premieres are rewards for actors - city of newport beach


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'---------~------.. ---~------- -- --....-------~-:m--· : Premieres are rewards for actors Ci A new play is exctting9 : but also moredangerous a: 't:) ·;::: I.I.

'Trilogy' run goes to June Playwright Fiersteinjcins LA cast as lead in May


Dillllr .... c:.c ·-.--

lf)ou ha"eo' t yet laughed and coed your wa) through .. Torch Soni 1 rt.log} ··currently play~at the tiununpoo Hartford Tbeau:r m Hollywood, tbcre'5 rulJ plent~ ofume

H.tdlJy popular watll Southern cah!~ a.udicDces forlbe put fivf monthi> tht Tony Award-WJJUUD& <..'Omcd)-drama 1soomplellng1u thlrdext.enAonbe)·ond the ongJnal date. and a tbea1er 5poUsman an.oouoedd th1' v.eek tiun the play wtll be be1d over a fowtb\Jme

This final l'Mt'n~on acoord.Lng to J>fC'6' reptnent.ILU \C Kephart. • ·111 sw Harve)' Fters1ein. wbowrote the pl.a~ and onginated the leadmg rok on Broadwa)

F1~te10 kf1 the Sroadwa) '11<>• tut summer10 .. fintfoh ~nung the musical' emon of-La C.acc au.a Fol.In. .... h1cb ala.o became" Sroadwa)' hat and 1ucbcdule.d to •Jpen at ilie Paniagcs Theater thn faU

Tht iiulhor at'lor will JOtn tbc i.ho• about Ma~ It sa)'s Kt'ph4trt and .... ill :.t.a' with tht' i.holl' dunng1b remaJntng ~t't'b ui Lui. A. r\f.t'lt'\ throL1gh earl~ June •

f 1e:·'111 hcti. anothn commitment nud-J une accord­rng tu Kt" ~ hid proh t bni.theposiotbillt~ of an~ furtht"r t'Alcns1oni. ht"rt' 1 ht' pla~ wilJ ~eto C1ucago .... hilt- x-' rral Hull~ .... ,.>Vd i.tud)()s bid for the sto~ a' a motion pKturt'

··11m·h ':>orii T nlog~ ·· "'on 1983 T On) award' for ~1 pl.,, ctnd bt"sl actor IF1ente1o)and receJved the same hono~ recent!~ from till<- Los Angel~ Drama CntJcs Cirdr Award). w1lh Donald ( orren a~actor

I he thret •Kl dnm1a also hu bce.o a notable uimmt'rrntJ sU<.<n~ It as the fim .. out-Of~IM-clo.ct- pla~ tu be<.-0me a bn with ~lralght. mtddk-clau aud~~ in l\e-~ Yor\ \iin f rat1<:1K.O and Los Anldei. Who ha\ t' rt:":.pvnded. ai.tul\t'g;t):. to pla~ ·,pathos. humorand bas1t t~mt" of ~lf-r~pcct

l orth ~n1 ·1 nlog~ · aa ioCIT11-au\Obtogra_phJal punr<i•t of aga\ man deaJ1og"' 1th htsa.tfasnand rde&t1on~hi~ ~ 1th 1~:.unof parenungand With lbtdkcu of wt tWil 'nd famt.lw homophobia

Arnold &t.kofl k urrcnd) pb}cd b~ Jon:athoo H~n J mak.~ hn L VlllJU a dn& qlJCCJl 10 a Ntw Y ort c 11' n1iJ,td ub He ~hnfi"'t k>ver(j:M.ayed b) Jerad M;;nin) to a .. oman. Then death chats ofa ieOOnd !(,,er ..,,,ho 1' luUcd b) a street san&-an eptiOdt that is tuindled through remlfltieln,.

l lt1m:.~h au.n aiinsman who wJJ wan1s to create d ~-n~ of bm.f> for b1mldf. Arnold~ a gay I S-)ev­'>ld -.trtt"t ktd "h~ under Arno&cfunnucnc.e. gtvei up lfUCl.Ot'\ ll'4t IU\ ofhft'

\lm1c o f the funni~tdi.aloguc: ts that bctweeo Arnold dnd ht!>' l'>llmg mcJther(pla)'ed by &tdltGeuy>and. asan mm1t wuntcrpoant that be-tween Arnold and htsadoptcd YJn Cpl<tyed b) Lawrence MoruKOoJ.

< )nc of the m°'t poaanan1 ~comes toward the t ndi. of 1he third act wheo Amoldeq>lajm to ht' mot.her and (ltflenhc leav~)lo lhtaudaenQCwby tx ll proud lO be ~\

.. 1 orth ~n1 T nJocy" beami promptly at 8 p.m. J ut"\da)' throuab Saturday7 10 p.m . on Sunday wnh 2 p m ma1incn ~turday and Sund.a!'.

......~ ...... .., A wortter Ja94 nta ia °8teeltow1l' preecated Satarday by tile 8e.a Fn w:Wcat Troape.

GWCstages 'Steeltown'

Jt"!> 1984 and the local steel plant ii. threa~ning to c~ Wortler\ Vt' los.loi the-U' Jobs. the compan) 1s d~ mg up and ~eot ~ labor arc at a standstJll.

Tb,. dJ:swtt>tni and all loo rcahsuc ponraH of blur­collar ltfto 1.c>.plorcd m --Stcelt01An. - a nev. pla) b> th<' San Francnco M1mr Troupe. to bC' su,god at 8 p.m. Saturda~ in Goldea West ( oUqt's mains .. thc.a~r. .

--Surhov.n 1s the 1atnl in a long lmr of pohucal ~urn performed b) the Obte award-wmnang troupe s1nC'C 19S9 The) h.aH ladled wch cootnherstal issues as ~omen·, hbtn1100. nudeard1sarmament and housing for ~~ .

( ontr'al) lO lhetr name the troupe 1s ~xtremel) "ocaJ lD tU pretientJlUOn. U'1ng mtme as a pomt of departure. they perl'onn rn a oommcdta ddrane style - slapsuck. and~ aeu the 1ntngumg stor) . It(~ a wortmg·dass Amencan town from lhr

tnumph of~t-Worid Wu II prospm1y. to~ hardships of prncot day unemployment. Soen~ involve women Mmaruung- lbr factones to win the a union struggles. hopn for a belk"r hft . a Wlfe"s elaborate pjot Lo wrn her hu~nd·s attentions and a man's sangJemanded dr­termanat1on lo sa'e his steel plant

·-some theater groups want to put people 10 !>lttp: v.-e want lO wake them up. Thu 1s a thea1er 10 grt peopl<' thinkina. - said pbywnsJt1 Joan Holden.

.. Potenual tragedy in 'Steeltown' clanfies the plight of today's worten facing the most 1mponant challenge of ~r bves, and. at the same time. our own futures. Wr bush at umes but the ''°fY I!> also a ~rious one."

Admission " SS gcneraJ and S4 assonated studenu and Gold K.cycardhokkn. The theater 1s on the campus at I S744 Golden Wn1 St.. Hunllncton Beach

8ut dfnlctor Mani.a 8atoe Im ~ dola) ·th •· Bu11 aJka'° th« FarrdL WM .,,.._ OMl t-xr fr om ~ Y Oft to 1 an oa · tt:bcarukud the 6ra -...«k o( pcrfonnaacn .

- 11·, 1n~ lO me Utat wr IPC9t men UJDl' rebcatwoa than "'~ •HU ~JllL - Evam ~ -•·t·~" rt-he.aned for four weeks. C'fft'D'ialfy eilld..bour da)"- m cbna ·• ,

· Both acton ~ plcaaed w be maku~ tbearSCR dcbuu on 1nt1m.aic ~ SUgt. wbJcb ICllU 0DJ) J 61 and bu a siaic bordered on tbreir ACk5 by audJene:e

- "' urt.104 that clol.r lO an aucbmoe IS a ~lot more fun than ll'Ork.ioaona~ltaF ... Bcuo!'uid.-Youan f~I an audlenot Thest' perf~ wi!J daanct t\CI) n1gh1 bec.:auie we·~ respondlllf 101M audlt'!)CT.

··1 he~·, a rhtthm to the play. ud tflk ~ gru into the rhythm. tM actor can feel tNL ..

[,&n, added. ··TM aud1tnoe 1n hve 1.beal.ef" u not ~alching the perl'onnaoc:e 11 K an ina.esnl pan of 1~ pt"rlormanct In an inumaie I.healer that u more 1mmcdtalt' more a'atlable lo t.bc act.or.-

Jn .. 81ng ud '-''" Evans plays Arthur, a man in

hts mid-30s v.1>o wffen:d brauJ ~as a .c:hild.. Arthur ~iiCS tbc1'c u a .,or1d ouwdt the hrrutcd pem:ncun of thr cuno W>p ~ he Ii'~ with bis spimaa mi.a Bcuor plaH Edd~. a stubborn. bard-GOtied wamaa .-bo mcOuf'l&t'S Arthur 10 expk>ire the wOrtd and hd lus pbicr ID It .

Bolh acton fttl a penonaJ oonnea10D &o tbor ro&cs.. 'J',e pla\ed some good ro1es..- Eva.D$ Yid

empb.auca.lh .:but I v.ouJd be Vtr)' surprixd if I 1ll'OUJd ('\ "" ha\ t' a rok bet In than I.bu tn my"' oissicwpil life. rm t.aJktn~ut a role that 1s ~led lO me .and bas~

- use ~ fact u that I'm a charaaer aaor. and the &ct of hfe for ch.ar3rtcr acton is lhat they spead a k>l of ume showing up an the second act Sia)in&. ·tt•s a bouncmg bab) bo) Congra1ulauons1

• But this is a great smt. It's bcauufull) wntten ••

Beawr agreed. adding. - From the \"Cry' fttst llme I read the pla) , I got the fttJ1og WI tf we improvixd I~ pb ... thrN< awa} ~~pl. •halt'Vcr l saJd .-onld ha"t' t>cCn v.hat Jam {(Fandl) had aln:ad) •Tillm for E.dd;e 10 \a\ •. .

· Beas.or rcc11.ed a stnngof rotnCldcoccsOOllnCCt.l:J.tum 10 has st.age character. 1oclud1ng famil) linb lo the ~ oods Holes. Mass .. rcpon ~ the play lS set and the martnt' research vcsstl oo whach htS cbaracter wefted as i d«khand. The playwnJtht also hvesai the same Ne-· Yon address v.heT'C Bcasor first IJ\ed when he moved East m 1965

A.lthough both Be-as.or and Evans havt atrnsn·e ~ln1s1on as v.ell as sta~ crcdJl.s. ~~booked on lJ,e tht'atrr

.."'hen \Ou grov. up {anistteally) an the theater. for perwnal sat1sfact1on. for personal ~-ard. ~ a St'llSt ~f doing good v.orli: . film and te-le'' 1s1on can 1 compete. E'ans s.atd

Talents join in 'Creation'

Calenilar Fri. Clallelcal

1'D 1.09 AROSL&a

Blvd.. Newport Beach. 675-2968.

..,...mow1'andh18 lrto reature c1......a and Laun Jau. Wed . .S.t. 8 :30 p.m. -12:30 a.m.. COIJ9 de Oro. 633 Ant.on. eo.&a Me.a. 862-2.872.

BACB PUTIVAL cel· ebratea tt1 &0th an- ..._ . nlversary -1th I 0 days cl ..,. vr daytJrneandevenlngevente llAJlllL\'ITAJll lncludtng. for the nnt ume. ••a 8 p art a harnatchorctcom-•Uon. ,,. • p .m.. ac c ·..- _... Amphitheater', 100 Fa.Ir Flret Conaregatlonal Drive . coeta Meaa . Church of Loe Anlleles. S40 634-1 aoo s . Q>mmonweaJt1' Ave. ar YDICSWT MX>TT playe Sixth Street. Loa Angeles. guitar In the Wine Cellat, (213) 385-1341. .. "The Newpe>rttr. 1107 Jam.

Oa&oollT COl.SMU. t>oree Road. Newport Beach. clautcal guttartet. enter· Tue a .• sat . . 7 p . m . talns In l..a Palme ree- 64+ 1700 taurant. The Newporter. · 1107 Jamboree Road. New- ADAllAlft' perlonnaat 8 port Beach. Mon.~t, 7· 11 p .m .. Irvine Meadow• p.m .. Sunday brunch 10 AmphlthHter. 8800 lrvlne a .m .-2:30 p.m. 644- 1700. Center Drtve. Laguna Hilla.

Pl Allfl8T llS LLT 977-1300. LdlAISa appean Tuc8. • aa JOllRllOll, lodJ vo­Sat .. 8 p . m . -mtd· call1 t. and DAVID night. cano·a. ™l .W. aA1SIOB. p&anlat.teaJnup coast fflahway. Newport to perform at Cha Dante'• Beach. 631 -1381. tontgJ!t and Saturday. 9

8COTT 8lllTB. ptanJst. p.m.· l :30 a .m .. 170 I Conn· performs at a faculty re· thtan Way, Newport Beach. cital, 8 p.m .. Chapman Col· 955-1332. • ~. Salmon Recital Hall. TD llU8 llOD, Palace. 33'3 N. GlaaeelJ St .. Orange. 1735 N. Vine. Hollywood. Frtt admt .. k>n. 997-6811 . (213) 462-8135.

8COTLA1'D'8 ••oa- LU naast.L, vocallat. SIAR," ~ five -member ptanlst, saxophontat and

Sat.. 9 p.m.. Brande'•· -~band or!:~aJ: .g:~!f oomedtan. appears Tues.·

pe. badhom, nute and 25250 E. La Paz Road. fl c at 8 p.m .. Golden t.aauna HJJla. 768·9877. West Q>IJeae Forum U, llARCSL'8 features 15744 Golden West St.. dancl~o •• ....,. --.·· 9 Huntington Beach. 86 «en· I E 17th St "-•-eral admleaton. 895-6378. p.m.. · "~

•• All svmmeo OP .,.. M.eea. 646-3666. CSNTUaY llU81CAL IOCIAI. DISTOaTIOW, TBSAT&a... Leona rd Concert Factory. I 714

Placentia Ave .. Coeta Mna. Bemateln'a one-act opera 548--8615. " Trouble In TahlU." con· TBS UlJ9&lll S. L&& ducted by Bernard Gllmore. preaent.a Jfl/ff a....._ Wed .• and Stravtnaky'a ballet- Sat .. 9 p.m .. 151 E. narrative " L' Ht.totre du Hwy.. Newport Beach. Soldat, .. with Alfred Lana. 675-5790. • conductor. 8 p.m .. lit rowsa OP POWSa, lrvtne Fine Arts Q>ncert Golden Bear. 306 Paclflc Hall. 84 general admlsaton. Coast Hi,otway. HunUngton 856-6617. Beach. 536-9600.

TIU L08 AJllGSLU TBS llUTCB llU.LSllA PBILllAIUIOJ0Ccloee81ta llOUa& BAJ1fD performs winter scaaon with a pro- "SlxUea Soul .. 9 p.m.- 1 :30 gram or two maje>r works. a . m.. Medley' s, J 877 4 Schubert's "Symphony No. Brookhurst St.. Fountain 9 I n C . · a n d Valley. 963·2366. Rac h ma nlnov ·a .. Plano Q>ncerto No. 3 In 0 minor ... Fr1.-Sal. 8 :30 p.m .. Sun. Dulce 2:30 p.m .. Music Center Pavlllon. 135 ,,. . Grand Ave .. Los Angeles. (213) 480-3232.

Country TB& OBRALD aAT

BAllD la featured from 8:30

P.. m .- 1 :30 a . m .. with ' lleuta ol .._ Wellt" per·

fonnlng earlier from 5·8 p.m. Crazy Hor11e, IS80 Brookhollow. Santa Ana. 549-1512.


DAl'f TllJO performs at the lrvlnf' Marriott Skylight Lounge. 8 p.m .-mldnlgllt. Standard. Latin and con· temporary jaU are reatured. 851 · 1100.

CONPaST PHILLIPS a nd his lr1o In an exclusive engagcmcot . Frt.-Sat. 9 p.m.-1 a .m .. Tues.-Thurs. 8 :30 p.m.· 12:30 a .m .. LI· brary Lounae, The Ne1J· potter. 11 Ot"Jambofte Rd .. Newport ~ach. 644- 1700.

WA11U WAYR pJaya the aaxophone and RICI( 9llSJlMAN ta pn the key· board. 9 p.m.-1 :30 a.m .. Cafe Lido. 2900 Newport

TD oc mvnu DAJllCS SNSSllBL~ performs works choreographed and staaed by members ol the ucr dance faculty. Two modem ballet pteces. " Le Prtntempe Etemelle" and "Eldolon." are performed by members of Le Ballet Pallas Dance Theater of Loa AlamJtoe. Faculty members Lenna DeMarco and Karen Lerner perform "Cloud Chamber." a new work In the modem Idiom hued on the stylized ritual or women's unJveraaJ Inter­action . Jllllana. former prtma baller1na with The New York aty Ballet. st.agn " Oa.nce of the Swans" from the ballet "Swan Lake ... and alao performs with (ac­uity member Larry Rose­nberg In his new " Ro­mance." Other works are also presented. 8 p.m .. UCl Fine Arts VIiiage Theater. Irvine. 88 general ad· mission. 866-6617.

MRTA ARA COLLmB hoela their Student/ Faculty Dance Q>ncert ton~t and tomorrow. 8 p.m .• l'htlltpe Hall Theater. J 7th at Brtatol. Santa Ana. &4 gen· eral admlask>n. 667-3177 .

Tbeater "lllJllG AJlfD W ALDR ..

on the Second Stage of South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Ortve. Costa Mesa. nightly except Mon­days at ll:30, Sundays at 7:30 . weekend matinees at 3 p.m., through May 13. 957-4033.

"CBAPTSR TWO" at the Gem Theater. 12852 Main St .. Garden Grove, Wednes· daye through Saturdays at 8 . Sundays at 7:30. unlll Mav 26. 636· 7213.

''WUNNY OUU." at the Orand Dinner Theater. See Frtday llauog,

' 'OaAMSaCT Oll08T" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Main Street at Yorlttown Avenue. Hunt· lnaton Beach. Fridays and Sa1urdays at 8 :30 through May 19. 832-1405.

...... OSTTIJllO llT ACT TOOSTllSR ARD TA.KING IT OJlf TBlt aOAD" at the Harlequin Dinner Play· house, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd.. Santa Ana. tontiht thr'O\.Wh Sunday at varyTng curtafn Umcs. 979-5511 .

".J08SPB AJlrD TBS AMAZIJllO TSCB · IOCOLOR DUA*X>AT•• at the Newport Theater Arts Center. 2SOI Cliff Drtve,

Newport Beac h. Frtdayaand Saturdays at 8 p.m. through Mav 12. 631-0288.

·'LA VEJlfDER FOLLllt8'' at Scba8tlan's West Dinner Playhouse. 140 Ave. Pico. San Clemente. Wednesdays through Saturdays al 8. Sundays al 1 and 1 . 492-9950.

"llAJ'f 01' LA llAJllCBA" at the Curtain cau Dinner Theater. 690 El Camino Real. Tusun. nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times through May 6 . 838-1540.

"MAllT llAJlT" at the San Clemente Q>mmunlty Theater. 202 Ave. Cabr11lo. San Clemente. Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 th~ May .12. 492-0465. ''Tb ISAOULL" al

South Coast Repertory. 655 Town Center Or1vc. Costa Mesa. nightly except Mon­days at 8 . Sundays at 7 :30. weekend matinees at 2 :30 957 -4033.

' °TllB UCOJlfD TDm AROUJlfD" at the Costa Mesa CMc Playhouse. 861 Hamilton St .. Costa Mesa. Fridays and Saturdays at 8 :30 through May 19. 650-5269.


. the lrvtne Community Theater In Turtle Rock Q>mmuntty Park. Turtk Rock Drtve at Sunnyhlll Road. lrvtne. tonlJ(hl and Saturday at 8. 857-"!>496.


••BUTCB CAl81D1' A!fD TD 901'DAJlfCS DD:· with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. 7 p.m .. Saddleback College North Forum Theater. 5500 lrvtne Center Drtve. lrvtnc. 83 gen· eral admlask>n. 559· I 3 T3 ·•sTAOSCOACB," with John Wayne. Clalrc Trevor. and Thomas Mitchell. 7:30 p.m .. GolMn West Q>Llegc Forum II. 15744 Golden West S t . Hun tington Beach . 82 general ad· mission. 895-lf367

SlDCla WBSKL 01' l'lllEl'ID­

SIDP, for sin.tics over 45. meet.a at F'tnTcky' s In La Mirada at 5 :30 p . m 524-3327.

PARSNTS WITHOUT PAll'l'll'SUhostsa Wine& Wit , 8 p .m .-mldnlghl. 14692 Taft . Garden Grove. 554-2734.

11198 AM>IS"SSDfOLSS DAJlfCS, 8 :30- 1 l :30 p.m .. Frank Am oss Trio .



Layfayettc Hotel. 144 S. Undm Ave.. Long 8c:ech . (213J•~l l .

A ararwo l>AWCS featurtiw leU"• lllt hdd by ~ hnnta 9.'tlhout hrtnen. D 5" p.m.· l a.111 .. Qerdtn Ciron '< Elks ~· 11551 Truk. • Ganim Giove. 83 I ·9220. ~

A GST·AC8UAlllT&D · ,~ DAJICS ... bo9lftl by tM·Wo.nan INtMute W1th ~ a ltve band and an lntttlude :"' o1 profeeaaonally dealgned -get-acquainted acuvttJa aet I? fo mua1c. A,Jl;e8 25-55. 8 • p.m .• Co.ta. '4eaa Country Club. 1701 Golf Caune Drtve. ea.ta Meea. 87 ad­mtaelon. S4S-0840.


n&TATIOR PUI if AL cl Southern Ctll(ornla II th rough tomorrow at Saddlc1*k ~South In the Fine Arts compln. Col~ tegeand unlvenfty at\lldMta from acroea the natton gather for the performa~ or literature. 28000 Marguerite Parkway . Mission Vkjo. 831 -4747.

••TBS OU:.T M &AST· sa.." A ctra.mauc mua1ca1 re~mcnt ol the last ~rthly days ol Cbriat. With taped narration by GrellorY Peck. Joe Leavitt as tterod. Janet May as Mary Magdalene. Jonathan Full· er as Jesus. Stan CraM as Juda.a. 6 :30 and 8:30 lo­ntght and tomom>w. Crystal cathedral. 12141 Lewis. Garden Gnwe. 544-5679.

.. STA.llP &XPO 1M" la held through Sunday at th~ Anaheim Convention Center. Fri. Noon~8 p.m .. Sat.10a.m.-7p.m .. Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m . 800 W. Katella Ave.. Anaheim. 83 adult admlselon. 999-8900.

A GALA 0PSJ0R0 SR· &nT ol Ooubletrtt Hotel In Orange Includes parlour pines. dinner and dancing. Proceeds to bendlt U'C Irvine Medical CentC"r 's Neo­Natal lntenstve care Unit 6:30 p.m .. 8150 ~r J>tt80n 634-5496.

BOWERS llCS&Ull hosts a horseback ride and randaTlg«? today and lomor· row. ()pe'n to anyone 21 and over. the two-day sch~uJe of acttvltes lncludea ho~· back rtdJngacross the lrvtn~ Ranch. a F'rtday night cam­pout. barbequed meals and a Saturday nta,ht fandango complete with liayrtdes and square dancing. l1'nday ftt Is 825. Saturday ree Is 8100. excluding horse rental. or 850 for Che fandangc> only. Proceeds wlll bendlt the Bowers Mu~um F'oun· daUon 5 47-0696.

Sat. Cla..tcal

BATD1t•s ORA TORJO " TllB CAKATIOJlf.. Is presented by the Orangf' County Pactfk Symphony and Pactnc Choral~ tonight at 8 ·30 p.m. with K~lth Clark conducting. Also Sunday at 2 :30 p.m . with a specially catered ptt'nlt' lun~h served on the &awn during an extended lnttt­mlssJon. Santa Ana H"°1 School Auditorium, 520 91. W a lnu t St. Phon~ 542· 1790 for Information on today's concert . and

;calendar ~ ..................... lllli ............................................................... ..

68().3444 fo.- Information on Sunday's ooncc-rt and luncheon.

GltSOORY COL&llAK, stt Fnday Usung.

"DB PJ.&DaulA1J9," a comic opera by .Johann Strauss II. ts prncntt'd by the Los Angeles Opera Theatet at tr p.m.. and tomorTOw at 3 p.m. Wllshtre Ebell Theater. 440 1 W. Et.thth St.. Loe Angeles. (21"3) 382-6100.

PlAJU8T KltLLT LellAIEA, at Cano·s. SC(' Frtday listing.

TB.It LOB AJtGltLltS PBILB.AIUIOPOC, Stt Fri· day llstln~.

THE ROGER WAGffER guests on lh<' Master Chorale Serles al 2 p.m. A wide ranl(e of sekc tlonsare reaturta lncludln~ music of tht' Renaissance. show times. folk songs. and splr11uals. Dorothy Chan· dlC"r Pavilion . 135 N. Grand Ave.. Los An1-tcles. (2131 972-7282 .

" AN EVENll'fG OF 20th CE NTURY MUSICAL THEATER," Set' Friday llsllng.

The Manhattan Tran•f er. wboee hallmark la parallel harmony. will pre.ent Swing-era •tandarda and their late.tjau Grammy win.Der. "Why Not!," beginning at 8 tonight at the Paelftc Amphitheatre.

Apf'NA MARIA ALBER· GHETTI, who &ta rrrd on Oroadway In ··earnlvar· and dt'bulc.-d on TV at l he ~(.' or 13. pt"rlo.-ms classl· C'al as well as popular tun('s In this delightful on t"·

Another kind of man would have given up.

Another kind of UXJman would have let him.

A True Story

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QCJpa..o- ·




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From the first laugh, you'll be hooked!

NOW PLAYING -----• AHMUlll tOSta lilllA • LAIUU MllLI l-ftl OU.Cl

•Mtft••ll UA C:...- S.0...• f...- "'411 St.._ 0 I 112 &-U 6 ~O ~t• 1iW , .. H l 1 lltlllO • ••u ftt11t••• vaun OMMI ...._E UA ...... , rhtt'1 f- lilolloy UI( °'""" 1iW UA f11t C-. tto •on •>ti~ en Ol40 uu111

•COUA lllUA tmllf IMU fl....... WUT•t11tfl• l-ftC......C-• ~--.... UOl..l ....... DI UAO.-tll~U l ~'1 MU U) JOU ") IMt

mllT 8CO'IT. ~ Friday llattng,. BILL~. wtth Tea ~ ..... performs at 8 :30 p.m. a t Fender's lntn­nauonal Ballroom. 52 l E Ftrst SL. Lona Beach. 8 1 o admtaeton. (2 f31 435-63 1 I . LU PUULL. sec f'r1"

day II.Ung, UUBaf &. LS&, with

.Jeff a ....._ 11ee Pr1day listing,

!•COllllOR 90llD AJlfD ALTA.a 80T8," a lop Or· a ngc County C h.-1st1an band. ~rforms at th" Vineyard . . 8 p.m.. 333 E Cerritos Ave .• Anaheim. 82 cover fe.e. 63 t ·91 71 .

TD BUTCH RILLER.A BOUR BA.IQ), sec Friday llstlng.

Dance " 11&1101UJt8.'' a nf'W

work choreographed by Liia Zall. Ballet PaclOca's foun· de.- a nd artistic dlrtttor. I!> ~normed tonight at 8 p m a nd tomorrow al 3 :30 p m Also on the prtljVam Is "Pa · qulta. ·• an exciting Spanli.h work. and anothl'r Lila z.tll It"« UUed " Dtonysui. ··

una Moulton Playhousf'. Laauna Can yon Rd .

Laguna Tkach. 88 adult nd · mlsston. 494· 7271 .

TD UC laVJJQt DAJtCE ltPCSlt~S. see Friday 11-.1 Ing.

A N'l!f&.BOUll BALLET llAJlATHON Is held In hono.- of National Daner Wttk. Funds raised will go toward the South Orangf' County dance company. Dan~ Arts Thcat.-e. Frt'f' ballet classes wlll be taught by choi-eographers of DA"J and wlll ac-commodat" dll ages and technique lev"I' 23728-A Via f'abr1cantl' Mission VlejO. 768-9683

8AJ'fT A A.ltA COLL EOE Student / faculty Dane<" Con <'ert . itec f"rtday llstlnR

Theater " BDIG A1'fD WALK.ER"


I Al•PLANI.'" Vincent Canby- New York Times




Lia Robertllon will be HeD In work, .. llemorlee," by Lila Zall when Ballet Pa· clflca cl09ee lta lle&llOD with perfo11D&Dce. at 8 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sanday. See Dance liatinC• for detalla of the proiram.


It's the time of your life . that may last a lifetime.



- t.. lllA ,..._ Wll()llN ~ ... - .._.., 80l!8I' IMlNf 1---·· NfDtANEN .... ,,..,,,. Hll!ON ~EN ""'--in-..,.., JOHN HUGHES ~-""trNCJ4 .. ~~ ____ • ..::_ A~~ ·~~""'Siufioo,loc

llMll ==.::::.::::.::::~.7~~-= ... =.:--~-: ... ==,...:;;;'181;;-1 tt.n 'MIOClllrllOI IMC~ $quirt Uo\ tw C/Nl'9 cw- 561~ • a un ... .... . ...

COITAllrM ~l«UI ...... QlyC.W 13'1 NJ .... E_.IWW IW £•••~ 631 . , ...... .......... ....... ,..,. • fllllll

on South Coast Repertory·s Second Stage. Stt Friday llatlnJ{,

.. CBAPTSa TWO" at the Gem Theater. see Friday llaU~

.. NNY ODIL" at the Grand otnner Theater. Stt Friday llaUng. .

0 '0&AJBaCY Oll08T' at the HunUnaton Beach Play'house. Stt "l"rtday llat­ln«.

1•11 O&TTDIO lllJ ACT TOOSTHSa AJllD T A&DO IT ON TBS aOAD" at the Harlequin Dinner Play­house. Stt Friday listing.

••JOS&PB AND 1'HE AllAZIJlfO T&CB · IUCOLOR DJmA.llCOAT" al the Newport Theater Arts CenteT. Stt Prlday llsttnj(.

0 LA VS1'Dlta f'OLLd&" at Sebasttan:s West Dinner Playhouse. See Friday lls t­lrut . i'lll.AJll or LA 11.A.NCBA ''

at the Curtain call Dinner Theater. See Friday llsttnj(.

"llAllY llAJlr' at tl1e San Clemente Community Theater. see Friday lis ting.

••TJIE llOOSrrRAP" a t the Newport Harbor Actors Theater. See Friday listing.

" TB& SEAGULL'• at South Coast Repertory. See Fr1day listing.

"TD SECOflrD TOii! AROUJllD" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. See Fr1day listing.


DAil YOU WBSJll TBS WATSJra WNNDIG•• at ttl~ trvtne- 'Community Theates;, See Frtday listing.

Lectuee B.AJn>OONs roa na-

80NAL D&R"8S. A 3-hour lecture that Introduces you to the handgun u a aelf­def cnae weapon. 9 a .m.­noon. Santa Ana College. 8 17.50 ftt. 667-3097.

.. C01'V&RSATl01'AL­LY 8PSAJD1'0." A sem· lnar that teact)es the way to make convensatlonal skllls s how Improvement with practice. Santa "na Col!ege. 9 a .m.-4 p.m. 825 tee. 667-3097 ..

BAlfDOUNS PAll ­ILlAlllZATJON PlalNG. Practice with your handgun a t the range. 2-4 p.m .• Santa Ana College. 8 12.60 ftt. 667-3097.

Wor~op1 ••ll()W TO START AlfD

lllPROV& TOUR OWN BU800t88" Is a workshop with Ins tructors Joe Ryan a nd Lee Eckert . 8 :45 a.m.-4 :30 p.m .. Saddleback College South Campus, Sci­ence / Math Room 3 13 , 28000 Marguerite Parkway. Mission 'Viejo. 855 fee. 83 1-4646.

SEASCAPE P AnfTING s tep-by -s te p with Don Foste r. a rt ist and lns lruc-


"Outrageous I" \ .,.. ,,.,, t .... , .. , ' ' 11\tt '

Just don't call them when you're in trouble.

JIOUCEW What an Institution!

NWlll 179-MSO Pacific ANhelm 0Mn f"' 91 al l lllOll

IE szt.5339 Mann Bm Plaza f llJ ~7 It !motllal COST A fll(SA 631.3501 Edwards Hatbor T wrn Hlf bof I Wil\ofl

COSTA MESA 751-4114 Edwards Town Center 811slol to AntOft & Prl Ctr

n Tc.<> 511-5"0 Edwards Siddleback. (I IOI o al Red titld

ttJNT•HON BEACH 141-03" Edwards Hunltngton 8uc:ll al 1111111 I l~

• • A lAOO 00NNHY lllUASI · -~· --'~-==o .. - .... ·----

•VKSSl-0555 Edwards Woodbndie Barr""' LISI or Cuhef

LA .W.A (213)691-0633 AMC Fashion Square Idaho I llllptf iai

MISS«>N VIJO 49S-6220 Edws Mission Vteto Mall S D r wy lo Ctown Vly l'\wy

ORMGE 634-2553 SYUFY C1nedome Cllapman & s A r ree• ar WESTWGltR 191·3693 Pac1hc Hwy 39 Or·ln 8Htll 81'fd S ot CG I~

WESTllNSTD 193.0545 UA Westminster Mall S 0 fwy 11 8olsl

tor . today and tomorrow. I 0 a .m -3 p.m .. Rea Communi­ty Center. 661 Ha milton St .. Coeta Mesa . 850 fee . 642-3797.

A PUllLIC SPEAJDNO seminar. which covers a variety of topics on publJc speakJng. i. held from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. a t Saddleback CoUege North, Room 81 02, 5500 lrvlne Center Drtve. lrvlne. 836 fee . 559- 13 13.

.. BBAT TD BAD-BACK 8TIIDROllE.•• Chiroprac­tic techniques for low back and leg pain. 9 a .m.- J p.m., Oolden West College Admin­is tration Bldg.. Rm. 137. 15744 Golden West S t. . Huntington Beach . 88 fee . 891-3001.

Pllma " LITTLE CAESAR." by

Mervyn LeRoy. A 193 1 classic ~ler Olm with Edward 'O. Robinson gtvtng a memorable pcrf ormancc as a smaJl-Ume hood who becomes underworld big­shot. 8:30 p.m .. UC lrvtne SoclaJ Science HaJI. Irvine. S2.50 J(eneral admission. 856-6379.

Stnclea A BOUSE PARTY ts pre&-

---- -·~--

ented by Parenta Without Part~ra. 9 p.m.• I a .m .. l 7882 Theodora& .. Tu.tin.



84 7-1600. • .,, Wll&ZL or n,m.m;. ~

SlllP, for stogies over 45. .-.• mttts at The catch tn -­An ah e 1 m at 7 p . m . > 524-3327. ~

PAaSllT8 WITBOl1T ~ PAlllilW gather wtth N the1rkktsforfcukaung. l -3 ...., p.m .. at the lice capedes -ChaJet on Harbor Boulevard !e a t Mesa Verde Shopping ]:" Center. Cos ta Me sa 979-8703.

PAlllLY BOR8S8ACS RIDJNG Is hosted by Parents Without Partnen a t Coal Canyon Stabaes. 2 p. m., 55 Freeway north lO lhe 91 Frttway. east to Coal Canyon. 847-7235.

Etc. THE 8AJll PllAJllC.-:0

llDIE ftOUPS, America ·a best known and lon~ running theater or polltlcal comedy packed with music, dancing and ongJnal aongs . performs a t 8 p.m .. Golaen West College Matn Th eater. 15744 Golden West St .. Huntington Beach. 85 gen­era l admission. 895-8378.


from hb freoch mail!. ht: ~JC Priv.w: LL.~

Now hb ~.Ji pn~ir b giving him a real ec!uc uion

... _ .,, ... , .... "" - , .. ....,. - ... rn" • "'•'"· •m• niu "-'' ... '"'""' till.,., \\UIA PW!\! NllJ.I .._,,.""" _.,. ..... ,..,.,, ,,... ... ,. ,..~ .... -, .u,...,~ .. _,,. R~--- ,_,_,.,•.w••u"' - - - --


. .

iCalendar ~ ...................................................................................................... .. \: Cl < SouthC'm Callfomla, see . F'nday llstlnl(.

>. TENIQS 1'4Jll '84 ta ~ hostC'd by Ctty Sports Mag. · ·;:: Lin<' a t t,os Caballeros Rac­u. quC'l a nd Sports Club. Rep­~ r<-sentatlvC's from majOr a> tf'nnls c-ompanteaoffer their -0 lalf'Sl llnf' of racquela. fut ~ !>c-rvr . bC'at -the-ball -ma· ~ c-hlnr a nd ~al ·lhe ·pro con · $ tf'Ms are a ll open to the ~ public. and a fashion show

l'I fea tur('(f al noon. 10 .£ a m -5 p m . 17272 New· O: hopr St . F'ountatn VallC'y.

546-8560 " THE OLORY OF E AST­

ER." St'<' Frtday lis ting. THE AltTELOPB VAL·

LEY WILDFLOWERS a rt' the' dC'stlnatlon of a one-day t'Xl urslon to this valley. 9 a m -4 p.m., Santa Ana Col· 1«'1-{c- S 14 fet-. 667 ·3097

" STAllPEXPO '84," set" ,. I- rtday llslln~ .

YOUTH EXPO '84, with a talf'nt contest. 4-H Fair . vocat i o nal rduc a llon rAh lblt s . youth -orlt-ntC'd dis plays. food booths, llvt-· stO<'k , a d~ s how. a nd sludent vocallona l olym ­plC''l. ts hrld today and lornorrow. 9 a .m ·5 p.m . 0rct n~C' Coun t y Fair ·

grounds. 88 Fair Dr1ve. Costa Mesa. Free ad­mission . 75 1·3247.

Aft AllT8 A1'I> Ca.APT8 ntSTIV AL I hosted by the Laauna ~ach Craft Guild, today and tomorrow. 600 N. c.oast Highway. 10 a .m.­dusk

llODSL Alll> CllAPT SHOW, with 50 catcgortes of model and craft displays. Is held today and tomorrow, I 0 a .m .-6 p.m. Long Beach Convention & Enlertaln· ment Center. Exhibition Halls 1. 2 & 3. 300 E. Ocean Blvd . $3.50 adult ad· mtsslon . (213) 436-3636.

" QUILT llA&IJllO: A CBLltBRA TION." A quilt show with quills made by Orange County Quilters Gulld membera with an auc­tion of small qullts Sunday at 2 p.m. Sat. 10 a .m .·6 p.m .. Sun. 10 a .m .-4 p.m . Peralta Junior High School. 2190 N. Canal St.: Orange. $3 donation.

BOBBY CITY PUPPET THEATER. Puppet s hows at 11 :30 a .m. and 2:30 p.m . Sat. & Sun . 1238 S. Beach Blvd .. Anaht-tm. lndeOnlte. 527-2323.

Scott Dreher o(Suata Ana and Shaun Ruetz of Tutln wt11 6e ID tbe All-American Boya Choraa performtna ID concert sun::o_ In La lllrada. See Cl&Mf'cal u.tinC for d .

Sun. BernaJld Glll'TW~ 's "The Bird of Time for Solo Violin a nd Orc hest ra.· · and " Tzigane'" by '""Maurlc-C' Ravel 2 p.m .. Turtle' Rock

C1aMlcal Community Cente r . :: I Sunnyhlll Orlvt-. Irvine

TRiit JRVJNE SYM - F'rtt admls.'slon. 786-4576 PBONT ORCHESTRA prr· " Dot PLEDEIUIAUS," forms Beethoven 's "Sym- stt Saturday llstlnl(. phony No 8 In F Major ." AJlmA MARIA ALBER·

---~----------------------------. GllETTl ~rformsclasslcal as well as popular runes In this one-woman s how. She began sln((lng opera a t the ageof6and received a Tony Award for her role as Liiy In " Carnival ·· Saddlcbac k Co llege Sou l h Ma In Thnler. 3 p.m.. 28000 Margu e r ite Park way . Mission VlcjO. S9 gent'.'ral admission. 831-4656.

RA TDPf'S ORATORIO " TBS CUATION," see Saturday lis ting.

ORANGE COUNTY YOUTH 8YllPllOPfY Or· chcstra Concert . with J ohn Koshak. music director. and Michael Pappone . guest conducto r . 4 p.m .. Chapman College. Mem ­ortal Hall AudltDrtum. 333

N. GlaaKll. Ora~. 83 gen­eral admluton. 997-6871 .

.. 8UllDA1' MQ8IC AT TBS llUUOll" conunun at ~na Bnch Muaw.m of Art: Thi• adventutte0me four-concert aeries la ptte­cnted by the t.aguna Btach Arts CommJuk>n In cooper­ation wi th the muteUm. 307 Cliff Drtve. 3 p. m. Free admlNlon. 494-653 J •

''llt181C BOllTBS U ­N A I 8 8 A !I C - & AUOUUltO.'' a concert betng performed by Cal State Long Beach ·s Col· lcglum Mustcum. Is at 8 p.m .. University Recital Hall. Long Beach. 8-4 gcn­e ra l admtHlon . (2'13) 498-4280.

TB& L08 AJ'fG&LU BACH f'UTIVAL, stt Fri· day llaung,

TBS 111.VIJU &AJlLY llUSIC CONIORT pres· en ts an tnfonnal progra_m of Renaissance and Baroque music at 7 p.m .• Yamaha Music Educatlon Center. Jeffrey Road at lrvtnc Center Drive. Irvine. Frtt admJsston. 559·5440.

THE A.LlrAIDRICAlf BOYi CHORUS performs ··A Salute To America and Her Music" under the di rec· lion of Father Richard Coughlin. 3 p.m .. La Ml~ Civic Center. 14900 La Mirada Blvd.. La Mi rada. 533-7600.

TU LOS ARGELES PRILllARllOPflC, stt Frt· day listing.

THE LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE and Sinfonia Orchestra closes their 20th annlvt-rsary season with J .S . Bach's " Mass In B Minor:· 7:30 p.m.. Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. 135 N. Grand Ave .. Los An~elcs. (213) 972-7282.

Country TA.llfTA Tt1CUR ~r­

forms today at 6 and 9 :30 p.m . and tomorrow at 7 and

10 p.m. Crazy Hor-K. 1580 BroOkhollow. Santa Ana . 549· 15 12 .

.JOlllllf1' CAM le In con­cert. 7 :30 p.m •• Anahetm C.Onvenuon Center Arena. 800 W. Kalt'lla Av~ . . Anahetm. 999-8900.


.J.AJ!Z BARD plays at the " Amtrak Depot." 3 -7 pm .. San Juan ~strano •

LIDO .J ALL 8T All8, 4-8p.m.and9- l l p.m .. Cafe Lido. 2900 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. 675·2968.

Gllt090& 80118. sax· =~in~ &T AN , piano. 2:30-7 p. m .• The Park. 26 J 5 E. Highway. Corona del M a r . l nddlnttc . 675-e577.

TBS 011.L'Altl OAalUR .JAU 8UAllft'T. 7 -11 p.m .. lriddlnlte. AJtslo's . 1670 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa. 642~293.

11188 .ANGIS' & BIO 8AJllD 80UJID DAJllCE CLUB. 8 · 1 1 p.m.. with Rusty Higgins playing. Al80 rree dance lesaons 7-'8 p.m by Candi Oevta. Layfayettt" Hotel. 144 S . Linden Ave . Long Beach . (213 ) 435-6311 .

JAC& 8.R.AJIO>, 3-7 pm . lnddlnltt-. Rusry Pelican . 2735 Paclflc Coast High · way . Newpor t Beac h 642-3431 .

RAGS llART JJll80Jlf AJn> THE RllTTIDI SltC­TIOPf, afternoons. Old Dana Point Cafe. 24720 Del Prado. Dana Point 661-6003.

STUDIO CA.FE features an afternoon Jazz aesslon. JOO Main St .. Balboa 675-7760.

Pop BILLY JOEL, 8 p. m . to­

night and tomorrow. Th«' Forum. 3900 Pralr1l". ln ­~lcwood . (213) 480-3232



IUIOl 6J98170 SYUfY Sf400M Ofl IN


• /\ti \T f 4\ IH' \_..., ) '"' T•..,.,

··sWUlg StuJ\' hits the mark I rea>mmend 1t 10 \ li t ti

...... 49S-6110 COWARDS ~ YlX> IW.l lfllPtlf IUCI &« 0760 COWARllS N£WPOll1 tu1Cl 63" 2m SYUfY CITY ClHlCA

..,,.., . .. . ·--..o NOW SHOWING! llSIWlD 891 J93!> EDWAllOS CINEMA ~ST

~8913693 PACWIC ti-WAY 3' Ofl If

COITAMUA Edwards BnslOI Sot().7~

mlTAMUA EOWllrdS Qne1113 Center 979--t 1 • 1


NOW PLAYING fl TON> ECIW¥dS~ 581-5880

fOUlfT• VAU.Ff Famity fOUf 963-1307

UMOIROVI EdWltdS Wtslbrooa S31).44()1 .... Nit, Orange Mall 837-0340

M'EH wu1 uima Pw::lfic't HI-Way 39 1)1ve-tn 891-388.1

Calendar nf --------~--~~------------------------.-. .................. ,

DIZ%Y elnga contem· porary mualc "'7 p.m.·mfd· nlJ{ht. Maxwell's, 317 Pa­cllfc Coaat Hi,otway. Hunt­ington Beach.~2555.

OROOVS TITA1'8, after­noons at Baxter'e. 14346 Culver Ortve. Irvine. In· dcffnJte. 857-2103.

CDllll8TllY plays Top 40 rock muelc for dancing, 2--6 p.m . FIJ'Clly, ll31ll Beach Blvd .. Stanton. 893-9464.

CALYPSO 8T&&L DRUll BA.llfl> ap'):>ears at Cano·s. 2-6 p.m .. 224 1 W . Coast\way. Newport Beach. 631-1381.

••lllJllO AJllD W ALDR" on South Coast Repertory'• Second,, See f"rtday llatlng.

'"C8.APTSR TWO" at the Gem Theater. See Frtday llsll~.

.. NNI OIJLL" at the Grand Otnner Theater. See Friday llallng.

" I' ll O&ftDIO llT ACT TOGSTllSR ARD T AJIDO IT OJlf TD RQAD" at the Harlequin P inner Play· house. See Friday UaUng.

.. LAVUDSRJ'OLLIS8" a t Sebastian's West Otnner

__ ~Playhouse. See Friday Ust-

TD BIOB 80CIETY 8AJllD performs aelecuons ranging from ooatalglc swing alandarda or the ·30s and·~ to Laun, Dtxieland. waltzes and rock favorites . 4 p.m .. Turtle Rock Com· muntty Park. # J SunnyhJll Dr.. lrvlne. 83 adm!Mlon. 660-3643.

Alf APTSIUl001' Tit.A DANClt, featurtng the music from the era of'Benny Goodman. Tommy Dorsey and Glen Miiier and per­formed by the Cyprcas Col· legeSwlngBand. ls from 3-5 p. m. at the Cypress College Studio Theater. 9200 Valley View St., Cypress. 83 ad­mission . 826-4511.

" MEllORIE8," see Sat· urday listing.

1"«-llAJ'f or LA llAJlfCBA .. at the Curtatn Call Otnner Theater. See Fr1day uaung.

' "Tlllt llOOSrrRAP'' at the Newport liarbor Actors Theater. See Friday llaUng.

"TU SltAOULL" at South Coast Repertory. See Friday Usung.

Lectaree DIL mA RIO.BT, an &8·

soclate professor of art his· lory and assistant chair or the art department at San Diego State University. talks on "Expressionism to Neo-Expresslonlsm. Revol· utlon and Renewal: Themes of Cultural Continuity In Modern German Art." 3 p.m .. Newport Harbor Art Museum, Lyon Room. 850 San Clemente Drive, New·

port Beach. 85 non-member admluJon. 759· J 122.

UABCAPS PADn'IJllO atcp-by-atep. see Saturday llatlng.

PUma -

" TB& awoao m nm &TOD," a rum for chll· dren. le ehown from 2-5 p.m.. Saddlcback College North Forum Theater. 5500 lrvlne Center Drive. lrvlne. 82 for children under 12 and 83 gen eral admissio n . 559·f313 .·

"TICDT OP NO llJt.. TUU.'' Alcoholic .. ptl· grtmage" or a SOJ>hlsUcated lady to Geirmuiy s bars and nigntclubs. 7 p.m .. UC lrvlne, Room 178, Human­ities Hall. lrvlne. $3 general admission. 856-6406. •

Slq_!e. mu. . or _ f'RIEJID­

sBJP, for slnJ!lcs over 45. mttts at The f<usty Scupper In Huntlnl{ton Beach for brunch al 11 :30 a .m. 524·3327. TD SAJLINO SINOLltS,

for non-smoking singles over 21 . gathers In Newport Beach for day sailing. 10 a.m. 820 donation. For cur­rent location call 673·3282.

PARE1'T8 WITHOUT PARTRR8 gathers for brunch at The Red Onion. 12·2 p.m .. 2406 Newport


I Jj ~




~~=--~ NOW PLAYING - . ': _.. COSTUIUA NEWPORTIEWC OfWIGf WHTMINSTER lo];ltji!#fi =~• .. , Edwafds 81'islol Edwards Newpor1 Cinema Qnedome Edwards C1111ma West ANAHEIM 540-7444 ~ 0760 ~2553 891 3935 Paoflc'sAnalletm Onve In a TOftO Edwards~ 581·5880 (NO,.A11UACC1"10,011rH1st1tOA011nNt l 879-9850

Blvd .. Newport Beach. 8~2764.

••llJllOLS8 ecus m­POUIATIOll DAft .. te held loda~h alngla from Ora~ ty Invited to attenct. The event beQJne at 11 :30 a.m. with a «ound­table featuring a preeent.atlon by author and psychologist Or. Rene Namaste' Tucker. At 2 p.m. la an Information exhlbtuon featurlng Items of' Interest for singles. At 5 p.m. a special stn,tles dance party featur1ng cfanclng and live entertainment wlth "Ren­egade" Is held. Buena Park tfollday Inn . (2 131 868-8280.

A wum AJlfD WlT ts presented by Parents Without Partners. 8 - 1 I p.m.. 19581 Waterbury, Huntington Beach . 554-2734.

" BOW DO OUll CBIL­DU1' APPZCT OUR ll&­LAnORSBIP9? .. A dls­CU5Sk>n-w1th-modttator-Rod Smith. 7 :30-9:30 p.m .. 912 Peace Place. c.oeta Mesa. 544·4104.


with Parente Wlthout Part· nena. le held rrom 2-5 p.m.. Irvine Recreation Center. 3378 MJchelaoo Drive. Irvine. 968-6134.


llllOW, ace Saturday U.Ung. AN ARTS AJlfD CRArrB

PUnv AL, 11ee Saturday listing.

TOOTH ltIPO '84, see Saturday listing.

TB& COWBOY hosts thcir2ndannuaJChtllCook· off beginning at 10 a .m. outelde. Food. fun and games are all part of the activities. 84 at gate. all proceeds go to Make A Wlsh P'oundatfon of Orange County. 1721 S. Man· cheate r . Anaheim . 385-1 109.

ST AllP &ZPO '84, Stt Friday llstlnfi(.

: QUILTMAIUNO: A ~-ATION, '' 9tt Sat­urday llatJng.

BOBBY C&ln'ER POP· nT TllSA TltJt. ace Satur· day ltsUng.

I -Men. :; C•••al - -- J

0.aGOaT C(W.Dl•W, ~ see Friday IJ.ung. ~

Coaatry TAJlfY A T0C&Ea.

Sunday listing.

Jau -''TD .JAZZ llDIOa, ''

direct from Dteneyland. peT· form at Cafe Udo. 9 p.m.· I a.m .• 2900 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach. 675-2968.

Pop lllLLT .JOltL, att Sunday

11.aUng. cgaaanT plays Top

40 mu.sic for danctng. 8:30 p.m.-midntgbt. CloK En· co unters, 21022 ih"oolrhUrst"i Hunt lngton Beach. 968-9800.

JtOJlr8 DI LAOVWA f ca· lures Davtd R.aJe"°1 on piano. 1464 S. Coast High·


EVEN TOUCHING!' '··~"'"" 'EW..:\\T,F:I{

"Thoroughly enjoyable. Never a dull moment~' \'on< Pnl l'•roh' '\F:W YOH.I\ 11M r~"

"Tender, Thoughtful and Pictorially Beautiful:' HJt1 .. r<1 .... 11,.u.i 11:\fE


LORI) Ill- I Hl- API:\

I\ Ill C .II ltl l>\O' HIM \1.01111111 K \I 1'11 IW II \Kl>\O' · I\' I IC II \I J \\It \ t \l' Ami 1111ro1llH tnl( ( 11 KI\ I Ori It I( I A \llU KI · -\'I II t \l .ic I)( I\\ H I

\fu,k h\ 1011' \( "n r1u1l1111't'l I" If t (,If 11 l I)\(" .111<1 \ l l\,11:\ \ t A' I Ht 'it1tt11pL.' h1 r If \ \/ ,.._ .111tl \ll<.tt1HI l\l \I I ' 8'°'"~on1ht' ~l11r) - l l\RlA'Ot- llH- H't\" I" H)( .AKRl<t Bl KROl< ·ll\ O.rttttd b1 t~l' C,tt Ill D~ II\ ... ,. .... .,_ . 1 "' ' ' · - ·~••- 1 '•H ............... '"

'"""--o • -.. . ...... .0-... tr.f\J-frit.ctf cgw.,,.. ·----·-.-·-* PRESENTED IN DOLBY STEREO




