paducah sun (paducah, ky. : 1898): 1903-07-21


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la PrH('ti< iilly Artinir \'*>vt' at

tJi« I'rHsent Tiiiu'

tM't DmUi <^piW Tm-'


OiH' Heavy V'ww Assrssi'il in IV>-

lice Cuurt Tutiay.

M«D7 Otbtr 0mm OMtiBMd—One

VMHlM is BMkrapMr PIM



. n(i


baiian (or ibo Utt rltei in booor of

tk«> lioir Httmt. TwHt—r Won(limtti Ihi ciiii'lirlnn o( fall holin<>f<R va

riKil from •.•lloy to c«iii». Wlihlnn to

relieve bim. Dr. Mnz/cmi •(nfrmp.!

that roorpbiae abooM N> •dmioUlfr'

«d. bal Dr. Lavpo"' Ntne,fMrtMRilMl llMMid Mlgkltaqslok-


Thr final BOPne <n ihc >lr»i!i rhain

ber WM pcofoaadly mprtwiiTc. Tbe

|M|w*t dMtkMlwM MWWHtod by

I'rerrirBllr nil Ibe memlwn of the

mxtimI colli-Rit now In Rome and Ibe

holi> i«iml ooorl

Dr. Lappool, who had bit flO||«re on

tbe pepe'i patae.fett U (tMW undwllyiker SBil woaki r. end et th« •itmi>

am* tbe pontiff'e ritrmiitit't in-nnu tn

tH e«ld, feU Hps beeame bine. hi»

•yM MSk MOT* tfMpty lato tbe bead

aad hie btMttkiM kaMM* atea MonitiiTi. iiit aadliMM wamMiMga nt-

lUniii IB kit tknat.

PtMlly tka paiia WM aakad to bliM

ktoaapkewa ui<taUtka olkanpree-

eat. He atti>mpt«<1 to rmlM hlmaelf

en<t till' i'\ii> iiif ••nmGlMllon of hi- \>< r

MB, oovereJ wiib a Ua* uigbl ibirt,

MM vMMWead by tbe

The taitHtm itlvMtac

lhf> rooa were drawn heck to the at-

nioiil I.I tliiiit IK iiiiii-li ml »" \" «.-iMi',

Wbtle tbe liKbt Ultrring tbruoKb tbo

Cttea ihadM of tha wtaiMT itadaMdhm inukcn ptoi aafi aMmkta laMMMIwolnti-lT ^-hniii Ir.

It vraii a iiKMil «(ili'tnii nioiiK iit

Tbe beatl ol tba poBttff wilb iti

wklta tkall tmp, ira wkiter than the

frinK' of eilvi tv hnir r «lne al.nvr thr

criiiKOD rnvi rli I hm liaml ritixxl in

tlif fentllar Ruturi' itt iMtiti)<llction,tfa<>

kBMllag BMeabkifa betas taoaaiBeet-

ly abaorbad la dMp aWotlM, vaaar»<

tiiHi mi l waaplat a


Tbe doctora afaia CMmlaed tbe dy-

lacholyfatkw aad ,IkiallaM loac.l

tbat be wm M tka aitreine limit ot

hi> i-owi'm of IMplnitKiii. HU <>\i >

begeu to beuoaa dall and oloadud and

Lea XIII aatand lato tka Mai afoayof deatb. wktok WM icMRalaatf kf all


Tl laxl . onirinoii eat af tk* ptaMff

wai to tarn bie erea toirai4 tka (Nateraeitz aa tka wall. allM wklak ka

aaffered from « paioxyaai »f ekoktag,

daring wbtob hi> paaaed away.

Mpantime eTcntit nf nioiii»ritoni im-

portaace to Uatbolio UbnateadoiB

wara mearrlnt. Tbe daalk of PopeI.i'ii iiii'itnt ihi' iiiiHsitiK gl tkaaO|iri'ino

|)owi'r iMtc till' bauda of tka 8acr»tl

OoUegtt ot c»t iiuala m ita taaponryoMtodlan datlai tba latomcaam.The parfMt adnialattatlTe maobin-

ery of tlir hIuit' h| luvt li .1 ^'.uii»i ilir

aligbteat interrajition u( tbe guvcrniDK

aalhority. Aa tha aaalor Maaibar ut

IkaSairad Oollege Cardiaal Oreglia,

towhmtbe pope ^lemnly oonfldcd

I li« loicrt'itH uf ihii rliurob, now bu-

comea tbe eipoaeot of tba Midiaala

«alU LaaHi w t ikaU Uelfctoil.

Ttte oarilinal la tbe niaot antitbeaia

of Pope Lt-o, bavlug none of Ibe late

poallff'a ayaipallMlla and baaavolaat

ble Piedmonteac itock, IMI Ma nobili-

ty ta abowB in bia baafklyaod anal ere

beariBg. Ba la aot popalor amougMa MllaairaM a* ^|ko oMaaa. aad bia

^tMqac awaner baa earaed bini tb«

.ill)' of "PitnliiKiiit Hoar ' lit* i§ ta.l

an t robaat and bia i-i jf/M are ahownonly by tka wkllMiM at kki kate. HUface baa the taway baa of old rareb

•MBl aad la deeply lined. Oofpite b •

auH xrlty, the oariliiial*4 karnlng anapiatjr an oaiTanally naagaiied.

Thio i« tbe auui wke fw Ibe timebi'iii^ ia prai'tirally I'oim It waa be

who itBiwd tbo crJit to elaa« the vati-

itMB^alWy aM a( Ike


Will Jaokaon, oolored, waa Uaed $Maad eoata tMa OMffaiiV byJadgaHao-ilorH fnr iirenonllag a figMl M MeOMMaxle, cidnri'il

Tbil caai> nKaifii'i T. K. Mitrhi U.

wblta. of Mayfield, who la alleged to

hava otroefc a weana wHk a akiff oar

yeiterday. wai runt i mini

H F. Hanitx, wbitt>. wai ri'rnKni/id

in tbt* (am ot IIO<) for hm irntMl liehav

tor towarda bia Oa^ktar wboee hooM

ka WM altagod to kava aalerad yoatw-

day aialBottka wlakMaltka oeaa-


WiU llarrla. whito. wm taad tl aad

aoalB tor draakeBBeoa.

Tbe eaaeagalBot FIombm Paltoa

for ('(ii..!;ictlac a «la««dMlv koaM, wmconlinaed.

Mat MeKlaaey, wfcito. wm baed

f HI) I rci.lK fnr KtriklnK hit wife.

'Ihf hu-arb ol tbi'i>pari< ('a»«< a);ainat

Milton fiift wrlirht, wbiii'. wh« rmi

tiaaod. It la alleged tbat be aacd

abMlva aad Tatgar laagaag » ta pab-


Thi rant- agaiDat Laura t<niitb, ^1-

or.'.i. for tba aUagai Ikaft cf«SwMoaatlaaad.

tka taiaMnllty «aM a«alaal Praak

Jaoiaa, oolorod, wm ooatina«<l.


Annie ih-lli' Dixou.tb-' u>^ro arreat-

ed aevi ral daya ago and flne<l for a

haeaok of tka peaee. will be triad for

Inaaey todar or tnmorrew probably.

Shi' ..'I Ml- I'" t. iiii'lili' I I tlii«

lu>^uiUK wan brdUKhl inlornuit an'l

oaaay facta aboat )ier atofrtaliipii,

••noagb lafbet to ooaTlpM Jodga

Saadora thai aha la eraty. Ska Jaaniad

i>ii a ni'K'in woman In the mart room

' aererat daya ago and rritd to choke

kwroaylac tkattka wooMakad baaa


lying aboat her. Rhe wM at liat be-

iieaed to be a dope flead.

«0 OO TO BMVdRM 80H00L.

ColoDi l .irliii AuKliii will Iciive to-

night for Lexington with Kred (?ook,

tbe boy raoaatly oeatoaoad tc tbe re-

form achool for IhrM yeaia.' Ha ia

tbe bor who forged a check and com-

Bllttad roaiiT iiiiiior thi li* aliont dor-

tora' onoca where be worked. Jadge

aadara aaida oal tka ataowar/ papan

tkia aioralag aad Colonel Aoatia wlU

alarIM l:M taalckt to place tka koy

ia tka koaM of eorrectioa.

BANKurrTin- I'KrmoN

Tbomaa U. Jenkloa, ot Linn Urovo,

Oalloway eeaaty. Ilad a paMtioa la

liAnkru|itc.T thii morning In the ottloe

of U. S. Olerk J. It. Furyeor. Hia

IkiWIitiM an —Ml. Ma kM aa aw«u.


U. U Mart aalk ta O. W. UelU my

tbe priTilege oCaaltlag Ika ttMber

frnin too acr<>i of laad la Ika ooaaty.

He u to bare two yean aahM biader-

ad by high water, Ib wbiok afWt be

la to have three Tcara


OocaaioBal ihewan aad tkuder

iitorm* t o u i K h t and Wedneaday.

Waroier toalgbt ib weet^porlioo and

oartir la


•liKliriiil Coiiiiiiittet' to Tukt'

HallotH Out of Boxes.

Attorney Taylor Hm Until Jaly IB toa

ftapaw aad fUa 1g

oouat BMiifi AO^uar 4

(^hairni:in C. W. Marriion. of tho

Mc(7rackeu county Dumocratic com-

mit tec. and Chalrau^ O. W. Bdirarda,

ol Manball oaaaly MrfMllln. an^tbia aionilag at tba otty kail, aadmill' othi r arratiKi'iut'iitii for bearing

tbe conteat from tboae decided on yea-

torday aftaraooa. ItWM tkaa daoid-

ed to ooaat tbo ballola.

Taylor waa ordered to hava bia

in by .lulv J'l, niid Attorney Lo»ett by

the &th ot Angut, on wbiab day tbe

•OMMlttM Will aioM al Baatoa toba-

fia aaaatiig tka ballot*

A motioB waamade Ihia laoniiBR

Uhm'IdiII WarrHiitH Pisniissed

This Morniiiif.

Jaattee bubwBe Playad




Till' r»-i'i< ;t|;aii>>t Pri'i-i'li lit M.ii;i\

ger Key Uagv, of tbe Padncab Uaae-

ball ataMlaHoa. aad Mr. B<aob,ef tha

OlMkaviUa elab, ware mlled in Jna-

tiee BMbar*a aoart tbia momiBg at i


oviook aadaftotfcaatlagtkaaTldanc'p.


It daraloped tbat Mr. Baaob had

aotblBR to dn with thf manaKrini'nt of

the 01arl(Nvillt« cloh Thin let him

oat, bat tbe cbho wooM have been din-

miaoad aaykow, Maoager Oage, ot

tka PMlaeak elab, ptooded aot gailty

to till' rlmrife of violation nf the Sab-

.\iliiiiiiil Terry \rriv«>(l This

Afteniuuii in I'aducah.

Oaa ol tka Moet Promlmnt Naval

oOofM la Ai



Rear .\dmirrtl Silan Wright Tfrrv

of tbe United 8tatea navy arrived

tkIa aftaraooa to viatt kia aephaw,

Mr MnaoM Baraatt, la tba Weot End.

He will retnalo aatil tooaorrow.

Adiiiiial Ti rry ramH her,' from Oer-

alean Upringi, where be boa bMa for

a abort whila. At bia nqaaat ao 0W*mal eBtertotaaoat will ba giraa ia

hi* bonar.

Admlrul Ti rry waa born I)i>reinb< r

ta, 1841, IB tbe little Tillage of Wai-

loala. ia Trigg ooaaty. Hia father

w:i?i Abuer K. Ti rry. a hiKlily e in 'at-


Kefused to Vacati' th«> Beneli at


Madu a V'igoroiu Uiiarge to tbe Qrand

bath. »- till' net jiroceeds of

hv Alfortii y Lovptt a nttorni ya to Snndny were given to obarity.t brow out Attornuy Tajlor'a demarr- 1 xbu only ayidean addaoed wM toan, wbieh aoatoia tba arlaaa ponto [ihnw that a game of ball wm played

Sanilav. which wai imi <I(>ni< il Itof law ani-K n« alli'Red irreBolarltn'H

ot printiOK. iwearinK m of eli rlion

offioera, and ao forth. An there waaBO OBe to' vote tor aoataioiBc tbe no-Hob esMpt OkatoMaa Bdwaali, aad aninjority waa raqatiad toaarry U, the

motion failed.

Attorney Taylor aaid today that bo

woald bagia pnparing bia eyldean Moaee, aad wkat ka hM will probably

tx- I'V di'po-ii ion. Ill' Haid that all be

waiiiwl to do waa be oerlaia the bal-

lots depoaitod wan regalar aad fail.

That if tkia kad jMaa doao la tha Aral

idaot, tnen woold have been noae of

till cootPiit now on III' Kald that if

tlie ballot boiea were oiiened aad ev

waa then ahown that Ibe net proceed*,

amoBBtiBf to aboni IMr Iran tamedover to Mayw Teioer tbia moralag to

ba devoted to charity. Jnatice Barber

dppHled that wlii ri" thf net jirfin eds

the game It>d Virginia KeutliniHn. who movedWith hii family to Kentnoky in 1820

aad aagacad ia aiarMatUa paranita at

Walloam aatil 1944, #k«i be morodto (Jadiz and mnlinGpil mirciKifully

in bnilnoaa until hiR death in 1848.

At Oadis Admiral Tdrry raMitad

what woald aow ba tanaad a aifai—achool adaoatioB, atteadiag the ehoolconducted by Prof. (,)iiint M. Tyler, a

tooait oaya that every Snn-

day faaa played hereafter tbe net

proooeda will be given to charity, it

il ptabakla today'a dMiaioa offectaal-

ly etopa tka atort to bill iaaday baM-ball in Padncab.

The aiiionni tlm tinn wan not ao

large aa it wonid have been hail Padn-

cab beea ptayiat batlar Ml. mmI bad

ett ronlit, hava hii oertiBoale anobal

iiui' I

Ihe proceedtnga tfday end tka ooa-

teat bbMI Jaly IS. wkaa tka eaaimlt-

lee \^11 meet to ri reive Aftornev Tiiv-

lor'i proof. Then Au^nit 1 tbcj will

ni< 1 1 at Hentan to canvaaa the ballola

coat then, and aubieqnaally ooaia to

Fadaoak, aad ooaat tkoM kera.*

charity tbe ball men can play »4>oted teacher bailing from Tennemee.

Ia Baptoabar. 1868, tbrosgb tba Inlln.

eaoe of the Hoo. Heiii^ 0. Bamett.

the repreaentatire In congreaa at tbat

time f rom (tie Firii dlatrict of Ken-

taoby. he waa appointed u acting

MMablpoMi^. Ba pkiaad a kigkly

oredltobia a^aailaalloa aad wm ad-

mitted to the United Btatoa naval

uoademy at Aniiiiiioli?^, Md., where be

paioaad hia otadlM natU April, 1861.

Ika war batwaaa the

broken oat, all tbe

Klndenta were lemoved to Newport,

B. I., aad ho, with othera of bia olaaa,

igBed to doty on tbe abipa tboB

erythiat wm focaJ to ba uJtt^' Wat, tbe arewd aot beoa radaaad bySka n- 1 At tbia woald fnd Ibe oonteat and ilt/Lov- ' ],ort that the Kami> would be itopiwi ! stateg havinjr

In addition, il i* claimed, a great

laaay peraona climbed the feacadar-

lag tba asoitoBMat iaaidaatto taa

taratag dowa of the Ooad Uovara*







.)ai kiion, Ky. , Jnly 31—Olreaitconn la guitlBg aloag amoothly la tbo

iatreatlgMfoa la ipaetol ooMlaa of Ika

attempted bribery of Oapt. B. J.

Ewen. principal witneu for the proee-

calion in tbe aKNgMNination oaaea of

Oarfia JotI and Tom WblM. Jadgoodwlao rofaoad to vaeato tka kaaok

and imjianeled the grand Jnry, which

he i-barged to investigate not only the

baming of Ewea'a hotel and the al-

lofad attaapl to briba bin. bat alao

the aaaaatinatlon of Dr. B. D. Ooz,

which occurred lant .\pril a year ago.

Dr. Oox hail been called from bia

boBM liy telepboBo aad II taraed oat

that ao oall bad oaaM from tbapaticat

wbon name wm givea and he wmabot ilown whi n only ;i short distance

from bia home. The Jnry waa taken

Hon Ika rogalw poaol Mloetod ky tko

Jary oommioalonera, who an Rargla

eontitaenta, and tbia ia oaatlag <Ua*

eat lafact ion.

The grand Jory nlaotad la eonpondof eleven fknaen aad oao MaokonUk.Jndge PedMiiie made a vigoroaa

charge and warned tbtlft it they did

not do their daty be wmAi Inpaaal

another grand Jary.

OonmoawoaHk'o Attoiaoy Byrt did

aot arrive till noon and went to the

grand jury room. What caaei were

taken np Aral ia not known. It ia

frMly pnilaiad tkat the lavMligation

will ba oMnhtag aad oevare, aad that

mon hiKh in otilrial life will he indict*

' ed. It Ir intimated by tboae in poai-


tioa to know that a big Nenaatioa will

aaaae aad that aot leoi than tklw ar-

aBgaged ia Mcakkdinif Ike IbalMioattWatitf »romia«al paople wlU ioUaw



Mr. William KadeH left at noon to-

day for Ureenville, Ky., where he

will look MtorNto rokalkUacol lae

Baao botol whieb baraed there laat

WMk. The hotel waa a ooitiplete loan

and a in w one of brick will !» hmlt

at a probable coal of 935,000. Mr.

adM la tka kMvlaot atookkaUar aad' kM tka MatnlUai tatweat.



Haitk Orove. Jnly -.M— Mr* .Tnhn


Hant, oao of the wealtbii Ht and inoit


bigbly reapeoted woman of the Three


Forka violalty, died of tlax totfay.

Captaia Henry Bailey, wkila iaLax-

ibgtoa aome timo ago, aada tbo m-i|aaint:iure of Mr. Marry Stoagb, chief

of detectives of LeitagtOB, aad wbilo

diaoaMiag baaglag Oaplaia Ballay la-

cideatally namrked that ha wonld

like to aee a nanginft. Mr. Stongh,

remeuilwrlrg it. Ili> written tin rap-

taina letter ioviting mm to attena

Ibe baaglag of Wkllaoy aad O'Brioa.Ieomaanded tko

the boya who killed OoL Obinn, a blockading tka

Lexington mtrobaut, oevaral aumtiH

ago. Tke kanging will take place In

tka JaU yard at 8 o'oloek Friday

BMralag, b«« Oaptaia Ballay will be

nnalile toatten l. (^>! Joka Antiu,

tlie local patrol driver, will ka tkere,

however, and will probably ba

ted to iM tbo oseoBtloa.

pnrtK. He oonlinui'd in tbia aervica,

cirryiiiK on hia atadiea in tbe mean-

time, nntil tbe latter partof 18SI,

when be wm gradaated.

In April, ISSt, be waa a memtar of

a boat expiditinti \« hich wai ut U])

Sonth Eduto rivtr. They were at-

tacked by a large foroo of Coofedanto

aharpabooterf, aad tbia wm tba flrot

r>al flgbl <B which be wm aetvally

euBaK'eil. I'll! I" li ported hiiuself with

aa mnob coolnt lii aa tbe baltle-aoarted

vatoraao. Aftw tbia ka wm prooiolod

to erfdsn and tranafened to tha flag-

Kbiji Watwab. and thence to the Ala-

bama ai aide on the itafT of Hear .\il-

mlral Lee nntil Jnly, 1868, when he

iadSSLjlH Of gnva

Waaav»»fa«ptDae ....


•it ill


Bloa.... rsi

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v;.™:v 9





(OiHaaad oa Bigbia page)

a 3CoTToa"ly



I. C. ..*....•.«•....

u K N. •*...•••.«• ..

\iu P

J. S

I a. r

tjae •aaa tiaaII aa It Olw ai !• '4

ear * J-

id« i.«|I*ie« Ht Mb9ai <M 97\

ri 7* 7^

Hart Use to Swing

on a Limb

BUT uii^swKum uiin:|[|usi now, sola

HART HAS BlUNG ON the latest and

(aakioaablest swing tor swingin that's

maid. It is conitmcted to stood the

wtatbar aad rough aad tambli iM»sv|

m p«l IB. Vor •

•tiPB It la—aarpangd.

•ad so b tlM ffriaa

1 tambliM* mrhigs


Geo, O. Hart & ^ qns Co.


Ua aerved with bravery on variona

veMola doriag tha war aad made tooio

brtlllaat aeblaveneats.

In ISiit Presid. nt Lincoln promptly

advanced the year old otticer fl?a

aaiban of tka grade of lleateaaat for

gallaatry, aad AdsUgal PmIn ap-

poiated him detail offloor oa kla staff,

ntatoiaghim in thii napasily aatil

tba okiM ot tke war.

AtmtkawMkanw aono dlstia*

knmhed service in the navy.

In 188; he came to Waabiagtou fpr

board fa7, wkan ha oaatlaaad fcr

Are year*. Ib 18M ka WM pnMatedto captaia aad givoa ooaMMWd of tbo

Newark. In this vaiMl hO wn« with

Admiral Beaham a||Bto JaMiro aat>

lag tba BnattlHi lasaiiMt lsa. agd

waa alto aaaigaed to onavoy tba Spaa-

lab carava'a which were on esbibilioa

at the World H Fair at Ohioago from


LeziBgtoa, Jnly ll—Witb troopo w*roiigad la a hollow sqaan Ospt. B. J.

Ewcn went to .Iiirkson in the baggage

oar on the LouiaviUe and NaahvlUe

yMtorday afternoon. He boarded tha

oar la tlM yarda aad bis prenan iBIbe wala wm aa^aawa to aayoao sifa

the train crew, and OllOBM Wat lto>

poaed on them.

Owlag to B. J. Biraa'a dMlamtioathat ba ospaoted to ba klUadifkawent to Jaekaon today to teotify ba-

fore tbe apeciul (.-rand jury, a detail of

' aoldiera was tent hire by Ool. Will-


laau to eaaart kla to Jaeksoa. Onlata

ith af Oapa fMt > wan to get eloae to Bwon on tka Irate

Iand wait at the depot in Jaekaon antil

other tronji't at that i u.l arnve.l ai the

depol before taking Ewea off tbo

iMla. TkosohlMnfOraMd aaqaare cloae aboat Bwen^aad i

to camp.


