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1.1 The Biblical Covenants 1.2 Dispensationalism – 1.3 Old Testament – Synthesis 1.4 New Testament – Synthesis 1.5 Trinitarianism – 1.6 Salvation- 1.7 Original Sin – 1.8 Illumination of the Holy Spirit – 1.9 In Defense of the Truth – 1.10 The Holy Spirit’s Testimony to Christ – 1.11 The Testimony of God the Father to Christ – 1.12 The Purpose of the Word of God in the Spiritual Life- 1.13 Framework 1.14 Biblical Spirituality 1.15 The Rapture 1.16 Interpretation of Scripture 1.17 Apocalyptic Books 1.18 Further Reflections on Interpretation 1.19 General and Specific Revelation 1.20 Reconciliation and Foreknowledge 1.21 The Divine Plan 1.22 The Extent of the Fall

2. PREMILLENNIALISM 2.1Introduction 2.2 Israel’s Kingdom 2.3 God’s Sovereign Purpose for the Gentiles

3. ESCHATOLOGY 3.1 Rapture 3.2 First Event of the Tribulation 3.3 World Dictator and World Church Unite 3.4 Seal Judgments 3.5 Beast and Second Beast 3.6 Ezekiel 38-39 3.7 When Does Russia March? 3.8 Trumpet Judgments 3.9 Battle Armageddon – Second Battle

3.10Satan Cast Out of Heaven

3.11 The Two Witnesses

3.12 The Kings of the East

3.13 Bowl Judgments

3.14 Five Future Events

3.15 Review

3.16 Revelation – Chapter 10 – the Little Book

3.17 Revelation 14 – The 144,000

3.18 Matthew 24:31 – Gathering His Elect

3.19 Judgment of Sheep and Goats

3.20 Bad Angels

3.21 Good Angels

3.22 Millennium

3.23 Great White Throne Judgment

3.24 New Heavens and New Earth

4. Conclusion



Genesis chapter 1 opens with a statement of creation. This is a recreation. The original creation is in Job 38:1-7. Hebrews 11:3 speaks of this fact as well. Genesis 1:1 is a summary statement. Genesis 1:2 is the beginning of recreation.1 This first chapter of Genesis is a picture of judgment. In Genesis 1:2, the word tohu is used in Jeremiah 4:23 for an indication of judgment.2 Bohu, in the same verse, indicates the earth was shapeless.3 God begins to bring order out of chaos.4 The Spirit of God is hovering over the waters. The Holy Spirit makes preparation for recreation. A personal observation would be to consider why is the recreation narrative so brief. My own personal opinion is the author, Moses, is pushing to get to chapter 3 which is the Fall of Man. In these first eleven chapters, four events are presented to the reader. These are recreation chapters 1 and 2, the fall of man, 3-4, the universal Flood, 6-9, and the Tower of Babel, 10-11.5 A further observation is that Genesis 1-11 shows a repeated pattern of sin and judgment. The catastrophic event in Genesis 1 is thought to be the fall of Satan, Isaiah 14.6 In understanding the Bible, in Genesis chapter 12, the Lord God calls Abram out of the Ur of the Chaldees.7 The name of God is Yahweh. 8 Three promises are given to Abram. Yahweh will make Abram into a great nation. Personal blessings are promised to Abram. Yahweh would make his name great and make him a blessing. Blessing and cursing are part of the personal promise to Abram. The universal promise is that by Abram or through all the families of he “cursed ground” [author’s translation] will come the Savior and the Scriptures.9 Abram was to travel to the land which Yahweh would show him.10 He came to the land of Canaan. Abram travelled to Shechem.11 Yahweh appeared to Abram. This is a theophany. He promised the land of Canaan to his seed.12 Abram built an altar to Yahweh. Later, Abram would build another altar and call upon the name of the

1 Campbell, Bible 602- Pentateuch, 1. 2 Brown, Driver, and Briggs, Hebrew English Lexicon of the Old Testament, 1062.c.1 3 Brown, Driver, and Briggs, Hebrew English Lexicon of the Old Testament, 96.a. 4 Campbell, Bible 602- Pentateuch, 1-2. 5 Campbell, Bible 602- Pentateuch, 1-7. 6 Campbell, Bible 602- Pentateuch, 1. 7 Genesis 12:1-3 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 15-16. 8 Genesis 12:1 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 15. 9 Genesis 12:3 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 16. 10 Genesis 12:1 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 17. 11 Genesis 12:5-6 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 17. 12 Genesis 12:7 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 17.

Lord.13 In interaction, Yahweh had a representative in Abram in the land of Canaan. The worship of Yahweh had been introduced into the land of Canaan into the midst of the many Canaanite gods and goddesses.

In Genesis 17:2, the promises to Abram are called a covenant. The covenant is reaffirmed with Abram and his seed for an eternal covenant. Further, the land of Canaan was to be given to Abram as part of this eternal covenant.14 God reveals himself to Abram as El Shaddai in Genesis 17:1. Abram’s name is changed to Abraham. He will be the father of a “great throng.”15 The Go’im is to be translated nations.16 It is plural form. Further, the text can be translated: “I have given you the go’im (the nations).

Paul points out that in Galatians 3:16 that word seed is singular. The far fulfillment was Christ.17 God would make Abraham into a great nation. Personal blessing would come to Abram. Abraham would become a blessing. God would bless those who blessed Abram and curse those treated Abram badly. The blessings were to all families of the earth through Abram. The land promise is restated in Genesis 13:14-17. The boundaries of the land are found in Genesis 15:18-20.18 The promises to Abraham are stated to be an eternal covenant in Genesis 17:7.19 The Abrahamic Covenant is reaffirmed with Isaac in Genesis 26:3- 5.20 It is further confirmed again with Jacob in Genesis 35:10-12.21 The blessings and curses of the Mosaic Law are found in Deuteronomy 28:1-68.22 The Palestinian Covenant is found in Deuteronomy 28. The blessings for obedience are found in verses 1 to 14. The curses begin in the same chapter with verse 15.23 Obedience would bring blessings and disobedience would result in discipline.24 An observation shows the Palestinian Covenant in Deuteronomy chapter 30 promises Israel to be regathered if they repented and returned to Yahweh Elohim with all their heart and soul.25 The Palestinian Covenant magnifies the Abrahamic Covenant in regard to the land promise. Campbell pointed out seven features of the Palestinian Covenant. This is unfaithfulness on the part of the nation would lead to dispersion (Deut. 30:1). Israel will repent during the dispersion (Deut. 30:2). Messiah will come (Deut. 30:3). Israel will be regathered to their land (Deut. 30:4-5). Israel will be saved (Deut. 30:6). Israel’s enemies will be judged

13 Genesis 12:8 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 17. 14 Genesis 17:7-8 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 22. 15 Brown, Driver, and Briggs, Hebrew – English Lexicon, 242.3.c. 16 Brown, Driver, and Briggs, Hebrew – English Lexicon, 156c.1.a.& 156d.1b in Einspahr, Index to Brown, Driver & Briggs, 10 17 Galatians 3:16 in Aland & Black (eds.) The Greek New Testament Revised Fourth Edition, 644. 18 Walvoord, Israel, 31-33. 19 Walvoord, Israel, 33. 20 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol iv, 313. 21 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol iv, 314. 22 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol iv, 314. 23 Pentecost, “Pentateuch 319”, no pages. 24 Pentecost, “Pentateuch 319”, no pages. 25 Deuteronomy 30:1-5, in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 310.

(Deut.30:7). Blessing will come to Israel (Deut. 30:9).26 The Palestinian Covenant will come to fruition in the millennium.27 A third covenant made with Israel is the Davidic Covenant. It is found in 2 Samuel 7:12-16.28 Pentecost points out three important words of this covenant. These are the covenant’s promises: the house of David, a King, and a kingdom forever.29 In Luke 1:32-33, Dr. Luke confirms that Christ will be a fulfiller of the Davidic covenant.30 Martin points to Psalm 89:3-4, also verses 28 and 29 as well as 2 Samuel 7:16. During the millennium, Christ will act on the throne of David.31 A fourth covenant is the New Covenant guaranteeing that all Israel will be saved. This is found in Jeremiah 31 verses 31 to 37.32 As Israel and Judah enter the millennial kingdom, their life will be regulated by the New Covenant.33

In evaluation, the four biblical covenants run through the entire Bible. The Lord God made a covenant with Abraham. The covenant is found in Genesis 12, 13, 15, and 17. The covenant is reaffirmed in Genesis 13, 15, and 17. It is renewed with each of the patriarchs. The Lord God promised the land of the Middle East to Abraham and his seed. The near fulfillment was Isaac and the far fulfillment was Christ.34 This eternal covenant made with Abram guarantees Israel will continue as a nation forever. The second biblical covenant is the Palestinian covenant. Israel will one day be regathered regardless of where they are and brought back to Holy land. The present return to Israel in 1948 is a political event. Ultimately, one day Messiah Jesus Christ will regather the Jewish people from the entire earth.35 They will be brought to Israel to face Messiah in judgment. Israel will repossess her land. According to Deuteronomy 30, the entire Middle East will belong to Israel. In 2 Samuel chapter 7, the Lord God through Nathan the prophet made a third covenant with David. It guarantees David’s line will have both a king and a kingdom forever. One day, Jesus Christ will sit on David’s throne ruling over Israel and the Gentile nations from Jerusalem. David’s kingdom and throne will be established forever.36 The New covenant given to the prophet Jeremiah guarantees that those who are Israel will trust Jesus Christ as their personal Messiah and Savor at His Second Coming at the end of the tribulation.37

In further evaluation, the Bible must be understood against the background of these biblical covenants with Israel. In interpreting the Old Testament, there can be many observations, one interpretation for the passage, and many applications can be made to the Christian life. The

26 Campbell, “Bible 602”, 7. 27 Pentecost, Things to Come, 509, 606. 28 Pentecost, Things to Come, 101. 29 Pentecost, Things to Come, 102. 30 Martin, “Luke,” 205. 31 Martin, “Luke,” 205. 32 Dyer, “Jeremiah,” 1171. 33 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol iv, 315. 34 Galatians 3:16 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 644. 35 Matthew 25:1-13 in Aland & Black (eds), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 96-97. 36 2 Samuel 7:16 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 516. 37 Jeremiah 31:31-37 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 846. Romans 11:26-27 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 551.

Abrahamic covenant was first formed with Abram in Genesis 12:1-3. The Lord (Yahweh) made these promises to Abraham. His name as this time was Abram. He would make Abram into a great nation. Further, he was promised personal blessing. The third promise was international in scope that Abram would be a source of blessing to all the families of the earth.38 Isaac is near fulfillment of the promise. The Messiah, Jesus Christ, is the far fulfillment.39 The interpretation of the Bible calls for a distinction to be made between Israel and the church. Israel in the Old Testament is not the church in the New Testament. There is no church in the Old Testament. It was future even to Christ’s day as announced in Matthew 16. The word ekklesia is used in the Old Testament in the sense of Israel’s assemblies. In the New Testament, the church is the church and Israel is Israel.40 The Palestinian covenant of Deuteronomy guarantees a bright future for Israel.41 They will be regathered from the ends of the earth to meet Messiah, Jesus Christ, in judgment to determine their right or the lack of it to enter the millennium kingdom. This indicated by the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25. The Davidic covenant is another important covenant guaranteeing Israel the house of David, the line of David, Messiah’s line a king and a throne forever. In the New Testament, in Luke 2, Christ is a light to the Gentiles a Savior for all peoples. In Luke 1, Christ will be the one to fulfill the Davidic covenant of 2 Samuel chapter 7. The final covenant is the New covenant found in Jeremiah chapter 31. It guarantees Israel their salvation that all Israel will be saved. The real Israelite is physically born Jewish and has the faith of Abraham in the Messiah, Jesus Christ.42 In sum, Covenant theology does not distinguish between Israel and the church. The church replaces Israel. The Covenant theologian spiritualizes the Old Testament prophecy. The covenants with the Gentiles are implied but they are not stated in the Old Testament. The exception would be the covenant made with Noah. A covenant is said to be made with Adam. It is a covenant of works. Upon Adam’s sin made a covenant of redemption with Adam. This could also be interpreted as a covenant of grace. The covenant theologian’s method is simplistic. Their error is that of reduction. Soteriology is the focus of their theology with the elect. This is one purpose. God has a different plan for the church, the angels, Israel, and the Gentiles. The elimination of the biblical covenants will limit one’s understanding of the Bible. In contrast to the spiritualization of prophecy by the covenant theologian, the premillennial interpretation of Scripture is based on the literal, historical, grammatical method. The inconsistency of the covenant theologian is seen in his literal interpretation of doctrines of salvation but their spiritualization of Old Testament especially the biblical prophets. I had John F. Walvoord as my eschatology teacher at Dallas Theological Seminary in the 70’s. He emphasized that every century has had its particular doctrine to hammer out. It was Soteriology for the Reformers. In the 20th century, it was eschatology.

38 Gen. 12:1-3 in Kittel, Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.), Biblia Hebraica, 17. 39 Gal. 3:16 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 644. 40 Gal. 6:16 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 653. 41 Deut. 30:3-5 in Kittel, Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.), Biblia Hebraica, 341. 42 Rom. 9:6-9 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 543.

The focus on Covenant theology is on salvation. This is of the elect. Often, no distinction is made between Israel and the Church. The church is viewed as replacing Israel.43 Covenant theology focuses on salvation. It is the salvation of the elect.44 The divine purpose is seen in a covenant of grace.45 This is the main feature of God’s decree determined in Eternity Past.46 The divine purpose is much more comprehensive. It is the error of reduction.47This approach is somewhat simplistic. It focuses on only one aspect of God’s purpose. Hodge maintained God entered into a covenant with Adam. The Scriptures do not teach such.48 Covenant theology can be traced to theory. The exposition of the Bible, it is not.49Prophecies in the Bible are spiritualized.50 This is so that all other covenants can be made to fit the grace covenant.51 God has a different plan for the angels, Israel, the Gentiles, and the church.52 Our understanding of the Bible is limited if the biblical covenants are not properly understood. The premillennial system of theology with its literal, historical, grammatical hermeneutic will lead to a pretribulation and a premillennial point of view.53 In appraisal, the covenant theologian is usually an amillennialist. They do not believe in the literal one thousand years rule of Christ on the earth. They view the kingdom as being fulfilled in heaven at the present time or on the earth in the current age. The millennium is being fulfilled between Christ’s first coming and his second coming. This view is attributed to Augustine. Other amillennialists believe the kingdom is being fulfilled in heaven by his saints in heaven. It is the blessed state of the saints in heaven. This was the view of O.T. Allis.54 All such theory is unfounded on the pages of Scriptures. Jesus, one day, will rule on the throne of David on the earth during the one thousand years reign on earth.


Chafer defines a dispensation as stemming from the word oikonomia. It is a stewardship. The divine economy is from God with a particular responsibility.55 Walvoord defines a dispensation adding the concept of progressive revelation. A stewardship is involved. Also, it is a rule of life.56 The different dispensations are listed by Chafer. These are Innocence, Promise, Law, Grace, and Kingdom.57 Innocence is from creation to Adam’s fall. The fall of Adam to the Flood

43 Walvoord, Israel, 29. 44 Walvoord, Millennial Kingdom, 222. 45 Walvoord, Millennial Kingdom, 92. 46 Walvoord, Millennial Kingdom, 89. 47 Walvoord, Millennial Kingdom, 92. 48 Hodge, Systematic Theology II, 117 in Walvoord, Millennial Kingdom, 89. 49 Walvoord, Millennial Kingdom, 88. 50 Walvoord, Israel, 29. 51 Walvoord, Millennial Kingdom, 90. 52 Walvoord, Israel, 31. 53 Walvoord, “Theology 104,” no pages. 54 Walvoord, Millennial Kingdom, 6 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 169. 55 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol vii, 122. 56 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 126. 57 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 40-41.

is the second dispensation of Conscience. Human government spans from the flood to Abraham’s call. Promise is from Abraham’s call to the giving of the Mosaic Law. Law extended from when it was given to the death of Christ. Grace spans the period from the death of Christ to the Rapture. The kingdom dispensation is from the Second Coming of Christ includes the millennium. It ends with the creation of the new heaven and earth.58 Two words associated with dispensationalism are oikonomos and aion.59 Oikonomos is used of a steward or a manager. It is used of administrators in the realm of divine things. The apostles are administrators of God’s mysteries (1 Cor. 4:1).60 Aion is used of a particular segment of time.61 God the Father speaking of Christ “in last of these days he has spoken by Son who he has made heir of all, through whom has has made the ages.”62 Oikonomeo is a verb used of one who functions as a steward in Luke 16:12. Oikonomos is a noun meaning steward. Ryrie adds the exception is Romans 16:23. Here it means chamberlain. Oikonomia is used of edifying, dispensation and stewardship.63 Ryrie lists these verses for oikonomos. They are: (Luke 12:42,16:1,3,8, Rom. 16:23, I Cor. 4:1-2, Gal. 4:2, Titus 1:7 and as well I Pet. 4:10). Oikonomos is used in these verses. They are: (Luke 16:2,3,4, I Cor. 9:7, Eph. 1:10, 3:2,9, Col. 1:25, and I Tim. 1:4).64 In explanation, dispensationalism is a way of viewing the Bible through the lens of history. Adam and Eve were taught of the right way of approach to a holy God was through shed blood.65 The current dispensation of grace will end with the Rapture of the church. The restrainer of evil the Holy Spirit will be withdrawn. The church was formed on the Day of Pentecost as found in Acts 2. The gospel of Christ can be appropriated by faith. If you realize you are lost and need a Savior for the forgiveness of yours then this would be a wonderful time to trust Christ as your personal Savior. Covenant Theology, by way of contrast, has two covenants upon which it is based. These are the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace.66 The Covenant of Works is the one God made with Adam prior to his Fall. Obedience would lead to life. Death was the penalty for disobedience. The second covenant was necessary given Adam’s failure. This is the Covenant of Grace.67 A third covenant is held by certain theologians of the Reformed persuasion.68 This covenant was made between the Father and the Son in eternity past. The covenant is that upon which the covenant of Grace rests.69 In evaluation, the covenant of works, and grace are implied but are not stated in the Scriptures. This is a stark contrast to the biblical covenants both stated and expounded. The covenant of

58 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 40-41. 59 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 40-41. 60 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 562. 61 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 27. 62 Heb. 9:2 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 741. 63 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 25. 64 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 25. 65 Gen. 3:1-2, 4:1-5 in Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.), Biblia Hebraica, 4, 6. 66 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 177. 67 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 177-178. 68 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 178. 69 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 178.

redemption while not stated in the Scriptures is found in the first proclamation of the gospel in Genesis 3:15. The work of the Godhead found in Ephesians 1:14 includes redemption in Christ “in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of transgressions.”70 It is not within the scope of Understanding the Bible to trace and develop the system of Covenant Theology.

The dispensation of innocence began with creation of Adam (Gen. 1:26-27).71 It continues until the Fall of Adam in Genesis 3:6. Walvoord lists additional responsibilities of Adam in Genesis 1:28-29 and Genesis 2:15.72 Adam was given one command not to eat from one tree. This was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This prohibition is found in Genesis 2:17.73 The fall of both Adam and Eve is recorded in Genesis 3:1-6.74 Walvoord lists some results from this act of disobedience: judgment, spiritual death, fear of God, and loss of fellowship. The coming Redeemer is implied in Genesis 3:15.75 The Lord God redeemed them as found in Genesis 3:21.76 Walvoord defines the Dispensation of Conscience as extending from Genesis 3:17 to 8:19.77 In interaction, the proper way of approach to a Holy God had been given to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:15. An observation of Genesis 4:1, shows that Eve thought that she had the coming Redeemer. Instead, she gave birth to Cain. Cain didn’t come by way of a blood sacrifice in Genesis 4:7. The murder of Abel follows in Genesis 4:8. Cain’s sinful life is found in Genesis 4:16-24.78 The dispensation of Human Government is confirmed with Noah.79 Ryrie includes Genesis 9:6. This is the institution of capital punishment.80 This dispensation runs from Genesis 8:20 to 11:9.81 The dispensation of conscience is confirmed by Romans 2:14-15: “for whenever Gentiles those not having law by nature may have done these not having law are a law to themselves.”82 Nature should be understood as human nature or the natural order.83 Chafer concurs that the dispensation of Human Government extends from the universal flood to Abraham’s call.84 Human Government was instituted by God. It was more than just than a dispensation. It was the way by which God was able to administer the theocratic kingdom.85 The next dispensation is that of promise. This age extends from Abraham’s call to the giving of the law of Moses at Sinai.86 It was the promises that were given to Abraham that

70 Author’s translation- Eph. 1:7 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 654-655. 71 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 129. 72 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 129. 73 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 129. 74 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 129. 75 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 129. 76 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 129. 77 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 129. 78 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 130. 79 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 51-52. 80 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 51-52. 81 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 130. 82 Author’s translation, Romans 2:14-15 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament Revised fourth edition, 523. 83 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 877 (2)(3). 84 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 40. 85 Pentecost, Things to Come, 436. 86 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol 1, 41.

kept him. The other patriarchs, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph were supported by the promises, and covenant made with Abraham.87 Walvoord lists the scriptures in Genesis pertaining to this revelation. These are in Genesis 12, 13, 15 and 17. The promises were also to Abraham’s seed.88 The grace of God was extended to Israel while they were in Egypt.89 The dispensation of law extends to the death of Christ.90 Progressive revelation given to Moses extends from Exodus 19:3 to 31:18.91 The next dispensation is that of Grace. Scripture tells us that the law came from Moses but it was through Jesus Christ that grace and truth came.92 The dispensation of grace began on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2.93 It will come to completion at the rapture of the church.94 The responsibility of man during this dispensation is to accept Christ by faith.95 This is offered to everyone.96 Scripture during the age of grace is from Acts 2 to Revelation 3.97 In the present dispensation, God is calling out from Jews and Gentiles a people for Himself.98 The dispensation of kingdom extends from Christ’s Second Coming for a thousand years.99 The second coming of Christ takes place first followed by the one thousand year rule of Christ. This is followed by the eternal state by which the new heaven and earth are ushered in.100 The foundation for the millennial kingdom can be traced to David. God’s promises to David deals with David’s descendants, both his throne and kingdom. They will continue as a people throughout all generations. The scripture for this biblical covenant is found in 2 Samuel chapter 7 verses 12 through 16.101

87 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol 1, 41. 88 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 131. 89 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 132. 90 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol 1, 41. 91 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol 1, 41. 92 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 91. 93 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 134. 94 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 134-135. 95 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 62. 96 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 62. 97 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 135. 98 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 135. 99 Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, 63. 100 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 352. 101 Walvoord, Theology 104, no pages.


The Protestant Canon

The historical books are Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.102 The order in the Protestant Old Testament canon is different than the Jewish Bible. Our Old Testament has these divisions: Law, Historical Books, Prophets, and Writings. The Jewish Old Testament has a three-fold division: Torah, Prophets, and Writings. Johnston explains the reason for this is that the English Bible follows the order of the books from the Greek Septuagint.103 It was produced in Alexandria in Egypt in B.C. 250.104


The title for this book is from the Greek Septuagint. The title from the Hebrew Masoretic Bible is Beginnings.105 The first eleven chapters of Genesis presents four events: Recreation, Fall of Man, Universal Flood, and the Tower of Babel.106 In interaction, these are actual historical events. These are not invented stories to teach moral truths. The remainder of the book of Genesis or Beginnings is the formation of the nation Israel. Yahweh called Abram from Mesopotamia.107 God made a covenant with Abram. He promised him personal, national, and international blessings.108 Yahweh would make Abram into a great nation. He would bless Abram. It would be through Abram that all the families of the earth would be blessed. The other patriarchs are Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. In my opinion, Joseph is more of an interpreter of the patriarchs. Yahweh promised Abram the land of the Middle East to him and his seed. Isaac would be the near fulfillment. Christ would be the far fulfillment.109 God reaffirmed the Abrahamic Covenant five different times with Abraham.110 Wood lists these passages: Gen. 12:1-3, Gen. 13:14-17, Gen. 15:1-21, Gen. 17:1-22, and Gen. 22:15-18.111 Abraham’s seed would

102 Campbell, Bible 603, Syllabus, 1. 103 Johnston, The IVP Introduction to the Bible, 69. 104 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 159. 105 Campbell, Bible 602, 1. 106 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 160. 107 Acts 7:2 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 429. 108 Genesis 12:1-3 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 17. 109 Galatians 3:16 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 644. 110 Wood, A Survey of Israel’s History, 57. 111 Wood, A Survey of Israel’s History, 57.

grow into a nation, the land promised would be the homeland of the nation, and his seed will become a blessing to the world.112 Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are the remaining figures in the book of Genesis. Isaac was God’s servant following His will.113 Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. Each of these patriarchs saw the Abrahamic Covenant renewed and reaffirmed with them.114 Chapter 38 fits the book of Genesis showing the deplorable moral condition in the land of Canaan. God rescues the Abraham seed by having Joseph sent down to Egypt.115 In comprehending, the Genesis account of creation is so brief. Why is this so? Chapter 1 presents creation from the cosmological perspective. Chapter 2 presents creation from the anthropological perspective. There is one creation account not two. The original creation is in Job 38. The Genesis account is a recreation. Genesis is narrative. Moses writing under the inspiration and superintendence of the Holy Spirit is pushing to get to chapter 3 the fall of man. Adam and Eve disobeyed eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They died spiritually instantly. Yahweh redeemed them. Eventually, they would die physically. This is recorded in Genesis chapter 5. Adam was created in the image of God. He brought forth a son in his own image not in the image of God.116 The sons of God, the line of Seth inter-marry with the ungodly line of Cain. The Spirit of God strove with the sons of God. This brought the universal flood as man was taken up with evil. The earth was populated by Noah and his three sons. The three sons were Japheth, Shem, and Ham. The descendants of Ham are the Asian and African races. The descendants of Shem are the Middle Eastern races. The descendants of Japheth are the Indo-European races. The descendants of Noah and his three sons are Gentiles. God (Elohim) made a covenant with Noah.117 The sign of the covenant was the rainbow. God would never destroy the earth again by a flood. Noah was told to multiply, replenish the earth, and populate the face of it. The race rebelled. They repudiated the divine revelation given to Noah. Nimrod is a central figure. They chose instead to stay on the plain in Mesopotamia. They build a ziggurat to worship the stars, and as a safeguard against another flood. This was a symbol of man’s pride and a rejection of the revelation given to Noah. It was the brotherhood of man without the Fatherhood of God through the coming Messiah. They spoke one language. The tower of babel became a symbol of peace without God. Yahweh confused their speech so that they could not understand each other. Yahweh scattered them over the entire earth.118

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

In Exodus, Israel is redeemed out of Egypt. In Leviticus, Israel is instructed in worship. In Numbers, Israel is guided throughout their wilderness wanderings. In Deuteronomy,

112 Wood, A Survey of Israel’s History, 57. 113 Merrill, An Historical Survey of the Old Testament, 80. 114 Campbell, Bible 602, 10-13. 115 Campbell, Bible 602 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 161. 116 Genesis 5:3 in Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.), Biblia Hebraica, 7. 117 Genesis 9:9-16 in Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.), Biblia Hebraica, 13. 118 Genesis 11:1-9 in Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.), Biblia Hebraica, 15.

instruction is given in preparation for crossing into the land of Canaan.119 As Exodus opens, Israel is in bondage. The amazing thing is when the book closes Israel is redeemed. Israel is free. The glory of God is dwelling with the nation. In chapters 2 to 4, Yahweh appears to Moses at the burning bush. Moses is commissioned to deliver Israel out of Egypt. Pharaoh, who is considered God in Egypt, refuses to let Israel go (chap. 5). Yahweh begins to teach Pharaoh. Every plague in the book of Exodus is against one of the gods of Egypt (chap. 5-12) In 1445 B.C., Israel celebrates the Passover and leaves Egypt (chap. 12-18). Israel comes to Mount Sinai in the 19th chapter. This is the introduction of the dispensation of Mosaic Law. Israel should never have committed themselves to this covenant. They could not keep it but should have thrown themselves on the mercy God and trusted Yahweh (Jesus) as their Messiah and Savior. It is here that Israel receives their moral law (chap. 20). In chapters 21-23, Israel receives their Civil Law. Chapters 24 to 31 were instruction on Israel’s religious worship. Holy God will be able to dwell with the nation through the tabernacle, the priesthood, and the sacrifices. The nation breaks the law while Moses has gone up the mountain to receive the Law (chap. 32). The Mosaic Law is given a second time (chap. 33-34) as Moses threw down the tablets (32:15). Israel had fallen into idolatry (32:19). Israel obeyed constructing the Tabernacle (chap. 35- 40).120 Israel receives a theological education while at Mount Sinai for a year and a half. This is the book of Leviticus. It can be understood as two halves. Chapters 1 to 17 focus on worshipping a holy God, Yahweh. It is through sacrifices (chap. 1-7), the Levitical priesthood (chap. 8-10). The nation is put under the blood of the Day of Atonement when yearly for a period of twelve months the nation’s sins are covered. The book of Hebrews teaches us that it wasn’t until Christ died that these sins were taken away. The high priest entered the Holy of Holies to put the blood on the mercy seat. The word holy is repeated throughout the book of Leviticus. Chapters 18 to 27 focus on walking with a holy God.121 Israel is at Mount Sinai until Numbers 10. Moses sends out spies to spy out the land. Kadesh-Barnea was a wide spot in the road where the nation had a blowout.122 In chapter 13, the report is given as to the promised land. Joshua and Caleb brought back a good report that they could take the land. The other ten spies brought back a bad report. The nation believed them. They wept all night. Israel fell under the wrath of God for their disobedience to the Mosaic Law. Yahweh had commanded them to take the land. The people rebelled (chap. 14-19:33). Israel falls under judgment. The first generation out of Egypt perishes in the wilderness forty years later. Yet, the compassion of the Lord allows the second generation to enter the promised land. The king of Moab hires Balaam a heathen prophet to curse Israel. He is unable to do so. He blesses Israel each time. Balaam predicts the coming of Israel’s Messiah (Num. 24:17). These are important points in the book of Numbers. On the plains of Moab, Moses expounds the Law. Moses gives a series of six sermons, the very word of God, (1:1-4:43, 4:44-26:19, 29:1-31:13, 31:22-32:43, 32:48-52, and

119 Campbell, Bible 602, Dallas Theological Seminary, Spring 1973. 120 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics, 162-166. 121 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics, 164. 122 Hendricks, Bible 601, Dallas Theological Seminary, Fall 1972.

33:1-29.123 In assessment, Israel was at Mount Sinai from Exodus 19:1 to Numbers 10:11. It was here at Mount Sinai that Israel received a theological education. They received the Moral, Civil, and Religious Law. The dispensation of Law began continuing until the death of Christ. Technically, it ended with the beginning of the dispensation of grace in Acts 2.

Historical Books

• As a Th.M. student at Dallas Theological Seminary in the 70’s, I was fortunate to have Donald K. Campbell as my professor not only for the Pentateuch but also for the Historical Books. Professor Campbell gave me a foundation in both sections of our Bible for a lifetime of ministry. The purpose of this book Knowing God’s Word is to give an overview a synthesis of both the Old and New Testament. An analysis or study of any of the books of the Bible takes on new meaning when we understand the whole. The parts can be related to the whole picture. This idea may have originated with Schleiermacher. My purpose is to give a synthesis of the books of the Old and New Testament. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, I and 2 Kings, I and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther are the historical books. Joshua is the conquest of the land of Canaan. Judges shows Israel’s failure to live up to the Mosaic Covenant. Ruth demonstrates that one does not have to live like their age. Judges presents seven monotonous cycles of sin, servitude, salvation, and silence. The pattern repeats itself. The moral relativity of this period shows Israel’s failure to live up to the Mosaic Covenant. The period of the Judges includes Judges, Ruth, and I Samuel 1 to 7. II Samuel is about David. While I Samuel is about Saul. Samuel was the last judge and a prophet King maker. I and II Kings is a written inspired record of the Jewish monarchy from Solomon to its end. The Kingdom is split when the ten tribes in the North follow Jeroboam I and two tribes in the South follow Rehoboam. The kingdom was split over the question of taxation. In II Kings 17:18, the Northern kingdom is taken captive. Yahweh’s disciplining rod was Assyria. The period of the Southern Kingdom continues from B.C. 722 to 586. They are taken captive to Babylon in B.C. 586. I and II Chronicles was written after the return from captivity for the returning remnant. The Northern Kingdom is omitted. The unifying principle is the temple. It was composed towards the end of the Old Testament period around 400 B.C. It is the last book in the Hebrew Old Testament.124 Ezra records the rebuilding of the temple under Zerubabbel (B.C. 539-516), the reinstituting of the Mosaic Law (B.C. 458). Esther demonstrates God’s providence.125 Nehemiah records the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem (B.C. 445-433). In estimation, the history of Israel is from into the promised land, decline under Judges, prosperity in the Monarchy, mixed fortunes in a divided Monarchy eventuating into exile of both North and South kingdoms. This is followed by returns of Jews to Judah from Persia. This sweep covers approximately a 1000 years.126 The historical books begin with the conquest of Palestine under Joshua concluding with the restoration after the Babylonian exile under Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah (Campbell, Introduction, p. 1).127 The Historical books in the English Bible follow the order of the Greek Septuagint. The Greek Septuagint is represented by the Roman numbers LXX.128 The key word in the

123Campbell, Pentateuch, Bible 602, Dallas Theological Seminary, Spring 1973. 124 Kittel, Biblia Hebraica. 125 Archer, An Introduction to the Old Testament, 403. 126 Campbell, Bible 603, Dallas Theological Seminary, Fall 1973. 127 Ibid., 1. 128 Johnston, The IVP Introduction to the Bible, Johnston, Philip S., (ed.), 69-70.

book of Joshua is possession. It occurs sixteen times.129 Joshua – Israel moved into the land. The book of Joshua covers the life of Joshua from the death of Moses (1:1) to the death of Joshua (24:29). The outline of the book of Joshua is as follows: Chapters 1-5 are the invasion of the land. Chapter 2 – Joshua sends spies to spy out the land. They are sheltered by Rahab. Chapter 3 – The crossing of the Jordan required preparations. The priests stepped into the water first. The Israelites were to keep a distance of 3,000 feet between them and the ark. The ark symbolizes the presence of God. Chapter 4 has to do with memorials. Stones are set up at Gilgal. Israel came across the Jordan onto dry land. They took 12 stones from the river bed to set up on the other side as a memorial. They were to teach their children the meaning. Israel crossed the Jordan onto to dry land. Chapter 5 –has to do with the consecration. Circumcision was necessary for all those born in the wilderness. This was also a sign for the Mosaic covenant. Chapters 6-9 were the Central Campaign. The idea was to cut the north off from the south by going through the middle. Jericho – chapter 6 – the walls fall down. Rahab and her family are spared. Israel is victorious at Jericho. In chapter 7, Israel is defeated at Ai. The problem was the sin of Achan. After Achan’s sin is dealt with Israel experiences victory at Ai, in chapter 8. Chapter 9- Joshua is deceived by the Gibeonites. Joshua leads Israel to victory in the Southern Campaign in chapter 10. The long day of Joshua is found in Joshua 10:12-14. Joshua prayed to Yahweh. His petition was answered. (Josh. 10:12-15). It was a miracle. Sun does not revolve around the earth causing day and night. The earth rotates on its axis around the sun resulting in light and darkness.130 The Israeli victory over the Canaanites is seen in the Northern Campaign recorded in chapter 11:1-15. Israel is in control of the land. This series of conquests decided the fate of the world. God’s reach to the world through Israel – chapters 11:16-12:24. Distribution of the Land of Canaan takes place in chapters 13 - 22. There was still much land to be possessed (13:1). Shiloh was established as the center of the land – chapters 18:1 – 19:48. Gilgal had been the military camp. The tabernacle was set up at Shiloh. Shiloh became the place of worship. This created a sense of national unity or consciousness. The tabernacle remained at Shiloh for 300 years. Tabernacle was set up at Shiloh (18:1). Seven tribes from “the sons of Israel” had not received their land inheritance (18:2-19:48). Joshua receives his inheritance (19:49-50). Cities set aside for those who committed manslaughter (chapter 20). Cities were set aside for the Levites. They were to become cities of instruction. Levites were scattered into 48 cities of which six were cities of refuge. The Levites were to teach the scriptures in these cities (Deut. 33:8-10). The cities of the Levites are found in chapter 21. Joshua admonishes them lest they forget their spiritual heritage in chapter 22. Joshua gives his final farewell sermons. These are principles for successful occupation of the land (23). The principle of separation is found in chapter 23:7-8. This is separation from the Canaanite nations. Joshua gathers all Israel to Shechem on the theme of service. He renews the covenant that Yahweh made with Abraham (chapter 24). The book concludes with three burials. The burials of Joshua, Joseph, and Eleazar. Eleazar was the son of Aaron (24:29-33).

• The historical setting for the book of Judges is the life of the nation Israel after the death of Joshua.131 The theme of Judges is Israel’s failure to live up to the covenant. In Chapters 1 to 3:36, three causes are presented as to why Israel could not completely eliminate the Canaanites. Disobedience, idolatry, and lack of separation. They intermarried with the Canaanites. 132The book is seven monotonous

129 Campbell, Bible 603, Dallas Theological Seminary, Fall 1973. 130 Campbell, Joshua, in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, 350. 131 Mathers, Personal Observation, Judges 1 in Eibfeldt & Kahle, Biblia Hebraica, 399. 132 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 168.

cycles of Israel’s disobedience. They did evil. They were put in subjection to a conquer. They cried to Yahweh for deliverance. Yahweh provided a military conqueror. The people were delivered. They went back to sinning again. Judges happened simultaneously all over the land at once. The time period involved was about 340 years. Consequences of the period of the Judges (17-21). There is the idolatry of Micah. Religious syncretism, moral relativism, and extreme materialism characterized this period. The Danites are the subject of chapter 18. They steal the Levite and the idol. The 19th chapter is characteristic of the immorality of this period. Anarchy follows in chapters 20 and 21. Judges chapters 20 and 21 shows that Israel did not abide by the objective standard of the scriptures.133 “In those days there was not a king in Israel, a man has done the right in his own eyes.”134 [author’s translation] In estimation, the book of Judges covers a period of 350 years. The judges ruled simultaneously over the land. A judge was not one handling legal disputes in a court but was a hero-deliverer who became a ruler.


• 1ST Cycle – 3:7-11

• 2nd Cycle – 3:12-31

• 3rd Cycle – 4:1-5:31

• 4th Cycle – 6:1-8:32

• 5th Cycle – 8:33-10:5

• 6th Cycle – 10:6-12:7

• 7th Cycle – 13:1 -16:31

• The setting for the book of Ruth takes place during the period of the Judges. The concept of the goel- redeemer is prominent in the book.135 Ruth demonstrates faithfulness in the midst of infidelity. Ruth is a transitional link from Judges to Monarchy. The last word of the book is David.136 Genealogy – This book provides a link in family history of Jesus. Doctrinally – It shows that the Gentiles are not outside of the scope of redeeming love. Love – It shows the role of kinsman redeemer.137 In perception, I Samuel, chapters 1 to 7, is still the period of the Judges. Samuel is the last judge and a prophet king maker. The nation of Israel has rejected Yahweh as their king. They want a king like the surrounding nations. Samuel is grieved. Yahweh told Samuel to give them a king. 1 Samuel covers a period of transition in history of nation Israel from Judges to the Kings. It was during the period of the Judges that Israel rejected God from being their king as indicated by the clamor for a king. 1 Samuel picks up where the historical story left off at Judges 16:31. Samson passed off the scene with no permanent victory over the Philistines. Theme: I Samuel is the transition from the theocracy to the monarchy. The purpose of these books was to record the founding of the Hebrew monarchy. Therefore, they give a historical account of the monarchy in the history of Israel. Samuel becomes a kingmaker. Saul is not a

133 Campbell, Bible 603, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, no pages. 134 Judges 21:25, author’s translation in Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.), Biblia Hebraica, 442.

135 Archer, A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, 267. 136 Campbell, Bible 603, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, no pages. 137 Ibid., no pages.

faithful king. He forsakes the covenants. Saul is a tyrant. David is a good king. Messiah comes through the Davidic line.138 Campbell provided a very good synthesis in terms of an outline. Chapters 1 to 12 are Samuel. He is the last judge. Chapters 13 to 31 focus on Saul the first king of Israel.139 Samuel grows old. The people of Israel demanded a king. Saul is the leader. Saul’s rashness and disobedience is seen in his offering sacrifices (13), and he spared Agag (15)140 (ibid: 82). Saul was not authorized to act as a priest. Saul was not to spare Agag, the king of the Amalekites (15:8-9). All was under the ban to be destroyed. David is a king in waiting.141 David is anointed to be king by Samuel (16).142 David kills Goliath. Yahweh proclaims the divine name throughout the earth by this act (17:46). David visits his brothers who are in the army. They are at war with the Philistines – chapter 17:17-19. Goliath taunted the army of Israel for 40 days – 17:16. David kills Goliath. He cuts off his head. Saul, his sons including Jonathan, are killed in battle against the Philistines – Chapter 31. The Philistines cut off Saul’s head – Chapter 31:9. Saul’s weapons are put in the temple of the Philistine god Ashtaroth.143 This book contains the continuation of the story begun in I Samuel.144 2 Samuel opens with civil war.145 The war is between the house of Saul and the house of David. Abner went into one of Saul’s concubines. Ish- bosheth, the son of Saul called him on this. Abner seeks revenge going to David to bring all of Israel over to David as king.146 David is anointed king over Israel in chapter 5. He brings the ark of God home to Jerusalem in chapter 6. David is unable to build a house for Yahweh as he was a man of war and bloodshed.147 Yahweh makes a covenant with David in chapter 7. David’s line is promised a king and a kingdom in perpetuity. David’s rise is continuous until his sin with Bathsheba in Chapter 11. David had Uriah her husband murdered. Nathan confronts David. David’s household is filled with trouble. Absalom conspires to steal the throne from his father. David rises again. The book closes with David taking a census of the people leading to his punishment. The book turns on chapters 11 and 12. Campbell’s outline of the book is David’s triumph in chapters 1 to 10 and his troubles in chapters 11 to 20. In sum, I, 2 Kings is a record of the Hebrew monarchy from the time of Solomon to the end of the Jewish monarchy. This is a stark contrast to 1 Samuel which was the founding of the monarchy. I, 2 Chronicles was written for the remnant returning from the captivity. It reminded them of three things. These were Yahweh was with them. Apostasy brought ruin. The line of David was with them.148 The book of Ezra, chapters 1 to 6 has the return of the remnant led by Zerubabbel. The purpose of this return was the rebuilding of the temple in B.C. 536. The second return was led by Ezra in B.C. 458 to reinstitute the law. The last return was under Nehemiah to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem in B.C. 445. The book of Esther occurs between chapters 6 and 7 in the book of Ezra. Mordecai and Esther were used in the providence of God to thwart Haman’s wicked plan to kill all the Jews in Persia and throughout the Persian empire.

138 Archer, A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, 270. 139 Campbell, Bible 603, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 21. 140 Johnston, The IVP Introduction to the Bible, Johnston, Philip S., (ed.), 81-82. 141 Ibid., 82. 142 Mathers, Personal Bible Study Observations, no pages. 143 Ibid., no pages. 144 Campbell, Bible 603, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, no pages. 145 Johnston, The Historical Books, 82, in The IVP Introduction to the Bible, Johnston, Philip S. (ed.). 146 Merrill, 2 Samuel, 459, in Walvoord, John F & Zuck, Roy B. (eds.), Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament. 147 Campbell, Bible 603, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, no pages. 148 Ibid, no pages.