JIU 990·4021 Intl£ 551-0655 * OIUCE 634·2553 ' UA MOVIES 4 EDWARDS W0008RIOGE SYUFY CINtOOM£



~~~--~--~------------------~~~ 1: .. BIJllO AND WAI.SU" ti:30-8:30 p.1n .• M.Uc~ ~ way. Laguna Beach . Newport Pter. Newport vualty Center. lrvlne. Frtt ett MondayllsU:fi· on the South Coaltt Repe~ Park. Brookhurat a t Hell. 497-4871. Beach . 675-3333. admlaalon. 856-7215. IDDL&r8 fea umtJuz tory Second Stage. See Fri· Yountatn V~ 551-.3880.

~ " Biii BA11° perfonna ~L~C:.~~~~ ~;un':lthpe~t~""h.o! daX Hatfng. Ste u rock music at Medley's. 9 Lectaree Sa-h S. Mosko. ..015. 8:30 p.m.·l a.m. l8774 "1JUIT OlllL" at the • ~ p.m .· 1:30 a .m .. 18774 •• St .,. tal GrandDlnncrTheater. Sce n&a WW, DAil· ll. Brookhurst St.. Fountain aODOLPO ••coa&Y,. ungulshlng Dementia from 8rookhurat .. r OUD' n DIOandblood~ectttn· ....... Val~ 963-2366. OOJllZAl.a, Colorado poet Depression" by Curt A. Valley. 963-2366· F':'~~llAJllCBA" 1ng 1a otrered from 9 a .m.·2 ~ o , see Sunday Ital · and speaker. talks on Sandman.and " Counae11'1. COllfnutY PBILLIP9. at the CUrtatn Ca1J Dinner s.dd~ ~ '"g Ing. Chtcanoluueeaa part<>flhe OldttPerao~' by R1o~rt · see Friday listing. Theater. See Fnday Uaung. ~. 550QlrVfne Center ~ U RRY G&LTULllAJf, UC lrvtnc Ctnco de Mayo Sbordone. rtt tal ~ u~ Pop .. TD 9SAOULL" at Drtve. b'vtne. ~a. ~ stnger.gultar. 9p.m.- la.m .. celebnUon. 6 p.m .. UC focuatngonmen ea _ SouthCoutRepe:rtory. Sce a• .............. a andnureca wtll i BlueBtttcafe. 1072lstPI.. lrvtne Herttage Room. Uni- and the olckr patient. 4 A COJllT&MPOaAaY p;;f;;;:t'he 30 rntnutetest. > p.m .. UC lrvlne University 11U•~ co-•-T Is heJd Friday listing. .... ClllCO - -•·yo - I > ------------ ---. Club. 820 fee. 856·5873. - ""'- Lectaree - - - "'" · g ~ * PACIFIC WALK- IN THEATR. ES * ~ a•-..r1es ~ing~~ .Z::~~':a~~:Yl T:=~~ T:;n:tu~ u; a. ~ ...._. 1a 8 Salmon I llf T g •"AT 1 O" AL Lalin American rcauval

Bo . M t " t • t'1li\.'1dl!1i 4)•"l1!).)1)":J - DIJlm OUT with Parents ~~tl~~~·u . 3~JmN: Olaaeell WOaDa'9DAT. A lecture wfth apea.kcra. penormera * rgotn 0 inees. l!!lh • 9*1 . * Without Partners. 6 · 7 :30 St. . Orange. S4 general ad- anddlscuaston at 9 :2Sa.m.. a n d r efreehme n la. 1 1

MO .. DAY T11n1 SATUftDAY FACUlTYotCANOlEWOQO p.m.. The Sizzler. 9480 mission. 997-6871. ~::.~ .. ~wn~ :!t~ a .m.-4 p.m. Hert~ Room. All ,.,..,_en,_..,, s M "'11 "fOOTlJm" (PS) Warner. Fountain Valley. ROPrS IJlf LAOUllA fea· Beyond I 9B4?" Chapman UnJveraity Ccnler.P-ru ad· th s,.. 1......,. .. 111 Hebl fn Ind Sat Ollly: 12:30. l:OO. S.30. 838-2764. tu~ DAVID a.ALSJOB. C.Oheft.

333 N. Glaseell St .. mlaalon. 856-7215.

10-.30. prn &:00 .. A JlfSW DSSIOlf FOR see Monday ltsUng. -e-10.· ® .. ®.~-16 J'!!!,!Ml 12"30, ~oo. ~30. too, 10:30 Toua LIPS." A discussion " A SWIJllG COffTS81' e>range. Free admission . .....:~'! .. . _ - ~ J ... ~ 5 ~ - with moderator Dale Don- NlGBT" ls rcatured every 91-..t-

LA M!l!AQUT l!OSlC!IA!S ...,._ ~ ~ (PS) nclt 915 Presidio Or1vt'. Tuesday n(Jtht at Happy ...... "SllC Sltfl" (PS) 12-30 l:OS S:4S t.20. 10.!IO Costa Mesa. 7 :30-9 :30 p.m . Daze. 179'1.'1 MacArthur BOW1taa llU9EV11'8

1uo. Ho. u o u o. · ' ' ' 544-4104. Blvd .. lrvlnc. 250-1077. cultu r a l organl~atlon u o. tota ..,_,Ml.. VJ1'Cltl'fT SCOTT, sec Singles for the Art&. for

M FM. CIW1'EI" (I) Friday listing. singles 2 1 and over. eel· "fOOn OOF (PS) 12"45. 2:45. 4:4S. 6:4S. 8:50, Tue . . Lit& F&llULL, sec Fri· ebrates Its nrat anniversary

12'30. 3:00. 5:30, 8:00. 10:30 day llsllng. • with rolk dancing at lhe .,..,. f\A,.llDHIE" (I ) DIZZY, see Sunday list· mU9e\.lm, 6-10 p .m. The

"'WYSTml M L81Jm OF TMZM 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 1:00. 9:00, 11:00 Ing. lnterfolk Band wiU lead the UID Cf M APO" (PS) CiU.ical dance. with the r.f.nU:a-

12 30. 3 05. 5:40. 8 15. 10 45 Uf!?fr;iv~ ~!3f;~) GUOOllY COL&MAi.. T~=er HST LITTLE ~~~~~'1~~ •• ~~ -~ ~ ~r;tz5 au Friday llsung. w 8 0 a g 8 0 u 8 g I llf Scand1navtan dances. 84

"FlllAY M 13' M FM. p I A llf 18 T K It L L T ............ at th• H" ·rl~uln non-member admission. ~" (I) J2·30, 4·S0, 910 _._.Ill__ a•-.o ... - 2002 N M I "'• Sa ta ...,_.,"" -· - ,., 14MADa. at Cano's , ~ Dinner Playhouse. 350 S. · 8 n .-... n

"AGMIST AU CllDS" (I) 1111.1•00 uo 11 eo Prtday llstlng. d Sa A Ana. 972-1900. 2'25. HS. 11·05 Harbor Blv ·· nta na. PAUllfT9 WITHOUT

" Tl£f'11( PUYlli ll1lf FE" (I) 12 30, 2'3~. 4:40. 6:45. 8·!>5. 11 ()()

.._.. Tll ST_.. (PC> • OIUY SIUlO

11 JO 1 oe ~ JO aeo 1.u o

MS1mlli SllfT" (PS)

11 ~ 2». H O. '45 I~ 10)

..... Tll ..... (IJ 12 JO. JOO. Slt UO JOJO

Jau nightly except Mondays at PAllTlfltU gathers for a varying curtain times.

11 "THE JAZZ MUfORS.'' 979-5511. game of ~o lleyba .

,;a~--~ trTUDGe TlaAll -.-..... ~ ... . .... _Jll,. • .,.

Wed. C'•-.toel

OaaooaT OOL&llA.1', ace Friday 119'.lng.

PIAR'l8T &&LLT ....... al eano·a. 5tt Ptiday Uatlng,

Jua TOii llcLAlll, a.Inger and

gultarlal. 8 p .m .-mktnlght . 'the Cannery Restaurant. 301 Lafayette Ave.. New· port Beach . Indefinite. 675-5777.

* PACIFIC DRIVE ·IN THEATRES * •"ICEMAN' IS A UNIQUE, MIND-TURNING EXPERIENCE •.• S..,..... at kl best, the lllOlt hypnodc dram ol dilconry since ._I: A Space Odymey'

11.obat " .. 1111..,.... w wlll IUertt 850.000.000

All OPEN tr' Sta r t 841

"'Tl£f1E PUYlll MTH FI'' (R) P\llS


1 '"TDllS Cf EJUMlllJfT' (PS) 2 "HUil TO to..D" (PG) 3. "11ADIC PUCES" (I)


"'Wlil£ OI BOYS AltC '14" (I)

""7 OOC11s Cf ounr· <•> l'llJS

"Tit: FM Tme»" (I )

•. .'Iceman' becomes one of die pat visions Oii mm." - 0...,d EJl1U11 l "SA TODA>

.. BRAVURA FILMMAKING ... Fred Sct*p1s1 1s such a fluid . exciting filmmaker that you remain thrilled by his una~s Much or tM fun or ' Iceman" is watching this danngly 10\lcn11~ actor (John Lone ) reinvent human rtsponsc~ ·· O.nd AllJf'" 'l.14 ~ HI 1 1<

.. THE WONDER, THE AWESOMENESS AND THE MYSTERY ... ' lccman' 1s one or IM most interesting ... intclhgcnl cn1uta1mng films of lhc year.- R .. t~' l:J>rr1. AT THI. M ()l Jt ~

ICEMAN 11M0111Y HlTfON ~ \Ott\lA.\ JE'llSO\ -PAntCK PAL'llER PIODI CTIO\ A BED SCHEPIS! FlL'll ICE\lA.\ U'\OSAY CJtOt'SE · JOH\ LOSE Scrttnpl:a)' b)· CHIP PRO!.f,R and }OH'\ ORl\l~ER Slot) h) JOH.'\ ORl'IOfER

• .• J71tc~U..~



( * Aittoc..._,. fSMNOt • )

: ..•. Z • .!!htlltLEiQ.

MUSK by BRlU S.~EATO .. Produad by PA111CK PAL'llER and .. OR~\ jl'WlSO\ Otrttttd ~ FUD SCHEPL'il """""""'-C!.ililio""'-.. _ ' _ ... _ ,

L~OA Wll!!SMltlU. &llld lftt.«Mtuclnc COIOY MAl'OOH Oit«tw of PJuxoenpfly I.AMY MW/fE 0.,..., Mldk by IAH SICAW

Sattnpi.y by CMIJCa V11'CmlfT _,­Auoclal~ ~' au.a. 11090DIAll

Prod1te" &nd °'~'" _, CllUCll 'ftWCIN'f

A~D,a...-t '"'-:11\Adoa oC a Quick VlKa• ......_.._.,WI. Piia

"'SWiii& HT" {PG) PIUS

"'MD£ OI BOYS Ml '14" (I )

""rrucc ACMDT" (I ) rua


rtl flW CIWlB" {I) rl.US

"DIMM" (I> ' 'Tl£f'IE PU• ll1lf FIE" (I)

rl.US "~LOWIS"

· ·~"~"""' rYi;+eijr .. ~

"--~ ---·-··-···-.

COSTA lllUA • EdWlrdS T °"'" CenMf 751.41 ...

&.-..ta.LI E~ LIG'NHlsMll 7af611

01 .. 11\butrd II)' P\M.lnuM hc11f~•. Inc llle4

................ -........... __,. .. _......,__....._. . ._.._. -A1WD1 639-l n O ST ADUl4 DR.ft COSTA IEA 97Ml41 EDWARDS CIEMA CTR n. tmo sa1-sao EDWARDS SAOOUBACK


WATRS w A nra and nWtt thl'OUQb Saturday at 8 ..::K matllAJll. eee Frt- p.m .• tt56-t6l;J7.

cter.:l'I' bmn·· Lectuei Band and " DJ .. Nate The - •• -LOOIDM) _ __., ___ Alll> __ US._

Gsut. Swtng Jazz and D10: The PunctJona Rhythm & Blues, 8 p.m .. ot the Panetal Lobe." Ver­Me.dDwlarll Country Club. non 8 . Mountcaatle . l6782Graham, HunUnllt.On pro(euor of neuroedence. Be•ch. 82 admtHTon. department of ph~. 84&·3391. John Hopktna Untver91fy

WWI& mOWJll and ht• School o< Medlctne, BattJ. trto . .eie Frklay IJattng. more. ape.aka. 7 p .m.. UC

lrvtne Social Science Lec-Pap ture Hall. Free admlaalon. ..... Bf LAOUWA fea- !59S-38 I l .

twa ......... tee A LEOISLATOa'8 M~;:11· WOltLD TODAY. Lect_ure F~~ 1a.J'ng. • L&&. aee and dtacuasaon. I 0 a.m ..

R'la&LL. 11tt Frt· Chapman C.oUege. 333 -N. da~I Gtaa.e11 St., Orange. Free

admtaak>n. llCOTT. tee Frklay Usung.

.. caAZY l>AZ&' 0 .. lO-

nJght at~ppyOaze. 17927 MacArthur Blvd.. lrvtne. 250-1077.

DIZ%1', aee Sunday llat­tng.

ftatm -rllS H8T LITTL&

••oa&BOU8& IN 1'U.M0

' at the Harlequin Otnner Playhouse. See ~llsUng.

.. AJl1J WALD•" on the South Reper. lory Second Stage. See "Frt­dav llmtJng . .

'-ruJOn OlaL •• at the Grand Otnner Theater. See F'r1day lleung.

·-uV&JllDaltPOu.Dt8" at Scbasttan's West Dinner Playhouse. See Fr1day ltst·

'""Iii.AR or LA llAJICBA .. at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater. See Friday listing.

"TD 8&AOULL 0' at

South Coast Repertory. See Tu~~~Ung.

• JllOVA' 0 at UC Irvine Studio Theater. to-

CDICO DE llAYO cel­ebratkm cionllnues today at UC lrvtne with band. martacht music. UCI Ballet Folldonco. Aztec dancing, food and cralla sale. Jl a .m.·3 p .m.. Unlveralty Center amphitheater area. lrvtne. Free admlaalon. AJao at 6 p .m . Raul Rutz. Cal State North~ prof'eseor. speaks on Chicano tasues. Bac.klot west patio. Untver­stty Center. At 8 p.m . An-­dean music by Grupo Rutz IS performed on more than 20 tradlUonal Lalin American and modem European ln­atrumenta. Heritage Room. Unlven1lty Center. 84 gen­eral admlssJon. 856-6379.

.JOUUALlllll DA 'I' ta held at Santa Ana College. A majOr JoumaJISm pro(e.eor will deliver the keynote ad­dress. followed by a variety of seminars and workahope. 10 a .m.. Phillips Hall Theater. 17th and Brtalol Sta .. Santa Ana 667-3177.

Pl.US "AGMNST AU 000$" (R)

fn. 8:JS Sit/Sun 4:00, 8:20

edwarda MllA CINEMA Newport I 19th 646 SOlS

Co1t1 MeH •

.. 990-4021 lM.wlS 4

cena - S.6-2711 tOWS .• SOUTH COAST P!-AlA cena 1UA 631·3501 EDWNIOS IWl80R TWIN - S51-06S5 EDWAllOS W00081111G£ ~lll.1'761-6611 LAGlN HlLS Ml


-634-3911 lMCfTY cunc• -63'-9361 ,AClfC'S OltMC£ Oil_,. m1wra lM •• Ml

CleelceJ OllmY COi.WM.

Me l"riday 119t.Jng. PIA•laT &&LL't'

14M•ma at eano·a. oeee Frtday IJattng. .....

TOii llcLAlll. aee Wednaday uauna,

llAJl& 18ULL AJfD TBS DilW W:TIOW. evenJnp, tndeflnlte. Old Dana POtnt Cafe. 2•720 Del Prado. Dana Point. 861-«>03.

m ua11.u anc1 WATJIS WATJIS. att Fri­day U.Ung.

ltORJlaaowJlandhls trio. tee Friday

COllPU't' P LIP9, see Frklay ltattng.

Pop -DA V1D RAUUOB. plan-

tat, perform•. from 9 p .m.- 1 :30 a .m. . Chu Dante'• · 170 l Corinthian Way. Newport Beac h . 955-1332.

lllCll PTZOW. singer. guitar. hannonlca. 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. Blue Beet Cafe. 107 21at Place, Newport Pier. NA'port Beach . 6.,5-3333.

UUB&R E. LES, att Ft:t llaung.

· RltULL. see Fri·

dat::!:AT ICOTT. see Friday usung.

Daace TD Tll.AC't' W&LL8

BKUIAJID. foryourdanctng pleasure. 8 :30- 11 :30 p.m .• The C&llfomlan . 1643 l l Bolsa Chica. Huntington Beach. 82 adml saTon .

846-l3"7 . BAU.llOOll DAJllClllO.

8 p .m.-mldntgtlt. Dance

=-~!L:~~ try Club. Graham Stred. Huntington Beach.

----,.._ .... -:;-TD • -T LITTL& waoasaouaa 111 1'SZA9°0 at the HarleqWn Dinner Playhouae. See Tl~ ltatlng.

•• Am WALD1l'0

on South Cout Repertory'• Second Stage. See Fnday listing. ..

0 °CllAP'TD TWO .. at the Gem Theater. See F'r1day ltatlng.

..11JllMt ODIL0 at the Grand Dinner Theater. See

~A::tts.~LJ&e'• a t SebuUan'• Weat Dtnner Playhou8e. See Fnday ll•t· Ind. -~llAJll Of' LA llAJllCllA ••

at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater. See Friday ltsttog. .. llAa'I'. llAa't' .. at tfie San Clemente Community Theater. See Friday llatl~.

'"TBS llOOerntAP'' at the Newport Harbor Acton Theater . See Friday Hating.

••TllJt SEAGULL•• at South Coast Repertory. See usung.

Lectmee '

0WBAT OBLIOATIOM8 DO 1t'S BA VS To Future Generations?" With Dr. Brtan Sany. Caltfomta In­stitute of Techno~. 11 a.m.. Chapman COiiege . Waltman Theater. 333 ""ff. Glasaell St.. Orange. Fn:e admission.

ART EKPOSUR&. A panel dlecusslon for anyone who needs to understand what happens In the a rt press. how to use It and


ARCAOEofGAMES• .::, .:.·: AlCk Sprlntfletd SJ

riAR£) R > t---K)( o 12:00 :1 :50 7 :55 FOOUOO. (~0) 1 :50 5 150 10100

At u :os t : lO 5 :05

7 :40. 10:05

Pm ....... A~ GREYSTOKEAt~~~:: ..... ... - (!J '"' ............ 2 :40 1 : 20

12 : 10 2 :30 4 :45 7 : 10 t :21 TARZAN 1 :00 a


S Academy Aw1rds 12 :00 AAc.l ~NST ~ D ID 2 :30 5 100 \(.( e. L ~o . -r 1 :40 a.

~~fJfMi,,( 10:01 11



UPlltE • ~CRtll( ICI


"'"'' Terror ~ (A)

Also Sl'lowlne Sc1rf1ce


11'1111 :rootlOOM


3 :00 7 : :10 8~ Cllllt '" I :00 5 : 2 t :SI

Orlft· lna O••" 1 1:10 WHk•nda / 1 : 4S WHIUtltl'ltl Ct11ld•en Undet U FREE Unlen Not.ct

.-emu u.., ... ..... 1Sl ....

fMiiiid u,., .... .. ... 7Sl-411& fdMtCOiftj ·U,.,.._ ..... 7Sl-411&

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--~W1" .. "-''e tto ~lllllOll .,._....,

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CllQ.USM CIOliCIUI ._.Otl rn r• tOO IO~

.....,.,.ue.11s 1000

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SMlllllACll " ,., " ,,, .... ' ~l·SllO

SMIOUIAC• '' '•· .. ,,,_ .. ~I -~

SMJOUIAClt SD r.., A .., .... ~l · !lllO

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-~A ,,, ,. , . 1500

- .Jll.S-,., 110 > 745 951

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11~11.-~rn LAGUNA B£ACh

SOUTH COAST -..----~---------- C...• ~·

IOlllWllMS .._..111_. •• ' " uo an 11~

iiia£:\i Slllr(P'Cl

Ill 140 HO 600 llt IO XI

t&i. HAWll .,.. .. r !PCI

11 4\ Ht ~00 llQ. '10

..,...., IUIDr' (J) 110 H O 4 ~ uo uo 101'


......... 4'1 I Ill

SOUTH COAST 4~1111~ • SI IOlllCll ra•

"f-.r•~tll> Cut' ..... .. ....... .,, 1111 f,. U~ llS


WESTMINSTER CKMA MSI ._wr tll . _... '1!>1on

- · ·· -~Ml.-- (1) n t )'1~ 1 1\

CIMMA WCST .._ IO ICU" IPCl • • ,...,,.,,. '~ IO IO - .._, "fCIOllOQ!I • <Kl m DJ!> • CKMA WCST \ ICMlin ••~ .. ,_," IQ •SI l'ICIUlll ""'° .,,, "'ltmS OI lm.MllOIT' (PC I "'"~ ,~ ,~ CMMA M ST '111TSIOIL nt ::,...""';!~ WI09 OI ,_.. cr;i l'1 1':n I I\ t 4~


I'll~ "1ll"IOlt CMa.D" IUITINCll)N -...a IQIOlf fJl llO t!'l;o ~::"- r~ IOll ,.010 4~

"fGl.11 SU OJU '""''l ot •x r".,7.;.~·· ~ (ll .... TllCfON ll8••• SSHIOS 1" l ao too I0 4~ ..... " - '1lllSCGll 09111...,. Cll ..:WOOOIMC>Gl.~='-----ll09!--Wl-l-llll6- & , ., fr. 600 I I\ 10 JD ....,.,.,..,. . . .._.. .. 141.0JU I t!C.- M_.Cll) SSl ·06S~ rn 630, lO 10~

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, • \: I



• ao O> ..-


1: a. c(

>. co 'O ·;: u.. ..... ..... G> 'O c: G> .)£

$ .;: -0


Calendar alterna llves. 8 p.m ., Orange County Centtt for Conlem· porary Art , 362 1 W. MacArthur Blvd., Space I 1 1. Santa Ana. Frtt ad ­mission .

PRACTITJOl'fltR QADDI V ASQUU, executive as.ala. tant to Bruce Nestande, supervisor. speaks on " The Management of Hazardous Was1e:· 7 -9 p.m .. School of Public Administration. Uni­versity of Southern Call· fo rnla Orang<' County Cmter. 2361 Campus Dr .. Suite 103. lrvlnt'. Frtt ad­mission 752-5505.


CAK ftltEDLEWOU & Sewl n~ Fair ." Through Sunday at the Anaheim Convention Center. 800 W Ka tella Ave., Ana heim. Thur .-Sal. 10 a .m .-9 p.m .. S un 10 a . m .-6 p. m . 999-8900

Advance Bll_!ttn& A WBI T E - WATBR

RIVER RAl'TIJllG trip Is sel for The Kings River the weekend of May 18. Ro~rt Cooper. experienced river ~ulde and outdoorsman . leads lh<' trip with seasoned oarsmen to command all rafls Participants a re provided private rtvenlde camps a nd recliner bus tra nsportation. Bus leaves

Frl., May 18 at 9 :30 a.m. and mums Sun .. May 20 at l l p.m. A pre-trip orten­taUon mttts Wed .. May 9 at Saddleback College North. Room A30 I . 7:30 p.m .• 5500 Irvine Cente r Or., Irvine. $225 fee. 559-13 13 .

••Te& POW&R Oft llUllAJlf SPDUT. •• a three day conference whic h fca­t u res di s tinguished teachers. scholars and clini­cians from the health pro­fessions. the h umanJUes a nd religion. focuses on topics suCh as the resources or faith , humor. Jove. hope a nd commuted action to bulldl~ a mort generous world. >;fay 4-6. Doubletrtt Hotel. 100 The City Ortve. Orange . 494-4900.

•• l:fOLLAND BOM&­STAY," a unique 15-day tour In which participants live w1lh Dutch families In pr1vate homes In The Hague. Is offered this sum­mer by Orange Coast Col­lege. The tour runs from July l 0 -24. S 1. 799 l'ncludes roundtr1p airfare. transfers. accommodations. breakfast a nd dinner dally, lours and all admission fees . 432-5880 .

" BOW TO ST ART A.PO> DIPROVE T OUR 01'1' BUSIJllS88, •• a workshop offered by Saddleback Col­lege South , features Lee Ecltert and Joe Rya n, the 198 l winners of The Free-

.Amidst the col harshest surroundin

dom Foundation of Valley Forge Award for Excellenceo tn Private Enterprise Education . enl1ghtentng potential and present cn­lrcpreneuns wfth practical knowledge. Sat.. April 28. 8A5 a .m .-4:30 p.m .. Sci· e nce/Math Room 313. Mission VlejO campus . 850 fee. 831-4646.

WINDSUllPlNG Is a s pr1ng health and rttness program offered by Saddle­bacT< College South. Instruc ­tors provtoe exercise for the whole family durtng two three-hour sessions. I 0 a .m:-1 p.m. Many dates are available. Sat.-Sun.. April 28-29. May 5·6: or Tuesday a nd Thursday. May 8 a nd 10. 865 fee. Dana Point Harbor. 83 l · 4646.

CAMBRIDGE mnvER­SITY hosts students who desire to travel to England for a sludy program this summer . Designed for stu­dents Interested In British history a nd )lterature. thc program orrc·rs students su­perTor t'ducatlona l o p · portunlllt'S both In the classroom a nd outside the lecture halls through par­ticipation In British llfc and cultural actlvlllcs. Com· menccs Junc 18-July 6 al Saddlcback North Campus a nd continues a t Cambrlc!Jle from July 9 to Aug. ~. S l .850 fee Includes airfa re. a private room In the his·

this true story celttBH the myllery and the

wahnih of life. "-


~ r1 edwcrds SOOTH COAST PlAZA 7 00. 9 15 ll l~fOL A T \U ... f LOWll C.Jl

6 2711 COSTA Ml '> A _,.. •

- .. ...... . .

tone:. Cambridge University CoJlegcs, a11 m~ and some excursions. '559-1313.

•'TB& AW All&1HNO W AJl.RIOR and the Teach · Ing or t he S hield&.·· The Ojai Foundation present• an all· day workshop exploring and honoring six aptrTtual path~. sun.. May 6 . (805) 646-8343 .

Oo&oiq ltYeD~ ALLIGATOR PARll.

767 1 La · Palma, Buena Park. One of the world's largest reptile oollectlons. lO:!lO a .m.-6 p.m. daJly. 522-2615.

BIUOG8 Cmnn:NGBA.11 AUTOllOTJV& ll'US&Ull. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. AnUque cars circa 19 12 -prescn t. 9 a .m .-5 p.m . Wed.-Sun. 546-7660.

CAT ALINA CRUISES s pnng schedule, with 27 departures. a re as foUows: From San Pedro, every day 9:45 a .m ., Fri. 7 p.m .. Sat.· Sun. 8 : 15 a .m .. 12:45 p.m .. a nd 6:30 p.m. F'rom Long Beach . every day 9 a .m. a nd l :45 p.m .. Fr1. 7 :30 p.m .. Sat. 8 a .m .. 12:30 a nd 6:15 p.m .. Sun. 10 a .m . and6:15 p.m. Throul(h June 7 .

DANA W1IA.llF at Dana Point Harbor offers half-day a nd three -qua rter day s portrtshtng tr ips . 496-5794.

Dl81'fEYLAND. 13 l 3

Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. " Thumpcr's Easter Ef1,g Hunt " conunues through Sunday and offers children ages 3 · l 2 the opportunity to w1n one of a number or spectaJ prizes. Park offers more than 50 attractions In seven theme lands. tnclud· tng the a U-new " Alice In Wonderland" attraction In Fantasyland. Senior Fun Unlimited Passports are available to guests 60 years or age and over every Thurs­day 01nd Friday. Hours Fri. 9 a .m.·6 p.m .. Sat. -Sun. 9 a.m.-9 p.m .• Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 999-4565.

&NOTT'S B&RR T F Allll. 8039 Beac h Blvd .. Buena Park. Live entertain­ment such as gun~hters. cancan dancers a nc:f s treet characters perform dally. Visit Snoopy In his new home Camp Snoopy where he can ~ found g n!etlng a nd posing for pk:tures w1tfi guests. Open Fri. l 0 a .m . · 7 p.m .. Sat. l 0 a .m .· l 0 p.m .. Sun. l 0 a .m .-8 p.m .. Mon .­Thu,... 10 a .m.-6 p.m. 952-9400.

LIOJlt CO U Jll T RY SAJ'ARI, 8800 Irvi ne Center Ortve. Lajluna Hiiis. Ortve-through wTld a n imal park. ZambCz1 River cruise. animal shows. petting zoo. l.arae aviary. Opens dally 9 :45 a .m .. last car admitted 3:~.&m. 837-1200.


''A RJNNY. VERY ' . ENGAGING.MOVE:' ·David Elliott, USA Today


·Rex Reed, NY. Post

MAX /SA ROBOT He's a little over five years old. He's just met his first woman.

This could be it!

EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT Fri. 7:00, 9:00, 10:45

Sat. 1:40, 3:30. 5:20. 7:15, 9:00. 10:45

edwards TOWN CENTER ~ [l I W ~ AT BRl'1'll -. ANTON7 51 4184 IRfl\',fRilM '' Pi):l•41,rfl •


off~ tour crulsa of New· port Harbor. ahowlng the homes of John Wayne and other peraonaJRfes. rrom the Balboa Pavlllon In New­port Beach. 673-5245. SAN JUAN

CAPISTRARO 11188J01' • 31882 Camino Capistrano. San Juan Capistrano. Call· fomta 's oldest buUdlnj{. NaUve American and carfy Spanish culture exhibited. 493- 1424.

SA.NT A A.NA zoo. 180 I E. Chestnut . Santa Ana. More than 250 animal bird and reptile species are found In this lushly planted park . 10 a .m.~4 p.m . dally 835-1484.

SIDUIAN LIBRARY A.PO> Gill>lt1'S. 2647 Pa· ctnc Coast tllghway, Corona del Mar. Roee. cactus. an­nual gardens. orchid con­servatory. kot ponds. gift shop. Open daily l 0 :30 a .m .-4 p.m.

SII FLAGS MAGIC MOUN T AIN . 260-acre theme park wfth rides. shows , entertainment. Computer Discovery ~nter a nd other exhibits. " The Righteous Brothers.·· whose pow e rful harm o nies rocketed the duo to stardom In the 1960s. bring their Umelcss melodics 1o the Showcase Theater Sat .. 4 and 8 p.m. Also, some of Southern CaHfomla 's fi nest cloggers. or " hillbilly tap dancers,· · participate In the l 984 Clogging Jambortt every Sat. and Sun. through May l 3 except this Satur­day. The fesUval occurs at 12:30, l :30and2:30p.m . In the Gretnw11Jow Theater . Open Frt. -Tues. l 0 a . m . · I 0 p.m . Located 25 mJles north of Universal Studtoe a t MagJc Mountai n Par kway. exit off 1-5 . Valencia . (2 13 ) 992-0884.

SPltUCE GOOS&, adja· cent to R.M.S. Queen Mary. Pter J . Long Beac h Harbor. World's largest aJumlnum dome houses Howard Hught's wor ld 's largest Ka­plane. 10 a .m.-6 p.m. dally. (213) 435-567 l. ext. 1165.

UMVBRSAL STUD106 TOUR. I 00 Universal CHy Plaz.a. Universal City A guided. ~hind-the-scenes excursion through Holly­wood's bigges t a nd busiest movie-TV complex. 9 :30 a .m .-3:30 p.m. dally. (818) 877- 131 l.


Answer At/ Daily Pillt

642-5678 .

- . .... - .. .._... .

Show~., former Miss America Nancy Fleming presents llcC.11'• Great American Wardrobe featur­ing top designer Nolan Miiiers Joan Collins, and Linda Evans /Ines, plua the Brooke Shields and Mariette Hartley lines of casual wear.

Special Guest ·• Appearance • . .,. MARIEi IE*O. HARTLEY Thursday, May 3 at 2:00 p.m.

Fashion Show dally at 11 :00, 3:00 & 7:00 except Sunday: (11 :00 & 3:00)

LJ Over 200 exhibits cover· Ing the entire range of home sewing, needlecraft products, and publications/

LJ A truly unique shopping opportunity featuring special buys, and discounts llONCJS • e ''" oopy ot thfl Greet A/Nrlcen Nffdleworlc & Sewing ~r Show Magez#M loeded '#ltfl veluatM tlP& t .. ture atorifts • nd ~tlotls to find 'fO'I' •wing end creft ~s.

Ll SHOW HOURS: 10-9 Daily, Sunday 10-8

LI General Admission $4.00

Children under 12 free

LJ For more Information call (714) 999-8900

Nancy Fleming Invites you to an exciting new show at the

Anaheim Convention Center May 3;4,5&6

sponsored by The McCall Pattern COmpany

The most innovative and complete sewing and needlecraft exposition in America comes· to

Southern California/

See all that's new in Home Sewing & Needlecraftsl

See The Christmas Carol Sampler - A special Fiber Art exhibit by leading American artist Margaret Cusack

seen for tne first time in Southern California!


5.'00 .


Seminars The following free seminars will be held at the FA/ R daily


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LJ Over $10,000 In door prizes courtesy of

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SIEPUP "TIE_,,,,,,, .,,,,,,,,,. TO THE MOVE EVERYONE IS TAl.KltG AIOUT. TIAT IU ALL II AllElllU TAl.6"' II .,,, 1• ,,_, ,.,.,,


* * * * . . . Stunning." - ROGER EBERT, CHICAGO SUN TIMES


NOW PLAYING lllU El TOllO lobl\n 8•tJ 1'1111 !<1 .. 110$ ~ !13)9 ~· COSTA•fSA $111 S880 Ett..~·0$ !It ~oo ~o · u.: EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT

f" I OC 9 30

edwards LIDO CINEMA N f W f'Of' l ..:'\ .. f > • I O 673 8350 a f Y• & t.•OC •

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BOWERS llUSlttJM, 2002 N. Main St.. Santa Ana . "Irish Sliver." fealur· Ing 17th . 18th and 19th century silver from Dub­lin's National Museum of Ireland continues In· definitely " Renecllons: Palntln~s or Jerry Wayne Downs· Is an exhibit fraturlng surrea lis t le works about tcchnol~'s effects on mankind -by Costa Mesa artist Jerry Wayne Downs. A lso ln ­d e f 1 n It e I y . " Native Harvests: Plants In Ameri · can Indian L ife" explores the role or plants In thf' lives of native Amt'rlcans . Through May 13. Hours Tues.-Sal. 10 a.m .-5 p.m ., Sun. 12-5 p .m . 972- 1900.

LAGU!fA BEACH llU­SltUM OP ART, 307 Cliff Drtve. "Contemporary Call · fomla Artists 20" Is rca ­tured with claywork by Monica Dunham . li er Ct'ramlc vessels portray a dellcatt' strength In r ht'l r stylistic braiding at the lip juxtapo~ to sturdy bases. Through June 2 An all­media exhibition lilied .. All California '84 " ft-aturcsar1 -tsts who rt-side In all areas or the state. Juried by Henry Hopkins. dlrtttor of the San Francisco M useum of Modem Art. 188 works were chosen from the more than 2.000 entries .sub· milted. Hours Tucs.-Sun. 11 :30 a .m .-4 :30 p .m . 494-6531.

NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEUM, 850 San Clemt-nte Onve. Newport Beach. Two exhibitions are being shown concurrently . " Expressions. Ncw Ari From Germany" features new Gt"rman ab I ract / fli;l.u· rat1ve expressionism and was organized by the St. Louis Art Mu~um " Jess. Paste-Ups" consists of 53 ·paste-ups. · or c-o lla~cs by artist Jess. who alfhou~h relallvely unknown to the public, has exhibited his works at the San fr<tn<'15CO MuS<'um of Modern Art .

Museum of Contemporary Art . Chicago. and the Dallas Museum of rlnc Arts . Through June 10. Tues.· Stkn. 11 a .m .-5 p .m . 759- 1122 .

MUSEUM OF NORTH ORAJlfGE COt11'TY .. Main Hall. 301 N. Pomona Ave .. Fullerton . T he Society for CalUgraphy and the Mu· scum or North Orange Counry show ajurted calTJ­graphtc exhibition er'ltltled " Poetry of the Pen." Over 150 pieces were selected from the entries from the 1,300-mcmber Society for Calligraphy. many partici­pating artists of master status. A series of work· shops and demonstrations wlll accompany the cxhl· bltton . Through June 10 Tues.-Frt 10 a .m.·3 p .m .. Sat. 10 a .m .-5 p .m ., Sun. noon-5 p .m . 738·6545.


LERY, 1540 S. Coast High ­way. Laguna Bt'ach Hlgfily pollshe<f bronu sculptures by the Bennett Brothers of Placervtlle Indefinite Tues.-Sun . I I a m .5 p .m 497-6005.

ART-A-FAIR FESTI­VAL GALLERY. 664 S . Coast Highway. Laguna Beach . A gala opening re· ceptlon Is held at Its new location tomorrow and Sun ­day . 1-4 p.m . Agroupshow­lnf!. continues thro~h June 1 and features some 25 artists Dally 1 I a m ·5 p m. 494·4514

ARTIST'S GALLERY a FRAME STUDIO, I I Monarch Bay Plaza. South Laguna. Artist / photogra­pher Susan Smlth'st"xhlblt Ison view through Monday. Hours Tues.·Sat . 10 a .m .-6 p .m .. M on. 1-6 p .m . 661-9352.

BC SPACE GALLERY. 235 Fort-st Av(' .. Laguna Beach . Work by California artists Don GrC'~Ory Anton and Vida f're('man ar(' cxhtbilt'd In thC'lr work. both artis ts achieve a


TANYA TUCKER Sun. & Mon .. A4lf 29ltl & Dtl Sun., May 6th

.............. ililiiil ..................................................... - 1 uniqueness and ex · LSllT. 1166 Sunflower al Back," an exhl~lt which CITY or mVIJfE. Fine UtAOU& members who Blvd .. FuHcrton . " DI- ct p~veness that tnms- Fatrvtew. Coela Mesa. A explores the phenomenon Arts Center. 4601 Walnut have lhdr work on display vcrsttles '84."' an e:i..hlbit :J cends latenl photographic student art exhibit wtlh of artlst-<:OUp1es ts pres· Ave. A 10th anniversary durtng Aprtl are Lourt featuring multl - rac~d i representation o( rta.ltly -works from lrvlne Coast enled through May 9 . Large group exhibition by the Quarton and 1ra Dobbs. works of a prominent array ·~ whlleaeeklng~o explore the C h r I st I a n Sc ho o-1 • scale nguratlve sculpture. Creative ArtsGulld features Clendale Federal. Fashion or contemporary artists mysteries olltfe. Th~h • Maranatha ChrlstJan video-taj>ed documentation palntJngs. sculptu~ and Island: Sue Walsh. Orange from the United Stales and ~ June 2. Hours Tues.-sit. Academy. and Prince of and other clements from other nne c rafts In a variety Coa st Savings. Adams Scandinavia. ts prcsentt'd Ci: 11 :30 a . m . · 5 :30 p. m . Peace Lutheran School Is theater occurrences and of media that represents Street: and Mary Ellen ~- through May 26. 879-1391. ~ 497-1880. hanglngthroughlomorrow. performan c~s plus local tal ent .. Through Haven. MesaVerdeLlbrary. Tldt ltDOlt GALLltRT, -

BLU&IUllD GALLSRY, Mon.·Sit. 10 a .m.-6 p.m . dimensional. multi-media Wednesday. Mon.-Thurs. 9 Costa Mesa. 83(}.94 15 . 212 N. Harbor Blvd .. rull· ~ 1540 ·s. Coast Highway. 557·0804. palnUngs are on view. a .m.·9 p.m .. rr1. 9 a .m .-6 DltSIQN8 ll&CYCLltD erton. JohnNavaandDavld ~ t.aguna BeaCh. New works CALLIGRAPBIC Alll'S, Mon. -rrl. 12· 4 p . m .. p.m .. Sal. 9 a .m .·3 p.m. GALLltRT. 619 N. Harbor Romeo are La{(una artists = . by Allayn Stevens and #37 ScaCllff VIiiage. 2219 Sun.·2-5p.m .ClosedSatur· 552· 1078. l~ii::iii~;;;;;;;;;~;ii;:;;i;~i;~j;;_._., ~ Marta Bertram are shown Main St., Huntington dat~i·2037. CITY OP NEWPORT Bl lhrouah ~~ 497-5377. Beach. Chinese brush TIAJlf THOMAS BEACH, City Hall Gallery. 11~. .

SLOE GALL&RY, paintings by Shan Tiem GALLSRY, 1001 W. 17th 3300 Newport Blvd .. New· 'il f Bouzy Rol.ij(e Cafe. 3110 Chow and his students are St.;SultcT. CMta Mesa. An port Beach . Cynthia Kale· J Newport Blvd.. Newport featured thro~ Monday. exhibition or abstract Wilson features her pencil • -Beach. features ort~nal Mon . · Sat. l · 5 p . m . sculpturalflj{ures featunng & lithograph works. a nd " Turn· Of· the · C enfury 960·5775. the work o( Annie He.aly. Mada Leach features her European Posters .·· CAL STATE FULL· Also abstract oil paintings watercolors. Through May Thro~h April. ltRTOlf Main Art GaOcry. by John Badger. Indefinite. 24. 640·2271 .

BOl'f SIEMON GAL- " race lo F'aCC" - Back to Tues.-Sal. 9 a .m .·5 p.m. COSTA llESA A.RT


SUNDAY BRUNCH 'l" ~clud .. Beverage - Well Drink or Beer

9 ,, 1:00 1712 Placentia 645-8091


" The Grand



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(Across from Disneyland)

Members of the 1984 Southern Calffornla MunlclpaJ Athletic Federation Championship team with their sponsor Mrs. Dale, owner of the VIiia Nova Rntaurant. FOR RESERVATIONS (714) 772-7710

Wedne8Clay Grupo Ratz. Music from the Ma., 2 Andes and Central Amerl-

1' ca 8 PM. Heritage Room.

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General $4 UCI Fae/Staff. Sr. Cit. a otlaer endeata $3.

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Municipal Court Judge


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"'~ * C'o .t,1AfE TR o\l~i­prodaction al

s·r1:1:1. 'f UWN

, ...


~Galleries - ------~-----· .... ~· --

,.... .,. ~ who~ work - focusing on < the human ngure - are >. ~Ing shown. 871-5862. a:1 BLAN OALL&RISS. 'O 1492 S. Coast Hwy .. 117. ·;: Laguna Buch , Artist u.. Patrick Nagel. known for ~ his s leek and ~nsuous a> Playboy Illustrations. Is ~ curttntly showing Is works. a> Wtd.-Sun. l l a .m.-5 p.m . ~ 494-1902. I G A L & • I A ~ CAPl&TaANO, 31681 - Camino CaplSJ:rano. San o Juan Cal>'-<rano. An ~ outstanding collecUon of

one of Native Amer1a's

most promising sculptors. Clifford Fragua. are shown. Also. tradltlonalJemez pot· tery by Juanita Fragua. Champagne ~ptlon to­rught. 6-9 p~m. Th~ May 13. Dally 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 661- 1781.

LS .PllKMISR la f~tur­tng a two-week watucok>r exlllbft by Dlln.lah aruat Anne Buhl who hu Ju9t completed nne oil paJntfno deptcttoa v1k1na hiatory lo the year 7 00 tba1 now cover the ~mnas of the Valhalla R~m ancfVlklng i,ounge or

the ttltaurant at 695 Town Center Drive, Costa Meea.

1111·1.8 80118& AaT OALL&aT. 12732 Main St.. Oardt'o Grove. Ellrn Lampert and- Margi Weir

.are foatured In an exhl· bltlon or palntlnj{S and drawl~. T hrouath May 28. Wed. ·Sun. 12-. 4 p .m. 638-6707.

ORAROS COAST COL­I.SOS Art Callery. 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. An cxhlbltfon contrasts the work.aof'Callfornla rolk and contemporary a rti s t s . Th r o ugh Wednesday . ;=.====================::;, Mon.-Fr1. 10 a .m .·3 p.m.

; .. ; , ... - ,. I

... "BEHlllD THE SCEllES"


Brenda Caponera Restaurant Executive

PARADISE CAFE-Preeenta .. lprtng Wine,....,.. The Paradlte Cafe at Fuhk>n ,.,and In Newport 8Net'I will be the location for a wtne = event on Su"'1ay, May 8th, from 2:00-5:00 p.m. All pr • from ticket Nlee wtl '**It Saddleback Community Enterpriw. Inc., a non-proftt WC)tt(. shop aefVlng 160 handicapped adults In IOUth Orange County. The Spring Wine Festival wtll feeture wtnee from 18 ama1. premium wineries In Callfom&a and fre9hly Mked bt..ot and Imported chee8eS from apedalty ~ In Newport 8eec:h. Included In the price of the Udtet .. doot pttn. wt*=" ha~ been donated by Coto de Ca. of Trubuco Cyn .. c.ntr.iea Hotel ol Cannel, and the Paradtae Cafe of Newport Bwh, (winners need not be preeent). Ticket• can be purchl!Md tor $15.00 (tax deductible donation) at the Paredlee Ca .. 6«-1237 or Saddlebactt Community Enterpriaee, Inc. 837-7260.

FORTY CAMOTI New Menu AddltloM Known lor their treehneaa and healthy food&. the Forty Carrots restaurant haS now added omelett .. to their menu. One of the varieties is "Wonderful Eggs" wtitch are ecrembted wtth cream cheese, bacon bits and scallion•. Anottw favorite Is the flesta Omelette made wfth guacomote and blldt oltYe8 topped with sour cream and aalsa. Alto avaMabte Is the Florentine Omelette and the "Oeuf la lit\ Ouef' wt*=" la a 3 egg omelette frltatto style. Forty Carrot• Mk• frellh muffins dally, serves fresh juicea and offers varietal win.. Mk about their Gold Card Pass when you come In. With th6a pua you can return after 4:00 p.m. and bring a guea1 for a comptimen­tary meal of equal or greater value. They are located In South Coast Plaza on the lower level between Bultoctta ano 1. Magnrn Call 556-9700.

LA P~-Appofnts .... .._,.... o• Robert Kaag has been appotnted Malt re O' of La Pelme restaurant at The Newporter reaort eccordlng to general manager. Leah Marshall. In his new post K.aag w6ll OYerMe the operatlona of this contempof'aty restaurant whk:tl t•tur .. Calilornla cuisine In an airy gardefl,.styte Mttlng. PrJor to joining The Newporter, Kug aetved as Maltra o· at the Towers restaurant In Laguna e.ctt and the Registry Resort In Soottsdale, Arizona. He wu alto priOf owner and operator of two restaurants In Santa Barbara, La Grange and La Chaumlere. Kaag was born and ralMd In Paris and haa been affiliated with the restaurant Industry for <:WW 25 years. He resides 1n Costa Mesa.

CHEZ CARY- An EV9ftlng to RememlMr Les Amis Du Vin. a group devoted to the appreciation of fine wines and cuisine. has selected ch«t Cary Rest..-ant for their May Day event The evening at The Chez wll begin wtth a ~Ion of newty releaMd wtnea from Chataer St. Jeen including Johannlsberg RMlsflng, Gewuratrarnlner, Fume Blanc, Chardonnay and Champagne. A complete Y9ftlcal selec1ion of JOfdan Cabernet S.Ylgnon: 1978. ·n . '78. •79 and '80 will be alpped while dining In a Grand Stytet The ev.Nng will draw to• close with one of Richard Arrowood8 fllt\tutlc Late Harvest Rie.!lngs. The dinner wtn ~ wtth Scamp Glac:e Comtease (sc.mpl In a rlctl eteem lherTy uuce). foffowed by the main entree. 8oeuf Rott Judk: (tenderk>in of beef abernalse sauce) endive. bouquetMwe of~­Next wtll be Chez Cary's famous apinach and bacOn aal8de. Oeasert wilt be stra~lea lnJected wtth Grand Mamler and dipped In Swiss chocotate. The mem«able 8\'9nlng wtfl tab place at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday. May lat. The tab tor all It tee. per peraon for l• Amis membera, and m . per p..aon for non rMmbera. For reMrVatlona, contact L• Amie OU Vin. 103 Via

' Udo South. Newport Beech. 92M3, or cal CMz Cary 542-3593 . . .


oaAROS COUNTY CBllf'TSa JrOa OOJn'Elll­PORAJtY AaT. 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd.. Spat't' 111 . San ta Ana . Ann Chernenko. Margo dt'Wlt . and Roberta EJscnbtrg att'

'--~ - .. ___ -- --=--- -

the featuttd artJ ta b(gln­nlng WmnHday. A rccep­tlon Is held lontltht. 7· JO p.m. Through ltay 18. Wed . -Sun . 12-5 p . m . S.4.9_-4969.

PBIUN9ULA OAL · LBRT, 428 31st St.. New­port fkach . An Innovative use of oU pastel. normally usc:d only for portratta. has produttd a Kr1ca of bcauu­rul patnungs by Lots Munford on eXhibit bq(1nn1ng tomorrow wtth a reception rrom 5.9 p.m. 673· 1416.

QCORUll. 374 N. Coast Ht,qtway. t..guna Beach . Lor1 Quarton's wateTCOlora and 'WaJburga Scha~r·s otls and mtxeCI medJa are on exhibit beilnnlngTuesday. Through June 1. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. dally. 494-4422.

8AKD8TOJllS OAL­L&llY. 384·A N. Coast


H1'thway. Laguna Beach. "N'ouwau Spring:· an ex· clU~ nee shoW. features works by 10 &ocal artists lncludtn&AUceCamcy with ~veau. mlxcd media. ftgurattvc paintings. and AnltaHealyus1ng a musical theme. combtntng calll· araphy and wate~olor. Through June 3. Tues • Sun . l l a .m -4 p. m . 497-8775.

8U8A.Jlf SPIJUTt18 OAl.­L&llY, 522 Old Newport Blvd.. Newport Beaeh . Marsha Bums. with her aeries " Postures, .. and the platinum and palladium llllageS of Joan Myers' ··Santa Fe Trall" and Dick Arentz' ··t.andaca~." 81'\" exh ibited. Through May 26. TuC9 . .sat. l 0 a . m.-5 p. m .. a nd Wednesday evenings by appointment. 631-6405.

TL& OALJ.&llT, 611

Anton 'Blvd.. uJtc 120. c.ost.a Meaa, Two exhl· blttons. " Nt"W Ocnnan £x­prcsslonlat 1 Works on Paper" and " Vintage CaU­forn la: PalnU nl(• and S,cu lpturc. " continue through May 5. The Ger­man works co~ dfrtttly from~nnanyandfl,avenot bttn exhibited In the Unit· ed Statee bcfott.

UC IaVDf& POIS AaTS OALL&RT, lrvlne. Exhl­btUon of new work by John PaulJoncs. UClprof~rof studio art. Throuah tomor­row. BeaJnnlng ,.huraday an cxhTbttlon or early architectural construction toys Including Orsl struc· tural framework toys. Vic· tor1an vlll~es and ptctul'\" b lO<'kS of the 1850s IS fea · tured. Th~ June 2 . Tues.-Sat. 12-5 p .m . 856-6648.

Early Bird Dlnn~r Specials s6. 95

Prime Rib or Fresh Fish Complete Din~r w ith choice of

soup or salad and dessert




Ma~oblo~~ Proudly announces the opening

of their latest restaurant

• • A llOala .'7Cuula:m Savor The Vast Range Of North Indian Culinary

Art In A Romantic Setting Softly Serenaded By Our French Pianist. All Very Inexpensively.

Lunch 11:30-2:30 Mon-Fri Dinner 5:30-11 :00 7 Nights

Sunday Champqne Brunch Served 11 to 3 • Unlimited Champagne $7.95 (Children Under 10 Free)

3950 CAMPUS DRIVE (AT QUA.IL) Newport Beach•R ... rvatlona 152-

Comic opera lines sharp Updated but true to Strauss By SUSAN FINGER o.llJ .... Cws IS 0 I

LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Opera Theater has begun its fifth season with Johann Strauss· comic ··Die Fledermaus."

Although presented in an updated and sometimes overty Americanized trans­lation by Ruth and Thomas Martin - in Act m, the warden quips. .. We will serve no wine before its ti me." - the operetta man· ages to maintain it.s Vien· ncsc light-heartedness and good·natured humor throuJ!louL

.. Die Fledermaus.'' a tale of an elaborate revenge for one too many practical jokes. is a cornucopia of tunefulness and fun from beginning to end.

Directed by Hans Neu· lebauer of the Cologne Opera and conducted by Henry Holt - known for his interpretation of Wagner during his years with the SeattJe Opera -the production spares no detail, from elaborately de· signed Viennese interiors to subtle use of mood-


arle'luilt ~ f>tlf•rr l'frtltH\#

...,.. CLOSES APRIL 29 (

~ "G~ Directed By ~ ~ Richard Altman ~l\~1'{).v(l

Book & Lyrics By ~~ '-1( Gretchen Cryer ~

OPENS MAY1 Smash Hit

Musical Comedy Book by

L.a•ty l K1n9& P.uerM•llerson

M ust<: & Lynea by Carol Hell

Directed By

Richard Vath ~ Performances Tues thru Sun Sal & Sun Brunch

3503 S. Herbor Blvd .• Senta Ana 927CM


:~s:... • S.W Bar


•7er> Also serving:


Sunday Brunch Unlimited Champagne

10 am · 3 pm So much to choose


• Pim • C4*f CUta

DESSERT TABLE r,.u Frwt. CbocioiiN ~ H<1""W ... Caba. Mutfine A Carmob. c-ia.rcc

.,,.. ·~•C...C-. • C.... • H•- Brwi


•3ecs No Charge


We Use 1003

Precious Cheese

:te enu

i. , · - ·. · r 1 t' · · , •· · · r' : _ - : scttang lighting. L~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~-1..!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In one delightfdl in­stance of humorous nuance, charactor actor Dimitri Bess appears as a maJor-domo, always hold· ing a patient little dog whu is the mirror image of his master.

With Charles Roe, Ellen Shade, Augusto Paglialunga. Joan Zajac. Scott Reeve and Lisa T urctsky in the major roles, the voices arc uniformly sound, with Zajac·s light. melodious "Adele" as an especially good choice.

In the pants role of Prince Orlofsky, Turctsky - last year's Winner of the regiona l Metropolitan Opera auditions - is charmingly in control, with admirabfe mastery of the pan's humorous leaps. For more athletic leaps, dancers Don and Deanne Sparks entertain at Or­lofsky's ball with energetic Russian-inspired steps.

In all. this production of ··o.c Fledermaus" is a step into 19th century Vienna, an opulent era long passed but still fondly re· membered.

Call 142- 5178. Put• few word• to work for ou.

Welcome to our

GRAND OPENING !lay <6ar~rn

CHINESE RESTAURANT The splendor of Chinese cuisine and elegant dining

Special Luncheons • Dinner Cocktails • Sunday Brunch

Open 7 days a week Banquet facilities • Wecjlding receptions • Private parties

1400 S.E. Bristol St. Costa Mesa Comer of Bristol & Redhill 756-9229

-4111) CD •





Ci AOA11t8T ALL 0008: Rated R. Jeff BricfCe8, Raebel < Ward and James Woods gtve superb per{ormances u three

. ~ charactens Involved In a compelllngl'O&nanUc trtangte. But as director Taylor Hackford ("An Of'f'ker and a Gentleman") ~ sets this romance a larger. more confuelng M.ory it about ~mbllng ana poUUcal corruption tn contemporary

dtrector Tony Richardson (''Tom Jonee .... " The UOl'der"l hu created a scrupulously faithful IC1"een adaptation ol John Irving's novel. The film fol lows the~l tfully eccentric Berry family. which endures one after another. lncludtn« vlolents ~ths. rape and a heart attacks. But yes. tilts ts a comedy. Superb eneemble acung by Jodie Fo.ter. Beau Bridllea. Rob Lowe and even Nastassja Ktnskl. playing the dfsUnctly unglamorous Susie the Bear . ...............

Hawn, matura on an aircraft ueembly Une durtn,t World War If and hu an affair wUh a co-worker (Kurt lfussell). UnfortunateJy1 U~e film veers wildly from comedy to aoap opera to htstoncat drama to femlnlet tract without raolvtng any theme saUsfactorll)'. Oleappotnttng. deaptte eome channtng moments. Directed by Jonathan Demme ( .. MeMn and Howard") . .,........ • Los Ariades. 0ol'J(e0Us phot~raphy. parUculatly tn the

~ scenes filmed In M"exlco. ~ ..... v · a> - OADWAT DAJllKTa08S: Rated PG. Wood~Allen's -g wannest and moet accesafble mm tn yean act plays a> like an extended sketch. Plenty or amuslnQ scenes. :it the -¥ ending 18 rather abrupt and unsaUsfylng. Allen atvea one of i his beSt performances as a neurotic theatrtcal manager ~ promoting a gioup of aecond-rate acts. Mia Farrow. tn an - Interesting switch from h~ U8Wll roles, portrays a tough­.Q talkllll( New York woman . ..........

TBS RIGHT 9TUIT: Rated PG. Tom Wotre·s book about the test p&Jots and Mercury astronauts Is ~t to the screen skillfully ~rtter-dtrector Philip Kaurman. While thetr deeds are r -than-ure. the pilots remain comfOrtably human. Vt performances by Scott Glenn.

T An: Rated PG. James Gamer ts an Army eergeant at odde with an evil Southern sheriff (G. D. Spradltn}. When thesherlffjatlsGamer'ssonfC. ThomasHowell)onaphony drug charl[e, Gamer -.trtkea back - with hJa own restored Sherman 1ank. A stmpll•tlc, eenUmental but Gamer 18 always fun to watch. The tmplaumble climax wUl probably have YoU cheertna de9plte ycjund( . .......... ~or~: RatedPG. Debra Winger

and Shirley MacLaJne atve O.Car-callber performancee tn this funny and touchTng fllm. which traces a mother­daughter relaUooshlp over 30 years. Jack Nlcholaon, u a paunchy. drunken astronaut. ts abo superb. The aertous twtst that occurs two-thirds through ts manJpulatlve. but you'll probably succumb to It anyway. James Brooks was the writer-director . ...............

ii: nm BIG CRILL: Rated R. A warm. superbly acted fllm

Ed Harris. Sam Shepherd. Dennis Quaid and Barbara Hershey . .,.. ..... ..... .....

about a reunion of college friends, following the death o( a comrade. Writer-director Lawrence Kasda.ii ("Body Heat" and the George Lucas mega-bits) sets up the story to make a Big Point about the 1960s generation. He never quite makes the point. but the mm remains an engaging. funny study or frte~

: Rated PG. The da.nce sequences are fun, but between them you'll have to endure a ponderous. predictable story about small -town morality and teen-age frustrations. Kevin Bacon shines In the lead role. Jotln Lllhgow makes the most of a thank.Jess role as the strident town mlnlste. r. Not as pretentious as "Flashdance." but not as lnterestl~ watch either . ..... .,...

9CAIO>ALOU9i Rated PG. Robert Hays ("Airplane!") stars as an Amertcan television reporter In London •ho l(d.s caught tn a conrusing web of blackmatl and murder. 'this attempt at a modem screwball comedy l(d.s kaYoed by a convoluted plot. Pamela Stephenson's clelUdltful per­formance as a con artist almoet redeems It.' ..... v

8PLAae: Rated PG. A dett«htful cpmedy about a New York produce dealer (Tom Hanis) who falls tor a beautiful blond mermaid (Daryl Hannah). The mystertous mermaid aprouts legs on land and learns EnglJsh from a bank of televtslon sets at Bloomlngdales. Actor Ron Howard dlrect9 with a sure hand, establishing a stro~ cen. tral love story and letting SCTV veterans Jolm Candy and Eugene Levy handle aome or the best loony bits . ..... .,... .....

TBl9m8PDIAL TAP: Rated R. A clever. very amusing parody ol rock musk documentaries. focusJng on an aging brtuah band that faces one misfortune after another on Its U.S. tour. Comic actors ChlstopherGuest. Michael McKean and Harry Shearer are marvelous as the dlmwUted rock atare. Rob Reiner (The Meathead on "AU In the Family") directs . .......... .....

THE B L JlfEW llAllPSlllll&: Rated R. Writer- &WINO 8BDT: Ra,ted PG. A naive housewife (Goldie .,... ............... - Excellent . .......... .,... - Very good . .......... -

Good. V' - Not so good.


A. T. LEOS Galifornia cuisine. Fresh Seafoods. pesras. meat & poultry. Elegantly served in a casual atmosphere. Dinner from 5 p.m. 7 days a weett. Wedding receptions and parties. 3901 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona def Mar. 759-1854.

THE BARN American. Lunch M-F 11-2:30 Dinner M-S from 5 PM. Happy Hour M-F 4·30 to 7 PM. Sun. Champagne Buttet Brunch 10-2:30. Entertainment & Dancing. Banquet Facilities. 14982 Redhill. Tustin 730-0115.

THE ORIGINAL BARN FARMER STEAKHOUSE The original. Featuring display br00-1ng Lunch Mon -Fri. 11 -2. Dinner nightly Mon.-Fn from 5 p.m .. Sat. & Sun. from 4 p.m. 2001 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa 642-9777.

HAMBURGER HAMLET Famous variety of hamburgers. saloon steak sandwiches, lobster bisque, onioo soup fondue and cherry cob­ble<. Lunch & dmner from 11:30 M-Sat., Sun. 10-10. Special Sunday Breakfast. Great bar & happy hour 1545 Adams at Harbof. Costa Mesa. 546-7392.

HARBOR HOUSE CAFE Established since 1939. Omelettes. 25 varieties. Serced 24 hours. Sand­wiches. 30 varieties. Heated garden patio dinner served 5-10 PM. 34157 Coast Hwy, Dana Pomt (714) 496-9270 Atso 16341 Coast Hwy., Sunset Beach. (213) 592-5404.

PARADISE CAFE San Franciscan style Fresh fish and pasta. Patio dining. Lunch M-F 11-3. Dinner Mon.-Sat. from 5 p.m. Happy Hr M-F 5-7. Wed Ladies nite 50c well dnnks from 3 p m Banquet facilities 600 Newport Centef Or . Fashion Island. Newport Beach. 644- 1237.

POOR RICHARDS KITCHEN Breakfast, lunch. dinner. Patio dining with ooean view. MOdeSt prices. Beef/ wine. Famed tor Betgian waffles. Open daily from 8 AM. 1198 S. Coast Hwy. In Village Faire Mall. Laguna Beach 497- 1667.


JADE DRAGON Szechwan & Mandarin Cuisines of Old China. Host Wallace Lee. Chef Yr Chen. Begant dining. Lunch. Dinner. Sat. & Sun. Dim Sum (Chinese Tea Gake Brunch) . Banquets, Beer & Wine. Reasonable P.1ices. 12100 Beach Blvd., Stanton 898-8933.


AIRPORTERINN ....... , ............. Continental. Lunch M-F 11:30 - 2:30. Sun. Brunch 10 - 3:00 Dinner from 5:30 Happy Hour M-F Entertainment & Dancing 7 nights a week. Valet Parking. Banquet Fac1li1ieS 18700 MacArthur, Irvine 833-2770.

CAFE LIDO Newport's cannery VIiiage J8Z2 spot. Cozy atmosphere. American, Italian &. Continental menu. Lunch M-F 11-3. Olonef nightly 5-11 . Entertain­ment nightly 9-1:30. Sun. jazz seSS100 3-7. Ample parking. 2900 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. 675-2968.

MARCEL'S v .... --. Dancing Wed. thru Sat. nights to Buzzy Box, 9:00 P.M. to 1 :30 A.M., Top 40's Piano bar with Wally Ruth Sun. 6 P.M .. Mon. 8.30 P.M. Backgammon. Happy hour 4-7 P.M. Come see our brand new look. Serving sandwiches, soups. seafood and croissants. 130 E 17th St .. Costa Mesa. 646-3666.

RIVIERA Continental. Chef Richard Be<gner smoe 1970. Intimate Dining Lunch 11:30-3:00. dinnef from 5 PM. Qosed Sun. & Holidays: Ban<tuet rooms. 3333 S. Bristol. Costa Mesa 540-3840.



MARC EU OS Family owned. Established siooe 1973. Pastas. veal, pizza. Specializing in Cioppino. Beef & Wine seMld. Salad bar. Lunch Mon. thru Fri. dinner 7 nights a week. Sunday Brunch 10-3 p.m. 17502 Beech Blvd. at Slat•. Huntington Beach. 842-5505.


•CASA MEXICAN RESTAURANT Our food is a trip to Mexico! Est. since 1972. Open daily from 11 a.m. for lunch & dinner. Cocktails. Entertain­ment Wed. thru Sat. nights in the Burro Room. 296 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Cal 645-7626.

TORTILLA FLATS Award winner y881 after year. Same Sonora style cooking since 1949. Open dally 11:30 to 10 PM. Sunday brunch 10:30 to 3. Happy hour 4 to 6 PM weekdays. Complimentary botanas. cantina open til 2 AM. 17 40 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach. 494-6588.

TRES AMIGOS A place for people who appreciate good Mexican f<><>O at surprisingty low prices. Open dally 11 a.m. lunch & dinner Daily lunCheon specials.. Cet•-1ng 2200 Harbof Blvd., K Mart Plaza. Costa Mesa. 642-8274/8278.

For ReetMlrM t DlrectorJ In­formation, Pl111 I Cal ...,_ da Caponera .. IG-4321 . ... ...


FORTY CARROTS Healthy foods, nat~rally. Fresh baked muffins dally. Fresh juices. Varietal wines. Lunch & dinfl8I 7 days a week from u A.M. Sunday chamJ>8IOO't brunch 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. Between Bullocks & I. Magnin In South Coast Plaza. 5$-9700. (Lower Level) .

PUFFINS " Naturalty" cooked foods, from pan­cakes to crepes to steaks. An adven­ture in natural eating. Open Sun. thru Thurs. 8 am to 11 pm. Fri. & Sat. 8 am to 12 midnight. Visa/MC casual Mod­erate Prices. 3050 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. 640-1573.

Seafood & Steak

BLACK BEARDS Hearty Beef Entrees & Seafood. Lunch 11-3:00. Dinner from 5 PM. Happy Hour M-F ExtensiYe Oyster Bar. Two bk>oks south of John Wayne Airport. 833-0080.

THE CANNERY Features fresh local seafood, eastern beet. Lunch. dinne<. Sunday brunch and champagne brunch. harbof cruises. EntertaiM'lef'lt nightly and Sunday afternoon. Lounge food gal­ley. Historic watertront landmark in Newport's cannery Village. 3010 Lafayette. 675-5777.

RUSTY PELICAN Fresh seafood and lots of it. Newport Besch - Lunch. dinner, Sunday brunch. OYeflooks Newport Bay. 2735 w. Coast Hwy. 642-3431. Irvine -Lunch, dinnef, happy hour. 1830 Main. 545-.4774.

TALE OF THE WHALE Open 7 Days. Breakfast 7 a.m. M-F. Lunch 11-.4 M-F. Dinner 4-11 M-S. Sat & Sun. brunch 7-.4. Oyster bar Fri., Sat., Sun. Banquet facllities up to 500. Entertainment Wed.-Sun. Panoramic bay view. 400 Main St., Balboa. 673-4633.

TIE WAREHOUSE Fresh Seafood & International Qrisine. Waterfront dining. Chef Charles ~. Lunch, Dinner, Sat. & Sun. Award Winning Brunch. Ban­quets & catering, Oyster Ber, Enter­talnmerlt. Udo VIMage, Newport Beech 673-4700.

llilJPilat - lporls MAIN OFFICE l30 Weal Ba1 St., Coata M ... , Ca. Mall addr ... : Box 1MO, Cott. M ... , Ca., 12ta T•lephOIM: 142-4321

PT'O/IT'•m JnloQnarJon J$ provided by the networ"8 and ltAtions and is subject to c~ witlJOU! notfce.

W ax Spot111 ................................. .... ............................ Pllge 2 TV Antenna ....................................................... Page 3 llaytin>e L>rania ................................. ·········· ..... 1'llge 4 7\lbe Toppers ............ ................ ....................... Page ~ ~Schedule ........................................... ~ 7 l:venJng Schedule .......................................... 11,,.e JO TV Pu.ule ......................................................... p,,._ 31

~KNXT, CBS, 6121 W. Suneet91vd .. LOI Angeaee, Ca. KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Aw., Burbank, ca. KABC, ABC, 4151 Prospect Ave., Loa Angeles, Ca. KFMB, CBS, 7677 Engineer Road, San Otego, Ca. ) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., San Ohtgo, Ca. ) KCST. NBC, 8330 Engineer Rolld, San Otego, ta.

- t.l1pwd1cts

(IS) KTLA. 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Lot AngeMia, Ca. (8) KHJ-TV, 5515 MetroM Ave., Lot AngelM. Ca. (11) KTTV, 5746 W. Sunset Btvd., Los Angeles, Ca. (13) KCOP-TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Lot Angela, Ca. _ .. (28) KCET. 4401 Sunset Blvd., LOI Angeles, Ca. (SO) KOCE, 15744 Golden West St. , Huntington Beach, Ca. (5e) KDOC-TV. 1730 Clementine, Anaheim, Ca.


Legends suited to a tee By PETER McCAULEY

Golfers on the acnior circuit arc getting older but better, too. Television viewers can see this when the seventh annual liberty Mutual Legends of Golf tournament concludes Sunday on Channel 4.

The panicipants arc all at least SO years old and have won major tour­namenu, been top money winners or members of the Ryder Cup teams. Julius Boros, 64, traces the in­creasing popularity of the senior circuit to the 1979 Liberty Mutual to ur­nament.

" Robert de Vicenro birdied five of the six playoff holes to win," says Boros. " After that there were a lot of inquiries. Fifty-year-old players arc now drawing bigger and bigger galleries."

Twenty-six two-man teams will compete for the SI 00,000 first prize in this year' s tournament. The SS00,000 total prize money is the biggest purse for seniors.

DeViccnzo and his part­ner Rod Funseth arc the defending champions. but Boros, who won in 1979 with de Viccnzo, should be in the running this year with his partner of the past few years, Miller Barber.

(0) On-TV, 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, Ca. Boros says the Onion Z-TV, 2939 Nebraska AvfJ., Santa Monica. Ca. ~reek Ou~ course. dc-Home Box Office, Time-Life Bulldlng, Rockefeller4 ~tgned by Jimmy ~marct ter, N.Y., N.Y. 10 Ausu.n, Texas 1s ~r-

(C) Clnemax, Tfme-Llfe Bulldlng , Rockefeller Cent•r. fectly suited fo~ ~e scmor N.Y.,N.Y. golfers ~USC Its narr~~· (E) ESPN, Bristol, Ct. not long. T~t mca0:5 1~ 1s (L) SetecTV, Marina del Rey, c a . also con,duClve to b1rd1~s (8) Showtlrne ~d ~t s what the pubhc (8) Spotlight likes. . . (C) Cable News Netwofk, Atlanta, Ga. The pubhc al~ hk~s tt:ie

-· ... Bite (8) WOA, New York City (17) WTBS, Atlanta, Ca.

2 Friday, April 27, 1984

names on lhc semor etrcw t. This year, Dave Marr, Or­ville Moody and Doug Sanders celebrated mile­stone birthdays allowing them to play against other living legends such as Gene Sarazcn (who at 82 is the senior senior), Arnold Palmer, Billy Casper, Don January, Ken Vcntury and SamSaead.

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-TV&nleana . .

Syndication trail p~oves golden Canceled shows find new popularity and less restrictions BJ JERJlY BV<S ,,, ...........

LOS ANGELES-The experience of .. Fame .. has shown. once apm, that there can be life for a television seriea after network cancellation.

We're not talk.inareruns. NBC dropped "Fame" last sprina, but MGM-µA picked it up and. this teUOJl. 24 new episodes are beina broadcast worldwide on 16S stations.

.. Fame," which focuses on the students at New York's Hiab School for the Performing Arts. followed a trail blazed by other shows .

.. Hee Haw"becameaobenomenal success in syndication at\erCBS yanked the country comedy in l 97 l. lt's still aoina stroq. lt wu abo in 1971 that ABC canceled .. TbeLawrence Wdk Show." The musical show continued in syadication with wtekly orisina1 productions until February l 982, then went into reruns, which ended just recently. Welk will be back in the fall with tbiee specials.

"Tbe Paper Owe" died on CBS after a year, but Sbowtime, a pay-cable network, picked it up. The fonner ABC comedy "Too Oose for Comfort" made its syndi­cated debut in early April with 26 new episodes.

When it became apparent that NBC was notgoinato ren.ew"Fame" last year, Lawrence E. Genhman president of MGM-UA Television Group, madean initial pitch to~ foreian statiomat a television conference in France.

"When I finally aot the word we weren't beinapicked u~ on the phone and called about a foreian bro9Clcuten," be said. "I said I need your help. Some increued t.beirht l 00 percent Some SO percent, and in no cue under 2S percenL

0 Tben I offaed it to Metromedia and about six otberaroupe and aot .0 percent of this country in about t'tfO days. I hid talked to HBO, but they weretalkinaabout d&ht to 1 O shows. I felt we b.ld to do a f\all le&IOn.''

Oenbman thea went to the m-1D11pment at MGM-UAwl llld the wtaok PKkaac would costS 19•il'm. '=pro­duction, distributioD and tatal. That came out tomcwe than S1'00,000 per episode. ,., ...

He also fOta waiver from the ::>ereen Actors Guild so that each epitode could be played twice in a week by the stations (once m prime time). In return. beparan&eed to film 24 abowl and pay full residuals.

On NBC, .. Faee" was upqainat CBS' "Mapwn,P.t." Mdneveraotanaudience in this country. But in Australia. for imtance, its Oppolitioa wualocal venion of"60 Minu~ .. ll1ICJ 04Fame" became one

Tlae .. l'ame" of Valerie Laacl8barlan4 Debbie Allen bu been aten4e41D2• epi8od• broaclcUtlD ayndlcatlon worldwide.

TedblOtand ''TooCIOMfor Comfort"' ebow made ayndl· catloa clebat thla month.

ofthe b.i&hest-rated shows on the 9 Network. said the four most successful American shows around the world are "Dallas," "Dynasty," "Magnum, P.I." and " Fame."

4"fame' is popular in other countries because it deals with kids trying to make it, said Gershman. " You have that same fear, anxiety and concern in every country. Kids bave the same problems relatina to adults around the world.··

There ii tome talk offilming several a1Mm•t)M(iQ Italy

Producer William Blinn said the tran· sition from network to syndication was made without any apPUCnt changes, although the show now has a slightly smaller budaet for each episode.

"We made the same changes we would have made if we'd stayed on the network," said Blinn. "The network restrictions were gone so we bad to become our own censora. One of the cut members wu diqnotedu bavina leukemia. The network wouldn' t allow that. They would require that if you bad a serious illness it bad to be a guest star."

Blinn, a veteran of the network wan, smiled and said, "It allows us to be a little more efficient. We don't have all those phone calls from the network tellina us how to run the show."

He said be felt the show could still deliver full screen value with a smaller budaet. "I don't think r.ou could do that witb'TbeA-Team' or StarskyandHutcb,' or a show with a lot oflocation work and stunts, .. be said. "But with 'Fame,' we can stay on our our set and deliver the shows in time, looking as good as the fullr budgeted shows from our tint two years.'

If" Fame" continues. and it appears that it will, you can look for some of the students to graduate. Blinn said he doubted that any of the actors. all in their 20s. would want to continue playing teen-agers.

Frldav . .Anrtl '7 1AA4 'l

Tony has dungeon mate on 'Days' Andre and Delia chaJn Anna to him after she promises-to help

- --


AMC -JEEP . ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-AENAUL T 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 549-8023

CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. • Santa Ana ..:. 835-3171


NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 540-9100


CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 546-1200


ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 546-1934

Daily Pilat FORD

THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 - 540-8211


UNIVERSITY HONDA 2860 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 540-0713


SOUTH COUNTY VOLKSWAGEN-ISUZU 18711 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-2000


BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC · 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892 .. 6651 - 636-2500


CHICK IVERSON, INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach - 673-0IOO


EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa - 646-9303


SOUTH COUNTY VOLKSWAGEN/ISUZU 18711 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-2000


EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor· Bt'Vd. Costa Mesa - 648-9303

.1..------------------------------~~a, ~H 27, 19M



.. D GD .... _,, OF ROCa w ROU ............................ 9"ftt .,.... uhllra ... .._&IM1d119'1N1 P•P• .... ol ....._ 0...... lnolude CIMlolr -.,,,, ,,__ .......... TM r • ., ... ,.., ,,..... v• _.. n.. ,_, IHUM, ...._. ....... TM Jef • .................. _... ......... (R) (Jin.)

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_ ...... my ___ _

llCI•••• .. e YAllll'n CWI TBITHOlt 11oMJ Hiii .................. fUnd.4'1l1lr,. ....... (1 M_.)

... THI CMAW ANIMted. TM ........... ~ .......... -.,....... "' CMrtR ...... .. ...... ...................... v ........ Meat~ .... =..,....,.., 0 -D TAllTHITUTCA tw ... ... ..... ., ,..,.. ....... .... ......... ......_r ........ ....,...., .... •• ft ... c..- GeofWI ... Md Oii ¥ID t*' M1d1l1t lob ........ oohSIL Ari&·-

mt 9 Y,_,., CWI llLITMOll 11oMJ Hell .................. tunckll ... 9"ftt. (1

A rll 27, 1984

Best of 1980'• repraentecl Graham Nub (of Croeby, SUU. and Kuh), RODDle Spector· (The Ronettee), llartba Renee (The V~=:i and Darlene LoYe (The Cryatala) wW appear on the NBC-TV .. &aper 1'1Cht of Rock 'n' Roll," at 9 o'clock tontcht. The Protram feattaree the treateet hlta and hltmaken of the put 30 yean ID new performancee and cUpe.

=·=::':.':."':I.. tut hllp ........ olMllllM1l111Ult~ won.._....., ....... ....,, (1hr.)

~ .. 8 COUITUU WZlOll MDII ... C... ..... ........ , .... -.......... ... c..,,_ • .....,. ..._........,

lltdul ....... UllllJ Md .... llt Md ...... ... Alllulft ....... (I In.)

• '"' WOll.D ti# ~ ..... ........ ...................... ... ............ ::1 "' ...... .,.,... POJtetloll,~•••· ........ .... ~ ....... ~ ............ . ..... c.Mer. (1 hr.)

(Pleue eee SP&CIALS/Paee 29)

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.. ..

' • ................. -------------------~-

_ ............... -... ''The MllllonalresS" (1961, Comedy)

~la LOfen, Peter Sellera. (2 hra.) CC) "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" ( 1981. Biography) Documentwy. Narrat· ed by Orson Welles. (1 hr .• 28 min.) cm "Double Jeopardy" (1982, Orama) Suzanna Love. Robert Walker, (1 hr .• 26 min.) CJ) "Author! AU1horl'' ( 1982. Comedy) Al Pacino, Dyan Cennon. ( t hr .. 50 min.) CZ) "Gun Crazy" ( 1950, Orama) Peggy Cummins.. John oan. ( t hr .. 27 min.)

t:tt CC) " Around The WOf1d In 80 Days" ( 1956. Adventure) David Niven. Shirley MacLalne. (2 hrs .. 48 min.) ® " High Road To China" ( 1983. Ora­ma) Tom Selleck. Bess Armstrong. (1 hr .. 45mln.) CZ) "Exposed" ( 1983. Drama) Nastasela Klnskl, Harvey Keitel. (1 hr .. 40 mlo.) • " Wekx>me, Mr. Washington" ( 1945, Orama) Donald Stewart , Peggy Cummins. 11 hr .. 30 min.)

- CID "Around The Wood In 80 Days" ( 1956. Adventure) David Niven, Shirley Maclalne. (2 hrs • 48 min,)

• CIJ "An Officer And A Gentleman" t1982. Orama) Richard Gefe. Debra Wl~r. (2 hrs.. 5 min.) (I) 'The Man From CloYer Grove" ( 1973. Drama) Cheryl Mlllef, Ron Maaak. ( 1 hr . 35mln.)

19 (%) " Poltergeist' ' ( 1982. HorrOf) Craig T Nelson, Jobeth Wiiiiams. (1 hr. 55 min.)

d G!) "The Perils 01 Pauline" ( 1947, Com· f!(jy) Betty Hutton. John Lund. (2 hrs.) CC) " Black Beauty" ( 1946. Drama) Mona Freeman. Richard Oenmng ( 1 hr.. 14 min.)

.. Cl) " II You Could See What I Hear" ( 1982. Biography) Marc Singer. RH

Thomson. ( 1 hr., 40 min ) 1:11 (JJ "Man, Woman And Child" ( 1983. Drama) Martin Sheen. Btythe Danner. ( 1 hr .. 39 min.)

• (%) " A Farewell To Arms" (1932, Drama) Gary Coopef. Helen Hayes. ( 1 hr . 18 min.)

--Lening ........ QIN me ... PO&awmM AIC ... O ....... ~MIY IUCl­IMCla. /~ ....... me .... .,. " The Princess And The Cab­

bie" ( 1981. Drama) Valerie Bertinelll, Rober1 Desiderio. A young woman suffer­ing from dySlexla. a di80fder which Impairs reading and writing ablUty, Is taught by a setl-edUcated cab driver. ( 1 hr • 40 min.)

WllOMCllOX DICllYMDYll ..... TAii DODmt DUQOUT ..... °' POll1\lm llMIC Ol (a PAllTllQ .,. "Dead Men Don' t Wear Plaid"

( 1982. Comedy) Steve Martin. Rachel Ward. A hard-boiled private eye runs Into a host of familiar characters whlle Investi­gating the death ol a scientist I cheese

lcoon. 'PG' ( 1hr .. 30 min.) 1MAT-.

.. OOO..llM-4Mm ,. me ..

I .... *""' '"' MAii ~-::.'in. " T.J Hook8'" and

"Dynasty" star Heather Locklear, llf'\09f Jimmy Buffet with his llne ot T ·lhlrts. .,,.,.., .... 9 9n'9YY•n TOllmrf Featured: The Oamonds. Susan Sullivan ( "Faloon • C<eat") . • 1•=.u, Loe Angeles Dodgers at


I ...... ..., LMCCll•C .... llWIMW .,_ "T ougt1 Enough" C 1983, Ora·

ma) Dennis Quaid, Carlene Watkins. An unsuccessful country singer. trying to make ends meet. turns to lighting for prize ~·,·:· (lhr., 47mln.) cm ••um (I) ,.,._ CMll " Plague Of Locusts" Hart Is tom between ideals and prestige when two v8$tly cllffefent law firms each off« him a summer job. ( 1 hr.) (%).,. "Author! Authotl" (1982. Com· edy) Al Paclno. Dyan Cannon. A New Yori< playwright's wife leaves him with a QSng of mostly her children to take c:are ol just as his new play is about to open. 'PG' ll hr .. 50 min.) Ga .,. "The Bamboo Saucef" ( 1967, Science-Flc1ioo) Dan Duryea. John Erk:· son. Three nations vie for con1rot ol an alien spaceship. (2 hrs.)

7:1111 1 Cll THI YOWi Featured: an Ice cream bistro where Sieve and Melody create their own flav0<s..

I GHM&Y fllUD LA~l...., I Cf9Nl't lYI Cll L.A. Featured: a look at how

singer Boy Geo<ge of Culture Club has 1m­llated a whOle new fashion trend; a report on how Los Angeles police are attempting to " clean up" Sunset Boulevard.

lncT~DOUQM ... eNOfLl'ICCMIT - tTOIY " Ruper1 Murdoch: Press

Baron Who Would Be~ .. An examlna· hon ot Ruper1 Murdoch s Influence on journalism as he attempts to control major media. (Part 1ot2) 6:) WAll~C*WIB •MYllW cm M•AU. Seattle Manne<S at Call10f· ma Ar:igets (3 hrs )

.. 8 Cl) THI IMUI OI tlAZZAll) The Dukes become Instant lostef parents when a young mother trying to escape her evil father-In-law's Influence leaves an Infant In the General lee (R) ( 1 hr.) II GD THI llAlm Max and the Master help a cannery WOfk&f organize a union when she becomes the target of some docksidetOUQhs. (R) (1hr.) 8 MO¥ll "lhe Ruthless Four" ( 1970. West&fn) Van Heflin, Gilbert Roland. A quartet of eager Pfospectors battles each other and the elements to locate gold. (2 hrs.) G [I ~ Clayton threatens Benson with a llbel suit unless he retracts stat&­ments accusing him of using government funds lr lvot~ (R) Q

I = ·steuth" < 1973, Mystery) Lau­rence Olivier. Michael ca1ne A suspense writ« 1nv1tes his wile's paramour to his home l<>t an evening ol deadly f\Jn and

Imes. (2 hrs . 30 min.) WAll•T<*-•MWIW WM!.~ - "Tyranny 01 The

Stetua Ouo" Gueat: Milton Friedman, sen· lor research telow. HooYef Institution.

CC) ... ''The Man WhO Saw Tomorrow' ' (1961, Biography) Documentary. Narrat­

ed by Orson Welles. Footage of event• he predicted and dramatic r~reetlona of hie Ille comprise this look et the 17fh.<lentury French physiclen. aatrotoger and myaUo, Michel de Noltra~Oame. lcnown u ~ tradamus. 'PG' ( 1 hf •• 26 min.) (8).,. " The Godfather, Part ll"J 1974, Orama) Al Paclno, Robert Duvd. Id-' COfleone aseume. h'9 late tether'• throne and power aa he beoomts the new heed Of the Mafia, finding P<Oblemt wtth rMI factions and the law throughOU1 h'9 reign. 'A' (3 hrs •• 20 min.) CJ).,_ " Author! AU1hofl" (1982, ~ edy) Al Paclno. Dyan Cannon.. A New Yori< playwrlaht's wife leaves him with • gang of mostly her children to take care of Just as his new play Is about to open. 'PG' ll hr .. 50 min~ t:11a 9 ILi Webster lnslsts on sleep­ing with Katherine and George untN his lost teddy bear Is found. (R)

I nc TAC DOUGH UMIOAT WAU. 8'mT - "Tyranny Of The

Status Ouo" Gueat: Milton Friedman. ~ lor research fellow. Hoover Institution. 6i> • CC10J9t I OIW CCMITY ··aeo,. tion Special; The Gann Initiative Debate And Other Ballot 188Ue9" A look at ballot Issues. speclfically the Gann Initiative which would take powers from Speaker Willie Brown and give them 10 the Galltor-

.. nla ~lature. ( 1 hr.)

.. ~THICAn.19 -~ (I) MO¥ll " Bofdetllne" (1980. Adven­

ture) Charles Bronson, Bruno Kirby. A potk:e officer discovers a smuggling ring operating along the Mexican bordef and tries to keep incoming aliens from ~ Ing slaves to ruthleSS sweatshop owners. LR) _(2 hrs.) D IZ ... mff OlllOCK WIGU. How­ard Hesseman hosts this event Which celebrates three decades of this popular form ol music. Guests Include Chu<(k Ber­ry, James Brown. The Temptations, Ftankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Graham Nash, The Jefferson Starship and Martha Reeves. (R) (2 hrs.) D ~ llA_.ADI Chaney and his tecruits travel to Rio de Janeiro to solve the murder ol an Amencan Embassy sec­retary and keep a compU1er code out ol ~~ndS. ( 1 hr )

I un. 01n.u lflOITICal'a MO¥ll "The Big Brawl" ( 1980, Dre­

ma) Jackie Chan. Jose Ferrer. The son of a restaurant owner takes up a battle with some mobsters who enter him In an Inter· stat= lng matoh. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) (1) "lone Wolf McOuade" (1983. Adventure) Chuck NoolS, Oevld Carr• dine. A man attempts to end an a,,,. srm=;8'~ht .. 47 min.)

1:111- - UM. (I) .. mffl'UClt .. .,. " Three little WOfdS" ( 1950,

Musical) Fred Astaire. Red Skelton. The team of Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby, songwritefS of the Roaring Twenties, llve and love thelt way to suooess. (2 hrs., 30 min ) ID ~ ''ChaSlng The BasketbaM Dream" A look at the recruitment of the nations·s top high school athletes. who are promised an education In exchange

Friday, April 27, 1984 9

fOf ptay. and the academiC 11Sks they face ( 1 hr.) DMft. MA&L a alt OATac ROCI W ~,...._ Highlights of the

duo'& lnternstlonal cooce<t tour. lncludlng perlormanoes or "Say It Isn't So," " Adult

IE"'=~Maneater ··

.. ~(1')

~ I~ tlOUITm Matt 1ries to find the kidnapped daughter ol a surgeon who I& the victim of a plot to ensure the death of 11,;1=..r(R) o ( 1 hr >

11.,.IU..,... !S llC)¥ll "The Last Ame11can Vtrg1n" ( 1982, Comedy) Lawrence Monosoo, Diane Franklin A Shy teen-ager 1n love tS reluctan1 to J()ln tus buddies 1n their pursuit of se.xual eKpenences 'R' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) ()) *Ml " Dog Day Afternoon" ( 1975, Drama) Al Pacino. John Cazale A New York City bank robbery escalates Into a near-circus when communlly achvt11s )Oln In to stage an an11-police pro1es1 during

_ 1ttle .=o,:c:: hrs , 10 min )

.. O&Wllk(R) - ... 1meucerrm AlmlCM PUYNOWI "City News"

Nancy Cohen and Elliot Crown star 1n this hUmorous story about an unaerground" newspaper 1n f1nanc1al trouble O ( 1 hr ) @ MOVIE "Cheech & Choog's Stilt Sm0k1n' · ( 1983. Comedy) Richard " Cheech" Mann. Tommy ChOOg The com1C duo liven up a poorly auended Durch Mm tes11va1 'R' ( 1 hr . 31 min ) .. I HOME RAC*Q WllJCl. y (R) tW DfJ CIJ®J m ...


ll'A"l'H HAWAIFM ...

. AlmlCM PU~ " City News" Nancy Cohen and Elhot Crown star 1n this humorous story about an " underground" newspaper in hnanc1al trouble o ( 1 hr ) (IJ llOVE " T111llat1on" ( 1982. Comedy) Killen Na11v1dad Eric Edwards Two hard· ooled but hall-baked private de1ect1ves search lor a woman ol unusual propor­llons ( I hr 30 min 1 (%) llOVIE " Exposed" ( 1983, Drama ) Nastass1a K1nsk1, Harvey Kenel A young woman 1s exposed 10 risks and romance in Paris and New York 'R' ( 1 hr 40 min)

I DICK VM OYU ,,. -.T 1UC8Ct 11:11 .-onm

\ 1W Cl) llO¥m "The BuShido Blade"


( 1980, Advenlure) Richard Boone. James ~arl Jones A U S Navy command­er leads a Mnd ol Americans and Japa­nese 1n an attempl 10 recove1 a treasured artifact (2 hrs .. 15 mtn.) G Q) TOMGHT Host: Johnny Carson Guests· actor-comedian Richard Pryor. L.A Raider tight end TOdd Christensen.

181~~~:YBranigan ( 1 hr )

ow:..:"'~ • llMCM "'-MCtll ..... PUCI

~ " WCT Final" Ouarterhnal matches A and B (!tom Dallas TeKas) ill> (2 hrs . 30 min ) (8) rtANDltQ ROOll Oll.Y " David Bowle

Friday. April 27, 1984

Serious Moonlight" Taped at the Pac•fiC National ExhlbiUon Collseom in Van­couvet. BrnlSh COiumbia lhlS concert fea­tures sucn songs as "Lei's Dance. • "Chi­na Girl. " "Space Oddoy" and " Fame .. U hr) el) 1'a C&.UI Featured a man Who starled drinking at age 12 and consequently 1os1 hlS famlly ( 1 hr • 30 min )

tatt Im°" HOU. YWOOD llCMI " Malaya" ( 1950, AdVenlure)

Spencei Tracy John HocMk A daring newspaper leJ)Oftef backed by the us governmen1 plans to smuggle raw rubber out of Japanese-held Malaya (2 hrs ) C!l •B Bll8IT ... tfl llCMI "Charlie Cobb Nice Night FOi A Hanging" ( 1977. Myst8'y) Clu Gulagei Ralph Bellamy A wealthy rancher htres a delecllve 10 hnd hlS missing daughter ( 1 hr . 30 m1n.) e nlCU '11 M -.T Gues1s Casey Kasem rock musician Frank Zappa, for ­mer Eagles band member Doo Felder

i ) ( t hr . 30 m1n-1 Llllm.ll '11 ntl Nat MD FMIOUI WLL OWi ~ lMMIC Ut? Narrat­

ed by Dr Beniam1n Spock this dOCumen­lary cnronicles the lives of thrl!e New Eng­land lam1hes and snows how !hey are aHected by the anh nuclear movemenl L1 hr) ©., M0¥1E 'Beauty" (No Da1eJ Jamie GlllrS (I hf . 10 min l

1111 trn-.t lUaCI ~ C1J llOVIE "Cheech & Chung's S1111

Smok1n' .. ( 1983 Comeoy) Richard "Cheech' Marin. Tommy Chong Tne comic duo hven up a poorly a11ended Dlltch him festival 'R' f 1 hr 3 I min )

~ PUYIOYFOUJn (Parl 2 0121 I I hr ) a:. MO¥IE " The F1rs1 Deadly Sin" ( 1980

Mystery) Frank S1na1ra. Faye Dunaway A veteran New York City police detecltve whose wife 1s suttenng from a serious 111· ness. tnes to catch a brutal killer terror1z· 1~ Manhallan R' ( I hr 52 min )

12:11 U Oi) FM>AY llQHT YIDIOI Videos include Lionel Richie (" All Nigh! Long") Van Halen (" Jump ') Quiet Riot ('Bang Your Head") . Yes ('Owner Of A Lonely Heart") Roman11cs (" Talking In Your Steep") Nena ("99 Luflballons") Hall and Oates ("Say II lsn 1 So' ) John Len· non ( " Nobody Told Me") and The Rolling Stones !"Undercover Of The N1ghl )

II {1 hr , 30 min ) AIEICA'I T°' 11N U. TOOAY ..OWM I UATlf'I LNJClt •

tta MO¥IE " High Road To China" I 1983. Drama) Tom Selleck Bess Armstrong A milhona1ress hires a hard-drinking ex World War I flying ace to search tor her l~·IOSI lather 'PG' c:;l ( 1 hr , 45 min )

Gltl l awl.JI CMAM.11 OM THI.._.. tcm 1a .. YOM HOTTMCll

OOODllGIHT LA.: Yl)IOI .,_ "Submarine Command" ( 1951

Orama) Wilham Holden, Nancy Olson A Navy sub commander Is plagued with self· doubt concerning a past accident which COS1 some men their lives. (2 hrs ) . .........., ...

, (.%) .,_ "Gun Crazy•· ( 1950, Drama) \. Peggy Cummins, John Dall A tast-ltvlng

former carnival girl tries to convince her marksman husband to turn hrs skills to

U armed ro= ( 1 hr 27 min )

t••=TUat• 1:11~ MON "Blonde Ambl11on'' ( 1981 . Comedy) Suzy Mandel. ()o(y Devon Two English girls seek success In New York C11y with thetr vaudeville act ( 1 hr . 20

mtn.J 1:11 .,_ " Oealhtrap" ( 1982, Mystery)

Michael Caine, Chr1Stopher Reeve. A play­wright suttertng from writer's bloek plans to dO away wfth a lorrnet' 1tudent of his ano ptag1anze the young man's prom1smg

iay 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) ~ AU•nt1,Am.Y

llOVll "Cham Lightning" ( 1950, Ora· ma) Humphrey Bogart. Eleanor Parker Greed almost costs a ie1 pilot his honor and = I (2 hrs )

t•f) " The Chase" (1966. Drama) Marlon Brando. Jane Fonda A Sherifl tries to preven1 the rragte meeting of an escaped convict and his adulte<ous wrle

2 hrs . 40 min ) llO¥ll "Cops And Other Lovers'

( 1982, Drama) Harry Reems, Nicole Mor­in An earnest police vice squad chief ee1s out to make his city moral 'R' ( 1 hr . 26 min )

HI I MIAL1" NU> ce m CMllMll AM LR ... ROWAN a UATlf'I LAUGH•

' ' T°' ~ IODIQ Tyrone Crawley meets Danny Sanchez 1n a middleweight bOul scheduled for 10 (from At1an11c C11y, NJ ) (R) (2 hrs . 30 min )

2:9@11QHT~ ~11 ~) llO¥m "Cujo" I 1983. Suspense) Dee

Wallace. Danny P1n1auro A woman and her young son are trapped 1n their car at an 1sotated auto repatr yard by a huge. rabid dog 'R' ( I hr , 31 min )

2:21 H ~MO ,,,.AMWT llOTM A dOCu mentary on lhe epidemic of killings per · lormed 1n series for no apparenl reason with a locus on three true slories ( 1 hr )

!:IOI) llOYIE " The V1k1ng Queen" ( 1967 Adventure) Don Murray, Adr ienne Com An 111-fared romance develops between a Roman m1111ary reader and a beautiful trib­al monarch a1 a lime when Britain Is s1rug­ghng under a maSS1ve pohflcal upheaval ~hrs)

lD:. " A Tree Grows In BroOklyn" ( 1974. Drama) Chfl Robertson. Diane Baker Based on lhe novel by Betty Smith. A young girl from the tenemenl d•slfict struggles to make a better life tor hersell than her parenls had (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (0 MOYIE " Fasr Wall\ ing' ( 1981 Suspense) James WOOds. Tim Mcintire A pnson guard becomes involved both 1n his cousin's plo110 assass1na1e an imprisoned black leader and 1n another plot to spnng him 'R' ( 1 hr , 55 min ) (ZJ llOYIE " Author I Author•" ( 1982, Com­edy) Al Pac1no, Dyan cannon A New York playwoght's wife leaves him with a gang of mostly her children to take care of 1us1 as his new play is about 10 open 'PG'


hr , !>Omln ) Ml IFWRGDCl: A RCW. MPOlt'T

mMT-..o .

~ti = " An Officer And A Gentleman" ( 1982. Drama) Richard Gere, Debra Winger An und1sc1pl1ned aviation officer cand1da1e meets his m111ch 1n a tough Naval drill instructor 'R' (2 hrs . 5 min )

.,_ " Author! Author!" (1982, Com­edy) Al Pacmo. Dyan cannon. A New York playwright's wife leaves him with a gang of mostly her children to take care ol )usl as hrs new play 1s about 10 open 'PG'

1hr.50m1n) l2I llOVll " Black Sunday" ( 1977,

Suspense) Robert Shaw, Bruoe Dern. A deranged Vietnam veteran }Olns an Arab lerrorlst In a plot to murder 80,000 unsuspecting Super BOWi tans 'R' (2 hr&.,

Coal. 23 mln.J

-i-TMI~ llAICUI wan, u . .. .,.,. "The Man Who Saw Tomoitow"

( 1981, Biography) Documentary Narrat­ed by Orson Welles. Footage of events he predicted and dramatic re-<:reatlons of his life comprise this look at the 17th-centary French physician, astrolOQef a.nd myatle, Michel de Nostra-Oeme, l<nown as Nos­iradamus 'PG' ( t hr , 26 min.)

.. (!) CMTOOell 4:11 (!) .,,.. fa.II



.. ITllCNJa n ~--"Baseball: Out·

field Play" Guest Jerry Stitt, Arizona coach.

.. CC) DMYl MALL I all OAT'la M>CIC 'II' IOUl ~TDW. Highlights of the duo'.s international concert tour, including performances of "Say It Isn' t So." " A dull EdUCatt<>n" and " Maneater."

.. ~ TMI WOM.D TOllOMOW -THIUM.(R) llOVll " Monty Python Lrve Al The Hol·

lywOOd Bowl" (1982. Comedy) John CleeSe, Mtchaet Palin, ( t hr .. 25 min.)

) ..,.,_.., TOGl'THIR A dramatization of the true story about a Black teen-ager who oigamzes hrs peetS to help elderly Black residents du11ng a harsh winter.

!9 (11) llOVll " The Savage" ( 1952. Western) Charlton Heston. Susan Morrow (2 hrs )

lcll VlllO MllOI .. ICMWCaD ••lllln"l Vl.UALIW rr•...,.

flWIJC ,,,., TmTAU 1Ut1••11t1 •• 1 .. a. ... PUm DOWT IAT THIDAml •ITUDIO THllUflTI llOVll " Megalorce" ( 1981. Adven­

ture) Barry Bostwick, Persia Khambatta i_! hr , 40 min ) (IJ HIGH tCNOOL IAHITIALL " McDonald's All ·Amerlca Game" (from Los Angele11, Calif) (R) (2 hrs.)

.aN " The Man From Clover Grove" ( 1973, Orama) Cheryl Miller. Aon Masak thr , 35mln)

a::a LA.Kl> nlAT'ICAT PAC&iiiN ccm••• THI NOftl VOICIO/l~Nm mlTTMI llAYOM -----• IT'IYOUR•tHW RM OUT THI.....,. WtB THI lllllC'I Oftlt Rare footage

and fllm clips recapture the per1ormances of 11 legendary talents - lnclUd1ng Jlml Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Elvis Presley and John Lennon - with commentary by such muslelan!I as Chuck Befry. James Brown and Carty Simon ( 1 hr.) CO) .,. " Wiiiy Wonka And The Choco­late FactOfy" ( 1971, Fantasy) Gene Wilder Jack Albertson (2 hrs.)

41:1J8 .,,. " Powder Town" ( 1942, Ora· ma) Victor McLaglen. Edmund O'Bflen.A tough foreman In a munitions plant causes problems for a scientist aen1 to worlt there. ( 1 hr . 35 min.)

W8 llOVW "Sins Of Jezebel" ( 1954) Pau­lette Goddard. George Nader The Old Testament tale of the beauttf\11 bUt ruth­less and corrupt queer\ of Judah Is told.

i hr .. 30~ Ttlm I CIUS 'ITY CM.aDAI NOMI Mcm~Y (II) c:.GllT, m.u I Mitt DA1\alf

(%) .0. " Hamlet" ( 1948, Orama) Lau· r_,nce OIMe<. Jean Simmons. (2 hr&,, 33 min.) ,.I etwl..m ..... ..., GD THI ftlft1TO. .....



OffltMD CMll.MDO GOOD DAY LA. ""' .... ~=1~· ( 1982. Orama) Syl­

vester Stallone. Carl Weathers. ( 1 hr .. 40

lmin ) OM cc.vT1M

7::a =YUBICADI GD lt9'T TAUi Yount._, TMl-1 •THlm ~QQLI ROCK Mokey discovers

another tribe of Fraggles m-tcon 7':9 @ llOVll " The Counterle11 Traitor" 1 ( 1962. Adventure) Wiiiiam Holden. Liiii

Palmer. (3 hrs.)

•1G>THI ..... THllll ITOOQlt ®l ICOOIY DOO MID ICUWt 000

l'"°"CMAll.m .,... .. ...,

..ZOOMWI ft.DoeGDOM HOUWtHDOH •ITUDIO U¥1eQft.D llOVll "Sink The Bismarck" ( 1960.

Adventure) Kenneth More, Dana Wynter ~hrs )

(ft)~ IOU TO Tltl MCMll Paddington the bear la captivated by the sliver screen after a ahowlng of the musl· cal"= ' In The Raitt"

F TAI.I TNIATM " Princess And The Pea" This version of the classlc tale stars Liza Mlnnelll as Princess Alecia, Tom Conti as Prince Richard and Beatrice Strihl as the prince's mother. (1 hr.)

•11MWOM•D11--,AC4M/-CWl l~ • TMAT lBl IHOW

l\llQPU IDMAllO/I..._ PUY YOUR IUT ,_ " Serve and

Return of Serve" (A) mJ. COllT ...., Comedian Biii

Cosby pokes fun at everyday Ille In this one-man show ( 1 hr., 44 min.) CO) llOVll " The Black Stallion Returns" ( 1982. Adventure) Kelly Aerlo. Teri Garr

1~4= .. w T LomOllTHI~ WVllTTOJ?IA•

MIMI The Veteran rook group perfQrmt_I. selection of their hits. Including "Just A ~ Before I Go" and "LoYe The One You re With" In this concert taJ*j In November. 1982. at the Unlveraal Amphitheatre In Untv.raal City, Cellfomla. i!_ hr .. 45 min.) •• CZ) .,_ " Po11erQ8is1" ( 1982. Horror) Craig T. Nelson, Jobeth Wllllams. Vengeful ghosts take over a suburban Callfornle home and abduct the resident famlty's ~=child. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 55 min.)

tltl 01J AU 9'lat

l ,_TM.I m-.a.aDOUM ... .,_ "City Beneath The Sea" ( 1953,

Adventure) Robert Ryan. Anthony OOIM.

ihrs) ~POOJUB••11 tUIAl9Tlll MIOU9I THI MTI ,_ " WCT Final" Semifinal mate~

es (live from Dallas. Texas.) (6 hrs.) .,_ "Odysgey Of The Pacific:"

( 1981. Adventure) Mickey Rooney. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) Cl) llOVll " Sherlock Holmes In Terror By Night" ( 1946, Mystery) Basil Rathbone, ~I Bruce. ( 1 hr ) {ZJ. llOft "Through A Glass Darkly" ( 1960, Orama) Harriet Andefsson. Gun­nar ~nslrand ( 1 hr • 31 ~

·1Ct; =="~=·-· ODii.,...., O THlum.a

. WMl'n.o .,_ " War Of The Wiidcats" (1943.

Adventure) John Wayne. Martha Scott.

ihrs) YMCNICOOK tUIAll'IWl~TMIMTI llCWll " That's The Spirit" (19415, Ora·

ma) Jack Oakre. June Vincent (2 hrs.) 1MI D GI) •••AU. Regional coverage of St.

Lours a1 Montreal or Atlanta at Houston.

Ii= f IC009YDOO 1--Q THI DMCI IHOW UDtU JMI 0 UY'l IDM COOUR'f mM ...... .,_ " My Bodyguard" ( 1979, Ora·

ma) Chris Makepeace, Adam 13aldwtn. ( 1 hr . 38 min.) Cl) llOVll " Her Twelve Men" ( 1955, Ora­ma) Greer Garson, Robert Ryan. (1 hr., 31 min.) - cmn1••--•

-· WOl•Pt,_ "United Alrllnet TOUt· nament" Anal matches (live from Or1art­do, Fla.) . (2 hrs.) · 8 YlllO J?IAT Guests: Adam Ant. Judaa Priest. Wlerd Al Yankovlc. IJ MOVll " Vengeance Vow" (1956, Western) Clayton Moore. Jay Silvertieela.

lhr .. 30min) Tltl DO IT YOURIBI IHOW .... ~ .0. " Bugs Bunny'& 3rd Movie: 1001

Rabbit Tales" ( 1982. Comedy) Animat­ed VOIOeS by Mel Blanc, Shep Menken. Uhr .. 14 min)

CZ) llCWll " Forced Vengeance" ( 1982, Adventure) Chuck NOlrls, Mary Loulae Weller ( 1 hr .. 43 min )

- dl> llOVll "Gunsmo«e" ( 1953. Western) Audkt Murphy. Susan Cebot (1 hr .. 30 min.)

Friday, April 27, 1984 11

- Saturclay Cont. '*I ._ocA'llWTa

0 MC_.., " Mayday! Mayday!" Two children are stranded In the wilder· ness atter their parents are Injured m a e!!ne crash. ~-~~ 01 2) (R) Q (IJ Wll•rt (Joined In Progress) " United Airlines Tournament'· F1n111 matches (llve from Orlando. Fla.) ( 1 hr . 30 min.)

l lCM TUii llOVll " Abbolt And Costello Meet The

Invisible M 81l " ( 1951. Comedy) Nancy Guild, Wiiiiam Frawley. ( 1 hr . 30 min )

·=~IUIOll lr>llOVll " If Yoo Could See What I Hear" (1 982, Biography) Marc Stnger, RH Thomson. ( 1 hr .• 40 min )

l lln. • 11t1 um tW WllAGAml

0 ,,..CAii IWTAll> Guests Bon Jo'll. Mr, Mister. ( 1 hr ) (!) llOVll "The Dancing Masters" ( 1943. Comedy) Stan Laurel. Oliver Hardy. ( 1 hr .• 30m~

l~flORA= ~ PUltt "The Go-Go's" woeewmo 1"1~

.... Afteraoon .... • -1 nm! ITOOQU

.,. "Piranha" ( 1978, Sctence-F1c· tlon) Bradford Dillman, Heather Menztes ~hrs. ) m .,. " The Four AssasSins" (1981. Adventure) Richard Harrison. Alellander Fu-Sheng (2 hrs ) • ACAIJ8IY OM Ca.vTDI: wrt AND ITTU Ii) IUll ... Of MAMAGllEfT CC) llCMI "Tim" (1981 . Orama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gibson ( 1 hr 35 min )

llO¥ll " A Challenge For Robin HOOd' (1968, Adventure) Bame Ingham. James Hayter ( 1 hr . 25 mm ) (0) llO¥ll " G1deon·s Trumpet" ( 1979. Drama) Henry Fonda, Jose Ferrer 11 nr 45m1n) Cl) llOYIE " Ma.11 Dugan Returns" ( 1983, Comedy) Marsha Mason, Jason Robards (_1 hr . 38 min )

CZl llOYWI " The K1ngl1sher" ( 1982. Ora· ma) Relt Hamson. Wendy Hiiier ( 1 hr 20m1n )

- @ llOYWI " Apache Upns1ng" (l966. Western) Rory Calhoon. Corinne Calvet ~hrs. )

-· ()) l9A IAIUTUU. " Playoff Game"

l hrs .. 30 mm ) UWWllOI 110¥11 " The Prince And The Pauper"

( 1972, Adventure) Animated ( 1 hr 30 min.)

I AllDY-.nlt - lllll•lt f9DAY "The King Of

The B's TellS His Story" Roger Corman. an Independent lllmmaker with over 200 films to his credit, dlSCusses how he has succeeded without he!{> from the maior studios. Gi) ., ..... °' 11tn nwwr

W D Cl)_,... QO&I " Liberty Mutual Leg· ends" Third round (live from Onion Creek Cou~ .i:1~usttn. T exes) (2 hrs )

I l\IBJCA'l lW Ta ,,,,..11 ••1111NTm .,_ICM ... OQY .o'lll " To Begin Again" ( 1983. Ora·

12 Friday, Aprll 27, 1984

ma) Antonia Ferrandls. Encarna Paso ( 1 ht , 27 min) m llOVll " The Rose BOwl Story" ( 1952. Orama) Marshall Thompson, Vera Miies

1 hr. 30 min) t.11 P.. TIK>Ofl

AT 11tl llOVlll ICM. TIMI ADAll-11 ntlMALTIM

' lfTRODUCleG --.ooy llOVll " Adam· a Woman" { 1972, Ora·

ma) Beau Bridges, John Miiis ( 1 hr., 55 min)

llOVll " A Farewell To Arms" (1932. Drama) Gary Cooper Helen Hayes ( 1 hr . 18 min)

H01•·KWn~ <*CO DI llAYO Rew. Los Angeles

Hispanics on the move 0 l(OMa( 9 THI ROAD TO LOI AllCEll 400-meler runner Alonzo Babers is profiled. also, a segment on the 1983 U.S. Wrestling Champ10nsh1ps featuring B~ Baumgar­ten, Greg Gibson, Joe Gonzales, Gene Mills and others. ( 1 hr ) CD llOVll ", The Magnificent" ( 1960. AdVenlure) G0<don Scoll, Jock Mahoney (2 hrs ) Q) llOYWI " Master Killer" (1979 Adven· ture) Liu Chia Hui (2 hrs )


.. TICM.,_. AlmlCAll ITORY l'UY YOUR -.sT .,.._ " Net Play"

(R) H) ITAICJllG M>Oll Olf..Y Red Skelton A Royal Performance" Red Skelton per­forms his comedy roo11nes bef0<e Britain's r<2}'al tam11y ( 1 hr ) OJ llOYWE "Suspicion" (194 1, Suspense)

Cary Grant Joan Fontaine Directed by Allred Hitchcock (2 hrs ) $ llOYWI 'The Black Stathon Returns' ( 1982 AdVenture) Kelly Reno, Tart Garr

lhr 43m1n)

HI W wmtOM..YDO ft.IC* tat Qll"Wtl~

Tlll •THI UM. GMATllT AlmlCAll HDO

fill lfTIMAnoelM. mTIOM A look at U S news events and trends as seen by l0<e1gn 1ournahsts s1a11oned 1n this country Host Ford Rowan m AmllCM ITO«Y (l) *-JIO~ Profile of Tai Ho. a Japa· nese Sumo Wresller (A) I.) llOVll " Freud' ( 1963. Biography)

Montgomery Chit. Susannah York (2

2:11 lhrs ::£. IWITMTID

- W C8f1'D-..CADO IKmeG " Michelin World Freestyle 1nv1·

tational" ( 1 hr ) U llOYIE " Aun For The Roses" (t978, Orama) Sluart Whitman. Panchito Gomez (2 hrs.)

I DMG llACM " Gatornat1onals" ( 1 nr ) Woel>IRWOMM THI HAlllDY IOYI I NAllC\' DMW llfl.

mma 9 llOVE " That Man Bolt" ( 1973, Adventure) Fred W1lhamson. Teresa Graves. (2 hrs.) fill MOYA " Af1tf1c1al Heart" An exam1na 1100 of lhe controversy over ar11hc1al hea11 development. with a locus on Barney Clark's case Q ( 1 hr) 6:) llOYWI " The Pirate" ( 1948. Musical) Judy Garland. Gene Kelly (2 nrs.) '1'i) POIC*AL WI ([) Dl¥M " U S Indoor ChamplOnshlps" (from Galnesvllle. Florida) ( 1 hr.) H'l llOVll " The Mlrr0< C1ack'd" ( 1980,

Mystery) Elizabeth Taylor. Kim Novak. ( t hr . 46 min.) (%) lllOV9 "Loot" ( 1972. Comedy) Rich­ard Attenbo<ough. Lee Remick. ( 1 nr . 4 1 min.)

1-llCA llOCll - ....,,,.. 1:11 ATMllCMll NMOU&. "9IAla MOVll "Enchantment" ( 1949. Orama)

David Niven. Te<esa Wright (1 ht . 42 min)

I ""-. • .. AlmlCAll ADWWNm

TAUC AIOUf ~ Guest: Hal Jen· sen.

I='= MOW 11tl WllT WAI WC. N•AU Chicago CUbs at Pittsburgh

Pirates (3 hrs.) m lllOV9 " Murder By Natural causes" ( 1979, Mystery) Hal Hotbrool<. Katharine Ross. (2 hrs ) m> llO¥ll "Start The Revolution Without Me" ( 1970. Co/nedy) Gene Wiider, Don­ald Sutherland. (2 hrs.) &l AU. .. Tiii OU> IDm Bob VIia and head carpenter N0<m Abram report on the latest construction develOpmenrs at lhe new hOuse site In Br()()l(llne Q

~ AlflJID IUTCIWiQ IPOITICelTa llOY9I "The Cowboy And The Lady"

( 1938, Western) Gary Cooper, Merle Oberon (1 hr . 31 min) CS: llOYll " Poltergeist" ( 1982. Horror) Craig T Nelson. Jobeth Williams ( 1 hr 55 min J m TOQl"'"'"mN ..... tia wmt ...., Ml) PAT .,.

.. OlY..c QOU) LATWTl90 lflOln'mAT ....,.

• APft.llD m--n"""CHiiG .... "' • AIOUTT'alYmON

d DOWN TO Ulml ._ QWIJI CHAM.II OM 11tl ... a. HI THI llOAD TO LOI AWW 11 400-meter

runner Alonzo Babers is profiled, also. a segment on the 1983 US Wrestltng Championships featunng Bruce Baumgar­ten. Greg Gibson. Joe Gonzales. Gene Miiis and others ( 1 hr )


C:::: WORLD Of IPOITt Scheduled Na11onal Champt0nsh1p Sprint Car Racing (from Rossburg. Ohio). Kentucky Derby Trial featuring Devil's Bag, Paris Mlle (from France) . Kentucky Derby Preview. Including reports on The Blue Grass

ISta=;r . 30 min )

mm ... OMCA9UI THI.cl_. ..... '*'- flOOTIML Washington Federals

al Tampa = andl1s (3 hrs.) IU ._, Comedian Bill

Cosby pokes fun at 81/eryday life In this one-man show ( 1 h1., 44 min ) (L) llOVll " Rocl<y Ill" ( 1982. Orama) Syt· vesler Stallone. Gari Weathers ( 1 hr , 40 mrn) (l) MOVll ''Hamlet" ( 1948. Dfama) Lau­rence Olivier, Jean Simmons (2 hrs. 33 min )

Ml @ llOVll "The McMasters" ( 1970. West· ern) Burt Ives, Brock Peters. (2 hts ) .. ~ ... (!I .a: WOIU Of WOllTI SchedUled

-lalurclay Cont. NlflOnat Championshq> Sprint Cat Racing (from R068butg. Ohio). Kentucky Derby i'rlal featuring Devil'a Bag; Perla Mile (trom Franoe) ; Kentucky Derby Preview, lnclUdlng reporia on The Blue Grass Stakes. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.)

l =:,.wo ~nouL IDmOll A look at u.s

news events and trends as seen by foreign jOurnalists stationed In this country, Host. l=ord Rowan.

~~fUIM " The Go-Go's" tlTTM • 1111 um ._...,_.,E IQ

_ _.lvenlng .. , (J) Cll ... ....

llOVtl " 40 Pounds Of Troub1e·· ( 1963, Comedy) Tony CUrlls. Suzanna Pleshette A cabaret owner and his club singer find their hands lull When they agree to take In a troublesome but lovable \1!<e. (2 hrs.) a PUYUC1•W110...c, nuv.. All)._ Thrs review of Iha major events and trends ot 1983 Includes appearanoes by Michael Jackson, David Bowie, The Police, Diana Ross. Biiiy Joel, Man At WOfk, 8ton John. Donna Summer. Prince

~~=kJ,to..~ m> mWI "Hot Rods To Hall" ( 1967, Orama) Dana Andrews. Jeanne Crain. When a tamlly take over a desert motel business, lhey fall victim to harassmeni

ltrom~=;~~ llAGIC Of R.OUL PAlfTllQ llOYll " Megalorce" ( t981. Adven­

ture) Barry Bostwick. Persis Khamballa A group of tachnolog1cally supertor mer· cenarles battle the forces of a riny military dictatorship 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) ©) MOVll " Used Cars" ( 1980. Comedy) Kun Russell, Jack Warden. After the owner of a bankrupt car shop dteS, his employees try to cover up htS demise to prevent his weallhy car dealer brother from inheriting rhe business 'R' ( t hr • 53 min)

llOYll " Max Ovgan Aelurns" ( 1983. Comedy) Marsha Mason. Jason Robards A w1d0w's ne'er-do-well father. Who aban­doned her when she was a child ot nine. shows up with a suitcase full o f Ill-gotten money and a bad heart condition 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min) .. ,.()) ...

IOl...wrl DoomDUQOUT

THI DO rf ~ IHOW " Home Security" Architect Curt Burbtek and remodeller AVl8n Rogers discuss window and door security and other bUrglary deterrents. '9 NOU.YWOOO: C.. TMOUIMD MD 0.. mfTI MIDODm,.um NI 2 OI THI TOii

WT IACll wrrH DAYID HCMOwrl'Z NOU.YWOOD CL.OllUP Featured: profUe

ol Howie Mandell ol "St Elsewhere "

I :.Cl.Oii ~ co.oltT

Tlll•YUUPI IA•'1U Los Angeles Dodgers at

SanO!egofa~es (3 hrs )

1..-.cen.~Y - ITOltY " Rupert Murdoch: Prass

Baron Who Would Be King" An uamlna­tlon of Rupert Murdoch's Influence on journalism as he attempts to control major

media. (Pan 1 of 2) (B) l90 ~ ATTIACTICllll CJ;) lllOWW " Monty Python Live At The Hol­lywood Bowl" (1982. Comedy) John Cleese, Michael Penn Members of Brit­ain's n.tned comedy troupe re-ereate on stage some of their funniest 9ketche6. 'R'

llhr~ .....

,.. UllOIOWI ... .UTPAMI Oii 1111 WOIU

1::9 DMa .... Tlll•YULll m OI LA. Featured: a profile of the.

besketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabber. a IOOk at a group ot men Who are " week­end warriors"

I flW&jC ,,,,..

m011MDllOO &fM- "Tailspin" A behind-the­

scenes story ot Amerlca 's first alrtlne bankruptcy and the attempts of Braniff's chief executive 10 restructure the compa-

~· ~ UO MACMDll A look at the Clas-sic Cheesecake Company; modern day TV pitchman; USA men's Olump1c volley· ball team ml THI -.ATOUTDOOM Jim Tabor goes on a bike tour and Illes In a hot-air balloon at Albuquerque, New Mexico's 12th lnter­natt0nal Balloon Fiesta. c;i

.... THI.._.. 0VD Rare footage and tilm clips recapture the per'formances ot 11 legendary talents - Including J1m1 Hendr1J1. Janis Joplin. Elvis Presley and John Lennon - wilh commentary by such musicians as Chuck Berry. James Brown

and = Simon. ( 1 hr ) (%) "'Forced Vengeance" ( 1982. Adventure) Chuck Norri$, Mary Loulile Weller. A karate axpen uset his mowe to drive mobsters out ot a Hong Kong gem­bll~tabllshment. 'R' ( 1 hr., '3 min.)

- 8 Cl) WllZ ml Richie dl9oovert that hll glrlfrlend's father. a United Statee eenetor, is lnvolVed In a government oover-up. ( 1 hr.) 0 OJ N+W.,.... Amo4d'a favor­ite teacher reveaJs the astonJahlng truth about her need to hold down another job.

, , ~ ' 'Winchester 73" ( 1967, West­ern) Tom Tryon. John Sallon. A man'• Pfized rl fle Is stolen, and he walls for It to go through many hands befOl'e 11 la returned. (2 hrs.) 8 [Ql U. llOOUI Hooker Is determined to learn lhe Identity of the beautlful "Jene Doe" whose body he found In the aurf. (B) Q ( 1 hr) G ltCMI " Fall Of The House Of Ushef' ' ( 1958. Horror) Tom Tryon. Matlhe• Thompson. Based on the story by Edgar Allan Poe. A girl who was burfed allve by her brother returns to haunt him. (2 hra.) (!) TWIJflfT IM Cl) A llAIMD IWI A successful lawyer and family man. Jol'ln Strickland (Antho­ny Hopkins) escapes trom the trappinga of a conventional Ille through an adulter­ous rela1lonsh1p that ends in tragedy; C1aran Madden. Lise Hilboldt. Johr'I LeMesurler and Cllve Francis co-star. (Part 2 ol 2) (2 hrs ) fii) ITMllDID The phenomenon ot mass

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Friday, Aprll 27, 1984 13

- lalurclay Coal~ strandlngs Of wneles IS el(plOted through tlleories Which try to explain why these intelligent animals beach t~. ~ent on mass suicide ( i ht ) ~

... "Tim" (1981. Drama) Plp8f Laurie. Mel Glbeon. A young retarded men and a S8n$1tlve. mldd-.aged woman develop a cioM rellltlon.Shlp ol mutual need and understanding that leads to an unorthodox ( 1 tv . 35 min.) (() lflOllTIC8n9 ©) .,.. "The B&acio: Stallion Returns" ( 1982. Adventure) Kelly Reno. Ten Garr

A bOy goes to the Sahara Desert to find hlS beloved black Arabian stallton who has been reclalmed by its p<9YiouS owne< 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 43 min )

.... TM.I nmAm " Princess And The Pea .. This Y9f'Slon of the olasse tale stars Lir.a Mlnnelli as Princea Alecia. Tom Conu as Pr1nce RlchatO and Beetnce Stra~s the prince's mother ( 1 Iv) 6D " The Amazing MfS.. Holiday" ( 1943. Adventure) Deanne CA.trbln, Edmond O'Brien A courageous American teachef ~ a group of refugee ~eo escape duMg Wortd W81 ll (2 hrs.)

.. «l) wmeGWlrM • 11 e •• U IL.r._ Joey's ecc:eo-

111c: gtandfathef en,oys his stay at the hoUse until he tindS twnseff talking to Jen­Otlef and reehzlng he must ha"'ll died Cf) L.IUTY\llOIM_.. MePAmM G!) .,_ "Stage Door Canteen' C t9'3 MUSIC811 Loo McCaHJSter. Heten Hayes Tt'lfee g.rts oate ~. egnonng the rules ser down by the Stage Door Canteen ~they won.. (2 tn)

.,_ .. And Now For Something Com­pletely 01llerM1t" I 1972 Comedy) GraNam Chapman, Jonn Cleese Mem­t>ers ot " Monty Python's Aywlg Cn::us · Ofesertt a senes ol comeoy sketches 'PG' t tht 291TWl ) I],. m'Wtl 'King Of Comedy' ( 1982. Comedy ) Robet1 De NllO Jerry l ewws A la•hng comedian ptans to kidnap a we4-known tat. stlO* host 'PG' t I IY ' 1 mrn

•& .,.,. " Tom Hom" 11980 West· eml St~ Mcaueen. Richard Farns­worth In eet1y 20ttK:enMy Wyoming. a bOunty hunter Nred by a group of ranch­ers to track dOWfl rustlet'S is set up •oc a

~~~R~a Chellenger must convV'Ce • pusert7y to r.etp hef tram for an deged Olympic ~t. a three legged rec:e, customers at a ges S1at10n'1 Jul.service t:Sland are asked to pay one dolal extra to be entettalned ~ exotic: denoerl. • «I LM IOAT Vtckl tnes to help a gir1 who has prob1iems rwtatlng to her fath«. a newfywed an~ts to htde Na wtte trom l'll:s bOSS. and a man enlists a women to find out ~ crew membef sto6e hlS flan­oee (R) 0 ( 1 IY' . • M&fti • ..-(() ,_ "WCT FNr ' ~ sem.mel meteh (trom Odes. Texas> IR) (• tv's l

... '"The Black Stdon Retums' ('982 A~ture) Kely Reno. T811 Gen A bOy gc:>es to the Sahefa Desert to fnO hll Debled bll9dc Aratli9n stallion WhO h8s been rec::tam9d by lt:8 Pf8YIOUS owner PG' t1 ht 43 mn)

.,.,. Expo6eCf c 1983. c:nm.1 Nestas:s;a K;nska. Han9)- Kettel A. young ""°"*' G e~ to ~ and romance in Pw1is end New 'Yor1'. R" I 1 tv 40 ITW'I.)

1• Fnday. Apn121. 1984

.. (ll).-T TUCKI

............ , Vint .. thtllled, but the rest of the temlly Is In &t)()Ck when Naomi announces stie'a pregnant (R) (f) TA.-rlll9 CC) .,.,. ' 'Sink The Bismarck" (1960, Adventure) Kenneth More. Dena Wynter The famous German b9rtteshlp IS deteat­ed by an available air and 988 forces ( t N , 37 mlfl)

- II e M llU..09 IOll CotyeN sets out on a one-man revenge ~ to locate the men wtlo shol Dillard. ( 1 hr )

I ~MITAIY aMe A youngster asks an elderty man about hef perents' death, and a garrulous vaudeville entertainer seeks a reunwo with his old stage part· ners (R) o ( 1 tv ) 8 PLAYUCI•~---~ All> .. This NMeW of the major 8Yents and trends of 1983 lncl\ldes appearances by Mdlael Jackson. O.Vid Bowte. The POl!oe, °'8na Ross. Billy Joel. Men At WoB., Elton Jonn, Donna SYmmer. Pr1nce and CultUfe Club. t2 hrS.. ) • Gii ITAm ' m ttCA A variety show inctudlng studio performances. oeAebflty ~ and country musk: This ~·s ~ts. How1e Mandel. OooAld O'Connor. Kenny Rankin. Sha Na Na. Suzanne Somers. Tiffany Renee. Les Ballets De Trocadero (2 hrs I .IOUDIOLD (H) crmc:alA&YM .... Comedy sketches combine * 11h cAaSSIC him and news footage '" an ottt>eat. satiric tak&­otf ~ LOU FAUllA I A taped perlormance ffom the Aladdin Hotel m Las veoas 11 hr )


- .-TTMCCI - ICU>IOLD .,.,.fl ' 'Stlaoes Of Oentness" Mary

Moros. Pau Heftloerg and Peter Settelen stat in a story by Waltef de ta Mare abOUt a boy wno t>etieves his hunt IS 1n league wtth Satan Q ( l tv I G.,.. · The Wortd Gone Mad . • ( 1933. Orama) Pat O'Brien J Carrol Naish A cr<><*ed financier and hts nencrvnen try 10 frame a C11S1rict attorney ( 1 IY . 30 min) Ji) Q&.W Q.UI • c:oicm1 Culture Club perlonns "Karma~: · "Do Yoo Aealy Want To Hurt Me?" and " MISS Me Blind" at the Hammersmltfl Odeon In LondOn.. ~ 11 rv J

IPLA\'Wf-1'0 ..,,_.. -UC.

.. IAl\m&l 90KT1 Ni9 WCM.-L.m•n.fUllCm

"" aeCI>oe ... YlimT'f Q.UI ......,._ Monty H.o

h051S thl.s ern.I fund-ratMlg 9¥8tll (2 hrs.) • 9IMI 11-9 RlSe Ana ~ .. 0t Legl Ole­moncf' ( 1960. CXama) Ray Danton. Karen Steele The infamous gangstet. Legs Olamond. ~ he ls WldestNCt~ ble and sets out to pro-.oe (2 hrs.)

... 'Tltlllat100 ' ( 1982. Comedy) Kitten NatMOad Enc EdWards.. Two,..,~ boiled Du1 half-baked pnvate Oltec:fllls

seercn '°' • woman of ""'** PftlPCI'· tlOnS. ( 1 IY , 30 mh J mTtl#~ ... " LOOC' t1972. Comeoy) Rlcn-

8'0 Attenooroui1t lee Almictl. Ar1 ~ woman's sori a1ld 1'115 beS1 lnend declOe to horde ltlW rot>t>ety wwvwigs In hef coffin ., ~ sae.zy 8ntJSh hotel ·PG· ! 1 tw • ' 1 r!W\.) ... ,



,., ..... ,.. • Ul\m&Y _., Ull Holt: Don

Rk:klel. Guest. Blly tdOI ("Whitt Wed­dl!'lO," ''Rabel Yell") . (R) (1 hr .• 30 min) ..... (IJ ... " The Star Packet" ( 1934, Western) John Warr-. Verna Hillie A tough cowt>oy depUttzea • group of ranch-9f5 to round up a geng of outlaws. ( 1 hr 15mln~

i ••W ... 1•10CKS• mM WW Neel Gabler and Jet­

frey Lyons rev\ew " Romancllig The Stone" and ":i;1za:hlft." ~ mtMlt ~•MACT AUii Comedian Richard~ performs hts stage act at lhe New YOtk comedy club Gatch A Ristng Star . CID .,. "Expoe.d" ( 1983, Ofama) Nastassla Kin~. Harvey Keitel A VOO"Q woman is alCposed to rtlks end romance in Paris and New York. 'R' (1 hr.. 4C min.) CD.,. ''The Opening Of Mlsty Beetho­ven" ( t979. ~) Constanoe Money Jamie GIHls A reciowned MX authority makes a wager that he can tum a com· mon Panslan tart Into a high-priced. )81 set =rt. ( 1 hr., 25 min.)

" Nana" (198 t. Orama) Katya Berger. Jean-Pierre Aumont. A beauttlul and w1Utul p<ostltute putt tier appeatance an<I body to use to become the toest of the town 'A' ( 1 hr . 32 min.)

1W D .,. " Planet Of The Apes" (1968. Science-Fiction) Charlton Heston, Roddy McOowall Foor astronauts crash oo a planet ot the far luturt ruted by talking 5111'"80$, (2 hrs . 15 min. )

11198 .,_ ··Skullduggtty" (1970, Adven­rure) Susan Clanc. Burt Reynolds. Anthfo­Pol<>gtSts discover valuabte mineral depos­its and a~e eteetures wt\ile on .afari in

New Guinea (1 hr .. 55 min.) 8)1TMllMDI fD DAYID •-- Featured. foot care. evening gown designs. ( 1 hr ) ~ .,. "E~ On Taboo Island" l 1977. Orama) Laura Gemser. A young man is cast ashore on a tropical Island and meets a sensuous young woman 'R'

ihr. 25min ) M.19 llTQICOCK 5 I 11

1119 -.rl'IACl:I 1t'tl .,_ " Hot Nights" (t 98 1.

Comedy) Hiiiary Summtra. Aaven Turnei A wealthy Texas famly Of fert~ pro­dueef'S engage In cutthtoet competltlOn and= lo'.'emeklng. ( 1 Iv., 25 mlrt.)

119 8 " Pete 'N"lllUt" ( t972. eom&­dy) Wettef Matthau. CarOI Burnett A merrled couple dtttt 8Plft etttt their son Oles. bUt love ..,.,..t\Jaly br1ng8 them back I the< (2 ht$.)

IOCIPAUCI tll9 .,. "Texas Terror" ( 1935, West·

ern) John Wayne, Gebby Hayee.. A COW· bOy rlddert wttn guilt O"lfK the deeth ~ his best lnend decicfea to become • peec.eful e:!.._O&peCtor. ( 1 hr. 5 min) CJ.).,. " ti You Coutd See What I Hear" (1982, ~1:?= Singer. AH Thomlan. n.· Jil l\M9' of blind ~ 8'At9n'• calege <1171 .. ~ 'fllQI (1 tw •• 40 min ) ·1-NUICI Y...neu911UtatcC*f9J ....... _

... " fight Cotm19ncr' ( 19' 1, Adventure) Aobllrt Teytor. A.Ith .._y A c.oet .,..,.,. hla Wtl'Ot'' rt a IOUlltMnd· I~ ..... 8"" .. I ten (a fa. 30 "*'-? • I , ..

• .,_ "Crime And Passion" ( 1976) Omar Shartf. Karen Black. A romantically fnvOlved couple set out to rip o ff a rich. and da=ous· flnanclef ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cf)~ (%) .,_ " Poltergeist" ( 1962, HorrOf) Craig T. Nelson, Jobeth Winiams. Vengeful ghosts take over a suburban California home and abduct the resident family's

im:t~'PG' (1 hr . 55min)

w -.TlUClt t:1f MCMI "Cujo" ( 1983. Suspense) Dee

Wallace, Danny Plntauro. A woman and her young son are trapped In their car at an tSolated auto repair yard by a huge. rabid dog. 'A" ( t hr .. 31 min.)

t:11 CID THI GMA't 'LIAW tun • A took at the e•travagant pleasures money can bUy, including the " meal of a hletlme" and a topless beach at St Tropez. (I hr ) (!) llCMI " Warpath" (1951, Western) Edmond O'Bnen. Polly Bergen A cowboy av~ the death of his hancee ( I hr )

I ~City For Conquest" ( 1940. Drama) James Cagney. Ann Shendan A prizefighter devoted 10 his kid brother los­es his eyesight In a fateful match. (2 hrs ) Ct) llO¥ll " My Bodyguard" ( 1979, Dra­ma) Chris Makepeace. Adam Baldwin The new kid at a Chicago high school makes friends with the school outcast and together they stand up to the cruel qang


.. 1=-= / ccmMTY CAUJl>All a•TOflB C&..OllUP ~ ~ ... TMI ..-Sova Rare foorage

and film clips recapture the performances ot 11 legendary talen ts •• including J1m1 Hendtlll, Janis Joplin, El111s Presley and John Lennon • w11h commentary by such musictans as Chuck Berry James Brown and Carly Simon ( 1 hr I (J..) llOVIE " Fighting Back ·· ( 1982. Ora ma) Tom Skemtt Patti Lupone ( I hr 40

::1m;"!.rC ..... .. AT-fc9 CAl'TMtlMQMOO

CM9VI MOfU: ""VW1""'WOM--rr Ot1 ..,._ ,.. (J) ~ICHUUD ([) ~ ··w cT Best Sem1ftna1s· (From Dallas) (R)Jfa~· 30min.) (])•tTtll Q CZ) llCMI " Exposed" ( 1983. Drama) Nastass1a Kinski. Harvey Keitel ( I hr • 40 min~


-~ Y.-rt CWI TELITltOM Monty Hall hosts this annual lund-ra1s1ng event ( 1 hr)

fllltlOIM. a••••• TWlOOHATWJl•IQ YOUTH• TMI _, MIDAYllAll ~ ... ....... .,_ ··1 See A Dark Stranger·· ( t947.

Suspense) Oet>orah Kerr. Trevor Howard

whleh had persecuted them both. 'PG' ( t ht .. 38 min.) Cf) ,,_ " WCT Fk\.t" Second best semifinal matct\ (from Dalla•. Texas) (R) i)_ hr .. 30 min.) (OJ llOVll "Things Are Tough AH Over" ( 1962. Comedy) Richard "Cheech" Mar­in, Tommy Chong. Two men have nvmef· ous mlsadventuret wtllle driving an Arab­owned, money· fllfed. limo to Laa Vegas. 'R' ( 1 tv .. 30 min.}

Wlt&IMVM:M OllOll - «1' .. 1CC1C 11mrr u.: vmoe d m¥ll "Some Kind Of Hero" (1982.

Comedy} R}Chard Pryor. Margot Kidde< A war veteran turna to a lite of crime after the government raf\Jses to give him back pay he earned while being a prilonef of the North Vietnamese for six years. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) -

t:ll 11 llCMI " Cry For Help" ( 1975, Drama) Robert Culp, Elayne Hellvelt An unpopu­lar radio announcer despera1ety tries to rally his listeners to loeate an anonymous gjrl wno has phoned In her suicidal Inten­tions. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) ~ fMf1tY

~ '::.. " Odyssey Of The Pacific" ( 1961. Adventure) Mickey Rooney. The eccentric engineer ol a steam loeomotlve aids a Cambodian refugee. ( 1 hr , 20 min.)

li hr . 38 min.) CID llOVIE " The Personals" ( 1982. Come­dy) Biii Schoppert. Karen Landry ( 1 hr , 30mtn.) (OJ llOVIE " The Pride Of The Yankees"' ( 1942, Biography) Gary Cooper. Teresa Wright. (2 hrs .. 30 min.)

1 llOYll " Sherlock HOimes In Terror By Nlghf' ( 1946. Mystery) Basil Rathbone N1 I Bruce ( 1 hr , 30 min )

. c:aatltW .. WVlrTTOllAVIR 1:11 TODAnMUCIDI ••111.rrY C__.WI TMIPIOIU

LIT Tt9M. UQHT ,_,. ear.- tll PAl'TM ......CN.11 ll\IMI D0Wt IATM OAmt llM'BllOOll MllCUL.Nm u.u. llOVIE " The Siience" (1963, Drama)

lngrld Thulin. Gunnel Lindblom. ( 1 hr . 45 min.)

