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October 2010 FIREWOOD PARRA BE READY FOR WINTER 2010-2011 Buy the logs now Tel 962246486 696320315 expat insurance agency See our advert on page 3 T rader SOUTH EDITION - OCTOBER 2010 Issue 144 FREE / GRATIS FREE / GRATIS Inland & Coastal Inland & Coastal SOUTH EDITION JANUARY SOUTH EDITION JANUARY 2011 2011 Tel 902733633 Authorised Dealer ADVERTISE CALL ADVERTISE CALL 618329511 618329511 ANUNCIO LLAMA ANUNCIO LLAMA 618329511 618329511 Happy New Year ! Happy New Year ! Great for buying and selling stuff Carboot Rastro Carboot Rastro Has Has MOVED MOVED To VILLALONGA To VILLALONGA nr Gandia nr Gandia ON SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS ON SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS Public: 9.30 - 1.30 Stall Holders from 7.30 We are on the Paseo in the village We are on the Paseo in the village Tree Lined with Bars & Restaurants Tree Lined with Bars & Restaurants FREE STALLS FREE STALLS ON SUNDAYS ON SUNDAYS Call 630949816 Call 630949816 SHARE SURFER USB ROUTER Simple plug your USB dongle into the Router and everyone in your home can connect wirelessly See page 7 Beaches to be destroyed by petroleum drilling DRILLING for pe- troleum along the coast of the Comu- nidad Valenciana is likely to destroy 37 top-quality beaches that bear the Eu- ropean Blue Flag award. Oil platforms will be set up just a few me- tres from the shores in 27 coastal towns and villages from Burriana (Castellón) to Jávea (Alicante). In this area, 37 of the beaches have been granted the prestigious Europe- an Blue Flag, which denotes exceptional quality, year after year. Regional minister for the environment, Juan Cotino, com- plains that tourism makes up 12.5 per cent of the GDP for the Valencia region, and that drilling for petroleum next to its beaches is a surefire way of kill- ing off the industry. Additionally, says Cotino, the region has more protected green-belt land than anywhere else in mainland Spain, something that the drilling is likely to put at risk. Each of the oil plat- forms will be as wide as a football field and as high as Valencia cathedral’s Miguelete tower. Local politicians in the affected areas, particularly Gandia and Bellreguard (Valencia province) intend to present written appeals against the decision to drill for oil off their beaches. Stop illegal immigrants’, REGIONAL minister Ra- fael Blasco has called for the central govern- ment to ‘stop sending illegal immigrants’ to the Comunidad Valen- ciana. In the past four years, a total of 5,391 illegal migrants have been sent to the region af- ter having sailed into various Spanish ports on jerry-built rafts. Almost daily, boatloads of sub-Saharan Afri- cans attempt to reach Spain via the ‘back door’, by sailing across the high seas to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and Andalucía. Due to laws restrict- ing their repatriation, they are often sent to various parts of Spain to live before they can either be deported, or find work enabling them to become legal residents. Since 2007, a total of 329 illegal migrants have reached the shores of Alicante on 36 boats. Blasco says the Comu- nidad Valenciana is ‘becoming a dumping ground’ for Africans who put their lives at risk in a bid to enter Europe. The region is running out of money to keep immigrants in digni- fied, human condi- tions, claims Blasco, with funding for the purpose having been cut by 65 per cent this year and proposed re- ductions of a further 40 per cent for 2011. A total of 884,622 il- legal immigrants, who are in a vulnerable situation, currently reside in the region and need help from the Generalitat Valen- ciana. Rafael Blasco reveals that the central gov- ernment has already sent around 240 mi- grants to the region over the past year, in- cluding over 20 during the Christmas period. Happy New Year from the UK’s favourite Astrologer Russell Grant! What does 2011 have in store for you..? Will you find Love..? A new career path..? Will your Dreams and goals be fulfilled in 2011..? Russell Grant reveals what 2011 has in store for all 12 Star Signs p19 Questions & Answers: new energy labels for televisions, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines p.16 CRACKDOWN ON OVERSEAS FRAUD As Britain shivers, fraud investigators at the Department for Work and Pensions are find- ing new ways of cracking down on benefit thieves who are living the sunshine lifestyle on taxpayers’ money. Fraud officials have joined forces with over- seas counterparts to target Brits in coun- tries where the most abroad fraud is car- ried out, including Spain and America, and even as far afield as Thailand and Sweden. Top scams include: people not declaring that they have moved abroad; unreported deaths – where relatives or other third par- ties continue to claim; working overseas; unreported assets – such as properties, savings or even yachts; exaggerated disabil- ity. Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform said:“Abroad fraud cost the taxpayer around £66 million last year. This money should be going to the people who need it most and not lining the pockets of criminals sunning themselves overseas. “We are determined to stop benefit thieves stealing from the British taxpayer and recently launched our hotline in Portugal to make it even easier to report benefit crime.” The Portuguese hot- line adds to the existing dedicated service available in Spain, the two main hotspots for expat benefit fraud activity. Fraud investigators work with overseas or- ganisations, such as land registries, as well as the Foreign Office and UK banks in order to track down benefit cheats. One benefit cheat recently caught after a call to the hot- line was Angela Walker, formerly of Birming- ham, now living in Granada, Spain. She had claimed more than £10,000 of Income Sup- port and Child Tax Credits since 2006, de- spite living with a partner and living abroad. She pleaded guilty to the charges in Novem- ber 2010 and must now repay the cash, as well as £100 prosecution costs. The judge also sentenced her to a 12 month Commu- nity Order and 150 hours unpaid work. Bar and restaurant owners fear loss of trade and jobs, and say they feel ‘defence- less’ as the onus is placed on them to stop customers from smoking WITHIN the first two days of Spain’s new anti-smoking law – dubbed the ‘tough- est in Europe’ – coming into force, a leading consumer association had already re- ceived 700 complaints about bars and restaurants flouting the rules. From January 2, 2011, light- ing up in public places is now illegal. It means that even bar-owners and staff have to go outside for their cigarettes, not just their customers. Even more radical is the ban on smoking in children’s parks, which are in the open air. And yet smoking in prisons is still permitted. Hotels may not allow smoking in more than 30 per cent of their rooms, and smoking is not permitted in open spaces belonging to hospitals or health centres, such as car parks. Smoking near education cen- tres attended by under-18s is also banned. Whatever their stance on the issue, no bar or restaurant proprietor in Spain may per- mit smoking on their premis- es – or smoke there them- selves, even if they are the only ones in the building. Consumer body FACUA has opened a website allowing people to make anonymous complaints if they see any- one breaking the law. But catering industry workers say they are between a rock and a hard place, since it is they who will suffer fines of up to 10,000 euros if custom- ers smoke on their premises, not the individual smoker. Given that customers are not allowed to take their drinks outside if they contain al- cohol, it means they have to leave these on the table, exposing them to the risk of having their beverages spiked. Additionally, bar and restau- rant owners have no way of making a customer stop smoking if he or she refuses, or of forcing them to leave the premises.This aside, they say the stringent new law will cause them to lose business and lead to up to 50,000 jobs being cut in the sector – at a time when unemployment is already at an all-time high and traders are struggling to stay afloat. According to the Federation of Hostelry Businesses in Va- lencia (FEHV), 40 per cent of customers in bars, cafés and restaurants are smokers, and they will simply stay at home instead. Tobacconists could also lose massive amounts of money if ......Continued on Page 2 Stub it out, says new anti-smoking law By Samantha Kett NEW RASTRO & AUCTION NOW OPEN IN NOVETLE See Main Ad on Page 4 Fraud Hotline for Spain is 900-554-440