The Prophets

The prophets prophesied to Nineveh, Edom, the Northern Kingdom, and the Southern Kingdom.149

Prophet to Edom


• Date: He is a 9th century B.C. prophet. His prophecy was during the reign of Jehoram the 9th king of Israel (853-842).

• His prophecy is a message of judgment against Edom for their treatment of Judah. Edom is descended from Esau. It had a future fulfillment in 586 B.C.

Prophets to Nineveh


• Date: 793-753 B.C. This was during the reign of Jeroboam (2 Kings 14:25).

• His prophecy was to Nineveh which was the capital of Assyria in the 9th century at 800 B.C.

• Chapter 1 is the storm. Chapter 2 Jonah is thrown overboard. Chapter 3 tells us Jonah is swallowed by a wale. Chapter 4 pictures Jonah with an angry heart. Salvation is of the Lord (2:9).


• Nahum was a poet. His prophecy is in the form of a poem.

• Theme: Nineveh’s doom.

• The message of the prophet was the destruction of Nineveh (capital of Assyria) would be a comfort to the nations oppressed by Assyria (Zuck).

• Date: 663 B.C. This is before the destruction of Nineveh occurring in 612 B.C. at the hands of the Medes, Babylonians, and Scythians.

• They had been given their opportunity to repent at the preaching of Jonah.

149 Zuck, Bible 305, Dallas Theological Seminary, Spring 1975. Mathers, Personal Bible Study, Observations.

Prophets to Israel


• Date: He is a ninth century prophet (800 B.C.).

• Judgment is pending on the Northern Kingdom unless they repent. The phrase 3 transgressions and four means judgment is complete.

• Israel will be judged on the basis of their relationship to Yahweh.


• : Yahweh’s faithfulness to Israel. Israel’s unfaithfulness to Yahweh.

• The prophet’s home life (Chapters 1 to 3). Israel’s unfaithfulness to Yahweh and the Mosaic Covenant (Chapters 4 to 14).

Prophets to Judah


His prophecies were to both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel. He was an eighth century prophet.

It contains prophecies of judgment in chapters 1 to 35. The judgment is on Judah in chapters 1 to 12 for their personal and political sins. Judgment extends to the surrounding nations in chapters 13 to 23. Universal judgment and blessing in the day of the Lord and the millennium in chapters 24 to 27. Specific judgments on Israel are listed in chapters 28 to 33. Chapters 36 to 39 is a parenthesis of history. Hezekiah and Assyria are the subjects of chapters 36 to 39. Hezekiah and Babylon are the subjects of chapters 38 and 39.

The prophecies of comfort are found in chapters 40 to 66. Deliverance is promised in chapters 40 to 48. The deliverer, my servant, Jesus Christ is introduced in chapters 49-57. Israel’s hope and future are to be found in chapters 58-66 in this 8th century prophet.150


• He is a prophet to Judah the Southern Kingdom. He was a contemporary of Isaiah. His prophecies were also about the destruction of the Northern Kingdom.

150Zuck, Bible 305, Dallas Theological Seminary, Spring 1975.

• Date: 8th century B.C., 753 B.C.

• Word justice appears in Micah. This is from the Mosaic Covenant. It was a day of lawlessness. Social injustices reigned supreme. Covetousness and the devising of evil endangered both a man’s home and his livelihood. The prophet preaches against the callousness of the people. Yahweh spells out what he requires (6:8).

• A Messianic prophecy is found in 5:2. Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.


Jeremiah’s call to the prophetic ministry is found in chapter 1. Chapters 2 to 45 are prophecies to the Jews. The conflicts experienced by Jeremiah are found in chapters 26-29. The message of Jerusalem’s future is found in chapters 30 to 33. The fall of Jerusalem is found in chapters 34-44. Prophecies are given concerning the Gentiles in chapters 45 to 51. The book concludes with Jerusalem’s fall in chapter 52.151 Jeremiah was a 7th century prophet.


He is a prophet to the Southern Kingdom. He prophesied during the 7th century B.C. during the reign of Jehoiakim (609-598).

Chapter 1 is a dialogue with God.

Chapter 2 is a funeral dirge on destruction of Babylon. Chapter 3 is a doxology.

• How could Yahweh use an unholy instrument like Babylon to discipline Judah?

• Why does Yahweh permit injustice, evil, and wrong? Habakkuk argues under inspiration that the wicked swallow up the righteous.152


• His prophecy is to the Southern Kingdom.

• Date: 825 B.C.

• Theme: Day of the Lord.

• Chapter 1 – Economic Disaster (1:1-12).

• Repent – (1:13-14).

151Ibid., no pages. Mathers, Personal Bible Study, no pages. 152Blue, Habakkuk, 1505 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament. Dallas Seminary Faculty, 1984.

• Day of Lord – (1:15-2:20

• 2:13 They are instructed to rend their hearts and not their garments.

• 2:28-29 This is a millennial context.

Chapter 3 – is Armageddon context.


• His name means “Hidden by Jehovah.”

• Theme: The Day of the Lord

• It is a message of judgment on the earth, Judah, and the nations. He is a prophet to the Southern Kingdom (640-609 B.C.)

Prophets in Exilic Period


• Ezekiel was deported in 597 B.C. to Babylon.

• He was a priest.

• He is an exilic prophet. His prophecies occurred during the exile in Babylon. In chapters 2 to 3, he is called to be a prophet.

• He was a priest. He is an exilic prophet. His prophecies occurred in Babylon during the exile. In chapters 2 to 3, Ezekiel receives his call to the prophetic office.

• His name means Yahweh has strengthened.

• Ezekiel traces the departure of the glory of God beginning in chapter 1:28, 8:4,5,9:3, 10:4,18, and 11:22-23.

• The theme of Ezekiel is the glory of God.

• Ezekiel prophesied from age 30 (1:1). He began his prophetic ministry in 593 B.C. which was the fifth year of Jehoiachin’s exile (1:2) to 571 B.C. (29:17). This latter prophecy was given on March 26th, 571 B.C.

• His prophetic ministry spanned for at least 22years (593-571 B.C.) He would have begun at age 30 and continued until age 52.

• His wife died when he was 30 years of age. Ezekiel was not able to go out given the rebellious nature of the people. The elders came to him for prophetic counselling.

• Outline:

• Chapter 1 – The Glory of God appears to Ezekiel.

• Chapters 2 and 3 – Ezekiel’s is called to be a prophet.

• Chapters 4 to 24 – Ezekiel predicts judgment on Judah while he is in Babylon.

• Chapters 24 to 32 – Ezekiel predicts judgment on the Gentile nations.

• Chapters 33 to 48 – Ezekiel predicts future blessings on Israel.

• Chapter 37 is the revival of the nation of Israel. Chapters 38-39 is the conflict with Gog.

• The new order for Israel is found in chapters 40-48.

• This is a new temple (40-43).

• This is a new worship (44-46).153


• Daniel’s commitment to Yahweh is evident in chapter 1.

• He refused meat offered to idols and wine. He kept to a vegetable and water diet. Daniel and his friends were ten times smarter than the magicians and conjurers, and sorcerers and the Chaldeans.

• Author: Daniel (12:4)

• He is an exilic prophet of 7th century. Critics have late dated the book to the period of the Maccabees, 165 B.C.

• Chapter 2 predicts six world empires. History has verified the truth of these predictions.

• Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greece with Alexander the Great, Roman empire.

• Two world empires are still future.

• The Revised Roman world empire and Messiah’s kingdom.

• Chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. He can’t remember the dream let alone the interpretation.

• The executioner is about to have the wise men killed along with Daniel and his friends since they couldn’t tell Nebuchadnezzar the dream and its interpretation.

• Daniel requests a time out.

153Zuck, Bible 305, Dallas Theological Seminary, Spring 1975. Mathers, Personal Bible Study, Observations.

• He and his friends had a prayer meeting. They sought the face of Yahweh.

• The dream and interpretation is revealed to Daniel.

• Daniel receives the mystery in a night vision. He went to Arioch the executioner. Don’t destroy the wise men. I will declare the interpretation to the king. Daniel is one of four Old Testament saints indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

• The King was looking a saw a statue a great one. The head was made of gold. The chest and arms of silver. The stomach and thighs of bronze. The legs were of iron. The feet were part iron and baked clay.

• As Nebuchadnezzar was looking a stone made without hands struck the statue at its feet. The iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold were crushed. They became like chaff.

• The stone struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth (Dan. 2:35).

• The Interpretation of the dream – Dan. 2:36-45.

• You, o King have been given your position by the Sovereign God.

• An inferior kingdom will arise after you, then a third kingdom of bronze will rule the earth.

• The fourth kingdom will be strong as iron. It will be a divided kingdom indicated by feet of iron and baked clay (East and West Rome).

• Nebuchadnezzar repudiated the revelation. He made a gold statue to himself of 105 feet high and 10.5 feet wide to himself (Dan. 3:1).

Daniel chapter 7 pictures the same truth only the empires appear as beats. The lion is Babylon. The bear is Medio-Persia. The leopard is Alexander the Great and Greece. The fourth beast had large iron teeth. It destroyed and crushed with its feet all of these.

• This beast had ten horns. A little horn appeared between them. He destroyed three horns. He had the eyes of a man and spoke great swelling words.

• It is from the fourth beast, the ten horns arise from this kingdom. They are ten kings. The eyes of the man and uttering great blasphemies is the little horn. This is the false Christ. He will subdue three kings.

• Daniel 8 to 12 is the prophetic program for Israel.

• Daniel chapter 9 – It is revealed to Daniel that 70 weeks (heptads) have been decreed for the future of the nation Israel.

• There will be 62 more weeks or 434 years until Messiah is cut off (crucified) (Dan. 9:25). The people of the prince who are to come will destroy the city and temple (Dan. 9:26).

• The people were the Romans. Titus and the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in A.D. 70. The people of the prince are the Romans. The prince is a Roman. This is the little horn spoken of in Daniel 7. Great revelation is given concerning him in Revelation 13 and 17.

• This Roman will make a covenant a peace treaty with the many for one week (a heptad- 7years). This is with Israel and the Arab nations. In the middle of the week, he will become a persecutor of both Jews and Christians (Dan. 9:27).

• The angel Gabriel reveals to Daniel that seventy weeks have been decreed for Israel (Dan. 9:24). There will be 7 weeks or 49 years from the issuing of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (March. 5,445 B.C.).

Prophets During the Return


• He is a post-exilic prophet. He prophesied during the rebuilding of the temple under the leadership of Zerubabbel from 539 to 516 B.C.

• Chapter 1:5 – Consider your ways!

• Chapter 2 – Discouragement – of the present temple was nothing in comparison to the glory of the former temple.

• Chapter 2 – The leadership and the priests were not following the Mosaic Law.

• Haggai 2:21 is a future prophecy yet to be fulfilled. Yahweh says that he will shake the heavens and the earth one more time.


• He is a post-exilic prophet. His name means Yahweh remembers.

• He prophesied from 520-485 B.C.

He encouraged Zerubabbel during the rebuilding of the temple.

Malachi encouraged Nehemiah during the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem. 154

• The book is eight visions (1-6), four messages (7-8), and two burdens (9-14).

154 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics, 175.

• Chapter 8 speaks of blessings on Israel.

• Syria is a major enemy of Israel (8).

• Messiah will disarm the nations (9).

• He is a post-exilic prophet (445-433 B.C.)

• Malachi encouraged Nehemiah during the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.

• The argument of the book is Jehovah’s case against Israel for despising the name of God.

• The priests fail to teach the Mosaic Law.

• Jewish men are committing adultery with Gentile women (2:10).

• Evil is called good.

• The backslidden condition of the nation is evident.

• Prophecy in 4:5 that Jehovah will send Elijah before the day of the Lord.

In appreciation, Amos prophesied to the Northern Kingdom in B.C. 800. It was a message of the certainty of judgment unless they repented. The phrase 3 plus 4 transgressions show that the time of judgment was complete. Isaiah prophesied to the Southern Kingdom.155 The theme of his message is salvation. Hosea followed with a message of the certainty of that judgment on Israel the Northern Kingdom. The theme is Israel’s unfaithfulness and Yahweh’s faithfulness to Israel. Joel is a prophet to the Southern Kingdom in 825 B.C. with the theme of the Day of the Lord. Jonah prophesied to Nineveh in 800 B.C. They must repent of their evil. Nahum followed up with the certainty of judgment on Nineveh in 663 B.C. This took place in B.C. 612. Micah was a prophet to the Southern Kingdom. His message was that of Messiah and the Messianic Kingdom. Obadiah was a 9th century B.C. prophet. He preached from B.C. 853-842. Judgment is certain against Edom for their treatment of Judah when Babylon sacked Judah and Jerusalem. Zephaniah prophesied from B.C. 640-609. The theme of this book is the Day of the Lord. Habakkuk was a prophet to the Southern Kingdom. His message was how God could use Babylon to discipline Judah. Jeremiah was a prophet to the Southern Kingdom. The message was before, during, and after the fall of Jerusalem in B.C. 586 by Babylon. The theme is judgment. Daniel was deported to Babylon in B.C. 605. His message was prophecy of super world empires in chapters 2 to 8. In chapters 8 to 12, Daniel is given the prophecy of the future of the nation Israel. Ezekiel prophesied during the exilic period. His theme was the glory of God and its departure from the nation Israel. Ezekiel was deported in B.C. 597.Malachi was a post- exilic prophet. He preached from B.C. 445-433. In addition to encouraging Nehemiah during the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem in 52 days, he present Yahweh’s case against Israel

155 Martin, “Isaiah,” 1029.

for despising the name of God. Haggai was another post-exilic prophet during the rebuilding of the temple from B.C. 539-516. The leadership and the priests were not following the Mosaic Covenant. Zechariah prophesied during the rebuilding of the temple. He preached from B.C. 520-485.156

Wisdom Literature

The wisdom literature of the inspired inerrant Word of God is Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Lamentations. Job was written during the period of the Patriarchs. Zuck points out the similarities between the book of Genesis and Job. For example, their wealth was counted in livestock.157 Johnston argues that one source of wisdom is Yahweh.158 Proverbs was written during the period of the United Kingdom (B.C. 1051-931). Psalms was also written during this period. It is called “tehillim” in the Hebrew Bible meaning praise.159 This was the hymnal sung in ancient Israel in the temple.160 Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon during this same period. The title in the Hebrew Bible is “Qohelet.” It means preacher.161 Ecclesiastes presents the inspired theme that physical life is a gift from God to be enjoyed in the fear of God.162 Proverbs was written by Solomon. The theme is “hakmah” skill in living.163 Song of Songs is a love poem between a husband and his wife in the context of marriage.164 Lamentations is a corporate lament written against the background of the armies of Nebuchadnezzar conquering Jerusalem in B.C. 586.165

156 Zuck, Bible 305, Dallas Theological Seminary, Spring 1975. 157 Zuck, Job, 717. 158 Johnston, IVP Introduction to the Bible, 95-96. 159 Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 160 Ross, Psalms, Dallas Theological Seminary, Summer 1974. 161 Brown, Driver, and Briggs, Hebrew English Lexicon and Aramaic of the Old Testament, 162 Waltke, Old Testament Introduction, Dallas Theological Seminary, Fall 1972. 163Johnson, Bible 604, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 164 Johnson, Bible 604, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 165 Johnson, Bible 604, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages.


New Testament Books

The order of the books in our Bible is not the same as the date when the books were written. It was during the first century A.D. from 40 to 96 that the New Testament books and Canon (27 books) were completed. The date of writing can be determined due to the science of biblical chronology.166 Matthew was written in A.D. 40. This evangelistic document was written to the Jewish nation. James was written in A.D. 44. The epistle addressed Jewish Christians scattered in the diaspora in connection with the persecution of Stephen. Galatians was next written in A.D. 49-50. The letter following the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 tells that both Jew and Gentile are saved and sanctified by faith in Christ. The epistles of I and II Thessalonians were written by Paul in A.D. 51. In 56 A.D., Paul wrote I Corinthians. Romans followed in A.D. 57. The gospel of Luke was penned in A.D. 57-59.167

Acts – 60-62 A.D.

II Corinthians – 60 A.D.

Ephesians – 60 A.D.

Philemon – 61 A.D.

Colossians – 61 A.D.

Philippians – 62 A.D.

Mark – 62 -64 A.D.

I Timothy – 62 A.D.

I Peter – 64 A.D.

Titus – 66 A.D.

II Timothy – 67 A.D.

II Peter – 68 A.D.

John – 67-69 A.D.

166 Hoehner, New Testament Introduction 309, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 167 Hoehner, New Testament Introduction, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics, 177-178.

Hebrews – 67-69 A.D.

Jude- 75 A.D.

I, II, III John – 80-89 A.D.

Revelation – 90 A.D.


Jesus Christ is messianic origin is in line with the Old Testament teachings. He is related to the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants. The offer of the kingdom figures large in the Gospel of Matthew. John the baptizer announced the kingdom of heaven “has drawn near.”168 The theme of the gospel is found in Matthew 27:37: “This is Jesus the King of the Jews.”169 Jesus announced: “the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”170 Christ’s Sermon on the Mount presents the fact that keeping the externals of the Law as done by the scribes and Pharisees will not allow one to enter the kingdom of heaven (5:20). Christ addressing the multitudes invited them to come to Him (Matt. 11:28-30). Jesus sent the sign to the nation by the cleansing of the leper (Matt. 8:1-4). Messiah is in your midst. The offer of the kingdom and His words are validated by his miracles (Matt. 8 and 9). In Matthew 9, Christ’s credentials are evaluated by the scribes. They charged Christ with blasphemy (Matt. 9:3). Our Lord sent his disciples to Israel (Matt. 10). In chapter 12, Israel’s leaders attributed his works to Satan. This generation committed the unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit. Jesus refuted their illogical position. Christ cut the nation off from any further revelation except the sign of Jonah. He began to teach in parables in order not to bring the nation into any greater judgment (Matt. 13). Christ presented himself to the nation Israel as their Messiah. In Matthew 23 and 24, He pronounced judgment on all that constituted the life of the nation: its leaders, Jerusalem, and the temple.171 The Gentile came to Christ based on his deity and expressed faith in his person (Matt. 8:5-10). The Jewish blind men approached Christ as Messiah and believed (Matt. 9:27-31). In sum total, the reinterpretation of the Mosaic Law is given by Christ in his Sermon on the Mount. The Olivet Discourse in chapters 24 and 25 outlines future events. In response to Christ’s comment on the destruction of the temple, the disciples asked three questions: “when these things be and what is the sign of your coming and end of the age.”172 Christ answered the third question first. He gave seven signs that are the beginning of the tribulation period during the first three and a half years in Matthew 24:4-8. While the signs of the first three and a half years continue throughout the seven years period, Matthew 24:9-14 are the signs occurring during the last half

168 Matthew 3:2 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 6. 169 Matthew 27:37 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 111. 170 Matthew 4:17 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 10. 171 Pentecost, Parables 618, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 172 Matthew 24:3, author’s translation, in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament rev fourth edition, 92.

of the tribulation. The major sign of the last three and half years is the Ant-Christ. He is revealed at the mid-point of the tribulation. Christ answers the question of His coming after the tribulation, Christ’s second coming with occur (Matt. 24:30). Israel will be regathered according to Matthew 24:31, 40-41. Finally, he uses the parable of the fig tree to answer when this would occur. Judgment will follow on Israel (Matt. 25:1-13) and judgment will follow on the Gentiles. This is indicated by the sheep and goat judgment of Matthew 25:31-46.173


The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the baptism of John (1:1). The Father and the Holy Spirit testified to the deity of Son of God at his baptism (1:9-13). “Jesus came into Galilee heralding the gospel of God and saying that the season has been fulfilled (perfect passive) and

the kingdom of God has drawn near; keep on repenting and keep on believing in the gospel.”174 The theme of the gospel of Mark written to the Romans is Mark 10:45. The leper becomes the sign to the nation that Messiah is in their midst (Mark 1:40-45). In Mark chapter 2, we find the scribes came to evaluate Christ’s credentials (2:6). “Why this one speaks in this manner; He blasphemes’ who being able to forgive sins except one God;”175 Christ argues from the greater to the lesser. He commands the paralytic to take up his pallet and walk and he does just that (2:10-12). In chapter 1, many of the events in the life of Christ are covered. Mark is setting the stage which is typical of narrative literature. Mark is pushing to get to the decision of the scribes in Mark 3:22. They said Christ was possessed by the prince of the demons and casts out demons by the authority of the ruler of the demons. The Lord refutes their illogical position (3:22-29). A kingdom or a house divided can not stand. Christ begins to teach in parables to hide the truth. He did not want to bring the nation into any greater judgment as God. Jesus taught the parable of the sower and the soils for the benefit of the disciples to explain why he was rejected by the nation as their Messiah. The problem of reception was in the hearts of the people not with the sower (4:1-12).


• In the gospel of Luke, Christ is presented as the fulfiller of the Davidic Covenant (Luke 1:32-33). Jesus will be a light to the Gentiles (Luke 2:11). To Israel, Messiah will fulfill the Davidic Covenant. To the Gentiles, a Savior for all peoples. The gospel of Luke traces the offer of the kingdom as offered by Christ until its postponement due to the rejection of the nation. Christ’s purpose was to herald the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43-44). In Luke 5:12-16, the leper is a sign to the nation that Messiah is in their midst. In Luke 5:17-26, the day of investigation, Christ’s credentials are evaluated by the nation. Jesus forgives the sins of the paralytic (5:20). In 5:21,

173 Ibid., Matthew 24 and 25, 92-100. 174 Mark 1:14-15 in Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 66. 175 Mark 2:7 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 123.

the Scribes and Pharisees accuse Christ of blasphemy. Christ demonstrates his authority on earth to forgive sins. In 6:19, Christ is healing the multitude. In Luke 8:1, Christ is heralding and proclaiming the Kingdom of God and the 12 disciples are with him. In this same chapter, He explains the rejection of his offer of the kingdom to his disciples by the parable of the sower and the soils. Christ’s offer of the kingdom is validated by his miracles. He raises the daughter of Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood (leukemia) is healed. In chapter 9, Christ sends out the 12. They are to proclaim the kingdom of God and validate the offer by performing miracles. Next, 70 disciples are sent out to proclaim the kingdom of God and heal the sick (10:9). In 10:17, they return rejoicing that the demons are in submission to them because of the name of Jesus. Someone in the crowd attributes Christ’s miracles to the prince of the demons. Christ refutes their illogical position. No further revelation will be given to Israel than the sign of Jonah (11:29). Christ pronounces judgment on the Pharisees and lawyers. Christ heals the paralytic. In Luke 16:16, “the kingdom of God proclaims itself.”176 The parable of the nobleman teaches the kingdom has been postponed (19:11-27). He went into a far country to receive a kingdom for himself. This parable taught the disciples the kingdom had been postponed. The official presentation of Christ as Israel’s Messiah is found in Luke 19.177 Luke 1:32-33 – Christ will fulfill the Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7). The birth of Christ – Luke 2:1-14. Christ will be a light (revelation) to the Gentiles (2:11). “because today a Savior has been born who is Christ the Lord in city of David” (2:11). (Aland and Black (eds), 2001:201. To Israel – Messiah will fulfill the Davidic covenant. To Gentiles, Christ is the Savior – all people – a light (revelation) – the Savior. John the Baptist is the forerunner as predicted in Isaiah and Malachi, 3:1-20. The gospel of Luke traces the offer of the kingdom as offered by Christ until its postponement due to the rejection of the nation.

• 4:14-9:50 The Savior’s Ministry in Galilee

• 4:14-30 In Nazareth, he reads from Isaiah claiming to be Messiah. The scripture from Isaiah is fulfilled. They were enraged and tried to throw Christ over a cliff. In 4:43, Christ’s purpose was to herald the kingdom of God. 5:12-16 The leper is the sign to the nation that Messiah is in their midst. The rabbis taught that when Messiah comes he will heal the lepers. Chapter 8 – Christ is heralding and proclaiming the kingdom of God and the twelve are with him (8:1). 8:4-8 Christ explains the rejection of his offer of the kingdom to his disciples by the parable of the sower and the soils. In 8:40-50, Christ validates his offer of the kingdom by his miracles. He raises the daughter of Jairus and woman is healed with leukemia. Chapter 9 – Christ sends out the twelve. In 9:1-11, they are to proclaim the kingdom of God and validate the offer by performing miracles. In 9:28-36, the Transfiguration occurs. This is done in private. Kingdom is fulfilled in miniature for the disciples. The revelation of Christ in his kingdom will be revealed to the world at his second advent (Pentecost, Life of Christ). Chapter 10 – Christ sends out the 70 disciples. Their message was to heal the sick and “you say the kingdom of God has come near to you.”

176 Luke 16:16 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 177 Pentecost, Life of Christ 323, Dallas Theological Seminary, Spring 1975, no pages.

(10:9) In Luke 19, Christ tells the parable of the nobleman who went into a far country to receive a kingdom. Upon his return, this is Christ’s right to rule.178


The structure of the gospel is different than the other three gospels. The first twelve chapters of the gospel are signs to the nation Israel.179 These signs validate Christ’s offer of the kingdom. The key verses explain the gospel in John 20:30-31. The gospel was written before the fall of Jerusalem and the temple in A.D. 70 by Titus and the Romans. The gospel has a universal emphasis. The theme is the Son of God. Universal terms are used to demonstrate this emphasis: God, world, Son, believe, eternal life, light, darkness, and judgment. Christ did many signs for the disciples but the one’s recorded in John are to validate Christ’s offer of the kingdom, his Messiahship, and his words. These seven miracles are turning water in water wine (2), the healing of the nobleman’s son (4), the healing of the paralytic (5), the feeding of the 5000 (6), walking on water (6), the healing of the blind man (9), and the raising of Lazarus from the dead (11). Further, these signs became the basis for belief in Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. The one reading the gospel might trust Christ as their Savior: “believing you may have life in his name.”180

Genre: Narrative181

Theme: Jesus is the Son of God.

Audience: Universal emphasis

Structure: 7 signs (miracles) that validate Christ’s offer of the kingdom, his Messiahship, and words.

These signs are:

Turning water into water wine (2)

The healing of the Nobleman’s son (4)

The healing of the paralytic (5)

The feeding of the 5,000

Walking on water (6)

178 Mathers, Personal Bible Study – observations, the Gospel of Luke, no pages. 179 Blum, John, 267-348. 180 John 20:31, author’s translation in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 181 Mathers, Personal Bible Study, Observations, John, no page numbers.

The healing of the blind man (9)

The raising of Lazarus from the dead (11)

1:9 - Jesus is the only revelation of God who is a revelation to each man.

The Word became flesh (1:14).

1:15 John the Baptizer’s testimony – Christ is eternal.

1:16 “From his pleroma, we have all received grace upon grace.”182

1:18 “No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten the one in the bosom of the Father that one has himself exegeted” (explained) [the Father].183

Jewish style of writing – moves from the general to the specific (2:23-3:15).

3:1-15 – Nicodemus was a member of Sanhedrin the official Jewish legal body. He came to Jesus in the evening hours.

Jesus told Nicodemus unless you are born from above (born again) experience the new birth that you cannot enter into the kingdom of God (3:5).

John 3:1-15 is restated in universal terms in 3:16 to 21.

A number of the discourses of Christ are found in chapters 5,6, 8, 10, and 13 to 17.

John chapters 1 to 12 – are addressed to Israel.

Israel was in unbelief (John 12:38, Is. 53:1). He had blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts (John 12:39-40, Is. 6:10).

Three words in Greek New Testament for world. They are ge, oikoumen, and kosmos.

Ge is the world of nature.

Oikoumen – is the world of men and women.

The kosmos is the world system headed up by Satan and his demons for a time by divine permission. The ruler of the kosmos is Satan (John 12:31).

The kosmos (world sytem) operates on 3 clearly defined principles at every level of society.

I John 2:15-17 – These 3 principles are lust of flesh (evil), the lust of the eye (greed), and the pride of life (personal ambition omits the Father and Christ).

182 Author’s translation, John 1:16 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 314. 183 Author’s translation, John 1:18 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 314.


The book of the Acts is sequential to the gospel of Luke. It tells of the spreading of the Word of God to the Gentiles. It was written Theophilus. He was Luke the physician’s disciple and a Greek. Theophilus means lover of God. This book traces the experiences of the early church and the formation of the universal body of Christ. Christ presented himself alive after his crucifixion to his disciples. Jesus told them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Christ’s promise to wait for the Holy Spirit (1:8). The Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost. This was the introduction of the age of grace. The universal church was formed on the Day of Pentecost. The believing Jews were brought into the body of Christ in Acts 2. Samaritans were brought into the body of Christ in Acts 8, the Gentiles in Acts 10, and some Old Testament saints in Acts 19. Sign gifts in the book of Acts occur at the transitional points in the book. They authenticate the ministry of that apostle both of his office and message. Acts 3:1-8:25 is the church at Jerusalem (Peter’s ministry). Chapter 6 is the first deacons. Chapter 7 is the persecution of Stephen. Chapter 9:1-12:25 – traces the movement of the church from the Jews to the Gentiles. Chapter 9 is Paul’s conversion. Chapter 13:1-21:13 is the missionary outreach of the church. We have Paul’s three missionary journeys. Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 13-14) Departure from Antioch, Cyprus, Pamphylia, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra-Derbe, return visit to churches, return to Antioch of Syria, April 48- Sept. 49 A.D. Second missionary journey – April 50- September 52 A.D. (Acts 15:36-18:22). Departure from Antioch – April 50 to Syria and Cilicia, Lystra –Derbe, Iconium, Pisidian Antioch, Antioch to Troas, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, to Ephesus, Jerusalem, return to Antioch. Second missionary journey – Paul and Silas – through Syria and Cilicia, Derbe, Lystra, thru the regions of Phrygia and Galatia, by way of Mysia to Troas (15:40;`6:8), sailed from Troas, to Neapolis, to Philippi (16:9-12)(16:13- 40), Thessalonica, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Caesarea, Jerusalem, and Antioch (15:40-18:22). Third missionary journey – Acts 18:23-21:16 – Spring 53- May 57 A.D. is from Antioch, Galatian churches, Ephesus, Troas, Corinth, Philippi, Troas, Assos, Mitylene, Chios, Trogyllium, Miletus, Patara, Tyre, Caesarea, to Jerusalem.184


• Those Christians scattered with persecution against Stephen made their way to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch (Syria). A large number believed in Antioch. Church in Antioch is formed. Church in Jerusalem heard Antioch received the Word. A large number believed on the Lord. The Mother Church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas. Barnabas looks for Saul. The disciples first called Christians in Antioch (11:26). Paul and Barnabus taught considerable numbers for a year. Church at Antioch set apart Paul and Barnabas for a missionary journey (13:2). Paul and Barnabas travelled to Galatia a Roman province. (13:14). Chapter 15 is the Jerusalem Council - A.D. 49 – Paul’s gospel. Paul

184 Hoehner, unpublished chart of the Apostolic Age.

travels to Macedonia (Philippi) – Acts 16. Paul travels to Jerusalem. He is arrested. He made his defense. Paul is also before the Sanhedrin. Paul is moved to Caesarea where he testifies before Felix, Festus and King Agrippa. Paul might have been set free yet in the plan of God, he is sent to Rome. He had appealed to Caesar. In, estimation, The book of the Acts is sequential to the gospel of Luke. It tells of the spreading of the Word of God to the Gentiles. It was written to Theophilus. He was Luke the physician’s disciple and a Greek. This book traces the experiences of the early church and the formation of the universal body of Christ. Christ presented himself alive after his crucifixion to his disciples. Jesus told them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Christ’s promise to wait for the Holy Spirit (1:8). The Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost. This was the introduction of the age of grace. The universal church was formed on the Day of Pentecost. The backdrop is the nation of Israel is under judgment for the rejection of Christ. The Samaritans were brought into the body of Christ in Acts 8, the Gentiles in Acts 10, and some Old Testament saints in Acts 19. “God has made him both Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you have crucified.”185 This was Peter’s sermon in Acts 2. Sign gifts in the book of Acts occur at the transitional points in the book. They authenticate the ministry of that apostle both of his office and message. Acts 3:1-8:25 is the church at Jerusalem (Peter’s ministry). Chapter 6 is the first deacons. Chapter 7 is the persecution of Stephen. Acts 3 was not another offer of the kingdom. Salvation and spiritual blessings are the refreshing from the Lord. Millennial blessings would be delayed. Chapter 9:1-12:25 – traces the movement of the church from the Jews to the Gentiles. Chapter 9 is Paul’s conversion.186 Chapter 13:1-21:13 is the missionary outreach of the church. We have Paul’s three missionary journeys. Jerusalem Council – autumn 49 A.D. ACTS 15 – Jerusalem council –Paul submits his gospel to the apostles. The issue is whether the Gentiles turning to the Lord need to be circumcised for salvation and to keep the law of Moses to be sanctified. The Gentiles were accepted on the basis of faith in Christ the same as the Jewish believers. Paul’s arrest in 21:14-40. Paul’s defense is in 22:1-21. Paul’s imprisonment and removal to Caesarea is 22-23:35.

The Pauline Epistles


The Galatians departed from the faith delivered to them by Paul. This epistle follows the outcome of the Jerusalem Council in A.D. 49 (Acts 15). Chapter 2 is Paul’s experience. The council decided that the Gentiles were accepted by God on the basis of faith in Christ. Chapter 3

185 Author’s translation – Acts 2:36 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 414. 186 Mathers, Personal Bible Study, the book of Acts, no pages.

- Man is justified by faith not by works. Chapter 4 – Paul discusses the relationship of the Mosaic Law to Grace.

I Thessalonians

The Thessalonians had lost their hope. Paul received special revelation to explain what would happen to their loved ones who had died in Christ at the Lord’s return.

II Thessalonians

This epistle teaches the Thessalonians that they are not in the Day of the Lord. Paul explains that the mystery of iniquity has not come to fruition. Chapter 2 - The Day of Lord will not come unless the falling away occurs first and the man of lawlessness is revealed.

I Corinthians

This is one of the easiest epistles to outline. Paul speaks to the problems in their church. Chapters 1 to 3 reveals the carnality of the Corinthians. Jealousy (4), Immorality (5), the human body (6), marriage (7), Christian liberty (8), Rights (9), Israel (10), Women and Lord’s table (11), permanence and non- permanence of spiritual gifts (12-14).


Paul writes under the inspiration of the Spirit of God: “for I myself not ashamed the gospel for it is power of God to salvation to all the believing both to Jew first and also Greek.”187 The gospel is the power of God. This means that in the gospel is a life changing principle.188 The theme of Romans is 1:17: “For the righteousness of God in it reveals itself from faith to faith just as it has been written the righteous one will live by faith.”189

Chapters 1 to 3 – Universal Sin

Chapters 4-5 – Salvation

Chapters 6-8 – Sanctification

Chapters 9 to 11 – God’s Sovereignty demonstrated in the life of the nation Israel particularly Jacob and Esau.

Chapter 12 – Service

Chapters 13-15 – Weak brother and Strong brother

187 Author’s translation of Romans 1:16 in Aland and Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 520. 188 Johnson, Romans 207, no pages. Dallas Theological Seminary, 1976. 189 Author’s translation of Romans 1:17 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 520-521.

Chapter 16 – Closing Remarks

II Corinthians

Theme is the glory of the ministry.190 Paul defends his ministry against the accusations of the Corinthians.191


It is written during Paul’s first Roman imprisonment. The first three chapters are doctrinal. The remaining chapters are on the Christian’s walk (4-6).


It is a prison epistle. Onesimus was a runaway servant. Paul led him to Christ. Philemon was a member in the Colossian church. It is a prison epistle. Onesimus was a runaway servant. Paul led him to Christ. Philemon was a member in the Colossian church.192


Colossians was written during Paul’s first Roman imprisonment. The theme is Christ in you the hope of glory. The Colossians need to live the Christian life pleasing to God the Father (1). The epistle tells of Paul’s struggle (2). In Chapter 2, The Christian’s walk is by faith based on their position in Christ. The Christian life is not asceticism, mysticism nor legalism. In Chapter 3, Sanctification is based on our position in Christ. In Chapter 4, work relationships are presented and the epistle concludes.


It was written during Paul’s first Roman imprisonment. Chapter 1 – Christian love is based on truth. Chapter 2 – Paul is rejoicing in his service for Christ. Chapter 3 – Christ is the standard and goal of the Christian life. Chapter 4 – Paul speaks to a personality clash between 2 women in the church.

I Timothy

Theme: Timothy would know how to conduct himself in the church of the living God (3:15). Chapter 1 – Paul explains the purpose of the Law. Chapter 2 –Paul gives the principles for the prayer meeting of the church. Chapter 3 – covers the qualifications of elders and servants. Chapter 4 – In the last days, men will depart from the truth paying heed to false teachers and the doctrines of demons. Chapter 5 – covers the relationships in the church. Timothy is instructed how to relate to older men, older women, young men, and younger women in the

190 Johnston, The IVP Introduction to the Bible, 203. 191 Pentecost, Senior Bible, Dallas Theological Seminary, Fall 1975. 192 Pentecost, Senior Bible, Dallas Theological Seminary, Fall 1975.

church. Chapter 6 covers the role of employers and employees in the workplace. The chapter closes with Paul’s admonition to flee, follow, and fight the good fight in the Christian life.


Theme is the knowledge of the truth applied to the Christian life results in godliness.

II Timothy

This epistle was written during Paul’s second Roman imprisonment. Chapter 1 – Paul encourages Timothy confirming his salvation experience is genuine. Chapter 2 – Paul tells Timothy of his source of strength. He enumerates the characteristics of a good teacher. Chapter 3 – Paul reveals to Timothy in the last days perilous times will come. The love of self, money, and pleasure to the exclusion of God will produce conflicts in human relationships. Chapter 4 – Paul charges Timothy as an apostle to preach the Word with sound doctrine and unending patience

The General Epistles


The author is half-brother of Christ. The theme is practical Christian problems that will produce maturity. Chapter 2 – A warning is given against partiality. Faith must be evidenced by works (14-26). Chapter 2 – A warning is given against partiality. Faith must be evidenced by works (14- 26). Chapter 5:1-6 the unbelieving rich will be brought to judgment. Chapter 5:7-20 Be patient and await the Lord’s return. The prophets (10), and Job (11) are examples of suffering and patience. Chapter 5:1-6 the unbelieving rich will be brought to judgment. Chapter 5:7-20 Be patient and await the Lord’s return. The prophets (10), and Job (11) are examples of suffering and patience. Chapter 5:1-6 the unbelieving rich will be brought to judgment. Chapter 5:7-20 Be patient and await the Lord’s return. The prophets (10), and Job (11) are examples of suffering and patience.193

I Peter

The author is the Apostle Peter. The theme is suffering and then glory. Audience: Jewish Christians scattered in the diaspora with killing of James and imprisonment of Peter. They are experiencing physical sufferings imposed by Nero. Chapter 1 Believers have been born again because of resurrection of Christ to a living hope, an inheritance, and a prepared salvation (3- 5). Chapter 1 – These Jewish Christians are being tested but will receive the salvation of their souls (7-9). Chapter 1:15-21 – Peter calls for the need for holy living. Chapter 2 – You have been born again now you need to grow in your faith. Chapter 3 – Wives are to be in submission to

193 Pentecost, Senior Bible – General Epistles and Revelation, Spring 1976.

their husbands (1-6). Chapter 4 – Believer’s needs Christ’s perspective on the will of God. Chapter 3 – Wives are to be in submission to their husbands (1-6). Chapter 4 – Believer’s needs Christ’s perspective on the will of God.

II Peter

The author is Peter. Theme: It is prophetic against false teachers of the last days. Chapter 1 – The spiritual advance (the prokope) is through the scriptures. Chapter 2 – False teachers are distinguished by sensuality and greed. Chapter 3 – False teachers attack the doctrine of the second coming of Christ. Uniformitarian hypothesis – argues the present is the key to the past. Chapter 3:3-4 – God has never intervened in history. Chapter 3:6-7 The false teachers dismiss the recreation of the earth, the universal flood. The earth will be destroyed by fire.


Author is half-brother of Christ. Theme is Apostasy (1:3-4). Jude speaks to the historical situation at hand in his day. II Peter, by way of contrast, speaks to the prophetic situation of the future. Jude under divine compulsion to write that they agonize to spread the body of truth (1:3). The reason is given in verse 4. Apostasy is illustrated for us from the Old Testament. The unbelief of the mixed group out of Egypt led to rebellion. The angels left their first abode are in chains and darkness awaiting the judgment of the Great Day. Unbelief leads to rebellion. Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities surrounding them going after strange flesh are undergoing the punishment of eternal fire at the present time. The epistle closes with a doxology of the sufficiency of the Savior (verses 24-25).

I John

The author is the apostle John. John was pastor of the church at Ephesus and responsible for the daughter assemblies in Asia Minor. Chapters 1-3 – Abiding in Christ. Chapters 4-5 – Christ abiding in Christian. We know Christ is abiding in us by the testimony that the Holy Spirit produces to the humanity (4:1), deity (4:15), and Messiahship (5:1) of Jesus Christ.

II John

The author is John the apostle. Theme is Defense of the Truth (1:1-3). Many false prophets have gone out into the kosmos (world system). They deny the humanity of Christ. This undercuts his substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection. John warns watch that you don’t lose your reward (1:8). You need to keep the doctrine of Christ (9-11). The abandoning of the doctrine of Christ (his person and work) indicates that you don’t have God.

III John

The author is John the apostle. Theme: Walk of faith demonstrated by hospitality to other Christians. Gaius is an example of a believer walking in the truth (1:1-8). Diotrephes is an example to be rejected. He loves the preeminence in the assembly (1:9-10).


Author is John the apostle. The audience: His bond servants. John, the apostle was exiled to the island of Patmos. He refused emperor worship. He is working in the Roman iron mines. Chapter 1 is a picture of glorified Christ. He is set to judge his church, Israel, and the world. Chapters 2 and 3 are the messages to the churches in biblical Asia Minor. Each of the churches are indicative of particular periods in the history of the church. Chapter 4 – God the Father’s sovereign right to judge the earth because he created it. In chapter 5, the eternal son Jesus Christ’s right to judge the earth because he has redeemed men by his blood. Chapter 6 begins the seal judgments. The first judgment is to deliver the world into the hands of a world ruler. War, worldwide inflation and famine follow. Chapter 6 –Seal 5 begins the persecution of Christians. Seal 6 begins the removal of permanence of creation by earthquake. Sun gives no light. Darkness communicates a spiritual message. Chapter 7 – God the Father gives the earth 30 minutes to repent. A great multitude are seen in heaven as a result of the witness of the 144,000 Jewish Christian evangelists. The judgment program of God continues with the 7 trumpet judgments. These are on man’s environment and his water supply. A parenthesis is seen in the major players the two witnesses, Israel, the dragon, the Anti-Christ, and the false prophet (chapters 11 to 14). Chapters 15 and 16 are the ministry of the good angels who pour out the 7 bowls finishing the judgment of God on the earth. Chapter 16 is the background for the battle of Armageddon. Chapter 17 is the judgment of the great harlot. Chapter 18 is judgment on the world’s commercial system. Chapter 19 is the second coming of Christ. The battle of Armageddon is fought between Christ and the armies of the earth. Chapter 20 is the great white throne judgment of non-Christians. Chapters 21 and 22 are the new heaven and new earth, the new Jerusalem, and the introduction of eternity future.