. 1'MIL.UtOI .. All»YWiiih 1• LJlllTml

TMAT'ICAT YAlmn CWI 1BITMC* (CONT'D) WAllTO__,_ QUE NOUll • llMCM KWTHCONUll» TMZM ~ DAY t1I DllCCMIY flUITWCAT llUm~(R)Q UIDAY811 m¥ll " Wiiiy Wonka And The Choco­

late Factory" (1971 , Fantasy) Gene Wttdef, Jack AlbertSOl'I. ( 1 hr .• 38 mtn.)

l ... tJIC ..... YOa

1* GOOD ... 1!11 , .... ll'lflillflM. ··-..... -

-, •ICYIAINCW.9CllT - YMmYCUITUW='"t mA1'11f90ITILlll .................

.. "The Betsy' ' ( 1978, Ofat'M) Laurence Ollvlef. Robert Duvan. 88Md on the novel by Harold Robbins. A powerltJI end relentless OetrOlt auto tyoooo brlnge a daredevil racing star Into his company·to develop a revolutionary new vehicle. 'A'

~h<t .• 6~ .. , .,. " Used Cara" (1980, ComedY)

Kurt Russell, Jack Warden. After the owner of a bankrupt car shop dies, NI emplOyees try to COV8f up hls demlle to prevent his wealthy car dealer brother from Inheriting the business. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 63

a.min ... • DAY t1I DllCOWat It» MCMI ''Too Hot To Handle" ( 1938, Comedy) Clark Gable, Myrna Loy. A reporter tali. itt love with his rlval't glft.. lrlend whlle creating his own news acoops.

~hr .• 30 min.) " ...... .._, UNO Eddy Merckx. Belgian

bicyclist. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) • (]) MCMI ''Hussy" ( 1980, Drama) Heten

Mlrren. John Shea A cabaret hostess end a mysterious American graduatty faM In love until their pasts catch up with them. 'ff ( 1 hr .. 35 min )

1.-,yc...-••ll OULMll ill LLOYD Oii.Vii _,,, IWMGAllT ILACKITM THI WOll.D .. TOMQMOW---llOVIE " Cracking Up" ( 1983. Come­

dy) Jerry LewtS, Miiton Ber1e. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.)

UTT\.I ....., Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbof challenges the friendship between a ten-year-old orphan and an elderly Japanese man G) WAY Of TlllTH

1:11 @ llOVll " The Man wno Snot Liberty Valance"' ( 1962. Western) James Stew· an, Joh-=ne (2 hrs . 35 min.)

.. ()) Y llON•IQ n11•MUP1 UTT\.IP..:I U.O'tDOll.Vll u.a ...,,A&.81. IUll.-Y#e .... -.-ITml(R)Q ...... llO¥ll "Deathtrap" ( 1982. Mystery)

Michael Caine. Christopher Reeve ( 1 hr .• 55mln.) ,... " ArthUr Smlth"s Tournament" ... M>llDM

n awl.JI~ Ot1 THI PUI IC89 .. ODYISf

ATMMCMll •IM,_ AT CA&.VAltf .....:IK.PMCI TOllAMD.,.., DOWTOUllml .... ~ •mMO A new boy In town gains

'social acceptance with the help of a bird. li hr , 1 I min.) (SJ MOvtl ··0usty" ( 1981. Drama) BIN

Friday, Aprll 27. 1984 15

-----------------------------Sunday Coal.

Ken, Noel Trevathen. (1 hr., 28 min.) (Z) MDVII " lone Woll McOuade" ( 1983. Adventure) Chuok NOffls. David Carra· dine. ( 1 hr .. 47 min.)

...... To.MAU. .. ...ciou•a Cl

YllSrf CLUI 1'ILITNOll (COln"D) _,.OfA&LOI UI Flt OULM I 111 WU.WUWUT rr••••• ..,~...,,_,.

OfBI .. rrt ..... VIODY'l• 11•11 IPOIT...,. VlllO •DIOX MDVII ' 'The Cowt>oy And The Lady'.

( t938. Western) Gary Cooper, Merle

-1~rt1ir UllllTM COf&MI) ,,. WOM.D TCllOMOW ,,. CltAW Animated. The adven·

tures of Lady Slipper and her friends In Charm World are told, leaMlog the voloes of Ben Vereen. Alleen Quinn and Sally S1ruthers. O

I C.-.CMlil'l ... 1'11111--lt '"nllulOOn ...... ~ UllO Tai Ho. Japanese Sumo

Wrestler (R) Qi) lllOVll "Sliver Dream Racer '. (1980, Orama) David Essex, Beau Bridges ( 1 hr .. 51 mn.}

m film'°'°" - tJ Cll .. IAmTUU. DOmLIMIAlllR

"Conference Semifinals" (5 hrs.) O TAD ntl TllT .-:A Star athleles and ordinary people lake the new Na11<>nal F11ness Test to see how they measure up. Coach George Allen and Otymplc gold medalist Bob Mathias co-host.

lllT Cll U. TOOAY IBAL.D C/l '1111TM NWICW.1119EIDacl TOOAY ...... ... ,Mn8 1111u...-.. ..,9IDY ............ 9Cml " Rataplan" ( 1979, Comedy)

Maunzio N1ehe111. Angela Finocchiaro I 1 hr. 32 mm)

UMTI ··w orld Mlddlewetght Champ• oosn1p" (lrom Montreal) (2 hrs.) @ mv. ··The Great Adventure" (1976. Adventure) Jack Palance. Joan Collins

t hr , 25 min) lllOVll " Soc Pack" ( 1982. Comeay)

Kenny Rogers. Diane Lane. ( 1 hr . <&5

;n~-.. @ .,. "Standing Tall" ( 1978. Orama)

Robert F<XSlet. Chuck Connors ( 1 hr • 55 min.)

-· .. LOR IFUU --.0 DMT c::MWI­~

I 01111-wmtDAVID~ _,IQHLa IA•Ml Chicago Cubs '' PittsbUrgh

Plra=.1~13 hrs )

I'* c,;,;t.RJ.. -.......r WAil ~ - "Tyranny Of The

Status Quo .. Guest. Milton Friedman. sen· ior research fellow. Hoove< tnstrtullon. CU MO¥ll " Oimbo<Ma" (1979, Drama ) Brvoe Spence, Natalte Bate ( I hr • 27 min)

16 Friday, April 27. 198•


--&1temo• 11:98 YllSJ'Y CWI,....,... Monly Hall

hos1s this annual fund-ralSlng event ( 1 hr)

·1='=•U•.U. WI - _.,. ... The return of Herbert and Lotte Strauss to Germany lrom which they fled 1n 1943 10 escape almost certain death m a Nazi concentra-110n camp, tS chronicled. ( t hr ) ~ AMlllCM'*BW CC) lllOVll " The Music Man" ( 1962. MUSI· cat) Robert Preston. Shirley Jones (2 hrs . 31 mtn) ~ " WCT F1nar· (From Dallas) (3

hrs ) CCMfm llOCI • This concert taped

al the Pine Bluff Conll90tloo Center 1n Arkansas features The Oak Ridge Boys . The Charlte Danlets Band and Roseanne Cash (lhr)

..,. AM ~ A look at the James Bond hims and the actcxs whO have portrdtr.:genl 007 ( 1 hr ) (.S)P... · M llCOll> YIM (%) MO¥ll " Poltergeist" ( 1982. Ho11or) Craig T Netson. Jobeth Wiiiiams ( 1 hr 55 min.) G') lllOVll "The W11cJ Blue Vondef .. (1952, Adventure) Wendell Corey. Vera Ralston (2 hrs I

12:9 @ mv. ··Fear Strikes Out .. (1957. Biog· raphy) AnthOny Perkins. Karl Malden (2 hrs)

ttll1==··" Gi9 000. ..... W •••IOU " Llberty Mu1ual Leg· ends" Anal round (ltve lrom Onlorl Creell Counlry Club In Austin. TelC.85) (2 hrs l

I YllSrf CWI lB.IMll (CC*T'D) IBMAW •••Ml LOS Angelfi Dodge<s at

San= Padres (3 hrs )

1 .... ~OJ.I ThiS doct.lmenta· ry, hosted by Martin Sheen. surveys the problem of childhood suicide and its al'l'l&­llora11on through the e~ and views of suicidal children. thelt tammes and exC*ta. ( 1 hf .. 30 min.)

ff) _.. GOll " Liberty Mutual leg· ends" Final round (five from Onion Creek Country Club 1n Austjn, Texas) (3 hrs) '1l) A llA T1D Cll TAITI @ lllOWW" "The' K1lhng Of Randy Webster" (1981 . Orama) Hal Holbrook, Dixte

Carter (2 hrs ) llOVll ··Mane-Anne" ( 1978. Adllen·

ture) Andrea Pelletier, John Jullanl ( 1 hr . JO mm) (Q) NOY UIUND wmt IKUY llOOllll Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney sing and dance some of their old numbers in lhlS t963 show ( 1 hr )

) llOYll " Merton Of The Movies·· (1947 Comedy) Red Skelton, Virginia O'Brien ( 1 hr • 22 mm )

.. (!) llO¥ll " Island Of The Blue Dolphins" ( 1964. Orama) Cella Kaye. Larry Doma· sm (2 hrs )


19 llO¥ll " Piranha·· ( 1978, Science-Fie lion) Bradford Dillman Heather Menztes I.? hrs ) ti) llOVW '·s1art The RevofUlton Without Me" ( t970. Comedy) Gene Wilder. Ooo aid Sutherland (2 hrs.) ~ FACU Cll al.TUM (0) ~ fOMDA'I CIUMTY comDY F~ IMOW Jane Fonda and her celeb­rily guests 1nclud1ng Morgan Fairchild. Chevy Chase. Sally Field, Mark Hamil!, Kale Jackson and David Stetnberg, pul on a senes of skits spoohng fashion ano S_!)'le ( t hr . 30 min ) LZ.l llOYll " Enchantmenl' ( 1949. Dfama1 Da111d Niven Teresa Wright ( 1 hr . 4 2 mm)

l .,_ICOTT

- WLD, WLD WORLD Cll ~· !:a _.,., CINT9'AL Archival phOrographs and chps from old Hollywood musicals focus on lhe history. architecture anel

~lhotogy of Grand Central Slat'°"

• FACOC/lal.TUM r • llOYll "Looker • ~ 1981 . Science-Fie tion) Albert Finney James Coburn ( 1 hr . 34 mm) ' SJ llOYIE " Same Time. Next Vear' ( 1978, Comedy I Alan Alda. Ellen Burs

ll_f1 ( 1 hr . 59 min ) ta !!!) UMDDllA WORLD Of .&ACQUU COUl­


Ml I ::-CAN ADV'DfMI Y.-r'f CUM 1ILITMOel (CC*T'D)

AIEICAN UOttTW A team of expert chmbers journeys to Pakistan's Hmdu Kush range to scale a mountain

la:........._wou FM& y POR1'AAIT DlftlQ " U S Indoor Champk>nsh1ps"

(from Gatnesvi~~~ (R) ( 1 hr ) Cit) ~ Q " Caesar's Pal-ace ln111tational .. ( 1 hr )

llOYll " 8 111 Cosby Hl~f" ( 1982, Comedy) Bill Cosby ( 1 hr . « min )

t:atJ JWITMYOU Featured a visit with Game Show h0s1 Bob Barker. an lntervtew with announcer Johnny Olson and models Jan­iee Pennington and Olan Parkinson from " The Price Is Right "

AGlllCULTUM U.U. (tl mrtcofl HOU.YWOOD FAllf AIY aAll> TONY MOWWI iaol INW.


IS 1111 ... •IA•Ml .. ~~c.nm...-.:.. W MWA.CI

I -lunclay Cont • •

I IUllDAY OLYWIAD "The East Europeans"

Gymnast Nadia Comanec1 of Romania, bO>ter Lasz.lo Papp ol Hungary, and javehn thrower Ruth Auchs of East Germany are among the the great athletes learured ( 1 hr.) D MOVll " Fall Of The House or Usher" ( 1958, Horror) Tom Tryon. Marshall ThOmpson. (2 hrs ) ®> IJITaThl~ na W1D Featured singer Helen Reddy: singer-actor James Darren, comic books ( 1 hr ) m M0¥'8 " Murder By Natural Causes· ( 1979, Mystery) Hal HolbrOOI<, Katharine Ross (2 hrs.) e 11()¥11 " The Burning Hills" ( 1957. Western) Tab Hunter, Natalle Wood (2 hrs) • _._ TMI nt1 QllBA. 110M Ana THI HOl.OCAUIT A documenta­ry focusing on one ot the many wpport groups formed In the 1970s to help chll· dren of Nazi Holocaust survivors lace their painful legacy ( 1 hr ) Gi) .,._.. " Mission Monte Carlo" ( 197 I Adventure) Roger Moore. Tony Curtis. (2 hrs) ~a.c1-w••-YUM ~ 110'111 "Deathtrap" ( 1982, Mystery) Michael Caine. Christopher Reeve ( 1 hr • 55 ""'\) ~ MOVll "The Personals" ( 1982. Come

dy) 8111 Schoppert Karen LaMry I 1 hr 30 m1n ) CID llOft " Morning Glory'' ( t933. Ora· ma) Katharine Hepburn Douglas Fa11-banks Jr ( t hr , t 4 min , (%) mYll " Around The w orld In 80 Days · ( 1956. Adventure) David Niven. Sh11ley Macla1ne (2 hrs . 48 min I

di @ IABALL Atlanta Braves al Houston Astros (3 hrs I ._ i ::r.::-WITH DAVI» HOllOWITZ


llOYE " Mother Lode" I t982 Drama) Charlton Heston, Nick Mancuso ( t hr 41 min) .. I= QMBlf'l .... DIJlllll

AIJC ... O ... , .•. " THE wca.D Of TOllOMOW w1111am

Shatner hosts thts IOOI< at present and future technology in the areas ot transpot talion, med1e1ne, hou91ng and b1omechan ics Filmed at Ftorlde's Epcot Center ( 1 hr.)

I : Lim " The Conservative Dissent In France" Guest Jacques Chirac. the mayor of Paris. ( ttlrJ Ii) IQUAM '°°1' Q.QAIU~DB••IGI Qi (I) COUIQI U.UU USC at Stanlor(J ~hrs l (jJ llOVll " Willy Wonks Ancl The Choco­late Factory" ( 1971 Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jack Albertson ( t hr , 38 min ) m-uvoHALL

• ca ... llMr rt\.111.,. ... AUCI AIJC ... O llO'fORHD VIDIO AIQIOI llCMI " My Favorite Wife" ( t 940.

COmedy) Cary Grant, Irene Dunne ( l hr , 28min)

-1·--llCMI ''Where The Boys Are" ( 1960, Comedy) Oolotes Hart, George Hamlltoo. Four young women join the hordes of Flor· Ida-bound collegians during Easter vaca-

1,~~~~: ..... NGfll TO PDl.I TAUll lllf lllf• M•A•t ... llCMI "THX 1138" (1971, Science-"

fiction) Robert Duvall. Donald Pleasenoe. In the world of the future where humans are reduced by drugs to automatons. a man and woman escape their bonds and fall In love. (2 hrs.)

I ==-' MOYA " Artlflclal Heart" An examine· lion of the controversy over artlflclal heart development, with a focus on Barney Clark's cllse. Q ( 1 hr ) (t) llCMI "I See A Oar1< Stranger" (t 947. Suspense) DebOrat\ Ke<r, Trevor Howard. Thfough her hatred o f the British, a young lrl~ glr1 unwittingly becomes a valuable asset to the NazlS ( 1 hr., 38 min.)

llCml "Cracking Up" (1983. Come­dy) Jerry Lewis, Milton Berle. An acci­dent-prone man flallS at everything includ-

i ~"11ed suicide (I hr . 30 min.)

.. ..c ... HOUYWOOD CLOllUP Featured. a

behind-the-scenes IOOI< el how " Holty-

1~ C= p·· Is produced

WALL ltmT a.Al 90IT ...Vl&La .... WAT1 Yawtcea..-,OUR~ ''Who Is

School For?" A look at the p<8$5Ures to conform that are exerted on handicapped and gifted children In the public schools.

~) llCml " Dusty" ( t981. Drama) Biii Kerr, Noel Trevathan An Australian shee­pherder 's friendship with his dog Is chroni­cled (1 hr . 28 min )

1-~~ II m PATHlll .....V John end Mae pur­sue a man who has kidnapped one ol the orphans to prevent the chlld from clelmlng ah~ lor1une. (R) ( t hr.) D Q.Ol MUn -..W rT OR MOT Fea­tured· violent volcanos, a nor1hern Cslllor­n1a city with an abundance ol cemeterl8S: the world's largest lizard (R) (I hr ) D llOft " Piranha" ( 1978. Sclence-Flc­ttOn) Bradford Diiiman, Heaths< Menzies. A school of man-eating flsh la accidentally released in the vicinity of a seaside resort where dozens ot vacationers are relaxing.

lhrs ) ... ~ IT All llMCM AU. CMA'NU .UT MID .w.L I UV. WLD .. A Desert Blooming" An

examination ol the variety and abundance ol hie to be found In the Chihuahuan Desert In northern Me>tlco. Q ( 1 hr.)

llCMI "Enter The Dragon" ( 1973. Adventure) Brvoe Lee, John Saxon. A kung lu e>tpert Is assigned to penetrate an island fortress In order to destroy an opl· um and white slavery empire 'A' ( 1 hr • 39m1n.) (Q) MY GAILUD wmt mcaY llOOlllY Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney sing

and dance some ot their Old numt>ert In this 1983 show (I hr.) (%) lllMI "Lone WOff MQOuede" ( 1983, Adventure) Chuck Norrtt, David Carra­dine. A man auempta to end an arms ~operation. 'A' ( 1hr , 47 min. )

: ii ,. . .lfl .:1 Mokey dlaco11ers another tribe Of Fraggles.

I -econ 1:9 OULM•llt .. (I) Aiiltll• With the Kor•n War

lust ended. Pouer finds hlmtelt beck home but lc)nely for his ad 4077th friends. (part 1 of 2> (R) II e .-.t - When a r~ cal burglar diet. Mloheel must find the m~Mlous and .. person who Is det•· mined to carry on the late crlmlnal'a tracl­tlon. (A) . (1 hf.) 9 COU1T1AU _,... Jacques Coueteeo and his research crew abOard the Celypeo e>tptore the cMllzallone. Industries. eook>­gy and wildlife In and around the Amazon Rivet. (2 hfa.)

• a ..-cA1TU • ~-Cl Mar1c finds himself In trouble When he becomes lnvOllled with a beautiful woman who hu mob connections,. (R) Q ( t hr.) (!) 'l'WIJMr .. • M WOM.D OI Ta.:IMOW Wlllam Shatner hoeta this IOok at present and future t80hn<>logy In the ataas Of tranapor­tation. medicine. housing and biomechan­los. Aimed at Florida's Epoot Center. ( 1 hr.) ••

I UPllm.llCIPM MCll MIDP .... u.I WLD " A Oe&ert Blooming" M

examination ol the variety and abundance ol life to be found In the Chihuahuan Desert In nor1hern Mex.ICO. Q ( 1 hr.) Q[!) WlmaCI TNIATM " Nancy Astor" Nancy and her sister Phyllis enfoy Bri tish society. but Nancy decides to return to Virginia. during the Atlantic crossing. Nan­cy meets Waldorf Astor. (Part 3 of 8) Q L! hf.) ~ CC) lilC)Wll " The Music Man" ( 1962, Musi· cat) Robe<• Preston, Shirley Jones. A fast-talking salesman comes to a sman town In Iowa to organize a bOys' band and Inadvertently falls In love with an unmar­ned llb<arian (2 h<a. 31 min) (I) IPOllTIC8n'8 CID llCml "Lone WOff McOuade" ( 1983. Adventure) Chuck Norris. David Carra­dine. A man attempts to end an arms smUQgllng operation. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 47 rflln.) CO) llCMI "Cul<>" ( 1983. Suspense) Dee Wallace, Danny Plntauro. A woman and her young son are trapped In their car at an isolated auto repair yard by a huge, rabid dog. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) Cl) llCMI "Same Time. Next Veer" ( 1978, Comedy) Alan Alda, Ellen eur. tyn. Two people carry Oft an unusual extramarital affair by meeting at the same re90ft for one weekend eecn year Ollef a period of several decade&. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 59 min.)

• @ ..,• 1r:118 Cl) .,,. ~ IUIOlll The Zlmmert

are shocked when they see an old friend k~ a strange man at the alrp<>f1.

.. iJ Cl)~- I a • • Louise Is afraid George will be hurt when he It ooexed Into a youthful competition with an old high school chum. (A) D fl) llCMI "Speclal Bulletin" c 1983. Suspense) Ed Flandef'S. Kathryn Walktlf Ant i-nuclear tettorlsts threaten to deStroy

Friday. April 27. 198-4 17

_______________________ ......... -laaclay Cont.

Charleston, S C , unless the military de­activates th~ nearly 1,000 missiles sur­round!!lg the city (A) (2 hrs.) 8 0 llOVll "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason Soon af1er his wife's death, a writer finds himself reluctantly falllng In love again Q

lhrs. . 45 min.) WLDIMOOll ,,,,. , IOUDtcU llAllWmCI TMIATM " Nancy Ast0<"

Nancy and her sister Phyflls enjoy British society. but Nancy decides to return to VlrglnJa; during the Atlantic crossing, Nan­cy meet& WaldOrl Astor. (Part 3 ol 8) Q ( 1 hr)

GI> .. ll'l~Yl..,l,.d-fl "Shades Of Darkness" Mary Morr1s. Paul Hertzberg and Peter Settelen star In a story by waiter de la Mare about a boy who believes hrs aunt Is In league with Satan Q ( 1 hr ) CE) ~ " WCT Finat·· (From Dallas) (8) ( 1 hr .. 30 mrn,) (IJ .,_ " Fighhng Back" ( 1982. Ora­ma) Tom Skemtt. Patti lupone. An angry Phlladelphran organizes a vigilante force to stem the tide ot v10lent crime 1n hrs ne1ghb0rtiood. 'R" ( 1 hr .. 40 min) CZ) m¥W " Poltergeist" ( 1982, Horror) Craig T Nelson. Jobeth WllHams Vengeful ghosts take over a suburban California home and abduct rhe resident family's ~ngest child 'PG' ( t hr , 55 mrn)

• .. (IZ) WHIM'I DAD? What every child wants from hrs father 1s explored rn this dramattc ~1al. (t hr)

t:ll U Cl) AUCI A 1aywalkrng ticket leads Vera on a path down the matr1monral aisle. t:>ut the Reverend mistakenly mames her to Mel (Part t of 2) 0 ICHOOl llAT Guest Harry Handler supeMsor of the L A U S 0 (!) m¥W "Shadow 01 The Thin Man" ( t941 . Mystery) Wiiiiam Powell, Myrna Loy Airer a 1ockey rs found dead. a race­track scandal 1s Ullcovered (2 hrs )

-II Cl) 11lAlfO Oii, IU>. Slocum resigm from the hospital staff but later returns tc

IS'!i_:;:•~l~I IRJ

TMIGOOO .... TMI IHAU8'UM l'UYI " Two Gentle­

men 01 Verona" Tessa Peake-Jones Mk:hael Byrne John WOOdnull ano Joanne Pearce are leatured 1n 1h1s come­dy about the changing lorlulles 0 1 two friends and therr servants Q (2 hrs ) <Ii) llO¥IE " Silent Rage" ( 1982. Adven­ture) Chucr.. Norris, Ron Silver A crnteally ln1ured psychopath Is revitalized and made almost 1ndestruc1able by the hand!· work of a mentally ullhrnged scientist 'R' i_! hr .. 40 min) (DJ lllOYE " Man, Woman And Chlld" ( 1983. Orama) Martin Sheeo. Blythe Danner ~ mall's happy family life is dis­rupted by the death of a woman with whom he had a bnef affair years earlier and the arrrval of the son he had never known 'PG' ( 1 hr . 39 min )


- Clll.DfB INID - IT•WNll•

anaTUIBT Tiii Wiii( Featured linger Helen Reddy, singer-actor James Darren. comic books ( 1 hr ) e MM PMlllWI Neat Gablef and Jef­frey Lyons review 'SvMg Shill" and " The Stone Bov "

18 Friday, April 27, 1984

ct) DAlri. MM.I. l _. OAtD llOCI W ICM .,.... ...... HlghMQhts of the duo's lnternatlor'lal ~ t°"', lndudlng perlormancea ot "Say It lln' t So," "Adult Educalton" and " ManeatM." .. , ...... ..-uc.

.. u.AY8'0ITl'1MI ~Cll-

1W a we ... •M.L.ITlmT w.., ..,.'°'°" _,,,IWMUIT ~ " Chasing The Basketball

Dream" A IOOk at the recNltment of the natlons's top high school athletes. who are promised an education In excnange for play, and the academic rl&ks they race. Q__( I hr.) (CJ .cM1 "l()()l(er" 1198f, 'Scl8oce-Ac­t1on) Albert Anney, James Coburn. The mysterious deaths of a series of beautiful models Involved In a new adventslng project are blamed on the plastic surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min) CE) .... -, .. eca,,_rfl..,•• (S)mwm " Mother Lode" (1982. Orama) Charlton Heston. Nick Manouso. A Scot­tish miner trleS to Pf'Otect his gold but runs Into people who want It too. 'PG' (1 hr., 41 min.) CZ) m¥ll "Gun Crazy" ( 1950, Orama) Peggy Cummins. John Dall. A tast-livlng former carnival girl rrles to convince her marksman husband to turn his skills to

:DT~~~21min. ) 11•@ m¥ll " Blondie Knows Best" (1947.

Comedy) Penny Singleton. Anhur Lake. Dagwood Is fired when he IS caught lmper­sonaung his boss. (1hr . 30 min.)

11:11 tJ Cit ... ({J MOVIE " Daddy's Llrtle Gills" ( 1983, Ofama) Anna Ventura. Chelsea Manches­ter A man's three daughters srage a mud· wrestling event to help him pay his taxes

1 hr., 16 mrn,) 1 t.11 WOllTI PIW.

,AClllllEhi MAMYO ~l90RT ATMllOVB ..., ,Al.WIU.

• llO¥IE " French Postcards" ( 1979. Comedy) Miles Chapin, Blanche Baker A group of American students becomes enthralled with France and Its people while studying there. (R) (2 hrs . 15 min)

I .CUii 1W llCMI "French Postcards" ( 1979,

Comedy) Miles Chapin. Blanche Baket A group of American students becomes enthralled with France and its people while st~"ng the<e. CR) (2 hl'S )

I, L " Sliver Dream Racer" ( 1980. Drama) David Essex, Baau Bridges A Brrtrsh motorcycle enthusiast Inherits his late brother's custom-bull1 bike and decides to use ii in his bid tor the 500 c c . troph~' ( 1 hr . 51 min./ II " The Friends 0 Eddie Coyie" ( 1973, Orama) Robert Mitchum. Peter Boyle. A federal agec'lt uses a smalltime crook to •.xpose a crime ring. (2 hrs .. 10

min"' -•ut:..r .. ~ .,.. "Midway'' (Pan 1ot2) (1976. Adventure) Charlton Heston. Henry Fon­da. Japanese end American military f0<oes square oN tor a naval and eerlal ballle centered around a Paelftc iliand

durieitorld War II, (2 hra.)


Prime Minister Edward Heath dltcusse­the Mure relationship between his coun try and the COmmon Ma~et and Speev lates on some cures tor Great Brltaln'1 economic predicament ( t hr.) Cl) COUHI IA•M.L USC at Stantorc ie)~s.) cm "Cfossbar" ( 1982, Orama) Kim Callrell, John Ireland. Aftet IOllng 11 leg In a farm accident, an Olympic hlgt' jump wlnne< rs determined to compete

f n. ( 1 hr., 27 min.)

11111 MC ... - MOU.YWOOD ~Featured: profile

of HOWie Mandell of " St. Elsewhere.'' (I) llCMI "The Savage Curse" (1974, Mystety) George Chaklris, Jenny Agutter A man learns two disturbing facts about hts m1SS1ng brother 's glrttrlend. eve<y man who falls In love With her disappears and her protective uncle Is obsessed with the wort<s or Et,rr Allen Poe. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (f) •DIL IUO CC) llOVll " The Lady In Red" ( t979, Ora­ma) Rooer1 Conrad. Pamela Sue Marlin In the v10lent days of the tawteu 1920s. an Idealistic young farm girl beeomes the moll of rhe Infamous gangster John Odl­'!!991 'R' ( 1 hr . 29 min.) W llOVll .. Around The World In 80 Days" ( t956, Adventure) David Niven, Shirley Macla1ne. In 1872. an English gentleman makes a bet that he can travel around the world In 80 days 'G' (2 hrs .. 48 min )


11:9 F ... CTM C* .UTIBI - llCMI "Six Pack" ( 1982. Comedy)

Kenny Rogers. Diane-- Lane. A race-car driver turns a se1ttet ol JUVentle car strrppers into a wrnnrno pit crew 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 mrn)

ta& llOYll "R PM." ( 1970. Orama) Anth<>ny Quinn. Ann-Margret When he rs made president ol a dlssldent· torn urnver· srty. a sociology professor trieS to estab­ltsh a rapport with the students (2 hrs )

1---~ llllf8118fT ... IWITW.MTI

~ llOVll " Hard Bo41ed Mahoney" ( 1947 Comedy) Bowery Boys, Leo Gorcey T~ Boys find themselves involved with a mys he and a mob of gangsters when they set out rn search of a beauttful lady ( 1 ht., 30 min) (}j) l90T IEllUM.Y THI ... Comedy sketcnes combine wilh claSSIC film and news footage in an offbeat, satiric take­off a1) llCMI " The Woman Inside" ( 1979, Orama) Joan Blondell. Gloria Manon. A wounded soldier returns from Vietnam anxtOUS to have a sex-change operation 'R' ( I hr .. 35 min.)

W @ WOM.D AT LMQI 119 D AT• wmt Guest. Lynne Utt man. ( 1

lhr.) ...

HI (l) • ... .-nwATCM MC ... IT'IW..•llDI m¥ll " The Killing Of Randy Webstef"

( t 981 , Drema) Hal Hotb<OOk, Dl>tle Caner A Louisiana couple Investigates the slaying of their son by Houston police U hr . 45 min.)

Ill (CJ llOVll ''The First Deadly Sin" ( 1980. Mystery) Frank Sinatra. Faye Dunaway A veteran New Yort< Cty police detective. who5e wife IS suffering from a MOOUS ltt· ness. tries to catch a brutal kllle< terr011z· ~ Manhattan. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.)

. -lanclay Coat. I •@..,, IWWf


the play by WIHllm Shakeepeere. A young and pleQlattie tht young man· a promlllng • .. Cl> .,.. "Dari< Places" (1973 Horror) Oanlah prince wrestlea With his ooneolenoe iy. •pQ· i 1 hr., 55 min.)

· when he la confronted wtth questions of • 11•• 'IW (JI) Robeft Hardy, .Joen Colllna. An ex-mental trea~and madnM&~ hra. 33 min ) 4r11 .,.. "Raw R>fce" ( 198 1 Adven-petlenl takes ove< the run-doWo mansion fli'I __, • • • of a men1ac when the dead man's spirit M \OJ -- • ooncet1 taped ture) Cemefon Mitchell, Geoff Binney. po•MMS him to repeat a aeries of grisly at the Pine BkJff Convention Center In Three martial art• eKpertt encounter aome murderS 'PG' ( 1 hr 31 min 1 Arkansas features The Oak Ridge Boyt. deadly obctaclet on Warrior's Island 'R'

...• ·· · The Charlie Daniels Band and AOMarine ihr .. =• Mt alCOAmntlllM W~TOPt:l'ntlllDN•ll 4111 1--0/IW

... NrTm 419 .,,. "Lone Wolf McOuade" (1983,

.. 1

Cash. (1 hr.) _ ...

•lllM1ml .,_ " Deathtrap" ( 1982, Mystery) Adventure) Chuck Norris, David Carra-.. PAmta Michael C81ne, Christopher Reeve. A play· dine. A man attempts to end an arms

llCMI "Hamlet" ( 19•8. Drama) Leu- wright suffering from writer'• block plans amugollng operation. 'PG' ( 1 hr., •7 renoe OtMer. Jean Simmons. Based on to dO away with a former student of his. min.)

.. Moaclay

• CC) "Dream House" (1981 , Drama) John Schnelder, Marilu Henner. ( 1 hr., • O min.)

• (fl) "Jigsaw" ( 1968, Mystery) Harry Guardino, Hope Lange (2 hrs.)

.. (I) " Dot And The Bunny" ( 1980. Adven­ture) Animated. ( I hr . 10 min.) (%) " AuthOfl Author!" ( 1982, Comedy) Al Paclno, Dyan Cannon ( 1 hr , 50 min.)

,_(]) " Liiiie Boy Lost" ( 1953, Drama) Blrig Crosby, Claude Dauphin. (2 hrs )

NI CID " High Road To China" ( 1983. Dra­ma) Tom Selleck, Bess Armstrong (2 hrs.)

.. CC) " Adam's Woman ( 1972, Drama) Beau Bndges. John Mills ( 1 hr , 55 min.) (I) " Author! Author!" ( 1982, Comedy) Al Pacino. Dyan Cannon. ( 1 hr . 50 min )

• (%) " Loot" ( t972. Comedy) Richard Allenborough, I.Be Remick I t hr . 4 1 min )

- CC) " Enchantment" ( 1949, Drama) David Niven, Teresa Wright (I hr .. 42 min ) (I) " The Happy Years" ( 1950. Comedy) Dean Stockwell. Darryl Hickman ( 1 hr . 50mtn.)

- (fl) " Who's Got The Ac11on?" ( 1962. Comedy) Dean Martin, Lena Turner (2 hrs.)

-· " Tension At Table Rock" ( 1956, Dra­ma) Richard Egan, Dorothy Malone (2 hrs.) (%) " Around The World In 80 Days" (1958, AdVenture) David Ntven. Shirley MacLalne. (2 hrs., 48 min.)

-···---· llovle9-- • "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" ( 1955, Muslcel) Jane Russell, Jeanne Crain. (2 hrs.) CC) " Hookytonk Man" ( 1982. Drama) Clint Eastwood, Kyle Eastwood. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) CID "The Black S1alllon Returns" ( 1982. Adventure) Ketty Reno, Teri Garr. ( 1 hr . 43mln.) cm "Lady Chatterley's Lover" ( t981 , Drama) Sytvla Kristel. Nlcholas Clay ( t hr., 45 min.)

W(Z) "Exposed" ( 1983. Drama) Na.stassla Klnski, Harvey Keitel ( 1 hr., 40 min ) • "Frankenstein's Daughler" ( 1959, Horror) John Ashley, Sandra Knight. ( 1 hr., 30min.)

a.CC) " Black Beauty" ( 1946. Drama) Mona Freeman, Richard Denning. ( 1 hr., 14 min.) CID " Super Fuzz" ( 198 1. Comedy) Terenoe Hiii, Etnest 80fgnlne. ( 1 hr .• 35

(S)·)'Susplclon" ( 1941 , Su.penae) Cary Grant. Joan Fontaine Directed by Alfred

Hitchcock. (2 hrs.) Cl) " Man. Woman And Child" ( 1983, Drama) Manin Sheen, Blythe Dann«. ( 1 ht .. !Jg min.)

• CJJ " Megaf<><oe" (1981, Adveoture) Bar­ry Bostwick, Persis Khamballa ( 1 hr., 40 min.)

• cc:l " Dream House" (1981, Drama) John Schnelder, Marilu Hanner. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (%) " Enchantment" ( tS.9, Drama) David Niven, Teresa Wright. ( 1 hr .• 42 min.)

W CI) " The Way Of The Wind" (1977, AdVenture) Documentary ( 1 hr.. .. min.)

M (I) " Superman Ill" ( 1983, Adventure) Chnstopher Reeve, Richard Pryor. (2 hrs , Smtn )

• CJ:o " High Road To China" (1983. Dra­ma) Tom Selleck. Besa Armstrong. (2 hrs ) (%) " The Kingfisher" (1982, Drama) Rex Harrison. Wendy Hiiier. ( 1 hr , 20 min.) --1v ..... ........

QR C81 ... lllOUCI WOMMe mbTUT MmlCM tBO AIC ... Q ,,.... COlilPwt IUCI~ llACm.l~•llMOUR .... .. 11.MOlllMAIFFTT mVll " Enchantment" ( 1949, Drama)

David Niven, Teresa Wright. An elderly man la reminded of his past romance when his grandson confronts him with hia love story. ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) cm mVll " Dead Men Don't Wear Plalc:t" ( 1982, Comedy) Steve Martin, Rachel

Ward. A hard-bolled private eye runs Into a host of famlllar c¥ractera while Investi­gating the death of a scientist I cheese

- ~oon. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) llJ mVll " Authorl Author!" (1982, Com­edy) Al Paclno, Dyan Cannon. A New Yori< ptaywriQht's wlfe leaves him with a gang of mostly hat ci'tlldren to take care of just as his new play Is about to open. 'PG'

1hr . 50 min.) DICI VAi Dftl .. ... TAXI AUCI -•POR"Nm A MATTB 01 TAITI TUT-.

,. C81 ... lee ... tW9'Y DAYI AQAll lilltC ... O

(I) P& ruam A IUxurlous jetliner that belonged to EMa Presley; an exhibit that

it~.the story behind Jim Hent0n's M~ ... ,,., .... ~Y-IT 1'Wf Featured:


-. °' POll"Nm •n••-.r LMCDll•CTIOll • .._ ,..., Neal Gabler and Jef­

frey Lyons review " Swing Shift" and " The StoneBo " :o:l' "Six Weeks" ( 1982. Drama) Dudle=oore, Mary Tyler Moore. A mar­ried resalonal candidate becomes ncreasing Involved In the hves of a wealthy New York woman and her leuk&­mlc =ter 'PG' ( 1 hr • 45 min.) (%) "Gun Crazy" ( 1950, Drama) Peggy Cummins, John Dall. A fast·IMng former carnival girl tries to conv1noe her marksman husband to turn his sklll5 to armed robbery. ( 1 hr . 27 min ) lD mVll " Fireman Save My Child" ( t954, Comedy) Splk'e Jones. Buddy Hacken. Pandem<>nlum erupts In a 1900 fire station as a crew of zany firemen receive !heir first gaSOllne-powered flre engine. (2 hrs.) ,..1 ... 1:11 .........

NI I OI ntl TOMI Featured a profile of Biiiy Joel; anc:t in-depth look at one of the lar~t anlmal ~els In the country

l .PAl&Y ... u~a..uY aco.m IYI OI LA. Featured: tips on making a

marriage work: 1 took Inside celebrity c~ Mta; three lady Olymplo athletes get a complete beauty makeover: high powefed

stleka. 11CTAC.,.. ........ CCUT NW'nU. Los Angeles Dodgers at

San Franelloo Giants (3 ~

I WU. WU --.0 01 t_ \LI YOUlt CMU•~ OUI CMU•1 " Who is

School For?" A I006I at the pressures to conform that are exerted on handicapped and gifted children In the public schools.

~ ,....._. IOCI Gobo composes a eoog for Uncle Matt, when suddenly the ~=:ar• from Fraggle Rock.

.... (I)~,. -.UIQ Aman­da and Lee must establish a new identity for an Italian scientist who Is being &ovght ~ KGB agents. (R) (1 hr )

u • '" l&.Oa!I • - llMC1'CM. Friday. Aprll 27, 1984 19

--------------------------Monday Coal.

.au ft:>alwer1 Pt1111 Wtlhams and Brenda VaCC1ll 111 v1c11111S o l practical )Okes, the celeti .,., • ~ 1dw 1c.H ltlrn oullakes of Soupy Sale:; (nl 11 111 1 8 MOVll Hie Trouble Wllh Women·· ( 197 t Myster'rJ 13urt Reynolds, Laurence Lucker•tol I .;I ..,e detechve Dan August investigates two cases of women murder­'!!9 1he1• lovers (2 hrs I U 11"0' ntATI lltCMD9LE Featured a haM1caµpe1J boy participates rn a tnath· Ion rar.;e ,, l1le :;•Zt'd mannequin that aids 1n 1he d1aynoses 0 1 neart patients, a test1· val tor twins 111 Twinsburg Ohio. " the smartesl k•Cl 111 the world (RJ ( 1 hr )


llOY1E The Sea Chase" (1955. Adventure) John Wayne. Lana Turner Basen un the novet by Andrew Geef A German capta.n commandeers a ship of l_l:!.911tves during World War II (2 hrs ) W F'ftONn.INE Alf Crash' An investiga· 11on '"" lhE> l111anc1al and legal af1ermath ~I thf'I Par Arn?ncan a11 disaster 1n New Orlearo< 1r June t982. IA) O ( 1 hr) C!) O"EAT PUtFO .. llANCH " Gustav Mahtpr s.,. rr phony No 5·· Leonard Bern· '">ler ''"'''\"luc1s 11 e Vienna Phtlharmonrc 1n a pet! ""·<l' •~P JI thP work known as the

Trrt \.)•1 S»ri r1011y' hlmed at the Mu'>1Ck .r• P• 1• .1al 111 Vienna ( 1 hr 30 nun e MOYIE ft I F rpnrt l 1eutenanrs Worn·

an 1' 1~ 0 '' 11 MPryl Stteep. Jeremy Irons Ar. 1'1 ,,, t1PlwPP'l twei actors is par· alle 1?'1 1r Tt. t- 1. '1.1nl1c oerind film 1n which •ne '"' 11P ' )r 11n1:1 R (;> hrs 5 111if • I


ske1c•,,,.( ... hu•e w•lh classic ltlm and new• 1 • 1 1• m tlbea1 sat111c take oft ~ llOYlt l• '" Collar' t 1978 Orama) A•c ·, i I , ~.trvey Keitel Three lrUs·

11 • a 11 ta~tory workers turn to c11111. t r ng1r1<J "•e" onto more conthcl anci µ"'1r1•n1 J ji 1ger thar they ever C. )\If 'E' , • n t I 11' 54 min ) $ THE PAMGON OI COllEDY ITAMltQ

IOHH PAIUGON "iu riorous sketches by ac1 ,, " J 1 John Paragon ("Atr· p1a1 ,, II u• ~'PQuel' ) w11h appearances Ot 'nu Rr•ullens (Pee Wee Herman) Cas"fi• I'\ FP'i>• .., Elvira) and Edie Mc< , '-' , • t


LOVE IOAT lj MOVIE T ,. Blacl' ~ta111on Returns' ( ltlc: •\1 v~111 J•PJ Kell\ Reno Teri Garr A tioy \.< e~ tr ine Sahara Desert to t1nd his hf! •"'0 rat " A.rab1an stallion who nas t •a r~clU•med h, •IS previous owner J.>c, r 43rmr ) Z MOW t1ruw10 The World In 80 Days'" 19 t , Q.f'roture) Oa111d Niven. Shirley

Macu11ne tri 1012 an English gentleman make-." t'l'I that hf.' can travel around the world" liCJ oays G' 12 hrs 48 mtn l

ta @ THI£ CA T\MI M E tlM MR. DRAFT PMY1EW .. f) I KATI a AUJI Kate and Allie d lSCOV·

er lh~t tr"~ c-.11<> n1orp tor the11 1nd1v1dual ,..,,,, ., -1 ·s .Ps<.1unc; than mey had first lh 0 ~ MOY1E 1\1Jam ( 1983. Orama) Oar11e1 • Travanti JObelh Wtlhams A n•S>-'•9 Chilo s drs11aught mother and nit•• 1;i1o;P ,;1eps to ensure the passage o l

teq1sla1ton to help olher parents of ch1I

20 Friday, April 27, 1984

dren who have vanished. (R) O (2 hrs.) fl 0 llCMI " PlaytHs" ( 1919, Orama) All MacGraw. Dean Paul Martin. A young tennis player on the mll'\Of circuit pursues a t>eaulllul but elusive older woman who IS the mtstress ol a weellhy businessman. (2 hrs) u ... fli) WAT '°'ORllAllCH "Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 6" Leonard Bern· stein conducts the Vienna Philharmonic 1n a pertormance ol the w0<k lmown as the " Tragic SymphOny", lilmed at the Mus1ckve1elnssaa1 1n Vienna ( 1 hr .. 30 min) - llOVE " Anastasia" (1 956. Orama)

lng11d Bergman, Yul Brynne< An amnesi­ac gtrl 1n Germany claims 10 be the only surv1111ng heir to the Czar ol Russia. ( 1 hr., 45mtn) (S) lllOVW " Man. Woman And Child" ( 1983. Orama) Martin Sheen. Blyihe Danner A man's happy tamlly life Is dis.­rupted by the death ol a woman with whom he had a b~ief affair years earlier and tne arrive! of the son he had nevet known. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) mDMGM1T

.. @ llOVE " Walt Of N01se" ( 1963. Orama) Suzanne Pleshette. Ty Hardin A hO<S( trainer returns to his flancee alter having E lt1ng wrth a married horse owner (2 hrs., 25 min)

ta f) Cl) ....wlT A seductive ac tress with a notorious reputation asks Diel< to help her wnte her memo11s (Pan 1 ot 2) (A) (!) lllO¥E " T ounst" ( 1980, Drama) John McC<><>ke. Lee Menwether American tourists travel to glamorous WOl'ld capitals. {_2 hrs ) ~ UYllQ wmt GMCI A documentary on the hie of a woman suffering trom Alzheimer's disease

i HOMIMCllG .,. lflOllT&OCI( (It) ._ Cl) CAGMIY a LACIY Chns's new boy·

friend obiects 10 her erratic office hours, and Mary Beth takes home a abandoned

bab&J~ RTHEUllT Q; ~ " Air Crash" An 1nves1lga­t1on into the t1nanc1al and legal at1ermath ol lhe Pan Amencan air disaster in New Orleans In June 1982 (R) O (1 hr) r .Cl MOVIE " Adam's Woman" ( 1972, Ora· ma) Beau Bridges, John Mills A wrongly 1mprrsone<l sailor attempts to win his release by marrying an 1nlluentlal woman LI_ hr . 55 mtn ) CQ) llOVll " The House Where EVIi Dwells" ( t982. Horrot ) Edward Alben. Susan George An Amencan couple and their young daugh1er move into a Japanese house possessed by the ghOsts of a bloody 19th-century love triangle. 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min.)


*11 --..... ., ,,,lleff M01M A dOCU· mentary on the epidemic o t klHlngs per· forme<l 1n senes tor no apparent reason. with a focus on three true storres. ( 1 hr.) .. I ... ~ ...

· IUMAY Am -- A documentary about the heartbreak and triumph felt by a Brooklyn family that migrates to west Tex­as seek~ a better llfe 1tal II u Cl) 0 GD ... TAXI

IMJWM & lllMTWI UUQH M .. , ..... HAWAllPM.t .IAClll UAION

([) .,. "The Thing" ( 1982. Horr0< Kurt Russett, Richard Dysart Member1 c a scientific research team In the Antarc ti confront an alien Ille form thal Is capa~ of taking over the men's minds. 'R' (: hrs .. 5 mln.) CS) llCMI "Fiona" ( 1980. Adventure; Fiona Richmond, Anthony Steel. A notori ous woman jOUfnallst recounts her outra geous adventures with some of EurQpe' ! tead~Z.~ 'R' ( 1 hr • 22 min.)

1t11 ~ .-TtcenWt 11:9 lj ()) NMT TO HAIT The Hans becomE

Involved In an Investigation of murder ano fraud at a winery. (R) ( 1 hr . 10 min.) D Cl) IDT Of CMIOll Host: Johnny Gar­son. Guests: actress Ten Garr. actress Jennifer O'Neill, comedian Paul Provenza

l)J~y--9MC ... ~ lfllMCMOf­CMUmt..,..,,NOfl MClll..._..PUCI 90¥ll " Single Room Furnished"

( 1967. Orama) Jayne Mansfield, Dorothy Keller A PfOStitute undergoes three major events that Influence her lifestyle. (2 hrs ) 8D L.AlWT ,_.C.. Guests· feminist Germaine Greer shares her updated views on the sexual revolutton, birth control and attitudes toward children. author·hlstonan Paul Boller chronicles the humo<ous and d1ematlc side ot presidential elections trom Washtngtoo to Reagan. ( 1 hr.) CE)-uau&l (W) CH> llCMI " High Road To China" ( t983. Orama) Tom Selleck. Bess Armstrong A mllltona1ress hires a hard-drinking ex· World War I flying ace to search for he! IO~·IOSI lather 'PG' 0 ( 1 hr . 50 min ) cm mu• Cl) llCMI " Author! Author!" ( 1982, Com· edy) Al Pac1no, Dyan Cannon A New York playwright's wife leaves him with a gang of mostly her children to take care of iust as his new p lay Is about to open 'PG' Lt hr . 50 min.) m 111ClUI Featured: a woman Who over· came her abused childhood: genlng a 1ump on next year"s taxes ( 1 hr . 30 mrn.)

*'Im°" MOU"'°°° • llOVE "Green Fire" ( 1955, AdVen· ture) Stewan Granger. Grace Kelly. A man sacrifices hrs new-found wealth in a South AmettCan emerald mine '°' the sake of the woman he loves. (2 hrs., 5 mtn.)

(!) ••••"••11D1••rrrr ... <II llOVE " Midway" (Part 2 o f 2) (1976. Adventure) Charlton Heston. Henry Fon· da Japanese and American military forces square off for a naval and aerlal ba"le centered around a Pacific Island duri1:~d War It. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) m Of Tiii -.? Guests: actor Roben Hays. comedian George Kirby, psychologist Dr Joy Browne. Beatles author Peter Brown: also, conservative Wally George debates the ERA With tern· 1nlst Gloria Allred. ( 1 hr • 30 min ) m.w.vo ~ llOYll " The Prowler" (198 1. Suspense) Farley Granger, Vicky Daw· son A courageous gtrl seeks a dafanged klller whose victims are graduating high school students 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) CE) '*'- FOOTIAU Wa&hlng1oo H!de<als at TatllP~ Bay Bandits (A) (3 hrs.) (0) lm'9 " Penitentiary II" ( 1982. Ora­ma) Leon Isaac Kennedy, Ernie Hudson. An old p"'-rl enemy murders a boxM'S gltffnend, forcing him to return to the r1ng


-,_ -' f

'R' (1 hr .. 50 min,) 1a. D GI) LATI llQHT wmt DAVID L11'TmWt

Scheduled: dexterity exper1 Bonnie Ber-

l.~ la. LA.TODAY llOWM l MAlnWI LAUGH-• Allf '11 IDIQ tUIAN llO¥ll " Dog Day Atlernoon" ( 1975,

Drama) Al Paclno. John Cazale A New York C11y bank robbery escalates into a near-circus when community activists jOin in to stage an anti-pohce protest during the caper 'R' (2 hrs . 10 min )

1M ti Cl) COUW Columbo travels 10 Scot­land and inadver1enlly helps Scotland Yard solve a murder case (A) ( 1 hr., 20 min.)

1•1--AUT'RY HOUYWOOO ClOllUP Featured: a behind-the-scenes IOOk at how " Holly·

ffi~~~oduced Cl) llCMI "·30-" ( 1959. Drama) Jack Webb. W1ll1am Conrad A managing editor pulls all departments together to get the ~per out (2 hrs. 30 min)

llCME " Black Emanuetle" ( 1976, Ora· ma) Laura Gemser, Angelo lnfantl. A beautiful young American photographer has a senes of romantic encounters while on aSS1gnment 1n Kenya 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) m-.ICOTT

1:11 ® llCMI " Touched" (1983. Orama) Aober1 Hays. Kathleen Beller Despite obstacles lacing them. an emollonally dis­turbed man and woman try to build a hie

lither 'A' ( 1 hr • 29 min l


-AUTRY HOU YWOOD ClOlfUP Featured profile o f Howie Mandell of ··s1 Elsewhere " (!) llOYll "In Fast Company" { 1946. Comedy) Bowery Boys Leo Gorcey The Boys get more than they bargained for when they go nosing 1n10 a taxi racket ( 1 hr .. 30 min)

I AU IC THE fAa Y RAT'11WOl ROWAN I swmrt LAUGH-• llOYll " Nana· ( 198 ( Orama) Katya

Berger, Jean-Pierre Aumont A beautiful

Helps children H~therBaa.e, 12, oflrvlnewtll join child •tan appeart.oa from 6 to 8 a .m . Sanday OD KTLA, Cba.Dnel 5 , OD the Variety Club telethon to help handicapped and anderprhileged children.

and willful prostitute puts her appear8n'C~ and body to use to become the toast of the town. 'A' ( t hr .. 32 min.) CZ) llCMI " Enchantment" ( 1949. Drama) David NIVen, Teresa Wnght , An elderly man Is reminded of his past romance when his grandson confronts him with his love story. ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) ·1i :.--llQHTWATCH

CHU•HPUND llO¥ll " Nana" {1981 . Orama) Katya

Berger, Jean-Pierre Aumont. A beautiful and wllllul prostitute puts her appearance and body to use to become the toast ot the town. 'R' (1 hr .. 32 min)

• @,,.,,, •MIMT M Cl) llCMI " Olva" ( 1981. Drame) WllW­

menfa Wiggins Fernendez, Frederic Andrei. A French postman's recording of his favorite opera ater's pertormence leads hlm on 1 wild and dangerous adven­ture. 'R' (2 hrs .. 5 min.)

Mt I Cl.::o AND THI ... ... ., .... .,_ llO¥ll "The Godfather, Part ll" J197, ,

Drama) Al Pacino, Robert Duvall. lctlMI Corleone assumes his late father's throne and power as he becomes the new heed of the Mafia. finding problems with riv.I factions and the law throughout his reign. 'R' (3 hrs., 20 min.)

H CC) MOVll " Black Beauty" ( 1946, Orama) Mona Freeman. Richard Denning.. BaMd on the story by Anne Sewatl. A prouc:r and awesomely beautiful horse expertenoee many diverse owners. ( 1 hr .. 14 min.)

* i 'Amt• llMCUt an,u. M0¥11 "Wlnter Light" (1962, Orama)

Ingrid Thulin, Gunnar BJomstrand. A pa.­tor loses his faith and confidence after the death of his wtte. ( 1hr., 20 min.) .. I TOP t1.,. .....

NrTlm ..... ,_(II) MO¥ll " Blue Collar" ( 1978, Orama)

Richard Pryor. Harvey Keitel. Three m. !rated Detroit auto factory WO<kers tum to crime, bnnglng them into more conflict and potential danger than they 8Y9f counted on. 'R' { 1 hr .. 54 min.)

4:11 Cl) 1111 lllftTI CC) MO¥ll " Used Cars" ( 1980, Comedy) Kur1 Russell, Jack Warden. After the owner of a bankrupt car shop dies. hia employ"5 try to cover up his demlae to prevent his wealthy car dealer b<other from Inheriting the business. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 53 min.)

4:11 (11) I DMMI '11 .._. M (I) THI PAllMOM '11 co.DY IT~

'°911 PMMOll Humorous sketches by actor and comedian John Paragon ("Air­plane II: The Sequel") • with appearencet by Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) . Cassandra Peterson (Elvira) and Edie MCCiurg { 1 hr.)

Under New ManageJDent ~l't' 1ng \II F a1lhs

Dean A. Dempsey Gt!1tral M&11agtr

I larbor l ~a\\11 ·Mount Olive ~lcn1orial Park · ~1ortuary · •

/ Costa Mes~1s Only Complete Funeral Facilit ies

1 s2s Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gisler Ave. at Hu bor 'Blvd.)




Friday, Aprll 27, 1984 21

--~-------------------------·---·-•Ilg ............. -• CZJ " &posed" ( 1983, Drama) Nast8S:Sla

Klinski, Hatvey Keitel ( 1 hr . 40 min.) • @ "Gidget Goes To Rome" ( 1963, Com­~) Ctndy CarOI, James Darren. (2 hr&- )

• c.cJ "Sink The Bismarel(!'' (1960, Adven­ture) Kenneth MOfe, Dana Wyntef ( 1 h1 37 min )

" Tarka The Otter" ( 1979) Documen­tary Narrated by Petet Ustinov ( 1 hr . 31 min )

?* (I) " The Matchmake< (1958. ComectyJ Shlfley Booth. AnthOny Penuns (2 hrs )

"Loot" I 1972, Comedy) Richard AttenbOfoogh, Lee Remick ( 1 hr . 4 I mm )

- ''The M1tror Crack'd'' ( 1980, Mys-tery)>eth Tayk>r Krn No¥ak (I hr . 46mln)

" Sut Pack" ( 1982. Comedy) Kenny R2Qers, Diane Lane 11 hr , 45 min )

• CC) " My Bodyguard" (1979, Orama) Chris Makepeace Adam Baldwin ( 1 ht 38 min.) • ·

.. (%) " Through A Glass Darkly" ( 1960. Drama) Hamel Andersson, Gunnar ~nstrand ( 1 hr . 30 min)

- (C; " The Man Who Saw T()m()(rOW" ( 1981) Documentary Narrated by Ofson Welles ( 1 hr , 26 min) ~ The Mating Game" ( 1959 Comedy) Debbie Reynold!., Tony Ranoa!I ( 1 hr 36 min J

- 01) " Apacne Woman· (1955 Western) Lloyd Bridges Joan Taylor (2 nrs )

.. (iJ " The Spy With The Perlect Cove<" ( 1966 Suspense) Robert Lansing Dana ~nter (2 hrs ) Z., 'Wintet L!Qhl 11962, Orama) tngrtd

Thulin Gunnar B,ornstrand ( I nr 20 min)

t d CC) " Brainst0<m" ( 1983. Science-Ftetl()rl) Natalie WOOd Christopher Walk.en ( 1 hr . 46 min I

u.m " Angel And The Badman" ( 1947 Western) John Wayne. Gail Russell (2 hrs)

- " Firefox ( 1982. Adventure) Clint EastwOOd Freddie Jones (2 hrs • 15 min ) CL " The K1ngt1Sher ' ( 1982. Orama) Ra• Hamson, Wendy Hiiier ( 1 hr , 20 min )

U:a(}L " Lone Woll McOuade" (1 983. Adven­ture) Chuck Norris. David Carradine. ( 1 hr , 47 mtn)

W (Q) " Tootsie" ( 1982, Comedy) Dustin Hottman, Jessica Lange ( 1 hr .. 56 min.)

tll (C) ''Auntie Mame" ( 1958. Comedy) Rosalind Russell. F0<rest Tuck8f. (i -f'lrs .. 23 min.) (%) " Hamlet" ( 1948. Orama) Laurence Ohvlar. Jean Simmons (2 hrs .. 33 min) e;, "The Atomic Brain" (1 964, Sclence­FlctlOO) ErlCa Perera. Judy Bambef ( 1 hr . 30m1n )

llm "Six Paci\" ( 1982. Comedy) Kenny RQgers. Diana Lane ( 1 hr . 45 min.)

1:9 (H) " Mother Lode" ( 1982. Orama) Charl­ton Heston. Nick Mancuso ( 1 hr . • 1 min )

• CD " Edge Of Doom" (1 950. Mystery) Dana Andrews, Farley Granger. ( 1 hr • 39 min)

• " Alice's Adventures In Wondaf'land" (1973, Musleal) Peter Sellers, Dudley MOO<e. ( 1 hr , • 1 min ) (%) " Lone Wolf McOuade" ( 1983. Adven­ture) Chuck Norns. OaVld Carradine ( 1

22 Friday, April 27. 1984

hr , 47 mlo.) W (C) "Sink 1'he &smarcicl" ( 1960 Adven­

ture) Kenneth Mora. Dena WyntM ( 1 tv 37 min) . 00 " Tarka The Otter" ( 1979) Documen­::;t) Narrated by Peter UStlOOY ( 1 hr . 31

• " Tough Enough" ( 1983, Orama) Dennis Quaid. Certene Watkins ( 1 hr . 4 7 min) __ .... - ..... Cl9I ....

POUCI .... . MC ... Q y_..~,.,, IUCI[­.,,.,~ ....... 'W ~MIOUW I I IT .,. "The Mirror Crack'd" ( 1980

Myste<y) E11z.abeth Taytor. Kim Novak· Based on a story by Agatha Ctmstle A strange murder lnvoMng rrvat Holtywood stars takes place In an c:""'hsh villa,,.. 'PG' ( 1 ht , 46 min.) .... -v ,,_

©) - AM llClllW& A ~ ar the James Bood hims and the actors who have ponrayed AQMI 007 ( 1 hr )

.,_ " Fathe< Of The Bride" ( 1950 Comedy) Spence< Tracy, Ewbeth Tay: IOf A latt\ef expe<ienoes an or the jOys and headaches IOVOlved with the prepara­hons IOf his <laughter"s upcoming wed d111g ( 1 hr , 33 mio.) (Z) 9CMI " Forced Vengeance · ( 1982 AdvenlUte) Ctiuck NOlflS, Mary Louise Weller A karate expert uses his moves to orrve mobSter1> out of a Hoog Kong gam-_ 1"'~;=" 'A' (1 h< 43 m<0 J

fACU Oii CUL Tu. 9CMI " My Bodyguard" ( 1979 Ora­

ma) Chrl5 Makepeace, Adam Bal0W1n The ne1111 kid at a Chieago high schOOI makes friends with the schOOI outcast and rogather they stand up to the cruel gang whiCh had persecuted them bOth 'PG' ( 1

r 1hf ·~f.i,, '* cee ... me ... IWPr °'"MMe ~ ::i. The boslness o1-0eslgn-

fswtmweer. mlOdle-dlttanca runner and

=r~ryOecker . mmTU•IT W Featured

country music .f:1°'mer Glen Campbell

l·oo.~-- .. m¥A "Tall(lng Turtle" A turtl&-stZe

computef that Is being used 1n classrooms as an aid to reach children Is t9Vl8wed through the ayes of Its Inventor, Seymour ~~R)O (lhr) ClJ • " fhe End Of August" ( 1982 Orama) LUia Skala, Devid Marshall Grant' The trials of a headstrong young woman llving w1th1n a strict. late 18th-century Southern SOClal structure are ponrayed 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) (Q) llON "The Pany" (1 968, Comedy) Petef Sellers, Claudine Longat. A m19-chlevoua Indian ac1or creates uner chaos when he crashes a aoclat party (2 hrs.) 9 9CMI " Gidget Goes To Rome'

( 1963, Comedy) Cindy Carol, Jame Darren Gidget misinterprets the attar uons of a tamous j<>Ufnalist (2 hrs ) 1:111000..,. GAim

1:11 IC* THI TOW Topic " New England Featu1ed an old man ot the sea barvesr hlS lobSter traps; Jackson. New Hamp shire, the City of Inns and playground o the rich covered bridges; ctam d1nne1• and a witch wtio pt8Ctl08S her arts 11 Salem. Massachoserrs

l fM&YNUD LAV.. a --.Et 6 COl/#11/fY m C* L.A. Feature<J. a look al lhE

g1owtng problem ol male prost11utlon; c look ar hOw high technol<>gy 1s helpmg re program better training strategies 101

lmPIC athletes. unusual TICT~DO&*'

l:ncoun H•W. Los Angeles Dodgers at

San Francisco Giants (Jhrs) ILD. WU --.OOll •-...a.t ..... aun..,. .a¥ll " Through A Glass Darkly'

( 1960, Drama) Harrier Andersson. Gun nar B,omstrand A woman Is enraged when she dlscovefs that her tathef has kept a diary observing hef schtzophrenia

&hr 30m1n)

1:9 ... nil 0 fJ ®l ~ PlmAllY

CO¥DAGI Regularly sche<Juled program ming may be oetayed ex pre-empted 1oi netwOfk cOYerage ol primaries 1n Tennes see and the Ocs!flct ot Columbia

HI I) Cl) ntr'MBICM ,AAAm 0 ti) THI A-TUii The team comes to the aid of a t>u1rdlng contraoiOf who ts being threatened by an unoerground army led by a double-dealing competitor (A) ( 1 nr I D llOYW 'Network" ( 1976, Drama1 Faye ().maway Wilham Holden An aging teleV1S10n newsman whose ratings are sreadlly sl1pptng becomes a ran11ng prophet of the airwaves spurred on by a crally ternale programming executrve (2 hrs) fJ @) FOUL.-.,...,. a• ••uc Fea tured actress Carol Wayne. him out1akes ot Dom Deluise Dean Martin and Dofl Adams (RI 8.IOKlll'IWU Cl) lllCMI 'Thunder And Lightning" ( 1977, Adventure) David Carradine, Kate Jacl(son. A moonshln&f and hit glrttrland try to stop the deltvery of a batch of dead· ly brew accidentally concocted by her lather (2 hrs ) 9 m¥A " Tall(ing Turtle" A turtl&-size compyter that Is being ~ In cla$Sloomt as an aid ro ta&ch chlldran Is reviewed throogh the eyes of Its Inventor, Seymour Paper! (A) O ( 1 hr ) 61) ,_.CAIOUYMCXm " Hughie" Jason Robards and Jack Dodson star In this humorous drama by Eugene O' Neill sat In a seedy hotel during the late 1920s Q ( 1 hr I ~

~ llOYll " Brainstorm" ( 1983, Sclance­Fiction) Natalie WOOd, Christopher Walk­e11 A married couple Ines 10 keep from m1htary and industrial groups a specially deSlgned device that allows a person to experience the sensations felt by anothe< 'PG' ( 1 hr 46 min.)

110Y11 " The Thln9_" ( 1982. Horror) Kurt Russell. Richard oysan Members of a scieot1flc research team In the Antarctic confront an allen life form that Is capable of taking over the men's minds. 'A' (2 hra. . 5 min.) (l) PAl'a~TNl 9CCJm YIM

I •8 ....,., DAYI Fonzie feels oompelled 10

move wt\en the Cunnlnghams announce

llheY ~'Ato~helr hoose O

~IOAT C:CT ?MY COUIQU: ~CW ..... ..,.

1:11 1111 CAa. .. ~ .. llOWll " All Night Long" (198t, Come-

dy) Gene Hackman, Barbra Streisand Aller being demoted from corporate executrve to chain-store night manager, a mlddle--aged man·~ lifestyle and values are turned u;'.1,jdown . (2 hrs.) D GD COdy, Ntck and Boz leave the marina to track down a m1ss1ng couple In Mex~~~ ( 1 hr ) D 0 CO.MY Jack. Janet and T em Imagine thet lhetr new B111tsh neigh­bor is actually an internallonal cr1m1nal on the lam. (R) 0 Cl) ITAi 19 ...,_, Leonard N1moy talks about Mr Spock and other charac­ters 1n the series, shows lflm clips from his favorite eplSOdes and discusses the "Star Tr~" movies ( 1 hr )

I ... Mm!ICAll PUYMOUll " Hughie" Jason Robards and Jack Dodson star 1n this humorous drama by Eugene O'Neill set 1n a seedy hotel du11ng the late 1920s. O ( t hr ) Ii) NMO PUYIRI WE.Y IYIJI PUY To.nB New Otlear.s pianists Tuts Wash1ng1on, Professor Longchatr and Allen Toussalfll are featured playing togethet lor the first lime 1n a rehearsal for ~olnl concert ( 1 hr ) rjJ llllWU TODD Angela Lansbury and George Hea'rn star 1n lhe mus1ca1 st<><y ol a demented 19th-century barber who takes revenge on lhe society that uniuslly sent him 10 prison (2 hrs . 30 min) (0) llOWll "Tootsie" ( t982. Comedy) Ouslln Hottman. Jessica Lange An out· of-work New York actoi labeled as tem­peramental d1scovEtts a whole new career tor himself when he disguises himself as a woman and lands a soap apera role 'PG' L1 hr . 56 min ) (SJ lllOVll "F1retox" ( 1982 Adventure) Clint Eastwood, Freddie Jones A US pilot goes behind Russian lines to steal a supe<SOnte lighting plane 'PG' O (2 hrs 15 min ) (Z) .,. " The Kingfisher " ( 1982. Ora­ma) Rex Harrison. Wendy Hiller With the help ol his devoted butler, an elderly arts· tocrat attempts to rekindle the relation-­ship he had Q/1th a past love ( t hr .. 20 min.) m~

.. t!1) flll0¥m " The Wild One" ( t954, Orama) Marlon Brando. Mary Murphy A motorcy­cle gang stirs up trouble when II invades a ~el town. ( t hr., 40 min)

~11 (£) UIR. FOOTUu. Los Angeles Express at Houston Gamblers !R) (3 hrs )

d D @) OH llADILM Doris accuses Mad&­llne of llirltng with her husband when she mistakes him tor Charlie at a masquerade party (R) CD llO¥ll " The Day The Fish Came Out' ( 1967, Comedy) Candice Bergen. Tom Counenay Two P4lolS search tcir a lost atomic bomb dropped near a Grtttik resort isle~ hrs .. 30 min )

tMI I ..-at~ ITllLI Steele 1s honored as one ol the hve most eligible bachelors, but Laura tears tor his Ille after rwo of the honOfees are found murdered (R) ( t hr) .....

8 0 MMT TO MMT Jonathan e.nd Jen· niter become targets for murde< In a ~Ung scheme Wtiefe a poto mallet ls

i~~t~ a valuable gem. (R) Q

ntlUllT 1111 MJll•U Of -HCA An exam1-

nat1on of the underlying reasons some large American oorPQfations no longer otter the economic opportunities that were expected In 1he 1950s and 19608. t! hr) GD ra 1 ITOll .,_. Steele Is honored as ocie of the five most eligible bechetofs. but Laura fears for hit Ille afte< two of the hono<ees are tound murdered. (A) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) '1!> U¥llQ WILD " A Desert Blooming" An examination of the variety and abundance ol Ute to be found In the Chihuahuan Desert 1n northern Mexico. O ( 1 hr.) CC> AllAUL. TB>..,.. CID llO'fll " Lone Wolf McOuade" ( 1983, Adventure) Chuck Norris, David Carta· dine A man a11empts to end an arms smuggling operation 'PG' ( 1 hr., 47

-ii: __ ! '*""- HALL a _. OA'lllt ROCI 'It ICM. ~TIOIAL Highlights ol the duo's International conoert tour, Including performances of " Say It Isn't So," " Adult Education" and " Maneater "

m¥ll " A Farewell To Arms" ( 1932. Drama) Gary Cooper, Melen Hayes. A wounded American soldlef falls In love w11h his English nurse 1n World War I Italy. {J hr . 18 min.)

1Ml@ llOWll " Walk East On Beacon" (1952. Mystery) George Murphy, Finlay Currie. After a scientist Is threatened. an espl0f'l8ge unit Is lnves1igated by rhe FBI.

2 hrs.) n• DD CEO ... Tut IOWAll I llAITW'I UUQH.• ........ NAWAIPIVI .. .MCKJIUAIC* llO¥ll " The Last American Virgin"

( 1982. Comedy) Lawrence Monoson. Diane Franklin. A shy teen-ager In love Is reluctant to join his buddies in their pursuit ol sexual uperlenoes. 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min.)

IPU,_, C.1111 All DICIYMIDYll

,,. ..,. Of mAmQ 11:11 (I) .._,J. An eccentric Inventor,

a beautiful author and a senator's wile involve Magnum In a case ot mys1ery and Intrigue. (A) (1 hr., 10 min.) D fl) ~ Host. Johnny Carsoo. Scheduled: comedian Father Guido Sar­duccl. actress Estelle Parsons. Ron McCr~1hr.)

l; •llMCMOf-AllQll ...... PUCI LAW .. ICA Guest. pharma­

c1st-au1hor Dr. Earl Mindell otters nutrition­al guidelines to oomplement the rrost common prescriptlOn end over-the-coun­ter drvgs. ( 1 hr.) (() llCMI .. A T 8818 of Money" ( 1983, Orama) Constanoe Money. Jamie Giiiis. An adult fllm star Is greeted by fans. ( 1 hr . 30 min)

llOWll "Six Pack" ( 1982. Comedy) Kenny R~. Diane Lane. A race-car dr1ver turns a Mxtet of Juvenile car strippers Into a winning pit cnw. 'PG' ( t

nt. , 46 min.) ID 111 Q.UI FeaMed how a rnan·s encounter with a miracle changed his life. 11 hr. 30 min.)

1WCID iii:Wli " Mother LOde" (t982. Drama) Charlton Heston, Ntck Mancuso A Scor­tlsh miner tries to prote<:t his gold but runs Into people who want II 100 'PG' ( 1 hr . 41 min.)

tMl Im Olt HOUYWOOO m¥ll " Klllet McCoy" ( 1947. Drama)

Mlcl<ey Rooney, Ann Blyth. A prizefighter finds hlmsett trapped after he Inadvertent·

~Ills a trainer. (2 hrs . 5 min.) .... w ... llOWll "The Creeping Flesh" ( 1972.

Horror) Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing Two diabolical scieotlSt·brOthers compete to create a living being from a sl<eleton. ( 1 hr .. "40 min.) m 11ICU Of 1111 mfT Guests. Emma Samms ("General Hosp11al"). gossip columnist A Courl Hay, comedian Biii Raf· ferty, BeatleS author Peter Brown; atso, a debate on thp Social Security system, and a Tina Turnei vldeO (I hr .. 30 min ) G)HAMYO (0) llO¥ll " Rio Bravo" ( t959, Western) John Wayne, Dean Martin An old cripple. a tormer deputy-turned-drunk. a young Qulckdraw gunslinger and a ·girl help a stieritt to outsmart a powertul rancher who wanrs 10 gel his killer brother released from pr160n (2 hrs . 30 mrn ) CZ) llOWll 'Exposed" ( 1983 Orama) Nas1ass1a Kinskl, Harvey Keitel A young woman 1s exposed to risks and romance 1n Parts and New York 'R' ( t hr , 40 min.)

1t11 (!) ·"°"-m,.1Ca-n1~a· U. G GO LATI tlGHT WITH DAVI> LITT-.

Scheduled. country singer Lorelle Lynn: a demonstration lrom the Ringling Bros and

1Ba'5"E:::J WllMYIMI 91 IA DMIT MYllW (I')

11:11 llOWll "Sink The Bismarck!~ ( 1960 Adventure) Kenneth More. Dana Wynter The tamous German balllesh1p 1s defeat­ed by all available air and sea forces ( 1 hr .. 37 min.)

1N 8 Cl) llCCl.OUD McCloud travels to an Oll·rlch nation where he suspects an Arab dignitary of playing a role In the disap­pearance ol several beauty contestants. {R) ( 1 hr .. 20 min.)

U.t!1) 90Vll " Flaxy Martir( (1949. Mystery) Virginia Mayo, Zachery Scott. An altorney Is framed by a showgirl for a murder he didn't commU. (1hr . 45 min.)

W 8 fillO¥m "Countdown" ( 1968. Drama) Robert Duvall. James Caan. An American astronaut lands on the moon only to dis· cover a demolished Russian spacecral1 alrea~re (2 hrs.) D " Pray For The Wildcats" ( 1974, AdVenture) Andy Griffith. Robert Reed A motorcycle trip undertaken by lour business associates ends up as a race loi llfe. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CD llO¥ll "The King And Four Queens" (1956, Western) Clark Gable. Eleenoc Parker A charming and handsome mer· cenary romances lour lovely womeo whose Ihle! husbands have hidden away a fortune In loot (2 hrs.) m llOYll "The Young Ph1ladelphlans" ( 1959. Drama) Paul Newman. Barbara Rush The Integrity ot a young lawyer Is Instrumental 1n his ga1n1ng a prestigious

Frldayt April 27, 1984 23


poMIOn and • ~ girt. (2 tn. 30

rul.. " '8 HAS •• ( 1983. Comedy) Nktc Hole .. Eddie Muphy AA unorthodox pc*1e deWcti¥e ...... Mlh • t~ rah 111 d OOl"MCt to find a tugitNe murder· • • 'A' (1 tw., 35 mn.)

·-ICOTT • Cl> ... ' 'Cops And Octw Lower&' ( 1982. Ol'arM) Harry ~ Nlc:de Mor· In. AA eam.a poloe vD lqUitd chief Mts out to ,,.._ '* city monil "R' ( 1 tw . 26 1111"1 > ·1--· ... MJ. • .,. ..... ,

-..aan TlrlLW•

w :r-:.D1: uwa•1 1:mr The ~ unpredeteble comedian performs N5 80"1 nigtT!c*Jb act at Aesons ln1enwtwonel .,, Atl8ntlc Qty. New Jersey

l h!J - Cl)C. ... _,.ATQC

: -- ''r-lASCAR Dat11ngtoo Duh Serles • Soring 100" (fi'om North W~o. N C.) (ff} (1 hr.) (%) .,_ "forced Vengeance" ( 1982. Adventure) Chudc Nom5. Mary Louise Wf!l/tttJf. A katale expen uses his rnoo.1lS to dnY9 mob$ters out of a Hong Kong gam­bllng estabbtlment. 'R' ( 1 tv . 43 min )

-.c:c:i ... · Man Who Saw Tomorrow" (1981) tary Narrated by Orson

• (%) " A Fatewel To Arm$ .. (1932, Orama) Gaty Cooper, Helen Hayes ( 1 tv . 18 nwl.)

• 00 " A ChalSenge For Robwl Hood" ( 1968, A<M9nture) Bame Ingham, James ~er ( 1 tv., 25 min ) Cl) " A lice's Adventures In Wondenand" ( 1973. Musk:al) Peter Selera. Dudley Moote ( 1 tv . 4 1 min.)

• @ " The Outaider' ' (1967, Mystery) Oar· ren McGavin. Sean Garnson (2 hrs. )

• <Cl " The Promse" (1979. Orama) Kath­leen Quinlan, Stephen Collins ( 1 hr . 38 min )

'9(!} ' 'The Eagle And The Haw!<" ( 1950, Western) John Payne, Rhonda Fleming ~hr&.) • •

CZ) " Looe Wolf McOuede" ( 1983, Adven­ture) et.o. Nome, Oavtd Catradlne. ( 1 hr .. 4'7 min.)

• CC) " Ratap&an" ( 1979. Comedy) Maonzio Nlchettl. Angela Anocchlaro ( 1 ht , 32 min.) (Ii) " And Now For Something Completely Oiftlftnl' ' ( 1972, Comedy) Graham Chapman, John ae.e. ( 1 hr • 29 mm.) (I) " Dusty'' ( 1981, Orama) Bill Kerr. Noel Trevathen ( 1 hr , 28 mln.)

• (%) "Wll'lter Light" ( 1962. Orama) Ir.grid Thuhn. Gunnar Blomstrand. (I hf , 20 min.)

- CC) " Willy Wooka And The Chocolate Fac­t()fy" ( 1971. Fantasy) Gene Wlldef, Jac·k Albertson. ( 1 hr , 40 min ) Cl) " To Please A Lady" ( 1950. Orama) Clark Gable, Barbara Stanwyck ( 1 hr .• 31mln.) I

- a> "Goodbye. Columbus" (1969, Come­dy) Richard Benjilmln, AN MacGraw (2 hfl. )

24 Friday, April 27, 1984

Welles Focuge of ~ he preOicted end dramatic re-creetaons of his llte comp ase this iooa at the 17th-cenlUfY French physicaM. esttologet and mystic. "41Chef de Nostre-Oame, known as Nos­llademus PG' 11 hr . 26 min) .. , ...

.,.. 'That lAan In~· (1966, Comedy) Hors1 Buc::t\hoU.. Mano Adorl A ple'yboy !'*PS an FBI egent pOSlng as a ~ &o recover a kJCJnapped sdentJSI

~tvs , 30mn) ...,,.MIMT .. a....,

M <Ii) .. ._..MA_, -.Y al. The \M'IPfedictable Bnlllh oomeoian portrays various Chataciers ncludlng a stnpteese attlS1 ciown and • ~ed husband who USl8S hfS v'Cleo remote control 10 freeze-frame his unbearable wite ( 1 ,,r )

M .,_ "Eoge Of Doom" ( 1950. Mys.-lefY) Dana Anorews. f811ey Granger A young man struggles against SOCll8fy the dudl ano m own inner conn.c~ c 1 nr . 39 mtn.)

-· .:Ml "Kana Coast" ( 1968. AcMln­ture) Riohard Boone. Veta Mites A young woman dies of a drug OVefdose end Che man who gave her the drugs must llnswef 10 her lougtl. ~lather (2 IYs.. )

~f.!.:-:'w . ~ m - POM• A k>Otc at the

-· "Roman Holiday" ( 1953. Romance) Grego<y Peck. Audrey Hepburn (2 hrs ) CC) " Young Frankenst81tl" ( 1974, Come­dy) Gene Wilde<. Peter Boyle ( 1 hr . 45 min. ) ©) "Summer Lovers" ( 1982 Romance) Daryl Hanna!'\. Peter Gallagher ( 1 hr , 40 min)

U. CID "The K11hng Of Randy WebSter" (1981 Drama) Hal Holbt~. Dixie

Cartef (2 hrs. ) CZ) " Author! Author I" ( t 982. Comedy) Al Paono. Dyan Cannon (1 hr .. 50 min.)

t:ll CS) "Otl God!" (1977. Comedy) George Burns. Jono Denvet. ( 1 hr . 36 mlt"I ) ID " Her Primltrve Man" ( 19«. Come­dy) Louise Albt1tton, Robert Benchley ( 1 hr., 30 min.)

W (O) " F011 Apache" ( HM8, Western) John Wayne. Henry Fonda. (2 hrs., 7 min.)

• CC) "The Fighting Sunivans" ( 19«, Dr&­ma) Anne Baxter, Thomas Mitchell ( 1 hr., 55 min)

1:11 CID CZ) "The K1ngl1shef" ( 1982, Orama) Re1t Hamson. Wendy H1llef ( t hr , 20 min)

• "Cheech & cnong·s sun Smo6(1n· " ( 1983. Comedy) R1chatd "Cheech" Mar· in. Tommy Chong ( 1 hr, 31 min)

49 " The Promise" ( 1979. Drama) Kath-leen Quinlan. Stephen Colllns ( 1 hi , 38 min)

" Ou5ty" (1 981 . Drama) Bill Kerr. Noel Trevathan. ( 1 hr., 28 min ) (%) " Foroed V~nc::e" ( 1982. Adven­turer Chuac Norris, Mary Louise Wetlef. ( I hr . 43 min )

James Bond films and the ae1cn • have pottrayed Agent 007 ( 1 hr ) ()) ... "Supetchlck" ( 1973. Ad\ lure) Joyce Jillson, Tony YQ.#1g. A a.Kline hostess finds adventure when assumes the aggressille '*'°"8 of alter ego 'R' ( 1 ht., 35 min. )

Uli PMTM• UICUI WB.IY, ILD. _.. "Loo1" ( 1972. Comedy) At

ard AttenbOfougn, Lee Renti. An h woman's son and his best friend deCld« hide their robbefy wi~ In her cotfll a SleaZy British hotel. PG' ( 1 hr . mltl. )

.. ® WllO•.-OX • c:eJ .,.. " Auntie Mame" {1958, Cor dy) Rosalind Russel, Forrea Tuck Atter the death of his parents, a ycx. boy t>ecomea the WBfd of hes ftamboy1 and eccentric aunt (2 hrs.., 23 min.) • ; TOPO'M•Nlll ..,.

• HllllW(IQ .,_ "The Party" ( 1968. Corned

Petlf Seflef's. Claudine Longe!. A m ci'lleVous Indian actor creates utter cil8 vmeri he crashes a socaal petty (2 hrs.)

d (}i) .cME " Lone WOif McOuade" (19E ActvenfU<e) Chuck Norris. Oevtd Carr <fine A man attempts 10 end an arr smuggling operation 'PG' ( 1 tv .• min.)

W (f)M-..nt t::ll@I DMAllOf ~

• ' 'Sea Prince And The Flre Child" 1r-Date. Fantasy) Animated ( 1 hr . ! min )

• (%} " Polterg11St" ( 1982,_HotTor) Craig Nelson. Jobeth Wlnlams. ( 1 hr , 55 min )

11:11 @ " Dallas" ( 1950. Wes1ern) Gary COi per. Ruth Roman (2 tlfs.) __ . .,. .... ........

CIR Cll ... flO&JCI wcmM AIC ... Q

nml"I ~""' IUCI.,_ llACIBl~•&W me ... • 11 lllOflWU 1 .,_ " Wtlty Wonka And The Choco­

late Factory" ( 197 t. Fantasy) Gene Wilde<. Jacic Albertson A wor1d famous confectioner offef'S a llfetlme supply ol candy to the f1ve WtMetJ of a treasure hunt. ·o· (1 hr .. 40 min.) CID .,_ " Crecidng Up" (1963, Come­dy) Jefry L8WIS. Milton 8el1e. An ace•· denr-prone man faUs at 8Y9f)'thlng lnolud· ~a bungled suicide. (1hr.,30 min.) (OJ ROCK All) ROLL 1* • 10W Travel down the honky·IOOk highway of country and western style rock and roa musk: with the sounds o f Carl " Mr. Blue 'Suede Shoes" Perkins and Joe Ely . man.-om .....

TA» AUCI -. Of PCl"nlm A llATT9 Of TAl'TI MA IMA11 Cl) THAT-.

,. Cll ...

i -

.. er. ng .nt

I ) S• )S

3, 3-'IS 7

I 0 0


Wedne1tlg Coal.

I :,,-::nMMI =::&. "Simon & Simon" star

Getald McRane. ay; act0ta from the movie

l"ThrJ,~~ .. --••n TW'f Featured:

l"lfitEvan• IMllC 0/111\.0ML. , ... llCMI "Some Kind Of He<o" ( 1982.

Comedy) Richard Pryor, Margot Kidder. A war veteran turns to a life of crime alter the government refuses to glYe him beci\ pay he earned while being a pri9onef of the North Vietnamese for six years... 'R' ( 1 hr., 35mln.) cm.,.. ''Who is K.ln ng The Great Chefs Of Europe?" ( 1978, Comedy) George Segel, Jacqueline Bisset. A tast· fOOd chain king tries to keep his ex-Wife trom being lhe next victim ol ~ kHlef who Is mur­dering well--known chefs In the same way they prepare their mott famous dishes. 'PO' (l hr .• 52 min.} Cl) ,_. TAU lMIAm " Princess And The Pea" This version ol the classic tale stars Liz.a Mlnnelll as Prlnc658 Aleela. Tom Conti as Prince RIChatd and Beatrice Sttalght aa the prince· a mother. Q ( 1 hr.) ID llOW9 " The Blob" ( 1958, Horr0t) Steve McQueen, Aneta Cofseaut. A strange blob from outer space devours many people until two teen-agers devise a ~n to stop It. (2 hfs. )

7:119 I Cll 1111 TI*ll Featured: ttavel to the British ISies and see the Abby Theater; a look at Edinburg, Scotland • the birthplace of ~I. a castle with a style ot Ir's own.

1., ... ,,.. a.-a-.narx.11tt 111 Cll ~ Featured: a travel adven­

ture In Japan with visits to the new Tokyo Olsneyland; lhe tmpeflal Palace; the flsh­market; the glamOfous nightlife of the Gln­z.a, backstage at a Kabuki performance. a look at Japanese youth as they parade at

1-f~,..~--..... WUWOll.D Oii ~ -1'11 ccmuAT -.-? Ale IUUJVM

' 'Trial By Jury" and "Cox And Box" (2

~·l.o~anucnc. (%).,. " Winter Light" ( 1962, Drama) lngrld Thulin, Gunnar BJomstrand. A pa&­tor loees his faith and cootidence aftM the death ol his wile ( t hr .• 20 min.)

~(1)--.. 8 (I) - DAY AT A Tm Schneider's

• brulh with death threatens to change his ~t..._-go-luct<y Nteetyte U • mM. ....., Featured: a wet· nightie contes1 In Florlde: an lnttrVlew with a ... captain detennlned to save the llvea of wha._ and teals: a vacoum cleaner ...._,.,, who hit turned his van Into a wOf1c of art. (R) ( 1 hr.) • t:mUCatl WllCt AWAW Awards f0t the }'981". top mUllc vldeo6 ere presented to the recording artists a W9ll as thoae ~ the camera. Caeey Kuem hosts. ~h .... ) • (II M PAU. Wf Colt must Pf'Otect a retired betet>eM player being threatened by tht mob '°' failure to pey otf old debta.


• ••n••IT JClllMIT Featured: "Oynaa~ star Linda Evans. • " Looking For Mr. GOOdber" ( 19n. Orama) Diane Keeton, Tueeday WekJ. A achOolteecher eea.rctlea for love by frequenting singles bets at night with t1ag1<: results. (2 hra.) 9 Tiii ccmuAT ~Am M.UVM " Trial By Jury" and "Cox And Box" (2 hrs.) Ct> m¥9 " Young Frankenstein" (1974, Comedy) Gene Wiider. Peter Boyte. The son of the Infamous Or. Frankenstein attempts to prove thel his flUher was not a madman by completing his efforts to er• ate ~hetl<: men. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• ~ min.) (£) ,..,. ® .,. " Author! Author!" ( t982. Com­edy) Al Paclno. Dyan Cannon. A New York playwrlght's wlfe leeves him with a gang of mostly her chlldreo to take care ol just as hla new play 18 about 10 open. 'PG' i! hr., 50 min.) CS) m¥9 "Oh GOdl" ( 1977. Comedy) George Bums. John Denver. God Mtects an unsuspecting young supermarket man­ager to dellve< a mesaage of hOpe and goodwill to the skeptical people of the modem-day world. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 36 min.)

t:11 (t) Mm "U.S. Indoor Championships -Men's and Women's 10-mete< Spring­board Anals" (from Gainesville. Fla ) IB> < 1 hr.)

•B Cl) llOVll "Being There" (1979, Ora­ma) Peter Sellers. Melvyn Douglas. A sim­ple-minded, middle-aged man, WhoSe only knowtedge of the outside world Is through t8'evlslon. gains tremendous tame and power by unwlttlngly convincing tycoons and pollticlans that he Is a genius. (2 hrs., 30 min:)

I TIC TAC DOUIN LOftlOAT ,.,.,UZlll .. Simon & Simon" star

GMald McAaney: actOfa 1rom the movie " This Is Spinal f ap."

.. (1l) M CAT\9

.. D GD Tiil fACTI Oii I.Jiii Mr&: Garrett dis-­covers that her son and his wife are having marltal difficulties and becOmes 1:'00-cerned tor the future of her business. Q G ®l DlllAITY A mysterious woman arrives in Denver with damaging knowt· edge of Alexls's past, Blake attempts to keep his losses In the oil lease deal lO a minimum, and Sammy Jo takes an lnter­es1 In Adam. Q ( 1 hr.)

1-=.v ..,. Scheduled: actr888 Cheryl Udd. actor Duncan Regehr. the Southern Comfort Jazz Band, actor Michael Winslow ("Polloe Academy") . i! hr.) ClJ m¥9 "The Third Walker" ( 1979, Ofa· ma) Colleen Dewhurst, Wiiiiam Shatner. Orphaned twln1l are separated at birth and raised apart by two dlffe<eot families. (1hr., 30 min.) cm ..,.. " King Of Comedy" (1 982. Comedy) Rober1 De Niro, Jerry Lewta. A tailing comedian plans to kidnap a welt-­known talk show host. 'PG' ( 1 tv.. 41 min.) Cl) ... " Loot" ( 1972. Comedy) Rich­ard Atteobotough, Lee Remlok. An ll1lh woman's eon and his beet friend declOe to hide their robbery winnings In her coffin In a slMzy British hotel. 'PG' ( 1 tv., 41 mlnJ....r

..1 .. "The Appalooea" ( 1966, West· em) Matton Brando, Anjanette Comet. A rare pony " 8totln from a oowboy and hldder'I ~ Meldoo. (2 tire.. 5 "*'->

a11(1)WUGt ,.id

-· ............ When K8lil sprains her rile eudltlOnlng fOf' a dlnoe contest, twin list« Alll9on egreee to ta. her place for the ftnal round. (!) llCMI "Johnny Coot" (1963, Drarne) Henry SINa. Elizabeth Montgomery. Alt Italian boy ralaed by • Slcllan Ol*Tlla II sent to New Yortt to wrlM vengeance on the enemtee of an American expetrim.. ~ hrs. . 30 min.) ................ , .. YIOl Arml M ID.OCMllT A document.­ry focusing on one of the many MJPPOrt groups l0tmed In the 19708 to help ~ dren of Nazl Holocauat IUMYora faoe their

iln~hr.) .. ..,,...

- • IT . .. st I I The hospital a18ff rdldenta are In a ~ at they beglf'I cramming for the Natk>nal Boerd exarN. and White agr ... to take a polygraph tell to prove hie Innocence. ( 1 tv.)

11 ~PetM and Mrt. art hek2 ~. by • gunman, and MMe attempt• to help a ftalhdancer lmpf .. her minister father. Q ( 1 hr.)

E:fUYm ..... , .. ""' New Orleen8 plani81t Tuts Washington. Profeaor Longchalr and Allen T oueaalnt are feetured playing together fOf the first time In a reheerMI fof tjolnt concert. ( 1 hr.) • CC).,. ·'The Fighting Sutllvans' ' ( 1944. Orama) Anne Baxter, Thomas Mitchel. The devotion of five brothers fof each other Is portrayed from their childhood through World War II. ( 1 tv., 55 min.) CH) CULW CUii • co.:111 CUiture Club perlonn. "Karma Chameleon." " Do You Aealty Want To Hurt Me?" and ' 'Mm Me Blind" at the Hammersmith Odeof'I In London, England. ( 1 hr.) (I).,. " Horr0t P\anet" ( 198 t . Hon'Of) A spaoe exploration teem encounters a blOOd thirsty alien form on a mysterious

inet. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 33 min.) IOU.a--.. -MNATM(I)

- •n w ... 1111 mAT OU1DOOM Jim Ta bot go. on a bike tour and flies In a hot-air balloon at Albuque<Que, New Mexico's 12th Inter· national BaHoon F\etta, Q (O· m¥9 "Loflta" ( 1962. ComedY) James Mallon, Sue Lyon. Based on the story by Vladimir NabOkov. A ml~aged professor look& to a 11range young glr1 In an effort to find l'la,pploeaa. (2 Iva., 32 min.) .......... W~OIM ... _

tW fL•(l)O ... ... , .. .,..~. .. , ..... . ....... ...... ""~ -- ,. .. .. ,. Gary Hert . .... Jaok90n and Watt• Mondale pertlclpate In a debate held at the AMFAC Hotel In DaAaa. Texas. Sander of ABC News moder9ta (1 hr.) CH) ... ''And Now Fot SOmethlng Com­pletely Different'' ( t 972, eom.dy) Graham Chapman, John Cleeaa. Mefn. bars of "Monty Python'• Flying ClrCCJa" Pf&eenl a ....- of comedy aketcha 'PO' ~hr., 29mln;l.,

~=~Forced V•~" {1982..