Jaokaoa, Ky., Jaly 11—Okpt. Jaka

M. Btroag's rseidoaw WM dogtroyoi

by in at aa Mrly hoar this noralar.

Tka Wan WSh aarely mc( ndiory.

Naw York to Mooueal. Darlag tba1




Moaipbia. Jaly 11—Joha K. Spood.

oao of tko koal kaawa oltlasas aadcapiUlUta of MsMfkla, dle<t lait night

at bia home htn, Mgaing profound re-

gnl to

wariMtk Bpito Ms akllMy

Ing men for the navy reeeived direct

recognition, he being plaeed in com-

mand of the Franklia at Borfolk,

thoi«b be aal patltlaaad f«r g |ffe(»

lag ship, aal wm aflnwaia saaiiiaa'

ad to WaahiuK'on to m t itr.- a mumber

gf the ezammluK bjard. ila waa ibeu

IIMbOtod to roar admiral and aoeigned

<• tka iiMaai ol tbo Waokiagtoa

aavyyard. Hia aealgnaMal M oaa-

Minnilnui of tne Wahhinvlon BBVy yard

vkplrud tte Ut ot July, 18011.

Hoiba ordorad iggl

lata Ol rouaaadag il Iki O. B.


Mr. Bpaoi WM tka yoaagost aoa of

Jamea S. and Jnlia A. Spee 1 and was

born in boaisviUe. Ky., March 11,

U yaan of afo.

agako nianlad

Oiarko oC Fnrla. IB.

Three ehildraa, two daagbtera and ason. Mrs. Piaal Oillard ot Maaipkta.

Mrs. Baaiy O. Mivpkgr if MsaMvMMklad., and (laariM Speed of St. Lonls.

anrvive. Tbe other immediate kia

are fonr aiitera and a brother— Mrs,

AU Talker, Mrs. I. W. Baddaka. Mra.

B. W. UgklkaMdiliNL MaiF F. Moo-' ^dyaod Oaptoia BakMl A. lpM«. kft

of tkls city.

JUST .^yiii


It refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and

MEANS HEALTH.Arc \oa constipated?Troubled with migMtMSkk hcadacke*VlrtlRo?RiiloUK?Insnmnla?

ANY of thr-ic symptnini and mujr otkeraMiMtelnattionofthe LIVLH ^^a^^^

Tutt's PillsTake No Substitute.


Mr. A. W. Oreif Took His Seat

Ust Nifflit.

Nothing' 111 finite Peine in Hi Kanl to

the Proiioti'd Hirert Im-


Sour Stomacl)"Mttrr t WM ladMWl I* try rAMVA-

BRTH. I will nvfcr he mthom Utrm in ihi- ll.Ml^p.

SlT ..M-r n.i^ 'I :* \iTv >.., I «iia|i«. aiKl mf bead•riii'ii nil u '< . t " I ii ^1 ii'.ie Moir.!« lak-iT ic I I' If' II I,' Ml Witt kaealw madti '

'' tt'Miiit fur •oarMoaaak."

. .1 Cuaat«« M.. ». liaaia. Ha


TiXOtMAMN utowfiatD

^Flwaat , ralatabla. Patant. TaaM Oooa.aood. Xavaretekaa. Weaken, or Oripriae. KcMc:



WMhiagtoo, D. C, Jnly .'l— Lait

bullelia gsTe foteouts of dMwbMMtto mom ooMtuMat IS to >I.WHm wn18 «e SS, Miol ware tl to SS

Next dtotWrlMDcD wil! rrm h P.n itU-

coait »bo«t 14, croia weat of Uookuakgr oloM of 9S, gtMt Matnl vslky SS

to S8, Matm ttotM SS.

Wann ware will croHWMt of fiook>

108 about U. Kri-at OMtMl fsUtja SS.

eaatern states 81.

Tkia dlnwteaoa wlU balo^r to •period of moderate temperatnrea with

BO weather events of special interest

TAo oouotl mm taMi sifkl with

OjoDcilnMB MolhOMMi OttM ab-


Mayor Yemer niipointpil Mr. A WGreit to aoooeed Ooancilniaa fid Wool-

folk, reeiftMd. ami aftor botof iwora

in hi' toiik his ju nt

The miDntea ot the lent r<xular aDil

called aeetfiifi won tead and adoirted


Mayor Teisor reoommeoded arbitra-

tion in the Oeorv^ Bornarrl condemna-

tioamattir wllivll^vAx miitiiil Mr.

Betaani owns proin rtT throoRh whicli

tbe eity deeirea rigbt of way aad rt'

ivutir oriifred tha oondoaaatloa pio-


Mayor Talaer stated that bo bad a

ptopoaltioa with Mr. Robart Boswell

to repair the Brosiiwa.v concrete side-

walk- at l.'icftits ]iT liiual font.

Olerk Patterson, who bnilt the streets

and sMowalka, bore staled that be was

wliliiik' to iiiak' thi> r. |ii»ir« for noth-

ing mod tbt> ratilicutioD ot theoontraet

with Mr. BoawoU fioTioaaly BMda,

wu aaaalled.

Mayor Teiser stated that a recent

decision In the court ofallIl< n'^ miide

it posaibia to balld atreeU by isiainjc

tan year boada withoat a vota of tha

i>. <il It' an.l rcpommemleil that oontptn-

]<lalfi( iiu|iroT> iiipnts hi>ri> on the

streets be tluno liy 'hit ni> thod. Solio-

iter Worten statod that this eoald be

dona proTidad thno>foaitha of the

people rostdlac aloa* Iholiaaofim-

provanMato ooaaoatod, aad petition

for raid lapMToaoato.


Bills to the amoDDt ol |S,688.4»

were allowoil. ih<- rognlar acooants

except that It is always, interest Imk to tli» ntv


know whoa to rzpoot moderate weatb-


Wp conic now to .\nfsii-t. 'lie month

that has uiacb to do with the corn

aad iprlaf wltaat cMwiBff oropa aad

tha'bamatiaf of fal* wbaat and oato

la tba Bortbera parti of their aootloaa

The monthly avt-raK'' of j^ngaat

Mmptratmei will bo racy oloao ta

•onaal la aU aoatioaa oC Uw Dailod

Htatps and Oanaila. Normal tempera

tore anil normal rainfall are tbe avtr-

agea of many years past for that month

or for that day of tba moatb aad are

tbo Tary beat weather eoadttlOM pos-

sible: bent tor ctoiii*. best faa.thO Oom-

fort of man and beast.

, Oopartatea from tbo aonaal ooosti-

talo aataTOiable weather avanta ard

aa tbeaa departures may go as maohaoove as below uoriiial. i hereby lial

anoiog tbe conditions, it is the 'iepart -

fm that ara of lataraat.

First half ot Angnat will bo hot aad

dry, last half wet and oool. There

will be two Krt*at tii^h temperntnrH

waraa, one reaching meridian 'M

aboat S. Iho othMr aboat IT. k orad-

erately law tamperatnre wavu will

reach meridian i>0 about 13 and a very

low teuip«>r»iara about 27.

Thia laat low wara will brlag froata

to aoaw of oar aarthain itataa aad to

tbo spring wheut S' Ctinnr. of western

Oan(la(la,|Manitotia ant the cuuntry

•atroaading. I do aot moan a severe

fNit: It will ho too aaily tor that, bat

whofo ipriag wheat ti la bloom a lit-

tle daioage mar resnlt.

Mnoh needed showers will occur in

front ooatral ralloya fMna Aacaat 7 to

18 and farther aoatht foaohiag the

cotton states, from IS ta 18. I ex]>< ci

(Ironth 7 to atTect cotton lu .luly .tinl

flrit pari of Aognsl, but cotton does

aot aoad aiaoh rala ahaat that tias*

usnally and tba raiai aboat tliat tlim

Tha following otdinaneea ware

paawdtFitinK bonadarloa of. tttf wmi».

tifoouii ruailiDg.

J'roTidiOR for im|>roveineuts to Hua-

baada atroet, Third to Fosnh i|tioot.

aeoond reading.

The ontinance fixioK tbe niy .itinr-

aoy'i talary at |<ao per annum, sec-

The orrlinance flxinc the health offl-

cer's salary at #t"eMii.. r annom was

ffiveu secoDil reailiiiK I'onncilman

Uummal waa against tba measure aa

be tbonght tha eltr had ao moaay to

meet the incr-am- wi'li Snliritnr

Wortan stateil tbat tbe cooncil conld

not inorease tbo pay bat It did a

vote of 8 to 8.

Ordinanoa for the improvament of

Tl iitb straot fn ni llashaml.'* to Kli/.t

beth atraot waa given first reading, the

work to to ooaiplotod bf Oeooahar 1.


There wai aoma littla oomment

aroused Q»tbo BMttar <rf bailding sida

walks, OoaaclUaaa HaauMl daairing

to go lata a friendly aait to aaa it thia

conlil be (lone without ^'ettiu^tbe con-

sent of 7ft i"'r cent of the proiieriy

cwneri. (Captain Joe Fowler spokw

aiiainst tbe "frtonaly nit," saying

that he got lato oao al tbaoi things

oure anil ha<l to pay •laOTly toget ont.

meaninv the city injunotlaa nit.

A contract waa otdoiod una with

Dr. O. J. Waraar, ratariaary

to reader neaieal attentloa toi

year to all patrol niiit Mre baOMO at SO

otinta per liead per luuuin.

Watar aiaiaa ware ordarad

on Bridge street and Yeisar avaniM.

Several deeds to lots in Oak Orove

were ratitie.i uml also a map of the

oemetary received and dedicated.

A prayer from Obamblea firoa. for

n iief froia allegad oranaiaaaaMat of

f2.40 for the iMvod street work,

lag a total ooat ot SU,ftS0.ft« lo theproporty ownera for oMowalka, and of

f I l.7•.'^.i•.^J for tne paved str. lt^. orgran l total of a«.30rt.5a, whUe theciiv will have to pay SI8,810.77 «« itt

halt of tba pared stroat ooat, and pnb-llo latanaotloas tor tha granitoid


Engineer WashinKton addraaaad thehoard aad atoted that altaeHh Kat-

tarjofta * Waikbl were tha lowest bid-

dera for tbe entire work, Mr. Bd Ter-

r. II liiil I he InWi «t uion the ]i:»vei|

Street work alone, this being tbe only

porMoaof thoeoattaot Igoad apoaby the latter. In this Mr. Tarrel bid

for I l:e streets where oar tracks

lire anil if 1.1*8 npon the thtironghfares

wliara there are no tracks, wlUlo Kat-

terjohn* Wlakal bid $8. IS fbr toe

work aloni; streets With MM tracks

ami f'J.05 for tbe t borooghfaroa upon

which there are no tracks.

The maltar was argnad by Attorney

K. W. Barby, for Contraotor Terrell

aui) Attorney Tmii ('rice for Kiitl.r

jolin iV Wriael, and the matter was

tben referred to tbo lolat sttoat oom-

mitteo aad angiaear.

Kobert Moaifaa'a aalooa Uooaaa at

iMth anil Olay WM traaatbrrod toOon-

riul Beyer.

JaaMa MoNalty't liqaor booaaa wastraaatarrad to Watham and Oaahon.

Louis A. Lagomarsino waa granted

a now license to aall Uqaor at M^toad

and Broadway.

O. W. ShaHewnarafaadad tlS.5o

in 111Inor liconne.

KiiKineer WasbuiKton reiwrted that

bo hail investigated a projierty dispute

OB Waat Broaaway ralative to an alloy

wMob had baaa eloaad aad woald re

port that thi' iliKimte was with the

property owners and not bearing on

tbe city at alL Xo aetioa was thoio-

foro takaa.

iolieltor Worten reported that tbe

iniiifovcnii iitji on .!• tTerson iitn et l onlil

not be priK*eeded with as all proiwrty

eseapt oao atrip had baea dadloatad.

The mayor will confer with Mr.

Smith, who owna tbe one piece of nn-

dedioated pro]M-rtv. tomorrow to sk« if

an amioabloaettlemegtcan not be had.

Tbo matter of payiag dty Atteraey

Joe Gilbert fee moathly wao ralarred

to Solicitor Worten.

A committee was appouileil com-

poaod of Ooanoilmeo Uommel and

Johaooa to rarlsa the rateaot thooonn

olso that they laafwm with tha ahar-


The Forepaugh-Sella oiroaa waa

graatad tha prtrilago to piloh a por-

tloa of a taut dh. Madlaoa atroet where

it will show, fill' k-roonil imt beiin;

large enough to sopport tbu entire


Nothing Heard ReUtire to Pro-

positkm rroa Pidieak.

Brookport la to Attempt to Raise SlO,-

000 t« Oet the Road la



utnally and tiM raina later la August i (.^no was tabled.


Aboat data of thia balletia tempera-

tare wil! bi- aver«»iiii^' \\\^:h in coiiil

ern states ami ruinK nn l tbis l uu ii

tlofl will ooatinuH several .lays.

Toaporatare of wat^ ending July

S7 will ararage abora aad niafall

aboat aormul.

B. A. Ross, who toraiarly kept a

hamburger steak stand at Third and

Broadway and who stopjied his busi-

aaai baoauaa tba police made him more

oa, aakad that hla Uoaaaa totofaadod

which was refasei).

Eugini er WashinRtoii was instroct-

Od to look into tbe matter of changing

tba grade ot First stroat la traat ot tha

Fowler boat store to prereat rala wa-

ter from running in tho storo darlag

storms. He waa fnrtiier iaatraoted to

look tato tho ftoalbUity of parlag that

portioa oCFIiat itnotM fhrto tho

property llao axtanda.

Bnginear Washington ri porti i ou

oaroral alaor amttera, one being that

Mra.aaorao lioagatalf woald aot balld

granitoid aiilewalks in front of her

rosidenoe on Broaitway without new

curbing. No action was taken other

thaa tho mere flling of the report.

Solloltor WortM otatod that ha had

not looki"! into the matter rloHely and

ha I not pieimted a written opinion

bat would stata that tbe residents

ooold' toaiadoto ooaaaot with tba

Ob BMtloB thokond adjoataod.





M. Y..


W. L. Rill y. lA. It.


aritea: "After htteun day* ot

la ftwai saiallo .rheo

aador rarioas treatmaalt, I

«as iadaoad to try Ballard's BnowLiuiment, tbe first application kivmik

my first relief, asd tha aaooad anliri-

relief. I aaa fltoa It iBiaalttod

recoiuiucudation. a5c, SSo aad $1 at

OnBot*. Kulb & Oo.

i)c Ainoss. thronuh his agaat Mr.

I£. U. Boona, was refunded fl.SO poll

tax ha paid thia year, havlas fcaoa a

uon-iaaldaat hara for aon thaa twovi-ar*.

Sam Halea, ooloreil, waa refund' <

poll tax etrnnoniislv (-(.lleuted.

The railway su<l ii loKrapb oommit-

too ropor toil the r>'i4iill of the niei'tinv

folatlfo to river trout uaeka. The re-

port raoomnMBdad oara to to aaloaded

on the tt'irkH between •' >urt and Wash

lUKtou streets aad (bat au extra track

be built for coaveaienea oa tha river

froat. Tbe report waa coaoarrad in.

Tba olerk read i he bida with the

aiuoant ot iiiaii >i r ilitTereut cliar

itcters will c(i>> fur tjacii s<iuart' toot

and sqaar« yanl Tlie Kaiterjobn AWeikel bid was w a lineal foot as

ihu sidewalk aad oarlunK ro-t an,'

Mr. Julins (7 Williams, of Frinct

toa, aad Misa OUia B. Taylor, of

Ohriatlaa ooaaty. won aMrrlad

roMoatta oHoakntaacao la


Tha-brldo formerly hel l • iiositlon

as attoadaat at tha asylum at Hop-

kinsville but for some time bad been a

iiiir-i' 111 It t.osgutal m Iowa. Friday

Mr. WiUiama prucuruii a liceaaa, and

tba young lady arrived that ai«ht at

1 1 -.M. The Krooiu iiu-t hi-r at tha dr-

tMit and they werf ilrivi ii at once to

tho resiiteuci' of I'liuntv .IiiiIkw Fowl-

er, who pronounced the ceraoMay. I



For lulcii- ,. 1 ClLildreii

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Bcara tba


Not hi OR is known ot tho intantion

of tho capitalifts back of the mw rail

road that is snpiKiaed to come from

Oolooada to Padaoah, aad la a braaoh

of tho Wabn^h Hrosidont Bums waa

in tbo city 1 i«t week, bat did not say

when he won 1 1 ooitie.

At Brookport the offlcials made a

IwoporitloB to^tlaaaa to enter Brook-

|M>rt for a bnnns of and a com

mitti i> h.t- t cen iippoineil to ileviso

ways iinil nn aiiK Mr Hrcui iiiK ii The

general lidfirsesion of (he people, ao-

cordiag to tba Brbokport Bagia, is

that tha proiKwition will to aeoaptad

and tbe money raised.

As to Padncah it is not known what

will to done. It la oartata, boworer,

that tbe SlSO.OO^ honas will aot be

rnlsil It IS 1111 brsti'Oil thai I lie com-

pany bB^ l>oon uotitleil that instond of

a bonus tbe oily may fnrdiab rights of

way aad Mrmiaal facilities, and noth

ing lias been beard from the company

as to whetncr or not tins wool 1 be ac-

ceptable. It la tbe road's intantion,

if it oomes lato Btoanh. to

throagh Btooaport.




If favorable weather continues work

oa tba Cairo extaaaioa of tne lUinota

Ceatral will to completed by ttatar-

day nlffht or Sun lar iiinrninK. this

statement having been made by i>ne of

the coatraotors yestorday.

The work delayiog tba oomplatMB

of the track is that on a out aad the

contractors are now catling dowBenough for the track only aad after

thotiaak hwbMB laid wttleat oat

the clear. This can to acoompUabod,

according to the contraotor, by Satur-

day if the weather holds out bat 'rains

will aot to maniac baton tbe flrst of

tto awBlh or twSwaoka aftor tho


Here is an unusually gooii bargain.

Mnt to nid qniok. Fire room

hoBM, No. 178S Barriaoa atmt, ooa-

half square from Fbantain avenne.

lot ^Oxl•>.^ feet, good shaib' stit!

etc. This boon la aearly new ami

must to iold wMhtaSOdaya. Prin




Stamp Deputy C. Kos. ,of tho

board of Are aauerwritors, has com-

plotod hla npoH ter tho irat ris

months of this year, showing that six-

ty new dwellings have been rated,

thirty-two bad fines weri r>moveil,

from aa nuay reaidenoes, risks on 63

dwalllaga han baaa radaaad, aad 4S

ni-w risks, pxcluiive of m « ri siib ncos

b«vo lieon made. Tin- pri iniuiua for

the sii months' amount M SS4.000

tbe losses to S8B,000.


PtoAi St Loais and $45 <roni Kan-aaa City, account G A. R. Nation-

al Bacampment, San Francisco

Aiitust I to 14

Santa FeCAU m WAY

PfliKli'fiil stiiiinitT trip to cool C:il-

sforiii.i throu){li Southwest l.ainl of


fetaonally conducted excnnionson certain daya, viaOraad Caajronof Arizona, at alight extra cost

Aak for particulara of low Callfeniaexcursion rate from yoor hoBM station

A. ANDREWS. On. AgeutAtchlaoa. Toaaka h Baato Fa Railway

loSM. 4niri., M. Umkt, Mo.

* •

IVcpnr.ilion Tor .^s


ling lisStosndB andBowls of

rrotnoics DigjesHonJChmruf'no^s anA RrsLCoNlaim iwiiher

! t)puim.Mori4ynp nor>flnrral.

KoT N.vurn i ii .

.11X t'-ri..w-

<e<Mr WW .

Ap«ifecl Ri'nii ilv ruri'oiislifM

lion. Suur Sloiii<irli.|)i,itTh(KJi

Worms ,i^oimilsHUW .JVwr ishiiess aiMl LtiHH or Sleep.

Facsimile .Sii;r\«lur< of

Alb iiMiiilh% old..^,^ . <

)5 Dtisj s - 13C1 Nist

CASTORIAFor Infants and Children.

TiM Kiid You Hava

Always Bought

Bears the



t>/\CT copy OF WPAOPFT




For Over

Thirty Years

'JCASTORIA*K« ataitsua mwvww eillK




e There's more value In a Lendler &Lydon Shoe than any shoe aotd. Thafs

how w« sell 10 many

> Oniet a Lcndlcr 9t Lydoo cuBtoncr,

alvaya on«. If you would cxptrlmsflt


try us on a pair d "low cJt».** AH priets




LENDLER & LYDON,The People Who Save You Money

Every Purchase.00

t Pssssflfsr Ssrflos Eisluslvslf pJlJ^.tTfSlftaSri^JS.'SrJM 1 i k m__-si...^»> MM«>jin rnr len-r .««rlilnir MmIIIi ia It..

'"^Sl.'l IIOI....1.1 i.w 1 1 1 r .

I'or ttic KiiilncM .>1aa t > bin! 1

^1 (il..r»,t 'I' rvr.-

Iti*"..* ..rtfli • >k twlwCtii^.^o. Iranklort. 1. tiMr Ick till,

I'riiitkry. MsrlMir *('rinK« •nil

Machlnsc l.und. . i'M rrt » f..r

tIstTuit. Km) I I' • tl Siiukki Irn




Long dtotanoe lines and

4tolephones of

talk almoat•otithsroM

this Cbmpaaar enaMe you to tal

ar.ywharo In leuthom Indiana.Illinois. Kentucky, TeniiMttO, Mlaolstlpi^land Louisiana. 'Wo oan put you In quickand satisfactory communication with thepeople of this great section of the country.We solicit your patronage. Rates rea8on>

abla. Squlpmanta and faoUlUaa unsuiw

J. «iM



Wl. T. KIRKPATR!CK, cMTMCTaBMOMimmSiii cessor to J. M. Byrd A Co.

Ivstimatcs cbaerfully furnished on all kinds oi Building ami Kepairiac

PhoaoaA aow


* I.


VBi nAon.Cairo, ja.a—0.8 fall

OhatUnooK*. 8.»—0.8 fall."

OlDoinnati, 1 1. 1— o. t fall,

nasvilk), 8.S—0.« f»U.

FlofMMs. t.t-0 4 Ml.JohDHonvlll.', «.n— 0, 1 f»!l.

