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Convened by tho COI\ilftlU\lDING ctENERAL



I vs


MbNILi~, P . I .






PAGES 137 'ID 198 1 INCL.

DhTE: 23 JkW.JtY 1947

COPY NO: I -------

·~ -



THIS CERTIFIES t h..,t t bi s vol 1Jme is A n.qr t of tbe

procePdinps of t he MiJitPry Commission Rnpo1nted by

Parn ~r~oh 18 , Soeci~l Order s 12 , He ... dqu ... rter s , Phtliooines - Ryul<yus Command , dRteci 15 Jl) nUAry 1947; ~mended by

P~r~ gr ... oh J4, Sneci~ J Or de r s l~ , He.., dqu .., rters , Phili!)oines;.Ryukyus CommAnn , dn t ed 16 Januq ry 1947,

in the triAl of the c~se of the United st~tes of AmericA

ar~inst Minoru TOYAMA, Toyo~ki INAGA~I, qn~ Yoshiyuki



Dated -1- Februor y 1947 ,

. / / t2/ ~.//eU"-~

HATIRY J". KEELEY ~r-­Colone 1 , INF Prns 1dent of Commiss ion


Dof or c J.. I:ILIT..RY COUtIIS5I ON

Convened by tho COLIMi~DING GENERJJ.




~ ) Court No . 4 High Commissioner ' s Manilc. , P . I • 23 J anuary 194?


Mot , pursuant to a dj ournment , at 0830 hours .




THOIJAS J. O ' COi~TOR , CS , Chief Prosecutor C .. ~LVIN .t'i. .• I:EWTOH, CS, ..i\.SSt , Pros0cut0r


OTTO SCHULTZ, CS, Sen i or Dofenne Counsel WILLL.M S . PLT'~RSm- , CS , ~sst . Defense counsel REUB:c:rT BOKI1., CS , i .. sr; t . Defonsc Counsel


2d Lt . IJu(RY NISEI~ 2d Lt . Si.J~IDEL KOIDE Mr . Ci~ ... '.Jt Y. ALZONJ.. 2d Lt . HlJillZO l'UTT4

J apanes e Japanos o J apanos o Jo.panoso


r es


-- ..-....-.

c -


Minoru Toynmu 140 149



Defense Exhi bit A 13? 138 Defense Exhibit B 138 139 Dofonso Exhibit C 139 139 Prosecution Exhibit No . 18 164 165 Prosecution Exhibit No . 19 1?6 l??


Opo1.!ng S t o tomon t by tho Def onso

r es




~ .

(The Commisnion reconvened pursuant to adjournment ,

at 0830 hours , at Cour t No. 4 , Hi gh Cor.uni ss ioner ' s

Residence , Mani la , P . I ., 23 January 194? .)

COLOi~EL KEELEY: The Commission is in session.

t.m . O' CONNOR : May the r ecord indicate , sir ,

that alJ. the member s of the Commission a re present , the thre~

accused vri th their counsel and personal interpreters are

present , member s of the defense counsel a re present , . '

member s of the prosecution staff .

The status of the case is t hat prosecution has

res ted , motions mede to dismiss been decided upon , and

defense is to proceed with its defense .

COLONEL KEELEY: You may proceed.


Ivffi . SCHULTZ : May it please the Commi ss ion ,

at t he outset , I would lil:e to introduce Defense Ex.hi bit

A, which is a translation of t he Japanese liaison G-2 -­

General Headquarters , SOAP -- dated 13 June 1946., which

is composed of an inclosure ,

(A) With your a rmy and navy r egula tions , r elating

to the effect of diBobediencp of an order by a subordinate

where the order given him was illegal.

(B) Directive 2190 , i ssued on 28 J ul y 1942 , by Army

authori t i es .

(C) General Headquarters , Army Divis ion , San- Mi tsu ,

No . 383- 1 , da t ed 28 Jul y 1942 , subj ect : " Ins tructions for

Hnndling of Enemy Airmen in Cnptivity."




.. ,

1942 .

- ...

(D) Announcement by Supr emo Dof cns o Commander, 19 October

(E) Riku-A-Mits u t el egram No. 279 da t ed 21 February 1944.

(F) M111tary R egul~ tions f or Bnony Alr Ra iders,issued

17 October 1942 by Gener al D. E. F. ,"Hq."-- for Hoadqunrtor s .

COLONEL KEELEY: Are you offering that formally as

an exhibit?


MR. O'CONNOR: No obj ect i on, s ir.

COLONEL KEELEY: Without obj ection, the document will

be r eceived in evidence , and morked Def ense 's Exhibit A.

( Dof cns o,' s Exhibit A r eceived in evidence.)

(Discussion off the r ecord.)

COLONEL KEELEY: All right. Proceed.

~1R. SCHULTZ: At this time , may it please the Con­

nission, I will offer Def ense 's Exhibit B, which is a War

Departnent part of a forn of a l etter from G. c. Marshall,

Chief of Staff, pertaining to Sect i on FM-27-10, "Rules of

Land Warfare," published f or the information and guidance of

a ll concerned as a note pertaining t o it for purposes of iden­


The certification: "Thnt tho foregoing is a true copy

excerpt fron FM-27-10, Wa r Dopartnent Basic Field Uanual, ' Rules

of Land Warfare', prepared under direction of the Judge Advo­

ca t e Gener al as ·indicat ed, i ssued by tho Secretary· of War,

and signed by Bruton B. Schardt, Cnptnin, CAC, Assistant Execu­

tive Officer, War Crioes Trials."

COLONEL KEELEY: Can't the Con~is s i on t ake judicial

notice of that docunent?


r4.R . O'CONNOR: I don't soe ony r eason . The only

thing I was going t o ask is if tho part icul ar section

would b e i dontified .

NR. SCHULTZ: Three hundred f orty s even .

,ffi . O' CONNOR: I hove no obj ection. At the saMo

tine , in answer to your questim1, I would soy that the Coa­

ni ss ion nay t ake judicial notice .

COLONEL KEELEY: Tho def ense f or nally offers it as

on exhibit?

r~. SCHULTZ: Thot i s right.

COLONEL KEELEY: Without obj ection, the document

will be r eceived in evidcnce, ond marked Def ens e ' s Exhibit B,

(Def ense ' s Exhib~.t B r eceived in evidence .)

~~ . SCHULTZ: At this time , s ir, nay it plens e the

Comnission , def ense will offer Detense'e Exhibit e, which i~

Section tC~ paragraph (2):

A report of Robert H. J ackson to the President of the

United States, r el eased by the Whit e Hous e on 7 June 1945 as

"Trials of Via r Crimina ls'~ Deportnent of State Publication , 2420 .

Tha t is nlsc a certified true nnd corr ect copy, and

signed by Bruton B. Schnrdt.

~ffi. O' CONNOR: No ob j ection , sir.

COLONEL KEELEY : Without obj ection, the document is

r eceived in evidence , nnd no rkod Def ense ' s Exhibit c. (Def ens e 's Exhibit C r eceived in evidence .)

MR. SCHULTZ: At this tiMc , may it pleas e the Com­

mission , the defens e will present its def endant, ~~inoru Toynmo ,



on tho stind t o of f er iffir~i tive def ense in hi s own b eh~ lf,

nnd in b oho lf of his cise .

(Discussi on off the r ecord .)

COLONEL KEELEY: Tho def ens e will pr oceed .


a wi tncss f or t he def ens e , being f irs t duly S\lorn, t estified

os f ollows to Interpr et er s Al zona , Koi do, nnd Nittn1.



Q Whnt is your name?

t. '(inoru Toynl'1a .

Q Wher e wer e you loc~ t ed in July 1945'?

A At ~fakns sn r, Cel ebos I slnnd.

Q What is th e nnr.e of the unit r!her c you were l oca t ed?

A 23rd Specinl Navnl Ba s e Unit.

COLONEL KEELEY: Will you bring out thnt he is one

of the def endants in this case , pleas e?

~1R . SCHULTZ: Very well, s ir .

Q Ar e you one of tho accused in this Matt er of the Unit ed

Stnt es versus Minoru Toyar.m , ct nl?

A Yes .

Q Who was your c onr.~nder?

'"R • O'CONNOR: Mny we hnve the tir.ic , sir?

~ffi . SCHULTZ: This w~s nll in July 1945, which ha s just been estnblished.

A r~orikazu Ohsugi .

Q Wha t nns the r ank of :'oriknzu Ohsugi'l

A At tha t tine he was Vice Adnira l Rear Admira l Vice AdMira l .



on the st1nd to of fer 1ffir~1tive defense in his own b eh~lf,

nnd in b ohnlf of his c1se.

(Discussion off the r ecord . )

COLONEL KEELEY: Tho def ens e will proceed .


o wi tnoss f or the def ens e , being f irs t duly S\lorn , t estified

a s follows to I nterpr et ers Alzona , Koi do , and Ni tta i



Q Whnt is your name?

f. Hinoru Toya rm .

Q Whor e wer e you l ocnt ed in July 1945'?

A At ~1akns snr, Cel obos Islnnd .

Q 1.1.'hnt i s the none of the unit whor e you wer e l oca t ed?

A 23rd Speci a l Navnl Ba s e Unit .

COLONEL KEELEY: Will you bring out thnt he is one

of the def endants in this case , plens e?

:1R . SCHULTZ: Very wel l , sir .

Q Are you one of tho accused in this Matter of the Unit ed

Stnt es versus Minoru Toyn~n , ct nl?

A Yes .

Q Who was your c onr.~nder?

~'IR . 0 1 CONNOR: Mny WO hnve t he tir.ic ' s ir?

MR . SCHULTZ: This wns oll in July 1945', which has

j ust been estnblished.

A r~oriknzu Ohsugi.

Q What vm s the rank of ~'orikn zu Ohsugi'l

A At thnt tine he was Vice Adniral Rear A dmira 1 Vic e

AdMi ral.



on the st1nd t o off er 1ffirM1 tive def ense in his own behnlf ,

nnd in b ehalf of his cise .

(Discussion off the r ecord .)

COLONEL KEELEY: Tho defens e will proceed .


a witness f or the def ens e , being f irs t duly svorn , t estified

a s f ollows to Interpr et ers Alzona , Koi do, nnd Nittai



Q Whnt is your name?

A 1(inoru Toyo no .

Q Whor e were you l ocnt ed in July 1945?

A At ~1akos snr, Cel obos Islnnd .

Q What i s th e nar.e of the unit v.1hor c you wer e l oca t ed?

A 23rd Specinl Navnl Ba s e Unit.

COLONEL KEELEY: Will you bring out thot he is one

of the def endants in thi s cose , ple~ s e?

;1R. SCHULTZ: Very well, sir .

Q Are you one of tho accused in this Motter of the Unit ed

Stnt es versus Minoru Toyana, ct nl?

A Yes .

Q Who was your conr.nndor?

,.1R . O'CONNOR : Mny we hnve the tir.ic , sir?

MR . SCHULTZ: This wns nll in July 1945, which hos

just been estnblished.

A r~orikazu Ohsugi.

Q Wha t rms the r ank of ~~orikn zu Ohsugi'l

A At that tine he was Vice Adnirol -- Rear Admiral Vice Adl?lirnl.



!'R. SCHtn,TZ: Will the r ecor d s how , then , thnt "Vico

AdnirnV1 i s tho c orrect r es pons e?

?ffi . O' CO NNOR: No , I bog t o differ . I r espectfully

suggest thc t the r ecor d should indicat e thnt his answer wc s ot

thC\t tir.ie he wr.s near J\dPirr. l .

MR. SCHULTZ: I believe , sir , th:-. t it vms n mat t er

of int crpret~tion, ~nd 1 t rms finnlly det cr nined thc t the word

\·1ns 11 Vic e Adr.tira l". J\n I right, intorprot ers?

(Transla t ed to the vitnes s by Interpre t er Koi de .)

A Vic e Adni ral .


Q Whnt wns your officinl duty in the oorly pnrt of July 194 5':'

A At that tine ny duty \"/l\S tho ossist nnt c ar.mender ncting

ns o staff officer to Vic e f~ r1r1irn l Ohsugi, and ot the s c.nc

tiMc I wos com~ander of the Tokkoi Toi.

Q What vms the duty of the nssistr.nt CC"'ll:k".nder?

lL As an nss i stc.nt c or-irmnder , I wa s ncr el y an nssistont t o

Vic e AdMirol Ohsugi. l s nn a s s istnnt c onnnnder , I hod no

n uthori ty \"/hotsoever t o i s sue or ders of ny own fr ee will . All

ord ers from Vice Adr.iira l Ohsugi wer e pa ssed on t o the sub­

ordinntes through ne ; nnd in the opposite direction, when thore

nere :iny natters n subor dina t e wanted t o be r eported t o Vice

A~niral Ohsugi, they wer e pnss ed fr om ne t o Ohsugi in the

origina l fora .-.

Q Wha t was your duty ns hend of the Tokkei Tni?

1\ hS tho c omnonder of tho Tokkei Tni , I based my ord ers on

thos e which '.Jer e issued by Vic e Adnirnl Ohsugi, and nl so on

the novol r egula tions . I hnd c ontrol of the discipline nnd


BH/l/n jb

nili tnry custoas of t he petty offic er s nnd the s ei:ttJan , . nnd

a t the snmo tine I ~lso controlled t he ai litary s ecrets .

Q Do you know anything about tho execution of f our :.rnoricnn

fli er s nt tho ti~o?

A Yes . I knor1.

q When di d you first hoar of thi s?

:.. It was cbout 5:30 P.M. on n Sunday, July 8, 1945, cft er

the execution wa s carri ed out .

Q Do you knou uho issued tho or der?

!. Do you nec.n whether I knov1 who is sued the or der n o\'1?

Q No . Who issued the ord er f or the execution , if you knon?

A Yes . Li eut cnnnt ConMnndcr Hikoichi Ishida .

Q Who spoke t o you about this?

A One of the petty officers of the Tokkei Te i .

q Whet did you do aft er you r eceived this information?

~ I nnodiatoly aft er g~ining inf or n3 tion conc erning the

execution, I set out t o confirm v1hether the infor nntion \'IOS

correct or not .

I cnllod the Ishida unit through the t el ephone . Hov1ever)

a t that time Coanonder I shi da ~as not in. Ther ef ore, I l eft

~ nessa ge with the duty officer thnt in the event Command er

I shidn r eturned he should r eport t o Ohsugi ' s he~dqunrt ers .

However, that day Ishida di d not r oport t o the Ohsugi

hendquc.rters . /.bout t en o' clock the f ollovring norning Ishida

cane t o the Ohsugi he~dqunrt crs nnd aft er I was certain tha t

the execution was carried out , I node this r eport t o Vice

t.dMira l Ohsugi .

I NTERPRETER NITTA: Will you change thnt "duty

offic er " t o ttvm tch offic er" .


BH/l/a jb

f1R . SCHULTZ: !'"Y it please the Conniss i on , the

int orprot or just infor nc<l me tha t tho int crpr otntion uns t o

chnngo " duty C' ffic cr 11 t 0 "vmtcb offic er ". Is that c orrect?

INTEnPilETEI1 NI TTI1. : Yes .

Q Did you hnvc authority t o iss ue ony connonds over Ishida?

A No . I di d not hnvc such author ity.

Q Wha t vms your capnci ty wh en you t ol ephoned t o Ishida ' s

qur.rt ers?

A As n s t r. ff officer .

Q \'/hat rms the duty of Ishida ?

:. Connonder I shida rms the comncnd or of the l and garrison

unit ot T!okossnr, nnd nlsn the c onnonder of the P . O.W. c~np.



I\ .. Q

Vias the pr is oner of wtn• cnnp under your c oml'mnd?

No ,

Wl'.s Ishida d ir cc~~ ly under your c onrinnd?

No .

Did I shida ever t a l k t o you about the execution of tho

f our Anericcn fli ers?

i~ Yes .

Q Whnt did he speak nbcut?

MR . 0 1 CONNOH : !by we h i1 V C the tine , sir?

~m . SCHULTZ: I rm trying t o establish it. I will

put it this vmy , then:

Q VJhen di d he spenlc t o you ab out 1 t?

A It r1as o f ow d~ys bef or e tho execution.

Q Whnt \WS t he c nnvcrsntion, if you know , if you r eocnber?

A There were s cvcr'11 tines vrhon Connonder Ishidn and I

conver s ed t ogether bef or e the execution . Tho first time vrhen

Conr.ander Ishida ccne t o speak t o Mc , h e s~id thc t he f elt


DH/1/r.t jb


l i ke execut ing t ho pris oner s cf :mr , t o which I r eplied , "Don't

j 0ko about t hat. I bol i eve that s uch ~ thing i s not proper."

At t hnt tine I di d not t ake hin vory s erious ly. Tho

s econd tine ho cnnc agnin nnd r epea t ed the sor.ie thing, but ho

spoko in n nor c s erious nonnor than tho fir st t i ne , t o which

I r eplied , "Since I have hnd no nuthority on such n~tt crs , I

nill r eport these t o Vice ILdMirnl Ohsugi. 11

After that we sopar nt od . On the third day , which vms on

tho norning or t he day bef or e t he execution, I shida cane t o t'le

COLONEL KEELEY: You sny, "On tho t hird day."

Shouldn't it be "tho third tirie"?

INTERPI\ETEl.1 KOIDE: Yes . "The third ti~e ."

Q The third tice, v1hich wns on the norning of the dny bef or e

the execution, Connnndcr Ishida cnme t o no nnd r epeated the

s cr.ie thing, t o which I r epli ed, "How nany times nust I t ell

you that I hove no autho~ity in such nntters, and thnt such a

thing is not proper? I advis e y0u,instcad of thinking of such

extroneous rm t erinl and ir'rol evnnt things, why don't you put

n0r o offort into the trnining of tho nen and c onstruction of

defens e?"

To this Ishida r eplied , grumbling , "I hove been working

very hord on the trnining of nen nnd tho construction of

defens e ." I laughed at hin, nnd then we s epor nt ed.


BH/l/rt jb ,


Q Did you inform Vice-Admira l Ohsugi that Ishida was

planning to execute these fliers afte r your conversation

between you and I~hida?

MR . O' CONNOR : t object to the f or m of the

question in that it is not based on any evidence so far

adduced that Ishida wa s plannjng anything . The testimony

so far is that he had a conver s3 tion with the accused in

which he st.a ted in Vlords or subc tance that he thougtt they

should be exe cuted .

?ffi. SCHULTZ : I will r eframe the question • . Q Did you inform Vice- Admiral Ohsugi of your conversation

with Ishida pertaining to the execution of the four American

fli ers?

A Yes .

Q How did you inform him?

I NTERPRETER NITTA : Does the def ens e counsel

mean the contents of that r eport or do you mean in what


MR : SCHULTZ: Ho answer ed the questi on and said

that he did r eport. My ques tion is by r1ha t method did h e

r eport.

A I pe r sona lly r epor ted the matter orally.

?JR . O' CONNOR: Ma y we have the time when he

made this per sona l r eport?

Q When did you make this pe rsona l r eport?

A It was about 9:30 o'clock on the 7th of July .

Q 1945?


A Yes .


RL(2) ja

COLONEL KEELEY: Lo t me ge t this str a i ght .

The witnes s r oportcd to Ohsugi nt 9 :30 AM on Saturda y

mor ni ng the 7th of July?

A Ye s .

Q Vias this exec ution commi t t c-d without your knowledge~

A Ye s , that is so .

Q Wer e you a t the. s cene of the e xe cution?

A No , I was not prese nt • .

Q V'ha t did you l ate r l ea rn ofter the exe cution :pertaining

t o I shida?

MR . 0 ' CONNOR: May we have the time? The expre s s i .Jr1 ,

"la t er," cove r s a multitudE: of s ins .

MR . SCHULTZ : Some time nfter the exe cution

' ' ould be July 8th, and I can ' t s e t the time because I don't

know. I am j ust t r ying to find out if he l earned anything

late r pertaining to Ishidn ' s ac tions .

MR . 'Ol!'GONIWR: I withdraw my ob j ection .

A On October 4, 1945, Commander Ishida e scape d from

confinement and on Octobe r 16 he committed s uicide.

MR . O' CONNOR : I r e spectfully r e que s t that the

answer be stricken out a s be ing not r e spons ive t o the que::tion.

MR . SCHULTZ : I t hink tha t it is very r e sponsive

to the question. I a~ked him if he had any knowledge of

what happened to I shida .

MR . O'CONNOR: That question take n in connection

with the pr eceding qucs tion clearly indicate d that wha t

the counsc. l intended t o e licit f r om this \'i i tness was wha t

furthe r infor mn tion he hnd r c cc j vcd f r om Ishidn or concerning


RL(2) jo

Ishi da in r egard t o this ~xc cution , a nd I s till s ubmit

that it is not r espons ive and shoul d be s t ricken .

Am . SCnULTZ : I di s a gr cc r11 th t h0 defense couns ol .

I t i s r es pons ive , ve ry r espons ive t o t he ques tion .

COLOJJEL KEF.LEY: Th1.; Law Hcmbcr will rule .

COLONEL SEVILLA : The objecti on i s overrul od.

