed to dictate their agenda. HEAR US. ikepeople are speaking. If we have to follow the rules. Tracey Macva and Ahe Group havc tofollow them too. Do not let them buy their way around the law. I OPPOSE THISDEVELOPMENT AT THIS LOCATION.


Accept Terms and1




From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:55 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Miriam Sappington

Phone 801-566-3719


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH —


Agenda Item Resolution 20-255

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self

Organ i zati on

Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

Aloha Honolulu City Council,

I am a resident of Kailua and I oppose the Kawainui Street Apartments Affordable HousingProject. This project should not be granted permission to proceed based on evidence already

Written given to the council such as the laughable parking plan submitted by the Ahe Group. a largeTestimony apartment complex in an R-5 Zoned area, exemptions of over $1,000,000 in fees, and. most

importantly, strong community opposition.

Mahalo for your time.


Accept Termsand Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:45 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Anthony Forsythe

Phone 8084296835

Email Aj forsythe2o 1 0gmail .com

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I oppose allowing this project to be built. Kailua has had enough already. It is already overlyWritten congested and you plan to put a 5 story apartment building on THE busiest street in Kailua!Testimony Traffic will be crazy. And the people building this aren’t trying to help out the pcoplc of

Kailua. They are trying to 1111 their pockets. Sickening


Accept Terms1

and Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:39 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Sasha Kaleolani Cockett Ray

Phone 8083581124

Email sashacockettgmailcom

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self

Organ i zat ion

Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

As a Kailua resident of four generations, I strongly oppose the Ahe groups proposal. Theparking. traffic. and overall character of Kailua will he impacted greatly and forever be

Written Testimony . . ..•

changed. Please preserve what is left for our longtime families and future generations thatcall Kailua home. Mahalo.


Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:31 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Barbara Yoshioka

Phone 808-286-2352


Meeting Date 09-17-2020

Council/PH -


Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I am not opposed to affordable housing, but I do oppose the 460 Kawainui apartmentcomplex. This is simply not a good location. The traffic is already very bad on Kawainuistreet and the streets are crowded with parked cars all week and all weekend. Theintersection of Kawainui & Oneawa is on my regular route through town and it is already

Written backed up cvcryda . there is no room to add more lanes for turning.Testimony

This project is not in the best interest of the surrounding community. The parking optionspresented at the hearing are not feasible and will negatively impact distant neighborhoods.this just doesn’t make sense. 1y point is. the options presented to manage the rentagreements do not seem enforceable


Accept Terms and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Thursday, September 17. 2020 5:32 PMSubject: Council/Public Hearing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Evelyn N. TsudaPhone 8082567757

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020Council/PH

CouncilCommitteeAgenda Item Kawainui Apts., KailuaYour position on

Opposethe matterRepresenting SelfOrganization

Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I have lived in the neighborhood for over 60 years. It was alwaysprecarious making a left turn onto Oneawa st. so with the apt. in

Written question, it will be almost impossible to do so safely. The main street,Testimony Oneawa, is only two lanes and cannot accommodate the added

traffic. Also, parking will be almost impossible to find and I predict alot of squabbles.wcs


Accept Terms1and Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 7:44 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Christina Milia

Phone 310-259-2936


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Res 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

To all Council Members:Please reject this proposal! The location and size of this project is wrong. We know Kailuaneeds affordable housing but this location will infringe on all residents as their quality oflife is negatively affected. 73 units benefit and how many Kailuans does it impose upon?The proposed amendments to this project do nothing to address the real concerns peoplehave about this project. Window dressing with no real substance that will havc long term

Written effects. You cannot manufacture parking spaces that are just not there. 1 year bus passeswill expire and the problem still remains. If this committee is about planning and enforcing

festimony . . . .

codes & rules, why is this developer insisting on so many exceptions at the expense ofKailua residents? When AHE Group has mined every last dollar out of Kailua and movedon to greener pastures, what will life look like for all those negatively impacted by thisproject? 73 vs. the entire town of Kailua? Did greater good for the greatest numberdisappear here on Kailua?When did that happen?Do the right thing.


