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Chewing Gum Integrantes: Emilia Monteros, Dominica Castillo, Karen Vega, Sofía Osorio, Giselle Rivadeneira y Melany Sandoval

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Post on 23-Jan-2023




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Chewing GumIntegrantes: Emilia Monteros, Dominica Castillo, Karen Vega, Sofía Osorio,

Giselle Rivadeneira y Melany Sandoval

In December 1869, while the dentist named William Semple was inventing the chewing gum, he patented it in Mount Vernon, Ohio. Paradoxically, the creation of the American dentist sweets became less recommended by most of their colleagues around the world, they consider harmful habit of chewing gum.

While Semple was inventing, people chewed various substances to clean your teeth. In Sweden, a piece of "gum" 9,000 years old, in which the teeth marks of a teenager Stone Age was discovered is still observed. The "candy" was a piece of sweet birch resin. Children have chewing gums since the early history of mankind.

When the Greeks chewed mastic tree called resins, gum quickly was achieving wide acceptance. Chewing gum is a natural gum or latex, a milky resin extracted from the sapodilla tree, or sapodilla , whose scientific name is Manilkara zapota and is native to the tropical forests of the Yucatan and northern Guatemala.

History of Chewing Gum

1. Boosts Mental Power 2. Reduces Stress and Tension 3. Contributes to Weight Loss 4. Improves Oral Health 5. Improves Digestion


Do not overindulge. Sugar, excess weight and caries. Poor for gastritis. Pain in the jaw. Always end on sidewalks or under chairs.


When you was thinking that the gums are very good to your teeth, your parents spended so much money at the dentist. Everything in excess is bad when one is in your hands to have a good oral health.


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