kookaburra-2000-smaller.pdf - presbyterian ladies' college


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Sports Report 73KOOKABU RRA COMMITTEE 3 Swimming 76

Diving 77PRINCIPAL Beth Blackwood 4 Tennis 78

Volleyball 79HEAD PREFECT 5 Cross Cou ntry 80

Hockey 81STUDENT COUNCIL 6 Netball 82

Gymnastics 83SERVICE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 7 Rowing 84

Basketball 85JUNIOR SCHOOL 2000 8 Athletics 86Junior School Report 9 Softball 87Kindergarten 12 Water Polo 88Year One 14

Year Two 16 ARTS 89

Year Three 18 Arts Report 91Year Four 20 Arts Day 92Year Five 22 Drama 93Year Six 24 Dance 95Junior School Art 26 Debating and Public Speaking 96Junior School Sport 27 Mock Trials 97


Year Seven 30 Stage Band 98Year Eight 32 Concert Bands 99Year Nine 36 Choir 101

Chorale 102SENIOR SCHOOL 40 String Orchestra 103Year Ten 42 Cellissima 104Year Eleven 46 Pipe Band 105Year Twelve 50


Baird 54 ENVIRONMENT E-Team 107

Carmichael 56

Ferguson 58 ART AND LITERATURE 110

McNeil 60


Summers 64INSTEP 124










kh ia mercer & nata Iia coop_e_r------'

When you come to the edge of allthe light you know,

and are about to step off into thedarkness of the unknown,

faith is knowing one of two thingswill happen:

There will be something solid tostand on-

or you will be taught how to fly

Barbara J Winter.

Once upon a time there was a young

boy named Jack. One morning

Jack went off to the market to trade the

family cow for money; however, once

there, Jack was entranced by a

mysterious man who offered him magic

beans in exchange for his cow. Now

Jack, being familiar with the famous fairy

tale, was eager to make the trade, and

that night he planted the seeds in the

hope of an overnight miracle. The next

morning, much to his disappointment,

the earth where the seeds had been

planted remained barren and bare, and

Jack could not understand why the magic

seeds had not sprouted. His mother was

quite upset by this also and for weeks,

months, and years to come Jack could

not see any visible sign of the magic

plants. Seasons came and went and Jack

carried on, still holding faith that one

day, his seeds would flourish.

It was a warm, sunny day in October

when Jack was outside admiring the

view, and he noticed a tiny green shoot

poking out of the earth, stretching

towards the sky. His eyes sparkled with

delight as he realised that all this time

the seeds had been growing, learning,

maturing from within the safety of the

hard, sturdy soil and only now, with

much courage and determination, had

the strength and confidence to break

through the barrier into a new exciting

world, open to boundless opportunity

and experience.



Just as Jack was able to reap the success

of the seeds he planted, we too can look

at the students of PLC and recognise the

foundations upon which we as young

women are able to grow in a safe, stable

environment in preparation for a bright

successful future in the big wide world.

Through the nurturing of countless

teachers, staff, parents and fellow

students, we are able to see the

transformation that takes place from

Kindergarten (as innocent, naive four

year olds) to Year Twelve, a time when

we are forced to realise that we have

become mature young women, armed

with the potential to break barriers,

armed with the experience and

knowledge of the PLC way of life.

Encapsulated within the pages of this

book are a myriad of pictures and

memories which no doubt will be fondly

reflected upon for decades to come. It

was this year that a famous actress

stated 'It is not the awards that a song or

movie has gained that makes it special,

but rather the memories that ca n be

linked to that sound or image ... the

people you were with, the location and

stage in your life that you were at ... and

that is what makes something truly

successful.' Although we honour and

applaud the awards and prizes received

by the numerous talented individuals in

the sporting, arts and academic fields

within the folds of this book, it is

essentially the memories linked to these

images and words that will forever hold a

place in our hearts. The friendships

forged, secrets shared, laughter and

funny stories, as well as many other

facets of school life, will be triggered by

the familiar faces within the Kookaburra,

making your time at PLC an everlasting

memory, one which is to be cherished.

Your experience is eternal, with a little

part of everything you experience

staying with everyone you've ever

known, and it is only later in our lives

when we will come to truly appreciate

our time at school; our sporting,

academic and arts participation and

achievement, and the special people with

whom we were able to share this

amazing time in our lives.

Reflecting upon 2000, the start of the

new millennium, it is obvious that PLC

has again flourished in all fields through

the leadership of a talented contingent

of Year Twelves, accompanied by a

stronger brighter spirit than ever before,

portayed through the smiling faces of

the girls in the pages to follow.

Keeping in sync with my focus on all

things inspirational, it seemed fitting to

include reference to the undoubtedly

most significant event of 2000, the

Sydney Olympic Games.

• •

Ibeth blackwood I

Mr Koh, Treasurer of the PLe Fair 2000 Committee,

presents Ms Blackwood with the cheque from the fair.

T he Year 2000 will be remembered

as the beginning of the new

millennium as well as the year Sydney

hosted the twenty-third Olympiad. It

seems fitting, then, to use a quote from

Olympic gold medallist and member of

the Australian swimming team, Ian

Thorpe, to ca ptu re some of the ethos

and philosophy of life at Presbyterian

Ladies' College.

"I can't lose at the Olympic (james.

That's because I believe losing is giving

up. If I was to go into a race saying to

myself, 'these guys are too fast for me,

I'm just going to stop trying' that

would be losing. If I put everything

into it, I can't lose. I mightn't win in

terms ofgold medals, but I will win

my personal battle.

And that's what it's all about.

It doesn't always have to be

first or second; it's what you get out of

the race.... to me winning is not

always about first place, and losing is

not second place, which is why I don't

feel like I have to win a gold medal to

succeed at the (james."

Ian Thorpe, 2000,

in The Australian, May 20th

In educating for life I hope that we can

instil some of the wisdom encapsulated

in Ian Thorpe's words - that success is



not necessarily about winning, but being

prepared to be involved, to take on

personal challenges and strive to achieve

them. Success is not so much the final

destination, but the journey in getting


In April, the School community enjoyed

the PLC Fair - an occasion that brought

together students, staff, Old Collegians,

parents, friends and the wider

community for a festive and happy

occasion. For many it was the

culmination of many months of

preparation and work, and indeed the

occasion exceeded our expectations in

terms of raising funds for the new

cafeteria. However, the success of the

occasion was not so much the funds

raised on the given day as much as it was

the friendships that were formed, the

sense of achievement gained by working

collaboratively with others, the new

skills learnt and the collective sense of

'having fun'. It was a great occasion, and

more for what we got "out of the race"

than merely the end financial gain.

In hindsight I think this year will be seen

as a turning point in the history of

reconciliation with our indigenous

people. The spectacle of thousands of

people walking across Sydney Harbour

Bridge on Reconciliation Day and the

symbolic gesture of the indigenous

representation at the opening and

closing ceremonies of the Olympic

Games herald the hope of true

reconciliation. Within PLC, the student

Reconciliation Group took a bold step in

flying the indigenous flag for

Reconciliation Week 2000. Their desire

for social justice for indigenous peoples

led to the signing of a Reconciliation

Pledge Book by a significant sector of our

Middle and Senior School students, as

well as the coordination of guest

speakers, fund raising and information

sharing sessions across the year.

Ian Thorpe's words echo that of author,

Liz Byrski in her book Speaking Out-

Australian Women Talk About Success.

In exploring the concept of success, she

comes to the conclusion that the

material trappings of success - money,

fame, possessions - are not the goals

sought by the women she interviewed.

Rather, she came to the conclusion that

"success is the continuous pursuit of

learning to live with oneself and to

explore one's full potentiaL" She quotes

Judy Cassab in saying "Getting there is

more important than being there". In

other words, success is the ability to

engage fully in the processes of our

passions and beliefs - successful

outcomes are the icing on the cake.

This magazine is produced by an editorial

committee of students who have been

guided by the hand of Jan McMahon,

teacher of Media and Head of Design and

Technology. Jan retires at the end of

this school year having taught at PLC for

more than thirty years - a remarkable

achievement made more so by the fact

that none of her passion for the subject

of media, or her love of students has

been diminished across those years. She

has role-modelled to her students the

success to be gained by doing, by

experiential learning, by the process

rather than the product.

This edition documents the wonderful

opportunities that students have both

within the curriculum and cocurricular

programme for challenge, to discover

strengths and passions, commitment,

independence and interdependence, and

to experience a taste of life enriched by

participation, service and friendship. Our

students emulate Ian Thorpe through

their whole-hearted participation in so

many aspects of school life. We trust

that therein lies the foundations for a

lifetime of learning and thereby an

enriching and satisfying journey.

Byrski, Liz 1999 Speaking Out. Australian

Women Talk About Success, New

Holland Publishers, Sydney.


"What would you attempt to do, if you knew you could not fail?"- Robert Schuller

W hen I first found out that I was

Head Prefect, that was my aim­

to throw myself into changing the school

as if there was no risk of failure or

rejection. Unfortunately, as I discovered,

change has to be gradual, but that has

not stopped this year being one of

developments and changes for PLC.

The year began with a leadership day for

the Year Twelves at Notre Dame

University, run by Andrew Horabin, a

man who we saw a lot of during the year

and who helped us immensely. It was a

day of bond forming and goal setting,

which the Year Twelves have tried hard

to achieve throughout the year. Next,

we headed off to the Fremantle Sailing

Club for the Year Twelve Ball. This night

exceeded all expectations and the efforts

of Mrs Atkins, all the mothers and the

ball committee in organising the evening

were greatly appreciated.

At this stage the school was well and

truly into PLC Fair mode. This day was a

phenomenal success, due in no small part

to the people on the dunking machine,

and we raised an unbelievable amount of

money. Thank you to Mrs Bennett and

all the people involved who made the

Fair unforgettable. However, at the

same time as this fantastic event, the

school said a sad farewell to Reverend

Sue Wickham, who enlivened Chapel and

is a special person who we miss greatly.

We then proceeded into the Anzac

Service, numerous leadership afternoons

for the Prefects and a highlight for

Carolyn and I, the Year Nine PLC and

Hale Social. We also participated in the

Olympic Torch Relay as Escort Runners

and then went to even more leadership


Reverend Elke Riekmann joined us from

Bonn at the start of third term and I wish

her the best of luck as she continues to

find her place in our school community.

Speech Night 1999 had revealed plans for

improvements to the buildings and

grounds, and these are now finally

underway. I'll never be able to use them,

but I'm sure the cafeteria and Year

Twelve common room will be welcome

additions to PLC life.

"No man (woman) will make a great

leader who wants to do it all himself

(herself) or get all the credit for doing it."

So said Andrew Carnegie. This is the

philosophy that I have tried to follow

since I was first elected, way back in the

last millennium (sorry, I couldn't help

cashing in on 2000). My amazing

delegation skills all began when we

started organising the song for the last

assembly in 1999 - thank you Mel - and

have continued throughout this year,

with the astounding Student Council

always willing to do anything I asked

them to do. Special thanks must go to

my right-hand gal, Carolyn, who never

stopped trying to get me organised and

helping me in every conceivable way. Ms

Blackwood, Ms Lee, Mrs Browne and Mrs

Robinson never stopped helping me out

and providing me with much needed

chocolate fixes; they have my most

sincere thanks.

Thanks to all the staff who have

supported me, particularly Mrs Slattery

and Mrs Maclean, who always let me

into the office for dried fruit, Caramello

Koalas and a chat. Remember this

Georgie, there is heaps of free food

coming your way!! Good luck to

Georgie, Katie and the 2001 Year

Twelves; you'll get out what you put in.

"It may seem funny, but people you

aren't related to can take care of you and

love you and teach you to trust people

again. Families aren't biological."

A truer word was never spoken about the

friends I have made at PLC, especially my

'corridor' who were always there with

tissues, a much needed hug and never­

ending encouragement - YOU CAN DO


One last word to the Leavers of 2000,

may we have the ability to dream and

the courage and strength to succeed. See

ya at the 20 year reunion I

And so, after twelve years at school, five

of which have been spent in the PLC

Boarding House, my time here is over. I

don't wish to be any more "cliched", so I'll

just say thanks to the School for having

us. To those we leave behind, enjoy it

while it lasts. To quote a constant source

of Year Twelve inspiration, "Like sand

through an hour glass, these are the days

of our lives."

AMY SMITH, Head Prefect



I student (au n(i I I

At the start of each Student Council meeting this year, we would begin with a reflection or thought to

set the tone for the meeting. One reflection from our earlier meetings sums up the year and what we

all learnt perfectly: "In every triumph, there's a lot of try, and a heap of 'umph.'

In our planning sessions at the beginning of the year, back when we were young and ignorant, we had a list

of goals longer than the sentences in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse. Some of our aims were to

increase School spirit, develop relationships between year groups, encourage unity amongst the Year

Twelves (which included the battle for a common room) and break down cultural barriers in the School.

And we did have a very successful and productive year. With introducing criteria for the new Academic

pocket, holding House Colours casual days, running our own assembly, improving the every-day aspects of

the school and organising the Year Twelve sleepover, we were always kept very busy.

Back (L-R): Emma Goldie, Caroline Wood, Jenna Van Niekerk, Sarah Jackson,Emily McFarlane, Melanie DaviesFront: Naomi Mills, Amy Smith, Kate Balston, Ivana Pearce, SaJJy Patterson, Kristy Soeharto

Year 11 Student Council Representatives(L-R) Emma Turner, Claire Shadbolt, Charlotte Dunn, Phoebe Anderson, Hayley Macalpine, Georgie LangeAbsent: Kate Hendry, Katie Phillips



As Deputy Head Prefect, I was part of

both the Middle School Forum and the

Senior School Advisory Council as well as

the Student Council. Apart from going to

a lot of meetings, this meant I was able

to act as a 'go-between', taking ideas

from all years, for discussion at Student

Council. Thank you to all girls who were

involved in these groups. They were an

important voice in the school, and I'm

sure will continue to do extremely well

next year.

Finally, I must thank Amy and the great

support of Student Councillors who

dragged themselves out of bed once a

fortnight to attend early morning

meetings and were always ready to help

out. We made a great team this year and

if ever there was a problem too big, it

was comforting to know that there were

thirteen girls who would always lend a

helping hand.

Best of luck to George and Katie and the

2001 Student Council. Give it your best,

keep your head up, and have fun with it I

CAROLYN WOOD, Deputy Senior Prefect

(Secretary to the Student Council)

service and socia I justice

Is it just me or did the Service Team this year have a slight obsession with food? This year

has seen a number of days evolving around the topic of food - Chips Chocs and Drinks Days, Sushi Days

and Sausage Sizzles ... OR maybe we are just simply responding to the wants of the paying customer?

Either way, this year has been a fantastic one for service in PLC!! Even with the sad departure of Reverend

Susan during first term, the spirits of the Service Team were far from dampened. First on the agenda was a

Chips, Chocs and Drinks Day, which along with a very popular Sushi Day, thanks to the superb sushi

making skills of Mrs Cuneo and her helpers, raised funds to provide medical supplies for the flood-striken

people of Mozambique.

This year we were also fortunate enough to introduce two additional members into our school community,

with the sponsoring of Van Dat Le from Vietnam and Nigsti Gebremedhin from Zimbabwe, through World

Vision. This initiative will hopefully be carried on by the school in future years, to provide Van Dat and

Nigsti with food, shelter and an education.

Casual Days this year took a quirky turn, with the Year Twelves using these days as an excuse to reveal their more, shall we say,

creative sides!! From GhostBusters to the Aussie Battler these days proved to be more than just days to show off your new

clothes. The House Colours Day, before the Inter House Athletics, saw girls pulling out their oranges, blues, greens, reds, yellows

and purples, in an attempt to create house spirit but more importantly as a means of early intimidation tactics before the big day.

All money from the casual days and Chips, Chocs and Drinks Days went toward the Service Team's major fund raising project for

which a target of ~4,000 was set to raise money for the Starlight Children's Foundation. This money will be put to use in granting

the wish of an ill child. This year the Service Team have chosen to take the path of involving the school as much as possible with

our progress towards this target through regular updates in assembly. An early visit from Captain Starlight himself also created

much personal interest amongst the students.

By far, the biggest event for the Service Team this year was the PLC Quiz Night which was organised with the Reconciliation Team

and Mrs Bishop. Half the profits of this night went towards Starlight, and the other half towards Reconciliation. From the

feedback I have received from staff and students who went, the night was a lot of fun. Heaps of questions were asked, games

played and of course there were prizes, prizes and more prizes. The highlight of the night was by far the guest appearances of

Dockers players Toni Grover and Daniel Bandy who were made surprisingly welcome considering the majority of the crowd were

Eagles supporters! Hopefully this night will become an annual event.

In conjunction with Notre Dame University, the Service Team plus some very kind helpers, took up the task to check the School's

old computers. These were then packed and sent to Dili in East Timor so students over there could learn basic computer skills.

More recently, the Service Team held a Sausage Sizzle and its support was phenomenal, providing us with a fantastic way to end

what you could call, a year of jam-packed fun and service.

My list of thanks goes on forever but I would like to thank everyone for their

support of the Service Team throughout the year, whether it was buying a

chocolate bar or organising a table for the quiz night. More importantly

thank you ever so much to the six House Captains - Sarah, Kate, Sally, Emily,

Emma and Jenna for their tireless support and efforts. It couldn't have been

done without you guys! ! and of course, special thanks to Ms Blackwood,

Rev. Elke and Mrs Lee for helping me and the rest of the team when the

going got tough.

Best wishes to next year's Service Captain, Emma Turner and the six House

Captains. I hope your year proves to be as fulfulling and rewarding as mine.

NAOMI MILLS, Service CaptainBack (L-R): Kate Ba/ston, Sarah Jackson, Emily McFarlane, Emma Go/dieFront: Jenna van Niekerk, Naomi Mills, Sally Patterson.







'To the Cosmonauts of PLC I hope this book can affirmand guide your journey into a Planetist future II This is Peter Ellyard'smessage to us in the front of his book, Ideas for the New Millennium,

which was published in 1998.

W e have now reached the beginning of the new millennium without any real disasters befalling us. Planes did not fall from

the skies and the vast majority of computers around the world continued to function. Yet I do not think that we can

ignore the message of Ellyard and others who argue that many things need to change in education and that we need to develop a

culture of learning in order for our children to thrive in the years beyond 2010. He talks of the need for life-long learning, for

learner-driven learning rather than teacher-driven, for just-in-time learning, for customized learning which acknowledges preferred

learning and thinking styles, for transformative learning which enables us to think for ourselves, for collaborative learning, for

contextualised learning which addresses the question of relevance and for learning to learn. I have no argument with any of these

and see evidence of these 'types' of learning around me every day at PLC.

I have no doubt that our ability to adapt and to be flexible will influence how we cope with the years ahead. However I was

pleased that the argument did not stop there but extended to the need for a global caring society where caring consisted of the

following elements:

caring for oneself, including one's physical and mental health

caring for one's children, partners, friends and relations, and colleagues

caring for one's community

caring for others, including those with different cultures

caring for other species

caring for the Planet

It is my hope that the ideas in Peter Ellyard's book do affirm and guide our journeys.

This edition of the Kookaburra tells the story of the journey of our school during the year 2000. I hope that you enjoy it. I hope,

too, that the girls will return to this Kookaburra and enjoy the memory of this particular journey over and over and that they will

return in the years beyond 2010 to let us know that they are thriving I

JANET WILMOT, Head of Junior School







• •

ki nderga rten

Grandparents' Day was a greatsuccess this year.

The children of Kindergarten,Pre-Primary and Year one inviteda guest to spend the morning atschool with them.

We had a really enjoyable day andlook forward to the next similarevent.

Beau Summers is enjoying working on a floor puzzle with hisGrandparents



Upper Back (L-R) James Smith, Grace Blackman, Katherine Beskow, Toby Walmsley.

8 a c k Mrs Glynis Ridley, Jack Freemantle, Lauren Bennett, James Miller, Clare-Louise Lawson, Beau Summers, Karoline Hammer, Bradley Smith, Miss Jane-Clair Hopkins, Mrs Margaret Osborn.Mid die Anna Bradley, Rebecca Cole, Alexia Botha, Garret Burlas, Stephanie Lowenhoff, Eliza Burton, Annabella Packer, Mackenzie Dunn.Fran t Saffy Hamdan, Elizabeth Trahar, Stephan Dunlop, Michael Wikarta, Aman Nasir, Lucinda Diffen, Madeleine King.

Up per B a c k (L -R): Emma Smith, Flora Smith, Nidal Fradd, Anita Ibbitson, Gabrielle Hitchen.B a c k Miss Jody Love, Isabel Szk/arz, Ryder Ethelston, Nicholas Nielsen, Alexander Tsaknis, Isabelle Roden, Georgina Moran, Madeleine Lofthouse, Robert Diamond, Miss Lee-Ann Kennedy, Mrs

Claire Parker.Mid d fe Leam McArdle, Jeremin Chan, Sophia Skea, Isabella Blakiston, Jessamy Burton, Sam Lyons, Christian Fini, Isabella Gillett, Front L-R: Sophia Glauert, Arielle Tay, Kimberley Shepherd,

Benjamin Clapin, Isabel Szklarz, Anne~Marie Karageorge, Felicity Eustance, Rosie Bradley.





year one

\\/ think frogs are cute because the malescan croak when they are looking for a

mate. / like hearing frogs croak/ they arespecial because they are the only animals

which croak! 1/


A fun day at the zoo

8 a c k (L-R) Mrs Linda Murphy, Marli McGuckin, Laura Hejleh, Christina Robson, Sophie Clapin, Camilla Eustance, Mrs Marion Barnes.

Mid dIe Evana Hanna, Frances Peters, Eleanor Lofthouse, Emily Gi/Jett, DieJ/e Horne, Ellen Marinko, Chelsea Brumby.