Accept Terms1

and Agreement


From: CLK Council Info

Sent: THursday, September 17, 2020 9:49 PM

Subject: Transportafon Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Robert Kupan Miranda

Phone 8083840243

Email Hawaian1&in(agmai I. Corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council’PH Committee Transportation

Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-255

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? No

\Vritten lestirnonv

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement 1

IP: 192.168200.67


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 7:51 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Nina weber

Phone 8083916894

Email ni napacarro @rnac corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Do you wish to speak at the hearing? Yes

\k’ritten Testimony

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday! September 18, 2020 8:12 AMSubject: Zoning! Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Pua Lani

Phone 8083978381


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onSupport

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

As a lifelong resident of O’ahu, I have seen the progression of housing insecurity and theWritten problem of houseless-ness go from bad to even worse. The Kawainui project is a greatTestimony example of our government stepping up to the plate to see all residents of this place as

humans first. Jam in full support of this project and resolution.


Accept Terms and1




From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 8:11 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Cora Miyakawa

Phone (808)5429119

Email cmiyakawa53gmai1.corn

Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at the Nohearing?

I oppose the 460 Kawainui St project. My history. I am the 3rd of 5 generations growingup and continuing to live on Kawainui St. There are 9 cousins who continue to live onKawainui St.Watching Kailua grow and change over the years is progress happening.However, walking down Oneawa St., towards Kalaheo, this side of Kailua has remainedin the true character of Coconut Grove.Businesses lined directly on Oneawa St are no higher than 2 stories. Yes, there are tallerbuildings, but they are set a block or 2 away from the main street.This project, 460 Kawainui St, is not only out of character in keeping with the residential

Written Testimony zoning of Coconut Grove, it will add to the already increased traffic on both Oneawa andKawainui St.There has been a lack of transparency. No communication with the neighbors directlyadjacent to the property or consideration given to their needs.I ask that the Council hear the affected neighborhood and the community. There is a needfor Affordab[e housing, however, Not all affordable housing needs to be built at aproposed site, 460 Kawainui St is Definitely Not the site for thissize of a project.


Accept Terms and1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 8:18 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Tia Ornellas

Phone 8083724480

Email Keensi

Meeting Date 09-08-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at thehearing?

Hello, I am a 4th generation Kailua resident. I am opposed to this project due to increasedWritten traffic, bad parking situation, the building height is over 20 feet higher than the zoningTestimony height and I believe it sets a bad presedence for future development in the area. Please stop

allowing over building in our little town. Thank you for your consideration


Accept Terms and1


IP: 192.168,200.67


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 8:22 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Dean Anderson

Phone 8083484221

Email dean.anderson.hawaiigmaiI .com

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Affordable I-lousing in Kailua

Your position on theSupport


Representing Self


Do you wish to speak atthe hearing?

Aloha,I support this resolution because Hawaii needs more affordable housing for our hard

Written Testimony working residents and we need it now.Mahalo,Dean Anderson

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms andAgreement

IP: 192.16820067

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 8:21 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kana’ina Warren

Phone 8084299367

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


Do you wish tospeak at thehearing?

1) Kailua has a 3-story maximum build. Why is this project allowed higher? They shouldhave to follow this rule like everyone else.2) This is a residential zoned parcel. There are “apartment’ zoned parcels just across thestreet. Is the reason they purchased this property because they knew they would be able toget it cheaper than “apartment” zoned land? I think yes. Higher profit margin for them.‘[here are always propery for sale in the “apartment zoned” area, why have they notpurchased there? Instead they are being allowed to rezone residential land which is alreadylimited and scarce. This is wrong and you as the council should know not to allow this,3) The project stated “ample street parking”. Where? There is no parking on Oneawa andvery limited parking on Kawainui St. There isn’t even sidewalks or parking lines onKawainui St. Are residents just supposed to allow people to park in front of their houses