I-onidville, B.U—0.2 f«)l.

Mt. ('(trmel, IV—0.2 fnll

NaahTilte, 4.6—0.» teU.

Ptttalmrff, «.8—l.t flUl.

DsTiH IiUqiI Dam, 3.3— rite.

St. LobU, 1».U—0.6 fall.

m^lN TALK T« mt iWMI.

AUof tlx


hH\ <

tol.l II

<1' r 1

will I


la\t .t >

attui I,

ah-.'.' ;

TUat liov bulltT ib »u uw k«aitl." 1»<> joii him.'



Th> Kvaiutillo Oonrn-t

"Marthal Haliy i.t tin- I'tirn.Kin

polkw, tUM nportad to the looal aa

6bartMM that tWavaa Imd Mida Ike

taui of ilt'iital ot!li-(>>> nnil «FC<irad a

Mg lot of aDDi'ulf.t nicial Manbal

alay IMM amttoci a OPRro who Rave

hia naoM aa Jftaa Staala aid tola tooma

•I FriaoatoB. Ky. Ha la Maf IwU

faadli«tlM tovMNtiMtoa a( tkape-

•( tka d<ialal oOeet mRawleraon, Kt-. «•>• Mlered

flaadar ni«ht and ooaildatabla ROld


"Afiaribt.- raporta<t IbefU at Uen

«af««i aai Prtoaalati Ikalaoal paUcnotifleil tlM deatleta here to M aa Iba

lookout for tbievai and adviaad tbaa

to look np tbrlr roM an

• inalcrial at nitrht."





Jim Klrohlo. oolnrixt, ftiriiMTly am-

plo/iMl bj tb« IlliDoii Ovntral ii at

I akafgad wilk ahootlat at aa Illl-

lOaateal eoiMlBctor r<<itf<r<laj af-

tataooB OB the track IfailuiR rrum tbe

hapi to the dit|ialober'» ottt< •

Tka ooadaotor, wboaa aainu ouald.

aot ka laaraad, waa walklag towarJa

the yanln wli'H lh<> npRro roda op no|

a wbaal aa<l nurrowly mlaaad atrikiiiR

Ikf aeadaalor who broama oaragptl at

Ika aain fat aalhaTiaff glvaa iba

prapar watatair. Tha eaodaolor ia al-

tiilmvi " ciiKkid " Kiiiilli whojQm|M«l off ib(> wix'ul, ran lulo a near-

kyiBagro iaMa aad praoarcd aahot-

fftNi. Tka KU #ai aapkxlad ta tbe

kokaa bat tbe Inmate* claim it waa ao^,

cnli'iital a* tt:' T wiT'' tryiiiK to holil

Kinitilu anil prewnt bii oiiiBg it. Af

tar the abooting tba aagro aaoapad bat

tkf alBoera haTa btaa krarlaff a look-

oal for him. Tbe aflklr oaaaed a great

tli-al of i>k( ii. iiii lit amoBg tba aagroet

la that vi< iu;i r



of tbe blRgeat and qBlokeat Joba

la oar balldiag partaapa arar per-

formed, will M aofliplatod today in

tilt" l.'cal IliiiiiMK Ciiitral »t\i>\v» tiv

Koruman lioorieut auil liM men.

Baaday tka aiaehloery for a big

"Sidgerwood Rapid UBlaadar"waa re

wlrad beta aad aa order placed to

moaat tbe oiaeblni'. Fcin nian Ooa

riaaz bagaa tka Job Handajr ami ttiii

aMralag kad tka aar ballt, tba aia-

rhiiip moDDled and only a few flniik-

ii>K toocbee to be pat bafota tka ma-

ebine will ba tifMi oal «f Ika ako|«

for aarrioa.

Tkta aMMklaa «rai|^ aavatalkaa-

Irixl toll! ami in the biRReat niiloader

ever leen bi-re. It ii Ofeil ia nnloatl-

Ing itrtaga of coal can and can ilo the

work la aavaial aiiaataa. It ia awde

ap a( aaa oaormeaa draia m whteh a

kaavjr eakle \v<irki and ri'vcral cog

wkaah aved br two big cylindera ,

aaa kalag aaatly 15 fati la tfiamatar.

Tka aaloadar worka on a oar. whiok

bad to be made eapeolallr for It and

whioli 1* iii:>rlT twii' a* 'arkf n» an

onlioary oar ami weighing muob more

It la talafotaad wilk keary liaa oaat-

iBg and kog okaiaa and t he Hbnrt time

tba work waa aompleled »i><>ak« mnohfor tba apeed aad eicrllenoy or the lo-

cal Illlaoia Central woo I wnrticn.


Okaarratiaaa lakaa al 7 a. a. Biver

» T on Ranr.<-. a fall IB tba laat

2th<iarH. Wt-athcr olaar and warmwtb ligbt breeaa. Fowlar, Obaerver.

Tka City of St. Loaia, the Mg ei-

c arilon iteamer, arrired from BraiM-

vlll. tills ini<rniiit: nt ainl will

ran an eicaraiou ont of Padacab to


I rharli'd N)<1io1h, who i>il"t<>I the

RniHuU Lord to Cairo, boardud the

bowboal of KiMakartk aatf Biadar-

•on ilown the river.

Tbe E. A. Woodrotr went to Cairo

yoatatdajr Md faaai aalkiag la daSka lataraad tbi« mominR.

BBginear John Wallace, of the Dick

Fowler, ii off oa a brief vacation and

Mr Kay Lvoii in in hiK ]ilaci>.

Till lli'iiry itarlcy >vill tuDlgbt ran

an eicufhiiin to Metro|iolia fOV lha lo-

oal ciKariuakeri' nniou.

MiM Anna Bakor, of the looal Ayer

\ i.i i I Tie oompaay, wlU gatoSt.

I.naiH toilay to Tlait.

(Taptala B. Baker, of tka Ayer &Lorl ii<- company, kaa gaiM laOw-bondala on bnalnaaa.

Tha Baaaall Laid la h^lag ap kere

y.'t lint will iiroMlMy ga tela TMaea-

we riTar aoon.

Tka IMak Powlar toll Ikto Mraiagon time for Cairo with a roo<1 trip.

Tke Bnttorff arrived and departi d

yaalanlv Otorkarllto.

The Savannah ia (Nm la TkMMiaeeriver Ttaniaday.

The Meapkto to d«a la M. Leaii


Tbe Avalon la daa ta Moaipbii to-

iMtof^a BfaMTlUa

Outspoken Attorney Put an

Judgc'a Queationing.

fellowa are tcllii.c JUKtlre-


; stiirics." oliHcrx" il 1'. jirt--

I layton of Alal.aiiia !

i tliliiK In that IliK' iinsflf

• • li> 'Uoli' Ilciiry of 'l'< xas iin

-11 < tion >>f Hcrrecy, »lili h. .\nii

' •I >•. I mil about Id * li.Ial'

.-. 'Ill S II. Cowan, a in. .inm. iit

.f ihe l.onc Blar Siut<' and

V fnr the National Caltlcinen's

iiioii Tiny liail a JiKlK'' In

Ti v;t- name 'nob' tolil nv. but

»li li I ill) not at thlB nionii lit rerall.

lie «ax a KTi^ir to tbe lu» I

rirlnii he was nomcthlnK liKc Ibi' lat-

M' liistl'p Miller, for In- world ro at

111. Uwycrg practldnB In hl« court

ami . vidcnily try to bowl them ofT

til' ir fti't by vigorous (iiioslloiilnir

\Vi :i Cowan, then a VMiinK lawyr r.

w;i^ ir\l.nK a cbsp before tbri'' jiiiIk''s.

of »l,(,ni tlie man I havu jll^t in. ii

II. n- I wa- otic.* lie went f"r Cnwaii

nv.r. ly. aiul tbe lawyer was plainly

n. ally out of the rlnR nl su. h a Ikuii

hai'Iiii-nl of queitlons froiii th.'" Now .lon't be dLsrotie-rttnl by

my .|iii>sll(iiiii, Mr. Cowan,' suld this

jmU-. Answer nic just a.s you wmiMth. jMstii .. of the pea. e .i\. r in your

.'.';Mx if y.iii were trying a .as.' b.-

! • • 1 .III'

At that Cowan was ready, iiuiik

aa a ita..^h.

"I Hl«ayF tell blm.' i-ai.! he hohlly,

to . |i his d- m mouth shut'

Th. two other Judges could nut re-

frain from laagktar at tkat aort of

r. imrr

11, IS Judge,' remark, d th. eliief

jiistiee gravely, 'will now have to

keep biB moatk akat'"—WoablngtoaStar.



COMPLEXIONI WILL SCNO race raiaL bottle of mv racE bleach toANY LAOV SENOINO NAME AND ADDNE88.^ Mme a. Ruppirt, 6 E 14TH ST., Mew YorK City

How to Obtain a Lovely

COMPLEXIONClear and Beautiful

It ia every woman'* duty to be as youth-il and guod loekiagaa poaiiklii aad there

is nothiag whlck aoda mora bcanty than a

Th. Hopklaato



Qood Lsaaon In Economy Given No-torious Mlaer.

The atlngiest man In the town of

Ilramville had sent- for John BriKgsto discuss a matter of Importance.When Mr. lirlggs entered the rootK it

was lifrhtcd by one dim candle only.' It's a bright, starlight night," said

his host, "and we ilun t need the ran-

die to talk by ' WhereuiM.n he bl.'W

It out as soon as his guest had found a


The room was pilrh .lark, and tha

coiivorsallon was Ii'uk When it wasovpr the host liKhtfd the randlo againto show his visitor .mt

"Well, w.'ll, sir, this Is a strange

sight," he bluiit.TC.l. fur Mr. HriKKS

was minus iiat. wa:i>liiiat, collar andno. kti.'.


I'll put thrni on now you've lighted

the candle." said Mr. Hrlggs calmly.

"I thought I might just as well save

th» wear on them as long as nobodycould see "— Youth'ii Coiniianicjn.

lovely complcsion, and there is no rrmedvwuich will restore the complex ion and giveone that yonthfiil ar peiranre like Mmc A.Rupp«rt's World Kfnowned F*M Bleach.This i;rand ri nieily > leais the skin of everyliscoloration, and impurity, iacludng pim-ples, freckles, moth patches, browin spotsliverniatks, comedones, flesh-worms, black-heads, oilittcas, sallowfless. mndc1ine-s andskin diseases. It ac complishes these won-derful effects by ilraw ;ng tbe inipiiiitu s .iml

discoloratiotis to the surface of tbe skniand lb. 11 iciiim these blemishes by grsd-

ually Kaliag oil a 8li){lif surface ol tbe outerscarfskia. It doca tkia in so aatwalameaner as to be entirely karmlaaa to tkamost delieate eomptatioB, aa4( kaviag tktoaction, it eaaaot fall to pRrfaca aaaillaateffects.

Ml '-t marvel. HIS resultsare obtained whenFact Hltarh is used accor.ling to my newSih i ihI 1 lirecti.itis in conjunction with myEgyptian Balm, which nourisbes aad ftcds

tke tlmaes aad glands of tbe skia,aad addatke laishing touch which refines, pnrifaaaiHl praaervaa tka akia la Its prialiae splsa-

dor, glvinR it the glow of youth.Now, In or.Ur that every laily reader of this paper mar obtain the highest

posait>le effect iroro the use . f my preparations, I will mik .' the following stupenii.ius otTer to .11 > iller'- a tl.e l*Iiiw n.liiress A bottle of my Fact Bleach, atrial jar i ( iti \ Egyptun B.»lm, a 1 ar of ;iiy tii' st exijuisiie Almond Oil ComplczionSoap, mv New Special Dircctioos, my book, " liuw '/u UK Bkai tiki'I. "—all (or |s.

The price of Paee Ueaak aloaa la |a par faatttot kaaaa jm laoalTa aittolaa akaa*lulely free.

w. B, McphersonSOLEAGENT


FIRST-CLASS HORSB-SHOBINOBiat ^allty of rubber tirea. Btga grade spring wagons. Will sell sprln«

No. 319 Court St \ V. GREIF. HhiMfftr.



VlUiaa OaWia, a ooloreil brakemanaalka I. O , waa badly injnred laat

Ight about I J .. clock at Osntral Olty

''WkUa worlitog wiUi a trala aad oamaaar katag klUad, He ma Ikrawaa^der a moTini.- siring of cars an.) his

left foot oBOKht un l. r the wbeols andmaxbml off Calvin was takMI la Ifea

koapital kara, wkeia tka lajMf


A stranite story was liiooKlit to the

Iioli.-(« this iiKiriiiiift A woman wbosaid aka bad jast arrived froai Marioa,

III., aai tMatod Mia poliee at Ike etty

hall fo lielji her locate n lativi s slated

that I'ric.. oue of tne youuK m< n

han^ri'il at Marion, III,, last Friday for

the eold bloodiNl mtuder of a woman


bad eome to life after tka body had

iH'cn turned cu. r to hia BMlker by Ihe

authoritiua. Tliv hanfflBg took plaoe

in tbe iireaence of a UrRe crowd of

l>eople and in abont etofaa aUaalea

both were prononnoed dead. Tbebody of I'riee wa* Kiven to his mother,

and aooordiog to tbe Marion woman'sstory tka oarjaa aaa* to Ufa aad waaspirited away by ralatlTaa. Tkare is

great eioitament over It in Marioa.



Clulu Fergaaon, of Bagiand. |hi4

eennty, ta reported Jn a dyiag eoiMii>

tioi, in th. Custer, 111 ] iiiiteDtlitry

from C'.uiamjition and a couiplicution

of diaeaaaa. Pergaaoa was sent to the

IChester priaoB from Metropoltr in Sep-

tember, 1901, for heinft an aci om|ilici

i in the killing of Marshal (rus Crouch,

at Mutrupolis. He was then a large

man, weigkii« t49 paaada, aad aawweifths about H'li pounds

i He and a com(ianion croaaeU tbe riv-

er an.l in a saloaa hfBWl

sbal Oronob.

Reduce Stocks!




Messrs H. U Kitch, Kun Potter aad

Mas B, Makm of Bowling Uraaa wlU•m^ la tka oily taday la kaManiPetinK of th» Steam HeallBg Oa.

Tbe pUui bas besB ttniakatf l» tka

kaaiaaea part of tka olty aad laady fat

«M tkto wlatar. Later oa it to la-

ItaaitMMl II ta Iba laakleaca

prakakly aaxt agrlag.

Na Daooat^ar^Daly—Maakar'a a gkUoaopkical

sort a( ekagt toa't hatCKiKy—la what raayaelVDaffy^Wky, ka to tka kaakaad a( a

tvaoM woaMB, foa kaav, k«i kto ak-j ^

iaartty «aaMit aaaai ta tiaakto ktoila *•


Tbe local oamp of Confederate Vet-

acaai will meet this eTenioK and bear

a oaanittlaa'a lapait oa tka alta far

the October reaaioa.

Thu'comiiiiltee. as already reported,|

will rsoommead tbe fair gronnd, near

Waal BNadwajr. aad tka oamp will

daakttoaa oeaear ia tke raaommenda-

tloa. A Bamber of otber things are

to eome op, hot nothtnK of annsnal

latareati aad Ike ssleettea of a aiie is

(he aaal latpartaal




Oratolal people will talk.

Tall fkato atpmeaea fot tka pablie


Padaoah ciiisens praise 1)oaai* Kld>


Kidney st^fferers appreolate this

They find relief for every ki.lney ill.

Read wbat this citizen says:

Mrs. M. B. Smitk, of Sas Jsflersoa

ayo: "I aamplaiaadi of fcidaey

complaint for a nnmher of yt>ars, in

fact, datlnii back to 1884. There »s*

dMncnlls trith tbe kidney secretions

whiek aaaoyad aw balk day and niRht

aaff a d«fl pala aeraa tka small of m?back (*aaseit me (treat itiscomtort. I

wMlndnoed to prounre Doan's Kidney

Pills at DnBoto A Uo's drag store, aad

after taklag taa iraalmeal a short

Mma 1 aolload a great obanva in mycondition and the improvemi ut s'' 1


tly oontinaed natil 1 felt belter tusii

fkr a laag Mam pai laaa. Oaaa'a Kid-

aey Pills arc snob aa asoaUaat and



15 pieces lace and plain emb.*oidered Matirai eidtlu, OBt Of tha otaaoa'i noat atylish aaddchirable wash Roods, ^. 2sc \aliie fot '5C a yard

10 pieces MtTccii/ed Cliaiubrays, make stylish shirt waist suits, looks like silk, and wearsbtttar, a 35c value ior 25c a yard

50 pieces fitic CliiitTtlirny Oin<^lniiis, n tsr vnliie for loc a ^ttd

25 I'icces Col Jtd Wash Silk.s in piuk and blue stripes, a 25c value fer 15c a yard50 wdl made fast black black Sattecn Umbrellas for 950 eachWe are receiving onr firat ahipnuat of sow Pall Dma Goods- llyott otod a atw dress

or skirt look at these.

I a wtll BMdc black Tkittk Uodsrsklrts, aadt of good qatlitr tafeta, ctit fail, for

•s-oo Mcb

We Continue Our Muslin Underwear Sale

Iflterestine Items from Our Carpet Qep't

10 OOHmti OBOMM.t^ofHctent money IB aav on depoaii

in the haak far IhS StoajlHion of tbe

Bapltol glNvali allbtoplaaa. Uwttlbe reiMaikataa that the boilding wasooameaaad aaarly or qnite a year smo effective proparatioa tkal M to a pleas-

and that after tbe brick walls Mrere u|i am for SM IS fSaagNBiai IBnI la Olk-

aad raftore oa, work was stopped an<t . en.


aataaottfeaskasadrtMaaiaoa. Tka PbrMto krail dsahgk fatsa so

have been ooBstantly at work ' cents per bos. FoMt^lllkHB Os.>

ratolag fnnda and they are now happy ' Buffalo, N. soto agaals Ikr tke U.

to atale that they have satnoient fnntia|S.

aoaspleta taa baUdtag—WiskUffe|

Baasambar tka aaaM—Oaaa'a—aad(taka aoatkat.

We are oferlnf aoaia apaeial tralMS ia

Straw Matting Ais week to close Ottt

30C lor choiet 01 six patterns of Chiaa aad

oottoa ehaiaa; war* sse

25c for pick and clioice of atiy straw raat-

tinf in the house, no matter what tbe price

• tt 00 aaeh for Asaiiaater, Meqoatte aad

Velvet Remnant Ru^js. 112 yards 1 mu and

fringed. These are worth twice the price we


• 1.50 coral bath mats, .^ox(^>o inches, all

colors Sec them; they are a bath roum

750 for a large size table oover, i l a yds.

!=quare. kaavy friag** Aft afhiaUf vorOi•1.

t5C for good heavy window shade, moant<

ed 00 good rqller

50C hassocks, all colors, solid woodenirames; no saw dost to spoil jour carpet

Tsepkif. Two pattaras aslm qaalkjr lace

curtains, full three yards long

ior brass extension curtain rods. Tlic

hava always sold lor lo ctaM

40a for vlittt lact doar ftMb, fall sise

Phillips & Co.

m V

Ik 1 y.urn





r%An M. FiaBBli, Prealdpni ftnd Editor,

Bdwir J P&XTDK. (.ieneral

I empt and thi> (<thi'rt not.


"TIM pnTintitWe form of a court

Ienlarged, ntk«r thu IM^M^ Tke

bl INt 5i)N PUBLISHING CO. >rT . f f^>T<.^lll>eDt bylfllM wiuf|« 11(1 itr> If At laat it will be felt by

all that the poww of talvMtloa is es-

•roind only whea mtemMr <iviiil that the Hnift of rrntrnint )« only

e<|nity nml Jaitice de


SUBSCRIPTION rates:^Mred at ibe punu^fflce »t I'wluoah,


• f Mrrler. ftt KP!~k

9f msll.iprr month, '.inliMlvitooe _. ..

S^ aaU. per jr%T. iDjtdvMice . _.THS WifcKLV 8CN.

•MfMT. wt wAi mwniml —I TU Bim. Fatwili. Kr-


. .40


U*«wukTkMl No.Mlatkargc, loo*

TBI StJlf CAM m MVHDAT tmm pouawiiro

K. D. ClcmenU 4 Co.

MOsUaBNt.Pkbner Honse


Clarkivill*' I ' Vnotker Qaiue

tU I'atllK'Hil.

Clifford Put a Kail Over tbu Fenoa im

m Home Kno in tiM StStti





TrKsDAY,; .iri.Y. ai 1*01.


For KoviTuor

Col. IteVlS B. B«l

kaap of LoniiTille.

For lientenaBt Korenior—J. B. Wil

boit of Boyd conntr.

Vor tnanmt—John A. Blaok


For an.lUM QtWH W. WtlUk


For attorney general—Jodge W. M.

Beckner of Winobeiter.

Wot mtntnr of ttata—J. 0. Spaigbt

of OnvM oOTBtjr.

For unpt'rintenrleot of sohoola—Lhr-

ingiton IfcUartney of llendurion



It Ik pleaawg to note thai reiwirt

an to be made oo tba brick atrMU on

Braadviiy. Par MOMlhtat Ukvlweyears the rity han been "piddling"

around IryinK to perioade theoootrao-

tor to make deiired repair*, and the

oontMwtor MMd tiM oHy wan liable for

the exTMM,awt Nffawtl tc^nke them.

In one !'l;ioe in tln' )iavrin(<nt ncor

Fifth aiid Broadray there baa been au Clab.

•ImMoa tbal th« psHIo km had tn ,


laabU orer for ovav ajraat. Keith- UeadanMa.

er the city nor the eoatraelor itotiti|01aAa«{lle

to anythiufi, \<at ln»t in^-lit thi' h Iiimii Jm kson

utratioo, probably appreoiatioi; the

faot that an alMlloa ! approaching,

decided to let th« ooatract for doiag

the repair work and try to baniab in

the public mind 'he uieuiorv of tli»t

bomp. The city clerk, the contractor

Who bailt *ho rtraot aad for a yoarot

moTO Mfaied to repair it, then aroae

and magnAnimonxIy offered to have

tlM work iloiif at hi!^ own ex|x>nM. Heprobably intended to do it all along,

and only waiM boeaaM tbt ^treete

anil nidewalkR wili now lait that maohlonK' T on acrouot of the delay. It is

very good of bitn and the people whohare been oood to Meiog the big baapia tbo aidewalfc on Broadway fbr all

theee monthi nboald aiii'ri'cmte it.