Fran t Isabel Kordic, Hilary Samuels, Rosie Barton, Stephanie King, Christine Dunlop, Beatrice Harris, Feficity Tan.



• •I

year two


Pink is the colour of a babyWhen it is born.

Pink is the colour of my bumpytongue.

Pink is the colour of a frilly tutu.

Pink is the colour of a shockingsunset

on an incredible ocean.

Pink is the colour of a girl's room.

Pink is the colour of her dress.

Pink is the colour of a lightballoon.

Pink is the colour of a summer'sday.

Daniella Harlan




Blue is the coldnessthat you feel in your heart

when someone dies.

Blue is the coldnessThat you feel

When you are in the icy water.

Blue is the sorrowThat you feel

When your best friend goesto a different school.

Blue is sadness

Sarah Cole

Samantha Capelli and Melissa Brumby investigating plants.

Year 2 class working with the Buzz Dance group

8 a c k (L-R) Stephanie Wright, Asha Ha"is, Farah Munshi. DanielJa Harlan, Rebecca Beskow, Esther GJauert, Emily Walmsley, Mrs Jeanine Candy.

"" i d dIe Lucy Bennett, Alex McMahon, Bernadette Nebel, Sarah Cole, Bonnie de fa Hunty, Anisah Nasir, Gabrielfa Hanna, Leona McArdle.

Fro n t Cody-Sue Turco, Milfi Henderson-Pittman, Mil/ie Brumby, fsabelfa Caporale, Ashleigh Civieflo, LuciJfe Desai, Samantha CapeJJi.



year three

If I could be anything at anI would choose to be ...


Puppet-making day with families

Science Day with Year 6 buddies ... 'puffmobiles'

... a flower because I would like to have glowingcolours and I would like to smell beautiful ...Sophie

I would be everything because it would be niceto experience being everything. And I could sayI've been that thing ... Julia Mugliston

If I was a bird I would soar across the sky. Iwould fly around the world as many times aspossible. On Saturday and Sunday I will find anice branch to perch on and rest. When it comesback to Monday I start my journey again ...Natasha

... I would like to fly like an eagle, be elegant likea swan, have a nose like an elephant and bestrong like an elephant and as fast and fierce as acheetah and magic like a fairy ... because I wantto know how it feels ... Anneis

... a piece of paper because people could makeme into a paper aeroplane and I could fly aroundthe room ... Portia

... a doctor because I like to help people and I liketo take care of children ... Veronica

If I were a dancer I would dance all my life! Iwould dance in Rome, China and Paris. I alwayswanted to go around the world. When I gettired of dancing I will stop travelling around theworld. But I will always practise my very oldroutine that I learnt in Jazz ballet in year two. Ihope I am a great dancer ... Chloe Leaker

... my normal self because I like my life anyway.

... an elephant because I would have a long trunkand I would look cute with big ears ... Rebecca M

... a rainbow bee-eater because I would like to befree to fly up high. I would also like to be ascolourful. The Latin name for a Rainbow bee­eater is merops ornatus and that is a very nicename ... Tasmin

... a girl that lived in candyland because I couldeat candy all day because everything would bemade out of candy like houses and trees .

Kelmscott Farm



Planet Purple Multiple Intelligence Day

One dark cold winter night, a girl called Emma fell into a bigdeep sleep. She dreamt about being whatever she wanted

to be and this is how the story begins ...Emma was walking down the road when suddenly she

bumped into a man. 'Why, who are you?''I am a special wizard who can change you into anythingyou want.' 'So if I said that I wanted to be a queen you

would grant my wish?' 'Yep' said the wizard.'Okay then I would like to be a queen.'

Shiwill caboon! 'Wow!' Emma said 'I'm a queen'.'Your palace is right here' said the wizard.

This is beautiful'said the queen.Twenty minutes later... 'Servants please!' shouted the

queen 'I would like to go out and give all the poor peoplesome money.' 'Okay mam'said the servant.

Unfortunately Emma woke up from her dream and nevergot to give the poor people the money.

Emma Yole


If I was a monkey I wouldclimb and swing in the trees.Everybody in the town and

city would like me.I don't like the jungle.

I love bananas and I love allother fruit too.

I like to make everybodylaugh ...

Chloe Leaker

Upper Back (L-R) Candice Chin, Anneis Taylor, Veronica Sidjono, Rebecca Miller.Ba c k Ailsa McKechnie, Anna Lynn, Rebecca Keys, Ellen McGuckin, NatahJia Glover, Hannah Steens, Julia Mugliston, Mrs Alison Viney.Middle Natasha Pnng/e, Grace Templeman, Emma Yole, Cam/lla Goldmg, Tamsm Samuels, SophIe Kesteven.

Fron t Caroline Clugston, Sarah Richardson, Jamie Bradley. Charlotte Lavin, Portia 5mallbone, Gabriella Robson, Liana Tay.A b 5 e n t Katie Mcintyre, Julia Schwartz.



year four

If I could visit a planet it would be...



"Saturn, because if it was possible I would sit onan asteroid from its rings and whirl around andaround."- Catherine Roden

"Mars, Saturn and Jupiter because Mars hasvolcanoes, Saturn has lots of rings and Jupiterhas a red spot from a storm."- Julia Burlas

"Saturn and Mars, Mars because of its volcanoesand its beautiful red colours. Saturn because ofits glorious rings."- Lucy Fry

"Mars because I would like to see the volcanocalled Mt. Olympus and because it's one of thenearest planets and people have been there so Iwill know I won't run out of air or fuel."- Georgia Drake-Brockman

B ac k (L-R)Louisa Robson, Cordelia Coleman, Catherine Donnelly, Laura Bailey, Georgia Middleton, Ginny Lannigan, Nada Baradja.Mid die Jennifer Chan, Chloe Ng, Cordelia Mortimer, Julia Miller, Alyxis Smith, Alison McLean.Fran t Annabel Hall, Alice Carter, Abyan Nasir, Mrs. Beer, Aarksara Foo, Shanee Conran, Sara Louie.

Ba c k (L-R) Stephanie Bell, Hannah Murray, Pascale Young, Daisy de la Hunty, Rosie Burton, Lisa Kyle, Chloe Hutt, Mrs Victoria Biggs.Mid dIe Lucy Fry, Julia Burlas, Evelyn Hoon, Margot McGeoch, Emily Alexander, Philippa Nilant.Fron t Kristen ChisweJJ, Aasha Priest, Darcy Phillips, Annika Houwen, Sarah Hejleh, Georgia Drake-Brockman, Lucy Treasure.



year five



"My favourite project this year was whenwe went to Scotch College to do somedancing. Everyone was a bit shy andembarrassed at first but when we starteddancing it turned out to be really fun."- Nina Larissa Johnson

"This term we have been learning how tomeditate with candles. It relaxes your bodywhen you are stressed or frustrated. Weare making holders for them."

- Laura Kirby

"My favourite project was the Grandparents concert because I got to sing andperform in front of others. I also got to singold songs that my Grandparents used tosing."- Stacey Hammond

"My favourite thing in year 5 was makingthe underwater dome. I liked it because itwas really fun thinking about what youwould need to survive underwater forthree days. Decorating the dome was alsofun."- Elizabeth Beskow

"My favourite project was when the Scotchboys came over to PLC so we could showoff our new iMac laptops. The best partwas the food!"- Caitlin Kingsbury

8 a c k (L-R) Prue Divitini, Elizabeth Beskow, Sophia Flynn, Kate Hawkins, Stacey Hammond, Hannah Mabillard, Julie Hammer.M; d dIe Ms Andrea Wynne, Olivia Blakiston, Emma Routfey, Sophie Tan, fsobel Rosenstreich, Michelle Berg, Caitlin Kingsbury.Fron t Laura Young, Jennifer Payne, Julia Barker, Stephanie Barclay, Bonnie Christian, Fairy Turner, Tessa McCann.A b sen t Justine Macaufay.

8 a c k (L-R) Venty Sewell, Laura Kirby, Elizabeth Westphal, Ciane Horne, LOUIsa Bahen-Wright, Adele Ferguson-Gander, Claudia Nebel.

/of i d d' e Mrs Denise Mason, Heather Bradley, GIorgia Vigano, Nma Johnson, Lucy Greer, Caitlyn Fogarty, Elizabeth Craig, Rachel Hammond.Fron t Gabnella Gneves, Jennifer Liem, Courtney Chircop, Alison Lowe, Shahn Zalsman, Sarah McMillan, Anna Spiers.



year SIX

The Flashlight Fish

Flashlight fish, dazzling light, dull companion,

but good for a fright!

Scaring his predators away with a beam of light.

Darting away crazily, zig-zagging through the reef.

Teeth glinting, razors sharp... and dinner

is served in a flash.

Creepy crawly bugs...

Crawling through his blood, frantic, scurrying, trying tofly free.

In the dark of the night, a bright, fantastic ray,

to lighten the hearts of the sharks

and the unlucky prey.

When the light comes, and sun beams

make the water clear,

the fish scurries off, his light no use at all.

Fluorescent colours of bright and cheerful fish,

playing tag and darting round the rocks.

Seaweed sways and the light slowly dims,

out comes the flashlight fish -

ready to do his work again.

I Have A Dream

I have a dream

for world Peace and that all

I<ooka bu rra


upon this world is equal.

I have a dream

that those in need

will be helped and

those with the money

are the helpers.

I have a dream

that we accept people

for who they are not what

we want them to be.

I have a dream

that everyone has a right

A right to everything.

Ba c k (L-R) Cherie Tan, Hilary Carter, Katherine Chapman, Madeline Jackson, Hannah Sun, Rebecca Hamersley, Ruth Thillargaratnum.

Mid die Rebecca Butchart, Wei Wei Choong, Katie Dunkley, Honey Shakur, Emily Meneghello, Louisa Dent, Ms Diane Holmes.Fro n t Stephanie Clugston, Elizabeth Kordic, Amanda Indrokarjono, Sophie Heath, Lauren Fisher, Philippa Carrick, Erika Ikenouchi.

Back (L-R) Alexandra Worrall, Rebecca Charleston, Agia Sophiya Wallace, Eleanor Samuels, Gabrielle Carroll, Laura Bulley, Yasmin Ketelsen.Mid die Jayde Calderwood, Courtenay McGill, Mathea McCubbing, Georgie Treasure, Louise Negoescu, Amy Swannell, Ms Jacqui Brennan.

Fron t Jennifer Budiman, Courtney McAllister, Brittany Mann, Natalie Andre, Georgina Taylor, Dimitra Botha, Gabriella Barnes.

Back (L·R) Jennaya Priest, Jessica Kwok, Chelsea Hopper, Emily McAllister, Hayley TreasureMiddle: Georgina Martin, Jennifer Strauss, Alexandra Sutherland, Lauren Harvey, Isabel Bucher, Andrea SetiawanFront: Audrey Quek, Camille Connaughton, Angela Widjaja, Miss Deanna Cunningham, Alysha Nodwell, Alexis Kusinski, Jessica (kin







In Physical Education the girls have continued to participate in many areas and to develop a wide variety of skills within thecurriculum. Collaborative learning and leadership have been apparent with the Year Nine Sport and Recreation classes helping

the Pre-Primary students on an individual basis with their swimming and fundamental movement skills. The Year Six girls had theopportunity to gain valuable experience and leadership skills by running the Jump Rope for Heart Jump Off for the girls inYear One to Five.

Phys.Ed. Week was enjoyed by all Junior School classes, with the Year Nine Sport and Recreation class running activities for thegirls at lunchtime, as well as a mass aerobics session and walk during the mornings. The extra curricular programme has providedthe students from Year One to Six with a range of activities to participate in. This year has included swimming, diving, golf, tennis,gymnastics, netball, hockey, basketball, athletics, softball, volleyball and cross country.

The PLC Junior Schoolgirls are congratulated on some notable achievements at Inter School and State Level. They came first inthe State Year Five Freestyle, second in the State Diving, fourth in the Year Six/Seven State Gymnastics and the Year Six A teamwas Runner up in the C6 Netball division.

JO HAMMOND, Junior School Sports Co-ordinator.








Crisp, refreshing cool waves, the soft, smooth sand andawesome waves to surf! Middle School Adventure Clubsurfing was a great experience for everyone. When we firststarted at 6:00 in the morning on a Monday we were tired,cold and almost all of us thought that surfing was going tobe a big mistake. But once you've mastered a few basicskills and are out deep, it is the best feeling ever. Surfing isso much easier than you could ever imagine. With a fewlessons most of us were able to stand up on the board andride into the shore, even my Mum! I think everyoneenjoyed taking surfing lessons. It was certainly a greatexperience. One which I advise you to try if you ever getthe opportunity I

Whizz I Thud I Right in the middle of thetarget.....some hope. In fact, most arrows firedby students during the archery session on thefirst day of camp completely missed the targetsand buried themselves in the ground or hillbehind the targets. Oh well, we had a go. Andthat is the main emphasis of this camp, tryingeverything even if you're not really destined forthis sort of stuff. Everyone had a lot of fun .....pushing each other off the floating platform inthe reservoir during the canoeing session,constructing a not-so-waterproof shelter duringbushcraft, camping out in the middle ofnowhere for one night and trying to listen to aperson seeming to tell the teachers that weweren't allowed to camp there, and going toPenguin Island and oohing and aahing while thefairy penguins were fed lunch. All in all, a ratherexh ila rati ng outi ng.




year seven

Bac k (L-R) Sheila McKechnie, Maleeha GHani, Eva·Victoria Bates, Holly Mabi//ard, Jane Sulestio, Kara Conran, Katie Wi/fiams. M i ddl e Jia Mei Lim,

Cassandra Dare, Hannah Thambiayah, Mary Lannigan, Erica Haworth, Maddie WaJJas, Lauren Chalmers, Amy Sleight, Mr Malcolm McTavish

Fro n t Victoria Pearce, Amy Tipton, Tara McGregor, Emily Randles, Caitlyn Burlas, Naomi Kohan, Katrina Purser. A b sen t Olivia Gardner, Kendra Fouracre,

Annabel Merrison, Mrs Kerry Cresswell

Ba c k(L-R) Lytske Bakker, Clementine Russell, Shyasa Bugden, Ushpal Ku//ar, Ali Trahar, Lizzy Lowe, Kitty Shakur. Mid dIe Miss Anna Major, Elly Slattery,

Sarah McDonald, Poppy Ussiman, Melanie McLean, Francesca Hammond, Stephanie Parry, Blanche Alexander, Olivia Chin. Fro n t Nikky Lee,

Catherine Verran, Nicola Tarnowski, CamiJJa Spry, Ofivia Cofe, Annabel Corcoran, Nicole Gramger. A b sen t Marion McAllister, Hannah SneJJ.

B a c k (L-R) Ashlyn Hendriks, Suzannah Bahen-Wright, Bridgette Gale, Jenna Evans, Ashleigh Summers, Lucy Hansberry, Susie Scholes.

Mid dIe Georgina Stevenson, Lucy Cooke, Alexis Trinh, Charlotte Middleton, Christie Le Cornu, Rachel Frayzer, Daisy Pope-Brien, Mrs Marlena Smallbone.

Fro n t Sophie Gibbs, Harriet Riley, Annaliese Catchpoofe, Natalie Barris, Natasha Capelli, Alice Breakey, Jessica Flexman.




Scorpions near our tent!!... so the next bus back toschool is when?Lauren Cooper

year eight

School is fantastic.Work homework and abit more work. nowthat/s what I call fun.Kate Cumming

Geez/ camp wasgreat... Lolliesbanned/6kmhikes/ 10 metrehigh rock climbs/raw rice fordinner... well youcant get muchbetter than that.Anon





8 a c k (L-R) Rebecca Smith, Jacqueline Payne, Lauren Gleadell, Suzie Short, Maryam Ali, Kelly Dickerman, Shafini Gandhi. Mid die Georgina Richardson,Clare Weeden, Shruti Vijayakumar, Sian Macalpine, Robin Bromage, Caitlin Moran, Adair Scott, Miss Deborah Netoficky. Fro n t Gemma Ward, Sofie

Armstrong, Jessicah Carlisle, Paige Maloney, Kristy Dawson, Caitlin Hoey, Jade Quill. A b 5 e n t Maryam Reyhani, Gabrielle Starfing.

8 a c k (L-R) Maddison Crame, Elizabeth Ward, Hami James-Dentith, Jessica Cupit, Jane Trudgian, Jaime James-Dentith, Claire Batchelor.M i dd Ie Alexandra Clarke, Emily Ohayon, Kaila Atkinson, Tamure Challenor, Jennifer Gow, Janine Speirs, Mrs Faye Millar. Fro n t Keryn Anderson,Pia van Straalen, Gemma Willing, Meghan McFarlane, Lauren Cooper, Caroline House, Ashfee Rexifius. A b sen t Mrs Elizabeth Milne.

Upp er 8 a ck (L-R) Jessica Snell, Faye Sfater. 8 a c k Pia Humphry, Hanna Baradja, Harriet Carter, Laura Hutt, Siena Scanlon, Chardae Brasher,Clementine Hubbard. Mid die PhiJlippa Johnson, Adriani Dharma, Sally Lang, Diana Bradley, Aunchisa Faa, Claire Niccol, Jemma Sandover,Mrs Amanda WaJlas. Fro n t Abigail Schwartz, Kirsten Shadbolt, Gloria Ong, Lauren Winter, Bonny WeJls, Emma Phillips, Katie Southwelf.



8 a c k (L-R) Mrs Robyn McWaters, Sarah Humphry, Sarah Latham, Kate Cumming, Tessa ficker, Laura McKenzie, Felicity Houwen. M; d dIe Alice Hennessy,Laura-Jane Alexander, Jennifer Ley, Evelyn Meads, Natalie Higham, Katherine Macpherson, Claire Coni, Mrs Narelfe Millar, Mr Gary Green. Fro n t Jasmine Sims, L... --'

Melissa Spurge, Katie Strickland, Kylie Wallas, Ellen Seaby, Leila Williams.

8 a c k (L-R) Tamsm Moran, Emma Loughndge, Amnra Malhotra, Katelyn Reid, Melina Koshan, Hayley Woodland, Natalie Grearrex. Mid dIe Amy Cornelius,

Jessica Oldham, Celia Lim, Tiffany Rmg, Melissa Watts, Jacqui Young, Mrs Chantal Alvaro. Fro n t Stephame Waters, Amy Johns, Elly Healy,

Stephanie Johnson, Caitlin Trumble, Anna Westphal, Claudia Brewtnall.

8 a c k(L·R) Philippa MOlr, Shlrmame Koh, Jessica Chan, Ashlee Travia, Siobhan Dow-Hall, Alice Ralston, Brooke Thomas. Mid die Georgina Thomas,

Kimberley McDougall, Tansllia Od,am, Rae/ani Glover, Bianca Harland, Jacqueline Carlsen, Mrs Romame Saunders. Fro n t Fiona Boyce, Caitlin Bolt,

Agnes Kangdjaja, Nicky Strauss, Sophie Mellor, Victoria Blake, Jamie Peckham.



year nine

The Year Nine Urban Challenge

The Year Nine Urban Challenge was a great experience for allthe participants. We spent four fun-filled days exploring whatFremantle and Perth had to offer. In the morning and forsome of the afternoon, we did questions about Science, SOSE,English and Maths which related to the environment.However, once we had finished all the questions, we were freeto do whatever we liked in that city, which usually meantshopping.

The questions included things like counting how many peoplewent through the doors in the ANZ building and measuringthe volume of a gold cup in the Hay Street Mall. The worstthing about the Urban Challenge was the walking. You walkedeverywhere except getting from PLC to your destination.Apart from this the Urban Challenge was a fantastic learningexperience and heaps of fun.

City After Dark

City After Dark was where you went into the City with theHouse Tutor Group, after dark! Sounds scary and dangerousyou may say, but luckily we were accompanied by apoliceman. As we walked through Perth, we saw lots ofpeople to avoid and we learnt about how and where we shouldgo in the city at night - things like safe places to park your carand places which are most hit by crime. It really became areality to realise how quiet and scary the city can be. It was agreat education about survival in the city ....after dark!Rachel Carew-Hopkins


Year Nine Urban Challenge in Fremantle:Angela Ring, Miranda Nelson, Chloe Thomas, Libby Lissiman

Music camp

This event this year was really fun, especially as the buildingwe were sleeping in was situated right next to a cemetery.One of the main highlights of the camp, apart from singingand playing instruments, was the food which was the best I'veever tasted, consisting of pasta, bread, yummy deserts and aroast. In between the lovely meals we took the time to visitthe local deli a number of times to stock up on 'healthy food.'Although we were on a tight schedule, we still managed towatch movies, play games, dance, visit the cemetery and mostof all have fun! !

Camilla Bibby

Canberra Tour

The best thing by far in Year Nine was the Scotch/PLCCanberra tour. We went for a week spending a few nights inCanberra then moving into NSW to go skiing for three days.Even though most people couldn't ski, they still really enjoyedthe experience (even Nat managed to recover from her uphillstack!). The nights were also great fun, with the guys playingthe role of the DJ's and the girls all pretending they werereally good at table tennis. All in all, the Canberra tour was somuch fun and, as everyone says, definitely go on it if youhave the chance.

Chloe Thomas



B a c k (L-R) Anna Chacko, Felicity Forbes-Ives, Amanda Brooks, Tracy Patterson, Katharine McPherson. Mid die Mischa Knapke, Sara Scott,Tessa La Mela, Katie Burges, Chloe Priest, Yolanda Symons, Miss Rebecca Cody. Fro n t Chloe Bartley, Rachael Swannell, Tepina Smith,Tessa Thompson, Natalie Watkins.

B a c k (L-R) Katie Paterson, Miranda Nelson, Chloe-Louise Thomas, Jessica Spragg, Elizabeth Lissiman. Mid dIe Clair Morison, Caroline Paull,Sarah Hendriks, Emily Keys, Justine Howard, Kimberley Rowley, Mrs Donna Miller. Fro n t Emerald Bond, Michele Swan, Hannah Corcoran,Alicia Anderson, Jessica Schouten, Camilla Bibby, Monica Sudholz.