Friday, Aprlt 27, 1934 25


- Wednesday: Coal. Adven1ure1 Chuck Noms. Mary Louise Weller A ~rare expert uses his moves to d11ve mot>sters ou1 o f a Hong Kong gam­bltn&c4itabhsnmen1 'R' ( 1 hr . 43 min ) a;) YAMOYU

11::11 @ llO¥IE " Desire Under The Elms" 11958 Drama1 Sophia Loren Anthony Perk.iris Based On Eugene O'Ne1ll's play On a New England farm 1n the 1880s. a beau11tu1 seductive woman develops a paS&on f0< her stepson (2 hrs 25 min l

11:11 CIJ ~m 1tafJ (I) POlJCI ITQtlY A pair of police

detectives. relegated 10 ca1ct11ng small­time criminals. su<Jdenly hod themselves involved 1n an FBI crackoown on an Illegal ~n ~ration (Al ( 1 hr . 10 min ) U W TOllQHT Host. Jonnny Carson Scnedu led actress Jane Badler. ac1or James Coco. comedian A Whtlney l3rown. singer Tom Jones It ht J

I IA'NmAY llQHT ®l MC ... tlGHTl.M ltllMCMOI_ MCtlE~PUCI

£ NTOL IHOOTllQ B1ancn1 Cup lnrer· na11ona1 Toornamenl " 0 llOYIE Fon Apache' I t948. Wesl·

ernJ John Wayne. Henry Fonda A stub· W n cavalry ott.cer is hel<I responsible tor rampant lno1an allack.s aga1ns1 a m1h1ary ou1pos1 12 hrs 7 min J '1:) 1IO ClW Fea1ure<l dungeons and dra­gons · 1nnocen1 fun or an inv1ta11on to Ille 0c.cu11? 11 hr 30 mtn I

11M S MOVIE Some K1no Of Hero· (1 982 Comeoy I R1chara PryOf Margo1 Kidder A war •eleran turns 10 a hie of crime airer 111e governmerir refuses 10 give him back ' d; he eameo wnile being a pnsoner o f the Nunn V1e1namese lor Six years 'A' ( 1 r1r 35 min 1

t1:ila ICTV 12:9 m <*HOU YWOOO

• llOYIE " Mr Deeds Goes To Town" I 1936 Comeo, 1 Gary Cooper, Jean Ar1t1w A female reporter persuades ner

111111 naire boyl11eno 10 give his lorl une ilwa1 12 hrs 5 min 1 ~ atl.DM.N Of H()ll£ l1> llOVIE Ttie Couple Takes A Wt!e"

iq12 C.< ,,.,.,.Otl 8 111 Bixby Paula Pren-11-.:. A11;.r nine years o f marriage a couple 11.ri-'> a worndr 1.., !ull1ll lhe ·w1lely <lulles :.1 • 1n1;11 trie real i1>1!e can be liberated ( t rir 40 rr11n 1

(I) TIICKE Of ntE NIGHT Guests Lydta Cc,rn<>1 I Too C1bse For Comfort'') mag· 1c1an Da111d Copperfield, comedienne Lois Bromfield. TV c0lumn1st Ric"8r<l Hack f 1 hr . 30 min I (I) HAlllYO fD LA T8IGHf AIEllCA Guests· surgeon a nd chairman of Atlanta 's Impaired Ptiysr­c1ans Comm111ee Dr Ed Walts talks about his louner addtClton to J)llls and alcohOI. sman ous1ness advocate and president of tn1ernat1onal Business Netw<>O< Ge><don B1zar o tters no-cash, no-risk guidelines fOf buying or expanding a business (1 hr.) ( ) MOR•IHOW ~- " Cleveland

Grand Pnx" (R) (2 hrs.) mo D m LATI MGMT""" DAVID~

Schedule<l selC therapist Dr Ruth Westhe1mer. comedienne Margaret Smith,

loc~~ontest winner ( 1 hr )

LA. TODAY ROWAM 1 llM'rlrl LAUGH It MOYW " Lone Woll McOuade" ( 1983.

Adventure) Chuck Ne><ns. David Cerra· dine A man auempts 10 end an arma ~ltng operation 'A' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.)

!HI® llCMI " Cracking Up" (1983. eom.-26 Friday, April 27, 1984

dy) Jerry Lewis. Miiton Berle. An acct· dent prone man falls al everything 1nclu<l· ·~a bu= suicide ( 1 hr , 30 min )

1M 1J Cl) " Never Con A Killer" ( 19 77 Mystery) Stefanie Powers. Harold Goul<l A young female attorney consults her la1he1 fOf help 1n c learing her client o f a murder charge (A) ( 1 hr . 20 min )

1M (C) llCMI " Eating Raoul" ( 1982. Come­dy) Paul Bartel. Mary WOfonov A down· on·their -luck marned couple dlSCover that lf\ey can make the money they need 10 buy 1hetr dream diner by knocking ott well-heeled sex perverts 'R' ( 1 hr 25 min)

W 8 MOVll "Chamber Of Horrors" ( 1966. H0tror) Patric!( O' Neal. Suzy Parker A homict<Jal maniac amputates his chained hand to escape execution. bot r~tums seeking revenge with a hoolled stump (2 hrs) 0 llOYll " The War Between The Tates" ( 1977. Ofama) Richard Crenna. Errzabelh Ashley A college pro fessor carelessly dufts 1n10 an alfair with an unpred1c1able student ( 1 hr , 30 min ) (!) llO¥IE " The Ftghhng 69th' ( 1940. Drama) James Cagney. Pat O'Brien The 691h Reo1ment of World War I is helpe<J by Falher C>utty who Inspires courage 1n a ~artlCularly sens1t1Ve recruit (2 hrs ) II) llOYll " G1rl On The Run" ( 1958. Ora· ma) Efrem Z1mbahst Jr . Eun O'Brten A pr1va1e eye 1s hired to find a nightc lub singer belC>fe a killer does 12 nrs 30 min ) • ti\) ""'Ol .. IU&AM ' l, , .oVll " Angel 01 H f AT " t 1982 Adven ture) Maril yn Chambers A n espionage agent has a field day work ing unoercover as a mud wrestler ( 1 fir 35

Immel.. econ

1:11 MIA&. TM NU> AUltTMIPAl&Y ROWAN I llMTWI L.MIQtMN llCMI " Vice Squad" ( t 982 Drama )

Season Hubley Gary Swanson A po lice detective and a streetwalker ream up 10 rrap a pimp responsible tor murde11ng one ot n1s women 'A' ( 1 hr 35 min 1 1:111 WON.DAT LMQI

2:11 Cl) ca ... NIGHTWA TCH . ... ~

AGM:Ul TUlll u..u. -THI NA TOUR (R) mVll ·summer Lovers· ( 1982

Romance) Daryl Hannah. Peter Gal lagner Two Amer.can college students spend a free-spmted summer on a Greek ISiand 'A' ( 1 hr . 40 min )

2:11 llCMI " Exposed" ( t983, Drama) Nastessia K1nsl(1, Harvey Keitel A young woman 1s exposed to risks and romance 1n Pans and New Ye><k 'R' ( I hr . 40 mm )

t1I CC) llCMI " Just Teti Me What You Want" ( 1980, Comedy) Alt MacGraw. A lan King A wealthy business tycoon thinks he has his mtStress well In tine untll she demands he put her m charge of a recent·

.. (%) " AU1horl Author!" ( 1982. Comedy) Al Paclno. Dyan Cannon. ( 1 hr .. SO min )

.. ct) " Adam's Woman" (1972, Drama) Beau Bridges, John Miiia. ( 1 hr., 56 mtn )

•Ill> "fhe ramlty Jewell" ( 1965, Comedy) ~Lewie. Sebastian Cabot. (2 hra.)

79(!) " The Tr• p" ( 1959. Adventure) Rich

ly <JCQuired movie studio 'R' ( 1 hr '> mm )

i=-g MEWi " G) llOVIE · 81<>nd1e's Heto" I 1950 Com edy) Pe11ny Singleton. Arthur Lake Con h1<;1011 reigns when DagwOOd signs up w1H lhe ~r~ft Reserve Corps ( 1 hr 30 min 1 @ ftAOCWIT . 'f "°'4TIWOIWI (R) z llOYll ' The KmgflSl'ler • ( 1982. Ora

maJ ReA Harrison. Wendy Hiller Wnh lhe nelp o f his devo1ed butler. an elderly aris· 1~ra 1 attemprs 10 rektndle the reta1ton· ship he had with a past love ( 1 hr 2C min 1

tM ' l llOYIE 'Cheech & Cheng's 51111 Smok1n ( 1983. Comedy) A1charcJ 'Chee<;h' Marin Tommy Chong T~

comic duo trven up a pootly attended Dul ch him !esllval 'R ' I 1 hr . 3 1 min )

l:GO 0 llOVll Assignment To Kill" ( 1969 Mystery) Patric~ O' Neal Joan Hacke11 Corporate fraud 1s 1nves1igated by a 011 vale eye 11'1 Sw11Zerland (2 hrs J 1-rJ CHICO All> THE lllAM 11]') MEWi E .,_Utml

1:15 $ llOYIE Sherlock Holmes In Terror By N1gnt' ( 1946 Mysrery) Basil Rathbone N1qe1 Bruce A1de<l by Dr Walson Sher locl\ Holmes sets our 10 trap a clever 1ewe1 1111et ( 1 hr 15 min J Cl) MMCUI WELIY, M.D.

J:55 ' H llOVIE " The K1lltny Of Randy Wet>ster ( 198 I Drilrna1 t1al Holbrook 0 1x1e c,.,,.,, A l 1")l)rs1and couple 1nves1tga1es 111e ,1d y1n9 ,,, lnP lf "on oy Houston poltce / 1 hr 40 min I

dO , ~ , TOP O' THE 11011•1a Q) llOVIE 'Beware Of Blondie" ( 195 1 Comedy) Arrhur lake Penny S1ngte1on Panoemo111urn follows when Mr Ot1ner~ .. nves rne nus1ness 1n Dagwood 's fum

bl111g hands. lor a few days I I hr !>O rn111 )

7l FUln9 E IUllUI rmt (1') 0 llOVIE 'Who ts K1ll1ng The Great Cl'tels

Of f urope? I f978. Comedy) Georgr Segdl J.1cQue1ine B1sse1 A tas1 IOO(j cha'' ~ ong 111~ 10 keep his ell wile lrofl" t;..1ng lhl' ""''' 111c.11m o l a l\1ller who is mur df'r1ng Nell k now n chets 111 me same wa) tnt>y preµarP thetr most lamo1Js 01shp.;; PC. t 1 tor ~l mm J Z llOVIE "Gun Crazy I 1950 Ofama1

J .. 4yy Cumn11ns Jonn Dall A tasH 1v1ny tnrrr1i>r c:arnival girl 111es 10 convince her ma1ksman husbano to lurn his sk ills 11:1 armed robbery I I hr 2'7 min )

~ C llOVIE Aataplan· ( 1979. Comedy) Maur1z11) N1c.11e 111 Angela Finocchiaro A lonely man disco vers a miracle po11on and 11roouces a roman1ic robol double 'G' 11 hr 32 nun l 1$ 1 FAIM TAU THUTM Princess And The Pea" This version o f the ctasstc ta le srars L11a Minnell1 as Princess A lecia Tom Con11 as Prince Richard and Beatrice Srratgh l as tf\e pr1nce·s mother Q ( t hr I

t:a @ I DMAllOI ~

ard W1dmarll. Tina Louise (2 hrs ) 7:ml ' 2 • The Kingfisher" (1 982. Drama) Rex

Hamson Wendy Hiller ( t hr . 20 min ) .. (C l Tne Prtze Fighter" (1 979. Comedy)

Tim Conway. Don Knotts ( I hr . 39 mrn) fil ' 'Bill Cosby Himself" ( 1982. Comedy) Bill Cosby ( 1 hr 44 min I

" Same Time. N9xt YMr" ( 1978. Col'n9Cly) Alan Alda, Bien Buntyn. ( 1 hr . 59m1n I

I '.

..(%) " The Silence" ( 1963 O<ama) tngrld Thulin. Gunnet Lindblom ( I hr , 35 mtn )

.. (C) "Lost And Found" ( t979 Comedy) George Segal, Glenda Jacl<soo ( 1 hr . 46 min)

"High Road To China'" ( t983, Ora· ma) Tom Selleck. Bess Armsrrong. (2 hrs) ( "Dream Wiie" ( 1953, Comedy) Cary Grant. Deborah Kerr ( 1 hr .• 4 1 min )

- @ "It Happened One Night" ( 1934, Comedy) Claudelle Colbert , Clark Gable. l2 hrs I -o " Ntghl Fhght From Moscow" ( 1974, Drama) Yul Brynner. Henry Fonda (2 hrs)

11• "'Through A Glass Darkly" ( 1960. Orama) Harnet Andersson. Gunnar Bjornstrand ( 1 hr . 30 min )

-&11.-noon Movies-~ 1HI G) " Ballhng Bellhop" ( t936. OramaJ

Belle Davis, Edward G Robinson (2 hrs) (~ "A S1ree1car Named Desire· · ( 195 I , Drama) Marlon Brando Vivien Leigh (2 hrs . 2 min.) (l:fl '"The Wonder Of It All" ( 197 4 J Oocu· mentary ( 1 hr , 35 min ) (Q) "Local Hero" ( 1983 Comedy) Peter Reigen, Bun Lancaster ( 1 hr . 50 mm )

" Mother Lode" ( t982 Orama) Chari· ton Heston. Nici\ Mancuso ( 1 hr , .t 1 min)

1t:aO ttJ 'A Farewell To Arms" ( 1932. Drama) Gary Cooper. Helen Hayes (1 hr , t8 min.) • /

1:11 (HJ 'The Black Stalhon Rerwns" ( 1982, Adventure) Kelly Reno. Ter1 Garr ( 1 hr 43mm ) m "Devil Bat s Daughter" ( 1946 Mys· tery) Rosemary LaPtanche, Molly Lamont ( I hr , 30 min I

HI (C° " The Music Man" { 1962, Musical) Robert Preston, Shirley Jones (2 hrs. 31 mrn) (OJ 'Tunes Of Glory" ( t960 Orama) Alec Guinness, John M1ll5 (2 hrs) (S,_ "Love At First Bite' ( 1979. Comedy) George Hamilton Susan Sa1n1 James ( 1 hr . 36m1n ) ~ "Loot" ( 1972. Comedy) Richard Attenbofough Lee Remick ( 1 hr . 4 t min)

* CO " Heart Beal ' ( 1980, Drama) Nick Nolle, Sissy Spacek (·1 hr . 50 min )

.. Cfi) "Heidi" (1965, Orama) Eva-Marfa Sfnghammer, Gertrand Mit1ermay1 ( 1 hr . 30 min)

• '"Sounder'" 11972. Orama) Cicely ~. Paul Winfield (2 hrs.) W "Gun Crazy" ( 1950. Orama) Peggy Cummins, JOhn Dall ( 1 hr .. 27 min.)

4tlll (C) " Adam's Woman" ( 1972, Orama) Beau Bridges. John Miiis. ( 1 hr . 55 min,)

.. (!) "Sliver Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene Wilder, JIU Ctayburgh (2 hrs .. 30 min ) CID " Bill Cosby Himself" ( 1982. Comedy) Biii Cosby ( t hr • .t4 min ) ([ ) " Odyssey Of The Pacific" (1981 , Adventure) Mickey Rooney. ( 1 hr , 20 min J

1:11 (1') " Author! Author' " (1982, Comeay) Al Pecino. Dyan Cannon. ( 1 hr . SO qi1n )

_ _.lvenlng.---•

.. 1= ... cellftl POUCIWOMM AIC ... O

15$': ...... ~M---rT .,_ "Tender Mercies" ( 1982. Ora·

ma) Robert Duvall, Tess Harper. A former country and western Singer who fa trying to make a comeback falls In love with a motet owner. 'PG' (1 hr .. 29 min.) CJ) mm "Same Time. Next Year" ( 1978, Comedy) Alan Alda, Ellen Burs-1yn Two people carry on an unl*Jal extramarllal aflalr by meeting al the same resor1 for one weekend each year OV9f a period of several decades 'PG' (I hr . 59

t::a lmtn :,va. Dftl

TAXI AUCI ,ACUOfcanm .,_ " Tim" (1981 , Orama) Piper

Laurie. Mel Gibson. A young retarded man and a sentlllve, middle-aged woman devetop a close relationship, of mutual need and undenitanding that leads 10 an

1\9 ulni~~·= ( 1 hr , 35 min J

~~ A look at the special effects In the TV movie "V": a HollywOod night spot that features female Imper~ nators. 11J '»ff AIY -.MD

, g) amfMmrf TOllmff Featured. ..

alcl•5i-:;~ llOT~ IT~M>OMOll.Y " Red Skelton A

Royal Performance" Red Skelton per­forms his comedy routines before Britain's ~al family ( 1 hr.) lLJ llOVll "The Cowboy And The Lady" ( 1938. Western) Gary Cooper. Merle Oberon A romancing ranch hand sweeps an heiress from the city git her feet ( t hr • 31 min) cm.-ON VIDIO QD llCMI "20 Mltllon Mlln To Earth" (1 957. Scle(l9e-Fk:tlon) Wiiiiam Hopper. Joan Taylor. A gelatinous mass found along with a crashed rocketshlp becomes a horrible monater after being txpoeed to air. (2 hrs.)

1::119 t mt Tttl TOWI Featured: mMt lhrM giants ol the producing butlnna: Glen Laraon, Steve Cannell and Don a.tllMrlo; a HoltywOod premiere that takea ~ace tn Las Vegas; take a look at this year s baa&­ball superstitions.

I PAl&YflUD llCMI "Sliver Streak" ( 1976. Come­

dy) Gene Wiider, Jiii Clayburgh A mlld· mannered book editor accidentally becomes entangled In romanoe and the btzarre plot of a eunnlng art thief during a crOS&-Country train ride. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) D m mt LA. Featured: 8 stop at Mount Fuji: ride In the Japanese bullet train; a look at Aultralla. Including a wlldllfe sanc­tuar~T~= of MelbOUrne.

~l~..::.-. I c.ACI IUlmT,., ......, _,..,.., • .,.,,l'Tn • ~T AT C0¥9fT ...... This oele­bratlon of the 250th annlvetuty of Great Brftaln'9 Coven! Garden fMtur• IOlo ari­as and dUett by two Amttlcan llngers

and a special intermission fllm hosted by Prince Charles -(%) .,_ " The Silence" ( 1963. Orama) Ingrid Thulin. Gunnel Lindblom. Two sis· ters snare an Illicit love affair thal ends In tragedy when one of them turns to a new lover. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 35 min )

1:11@ ... •B ()) llAQIHI, P.1 Three witnesses

cause conl\Jslon when they relate different versions ol a robbery at the club. ( 1 hr ) D GD - A llllM Joey gives Nell a leSSon In honesty when her graduation from night school is threatened by a cheatl~ scandal D 9 unu °' THI •rWOM ITAM Howard Cosen, Scott Balo and Debby Boone hos1 this latest compelftron between stars from the three major net­works 1n events including kayaking, swim­ming and football from Iha campus of Pepperdlne Unlverslly In MaUbu. Callfor· n1& Charles Hald, W1nfam Devane. John James and James Oarref'I are among lhe

luests scheduled to participate. (2 hrs ) --.wu Bn'8Td~ TGelCltr Featured:

actress Cheryl Ladd. e llCMI " The Exorcist" ( 1973. H0tr0f) Ellen Burstyn. Linda Blair The young daughter of a popular actress becomes possessed by a demonie spirit which com· m11a evil acts through the occupation ot her mind and bOdy (2 hrs. 30 min.) 9 llADeQ Of U... Anthropologist Richard Leakey examines the fossfl evr· dence of evolutionary change left behind

l our distant ancfttor~o ( 1 hr ) cc.uTD a.a.eut llCMI " A Streetcar Named Desue"

( t 951 , Drama) Marlon Brando, VMen Leigh A Southern belle loses her sanrty wh\le trying to preserve her laded gentility against the harassment ot her harsh and brutish brother-in-law (2 hrs 2 min.) ([) IPOllTICDTD CH) llOVll "Tootsie" ( 1982, Comedy) Oualtn Hoffman. Jes8lc8 Lange An out· of-work New YOfk actor labeled as tam· peramental drscov9f's a whole new career for himself when he dt50u1ses himself as a woman and lands a soap opera role. 'PG' Q.(1 hr . 56 min) (Q) llCMI "Local Hero·· ( t983, Comedy) Peter Reiger!. Burt Lancaster A hlQh· powered 011 company uecutfve encounter& unexpected problems when he travels to a amall Scottish seacoast town tor what he aaeumea wlll be a cut· and·dry land purchaae deal ·po· ( t hr .. 50mtn) CJ) llOVll "Love At First Bite" ( 1979, Comedy) Geotge Hamilton. Susan Saint James. A lov•amltten Count Dracula packs up his coffin and heads tor New York City to find the reln<:4rnatton of a for· mer~t hr .. 3em1n.) = i e 'Al&Y J:. In 1he hospital for a tonsillectomy. Jennifer reflects on regret· table encountera she has had with mem-

lber~ ~:C~ LOVllO.AT '.ll llAQAZltl A IOOk at the special aHects In the TV movie "V" a HoflywOod nlghl spot lhal teatur86 female Imperso­nators. ~PMVllWI llCMI " The Big Brawl" ( 1980, Ora·

me) Jackie Chan. Joae Ferre<. The '°" ot a res1auren1 owner takes up a baMle with some mobsters who enter him In an Int•·

Friday, April 27, 1984 f7


state lighting match 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) • @ M CAT\9 M Cl) TOP U. IOmG James Broad vs

Franco ThOmas 1n a heavyweight bout scheduled lor 10 rounds (from Atlantic City, N.J.) . (R) (2 hrs., 30 min )

.. 9 (I) cowt\1IY c:cma NCm Hosts r•en Campbell and Charley Pride are 1oineo by guests iocludtng Alabama. Chet Atkins. lacy J. Delton. L11tle Jimmy Dtcl<enS, David Frizzell. Miekey Gilley. the girls of " Hee Haw," Barbara Mandrell, W1n1e Nel­son. Minnie Pear1 and Buddy Sp1eher (2 hta.) 8 II ~ Sam enlrsts the aid ot an •eccentric artist to paint a portrait of Diane but soon discovers that the painter is intefested in more ttian 1ust tier ·iortured SOUi." (Part I of 2)

I= _,.. Sche<luled Sll'IQ&' Mel Totnl8, comedian Rich Lillie author Sabi na Salom (" Mamage Sabbatical' I I I hr.) e .. il&fl "Shades Of Oarl\ness Joanna David, Norma West and June Brown star 1n Edith Wharton's story at>ovt a maid who seems to haunt a household Q_ ( 1 hr.) 1t911A1~1w-•alll'CI,. ntlAnll " Nancy Astor· Nancy and tier sister Phylhs en1oy British SOClety. but Nancy decldeS 10 return 10 Vlfg1n'la. during the Atlan11c crossing Nan cy meets Waldort Astor (Part :i-ol 81 o L! hr.j (Z) MO\llE " I 1982. Hor1or1 Craig T Nelson Jobeth W1lhams \fengelut ghosts take over a sutx.iroan Ca11f0tma home and abduc1 the residen t lam11y·s you~ld 'PG' f 1 hr 55 min I

.. 1 MO\llE " Charaoe" 11964 Mystery ) Cary Grant. Audrey Hepburn A woman becomes the 1arget ot hes myrdefed hus· band's cronies who believe she knows where a vast lortune IS h1doen (2 hrs . 25 min J

.. a II THE ouc:a FACTORY Andrea Chai· lenges Sl\•P to be to tally honest no ma11er how much ti hurts the other people involved (!) MO\llE NtellelOCJeon' ( 1976. Orama) Ryan 0' Neal. Bur1 ReynoldS A hapless etew ot novice actors and tne11 shaky director try to estabhsh themsel'ves tn the ~ of mov1emak1ng du11ng the silent era ~s . 30 min I

-1 • ~ auu A one-time gang member ra.ises the 11e o f his l0tme< fnends. Washtngtoo covers for a young detective who has a conflict o l interest. end Davenport as«s Furillo for a temPo ~ ioeparahon ( 1 hr )

11= MUlff Lftm WILD 'A Desert Blooming" An

examination of the variety and abundance of lite to be found tn the Ch1huahuan Desert 1n northern Me,oco O ( 1 hr.) • .. llat'I "Shades Of Darkness" Joanna DaVld, N0tma West and June Brown star 1n Edith Wharton's st0ty about a maid wtlo seems to haunt a household Q_( 1 hr.) (CJ mWI " The End" ( 1978. COmedy) Burt Reynold$, Dom De Lurse A term1Nl­ly di man musters the C()(Jrage and deter­minlhon to l&C4t hi& 1mpend1ng death wi th a Mf'9e Of dignity 'A' ( 1 hr 40 min J 00 TMI PAI,....._ This love story set 1n 19t~tury Bnt1sh COioniai India. 111 an

28 Friday, April 27 · "la.4

atmosphere ol battle, treadlefy and intrigue, stars Ben Cross. Amy Irving, Omar Shari f, John Glelgud. Christopllef Lee and Rossano Brazzi (Part 1 of 3) (2 hrs) CJ)) THE cma CAPl'I comDT 1HOWCA11 Many of tOday's lop oomlCS are featured tn this perl0tmance taped at San Franc1s­co·s comedy club, The Othet Cale

llO¥m " Cheech & Chong's Still Smok1n' .. ( 1983. Comedy) Richard ''Cheech" Marin, Tommy Chong The comte duo llven up a Po<>fly atteoded Dutch him lest1val ·A· { 1 hr , 31 min ) .. •::-

--~ llC)ft " Nana" (1981. 0tama1 J<.atya Berger. Jean-P1e<re Aumont A beautiful and willful prostitute puts het' appearance and body to use to become the toast of

'*,,he aa·w ~;;,3:.m ' TAii

· llOWM l llMTWl L.AUQH .. rA•t ... MAWUfM..f Mc:a a UIOll llOft "Do You Wanna Be Loved?"

(!llo Date) (1 hr . 15 min ) Z' MOYll "Lone Wolf McOuade" ( 1983.

Adventure) Chuck Noms. 0eV1d Carra­cllne A man attempts to end an arms sm~1 operatK>n 'R' ( 1 hr , 4 7 min )

tt11tt'a.ou= tt:JI A (I) ftAlflB '°"'- Q A prospective

lather. tonging 10 have a son. 1s d1sheart· ened when Goruo informs him tha t hts newt>orn child 1s a g111 (R) ( 1 hr 10 min l D Gl) Ta.GMT Host Johnny Carsoo ( 1 hr)

I IANl)AY-..T 9 MC ... ~ • llAl!at Ol-MClll ..... ~ MO\llE The Joggler" ( 1953. Ofama)

K1rli Douglas Milly Vitale A talented 1ug gler a11emp1s lo PleC1' his tile 1oge1her alter a soul-Sflattering term 1n a Nazi coo centrat1on camp ( 1 hr , 55 min I 81) LATlllGHT AIEICA Guests Lawrence Kurlanoer 011ec1or 0 1 cnm1na1 rus11ce 1n New Yori\ State, debates DavlO Rothen· befg. e"ecu11ve cl11ec10t ol The Fortune Society a sell-help program for ex-con 11tets. on wtiether parole shOuld be abOl­IShed Chuck Cushman. executive d11ect01 or lhe NatK>nat lnholders Association cla ims that the U S. government owns 100 much tand ( 1 hf ) I) ICllrTUCIY DIMY Nvn c-) lD 19 CWI Featured ac1ress Kathenne McGregor ("Ltltle House On The Prai­rie' ) discusses the tuture of family TV shows, how to stop nlcotifle addict ion ( 1 hr 30 min)

1bel ~' - 'AT C0U.. MVNOnZ:U THE COPS Miss Pat COllrns showg what Police· men will say and do wt.en hypnotized I 1 hr I

1~ C llOYIE Emanuelle On Taboo Island' ( 1977 Ofama) Laura Gemser A young

man 1s cast aShore on a 1rop1eal tSland and meets a sensuous young woman 'R'

Bhr. 25min) a. m Cll MOU.YWOOD

.om " Only AngelS Have Winos ( 1939. Ofama) Cary Grant. Rita Hay­

worth A showgirl falls 1n love with a 1118f tn South Ame11ca {2 hfs ) rn ... 0 mWll " The Black W1ndmtll" ( 1974. Suspense) Mtcheel Caine, Donald Pleasenoe. Wtw. on ualgnment, an agent

finds himself belrayeo and n1s son kt napped ( t hr 40 min I CD T1ICll Of THE llmfT Guests· actre: Karen Black ·candid Cameta ' host AllE Funt entertainment reporter Robe Osborne. Bealles author Peter Brown 1

hr 30 min I g)KAMYO !lJ llJlll " WCT Cnamp1onsh1p" Bei sen11f1nal matches (from Dallas, Te.itas (Al (2 hrs 30 min I f~ J MOYW 'The Godfa ther Pan II" (197t Orama) Al Pacino Rober t Duvall Mtchat Corleone assumes his late father 's thron. and Powe1 as he becomes the new hea1 o t the Malia l1nomg problems with 11vc: fftC11ons ano rne 1aw Througnout his re1yn 'A' (3 hrs 20 m111 I

Q:tS 1. MOVIE Rock; Ill 11982. Drama) Syt vester Stdllone Car Weathers W0<1c heavywe1gh1 champion Rocky Balooc s.ullers a persona1 CrtSts wnen a younger hung11t!r lighter challenges n1m tor "'~ crown PG' 11 hr 40 rrnn J O MOVIE "Ring 0 1 Desire· ( 1981 Fanta­

sy) Geo1g1na Spelv1n. Paul Thomas An aphrodes•ac ring is pass.eel from perS0<110 person 1ea111ng a t ra11 o f erotic encounters 1n tis wai.e ( 1 hr . 30 min )

tt:a 0 m LA Tl NIGHT wrT'H DA VI> LETTIJllWe ScheOuled stup10 pet tr•cll s 11 hr 1


~a T llOYW The rarn11y Man 11979 Drama) Edward Asner Meredith Bal(te1 Buriey A happily married man l1nds him self 101n t:>etween n1s 1ntatua11on w ith a young woman ancl tus love for his wile and tam11y IR1 ( 1 hr 20 •n1n J

tM S MOVIE · Mother Lode' ( 1982 Orarna) Charlton Heston Nick Mancuso A Scot­ltsh m111e1 tries to protect his gOld bot runs 1nto people who want •I too PG' (I hr 4 t mm J t• 0 MOVIE The lllu~tralerj Man" ( 1969 Sc1ence-F1c.t10"l Roa ~1e1ge1 Cla11e Bloom A woman persuades her husband to have n1s Ood1 1.111uoecl N1tn symoo1s rela= e11en1s 111 hi'> Ille 12 hrs J Q Vrtrnsn1nq P01nt ( 1971, Did ma1 Barry Newmar Cteavvn L111le A tor mer cop 1!> aided tly a ohnd disc 1ocl\ey wnen he accepts a ctiallenge to d11ve a h1gh·pe<lormanc;e race car from Denver to San Francisco 1n recorcl 11me ( 1 h r , 30 min I

MOVIE 'An Eye For An Eye' ( 1966. Olama1 Robeft Lansing Pat Wayne A t>Ounty hunter seeks revenge on those respoos.ble for the death of his wile and son (2 hrs) a> laJllNDINT ... (?l llOVIE " Looi" ( 1972 Comedy) Rich· ard Allenborough Lee Remicl\. An lrlsh woman's son and htS best l11encl decide to hide thetr robbery w1nn1ngs in her cott1n In a Sleazy Bnt1sh hotel PG' 11 hr . 4 1 min I m .. econ

1:11 ~C lllOVW l he Pnze Fighter" ! 1979 Comedy) Tim Coriway Don Knotts Dur­ing the Depression a bumbling boxer and nis w1secracll1ng manager try 10 outwit the mob 'PG' t I tu 39 min 1

~IMT,ATWOl t:a NIAL lM AW> AU.• THI 'Ala Y MO\llE fort Worth 1195 t Western)

Randolph Scott Oa111d B11an A gunsling eHvrned·oe~paperrnan finds that his prowess w•lh a Sllo.·shooter ts still m0te eftectrve than WOids 1n deahng with law· le55 eiementl ( 2 hra.)

-I ')

'1 1 1 l

.. Alll llMfWILW • ll*OMVIDIO


- (l) Cll ... ~ATCH = " Wrong Is Right" ( 1982. Come­dy) Sean Connery, Geo<ge Grizzard. A charismatic. globetrotting TV news report ­er becomes involved In Mlddle Eas1ern 1er­rorlsm. a slanderous presldential cam­paign and a nuclear arms sale that could lead to World War Ill. 'R' ( 1 hr . . 55 min ) cm llOVll " Ragtime" (1981 . Drama) James Cagney. Howard E. Rollins. Amid the social upheaval of 1920s New York.

.JUl upper.eta" Jamil}' lr!M lo-hold on to trad1hon as an angry black leacts a militant fight against the racist establishment. 'PG'

i hrs., 35 min.) t:a ...

llOVll " Made For Each 01her" (1971. Comedy) Renee Taylor. Joseph Bologna. Two members or an encounter group quarrel Incessantly, but eventually realize thetr deep-seated mutual love. (2 hrs ) @ ._,IWAOURT (£) ""1'aOOI (II)


_Tauclay ___ _

»lawocta •ID THI AMA.mG COMC AW.,...11 Of ~ llOOll n. ...... ""'' ....... .............. ..,....,.....(1 lw.) ~ (i[i) NllO PUYDI IWm.Y IYBl PUY ~ .... ~ .......... ,_,.. • .........._ fl'wol1111r ........., Md Melt.....-................. ....,.... ··c..,.., ................. ,.....,._ .. • ...... o6noert. (1 lw.)

.. e THI • H•ll Of AIBICA An elLMM­Mlloft of tM •.....,... N•DiW -.... ~ OOf'POf••M no......, ......... ,.....~tfwt ... upected In ... ffml ........... (1 lw.)

»1£61009! -... THI_,. Of"""' ... A ,_. ..., ........................... .

..., --' ........ tllM .. CISU•IU...e 8

........ ,1ht)


-· l& , Mt vlilO AWAll»t A ... .. ... ,..,.. ............... .... ~ ................. ...

(l) MCMI " Nana" (1981 , Orama) Katya Berger. Jean-Pieue Aumont A beautiful and willful prostitute puts he< appearance and body to use to become the toast of lhe town. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.)

M (Z) CIWUI ~OMTHI NII Km • B llOVll ''The Kentuckian" ( 1955.

Adventure) Burt Lancaster, Diana Lynn. A man and his son fight their way across the Kentooky Territory Into Telles (2 hrs.)

i CllCO AllD THI llAll ... . llCMI "Tim" ( 1981. CXama) Piper

Laurie, Mel Gibson. A young retarded man 111'1d-a sensrtivr.middle-aged woman develop a clOSe relattonshtp of mutual need and understanding that leads to an unorthodox marriage ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) Cl) ....... Tm.I (%) llCMI " Ellposed" ( 1983, Drama) Nastass1a Kins1<1, Harvey Keitel . A young woman Is exposed to risks and romance In Paris and New York. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min)

1::11 (!) "''". Cl) llMCUI WILl'f, 11.0.

( 1983 Orama) Robert .Hays. Kathle<:t £3111 t'I Despite obstacles facing them an tlr11c11onally dis­turbed man 1md wornan try tr> OIJlld a Ille together ' A' ( 1 tll . ;>t) IMI ,

dl~~TMIMON•ta ~IUIMll.,_l (R)

W .. PAT C0UJn fMINOTIZll ntl COPI M1!>S Pat Collins ~howr wr,,nt pollC&­me'1 will say and do when hyp1101tzed ( 1 h~) -

t:ll (!) IBICAL DOCTOR Q) llOV'E "Just Af.Quru:Llbe CocoeL'--­{1936, MuSICal) Sh1rle1 T1 mr.le Joan Oavts. An architect with a pt,m tor a slum clearance pro1ect r,eahzes h19 oream with lhe help Of h1S young uauyhter ! I hr , 30 min )

4:11 @ I DMAll Of aANME (.c) llOVW " Lost And Found ( 1979. Comedy) George Segal. Glenoa Jackson. A widower end e Cl1vor1.t1t1 ~1n a rocky romance after hlerelly meeting each o lher by accident et e French ski resort PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.)

•Dynasty' debut Diahann Carroll ls aure to be· come embroiled in schemee batched b7 Alexis (Joan Colline) after ehe JOln• the caat Wednee· day at 9 p.m. on Channel 7 .

Friday, April 27. 1984 29


Sherry stills entertains with Disney

She "as the darling. pag·wJed IJnlc girl in the ongmaJ ... Mid~· Mo~ O ub," tap danClniand ~nging h« way 10to the hearts of m1Jhons of )oung TV fans during the 1950s

Toda} . attract1vc Shern AJberoni 1s an accomplished actress o f stage, scrttna.nd ttlc' 1s1on. wh~ person.a.Luy and _talent shine when she JOIDS co-host Michael Young next week on The Disney Channel's "EPCOT Magazine."

Shern- JOtncd the ranks of the 1-ycar-old .. Micke) Mouse C1ub .. afkr her brother had aud1uoned for the program.

" He was a drummer and they bad alread) signed Cubby." Sherry said. But, her brother did mention be bad a talented lmle sister. At her aud1uon, she displayed a somewhat unique talent - " J could play the trumpet and tap dance at the same u mc "

Substquen1 TV work included runrung pam on '"family Affair" and .. The Andy W1lhams Show" and guest appearances on " M)' Three Som." " The Real McCoys." " That G ari" and ' 'The Mao from U.N C LE."

Her show business career also mcludod character voices for such canoon series as "Josic and the Pussycats," " Scooby Ooo," "Supcrfncnds" and 'The Partridge Fam­ily" as well a.s performances at Disneyland an nostalgic re-creations of the onginal " Mickey Mouse O ub."

Sherry Alberon.t

DurinJ her week on " EPCOT Maga­zine," she wiJJ visit tbe Center's Oun.a showcase and tour the world' s biggest and best laundry - located right at Walt Disney Worfd - during the snow that airs at 6: 30 p.m . weekdays. 3 p.m. Saturday and 10 p.m . Sunday.

SOAPS .••• From Paee 4 ~ tJunks lhat Shana as a good influence o Mlke. Cabot continues to have chest pain: When Ediewanu to celebrate being invite to H ollywood screening, Doug says be ma have to teach. Edie says he's a man wh avotds any t)'PC of pleasurt.

ONE UFE TO UVE: Ant.bony frame Rafe as bad cop. As district attorney, CarL realizes that she's going to be involved 11 luJe's prosecution. Dorian gcu David tc teach her piano . Jenny decides not to tak1 vows. Larry sick of bis bechcl~r W:est)'le Muie' s mother amves at Asa s. lhinkint Maxie bvcs there. but thi~ a ~ when Becky and Asa return early. Oct spou Bo on plant loadi ng dock and docsn ·· undentand about his double life.

RYAN'S HOPE: Siobhan learns Pru lefi bome because famil y bad no money but wt she was not a runaway. Jeremy learns wt Sydney is really Dawn S~erd. Mu's former mistress. Pru menuons to Maggie that sbe has a fabulously wealthy sister named Dawn Shepherd. Jack and Sydney spend m gbt together. Laslo agrtts to help Jaclue steal her medical file from gynecologist. Jackie decides to pretend she's pregnant. adopt a baby and make sure the " deb very" is same day Siobhan has her child. J ill aware Maggje and Frank attracted to each o ther, heads for beach house. Mu amves and refuses to sleep with J iJI. sa)'lng it' s only a rebo!-!nd. Dave interested an Maggie but pronuses not to pU5h her into sex. Jill throws Maggie out of house.


SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Sunny tells Hopo she may be too rough on Stephanie's new secretary. Gwen. Sunny goes to apologize and notices Jack gave Gwen a music box. As Sunny starts to warn G wen about Jack being a rapist. Jack intervenes. Warren goes to Kristen's for money and wh1Je in her company steals a photo of the Sentell Jewels. Warren and Ringo malce scheme to steal the emeralds. T.R .. hoping to please Travis and Liz.a. causes an explosion when sbe poun lamp P'romPaCe2

Ali SIDGI • u•R' ._ '*90 ,.._ .. ~.,.,..(I .... ) ~

,.,Doom~ 1'l1I ..... ,. •• 719 M•ML Lei An11l11 DldiH• .. .. ,, ........... {llwe.)

•1-uma __ !Q!!!

.... ,.. ...... ey .......

oil into a bot iron. YOUNG AND THE RESTLEU: Lauren

assures Mary that she cares deeply for Paul. Danny wants LaUttn to speed up for videotape so they can start project. Patti tells Danny her divorce from Jack i1 final. Jack tells Lauren he's not going to Jive her money unless she gets Tim to come on to her. Ashley has dinner with Eric and spots Mark there with Julia. Diane hides neck­lace Jack "8ve her when Andy arrives. NikJci admits to Victor she is Jealous of Laurie. Victor nervous that Eve bu escaped, but even though be hu surveillance at Wedding they fail to see through her disguise. Victor gives Nikki pearls. Eve, having sneaked upstairs., hides 10 steamer trunk. The crew arrives and takes luggage to airport, leaving Eve trapped in steamer trunk on airplane.

Have a question about your favon·te Ali &IDOi soap or soap srar? Write to Lynda Hinch,

dGD UWW. a- D6etO ,.._ .e c/o News America Syndicate, P.O. Box dlM8.,..,. (I fn.) J 9620, Irvine 927 J 4. She will ans~r as .,_ many questions as she can in her column, .. m .... U'*I but tbe volume of mail mUes •• .1~;.. ••• Fr~ld~a~y~, •AmP•''•' ;2~7.~1•9~84----·--.;;•;..IOMM..., __________ cenlies imot1ttihl'1'

2 3 ' s 12



t , 6 Shown. Mack on " Knots Landing"

12 Singer Frankie 14 Role for Henner 15 " Quincy" co-star 1nit 16 Role for Boxle1tner 17 " The - and I" 18 ·webster" star 1n1t 19 Personality 21 She's Krystle 23 He was Buck Rogers 24 Fabray. tor short 25 - Angeles 26 Pac1no and Jolson

34 Newsman Roger 36 He played Smiley 39 " Chico and the - " 40 .. Porky- " 43 Solemn promise 45 Sportscaster

Parseghian 46 "60 Minutes" regular 48 Presidential nickname 49 Roman 501 50 " Top-" 51 After expenses 53 Prefix with tidy

-WordGmne FILL lt.J TUE Ml~SING l.E"TTERS lt.J

!Ht; '' TV ~OS" BELOW.


IMIOINI I IRI ~ fee ARfNJG€ IH€ l..E'f'fERS You Ftll6D ,~ -ro srell i'HE ~E ~ A

Ni'41$ t'rOCSfAM:


27 " -Wolfe" 30 " Walking - · · 32 Miss Dunaway s

sign-off 33 ·- Trovatore

54 Co-starred on " Switch"

56 - G Robinson 58 He was Sid 59 Ed Marinaro role

DOWN 1 Ac tress Austtn 2 Played BJ 3 Neighbor of Md 4 Sick 5 A Hamson 6 " Mr. - Goes to

Town" 7 Gymnast Korbut 8 Luggage item 9 Charo's yes

10 Jennifer or Eugene 11 Carter and Gwyn 13 Diamond or Ham1Uon 20 "-Life to Live" 22 ·"Dr._ .. 23 " My - Sal'' 28 " Mayberry - " 29 " The - Couple" 30 - Juana 31 "- My Children" 34 First name of 14

Across 35 Miss O'Connor 37 " Green Acres" co-star 38 James or Charles 39 " Call Me -"

40 - Duke Astin 4 1 ·• - I Were a Rich

Man" 42 Actress Tierney 44 "- and Me" 46 Lydia Cornell role 47 Warr&! Beatty's opus 50 "Leave - to-Heaven-52 " The - of Us" 55 He was Dan August:

1n11 57 "- Act of Love"


STANLEY Model 5005 OH lllitll T rllSllkter

$169" ...... ....... (llOOMI ~)




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HIGHIO LOWA f l<IUA " APfltl 1' 1<.jff4

Coast Huntington Beach's Allee Bartlett still an activist at aga70./A3

Nfl"".11ort ·Mesa school study recommends two child care centers be set up./A3

Callfcprnla Preliminary hearing In sex slave case Is closed to publlc./A4

Actor, wife win settle­ment In National Enquirer slander lawsuit./ A4

Nation U.S. reports a.record tradedetlcllfor March as Ford reports record earn­ings./ AC

Olympic president says Russians are coming, but Africans might boycott Gamea./M

World Libyan Embassy olflclala leave for airport; 'Invited' to discuss shooting./ A5

Pe0ple Will " Turtle Rock Drive" lead to more success for a fllewpoot Beach band? /A7 If you want healthy house

1 plants but have no luck growing them, a leasing service might be the answer. I Al

Sports Corona del Mar's track team finishes the league season with a perfect record./81 Defending NBA cham­pion Phlladalphla ls ousted from playolfs. /82 ·:·:·:;:-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·

Entertainment A world premiere offers promise and risk at South Coast Repertory's Sec­ond Stage./WMkencler

San Francisco Mime Troupe presents a not­so-sllent "Steeltown" at Golden West College. /W"k•nd•r


Bu•lneas Southern California Edison Co. President Howard Allan will take over as company chair­man In Novamber./87

The Southern California construction Industry will honor four of Its leaders at a dinner Tueaday./B7


• I

C1-10 A10

A3 87 A4

C7-9 A10 C8 88 A9 AB C9 AS 87 A4 AS

A7-8 A3

ea.ce WMl<ondw

81-5 ea

TV log Weokondw

A2 A4

Fire scorches Niguel hom 'Trash baby'

oes ome


Jeffrey the abandoned baby who spent the first moments or his life lying amid garbage and debris in a Fountain Valley trash bin went to his first home Thursday. dressed in blue Jordachc paJammasand wrapped in a colorful quilt made by students of Andersen School in Newport Beach. .., ......... ., .........

The red-haired. healthy. month­old bab}" - described as a "'little tou~ic' after surviving his near­tragic arrival - was placed in the home of a young professional couple said to be .. estatic .. by their good fonune.

O.-,e Comity ftreflPten def--­on tllertdeeltaeattbeendofCrynal kncl8

A•en..., ID...,.._ lllcael u ftre ram ap Ille bnaall~ered canyon below.

. The foundling was placed with his new mom . and dad under Orange County's ros-adoPt pros.ram, accord­ing to Bill Steiner, the director of the Albert Sitton Home where the baby had been stayina for nearly a month.

"There's a very low risk that anyone will surface in the child's_ behalf," said Steiner, adding that there's a good cha~ that . the baby will have a permanent life with his new parents.

The last hurdles for formal ado~ lion are not expcctd to be completed until courtoom abandonment proceedings arc completed in three to six months. according to Steiner.

" But the COUl>le have been cleared for adoptions and there' s a high likelihood that it will be finalized," Fie said .

The wild blue yonder Tiie Blae Anl!ela preclalon fi:Fln.I team wanna w:.::• tlll• WMl<ead'e alr ellow at the ·g1 "'roro llarbae . Tiie ktuday and Sanday eTeDt la apected to draw oYer 400,000-Je.


Increased hiring cuts unemployment ·to 4. 7 percent - a 'rare' figure By JEFP ADLER Oll .. 0-,0 ........

Or!nJe County's unCmploymcnt rate Plunaed in March to tU lowest level in nearly three ycan and now · rqjsten the lowest of any California m<1!0p0li1an area. accordioa to ::,mJ s&aic une~ploy~~etu fiaura I~ in mOst tccton or

the county's economy forced the untmpktymertt rate down to 4. 7 percent in Marth, down from Febru­ary's S percent level and a sharp reduction from the 1.4 percent mark posted a year aao. according to Alta Yetter, a labor market analyst with the state agency. -

The number of county residents who reported they were without jobs in Mardi fell to 58,600, down from 61.800 in February and the 90,SOO who were without work in March 1983.

Significantl y, the March un­employment rate is the lowest re­corded in the county in the past JI months:

"It's very rare for an area to be below 5 percent. " Yetter said .

In the past, however, the un­employment rate has dipped as low as

J.6 percent, which was recorded in N,ovembcr 1978, accordin1 to the state statistics. The last time the figure fell under the 5 percent level was in February 1981.

While lhe county's unemployment ratt continued its decline last month, Los Anaclcs c~~t)' ex.pericocecl an increasc1n the-joblcs me. &om 7.S percent in_ Fdwuary '° 7.9 l)a:CllM i• March. Similarly, the state rait l'OIC from February's S percent level to 8.2 percent lut month .

The national unemploymrnt ra.te hovered at a -steady 7.8 pcrtent 1n both February an<t March. County employment figures arc not adjusted forscasonal nuctuationsi n hirina.1he state and national figures are season­ally adjusted.

Yetter prcdic1cd .. very strong em­ployment p ins" would continue throuJ.1! the second quarter of 1984, especzally as several new hotels open in the area and new manufacturing and retail businesses move into the county.

Although the labor expert said sM expected to sec the unemployment rate decline even further by June. she refused to pttdicl how low it might 'link.


HB Olympic rent figl:lre 'not hiding' By STE YE MARBLE or .,. °""' "-' ,...,

The founder of a Huntington Beach company reports he is no! trying to hide from hundreds of homeowners who put up money in hopes of renting their homes to tourists attendi ng the Summer Olympics.

" He said he's working rt'&[ hard to save everything and plans 10 reopen offices soon." said Huntin11on Beach detective Art Droz of his conversa­tion Thursday with Jamrs B. Veritch.

Veritch is the founder of Vacation Rental Syslems. an Olympics housing firm that has been in and out of hot water wi1h authorities since it began 1cccptin1 SSO and S 100 advance fees last summer from homeowners hop­ina to cash in on Olympic tourists.

Authorities estimated that mort" than SI 50.000 has been deposited with the company by Southern Cali­fornia homcownen. The depositers are supposed to be m4'tched up with touris1s in need ofhousinadunng thr Summer Games in Los Angeles.

Tht company shut down its Warn­er Avenue offt«S this mon1h after beina served an eviction notice by its

landlord. Guardian Savings and Loan. A spokeswoman for the savings and loan said the company \cf\ no forwardi ng address.

' Droz said he has received up to 50 telephone calls from homeowners who had invested money with Va­cation Rental Systems. He said many of the people had c~rx.·cted to get word this week on their summer \'IS1tors.

" Right now we"re 1n a pos111on of waiting to see "':hcther h1s (Vrritch ) prom ises comc true or not."' Droz said . " We have to wait and see ."·

Scott Souders. a Tus11n attome~ who had been repl'"C'SCnllng Vacation Rental Svstcms, said he has success­full} tilid a motion to St"V<.'rt" his relationship wllh the firm and Ver­itch.

Souders said he has no1 bttn paid for his past scn·1ccs and was con­ctmed that his clients wrre not dealing with him in good faith .

The attorney said he had be-en reprcsrnting the Hunlington Beach company on the understanding that Veritch would rrmove himsclr from the firm"s day-to-day act1v1ties.

'" I had been led to behrve he was (Pleue_, Rl!:l'ITAL/A2J

Sports chasing anonymity from FV John Aeitz was a little uptet. Earlier this year I wrote a somewhat

ton11.1c--in-chct:k piece in whlc~h I described Fountain Valley as a Quiel, bedroom community most easily_ defined by the lhinas 11 doesn 'r have. Unlike some of its neilhbon,t I.he citl has no belch&ont, no shopptng mal , no . slc)'1Cftpcn. no hotels and no Disneyland.

ARcr readina the aniclc, Flcitz dashed off a \etter of protest

FouoLain, Valley does have some­thina its neiahbors lack, he insisted: Lot C.blllcros Ra<quct and Spans Oub. •

The 20..crc complci lndudn nu· mcrous tennis and ra~uetblll couns.


a JO.meter swimmlna PoOI. • ~ IQCC'rr stadium

1a nanoina track and a

omna1h-1.m bu ldina wilb bllkdbtJl and volleyball couns. plus wdpt tquipmcni. It is the 1araest priva&e sporuclub in Catifomia.ace»rd ina 10

Acia. (He's not countin'-1olfcouf'9CS - LosCablllerosdoesn t havt one of lhOIC- oops, there I 10 ap_in.)

In fact. fleitz_ claims it's one of the top fivt. sports clubs in the nation, with reslJ'(110 tht nnae of proarams offtrtd to membcn.

Of cour1e. Aeitz. is no impanial obterver. He and two panncn own Lot Caballeros.

Some pcor,tc mi&ht be reluctant to point to a q spora comaMcx as Fou.n\lin Valk)''s chief claim to Nonetheless. Adtt and his 1MOCia1a arc promotina several 1c· tivities that arc likely to help put the d ty on the map.

• f'irst. t~clubistheofficial tninina

site for the U.S.A. Women's Vol­lcyblll Team. whtch is prr:peirins to compete in the Summer Olympic Games. In addition. the West Gtr­man Olympic Swi.m Team has ar­ran~ to train at los Caballero5 dunn11wo wctks btfdtc the ummer Games.

And in just a few days. one of top names 1n women's tennis. Manina Navratilova.. will panic1patc in an eihibition match at Los Caballeros to ra1sic fUnds for the U .S.A. Women's Volleyball C1ub. On May ~ she will SQUlrt ofT in a singles ma1ch another top pit~. Hu Na..

Thdr tel '*Ill be follov."'Cd b\ a (Ple&ae - SPORTS / A2J


75-acre brush b•aze battled by 1.20 firefighters •r llTSVI!: llARBLE ............. ,,

Embtn ftyina from a 75--acre tnM fire in t.aaunaNi&uel lpit<d thc­oftwo ea.pensive hilltop homes: tod8y as 120 fim'lhtcn hauled 10 keep lhr blaze from rrachin1 other homes.

The firc, which broke out at 8; 18 a.m. and .swept up a hillside 1.0watd homes on Pacific Island Drive, wu 95 percent contained by noon \Oday and was 6pccted to be stamped OUl by ni&htfall. according to Oranlt County Fire Capt. Mark Reinhold.

.. We had some damw to twO structures on Crystal Sands Drive,"' Reinhold said. .. The damage WQ pret1y minor."

The smoky blaze moved at a moderate speed but winds did not cause: fircfi.Jhlers any particular JM'l>t>­lctns. The fire rcponcdly WU kept away from several homes on the ridaeline by a natu~I firebreak of succulent ptanu, firefight.en said.

The threatened rcsldcncts. mostly condominiums with ocean views, are priced from $150,000 10 $225,000

The fll'C burned _an acre of heavy brush early today bcfort county firefi&htcrs called for more t)elp. By mid--mQming there were 30 engine companies., 1wo bulldozers and two hand crews on·the scene

Firefi&htcn ~ called in from as far as Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Santa Ana to assist Two water· c!rowioa hclicoolcn were Down to the area by the Los Anacles County Fire Department.

The causc of the fire has not been determined..

Another brush ftre on Crown Valley Parkway at Marsucrite Drive in M1Hion Viejo burned five acres Thursday. County fi~fiabt.en ex.t­inpi.Jbed. that blaze with no injuries OCMNCtura1 damage reported.

NOca\15C has been determined and it known Whether Lhc two lifts ..... linked.

Mi-shap would halt boat race By ALMON LOCKAllEY o.llf' 1'1194 ....... ..,...,

The Newport Ocean Sailing As­sociation has always had strict safety rules for panicipants in the Newport­to-Enscnada yacht race. This year a new precaution has been added.

Fo llowing a crewman's drowning during an offshore race two weeks aao. race committee- chairman Mike Kane says he has strict instructions to postpone the race if anyone falls overboard during the stanofthe race. scheduled to at noon Saturday.

.. The minute there is word of a man overboard or a serious collision during 1he start of any class, an immediate postponement wiU be signaled for the stan of that class, " Kane said .

If wr see .a man overboard or hear of o ne by radio we will 1mmed1ately ho 1s1 the AP pennant and inform the Coast Guard or Coast Guard A.ux-

Related story on BI 1har; on Channel 16 and inform all boats which have not started on Channel 9. instructing them lo stay clear of rescue effons."

Kane said the same procedure would be followed 1f a serious collision occum and any boats were 1n danger.

"When the emergcnC) has bttn cleared wt will signal the 10-minutc ~ing for the stan of th<' neAt ,,.-ass:· said Kane. '"Sa"1ng a hfe 1s more important than any ract .""

Any class or clalSCS that have: already started will not be recalled. Kane said.

Kane did not say under what weather conditions 1he committt would be authorized to pos1ponc tht enure raa:.

The safety prcaution was adopted b}' the Newpon Ottan Sailio1 AJ.­soc.1ation af\cr Lyle Gallowa)', a crrwman aboard the yacht APICbe. drowned after beina knocked ovc:r~ board by ajibtn1 boom at tM start of one of the Balboa Yacht Oub'lc 66 Series races Marc-h 31. Galk>way drown«! before his own 00.t or &n)'

other could m.rievt him. .. It could happen 1n any ract whcrc

a lot ofboats arc maneuvc-nna 1n clolc quartcn." satd Kane. who h1mtclf had a colht1o n 11 the start of an Enitnada ract and had a man overboard briefly. " I inY that 11.k"h an inc.dent won'1 ha?(l!"n in I !'Kt 1n which I am chairman.

Dunna tht 3'1 yeal'1 the Enxnapa ract ht bttn sailed thnT has ntvcr bccn a fatahty by acadcnt. Ont: )Ur thC"tT was a fltaf be1rt ltlAClc aboard one of tbe ylC'.'hU.

~·Orjngll Coeet DAILY PfLOTIFrldey, Aori127. 19"

5 ents--turned--notables Cl to OCC Hall of Fame

By PHIL SNEll>EllM.AN Of ... ~ .......

Five one-time Oranac· oast Col· lqc students who made the gnde an 1he world beyond the Costa Mesa campus ~tumcd on Thursday for induction into the oollqe'J Alumni Hall of Fame.

The Hall of Fame was establ.ishcd last year by the OCC Associated Students to honor former students who have distinguished themselves and to provide an incentive for current students with lofty pis.

There is a larae pool to draw the men and women to honor: .S00.000 students have attended OCC since the college opened in 1947.

The 1984 inductees were Orange County Sheriff.Coroner Brad Gates. tele' 1s1on scnptwnter Judy Burns. South Coast Rcpenory co-founder David Emmes. sculptor Shirley " Dani" Lt'yrcr and phys1c1an James T Goodrich.

The new Hall of f\ame members JOIO five former OCC students who were inducted last year. including actor William Kan. Kansas Cit~ Ro)al pitcher Dan Quisenbe~ and stalt' Controller Ken Col) .

Hall of Fame members are honored with plaqut'S on display at tht• rollege library

Dunng ceremonies Thursda~ . fi, e administrators and teachers recalled the honorees' time at OCC. The Hall of Fame inductees spoke fondly of their communit) college expenences

H1s1on Professor Henn Pan1an praised Jud} Burns. who graduated from OCC m 1965. for her continuing support for()('(' writing programs.

He recalled that some l T In me facu lt\ members descnbcd com· mun1i) colleges as ··second rate" when that un1-.ers11~ was opening in

the m1d- I 960s. " When Jud ) Bums transft'rred

from here (OC Cl to Cl. she made those people eat their "' ords: · Paman said.

Burns earned an B . ..\ degree 1n anthropolog) at Cl. To earn mone~ to stud} in . ..\fnca. she lned scnptwnt· ing. She sold a script to .. Star Trek .. in 1968. then became a staff \Hiter fo r



Jamee Goodrlch

··M1ss1on Impossible." Since then. c; ht> has "'orked on man y popular TV shows and 1s currently a wnter for the "T. J. Hookt>r' series

Dr. Jerrel Richards. now a dean at OCC. remembered David Emmes m 1958 as the )tudent "ho was building a set for " Hamlet " 1n the a uditonum where Richards was teaching ps)'· cholog) .

Emmes 1s co-founder and produc· mg art1st1c director of the h1ghl) regarded South Coast Repertory. He 1s a member of the National Theatre Conference and 1s a cono;uhant to the Oranie Co unt) Center fo r the Per­forming Arts.

Shenff.( oroner Brad Gates was sworn in as Orange Count~ ·sch1eflaw enforcement officer in 1975 He enrolled at OCC 1 o 195 7

Al Thursda) ·s ceremony. Gates recalled that he entered OCC w1th the desire to bc.-come a professional basketball player. but was forced to reassess his goals after an inJUr)

James T Goodnch enrolled at OCC in I 970 after a tour m the U.S.

'Dani' Leyrer

·' ' Judy Barna

Marine Corps. including ~"ice 1n Viet nam. He was \'&ledictonan of OC'C's Class of 1972 and was named the college's "Outstanding Grad u· aun~ Student" that year.

Goodrich told the audience Thurs· day that af\er his tour with the Marines. he decided to become a physician. But he said he was dis­couraged by counselors at UC'I and Cal State Long Beach because of his poor high school grades. He cn~d11ed a counselor at OC'C wi th helping him set the goals that It'd to his medical dt"grt"e

Sculptor Shirley le) rer enrolled at OCC 10 1967. Smee then. her an works have been exhibited al the Los Angeles Municipal An Museum, the Laguna Beach Museum of An and the National .i\cadem) of An.

She has been an art instructor for the Cuy of Costa Mesa and lhe Costa Mesa An League. and her ""Ork hBs been used to help teach speech to hard of heann~ children 1n the Ne"'pon­Mesa Unified School Distnct.



celebnt\ m".cd double~ match in· volving· the t"' o wo men. singe r Kenm Roger!> and ano ther celcbnt ~ ..\ ftef"'ard a 'olle,ball e\ h1b111on v.ill be pn:sented pitting the "'omen's 01~ mp ic tc;im aga1n s1 Wilt Cham berlain·., B1~ Dippers

..\n importan t local mllcs1one "'I ll abo tx· recordt•d that "'eel.end Foun-1ain \ alle' \ fi rst hotel rooms ha' e been w nsiructed at Los ( aba llero~ .\ nd the nt\ that\ been \lo lthout a hotel tor ail o l ti\ 2., \Car<. "' Ill "' t•kome 1t\ tir\t l•>dger - \1 artina '-·1 ' r.t1 il1na

( karh f lt•111 h.i' l'n11u gh am ­mun 111nn 111 d.11m I 11' < Jhallt•n1\ a' Jn 1n\11lut1un 1ha1 hdr' n ,1 1.e, r oun­lJlll \ Jilt'' un1qut'

l k J nd h" 11.1rtntr~ ah•• 'hnuld be creJ11rd tor 1 ht• l11rt''lgh1 111 t•n' 1<,1un a ma\\l\ l' 'ip<trt\ Lnmpk \ ''° unh keh atreagr houndt·d h' '- t: v. h11ix \trec.t and the 5Jnta .\ na R1\t•r J ust a dl'l·adt• C1gu !ht· land '~a' gl\ t•n ' " t•rto \lrav. hem tickh

f k111 j, J I rn1g Bt•at h 11.· \1dcnt ~hme pn man hu\lnC<,\ " operating h' t' man na<, 1n I o<, .\ngrk\ ( uun l' HI\ partner\ in I n \ ( aba lkro '> arc Jae I.. ( ameron of R11ll1ng H 111, f \t,Hn and Harr\ He\\ o f Pain\ \ t·rJc.,

~houl ·10 ~ ea r\ ago Fk 111 .rnd h1\ partner\ ~old a lut ratl' t 1t•nnl\ dul:\­condomin1um tompln in Palm Spring'> and began looking for a place 10 build a ne"' famtl ) o,port\ u:ntcr

und IO the \ou th Ba\ \<'t l lOn o f Lo~ .\ ngele\ Count' v.a \ too C\ · pen\l\ C. but th t• ml'n fo und lt' \ \tosth propem along lht• \ anta .\na RI' er 1n r ountain Valle~ 1 he land "'.t'> nght 1n the t entl'r o f a hoom1ng rco;1Jcn11al

Delly Piiot Dell very

It Guerenteed


region h kel~ to produce member~ for the cl ub

The) opened Los Caballeros ~'en 'ears ago \lo Ith fo ur tennis courts. no members and some big dreams . ..\s the construction continued, the club graduall) beµn attracting members.

.. It "' as hard.'" Flelll recalls. " In fac t . .,., e·re ha\1ng a pan) next month fo r the original I 00 members who belit•ved in us."

..\nd. he admits. some amb1t1ous plans -... ert' modified O\ er the }ea,..,

··Hee k. ""e had a bo"' ling allc) . a n 1u' skating nnk and a ho rse nding traL k on the d rawing board a l one 11me ·· Flc111 \3\ S

But the partners did succes~ lulh plug into thl' rece nt ph )sical fitnes\ boo m. The cl ub no"" offers 56 aerobics classes a "'~k. and a SI mil hon fitnesc, center 1s scheduled for LOnstruc t1on adjacent 10 the ex1st1ng g) mnas1um

The o"' ncrs also predicted that some people might want 10 li ve or do busme'>s adjacent 10 Lo'> ( aballcros The' built 52 office condominiums near the d ubhouse. e-. en though \Orne peo ple -...amed that the lo­catio n. far fro m the Cit) ·s main thoro ughfares. -... ouldn' t have much appeal

Fountain Valle' ha~ lots of unoc· Lup1ed o ffi ce space. bu t Flem says all S:! commercial condos at Los < aballcros ha ve been sold ~eanng com pletion are 44 ho tel·

condom1n1um units adjacent to the club's Ol ympic pool The residences arc designed pnmanly as invest· ments The) can be oc.:cup1ed b) the hu\er or rented to othe,..., throuah a

Daily Pilat H. L. Schwartz Ill

p Jl:J ..,,.,

Chezr Dowellby ROMmerr Chur~m•n


.. Clrcvt.Uon T~

. ., , . '.. tO

A " • f ,nt r tllll'f ... , . p ~· ~,.,,,


ll~F Ceraao 0


hotel sen ice o perated by the club. Of the 44 units. 30 are alrt'ad) in escrow. flelll S3)S.

The club owners plan to begin building 104 more hotel-condo units later this )ear. The) will also begin construction of a new clubhouse and a restaurant-banquet hall.

Fo r a time. Fleitz admits. the panners had trouble getting financing to build the hotel-condo units be· cause the club was operating in the red . That has turned around as the membe,...,h1p has grown.

"The club 1s making mone) no ..... . a nd that makes a big difference 10 a lender ·· F1e111 saY 'i . .. WL· built such a largt" lauht ) tha t· )OU need a certain number of memocrs to brea l.. c' en ..

The club now has no"' sold 3.800 memberships to 1ndv1duals and fam. 1he!> The club has guaranteed 11 will sell onl) 5.200 memberships. and Fle1tz bd1e the sellout point could be reached w1th1n a ) car o r two.

In the meantime. the dub 1s continuing to \\-Ork on ~pec1al events such as the 01) mp1cs pro motion and a racquetball camp that -...111 be conducted in August b) L) nn >\dams. the top-ranked women's racquetball player.

Fl<-117 ~ys hi s goal has been to create in Fo untain Valle) a unique "destination rl'son hotel" that looks like 11 belongs in Palm Spnngs Along the way. he says. he's had to face a lot of skeptics-even a few cll) officials

"The big concern of the cit) was that the land would appcec1ate (in value) so much that we'd tum around and put 11 to 1ndustnal use." Fleitz says " But I think we've proved we' re here to sta~ :·

Clrculetlon 71•1M2""'333 ClaHlfled edwertlelng 71•1M2·5171 All other depertm.nt• M2-G21


~r,11<1 ( ~ ior~l•Qll .,__, • • l;(lll • ...... C41 1,.,,, uPS t 44 8001 i;..,... ''f''"'' l'Y ,._,,,,,.. .... 7 rnon""Y ~ r ,... " ' 'iO "'°' r

VOL. n , N0. 111

Cloudy amd cool for :weekend

Extended Fell end • Miiie -"* HIOlle te to

71 LOW9 moetly 46 to S5

Temperatures HI Le

AlOeny .. 37 ~que 44 29 Ametllo 72 41 Mcfloreee 41 38 ~ 13 52 Allllnl• ... eo • AUwtliC City 76 52 Austin .. 19 8eltim01• Te 49 ..,. 32 26 ~ 71 e:s 8ilmoltca 43 21 eo.. $2 40 eo.lon 61 40 ·--- 97 75 &!"-lo 71 61 llutlngton. Vt 57 33 Ce9'* 32 16 ~SC .. .. etwwt.ton W v .. 57 Chel1o4te,N C 17 5t ~ 35 15 C'*-00 e:s 83 andnnett 12 11 c;._,._, IO SI ~SC 11 S5

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Seconcl tow 1 13 p m Secono 1'11Q11 7 31 p.m

IAT\MOAY Flttt IOW 1 43 e_m l'lnt l>IQll..._ 7 4 1 • m Second k.- 1 :ta p m Second high 7 51 p m

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Reno 47 29 AlcMlond I I 114 Seer-to .. 42 S1 LOUii 13 71 St "91•l wnpe .. 71 SM Lall• CMv 41 3"

..,, AnlonlO

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17 10 .. .. 11 .. 11 73 •1 .. .. 4 1 1 1 73 • .. 54 32 • 45 16 .. 11 II IJ " IO 54 tt .. 72 .. " 47

C4*Dl1lCMll poor poor poor poor poor poor poor

a.... direction . ...

RENTAL CHIEF 'NOT HIDING' •.. From Al out of 11 or al least keeping a very lo~ profile." said Souders, who said he later became suspicious that Yentch wasn' t keepi ng his word.

Veritch 1s scheduled lo appear May 3 on misdemeanor charges of failing to have a proper broker's license and failing to obey a cease and desist order from the state Dcpanment of Real Estate. according to James Mulgrew, a deputy district attorney.

The company was sued last fall by the stall' Attorney General's office. T he suit alleged the ho using company was practicin~ false advenising and \\as not plaetng advance fees from ho meowners in a proper trust fund.

.\ spokeswoman for the Better

Just Call 642-6086

) _C::::::= :::J

Business Bureau of Orange County said she has tned in vain for weeks to reach Yentch or some officer with Vacation Rental Systems to in· vest1gale complaints from home­owners.

.. , ha-.c rccel\ed no response and 1 s1mp\y don 't know what to tt'll all their customers who want to know 'Where are they? What's happen· ing, "' said Laurie Gabrielson of the business bureau.

JOBLESS~ TE ... From Al

Employment at county businesses rose by 11 .000 jobs between February and March. the largest monthly gain since October and November of 1979. according to the state report.

Service industnes. which would include several new hotels, added

2,800 workers during the month. Also, workers were added to the employment rolls as income w season rolled around , Yetter said. In the past year. employment in scrv1ce­rclated industries has posted a 4. 1 percent gain. she said.

What do you like abo1t tile Dally Pilot? Wbat don't you llke? Call the number at left and your me11a1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to &be appropriate editor .

Tbe same %4-laour answertag.ser vlce may be used to record letters to tbe editor on any topic. CoDtribatora to our Letters column must lacllde tltelr name and telephone namber for verlflc~tion. No circulation calls, please.

Tell us wbat's on yoar mind.

Break Proof Carpet LEE'S Antron Nylon Plush $10.49 sq. yd. HARTCO Solid Oak Parquet $1.99 sq. ft.

©~P~S~H!.L2!?a~~~9r •

640 .. 2700



. -Newport: police plan ~tictton for Sat u r:day : More than 170 recovered items; i


ncludina bicycles, •klteboerda, Jewelry and stereo equipmenL will be juctioned oK Saa rday by the Newport Beach Police Oepenment. : The police auction starts at 9 a.m. and will be £.OndUC1Cd ~t the rear of the city's police station, 870 Santa fS1rbara Drive. I

~lttle Leaifae .,,,. vegu Nl61Jt : The Fountain Valley South Little Lea1ue will hold a fund-raisinJ Las Veps Ni&ht Saturday at tbe Fountain Walley Communit~ Center, 10200 Slater Ave. : Admission is SS.SO, which includes food, prizes and S l SO in play money. Proceeds from the 8 p.m . event will be JJsed for uniforms, equipment and field maintenanoe. · Tickets may be purchased at the door. Call chairman Nina de Longe at 964-2573 for further information .

Pan and phobia examined A workshop on fears, anxieties and phobias will be

presented Saturday morning in the prden room of the Community Church by the Bay, 148 E. 22nd St .. Costa Mesa. . The seminar will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon and is presented by the Want Institute of Newport Beach. 'Therapist Mal)orie Anderson will conduct the workshop and further information is available at 631-6574.

Klte le.tlval In Dana Polnt The "first occasional South Orange County Kite

Festival and Picnic" will be held Saturday at the new park overlooking Dana Point Harbor.

The event will run from 10 a.m. until dark with no rules or fees. Just bring your kites. cameras and lunch. Call 495-5452 for additional information.

Beach cleanup .et tlJJ• weekend

Elenn-year-old Chrla Stockman of New­port Beach ehowa off hie Abyulnlan cayY

(plnea Pli) named hay. Boda will be particlpattna ln the 4-B actlYltSea .

Youth Expo '84 this weekend Talent shows. animal competition

and vocational olympics will be among the offerings at Youth Expo '84 this weekend at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa.

Expo. sponsored by the Orange County Fair for students from all over Orange County.

the vanous acti vi ties designed for them throughout the county.

" Even if they haven't pre-regis­tered to compete in the vanous categories. there will be lots to sec and do for kids and their parents." 1.........:::..:...~~-~ A community-wide cleanup project is being sponsor­

ed this weekend by the Capistrano Beach Community Association.

Residents have been asked to clear their yards of weeds and debris and a volunteer corps will attempt to clean up larger items. Anyone interested in panicipatmg in the cleanup effort should call Nancy Kingston at 496-0830.

The free, two-day event features demonstrations by elementary through high school students in a ll areas of expertise - from masonry to fashion shows. to cavy currying and break dancing, according to Electa Fairchild, coordinator of the Expo.

Fairchild said youth groups such as the Girl Scouts, 4-H Club and Future Farmers of America will be setting up fixed exhibits of their activities at the Expo.

While there are categories for youth competition dunng the annual O r­ange County Fair. she said. the Youth Expo is held specifically to encouraJe youngpeople to become involved tn

Fairchild said. The Youth Expo runs from 9 a.m.

to S p.m . Saturday and Sunday at the Fafrgrounds, 88 Fair Drive. in Costa Mesa. Admission is free.

Holly 8cbm.1dt, 14, of Coeta lie.a, feed.a ber 7 ·month-old Da.roc &lit. Twtllkle, an apple. Sbe laa memberof tbe lntae lleu Cbarroe , _ BClub.

This is the fifth annual_Youth For more information , call 751-3247.

Art aactlo.n •lated Jn NeW'pOrt Art expert Richard Challis of Laguna Beach will be

the auctioneer for a benefit sponsored by the Queen of Hearts Guild Sunday at the Newport Beach ManotL

~,_-care centers Alice Bartlett still active Fecommended at • • • 1. . l ff . Works by more than SO well-known artists will be

auctioned for the benefit of Children's Hospital of Orange County. A preview is scheduled for 3 p.m ., the auction starts at 4. Tickets arc S 12.SO. For more information call 497-4540 or 494-1954.

NeWiJOrt schools ID CIVIC, po 1t1ca a airs .,l#J•I L KL.a County Democrat. to meet ... ...,,..._

A meeting of the West Orange County Democratic ' A lt\ady oommllltoned by the Newport-Meaa O ub will be held Sunday at 11 a .m. in Kaplan's Deli, UnMed School Olltrtct to dMernMe ottld-care needs located in the Westminster Mall. lft'°"9 CIMr'IGt '"°"ta reoommende that two Mtt-

Huntington Beach Councilwoman Ruth Finley will ~ chlld-cw• Olfltetl be QPelWd to terve the be guest speaker for the session. For further informatio n. lnctllllng n.ct of loc.e ~Ing .,_.., ... call Joan Hoffman at 842-1738. Donna W.., wtth the Child C.e ConUtJng

Robot tournament announced The second Tournament of Robots will be held

Sunday at 11 a.m . in the parking lot of Advanced Computer Products, 1310 E. Edinger Ave .. Santa Ana.

Group ol Anltlelm,.,,....,.... the ,..,.. of tw atudy to ... llolrd of !ducatk>n this week. The aomm' 11'o.wt tM ltudy two wMlc• llOO at • coet of l2IO •a~ step to ..Wng up diltrict·run ~cent .....

The contest is part of the North Orange County . Computer Cl ub's 10th scmi-annuaJ swap meet. Ad­mi ssio n is free and proceeds from booth rentals will benefit the non-profit computer club.

~ boerd voted Tueeday to dfrect 1tatf to ~ ... pr9CttCllt ~ for the Olnt9r• and ~•rnt them at the boerd'a May 22 meeting.

If tM Mid for chMd care In the two ctt• remain• OOft1ttnt. W-. eakS, IOIM 1-t,780 chltdren could r~ d*d care by the year 1985. Flute orchestra to perlorm

The Southern Caltfomia flute Orchestra will present selections from Bach. Mozart. Debussy and other composers Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Huntington Beach Central Library. 71 11 Talbert Ave. ·

The all-woman orchestra is directed by John Barellona of Huntington Beach. Tickets can be purchased

- tor $4 at the door Sunday. Reservations can be made by callinJ 87 1-2 185. The program is sponsored by the Huntington Beach Allied Arts Board.

i"*9 • a ltrong likelihood that chlkk:are Meds wll.9""!' In the.,.. Wfthln the next MVWal yeara. the _,_ lhOIMd. M«• offlCe bulldtnat are tlated for -.eo~llnd-9 421 ~ uftiwareacheduled ..... bull within "" next YM' In the Newport C..t•

... ..,.~to moderat.-prloed" housing hM .. ..... .,.owd by the City of Newport 8eactl for Mihm-port C..ter area.. the ltudy Mid.

.,. Nllna dewtopment In the South Cout Pim tnctudfng the Robinlon'S/Broactway pro~ a.. Street tn eo.ta ~ and 3,500 unite In the Town Center.,... - wtU .ctd to

tllitMllCf forehld cs• In ca.ta Mela, wtm. Aid.

Friday, April 27 1'-llUdy pointed al90 to tncr•Uig birth rat• In •two dUll. lnetea•• in alngle-parent houMhotda w more ..-.W.111 wtth bOth par..,t• working u

No meetings scheduled. ·~-tbl~Mld. Aa ,...,.....,,, corM Into the.,.. to work In

Saturday, April 28 .. 7 a.m .-4 p.m .. Oran1e Couty Swap Meet. Orange

County fairgrounds, Costa Mesa (also Sunday).

Olloel. .,...., ....-. Md reetatranta, the need for ~centera .. upped, W.. Mid, beceuM many ,.... .. would rather put thW chffdren In c:enteB dOle to wMir'9 they we>ftc rather than where they live.

Poucr Loe

Suspect surrenders after ~l Toro shooting incident : A La Habra Heights man sur­)"endered to authorities in R iverside :County af\et allegedly shooting the -father 'lf his ex-wife in El Toro on ~hursday morning. sheriffs deputies • 'd '48•s · . . C . D S . h : hoottnj v1ct1m ra1g . mat . :43. was listed m fair co1'1dition in :Mission Commu nity Hospital this

~oetalleu : A 61 -year-old Huntington Beach -Woman was arrested Wednesday for jallqedly shopliftina $87.99 worth of <Jothina from Bullock's South Coast :ptaza store. Ila Jane Inlay was cited 1orcommercial burglary and released >lter security auuds allqed they ~w jer place pants, shorts and a top 1n a r,oppina bag and leave the store with

morning. a hospttal spokeswoman said.

Lt. Dick Olson said Smith was shot in the face with a small-caliber rifle about 7:30 a.m. aficr an argument with his former son-in-law outside of Smith's home on Ponchartrain in El T oro.

· Michael Bnan Lynch. 34. who

• • • Thieves apparently pried opert the

wind wing of a car on the 200 block of Cabrillo Street Tuesday and stole the owners' auto rcaistration . The loss was placed at $7.

• • • mo ped was stolen ofT the pat10 of

an apartment in Pinccrcek Villa,e. 1300 Adams Ave., Wednesday. The loss was placed at $I 00 for the 1978 Honda.

• • • • ~ : Two unlocked bicycles were stolen Newport Beach om tn front of a home on the 200 A lh~f natchcd SJ.200 wonh of

•lock of East I Sth Street Wednesday. leather goods from Tht Look. a :fhe lo was esttmatcd at S 178. Fa h1on Island clothtng sho p. Fm· !: A vehicle parked.~ front ofa home ploycc said the unknown crook 1ook •• n the 2200 block of Rutacrs Oriv~ four leather Jackets and thrtt lea1hcr

1 buralarltcd Tuesday niaht and bitters from a r:c~. • !*ereo equipment and an equaHur A 23-year-.oldwoman reported tha t ~ stolen. The loss was placed at she was bitten by a dOJ named Rocky

60. that ,.,.as 11n1n5 tn the bed of a pickup • • • • h s: An unlocked p e provided entry truck. he sa1 s e ~ent over to pct chievel on the JSOO block of tht dot and that 1t rtsPonded by

~arbor Boulevard this week and s1nk1n1 tt.s teeth mto her ann. The dot 1600 worth of toof and prdon1n1 owner said Rodcy 1 up to date on his equipment was t lcn - shou

turned h1msclfm at the Indio shenlr~ substation three "hours after the shooting incident, had apparent!)' gone to Smith's home to speak with his former wife. Olson said.

The unidentified woman was not at home at the time. he said.

l ynch was being held at count) J3tl on attempted murder. Olson said

• • • A daytime burglar took $460 ~ort h

of good from an unlocked resident on the 2400 block of Bayshorc D rive Taken was SI SO 1n cash. a wetsuit. a Walkman radio and some clothing

••• Four hubcaps worth S 120 were

pned off a VW Rabbit parked on lhe 200 block of Aante A venue in ( oronn dcl Mar. • • •

Pohcc removed the license late of'n 1982 Datsun parked on Pacific Coast H ighway near Tu un A venue after dtscovenng 1t had a fa ke sticker Officers u1d the 'lmall green 1ag on the pluc was a homemade item ~1 th the year 1984 pnnttd on 1t. The car'" reg.stettd to a l o'I Anacle'i man

Fountain ValleJ Someone broke a window to a

townboust ~room 1n the 11 000 block of mtth)"U Coun and tok a ponable telev1"on tet

• • • 8ur&)ars cntc~d a garage." in the

QOOO block o f Car..on Riwr < ,l'\k

By ROBERT BA.RKER OftMe>.-r,... .....

Alice Banlett has always been the least public half of Huntington Beach's probably most beloved cou­ple.

But she hasn' t been been twiddling her thumbs. While her 82-year-old husband Ted has been a highly recognizable figure as well as a major voice in city affairs in his 24 years as a city councilman and mayor. Alice was contributing about 35 years of service to community organizations.

She has received a 32-year pin for service to the Huntington Beach Red Cross Blood Bank, served the ci1y•1 Assistance League for l 7 years and has been a member of the Orange County Grand Jury on three oc­casions.

But mostly she's been a driving force m ci ty and county Republican ranks. She's worked for several Re­publicans over the years. Now she's working on a voter's refistration cam~ign that she hopes wil enhance President Ronald Reagan's re-elec­tion chances .

" I'm behind Reagan (she pro­nounces it REEgan) I 00 percent. The Democrats can pull some pretty funny things and we need to get as many voters as we can."

The 70-year-old Ahce Banlett was honored recentl } as the Hunungton Beach Chamber of Commerce's citizen of the year- not because she's married to Ted or bec.ause she works hard for the G rand Old Party - but because she's contributed so much for so long to wonhwhile organizations.

" She's one of the finest ladies I' ve met in m) ltfe." Huntingto n Beach resident Roger Slates. a longume fnend. said ..

and stoic l"-O rad1o<ontrolkd model airplanes and 1~0 remote controllers valued at $610

• • • Vandal !> !>prayed red paint on a

1967 white and red Mustang while 1t ws parked in the 18000 block of Deodar Street

• • • Thieves 1n' aded a house in the

I 1000 block of Stonccress ..\'en uc and stole an electnc piano "alued at $550.

• • • Burglars stoic a Browning 9 mm

Browning handgun from a residence in the 8000 block o f El Cerro C ircle.

Irvine Bu'llars smashed a window to gain

entry tnto a home on Sierra Bravo dunng daylight hours Thursday, before making off with a microwave oven. television. VC R and clothinJ worth Sl .700 The thief left the front door

• • • '\ 22.,·car-old Irvine woman w

pushed ·around b) tY..o men she ronfronted in the parking lot of Casa Mana about 9 p.m Thu~ay night The men had smashed the wtndow of her car and apparentl y were attempt· 1ng to steal a car s1erco The} d id steal a SS fla\hhght and fled in a car later found to'"'' e bct- n reponed stolen in Lo~ nark

• • • Two coni.trut·tion finn!> work mg at

SOSO 8arTanca Road reported the thef\ of $8,.900 wonh of power tooli.. taken from construction bo'e' 1 hr theft apparent!) occurred ovem1a,ht and wa d1\Co'-Crcd about 6 a m . Thursda)

LapnaBeach ·\ cu tomcr med on a nng valued at

S2 250 inn 1cwt'ln ' tort' at 472 ~uth

"She and Ted should be known as Mr. and Mrs. Huntington Beach. She' s always taken second place to Ted. She's never vied for the"

And sure enough. it was Ted. Huntington Beach's official goodwill ambassador, and their Ion& and happy marri• that Alice was talltln& about the o ther day after rccciv1n1 the chamber's award.

Sbeand Ted ...ere married in 1944 not long after she arrived in the coastal city. But first Ted had to overcome some obstacles with Alice's parents .

Alice Banlett said she had previously been manied to a man whose name also was T ed . " My mother had just told me · 1 hope I never bear the name of Ted again. · " she said.

" Ted (Banlett) told me he'd wnte a letter to my mother but I knew he wouldn't.

" But when we visited her in Texas. my mother huged Ted and gave bun a kiss before she even said hello to me.

" It tums o ut he had written her a letter and he didn't tell me.

"h was the sweetest letter. He told my mother how much he thought of me and that he loved me so much. He said he would never do an) thing to hurt me.

" Ted's one 1n a million. He's nc\Cr raised his' 01ce and never gotten mad at me although he's had op­portunities.

" I've never heard Ted get mad at anybody else. But 1f som ebod y says somethmg bad about Ted. boy. do I get mad."

i\hce's act1v111es O\'er the ~l'ars include part1c1patt0.n_ in the H unt­ington Beach i\ss1stance Leall,uC. the


( oast H1gh .... a~ and left "•lh tht· nng 'illll on her finger. the propm•tor reported to police T hursda' The ring 1s 'alued at $2,250 Police h:l\ l' J description of the suspect

• • • Someone tool a red I !<· '>Pl'l' d

mountain b1qcle "onh S-tOO from in front of a bus1nl·ss a1 251 Broad" a' Thursda) afternoon Pohcl' hJ' e no suspects

• • • Police arn•stcd a '\Jn JuJn

Capistrano man for possl''"'on ut LSD and pubhl tnto \11.attun Jnd t4){1(.. his companion into cus1od~ lur hl'ing in a place where LSD "as t'k:1ng u\cd Wednesda\ afiC'r the pair "<..'tc \lop­ped 1n thei r vehicle for a tratlic )top 1n the 300 block of North Coa\t H igh· wa\ . Robert Michael W:ilsh. 2~ . ot San Juan Capist rano released on S 1. 150 bail tor the possession charge and Scott Lawrence 1-...aspcr 20. ot Capistrano Bt'ach was released on $1 ,000 ball

Huntinaton Beach A ~•dent of the 600 block of

OC'eanhtll Dn ve reponed 1 hursd1n that 15 gun wonh $6,000 were tolcn in a burgJaf') at his home Ent!) WI) made by prytn& open a locked .. ,de "mdo"' fhe ' 1\ t1m wu 1drnt1fiC'd '" a Hermosa BcJlch rc'>cnc JXllict officer. • • •

1\ rt> 1dcnt of the 94i00 block of O lymptl Dnvc reportt'<l l hur~) that wmronc stole h1!> red t Q77 Pu<.·h ~h1ch had bttn parked at the Ech'tOn Communtt) Center The lo" wa' ~t1mated at S.

• • • .\ man v.a am ttd Thursd.a) at

the ~·Man ~tore. llH OI Ma,anQha \ 1 . on ~usp1c1on of hophfttn Rt'·

Alice Bartlett

20th Century Club, the Chnsunas City Awards organization, Hunt­ingion Beach Women's Oub. the Huntinfton Beach Republican Women s Cl ub. Orange County Re­publican Central Commiuee. chai r· man . Huntington Beach Republican Headquarters. alternate delegate 10 the National Republican Convention m 1966 : memberoftheFourthofJ ul~ Firecracker Commmee charte r member of the Huntington Beach C hamber of Commerce's women's d1vts1on. a hfe member of the Hun t· 1ngton &ah Historical Soc1et) and an honoray member of Sorop11m1st ln­temat1onal.

" I guess I can't sa} no." she s~ud " l 1hml 1f something 1s necessar; . ~ou ha'e to help out Besides. ll·s a health~ thtng. If ~ou sta} bus) ~ou can't thinl of your aches and pJm~ ··

Cll' l'rl'll "as a pair sungla\<,{'' \\ on h $ 1 c;

• • • ~omeone burglanzt-d a homr

Thur\da\ on the 1600 block ot R1' cl' 1e·w C'1rcle The loss ml'luded 1c"cl~ " orth S:'.QOOand S4tl 1n l' a\h

• • • -\ brcal ·1n was rcponed fhu~a'

at a home on the I CXXX> blocl of Su \.a Lane. Entry " as made b~ brealing a rear "1ndow. The loss included tde' 1s1on equipment wonh S 1 . .500 and s1ereo c-qu1pmen1 " onh $600.

• • • .\ man entered thC' \.\ 1ld \.\ e1,t store

at 10 111 Adams .\\c on ThuNia ' a"emoon . grab~d I~ pair-. ol Jean!!. and fled in a wa1t1ng <.. ad11lac driven b} a second man. store t•mployecs reported The loss "as ts11ma ted at $144

• • • Someone stoic a blue I 974 \ he'.

rolet Luv pickup T huNiay from lht' 6700 block ofO' Dnvc. The I wai. C'i.llmated at Sl.000.

• • • \ burglar. ~a reported Tbunday

at a homt on the 21600 block of • luda C'ird<' The lo tncludcd a \ 1dco pla)er wo rth SSOO

• • • .\ woman v.1 a~ted TbUrida)'

nf\ernoon at the Target itatt, 9 2 .\dam" ;\ ve . on su.sp1tion of hft1n1 v.imsu1ts wonh $33. rcco'ettd

• • • , meonc tole a grttn I Q74 apn

auto on the 6100 bk>ctL of Da.,,): ~lttlc . The Uma\ed at Sl ,000

• • • b and rtd 1971 F'&at pUtnt

on tht 17000 bl or 8 trce1 -bufl)ariltd a rnidml ~ ThuNlay, ~ t iod.aded st C'Quip~nl nh 200






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Imports, exports surge as Ford reports highest-ever earnings By Tbe A11oc:lated P rell

The United States posted a record SI 0.3 billion trade deficit in March. the third straight record-brealUna month, the gov~ment said today.

The~ommerce Depanment reported imports surged to their hi8)test level ever in March - $28 billion - 2.6 percent higher than the February total of $27.3 billion. Exports were up 2. 9 percent from February fo $17. 7 billion.

Analysts said it appeared the nation would easily surpass last year's record $69.4 bilhon deficit.

The MarC'h deficit was $200 million higher than the February total ofS 10.1 billion. In January, t~e deficit was $9.5 bilhon.

The new repon came a day after the Labor Department reponed a 2.6 percent annual rate gain in U.S. business . productivtty in the first quaner of this year. sliahtly lower than the advance registered in the founh quarter of 1983.

Nevertheless. the figures released Thursday suggest.ed continued improvement in the business indicator that private and government economists contend is a vital barometer of the ability of American business to cope with steadily mounting international competition.

Ford Motor Co. on Thursday announced record first­quancr earnings of $897 million in the first quarter. putting the nat1on·s No. 2 automaker in position to break its record profit for a full year before the summer 1s out. The first-quarter earnings were nearly half ford's record annual profit of $1 .87 billion earned in 1983.

African boycott of LA Olympics seen possible

LOS .ANGELES (AP) - ,.._ u.berroth la oontldent that the ScMet Unk>n wMI cMclde to pal1lclpa~ 1n this "'"'"*'• Otympec a ... before the June 2 deedllne, but he '9n't u a.ere ~ AfrlclinnationlwlMllgein ~.-~dldtM 1978 MOntreelG..... .

ueberroth, preekSMt of the Lo. Angefel OtJnll* ~ Committee, lndk:ated ~ tMt naffona otlw ttwn the U8S8A 111o w11800I\ ~ 1helr' ln•tione Ind '"the nut ......... .,. golf'O to determine a gr99t ·deel' ''ebout the o.m.• IOOGlll.

Regardtng the 8cMeta. Ueberr°'*' noted ...... the Sovtet NatklW Otymp6o Committee Md lntour1't, the offtci81 ~ trawl -oenc:Y. mede a P9)4t'Mnt of $86,000 thit W91kfor epectator ddceta for tfMt Games.

.. , ..., ~·,.~to~• the a.n.." hlMld Thurlday. ' '(And) I m 9Uf'9 they wffl t.n us 901M time before that (the deedllne)."

uet>erroth, who met wtttt Sovtet offk*lll In Lausen.,.,~ eartlet thil week, mled on the hlgNm teveea of U.S. gowmment to ext9nd a Mnd to the Soviets u M ""Por'ant step In their particlpatlon, .

Meted what eort of~ he Wlntm from the goYernf'Mnt, he said: "That'• up to them. I ~ no authority or right to put wordt In the mouth Of our government.''

Uet>erroth alao lndleated he Is worrted about the adledullng of• South African tour by a 8rttl9h rugby team at about the tlme of the Games.






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Kennedy's death was drug related By &le A110Clate4 Pre11

PALM BEACH, Aa. As ~he Kennedy fa~~I~ prepared apin to bury one C?f 1~s own, authonu~ announced that cocaine and a patn ktller were detected to the body of 28-year-old David Kenn~y, who~ dcet~ was beina treated as a "a drug-related incident. A t>rtvatc Mass for the drug-and alcohol·troubled member of one ~f America's foremost families was planned today at bu mother's mansion. Hickory Hill, in McLean, Va. Later, the son of Ethel and the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was to be laid to rest in the family's plot in Holyhood Cemetery in Brookline, Mass.

Vegu hotel accord near LAS VEGAS - Negotiators for striking hotel

workers and the city's two Hilton hotels reached agreement today on mosl language for a new contract except the date for pay raJSes. a union official said. "We have really probably reached a settlement on the language; lhere are no language issues on the table," Jeff McColl, secretary-treasurer of Culinary Union Local 226. an­nounced as an all-night meeting broke up 8l 4: I 0 a.m.

Boudln gets 17 years WHITE PLAINS. N.Y. - Radical fugitive Kathy

Boudin must spend the next 17 years in pnson after admitting her role in the 1981 Brink's armored car robbery and murders. Her plea of guilty to murder and robbery Thursday was "a bolt out of the blue ... 1n the words of prosecutor Kennelh Gnbetz. Miss Boudin. ~· av?ided a possible prison sentence that would have earned virtually no hope of parole. But she must still be tmpri~<>ned until the year 2.00 I .

Solon cites own molestation WASHINGTON - Sen. Paula Hawkins. R-Aa.,

who says she was sexuaJI) abu~ by a 60-year-old neighborhood man when she was 5, 1s urging ~nts to be explicit in warning their children about which adult behavior is" rong. "It affects you for a lifetime, .. Hawk~s said of the molesUttion. which occurred when her family lived in California. Hawkins. 57, made her unplanned and very difficult disclosure of the childhood episode - she had never even told her husband - at Thursday's opening session of the Third National Conference on Sexual Vktimizat1on of Children. sponsored by the Children's Hospital, National Medical Cpnter.

Anderson's not running NEW HA VEN. Conn. - John 8. Anderson. w.hile

declaring thal he will keep attacking the "pork-barrel politics" of the two-party system. says he will not run for president as a third-party candidate. "In 1984 I will be a champion for political reform through strengthening the new National Unity Party. I will not be a candidate." be said jn a speech Thursday night.

Sez slave hearing closed POMONA-AJud~e closed the Pomona Municipal

Coun preltminary heanng for Theodore and Mildred Glaum, the transient couple accused of holding an Alaska woman as a sex slave for more than nine months. Judge George L. Pifer on Thursday granted a motion by the couple's two attorneys to bar reporters and public observers from the courtroom. Pifer said the nature of the charges against the couple could inspire " inflammatory" press coverage.

Quake rattles El Centro El CENTRO - No injunes or damages have been

reponed as a result of a " mild" earthquake that shook this Imperial Valley cit} near the Mexican border. authoritiC$ say. Thursday's temblor registered 3.3 on the Richter scale and was centered eight miles southeast of El Centro. said Dennis Meredith. a spokesman for lhe CaJifornia Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

SF tunes up for fight SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco leaders are

waging a battle of the ballads by the Bay. with politicians singing the praises oflwo rival candidates for the title of official city tune. Will it be the challenger, the zesty "San Francisc-0,"or will the city hang on to the super­scntimental " I Left My Heart in San Francisco?" The slated for a May 3 public hearing before the board's Culture and Recrealion Committee.

Enquirer settles la wsult LOS ANGELES- The National Enguirer's decision

to settle Shirley Jones and Marty Ingels' $20 million libel suit could auger well for other celebrities with actions pendin~ against the popular tabloid, ln~els says. Ingels and Miss Jones. his wife, sued the Enquirer. editor lain Calder, writer John South and the newspaper's California distributor over an Oct. 9, 1979 article by South that said Ingels' .. bizarre behavior" had driven Miss Jones to drink.