P. 8.—The citv cl' Tk and former

ooatractor i!*nowur.«n li'litt.>farofBoe.

oran latb BAssBAUiMm

Oairo, 111., Jnly »!—The oorreeted

lanilinK of tht B. I. T. Uagao ia:


. au

. VI


. ao

. 19












OlarkiTille at Padacah.

HopklMTilla at OUro.

at JaokaoB.


Padaoah «, Olarkrrim

Cairo rt, HoiikinsviIIp 1.

JaCitKon 4, III uiivmon i

Other K. 1. 1. Uaiues.

If the matter baa been reported ror-

raotly tlM at^ iaoaod a awn a liooaaa

OBM tiaa afa to cperat* a hamborger

teak oonoofS « a corner lie )>md


Oairo, Jaly 31— Teeterday Uoptowa joot at third,

vaa badljr haatoa by Oairo hy a aaata

of 6-11-6, Dicki-nii and Rntledftt'; Hop-

kiniTiUe, 1 T-."., Siiy.lfr nt\'i .-^tnot.


JaekioB, Tiaa., Jaly tl—Tootor-day'n iranii' i>f l all wno faot t nontrh to

bif money asd ooared the |«ruiit,an 1 ,"ott anyom-, ana v«bk \miii I>t .Im kaon.

Ueorge Bakar ot Mahlaabfrg connty.

Pot olark of ooart ot apneala— J.

A. VawBan of Monroe ooaaty.


For oommlaaloaora Of agricoltore- 1

*' *^ *^ what a ham-burger steak ataad is, it might hoTe

inrestioated. At any rate it accepted

bis iiioni'V an l (ff&xi' I I'lTiniiiion aad

some lime afterwards, qn acooaat of

the 0^ from thi ImaWiyaX the

complaint of rentanrtnta whose bnti-

ness was hurt, big ftand was closed

np. It ii. cUiiiiPd he roB it bat ore

month, asd paid for clerea. If it ia

trae tho bmb paid hto lieomo for a

yei»r »ii>l was forced by fhr cifr. which

had hn moury, to give op the ban-

BOM ioi one month, bis uioLcy onirht

rl M. Haien,


OAI^THOUGHT.Cowardice asks. Is it lafe? Expedi-

ency askn. Is it iiolitioy Vanity asks,

Is it ]iopolar - bnt

it right Fnnsbon




Cola and

1' .'p




Bolaa and


OoMelMiea aaks, Ii


A great drni <s boin^' hr»rd and said i

regarding "gorernment by injaoo-

tiaa," Bad ia aa addroM bf Jaatiee

Brower. of tbo Uaitod Statta lapronM

ooort, before the Iowa State Bar ano-

oiatioo. that cnti-ii jnrifit comes to thO

defenio of injonctions in a rigorova

aad abU taaBBOf. Bla vaida, being

from snob a promiaoBt aad reoognised

antbority, cannot hat have weight,

and apiieal to the sensible, Jniticf I'lv-

tag people, aona ot

ted tothiBk that

to bo rofaadod. Latt algbt haaikei

for it and the eoeaoil rofaaed. If the

fai'U art- tk» repreiiPDti' l it in ibci r


robbury, and a meaa. very sasall thing

fcr a «ity tf da, bat pwbably what

might ba expected from the 11.66 tai

rate, aad iojanotion crowd. If the

oity aoeepted thu man's money for oer'

Uia priTileoea aad then took theia

away aad refhoad to refaad hia aioaey

it in notliiiik." I'Ut I tjifV. ry.aml no boii

eitt cili/.i'ii will rtppriivi' of it.

If "trnat buMlfrs" went about it

likf tho Star, of Kansas City, there

mar have i woald bo ao oooasion to become•'govoTBavat

I aiwmed over tho traita. Tbo Star

b» Injoncfion" IS fur the pnrpoie of stgcki il up atrainut thi pa|«'r trunt aipl

ab t h po a a

Akers, If 4 0 1 0 0 8

Potts. 3b 4 0 1 4 4 1

Clifford, c 4 a 1 0 0

Bdaaada, lb 4 0 1 18 0 0

LaOnaipie, m 4 0 0 8 4 0

t Connors. :ib 4 1 3 6 1

Uirard, rf 4 I 1 1 1 0

Joaaa. af 3 1 0 0 1 0

Urr, p 8 1 1 1 8 0

Total 84 6 tt tT l» 4

Clarktville ab r h 1« a e

T. Holmes, o S 3 1 5 3 0

Bagte, as 4 8 8 a 1 0

Colltaa. tb 4 0 • 1 8 1

Reiaoy, lb 4 0 t 7 fl 0

Carslile, of 1 1 1 1 II 1


Aadorton, 8b 4 0 •4 4 1 3

Botta, p t 0 1 1 8 1

S Holme*, rf 4 0 1 1 0 0

tVniilty, If 4 0 0 0 0 1

Total S6 6 13 34 9 6

Akaiafield. Potts strnokont. Oliflaid hit

to right for a doable. Rdmaada hit

to iihort auil ClilTor l m ind. I,< -

Ooaipte short and fidmanda waa

fforaad oat M aaeaad. OtatMi.


OlarkaTlUo—Andaraon hit loO'Ooa-

aor, who oaald aat leoofof ! Msm to

throw him ont Hi ttn wcrifloeil S

Holmes fanned. i^uieUy went oat

from third to first. No mas.

fMaoah—O'OoBBor fBBBOd. Girard

wast aai troB pitobor ta lial. HamftUUIBd. No ram


ClarksTille—T. HaiBMl WOBt eat

from Pott* to Bdataadi. r.ut:\r Kin

gled to short. Oalliaa alngled to oen-

tor. Belaey greaadad to thwd aa<l

forced Bagle oat at tfeM, fali>lii« the

hatter. Mo raaa.

i'adncab—Orr flew oat to (\illini<

Akora aiagled to ooater. Potts hit to

pitahor aad by daaMo play ta Moaad

aad tirit ri tiri' l *i'!>'. No raaa.

FOl KTH INMNU.OlarkaTitIo—OarlMla hit ta teft fbr

two nniiCK .ViKlrrsoB hit to IteOoaipte

anil (^arlmlt- luni thrown OBt at third,

liett* hit one atraight up ami it hit

near the pitcher. 8. Uolaea faaaed .

Qnielty woBt oat from pitoher to flrat.

No raaa.

Padacah- Clifford hit tu left and

got baaa oa ainff. Bdmaads baatod

afa. LaCoapto faaaod. O'Ooaaor

hit iB froat of ptete aad Olifford waaforri-il iiat at ilnr i Qll»Wl faaled

No raus.


ClarkHvilIc— T Holr.,,.* t<!t to *i.o

ond and got base on famblc. Eugle

aiaglad to tett. OoUins went ont

from aaooad to flrat. Reiaay aiagled

to renter. Holmeti and Bngle scored,

('nrimli- flew to Oirard an<t Ki'lm r

wa* thrown out at second. Anderson

hit to third for a baaa. Botta hit toI

teft aad Oarliate aeocad on a maff

Anderson died at home. Three run*.

Paducah- -.InP' * tnuli"! "Ill t" third

base. Orr flew oni to sbort. Akera

weat oat fMa abort to flrat. Ma raaa.


Olarkarill*— S. Uolmca singled to

center. Vaielty woat oat oa popap to

Orr Slid iliilni- * was raiiiilit o(T l>aMv

T. Uolme* flew oot to Uirard. No

wh'*key, a month'* l>arhering, and

perbaiw a few other tblnga.

Mllwanki'e .Sunday Tp tn tho ninth

inninx ho li>t tlio Inillanaihdis rlab

down with ono Nnratoh Int. There

wora oaly throe hits BMdo oa hia la

all ia tbo RaaM, aad tkt Hisaab bay

HoiMii* to, he making a (NBt IMOess

with the Brewers.

Pitohor Batta. af tba Otektrllte

l>n*,'hf«II team, lost bis grip whUo OB

ronto to lli-nili>rson Monday luoraiag.

.\ lady took his whon she left the train

at MadiooBTiUa, aad the atiataka was

B«t dtoaofotad aatiltbotialB waa well

on it* way. Ho now ha* a collection

of |iarty itro**, * and powilcr rag*.

Clarksville Loaf Chronii l.v — Tho ladr

will oot bo diaoomfortod at all by the

exnhaage. She wIN flad oa oxaatna-

;tion of I'l lt*' grii' tlmt lio. too, ih widl

supplied with iMiwilcr iiulf*. i'o/.r.onri

boat, rongo. cold cream. araeBi<!al wafen aad aU the Itttte toltet aooaaoories

so dear to aoae f^mlaiao hoarti.—Oai-

ro Hull- t il

Toilay WilioD and Porry and Myatt

aad Ho1bh« ai« tho battarteo.

One of the ClatkaTiUe boys wat

greatly discoaraged yeatorday on ac-

ooaat of iMing tho game aail state*!

that ha waa "goiag hoaa a aooa aa he

oonld get oat of It." Thiataaottbe)iro|irr ninv. to iiiako If Padm-ab

iHiy* wi ro this way the entin' toaui

would now be hone. It is a little

hard to take the dowaward path alter

a hard fight for the top. bat Padaeoh

eiporienri' I thi* onc' ao'l i* not* Iiik'HI


PAdneali'i Fhik-.v Twirier Joinii


ANnmbcrof Other Changes lu tho

JaokaoB Teaai.

Prooaaa, fonaerly Padaoah'a atar

pitohor. ha* joliiod .Iaoknon. It "• inn,

bnt bas not secured his relaaae, as yok

ifroa Padaoah. Tho foltowiag dlo-

i liatoh from toilay's .Moraphia OoaaNff>

. i-ial .\|>|»>al will proTo of iattioat ta

I'atturah tan*

Jaoksoo, Trun.. Jnly 31—Jaofcaas' haa dMipoaod of Oairo, wlaalag twalint of lhri>e gaiiio* at the close of Iho


iu»t week. Toilav lli'iidor*on is hero

10 play three gniuo*. On aoconni »f a

' iwoaiiar arraaglng of the sobedute

thia is tho flrat timo Iho Hoadersas

II•iHiito h*ro iiiavi'il ia thia oity, and a

' larxo cinwd wiluesaed tho gaoM Bl

1 1 IK bland park this afternoon.


Jaolsoa to baaa fw twoiro gaiaea

hafore atartlag oat aa ba aesi roaad.


*:]larksville will tollnw >iendi'i*on aad' then llopkiUHTille will olos<- ben.

tfanager Oorman has mate>iaUy

streagthened bla team ia tho poet twonr three days and is going ia now for

a ix'iinaiit run iti haa of HnnlinK lnn,

t new man Jnst added to the team, bas

*howa blBMolf to ba both a good aaortlag fa lost honors and stands a goo.1

ahow ta gH that*.


depriving tome claiseh of their rightii

"Wa bar a great deal more against

the pewor of iajaaotioo," said Jostia

Baww. "It bM baaa amde a politi.

cal (ino*tion and issue, anil Kovernmont

by injunction is tbo iiopular phraseol-

ogy. Merer was then a tiaa wboa

aohfall awl Yigoffoaa pa*** »Matmore to tho aatiaa tbaa bow. At the

jmpalation liecomes nioro iti n^e unrl

the bnaioesa intorats of tbu oouniry

totfla asd bmn aaapUoaiad, tbo n-

atrainlBff pawa af a ooort of oqaity to

of far greater tbIbo ta the aatioa tbaa

the punishing powa of a court ot

law. What teaaadad te proTentlre

"Shall it be said of tew, which is

anpposvd to bd the embodinent of all

haman reaaoB, that it abandons the

watk af otaflac apioToatiag wrong

aad eaatMti ItaaH aalywlth paalah-

ing wrong ?

"To take away thi' jiowoi of mjuuc

tiOB from ooorts of eqaity is a step

baokward tawBfd barbwian, rather

tbaa a step iMrwwd Itvaid that per-

fect civil izatlas iMMfll VhMlwaareBtriTiug. ,

"I now tlMl laharo«faalia»MM oa>

p^oially are aaaitlTO oa thte aMttw

of injnnotlons, boliering they are er-

erted mainly againHt them and thoir

bat there no thought of dis-

tbaa aa last a thoy are

Iioaoefal in the exerolM of their rights.

Injunction* are only to restrain rio

lenoe and disorder.

"We haro the oxanpla ot the great

tabs striko, aottlod paeafally %y a

adiciul injunction. Later thOM to the

'abash railroad strike.

"Mot will it do to aaggat that cap-

«1 aad corporatioaa aajr bo oajataod,

not tebor ahd labor orgaalatlaaa.

o| MB BO^ ilikcriiiiiuati' thus One

^«i|tOS df pDoplv oao oot b« es-

Ji. t

decided it nonU make it own paix r

ohMper. It ha now begaa tho opera-

tioo of ita papei mill, aad tba apaol-

ty is forty tons daily, made of pulp

hlii|<i»' I from t'aiinila. It i* enouKli

lor both Its morning and afternoon

oditloaa, aad tho traat aaa aeattane

to "trnst" for all the Star oarao. Tlwonly other paper in tho wwld that

luanufictara IM papa to tbo bosdoaTelegraph.

The oity solicitor annonnai that he

Will wfBtt that peopte any ba

taoooaeot with tba aaitary

aystem. This ia the . oontentioa The

Earned raaa—Padaoah 5, Claka-

TlUe8. Saeriflablto by Bagte aad

IVtts. Bason stolen— E'lgle 1 Two

base hiU—Oarslile, Potu, Clifford,

Orr. Home raa—Oiifford. Doable

pteys: Padamh—Connon atopptag

grounder and forcing maB ont at

third, thtn throwing to (irsi ami l atch

ing roBBor; Orr atcbiug Ay and

throwMffoat aaa at flat; Ooaaaapicking up grounder to Potto to Bd*

mundt; LeCompte to Potts to Ed

maads. OlarksTilie— iietti to Collins

to Balaay. Btraok oat—By Botto «,

by Orr 8. Loft oa baaa Padaab 8,

Clarkiivillo 4 Time of game— I hour

and 33 minutes, rmpin— Dnun.

Another pretty game of bal\ caused

tbo ftoia to t«ko hoH|''yoitiidA^, Pa-

Man bM made periodically since tne !

defeated OlarkaiUe by a aoore

awoago waf flniahad flro yoara ago, of 6 to 8 in the preaaa of a large

bat tba laat b4aUiiMii|»loa md the

prr*ent adinioistratlOB persistently ex-

cused their unprogreMireneas and in-

difference to the health of tho eoaaanity aad oaod^A •anilary BMaMuaa,by

cteiming that ipropto eaaaat bo legally

COmpelliil to Coiiiii 't with the m wer-

age. i>et the ihiiiii'ipal buanU (lats

aaob a tew an i

Here's how they do it in Mayfleld

oa "third Moada^;*'a«Biit^ ooart d|y,

atoordiag ta the Meawiiger: "It la

also n wundurf u I it»v for tin sale of

erowd. Padacah's infleld won tho

gaaa. Tbo oatflald WM tattoo. Poor

doobto playa aa MBdltai la tba baaaitnd tbaaa Iwa btoHaia isd aaa

home run.

The first man to put the bsU over

the foaa for the looate was Clifford,

who ia one of tbo aost popular mem -

ber*. ill font a long drive to 1. ft en-

t^r and it boooced oyer tbe top of tbe

fena. 0Btltlto|| Ala ta tba wiaaaffered for tbB> Padaoah aaa who flrM

knooked a fair l>all oat'tbe fenM.

Orr pitoheil a goo<i game ami Cliff

I Padaoab—Pitto woat oat froa third

. to first. Olifford pot one to left oea-

Iter anil it bonii'"! .1 om r tho feme, giv

ing bim a home run. ICiimands flew

oat ta tbud. LoOoaqito flow oat to

right. Oaa ran.


Olarkaillo—Bagte hit to right aad

maili' --I roml rn "io(T Colliti* singli !

to center, Eoglo tcoiiug. Koinoy hit

tu third and by doable play to second

to flat atlnd twa OaUate faaaod.

One raa.

Paduiah —O'Connor hit to ri>;ht for

a base. Ulrara bit to short for a base

Joaa hit to obett, who dlda't atop it,

aad O'Ooaaor aoorod. Orr hit to aa-

tar for two bases and Girard and Jones

aooreil. \ki r« mt to Ititi-. vl."

aaght and threw to second, wlio

dropped tbo ball, aad oa wild throw

to third t HT »coroil Potts hit to cen-

ter for double. ClilToril fouled out tn

rot baaman Kdmuniix wont out

faa aooad to first. Fonr rnu.


Otarkarllte—Anderson hit to third|

aad got base on wild throw. Betis hit

to short and by doable (day retired

Anderson and Rett*. S Holmes wont

ont on popap to Kdm nods. No rone.

Padaoab—toOtaitta itoaad. O'Om-nor fanned. OtoMd law aal ta Bagla.

Mo mm.^*nmi WBiBo.

CUrkHville—Vniulty wmt ont from

sbort to hist. T. Uoluies went out

froaakailllslpM. Bagte flaw aat lo


(*helhyTtlle. Kr . .Iiitv 31—ShononII Kinley. o! Veech Islo. thi:, county,

and one of tbe best known aad miut

highly onaaeeted families of Shelby

' mtitv, •imiiirlle l »iii' 1 ttii« morn

ing at his home l>y shiMiiiiig hiiiiKoir

ta tbo boad with a rerolTor NoMan to kBowa,M be wa wealthy and

appaaatly happy.

TIIi~OOURTT AS9K98MKNT—Ooonty A*io**or John Hughe* h»« ;iri«

|iaro|i all hi* bjok* for thi* year * a*-

se**in^nl and bjgias alMat S<iptember

15 to take the atoaaoat of tbo mbo-

man. late with I' hate await-

ing release from thataiab BBd Will

twirl for JaohaoB.

Daho, who AM broa doing gaad

Work at *hort and sccoml ha- inll snil

riiiiriiiil lo his hOhie hI Atlanta.

Man ik-er Dortuaa ia BOW very bopefal

of ending tho aaooon at tho bead of tbo

colamn 'fxmiarille ha heea trying to

got the rt of i'l lit. .'ni k ana's

cra<'k ostcher, but (iurinan ha a-faaad t<iglTo hia op.




S H. Ct'lvvell trnni.f, rr. 1 tn .loha

VVoi>l|)eri. tur ful>^. land lying >u tbo

ooaaty apaa the PerfciM orak baaka.

Bobert B Parriitb sold to May Wnrt-

inan, for 1700, proiieriy litug on A*h-

hrook avonui' in Mochani' -i>urg

Lab Hbepard paroha*eii trom L. B.

Omrdoy, for fAbO. iiroiierty Ivlag asthe WMt side o* Math Tbirtoontb.

near Flournny street.

Thomas Lofton told to Mr* Vittmt

• luiuar for #4*8, pro|ierty Iriag in tbo


Mia Oarrie Orlfllth retnrned yoala-

dar troa Dawson.

'Simi.i fc

palealtk and otiMir deo.wiiuu* of th« i anpportod him a bocsstop la hia

Barlr Mooday rooming|

good fora. Aoar 100 koga of this ioaoeoat bat glo

rioM Padaah water, foaad Ita way

into one plaoo, whilo twice ihst

aaaaat oaretnllr but securoly found

way lata rarioas pUas aad aa-

haowa to the ariaiaiers of tho city.'

The Broadway roa (,oao of tbo aatliopaUr thoroagb'ares' ia the ooaaty,

and one of the latwi exteaairaly used,

shoald be repaire<l la piaooiQthi

boteh wo diaagroeably daopaad oaly

those who drive or rile wheels ^rsr VjomH" Rolaey bil))<

It lolly apprsciati bow horf it i». - ' " •

,Toue*. of California, picked op yater-

ilay, played in center field, bat did not

have enough ohaaoa to show what 's

in him. Uo arat to bo a good Alltel

aad if bo o?a toad*M tbo ball aa^the fence it will go.

Uanie by innings:


Clarksvillo^H l<ol#

c«ntt.'r f*tr

to flra. OoUias popp> ii i<at/oLe

»n«JHolmes Hoored. Car

llt><Klt HofH >, ^ronn ts^.M

balMKagybu 'ritiee.! ih/rit


grounded to

> I


atwayo gira

tion. Another thing i* that they

woo't impose on him and if aay of

tbaa got Bonthy they aa Ukalp to

get hit instead of a hit.

Paduuah can play ball oecaMionallr.

aAtt-plAy good ball. ilut when the

boyo do play bad ball it to tba MttM-


"Mr." B**tts, who ha* boon in town

maal tVt pitahed for QUrksriUe

yaaortavaBflhabMigaaa. Ho wabatted freely and did not aeem to en-

joy thaiaaoratioa. He ia ooaaidorod

oaaaMMaBBik pitohon ia tko teagM.

oairo coma Soaday. ''My, vat a

imsinaa. » poilaaail**

Thto to tadia' iv, alM thay.vUl all

be^mitted free.

Clifford will get for, bis home roa

l^.^ in fi lou, a n^pbor of itay |i

aflii ii bills kmiad ^| rarioafli^oaplg,

a salt of^lotha, a

I it

Colorado FlyerON THE 9\NTA FE

r City to Pueblo, Colorado Springe aad OMfWially.boglBalaglBaad.

Palhaaa •baar««tlaB and drawlag rooa

ateepera—chair ear—'llbraryamehlng ogg

Leave K City in the cvtiiing

Arria Colorado Mat ioraaaa^

Qalck—laaarloM Maaalaat papala

Another fait Cnlorsdo train now lava KansM City

aa the Santa Fc every mumlag. L,OW &ATB MX-"iL SUMMKR.

Aik t 'T lirr copr ol "A Oaiorado »mm\It iriii *i: aiKitti Tssalla aoMaaslB"~'

A. AKoaiw*. c.»u Ast . A T a a. a*


M«M.aarttK. a dais. Ma,

< t .






HF. SUN Job Office takes

pleasure in announcing

thai it is especially well

fitted to give you themylatnt^ moti up^tthdaU tkittgM in

Wtdding Invitatiom, WeddingAntlOUncements, Calling Cardt^

Menu Cards, Reception Invita-

tions, Fancy and MonogramStationery either in copper plate

or printed."