1.5 Trinitarianism

Unity of God

God is one God (Deut.6:4, James 2:19). The one God exists in three persons. All three persons are co-equal, co-eternal, and of one essence (substance), and indivisible. Scriptures supporting this are Matthew 28:19-20, John 14:16-17, II Corinthians 13:14. The Father is God (John 6:27, Ephesians 4:6). Jesus is the eternal Son (Hebrews 1:8). The Spirit of God is God (Acts 5:3-4).194 Trinitarianism is the existence of God in a trinity.195 Deuteronomy 6:4 presents the truth of one God. This one God is revealed in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.196 I Peter 1:2 and John 6:27 reveal the Father is God. Ryrie includes these verses to prove the deity of the Son (John 20:28, Matt. 9:4, Matt. 28:18, and Mark 2:1-12. The Holy Spirit possesses divine

194 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 39-40 in Mathers Systematic Theology, 57. 195 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol 1, 180. 196 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 39-40.

attributes (I Cor. 2:10, Psa. 139:7 and John 3:5-6, 8:1-4).197 “Hear Israel Yahweh our Elohim one Yahweh” [author’s translation] (Deuteronomy 6:4).198 Deity is attributed to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by both titles and attributes.199 The Father is the Father in the Old Testament. The Son is the Son in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. The plural of majesty in the Old Testament for Elohim allows for the Trinity. Ryrie makes this point in reference to Genesis 1:1 and 1:26.200 The Scripture calls Messiah God in Isaiah 9:6. Micah 5:2 ascribes eternality to the Son.201 The Lord, Messiah the Servant and the Spirit are found in Isaiah 48:16.202 Ryrie presents this as well.203 In interaction, the Old and New Testaments present One God existing in three persons co-equal, co-eternal, of one substance and indivisible.204

Denials of the Doctrine of the Trinity

Monarchianism is a denial of the Trinity. There are two types of Monarchianism. These are Dynamic and Modalistic. The first held that a power issued from God resided in Jesus Christ a man. Secondly, there were some who held dynamic Monarchianism. These were called Adoptionists. This power from God came to Jesus at his baptism. Others believed that this was true after his resurrection. Paul of Samosata was a permanent advocate of Dynamic Monarchianism. Modalistic Monarchianism held that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not three distinct persons but three modes as expressions of God.205 This is also called Patripassianism and Sabellianism. Patripassianism viewed the Father as the one who suffered. Sabellianism viewed the Father born as Jesus. Modalism held the Father was revealed as one mode. At another time, the expression of God was the Son. Still another was the expression of God at the Holy Spirit.206 Adoptionist Monarchianism held Jesus was a man divinely led by Holy Spirit. He became Son of God at his baptism. Another strain of this is that Jesus became Son of God by his piety.207 It is doctrinal error to view the Trinity as manifestations of God. Ryrie names this after Sabellius. It is called Sabellianism.208 Sabellius developed the idea that God was to be understood through roles.209 In third century, Paul of Samosata held by his piety the Logos took over his personality and Christ became divine and the Savior.210 In sum, a denial of the Trinity the one God existing in three persons God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit (co-eternal, co-existent, one substance (being), indivisible is an unorthodox view. This is a kind way of saying

197 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 30-31. 198 Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 273. 199 Hodge, Systematic Theology vol,443-444. 200 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 32. 201 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 32. 202 Martin, Isaiah, 1102-1103 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary Old Testament. 203 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 32. 204 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 39-40 in Mathers Systematic Theology, 57. 205 Latourette, A History of Christianity, 143. 206 Mikolaski, “Monarchianism” in International Dictionary of Christian Church, 670-671. 207 Hannah, Church History 401, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 208 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 33,69. 209 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 69. 210 Cairns, Christianity Through the Centuries, 111.

it is heresy. Hodge taught that Sabellius denied the persons of the trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one and the same person. This doctrine was called Sabellianism after him.211 Theology Proper is made up of Theism and Trinitarianism. Theism focuses on God’s existence and attributes. Trinitarianism presents the three persons of the Godhead, roles, attributes, and relationships within the Godhead.212



“The Father has supernaturally worked all things according to the divine will.”213Boule is the divine will.214 All things have been worked by the Father in Eternity Past according to the divine purpose or plan. The result is in Ephesians 1:12 for us the called and predestinated “to be to the praise of His glory the one’s having hoped before in Christ.”215 [author’s translation] In Ephesians 1:10 reads: “in Him” is Christ. Ephesians 1:11 begins “in whom also we have been called having been predestinated according to plan.”216 This is in Christ. According to the plan, this is the plan of the divine will.217 The action of these Aorist tenses is antecedent to the Father “having made known to us the mystery his will.”218 Our call and predestination were simultaneous in Eternity Past. This is part of the plan or decree of God before time began. It is “which He Himself (Aorist middle voice, 3rd person singular)219 has planned in Him.”220 In sum, the decree of God or the divine plan took place in Eternity Past before our world and time began. Election and Predestination of the elect took place in Eternity Past. This divine plan was according to the Father’s purpose. His will in Ephesians 1:11 is a Genitive of Source showing that the divine decree came from the Father’s divine will.221 The Son of God, Jesus Christ’s part in the eternal decree of God. “in whom we have (present active, 1st person plural)222 redemption through his blood223 the forgiveness of trespasses according to the wealth of his grace.”224

211 Hodge, Systematic Theology vol 1 vi, 452. 212 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol 1, 136, 180 in Mathers Systematic Theology, 57. 213Ephesians 1:11 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 655. 214 Arndt & Gingrich, Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament,145. 2.(b). 215 Ephesians 1:12 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 655. 216 Ephesians 1:11 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 655. 217 Arndt & Gingrich, Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 713.2.(b). 218 Ephesians 1:9 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 655. 219 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 358. 220 Arndt & Gingrich, Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 729.2.(b). 221 Williams, Grammar Notes, 4. 222 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 358. 223 Arndt & Gingrich, Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 179.III.1 dia plus genitive denotes the means. 224 Ephesians 1:11 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 654-655.

God the Father “having made known to us the mystery his will.”225 [author’s translation] This Aorist active participle is action subsequent to Ephesians 1:1-7.226 The mystery is the Father’s will. Mysteries in the New Testament are not truth which is hard to understand. They are new truth previously hid in the person of God the Father and they were not revealed until the time of Christ and his apostles.227 The spiritual blessings in the heavenlies begin with our election and predestination in Ephesians 1:4 and 5.228 The Bible reads: “jus as He Himself has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world for us to be holy and blameless before Him in love, having predestinated us to adoption through Jesus Christ for Him according to the good pleasure of His will.”229 [author’s translation] The purpose is seen in Ephesians 1:6: “to praise of the glory of His grace which he has bestowed on us in the one having been loved;”230 [author’s translation] The Father obtained our salvation in Eternity Past by his election and predestinating purpose. This part of the decree of God was before the world and time began.231 Paul breaks forth in a doxology at the beginning of this section of Ephesians 1:3: “Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus the one has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ,”232 [author’s translation] The Holy Spirit seals every believer in Christ. He is our earnest or pledge a down payment guaranteeing all future blessings. The believer will receive all blessings of their salvation.233 The Holy Spirit is our arrabon. This word means a down payment or a deposit for a purchase. This is both a legal and commercial technical term. A legal claim is established.234 This is the pledge of our future inheritance.235 Since we have been predestinated to sons through Jesus Christ.236 The Holy Spirit is as well the guarantee of our future glorification in heaven. The believer will become the personal possession of God the Father. We will be able to bring glory to God the Father by offering Him the praise of our lips. Paul points out that the Ephesians had to first hear and then believe the word of truth. This is further defined as the gospel of your salvation. They were at the same time sealed by the Holy Spirit.237 Ephesians 1:13-14 is a parenthesis. This comes in the apostle Paul’s excitement over their salvation. In evaluation, Paul breaks forth into a doxology of praise in Ephesians 1:3. God the Father has been the One to bless the believer with all spiritual blessings in Christ. The first blessing is set forth in Ephesians 1:4-6. The Father has elected us. The second blessing in the heavenlies is set forth in Ephesians 1:7-12 is redemption has been provided by God the eternal Son, Jesus Christ. The third blessing is set forth in Ephesians 1:13-

225 Ephesians 1:9 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 655. 226 Han, A Parsing Guide to The Greek New Testament, 358. 227 Pentecost, Senior Bible, Dallas Theological Seminary, Fall 1975. 228 Ephesians 1:4-5 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 654. 229 Ephesians 1:4-5 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 654. 230 Ephesians 1:6 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 654. 231 Ephesians 1:4-6 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 654. 232 Ephesians 1:3 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 654. 233 Ryrie, The Holy Spirit, 26. 234 Arndt & Gingrich, Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 109. 235 Mathers, Greek 204, Dallas Theological Seminary, unpublished exegesis paper, Ephesians 1:13-14, 1975, 1-12. 236 Ephesians 1:4-5 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 654. 237 Ephesians 1:13 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 655.

14 that the believer has been sealed by God the Holy Spirit at the moment of their salvation. They heard the gospel. They believed the gospel. “having heard,” “having believed, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise” are all aorist tenses238 with contemporaneous action at the same time.

1.7 Original Sin

Its origin is traced to man’s fall in the beautiful Garden of Eden. Adam had permission to eat from every tree of the garden with the exception of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The penalty was death.239 The text reads: “and from tree of knowledge of good and evil you will not eat from it because in day you will eat from it dying you will die.”240 [author’s translation] Adam’s sin was imputed to the human race: “For this reason just as through one man sin into the world has entered and through sin death and in this manner to all men death has come upon whom all have sinned.”241 [author’s translation] Chafer informs Adam died spiritually.242 The Adamic nature is passed to everyone at birth.243 The proof of universal sin is universal physical death.244 Adam and Eve were redeemed by the preincarnate Christ in the garden of Eden.245 “And Yahweh Elohim has made for Adam and his wife tunics of skin and he has caused them to be clothed.”246 [author’s translation] Adam died physically.247 Adam’s sin imputed to the human race without trusting Christ by faith as one’s personal Savior will bring the individual into eternal judgment.248 Men are birth sinners.249 The wages of sin are death.250 This is eternal spiritual death as indicated by the Great White Throne judgment.251 The boys, Abel and Cain, were taught by their parents the way of approach to a holy God was through shed blood as indicated by the offerings. Abel’s offering was accepted. Cain’s offering coming by works was rejected.252 The righteousness of God is offered through faith in Christ Jesus.253 A recapitulation verse looking back is Romans 5:1: “Therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”254 [author’s translation] In sum, those who do not receive Christ as their personal Savior will face a second eternal spiritual death following their physical

238 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 358. 239 Genesis 2:16-17, in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 3. 240 Genesis 2:17, in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 3. 241 Rom. 5:12 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 531. 242 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol II, 284 in Mathers Systematic Theology, 241. 243 Psalm 51:7 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 1133. 244 Johnson, Romans 307, no pages. 245 Genesis 3:21, in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 5. 246 Genesis 3:21, in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 5. 247 Genesis 5:5, in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 7. 248 Hebrews 9:27 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 759. 249 Romans 3:23 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 526. 250 Romans 6:23 in Mathers Systematic Theology, 242. 251 Revelation 20:11-15 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 880-881. 252 Genesis 4:1-5, in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 6. 253 Romans 3:22 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 526, 254 Romans 5:1 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 530.

death on earth.255 “Now the gift of God life eternal in Christ Jesus our Lord.”256 [author’s translation] The sinner is declared innocent on the basis of faith in Christ. “being justified freely by his grace through the redemption which in Christ Jesus;”257 Dikaioo justified is a legal term where a defendant is acquitted.258 This is through faith in Jesus Christ.259

1.8 The Holy Spirit

In John 16:8-11, we have the ministry of the Holy Spirit in evangelism. The Holy Spirit convicts the sinner on three themes. These are sin, righteousness, and judgment.260 The believer will bear witness.261 The Holy Spirit will bear witness with the believer. Jesus explains what the issue of sin is” “on the one hand concerning sin because they are not believing on me;”262 “Believing” is a present indicative tense, third person, plural. 263The Savior is not referring to a sin of unbelief. He is saying that the world does not believe on Him. They haven’t trusted Him as their personal Savior. “now concerning righteousness because I go to the Father and you will no longer behold me.”264 Behold is made up of two Greek words. The first is Theos for God. The second is the verb orao. You will no longer see God. Christ’s ascension to the Father meant men would need a righteousness greater than their own. This righteousness is by faith in Christ.265 On the theme of judgment, “the ruler of this kosmos has been judged.”266 “Has been judged” is a perfect passive, third person, singular.267 Satan was judged at the cross but his sentence has not been executed. This is a future event.268

Opening the Truth to the Believer

In volume 5 of his Systematic Theology, Chafer underscores the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. The appropriation and understanding depends on the illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit. Christ taught in John 16 that the Holy Spirit would have a teaching ministry. The Holy Spirit would have a teaching ministry. The Holy Spirit will illuminate prophetic Scriptures. Secondly, the Holy Spirit will glorify Christ not Himself. He will teach the believer the things of Christ and and also those things concerning God the Father.269 The Scripture says: “Now whenever that one may have come the Spirit of truth he will guide you into all the truth, for he

255 Revelation 20:6, 12-15 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 242. 256 Romans 6:23 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 535. 257 Romans 3:24 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 526. 258 Arndt & Gingrich, Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 196.3.(a). 259 Romans 3:22 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 526. 260 John 16:8 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 385. 261 John 15:27. 262 John 16:9. 263 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 216. 264 John 16:10. 265 Romans 3:22. 266 John 16:11. 267 Han, 216. 268 Revelation 20:10. 269 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol V, 222-223.

will not speak from Himself but whatever He will hear he will speak and the things coming he will disclose to you” (v. 13). “That one will glorify me because He himself will receive from me and he Himself will teach you” (v. 14). “All things whatever the Father has are mine; for this reason I have said that he receives from me and he will teach you” (v. 15).270 [author’s translation] Anaggello is a Greek verb meaning to teach. Arndt and Gingrich give other meanings as well to announce, disclose, and proclaim.271 The verb guide odegeo is used figuratively but can also be understood as instruct.272 The Holy Spirit will illuminate the prophetic Scriptures to the believer.273 It is commonly interpreted as the things coming or things to come.274 The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to teach the believer the truth.275 The Holy Spirit will glorify Christ. He will uplift the person and work of Jesus Christ.276 He will receive from Christ these truths to teach the believer.277 God the Father has given all things to the eternal Son.278 The illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit teaching the saved believer by faith in Christ is seen in I Corinthians 2:12. The Scripture says: “But we have not received the spirit of the kosmos (world) but the Spirit which is from God in order that we may have known the things have been given freely to us.”279 [author’s translation] “We may have known” is a perfect active subjective, first person plural.280 It is from the verb oida.281 This intellectual knowledge revealed and written is illuminated in I Corinthians 2:12 by the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit. This is a contrast to the natural man who is not able to understand the Scriptures. “Now the soulish man He himself not able to receive the things of the Spirit of God it is foolishness to him and he is not able to know because spiritual discernment.”282 [author’s translation] The natural man is referred to in this verse. He does not have the means for receiving truth. He does not have spiritual discernment. Psuchikos refers to a man living his life on the natural plane who has not been touched by God’s Spirit.283 Three points can be made from I Corinthians 2:14. The unregenerate man hasn’t any capacity to receive “the things of God.” He is not able to know or understand them. Thirdly, it takes spiritual discernment to understand the divine revelation.284

270 John 16:13-15 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 385. 271 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 50-51. 272 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 555-556.2. 273 John 16:13. 274 John 16:13. 275 John 16:13. 276 John 16:14. 277 John 16:14. 278 John 16:15. 279 I Cor. 2:12 in Aland & Black (eds.) in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 571. 280 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 318. 281 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 558-559. 4. 282 I Cor. 2:14 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 571-572. 283 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 902.1. 284 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 135.

1.9 In Defense of the Truth

Second John was written in defense of the truth, 1:1-3. The apostle John calls himself the elder. The epistle is addressed to the elect lady and her children (1:1). The assembly being written to is called the elect lady and her children. Children is from Greek word tekna for those who share the divine nature of the Father.285The epistle was written because of the truth, 1:2. The word “aletheia” is used four times in the opening verses of II John verses 1-3. ‘The truth abides with us and will be with us forever.”286 The apostolic truth found in the epistles is the abiding possession of the apostles, the historic Christian church, and Christians. Experiential sanctification comes from a study of the truth and a walk governed by truth (1:3,6). His second reason for writing is that many false teachers have gone out into the world, (1:7). "Many deceivers have gone out (Aor. Active 3rd person plural) into the kosmos (world system evil) (points to the fact that they have without reference to time), (completed action). They deny the humanity of Jesus Christ which denies his incarnation, substitutionary atonement and his bodily resurrection. They taught Christ was a phantom and didn't have a real body. In the history of the historic Christian church, it is called Docetism.287The believers are to watch that they don't lose their reward (1:8). Those who abandon the person and work of Christ don't have God (1:9-11). John plans a further trip to this assembly and sends his greetings from his own assembly (1:12-13).

Christian Love is to be based on truth (1:1-2).

The apostle says “and not I only but also all the ones having known the truth.”288

1.1. Agape love must be based on truth. This is distinctive since most agape love is based on emotion rather than truth. Known is from the verb ginosko.289 Experience is to be based on truth not experience based on emotion. 1:3 Grace, Mercy, peace will be with the Christian from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the son of the Father (his humanity): “by means of the study of truth and practice of truth (1:3).290 [author’s translation] 1.2 The Apostle establishes his reasons for his love based on truth. 1.2.1 Truth is abiding possession of the believer (1:2). 1.2.2 Truth is eternal. "will be with us forever.”291 (1:2). 1.3 Historical Situation 1.3.1 The believer can experience the grace, mercy, and peace from the Father and the Son by means of the truth and love. (1:3). Love is a walk governed by truth. “Many deceivers have gone out into the kosmos” (1:7).292 John had exceeding joy found Christians from their assembly their Christian walk governed by truth (1:4).

1.3.2 John's request -"and now I ask you lady (another Christian assembly) not a new commandment but which we have from beginning.”293 “which we have (block of time -

286 II John 1-3 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 822. 287 Grogan GW, Docetism, 305 in Douglas, JD and Cairns, EE (eds.), The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church. 288 II john verse 1 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 822. 289 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 433. 290 II John verse 3 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 822. 291 II John verse 2. 292 II John 1:7, 822. 293 II john verse 5.

imperfect active 1st person plural) from beginning” (with the life of Christ). [author’s translation] “in order that we may love one another”294 (present subjunctive active 1st person plural John includes himself) (not that they will but remote possibility) John defines Christian love is a walk governed by truth a walk. A Christian walk governed by Christ's commandments. (1:6). 1.3.3 The reason is given in verse 7. 1.3.4 "Many deceivers have gone out into the kosmos (world).”295

1.3.5 These deceivers deny the humanity of Christ (1:7). "This is the deceiver and the Anti- Christ." They are a type of Anti-Christ denying person of Christ his humanity. 1.4. Believers are in danger (1:8). 1.4.1 They may lose what John accomplished and not receiving a full reward (1:8). 1.4.2 “those going ahead and not keeping the doctrine of Christ (Christology - his person and work) HAS NOT GOD” (1:9). This has to do with what is commonly called Christology. Christology is the person and work of Christ. "The one abiding (and continuing to abide) in the doctrine This one has both the Father and the Son."296 (1:9) It is not possible to have the Father without the Son. Has is a present active indicative, 3rd person singular.297

The believer continuing with the doctrine of Christ has the present abiding possession now of both the Father and the Son. 1.4.3 Don’t receive those who don’t come with the doctrine of Christ. Don't receive Christ rejectors into your house and don't greet them (1:10) The Reason is if you do you will share in his evil deeds (1:11). Hospitality carried out by Christians providing lodging and meals for travelling teachers. 1.5.1 Closing greetings John plans to pay the assembly another visit in order that their joy have been fulfilled (perfect passive participle).298 The children of your elect sister (daughter assembly) greets you (Singular- greet each member of the assembly).

1.10 The Holy Spirit’s Testimony in Scripture to Jesus

The believer is exhorted to test the Spirits.

I John 4:1 opens with “beloved do not keep on believing every spirit but you test the spirits if he is born of God”.299 Test is the Greek verb dokimazo.300 The verb can also mean to examine.301 The reason is by the apostle John: “because many false prophets have gone out into the kosmos.” [author’s translation]. The test is given in I John 4:2-3. “Every spirit who confesses Jesus Christ having come in flesh is born of God, and every spirit who does not confess Jesus is Not (emphatic negative) born of God.”302 A denial of the humanity of Christ is the spirit of the Anti-Christ. John informs his readers: “who you have heard that he comes and now already is in

294 II John verse 5. 295 II John verse 7. 296 II John verse 9. 297 Has, Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 433. II John verse 9 298 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 433. 299 I John 4:1 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 816. 300 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 430. 301 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, 201.1. 302 I John4:2-3 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 816.

the kosmos.”303 In addition, the believer can recognize the testimony of the Holy Spirit to Christ’s deity.304 Again, the Bible lays out the test for us to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit in Scripture to Christ. “By this we know that we abide in Him and he in us from His Spirit He has given us.”305 John continues: “and we ourselves have beheld and we testify that the Father has sent the Son Savior of the kosmos.” The third test of the testimony of the Holy Spirit to Jesus is concerning his Messiahship. “All the ones believing that Jesus is the Christ, have been born from God” Having been born is a perfect passive participle, 3rd person singular.306 It is passive voice meaning the action is done to the subject. It is a perfect consummative.307 The born-again believer has the new nature giving them the ability to love other Christians. “and all the ones loving the one having given birth love the one having been again from Him.”308 The apostle John gives these young born-again believers a test by which they can know that they love the children of God: “whenever we may love God and we keep his commandments.”309 The gar clause tells us what love for God looks like: “for this is the love for God that we may keep his commandments.”310 The hina clause is in apposition to love for God.311 The commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ are not burden. This is a figurative use of burden.312 Robertson presents the fact that the commandments of our Lord are not burdensome due to the power that comes to the believer from the new birth.313 The believer’s faith conquers the world.314 The one conquering the world is the one believing that Jesus is the Son of God.315 The text raises a question that is rhetorical in nature. “Who is the one conquering the kosmos except the one believing that Jesus is the Son of God?”316 An observation of I John 5:6 refers to the crucifixion. “This is the one having come through water and blood, not by water only but by the water and by the blood;”317 It also refers to Christ’s baptism.318 The Holy Spirit is the one testifying because the Spirit is the truth.”319 [author’s translation] Brooke sees the emphasis to be witnessing.320 His reference to 321the fourth gospel is especially good. This is to John 15:26. This

303 I John 4:3 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 816. 304 I John 4:15 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 817. 305 I John 4:13 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 817. 306 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 431. 307 Williams, Grammar Notes, 22. 308 I John 5:1 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 431. 309 I John 5:2 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 818. 310 I John 5:3 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 818-819. 311 William, The Uses of ina, 2. 312 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 133.1. 313 Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament, vol vi, 238. 314 Hodges, I John, in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), in The Bible Knowledge Commentary, 901. 315 Hodges, I John, in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), in The Bible Knowledge Commentary, 901. 316 I John 5:5, in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 819. 317 I John 5:6 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 819. 318 Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament vol vi, 239-240. 319 I John 5:6 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 819. 320 Brooke, The International Critical Commentary on the Johannine Epistles, 136. 321 Brooke, The International Critical Commentary on the Johannine Epistles, 136.

is one of the attributes of the Holy Spirit.322 Ryrie lists this as one of the attributes of the Holy Spirit.323The Holy Spirit bears witness to the truth. This is in Ryrie’s chapter on the Holy Spirit’s deity.324 Three testify are the Spirit, the water and the blood. The three are one. This speaks of the unity in the Bible.325 “The three testifying in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one.”326 “and three are the ones bearing witness on the earth, the Spirit and the water and the blood.”327 These verses concerning the three bearing witness in heaven and three bearing witness on the earth are not in the best manuscripts. Robertson points out that this false addition was due to a scribe working with the exegesis of Cyprian. He wrote it in the text in the margin. It worked its way into the Latin Vulgate and eventually was also present in the Greek version of the New Testament produced by Erasmus. This came to be known as the Textus Receptus.328 This is Latin for “the received text.”329

1.11 The Testimony of God the Father to Christ God the Father has testified concerning His Son. 11.1.1 “If the testimony of man we receive the testimony of God is greater;” because this is the testimony of God that he has testified concerning His Son.”330 This is a first class condition in the Greek language that assumes the reality of the fact. In I John 5:10, the testimony or witness is given by the Father. “the one believing in the Son of God has the witness in himself; the one not believing God has made him a liar because he has not believed in the testimony which God has testified concerning his Son.”331 [author’s translation] The Greek word marturia is used of a court witness. It is in regard to judgment by one person on another person in religious and moral matters.332 The testimony is defined: “and this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life and this life is in his Son.”333 The word “eternal life” is in the second attributive position of the adjective. The emphasis is on eternal. The apostle John includes himself. Eternal life is only in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. The Father has given us eternal life. This eternal life is only possible through Jesus Christ. In I John 5:12, the Scriptures tell us who has this life: “the one having the son has life; the one not having the son of God has NOT life.”334 The verb echei is a present indicative active, 3rd person singular.335 It is from the verb echo.

322 Brooke, The International Critical Commentary on the Johannine Epistles, 136. 323 Ryrie, The Holy Spirit, 18. 324 Ryrie, The Holy Spirit, 17. 325 I John 5:8-9 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 819-820. 326 I John 5:7-8 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 819n4. 327 I John 5:8 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 819n4. 328 Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament vol vi, 240-241.

329 Nixon, Textus Receptus, in Douglas, JD & Cairns, EE (eds.), The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church, 962. 330 I John 5:9 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 820. 331 I John 5:10 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 820. 332 Arndt & Gingrich, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 494.2.c. 333 I John 5:11 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 820. 334 I John 5:12 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 820 335 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 432.

Present tenses are continuous action in the Greek language. He has life now and will continue to have life. The Scripture is emphatic with the emphatic negative concerning those who have not the Son of God. The negative is ouk. The Apostle John writes concerning the assurance of eternal life in I John 5:13. “These things” look back to I John 5:11 and 12. John says: “I have written to you in order that you may have known that life you have eternal those believing in the name of the Son of God.”336 [author’s translation] “You may have known” is a perfect active subjunctive mood.337 The verb oida has to do with intellectual knowledge rather than ginosko. This verb has to do with experience. John tells us that we have assurance of eternal life in His Son Jesus Christ. “Those believing” is a present active participle, dative masculine plural.338 Present tense in the Greek language is continuous action. “Those believing” and continuing to believe “in the name of the Son of God. In the past, I have used these verses from I John 5:11,12, and 13 to lead people to Christ. In reference to I John 5:12, “the one not having the Son of God has not life.” Those are defined who have not the Son of God. They have not received the Son of God as their personal Savior and the result is they do not possess eternal life. This may have been to refute antichrists that eternal life was not possible by the Son of God.339 “These things” of I John 5:13 refer to the first twelve verses of Chapter 5.340 In summary, the believer trusting Jesus Christ as their personal Savor can have the assurance of eternal life. For the believing heart, eternal life is the present abiding possession of the Son of God. This life eternal is only through His Son Jesus Christ. Those who do not have the Son of God as their personal Savor do not have eternal life. They will experience the Great White throne judgment and the second death spoken of in Revelation 20:11-15. Further, the believer has the testimony in himself.341 “and this is the testimony, God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son.”342 [author’s translation] The Bible states without any uncertainty: “the one having the Son has life; the one not having the Son of God has NOT life”343 [author’s translation]

336 I John 5:13 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 820. 337 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 432. 338 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 432.

339 Hodges, I John in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament Edition, 902. 340 Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament vol VI, 242. 341 I John 5:10 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 820. 342 I John 5:11. 343 I John 5:12.

1.12 The Purpose of the Word of God in the Spiritual Life

The Place of the Word of God in the Spiritual Life

2 Timothy 3:14-17

The believer is admonished to abide in the Scriptures.

The Purpose of the Word of God in the Spiritual Life

The Place of the Word of God in the Spiritual Life

2 Timothy 3:14-17

The believer is admonished to abide in the Scriptures.344 Mene is a present active imperative, second person singular.345 Pentecost confirms this that to abide in the Scriptures is to nourish and support yourself. The believer’s element is the Word of God. In the life of a plant, it draws its nourishment from the soil.346 Arndt & Gingrich verify that the Greek verb meno is used figuratively of one who continues in a realm. It is also used figuratively to remain.347 Paul commands Timothy to keep on abiding in the Scriptures. Timothy was living in grievous times. His world was one with many challenges to Timothy. The Word of God had been rejected by his generation.348 Timothy would be enabled to gain strength and sustain his inner life from the Word of God. Paul denotes two areas for Timothy to abide in: “in what you have learned and have been convinced of.”349 The apostle substantiates his command with two reasons. “Having known from whom you have learned, and from a child you have known the sacred writings the ones being able to make you wise to salvation through faith which in Christ Jesus.”350 The words “from whom” is the plural form of tinon. Paul is referring to Paul, Lois, and Eunice. The plural form is used to refer to both Paul’s apostolic authority and his doctrine.351 Gramma is used of the first five books of Moses.352 Timothy had been convicted of Paul’s apostolic doctrine. The context argues for Paul’s godly life. Timothy’s grandmother and his mother had taught Timothy the sacred scriptures. Timothy saw his need of salvation which was through faith in Christ.353 Paul continues with a further explanation on the Word of God in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.354 The first reason is the origin of the Word of God in 2 Timothy 3:16a and the second reason is in 3:16b-

Other Scriptures That Confirm the Purposes of the Word of God in the Spiritual Life

344 2 Tim. 3:14 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 729. 345 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 389. 346 Pentecost, Pastoral Epistles 332, unpublished class notes on the Pastoral Epistles, in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 1976, 8. 347 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 504-505.1.b. 348 Pentecost, Designed to Be Like Him in Mathers, unpublished Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 260. 349 2 Tim. 3:14 in Aland and Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 729. 350 2 Tim. 3:14-15 in Aland and Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 729-730. 351 Pentecost, Pastoral Epistles 332, Dallas Theological Seminary 1974, no pages, Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis,8. 352 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 164.2.c. 353Mathers, The Importance of the Word of God in the Spiritual Life as Seen in the New Testament Epistles, unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1976, 8. 354 Ibid, 9.

17.355 The Bible says: All scripture God breathed and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which in righteousness.”356 [author’s translation] The words “God breathed” is made up of two Greek words God and spirit.357 Scripture originates with the very breathe of God.358 Scripture is traced to the breathings out or expirations of God. Scripture is profitable for teaching. Everything needed taught is found in the inspired Scriptures.359 They are profitable as well for reproof. This is the Greek word elegchon. Arndt and Gingrich do include reproof but they give two additional meanings of correction and censure.360 This is the ability of the Scriptures to counter deception.361 Pentecost views this purpose of the Scriptures to judge erroneous teaching.362 The Greek word epanorthosin brings out a corrective purpose of not only Timothy’s life but also others to whom Timothy ministered.363 The Word of God has another purpose of restoring the believer.364 The Bible furnishes what is needed for child training in righteousness for the blood bought believer.365 The word “paideia” means instruction or training.366 This training is in regard to all righteous living.367 The apostle Paul has given the divine purposes for the Scriptures. Now, Paul moves to the ultimate purpose of the Word of God. The hina clause of 2 Timothy 3:17 is one of purpose.368 “in order that the man of God may be complete, having been furnished for every good work.”369 Complete is the Greek word artios. “having been equipped” is a perfect passive participle, nominative, singular, masculine.370 The word equipped is used in the military of a sergeant who gave each soldier what he would need to be victorious in battle.371

The Sanctifying Effect of the Word of God

2 Peter 1:1-11

355 Stott, Guard the Gospel, 100 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 9. 356 2 Timothy 3:16 in Aland and Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 730. 357 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 28. 358 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol vii, 45. 359 Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 11. 360 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 248.3. 361 Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 11. 362 Pentecost, Pastoral Epistles 332, in Mathers, Th.M., unpublished thesis, 11. 363 Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 11. 364 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 282. 365 Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 11. 366 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 608.1. 367 Berry, Gems from the Original, 106-107 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis,11. 368 Edwards, “Paul’s Concept of the Man of God,” 46 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 11. 369 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 110. 370 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 389. 371 Pentecost, Pastoral Epistles 332 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 12.

The apostle states that he is a bondservant and an apostle of Jesus Christ.372 Jesus Christ is in the genitive case. It is a genitive of possession. Peter’s apostolic position follows signifying his authority.373 Those who have received a faith of equal honor, standing, and value are addressed. A comparison is implied of their equal standing with the apostles before God.374 They have been given the gift of faith. They have the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. Does Peter refer to God the Father and Jesus Christ in 1:2 or simply to Christ? The grammatical structure of two nouns joined together by a single article refer “God and our Lord Jesus” to one person.375 Peter’s prayer for his readers is seen in the first part of verse: “Grace to you and peace may have been multiplied by knowledge of our God and our Lord Jesus.”376 May have been multiplied is an Aorist Passive Optative Mood.377 The mood of the verb indicates a prayer. The passive voice of the verb may have been multiplied “plethuntheie” indicates the action is done to the subject. How will grace and peace come to these born-again believers? It is by knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus.378 The preposition en translated in is accompanied by knowledge which is in the dative case. It is by the knowledge of God our Lord Jesus. “En plus epilnosei is a dative of means.379 2 Peter 1:3 begins with a comparison as indicated by the Greek word “os.” The omnipotence of Jesus Christ indicated by the words “his divine power” has bestowed is a perfect passive participle, genitive singular masculine380 is a past action with emphasize on the results continuing to the present. It is through the “epignoseos” the true knowledge of “the one having called us to his own glory and praise.”381 [author’s translation] The call is the believer’s election to result in bringing glory and praise to our God the Lord Jesus. The words translated “through which” in 2 Peter 1:4 is a reference back to the divine power of Christ in 2 Peter 1:3. “He has given precious and very great to us promises, in order that through these you yourself may have become sharers of divine nature escaping the corruption in kosmos through lust.”382 [author’s translation] Precious promises argues for their value and worth. Very great is used to present the fact that the promises having nothing to be compared to. It is the elative form of the adjective.383 The “hina” clause of purpose indicates why these precious and great promises have been given to us to become a sanctifying instrument. Peter has introduced in 2 Peter 1:4 that the Word of God is the divine method for his readers

372 2 Peter 1:1 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 799. 373 Green, Peter and Jude, 60 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 41. 374 Bravenec, “The Argument of II Peter, unpublished Th.M., thesis Dallas Theological Seminary, 7 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 41. 375 Green, Peter and Jude, 60. 376 2 Peter 1:2 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 799. 377 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 423. 378 2 Peter 1:2 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 799. 379 Smith, Expository Lectures on the Second Epistle of Peter, 9. 380 Han, 423. 381 2 Peter 1:3 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 799. 382 2 Peter 1:4 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 799-800. 383 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 498-499.2.b.

progressive sanctification.384 They have escaped the corruption in the world by lust.385 Revelation brings responsibility so Peter turns to their need to be diligent in their life as a Christian.386 The apostle outlines three areas for the believer to make every effort in zeal, moral excellence, and knowledge. Decisive action must be taken.387 It is by knowledge that these virtues of 2 Peter 1:6 and 7 come into the life of the child of God. It is through an experience with the Word of God. These are qualities of character which the believer does not possess but they are given to him through a meaningful experience with the Word.388 The first virtue is self- control. The apostle is expounding the divine purpose of our God the Lord Jesus is to build into the believer’s life the character and the disposition of himself.389 The Greek Word egkrateia meaning self-control.390 This is seen in matters of sex. The classical Greek has the idea of master of oneself.391 If I were to make an observation it implies mastery of food and intakes of the body as well. It is the knowledge of Christ through the precious and great promises that is the means to begin the infusion of these godly virtues into their life. “Peter is showing that the divine purpose of Christ is to infuse within each of them the very character and disposition of himself. This is possible through a vital experience with his word.”392 The remaining virtues need only be listed when this concept is grasped.393 The order of the virtues would argue otherwise. Steadfastness, godliness, brotherly love, and agape love. As we continue to study the Word of God, the Lord Jesus builds these godly virtues into our life. “Upomonen” translated steadfastness is the abilty to endure. Arndt & Gingrich provide other meanings as well such as patience, perseverance, and fortitude.394 The next virtue is godliness followed by brotherly kindness, and agape love.395 The Christian faith is seen in behavior. These virtues make for a healthy life of the Christian. The Stoics compiled lists of virtues called the prokope or the moral advance. The Stoics saw this as a matter of human effort. For the Christian, it is by being a partaker of the divine nature.396 It is in 2 Peter 1:8-11 that Peter lists the reasons for obedience to the preceding verses. “for these are present and increasing with you it makes not useless and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For to whom these not present, he is

384 Smith, Expository Lectures on the Second Epistle of St. Peter, 19-21, in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis Dallas Theological Seminary, 43. 385 Thomas, The Apostle Peter: Outline Studies in His Life, Character, and Writings, 251 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary. 386 Bravenec, The Argument of II Peter, 16. 387 Mathers, The Importance of the Word of God in the New Testament Epistles in the Spiritual life, unpublished Th.M.,thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 44. 388 Bravenec, The Argument of II Peter, unpublished Th.M., thesis, in Mathers, The Importance of the Word of God in the New Testament Epistles in the Spiritual life, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 44. 389 Kelly, The Epistles of Peter, 52-53 in Mathers unpublished Th.M., thesis, The Importance of the Word of God in the New Testament Epistles in the Spiritual Life, 44. 390 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 215. 391 Lidell & Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, 473.III.2. 392 Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 45. 393 Kelly, The Epistles of Peter, 51-53 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 45. 394 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 854.1. 395 Kelly, The Epistles of Peter, 52-53 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 45. 396 Green, Peter and Jude, 66, in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 45.

blind near sighted forgotten having received cleansing of his former sins. For this reason all the more start making every effort confirm your calling and election. For doing these things you may not at all have stumbled at any time. For in this manner a rich entrance will have been supplied to you into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”397 The believer will be usable for Christian service. He will not be unproductive nor unfruitful. Lord stands for the deity of Christ a reference to Christology. Jesus refers to Soteriology. Christ is the Greek form for anointed. This refers to Messiah and the subject of Eschatology. In 1:8, the apostle writes: “for these things with you present and increasing it makes you neither unusable and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”398 The preposition eis plus dative knowledge is a dative of sphere. The apostle has in mind spiritual progression. A growth is taking place in grace. Some are both useless and unfruitful in their knowledge of the Savior. Those who lack spiritual growth are babies in the Lord. Also, immature adult believers need spiritual milk.399 Gangel refers to I Corinthians 3:1 and Hebrews 5:12-13.400 Peter addresses the question of what if these virtues are not present. The text says that person is blind and has developed spiritual myopia. His near- sight- ness is because he has forgotten the cleansing of his former sins.401 Peter addresses us with the words: “for this reason all the more, brethren, start making effort to bring about confirmation your call and election. The call is efficacious grace. This is the Holy Spirit’s work bring men to faith in Christ.402 Men can not take one step towards God apart from the efficacious work of the Holy Spirit.403 Election is the work of God the Father in eternity past before the world and time began. God foreordained both the events and the means to accomplish the event. 404 Election comes prior to the call.405 It is by the verses outlined in 2 Peter 1:1-10 that will give the believer a rich entrance into eternal Kingdom of his Lord and Savior Jesus Messiah.406 Epichoregethesetai translated will have been supplied is a future passive tense. It is third person singular.407 The text has the individual Christian in view. The action will be completed in the future.

397 2 Peter 1:8-11 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 800. 398 2 Peter 1:8 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 800. 399 Gangel, 2 Peter, 866 in Walvoord & Zuck, (eds.), in The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament Edition, 859-879. 400 Gangel, 2 Peter, 866 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), in The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament Edition, 859-879. 401 2 Peter 1:9 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 800. 402 Walvoord, The Holy Spirit, 119. 403 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol III, 211-221, in Mathers Systematic Theology, 106. 404 Hodge, Systematic Theology, vol 1:9:535-549 in Mathers Systematic Theology, 86. 405 Gangel, 2 Peter, 867 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), in The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament Edition, 867. 406 2 Peter 1:11 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 800. 407 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 423.

1.13 Framework

Scriptural Foundations

The evangelical Christian comes in faith to the Word of God. He believes God is and he rewards those who seek him by faith.408 The Bible can’t be understood unless we come accepting the Bible’s own presuppositions. These are set forth in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:20-21. Scripture is traced to the very breath of God. It is the breathings out. The expirations of the divine breath. Further, 2 Peter 1:20-21 tells us that Scripture did not originate with man but with God the Holy Spirit who used the personalities of holy men of Good to write the Scriptures. There is a dual authorship behind the writing of Scripture. The Holy Spirit oversaw the process so that the Bible is without error. This kept the Scriptures inerrant. The Bible has its own worldview. God recreated the world. The Bible claims each member of the Godhead is co- eternal, co-equal, of one essence (substance) undivided existing in three persons but in one God.409 The Bible has its own worldview. The fall of Satan is found in Isaiah 14:12-13 and the sin of Satan is recorded in Ezekiel 28:11-17. His downfall was pride. The original creation is in Job 38:1-7. The fall of Satan was a catastrophic event prior to the picture of judgment found in Genesis 1.410 Adam’s sin was imputed to the human race.411 Men are born dead spiritually.412 They experience physical death and eternal spiritual death.413 The world system known as the kosmos is headed up by Satan and his demons by divine permission for a time. It operates on three clearly defined principles at every level of society.414 The believer is exhorted to put on the armor of God.415 This is because there is warfare going on in the heavens between Satan and the good angels.416 We are living in perilous times. Our world will end in apostasy.417 Christ was borne of a virgin.418 Christ was impeccable. He was without sin.419 Christ told his disciples to go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.420 Jesus, a Jewish Messiah, was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.421 Jesus offered the promised Davidic kingdom of the Old

408 Hebrews 11:6 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 764. 409 2 Corinthians 13:14. 410 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 238-239. 411 Romans 5:12. 412 Ephesians 2:1. 413 Hebrews 9:27. 414 I John 2:15-17. 415 Ephesians 6:10-19. 416 Daniel 10. 417 2 Timothy 3:1-13. 418 Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:35. 419 Hebrews 4:15. 420 Matthew 10:5-6. 421 Matthew 15:24.