Written however they want? C&C has clear rules for 1.5 designated parking stalls per unit. They areTestimony not even close to providing that amount. The council should only allow the project go if

they can provide 1.5 stalls/i unit like all other developers. I saw a map in which the AbeGroup highlighted street parking on Kailua Rd as sufficient.. Would you walk to your housethats a quarter mile away?? This is silly and also shouldn’t be allowed. The street parking inthe Oneawa neighborhood is hard to come by for current residents, it will be impossibleonce this project is up.4) Oneawa is already one of the busiest streets in Kailua. Traffic is going to be way worse.There isn’t even a traffic light there. There are constant speeding and congestion that has notbeen dealt with for years. This will only increase the problems.5) Lack of infrastructure. This is the older part of Kailua. How are the older sewer pipessupposed to handle 70-120 more toilets/showers/etc.?Bottom line is, this is R-5 zoned land. There is a maximum of 8 single family homes that


can be built on this property per C&C guidelines. I could see allowing the group someleeway like possibly doubling the density. Maybe 8 duplex homes for a total of 16 units. Butover 50 units?? C’mon council. This is crazy and must be put an end to. Kailua has beenthrough enough of this over development that doesn’t have the local people in mind, Thankyou for hearing me out, and please be on the right side of history.


Accept Terms1

and Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday! September 18, 2020 8:26 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Sean Tangco

Phone 4087507872


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution No. 20-225

Your position onSupport

the matter

Representing Self


Our country is far behind equal access to housing. With more than 97% of housingWritten Testimony privately owned there needs to be more support affordable housing options. I fully support

this resolution.


Accept Terms and1




From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 8:31 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Ricky Cassiday

Phone 808-2914408


Meeting Date 09-18-2020





Your position onSupport

the matter

Representing Self


I write in support of this project. admitting that it is not perfect. and clearly objected to in theimmediate neighborhood.

My support is based on the good of the many. Especially those needing assistance. Over 40%of us needs affordable housing. Meaning they make 80% or less of the average medianincome, Two in five of us. Look around you next time you’re in line at Foodland or Costco.

And especially at this time.

What compels me to support this with my whole heart and mind is that 40%. This lack ofaffordable housing has contributed to the ills of our community. The personal stress, thesocial strife, and community tension, all born of lack of housing and the close quarters in

Writtenwhich this group shelters. It has been such for two generations. Two generations.

TestimonyThis condition afflicts this generation, and the next. It not only afflicts those, within this 40%group, but the 100% of us. Especially now with the economic collapse occurring. Especiallynow with the virus.

Take note of how CV19 is transmitted. Via close proximity. Note that the incidence of thisvirus shows that it is overwhelmingly present amongst the residents who live in crowdedconditions. Overcrowding is widespread. So is doubling up, more than 2 families in a house.These conditions exist in over 23% of Oahu housing stock. Almost one in five.

These crowded conditions have contributed to the spread of the virus. especially the secondwave. And this wave has gone out beyond the neighborhoods of low cost housing and intothe general community. We all are suffering.

And the solution is simple: reduce overcrowding by building more housing, housing thataccommodates more people safely. This is what compels me to testify.


Accept Terms1

and Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 3:04 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Christina Hoe

Phone 8082657763


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item reso 20-225

Your positionSupport

on the matter

Representing Self


I strongly support affordable housing in Kailua. I believe people are change averse and haveunfairly demonized this project in order to preserve the status quo. Unfortunately, the ‘statusquo” in Kailua is gross economic inequity that is nearly insurmountable for those of us whohave chosen a path of public service. I have been a teacher for almost 20 years. I live andwork in Kailua and my family is barely scraping by. We don’t hope to ever own in this

Writtencommunity, but we should at the very least be able to afford rent. Affordable housing is good

Testimonfor everyone. It ensure that the people that keep this community running--the grocery storeworkers, the police officers, the teachers, the baristas, the bus drivers--can afford to live here.Those who oppose this project have hidden under the mantra “protect Kailua.” Whose Kailuaare they trying to protect? Is it the one where we can all afford to live and contribute? Or is itthe Kailua that is elitist, unaffordable. and where the interests ofa few are protected at theexpense of everyone else. Whose Kailua are you personally trying to protect? Please supportthis Affordable Housing project. It is the right and brave thing to do.


Accept Termsand Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 2:31 PMSubject: Zoning! Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kathleen Thurston

Phone 8088418585


Meeting Dale 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


\Vritten Testimony

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement I


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 1:09 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Charles Littnan

Phone 8082203601


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution #20-225

Your positionOppose

on the matter

Representing Self


Aloha, I am a long time Kailua resident and have watched this community grow and develop.Progress has been great in many aspects but we now suffer the impacts of growth and poorurban planning resulting in congested traffic among other issues. The proposed rezoning and

Written development would greatly exacerbate these issues in general and very specific to theTestimony proposed location given existing and persistent traffic flow problems in the area, Housing like

this is necessary but it is without a doubt a poor location for it to occur. Please do not approvethe rezoning of this property and further development of this specific project in the areaproposed. We must develop Kailun but we must do it intelligently and sustainably.