Theprices arethewmtmmim^flNf'it b€ had any whant aad



Ktilt I)K. PKNDLBy riDK 416

KK- (iUUUAN & WHITBSIDKS,<<:' inthi.. M«mU taUiiag. aM

Vjfone MH.


Ut>M Kilmnn ]ihi>ii<>Krn|>h fMOtdt at

iU. OlenMOto & Co , phM* lONl


liii'li of oold (Iriulii, b«rlM'oiii><l rockt*

»>i I UM ONMI. OaU And *<-K W. M.

Ptiilll|ii, 611 Adam •( . pkm 7IS.

Hriitu|it delivary.

KXUURSION— Uniio Mid i—rtfUvt OB (be •seuiioo iMMW (Xtf of

Kt. floats. T;SOTm«hir»VMt*t. 3u\y

i 1 K»r«« ronti'l trip '-' "'

MIKMUUKAFHIC WUHK — MtM0«Mi« eallk, om Olob* B»ak MdTri -t (^n . IK prrpBrdd to do mII kiadt

*> nii noicrBiilii)' work. Tvrw nmm-

I TUB QRAKO uoanlM •te»ni«r

TitT nf St. Lonit it SOB feat looff. UO

' widi" Mtiil ciirru'K .'i, (II MlIIS.., utii-Tt.

Iliii iiuineBt>> flcMtiOK )i«lftct» |{>*»*

airinioa k«N Bt 7:l6 TcMday •T«o-

•hn. .Inlr SI Fnri' roand trip i'<r.

NOTHINU UOlNit—Ihf flr* ilii

n»rMiMBl WM oBltod t* Tkird sad

Hro»iway laM aigkl aboat I a'alook

kr • alarm.

WII.L HAVB FLANS PKAWN--Tb« botldiac aouUtaB ol tb* Elki

nnmnninniimn > i << i

PeopltMkI Jl

Pfedtant Events.

M l aaolbar MMatia* IMI aiirkt and OtoaluMt aa a vMt


A partj of oioariioDiKti troiii Ri'D

lOB paned tkfoagk Ibe oHy thii morn

tag M roale to tkatr kooM fMai a Mpvp tb« TiBBwiaB rim oa tha alaaaat

(Myilo. Thr party IM comiiotod of:

MeMrt. aud MaadaaMV Mlko OIitit,

Rokait MMaiwaU. W. C Kowe. v. HTborapaoa. Bdwaid (SriOttk. Davit

RoevM, MiM^t BNtbw Orlflltk, MolUeTrl'n^ Cniiiu'l Itinii Ion Mitmli' liraB>

doo, Manuiu Kivldt, Lncy KloM*,

Moffalt Howaid, Ollia Maf Bt«.r<i.

Roth Ronndtree, OUvIa WiUoB aad

Meiiiri. Jot. I^ittle. Oatw»II Brien,

Coy Keedpr, Hod Stmw An N. 1

toB, KWii Oopeland, UitI Uarnei and

Llard Pkat.


Miii Mary BTaat BaBdm of Jaok-

«0D. Ti nn., aad Miu VirRtnla Ni-w»ll

of thm city will K'Vi- n ii ' iinl of

"Booob Anlea" at tbe Uioi»dwB>-

Matkodtat ekateb Ikla avaalac. Miti

Kviiii" 1" a I Ipvit p|i>onf loiiUt and iiii-

|irriii>iiater and it arcoiupauied with

maiioal taiariadaa nadwad kf Mitt



Mr. Taa Baadtri kaa Nlaraad from


Mra. Loaia Kolb, Jr., led today for

itioD. Tliny Will aiio Ro on an eat

trip to be Ukeo by tbe uditort.

m. win RBadofa kaa tHatai

Ooralaaa VprisM-

Mf. kiUoB fOBBC of Balla, Todd

ia ta Ika aHr TitUiac.

Mr OrcirK" WriKh' rtlWBai

May fluid today at nooo.

Mr. aad Mta. W. H. Mallaa haaa

rftnrpod from Wnodvillp

Mr. O. K Urerett left at oooo for

DBwaaa fw kto k«d«a.

Mr W T. Millar wt nt to BddyrlUa

today at uoon on batineta.

Mr. Baai Jaoktoa waat taDMriaayeatcrditf fr>r his h<-altti.

Mr. Will Love went to Orider, Ky.,


Daufflit«i iii Mis LHssit«r 8hot

at .St. Louis.

b 18 Yean ui t and Formerly Made

Bar HoBM ia AMD

di' :1..

; to htTi- Ari liikx t H M HavUIrkw

; iann tor tbcir nt-w liuildiDg lo

rt> ' r. rtpd on MortbFiftb atreet aoroaa

r from tbe Kaataaky tkaatar. A aaaa-

ber of prnpoaittoaa from pataoaa waat-

111^' a I'QildiiiK liaM< Im I II rri rirpd I'lii

Boi couiidiTed. Anotbur mci«<iinK

Will bo fcaM WMtBOMlay ovoBlag^ot.i'k nvHr thi pl^niH with tko Bicbitvot.

V.NoTIIKIi MAUMUtrr fllNOINU- Mr J. M. Hart of lb« olt} will aa-

attt ia Uadlag a bararaay tlDiiait at

ap.Mr O L FonM aad Will

laat Dlffbt from Joppa.

Mr. Laoa Blytka rait

DawNon tbtH morning

Mr! L. P. llollaud rvtaracd from

Mr Hum Kdwaida kaa laianedfrom DawioD.

AllonMT Joha O. Mttlar ratarawl

from ( Jill'i rtiiv ill" thld itiorntne

Attoioi-y U. H. HuKtii't retarood

Frioadtkip okareh. tbto roanty, aeX I

Ma«Baaiold tkia BarataR

."'ipi lai Si vt ra! ntlifr» will ('<<iii|>(im>

til' I'boir aad a laric*' crowd it espnct-

•a to ka aa kaad.

WH AT Wn.I. !« thi-iriiicii !»' mm t

a'lrni'iioii at Ihi' ntminK W<irl<r> hair,

lb.' Kti Bl t-K uroioD l><aiiii'r City of Ht.

Ix)nla, wUl fiTe a telvct eaoaraioD

7 ao p. at. loaiffkt, roand trip tSe.

CAi'T I. l.iiVK (It. «

river autbutiiy, «>olaiuieil, aftvr vti-

'lMa« Iko palatial •aoaroloa ataaaior

City of Ht. L«Bii. "It It tka krirt raal

marblD^ry I bavp won in foHy yeara."

OraiKl •'X('ur«ic>ii i n thm iKi'aiuar Ibia

eveniog at t .iO, fare roand trip 36o.


iii|K'ratur)> ri t:iii(> re.' i< l it i\l J

o'l iiH:k tb4' rmitaur obkutTaiorr time,

wat iM la tka okaoa. Vha lawaai laal

Bih-bt waa TO, • rary plitaaat algkl aa

a llRkI ktaaaa waa Mawinr

tMMMITTItK TO UKliT-Tha omootira ooaaiitlaa of tbe U«od Uarara-

BieBt lean** will aM>«< Ifcia •vaaiag.

Mr Morit/. Frii liiian vri iit to May-field thi* iDoriiiug on budui nt.

Altomey Willtaai Bead waat tm

MaTtii'lii thii nmrninc on tinHini hi

Mta. Kitltd WiilM and daugbiec

karagaaa lav a vlall ia INamla.

Cnpiain K II OntI ii nt.'aln ia tka

oltT. •It*'! a kiguora in Jo|i|ia.

Mr. Rooooa Road waat to Jaahaoa.

Tenn . thu ini'MiinK im biitinpai

Mr. and Mr* tiealwn Beany went

to HaakvUla Ikla ataaal^ la vMI.

Mrt. M. B. Bafciriaaa weal to Bol-

low Rook Ja4e<loa Ikla BMralac oa a


Mra. WoodMHl Mi* Ltaala Wia»

lufl today far Otrdaa'a Laadtac oa aTiait.

lira. & MoHae aod Miea MariaBiekoli laft yaetarday far a TMt ia


Mita Mary UoaW'-U and Mtaa AnneflaaawB Ml Hiki aaratac far LaBiag.

toa to attaad Ika Kaatvoky preta oon-


[a, Dofatlttaai art batag tokaa ia Ike

fideral oaati roaai la Ika nararanwal|%tliliii/; tndav in lti<> luvolantnry

kal^tmiacy caae of Kiepben H. Krooo

of Nhw Tark, aaaiael tka laaoaaat

Miaaralaaaipaaf «f IkliaBr^

B. L. Bt<llfrew.aB aHoraay of WowYark i« in tlvi' I'ltT ii-priMi'iitiaM .Toba

Malbollland. wbo brouKbt tbe auit in

»akal( of Btapkaa B. Wmmr ~


Tk« Mlaaral ooapaar ia repaaaant

I«d by Attoraapa i. O. rioanor aad

Thciiiax BdHlaaa aad V. af


Tka lakiBB af lha AapaaMaaa atoT

tnma aeTeral daya. Tbe oaaa will

tried in New Tork in Anmiat.






J A. Taylor, tka maa wka waa Ikk-

[aa to III** eity boapital for IrtataMBt

[for burned back anataineil at Calon

foity, Taaa.. left (kiaaMraiac, tayiag

[ikat ka dM adk Ma Mm mataMBi.

Ity ,Phy*l<'ia" RiviT* wan hriiiKinit

^iiiriia aroand all riKbt wtioD ttw

lient took a dialika to tbe treat-

pnt aadjrfaaad la laawia. It ia aot

wtBM ha kM BaaaikatkiaBOWBtal»fteBMk


t CAN UK Hll|^ 1' AT


tka dyapBidlo wko itoaawa body and

aaaafo^d will aol di(t«<tt bat

DO eliaiioi' ti< K<'t ntrony; aiiaiii. IxicaotO

bodily BtreBRtk cannot bi tailt np es-

oepi «a daed dkai will difaat.

Tkal ia Ike mlatlon of arapo-NoU,wbtob aay dyapoptie aaa digaat andwbteb Will be«iB t* «aiM a» aadaonriafa at oaaa.

AUkMaMla aaaa Mfia: "PHrtbetaMMldB taaiif kavo baen a trreat

aaffaaar witk atomaBli lraat>le and for

eiRbtm\u owntha 1 aoidd aot eat or

diiak aaytkiap, aal ataa • apooofal

"It aeeated I kMjMM Mi >rr rem-

edy ia ibe warld Md I kad RiTi>n npall bopaa of «v«r gatliag bett«r when a

ftiafd adTiaad IM fa aaf On^a-Natofood.' IwaaJaalakaBltooMdi dk-

aearaBad to do to. for I orpeoted to

dia aod all niy friend* t't|t»ot«d I

would too, bat I Unally did taad for a

m. aad wkaa il aaaa I wmI aaaid imi lara ovar la kad.

"Tk^ I batcan to take tbe UrajM'

Bala, Jaat a littla bit al fliat, uoiaten-

I bagaa to grow atraagir, and befort I

bad flaiabod IIm foartb iMckaite I

ocnld (<at aud drink anytbioR I waoted

aad it did not bort ma ia Ika liaal.

iaiiMrlfMfaadkalpadaMto haaltk

after^evarytblag elae bad failed.

"i£i|irrienoe, aotml naa, iirovet ab-

(oIat«<lv tbe ureal jiower of tbe loien-

tiftofoodOiava-Bala." NaaM giraaby BMlaa Oa.. BaMla Okaak. MIek.

Baad for parlioalara by mail of ei-

toaaloa a( UaM aa Ika IT.fOO eookti


Mm Van Hai n ;ind childfM kA at

noon tor Kvaukvitlu to Tiall.

Mra. Willlaai V. Oiaoa kaa ralaiBad viHitlni; in ('nioaOitJ, Tkaa.

Jnaiiue R.J. llarbar lataraad yao-

larday araiag fkooi Oraloaa Bprlaga

Mr. ThomnH I. I' liiir ni to Ed-

dyville yciivnluy un n two wceka' Tii-


Mr. Sam Hill left at nooB for I^ox-

iiiKtiiii to iitii u 1 (ho State Prota aaao-


Mr. Fraak Jadgo retaraad jaoler-

day from Ho|)kioiTill« aad Oaralean


Mr. Darid Detbargrr kaa lataraad

from a aararal weabt' vitil ia 81.


Ooroaer W. R. Paal lati laat aickt

for a aavaral dayi' vialt to ralatlraa ia

TriffR oonniy

Mra. Wm. tienioa, of BvaaaTUIe. ki

viaUiag Mra. Hank MeOatokaoa at

Wett Monroe (.troct

Rabbi and Mrt. Wm Fiaeaobrlabor

hare rataraed Kaai Loaiarille aadDari-nport, la.

Dr O. B. MarUa aad auter, little

Mitt Margary Martia, waat to Loata-

Title today at noon

Mlateo Mary and Anna lioawoll left

at BOOB for Lesiaglaa to attaad Ika

piaai cooBTention.

Mrt. Olint Dean and daoghtor, MiMMaiN.i. will hnvi' lunigkt for Baw Ol-laaiM and Oenrer, OoL* Mr. and Mrt. Olaado Bakar aadi .i' v have ii turiii' l friiiii a vMil to

UreeuTilto aud LonitTille.

Ifaa. X 8 Rqaa will retara

rev fNai Rpar Hprin^'v. T. ria.,

tka kaa been for ber beallb.

Mr. J. L. Oltatoa a( Oairaatoa ra-

tnrnH home laat niabt after a Titit to

biH nepbt^w. Mr. O. L. Omk.

Miaa Aaaia Plakla aad MIm BalMaSkapkard kara retaraad to Maakrille

after Titlliag Mra. a L. Pabaor.

Mieaea Era Snlmtmrf aad Lillian

WilliaaM o( Ualia, Taaa., awivad at

aaoa to ieit Mita Dora Marakaak

Mr (teiirif.- ''Iiflon, of OreOBTlIla,

Miaa.. owaer of tbe Oity of 81 Loaia,

Ika aiMreiea koal, li la tka eity.

Mrn. I.<'ii.i Vi>' lU-'l itnd ilaagkliii

arrived from New Urleaaa today at

aaoa to virft Mr. aad Mra. Brad Baai-met, Jr.

MrN. 1. V. Jane* and hou liaa ra>

tarurd from I'nioa Oity,T«DB., wberatbey bare baea vjaitii« Mta. BobartTbompaoa.

Mr. Jaaaa Okaaikakaa n>tnriied to

Partaoah aftot a vWl to Mra. J. fi.

OoBika at HOT Waal BBaadway.--Iioa-iNville Time*.

Mrt. J. M. Walker of Marloa re-

taraad kaiaa at aaoa ladar aflor aTitit to ber aepkaw. Mr. (Jk L. Oaak,Ibe pnotograpbtir.

Mr. Harold Amoae retaraad kaaMtoOaralaaa Hprlaca today at aoea af-

ter kBTlBg otaod Ike eraanaBliaaa

here for ojonty a|i|iaiutiueal ! Ika

ttoto oollege at Lesiogtoo.

Mr. O. B. BketrW aad fkaiily re-

taraad from ITnion dlf laday at noon

after attemlinK tbe faaaral of Mr.

Sberrlll'i father wbo .died tbere latt

week. Mr. H. V. likeRiU wlU latantaalgkl.

Miao Mary Kraot SaiMlerH of Jack

Taaa., wbo wiU giro a raoMal of

Aidea" al tka BroadwayMetbo<tiit rbnrch this ttrenius. ia the

gaett of tbe MiaMua Newell on Bortbaaraatk Bliaak

Jadga aad Mak O. W. Sianberry,

wko kare been TiaiHag tbeir daoghter,

Mra. H. Bahr, on Blitabeth ttreet,

kava ratarBed to tliair kOBM !daa. BL. aatoaipaalad kydaasbtar. MIm Bliaabetk Bakg.


Jiai Ualria. ^koae fool waa ranavar al flUratt Oiiy, aa told elae-

wbere, loat the entire foot aud i«rt of

hi* ankle tbla maming by ampatatioa.The iujnry war jpwalar tkaa al

tkaagkl aad a^paMMally. Dr. MarriM okiar aargeoa pf

lb<^ road, jierformod tbe ojierdtitm

with auiitance iTom Dra. Barl(^aad

Ooo ley.

A tolagrara to Mia. A. h. LaooHer

of North Sivtli utreet thie marninK

ttated that her daoRbter, Mrt. V irgie

Pariont, had been fatally abot today

at bar booM ta 8t Laala. Ma daaila

wan girea.

Mrn. rarMon* formerly lived iB

tbli oity, aud went to tit. Lonit to re-

tide latt Obrittaaa. 8be ta Ike wife

of OltTor PartoDt wko lo la Ika rail-

road aerrire and hat one tmall oblld

Ska ta S3 yi Mri. of a»;e.

Mn. Laatiter attempted to aecare

fortkar iaforaiatiea of Ika tragedy

over the long diatanoe telephoae, bnt

failed to do to. She left for Ht. Louia

toilay at noon.

Mra. Partona ia aa attnwHye yoang

wooMa aad ker PadBoak fnaado will

Im- (trie veil to learn nf the dad aoWB

oont^eruinK le r. Hhe is h aintpr of Mrt.

Tom Orice of I'ltdiuah She hai two

kther aUtera, Mra. Bera Hardia of

Tesarkaaa, Tai.. aad Mia. Belle Oaa-

Biagkaai of Faria, Ibi.

c»)^g)»t»B»d)»B»«i» id» iia(»


- .6I I BT

FOR RRNT—Two roool

Apply to Joe MaltlaoB.



utreet. Apjily M.

t^oatb ijeoond.


FLUMBniO-Rti«Nd4ai lit A.

F Un it. 811) Conrt, fit piBtoklat at

reatonable pricet.

WAKTBD-Oaed nUiMa ooMMton.

Apply Ureat Paoitio Tka aad OoBaaOa., S88 Broadway.

FOR RBNT—Fire"goo 1 ri pair. fi37

A).plv nt Tn.'i Conrt.

room oottaga,


One Prisoner (iivrs itoiid and

UetH Out of Jail

.Several MarnaKe Licenat^i

Small Suit Filed Today


WANTED—Ten bnatlerK to canvaia

portraita. No esperieaee aeeded. 98

per dar Woodi*. *.24l Sooth Sixth.

LU.ST—Un Urabamrille road, iaaor-

I anoe book aad papara'aad okaok pay-

able to I. M. Baaaa. Balaia to Baa. and get reward.

I MANDFAOTURBR waato teliakto

man to ilpliver and collect ; kaiM Bad

wiigou and fino depoilt aeoeaiary;

921 a week and expentei; permanent.

Franklin. I'.m 7H, Philadeliihia. V.\

WANTED—A poaition in Rome

nice home aa kooMkeeper by a yoting

lady of a goad iapalallaa. Addmi O,

oare Baa.

FOR RBWT—lavaB room hooae at

420 SoBtk milk. NlM hoaaa, all

improreaMBla. ISO a tooalk. Sea

& A. BlU al Baa oBloa.

FOR RBNT-lfl raaatalB Ate., 8

room brick, all modern conrenienoei

and iteani heated. Ho«si>««iiin (jiveu

flrat of any mat. Apply to Fred Rudy

at Bady. FkUlipo * Ua.

Good Real Estate



Oaerge 8mith . aliaa Taylor, tka al-

leRe.i fortfi-r. i- i^'tt. r today at Ika

county Jail. Ue bad beeagrowiag

waraa, bat aow aeeaa to bo gatliaf

alouR pretty well He bad a beai-

orrbage tbi* morning, bat it waa very





Marloa Laoaa, eolorad, wko foaad a

pair of opera glaaaea beloagiag to Mr.

.Tohn Ki iler atul ^old them, wa^ re-

leaaed on bond thia morning, bia fath-

er golag aa tka paper aa aaiaty.

Williiim T. Uou«-. rolnri-it, B^;i d i'.s,

and Reeay Braoken of tbe oity. age<l

48, kava kaaa llaaaood to wad. It

will make Ike flrat marrlagv of the

groom aad tbe aeooad of the bride.

Uenrge Miller of Uiaeiaaati, a book

binder, and Kli/.aiK.tb EoBaady of the » o»»W_of atealing a «aaa«^ of oera

city liaTe been lioeaaad to wed. It

WiU aaaka toe flnt marritot* at kotk.

Tka grooM iaM aad Ike krideUyearaof age.

Mrdla Oatlia today died a rait

againat OeorKe Uatlin ankiUK for nn

afitolnte divorce ou the Krouuils of

.donment, alleuuiK that they were

ied here ta 18»a and that the de-

E4ghty foot lot on Fountain aveaaOt*

circle 80 foot front. Price 9600.

Vacant lot. ioatkoaol aoraat Bigl tk

and Bookmon, ddgldl; oagy toraia.

Prioe 9800.

as aere Cam oa Birklerilla road T

niileR from Padocali: will rell at a(>

obange for oity property.

Tkrea room koBM. 914 Baalli

Eleventh, 40zK..5. Oath If poaaible;

oaa-tbird, l-a-8 yeart. Prioe 9800.

Twa ala laaai koaooa. la good oondi*

tion, 417-419 Beath Bigbth, 50x119;.

rent for 919 eaok. Prioe 98,000 taak.

Foat looat boaae, good itabla,~}^t

traea, git/pt iaae. ala. : eoiaar OUb-eati aad Bkort okraato; 40x140; oa*'

half oaak. Prioe 9*00.

FiTe room koaaa. ia^ood.ooadltioa,

three twiuaret froot anion depot, 100

foot front : rents for fm ixr month;


Lena Wiuderford, colored, who live*

oa WaaklBftaa etraat, waa arretted

tkia aftaraooa a ekarfa of keoplag a

ditorderly koaaa. aad' nlaaiod ob her

own recnKui/.anoa to appear tomorrow.

Tom Lewit. eoloiad, wat arretted|oae-balf oath, 9100 per year,

on a akaiBe at pallilaaoaap. Mala al-

leged to kavaotolfla. iabftoai Ji B.


Will Jaokton. colored, hued in po-

hoe conrt today for preaaoting a pU-tol.

from J. R. Brown.


faadaal abaadoaed ker ia 18M.

QAsa m IN iiuii.