Testament.422 Christ presented himself officially to the nation Israel as their Messiah.423 He was rejected. The Bible presents the humanity, deity, and Messiahship of Jesus Christ.424 It is important to understand the Bible against its historical background. In Exodus 19, the Mosaic law was given to Israel at Mount Sinai. This divine revelation continued until the death of Christ.425 The dispensation of grace began with the Day of Pentecost.426 This age will continue until the blood bought church is raptured.427 Christ died on the cross for our sins.428 Christ rose bodily from the grave.429Salvation is by faith in Christ.430 2 Thessalonians 2:7 teaches us that the mystery of lawlessness is currently at work. Our age is becoming increasing lawless. It will come to fruition in the man of sin. The Rapture must occur first. The restrainer of evil, the Holy Spirit, will be removed.431This will be followed by seven years of tribulation. The seven years period of tribulation known as the Day of the Lord follows. The Second Coming of Christ will come at the end of this terrible time of judgment on the earth.432 Judgment will follow on living Israel and on the Gentiles.433 In the judgment on the Gentiles, the sheep will enter the millennial kingdom. The goats will be put to death and cast into hell.434 The sheep and goat judgment is on the Gentiles. The millennial reign of Christ will follow for a thousand years reign. Following the millennium will be the Great White Throne judgment. The wicked dead of the ages who have not trusted Christ as their personal Savior will be cast into the lake of fire.435 The heaven and earth will be cleansed by fire.436 Eternity future commences. The great city the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven. This will be the abode of the redeemed of all the ages.437 The Bible establishes its own framework of reference.438 In sum, Israel is Israel in the Old and New Testaments. The church is the church in the New Testament. There is not any church in the Old Testament. Christ announced the church as yet future in his day.439 The church is not found in the gospels. The universal church was formed on the Day of Pentecost.440 Jews were brought into the body in Acts 2. Samaritans were brought into the body in Acts 8. The Gentiles were brought into the body of Christ in Acts 10. Some Old Testament saints who had believed under

422 Matthew 4:17. 423 Matthew 21:1-11. 424 I John 4:2, 4:9, 5:17 425 Romans 10:4. 426 Acts 2 427 I Thessalonians 4:13-18. 428 I Corinthians 15:1-11. 429 I Corinthians 15:20. 430 Romans 3:22-25. 431 2 Thessalonians 2:6. 432 Matthew 24:29-30. 433 Matthew 25:1-13, 25:31-46. 434 Matthew 25:41. 435 Revelation 20:11-15. 436 2 Peter 3:12-13. 437 Hebrews 12:22-24, Revelation 21. 438 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 240. 439 Matthew 16. 440 Acts 2.

John the baptizer’s preaching were brought into the body in Acts 19. The Bible must be understood within this framework of its established world view. The intent of the authors of the Bible needs to be brought to our study of Scripture to understand the background from which the writers of Scripture are coming in terms of progressive revelation.441

1.14 Biblical Spirituality

The Natural Man

The apostle Paul presents the devoid spirituality of the natural man in I Corinthians.442 The cross of the Lord Jesus is foolishness to him. Although, he is perishing.443 He is called psychikos. This is a transliteration of the Greek word.444 The natural man’s life is completely within the natural world devoid of the spiritual.445 “Now the natural man does not receive the spirituals of the Spirit of God; for it is foolishness to him and he is not able to know because [it takes understood but not in Greek text] spiritual discernment.”446 [author’s translation] This is the need for spiritual discernment.447 He is not able to understand divine revelation. The need of the natural man is to be saved by placing personal faith in Jesus Christ trusting Him to save him for Christ died on the cross for his sins.448

The Carnal Christian

Paul had a wisdom for the mature. Yet, the Corinthians were not able to receive it. This is a natural progression from being a spiritual new born baby to being a carnal Christian. The problem with the Corinthians was they were still carnal. Jealousy and strife, and a party spirit were evidences of their carnality.449 “and I, brethren, I have not been able to have spoken to you as spirituals but as fleshly as babies in Christ. for I have given you milk450 to drink not solid food;451 for you yourselves were not able but not yet now you being able still for you are fleshly.452 [author’s translation] I Corinthians 3:3 is worth emphasizing: “for not yet with you jealousy and strife are you not fleshly you walk according to man?” Paul continues: “for

441Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 238-240. 442 I Corinthians 1:18, 2:14. 443 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 142. 444 I Corinthians 2:14 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 571. 445 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 902.1. in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 142. 446 I Corinthians 2:14 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 571-572. 447 Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament, vol 4, 90 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 143. 448 I Corinthians 15:3-4. 449 I Corinthians 3:1 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 143. 450 Potizo, author’s transliteration, this verb is to give to drink milk, in Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 702.1. 451 Broma, author’s transliteration, in Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 147.1. 452 I Corinthians 3:1-3 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 572-573.

whenever one you yourselves says on the one hand: I am of Paul, now another, I of Apollos, are you not men?”453 These questions assume an answer in the affirmative. In interaction, it is normal spiritual progression to move from being a spiritual baby to a carnal Christian. Yet, the sin of the Corinthians was there had not been any spiritual progression. They were still carnal.

The Immature adult believer

In Hebrews, Christ is presented as superior to the angels, prophets, Moses, and Joshua in 1:1- 4:13. His superiority to the prophets is seen in that Christ is the final revelation of God.454 He is superior to the angels in Hebrews 1:4 to 2:18 in that He is the Son while they are servants. Christ sits on the throne of God while they minister before the throne of God.455 Christ is superior to Moses in Hebrews chapter 3. Christ was faithful Son over the house of Israel while Moses was a faithful servant to that house. Joshua could not give the children of Israel rest in their venture into the land of Canaan. The Lord Jesus can give the believer rest. The Son can give us rest since he himself is glorified God man in heaven. Christ represents us before the Father.456 Hebrews 4:14-16 are transitional verses to the priesthood of Christ. Christ is superior to the Levitical priesthood. Christ is superior both in his person and priesthood to all that Judaism could offer these Jewish Christians. The ministry of the high priest is expounded in Hebrews 5:2-4. The writer informs them of their great high priest in the heavens in Hebrews 5:5-10.457 Christ is a priest after the order of Melchizedek. A parenthesis is included in Hebrews 5:11 to 6:20. In Hebrews 5:11-13, their spiritual condition is diagnosed. They are immature adult believers. Their need is to go on to maturity in Christ in Hebrews 6:1-9.458 Writer has much to say concerning Melchizedek an Old Testament figure.459 God’s truth is not hard to explain but these Jewish Christians had become dull of hearing.460 The writer has much to say is indicated by the words polus emin ho logos.461 [author’s transliteration] The truth of this spiritual tragedy is seen in the grammatical evidence. Perfect indicative active gegonate views past action completed with the existing results continuing until the present. They had heard many times but failed to be obedient to God’s Word. They were not able to assimilate truth.462 These Jewish Christians should have advanced in their spiritual lives. This truth is stated in

453 I Corinthians 3:1-3. 454 Ryrie, Biblical Theology of New Testament, 240 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 27. 455 Mathers, The Importance of the Word of God in the Spiritual Life as seen in the New Testament epistles, unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 27. 456 Ibid, 27. 457 Ibid, 27. 458 Robinson, Hebrews 6:1-9, Homiletics Tape H1106, Dallas Theological Seminary in Mathers, unpublished Th.M.,thesis, 28. 459 Robinson, Hebrews 6:1-9, Homiletics Tape H1106, Dallas Theological Seminary in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 28. 460 Thomas, Let Us Go On, 65 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis Dallas Theological Seminary, 29. 461 Wescott, The Epistle to the Hebrews, 133 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 29. 462 Wuest, Hebrews in The Greek New Testament, 104 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 29.

Hebrews 5:12. They had been Christians a sufficient amount of time to teach others. Coterill presents the fact that the author’s stress is on their obligation to be teachers. This is based on the word opheilontes. The words dia ton chronon are best understood as a period of time.463 They needed to be retaught the basic truth of the Christian faith. These are called the oracles of God. An Old Testament term used for New Testament doctrines of the Christian faith.464 These doctrines are defined for us in Hebrews 6:1-2.465 They could only receive milk of God’s Word. They could not receive the meat of the word of God. Galaktos is to be translated milk. They could not receive solid food.466 In Hebrews 5:11-13, two reasons are given for these Jewish Christians needing a milk diet. Two explanatory gar clauses are presented to the reader. They were not familiar with “word of righteousness.” This points to their ignorance or inexperience with the Word.467 Their shallow understanding of God’s truth did not enable them to help anyone. Their need of a milk diet is for two reasons in Hebrews 5:13. A lack of experience with the word of righteousness. The second was their spiritual state of immaturity. Nepios is best understood as someone who has not reached maturity as an adult.468 In summary, two reasons are given for their need of a milk diet. The first was their inexperience with the word of righteousness. The second reason was their state of immaturity.469 In comprehending, these Jewish Christians were deficient in their biblical spirituality. Their grasp and assimilation of spiritual truth was out of their reach. Personal negligence was the cause of their shallowness in the Word of righteousness. They remained in a state of spiritual immaturity. They lacked a working knowledge of the Word of God.470 Paul spoke wisdom of God to the mature.

The Spiritual Man

“He is able to discern all things yet he is not refuted in spiritual things.”471 The spiritual man is able to feed himself on the meat truths of God’s Word.472 “But wisdom we speak with the mature now not wisdom of this age nor the rulers of this age being nullified.”473 [author’s translation] Robertson points this out that the wisdom Paul refers to was neither the wisdom of the age nor wisdom of rulers of age.474 Katargoumenon is a present passive participle, genitive,

463 Coterill, “The Concept of Maturity,” unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 13-15 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 29-30. 464 Coterill, “The Concept of Maturity,” unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 24 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 30. 465 Coterill, “The Concept of Maturity,” unpublished Th.M., thesis, 24 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 30. 466 Thomas, Victory in Christ, 139 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 30. 467 Newell, Hebrews, 168 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 30. 468 Milligan and Moulton, The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, 426 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 31. 469DeHaan, Hebrews, 99 in Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, 31. 470 Mathers, unpublished Th.M., thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 31. 471 I Corinthians 2:15 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 572. 472 Hebrews 5:13-14. 473 I Corinthians 2:6. 474 Robertson, Word Pictures in New Testament, vol IV, 84 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 144.

masculine plural from katargeo.475 This verb refers to the rulers of this age being doomed to perish.476 The progression from an immature adult believer is the progression to the spiritual man.477 The goal of the Christian life is maturity not perfection. In evaluation, the Bible exhorts the new born Christians to establish a meaningful relationship with the Word of God gave them birth together with the Spirit of God. “As newborn babies start longing for the rational unadulterated milk in order that by it you may have grown in salvation.”478 [author’s translation]

475 Han, A Parsing Guide of the Greek New Testament, 318. 476 Arndt and Gingrich, A Greek- English Lexicon of the New Testament, 418.2 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 144. 477 I Corinthians 2:15 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 572. 478I Peter 2:2 in Aland & Black (eds.), in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 788.


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These pages are left blank so that the reader can make notes on their reading.

1.15 Rapture

There three main viewpoints concerning the rapture. These are pretribulationalism, mid- tribulationalism, and post-tribulationalism.479 Post-tribulationalism holds the view that the


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479Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 113.

rapture will occur in the events leading up to the second coming of Christ when he comes to earth.480 In the second and third centuries, a common belief was that the church was in the Great Tribulation.481 The pretribulation view separates the rapture from the second coming by seven years based on the prophecy of Daniel 9:27.482 In interaction, the pretribulation rapture occurs before the seven years of tribulation. Those who believe in the mid-tribulation view hold the rapture will take place at midway point three and a half years before Christ’s second coming to set up his kingdom.483 In explanation, the mid-tribulation rapture would occur half way through the seven years of tribulation. Dispensationalists hold to a pretribulation position on the rapture. Walvoord points out that this is a matter of theological presuppositions. Theologians of the covenant or kingdom persuasion belong to either the mid-tribulation view or the post-tribulation view concerning the rapture.484 The presuppositions of the theologian in a study on the rapture have a definite effect on their conclusions.485 The pretribulation view holds to a distinction between Israel and the church.486 Those viewing Israel and the church as one and the same hold either the mid-tribulation view or the post-tribulation theological position on the rapture.487 Theologians viewing them as one and the same think that this has to do with Soteriology. These theologians are in either the mid-tribulation or post-tribulation.488 Chafer affirms that it is imperative that a distinction be made between Israel and the church. There are last times for both.489 The pretribulation rapture is confirmed by passages such as I Corinthians 15:51 and I Thessalonians 4:13-18.490 The rapture will take the church to the place promised by Christ in John 14:1-3.491 The post-tribulation view has the church on earth during the tribulation. The rapture occurs at the end of the tribulation. The second coming follows in rapid succession.492 Ryrie presents these verses used by those holding the post-tribulation view. They are I Thessalonians 4:15, Matthew 24:27, Matthew 24:22, and Revelation 20:4.493 The mid- tribulation position maintains the rapture occurs at the mid-way point of the seven years of the tribulation. The support for their position is I Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 11:15, Revelation 11:2, 12:6, and Revelation 11:11.494 The partial rapture theory maintains that only the deserving will be raptured.495 The first instruction of the Rapture was given by Christ in the

480 Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 113. 481 Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 114. 482 Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 114-115. 483 Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 115. 484 Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 115. 485 Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 116. 486 Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 116. 487Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 116. 488 Walvoord, The Church in Prophecy, 116. 489 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol iv, 374-375. 490 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol iv, 376. 491 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 165. 492 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 167. 493 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 167-168. 494 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 168. 495 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 168.

Upper Room.496 Walvoord makes an interesting point that the disciples were caught off guard. They had been taught concerning the coming of Christ with the view to setting up His kingdom.497 Walvoord’s reference is to Matthew 24:26-31.498 Christ’s coming for the saints, and the resurrection of those who had died was given in I Thessalonians 4:13-18. Another passage confirming the rapture is I Corinthians 15:51-58.499 In consideration of the time of the rapture, thought must be given to the termination of the age of grace. The rapture will bring the age of grace to an end.500 The rightness of the pretribulation and post-tribulation rapture position hinges on hermeneutics. Prophecy must be interpreted literally. The doctrine of imminent return of Christ is taught in I Thessalonians 1:10 and I Thessalonians 5:9.501 Those holding the pretribulation rapture note a difference between the program of God for the church and Israel.502 While every century has had a particular doctrine to work through, the 20th century has witnessed this take place in the area of eschatology.503 In evaluation, the post-tribulation

496 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 77. 497 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 77. 498 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 77. 499 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 78. 500 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 135. 501 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 80. 502 Lightner, Evangelical Theology, A Survey and Review, 272. 503Walvoord, Theology 104, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages.

view confuses the program of God for the church and Israel. Matthew 24:27 is for Israel. I Thessalonians 4:15 is the program for the church supporting a pretribulation rapture. Matthew 24:22 is the major sign of the tribulation period. Revelation 20:4 concerns tribulation martyrs. The logistical problem of this view has been supported from earlier documented sources. The mid-tribulation view does damage to the literary structure of the books of the New Testament. Revelation 11:15 and I Corinthians 15:52 are not the same trumpets. I Corinthians 15:52 supports a pretribulation rapture. Revelation 11:15 is the 7th trumpet of judgments during the second half of the great tribulation. The mid-tribulation view is guilty of eisegesis reading into it what is not there. The other verses used by the mid-tribulation view occur within parentheses. These are different time periods. There isn’t any support for the partial rapture nor the pre- wrath rapture. A closing observation is that we are told in Titus 2:11-13 to look for the appearing of Christ. This passage supports a pretribulation rapture and affirms the doctrine of imminency.

1.16 Interpretation of Scripture


In Bible 601, at Dallas Theological Seminary, during the beginning of my four years of graduate study in the flagship degree Th.M., program, I had Howard Hendricks for Bible study methods. I had Dr. John Master for the hermeneutics part of the course. Hendricks introduced us to the four steps of Bible study. These were observation, interpretation, application, and correlation.504 Observation was based on what you saw in the bible passage. Interpretation asks what does this passage mean. Application applies the passage to your own life. Correlation has to do with preparing the passage to communicate to others.505 In the area of interpretation,


504Hendricks, Bible 601, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 505 Hendricks, Bible 601, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages.

one must look at how Christ interpreted the scriptures, literally, grammatically, and against the historical background of the book. He picked a historical passage of Scripture that paralleled his own situation.506 In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ re-interpreted the Mosaic law to show that the Pharisees had been mistaken by interpreting the Law as the need to keep mere externals. Christ described the characteristics of righteousness in Matthew 5:2-9 and 5:10-21. Righteousness was internal and a matter of the heart. This was a contrast to the Pharisees demanding external righteousness by keeping the externals of the law (Matthew 5:20).507 Christ interpreted the scriptures grammatically. In regard to the question of the woman with five husbands, all died. Whose wife would she be in the resurrection. In the resurrection, the resurrected do not marry but are as the heavenly angels. God is not the God of dead but the God of the living. The ‘I am” is present active of Greek verb to be.508 From John 10:34, Christ used the masculine plural form of gods. Christ interpreted Scripture picking a historical situation paralleled his own. In John 1:45-51, when dealing with Nathaniel, Nathaniel confessed Christ’s deity and His kingship as Messiah.509 Jesus responded by quoting Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28. The point was concerning Jacob’s dream of the angels ascending and descending. Jacob awakes from his dream. The punchline was this is the house of God and gateway to heaven. God is in this place. Christ interpreted scripture against their historical background and authorship. Examples are Genesis, Exodus, the Law, Daniel, Joel, I, II Samuel, I, II Kings, the writings, Psalms, the prophets, Isaiah, Jonah, Zechariah, and Malachi.510 The apostles interpreted the scriptures using the literal, historical-grammatical method.511 Examples are Psalm 69:25 and Psalm 109:8, Joel 2:28-32 in Acts 2, Psalm 16:8-11 and 110:1. In Galatians 3:16, Paul used singular form of the word seed. That seed was Christ. The church fathers interpreted the Scriptures, literally, grammatically, against their historical background, and biblical culture.512 The Biblical interpretation school of Antioch interpreted the scriptures literally, historically, and grammatically. The School at Antioch replaced the allegorical method of biblical interpretation. The subjectivity of the allegorical method made the text mean whatever the interpreter read into it.513 Lucian was the founder of the Antioch school. He followed the historical-grammatical approach to interpreting the scriptures. He lived from A.D. 240-312. 514 This school influenced the Reformers and the Protestant Reformation.515 The school at Antioch gave attention to the grammar of the text, historical background behind the text and critical thinking of the text. They purposed to arrive at the meaning intended by the author.516 Diodorus succeeded Lucian. He w as an exegetical scholar in the original

506 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 21-23. 507 Pentecost, Life of Christ, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 508 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 22. 509 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 22-23. 510 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 21- 23. 511 Ibid, 24. 512 Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers, 13-17,63-68, 137-156, 286-288, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 28-30. 513 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 39-43. 514 Ibid, 43-44. 515 Ibid, 44. 516 Ibid, 44.

languages.517 He emphasized the historical-grammatical approach. He allowed for the Messianic interpretation of Psalms and Prophets. He died in A.D. 390. Theodore succeeded Diodorus. He lived from A.D. 350-428. Theodore followed the historical, grammatical interpretation of the biblical text.518

The question of how the parables are to be interpreted must be considered in our brief presentation on interpretation. The parables apply to Christ’s offer the kingdom to Israel.519 A parable raises one question or problem.520 Chafer has given some basic rules or principles in his Systematic Theology.521 Scripture must be compared with other scripture. The whole of scripture must be considered. The Bible passage must be interpreted within its context. The Old Testament must be confirmed by the New Testament. Each book is unique. The audience must be considered to whom the biblical writer was writing. Texts need to be interpreted in their plain literal sense. Important words in the Bible passage are also worth considering. The type of literature of the book under study is another important factor in interpretation. The Old Testament predicts the coming of Christ. New Testament presents the person of Christ. The gospels don’t have to agree with each other in every detail.522 Interpreting Bible prophecy is a crucial question.523 Allegorical approach deviates from real sense of the Bible passage. Instead, a buried meaning is sought. The literal meaning is not accepted but a divine message is pursued.524 In interaction, this is the meaning behind the words. The literal method accepts words at their face value.525 The grammar and the historical background are the basis to arrive at the textual meaning.526 The quest for the interpretation of Scripture is really to arrive at the intended nuance of the author.527 Lightner concurs with Pentecost that the literal sense of the Bible is reached by the study of the grammar and its history.528 A second method is the allegorical method. The interpreter looks for another meaning behind the text of the Bible.529 A deeper nuance is sought.530 Johnston brings out an important point that the Bible is inspired. He cites two passages. The first is 2 Timothy 3:16. The second passage is 2 Peter 1:21.531 A third method of interpretation prevalent today is philosophical hermeneutics.532 This method began

517 Ibid, 44. 518 Ibid, 44. 519 Pentecost, Parables, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 520 Ibid, no pages. 521 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 115-118. 522 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 115-118 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 105-108. 523 Pentecost, Things to Come, 5. 524 Pentecost, Things to Come, 5, 525 Pentecost, Things to Come, 9. 526 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 23. 527 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 23. 528 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 6. 529 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 25, 530 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 25. 531 Johnston, The IVP Introduction to the Bible, 2. 532 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 1-16.

with Frederick Schleiermacher. He emphasized relating the parts to the whole. The search for absolutes were set aside. Instead, modern philosophy sought meaning.533His dates are from 1768 to 1834.534 Schleiermacher is thought to be the father of modern religious liberalism.535 He developed hermeneutics. The science of interpretation to understand the literature under study.536 Green confirms that the hermeneutical issue for Schleiermacher was one of understanding.537 A fine distinction is maintained between philosophers, theologians, and biblical interpreters. Bible interpreters developed principles to be followed in the interpretation of Scripture.538 Hermeneutics has become part of our modern vocabulary.539 The interpretation of the Bible has become crucial in the area of hermeneutics.540 Other thinkers in the 19th century contributed to the study of hermeneutics. These are Dilthey, Heidegger, and Bultmann in the 19th century. Paul Ricoeur, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Jurgen Habermas made contributions in the 20th century.541 Heidegger’s dates are 1889 to 1976.542 Heidegger wanted a hermeneutic that would take in all of humanity.543 Heidegger’s source for hermeneutics was Schleiermacher.544 Schleiermacher’s theory of understanding came to fruition in the philosophical hermeneutics of Heidegger.545 Rudolf Bultmann’s dates are 1884 to 1976.546 Rudolf Bultmann was colleague of Martin Heidegger at the University of Marburg in Germany.547 Jesus was a philosophy teacher to Bultmann.548 Bultmann was influenced by

533 Adams, Paul Tillich’s Philosophy of Culture, Science, and Religion, 118 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 1. 534 (drawn up - 10-13-2019). 535 Erickson, Christian Theology Second Edition, 4 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 1. 536 Jeanrond, Theological Hermeneutics: Development and Significance, 14 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 1. 537 Green, Theology, Hermeneutics, and Imagination, 4, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 4. 538Green, Theology, Hermeneutics, and Imagination, 4 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 1. 539 Bernstein, Beyond Objectivism, Hermeneutics, and Praxis, 109 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 2.

541 Bernstein, Beyond Objectivism, Hermeneutics, and Praxis, 109 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 109-110 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 2. 542, (Drawn up 10-13-2019). 543 Dreyfus, Being-in-the- World: A Commentary on Heidegger’s Being and Time, Div. I, 2, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 6. 544 Seidel, Martin Heidegger and the Pre-Socratics: An Introduction to His Thought, 7, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 6. 545 Thompson, Fragmentation, Contamination, Systematicity: The Threats of Representation and the Immanence of Thought, 51, in Surber (ed.), Hegel and Language, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 6. 546, (drawn up 10-13-2019). 547 Bultmann, Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann,25-26, in Ogden, S.M. (ed.), Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 11. 548 Bultmann, Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann,25-26, in Ogden, S.M. (ed.), Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 11.

existential philosopher Martin Heidegger.549 This was the historical Jesus to Bultmann.550 Hans- Georg Gadamer’s dates are 1900 to 2002.551 Gadamer developed Schleiermacher’s hermeneutics.552 Hermeneutics was associated with history within a social context.553 Linguistics and ontology comprised Gadamer’s hermeneutics.554 Pre-understanding is crucial in understanding the process.555 Paul Ricoeur’s dates are 1913 to 2005.556 Historical meaning depends on character of language. Ricoeur distinguished between intended meanings and intentions hidden by the author. Intended meanings were those with authorial intent.557 Jurgen Habermas thought freedom is linked to both social and economic.558 He was born in 1929.559 He was committed to Marxist doctrine.560 His hermeneutics investigated language. This was the interconnection between subject and object. Action was a necessity.561 Communication opened up three linguistic worlds.562 Language refers to the external. A claim to truth must be examined. The internal of the subjects are to be considered. A similar claim to truth is raised. The third world is that of Sociology. These linguistic worlds and claims to truth are accountable to reason.563 Jacques Derrida’s dates are 1930 to 2004.564 Deconstruction is to be understood as a critical literary theory.565 This word is associated with Derrida. It is a philosophic literary theory.566 Critical analysis focuses on questions that have not been answered and textual

549MacQuarrie, An Existentialist Theology: A Comparision of Heidegger and Bultmann, 29, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 8. 550 Bultmann, Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann,25-26, in Ogden, S.M. (ed.), Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Bible Study Interpretation and Methods, 13. 551, (drawn up – 10-13-2019). 552 Green, Theology, Hermeneutics, and Imagination: The Crisis at the End of Modernity, 4 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 10. 553 Chan, Christology from Within and Ahead: Hermeneutics, Contingency, and the Quest for Transcontextual Criteria in Christology, 38, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 10-11. 554 Chan, Christology from Within and Ahead: Hermeneutics, Contingency, and the Quest for Transcontextual Criteria in Christology, 73 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 10-11. 555 Chan, Christology from Within and Ahead: Hermeneutics, Contingency, and the Quest for Transcontextual Criteria in Christology, 74, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 11. 556, (drawn up – 10-13-2019). 557 Simms, Paul Ricoeur, 34, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 12. 558 Swindal, Reflection Revisited: Jurgen Habermas’s Discursive Theory of Truth, 2 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 13. 559 (drawn up – 10-13-2002). 560 Always, Critical Theory and Political Possibilities: Conceptions of Emancipatory Politics in the Works of Habermas, Adorno, Marcuse, and Habermas, 99, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 13. 561 Ibid., 129. 562 Steurerman, The Bounds of Reason: Habermas, Lyotard and Melanie Klein on Rationality, 90, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 14. 563 Ibid., 90, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 14. 564, (drawn up – 10- 13 – 2019). 565 Royle, Jacques Derrida, 23, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 15. 566 Ibid., 23, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 15-16.

considerations.567 The smallest details of the text are considered.568 Derrida’s thought has become prominent in literary endeavors.569 He focused on a strand in the text that would unravel the whole argument.570 Deconstruction and Construction compliment each other. Deconstruction takes the text apart. Construction puts the text together furthering both understanding and communication.571 Context was a priority.572 The examination of the text was emphasized.573

1.17 Apocalyptic Books

Daniel – His name means God is my judge. Daniel 1:1 tells us that Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim (NASB, 754). This was 605 B.C. Chapter 1 is Daniel’s early days in Babylon (Walvoord). Chapters 2 to 7 outline the course of Gentile world history written in Aramaic. In chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. He couldn’t remember what the dream was. He did not know the meaning of the dream. Daniel requested a time out. He and his friends requested the God of heaven the answer. In a night vision, it was revealed to Daniel. Daniel was taken into the king’s presence by Arioch. The God of heaven has revealed to Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the future. Nebuchadnezzar saw a statute before him. The head was made of gold. The chest and arms were made of silver. Its stomach and thighs were made of bronze. The legs were made of iron. The toes were part iron and baked clay. A stone made without hands struck the statue at its feet and the statue was crushed and dispersed like the chaff. This stone cut without hands became a great mountain and it filled the whole earth (2:31-35). Daniel turned now to the interpretation (2:36-49). Nebuchadnezzar was the head of gold. Nebuchadnezzar came to his kingship by Sovereignty. A succession of three empires would arise another Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon. The fourth kingdom is as strong as iron. The mixture of iron and clay in the feet indicated that it would be a divided kingdom. The ten kings of 2:44 refer back to the ten toes of 2:42-43. It is during the time of these kings that the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. It will endure forever. The stone cut without hands crushed the statue. The dream and the interpretation are both truth and to be trusted. Nebuchadnezzar repudiated the revelation given to him by Daniel. He made a complete statue to himself (3:1) In Daniel 7, he saw four beasts coming up from the sea. The first was a lion. It had eagle’s wings. Its wings were clipped. It stood upright as a man. The second beast was like a bear. It was with three ribs in its mouth. The third beast was like a leopard. It had four wings and heads. The fourth beast was terrifying with iron teeth. This fourth beast was not like the previous beasts. It had ten horns. Another little horn came up

567 Ibid, 24, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 16. 568 Ibid., 25, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 16. 569 McCumber, Philosophy and Freedom: Derrida, Rorty, Habermas, Focault, 7, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 16. 570 McFarland, Romanticism and the Heritage of Rousseau, 3, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 16. 571 Ibid., 30, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 16. 572 Ibid., 13, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 16. 573 Ibid, 13, in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 16.

between its horns. Three of the ten horns were uprooted before the little horn. The little horn had the eyes of a man and was speaking great words. The little horn was slain and his body was given to the fire. The other beasts lost their rule but to them was given an appointed time of rule. Daniel was given the interpretation. The four beasts are four kings who come out of the earth. Daniel asked one who stood by in his vision the meaning of the fourth beast. Daniel wanted to know the meaning of the ten horns and the little horn. The little horn was at war with the saints. It is out of the kingdom of the fourth beast that ten kings will come into being. The other king is the Anti-Christ. He will conquer three kings. His mouth speaks against the Most-High God and he will wage war with the saints. He will be a persecutor of the saints for three and a half years. Their dominion will be removed. Messiah’s kingdom will be a perpetual kingdom. The kingdoms in these chapters 2 and 7 of Daniel are known from history as Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the Roman empire. The revised Roman empire and Messiah’s kingdom are still future in the history of the earth. Chapters 8 to 12 are the prophetic program for Israel. They are written in Hebrew. Scholars have late dated Daniel to the time of the Maccabees in 165 B.C. However, the Greek Septuagint translated in 250 B.C. contained the book of Daniel. Daniel Chapter 9 – reveals the prophetic plan for Israel. It is 70 heptads which is a period of 490 years. A heptad is a period of seven years. The first 7 heptads which total 49 years was from the going forth of the decree from Artaxerxes to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem and Jerusalem on March 5 in B.C. 445. The next phase in the prophetic history of Israel is a period of 62 heptads which total 434 years. This period ended when Messiah was cut off referring to Christ’s crucifixion. The last heptad is still future. It will begin when the prince who is to come the Anti-Christ makes a peace covenant (treaty) with Israel. He will guarantee their security but in the middle of the week will break the treaty. He will become a persecutor of Israel (Dan. 9:27). The revised Roman empire will be a confederation of ten political kings (2:44). The world ruler is known in Daniel 7 as the little horn (7:8). The final kingdom will be Messiah’s kingdom (2:45).574


• Date: 95 A.D. Author: John the apostle. Audience: His bond servants. John, the apostle was exiled to the island of Patmos.575 He refused emperor worship. He is working in the Roman iron mines. “Revelation of Jesus Christ which God has given to him to show his bond servants what must be shortly” “and having sent he has signified through his angel to his bond servant John.” (Rev. 1:1). Hermeneutics: Allegorical approach – Revelation is the triumph of Christianity in the first century. Preterist view – It is a record of conflicts of early with Judaism and paganism. Chapters 20 to 22 is the triumph of Church. Futuristic approach – It begins with chapters 4 through 19. Revelation written to encourage believers in their Roman persecution. Features – All the Old Testament prophetic truth converges in one book. It gives us a picture of Christ the glorified God-man. Features – It was written while Titus Flavius Domitian was the

574 Pentecost, Daniel-Revelation 336, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages. 575 Pentecost, Daniel-Revelation 336, Dallas Theological Seminary, no pages.

Roman emperor (81-96 A.D.). Outline: Chapter 1 is a picture of glorified Christ. He is set to judge his church, Israel, and the world. “To the one loving us and having loosed us from our sins by his blood” (1:5) “I have been and in spirit in the Lordian day and I have heard behind me great voice as a trumpet” (1:10) John, the apostle, sees the risen glorified Christ (“son of Man” 1:13) (Aland and Black eds.), 833. Attributes of Christ – clothed garment reaching to his feet – golden girdle –entirely gold – like high priest. His head and hair – white – represent eternity (Dan.7:9) His eyes like flames of fire – ready to judge. His feet as fine bronze in furnace – symbol of divine judgment. His voice – like sound of many waters (Rev. 1:13-15)576 (Walvoord, 1975:44-45) I have fallen to his feet as dead, and he placed his right hand on me saying, “Don’t keep on being afraid” “I am the first and the last and the living one and I was dead and behold I am living to the ages of the ages and I have the keys of death and hell” (1:17). Chapters 2 and 3 are the messages to the churches in biblical Asia Minor. Each of the church is indicative of a particular period in the history of the church. Ephesus – is the apostolic church to 100 A.D. Smyrna– is the persecuted church in ecclesiastical history from 100 A.D. to A.D. 313. Pergamos - is the state church from A.D. 313 under Constantine. The Edict of Milan moved the status of Christianity from a criminal religion to a legitimate faith. Thyatira – continual sacrifice refers to Roman Catholicism originating in A.D. 615 until the time of the reformation in A.D. 1517. Thyatira – continual sacrifice refers to Roman Catholicism originating in A.D. 615 until the time of the reformation in A.D. 1517. Sardis- Those escaping refers to the Reformation Church beginning with Martin Luther in A.D. 1517. Philadelphia – It is the true church of the last days with its commitment to spread the message of the Bible. Laodicea – is the liberal church of the last days. The one world church composed of the union of various liberal denominations. Chapter 4 – God the Father’s sovereign right to judge the earth because he created it. “Worthy are you, Our Lord and Our God to receive glory and honor and power because you have made all things and through your will they were and have been created” This is the God the Father’s right to judge the earth because he created it. “and they sang a new song saying “Worthy are you to receive the book and to open its seals because you have been slain and have bought to God by your blood from every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation” (5:9). The eternal son Jesus Christ’s right to judge the earth because he has redeemed men by his blood. Chapter 5 – Christ has the right to judge the earth because he died to redeem men. Chapter 6 begins the seal judgments. The first judgment is to deliver the world into the hands of a world ruler. War, worldwide inflation and famine follow. “and I saw and behold a white horse and the one sat on it having a bow and a crown has been given to him and he has gone forth conquering and in order that he may have conquered.” (Rev. 6:2). Another red horse has gone out and to the one seated on him it has been given to take peace from the earth and they slay each other and a great broad sword has been given to him.” (6:4). This symbolizes war. Third horse represents that which follows war famine. A day’s wage bought only a small measure of wheat or a larger barley (6:6). “and I saw and behold a pale (yellowish green) horse and the one seated on him a name to him death and Hell was following with him” “and authority has been given to him to

576 Walvoord, Revelation, 44-45.

kill one quarter of the earth with sword and with famine and with death and by the wild beasts of the earth” (6:8). Chapter 6 –Seal 5 begins the persecution of Christians. Seal 6 begins the removal of permanence of creation by earthquake. Sun gives no light. Darkness communicates a spiritual message. Chapter 7 – God the Father gives the earth 30 minutes to repent. A great multitude are seen in heaven as a result of the witness of the 144,000 Jewish Christian evangelists. The judgment program of God continues with the 7 trumpet judgments. These are on man’s environment and his water supply. A parenthesis is seen in the major players the two witnesses, Israel, the dragon, the Anti-Christ, and the false prophet (chapters 11 to 14). Chapters 15 and 16 are the ministry of the good angels who pour out the 7 bowls finishing the judgment of God on the earth. Chapter 16 is the background for the battle of Armageddon. Chapter 17 is the judgment of the great harlot. Chapter 18 is judgment on the world’s commercial system. Chapter 19 is the second coming of Christ. The battle of Armageddon is fought between Christ and the armies of the earth. Chapter 20 is the great white throne judgment of non-Christians. Chapters 21 and 22 are the new heaven and new earth, the new Jerusalem, and the introduction of eternity future.577

1.1 New Heaven and New Earth 21:1578

1.2 New Jerusalem Described 21:2-21 1.2.1 City with 12 gates 21:12-13 1.2.2 12 foundations 21:14-16 1.2.3 City wall 21:17-18 1.2.4 Decorations of the foundations – with names of apostles 21:19-21 1.2.5 God the Father and God the Son are there. – 21:22-27 1.2.6 River of the Water of Life – 22:1-2a 1.2.7 The Tree of Life – 22:2b 1.2.8 The Throne of God – 22:3-4 1.2.9 God’s presence – the Light – 22:5 1.2.10 Certainty of Christ’s Second Coming 22:6-7 1.2.11 John rebuked and commanded to worship the Lord 22:8-9 1.2.12 Command to proclaim the prophecy of the book 22:10-11 1.2.13 Judgment Seat of Christ 22:12 1.2.14 Christ the Alpha and Omega 22:13 1.2.15 Blessing on the Saved and Judgment on the Unsaved 22:14-15 1.2.16 Invitation of Salvation 22:16 1.2.17 A Warning to those who reject the revelation of this book 22:17-19 1.2.18 Christ’s coming -Rapture and grace of Lord Jesus be with us 22:20-21579

1.18 Further Reflections on Interpretation

577Pentecost, Daniel-Revelation 336, Daniel-Revelation, no pages. 578 Walvoord, Revelation, 983-900. 579 Walvoord, Revelation, 983-990.

Principles of Hermeneutics

The plain interpretation is a necessary principle of interpretation.580 Nuances must be understood in the context of their grammar.581 Figures of speech are included. A definite meaning is back of the figures. Context is a must for a Bible passage or verse.582 Our attention is drawn to progressive revelation. The Bible was completed by many writers over a time period of approximately 1600 years.583 Principles must be followed in interpreting the Sacred Word. This science is called hermeneutics.584 This is different than exegesis.585 Chafer views this applying the principles of interpretation.586 Chafer gives addition considerations, the character of the book, the recipients, the context, and including all Scripture to bear on the subject, the nuance of the words in the passage, and setting aside the temptation to read into the text.587 Our comprehension of the Scriptures must take into consideration God’s purpose in consecutive ages of history.588 The particular meaning intended by the Spirit must be considered. Theologically, hermeneutics is a science.589 Chafer presents four important principles for interpreting the Bible. These were presented by Rollin T. Chafer. The Bible must be interpreted grammatically. The interpretation must be within the context of the Bible text. The individual Bible book must be considered as to both its character and purpose. Scripture must be related to other scripture.590

In communication, the Bible needs to be interpreted literally. If a literal interpretation is not possible then we should look for a figure of speech. Figures of speech convey truth from the spiritual realm to the literal realm. If the prophecy has symbolic language then the Bible will state the meaning of this symbol. For example, in Daniel chapter 7, the ten horns are ten kings. Other books such as Matthew resent the gospel of the kingdom. One of the purposes for Christ coming in addition to salvation was to offer the Davidic kingdom to Israel. The place of Israel in the program of God must be realized. The leper is a sign to the nation that Messiah is in their midst. Christ’s credentials are investigated by the leaders of Israel. They accused Christ of blasphemy. Christ authenticated his offer of the kingdom to the nation by his miracles. This validated not only his offer but it also validated his words, and his office as Messiah. The literal, historical-grammatical school of biblical interpretation can be traced to the School of Antioch in Syria. The school was an argument against the Allegorical School in Alexandria of

580 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 48. 581 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 48. 582 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 49. 583 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 49. 584 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 115. 585 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 115. 586 Ibid., 115. 587 Ibid., 116-119. 588 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol vii, 45. 589 Ibid., 203. 590 Green, Cyclopedic Handbook of the Bible 180-195 in Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol vii, 203-205.

Egypt. Biblical interpretation became evident at the start of the third century A.D.591 Philo, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen are names associated with this school.592 Particular attention should be given to the historical background of the Bible book. The grammar of the Bible is important in interpretation. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew with some Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. The interpretation of Daniel and Revelation call for interpretation of symbols and allegory.