B a c k (L-R) Minah Munshi, Rachel Carew-Hopkins, Alexandra Lyon, Lorraine Lim, Julia Wedlock, Katherine Hewson-Bower. Mid die Casey Jenkins,Tanya Lee, Rachael Jeffrey, Kumiko Azuma, Shakira Durrant, Mr Stephen Zander. Fro n t Tepy Pen, Sophie Smith, Nicole Caporale, Nateisha Norrish,Kirsty Henry, Amy Willsher. A b sen t Jessie Dare.

I<ooka bu rra

8 a c k (L-R) Zoe Wong, Dina Tjoa, Samantha Plateff, Chanel March, Shiane Aliwarga, Don County. Middle Gemma Maguire, Kendal Giles, Sarah O'Neill,Stacey Forrester, Kylle Wilmot, Ms Deirdre Haughton. Fro n t Charlotte Humphries, Alison Barnes, Karen Lacheta, Amy Britton, Jessica Affan, Sally Kingsley.

8 a c k (L-R) Ming Sien Choong, Kimberley Barton, Anneka Or, Chelsea Stewart, Glenna Tan. M; dd Ie Hannah Miller, Angela Ring, Kate Stevens,

Meldy Tjoe, Jemima Pope-Brien, Meliesse Palassis, Mrs Chris Pidgeon. Fro n t Sally Banyard, Nicola Clunies-Ross, Eliza Cole, Jennifer Watts,Emma Scogna, Kate McAJJister, Laura Turner.

B a c k (L·R) Eliza Ho, Raine Gorter, Aurelia Augustine, Danika Thomas, Lucy Donovan, Shiva Senathirajah. 101 i d dIe Dannika Warburton, Libby McLean,

Juamta Hyder, Eliza Meffor, Jen Bannister, Mr Warren Beckwith. Fro n t Amy Green, Becky Sparrowhawk, Lucy Murray, Cassie Winzar, Amanda Osborne,

Alyssa Wright.






year ten

"The funniest thing was throwinga pan of burning pancakes into thebush - luckily greenery doesn'tcatch alight."Julia Brice

"Nothing funnyhappened... I went

to schoof"

Marian Hennessy



"It was funny when Nina,Kate and Jade's tent gotflooded... but not sofunny when it happenedto us. /I

Marisa Aveling


Uppe r Back (L-R) Wai Ka Wong, Sarah Jackson B a c k Anneke Forster, Laurie Hills, Michelle Kwong, Nina Yoo, Lauren Civielfo, Honor Calnan,Jenm Armstrong. Mid die Mrs. Karen Lamond, Jamille Payne, Celine Stocker, Marisa Aveling, Sarah Coulon, Aimee Leroy, Anita Robinson,Caitlin Mallng, Mrs. Mana Coate. Fro n t Poppy Coulson, Amy Gillon, Ainslie Walker, Kim Dickerman, Jacqui Comb, Sophie Johnston, Julia Brice.

Upper B ac k (L-R) A/ana Green, Julie Hewitt. B a c k Elizabeth Roberts, Sophie Chapman, Joanne Ayers, Briony Swire-Thompson, Ariel Katz,

Zoe van Straalen, Sonia Waddell. M; d dIe Mrs Coralie Gadsdon, Paige Marshall, Claire Stewart, Kerry Larkan, Emma CuI/en, Asha Atkinson, Amy House,Alex Walker, Mrs Susan Falkner. Fro n t Claudia Newstead, Anna-Mareike Holtkamp, Jade Greenland, Emily Woffenden, Sarah Heather, Kate Lee,DaIsy Bannerman.

Up per B a c k (L-R) Elizabeth Seggie, Sophie Robinson. B a c k Jacqueline Chellew, Xian·Li Davies, Kaori Kusunoki, Fiona Henham, Sophie Kirov,Danyel Zalsman, Erin Kiddie. Mid dIe Mrs Jenny Maclean, Bryden Bell, Jessica Hull, Jessica Danes, Emily Kiernan, Annabel Keenan, Genevieve Ong,Emily Lang, Ms Kristy Timms. Fro n t Alison Cook, Lucie Vidler, Laura Gregson, Kathyrn Trahar, Dianelle Golledge, Rowena Kendall, Amy Larsen.A b sen t DanielJe Gough, Lucinda Allen.



Up per B a c k (L~R) Sian Williams, Lara Wilmot, Gabrielle Davidson, Emma Cumming. B a c k Amelia Gerrard, Annika Kristensen, Olivia Levinson, JessicaAlexander, Emma Sturgeon, Summer Chapman, Sarah Bell. ,., i d dIe Mr Roland Leach, Nadine Gregory, Kate Thompson, Nina Durack, Laura Lane, LaurenCoulter, Phoebe McLarty, Jessica Petry, Anna MagUire, MIss Genevieve Dovey. Fro n t Emily Forward, Sophie Morris, Tamika Harris, Jessica Davies, Marian

Hennessy, Jade Barker, ChanelJe Taoi.

Up per B a c k (L-R) Chrystal Teh, Filia Tjakradinata, Sakae Sato, Laura Ludgate. B a c k Luciana Koshan, Christin Ardagh, Kia Bradbeer, ChanteJle Grainger,Gabby Young, Katherine Thom, Elsa MacKenzie. ,., i d d' e Mrs Margaret Warburton, Kimberley Larking, Prue Newnham, Georgie Adcock, Jessie Waters,JacqUi Morgan, Alysia Debowski, Miss Toni Jefferies. Fro n t Wiphanee Tantanavivat, Emma Forrester, Nicole Filar, Bianca Sen'ch, Kelley Sloan, Tess Jack,Klaske Bakker.

Upp er B ac k (L~R) Bryony Worrall, Jess Williams. 8 a c k Felicia Gunawan, Emily Bollinger, Catherine Cao, Celia Bolden, Kate MacTiernan, Emma Mitchell,

Ginny Wiszneauckas. ,.,; d dIe Ms Ineke Van Staveren, Bianca Kaifis, Cindy Lesmana, Yolande Chee, Sophie Sleight, Belinda Darmawan, Tahryn Bolt,Kelly Summers, Ms Pamela Jane Fro n t Marina Windsor, Cassie Chadick, Katherine Merrison, Bai Lou Jia, Julia Watsford, Sarah Robinson, Genevieve Simpson.A b 5 e n t Jiflian Locke, Sarah Thompson.



Exams were a bitdaunting and newto us/ but aninteresting part ofYear Elevennonetheless.Helen Pow



year eleven

I went to PMHand sawCaesarean sectionsMmm...Anon.

I would have tosay that thedance wasdefinitely apinnacle of theYear Elevenexperience.AmandaSeabrook

I<ooka bu rra


Uppe r 8 a ck(L-R) Sharmifa Sripathy, Leanne Sim. 8 a c k Elkje Wevers, Emily Liddelow, Gabby McLean, Pei Shan Koh, Lisa-Marie Lind,Georgie Lange, Carfyn Kong. M; d die Mrs Kathy Whipp, Meg Kingsley, Hannah Packwood, Belinda Evans, Hayley Macalpine, Sophie Warburton,Sheree Halford, Olwen Scott, Chloe Mcintyre, Mr Ron Vickers. Fro n t Sophia Mather, Amanda Clark, Blythe Calnan, Jacqui Medway, Frances Morrison,

Sarah Thomas, Charlotte Dunn.

B a c k(L-R) Megan Laird, Susheel Singh, Jade De Nardi, Pippa Chambers, Kate Gow, Emma Turner, Natalie Swan. M i dd I e Mrs Judy Duzevich,Michelle Maple, Emma Glasford, Kirby Scanlan, Kim Binnie, Emily Read, Harriet Damton-Turner, Kate Brisco, Ms Anne Coughlan.Fro n t Genevieve Leith, Lea Ridderhof, Merome Wright, Emily Piesse, Vanessa Jackson, Joanna MouJ/in, Alana Cupit.A b sen t June Liew, Lindsay Rutten.


Up per B a c k(L-R) Lynn Koh, Mishal Vasantlal. 8 a c k Stephanie Liem, Erfiana Tanzil, Laura Carew-Hopkins, Alexia Bivoltsis, Sarah Keys, Satia Pen,

Mala Kennedy. Mid dIe Mrs Jan Bishop, Kylie Thorn, Katy Stanlake, Jessica Drake-Brockman, Ann HazefJ, Emm Drake-Brockman, Jennifer Clark,Claire Shadbolt, Mr Murray Saunders. Fro n t Emily Thompson, Tess Marshall, Katherine Morison, Casey Beros, Rebecca O'Rourke,Sigourney Westgarth, Louise Wedlock. A b 5 e n t Georgia Henderson.



8 ac k (L-R) Tehani Mahony, Shannon Akers, Kirsty Banner, Julia Ngeow, Dale Seaby, Jasmin Islam, Dimity Magnus. M idd I e Mrs. Margaret Waf/ace,

Emily Bond, Emma Park, Weiping Wang, Kate MacKinnon, Lucy Belbin, Clare Shea, Georgia Herbert, Ms Sandy Barbir. Fro n t Pia Nairn, Esther Beecham,Pippa Goodridge, Beth Greenup, Sam Burton, Katie Phil/ips, Joanna McLarty. A b sen t Sarah Apostolou, Angela Halim.

8 a c k (L-R) Jean Eu, Diana Harvey, Kellie Reid, Simren Grewal, Byrony Parker, Natalie Maguire, Jacqui Thomas. Middle Mr Richard Rennie, Kate Hendry,Kate Miles, Amanda Seabrook, Jasmine Maxwell, Jessica Duckett, Helen Pow, Casey Stratton, Charlene Tan, Mr David Thornton. Fro n t Uli Harman,

Alice Johnstone, Phoebe Anderson, Rachel Scogna, Kate Rieben, Holly McDonald, Felicity Pearce. A b sen t Stephanie Scott, Sophie Cormack.



I have noparting sigh togive/ so takemy partingsmile.Liz Armstrong

liLa vie est plus bellequand on I/ecritsoi-meme// (Life isbest played withouta script)Courtney Allen



year twelve

Before youget intotrouble/ makesure you havea place to hide)0 Barrett­Lennard

B a c k(L·R) Sally Patterson, Carisa Grylls, Viviene Brown, Melanie Cotterell, Joanna Butchart. Mid d / e Ms Kate Langdon, Nicole Yoo, Angela Riley,Carolyn Wood, Anna Birmingham, Amy Smith, Bianca Symons, Mrs Pauline O'Hara. Fro n t Felicity Byrne, Sandra Houghton, Phillipa Byrne,

Louise Walker, Jami Adamson,

Upper Ba ck:(L-R) Sheena Cher, Rebecca Deng. B a c k Moira McKechnie, Khia Mercer, Ky/ie Cook, Rachel Mathews, Rachael King, Laura Bond,Noni Basyarudin. Mid dIe Melissa Cussons, Cara Hoppe, Amanda Aitken, Natalia Cooper, Belle Taylor, Catriona Dowding, Catherine Dunn,

Anna Carew·Reid, Miss Nicole Dorrington. Fro n t Bianca Bums, Clare Merriam, Marika Dunstan, Brooke Marshall, Adriana Ruello, Emily McFarlane,Krystal Waddell.

B a c k (L-R) Katie Costopoulos, Rachael Greer, Lesley Jiang, Stevie Shields, Lucy Atkins, Emma Lyons, Sandra Costopoulos.Middle Ms Marie-Noelle Viera, Emma Goldie, Elizabeth Lang, Sally Pedlow, Nastaysa Tay, Ashley Lyon, Amy Dry, Jess Telford, Ms Lyn Blackwell.

Fro n t Emily Marshall, Ashley Jeffrey, Bronny Fisher, Edwina Nattrass, Dominy Peacock, Donna Simmons, Pia Robinson. A b sen t Elissa James,Leanne Oehfers, Sarah J. Davis.



Back :(L·R) Kristy Soeharto, Naomi Mills, Megan Johnston, Kelli Taylor, Cari Vaughan, Sarah Latham, Courtney Allen. Middle :(L-R) Mrs Jan McMahon,Peta Bateman, Maureen Krisnadharma, Jenny Buchanan, Kirstyn March, Melanie Davies, Alex Humphry, Selby Giles, Aimee Bayly, Mrs Krystyna Butchart.Fro n t :(L-R) Til/y Gol/an, Salfy Hebiton, Sarah Jackson, Claire James, Melanie-Jan Fisher, Alison Hilfman, Danica Van de Velde.

B a c k :(L-R) Tiffany Or, Diana Tan, Min-Kyung Kim, Elizabeth Newnham, Amanda Kusel, Georgina Harvey, Lee Peng Yaw. Middle :(L-R) Mr John Eyres,Ayrin Tjoe, Rie Hamada, Kate Balston, Stephanie Hanrahan, Katherine Clunies-Ross, Lisa McDonald, Natsuda Kasisopha, Mrs Ann Saffen.Fron t :(L-R) Bianca Ring, Emilia Firkins, Sarah E. Davis, Jane Forma, Beth Woodward, Yuki Kobayashi, Linda Brandenburg.

Ba c k(L-R) Liz Armstrong, Lisa Miller, Meiliani Wijaya, Joyce Liu, Marcella Kahrmadji, Catherine Ashley, Lisa Gunawan. Mid dIe Ms Narelfe Lange,Naomi Ardley, Nikki Beckman, Erinn O'Meagher, Jo Barrett-Lennard, Ivana Pearce, Erica Wiszneauckas, Rachel Wroe, Ms Christina Katz.Fro n t I-Ling Chen, Kate Freeth, Holfy Brown, Monique Dopheide, Jenna van Niekerk, Emma Green, Anthea Power.





The enthusiasm of the mighty Baird House never ceases to amaze me!Every year the Inter Houst' events are flooded with war cries, streamers and amazing House

spirit. I'm proud to say this year has been no exception. Swimming, House Plays, Arts Day, CrossCountry, the list is endless. You name it, Baird was in it. Carisa and Angela were 'thrown into thedeep end' (sorry I couldn't resist) and started off the year with Inter House Swimming. Their sanitywas saved several times by girls who were willing to swallow vast amounts of water for their House.Despite many panic attacks they survived and did a brilliant job. The "Do it yourself Frankensteinoutfit" followed the Baird tradition of strange house plays and was directed by Sandra Houghton.This was the culmination of a lot of hard work and preparation. The nimble Bairdies managed asecond in Inter House gym. This and other Inter House sports such as hockey, netball and rowingwere organised by Pip and Lissie. The dynamic duo did a great job in getting the House enthusiasticabout a two or three kilometre cross country run.

Arts day was a big success. Anna was overwhelmed with participants and Nicole performed amiracle with the House Choir coming second, singing "Say a Little Prayer". Their efforts wererewarded with all enjoying a great day.

Throughout the year, Jo organised strong Public Speaking and Debating teams, often helping out with speeches at the last minute.

Finally, I'd like to thank the Year Twelve House Tutor Group, aka the Bairdy Bunch. Their enthusiasm and willingness to help outgot me through the year, along with the support of Miss Langdon and Mrs O'Hara. We wish Fran and her co-ordinators the best ofluck for next year. The future is bright, the future is orange.








2 000 has been a fantastic

start to the new millennium

for Carmichael. Throughout the

year, Carmichael once again

demonstrated its outstanding

enthusiasm and supreme ability

in all areas. We could not have

managed our excellence without

the support of our entire house

and I would like to congratulate

those who have willingly (and

unwillingly) participated

throughout the year.

Carmichaelians demonstrated their artistic flair once again

with a well deserved second place in this year's House plays.

The hilarious Perils of Prince Percy of Pomegranate was a

huge success and a true credit to our amazing director, Belle

Taylor, and all her cast and crew. The year continued with

Debating where Carmichael came first in Year Eleven, second

in Year Nine and second in Year Twelve.

Carmichael also competed successfully in Public Speaking for

2000. We could not help but recognise the brilliant

performance by our Debating and Public Speaking

coordinator, Georgia Gerson, who gave us an enlightening

speech on why "Life Isn't a Dress Rehearsal", to be placed

second in the Year Twelve competition. Arts Day was a huge

success for us, with everyone getting in there and having a

go. We discovered some hidden talent in the areas of

singing, sewing, photography, cake making and raunchy 80'S

dancing. We obviously showcased our skills enough to come

third overall. Arts Day was a wonderful, relaxing escape

enjoyed by all. Cara Hoppe did a great job getting everyone

involved and full credit must go to her. To conclude Arts

Day, Carmichael performed Be My Baby from the Dirty

Dancing sound track. Laura Bond did an amazing job to

bring it all together; all the sweat and tears paid off when we

were placed third.

Not only did our Carmichael girls demonstrate their talents

in the Arts but we also participated very successfully in the

sports. To start off the year, Carmichael did well in the Inter

House Diving, but not only that, we all sported our sexy blue

swimming caps and strutted our stuff in our bathers to come

second in the Swimming. A great effort by all, especially our

tireless coordinators Krystal Waddell and Catriona Dowding,

who made the day run so smoothly. Special congratulations

go to Jade Greenland in Year Ten for Champion and Alicia

Anderson in Year Nine as runner-up.



The Aths carnival was also a great day, with the mighty blues

showing off their talent in all events. Well done to Gemma

Willing in Year Eight, Jess Spragg in Year Nine and Emma

.Glasfurd in Year Eleven who all received Champion for their age

group. Carmichael came third.

The Gym/Sport coordinators Moira McKechnie and Marika

Dunstan have had a constant job throughout the year

organising teams for the up and coming events. Outstanding

results include first in Cross Country and many more great


A big thank you must go to Mrs Duzevich, Miss Dorrington and

Mrs Leong for all her support throughout the year, as well as

the rest of the Year Twelve House Tutor Group, for all their

help to make 2000 a year for Carmichael to remember. Good

luck to all the officials next year and remember have a great

year; it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you PLAY

THE GAME that counts.






In keeping with the usual "Fergo" tradition, the Red Ladies of 2000 excelled in all aspects of

sports, arts and service. Our success can be attributed to the enormous amount ofparticipation, effort and commitment across the entire year.

The year dived off to a racing start, highlighted by the Inter House Swimming, where Fergogained a respectable fourth placing. It proved to be an enjoyable morning and manycongratulations must go to Elissa James and Ashley Jeffrey whose organisational skills wereexemplary and made our competing possible.

Next on the calendar was A Day for Killing Daffodils, the play directed by Nastasya Tay, whichproved to be an outstanding success, although not complete without themelodramatics .... Hence a special congratulations must go to Nastasya who filled in for the mainpart, literally an hour before the girls were due to perform - and to her credit presented a wordperfect script. Despite all the odds Fergo gained a tremendous third place.

This only proved to be the beginning of an extraordinary year in the arts for Fergo ...

Arguably the highlight of the year came from a complete domination on Performing Arts Day, winning in both the Performing andCreative Arts sections respectively. This was a fantastic achievement by all who participated. A huge congratulations must go toRachel Greer, who organised and collated all the entries for the day. Arts Day was further completed for Fergo by the winning ofthe House Choir. A miracle in all senses of the word. Again enormous praise must be given to Dominy Peacock who perseveredagainst all odds.

Furthermore, Fergo showed strong talent in the debating and public speaking arena, gaining first place in the Year Twelve debatingcompetition and also the Year Eleven Public Speaking Final (Georgia Henderson). Again, all credit must go to Lucy Atkins, whocoordinated all of the respective speakers for each round.

The Cross Country proved to be more of a tug-of-war between our consistent competitor Carmichael, with each of the housesgaining first place in alternate year groups. However, Carmichael edged us out on a count back of points, resulting in Fergogaining a humble second place. Acknowledgments go to our individual champions Pia Robinson (12), Anna-Lee Hazell (11), RowenaKendall (10) and Sophie Smith (9).

The Fergo Athletics team 2000 was probably the strongest we've produced in a while ...and triumphantly gained an overall secondplacing. All girls must be commended on their efforts and pay tribute again to the successful organisation of Elissa and Ashley.

Throughout the year many Inter House activities were held which saw the participation of countless numbers of girls, eachpossessing enormous House spirit. Finally, last but by no means least, thank you to Amy Dry and Pia Robinson for their tirelesseffort across the entire year.

It has gone by in an instant. I wish Claire and all the Coordinators a BIG GOOD LUCK in their positions next year and also to therest of the House, may your red blood run deep...

I also suppose it is at this stage of the game that I thank the Kiwi ... more commonly known to all the Year Twelves as " .. Saunders"for his inspiration, dedication and humour, which is legendary and synonymous with the Ferguson tradition.

Finally, to all the Year Twelve Fergo Leavers, as they don their school uniforms for the very last time and dream of that landoverseas ... 1thank them for their unwavering enthusiasm, commitment and support throughout the year, which I could not havedone without. Thank you all for an extraordinary year.

EMMA GOLDIE, House Captain






Carrying on from our earlier achievements,

T-Shirts was adopted as our house play, which was

Ending the year on a stronger note, McNeil's

consistency and participation were rewarded with

first place in the Inter House Athletics, Public Speaking

and strong results in after-school sporting activities.

Naomi Mills, I<irstyn March and Megan Johnston must

be acknowledged for their contribution for such


Last but not least, the Year Twelves of McNeil wish

Dale Seaby (House Captain 2001) and the 2001

House officials the best of luck in their future roles. We

hope that you are rewarded with the same extent of

participation and success that has been demonstrated

this year.

In the light of our successes throughout the year,

McNeil thanks the other houses for putting up a

difficult but fair fight, Mrs Butchart (House Advisor)

and the House Tutors for each Year group.

SARAH JACKSON, House Captain

directed by our talented director, Tilly Gollan. With

superb individual performances both on and off stage,

McNeil was awarded first place.