U. W. DrIaooU. a paata praawr at

Ike Barked Dear AuMa Oo., waa mnovi r anil lerioatly hurt nt 1 o'oloeK

tbii at teruooa by one of Barry & Hen-

aeberger'a ooal wagona at Nioth andBarr^ atrddto. A deep gaah waaeat ^ tka liif at kH kead. B^waaoraaaiag tha otreot when the waKonaaddealy oataa apoa kim and be waatkrowadaorakrtwBfeaaoaMfal oatof Ike way.

He wat carried to klo kooM, 1181

North Twelfth itreet.fwbere Dr. j. DBobertaoB and Dr. Adriaa Hoyar at-

Oaiitain Oeorga 0. Hart tripped amifell while tryiBg to oatob a ttreet oar

and wat lAinfoUy iojarad aboot the

face by the i^ravul.

- —^

Canada'a New PacHIc Road.The n«w railroad through Canada to

tbe rai ktir roaat will pM« tkroagbraat regioaa aavar karalatHa


>ke Joiat atreet oommlttoa of tbe

Reneral council i.* in se«i-ioii at the city

hall thm atteruoon lo takeiiome action

towitnlH II ttiug the contract for brick

Btte«t improvoBHiata, or rajaaliag the

bida. Repreeeatotiree of Ike Are con-

tractor* are jin si iit uml t he tuaiii ar-

Kniuuut 1* over whether a portion of

tbe improTemeat oaa be lal to aaa aaaa

ao^ tka reatotadar to the other. Mr.B. O. Terrell ia bwwt bidder for tbe

treet* and Kattarjeka Bad Oa. Iir thetwo lOKelher.


TkalaftMrtokiM of

Smith is aerionily ill,

Mr. Lee LlTiogaloa la

fraaaaakaeatoaalka Wrlkalr -^

Mr. Maurice Maxoo, of Mason Mill,

ia reoorering from a recent lllaeaa

Mra. 8. M. Baaeoak, ehief operator

for the Puniberland Telephone Co , i*

ill today and Mia* MoUie Bolt i* act-

lag ia ber plaoe.

ft.*! acre farm, 40 acrei dear aad ft

acres lu timlier. ou Benton road 6 1 'i

iiiilea from oity limita; one th 1

caab, balaaoa oa oaaj tetina. P' ^o.

916 per aoro.

Two itory 8 room hoaaa, 804 BoatkNlatb, lot 60x170; boaae in exeallaal

ooadttloB. 99,990,91,160. oaak bal-

aace oil time. FMpotty will lafl tot

996 a moutb.«

koBie, good olakia,

etc, Metrojiolii, 111.,

liark; 76x180; rente

A aavei

oarrin^'e house,

one aijuari' from

for is .'l.'i jier

Prioe 91.200.

Six room bonae in good condition,

Thirteenth and Ohio ttreete, 40 fool

front. Raato for 916 par aaatk.Oae-balf oaak. balaam oa.oaay tama.Price 1 1.1(00.

Two boaaea two ro3nu eaok, aearlynew; lot 40x149 laol. ailaalad oa MUIatreet la Mechauioabarg. Both hontea

rent for 910 per month. Ezoellenfe

aa an invettment for rent or goodkoBieforaool^iodaMa. Moa 1490^

rr?:i..-: ; c;ep*.

Ping—What 1* the flrat thin)? to 4oIn loarnlDg to run an automobilef

l^onR - Tbe first tbiDK \m to (et yoarlife iTiniireil and tiie mecond ia to barean o)>««e baak roll for repairs.

Olstinatlon for

Till best




Chartered By

Grand Excursion

CitF of St. Louis.

Sooth Westero

Company.Excflfsioi V

losic and Oaflciig fris. m P. K. ,Ties^y Jaly 21

Fare Rm^d Trip 25 q^^nj

S. Aa HILLCare The Sun.



\V. F PaxTOH,President

R. Rv70V,Cashier.


las. A. Rudy K. V. Gilson

Oeo. Hart B. Filler

1'. Kamleiter G C Wallace

K. M. F»her W. F. Paxton

Docs a Rcncral banking bus-

iness. Kvety accommodation!

>{ivefl cootbttnt witk Mfe


Accounts uf indtvldtttLi tad

..rnu Elicited.

Interest paid ou time de-

po •.

Opto Satnrdar Micbtt From

7 to S




MOTHER'S FRIEHDm.iVi'S rlrl.lHirth c.isy bv preparing thei*v>totu t"i i>4r Hint 1. Ill atiif tliiis .-linrtcniiiK

labor. The (uinl ul ordeal is robtjed of its

temra, aad Um d«ag«r laaMScd to bothmother and child; thetime ofconfinementis ^hcwtened, the mother rested, and child

fuUy developed, strong and healthy.

MominK aitknc-^H, or nausp.i arising

from pregoancv. is jirrvi ninl by its usp.

A- pregnancy ailvamcs, the breasts en-large, become awoUen and hard. Longbefore the child is borti, they arc prepiir-

lagforthe sdrt-tioii ct milk. Itisimpart-

Md that they rwcivc parly attention.

Mother's Friend t-iltens the skin andf.i. ititatas the .'.erri'liou nf Life Fluid,i'li.lfveloped l.r b.-ird-r iked shortly

uftiT i!tlivciv. ,ire tlio result of iioii-

trcatnient, and likely to culminate in

Mamaary Abaceas, from which ao manymiffcr cscmdatiag pain and are left withthese OTR.ins permanently impaired.SoftneM. |>lii*n:i! V and «ii«nfti<-<n ate |rir*n to

the muwIfS ar. 1 Mnrw<, thu^ bnnfttnc comffft• n»! c«u.«ii'lt fln r.i^v )*«.Mr t f tlir i hiUl. 'I rv it.

Of jruK,:'»t< |i iiiir I. . k •M»Mnrli»»4" ftfp.



TlKCityNatioaai;BaokMOUMM RT.

Capital, Surplus ind I ndividad

Profiu, f4uo,oao.vjo

S. n. Hi'OHKS, President,

Jo.s. L. Frikoman, Vice-President,

J. C. UTTHRHACK, CilshilT,

C. E RlCBAJltMoN, Aasistaut Cashier.

AccouBts of Baaks, Bankers, Corpor

atioM and ladiWdnala solicited, and

gaaranteed every accommodation con-

lataatwith prudent banking.

latcrest paid on time deposiu.


B. ftcont W. H. SlackI C. DTTSMACK J. I«. PBtSDMAM

> Ok. J. O. BaoouA. 8. AmrAOOPt Bback Own

For Biqrelcs, Tina,

Bclb, Lamps, Etc^


Williams Bicycle Ca> ia tht City.


Triumph el CiMr Orll, OM Jwdgmant

Oa tWar last a M« Mlar, walghlag «tot]r-foar tras, was ahoaC to belowered Into the hoM o( a ata—sMpat the New Tork OUwaMa. Tb»hnadred-toa eraaa^ ao «aUM kaaauaeIt wlU lift a walgfet al IM toaa a*

easily as a coUaga girl lllia a waodendnabbell, waa awlagtag Ha great

arm toward tha MMlar Mler.oHlilaaa feet la alreaMtataace.

Perekad on the top oC It waa a vork-maa—a poor NorwagMM uka Marce-It apeaka Bngllsri. HIb ta* Ma to-

ward the crane, and he aerer aaw It,

nor dM aay one olae aatU It waa with-

in two fMt of hia. H tta am of

ha ifaMt ctaaa atradi kka 11 wonidraah hla as it woaM aa agg aheii.

Twaety feet below was tha groundstrewn with lagged plecaa U Iroa, to

fall oa which waa tastaat death. Theworkmen below saw Ms daager andshouted to him. The aMa turned

half way. round and fait tha crane

coming. It waa death either way.and, paralyasd with fear, he collapaed.

At this critical aMMBeat when erery

ona tiae had lost hla head, one manwaa there who kaew what to do. ard

did It Twenty feet away when the

Impending doom over the man wasflrst seen. In less thaa two aacoada hecleared the space and alaad aaongthe jagged Iron.

"Jump for your llfo' It's your <" !\

rhanrcl" he rrlod. and he liran


himself to catch the (ailing nmn.

while the crowd held its breath. Thxtwo men came together with an Im

pact so Krcat that both were picked

up sensolpsg. It was a caso of clear

irrit, oool Judgment and proaipt



VEGETARIANS SAYwo should cat no m.-al Pr .f K. IV«i»M)n we KhiiuM Mt of all kind* of oourlah-

Inff food, and if tb* In—rh and bowels

are huy aa4 rabol «• sheaM aa


I>r I»eai»"'« I>y"i"T«''» rill»»id dl|

and Kwiinil 111 n r f I mi l riir« all formsof Ii>«i. |.~i» \Mii;t' wrBi'iHT if

patetl, }p11'>« if 1.* ftri. ri'KuUir.

E".t what yt'ii

please and ukc.

PR J * uraNrco,





Repair depurtmtat ia clitrft of an

apart qrdt aMcbiaiat. •

"Whada aoM oa aaay paymenta.

COfaar Jefferson ai.d Fifth stri-ets.

IndfTii-ii'li-ni rh Ml- • 'I.

Have you anyproperty to •#!!?

Do youwant to buy?

InVither cas« I can serve you.'

I niso will collect your renUfor > ou on reasonable terms. ,J

S. A. HILLTha ava Offlco

6D HUBBARDAttorney at Law

Rootn No. 9, Paducah Water Co.

Bldg., w6 South 4th street

ZEU RINtHARTGoprM ana Notary PukHs

Booai 6, Colnmbia Bnildiaf

Loaf DiaUnca Old Pbooa No. 939



Tka niiaols Osatral Ballnad Oaannonnces redaoe<i rat> s ai follows

tjan FrAnclsco. .\nKast I to 14, lU-

olaslve, tSO for ronnd trip, goad n-

tataiag natil October 15, aeaaaat|

OtaBd Amy awatlBg.|

Atlantic City, sperial czcnrHinn,

Jaly so, lai.U for ronad trip, good

retaraiag fot II days.

Chaut»n.|na N. Y .Inly i:!, '.IS

for ronnd trip, good n-turning until


LeiioKton, Sy., Angnst 17 and

one fare pins tS oents for round trip,

good retaraing until AuKOit 31, ao-

eoant Mala Saaday aoiwol oeafaa-


Hot Springs, Ark., every Wedn<«s-

day and Satarday aattl September 30,

111.10 far roaad trip, good lataraiag

for 60 days.

Akberille, M, C, July 3i. 23, a«

aad Vt, 916.80 for ranad trip, good

rrtnrninp nnii! .\n(;ntt 2.

Jfempbu, Tenn., July 38, special

esoaiBlaa;laaTosMaaahaboat 7 a.

IB. : rataraiag. leaves Meoipbls aboni

a p. Bk Jaly 30. Fare for roand Ulp

fioia Padaeah {;.'. Tickets will u-

goad only on special train going and


Old Point Oaaifart, for tnlaa Main'> of Aug. 17 and No. 104 of Aagast

IS, I18.65 for roaad trip from Padn-

oah, Tla LoaisTille aad Cbeaapaake

and Ohio railroad. Tickets wiU ba

good returning until Sept :.' From

LiJuUTille tioksu will be good oaly

on O. aad O. spselal tnia, Isartaff at

1 :30 p. m. Aug. IH

St. Louis, Mo., August 1. 13.50 for

ronnd trip: tickets good only on spe-

cial train leaving Padaeah mioa de-

pot 7 a. m , Hs/turday. Augast 1, and

ri-tnriiiiiK m all traitis to and inrlod-

iDK special train leaving St. Louis

nnioB station U:SO p. m. Baada^t

August 3. Mo estaartOB of ratam Um-It will be graated.

Niagara FalU, New York. |17.06

for tha roaad trip from Padaoab.

Tickets win ba soM aaly for tralna

No. 102 iind \Ti of Au^nst an I Ho.

U of August 6, ami will l>« Kood fcr

(aar daya^to ratam ; but tickets may

be esteaded for twelre days from date

of ssle for *etam by depositiav with

joint iigpii-. Tickets Kood out of

LoaisvlUe only on mornlag traia Nal«, B. aad a a-W.. Angaal &

J. T. DONOVAN, Agent.

UMBRELU WORKof all kioda promptly dona.

Guaratiteed to be first claaa.

Wa furniah all claasca covaia.



I "KlcanweU" Rwbbar*

Sponges for iaec

tnas ai;e at ]



t..ll irladiy iiiionn an- uoo a.l'li«i'' m(


lol % iir>er-Uiliii(f hjnnl«a HooU '->•'••(



SMITH'SUtiioti Barber Shop

and Bath RootniFinest »!iop and tiest barbers in the

itv Cle.iii limt N (or all Try out

rlectrii inn'-^ t^e for men and ladics.

• V < ; 1 street, Taducah, Ky.

TvM a »m im.


How Senator Oepew Stele South Cara>lina Statesman's Thunder.

Senator I)o[m^» wanted to break Into

the Stnste (b'laie to <-«>ntlnue tils

.ipi i'i h ('II the Klati hiHxl bill. Imt i Ci. r

.Senators »«ri' t;t'ttinK llu' floor, andit looked ad if it wtMii.i i>.> some timebefore he would be Mirceatiful.

Meanwhile his storoarh began to In

form hini that it was time to luneb.lie < aii..<i a page to hiB aad whl»pered In bis ear. The page dlaai^

peered, and Oepow walked Into theMTble room. A few ailButaa later

tm page reappeared wltk a tray load-

ed down with four <>lg ham aaad-wl^oa. The Senator kept oao oyaglued to aa opening in oaa of tha traat-

' d glaaa doora of tha Oaaata ehaaibar,wblla kla right haad mda saadry ax-

curaloaa ta tha ylalatty of tha platter.

Bad aa opportaally occurred theNaw Tarkar weald hare left Ms lanchaaaalskad, brokaa Urdagh tha door,

aad daaiaadad raaagalttoa. hat aa It

waa ha waa latt to eoachida hla Uttle

feast withoat harlag to laterrupt


Wkaa ha aaally wiped his haadsscarcaly a craah was left of tha four

saadwtchea.Later ob, whea Depew llBally got

the floor, he talked pretty much abouterarythlog except statehood. He apent

aoae time la wandering along the

baaka of tha Nile. Beaator Tillmaahad been waltlnic anxiously to rjako aspeech on the neKru queMtlun, and onre-entering the chamt>er after a brief

abaenca asked: "What's Dapa^ talk-

lug on?""Africa," said Senator Spnoner.

"Why," Tlllnian. ttiafs Just

what I want to •^\« .iW mi \Vii...<hlni;-

toB Correspondenre Baltimore Herald.

Iff ONK ON'MR'."aowaMr'

Lack af Appropriate Kalment PutHim In Painful Poaltlen.

A Weatera senator brought to theeapitol yoaterday a good atory ahodtMlnlatar Bowea, which tha mtalaterbtmaalf recaatly told at a dlnaar.

"I was asked some days after I ar-

rived here la Washlagtmi,'' aald Mr.Bowea. "why I had ataek ao clooely

to my roooM at tha hotid, aad badBot ahowad nyaalt aitmad towa."The reply was a rather painful

one. but aarerthelesa fhlly truthful.

It was beeanM I hada't tha dotkaa."Thoran^ Mr. Bowea told how ho

had baaa oommlsskmed to haateaaorth aaddaaly aad withoat opportua-Ity to grorlda htaaaelf wtth tha heav-ier waarlag apparel aoeaaaary larraaideaea la a eoid cUawta. As aooaaa he reached towa he pat a local

talk>r to work npoa aa oatttThe hardahip of the altaatlea waa

that Mr. Bowea Bad ordeted aoaia ral-

meat from London, and thia was com-ing acroas the Atlantic la a British

bottom, which waa oaa of the reryflrst ships to be held np Iv tha bloefc-

adlng Heet of the alliea. There wasno help for It, and Mr. Bowes'a Lon-don clothaa, aueb as are neceaaaryfor proper appearanro In polite aoel-

ety. are still somewhere In SoathAmerica. He had reason, therefore,

for being persuoally graliful whenthe blockade was raised and his

clothes bad an opportunity to go for-

ward jo C^rac>^ ^^

"'^«'i'ntfton Poet.


Haw Herase Orseley QualMled a Rath-er Harah RenMfk.

BpeaklBg of the tradltloaal polley of

the Ualtad Btetea eooeeralag ioathAiMrleaa aaah«. Pi««. Jeka % Cterkof Columbia HBlrerslty tells a story

attributed to Horace Greeley.Tka reiaUoB waa o( a coaveraattoa

betwaea Mr. Oreeley aad aa eaalBSBt

I'^ogllahmaB on some dlploawtlc ques-

ilaa hi which tha Uatted Statee hadaaaened itself with aoase foreatalaess,

SBd Mr. Oreeley remarked:'The trouble with us la that we

wsBt a Marn good llcklag."

"Yes, .Mr. Oreeley, yoa do." re-

joined the Rttgiishaaaa. Bat his es-

ulutlon waa shortllvadk for Oreeley

broko in. as If flaishlng his former


"Hut there ain't any one eaa do it."

-New Yv,rk Timoa. •

_Ccod Crops of Msnlteba.

Th'" .M;»iiltoba imtntu imp amountedto 3.ri'.V;i2."> buaheiti ,ui'l 'lie rout erop

to 3.:>o,9<)& bushels. There are 14Mthreihing ontita la the provtaaa


Mm M A .Tollev. Nobis, O. T.,

writes: "1 buve nKcd MeiblBefora

aumbsrof years and oan cheerfully

raoomaead,!! la the moA psrfsot ilrsr

medicine aiid the greatMt blood perl-

fi. r It Id a nil 111 in. nf ikimi in nn rit

ami fully acoompliitheK all that m

ctataMdfMll." Malaria caaaot flrni

a lodgment la the iTStsm while the

liTer Is In perfdet older, for oao of its

fu.,^lll'n^ in t< jiti vent the ab#i>rplion

of ferer producing poisons, llcrbine

ia a BMSt eflleleat Urer ragahim. SOo

al DaBola. Kelt * Oa^

Comforts for Smokers.Ash trnrn are now to be placed In

ail thi tinr.i < ia!<'< xmoklBg earrlBgea

on the ti' I lailways.

REPUi>ivt: fuati;bB8.

Blaefchaada, plaiples, greasy faces

aad maddy eomplesloBs, which are so

common among w6nipn. e>|«>rin11y


girls SI a •rt:»iri : n »


beaaty, Ulsllguriiig and making repnl-

sir* fsafarss which weald etksfwisi

sp)>esr attractive and reflaed, Imtieate

that the liT. r in ont of order. An

orcahionnl dos«' of lli rtiine will eleanp.

ths bowels, regulate the liver aad so

eaUhllsh a elsar, healthy eoaplealaa.

Ma al DaBola, Colb * Oa.

education of Peer Lo.

The eduratinn of the Indian hasfauKht him how to bring a Uhel'aatt. '

That Is progrera. Indeed.I

TBB^BOSS WORM MRDIOfNB.M 1' Kiiin]"' drntfifi*'. I.« i,fhton,

Ala., writes; "Ona of my costomers

had a ohild whlek waa siek aad tfcraw

ap all feed; eonld retala aathing on

it* stomach. He bougbt on* bottle of

WIiIIi 'n ('ream Vi riMfut.-. and it

brought up llU worm* trom the ohild.

It's ths boss wnrai bm^os lathe'

world. " White's Oream Vermifuge

la also the children's tonic. It im-

proTes their digeat ion nud assimilation

of food, streagtbuBS tbslr aerroas sya-


tsBi aad restores them to ths health,

TiKor an 1 <'Ia«ti<'ily of xj iriti iiatnral

to childhood. ;'.» at Dultois, Kolb &Oo.

^ _ ^

Labor Organizations Increase,within the past Ave years the labor

orifBiii/iitionK of .New York state ha\'o

iiirreased In membership 75 per cent.


NORTHW£.STThere arc many places in the country of the NeitketB ftcitn tome

inexpcBsiTe, others better and more expensive, where oae csn «prii<l the

summer dsy^ pieasaatly SBd.hesltbfally. AflMag these are W aikei In

the Loeck takaaaaaaiy. aad Dslrait aad Battle Lake la the Lake Parh

regioa la MiaaesaUt Bilao^ laaeh. aear liedoss. N. Pl; Naater's Ha«Spriags' la the Yellovrateae valley, aad Mlaseela and the Utter r«Mvalley .in Montana; Lakes Pend d'Otcilte and Cmr d'Alenr. Idsho


N.iMh \ .ill una in ICastern W«sliiiiKton. and Green River Mot .'^piinx* in

i; r l as, iidrn . Taronis, Seattlr. I'ort Townscud, Port Aegcles ami Vic-

t 'III on I'li^rt Sound, iind iiihiiv |I.i>i> H'"iig tkeColambis river aad oa

the I'arilic (^'can from ''orti tiid as a « riiier.

Thoae east of the MinsiitAlppi who wikb a i1cci<lcd ibarge s> ould go tu

the Rockies or the Paget Sound and colaaiUa rivtr and sea coast ooua-

try. Wa esa oaly Mat at these things here, bat write us givlag panica

lars as aear aa yon esa, aad we will tiy to give you the aecded iafonaatlon

to enable yon to dnd what yon want. And don't fortiet that Vellowstoac

I'ark is till- I liu l I'f .ill tourist sbriiirs.

.Stud toCli.!!-. S l ee, Cenrral ^«^!.e^ger AKert, .St. I'aii! Miiiii.. »ii

cents for " Wondcrlsnd 190a." You need it in )Our hasincri

till \l'

MhDil MIIIOR ORADB Spriokliiig Uose

Fnm I caata to ao cnata par foat

I II I \r


I also ptit in bydranta and boaa boaaa. and do all kMa of

]i'iiniliiiij5 at j<' ices .15 cheap ns .itiv one. l^-t me tep.iir vour <iM

iioNC, thev may Lie made tu la>t >uu the rc^t of thu year, tieud

Ihaai to me, or I will call aad grt thaai.

liast Tcnnessse or

ladpead. Phoae soi Ed De lldnndnMMp

ijt S Pbaitk at

**As mad as

a wet henli every amn's sllowaace whea kla laaa>

drv work doetn'l |>1rfl.e him. The samework doesn't pirate rvri\lM>d\ all of ua^lii*\r •a1,iii.s of t.iH itMii lltx-Hti't iiiatttr —

>»< «-.iit i|iiMrirl \Vr will pirate you.

i.t I us liuiiii,! M.iii w lioiM. I.nt pie .le k'^'ut aa inkling ol the little thiaga yea U^aaltceded ta.