1.19 General and Specific Revelation

General Revelation

The question is often raised concerning those who have not heard of Jesus Christ or who lived before Christ was on the earth. Consideration of General Revelation is helpful in seeking to answer this issue. There are four passages of Scripture that are key passages to be able to answer this question. These passages are Psalm 19:1-6, Acts 14:17, Acts 17:23, and Romans 1:18-32.593 Psalm 19 tells us that a universal message is continuous that God created the heavens. This non verbal message goes forth day and night. Creation points to the Creator. The silent message is communicated day after day and night after night. The truth is God is the Creator. The heavens declare this truth.594 The extent of this message is to the ends of the earth. As man looks up to the heavens, he understands this message. The heavens are an object lesson declaring God’s glory and that the heavens are the work of God. The question is further answered by two passages in the Book of Acts, 14:17, and 17:22-31.595 Of the Acts 14:17 passage: “God has witnessed to himself giving men the refreshing rains and fruitful seasons filling man’s heart with food and gladness” [author’s translation].596 Acts 17:24 reads: “God made the world and all which in it, this one exists Lord (kurios) of heaven and earth, he dwells not in handmade temples” [author’s translation]. 597 An observation of Romans shows infidelity to the truth, idolatry, and immorality.598 The epistle of Romans moves our question forward. God is seen by the testimony of creation. Men can see God’s eternal power and divinity from

591 Terry, A Treatise on The Interpretation of the Old and New Testaments, 36. 592 Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 32-38. 593 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 13. 594 Ross, Psalms, 807 in Walvoord and Zuck (eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 13-14. 595 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 15-17. 596 Acts 14:17 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 15; Acts 14:17 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition 2001, 462-463. 597 Acts 17:24 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 16. Acts 17:24 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 477. 598 Mathers, Personal Observation from Bible Study, Romans 1:18-32.

creation.599 This comment is based on Romans 1:19-20.600 God has revealed that knowledge to them.601 “His invisibles-His eternal power and divinity are seen and understood.602 Through sense perception man perceives. He understands with his mind that creation testifies to the existence of God.603 The result is “for them to be without excuse.”604 The word without excuse means unable to mount a defense.605 God can judge men based on their response to revelation. Man is without excuse before a righteous God because of his suppression of the truth, Romans 1:20.606 Our world is charged further with not glorifying nor thanking God, Romans 1:21.607 Man became futile in his speculations and his understanding was darkened, Romans 1:21.608 This empty thinking is that man is God, Romans 1:25.609 The creature is God (images of man, birds, four footed animals, and reptiles),Romans 1:23.610 The judgment of God on man is seen in Romans 1:24-32.611

Specific Revelation

Special revelation has two sources. These are Christ and the Bible. Support for Special Revelation is John 1:18 and I John 5:9-12.612 It is through Jesus Christ that men could be saved. Support for this statement is from John 14:6, Hebrews 1:1-3, and I Corinthians 2:9-13.613 Chafer defines revelation as coming from the verb to reveal.614 In addition to creation, he cites the written and Living Word.615 The Living Word is the Son, Jesus Christ. John 1:18 is listed for support of the Living Word.616 The written word is the Bible. Chafer’s support is from 2 Timothy 3:16.617 “No one has seen God at any time: the only God the one being in the bosom of the Father that one he himself has exegeted” [Him is understood]. [author’s translation]618 John means that God is not perceived by sense perception. The verb orao is a perfect active, 3rd

599 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 14. 600 Mathers, Personal Bible Study, Romans 1:19-20 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 521. 601 Romans 1:19. 602 Romans 1:20. 603 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 14. 604 Author’s translation, Romans 1:20 in Aland & Black (eds.), 2001:521. 605 Liddell & Scott, Greek-English Lexicon, 117 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 15. 606 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 15. 607 Ibid., 15. 608 Ibid., 15. 609 Ibid., 14. 610 Mathers, Personal Bible Study, Observation. 611 Ibid., Romans 1:24-32. 612 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 37. 613 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 32-33 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 20. 614 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol vii, 268. 615 Ibid., 268. 616 Ibid., 268. 617 Ibid., 268. 618 Author’s translation, John 1:18 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 314.

person singular.619 The perfect tense is Intensive. The action is completed in the past with the results continuing to the present.620 The word begotten should not be part of this translation. It is a transliteration and interpretation of the text without the meaning. “the one being in the bosom of the Father” has to do with fellowship. Being is a present active participle of the verb to be.621 The present tense is continuous action. This is also a factual evidence for the omnipresence of the eternal Son of God, Jesus Christ. He was in fellowship in heaven with the Father while he was on the earth. Jesus Christ himself has exegeted the Father. The verb is an Aorist Middle tense.622 Middle voice is reflexive. Christ explained the Father. Begotten should not be part of the translation of this verse. This is an unorthodox translation meaning Christ was created. Monogenes is only used of Jesus in Johannine writings. It means only. It is also taken to mean unique with no other example in that category.623 The “one being in the bosom of the Father is a relative clause. “That one” ekeinos refers back to only God. “That one has explained [Him understood]. The verse translated properly would be: “No one has seen God at any time, only God the being in the bosom of the Father that one has exegeted” [Him understood]. Footnote 5’s reading is only God from p66 about A.D. 180.624 The written words is supported by 2 Timothy 3:16.625 Timothy was convinced of Paul’s apostolic doctrine” “from whom you have learned them” is Paul’s apostolic authority interpreted by Paul to Timothy.626 Timothy had known the Word of God from the time of his childhood.627 Paul refers to the gramma. This is the first five books of Moses.628 “and from child you know the sacred books which being able to make you wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”629 (2 Tim. 3:15) [author’s translation] The Bible’s claim to itself is that it is God-breathed. This is no more open to inquiry than God is Spirit from John 4:24.630 “All Scripture God breathed.”631 2 Peter 1:20-21 presents the dual authorship behind Scripture.632 Walvoord presents a discussion on 2 Peter 1:21. He draws attention the fact of holy men moved by the Holy Spirit.633 My translation of 2 Peter 1:21 is as follows: “for not by will of man ever prophecy has been brought but by holy men being carried have spoken from God.”634 The previous verse of 2 Peter is helpful in

619 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 178. 620 Williams, Grammar Notes, 22. 621 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 178. 622 Ibid., 178. 623 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 529. 624 Principal Manuscripts and Versions Cited in Textual Apparatus, 903 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 314. 625 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vii, 268. 626 Pentecost, Exposition of Pastoral Epistles 332, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, no pages. 627 2 Timothy 3:15 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 729-730. 628 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 164.2.c. 629Author’s translation, 2 Timothy 3:15, in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 729-730. 630 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol 1, 22. 631 2 Timothy 3:16, in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 730. 632 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 40-41. 633 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 22. 634 Author’s translation, 2 Peter 1:21 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 801.

interpreting 2 Peter 1:21: “knowing this first that all prophecy Scripture it came not one’s own interpretation.” The word epiluseos is better understood as origination. It is ablative case of source or origin in the predicate.635 In interaction, I understand this as a Genitive of Source.636 In I Thessalonians 2:13, Paul writes of the reception of his preaching to the Thessalonians: “you yourselves have received not word of men but just as it is truly Word of God supernaturally works in you those believing.”637 Supernaturally works should be understood as energizing the Thessalonians. The source of Paul’s message was God.638 Paul defines his message as the Word of God. The verb estin is a present active tense, 3rd person, singular.639 It is translated it is and can be understood as it continues to be because the present tense is continuous action. The apostle Paul follows up with the adverb alethos meaning truly or in truth.640 Arndt & Gingrich also supply the meanings of really and actually.641 Further, alethos is in an attributive relationship642 with logos theou. Logos theou translated means word of God. “but just as it is in truth Word of God.” The neo-orthodox view of Scripture began with Karl Barth.643 As a young pastor, I came across this view when someone said that the Bible contains the Word of God. The Bible becomes truth when the reader comprehends and encounters it.644 This view was confirmed by another evangelical scholar.645 The Bible becomes the Word of God when the reader has an encounter with it. This is also called a crisis.646 In evaluation, I understand this to mean that Neo-orthodoxy is also referred to as a Crisis Theology.

1.20 Reconciliation and Foreknowledge

Reconciliation and Foreknowledge

Romans 5:10 speaks of two kinds of reconciliation. Universal reconciliation renders the world savable. This is because of the death of Christ. Personal reconciliation is the second aspect of reconciliation. It is not accurate that all men will be saved or their position to God the Father has changed because of Christ’s death.647 In interaction, this is not to be understood that as universal reconciliation has taken place that personal reconciliation is not necessary. The Roman Christians had received personal reconciliation as indicated by Romans 5:1 and 5:11. Romans 5:11 emphasizes reconciliation that is personal at the present time indicated by the

635 Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament vol vi, 158. 636 Williams. Grammar Notes, 4 no. 5. 637 1 Thessalonians 2:13 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 699. 638 Constable, I Thessalonians, 695 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament, 687-711. 639 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 374. 640 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the Greek New Testament, 36. 641 Ibid., 36-37. 642 Ibid., 36.2-37. 643 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 19. 644 Ibid., 19. 645 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 8. 646 Ibid., 8. 647 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 94.

Greek word Nun.648 It is used with the Aorist tense contrasts the past with the present. The world is rendered savable by the death of Christ.649 The Aorist passive participle, “having been reconciled” is the believer’s present experience. They received personal reconciliation through trusting Christ as their personal Savior. This was through faith in Christ.650 Chafer brings out other passages that point to the need for personal reconciliation. These passages are 2 Corinthians 5:18, Ephesians 2:16, and Colossians 1:20-22.651 2 Corinthians 5:20 presents the need for personal reconciliation. Colossians 1:22 tells us that God the Father changed the position of the Colossian Christians from being hostile and a hostile mind set engaged in works of evil (1:21) to “having been reconciled” by Christ’s death (1:21-22). The verb apokatellaxen is an Aorist Active 3rd person singular.652 This means each of these Colossian Christians had been reconciled by Christ to God the Father.653 “But now he has reconciled by the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and without blemish and spotless before him.”654 Those believing in universal reconciliation stress 2 Corinthians 5:18. Barth argued mankind has been reconciled through the death of Christ.655 The apostle Paul stresses the need for personal reconciliation . Reconciled is an Aorist passive imperative, 2nd person, plural.656 It should be translated “start being reconciled to God.” [author’s translation] It could also be translated “be reconciled to God.” Since it is passive voice and the action is done to the subject it could also be translated “start having been reconciled to God.” The God of 2 Corinthians 5:20 is Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 5:21).657 It is impossible to have God the Father without God the Son. Jesus, himself, declared that no one can come to the Father except through Him.658 To change is the meaning of reconciliation. Man can now be saved due to the death of Christ. The enmity between God and man has been removed.659 Personal reconciliation must be received.660 Lightner points to 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 on the subject of reconciliation.661 It is through Christ that God has made reconciliation possible for man.662 Chafer made some interesting points on the subject of reconciliation based on the passage of 2 Corinthians 5:17-20. The first is positional truth found in 2 Corinthians 5:17. The second point is in 2 Corinthians 5:19. Reconciliation can now be

648 Arndt & Gingrich, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 547.1.g in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 94. 649 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 94. 650 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 94. 651 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol III,91-92. 652 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 369. 653 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 94-95. 654 Author’s translation, in Mathers Systematic Theology, 95 from Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 687. The translation has been remade from the newer edition of the Greek New Testament. 655 Erickson, Christian Theology 2nd edition in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 96. 656 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 341. 657 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 96. 658 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 96. 659 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 122. 660 Ryrie, Survey of Bible Doctrine, 122. 661 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 196. 662 Ibid., 196.

extended to mankind. Thirdly, it must be received as indicated in 2 Corinthians 5:20.663 The death of Christ for all men means the world is savable. Careful observations of these passages are support for universal reconciliation rather than support for unlimited atonement. These are 1 John 2:2, John 12:32-33, Romans 5:8, Hebrews 2:9, John 1:29, 3:16, 4:42, Luke 19:10, Romans 5:6, 2 Corinthians 5:17, and I Timothy 2:4.664 Hodge presented the position of Augustinians, that Christ died for all men but his death is only efficacious for those who are the elect.665 Since, we don’t know who the elect are then we preach the gospel to the whole world fulfilling the Great Commission.666 Some are elected to salvation but everyone is not elected.667 Chafer’s support for this position is Romans 16:12, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, Ephesians 1:4-5, I Peter 1:2, and Romans 9:23. Ephesians 1:5 teaches predestination of elect to adoption to sons. I Peter 1:2 presents the fact that election is by foreknowledge of God. Romans 9:23 teaches vessels receiving mercy were prepared beforehand to glory.668 2 Peter 3:9 is the sensibility of God. That is God’s emotions and feelings. Translated it means: “not willing anyone to perish but not willing to make room all to repentance.”669 Boulomai is the divine will.670


In I Peter 1:2, the recipients of the epistle are known to God the Father in regard to their present circumstances. He knew where they were in the diaspora of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.671 Christ was foreknown before the foundation of the world in I Peter 1:20. Acts 2:23 is clear that Christ was “given over to lawless hands having been nailed to a cross you murdered.”672 [author’s translation] This lawless deed was done in predetermined will (boule) and foreknowledge of God. These passages are found under proginosko.673 This word is to know beforehand.674 It has the following nuances in these passages. It is to have known for a long time in Acts 26:5. In Romans 8:29, it is used of those called according to his plan. These are whom God foreknew. Romans 11:2 is used of those in Israel who were foreknown. 2 Peter 3:17 is to know beforehand. Peter warns of those whose moral convictions are different than his readers. In I Peter 1:20, Christ was foreknown before the foundation of the world. Prognosis is foreknowledge in I Peter 1:2. Their circumstances were predestinated according to the foreknowledge of God the Father. Foreordination is related to election in I

663 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol VII, 262-263. 664 Mathers, Personal Bible Study, fresh examination, no pages; Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 102. 665 Hodge, Systematic Theology, vol II, VIII, 546. 666 Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-49, Acts 1:8. 667 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol III, 172. 668 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol III, 172. 669 2 Peter 3:9 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 805. 670 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 145- 146.2.b. 671 I Peter 1:1 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 785. 672 Acts 2:23 in Ibid., 412. 673 Moulton and Milligan, A Concordance to the Greek Testament, 851. 674 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 710.

Peter 1:20. It is related to predestination in Romans 8:29-30, and Ephesians 1:5 and 11.675 God’s decree is basis for foreordination, election, and predestination. Walvoord listed Ephesians 1:9 and 3:11.676 To determine beforehand is the meaning of foreordination. Other verses supporting this concept are Jude 4 and Ephesians 2:10.677 Proetoimazo is to prepare beforehand.678

1.21 The Divine Plan

“Good theology is good exegesis.”679 Election and predestination are part of the divine plan (decree).680 The Father has blessed the believer with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies. This was done in Christ. Our election was before the world began. “For us to be holy, and blameless before Him. This was done in love. It is an agape love. It means the exercise of the divine will. The elect have been predestinated to adoption. This was done through Jesus Christ. The amazing thing is it was all “according to the good pleasure His will.”681 The Son redeemed through his blood. The elect received the forgiveness of trespasses. The Holy Spirit sealed this elect company. The text reads: “we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of trespasses according to the wealth of his grace.”682 [author’s translation] The Ephesians “having heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation, by which also having believed you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise.”683 [author’s translation] Seal is an identifying mark.684 In the context, it is known by God. The Holy Spirit is the deposit the down payment of our future inheritance. The word for deposit is arrabon. It establishes a legal claim.685 Hoehner makes an important point that our inheritance is guaranteed.686 This will result in God redeeming his possession.687 Note verse 11: “in whom also we have been called having been predestinated according to plan of the one supernaturally working all things according to the divine will of His will.”688 Prothesis is used of the divine determination. Arndt and Gingrich have it as divine purpose.689 Determination is a synonym.690 Boule is the divine will. The Father formed the plan based on “the divine will His will.”691 In interaction, the Father sought no other

675 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 231. 676 Ibid., 231. 677 Ibid., 231. 678 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 712. 679 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, Preface, ix. 680 Ephesians 1:3-14 in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, Aland & Black (eds.), 654-655 681 Ephesians 1:5, Ibid., 654. 682 Ephesians 1:7, ibid, 654-655. 683 Ephesians 1:13, ibid., 655. 684 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature, 804.2.b. 685 Ibid., 109. 686 Hoehner, Ephesians, 619, in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament edition. 687 Ephesians 1:14 in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, Aland & Black (eds.), 655. 688 Ephesians 1:11, in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, Aland & Black (eds.), 655. 689 Arndt & Gingrich, Ibid., 713.2.b. 690 (drawn up 10-24-2019). 691 Ephesians 1:11, in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, Aland & Black (eds.), 655.

counsel outside of himself to formulate the plan of the ages. It was his good pleasure to result in praise to the glory of God. Prothesis is developed further in Ephesians 3:11: “plan of the ages which he has made in Christ Jesus our Lord.”692 [author’s translation] In the context, “for this reason, I, Paul the prisoner of Christ in behalf of you the Gentiles.”693 [author’s translation] Paul continues to Ephesian Christians “if indeed you have heard the dispensation of the grace of God which having been given to me for you.”694 [author’s translaton] “The mystery has been made known to me through revelation just as I have written in brief.”695 Paul had written briefly concerning the mystery in chapter one verses 9 and 10. “for which being able reading to comprehend my understanding in the mystery of Christ.”696 This mystery had not been revealed to other generations. Paul wrote: “as now it has been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by Spirit.”697 The mystery is new truth not previously revealed but hidden in the person of God the Father.698 The mystery is “the Gentiles to be fellow heirs in the same body and sharing the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.”699 [author’s translation] In Ephesians 3:7, Paul tells us that he had been made a servant. He was a servant of the gospel. The word servant is diakonos. This Greek word is from which the English word deacon comes.700 It is a transliteration of the Greek letters without the meaning. This was a gift by the grace of God given to Paul. This was done “according to the supernaturally working of his power.” The reference is to God the Father’s power.701 [author’s translation] The apostle proclaimed the wealth of Christ to the Gentiles.702 The mystery was previously hidden in the person of God the Father.703 The Fathers is “the one having fashioned all things.”704 [author’s translation] The manifold wisdom of God is in line with the plan of the ages. God the Father made the plan in Lord Jesus.705 The apostle wrote: “in whom we have boldness and access with full assurance through faith in Him.”706 The apostle concludes with the inferential dio that the Ephesians not loose heart at Paul’s present bonds and imprisonment.707 He adds: “which is for your glory.”708 Prothesis is found as well in 2 Timothy 1:9. Paul wrote of God’s gospel “the one having saved us and having called us with holy call not according to our works but according to

692 Ephesians 3:11, Ibid., 660. 693 Ephesians 3:1, Ibid., 659. 694 Ephesians 3:2, Ibid., 659. 695 Ephesians 3:3, Ibid., 659. 696 Ephesians 3:4, Ibid., 659. 697 Ephesians 3:5, Ibid., 659. 698 Pentecost, Senior Bible, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, no pages. 699 Ephesians 3:6 in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, Aland & Black (eds.), 659. 700 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature, 183.1.c. 701 Ephesians 3:7 in The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, Aland & Black (eds.), 659. 702 Ephesians 3:8, Ibid., 659-660. 703 Ephesians 3:9, Ibid., 660. 704 Ephesians 3:9, Ibid., 660. 705 Ephesians 3:10-11, Ibid., 660. 706 Ephesians 3:12, Ibid., 660. 707 Ephesians 3:13, Ibid., 660. 708 Ephesians, 3:13, Ibid., 660.

own plan and grace which having been given to us in Christ Jesus before eternal ages.”709 [author’s translation] The elect were given to Christ Jesus in Eternity Past in line with God’s plan and grace. The plan is the Greek word prothesis for the divine decree. The divine purpose this plan from Eternity Past before the world began is also found in Romans 8:28. Oida is a deponent verb passive in form but active in meaning. The apostle says: “Now we know” at the present time the hoti clause is direct discourse and is not translated. Paul presents a verbatim quotation.710 “Now we know those loving God” is present active participle, dative plural masculine.711 As a present, it is those love and continuing to love. A present tense is continuous action. Those loving is dative, indirect object of we know. It is substantival use of the participle. God is Accusative case, direct object. “He supernaturally works all things for good to those being called according to plan.”712 He supernaturally works all things is God’s continuous activity.713 “All things” may include things that are not good but they are coordinated by God the Father for the believer’s ultimate good.714 Sunergei is a present active tense, 3rd person singular.715 God the Father works all these things together.716 God the Father helps, working with those love him to bring about or obtain the good. God works with those love Him helping them to reach their goal or help it come to pass.717 He works with those loving Him to help them achieve or bring to pass something. Witmer added clarity by putting forth the idea that God the Father works in their behalf of those love Him.718 “Those love Him” are further defined as those being called according to the plan the divine decree.719

1.22 Extent of Fall

Believers need to come to grips with the question of how devastating was the fall of man. Was man’s mind, emotions, and will affected by the Fall? Genesis 3:6 teaches that the will of both the man and the woman was corrupted. They knew they were naked.720 Their understanding had been opened. Now, they knew evil. Adam hid from the pre-incarnate Christ.721 They experienced shame. They were fearful.722 Man was fallen in his emotions. In interaction, Adam has sons and daughters no longer in the image of God but now they are in his image.723 As to

709 2 Timothy 1:9, The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, Aland & Black (eds.), 725. 710 Williams, The Uses of oti, 2. 711 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 306. 712 Romans 8:28, The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, Aland & Black (eds.), 541. 713 Witmer, Romans, 474, in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament Edition. 714 Ibid., 474. 715 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 306. 716 Witmer, Ibid., 474. 717 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the Greek New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 795. 718 Witmer, Romans, 474. 719 Witmer, Romans, 474. 720 Genesis 3:7. 721 Genesis 3:8 722 Genesis 3:10. 723 Genesis 5:3-4.

the question of whether man is fallen in his mind, the New Testament confirms the fall of man extended to man’s mind.724 Adam was the head of the human race. Adam’s sin was imputed to the race.725 This is the federal view of the headship of Adam. Adam was our federal head. The race is in Adam.726 Adam was my representative. This is a second view of the fall of man and Adam’s fall to human race. The representative view is that we were present in Adam’s loins. It is explained from the fact that Levi paid tithes to Melchizedek. Levi was in Abraham’s loins. Scripture for this view is found in the book of Hebrews.727 Levi was considered present. Adam and Eve died spiritually.728 Eventually, Adam and Eve died physically.729 The Lord God, the pre- incarnate Christ placed enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman.730 Redeemed humanity is the seed of the woman. The seed of the serpent is unredeemed humanity. In the context of Genesis 3, it is the line of Cain. The proof of universal sin is universal physical death.731 The divine decree is “all to be under sin.732 Man has been corrupted from the Fall.733 In view, unless God intervenes man will spend their entire life in the clutches of the world, Satan, and flesh.734 The fall of man affected man’s mind, emotions, and will. Man is born spiritually dead towards God.735 This answers the question as to whether man has a free will. In estimation, Jesus told Nicodemus that there were two realms in John 3. The realm of the spirit and the realm of the flesh. Man has a free will in the natural realm but this is not true in the spiritual realm. As to man’s mind, the epistle of Ephesians confirms man’s understanding darkened.736 Man’s cursing and bitterness in his speech life is an indication of his emotional life. The sins of the tongue, deceiving and lying are found in the New Testament.737

Deity of Christ

John 1:1 and 1:2 testify to the fact of Christ’s eternality, fellowship with the Father in eternity past, and deity. “In beginning was the Word, and the Word was face to face with God, and the Word was God.”738 [author’s translation] “This one was in beginning with God.”739 [author’s

724 Romans 3:11. 725 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 255. 726 I Corinthians 15:21-22. 727 Hebrews 7:9-10. 728 Genesis 3:7. 729 Genesis 5:5 730 Genesis 3:15. Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 255. 731 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 244. 732 Romans 3:9, author’s translation, in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 525. 733 Ephesians 4:22. Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 245. 734 Ephesians 2:1-3; Colossians 3:5-7. 735 Ephesians 2:1. 736 Ephesians 4:18. 737 Ephesians 4:25-26, 4:31; Colossians 3:8-9. 738 John 1:1-2 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 312. 739 Ibid., 312.

translation] Chafer in his Systematic Theology points out these verses from John’s gospel.740 Christ’s eternality testifies to his deity. This is also true by his preexistence.741 Logos is the revealer of God to man.742 The relationship between the Father and Son is indicated by the words only begotten “monogenes.”743 Christ is the image of God in both Colossians 1:15 and Hebrews 1:3.744 This testifies to Christ’s inner essence that He is God. The eternality of Christ was settled at the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325.745 The denial of the deity of Christ is an abandoning the truthfulness of Scripture.746 The doctrine of the kenosis from Philippians chapter 2 supports the deity of Christ. This conforms the two natures of Christ in one person.747 Christ “existing in form of God He Himself has thought it NOT a prize to be attained to be equal with God.”748 [author’s translation] Morphe translated form refers to Christ’s nature or inner essence. His inner essence is that of God.749 “But He has emptied Himself receiving form of bond servant being in likeness of men and having been found fashioned as man.”750 [author’s translation] It is common knowledge that this is understood that Christ gave up His Deity. This is a logical impossibility.751 Schemati is used of the outward form of appearance.752 Paul concludes stating in Philippians 2:9 the exaltation of Christ. “Wherefore also God has exalted him and He Himself has graced him the name which above every name in order that at the name of Jesus every knee may have bowed heavens and on the earth and under earth and every tongue may have confessed Lord Jesus Christ to glory of God Father.”753 [author’s translation] Exalted is to raise to the highest.754 In estimation, this would be to the highest heaven where God the Father himself is. Philippians 2:10-11 is viewing the present exaltation of Christ from the perspective of eternity. Colossians 1:19 and 2:9 confirm the deity of Christ.

2. Premillennialism

2.1 Introduction

740 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol V, 3. 741 Ibid., 7. 742 Ibid., 9 743 Ibid., 10. 744 Ibid., 10-11. 745 Cairns, Christianity Through the Centuries, 143-144 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 225. 746 Walvoord, Jesus Christ Our Lord, 108-109. 747 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 234. 748 Philippians 2:6 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 675. 749 Lightner, Philippians, 654 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament. 750 Philippians 2:7 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 675. 751 Robertson, Word Pictures, vol IV, 444. 752 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 804-805.1. 753Philippians 2:9-11 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 675. 754 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 849.1.

Premillennialism is more than its critics claim a disputation over Revelation 20.755 Premillennialism is based on Scripture and biblical context. It is a system of theology. In the 70’s, I had Dr. Walvoord for my Eschatology course, Theology 104 at Dallas Theological Seminary. I was excited to begin the study of prophetic events. Instead, he began with hermeneutics. He lectured on premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism. In his book, The Millennial Kingdom, he presents the concept that premillennialism is a theological system.756 Premillennialism is understood as a distinct theology.757 How is premillennialism to be interpreted? In the area of eschatology, the Scriptures must be interpreted literally, grammatically, and historically.758 Premillennarians interpret scripture literally. Eschatology does not need to be spiritualized. This is maintaining the hermeneutic of interpreting scripture literally and on the basis of a historical-grammatical hermeneutic.759 Premillennialism is opposed by postmillennialism, and also by those believing that there will not be a millennium. They are called amillennialists.760 All of the Old Testament contains the theology of the millennium. The kingdom, Israel’s glory, the affirmation of Messiah, and the rule of Messiah in Jerusalem on the throne of David.761 The Old Testament is characterized by this hope of Messiah ruling in Jerusalem on the throne of David.762 The book of Acts particularly chapter 15 James gives insight into the working of God with Israel. Israel will be reestablished after his purpose with the Gentiles has been completed. Chafer references this with the passage from Acts 15:13-18.763 The hope of the millennium along with the doctrine of justification was absent during the medieval ages.764 The Alexandrian School gave an allegorical meaning to all of Scripture in the 3rd century A.D. Augustine’s hermeneutic was to interpret Scripture literally with the exception of prophecy.765 Amillennialism is traced to Origin in the 3rd century A.D. and to Augustine in the 4th century A.D.766 This view was the view of Rome. Rome is defined here as the Catholic Church.767 General tenets are the one thousand years reign of Christ is denied. Further, amillennialism views Satan as bound at the present time. This is thought to have occurred at Christ’s first advent. The millennium is at present occurring between the first and second advents of Christ. Augustine maintained that the millennium is happening on the earth. Other amillennialists hold that the millennium is happening in heaven. Walvoord attributes this belief of amillennialism to Klieforth.768 From ancient times following Christ’s Second Coming, it

755 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 127. 756 Ibid., 127. 757 Ibid., 127. 758 Ibid., 128. 759 Ibid., 129. 760 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol IV, 264. 761 Ibid., 265. 762 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol IV, 265. 763Chafer, Systematic theology, vol IV, 268. 764 Ibid., 270. 765 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, v-vi. 766 Ibid., 6. 767 Allis, Prophecy and the Church, 2-26 in Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 6. 768 Ibid., 6.

was believed that it would be followed by his thousand years reign. His saints reigning with Him. Justin Martyr is attributed with belief in the millennium as did all those who were orthodox. Jerome is named as one who was an Amillennialist. The truth of the millennium was obscured by the medieval ages.769 Peters is referring to material from Cotton Mather. Mather lived from 1663-1728.770 Postmillennialism began with Daniel Whitby. His dates are 1638 to 1725. The millennium will be a golden age brought in by the preaching of the gospel and the church.771 Chafer argues the origin of Amillennialism originated with the conception of Rome that the church is the kingdom.772 Church Fathers numbered fifteen in the first century were premillennialists.773 At the second century’s close, amillennialism is in the writings of Gaius and Clement.774 At the start of the third century, amillennialism was found in Origen and Dionysius.775 The figures of the Reformation proceeded with the view of the church of Rome holding the view that the millennium is being fulfilled at present. This view originated with Augustine.776 The Reformers were taken up with the doctrine of salvation and the Scriptures not eschatology.777 Another amillennial view is that God’s kingdom is being fulfilled in man’s heart. 778 This is a reign spiritually in the heart of man.779 Ryrie states very concisely the features of premillennialism. The events in order will be the Second Coming of Christ and Christ will institute his kingdom. The church will not institute the kingdom as maintained by postmillennialism. Christ will exercise a literal reign as King on the earth. The promises made to Abraham and David will come to fruition during the one thousand years reign of Christ. Apostasy will continue on the rise leading to the tribulation period and ending in Christ’s Second Advent. Christ’s kingdom is a one thousand years reign. This interpretation is built on the literal method. The premillennial system of the Bible is consistent. Abraham and David received promises for their physical descendants.780 Premillennialism is more than its critics claim disputation over Revelation 20.781 Premillennialism is based on Scripture and biblical context. It is a system of theology. In the 70s, I had John F. Walvoord for my Eschatology course, Theology 104, at Dallas Theological Seminary. I was excited to begin the study of prophetic events. Instead, he began with hermeneutics. He lectured on premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism. In his book, The Millennial Kingdom, he presents the concept that premillennialism is a theological system.782 In the area of eschatology, the

769 Peters, The Theocratic Kingdom I, 541-542 in Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol IV, 280. 770 Ibid., 280. 771 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol IV, 280. 772 Ibid., 281. 773 Peters, The Theocratic Kingdom, I, 494-495 in Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 248. 774 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: A Survey and Review, 248, 775 Ibid., 248. 776 Ibid., 248-249. 777 Ibid., 248. 778 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 353. 779 Ibid., 353. 780 Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 164-165. 781 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 127. 782 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 127.

Scriptures must be interpreted literally, grammatically, and historically.783 Premillennialism is opposed by postmillennialism and also by those believing that there will not be a millennium. Premillennialism is a striking contrast to Amillennarians who interpret Scripture literally except if it would lead to a premillennial understanding.784 To the Amillennarian, Israel has the nuance of the church. The throne of David is understood to be in heaven.785 Premillennarians interpret theology literally. Eschatology does not need to be spiritualized. This is maintaining the hermeneutic of interpreting scripture literally and on the basis of the historical-grammatical hermeneutic.786 Premillennialism is opposed by postmillennialism and also by those believing that there will not be a millennium.787 They are called Amillennialists.788 All of the Old Testament contains the theology of the millennium. The kingdom, Israel’s glory, the affirmation of Messiah, and the rule of Messiah in Jerusalem on the throne of David.789 The Old Testament is characterized by this hope of Messiah ruling in Jerusalem on the throne of David.790 In the book of Acts, James gives insight into the working of God with Israel would be reestablished after his purpose with the Gentiles had been completed. Chafer references this with this passage from Acts 15:13-18.791 The hope of the millennium along with the doctrine of justification was absent during the medieval ages.792 The Alexandrian school gave an allegorical meaning to all of Scripture in the third century. Augustine’s hermeneutic was to interpret Scripture literally with the exceptions of prophecy.793 Amillennialism is traced to Origen in the third century and to Augustine in the fourth century.794 The view is continued in the Roman Catholic Church.795 In interjection, the church is the kingdom. The general tenets ate the one thousand years reign of Christ on the earth is denied. Amillennialism views Satan as bound at the present time. This is thought to have occurred at Christ’s first advent. The millennium is at present occurring between the first and second advent of Christ. Augustine maintained it is happening on the earth.796 Other amillennialists hold it is happening in heaven by the saints. Walvoord aattributes this belief of Amillennialism to Kliefoth.797 The name, Philo, is attributed with Biblical interpretation at the beginning of the third century.798 His method of interpretation combined Greek philosophy with the Jewish interpretation of the Scriptures. He

783 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 128. 784 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 128. 785 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 129. 786 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 129. 787 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 264. 788 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 265. 789 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 265. 790 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 265. 791 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 268. 792 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 270. 793Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, v-vi. 794 Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 6. 795 Allis, Prophecy and the Church, 2-6 in Walvoord, The Millennial Kingdom, 6. 796 Ibid., Allis, 2-6 in Walvoord, 6. 797 Ibid., Allis, 2-6 in Walvoord, 6. 798 Terry, Biblical Hermeneutics, 36 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 32.

seemed at times to allow the literal sense of the passage yet he sought the mystical meaning behind the words.799 Philo wasn’t the originator of the Alexandrian school but is a type of their kind of interpretation. He avoided the historical background of the book. Amillennialism denies the one thousand years reign of Christ on the earth. Satan is viewed as bound at the present time. From ancient times, the Second Coming of Christ would be followed by his thousand years reign. His saints reigning with Him. Justin Martyr is attributed with belief in the millennium as did all those who were orthodox. Jerome is named as one who was an amillennialist. The truth of the millennium was obscured by the medieval ages.800 Peters is referencing the words of Cotton Mather. His dates are 1663 to 1728. Postmillennialism began with Daniel Whitby. His dates are 1638 to 1725. The millennium will be a golden age brought in by the preaching of the gospel and he church.801 Amillennialism originated with the conception of Rome that the church is the kingdom.802 Church fathers numbered fifteen in the first century who were premillennialists.803 At the second century’s close, amillennialism was found in the writings of Gaius and Clement.804 At the start of the third century, amillennialism was found in Origen and Dionysius.805 The figures of the Reformation proceeded with the view of the Church of Rome holding the view that the millennium is being fulfilled at present.806 Another amillennial view is that God’s kingdom is metaphysical or spiritual in man’s heart.807 Ryrie states very concisely the features of premillennialism. The events in order will be the Second Coming of Christ, and Christ will institute his kingdom. The church will not institute the kingdom as maintained by postmillennialists. Christ will exercise a literal reign on the earth. The promises made to Abraham and David will come to fruition during the one thousand years reign of Christ. Apostasy will continue on the rise leading to the tribulation period and ending in Christ’s Second Coming. Christ’s kingdom is a one thousand years reign. This interpretation is built on the literal method. The premillennial system of Bible is consistent. Abraham and David received promises for their physical descendants.808 The majority of ancient Christians believed Revelation 20 in a literal manner that following Christ’s coming a millennium would follow.809 As a result of Augustine’s work City of God nearly all Christians interpreted Revelation in an allegorical manner. Weber notes this was following the

799 Ibid., 36 in Mathers, Christian Hermeneutics: Dispelling the Myths, 32. 800 Peters, The Theocratic Kingdom I, 541-542 in Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 280. 801 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 280. 802 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 281. 803 Peters, The Theocratic Kingdom I, 494-495 in Lightner, Evangelical Theology: Survey and Review, 248. 804 Lightner, Evangelical Theology: Survey and Review, 248. 805 Ibid., 248. 806 Ibid., 248-249. 807 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 353. 808Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 164-165. 809 Weber, 17 “Dispensational and Historic Premillennialism as Popular Millennialist Movements” 15-32 in A Case for Historic Premillennialism: An Alternative to “Left Behind” Eschatology, Blomberg, Craig L. and Chung, Sung Wook (eds.). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2009. (ebookcental-proquest- docID=590746.

fifth century.810 A spiritual interpretation was given to the reign of Christ. The reign started with his resurrection. It is being fulfilled in two spheres the church and heaven. It will end with Christ’s coming.811 The question of interpretation is to account for the differences in regard to premillennialism and amillennialism.812 Feinberg refers to Delitzsch’s input on interpretation and application. In regard to interpretation, it is single. However, applications are numerous.813 The Bible must be interpreted on the basis of the grammar.814Scriptural interpretation can be clarified by other obvious passages.815 Prophecy must be interpreted on the basis of all prophecies on that subject. Interpretation can’t be made on one passage by itself.816 Prophecy can have a near and far fulfillment.817 Fulfillment of unfulfilled prophecies can be seeing how God has fulfilled prophecy in past times.818 The well-known faith of the Christian church is premillennialism.819 Interpreting the Scriptures literally, viewing promises to both Abraham and David are not conditioned but will be fulfilled literally. A distinction between Israel and the Church, a pretribulation rapture, a seven year tribulation period, the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the tribulation, and the millennial kingdom for one thousand years, and the prophetic revelation to Israel fulfilled during the millennium are the beliefs held by premillennialism system of theology.820 In sum, the rejection of premillennialism based on Revelation 20 is superficial. Premillennialism is a system of theology. Hermeneutics plays a large part in our view of scripture. Premillennialism is a distinct theology. The premillennialist is the most consistent in the interpretation of scripture. Scriptures regardless of the subject area including eschatology is interpreted in a literal manner. Kingdom promises to Israel of a Davidic throne and kingdom in perpetuity have never been fulfilled. Messiah will rule on the throne of David from Jerusalem. The amillennial view of Christ ruling now in heaven on the throne of David to fulfill the millennium is incorrect. Amillennialism spiritualizes eschatology. Acts 15 tells of God’s purpose with the Gentiles and Israel. Teaching on the millennium was absent during the medieval ages. The Alexandrian school in Alexandria of Egypt gave rise to the allegorical method. This was furthered by Augustine. The church was thought to be the kingdom. The church fathers known as apostolic fathers were premillennialists. An example is Justin Martyr. Amillennialism began in the third century. The Reformers held the view that the millennium was being fulfilled in the church. Following Christ’s second coming, he will institute the kingdom not the church. It

810 Ibid., 17. 811 Ibid., 17. 812 Feinberg, Premillennialism or Amillennialism?, 14. 813 Ibid., 14. 814 Ibid., 14. 815 Ibid., 15. 816 Ibid., 17. 817 Ibid., 18. 818 Ibid., 18. 819 Ryrie, The Basis of the Premillennial Faith, 12. 820 Ibid., 12.

should be added that the postmillennial view of the church through the preaching of the gospel will bring in a golden age is no longer a viable option given the course of the twentieth and twenty first century. The promises made to Abraham and David will be fulfilled. The premillennial system of theology employs the literal method of interpretation based on the historical-grammatical method. All the features of Israel’s kingdom the king, the kingdom, the throne, and the kingdom are to be fulfilled in the millennium. Augustine maintained the view that the church is the kingdom. Philo, a contemporary with Christ, interpreted scripture by combining Greek philosophy with the Old Testament. Jerome was another one not believing in the literal fulfillment of the millennium as future to be fulfilled on the earth. As a result of Augustine’s book City of God, the reign of Christ was interpreted spiritually. The millennium is believed to be fulfilled either in the church or in heaven. Such will end with the Second coming of Christ. Prophecy can have a near and far fulfillment in relationship to the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments. A distinction must be made between Israel and the Church in order to be able to interpret scripture correctly. There isn’t any church in the Old Testament. The church was announced as future in Christ’s day. In the New Testament, Israel is Israel and the church is the church. The intercalation period is unknown in scripture. This period is unrelated to the Kingdom promised in Old Testament and the future fulfillment of the Old Testament covenants to Israel. The kingdom near was left off. New revelation revealed a tribulation period be yet future. Chafer cites Matthew 24:29-30. This will be the completion of 490 years for Israel. The death of Christ completed the 69th week of Daniel.821 In estimation, the present church age is an intercalation between the 69th and the 70th week of Daniel. The church raptured. The man of sin revealed. He will make the peace covenant with Israel and their neighbors for a period of 7 years. There wasn’t any time interlude revealed between Christ’s firs advent and his future second coming.822 Chafer cites Isaiah 61:1-3 and Malachi 3:1-6 as support.823 Gabriel’s visit to Mary in regard to events of both advents didn’t give any allusion to a gap between Christ’s two comings. Chafer’s support is Luke 1:31-33. Peter’s first epistle confirms Chafer’s argument.824 The words of the prophets concerning the future are for the kingdom age.825 Chafer names three ages to understand the divine purpose for each.826 These ae the Law, the dispensation of grace and the last dispensation kingdom.827 The Law of Moses ended with the death of Christ on the cross technically. The age of grace began in Acts 2 with the formation of the universal church with the giving of the Holy Spirit.

2.2 Israel’s Kingdom

821 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 167. 822 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 167. 823 Ibid., 167. 824 Ibid., 167-168. I Peter 1:10-11. 825 Ibid., 168. 826 Ibid., 168. 827 Ibid., 168-169.

The kingdom age will begin with the Second Coming of Christ. 828 The teachings of the Kingdom age are in three sources. These are Psalms, prophecies foreshadowing Messiah’s reign in the Old Testament, and some part of the gospels deal with the kingdom.829 Old Testament scriptures on the kingdom have four distinct features. Both Messiah’s character and reign, restoration of Israel, Gentile blessings, and creation delivered.830 Messiah’s rule will have two distinct features of righteousness, and Israel’s New Covenant. Chafer supports these points from Jeremiah 31:31-40, Hebrews 8:7-12, Isaiah 2:14-4, and 11:1-5 respectively.831 In comprehension, the intercalation period between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel was not known. The Old Testament did not teach a gap between the first and second advent of Christ. The age of grace began with the Day of Pentecost as found in Acts 2. The Jewish period of the New Testament was phased out in A.D. 70 with the coming of Titus and the Romans. This was predicted in Daniel 9:26.832 The church age is between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel.833 The present age will end with the Rapture of the blood bought church.834 The kingdom’s key words are peace and righteousness. Restoration of Israel is found in Hosea 3:4-5. Additional Old Testament scriptures are Psalms 72:20, Isaiah 4:2-6, 9:6-7, 14:18, 35:1-10, 52:1-12, 59:20-60:22, 62:1012,66:1-24, Jeremiah 31:36-37, 33:1-26, Joel 3:17-21, Amos 9:11-15, Zephaniah 3:14-20, and Zechariah 14:16-21.835 In understanding the kingdom from the perspective of the New Testament, Christ’s ministry had two purposes. He was Messiah to Israel and Savior to the Gentiles. In analysis, a response of faith trust in the Savior’s work on the cross saved. In support for the ministry to Israel and to the Gentiles, these two interchanges are found in Romans 15:8-9.836 Old Testament prophecy closed without fulfillment of the biblical covenants. Israel was to have a kingdom on earth with Messiah reigning on David’s throne.837 Christ will fulfill the Davidic covenant. Support for this in the New Testament can be found in Luke 1:31-33 and 2:25.838 Israel was under Roman rule. Israel was dispersed among the Gentiles.839 News on the kingdom came from three sources. John, Christ, and the disciples announced the nearness of the kingdom.840 Support is cited by Chafer from the gospel of Matthew. These passages are Matthew 3:1-2, 4:17, and 10:5-7.841 Israel rejected their king. This decision came from the

828 Ibid., 168-169. 829 Ibid., 169. 830 Ibid., 170. 831 Ibid., 170. 832 Pentecost, Senior Bible, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas. 833 Ibid., no pages. 834 Pentecost, Daniel, 1364 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, 1323- 1375. 835 Chafer, Systematic Theology, IV, 171. 836 Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol IV, 171-172. 837 Ibid., 172. 838 Ibid., 172. 839 Ibid., 172. 840 Ibid., 172. 841 Ibid., 172.

leadership.842 They could only decide what had been determined in the divine decree and election. The support for this taken from Acts 2:23.843 The offer of the kingdom was rejected and completed before any mention of the church.844 Was the offer of the kingdom real? It was. It can’t be related to the dispensation of grace.845 Chafer admits free will in Israel’s choice of their king.846 The sovereignty of God determined the outcome.847 Peter informed us as to the timing of the two lines of prophecy.848 Revelation hadn’t been given to the prophets on this.849 A reigning king and a sacrificed Christ couldn’t occur at the same time. Israel’s king and kingdom remain unfulfilled.850 God’s presence in the hearts of man is far different than God’s kingdom.851 The proclamation of Christ in Matthew 5:1 to 7:29 sets forth the constitution, the behavior, and the setting for life in the kingdom.852 In Matthew, Jesus pronounced judgment upon all which constituted the life of the nation Israel, the leaders, the capital Jerusalem, and the temple.853 The disciples thought in terms of the coming of Messiah and the end of the age.854 Judgment will begin with Israel. The events of Matthew 24 and 25 tells us when judgment will fall on Israel.855 Pentecost lists these events of judgment during the tribulation period. These are the tribulation in Matthew 24:4-26, the Second coming of Christ to the earth in Matthew 24:27-30, Israel regathered in Matthew 24:31, Israel judged in Matthew 25:1-30, and then the Gentiles judged in Matthew 25:31-46.856 Saved Israel and saved Gentiles will at his Second Coming, will enter the millennial kingdom established by Christ himself.857 Israel’s revival will entail the regaining of their land and the fulfillment of the covenants.858 Israel will be under the rule of Messiah in the kingdom.859 Three exiles had been predicted concerning Israel prior to the end times. The first was into Egyptian bondage and then release at the time of the Exodus. The second was the two captivities. One was to Assyria and the other was to Babylon. Israel was dispersed in 70 A.D. with Jerusalem destroyed.860 The Davidic covenant relates to a throne and descendant in perpetuity. Walvoord gives support from 2 Samuel 7:16, Psalm 89:35-36, Jeremiah 33:21, and

842 Ibid., 174. 843 Ibid., 174. 844 Ibid., 174. 845 Ibid., 175. 846 Ibid., 175. 847 Ibid., 175. 848 Ibid., 175. 849 Ibid., 175. 850 Ibid., 176. 851 Ibid., 178. 852 Ibid., 176-177. 853 Pentecost, Life of Christ course, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1975. 854 Pentecost, Things to Come, 276. 855 Ibid., 413. 856Pentecost, Things to Come, 413. 857 Ibid., 503-504. 858 Ibid., 504. 859 Ibid., 507. 860 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 305.