U.S. a•k• end to hearing THE HAGUE. Netherlands - The United States

today called for an immediate halt to World Court proceedings on Nicaragua's complaint thal the U.S. government is "killing and wounding .. its citizens. U.S. representative Da \lis R. Robinson told the court that Nicaragua had no right to press the complaint because 1t has never recognized court Jurisdiction and failed to ratify the treaty establishing its .Predecessor. th~ pcrf!lanent court of the League of Nations. Nicaragua is asking the court lo declare lhat the United States violated in~emational law by providing aid through the CIA to N!caraguan rebels and by supervising the mining of Nicaraguan ports.

Afghan ca•ualtle• ldgh? lSLAMABAD. PakisUtn - A Pakutani newspaper

reported today1hat Moslem insurgents in Afghanistan's embattled Panjsber Valley haJted a Soviet advance after heavy fightin' that caused hiab casualties on both sides. The report said 400 Moslem rebels were killed in recent fiahting and estimated Soviet and Af1han government troop losses at around 1,600.

Iraq clalm• 3 mnkl1J6• BAGHDAD. Iraq - Iraq's na~ today attacked and

"destroyed three enemy navy vessels · near the Iranian oil teqmnal at Khara Island in the Persian Oulf. an Iraqi

~ military spolte&man said. The SP.Okesman. readina a statement over sllte television. 1&1d the three ships were attacked as they tn~ to sail from the island towards Bandar Khomeini. an Iranian port at the northeastern cod of the aulf


Nicaraguan •PY fi'61Jt. told W Ht NG TON - U .. reconnaissance planes bavr

been Oyina reaular m1s.s1ons over N1carqua and <X'CISIOnally have been fired On from the around, the Wa h1naton Post rcponed. quotin an unidentified m lit.ary source. The ncwspaptr l'l'{><>Med in today~ edition that the ma tons are part ofan intense proaram or f'C'COnnat nee OtJht from Palmcrola Air Bast an Honduru and Ho•ard Air Basic 1n Pllnama

Envoys 'Invited' to answer questions about shooting

LONDON {AP) - Libyans left their London ernbeny today to start their journey home, endina an 11-day ~that bepn when a sniper in the bu.ikiina sprtyed aunfire at diaaidents and killed a British policewoman.

"The aieac is over,'' declared a spokesman for Scotland Yard. .. All the Libyans have left the embassy."

The Ubyans MP.n emeraina from the embassy at St. James's Square at m1dmomin1 in arou1?5 offive. led by an unidentified Libyan who had been acu~ as ao-between. Thirty Libyans were escorted into wait101 vans. Video pictures of the evacuation. which bad not been announced 10 advance. were aired by the British Broadcasting Corp.

Police motorcyclists cleared the way for the convoy, which headed west across the-city. A dozen white police vehicles escorted the convoy and a police helicopter circled overhead.

The Libyans were taken to a " secure aovemment building," where they would be asked to identify themselves and "invited'' to answer questions about the shooting that sparked the siege, sa1d a Home Office spokesman who asked not to be identified. He did not specify the building's location.

From there. the Libyans were to be taken to Heathrow Airport. A Libyan plane was due at the airport at 4 p.m. (7 a.m. PST). The plane filed a flight plan to leave four houn later, airport officials said. "

It was not known if the gunman who opened fire from the embassy was among the Libyans who tef\ the embassy.

Police "satisfied themselves that the Libyans were not carrying anns or explosives." said a Scotland Yard spokesman who also spoke on the condition that he not be named. He would not say bow police reached the conclusion the Libyans were not armed, leaving open the question of whether they were searched.

81 .._Al•• elelM Pra9 A monsin bliuard spinnint otr IOr·

nadoa that k.ilkd I~ people aiid injwed dotens pouted more snow on LbC Rockiet and Plau'ls today and buadftds of males of lliah'?)'' were closed with drifts up to 20 .. hiab.

Travel was impollib&t in much of Wyomio1 and Montana - where 5 fee1 of l.:'.Jl• .. •I! snow bad fallen since Wed1\esday - into tbe Dakotas. ~If a dcnen Rocky Moun· lain cities rcponed new ~ tow temperatures for the date u the mercury dropped into the teens.

The same system aJso unleashed the tornadoes in the Plains and more severe thundentorms and twisttts were upected today in the Great Lakes rCJion aDd the western Ohio Valley. Strona tbunder­stormsalso were forecast fortheTenneisec Valley and the G ulf Coast.

White Boue PNM offlclala re­leeM4 w. plaoto today •bcnrtna

More than 40 tornadoes ripped into ~- et 111 Ohklahoma,

1dMJ.nnesota. K.ah. nsasfi, andSolowah

tbe aeaian• and actor Tom "' en a co 1ront s~rctc u~g rom ut Selleck bl Honolulu Dakota to Texas colhdct1 Wlth ttc:ord. heat

• over much of the East, the Nauonal

Reagan tall:s tough on Soviet 'threat' But China leader Steers through serious negotiations so that the

urgent desire of the people of all countries - for a drastic reduction of nuclear arms and

clear of taking sides a relaxation of international tensions can be fufilled at an early date," Zhao said.

Weather Service reported. 1 n Oklahoma. tornadoes kitted 14 people

- including I I in the town of Morris -and injured about 70 others. Lt. Gov. Spencer Bernard said at a press briefina this morning. One person died in Minnesota.

The worst tornadoes hit northeastern Oklahoma on Thursday night and early today. Hardest hit was Morris, a town of I ,300 people about 40 miles south ofTulsa. and Terlton. a town of I 55 people about 30 miles west of Tulsa, where one person was killed and 25 injured.

Two other tornado-related deaths were Policewoman Yvonne Fletcher, 25, was !tilled April

17 while assigned to monitor a peaceful demonstration qainst the regime of Libyan leader Cot. Moammar Khadafy. Eleven dissidents were injured by the JUnshots, wbich were fired from an embassy window. British police and sharpshooters immediately nnged the embassy.

PEKJNG (AP) - President Reagan extolled the virtues of capitalism and democracy to a Chjnese audience today and announced an agreement allowing sales of American nuclear technology to the world' s most populous nation.

ln an earlier speech to a group of several reponed in Okmulgee County, where hundroo Chin~ Kknti~~ in1tlledu~s ,.:.M~om~·s~1s~loc=a=t=ed=·~S=hm~·rr~G=e=~~~=·ce~~=i=d~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and other officials. Reagan said. "Today.

Later, during an elaborate banquet in his honor. Rea$8D criticized the Soviet Union for threatentng world peace by " focusing i~s resources and eneJly, not on econom ic progress. but on military power."

He told his host, Premier Zhao Ziyang, "The shift 1n military might of the last decade has made trust and friendship' between us ever more vital. I know it is your desire, and that of the United States as well, that {>C3cCbc preserved."

But in his toast at the banquet, Zhao took no side in the U.S.-Soviet rivalry, saying both nations have "aggravated tensions" throughout the world by deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe and elsewhere.

"We sincerely hope that the two major nuclear powers. the United States and the Soviet Union, will reach agreement

China's economy crackles with the dynamics of change ... China is beg1nntng to reach out toward new horizons and we salute your courage."

Rea$lln was warmly applaudoo by the handpicked audience. many of whom understood English, when he said . .. As China moves forward on this new path. Amenca welcomes the opportunity to walk by your side.

.. You will choose your own path to development," Reagan said. " But we are not surprised to see the fresh breezes of incentives and innovation sweeping positive changes across China."

Reagan also received standing applause at the end of the speech. delivered in the Great Hall of the Peo'ple with the American and Chinese flags displayed side-by-side behind him on the podium.

(;t.'l good d(•als on useditMls in thl' tlassTit~d pag l '!'-



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4 supervisors quitJWA talks with Newport

. :' Four county supervisors conducted their second monthly betrayal of Newport Beach Tuesday, unilaterally issuing a death sentence to county-ci ty negotiations over the expansiori \)f John Wayne Airport. ·

Only Supervisor Thomas Riley - an officer (U.S. M.C., ret.} and a gentleman - acted honorably. Riley. who represents Newport Beach, treated the talks as a legitimate vehicle for P.roblem solving. He treated the noise created by the jets using :Yohn Wayne Airport as a real probfem. And he treated the ~oncemed citizens of Newport Beach with the dignity and ~spect they have a right to expect from their elected officials. -J The other four acted despicably. With the arrogance of those born to the throne. but without the grace, Supervisors Wieder, Nestande, Clark and Stanton turned up their noses at almost a year of negotiations as if it were so much spoiled meat.

Frustrated, perhaps. by the protracted compromise process. fie imperious quartet decided their Ii ves would be more ~mfortable if those pesky folks deman9ing a modicum of peace ,nd quiet in their homes would jump into the Pacific.

If a majority of the supervisors had concluded the noise limitation talks were no longer productive, they should have had - at the very least - the courtesy to inform Newport Beach that the negotiations were over. They didn't; they didn ' t even have {he decency to brief their colleague Riley.

Tuesday's action is a more drastic - apparently final -tersion of the supervi~ors' approval last month of a $3 million Airport parking lot enlargement project. In what now seems to be characteristic fashion , the supervisors paid no heed to the on-

-going negotiations and neglected even to notif)' Newport Beach of their intention to initiate what the ci ty would certainly interpret as a step toward expansion - and more noise.

The county, of course. has no legal obl igation to clear its t-usiness through Newport Beach. They do, however. assume an obligation to act in good faith when they willingly enter into compromise talks. . Supervisors Wieder. Nestande, Clark and Stanton reneged on that obligation , choosi ng to act as if a coronation. rather than an election. put them in office.

Oprniom n/m'!>!>l'Cf the \pace abo 1 c arc thu!>c of the Da1/.1 Pilo t. Other V/CWS C\prt'!;!>l'd on thl\ P•l8C arc thO!il' or thelf authors ur ar11sts. Rt•adcr commcn11sin11tl'd 4.ddrcH The Dail\ P1/01. PO Ro' 15t1CJ.( '<h WMcS:J. ( ..\ . 9!6.!6. Telepho ne t 7J.JJ6 .J: • .JJ: J ·


Building not necessary at far end of HB pier To the Ed itor

The old pier had no bui ldings on 11 The buildi ngs that arc there no"' except the Pump House fo r the plunge were put there for the benefit of the public to v ie~ the ocean and beach and to be pro!'ected from the weather. There were no doors on the buildings. Toda) the~ are for com­mer('lal use . The cit ~ of Huntington Beach no"' propo!>es a building on end of nc" pan of pier for com­mercial use Thi'> 1n m~ opinion. should not bc done fo r sewral reasons

I. The ncv. l' nd of pier hac, been damaged three u mes b} storm\

2 The ne" en<l of p1er 1s lower than the old p1crand "'a'c act ion 1n seven: stormc; htcrall~ gl'l'i undl·r the pier and li fts 11 up .rnd down.

The old p1cr ha., w1th 'itoud the

storms since 1914. This ""as d1S<:usscd with Councilman Bob Mandie b) me and he full) concurred Se' eral da) s later he voted in favor of the ne" building on end of pier. In the meantime. while the city council 1s tr) mg to figure what to do. the public 1s beingdepnved of the use of the ne..., end of pier.

No vehicles uf an y kind were allowed on the pier for years. Part of the repairs that arc needed a~ due to trucks and other ' eh1cles using the pier.

The o ld building at the entrance to pier was bu ilt b~ WPA funds fo r recreation to the public. Now 11 is being used lOmmeruall) . The public loses again

.\LBERT WATKINS Hunungton Beach

Animal lovers, unite! To the Editor

Thcrl' I\ to he .1 ralh in l os .\ngt•k\ for World I ),I\ t'm l ahorator\ Animal -; I 9X4 "iund;l\ .\pnl 29 beg1nn1ng a l thl' ft'dl' l ,11 building. I I ()()(J V. ii' hire. Bl ' d \\ l''>t Lo~ Angele'> al I I .1 111

The rJlh "' 111 proll''I .1n1mal laborator~ l' \J'X'r 1nwnt., I ht' \l' truel expcriml'nt ' l mt 1.1 \ J1aH'r' \4 htlliun


a ~ear and 7 () million animals a year an.· t.. 1lled in the~ C'\penments. Man} l l l lhl'\l' t' \ pcrimcnt<. arl.' repct1t 1ous. \uthor ll ;tn\ Rm·u.,l' h 1s l u be the main .,rl\'ll kt•r Hoh "111 be ma'>tl'f 111 u·1enHHlll'' \ II animal loH' r\ J rt' 111\lll'U to Jllend.

~t ·\In PE.\RSON c·o.,ta Mesa

•· ... the PekJngcJJgue Is more hostile to our fundamental values than the Ch ernenko cmwd. more tndlfferent to human rights."


Happy birthday, Hirohito W<\SHINGTON-Whcn

Emix·ror H1roh110 steps out on the balcon) ofh1~ palace in downtown Tok yo this Sunda > to greet thousand!> of adoring Japanese on his 83rd birthday. there'll be a CIA agent in the crowd- probabl\ armed with binocular~.

lt 'sone ofthe wa)'s the Cl A's Life Sciences Div1s1on can observe firsthand how the diminutive emperor looks. There have been recent hints that his health 1s fa iling.

Ttiough he holds no direct political power. Hirohito has been a favorite suhJCC' t ofCIA \urvcillancc for dec­ades M~ assonate Dale Van Atta. who "as recent!) 1n Tok) o. has had acces'i to some of the secret CIA profiles oftheemperor. They reveal that the CIA ·s remorseless analysts. like the Japanese people. hold this aged. bespectacled little man in awe.

"Despite all he has been through since he assumed the throne 1n I (}'.!6." notes the CIA. "Emperor H 1rohito projects innocence and sincerity ·· The CIA describes him as "a sh) . reu n ng man ...

He and ht!. 81 -year-old cm pres~ like to watch ~oapoperas on TV and pullt"r 1n the imperial garden!. .. Both the l'mperor and empress (en Ju~ pursuing) their personal 1n1erc'ib ­manne biology and botan) for the emperor. art for the empress:· states another profile. this one stamped "Confidential." In fact. H1roh1to 1s the world's chief authont)' on Jellyfish and related creatures. with 16 books to h1scredi1.

.\ccording to the CIA, the emperor " 1s bncfed regular!)' on domesuc and foreign affairs." Yet he "plays no part in policy dec1s1ons." There have been proposals to make him chief of state. but "most Japanese would not hke to see him take on an) more than his present 'iymbolic ro le ...


The Cl A acknowledges "a few complaints from younger Japanese" about Hirohito, but little audible grumbling about the cost of main­taining the imperial household -which now runs to more than $40 million a year.

··By and large." states the CIA. " most Japanese still view the emperor with considerable respect and affection." One reason: He "has tra"eled widely among the people.

. something a Japanese emperor had never done before."

At first , the Japanese had "grave doubts about the image the emperor would prOJCCt" 1n the United State~ . But his reception dunn~ his I 97 5 '1s11 to this count I) "greatly cx~ecded even the most opt1m1stic Japanesl' expectations "

The CIA belie' es the' 1su con­tributed "s1gn1ficantl) to popular (Japanese) support for continued cooperation with the U.S. (and) openinganeraof·good feelings ' in U.S.-Japanese relations."

Charactenstically. H1roh1to e:1.­pressed his approval of America not 1n words but wi th a gesture. For years afterward. he wore a Mickc) Mouse watch that he picked up in Dis­neyland.

Hi rohito is the I 24th emperor 1n Japan's unbroken . 2.644-year-old 1m­~rial line. When he ascended to the throne in 1926. he was a " ten no" -the "emperorofheaven ." The

thM. Bovo _

Japanese considered him a gO<f. When the Japanese warlords

sought his approval for the attack on Pearl Harbor. according to one ac­count. Hirohito voiced his apparent disapproval by reciting a 31-syllable poem composed by his grandfather. extolling universal brotherhood and asking: "Why, then. do winds and water of conflict ... Disturb peace among us?"

The warlords went ahead with their plans an) wa) . and older Americans will remember Hirohito as a villain in propaganda cartoons. with buck teeth and Cok~·bottle eyeglasses - fea­tures that took their place with Adolf Hitler's mustache and Hermann Goering's potbell) .

The emperor was able to reverse th1s1mageafterthe war. When the gamble ofh1s generals and admirals

, turned into hum1haung defeat. he Ii rst broadcast the news of surrender to his people- the first time most of them had ever heard his \Oice.

Then he presented himsclfhumbly. top hat in hand. to the new shogun of Japan. Gen. Douglas MacArthur. He told MacArthur he accepted full respons1bihty forthe war that he had actuall> opposed. and said he was read> to be Judged b ) the American general.

MacArthur was "moved to the very marrow of my bones" by the Japanese emperor's humility. "He._ was an emperor by birth , but in that instant I knew I faced the First Gentleman of Japan in his own right." MacArthur wrote later.

Today, Hirohito remains the onl) - and perhaps the unhkehest ­survivor ofWorld War Jl 's leaders.

Jack Andersoa Is 11 syadlcated columalst.

Rules for political speaking In 1h1~ )Cai of polt11c, , uocs what

\ C1 t1 °H' heard fu lfi ll the traditional ihrl'l· tkmanu~ ol the poh11cal state­me nt" To nll'a '>urc up. \Ul' h a state­ment ought to ht.· I plca-;ant . 2. n<.'Cl''"a l') . anu ) truthful Diplomats who heed th1 '> li ne ..,a, Jn ~ one but

onl ) one of the three demands can be set aside momentanl} fo r npcJ1 -enc) . ldeall ~. though . the poli11cian·, commen t should mcl't all thrcl· requirements.

The carhc.,t c;tcnottraphcr.,. '-"h o

rernnkd the ta ll.. 1n the old Roman '>l'n:Jll' "'ere "'a'l'' · You say histol) n·rx·at ' ll\cll"

I H·r~ l · S. prl' '>1<ll'n t has " orn t'\l'glaS\e ...

L.M. Boyd Is a syodlcated columnist.


FBI, KGB to battle at Games Russian Olympic -----team may harbor hlgh-tech spies

Three months before the scheduled opening of the summer Olympics, fierce competition has already begun in one of the most important events - the espionage contest between the FBI and the KGB.

The earl y edge went to the FBI when U.S. officials denied a visa to the first advance man designated by the Soviet Olympic Committee. Even though the same man had been welcomed last December as part of a Russian delegation. this spring he was refused a visa that would have given him unlimited travel rights in Cali­fornia for about five months.

The Soviets' first choice was "a fairly senior KGB operative ... with demonstrated expenence in naughty things," said a Soviet expert in the State Department whg explained the visa denial.

But the KGB may have more bench strength than the FBI m this deadly serious game - and some help from the "referees" in the spy-vs.-spy competition.

The KG B's aim 1s to whatever information 1t can from huge Cali­fornia defense contractors like Lock­heed. Northrop. TRW, Rockwell International. Hughes Aircraft. McDonnell Douglas and Hughes Helicopter. The FRl's task: Protect­ing those prized Amcncan high-tech secrets.

It hasn' t always succeeded. TRW and Hughes A1rcarft both figured in sensational espionage cases in the last seven years.

And FBI officials, who fear the Soviets and their alhes may try to swamp the st.ate with spies. must cope with ~ound rules that favor the oppos1t1on.

Not only will the Russians field an 8()().member Olympic team with a like number of officials. doctors and other han~ers~on. but their airline has won landing ri~hts for two dozen or more jumbo Jet charter flights at California airports and a Soviet cruise ship will dock in Long Beach. The charters are supposed to bring tour­ists to the Olympics.

But the Soviets have brought "very few. if any, tourists to past Games." said Peter Ueberroth. chief of the local Olympic Organmng Comm it­tee.

That reality makes the FBI wonder ~~t who the Russian " tourists" will

But the FBl's authonty to screen Soviets at the Olympics will ap­parently be limited. Under the Inter­national Olympic Committee charter - which the U.S. government 1s commi tted to honor - the Soviets can designate anyone they wish as an Olympic official. With Olympic identification, any Soviet official can travel wherever he wants m much of Cahfornta.

"We recognized the problems a long time ago and we feel we have the abilit) to discharge our duty. " said an FBI agent. " We have been prepanng for two years."

fDespite Reagan's trip, China is no friend

No one disputes the U.S. govern ­ment's right to exclude any tourists 1t wishes, butlfthe FBI fingers any team members or officials. there could be trouble in the form of a Soviet boycott.

For it 1s the local organizing committee. not the government, which hands out Olympic IDs and the Russians are already bristling over what they call "U.S. government interference with the Olympic move­ment" in the advance man s rasc. An economically h ealthy China

means trouble for United States W t\~111 N<1 I Oi'. - Pn' '-llknt R~"

agan h,1, rnkl·n a., long to &l't In < h1 nJ as Mano Polo

L ' n lortunJll'I~ the Reagc1 n \lo" boat" to<. tuna'" tx·1ng e-.u11 1ed h\ the fom1ha r V(''i'>el'i of cuphor 1,1 1 'tw n'imgardor surrounding our "nl·w rclat1on\h1p" 1\ 1n need of J \. Old \howC'r

Thd hinc'>d o rn munl'it\ ;11 (• not our" fnend\ .. Nor n m thl' \ l ' \ l'f he Thc)'a rctht·l'Ol"rn1 ofour l'nl'ffi\ -JUSt a~Joseph l..,tahn h«anw t h~· enem) ofourl'nt' m\ .\tfolf H1tk r If an ything, thl' Pc~ ingd 1q u l' l'I morr ho~11lc 10 our lunda rllC'n ta l ' J IUl''


Daily Pilat

than thd 'hancnkocrowd. m111c ind1t1crent to human right\

fhc "population cont rol" program 1n < h1na hus no countcfl)art 1n the ~)v1ct Union. Pregnant ( 'hines1: wumen in their se"cnth, eighth and ninth month are be1n~ forced to undergo abortions. V. omcn. h1d1ng thcir pregnanc1c!>. art' d) ing for lack ot mC'd1cal rnrc. Under the Draconian llnC'-l hlld-per<ouplc edict infant R1rls are tx·1ngdrownt"d at b1nh so the angu1sht'd parents can havl' a male heir There 1s n human nght\ holo­ra u~t occumng. and 1t 1'1 a permanen t \tc1 1n upon th1H ountry that . throuith

H. L. Schwart& HI

Chazy OowalfbJ f 0.IC'll Ind A.t•t•• I l\. I~~'~

1• .-~ ... • ... ,.. , ~. O'l 1""' rta< at no w"'' 11., G• ,,..,_,. '-1..V Ac»~ 'Cl''ftl - ""1<• In 8 ' I~

Uny0. lpeet9 MA~[C11I01

Cml• .. ~,, ,rank Z1nl A

the U.N. r und for Popul:111on Ac-11\ 111es.1he Reagan admin1strat1on 1) rnntnbu11ng$ '8 million to pcr­pe1rate such atroc11u.~s upon the < hincsc people

lfow surprising that the Journalists "ho routinely ask Reagan 1f" human nght!." 1s on the agenda when v1s1ting 'ieoul. Manila or San Salvador. seem indifferent to the topic in Peking.

Summit mcetm_g.'i wn h ( om­mun1st dictators have normally been good poht1cs: so 1t will be for Reapn Peace-loving and opt1m1st1c, Amen· cans arc easily per uadcd thnt when a man \hakes your hand . look~ \ OU 1n 1hc eye ond smiles. and toast your count I) . he w1she!> to he a fr1t nd c;1nn· Yalta. ( ommun1 t leaders ha\C tradt d upon th1 'i l\mencan trait .

M 1ht:mh . the U. . does benefit from collabora11on fhc (h1nck permit us to mon11or S<l\.1c1 m1ss1lc tests. the) "tuppon thl· fghan re­sistance. pre' ure the V1<'tnnme~ Communists. kc<'p a million So'•1et 1roopsoccup1cd on their northern frontier\ While th" 1s worth somc-­thtna. the bu1ld1naofChina into a great m1htaf) power would be an n o(shorM1it1tcdnc:~., and stup1d1ty unrivaled in Western anruls Whal would v. c- do 1f "'hen lkna pa ~. thr m1htaf'\ wok control. made peace ~ 1th Mo\lO..., .tndd1rt't tC'd thr 1r

PAT BucHA1111

energ1e$ to incorporating Hong Kong. Taiwan and ~outh Korea')

We are not play1n$ the "China card." Chin:i 1'i play mg th ,\mcncan card.

Frnnom1l':lll ). the relat1on~h1 p 1 ~ a one Wll ) '>lrt'ct ( hma ha'i noth1n~ ~c nted or require We ha1 c cvt.'I) thina China need~ . Like l..<'n1n 1r1 192 1 and 8rc1hnev dunng detcntc. the ( 'hinc'>t' will c:oni.ume all the cud. invc tmcnt. tred1t. and tcrhnolog) we are na1\ ch "'Jlltng to proffer. to build 1hem!i.Ch c'i into n major powrr before revcnina to type. 8cannag10'ito Peking. Rea an. we arc told. is bema " pnagmauc. not 1dcoloa1cal " Be1napragmfttl(:. not 1dcoloa1cal. the hanc~ C ommun1 h will accept them, and 1n thr words of the i\u trian state man. "astonish the world wt th our 1ngratttudc "

Tht'"'va~t ( hinc~market" 1\a l'C'cu mna We tern m)'th Our tradr with Taiwan. un 11land of 18 m1ll100

ex{'('cd~ in value and volume our trade" 1th Peking. Joe KraO 1s nght:

"The American future in Asia hes "1th thr Paci fic nm countnes. and that set of11es deP<:nds on avoiding eitahed' 1s1ons of the 1mponance of China .. U. 1 radc: w1 th free Asu1 now C\ cccdsourtmdc w11h free Europe.

Moreover. China remains nn econ­omic backwater. Despite the media h)'pe of Deng's " reforms." the em­brncc of the Mothtrland means etonom1cdeath. The: temficd fl1aht of caJlital from Hong Kong at the appro ch mg hegemony of Peking. IJ )'cars hence. 1$ proof of this.

tJ. businc smen, demandinJJOV· crnmcnt auarantees for thcirCh1ncst in vc\tmcnts - 1.c .. taxpayer in· 'lurance lli'\tn~t los"I - should be told that . if the profit~ are theirs, the risk will~ wholl} theu·s As for foreign aid from the World Bank and the I nt<'rnattonal Development Assoc1a­t100 - SO-year loans to Peking at no 1ntcre'lt - · talc Ocpanmcnt Sin· olog1~1 ,hould be told b) Reagan that 1f Wt' have mone)' tu throw at China. he will throw 1t 1Mtcadat mokcstack Am cm a.

America'\ future 1n Ch ma does not he with th1;, trmpom11 . rcprC'\SIH' and rcpul,. ve n.-11mr.

P•trlck I•• •1•dlC'1lt'd rolumo#tt.

No one knows how many more visa refusals 1t would 1.ake to spur a boycott. which would almost certain­ly be joined by East Germany and other Warsaw Pact nations with strong Olympic team~.

Such 4 boycott would cost the organmng committee at least a $90 million cut in its $226 million contract with ABC-TV and funher rcductfons in the fees paid by other Olympic ponsors. Those financial realities caused the organizers to p~s hard for 1ovemment approval of the Soviet chanen and cruise ship.

So the FBI may find itself pres urcd 1nto a spy-vs.· PY contest hlce the old Mad MtP2ine spoofs. with Ameri­can ~nu tailina Soviet team of· fic1als and tounsts for several weeks.

An estimated one-fourth ofall FBI agents aJready work exclusively on combanina KGB C$p1onaac cfTons nnd the ~ency pl1n$ tO "significantly 1uamcnt' 1ts.usuaJ 40().mcmbtr Los Anaele force dunna the Games.

All of which ensure the ofT­the-flcld competition will be at least '" lntcrestina- and far more and 1mponant - than an)' Olym&>tt athlttt<' rompcuuon

Ttom., EU.1 II • SHiii Moak•· NIH ro/IJJJJt/ I Olt ll•lt llfHI.


Ee op le . .

Authentic coetumea delight youngsters in Cinco de Mayo dance at UCI.

Chicanos celebrate UC Irvine will celebrate Cinco de Mciyo with a week of the events are free and a schedule follows:

music~ dancing. drama and lectures by Chican~ activists. MONDAY: Lecture by Chicano poet-activist Rodolfo Cinco de M~yo co~memorates tbe. 1862 VLC~ry by a "Corley" Gonzales in the Heritage Room of University

small band of villagers in Puebla, Mexico over mvadrng Center fl'Om 7 to 9 p.m. "Yo Soy Joaquin," a film based on French forces. Chicanos have adopted this victory as a his best-known work precedes lecture at 6 p.m. Free. symbol of their struggle for education, employment and TUESDAY: Latin American Festival with speakers. political ? Pportunities in the United States: perform~sand food for sale. Heritage Room in University

UCI .s Cmco de Mayo observances. which are open to Center. 6 to 11 p.m. Free. the public, will cente~ o~ the pohttcal and cultural WEDNESDAY: Mariachi music. folklorico and Aztec concerns of the campus Chicano student RJ'OUPS. Most of dancers and food for sale. University Center

11111!-~ml!l~ll!I~ ... ~---.... - ........ - .. -- Amphitheater, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . Free.

NEW YORK (AP) - Bllrbara eu.h, wife of Ya Preeldent George Bu8h and a mother oJ flve, wu named Thurtdey • NallOnal Outet~ Mother for 1"'4 by ttM Natlonlil Mother'• Pay~ 8ev9rt ottw wom,n .-o were honored at the .commJttee'a annual luncheon.

8uth1 Who vlllt• Inner ofty IChoofs to ~n nattondy tor lfterecy, Aid the expects that -a mother wtfl some day be ptWident of the United Statee, and ''t expect to vote for her ...

Even ing activities include lecture by Raul Ruiz. Cal State Northridge faculty member in C hicano studies. on the historical signifi cance of Cinco de Mayo, and a Mexican dinner and Latin American folk music concert by Grupo Raaz. Heritage Room in Universi~ Center, 6 to 9 p.m. Adm1ss1on to all evening events S5, with tickets available at the Cross-Cultural Center on campus or at the door.

THURSDAY: UCI students an performance of anti­war drama "Soldado Razo" and lecture by anti-draft counselor Andrea Carmen . Fine Arts Little Theater (Room 16 l . Humanities Hall). 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free.

FRIDAY: Music group Folkloristas demonstrates authentic Latin i\merican musical instruments ranging from pre-Columbian Ind ian instruments to modem guitar. Cross-( ultural Center. noon to I p.m. Performance by Los Folklonstas. Fine Arts Little Theater (Room 161 . Humanities Hall). 7 to 9 p.m. Free.

Who put bounce in Turtle Rock Drive? Local composer bringing faffie to Irvine landmark By ANDREA ADELSON

Just as Glenn Maller used to promote has band's performances at a New York hotel wath .. Penns)lvanaa Sax-5000." a local composer has created a tune named after an Irvi ne subdivision to boost has Newpon Beach-based High Society band.

"Tunle Rock Drive," a "bounce" tune an the genre of the old platter favorites. 1s -.0& introduced this afternoon wherMt local band enter­tains at the Tunic Rock Community Center in Irv ine.

It's the invention of John Lindfors. who as a college student arranged and played for telev1s1on programs hos11~d by popular music entertainers such as David Rose ("Holida) fo r Stnngs") and Spike Jones ("Cocktails for Two").

Today. Lindfors is the conductor of theT4-member Aigh Societ) band, a group of ex-professional musicians who have merged their recreational interests an music into a dance band .

Lind fors. 50. who teaches music an the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and owns two local music stores, staned composing while ma­JOring in music at Occidental College in Los Angeles.

But the less than stead) income ofa professional musician led him to quit performing when he started a fami ly that now includes has wife. Mal) Lee: daughter Karen . 30. and son Dave. 27.

For 18 years he was the musi~ coordana~or for the eight-school Duarte distract and eventually be­came embroiled an city affairs as a foundi ng member of the Duane Cit) Council.

In the meantime. he continued to compose and arranged music for Los Angeles Rams' halftime shows during the late 1960s.

" But I needed a break." he said . and left Duane in 1972 for Newport Beach. movana to Irvi ne three year5 ago. " I "anted to val) "hat I was doing. You get kind of burned out."

The former saxs>phone player dusted ofThas horn and began pla) ang again "11h another local group. Big

o.., .... ,...._,'-..,_

High Socle~ band director John Llndfon bapee "Turtle · Rock Drl•e' will lead to more popularity for dance mule.

Band Commotion. The band mem- , clubs, includan~ its monthly per­bers paid Capitol Records $5.000 an formancc in Irvine. 1981 to cutan album. -

" It wasn·t very popular anywhere. except an Boston." he said . .. We made back our expenses but that was too far awa~ for us to commute and promote the album."

The album st ill gets air play at Los Angelesjan station K.KGO. Lindfors said.

i\rt1st1c differences led to a split and the creation of a second aroup. the High Societ) band which first played at a Fash ion Island ans festi\al an Apnl 1981.

Since then . the band has played gigs at Anaheim hotels and Beverly Hills

Co-owner Barney McClure &ays tht group has prospered as teens and radio stations are rediscovcnng the swing sound of the '40s.

.. My one first inkling of what was happening came about a year ago," McClure. of Costa Mesa said . .. O ne of our bands was playing in one of the baJlrooms at the Disneyland Hotel Next door an an adjacent ballroom a rock band was pla) ing for a high school prom

.. Within an hour. the high school cro\\d had dnfted over to our room ... he S~lld.

Art of Calif orni entertaining Reagan 'rap' now a record

Vickie Law90n and Jane Nadoorle &l•e cloae and careful attention to prickly addition lnalde tbe Lapna Beach Mueum of Art.

Cbrtadne Van Camp and Bryan ~coaat, 7. c heck oat Mark Tatroe' "Steel .. 7 .... tpture .

Plenty of parti keep visiting director hopping

Henry Hopkins, the director of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, was busy- very busy-when became Lo Laguna Beach forthe"All California '84" exhibition .

As juror for the Laguna Beach Museum of Art shot.. he first had to select the final award-winners from the r\!e6rd 2.225 accepted artworks.

Then, there was a businessman's luncheon. hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Richard Newquist at their an-filled home in Lemon Heigh ts.

Next came a cocktail buffet and reception an Ho pkins' ho nor a t Boyd and Sharon Jeffries' home. which featured elaborately decorated tables and gourmet food . No place for a dieter. the buffet hne included sleak ta rtar, ch icken wellington. salmon­wrapped hearts of palm, new potatoes with caviar and sour cream. and streudel past ry with mushrooms. spi nach and cheese.

Anne McNeely, star of the Ne"' York cast of the h11 musical "Cats," was in the th rong that also included ~pecial guests o f haron Jeffries, artists Laddie John Dill and Robert Baxter.

Ot hers there were Bobbi and Jack Llnkletter (he's president o f the museum's trustees), Marla and Ken Bird, Rueb and Jack Boyle, Anne and Howard Cusic, Gep Durenberger, Pam and Samuel Gold1teln, Barbara and Nick Wllllams and Cyntbla ud Eric Wittenberg.

There was st ill another party forart lovers-a pre\ aew reception at the museum hosted b) the Art a st Cou ncil and cha a red b} Suau SmUb to announce wi nners of the competitio n that drew more than S 10,000 an entry fees to help fund the exhibataon.

In the two-dimensional category. pnzes were awarded to Sally Storch. first. $500: Laguna Beach's Armen Ga1pa.rlan, second, $250. and Mld1ael Ansell, Stilart Caswell, Antoinette Geldun (also o f Laguna Beach), and David Pro vu, SI 00 each. · ·

W inners in the th ree-dimensional category were Jesus Domln1ae1, first, $500; Ron Tatro, second, $250: and:Jollanaa Jordan of Laguna Beach and Marla Pa1e, special awards for sculptures, $200.

Richard Bunk.all and V. Law1ob won the $200 Richter-Moore awards foro1lsand acrylacs. r'l"5pect1ve­I}. Jeffrey C. Hon recca ved the honorary Grum bacher Award.

Among those previewing the sho~ that runs through June 2 were Jou Corman, ch acf coordinator tor the exhibit; Jerry Bloc II, chairman of the Laguna Beach Ans Com mi 100; Cbarletand Nora Hetter, Roberta and Harvey El1eaber1, Gue and Vtvlao Levla, Ana and Jack ltaowltoa, Marcy Burton, Cbrlene and Jim Croat. Joyce and RJd1ard Frick, Gall and Roa Watu1, Jo Au and Ralpll Roberts, tuart Katt and uiun~ and Ttd PHllOft.

PDp.1rn1111~ ~"nrrrn b\ L>.11/\ f>rlcH Sr} Ir Fd1ror Mclmda H11ddlc·,1011

Delly Piiot l'tlol.,. by l H jteyM

Charle• and Nora Heater are fascinated by Garry Levine'• "Red Fault" at preview.

Daniel lWlncbeater. one of the ublbltlng artl1ta, c bat1 wttb Camille Wlncbeater.

Satirical sound-alikes come from 'I)oonesbury'

NEW YORK (AP) ­Garry T rudt::au. the car­toonist "ho turned has Pulitzer Prize-\\1nn1ng "Doone)bUr) ·· stnp into a Broad\\ a~ musical. has e;ii;­panded a talk-)ong per­formed in the pla) h~ a Ronald Reagan sound­alil..c into a recording.

" Rap 'vt a"ler Ron­nie ... to he rclea'>l'd \1 0n­da~ b' 11\·tt Screen Re­cord'>. 1s spol..l·n h~ Reathd Bean "hu did lhl' bnef )trecHal l.. ing "rap" a' Re­agan an lht• Broadway sho"

\l'>{l ll'aturl'd on the record art• ac1or<. 'oundin~ like first lad' '\anc~ Re­agan . Deten'>l' l)ccretal') Caspar V.-eanhcrger and presidentia l lnu nsellor Edwin Ml·c..·-;e GARRY TRUDEAU

The rclnrd "'a 12-anch !f.angle with background mu ac.. b~ Elizabt.·1h 'l\\ados. \\ho -.uote the score for the pla'

ade l'o\O 1s thl' instrumenta l \ers1on "rrudeau al'o dre" the album COH~r. thl' Whale

Hou'>t' "11h a balloon abo\e 11. surrounding the v.ord!i> " That be fine ··

Twelve given · freed om prize. ~ts ot the 1983 Orange County Fr~

Foundation at Valley Fcxve awwds -.. hOncrid Thurlday dunng a dtnNr at the Mstna Cotpl Nr Station Modutar Ctub. •

Among the 12 ~ta '#U Claude wtlo '90elwd a V8*tWt Forge Honof Certtflcate. ~ a L-s;iuna 8Nich reeldent and ret rwd 2'1-yur • .,. • F81 tPeCtll agent, w• nomtneMd l>y-the NMklillel El«:Nnge C1ub foundadOn fOi "'9 J!W'*'t'On ~ cNd abu•. Slnce1974,Wtltat\M~-·net~ uMd crime prevention pr...,_,

Alto recognlnd w . Qeorge Gerbiw. chailt'1Nn d the tmper II OU and Grw Co .. 1 felident of tt.wpci't Buch and Los Ang.lea. He rec.Mid ttMi ~ w lngton ti.On« Mect.J an uampte Of the ent p •vstem at~.

0tMge C0Mt OAALY PILOT/ Fndey, Aprll 27. 1984


Folk mediCiJ?e: Viejo out; Science beh.1n d Exit the Mi11ion The 0 . B. Gilles seriocomedy - which earn_cd_fi._ve-~

Vitjo Ptiyhouse into Drama-Lotuc awards for production, direction, ~ina

S Upe rs ti• t1·on s the Wil'.lJS offleft. Re- and li&httn. desiari after ha world premiere enaaaemeat .1,. 1 enter Showc:ate Pro- .. JOI las1fa0-w1llbe11vcnuecondthsw-weckNn,Ju_ne4-2•.

ductions from West· AJJ th~ cut memben - Rid>ard Ooyfe, Wortham E.d1tor's Note: Folk Mcdmnc cxplorN the scientific minster to Hunt· Klimmer and Jeff Allin - will be re1urain1 under the

evidenc:r for(or qainsr) some popular medical btlicfs. lt •s iqton Beach. JITIS direaion of Paul Rudd. not medical ad vi~. which is a va1J11blc only from your own That's the latest "Fonunatcly, the Second Stqe seuon ends one play ph;rsJcisn. word from two before the mains~ season," noted SCR artistic director

The Cells in Your Body Die and Are Replaced Every mobile community David Emmes, 'so we could schedule the retum ~ven Y cars. Almost, but not quite true. Body cells die and theater groups, one of which bad a~red resuracnt whale e"JllCment for rbe season's final weeb. There were a arc replaced aU 1he lime, usually much more often than the other scemin£1y·was let\ out an tbe cold. Now thinas tremendous number of people who were unable to 1ee it once every seven years. Eyelashes and red blood cells only seem to be the other way around. the first time around ... last about four months. And 1bc hairs on your head are The Mission Viejo thespians, who returned lO the replaced every two to fi ve years (provided you're not Mission VieJO H, ... SChool theater two months aao with a balding). stunnin& production of ••One Aew Over lhc Cuckoo's

But if you arc a woman . all the egg cells 10 your ovanes Nest." had announced a June 11 openina of " Butterflies will have been formed by the time you are bom (men Are Free" at the same location. Now it seems they've lost produce sperm through most of their lives). And, male or the use of the school facility and are negotiating for other female, the nerve cells in your spinal cord wilJ never be arran1emen1s. replaced if they are destroyed, which is why injuries that Meanwhile, Alex Koba's Showcase Productions has sever spinal nervesarc so devastating. (The.nerves in other entered into an agreement with Golden West College in pans of your body ma> grow back together 1f cut. thanks to Hunungton Beach to fill a void left by the de'Cimation of non-nerve cells called Schwann·s cells. There are no the GWC drama program in the wake of financial Schwann ·.s ~lls .10 the spinal cord.) cutbacks. The first Showcase offering on the colleae

- Sitt~& an . tM Front Scat of the Car Can. Help mainstage will be the World War II comedy-drama "Stalag Prevent Motion S1ck.ness. When you were a kid. dad you 17," opening Aug. 16 for a two-weekend, eight-per­

BACl.ST AGE - Speakilll of SCR. 1bc Costa Mesa theater won LosAnacles Drama CriticsCirdeawards in all eialn catcaories in which it wu nominated .... mo't ~nt to Manin Benson's production of ''Ptayboy of the Wettcm World," while SC R's "Amadeus" also was honored ....

" Heaven's Nonh of Hett," an origjnal play by Saddlcback College student Molly Hardy, will be performed Tuesday from l I a.m. to noon in the North Campus Forum .... the play centers on a young airl who "wakes up" to find she is dead, a suicide victim .... the perfonnancc is frtt and inf?rmation is available at SS9-9300 ....

use the threat of car sickness to wangle a front seat on long formance engagement. car lfips? If so. your siblings may have loathed you. but Another community troupe, A Class Act Players. is mcd1?"y speaking you were on the nght track. Al.though filling a similar function at-Orange College in Costa Mesa. emotions n:tay play a r:ok in motion sickness. what s more having presented "Ten Little Indians" and " The Hot L 1mpo~nl 1s the physical movement that sends signals to Baltimore" at OCC's Drama Lab Theater. With the many your !nner car and . makes JJ hard to concentrate on local performing groups looking to improve their lot,

CA.LLBOARD - Auditions for the third annual Westminster Community Theater variety show will be -..-.......­held May 9 at 7:30 p.m. and May 13 at I p.m. atthe theater. _._ • • te (left) and Tliomal Ba!M 7272 Maple St.. Westminster .... dircctor Tom Hardy will =a:; hsa .. ~e a.,ap•• oD bth C0&8t be looking for singers. dancers. comcdial)s and other talent lteoperto-'• main 1,..,.e •"--..&. llaJ 13.

anything but a bouncing honzon abandoned stages don't stay empty too long. - A Healthy Blood Pressure Is Your A$e Plus 100. · fi · 98 8

Not true, and the older you get. the less true 11 is. We use SOUT~ COAST Repertory wall anis~ out the I 3-. 4 two figures to describe blood pressure: for example, season on !lS Second Stage the same way 1t staned :- wat,h 120/80. The first figu re measures systolic pressure. the a . prod~.ctaon of the new three-character play Men s

acu for the show, which will be presented June 8:i9 and ., -. uu~ 15-16 .... call Lou Brooks at 893-1288 for funher infor-mation ....

The Laguna· Moulton Playhouse will hold tryouts for the new musical "Tales of Fannie Keenan, Better Known as Dora Hand" May 13 at 7 p.m . in the playhouse. 606

Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach .... the original musical about an opera- sin,aer turned saloon girl will be staged July 12-Aua. } .... casting information is available at tt}e playhouse. 494-0743 ....

forc,c exened against the wall~ of arteries when the hean Singles.

beats and pushes blood out into them. The second figure -------------------------------------------------------------• measures diastolic pressure. the force exerted when the hean rests between beats. What's happening around you can affect systolic pressure. If you're P.xcated or nervous. the systolic pressure is likely to go up. while the diastolic MOM COOLS WRONG RELATIONSHIP pressure remains virtually unaffected .

The idea that your systolic pressure sho uld equal your age plus l 00 probabl y comes from the observable fact that blood pressure often rises as we age. Someone whose pressure was 120/80 at age 20 ma> have 140/ 90 at 40. That's neither healthy nor an inevitable consequence of getting older. But it is inevitable 1fthe way we live and what we cat tend to block and narrow our anerics. When the arteries narrow. the hean must pum{> blood out with greater force so as to push it through into the narrower channel.

In short. the systolic pressure usuall )' goes up. In an ideal world, where aneries remain health} and unclogged, blood pressure would stay about the same from cradle almost to grave.

-An Apple ls Nature's Toothbrush. Alas, no. While apples arc loaded with fiber and low an calories. they're very acid (which can destroy the protective tooth enamel) and sugar. Also. munching on an apple will not eliminate the bacteria that hide between teeth and along the gum line.

It's better to snack on an apple than a hot-fudge sundae. but remember there·s no substitute for brushing and flossing teeth regularly.

American Heallb MaJazlne Service

fresh looks f~ryour

wmdows Come choose inexpensive window treatm·ents from the new Pier I collections. We offer our famous assortment of oriental bamboo and wo oden blinds in standard si zes You can trim them to fit unusual windows - 1t s s1mple1

DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please take the time to help me and other parents whose children arc goinf with someone who ts not good enough fortbem.


fhavespokento ....................... .. my 21-year-old sev-eral 1imeubout her sloppy. unmotivated boyfriend and have gotten nowhere. J realize I should stay offthis subject because it is ruining our relationship. But how does a mother keep her mouth shut? It is so hard not to assume the role of a parent when weloveourch1ldren anti see them heading in the wrong direction.

It is killing me to sec our bright and promisin~ daughter throw herselfaway on a young man who 1s painfully inferior.

lsthercasolution?-NEWSDA Y READER INN. Y. DEAR NEW YORK: Having expre11ed yollll' opl.Dloa

oace, yoa mual dp yoar Hp - especially wben the cbltd is ti.

Too often rebe1Uo1a11oa1 ud daagblers ba111g on to the

Hang these blinds alone for a tailored effect. or soften the look with curtains Our blindc. arc bd'>IC durable. and ca<,~ 10 work with You II love !he lr(;'~h look

Matchstick. Bamboo split very narrow. casts a fil ­tered light This spring treat your windows to a clean. natural look

Size Rec. Sale 2x6' 3.99 ............... 2.88 2.5x6' 4 .99 ... ........ 3.88 3x6' 5.99 . . . .. 4 .88 4x6' 7.99.. . .... .. 5.88

Higo w/valance Smoke dried for subtle color and mildew resistance Size Rq. 2 5>.6 ' 12 Qq lxt> I i1 99 ·IXO IQ qq bx7 249<1 R~ 7' 44 r~~

Sale 9.83

11 83 15.U 21.88 31 .88

Cottage . Smooth wood slats painted stark white They stack when raised . Size Rq. Sale 2 111' x4 ' 7 99 5 .88 rxa· 999 7.88 3'xo· 14 99 It .88 4' x6' IQ 99 15.88 5' x() ' 24 99 19.88 o'xo' 29 99 24.88

6x7' 12 .99.. . 9.88 8x7' 17.99. .... 14.88




Slats. The original bam­boo blind . with a 2000-year history Size Rec. Sale lx6' 2 .99.. . .. .. 1.88 4xo' 4 99. . . . ... . .. 3.88 ox7' 7 99 . ..... 5.88 8x7' 10 99...... ... 8 .88

Pier 1 i1po1•1s Pier 1 lmports®:n., 1 • .,. • '"'

Prlctt .... tbwtk

"•"'"1i •11 I

... ...._ .509 Ehl Ktlelle Ave IMtamn.- 2710 Hart>or Blvd PhOM 712·24 72 PhOM 540-7337

WHt•• 1~ Gofden w .. t St ~ 801-0825

p.,, '"I rt~ 1011 ''"'" <.two< ~ l l>fo • hllf' ~f'' '" ~ . ,..<f4 lm,....n !MIMI I "" " ' " 1T1AllrAt.olc >41..-nd~l lo ~I (I J\)i! W f""Y ,, 11.<~fh T\ 1111n1 -

poorcltolce becaase tbey bate to admll Ibey are wrong. One ti-year-old wrote jHt yesterday, " I'd bave d1mped lite nrd loaa 110, ht I baled to pve my mo"er tM satisfacttoa."

So coollt, dear. Yoa llave ao&Jt1J111 to lose ud tbe resaJt1 may be wonderful.

• • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a 17-year-old boy

whose 23-year-old brother has been in pnson four years. Six months ago I wrote to him for the first time. I

explained that I had been angry because he messed up and it had taken me qui tea while to forgive ham, but I was now ready to be his fnend. He wrote back immediately saymg he understood my feelings, and we began corresponding regularly. I described my goals in life and what I wanted to accomplish. He began to advise me on how to get a long in the world.

CannlDCbam-Durkln ~..... Suzanne Elizabeth

Durkin and Dr. Robcn Lee Cunningham of Newport Beach were united 1n mar­riage on April 7 at the Com­m una ty Church Congrega­tional 1n Corona del Mar.

The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Betty Durkin of Laguna Hills and William Durkin of Sun City. Ariz. She wore a gown o f 1mponed Italian lace 0' er satin with a fitt ed bodice accen ted with sattn palm leaf overlay and a ruffled train .

Her twin sisters Mrs. Elaine Waldow a nd Mrs. Eileen Winters were matrons of honor. and her niece. Mardi Winters, Manlyn Moe.

Suuae ClluiDgNm ltnda Edwards. Linda Wil-liams and Laurie Cunningham. daughte-r of the bnde­groom, were bridesmaids.

The bridegroom, son of Mrs. Thelma G rey of Santa Maria and Fred Cunningham of Walnut. had Dr. Neil Waldow as best man. and William Durkin. brother of the bride. Dr. Michael Ross. Dr. Gary Carlson, Dale Winters,

Some of his idcasdidn 't sit right. For example, he sctid, "You can leama lot from the streets. Always be a leader. never a follower. Don't let anyone know what you arc up to. Be unpredictable."

I lelbim know I didn't agree w1th his ideas and was determined to stay out of trouble beausc of what had happened to him. He never wrote to me after that. A few weeks -ao I dropped him a line saying everyone is entitled to his own opinion. and I wished he would write.

Still no answer. What happened? What should J do? -OHIO

DEAR 0 .: Y oe:r brollter 1ot C.ned off wltea yoa rejected~ Ideas OD MW to set aJeq lD lite WOTld.

Make 110 attempt to re-establlslt commuJcatioa. Ube wrttes apill, tell ltim abMt lite family, leM aewspaper cUpplap ud avoid 1ettbl1 lnto uyt1U.a1 ~avy. I doa't tbhlk you cu leana uytltiea of valoe from ltim.

Melvin Creagh ton and Bruce Birkeland were ushers. A reception attended by 200 guests was held at the

Chanteclair Restaurant in Irvine. After honeymooning in Zihuatanejo. Mexico, the couple win make their home in Newpon Beach. She is employed by the State Dcpanment of Education and Dr. Cunningham basa dental practice in Huntington Beach.

Tewow·Raahbrook The Santa Ana Country Club was the scene of the

April 8 wedding of Helen Rushbrook of Costa Mesa and Eric Tevrow of Westfield. NJ .

The bride, daughter of Joan Rushbrook-Thomson of Costa Mesa and David Rushbrook of Yorba Linda. wore a desi~ner gown of white satin that flowed to a cathedral length train. The gown was embellished with re­embroidered alcncon lace and imponed shiffii lace and the bodice was accented with seed pearls. A picture hat of matching lace completed the ensemble. Her matron of honor was Theresa Kopinski.

The bridearoom ts lhe son of Esther and George Tevrow of Mountainside. N.J. His best man was " J.T." Mooney.

More than one hundred people attended a reception immediately following the cerem ony at the Santa Ana Country Oub.

After a weddinJ trip to Copenhagen and Stockholm. the couple plan to hve in Westfield, NJ. where they own Sinclairc's. a sea food restaurant.


raulOann rrop. 14 Author

vs. Senator Paul Carpenter

Stnate Otm. Cauaa' Chalnaaa

Should the power of the Speaker of the Aasembly be dlmlnlabed? -

Should the mlnorlty·party members have lncrea.ed power?

Should the state budget for the leglalature be reduced by $37 mllllon7

.Join ho t Jim Cooper as State nator Paul Carpenter argues again t pa sage of Proposition 24 while Paul Oann. sponsor or this Initiative, says yes.'

Be an Info rmed voter · tune In to Channel ~et 8 :30 p .m . rrtday nights throu~h Jum· 1 to meet the candidates and learn the Issues.

:'1,1dr po\,lblc b) 0' nt from •I I a11dm.,k ftoOert lt•lf or ~ulMm Celltornl 1md the CorP<'ntl lon ro1 l'ubllc Gtoadc ,,uno

By UTllAYN "1WAMS w.--.. ........ ....,......,., . ~ of the most rcwardjna aspcct1 of prdenfoa 11

eruoy1n1 veeetables that you have srown yourself. No 1tott boua,ht tomato. carrot, or bean can compare in fttthnett or Oavor with one just harvested from your prden.

To produce the best vqetables you must pve them the ~t care. There are no apedal tricks to vqc1able &1fden1na. but you do need to remcmbtt the buica: fOOd soil, plenty of sun, even watcrina, and rqular (~

. The fi~t step is plannin& your prden. Keep thttt P<?IDts fn mand: Do you really like the v~table? How Iona wall it take from planting lo eatina? Does the veactable need_ cool or warm wcather1 How much spece will it require? How many plants will you need to produce enough vegetables for your fami ly? Do you have room to plant a second crop a few weeks after the first to ~tend the length of your harvest?

Once you've finished planning. the next step is to

INST ANT GREENERY MADE POSSIBLE Green thumbs for hire guarantee healthy plants By MlCHALENE BUSICO Of•o.llJ .........

Do your dracenia droop? Are there more leaves on your floor than on your ficus? Do begonias cringe at the sight of you?

environment in a home or office." outdoor greenery is considered gardener's turf, Salmen Salmeri said that though the majority ofhisc~tomers said.

are commercial - offices, restaurants, and shops - there In addition to lighting. temperature and other is an increasing demand for his service in homes. He pragmatic questions about plant survival, Salmer. also estimates that a quaner of his business is residential. considers the artistic possibilities.

Plant service firms offer three basic types of "A few really nice plants in prime areas are like assistance: leas in&. maintainencc. and renting. artwork." he said. "The structure of the trunk-. of the leaves

In leasjng. leafy, vibrant plants owned b) the firm arc is like sculpture ... ··we get a lot of people who say they want dropped off at a home or busmess. Then. every week they lots and lots of plants. But that can look cluttered and

messy," he said. arc watered, fertillized, groomed and sprayed by a rf you arc considering plant services. it is a good idea specialist from the firm. to get bids from several different firms since costs can vary

.. pct pen: yow •L:Add •tYof'Otliliklii humus) &nd ~ it an IO a depth o( 9 IO 12 cornplcfied mb thould coDtlla of 1/3 to l/l _a.-.11it~c1 •a••­so that it riJ bt lilht eaoup 10draia1well _,. .. breathe. You can also .cs.i a aranular ltJelt .-11 feniliztt btfore "''"''"'to it wall be theTe .-dll roounttd h.

Now you're rady&op&lnLSome~....,...·~ radisbn and carrots cu only be p&ailWd from..._ Mllll'!I sure you bury them only to the~ 1ndicatid OD IM , peckas,e label. Many veeetables are a¥ai1Uie • 1111.-lt,. plants; these ,;ve you i had Star1 and •vc ~ hli havlna to thin out all the extra plants yo.r1tt:WkD ~ plant from seed. Look for yOUifll. compect ~II. ·

Water your Vtaet.ab&e pt(kn CQO\lib 10 keep 1111 .. ! evenly moist, but not IOflY. Too much water wid ~· foliage but few blOMOms; LOO Hnle water can cauee ~ srowth. Once plants are establi&hed, feed rqulatly with~ all-purpote ferHliztt.

Try to 90lve insect and wttd problems bef'ort aM.Y become too severe. Small buss liu aphids or whi~ ftid'~ can be blasted off of plants with a hose; 1araei' 0aet lib'• worms or snails can be removed by hand. ,•

If the bugs are too numerous to be contt01lcd by thew'' methods. you may need to IPf"IY, but be sure to uw·• insecticides that are safe foruse on edible plantJ (rottftOfteJ pyrethrum, insectjci~I soap, Sevin. Diazinon, « " malathion). ,

These prindples can be applied to vegetable prden1 • of any size. You don' t need a lot of space to produce food 1

for ).'OUr table. Smaller varieties of some vegetables are J

available, like the ··spaccmaster·· bush cucumber and'· "patio" tomato.

Or you could work vegetable plants into your flowC'r' ' beds: parsley. lettuce. and Swiss chard would all provide a 1

nice contrast to colorful annuals. '• Another altcmat1 ve would be to garden in containers.

As far as vegetables arc concerned. the lal)Cr and deepe{ • the container. the better. Ute a well-<irainms potting soil ,' and make sure there arc plenty of holes in the bottom of the . ~nt.ainer. . ~

If the answer is "yes" - and if greenery around your house is more important than in y<>ur wallet - plant leasing or maintainence could be the way to gyarantecd green-thumb success.

Renting. leasing or maintaining plants are relatively new ideas targeted for the affluent plant lover with limited time or ability.

Though cost varies, expect to spend at least $90 a a great deal. And arrange a one month trial period before month, probably more. (Salmcri mentioned an Anaheim signing a service contract to be sure the company stands on Hills woman who has 100 colorful flower pots throughout its guarantees. h~~m~~d~~beM~n$700a~$1 ,200amonthfor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~

the service.)

Whatever the size ofyourprden. YO\I can provide the' · freshest of vegetables for your table. Wi lh careful plannina' and proper care, your family can enjoy home-crown vegetables almost year-round.

Salmeri said the leasing fee is based on the number of plants, how exotic they arc and their chances of survival.

The last point is the most critical since leased plants are guaranteed to be perfect at all times. and arc replaced when they arc not.

" We get mainly three types of clients," said Greg Salmen, owner of Contemporary Plants, an Irvine plant service firm. "The wc.ithy people who don't have time to deal with anything around the house, the average people who really enjoy plants and just don't know how to take care of them, and the jet-setters who are never home to take care of them and want their house to look good when they're home for ~rties. "

The difference between leasing and mamtainence service is that in maintainencc, the customer, not the firm, 1"-IAlllMWWWWMll"",.

Salmen started his business five and a half years ago with a studio an degree from UC Irvine, three customers and a knack with plants. Now, he has three offices. 150 customen. and his own staff. And he claims to have never lost a client, except through bankruptcy (theirs, not his).

Such a success story is not uncommon among area plant service firms. Salmeri said this is because plants are now considered a legitimate and necessary interior expense.

"Plants have left the stage of being a fad and have become a concrete business. When people move in to someplace new, getting plants has become like laying carpet. . . They arc a necessary part of creating an

Plant sale, flower show scheduled

owns the plants. This cn;atcs a higher intial cost when the plants arc bought, but the monthly service fee - with the same replacement guarantee as leasing service - ts lower.

Though maintainencc can cost as low as $50 a month, the avera&e range is $7 5 to S 150, Salmen said.

Rentana plants is usually reserved for one day events, like weddings, graduations, or concerts. It is expensive way to get greenery, and is generally limited to commercial use.

Cheryl Williamson. manager of the Instant Jungle in Newport Beach, said her company provides plants for UCI graduations and all the Irvine Meadows Ampitheater concen s on a rental basis.

The onc-<iay tab at UCI is about S 1.000. she said. Rental and maintainence firms usually service only

indoor plants and sometimes outdoor flower pots. Other

California native plants will be sold by the Oran1e Couty Ckapter of the Native Plant Society from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Satur­day at the Bowers Museum. Santa Ana.

· Bloomlng

IMPATIENS Colorful bloom• -uauallyfor Mveralr•••· Shade or part aun.

- .;.·~; .. Plants to be offered in­clude perennial bedding plants, shurbs. ground cov­ers and trees. IDEAL CONTAINER PLANT

The plarrts, all rro­fessionally grown, wil be available in various sizes ranging in price from SI .SO to S 15. For further infor­mation call 972-1900.

• • • A standard flower show will be presented by the Su ClemeDte Garden Clab from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday and from noon lO 5 p.m. Sunday at the Community ~nter. San Clemente. Ad­mission is free. • • • The NatJoul Focbtla Society will sell fuchsias. begonias, bromcliads, camellias , geraniums, roses, orchids , ho use plants, cacti. ferns. Cali­fornia native plants. shrubs and trees from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

The annual sale will take ~~ at the Los Angeles




INSECT AND DISEASE CONTROL • Comblnff a systemic ln1ectlcld• and effective f unglclde. A99. t .H Controls harmful ln1ect1, and black 1~t. ru1t and mlldew.

DAILY . • • 5:30

SUH. 1 ·5

Since 1946

Ha1lis,ttts Nursery - Florist ~

2640 Harbor llvd .. Costa Mesa ~ """ """"' .. , 1,11M ..... ..,,., 141111.

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Se Habla CINC(,.DE:llAYO




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B~~lnt~~?~~~e~ Sat . Apnl 28. Advance reg1!>tration at JCPenney infant dept. Sl.00 March

of Dime!> donation .

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KDCM taa.t ... .,....

IMPATIENS · 4" pots Bud 'n Bloom

Ideal for shade


4'' ... , . '1" IOW •p• ......... IOW '2"

3 gal. 1111. '10" IOW 'I"


1 Gal Juniper Prostrata

- Juniper Var Prostrata

..... '2" HPEI HUE

99° ....

• A Y• rlel)' Of OYef 32 troublesome bro•dleal weed9 .,. ..tmlnated by the three tOeCl• I wMC1 con1rol1 con111ned In ~-OVI

• Con t rolled r • I•••• lertlllzer with lroo and tulf\lr for 1 Pf o1onQe<1

oeeci "'""'""' of -tern grua lewns

A~. 1 15." ••• '13" , •• CC>ltetl ~ IQ ,, ~

ORTHO ORTHENE Systemic Insect Control • Cont• cl k111111u'

rt, 11luill f l lu'lt•

• P tOll'c l1 ••'I"' ttow••• om1m111111 a1• ''"~ " Inf! t\Omtt Ql •Ue n

.. ,. '1"

NOW '8''

111. •1 1• IOW 79° __:_.


Can bf used on lndool & Outdoor Plants

- - -~Reg '3" $289 '\ .~og,.,,~ ,' I lb NOW ~~ • Reg • 7• $629

~.. :& / t 3 lb. NOW : I ~-:; ~·~·::.- • ~~g ,;i2" NOW $184~


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ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND Sale Good • -27-M to S-3-84 HOURS MON-FRI 7-6 • SAT 8 30-6 • S UN 8.30-5 FREE OEt.JVERY

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.. .. .



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WELL,<W\flELP. lMEAE'6 1'M£ t f)EP ANP 'TM( MTMAOOM'~ ~

POWN 1M£ HALL.ANlwl f QOf6TtON~?




.. . .

THE F.\MIL\' CIRCUS by 811 Keane

"Spiders sure waste o lot of thread."

MAaM.\DU&E by Brad Anderson


"I am not preparing you a midnight snack!"


; ~:''""':::i~:"':"':'"':" .

. . . : ...-M~.,..~~

: PMNlJTS .. • : ----------~--~

• , .





I f 1

BIG GEORGE by Vlrgl~ Partch (VIP)

....,{£ '1f' II · ~'

" I've got a colt who can paint better than that."

, I


1111 1

.,, i 11: I /11//1 1~~~ f 11 ! I II i ~ 21 J '~·r 1HEY ~ JJST L1Kf AH6E1S ~ "

by Ferd & Tom Johnson

by Charles M. Schulz


DON"I' TAKE A LGllNQ PINl88i! Norlh·8outh vulnerable. Weal deals.


•• WEHT t:AHT ·~5 ., 'VI cu ., '108 o AQU o IOUU +IQJlt4 +nu

SOUTH tAUU '? KU% ., 4 •AU

The hiddinic: We•t Nonll t:11t S.Ud1 I • f'u1 f'au I + 2 '1 • ' S I 5 • OWt flan f'an Pau Opcninl{ ll·a'1. K1nic of +.

Wh,·n yuu art· m'"'"Jt lh rl'l' c;arch 1n ,, ... u1l 1nrludmK

tt.e ldni. the! nneue i• t\tt play. llowrver, If you bu" rH*>fl to bt-litivt' that the- OkfJI() can't win, any othtlr line lit better. Althou~h It probably

wouldn't hive mad., any dlf ft•rt•nro Lo the final contrad, we an• nol f•nthuHt>d wit~ Snuth'x dt!tli1lnn t..o "'°IX'" with a one 11padu ovorrall. 'thnl virtually iavc upoe any rb1tncc or rtachinl( a hcort <'Ontriu·t. A rt•opcnlng doublt· i11 llw 11landout chok\•. Al110, Norlh0

<1 r·t>fu!IAI lo uct nl the on1• lt•v1•I is pusillnnimous. Jr ht• (1·h ht• w11 11 lno wt•:1k for ;i

lilkt•out douhlt'. 'lt1rt•ly hUI\• harm would twfall a ont· ,p.1dt· ovt•rrall.

W1•st INI tht· kini: or duh' a n1l dt•dJ rt•r' , pro~p11rh

"1·r1• djsm;1I. 111• l'l'l'mt•d lo h.1v1· a 'urr li"t'r 1n diilmond'I


et...1 NP PA1"'e­w1se, YOU'RE: MUCH MORIS WOMAN "f'HAN ;i; exPecrePJ


and he-art.II C'YH Ir Ole klil; of diamoftd11 would funlah a dlttard, aid thee tlttre wu the trump •ult &o c:Mteld with.

- lM blddial INad •rktd Ill• with al IHal nvt tlut. and four dl111t1d11 80 clftlattr woe the lftl ol clut. ucl l1111M'dla&ely W a Jow dlamoMI. Wnt Wflt 11 wltlt

The trump fi~ would the an' and co1t~l1ued wllh normally be the! odd1-on play, tilt c1iwttn. bul Weit aul'llly Mid the l>telam- won lht kllf In kln1 beeauae t!a1t, who wu dummy, dlturcNq a ltean marked with diamond len,th. from hand. Ht rufkod a dla· 11uile probably would have mond. rulfed a tlub M the bc..-en ablt• lo roapond over • bolrd, thfn ~ lo the one club If hf had a klnr u I('(' of trumps to rvff hia lut wrll. So dt'<'la~r lfl'Yt up on dub in dummy. To aet the D trump fintllC' for the-~· tila«l' ror WC'lt°I dfmiJe, bined rhantt of ritlwr drop· ck~l<artr rat~ LIM> at't'-klng pinic a !lin«le>lon kin« of or htori.. and txitt"d wllh a 11padr11 orr iddr or an rnd trump to WC'1t'1 kl•«· With pluy. nothinic lt>fl but mi_. suit

Ir W(•st ht'ld tht• t(uardt'd rardic. Wt>•t WU fwtf'd lO kinJC of llp:ldfll• ht• ('OUld nol l(iVl' dt•rllrt'r a ruff· sJuff aatd, h.1Vt' mort• than two ht•aru with il. his doubl«'d ronttan.

'bJ (:/) ~ 101~ OONOT ~ ~'f 5AM.ANO ~~ M MAN'i A'J 'IOO_ WANl, 0EOU!i. 'OJ A f\JU., 1 ~~ 1'0 UM


~El w~ .

by Jeff MecNelly

by Lynn Johnlton

Ba.l!.VI! ME. $18 -SOMe r:JPt.I '/OJ' u. ~f'M( f4i. fOft


by Tom Batluk


by Pat Brady

... NfJ~ f"6 10 LCXIC.lllS ~,..rur.NSJ

·- ' t •A


--- - -- --

Corona deJ Mar Hiela'• Si9 oompleled their eec:Oftd • ... beaten dual meet cam.-.. im 9 fense of their Sea View I.­championship, rolliQS to --... seventh stniaht ~ ~ vioo iory Thursday.

A 112-24 rout ofvisitina :g Harbor typified the Sea season, and it wu a day ia Mark Palmer distinauitbed bi.,. with four victories.

Palmer swept the Sailors off tbiir feet with four victories - takial die hip jump (6-4). Iona jump(~ tnple jum (44-9¥•) and llO · hurdles (1 f I), while teammate McGrath dominated the sprints. wia-: nina the JOO (JO.I), 220 (l3.7) nd 440 (53.0), pulling away in the latw after a tnulinaJoJo Dubesa fell in tbe dust before die final tum.

Dubesa had to be helped from me track and appears very doubdul far the league prelims and ti~ whd are scbeduJcd for Newport Harbor next Tuesday and Friday.

The Sea Kinp had plenty of omen - includina 880 star David Anderson. who eased to a 2:02.3 a...t another double by Gonzalo V uquez. who continued bis quest in the and discus with winnin& efforts of 53-3112 and 144-9.

t ...., .... ..... ...............

Magie Hemon (left) won three times, Ray oaie eped away from fallen Jo.Jo Dabeaa , Mark Palmer hl&hJamped 8-4 and FrltaBoWMr fJ'tCllt) nalteel 14-8

Tbematcbupofthedaycame in tbe pole vault where Newpon ffarbc>fs Fritz Howser went J 4-6 to edF

(Pleue eee PSaJ'SCT,_)



Rustlers get ev~n with wild 16-11 victory I 1 : (

. •'

HAAN.SS RACING Lei Alemlt9I f'lrst •t: 7~ P.lft.


South Coast Conference's baseball lead scrambled in f our knots by Golden West

Golden West College's Rustlers gained a measure of rcvence Thurs­day afternoon, striking with a six-run rally in the bottom of the eighth inning to pull out a 16- 11 South Coast Conference baseball victory over visiting Orange Coast College.

The result: Four teams - Coast , the Rustlers, Santa Ana Colleae and Cerritot share tht conference lead with l S-6 records.

" It was a little weird," said Golden

West Coach Fred Hoover. " It wasjust one of those pmes where both teams got too high at the wrong time. We had nine runs at the end of the second innina and were so emotional, at such a fever pitch, that we got too tight and too tense.

.. Then they (Orange Coast) went ahead and it was the same way - so emotional - and we carrie back down and it allowed us to play better."

Coast trailing. 9-2, came up with a

Angels' homestand begins with· Seattle

The Angels, who flirted with first place in the American League West briefly while on their most successful road trip in years, will be trying to regain that position this weekend as they open a homestand with Seattle first up in a three-game series.

Manager John McNamara will probably be glad to sec the Mari ners. who give you the youth look after seeing what old age can do to his club - such as the Milwaukee Brewers put together Thursday.

Pitchers Don Sutton, Rollie Fingers and Tommy John gave senior citizens' day an added meaning at

Milwaukee County Stadium Thu~ day.

The 40-ycar-old Sutton combined with the 37-year-old Fingers on a seven-hitter to lead the Brewers to a 2- 1 victory over the 40-year-old John and the Angels.

" I knew somebody would say that I always pitch on senior citizens' da~,'' said Sutton with a laugh. " I'm ad John was out there. John remem rs when they didn't have lighted ballparks. Of course, I remember when Astro-turf was first started."

Sutton, 2-2, struck out four and gave up one walk before relieved by Fin$ers in the ei~th .

A's sleeping giant .(Guerrero) awakens

Fingers. making his first appear­ance at County Stadium since he injured his elbow in August 1982, retired the six batters he faced , including three strikeouts.

" I picked up the ball and said to myself, ·This as where I screwed up last time.':' said Fingers, who earned his third save.

arshall slugs ame-winning HR n 6-5 victory SAN DIEGO (AP) - Pedro Guer­

rero of the Los Angeles Dodgers says he believes his season-long slump may tx nearina an end.

As far as San Diego pitcher Dave Dravecky is concerned. Guerrero's slump is o ver.

Guerrero, wh~ entered the Thurs­day's play with a .176 average, crushed a Dravecky fast ball for a three-run home run in the seventh

The Dodgers opened the seventh when Bill Russclldrcw aooc-out walk and Cand y Maldo nado raised his league-leading average to .500 with a single to right. G uerrero hit a 1-0 fastball from Dravccky. 1-l. for only his second home run of the season.

The Dodgers· power display, a repeat of a performance last weekend when the Dodgers hit I 0 home runs in winning thrtt of four from the Padres. trimmed San Diego's West­ern Di vision lead over Los Angeles to a half-game.

Carlos Diaz. 1.0. pitched one inning of relief to get the victory and

· Tom N iedenfuer pitched 2 I ·3 in­nings of hitless ball in earning his fo urth save.

John went 7 2-3 innings. ~ving up I 0 hits. walking four and stnking out four batters in picking up his second loss in three decisions.

" It was a pitching duel between two of the better pitchers in baseball and he won." John said. ··1f I keep throwing like this and we score runs. we' ll win."

Milwaukee went up I.() in the fourth when Mark Brouhard singled to center. advanced to second on Ed Romero's ~oundout and scored on Rick Manning's single off the glove of shortstop Dick Schofield.

The Brewers added another run m the fifth when Cecil Cooper doubled off the top of the nght-field wall and scored on Jim Sundberg's ground· rule double to right off John.

rallies in the fifth and sixth innings and it appeared it was going to be a carbon copy of Tuesday's uphiJl victory as catcher Damon Berryhill, wtio had a two-run sinale in the fifth, sluged a three-run homer in the sixth to make it 11- 10.

But the host RustleTS rallied with six runs - primarily o n two-run singles by Rod Clark and Gary Buckles.

Golden West had struck for nme runs in the first two frames behind the hot bats· of Brad Seehawer and Ron Morello.

Seehawer had a two-run double In the first inning and a two-run sinR)e in

the second and Morello also had a two-run base hit in the second.

Morello finished 3-for-i with 4 RBI. Clark was 2-for-3 with 4 RBI, and Seehawer ended up with 2-for-5 with 4 RBI. •

The Pirates' bi& bats were wielded by Berryhill (l-for-5 with 6 RBI. including a double and his three-run blast). Jeff Gardner ~2-for-5, includ­ing a two-run homer in the sixth) and Fred Tuttle, who slapped a solo homer in the fifth inning.

The two area rivals belted out 29 bits durio& the day, including five doubles. two triples and three ho me runs.

" You know," continued Hoover, " we had to have a spliL And., of ooune, we still play them once mort (May 12 at Coast on the final day of the regular season).

"It was a &OOd pme and a 9l>Od crowd with a folof entbusiasm. lUnd of wish ~ could play 36 pma together. We'd create a lot of interest around here, I know thaL"

The Pirates appeared to have tbc momentum their wa~ when they struck for four in the fifth and five in the sixth.

In the fifth. Turtle's solo homer aot it started and two walks and a hit better set it up for Berryhill.

Loss of sight can't holcf back Mesa's Hughes By ROGER CARLSON °' ... ...., ........

He's known as ~The Tank" around the Costa Mesa High campus. mainly because of bis no-nonsense approach to getting around the halls and grounds, but when you delve a little deeper into the situation for Walden Hughes., a sophomore shot-putter. well. It has all the earmarks for success - now and an the future.

This 5-61h, 200-pound 1,7-year-old is blind and has been since he was 9th years old, but it appears very little is going to stop him from the full life .

Walden suffered a detached retina when he was injured in a bicycle accident at 6112, and required an operation.

Thrtt years later he bumped heads with another student and awavated the Situation. requiring further operations, which resulted 1n complicatJons.

But it has hardlv slowed him down. He's in the 30-foot range right now. which isn"t gomg

to wrn any collcae scholarships. but with a 4.0 grade pomt average. Walden isn't overly conocmed about his athletic marks. He says he' ll j ust keep working on it.

" I've still got two more years to improve on 1t." says Hughes. who bench presses his own weight and is sull an the early stages of shot put techniques.

An Eagle Scout at the age of 16 and a member of the prcsttg1ous Order of the Arrow an scouting. Hughes says bis bhndness isn' t about to stop him. at least m most cues.

" Anyone can do anythmg. OK?." says Hughes. "Well. I can't drive a car. but I do feel in life you just can't stop. Everybod) has a handicap. but 1f they JUSt look at themsel ves and keep on going."

Hughes got into track and field at the oroddnia of Coach John Camey. the Mustangs' head coach. And with with additional coaching from Doug Brown, it's been stead) improvement since.

"Coach Camey hat me up about 1t and I JUSt went out there." says the youth.

a..,,... ..... _,....,_ ..... Walden 'cts little an the wa) o f extra help as an athlete when compeung. a1lhough he as given the option of puttina his foot on too of the nng. so as to rcahu his position after Coeta Mesa W.b abotpatter Walden Bachee

won' t le t bllncfnaa bold him back. (PleueeeelDSA/112) • innina to tie the pme. Mike Marshall

followed with a solo homer to give the Dodgers a 6-5 victory over the Padres.

" I know I'm a better hitter than that," G uerrero said of his slow start. "The last three days, I've been hitting

\C• the ball better. I just have to be patient. I've been swin&ing at a lot of bad pitches.

Ensenada race: One of yachting's great spectacles "After Pete hit the home run, he

(Dravecky~ wanted to come in Wlth a strike," said Marshall. "It was out over the plate where I like 1t, and I dro"e it that way (to naht field).

••He'c in a t•aht baJlaame and he doesn't want to walk me, so he had to

me in with tt." In the bottom of the innina.

Marshall nan:owly missed iJ\jury when a " lump of clay or chocolate or mud or somethina" was thrown from ~e. left field 1tandi .

" It whizzed riaht by my head,:.' &nbaJl said. " Paper cups and stun, t can't hurt you But that wa too

bis." t

By ALMON LOCK.ABEY ...., ............... With a weather eye out for the

weather, 635 skippers and crews are mak.ina last minute preparations for the start of Newport Ocean Saihna Association's 125·m ile Newpon-to­Enscnada yacht race which sets under way at noon Saturdayoffthe Newport Harbor ~ntranoejctty.

It will be the 31th edition of the "world's la'Fft and shoncst intcr­nataonal yacht racie which sends wlon down the coast to the pi~ tutetque BaJ~ Cahfomta fishin1 tt­M>rt for a weekend of pe>st-racc hilarity and hiJ1nks.

The 1 known throu&hout ~ world as the .,-eatttt yachtrng sptt13·

cle which sees hundreds of bOats milling back of the dual starting lines awaitina the sianal that will send tbem down the coast or out to sea searchina for the ~t winds that w111· soccd them to the finish tine off the ~nsenada breakwater.

After the start, the ratt can be. and frequently as, a dull affan \\1th only one m~or d«i ion to be made -whether to 10 1n Ide or outside the Los Coronados btanc:li j u t touth of San Dieao.

The dttision UJU1lly de~nds on theweatherconditionsbetwetn Point La JoU1 and Point Loma in tht early hounofthccvcnina. Thein idcroutc 1s thie most dnoect, but wtnds dun the ni&)\t can dwindle to 7Cro or even

chanae dtTCCt1on. Thotc choosing the outside course

will be betting on fresher winds that will hold until the momma hours as they set spinnakcn and dnve to..,..ard the finish. The ·•insiders'' will be bankint on what racing veterans call the "omhott drainage" - hJht winch that come ofTthe beach dunna the niahl Down throu&b the years races have been won or lost on both courses.

Although 63S )'ICht att ,gned up (oT the muhiplt swu, probably less than 600 will stan as there 1s usually about I 0 pcrccnt of\he entrants who chanae their mind for one rnson or another nolher I 0 percent a n ht exPttted to abandon the ra« bttwren

the start and San Otqo, or tum o n their auxiliary enaines and continue to Enscnada as a " FUP' - finished under po~r.

8 ) Sunday at noon most o f the Ottt will be anchored tn Enscnada Karbor. making at a forest of masts. whale crews pt her asho~ to celebrate their wans with bam:ls ofMelocan bttrand margantas. or to drown their dtsap­pomtment with the same libation vowana. " ne~ er" or " Will until nut year."

Winnen and losen ahke. plus hordts of ra« follower.l, Wlll crowd the lawn at the Bahia Hotel U\

downtown En"nada w1th their nes II~ to the bta bOard v.hach chr0n1· etc' the amval of each boat an each


'£rack coach says OlJIQ·RiC could 'self•Clestruct' Frocu AP d!.,.&eltet

~TANFORD-The Olympic Games • att 10 danger of ··~lf-de truction" and athlete$ art threaten~ with health and psycholoaical problems because of the influence of the news media and advertisers. says the coach of the U.S. women's tnck team.

"h's P.T. Barnum gone absolutely stark-ravana mad," says Brooks Johnson, Stanford University's track and field director.

Johnson. who also coached 01) mpic teams an 1976 and 1980, told a luncheon meeting of the PaJo Alto Rotary Club that the media have sensationalized the Olympics so much that the Games are now an event for advertisers, not athletes or coaches.

American athletes. he s~ud. are being made into national heroes in order to promote the Games, and they arc portrayed as battlers against things like communism anstead of other athktcs' ph)stcal abili­ties.

"The thought that the Olympics ha ve transcended politics as naivete in its simplest form," Johnson said.

Johnson pointed to tht> marathon at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics as an e\ampk of how media domination affects athletes.

"The air (in Los Angeles) 1s at lls Y. Or!.t at about 5 p.m .. " he said. "But tha t's "hen the) 're going to hold the marathon, because it's (tele' 1s1on's) pnme 11me.

"ABC (which wall broadcast the Game)) wants tan~ible returns on its mone~." he ~td. "The onl}' way for at to do that is to hype the American athletes."

Although many athletes fare well dunng the Olympics. Johnson predicted the media and advertisers will bring an end to the.Games.

"There's only three or four countries in the world now that can afford to sponsor the Games:· he said. " I think it wall self-destruct and be replaced b> smaller World Cups and champ1onsh1ps."

Some athletes are hurt PS>cholog1call} by the sttgma of failure at the Games, he said. Rather than feeling good about just competing in the 01} mpics, they feel ~isappointed 1f the} fail to perform up to the media's expectataom

Twins' deny Tampa rumor MlNNE.\POLIS - .\ Minnesota • •

Twins oflic1al, downpla~ mg rumors of a franchise mOH' to Tampa, Fla.. said Thursday he is opt1m1stic that the Amen-can League team will be sold soon 10 a Minneapolis-St. Paul group.

Twins Execut1\C Vice ~dent Brue<' Havnes refused to name members of the local group. but the St. Paul Dispatch reponcd that Manneapolis envelope executive Harvey Mackay and Manneapolts banker Carl Pohlad are interested.

Mackay is chaannan of a T" in Cities task force committee dealing with the sale of the team. Pohlad 1s cba1nnan of F&M Marquette Bank.

"I think we' re close." Ha}nes saad of the negot1at1ons. " I'm very optim1suc at this point. The) (the talks) could come to a head at any ume."

714 385-1919

76en outed by New Jersey Mlc~eal Ray IU~brd1oa and Otll m

Bird __ 11aa e en JCOrcd lLpoiru.s as .the underdoa New Je~y Nets upset the defending champion Philadelpb11 76crs, 101-98 Thursday night to win their first-round. best-of· five Nattonal Basketball Association plaroff 5eries 3-2. The Neu won for the third time in the series in Philadelphia. while the 76ers won both pmcs in New Jef'iCy. The loss contmucd a trina of 15 strai&ht years thar the NBA champion failed to repeat. The 76ers led

by two points with 2:S I remain· m1. but Richardson scored to tie it 96-96 with 2:36 left. Albert lttac then hit two free throws at 2: l.9 to give the Net a lead they never lost as the 76ers scored only two points in the last 2:5 I. . . lo other series-decid ins games. Mil­waukee routed Atlanta, 118-89. Dallas edged Seattle. 105-104 in overtime. Utah rolled to a 127- 111 triumph over Denver

B l'UoDC and Phoenix defeated Portland. 117-105. <\II the series were tied 2·2 before Thursday . . . Adriu Oantley scored 30 points. Rickey Green 29 and Darrell Griffith 24 as the Jazz whipped the Nuggets. Utah led b} as many as 14 points in the first half and pulled awa> from a four-point lead in the founh quarter by rolling off I 0 straight points to record its bj8$eSt margin of' 1ctor) in the series. Denver got 25 points from center Dao luel and 24 from forward Alex English. But the other member of Denver's big three. KUd Vaadewegbe, scored only I 0 points - down from his playoff avera~e of 29.3 ... Phoenix. paced by the seeond hal f outside shooting of guards Walter Davis and Kyle Macy, knocked off the Trail Blazers for the second 11 me in Portland. Davis scored 21 of his 29 points in the second half. while Macy scored 1 7 ofh1s 20 after intermission . . . Marqaes Jolua1011 and JunJor Bridgemu sparked an 18-4 spun at the start of the second penod that carried Milwaukee to victory over Atlanta .. . Jay Vincent bit two free throws with 17 seconds to play in a wild overtime that saw Dallas advance to the second round of the pla)ofTs at the expense of Seattle.

Quote of the clay '-a ~ who has spent mllllons on

talent trytng to make the Los Angeles a winner JO th. USFL: "I gueea you could cau me flamboyant. I know a lot of guys Who are rictl, but they drive Vofkawagens and Ilk• to pretend they don't have money. That's not my style."

Gretzky's goal lifts Edmonton Wayne Gretzky's third-period goal ~

lifted Edmonton over Minnesota. 4-3 ' Thursday night, giving thl' Oilers a 2-0edge in their Stanley Cup semifinal showdown. Gretzky nudged in his own rebound on a power pla) w11h 13:59 remaining to snap a 3-3111:. W1th has goal and an earlier assist. Gretzk) upped hts playoff totals to 24 points on seven goals and 17 a!>!:llSts in 12 game!>, tops in the National Hockey League ... Mats Naslund scored two goals and the Montreal C'anadtens grabbed a two games to none lead in the Prince of Wales Conference final w11h a 4-2 ,·1cton over the struggling Ne" York.

Pirates sparkle in track

~man'• bo!Den •park A'• Dan KJqmaa belted two homers and a

drove in five runs to lead the Oakland A's toa 7-4American l.eague victory Thursday over Toronto. which had four solo homersJ-two from WWle U..Uw and one apiece 1rom Geor1e BeUand Jesse Barllelcl. Kinaman now has nine homers and 24 R~I. both leading the major leagues. . . Elsewhere 1n the AL. Brook Jacoby hit a tic-breaking h!>mer in the ei~th inning to boost Cl,eveland to a 5-4 victory over Chicago and give the Indians their fourth

straight victory . . . Dave ED1Je hit a tie·breaking single to cap a two­run seventh inning, and Minne-

... sota defeated the New York Yank~s. 4-2. Hoe1ton Jimlllu forged a 2-2 tie in the seventh when he tnpled and raced all the way home on Wiiiie Rudolph'• error on the rela y. Tom Bnmaaaky homered for Minne­sota in the eighth inning . . . Alvin Davis hit a two-run homer in the

Kln1man top of the I 0th inning. and Seattl<' held on to beat Boston. 6-5. Tony Armas hit a one-out solo homer for Boston in the bottom of the I 0th ... Baltimore won for only the sax th time in 19 'games. pounding out 17 hits against Kansas City as Mike Flaoasa.a scattered eight hits for the l 1·3 victory . . . Detroit scored four runs in the first inningen route to its seventh straight victory, a 7-5 triumph over Texas. Lance Parrisli homered for Detroit, and Barbaro Garbey's two-run single highlighted a four-run first inning. Three Rangers homered - Pete O'Brien, Bobby Jones and Marv Foley . .. In the National League. Craig MeMurtry worked out of trouble in three of the first four innings to outduel Jeff Rusaell and pitch the Atlanta Braves to a 2-1 victory over Cincinnati.

Pintor knocks out Garcia LOS ANGELES - Former World m

Boxing Council bantamweight champion Lupe Pintor of Mexico City knocked out C'leo Garcia of Managua, Nicaragua. at the end of the first round an their scheduled ID-round bout at the Olympi<: Auditonum Thursday night.

Pintor. 29, floored his 26-year-old opponent with a left hook to'the body and a ~ht cross to the chin in the closing seconds of the opening round. Referee Rudy Jordan counted Garcia out.

Pintor now has a 49-4 record with 40 knockouts while Garcia. who entered the bout ranked as the World Boxing Association's ninth-leading super ban­tamweight contender. fell to 36-9.

Both fighters we1dted 124 oounds.

Elmenrelcb on dlA.blecl U..t MINNEAPOLIS-Jim Eisenttichof a

the Minnesota Twios :ccd on the 1 S-day disabled lilt Th y Ul u.odu&Cl rrea1men1 for a nervou.s d1sorder &hat has plaaucd him sinoc he entered m~or lea1ue bastball two years aao.

"He had been aettina alona fine, but he's been very slu&lish," s,ajd Tom Mee. Twins public relations director. " He's been very slow with the bat. We feel that the medication (Eisenrtich is currently &akina) is not the answer."

Eisenreich. 2S, will undergo treatment as an outpatient at a Minneapolis-area hospital. The nervous disorder, which causes muscle twitch1na and hype~· ventilation. prompltd him to temporarily quit ba$d)all last season.

"We're aoina to have him underao a new course of treatment," 58id Mee . .. , think it's a therapy type of thin&." As for the outfielder's return. he said; ''We're optimistk. but we're far from confidenL ••

Eisenrcich was banina .2S9 with 27 at-bats, two RBI and two stolen bases.

The Twins called up left-handed pitcher Ed Hodae from their T oldeo farm team to replace him on the roster. Hodge compiled a 2-0 record in three swis.

Eiscnre1ch got offto a good start as a rookie in l 982, playing well in th~ field and batting .303 in 34 games. But he was hospitalized in May for treatment of the disorder and sat out the remainder of the season.

Olien, Stelnkuhler agree HOUSTON - The National Football EE

League Houston Oilers announced Thurs- •II• day they reached tentative agreement to sign Nebraska All-American offensive lineman Dean Steinkuhler. who will be the second choi~ overall in next week's NFL drafi.

"What we must now do is get the contract wriuen and agree to the exact language," Oiler General Manager Ladd Herzeg said. "This takes time but I am confident that we will get this matter settled and have Dean in town tomorrow (Friday)."

"I feel great," Steinku.bler said. " l couldn't be more happy. It's the place that J wanted to go to and like I said before. Houston has a good program and they've got a lot of young players."

The New England Patriots. who own the No. I pick in Tuesday's draft, already have signed Steinkuhler'-s teammate, wide receiver Irving Frya1.

"I haven' t signed anything yet," Steinkuhler said. " But I think everythine is pretty close at this time."

The signing of Stetnkuhler. who won the Outland Trophy and Lombardi TroQhy as the nation's top college in 1983, would make it three straight years that the Oilers, who are an need of defensive help, chose an offensive lineman as their top drafi pick.

TeleTlalon, racllo TILIV18IOll

7 p.m. - llA-W · ~· atSlln 'JlerilO. Channel 11. •

10 p.m. - 90DIG: Lupe Pintor w. Cleo G8l'Cie from Otyniplc Aµdltortum (tape). Channel se.

RADIO 7 p.m. - BAMaAU.: Dodgen at Sen otego,

KA8C(790). '7:30 p.m. - llAll!aAU.: S.ttie at ~.


Graham, McCord share lead . AMERICA'S PERFORMANCE SEDAN WALNUT - Orange

Coast Col lege·~ men and Y. Onwn both farrd Y.Cll Thursda\ at thr Mt. San Antonio· College Reta~!> . but, accordi ng to OCC Coach Gordon Fitzel. it's JUSt 3 tune-up for the South Coast Conference prelims. "hich begi n Tuesday at UC' Irvine

THE WOODLANDS. Texas - Lou Graham and Gary McCord battled through light rain to score a pair of six-under-par 65s Thursday to share the early first-round lead 1n the Houston Open golf tournament at The

course that scores wall go lower in the best-ball ('vent before a championsh ip pair is determined Sunday.

First prize 1s $100.000. and total priz<"s total S 500.000, which make it the nchest tournament on the senior PGA



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OCC's men established a school record in the 400 intermediate hurdle relay with a 3:44.5 clocking. good for second place.

Coast's Todd Andrews Sipn nted the 400 intenned1-ate hurdles 1n 53.50 to capture first. and wa~ clocked in 15.03 111 the 11 0 high hurdles. settling for second. to backbone{){'("., prime contenter<>.

Andrews. Rob Lester. Dave Holler and Shawn Ryan were OCC's runner'> an the 400 1n1crmed1att.• hurdle rclav event.

On the · women's side. ~and} Springer had on .. ., top and1' 1dual t•ffon li n-1shang -;crnnd 1n thl' .mo hurdles 1n 1.04 ~ 5pnngt·r. along with •\ nn Jamrs. Kell} Baker and .\ng1c McC'ard. teamed co ta l.. t· first place 1n tht' 4 x 400 rcla) in 4:00 0

Woodlands Countf) C'lub. Bobb\ Wadkins and Tony Sills also were among the

earlier tin rshers with five-under-par 6os. Graham tamed the par-71 7.-031-yard West course

with his best round of the year with four birdies on has first nine ho~s on the backside. Graham ran 1n birdie putts of 14 feet on his first hole of the day and added a 10-foot birdie on No. 15.

Graham's onl) bogey in the round came on the par-4 No. 6 hole when he htt a four iron into a bunker. Graham rallied on No. 7 however. After hatting a six iron ·to the

tour. " I don' t think the fairways have ever been as good,"

said Souchak. "There's more grass. and it's cut short The scores will get lower as we go along during the week."

Par is 70 on the relati vel> short 6,584-yard course. Wall said partner Bolt's hig.h. soft shots were in the

··category of great golf shots .... He was awesome." Tied for se<:ond at 65 were the teams of Julius Boros

and Miller Barber and Billy Casper and Gay Brewer. Brewer holed a IS-foot downhill putt that broke about

four feet on No. 11 , and Casper said that ''broke the ice." They had all five of their birdies on the back nine for a fringe, he chipped in from 35 feet for a birdie.

McCord started slowly with a bogey on his first hole. 30. No. I 0. after hitting a poor drive. McCord's putter warmed up howe' er and he ran in birdie put?s of eight feet on No. 11. 18 feet on No. IS and 25 feet on No. 18 to make the turn

Barber said he bad been "talking myself out of some putts J could have made," but on Thursday resumed "just bitting the thing. I feel like I can make something now -before I was just guessing." at three-under-par.

McCord had three more birdies and no bogeys on hts final nine holes. 1nclud1ng 20 and 15 feet b1rd1e putts on Nos. 4 and 5.

Venturi, Soucbak tle Wall, Bolt '-\USTlN. Texas - Ken Venturi dropped a 40-foot

chip shot and partner Mike Souchak sunk a 30-foot putt to b1rd1e the final two boles and share the Liberty Mutual Legend!> of Golf lead with 1980 tournament winners Art Wall and Tommy Bolt .

Ventu ri . pla) ing in his only tournament of t he season, <>aid thoS<.' tY.o shots were crucial to hts team's first-round Mon Thur<>dav.

" \'. l ' l Oulci have lost a shot. and we gc"1ned two ... said Venturi. who after wmning the 1964 U.S. Open was struck 1n I %5 with a disease that affected has left hand and ended his compet1tl\ e career.

Souchak and others an the 26 two-man teams said the fairways arc an such good shape at the Onion Creek C'lub

Gauchos stunned with 10-2 setback

MESA SHOTPUTTER From Bl entenn~ the ring. •

He s simply pointed an the d1rect1on and he locates himself.

His father. Phil Hughes. is with him during the competition and offers this insight into the ways and means of Walden Hughes.

"For years he's been a big sports fan. fo llowing college football. baseball and pro football . you name tl, he follows It."