Star UaundryBath Phaaas sea. . tte N. 4th Bt.

ican-Genxun National BankPADUCAH. KEPmJCKY ,

Capital and Stirpltia,. U20,000i)0

INTEREST PAID on TlilB DtpoaltB<;ro. V* Th'.nip^'n frc-.t

Kit. L.'Alkint, Caiblrr

nisKCToaaGeo. C. 1

T ) Sockw w RttdthawI A BauarMutc<>r Saraetl

1. a iMSotsC F. alefccRd r. Hofcle

Safety Di'posit^B«xes

to rent, 1.^ 00 |>er annutn ; and offices on second

and ^tliird floors, tc.ulud 1)\ elii ik elevator,

iurnishtd with light, beat and sanitary iaie



Do yon want one of the best farms

la MoOraokea ooaaty? Bere it. is. 65

aersa, 4a la ealtlvaUao, slg aeree Ib

tiiiiiNT. .''room hooaa, oae year old:

g3od stock barn and pleaty af atock


water Tkia fasa is losaladea tke

Maykekt aad Metropolis read, aevea

Inflss from Padncah. free raral deltv-


< rv and < 1 iiv. ni. nt to s, hojl hooii".

Terms: #44 pir itere, one-half cash,

la aaa aad two yeara.

8. A. BILL.



Coal Lrime and CementSewer Pipe d Wall Coping

Hw Me CUNNINGHAM9 PhMi«MO-a lathaiWrCUrli







TOO» or Klil OATION. I

The paraoaally eoodaolad esonraton

to Old PolBt Ooaifart, in charge of

Mr. W .\ Wilnns, S P .\ will ta.

run Tuesiluy, August 18, via the I. O.

aad O. aad O. railways, fraoi Ma*oak. On regnlar train, ooBaectiag

with Besihore Bpecial, leaving Louis-

ville from nuiou depot, loot of Seventh

ttest, at 1 :ltO p. m. Tha roaad trip

rate to OM Mai ClifiH to aaly

flfl..^.^, and the MibiM ato gead aaUlHeptember 'i.

This is the nioit )iopalar onting

effsrjd the trareliag pablio. Oraad

aad bsaattfal seaaery, laelgaaallag

mountain air, snrf bathing, ocian

voyage, palatial hotul entertaioiuent

aad a visit to the capital. Every at-

H. J. Armnx G. B. 011b«9t|

Paducah Commission Co*109 Bro&dwa.y. Phone 117

Oaaiers in Stocks, Bon<i>. Grain, I'rovisiotu and CottonOrders executed ior cash or on tnargins

Local Securities bought and boldReierence—Citizens Savings Bank



Tin Roofinga Cornice Md Stoting


Pbeaa 740

Delightfnl sMs trips al law latos

Kverv attention and eonrtesy will lie

sstSBdeil to ladies traveling aluiiu.

Ckatos of roatae retaialag. between

RIebmond sad Ollftoa Vorge. will be

givea. ApplioatioB for sleeping ear

spaoe should be made at ouoe to W. A.

Wllgaa, B. P. A.. UopkiasvUle, Ky.

Wm farther partisalars addresa as

abov. or cill on I. a fkUiMy aitai.

J, T. Uonovaa.

The ELECTRIC hLAT IRONla always fcal, alwaya ready, ahraya clstai.

Yea.caa ato It la aay reoBi wkera thaM <•

aa eleetrie Mght coanectlon. Tn 'tblweather you hnvr no t i-. d o( a hot C\rr to

heat your tioiis, un.l hK,, y,^,,x l.ousr Tl eyH'r niidi- III a vaiiitv of shapeH aud M.ealur «.\cry u^t. Call and rsamtac them i<nd

aaa bow easily thar are warked.

Firesu Bros. Novelty Co.

Paoplaa' Indapcii4«r>t Phpiia 757-,

(iMMfwUci) IC-UrrN^W


MttCMMH^ Simi^^ M[St^S,


Detroit B^nd Clevelandleave DETROIT, MIy . 10.30 p. m.Arriv«CieVELAND . . 5JO •. M.I uklM aoaMclloni with all Kallnadt

fir potnt* lU*.

Um CLCVCUND. dally 10.15 p m.Arriv* DETROIT . . . 5.30 a m

Cotltiri ti»>; with

D. A e. tTtAMEM* for Marmnar."toe," MarquatI*. Duluth, Minna-niiolla, St. Paul, ratoakay, Mllwau*

h all KxTxail* *ur polola taillCIII'' \V unci tlir « cat.

liav i !!)'* l>ri««m Dctroll and Clerc-iii>] cluiliiii July and Aiigual.

Mackinac DfvMonLaa«a TOLr PO M " Ut* aad *«alur>

••lu 11. ' ' < 'TMadajra and1 iuii»i..»~ 4.00 p. m.L*a>a DITMOIT "liJiW *M *Oif»*'<•>< (.oo p. ni. aad*VHMa«)«aa4I tula) a •.30 a. m.

I J«|<> nth


Fast Scheduled Trains


ALL DAILY ONo Additional Charge


Pilllri.iti lHii«ri(iK Hiom H)».f-|i|ii||

C ., *!». i(;.>Il

IHIM ' *

Pa> latra. TiaM U ^^m,ut or ar. laloraallaa,

«aM «a aaaiaal Ikkrt arrat ar a<Jrria,

0. P. y.-'JAl^TY.


Uakc rcKutts aud moiin-

• ia hMitawiU btaMrepop

liar this Mmtacr tluta tver.

Many have already arraiii;i 'l

'heir summer toun vi« the

Miiv.aukce & St. Paul


''.Hi many uiurc are going to

u> likcwtw. Bookkts that

A ill h«*p yoo 10 plaa your v.t-

ition tfij) lu\c iust l)fcn

I'ulili^lied. .»iul will Ko M'lit

(III tccci|it ut (lustagc, as lul-


'Colormilo-Cklifornia.** als ceala

! Ukalaad" aid ••BmuncrIIcMiM,"ali rrau.

i'tilT t rliXn.

F. A. Miller.


Big Four BouteSunmer Tonriit Line to


and SHORENew York And Boston

Thr Tr«vrlrr»' Favorite l.iiif

I'ullniati SlefpiiiK CifnStrictly Modem

Indianapolis, Peoria and all

points in Indiana and Michigan

I'oequaled Dining Car Service

Modtm BqaipncatFast Schedules

Write for Sumnu-r Tourist Hook

\V«treii J. I.vnch, W. 1'. i)eI. P T *(*nt

(laclaaall.Oklos J OATKta, Ucaaral Ageal Ua«i«rlllc. Ky

. l>eBPe,' AaatU I' .•V T .\



Comim n. iiiK JiiiU' i^t. tho Bur-ling (111 kcMitf^.•^ tcniarkahlv. • loiinil in|i >-uniiiH i i.iti -^ !o

a<l" aiiil I lah siiiniiifi icsoits

Dctuii , Colorado Springs I'lic-

IjIo, Glenwood Springa, S«lt LakeCity The daily rate ia about half

talc except (rem July ist to loih,

when it is CTcn leu th*n bali rate

mW Tl INMEtm «MTtHaily, c<)lnnlt•ll(ill^; Ittiie ist,

'only one (arc plot $2.50 for thefomiil tup to St' PauI, Minneapolisaud all the beautitul Aiiuueaota lo-


HEAP Tl mnmkJuly fst to fOth, only <s7.y>froai

St Louis; I50.00 from the Misauuri

Kivcr to Califoriii.i ainl ii-liirii. andlioiii Au|;u&t Ist to Mth still leu

ratct ol (47 S' lioin St l.ouis and

S n*J Itoiii Missouri KiviM On!/$11,00 ailditional 111 August for re-

turn via Puget Sound and northerni>>utea through BUHop or 8ta Paol

TNI mm m wmm jmMake imjuiries of Kurliugton

Agents (or rates, routes, etc Hie

f] II' West IS eiiiliiaci'ii m the

SI l ine til i luap Mimiiiei rates dur

iii^^ ['I'W I >esi-: ihe y in ])iiiposed

trip to ua. It will tte a plcMureto adviM yoa folly.

C. OOLK. L.W.WAKCLV.Trav pa»a'r Agctil. iirii 1 1 t Agcal.

fni HneSltarl, si l...u:/.|Mu.

Stfa Ha Wa BottWPffa

Ueavea Paducah for ClariMvVlt r«-

ery Monday, ta m-

Leaves Paducah for Nashville

ever Wednesday, la m.

Leaves Clarkavllle e^'ery Tuesda)noon for Paducah.

Leaves Nashville every Saturdaynoon for Pndocnh.

For frtifht or pa—p apply onboard or to Olwa Fwrlv, Agt

f. 8. Tyner , W. A> Bbhop,Master. Clerk.



STEAMER CXYDSItwrn fataiaa In Thmm* aivsr m

ThonuM H. Armstroac, Master.

This company U not f«. MOalbla (oi

invoiea charsca aaloa oollactad by th«slarfc si UM boat.

A. L. LASSITER,Architect and Superintendent.

Roocoi 7 and 8. Ydacr Buildinc


"**°**1 Residence 549^.


TRY OUR IMPORTED' Black anJ BU:'t A ii (jtce i

' MIXED TEAStfStairf7S**i




Ni> I03 llxoadway


# ARCHITBCT #Baoaawav Pmm m

ALBEN W. BARKLEY,Attorney-at-Law,

Room No. 5a Cotuaihia BoiUiaf


TebphMH^lgRi, RIbk a.




9 to II a. m.a to,ytol


OSeaQHows { a to i p. a.





Copyright, r02. by

HAHPtH a BROS^WKaPaMidkllkaWafkI'l Book ForaK. All

Phoaa lig.


- I'm afttrd m»tW%'$ hapmtmtd to Pnu,'

"WpII," "Be said, "you bare the "tuft

In yoa that Ittg apecnlatora an^ lumie

iif. ami I uiay almply be preJutlieeU

itnlnat till) aftipme on account of your

futlicr's blind plunging and what •nine

Mien would call ovcrcautloosaasa <>n

my part. I nuy bo trying to prevent

w bat you rralty ought to do, but i amadvlsInK you iis a friend. I only kuowI would be more pantioua. Uf rourao

you may try. You'd not loac in Uolne

that; In fart, you'll imin pxpvriftiep. I

Rhould Miy thnt IiIk <I«-hIith in luinbi'r

are tlu> mm you nUKht to wo tlrat.

Tbey know thn vnliiex of aiioli Invest

roenta, and tbey are reueliiuK nut In nil

illNCtlooa now. Tbey have clesuvd u|i

tba tlaber near the rallmada."

rHAPTEn xif.

I I.I.Kit .'I. , .,in|.Miil.'.| Alnii tn

tllr ll.H.r. Kill Tllll'lli kl t

In fr'^iii •if 111- "'tl' • ill li.»

hhir' n1i-. \i*. lim liiiiti rill silk

lilt nn till' liiirk |i;irl of hl.<< h< ml lli

\r.'i» riiMiiiii;: lilni'<> If \\i||i a palni li ;ir

fnii ami frerly u.-iiik Ihh Ii.i ml I>< r> liirf

oil lliM IthW llv ImW isI I iinil.'l ll,V t l

M ill :niil I iiiiii' tiit\ anl hull

"1 wiii.t tl. ,isk j-.m. " 111' Im lmii. "Ikis

I'lde llaki r any way of ra'«iM' iiiiiin yV'

"Nut lliai I kii'iw ff. " laiiL'liiil Alaii

"I (Inli t kliinv ulii'lliiT Ik' h C'lt :i i 1. :ir

title III till' slilrl nn lilK liark. IIi- iiWi'n

I'M i vIiihIv iiiit iiiir way. My father la

Mipi'ly IliK lillii nil tliiii' liiiw"

"Tliiil was niy liiipn'SHlnii." kiIiI TralillO. "lie Hunti'tl llle tu (Icfeliil liini

I lie utber day, but bo roultln't aatUfyme about the fiM>. an' I l«<t bini go. lie

drat auld he cuultl xlve ne a lien on amule, hut be Onally admitted that It

wnHM't Ilia."

"Ile'a uoi III trouble, la heT" ei-

cUlmed Alan, auddenly rMalllBg lira.

Baker'a nncnalnosa.

Trahue loolied at Miliar, who stooil

loaning In the doorway, and hiugbe<l.- Well. I reckon be might call It that

That eliap owned the town two dayaago. He got blind, atavln' drunk an'

wanted to whip ns from one end o' theplaee to the other. Tho marehala areafMM of 'ha. (lor thoy know ho^ aboot

at the drop ot a hat, an' the butt of It

waa otlekto' oat oT hia hip pocket In

ptatai alght Was yoa ttar. Baybam Y

WoH. H waa bottar "a a diCBa. Daybefore yeaterday tbar was a sort «*

atfooi temperance loetaNr la ftoot o^

the Johnston Boose, spsskln' on s drygooda bos. Ho had a lot or gandy pic-

tures lllnstratia' the appoaraaco of adrinkia' man's stomach an' liver com-pared «o one la a healthy eeodttloa.

He waa a aof« of a anido faker oat fer

what he could git dropped In a hat, an'

Pole waa aolier enough to git on lb his

game. Toio atiMid thsr With the reatjeat olmut able ti> atan', an' ^t waaall. KInnlly, wlion the fwsT gotwanned up an' got to acreeehin', Poleliotfuii to ilony wliat he waa aayln'. Aafn^t ax lie'd inakc • atateuient VtAewould llatly Klve It ttio lie. The fellwoil the Ihix didn't know what a toughruotouier ho had to hiiiiillo or he'd 'a'

(tone alow. Am It was. he p'Inted a (In

ger o' acorn at Pole an' belt 'im up for

a example.

"Pole wasn't aolier by a long shst. batyou'd 'a* thought he was, fer hs wasaa nteady aH a |><»«t. Ue kept grionin'.aa cool as a eurunil>or, an* asyin: *Nuwyou know yo'ro a-lyin, atranger—Jcata-lytn' to get a few dlmea drapped in

yora hat. You know nulHMly'a stomachdon't look like that duni ehromo. Younever aeed Inaldo of a drlukin' man, an'yo're the biggeat liar that ever walkedtho earth.' 'I'lila made the crowd laughat tlie little. drUtl up feller, an" be gotu« mad ua old Nick. Ue b«>gun to tell

Pole hla liver waa swelled from tooinurh wlilsky an' that he'd bet he waaje«t tho sort to beat hla wife. Moat of

thought that 'd amko Polo jamp on

tSe firller io-r iiiucb to spHe iT by"


light . A iilk'ser Imy had been earryin'

round a Ih>ii an' a sign advortixlir

Webb's aneiioii aale, an* stappcd to

the fun. Pole lieerd the tinkle of tln'

liell an' tuck it sn' begun to ring It in

Hie loctiirer'a face. Tho harder thi- fi'i

li'r fiiMike the harder I'ole riiiiK. It

till lilt'ui'Kt rarket eviT heerd on n pnli-

II'' !>'Hiaie. Part of the erowd lln'

CoimI. eliiin li folk* lieitan to fay it « -

.'I ili<i.'nii'«' 111 till' town to allow ii <ir:in

^'i r to III' tii' iiiHl iliat a-wiiy. srih i' tl; ir

WHO nil l'l^^ M_ II imlilii- Kpeiikin' In tin'

stii. ls 11 1 was III fer lallili" a hall.


I all III"


I'l'il I'.ili'

II ii' I

I'll 111 ;i


ii'-l 111!' ilriiikln' llirii i:iii'

Mall I w a» oMci - Rei-ri'lly

iiiM r.ii>; 'iiii down. WIh'Ii

1 liiially won, I felt liLi'

n fer I nlory tn tlie |ilurK

• liUi'ili'vil, If 1h''h 11 iimlli

II « liiti'. Till- Ici tiiriT liiiil


PoTe etood op at his fall height, theelinin clanking as he rose. "Theyhsln'ttreated mo right about this matter,Alan nuiiop." he ssid, half reseotfally,half ns If ho recognised bis own error.

Kill knuwit be hain't done the fair

thing, I know I was fnll, but I Je«t

wanted to have my fiu. That don't

JuKtlfy him III pnttln' mo ost beerwith tUoae niggers fer (MkS to gap' at

ii' he knows It Ue ain't a fricnil

~ ht Me an' him tiss slop' together onI In- xnnio pile o' leaves, an' I've let 'ini

|iiill down on a aqnlrrel when I eoiild

'a' kti>N-ket it from Its pereli. an' I've

lent 'Im my pointer an' gun m.-iny an'

many a tlim-. Hut lie's abuwed whathe N: He'K ({<>t the wrong sow by tb«.veer. tlioii;;li. for of ln' k<'<'*i)s me lioer

till ('lirinliJiaH I'll iieviT ernck a r<M'k

unleaH I till It by aeeidentally Kleppin'

on II. .Mark my wnrdx. Alan Itiabop.

thar'll bo trouble out o' thin""liiiii't talk tliat way. I'ol' ." saiil

.Mall. •'Yiin'vo I'roKi'ii the l.iw. anil

tlii-y liail lo imiiisli ji.ii fof It. If lin y

liailnl. tlii'j woiilil havi' iiiailo lln'iii-

Mi'hi's riili' iil'iii-'. W li> (liilii t \Mii --I'liii


nil' wiinl .Mill wore lu Iroulilo, Pole';" 1

Till' fi iiiiw hung bis bead and then I

l.liirli.l out:]

"lii'i I'si' I knowi'il yoii wmi!'! make!a fiKil u' .viii-.'se'f an' try bi pay mo out. I

In. Ill il. .Man Illshop, thlS ain't no! I'irst clafcs business j.roi.ortv on Thirdliiisiiii'ss !.• .Miff ii;"


Street near^Broadway. Ask.for details,• I'll mal.o it my buiiliii " Hid


Best three riMjm house c.ui at IsOOof tbis^ljjo cash and balance time.


AH classes of 'property in every part

the dty of which a few samples are herogiven.

,'111-|i.|> Wlllinlit \\\* rclliM'li.ili

.,|T to till' iiiUiHil liiaiiiliir su.'aiiii'

atiii till' to\wi liT iilli'Win' liiiii to lir

tiiateil lliiil !i "ay. Thar wasn't any

tliiiiK fer till' iiia.Mir to do but orilir' n arrest. Imt it took four men two

ret'iilam an' two deputies to ari'oiii-

lilixli it.

"Ilie trial waa the rliliest thbur I

I'MT atti'iiil'il. I'oli' had Hobered illi

Jest eiioiik'li to 1>«> witty, an' be had im^

mori' ros|M. 1 f.T Hill Harrrlfs eoiirl

than ln' liail fi-r tlir li . Iiin r s plalforiii

Mini an' Karri tt iisi'il to tisli .ni' li'int

tot;iJtlii'r wlii ii tlii'V was Im.vH. an' I'ole

ki<|it iMlin.- Iiiiii Kill, If Kill tins

an' K II lli il an' .is Kairitl had only

born ill 1 r! I a iijinitti lie hardly

know 1 11 li.i" t " rNe t" li^- ;.ro|.i'r dig

liltys rspeelallv w l.i ii !i<' snu ttie crowd

waa la u;: Inn .It Ills iiri'<llcanii iit Wlien

I do. Iiiii'il 1 1 ib'Ti iid 'im. Pole allemiit

c.| to r. :>i| tl.r law un the raso to Kur-

ri'tt an' show whar he was right. Par-

r.'lt lot ill! t.ilk beenUHP li.' dlilii t

Know how li. s|,i|i im. mi' pol.' maile

(he lii'sl ili'fi I1-. I . \i r Im. I.I liniii a

unleltrii'il man It l.i)

i tin' i"\\.l iii a for awtnlo 1 swiar it li.nki'.l

Ilk.' poll' troin' lo i h^T blssr'f, hiit

Kari'.'l' Ini'l In .lu liis iliity. nil' no he

lliii'il I'.'li' ili;r!v il'.ll.irs, nr in ib'faiilt

lln'rri.f I.I lin-ak ro. k on the atreeta fer

ten (la>s You orl to 'a' heeni IVile

anort. T ...iky hei-r. Mill.' he aald. 'you

know as Wi ll na .vo're a-aettln' cockP«l

lip tliar. luakin' fulka say "yore honor"•M'l' iinaiii tlioy draw, that I ain't

a L-i>iii' to iiroak no rock In that br'llln'

sun r.'i I. 11 ilaya 'ra'se I bsst that-kiiiili at Ins own piniol'

Yon'ii hiue to iio It If yon 4on't|iay out.' Kariett tolil im.

" WVII. I Ji'Ki won't pay out an' I

wont liH'iik r™k nulliir,' I'nli' t-ml

'You've lif»T.I iilioiil till- J. lli r III I

I'lXild lend a iioaa lo water, fnit couldn't

make 'Im drink, hain't yooT WoO. Vmthe bosn.'

"Yesti rday wiih PoIo'h fust day OHtlx- siri'i'l. Tiny put a ball an* chainIn i<!ii< of his aiikli a an' aent 'Im out"itli the nik't-'iH' uaiii:. but all day yes- an' lo.lay In' liain't w.»rke.| nIlk. II. 's as as a mi:l".

riiai's lii'i ii .'I iT.iwii ai 'ilp.l 'ini all Mio

liiin' ^."l I. ill Ki'O 'iiii sian.lin' iiji as

-llaijh! a in till' In;. I. II.' of tho

siri'i'l fii'Ui .I'll' I'll. I of 11 to tlie oili. r.

I'm soii. r siii'i y f. I- 'iiii: be looks like

Iii-'h asli.imi'il at I. ill. mi. but't

want to i;i\i' in. Tlie fiiunii'^t time.:

.'llionl till' uhole linll;,' Is I'lile

M'i'iiis 111 I, MOW' al.oiil Ihe law

than till' mayor, llo says unl. ss ili. yforee Inm to w.irU in thr s|„.,.,ii,.|| i.'n

days tin y't lioM Inm any I'.ii;;. r.

an' tli.'it if tliey .iiLinpt i.i 'ini

he'll kill the Urat man that laya bundson him, I thinh BUI Barrett likes him

l\€tT, tlUhop," he $<lUi.

too Will to have 'Im whlpi>«d, an' the

whole t.iuii la guyin' him an' axln'

'Im wliy 111 'l"'i'' make Pole aet In."