Daniel 7:14.861 Israel’s future was revealed to Daniel in chapter 9:24-27. Seventy weeks were foretold for Israel. This was a total of 490 years. In estimation, a week is equal to seven years. A week in Hebrew is a heptad which is period of seven years. The four hundred and ninety years begin with the time of Nehemiah in 445 B.C. to rebuild Jerusalem.862 In analysis, this would be 49 years. Messiah would be cut off after 62 more weeks. This is 434 years. With the seven weeks from the time of Nehemiah plus 62 more weeks until Christ was crucified is a total of 483 years. A period of seven years, one week remain in the fulfillment of the prophetic plan of God for Israel. A Roman prince will make a peace covenant with Israel for one week. This is recorded in Daniel 9:27.863 The covenant will be broken at the mid-point of the 7 years. The Roman ruler will become a persecutor of Israel according to Daniel 9:27.864 The book of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 reveal this period. It ends with Second Coming of Christ in chapter 19.865 The 70th week of Daniel is still to come.866 In evaluation, the kingdom age is the dispensation of the kingdom. It begins with Christ’s Second Coming at the end of the tribulation. This is not the rapture. The rapture occurs seven years earlier before the tribulation begins. L. S. Chafer has this valuable insight into the kingdom. Further, Chafer points out three sources teaching the subject of the dispensation of kingdom. There wasn’t a gap between Christ’s first and second coming taught in the Scriptures. The church age is between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel. These valuable insights are owed to Lewis Sperry Chafer, the founder, and first President of Dallas Theological Seminary. The age of grace began on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 was the formation of the universal church and the giving of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation placed those who believed in the universal body of Christ. This is the universal Church. There wasn’t any church in the Old Testament. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Christ announced the formation of the Church as future to his day in Matthew 16:18. Israel will be restored. This will occur when Jesus begins to deal with Israel and the world during the tribulation period. The tribulation is a seven years period yet future. It will begin once the church has been raptured. The Anti-Christ will make the peace covenant with Israel according to Daniel 9:27.867 The kingdom promises to Israel in the Old Testament have not yet become fulfilled prophecy. In the New Testament, Christ offered the kingdom to Israel. The leper was a sign to the nation that Messiah was in their midst. The Doctors of the Law evaluated Christ’s claims. They charged Christ with blasphemy. In regard to the question of sin, the position of the scribes was that only God can forgive sins. Christ authenticated his words by his miracles.868 The leaders of the nation attributed his miracles to Satan. Christ cut off the nation Israel from any further revelation. This was not to bring them into any greater

861 Ibid., 305. 862 Ibid., 305-306. 863 Ibid., 306. 864 Ibid., 306. 865 Ibid., 306. 866 Ibid., 306. 867 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 306. 868 Pentecost, Life of Christ 323, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1975.

condemnation. Christ began to teach in parables to hide the truth. The offer of the kingdom was genuine. The kingdom was postponed as taught in the parable of Luke.869 The Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic and New Covenants made with Israel are yet to be fulfilled in the future. In appraisal, Israel composed of ten tribes continued in both apostasy and idolatry until taken in captivity to Assyria in B.C. 721. The two tribes of Judah and Benjamin were exiled to Babylon.870 This occurred in B.C., 605, 597, 586.871 The captivity was for a period of seventy years. Walvoord’s support is from Jeremiah 29:10.872 There were three returns to the promised land. The first was under Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple, Ezra 1-6. The second return was in 458 B.C., Ezra 7-12 to reinstitute the law, Ezra 7:7. The last return was in B.C., 445 under Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. This was completed in fifty-two days.873 Jerusalem was destroyed in A.D. 70.874 The Roman general was Titus. Jewish rebellion continued until A.D. 135 when Israel was taken off the land with the exception some families.875 England took Palestine in 1917.876 The Balfour Declaration in 1917 on November 2 gave Israel a homeland.877 At the close of World War II, Palestine was given to the United Nations by the British.878 Palestine was divided by United Nations into two states one Jewish and an Arab one.879 Israel announced its statehood in 1948 on May 14.880

2.3 God’s Sovereign Purpose for the Gentiles

The purpose of God is seen in his sovereignty and omnipotence for the Gentiles.881 Gentile history begins with Noah. The tower of Babel records the judgment of God upon the Gentiles as found in Genesis 11:1-9.882 The plan of God for the Gentiles was given to Daniel the prophet.883 In the second chapter of Daniel, a dream was given to Nebuchadnezzar revealing the future course of Gentile world history to be fulfilled from Daniel’s day.884 These world empires were Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greece, and Rome. The seventh chapter of Daniel reveals the same world empires as beasts. The Medes and Persians conquered Babylon in B.C. 539.

869 Luke 19:11-27. 870 Walvoord, Israel, 16. 871 Walvoord, Israel, 16. 872 Ibid., 16. 873 Zuck, Prophets Bible 305, no pages. Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Fall 1974. 874 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 305. 875 Walvoord, Israel, 17. 876 Ibid., 17. 877 Ibid., 18. 878 Ibid., 19. 879 Ibid., 19. 880 Ibid., 19. 881 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 297. 882 Ibid., 298. 883 Ibid., 298. 884 Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 298.

Daniel saw this second world empire fulfilled in his time.885 The conquering of the Babylonians by the Medes and the Persians is recorded in Daniel chapter 5.886 The Lord Jesus spoke of these empires as “times of Gentiles” in Luke 21:24. Jerusalem would be under Gentile power until the time of Gentile rule would be fulfilled.887 While these world empires have come and gone, Daniel 2 and 7 speak of a revived Roman empire. In Daniel chapter 2, the feet of the image and in Daniel chapter 7, the ten horns speak of the revived Roman empire yet future. In interaction, a little horn is seen in the seventh chapter of Daniel. This is a false of Christ. After the church is raptured then this will occur. Daniel 11:35 speaks of it as the end time.888 The period of Gentile domination will end at the Second Coming of Christ.889 The saved Gentiles on the earth at Christ’s Second Coming will enter the millennial kingdom.890 The age of grace does not further Gentile prophecy. The fulfillment of Gentile prophecy ceased on the day of Pentecost and will be until the rapture of the blood bought church. Gentile prophecy will begin to see a fulfillment following the rapture.891 Luke 21:24 presents the concept of Gentile rule. It is a crucial concept of time.892 “and they will fall by mouth of sword and they will have been led captive to all nations and Jerusalem will be being trampled by Gentiles until when the times of Gentiles may have been fulfilled.”893 (Luke 21:24) [author’s translation] Pentecost confirms God has a program for the Gentiles.894 This prophetic program will result in their part in the millennium. They will have saved and then to be blessed in the millennium.895 The “times of Gentiles” (my translation) began with the fall of Jerusalem under Nebuchadnezzar. The period continues at present and will continue throughout the tribulation. It is during the tribulation that judgment will fall on the Gentiles.896 Christ’s second coming will bring to an end the rule of Gentiles.897 Pentecost references C.I. Scofield.898 Scofield presents the smiting stone in Daniel 2:34-35, 2;44. Revelation 19:11, 21 is the Second Coming of Christ in glory. The “times of Gentiles” (my translation) continues to subject Jerusalem to the rule of the Gentiles.899 In analysis, the Second Coming of Christ occurs at the end of the tribulation. Support is taken from Matthew 24:27 and Revelation 19:11.900 The beast is controlled by the world church at the outset.901 The authority

885 Ibid., 298. 886 Ibid., 298. 887 Ibid., 298. 888 Ibid., 299. 889 Ibid., 299. 890 Ibid., 299. 891 Ibid., 299-300. 892 Chafer, Systematic Theology VII, 893 Luke 21:24 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 292. 894 Pentecost, Things to Come, 314. 895 Ibid., 315. 896 Ibid., 315. 897 Ibid., 315. 898 Scofield, Scofield Reference Bible, 1345 in Pentecost, Things to Come, 315-316. 899 Pentecost, Things to Come, 315. 900 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 202. 901 Revelation 17:3 in Aland& Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 869.

of the woman is seen in Revelation 17:1: “seats herself over many waters”902 [author’s translation]. “Many” is in the second attributive position of the adjective. The emphasis is on “many.” The angel interprets this for the apostle John: “and he says to me the waters which you have seen where the harlot seats herself are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.”903 [author’s translation] The Anti-Christ and the church centered in Rome with sign a peace treaty with the nation Israel guaranteeing their security.904 The beast has seven heads and ten horns.905 The angel interprets for the apostle John: “Here is the mind the one having wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills, where the woman seats herself upon them. And they are seven kings.”906 The beast is not one of the seven kings but he is the eighth. He is from the group of seven.907 The city of seven hills was known to be Rome.908 For support for this point, Robertson names Vergil, Horace, Ovid, and Cicero.909 Unger concurs that Rome has been known as the city of seven hills.910 Palatine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Caelian, Aventine, Esquiline, and Viminal are the seven hills.911 Roman coins depict Rome as the city of seven hills.912 “and he goes to destruction.”913 [author’s translation] Revelation chapter 17 presents the fact that there is one religious authority prior to the Anti-Christ. “and the ten horns which you saw are ten kings.” 914 [author’s translation] The Anti-Christ and the ten kings destroy the church centered in Rome.915 In comprehension, the ten kings have not at present received a kingdom. “They receive authority as kings one hour with the beast. These have one purpose they give both their power and authority to the beast.” 916 [author’s translation] This is part of the decree of a sovereign God that the kings give their kingdom to the beast “until the words of God will have been fulfilled.”917 The beast, Anti-Christ, world dictator is supported by the devil. Support for this is from Revelation 13:2 and 20:2.918 This world dictator is a Roman. In Daniel 9:26 reference is made to a people who were to come and a prince of that people. The city, Jerusalem, and temple were to be destroyed.919 These were the Romans. This destruction took place in A.D.

902 Revelation 17:1, Ibid., 869. 903 Revelation 17:15, Ibid., 871. 904 Daniel 9:27. 905 Revelation 17:3 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 869. 906 Revelation 17:9 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 870. 907 Revelation 17:11, Ibid., 870. 908 Robertson, Word Pictures, vol VI, 432 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 184. 909 Ibid., 432 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 184. 910 Unger, Unger’s Bible Dictionary, 935 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 184. 911 Unger, Unger’s Bible Dictionary, 935 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 184. 912 Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 250-251 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 184. 913 Revelation 17:11 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 870. 914 Revelation 17:12, Ibid., 870. 915 Revelation 17:16 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 871. 916 Revelation 17:12-13, Ibid., 870. 917 Revelation 17:17, Ibid., 871 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 183. 918 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 185. 919 Pentecost, Daniel, 1364 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, 1323- 1375.

70.920 This ruler is a Roman. He is from the Roman people.921 In Revelation 13:1, “and I saw from the sea rising beast having ten horns and seven heads and on his horns ten diadems and on his heads names of Blasphemy.”922 [author’s translation] Sea is a figure of speech that is used to represent the nations.923In response, the Anti-Christ, this beast, and the ten kings are last form of Gentile world power. This is not just a world power but a world empire. The plan of God, part of the divine decree for the Gentile nations was foretold to Daniel in chapters 2 to 7. The world empires were Babylon, the Medes and Persians, Greece, and Rome. In both Daniel chapters 2 and 7 a revised Roman empire is still a future and final world empire. This world empire will be ended by Messiah’s kingdom established by the Lord Jesus at his Second Coming at the end of tribulation. Messiah’s kingdom will continue beyond the one thousand years in perpetuity. The final world empire coming out of Rome is a confederacy of ten kings. The world dictator, the Anti-Christ is the eighth of the seven religious kings. The ten kings are political kings with a world empire. The Anti-Christ is also a Roman, a Gentile according to Daniel chapters 2 and 7.924 The period of Gentile world rule will end with the Second Coming of Christ. This final chapter in the future of the Gentile nations will begin when the Roman prince signs a peace covenant with Israel according to Daniel 9:27. The Gentile nations will be judged at the end of the tribulation with their right to enter the millennial kingdom as evidenced in the judgment of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25:31-46. In review, Campbell draws attention to the feet and toes of the image in Daniel chapter 2. These ten toes represent the revived Roman empire (Daniel 2:42-43). They are symbolic of ten kings. They are the ten kings of Daniel 2:41-45. In observing Daniel 7:17-20, attention is focused on the little horn.925 The little horn conquered three of the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast. From Church History, we know the fourth beast to be the Roman empire that succeeded the Grecian world empire.926 In Revelation 17, the beast is not one of the seven religious kings but is the eighth religious king. The last state of Gentile world power is a revived Roman empire originates from Rome.927

3. Eschatology

3.1 Rapture

The church will be raptured prior to the tribulation period. Jesus introduced the rapture on the night in which he was betrayed, John 14:1-4.928 The church is gone.929 The Man of Sin will be

920 Walvoord, Daniel, 230-231. 921 Pentecost, Daniel, 1364, Ibid., 1323-1375. 922 Revelation 13:1 in Aland & Black (eds.), The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 859. 923 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 185. 924 Pentecost, Daniel & Revelation 336, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1974. 925 Campbell, Daniel Decoder of Dreams, 25 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 178-179. 926 Ibid., in Mathers, 179. 927 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 183. 928 John 14:1-4 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 378. 929 1 Thess. 4:13-18 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 703-704.

revealed. The apostle Paul writing to the Thessalonians explained that contrary to their belief that they were not in the Day of the Lord. Two things were necessary for the Day of the Lord to come. The apostasy occurs first then the man of lawlessness will be revealed. “Except the apostasy may have come.” This is a second Aorist active subjunctive, third person singular.930 Apostasy is a transliteration of the Greek word apostasia without the meaning. Apostasia is used of departure for a departure from the law of Moses in Acts 21:21.931 The apostasia is not apostasy but the rapture. Next, the man of sin will then be revealed.932 The Man of Sin, the Anti-Christ will make a peace covenant with Israel and their Arab neighbors for one week. This is a heptad a period of seven years. This is the first prophetic even following the rapture. It begins the tribulation period.933

The first event is the rapture of the church. The rapture will take place prior to the beginning of the tribulation. Scriptural support for Christ’s appearing in the air for his blood bought church can be found in these passages in addition to John 14. I Corinthians 15:51-58, I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 2 Timothy 4:8 and Titus 2:13. “Awaiting (expecting) the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.” [author’s translation] (Tit. 2:13).934 Awaiting is a present middle participle. The present tense is continuous action. Middle voice would be yourselves continuing waiting or expecting “our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.” This is the doctrine of imminency. One article with two nouns refers to the same person.935 “Our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” is one person not two. “Our great God” does not refer to God the Father. “Our great God and Savior is one person. The words “Jesus Christ” is simple apposition to “our great God and Savior”. In 1 Corinthians 15:51-58, the apostle Paul speaks of the rapture as a mystery. A mystery was new truth previously hidden in the person of God the Father until the time of Christ and his apostles. “Behold mystery I say to you we will not all have been put to sleep but we all will have been changed. In moment, in blink of eye, at last trumpet for it sounds and the dead will have been raised immortal and we will have been changed. For this corruptible must have put on immortality and this mortal may have put on immortality. Now whenever this corruptible may have put on immortality and this mortal may have put on immortality then the word the one having been written will be fulfilled. Death has been swallowed in victory. Where you death in victory; where you death the sting; now the sting of death sin, now the power of sin the law. Now to God’s grace the one giving to us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. So that my beloved brethren you yourselves be steadfast, immoveable, abounding in the work of the Lord always, having known that your labor is not in vain in Lord.”936 [author’s translation] In the resurrection chapter, Paul presents

930 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 378. 931 Gingrich & Danker, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 98. 932 2 Thess. 2:3 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 708. 933 Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6:2. 934 Titus 2:13 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 735. 935 Robertson, Greek Grammar, 798 in Robertson, Word Pictures vol IV, 605. 936 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 605-606.

the truth that the dead in Christ will be raised. The living will be changed in the blink of an eyelid. Death is in the vocative case.937 The apostle is personifying death as if it was a person. The new truth is that we will not all die but the living will be changed putting on those who have died immortality. The certainty of the pretribulation rapture is stated in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. “Now we will not you to be ignorant concerning the ones themselves sleeping in order that you may not be grieving just as also the rest the one not having hope. For if we believe that Jesus has died and has risen in this manner also God the ones having been put to sleep through Jesus will bring with him.” “for this we say to you by word of Lord that we the ones living the ones remaining being left for the coming of the Lord we may not at all precede the ones having been put to sleep; because the Lord himself with command by voice of archangel and with trumpet of God will descend from heaven and the dead ones in Christ themselves will be raised first, then we the ones living the ones left together with them we will have been caught up in clouds to meet the Lord in air; and in this manner always with Lord we ourselves will be. So that keep on comforting one another with these words.”938 [author’s translation] It is obvious from the context that the question that the Thessalonians had was in relation to the Lord’s return and their loved ones who had died in Christ. Paul under the inspiration of the Spirit by divine revelation wrote to the Thessalonians that they didn’t need to grieve as do the non-Christians who are without hope. The reason is because there will be a family reunion at the rapture of the church. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13, we see a 1st class condition indicated by ei translated if. The first-class condition assumes the reality of the fact.939 Christ did die and was resurrected. God will bring their loved ones who have died with him at his return. Paul received direct revelation for in 4:15, he says: “we say this by word of Lord.” Lord is a Genitive of source showing where the revelation came from. The one’s living at the Lord’s return will not precede those who have fallen asleep in Christ. “The Lord himself will descend from heaven with command by voice of the archangel with trumpet of God.” The loved ones of the Thessalonians who had died will be raised first at the Lord’s coming. The living will be translated together with them to meet the Lord in the air. Both dead in Christ and the living will be with Christ forever. Paul closes in 1 Thessalonians 4:18 by exhorting them to keep on comforting one another with these words. “Keep on comforting” is a present active imperative.940 “With words these” is the second predicate position of the adjective “the words these.941 Paul uses a military figure of the commander giving the order for the troops to move out. It is relayed by the archangel with the trumpet of God for those who are out of hearing distance of the commander.942 “Finally, the crown of righteousness stored up, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day, now not only to me but also to all the one’s having loved his

937 Goetchius, The Language of the New Testament, 302. 938 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 703-704. 939 Williams, Intermediate Greek, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1974. 940 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 376. 941 Williams, Intermediate Greek, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1974. 942 Pentecost, Senior Bible 307, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1976.

appearing.”943 The rapture is referred to as Christ’s appearing. There is a reward to every believer who has loved his appearing. This means that Christ’s appearing is imminent and we are to be looking for Christ to appear to take us home to heaven. Paul loved his appearing. He knew that he would be given the reward of a crown of righteousness. Those who have loved Christ’s appearing will be given a crown of righteousness on that day. This is at the bema seat of Christ. This is the crown for victory. It is referred to in I Corinthians 9:25944 The context is running a race. The games that Paul refers to would be the Olympic games. So, the Christian must compete according to the rules laid down in I Corinthians 9:24-27. The athlete completed for a corruptible crown.945 The continued cry on the part of our world is for peace and security. The push for a peace treaty in the Middle East remains in the forefront. Why is there a constant push periodically to establish a peace treaty between Israel and her Arab neighbors? The problem of two states in the land of Israel remains with us. Has man the fear of Armageddon written in their hearts. The Middle East peace treaty may succeed for a temporarily but it will never endure in perpetuity. The real reason a lasting peace settlement is not possible in the Middle East is because it is reserved for the false Christ according to Daniel 9:27.946 One of the things at work in or world at the present time is the mystery of iniquity. This mystery of lawlessness supernaturally works at the present time and continues to work.947 A mystery is new truth hidden previously in the person of God the Father. It was not revealed until the time of Christ and his apostles. The primary characteristic of this new truth is lawlessness.948 Our world will become increasingly lawless. The Man of Sin, the false Christ, will make a covenant with Israel and their Arab neighbors for one week. This is a heptad of seven years. This is the first prophetic event following the rapture of the church. It begins the tribulation period. The Holy Spirit will be withdrawn at the rapture of the chuch. Next, the lawless one will have been revealed.949 Civil unrest and conflict in the Middle East will be part of our present age. The cry of our present world is for peace and security.950 2 Peter teaches that there will be false teachers in the last days for the church.951 They deny the Master who bought them speaking of Christ’s substitutionary atonement. They deny the humanity, deity, and Messiahship of Jesus Christ.952 The testimony of the Holy Spirit is to these three aspects of Christ.953 In the last days for the church, apostasy is predicted in Scripture. Chafer cites two passages. These are 1 Timothy 4:1-3 and 2 Timothy 3:5. The dispensation of the church age

943 2 Timothy 4:8 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 730. 944 Robertson, Word Pictures, vol IV, 631. 945 1 Corinthians 9:25 in Aland & Black (eds.) The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition with dictionary, 588. 946 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 111. 947 1 Thessalonians 2:7 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 709. 948 Ibid., 709. 949 Ibid., 709. 950 1 Thessalonians 5:3 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition,704. 951 2 Peter 2:1, Ibid., 802. 952 I John 4:2-3, 15, 5:1, Ibid., 816-818. 953 I John 3:24, 4:2-3, 15, 5:1, Ibid., 815-818.

began on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2.954 The church age will end in apostasy prior to the rapture of the church. For the church, the character of last days is evil.955 2 Peter testifies of scoffers in the last days mocking the doctrine of the Lord’s return.956 Men in the last days for the church will lovers of self, money and pleasure to the exclusion of God.957 The apostle Paul speaks of hard times of stress.958 People are going to be difficult.959 The apostle Paul speaks of the last times beginning in his and Timothy’s days continuing to the present.960 Of apostasy in the church age: “Now the Spirit speaks clearly that in last seasons some themselves will depart the faith following deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.”961 1 Timothy predicts apostasy prior to the rapture of the church. The Lord Jesus predicted apostasy in the parable of the tares one of the characteristics of the interim form of the Kingdom. There would be a false sowing alongside the good sowing of the Word of God.962 The tares are “the sons of the evil one.963 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 elaborates further on the theme of apostasy.964

3.2 First Event of the Tribulation

The first event of the tribulation period is delivering the world into the hands of the false Christ. This is depicted for us in the first seal judgment of Revelation chapter 6:1-2. “and I have seen when the Lamb has opened one from the seven seals and I have heard one from the four living creatures saying as voice of thunder, keep on coming and I have seen and behold a white horse, and the one seating himself upon him having a bow and a crown has been given to him and he has gone out conquering in order that he may have conquered.”965 [author’s translation] Next, the false Christ and the World Church unite for a time.

In sum, the rapture takes place first before the tribulation begins. The church age ending with the rapture is characterized by denials of the faith, false teachers, and apostasy. “for the mysteryof lawlessness now supernaturally works.”966 [author’s translation] After the rapture, the false Christ and the world church will make a peace treaty with Israel and their neighbors.967

954 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol IV, 19 955 Chafer, Systematic Theology vol VII, 111. 956 2 Peter 3:3-4 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 805. 957 2 Timothy 3:2,4 in Ibid., 728-729. 958 Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 882. 959 Ibid., 882. 960 Pentecost, Expos Pastoral Epistles 332, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1974. 961 1 Timothy 4:1 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 718. 962 Matthew 13:3,19,24-30 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 205. 963 Matthew 13:38 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 205. 964 Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 205. 965 Revelation 6:1-2 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 844-845. 966 2 Thessalonians 2:7 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 709. 967 Daniel 9:27; Revelation 17:3 in Ibid., 869.

3.3 World Dictator and World Church Unite

The beast is pictured for us in Revelation chapter 13: “And I have seen from the sea beast rising, having ten horns and seven heads and on his ten diadems and on his heads names of blasphemy.”968 [author’s translation] In Revelation 17:3, the woman pictured is in league with the false Christ. The woman representing the world church at that time is pictured riding the beast. “and I have seen a woman seating herself on scarlet beast, full names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.” [author’s translation] The woman is dressed in religious garb.969 The text is interpreted by the angel in Revelation 17:7: “and the angel said to me”, “Why have you marvelled? I will say to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast the one carrying her the one having seven heads and ten horns.”970 [author’s translation] “Here the mind the one having wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills, where the woman seats herself upon them. and they are seven kings; five have fallen, the one is, the other has not come, and whenever in short time he may have come in short time he must remain. And the beast which was and is not and he is eighth and he is from the seven, and he goes to destruction.”971 “and the ten horns which you have seen are ten kings, such ones have not yet received a kingdom but authority as kings they receive one hour with the beast.”972 “ these have one purpose and they give both their power and authority to the beast.”973 [author’s translation] “and the ten horns which you have seen and the beast these hate the harlot and do lay her waste and they eat her flesh and they burn her with fire.”974 [author’s translation] “for God has given into their hearts to have done his purpose and to do one purpose and to have given their kingdom to the beast until the words of God will have been fulfilled. And the woman which you have seen is the great city the one having a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”975 [author’s translation] In interaction, the false Christ ans the world church in Rome will make the peace treaty with Israel guaranteeing Israel’s security with their neighbors. The apostle John was given revelation concerning the woman. She seats herself on seven hills. Rome has long been known to be the city built on seven hills. The woman is also seven kings. These are religious kings. They are not the same as the ten horns. The ten horns are ten political kings. They form the last world empire a revived Roman empire. The ten kings will give their power and authority to the beast, the Anti-Christ. The ten kings have not received their kingdom yet. They are ten political kings. The ten kings and the beast will destroy the woman,

968Revelation 13:1 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 859. 969Revelation 17:3, Ibid., 869. 970Revelation 17:7, Ibid., 870. 971Revelation 17:9-11, Ibid., 870. 972Revelation 17:12, Ibid., 870. 973Revelation 17:13, Ibid., 870. 974Revelation 17:16, Ibid., 871. 975Revelation 17:18, Ibid., 871.

representing the world church in Rome. This is because the false Christ worships the god of military might.976

3.4 Seal Judgments – First 3 ½ Years of the Tribulation Period

During the first three and a half years of the tribulation, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, pours out his judgments beginning with the seal judgments. In Chapter 6:1-17 and 8:1, these judgments are poured out on the earth in continuous succession. The seal judgments continue like a wave throughout the entire seven years period. Remember that the first seal was the rider on the white horse with a bow and a crown. This is the false Christ. God delivers the world into the hands of the Anti-Christ. The Lord Jesus breaks the second seal.977 The result is war in Revelation 6:3. Jesus Christ takes peace from the earth “and in order that they slay each other and a great broad sword has been given to him.”978 [author’s translation] This is an interesting truth. The Anti-Christ has brought a temporary peace to the earth. Israel’s security seems to be maintained. The apostle Paul taught in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 that the cry of modern man prior to the judgment of the Day of the Lord would be for peace and security. Remember that the Anti-Christ according to Daniel 9:27 has made a peace covenant with Israel for seven years period. However, Anti-Christ is unable to bring a lasting peace to the earth. While Anti- Christ is rling, God, the eternal Son, is pouring out his seal judgments on the earth. The second seal judgment was the red horse. Now, the Bible progresses to the third seal. This is the black horse. This speaks of that which follows namely, world-wide inflation and famine. “And I have seen, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. “And I have heard as voice in midst of the four living creatures, a quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and you may not have harmed the oil and the wine.”979 [author’s translation] A denarius would equal a man’s pay for a day. The pale horse, the fourth seal is next in the judgments of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. This fourth seal results in the logical consequence to war, inflation, and famine, death, and Hell. “And I have seen, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. And it has been given to them power over the fourth of the earth to have killed with sword and with famine and with death and by the wild beasts of the earth.”980 Seals two to four have one of the living creatures (cherubim) giving the apostle John permission to see the truth revealed. The second living creatures gives John permission to see the second seal. Erchou is a present middle imperative, 2nd person singular.981 It should be translated you yourself keep on coming. The third living creature gives John permission to see the third seal. The fourth living

976 Daniel 11:36-38. 977 Mathers, When the Middle East Blows, unpublished manuscript, 1-9. 978 Revelation 6:4 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament revised fourth edition, 845. 979 Revelation 6:6 in Ibid., 845. 980 Revelation 6:8 in Ibid., 846. 981Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 443.

creatures give John permission to see the fourth seal. You should note the impact of this fourth seal judgment. A quarter of the earth’s population died. A quarter of eight billion people would be two billion people die from this fourth judgment. Two hundred thousand million people died at one time that is roughly the population of North America not one but ten times. The fifth seal has to do with the beast’s persecution. “And when he has opened the fifth seal, I have seen under the altar the souls of the ones having been slain because the Word of God and because the testimony which they were having.”982 They have cried for vengeance on their killers. The Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God is referred to as the “Holy and True Despot. This speaks of the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus over the earth. They were to rest a while until their fellow bondservants and their brothers were to suffer as alo they did. Their petition of Revelation 6:10 was given immediate attention by the Lord Jesus in Revelation 6:11. The sixth seal judgment of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, removes the permanence of creation. A great earthquake occurred. The sun became black. A darkness and blackness are felt in the sky and over the face of the earth. The whole moon became as blood. The stars of the heaven fell to the earth. The sky has been wripped apart. Every mountain and island have been moved from their places.983 Men in darkness conveys the spiritual blindness and plight of men who have never trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. The apostle John develops under the inspiration to the very choice of words the doctine of the spiritual blindness of the kosmos to the gospel and the person and work of Jesus Christ.984 Men long for death rather than face the Father and the wrath of the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God. The reason is given in 6:17 in the hoti clause. “The great day of their wrath has come.”985 The seventh chapter is the sealing and protecting hand of the Lamb of God on the 144,000. Twelve thousand are sealed from each of the twelve tribes. These are born again Jewish believers proclaiming the gospel throughout the world. Chapter 7 of the book of Revelation, a parenthesis, goes back to the beginning of the week. “After this I have seen four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind should blow upon the earth or on the sea or on any tree.” The message of another angel to these four angels is: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until the bondservants of our God may have been sealed on their foreheads.”986 [author’s translation] The 144,000 are sent throughout the earth. The result of their ministry is a great redeemed multitude in heaven in Revelation 7:9-17. The seventh seal judgment is found in Revelation 8:1. “And whenever he has opened the seventh seal, silence has come in the heaven as a half hour.”987 The Lamb of God has given the earth thirty minutes to repent. “And I have seen the seven angels the ones have stood before God and seven trumpets have been given to them.”988 Remember, first of all, the four angels have stood holding back the

982Revelation 6:9 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 846. 983 Revelation 6:12-14, Ibid., 846. 984 Mathers, When the Middle East Blows, unpublished manuscript, 5. 985 Revelation 6:17 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 847. 986 Revelation 7:1-3 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 847. 987 Revelation 8:1, Ibid., 849. 988 Revelation 8:2 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 849.

winds from the four corners of the earth. This is a figure of speech indicating totality. They are given an order by another angel not to hurt man’s environment until the 144,000 born again Jewish evangelists are sealed. This occurs at the very beginning of the week before any of the seal judgments are poured out on the earth by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.989 Chapter 7 becomes a parenthesis. The seventh, final, seal is the Lamb of God giving the earth thirty minutes to repent. There isn’t any response. John “has seen the seven angels the ones before God have stood, and seven trumpets have been given to them.” 990 This is in preparation for the seven trumpet judgments on man’s environment.

3.5 Beast and Second Beast

(13:1) “And I have seen from the sea a beast rising having ten horns and seven heads and on his horns ten diadems and on his horns names of blasphemy. (vs. 2) And the beast which I have seen was like a leopard and his feet as bear and his mouth as mouth of a lion. And the dragon has given to him his power and his throne and great authority. (vs. 3) And one from his heads as having been slain to death and the wound of his death has been healed and the whole earth marvelled after the beast and they have worshipped the dragon because he has given authority to the beast (vs. 4) and they have worshipped the beast saying, who like the beast and who being able to have made war with him, (vs. 5) and it has been given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and it has been given to him authority to have done for forty and two months. (vs. 6) And he has opened his mouth in blasphemies to God to have blasphemed his name and his tabernacle, those tabernacling in the heaven. (vs. 7) And it has been given to him to have made war with the saints and to have conquered them, and it has been given to him authority over every nation and people and tongue and race. (vs. 8) And they will worship him all the one’s dwelling on the earth whose name has not been written in the book of life of the slain Lamb from the foundation of the world. (vs. 9) If anyone has ears let him start hearing. (vs. 10) If anyone to captivity, to captivity he goes, if anyone to have been killed by sword he to have been killed by sword. Here is the steadfastness and the faith of the saints.”991 [author’s translation]

The beast was first introduced with the seal judgments. Seal judgment 1 is when the rider on the horse with the bow goes forth conquering. He has put together the old Roman empire. The whole world worships the beast. His rule over the entire world is during the last half of the seven years tribulation period according to Revelation 13:5. He has become the world ruler without a war as Revelation 13:4 explains due to the supernatural of Satan and himself.992 This

989 Mathers, When the Middle East Blows, unpublished manuscript, 1-9. 990 Revelation 8:2 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 849. 991 Revelation 13:1-10 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 859-861. 992Walvoord, Revelation, 961 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament, 925- 961.

first beast is the Anti-Christ. He is rising from the sea. This is a figure of speech for the Gentiles. This beast has all the characteristics of the previous world empires. The leopard represents the Grecian world empire under Alexander the Great. The bear represents the Medio-Persian empire. The lion represents the Babylonian world empire. The miracle of this false Christ is that by divine permission he has put together the old Roman empire. This is the revised Roman empire as predicted by Daniel the prophet. The earth worships the beast and the dragon (Satan). This beast, the Anti-Christ, blasphemes God and his name and those dwelling in heaven. He is a persecutor of the saints. He kills them. His authority is over the entire world. The earth will worship the beast. Here is an amazing truth of election those worshipping the beast are non-elect. Their names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life. The authority given to the beast is for forty-two months that is three and a half years. The biblical month was thirty days. The beast will take prisoners of war. Some prisoners will be killed by the sword. This occurs during the tribulation. Believers are exhorted to endurance and to keep the faith. Ezekiel 38-39 has changed the balance of power in the world. The Anti-Christ becomes the new religion. One world government, one world economy, and one world religion is a reality under this false prophet as enforced by the Second Beast.993

This is the false prophet. Revelation 13:11: “And I have seen another beast rising from the earth and he was having two horns like a lamb and he was speaking as dragon. (vs. 12) And all the authority of the first beast he does before him., and he makes the earth and those dwelling in it in order that they will worship the first beast whose wound of his death has been healed. (vs. 13) And he does great signs in order that he may make fire from the heaven to descend to the earth before men, and he deceives those dwelling on the earth through the signs which he has done for him to have done before the beast, saying to those dwelling on the earth to have made image of the beast who has the wound of the sword and he has lived. (vs. 15) And it has been given to him to have given spirit to the image of the beast in order that also the image of the beast has spoken and he may have done as many as if they may not have worshipped the image of the beast they may have been killed. (vs. 16) And he makes all the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves in order that the mark may have been given to them on their right hand or on their forehead. (vs. 17) and in order that anyone may not be able to have bought or to have sold except the ones having the mark the name of the beast or the number of his name. (vs. 18) Here is wisdom. The one having mind let him start counting the number of the beast if it is a number of a man, and his number is six hundred sixty six.”994 The false prophet is the second beast. He rises from the earth not from the sea but from the land. This has been understood to be the fact that he is Jewish. He is the enforcer of the worship of the first beast, the false Christ, the Anti-Christ. He makes an image of the beast. The image is also able to speak. The world economic system is tied to the reception of either the name of the beast on their right right or the number of the beast on their forehead. This

993 Pentecost, Daniel & Revelation 336, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1974. 994 Revelation 13:11-18 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 861-862.

false prophet is a religious figure. Those refusing to worship the beast will be killed. This takes place during the forty-two months the last three and a half years of the seven years tribulation perio. The destruction of the Russian army attack on Israel changed the balance of political power in the world. The worship of the beast is the one world order a religious, political, and economic one world government, one world religion, and one world economy.

3.6 Ezekiel 38-39

The Bible teaches the great military might and strength of Russia in the end times. The Russian bear is able to equip and maneuver three complete armies in the field. Russia is known in the scriptures as the King of the North. It plays a part in the book of Daniel during that final seven years period. This seven-years period begins when the Roman dictator makes the peace treaty with Israel. The truth of the three Russian armies fighting in the Armageddon campaign is found in Ezekiel 38 and 39, Daniel 11:40-43, and Daniel 11:44.

3.7 When Does Russia March?

Russia will invade Israel. The Bible teaches that Russia will attack Israel during the first three and a half years of the final seven years period known as the Tribulation. It is at the mid-point of the tribulation that Russia will attack Israel. The truth of this Bible prophecy can be substantiated from Ezekiel 38 and 39. Ezekiel 38:8 present a picture of Israel dwelling in security. Israel is presented as the land not needing any protection in Ezekiel 38:16 and 18. Israel is protected by the Anti-Christ who made the peace covenant with them and their neighbors according to Daniel 9:27. While Russia is not intending to invade Israel at the present time, it is a sudden thing that comes into the Russian mind according to Ezekiel 38:11. The grammar supports the identification of Gog and Magog, Rosh, Meschech, and Tubal as Russia. Gog is a proper noun. Gog is of the land of Magog. He is the prince of Rosh, Meshek and Tubal. 995 Magog is the land of Gog.996 This is a proper noun for a territory. Meshek is translated the Moschoi.997 Tubal is a proper name for a territory.998 Gesenius in his Hebrew Lexicon Gog is identified with the Russians. First identified by the word Russ. Meschech is Moscow. Tubal is identified as Tobolsk where Peter the Great built a stronghold like that of the Kremlin.999Russia is referred to as the nation that is the most remote from Israel. The Hebrew word for remote is yarekah.1000 Identification of Ezekiel 38 and 39 as Russia is also made on the basis of this geographical argument in Ezekiel 38:15 and 39:2. “Cush, Put, Lud, and all the mixed peoples,

995 Brown, Driver, and Briggs, Hebrew And English Lexicon of the Old Testament, 155.2 996 Ibid., 156. 997 Ibid., 604. 998 Ibid., 1063 999 Bauman, Russian Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy, 23-25 in Pentecost, Things to Come, 328. 1000 Brown, Driver, Briggs, Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, 438 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 195.

and Cub, and he sons of the land.”1001 [author’s translation] Cush is Ethiopia. Put are mercenaries who have hired themselves out to Egypt. Lud is Libya. All of Arabia is with Egypt. Cub is Cuba. Persia (Iran), Germany and Turkey The sons of the land are the Palestinians.1002 The Russian army and their allies joining them will be destroyed on the mountains of Israel by the Lord God of Israel. Ezekiel is in Babylon writing this prophetic truth in the sixth century B.C. It is of interest that Russia has come to take the riches of the land of Israel. Sheba, Dedan, Tarshish, and the young lions give only a verbal rebuke. Tarshish can be identified as Great Britain. The young lions would be identified as the British commonwealth colonies and the United States of America.1003 Russia and her allies have come to capture the wealth of Israel.1004 The Lord God destroys the Russian bear. A great earthquake occurs in the land of Israel according to Ezekiel 38:19. The Lord God creates chaos and confusion.1005 An epidemic breaks out.1006 Fire and brimstone fall from heaven.1007 It will take seven months to bury the dead.1008 The nations and Israel will know that He is the Lord God.1009 The defeat and destruction of the northern power and her allies causes the Roman dictator to declare himself as God.1010 As in the past, Ezekiel is commanded to preach against Russia. Adonai Yahweh has spoken against Russia by the prophets. This was the subject of much of their message. Adonai Yahweh would bring Russia against Israel to magnify himself. 1011

3.8 Trumpet Judgments

The seven trumpet judgments occur at the midpoint of the tribulation period. They occur in rapid succession throughout the last three and half years of the tribulation. These divine judgments are on man’s environment not as the previous seal judgments primarily on man. The seal judgments continue throughout the entire seven years period. The last three and a half years are called the Great Tribulation in Scripture. Jesus spoke of this in Matthew 24:21. The seven trumpet judgments are in rapid succession on man’s environment. The first trumpet judgment burned up all the trees on the earth and all the green grass. Trumpet judgment two turns all the seas into blood. A third of all seas on the earth are turned into blood. One third of all sea life dies. On third of all ships are destroyed. Trumpet judgment three is aim at man’s water supply. This judgment is on both rivers and springs. Trumpet judgment four is directed at

1001 Ezekiel 30:5, author’s translation in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 859 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 195. 1002 Ezekiel 30:5, 38:5-6. 1003Pentecost, Zuck, Walvoord, Bible courses and Theology course, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, 1974-1975. 1004Ezekiel 38:9,12. 1005Ezekiel 38:20-21. 1006Ezekiel 38:22. 1007Ezekiel 38:23. 1008Ezekiel 39:11-12. 1009Ezekiel 39:22. 1010Daniel 11:36-39. 1011 Ezekiel 38:17, 23.

reducing the light on the earth. The sun, moon, and stars are all reduced by one third in their ability to radiate, reflect, and illuminate light. Trumpet judgment five becomes the three woes. The first woe is the loosing of demons kept in the pit are turned loose on the earth to torment men. They will be tormented five months by the sting of these demons. It is like the sting of a scorpion. This is the first woe. Two more woes are yet to come. Trumpet judgment six is the Red Chinese army is released upon the earth so that they might kill a third of men. Remember, earlier, that in the first three and a half years of this seven years period, one quarter of the earth’s population some two billion or two thousand million had died by one judgment of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.1012 The number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million.1013 Time magazine in their May 21st issue on page 35 for their readers that Red China declared a militia of men and women totalling 200,000,000. Walvoord points to the very number found in Revelation 9:16.1014 They have their place in the drama of the final three and a half years of the tribulation period. The power and destruction of such an army is seen in Revelation 9:15 that they will kill one third of mankind. The apostle John is given a description of the horses and their riders in Revelatoon 9:17. How can an army of two hundred milion kill two thousand million men? “a third of man was killed by these three plagues, by the fire and smoke and the brimstone, which proceeded out of their mouths.”1015 This appeared to the apostle John to come out of the mouths of the horses. The description of these three the fire, smoke, and brimstone point to a nuclear weapon. The Red Chinese army is mounted so these nuclear weapons are portable. Man does not repent. “And the rest of man, who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood which can neither see nor hear nor walk, and they did not repent of their murder, nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.”1016 [author’s translation] Trumpet seven sounded. “And the seventh angel sounded; and their arose loud voices in heaven, saying” “The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.”1017 3.9 Battle of Armageddon – Second Battle

In Daniel 11:35, reference is made to the end times.1018 He is the wilful king in Daniel 11:36.1019 It must be the world ruler for him to be able to do as he pleases.1020 Daniel 12:1 refers to the second half of the great tribulation.1021 The second battle of Armageddon is found in Daniel

1012 Revelation 8:2-9:21 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 949-853. 1013 Revelation 9:16. 1014 Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 166, fn 13. 1015 Revelation 9:18 in Aland & Black (eds.)., Ibid., 852. 1016 Revelation 9:20-21 in Aland & Black (eds.)., Ibid., 852-853. 1017 Revelation 11:15 in Aland & Black (eds.)., Ibid., 856. 1018Walvoord, Daniel, 270. 1019 Ibid., 272. 1020 Ibid., 272. 1021 Ibid., 272.