His best effort Thursday was 26· I 01h, somewhat off his best, but when this sophomore does has thing, well, it's an eye-opener for a lot of athletes and students, who cheer his every effort.

Carney says the nickname comes mostly from students, who ha ve been run down by Hughes.

",People have welts on their legs because of his canc­waving.:: says a tongue-in-cheek Carne\ .

··1 was a little apprehensive at first about thas," says Brown, the Mustangs' weight coach. " But really it bas made me a better coach. because this has been a case of being more detailed in e:<plaining things.

"Next year we' re going to work on form, using two steps backwardt before turning and tossing." says Brown.

SAN MARCOS - Despite eight ht ts and seven • Presently, his technique as strictly a matter of planting Palomar errors. Saddleback College fell to the Comets, bis feet and firins away. I 0-2. here Thursday 1n a Pacific Coast Conference baseball As for the future, in addition to two more years of game. putting the shot for the Mustangs. he says has aims arc

addlebaek 1 now 12-5 1n PC"'C' play and 18- 10 geared toward Stanford. "or one of the ma1or colleges. overall. "! want to get into either law or busaness. I'd like to

Saddleback took advantage of one Palomar error in work in finance and money. That's my Iona rnnge goal," the first inning. and Jumped ahead. 1-0. before the roof says Huahes. · avcd in on the Gaucho 5tafT

Palomar ICOrcd five times in the first thrce innings and climaxed the day With a four-run uprising m the Cycles race at Fairgrounds seventh.

Make Lomeh hat a home run in the eighth to spar!. the Gaucho$· offensive attad.. •

" We lef\ a lot of guy on base," said ddleback Coach Jim "how many?- I don't know. but 1t was a lot ."

The Gauchos remain an S«ond plact tn the PCC'. two games behind San Diego Mes.a. and will travel to Grossmont ~turday for a I o'clock<'

The weekly speedway motorcycle racana format returns to Oronac County Fairgrounds tonight, wuh the feature event a match race between Kelly Moran. 1he dcfendlna national champion. and Make Faria. who finished second to Moran in last week's scratch main event

G:ucs o~n IU 6·30 and the fim of two hou~ of racm& beaans at 8.

Elway (the coach) won't be prosecuted T NfORO- tanford football coa(h ... We have dechned 10 i ue a oom·

BICYCLE REPAIRS Jack lwa y h8' heen cleared ohu p1c1on of plaint." 02v1e1 said. ..Based on &he drunke,, dnv1na. a county prosecutor said evadtnce, we have dcC1dcd not to p~ today ec:utc "

Servicing All Maka And Modeh

MH11 Verd• C.nt'I• 2701 Harbor Blwd 751-4882 Costa MeN

Dave Davin. nta Oara ounty a j.,. tanl d1stnc1 attorney, "8td Elway's blood alt'ohol content wa$ .Ol. "'ell below tht .10 level that con\tttuln into•1cauon under Cali fornia la~

(' lifomta Highway Patrol oflktD ar­re.s&cd Elway tn lbe p~tt~n hours of March ll a he drmeM>uth on Highwa> 17 '" u Jo~



lfetrpo1t football alla•IM R"8ttrtlt0n f'ot tbc N~P,9!1 & ir. AU·

American football chapter will be held Saturday at Junior Hiah from 9 a.m. - noon.

Boys 7.14 ytar1 ofaee •re cliaibk to pl1y. A SI S ~.1tr1ti0n fee is required Slturdly.

Prle11cc bealns Aua. 6. . For (urther information. phone 644-5197 or

6SO.S099 (eveninp).

IfanatUon at La. cabal.I.,.. Los C1ba1Jeros Tennis Sladium in Fountain

V1U~ will be the site of• M1y 6 exhibition t.enn1s m1tch betwuo M•r\U\I N1vratilova. the No. I ranked women's tennis player in lhe world, •nd Hu N1, the Clunese s&a.r who r«"entJy dtfCC'ted from Chin• to cont inue her tennis career m the United States.

In lddition to the N1Vratilov1-Hu Na exhib111on, • celebtity doubles exhibition will be played. which includes Kenny R.n.

Followina the tennis exhjbition. lhe Bia Dippers, consisting of Wilt Ch1mberlain Bill W1Jton and K.iki Vandeweghe ind others'. will play the women's tClm which will be rcp­~ntina the United Stites at the summer Olympics.

1:he match has been set up to help benefit the United States Women's volleyball team and is scheduled for 2 p.m. . A VIP pac~ge is available for $I SO. which includes two 11ckets to lhe tennis exhibition and a bufTct~ocktail reception. Sinale ticket prices for the tennis ~xhibition ire SI <rand $IS. •

For funher 1nfonnation. phone 9S7-8768.

' .. ,.,.,, TB.nl9ION

1Q Lift. - 8A-AI I • St. l.ou6I It Mon~. ~4.

10:30 a.m. - IEI•: WORten't toUrNment, CMnnll2. •

2:30 p.lft.~ - "° ~--,:Jilia-.-Leketa. a.NI 2. . ·.

1 p.m . .._ QOUI: ~ T~, Ch8Mlt 4. 2 p.m. - IOOCM AM Mtldftd '4. 8erC1iona

~Feb. ~a..t 34. ~m. - 4»11'1'8CON: Wor1d Fr111t~ Skiing

lrMtdonel, Ctwlnel ... . . . 3:30 p.m. - DUG IACING: Gatornatlonllll. a..w.e1. . 5p.m. - ... WOM.DOl'90RTI: 8Pf1nt cwa;

P .... mllt( 7.

7 p.m. - llAleaAU.: Oodger"a at San Otego, CMnnel 11. -

RADIO 12:30 p.m. - "'° ~ Dell8I at

Llbrt, l(lAC (570). • 1 p.m. - aAIBAU.: Seettle at Angell. KMPC

(710~ . 1 f>.m. - MIDM.1 : Oodger"a at San C*go.


Saaday 10 a.m. - MO aAMITlaAU.: NBA ptayofft -

New York or Detroit va. Boet~. Channet 2. 11 a.m. - IPORTIWON.D: AJJ.treland hurting

ctwnptoNhlp(tape). WOt1d pa-.llfttng ~ (tape). motorc:ydt hill climb (tape). Chan'* 4.

11:30 a.m. - POO'raAU.: u&FL. Birmingham va. oe.w.-. Chennel 7.

12:30 p.m. - PRO aMICanAU.: NBA p\ayofft - Phoenix Ya.~ CMnMI 2.

1 p.m .. - Ml•AU.: Oodger8 at San Diego, Channel 11.

1 p.m. - GOLP: L=toumament, Channlt 4.

1 p.m. - llA-AU.: Seattle at ~ KMPC (110).

1 f!.m. - aAmAU.: Dodger• at San Otego. KABC(790~ •

Thatcher raps Budd critics

LONDON (AP) - Pnme Minister Margaret ' Thatcher said Thursday that it was a disgrace for people to try to keep Zola Budd out of competition or to jeer at the South African-born runner who ~ot British citizenship so she could compete in the Olympics.

The 17-year-old Miss Budd ran pan of a 1,500.meter race in tears Wednesday night af\er two young blacks yelled "white trash'" at her before the start. She had dropped out of an earlier race because of op~sition from Britons against South Africa's apartheid racial policy.

During prime minister's question time in the House of Commons. a Conservati ve lawmaker asked Mrs. Thatcher whether she would condemn those who "pick on and cause distress" to the youn& athlete.

" I thought the treatment meted out to a 17-year-old girl was utterly appalling, a disgrace to those who meted it out to her." Mrs. Thatcher said. She did not elaborate.

Miss Budd canceled a news conference Wednesday night af\er being j~red during the Southern Counties meet. where she ran barefoot to set a British junior record for the l.SOO meters 1n 4 minutes, 10.82 seconds.

Miss Budd would not have been eligible for the Olympics 1f she had stayed in her native country because South Africa is oonned international sport.

She now has run in two races since she came to Britain March 24 and quickly was granted British citizenships on the basis of her father's British passport.

Edison wrestler going to Europe

Chns Fot11de . a IS-year-old sophomore at Edison H1ah School. 1s scheduled to leave for Tacoma. Wash., June 14. then on to Germany on June I 9 for a tw~week cultural ei1ch1nic tnp as a member of the Cali(omia Wrcsthna Assoc11oon team

Fottade pnmerily a wrtstler. althou&h he bas also ~ood out as a football player (defensive end) at Edison, will part1c1~tc in exhibition wrt thna meets in several German c1u~s, 1n addition to the aeneral culture .exchange associated with hvma w1th1n 1 fort•an community.

Ourin' his sophomore season at Edison he was runner-up 1n the leaaue finals in his weiaht cla

Fou dC1 11 u1n shon in terms oT funding. which rcqu1rts S2JOO for the tfip. Thost w1sh1n1 to help ~uppon his vcntu1' should conllct him at 962-9678.


e..-.u.eran0Ja11• "'rM pt'Olram. "SPons ~How so be

MenaaUy ~percd to be • Winner" will be prcwnatd •t OrlftlC Cout Coli. on the .wa& lhru Tbundl)'t. May I , I and If.

Tbe tc11lons will Nn from 7.9 p.m. in OCC's Facvlty Houw. Reaiat,.tton k is S I$.

SPort• theraplsa Mickw Shapiro o( Cou Meta will pttttftt tht PfOP'IDlt. Sbe oombina her •ports knowledet wilh her npttiences u a mamqc, family • nd child thenpi11 in her pract lQC,

T ickets for the .mes are~ on-~ in OCC'a Community Service Office, located in the Student Servkic Buildlna. The ofrQ it open Monday thJ"OUlh Friday fi'om 9 a.m .· 7 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m . to noon.

Tickets c:&ft be purchued by oltonc, mint Viu or Muten:ard. by pbc>niq 43l-SS27.

For more intom\ation. phone 432-$180.

W~btlltthJ6 toa.rnq Capistrano Valiey Hiah School is hostina its

seventh aonUll weiahUit\i!!f championships Ma}' S. a one-day toumey which involves most ofOranfC County's hiah schools.

The h1ahcst tot1l of two lif\s- the bench press and squat - will determine winners with weight classes at 149, 174, 199 and over 200 for boys. 11 S and over I IS for girls.

The contest of single maximum repetition attempts is open to any hiiJl school athl~.

For further inform1tion phone tournament d ireC1or Dave Elecciri at 495-6100. ext. 2S I .

.--WI, ... tad,_.,. ... .., 'The llr1' Newpon ('up laviuWoftal lkaefJa..

feiiau'ri--. ~ ~ is ldledu~ SuMiy ll lbe ~Pon k8cb Sponi._, HOUK, beain· ni11t aJ 3 p.m.

T1'c mel" tte•U is a four·ma• pro-comptt1• tioe for tJ.e Newpor1 < 119. wtUcb will intliade M ake Ydk'n, 8tet Hamett. Ruben Oonzalesand EdAndrewl.

Also on the ptOltlm will be two special junior exh1biti4>D1.

Adntillion is Sil.SO (SO ~ts available) and S2S (25 eeata availa~). All Pf'O(ICeds are pred toward benefitina the Soulhtrn c..JifomiaJunior racquetball team.

f'or f'urther informatfon, phoae 7S2-0'6S.

~ bNt n~ at lrYbJe LUe .The 19'4 World Series.of Dr., &o.l Racina

•!II be held~}' S-61t Irvine Like in Ora• wilh the Ccal Aorenc:e World Series Memonal Race. . Headina the 17-class draa bOlt Prosram is an

eiaht·bOlt flown fuel hr.dro fleet featurina world reoord bold~ Eddie Hill of Texas.

Amons hts challcnaers are Tim Morpn of Walnut C~k. Brad TuttJe of Hesperia, Dave Nolte of Fresno, Bill Todd of Fresno and Fred Bray of Houston.

In ~~ition t!l a full N1tional Draa Boat Assoc:1~11on . racm1 program, fixe classes of championsh.1p cal,1bcr circle boau will also compete, includ1ns K-boats. Pr~omps, Cracker Boxes. Comp Jets ind Mod VP outboards.

Raci ':'I bqins each day It approximately 9 a.m . . .. tea open to the public at 7 a.m. Ad!"1u1on IS SIO on Saturday, SI 2 on Sunday. Children under 12 arc f~.

l ,'1111 / // I

UJllled Wa'.J,~--t ~ The third inn United W,:~f Wa.t Oraw

County JOlf tournament is uJed fot Mik Square Golf Course in Fountafo Valley May 11 wnh first tee at 11 a.m.

Entry fen att US per person, which includes cart and d inner, Dinner auests •re S I$ each

The field is hmiled to 112 players with awUdt for lon~t drive, closest to pin. IQW IJ'OS$.. low net, handicap and blind bosie for men and women.

Entries mus t be made by May S. The tournament is sponsored by Peret's Rqtaura.nt in Fount1in Valley.

For further il')fonnation. phone 898-0029.

( _,,11/11 /, I

( ~11/tf! f •

( /l11/J((11f 1((11/ r (111/if !/11'



( 1"1f;Jt/(11f'

1984 DEVll.1,E

. (·~1 ;It/ ((/ I

,.,_..$ J 5,988__. • &1 lllt\ ,.,.., e11o1lk 1v ),'4.1 1.,1\Hlolilh ,,,1:ti. • f,f , .. ll!'li ... ~,"'-I""' lh 11 l\t,.

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((//( ( f/(/tf ( ti/ ( ft/ I / II ( ( / /, 1 ,?t i t/I / / ( . / < ,4 11 ,11 , /{(.

HURRY - THIS SALE ENDS APRIL JOTH! r t I '111/lt [I ll / J (I 11/' t 1t/lll I 11

!/ / / • ( _,/.

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( 111/1( II

'/if ( tlf I ~11/1( ( I If -2600 Harbor Boulevard, Cpsta Mesa

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'I 11ll

( 111/1l '1 1t

(714) 540-910,0111

I ( 1 , 1111!1



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. :· . • ::

' Or111199 Coot DAil y P1LOT I Friday. April 27, 198•

FoR lHf R: co Ro -- - -

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WIST OIVlStOM W L It<'. 01

S..1111 Otkleft<I A"91b MIMI .Ole KensH CllV Ttxl\ ChlcellO

0.lrOll Cteveleft<I Toronto M llweullH New Vorlt, Bo••on 8tlllmort

11 • .sn 11 ' uo 12 10 s.s 10 10 SOD • ' • 71 I II 42 1 • 11 3SJ

I AST DIVI~ 16 I t 6

11 ' 1 10 1 10 1 12 6 13


'°° 5SO •12 412 l6a 31'

TlwndtY'I k tA-S MllWtukff 2, ~ t CteYeltft<I 5, Chk190 • Min,,.'°'' 4. Ntw Voo. 2 0.1t.1tnd 7, Toron to 4 S.1ttt1 6, Bo• •on S I 10 lnnln11u Dtrroll 1, Tuu S 8111lmcye 11. KtnH s C11y 3

TedlV'I G ttTMI

• 6 ) 9 9

10 II

~tllle (SIO<IOtrd 0· ll a l AnMI\ Aomanici. 2· ll , (h)

C .. vet111<1 IBlmtnnt 0· 01 al Ottroot 18trtnouer 1-01 (n)

Miiwaukee ICa ldwttl 3· 1) al New Yor~ 1Aaw1ev O· ll. In)

Tues (Dar win 2· 0) 111 Bet11morl' <Boo d• 0· 4l (nl

Bosron C\lev tc71 et Ch•ce110 1 Hovi 2 tt ( n )

TorO<llO (Aleunoer 0·01 a t Kansas C11v CiuD•Cl8 0· l) (nl

MlnnH ote <Wiii iam• 1·2) al Oai. lana <MrCellv 2· 11, lni

Stl\lrdlv' • Ge mes Sn 1111 •' A.neela Cle11•t11nd II Oe1ro11 Bo•ton a1 Choc•110 Motvle\011 11 Tou •t B•lllmore, (nl Mllwault.H • • New Yorio. . (nl Toronto a l K• nsu CllY (nl

N•t10Nll LN vue WEST OllllSIOH

W L Pct GB Sen O>e110 t• ~ 100 ~ I • , 667 All•nll 1 11 389 6 Sin FrancllCo 1 11 398 6 Hou\lon 1 12 368 6' • Conclnne ll 6 13 .316 1

Phola dl'IPhla Cn~110 Ntw York Mon1rea1 SI Lou!\ PHht>urgh

EA.ST DIVISION 10 6 10 7 10 1 10 a 8 11 6 10

ThUf\dlV'S Scores Dedeef"• 6 , San 01~0 S Allen1e 1 C1nc1nne 11 1 Only g• mes scneoutl'd

Todev' • Gemes

61S 588 Sit SS6 • 21 37S

1 l •

DldOlln t Honevc utt 2·0 1 111 sa n Diego <Loller 2· 11 tnr

ST Louis (Andu1ar 7·11 at Mon1ree1 <Roget\ 1 · 01

Ch1c1100 !Ra1nev 1 2> a t P11tst>urgh ( AhOdt n 1·2) (nl

San Francisco (Gr11n1 0·01 111 C1nc1nn1 10 <P roct I · I), ( n )

Plliladl'IDhie tOll"lnv 2 II ef New York ILHrv 1· 01. (nl

Alle nle IF a lcone O· J I a l Houston <Nlekro 2-31. ((II Stl\lrdlv' ' Gamtl at Sa n Dll'llO (nl SI Louis et Monirea Alle n1 e et Hou•lon Pholaaelot>oa at Nl'w Vor" Se n Fr• ncosco et C•nc1nna11 Ch1ca110 e t Pollst>u•on In•

AMERICAN L EAGUE Brewer1 2, Aneeh 1

CALIFORNIA MIL WAUKEE 11> r h Ill •I> r h b1

Pe•ros cc 4 0 0 0 Mo411or 3t> S 0 l O Ca rew 11> 4 0 0 0 CMoort d • 0 0 O Lvnn r t­OtCncs 30 Poccooto or Al' Jl<sn Oil Downing If W·llon11 21> Boone c ScllOfol(I SS Teteh

3 I I 0 vount u • O O 4 0 1 1 C oooer dh • I 2 0 0 0 0 0 Sommn• lo 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 8roun•d It 3 1 I O • 0 I 0 Sunat>rg c l 0 I 1 3 0 I 0 Rom!'ro 21> l O I O J 0 1 0 Mannno c• • 0 I 3 0 0 0

l1 I 1 I Totatl )4 1 10 1 Score t>v lm;nvs

C.llfomla 000 001 000- I MllwaukH 000 110 00• - 1 Cia ml! Wonning RB•-Mennin11 (2)

E-Romero DP-Mllwit\.kee I LOB­Ca l•lor no a 6 M 11wau1<ee 11 2B- Boone Dl'Conce\ COOOl'• SundOfrg SB-Man,.•nQ 12 s-w11fon9

IP H R E R e a so Cellfor'nllt

JoML, )-1 Corbell

Mllweulr H Su•10" W,7· 2 F ongers S 3 T-2 19 .A - U 610

, 7·3 . 10 1 1 J 0 0

1 6 I 2 I 0

Ood9en 6, P1 dres S

2 0

I 0


• 0

I 0

4 0

•I> r II l>l • I> r h b l Se • 1b 8Q ..1 \\l::: f -Moonao r• Civt f'er )O Marv~ f

"1'1'1101'• Broe• 10 Andl'\" \\ Noedntur p Hooron o Moral\ or Hl'rSr>ll' 0 C0°a 1 o Le nd•• ct Total'

5 o 0 0 W•ooon s 21> 3 1 1 I 4 l I O (iwvnn rf • O 1 1 S 2 l 0 Ntt1les 31> 4 0 0 0 ) t • ] Ci a rYl'V 11) • 0 I I S 1 1 7 Ktnnircv c s O O O J 0 0 0 Mtrl or;z If 3 I I 1 3 0 1 1 LSa lazr pr 0 0 0 0 1 0 O 0 McRvnl c1 S 1 2 O 0 0 0 0 Tmolln u 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Tll•mnd O 2 0 1 I l 0 O O Dre~ckv p l I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ll'flt•h P 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 C F nnr v oh I 0 0 0 1 o O O Monot o O O o O

34 6 9 • Total• li s ' s Score bv lnnin1n

LO\ An9'1H 000 200 400- 6 San 0'"41 100 102 ooo- S

Ci eml' Wonnong 1?8 Ma,.ha ll fl E Ntlt'4!s Veaut• Br e> • C.;!'rrero Se• OP Los Ange e\ 7 S11• Ooto LOB-LO\ Angtle\ S Sa • U tllC 11 28 Me•ll'll MtRl'vnooos H~ Ma• '•"n J Ciuerrero 121. Mef\" a 6 ~& W ; J• C "' '"" 111 SF-{,arvPv Br"'


HOOi on Heflh•str C0 1a1 w 1 O N•ednCu•• S •

Stn Diffo

t J :' I ? I

I 1 0 0 ] () 0

I 0 1

Thurmona '1 l b ore ... eek v L 1 1 i 1 • , Lelftrh I I J 0 0 0

j ? 2 0 0 I

Mon11e I 0 0 0 WP--Triurmond PB l<.l'M t'Ov l

A 391#9

Communltv coh9e G olden West 16, Otall9t CNSI 11

I 0 ) 09

Qr111111e Coast JOO OJS 000- 1 I IS Cioldtn Wl'SI • SO 100 06• 1& , . I

C.oe•1sch Menao ra I Ne ll "' 1 R••nllot t1 tS S•omo ~ d"d BP"Y~ 11 Mart •n Fo"uQno ) W ·• 6 B u*'O" • ~ and F ''' ' w-e,.11on •& 1 L-At·""u II () I 1B-(;ar(.oa OCC Bl' rrvn 1 OCU AooH11011er 1 <twc E st p r C.WC S.enewtr IC.WC• )8 Rt1mrr 1ocr Llgl'll (CiWC) HA -<:itrdn11• iOCC 5,,, rvlloll fOCC I TulllP rocc I

,....,,,., 10, S.OdleOlclr 1 S.Odi.t)eCk 100 000 010-7 I I Pa1om1 r 023 000 41a- 10 17 t

rreorin M••kt t JI C. 11err~ 1 Sotn<t r 11 Shaw I + D•Ang•" I I • no A. Ce merl'IO Poetstr11 1110 ~ f'I v W- Poeltl•e L l' rtdr ..- ~ 211 -t Car~tt'IO ISi C'ort•I I P l De vil• P l HR I' Pl'v P LOmp \

COMMUNITY COLLEGE Souft\ Coast Conteronce

(iO<dfl" N~\ I Or o!l"IO• (ol\I Ctrr IO\ Sa ll •• " " " r ui-."o" /r./t ' S•" '-"'0"'•0 ( vOfll\\ ComP'OI"

W LT GI I\ ~ 0 !\ 6 0 ~ A C ~ 6 0

10 0 i l 0 1

l • 10 ,') 1(1 I 14

ThUt ... f ' \ ~< .. H

C.Qlo.n W\l'Sf " 0• ··"~· (O H i ll Sa 1111 Ant 9 r ""'"" 0 Ml St n AnlOfloO 11 (. ~l"'flU \ c ro '°' JI Como•Ot\ •

S.fllor•v'• ~- ( - 1 °''"" Cot•• "" ' (~'°" ,.,, '°' ,, ~ .. ""'"' c.,,,...u • t ru~•on S.n1o1 Ana JOI Ml \en Anlnn10


ltedlk Coast C.fer~ W LT 01

&addltbacl. 12 i 0 S..11 Dlffo ~· II S 0 ' Pe'°""9r 10 6 0 1•., ~tn-1.-11 I 6 I t·., GrOiSll\Onl 7 7 t • Mlr•Cotre ~ 11 I 6 l S.n OlttlO 2 u o t .,

TIMHMltY' • ~ P1iom.r 10. S.ddfeO.C't' 1 Sin OltOO Mew •· MlreCo•t• o $0ulllwell41f'n ~. Sell D~ 4

Saturara oa-. c-1 ~CldlltMKk •• OtOUMOlll S..n DltoO NI-. 11 Sen 01"° Sou1tiwe\ltrt1 e t Pek>mlr

Hollywood P1rtc THURSDAY'S RE SUL TS

(2nd of '7· AY ttlOf'OUtMM°t'd me.tine) l'lltsT RACI. 6 lvrtongs

Pa lleu• Miiich CP•ncav l 10 60 l 60 2 80 To" ' MH1tr IMcCarronl 160 2?0 Bower Son11 \Mt111 ) 3 • O

Also rac~. Polter ' Peouu• . B•t 0 MuH Lon11w1vtollooerarv Doctor Jim Ted E oiled Tuoor Natlvt C.emono

Tome I 10 l S Sl!COND RACIE. 6 lurion11s

Ga1ac1011 Siar tGerc·e• 1120 600 • 20 Enou11ll Ao~ 1H11w1evt S 00 3 60 Co1v Corner 1oe111ad1llo 1 60

Also r eceo Solid Soiro! Weil Doug1au Mr Grotcln Kolt>' s Pohc v Baron Von Lio

Time I 10 • S '1 DAILY DOUBLE 17 1) oa 11l SS.440 THIR D RACE. one mllt

Am11ng SlllertC1tndl 3 60 Fencv Wino' c B11c~ Crow" Goo 011a •McCar•on l

Al\ O raced Oomona nl Lo SerelOQe Ao~•e

Time I 31 l S S5 EXACTA l & - ~I Dd•d \ 1~00

FOUR TH RACIE 6 turl()flg\

740 120 2SO 120

HO Marer a

Run .. ¥ Ahd McCrn S 00 3 20 2 60 l>IUClltr All•CJo. (Ort~e I • 60 3 00 AeoU' A Diamond CO!'lgadlllOI 3 00

Also rec.Id Man The Can non , CIHl'I' Monte E101e Souedron, Ano Cnamo. The Big Biro , Belle F•no

T ime t·IOJS S.S EXACT A 14·9) oa od \68 00 F IFTH RA.CE. 6 turlQngs

MIU O• boral'I CMl'la ' n 80 8 00 s • 0 Bao Bao L..CV C FuMlts l 16 00 9 60 IC.elll1nk11 (P lncav l S IO

Al•o r 11cld Osaoe l edv, Soiomo110. Plenlvtteel , Ali Ar.a, Soorllng Red . Cillaneroa , Fiuhlon Know••dg•

Tome I 10 4/ S. S5 EXACTA C• · 81 o.od U8200

SIXTH RA.CE. 6 ., tvrtongs VIQOr\ Mon IGU11rra l 14 00 SIO HO Poll'I' High (S11>1lle) 3 20 2 60 Aomenllc Rom11n (P1nc.avl

Also ra ced Fl'mme Faouiou' T1111e ' s Miu Sonor 11 Courl , A Soe . Bv The Lord C•nderl'lla K Carbondai.

Tome I 16 3 S $S EXACTA <S-3• oe •d Sll9SO SEVENTH RA< E 1 1 16 moles

Proud Thoe! , Bleck I la • O 9 00 ' 8 20 Nat aloe IC. nows !Toro, 13 80 12 20 lndlon Fet>lu lFuwtu 1 1.60

Also raced A Poslll11• MavOe. Bronze Mark•I Mv Coun1eu. F inal Auueil Fllle · II On

Time I •• 2 S 15 UtACTA. 1S-1> o. d U62 SO U PICK SIX <1·6· • · • · S· SI oeld

l?S,619 00 w11r 3 .. 1M1ng l•ckeis Isl .. horses )

IS P ICK SIX ( 1-IH 4 S SI Pa•d S6-4HO with 119 w1nmno llc ~tl\ Isl• horse\ I

E IGHTH RACE. I I I& m iles on Ille turf Bedouin 4 Hewle11 I 3 80 2 60 160 Armon CMcC•rron) 3 •O l 60 Known For Sivie (0 1111e ru1 3 60

Al\O racl'O Oout><e S1reng1,, Be•cl'IOna Tlmt I •2 4 S 15 EX ACTA 14-1 01110 SJ• SO NINTH RACE. I I 16 moles

Ma lmeison IMcCa.,on1 8 •O • 20 1 SO Comorellend !Meza 1 3 40 l 00 Jvslll1c•"'• I 1\1\cCiur" '60

Al\o r ac.eo Joans Laav H•o" Meaoo"' C.ul'ara N\ore Za nll'•e

T •"'t I u 3 S I S EXACTA I• 11 oe•d S73SO A 11eno1 nce IS '43


Pacific W L T Pct. PF PA

Ol'nver 1 1 0 71S 209 18 I Arl1one 4 S 0 «4 236 ISi E •Pf'tn J 6 0 333 1'3 200 Oa~ lend O 9 I) 000 12 218

Cnral HOv\1011 6 3 0 667 29• 13S M•Choga n 6 3 0 667 22S 190 Olr.1a nom• 6 3 0 661 147 192 C l'l•CallO 3 6 0 333 209 ?~ :>an An1onoo 1 1 0 222 104 147


Pn11aae1or"a Nl'w Jt•uv P 11\0uro,.

All•nttc 8 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 s o Sovthlm

889 211 I ~ 178 20e 1J• 121 lSA 182 111 110 2SS

8 ,,,.,,ngnal"" New Orleans Te moa Ba• JaCk\onvolle Ml'mDhl\

8 I 0 889 262 1 1 0 ,,. 219 6 ] 0 661 , 10 3 6 0 33J 119 2 1 0 222 140

Tonl\ltlt'l Gemtl Ne"' Oriee ns al Ptl o•edeloh•a p ,11 s1>uroh a t MtmPh•s Ja c•sonv.lll' 11 01o, la flome

~•turdlv'• G•f'W• Wuh1n111on a t Tamoa Bov Son ,c.n1on10 at Arl1ona

Su"4Mv'1 Games B·•mononam .,, o,~.,, Oa• l1no a 1 Ch•caoo Mo<ll•1111n 11 Ne,.. Jtr\f•

Mondav' i G1mn



Fou"''"' Va • ., I 1 0 EO•son t ? Mar • I 1 4 L.e Ou•nta ~ ; H1.nll11glon B••C n • 1 Wt•lmonsttr I 10 O«'tan ll•tW 0 11

WedM~V'' Gtmt\ Ill 1 aun•a " ,,, , .. ~ • ' Ed•IO••or· Beac., "' ~r ne W•\ tl'l'I 11\ tpr al Le Ov•n•e

Tonltllt'S Gamt\ (1) M~r 11• 1t e l Founla n VallPv Hun11n111on B•ach al La Ouotllll O<flt ll View at Wp\lmlnsl••

Sea View Leavu• LN-

W l f\IM\t I 13 0 N•woorl ~iartx.• 10 1 lr vt1'1t • \ C~a~d~M11 t' Et l oro • 1 Met•• 0 • • t Un'v""''~ 1 11 Coste .,,.,.," O 13

OvtnM WL 1) ,

11 ) 1 • 6 6

' Q

t ' ·' I 1)

Owul W L 1• 0 11 • 10 \ II 4 1 I ~ 10 l ,. 0 14

T~t'• GlfTM\ ( 1) Coro••• df>' M4r 1t Ntwl>Of' I Herl>O• ~\tenct1 •IH Un1veC\ •v orv1M •• r: To•o M•'•' O• 11 • Col•• M•~•

S041ft\ Coul Leaeu-

uo ... n• BMV MIM•on Vlt lO CtPl$1reno Va 11•v 0•t11 HUI\ WOOdl>•I09t Ltll\11141 H \ '-" c ...........

l H­WL 10 I 1 ) I I

s ~

• • • T_.t't Ga-. (11

L•tufl l 1118 ll •' S• n C~•N• Ml\\~ V•l lO 11 WoodhrlO~ 0 1111• 1411•• t f L•Ou• .. l< l•lt

<>-•• WL 10 ) . ' 1 ) 1 1

' . ~ . • 10

Angel, Dodger schedules --- ~~ ~~...--

ADCela on Radio DocfCen on Radio

KllPC (710) KABC (790)

Aqelaon TV

Doqera OD TV

e o....... TV o.m.

Channel G Claannelll

aund•r Tue8d•r WednMd•Y Thu radar

30 2 3


Aprll 27

Sut!M at All• 1"30 ·~"' at Pldres. 1


$tattle at ..... I eOMctn at P'ldrn. 1


I Seattle at Ancets. l

•Oodclfs at Padres. I Staltle al Anctls. 1 30

•Oodc•n at G11nts. 7'30

May 1

As 11 Aftttls. 7·30 •llocll•n at Gtants. 7 30

A's at Alie• 1:30 l*lttn at Giants, 12

•Alie• at Stattlt, 7.30 o.daen at PuattS, 4 30

• .,.. al Stattle. 1 DMctrt al Pwates. 10 ~

1 • 10 11 12 •Allt ttJ at Seattle. I 30 •Ood1t11 al Pirates. I 0 JO

lw1ns at Aftctls. 7 30 •Ooclc•n al Caids. 5 30

Twins at q.+s 7 30 •Ood1t11 al Cards. 5 30

Jw1ns 1t Anctls. 7 30 Oodclfs at Cubs. 11 20 Oodc• s at Cubs, 11 2.0

Alie• at ftcers. • 30 Mel! at OMcers. 7 .30

13 14 15 18 17 11 11 •Anidi •t llftl$ 10 30 Mets at Oodcen 1

Ans.ts .it Oriole~ 4 Jll Pt11lhes at Dtdc•n 1 30

Anc• at 01o01es 4 30 Ptt1l11ts at Oodctn 1 30

Meets at 01101ts. 4 30 PIMltitS at Oodcen 7 30

•Anc• al hnktts. S hPoS al Dodrtrs. 7 30

Meth at YankttS, 11 10 UD<>s at Dodctn. 1

•An&eb at Yankees. l l E·~ 11 Oodcen I






l1gm at q eb 1 30 •Dodc•n at Phtlt1ts 4 30


I 1gm at Anstls 1 30 •Oodcen at Phillies 4 30



t 1gm at Anctb. 7 30 •Oodaen •t Phtlhts 4 30


01101fs at Mc•. 7 30 Dode•• at Mft~ S


June 1

21 OrtOles at Mc• I Dodcen at Mets. 1010


Oriole~ .t t An&ds I •Oodcers al Mets. IO jQ

'r ;nkees 11 Ancets l •Ood1trs ii flPoS 4 30

• Yankees at Ancets 1 30 Ooclttn at [ApoS 4 30

•Yankm at Anctls 1 JO Oodcen at h pos 4

Ant• al lndianr,4 Astros at Oodsers. 1 30

•Ansth et Indians. 4 Astros at DMctn. 7

H°"iton Open LOU Graham Cia rv McCord Boot>v W11dldns Tonv Sill1 Boll EeslwooO Aon Streck Nfek P rice Doug Tewell Dan Forsmtn Run Cochra n John Me l'l•ffl'v PhlliP Parkin Mlkl' Donald George Burns Philio Parton JOl' Inma n Hul>lrl CirH,, Gree NormJ1n Cill Mor11en Mark O'Meer 11 M•C" Soll Jack Aenne• V1C10r Al'QaledO Jonn Adam• Mick Sol• Le rrv Rinke• Marl\ H11vu Kelln Fer11us Wllhe wooo Wavne Ltvl Curlis Stra noe Ronn•e Bleck Bot> Charles Bruce L•l'IZl<t Boo Bova M ol<f Smllh AlltnMlller Buday C.erOnl'r CO•l'V P11v1n Brfll Uooer BooovWelrl' J I, CuOd He SullO" J l'tt M11c,,e 11 Roger Mallt>ll' Lee Elder Se mmv Aecnet\ Mark Plf' ·I (ir· H Mooov Tom Jtnklf•S M·lo.l'Rf'•O Mor"' Hatel'"" J•m Ga lle11her Tommy Valenllne Curr Byrum Franl< Conner Don Pooltv Bill A09trl Bol>l>'I' NIChOb Gtorgl' Archer C1er•nc• Rose Wally Arm\l rong Ktn Green Cho Cn1 Aoor lguez Stf' vtn Lotl>ler Ptltr Jacoosen 8ooMuroh't' CelY·n Pl'tt M•"t McCullough Joev S1n<11ta r Bob Stlee r!'r 0 A Wel1>rm11 C.arv Koch Clvde Rl'OO "-l'nt111 Knox Bot>b'I' c1emoe11 Dev•d Grat>am Kenny l(no• Raloh Landrum 0 11n He lldorson Ken Kellev Sieve Verlato Ot1v•d PtoPleS ~ndv Lv•l' Ea Fior Mlkl' Putnem AICk Oe loos Garv ?inns Tom Thelf'n Ken Brown Werk W1tl>t J•m "anf' Ve• k Brook\ T..., S mtison W >P ... Olo &nd O~v10 Ovr1n SCOll W11 t1<1ns Jeck Ferenz Mac 0 Gr11dv l"o"'u Gr11v Rendv Wa•~lns Tncmu Lehman .. C L•au 8 GI.USO• M •e Govt Oave Bert L.on Hl nlllt Kerm11 Zarlev Rocharo Zoi..01 Da•l' E •che•t>erge• He f¥ .. •n Jonn Hamarik Ga t n Lrvt'll0"

L~s of 9(11f ( II Au11ln, TtU\)

Bo11 Wal Ven1uro \Ou(ntk Cuoer Br•wl'r B1•1>1r· Boro\ Bever N11oor lf Tosk•·St l·H• ':>need FtrH c Oll•M S1ttor d Me•welt Moo<lv Senden·Cioelllv Het>erl -Ht~I

De V 0cenzo " un'8•h 0°c1o.1n1on S•k•s Jenue rv ~,, ~ •ec• Hawkins B•rt>t• r oro Herl>trl Hamlllon HalS wi..vtt T llOMl>Otl N •OMI 8 u•li•· H•rnt'f Pelmet F •n•lff'wtld Wt rd · t.ld•no o·con-· Rolt>urg C.u•oam ! Sereztl' Runvan 8ufklf"'~ ( •l •O

Hltf\ '°*"

34-31- 65 l2· 33-6S 35·31~ 32-34-66 34·32-66 Jl·»-66 36· 31-67 36· 32-61 3•·34-61 34·34-68 JS·33--68 34 -~ )J ·3s--61 31 ·~ 3•·~ l•~ 3S·3,__... JS ·JJ-61 34•3s-69 34·ls-69 3S· l4-69 3S·l4-69 3S· 34-69 3S· l .-69 lS· J.-69 3S· l4-69 36· 33-69 33 · 3~9 34·3S-&9 )3· 36-69 l6 33--69 3&-34-70 JS 3S-70 3• · 36-70 36-34-10 )]· 33-10 36·34- 10 37·33-70 3• 36-70 36 ~10 i. 36-70 3S·3S-10 JS lS-70 3•· 36-70 16 3•- 70 )4· 36- 70 36-J• - 70 )1· 33- 70 33-17-10 38·33-11 36 lS-1 1 37 ·34-71 JS 36-11 JS 36-71 36· 3S-71 36· 3S.-71 lS· l0-71 36·JS-71 37· 34-7 1 35· 36-71 l1 · 3ot--71 3S· l6-7l 37· 34-71 31 )4- 71 3S·36-11 36·3S-71 JS·36-71 31 3•-71 37-3ot--71 36·3S.-11 JS·37-n )6· 36-72 38· 3•-72 36-36-72 JJ · J S-72 31-3S.-12 36-36-72 )7·3S-12 38· 3ot--12 3S·J7- 12 3• 38-72 35· 31-12 38· 3•-12 3• ·38-12 36 36-1? 31· 3S.-72 J7 ·U-12 J7 3s.-n 37 JS-77 37 36-73 l8 lS-73 J1 36-73 3~ :ia- n 3a JS-1'.l J6 31-13 16 37-73 1~ H-13 36 37-13 lS 38-13 1S·l&-1l 39 34-13 )1 36-1). J9 3s-n JS lt-13 JS -31-73 lS 31-73 )7· 36- 73 Je · JS-13 lS 39-14 31-31-1• 31· 31-7• 36· lt-1• l l 3&- 7•

l • 30-6' )3 31--o.t 3S 3<>-65 )J l,_.S )S 31-66 l7 · l•-66 3• 31-66 34· 32-'6 lS· 31-66 32· 34-66

• 32-35·&7 » 34-67 JS ll-68 l4· l.-.. 12 36-61 l • :M-61 3• -l~ )4 J~9 3S·J._....9 )6-)4-10 lS ·lS-10 l • · ,._.70 l6· lS-71 l$ ·l1-12 l6 ·36-'1 Jt ·n - n

... '411 116, Mwina w (If S..Olfl CC. f '"'6H)

1 COOMf IE 1 39. 1 C1il10<1 l l 1 O l ll l•IOtntvr t ( I •~ 4 Mcl(11111t !fl •~ ~ Pellnon (Ml ... I ' TMtllt (M ... 1 (1111 0111"' ([I '8 ae>ndHen (M l ~eul lmen IMI lleckOvrn CMI 4

0ct111 view n1. Wtttmlnittr !S4 ( tt *°"" CWl'llr'f CMI

It N19s l I L ~··" IOV 40 ' ROOflf" W t Cl

l I Sa() 0V I C? 4 Rttlt'I' !WI tft<I w"""' IOVI 41 A Gulll• •OVI "


3.000 SletPll' Ct>H-S. Oe ltv, 9 37 2 llOHH-2 Anar!'W\, lS.03 400!1-+- I Andrew\ , S3 SO. 2 Rvan

(OCC>. S6 11 Ol•l•nce Med!ev-1 Or•"9e COH I

(Mc.Mester , Davi$, Guest , Qumonez l 10 IS 3

• X 400 IH- 2 Or 11n11l' Coa st (Le\ler Holler, Rve n. Andrew• ), J ·4',S

4 X I SOD-4 Ora n11e Cou l IOa olv Terri11ul'1 Baugh COl'I 16 ~ 6

WOMEN • OOLH-2 SPrtll9t'< I 04 1 • X 900 R- 3 OrenQe Co••' (Howe ,

James, Buer McCerOJ, .t.JJ • .5.9 • X 400 R- 1 Ore nv• Coast (Ja mes

Baker Sorln11•r Mccard), • 00 0

Hl9h school track CK- def Mar 112, ,.._llOrt Htrtlor 14

100-1 McGrelll !CdMJ. 10 I 2 SHI ICdMI. 10 2 3 Bell kclolllu (CdMl, 10?

720-1 McGrath CCdM I 131, 2 Ballll.CIOQIU CCdMI. 24.0, J ~., (CdMl. 24 0 4~1 McGr11lh <CoM I, SlO, 2 Gege

ICdM), 5' 0, 3 Flemtr (CdM) 5' 3 llC>-- 1 An<lel\On (CdM I 2 02 3 2

Fll'me• (CdM) 2 °'. l Dul>IU> INH I 212 2

M11-1 Coleme n (CdMI. • 41 I 2 Nor­" ' tCdM l 4 41 2. l C HOOln CCOMI • • S l

2·mo'-I C Hol>lls ICdMI. IOOSI . 2 Wellen INHI. 10 19. >. 3 Holland ICoMl. 1021 l

l?OHH-1 Palme r tCdM ). IS I, 2 Jo/In· son CNH ) lS 1 3 Meu•ngl'r CCdMI 16 J

3301H-l Bra 1ts CNHI •2 0 2 Mc Ca llum ICdM ) . , 3. 3 Jonnson I NH I us

.. o relav-1 Corona Ot l Mar 4)0 Miil' rt11v- I Corona Ol'I Mer l :W 0 HJ-1 Pe tmrr (COM). 6· • 2 Ham•

INHI , 6 ·2 3 McMa mgal tcdM I & 0 LJ- 1 Pa lmer (CdM I 20·6~ 1 l•l'la no

CCdMI 20·1 J Tr011ner (NH ), 19 S•• l J-1 Palmer ICOM I ... 9\ , 2 JICOl>u\

CdM I • O· • J G•em (NH 1 39 9 PV-1 How~r INH ) l• -6 2 SCl'n..oll

1COMI U·O 3 Scr>Ol'nt>eum <COM • 13 ·0 SP-I Vnaul'I (C OMI SJ · 3 >. 1 Bro wn

ICdMI. s2-11 . l S1o11111s (NHI 52 I OT-1 Vnaue1 ICdMI. 1U · 9. 1 Sltlano

ICdM) 13S-2, 3 Tomichek ICaMl 130·3 ;

lrvltll eo, Univerlltv S6 100-1 BKl\er II), 10 s. 1 Ben111m1n UI

10 6. 3 Faterl (I) 10 8 220-1 Btcktr (I). 23 I, 2 Bell• IUI

13 2, 3 Simm• Ill 2•' 4•0-l McMlllen II), S• J, 1 Ca ldwell (I)

SS6 3 ROiie" CUI. S66 ISC>-1 Krorl>\ t Ul. 2070. 2 Simm• tll

1 L01 S. 3 McM1!111n (I) 2 11 0 Mil_ I Kret>s U) • 39 2 Kut>•ak Ill

• 41 , l Be,,•OS CUI 4 42 2-m ol-) Wh11tltv IU) 1001 2 lh1a

11) 10·• S. 3 WelCn Ill. 10 59 120HH- I Lvtoano rn 18 2, 7 Ben1om1n

IU) 18 S, 3 8ernnlenr IUI. 19 1 JlOIH-1 Luciano Cl! 06 2 Shl'l>V IU

u I, 3 Brosn•n II •• 6 4.0 reia v-' Irv ne .. ) Miil' re lev -1 lrv•ne 3 41 O HJ-I ltte Tamura II Maao U S 8 Lucoeno (I) S 6 LJ-1 Maag IUI 19-5 2 Tamura Ill.

19· I, 3 Tran (II 19· 9 TJ-1 T11mure <II •O·s ·, 2 Maag fUJ

l8· 10. 3 Wellen \UI , 35· 10 PV-1 Green (I' 10· 6 2 Miller 111 106,

J Hor.on• IUI 9 6 SP-I Hamt1.n Ill ... -1 > 2 Marti <Ul

• I- • >. J P•l•rsen ll . 41·2 1

OT-I Mar11 IUI 111·1. 1 Bales CUI 101·6, 3 Snodow IUI 106--0

Estancia IOI , Cesll Me" Jl 100-1 F' t l • !E l 103. 2 C.uvor I f •

10 ~ 3 Bovo ICM! 10 6 ?»- I Ft'" E 1• • 7 ':>hOl'mo•t•

CM • 2U l Aooer1s tE I 2S • U (>-1 Serut • • •CM I 56 1 1 Ca,, 01·

E I S4 3 3 T 11omu • E 1 S9 l 880- t Robt• I\ •El. 110) I llevme

CM1 112& 3 Co1ov 1CM . 1 "4 Mol- 1 Baeni f l SOl 8 2 p., ,,.,.,, E I

S 21 1 l no rn°ra 2·m11P- I Palme E ' 12 1• S 1 Botro

CE I 12 It 5. J no lllord l?OHH-1 Fl'llX E l IS • 2 WeUtl !E l

11 0, 3 C11 rrol E I 11 9 3301H- l re11 1r. •E l •n. 2 !>110em11ker

•CM1. •73. 3 Mli..u11cn IE I. •78 •40 rl'tav- 1 E\lanc1 e . •• 1 M ol• rl'lav-1 E• •tncoa 4 13 S HJ-I W•tr•I tE l 6-2. 1 Bl111tr IE

S 10 3 McCIO•kev ICM I, S· IO LJ-1 Co1tm1 n ICM! ?O· l 1 Welre'

IE 20 1 1 J Stamos IEI. 19 a•. TJ-1 M1~ u•ot h !El •O I 1 2 We1ie1

E l 38· 7' >. 3 McCloOtv IC M) )6 1' • PV-1 Barrick IE I 9 · 6. 2 Jone\ fE J.

9 6 3 Sm•lh ! EI 9 6 SP-1 Wtr~r CCM I, 4 -9 > 2 wu1er

1 E I U · 10 • J Duvall (E I 42 1" OT-1 Werner <C M) Ill 11 2 Ouv1 11

E 128 S 3 C>tn~nl\ I E I 112 6

HIGH SCHOOL GIR LS Cw- def Mar 6t , NewPtrt He t119r 49 l~I FIOrH (NI, 11.I , Ktmoer

1NHI 110 l Jacot>so" lCdMl. 1?0 120-1 Bondre CCdM I, 11 9, ? Jt<ot>•on

tCdM I 180, J JonH (NH ). ti 1 ..,_. , H1m11111on (CdMI. I «J 2 E:nns

ICdMl 103 , Jones (NHI nt llC>-1 Htn\Oll t NH). 111 7 7 M0<11r

ICc!Ml ?.300, J Sklie (CdMI 1331 Ml'9-1 HtnloOn (NH ). S ll l 1 5ktlt

ICdM I, H06, l Lero (NH ) nl 2·ml,._ 1 Hlt\M>n CNH ), 11 S2 S 2 Slr,lle

IC CIM I ll ·S1 S 3 D•non <CdMl 17'<10 4 llOLH-1 AllllM., INHI 16 1 2 Orao«

l l<IH I 1' • 3 Slt we rl ICOMI nt llOl..H-1 AllltWV (l<IH) . • , l , Evan•

ICOM) ~· l Drtlll INH' . S2' 4'0 rtl• v- l CdM. St S Miit rtlev - 1 CdM. • :1U MJ- 1 lurlOfl (CdM) S· O, 2 ltontlO

CdMI 4 10 l OO.n (NHI ,,.,., L.J-1 loo• cCdMI 1'·2, 2 J1coown

COMI l.S-1 l Ortlll INHI 1tm SP-1 ~v CCdM I ?t I l 1 H•tnmO"I

l "IHI nm > Cllone <COM!, nm OT-I C~ " tlM I tt -t ' • ' (l'llin\

INH ) '2 II, l Hemlllon (NHI nm

....,_l/,~J t IOC>-1 MMIO#I (I) 120 t Of•toe Ill

1' I, ) Mc,:t lltr• (I) 12 J )10-l MoflOflCll . 216.12 H-1111, >7t

3 McFttltO (II , 2' I • .0-1 Colem• n Ill , I.OU 1 Hot1t 11>

11)41 1 ) Votll tU), l1)6 7 tto-1 ClleHI Ill. 7 70.t 2 NtlO<l~ . , Ill

2 JI t ) Wr·•'" Ct1 1:111

Mli.-1 ChtPll Ill S 21, 2. SchuSllf Ill. S 49, 3 Benton (U), 6 OS

2·mll-l Wrl11nt (I), 12:00.9; 2 Schusttr tll , 17.07 I, 3. Armtnlroul (U), 12:•9.S.

llOLH-1 Morion Ill. 16.I ; 2. Tl'tOmP•ort I UI 11 • . J Ori~& Cll, 11.9.

llOt.H-1 Tllomoson (Ul . • 9 7; 2 Morion 111, SI 0, 3. Zorn (I) . SI I

u o reltv-I Ir vine, SJ f Mlle reCav-1 lrYlne. 4·2S 3. HJ-I Heuck (U), • · 10. Scolt

(U) ,• · 10, 3 Oden (IL • · I. L.J-1 H•lnemann tUl. l• - I011J, 2. Mol·

te l IUI , 13·8, 3 Brown (UI. 11· 2. SP-I Oden (II. 33· 3. 2 Ptf9e (UI, 31· 4,

3 Koelle< (!), 27 · 4 OT-I Odin Ill. 106- 3, 2 Kocher (I) ,

93· 1, 3 Gii Ill 76 ·71n

E1t1 nGla '9, Cesta MIM 42 100-1 Gre nl IE). I I 8, 2. Evens ICMI.

119, l Paneen ICM >. 17.l 220-l Gr• nt IEI. 21 1, 2 Evens tCMI.

111, 3 Fell (E l. JO.I '40-1 Hirscn <E l 1066. 2 F l1nag1 n

IEI 1162 ll0-1 Cnuen (CM), 1 •1 1, 2 Sctltnk

ICM), 2 ~ 2. 3 Pt'rrv <E l, 2'57.3 moi-l Che.en lCMI, 6;10.0, 1 Jvllt n

IE). 6.Sot. I, 3. Perrv IE) , M1.2, 2·mll-l How11rd (CM), lS.38.2, 2

Schenk CCMI. 16.09.3, 3 Jullen (El , 1':Sot 5 110 LH-1 Lnorelt. CE), 169. 1 P1ne11n

<CMI 17 2 J Conte <El , 173. JJOIH-1 Con1t CEl , S6 4, 2 Rlce (CM>.

SI 1 440 relav-1 E••anclt , ~I no mile reiav HJ- I Lazorek (El. • -I , 2 Hansen

ICM ). 4·6. J Rot>t>•n' CE). • · • . LJ- 1 F orot (l! l. 16· 3, 2 Ciranl IE),

IS·ll. 3 Penun cCM), IS·3 SP-I Gin11rich IE I. 30· 6. 2 Wrlgllt

CM) 2• ·1 2 3 DelHdO IE ). 23· 11 OT-I Gongricn IE ) 11·6. 7 Otloado

1 E 1 U ·O, ) Wolltn'ln ICM!. 11 1

El Two 77, St~cll li 100-1 Ran.on <El l, II S, 2.

CSL 11 I J Bavo <SI. II 8 120-1 Aan,on (ET >. 26 9. 2 e ovd <SI.

111 3 Hotmes <ET>. 29 0 U0-1 Movnlhen IET>. I-OS S. 2 ware

SI I 061, 3 con .. •v <E l ). I 10 s. H O-I 0 '8 roen (ETl. N4.J, 2 Walker

IS ' , s 1 0, 3. Vero• • ISi. 3·09 0. Mil-I O' Brien IETI. 6:03. 2. Knox

ET), 6 04, 3. Conweev (ET) , 6'0l 6. 2·mll-l O' Br lf(l (ET) 12:53. 2 llergu

CS) 1303 l Knoll <ETI 1301.6 llOLH-1 Oa tl'S (ET) 112 2 Hotl!Otv

Sl 11 J 3 McKev (S) , 17 1 llOLH-t Hotlldlv <Sl. Sl 6, 1 Otlt\

ET I SI S, 3 Culro (SI , S2S U O rela11-l El Toro, S2 2 Mill' r eiav- 1 no e111n1 HJ-I Movnlhtn !E Tl. 5·1. 2 Whllt

CE T) S· I 3 Mctnfvrt (SI, 4· 10 LJ-1 Willle mSOll l ETl , 16·• ' '> , 2 Ware

SI IS·7 3 Holme\ ( ET) , IS·S SP-I SllOlm eke< IETl. 32·9, 2 Hiii ·

drix IE TI , 39· 1. J LtVillf (SI. 27·4 OT-I Shoemaker (ET) , 1:13.7, 2 Wll·

11 em• <SI, 1:09.1. 3. Corter !SI. ~-•

NHL .,._yoffs CONFERENCE frlN AL.S

TllundlY'S ktrtt MonlrH I • • NV lslanotn 2 (MontrHI

lead• ''"es 2-01 Edmonton • . Mlnnllola J IEdmonlon

IHdS HflH 2·0) Sal\lnSIY'• Games

MOnlrH I II NY lal•ndlrs Edmonlon •• Monne\Ola

TUltdav'a Gemes Montreal el NV l5l111<11n Edmonton •• MIMllOI•

Thund9v' s Gt mH NY lslandln 11 Monlreel (II netenarv ) Minnesota e t EdmonlOfl (If necenervl

Sttvr A v, Mn s Ill"'" Montrttl a 1 NV 111• natrs tlf neceuerv) Eomon1on at Mlnnewte 1s.1urd1 v or

Sund• v 11 nt centrv I Tuesdlv. Mev I .. m.a

NY is111ndl'f\ 11 Montreat (If necenerv) M1nnesn1a 01 Edmonton Cl! neceuerv)

~ . . • • ~

HIGH SCHOOL No'*'1Ct1r1st1a1111. caoo Vel. CNhlltn o Ca oo Valle'I' Chrlslltn 000 00- O I 1 Newoori Cllrlsllen 12• ~w-11 7 I

Smith and JuOiltr t. Dav idson end Andt•\ Ofl Henrich.en <• l 21!1-Lff (NC ) J B-<:lll• v INC)

... lne ( et " "..._,......,

Luot Pintor <Mexico Clly) 11.noc:r.eo ovt Cito G.rcla tManaout ~leere11ue 1, first rtvt'ld

Merlo Mtrllfllr IC.IAd•l•lt r e . Mt~lcol lt.l'i0( OUl OoMv R•v 8rooll• (Dtnvtf) t«Oncl round

Joru Rtmirt1 (EHi LO\ AnHltsl kftOClltO ov• Huoo Penldl <Mt1.ico Cl1v1. s«onc:t rovf!d.

Wemerr'• nmMJfl« HIGH SCHOOL

~_...,. y~ 161.J. ,..,.., ' ""' 'llt ulllne-1. G«OOll (F'VI. I j , k\-1

SIN IFVI .... eum- 1 GonJj)/I {f"V) ... F'IO<)f- 1 GOf'dcm IFVI • ' · All · rovn I Otlotr-$ IMI J1 I

WCT twmament (I t Dtlal)

MM'•~ Jlmmv Aries cMll. Ello! Ttlt.cller. 6-4, 6·•. 1· S, Jlmmv Connoo def Tim Mayotte ,

•- 6, 1·S, 6· 3, 6- 3.

OMii COLi.EGE ~N ''"' ..... ~ Trenwllh (UC Irvine) def. Ao" (Stn

Jo" Stell ), 6· 1, 6·1 , Mtllory (UC 1r11lne l def Hlfflt rd ICt l Poly SLO), 6· 3, 6· 3

s.clllld lttuM ~ Trtnwllh !UC Irvine) def Grev (Lovoll ·

~rvmounl), 6·3, 6· 3. Smolllf IAl'IJOM ) def ~llorY (UC lrvlnel. • · • . 6· 2. , ..... ,.tuM ~ ~!Corv·Al\Mtr (UC lrvlne) def. Mon •

Al'CllUleUI (CtJ Polv SL.0), 6 · l , 6-.3.

C~NITY COLLaGll MEN frlnt lt.uM SIMlft

Ewlno IOCC I def ear•la• IH• ncockl. 6-0, 6· l, Selmon (~I def Avldlklt n (College of Ille Dn«tl. 6· 1, 6· 2, Sll9hll\l (St~ck) def. F IJ/lbeck ( $en Blfnt dlno llalltvl . 6·0, S-7. 6·0.

s.c.-. lttund ~ E wlno IOCCl def. NHll (Ml SAC ). 7·S,

6· '· Tllu' <B•k•Hlleld) def. P•rktr IOCC), 6·•. 6· 3 FlntRtund~

8onte -8trna ro ((>CCI def Herrls, Cllt l !LA Htrl>O< I. 6· 1. •-o. Stlmon· Franll I S•Od .. Oaclr. I d t C 111nsc11uvver · Corl (He r:MM>. 6· 4, 1-6.

S.Cencl lttund ~ Bonft·Berntrd IOCCI def MoCthoo,

Mtrll (QueSle ), 6· 0, 6· 2.


BrOdle IOCC) def Pt d lllt 1Cotlt91 of 0.'8r l) . 6-0. 6.0.

Secend It__, SIMMS BrOdlt def Glr•<>O•lan (FrHnol. 6· 3.

6·0, Btrmore IOCCl def Wvch• (Moor · 011rk) , 6· 0, 6· 2 .

f'lrst RIClftCf ~ Be rmore ·G• Y1• n <OCCl oei. La wrence·

F i•htr (Sin Olt9o Cll\I ), 6· • . 7-6


s.ceftCI Rtund ~ G111>r .. 1 !Hunlln11 ton 8Htn) det. Dlgulllo

tCanvon) , 6· 2, 6-2. Tlllrel lttufMI SIMlft

Get>rlel l Hunllno1on BH Clll aef Mor'8 (LI Jollt ), 6· 2, 6-2

~ltlllftd~ Dudtev·Ganz (Hvnllnoton Bff<'hl def

Hegerdl· O.Lton ISi. Aveusllnt), 6-0, 6·•. 1'1llnl ltll#ld D-*"

Oudl1 v·Gan1 (Hvntlnolon BHch) def Koth r·LM (llrmlnllf\em ), 6'- • , 1·6. 6·3.

• NBA INYoffs FIRST ltOUND (8"\· lf · fr!Ye)

Tllundar a kwtt New Jtflt 'I' 101. Phlladelohla 99 ( Ne w

Jtr\IV win• series 3·1) O•llu 105, Sta lllt UM, 01 (Oellu wins

serlH 3· 2) M l!WtUkM Ill . Alitnte 19 (M tlwt ukll

win' serif•. 3·2) Uta h 127, 011111er 111 F>Mtnl x 117, Portte nd 105

,rtdly's GtmH New York 11 Ot lroh

Cenfertnct Semfflntlt 18"t .. SIYen)

Stfllf'dly Daill• a t Los Anvele•. 3 30 om

SUndey Oelrool·N•w York. winner 11 Bo\lon Phoenla "'' Ullh New Jenev 111 Mllwaukff

TllursdlY's trenMcttons IAHIALL

Amenc.tll l.M9" MINNESOTA TWI NS- Placed J IM

EIMnrelch, outfielder, Ofl Ille dfsal>lecl lls t Celled UP Eoole HOdlll, Piicher. from Totldo of '"' t111erri1 tlon• I LHIJ\11.

... ttlNI L .. .w HOUSTON AS TAOS-Pie ced A. l•n

A•hllv. catcher. on lhl 21 · dn dlsalllld hi , ~llvt A.Prll 1S 8 rQU0111 uP Merk 8 t llty, talc.Mr , from COlvmllvs of the SOvtl'tfn Lteeue

SAN FRANCISCO GIA.NTS-Ctllecl VII Merli Gran1, pitcher, from Phoenh1 Of tht Pltdflc C0tll LHllUI ()ptJoned Joe Pit · 1m1 n, lnflet<ler. 10 Pnoetll1.

POOTaALL ... IMMI , ..... l.M9"

CLEVELAND IROWN~TrtcMG l.OMfl, wlOt rttelver, IO Ille 0tn¥9f lrOl'COa for • 19M fOurlh · round Oftfl Choice

COLTS-Nt me<I Bob Wallttt d irect« of PVOllc r91111on ..

NEW ENGLAND PA. UIOTS-Re· ~ Lerrv McGr .... ariec.c.11lf, to 1 fOur • .,..,. contrita

NIEW VOltK JETS-$1entd Cedric Mlllt • air, NMlnt bKk,

WASHINGTON ltl.DSIUNS-A.nllOUnCM r11t rttlflfl'lent of Nldt Ole~lnro, runn!N lltdl """" ...... , ..... " ......

CHICAGO I LITt- Sltntd Cll ~I • Llft<l5trom, Clffefltlv• encl l"le<td Or" wiai.m., lllletlldltr , Oft lniurtd rewrvt

M IC HIGAN PANTHllls-<u1 o,... OevllbOll, ~ttr .

soccc• ....... lkc9r .......

f'IHO HIX PltfD - Nemld lltvt Cltrlll "'*' I Nl'lffW ~~leec.w~


QU.Al(U-~ " ' ""' s..ot•. '°"" werd frern "" M!Mnot• itrt11.on 1111 t•ct\lnet tw ONftt\I "'9f•m. lot'war!f, Md J0M .. In, mtClfltidtf

CO&.U OI D '9AUL tmed Jin\ ,,._., '"'"'"''

tMsllt'lblM Co.tell


eomputer to rank age g-r:<Jup ruBn ers Athletic Con - ress -institutes new rating service ----

The Athletics Conaress (TAC), the national govcmina organization for track and field in the United Stales, has joined the computer age by announcil\& a ra" service for runners.

"The program is not fully in place," said TAC Executive Director Ollan Cassell. " I anticipate it will take our sport to a highCT elevauon in a lot of different ways. one of these is public awareness.·•

TAC will conduct the program, which will rank both age group and top national men's and women's athletes. with the sponsorship of Levi-Strauss & Co.

" We hope all runners in the U nited States, including those who compete only on a recreational level. will pan1c1pate in this program." said Cassell.

.. I think this Prosram wift be beneficial to runners who haven't ~n in the national spotliaht," said four-time New York C ity and Boston marathon champion 8111 RodJers, a spokesman for the service. •

"Now everyone will have an op­portunity to get more than just a T­shirt from a race. The recreational runner will be able to receive recog­nition for his achievements," Rodgers sajd. ·

Getting their signals straight Raider quarterback Jim Plunkett (left) and teammate Dave Dalby check out the awing of tbloC• with Rama linebacker

Geor&e Andrew• at tbJa week'• celebrity &olf tournament at Cout CC, ben­efitttng Cblldbelp, USA.

Factors used in compiling the ratings will include performance. course difficulty and race conditions, including weather and the strength of the field.

The ranking service will com­puterize data on all TAC-sanctioned events from 5 kilometers to the marathon. Runners will be ranked by age group, with a special elite group for the top I 00 national performers.

A membership fee of S 15 per year would get a runner included in the rankings. and Levi's would present awards to the top achievers 1n each age group at the end of tbe year.

YACHTS .•. From Bl incident as sailors and race followers mingled wit.h hundreds of landlubber visitors who had crossed the border to part1c1pate in the colorful Cinco de Mayo Mexican holiday.

In those days the race always started on Thursday before the Ci nco de Ma yo weekend . puu1ng yachtsmen in pon for a long weekend along with motorcycle clubs and hordes of college and high school students. The two factions didn' t always mix. There were a few years when the Ensenada Jail was Jammed to capacity.

It got so bad that one year there was a small not outside Hussong·s Can­tina. a popular watering hole for yachtsmen and landlubbers alike.

The problem was pretty much solved when NOSA and Mexican officials agreed to stan the race on Saturday. a week before Cinco de Mayo. putting the yachtsmen in Ensenada on Sunday after the other weekend revelers were heading back to the border.


Tuesday's prelims are scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. with the finals starting off at 6 Fnday night


Felix bowls over Costa Mesa Myr:on Fehx captured all four of his

spec1alit1es. winning the I 00 and 220 1n 1.0.3 and 24.4 and the hurdles ( 15.4 and 42.2).

Dave Wetzel also stood out for the Ea~les in their 101-33 rout of the visning Mustangs. taking the high j ump with a 6-2 effon and finishing second in the 120 high hurdles, long 1ump and tnple j ump.

Frank Werner was a double winner for Costa Mesa, taking the shot put in 48-91h and the discus with a 138-11 toss.

record. and dropping University to 0-7.

Becker took the sprints I 0.5 and 23. 1. while Luciano went 18.2 and 43.6 in the hurdles.

Bruce Krebs provided University with its brightest moments. going 2:07.0 and 4:39 to win the half and mile.

Chapel took herspec1al11es. the half · and mile. in 2:20.8 and 5:28.2. Oden was a winner 1n the shot and discus, going 33-3 and I 06-3.

The victory gives the Vaqueros a three-point lead going into the teaiue finals next week. which means fin1sh-1ng second to either Newpon Harbor. El Toro or Corona del Mar would sull give Irvine a share of the title.

Meanwhile. in girls classification. ll • Corona del Mar's 69-49 victory was business as usual for Irvine's over Newpon Harbor scrambles the unbeaten crew. but there was an upset chase of unbeaten Irvine into a thrce­at Corona del Mar where the Sea way affair with Cd M. Newport Kings turned back a Newport Harbor Harbor and El Toro at 5-2 behind the contingent. allowing Irvine to enter 7-0 Vaqueros. the finals with a considerable edge on Maggie Henson was a triple winner the field . for Harbor. winning the 880 (2:28.2).

• Irvme High wrapped up Its sec- mile (5:38.3) and 2-mile ( 11 :52.5). ond straight unbeaten Sea View Corona'sdepth. as exemplified by a League dual meet season with an standout mile relay team of Jane 87-31 rout of host Univers1t) . using Harano. Kan Sondra. Jill Harrington

Becker, Luciano pace Irvine the multiple talents of Laura Chapel. and Tracy Evans (4: 19.3), had too Spnnter Craig Becker and hurdler Sara Monon and Elaina Oden. in much depth for the Sailors.

John Luciano, with additional help addition to strenght in every category. • Estancia took a 69-42 decision from sophomore Scott Tamura in the Mon on was a three-time winner. from Costa Mesa on the heels of Sue high and tnple jumps. led the way for sweeping the spnnts 1n 12 0 and ·27.6 Gingrich. Wendy Feit, Michelle Irvine H1pt's 80-56 victory at Uni- and winning the 11 0 low hurdles in Lazorek. Claudine Conte. Kathy vers1ty. giving the Vaqueros a 3-4 16.8. Hirsch and Kathy Grant.

* * * The March of Dimes 5 and I Ok run will be held Sunday at the Harbor Municipal Coun in Newport Bc.ach.

For more information on the run, phone the March of Dimes in Costa Mesa at 631-8700.


SA TU.DAY Atll'l In Yer1» s Mii la- 8"1111 I a m. C5kl

I nd • 45 • m ( 10k) . , YO('be Reolonal Park In Anaheim. FHI, flal cenlfled course. FM ,, SIG wllll T · 111lr1 and IS wlll'IOul w ltll SI Ille tee on ritQ div. For mor1 lnformallon, PllOne the Soutll Cots! llunnen 11 '46-3452.

Lene ... di atv c-...-Uttw-Dlv s.111t Studlnt Au.dltlefl S Mii la - 8"ln1 I 1.m. 11 E l Dore<k> Par• Ea1t In Lonv Beach MOOertl•. paved course wllll 11M111..,erv mlle. F•" S7 w ith T-shirt Ind "' wlll'IOUI w llll SI .. ,. '"· Aw1r0$. Pa rk l119 Inside oarlo. 11 S 1.50 For more Information, PftOnl 121ll 420-2421

SUNDAY Mlrdl ef Dlmn S Md la - Seolns t-.JO a.m

II Har~ Munlcloal Court, NewPOrt Fiii , '" ' ~ .. FM ,, s 10 w llll T · Slllrt Ind SS wlll'IO!Jl w llll SI la te I•. For more Information, Pl'loM Ille March of Dimes In Costa ~sa 11 '31· 1700.

ltun far Y941r Heart Sii , 11111 end HeH-Mle -Beolns I 1 .m. IS and IOk) and 9 a.m thalf· ml\t l a t E l Oora40 Park East In LOnO Bead! '"-v.O course tllrOUOll oark FM Is SIO w illl T· Slllrt and S6 wllhOul Ind '3 tor kids run. Pf'oce9dl benefit Ille Lonll 8HCll H11rt Auoclatlon For mol'I lntormallon, Pt1oM 12131 427- 7473.

Lall-Md HeH-Mlratt.1 - Beolns 7.JO 1 .m 111 Welno1r1 Lakewood YMCA Fiii COUfM on cilv slrNls. F• 11 st wllll T ·Slllrt wllh M 1111 fft. Proceeos benefit various Lal<ewoood cl\afillH For more lntormat1CH1, oN>ne Trldole 1 1 (?13) 920· 3SIO

Conquerors roQ Newport Christian Hieh's pns

softball team rolled to its ninth straight Academy League victory and 13th in 14 decisions overall Thursday with a 17-0 rout of visiting Capistrano Valley.

The ConqueTors used j ust five innings to do it as Kelly Davidson led the way at the plate with a 2-for-3 aqd 3 RBI day. And. she allowed just Ofte single, facing 16 batten in five im~. striking out eight and walking one.

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. ... -~._.""!'"::' ____ ..,...~-~~"!'1"_..'P:"" ..... ....,"'"""'_,, ..... ~--.._ ......... ~ ....................... !""911~ ................................................... 19111111 .......... '-' ............................. ..

- ~Coaa\ DAILY PILOT/Friday, AprO 27. UHM

Ml.IC ll)TIC( ....c •TU PW!C •• I~...;;..::.=;;:.;,;;--.,;---~ fllCftnoul .,.... PtCTITIOUe ...... "'9UC HIAW MOnCll ,.._. MU•tl MOftC8 NO'hCI W ~NU GM9&MIOl- llO. M-tl twmeTA"mtf IJWmaTATWT NOTICfl8~YOIV£NTHAT NOTlClllHIN8VGNltilTHAT T.a........ AN ~NC8 Oii TNI cm .. ••OllT 91ACtt

l1'e ~ l*W II doing ~0:-IQ pinOft i. ~ ::.~eo:t~':'!-~ ~ ....._ ::t~."'eo::r .:.~~c:.= YOU AM If OW.I.JU \NU A AemattQ cH'.APia 1.• OP T1tl •w•OllT IUCM ..,._ ~El.L'S UMOU8IN8.. (9) SCOf\fCAROS, 14511 Let'h Oft the AP1'1AL Of~~ Met ...... of P~ QOM:. ~:~~cm~ IKIPAL COOS ,_,.~TO UllPOMI TMJll•IT ~ vlfflllN!Ll'S CA'fEfllllNG, tMif Aw , INN. c.Mt. 12714 AfllllTA FOft AfSU80tVlllON NO ~MK>N AMIHOMIHT NO. IOI • fiOH TO PROT'lCT Y°'-"' ....,,._ CWANOY TAX 9Mc:t\, Huntington 8Mct\. CA ~ W. F1lbecft. 1'51t Latch '773 AHO UU PERMIT NO. 309t ~ °' KO&.L CIHT1R ~ EfnY, rrMA~ IOl.D AT A.,.._ TI"9 Ctty Could dote ordain M fOOO.S: f:lMI Ave., "*'-• C.Uf. t27 14 from dafliel by Ptennlna Com. PO#rr, Nftpof1 ...,._ 10 ~ UC SALL IF . YOU N11D AH IX• Section 1. s.ctlon 3. 18.020 Of the Pfl ~ lwf\ ~

V•'lell Laurette., 1101 W TNet>uelnwltlCO'lductedby an~ on MM<lft 22. 1"'4, or the Koll o.ntw ~ ......_ f'l.AHATIQH Oft lMI NAT\N O* Code le ~ ~ to Md to tfl9 term HOTl!L. the MacA.rttlvr e1m . ...... AM. CA. lndMduel ~ tocat.d at 1318 lu Community ~t Sten· THe ~ AGAINIT YOU, foHo•oo· t2'107 ~~~1 w .. fited with the IUbdMde~-=~=:~°.: =o::..:.:.:.:.=:: YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAW· The t~ '"ho1•" _...a*> Include a~ .... or ~ Nllnw la oondYc:ted by: en COWlty of ()nnee ~(y on Into a .inote plll'Oel for c:on fot Off!!t.1.. ~and rel.ell ~ YE~ w.y 4. 1114 •I I : 18 a.m., timllar faclllty Which ll ~. or Intended CK deMOMd for

vtma11 'L.aurtince Apr. 2. 10M dOmlnlw:n purpoeee; MO. NqUee from " QmOa 811• A" to "Offtoe 8tt• F'lcMlllty AeoonY9yanoa Inc., .. °""' oooupenoy, by a '*ltMSlonal veNcle~ cemper • .,.,,, ........ rr,11 etetement w• Ned .it11 u.. naaa to pennn the oonetNc:tlon of • '°"' 8." Property ioc.tM on the .. terty 14>1>ol'ltitd TruatM unar arwl motorhome or .. mie. Wlhk:le UMd1 Of In~ fot UM • a

County C*1I Of Orenoe ~ on Publlthecl Orange COMt Dally unit ~ condominium • and ~ .,.. of Yon Kairmen ~t to Deed of Truat ~ dwelllng, lodging °' for aleeptng purpoeee. Apf'll 11, 1984 Plt01 Apt« t3, 20. 27. May 4• , ... ¥910ipfMl1t on propeny locat9d In A11911Ut ~ llrCfl ICfMt and ~- 10, tNO . .. lntt Ho. s.ctJon 2. Thi• Ordloenoe ahall be pubbtMd once In ~

fl'ICM01 20te.a. the A.a Dltttlct, which SICCM!d• the MacArthut ~d: JOneO ,.-a. t 11oe, In bootl taut. page 1157 of ottlcl•I nftlPePet o f the City, and the aame lhall be .necuve 30 Publllhed OrMf9 COMt Dally ~ 'o:~,~~:o"=.1 ~:Si!: ~~rtg. -:0 ~fMf~B: Otflcjaf '*°'cl• In the office of the daye after tt. date of It• adoption. Thie Ordlntnet w• ln-

Pttot "P<ll 27 · May 4• 11 • l&. ttM "8.IC J«)TICE Olttr1e1 on the front ~half of the C!NT!" TAAPFIC PHASING PUN, ~~~~r~~~= troductd at a r~utar mee11ng of the City Council tot the Clfy ol 232 ...... NOTICI Of' TtlU8Tll'• I.ALI lot. The ~ llleO 11\dudee • • r9que11 to emend ·no= ao .. to. v. DAN,.ORO and "A~Y c DAN• Newport Beach held on th• day of April 9, 1984. and •

YOU AM .. DeAUlT UMDD rnodlflaet tothel.onlnQCoduo :~~'f:9.~ " SfteA" ft0ft01 HUSBAND ANO WIFE A8 adopt6donthe23rddeyofAprll, 1984, bythefOllowingvote,JO

NI.JC M>na: ::.:-: Of' ~u.:.·::o y~ ~00:=.t~ ==f~ NOTICE HS HEREBY FURntEI' ~~M~rn:~0'1SB.0:1}5 t~:ES Maurer. Heather. T.AJCI ACTION TO PftOTICT l'lto the~ tour toot ~ GIVEN THAT Mid pubic '*'1na HIGHEST llOOER FOR CASH (PtlY' COUNCILM!MBERS Cqx , YOUft ""°"""' IT llAY • ald9 yard MCb.olc ., ... Included wt• be held In the Cl1Y Hatl Council able et ttme of Nie In le~ money Strauss, Agee

mmt ar MftTIC( IOU> AT uu. •YOU 111to 1t1 to P9tYn1t the con- Chambara , UOO Newpor t Of the ~ed Stal•) et the front NOES COUNCILM EMBERS Hart "*.IC .. AllMQ NOTICa NOTICE 18 HEAEIY GIVEN THAT

Iha City Counoll of the City Of New­port 8Mct'I wfll ho4d. public hMttng and r9Ylew or USE PERMIT NO. 3081, APPLICATION Of' HELTZER ENTERPRISES. on property located al 1455 SuperlOf Avenue. ~oYed by the Planning Comm4A1on at their mMtlng of Ap<ll It, 1ee. Raqueet to ~ the COf'lltructlon ol • lhf .. ti()()' rnedtc:.i offlCe t>ulldlng end ,. l•led two- and OM-1\eff ....... perl! · Ing atNC'lura that ax.aact• the 32 loot bulc height llmlt In the propoaad 32/50 Foot Ha6gtlt Uml· tatlon Olt1rtc1. The propoaal aleo In· ctlJdea • r9QU91t to allow• ponton ol the Pf'opoaad M-llte pwtclng apacea to be located on the roof of the pr09<)Md Ptirklng atNC'lure. A mOdlfleatlOn lo the Zoning Cooa 11 alto r9Queated ao u 10 allO'!W the UM of compec1 perking apecae IOI a portion of the raqulfed on-etl'Mt parking apacea and the aooaptanca Of Trello Study to u to ellOW the conetructton of • 43,470 aq. ft . lqroaa) medlcel office bulldlng. A Nag.atlva Oeciatatlon h• auppc>rt· Ing documeou are avaltet>ta for public review and ln.,ectlon at lhe Planning Oapa rl ma nt , 7 t•-640-2 1117)

.__ ___ .-~.-.....-."' ....... ""..-..-.--- NftO AN 10\.MATlON Ott ntm atructlon or roof top wQhltec1ural Bou4eYard. Newc>«t 8Mol\, CA. entrance to tM Old Orenge ~ty ABSENT COUNCIL.MEMBERS Plummer K·110l7 MAW Of' nm "'°'BIMMCI te&turea of en °'*1 netwe lllftldl t2te3, et the hour of 7:30 p .m.., on ~ loeeled on Santa Ant ATTEST: /ti Evelyn R. Hart, MAYOR

NOTICI TO CMDfTCMW AGAIM8T YOU. YOU 8"0UlJ) exceed• the bMIC height llmlt. and the 1•th dllf Of Mey, 1884, •t wNc:ll Blvd., -- S)'C81n«e St. a / a/ Wanda E. AnderMn Of 9UUC 1llAN9l'O CONTACT A LAWYUt. the approval of Reaidenllel Coeetal time and i>l9oe lrt..,_i.d ~ 8roectw.y Santa Ma. CellforrMe ell City Clertc

(Secs. &101-& 107 u C.C.) On Frtday, Mey 11, 1984, et 8: 15 o. ... IOiPft*ll ~ A ~ ~N-cr-e *":~oE~S~~heAc•1TY'· right. ttti..' e'ld lntereet conY9)'ed to Published Orange CoUl Dally Piiot Aprll 27, 1984 Notlc;e IS he<eby g'"'1 to tM AM ' HOME FEOEAAL SAVINGS Oect.anitlon end tuPPC>t1:f Cl.ERK .. .,. and now held by It Urldet Nlcf OMd 23 10·84 r~ltore of ORANGE COAST ANO LOAN A$t!OCIATION, a Cor· ment• haw beef'I pr~ by the ........ 27 1.,.

8• of Trutt In the propeny lllueted In I

TRAILER SUPPLY INC Trwt1Nr"ot, porallon, formerly known u HOME Otty In ~ wtth the appl.- ........, • • • .. Mid County end Stat• deecribed ea: l'\lll.IC NOTICE "8.IC J«)TIC( buslnMI 9ddrau 11 1983 FEDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN cetlon noted eboYe The City en- 2320-64 Lot 83 of Trtel No 4355, In the ---....;;..~.;....;..;.;;.,.;.;.;;;:;__ __ t------------

Newport Blvd. City of Costa Mela. ASSOCIATION Of' SAN DIEGO, et couragee IM!'l'lbeft of the een-a1 .... .,. W\Jl City of eo.ta tHM. County of Or· •2'514 County of Orange. Stat• of Cell· Tru11 .. under • dead ol trvat dated public to r~ and commenl on .--...., "" CE ~. State ol Calttotnle. u per SYMOPatl OF THE fomla that a bulk tr&Mf• 11 at>out Novernt>9r 5, 1879 algnad by thl1 doc\Jmentatlon (coplaa ot whlcfl •~_._.: mep 1'9COfded In bOOk 168 Paoea 31 ANNUAL ITATIMeNT OF

ARY G SUTTON MICKEY MUNOZ. an unmtn"led era evallable et IM Planning 0.. -·- t 33 Incl - .. ~ _. u 1---.11 ~NbeO S~Ot~ ~ SUTTON Trant- woman and BEATRIZ LEYVA pertment (71• ) 64G-21'17.) NOTIC• TO CMOITC>ftl o u .. ...., .,.. .., _,eneoua 9t .. et1 TIU. Queranty CompenJ terea whOse bualnMS addr- la JIMENEZ. an unmarried woman e.nd NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER °' IUUC T'flANPlflll =o: ~'r..~:~~ty~he County Qelv9eton, Teua - Home 891 Joann SI City of COlta Mela. r9C<>rd«I Novembat 15, 19711, U GIVEN THAT aald public hearing (leca. t 101 .. ~07 U.C.C.) EXCEPT ell the oil. gu and other Office; 22DO w .. 1 Looft ~h County ol Orange. State of Cell- ~manl 18e57 Booll 13385 Paga will be held on the t•th dey of May, Notice 11 hereby given to cradl· hydrocarbon aubstallCM end min· Hou1ton, Tl 77m

1102 or the Oftlcl•I Rec«d1 ot Or· lllS., • 1 the llOur 01 7:30 Pm., In lhe 10" ot the wllhln na/Md tran.. ., ... In, on and under that por-tlon Ended Oecembw 3 1113 torr': property to be transferred 11 ange County, Calltornla, wlll Mii •t Council Chamt>ats. 3300 Newport leror(s) that• bulk tran1far 11 about of tald land lytng balOw •depth of Total admitted ::s 1, described In genaral u : All 1took tn publlc auc11on to the lllghett blddef Boulevara. Newpor-t Beach, CA. 10 be made on partonal property 500 '*1ic.I feat below the aurface Total llabllltles trade, fixtures, equipment and good !or caah In United Stat .. Dollert, •t 92883· al whlc,h time and plaoe hereinafter daacrlb9d of Mid land. but wltllOut any rlghl of

$.43,979.979 $30,452.26-4

wtll ot that Traller Supply bualMSI the tronl entrance to the Old Or· lntar"ted person• may appear and The namat and butlneu lid· entry upon Mid land or wfthln the Capltal paid-up known u ORANGE COAST ange County Courthoute located be heard thereon dre ... , ot the Intended 1rant19fort Id t 5()0 f hereof f Special surplus funds

$3,480.000 $501 .404

$9.546.311 TRAILER SUPPL y INC. end localed on Sant• Ana Boulevard I~ the City WANDA E. ANDERSEN. CITY are. EOWARO EEHAHN KIM and ~,po: wh•t~, .. ,..::..;~~ Unaaalgned funds at 1983 Newpor-t Blvd. City or Co1ta or Santa Ana, Orange County, Cati- CLERK JEANNIE M KIM. 2250 Newport the deed from Eriieat A. Wataon Surplus as regards M .... County or Orange, State of ' lornla. •II right, title and lnlar•t City of N-port Blvd., Coat• M .... Ce. and oth49f1, recorded November 5, pollcyholdera California conveyed to and now held by It Published Orange Cout Dally Piiot The location In Calllomle of the 19S. In book 2881 page 2.0, Of· Income f~r the year

$13.527.715 s 1()4,285,584

d 1 .. ..,. 2318-84 buelneu office of the Intended Dlsbureements for The bulk transfer will be conaum· jundw the Deed of Trull. In the rMI April 27, 198<C cni.f axecutlva otfloe °' Pflnolpel flclat Record•. mated on or after the 15th day of property. escr"""" u · trantferor 1, SAME. The 1tr .. t addr ... and other the year $85,en,=4 May, 108• al 10:00 A.M at The North oro.-half ol Loi 6 In All other bullntea namea and ad· common datignetlon, II any, of the b lfy h h b 1 d h GROVER ESCROW CORPOR· Block E of Humphrey'• liddlllon to P\8.JC J«)TlCE rMI SH'operty detc:flbed above la We here Y oer1 t at t ea ove Item• are n aocor ance ATION. wtiose addreu Is 23600 Sant• Ana In the City or Sant• Ane. dr ..... uMd by the lmended tran• purported to be: 3138 Sheron Lane. the Annual Statement for the year ended December 31, 19 3, R kt ........ Bl d s 2N El T County ol Ora,.,,., St•I• ot Cell· fttJ9UC HEARING NOTICE feror within thr .. YM'• lut ~,. "-• ••---. c•. "'2'"2'" made to the Insurance Commlsaloner of lhe State of Callfor11la c:f~ v · te. · oro, tornla. as ~·~ • map thereof NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1• 11 peat '° tar u known 10 the The ~n:c, "d~m• any pYrsuant to law NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER

GIVEN THAT M id public hMrlng wilt be Pleld In the C~ Hall Covncfl Chamb er• . :ttOO Nawport Bovkwatd, Newport BMch, CA 92683, 11 the "°"' of 7:30 p.m on the 1• 1h day of Mey, 1034, at whleh uma and place 1n1.,..ted partonl mey eppeer end be heard thereon WANDA E ANDERSEN, CITY CLERK

T I d f It" ,...~ recorded In Book 11 , p.,... 39, Ml .. the City Council O! the City of New· lnlandad trenlf- are· NONE. Uabltit.. for •nv L..--r ...... ~· oft..... C G S VI p ~•d hat the •st ate or no .... a 1 M d- port Beedl will hold public hellr1 The flame(•) and bualneaa ad· .. , - ., """"' _ .. - ,,. artyte chumann, ce r..,.. ent In the eterowa referred to ner I• oal aneous ap1. recor • u Mid a no dr .. s of the Intended trat'ltfer~) t1ree1 lddrea and other common Brian M Hughes, Asst . ~retary May 1• . 198-4. Orange County and review of GENERAL PLAN dealgnatlon. II eny, lhown herein. bll 0 Co D II Pit .. ii 26 27 28 29 30 1a•.o1

So fat 88 11 known 10 the Trana- The t1reat addreu or other c;om. AMENDMENT NO. 83· 1(c) • R• are KUO.SUN LEE and MEI H I Said Hie wlH be made, but Pu Shed range ast a y ot , • , , • • ~ fw...-1), all butlnesa names and lid· rnon ~atlon of the above rMI qyeat of HEL TZER ENTERPRISES, LEE. 3853 E Colo<ado Blvd.. wtthout covenant Ot warranty, ax· 2239~

....., L .&.....- f emend Pasaderle, CA drenee uted by the Trant~or(•) prN openyh h knowns to "'s u . 117 11: ~·e:J" General r;::.1, to That the property pertinent her• prau or Implied, regarding Utla. lllllDt ,,. MnJ1C£ Ill_,,. MnTll'r tor the past threa year. are. SAME. on Hat away tr .. t , ant• Ana, ..... -,...... . · or 10 11 daKtlbed ln~al .. : Motel pot ... 1lon, or anc:umt>ranoaa. to .-~nu .-~ nu1"4 Dated: Ap<ll 13, 19&4 Callfoml• 9270 I property IOCated adjacent to MEDI· pay the remaining pnnclpel IUm of ----------- -----------LARRY G. SUTTON Thia MJe will be made, wlthoYt CAL LANE, '° u lo radMlgnata end tocated at 22 N9Wpor1 BIVd.. the note(a) tecured by Mid Daad of B-2.Mel SHARON 0 . SUTTON covenant Of wenanty. ~Meed or Mid property from " Muttlpla Famlly Coate Maaa. CA Trutt, with lnt••t thereon, .. 8VNOPSl8 Of T1tE Tr-lerea Implied. raQtrdlf'IO tltla, pc1H1ak>n, Resldentlal" uaes to " Admlnl .. tr~ar~~':" .. ~~:! ~. ~ provided In aald nota(t). lid'vanf»e, ANNUAL ITATEMEHT City of Newport 8Mch

Pul>llahed Or~ Cout Dally Pttot April 27. 108<C

Published Or&1199 Cou1 CJilty Ptk>I °' enc\lmbrano.t, to pay the unpaid trallva. Prolaalonal. md Flnanclel BABA BEST WESTERN If any, under the tarma of uld Daad COMCO INSURANCE COMPANY April 27. 198<C , p<lnclpel sum of ~.808.28, plus CommMClal" usea, and the eccap- That uld bulk tranlfar la In· of Tru1t, feaa. ctlefgea end U · 205 !at Tenth 91,..1 231•-a. Interest u prOVid«l In the note ea- tance of an Envtronmental Oocu- pan ... ol the Trv.tea and ot the

cured by lhe dead of trutt. p1u1 an mant Thia project lncludH tended to ba con1M1mmated • t the trust• created by aald OMd ol Amertlo, Tea• 79101 ----------- • ddltion• I .. umated amount of proposed ORDINANCE NO. 84- 15. office ol LocklllrOOd &crow Corp., Trust. Home Office


P\8.JC NOTict Pl&.IC NOTICE St.•68 00 It any, undef the term• of being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE c'22• E. Graen Stree1, Puedana. The total amount of the unpaid Veer Ended Decemb9r 31, 1193 -----------11nedtMK1 oftru1tandt"', Chargaa CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ountyof Oranga. Calllornia 91106· belance of th41 obllgatton aacurad Total admitted assets $23. 120.768

$18,306.432 B·2'3IOI and expen- of the Tru11... AMENDING PORTIONS OF DIS· on or lltlf May 15• lta.4. by the Pfoperly to be IOld and To tal llabllltles SYNOPSIS CIF THE The Lendarl BeMflclary undlf the TRICTING MAPS NO. 22 AND 25 c:i~~r~~lk J~~~:: 1~0~=cl~ rea&onable .. tlmated cost1, ex- Capital paid-up/ Guaranty

ANNUAL STATEMENT deed ol lruat hu uaigned and de-- SO AS TO RECLASSIFY PROP· '*'"9 and advance. at the tl!M of C l II ANVIL INSURANCE COMPANY livered ol the Tru1t .. a Oeclaratlon ERTY DESCRl BEO AS 1'AACT NO Code S.Ctlon 8106. the Initial publlcetlon of the Notice ap ta

of Detault ol the obllgetlona aacured 1 t018 FROM THE A·3 (2178) DIS· The n•rM and •ddr ... of the I*· or Sale 18 $33.935 56. Statutory Deposit 18021 Cowen by the deed of trust. and• Notice of TRICT TO THE A· P DISTRICT· son wlltl Whom clalm• may be llled The beneficiary under tald OMd Gross paid -In and $1 ,250 ,000

lrvlM, CA. 92714 Detault and El.ctlon 10 Sall. wnlctl PLANNING COMMISSION AMEND· ls Lockwood Etcrow Corp., 1224 E. ot Trull heretofore executed and contributed surplus o.t--e Otflce ••ENT NO 601 T"•FFIC STUDY Green Street, Puadeoe. CA. 91106

$3,546,000 .....,." recorded on November 23. 1983 at .... · : a "" ; dell¥ared to the unctarllglled a writ· Unassigned funda

VNr Ended 0.C.mber 31, 1913 Document 83-539398. of Officlal and CERTIFICATION OF CORREC- and the tut day tor nung cialma by ten Declaration of default end o.. (surplus) $18,324 Total admitted assets S 11,370,830 AeoOfdt TION FOR TRACT NO I 1018. any creditor lh•ll ba May 14· l984. manct tor Sale. and• written Notice Total liablllties $6 350 737 Thia Mle Wiii be conducted by NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER which 1• the bu• lnen d•y before the of Default and Election lo Sell. The Surplus .. regards Capital pa id-up/Guaranty , , Callfornla Potting and Publlthlng GIVEN THAT Mid public tieerlng con1ummat1on dale •pacified undersigned cauted .. Id Notice of policyholders $4.8 14,324 C'"nltal/ Company whose addrata and will be held In tn. City Hall Council above Default and Election 10 Seti to be Income for the year

- phone number 11 1028 North Lake Chambers , 3300 Newport Dated Aprll l7. 1984 recorded In the county ""'9r• th41 Dlaburaements ror s 18,450.536

Statutory Deposit $ l , Avenue. Suite 201, Pasadena, Calf.. Boulevard. Newl>Of1 Beaoh, CA KUO-SUN LEE real Pfoperty 11 tocated the year $16,33.4,361 Gross paid-In and tornla 9110• (213) ee 1_.S.6 92663. on the 14th day of Mey 1984, MEI HUI LEE Date· March 30, 198'4 W e hereby certify that lhe above Items are In accordance with contributed surplus 5275.000 Dated Aprll 5. 198<C 111 the hou• of 7.30 p.m., •• wnletl Intended TraniferH(st FIDELITY RECONVE'fANCE INC. the Annual St atement for the year ended December 31, 198'3, Unas.s""ned funds HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS ANO time and plaoe lnler .. ted partonl PubllsheO Orange Coast Dally as aald Trustee (surplu~) s3 .245.093 I LOAN ASSOCIATION may appear and be heard thereon P1to1 April 27 19a. 5530 Cott>tn Ave . • lOO, Tanana. made to the Insurance Commissioner. pursuant to law. Surplus as regards 11 Corporation, u Trvatee WANDA E ANDERSEN. CITY 2260-84 CA 91358 HAROLD LEROY ANDERSON. President polk:yti Id $ 5.020,093 By LINDA R WARNER CLERK PtalC NOTICE (818) 705-7386 ROBERT ARTHUR BRIDGES. Assistant Secretary lncome010~~ year $8.232.322 Manager. Tru11ae Department NJD City of Newl>Of1 BeKh By USA M. KESSLER. Atalttant Published Oranoe Coast Dally Piiot Apnl 26, 27, 28, 29. 30. 1984 Disbursements for Put>lllhad Orange Coast Dally Pllo1 PublllMd Dfange Coast Dally Pllol NOTICE°' TMJITEE'I IA.LE Secretary 2241~

Aor1t 20. 27. May 4. 108<C Aprll 27. 198• L- No. ICHWAI Published Orange Cout Dally

th8J~~reby cer11fy that the above items are in accor~~~~!!~~ 2192· 8<C -

2319· 8<C T ~~(:~~ Piiot April


20· 27

· 198

• 2026-84 the Annual Statement for the year ended December 3 1 1983, Pta.IC NOTICE PlB.JC NOTICE T.O. HRVtCI COMPANY made lo lhe Insurance Commissioner pursuant to law NOTIC"" ,_ ..,..,1 ._1 •11. ,.. ••duly appointed Truai .. under lhe Kenton M Whitesel, President NOTICE Of TRUITEE'I IAL& , __ '"'No..,....ooe'"1" .... ~u•~a following datc:rlbed deed ol trust Roberl O. Nunes, Secretary Loeti No. 72312'/ITEWART I ~ · .,, ....... - WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION P bl hed 0 C I 0 I PI I A I 26 27 28 29 30 1984 T.I . No. 1-1"'3 TU.a~~~IK7D TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR

u IS range oas at y I 0 prt . . ' ' ' UNIT COOE I ... RVICE "0"1M~l!NllONI IN CASH AND/OR THE CASHIERS OR 22


lr.i~l!~l~~~lll!ll~IL--------- u duty appointed Trust .. under the as duly appointed Trustea undlf the CIVIL CODE SECTION 292• h (pay· -1,l I• 11• 1 •••• I • tollowlng deacrll>ed deed of tru11 lotlowlng deacrlbed deed of trutl eble at the time of tale tn 19Wful Jl!llil'f!lllll!I I.. ILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION money of tne United Statet) all ,_ ,. •••• _ ......... ii-- TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR rlgh1. !Ille and Interest conveyed 10 CASH AND/OR THE CASHIERS OR CASH AND/OR THE CASHIERS OR and now held by It under .. 1d Deed

GURR M esa; brother of Joan Van CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN ot Trull In lhe property herelnatter GEORGE W . GURR, 89 Doren of Forked River New CIVIL CODE SECTION 2924h (pay· CIVIL CODE SECTION ""'24h ( described

' able II the lime ol Nie In lawf\JI u PtlY· TR us i 0 R . A RD A T H M years, passed away on Apnl Jersey; grandfather of mnnau of the Unit ..... Stat .. ) _,1 able at the time or Nie In lewful 2 8 Cos M ,..._,_ ~ .. ~, "" .. money ol the United Stelee) all SCHWAB, Truttee Undet Oeclar·

5, 19 4 in ta esa, '-CUI · Karalyn and Megan Blake. rlgllt . title and lntareet conveyed to right title and Interest conveyed 10 atton of Trual Dated S41ptamber 12, fonua . He was a resident o f both of Costa Mesa Chris and now held by II under aald Deed and~ held by 11 under Mid Deed 1977 F/B/O THE SCHWAB FAMIL y .Ba.Jboa for 32 years where Shaun and K evin Kyle, a.ii do!._T!~~n the propeny llerelnefter of Trull In the p·openy heralnertar and STEVEN M SCHWAB and

h · ed af h ' f ..,.....,.,.,... Oescr1bad· YVONNE L SCHWAB e retlr ter teac mg or o f Costa Mesa; uncle of TRUSTOR· CHARLES w TURN- TRUSTOR: KARL KONKOL LISA BENEFICIARY. 0 . GAYLE BOS·

30 years in Bakersf ield , Peter Blake of fiankhn ER, ENGRIO OCTAVIA JOHNSON W MS ro• rv LEE. W TWICK Califorrua He lS swvived by N J Ro v ~ TURNER ~.,., ... ~LUA ' """'. IL· RECORDED N<Mlmber 20, 1981 h f { 59 Miriam ew el"8ey. y an . BENEFICIARY THE HAMMOND BENEFICl•RY· . .. N ..... E, .. s·v . .. Instr No 236« In Book 1•297

is Wt e 0 years, . of Scranton. Pennsylvarua, COMPANY "' " "'" ... "' 1159 f Offlclal Aecorda he Burt Gurr, his son, George Peter Van D oren of RECOADEDJ11m1ary23. 1t78u IN~~tf~A~~.1"'1~ u ~=of 1~ Recorder ot ex~ W Gurr, Jr of Balboa, his Bncktown, N ew Jersey Instr No 27935 In Book 13009 lnt1r. No. 83- 116988 of Official Re- County da ht.e ,..._ G 1 S · • page 1556 of Official Record1 In the Hid deed of 1ru11 dascrlbel the

ug r . ut>neVleve urr A ice c hm1dilng of office of the Recorder 01 Or• nn.a cords In the offlca of &he Aecorder S th { 0 d CaJf B k N J ~··- of Or•nna County; IOllowlng

rru o nn a. onua nc town, ew ersey, Coun". S&lddMd of trvtl deacrit>ea the Lot 17 and the SOYthweaterty s and four grandchildr en , Elizabeth Mosc:atello o f Lm· said dMCJ of truat oescnbes the rooowtng· feet of Lot 19, Block 238, Corona Julle Gurr. Johanna Smith coin Park N ew Je....,...,y following A , __ __.. ....... 1nt-1 1n __ ... 10 , .. _ del Mar tn lhe City ot Newpor1

' . ·~ • LOI 10 of Tract No 2727. In the .........,...,.., ...... ...... • .. ee.c c I 0 s f and Evan Srruth, as well as Cynthia Costello of Lmcoln City 01 ,.._111 M-·. •• ,_ m•n tollowlng. Lot « of Tract No. 9879, n. ounty 0 range, late 0

hbo d ""' -- ,....... - In the City or Irvine, u par map California. H ahown on • map ra·

many caring ne1g rs an Park, New Jersey and Julie recorded In Book 87, Peges 34 and r41COfded lnt>ool< • l 2. P~30•nd cord«! In Book 3. Pages • 1 and 42, !nends Bunel at sea. The Van Doren of Forked R iver. 35 of Mlac.ltanaova Mepa, In the 31 ot Mt~• Mac>e. In the Mt1e9t111naout Mapa, In the offlca or !am1Jy suggests that anyone New Jersey Member Christ ~l:C~n:;9 County Recorder of ottloa of the county recorder or said the County RecOf'der of aald Coun·

who wishes may donat.e Ln Lutheran Chu rch, Costa YOU AREINDEFAULTUNOERA c~o'O·,.,REINOEFAULTUNOERA tyYOUAREINOEFAULTUNDEAA his memor y t o the M esa . Visita t ion Friday OEEDOFTRUSTDATEOJanuaryll. OEEOOF TRUSTDATED Man:h ,. DEED OF TRUST DATED Oetober Alzheimer's Disease and Re· from 2 PM until 9 PM at 1979. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION 1983. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION 16, tll81 UNLESS YOU TAKE AC· ' -ted Di d . TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT , TION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP I.Ml sor ers Assoclat1on , Pierce Brothers Bell B road· MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY 1T • 420 w 19th Str('('t, Costo wa·; M o ... uary Funeral "'°r· IF YOU NEC'"' ·N EXP· .. N .. TION MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUB·



" SHOULD CONT ACT A LAWYER YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A LAW· J ER 0 ME T II 0 MA ~ Lutheran Chur<'h , Costa 416 Princeton Ol'lve Coeta Mesa, 59 Cape Cod. lrvlna. CA 9271, YEA , BLAKE S R M<-c~ Jntnment Pac1f1l' CA 92826 " (II 8 itreei lddreu 01 common 317-3 17 "'JHm•ne Avenue Cor·

• ~· away \ I M alp p · '(II 11 atrf'et addrau or common ona dat Mar CA April 25 19~4 in Ni•wport 1ew emnn ark 1ef'('e deSlgnallon 01 property 11 shown dttslgnallon ot property la anown . • Beach Beloved husband ()f

Br11ther Bell Bro ad w ay above no warranty is glV- aa to Its ebove no warranty is given u to 111 Ill 11 strttet llddre" °' common .,.. complet-n or correct,.,...)." The designation ol property It lhown

M argaret L Blakt• of <A:o.t<.i l M ortuary . Cos ta Mesa . comptet-uorcorrectnen)' ' The beneficiary under Mid Daad 01 at>ove, nowarran1y11g1venu10111 M esa, father o f J erome I f1'42 -!1150 ='.~~'lea=• .~~MC~ d':. Trust by reaton or a breech or de- complet-Horcorrec1neas) . The

Blake, Jr of Cost.a MPSa and DIAMOND fault In the obllgatlona MCUred ::,~~; :'et~:~·::U:!: ~llc~~';~'c;, .•r:,d.~ :;~ H eather K v i e o f Costa IJ I E R B E R T D A. V I D thereby, '*•lofore executed and dallvered lo lt\e underllglled •writ· taull in the obOgallon• MCured

· r 1 [A O delivered to the undlf1i9ned •writ· ten Oeciatetlon 01 Default and o.. thefeby, neralotora axaouted and

I J M ND. loVIIlg brother ten 0ec1arat1on of Default end 0.. mand for s .... and written notice ot delivered to the uncteralgned •writ. H~f'BOR lAWH·M T OLlvt o f Manon M c .Eachen of manct for Sele. and written no11ee of breech and of election 10 cauee the ten Oaclarallon of Default and O..