N ever mind the high level of achievements

generated by the House in the earlier part of the

year, Performing Arts Day demonstrated the high level

of participation and House spirit which is integral to

McNeil. Courtney Allen must be recognised for her

efforts in organising the day. Overall, we came second

place to our steady competitor, Ferguson. Our Sonny

and Cher rendition of I Got You Babe, didn't gain us a

place in the House Choir competition, however thanks

must go to Sally Hebiton for her efforts in co-ordinating

this event and also all the girls who sacrificed their lunch

times for rehearsals.

M cNeil entered the Millennium with a bang which was characterised by sweeping victories

in all aspects of PLC life. In February, the House displayed an array ofteam and individual

achievements in the Inter House Swimming and Diving. McNeil was awarded four trophies,

reflecting first place in the Middle School, Senior School diving and the overall winner. Our

successes in the aquatics can be attributed to our coordinators, Alex Humphry and Alison Hillman,

who proved to be invaluable in their dedication and enthusiasm towards the organisation of these







As the year 2000 draws to an end and we reflect on the spirit and pride that Australia

has for its Olympic Athletes and venues, it reminds me of the Stewart girls. Always

eager to perform a 'PB' of amount of House points collected. "Stoked" when we win and of

course, always keen to be there, just to put in an appearance for the proud Stewart name.

The year began with Stewart's fantastic House Play, The Joker. Although it didn't feature in

the placing, the performance was a credit to the hard work and organisational skills of the

House Play Coordinator, I<atie Clunies-Ross and some very humorous appearances from Kate

Miles and Lisa McDonald, as well as the rest of the cast.

Throughout the year Stewart has been very competitive in most of the House sport areas

with great results in the gym and cross country. We also defended our title by winning the

Inter House Rowing for the second consecutive year. Jane Forma and Lisa McDonald were

instrumental in the time and effort put in, in order for the Stewart girls to

always be at the right place when needed.

Although overall Stewart was not predominant in the Athletics and

Swimming this year, special mention must go to Bianca Serich (Year Ten

Athletics Champion), Sarah Davis (12) and Jennifer Watts (9) champion girls

in the swimming. Special mention must go to Jacqui Thomas for scoring a

perfect 10 on all three apparatus in the Gym. Thanks to Bianca Ring and

Sarah Davis for the unbelievable amounts of stress that they went through to

get the events organised.

This year a lot of fun was had by all the participants on Performing Arts Day,

especially in the House Choir, where Stewart performed The Locomotion.

There were great performances from all girls in the area of cookery to

bag piping to classical dance. Thanks to Beth Woodward for all her work that

went into the day and Elizabeth Newnham for her magnificent direction of

the House Choir.



The talent, commitment and enthusiasm shown by

all girls in debating and public speaking this year

was fantastic. Congratulations to the Year Nines

for a great effort and Jennifer Watts for winning

the Public Speaking. A big thank you to Tiffany Or

for her work in finding people to participate.

Really, the spirit and fun enjoyed by all the Stewart

girls can be summed up in the simple words of our

Stewart predecessors: Just Stew It' Good luck to

Phoebe and the other coordinators for next year.

KATE BALSTON, Stewart House Captain




"A New Millennium/ A New Look. /I

To kick off a new millennium, Summers House sported a fresh new look after many years of

wearing white; we opted to change to a pertinacious purple. It was the beginning of a bright and

colourful year for Summers.

The first event on the School calendar was Inter House swimming led by our admirable swimming

captains Rachel Wroe and Emma Green. Summers went out fighting ... The new colour certainly

increased our House Spirit and we came super sixth overall.

Summers lived up to its reputation in the House Play competition with a lively rendition of Absolutely

Fabulous Birthday, wonderfully directed by Anne Treasure. There were some truly exciting

performances by Ivana Pearce (12) as Patsy and Lizzie Kuehne (11) as Eddy. A massive congratulations

must go to all the other Summers stars who dedicated much time and effort.

Summers had an extremely successful year in public speaking and debating, coming second overall in both. A huge well done to all

the girls who participated and let's hope we can keep it up next year. An honourable mention must go to Sarah Robinson (10) and

Ivana Pearce (12) who both won their finals with amusing and entertaining speeches. Thank you to Erin O'Meagher and Jo Barrett­

Lennard for co-ordinating Public Speaking and Debating throughout the year.

The big arts event for the year was Performing Arts Day. Many girls entered items in both creative and performing arts and gained

places for their efforts. Summers managed to come fourth overall.

House Choir proved to be an enjoyable afternoon and big thanks to Cathy Ashley, who did a fantastic job in getting the House to

combine and sing together in tune, "The Streets of London."

Athletics Day was a fun day for all, with some girls willingly participating in their events. Once again, Summers House has entered

the sporting arena with spirit and enthusiasm. Summers Inter House Athletics team was a force to be reckoned with in Marching,

winning it now for the second year running. A special mention goes to Ginny Wiszneauckas, our resident cheerleader who put on

an excellent performance in the Marching and to Danika Warburton (9) for coming athletics runner-up for her year.

In other sporting activities throughout the year, Summers has continued to show strong involvement and produced successful

results. The Year Nines came first in Inter House Netball and Tennis and second in Hockey with only four players. The Year

Twelves finished their last ever Inter House event at the Badminton, coming a heroic second place. Thanks for the support from

Liz Armstrong and Naomi Ardley who organised the Inter House sports so efficiently during the year.

Overall, Summers has had an eventful and

successful year. However, nothing would

be possible without the encouragement and

support from the House Coordinators, Ms

Lange and Mr Beckwith, who put in so

much time and effort towards these


Good luck to Jelena Maticevic, Summers

House Captain for 2001 and all the House

Officials. I am sure you will all have a

fantastic year.

May your life be filled with Summers.


I<ooka bu rra


I<ooka bu rra




LPIc teachers

If you can't think of anything else to do, colourin the leaves.

I'm not no botanist... But..-Mrs Pidgeon obviously isn't an English teacher


This is not a chatting lesson, this is a do yourown type of thingy lesson,

all right?

'I'm going to reveal some of my innermostthoughts... it's not very exciting... oohh I justthought of an exciting one that I'm not going

to tell you about hahahahaha.'Mrs Hetherington


It's gory in parts and hassome death in it, that'swhy we're watching it.

Countries are a "she"because they'reunpredictable.

Girls, please don't be toolong at parent teacher

night. I want to go homeand watch Star Wars.

What's wrong with you?You 1001< weird. Maybethat's how you normally


Girls, if you see me in thehalls don't say hello.You'll embarrass me.

Student: The projector'sa bit blurry.'

Mr Vicl<ers: 'Yes, wellNigel dranl< too much atthe Mardi Gras last night.

He's a bit hung over.Sorry girls.'

(On his overheadprojector, Nigel)

The best part of themovie is the end, because

it finishes.(On the movie Gallipolli)

"Leavers 2000...

is that a phone number?'(In regard to the bacl< of

a leavers jumper)

See my words are sogreat even the bird

understands me.Mrs Bishop

I prefer deadmechanical sheep

Mr Tait

I'm usually the meanold teacher

who never giveshorrible

students' parties.Mrs Heptinstall

pic boa rders

W e farewelled the 1999 Boarders with

the annual "Chrissie Dinner", following

the theme Inside an Ant Hole, which proved to

be a success due to the brilliant organisational

skills of our year. We had rappers, knights, a

pope and even drag queen ants, in between an

underground chant and a rap dance.

The 2000 school year began with the annual closed weekend which was very popular, with a trip to the movies and Bayswater

Waves. Despite the rather warmish conditions in the Boarding House throughout February, we all survived with continual trips to

the pool and beach. Throughout the year we attended a variety of social functions, including the very popular Mucky Duck Bush

Band, visits to the ice rink and picnics in the park with Scotch College. This year we particularly focussed on breaking down the

barriers between boarders and day girls and ran a programme which saw boarders inviting a day girl to stay the night.

The Boarders social with the theme Nightclub - Studio 54 proved to be a success with the gym beaming with golden stars, armless

mannequins and helium breathing stunt men. A number of fundraising activities took place throughout the year, with the

Boarders' market selling everything from sheep poo to slices.

The Father Daughter Dinner basically consisted of heated discussions on wool prices, drought, flood, fire, locusts and the Olympics,

although this was not unexpected. It was great to see the fathers from Esperance to Geraldton and Merredin to Badgingarra

present for a great night of bonding

and expensive food. It was also a good

excuse for the Year Twelves to buy a

new outfit for the River Cruise under

the pretence of the Father Daughter


The River Cruise on the Crystal Swan

was fantastic, allowing girls to unwind

after Mock exams. Despite the event

being held on Black Friday 13th

October, we managed to avoid any

serious injury or Titanic re-enactments.

I wish the very best to all the Year

Twelves, especially my corridor

buddies, in particular Erinn and Linda,

who picked up the pieces, literally, and I

wish Hayley, Emma and Merome all

the best for next year.

SARAH LATHAM, Senior Boarder





overseas students

G'day, namaste, ni hao, konnichiwa, hallo, salut and guten tag! Learning how to say 'hi' in many

different languages is just one of the many advantages we get from going to a multicultural

school. 2000 turned out to be a fantastic year, despite the fact that many overseas students dreaded

having to spend the beginning of the millennium a continent away from home. The problem of those

celebrating Chinese New Year was overcome by a successful Chinese New Year dinner that took place

in the Boarding House. Many girls were involved in the attempt to decorate the dining room in 1S

minutes which proved a fun and challenging experience.

The night consisted of a prayer and a wide range of traditional food including the traditional ritual of

"Yu Sheng". This Chinese traditional 'salad' was prepared by one of the Year Twelve students, Sheena

Cher. The noodles in "Yu Sheng" were mixed by lifting them up vertically using chopsticks. The

overseas Year Twelve Boarders had the honour of doing this. "The higher the noodles can be lifted up,

the more prosperous and better the years will be." This belief has proven to be true, as this year has

been a fantastic one.

As happened last year, the Year Twelves went to Bibik Chan for an overseas dinner. Each overseas student invited an Australian

student for an evening of Asian Cuisine. The evening started awkwardly yet as the minutes passed by we found more and more

things in common. We all love each other's mobile phones! !

For Performing Arts Day, many overseas students took part in the traditional dance section. Ranging from Years Seven and

Twelve, we presented traditional dances from India, Indonesia and Thailand. One thing that I think the overseas students learned

from Performing Arts Day is how to cook. Last year it was sushi and this year we learnt how to barbecue sausages from the

'experts', members of Student Council. That lunchtime, along with the Student Council Sausage Sizzle Stall and our own Asian

Food Stall, we successfully sold a total of 300 satay sticks, 300 sushi pieces and 100 curry puffs. What a day!

Throughout the year, the Senior School has been invited to International Dinners hosted by other schools. Excited as we were,

getting to go to lots of cultural integration socials, we had to unfortunately turn down a few invitations, as there were too many

to choose from I In the end, we had a ball in attending the International Dinners of MLC, St Hilda's and lona.

This year has been filled with new friendships, laughter and tears. The Year Twelve Overseas students sadly bid farewell to the

friendly PLC community that has always welcomed us with their smiles and helped us through the times when we were homesick.

Finally, I would like to thank the PLC community, especially the overseas students who have been very supportive throughout the

year, and I wish the best of luck to Sharmila in her role as Overseas Representative for the Year 2001. It has been a great pleasure

for me to represent the overseas community at PLC this year. And for now, goodbye, aujo, zai, jian, sayonara, selamat tinggal, au

revoir and auf wieder sehn.

KRISTY SOEHARTO, Overseas Captain






Shoot for the

Even if you miss,

~~== you'll landamongst thest

Les Brown


N ot to be outdone by the Sports carnival in Homebush, PLC have provided a range of sportingtriumphs of our own over the last 10 months, albeit none that managed to stop the

nation ... but I'm sure we managed to hold up PLC Links once or twice. With S Club 7 blaring in thebackground (my influence, I'm sorry), the girls have thrown down the gauntlet before all tasks confrontingthem, winning the occasional pennant, breaking the odd personal best and making a couple of mates alongthe way. This is what school sport is about; this is what PLC is about and this is what we cherish.

Not so long ago, Sports Captains were relegated to commenting on the appearance of sporting teams andthe fantastic enthusiasm within team networks. Whilst PLC girls still look the best (nothing new there)and all girls are still willing to give anything a go, on the whole, competitively PLC sporting teams arereturning to the days when they were considered as definite threats to any pennant. Perhaps it's theculinary skills of Mrs Glatz and the mothers in the canteen, maybe it's the water, but I have a sneakingsuspicion it has something to do with the increased importance and emphasis being placed on sport withinthe school.

Those closely involved with sport at PLC would no doubt be aware of the concentrated efforts a team of parents and staff havebeen placing on the success of PLC sporting teams. Not only has their time added another dimension to sport at PLC and a wholenew support base, but collectively they have been the driving force behind better results.

This, in turn, has played a huge part in maximising the spirit within the school, as is evident before any major sporting event, afeeling which could only be increased with higher placings on the day. Assemblies before the rowing, aths and swimming havebeen electric, atmosphere which can't help but release a tonne of emotions. In twelve years I have never seen the school soenthusiastic with anticipation of results and it's fantastic. One can only hope that with the continued help of specialist coaches andfurther encouragement of a competitive attitude, The West Australian will be writing about us the day after Inter Schoolswimming and athletics.

Highlights of the sporting year "that was" include the overall champion school for Tennis, second in Hockey, Basketball and CrossCountry and third in the IGSSA Diving competition. In addition to these more notable performances, a number of individualdivision pennants have been claimed, pennants addressed more specifically in the individual sports reports.

As always, there are those within the Black Watch tartan community who so evidently stand out from the crowd in their sporting field.In the swimming pool Jennifer Watts (9) stunned us all with her successes at both State and National level and Esther Beecham wasselected as a member of the Pacific School Games and competed in the National Championships. Anna-Lee Hazell (11) and AliciaAnderson (9) both competed as a members of the under 17 State Water Polo team and State School Girls Team. Katie Phillips, HarrietDarnton-Turner, Stephanie Scott, Jess Minshall and Natalie Maguire competed at the National Rowing Championships. SarahApostolou (11) competed in the State School Girls Basketball Team. Both Lucy Vidler (10) and Jessie Dare (10) were also selected inState development teams for volleyball and hockey respectively.

Not only have you been a credit to yourselves, but also to the school community, as we applaud your endeavours and your self­determination. The talents you possess not only encourage and motivate fellow students, but provide members of the schoolcommunity with a figure to admire and a role model within the school that is vital to any school pursuits. Personally, I can't helpbut feel a streak of pride when I hear of your achievements as I'm sure many others do also.

In addition to these state representatives, a number of girls have received the highest sportsaward in the school, Sports Honours, Sarah E Davis and Ivana Pearce. Sports participationpockets have been awarded to many students this year. These awards commend the dedication ofstudents with in PLC.

Special acknowledgments must go to both the Swimming and Athletics Coordinators and theSports Coordinators in each House who have skilfully balanced their studies and their positions'demands. It is no easy task collaborating the House teams without tears shed and I congratulatethem all on their efforts and thank them for their time.

Thanks also must go to the Physical Education staff and coaches for all their dedication andassistance throughout the year. Congratulations and best of luck to all the School officials for2001, particularly Kate MacKinnon who will assume the role of School Sports Captain. Enjoy yourtime as a school prefect, make the most of the year and embrace all available opportunities. Weall know you'll do a great job.

Finally, after twelve years of Land of our Birth, I leave PLC for the last time, no doubt with a skipin my step and a tear in my eye. To the girls, I thank you for making my time so enjoyable at PLCand I encourage you to maintain the high standards that have been set by PLC girls before you.Keep smiling, keep dancing and in the immortal words of S Club 7 (I'm going to look back andregret this) Bring it all Back to You I

IVANA PEARCE, Sports Captain


Sarah E Davis Yr 12

Swimming 2000

Tennis 2000

Volleyball 2000

Ivana Pearce Yr 12.

Hockey 1999

Softball 1999

Tennis 2000

Diving 2000


Georgina Lange (second award) Yr11

Anna-Lee Hazell Yr11

Sophia Mather Yr11

Dale Seaby Yr11

Rowena Kendall Yrl0

Chanelle Taoi Yno

Kate Thompson Yno







. .sWImming

The PLC swimming team started the season with a

big splash. This year's annual swimming camp was

held at Challenge Stadium, which, as you can imagine,

was a lot of fun with fifty girls sharing dorms


The team continued to train throughout the term,

(some considering training with Scotch boys a bonus

incentive), with our early morning training sessions

being rewarded with well-deserved hot Milos.

The team was able to get its first glimpse of

competition at the meet against St Mary's and the

State Relays which tested both our stamina and


Finally, the big day on all swimmers' calendars arrived.

"THE 10TH OF MARCH". After a fantastic 'send-off' in

the sports centre (who could forget S-Club-7) the team

arrived at Beatty Park for the Inter School swimming

carnival full of enthusiasm and excitement. We

finished a fantastic fifth, which is the best we have

been placed in the five years I've been at PLC.

The night ran smoothly, thanks to the huge efforts of

Nicole Dorrington and Mrs Whipp, as well as our

coaches Hamish Johnston and Graeme Williams.

Best of luck to the PLC swimming team in 2001.


SWIM POCKETSSarah E Davis, Yr 12.

Rachel Wroe, Yr 12.


Yea r 8 Sofie Armstrong, Caitlin Bolt, FionaBoyce, Diana Bradley, Harriet Carter, CarolineHouse, Pia Humphrey, Sarah Humphry, LauraHutt, Jaime James-Dentith, Hami James­Dentith, Stephanie Johnson, KatherineMacpherson, Paige Maloney, Jessica Oldham,Jemma Sandover, Rebecca Smith, BrookeThomas, Caitlin Trumble, Stephanie Waters,Melissa Watts, Gemma Willing, Lauren Winter,Yea r 9 Jessica Allan, Alicia Anderson, PascaleAngliss, Jennifer Bannister, Emerald Bond, AmyBritton, Eliza Cole, Helen Dodd, FelicityForbes-Ives, Stacey Forrester, Rachael Jeffrey,Emily Keys, Miranda Nelson, Jemima Pope-Brien,Angela Ring, Sophie Smith, Tepina Smith,Danika Thomas, Dannika Warburton, JenniferWatts, Kylie Wilmot, Yea r 1 0 JessicaAlexander, Marisa Aveling, Kia Bradbeer, NicoleFilar, Emily Forward, Amy Gillon, JadeGreenland, Rowena Kendall, Emily Kiernan, KateLee, Bianca Serich, Chanelie Taoi, JuliaWatsford, Sian Williams, Lara Wilmot, DanyelZalsman, Yea r 1 1 Esther Beecham, CaseyBeros, Philippa Chambers, Emm Drake­Brockman, Jessica Drake-Brockman, JessicaDuckett, Anna-Lee Hazell, Zoe Howe, KateMacKinnon, Sophia Mather, Jo Moullin, JenniferPacker, Helen Pow, Lea Ridderhof, AmandaSeabrook, Leanne Sim, Sushell Singh, NatalieSwan, Merome Wright, Yea r 1 2 AmandaAitken, Sarah E Davis, Sarah J Davis, MarikaDunstan, Bronny Fisher, Rachael Greer, AlisonHillman, Elissa James, Ashley Jeffrey, RachelMathews, Clare Merriam, Ivana Pearce, PiaRobinson, Jessica Telford, Rachel Wroe.


They pike, they sault, they flip, and yes they even twist. Being involved in a highly technical

sport which requires hours of training, the little diving squad visited the pool of the

challenge stadium, with bright aspirations of what the season would uncover before the school

year even began. With the help of coaches Shannon McGillvray and Rebecca Stevens, both

former members of victorious PLC Diving teams, the divers managed a noble third position at the

IGSSA Diving Championship, sadly to a less than worthy crowd.

PLC, which has established itself as a force to be reckoned with on the diving board, with five

wins in the last eight years, were competitive in all years but special congratulations must go to

the Year Eights who won their pennant. As an older member of the team, I was inspired by their

willingness to learn, and the grace with which they competed. Their skills and those of the other

members, may only be recognised as outstanding, and I am in awe of the talent we have in this

sporting field.

Though I won't miss the early mornings and the terror of standing on a board at 6.45 in the

morning, I will miss the friends I have made through my five years of diving, and the fun we have had (particularly with the

bubble I). Best of luck in 2001, I hope to see you back on top.

IVANA PEARCE, Diving Captain


Ivana Pearce, Yr 12.

Gabby McLean, Yr 11

Yea r 1 2 Ivana Pearce. Yea r 1 1Gabby McLean, Clare Shea, PhilippaChambers, Lea Ridderhof, EmmaPark. Yea r 1 0 ChantelieGrainger, Kate Thompson, YolandeChee, Briony Swire-Thompson.Yea r 9 Eliza Cole, Karen Lacheta,Gemma Maguire.Yea r B Claire Coni, SarahHumphry, Rebecca Smith, JanineSpeirs, Tamure Challenor. Yea r 7Oliva Cole, Catherine Verran,Louise Fry,Charlotte Middleton, MaddieWalias.




Sen i 0 r A Nikki Beckman, KateMacKinnon, Megan Johnston,Emily McFarlane, Holly Brown,Sarah E Davis, Ivana Pearce,Edwina Nattrass Sen i 0 r B Sam

Burton, Georgie Lange, CarolynWood, Catherine Dunn, BronnyFisher, Jenna van Niekerk Sen i 0 rC Emma Turner, Jo Moullin, DaleSeaby, Merome Wright, Bronny

Parker, Michelle Maple J u n i 0 r ALucie Vidler, Jacqui Morgan,Bianca Serich, Don County,Georgie Adcock, Sarah Hendricks,Phoebe McLarty, Julia WatsfordJ u n i 0 r B Danika Thomas, SarahHeather, Jo Ayers, ChristinArdagh, Natalie Watkins, PascaleAngliss J u n i 0 r C AmeliaGerrard, Emily Forward, AnnikaKristensen, Yolanda Chee, ArielKatz, Claudia Newstead Yea r 8 AKate Cummings, Meggy McFarlane,Kimberley McDougall, StephanieJohnson, Gemma Willing, AshleeRexilius Yea r 8 B Claire Niccol,Sarah Humphry, GeorginaRichardson, Caitlin Trumble,Tamure Challenor, ClaireBatchelor.