11:40-43.1022 The Russian invasion of Israel took place at the mid-point of the seven years period. The Roman prince had made a peace covenant with Israel at the beginning of the tribulation. End times is referred to again in Daniel 11:40. These verses depict a military struggle.1023 World ruler is indicated by Daniel 11:36-39. Walvoord concludes that this must be a period later than Ezekiel 38 and 39.1024 The him of Daniel 11:40 looks back to the ruler introduced in Daniel 11:36. In Daniel 11:40-45, the king is referred to seven times.1025 In Daniel 11:40, it can be observed that the world ruler is attacked by the King of the South and the King of the North. Earlier, in Daniel 11:5-35, the King of the South is identified as Egypt.1026 At the same time, Egypt, the King of the South, invades Israel so the King of the North will attack the world ruler. The King of the North is not the Seleucid Kings of Daniel 11:5-35.1027 In interaction, the King of the North in Ezekiel is Russia. Anti-Christ will fight the King of the South and the King of the North. The head of the Revived Roman empire had made a peace covenant with Israel according to Daniel 9:27. This is the beginning of the tribulation period. The King of the South and the King of the North will simultaneously invade Israel. This is a challenge to the peace covenant. Israel will seek help from their protector the King of the West, the Anti-Christ, pleading for help. The Roman ruler moves his army invading from the West. The Anti-Christ will easily thwart this attack and come out victorious as indicated by Daniel 11:40-43.1028 In their defeat, the Egyptian army will be pursued by AntChrist to Egypt. He will take their treasures. AntiChrist has now his army and headquarters moved to Israel.1029 Edom, Moab, and Ammon will escape the grasp of the AntiChrist.1030 A victory won over the King of the South and the King of the North, he will establish Jerusalem as his headquarters according to Daniel 11:45.1031 AntiChrist has been victorious over both the Libyans and the Ethiopians.1032 In sum, a 135 prophecies have come to fruition in Daniel 11:1-35.1033 A jump is made in the prophecies over centuries to the end times.1034 Historical fulfillment is found in Antiochus to Daniel 11:35.1035 These verses, Daniel 11:36-45, occur in the second half of the tribulation period.1036 The peace covenant made by AntiChrist at the beginning of the seven yea period with Israel has been put

1022 Pentecost, Daniel & Revelation 336, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas. 1023 Walvoord, Daniel, 277. 1024 Ibid., 278. 1025 Pentecost, Daniel, 1371 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, 1323- 1375. 1026 Ibid., 1371. 1027 Ibid., 1372. 1028 Campbell, Daniel: Decoder of Dreams, 133. 1029 Pentecost, Daniel, 1371 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, 1323- 1372. 1030 Ibid., 1372. 1031 Campbell, Daniel: Decoder of Dreams, 134. 1032 Campbell, Daniel: Decoder of Dreams, 133. 1033 Campbell, Daniel: Decoder of Dreams, 125. 1034 Ibid., 131. 1035 Ibid., 131. 1036 Pentecost, Daniel & Revelation 336, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas.

to the test.1037 The peace covenant with Israel is kept for the first three and a half years of the seven years. The persecution of Israel follows. Judaism is set aside.1038 In observation on Daniel 9:27, the Roman prince breaks the peace treaty at the mid-point of the seven years tribulation period and he becomes the persecutor of Israel.1039

3.10 Satan Cast Out of Heaven

Satan is cast out of heaven at the mid-point of the tribulation period. He enables AntiChrist. This event is presented in Revelation 12:12-17.1040 “And a great sign has appeared in the heaven, a woman having been clothed the sun, and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. vs. 1 And having in the womb, and she cries out suffering birth bangs and being tormened to have given birth. vs. 2 And and ten horns and on his heads ten diadems. vs. 3 And his tail draws the one third of the stars of the heaven and he has cast them to the earth and the dragon has stood before the woman intending to have given birth in order that whenever she may have given birth he may have devoured her child. vs. 4 And she has given birth male son who intends to shepherd all the nations with iron rod. And her child has been snatched way to God and to his throne. vs. 6 And the has fled into the wilderness, where she has there a place having been prepared from God, in order that there she may nourish herself one thousand two hundred sixty-six days.” “And a war has come in the heaven, Michael and his angels to have warred against the dragon. And the dragon has waged war and his angels. vs. 7 And he has not prevailed nor a place has not been found still in the heaven. vs. 8 And the great dragon has been cast down, the old serpent, the one being called Devil and Satan, the one deceiving the whole earth, he has been cast down to the earth, and his angels with him they have been cast down.” vs. 9 “And I have heard a great voice in the heaven saying, Now salvation and power and kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ has come because the accuser of our brethren has been cast down, the one accusing them before our God day and night. vs. 10 And these have conquered him through the blood of the Lamb and through the Word of their testimony and they have not loved their souls until death. vs. 11 for this very reason heavens keep on rejoicing and the ones dwelling with them. Woe the earth and the sea, because the Devil has descended to you having great wrath, knowing that he has little season.” vs. 12 “And when the dragon has seen that he has cast to the earth, he has persecuted the woman who has given birth the male. vs. 13 And the two wings of the great eagle have been given to the woman in order that she herself may fly to the wilderness to her place, where she being

1037 Campbell, Daniel: Decoder of Dreams, 133. 1038 Walvoord, Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation, 236-237. 1039 Daniel 9:27. 1040 Pentecost, Outline of End-Time Events Predicted in the Bible, 1319.E.1. in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, 1319-1322.

nourished there a season and seasons and a half season from face of the serpent. vs. 14 And the serpent has cast from his mouth after the woman water as flood, in order that he may have swept her away. vs. 15 And the earth has helped the woman and the earth has opened its mouth and has swallowed the river which the dragon has cast from its mouth. vs. 16 And the dragon has been wrathful with the woman and has departed to have made war with the rest of her seed the ones keeping the commandments of God and the ones having the testimony of Jesus. vs. 17 And he has been stood on the sand of the sea.”1041 [author’s translation]

3.11 The Two Witnesses

The two witnesses have their ministry during the last three and a half years.1042 I have translated Revelation 11:3-14 from the Greek New Testament. I will make observations and comments on this text. “And I will give to my two witnesses and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days having been clothed sackcloth. 11:3 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands which having stood before the Lord of the earth. vs. 4 And if anyone wills to have harmed them fire proceeds from their mouth and consumes their enemies; and if anyone may have willed to have harmed, in this manner he must to have been killed. vs. 5 These have authority to shut the heaven, in order that it may not rain the days of their prophesy and they have authority over the waters to turn them into blood and to have smitten the earth with every plague as often as if they may have willed. vs. 6 And whenever they may have finished their testimony, the beast the one going up from the abyss he will make war with them and he will conquer them and he will kill them. vs. 7 And their corpses on the streets of the great city, which being called spiritually Sodom and Egypt where also their Lord has been crucified. vs. 8 And they see from every people and tribe and tongue and race their corpses three and a half days and they do not allow their corpses to have been put in tomb. vs. 9 And the one’s dwelling on the earth they rejoice with each other and they themselves cheer and they send a gift to one another, because the two prophets have tormented those dwelling on the earth. vs. 10 And after three days and a half spirit of life has come from God with them, and they have stood on their fee, and great fear has fallen on those beholding them. vs. 11 And they have heard a great voice from the heaven saying to them, start rising here. And they have ascended into the heaven in the cloud, and their enemies have beheld them. vs. 12 And at that hour, a great earthquake has come and the tenth of the city has fallen and names of men seven thousand have been killed in the earthquake and the rest have been terrified and they have given glory to the God of heaven. vs. 13 The second woe has gone; behold the third comes quickly.”1043 vs. 14 [author’s translation] In observing, the one thousand two hundred and sixty days is forty-two

1041Revelation 12:1-18, in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 857-859. 1042 Pentecost, Outline of End-Time Events Predicted in the Bible, 1319.F.8. in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, 1319-1322 1043 Revelation 11:3-14, author’s translation, from Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 855-856.

months or three and a half years. The two witnesses have the authority to protect themselves by miracles and to execute plagues on man’s environment. Their ministry is conducted from Jerusalem. The whole earth is able to view them. In observing, the twelve hundred sixty days is forty-two months or three and a half years. They have the authority to protect themselves by miracles and to execute plagues on man’s environment. Their ministry is conducted from Jerusalem. The whole is able to view them. This is probably due to technology. They tormented their tribulation generation by their righteous messages. They are killed by the beast when they finish their ministry. Their bodies lie in the streets of Jerusalem. They are not given a burial. This is for a period of three and a half days. The earth rejoices at their deaths. They give gifts to one another. Three and a half days later, their spirit from God enters their bodies. They are taken up to heaven in a cloud. At the very same moment, an earthquake occurs. It kills seven thousand men. The names are known to God the Father as part of the decree of God from the beginning. The rest has become terrified and given glory to God. One tenth of the city of Jerusalem has fallen in the earthquake. This is the second woe. The third woe will be the seventh trumpet. The identity of these two witnesses is not known. Some have thought they may be Enoch and Elijah. Both were raptured without experiencing physical death. The two witnesses are killed by the beast from the abyss. In reflecting on my translation of the thirteenth chapter of Revelation, in Revelation 13:1, the rising beast is from the sea. This is a figure of speech for the Gentiles. The beast is the Roman prince of Daniel 9:26-27. The other beast rises from the earth according to Revelation 13:11. The two witnesses are killed by the beast from the abyss. The Greek word abussou translated abyss is used twelve times in the New Testament.1044 Walvoord holds the view that the beast from the abyss is Satan.1045 A casual observation of Revelation 20:3, Satan is not cast into the abyss until the beginning of the millennium.1046 The beast from the abyss is not named. If we interpret this as a figure of speech then the beast from the abyss is the beast from hell. We might interpret it as Revelation 9:11 suggests: “having over them a king the angel of the abyss, a name to him in Hebrew Abaddon, and in the Greek he has name of Apolluon.”1047 [author’s translation]

3.12 The Kings of the East “And reports from the east and from the north have terrified him, and he has gone forth with great wrath to destroy and to devote to destruction many.” [author’s translation] Daniel 11:44. “And he will fix his habitation of his palace between seas to mount of holiness and he will come to his end and there is none to help him.”1048 [author’s translation] Daniel 11:45 “and the sixth angel has sounded and I have heard one voice from the living creatures of the golden altar before God.” (Revelation 9:13) [author’s translation] “saying to the sixth angel the one having the trumpet, start loosing the four angels having been bound by the great river

1044Moulton & Geden, A Concordance to the Greek New Testament Fourth Edition Revised, 2. 1045Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 181. 1046Revelation 20:3 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 879. 1047 Revelation 9:11, Ibid., 851-852. 1048Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.). Biblia Hebraica, 1409.

Euphrates.” (9:14) “and the four angels have been loosed the ones having been prepared for the hour and day and month and year in order that they may kill the third of the men.” (9:15) “and the number of the army of the horsemen two myriads of myriads, I have heard the number of them.” (9:16) “and the sixth has poured out his vial on the great river Euphrates, and its water has been dried in order that the way of the kings, those from rising sun.” (Revelation 16:12) [author’s translation] “and I have seen from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet three unclean spirits as frogs.” (16:13) {author’s translation] “for they are spirits of demons doing signs which proceed on the kings of the whole world to have gathered them to the battle of the great day of Almighty God.” (16:14) [author’s translation] “and he has gathered them to the elect place in Hebrew Harmagedon.” (16:16) [author’s translation]

In sum, in the paragraph in which Daniel 11:44-45 appears, Anti-Christ has defeated the King of the South and the King of the North. The King of the South is Egypt. The King of the North is Russia. This battle is yet future in the last three and a half years of the tribulation period. Anti- Christ has come from Europe to defeat this attack on Israel. Remember, Anti-Christ made a peace treaty with Israel guaranteeing their security for a period of seven years. Russia and Egypt have invaded Israel. This is different than the first Russian invasion with her allies in Ezekiel 38 and 39. It is at this time of victory over Egypt in Daniel 11:42-43 that Anti-Christ receives news from the east and the North. This refers to a third Russian army on their way to the Holy Land. News is also received of a huge army from the east on their way to the Holy Land. According to Daniel 11:45, the Anti-Christ has made Jerusalem and Israel headquarters. Anti-Christ and his forces have gone out to meet this challenge. His goal is to destroy these armies and all religious objects.1049 The prophecy of Daniel tells of Anti-Christ’s end.1050 The book of Revelation gives further revelation concerning this vast Oriental army on their way to the Holy Land. The Euphrates river will have been supernaturally dried up to make way for the horsemen to cross. They will kill one-third of mankind during the tribulation during the last three and a half years of the seven years tribulation period. John, the apostle, heard the number of the army of the horsemen two hundred million. Two myriads are twenty thousand. Myriads of myriads is ten thousand times ten thousand is one hundred thousand. Twenty thousand times one hundred thousand is two hundred million. A further battle is in sight according to Revelation 9:15-16. It is out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet that three demons gather the kings of the earth to “the battle of the great day of Almighty God.”1051 It is of interest that Almighty is in the second attributive position of the adjective so the emphasis is on Almighty. Almighty (pantokratoros) is made up of two Greek words. Pantos is for all and kratos is for might.1052 The “he has gathered them to the elect place

1049Brown, Driver, and Briggs (eds.). Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament, 355, 355.1.b 1050Daniel 11:45 in Eibefeldt & Kahle (eds.). Biblia Hebraica, 1409. 1051Revelation 16:13-14 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 868. 1052Revelation 16:13 in Ibid., 868.

in Hebrew Harmagedon.”1053 The “he” goes back to Revelation 16:15. The “he” is Christ. The verb he has gathered is a second Aorist tense, third person singular.1054 It is completed action. It has been done and completed in the eternal decree of God before the world began. “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed the one watching and keeping his garment in order that he may not walk about naked and they may see his shame.”1055 [author’s translation] In God’s sovereignty, the tree unclean demons have gone out to the kings of the whole inhabited earth. The Greek word oikoumene mean inhabitants.1056 This is the elect place in the decree of God for the final battle in the history of the Gentiles and Israel. The climax of this final battle of the Harmagedon campaign is found in Revelation 19:11-21. In the Sovereignty of our Christ, Jesus has gathered them the armies of the Kings of the earth. (see Revelation 16:16) It is an elect place. Elect is also in the second attributive position of the adjective to the noun place. The verb kaloumenon is from the verb kaleo. It is a present passive participle, accusative singular, masculine.1057Kaleo is a legal term meaning to summon to court. Call is developed from the terms invite and summon.1058 It is used in the New Testament of the divine call to salvation, namely, election. Kaleo is used of election in 2 Timothy 1:9.1059

3.13 Bowl Judgments

The seven bowl judgments are the third series of God’s direct judgment by supernatural intervention through the ministry of the good angels is found in Revelation chapters 15 and 16.1060 “And I have seen another sign in the heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the last seven plagues, because in them the wrath of God has been fulfilled.”1061 [author’s translation] These judgments are dropped on the earth towards the end of the last three and a half years of the tribulation period. Bowl judgment one afflicts humans who worshipped the beast with cancerous sores.1062 Bowl judgment two turns the sea into blood as dead. The Greek word for dead is nekrou. Nekrou without the article is used of the dead person.1063 This is to be understood literally. It is the blood of a dead man.1064 “And the second has poured out his vial

1053 Revelation 16:16 in Ibid., 868. 1054 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 453. 1055 Revelation 16:16 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 868. the Greek New Testament, 453. 1056Arndt & Gingrich (eds.). A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 563-564.1.b. 1057Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 453. 1058Arndt & Gingrich (eds.). A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 399-400.1.b.e. and 400. 2. 10592 Timothy 1:9 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 725. 1060 Mathers, When the Middle East Blows, unpublished manuscript, 11-12. 1061Revelation 15:1 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 865. 1062Revelation 16:2 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 867. 1063 Arndt & Gingrich (eds.). A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 536.2. 1064 Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 233.

into the sea, and it has become blood as dead, and every living soul has died which in the sea.”1065 [author’s translation] This ought to move people to trust Jesus Christ as their personal Savior for the forgiveness of their sins. “And the third has poured out his vial into the rivers and all springs of the waters, and it has become blood.”1066 [author’s translation] This judgment explained in Revelation 16:5-6. “And I have heard the angel of the waters saying, You are righteous, the One is and the One was, the Holy One because you have judged, because blood of saints and prophets has been poured out and you have given blood to them to drink, they are deserving.”1067 [author’s translation] The Greek word axioi is used as deserving.1068 “And I have heard the altar saying, yes Lord God the Almighty, your judgments true and righteous.”1069 [author’s translation] Another angel has proclaimed this from the altar.1070 Bowl judgment four scorches people with severe heat.1071 Earlier, trumpet judgment four diminished the sun, moon and the stars by one third in their ability to give and reflect light. That was a pestilence of darkness. Notice the response of mankind. “And they have blasphemed the name of God the one having the authority over these plagues and have not repented to have given to Him glory.”1072 [author’s translation] The fifth bowl judgment is on the beast’s throne in Revelation 16:10. The beast’s kingdom is Rome.1073“and they themselves were gnawing their tongues from the pain,”1074 [author’s translation] They blasphemed the God of heaven. This would be the beast and those associated with his kingdom. It is from both their pains and sores. The beast’s kingdom has been darkened.1075 The sixth bowl judgment has to do with the drying up of the Euphrates river for the Kings from the east. It is from the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet that John saw three demons as frogs going out to gather the kings of the earth to do battle. This is the war of Almighty God’s day.1076 The seventh bowl judgment finishes the wrath of God. The great voice is God. The angel’s vial is poured out into the air. The very air men breathe.1077 Lightings, voices, thunder, and a great earthquake follow. There has never been an earthquake in the history of the earth as severe as this one upon Rome. Rome is split into three parts. This earthquake is not on Jerusalem as was the case in chapter eleven of Revelation. Babylon is Rome in the New Testament. The cities of the Gentiles fall as well. “and Babylon the great has been remembered before God to have given to her the cup of

1065 Revelation 16:3 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 867. 1066 Revelation 16:4 in Ibid., 867. 1067 Revelation 16:5-6 in Ibid., 867. 1068 Arndt & Gingrich (eds.). A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 77.2 and 77.2.b. 1069 Revelation 16:7 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 867. 1070 Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 234. 1071 Robertson, Word Pictures, vol VI, 422. 1072 Part of Revelation 16:9 7 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 867. 1073 Robertson, Word Pictures, vol VI, 422. 1074 Part of Revelation 10 in Ibid., 868. 1075 Revelation 16:11. 1076 Revelation 16:12-14. 1077 Robertson, Word Pictures, vol VI, 425.

ine of the wrath of his anger.”1078 “All islands have disappeared and mountains have not been found.”1079 [author’s translation] The verb ephugen in relationship to all islands is understood as to disappear.1080 Men are struck with great hailstones.1081 They are the weight of a talent. 1082 The weight of the talent was from a 108 to 130 pounds.1083 Men blasphemed God as a result of the hail.1084 The severity of this plague is noted by the Greek word “sphodra” in Revelation 16:21.

3.14 Five Future Events

The First Half of the Tribulation Period – Matthew 24:4-8 The Second Half of the Tribulation Period – Matthew 24:9-28 The Second Coming of Christ -Matthew 24:29-30 The Regathering of Living Israel - 24:31 Judgment on Living Israel – 25:1-13 Judgment on the Gentile Nations – Matthew 25:31-46 Three Responses Keep on watching – Matthew 24:42 You yourselves keep on being ready – Matthew 24:44 Be faithful – Matthew 24.45

The first three and a half years of the last seven years of modern Middle East history will be characterized by seven signs. The first sign is religious deception in Matthew 24:4. The second sign in Matthew 24:5 is false Messiahs and Prophets. The Lord Jesus was referring to the world dictator, also called the beast or the Anti-Christ. The mention of prophets would include the false prophet in Revelation chapter 13. The third sign is the news of wars and the rumor of wars in Matthew 24:6. These signs are continuous throughout the entire seven years period. Civil wars are the fourth sign found in Matthew 24:7. International unrest will continue throughout the entire seven years period. Nations will be against nations. This is sign number five. Famines, and epidemics will follow from Civil Wars and International wars. This sign is found in Matthew 24:7. The seventh sign will be earthquakes according to Matthew 24:7.1085 All of this will occur in various places. “but the end is not yet.”1086 [author’s translation] Jesus

1078 Part of Revelation 16:19. In Alan & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 869. 1079 Revelation 16:20. Ibid., 869. 1080 Arndt & Gingrich (eds.). A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 863.5. 1081 Revelation 16:21. 1082 Moulton & Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament, 624. 1083 Ibid., 624. 1084 Revelation 16:21. 1085Mathers, When the Middle East Blows, unpublished manuscript, 3. 1086Matthew 24:6 part of this verse in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 92.

compared all these signs like a woman experiencing labor pains. “Now all these beginning of birth pains.”1087 [author’s translation]

The signs of the second half of the seven years period are found in Matthew 24:9-14. The signs of Matthew 24:4-8 continue and intensify throughout the last three and a half years of the tribulation. Sign number eight is characterized by betrayal and tribulation martyrs. Christians will be hated by the nations because of the name of Christ, Matthew 24:9-10. There will be great religious deception. “and many false prophets will have been raised and they will deceive many.”1088This is sign nine. Lawlessness will increase all over the world. The result is “the love of many will have been cold”1089 [author’s translation] This is sign ten. Sign eleven is that both Jewish and Gentile Christians must endure to the very end. This will result in the saving of their physical life. They must endure until the King comes.1090 This is the will of God for saints in the tribulation. They could be the result of either the ministry of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists or from the ministry of the two witnesses. The 144,00 Jewish evangelists are found in Revelation chapter 7. The two witnesses are found in Revelation chapter 11. Sign twelve is the heralding of the gospel the message of the kingdom for a testimony to all the Gentiles in the whole inhabited earth. “and then the end will come.”1091 [author’s translation] The major sign of tribulation is what was spoken of by Daniel the prophet. In the history of Israel, Antiochus Epiphanes, desecrated the Temple by slaying a pig upon the altar and setting up idolatrous images.1092 The Gentile world leader, the Anti-Christ from Rome head of the revived Roman Empire will set himself up as God in the Temple. The abomination that Jesus spoke of is found in Daniel 9:27.1093 Jewish worship will be disrupted in the temple of the tribulation. The setting up of himself in the temple as God is an abomination. The result will be the temple is deserted. He will set up an image of himself in the temple to be worshipped. Barbieri gives additional support from 2 Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 13:14-15. It is worth noting that in Matthew 24:15 that Jesus draws a partial conclusion indicated by the particle “oun.”1094 Sign fourteen is the persecution of Israel according to Matthew 24:16-20. The right response to persecution is to flee. It will be especially difficult for pregnant women and new mothers. Jesus tells the tribulation Jewish saints to pray that their persecution will not come in the winter or on the Sabbath. Barbieri points to the time of distress spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24:21. Great distress will follow the event of the abomination making desolate by the Anti-Christ unparalleled in the history of the world. Barbieri points to Jeremiah chapter 30:7.1095 The

1087 Matthew 24:8 part of this verse in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 92. 1088Matthew 24:11 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 92-93. 1089Matthew 24:12 part of this verse 11 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 93. 1090Matthew 24:13 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 93. 1091 Matthew 24:14 part of this verse in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 93. 1092Mathers, When the Middle East Blows, unpublished manuscript, 7. 1093 Barbieri, Matthew, 77 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament, 13-94. 1094 Hoehner, Greek Exegesis 203, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Fall 1974, no pages. 1095 Barbieri, Matthew, 77 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament, 13-94.

severity of this time of distress is underscored by Jesus in Matthew 24:21-22. “And except those days will have been shortened, not any flesh will have been saved; now those days will have been shortened because of the elect.”1096 [author’s translation] The human race will come to the brink of destruction during the tribulation period. This is part of the decree of God. These are aorist passive tenses. The action is done to the subjects. The human race would have been destroyed without divine intervention by the Father and his eternal Son, Jesus Christ. It is possible that the race could annihilate itself through the use of nuclear weapons. The days of this time of distress have been shortened for the sake of the elect those tribulation saints who will trust Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.1097 Sign sixteen is the ministry of the second beast, the false prophet, in Matthew 24:23-24.1098 Jesus answered question three first. Jesus had just pronounced judgment on all that constituted the life of the nation Israel, its leaders, Jerusalem, and the temple.1099 The disciples “saying, you yourself start telling us, when these will be and what the sign of your coming and end of the age?”1100 The disciples asked three questions. In response to Jesus pronouncing judgment on all that constituted the life of the nation Israel including the temple, when these things will be is the first question. The second question is “what the sign of your coming?” The third question is What is the sign of the “end of the age?” Jesus answered the third question first. He gave the sixteen signs. Now, our Lord answers the second question concerning his coming. “for just as the lightning comes from the east and shines to the west, in this manner will be the coming of the Son of Man.”1101 [author’s translation] This is a supernatural occurrence that precedes the Second Coming of Christ.1102, this is a supernatural occurrence that precedes the Second Coming of Christ. “Where the corpse may be, there the eagles will have been gathered.”1103 [author’s translation] In the context, Matthew 24:28 refers to false Christs and false prophets. They were like vultures. Israel is the corpse. The false Christs and false prophets are referred to in Matthew 24:24, and verse 26. Israel is the corpse. The false Christs and false prophets are trying to glean from Israel for themselves.1104 “Now immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will have been darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the heaven and the powers of the heavens will have been shaken.”1105 [author’s translation] ‘And then the sign Son of Man will have been shined1106 in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they themselves will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the heaven with much power

1096Matthew 24:22 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 93. 1097Mathers, When the Middle East Blows, unpublished manuscript, 8. 1098Ibid., 9. 1099Matthew 23:1-24:2. 1100Matthew 24:3 part of this verse, in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 92. 1101Matthew 24:27. 1102Matthew 24:27. 1103 Matthew 24:28. 1104 Lenski, Interpretation of St. Matthew’s Gospel, 946. Toussaint, Behold the King: A Study of Matthew, 276. Pentecost, Thy Kingdom Come, 254 in Constable, Matthew. 1105Matthew 24:29. 1106 Han, A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament, 51.

and glory;”1107 [author’s translation] This is a supernatural occurrence to be completed in future time. It is passive voice so it will be done by God the Father. A regathering of Israel will take place following Christ’s Second Coming.1108 The chronology of Matthew 24 is picked up in Matthew 25:1 with the Greek word “tote” translated then. Matthew 24:32-51 is a parenthesis. Christ answers the question of the timing of these events in Matthew 24:32 with the parable of the fig tree.1109 The development of the leaves of the fig tree told them that summer was near. In answer to when will these things be the first question, Christ is saying the purpose of the signs is to let you know when these things will be.1110 In Matthew 23, the Lord Jesus told of destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. This meant the cessation of the life of the nation Israel. The disciples were thinking these things were permanent the buildings of the temple. Christ foretold not one stone would be left upon another. This meant to the disciples the end of the nation. The prophets Joel, Habakkuk, and Zechariah predicted such a judgment before the millennial kingdom. Matthew 24:34 was written for the tribulation generation. This generation of Matthew 24:34 is the tribulation generation. The time of Christ’s coming is hidden in the person of God the Father.1111 Our Lord cites a historical example of a generation that was unprepared for judgment in Matthew 24:37-39. Matthew 24:40-41 refers to one falling under judgment being taken away. One will be left to enter the millennial kingdom.1112 The parable in Matthew 24:42-51 teaches watchfulness and being ready in view of the master’s return.1113 People living in the tribulation ignoring the signs won’t know what time it is. The problem is raised in Matthew 24:43 as to how should be behave in view of Christ’s coming. The context is not knowing the time of Christ’s coming. The answer to this parable is watchfulness in view of the Lord’s return. This is Christ’s second coming. The disciples do not know when the seventieth week of Daniel begins. Tribulation generation living on undetermined time. The disciples didn’t know when the peace covenant of Daniel 9:27 will be made. The answer to the parable of Matthew 24:42-51 is watchfulness if the master of the house had known when thief was coming then his house wouldn’t have been broken into. “For this reason also you yourselves keep on being ready, because you may not know hour the Son of Man comes.”1114 [author’s translation]

3.15 Review

1107Matthew 24:30. 1108Matthew 24:31. 1109 Pentecost, Parables 618, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Spring 1974. 1110Pentecost, Parables 618, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Spring 1974. 1111Matthew 24:36. 1112Barbieri, Matthew, 79 in Walvoord & Zuck (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament edition, 13-94. 1113Pentecost, Parables 618, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Spring 1974. 1114Matthew 24:44 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 96.

I will raise the question and then provide the answer to the question. What are the signs of the times? There aren’t any signs of the times. What are the signs of the Lord’s return? There aren’t any signs of the Lord’s return. The reason is the Lord’s return, the rapture, is an imminent hope. What are the signs of Matthew chapters 24 and 25? The signs of Matthew 24 and 25 are for the tribulation generation. The tribulation generation will be those living on the earth who have not trusted Christ as their personal Savior. This generation will be living when the Anti-Christ makes the peace treaty with Israel as predicted by Daniel 9:27. What is the outline of prophecy events to help me understand the key events? The Rapture occurs first. The Roman prince signs a peace treaty with Israel and their Arab neighbors. Next, the tribulation period of seven years begins. The seven years tribulation period is divided into two halves. There are events of the first three and a half years. There are events of the last three and a half years of the seven years. Christ’s Second Coming will occur at the end of the seven years tribulation period. There will be a regathering of Israel dispersed across the world to the land of Israel. Judgment will take place on living Israel as they face Messiah, Jesus Christ. Judgment will take place on the Gentiles living at that time following the tribulation as taught in the parable of the sheep and the goats. The sheep will enter the millennial kingdom for one thousand years. The Gentiles represented as the goats will be cast into hell. Jesus taught one will be taken in judgment. One will be left to enter the millennial kingdom. In terms of resurrections before the millennial kingdom of Christ begins, Old Testament saints such as Daniel and tribulation martyred saints will be resurrected. Christ will rule from Jerusalem over David’s kingdom. At the end of the millennial kingdom, the Great White Throne judgment will take place. The wicked dead of the ages will be cast into the lake of fire. The wicked are those who have not trusted Christ as their personal Savior in their lifetime. Next, the present heavens and earth will be cleansed by fire. The new heavens and earth will appear. The New Jerusalem will descend from heaven. This will be the home of the Godhead, the Father, the eternal Son, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Old Testament saints, and New Testament saints.

Who is the person referred to as the little horn, the willful king in the Old Testament, and the beast in the New Testament?

Daniel 9:26 speaks of the people of the prince who is to come destroying the city and the temple in Jerusalem. The people were the Romans. Titus and the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in A.D. 70. The prince is a descendant of the Romans. He is a Gentile. He will come out of Rome according to Revelation chapter 17. It is the Anti-Christ will guarantee the security of Israel with the seven years peace treaty. This is why attempts to create a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. It will fail or will not have a permanence. It is

reserved for the Roman prince. Revelation chapter 6:1 presents him on a white horse with a bow. This is the peace covenant.

What does the Roman prince accomplish?

In addition to establishing the peace covenant, the world goes after the beast. From God’s perspective, this is what he is a beast. He will put together the old Roman empire. Revived Roman empire is indicated by one of the heads of the beast. He has been slain and comes to life. This is not a physical death wound but his ability to put together the old Roman Empire according to Revelation chapters 13 and 17. The reunification of the Roman Empire has been tried by many world leaders from Charlemagne in A.D. 800.

What is the judgment program of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ?

The book of Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book of judgment. The seal judgments are presented first in chapters 6 and 7. These are seven in number. They cover the entire seven years of the tribulation period.

The trumpet judgments begin at the middle of the seven years. The bowl judgments finish the wrath of God. They are delivered in rapid succession by the good angels towards the end of the tribulation.

How many battles are included in the Armageddon campaign?

The Russian confederacy attacks Israel at the mid-point of the tribulation. Ezekiel 38 presents a picture of Israel living at peace and in security without any need for protection. This is the land of villages without walls. This northern confederacy plus their allies are destroyed by the Lord God. The second battle of Armageddon is detailed for us in Daniel 11:44-46. The King of the South (Egypt) and the King of the North (Russia) attacks Israel. Israel appeals to the Anti-Christ who is in Europe the head of the Revived Roman empire (Daniel chapters 2 & 7). The Anti- Christ moves his army and his headquarters from Europe to Israel. He repels this Egyptian and Russian attack. He pursues the Egyptians to Egypt taking from them precious treasures, gold, and silver. Anti-Christ receives news of an advancing army from the east and third Russian army from the north on their way down into the Holy Land. He goes forth with great wrath to destroy them and all religious objects. Battle three of Armageddon is found in Revelation chapter 19. The armies of the kings of the earth combine forces to fight Christ and the armies coming from heaven. Jesus consumes them with a sword out of his mouth. This is likely a laser.

Will the gospel be proclaimed during the tribulation?

The gospel will be proclaimed beginning with the one hundred and forty-four thousand Jewish evangelists. They are sealed at the beginning of the week. They are protected by the Lord God throughout the entire seven years. This group of Jewish Christian evangelists are seal seven. They go back to the very beginning of the week. A large multitude are saved as the result of their ministry. They appear in heaven. From the mid-point of the tribulation seven years tribulation period, the two witnesses according to Revelation chapter eleven have a ministry for forty-two months to the world. They are a torment to the world. The two witnesses will be killed by the beast after they have finished their ministry. The corpses of the two witnesses will lie in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half days. The world is rejoicing over their deaths. Gifts are sent to each other. Three and a half days later their spirits will come back into their bodies. They will go up into heaven in a cloud. A great earthquake takes place in Jerusalem. The city is divided into three parts by the strength of this quake. Seven thousand will die in the earthquake. The names of these seven thousand men are known to the Lord God. The identity of the two witnesses are not known. This is very obvious as their lives would be endangered before they started their ministry. It is thought that the two witnesses are Enoch and Elijah as neither experienced physical death.

What is the meaning of the number and the name of the beast?

The number of the beast is the number of men. It is six hundred and sixty-six. The name of the Anti-Christ is the beast. Those living on the earth during the tribulation will need either his name or his number on their forehead or on their right to be able to buy and sell. This is according to Revelation chapter 13.

In the 1980’s, it was the European Common Market. Further development has taken place into the present European Union. The final form of political and economic world empire is the Revived Roman Empire. This truth is developed in the prophet Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and Revelation chapters 13 and 17. The beast will be supported by a confederacy of ten kings. This is the last world empire. Previous world empires were Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greece, and Rome. This is to be distinguished from a world power. The world empire rules the entire world. The Revived Roman Empire is the last world empire of the times of the Gentiles. This marker in the Scriptures began in B.C. 586 with the fall of Jerusalem under Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king. Luke chapter 21 tells us that Jerusalem will be surrounded by Gentile armies until the times of the Gentiles may be fulfilled. This political marker was in place when Jesus was on earth.

What is the role of the false prophet during the tribulation?

The false prophet is introduced to us in Revelation chapter 13. He supports the worship of the beast. He makes an image to the beast. The image is able to talk. Those who worship the beast during the tribulation are the one’s whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life.

The worship during the tribulation will the worship of the dragon (Satan), the beast, and the false prophet.

When does persecution begin during the seven years tribulation period?

Anti-Christ will break the peace treaty at the three and a half years mark. He becomes a persecutor of Israel and Christians. Anti-Christ defiles the temple. Jesus spoke of this Matthew chapter 24.15 as the abomination that makes desolate. It is of interest that the seals of Revelation chapter 6 tell of those who have been martyred for Christ. They appeal to the Lord to avenge their blood. They are told to rest a while until other tribulation saints have been martyred. The persecution of Israel is seen in Revelation chapter 12. Two signs appear in the heaven. The first is a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and twelve stars are the crown on the woman’s head. The imagery in this allegory is easily understood based on Joseph’s dreams inn the Old Testament. The woman is Israel. Remember Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. Joseph told his dreams to his brethren and his father Jacob. A second sign appeared in heaven. It is that of a great red dragon. The dragon is identified in Revelation chapter 20 as Satan. The woman representing Israel in the allegory is with child. She is about to give birth to a male child. The dragon seeks to kill the male child. He is identified as having an iron staff to shepherd the nations. The male child, Jesus, is caught up to God and his throne. There is a war in heaven between Michael and his angels and Satan and his angels. Satan is cast to the earth. He seeks to persecute the woman, Israel. In the allegory, the dragon tries to drown the woman with a flood out of his mouth. The earth helps the woman who is given the two wings of the eagle. The woman, Israel, has refuge and is nourished in the place prepared for her for forty-two months. The earth swallows the flood.

What is the significance of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ?

The book of Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book of judgment. The reader is introduced to the glorified God-man, Jesus Christ in chapter 1. He is set in judgment and Christ is ready to judge the earth. Judgment begins first with his churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. In chapter 4, the throne of God moves in judgment. God the Father is ready to judge the earth. God the Father has the right to judge the earth because he created it. In chapter 5, Christ has the right to judge the earth because he died to redeem men. The judgment program of God on the earth during the tribulation is seen in the seal judgments of Revelation chapters 6 and 7. The trumpet judgments of chapters 8,9, and 11. The bowl judgments of Chapters 15 and 16. These last judgments finish the wrath of God.

How is Bible prophecy to be interpreted?

The prophetic Scriptures are to interpreted as any literature is literally. The literal meaning of the passage is to be accepted. This is a common sense decision. Allowance must be made for

figures of speech in which transference is made from the spiritual realm to the literal realm. For example, if I ask you whether that rings a bell then my point isn’t that you heard a bell but whether you understand. If you interpret the Scriptures literally allowing for figures of speech then you will come out with the premillennial and pretribulation system of theology. You believe that the church will not go through the tribulation. The promises to Israel in the Old Testament are not to be spiritualized but understood in a literal fashion. Some Bible expositors will interpret the Bible literally with the exception of the prophets. These Bible expositors spiritualize the prophets. They reject the literal meaning. Many of the Old Testament promises to Israel haven’t been fulfilled. I would estimate that at least fifty percent of the Old Testament promises to Israel haven’t been fulfilled. They will be fulfilled in Messiah’s kingdom.

Is the rapture an imminent hope?

It is the doctrine of imminence brings great hope to the born-again Christian. There isn’t anything that needs to be done. Christ could appear at any moment to take his blood bought church to the Father’s house. The rapture was introduced in John chapter 14 on the night in which Christ was betrayed.

What will happen when we are taken to the Father’s house?

The Christian will face judgment at the bema seat of Christ for the works done since they have trusted Christ as their personal Savior. Some works will be wood, hay, and stubble to be burned up. Other works will be gold, silver, and precious stones. The wood, hay, and stubble will be burned up. The works of gold, silver, and precious stones done for the right motives for the Lord and the glory of God will bring a reward. If one’s works are burned up that person will remain saved but as though by fire as taught in I Corinthians chapter 3. 2 Peter 1:11 is a better approach. If the spiritual advance is undertaken with zeal, moral purity, and knowledge of the Word of God then I am promised a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

What will happen to the beast and the false prophet?

They will complete their evil reign for three and a half years. Christ will cast them alive into the lake of fire at his Second Coming.

3.16 Revelation – chapter 10 – the Little Book

This parenthesis occurs between trumpets six and seven. We are introduced to a strong angel in 10:1. The Greek word “allon” translated another means another of a different kind.1115 This

1115 Revelation 10:1 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament fourth revised edition, 853.

is used in a comparison with another. It is not the same but different.1116 How is this strong angel different from the sixth angel in 9:13. The other angel is Christ. He descends from heaven (10:1). He is clothed with a cloud. On his head is a rainbow. His face is as the sun. His feet as pillars of fire is similar to Revelation 1:15. The strong angel is Christ, the Son of God. The little book in this chapter is not the same as the scroll in chapter 5. The little book is the covenant of God which has been previously written.1117 The Old Testament scriptures or promises as indicated by the clue the mystery of God is finished. The mystery of God was revealed to the Old Testament prophets. This message concerned the setting up of Messiah’s kingdom promised to David in 2 Samuel 7. The Son roars as a lion to the Father. God the Father answers in the affirmative as indicated by the seven peals of thunder.1118 In 10:6, the announcement is made that there will not be a delay any longer. The promised kingdom is about to implemented. The Son lifts his right hand to heaven and swears by him who lives forever. The Son has taken his oath to office. Psalm 2 and Isaiah 49 speak of the Father’s promises to the Son to rule Israel and the nations. In 10:7, the mystery of God is finished. God made promises of good news through Israel. Messiah will establish his kingdom and bring blessing to Israel and the earth.1119 The prophets were concerned with fulfillment of covenants of God for Israel. Covenant program was not a mystery. Covenant program delayed because of the unbelief of the nation Israel. 1120 Christ cries for fulfillment of what God the Father had promised him. God the Father replies to the Son by the seven thunders in the affirmative.1121 Observe the authority of the Son. He has placed his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land. John delighted in the promises of God but the sufferings to take place before Christ’s kingdom would be established was bitter (10:10).1122 In 10:11, John must prophesy again. He must go back to the beginning and go through it again. In 11:15, Jesus Christ is enthroned in his millennial kingdom.1123

3.17 The Holy Spirit in the Tribulation

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the tribulation? The church formed the universal church, the body of Christ, on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. This chapter was the beginning of the dispensation of grace. The Jews were brought into the body in Acts 2. The Samaritans were brought into the body of Christ in Acts 8. The Gentiles were brought into the body of Christ in Acts 10. Some Old Testament saints in Ephesus were brought into the body of Christ in Acts 19. The church will be raptured before the tribulation begins, I Thessalonians 4:13-18. The Holy

1116Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 39.1.e. 1117 Pentecost, Daniel-Revelation 336, no page, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Fall 1974. 1118Pentecost, Daniel-Revelation 336, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Fall 1974. 1119 Ibid., no pages. 1120 Ibid., no pages. 1121Ibid., no pages. 1122Ibid., no pages. 1123Ibid., no pages.

Spirit will be removed when the church is removed. 1124 Although, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity, is omnipresent. The Holy Spirit took up His residence in the church. The Holy Spirit took up His residence in the world in Genesis 1:2. The Holy Spirit is removed when the church is raptured, 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7. The question is raised as to how people are saved during the tribulation since the Holy Spirit has been withdrawn. People will be saved during the tribulation.1125 Ryrie cited these verses from the book of Revelation 7:4, 9, 14 and 14:4.1126 Living Israelites will be saved during the tribulation. Ryrie cited Romans 11:25 and Zechariah 13:1.1127 An additional reference is Zechariah 12:10.1128 Acts 2:16-21 is quoted by Peter in his sermon on the Day of Pentecost from the prophet Joel. Joel 2:17-18 refers to the millennium. In Acts 2:19-21, the verses from the prophet Joel refer to the tribulation period. “and it will be all who may have called the name of Lord will have been saved.”1129 [author’s translation] While Acts 2:16 reads: “But this is what having been said through the prophet Joel.”1130 [author’s translation]. Peter is quoting from Joel. Peter is saying this is what Joel said. The removal of the Holy Spirit in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 does not mean the Holy Spirit will not continue to work.1131 The work of the Holy Spirit based on His omnipresence will be as it was in the Old Testament.1132 In response to an inquiry at prayer meeting as to how people will be saved during the tribulation that the Bible doesn’t really say. The Old Testament dispensation of law ended with the death of Christ according to Romans 10:4. The dispensation of grace ended with the rapture of the church. The dispensation of the kingdom begins with the tribulation and continues throughout the millennium. Walvoord points out that the work of the Holy Spirit in the tribulation is based on assumption.1133 Walvoord brings these evidences to bear on the subject. He points to John 16:7-11 the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit and man’s inability to believe without Him.1134 The meeting with Nicodemus in John 3:1-21 argues for salvation as the result of the Holy Spirit’s work during the tribulation. The Jewish view was an earthly hope of entering the kingdom on earth. A spiritual birth was necessary to experience the kingdom on earth.1135 Isaiah 11 points to an earthly kingdom.1136 One third of Israel will be saved during the tribulation according to Zechariah 13:8-9.1137 This speaks of the new birth during the tribulation. The lack of restrained evil is partial as indicated by Revelation 7:3, 12:6, 14-16. The

1124Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 204. 1125 Ryrie, The Holy Spirit, 108. 1126Ibid., 108. 1127Ibid., 108. 1128Ibid., 108. 1129Acts 2:21 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament Fourth Revised Edition, 412. 1130Ibid., 411. 1131Ryrie, The Holy Spirit, 108. 1132Ibid., 108. 1133Walvoord, The Holy Spirit, 230. 1134Ibid., 229. 1135Ibid., 229. 1136Ibid., 230. 1137Ibid., 230.