Q What did you l earn, if anything, about l e t ter s l eft

by I shida to Vice- Admir a l Ohsugi -- I ~ill s trike tha t be­

ca use it i sn't proper. I will bring it out differ ently .

Do you knov1 v1he ther I shida l eft a ny l e tters?

lffi . O'CONNOR s I object on the gr ound it i s

imma t cria l, irre l evant nnd incompet ent, "Did I shida l eave

eny l ette r s?"

MR . SC ~1ULTZ s I submi t that i s i s jus t a basis

or f ounda tion t o see whe ther or not the r es t of the t esti-

mony YJill be r e l eva nt. First of a l l , I ha ve t o l a y a

f ounda tion to see if he knows about anything and the s ub­

sequent ques tions would come i n lino .

MR. O' CONNOR : I s till ob je:ct bcca~e it i s t oo

indef i nite and t oo gcnc r nl, and has no r e l evancy.

liR . SCHULTZ: Suppose t ha t he answers tha t he

does . Then, it continue s t o seq v1he r c. the r el evancy comes

in .

COLONEL KEELEY: The Law Membe r will rule .

COLONEL SEVILLAf The objection is overruled .

A Yes , I saw a l e t t er by Lieut enant Commander I shida

addr essed t o Vice- Admira l Ohsugi .

' Q Did you eve r l ea r n the can tent s or gis t of t he contents

of the l e tter ?

14 7

RL (2 ) ja

MR . O 'COJ~NOR s I ob j t ct t o thnt en the gr ("\und

i t i s not the prop _r f or m of qutsti on . l· .'c don ' t wan t t o

knov1 t he. gis t of the c ontents . If the r e j.s such n l e tte r,

l e t i t be produce d . Thnt .Ls th( bes t f orr.1 of evidence .

MR . SCHULTZ s Pe r haps , i f t he pr os ccutcr -- I

don ' t knov1 nhe the r he hus kno··ilcdgc of the l e tter, but ho ' d

be the one t o pr oduce it, a nd if the pr osecutor ~ill l e t

me go a hctt d a nd shov1 that the le tte r \"/OS eve ntually turned

over t o Lieute nant F orkosch -- I am only as king if he had

a ny knowl edge pe r tai ning to the contents cf the l e tte r. He

can ' t ve ry we ll r ead the l r ttc r if he doesn't have it.

UR. O'CONNOR i I still obje ct t o the f 0r m of

the ques tion, but in orde r t o :.i ssist the def ens e , I \'lill

produce a ce rtified c 0py of thu t l e tter.

ques tion?

UR. SCP.ULTZs vrc will be glad t o ha ve it.

COLONEL KEELEY : Does the dof enne r1i thdravJ the

Jffi. SCHULTZ& Yes, under those conditions , yes .

Q Then, Tc ya mo , do you hc-nes tly os you swcr e unde r ca th

her e , wish t o t e ll this Commiss i on t ho t your position on

July 8 , 1945 , \'Ja. s such thn t you di d n0t ha ve uny c ommand,

the t you c ould not hn.ve pre-: ented this execution in your

pos ition, a nd thn t you hnd nc powe r of r epri mnnd as over

I s hida?

MR. O'CONNOn : I object t o t t.o for n of the

question on the gr ound t hat it is t oo involved , improper

f cr m, and culls f or the ccnclusion of the vi itness .

MR . SCHULTZ: He has r.t lready testified t o all

points I brought out, and I c.rn ner e ly SUMmi ng it up .



MR . O'COfiNOR: I objc.ct t o thnt en the gr " und

i t i s not the pr op_r f or m of questi on . ·.'c don ' t want t o

k noVI the gi st of the contents . If the r e is such a l e tte r,

l e t it be produced . Thn t J.s tht. best f orr.1 of e vidence .

HR . SCHULTZ: Pe r haps , i f the pr osc cutcr -- I

don ' t k nov1 \'Jhe the r he has lrno··1lcd go of the l e tter, but ho ' d

be the one t o pr oduce 1 t, and if t he prosecutor v1ill l e t

me go a hcnd a nd s ho\'1 that the le tte r \'las eve ntually turned

over t o Lieutenant Forkos ch -- I am cnl y ns king if he had

a ny knowl edge pc r tai ni ng t o the contents c f the l e tter. He

ca n' t ve r y Vie 11 r ead the l f' ttcr if he doesn't have it .

UR. O'CONNOR : I s till obje ct t o the f 0r m of

the ques tion, but in orde r t o a ssist the def ense , I v1ill

produce a ce rtifie d c0py of tha t l e tter.


UR . SCP.ULTZ: v1<.- will be glod t o ha ve it.

COLONEL KEELEY: Does the dcfen~e r11 thdr aVJ the

l!R . SCHULTZ: Yes, under those conditions , yes .

Q Then, Tc ya ma , do you h c- ncs tly as you sVlc r e under ca th

her e , wish t o tell this Co.r:m1iss i on tha t your pos ition on

July 8 , 1945, \'Jes such thn t you d id nrt ha ve a ny cor.imand,

tha t you coul d no t ha ve pre~entcd thi~ execution in your

p0si tion, a nd t ha t you hnd nc power of r epri mand as over

I shida?

MR . 0 ' CONNOR : I ob ject t o the for a of the

question on the gr ound tha t it is t oo involved, imprope r

f or m, and ca lls f 0r the ccnclus i on of the Yi i tness .

MR. SCI7ULTZ: He has a lread y testified t o all

points I brought out , and I am ner e ly SUMmi ng it up .


HL(2 )ja

fffi . o ' CONi OR : I rlon ' t th i nk we ha ve r c.D ched

sunro t i cn , s ir .

f!R . SCHULTZ : I think that I an pe r r.ii t ted t u do

thfl t i n a ll t ria l s and pra c t ice s , and I think i t i s pc r n i s s iblc

f or t he be nefit of the C o1i1.'"1i~s icn .

COLONEL KEBI.EY: \ ·111 the r eporter r ead the

que s tion please?

(Last qucs tion r ev.a by t h ._ r oportc. r.)

COLOHEL KLELEY: De you pre ss your obje c t i on?

MR . O'CONNOR: Yes , s i r.

COLONEL KEELEY: The Low Membe r will rule . '

COLONEL SCVILLAs The objection i s s us ta ined .

MR . SCHULTZ: Very well, tha t i s a ll, the n.

COLONEL KI.ELEY: The Comni s s i on at this time

will r e cess for 10 minute s .

(Short Re ce s s . ·

COLONEL KE.LLEY: The Commi ss i on i s in s ession .

Plea se warn the wi tnc s s tha t he i s s till unccr oath • . (Trans l a t ed t o the ··1i t ncss by Interpre t e r Alzona .)

A Ye s .

COLONfuL KELLEY: Has tho <"cf ense concluded?

MR . SCHULTZ : ?he direct exo:Jina ticn , ye s , and

now subject t o cross-ex~mina ti0n .

COLONEL KCELEY: Any cross - examina t:ton by the




Q You sa y thn t you wer e t he Ch i e. f of Staff of the 23 r d

Spe ci a l N::: va l Bas e Unit l oca t ed at ?!a ka ssa r ?


RL(2) ja

A :re • Q r e y u n .:; to ff C'ff i ce; r C '"lmcc tu<~ .. ith t he ?3 r d Speci~l

Nu va l Bcse Urii t loca tuc~ t• t i\ttkossar um~c.. r tlhc c or:ir.a nd of

Adr~irnl Oh..: ugl?

A 'l .. s .

Q Y0u w0r c a l so rear 0f t t 1<; T0k1rn 1 "i'~, i ~ t "o kns sa r?

A Yes .

Q Dic1 I nncer stc nc: ycu t o say t hat ycur -~uties CC'n:: i r t ed

0 f tr'l nsni tting orcJc r s to Acni rol Oh : ugi e r r.c s sue<. s t G

Ac.~nira l Ohsut; i , Rnd th1... n in turn transni t tin:J a ny no ss <~ ec s

fron Ohsugi tc s ubc r d i nr! ta nff ico r s?

A Ye~ .

Q You ha d no 0thcr L~ utiss cu t s i C::e ;::f those , i~ tha t ccrre ct?

A No.

Q Whll t d u ycu neon by , " ik '?" Thu t you h~~c! n0 o t he r

C utics, e r tha t you d i d hnvo o t hv r duticr , 1:1hich?

A As staff officc,r, I hnd nc o th<- r L1uti -:; s .

Q V'c ll , in a ny 0 th~ :- cnpaci ty , G.1c y0u h.n.7c.: ::i ny o th(..; r

cutics outs i de cf c or:u:i~ nc...c r " f t he Tc:klw i T" i?

:rn . SCHULTZ: I ob je ct t o thQt bC CLJ U~C he e lir:i nntcd

onf: . I ' d like t o h c:ve hin rophr:is c t h (., q u~s tj.c n .

Ifil . 0 ' COI·:t:Or< : I n a n swc. r t o a prc vic us q ues ti on ,

he. said he c~il~ n _ t be vr.. nl"!y o t he r c! t ._t i<.; ~ a nd ny qu<- s ti c:- n new

is , " Outside. of r.tnf f r. f f icer , <=\ic~ y~m ha v0 uny othe r d utie s?"

r.m . SCliULTZ : He c": i d nc•t sr... y t ha t . He sn i cl , . 11 Outs i dc of the TokY-e i '1'~ i ."

rm. 0 ' COI'!!!OR : 1·1c 11 , " Outs i c~e: Qf the Td:ke: i Ta i ."

I ~ till subni t t hat th~ quLst j 1n i~ prApc r .

RL( 2 ) j~ 3nos



.. ·~

MR . SCl:ULTZ : I submit that it is imprope r and

mis l eadinr and I would lj lrn th(' Law hiembcr t o rule on 1 t .

COLONEL SEVILLAs The objection i s overruled .

A I v1as a staff off iccr under Vice - Admira l Ohs ugi , serving

as his deputy .

Q I ask you again, in addition to acting as a conduit

to transmit orders from Vice - Admiral Ohsugi to subordinates

or to transmit messages to Ohsugi, did you have any other


MR . SCBULTZ : I object because it has a lready

been asked and answer ed .

MR . O'COUNOR : I c:ubmit that the answer was not

given. For the purpose of clarification, I ask that it stand

as it is.

MR . SCHULTZa I think it has been answered.

COLONEL KEELEY: I think for the purposes of the

r e cord, the VJitness has t es tified that he was not chief of

statf, but that he was a staff officer. The witness has just

said that he was deputy or second in command to Vice-Admiral

Ohs ugi, i s that the correct interpre tation of the witness ' s

remarks, "Deputy," that he, was s econd in command . I offer

that for the prosecuti on 1 3 considera tion .

MR . O' CONNOR: I think tha t if I might ask another

ques tion, I might clarify that .

Q Did you ever hear of what is known as the Celebes Defense

Order dated Ma y 20 , 1945?

MR. SCHULTZ: Wha t date is that?

MR . O' CO NUOR : I said Ma y 20 , 1945 .

1 51

RL(2) ja

A At that time , thE Celebes def ense plans wor e i ssued .

MR . O ' CONllOR : I ask that that be s trickl;n as

not r e s pons ive . The q ucs t i on I asked , which ca lls for

a ye s or no a ns vie r , "Did you a ver hoa r of t he Cel ebe s

Def e ns e Orde r dated Ma y 20 , 1945?"

A Yes .

Q V' ill you tell us what t he details of that or der we r e?

A Tha t order was ve ry detailed a nd cannot be expla ine d

very eas ily.

Q I s it not a f a ct that pur suant to tha t order , you,

Toyama , VIPre appointed commande r of' the United Uni ts in

the Makassar a r ea?

A The organi zation charts for such an orga nization were

a lready made: . However , until the t e rmina tion of hostilities~

my unit and a l so I mamura ' s unit wns not comple t ed , the

organization of those two units was no t complet0d , and I

continued as staff officer a~ bef or e .

MR . O' CONNOH i I submit , s ir , tha t tho answer

is not r es pons i ve . I asked him n dir ect ques tion , "Is it

not true that pursuant to the Ce l ebes Def ense Order dated

M~y 20 , 1945 you wer e a ppointed c ommande r of the United

Unit in the Makassa r nrea . 11 Tha t calls f or a yes or no

a nswe r a nd I a sk t hat t he a nswe r be stricke n els not r e spon­

s ive .

MR. SCHUL'l'Z: I th i nk that it is r es pons i ve in

this particule. r case . It was a nswer ed, and I mi ght suggest

t o the prose cutor tha t if he ha s such order to bring it

out a nd from that order refresh t he v. itness ' s memory .

1 52

RL{2) j a

MR . O' CONIWR: I didn ' t knon that the witness ' s

memory nLcdcd to bt refreshed .

lYlR . SCHULTZ : That should be stricke n . That i s

s t rict11 n pr e jud i cial r cm0 rk on the part of the prosec ution

o nd s hould not be enter ed into t his evide nce , a nd I r sk tho t

i t be str icken .

MR. O'CONNORs Ma y I s ugges t that the def ense

counsel po rmi t me to t r y this cr se in my own way , s ubject

mere l y to his objection . I have not inte rfe rred VJi th him.

l.ffi . SCHULTZ s That i s true , Mr. Prosecutor , be­

cause I a dhe r ed s trictly t o the rules and t o the de corum

a nd to the proper method of trying tho cnso . If you do t ha t,

I won't object . I will only make proper l e ga l ob j ections.

MR . O'CONNOR s The r e i s ~ motion befor e the

Commission t o strike the answer of thi s witne ss on th0 gr ound

that it i s not r e sponsive , a nd I pre~s my objection . The

questi on I as ked call s f or n direct yEs or nq.

MR . SCHULTZ : I don ' t bc l i €ve --

MR . O' CONNOR : Instc£td , the ':1itness gives a n

e vnsive answer. He talks ab out something e lse .

tffi . SCHULTZ: The r e is no Guestion in nny court

thri t con be t r uly a ns we r ed yes or no th~ t the court will not

per mi t the witnes s to mnkc furthe r e xplanation if necessa ry,

e s pecia lly if th~ qucs t ion i s of such va gue. va rie ty tha t you

could not a nswer it, so I bel i eve in this mattor, as the

question was put , the a ns VJc r ~>~s made t o the best of tho

v>itness ' s ability and I thj.nk it : hould stand .


RL(2) ja

tffi .O' CONNOR & l furthe r submit that when h~ has

a skeu a qucs tion , if he can ' t anf v,er yes or nc , he rnu y

say that the question cannot be answer ed yes or no , and as

f ar as vagueness of the ques tion i s concerned , I cer tainly

haven 't heard any objection to t he f or m of the ques tion by

t he defense . I submit tha t the answer call s for yes or no ,

and the answe r i s not r es pons ive and should be s tricken .

COLONEL KELLE.Yi Tho r ecord will r emain as i s and

the pr osecutor will ask the quec tjon aga in .


RL (2) ja

----- -



• Q. I aok JOU &fai ll , l.i l t liJ '.., '\ i'i.o t.. thet the Cele bes

Defense Order dated A1ay GO , 1945 appointed you Commander

of the united units in the Makassar area?

A No.

Q Is it not truo that Vioo Admiral Ohsugi nppointod

you in charge of all tho departments that wero operating

in tho aroa of Makassar?

A No . I have still not boen ordered to do anything

of tho oort .

~ What unit did Lieutenant Connnandor Ishida have charge


IN1.1'ERPRETER NITTA : Tho witness nskod tho

prosecutor whether he moans under the Colobos Dof onsc

Orders .


~ I moan , during tho rr.onths of Juno and Jul y of 1945 1

what department was Lioutenant Col.JlWlndor I shida in chargo of~

A Ho was commendor of tho l and garrison unit , a nd a lso

tho connncndor of tho prisoner of wc r camp i n Mukassa r .

Q Did I undorstond you oorroctly to scy that ho was

in charge of prisoner of wo.r camp~? I s thct r ight?



Yes .

The Tokkoi Tai hondquartors was not loco.tad in any

prisoner of wnr camp in l\lakussor, wcs it?

A No .

Q And tho place whore those four Amoricon f l iors were

detained by tho Tokkci Tei wc.s not located in any prisoner

of wnr camp , was it?

MR . SC;hULT'i. : I objoct to ~h~t . There is a

double- bar reled question there . He cc.n ons':!Or it two or


B3H(3 ) res

throo diffor ont . ways . I wish tha t tho pros ocutor would

r oviso that question .

~IR . O'CONNOR: I think tho question i s proper .

:MR . SCHULTZ: You ar c dravnng a conclusion ,

and ol so , if ho says , "Yos, 11-- " Dld ho stop boating his


MR. O'COi~OR : I f tho defonso wonts to mako

:.n ohjcotion, l ot him tmko it .

COLOHEL SEVILLA: Hha t i s tho question again,

pl oaao?

(The l ost quostion was r oad by tho roportor.) .

MR . O 'CONI~OR : In Mckassor . I don ' t sc0 what

i s doublo-bcrrol od about th~t .

MR •. SCHULTZ. : Objection . Thora is no ovidonco

thoy wore ovor in a Tokkoi 'l'c.1 camp , and thcro is no

testimony about that .

If ho s ays, "Yes ," ho odmit s somothing that isn•t.

I f ho scys , "No ," ho a dmito it is poss ible it may bo .

MR. 0' COimOR: Evidently tho dofonso counsol

has not r oc.d tho oxhib i t s put i n during the prosecution •s

case wherein it is s t oted , in two or thr oe diffor ont pl c.oos,.

that those mon wor e t aken beck to To.lckoi Tai hoodquortor s

and wore questioned thor o.

MR. SCHULTZ : Th~t might bo , but that is not

tho some question •

. MR . O' CONNOR: You just said there wns no such

evi dence .

COLO~L KEELE"f : Low Member will rule .


BSH (3 ) ros



• • COLOHEL SEVILLA: Objection overruled .

MR. O' CONNOR: Hill tho \1 itno!Js cnswor tho


INTERPRETER NITT&: May l huve tho question ,


(Tho l o.s t question wc.s r o..ld by t ho r oportor.)

MR~ O'CONNOR: I n Mnk~SS3r .

I NTERPRETER NITTA : Moy I hovo tho question?

(Tho l o.st question w~s r oad by tho r oportor.)

A No, it v1c.s not tho Mck~ssar Prisoner of war ccmp.

Q, At tho tim thoy wore do t~ inod by tho Tokke i Tai in

Juno a nd July of 1945 , you , Toynmo , wer e tho connnondor of

tho Tokkoi Ta i unit, i zn 't that so?

A In tho quoDti on , that tho Tokkoi Tai detained tho

four prisoners of wa~ is in error.

Q, Do I undorst~nd you to say, · or you moan, thct tho • Tokkoi Tn1 o. t Mr.kasscr did not dote.in those four .Amoriccn

fliers and ques tion thom?

A Yos. That is so .

Q rlhoro woro th0y detained when they woro in Makassur

otter their capture?

A Whon tho four American fliers \·10ro cap tured, they

wore brought to tho hcadquortors, and tho va luables of tho

four prisoners of war wore given into the custody of

Lioutonant Commander Ishida . Lieutenant Co.nunandor Ishida

borrowed tho Tokkoi '£ni quarters and dot::linod them at

that site .

Wo l l , they wcr o dot:-i inod a t Tokkoi Tai hcc.dquorter s ,

than, vrcrc they not, during Juno and July ,,1945?


BSH(3) r es


;.m. SCHULTZ : I object to that as just h:iving boon

cnswor od and oxpl c. i nod .

MR . O' CONNOR : His answor previ ously was to one

of my questions thc.t thoso Amor ioc.ns vtor o not hold and

dotQined a t Tokkoi Toi hoadquortors . Now hi s answer wos

tha t they v.oro brought t o hoc.dq4c.rtors and then thoy

wore turned ovor t o Commander I shida , who borrowed soma

of tho Tokkoi Tai hoc.dquc.rtors .

MR . SCHJLTZ: At thc. t timo , if tho Commissi on

will r omombor, tho pr osecutor, when I ob ject ed t o tho

quostion, cskod , "It was under tho command of tho Tokkoi 'TOi ?"

And tho Vii tnoss pr ope r l y onsvror od .

Now it i s expl aine d thnt it was not under th o conmand

of t ho Tokkoi Toi, but i t wos mer ely a borrowed portion

of tho Tol{kei Tni under tho oornn1Qnd of I shida , and ho

has cloet rod tha t up 'lnd :insv10r od t hnt, ~"'ld I ask that the

Comci ss i on rule •

MR . O'CONNOR: I submi t that tho question is

pr oper i n form and ho sh oul.d be permitted t o answer.

COLONEL SEVILLA: Tho qu~ s ti on muy bo answer ed

f or olarif icQtion.

(Tho l ast question wc.s road by tho roportor.)

A Yes. It wa.1> vii thin t ho Tokko i Toi hoa.dqusrtors .

~ I understood you to s cy on your direct oxD.mineti on /

tho duti es of tho Tokkoi Ta i wore to ~iitoroo discipline ,

and t o pr otect ~nd gcthor milit~ry secrets. I s th~ t

correct ~

A Tho duties of tho Tokl::oi T~ wore r ogulotod by


R5H (3)ros


!.m. SCHULTZ : I obje ct to that as just h:::iving boon

cnswor od and oxpl c.i nod .