Accept Termsand Agreement

IP: 192.168200.67

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 1:09 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Tiffany Asuncion

Phone 8082589414


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution no. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


I was born and raised in beautiful Kailua along with thc rest of my family who still residesfl

here. Over the years. Kailua has endured many changes, not all for the best. We do notTestimony oppose affordable housing but oppose this monstrous building.


Accept Terms andAgreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 1:07 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Alexandra

Phone 8085549080


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH ZoninaCommittee

Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onSupport

the matter

Representing Self


I am a young businesswoman, born and raised in Kailua and I know the struggle to find cleanWritten safe decent and most of all AFFORDABLE housing. We live in Waimanalo and 1 notice thatTestimony there is lots and lots of affordable housing here but not in Kailua. Why? We need this. Please

support this


Accept Termsand Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2D20 12:58 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Josanne L Pedro

Phone 8087387667

Email bloomingpro,

Meeting Date 09-26-976



Agenda Item resolution no. 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


lam wholeheartedly, 100% against the Abe Group building this monstrosity of a buildingand calling it affordable housing at the 460 Kawainui Street property. They should NOT heallowed rezoning acceptance as this is a residential area and has been from the start. I am.however, not denying that we need affordable housing -just NOT at 460 Kawainui Street. Iam fourth generation born and raised Kailna girl who lives right behind the proposeddevelopment. As you can imagine life has changed from back in the day with more people,cars, busier foot and car traffic, etc. W’hich has only made our infrastructure and communityextremely compromised. As it is, that corner is the entry and exit to Kailua which makes it tobe one of the busiest and most dangerous for whomever passes through. For that reasonalone, the zoning should not change AND! the building NOT built, In addition, our familyhome solar/pv system will be affected by the height of the building not allowing the sun to

Written reach our panels. Again, because this is residential- not for tall buildings. We*e given TheTestimony Abe Group an opportunity to present their plans and take questions. They have heard our

opposition and said they would sit with us to talk about affordable housing and how to makethis work. However, no one from the Ahe Group has contacted any of the groups opposed tothe project. They can’t keep their word at a neighborhood board meeting - what makes youthink they will keep their word once the;’ stail building- IF you approve this project. Which Ipray YOU DON’T! In closing, I humbly ask you to consider what life is like for us whocurrently live here and deal with all of it on a daily basis already. Seriously give it somethought - it’s NOT fun. We already have these issues. I can tell you, it will only get worseand you’ll have even bigger problems on your agendas than just a rezoning issue. Also, it’snever been about the need for affordable housing - WE ALL AGREE IT IS NEEDED. JustNOT at 460 Kawainui Street - the entry and exit of Kailua, Our main thoroughfare. Mahalo anui and please do what is pono for our community now and future.


Accept Termsand Agreement

IP: 192.168.20067


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 12:40 PMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Josanne Pedro

Phone 8082627357

Email bloomingprMTgmai I .com

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Resolution No.20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representhtg Self


Written Testimony Oppose

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement 1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 11:40 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name James Fitch

Phone 8808-388-1535

Email jfitchl

Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH ZoningCommittee

Agenda Item 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


I am writing in strong opposition to this project. I am a resident of Kailua. While I believethat affordable housing is a need for our community, this is the wrong location for thisproject. The proposed development is far to large for this location which is a neighborhoodof single family homes. The proposal also ignores the problem of parking. The developer’s

u enproposed solution was to show “available” parking lots in the area. These parking lots are

Lstimonylargely for local businesses and arc already full on a daily basis. On street parking is alreadyover capacity in the area. Additionally, this area already has high traffic congestion whichwill only be exacerbated by a development of this density. There are other lots available inKailua and Kaneohe that would be much more appropriate for this development.