• • C New port Beoch and Ralph brMCll and of alecllon to cauM the unctar•""ned 10 Mii uld ~ 10 mand tor Sala. and written notice ot .... ortvary • emetery . undeniQned to Mii said proper'ly to ...., ,... ,,,..._ ' 1 braach and of etectlOn to cauM the

Crematory Diamond o ( Phoerux. An· .. uaty Mid obl""•ttoni. and , .. ~ .. uttsly M id obligation•. and thef• I "' ·- after the underalgnad cauMd Mid undatllgnad to Mil .. Id propwty to

162 5 G1~ 1 e r A"e lJlna, oving uncle of Stc-ve attar the undertlgnad CIUMd Mid notice of braach ~of al«:tton 10 .. 11e1y Mid obllgallont, and t11w• Costa MMa Mc Eachen , Gary M c notlc;e of br'Mal and of alacilon 10 be recorded January 18 1984 u 111., the undaralgned ceuMd M id ~<'·555• Eachen Chap Dt'amond De ba recorded January 10, 1984 u Instr No 84-02•ees of Otnct.t Re- notloa or brMcll and or al«:tlon 10

bo h ~ d Carol • •-~ ln11r No M .Ot 1925 of Offlcla.I A.- corai In tn. offioa 01 the Record« be reclorded January t 1. 198• u


MORTUARY , 10 Broad .... a~ Cos1a Mf'SJ

6•7 , .. ,o


WCSTCLIH' CHAP EL 4 • F 1 .. 11 C, • . ~· .. ~ .. , .

I 1'1 ) : •


L "'n111t,.1 ~ • ~ul I I (..nA(:f>I I {.tA"1 fl •,

ra IAl an .n..ru1 cord• 1n the office of Ille Recordat of Orange County· lnttr No &<e --01•e10 ol Ofllclal Re-lsbell Graveside services of Orange County, Said Nia wttt ' be made, but CO'da In the office of lhe Recorder w1U be held Sunday Apnl Said ..,. wtll t>e mlide, but without C0"9flant or warranty, ax· of Orange County; 2~ 1984 1 PM Be h without eownant or warranty, ax P' ... Of Implied, regarding tltle Said Mia wlH t>a made, bul

· at l't l prees or lmplled. regarding mi. posMMlon, or anoumbrMOM, 10 wllhoul covenant or werranty, ex· Israel ~metery, Phoenix ponetelorl. or eneumbrano... to pay the remaining princtpat 1Um of c>,..... or Implied, regertJlng tllla Arizona Baltz Bergeron pey the remelnlng prlnetpal aum of the note(•) Mc:urad by Mid deed of potM&llon, or anovmt>ranoea, to Sm 1th & Tutht ll , for· ~heruanoi. '!l'hl ~nt.!•edt by•• M1nk!.-~n01of• Tru1t. with fntar•I .. In aald 'IOte pay the remaining principal*''" of

....... f al d ... , .. ..., PfOvlded, lidvancaa, If any. under the note(•) aecureo by •.tel dMd or w~uumg uner irectors provided. edvanc., If any, ~ tnatwmtolNldOMdoftrVtt ,._ Trust. with lnt••t u In Aid note

JESKE he tarmt of Mid OMd of trutt. ,..., Charga, and upen... of' t"9 provided. edvancea, If any, undet

LZE K JESKE. age 40, de- Tr:;r.:ai,:~ t:.X:::t'::r.!:edu~ =1~ an:f°ir': trwtt «•led by = 0!:1<1 =~N:; ~ parted to be with her Lord aald OMd of Truat Said .- wtll be held on· ' rtd•y Trutt .. and ofthe truet• cr .. teo by

on April :.!~ . 198'4 after M:t:.r~ff!~':~~~~:; Mey ta. t9M . et 2:30 p.m. at t,.,. U:.::!.0~':'hetd M struggling with c.ancer for~ A~ amrano. to the ~~~~to@!: May 14, 1M.4, at no~m ~ thl't'f' yean She wu thto CMc C.,,ter Bulldlng, 300 ENt ~ ,.,..,. 0renoa' CA Chapmen Avenue antranoe to the Wl(C' o f Reverend 8~ Chepman AY9 • Orenge CA Al the time • of the tMlel pubfi. CMc <Anter 8ulldlng, 300 fMt Jt"Sk<' and moth.-r of Marta, ce~~ ~t":. °' ,::.lfllt: ~:.; cetlon ot tNI nottoe, IN total ~ t!: ·:;:ei~ publl­

Beata and Timon Ker fam emount otthe unpaid tMitm"Oe ot the ' ~~ ~ = ;!: eetlotl of !NII 'IOtloe, the tot• 1ly lnc-ludes her C.tht'r, ot>llQ4ltl0n teQnd by the •t>ow o.- :::CC, deed of ,ru: ancteeilmat.i amount oftheun"91d c.aanoeot the J e k A h 5 v ,. 1 s s 0 f acrtbad deed of ll'\4t end • t1me1ed ·~· etld aovenoaa 11 oc«oatlon leQnd by IN above o.-IU la W r- ooett. upen .... ~ llOV9llDM II 122 702 28 ~6.s deed of tNal end ..tlmaled

J.IM.>f"ll utem, est UTr· 197e2211 The tocal lndet)teOMM bell'O an ~ta u--. end ~ta man) and her mothtr, The 101a1 ~ ~.,, •t1meteonwhld1tMopenlngtidi. S2t3.04t01



To all heirs. beneficiaries. credi tors and rontingent creditors of WILLIAM F . LOW ANCE, aka WILLIAM FRANKLIN L O WANCE and persons who may be otherwise interested in the will and/ or estate:

A peti tion has been filed by CAROL D . LOW ANCE in the Supenor Court o f Qr. ange County requesting that CAROL D LOW ANCE be appomted as personal rep­resentative to adnuruster t h e estate of WILLIAM F. LOWANCE aka WILLIAM FRANKLIN LOWANC E (under the Independent Ad· ministration o f Estates A ct). The petition is set for hear· mg In Dept. No. 3 a t 700 Civic Center Dr., W est. Santa Ana. CA 92701 on May 23, 1984 at 9.30 A .M .

IF YOU OBJECf to the granting of the pe\Jtion. you should either appear at the hearing and state you obJeC· lions or fill · written objec· t1ons with the court before the heanng Your appear· ance may be m person or by your at tomey.

IF YOU ARE A CREDI­TOR or a contlngent creditor o f the de<:eased, you must f ile your claim with the t'OUrt or present 1t to the per· sonal represeni,tlve ap­pointed by the court within four months from the date o f first issuance o f letters as provided in Section 700 of t he Probate Code of C.U­fomia. The Ume for fil.inl claimt wW not upitt prior to four months from the det.t of the hearing noti<.'ed above.

Y OU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by th court. 11 you are lnt.trcs~ in the a­t.A~. you may aerve upon the executor or admJ.n.latretor, or upon t.Mattomey for t,ho9. ecutor or adminlstntor. and file WI th the oourt wt th proof o f aervb. a wntwn request IN t you ~­ a-pedal notJco. of the fil· Ingot an mvmtory and •P. prai.ment or esiat.t ._ta or of the pet:H:.l:Ons or .ccounta menticned In S«Uon l200

r.,oo Pjl!C•' •C '""" Or •• t~ .. .... 0011 ~· 1 '

• .i• 7~n

Vanda C~lmU\& o f f"ort "t1mateonwtllctltheopeningbld1t ~meybeootalneoliy cel- The 1ota1 lndebtadneea ~en Wa y n lnd 111 na and ,e0tnpu1edmeybeot>ta1Ndbyoall· tng (7 t4) t37·01H or (2131 astlmataonwNdlttla~bldtaand1200., of the Ca.Utom1a

Ing (7 1•) H7·0H8 Of 12 t3l 927-"MS the- befOr9 tl't .. alia CIOm9U1ed may be ob.__,~ c.11- Probet.o Code

McCORMIC K M ORTUAlll Y ''9~ 1. 10 i na C1,.1o., Ro Laguna Bt> "t '" C." ~;>6~ 1

• !.'l·l Q4 . !i

brother. M:vtm.s Vem of 1en ... ees 111e day before the.... Dated AP't IO 1084 1n11 (7t• I 137· 00H or (212) ARLEN 0 ·\\'OFFJNDEN Mc Farland , Callfomla Dated AJ>rH 1), 1"4 SERVICE OIMEHSION• IN 127-4115 tl'la cs.J ti.ten""'..,. I LATHAM• WA _ __, V lc>wlng fnday r PM to 9 WESTWOOO A890CIATt8 CORPOAATED Dated A.prll 12, 1tf.4 C O 1 runa PM and f W'W.'1'a) .. aakl Truat.. .. MIO TIUltM T 0 SERVICE C()MPAl>IY llG Newporl Cuter Drive

ll'rvk'l!S on By TD SE~VICf COMP-'NY ~ ly TD SERVICE COMPANY t .. Mid Trvatee. s.J&e l... . Saturday, April 28. l984 Ol 2 By Con1 cac>ru, AMlmnt ~ e, M.;ey MehOney. ,._..,.,;.1: ly &w Pftchafd. Atllttant S.O.. Nt~rt B dt CA tUlt PM . bot h a c Ch r l 1 t fetlt'Y retety relllfY ea • • Lulhtran Church C.O.ta City DIYd Weat, Otengie. CA I One City ltvd W•I Qnno.t. CA One City 8IYd , W•t O<angie, CA 711· lff M Pl D-. .L· HU 124111 ·~ Publlahed Ora Coast

"9 ,.rao un1uien Bc-ll 7l41935-82M '7 t•> 835-8281 111•> 93&-42N Daily POMA-• 21 28 Ma Broadway Mortuary. Dirt'<'· P\Jbllal'Mld Oranot eo.t Deify Publt.lhitd Orange Cou\ Dally Pubflthed Oranoe eo..1 OU>' "'.. • • 'I ton.. 642· 9150 Pilot Ac>rll :)() 21 M.ay c 1M4 j Plkrt April 27, Mey 4 11 l"4 PllOl ~prll I0,•27 , M.., '1, tOM 4 , 19iW

- 2t11·M 213H4 ,,.._.. 2315·84


B-21515 SVNOPSll OF TitE


2361 Cempua Drive, Suite 104 l"lne, CA. 12715

Home Office YHr Ended o.c.tnber 31, 1913

Total admitted assets To tal llablllt les Capllal paid -up/ Guar anty Capital/ Statutory Deposit Gross paid-In and conl rlbuted surplus Unassigned funds (surplus) Surplus as regards policyholders Income lor the year Olabursemeota tor

$ 1.000.000


$ 1,352,837

$28.490,507 $22.637,670

$5,852,837 $~2.0 19,951

the year $1 1.842. 169 We hereby certi fy that the abOve items are in accordance with

the Annual Statement for the year ended December 31 . 1983, made t o the Insurance Commissioner, pYrsuant to law ELWOOD T BANNING, President RUSSELL E LEATHERBY, Secretary Published Orange Coast Dally Piiot Aprll 26. 27. 28, 29, 30, 19"4


___ P\8..-..;;,;.;IC;...;NO~TIC::.:E:.___ I Ml.IC J«)TIC[ RESOLUTION NO. '445


WHEREAS, the City Councll of the City of Newport Beach, pursuant to the provisions o f the Street Vacat ion Act and al l amendments thereto . being Sections 8300 to 8325 and 8340 to 8353 Inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Callfornla. provldea for the vacation of easements: and

WHEREAS. the Newpor1 Crest Homeowners Auoclatlon has requested that Ticonderoga Street be veca1ed eo th•t 11 cOUkl then become a private street: and

WHEREAS, an agreement has been entered Into between the Newport Crest Homeowners Association and the Seawtnd Homeowners Aaaociatlon to provide for the con~on of Tloond•oga St. Into a private street; and

WHEREAS. all utilities heve been notified and a publlo utllty and public service euement wtll be retained over T iconderoga St. to allow the City utltltlea and other utlllty access to operate, maintain and replece their facllltles; and

WHEREAS, the City wtll also reserve a blkewey .. ..,,.,.,..t along Tlcond8foga St .. and

W HEREAS, the area to be vacated Is described u follows; All o f that certain street known u Tloond•oga Street, 82.00

feet w ide, q shown on a map ot Trect No. 7852 flied In Book 302 Pages 7, 8 and 9 of MllOellaneoua Maps, Record• o f Ora~ County, Callfornla and reMtVlng therefrom a blanket fftement for public utlllty purpoMS, as described on Exhibit " A •tt•ched hereto; and

WHEREAS. the area lo be vecated la det<lnbed on a <>M-P9 map, a copy of which I• etteched hereto u Exhibit " 8 " and lncorporeted herein ; and

WHEAEAS. proeeedlnga for vecatlon of the •bov.d81Cflbed atee• ahalt be undertaken by the City Councfl of 1he City Of Hftlport Beach, pursuant to th• PfOvlalona o f the Street Va· cation Act or 1941 and an amendments thereto. being s.ctl~ 8300 and 8325 and 83<t0 to 8353 lnduatve, ot the Streett end HIQttway Code ot the State o f CeJlfomla.

HOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o f the City ot Newport that notice I• hereby g...,.,, that h'9 City Council of the City Of Newport 9Mch ooea het9l>y nx "9 14th day of May. 1984, at the hour of 7:30 p.m . of Mid day, In h City Counctt Ch•mbef'• Of lhe City of Newpot1 Bwtl, toc.ted ~ 3300 N.wport Boui.vard. Newport Buch, Cellfomia, • the time and ptece for hating aft pereona lnt.,etted In, or Objecting to, the propoeed vacation pr~lnoa, end the City Counot& at llllfd t ime tnd pl.oe wUI hear any ~ Ott.reef by any 1*10f1 lntet•ted In .. Id vec:.tlon, end

ee IT FURTHER RESOLVED thtt thla AeeoluUon Of lnltnt 9halt be published at i.ur Of'ICe In the offldal new.pepw Of &he CUy, Ind Mid pubfic.tlon llhall be made before the date .. , for the hating of all S*tOnt lnteruted In or ot>Jeetlng to the propoetd vtcatlon

ADOPTED th e 23fd day of Aprll, 1984 EXHIB ITS " A & O" on flle In the C~ty ~·1 Otftce


/a/EWAyn R Hart Mayor

/ 1/Wand• E And Mn CltyO*k Pvbl1$h*S ~•noe Cout Dally Piiot Apttl 21

Spencer gets new post at Zigner & Associates

R.M. "Mike" Spencer is the new uecutive vice president of Gloria Ztper fl A110Clates, lac., of Newport Beach. Spencer, who spent the J>&St six yean as director. of corporate communications for WaJt DIAey ProAc:tloM, will be rcSJ>C?OStble .for the creation c;>f a new fLnancial public relations division of the public relations and marlcettn& flrrn . The San Clemente resident is a former writer and editor of the Los Angeles Times and the author of several books and television documentaries ..

• • • .K~e" M. Fl~ber and James H. McNamara have been promoted to vice

pres1dent1aJ posts in Vaioa Bank'• South Orange County Regional Office in N~WJ?Ort Bea~h. Fischer, an Irvine rt5ident, will be a vice president in the pnonty banking department, while McNamara will work in the commercial loan department. Fischer joined Unfon Bank in 1976 and most recently served as assistant vice president He is a member of the Newport Harbor Arca


Chamber of Commerce. McNamara Joined the bank m 1979 as a management trainee and holds a B.A. from UCLA.

• • • James B. Strode of Huntington Beach has been appointed vice president

of manufacturing for Scotsman Maaalacl1lrillg Corp. of Long Beach. Strode joined Scotsman in 1981 as director of manufacturinJ. The finn specializes in ~si&ll:ing a.nd building pre~nstructed commercial buildings and has offices m Olhfom1a. Colorado, Arizona, Utah, Texas and New Mexico.

• • • -.Bob La Touret&e. has been- appointed regional VlCC president of Ro1ers Cablesy1tem1 of California, serving Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, ~tan ton, Midway City, Westminster and Los Alamitosalong with several cities 1n Los Angeles County. La Tourette formerly served as executive vice preside~t. apd general of the Rogers systems in Huntington Beach. Before JOining Cablesystems in 1983. La T ourette was a senior-level manager with Pacific Telepiloae.

• • • Boule Movaeslu of Fountain Valley has been promoted to manager of cash planning and financial reporting of Carl Karcher Enterprt1e1, Inc. In her new post. she is responsible for forecasting the company's cash requirements. investing surplus funds and preparing financial reports. Movsesian joined the firm in 1980 as an assistant to the general manager of general accounting. She was later promoted to senior financial analyst before taking on her new role.

• • • Tile Willard Co. ofFountain Valley has announced its 1983 audited figures for the year ending Dec. 31. During the year, Willard recorded a loss of S 196. 769, or 44 cents per share. compared to 1982 earnings ors J 02.323, or 23

. cents per share. Sales for 1983 were a record S7.371.012, up 56 percent over 1982 sales ofS4,70l.S33. The loss was attributed mostly to an expected loss from a wholly-ownded subsidiary acquired during the year. The subsidiary's operations have now reached the break-even point.

• • • WUllam J . O'NeUI of Irvine has been retained as consulting television

producer for the CbJldren's Miracle Network Telethon, to be telecast in June by Memorial Mecllcal Center of Long Beach. O'Neill. who owns and operates O'Neill Television Production oflrvine. was previously in production work at KOCE-TV Channel 50 in Huntington Beach. As consultant, O'Neil will produce local segments of the national telethon for Miller Children's Ho1pltal of Memorial Medical Center.

• • • Frontier Airllaes carried 6,467,000 ton-milesof cargo (one ton carried one

mile) in the first quarter of 1984, an 18 percent increase from the S.480,000 ton­miles carried the same period a year previously. Cargo shipments for the airline, which operates f11tV'ts from John Wayne Airport, include freight. maal and express between 78 airports in 27 states plus Canada and Mexico.


Howard P. Allen R. Frederick Chrt•tle

Orange COM1 DAILY PILOT,,,_, .. WI.

William IL Goald

Four const.ruttion industry ~,.., ecutivct will be bonoml Tuad9Y • ?! the fttst Buildina Industry A9ocia·:: tion Hall of Fame Dinner, to be bekl."" at tbt Bonaventure Hoiel in Lot •. Aftleles.

Honorees include Kennetll"., Leventhal, founder and mallllint • partner of Kenneth Leventhal & Co.; .. • Randall Presley, chairman of lhe .·:

Allen new head of SoCal Edison

Presley companies; Lci&hton Tuck. • scnjor vice president o( First Inter- •• state Bank; and Ray Watt. founder · .. and chairman of Watt Industries.. •

Proceeds from the dinner wiU ~ benefit the BIA's p0litical action ·· committee. an organization that sup- ~ pons real estate development wit.b • _ contributions to state and loca.I poliu- • cal candidates.

Southern California Edison Co. PFesident Howard Allen has been named to succeed retiring Chairman William R. Gould, who will step down in November after 37 years with the utility.

Allen. first elected president in 1980, joined the company in 1954.

The chairman-elect is a former director of the Irvine Co. and present­ly is a director of the Pacific Coast



~l Tectran

gutron ellNis 4 had h

S rost 6 Aclmed 7 Blolcna 8 UnvHld 9 Frey

10 Auslron 11 Blocttm 12 Diaonon 13 Zvtr 88wl 14 Salelco

ls us Cap 6 Bonrav

17 AGS 118 DMI 9 FedNal s



l('J,~11 WI

WGraln AWAlrt


11:1 12.


:1 1 .

I : I . 1 .

l :lo l .


Electrical Assoc1ataon. College, Allen ~e1ve<1 a law <legree from Stanford University law school.

Edison directors also elected H. In addition, he serves on the board

of California Federal Savings and Loan, Pacific Southwest Airlines and a founding member of the Los Angeles Olympic Committee.

An honors graduate of Pomona

Frederick Christie, currently e1-ecuti ve vice prcsjdent and chief financial officer. to succeed Allen as president.

In 1982. the association's political : arm distributed nearlyS88,000to 14S:• candidates. The 1984 goal is- " $250.000. ~ . ~

OVER TH[ COUNTER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I

Coffee'n Chee No Strings Checking brews up interest

no matter what your balance is. Hunlingtvn Sav1ngc;' No StnflEtS Ched .. m~

1st~ checking clCCl"'unt that really live-; up h.'

its name. Your account earns intt'rest no matter what

your balance is - 5 1 •%compounded d.iily on every dollar. Thats 5.47% annually

And with No Stnngs. theres no minimum balanC't' requirement So your money ~am<. interest every day EVl"n if your balance 1-; 0nly a dollar

What 's more No Strings Checking<. no ~rvice cha~ So you can write as many chttk as you like

No Strings C~king 1c; a m.lrt way tn makl' monev with~ Bui 11 <,not the onl't \,,l,

If 'r'"u h.1w $l500 ''r mun.· to Y\'- tht­Huntin~ton ln""'tment hmd pJ\-.., hl.l(h rtl(lfll'V

markt<t inkMl compuundc.>J daily. w11h,lut lYlr\H up your money.

You can make as manv withdrawals as )-"<'U Ii 1-.e

And you can rela''lng your Hunt ington lnve<;tment Fund aC("()unt 1s tully 1n--ured up to $100,000 by the ~ederaJ gt'\Trnment

No Strings and the Huntington lnve.,tment Fund Two eol y wa~ to make mott

fN your rmmey c1t Hunh~n Ju~ "tor by ~or aJI the money maim~

det.a1l!.. An<l don\ lorgrt to help yourself tt' a fresh cup of cotttt It 's alwa~ on us.

Now you know why your neighbor banks at


Fountain v.n~y Branch· 1'°1 Br<d..hor""t Curn11 t1t Sl.ltt'f F\'Unt.11n Vallvy

'"'land Cfntu Branch · l~ lk.xh Blvd .. (Nnn lli

M.tln Of e tMiJ \!\bmt'r A (orntr tit

'\d.1m' t f11nt1n "'" Rt"" h. C A QL'Q6 1714 l 0()3~\.' ( .\.<)2~t' ( il4 1 ~ -"\~


C'.c*.ifrl \~ Hunt1 ton Sc-...:h.. ("/\ ~M717141842

_..,, ....


On the


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0 I I.... J I ) ~ t \ A d ~ .~ L t '

NEW YORK (AP) Apr. 17

AM£ x LE~OE RS NEW Y~RK (AP> - Sain, Frld•Y pra

nd net • of the 10 mo•t ect ve t,,.-1cen t= Exd\anoe I.sues, tr•dtl

1 llo~ llv e l m o 'U" rl 4' , +3

r:• ' 14 -

119 : .,.., +w. nlln , - -

iLebB ,

Pr Hell , l1 ano , ~ +


GoLo Quo Tl~

Mi t~l s Quorr s

• That's an apt description of both business and

business people along the Orange Coast. To keep track of where companies are going and which people are helping them get there, Just watch ·credit Line, - every day tn the Business section of your new Baily Pilat ·

' \

ISUZU Impulse Sport GT Coupe

See Page 2






New lsuzU the same as A ..,_ 9UOCell .a lt1 lntroduc ..

tlon In May of 1113, leuzu'a lleek lmpulM enters tta eecond model year with just a few ~ta 11nd eome· added Interior Ind extet"k>f cok>r chok:es.

The four-seat GT ~ orlglnady designed by ~ Glugiaro aa the'' Ace of Clu.;.: c.r, rec::effltl two new extwtor color9 and one new Interior color choice for 198•. Cameo White and metallic Matterhorn Sliver are added to the carryover colors of Claret Red, Ebony Black, Fawn Brown, and Seine Blue. A new Interior combination of off-white, called e>ys.­ter, joins the gray and blue Interiors prevlousty avalla~.

The fulty-equJpped Impulse comes standard wtth auch Items as power steering, power windows, air con­ditioning, cruise control, and dual electric remote control mirrors. The only options for the Interior are a cassette deck for the standard AM/ FM stereo radio, or a premium sound system with a built-In graphic equalizer. For 1984, chimes have replaced warning buzzers for key and seat belt functions.

One of the unique features of the

Olympic supporters

"""',_II Ila control poda, located on MCh llde of the dUhboard Juat behind the ateerlng wheel. TMM "utelllte'' podt control the function• uaually controlled by randomly tocated knobs, awttchea and levers. The adjustable poda, In conjunction with the adtuttable eteertng Wheel, mean that all the controls can be operated without taking the hands from the wheel. And although the Impulse contaJns warning tight• that monitor ten different Items, the dash contains a full complement of analog gauges for precise and Instant monitoring of vehicle functions.

An Intriguing feature of the Impulse Is Its mufti-function monitor In the center of the dash area. Normally, Its dlgltat readout displays the time of day but It can be programmed (with the push of a button) to dlsplay actual mlles per gallon, elapsed time, date, remaining fuel, or trip length.

The unique roofllne of the Impulse makes It an honest " 2 plus 2" GT car. with its convenient hatchback and 60/ 40 spilt rear seats for carrying larger items. With the rear seats folded forward, there is almost 30 cubic feet of storage space. Ftacahip of the lauzu line, the Impuhe for 1984 features just a few modeat ·reflnementa.

Cadillac lists new retail prices DETROIT (BW) -- Cadillac Motor Car Division

has announced manufacturer's suggested retail prices and revealed Its new extended limited warranty coverage for the division's 1985 front­wheel-drive De Vllles and Fleetwood Sedan, which went on sale this month.

" The Coupe de VIiie will carry a base model manufacturer's suggested retail price of $17 ,4 72," Manager John 0 . Grettenberger reported, " while the Sedan de Ville wlll have a base model price of $17,957, and the top-of-the-line Fleetwood Sedan, $20,402."

The 1985 DeVilles and Fleetwood Sedan are protected by a new extended limited mechanical warranty that covers 10 major assemblies of these vehicles for 48 months or 50,000 miles, subject to a $100 deductible after the first 12 months or 12,000 miles, Grettenberger announced.

" We believe that this new extended warranty - the best currently availabJe on any GM pas.senger car - coupled with the numerous standard features of these new-generation luxury cars - many of them exclusive to Cadillac - will demonstrate to consumers the exceptional price­value relatlonshlp inherent In these all-new ve­hicles," Grett en berger said.

MacPherson strut front suspension, Independent rear suspension and bodyframe tn.tegral construc-tion. ~

" These cars represent the most significant: vehicle development achievement In Cadillac'•: history," Grettenberger said. " and reflect t~ culmlnatlon of Cadillac's best efforts In the areas of: powertralns. suspensions, electronic technology, engineering and design and assembly processes.' '

The 10 major assemblies covered by the new extended limited warranty Include: the engine, transmission, front-wheel-drive assembly, fuel and cooling system components, steering, troilit suspension, brakes, air conditioning, electrical system and the electronic Instrument cluster.

American Olympic competitors were the winners at the Orange County Inter­national Auto Show wliere a check for $ 5,000 was given to the county'• Olympic Committee. From left are Thomas Liegler,

Convention Center manager; USOC chapter co-chairman Dennis Landeaman; Edsel Ford U: 'Sam the Eagle;' Louise Murphy, treasurer of OC Car Dealers Aun., and Anaheim councilman Ben Bav.

The 1985 DeVilles and Fleetwoods Include such standard features as front wheel drive, the only transverse mounted front-wheel-drive V-8 engine offered by any manufacturer in the world, a new four-speed automatic transmission with Cadillac exclusive viscous converter clutch,



Factory 2 tone paint ( 1 EDM447) Factory 2 tone paint (302ZOZ)

$15,995 $12,995 '81 ELDORADO '78 COUPE

BIARRITZ DE VILLE (2AKM836) (Ser. # 299714)

$15,995 $6995 . TRADE· D IN .


Low miles (1FZP694)



Like new (Ser # 453171)


'79 COUPE DE VILLE (Ser. #695WRW)



$5995 ON NEW

I f

'81 LINCOLN Continental Mk ·VI

Full power (1CTV565)



Low miles, like new (173URZ) Automatic, leather (Ser # 403214)



(Ser. # 169675) (1JMP883)

$10,995 .$14,995 CADILLACS


Factory air , automatic (Ser # 123602)




Less than 19.000 original miles (Ser " 192480)




. . .

. . . . , . • .


SELLING ·YOUR CAR? Picture your car on ·this .

page as shown in the example below.

Reserve Your Space Today For Next Fridays Publication •



• 1"'"



Orange Coast DAILY PtLOT/Friday, Apfll 27, 198'

" I


' . -

I '84 Eldorado Biarritz

'83 Eldorado Biarrilz

Astrorool, 2,000 ori9 . J ie,ooo ori9 . mile• . (Ser. mile• (IJGKi43) 0421)

523,995 I 519,995 Caliber Moton• Merced ee Ben z d ealereh lp uhlb lta a modern Eu ropean de.Igo. '82

· Eldorado

Irvine architects design slm7·4915' new Mercedes dealership '

'82 Eldorado Caliber Motors of Anaheim lauds

'stylishly super!orShowroom' y

The Irvine-based architectural firm of Cor­bin /Yamafujl and Partners has designed a new Mercedes Benz dealership in Anaheim. which opened last month as Caliber Motors, Inc.

" Corbln/ Yamafuj i came very highly rec­ommended to us," said Al Pott , direct ing manager of the new dealership. " We wanted a showroom and service center that remained very styl ish while

·ottering a functionally superior design. " We couldn 't be more pleased with the

results." he added . "CVP did a beautifu l job." The showroom facade or the Mercedes Benz

dealership is a combination of marble-like, V(hite. ·pre-cast concrete with expanses of reflective ;bronze glass. The glass is stair-stepped toward the .center door from each side. and the structure's ;clean , sweep ing lines and angles resemble many •modern European designs.

The dealership 's service area is also done in tilt-up concrete. sand-blasted to bring exposed aggregate to the surface. Unl ike most automobi le

·dealersh ips, Caliber Motors. Inc. 's service area. : wh ich consists of more than 35 bays, is fully ; enclosed to provide a clean envi ronment with all : exhaust systems fil tered for expert au tomotive care.

. ' --~ - _,.._. ... ,. --.­

" From a systems operations standpoint. the bullding satisfies our requirements perfectly ,·· Pott said. ''The triangular layout of the ser­vice/parts/ customer center ensures both in­creased efficiency and maximum space utlllzatlon.

A dumbwaiter system has been Incorporated into the parts division to ease transport of major parts to storage areas, he noted , wh ile a canopy covers the entrance to the service reception area.

In keeping with the European theme In­corporated into Caliber 's architecture! design, Pott reta ined Parisian Llonel Morgalne, Interior architect , and Kessler and Associates of Irvine, to create the dealership's showroom. Ceramic t ile from Germany covers the showroom floor , textured suede-like wall coverings present a subtle backdrop for display of the automobiles, and a reflective metal ceiling completes the took.

Bronze glass and mirror play a role both within and without the showroom. All ·sales offices on the showroom floor are encased In gl&"S"s, while bronze glass provides the railing for the second-floor executive suites which overlook the showroom. -

The dealership is located at 5395 East La Palma Avenue by Anaheim Hills.

Corbin /Vamafuji and Partners is responsible for the design of a variety of commercial and industri al devetopmenls, including such bulldings as Whitt ier Financial for the Lusk Co. and Canyon Corporate Center (A & D warehouse) for the Macklin Co.

New ' "special edition'' Might Max S carries a retail price of $6, 199.

:Mighty Max S a sporty :Mitsubishi pickup truck

M1tsub1sh1 Motors Sales of Ameri ca. Inc .. the U.S marketing and distribution arm of Mitsub1sh1

· Motors Corp ., Tokyo has announced the in troduc­tion of a special edition sports version of the

: Mitsubishi Mighty Max.. to be ca lled the Mighty Max :s. , Available only at authorized Mitsubishi Motors : dealers. the Mighty MaJt S is of fered at a : manufacturers suggested retail price of $6 ,199 . '. which includes a new sports opt ion package valued · at $750.00. , Special edit ion features of Mighty Max S : Include styled steel spoke- type wheels, rad ial tires. • sport accent striping . full carpeting, cloth up-

holstered bench seat . a double wall cargo box. and chrome front and rear step bumbers.

Both versions ol the Mighty Ma x. are eq uipped with a 2-llter, 88 horsepower engine (90 outside of California) and a 4-speed manual transmission. Other standard fe3 tures include a 1.620-pound payload . power-assisted front disc brakes. ad­JUS!able t il1 steering· column and a maintenance­lree battery.

Special lease rates also are available lor the Mitsubishi Mighty Max and specially equipped Mighty Max S at participating authorized Mitsubishi Motors dealers .

Chevrolet offers 'call cop' signs In cooperat ion with !he City of Irvine Pol ice they know the police have been called."

' Depar1ment , Joe MacPherson Chevrolet will be The slgnal Is made of durable soft plastic and is ottering free 10 x 36 Inch plaslic emergency police lettered in brighl , day-glow red. Double-sided corner signals that read ''Please Call Police.·· These signals 1ape makes the signal easy to post In the back window are to be posted in the back window of the automobile or a car , where it Is highly vislble to passing vehicles when an emergency arises. and can help prevent crimes or br ing help In case of

Police Chief Pearl of the City of Irvine endorses Illness. the use of thse signs and has made them a part ol the Anyone who wouldd like one of the slgnals should city's Personal Safety Awareness seminars for stop by Joe MacPherson Chevrolet, localed In the women. Michael Weiss. supervisor of preventive Irvine Auto Center at 21 Auto Center Dr ive. The signals MJrvlces says, " I applaud your efforts in making a are free postlve contribution toward reducing 5e)(ual assual1s


,-------------------< In the Irvine area."

The emergency police signal Is recommended for anyone who drives alone. bul especially !or women and senior citizens. The slgnal lolds easlly to lit into the glove compartment of the car, so that it Is readily available for use at any lime

" These banners have proved very effective as protection for people who dri'le alone and 8)(perlence trouble." says Jerry McDonald, general manager ol Joe Mac Pherson Chevrolet ''Police radio Is the safest halo and troublemakers won' t approach a car when

s, lv1a !>o r tt·r <1ct,·1st•s on finance . ,\n1i I . andt.· r~ help ~ "Ith dnml'SI I<' pro­hlt•n1 ... ancl Su nrl a\ ·.., l 'ou ' 'our 7\1 one~· ... 1·<· 111111 f11c · 11 :-i t.·~ on ;1reu business 1 rt•nrl:-. ;ind 11 pp1 1rtunll1 t.•:-i

Daily Pilat

•' L

Low miles . {1ESE738)

516,995 '82

Cimarron Leather, 7,000 mile s


59795 '82 Coupe De Ville { 1EAG271 )

513,495 '81

Eldorado (lCTKl Ol )

SJ 5,495 '81 Sedan De Ville (Ser 1348)

512,495 '80

Seville {609ZBJ)

512,995 '80

Eldorado {Sec 141 l )


'79 Sedan De Ville

{874YPM )

58795 '76

Eldorado Low , lo w m i l e•

{1 63RDK )


'79 Cimarron

Le ather i nteri o r {1COG228)

57995 '82 Eldorado

Touring Coupe Amornof (Ser. 0421 )

517,495 '8Z Coupe De Ville (IEBL154)

513,995 '82

Seville (I EAE031)

517,995 '81

Eldorado (Ser 9601)

514,995 '81 Coupe De Ville

l 9,000 orig miles (Ser 0944)

512,995 '80

Seville (861 YlA)

513,995 '80

Eldorado Low , l o w miles .

{1 FOF761)

513,995 '79 Eldorado

Biarritz { lfLT819)

512,995 '77 Culless

Supreme Like new. 32,000 miles.



'83 Coupe De Ville

7 ,000 ori9 . miles (2AHW985) I


'83 Coape De Ville


~ " .. '

'82 Eldorado

Low mile• (1FMR181)

5 14,99~

'82 Eldorado

Low miles. (EAE185)

517,495 '82 Sedan De Ville

15,000 or ig . mi le s (1 EXA620)

514,995 'B-l­

Eldorado (ICTK101 )

515,495 '81 Eldorado

Biarrilz Low miles. (1BIA138)

514,495 '81 Coupe De Ville {1BWW279)

512,495 '80

Seville (Ser 1640)

513,995 '80 Eldorado

Biarritz (1 92ZUZ)

513,495 '79

Seville {770WQV )

510,495 '83 Chev. Cavalier

Loaded. AM/ fM cass. Pwr wndw1, dr lock•, velour int. (IHC42l ),


'82 Eldorado Biarrilz

Low miles. ( IEAF864)

515,995 '82 Eldorado

Biarritz Low miles. (Ser. 1630)

518,495 '82 Sedan De Ville

Low mile.• . (I DQL788 )

514,695 '81

Eldorado {1 BHN908)

513,995 18' Sedan De Ville

21 , 000 m il e s (IBWY637)



'81 Coupe De Ville {2ABP4 19)

512,995 '80

Eldorado 402ZlV )

513,295 '80 Coupe De Ville

Low miles. (Ser 1000)

510,995 '78

Seville Low miles. ( 141 VNO)

59895 12 Moatb/ 21,000 Mile

Reaew1ble 1

Se" ice Coatr1ct Ani11bl1 Tkroafk

Geaer1I Motors c .. m .. Divisioa



1984 RABBrT WAS $9535



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3047 JAACL 14A2E0726454 3022 JAACL 1457E0723252 3035 JAACL 14A2E0724283 2067 JAABL145500702720 3042 JAACL 14A 1E0724274 2086 JAABL 145600703133 3047 JAACL 14A2E0726454 2075 JAABL 145300700190 3002 JAACL 14A 1E0719057 2016 ·JAABL 145500707447 3053 JAACL 14AOE0726159 2070 JAABL 145000703130 3067 JAACL 14A8E0731755 3061 JAACL 14SXE072950 3055 JAABL14A2E0723159 2013 JAABA14A500707325 3029 JAACL 14S3E0724253 3015 JAABA14A9E0719222 3025 JAACL1458E0723292 3023 JAABA14A7E0723642 3005 JAACL 14S4E07 186' 4 2010 JAA8A14S500705910 2034 JAABL 145700707224. 3003 JAACR 14S4E07 18573 3032 JAACL 14S5E0723282 3013 JAACR 14S4E0719402 305-4 JAACL 14S5E0726425

°'MOit CoUt OAtl'i PILOT/Friday, Aptll 21. 1984




To Pbct Yow Ad, Cll


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1llo2 1904

loot ·~ ~ ... :~: Telephone crvice: 8EAUT"UL 28A.1. '"" BA. 1022 TownhouH. BkYll'"· 1014 Monday-Friday Brick ''"· Tll• . Kit. um w/Mlcfowtve, 0v.,.iu :re 8:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. oar .. Comm. Spa, Tot91 to.o Bu ines Counter: 1>9ymt 11" · mo. Cindy 1042 81\aW, "''· 7eo.MOO :::: Monday-Frida)' •ut•nll* ::; 8:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. MUtt .-mo. fOfgeoul

oondotl Lowly 2 It 2 la. ::~ DEADLINE Otltv w110.~ :m Pl'BUCA'flO~ DEA Dl.I . • : 3*:'2-=;;,171:000. IOIO 0 -------- o.flnlt.ty WOf\ t !Mii Try '* \londo~ Sat. 11 :3 u.m. only l&ooo ctwn end 11~ Tuhda~ \ Ion . l ::lO u.rn . llftllUIUllll.. saoot mo. Pattldc 1;o Teoort 78().1702 ION Wt•dnr da~ Tue·.... 1::\0 p .m. Megnlfloent vtew ett•t• 1100 ThurMl1H \\' t'd . l 'iO cuttom58t .. famltyrm. l 1m :. p .m. 5, MW pool, tP•. on ll~ Frida~ Thur-. . ·l :30 1•.m. ·~ acre - .it returbllh«t • llWC)22' Sat urcla ,\ rrirl tn. 3:00 ,,.rn , lmmtcl ~In, trade 0(3 ....;=.,,=+=den=;;;;Coll,_.,.._,,,Ptl,..-n-r

• , .... option GJ<. 1975.000 achoota a occ · RV m~ Sunchn Fri. :um p.m. :~~.~5&.: H apace. nu roof, ln_;.et9d, t:llll rtmodeled . 113•,500 :~~ ERROR Agl. ~5-888&.

I~ • lllTllY• TUm :~ Che<'k ~our ad dai l ~ and r(•porl Condo nr sc Plua: 2 Br 100 error!> irnuwdiat t>h . Tlu· l> .\ 11.\' 1'l•ba. NC. carpon. Lec'• 1:10U • make e deal! &?'9.1..950. By :~~ P ILOT a&sumes liability for t lw fi r <;& ownr 55e-1828 715·2580

1m incorrt>c·t in&ertion only. By owner. c:NrmlnQ 4 Br. 1* CLASSIFI ED 642-5678 1v. ba trg 1ot, eo • 110. 1: 111.f ILlll Tl eo~ patio, ,,..., .,... :en ------------------ PIHllll roof . ntw plumbing.

~ 3004 >012 301 4 3011 >Oii

,,,., \Ill~

••m ltr Salt ... •-.••-'" ........ .-l•.....,la....,,11..._ _ _ oenghtfut CdM *-uon. 2 ,_s 1_1_5_.ooo_ ._e_13-_1_1_e.. __ tlOZ ltHr 1002 bdrm. 2 bath c1ua1c. em n &WlY1



lllUIYll IHl,000 "The Canyon," Newport's pres­tigious security community. 3 BR, 3 BA, large side yard . Love ly courtyard entry. End unit. Priced at yesterday's prices for today's sale!


Beautiful 3 Br. 3 1h Ba. Bayfront. pier & float for 65' boat. Best buy at $895,000.

Beautiful 3 Br, 2 Ba, playroom, fireplace, beam ceilings. Xlnt. financing. $420,000.

UYllll lllYI UYflllT OHM Jetty & Bay view. newly decorated Mai Kai . 2 Br. 2 Ba, 40' patio. $695,000


llV•E TIWOI Panoramic bay & ocean view. 4 Br, 4 Ba, patio, ))901 home . Fee price $775,000.

PllllSIU 1111 ICWFIHT Ocean & Jelly views, marine room, 4 Br, 3 Ba, 3700 sq. ft .. parking. $1 ,285,000.

UYllll PUOE UYFlllT Spectacular bayfront dplx. 2 Br, 2 Ba up, 2 Br, 2 Ba down, 2 boat spaces. $1,350,000.

BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J41 Roy,,.f,·Or.v• NB bl', t>lbl

ULNlllU Like new duplex top quail·

ty con1tructlon 3 Bdrm unit up, 2 Bdrm down. The beat loc.tlon only a few atep1 to the beach but 1tlll quiet and out of the traffic. Full price $455,000 751-3191



lllllT, UlllT Beaullful SommerMt 3 Bdrm 3 Ba with fireplace In Mair suite and tkyllght over the tub Ouallty fea­ture• abound In thl1 popular model Bullt In 1980 with a touch of San FrancllCO. Full prtce only 1158,000. 75 1-3191


large muter eulte, d«I, at S110K. • bdrm. Muat encloHd patio yard , Miii Nr SC Plaza. Owner: $380,000. (213)37&-77H ~

Uf!IWl ()Uf. f1C:; MfS 1--.- U- llL--IAl--,_it'on. 8i~e06o I••••••••• 4 Bdrm. 2 beth, fl~.

~ roof, new tumec:». 1111111.IAI

3 Bdr 2 Ba 2000 1q n t1ome that hu new carpet, paint. roof and Clrlwway . Vacant and ready to go. A~lng 1139,600.

T r aditional Realty 631 -7370

naw d l thwather . S 135,000. Rec ently painted Owner wHI finance with tmall down. • ., ...... lffr.

Ml-llH 1111¥1111

Drive by 2812 Sereng. Adorable 3BR 2ba. RV atorage . $189 , 000 . Ownr/ Bkr 1·879-2680

---.,,..,...,,~=,..---- Nice 3br In M ... V•de HITI -ii29,950. 1851 Kentucky

OOITI IEU Place. Agent 751· 7148

You must'!" this one A PHL spectacular entry way to 4BR 2ba M... del Mar. a lovely 3 bedroom, w. · bath home with aunny Mull ... • Vfl'Y nice.

Call 841-8833 kitchen end famlly area. "UCCESS REAl TY A must ... tor only l--~--------1129,600. Call for ahow· NIL Ing 548•2313 3BA 2ba. l15K On. owe

tt~l\D ~;~~~~,Tu~~:-lllllDTlllU o'~~:~~1

UIE lfFEll Sparkling 3br take OY« Only S2 t 7 .500 Wiii buy_ you eJClstlng 198,sOo. $3,500

this cozy duple~ on one or down. Full price I 105,500 the penlntuta 1 nlceat Agent 720· 1e>e0 cornera· on FEE land . •--------­Owner may trede for Wll'T IUT TlllJ Palm Oetert condo Of un- EJlde lovely 3 Bdrm + den Improved land Atk for hOuM w/ 2 car QM & lrg Hallie Strocit. 844· 7020 yrd Owne< tlquldattng.

H•llWI Only 1122,90011 To ... Formerly Lingo R.E. call Petrick Tenore

IPllT&llUI 1eo-t102

YllW .. l'L•lll OlllUOIYE

Located lut on tht bluff 1-------.,..,....,.... with no obatrUC11ons to lut . .... ~ I block th• •lght•·Hll•. 3-i BR•. Sis #rom aunseta and Island views. 148,900 OcHn Park St ep• 1way f ro m School• CIOM. Allltlf beaches. Floof' to celling Bkrs, Park Huntington views from every room of Speelallats 982-1085 this 4 Br 3 Ba old wOf'ld --------­charmer. $1 .200 .000 . Alk for Nancy Short. 6«-7020

lllUIELUS Formerly Lingo A.E.

la1Ma ...... 1

IUOllllll-IKM 2br, 2ba. frpl, tennla, pool, tP•. aec:. gate, uaum.

toen. 1 ml. from beach. $ 112,500. Brk 731.4H7

IWWOI UL UL ISL 4 br. 3 ba. st1ort walk to

3Br. 2ea. Din Rm. F/ PI., beach. Spac. llv. rm, Obi Gar w/Ba + 2 Br fam./dln. rm. lrg bale,

· ·• · eHycareyard. $189,000. Apt. NOW BY OWNERll s.. at IS 14 20th St.

$375,000. 873-8017 53&-1718

rtU ••I •ar I 2 _IPl_ l _Mlll--l-Y-IW-,.-0-Sat/SUH 8 AM to 7 PM I-· I Nil 3 BR 2ba " Seebury" . See

LISI--- YIEW at 8821 Martinique Cheek Into this auper value $ 139K, tetmt negoti.ble . al only $389,000 FE£. A 530-6830 perfect ramtty home on a Raat BarMar

::~~ 1124,100 OllTl 111111 1•.ooo urge tot - nice hOme near achoola. Low cuti down end tow payment• wlll let you own thla 3 bed. hOme with auumable loan 11 8 .5V.. Cell t o ue 83 1- 1400

large MCluded lot In a • qufet cul-de-aac street CONDO: 1 BA W/LOFT vacant and ready fOf tall 'I• ml to bch. Pool, tennis escrow S 139K OwMf 559-0908

•·•i• 4 Bedroom, famlly room. ''"'' bf~ fireplace. Air con·




'"'') l'OJIJ l<l!H 1'Cl4U ! .... ,

dltloned. Clean & neat. ~&-2313


3 er + a;;, iQI famlly. Call us tor detaJla.

144-1211 lni•• 09ntr. AIC. atlutter•. tky­lltff, fully landtcaped. S 15•.500. By Owner

lllWPlllT IOWFlllT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim-lii 559-' 188 ev .. Wonderlul toc.tlon on the Handyman' • Speci al.

/Jn Nlf,fl IJAILL Y & ASSUC l l\T[S

und. Typical 3 bdrm .. PllYllT FOf'ecloMd P"oP8'1Y of· ~ cottege with great Complet.ty remodeled 2 f.,• excel. opponunltlee potentlal. Your own 2nd Br 2 Ba home. Nftl lend· !Of' elthet a hOme Of' en home or• perlee1 weeti - 1eaplng '31$.000. Prln· lnv .. tment. let me=. end retret1t or Income clpala Only 483 MOf'nlng you llnd what you . property 1448,000. Canyon Rd. Open Sat. Patrick McAutey, Agt.

WA 11 HI ttc )I'll l 9-5. 759· 1842 790·141 1 ttOMt ._ I.e. Al AL lSTATE 131-1400

ESTATE SALE: Sfwecltn nlllTllfTI at>< 2t>e. 'h blk trom bet\ 4 Br. 2~ ba, llnote femlly '580.000 833-3822 Cletadled home. Turtle

Roctl Ridge. LIQ yatd, e/c, Intercom & NC 1Y9, cent vac & much more. 30 yr below ,,...rket 'eta nnan '340,000. F0t Into 5&2-0917 (Irvine Pecttlo)


' 642-5878 miiP.~iii!iB'.ii~ lnm tit!niW - ~ ht illd dllL. h4. ..,, • ..,, ,,.. 11at111.. .. .......

..... J!H dblwtctefUllttont.porOh· c.ww• malf!iit&Mc.e..._ at ..... iiia Bil~~ .... iii a. - ,l•P.14 .. L.wt~riouta~~ ~!r•11 ' 1nt. 1 vpgraded ............. Avelt . now. z.a bdrme . llMIMI.. tiN'. Olr. no~1_1wttf"'W:»la..,. , ,..M1'toatwe21f1 M1e.. 1 ... ;a.\G"Giijl " Condoonwater.NI~ C[;:,' l!PP. n '*"' w/2 __ .,.,... ftOO· fM2·1tlS \., ....._.. ,.,.., i.,n. &Adw '4f0, 11u-1ti, ~ 1no1. No • · eo.ta Mw nr ooe . .,., ••· n " ~ umy. Atduoed 100K tor me~.:u~io~ 2 ~ 11~ l"•oueon&Hafw!A.I . dfy. poqt, c.pott. no MITILIWTAll 5" btwn t&3~ ~oo1. uea. u1.-. :-:~. ::~aa•.1--.,,..-=-""""""'""""" quiek ..-°' trfldt. laot< Terme or trfldt S31900 ~. '..:::i. P'OOI~ HA A VlfW-4 Ir, 2'A ,_., 14ff~ 131 w. 2 ., 1 le 4_. biiki ii061et1ot1 *"' ,.,..,.,,_, fli.1 . sew lbe ~. n/ • _.. ,

175-1131 or aa,.1394 839....,. • ' ' uftda T• ba, fwn rm, ecroee from 19th. It. 2 cpt• dr1Pt9 wMtl«/ to &-30. 3 er. 2 a.. 1 '* =~--to bdl tlOO. eoot:if ltM oMoe. IOc !lrtfr;r._li.lllt , MtPllllll 20'x4M' ~..,,, ,,.., ~'m:°°'~:--· lachetor , I .aid• C.M. ~~,'encl QM. I0~33rd 8,

13 °'142"2 180 1

Plf, , ·;..... ~ 8t:)ed~•&IM , BHt .Newport buy I tho9C). Ing c.nter, bu•. · C1th. ~llng1. patio, M1t. 21 N.e. Retfty t7S:tMZ ~ ~ w/2 "*" &t, CM. 546-1t6S Aobt.":.:u., t':uc., OOtgeOW, bftght 4 Ir fldulti, X-dNn 121.aoo. tcltch ., ve ry ol een , t«bdrma._..,.,.,mo + 2N0' w/ bonul rm. tor~ fM2·7110 M Ml3tC.M. N~~~~!'Uth ~~ 1 4 15 / mo + d t p . 2.~2 ........ d/ .,..d .... STUOtOAPT NA&EACH ~~~ ~ 2000•:1:Wltdl NalQ ft :2~*' Ml=~1, mt1 ~ ffptc hM It - ,...,., " • .,,.. N0-4 t lO Iv mtg. - ,_, w, w ,.,.. Sep. kit. w/NfftO. I ~ • .,. al 1 .A.2 111 tor u'>O At- 1'1111111111111 w/ 284. 21M>&. dott to up, gar trptc 9150 ~ btth No on ..,. 142-3002 or tn-6370 •·-IQ ft A'1' ... - WANTS): ,..... Meifti • aumt 11t at K'· Looldna for Ultl!M .. q~ C..ta ... 1114 rf20o~ In condttlon. MZ-f7H/-1193 ~. NO '*'- 1 penon ProfelalOn•I 10 •h•t• CM, eoo IQ"., . Ind ~ pvt TO ... t '°40QO ... FIX!Otll'hleluBEAUTY tyln~H. '71 Cembf1dgt. a Of™· 2 8'. 2 LO mo.. •eataaJIB Delwct S8r2Ba l 2Br2Ba Of'lto/. '350/rno lnol . .. LMge31Al'OfntlnCdM ba. '300/mo. Ownt/A!lf No Cttdft v , no~. th•t won't ~· You own ouatom aptdal ttt~. 1200 IQ tt. w/ prtt yard. Wlllrft' ... "-Ill. In 4-plex crpta drpe utllt. Avtjl, 511. 835-5445 No emoun. 1110. end 714M001 ~ Al9oc tfi;.nff thelanchnd lta IMMEDI· .~ .,.!...~ ~ '800/mo, MQ..toe3 ....... 111·1• .......... ~ Weetelfft: 11r+Otn upper. 1625. mo. 780-2537 Of ......... I Ill jl~·~;;;~fl ATE&.Y avallabtt. To ... "'' n -..utt S*k. ~ Bttutlful tendtctped DI'· ........... t•t Poot Pott t64S/mo ...... mw. 137-5411: _ call PATRICK TENORE c• OK. W8* to bMofl. 38A28ATownhowt. New H9wport Terr. 3 BA, 2 dtn apt1. Poot & Spa.

873 .. ;~ a«.


1 ' i PfM0l£MEXbiN88

1tM102 r:: .. Cf~~:.u::.-~ : ·a:::'5aaOOfW. 1oc. ~~u.::~1:. p8l~~== ~~ne~. . c...:.. "C:t.. .. ~-T,!n ... ~:X ~~ ~:,:-.-::.::: -nf ,H:za ~=~ ..JR 28A, tam rm. trpto, NWPTTE.AAACE(W/ llde) 151E.2lll. 54&-2408 1br, 2brlbecht6orepta. 2 If. ciOM to m I.June 11 M Al90 ~11t5 Tiit Orenoe'&. a.y

Agent 53&-3234 OIW. car~. Mey 2tth. 2 br. 2~ ba "'" condo. E'alde 21 A 1'-t bt twnhM. Tt6ev1Md MCUrlty, encl $500/mo. Prof. M/F eh. t'JC9C. H8 ho. ~...:_El ,C,!f'*W'd -... 7.~ Pilot Ma an UCtllnt op. -------- l900mo. 1e111Mt. dep. S700. 845-t2191vmag Patlo &~~27• Cebrlllo. garaigea, pool,jac, tennla, 223LaPek>me. 637-7818 3000~ Jec. c!Oelto ......,.,, ...., . ... v ,_ portunlty tor a C#W .. UITll W Acn11t l IZS 383 E. 18th St. 548-1511 OoMnlront detuxt CU91om 1575, ~ clubhouM w/ tuM exerclM W 8dl • "6--8505 daa. •Spltttutil Aeldtr & Ad- oriemfld MtjOf ~t

FC>tl'Mf model with tuH golf 47 ecr• & 8.5 ecr•. 4 Br 2 Ba pool i 1000/mo, 3 Bt, temtly rm home on EJllde luxury tn 1 pine tor- room. 848-1813 " ttl Prof. M. IMt<a aame 2()..3() Y1aor Advtce In .. llt9 EMQltJw ...,. a proven oour .. view. Poot. tennla, S~eculat Ylewl. Call yatd & pool ••rvlc•. aandy bNch. $3300/mo. Mt. l.g 28R 2ba. QM/wtr am • c lMn StudiO Pflvacy yra to..,, 2 Br N.B. llpt. ~ mettttS; tow. mamaoe. "ack reciord Or••• apa, 1220,000 IUll price. Hertle 830-8205 1 843- I 213/802·8000 days 845..077111191340-1284 ptld, enclpetlo, d7w, trig, H alngle, retftgfhot ~•t• blk trom beh. '325 Ind. bu9ineat, NB. N1-t31l pottntlal. guat .. n'"d 75% ueumable nnanotng 2112 Leguna v1e10 Atty. do bbq $585/mo. 842-1844 1 BR condo bY 1tream. 1345 No pet1. 752·5122 utll Mlkt 157..0557 8" e . .... t I ,.... w.. d r ew •o•fnll com• 1va11. Call Bkr 844-7424 Brand ,,.. luxury con · ....... lal "••I• Pool. Jee, Tennlt. Avell ..... ...,. mtMton. Oealr• to move

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiii ..... "5iU 175 3BR. 38A, Jee. 2 Fir• 2 BR 2b•. 2 car gar. LW TIWmlll 8/ 1. $525. 891-0880 Ammt Ml, n-amkr, Ntr Into manaoement. ptUa. - placee, Yard, 1 1050. mo. e .. utltul condo evell Quiet 2 Br w/ 1'-" la pvt NeWP0rt cr .. t ™" bdrm, avell nr t>Mch Send to

lllUIYll ... ITll 10 n • 01 ht: 2630 Santa An• Ave. May 15, 11150/mO. Daya patio. pool. tndr , Latua ltac~ 2741 nr beach. $37°6. ' S300mo. Jutte 536.3ae5 Nllll\ ADS P. O. Box 1$80 Lowest prloed golf OOW'M 100 mllte of SUNSETS & ' 851-8228 758-5821 or •YH I carport, no peta. i6ls m 16.\t bik Trom At1ecall1150-54511 Shere 3 Br Condo. Flpl, Fuunu Cotta ....... 9282.1 cultom home In ca BIQ tons of BLUE PACIFIC Eutalde 5Rm HM Cheery wtcnde 553-8417 • Curt II, agt. 831-12M l>Mc:h, nr Mou Cov•. Utlt IUI llUI •I.I. redwood<**. po6t/apa, ARE FR£E


Canyon. 4 &*'room1, <l end BAND. fUght on the decor frplc crrt1 thru-out lu J••• Ii: ml POOL f le rvt ti pd. Adults. no peta. Waah/dry, Avail. 515. i• both• . private pool end ,water II Ulla 30 " · by M40 Rtnt op to buy - WI!_ dlhwsh rp x p 1 BP• 0 l .... 1750. 488-2880 M•ter avlt• In large hOme $300. mo. 540-7859 MllSB .... -ape. Ultlmat• In rHtvaicy. M.H. T property • nd 53M 190 BEST Atty ... Gg ' bdrm, 3 sa: HOO IQ e--· ... ~ .,.·31Q "57 2r .. ,. °"1 Ooten • .o-... 1 Br II ' near I Atlante. Pvt Shi' am 21>1' 1ba d•""'- Npt Cal: .. ..... Red~ to S9t8,000. •long with " la • FUNKY 11. 3 Cat gar. M!aalon -·- -1s " . ~ ...... . OY9 bath, ~y. Cable TV ....._ Coate .... mfg. firm

Jll-1111 38 R2bawlthFAMILYrm. Euttld• lerge 1 Bdrm. Crettc. 11100. 494-7224 Oarden..flke 2 br w/enclad refrlg• . uttl1 pd hOOkup, kltchen&leuo- ~Jr~:: mo. Call ••J·llll needarlgtltlndtvwl3yra BEACH HOUSE. 2 fir• C(J>Wdrpe, 1 cat oar & tlo w/apace of 1200 tt $800/mo. + 111aat dry prMltgea. Fem. pref. 1· Iv me9G - minimum exp In~ plecta, 1 car garage • carpot1. L ..... 7I0-83e4 •••la rm Charming lhuttered 1 100 MC. 494-3528 $400 mo. utlla Included. Unt\lm. Penn. Home. Avail pe~. Mtg. a. corn-BUT talk •bout FUN. E'SIOE. CINn 2BR 1ba, Two atory 2ir inCi frpjC b1d9 nr PecAmph & OCC IOllll ytfW 969- 1221 att. 8pm lmmed. non smoker. ~ ~ "-' '350.000 • ao petlo, agl garage. 1128~ 2h MW« k~ch 2 ger Veulttd oalllng, 10' trplc, Only 10 minutes from Rm tor rent furn, PoOI. Jee. '400. mo. 873-e492 Found: F red Dob6t w/1all ~ ... ~/= WALUll I .. ILTll dep. 646-0491/875-:M32 upper S800 • kkl• AOKI new crptldrpa, lrg akyttte Laguna Vo.Jr own private w/d, ell prlv. CIOM to W/F non-amkr emp1 to , ..,. F lawn Terrter/ Plt 7l4!979-3"3

-COTE ,~,

REALTY (111) lH..... Here's 2-38r'a Both uncle< 538~ 190 BEST Atty ftt bath & walk4ni "'1

1d hk-up 'vtew lrom Dana lhop1 & twvs 552..0584 rltl


a spec WMtdlft IC)t. mix, M blk I wtl1 Colit, ..,..,....,--......,...---....,....

.' ... I. m hpnt/ ti , S700 one E·ald• rental A,.rtafttl ,.,.... 'tn d~ ..:.en~. ~ Point's moat MCluded SEA & SUN LODGE = to ~~· ~ cr26 N~'(;' A1':1 =-s: ~

l•iiil-~;.;,;i6i_..,..._;,.,.;-..;,,. • l frplc & gar the olhtt1 pets 1740 Avalt 511 tc«!lc blutt. Uk• new 2 $ 105 wk/up. Color TV + ~ ut 14 • ·• . drM COC*1 ....

3 bl', fem rm. L .... option 1111 Yim Tl~ Not,., lrom NftP0<1 ~1231 (S-9'>mJ · Br & 2 Br wi den, xtra 30211 w. eo..1 Hwy, Npt lntab Wu... Coata MtN. 844 3&58 :•cOM 7~18 " ... 0< for ... 1235,000. Two 2br H~b• 3br 1ba 53M190 BEST Alty ftt large privet• patios . --·-------844-58&5 or 144-71197 end petlo'a ' 1209 000· H . 1 3B 2 Ba lut. IMc~ 1141 LARGE 1 & 2 Br. crpt, From '850/ mo. Call So.~· nr bch. tutty lum., Empl. F/ lludtnt wenu pr; Found: Keys. April 24. on ma. aL•'MI

CharmlnQBed!BtiyHome 1ox 'Ql'ou. &48-3827egt. ~~tld r JOll IWI drepH, laundry rm , te0-833t or drive by pv1 kl fee, PoOf, tennis, rm/be w/F under 40 In AdematlMl'BrootchUl'at. Artlcul•t• rteponllbl• Secludecf MM neer M... 16•~ruMl80 BE:T t prkng, weter pd, gar & 24MS Santa Clere to... Jtc ah< Ba, color TV. H.B. C.M. Llaa 831-9009 982·3245 8". ~ peop6t needed to ...

Orlvt EatatM. 1158,500. c•t Prtr l .. COllTIJ fridge avan. Xlnt toe. H••• YllW :i~ncl ":"'~~ '325

• Mele 40. netda room or Fo.Jnd large blade dog, Yk: eppta. tor our aoa.i dub. 204618eyvlew850-5520 3 Sty Hist com. Gig. Handsom• 3Br 2 ' .. b• Nopet•· 8314427 """ . arnall apt CdMI NB/LB. AlberUOnalnOenal"olnt. Noeotd~. AdVllne»

Marin a. w/ 500% tax condo. 1100 eq tt, many ESTATE Latge 1 Br. Apt. crpta, Only 10 mlnut" from a.ttl1Jl!ttl1 2iii Rtt.. Lv Mag. 1175-8788 1131-7291or4N-32M ment posil61ct. Goo~ llllT PllllLlllll 213/383-2289 t xtru. Nr bu• & lhop1. drp1, pool, tandacaptd Lagun•:.r~r own privet• Pr.J 1--. ..... ""•· "''~- Found MI n I• tu r • phone votct nee ·~.

112K & Take (YVW pay- 11050/mo. 842~23 BMutlfull ptrk like pool area. $400/mo. No oceari • ...., from Dane u11•a ••&AM "" _,, ,. " ....,_, Top comm1ea60na p11kf menta. (714)838-ee08. lOllll ... IUll ..-prtvetePetloa 846-3&1118"330 Polnt 'I moat MCluded llA951NW Quiett '"ks to ahere Setlnllll* "*9, Santa CeltM LM54S-7Me ·

8eaah<n Or, N.B. ~x: Sharp 2 Br. Eaatalde • ..-eovertd Perking peta. : acer1lc blutt. Like new 2 llTll 111 houee or rent guHt Ana St. Coata M ... _'Uji;Niriii. iiiiiiiiiA<HiMR;-Ealtblutt 4 Br. 2 Be. view. (2"' b 1 b I ~ 4 beam a.llllng, W/d hk-up. ..-s I A t Large 1 BR With ~r=, Br wi den •tra lerge prl· hou", Harbor View/Hiii 842-8883 J11W1W Ullm. S25-0 ,0QQ .tM. Open ~ r, • . rg~ .... . ' peco.Ja pa N pet .. .-...~- I v•t • p 0et lo 1. Cati Wkly rent.ala. 1 105 & up. • l' ... Exltrel. 720-14 19

V~ p(kg IP*)el. lrg ~ 780-8882 V'OlnlngAr.. o a. ,,_.,, ,.,.,, Color TV, tr .. ooft... Found: Small long l'lalrtd Tel•phone operator. Sal/Sun. 2725Alta 191• eble1oan. s1961000. V'Welk·l~a Celleft 6pm 846-3487 .....,.11331 or drive by heated pool & atepe to~ .. mature 111 yr mtd dog. 1blue/tbrown eye, 7-3pmlhlft. Toppey. 362 Or. By Owner.

7~5~ By owner: 84e-5377 4 Br 2'A_ B• dplx Nr SC ..-Home-I"<• Kite~• i.aro- -288,. 18A..w/ci.ctt. 24585 Senta Clar110 '"· ocean. Kitch'• avail. atuc:ten1...-. qu19t qtra, l b1owlll'w1t1. WWII· , .-Pllla. ... 11 c 1 Bid $375 000 Pim, vacant. 1825 mo 1 blqok to Huntington & Encl. gar, 1at, tut & S.C. ' 9115 N Coaat Hwy. Xlnt rela, mu 1500/mo. mi.,,ater/S~alt. nr laWIW .. .._

Short walk to the beech N';;::'Lagu~a with '.c reald. For appt 52

8-5080 mLmFrwyall.flll I yr leaM 1550. ~1938 Laguna Beech. 494-6294 Cell . Ana. Ad 838 . H.B. 893-4 10 Funi pe11 time hOUrl .wa. trom thll 3 br 2' .. B• units. OcNn View. 11.&-.t. Int. ltac~ mo t ..... s 642-4300 24 hrl. Loet cats. female calico & able. aomt ......,. ' townhom• w/mlnl ocean euumable tlnan. Owner 3Br 141 b• f/p c;na. LA QUINT A HERMOSA an II" lt1 grey male 1ong half CM t\Olldey'I, MUI\ 1y11e. Pltd VIEWI Well metntelntd 837-«)30 sc.,.d tncd y8fd, ger- 18211Perttlldeln, t .. 1 .. ltltlnW..eM hat 2tll erta. 1131-1081 wtll'ttralnlf\g. P-..c:aill aucr"tao.J, ndplnogo'1 ,wlt1hpten• n~ _..,.1--a-•a dener Included. New- ~~~tofolEdBeechl , 3 24Hr. Cate. Lovetvllc:en• E1:a:;c:: •• n::: 20 20 LOST email wtltte/F Oog ~·~l&Sat _._

... ,. -·•- l•nd /tndtenapoll1 . """"' 90 nger. home. (71') 979-54ee _....,.,....._, • vie of Birch & artatol In 986-1....... ~ ~~b;rt .. · ,~c:-·o~~ 1i~i~~~+142~5t~SI $700/mo+ MC. 536-2789 141 .... 1 .... ~\251~0.r::·~~~ N.B 551-3423/7~ -Appoln---~------.-,,...,rt-. $169,9501759-1501 5 u 2Br S50K dn aaaume 3Br 2 Ba, dbl gar. full'J lniat lnt&b 2tll · L:.i~~· ~wt\•.: ~~a.~

~:;rn °~";~~::~nM~~1l~t ~~~bl•=~t. ciMn. 1 BR condo bY alrwn. Furn. 2 Ek fa L hie, ;p; I.I. lllf •t lllA wwd AU /Bch ~557 Piiiow & ~ aft 5PM, ~~·· ~. Pool. Jae, Tennlt. Ava.II 8, avail. 8118 thru 9/ 1 New2-lty b6dQ. OOOCltwv · 964-1211 .. atala, Dnftt Affordable 3Br 2Ba M95 811. S525. 1191-0880 t22 47th St. Npt Bch, 8CC9M. From 800 e.t. U9

1 ... 11 1450 Muriatic ~n kid• ok I ~ lower unit. 650-1208 to 3900 a.t. Wiii buUd to &llllT ... 11118 txke ARROWHEXb 5lM

190 B ST Alty I• 'mB'ox bv ctue Furn 2 Br Condo, evett :~,'-;'!"~ 5' IP= SCRAM-LETS ~: = ":!

Going Into torecloaure. Cho!Qe find crptd 2Br Sub rent 1 rm elf. apt to Nie• quiet 2Br. 281. 81111-9/ 1 $700. Call Bkr co-op INSWrDS necurry M per hr tb e.i.gant Cotonlal home w/bltlna ger4-tem or .July1. Multbe clubmbr. downttra, enclortd ger .• INNEWPORTBEACH 751-5501 or Ana Ad R&H 751-5989 n ftU\ start. Ball Yecht Club

For Sele by O'#ner. 1 Br '320K w/dock S2&5K al~avallmldMay Mr. AUltln&42--4097 2patlos, Rons.4&-0477 A rMlplac»toll1teonthe •213 642-"300. 24hra 1.. Leeden · G<opt 3101 W Pacltic Coett

luxu ry condo . VIiie without. Bring ottera. $o4 5 539~190 BEST I• Ntc. q\Ht 2 br, 1 ba. bit lf PP•r 8ey. Privet• Furn wtcly rentet1 April- t Int I ,. Testy· Vert>el Hwy. NB, 846-8955 Br Ibo a Barg a I n Ron t uthef' a Realty Clean trMl'I 3BR 1~be, ... llT APf Ina. No pets. Ideal for clubhouaH & hulth S •pt Step a Io 1it7 Wmditt &. IJ.B SPEED ·--/~ s1

21.000. S

18K below 1-337-2414 coflect/24 hrs bike to l>Mc:h. M 25tmo Winter rentel to 11/ 23, by mature couple. $550 mo. apu, a 1ennl1 court1, 7 ocean/bay. $1.30 sq tt 11 ·1 Juat my tuck , white drlv- -•

merlcet 1-94

7893 A...t f ,. ___ ,_ + aec. 548-3350 wHk or month. No pets. Avall. now. 848-6842 pool• ctoM to bualn.aa, YHll leltlh lll-4112 Agent 541-5032 Ing home. the driver In F~1on1 . ~~ ..... ~

Hendymen·a Special. .,. 1 "9lla•1 lS"S 2 44 _ 548- 1930 or 873-7844 oc Airport . Fashion __ front ot me i. t1gt1tMlng """'1que .....,__.....,

ForecloMd property of· Prtf!!!z ., n1 Pvt 1 Br. lrplc. pool, pello, Island, convenient ahopa Penln oceanfront hme, '330/up crpta draPM etc end tile driver behind mt Reta Full/time. 780-9333 tera excel. op..,.,..unltlff 211WT.,TH1•11 1Us Sq fi. 26r, 2ba home OcHn Vlew-200 "1 to ger. No pets. 399 w. Bey. on sight Jn/Ju/Aug remod cua· 17301 Beach. Huntington wenta to SPEED •"to ,~ 811 ..... a .. 0t""me' or an • water 2BR w/ lg llv din S525. 650·8357 · tom 2. Br d~ $6000/mo Beech 8'2·21134 -"' ,,..., " 2 3 hilltop 3&0 dea for leue. frpt, micro, P•r· rm opening to front gar· • · · p ul J J Steve'• Oetautng 11 took·

lnveatmttnt. Lei mt help ' ec. ' s. r.· vu, quet, dbl gar, w/opn, no den atlo Nicely turn • Small 1 Br. 1981 Maple Slnglee 1 & 2 Bdrm Apar1· Kay P. 720-98811 2 blka OC Airport. 800· trM I Ing tor respc>Nlble a"~ you find whet you need.

2 br

2 ba moblle, and· pets $850/ mo. 844-2227 brlghf & ·airy. Available Ave. upstairs, retrlr, no menta & Townhouses tt: tl 1200 eq 11. 4·8 MP. of- ua.......aa.- -11 ·-~ mollvated lndtvlduala tor

Patrick McAulau, Agl. acaped, PM & unique. pets. 1 peraon $39 . from $660. (Alk about YICI H llcea, 85- aq rt . 979-9941 •n•..- _ ,..,. d 1111 and/ c4 7&0-841"i' S79, 900 . By Ownr . Call ua tor lrvtne May3 toJune9. $ Sierra Mgmt. 841 -1324 furnished eptt. comp141te ltat1l1 2to7 Martt4 lllNMelrn. auto et ng or r

819/~9..()653 •11 6PM L•.... 831-0 174 with TV, llnena & utensll•. Belboe lalend Merine Ave 11 there anyone out there waahlng. 83 1~90e Ulll Olltll HPLO t tf tltt ..nm II• 1 ... att 7 Stunning large 2 Br 2 Ba may be rented tor short upper otttce. $225 mo that would come to the UIYllTTll 3Br + tlreplaoe ... unit. Pr 1550 ~-also- r l garden apt. pool ' rec term or longer). On Jam- s. ... , ..... Atall. 87S-8877 or 675-9057ev reacue of • 29 yeer old f()t 1 Child. In my home, Beach ·~ blk, some vu '"...!!! 2BR encl gar, cloM area $545 710 W 11th St bor" Rd. al San Joaquin Oall ttr ltli .. lfftM enterprising young l-4, 4 days wk 831-8842 $375,000 850-5520 8.6 Tl~7 acr... near ealty to bNCh 1500, 225 La ·--·a,.... Hiiia Rd ftr ll1t1•- I....... UISTll IOllU woman? Settca loen. xlnt

C f ,, 111 G 1 Paloma 637-71118 col141ct .,.n • IJUl· 1100 -· return tn 6 month•. no BABYSITTER nHded .11,000 •• wll ""' oruv • eorg

1· Want 1 Mlectlon ot gr•t ~ Wlttrfrtlt ..... .... ... eollaterlal except mYMff. Grandma type. prtf



· flrm. 850


786 - 1172 A,artatatl, Vaf. llvlng? We can otter any· I lttrl tl•-ttOO New 2 "ry bldg. good trwy 7141192-2254. Brenda YOUR home NB/ CM Ull llLI Beaut. t ,_. acre, Spraque thing from a small apt to 11 • I access From 750 1f ul'.) leave meeaage arM. n.x. hrl. 646-" t1 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, large ptav· River veuey, Oregon. lalMa Jdau 27M • 4 Br houM. If IOOttlno In SpKlous single. one wm build to ault terwit. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii room, turnl1hed Only $98,odb/obo. 960-7047 1 Br. atoYe & r5X::, utlta CM, NB or HB think of u1 & two bedroom apts. S.99 net . w1t1 coop w/Bkr UIYSITTll WUTD S400 000 .... ._ tiret for that chOIOe of ltat11s It . 3900 aq tt ground noor WI All IT'Ll lflll Part/time· my Coete MtM

Biii Grundy Rltra 875-~18t I .I. ExckHJt SOO 3380 Mk:Mlaon Orlve ~d :,'to~yr1y''· ~7g:e· Ideal living Sure 2901 with ratrm. open tlOOf And running 7AM-9 30 PM I tiome. Mon.-Frl. 2~.~ AXVE 6 u R'ITS c M lrvlnt TSL MGMT 642-1803 plan, plush upgrades • dey. 7 d- • WMk Children p ..... call

Liil llU IAYFIMT With smK equity . Tur11erocil 2 Br. 2'A BA S550/ AnnueJ. Furn Of un· NB REAL TY 675-1842 2500 eq ft Condo, View of Av•ll R & H 751 -5989 Present lhla-'~ and ,.1 MORNINGS ONLY S..utltul. 8 Br with ~odt WANT 10-t6 units In local Townl'lomt. den. lormel turn Charming ttudlo. 2 Br Bay. swimming PoOI & Business Pr oleaalonal oetve a two mauagea for 645-711-4 1 tor l20 yachts 79 on etM. 540-4484 Agent dining, prv1 patio & deck, Plush carpets 308 Corel. ~~P~~rp· 1, StJo~~ ne: beautltut greenbelt Wiit the price ot one Babysitter W9nted 1n "'1 water. Spectacular vtew t>eaut. decor. premium Shown by appt only. a cc e p I ch It d r • n seeks same to share Aaa-• IF M•-••a Wiii aetl, 1MM ~lion or ltatall 2 3 277 2 20 1250 MC. Call Beth eh 557-71113 eve. 640-&39 private 4 room tumlahed _ _. -- home. PIT. REF'1

PP _... loc w/pool, ec>a. tennla. 1 / • 1 5PM at 831-5230 luxury ottloe In INlne 711 I •allll Non-amtlr 751-4310 eKChange . . . ..,..,,eay A 115-1$1150851 2225 FURNISHED or ShareHouMw/PoOf. M/F. •• to Brokers. 873•7873· ...... Fu ahlt.. ve • tr•••... r WlllUllYILUll UNFURNISHED, Nlc• I Al $320. HB S395' mo 151"11688 nU.DTll Bantclng

2000 Turite Rock 3 Br. 2 be lov• 2 Br 1 Be, atove, retrJge. 1 & 2 Br. epta evell. poo1, All UTILITIES 538-38651841-4375/600 Coronal def Mar 525 eq rt llM 112 nU/l'WI 1lUD Ull llLE s _______ ....,. ~ ~:0,':-0~~~~~,:,~,~ r.~5':~;~1'l4~ .... evall =~i. ~~;:~~'&'bal. No ,r~gs~M.LJrs . A:~~~~~ Mdc!!o~~!:~; :.:'l:1~~9S550. lnctda ESOORTS/ lllELI e;:,.~~~~n:

~:~~1~~!~1~~ t~~n llJMI fllaa• ZIOI S10251

mo. 851


Cloae to Beach. 5 Br, 2 Ba. TSL Mgmt 754-0081 or SWIMMING. plus ml. lrom beach. S300 mo. EXECUTIVE SUITE Outcall ONLY 835-9199 attract~ aevinga & ~ open feeling. 3 bdrma. 3 wtml llllTALI T•rtltr ... Tew1ltt11t Rent or IHae. Avall•bl• 842· 1803 much more! Sorry, utlls pd 63 t -8009 Newpori Cntr S5501S775 lmmec! •t• opening o • ....,.. baths. 3 llreplaoea . one 2BR w/den- 1 level overlkg lmmedlataly. 1175-8771 Daaa Ptlat no pets Model~ Beauiiiul 2-Stv Irvine ho 640-5470 111&11111 LA SPA 7~~~~ut1411 C111 ~~ ~n11;:,:':' S~~~~°o!xJ001 top greenbelt. Avell H~ View 2 Br 1 Ba rear unit, 1515: 2 Br. decks, gar. Nr open daily 9 to 6 Jae $350 ~ utll. Avail. Full Ml'\liGe suite/Newport ll&WIE 0 C.S L

Liii IUL n ! dep. No ~ti. 9 Rein· no~"· S775. 645- 11182 Cresta. 494-61141 Cln prof n-•mkr -2br 2ba, 1 The E1tecu11ve Office 190. Nwpt Bch 556· 22eo t 700 Adami. Costa Mesa Mav. 1 yr tae pref. Sl2 garage, 508'A Jeamlne, oana Harbor. B-25011 La ~ lmmed 731 -86301v mes Ctr TwooNlceaa111ll May 4320 Campus Drtve suite • • .l•.7•00 bow Falla Bkr 851 -9987 110 NewPort Centef Or TOP $$$ Banking

• • -------- II 11 ttl 72 .. L 2 B d 2 B lovely MC condo WI D. .., . TURTLEROCK TWNHME: "H " rg r + en. a. pool, nr bell HB. 1300• 'it •200, NB .,..4.4492 I Females pref Models and ltfiet .... , tf••ltt

• 1 2+ den, wljac. over· 1Br Condo 1pH1 level, Ocean vu, encl ger ApartllMnt.s utll Deb 989·2138 Furnished-. 10 desks & Escorts (2 t3)866- l984 Reotive callers anawe• - -Elf 01111 ereal t II b I ., II I & t~ w/auto opener• newly r• """' ... look Ing grn • t . .. va akM atreama, '"""' carn.-t-" & d-"'at..... Newport B~M:lt So. F-a•- Rmmt , .. are 3 Br cna1rs. kitchen. CM, just v.,., ittrecttve lady-:-mld phones fifing. mtac. • br. lam rm, din. rm. 2•L n-1utlfully furn Twnha, M•" 1 1 brr IN pref S 1250 micro 2 car n•r w/opnr ,... """" """'" """' """ .. " H B"'· 17 .. s ~' 1 1 1 .. " ... ' · ' ..- · 493-1030 1700 16th Strttl o Nwpt .... ~ t.. I 40 a new to arM , non- c erlca duties, verba

be. Ntar pool & tennla, tr plc, pool, tennis ct. + ~. Ive by 9 Rain· PoOI & •P•· 1825/mo. Apt in Coat• Mesa. wash· Approx 900 al seo<>mo amkr whO enioys tennla.1

communlCatloo & typing Welk to beaeh Lrg H · $1195/mo 1173-01198 bow Falla Bkr. Roetenn 545-3115 laat. lffcll 274 (at Do~) er dryef, $250 241• 1488 64'· 2270 ev" wtinda da~ a travel Wlahea to 1111111 needed

aumable loen $ 192.500 Daae Ptlat 2Ift Deluca 15t-9987 1 bl' gar<*! apt. atow & 2 Br. 2 car gar. eovered 642-5113 Fem rmmate 2S-35 yrs. 6 C AIRPORT AR~ m" t gentleman In 50's. W.U. f erp .... By owner· 94e-5377 Cfote to Marln• 1 er Walnut Square 2 br twn- retrlg No petl $410 patio. 'I• mile to beh Newport l~d No. nHded lmm•d c M 535 to 11e3 aq It loll of 60 s w/Mmt 1n1er .. 11 All I 680 Newport CAnter OrlWI

IOUIPlllT Mtl_ooe mod4tl condo, pool. IP• hae, Plan 0 , mull ... to 5'8- t317 SU5/mo. 213-925. 4798 880 lrvl A S275 • 12 utll. 751 -5441 prkg ian1tor•al & 111 ..,1111 replya atrlCkl'J conllden N9W'POf18Mcll 212 ........ apprec $&45. 833-75 t9 - • S- (at t"'6thyt) n11t- Fem r mmate 25-35 yrs, Incl From S 1/sq fl mo to llal Wnte ed • 91e cto Contact Susie Winn

4 br home or d..,_• $925 499-2713 evee. 752• 11100 days 2 Br. 1~bl. 610 Joann t. • S400/up. Bech. 1 Br. nHd•d lmmed C M mo OK 557•7010 Dally P110t 330 w Bay 973-5168tor appt Belt l>Mc:h 5109 SH- • • •·--II 21 iinA Adutte pref 'd Small dog pool IP• 1899.2 Florida 645-IJ04 S275 • 12 utu 751 ·5448 St PO Boll 1580. Coata Equal Oppty Emptyf lhOrt . Open delly 2-5. ... ·~rt ltaell 669• OK ' 84S-845~ 842-2834: 842-3 t72 ' OfflC• 525 11 $420 mo Mesa, C1 9282e - -Ownr ~5-21147 876-2346 s~· 2 aty C& Bay. 1 lHF V HJ" FQ 28R d OlahwUher - - Fem to lhr brlgtlt. new 2 ' urn pd Air cond Ground UllUlll DPf1 ~nfront OupleJC. prim 4br, 3be. 3~ a/f. 3 cer courty!~d ~l•w · A¥11i' garage~all 5/2, 1110 IHI. leacll 2740 Int. ltac~ 2740 Br t t:>a, 25-35 yr•. n· floor 1055 Et Camino Or l ul•tt!Ort· 014 , ,or. *"lCI bar Hr1 10·6 toe. xlnt flnencing, •Int In· gar, pool, Jee, 1• ec. Poas 1111 $750. mo 845-9333 Vlctorle Cati to 11'9 No amkr '300 631-4974 Coate M ... 3 blll1 E of &ange e;;;'hMJtti spa SURF & SANO HOTEL come. 1404 W e>· untum oropt.642-1388 2 BR 2 BA Vtraalllee. dog1~5&01moN1~12 K b k ? FI M non:amkr- 21-35 anr F11r111ew and Adam• foraate 0 tt ... 1maugea L8Qun• 8Mcll C.ltRoea lront. P P. 1173-7873 Executlvt eondo on bay. S eoney U D port . 2br 2ba •Pl lplc, poo1.j 754. 1040 Mr Tr1ey and aauna Annual groas 497-44n EOE

Sop .. 1• tlc•t•-d contem· dHlgner. completely OC..n View. Avail. 611

· *3 Br

2 Ba SC. Ptu A. Ja.c. tennis, elc $340 mo Spac1ou1 1124 IQ tt w/lull H60 000, net profit ~AUTICtAN -

~~"' Harbor Rkt- • turn. l 1996mo 673-0198 1 1200

mo 945


pool. pallo, apa. gar:r Did n ' t he win the · ·~ utll c M 546-3240 1\11 In COIOf1ul marina Mt· belor• le>. .. $490,000 • 8Nch _, .- • LIKE NEW 2 Br 2 Ba "

96 No pets


- Monaco Grand Pm in ·73? -- I ting nr Udo Shipyard Celt\ butlnese. long 1erm 494 1800 • pv1 pool I epa, ocean MO<l.n 2-ety beckb•v. 4 Twnhl.. Ntwpor1 Terrac.. S300'a Poolalde Apt , F n/amkr to ahr 3br houM . av11i lmmed $$10tmo ..... Price 11.500.000 -

I Clty YU, 1845.000. Opn Bdr 3 Ba. pool /apll, 2 Frpl. POOi/Jee. Oar. + Appia 539-8190 • l" ) . A - N B Wilk to bch $315, 1 Photo copying & Olh• of Owner retiring Of WOUid BOOt<KEEPEA Set/Sun 12·5. 844-4424 trptce. y. ac . 12300. mch more S800 87S-8048 BEST Rtty 1.. _,. I\... ,r. tat & , .. , Reta 83 t--0757 Ile• Mf'Vic.i evall Calli not even con.iotr MltlnQ Permtlnerl1 Pll tAO ~ UUIA Lii llPLD 842

" '388

•NEWPORT HEIGHTS• I... ti t ..... _ • wh 11 11,nnty"""' "'·1r f rmmt• S250/mo • Stoo l Uaa 875-0132 Febuloua opportunity Newport 8-:fl ea 1aa.-~ ...i.... JOU., no sure ''"" ,01 I vv "" d...,. Acroaa from beach - ' Thia unlq\19 buSlneu la property'T\Al ... ~-"'-*-•• O'-Walk 10 atiopa, bffeh, I. .. IM1 llflrt -- 3 Br. 2 be. 2 tr..,._. lmmao, W.elde. all new. 1'A 8e, wu c!On't Jett bid J Oll rt not elont H-B


234 tw ,......., WATERFRONT, IOO eq ft, otf.,td with fentullc flol ~' Sf 50

plctr, ferry/real•. 38r/2ba lnt1al 2202 •dulls pref. no peta. petloe. OIW. no pete, Ktnnt11>11naport 1$ 011t of 14 d11hnc.hvtly _ .. _ _,, 1 open ol'flotl. 7 cublclee. term•. 20% down 9 ·~~ ~ 10 PO Boe 71 ta, 2

1e 8al 8l t 73

•2943 13& Rentei XbO& ®• $975. 430 Aecfllndt A~. kldt OK evatl lmmtd d1fltmt apartment ftoor ~' 11 St1w.nd V1".1&• F nnmte 10 11\r tMM;lc bay elegant ly lurnl•h•d Int AmorltiHd o.,,., 30 ~ Bw:rl o~eeo

WANT HtrbO< View hOme rurn prime Beck Bay toe ;t1:J:~411 Sl75tmo' &4&-8648 ' 1n Huntancton Buell S..wind V1ll-c• " • mull dphl wtyd Stnc*• ri-1 OK L•V'• 846-5015 )'Mr8. lntertat oniy ~f· .,.. to....._ buy 0< op- utllt "" a1ng1t only 3 BR tbe. n~. patio, of 101111, Pft\Olltlilf'd Dfof, ulOflll 011n111nc 1225 • MC "6-24$9 ....... ment• ror 5 Y99'• • .. lllNI Fii tlon 84&-4&09 63Mt90 BEST Alty ttt •WATEAFRONT• l:,oage. Npt Hta arM. Tiit kind ol 1lltntion ,ou dtwrve Flow 2 bl'. 1,-\ be twnhM •-tab nll tMllocM\ payment •t Ille S tl.000 • "'-* be tarn·

Dov. Sh<>rM LM. 3 Br 3 /mo Aeq 1at 1 tut A i>trl@CI bltnd ol n1turt and ~''tlC In n'°9 quiet 8,.._ l!l lide _. end Of 5 yeer& No col· ihar "''" 18M ,. C ooeir al • 1 9r. CltMn, 1

bite to bch Ba Fem Am, 50' boel 273 Ogle Mt-«)57 · 11t1llfd 1n i lortsl • 1th bfbbhn1 blo6U and Ou·~I c M 1275 842-6441 11& ti at IS 18 PedhC ctJ lelefal ~. • the ation •n eddl1i0n •o Al "

U.RELW"'OD ISOOYJly do c k 13 0 0 0 I mo - potld1 cOOl,ed by "'turll °''"' !)rtttu Add lo Hwy, NB S t 100/ f'l'IO ~ oen-•• IM l*'f'OI, GI L '"' CilW1l'I iU .. _If I ..... , 1 1 4 I 8 4 5 • S 81 0 & 11111111~ lllal tt"M courl1. tWlfTtmlfl( OOQI\ 1 IKllW •nd Oorgeout 2 bl' N 8 condo. 21~9-5115 profits ~ Into Mf PQ9lllOl'I w ,.__. CO W•

....... 845-5000 ext 4 10 Eaatllff 1ownhouM Poot. a ~.ctllfllt louttOll "'" ~ llld PoOI. etc on OOlf course 213·144-tt 1• L....e. 213·t21-M71 or •••growing company I BMYtlMIY dec0<atfld 3 bdrm, 2 ba + Hoelby r()()m Plan 2 Outtl ouf· d MC ttreet Wide Mde ywd lot• ol pttveey 11•5.000

.m!. R!alsor j 1'ealty l 786- 1172

3180 Mlehatlon Drive IMM

lo ....t dt I ~.... r pr~ S.S00 7'90-8181 wnte to 71()8 Rofenoe nO en en~llC ~ '61111 IULn 3 Br 2 ~Bonue Rm pet • CMPQrt, Jf""'. er tt11ok>tlllffll a'ld yo." fO 1 p&Ke inyont .._... t-.a A'f'8 ,____, CA 90240 member 1n ch~ge ~ ,.., ... ......., Canal fronts 1295/mo • 2310 Santa Ana A ... Mgr 1h,t1 Kf!l'l'•bunlfoll11 Lg Bactlbay houM Poot. .,.,....__, Pf.-

Doottllde R.E 840-8208 842· 1511orla0-1797 f Qne;ncll.obldroo.- Mt atrd l• oblth Jae. Lrg mJI IW1 SSOO lntal1 Dll la1'tltwl b~,..,_,..,.C.: 1 7 "1 l14/llM~1l_,I=-=,_ LOOKIE HEACI $525 Large qu6et 28R ldwlt ~rt111tnt\ ind TownlwJmes Matute Fem llt2·15'2 \1818 A;; J y !prtaa!tin tfll M&-0011 or t4t 3024

1ci:~~=w=~ ~·~~u· ~.~~:Ct:;::' SViow1nd Mt:.11~t:z:o~e; Agent t240eq~,-~, '"•._ .. ,_.