MR . O'CONNOR: His answor proviously was to one

of my ques tions thct t hose Amoricc.ns woro not hold and

doto. ined a t Tokkoi Tai hoadquartors . Now hi s answer wos

that they \'.Oro brought to hocdq4c.rtors and then thoy

wore turned ovor t o Commander Ishida , who borrowed somo

of tho Tokkoi Tai hocdqucrtors .

MR. SCHJLTZ: At thc t time , if tho Commission

will romombor, tho prosecutor, whon I objected t o tho

quostion, c.skcd , "It was under tho conunand of tho Tokkoi 'J.Ui ?"

And tho vii tnoss pr operly ansvror o<l .

Now it i s oxplc inod tha t it was not under tho comnand

of tho Tokkoi Tni, but it wns mer e ly a borrowed portion

of tho Tokkei Toi under tho coni.mand of Ishida , and he

hes cleo.red tha t up md :::insv10rod thnt, tL"'ld I ask that the

Comciss i on 1'.llo •

MR. O'CONNOR: I submi t that the question is

propor i n form and I'-o shoul.d be pormittod to answer.

COLONEL SEVILLA: Tho qu~ stion may bo answered

for clcrif icc. tion.

(Tho l ast quostion wcs rood by tho roportor .)

A Yos. It w::rn vii thin tho Tokkoi Tai hoadquartors.

Q, I understood you to s c.y on your direct ox.aminction /

tho du tics of tho Tokkoi Ta i woro to t.>titoroo dteoipline,

and to protect ~nd gcthor milit~ry secrets . I s tha t


A Tho duties of t ho Tokl::oi Tai wore r egul ated by


BSH(3) r es


J av::il r egul a tion , -:md wcr o limited to the enlisted D O)l

and civilir ns ntt~chod t o tho Novy.

It control led tho viol ati on of military discipline

and custoMS , and al so controlled viol c t i ons of milit=iry

secrets .

Q. Is it not a f ac t all during tho wur that 1 t w:is

oustotic.ry to turn ovor prisonorn who had boon captured

to tho Toldrni Tei for quosti oning'l

A No .

~ I s it customar y for nny mombor of a Tokkoi TU i

organization to roport to anybody olse, any other officor,

oxcopt his superior officer of tho Tokkoi Tei?

A That is true .

Q Is 1 t not a f ac t tho t a potty o1'f io or by tha n£lmo

of Misaki wos a nembor of the Tokkoi Tai under your

oozmi.10nd nt Makcssor during Juno and July of 1945?

A I don ' t ronerabor.

Q Whon did you first hoar anything ct ol.l about these


A I boli cvo it was ar 0und tho 27th of June 1945 .

Q, It is a fact , is it not , that you gave orders t o

send out a sec.rching pcrty afte r the B- 24 boobcr

crashed on or about Juno 27 , Juno 25 , 1945?

A I relayed tho or dor of Vico Admiral Ohsugi t o

Lioutonc.nt ConIL1ondor I shida. .

Q Did you over hoar of a Lieutenant Tanaka?

A Yos . I know hiu .

Q I s it not a f~ ct tha t you , Toyama, telephoned to

Lioutonant Tcnoko , giving nim orders to sand out a


BSH(3) ros


l av::il r egul a t i on , ::md wcr o limi ted to tho enl i s t ed 00!1

and civili r ns ~tt~chod t o tho Novy .

I t contr olled tho viol ation of mi l i t ur y dl sci plino

and ous t oI'lS , end Ql go controlled vi ol r t i ons of mi lit::ir y

soorot s .

Q, I s i t not a f act all duri ng tho wa r that i t w=is

ous t omc.ry t o turn ovor pri soner s vrho had boon captured

t o t ho Toldcoi Tc. i f or quosti oning'l

A No .

Q I s it cus t omary for c ny member of a Tokkoi Tai

organization to roport to anybody olse , any other officer,

oxoopt his superior off i cor of tho Tokkoi Te i?

A That is true .

Q Is 1 t not a f ac t t h.a t a po tty off 1o or by tho nnmo

of Misaki wos a nember of the Tokkoi To.1 undor your

oomr.iand nt Makcssar during J~no and July of 1945?

A I don't r onerabor.

Q Vfuon did you f irst hoar anyt hing a t oll about t hese

flie rs?

A I boliovo i t wcs ar 0und tho 27t h of June 1945 .

Q It is a fact, i s it not, t hat you gave order s t o

send out a sec.rching pcrty a i'tor the B- 24 bower

crashed on or about Juno 27, Juno 25 , 1945?

A I r ol ayod t h o ar dor of Vice Admiral Ohs ugi t o

Liou t onc.nt Comr.iondor I shida. .

Q Did you over hoa r of n Lieutenant Tanaka?

A Yos . I know hi u .

~ I s it not a. i'.::. ct tha t you, Toya.ma. , t el ephon ed t o

Lieutenant Tcnaka , giving nim orders to send out a


BSH(3 ) ros


soGrching pc rty f or tho survivor:-; of tha t B- 24?

i. No . Th:l t is not truo .

Q, I s i t not true t ha t y :>U c l s o des i gna t ed a To!drn i Tei

l:'.nn to a oc onpany tha t soar cting p:-rty?

A. No .

0. Will you t oll no dot'i n itoly whc.t is tha date y:>u

l oarnod f or tho f irst tiu.o t h:it tho~rn ,·u:1oric~n f licrs ho.l

boon bohoaclod?

J .. bout 5.•30 P M ... ,, Sund· ll' , July 8 , 1945.

Q J..nd your ~cnory wcs pretty good in Soptcnbor or

October of 1945, wo.::> it :1ot ?

A. Yos .

Q Do you rcc~ll tha t hUStrulicn inv~stigating crows

on Wc.r Crinos cane into t ho Celobes in or about soptoubor


J... Yos .

Q, Do you rocul.l wl10 thor or not in pursuanco of your

duty as st~ff offic er, second i n co::u :::nd t o Ol1sugi, thnt

you filed c r oport with tho HUStrali~n aut horities ro­

g~rdi~g <U'QJ' flier s, UnitoC Stnt cs i..rr.!y fliers?

J.. I f iled a r eport under or ders froi:~ Vi co .~W:.!irol Ohsugi .

MR. 0 ' CONNOR: I s t hat ansv1Cr co.1Jplote?


'1 Vlo.s t here only ono r epor t filed?

J.. Yos .

Q And did you sign thc t r eport your self on bohnlf of

tho CO!Llandor of t ho Ce l obos District, tho I r.iporinl

J o.pc.no so Navy?

'~ No . I di d no t s i gn tho roport as r epr esont utivo


BSH (3) res


of tho Cottnandi ng Off icor of tho Inporiol J upanoso

Novy in ~akassar .

Q Did you over address any corilunicoti on t o Austral i an

hocdqucr tor s on bohalf of tho Connantlor of tho Ccl obos

District of tho Irapor i a l J apanese Navy?

A I wcs not r oprosentativo f or anyone . I tendered t he

r epor t under order s fron Adoirnl Ohsugi .

Q I n what ccpaci ty di d you r ondor tho r epor t -­

indi vi dually , or i n behalf of a suporior off i cer?

' "" I t ook t ho r oport t o tho ll.us t r alians under or dor s

fro~ Adoira l Ohs ugi.

Q, Did you s i gn t ho r eport per sonally or di d .i .. draira l

Ohsugi s i gn it?

A Bocauso of tho fao• t ha t I had t a ken tho r eport,

I s i gned it undor t ho r.dst r.kon i dea that it was s irailur

t o c J apanese signat ure .

MR . O'CONNOR: Sinilnr to a vbct?

I NTERPRETER NI TTA: I t wns s i r.lil ar t o tho

s i g-.lifi crmco of a J .:ipanoso s i gn:l turo .

MR. 0 ' C01'TI10R: May vm hnvc t ho wi tnoss expl a i n

t hat a bit . I oc.n 't undor ut and that answer.

(Translat ed to tho witness by Intor prot cr Nitt a.)

A In J cpan, a docw:1ont bocor.1os val i d when tho s t anp of

t ho signor i s put upon t ho docuraont. P'r ou t h i s conception

of a signctur o, I s i Gned the docw1ent , I ~ ignod t ho r eport,

bcccuso I had t nl-.:on tho docur~ont , report,

.hustrclic.ns .

to tho ..

COLOKEL KEELEY: ~he Conniss i on; wil l r ecess

for t or. uinutos . / · (Shor t r ecess .)


OOH (3)ros


COLONEL KEELEY: The Commission is in sess i on.

1~ . O' COJNOR : Please r emi nd the witness that he

is still under oath .

(Translated to the witness by Int erpr eter Alzona.)

A Yes .

Q Will you kindly explain v1hat you mean by that answer?

If I may just say something. t;y only reason for asking

that is that I personally cannot understand the answer, the

phraseology of it. My only r eason is for clarification, and

I f eel that it may be of some assistance to the Commission.

That is my only reason.

MR. SCHULTZ: May it please the Commission, I don't

know what particular explanation he wants. We h~ve already

had three -- if he will r estate his question so that we can

get what he wants in explanation.

MR . O'CONNOR: I do not intend to r ephrase my

question. I ask the Commission t hat the answer given by the

Vii tness to that question be read.

May we have the l ast question and answer read?

(Last question and answer r ead by the r eporter.)

~m. O'CONNOR : Now, I s ubmit, sir, that my question

was as to whether he signed it or Admiral Ohsugi signed it,

and that calls for a s imple , "Yes or no I signed it," or

"Ohsugi signed it," and I s ubmit that the answer given is not

r esponsive and ask it be stricken.

COLONEL KEELEY: Does the witness mean that he

signed it but didn't r end it?

MR . O' CONNOR : That is exactly what I am trying to

find out.




• COLONEL KEELEY: Could you ask that question, pl ease?

rm . O' CONNOR : l!ay I, bef or e I osk t hat questi on,

got on onswcr t o my previous question as t o whether he s igned

it or Admiral Ohsugi s igncrl i t?

MR . SCHULTZ: May it plens o the Commission, would

t he interpret er s r e-interpret tl10 ques tion and the answer to

r efr esh tho witness' memory of r1hot he had t estified to, and

then perhaps he can ansv1er Mr . O'Connor's pres ent question.

Just have the interpret ers r e-int erpret tho question and the

answer, been us e he docsn' t lmov1 'ilha t is going on her e right


MR . O'CONNOR : In order to clarify the situation,

may I press my motion to strike that answer out on the ground

it is not r esponsive?

COLONEL KEELEY: The r ecord will r emain as is, and

the pros ecution may ask tho snme question or another question.

Q Did you sign that r eport personally or did Admiral Ohsugi

sign it?

A I signed the r eport .

Q And that r eport was in r espons e to an inquiry from the

Australian authorities r egarding the wher eabouts of United

States Army aviators mis si ng in action, isn't that so?

A Yes.

Q And the r eport as given was a r eport of the Unit ed

Sta t es Army aviators that hud beon captured in. your area in

which you wer e s econd in command, isn't that so?

MH . SCHULTZ: Just o minut e , ther e are two questions ,

and I obj ect to it . "Second in command," i s one question, and

the r eport on the aviotors i s tho other ques tion.


RML/4/ mjb


MR . O' CONNOR: Ho hos a lready t estified t ha t ho wos

s ec ond in command .

MR . SCHULTZ: No , ho rms s econd in command as s t aff

offic or only. I nish to correct that sta t ement .

MR . O'CONNOR: Whether he was n staff officer or

~asn't n stoff officer, he was tho s econd in command.

MR . SCHULTZ: It makes a groat deal of differ enco.

If you kno\"1 army r egulntions , a staff officer --

P1R . O'CONNOR: I v1i sh to obj ect to any speech,

Colonel, because ther e i s absolutely no neces s ity for it. The

procedure calls for an obj ection to be mnde and ruled upon.

A Yes .

MR.' SCHULTZ: I have mode nn obj ection.

MR . O'CONNOR: But, speeches or e not necessary.

COLONEL SEVILLA: The obj ection is overruled.

Q Do you r ecall the dat a of that r eport?

A No, I don't.

Q You write in English, do you not?

A Yes.

Q I show you this document nnd nsk you whether that is

your signature?

A Yes, th~t is my signature .

Q Now, I show you this document, the signature on which

you ha~e already identif i cd ns yours and ask you whether or not

that is the r eport that you took t o· the Austra lian headquarters?

A I believe it i s the same document I t ook to the hend-


MR . O'CONNOR : I ofrer the document in evidence , and

m~y I say now that t he def ense hns not r eceived n copy of this




becaus e I did not anticipnto thot I vas going t o offer it. If

ho nonds time to cxonino it , I havo no ob j ection .

MR . SCHULTZ: I \/ill not ob j oct if t he ontiro docu-

mont is put in and nl so nt the bottom, "Yours r espectfully,

M. Toyama, for the Conrn nd or, Col obcs , I Mperiol J npanos c Navy•"

MR . O'CONNOR: I offer the document as is , not

with any part or it.

MR. SCHULTZ: No obj ection.

MR. O' CONNOR : Moy it bo mnrked Prosecution's

Exhibit No. 18? COLONEL KEELEY : Without objection, the document

will be r ec eived in ovidcnce , ond marked Pros ecution's Exhibit

No . 18. (Pros ecution's Exhibit No. 18 r eceived in evid ence .)

MR . O'CONNOR: Non , with your permission, I'd like

to r ead this into the r ecord. It i sn't too l ong . This is

dated at Moknssar, 5 October 1945, addr essed to Mnnor Elliot,

Austr nlian Headquarters: (R ao.ding) "Re Additional Informntion

of Aviators. Dear Sir, As o. r esult of our strenuous efforts

in inves tigation r egnrding aviators ever since , we have gotten

tho following inforrantions.

0 1. The avintor on boo.rd P- 38 , which wos brought down

i n Mekassar Port in the l otter port of November, 1944, wos

r escued . He was an u. s. Lieut. KANIKA (? ). Whil e waiting

for a ship , he died of dys entery in the midd l e part of J nnunry,

1945. The body was buried at the Christinn Cemetery.

"2. One (name unknown) out of five persons on way from

Poso t o Soor obnjo and were wa iting for a ship her e , died of



- j


dys ontory in middle p:-i rt of r•orch , 1945. Tho body \'Ins buried

a t t ho Christian Conct ery . Ther efor e , f our per sons wer e

transferr ed by t he Spocinl Minoswoopcr No . 3 l eaving her e

26th , April , 1945. Yours r espectfully, M. Toyor.m ," writt en

in English, nnd then i n English tho typewri tt cm vrnrds , "For

the Conr.iondcr , Ccl ebos District , I r:iperic l Jnpanes e: Navy."

MR . SCHULTZ: Moy I s oc it , ploo~ e? (Def ens e

c ouns el exnninod docu~cnt . )

Q And that vms the 5th of October, 1945, Toyama , isn't

thnt so , \·then you fil ed that r eport r ega r ding the aviator s?

MR . SCHULTZ: I obj ec t t o thot questi on again.

MR . 0 ' CONNOR : The question is vri thdrmm.

Q Wha t was the r ank of I shida in June nnd July of 1945?

A Lieut enant Seni or Grode , Novy.

Q And what vms your r ank during the saMe period?

A Cor.ir.iand or, Nnvy.

Q Now , it isn't custonory in the J apanes e I mperia l Ncvy

for a junior officer t o give order s t o superior offic ers in

comnond, is it?

A Tha t is true .



- I


Q I sn ' t it a f eet al so thc t n junior officer i s

supposed to t r.kc or ders f r on o. superior higher i n r c.nk

ovon t hough ho is not attached t o his ca.u:icnd unless

such an or der conflicts \dth a rdors pr eviously given t o

hin? MR. SCIIDLTZ : I c.bjcct t o t ha t on the gr ouncls

1 t is anbiguo~s .

MR . O'CONKOR: I vrithdr ow t ho question .

Q Isn ' t it u f act th~t o juni or officer is supposed

t o oboy tho or der s of superior officer s oven though tho

superior is not attached t o his unit?

A Such orders cannot be issued .

Q, When is the first tirue that the then Lieutenant

Ishidu spoke to you about executing these Americans?

A A few days before the 8th of July, 1945 .

Q Would you say about July 4 or 5 , would that be correct?

MR . SCHULTZ: I think at this time that the

proximity of timo is close enough . He has testified a

few days which might mean five , might mean four , or might

mean two . It has been asked and answered .

MR . o •corrnOR: I don ' t think the defense counsel

can read my mind or what I ha ve in mind in asking these

questions . I should not bo limited in cross-examination .

MR . SCIIDLTZ: I withdr ew tho objection.

A I believe it wns about the 3rd or 4th of July .

Q How long have you been in the Navy , Toyama?

A Approximately twenty years ..

Q You graduated from the Naval Academy?

A Yes .





Q As a r esult of your er.porionco 01' twenty years ,

you ru.·o l'andliaJ.· with J anune;oe Nuval i·egu lt.. tioru; , t.Te

you not?

A Yes .

Q Do you know of your own knowlodgo how long Lieutenant

Ishida Wd s in tho Imperi a l Jupanoso Nnvrl

A I don't kn<JN howmuny yoars Lieutenant Ishida was in

tho Navy.

Q You know as a naval , ox-naval offioor, ot twenty

years oxperionce in tho J upanoso Navy , do you not, thnt

no member of the Imperi al Japanese Naval Forces nor a ny

prisoner of war could bo oxocutod without court martial

or hec ring?

A Yes, I know.

Q You know th~t in Juno and July 1945, did you not?

A Yen .

Q Did you reprove Lioutonnnt Ishida ns his superior

officer , when ho told you those Americ~s should be executed?

MR . SCHULTZ: I object because there is no

t estimony that he wcs tho superior officer. He wo.s only

n staff officer under o. sopurato command and there is no

testimony in hero . Tho prosecutor i s tostifying that

he was tho superior ofiicor . Ho can usk tho question

otherwise . I object to that question .


MR. O'CONNOR: I s t nnd on my question .

COLmrnL KEELEY: The Law Mam.bar will rule .

COLONEL SEVILLA: Tho obje ction is overruled.

MR . SCIIDLTZ: Ju3t u minute , I still , although



tho Luw Member hos r ul ed , \mnt to specifically indicote

that tho quo3ti01: pcrtoi:is to a r ank or command which

has no vor boon testif ied to , and ho is asking it in that

f as hion , ond I ' d liko to r eopen that for tho Luw Mombor• s

consider ation because i t i s a double-barreled quest i on

end unfair to this wi tnoss ns ~~ def endant . You ca.n •t

just so.y , "Did you sec so-c.nd-~o when ho v1os the superior

officer, " when ho \'ID.Sn' t a SU.t>or i or officer . Ho can soy ,

"Did you r eprimand or t a lic to t he man, " but if you soy,

"as t ho superior off ioer , f f you ore putting the man in

joopcrdy to onswerjt and I ' d like tho Law Mombor •s rocon­

sidorction . I think it i s a f a.i r consideration.

COLO~"EL KEELEY: The way he h!?.s t osti tiod was

that ho WC.$ o deputy , second i n command .

MR . SCHULTZ: I bog ~rour pardon , th is morning ' s

t estimony

MR . O' CONNOR : That is exactly whnt he testified

to , and certa i nl y I run not a military man - -

COLONEL KEELEY : Thnt i s his tustimony ~nd it

is in t ho r ecord of thi s mor ning.

MR . SCHULTZ : \ie l l , we will str ai ghten thut out

on redirect oxcminntion .

MR . O'CONNOR: May I proceed, s ir?

COL1..H\EL KEELEY: You may pr oceed .

MR . O' COHNOR: Direct tho wi tness to answer

tha t ques tion .

A I have no authori ty t o r eprimand Li outGncnt I shida .

MR . O' CONNOR: I ask t hat tha t bo stricken

1 69



out on t ho gr ounds thct i t is not r osponsi vo . I didn ' t

ask hi~ if ho ~1d authori t y , I nskod him t o t oll u~

vrhothor ho di d or whot hor ho did not.

MR . BCfnJLT~ : I t h i nk t hnt j s the only wn.y

ho can answor t ho quos tion v.s 1mt , "as s uporior officer,"

and ho did not cnswor , and ho could onswor because ho was

not hi s superior of f i cor . Th~t i s the correct answer .

MR . O' CONNOR: Lot' s not put words i n tho

tos tinony tha t n.r o not thoro . Now, I submit that his

answer is not rosponsivo . I nskod him whothor or not

he hod roprovod him whon ho s uggos tod that thoy should

bo oxooutod . That c~lls for o. ye s or no onswor , oithor

ho did or didn ' t .

COLONEL KEJ.!:LEY : Tho intorproter will ropoat

tho question to tho witness .

(Trcnsl a tod ns indiout od by tho intorproters .)

A No .

Q, Did I undors t cnd y.m t o sey in your direct ~eat1ooll3',

that you didn ' t tulc o it seriously , what Ishida told you

about executing the A.mcri c~ ns?

A Yes.

Q And then , I under s t ood you t o t es tif y slso that he

came two or three times l at er , cruno back end suggested that

those Americans be executed? Am I correct in that s t at ement?