Testi rnonyAttachment

Accept TermsI

and Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 11:37 AMSubject: Zoning. Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Ka’iulani Manuwai

Phone 8087996522


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item ‘Affordable Housing” in Kailua

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


I am writing in OPPOSITION to this project due to the fact that our community is

XV itte INCAPABLE of accommodating the capacity to which this project is truly going to do. This• project does nothing to further peietuate the native hawaiian community of Kailua nor does

Testimonyit do anything to protect the environment of Kailua . I am not against affordable housing. Iam against this project because of the displacement of our native hawaiian community


Accept Terms1

and Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 10:42 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name David Arakawa

Phone 8085214717


Meeting Date 09-18-2020

Councfl/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Resolution 2020-225

Your position on the matter Support

Rcpresenting Organization

Organization Land Use Research Foundaton of Hawaii

Written Testimony

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement I


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 10:23 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Achintya Paez

Phone 8087821976

Email [email protected] Date 09-16-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Kawainui aparments housing project

Your position on the matter Support

Representing Self


Written Testimony The pub)ic needs affordable housing

Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement I

IP: 19216820067


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 9:47 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Deirdre Madrid

Phone 8086795303


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position onOppose

the matter

Representing Self


1 am a resident of Kailua. I live in coconut grove. I oppose the Kawainui Developmentproject with its amendments. Two main issues have still not been addressed in theamendments: the height of the project and lack of parking on the property. The space isirnonsimply too small for the density of the project. There are other appropriate spaces for salc inKailua for such a project.


Accept Termsand Agreement


From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 9:43 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Lori

Phone 650-504-4747


Meeting Date Orn-dd-yyyy

Council/PH ZoningCommittee

Agenda Item Proposed Kawainui building

Your position on theOppose


Representing Self


Against proposed new Kailua development.Existing affordable housing vacant on Ku’ulei Road a few blocks from developer asking

Written Testimony for many exemptions.Free or low cost parking is an issue. Thus, our residential units almost 90% vacant!Please help find tenants seeking affordable below market housing


Accept Terms andAgreement

IP; 192.168.20067

September 17, 2020

Honorable Ron Menor, Chair, and MembersCommittee on Planning, Zoning, and HousingHonolulu City CouncilHonolulu HaleHonolulu, Hawaii 96813

Dear Chair Menor and Members:

Subject: Resolution 20-225 Relating to the Kawanui Street ApartmentsRequest for Exemption Pursuant to Chapter 201H, Hawaii Revised StatutesProposed CD1

We would like to thank the Committee on Planning, Zoning, and Housing for the opportunity to presentour proposed Kawainui Street Apartments project at the Special Meetings held on September gth and again todaySeptember 18, 2020. Thank you for both your time and your thoughtful consideration.

I have had the opportunity to review the proposed Committee Draft (CD) 1 of the subject draft Resolution and Iaccept these modifications with the following requests for clarification.

1. Bus Passes. would like to clarify that the bus pass obligation ends after 5 years from certificate ofoccupancy for the project. As written Paragraph E.4 on Page 6 of the Draft CD1 could be interpreted to beopen ended to new tenants throughout the life of the project and that is not financially feasible orsomething a lender or tax credit investor will approve without an enormous reserve that will impair thefinancing for the project. Accordingly, the third sentence of E.4 should read:

‘The Applicant shall provide one free annual TheBus pass to each household residing in an affordable Project unitthat does not have an assigned off-street Project parking space, for a period of five years after certificateof occupancy.”

2. Landscaping. Paragraph H on Page 7 of the Draft CD1 requires the Applicant to provide landscaping or usegreen exterior building walls to screen the project from public views. We wish to substitute the word“neighboring properties” for “public” in the clause above to clarify that the landscaped screening relatesto the facades facing neighboring properties on the north and east (makai) boundaries of the project siteand not the entire site.

3. Roadway improvements. Paragraph J on Page 7 of the Draft CD1 states that “The Applicant shall coordinatewith the Department of Transportation Services (“DTS”) to design, implement, and fund the following roadwayimprovements:” We would like to add the word “construct” to clarify that the Applicant, in coordinationwith DTS, may directly undertake the construction of the roadway improvements as part of the constructionof the proposed project.