Nikki Beckman, Yr12.

Kate MacKinnon, Yr11

Megan Johnston, Yr12

Emily McFarlane, Yr12

Holly Brown, Yr12

Sarah E Davis, Yr12

Ivana Pearce, Yr12

Edwina Nattrass, Yr12


The year

2000 Tennis

sea son proved

to be one of

great triumphs.

Having a very

successful 1999

season, teams

this year had

something to

prove. The fight back began and

continued throughout the term without

any glitches, beginning soundly with

record numbers of competitors such that

development squads were introduced.

Great sports-womanship was shown by

all members and PLC was well

represented at interschool levels. Thanks

must go to all who were involved in the

tennis season, especially Miss Dovey

(tennis co-ordinator) and Mrs Whipp

(Year 8 tennis) and to each individual

team's coaches and captains for their

expertise and support.

Celebrations and thankyous were catered

for at lunch by the Parents and Friends

Association on the 29th of March. This

was the inaugural tennis lunch and it was

truly a success. Many thanks to the

mothers who were involved in this event.

The season overall showed great personal

improvements and team achievements,

with PLC finishing first overall and

claiming back the Max Bonner Trophy.

Congratulations were in order for the

following teams who each won their

respective pennants in 2000:

Senior A

Senior B

Junior A

Year 8A

Year 8B

While the Senior C and Junior B teams

came a very close second. Special thanks

to Kate Balston of Year Twelve who was a

fantastic fill-in for our Senior teams when

sickness struck us.


Volleyball is a sport which requires clarity of thought,

pureness of the heart, the strength of a bull, and the agility

of a gazelle.

Our girls have this in spades. (It would appear that the other

schools do too). On court this year, our co-ordination and

capability were surpassed only by our beauty. Indeed, watching

six girls work together - Dig I - Set! - Spike!, like a well oiled

machine; a ballet of navy, white and green; is one of nature's

greatest miracles.

While we didn't win the pennant, our girls (sorry Warriors), tried

valiantly, displaying the strength of character for which we are

world renowned.

Congratulations to the defenders of the PLC faith; may you

continue to carry with pride the flame lit by those who went

before you into a new and exciting era of IGSSA Volleyball.




Holly BrownNaomi Mills

Megan JohnstonSarah E Davis

Sen i 0 r: Holly Brown, Blythe Calnan, Melanie Davies, Sarah Davis, CatrionaDowding, Megan Johnston, Jelena Maticevic, Naomi Mills, Merome Wright, NataliaCooper, Emma Glasfurd, Alison Hillman, Lisa McDonald, Clare Merriam, JuliaNgeow, Rebecca D'Rourke, Michelle Piesse, Dale Seaby, Krystal Waddell, KimBinnie, Sheree Halford, Kate Hendry, Kirstyn March, Jacqui Medway, NaomiMorrell, Olwen Scott, Claire Shadbolt, Jean Eu, Natsuda Kasisopha, Pei Shan Koh,Carlyn Kong, June Liew, Mishal Vasantlal, Weiping WangJ u n i 0 r: Bryden Bell, Emily Forward, Karen Lacheta, Phoebe McLarty, JessicaSchouten, Shiva Senathirajah, Kathryn Trahar, Lucie Vidler, Emily Woffenden,Jessica Allan, Kumiko Azuma, Daisy Bannerman, Julia Brice, Eliza Ho, JuanitaHyder, Emily Keys, Kylie Wilmot, Jo Ayers, Jacqui Chellew, Lauren Civiello, JessieDare, Amy House, Charlotte Humphries, Jill Locke, Chelsea Stewart, KateThompson, Lara Wilmot, Asha Atkinson, Nicole Filar, Emma Forrester, DanielleGolledge, Jess Hull, Tess Jack, Gemma Maguire, Elsa McKenzie, Eliza Mellor,Yolanda Symons, Hannah Corcoran, Lauren Coulter, Kendal Giles, Rachael Jeffrey,Olivia Levinson, Laura Ludgate, Libby Roberts, Kelley Sloan, Kelly Summers,Rachel Carew-Hopkins, Annabel Keenan, Anna Maguire, Katherine Merrison,Sophie Morris, Clair Morison, Katie Paterson, Tessa Thompson, Danyel ZalsmanYear 8Victoria Blake, Fiona Boyce, Jacqui Carlsen, Jessica Chan, Alice Cormack, KristyDawson, Tessa Eicker, Jennifer Ley, Emma Loughridge, Evelyn Meads, CaitlinMoran, Tamsin Moran, Alice Ralston, Kate Reid, Maryam Reyhani, AbigailSchwartz, Ellen Seaby, Kirsten Shadbolt, Jasmine Sims, Leila Williams



scross cou ntry

Second Term saw the 2000 PLC Cross Country teamin a very creditable position. Perry Lakes provided cold,

uninviting early mornings; however this didn't stop the PLCteam but strengthened them in their training pursuits. PLCcompeted proudly at both the State School Girls and IGSSAcompetitions.

PLC was awarded second overall in the IGSSA competition forthe second time which was very pleasing. The Year Tens wontheir age group pennant, coming equal first with Penrhos.

Thanks to the coaches, Mrs Whipp, Tim and Tony Gooch and MrBeckwith for their support, time and effort and good luck toeveryone for the 2001 season.

AMANDA AITKEN, Cross Country Captain

Yea r 8 Kate Macpherson, ClaireNiccol, Rebecca Smith, Harriet Carter,Brooke Thomas, Sarah Humphry,Gemma Willing, Stephanie Johnson,Kate Cumming, Fiona Boyce Yea r 9Sophie Smith, Dannika Warburton,Rachael Jeffrey, Lucy Donovan,Felicity Forbes-Ives, Jess Spragg,Jennifer Watts, Emerald Bond Yea r, 0 Rowena Kendall, Bianca Serich,Jess Hull, Sophie Sleight, Lucie Vidler,Chanelle Taoi, Sarah Robinson Yea r, , Jess Drake-Brockman, Anna-LeeHazell, Emma Glasfurd, Jade De Nardi,Jasmine Maxwell, Olwen Scott,Georgie Lange, Jacqui Thomas, Yea r, 2 Amanda Aitken




Sincere thanks must be extended to all coaches and MissDovey in particular, who has been encouraging in allactions.

Sen i 0 r A Anna-Lee Hazell,Elizabeth Lang (vc), EmmDrake-Brockman, Jessica Drake­Brockman, Dale Seaby, IvanaPearce (c), Jenna van Niekerk,Carolyn Wood, Amy Dry, EmilyBond, Katherine Balston,Kirstyn March, Catherine Dunn.Sen i 0 r B Jessica Duckett,Emily McFarlane, KrystalWaddell, Rachael Greer, FrancesMorrison, Marika Dunstan, PiaRobinson, Susan Richardson,Georgia Herbert, PhillipaGoodridge, Joanna Moullin,Shannon Akers, Klaske Bakker.J u n i 0 r A Phoebe McLarty,Julia Watsford, Xian-Li Davies,Jo Ayers, Stacey Forrester,Claudia Newstead, JacquiChellew, Bianca Serich, ChristinArdagh, Sonia Waddell, JulieHewitt, Emily Kiernan, AliciaAnderson, Jessie Dare, DaisyBannerman.J u n i 0 r B Ariel Katz,

Nateisha Norrish, Emerald Bond,Danika Thomas, TracyPatterson, Juanita Hyder,Sophie Smith, Jenni Armstrong,Celia Bolden, Chloe Thomas,Eliza Cole, Emma Mitchell, RaineGorter, Kate Stevens, SophieKirovYea r 8 A Hami James-Dentith,Gemma Willing, TamureChallenor, Ellen Seaby, KirstenShadbolt, Kate Cumming,Jacqui Carlsen, Fiona Boyce,Claire Niccol, Stephanie Waters,Meggy McFarlane, JemmaSandover, Harriet Carter, JaneTrudgianYea r 8 B Brooke Thomas,Claire Batchelor, JacquelineYoung, Georgina Thomas,Shalini Gandhi, Jai James­Dentith, Georgina Richardson,Pia Humphry, KimberleyMcDougall, Natalie Higham,Melissa Watts, Clare Weeden,Jennifer Ley, Jade QuillYe a r 8 C Adair Scott, TamsinMoran, Sofie Armstrong, EvelynMeads, Caitlin Moran, MaryamReyhani


Kirstyn March

Carolyn WoodKate Balston

Amy Dry

Rachael Greer

Catherine Dunn

Elizabeth Lang

Find me a team which is undefeated and still can't bag thepennant and I'll show you the Senior A Hockey team.

Nonetheless, both the Senior B and Year SB teams managed firstplace, with the Senior A and Junior A teams in second and Year SAteam in third, earning PLC an overall second place in the IGSSAInter School Hockey Competition.

The position of the Senior A Team earned our School a berth in theWA School Sports Buchanan Cup where we performed admirably,but lack of turf experience proved costly.

IVANA PEARCE, Hockey Captain


No doubt the growingsense of communitydeveloping betweenhockey girls andparents has played an

enormous part in our successes this season. It has been anuplifting experience to belong to such a spirited andpassionate school hockey community, one which I onlyhope will foster and develop further in years to come.

Have the most wonderful time in Hong Kong next year(it's the best trip you'll go on), take full advantage of theopportunity to compete in a faster game with boys andbest of luck in the 2001 season. Remember, sticks downfor the deflection in the circle and have the courage tomake a hero of yourself!

I<ooka bu rra


The start to the Netball season 2000 proved to be challenging, yet as theseason progressed and more individuals remembered to turn up to

training, the teams began to improve and triumphs began to appear.

All teams that entered the competition put in an amazing amount of effortand none of the teams came out of the competition without a victory whichwas very pleasing.

The Senior As had the chance to play two overseas teams from Wales andEngland, successfully winning both games.

On behalf of all the netballers this season, we'd like to thank the coaches fortheir time and effort, especially Ms Barbir for her dedication and hard work.

Melanie Cotterell


NETBAll POCKETSNicki Beckman Year 12.

Rebecca O'Rourke Year 11

Kate MacKinnon Year 11




Yea r 8 Stephanie Johnson, Jennifer ley, JacquiCarlsen, Katelyn Reid, Tiffany Ring, Ellen Seaby,Meggy McFarlane, Katie Strickland, KerynAnderson, Caitlin Bolt, Maryam Ali, Pip Moir,Emily O'Hayon, Madison Cramer, Tessa Eicker,Kirsten Shadbolt, Jasmine Sims, Lauren Gleadell,Ashlee Rexilius, Jessica Oldham, Kate Latham,Pia Humphry, Siena Scanlon, Melissa Spurge, SianMacalpine, Elly Healy, Victoria Blake, CarolineHouse, Lauren Cooper, Gemma Ward, AliceHennessy, Libby Ward, Kaila Atkinson, SallyLang, Gabby Starling, Jessica Snell, leilaWilliams, Robin Bromage, Paige Maloney, JessicaChan, Kristy Dawson, Amy Johns, Caitlin Hoey,Jamie Peckham, Jessica Carlisle, Alex ClarkeYea r 9 Kimberley Rowley, Caroline Paull,Dannika Warburton, Amanda Osborne, SarahHendriks, Emily Keys, Sam Platell, MirandaNelson, Becky Sparrowhawk, Jessica Spragg,Stacey Forrester, Kylie Wilmot, Kumiko Azuma,Jess Allan, Eliza Ho, Kendal Giles, Tessa la Mela,Jem Pope-Brien, Alison Barnes, Chloe Priest,Rachael Jeffrey, Rachel Carew-Hopkins, lucyDonovan, Hannah Miller, Mischa Knopke, RochelleStarling, Camilla Bibby, Sara Scott, Kirsty Henry,Hannah Corcoran, Anna Chacko, M-T Barnes,Katie Burges, lorraine Lim, Amy Willsher, NatalieWatkins.Ye a r 1 0 Kathryn Trahar, Tahryn Bolt, GeorgieAdcock, Emily Woffenden, Chanelle Taoi,Summer Chapman, Nadine Gregory, SoniaWaddell, Kerry larkan, lucie Vidler, Jill locke,Jess Alexander, Kate MacTiernan, Jo Ayers, JessHull, Emma Cullen, Lara Wilmot, Kate Thompson,Jessica Danes, Anita Robinson, Sarah Heather,Lucinda Allen, Nina Durrack, Erin Kiddie, JuliaBrice, Christin Ardagh, Elsa MacKenzie, AmyHouse, Marian Hennessy, Sophie Sleight, BryonyWorrall, Zoe van Straalen, Amy Gillon, LibbyRoberts, Lauren Coulter, Kia Bradbeer, NicoleFilar, Katherine Merrison, Jade Barker, LauraLudgate, Annabel Keenan, Jacqui Morgan, AshaAtkinson, Lauren Civiello, Liv Levinson.Yea r 1 1 Sarah Thomas, Kate MacKinnon, IvyWallam, Rebecca O'Rourke, Charlotte Dunn,Georgie Lange, Merome Wright, Kellie Reid,Emma Park, Lea Ridderhof, Stephanie Dodd, KateHendry, Helen Pow, Taryn Sparrowhawk, ClareShea, Sam Burton, Claire Shadbolt, Dale Seaby,Michelle Piesse, Beth Greenup, Holly McDonald,Sheree Halford, Emma Glasfurd.Yea r 1 2 Nikki Beckman, Mel Cotterell, MelCussons, Naomi Mills, Krystal Waddell, CatrionaDowding, Holly Brown, Amy Smith, SarahLatham, Jami Adamson, Jenny Buchanan, KylieCook, Sally Patterson, Erinn O'Meagher, MelanieFisher, Sally Pedlow.


W ith a bundle of enthusiasm the PLC gym

team was at it again. Perhaps our greatest

achievement was developing the ability to balance

on a 10cm wide piece of wood, or perform back flips

while still half asleep. A useful skill for those

6.30am, freezing cold, still black outside training

sessions! Girls from Years Seven to Twelve all put

in a huge effort and are to be congratulated for

daring to 'don the Iycra' and for their performances

in both the State School Girls' and IGSSA Competi­


JACQUI THOMAS, Gymnastics Captain

Division 1 Gabby McLean, Clare Weeden, Jacqui Thomas, Sarah Humphry, Clare Shea, Genevieve Simpson, Ginny Wiszneauckas, Natalie Greatrex ,RebeccaSmith, Division 2 Eliza Cole, Tessa La Mela, Janine Speirs, Tilly Gollan, Kate MacPherson, Liz Armstrong, Kirby Scanlan, Zoe van Straalen, Libby Ward, KarenLacheta, Marian Hennessy, Kate Thompson Di vis ion 3 Claire Coni, Zoe Howe, Sophia Mather, Tracy Patterson, Claire Niccol, Skye Shanahan, Natalie Swan,Harriet Carter, Mala Kennedy, Yolande Chee, Megan Laird, Briony Swire-Thompson, Division 4 Alexis Trinh, Eva Bates, Lucy Hansbury, Olivia Cole, Daisy Loik.



To the untrained eye, schoolgirl rowing consists of early mornings, butchIfemales, psycho coaches, emotionally unstable individuals, weird machines

called 'ergos', headaches and FOOD. To the rowers, it's a season of bright pinksunrises, unbelievable achievements, fun, laughter and the occasional swim withthe dolphins. Above all, schoolgirl rowing is about special bonds that developwithin a crew and the FOOD.

"AAAhhh, Kamatee, kamattee, chiora chiara! ! !" these were the words that rangout across the river at Canning Bridge the morning of the Head of River as thePLC rowing team made their presence felt. From the very first regatta, the otherschools were unable to lose sight or sound of the PLC team as we belted out warcrys one after the other, with endless renditions of Scotland the Brave and thenew PLC rowing Hakka.

The Head of the River was a great day. The First Quad A crew won their race and received a consistency pennant and the Freshmancrew won their eight race (and the consistency pennant) and 2nd division sculls urged on by a large group of supporters,cheerleaders and the PLC Pipe Band. The first eight finished third, behind St Hilda's and Penrhos, who dominated the competitionthroughout the season. The PLC team was placed second on the day and fourth overall for the season.

In conclusion, thank you to all the rowers, coaches and the Parent Support Group for their enthusiasm and for making my job asRowing Captain so enjoyable. Good luck for next year!

ELISSA JAMES, Rowing Captain

(pictured with Alison Hillman)

Year 11 & 12 CrewsGeorgia Gerson, Jess Minshall, Alison Hillman, Harriet Darnton-Turner, Katie Phillips, Stephanie Scott, Emma Glasfurd, Sophia Mather, Elissa James, NatalieMaguire, Mel Davies, Rachel Wroe, Fiona Lester, Phoebe Anderson, Hayley Macalpine, Susheel Singh, Alexia Bivoltsis, Taryn Sparrowhawk, Jo Bannister, TehaniMahony, Kirsty Banner, Hannah Packwood, Sheree Halford, Skye Shanahan, Jane Forma, Joanna Butchart, Emma Cummings, Katherine Lee, Amy House, KerryLarkan, Aimee Leroy, Emma Forrester, Laurie Hills, Bryden Bell, Anita Robinson, Alana Green, Elsa MacKenzie, Annabell Keenan, Sarah Heather, Ainslie Walker,Marina Windsor, Sarah Coulon, Jess Williams, Liz Seggie, Erin Kiddie.


Melanie Davies Yr12, Jane Forma Yr12., Georgia Gerson Yr12, Elissa James Yr12., Rachel Wroe Yr12.,

Harriet Darnton-Turner Yr11, Emma Glasfurd Yr11, Sophia Mather Yr11, Jess Minshall Yr11, Katie Phillips Yr11.



PLC is developing a tradition of doing very well in the IGSSA Competition. This year we camea close second to Penrhos, but no matter, it gives us something to strive for. Let's just say we're

lulling them into a false sense of security. Next year, they will get a rude awakening, as I'm sure wehave some Lauren Jacksons or Michelle Timms coming up through the ranks. PLC can say in itsbrochure "Get with the winning team!" Congratulations to all the girls and best wishes for continuedsuccess in the future.

HOLLY BROWN, Basketball Captain

Yea r 8 ATe a m Aunchisa Foo, Hami James-Dentith, Meggy McFarlane, Jessica Oldham, Tiffany Ring, Ellen Seaby, Kirstyn Shadbolt, Rebecca Smith, AnnaWestphal, Lauren Winter. B Tea m Lauren Cooper, Kate Cummings, Jai James-Dentith, Paige Maloney, Kate MacPherson, Kate Reid, Jessica Snell, NickyStrauss, Libby Ward, Stephanie Waters. C Te a m Harriet Carter, Tessa Eicker, Shalini Gandhi, Pia Humphry, Emma Phillips, Kylie Wallas, Melissa Watts, LeilaWilliams J u n i 0 r A Jessica Davies, Emily Forward, Nadine Gregory, Kirsty Henry, Sophie Johnston, Sarah Robinson, Bianca Serich, Chanelle Taoi, Kathryn Trahar,Sonia Waddell, J u n i 0 r B Georgie Adcock, Kumiko Azuma, Daisy Bannerman, Jacqui Chellew, Jessica Dare, Jemima Pope-Brien, Kimberley Rowley, KateThompson, Jessica Hull, Hannah Miller. Junior C Eliza Cole, Laura Gregson, Tess Jack, Liv Levinson, Kate McAllister, Amanda Osborne, Elizabeth Roberts,Jessica Schouten, Tepina Smith, Chelsea Stewart, Emma Sturgeon, Senior A Alex Humphry, Holly Brown, Kate Balston, Georgie Lange, Sarah Apostolou, AmyDry, Krystal Waddell, Dale Seaby, Emily McFarlane, Sen i 0 r B Sarah E Davis, Megan Johnston, Stevie Shields, Kate Rieben, Lindsey Rutten, Bianca Ring, CarlynKong, Emily Piesse, Mala Kennedy, Jean Eu, Lea Ridderhof, Tehani Mahony, Kellie Reid.