A Yos .

Q li..nd you knew, did you not , ~s an officer of tVTenty

years standing , t ha t t hor o woro r egulations p rotecting

prisouor s of war?


RML (4 ) ros


A Yos , I know.

Q, And whon you ronlizod that l 3hidc. vms sorious vmon

ho scid tbr.t tho Amorio:ms should bo killod , didn• t you

regard tha t as qu i to c serious mcttur at thot poi nt?

A Boer.use I thouBht it serious , I r epor ted t o Admiral


Q, Whon?

A I believe it was about n i no-thirty on July ?.

Q I n other wor ds , you wa i ted f r om tho 2nd or 3rd of

July when you t es t i fied before was tho first time you

tolkod to I shida , until the ?th of July to make a r eport

to Vico Admir a l Ohs ugi, i s t hut correct?

A Yos .

Q Do you r ecall what conver sation you had with

Lieutenant I shidu when ho inJis tod these Amoricnns should

bo oxocutod and , i n your own words you know ho was serious

about it , whQt conversation took pl ace a t thet time? What

did ho say t o you and wha t did you soy t o him?



RML(4) ros


.. -...

MR . 0 1corrnon : Jfa ~r I ,., ~ thdr'\\ . thnt, si.r , .:. nd try

to Mako it s i Mplvr?

COLONEL KE1~LEY : Mey I nsk i f Li c\11.. cnont I shid'\ --

vmsn ' t he n Lieut unont CoMT'lOndor?

!ffi . O' CONNOR : According t o his t es tinony bef ore ,

Licutcnc.nt Com1~nder Ishidn cit t ho tin0 thos e ev0nts trnnspir cd

wns n Lieutennnt Senior Gr~tl o . Toyaca was a Li eutenant Cocoander

or Cormnnd or ut tho tine , ~nd subsequently becone Cnptn in ,

nnd I s hida bncA~o o Licut nn~nt Cnnrmndor . nut , at the ti "C

of thes e.. cvonts , Ishidn wcs just n Liont ennnt .

'ffi . SCHULTZ: I t h ink tha t the rli tnoss nhould

nnsv10r that t o clear 1 t up . I rr~n und er the i npr ·~s sion - -

COLONEL KEBLEY: I r ocnll thnt t estinony pr evious ly ,

novr .

Q Tte I ns t tine thnt Ishida cnne t o ycu : nd ins isted t hnt

thes e fli er s should b o executed , 'r7hat r] id you say t o hir:t and

~hn t did ho soy tn you?

A Lieut en~nt I shido sa id thot h G vinntcd to cxocutc th cr.1 ,

but I said , 11 It is no uso t olling i.10 the sonc thinz a ll th')

tine . If you hove ti r.ln f or conc erning your self with such

extr aneous nntters , why don' t you expend r:ior;) en ergy on the

c onstruct i on of def ense nnd +,ra ining ." To thr t Liout enr nt

Conriand or Ishidn said , 11 \'!o nr e doing nll th~. t ts possiblo

on def ense constr uction and tr::iining •11

Q Did y nu s~y thnt t o Ishid ~ because ycu had r ead the

r eport of I shida r u~orrling the• tr::l'.i ning progr::: ~ and l and

warfare progr~r. Hhich hnd b 'JOn subnitted t o y~u?

A No .

R!!.L/4/n j b 3nos




COLONEL KEELEY: At thin tiMo , i n or der t o noke ny

not es clcnr, uill t ho pr osecut or nsk t ho wit ness the hour and

dnt o cf t hi s convor sntion with I shida of which ho i s no\/

t OS t.ifying?

!ffi . 0 'CONNOR: Yes .

Q I s t hi s conversati C'n thrt you hnvc just t estified t o

tho fir s t or the lost convcr set i on uith I shida?

A It was the l ast confer once I hnd vii th hio .

Q What d~y did th~t conver sation t ake place and ~hot tine

of tho day?

A It was slightly after 10:00 A. M., July 7.

Q \Vhnt day of the week vms that?

A Sa turday .

Q 'Vhen wer e the fli ers executed?

A July 8. It wns on Sunday .

Q What day and wha t ti rrie d:td you subni t the r eport to

Admira l Ohsugi r egarding your conver sation nith Ljoutonont

I shida?

A It was about 9: 30 A. W.. on July 7.

Q In other words, t \1enty f our hours elaps ed bet ween the

tire you had this conversation •1:1 t h Ishida and the t11:1c you

r eported t o Vice Adnira l Ohsugi, i s that correct?

MR. SCHULTZ: Just hold it n mi nut c . That is not

correct. He has already t estified tha t it was on July 7 and

I move tha t the question be stricken .

MR. O'CONNOR: Possibly I an a little confused

iiys elf.

Q Is it ny understanding thP.t the r.wcting that t ook place ,

the last neeting in \ihich this conversation t ook place \Ii th


RML/4/r.i jb




• ....

Ishida occur r ed on J uly 7 at ob0ut 10:00 A. M. ?

A Yes .

Q And do I und er stand corr ectly a l so tha t the r eport you

gave Adnir a l Ohs ugi r egar di ng this conversation wns gi ven on

Sunday , July 8 , nt 9 :30 r .• r~ . ?

A I t was on July 7.

Q ~hat t i oe of day was it you nade t he r eport , at 9: 30?

A Yos .

Q Well, did you rmkc the r eport t o Adni ral Ohsugi bef or e

your l ost conversntion nith Lieutonont Ishidn?

A Yes .

Q Was the r eport or al or ·writ t en?

A It wa s or ally given.

Q Novi , as a natter of f act, Y<'U as a s tnff officer know

tha t in the I nperial J apnnese Navy , r.ltl tt er s of i mportanc e VIO'i' C•

trnnsnitt ed t o a higher offic er by Y1ritton cornrmnicntion, \7ere

they not?

A Ther e ar e tines when i t is urittcn , nnd nl so given

or olly.

COLONEL KEELEY: The Cor:1ni ss i on ~rill adj our n at

this tiMe , to r econvene ot 1330 hours , thi s aft ernoon .

(The Connissi on adj our ned at 1145 hours , t o r econvene

a t 1330 hours . )


RML/ 4 / r.i jb


• -

I shida occurred on July 7 nt nb0ut 10:00 A. M. ?

A Yes .

Q And do I und ers t and correctly a l so tha t the r eport you

gove Adniral Ohsugi r egar ding this conversation uns given on

Sunday , July 8 , at 9:30 ! • • '~ . ?

A It was on July ? .

Q i."lhat tioe of day wos it you nndo the r eport, at 9: 30?

A Yos.

Q Well, did you ~oke the r eport t o Adc iral Ohsugi bef or e

your l ost conversntion nith Lieutcmont Ishidn?

A Yes .

Q Was the r eport or a l or written?

A It vms or a lly given .

Q Novi , as o natter of f act, y<"'u as a stnff officer know

that in the I nperial J apnnose Navy , mnttors of i mportanc e vim.·(·

trans r.ii tt ed t o n higher officer by \"Jri tton cornriunicntion, vrnr c

they not?

A Ther e or e t i nes when it is urittcn, nnd also given

or Dlly.

COLONEL KEELEY: The Cor.1ni ss i on will adjourn at

this tine , t o reconvene at 1330 hours , this aft ernoon.

(The Coonission adj our ned at 1145 hours , to r econvene

nt 1330 hours.)





~ E. ! t·. rr b. Q fl E e. ~·. 3 g_ 1 Q J (Tht. Coinr..1£: i cn m<:t , pur51 nnt t o rr co!:s , c t L)40 hcur s . )

COLONEL KJ.,ELEY: Tlit. Commi s sjon 1~ j n ~e:rs ion .

~.m . O' CONNOR: ~fay th1.,.. i 0cord inrJiC'.::. t i:> tha t Dll

the: mc mbC; rs of th(" Commis~ ion c-.r c nr escnt , t h• thr ee accu~ed,

with th0ir counse l a nd oc 1·!:ot1"' l · i ntl rprrtf r s, nr c: pr esent ,

mr rnbor s 0f thr· di: f c n~c co1·nsc 1 a r c prc ec nt , me mbers of the

pros(•c 1.rtion ~ t,:i ff art!' OT'f• r. Pnt, am~ 1rc. r eady tr procc·ec.1 .

Tho ~ tJt t ,1s of thl: tria l is t h1 v·1tn0ss r. nd the accur,£d ,

To,v:: ma , i s nt })r esent on the :3 tand unde r c r os .. - cxaMina tion

by the pr o!:0 cution . Moy I pr r1 cccd, ~ ir?

COLONE.L J~ ... LB .: : Procuocl .

MR . O' C01Hf0.H · Bcior c., I eo f urthe r \1ith my cross­

c:xnmina tion , ::: would ! ' ' . .J pc ctful Jy ;~s k pr rflliss i on of. tho Court

to put on r c cr;:·d a ~ tc. t oment me.. r e ly for the purpose::; of com­

ple ting t he r~ cord clcnrly .

The l as t day tha t tht. r t. \~ ~ a hearing in t his c6sc wa s

on Monday of tr.1~ week . Tha t i !: J~nuo ry 20th . It ·ms

ndjour nc d at thct t irm by ·or der cf the Commi ss i on , t o be

r c r.onve n"'d on V!cdn0fday , .t,,ht. 22 r:id , n t 1300 hours .

,t.rior to 1300 hour ::: , I w::. s ndvi f" c.d b <. cc. u~0 cf t he

pre r. s tirc. of cor t::. in othe r officie l h ur in<· !: s t ha t i t viould

be impos ~iblc t o s e cure a quorum f or t h·1t day , a nd th~ t the

defens e hc.d been ncv" :·cd to t h1. ~amL c f ff' ct , l-;ut th::1 t th0

Commis s i on ,,·,ould r '- ~ onv·~ n< 0n Thuz·s dny ·'.:l t, 0830 in the m0rnir.g,

J on uary 23rd .

I mer e ly '.J i~h to ri1nh: tr.~. t: s t '.l t cme nt, ~ (, the: t ther e

v on ' t bl' c:~ ny cJ i1·f~ IP nCf;~ ~ pnc? rin~ in t he r<:: corct, a s t o wh~

1 t \'lt'. s not reconvened at the proper time .

i3H( 5)jn 3nos



I ...


• •

Bof ol'C proceiecl.lng wlth furtr • 1' cros:.: - cxa11innt1. on , Mr .

Schultz , t ht d0fon t• <',.Jn:;c.. l , hrs

thn t n cc.rtEt in dC'CUJnE- nt. ·:1h ~ ch I hnd of1 ~ r1...d in (;'Vid<..nco ,

ond the n withdrew, ic th~ docunent r of c rrod to ~s EKhibi t A,

nnd ide ntifie d in the affidn vi t of t he n. ccw:ctl M1 noru Toyama .

', i th his c onsent I um cff< ring that c.xhibi t in <'Vidoncc

ns Prosecuti on ' s Exhlbit No . 17. le thAt corre ct?

MR . SCHULTZ : I be lie ve it i s l~ ..

COLONEL KEELEY : 1.'Vai t ~ minutL· . Vi0 !c.vo t.J r c"\dy

hod the r Qpor t of tb0 Auctrnlion --

Mil . O ' COUNOR : Th i s i t t: till No . 19, f: 1.r.

tffi . SCHULTZ : ' ~ t !.i<: t c (' n .

COLONEL KJ.i.;ELbY: tariot~cn?

MR. O' COIU:llH : No . 19 . 1 h:.i vo oxtt'a copie s for

the membe r s of tho C umm.i..~· .. :don , vthich t: r e cnroute . 1'hey

will be hor c in a i · w mi nute s .

The p:· rticulor c xhibj.t or dc cu!"l1.;.nt the t I <"' fl : o.ffc.. ring

now, I only w1.sh to nffr; r pPr n.e r aph f :l vt:. t}'lc. r e0f , P.nd thn t

hn s b cc>n ::- cp~rctcly m1mc :·f?rnphe d , one my copiet will be hf) r e .

J offe r pn r agr aph five. of \'1h~ t i~ l~bl!l0.d Exhibit A- 1 ,

" Air Craft ·PerF onn l v:h o C .... mc. into A J.'N,.. i11 Cc h ;ht-s unde r

Col\tro l of Jap<.". ncsc Hr.~ vy . 11

COLONEL KF'..LLSY: Any ob .i r- cti0n by t h r· d(.'l°cnr c ?

!\.TR . SCHULTZ : ik oh ,j c. ction, sir, "nd the (1\:' f t.. n~c

stipulnt1 ~ v.'ith the prosecutor for the :-,dt1i ss :i.cn of tho t

t ection five . I T" nt t o iurth0r fully l:Xpl n in f or t he

r ,)c ol"d th~ t the pr!.)SC c utor nhO\'Cd •11.. t he ;: ntirf cxhiti t,

which uas properly ~ ~~rt c f u rL cor~ , ~ na sworn t o by an

BH( 5) j n 3nos



America n Ar my Offi ce r .

it ·10ol d b e a dn:l ss i blC: ,

j c ctions by th~ dcf 0nsc .



Undor l e ttc r 5 Dt.c0mber I bc l:l evc

sc n t this t i me the r e u r c no ob-

COLONEL Kl.!l~LEY : V.'ithout objc ctj cn , the doc 1Jmcnt

will be: r f) ce i vcd in e vide nce , l". nd Ma r ked Prosecuti on ' s

Exhihi t No . 19 .

s ir?

(trosc cution ' s Exhibit No . 19 r ece ived in evidence . )

MR • 0 'CONIIOR : Tha nl~ you , s ir. May I proceed ,


MR . 0 'CONUOR : May v1c have. the l ast ques tion

and answer be f or e the r ece ss ?


BH(5) jn

I -• ••


o wi·tne~ s f or the defc.nsc , having been previously duly

sworn, t cn: tified furthe r as f ollows through inte r pr e t e r s

Ni tta , Alzona , nnd Koi dc :

MR . O' CONNOR : Before we go fur ther, nay the

witness be advised thc t ho is ~ till unde r o~ th?

(Inte r pr e t ur Al zona inte r prete d to the> witness . )

(Th~ l as t quGs ti on ~nd A n:nver v1e r c r ood by the reporte r. )

CROSS-l'~XAMINATION , (Cont inued)


Q Is i t not a f a c t , Toyama , that rt;re time s when written

communications are given i s when the ma ttc r i s of gr ee t


A There a r e times when we s ubr:ii t n written r e por t , nnd

the r e a r e t.i mes v1he n v1c gi vc ve rbal r eports .

Q But is it not true that in matt e r s of gr ea t importance

you subr.ii t v1ri t t e n r cpcrts t o your superior office r ?

A Even l!latter s of great importi:.nce the r e a r c times when

we r e port verba lly.

Q But in ordinary circumstance~ in matte r s of gr eat

impor tance you us e wr itten communications , do you not?

MR . SCliULTZ : Object on t ho :· r ound that the

q ues ti on has been asked two times now, and am: we red t wice .

MR . O' CONNOR: I don ' t think so . '!'he r e has been

a shading , thc>rc has been a variance , be ca use I don't think

that the witness answer ed tho quee tion directl y , or pr ob­

ably he d id not under stand me . I want to ge t i t exact.

MR. SCHULTZ : May we have: a rulling on i t , Mr.

Law Commissioner?


BH( 5) ja


- -• ••


o wi·tno~s f or the defc.nsc , having bee n previously dul y

sworn, t o;. t ifiod furthe r as f ollows thr ough i nte r pre te r s

Ni tta , Alzona , a nd Koidc :

MR . O' CONNOR : Be.for e we go fur the r , cmy the

witness be advised thc t he i s ~ till under on th?

(Inte r pr e t t; r Al zona inte r pr e t e d t o th~ ~itness . )

(Th~ l ast questi on ; nd A n::nver ·71cr c r ead by the reporte r. )

CROSS-EXAMINA'l'ION, (Continued)


Q I s it not a f a ct, Toyama , that tm times whe n written

coMmunica tions a r e give n i s when the ma ttc r i s of gree t

impor tance?

A There a r e t :tmes when we subt11 t n written r e port, ond

the r e a r e times vJhen we give verbal r eports .

Q But i s it not true that in ma tte rs of gr ea t importance

you s ubmit v1ri tte n r opr rts t o your s uperior office r?

A Even l!latters of great i mport&nce there arc times when

vie r eport verba lly.

Q But in ordinary circumstance~ in matte r s of gr eat

impor tance you use v1ri tten communj cations , do you not?

VJL SCEULTZ : Object on the ~· r ound tha t the

q ues ti on has been asked two times now, and a nswe red t wice .

MR . O' CONNOR: I don ' t think so . The r e has bee n

a s hading , thC' r c ha s bc~n a va riance , be ca use I don 't think

that the witness answer ed thG quee tion dir e ctly, or prob ­

ably he did not under stand me . I wa nt t o go t it exac t.

MR. SCHULTZ: May we ha ve a r ulline on it, I1Jr .

Law Commissioner ?


BH( 5) j a

COLONEL SEVILLA : Ov~ rruled ,

INTERFRE'l'Lfl ALZOPA: Ma y I ha ve thr quEstion

aga in?

(The las t ques t ion wa:; r ead by t he r e porte r . )

A No . It i s not limited to t ha t .

Q You , as an office r of t wenty yea rs ' cxrerie nce in tho

Imperial Japanese: Navy, cons ide r e:d the prote ction of ria r

prisone rs a rathe r icpcr tant ma tte r, d id you not?

A Ye s , I conside r tha t : ti~ important .

Q And I r r es ume a l s o thn t , as a n officer of t wenty years '

e xpe r i ence in the Imperia l Japa n~se Na vy , when you wer e told

tha t juni or office r s wonted t o execut e these Americans, you

cons ide r ed t ha t i mporte nt, nls o , did you not?

A Ye s . I cons ide r tha t it i s important.

Q Despite the f a ct tha t Lie ute na nt Ishida first sugges t ed

to you tha t thes e Amcrtca ns s hould be exe cuted in tho first

days of July, you made no r e por t t o Vice - Admira l Ohsugi,

your s upe rior officer, until the da y before the executi on ,

i s thr. t corre ct?

A Ye s . I r e ported on the day before the execution.

Q And thn t was an oral r e por t , i s tha t correct?

A Yes.

Q Now , do I understund you a l so t o t estify in your dire c t

~xaminntion that you ha d no ~ uthority to orde r or gjve orde r s

t o Lie ute na nt I shida?

A Ye s .

Q Via s the r e eve r a n occasion during ;thi~ period in June

snd July of 194~ when you v1c 1·e a staff office r on the staff ·

of Vice - Admi r a l Ohsugi, t hn t Li0 uten~ nt I ~h16a mnde r epor t s


BH( 5) j a

to you of the work h€ was doi nP Rnd the: progr ess of the


A No . He did not make nny r e ports t o me .

Q Do you r emembE- r beinl! questi oned by Capta in Schv1cnker

ond Lieutenant Forkos ch down a t Mllkeissn r i n April of 1946?

A I rcmombe r Li e> uten2nt For k0sch, but I do not r emembe r

the others' names .

Q Did you e ver t ell eithe r one cf t hose Army office r s tha t

you knew tha t Ishida would wa nt to oxccute these me n because

you hnd r eceived r eports from him on his work per tn ining

t o weapons?

it. No .

Q Are you quite s ure nbout tha t?

A Yes.

Q As commander of the Tokkci Te i, you had the ca re a nd

cus tody of prisoners thut we r e de ~1 1ne d f or que~tioning i s

tha t not so?

A No .

Q Is it not a f a ct tha t nobody could r emove pris oners

from Tokke i Ta i hcndqu.c r t er s without your express permission?

A My pe rmis sion i s r cqu1rw 0nly whe n the per son be ing

held i s h~ ld f or the purpose of invcs tignticn by the Tokke i

Ta~ a nd such other pe rs ons not he ld f or inve stiga tion by

the 'l'okkc i Ta i do not r equire my permis sion .

Q Is it not a f a ct t hn t the f our hmcricans we re he ld by

th0 Tokke i Ta i f or the purposes of b0ing ques tioned -- the

Tokke i Ta i a t Makns s~ r?

A lfo .

Q Do you r eca ll the fir s t statement that was take n from

1 80




you on ~pril 20 , 1946 a t Mnknssor?

I. I r emember tha t I presented ~ uch ' dccuncnt , s tJl t cmcnt .

Q Do you r emembe r this question be ing as kc..d you, and your

a nswe r be ing giv~n s " \fus f orce , threa t s , dur dss , or

coe rcion us ed in t a ki ne this ~ ta temc nt '!~cm you? 11 ,~nswcr,

"No." Do· you r emcf.lbe r tha t?

A Yes . I r emember.

Q Do you r ememht r being A sl'od this que:s tion a nd giving

this o n~wcra " WAs any pr omi se of r ewar d , im1.mnity, or

consider a tion give n as n rc~ ult of this state ment?" Ansl'1er,

"No ." A Yes .

Q Do you remembe r furthe r the question and nnswc.. r: "Do

you havE:· anything furthe r t o odd t o your sta teMc nt? Answer,


.h. Yes .