157 Makawao Street, Kailua,HI 96734 808381 5958 808778 7920 infn@ahegroupcom vniw

Page 2 of 2Resolution 20-225 C01

4. In the new third BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED we askthat the 24-month required start date in the revised

language in Resolution 20-225 be increased to 36 months in light of potential covid delays, and that the

Council authorize the DPP Director to extend as necessary for good cause as is typical in other 20Th


Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments. Please call me should you have any questions

regarding this matter.


Makani Maeva

157 MaKaao Street. Kaiua, HI 96734 808381 5958 8 778 7920 info@ahegroupcoir vn. aheqroup corn

From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 9:09 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Kukana Kama-Toth

Phone 8083759961


Meeting Date 09-18-2020



Agenda Item Resolution 20-225 Kawainui development

Your positionOppose

on the matter

Representing Self


Writt’nLocation is the issue. The exemptions being used to skirt around regulations in place to buildA development of this projects size in an R-5 zone And at one of the busiest intcrscctions in

TestimonyKailua town is not right. Standing suppo of affordable housing just not at this location.


Accept Terms1

and Agreement



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 8:55 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Deborah Kamiya

Phone (808)2284847

Email [email protected] Date 09-18-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Resolution 20-225

Your position on the matter Oppose

Representing Self


Written Testimony

lcstimonv Anachinent

Accept Terms and Agreement 1



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18! 2020 8:45 AMSubject: Zoning, Planning and Housing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker Registration/Testimony

Name Andrea Jepson

Phone 8082638202

Email jepsona001hawaii.rrcom

Meeting Date 09-1 8-2020

Council/PH Committee Zoning

Agenda Item Res 20-225 CDI

Your position on the matter Support

Representing Self


Written Testimony I am a resident of Kailua and support this measure.Testimony Attachment

Accept Terms and Agreement I



From: CLK Council InfoSent: Friday, September 18, 2020 10:10 AMSubject: Council/Public Hearing Speaker Registration/Testimony

Speaker RegistrationlTestimony

Name john FotiPhone 8087543312

Email [email protected] Date 10-07-2020Council/PH

CouncilCommitteeAgenda Item res20-225 cd-iYour position Opposeon the matterRepresenting Self


Dear City CouncilmembersPlease do not grant approval for Resolution 20-225 CD-i. CD-Iamendments do not address the key problems with this project:density and parking. As I have stated in past testimony, I havedeveloped 4 affordable housing projects and that experience has

Writtenprovided me with the knowledge that this project in its current

1 proposed form will cause everlasting adverse impacts to the town ofes imonyKailua and especially for the surrounding neighborhoods. Giving a buspass to the building tenants will NOT have a noticeable positiveimpact. There are better locations for this project or it needs to beheavily scaled down in density and under no circumstances should theLUO parking code requirements be relaxed. Please don’t make themistake of approving this project/resolution


Accept Termsand Agreement

IP: 192.168.200,67


From: Cosette Harms [maiIto:cosettemtgmaiLcom]Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 2:11 PMTo: Anderson, Ikaika; Waters, Tommy; Elefante, Brandon; Kobayashi, Ann; City ClerkSubject: Kawainui Affordable Housing Project meeting

Mahalo City Council for your attention and patience in listening to us Kailua residentstoday.

I am in favor of this project and I voiced my testimony briefly this morning. I am struckby the vast amount of misinformation that those opposing it have brought forth. I knowyou know the facts. Most of the objections seem to be related to infrastructure -

sidewalks, parking, traffic, building size, zoning, location. That always has been - is -

and will be objections. However these are physical things that can be mitigated.

I agree with Samuel Domingo and Steve Colon and David Arakawa. We NEED to lookat the needs of the PEOPLE who we will be housing in these units, Our workers, ourseniors, and our young. Our need for this is greater than 72 units.

The large and passionate opposition has been fueled by social media and each other.This is as good a site as any - and better than most - for the residents of this place.

It is true that most of us in favor have not attended the Neighborhood Board meeting -

masked, and crowded during covid. We are seniors who are less comfortable withtechnology and don’t put in the time and effort into speaking out. Most of my Kailuafriends and neighbors are in favor of this project. I think it is a great opportunity forKailua moving forward.

Here is my testimony from today.

Thank you,Cosette Harms2 Aalapapa P1.Kailua, HI 96734808-292-7007