Yea r 8 Maryam Ali, Keryn Anderson,Caitlyn Bolt, Fiona Boyce, Harriet Carter,Kate Cumming, Caroline House, CaitlinHoey, Sarah Humphry, Pia Humphry, JamieJames-Dentith, Hami James-Dentith,Stephanie Johnson, Jennifer Ley, KatherineMacPherson, Paige Maloney, MeghanMcFarlane, Sophie Mellor, Philippa Moir,Claire Niccol, Emily Ohayon, Alice Ralston,Katelyn Reid, Tiffany Ring, Siena Scanlon,Ellen Seaby, Rebecca Smith, KatieStrickland, Brooke Thomas, CaitlinTrumble, Pia van Straalen, StephanieWaters, Gemma Willing, Yea r 9 DonCounty, Jessica Dare, Helen Dodd, LucyDonovan, Felicity Forbes-Ives, StaceyForrester, Kendal Giles, Raine Gorter,Rachael Jeffrey, Emily Keys, KarenLacheta, Eliza Mellor, Miranda Nelson,Nateisha Norrish, Amanda Osborne,Jemima Pope-Brien, Angela Ring, JessicaSchouten, Emma Scogna, Sara Scott,Tepina Smith, Sophie Smith, RebeccaSparrowhawk, Jessica Spragg, RochelleStarling, Chelsea Stewart, Danika Thomas,Dannika Warburton, Kylie Wilmot,Yea r 1 0 Jennifer Armstrong, JoanneAyers, Daisy Bannerman, Bryden Bell,Honor Calnan, Cassandra Charlick, LaurenCiviello, Xian-Li Davies, Jessica Davies, KimDickerman, Nicole Filar, Emily Forward,Chantelle Grainger, Marian Hennessy,Jessica Hull, Ariel Katz, Rowena Kendall,Sophie Kirov, Kaori Kusunoki, Emily Lang,Elsa MacKenzie, Katherine Merrison, PrueNewnham, Claudia Newstead, ElizabethRoberts, Sarah Robinson, Bianca Serich,Sophie Sleight, Emma Sturgeon, ChanelleTaoi, Sarah Thompson, Kathryn Trahar,Zoe van Straalen, Lucie Vidler, SoniaWaddel, Julia Watsford, Emily Woffenden,Yea r 1 1 Sarah Apostolou, EstherBeecham, Blythe Calnan, Jade De Nardi,Jessica Drake-Brockman, Emm Drake­Brockman, Charlotte Dunn, Emma Glasfurd,Phillipa Goodridge, Beth Greenup, Anna-LeeHazell, Kate Hendry, Zoe Howe, GeorginaLange, Hayley Macapline, Gabriella McLean,Kate MacKinnon, Michelle Maple, SophiaMather, Holly McDonald, Joanna Moullin,Rebecca O'Rourke, Katie Phillips, HelenPow, Kellie Reid, Lea Ridderhof, DaleSeaby, Clare Shea, Jacqueline Thomas,Merome Wright, Yea r 1 2 Holly Brown,Alexandra Humphry, Megan Johnston,Bianca Ring, Jenna van Niekerk, KrystalWaddell.



The Athletics Team this year was

our biggest ever, indicating a

level of commitment and

enthusiasm never before seen. Lots

more girls are getting involved and

it's fantastic. It's not just an

increasing number of girls, but an

increasing number of smart girls.

The rain brought out the real talent

and brains of the girls when PLC

won the race to the tents. Well

done everyone, a great year all



BROWN, Athletics Captains



Phoebe GlasfurdJessica Drake Brockman


The :2.000 softball season began with the always enjoyable and amusing Inter Housecompetition. It was a great afternoon, with many girls discovering their hidden

talents for the sport. The sense of delight when the ball actually stayed in the glove wasalways fantastic and hitting the ball with that far-tao-narrow bat was just as fulfilling.

The Inter School teams all had fantastic seasons and the level of improvement wasamazing. For only three team training sessions before the first game, the teamwork wasexcellent, with all girls having a lot of fun throughout the season. A huge thank you forthe PE staff and coaches for making it all so much fun. It was the Year Elevens lastseason, so from all of us the best of luck to all future teams and we know that one dayyou'll put MLC in their place I

GEORGIE LANGE, Softball Captain

Junior SoftballJessica Spragg, Caroline Paull, Meggy McFarlane, Emily Ohayon, TamureChallenor, Eliza Ho, Kumiko Azuma, Claire Niccol, Kate Cummings, FionaBoyce, Sarah Hendriks, Jennifer Ley, Stephanie Waters, CharlotteHumphries, Felicity Houwen, Ellen Seaby, Tepi Smith, Libby Lissiman,Kim McDougall, Pip Moir, Georgina Richardson, Clare Weeden, BrookeThomas, Jade Quill, Bianca Harland, Caitlin Bolt, Chloe Bartley, AbigailSchwartz, Shiva Senathirajah, Tepy Pen, Caitlin Moran, EmmaLoughridge, Claire Batchelor, Ashlee Rexilius, Alexandra Lyon, JessicaChan, Adair Scott, Evelyn Meads, Glenna Tan, Shruti Vijayakumar,Aurelia Augustine, Meidy Tjoe, Hayley Woodlands, Shiane Aliwarga,Kate Latham, Stephanie Wiryo, Melina Koshan, Anneka Or, YolandaSymons, Jemima Pope-Brien, Jessie Dare, Katie Stevens, Eliza Mellor,Pia Humphry, Alison Barnes, Tracy Patterson, Juanita Hyder, ChelseaStewart, Sophie Smith, Tiffany Ring.

Senior SoftballGeorgie Adcock, Jo Ayers, Georgie Lange, Jill Locke, Lizzie Kuehne,Claudia Newstead, Libby Roberts, Dale Seaby, Phoebe McLarty, JenniArmstrong, Jacqui Morgan, Tehani Mahony, Kellie Reid, TarynSparrowhawk, Kate Thompson, Emma Forrester, Christin Ardagh, JuliaWatsford, Bryden Bell, Zoe van Straalen, Julie Hewitt, Olivia Levinson,Laura Ludgate, Elsa Mackenzie, Sonia Waddell, Fiona Lester, AmyHouse, Emma Mitchell, Alex Walker, Tess Jack, Michelle Piesse, Jean Eu,Pei Shan Koh, Naomi Morrell, Carlyn Kong, Sharmila Sripathy, KatherineThom, Mishal Vasantlal, Weiping Wang, Kaori Kusunoki, Su-Ning Tan,Leanne Sim


water polo



Once again, the water polo season started with a large group of enthusiastic girls. However,this enthusiasm seemed to drop as the demanding training programme was announced and

the water polo caps were given out. Luckily, as the games went into full swing and the seasonprogressed, there wasn't anything which provided quite as much fun as drowning Pen rhos !

The PLC water polo teams, consisting of three junior and three senior teams, all played their littlehearts out and managed to survive the season with a range of triumphs and a huge amount of funwas had by all involved.

ANNA-LEE HAZELL, Water Polo Captain

Se n i 0 r tea m s: Jess Alexander,Esther Beecham, Laura Gregson, Anna­Lee Hazell, Sophie Johnston, KateMacKinnon, Sophia Mather, LeaRidderhof, Chanelle Taoi, Kathryn Trahar,Marisa Aveling, Kia Bradbeer, JessDuckett, Nicole Filar, Danielle Golledge,Kate Lee, Jess Minshall, Joanna Moullin,Amanda Seabrook, Bianca Serich,Merome Wright, Julia Watsford, GeorgieAdcock, Daisy Bannerman, JacquiChellew, Emma Cullen, Emily Forward,Marian Hennessy, Julie Hewitt, RowenaKendall, Megan Laird, Kerry Larkin, GabbyMcLean, Jenny Packer, Anita Robinson

J u n i 0 r tea m s: Alicia Anderson,Pascale Angliss, Lauren Cooper, EmilyKeys, Jemma Sandover, DannikaWarburton, Kylie Wilmot, StaceyForrester, Miranda Nelson, Sam Platell,Angela Ring, Jennifer Bannister, HannahCorcoran, Jessie Dare, Karen Lacheta,Libby McLean, Sarah O'Neill, KatiePaterson, Tracy Patterson, Jemima Pope­Brien, Jessica Schouten, Katie Stevens,Chelsea Stewart, Danika Thomas, DianaBradley, Jacqui Carlsen, Siobhan Dow­Hall, Caitlin Hoey, Pia Humphry, AliceRalston, Kate Reid, Tiffany Ring, KirstenShadbolt, Jane Trudgian, Gemma Ward.


Use what ta Ie you possess.

The woods would be verybirds sang there except those th



arts report

PLC has the most talented actors, musicians, speakers and artists. Yes, when it comes to the Arts

no other school comes close. We've displayed our talents everywhere: in the Concert Hall, at His

Majesty's, at Christ Church, Scotch College, Trinity, New Norcia and in fact, some have been all over

Australia I Congratulations to Nastasya Tay who has been in public speaking finals allover the

country. It has been fantastic to see PLC girls of all ages performing and getting involved in the Arts. It

is impossible to capture the vitality of every student and the multitude of activities in my report but

I'm sure the other captains will give a more specialised account of the year. Junior School Students

changed the format of their Arts Day and it was great to see them sharing their talents with the

Senior School. First term saw the performances of House Plays. The coordinators produced six very

different plays and the high standard of performance is testimony to the organisation and

commitment of all involved. The Fair was a huge success; what a magnificent day I I I Thank you to all

parents involved. Your contribution was greatly appreciated, especially by those girls who will benefit

from the new cafeteria.

Arts Day is an opportunity for everyone to share her artistic abilities with the

PLC community. There were some extraordinary creations that graced the

various Arts Day venues. The broad spectrum of talents displayed on Arts Day

not only serves to entertain but also surprises, motivates and inspires. All

House Choirs came together, just in the nick of time, to present lively and

enjoyable pieces. Once again PLC provided beautiful music to waft around

eerie (yes, Mrs Miller and Mrs Jones think they've seen ghosts) New Norcia.

Even though rehearsals finished at 8:30pm girls continued to play and sing

into all hours of the night. Meanwhile the mothers kept sewing the bagpipe

covers. The concert at the end of the camp was an impressive culmination of

musicianship by the dedicated staff and students. The development of our

abilities can be attributed to the support, encouragement and craziness of the

teachers - who would have thought that a ghost could put keys in a violin

case? Who puts the drama in drama, the athletics in choir (Mr McNess leads

the sprint from the music department to assembly) or the uniqueness into PLC

Arts activities? It is the teachers. In terms of the wind beneath our wings I also

thank all the parents.



Heather McGeorge



arts day

Arts Day 2000 provided a spectacular and impressive display

of the immense talent within the school in the areas of

both creative and performing arts. Included in the wide variety

of talent on display were tasty cooking treats, music, singing,

dance, photography, textiles and a rather 'creamy' eighties

revival, to name a few.

The day provided an opportunity for all to get involved and

boast their 'house pride', whilst also providing the chance to

showcase the artistic talents of the students, (and their bravery

and courage in some cases!). The day finished with the House

Choir competition which, as always, was the culmination of

much practice and hard work and was a delight to listen to.

Much fun was had by all and the day proved to be a great






2000 has certainly been a year full of Drama! It kicked off with the 7/8 Drama Club in Term One.

The Drama Club activities included circus skills, puppetry and story telling.

At times the House Play Co-ordinators were thrown into a frenzy of organising a cast, crew and play

for the annual competition. The plays were excellent and I congratulate all the girls involved, as it

was a big task for so early in the year.

The Year Twelve Curriculum Production was an adaptation of Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a

Mockingbird. The play was an opportunity to showcase the Year Twelve Drama/Drama Studies

students' talent and dedication to the subject. The title was a little confusing to some, who thought

the show was a cocktail - Tequila Mockingbird! Later in the year, the same group showcased their

Original Solo Productions. The students' work moved many people to tears.

As usual in the Drama Department, one production ran into another and before anyone realised the Scotch/PLC production had

begun. Midnight Frolics at the Charleston Club was set in a Chicago speakeasy in the 1920S during prohibition times. With dancing

girls in flapper dresses and FBI agents in trenchcoats this musical had it all. All cast and crew members gave outstanding


Next came The Broken Doll, the Year 11 Drama/Drama Studies Curriculum Production. The students took excerpts from The Doll

Trilogy by Australian playwright Ray Lawler, and wove them into a moving piece of drama.

The Year 9/10 production, To Whom It May Concern, concluded the year's performances. This production was a group devised

piece, and the cast and production team should be proud of their efforts.

Thank you to Elizabeth and Melanie, who were always willing to lend a hand

and to the Drama Staff for their support over the year. Best of luck to Sophia,

Sophie and Lucy in 2001.


Melanie Davies

Cari Vaughan

Georgia Henderson Yn1

CARl VAUGHAN, Drama Captain

We should not forget all the technical support this year. The Year 10 Theatre

Design and Technology class was the major provider of this expertise to

numerous travelling theatre companies. I take this opportunity to congratulate

and thank those who spend their time behind the scenes. This year we gained an

excellent Theatre Manager, Ms Mullings, but sadly lost her to the bright lights of

Sydney. We managed to find an exceptional replacement, Mr Hounslow.






When you abandon yourself to the music, strange and wonderfulthings start to happen ... Divine School of Ballet.

In its first official year, the PLCDance Company made a

flamboyant debut. Twirls, flicksand kicks all came together atMonday afternoon rehearsals asgirls took on roles aschoreographers, directors andproduction designers, as well asdancers.

PLC III performed at a lecture byDr Phillip Taylor in June with adance that celebrated thenotion of 'daring to shine',whilst PLC I and PLC IIperformed 'L'Audition' and'Underground' at the IGSSADance Festival.

Contemporary, ballet, jazz and'pop' have all beendemonstrated this year andlearning was made easier by thenew addition of mirrors. Wehad a fabulous year and goodluck to all the girls who take upthe opportunity in 2001. 'Danceto your fingertips!'


Dance Troupe

Courtney Allen, Marisa Aveling,Mel Davies, Emily Lang,Prue Newnham, Anita Robinson,Danica van de Velde, Bianca Burns,Natalia Cooper, Bronny Fisher,Jo Moullin, Elizabeth Newnham,Ivana Pearce, Helen Pow,Angela Riley, Adriana Ruello,Cari Vaughan, Sally Banyard,Katie Burges, Min Sien Choong,Rachel Carew-Hopkins, Lucy Donovan,Shakira Durrant, Kendal Giles,Justine Howard, Amy Willsher,Cassie Winzar



debating & public speaking


This year all our teams have been extremely successful, despite the senior teams (due to

distractions by certain Hale boys) having only fifteen minutes to write an eight minute speech.

We have debated all sorts of topics from "That bullying is good preparation for adult life" to "Australia

is right to ignore the UN Human Rights Committee", in which Rachael King recited international

treaties to the point at which the opposition admitted that they had no idea what we or they were

talking about. Well done to everyone who has debated this year and also to the teachers and parents

who at one stage formed a record six person audience.

JOANNA BUTCHART, Debating Captain


It has been an enlightening year for many and following an "if you have something

to say then say it" philosophy, our girls have taken risks by standing up in the

community and speaking about issues as controversial as anorexia and

homosexuality (in front of the Subiaco mayor), and this has forced people to

confront these matters, as is evident from the somewhat opinionated responses that

we have received.

The year 2000 saw the PLC Public Speaking team truly come into its own, getting involved in some serious competition, and

proving to be a source of intimidation and inspiration for the rest of the state. Amy Smith, Sharmila Sripathy, Hayley Macalpine

and Alysia Debowski, kept the Black Watch tartan flying high with their amazing efforts and I was fortunate enough to win both

the State final of the Plain English Speaking Award and the Rostrum Voice of Youth Competition.

Public Speaking is a life skill that opens so many doors - our girls have been interviewed on National Radio, splashed across the

pages of the West Australian, shaken hands with extremely important people, flown around the country and we've had a great

time doing it!

It has been an incredible year, due to the talent of the students and the dedication and hard work put in by Mrs Slattery and Ms

Jane and I feel certain that the Black Watch girls will continue to dominate in years to come.

NASTASYA TAY, Public Speaking Captain



Debating Teams

Ye a r 1 2 Jo Butchart, Rachael King, Nastasya Tay. Ye a r 1 1 Kate Brisco, StephanieDodd, Bronwyn Kerr, Rachel Scogna, Trlna Tan, Kate Gow Ye a r 1 a Emma Cullen, AlysiaDebowski, Jamille Payne, Liz Seggie, Lucie Vidler, Emily Woffenden, Marian Hennessy,Sophie Kirov, Phoebe Mclarty, Pru Newnham, Genevieve Simpson, Julia Watsford.Yea r 9 Ming Choong. Yea r 8 Victoria Blake, Fiona Boyce, Jessica Chan, MaddisonCramer, Aunchisa Faa, Alice Hennessy, Kate Latham, Jennifer Ley, Sian Macalpine, GloriaOng, Emma Phillips, Jade Quill, Jessica Snell, Jane Trudgian, Kylie Wallas, Bonny Wells, HannaBaradja, Tamure Challenor, Caroline House, Amy Johns, Sally Lang, Paige Maloney, TamsinMoran, Georgina Thomas.

Joanna Butchart

Rachael KingNatasya Tay



Amy SmithNastasya Tay

mock trials

PocketsRachael King

Tiffany Or

Remembering the beautiful mornings of mock trials - the

birds were singing, the rain was drumming, the sun was

shining, the weather was freezing, the maintenance men were

working and it was dark. But we think it was all worth it.

PLC had three teams in the Mock Trial Competition this year.

All teams had three cases to present and Team A progressed to

the next level of the competition before being defeated.

We received fashion tips from schools who aspired to Ally

McBeal and still managed to argue our way through flying

remote controls, underwear rashes and expensive cocktail


If 7.30 am sounds early, don't worry, because in 'Yuki-time', it

is really 7.50 am I We would like to thank Mrs Butchart, Mrs

Bishop, Mrs Moon, Mr Vickers (our lucky mascot) and our

coaches 5am Quinn and Mr Lloyd Davies (and also a special

thank you to the coffee machine).

Monique Dopheide, Rachael King, Tiffany Or, Yuki Kobayashi

MOCK TRIAL PARTICIPANTSRachael King, Tiffany Or. Catherine Dunn. Alysia Debowski, Yuki Kobayashi.Monique Dopheide. Rachel Scogna. Trina Tan, Jade De Nardi. JenniferArmstrong. Sharmila Sripathy. Sophie Chapman. Kate Brisco. Bronwyn Kerr.Jelena Maticevic. Stephanie Dodd. Phoebe McLarty. Julia Watsford. SophieKirov. Marian Hennessey. Nastasya Tay. Prue Newnham. Georgia Henderson.Emma Park. Elisa Rouse.

I<ooka bu rra


stage band

The year 2000 has proved to be yet another

successful year for the Stage Band, despite the loss

of a large number of Year Twelves. At the first

rehearsal of this year, we were somewhat shocked by

how much work needed to be done but a few rehearsals

later, the foundations had been laid and we were

sounding awesome.

Our first school concert was on Open Day where, despite the weather, the performance proved a huge success with teachers,

students and visitors. The PLC Fair in April was the Stage Band's next performance where the band played very well. However

there was no time to relax, as we had a concert to prepare for at Scotch College for their jazz night. The night itself was a great

success and the band played wonderfully (our dancing also deserves a mention!)

The music camp at New Norcia allowed us to perfect Ain't Misbehavin and Mission Impossible for the PLCjScotch Spring Concert at

the Perth Concert Hall, and we also played at a fund raiser for the Cancer Foundation.

Thanks must go to Mr Underwood for his dedication and encouragement throughout the year. To the Stage Band Captain of next

year: good luck. I'm sure you will find the experience just as enjoyable and rewarding as I have. For the Stage Band of 2001, keep

smiling t

ANNA BIRMINGHAM, Stage Band Captain

Stage Band

Jennifer Armstrong, KateBalston, Lucy Belbin, KimBinnie, Anna Birmingham,Celia Bolden, Alana Cupit,Jessica Davies, Selby Giles,Emma Glasfurd, StephanieHanrahan, Laurie Hills,Justine Howard, MegKingsley, Georgina Lange,Genevieve Leith, TessMarshall, Trina-Jean Tan,Glenna Tan, SophieWarburton.


Anna Birmingham


concert band

The Year 2000 has proven to be yet another successful and enjoyable year for the PLC Concert

Band. We lost a large proportion of the band members at the end of 1999, due to some

excellent Year Twelve girls moving onto a new phase in their lives. However, this provided an

opportunity for new and keen musicians to join the band.

In the early part of first term, we made our first public appearance at Government House, to signify

and support 'Youth Week.' This was very enjoyable and a wonderful way to begin our musical year.

In the latter part of Term 1, we performed at the PLC Fair. This was a most successful day and

enjoyed by all. I was able to conduct for the first time I This was

very exciting, but I have to admit, I was quite nervous ...

SELBY GILES, Concert Band Captain

I would like to give a very warm thank you to all members of the

Concert Band who have made my position so enjoyable and a

special thanks must go to our conductor, Mr Underwood.

Congratulations to next year's Band Captain, Trina Tan. You will

make a terrific Concert Band Captain and I hope that you enjoy

working with the band as much as I have done this year. I would

like to take this opportunity to wish you all every success in your

pursuits for the future.

Year"Trina·Jean Tan

Merome Wright

Yearn.Catherine Ashley

Anna BirminghamSelby Giles

Stephanie HanrahanMegan Johnston

Amanda KuselIvana Pearce

Louise Walker


Later in Term Three, the Concert Band, along with numerous other

ensembles had the opportunity to perform with Scotch College at

the Perth Concert Hall for the SpringjPLC Scotch combined concert.

I do hope this outstanding concert becomes an annual event.

Congratulations to both Scotch College and PLC for an uplifting


We made our way to New Norcia on Friday 25th September for our

annual music camp. It was once again, a great weekend, filled with

not only rehearsals and practice, but also an opportunity to

socialise and allow all age groups to mix and to get to know girls

from other years. The weather was kind to us for our concluding

Concert on the Sunday morning, where family and friends were

able to come and enjoy a great day at New Norcia and to soak up

the array of musical talent.





CONCERT BANDJessica Alexander, Alicia Anderson, Pascale Angliss,Jennifer Armstrong, Catherine Ashley, Jo Bannister,Lucy Belbin, Kim Binnie, Anna Birmingham, CeliaBolden, Pip Byrne, Laura Carew-Hopkins, AlexandraClarke, Alana Cupit, Jessica Davies, Melanie Davies,Alysia Debowski, Stephanie Dodd, Aleesa Genat,Selby Giles, Amy Gillon, Emma Glasfurd, Raine Gorter,Sheree Halford, Stephanie Hanrahan, Laurie Hills,Justine Howard, Jasmin Islam, Megan Johnston, EmilyKeys, Meg Kingsley, Shirmaine Koh, Amanda Kusel,Kaori Kusunoki, Georgina Lange, Genevieve Leith,Olivia Levinson, Lucinda Allen, Tess Marshall, JelenaMaticevic, Heather McGeorge, Katherine Morison,Joanna Moullin, Pia Nairn, Prue Newnham, IvanaPearce, Sophie Sleight, Briony Swire-Thompson,Trina-Jean Tan, Valeria Tan, Emily Thompson, KylieThorn, Louise Walker, Dannika Warburton, SophieWarburton, Julia Watsford, Emily Woffenden, MeromeWright.