Q Do you r c ca 11 the q ues ti0n nnc onsv1e r i " V'ha t happened

to the M?" This i s on pl' i:a 20 of your nffida vi t, .,.!':own abont

the. s ixth line you say: "When I shida r epor t ed to head­

que.rte r s I as ked h i n , Ishidn , wha t was the r eason he; t ook

the: pris0ner s fron Tokk0 i Ta i de t e ntion ce ll. ;. t that time

I shida was taking cha r ge of pris on· cn mi.~e, end a l so

commo ndcr ' of l anding gP ;rr~!'OD unit. I told I shida that

v1he neve r he , Ishida , tukcs out pr is 0ne r s he hed t o ha ve

pe r miss i on fr on ne as the hC'lld of the Tokkei Ta i unit."

Do you r e me mb er being a sked that question a nd giving

tho t a nswer?

l ffi . O'CONNOR : Tha t is not the: conple t e a nsv1er .

If you \'Jll nt the conpl c t E: a ns we r


BH( 5) j n

- -



.· MR . SCHULTZ : I th ink 1 t r10 uld be b e tter t o give ,

i or th~ purpos ( in question , the compl~ te qu~ stion , and

the qurE tion befor e the t , be cause it is no t clea r . The

only singl e questi on nnd the s ingl e an:w~ r i s ve r y l e ngthy .

l.IR . O' CONNOR i Fithdrnwn .

Q Do you r E' ca ll in that l >":l r.!ino tion v1hc n, a ftc r b -:? ing

ask" d v1ha t ha ppe ned t o the f lj r r s , you sa i d l.n thc- following

"lor ds a " I t old I shidn tho t wh: nc vc r he , I shida , tc.kes out

pris one r s he hod t o ha ve ny p~rni ss ion , hove per ni ssion

from ne , as head of thc- Tokkc i Tai unit ." Do you r emembe r

saying that?

MR . SCHULTZ : Aga in t ho sane ob j e ction . It is

not the full ques tion, no t the full a nswe r. It i s ve ry

mi~ 1~ading if ho jus t a sks a se ction of it. He i s re fe rrin~

t o this pnrticulu r docum0nt . He sh oul d put in a ll of it

in or der to olar.1.!y it f or tho Commi ss i on, cla rify it f or

the witness , be cause the purpos e 0f thls i s i npea chr.tent --

t o inpcach his t cstinony, r nthcr. I think it is un-

f a ir t o l eave out pa rt of it .

MR . O' CON:mR : Ma y I sa y, without be ing c ontinually

cha r acteri zed ns be ing unfn ir thr oughout the tria l, the t

the a nswE: r t o this pn rticul::i r ques tion i s ve ry invol ved a nd

ve ry l 8ngthy , I vmntoa t o ~ V<' id c 0nfus i on .

VTha t I aM pe r ticulnrly C!i r c c ting my r e.ma rks t o is whe the r

or no t he had ~skcc or had made a ~er tain s ta t ement to Ishida

r ega r d i ng the hund ling of pris one rs .

Then , ne t only f or the pur p0scs of cla rifica tion f or

the r e c0r d , a nd t c he lp t he r.ie r.ibc rs c f the Cor.imi ss i on, a nd


BH ( 5) ja

a l s o tc nakc sure tha t the de f ens' hu s prop~ r pro t ccti0n,

I sha ll be ha ppy t o r ea d the wh ol e nn~wer in questi n .

I think I am enti tlcu t o a sk hin right now whe ther or no t

he r c nembor s sa ying tha t pa rticula r th i ng . If

defense couns e l wants the who l o q ues t i on and .:i nswe r r ead ,

I will be ~l3d t c r en d the n .

MR . SCHULTZ a I think the v1h C' l e ques tion a nd

~ns\·1e r should be read, and D l so t he one prior t o that ,

be cause it f ollows the q uestion , " Whc. t happened t o them?"

In othe r v10rds, the qucs tt on be f or e the t and ~ns..e r be f er e

tha t would cla rify it .

MR . O'CONNOH : I !':light submit this t o your

honor s' a tte ntion . I an not quoting fr on a docW!lcnt tha t

is ye t t o be introduced in evidence , ~o thnt the nembe r s

cf the Commission may be t ukc n ndva ntnge of. This docul?lent

tha t I a m using h~s a lread y been introduced a s evide nce ,

end is fully avail a bl€· , a ll the quc~tions o nd a nswe r s .

MR. SCHULTZ: Thnt i s ri gh t, but in this particu-

l a r ins ta nce the rrosccutc r i s only us i ng one s e ction f or it,

and i s not using the prope r Means of interrogation on this

pa rticula r pa rt t o bring in e ve ryt hing that is necessary

t o cla rify f or thf: prupose of il?lpe:aching his t es timony.

MR. O'CONNOR: On r ed ire ct he ca n do a ll the

clarif ica tion he wants . I ask f or a r uling.

COLONEL SEVILL . .: Ob jc ction overruled.

MR . 0 ' CO NNOR : Will t h e wi tnc ss answer~

INTERPRETER NITTh: Re!ld the ques tion?

(The l ust quE-sti on wa s rc:.~d by the r eporte r.)

BH( 5) ja

.. . ..,,..

A I f the stntcr.!cnt so ct.1. t O., , it nu~t be i n t he stater.tent ,

but I de not r 0coll it cl~e rly .

Q \ 'c 11 , if it via s in the. s to. teMcn t , was it truE; \'Jhc n

you r.ll'dc. tha t s tlltc1.1cnt?

(Tr~ ns la ted t o t he v1 !.tnc s::: by Interpre t e r Nittn , a nd

ans v1c r cd . )

MR . O'CONNOR: I suC?gC's t , bef or e this ansv1er

i s gi~~ n t o the Conni~ s ion, t hat thrnugh tho inta r pr0 t e r

t he '. 'itness be directed t o a nsv1c r yes er no t o that ques tion,

unless hC' s t.Dtcs thet it i s i npossiblc t o s o a nswer. It

only ca lls f or yes or no .

MR . ·CHOLTZ : I dcn ' t t h i nk thn t i s P. fair

MR . O' CO NilORa V!1 thdr~ VI r equest .

Vi ill you ~ .:i sk t he qucs t i on , pl0osc?

(Trr.i ns l a t cc t o t h(, VJi tness by Inte rpre t e r Nitta . )

;" Ye s. If the pri~ t'nc r s C'f ~:l r h~d bee n d eta ined by

the Tokke i Te i it~ e: lf , e ve n Lic ut cnP. nt I shida W/"\Uld ha ve

had t c ask r.y pr: r n i ss i C' n . P.owc vc r, the Tokke i Ta i ooes

not cc tain prisoner s 0f war f or i ts own purpos e .

t~ . 01co:rnoR: I a sk t he t tl'1o t latte r s tat~·me nt

be stricke n out as not be ing r c sp0ns i ve . My quos ti on wa s :

" 'i!a s th E: s tr t emcnt m~d6 on ;.pril 20 th c. t NiakassA r t rue

e r not?11

tffi . SCHULTZ: Th~ t \'Ja: a ns,·m r ed .

MR . O'COI';i!OR : I ask thct t he. l as t pa rt cf tha t

a nswe r be stricken out r.s not r csp0nsive .

LR. SCHULTZ : Th is i s nn entire ly nevJ qucs tion

a nd nn entire ly nc.. w <1 nswc r.

BH ( 5) j u 3nos


.. MR . O •CONNOR a I a s k f or c ruling.

COLOJTEL KEELEY : Ln\"I r.:ombc r \'lill r ul o .

COLONEL SEVILLAs It oay be stricke n out . Not

r espons ive .


BH(5) ja

Q Now, since you stated on April 20 that you had

told I shida that he oould not reii1ove pri soners of the

Tokkoi Tai detention oells without your permission,

and I understood you this morning , or a little while

ago , to say that it vms not naoossary to hove your

permission before pri~oners were removed from the

Tok.kei Tai , which statement is correct?

MR. SCHULTZ: I object to that again . I don 't

believe the pr osecutor has the question clear there , and

he has about three or four questions . He says , "On

April 20 ," now when he spoko to I shida.

MR. O'CONNOR: I said in the statement t aken

on April 20 referring to the conversation vii.th Ishida .

MR. SCHJLTZ: I objeot to it on the grounds

there ar e three or four quostions. May I ask tha t the

prosecutor break it dovm into ono quos tion at a time?

MR. O'CONNOR: I r ost on my question.

COLONEL SEVILLA: Tho objection is overruled.

A Those prisoners who had boon detained by the Tokkei

Tai, it YK>uld r equire permission from mo if they were

to be r emoved. However, thoso four prisoners of war had

been put into the custody of Lieutenant Commander Ishida

and I shida had borrowed a room and one part of the Tokkei

Tai building. Therofor o , food was supplied by Lieutenant

Commander I shida .

~ Thon, if Lieutenant I shidc had taken charge of these

prisoners , he certainly didn ' t need your permission to

t ako them out of tho Tokkoi Toi detention cells, did ho?

A Yos . •




Q But , you say in your first st~tomont of J\pril 20

that in t o. lking to I sh i da you t.ol d hi m that ho did not

ha vo a right to toko thoso prisoner s out vdthout permis ­

s i on f r om you a$ hond of t ho Tolcko i Tai unit , isn•t that


A No .

Q Did you undor stnnd my quoD t i on, Mr. Witness?

A Yos .

Q, Did you not t esti f y ton minut es ago when I a s ked

you if you iruido that s t at ement , that i f it was in tho

stat omont, you JUldo it?

A Tha t was in oxplo.no.tion to t ho quest ion of whether

the Tokkoi Tai had det ained tho prisone r s of war.

Q, So thot wo might got it oloar, I aok you onoo again ,

did you make a statamont on April 20 ref erring to your

conversation with Lieutenant I s hida , that ho had no

business to t a lco thos o four pris oners , r oforring to the

Amorioa ns , out of tho Tokkoi Tai detention col l without

ponnis sion from you as houd of tho Tokkoi To.1, did you

nnke tha t statement?

A I do not remombor oloarly .

Q Do I undors t~nd from th~t tha t you wish to cha nge

your t estimony now from what you to~tified o. half hour


MR. SCHULTZ: Ob j ect t o t hat again. I think

tho r ecord speaks f or itself. I hovo sat her o patiently

and didn' t i nt errupt because I wanted t o let t he Commis­

s i on get c. ll the f acts , but tho line of questioning has

boon entirely in a fashion to di stort, to mi s l ea.d, to not


RML(6) ros


get tho fects . It i s trying to got in n picture by

cotting in u part of tho t~stinony ~nd mnking on is~ uo

of it. Unless tho prosecutor rofor s to onch i tem U3 it

is in tho r ecord , then I at this timo objuct to tho

further lino of quostioning of tho pr osecutor and to

this pcr ticul a r ~uostion .

MR . O'CONNOR: I would rospeotfully submit,

in n way it i s fla ttoring t o E; uggos t thnt I should oven

a ttempt to try t o distort something befor e . n Commission

os intelligent os this one. I wont to call to your

attenti on the f eet that although there may be limits to

oross -excmination , a cross-ex~inoti on has a pr etty wide

scope , and I don't think it tukos very .much to listen t o

the answers for the l ust twenty to thirty minutes --

MR. SCHUI.TZ: No oonclus i ons , Mr. Proscou tor,

on your pr.rt.

MR . O'CONNOR: Muy I be permitted to finish .

I didn't interrupt my friend .

MR . SCHULTZ: I mus t interrupt when you draw

conclusions .

MR . O'CONNOR: I didn ' t know that you wero so

skilled as to know tho roonta l operations of a nybody •s

mind . Tho f act remains, what I wcs trying to say wcs ,

tho Commission is able t o soc from tho type of answers

givon for tho l os t twenty mi nutes that I should not bo

restricted in crosu- examinotion , and that I om clearly

within, rny rights t o i mpocch thi s mn n' s crodi bili ty , and

I subrait tho question end annwcr er e perfectly proper .


RML(6 ) res



COLO!.iEL SEVILL.i\. : Tho objoction i s ovorrulod.

A \/h:it t csti!lony cr o you roforrinc to?

Q I um roforring t o tho tes tir.10ny in which , when I

cskod you tho question whether or not in your s t ctomont

givon t o tho Anorican officCJ r , tho invostigeti o11 toar..i ,

an April 20 , 1946, i f you hc dn ' t r.c.do tho statonont that

in speaking to I shida , you to ld him tha t ho did not hovo

a right to t oko theso prisoners , roforring to tho four

Araorioans, out of tho Tokkoi Tai dotontion cells vrit~out

your porn i ns i on ond your ansv10r wos , "If thct is in tho

s t atonont , I nust havo s a id it . " Th"l t nay not be tho

exact verbiage but it is the substance . I asked if it

wns true nnd you said , "Yes . " Subsequently, when I asked

whether it wasn't a f :'.ct that nobody could r or:.ovo prisoners I

fron tho Tokkoi Tai dotontion calls without your peraission

as Cor.:mandor of tho Tok.koi Tai unit , your tmswer was , "No . "

Now, I Ci~ asking you , uftor your statenent that you didn •t

say it, whothor tho tostinony thut you have just given ,

do you want to change that frofil the testi nony given u half

hour ago? That is involved , I roalizo .

MR . SCHJLT'Z: All this vt..1110 tho prosecutor

wus tolling a story that I an ~uro oven

MR . O' CONNOR: I withdraw it .

Q I OL1 referring to tho to~timony rogcrding tho statonont

you node t o I shida thc.t ho couldn't ronovo prison0rs

wl thout your pcrn i ssion.

A As those prisone r s of vmr had not boon det ai ned by

tho 'rokkoi Tai, I had no uuthori ty whatsoever to pernit

or r eject their r onoval f r on tr.o ToY.kei Tai .



__ _.

'}, You ho:lr d l~d11ir .tl Oh:Jugi t ustif J in th is trial ,

did yo\.t not?

A Yes .

Q You wer e c..n off icor under his corn_: ... ntl?

A Yes .

Q Did you asroo vii th Ac1 ·iral Ohsugi that tho 23r d.

Special Na.vol B~!so Unit with hoc.dquarter s at Makass!lr

wns directly under tho oo~onl of tho Seoond Dispa tch

Fleet with headquarters at Soorabaja?

MR. SCHILTZ : Just u ninute , I object to that .

Tho r ecord ~peaks f or itself as to what Vice Adr1iral

Ohsugi t es tified to .

MR. 0 'CONNOR: I en noroly asking this wi tn0ss

whether ho agr oos with Adnir ol Ohsugi as to t he chain of

oornund .

MR . S CHJL'lZ: I f , only under this condition

if tho questi on can be properly answurod and the witness

info~ed that he uor oly ans\/or as t o tho chai n of co.r1r.mnd .

MR. O'CONNOR: I uon ' t think I neecl t o ncke any

conl:iont on thct .

COLONEL SEVILLi~ : Tho objection is overruled.

A Yon .

Q Did you ul so hoar Ad.rlir c.J. Oh~ugi testify as to tho

regulations exi sti ng i n tho J opanese I oporia l Navy govern­

ing tho oxocution of oithor neribors of tho a rmed forces

01' tho Iriporia l J apano so Govern::1ont or pri soners of war?

Did you hoer thc t t osti uony , yes or no?

A Yos .


RML (6)ros


"}. Thon , it i n trnu , i 3 it nvt , tllf't no enlis t ed

por nonnol , ronc:. ·, i s.:liono l off i Ct,r S, 1r officers of tho

J cpanuso N. ~y c0ul d be s ent t o docth or oxLoutod without

court L~rtial or heiring , i 3n ' t t hat true?

A Yes .

Q, i~nd is it not true ·~hc.t tl .o orc~o r i : 1poneling c. court

r.r.rtinl heel t o oc.anc.t o in t ho ho:.dqucrtoro of the AdLlirc. l

of tho Socond Dispatch Float l .:>cc. tod c. t Soora.bnja?

A Yos .

Q I s it not a l so true tha'C thoro wo.s an order frou t ho

Second Expedi tionary Floot c t Soornba jc to the effect thut

whonovor allied f l iorn woro c::ipturod, thoy shoul d bo sont

to --s oorubc j o.?

A Yos .

Q And you know of the existence of that order , did you

not , in June and July , 1945 , when these four American

fliers were held at the Tokkei Tai detention cells?

MR . SCHULTZ : Just a minute , the testimony

again shows that they were not held in the Tokkei Tai

detention cells . They were held as prisoners of war under

a separate command and that again i n a double question .

If you answer yes, you arc in trouble , and i f you answer

no , you are in trouble. I object f or tlle reason of being

that type of question .

MR . O' CONNOR: Evidently the defense counsel

hasn ' t r ead the affidavits cubmitted by the prosecution ,

but even his own vdtncss on the stand in his own affi davit

which is in evidence, stated tha t in a conversation with


RML (6)res



Ishida, he tolu him ha had no right to removo the four

particula r men f r om the Tokke i Tui dotontion cells

without his per miss i on as head . That is in evidence

and I never quo t o anyth ins that isn ' t in evidence .

MR. SCHULTZ : May I answer that? I n order to

avoid any future doubt in tho prosecutor ' s mind , I have

r ead ever y one of those statements that were put into

evidence and I have full knoulodge of tho contents thereof ,

if the particula r part is ref~rrod t o • Now , I don •t want

to say at this time that I havo such a good memory that

I can remember the questions and answers, but I do have a

gist of the knowlodgo of the contents of t hese particular

prosecution exhibits put in form, and I just resent the

prosecutor always ref erring i nto the record that I

evidently don't know the contents of it. I wish the

Commiss ion would instruct him to s tuy to the facts at

i ssue and leave out per sonal remarks.

MR. O'CONNOR: There was no personal feeling ,

but the defense counsel wns continuously r eferring to the

f act tha t this or thct i sn't in the r ecord , when all

you have to do is to r ead tho affid~vits.

COLONEL KEELEY: Let ' s proceed with the

cross- examining of tho wi tnoss . It is in tho record

ond the witness has stutod on tho stand that these four

Americans wore deta ined at the Tokkei Tai headquarters in

a room and it was r eferred to as the detention cell . Is

there a specific obj ection before the Commission at this



RML (5)res

--- -


MR. SCHULTZ : Yos , thoro was , s ir, on the

gr ound ho is nl vmys r of erring to tho conunnnd . 'l1loro a~e

two s oparnto c011nnands thero, sir, and I want the prosecutor

to limit his que$tions to the conunand of Ishida or the

comnand of the Tokkoi Tai , end not bring in both of them .

MR . O ' CONI~OR : I don ' t know v.nat he i s r eferring

to . If it is u l egul objection , I ' d like to hear i t . I

osk for a ruling.

COLONEL SEVILLA: May I hear the l as t question

r e f orred to?

(Last ques tion r ead by the roportor.)

COLONEL SEVILLA.: Tho obj ection is overruled,

tho witnoss may answer .

A Yos .

Q Do you remanbor malcing this statement on the 23rd of

April , 1946 , at the Mandni Pris oner of War Calllp at

Makassar: (reading ) "It i s possible tha t Admiral Ohsugi

did not approve of the 9l on end if I had r eported to him

on Sunday morning i mme diately after I had spoken with

I shida about tho exocution , then Ohsugi might have

proYontod the execution . I was negli gent in this matter .

I should have r eported ." Did :,.ou make that statement?

MR . SCHUL'l1Z: I object again t o just rending

a port of the ques tion nnd u port of the answer . That

i s not the pr oper method . 'l'he proper method is to read

a.11 the question and ull of t he anower for the purpose of

reminding tho witnoss ns t o the contents and w'nether that

quos t ion was mode to hi lli end whether thQt answer \VOS mude

by him, a n:l therofo r o I objact to it.

J. 93

RML (6) r es

- - -

I lf--

~ -

i::R . O' CONNOR: If you v1ill rooa.11 , si r , whon

I asked tho question , I did not rofor to a question or

cm answer , cskinc hilJl if ho had boon cskod t hio quostion

end hc.d given this :mswor . I st~id , "In u s t atomont , do

you r ooall having said so-"nd-so?" Now, if thoro is

further clcrification nccofl~ cry , certainly the defense

counsel on redirect oxamin~tion may clear it up, but I

submit thct my questi on as ~skcd is port octly proper .

COLONEL KEBLEY: Tllo Low Morubor vlill rulo .

COLONEL SEVILLA: Tho objection is ovorrulod.

A Yes . At tho tixoo ray st~ teraen-li wos t o.ken , on April

23 , I stated to the invostigc tor that thore were many

error s , but at that timo my pleas wore not listened to

and my signnturo was doma nded . Then , on board ship , while

onrout0 from M~kossar to Manila , I uskod Lieutenant

Forkosch t o ohange my s t atomont . Thorofore on June 2? , 1946 ,

I mndo a statomont concerning tho uotuol conditions

s urrounding tho execution. Thorofore, tho stat ement which

I mado on April 23 diff or s from tho facts of tho incident .

Q Do I undorstcnd fron th~t that tho stctemcnt that

I l'.slrnd if you node was not correctly transl a t ed? Is

that vlhot you ar c trying to soy?

A It was not tran~lutod according t o tho truth of the

matter .