Spirit’s ministry of indwelling saints would account for this lack of the total restraint of evil.1138 The gospel message will be preached to all the world during the tribulation. The message of Christ’s coming kingdom. Walvoord cites Matthew 24:14.1139 Previously, the capacity to do so was the work of the Holy Spirit.1140 The verse Peter quotes from Joel 2:21 is from the prophecy of Joel in an Armageddon context. It is from Acts 2:32. In the Hebrew Bible, it is Joel 3:5. “and it will be all who will call on name Yahweh will escape because in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem will be a remnant according what Yahweh has said and survivors whom Yahweh calls.”1141 [author’s translation] In Acts 2:21, the Greek word an is used with a relative pronoun indicating supposed action rather than real action.1142 The “all who may have called” are those whom the Lord calls in Joel 3:5 in the Hebrew text. Peter refers to elect tribulation saints as does Paul in Romans 10:13. The deductions based on 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 are non-sequiturs. This references the Holy Spirt who formed the universal church being withdrawn. It has been interpreted that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is not to be found in the tribulation period. This view is conjecture that the Holy Spirit reverts to the Old Testament pattern of ministry in the tribulation. Revelation 14:13 presents the Holy Spirit active in the context of the salvation of martyred tribulation saints.1143

3.17 Revelation 14 – The 144,000

The picture of the Lamb and the 144,000 on Mount Zion is a millennial scene. It is not the same as Hebrews 12:22-24. Jesus is preparing believers to enter the millennium. They have been purchased from the earth. The 144,000 of chapter 7 and 14 are the same group. They didn’t worship the beast so they go into the millennium. In 14:4, it is those who have not defiled themselves by submitting to the worship of the beast and his system. They are virgins in the spiritual sense by not submitting to religious harlot system of Revelation 17. They are the first fruits of the millennial age. The proclamation of the eternal gospel in Revelation 14:6 is explained in 14:7. It is a message of the judgment of God will avenge His elect to those who have not worshipped the beast. The judgment of the beast and his followers is good news to the elect. Revelation 14:8 is explained in chapter 17. The beast’s system is coming to judgment. Each angel is a message of judgment. God will judge anyone submits to the authority of the beast. Revelation 14:5 refers to millennial and resurrected saints. The picture of the Son of Man in Revelation 14:16 goes back to the prophecy of Daniel. The Son of Man is wearing a golden crown the sign of His authority. The sickle is a reaping instrument. It is used in the harvesting of grain. This is a picture of judgment on the world. In 14:17-20, another angel has similar message. The imagery is that of harvesting grapes. The grapes are put in the winepress and trampled so as to squeeze out the juice. This refers to judgment taking place outside of the

1138Ibid., 230. 1139Ibid., 231. 1140Ibid., 231. 1141Joel 3:5 in Eibfeldt & Kahle (eds.), Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 1013. 1142Van Ness Goetchius, The Language of the New Testament, 270.par, 348. 1143Revelation 14:13 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament Fourth Revised Edition, 864.

city of Jerusalem. This is referred to in Daniel 11:40-44. The blood flows for 1600 furlongs which is 200 miles. The last three and a half years finds Israel occupied by the armies of the beast. The whole land of Israel is a blood bath. Personal observations in Revelation 12 and 13 show the major players during the tribulation period. Satan, and Israel are the subjects of Revelation chapter 12. In contrast, Revelation chapter 13 presents the beast and the false prophet.1144 Further observations coming from this chapter show the beast’s system is a world- wide political, religious, and economic system. The 144,000 emerge safe through the entire seven years period. The 14th chapter of Revelation has announcements of judgment. This chapter brings assurance to the tribulation saints of that day facing adversity and death. The justice of God will be victorious. Judgment is certain on the unrighteous. Tribulation believers oppressed and being killed will be rewarded.1145 The fourteenth chapter of Revelation presents the judgment program of God carried out on the world and Israel by six angels. The ministry of the good angels in judgment is found in 14:6, 8, 9, 14, 17, and 18. These judgments are on the inhabitants of the earth.1146 This is during the tribulation period. God’s wrath is evident in this chapter in Revelation 14:10 and 14:19.1147 The nations of the earth are under the judgment of God for their part in the worship of the Babylonian system as seen in Revelation 14:8, and chapter 17:2.1148 Tribulation saints following martyrdom will experience rest and reward.1149 In observing Revelation 14:9 and 10, judgment is announced on those submitting to the worship of the beast. The message of the third angel in Revelation 14:9 points to the perseverance of the saints in 14:12. This is the will of God for suffering and martyred tribulation Christians. They will be able to persevere knowing judgment is coming on those who have worshipped the beast and his system, 14:9-11. The saints are those who obey the Word of God and trusted Christ as their personal Savior, 14:12. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is seen to be involved in the salvation of tribulation saints and their martyrdom in 14:13. The Son of Man comes on the clouds of judgment executing judgment on the inhabitants of the earth and on Israel. Revelation chapter 14:14-16, 17-19 support this observation. The final battle of Armageddon is in view in Revelation 14:20.

3.18 Matthew 24:31 – Gathering His Elect

In the context of Matthew 24, it is following the tribulation that Christ will send forth his angels to gather his elect from “the four winds from ends of heavens until there ends.”1150 [author’s translation] The four winds means from all directions.1151 Messiah, Jesus Christ, will regather Israel. The Olivet discourse in Matthew 24 and 25 gives us an understanding of the purposes

1144Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 185-186. 1145Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 224. 1146Pentecost, Things to Come, 197. 1147Ibid., 235. 1148Ibid., 238. 1149Ibid., 581. 1150Matthew 24:31 in Aland & Black (eds.) The Greek New Testament Fourth Revised Edition, 94. 1151Grassmick, Mark, 171 in Walvoord & Zucks (eds.). The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament, 95-197.

behind this regathering. In the context of Matthew 24, our Lord taught watchfulness and preparedness in the light of his coming, Matthew 24:42,44. Matthew 24:32-51 is a parenthesis in the Olivet discourse. The chronological flow of these chapters is indicated by the sequence word then. Tote is the Greek word meaning future. It is used of a particular time. Matthew uses it some 90 times to indicate sequence of time. It is a correlative adverb of time.1152 In Matthew 25:1-3, the ten virgins represent the nation Israel. The parable of ten virgins illustrates the principle of preparedness and watchfulness in the light of Christ’s return. Why should we be prepared? Why should we watch? The wedding feast in verse 10 is the millennium. In Matthew 25:10, it is used for the wedding banquet.1153 In Matthew 24:50, Israel will face judgment in the light of Christ’s Second Coming. This theme is seen in judgment on five of the ten versions. Five of the virgins went into the wedding feast. The wedding celebration is the millennial kingdom. The certainty of Israel’s judgment at Christ’s Second Coming is continued in Matthew 24:14-30. The virgins represent Israel.1154 They were friends of the bridegroom. When a betrothal was signed the news went out to the friends of the bridegroom. They weren’t told when the marriage supper would take place. Once the feast was prepared an invitation would be sent out to those invited to the marriage supper. Who had the privileges? It was those who were prepared in the light of the invitation to come to the wedding feast. These parables are addressed to the nation Israel. Israel had the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants. As a result of these covenants, they were given a wedding invitation into the millennial kingdom but they had to be prepared and watching for the bridegroom’s return. Israel will face Messiah, Jesus Christ, in judgment at his Second Coming. Those who have trusted Christ as their Messiah will enter the millennial kingdom. Those who do not know Christ as their Messiah will face eternal punishment. Five wise virgins had oil in their lamps. Five virgins were foolish with no oil in their lamps. They hadn’t salvation. They were unprepared for the bridegroom’s return. Five unwise virgins were rejected by the bridegroom. “But having answered he has said, Verily I say to you, I do not know you.”1155 [author’s translation]

3.19 Judgment of Sheep and Goats

The judgment of the sheep and goats is found in Matthew 25:31-46. This will follow Christ’s Second Coming prior to the beginning of the millennium to determine the right to enter the millennial kingdom. The judgment on living Israel will take place prior to this judgment on the Gentiles. “Now whenever the Son of Man may have come and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on throne of His glory.” “and all the nations will have been gathered before Him, and He will separate them from one another, just as the shepherd separates the sheep from the

1152Gingrich & Danker, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature Second Edition Revised and Augumented, 823. 1(b) & 2, 1153Ibid., 151. 1.(b). 1154Pentecost, Parables 618, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Fall 1974. 1155Matthew 25:12 in Aland & Black (eds.) The Greek New Testament Fourth Revised Edition, 97.

goats.”1156 [author’s translation] “and he will place on the one hand the sheep from his right but the goats from his left.” 1157 [author’s translation] The basis of this judgment is the sheep enter the millennial kingdom, Matthew 25:34. The reason being that their faith in Christ was evidenced by their works, Matthew 25:35-36. The sheep will ask Christ when they did all this to the Jewish Christians, Matthew 25:37-39. In these Christian works, these Gentile Christians supported the persecuted Jewish Christians, Matthew 25:40. The goats show they didn’t have saving faith in Christ evidenced by no works, Matthew 25:42-45. Jesus concludes the parable in verse 46. The goats are on Christ’s left. “Then He will say also to these from left, keep on proceeding from me having been cursed to eternal fire having been prepared for the Devil and his angels.” 1158[author’s translation]

3.20 Bad Angels

Satan’s sin is revealed in the prophecy of Isaiah. God pushed Lucifer out of the third heaven. God proclaimed the fall of Lucifer. This truth is found in Isaiah 14:12-14.1159 In this chapter, Satan declares five times I will. The will of Lucifer was opposed to the will of God. Prior to his fall, Satan ministered before God’s throne in the abode of God which was the third heaven.1160 Lucifer’s desire was to ascend into heaven to take up residence there. Lucifer wanted to be God. He wanted to take to himself God’s authority over the realm of the angels. He wanted to exalt his throne above the stars of God. In his third I will, Lucifer wanted to administer and control the entire universe.1161 He wanted to assume the glory belonging to God for himself.1162 He wanted to ascend higher than the clouds. Clouds in the Old Testament stood for the presence of God. Pentecost supported this point from Exodus 16:10, 40:33, I Kings 8:10. Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High.1163 The Hebrew word for Most High is elyon.1164 The Most High is one of names for God. It carries the nuance of independence of all authority outside of Himself. ‘I will make myself the Most High God.”1165 Lucifer wanted to replace the Most High God by becoming him. Satan’s fall is found in Ezekiel 28:16-17.1166 The chapter is addressed to the King of Tyre.1167 There is a personality behind the King of Tyre that can not be true of him. Chafer’s support is Ezekiel 28:13. Lucifer was of the order of angels known as cherubs known as cherubim. Satan’s name in the beginning was son of the morning due to his

1156Matthew 25:31-32 in Aland & Black (eds.) The Greek New Testament Fourth Revised Edition, 99. 1157Matthew 25:33, Ibid., 99.

1158Matthew 25:41 in Aland & Black (eds.) The Greek New Testament Fourth Revised Edition, 99-100. 1159Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 172. 1160Pentecost, Your Adversary the Devil, 20-25 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 172. 1161Ibid., 23-25 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 172. 1162Ibid., 24-25 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 172-173. 1163Ibid., 24-25 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 173. 1164Brown, Driver, Briggs (eds.). A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, 752. 1165 Isaiah 14:14 in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 628 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 173. 1166Pentecost, Your Adversary the Devil, 12-19 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 173. 1167Chafer, Systematic Theology vol II, 39-44 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 173.

high position. He was the protector of the throne of God. Chafer’s support is Exodus 4:27, Psalm 2:6, 3:4, 43:3, 68:15, Isaiah 2:2, 11:9. Iniquity was found in Lucifer. He obtained the allegiance of non-elect angels to his plan of rebellion against the Most High, Ezekiel 28:16. Lucifer’s sin was the sin of pride, Ezekiel 28:17. His iniquity was the exaltation of self. The judgment of Lucifer who became Satan is pronounced by God. He is expelled from God’s presence, Ezekiel 28:17-19.1168 Satan is a person.1169 Ryrie points out that Satan has intelligence, 2 Corinthians 11:3. He has emotions, Revelation 12:7. Satan has will, 2 Timothy 2:26. Additional passages proof of Satan’s personality are Revelation 12:9 and 20:2.1170 Satan’s destination and that of the demons is eternal fire, Matthew 25:41.1171 Hook gave these references pertaining to Satan’s work today.1172 He sinned from the beginning, I John 3:8. He sows tares, Matthew 13:24-30. He blinds minds to the gospel, 2 Corinthians 4:4. He has the power of death, Hebrews 2:14. He is the accuser of the brethren, Revelation 12:10. He is at work today, I Peter 5:8. Satan does not have divine attributes of God because he is a created being.1173 Satan energizes non- Christians, Ephesians 2:2.1174 The reader is encouraged to read Mathers Systematic Theology. Non-elect angels followed Satan in their rebellion against God, Jude verse 6, 2 Peter 2:4, and Revelation 12:4.

3.21 Good Angels

The Lord Jesus created the angels according to Colossians 1:16.1175 Angels are ministering spirits. They are not limited by the space and time world. They partake of the realm of the spirit. The angels were created before man according to Psalm 8:5 and Hebrews 2:7. Christ is the heir and the ruler of all. In eternity, the order will be reversed. The day will come when the Christians will judge the world and angels according I Corinthians 6:2-3. The good angels are ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation.1176 Biblical support is found in Hebrews 1:14. They will be involved in the judgment of God during the tribulation according to Revelation 7,8,9,10,11,14,15,16.17,18.19.19-21. I Timothy 5:21 teaches that election extended to the angels. There are elect and non-elect angels.

1168Chafer, Systematic Theology, vol II, 39-44 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 173. 1169Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 92-93 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 173. 1170Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 157 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 173. 1171Ryrie, A Survey of Bible Doctrine, 99 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 173. 1172Hook, Theology 102, no pages. Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Fall 1973, in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 174. 1173Walvoord, Major Bible Themes, 158-159 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 174. 1174Ibid., 163 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 174. 1175Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 176. 1176Hook, Theology 102, no pages, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Fall 1973 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 176.

4. Conclusion

Pure knowledge has been established by research in the body of this book. The book moves now to an applied knowledge. The biblical covenants in the Old Testament are eternal covenants made with the nation Israel. Recreation was followed by the Fall of Man in Genesis Chapter 3. This is followed by judgment on man in Genesis chapters 6 to 9 in the Universal Flood. The tower of Babel indicated further judgment on man. Man had repudiated the divine revelation given to Noah in the Noahic covenant. God made this covenant with Noah following the Universal Flood in Genesis 9:8-17. These opening chapters of Genesis cover the dispensations of Innocence, Conscience, and Human Government. The call of Abram out of the Ur of the Chaldees was a new thing bringing the dispensation of promise. The Lord promised Abram three things. These were personal, national, and universal blessing. The seventeenth chapter of Genesis teaches us that the Abrahamic covenant is an eternal covenant. The Lord God promised Abram the land of the Middle East to him and his seed. Isaac would be the near fulfillment but Christ was the far fulfillment. Paul teaches this in Galatians 3:16. The Pauline argument under inspiration was that the word seed is not plural but singular. The Lord would make Abram into a great nation. It was through Abram that the earth would be blessed. All the families of the earth would be blessed. It was through Abram that Messiah, Jesus Christ, and the Scriptures would come. Other covenants are the Deuteronomic Covenant in Deuteronomy chapter 30. Israel would be regathered regardless of their location if they returned to the Lord their God with all their heart. The Davidic Covenant of 2 Samuel chapter 7:12-16 promised David a perpetual throne and kingdom forever. The final biblical covenant is found in Jeremiah 31:31-37. It promises Israel will be saved. Saved Israel will enter the millennial kingdom. The Abrahamic covenant runs through the entire Bible. In Genesis, this eternal covenant is found in Genesis chapters 12, 13, 15, and 17. It is renewed in Genesis chapters 13, 15, and 17. Further, it is renewed with each of the patriarchs both Isaac and Jacob. Biblical understanding must be seen against the backdrop of these biblical covenants with Israel. The Gentile covenants are implied but not stated. They became more of deductions before and after the Fall of Man. The thread of redemption runs throughout the entire Bible beginning in Genesis 3 with the Fall of Man. The church is not found in the Old Testament. It was declared future by Christ in his day. In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus declared the church yet future. The word ekklesia in the Old Testament is used of assemblies for the nation Israel. Israel of the Old Testament is not the church of the New Testament. Israel is Israel in the Old and New Testaments. The church is the church in the New Testament. The church is not the new Israel in the New Testament. The universal church was formed on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 introducing the age of grace. Israel will be regathered by Messiah, Jesus Christ, to face Him in judgment and to determine their right to enter the millennial kingdom. Christ came to offer the Davidic kingdom to Israel as promised to David in 2 Samuel chapter 7. Luke’s gospel shows Christ as a fulfiller of this covenant in chapter 1 but He is also a light to the Gentiles. A Savior was born for all peoples. Covenant theology doesn’t distinguish between Israel and the church. Israel is replaced by the

church in New Testament. The Covenant theologian spiritualizes the Old Testament prophecy. This stems back to a faulty method of biblical interpretation known as the allegorical method. Their method of interpretation suffers from simplicity. This is an error of reduction. The focus of the Covenant theologian is Soteriology and the elect. The divine decree has four different plans. One plan is for Israel. Another plan is for the church. A further divine plan is for the Gentiles. Another plan was drafted before the foundation of the world for the angels both elect and non-elect. Yahweh made the covenant with Abraham. The translators of the Greek Septuagint (LXX) rendered this word Lord. The writers of the New Testament under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit applied this to Jesus confirming his Deity, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our understanding of the Bible is limited if we don’t understand the biblical covenants. A literal, historical, and grammatical hermeneutic will lead to a pretribulation and premillennial system of theology. Those of the amillennial system of biblical interpretation interpret Scripture with a literal, historical, and grammatical hermeneutic except when it comes to biblical prophecy. The kingdom is viewed as being fulfilled at present time on earth by the church or in heaven by Christ. Christ sitting on the throne of David. The throne of David is a biblical term refers to the biblical covenant that Yahweh (Christ) made with David through Nathan the prophet in 2 Samuel chapter 7. The throne of David is a Jewish throne relating Christ to Israel not the church. Christ was the Son of David. This is a Messianic term. Dispensationalism is from the Greek word for stewardship. This is a responsibility given to man during different time periods. There is a total of seven dispensations. Dispensationalism is viewing the Bible through the lens of history. The dispensations are Innocence, Conscience, Human government, promise, Law, Grace, and Kingdom. The current dispensation of grace will end with the rapture of the church. Our Protestant canon has the historical books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, I and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Our Old Testament has the divisions of Law, Historical books, Prophets, and Writings. The Pentateuch can be summarized as follows. Genesis chapters 1 to 11 is the world of early beginnings. These chapters deal with the Gentiles descended from Adam and Noah. In Genesis 12 to chapter 50, the Lord begins the formation of the nation Israel. Thirty-eight chapters are designated to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. In Exodus, the nation Israel is formed and enlarged. Israel is redeemed out of the land of Egypt. In the book of Leviticus, Israel receives a theological education at Mount Sinai. They learned how to worship and walk with a Holy God. The book of Numbers records Israel’s wilderness wanderings. The Kadesh-Barnea experience led to a condemnation of that first generation out of Israel. This Scripture is recorded in Numbers 13 and 14. Israel is prepared to enter the promised land in Deuteronomy. Moses gave a series of seven sermons forming the content of the book. Moses was not able to enter the promised land because he did not treat God as holy. Israel could dwell with a Holy God on the basis of the sacrifices, the priesthood, the tabernacle, the mercy seat, and the Day of Atonement. The book of Judges is the conquering of the land of Canaan. General Joshua went through the middle of the land cutting the North off from the South. Next, he took the South. He turned to take the North of the land

of Canaan. The listing of victories is given in chapter 12. The land is distributed to the various tribes in Joshua chapters 13 to 22. In chapters 23 and 24, Joshua gives them principles for the successful occupation of the land and renews the Abrahamic covenant with Israel. Judges is the next book with the historical setting of the life of the nation Israel after the death of Joshua. Moral relativity is a key feature of this historical book. Israel failed to live up to the Mosaic covenant. The book is a series of monotonous cycles. The book of Ruth occurred during the same time as the period of the Judges. It is a transitional link to the monarchy. The period of the Judges continues for 1 Samuel chapters 1 to 7. Samuel is the last judge and the first prophet. He was a King maker. Israel had rejected Yahweh from being King over them. They wanted a king like the nations around them. Samuel was grieved. Yahweh told them to give them their request. 1 Samuel is the transition from the theocracy to the monarchy. The purpose of I Samuel and 2 Samuel is to record the founding of the Hebrew monarchy. Messiah comes through the line of David. Saul was the first king. He is a tyrant. He forsakes the covenant. Saul is characterized by rashness and disobedience. His disobedience is seen in his offering sacrifices reserved for the priest. The sparing of the King of the Amalekites, Agag was contrary to the instructions given by Yahweh. David was used by Yahweh to proclaim the divine name throughout the earth. This was done by his killing of Goliath. 2 Samuel is primarily about David. I Kings and 2 Kings is a record of the Hebrew monarchy from the time of Solomon to the end of the Jewish monarchy. 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles was written for the remnant returning from the captivity. The remnants returning were reminded of three things. Yahweh was with them, apostasy brought ruin, and the line of David was with them. The first return was under Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple in 536 B.C. The second return was in 458 B.C. to reinstitute the law by Ezra. The last return in 445 B.C. was led by Nehemiah to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. The book of Esther demonstrates the sovereignty and providence of God in thwarting Haman’s plan to kill all the Jews in Persia and throughout the empire.

The prophets begin in the 9th century B.C. Prophets began with Amos. He was a prophet to the Northern Kingdom. Obadiah was also a 9th century B.C. prophet. His prophecy was against Edom for their treatment of the Jewish people in their time of need being sacked by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar. Jonah was a prophet to Assyria in the 8th century B.C. Nahum, the prophet, gave a prophecy against Nineveh, the capital of Assyria in the 7th century B.C. The destruction of Nineveh occurred in 612 B.C. The Medes, Babylonians, and Scythians were their conquerors. Their earlier repentance at the preaching of Jonah was only for a time. Hosea was a prophet to Israel, the Northern Kingdom prior to its fall in 722 B.C. to Assyria.

The prophets to Judah, the Southern Kingdom were Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Joel, and Zephaniah. Isaiah was a prophet to both the North and the South. The theme of his prophecy is salvation. It has the Servant chapters referring to Messiah, Jesus Christ, in chapters 42 to 57. Hope is extended to Israel in their captivity in chapters 40 to 48. Israel’s future is prophesied in chapters 58 to 66. Micah was a prophet to the South. His prophecy focuses on Messiah and the Messianic kingdom. He is an 8th century B.C. prophet and Micah is a

contemporary of Isaiah. Jeremiah, an 7th century B.C. prophet, spoke to the Southern Kingdom in chapters 2 to 45. The judgment of the nations is found in chapters 45 to 51. Habakkuk is another 7th century B.C. prophet speaking to the Southern Kingdom of Judah prior to their fall in 586 B.C. at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar. He deals with the problem of Evil. God using an unholy instrument like Babylon to punish Judah. Joel is a prophet to the Southern Kingdom in the 9th century B.C. His prophecy concerns the Day of the Lord. Zephaniah has the same theme the Day of the Lord. He is a 7th century B.C. prophet.

Prophets during the exile are Ezekiel and Daniel. Ezekiel’s theme was the Glory of God, In the captivity, he was deported to Babylon in 597 B.C. His prophecies were during the 6th century B.C. He is given revelation concerning the departure of the Shekinah Glory of God. This is the very presence of God with the nation Israel. This was the very presence of God in their midst in Israel for their iniquity. Blessings for Israel is the subject of a unit from chapters 33 to 48. The hindrance to this blessing is Russia. Earlier, Daniel was deported to Babylon with his three friends in 605 B.C. His commitment to Yahweh becomes the subject of chapter 1 in the light of Judah’s previous sin of idolatry. The book breaks into two halves. Chapters 2 to 7 are written in Aramaic. They tell the course of Gentile world prophecy concerning four world empires and the revised Roman empire in chapters 2 and 7. This last world empire is still future. Chapters 8 to 12 written in Hebrew tell of the decree of God for the nation Israel. Seventy heptads, a period of 490 years, had been decreed in the plan of God before the world began. Four hundred and eighty- three years have passed in the history of these Gentile world empires. The seventieth heptad, a period of 7 years, is yet future for Israel. It will begin with the false Messiah, Anti-Christ, makes a peace treaty with Israel and her surrounding Arab neighbors. The world church will be in on this decision and the execution of the peace covenant.1177

Prophets during the three returns from captivity are Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Both Haggai and Zechariah supported Zerubabbel with the rebuilding of the temple. Malachi was the prophet to support Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem. Ezra is a post exilic book. The theme is restoration. This return was led by Zerubabbel in 539 B.C. to rebuild the temple. Ezra led a second return in 458 B.C. This was fifty-eight years after the completion of building the temple. His purpose was to study, practice, and teach the Law of Moses.1178 The book of Esther took place during the captivity in Persia. The theme is the providence of Yahweh for his own. The book of Nehemiah covers a period from 445 to 433 B.C. Nehemiah led the third return in 445 B.C. The prophet Malachi gave encouragement during the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem.

Wisdom literal comprises the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Lamentations. Similarities exist between the book of Job and Genesis. This book, Job, occurred

1177Daniel 9:27, Revelation 17:3. 1178Ezra 7:10.

during the same period as the book of Genesis. An example was their wealth was counted in livestock. The inspired inerrant Psalms was the hymn book sung in the temple by the Jewish people. Much wisdom literature was written during the period of the United Kingdom by Solomon. Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon to explain the meaning of physical life. Proverbs was written for a number of purposes to make one wise. The progression in the book is from the naïve, to the fool, and finally to the wise man. “Hakmah” is the key word in Proverbs. It means skill in living. Song of Songs is a love poem between a husband and wife in the context of marriage. Lamentation is a corporate lament written against the background of the armies of Nebuchadnezzar conquering Jerusalem in B.C. 586.

The New Testament books were completed from 40 to 96 A.D. by the apostles. Paul, of course, was an apostle born out of season. The dates are given for the various New Testament books. The chronological order of the books is not the same as they are listed in our New Testament. The gospels are the historical foundation of Christianity. The Book of Acts is the experience of the apostolic churches. The epistles are the teachings of the church. The New Testament books were written out of need. We build our doctrine on the teaching of the church not the experience of the church. Trinitarianism defined means One God existing in three separate persons. All three persons are co-equal, co-eternal, and of one essence (indivisible). These scriptures support the truth of the Unity of God and the Trinity. They are Deuteronomy 6:4, James 2:19, Matthew 28:19-20, John 14:16-17, 2 Corinthians 13:14. The Father is God (John 6:27, Ephesians 4:6). Jesus is the eternal Son of God (Hebrews 1:8). The Spirit of God is God (Acts 5:3-4). The Father is the Father in the Old Testament. The Father is the Father in the New Testament. The Son, Jesus, is the Son in the Old Testament. The Spirit is the Spirit in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. Any departure from the doctrine of the Trinity is heresy. Dynamic and Modalistic Monarchianism are false views of the person of Christ and the Trinity. Those holding to Dynamic Monarchianism are called Adoptionists. The power from God resided in Christ. He became the Son of God at his baptism. He became the Son of God by the piety of his life. Modalistic Monarchianism held that the Father, Son, Holy Spirit are not three persons but three modes or expressions of God. A variation of this view is that God is the Father in the Old Testament. God is the Son in the gospels. God is the Holy Spirit in the epistles. The Father, the eternal Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit decreed our salvation.1179 The Father elected and predestinated us to adoption through Jesus Christ. The eternal Son Jesus provided redemption. The Holy Spirit sealed us. The Father elected both the even and the means to the event.1180

1179Ephesians 1:1-14. 1180Ephesians 1:13-14.

The question of original sin is traced to the Fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.1181 The sin of Adam was imputed to Adam’s race.1182 The Lord God redeemed Adam and Eve.1183 The Adamic nature was passed on to Cain and Abel. Abel recognized the right way of approach to a holy God was blood sacrifice. Cain presented the works of his own hands. His offering was rejected.1184 Adam sinned by choice. Men sin because they are sinners. It is a false view that men have a bent towards evil. They can choose to sin or not to sin. Men can’t help but sin because they are sinners. The world system, the flesh, and the Devil have all of the natural man.1185 Men are born in Adam. All who are in Adam will die spiritually. Born once to live and twice to die.1186 The redeemed have an Advocate the Lord Jesus Christ for willful sin.1187 The ministry of the Holy Spirit is essential in evangelism.1188 This is the central passage for the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit. He convicts along three themes sin, righteousness, and judgment. The world believes not on Christ. Christ’s ascension to the Father means men need a greater righteousness than their own. Of Judgment, Satan was judged at the cross. The ruler of this world system has been judged. The sentence has not been carried out. Judgment is upon the world system.1189 The Holy Spirit illuminates the Scriptures. The teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit was taught by our Lord in John 16. The Holy Spirit glorifies Christ not Himself.1190 The teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit can be counted on. He will illuminate the prophetic Scriptures to the believer.1191 The Holy Spirit uplifts the person and work of Christ.1192 The Holy Spirit receives these truths from Christ.1193 God the Father has given all things to the eternal Son.1194 The illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit is seen in 1 Corinthians.1195 The natural man, the one not saved, is not able to receive spiritual truth. The natural man is not able to experience the truth because it takes spiritual discernment.1196 To the non-Christian, spiritual truth is foolishness. The unregenerate man is not able to receive, know or understand because spiritual discernment is needed to understand the divine revelation.1197

1181Genesis 3. 1182Romans 5:12. 1183Genesis 3:21. 1184Genesis 4:1-16. 1185Ephesians 2:1-3. 1186Romans 5:15-17. 1187I John 2:1-2. 1188John 16:8-11. 1189John 12:31 1190John 16:13-15. 1191John 16:13. 1192John 16:14. 1193John 16:14. 1194John 16:15. 11951 Corinthians 2:12. 11961Corinthians 2:14. 11971 Corinthians 2:14.

The word for truth “aletheia” is used four times in 2 John verses 1 to 3. The apostles possessed the truth. The truth is eternal.1198 Sanctification, on a daily basis comes from a study of the truth and a Christian walk governed by truth.1199 The apostle John is writing to this elect body of believers to remind them to love one another. This is not a new command but it is an old command. Christian love is a walk governed by truth.1200 The reason for this is many false teachers have gone out into the world.1201 They deny the humanity of Jesus Christ. This undercuts the atonement of Christ’s sacrifice for sins.1202 2 John calls them the deceiver and the Anti-Christ. They are a type of Anti-Christ. They do what Anti-Christ will do blaspheme the name of Christ. In the historic Christian church, this is Docetism. The Docetists denied the humanity of Christ teaching that Christ didn’t have a body but he was a phantom. The testimony of the Holy Spirit is to Jesus. We are exhorted to test the teachers to see whether the teacher is born again.1203 A denial of the humanity of Jesus Christ is proof that the teacher is not born again. The testimony of the Holy Spirit is also to the deity of Christ.1204 The third test is to the Messiahship of Jesus Christ.1205 The redeemed Christian has the new nature. He has the ability to love other Christians who have been born again by the Father. The proof of the love of God is obedience to his commandments.1206 John, the apostle, under the inspiration of the Spirit of God asks a rhetorical question.1207 The believer’s faith conquers the world. Jesus came by the water and the blood. He did not come by the water only.1208 The apostle John refers to the historical fact of the crucifixion. The testimony God the Father is to His Son.1209 The believer has testimony of God within them. Those who do not receive God’s testimony concerning His Son make God the Father a liar.1210 The testimony is defined. God the Father has given us eternal life. This life is in His Son.1211 The One has trusting the Son has eternal life.1212 The One not trusting the Son doesn’t have eternal life. The assurance of eternal life is given to us.1213

Christians need to realize the purposes that the Word of God plays in their spiritual life. The Word of God sustains the believer.1214 The Word of God is used to sanctify the believer.1215 The

11982John vs. 1-3. 11992 John v. 3. 12002 John v. 5. 12012 John v. 7. 12022 John v. 7. 12031 John 4:1-3. 12041 John 4:15. 12051 John 5:1. 12061 1 12071 John 5:5. 12081 John 5:6. 12091 John 5:9. 12101 John 5:10. 12111 John 5:11. 12121 John 5:12. 12131 John 5:13. 12142 Tim. 3:14-17. 12152 Pet. 1”1-11.

The Bible distinguishes between the different levels of spirituality. The first category is the natural man. He lives life on the natural plain. He has not ability to receive spiritual truth.1216 The second category is the carnal Christian. The Corinthians are a prime example of carnal Christians. Their carnality was demonstrated by their jealousy and strife.1217 There are some Christians considered to be immature adult believers. They were not able to receive the meat of the World.1218 The need of these immature adult believers was to go on to maturity.1219 The spiritual man is characterized by his ability to discern and feed on the meat truths of God’s Word.1220

The pretribulation view of the rapture separates it from the Second Coming of Christ by a period of seven years. The tribulation is a period of seven years based on the prophecy of Daniel.1221 The rapture is not in Daniel. One heptad a period of seven years is left on God’s prophetic clock. The pretribulation view is confirmed by Scripture.1222 The pretribulation view is the only logical and rationale choice. The mid-tribulation views does harm to the literary structure of the Bible. The post-tribulation view has logistical problems. The interpretation of Scripture has been a challenge to Christians. There are four steps to Bible study. Usually, we start by asking the meaning or what is the interpretation. We should start rather with making observations on the passage. This is what you see in the passage. The next step is the interpretation of the passage. Thirdly, the next step is application. What does this passage mean applied to my life? Finally, correlation has to do with preparing the passage for communication to others whether in the form of a lesson or a sermon.1223

The apocalyptic books of Scripture are Daniel and Revelation. Daniel was given revelation concerning the course of future world history for the Gentile nations in chapters 2 to 7. In chapters 8 to 12, Daniel is given revelation concerning the future of the nation Israel. The world empires of Babylon, Medio—Persia, Greece, and Rome have come and gone. Two future world empires are left. The first is the Revived Roman Empire confirmed by Scripture.1224 The Revived Roman Empire, though temporal, is headed up by the little horn, the Anti-Christ as their leader. He will be supported by the last form of Gentile world power ten political kings. The Second Coming of Christ will end the Revived Roman Empire. Judgments will follow. Christ will set up his millennial kingdom.

12161 Cor. 2:14 12171 Cor. 2:1, 18, 3:1-3. 1218 Hebrews 5:11-14. 1219 Hebrews 6:1-9. 1220I Cor. 2:15-16, Hebrews 5:13-14. 1221Daniel 9:27. 12221 Cor. 15:51, I Thess. 4:13-18. 1223Hendricks, Bible 601, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, Fall 1972. 1224Daniel 2 and 7, Revelation 13 and 17.

The events of chapters 4 to 19 are still future in the book of Revelation. The judgments of God on the entire earth. These are the seals, trumpets, and bowls judgments.

Scripture needs to be interpreted in a literal manner the same as any other literature. Allowance is made for figures of speech. These convey truth from the spiritual to the literal realm.

General Revelation is truth that is communicated by creation. Creation testifies to the existence of God.1225 General Revelation is not redemptive. You cannot be saved by general revelation. General Revelation must be distinguished from natural theology. Natural theology is arguments for the existence of God based on reason.

Specific or Special Revelation has two sources. These are the Bible and Christ. Two examples of special revelation are found in John’s Gospel and his first epistle.1226 Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. There is no other way by which man can be saved.1227 Personal reconciliation is necessary.1228

Foreknowledge is divine choice. The verb proginosko is made up of two Greek words the word pro and the Greek verb ginosko. It means to know before. This is foreknowledge.1229 The divine plan set forth in Scripture entails, election, predestination, redemption, and the sealing of the Holy Spirit. The Father elected and predestinated to be conformed to the image of Christ. The eternal Son’s role was to provide redemption. The decree of God took place in eternity past before the world began.1230 One of the questions often raised is that of double predestination. Did God elect some and damn others? This question is raised and answered by the apostle Paul in Romans.1231

Man is fallen in his mind, emotions, and will. The proof of universal sin is found in Romans. This is the doctrine of imputed sin.1232 Some believe man was fallen in his mind and emotions but not in his will. It is biblically accurate to say that in discussion with Nicodemus that Jesus taught there were two realms. The first is the natural realm. The second is the spiritual realm.1233

The deity of Christ was settled once and for all at the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325.1234

1225Acts 17:23, Romans 1:18-32. 1226John 1:18, 1 John 5:9-12. 1227John 14:6, Acts 4:12. 12282 Cor. 5:20-21. 1229Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 710. 1230Ephesians 1:1-11. 1231Romans 9:21-23. 1232Romans 5:12. 1233John 3:6. 1234Cairns, Christianity Through the Centuries, 143-144 in Mathers, Mathers Systematic Theology, 225.

Premillennialism is a distinct system of theology. The basis for this system is the literal, historical, and grammatical interpretation of Scripture. Premillennialism is opposed by those believing that there will not be a thousand years rule of Christ on the earth. The amillennial point of view allegorizes Bible prophecy. Two names associated with this allegorical method of interpretation are Origen and Augustine. Postmillennialism is not a viable option of interpretation any longer. The preaching of the gospel and the church have failed to bring in a golden age. All the natural disasters and turbulence of the twentieth and twenty first centuries have argued against this view of a golden age. Postmillennialism is traced to Daniel Whitby. Amillennialism views the millennium as being fulfilled by the church or in heaven at present by the saints. Christ one day will rule upon the throne of David. The gospel of Luke presents Christ in chapter 1 of his gospel as a fulfiller of the Davidic covenant. This will occur during the millennium. The Davidic kingdom offered by Christ at his first advent was rejected by Israel. The kingdom was postponed as taught in the Scriptures.1235

The rapture was introduced by Jesus on the night that he was betrayed in the Upper Room.i1236Two things were necessary for the Day of the Lord to come. The first is the rapture. The second is the man of sin will be revealed.1237 Apostasy is a transliteration of the Greek letters without the meaning. The Greek word apostasia is used in the book of Acts for a departure from the Law of Moses.1238 Apostasia means a departure in the case of 2 Thessalonians. It stands for the rapture. The rapture is referred to as the appearing of Christ in the air for his blood bought church.1239

The tribulation period known as the Day of the Lord in the Old Testament will begin with the revelation of the Man of Sin, the Anti-Christ. The Lord will deliver the world into the hands of Anti-Christ.1240 The world dictator and the world church will unite.1241 The Anti-Christ will be supported by the last form of Gentile world empire ten political kings. The Anti-Christ is a religious king. The woman is said to sit on seven hills. Rome has long been known to be the city built on seven hills. The seven heads are also seven kings. The Anti-Christ is the eighth.1242 The seal judgments occur during the first three and a half years of the tribulation. They continue throughout the entire seven years. The devastation is great. These seal judgments are on man. The beast is supported by the false prophet.1243 He is the enforcer of worship of the beast. The ones not worshipping the beast will be put to death during the tribulation period. It is during

1235Luke 19:11-27. 1236John 14:1-4. 12372 Thess. 2:3. 1238Acts 21:21. 1239John 14:1-6, 1 Cor. 15:51-58, 1 Thess. 4:13-18, 2 Tim. 4:8, Titus 2:13. 1240Revelation 6:1-2. 1241Revelation 17:3. 1242Revelation 17:9-10. 1243Revelation 13.

the tribulation at the mid-point of three and a half years that Russia, Germany, Iran, an Arab and African confederacy will attack Israel. Israel will be invaded. The Lord God will destroy them on the mountains of Israel.1244 The trumpet judgments begin as well at the mid-point of the tribulation. They are poured out during the last three and a half years of the time of Jacob’s trouble. These divine judgments are on man’s environment. They occur in rapid succession.

The second battle of Armageddon is found in Daniel.1245 The context is the end times.1246 The King of the South, Egypt and the King of the North, Russia attack Israel for a second time. Israel appeals to the Anti-Christ for help. Anti-Christ moves his army from Europe to the Middle East. The King of the West, Anti-Christ, defeats both Russia and Egypt. He chases the defeated Egyptians down into Egypt. He appropriates for himself their treasures.

Another event at the mid-points of the tribulation is that Satan is cast out of heaven.1247 Anti- Chris becomes a persecutor of Israel. It is also during the last three and a half years of the tribulation period that the two witnesses have their ministry from Jerusalem. Their ministry is twelve hundred and sixty days. That is three and a half years. The biblical month is thirty days. This is forty-two months. Once their ministry is completed the beast will kill them. Their bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half days. Then, their spirit will return to their bodies and they will be caught up into heaven.1248

The final battle of Armageddon is found in both the book of Daniel and Revelation.1249 News coming out of the east and the north trouble the Anti-Christ. A third Russian army is on its way down into the Holy Land. A vast oriental army is on its way as well referred to as the Kings from the East. They are going down into the Holy Land. The bowl judgments occur towards the end of the seven years period.

The Bible teaches five future events of judgment on both Israel and the Gentile nations.1250 Eschatological questions were raised and answered.

The parenthesis between trumpet judgments six and seven is found in chapter ten.1251 The Son, Jesus Christ, roars to the Father give me my kingdom and the right to rule. The Father answers in the affirmative indicated by the seven peals of thunder.

1244Ezekiel 38-39. 1245Daniel 11:40-43. 1246Daniel 11:35. 1247Revelation 12. 1248Revelation 11. 1249Daniel 11:44. 1250Matthew 24 and 25. 1251Revelation 10.

The Holy Spirit is present and has ministry during the tribulation. The Holy Spirit is active in the context of the salvation of tribulation saints who have been martyred.1252 Revelation 14 is a millennial scene. The Lord has prepared a great remnant ready to enter the kingdom prepared for them from before the world began. Christ will gather his elect to face him in judgment as taught in Matthew.1253 These are Jews dispersed throughout the entire earth. The judgment of the sheep and goats is prior to the beginning of the millennium.1254

The bad angels are non-elect angels. They have followed Satan in his rebellion against God.1255

The Great White Throne judgment is taught in Revelation. The wicked dead of the ages who have not trusted Christa s their personal Savior will be cast into the lake of fire.1256 Prior to this, Satan has been cast into the abyss for one thousand years.1257 Amillennialists teach that Satan is brought in the present age. I remember a joke from one of my theology classes at Dallas Theological Seminary that it must be a long chain to be true. The destruction of the present heavens and earth will follow.1258 We look for that new heavens and earth “according to his promise in which righteousness dwells”.1259 [author’s translation]

1252Revelation 14:13. 1253Matt. 24:31, 25:1-13. 1254Matthew 25:31-46. 1255Jude verse 6, 2 Peter 2:4, Revelation 12:4. 1256Revelation 20:11-15. 1257Revelation 20:1-3. 12582 Peter 3:12. 12592 Peter 3:13 in Aland & Black (eds.). The Greek New Testament Fourth Revised Edition, 806.


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