CONCERT BAND NO 2Blanche Alexander, Laura-Jane Alexander, JessicaAllan, Sofie Armstrong, Sally Banyard, ClaireBatchelor, Rachel Carew-Hopkins, Harriet Carter,Tamure Challenor, Eliza Cole, Jessica Cupit, HelenDodd, Jenna Evans, Lauren Fisher, Sophie Gibbs,Kendall Giles, Sarah Hendriks, Alice Hennessy, ChelseaHopper, Pia Humphry, Erika Ikenouchi, Amy Johns,Nicole Lee, Emma Loughridge, Melanie McLean, CaitlinMoran, Jessica Oldham, Sarah O'Neill, Katie Paterson,Emma Phillips, Jemima Pope-Brien, Emily Randles,Adair Scott, Shiva Senathirajah, Amy Sleight, Jessica

Snell, Janine Speirs, Camilla Spry, Kate Stevens,Glenna Tan, Stephanie Waters, Leila Williams, AmyWillsher.

5ince my appointment as Choir Captain last year I have had many experiences and until now I

have not had time to reflect on them. The fun started at music camp this year when all

music ensembles headed to New Norcia for the weekend. There were endless rehearsals involved,

but the mischief we got up to made it all the worthwhile. Another experience we encountered was

the Scotch/PLC combined concert. This was great as we compared bands and choirs in what proved

to be a wonderful concert. Overall, the year flew by and I'm sure everyone will leave this year with

great memories of the school choir.


CHOIRElizabeth Armstrong, Lucy Belbin, Camilla Bibby, Diana Bradley, Linda Brandenburg, Eliza Cole, Melanie Davies, Alysia Debowski,Lucy Donovan, Kendall Giles, Selby Giles, Amy House, Justine Howard, Jasmin Islam, Casey Jenkins, Megan Johnston, NatsudaKasisopha, Rachael King, June Uew, Sophia Mather, Heather McGeorge, Naomi Mills, Anneka Or, Tiffany Or, Meliesse Palassis, SatiaPen, Michelle Piesse, Samantha Platell, Rachel Scogna, Katy Stanlake, Glenna Tan, Nastasya Tay, Georgina Thomas, Caitlin Trumble,Sophie Warburton, Jessica Waters, Amy Wilisher, Lauren Winter, Nina Yeo.

YEAR 7 CHOIRBlanche Alexander, Natalie Barris, Alice Breakey, Caitlyn Burlas, Lauren Chalmers, Lucy Cooke, Louise Fry, Olivia Gardner, SophieGibbs, Francesca Hammond, Ashlyn Hendriks, Mary Lannigan, Elizabeth Lowe, Marion McAllister, Melanie McLean, ClementineRussell, Elouise Slattery, Hannah Snell, Camilla Spry, Georgina Stevenson, Jane Sulestio, Alexis Trinh, Maddie Wallas, Katie Williams


Year 122nd PocketNaomi Mills

PocketsLinda Brandenburg

Melanie DaviesSelby Giles

Megan JohnstonRachael KingTiffany Or

Nastasya TayYear 11

Sophia MatherSophie Warburton



The Chorale hasenjoyed another busy

year, being involved in anumber of choralcompetitions and for theseventh year has joined theTrinity College Chorale in anumber of performances. Thecombined chorales competedin the Fremantle Eisteddfodand were placed equalsecond. Together, we alsocompeted in the WA ChoralFestival where we receivedthe highest accolade.

In addition, the Chorale had various productive workshopswith the Trinity Chorale, under the direction of Dr RobertBraham, which culminated in the Trinity school music night. Inanticipation of the International Choral Festival in Sydneynext year the combined chorales prepared an auditionrecording. If successful, both Chorales will travel to Sydney tocompete in the competition in 2001.

Towards the end of the year the Chorale combined with theScotch College Choir and performed at the inaugural combinedScotch/PLC concert. Together with the Scotch College andMethodist Ladies' College chorales we shall perform at theCarols Night in December. The Chorale also sang at a numberof chapel services for the Old Collegians' Association.

As always music camp, held at New Norcia, was a highlight ofthe year. Members of the Chorale put on a concert for all theother music students and rehearsed each of their soloperformances in preparation for Arts Day. We performed andrehearsed among the friezes decorating the magnificentchapels which are accoustically perfect. The Chorale isfortunate to have the opportunity to perform in thesesurroundings.

Congratulations to all the chorale members for such aproductive year. Thank you also to Mrs Williamson whosetireless efforts and inspiration ensured our performances wereof the highest standard.

ELISSA JAMES, Chorale Captain


ChoraleElizabeth Armstrong, Kumiko Azuma, Maria-Teresa Barnes, Lucy Belbin, KimBinnie, Sophie Chapman, Cassandra Charlick, Melanie Davies, Alysia Debowski,Lucy Donovan, Rachael Greer, Shilo Harrison, Amy House, Elissa James, MarcellaKahrmadji, Agnes Kangdjaja, Rachael King, Kirstyn March, Paige Marshall, SophiaMather, Elizabeth McLean, Eliza Mellor, Naomi Mills, Anneka Or, Tiffany Or, SallyPedlow, Michelle Piesse, Emily Read, Rachel Scogna, Genevieve Simpson, RebeccaSparrowhawk, Katy Stanlake, Claire Stewart, Valerie Tan, Nastasya Tay, CaitlinTrumble, Sophie Warburton, Jessie Waters, Amy Willsher.




Mel DaviesRachael KingNaomi MillsTiffany Or

Elissa James (2nd)


This year has been yet another

successful one for the String

Orchestra. We have had many

opportunities to perform,

particularly at the Spring Concert,

where the students had the

experience of playing in a large

orchestra with the Scotch boys.

Music Camp gave us all the

chance to extend our playing

abilities through the intensive

rehearsals. The orchestra has

received many compliments this

year on its high standard of


I would like to thank all the girls

for their dedication to the

orchestra, especially for getting

to the early Monday morning

rehearsals! A big thank you must

also go to Ms Coughlan for her

efforts this year. I wish the

orchestra all the best for next


LISA MILLER, Orchestra Captain


Yearu2nd Pocket

Marika DunstanCara HoppeLisa Miller

Year11Stephanie Dodd

Jasmin IslamHeather McGeorge

String OrchestraAlison Barnes, Maria-Teresa Barnes,Natalie Barris, Annaliese Catchpoole,Alexandra Clarke, Olivia Cole, Xian-LiDavies, Steohanie Dodd, MarikaDunstan, Shakira Durrant, AnnekeForster, Amy Gillon, Raine Gorter, CaraHoppe, Jasmin Islam, Casey Jenkins,Rowena Kendall, Emily Kiernan, MischaKnopke, Shirmaine Koh, Carlyn Kong,Christie Le Cornu, Heather McGeorge,Lisa Miller, Stephanie Parry, JamillePayne, Hannah Snell, Jane Sulestio,Chloe-Louise Thomas, EmilyThompson, Catherine Verran, JacquiYoung, Gabby Young.





Stephanie Dodd, Shalini Gandhi, Raine Gorter, HamiJames-Dentith, Rowena Kendall, Lisa Miller, Jessica




It has been another exciting year for the newly

named cello ensemble, Cellissima. we have all

enjoyed the tradition of our pre-rehearsal

afternoon teas 1 This year we have extended our

repertoire to include pieces as far back as the

Renaissance and as current as Van Morrison's

"Moon Dance".

This was very popular with both players and the

audience. I would like to thank all the cellists for

their enthusiasm and Miss Tingley for her

encouragement and support. I hope Cellissima

continues to be as enjoyable next year.

LISA MILLER, Cellissima Captain


2nd PocketLisa Miller, Year 12


Stephanie Dodd, Year 11

c=Jili)e band

000 for the PLC Pipe Band has proved to be a busy yet

2 rewarding year. At the commencement of the year, for

the first time, a training band was formed with the purpose of

teaching the up and coming pipers and drummers discipline, as

well as improving their playing. These girls (mostly compris­

ing Years Eight, Nine, Ten and Eleven) have committed

themselves to Tuesday morning rehearsals and will soon be

transferred to the senior band.

Our first performance for the year was the Anzac Day Parade

in April. This was a highly successful performance which was

broadcast on ABC television later that day.

Perhaps the most exciting and innovative performance was

the part we played in the combined PLCjScotch Spring Concert

at the Perth Concert Hall. The band put a huge amount of

effort into this performance and this resulted in a very

successful and enjoyable display.

We played again at the Inter School Athletics carnival and

although we were interrupted by rain, we received a gratifying

applause from the Black Watch girls in the stands at Perry


The PLC Pipe Band would not be as busy and disciplined

without the enthusiasm and drive injected into each member

of the band by Mr and Mrs Jones and Mrs Miller.

Congratulations also to 2001'S Pipe Band Officials and good

luck to the band next year at the Australian Pipe Band

Championships in Melbourne.



Melanie DaviesGeorgina HarveyAlison HillmanCar; Vaughan

2nd PocketsSarah JacksonElizabeth Lang

Ivana Pearce

Pipe BandLucy Atkins, Kate Balston, Jo Bannister, Alison Barnes, Maria-Teresa Barnes, Jo Barrett-Lennard, Joanna Butchart, Pip Byrne, Anna Chacko,Melanie Davies, Catherine Dunn, Kirsty Grant, Tamika Harris, Georgina Harvey, Alison Hillman, Sarah Jackson, Elissa James, Sarah Keys, EmilyKiernan, Elizabeth Lang, Georgina Lange, Sarah Latham, Hayley Macalpine, Julia Ngeow, Ivana Pearce, Katie Phillips, Anita Robinson, Adriana

Ruello, Sophie Smith, Cari Vaughan.Training Pipe BandAlexia Bivoltsis, Emma Glasfurd, Emily Lang, Elizabeth Lissiman, Sian Macalpine, Tess Marshall, Kate Miles, Hannah Miller, Rebecca O'Rourke,Amanda Osborne, Helen Pow, Chloe Pnest, Angela Ring, Kim Rowley, Claire Shadbolt, Amanda Seabrook, Susheel Singh, Natalie Swan.




LPIc fair 2000

A bright, sunny Saturday, 1st April, provided the perfect backdrop to the much anticipatd PLC Fair 2000. The culmination of

much preparation and hard work resulted in a fun-filled day for all, showcasing rides, music delights, a fashion parade and

much more. The many smiling faces and colourful crowds provided just a glimpse into the success of the fair and the enjoyment

brought to all involved.



environe - team

HOllY BROWN, Environmental Captain

desire to 'give a little back' and the day proved very successful.

Reduce, re-use, recycle,

- the modern version of the

increasingly important.

three R's. The basis for our education

is still reading, writing and arithmetic,

however, the need for awareness

about our environment has become

I would like to thank Mr Eyres and Mrs Gadsdon for their

untiring commitment to the green leafy things and to Mrs

Bishop for her leadership, knowledge, time and patience.

Many girls have helped in

the garden this year.

Thank you to Alison

Hillman, Natsuda

Kasisopha, Satia Pen, Jo

Bannister, Belinda Evans,

Jasmin Islam.

This great excuse for sing-song was the Tree-planting

Excursion. Don't get me wrong - every girl on that bus was

there because of her concern for the environment and her

PlC has recognised this with the implementation of the

Environment Captain's position and initiatives such as our

permaculture garden, recycling programme and the annual bus

trip to Serpentine, where a group of 'enthusiastic' (synonym

for filthy) PlC girls eat copious amounts of junk food and

howl along with the AM radio on the bus.






literature and art


Manoeuvres of tinglesIn yesterday's motives

That childish behaviour beforeconfidence died

Rea listie concl usionsRun parallel contrasts

To the dainty imperfections underpiles of lost junk In skies

In heavens In salt caressed toesIn clinging sand so hastily washedaway In memories of kisses and

ribs of pure goldExtract the su nsh ine

And impale the youngAs i lay dying on another

man's shoes.

Dimity Magnus, Year 11





Could I have cried your name aloudfor - in remembering -

perhaps no one would have cared(and silly me thought i actually mattered)

If the unspoken joke had been consummated(and I had lost all morals and self)

you would never have been the blonde Harpy whoreBut I had kissed the feet of the oh-so-holy-one too many times

(I don't care - I never really loved you any how)I suppose it was meant to be

I could never really have screamed aloud anyway(to go against mores and values instilled too deep)

Besides I had he who is holy,to buy me another drink

So while you sang the song(that for so long had been just for me)we drank each other under the table

but I think we were under the table for a time too long- his hair was so curly when we emerged -

(nevertheless, you have no hair)

So if time passing had passed me by(I will only blame you)and stomachs fill with

Scotcha ndcu rlyha ira nd noha ira ndsofucki nggodda mnholythen remember that night

(it was he-who-is-holy whose bed you stole)but of thieves I fear I may say very little

I could have stolen your song and your voice(Remember) I would have screamed the loudest

Sarah Brice, Year 12

I<ookabu rra






a man is a warrior is a protectoris a master is a bread-winner

is a father is a husband is a boyfriendis a lover is a gentleman is a mister

is an uncle is a nephew is a son is a brother isa rascal is a scoundrel is a boy

is a mate is a friend is a girl is a chickis a maid is a debutante is a lady

is a woman is a lover is a wifeis a matron is a sister is an aunt

is a niece is a daughter is a nurtureris a gatherer is a carer is a mother

is a girlfriend is a femaleis a male is a man

Georgia Henderson, Year 11


A screeching bat in a dark cave,Silky black hair getting brushed,

Stylish bow ties,A fine liner leaking,

A creeping shadow getting closer and closer,A pitch black attic.

Delicious liquorice in my mouth,Un Iucky black cats itch ing with fleas,

Death coming closer and closer with bullets.A crow swooping down to catch food,

Cockroaches running around,Mascara in a makeup case.

Evil spirits flying around and witchesshrieking

With laughter,Wellington boots in the rain,

A funeral taking place.Black is a mysterious colour.

Erika Ikenouchi, Year 6H

Glass Walls

Ruby lips,Forever the seduction.

Perfectly bladed magazines fullOf stupid childrenWith pretty eyes.

Mother...Where was I born?

I've bought a first class ticketAnd eaten half of it

And the clowns just aren't funny

Fishy swims upside down these daysHe loves to impress

I read him regurgitated food and butcheryAs he slowly falls apart

Becoming the earthThe sky..

An everchanging afterglowThat I've strangled with my mind.

Emily Read, Year 11

Just then (when the storm came)

I never knew

that you could blow the wind beneaththe clouds so fast that it would twirl and leap and grasp at

shreds of white; or that the darkness seeping through turnedswiftness into night.

I didn't know

the blackened kite, brightening shadesof grey tiptoed so sweetly, passion bared, unleashing purple

skin; and darkly danced a beggar's wish, untrammeled in the din.

I wouldn't guess

the frozen fist could shatter dented thirstthat splintered wings would pierce the flesh reflecting jadedfrost; and spear the lens of trembling rage, boiling fluid lost.

and should I sense

a misted face, eterenal crooked grin could flicker shadowsquivering thin, a sprouting timid haze; protruding through the

sherbet breeze, a luminescent blaze.

'" just now

did you and I and all see shafted broken hands? and would westare, inhale the gUilt, taste frothing, seething spite? or flash a

checkered ray of frills, exposed in violet light

it's deeper now.pressing silken ice on mottled grey

the faceless mass entranced by ruptured gloss, a frighteninghigh; cracking memories swallowed whole silence

blackened sky.

Khia Mercer Year 12



The Wild Brumby

I was sitting under an old oak treelistening to the young robins sing a

relaxing songWhen I saw a wild brumby, black as ink

galloping through the long lush meadowgrasses.

Her mane was whipping against herstrong, muscular, midnight-black body

Every now and then I would hear thesoft,

low drum-like sound of her hoovesthrashing against the hard soil.I followed this trotting beauty.

I followed her through the meadows andforests till at last we stopped at a

beautifullake, all burnt out.

I sat down under some ferns so shewould not know I was there

Watching her gracefulness as she stoodwith alertness.

Surprisingly, more brumbies came andgathered around the glistening lake.The brumby that stood out was her­

the beautiful, black brumby.Down she bent to drink the cool lake

water in the autumn breeze.

Madeline Jackson, Year 6H



Peeling My Feelings

Slowly through the years I peelaway my appearance.I gradually show my inside.The importance of my needs littleby little shows on the outside.I cannot live without music.I cannot live without love.I cannot live without friends.And I cannot live without nature.These things are important. Andimportant to share them.

I begin to share my thoughts.I realise how important they are.This leads me to see how friendsare important.Without friends, there is no-oneto talk to.Without friends, life is dull.Friends are very important to me.But music is my life, soul and mind.

Music is everything to me.Music is unique and links to things.When you are in nature, you hear music.You hear the wind whispering words and singing songs.When you speak, you make music.When you walk, you make music.So music is my whole entire life.

Anotherthing I can't live without is family love.Think about it. What if your family kicks you out of the house?What if you're alone in the world with nobody caring about you?Think about it. We are blessed to have loving families.Love is so important in life.

Love makes the world go round.These things are important but there is something that just isn't right.The thing is family unity.I want to be with my relatives.I want to be united with my whole family.It would be the happiest thingthat ever happened in my life.Family unity is most importantto me.But I am happy at least with myparents.I know that there are childrenout in the world without theirparents.But I would be very happy tohave family unity.

But where did these things comefrom?It all came from the marvellousGod Saviour Jesus Christ.Where would we be withoutHim?He gave us the entire world toenjoy and we should be thankful.I still am peeling my feelings.And turning my inside out ...

Hannah Sun, Year 6





As it emerges from its hollow,

out into the deep,

its eyes flash dangerously

and it thrashes its tentacles

while it ploughs through the water,

swaying carelessly,

spinning and bobbing,

capturing little fish,

sending them to their doom,

sweeping across the ocean floor,

for this is the dance of the octopus.

Becky Butchart, Year 6


I<ookabu rra



watermelons and sunflowerscrazily dance

held by the anklesolivia smiles

they sit by the oceanfacing thompsons bay

penelope paintingwatermelons and sunflowers

the belly ring glistensas the boat in the baysweet song surrounds

engulfs the day

Jillian Locke, Year 10



JULIA NGEOW, YEAR 11...-......._---


My Grandpa

He was not a traitor,Nor was he a liar

but a very honest manand a perfect hero for me.

He lived in a very poor village in Chinawith no money or much food

but with God's help, he always had all he needed.He had to feed his wife and two children

which made it harderbut with God's help, only God, he had all he needed.

But the Chinese communists were strict about worshippingGod.

They didn't allow people to worship Godbut my Grandpa trusted in God. God only.

There was a day that Grandpa was taken awayto a prison cell, so dark and damp,

with no food or drink for a long time.Even though he suffered so much

he still prayed to God for guidance.

Back in the house were hiswife and two children.

Worried for a long time praying with bitterness.Until one day my Grandpa was freed from prison.

They started a new churchwhich now is still there.

And he changed many people's livesand touched many hearts.

But now he has gone to the joy of heaven.

He was not a traitor,Nor was he a liar

but a very honest manand a perfect hero for me.

Hannah Sun, Year 6




beyond mcnei I street

French Reunion Trip

In late June of 2000, Kim Binnie, Jelena

Maticevic, Sam Burton, Siggy

Westgarth and myself set out to the

tropical French Reunion Island. The

island features an active volcano,

mountains, waterfalls and beautiful

beaches. Having left in the middle of the

Australian winter, it felt like paradise to

be able to spend days lying on the beach

sun baking. After one month of

experiencing not only French culture and

cuisine, but also the creole culture (not

to mention the improvement of my

language skills) it was time to leave this

unique island and head home.

At the airport there were many sad

scenes of people leaving their new found

friends and I must admit that it crossed

my mind to 'accidentally' lose my

passport so that I could stay for longer.

The time spent in Reunion was one of

the best months of my life and I left with

a new motivation to study French.





The experience of visiting Turkey as a Simpson Prize winner has left me with vivid

memories and a deepened understanding. Eight students from across Australia

made the pilgrimage in April this year, doing a great deal of sight-seeing in Istanbul

before driving to the Gallipoli Peninsula for the Anzac Day services. Along with ten

thousand other Australian and New Zealand travellers, we attended the character­

building Dawn Service (brrr ... ) then the Australian service at Lone Pine Memorial and

the International Service (which was spoken mainly in Turkish !). I have made some

fantastic friends and have had numerous unforgettable experiences. I can now safely

say that while Australia is unique, Turkey is a close rival, and one I hope to see again in

the near future.


Ski Trip

The Ski Trip 2000 was a fabulous trip.

We all skied for 6 days (apart from

those of us with broken bones) and then

spent the remaining few days in

Melbourne, enjoying the shops and


Each day in Falls Creek consisted of

waking up nice and early, eating a huge

cooked breakfast, and then catching a lift

up to the top of the mountain. There

were huge amounts of snow which made

it easy to ski and each morning we had a

lesson for an hour and a half and then

free time to ski with friends. For lunch

we met in Cloud 9, not only to eat

wedges and hot chocolates, but also to

defrost our fingers and toes. We all

loved lunch because it was the perfect

opportunity to check out the cute Scotch

guys sitting at the next table, or maybe

snowboarders at the table in front of us.

Either way we all loved skiing the whole

day out and most of us challenged

ourselves to a blue or black run. At the

end of the day at our group meeting in

the TV room, we listened to embarrass­

ing stories about what everyone got up

to during the day and from these, the

Wally of the Day was voted in. This

lucky person had to wear the stunning

red vest at dinner and was known to

everyone in the lodge as the PLC Wally.

After we'd learnt all we could about

decor in the 70'S at the Falls Creek Lodge,

we moved onto Melbourne to try the

shopping. Each night we came home

with hundreds of bags in our hands and

smiles from ear to ear.