~ Now, do you rocrll hcving boon ques tioned at the

High Commiss i oner' s Ros idonco on June 2?, 1946?

A Yos .

Q And is it not ~ f~ct tha t ut that questi oning thoro


RML(6 ) res

--- -


wor e present Liout.unU11t ;.forria !> ... Forlwsc.b , Ullitod s t a tes

Anzy , yours elf .J nd Nir . Yukt.0 Yes!lilmvr..i ? • A Yos .

Q, Md i s it not :::. f act that yon wore o.skod by

Lioutoncnt Forkosch as t o whothor or not you desired to

ohcngo the :Jt::.to:1cmt th::t W".c xa~do on ~pril 23 , 1946?

A Yes .

Q And is it not a feet t hat this quostior. was asked

of you and you gave this r o,ly - -

MR . SC!iULTZ : Just. a n inuto, I don ' t have a.

copy of that a t all t o chock with . I novor received a

copy .

MR . O' CONNOR: I didn ' t expect t o offer t his

in ovidonco. I don ' t happen to havo ~n oxtru copy with

mo, s ir , but before I offor it i n evidence I will see

tha t they got it inside of tho next half hour .

MR. SCHULTZ: I don ' t think you can offer it

i n evidence thr ough your own vlitness .

MR. O' CONNOR: I an not pr epared t o offer it .

I thi nk that I may pr ocood wi t hout r oforring to tho

docutlont . May I have i t narkod for i dentification ,

not off ering it i r. evi dence . I ~n offering it f or

idontifi cntion so t hat i t ~Y bo not ed as the docunent

t o which I on r eferring . I t is tho statement of Minoru

Toyana t aken c t the High Coi::ni ss i oncr ' s Rosidonco on

2? J une , 1946 , signed before Morris D. For kosch ,

Lieutonant . I nor cly w...int t o huvo i t r.nrked for

identifica t i on purposes .


RA·:L ( 6 ) r o s



MR . 0 ' CONNOR: h'IO.f \10 ilovo it I"'.Orlcod for

idontif icQti0n purposes?

COLO~~ KEELE{: It is so ordorod .

~ I sn ' t it o fact , Toycunn , that tho only thing you

asked Lioutonunt Forkosch t o correct in your stataoent

of April 23 wns tho stQt oncmt that i s nlloged t o hnvo boen

nado by I shidc to you?

A At thnt tiL"1e , I bolievoct that if that had been

corrected , related matters would also have been corrected .

Q, So , you thought r elated matters should be corrected

in addition to the request for a change in the conversation

you had with I shida?

A Yes .

Q, And isn't it a fnct that yon were asked at that time

i f there was anything else thut you wanted to change in

any of the statements you had given in which you claimed

it hadn't been properly translated , and your answer was,

"No ."

A Yes.

Q Do you recall having been asked this question,

"During our entire present discussion.ms Mr . Yukio

Yoshikawa been present?" and your answer was , "Yes , he

has been present ." Do you recall that question and answer?

A Yes .

MR . SCHULTZ : Just a minut e --

MR . O' CONtiOR: I hnvc onl y two questions more .


RML (6)res

- - - r-



MR . SCHULTi : I just \tant to make a statement

in t ho r ecord that all tho procoodincs by tho prosecution

ar o from something that the dofonso was not apprised

of , something i n tho form of stotemonts thoy had held

back. I know nothing of it . I wcsn ' t given the forma l

forty-ei gllt hour s in which to consider i t , that it i s

a sur prise entirely to mo , for propor pr epar ation of

defense and becaus e of that I ask for a ruling tbat a ll

of that bo stricken out of tho r ocord .

MR. 0 'CONNOR: I f rzy memory serves me correctly ,

tho r ocoi pt which has boon oxhibitod to members of this

Connnission, the he ading of which is , "Papers to bo used

in the Ohsugi Cose ," ond shows a r ecei pt for all documents ,

and da t ed July of 1946 , contain8 this par t icular affidavit .

I don't happon to have the r ocoi pt hero , but if that i s the

case, I don't think ther e i s Illy sur prise , but if there is ,

I haven't offered the document in evidence yet . I can

rofrosh his r ecolle ction end ask him i f ho hasn ' t been

asked c cer tain questi on .

COLONEL SEVILLA: The objection i s overruled.

Q And wor e you not asked a t tha t hearing whether you

wor e completely satisfied with tho services of Y\lkio

Yoshikawa as o n interpretor and your onswor was , "I am." Do you reca ll tha t?

A Yes .

MR. O'CONNOR : No further questions by tho

prosecution on oro ss- oxcminoti on . Now, before the

Commission adjourns , I'd like to r espectfully call your

attention to tho f eet th~t in direct examination a question


RML (6)ros

wos ::skod that r oforroa to ·. lut.t.cr t hat hoa beun l oft

by this Liou tenant I shidc , und I pronizod t o pr oc:uco

t hat for tho def'cnse . I huvo g i von to Hr . Schultz

this afternoon .:. cortif'iod copy of ·nhc.t purport::> to bo n

tronslc. tion into English of that particul~r stc tcment .

I don ' t propose to offer it , but I huve produced it cs I

s aid I would .

COLO~AL KEETJrr: A·t this time tho Commission

will adjourn to reconvene c t 0830 hours on Friday,

24 January 1947.

(Tho Ccmmission adjourned a t 1500 hours to r oconveno

at 0830 hours , 24 J un ucry 1947.)



RML(5 ) r os




13 June 1946

TO Ja pnnesP Lini ~;on : G-2 , G ~ ' 'lCt P • .

SUBJECT: JPpanese Regulations .

1 . Refer ence : Check J h0rt LNO 1795 d,tcd 27 ~ay 1946 , s ubject as ~~ovc .

2 . The r equired r egula t jon3 t opcthnr with tr1nslati on ther eof ~ re submi tted herewith us pe r ~nc losure .

Enclos urE?:

/ s/ T. Kngosh ima It/ T . K4GOSHilM

T1 j 11 t$lry Section , Poli t 1c1l Division C cntr ~ l LiAi son Office

~ . Ar my ~nd N8vy Rogul at1ons r elnt i n? to tho ef fect of disobed i ence of ~n orde r by ~ sub-ordin~te whor~ the orde~ given him w~s illegal.

b . Directive 2190 issued 0n 28 July 1942 by "Army .t: uthoritics. "

c. GHQ, Ar my Division , S1n-?titsu No . 383- 1 , d"tcd 28 July 1942 , sub ject: " Instruct ion fc-r H~ndling of Enemy ~. irmn.n in C"lot ivity . "

42 . d . ~ nnouncomont by Supreme Defense ComM1nder 19 October

o . Ri ku- .1-rr.1tsu Tol o-"ri:im No . 279 d'3ted 21 Feb 4.'). .

f . ~ilit~ry Regulqtions fo r Enemy ~ ir Ra ider s , issuod 17 October 1942 by Gen. Def . HQ .

DE.FEt.JE EXHI BI T ~ U .s .A • vs . inoy:.YAl.'A Received : }.. J lf7

/n pb



l .



13 June 1946 rrm 42


SUBJECT: Jppanese Regulations .

1. Ref er enc e : Check .Jh0<'t LNO 1795 d1tcd 27 r~ay 1946, s ubject as n~ovc .

2 . The r equi r ed r egulat jons topcthnr with tr~ns lntion t her eof ~ re submitted herew i t h us per nnc l osur e .

Enclosur e :

/ s / T. Kngoshima /t/ T. K.O.GOSHUM

Pj l its:i ry Section , Po l it jc1l Divis ion Ccntr ~ l LiA i son Office

8 . :\ r my ~nd N8vy Regulat i ons r a l ot i n? to tho ef f'cc t of disobed i ence of ~n orde r by ~ sub-ord in~te whcr~ the or der gi ven him w~s i llegal.

b . Direc t ive 2190 issued on 28 J uly 1?42 by "Ar my !'. uthor i tics . 11

c . GHQ, Ar my Divis i on , S1n- l\'itsu No . 383- 1, d" t cd 28 July 1942 , subject: "Instruct ion ror H~ndl ing of Encrny ~ irrmn in C'l otivi ty . "

42 . d . ~ nnouncomcnt by Supreme Defense ComMi nder 19 Oc tober

c . Riku-~~~i ts u Tcl cPr i m No . 279 d~tod 21 Feb 4i .

f . ~ilit~ry ReguJ qt i ons for Ene my 5ir Ra ider s , is sued 17 October 1942 by Gen . Def. HQ .

DEFEt,JE SXHil3IT ~ U .s .A • vs • inoy::.YAl:J. Received : ;.. J 4-7

/ opb


Enc lo sure '\ .

!. r my "I nd Nnvy negulf'\ tions r e l '1tinr. t o t he ef fect of d i sobedience of nn r rdcr by "\ sub­or dinn. tc wher 0 th0 t~rrl er piven Mm W"S ill0p."' l.

enc l e s ur 0 .., •

~'ili tory flUlCS l'lllCJ T' j SC'bNl i ll nC'C

t o I mpr0ner Or~0 rs

l. Ther e cx tst n° explicit Ar~y r ules c oncre t e ly in~ic"tine

r r~er C"n be is sue~ . If it ner e r eccgnizcct th"t t hcr (l cculd

he nn trnnrc...,er <'r r'nr, it W<'" lrl crc'lt0 , in c<'nn'"'ct1 r n wt th :'ny

r:ivcm r P.C•"'iver1, in-tsriv~ YJ('S 1.n th0 l'l'ln ls f' f the tr<'<"O~ nil1·· l""PSt

'let inst"nt"lnerusly in "Ccr r r1 171. t h t'\ s ~ n[' lc C' r r1c r , "nn i.t Jwr'll~

~"n~ "n~ t <' M"'intrin Militiry ~1sc1.pltne .

2 . In the J~p~nc se 'r~y , 1bs0lut o c.hP~ ienc0 t c r rr ers is ~e ­

rn"'ln'1<:'1 1n cr11 0r tc- f!l" in t-- in " strict ,.,.ilit~ry '1 i s c1nl ine .

(Gcnor"l Rul0 5 of th0 ' r ny Intern1 l ' ff"irs Or~e~ "n~ 4rtic l es

9 , 10 ~n1 11 cf the S" i~ Or rnr . ) Ch"nnols "Ire '"lrrvi~c~ f0r the

suh- is s 1.0n of C'"linicns tC' sunerirrs , but t he uso C' f cuch ch"n­

nols is rcstrictc~ . (Articles 11 , 12 ~n~ 1~5 C' f the ~ rry In -

tcrn~l ~ ff~ trs Or~er. ) Pcrs0~s ~hr ~1ve r csistcf r r~c~s nre

viP0r 0us ly ...,un ishe~ f ( r the Cri~e of 1cs i st inP An Orrl er un~0r

th0 :·111t"ry Cr1.r:i1n~l L!"\w ( .\ rticles 57 "' nr1 ?8 c f the 1·'- i] 1.t1ry

C r irin~ l L"l\'J) , i n .''lCCC'r f~f'l nCC with the t'i l1. t11?ry n isci: lin"l ry

crns ti tu to the Cri:- e c f R(ls i s tinP ~n Or"' er if , "S thn r esult 0f

c r r, i n1tr.- M"IY CC'n ; i er ... r·iv•'n <' r -1 nr (' bC" ir"'"T<' .. '11r , ~ut , if

th i s r r 1,0r '1r r v(l > tr be '"Ir r"' r, h"' w 11 -'f' c0ur s 0 h0 ch" r f'cri

n i tt-. t h(.• Crirc r f R0s i st1n :· " n Or ·l() r . "s " l rc" rl v s t1 t N1 in

th0 " t'<'C"'1 1.n ,... ':'· r " r.,-h , ..,b:- lu t o r b< 'i"ncc t0 0 r 'Prs i <> h" ­

b itu1 l l y r 0q u jr 3n r f f ~1C "' r~ "n~ ~Cr r f tho J" D~nc se 'r~y .

Tt i s USU"l l f r r thC'S P r f r 1.c c r s " n ' r-rn , cs-Pc j .., l l~r f',"'r '"cm

" f l c ·1c ,. r "nk w:1rs0 ... ,mt""J c ... . , ., c i ty 1 - r .in, ·oMc nt i s n - t r i .. h ,

fr r~ r f "n rr~ ! r 0V0n mb0n SUCh " r ..:ir r SC'MS nrf ~ "" f 1cic i r -' -------

1 t t s t he ·1r rs 0n j s s1rl.nr t hr 0r ,,0 r wl ,. r:h .., 1 1. bn h<' l rl r e s :ion­

s 1 hl e -- ~~ "c ci" lly i f , in t he circu~ ;~""nccs e x1.st1nP " t th0

t1.M0 , the r t s C"llS0 f'0 r thr justific · i 1· n 0f 'the ~_1,.,~_f..,c i0

" Extr 1c ts frc n rules " n"1 r egnl "l t i rn;, c 0ncerncr1 .

(1) Rule 5 c f the ' r r y Intcrn1l Aff"i r s Or~er .

:'ilit ..,ry rl fs ci ~l ire i s t he ..,rte r y r f the ' r r y . Ther c f r r e ,

the ·,r ,...1y s hcul 1' "l"'" YS s tr1v0 t 0 e n h"" nc e miJ.it!lry ..:i 1s ci .... ·linc .

f\11 sc l r1i 0rs , l-iC' th h i r·h 1n..:i 10w, ShC' ll l '1 eq trlly "'b i ~e by t he

b ""S ic ')rinci "' l c s of t he .\ r • y , enA0·wc r t r r isc h.~r gc . ., ilit1ry

r1u t t 11s tn '111 since r i ty , ~ n1 ' ne ve r f " il tC' C"rr :v "Ut (•rr nr s .

Th i s 1~ the• trn0 G1rnc st ('f the 0nh.,nc r:- ri :mt C' f r ilit"ry rHs ­

Ci ';)linc .

Ob<v1 i onc e is ·::-r o r eq ui s i t 0 tc t he !"r c s e: rv!) t i <'n <"' f Mi li t " r y

..:i 1sc 1 ''linc: . It is , t hcr c f " r n , ne c css" r y t 0 o l)C' ~' s1nc ri r- r s in


"11 s i ncr ri ty "n~ t c C" rry n t thr> ir r ''< r:; "hsc lv t•~ ly , S C'

th"t th1 s "tt i tU'1 '"' ""'- Y bc,c ·~r. " h"bitu·•l t r "jt , 0 hf>r1 i <-nc<:>

3 t (•r"S f r cr th<' S ' irit <'f tht r' 0e 'C<J t Si rtcc r f ty "n'1 thP. l;j -h ­

r>St l r y " lty, "n~ , ictu"t(:>r" by this s~1r jt, sr J ~ iFrs will c0·0 ,

1n t hn ti' ick "n'1 thi n r f f i ·-htinr, t <' ··1 ... c n. tl'\r ir lives ""

the ilt~r c f the ir f"thPrl"n~ , subr1ttinr thors c lv"s whr l 0 -

hcv1r t <'r ly t 0 the c c r·r.., nrs r f the ir s u --0r1 c rs . Thr> \'!"'Y C' f

brjn pinP "hr ut this "'.ttitur1 0 e n th<' ··., rt c f' -:; r l ,1 j c- rs i f f r r

th~ ir su~cr 1 rrs thersr> lve s t r ..,hi~c bv r r~0 rs frr r ihr v <' "n~

s0 t nn 0x1 M~l0 <' f rhc~ icnc c .

The \ r my Int~rna l · rr ~ trs

( ~dmin1 stration) 0rdinRnce

(2) ,\ r ticle 9 . Suhordina t es shall ohey their sll - erior s 1n

control of them strictly on a ll oc cn ~ ions .

The ahov0 shall a "~ly 1n the case ryhcr e 1ny or~ cr is r e ­

ceived by n subordin~ te ~ro~ n suryertor w~o i s not in con trol

0f such s ubor dinqte .

(1) ~ r ticJ e 10 . In the c ~ ~e ~here t ~ere cxi 1t~ no re 1~ · 1on­

sh i~ ot contr ol or com~~na , s uhordi~ateq or junior s shAll

follov1 or0e r s g iven by thC' ir St> "'e r iors or scmiors i:is f.:ir ns

;--os s ihle v·1 thout t he "erformpnce of A ~ q irnod duties l)e ing

~revent0n t h~ roby .

(4) ! r tic l c 11 . ' 11 orders sh~ ll be c qrcfully followed ~nd

r r om•" tl.v .:?Xecutcd . ~ro 1r;-ument s htill l)o Allowed for or

~ r~inst the ~ro ~rioty of ord er s piven~ nor sh~ll Pny que s t ­

tioninr be done ~bout the c1use , r e1son, e tc ., of ~uch order s .

In the> c:1s e ,., her <? 1ny new or der i s found contrfld ic tory

ng~inst 9n ord0r J r 0v1ous l y · iven, st1 t~m0nt to such ef fect

sh'lll be rn::-do '"'Olit·?. ly ~n0 furthe r i ns tructions ~wcdted .

(5 ) •rticl 0 12 . It is t he duty cf sol01crs of ~nv r rynkinr, ,

"nrt1 cul~rly th~ t of of~ icrrs to st~to t h0ir vi0ws will ing­

ly to su ·""er ior officers \.vhen they feel convinced of s uc h

s tflt~mcnt do in: bGnefit to th~ ' r rny , out of their s inccr r

desir e to nss i st tho lntter.


It i s s tinul~t' ~ , hcwcvcr, thAt in ~~k in~ such st~tf'~Pnt,

no cC"nf uct in the nRtur ... 0f r i sturbj r t!1P r r r1 f'r cf nr r> c0-

ncnc0 bct,·1c0n super1 "rs Anrl subr rrlin...,t0s sh..., 11 be ~ll<'Wc'l ,

~nrl th"t , conce r ning · ~tt0rs up"11 which sunr r 1.•' r s h:-i ve narle

a fina l ~Pc isi n, rhrle -~01 rtcr cffcrts 3h" ll be ~ cvrtc~ t o

the e tt1inr "nt c- f such rlrcisi<'n nt 111 ti••("ls , "vcn in the

cqsc wher e t her e Pxists a r iff er enc e r f vi0~s .

(6) /\ r t icle 165 . Subor rl in11tcs , cvcm in the c~sc ':1hcr c t h0y

ccnsirer th("l ir tre~ tMent by superirr~ unr 0,.,sr nnbl c , sh~ll

neve r b0 qllowo~ t r rl i sputA or cxch,.,nre 1 rruM0~s wi th t he

l a t t 0r ; pr cvir'I('(, , hr·,:1r v0r , th"'t n prycnl r-i" y be l"'rtno or lit0ly

thr r·uph 1n a opr opri::i t c c h'1 nnel.

In the nh0vc c1sc , urivnt0s ~ ny , if nocnssary, nopo~ l

d ir~ ctly t r w,., rrnnt-0f ~ic ors , but s1~h o ryn~P l s hDll nr t be

pcr~itter t c be ~ ~~"' j0 intly by twc er nor e , nr r while bcinP

r n ,, uty .



Tho " 111 t11ry Cr 1 1n11 L-iw

( PPna 1 Cc 1 c )

( 7) ~r tic lP 57 . ~ny subrrdi~~tc whr d0fio~ 0r r " fuscs t~

ccm· ly ~1th the cr dor r f his su 0rinr sh~lJ , "'Cc r r dinr

t <' the c~s c , b0 - unjsh0d v11 ri0usly 1s unn0r: --

l . In the C"' SC \'Jh<>r c he crmmits 51lch ->ct in the f"ICC'

~ r the enemy, h~ sh~ll br c c- nrt0~ncd tc nc..,th er tc cr n­

f inomcnt fC' r lj f~ cr f0r fl ""erio~ cf ne t l ess th"'n t ''n

yc 'lr s .

2 . In the C~O" ·' <'r in 1n f'\ r e1 undrr m1rti~ 1 I nv• , t r c r-n-

~ . In ,.. t her c~s o , t r c0nr in0 ~cnt frr ~ "or 1od n0t

cxc0cdinp five yc~rs .

(8) Ar tic l e 58 . These w~~ h~vc , f or m1nr n cljquc , c0~mittcd

the cffonc 0 ~enti l"'ncn in the ~rcc"din~ 1r tic l c ·hR ll ,

'1 Ccr r di.n,.. t c the Cl's - be "unis hr r1 ris f r llc,·!s : - -

1. When such cffcnc0 1.s c 1. Pmi ttod in t r:" f ., ce c f the

cne My , th0 r in;- J.e~der sh~ll he cr nrt~ rineti tc de,., th, "nd

the rti--e r s t 0 ctc"' t h 1'r t c cr nf incmcnt f'l"' r 1 j f c .

r tnrle~~er sh..,11 be c r ndc~ned t<' c r nf inencnt f r r life

er f er 1 'Cr ird ~f nr t l~ss th~n seven yc .., r s , nnd th0

e ther s t o t e r min1bl o c -nfinemcnt r f nrt l e s s th1n r n0


j . In c t rer c .:is - s , the rin{Z le~<'l0r s hn.11 be c0nrl c-· ne~

t <' tcrminn~lo crnfine~ont 0f nr t l es s th~n thr c0 yer r s ,

~nrl the r trcr s .tr er nfine~ent f or n "'eri '"'Cl n(' t C'Y.Cecd -

The · ·11tt11ry Cr:f i n'll L'lw

( PPno 1 Cc: 1 o )

(7) ~rt1.cle 57 . Any subrrd i~"'t0 whr d 0ff oq r r r " fusr s t~

c r m ly "J i th the r r dcr r f his su C'rinr sh.,lJ , .,ccr r dinr

t r the c"sc , bC' - unjsh0d v11r i 0us ly is unnrr :--

1 . In the c"' se ':1 h0r e ha c 0 mmi ts c:; nch ->ct in the f"'C C'

" f the e ne my , h~ sh::>ll b e> Cf' nrt0rrnc d t c nc --th c·r tr crn­

finc mcn t f er 11fe f' r f 0r n "er1.o~ cf nr t l oss th.,n t ~n

y c 'lrs .