Slnglt, t8t+den.2Br RtnttlflrourtOttallt 3l1~1laon-~ 1lla·ge· ~.i· . '·" blllatobef1 CdM $350 Comm. 8ICSQ c~2 toni M..w••••Wtl. Few .Ad Acti>n 1725 tol2000 • 53Mtt90• UH/mo E/atcN 2 • . 1~ ·~ utll d&I M2·3380 ~IQ ft. 2 u.. ,,_. 8"'f0"9 °"' ,,.,.. Cal

~:1,1r,a[', :::~6 Just • block to 8Uf'fl ba Twnh.. Frplc. yard. MIFtm 10 INre 2 Br 1 .. I •wetloutil or ~ mto lhal would COIN 10 u. a 3 Bdrm hln ftPIC deCtl 0111' QM, lndry Nn Nlot loo Apt lelbo a 1111nd., St00 mo Ml· 1:J03 '.cue ~ • 2't .,_, ~ et...a •• yearly Juat USO kid/pet 2314 &ant• Ana t~~~~ Hllftl•"llOll V l Hll~tonctofl &.ai.11 lA u 5omo yt•rly Hon e nt erpr telng ro11n g Daly PiJl

::;::;;;;:; _____ _.iiiiiiliiiiiiii •m41t0• TIL _., Ml·1ltl 111'1 190961 amo11er l76-tS84 ...,,., •h•11••Wn• woman? s.-1 o.t 8PYOLASI 4 . 3 ea 180 CdM net •tyttlh 28t f rom ""' San Ot hH••r drt•t nort~ on l\nd1 lo 1 MO F ~l f tum lf'I e no an VISOR d-a oettneftyllgf\tvtew 2 8a frplc MWtlr kltCh BacMlor EU1atcN 1111 ullll f ld0tt1 tlltn •tit Ofl Mt Fllddf<11 to S.•- ·nd y , MI F ltlr 2~ 1ba ac>t. nr Wl lhOn 1-.,, ...... M l oollatt11t1a1 e1ctp .,, NI• 12400/mo. Bonni. Agent 187& 1tld1 tint muet ... peld S.US/mo No peta '"'"'"""i' ,,,.~IN • Qctfn dlil'f 10 AM M du\l ''7th/Sanle Ana CM ..,.., ault• 111 Oo"9t Or 714/812•22"4 8'1tnd• 642·5678 11 eooo or 844..()411} 639-e 100 OUT Alty ttt s»MM 1eo-ue2 12'75 O.Ob1e &£8-aot 8uH• 14 Me 631 s, t .. vw ~


$2.17 per day "'*'• AU. you per '°' a--.aoay. ......




w.on-tay et no extra ct.gel CALL TOOAVll ... Lm YOtlt Olly Not

a.we Dnctcwy --1ta.W.



IN Wu... 1111 le11 Wu... 1111 1111 Wut.. Siii lel1 Wu... 1111 1!1t Wu... 119 Ha ...... 1111 !!!!!L...UlL!~ GEN: Earn wNle you train. LIU allltUY ... ID/ lffiln:'..> RESTAURANT S-.

1 * lllllTllY •11,111 len .... MllMiit



Solcftors (foot) lmmedl- &lllTll E~ ~Of\ Cooks, bueperaona end 111111 ftm ... TYlle IO 0tow ~ greet Full 0# pert time: ......... ate openings. No s.Nlng. HlllNda or Muttl. Quality waltr .. a/walter. ApflY TI'9d0fllttlngercundwtth fUn ~In Laguna. ' ..,._.&.~a.. ~.r~~~ :.i:,.,:;;;; Reeponllt--" ble, detail orlen- Shop. High Votume of d~-4PM. Donataltla: nottllng to do? 0o )'OU APPOtNTMENTOlfl.Y ,._11PP9at~&.hend-for ""' Ume employMa ..., per90tl , ~ ex- s.-. Nice place to worit. 2 F .. rvt.w. C.M. '*• to "'6ngte? "ao, otw Lil Reinders AllY. Inc. ~ parMn: Permanently ual neci per1enoe with documents Greg or Jo 5.40-1355 Restaurant, Counter Help ua • ~ et 540-0301 4000W~.-&t. 'M &Nd. C.M. areu. Keep ph~ flt an awt. Typtng 55 wpm. PRODUCTION ARTIST PIT, Mtldwtch lhop. for an excttlnO IOb • a .... pcw1/133-41t0/free .... with pay for Hklng Fut growing natlonal Wanted for trade Meg. 955-1247, 971-1739 =h= 1.:'-; ~Mled CNw19r C.

Satvday, April %8 people If tMv haw any mortgage banking com- Pub. Produce camera RESTAURANT Tlme9 Two lflffta av.-. t9'n needed. M&-1855 ARIES (March 2 1-Apnl I 9): Get going on new pr~·cct - malce UMbte hems lo donate to pany. F'ull beMflta. lrWle reedy art under dlreci Crown Po6nt AeRaurant able ·hourty wage ptua lflM 10 hfllHlll Belly Yacht CNb

f Choe Thrtft atorea. Part location. I u p er v I 1 I o n . Ty P • now l'lir'- Sous cMf comm...ion Locetton· for young dyNmlc: rM .._ contacts, stress ongrnah1 y. independence. dann,i an courage o time poettlona aJ90 avail- apectng, photo etrJng a baker it~· coot(. stew-'. 1375 Sunftower A · tat• ~ ~ ..... convictions. You' ll be a t nghl place.Judgment and mtuition will be on ~. ApPty In per90n. AVAC. cai1 Mr• Campbell cropping, n.illng, and ltat atd 'rec:ietvlng peraon eo.ta Meaa v. nrm lo Koll c.n. lrVtne. ~3ft SCJott flllMr. ,IT target. Break fro m pas t 1s beneficial - you are going to establish a Choe TMlt Stores. 2025 883-1555 camera operation. Cell dl.hwun.ra brOller per: Mutt be oro-itnd. hard poettlon. Mutt be good "fresh beach -head ." West Arat St. Santa Ana. Heten. S4Me3-4 eon, guard 'mgr & prep ..... working , non-amoktr mechanic, ~marlly

TAURJJS (Apnl 20-May 20): Dispute will be ~ttled in your favor •HID person . Continental Experienced Furniture w/ftont Ofc llPPMfanca. "*"'· wortl . ~ - you ' ll oet more matenal. ownership will be verified. you ' ll form ... UHllmll THE DAJLY PILOT 11 now PlllllTlll OO<>klng exp. helpful. Pl• Saie. needed. A19o..,..- (714) 553-1111 wtcdya. 1 montf'l at the eaj1

1m-o 86tkp'g , lh• P4IP9' WC)ri( , I lie: I apply 24801 Dan• Or perlenoed Cerpet end mediate opening.

valuable alliance. Focus on discretion, clandestine meeting, v isits to typing lnvolcel, phon. accept no app •t on1 C'1' you.... Bldg F, Dana P1. • Drapery ...... Full nm.. Cathy 1-114-e:Z&-5674 club. organiia ti o n . institution o r hospital. Aquarius. Cancer persons collection, 20 h,. min. to for ~r1ct Managers 10 Spare 3 hra nightly? Aak for M.,cla. 511-2121 -- .... na-; Station attendent FIT PIT play key ro les. lull time. $7/hr to start. aupervlH newapaper Are you.... Restaurant -... -• CHEVAON STATION

GEMINl (May21 -June20): Populari ty increases, focusontravcl, Call 9AM - 12:30 PM , =•o,M;:!~~G= =c:::'· llP'llllT/ lllTUI 8t1r~r!:. ~~ .......... 3000Fal!WW. C.M. artistic endeavors. awareness of phy$i<:al appearance. Change of pace 2PM-6PM. Must be de- nlary, mtteage ~llow- and Nlf motivated? ~ ln-pweon 10-2pm, Stlft & Mgmt. 1200 wtc ...... flr-...l;~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii proves benefi c ial, wish comes true and romance is e mphasized. Young ~dable. 850-3880 anc., company benefit• Do you.... M~itB"£A~.r=::i••· guar. + comm. *500. to ............. ...,_ STllEITS ~rson expresses admira11on, Jud_gment is on target and you could win HAIR DRESSER Space and bonus opportunity. Enjoyworklngwlthklda? 819 Sleepy Hollow 1.ane 800. poee. Pd Tr.intng. ..... •.a- .... •

rental, CM/Nwpt ar... Apply In per90n at Dally If you can an.twer YES LAgu Beech 535-393& - 1 llf,. a contest. 54&-9771 or &46-1198 Piiot Circulation omce. Phonee.46-7021 na •&1 - 1•111nw1 ..,.,. 111 ....

CANCER (June 2 1-Ju ly 22): Spotl ight o n achievement, career. 330 weat Bay, Coate 2 :~Mon. thruFrl. ...,... -··- ..-. 1111111.llllllWD b usiness. community affairs. Discuss views in frank manner - s how UllNllllll Meaa. Monday thn.I Fri- tau...m 2 Peop• needed for main- SECRETARY/ EXECUTIVE We hew ~· for that you really have nothing to hide. You could become involved in wtth tome fonowtng for a day No phone cell• PIT gen. ofc:, prefer atu- U l&llETTE tenancie .. toy ..... : Or- to wortl for cNef .. ec 1n boys & olrta between poht1cal campaign and you are like ly to be on winning side. charrrnng Salon In New- ·---E•.O- .E.---• dent Computer know!- French bakery i. looklng anoe or Corona .,..., n<>n-9foflt O#ganl:zatlon 12-18 ~ °"' WOl'tclng

LEO (J l 23A 'n) De d d fi II I If por1Beacf\ Rentorcom- edgehelptul. 553-1109 foradependabfieperson High comm., aalaty, va.- Mu.thav.u*9ntate~ ~ & Saturdays. u y - ug. -- : ct e o nce-an - o r-a top ease yoursc . mlaalon. Joyce 646-1875 -------- to fill a,.... time -.aion catlonT.EMRuaR

0t haTEv.CHear. .-Cllle 1 exp. Job earn money. tripe l

to It ve up to potenttal. to be )Ourself and no t to pull your punches. Be or 786-810S evenings le4ital/ frwt lh p / T U•'Y UlllTUT .....- ' ..,...._. 1 clecreitlon t>onuaea. Cati analytical. be ready for change. possible t ravel and a vanety o f E.JCpetd. only Hra: M , W"'k 1 ___._•month (40 In Niel. Retail •Jlpe(· (71 4)89~t2t requr• tact, Mr. Aountr•

H81f atyflll I uat. neect.d. 5 d week Call 846-3918 .,.. .._ lenc:e helpful Approx. & polM. Good ben· m essages. Member of o pposite sex IS ··scno usly" drawn to you HIS mutt have c:llent... ay · hrt). Typlng. phone, _,. 20-25 hours per week, SALES eflta / work lno eon- Ml-1 ..

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): M o ney changes hands and you are Bal 111• 873~ 13 Medlc:al Recap~. Eye rand•. $7 hr. 851-7701 7:30-2. Young, growing Major Orano• County d ltlona/otnct tn. Call Mon . 1091n-3pm ltkel)' to make a pro fitable deal. Focus o n d iplomacy. domestic Doctor. Patt time, ••- ..... ,.. _...IL company. Good benefit•. weekly newspaper ha 97~7800 --------

d Ch k d t '--- f · perle nc:e preferred . .-. .. .,..,. SC Plue. 7St-1266 ~ fOf exp'd....... TELEP ... ON"' ,..... .... TOR a JUStment. wa) S to inc rease income. ec 1e . ~aware o nutnt1o n HIRlll ~1_.780 8_5 Mon-Fri. FIT, oc. wtaudlo eau. person. Atxwe awrage 111....., " "'vr-"'"" and realize throa1 could be vulnerable. Stay out o f drafts. keep voice minimum wage to 1111r1. RESTAURANTS salaty/oornm Aggreutw l•llHIH for hotet twltehboard , well-modulated. ou1go1no. entP\utlHtle IHEL Apply at Boob on Tape. Ideal for student•. PIT only need apply. SMk~ mottvated lndlvtd- ~ have aperlelioe.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-0c1. 22): Focus on publtc1t", contrac tual aduh• - part/time 9Y9n- 0 - ·tptur• needs r.maie 729 Farad, eo.ta Meaa catering, n.. x hours. The ContactTobeyAn;ltn ..... h _._. ~ ........... ~typlngb..._: 1ac>0f'~ ~P .. ' Inna You mutt en}oy ~. 951_ 1 7 19 att. 5 S43-552SUkforBlll GoldenTruffle, 845-NSa WestOr~u-.... ..... ..-. ~ A,..::::,;:ion"""" .,,-:= ,..,,...._ ..... ., __ ...

o bhgat1ons. promises fro m individual who m ay be financially ··• " """""' ----· .............. _, -........... Ho1at Laguna. •~1151 e mbarrassed. H old ofTon contrac ts , define terms. avoid self-deception. W()(1(lng wttti youth and Reoep11oni.110enera1 Of- restaurant 63 -7510 lhOf1 hand a + , ~ 42S s. CoMt Hwy

bee positive motivator. Model• Male/ Female floe for gro'""~ bottle p11•1...a aa- s aLES PERSON ...a.-... contact wtth ven-Gatheradd1tto nal information, m a ke discreet inqumesand avoid sna p c an tor an Interview. " " "' -----~ "" .............. Laguna Beech decisions. · WE NEED NEW FACES waler company Good Established dinner houM Currently Mlllng Avon, dors. 5"4~2988 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

141-10211·1,. For ptaoement In modeling phone peraonallly. non- leeks '* Buaboy '*Host- Mary Kay, TUPJ*Wat•? ---------SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 2 1 ): You may be working harder. bu1 Jobs In Orange County. Wiii train. "' '* Service Per.on '* Conllder car.., In Ute IM'J/""' TY9kt T~

you' ll get result~. Focus o n employment. basic tasks. pets. depende n1s IEW Ylll WEIT Apply In person Apply in person between tneuranoe Sales. One of Art muMUm neeclS'bngtlt , AIWllllW ULll and general health . Rela11o nsh1p 10tens1fies. com m itment is made and lllTlll/ lllT Tilelt :c-- 17842 Cowan S1. Irvine 2-4 pm: No phone calla. th• Nation '• IHdlng energetic: Hlf-atar1er The Or.nge Coeat Dally you could becom e .. tnex tncabl y im o lved ." Cancer. Capncom persons Preatlglou• Orange Coun- --, RECEPTIONIST fSOO O Newport Ctr Or. NB Fraternal Ute ln.uranoe lmmed. Must type 50 Piiot la looklng fM en-figure prommcntl y. 'Y Mercedes Benz deal· 141• I General office dutlea. llTa11 a--a- Socletlnhuopenlngaln .. ~~- ergetto,motJvatedpeople

erahlp need• " H09t ... ·· Sharp per.on with front - ..... ,_, Orange County. If you __ ,..,._ -·-· ...... for p.,.../ tlme telephone SAGITI'ARJUS (Nov . 22-Dec. 21 ): You reach a wader audie nce. lmmedlately . Some Nanny wanted: Brtt. or office appearance. Can Nlght/Wknd uat. needed Ilk• unllmlted urning eftta. Donna 759-1122 ..,_, Computer tr.inlng

potential is great. focus 1s o n populanty, spec ulation, ro mance . You ' II modeling experience lrllh tral~ for tr1• aoea 8


to aupervlM utea staff. advancement _1_,

1, proyfded.

wind up some affairs. a relattonship could come to stand still but you preferred. Outgoing per- • & 6. Inquire 7 2-0700 Retell uper. required. opportunity, pr~ ....- • m lllLY f'tLIT will proceed ahead to greater recognition. aonallty. A.ppty In person Receptlonltt. PIT, for busy Apply In person: Pier I. tralnlno and llexlbl• Rapldly orowlno o.c. 330Weet BaY8treet

CAPRICORN (Dec. 12-Jan. 19): Light w ill be shed on area that is to: 1001 Quall St, Nwpt PUTTilll real "tat• office. Must 21;oHwbor Bfvd. C.M. tioura, Mnd reeume to: property mngmnt ftrm eo.t1M9ea.CA . h b ed F I Bc:n. Jim Siemon• Im- Early morning al~copy h1ve pleaaanl phone 11ta1• Ma•a•-- Royal Neighbors o l ~Mlng1 PMPITP lndlvtdualf 642-4321, ext. 302

restncted. at umes pro 1 1t . ocus o n renta s. percentage rates. porla/ RHal• Dlvlalon. distribution for voice. Good wortllng aur- .... _._.., Amertca. _1052 Bon'* ..., · 12 . otenttel or EOE long-term philosophical views. Yo u' ll make new start , you ' ll get to 833-9300 Beech ., ... 3,~ 10 4 rounding•. will trlfn on EurOPMn high fashion Ct. Lav9me, ca. 91750. · tuN t.lme ~thin ahori --------• heart o f matters where ro mantic interests are concerned. the job. Sat/Sun M . Ap- ledlea' lf'IOP hu an Im- term. 0ppt Y to learn ---------

AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Fcb. 18): Scenano highlights dec1s1ons HOT BODS- tiour.. Sunday morning pllcantl pie call Nolan mediate opening tor SalM person tul/ per1 time prop. mngmnt tech· ~Ill.II affecttng direction, instruction. trips and v isits con nected with H~~~ ~~i ~= ~~~~c~~1:> Real &tate 497-5454 ~1~U.: ~M~~:a •= :=· 4'?:.i:, 19'1P1· Jo d.:.M~ ~ relatives. You'll have greater freedom of a ction, intui t ion will be stro ng ~11=e;~t~~~~ 557-3393 E.O.E. * llOIP111111T * Newport Beech 1oca11on. wortllng. 840-5093 SeMce station attendant, Part/time: day, 9V9f\lng and you'll be reunited with o ne who a ided you in past. Miid offlc:e WC)r1( In oar- Exoeffent pay. Call Anita: ULll ,.._ tul & pan, "'1Y + COMm No eicperielioe nee.

PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20): Social acti vities inc rease. you'll m eet Hotel Part/ lime: pubflc: ,...tlon• den center. &42...fS&M. 144-Hll lnvolvea ..... & rental• of Ina. & v.c. 97j...3320, 754-UM1 who could he lp you resolve financial dilemma. Focus o n costs. flllT 1111 "1 -1 cuatomer NrVfce. Irvine I ti l...A &

-.- location. 281• 1234 tot, ti •• llTUL UUI aott water drlntelng ero 11ts, percentages. valtd investment o pportunities. Gemtn1. Virgo. FlesxulbleRF h&ous'!N· 06 dH•YT ... EL Lite typing. $4.50/hour. Carpet & drapery ... ws~·'!; • Ccomar ~. :?· Sagittanus persons figure pro minently. You' ll receive .. surpnse gift." " O fS.42 9505 --'-"""' 1 -·· T .,_,,,, "'"

Laguna Beectl Call: PART-TIME, Varied hours _ - .,......_.....,necessary n r• aurance, + paid vecatlon.

--------... ------5•1• ..... 1•,•1,-W•u-... --·1•1•11• HoMtetargie, 497-4477 EOE to Include .. rty A.M L~:!!:i:,::,:-,:,; llJHWlterlttl•• ;;•;.;;•.,.lr-.,•-.-•• .. •-."-...-s .. 1_00 ... ltlr Waat.. _ _ wee!( end•. Muat have de- llOln /nPllT draw. Santa An1. 250-181 f ELECTRONIC I pendable vehicle (email Active aalea offlc. on .,. le

BUS DRIVER: PIT, 1nc1. w1t1•'9•• .,., ... , tr uck . van. •l•llon Balboa llland. ~ for 558-3·21 (Mlehal I UL.II man wtcnda & nlghta lor dbl- Construction labOr, paint- TECH./PROORAMMER 2 days· 7am-3pm 3 da)'I· ) nil ,. ~ ... decker London Bua Ing & mlec:. $5/hr. Tem- Join the moat advanced 3pm. ; 1pm. Must be abHt wagon to at newa- Betty Walth. u73--esuu lfTllL llLJI Womens wear, FIT & PIT. Mint have CIUI II. OMV porary. ~ 1-9255 team In video electronlc:a 10 work Wknde. Marola paper dealer In lrvlne The GrMt American Shor1 Experlenoed only. Salaty ...... t-out & med cert -1m1 •LP photography. Bring your 497-4-477. Surf & Sand area. Must be depen- RIOEPT /TYPllT Story, elothlng cotlte- + comm'-lon. Appty In ~for De 7S2-7363 - electronic and program- H Bch EOE deble. Contact Greg tlON for women 5" 3 In Person. 245 For•t Ave.

Full & par1 time avalleble . ming tkllla (Forth & Ae- otel , Lag. . Hyde Monday thru Frldey for Nwpl Bch nrm. Xerox end under 11 opening Ila Laguna BCh. A.-C fC>r Bob. Candy Shop In Newport Good pay. Good etmos- semply language would Hotel between 9:30 ind 10:30 word prooeaaor • plu•. neweat 1oeat1on In leek• f'T\eture personable phere Cell for epp()lnl- be helpful). Good aalary & PlllTIY Pllllll a.m. only. &42-4321 Selery more than you' re Fashion llland. lmmedl- lllllTUlll full/t , p/ tlme help men!, ask for Betti or 11lmulatlng work p..... Morning & Nloht Shift• • miking now 831-7845 •I• opening• for full & • Typla11 • CRT'• ~19 Via Lido 675-4748 Rick. 957-0717 send your rnume to E. SURF 1 SANC> HOTEL A eateuranl part time Niel av1ll1ble. • Word Processors

CANVASSERS OHITll IW Payne Dlrector-Etec- Laguna Beach. Call Chef PllTI TI•I lllllTUT IAlllEI If you are outgoing, flex- • Stenoe • Gen. Office H I I I Ironic: Photography . Chemln497-4477 EOE Ex...,lencedln aHat.., of lble, maturelhaveulea Long&lhor1termlnOC our Y rate Pus com· Full & p/tlme day hours Blflyx Inc 2632 Dupont WMHMIJ lily .. -. lerlCe apply In VICTOR mleelon. No Milin~ We Fie• ec:hedule Apply In Dr l~ne ·ca 92715 •lllLUllU 9am 10 5pm Driving. famlly atyte dining Mana- ::-' Apnl 30 lhru M..:r· TEMPORARY SERVICES wlll train you for ull or peraon Orange Jullu1, . . Pat1 Of f/tlme Mull read Fountain Valley & Hunt- gerlal experience • mua1. 4341 Blfc:tl St. # 105 pert time posil lons Im· 711 Balboa BIY<I. Balboa Entry level office per90n .,___ ty Lale atternoona & eve- ROUTE MANAGER: PIT ....__.... .. _ _.. 5,.. •520 ---"I I .. pt -~--- P and u~atand Englllh lnglon ...,....h, to verl I 5 d , .._._ .. _ ,,,..__. • ~· ....rv rr-.. • t• open ng1 ,.,p Y Pen1n1ula. 875-1073 ,........, ermanent, tull R n nga, • Y ....- ...,,. 12:30-4:30 weekdya In person mon- frt lime. Call Judy for Info & and have own tran9pol'- MWSpapet dell¥9f)'. • •flt• Excel lent op- $4.25/tlr + S.18 a rn... §Wecary 10-3pm. Choe Thrift Counter peraon for dry 1n1erv1ew 11 Cout Merine latlon HBIFt Vty & West- Hable •uto neoeuary 15 portunlty for edvanoe- Call~ 1-0415 Local computer rnaft(etlng

Daily Pilat · · · · · '--: PART TJME

Deliver Daily Pilot by auto io Laguna Beach / Laguna Niguel / Newport Beach area (approx. 2 hours per day) weekday afternoons & early mornings on Sat. & Sun. Earn approx. 1400 per month. Ask for Bruce Emsley 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

CIRCULATION lJEPT. 642-4321 EX)E Stor• 2025 Wesl Ftrst cleaning Reaponalbl• Engines &42-Me4 mlnlater aru . 895-71<>& per hour plus ml~ ment for the rlghl per90n & MfV1oe firm Maf(a per.

St . Santa Ana Experience preferred ............. P/ T ~~ ~7i0r,":; :.B~ Apply In pereon 2 to 5pm l&ILl&lfll aon with aecretatial & ORANGE COAST DAIL y PILOT CHILD CARE. HOUSE·


5110 UlllWll•ITUY Mu1tbeHoneet-nett1ble. Co••• M .... See Mr Wed lhru Sun· JOLLY Seamatr ... m/f, mull boOtckeeptng akllll. Ex- J.JO w BUST ·COSTA MESA CA U62S

m • -F/ I One Or ROGER. 400 S . Coaa1 have buie MWtng .-CIMI. perlencelnaeomputerO# " •NIU<••• o"•'f> .. ,u .... ,, ,,..,,o., •• KEEPER Reap leay to lfl IY .. _ ot ange Count• GOOD PAY + BONUS Clyde Barrow. EOE Hwy, Laouna e.ach Wiii tr-•n ... _h Salta, hi-tech mnetlng ftrM · .. ~· ..• . •.. . , .. , • • ~· • ...•...•.• , . • ••• •. watch my child & do Poulble spltt lhlft Appty oldl91 companlM, car.., 988-1300 • ._..~ ...... pt11ttrred. lnltlalper1 time •-iiliiiiiiiii•••--------houaekeep n g . hr 1 12-' W F Clrcultl Inc:. opportunity for right per- HOUSEKEEPER PIJ (Oftl lltllll~ ~t~mrantlll n w Hunt. Beacf\, 89v-1c.-. employment wt11 be con-varlble Min ol 30 hr1 per 1281 Logan unit J C.M eon Hper. or trainee .. _. ,_ SALES CLERK: FIT apply alder9d. SUbmh raaumee wt! AEF'a req. 875-S807 , w111rong H Cretar111 l ive In for mature woman Ana. MN ex:p. pref Ill Cotta MeH. 5 days no In person. 9am-12pm. to 3931 MacAt1hur &Mt.

' HLIYllY Mlftl 9'11111 and "-"'• Mvet 875-9388 train Flex. h,. FT / PT. ._._.._,._ 10*.-~o ' Coe u-- S t'--- S I 204 N CLER IS 1 for auto parta 11ore Mua1 type 80 wpm Sa lary Fuhlon ISiand 780-33-0S Wilt tr'".::""'n. Ph. -97.. . · 270 ':._ ffihsit•CM .... ,.. n~!. .,...,..;.. ewpor t

have valid Calif. driver'• e>pen. Benefit• pro~ ..... ...... .. ·• · · _..,, • ...,_,. •Fiie lie gd drMng record. RlngLynn547-562S Call873-33821t18PM PIX/ RECEPT, ---•ltlf tlerk Apply et Hub Auto SupP- IRVINE ORY CLEANERS


VOLT ••1 •• 1\1• I•• It

~ Campue Drive Aero.a rrom 0 C Airport

N9WPOf1 Beech

217 A~adelMar San Clemente ... ,...,,, .... .,

PIT to work In Ophth of­no. Famlllar With Unix ~1-4780 btween 8-5

ly, 2120 Hart>or 8'vd. Ulln llllnUY Counter tietp, hra vary 848 24&4 ... Claud. rlton Eaerow. t.aouna Call Mon-Fri. 9-3. lllTAL. UIU'Tllltll Beach 497-2• 11 9·5. 552- t322

Ar• you a aelf•motlvatect .IUITllW. people iovtng per.on who lllllW llO'Y P / T Day poeltlon avall•ble la looklng for • ohalleng- Mon.-Fr1 N B·HS-Ot&O Racquet 8all World Ing Qpp0r1unlty? I ~ I Call Randy 9&2· 137 4 arna11, hlQh qulllty pracr F• l&Lll UI nl••lll lie• that need• • ~ • 4 ·-- -pertOn to manage and •11.RRllll Part time, uperlenc• 1t1mulal1 growth • cSaya Mon-Thur1, 24 ~ • neceuary Newport 1 W.-. Salary °'*' WMti Ctr necee .. ry Beectl MO Cell &40-7412 &44-1801 CorONI def MW 213--949-0&()0 LIM FU ILlll .........

Olal'Ywaahlng l Qel*al elMnlng lor party equip- PUT /tm -,,,.,,t rental afore Mon- Opporiunttl" ava ilable Fri United Rtnl -All , with the LOS ANOELES Coela MM&, &45-0780 TIM!a C>cutatlon 0.-

lllTll'I.,,. =~:.rdo:i:

M•ture, detall oriented In· dMdual, no IJCpe(te!IOe ~

Front & bet* office, pert pr0gr1m Gu1r1ntffd lime wtrl lrlln Mual type hOUrty wage p1ue oom• AVAC, Cell Mra <Ampbell Cotta M ... &46-1171 mlallon f'ioura •pm to "3--1655

PIMlll 111.J - ~ ~::..,~ ~o = LOAN PAOCQIO~""R:--1 7 s per 100. no .-per S300 plUa '* ..- '°' 1UL 1• an Pitt °' full time Statt Im- an Int~. OIAI i..ncter/ IMI' Medi ""° l'Mdletety iror detatte 957.m1.-. 1204 io.n prooeeeor to hllnClle aend ••II 1ddreuee1 IMn• Ind ~t omc. tot etll'l't~ envelope 10. Furniture OlaC*Y ...,__ nOf'l•lmOkl~ Newpotl

CRl-63. 8o11 90 14. Must be flMl. hullly & ._._ otnct 8-.,Y ~~~~~~~~~ St1Jart F'lortda 33'496 ~-•o_t_hlnll 15t NU ~ U1-tl30 Lind•·

.... ........ •hrbH NEVER A FEE

VOLT ' • ......... , ,., , .... ..... . t •,

3848 Cempua Drive ACr°'9 frorn 0 C. Alrpor1

Newport Beectl

217 Aven6de def Mar San Clemente



(714) 548-7058


- --- - ------


THt: DAILY PILOT. ~-.. ~ C.0111111·· C'OHtal ro•e11nll7 n-•JMlp.r, t... • varl~l 7 o( 11111 and per1 lime poelllo" available. Any OD« of 1t.e follo ... l11t .. u opporU1•h7 lo work •hh an out1ta11dln1 .u.ff. in11ra1ed ln ad11f'vlna only 1h11 tw>tt within an eultln1 lnduelr~.

Aon:RTI INC • Oullkk S.Jn - Oaulllrd It Httall. llaH duplay tf'rt'Mory op«alap for tandW••H with n,.n.oto •-4 • pro.-eo tratl.. rf'('o""- S.lar) plue .... mJ.elo•.

av I OFFIO: • At'HUlt RKeivable Onk - £.try Jeni pM!tlo•. No n~n _ _,,. Candidatt wlll be ttal.-1. tull Ilea. ~atl7 .

fl>ITOIU4L I u .. ~/TyplN - Pan' .... .,.,.. . ... Llp11tlin1 C'ltJ7• ........ m•ll ·~4 ~t'UJ flttl.l•I r ,.Mlb41h'-- 20 ho11"" lloturly

"'• effr~ t"Afftt J'O'>lh, 4~f'i4tp-'lll. 8114 I C' •• ,.-.11h1 bf-tlrllta p•A ...... u l•lff08lt4. rl,_.. tome l• a!MI 1ppl1 ft•"' 10·2 .Utl7. er ""'" rnuat lo Pat .,~o· ....

,.,, , .....

ACROSS 1 Chwt anew tTle

10 Convey.nee 14 8atlerf paf1 15 Ad,le<lllve

suttoc 18 Abo,,.. dlal 17 Tr .. e snob·

bllhfy 18 lewllng

plec:9 19 Airway 20 Firm

machine 22 Arlttooracy 23 Of • period 24 Drugged 28 Stmutlte 29 Pre-holidays 3 1 Museum fare 32 Widest 34 RIMS 38 Fight 39 Next to Sun 41 M ixture 42 Kitchen garb <t5 Peet 48 Recent: pref 49 Athi rst SO- Momes 5 1 Eicpands 55 Small drink

2 3




57 Outdo 58 Comp1n1on1 63 Function e. Time of day 65 Waste1w1y M Baking unit lf1 P .. r 68 Tropical

woodyvne 69 Forward 70 Put In Ch ps 71 Ex-

Egypllan leader


1 Precipi tate 2 SICiiy e1ty 3 N African 4 Peaoefut

as - -5-out

faded 6 Languid 7 Yearning 8 Alrican city 9 Slippery -

10 Light meal 11 Expect 12 Income Fr 13 Cornered 21 Hold onto

VOLT '' •<•1• '''"''' flo., .i I

3e.4e campue Drive AcrON from 0 .C. Airport

Newport Beach


VOLT I • ~I & • • O f I I

3e.4e Campue OrM Acroee from O.C. Airport

N9wport a..en 217 Avenlde del Mar

SMa.mente Typlt1/o.I. Ortver. Start­ing .... $ 20 hrt wit .

drtve em pick-up 891-4853

TYPllT / lllT.

, \

22 1nnlsfa11 25 Eq1.1ality 26 Rook group 27 Riding whip 28 Travel 30 Heap 33 Oayot -35 Pleased 36 Golt course

sectiOn 37 Drunkards 40 Ballet

movement 43 Tide level

4<t The Old -46 Extremety <t7 Paints 51 Sharpen 52 CON'obotate 53 Emperor 54 Place setting

item 56 - Tallchief 59 Doomed 60 Amph1b1an 61 - Millay 62 Usher 64 Cagers' gp.



.:::. c; ..... ~.- ' ':_HfV~" ,·

'll YW lffllD&ll LOOkl good, Nnl QOod St500/ob0. &IS-~172

LARGEST SELECTION of late m~. low mlteege

Ced1llacs In Southern Callfomlal See u1 today!

S4t>- Ii

STADIUl\A ·12 Futback. ~bit eng. S 1500/obo 833-0490, 640-2 130, 963-5 185ev

540-1110 2600 Harbor Blvd


71"-315-1919 So&e.-Sen.k..,_

Body Sl>oo on ~·-•

Three Volkswagens that can . g' et you to Europe. vc tn1on-

Tmu i• t Oelivt l , ~, ionso Hol1d - ft WOY ( 1•1t r,. f

I\'/, 11·1 .., I ? ,.



The Volkswagen Buy & Fly. Buy by May 26. Fly by Sept. 27.

vr spPCIOI cmd qf't a

I f'f 0 U () v ,. rt Of1 Iii C>·

11'1. • r \ f r '\i t fitclt"' o~

&i\ It's not a car. W It's a Volkswagen.

32852 \ alle Road. . n Juan C.p1 trano -...n Dw-iro frN"Wll\ rn "en h '-n C.r~ Otf.Ranip

Telephont" 493-45 l I 837 -4800



eo moe $838 99 cash or trllde down plus tu. he . cloc Deferred pmt $71« 15. APA 14 92 On approved credit

(1G1AJOIC7E422«02) (18041


eo mo.. M70 cah or trlde dawn plus tax .. lie & c1oc tMt. ~ peyment price $12,022.16 16 APA 14 92 On AppfoYed Credit.

(1GIAZ37A)ER196603) (1819)

'84 CAM RO



$158 PER -PA YllENT PLAN ~8'g;N

60 mos. $912.25 cash or tr8dJl.dgwn plus tax. 11e'. & doc. fees. Deferred PIY."*1' ~ $11 ,017.ilAPR ·1;02 Of!.~ credit.

(1G1AP87'29El181930) (1956)







PAYMENT PLAN 60 mos. $554 49 cash or trade down plue tu. lie & cloc lee Oefen

payment pnce $9387 65 APA 14.92 On llPPfOYed ad 1GIAC69PllEJ1070561

'84 $10 BLAZER



ON 50 '84 S-10 PICK-UPS Model Stock # Serial # Model Stock II S10 Long Bed 275 112625 510 Long Bed 1103 S10Short Bed 415 123779 510 Long Bed 1322 S10Long Bed 444 126380 510 Long Bed 1367 S10Short8ed 459 125808 S10Ext.C1b 1390 S10Long8ed 469 125865 S10Ext.Cab4X4 1612 51 O Long Bed 484 127794 S 10 Long Bed 4X4 1633 S10Long8ed 551 129629 S10LongBed4X4 1636 S10 Long Bed 598 132785 $10 Long Bed 1722 S10 Long Bed 653 133288 S10 Long Bed 1723 S 10 Long Bed 669 133056 S 10 Long Bed 1728 510LongBed 671 132523 510Ext.Cab4X4 1784 S10LongBed 672 133314 510Short8ed 1787 S10 Long Bed 767 136746 $10 Ext. Cab 1798 510Shor1Bed4X4 815 137746 510LongBed4X4 1820 510Ext.Cab4X4 834 139569 510LongBed4X4 1829 510LongBed 908 14450Z S10Ext.C1b 1849 510 Long Bed 941 14280Z 510 Long Bed 4X4 1851 S10LongBed - 945 141486 S10LongBed 1853 S10 Ext. Cab 953 143735 510 Short Bed 4X4 1886 S10Ext.Cab4X4 1002 146152 510Ext.Cab 1920 S10Long8ed 1022 135654 510LongBed 1930 S10Ext.Cab 1034 146669 S10Ext.Cab 1941 S10 Ext. Cab 1035 145167 S10 Long Bed 2019 S10LongBed 1099 150289 S10Ext.Cab4X4 2052 S10ShortBed 1100 150175 S10LongBed 2066


Serial# 150366 161842 167779 165965 158829 184187 184274 187565 188064 187829 186211 186605 186941 189597 188788 189572 187923 189355 189795 191604 184000 191303 196986 195041 189172

ON ·so '84 CAMAROS Model Stock # Serial # Model Stock I Camero Cpe 678 129116 Camaro Z28 1715 CameroCpe 748 130174 CamaroZ28 1557 CemeroCpe 752 131227 C1maroZ28 1558 Camero Cpe 977 1384 78 C1maro Z28 1751 Camero Cpe 1151 143190 Camaro Z28 1753 Camero Cpe 1175 143557 CtmaroZ28 1768 Camero Bertlnetta 1178 143116 Ctmaro Z28 1570 Camero Berllnetta 1240 149597 C1maro Ber11nettl 157 4 Camero Berllnetta 1250 151279 C1maro Bertinetti 1577 Camero Berllnetta 1251 150082 C1maro Z28 1588 Camero Cpe 1280 154331 Ctmaro Z28 1617 CameroZ28 1283 153199 CtmaroZ28 1618 Camero Cpe 1311 155336 Ctmaro Cpe 1621 Camero Cpe 1313 155163 C1maro Z28 1646 Camero Z28 1713 174873 C1maro Bertlnetta 1647 C1maroZ28 1404 161212 Ctm1ro8et11netta 1657 Camero BerllnetUI 1405 160789 Ctmaro Cpe 1659 Camero Berllnetta 1406 160708 Ctmaro Bertinetti 1660 Camero Berllnetta 1407 162378 C1maro Z2I 1666 C1m1ro Berllnettl 1411 161598 Ctmaro Ber11netta 1667 C1m1ro Ber11netta 1414 161296 Camero Z2I 1668 Camero BerllnetUI 1417 161557 ClmaroZ21 1669 Camero BerllnetUI 1426 160901 C1maroCpe 1670 CamaroZ28 1506 165921 CtmaroZ21 1678 CtmaroCpe 1536 168049 Ctmarollrtlnettl 1687


Serial# 175534 170125 169862 172751 174920 174199 171010 170147 137847 1-71556 172299 172301 172256 173642 173860 172853 173673 173410 172361 173351 173100 173495 172858 172930 174299

-~- ---- - - - --- -

f ' .,. ••


,, .

Huntington Beach's Allee Bartlett still an activist at age70./A3

Newport-Mesa school study recommends two child care centers be set up./A3

California Preliminary hearing In sex slave case Is closed to publlc./A4

Actor, wife win settle­ment In National Enquirer slander lawsuit./ ~4

Nation · lf.t. reports a record trade deficit for March as Ford reports record earn­lngs./ M Olympic president says

-«:i~~UJ.:li.Olce coming, but Africans might boycott Games.IM -- - ~

World Libyan Embassy officials leave for airport; 'invited ' to discuss shooting./ AS

People Wiii " Turtie Rock Drive'' lead to more s\Jccess for a Newport Beach band? /A7

If you want healthy house plants but have no luck growing them, a leasing service might be the answer. I Al

Sporta Corona del Mar's track team finishes the league season with a perfect record./81 Defending NBA cham­pion Phlladelphla ls ousted from playoffs. /82

Entertainment A world premiere offers promise and risk at South Coast Repertory's Sec­ond Stage./WMkender

San Francisco Mime Troupe presents a not­so-sllent "Steeltown'' at Golden West College. /WMkender

Bulneu Southern Calltornla Edison Co. President Howard Allen will take over as company chair­man In November./87

The Southern California construction Industry wlll honor four of Its leaders at.- dinner Tuesday ./87

INDEX Auto Piiot 8rtdge Bulletin Board Bullnesa California News Clentfled Comlca Crouword Death Nottcee Gardening Help Yourself Horoacope Ann Land«• Mutual Fund• National News ~nlon People Potic:. Log Public Notlca RMtaurant1 Sportl Stock Merket• TMWk>n Theat.,. WMther WOtid News

C1-10 A10

A3 87 A4

C7-Q A10 ce B& A9 A8 ce A8 87 A4 A8

A7-8 A3

ee,ce Weekender

81-5 98

TV Log Weekender

A2 A4


'Trash baby'

oes ome

By ROBERT BARKER OflMO.-, .........

Jeffrey the abandoned baby who spent ihe first moments of -his life .. lying amid garbage and debris in a Fountain Valley trash bin went to his first home Thursday, dressed in blue Jordache pajammas and wrapped in a colorful quilt made by students of Andersen School in Newport Beach.

The red-haired, healthy, month­old bab~ - described as a "little tonghie' survjving his ncar­tragic arrival - was placed in the home of a young professional couple said to be "estatic" by their good fortune.

The foundling was placed with his new mom and dad under Orange County's fos-adopt program, accord­ing to Bill Steiner, the din=ctor of the Albert Sitton H ome where the baby had been staying for nearly a month.

"There 's a very low risk that anyone will surface in the child's behalf," said Steiner. adding that there's a good chance that the baby will have a permanent life with his new parrnts.

The last hurdles for formal adop­tion are not expectd to be completed until courtoom abandonmrnt proceedings are completed in three to six months. according to Steiner.

" But the couple have been cleared for adoptions and there's a high likelihood that 11 will be finalized ," he said.

Steiner said there were lots o f tearful goodbyes "and wet kisses" T hursday as staff members of Albert Sitton Home for Abandoned and Neglected children in Orange watch­ed Jeffrey lea ve .

" It was kind of bittersweet," he said. " He's been thriving and he's made such a good impact on every­one.

"But he has a new home and we're all happy that there's a happy ending afler starting out so tragjcally."

Jeffrey took with him to his new home - descnbed only as being in the Orange County-Los Angeles County area - the quilt made by the Andersen School fifth-grade students.

The youngsters each sewed a nd contributed a patch to a large and colorful quilt as part a Colonial America crafls prOJeCt in the fiflh­grade classes of Marge Oglesby and Ceil Sharman. They decided it should be a gift to Jeffrey and Steiner dropped by the school to pick it up Thursday.

The baby's blue Jo rdache paJam­mas arrived the day after he went to the Sitton Home along with a note that said. "God bless you ." It was signed Gina.

Officials said there have been m ore than 500 requests to adopt the baby

Bruh fire foqht ID Laguna N~el

County flreflght.,s MN battling • bNlh fire that threat...i horMI elOr\Q a ftdgeltne In LaQuna Nlguet thta morntng.

The ftre ttarted It N8ttonal Park .DrMI Md Crown v~ P8rkway In Laauna Ntauet at .t>out 8:18 a.m. iiia bUmec1an809 °' t..vy bNlh bi9faiicounty~ter8called tor more help. The ftr~tera were ~ ... naa/Aal

The wild blue yonder The Blae An&el• preclalon fiyln& team warm• up for thl• weekend'• air •how at the El Toro Marine Bue. The Satarday and Sanday event 18 ezpected to draw over 400,000 people.

Chases confusing one suspect gets away From staff and wire reports

A man who fought off a detec tive and stole his car and then led Police on a ~ar-bashi ng 20-mile chase across Orange County got away when police got mixed up b) a simultaneous pursuit in Irv ine , authorihes said this morning ..

The first chase began in West­minster Thursday when the manager of a check-cashing store became suspicious of a customer and called police. The man Oed as an officer arrived but was tackled by a detective who was dri v1 ng by the store.

But the dc tec tl ve. was overpo~rcd and the man Oed in the detecti ve's said Westminster Sgt. Rohen Burnett.

The fleeing vehicle hit two cars as 11 was chased at speeds up to I 00 mph onto the Garden Grove Freeway and the Santa Ana Freeway, and then another car as ll exited on Sand Canyon Road in Irvine.

A police helicopter gave up the chaS<' near El Toro Marine Air Station to avoid v iolating military air space where the Navy's Blue Angels were practicing for this weekends' air show.

And JUSt as the chase entered Irvine. Police there began an un­related chase of their own for t~o peoplt' suspected in two armed rob­benes earlier this week.

Westminster officers became con­(Pleaee eee CHASES/ A2)

Increased hiring cuts unemployment to 4.7 percent- a 'rare' figure 81 .IEFP ADLER °' ...............

Oranae County's unemployment rate plunged in March to its lowest level in nearly three years and now resisters the lowest of any California metropolitan area, accordina to monthly state unemploym ent fiaurcs released Thursday.

Increased hirina in most sectors of the county's economy forced the unemployment rate down to 4. 7 percent in March. doWn from Febru­ary's S percent level and a sharp reduction from the 7.4 percent mark posted a year aao. accordina to Alta Yetter, a labor market anal~t with the state qency.

The number of county residents wbo reported they were without jobs in March feU to 58,600, down from

·6J ,800 in February and the 90.SOO

who were without work 1983. •

Sipiificantly, the Mateb u .l employment rate is the lowat re-· corded in the county in the PM& lt monlhl.

.. It' s very rare for an area IO lme! below S percent." Y etlef said. ::

In the put. however, die .,. employment rate buclippedulow• 3.6 pmient, which QI rec::ordeid ia November 1978, accordina 10 die ~ ltate statisticl. The last ti me the &,Ille fell under the S percent level was ill February 1981.

While the county's unemploymeot raie con tin~ its decline l.ut mondl. Lot Ansdes County experienced an increase in the jobles rate, from 7. S percent in February to 7.9 percent in March. Similarly, the state rate ro1e

(Pleue .. .JO•/A2)

01 renta not biding: cops By STEVE MARBLE Ol .. O..,,... ....

The founder of a Huntington Beach company reports he is not trying to hide from hundreds of homeowners who put up m oney in hopes of renting their homes to tourists attending the Summer Olympics.

.. He said he's working rCal hard to save everything and plans to re-open offices soon," said Huntinaton Beach detective ~rt Droz of his conversa­tion Thursday with James 8 . Vcritcb.

Veritch is the founder of Vacation Rental Systems. an Olympics housing firm that has been in and out of hot water with authorities since it be&an accrptin1 SSO and SI 00 a~ance (ccs last summer from homeowners hop­ing to cash in on O lympic tounsts.

Authorities estimated that morr than SI S0,000 has been deposited with the com pany by Southern Cali­fornia homeowners. The depositers are supposed to be matched up with tourisu in need of housing dunng the Summer Games in Los Angeles.

The company shut down its Warn­er Avenue offices this month afier being served an eviction notice by its landlo rd. Guardian Savings and Loan. A spokeswoman for the savings and loan said the company left no forwarding address.

Drot said be bas ~ved lap U> 50 telephone calls from bomeowDen who had invested money wi1la V• cation Rental Systems. He laid muy of the people had expected lo~ word this week on their summer Vlli1on.

"Ri&ht now we're in a positioll of waiting to see whether bis (Veri1Cb) promias come true or not.~ Droz said. "We have to wait and 1ee:·

Scou Soudcn. a Tustin attorney who had b«n reprelCt\tina Vacation Rental Systems, said be has su~ fuUy filed a motion to severe his relationship with the firm and Ver­itch.

Souders said he has not been paid for his past services and was con­cerned that his clients were not dealina with him in good faith .

The attorney said he had been representing the Huntington Beach company on the understandina that Veritch would remove himself from the firm 's day-to-day activities.

"1 l\ad been led to believe be was out of it or at least keeping a very low profile." said Souders, who said he later became suspicious that Veritch wam't keeping his word.

Veritch 1s scheduled to appear May 3 on misdemeanor charges of failina to have a proper broker's license and

(Pleue 11ee llltl'fT ALS/ A2)

Man overboard to halt start of Ensenada race By ALMON LOCKABEY Del!J "°4 lloeffnt Wl'ltef

The Newport Ocean Sailing As­sociation always has had sm ct safet~ rules fo r pan1c1pants an the Newpon­to-Ensenada yacht race. This )Car a new precaution has been added.

Fo llo"1ng a crewman·s drowning dunng an offshore race t"o weeks ago. race committee chairman Mike Kane says he has stnct instruc tio ns to postPone the race 1f anyone falls overboard dunng the start of the race. scheduled to stan at noon Saturda\ .

"The minute there IS "'ord of a ma n overboard o r a senous colhs1on during the stan of an) class, an 1mmed1ate postponement "'II be signaled for the stan of that class:· Kane said.

If we see a man overboard or hear of one by radio we will 1mmed1a1el~ hoist the AP pennant and inform the Coast Guard or C'oast C1uard Au'\· iltaf) on Channel 16 and inform all boats "h1ch have not started on Channel 9. instructing the m to SUl) clear o f rescue efforts."

Kane said the same procedure

would be followed 1f a serious collision occurs and any boats were in danger.

" When the emergency has b«n cleared we will signal the I 0-minute warning for the start of the next class." said Kane . .. Saving a life is more 1mponant thitn any nee."

.\n) class or classes thal have alrcad} staned will not be recalled, Ka ne said.

Kane dtd not say under what weather conditions the committc would be authonzed to postpone the entire race

The safct} precauuon was adopted b' the Newport Ocean Sa1hna A~ s0c1at1on af\cr Lyle Gallov.-ay. a crt'wman aboard the yacht Apache.. d rowned ftficr ~ing knocked over­board b) a Jibing boom at the of one of the Balboa Yacht Club' s 66 Senes races. Galloway drowned before his o" n boat o r an) od• could rctnevc him

" It could happen in an) race wh a lot ofboa ts are maneuvenna meta. quaners:· said Kane. who htmlllf' had a colhs1on at the tan of •

Sports ch;ising anonymity from FV Ensenada race and had 1 overboard bnefl)'. " 1 PTa)'. .. an inc1dcnt w~n'l hai>ecn in a ra ill which I am chamnan. •

Dunn1 the 37 )fln ihe En1enadl race has bctn sailed there ha M¥S bttn a fatality by arodent. One ,_ there was a fatal hean 1bo9rd John Acitz was a httlc upset.

Earlier this year I wrote a somewhat tongue-in-check piece in which I described Fountain Valley as a qu1ct. bedroom community most easily defined by the thmas 11 doesn 't have Unhke some of 1t1 nciaJibors. the cttr. has no beach front, no hoppina mal . no sk)lscrapcrs, no hotel and no Disneyland.

After ~adina the article. Aein dasfled ofT a letter of prote t

Fountain Valley does have some· th1na Its nc1ahbors lack, t\e insisted: Los Caballero Racquet and pons Club.

The 2()..acrc cotnplu include nu­merous tennis ond ra<'Quctball courts.


1 SO-meter s.,.,;m m ina pool. 1 peed socetr Wtd1um, a runruna track and a &Ymn& ium butldina wtth ba~kctball and vollc)'ball couns. p1u •-tiJht equipment. h 1 th larae t pnvate pons club in C"ahforo1a, 1ctord1na to

Ae1u. (He's not countin,aott cou~s - Los Caballeros doesn t have one bf those - oop thert l go again )

In fact. Aellz claims 1t' one of tht top five sports clubs 1n the nation. W1tb respect to the ran e o f proaram otTc~ to members.

0( course. Ac1tL 1s no 1mpan11l observer. He and two panners-· own Los Caballero .

Some e>eoplc miaht be reluctant to point to a la~ spons complf'\ a\ Fountam Valley' crucf claim to fame. Nooctbcl , Aeiu and hi associati att promotina ~'cral • uvmc that art hkely to bclp put the city ori the map .

Fu-st, the club i' the official tra1nin1

" ' - -,/'

site for the LI .. A. Women' Vol­.Jeyball Team. which IS prcpanna to compete 1n the Summer Ol)'mp1c G ames In addition. the West Ger­man O l)mp1c wim Team ha ar· r1n~ to train at Los Caballeros dunna two wttk" bcfort the ummer Games.

And in JUst a few day~. o ne of top namt1 an wo men's tcnm · Martina Navratilova, will pa.n1c1patc tn an exh1b1t1on match at Lo Caballero to raise fund for the U . Women' Volk) II Oub. On Ma) 6 , he ""I square off in a \11'\ll mat h inn anothtrtop pla er. H u .

The ir ~ v.111 be fi llo"td h' a (Plu.M Me SPOaT8 /#\2) ,.,

one of the yachu. Minor colhs1ons and bu.mpina ~

not unu ual 1n the Enscnada race iD which hundmis of boa t63S a· ,ear) art ma.nN"erina aid QUar­itn. 1'nd \he~ ha"e btt"n more dMan one 1n t.ance when a crc­ovcrbo&rd but r.:co"Ctcd..

Durint the f'ICC, lbctt well bt 8bout niot ncort ~ ls with rlldios l.e.t 10 emCfll'ncy channel •o ~ wtU. an) caps1ri colt · or 1 -o"erboard ia u

In dttton to tht privtee ...,., l lhcrt W1ll I COMt o.lrili

mpany1na tbt •


Five onMime Orantc Coast Col­lege studenlS who made the grade in the world beyond the Co :ta Mc-sa campus returned on TbW'lday for induction into the concae's Alumni Hall of Fame.

The Hall of Fame was established last year by the OCC Associated Students as a way to honor former students who have diatinauished themselves and 10 provide an inccn· tive for current studen(s with lofty goals.

In select ing men and women to honor, there is a large l>OOI from which to draw: SOO,OOO students have attended OCC since the college opened in 1947.

The 1984 inductees were O range County Sheriff-Coroner Brad Gates. television scriptwriter Judy Bums. South Coast Rcpenory co-founder David Emmes, sculpto r Sharie} "Dani" Leyrer a nd physician James~. T Goodnch. f

The new Hall of Fame members JOin fi ve former OCC students who were inducted last year. including actor Wilham Katt, Kansas Cit} Royal patcher Dan Q uisenbert) and state Controller Ken Cory.

Hall off a me members are honored with plaques o n display at the rolll·gt: library.

Ounng ceremonies Thursday. five OCC admini trators and teachers recalled the honorees' performance at

D&vldEmmes 'Dani' Leyrer

OC . The Hall of Fame inductees also poke fondly of their expenences at the local community college.

Brad Gates

~·~m1~rom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-cHAsEs CONFUSING IN IRVINE ••• From Al

fused about which d1rectton their man was heading" hen If\ inc police announced the second chase O\Cr the pohce radio. Burnett said

When Irvine police announced thcv had captured the two men the) were after .. '1n the Meadows' C\Cr)­bod) assumed 11 was ·our \uspcct' and went homl'." Burnett said

Irvine police had collared '"o men 1n the Meado"'" Mob1khome park . while Westminster police assumL·d thei r man had fled to thL' lrvinc Meadows Am ph ithea ter. in the virin-11y of Sand Canyon Road

.. The odds on tha t. ot a pursuit occurri ng in the same 11mc and 1n the same a rea. a re ast ronomi ca l. "

Burnett said In inc police had taken two men 1n

custod~ following a shon pursuit and car-bashing incident of their own. One officer fired on a ncc1ng car that had rammed a police car trying 10 block llS exit. Irvine Lt. -\ I Muir <;aid.

In inc pultcc had set up a surve11lance 1n thl' Heri tage shopping center. at Cuh er and Walnut a' -t:nucs. after a man pretL·nding to ha'e a weapon had robbed 1v.o store., in two da\s, Muir said

A man whose descriptio n matched that of the bandit was spotted and refused to halt when ordered. Mui r said. Instead the man Ocd b}' ram-

ming a police car and pushing It until he was able to tum out of the parking stall.

Police Officer Ron Carr fired on the nec1ng vehicle as it veered past. striki ng the rear tire. Th"e driver abando ned the d isabled car at another c;hopping center a shon d ista nce away and al\em pted to nee b) JUmping wall into the Meadows park.

Police 1den11fied the two men arrested fo r investigation of the robber)' and assault on a police officer as Randall Allen Allworth. 29. of Wh in ier and Daniel E. Batan1ch. 24. of Rowland Hills.


celebnt}' mixed double'> match in­' oh mg the two "'omen. '>tnger Kenn~ Rogers and another tclcbnt~ -\fterward. a 'olle~ ball e\h1 h111on "111 be presented . pitting the v.omcn "· Ohm p1 c tl'am agai ns t Vo lit Chamberla1n 'c, Big D1ppcrc;

l\n important local milestone "111 also be recorded that "'cekend Foun­tain Valle\·., lir'>t hotel rooms ha'c been consiructed at Lm ( aballerus. And the cit) that's been "11ho ut a hotel for all of nc; 27 \Cars will welcome it s fi r'>! lodger - Man1na Navratllo'a

Ckarh . Flt·1t1 h.t'> l'nnug.h am­mun1t1oi1 to d.1irr1 I "' < aha lkro'> J'> an 1ns11tutmn that hl'lp<.. nwl..L'' .- nun­ta1n Valle; unique

He and his partner' Jl\o ~huultl ht• credited for the foresight to L'n' 1'>1on .1 mass1 \C sports <.·om pin on acreage bounded b) 1'-l'" hopt• trect and the 5anta .\na Rl\er Just a decade ago. the land v.,1, g1' <.'no\ a 111 strawbelT) field'>

Fle1tz 1s a Long Bcalh 1c<,1dcnt whose pnmar) bu<;1ne'>'i 1'i operating five mannas 1n Lo-. \ngelcc, ( ount' His partner~ in Los ( ahalkro'> arc Jack Cameron ofRollm[I. Htll'> htatc' and Han) Hess of Paloc, YerdL''>

About 10 year'i ago r k 1t1 and h1' partners sold a lucrat l\l' tcnn1\ cluh­;ondom1nium rompk' in Pal m Springs and began tor a pla<.l' to build a new fa mil > '>port'> n~ntcr

Land in the South Bay '>cc11un ot Los Angeles County was too C\ ­pcnsive, but the men found lcs~rnc;th propeny along the. anta Ana R1 vcr in f ountain Valle~ . The land wa., right in the center of a booming rec;1cJcn11:il

Delly Piiot Oellwery

I• Guerentffd ""1inOll, f r ..S.t II y ~

~ - I°" P•U• I• ., JO ti m , ,.. ""''"'• 'C """ ~ c 'I' .. t ...


region hkcl~ to produce memhcr\ for thl' cluh

The~ urened Los l aballero'> seven ~cal) ago \.\tth four tcnni c, courts. no members and some big dream!. .\'i the con~1ruct1on continued . the club gradual!' attrac11nj!, member\

··11 v.a~ hard." Fle1t1 recall~ . " In fact. we're having a part} next mo nth for the onginal 100 mcmbcrc; v.ho belle' cd in us."

.\nd. he admit'-. some amb1tiou., plans were modified O\Cr the )'l'ar'>

" Heel.. . \\L' had a hm.,llng allc) . an 1(e skating nn l.. and a hor'>l' riding tra~i.. on thl' dra\.\1ng hoard at 11nl' lll)ll' ~· ~ lct11 \;J\\

Aut thl· p.1rtnl'r' J1J 'uln·...,lulh plug 1ntn the retl'nt ph)\1Lal fitnl''>\ hoom fhl' duh no" lllkr<, :>h aerobic' l 13'>-.C'> J "l't·i. .. and a $1 m1ll1on litnl''>'> n·ntl'r 1<\ \thl·dukd lor construcuon adJan~nl to the C\l'>ting g~mnas1um

The ov.ner'> al\o prcd1t1ed that \Orne pcnpll' might "ant to hH' Or do business adJall'nt to Lo'> l ahallero'> The\ built 52 ollin rnndnm1n1um\ near the clubhou\t: C\ l'n though some people ''arnL·d that the lo· rnt1on. lar lrnm the u t\ \ main thoroughfares ' ' ould n' t ha,t· muth appeal

Fountain \ alln ha' lot<, l)f unm ­rup1cd offKc '>Pal~' but f-lt· 1t1 \:l)''> ;ill 52 commernal condo'> at Lo\ Caballero' h<l\ c ht.·cn suld

Nearing tompkt1on arc 44 hotel · condornin1um units adJart'nl to the club'!> OI} mpll poo l. The residences arc designed pnmanl} a <; 1n,cs1-mcn1o; The\ tan be onup1ed h~ the hu,er or rented tu o ther. throu2h a

hotel sen ice operated b} the club. Of the 44 units. 30 are alread} in escrow. Flem sa) s.

The club o"ners plan to begin building I 04 more hotel-condo units later 1h1o; ~ea r. The) v.111 al.,o begin rnn'itrut11on of a ne" cluhhouse and a restaurant-banquet hall.

For a time, Fleitz admits. the partners had trouble gelling financing to build the hotel-condo un1b be­cause tht: dub was operating 1n the red . That has turned around as the membership has grown.

" l he duh 1c; making mom') no" . and that make\ a big d1flerrncl' to a ll'nder " Fll·1t1 c;a'"· " We built .,uch a la rge facll1t ) that· )OU ncl'd a l't:rta in number of members to brcal.. C\l'n"

I hi.' d ub no" has nov. <,old 3.800 memberships to ind' 1dual'> and fam-1hcc, rhc club has guaranteed It "'Ill sell onl) 5.200 memberships. and Fle1t1 belie' cs the sellout point could be rcac-hcd \.\llhtn a \Car or t"'o

In the mean11mc. the dub 1~ ll>nt1n u1ng to \.\Ork on special event'> '-UCh as the OJ) mp1cs promo tion and a rarquetball camp that "'II be rnndul ted in August b) L) nn .\dams. the to p-ranked women's rar quetball pla)cr

Fle111 sa~., h1'i goal has been to crea tt: in Fountain Valle) a unique " de'>t1na11on reson hotel"' that looks like 11belongs 1n Palm Springs. Along the wa). he says. he's had to face a lot of skcpt1cs-e"en a fe~ cny officials.

"The bag concern of the n ty was that the land wou ld appreciate t in va lue) so much that we'd turn around and put it to industnal use." Flcitz ..ay•;, .. But I think wc·,e proved wr' re here to stay "

Clrcu&etlon 7141142-4333

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CleaaHled edvertlalng 7141142-5878 All other depertmenta 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE

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JOBS ••• From Al from February's 8 percent level to 8.2 percent last month.

The national unemployment rate hovered at a steady 7.8 percent in both February and . March. County emplo) ment figures are not adj usted for seasonal fluctuations in hiring. the state and na11onal figures are season­ally adjusted.

Yeller predicted "very strong em­ployment ga ins" would continue th rou~h the second q uarter of 19&4.J especially as several new hotels open in the area and new manufacturing and retail businesses move into the coun t) .

Although the labor expert said she e~pectcd 10 sec the unemployment ra te decline e'en further by June. she refu~cd to predict how low it migh t sank.

FIRE ••• Prom Al trytog to prevent the blaze from spreading up the hUllkie to home& at the top of the ridge near Paclftc Island Drive, according to - cowrty fire department spokeemen.

Emplo) ment at county businesses rose by 11.000 JObs between February and March. the largest monthly gain si nce October and November of 1979, accordi ng to the state report.

Service 1ndustnes. which would include several new hotels, added 2.800 workers duq ng the monfh. Also. workers were added to the employment rolls as income tax season rolled aro und. Yetter said. In the past year. employment in servicc­related industries has posted a 4.1 percent gain. she said.

Govc.-mment payrolls also sn owed an increase in March as did the

RENTALS ••• From Al

failing to obe} a cease and desist order from the state Department of Real Estate. accord ing to James Mulgrew. a deput) d1stnct attorney.

The company " as sued last fall by the state Attorne}' General's o ffice. T he suit alleged the housing company was pract1ci n~ fa lse ad vemsing and was not placing ad"a nce fees fro m homeowners 1n a proper trust fund.

A spokeswoman for the Better

47 " 8 1 64 .. 42 13 71 .. 1 1 42 ,..

·am 2-4 2· 4 2 .. 2-4 2-• 1-3 2-3

COHOITION poor poor poot poot poot poor poor

s ... clirecliOn: ...

number of newly workers by manufacturing. computer and ae~ space companies.

Employment in the county's im­portant agricultural industry was up by 2,000 last month and the looa­depressed constru.ction industry added 1.400 workers to the labor force in March. part,.ofan annual 20.7 percent increase the industry ha~ seen so far this year.

Scattered increases also were re­ported in the finance. real estate and insurance industries and in the wholesale trade and transportation industries as wen. according to the report.

liusaness Bureau o f Orange County said she has tried in vain for weeks to reach Veritch or some officer with Vacat io n Rental Systems to in­vestigate complaints from home­owners.

" I have received no response and l simply don' t know what to tell all thei r custo mers who want to know 'Where are they? Wh~t's happen­ing."' said L.aune Gabnelson of the busancss bureau .

Seventeen coumy ~hUng unns and two buJldo•• were at the soene and · alrbome water tanker support had been ,. quested, atthough • county spokesman aid akt>c:JfM Ulltts were ·t4nav....,,_.

HB woman loses $35,000 diamond ring to bandit

The cauM Of the fir• hel not been determined.

Another brultt fire oo Crown Valley Parkway at Marguef1te DrNe In Mluk>fl V1e10 burned five ~ on Thunday. County tnftgttt«1 extJngutehed that blue wttt1 no Injuries or strucrtural damllQ9 re­ported. No ~ has been cte. termlned and It wn not known whether the two tires were linked.

~' I

Just Call 642-6086


\ '

A Huntingto n Beach mobile home resident was robbed of her S35,000 diamond engagement ri ng Th ursday by a gunman who entered her home by claiming to be a police offi cer.

Huntington Beach police Sgt. Tns Swan said the woman. wh~ name was with held. had been given the ring. a family heirloom. b)' her late hus~ band 35 years ago.

Swan said the robbery occurred at about I p.m. Thursday at the Skandia

Mobile Country Club. The man, carrying a brown z1ppcr­

type satchel. told the woman he was a police o ffi cer conducting a security check. Swan said. Once inside. the man pulled a handgun from the satchel and walked through the home with the woman. looking for valu­ables. he said .

The man noticed the woman's ring and took 1\ even though the woman claimed at was worthless. Swan said.

What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call tbe number at left and your message wlll be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor.

The sa me 24-hour answering service may be used to record letters to the editor on any topic. Contributors to our Letters column must include their name and telephone number for verification. No cJrculation calla, please.

Tell us what's on your mind.

Break Proof Carpet LEE'S Antron Nylon Piush $10.49 sq. yd. HARTCO Solid Oak Parql19t $1.99 sq. ft.

~~~1~S~Hwt..~<?!?a~~~9. ..



.~ . .

Cout Huntington Beach's Allee Bartlett stlll an activist at age70./A3

Newport-Mesa school study recommends two child care centers be set up./A3

California Prellmlnary hearing In sex slave case Is closed to publlc./A4

Actor, wife win settle­ment In National Enquirer slander lawsutt./ AA

Nation U.S. reports a record trade deficit for March as Ford reports record earn­lngs./ A4

Olympic president says Russiansarecomlng, but Africans might boycott Games.JM

World Libyan Embassy officlals leave for airport; 'Invited' to discuss shooting./ AS

People Will " Turtle Rock Drive" lead to more success for a Newport'Beach band? /A7

If you want healthy house plants but have no luck growing them, a leasing service might be the answer. /A9

Sports Corona del Mar's track team finishes the league season with a perfect record./81 Defending NBA cham­pion Philadelphia ls ousted from playoffs. /82

Entertainment A world premiere offers promise and rJsk at South Coast Repertory's Sec­ond Stage.IWHkender

San Francisco Mime Troupe presents a not­so-sllent " Steeltown" at Golden West College. /WHkender

Business Southern Callfornla Edison Co. President Howard Allen will take over as company chair­man In November ./87 . The Southern Callfornia construction Industry will honor four of Its leaders at a dinner Tuesday./87

11'DEX Auto Piiot Bridge BUlletln Board ButlMN CeftforNI News C._.,fted coma CrOllWOtd Notk:ea Gerdenlng Heep YourMlf Horoecope Ann Lendera Mutual Fl.Inda National Newa Opff\IOn People Poftcl Log Pubtlc No1ic.t Aelt11Urant1 8porta 8t0Ck Marketa T~ ThM•• WMth« Wortd fMwl

• I

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A3 87 A4

C7·9 A10 ca ee A9 A8 C9 A8 87 A4 A8

A7-8 A3

ee,ce Weekender

81·5 ea

TV Log WMtcender

A2 A4


Increased hiring cuts unemployment to 4. 7 percent - a ·rare' 'figure

percent in March. down from Febf'u.. tty'• ~ percent level and a $harp reCluction from the 7.4 perc:eat mark POtted a year aeo, accordin1 to Alea Yetter, 1 labor market analyst with the state qency. By lE.FF ADLER °' .. ~,.. ....

Orange County's unemployment rate plunged in March to its lowest level in nearly three years and now rclistcrs the lowest of any California

'Trash baby'

oes ome

Infant abandoned In trash bln called 'toughle'

By ROBERT BARKE R °' .. ~ .........

Jeffrey the abandoned baby who spent the first moments of his life lying amid garbage and debris in a Fountain Valley trash bin went to his first home Thursday. dressed in blue Jordache pajammas and wrapped in a ooTurfilrquilt made by sludencs of Andersen School in Newport Beach.

The red-haired,. healthy, month­old baby - described as a " little tou~ic" after surviving his ncar­tragic arrival - was placed in the home of a young professional couple said to be "estatic" by their good fortune. Th~ foundling was placed with his

new mom and dad under Orange County's fos-adopt program. accord­ing to Bill Steiner. the director of the Albert Sitton Home where the baby had been staying for nearly a month.

"There's a very low nsk that anyone will surface in the chi.Id's behalf." said Steiner. adding that there's a good chance that the baby will have a permanent life with his new parents.

The last hurdles for formal adop­tion are not expectd to be completed until courtoom abandonment proceedings are completed in three to six months, according to Steiner.

" But the couple have been cleared for adoptions and there's a hi&h likelihood that it will be finalized," he said.

Steiner said there were lots of tearful goodbyes "and wet kisses" Thursday as staff members of Albert Sitton Home for Abandoned and Neglected children in Orange watch­ed Jeffrey leave.

" It was kind of bittersweet," he said. " He's been thnving and he's made such a good impact on every­one.

" But he has a new home and we' re all happy that Lhcre's a happy ending after staning out so tragically."

Jeffrey took with him to his new home - described only as being in the Orange Count)'-LoS Angeles County area - the quilt made by the Andersen School fifth-grade students.

The you ngsters each sewed and contributed a patch to a large and colorful quilt as part a Colonial America crafts project in the fifth­grade classes df Marge Oglesby and Ceil Sharman. They decided it should be a gift to Jeffrey and Steiner dropped by the school to pick it up Thursday.

The baby's blue Jordache paJam­mas arrived the day after he went to the Sitton Home along with a note that said. "God bless you." It was signed Gina.

Officials said there have been more than SOO requests to adopt the baby.

And in Fountato Valley, detectives say they've hit an apparent dead end in their search for the person who put baby in the trash bin March 24 10 the Paradise Manor condominium com­plex on Euclid Street and Slater A venue. They say charges of at­tempted murder are pending.

metropolitan area, aooordina to' monthly state unemployment figures released Thursday.

lncrcaled hiring in most sectors of the county's economy forc.ed the unemploymen! rate down to 4.7

The wild blue yonder

The number of count~ midents who reponcd they were wtthout jobs in March fell to 58.600. down from 61,800 in February and the 90,SOO who were without work in Marett 1983.

The Blue Anaela precl•lon ftJlnt team warm• up for thia weekend'• air •how at the El Toro Marine Bue. The Saturday and Sunday e•ent la ezpected to draw over 400,000 people.

Chases confusing one,suspect gets away From staff and wire reports

A man who fought off a detecti ve and stoic his car and then led police on a car-bashing 20-mile chase across Orange County got away when police got mixed up b} a simultaneous pursuit in Ir\ inc. authorities said this morning .

The first chase began in West­minster Thursday when the manager of a check<ashing store became susp1c1ous of a customer and called police. The man fled as an officer amved but was tackled by a detective who was driving by the store.

But the detective was overpowered and the man fled in the detective's car, said Westminster Sgt. Robert Burnett.

The fleeing vehicle hit two cars as 1t was chased at speeds up to 100 mph onto the Garden Grove Freeway and the Santa Ana Freeway. and then another car as 1t e 1ted on Sand Canyon Road to Irvine

A police helicopter ga ve up the chase near El Toro Manne Air talion to avoid v1olat1na m1lital) air space where the Nav) 's Blue Angels were pract1c1ng for this wetkends's air show.

And Just as the chase entered Irvine. police there began an un­related chase of their own for two people suspected 1n two armed rob­beries earlier this week.

Westminster officers became con­(Pleue eee CHASES/ A 2)

Sipaficantly, the March un~ employnient rate is the lownt R­conkd in the county in the peat JI months.

"h's very rare for an area to be below S pcn::ent," Yetter Mid.

In the past. however, the un­employment ratt hasdipPeda1 lowas 3.6 percent, which wa reCordCd in November 1978. a«ordin1 to tht statt statistics. The last time the f11urc fell under the S percent level was in

HBOlympi rental chief 'not hiding' By STEVE MARBLE Of .. Olllr ........

Tbcfounderofa Huntington Beach company reports be is not tryina to hide from hundreds of homeowners who put up money in hopes of renting their homes to tourists ancndina the Summer Olympics.

"He said he's working real hard to save everything and plans to reopen offices soon,•• said Huntington Beach detective Art Droz of his conversa­tion Thursday with James B. V critcb.

Vcritch is the founder of Vacation Rental Systems, an Olympics housing firm that bas been in and out of hot water with authorities si nce it belan acce tin $50ands100 advance recs ast summer rom om-c0wncrs hop-

ing to cash in on Olympic tourists. Authorities estimated that more

than S 1 S0,000 has been deposited with the company by Southern Cali­fornia homcownen. The depositcrs are supposed to be matched up with tourists in need of housing dunng the Summer Games in Los Angeles.

The company shut down its Warn-

et A venue offices this month ...,,. being served an eviction notice by ill landlord, Guardian Savinp md Loan. A spokeswoman for the u~ and loan said the company left 90 forwardiOJ address.

Droz said be has received up to~ telephone calls from homeowners who had invcsied money with Va­cation Rental Syuems. He said muy of the pcop&t had expected to~ wont this week on their summer visiton.

..Right now we're in a ~tioa of waitina to see wbet.her his (Veri1Ch) promises come true or not.·• Droz said . .. We have-to-wait-and-..... ~-

Scott Souders, a Tustin attorney !ho bad hccn a:prnm•ina YacatioD

Rental System1, said he bas 5'Kleell­fully filed a motion to ~ bis relationship with the firm and Ver­iteb.

Souders said he has not been peid ror his put services and WM COD­cemed that his clients were DOl dcali~th him in good fai11L

The altomcy said he bad ben (Pleue-UllTAL/d)

Huntington woman loses ring to Bandit

A Huntington Beach mobile home resident was robbed of her SJS.000 diamond engagement ring Thursday by a gunman who entered her home by claiming to be- a police officer. police reported today.

Huntington Beach police Sgt. Tris Swan said the woman. whose name was withheld, had been given the ting, a family heirloom, by her late hus­band 35 years ago.

Swan said the robbery occurred at about 1 p.m. Thursday at the Skandia Mobile Country Club. 16444 Bolsa Chica St. He said the woman had just returned from doing volunteer work at a hospital in Long Beach w~en someone knocked at her door.

The man, carrytog a brown zipper­ty~ satchel, told the woman he was a police officer conducting a security check. Swan said. Once inside, the man pulled a handgun from the satchel and walked through the home wilh the woman, looking for valu­ables, he said.

The man noticed the woman's ring and took it even though the woman claimed it was wonhlcss, Swan said. He handcuffed the woman to a chair, then fled with the ring and SI S from the woman's purse. he said.

The woman was able to summon police after the robber left. Swan said the woman was not tnjured in the 1nc1dent.

Man overboard to halt start of Ensenada race By ALMON LOCKABEY DMly l'llol 9oettne Wrtt..

The Newport Ocean Sailing .\s· sociat1on always has had strict safct~ rules for participan ts 1n the Newpon­to-Enscnada yacht race. This Year a new precauuon has been added .

Following a crewman's drowning during an offshore race March 31 . race committee chairman Mike Kane sa)S he has s1nct instructions to postpone the race ir an}one falls overboard dunng lhe \tart oft he race. scheduled to start at noon Saturda)

''The minute there 1s v.ord ofa man overboard or a senous colhs1on dunng the start of an~ class. an 1mm~1ate postponement v.111 be signaled for the start of that class.·· Kane said

•·tfwe see a man O\.erboard or hear of one b) radio we will 1mmed1ately hoist the AP pennant and inform the Coast Guard or Coast Guard .\ux­tli.ary on Channel 16 and inform all boats which ha\ e not started on Channel 9. instruct 1n~ them to SUl) clear of rescue effons ·

Kane ~1d the sa me proccdu~

would be followed if a serious collision occurs and any boats were in danger.

"When the emergency has been cleared WC will signal the IO-minute warning for the start of the next class: · said Kane. "Saving a life is more important than any race ...

.<\n) class or cla~ that have alrcad} started will not be recalled, Kane said.

Kane did not sa) under what \ (Pleue eee RACE/ A2)

Sports chasing anonymity from FV John Acill was a little upset. Earlier this )'ear I wrote a somewhat

tonaue-in-chetk piece in wt11ch 1 described Fountain Valley as 1 quiet . bedroom community most eas1l)' defined by the thinas at doe n ·r have. Unlike some of its neighbors, the Cit)' has no btachfronr. no shoppina mall. no skyscrapers. no hotels and no 01 ncyland.

After rudina the 1n1cle. Aeatz c:b hed off a letter of prote t.

Fountain Valley d<X1 have somc­th1fll its nciahbors lack, he an 1 tcd Lo Caballeros Ra.cquct and pon C'tub.

The 20-acrc complel include nu· mcrous tenni~ and racquetball court~.



F1e1t1. (He's not countin~JOlt counn - Los Caballeros d<>e'in t have one of th~ - oops. there I go in.)

tn ract. Acltl cl11ms it's one of the top five pom clubs in the n1t1on. with rt pcct to the ranic of program~ offered to members.

Of COUf"I(', Ac1ll i no 1mpart1al observer. He and two panners own Lo Caballero .

Some m1aht ~ reluctant to point to a arse pon complt' .,

a 50-mcter wimmang pool, a oec'd Fou1n11n V1tlc1 ' chief claim 10 soccer stadium, a runnma track and a fame. Nonetheless, FlctU and h1~ l )'mna ium buildina with ba<jkctball • a 50C11t are promotina vcral ac­and \Olleyball court..\, plu ~eiaht u vttle that arc likcl) to help put 1hc cqu1pmcnt ll 1s the lar&nt pnvatc city on the map sports club 1n C'ahfomia. accordina to Fu-st. thc cluh is the offiaa1 trainana

s1tr lor thr U . \ Women· Vol­leyball Team. which 1s prc1>1nn1 to compete 1n the • ummcr 01)mp1 Games In addl\lon. the West Ger· man Ol) mp1c '-"am c m hu ar­raOfCd to trato at Lo~ Caballeros dunng t"-O 'Attks before the um mer Games.

nd 1n JU t a few day~. one of top names an women·, knni~. 111'\1na Navr.ttilava. 'A-111 ~n1c1patc to on t\h1bition match at ~ ( . ballcro to raise funds for the U. \ omen' Vollc)ball Club On ta> 6. &he 'Alll ~uarc on 1n • -.ingle match lplO'll another top pla er .. Hu a.

Their t~ "''II be followed b' a (Plea•e ece 8PORT8 /A21

. . __.,

Al* Of.,. Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 2'7 , 1984 ,..


Five one-time Orante Coe11 Col· lege studmts who m..te the IJ'1lde in the world beyond \he Costa Mesa campus tttumed on Thursday for induction into tbe college's Alumni Hall of Fame.

The Hall of Fame was established last year by the OCC' Associated Students to honor former students who have distinauished themselves and to provide an incentive for current students wilh lofty goals.

There is a large pool to draw the men and women to honor: 500,000 students have attended OCC since the college opened in 1947.

The 1984 inductees were Orange County Sheriff.Coroner Brad Gates. television scriptwriter Judy Bums. South Coast Repertory co.founder David Emmes, sculptor Shirley ··Dani" Leyrer and physician James T. Goodnch.

The new Hall of Fame members JOin five former OCC students who were inducted last year, including actor William Katt. Kansas Ci ty Royal pitcher Dan Quisenberry and state Controller Ken tor) .

Hall of Fame members are honored w11h plaques on display at the college library.

During ceremonies Thursday. five administrators and teachers recalled the honorees' time at OCC. The Hall of Fame inductees spoke fondly of the1r community colJegc experiences.

History Professor Henry Panian praised Jud y Bums. who graduated from OCC in 1965, for her continu ing suppon for OCC wnting programs.

He recalled that some UC ln ine faculty members described com­munity colleges as .. second rate" when that university was opening in the mid- I 960s.

.. When Jud} Bums transferred from here (OCC) to UCL she made those people eat their v.ords." Panian said.

Bums earned an B.A. degree in anthropologY. at UCI. To earn money to study in Arrica. she tned scriptwnt­mg. She sold a script to .. Star Trek" in 1968. then became a staff writer for



Jama Goodrich

.. Mission lm poss1bte." Since then. she has worked on man~ popular TV shows and 1s currently a" nter for the " T. J. Hooker" senes.

Dr. Jerrel Richards, now a dean at OCC. remembered David 6mmes in 1958 as the )tudent who was building a set for ··Hamlet" in the auditorium where Richards was teaching psy­chology.

Emmcs is co-founder and produc­ing artistic director of the highly regarded South Coast Repertory. He 1s a member of the National Theatre Conference and is a consultant to the Oran~e County Center for the Per­formm~ Ans.

Shcnff-Coroner Brad Gates was sworn inasOranaeCounty'schieflaw enforcement officer in 1975. He enrolled at OCC 10 1957.

At Thursday's ceremony, Gates recalled that he entered OCC with the desire to become a professional basketball player. but was forced to reassess his goals after an injury.

James T. Goodrich enrolled at OC'C in 1970 after a tour 1n the U.S.

•Dani' Leyrer


celebnt} mixed doubles match in­volv ing the two women. singer Kenn) Rogers and another celebnt). A.fterward. a volle'vball exhibition will be presented. pitting the women·s Ol)mp1c team against Wilt Chamberlain's B'ig Dippers.

A.n 1mponant local milestone v.lll also be recorded that weekend. Foun­tain Valle\ ·s fi rst hotel rooms ha"e been consiructed at Los Caballeros And the Cll) that°s been "1thout a hotel for all of 11s 27 vcars will welcome its first lodger ~ Martina Navrat1lo" a

region likely 10 produce members for the club.

They opened Los Caballeros seven )ears ago v.11h four tennis couns. no members and some big dreams. As the constructi on continued . the club gradually belUln attracting members.

.. It was hard." Fleitz recalls . .. Jn fact . we·re having a pany next month for the ong1nal 100 members who belie' ed in us:·

A.nd . he adm11s. some ambitious plans -were modified over the ~ears.

Judy Burn•

Marine Corps. including ~rv1t.·c in Vietnam. He was vaJed1ctonan of OCCs Class of 1972 and was named the college's "Outstanding Gradu­ating Student'' that year.

Goodrich told the audience Thurs­day that afier his tour with the Marines. he decided to become a physician. But he said he was dis­couraged by counselors at UCI and Caf Stale Long Beach because of his poor high school grades. He credited a counselor at OC'C with helping him set the goals that led to his medical degree.

Sculptor Shirley Leyrer enrolled at OCC in 1967. Since then. her an works have been exhibited at the Los Angeles Municipal An Museum. the Laguna Beach Museum of An and the National Academy of An.

She has been an an instructor for the City of Costa Mesa and the Costa Mesa An League. and her work has been used to help teach speech to hard of hcarin~ children m the Newpon­Mcsa Unified School District.


hotel service operated by the cl ub. Of the 44 units. 30 are al read) in escrow. Fleitz says.

The club O\\ ners plan to begin building l 04 more hotel-condo units later this year. The) v. ill also begin construction of a new clubhouse and a restaurant-banquet hall.

For a time, Fleitz a_dm11s. the panners had trouble getting financing to build the hotel-condo unm be­cause the club was operating in the red. That has turned arou nd as the membership has grown.

Cloudy and cool for weekend Cout.d

Eztended Fw Ind. ~II .. ... "* HIQM .. to

78 1..-. moelly 45 10 55

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representing the Huntington Beach company on the understanding that Veritch would remove himself from the firm·s day-to-day activities.

" I had been led to believe he was out of it or at least keeping a very low profile.'' said Souders, who said he later became suspicious that Vcritch wasn't keeping his word.

Veritch is scheduled to appear May 3 on misdemeanor charges of failing 11>-hllVClfl'T'Ol)CriJToke~s-tit"ense ana

failing to obey a cease and desist order from the state Depanment of Real Estate, according to James Mulgtcw, a deputy district attorney.

The company was sued Last fall by the state Attorney General's office. The suit alleged the housing com pan)' was practicin~ false advertising and was not placmg advance fees from homeowners in a proper trust fund.

A spo"keswoman (or the Better

Business Bureau of Orange County said she has tried m vain for weeks lO reach Veritch Or some officer with Vacation Rental Systems to in­vestigate complaints from home­owners.

" I have received no response and J simply don' t know what to tell all their customers who want to know 'Where arc they? What's happen-

_ing.'" ,said Laurie-Gal>rieiloA-Of lbe business bureau.

CHASES CO~f4'USING IN IRVINE .•• From Al fused about which direction their man was heading when Irvine police announced the second chase over the police radio. Burnett said.

When Irvine police announced they had captured the two men they

JOBLESS ..• From Al

both February and March. County employment figures are not adjusted for seasonal fluctuations in hiring, the state and national figures are season­ally adjusted.

Yetter predicted "very strong em­ployment gains.. would c6nti nue throuih the second quarter of I 984, especially as several new hotels open in the area and new manufacturing and retail businesses move into the county.

Although the labor expert said she expected to see the unemployment rate decline even further by June, she refused to predict how low it might sink.

Employment at county businesses rose by 11 ,000 jobs between Februart and March, the largest monthly gain since October and November of 1979. according to the state repon.

Just Call 642-6086

were after ·• ·in the Meadows· every­bod) assumed 1t was ·our suspect' and went home ... Burnett said.

Irv ine police had collared two men in the Meadows Mobilchome park. while Westminster police assumed their man had fled to the Irvine Meado~s Amphitheater. 10 the v1c10-1t y of Sand Canyon Road.

··The odds on that. of a pursuit occurring in the same time and in the same area. are astronomical:· Burnett said.

Irvine police had taken two men 10 custod) followmg a short pursuit and car-bashing incident of their own. One officer fired on a Oeemg car that had rammed a police car trying to block Its exil. lrvme Lt. Al Muir said.

Irvine police had set up a surveillance in the Heritage shopping center, at Culver and Walnut av­enues. after a man pretending to have a weapon had robbed two stores in two days. Muir said.

A man whose description matched that of the bandit was spotted and refused to halt when ordered. Muir said. Instead the man fled by ram­ming a police car and pushing it until he was able to tum out of the parking stall.

Police identified the two men arrested for investigation of the robbery and assault on a police officer as Randall Allen Allwonh, 29, of Whittier and Daniel E. Batanich. 24. of Rowland Hills.

Police Officer Ron Carr fired on the flee ing vehicle as 1t veered past, striking the rear tire. The dri ver abandoned the disabled car at another shopping center a short distance away and attempted to flee by jumping waJI into the Meadows park.

RACE· ••. From Al

weather conditions the committc would be authorized to postpone the entire race.

The safety precaution was adopted by the Newport Ocean Sailing As­sociation after Lyle Galloway, a crewman aboard the yacht Apache, drowned after being knocked over­board by a jibing boom at the start of one of the Balboa Yacht Club's 66 Series races. Galloway drowned before his own boat or any other could retrieve him.

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Tell us what's on your mind. Clear!\ . Fk1t1 ha\ l."nough am­

munition to claim Lo'>< ahallcro\ il'­an 1nst1tut1on that help' mai...e, Foun­tain Valle) unique

.. Hed. we had a bowling allc) . an ice skating nnk and a horse ndmg track on thl' dra~ ing board at one 11me:· Fk1t1 !>a\s

But thl." partners did successful!) plug mto the recent physical fitness boom. The club now offers 56 aerobics classes a week . and a $I m1lhon fitness center 1s scheduled for construction adJacent to the ell1St1 ng gymnasiu m.

.. The dub is making monl·} no" . and that makes a big difference to a lender: · Fle111 sa\s ··\\ e built \uch a large fac1ht) that· }OU need a cenain .-------------------------------- -------------

He and his panner'i al'io -;hould be credited for the foresight to cn' 1s1on a massi \.e -;pons complc' on unlike!~ acreage bounded b~ cv. hope ~trcet and the Santa .\na R1,cr Just a decade ago. the land was g1 "en O\ er to strawberT) fields.

Fleitl 1s a Long Beath resident whose pnmar) business is opera11ng five mannas 1n Lo-; Angele-. Count~ His panners 10 Los ( aballeros arc Jack Cameron ofRoll1ng Hills Estatt•\ and Harry Hess of Palo., Verdes

About IOJears ago. flc1t1 and h1.., partners sol a lucrat1,e tenmo; cluh­condomm1um complc\ in Palm Springs and began looking for a place to build a new fam1I~ spom renter

Land in the South Ba\ '>ectmn nf Los Angeles Count) ...,:as too l' \ ·

pensive. but the men found less CO\th propeny along the Santa R1, cr in Fountain Valley. The land was right in the center of a booming rc<t1dent1al

Dally Piiot Oellvery

I• GuerentHd

The owners also predicted that some people might want to hve o r do business adJac:ent to Los Caballeros. The' built 52 office condominiums near the clubhouse. even though c,nme people warned tha t the lo. ration. far from the clly''i ma in thoroughfares. wouldn't have much appeal

Fountain Valle\ has lots of unoc­cupied offtcc space. but Fle1tz says all 5:! commercial condos at Los C aballcros have been sold

Neanng completion are 44 hotel­condomm1um units adjacent to the dub's Ol}mpic pool. The residences arc designed primanl)' as invest­mcnt'5 The.,. can be occupied by the OU'tCr or rented to o thers throuRh a


Daily Pilat H. L. Schwartz Ill


Ch.iy Oowallby Rotemary Churchmen

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rd1tor and Ass1s1ant Controller to the Publ1shPr

Stephen F. C•r•ao p ! I I

Gl0tl• A. fower1 l lor4tt l l" o l AO-hl•ll\l

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Donald L. WUlltm• C.trcu11t•>n Vana\J' •

number of members to break even ... The club now has now sold 3.800

memberships to ind viduals and fam-1hes. The club has guaranteed 1t will sell onl) 5.200 memberships. and Fle1tz believe~ the ~llout point could be reached within a }ear or two.

In the mea ntime. 1he club 1s continuing to work on special events such as the Olympics promotion and a racquetball camp that "ill be conducted in August b} L) nn Ada ms. the top-ranked women·s racquetball player.

Flem says h1 goal has been t create m Fountain Valle) a unique "destination resort hotel .. that looks like 1t belongs 10 Palm Springs. Along the wa) , he sa)'s. he's had to face a lot of skeptics-e'en a few Cll}" offi cials.

''The big concern of the cit y was that the land would appreciate (in value) so much that we'd turn around and put It to industnal u~ ... Flc1tz 'Says . .. But I think we·vc proved we're here to stBy ...

Clrculetton 714/142--4333 ClaHlfa.d edvertlalng 714/M2·5171 All other deperlmenta 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE ).)() W .. 1 A•v ~I < .,.., • ._.,,.. (.,A Mu AO<)•jt<\\ !kl• •'>6cJ (MIA MM-a ( A '"M~

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VOL 77, NO. 111

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