We all had a fantastic time on the ski trip

and many memories come to mind when

one mentions it. With quiz and movie

nights every night, everyone had heaps

of fun.


Leadership for Women ofthe Future Conference

W hen: December of last year,

while everyone else was enjoying

their first week of summer holidays.

Who: Mel Davies, Ivana Pearce and

Carolyn Wood.

Where: Ipswich Girls Grammar, in hot

and sticky Queensland.

The week involved 150 newly appointed

school leaders from independent girls'

schools from all over Australia and New

Zealand, living in a boarding house and

getting to know each other, sharing ideas

and learning how to be better leaders in

our school and in years to come. The

conference was really informative and it

definitely helped us in our roles this year.

Most interesting aspect: seeing how

fash ion differs between states.

Best tourist attraction: Pauline Hanson's

fish and chip shop.


German Exchange

If you like really long flights next to

guys who snore and laugh in their

sleep, beer, cigarettes, mashed beetroot,

being so cold your jaws freeze and going

out till four in the morning, go to

Germany! I had an amazing time,

dancing in the snow in Berlin, cross

country skiing in the mountains, eating

rare steak at Christmas and stealing

spoons from the marzipan cafes.

However, the best part was my teacher

buying me beer l Thanks Mrs Butchart.

AMY SMITH, Year 12



Japan Trip

Idon't think there's a word to describe

my exchange in Japan that fully

expresses how fantastic and unforgetta­

ble it was, but I do know that it was the

best four months of my life. Bronwyn

Kerr and myself were given the great

opportunity to spend four months at

PLCs sister school, Tsushima Girls' High

School in Nagoya. Thanks to our great

host families and Japanese friends, we

felt really welcome and settled in quickly.

Japanese culture and lifestyle is very

different to what we were used to in

Australia and we both enjoyed the

challenges it brought and had many

amazing experiences along the way.


Flooded bathrooms, shopping, having a moustache drawn onmy face at 2am, lactose intolerant Dimity ordering condensedmilk on toast, seeing Emma Thom on the street and giving her

the thumbs up, yelling Emma Thom, you're a legend!. Oh yeah,and the theatre was good too.

Belle Taylor, Year 12

Adelaide Drama Tour

The Adelaide Arts Festival Tour was a 9 day immersion

in almost every type of theatre imaginable: dance,

puppetry, music, drama, comedy, opera, performance art

and so on. It was time to be challenged and confronted.

The fourteen TEE Drama Studies students, Jenny

Hetherington and myself, never stopped questioning the

purposes and definitions of art.

Ms REBECCA CODY, Head of Drama

Adelaide was great. I think apart fromanything it made me realise that I want acareer in the theatre, or at least, I'll keepgoing with it after school, but I've also

realised I don't want to act.

I think that what I found most interestingwere the technical productions such as Eat

Your Young and Writing to Vermeer...

I loved the whole trip. It was one of thebest experiences of my life. Thank you.

Tilly Gollan, Year 12



Year Ten French Class Excursion

At the beginning of Term three, the Year Ten

French classes caught a bus down to Moray

near Dwellingup for a day of French with the

Year Ten class from Scotch College.

The day was filled with different group

activities, including Soules (French bowls),

listening to French pop music and participating

in lots of quizzes. On top of that we ate lots of

French food such as croissants and pain au


The orienteering was for some a

slippery and muddy experience, made

even more challenging by the

disappearance of the markers.

However, by the end of the day our

French had improved significantly and

many friendships had been formed.

Thank you to Mme Leong, and Mme

McGuinness for organising the event.

It was a fun-filled French-speaking day

for all



in teI inster2...Qrogram I


Every Wednesday, eighteen Year Eleven and Twelve INSTEPstudents spend the day learning in a very different environ­

ment from the regular school classroom. They are working inretail shops, offices, hospitals, hotels and cafes, child care centres,fashion design houses, vet clinics, architectural and design offices.The list is as long as the students' placement preferences.

This innovative programme allows students who learn in morepractical ways to develop their skills in a real workplace, wheretrained employers supervise their development of employmentskills in a wide variety of industries.

I really would recommend INSTEP to anyone who is wanting moreof a hands-on experience and to learn skills with people. I havethoroughly enjoyed INSTEP this year and cannot wait to beginagain next year.




1 ance








leaversYou owe it to yourself to make your days here count.Have fun ... Dig Deep ... Stretch ... Dream big.












































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To rau8h iften anamUCh, to win the re~ect if inte({i8entyeoyre

anathe affection ifchiraren, to earn the ayyreciation ifhonest

critics anaenaure the Getrayariffafse frienC£S, to ayyreciate

Geauty, to fina the Gest in others, to reave the worraa Git Getter,

whether Gy a hearthy Chira, a 8araenyatch.. to fnow even one rife

has Greatheaeasier Gecause you have Uvea. This is to have





__......Jplc council & staff

SCHOOL COUNCIL:Mrs E Burns, The Moderator of the Uniting Church in W.ADr P Kailis, AM., O.B.E., F.T.S.E., F.A.I.CD., M.B.B.S., ChairmanMr A Brien Dip.PE., B.Ed., M.Ed.Mr R Brine, Assoe. Dip., Civ. Engr.Mr S Cole, LL.B. (Hons), F.A.I.CD.Mr J FranetovichRev. Solomon Gokavi, B.th(Hons), MThMrs E Gorter, B.A. (Hons), M.B.A., F.A.I.CD., AS.I.A.Mr J Lutz, F. C.A.Hon. Justice J. McKechnieMs R Naughton Dip Teach., M.Ed., M.A.CE.Mr G N Reynolds, A.A.I.I., F.N.I.B.A., F.A.I.M., F.A.I.CD.Mr M SneiIB. Com. (Hons) (UWA,) F.CAProf A Zubrick, L.A.CS.T., B.Se., M.Se., M.A., Ph.D.



The President of Parents' Association attends meetings as anobserver

Principal: Ms 13 J Blackwood B.A., Dip.Ed.Deputy Principal (Staff and Students): Ms J Rankin B.A. (UWA),M.A. (Cornell), T.H.C, L.S.D.A., M.A.CE.Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching): Mr K Anderson 13.Se. (Hons), Grad. Dip. Sci. Ed., Dip. Ed.Business Services Manager: Mr R NivenHead of Junior School: Mrs J Wilmot B.Ed., M.Ed., P.T.D.,M.A.CE.Head of Middle School: Mrs K Edwards B.P.E., Dip.Ed.,M.Ed.Man.Head of Senior School: Mrs 13 Browne B.Se.,Dip.Ed., M.Ed.Man.Counsellor: Mrs J Hu!cup B.A., Dip.Ed., M.Phil., M.A.Psych.S.Chaplain: Rev. E RiekmannRegistrar: Ms R LukinPublic Relations: Mrs D Murray B.A., Dip.Ed., M.Phil.Archivist: Mrs D Allan B.A., Dip.Teach.

HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS:English - Mr R Leach B.A., Dip Ed., M.Phil.Design & Technology - Mrs J McMahon B.Ed., Grad.Dip.(Media)Humanities - Mrs J Bishop B.A., Dip.Ed.Languages Other Than English - Mrs C Leong B.A., Dip.Ed.Mathematics - Mrs R Saunders B.Se., Dip.Ed.Physical Education - Mrs K Whipp B.PE., M.Ed.Man.Science - Mr R Rennie B.Se., Dip.Ed.

Director of Boarding: Mrs L Robinson DipTeach., M.ADirector of Drama: Ms R Cody B.Ed (Hons)Director of Information Technology:Mr 13 Jenkins Grad.Dip.Comp.Ed., Dip.Teach.Director of Learning Enrichment Centre:Mrs J Slattery DipTeach., B.Ed., Grad. Dip. Arts (LanguageStudies)Director of Library Resources: Mr G Green B.Ed.Director of Music: Mr 13 McNess B.Mus., Teach.Cert., AMus.ADirector of Outdoor Education: Mr M Tait B.A. Grad.Dip.Ed.Director of Vocational Education, Further Studiesand Community Liaison: Mrs N Wood B.A. DipTeach.

I<ookabu rra


YEAR CO-ORDINATORS:Year 12 - Mrs C Robinson Fashion & Design Dip. T.CYear 11 - Mrs L Bynon B.A Dip. Ed.Year 10 - Ms J Hetherington B.A. (Hons), Dip.Ed.Year 9 - Mrs J McGuinness B.A, Teach. Cert.Year 8 - Mrs F Millar Dip.Teach., 13. Ed.Year 7 - Mr M McTavish B.Bus., Grad.Dip.Acct.

HOUSE ADVISERS:Baird: Mrs P O'Hara B.A., Dip.EdCarmichael: Mrs J. Duzevich B.Se., Dip.Ed.Ferguson: Mr M Saunders B.A, Dip.Teach.McNeil: Mrs 1< Butchart B.A. (Hons), Dip. Ed.Stewart: Miss T Jefferies B.A. (Ed. See.)Summers: Mr W Beckwith B.Se., Dip. Ed. (Semester 1),Ms N Lange B.Ed. (Semester 2)

CO-ORDINATORS:Art - Mr D Thornton M.Ed. Dip Teach., AT.A.Early Childhood - Ms J-C Hopkins B.A., Teach. Cert., R.S.A. Cert,(TEDC)Health Education - Miss K Langdon B.A., B.Ed.House Arts - Mrs H Heptinstall B.Se. (Hons), Cert.Ed.,Dip.Lib.Stud.Junior School Physical Education - Ms J Hammond B.A (Hons)Grad.Cert. Ed.Junior School Curriculum (Years 3-6) - Mrs D Mason 13. Ed.

ACADEMIC STAFFMrs C Alvaro B.Ed. - MathematicsMs M Barnes Teach. Cert., Dip. Teach., B.Ed. (ECE) - JuniorSchoolMs S Barbir 13. Se., Dip. Ed. - Physical EducationMs M Bareham Ass. in Art Teaching. B.A,(Semester 2)Mrs M Beer Dip. Teach. - Junior SchoolMrs V Biggs Dip. Teaching., B.Ed - Junior SchoolMs L BlackweIlB.A., B.Ed. (Hons) - Home EconomicsMiss 1< Blaikie B.Ed., (E.CE.), BAEd (Semester 2)Ms S Boyadjian BA (Multimedia) Grad. Dip. Ed (Semester 1)Mrs J Brennan B.A (Primary) - Junior SchoolMs J Candy B.A. (Primary)., B.Ed (Primary).,- Junior SchoolMrs M Coate B.A., Dip.Ed. - HumanitiesMs A Coughlan B.A.Ed., B.Ed.- MusicMrs K Cresswell B.A (Education) Year SevenMrs D Cuneo B.A., DipTeach. - LOTE (Term 1)Miss D Cunningham B.Ed (Primary) - Junior SchoolMrs J DeSilva B.Ed. - Science (Term 1)Miss N Dorrington B.P.E., Dip.Ed. - Physical EducationMiss G Dovey B.Ped., Dip.Ed. - Physical EducationMs J Edmunds B.A., T.C, Grad Dip.Lib.St., Grad.Dip.Chn's Lit(Leave Term 1)Mr J Eyres B.Se. - ScienceMrs S Falkner B.A. (Hons) - LOTEMrs M Fiamengo B.A. (Ed), 13. Ed. - Technology Centre (Leavefrom Term 1)Mrs H Frazer Dip. Teach. J. S. MusicMrs C Gadsdon B.A., Dip.Ed. - HumanitiesMrs A Gallo B.Mus.Ed. (Hons) - MusicMiss R Gregg 13. Mus. Ed. - MusicMs D Holmes DipTeach. - Junior SchoolMs D Haughton B.Se., Dip. Ed. - Science, Boarding HouseMr M Hinchley B.Ed.- Design & Technology (Semester 2)

Mrs SJackson Cert. Ed., B.Ed., (T.E.F.L) (CO.G.E.) - JuniorSchool LEC

ACADEMIC STAFF cont.Miss C James B.PE., Dip.Ed. - Physical EducationMs PJane BA, Dip.Ed., L.T.e.L. - EnglishMrs I< Jones - MusicMrs V Jones B.Se., Dip.Ed (Semester 2)Mr H Johnston - B. PE., Dip. Ed., MACPH ERMs C I<atz BA, Dip.Ed. - DramaMrs I< Lamond BA, Grad.Dip.Ed - MediaMrs N Lewis BA, Dip. Linguistics - Junior School LOTEMiss J Love BA (Ed), B. Ed (E.e.E.) - Junior School(Semester 1)Mrs J Maclean Dip.Phys Ed., Dip.Prim.Ed. - LECMiss A Major BAEd. (Primary) - Year SevenMrs R McWaters BA, Dip.Ed. - HumanitiesMrs A Miller - MusicMrs D Miller B.Se., Dip.Ed. - MathematicsMrs N Millar B. Ed. - Art (Semester 1)Mrs E Milne B. Se., Dip. Ed., Grad. Cert. Teach. - Yr 8 TeamLeader/ScienceMs A Moon BA, Dip.Ed. - HumanitiesMs D Netolicky BA, MA (Prelim)., Dip.Ed. - English(from Term 1)Mrs R Payne BA, B.App.Se. (Hons.), M.Ed., MAPS - JuniorSchool CounsellorMrs C Pidgeon B. Se., M. Se., Dip. Ed. - ScienceMs M Pottinger Grad.Dip., Applied Sci., Dip.Teach. - LibraryMrs C Ranger B.A (Hons)., Dip. Ed., Grad. Dip. App. Se.Design & Technology-(Leave Semester 1)Miss S Robey BA, Dip. Ed. - English (Term 1)Mrs J Rofe Dip. Art. T.e., Grad. Dip. Science in Tch. Lib (Term 1)Mrs A Saffen B. Se. (Hons), Grad. Dip. Ed. - MathematicsMs T Sarmidi Grad. Dip. Ed. - LOTEMrs E Shaw B. Phys. Ed., Dip. Ed. - Physical Education (Term 1)Mrs M Smallbone BA,Grad.Dip.Ed. - Year SevenMrs A Smith BA, Dip.Ed. - PVE, Boarding House (Leave 2000)

Ms Evan Staveren B.A (Hons) - Religious EducationMs I< Timms BA, Dip.Ed. - MathematicsMr B Underwood LTCL, MIMT - MusicMrs C Venables - T.e., Dip.Teach., Dip. R.S.H.,Grad.Dip.App.Lang. - Junior SchoolDr G Venville B.Se., Dip.Ed., PhD. - ScienceMr R Vickers BA(Hons),Grad.Dip.Ed. - HumanitiesMs M-N Vieira BA, Dip Ed (from Term 1)Mrs A Viney B.Ed., Dip.Teach. - Junior SchoolMrs M Wallace B. Ed. (Art & Craft), Grad. Dip.Tech. Educ - Design & Technology (Semester 1)Mrs A Wallas BA, Grad. Dip. Ed. - EnglishMrs M Warburton BA, B. Ed.,Cert.FI.For.Lang.(Fr) - HumanitiesMrs M Williamson - MusicMs A Wynne BA (Ed), B. Ed. - Junior SchoolMr S Zander Dip T., BEd., M. Ed., MACEA - Science(from Term 1)

ADMINISTRATIONAssistant to the Principal: Mrs D LeeAccountant: Mrs W Castles B.Com., AS.e.P.ASupport Staff:Mrs J Astle Ass. Dip. Sci.(Lib. Tech.) - Library AssistantMs T Baker - Media AssistantMs B Bishop - After School CareMiss C Dalton - Administrative Assistant, Public RelationsMrs T Dick - Technology (from Term 2)Mrs H Dimmock - AdministrationMrs L Douglas - Payroll/Accounts Payable ClerkMr G Dwight - MaintenanceMr A Earnshaw - MaintenanceMrs J Elliott Teach.Cert. - Academic SecretaryMrs J Frost Dip. App.Sc - Science Laboratory Technician

Mrs M Giglia - Library Assistant, Junior SchoolMrs N Glatz - Canteen Senior SchoolMrs J Green - Clothing ServiceMs S Graham B.App.Se. - Science Lab. AssistantMrs I< Harrison - Clothing ServiceMrs N Henzen - AdministrationMr G Hermans - MaintenanceMr CHocking - Computer Repair Centre ManagerMr C Holloway - Maintenance ManagerMr D Hounslow - Theatre ManagerjTechnician (Semester 2)Mr 1< Jamieson - MaintenanceMiss 1< Johnson - Outdoor Education AssistantMs D I<attavenos - Library AssistantMiss L I<ennedy - Teacher's AideMiss 1< Loughnan - Junior School Administration (from Term 4)Mr R McGuirk - Computer TechnicianMrs L Matthews - Library AssistantMrs G Martin B.A, Grad Dip I.L.S - Assistant LibrarianMs L Mattys BAVisual Art., Dip Art Therapy - Art TechnicianMrs J Millar - AdministrationMs A Moyes - Physical Education AssistantMiss J Mullings - Theatre Technician/Manager (Semester 1)Mrs V Myers - Senior School CanteenMrs MOlden - AdministrationMrs M Osborne - Teacher's AideJulia Pang bourne - Junior School Administration (Terms 1 to 3)Mrs C Parker Cert. Child Care - Teacher's AideMiss E Piesse - After School CareMrs GRidley - Teacher's AideMiss B Seaby - After School CareMrs W Stower - Canteen Junior SchoolMrs M Seubert - Registrar's AssistantMrs L Taylor - AdministrationMs PTucker - Senior School CanteenMs Y Williams - Assistant to Deputy Principal, Heads ofMS and SS (from Term 2)Mrs T Wilson - Accounts ClerkMrs H Woodings - Assistant to Business Manager

BOARDING HOUSESenior Residents - Ms D Haughton, Mrs L McTavish,Mr M McTavish

Other StaffSister J Hunter - Nursing SisterSister J Moullin - Nursing SisterSister S Sadler- Nursing SisterMrs J Fulton (Semester 2)Mrs P Hatch B.Se.,B.Ed., Dip.Ed. - Boarding House SupervisorMs 1< Livingstone - Boarding House SupervisorMs R Moore - Boarding HouseMs I< Rowlands - Boarding House Supervisor

Visiting Music Specialists:Mr R Braham B.Mus., AMus.A - FluteMr A Bridge - PercussionMs A Delahoy - OboeMrs M Gadsdon AMus.A - PianoMs G Hansen - BussoonMiss S Hogan - Double BassMrs L Morse AMus.A, Suzuki Accred. - PianoMiss A-M Partington - Violin & ViolaMrs G Sumich - PianoMs J Tingley B.Mus. - CelloMr A Wayte - ViolinMiss E Yau B.Mus.T. - GuitarMr M Zegir - Guitar



•e I



!Each day brings new chaffenges

andnew qpyortunities

!inking theyast

with thefuture

to recognise} to rea!ise

theyossibi!ities ifeach sunrise

andeach dawn

to act; to share onese!f

andto touch the bifTowing

white cfoudS in the blUe sky above

- !7lnon



'lWver be ef!aiato try something new. 'Rememberamateurs built the ark,ynfessionars built theTitanic.'lIaomi !Ardfey

The secret to ahayyy !!fe Z5

fi'ndlng theyeifect bafance(even on Chairs).70 '.Butchart

'lIs t]Jau!'Kefljsays 'from flttfethbzgs, bigthingsgrow"... maybe there'shqpe !f'1 marryayfasticsurgeon..Laura '.Bond

'Don't fet weedSgrow arounayour dreams.7enny'.Buchanan

'Do Whatever '1fife anahave a

hayyy !!fe.'l-.Ling Chen

L!fe is agift althoughit's cony/f!cateabute"!i0Y every nu'nute efit'iToni '.BasyarudinLookoutfor my boof, "'lfow to steara

'.Bus: :Every SChOO!yirrs yuide JJ

!Anna Carew-'Reid

The barfwasgreat but we'1t £oesn't matter who you are, whereyou misseathefirst 40 minutescomefrom, your race or re!igzon, there are thanks to a hair dressingalWaysgoing to beyeqpfe who aren'tgoing ayyointment in '.Booragocm.to fife you......becauseyou're irritatilzg. '.Bianca '.Burns'lfo(fy '.Brow_n ~__~__~ ~__~ _

'Do notfo([ow where theyath may fead: (joinsteaawhere there is noyath anafeave a trai!- yeorge '.BernaraShaw'Peta '.Bateman

'1t's harato be senous when youare nakea!Aimee '.Bayfy

ToUCh not the catwithout agfove!Amanda !Aitfen

To aChieve m!ffu([yotentia!andovercomesfeey aeyrivation!Anna '.Birmingham

'1 [weclllmliy menLucy!Atkins

Seize the day. '1 a!ways likehave the morni1zg we([

llircabefore '1get Z!ftlieughViviene '.Brown

IS somethingdO When you

'tget to sfeeysie '.Byrne

s/z ana'.Burnthi !AShfey

t" are a([worms,it '1 £0 believe

that '1 ant aq{ow-Worm'l'iy '.Byrne

£IFf /s forever begz'lming#iff{ '.Beckman


TELEPHO E(08) 424 6444 FAX (08) 424 6466 INTERNET http://www.plc.com.au

rr'fie way we were ...

Back (L-R) Claire James, Marika Dunstan, Tyrah Livne, Sarah Jackson, Anne Treasure, Tina YangMiddle Amanda Kusel, Ivana Pearce, Amisha Miller, Emily Stone, Angela Riley, Katie CostopoulosFront Georgia Gerson, Georgina Harvey, Melanie Oddy, Jennifer Blenkinsop, Sandra Costopoulos, Katherine Mug/iston,Cari Vaughan, Lucy Atkins, Teacher: Mrs Ebert

Back Claire James, Marika Dunstan, Sarah Jackson, Anne TreasureMiddle Amanda Kusel, Ivana Pearce, Angela Riley, Katie Costopou/osFront Georgia Gerson, Georgina Harvey, Sandra Costopoulos, Cari VaughanAbsent Lucy Atkins