2 . I n the C,:\ll"' "' r r in in ::\ r e1 un<lcr m'lrtit:i l l !'l v• , t r· c r n­

f in.:- l"'cnt f or n ''f>ri ~f r f fr r rr' r nr t r- t nn y0- r s .

l . In r t he r c1sc , t r c0n~ino rrcnt frr ~ " or iod n0 t

c xc0edinp five yc~rs .

(8) Ar tic l e 58 . These \01l1c: h~vc , f cir m"!nc n cl:fquc , c r !l'mittcd

the cffcncc ~8nti~nc<l in t~e ~r( c0 <l in~ 1r ticl c · h~11 ,

., c c c:- r dtn- t c the c l"s - be "'unis hr rt ns f r llcr:s :--

l . Whe n such cffenc ~ 1.s Cl r•mi ttod in t r r- f->ce c f the

c ncMy , th0 rin.rJ.e !ldcr s h~ll t c crnrt~111ner1 t \ cc,,th , " nd

the r t i.-e r s t r- rl c " t h 1' r t c c r nf inc ment f 0 r 1 ifc .

2 . In th•:> C "'l!l 0r :fn an ~rcn nnn-; r ""arti~l l~n·· , th0

r tnple n~er s h--11 be cr n<lc~ned t r c r nf ine ncnt f r r lifn

or f er '1 "'Cried r f nr· t l~ss thrn se ven yo-:. rs , !lfld tho

e the rs t o t e rmin1bl0 c - nfino~cnt r f nr t l e s s thin r n 0


j . In ( t r e r c ~s - s , the rin(?lc Ml <'r s h~ ll bo c0nrl 0 -·ne~

t r tcrminn~lc crnfine~ant 0f ne t l e s s thrn thr 00 ye pr s ,

~ nrl the r ti~c rs .tr er nfino~ent f or n '"'eri --cl n(' t e xce ed -

I •

. · .. , . . f · • . .... - ' ":}} ": I• '

• I I > -: : ,.

in s even yertrs.

1 . A . It is rentir ned f or y~ur infor r.n tion th~ t in

the J!' •1q nes e Nnvy ther e ire n0 r egul .., ti ons f or Lep:l l cf feet

of ri 1sobc11ence on the ·qrt of ~ s u~or~ in~te t o his su ~erior ' s

unl~wful or cers .

EnclcsurC' b .

Directive 2190 issue~ r n 28 July 1942 by "·.r .-.y :.uthcr iti cs ."

Encl csur c b .

Directive 2190 i ssue~ r n 28 July 1942 by " '. r ,..y :.u thr rit -1 cs ."

Encl"sur e b .

Directive Nr . 2190 , is sue~ rr J uly 28 , 1942 c cnc orn1n p.

Yc u nr o he r e by infcr~o~ r f ~ nr>~ rl 0cis i r n r f the rul 1 n ~s

t c rrit( rt.c s cf c: ur EM"' irc , e r nny ··'lrt c-f C' Ur strqtr>:- ic " r e-- ,

1'1.nnne rs :

1. If th0 ri ct r f :tny C'l ''tivo tiir~~n WC'r c fc-uncl t C' h ') V (' l>ccn

f r ee c f nny ch"r ~o nr'l in s t the int~rn .. ti r n'll law fer w--r, be

bc ccv e r u:!lty c-f nny ch ~ rrc , he i s t < he r '"' : "rrler1 " " n s c ri 0us

offr>nr~ ~ r subject t i:- r1 uo t'r cseciutic- n . I

2 . Su·'r c r.:; De f e ns e Cr· nr.~n'lcr, a ll f, rmy Corr.nnfl 0rs inclu,.1 1nr

these f 0r hr•ne c-ccu·' i c1 zr ne s "nrl G0vornr r af Hon~kon~ ore

instructed t c turn r vc r -- nv c --~tivo ~ nory "ir~'ln, ~hr is

the 11uthr ritie s c f the S'\10 !.' ilit-=1ry c c ' fl' iS s ic-n i s s u'bj0c t t r­

thc b?s ic r ule f 0r th') s 10cinlly cre>Ptn"l Ccurt ~!!'l r sh.P.l unr'ler

th<' !.Uli t::t ry Ccurt ~!l r shnl .

• . ..::::-

Encl osur0 c .

GHQ, .~ rny D1v15"l ·'n, S~n-!:'" itsu Ne . 383-1 ~Ate,1 28 July 1942 , Subject : "Instruct i on f nr H~n-' linP 0f Enef"!y t. trr.i- n i n Cl'\ryt ivi ty ."


Enc l osure c .

GHQ , t. r : ~y Division S'1n- ?' i ts u N0 . 383-1

T0 Jun UshirC'ku , Crt. r> f of tho Gcmcr"'l St"'ff f0r thn

China De s ·1 tchcil \ rl"'y fr C'n• ,..C"rit1ke Tan11:>0 , Do "uty

Chie f of the Gc ncrql St1ff 1t the I~ ""'crin l G~nnrql

Hcq~quqrters . July 28 , 1942 .

Instructi~ns 1s f or h-n~l inps of eneny ~irren 1n

c.11'1tivity . t. lthou9h t he instructirn "' S 'i: r Riku- ''itsu 2190 ,

jssue:rl riurine the l~st July, 1942, '1 0'!\ l ~ ··1 1th the "':lttcrs 0f

hinnling c~ ~t iv0 c neny ~ir~0n , y~u ire here by requester t r

r; i thh0lr1 ttny n<'t icc ~~kin r- ~ ·uhlic 1nn<"11 ncencnt thc r 00f 0r

fixin r the tiric c- f "rcsecuticn f0r the t~ ~cricrm !li.r crew new

in C'1""'t ivlty, until ~ further n('tic0 (wh:f.ch r.iay be issued

~CMe tir~a r1ur1.n[.' the next r'r nth) •

While th0 r fftcial nnn0unc c ,...:cnt r er'l1•rlin:"" the pr csncuticn c f t'1e

sii1 :~ericqn ~ ir-crcw i s t0 be m~!c ~t the I~~<'rin l Gcner n l

Hc1rqu~rters, yc u -re , in the Mc ~nti"e , rcqucst0~ tc r-k0 P

nrc M~t rc~crt t 0 Chi0f 0 f G~ncr~ l St~ff ~f 1ny ~ccisi~n thnt

IT' if ht h~v~ been rc~chc~ . In ::t ·"' · ... lyil'l" the !'111 tary c rr0 r f

r1 isci line er r;fl kinr tho n'"' fu C thcr e U"C'n, Y<'U CJ1Y tike· i nto

c ons1 4crn ti0n the 1cccm~qnyin~ f c r mul"'s .


Enclc sur· ~ rl .

tmnc·unconcnt '"iy Su'1r cr.ie Def " n~·., Cr Mn'1nr1or 19 Oct0h0r 1942


Encll'.' sur0 r! .

~ n 1 nnc· unc,..,1'1,...nt hy the Su •r "" r0 D0f · ns <' C" f"lr.J"'nr1 0r

On Oc tC'b0r 19, 1942 the> St1"r Cl'lC Defense C<"'l"'M1nn0r h'.:t~ is suN:i o

st1tc~0nt ns f<'llrrys : -

Any enery ~irrn~n whc h~c .,ri~ A c.., ~tiv<' •1 tthtn r ur "nerqtinr ~ rP"'

"fte r ,.,..,kinp ~n fl t t'lch rn Pny '' 1rt <' f <"'Ur t e rri t <'ries "nr' h"r'!

c0amitto~ , 1t the s~ne tirie , P c ert., in fltr0ci r us rct. in ccnt o,... ' t

r t hu"~n or mcrn l 1~~ i s ' Unishflhl0 hy " ~ cR th ~en.., lty cf SC'~0

h0"'VY 'Jen'llty 11 CCC'r 1inr t r the r1 eciSi<'n · f ''ilit~ry C("n"'liSSif'n .

All th~s6 , whc h.,rt ..,ttPckc~ I~nshu E,... ~tre <'r ..,ny <'thnr str 1to~ic

Zr no '.:ln~ bec., ~e ~ ~ris0ner, wi l l be un~ er tho s~ra c~tc ~cry .


Enclns ure c .

R1ku- 'l - i'1 tsu T0., C'" r "r· N< • 279 ~~te a 21 Fe b 1944

Enc l e s ur c c .

Hi ku - ·\ - , · ~ tsu Tel0Pr '1r'_J 1_._?~ 2.J_fgp_? l ,. 1~.1i..o. To the CC"r'l""n' 'crs in Chief' of the "Bxrpd 1 ti· nnry Fnrc c5 in

Chin"l & 0f " Oka " '. r r y , the Gnv'"' rnc- r r f Hr n:- kon'7 Occu ·-- t cu1 - Z;"'na ,

The GcnC'r'\l Cr r:ri"" n'1 c. r s rf 11 V/'.\ t.,r1, " "Go" .,n,, "Te ru" " r nies .

Fr ori the Vicc - !"'inist r rf W"r "ln , t he Dc· ' uty Chief' c- f Striff

To the r e s -oc t ivc G0nc r ..., l C0~ri""n~ers C"f ~ rnios in fc r~ i Pn

tC?rri t c- rios .

Riltu-fl - P i tsu N0 . 1=g_?~_,_FC!p.!._£b_1.9-44 .

To the Gener ." 1 Cor.r""n1'cr s r.f K,.,.,nto , F."ls t ern, Ccntr...,1 , Vies t c r

Nrr thc rn, Kc-re ~n, For r.irs"l n fl r r•i cs , rt n'1 t h0 air F0rc c , t he G0n C'l r "'l

CN ' r::l '1n11cr 0 f " t.kn tsuki" uni t .

Fr o,.., the Vice r' inister cf Wnr fl n·1 t hC' Dc>"uty C'f Chief c f 8 t1 f

Of tho C!"\S -?5 c0nc e rni np \7,, r ""r :I s r ncrs unr"l •"' r cust ··1~r " f the

c curt-,....,r ti:- 1, the? nilit.,ry cc ril"' iss j r· n , "n'"1 th ~ Le , ~_s1,, t. 1v0 Bur o' 1

c f r'il i t"lry !,r"I Mi nis tr'l t i 0n <' r c 0.,ce rnin" thi: n" t '{vo pec·-1es, thosr

C'lf' tte r s ~nr.. .... r obl0r:s vli" c h " r e l:lk() ly t0 st.,rt intc rn:>t,f1·nctl

t r 0ubles e r ryhich h.,ve rr~vo r litjc ... 1 tnflucce u ·cn th~ uni<'n c f

"'ICC'...,l e s in E11s t :.si.q & u ·"<'n the ., ~ , 1n1str'\tjvc ·"'olicy for nflt iv0

l'"'CC"l es , the r <'nk , nur 1»cr, n 1turc c f cri ·cs , o tc . of tt-ic "!Ccus<->d

t nkc n intr CC'nsifl C' r !' t f rn , s h0ul rl h€' trc!'tcc~ , ··:ith suff'icj0nt C'·n­

sult.,tirn wi.th tho centr"ll Auth0rit i ·;s befc rehnnr~ , 11 nr1 when th0

C"'SCS ~ re t r l)e rlis ·'rscr'I of with Cr'1 '1 it~ l puni.shrnr:mt , t he i nstructir•l

f r c-·ri the centr"l l r>uth0ritie s sh0ul •.:i be nsk0<i in nr1vP.ncc .

F<"r Wn.r :'inist c:>r & Chief 0f St11ff


Enclosnr e f.

~~il1.tnry i1e 11u1 ~t.irns f 0 r Ene,.,.y · ir R1 i fer s , issue~ 17 Oct~b0r 1942 by Gen. !'cf. HQ.

. . . , ..

Enclosur e f .

!filitf'l ry !lN·ul'ltion for E11c,,,y li ir-R'li~ 0rs

1 . :·111t1ry ReP.ulnti<'n r <'.'l 'l t inr · uni sh,.,cn t cf r ~1r1 1nr 0nN''Y " irnC"n,

is sucr1 Octob0r 17 , 1942 by Dcfens(\ G. I' . Q.

/\rticlc 1. This r0Pul'"lt~ r n w111 n •' lv tc 'lll •"'nory q irric>n •vhr- r -- i r1 -

cr1 the I riperial t c>rri t c- r j es , '1nchukur , 0 r i ny "+- hr r 0'1cr!'! t1np

c cntril , ~estcrn Nor the rn , K0rc~ n qn~ Fc-r~r-s" n Ar r i es .

; r tic l c 2 . The s e whr CC'M~ 1ttod An net " r nets ~s ~en t i~nc~ below

\'1111 be COf"1C puni ! h8 bl e unr1e r t he ri ilit->ry r 0PUl"'t,f AnS :-

Secticn 1. Act <' f boribtnM, sh0o tinr <"' r ::iny r the r ntt;,1ck1.nr· .:>

fc- r the ·· ur r,0s0s 0f thr0aten1.np 0r c--us 1n ~ a borli.Jy har r <'r

Sccti"'n ? . r.ct of hc.•· l:d ng, shr 0 tinP o r 11 ny 0thc r itt~ckinr

f c.r the .... ur ·"sos r- f ries tr"~in ,.,. , injur i nr , bur n in~ 'lny .,r ivr.i te

~r0 ~er ty , uhich i s r uts1~c r f ~ny ~i1 1t1ry nq tur c .

3~c ti ''0 1 . '\Ct C' f brrhinP , Shf"r t ·lnp r r flny rth·~r '\tt0 ckin•·

cir cu· s t-:mce s .

Section 4. Besi1es t he ~hoves , "Ct " f crue lty ,,s we ll 1s

a trocity i n c cntc~~t of humAn o~ f"1 nrol Jiw .

Jl. lso it will bccc,.,,e ·-unish,,ble t 0 th0s0 , whr r aj_0.en the

!f'1 ''\~riA 1 J f-l')!'.lnc s e t c rritc•ries , rt·rnchuknc· <' r 11 ny cthor <'"er qtinp,

-- r e1 with the in tcnt i C'n of c or"'i ttin f' t:i n "Ct or "'Cts ,,s

'1CS CrfbO<l in t he "'rCCC~fnp Secti0ns , " n rJ ner e CPt:iture~ Pfthfn

the C<'l"'f1"n<Hn s:i: s " here of the t r rn i cs 11 s s t1 t~r in the l\ r ticl e 1

bef ,.. r e ~ttninin~ the r~jec+ive .

Ar ticle 3. The "ilit~ry ~unish~ent is ~e"' th , qnd it c~n he r~~uc c~

t o n ~ lifc t e r n 0r ev er ten yc~ rs ' i"' pris on~ont a cccr~inr t o the

Encl osur e f .

!'il i t n ry Hf\P Ul 1t i on for ~ncr"y !dr- !<1 i nf\ r s

1. ~ : ilit 1 ry iieP.ulntiC'n r cl'lt jn" ·uitsh..,cnt- cf r -- 1rl in1· c n01"'y ., ir,..,cm,

is s ue~ October 17 , 1942 by De fens e G.H.Q.

/1rtjcl0 1 . Thi s r cPul .,t '(' n will I\'' lv t;c 111 ,-. n -, ,.,y ~ irnon whr r " 1 1 -

c cntr1l , 1'/es t e rn Nc.rth\? rn , K<'r c ttn 1nrl Fr r !""'r S"'n !1rri c s .

h r tic l e 2 . The s e wh(' CC'M~ ittod nn "c t 0 r nets l\S men t i~ne~ be l ow

Vl ill be COf"'le p uni~ ha ble unrle r the riilit-> ry r 0Pul.., t.i0ns :-

Secticn 1. Act r f boribi~, shoo tinr 0r Pny rthe r R t~1ckinr

f e r the ··ur 1.'0s0s 0f thr cate n1.n" 0r C"" llSin ,.. a bor1 11y ha r r 0r

~e ., th 0n civili" n ·

Scct i ,... n ::> . ( ct 0f br.•·l,jng, s hr 0t i nP or f'lny C" the r 1tt., ckinf.'

f e r the '"'Ur ·"scs " f "'es tr0~in11, i njuri nr , burn in~ 1ny •r j V!l t('

'"r <' ·erty, which is .-utsj rle ,.. f l\ny r 1 ilit'lry n':tturc .

SC?cti1' n ~ . '\c t C'f brrbinr1, ::;h· (' t1.n11 " r :my "th.~r , t t?ckin,.

r n n· n - r.Jilit!\ry t a r ::rct , unl ns s 1.t r1,s '1 r rie unr1 er minvr- .1clttbl e

c ircu·· s t'-lnc cs .

Sec tion 4 . Beside s the 'lboves , .,ct nf crue lty .,s well ns

a trocity in cc nto~~t 0f humnn or rinr n l l1w.

Also 1 t will becc·-·e ·'uni sh., bl e t 0 th0s0 , whr rfl l~e~ the

Iri ·'~riA l .JA'?nnc s c t c rri t c> r i es , :~., nchu.ku<' r r nny e ther <'·"er i tinr

., r e , with the in tcnticn of ccr• .... 1 tt i n f7 "'n "Ct or ""cts .,s

rlesc r ibccl in t he •1r c c cfl i np s e c ti <'n$ , nn.-1 ner G C~ ~.:i turc(! 1·1 :1 thin

the crr:ri"'nn inP: S"here of th•? ." r ri i e:s ris stflt~~ in the 0. r t i cle 1

bef r r e 1 ttn inin~ the r ~jec t ive .

Article 3. The ":1 lit~ ry ~unish~ent i s rc.., th , qnd i t c~n he r"~uce~

t o a :11re t e r n ~r eve r ten yo· rs ' 1np~1~on~cnt accr r r inr t o t ho

Enc l <'.'sur c f .

!'iJitnry l1N•ul1 t i on f or ~no riy !\ir- t<1i"10r s

1 . ~ ·ilit 1 ry rte .F'ulrit i C' n r ol'lt j nrr 'UY1. sh,.,cn t- c f r " 1il i n r c nc> 1"y "' ir,,,cm ,

issue~ Octob0r 17 , 1942 by De f ens e G. H. Q.

er~ t he I n perin l t0r ritC' r5 e s , ' '1nc hukur , 0 r "'ny " 1- •v r o ')c r "'t inr

c c n t r 1l , 1'/es t e rn N~r thern , KC' r c .11 n i:i n rl Fr. r r r s "n !, r r i e s .

~ r tic lc 2 . The s e whr CC'M~ it tcd An ne t <' r nets ns ~en t i~nc~ bel ow

\'l ill bec o!"'c punif ha bl e unrle r the l""ilit-> ry r 0Pul..,t. i " ns : -

Sec tir n 1. Act r-f boribi~ , s h0otincr <'r ~ ny C' the r A t trl ckinr·

f e r the ·ur 1'0s c s 0f t hr 0aten1.np 0r C "llSi n ~ a bor1 ily har r C'r

~e ... th 0n civi l i~ n .

Sec t i "n ? • r,c t C' f b r.•· li j ng , s hr- 0 t 1 ri P or nny 0 the r 1 tt'> c k inr

f e r the " Ur ·0sc s " f rie s tr("l~inP , i n jur i n r , burn in - 1ny ···rj v1 t e

~r0 ~erty , which i s r uts j ~e r f ~ ny ~111t1ry nqtur c .

Snctir-n 1 . "\c t ('f brrbin r1 , ~h· r t1.nP " r :my r t hc r 1 tt.R ckin··

r n n- n - Mil 1 t qr y t ar ::rc t , un l cs s 1. t r11 s '1 " rie unr1e r unnvr 1 c"Jt bl e

c i r cu·· s t-:mcc s .

Sec tion 4 . Besi~es t he nboves , "' Ct nf crue l t y "S we ll ns

n t r ocity in c c-ntcl"!,..,t c f hum11 n 0r rinr o l 11w .

J\ l s o it wi l l becc~e ''Unis h,..bl e t 0 t hr s0 , whr rfll~en the

Ir ·'~riA l J~">:lnos c t er rit('rie s , . ~., nchukur 0r nny e the r C' ''er !'l tinp

" r e1 wi t h the i ntcnti0n of cc r •., ittin" ., n "C t or "Cts " S

r1e scribccl in t he ·1rcc o~ inp s cc t i 0n s , "n··l ner e C Pvturc~ 1·1:fthin

t he c r rri,..nrl inP. S"he r c of t he ." r f"l i c- s ri s stri t 8r i n the t\ r tic l e 1

bef r r e , ttn inin~ the r~j ec • ive .