Alan went down the atreet to aee

Pule. He found hUn seated on a large

atone, a h" - handled rock hammer at

hla fwt II '"l><'<l up froTi under his

broad brii. Imt' and a crestfallen

look cauie . '' big brown eyes.

"I'm sorry to see ma, P«l%" said

.Man. How iiiiirh la .your lim '.- ^Hii

oii:;l:l to ha \ o soiil ini' wont "

".Si'iil yoii iiolhin'. .\laii Kish.'p."

t'lowliil llio prisoiii'i-. "WliiM I H'liil

Mill woril III ho p nil' out 111 a Miiipo

I' ii whisky «ot nil' Into. I'll do It lifter

19- il.Hi'iil l> .lit my throafl I say—u lu ll .Miii'M' pi. ail Willi mc like youlia\ 1' to .|ull 111!' ilurri s|nlT!"

.M this p..;ni of th. . iiinersation .leff

Imki s, a man of m. ilium ciz.'. <lri s~ .1

III ilaii. Mill' iiirrnrm. with a n.<

plati'il I aili;e sli.'iped liko a sln.'hl .mil

lioariii;; iIh' wor'ls "Marslial N '

.ami" iliri'itly toward tlii'ln fin;.! a

sioii.'riini r's shop near by.

"I.onk hi'ir. I'.ibhup," he said dicta-

t'lri.iiiy. "whar'd yon git the right to

l;<lk 111 that iiianY"

.Man iiaiked aurpriaod. "Am I break-

III;; Ihe law too?"' \iiii an i f yoM hain't got a permit

froiii till' ma.Mir in yore pocket."

"Well. I have no permit" replied

Alan w ith a good natnred smile. "Haveyou (fot iiiioilicr bnll and chain bandyffile oiTi' I r frowned otr iifi^DdlnatJon

« treat the matter as a Jest. "Yoti ort

tn bATr more aense than that." be said

eniHtlly. "Pols's put out li"<'r to workhit time out, an' ef lu townIn allowed tu laUKh an' Joke with himbi' il crark nl>out aa uiuny roeka aa younr in>'."

Yon arc a dum IIh^«. JetT Dukes,"futi.l I'ule angrily, "fuu are a-makln'

that up to humiliate me furder. Yonknuw no hiw- lUce that never was en-

foreeil. Ef 1 Over git you out In PeaVine deatrtct, I'll knock B dent In that

egg abajied bead o' yor'n an' makethem eyes look two ways tor Sunday.You know a gentleman like Alan Bish-

op wooldnt notice you under ordinary

drcamstanoea, an' so yoa trump upthat oscaao to git hlo sttsntton."

Tho two men ghurod st aaeh other,

bat Polo seemed to got tho bsst ot that

sort of eombat for tho oflkcr only


"You can Insult a man when youare under arreot" be said, *'beca'se youknow 1 am under bond to keep the

peace. But I'm not afeerd of you."

'They tell me you are afeerd tf aper-

Ita. though," retorted the prisoner.

"Tbey tell me a little nigger boy that

waa shot when a passle o' sktwks wentto whip his daddy fer vagrancy standi

nt the foot o' yore lied ever* n|gbt Ob,

: know what I'm talkin' about!"

"Ves, you know a lots," said the mansullenly as bis eyes fell.

To avoid encuimiglug the disputants

further Alan walked suddenly away.The marshal took willing adranUge of

the opportunity and followed Itlm.

"I could make a esse agin you." ho

vald. catching up. "but I know youdidn't mean to riobite the ordinance."

"No, of course I didn't" sakl Alan,"hut I want to know if that fellow

could be rek^asMl if 1 paid his fine."

"You are not tool onoogh to do It, areyour"That'a what I am.""Have you got the money in yore

pockety Tho oRlrer waa langblne. asIf at a good Joke.

"I hwro."

"Wair-tta Mrahal langhod againas bo owaag his short dab roaad by s

striae that fastiaid It to his wrist-"weli. yoa cosm with sm, aa' 111 abowyon a awn that wants CM) wnss thanany sun I know of. I dont boUoTf BiUBanott hna alspt a wink ones this

thtag happsnsd. BsH hs tieklsd to

death to git off ss mv- The town hsodeviled the UfS oat of him. Be don't

go by whar Pole'a at work—I mean,whar he siB't at work—fer Pole /ella

ut 'im whenever he sseo 'Im."

That ulgbt when Alan reached homeTin K-'nt n aervnnt ov. r to tell Mrs. Ba-

ker lUai Pile \>ui» ull right simI that

he'd t>e home huuu. He had eaten hla

KUpper and had gone upstaira to gu to

Ix'd w ben be beard hlo name called out-

Hi. le. (iolug to a window and looking

out. he roougulxed Pole Baker ataud-

liiK Ht the gate In the clear mounllgbL"Alan." he aaid aoftly. "come down

beer a minute. I want to aee you."

Atan went <lown and JuIikmI him Fur|

a mom. Ill l'..l. atiMid leauluK ag%lnst

the fen. I', hm ovi-h hiddsa hf hIS hOBSdbrininied slouch bat"i*M ysa want to sssMPslsr Atan


"Yea. I did." the fellow awallowisl

Ue made a motion aa If to reach out

hla baud, but refrained. Thoahslssksdstnlgbt Uitu Aiau'i face.

(TO Bit (X)NT1NUK0./

9St Clark Streett very nice 3 room eol*

ta^r in fine condition at f95o,

I'oiir room house and vacant lot, 7<feet in all, at southwest corner Seventhand Husbands Streets, luri; nn at |85aw'

Two bouses, good oms, willi vacantspan- for another, 80 fi-i t (rout on oneof the best corners in Mecbanicsburgaboth siroou graovlod, law prico of |i3S»

I'irst (lass tnodsm 10 isssi IsBsrssa.Street residence for |t,790b

Two-4>room hoadbs. Joining lota, onSonth Sixth strsot, oscollont cendttipn,

price together Is^iioOk or |ijoa for enoand I800 for other. ASk lor details.

A nice 3-rooai'hoass, with 7 acres of

ground Just ootslds titf Unrtts, st Ifsso.

The spare ground of this will sell newia 40-foot lots. Pino investment


One of nicest vseantSo-fooi nroadway

lots at |i,Aoo, for Ihrai property.


Plenty of money to loan at 6 par seat

on fanu, 10 years' time, Intstsst pay.

able semi-asflually.

Nils I ii«i4. 1006 a!ii\ loO'H Noilh

I2tb St., 3 single and t double house,

will soil low for cash, or sell on long

easy payamats by single honst or sny

nnaiber waatsd,

Mo. IM4 Bemheim Ave., excellent new

4 room houss, la good £z at liojo. part

No. iio5ClavSt , n?ftr ooritr

nice 4-room brick house st $io$t.

No. 313 North Sixth sirsol, 14 rsoas

bonse, sewer connections and all ssa«

voniences, with spscc on lot for sddl

lionsl haildlag. Pries ftMCBO.

No. tan Monroe Street, good ko*^

room house, shsde, bifgaid st.fM8P>.


.Hsve monry^at all. times at d percent for ten yeanT thns to loan on foia

i»S feet, Clay between Eleventh p.ndTwelfth streets, three brick houses, tell

whole, (jrounil vacant by foot, or thehouses as whole or singly. Ask prloos

DEAL'S BAND AND ORCHESTRAilaaana. pleaiss, re-



• Two circle front lots lo^jetlier, in

fountain Park, each .S; feet wide. Willsell separate. Price on cfl

and a6cx; on in;i Ic one.

Oooil ei^lit room house, 60 (not lot

sewet.ixe in txith ImtbriHim ami kitchen.

South side Jeifcrion streets betweenNinth and Tenth streets. Excellent

homo on ossy poyaMnU in bsst esi>

daaeopsitaf sU^, Price |9,aoa

No. 1740 Bsiriaon street- in FoanUtnPark- now four room, nice house, 9afoot kit at |i,ooo, or thia with ad|olnin

vacant 50 foot lot |t,aoo.

Seven room house on north side of

Elizabeth street, third towards river

from Sixth street, rents st I13 s monthfor Moo.

Tteo hoassB sal aas kt at

oomorefMnthaad Ohiorents laajo per amatt.Basy payments.

No. 520 North Sixth street, rented by

year tu prompt paying^tenaat at |}9 par

^f^f^lf Pries f4ioaow

No. IQ9( Monroe street, excellent ffOroom house, 50 foot lot, very dcslfsMohome in first 4aasas%IA|iihsad. Pria|i.950'

No, 1 34 1 South Ninlh street. §mramna.'lulCs£adsaad'liaitUsss. m»

Bargain for c.ooreil man in hunie at

|6oo; |ii)<i c.ish a"il balance in fio mon-thly paymrnu. Suintiril suath side of

Jones street between Itlevonth

Twelfth. SSSi SIot

Fifty lots In Penatala Park atj

f< nui f 1 25 to |i .cx>i\ terms ssshahAf5 muuthly payments.

Several corner lots on Clay stiasl

joiniaiiaiids loulo|o witkODms/sasaif "


W. M. JANESMrWav.SaSacab.


When buyif^ coSe«, remember that « Hn eaA will

in .1 correct w«v the much prized qualities of the chelentv,irictics--that it is tin- purity and flavor which it is important

for you to have a cofTee marketed upon its reputation

is moie lik( ly to represent • ItgUiflMtC value than OM llMt

is sold in some other wav. • . ,

Kvery cup brevvcd from anyol the WUttStarwicOttkMthat color—that odor—and

"That Flavor You Cannot Forget."





Nt-w Albany, MiM., July SI—Uec.Ohanhblll, a frall-lMie plaatn,twalTC nilet tontliWMl of hero, ondoda family troable by ahootlnK hi« ion

twire aoil then blowiOK bit ownbraina oot with a piatol. M*. Ohanh-hill wai afeoM M ymn Aa ikeri'xnlt i f fniuiW trnnblen Mr. OhWWh-lull ha I eithi r ix'i n oompplled or badTolaatanly Ictt horan. It wema hia

aoB oaaa to one Jaekaoa, a brother-in-

law of Oliarrhhtll, Md noetioR hi*

father th' qaainl wan renowpd.

The two wiut oat in tha wool*.

Tana rapotu of a gas warn keant.

Oaaago ObarokhiU waa fawid dead,

hit tyraiaii nocina eat : a pittol lav

hn »\'\v, wliili' «i'v. ral fi>rt away lux

sun, 8prioni>ly ihot, lay apon the

gronad. Tba pHyoMaaa fMnd that

onp bnl! hi\il pnterort jnit behind the

ToutiK iiiiin'« back, oti]ioiiitt> the hpnrt,

bnt could Dot tell thn dirrotloo it had

taken. It it tbooght tbt

will dto.


On Clothing•AND.

Straw HatsThis is money sivinj;

time, and shievvd buy' 'cnt»k«advaaUs«of it

One-fourth Off on Clothing

Qne-fowtbOff on Straw Hats*


B. Weille & Son409'411 Broadway



mCNIN(RY A SfllllMLTf^

CfWKM-Umlftmn, aotvoaa tMM aa< WaAifgtoa atraata. Tatafhaaa. Kr

4t«. Allorlfn, laiparaHMlLvli rM^i^e proapl attenUoa.





la oar firat.rtqairetnent when purcbaaiog onr aUttdard. wt cosMtr workoiaawlbeing equal wt offer thevance on the coat


Trr a pair of oar DOROTHYDOnn SHOES im Ladiea TheyC(>iii|>leicly ixit-drfss all others sold

lor »i.5o, #3.00 and 13.50

We are offeriag at ireetly reduc-

ed pricea our rompfet? atock of

Childreo'a OXFORDS. Aak to

ace them

l"hi?< l)eiiiK upip aad atyle- All things

•t a rcaaodabie ad-

Wn ALWAYS . .uiv a com

l)k-tc line of T..\I)IKS f 1 50

and $i.uo tsllOKS, both in

Osfoctfa and high coll, ,aftd


a^ituil|r%«llcr'«r cheaper





Thp i|aail hnnteri in Kentnoky ex-

pect this fall tn III' dill' ot tha beat aea-

tout tDey hare had for m»mf yaara.

Qaail do not Blffrate, and heatara ran

tell in th- ufanoii how th" hunt 1 nit

will Ih' ilnriiiK the tall. Ttif |)a^t

winter ami iprinii in tbia aeotion hare

been Tory ftiTorablo for tko beeediuR

of tbo qnail. daew did ael atay on

the grconil Ioiik I'noneh at oni- tune

tn kri'p tbi in from teciliOK ur toitarvc

Kiiv of the birdi. ,

Tka apriBf kaa koao bmbI Mtialac-

tory for BMtlag. fa aonia aeotioaa of

t i» I ounty fliondfinl* of yoaoK tunK

liave bceu drowned by flooda or escei

alTo rataa, bat to Kaataaky tkan ban

b^en DO troabb of Ikia klad. A fawyonng birda nay bare baaa drowneddoriOR the hvary raini of the early

Kprinx, baijiberoaro atillaa aaaaoaln ambar af Mida alif*.

Wnail batch ont two hroodii each

year, ao tke lerond one ia jut large

enoack le akoot whaa tka aaaas



Camagla -^laeafdod Tom Morrto aa

AmoiHrtha Worid'a Narooa.

Aa la woU known. Aadraw Cameglei» a dOTotao o( tke aaclant Scottlab

game of golf and Eorer miaaea aa op- try bla akill wl(h atlck

and ball. Wbca ba waa ntade a bur-

i;i>ia of at Aadrew'a, alone witk LordaiCiKin and Baltotu* 6f Burleigh, bemade a point of vialting the abowplarea ot th« ancient city—tbo. ca^

thcdral, tko caatle and tko golf coarao.

Amoag otkor clubmakera' placeo that

of old Tom Morria facoa tko homehole. Tbero Mr. Carnegie waa net andwelcomod by the Neitor ot golf, old

Tom, eap la hand. Mr. Cameglaballad Toaa aa "tko greateat man in

tka world." aaatlag great- aoldlera. or-

atora, maalclana, prlndpala and pro-

feoaora. aoao o( whom could comparewith Toaa Morrli, the greatem ; olfer

PuniBf out kla card, Mr. t'arnPKln

wrote on tko back of It. "To T. Mor-

ria. Mag ot golfdom. from hia loyal

nbjeet A. C." which old Tom ac-

cepted wltk kla old-world courteay.

Mr. Camogle bargalaed wltk bim for

aeU of eluba and far a nwtek that bo

might ka able to aajr: "I kava played

Kolf with old Tom Morria."


•V'se Man Would Have MonumentServ* Tv*o Purpcffi.

Aii int- Aiidri « i' irii' .

. rollec-

'II I r aii' i-ilolrs 111': 1 •. ' . \ ' cf S( otck

liai.K t'T one <>l tb.' o'M. - I followa:

r .lohn Cave »ua 111 <J:.i mw In 1S07,

it a time whin ih' iMi;Kil:ir« haj it to

r'i;'<l to honor .N' Is in urh a monu-.!<'n'.» Sir John a!lenc!i I a public

inner one eveninR wtn ii the nionu-

:i 'lit came in (ur a deal of ill»-

udbi'in. Kinall> t)i«i w.^:ii;i was askud^rt'.is views an to ttn- lii-,' riptlon.

"I.tliiiik." sal. I Hlr .luhii. ' Iliat the

'vie of the lns<'riptloii bhi:uld bo emi-

er.tly giraple and plain What I

l.iiiilil put on the niniiumeDt would be:st the words, (llu^r i* to Nelson.'

I agree with the nintli'man." aald

.•I ai;<il Scot, an.-iiik- 'Hut I wouldiiaku an addition We all know that

rora the town ef riu.-^i-ow to that of

s'uUon 1» kIx iiiile<i. anil therefore I

.1 uM atfli tu tile moiiuuient, after the

urdf. '(ilasgow l'> Nelson.' tha ad-

' ndom, 'nil mii' s' and then our

senia too fOfpoaaa."

(Continued ftoai Stat pagtM

ooofaaioB Immedtately tolloirlaR Poim-

I/eo'fi ili'Rth

Tho (leniti (hamlH'r priarrred much

the lame appearaaoe aa It did al the

time of the flaal Ulaaao of tka po]*

It ii *>llnated on the third floor of the

^aiii .iii ll ' B| itri iiii'iitii frontiu-Kile

Kplendid pia/.ia ot cit. Peter'a and the

wiadowa ot Iko rooaa oamiandlag a

view ef t!>" toU 0keii|k ami playuik'

fouiitniii*. with Rome iitretehiny olT

beynml the Tilier Acnxii the miitdle

ot tbo room bang baary draperi><*.

itartly eoo««alIa* tbo bod on wbioh

lay the m lent fnriii .Tfitie ileail l<v

the aide of the low lutl I tiineil a

bar of oandle* an l tinni aliovi- lix'ke'i

(Iowa tko pictara ot the Madoaaa.witb

t be lafkai Obrlat la ker anaa. Leo'a

ill Ilk wa» eliiH 'il. but -.m.- iif the bimkii

on rdigiona toplca which he kept re-

Tlii> brily lay 1 inrtlv hn it wan at

tbo nionii 111 of the jioje • \mn t vpir

lag breath. A white veil wa* thrown

over tke dead maa'a teo while await-

ing tka aoleaiB aattaeea af tha Okaier-

linfto, who wa« to nmcially ftoaoaare

tke pope ai-tually dead.

S Tke graeeome deiaila of tke embalm-

lac will not ba parfataMd aalll after

the lapoe of >l koara. Then tka body

will lie r 'Im I 111 full iMiiititlral Te«t-

menta for the im|)oaioK f oneral rere-


Round trip from LoniiTille will ooat

f IS via PoaniyWania lia<<a Angaat e

13 Atlantto Uity. (Jhpa Maj, Aagole-

asa. ATaloB, Holly Beach. Ocean Olty.

S -a lull t'iey, Wil'lwiK. 1. .S' .1 . "r

Rataoboth, Lkd. Ubtaio fnrtiier lufor

wttaa fram O. H. Ha«orty. Diatrlcl

PMiaBgrr Afttiit. I.naiirlile, Ky.


J. T. WaltKTt camp No f c

v., 'will hold their ri-Kulat nuiiiilily

maetin la tba ooart room at iba city

kali aa Taaoday. Jane II, at A o'eloek

p. m.

Report! of couimitleei on vannuh

BMtten aad tke arlection of a tite 'or

iHiiawpaiiHl of tko roaalou will te n


for eoaaidoratiOB. All Confederat< 1-

witbout rettar't 10 iitli latioo. are re

'ineat«-(l to attuml. ily onier of

TBO& E. MOW. tJomaMOder

J. V. OREI». Adjatant.



A Mlaplaced Apaleoy."I beg your pardon, madam." aald

the fldgety little man In a new apring

Kult. "Tha elarator la ao dark that

1 didn't know I waa stepping on you."

"That i* all right." answered tko

pretty woman In a browa laUor madesown. "The fact |a


"Besides, the elovator la crowded,"

continued the fidgety man. "I try to

bo aa careful "

"When >ou are throuKh apologlilmj

to that lady for atep^tag 00 my foot

I wlak you'd BMva," gpaerlad a (at manright kehlad htm. •« «Mt te 8M e«at iMi laar."

New Knfllander'a Comment on Futureof eehoORer.

81m Tarboi lives in a New KaglaadHcaport town. He aa aimple aa be la

hlg and atroiiK, bis muarular develop-

mont being tha result of yeara of la-

bor aroaad ice bpuaaa aad oa ice

wagon*.One day when buaiaaaa waa quiet

81m waadered away from kla Ico wag-on and sat dowa oa tke atringpiara

of a pier to adaUro a akapely tbre»maated schooner tied up aloagaide.

Gradually SIm'a enrloatty waa aroaacd.

KtipyinK the captain aaatod aear bis

laliin. Sim ohsi-rTed:

"I Kay. shipper, thet's a mighty Oneboat ye ({ot ihaer."

"Yes." respimded the captain, "she'a

a pretty good lioat."

After a silcnca of aov^ral pMBatesHim a^alM broke out: **| gay, al^fer,how old be she?""Ob," aaawered tko aottahl, "Mout

eix yeara, I gueai"

"Gee!" said Sim. aftar «kat ap-

peared to be deep reflection adV ai>eak<

Ing la his delibt-ratu fashioa, a« bla

eyes again awept over tka aekooser,

"won't ste ka a Mghalar tara akeatwenty 1"

The Good Tliiogs of Life I

In the fttifnmer tkM soom of the rood

thiiics a a Lawn Swinffs. Hanmoeki^

olct* cltaa let Box er R«frifcrator, or a

good Craam Prcaaar

Far tha man who nccda ailhtr wa nibini|

our Una for intpcction. QiMlity and pricc^

ar« right




inn 1

Steam anifMot.Water Neating.

529 Broad>\a>.5 'l»lione iJ3.

VELVET Ci-y|4>.KA Perfcctljr Satialactory Via: iv wi-. r that i« Pore, HenaleM aad

111' \ j'l-IlM \ C

Oehlschlaeger & WalkerDruggists, Fifth and Broadway


Will Return AuRust 13thDr. Stcislald ia now out of the citv and

will return Angnat 13th. lie cxjuits to

secure several now inatmnients (or cxnmiiiiiii: t!ir c\ I S ami aiII 111 ikc Ins o|

j.ll'.iiT l!ie 111' st 1 i>Ml].!<-!oly ( ijuipl'i il ill

U'c ^ti 1 11 ( lit 111 k \

II your e> 4rej^ng you uouble call

OB him oa hia return

DR..M. STEINHELD, Ophthalmologist222 Broadway

I I 1 1 I I XTn* Mineral Waterst Domratic and Itngorted

: alwaya Ik tuA

t eou^ri

Caldwell & SonRepreaent aome of the.k-adiiiK Fire Inaurance Companiea ol

theceiwtry. iUaa .*'1 <

R«kl Entat* Agent*Property in our haoda enretnlljr loafced allail

Qnich action on <i^j^

Peeples' laitftM fkm fH^ •fMte 1 16 S. Fourth


> tt im iin a«itm i in


You want a nice looking tornont and ia/lood voittg

horae That's half the pleasine ofatMiHft ou t i d ^ -

Go to the Tully livery Sf, Comtand >nii can alwu^^eta^up to-dalc ri^j. '

'' • • f t

HM tllltlH'IfHH I


1 1


1 M H t-H-l-H-l-ft"f^ »^ -n > 1 i+i-t p