Ar ticle 3. The n :flit~ ry ~unis h~ent i s ro ,.. th , qnd i t c ~n he rn~ uce~

t o a ; l i f o t er n <" r ( Ver ton y c .. rs ' i npris onmcn t a c c r r c inr t o t he

c1rc11r>\st"'nc o t <' be C 'n ~ ir1r>r < 4 •

. r t1cl" 4 . Tho r'r . ... t ~ Is l)y ft r1n v . 11' r 1rrr1 s 'nrtc·nt w111 c • nf1 nr

tbc 'ir is nf' r i.n c 0rt"'1.n ""] "CC t 0 s cr\ <? ut h t -; · 0 r f'l .

f. r ticle 5. UnctC'r "n <?Xc 0 · t1.1n"l cir c1r-st--nc1: , t ~l" ·1r t·s" cutir n f"l f

mili t " ry ' Unishm ..,nt '""Y h o ~xN· 1t 0ti .

' r t tcl0 (.. . Tr tlir> c r nf1n<'-0n t , tlif"I r f'"H1"t1. r n s c- r ve ri np thr> ""n"l

!j('rvitudc r f t h0 criri in" l (' ~" , hr>S 1rc.s th "S"' r f . 'ili t., ry Rr> f'Ul"t jm

sh'l ll he " '~110~ ·~ ith ~r ~e ncc 0ssa r y ch"n" " ·

f', '.') '"cnd!lnt ilul~ s : - Thi s ?· 111 t ... ry RcPt: l ri t1 0 n , ,.,111 ,.. -~CN'" affr>ctivn

r n r r " ftor Nov c mbr> r 1, 1942 . This J"111t- ry Rr r ul "tir n will " l sr h0

ll"'''lir->d t <' thf' "'Ct c r r,,·• i tt«'" ·~r10r t · 1.ts cnf·· rcn,...'nt .

? . Rogu l " tiC"ns cr ve r1np t h0 ~,.. rk r f !!ilit.,ry C nr~1.ss 1 n f " r C" ~tivo

cn cr"'y " i r 111cn .

I sguf"ld Octr hr> r IQ , 1942 hy Dr> f 0nsn G. H. Q •

.' rtic l e 1 . The: ' '.'nishrcnt •"'f C" "'tiVf' 0nc..,y "i r r.1nn , t·.th<' vir•l "tod

thls f' jlit.,ry R0r-ul"t1.r·n "nr' l:>CC"l'l'e c ·' 'tiv .., ,., 1. th5n "nY c c ,..'""ri nrlin?

s · hC'r e ('f th<'S ·~ E"stc rn , C0ntr"l, WPst1 rn , Nrr th~rn, Kr r (\ f>n r r

F" r f'l01:i" n :. r ny , 1.s t c 'y .. r , S•"'cut0cl by t he Su·'r (" ric D0fcns" Crrnri ,..nr C'r

e r by c 0 eh Gcne r 'l l CC''"r:nnn('r 0 f • r~y 11nr e r t'' "' r1 i r <:c ti - p " f tht?

f • r Mcr. .k c r- r d l n?lY, the S\1 ' r C:>-n De f " ns0 Cr ··.., ~nr1cr " r '='" Ch Gene r~ 1

Crr~qn~ or r f Ar my i s t" fr r~~rrt th rsc C'l't1vc c nery "irn~n , ~hn

11 r 0 sns ")Ct c>d f ' r "ny ·' unish"bl o .,ct 1P v1 r l "ti"'n 1·f ~~ili t..,ry

Rc p.ul !'\ ti rn , t fl !'! ~-il i tq ry Cr· Mi ss i r n .

! rt1clc ? . E"c "' ' r rny sh'111 trnnsfc r t'i· ·s .' sns·,0c tcc1 t<' t r0

D0f0nS·" G. H. Q., unl '?ss '"' th0rwis"' s· ,ec i f i ('l s .

'.r ticle '3 . The Su ·' r e r:ic Dcf r> ns0 CN,,.,..., .. ,,,0 r sh"ll c ro.~t0 " :ri] 1 t"ry

Cr ·mts s :f "'n in T,.. ky·- , 1··ith 1. ts "1ernh0r s c ·nsist -l nr " f t he ,..ffic e r s

fr r r" D0f en s0 G. H. Q. ~ncl tr,.,,.. s1") l r ct0ri f r "in oth"'r \ r ,....y . Bn st~ e s ,

c1 r cn,.,st .... nco t <' be c ' n ~ i rl"r < ; •

. r t1cl" 4. 'I'hc r, r.., t t·- ts l-iv ftrinr:r . 1'' (' 1,..,..., r1s 'nf"'lc·nt w1.11 c • nf'1n<'

the '1r 1. s n0r 1n c0rt .... in "' ] "Cc t 0 s0r\ <? ut hi e:; · i:- rl"l.

Ar ticle 5. Unrl c:-r " n c xc0·ti1n " l circ 1,..s t ... nc 1:: , t i....<' ·1r r'!J<'cuti0n " f

~ilit..,ry ~1nishm~nt ~"Y hn ~x0~,t0~ .

' r t1.cl0 f. . T r- t hP c r nf1n<'-<'nt, tl)f'\ r <' ... H] "' t1.. r n s c·rv e ri np th('> "'"""}

!:ic rv itudc r f th0 criri in"l c ~ c , h r> s1r<..s th"S" " f . ' ili t.., ry Rf\rru l ..,t im

Sh"l ll he .., ''"'11<'0 ' 'Ji th 5C"""le ncc c> sst-\ r y ch..,nrrn .

J'. P"'Cnrl3nt Rul ~s : - Tb is ~· 11 i t"ry Rc "t:l"' ti 0n , ,., :I 11 l ·~ C N'<' aff<'cti V f'

r n " r ."f t or Nov cmbnr 1 , 1942. This J' 11it"ry TI•"r:Ul"ti0n wil l "ls1 h l 1

ll"'" lir->d t <' th<' " Ct C" l"""' i tt•"' ~ ""rior t · its 0nf1· r c c"''nt.

? . Rogul "' ti i:-ns c•vc rlnp t~o •:•,... r k r- f r~ilit ... ry Cnr.'T1 1. ss1 · n f ('r C'l 1"tivo

c ncriy " ir111c n.

Is~u0d Octrhnr lQ , 1942 hy D<'f@ns ~ G. H.Q.

! rt1cle l . T '1c "unishr0nt ~ r c" ~tivn <'nc~y "i r Mnn , ~hr vin l "'tod

thi s !' :f lit"'ry Rcrul ritl r·n " nr' 't:>cc.,r."e C '' "'tiv -. ,.,i t'1:ln "nY c c,.,, ..... :-inrin?

s · hrr e 0 f thr s~ E"'ste rn, C0ntr~1, We str rn, Nrrth~rn, Kr r ..., nn ' r

F" rPo~ " n .A1 r ,..,y, is t c- ' y --r , s --.cut00 by the Su·'r c- ric Di:fcns r- Cr-P"ri"nr c r

l' r by Gneh Gc ne r n 1 CC' ·"r:"nn@r 0f • r """Y 11nrer t''" rl i r <:c ti ~ri ~r thP

f r r Mcr . ·' cc r. r d 1.n g ly, tbc St1 'rR-~ Dc f "ns0 Cr ·-..,~nrl e r 0r !".' "Ch G0ncrA J

C r~mqn~c r 0f Ar my is t~ fr r~~ rrl thrsc c ~,t1vc cne~y ~irn~n , ~hn

fl r 0 SUS ")Ct C'd f ' r "ny "'Unish"hlc "Ct 1ri V1 r l ..,ti"n '' f ~~ilit. ..., ry

R0p.ul!"ltjrn , t 0 ~ ~-1. litqry Cr· !Mi ssi r n ,

." r t1clc ? . E'1c h ·· r rny sh"!ll trnnsfc r t'11 ·•v sns·'~ctcn t r t ho

Dc f c>n s " G . H. Q., unlnss " th0rwis" s ·,ecifi0s .

\ rt ic l e 3. The Strr ern0 Dcfr> ns0 CC'r1rr ... nil<'r s h.,11 cr<'!r- t o f' :ru 1 t"ry

Cc ·mtssj rin in T0 ky·-- , 1··ith its rnernh0r s c r nslst inr " f t he ~ ffic ers

frcr~ D0f cn s0 G. H. Q. ".lncl tr ' 'l" s1') l <'ct0r] f r "m oth"'r \ r rr,y . Bn s i,.., es ,

on oh .'\ r r y i s t o ~st..,bl i sh 1ts own Mil i t r r y C' '' ''wi ss·,...n , wh1ch 1.s

t r ,.,y .

cc~mis s t c•n by Cor."'1'lnder C'f rmy unCl er t he r'l1. t'r ot1.nn 0f t 1~€' Su·"'r 0ri r-1

Def0nsc Cc- Mnn nrler, if t "'o r nc nr <l 0 f tli." s,., t ri SPS '"'CCt h""S nnyth'f nr

t <' df' ry ith nthc r t r~y, t h0 Office rs nf ~ny c r nc ornc fl 'lr,.,y 0r "rMf r> S

s l-i..,11 hnv€' ~ ri f'ht t0 ·· .., rt1c1 --" t r r •1th thf' rict""her s r f t i--0 rn ilit .., r y

CC'"rn1ss i r-n "n re ,.., ..._ nA , \'Jhi l "' the !"Mttt0 r "' f' 1.ts ··r f'\ S0Cllti" n 1g tr l-ic

c · n sulterl w1tb -11 Cr~~~n~ers "f A r~j ns c r ncerno~ .

\'11th Kw.., ntun j? ," r ...,y r r nny f' t hcr t1. r· ·y 1n f " r <'i""'n t''! rrit"r~ n s , tbG

Su·, r e ,...c D0f r>n se C0r;rinn0 "" r sh'lll c stnbl 1.s h cr·nn("\ct1J n , with Cr l'l'lm"n<l -

0x0outi" n 0f' th0 S"i n : 1111 t,,ry Cornr?i ss i r.n.

!.rt1cl e ( . 11 11 r " c r r r' s c ·nc crning t !'°'0 ··r-s~)cuti0n by "' "~lit-ry

Cr•y rn1s s1 < n s h..,11 b" rc; ·~"rte~ t C' nny c c- ncc:>rnofl !'r-y by t ho D"'f c nse

G. H. Q., nnn t,... tho Def Pnsc G. H.Q. qn~ ..,11 c r nce r ner fr~ ies hy

.~ rticlo 7. Prc- sec ut i rn r f -imishricnt shnll be A ·"' n A by "11 cr nc ~rn-

cf! Ccr11 ... ..,n,1 ers r · f ·~ r,,, in s , wh1.l0 t h0 Su·1rt'lne De f en30 C" "',.,"nr e r i. s t ,·

issue ~n r r~~r t r the Cr~~Pn~er " f EPs t 0rn ~ r~y fnr the s"1~ 0ff ~c~ .


/s/ Brut rn B, Sc ~ ir~t /t/ BRUTON B, SCH.~ TIDT

Cn ") t qin, C.l\C Asst Exec Off1ce r W..,r Cr1m0s Trt~ls

.. . ,

C'l Oh .'\ r r•y i s to "'S t .,bl i sh 1t '> own militr ry C''"w iss' r n, wh1ch t s

f r ,.,y ,

Th<' Rc~ul" tinn c"vorinp S"'CC 1.l!lJJy " r F.,ni zccl C0urt - 1• ... r ti."l 11n ­

ncr tbP ~~11 1t" ry C" ur t - '"' rt1~1 shnll hnc ' "<' n "' •lio'lblc t <' th" sn1'1

C0-~nnr ~r 0f ~ r~y in execution 0f r r tnils ,

Art j c , ,.. 4 . In f or l''" rn int? t be sns · v~ c t on "er s0ns t o q n111 t--ry

c c,....mi s s 1. c•n by Corr·vmd er C'f ' rmy un~cr t he 01.t'···ot1..nn 0f t '- €' Su·'r <? l"IC

Def0n sc CC'MMnnrter, i f t"'·') r nc nr n <'f t i'\,,. S" I n SllS "CCt h"S nnyth1n?

t r dr ry1th nthc r t r rny , the 0ff i cers " ' ~ny cr ncorncr ir,.,y " l' ~ r~i"S

C<'r•rn1ss 'f r n " n r1e,..,.,nn , whi l " the l"' rtt t0T' ,... f 1.ts ~·r"sncnt i,...n ~ s t0 l-io

c nsu l tN·~ n1tb "'11 Cr :"'"':'lnrers "f Ar r. :f '"' s c r nc0r ncrl ,

'\rticle 5. In c-ise tb0 "Ct ('I f SllS ' cctt?r ''f' r Sl"n h ... s l3nyt !1 inr t f' r r

v11th Kw ..,ntUnJ! ,11 r ..,,y • r nny f'thc r .\r " y 1n f " r '"' t --n t r') rr1t•·r1 ,..., s , tbr;

Su·' r "? ,...c D<" f r>nsc Ct:"'r;rinnr 0r shill c stnbltsh cr·nn0ct1.1· n , with C•"lm.,n ci -

cxncuti r\n 0 f th0 S"in !'ilit .., ry CC" rn~ i ssi r.n.

".rt 1 c l e ( . ~ 11 r 0c <"' r r' s c ·ncc rn1ng t~0 ~,r .... s :•cut10n by ... " ,, 11. t"' ry

Cr•- l"'isst< n sh--11 bn r r.""'<'rt <.>d t <' "ny c <'nC(:)rncn !\ r - y hy t ho Dt:\ f c nse

G. H. Q., nnn tr the Def ense G. H. Q. qn~ ~11 c r ncern0~ ~r~ies hy

.\ rt iclo 7 . Pr c scc u.tir n <' f -1mishrnont s hfl ll be n ·~ n c-i by "'11 c r nc Gr n-

G, II . W. hy ..,nyr ni:" r. f' the '1r•·'1 :">s , the fT1 "Sllr 0!'3 n 0 c 0 ss" r y t r- f'ISC C' r t 1np

t hr s"i~ sus ·cct Mny he ~1 rnctc~ Qt ti n<' ,


/ s/ Br utrn B. Sc h~r~t /t/ BRUTON B, SCH,'\ l1DT

Cn ;t~in , CAC Asst Exec Off1 ce r W"r Cr1 rn0s Tr1 nls

347 . Off ensos by unnod t orccs.--The principal off~nooo of t hio c l a:JS a r e 1 Makinc uoo of poisonod oucl otht.r•;1i30 f orbidden ams and anmuni t i on ; killing of tho \toundod; r ufu3al of qu3rtor; t roachor ouo re;quost for quarter; moltroat 1nunt OJ. doa<l bodies on t ho battlofiol cl ; ill- t root mcnt of' priooner.: of \tar; b1·c.Jc h of parol e by prioonor s of \tor ; firint; on undorf ondtod loealitio:: ; abuoo of the.. flog of truco 1 und ot :1cr viol c.t i ono of t ho Gonovo Cc nvont i on ; u 3e of ci vilio.n clo­t hinc by troops t o co nceal the ir militoI"'J c har acte r during battlo ; banbor dmcnt of hospita l o and o ther privilogod buildings ; i mproper uoc of privile ged buildings f or m~lit ory purposes ; poisoning of '.10lls and stror:ns ; pillage and purpoDol oo!l destruct i on; ill- troot­mont of inhcbitanto i n occupi ed t erritor y. Individua l s of tho onnod f orcca ~ill not bo punis hed f or those of f enses i n c ase thoy oro comr.iittod unde r tho order s or sonction of their gover nment or cairnr.nders . The canmandor G ordering t ho commi ssi on of suc h octJ , or under uhose authority they or e canmitted by the ir troops, may be punisocd by t ho be lligorcnt into \1hose h :-inds they may fall .

'JJ.R DEP ARI' .,mNJ' , HASifINOTO?J, Octobor l, 1940

FM 27-10 , Rules of L:Jnd ·,'lctrf or e , i s publiohcd f or tho infor­mot ion_nnd guidance of all c~ncerned .

[A. G. 062 .ll (6-17-40)£1'

Dy Order of the Secretory of Wor a

G. C. MJ,R3HALL , Chief of Stoff.


E . S . 1.D.'.MS, :.Iajor Gonor a l ,

'fhe ,\djut ont Ooner ol .

I certify th~t t ho f or egoing i s o true correct excer pt fran FM-27-10 , ',for DeprTt mcnt , Basic F i e ld '1anunl , Rule s of L:ind ·:1ar ­for o , propnr ed under di rect ion of t he Judc;c ,\dvoca t e Gcne r cil and a s i ndic::t od i ssued by t he Secretary of War .

DEFENSE EXHIBIT "B" U.S .,\ . vs tiinoru TCY,.\f1'.:\ Rcce i vcd : 7- -1 ../'f\& 'f 7


/ s/ Br ut on B. Schardt /t/ BRUI'ON B. SCBJ.RUI'

Capt a i n , Cl1C /...:at Exec Officer ~~r Crimes Tria l s

Section III, :'~rn~roph 2 , a Rop.)rt of Jbbcrt H. J cckaon to the

Pr esident of tho United S t· too r ol or sc.d by tho White House on 7 .Tuno

1945 a.::; "Tria l of ;for Criminals" , Dopa rtinont of Sta t e Publication

2h20 a

"There i s douhtlosa a ophoro i n uhioh t ho dofonso of obo-

dioncc t o superior orders should provoil. If a con3criptod or

enlisted r;oldier is put i n a firing aqua~ , he should not bo hold

rosponoiblc for the validi t~· of the pcntc.r.co ho carries out,

But the cnsc mQY bo grontl.y a l t o rod Hhero .:>no hes discretion

because of rank or the l ntitudQ of h~o orders•.

I certify thc t tho f or egoing is a t f'io ond correct copy of tho

portion of Section III, Paragraph 2, of Dopnr tment of Stote Public­

ation 2420, "Tria l of \iar Criminnls{ as horoinabove setforth •

DEFE:r£E EXHIBIT' ~ U .S .A, vs l!ino;i:YAMA Received : t:.1_ 'f '7


/a/ Bruton B, Schnrdt /t/ BnUTON B, SCH:JIDI'

Popt ai n f CJ.C J1ont Exeo Officer Wnr Crimes Tr ials

}~ak:1::is'lr , 5th Oct., 1945

Manor Elliot, Australian He~dquarters .

Dear Sir,

As a result of our s tronuous ef fort::i in investie~tion

regarding avic:tors ever since, \'ie have, p,ott· n t he l'ollowlnt;

infor;nations. .

1 . Tl,e avit.t..>r on board PJ£, V1:1ich w."s brou~t G.o\m in

Makassar Port :in the latter p<U't of Nov.nber 19'-.4, w&s

r escued. He wc:.s an u.s . Liet. KANIT'\ (? ). Whi l e uaiting

for a ship, he di ed of dysentery it ~ he middle p:-.' :, of

J anuary, 1945. The body waG bur ied at tho Chr istic.m


2. One (name unknown) out of fivo porsons on W2.Y from

Poso to Soerab;1ja end wer e waiting for a ship hare, died

of dysentery in middle part of Uarch, 1945 . The body was buried

a t the Chr istian Cemetery. Thoreforo, four persons were

t r ansferred by the Spaci<ll lUnoswceper No. J l e.:tving her o

26th, April, 1945.

Yours roapcctfu.lly,

Is/ 1.f.·-~~y~_.- _ . . ...... _ -~ .. __ _ CERTIF no TRI.JS COPY:

I .. . , ... .. . . .J:...!..:./L//c~·- ~ . .'h~ .r. '-~

SAMUEL ROWE , u.~.jor , o..p




For the Comnw.nder , Celebes Disct . Imperial J l".pancs-:: N .. wy.





( ?) U.S. Army non-commissi nned officers (names and

r anks unknown) wero seized in Pangkadjene mount ~ ins

about ~?th June, 194? six men out of ten 1eem to

have been kil led at the time of cluah or immediate­

ly after ward due to injury . One cor pse buried tn

Chri stian cemetery in Maros , four at spot of clush,

ltugerrba villago , Bontowe-gun, l oros- Bunken the

last one in a cer t ain village , (name unknown) Laut­

gun, Maros-Bunken. The aerviving four, on way

from Uaros to Makaasar bu track driven Sergeant­

Ma jor Kenichi Tsuji and guarded oy Sergeant-Ma jor

s. Xooda, N. Tagami and Corporal T. Kataoka , ran

away and despite i mmedia te serch , their whereabout

have been unknown untill four corpses of J apanese

ser geant were discovered in Wadjo mauntain south

of Pal opo on 27th August . 1945. The J apanese

Sergeant had killed themseves , No thing discovered

so far r egarding whereabout of four U. S. airmen.

Presumablly the four J apanese seem to have killed

the four Americana but regretting t heir conduct

and r ealizing impossible escape from strict cordon,

t hey killed t hemselves.


Samuel Rowe Capt., QliC EXHIBIT "A"

U.S.A. vs

Prosecution Exhibit No . /9

Received ~ .3 ; ?<Jc y'?