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TRANSCRIPT • Tel 902733622 1October 2010


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TraderSOUTH EDITION - OCTOBER 2010 Issue 144

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Happy New Year !Happy New Year !

Great for buying and selling stuff




Public: 9.30 - 1.30 Stall Holders

from 7.30

We are on the Paseo in the villageWe are on the Paseo in the village Tree Lined with Bars & RestaurantsTree Lined with Bars & Restaurants


Call 630949816Call 630949816


ROUTERSimple plug your USB dongle into the Router and everyone in your home can connect wirelessly

See page 7

Beaches to be destroyed by petroleum drillingDRILLING for pe-troleum along the coast of the Comu-nidad Valenciana is likely to destroy 37 top-quality beaches that bear the Eu-ropean Blue Flag award. Oil platforms will be set up just a few me-tres from the shores in 27 coastal towns and villages from Burriana (Castellón) to Jávea (Alicante).In this area, 37 of the beaches have been granted the prestigious Europe-an Blue Flag, which denotes exceptional quality, year after year. Regional minister for the environment, Juan Cotino, com-plains that tourism

makes up 12.5 per cent of the GDP for the Valencia region, and that drilling for petroleum next to its beaches is a surefi re way of kill-ing off the industry.Additionally, says Cotino, the region has more protected green-belt land than anywhere else in mainland Spain, something that the drilling is likely to put at risk. Each of the oil plat-forms will be as wide as a football fi eld and as high as Valencia cathedral’s Miguelete tower.Local politicians in the affected areas, particularly Gandia and Bellreguard (Valencia province) intend to present written appeals against the decision to drill for oil off their beaches.

Stop illegal immigrants’, REGIONAL minister Ra-fael Blasco has called for the central govern-ment to ‘stop sending illegal immigrants’ to the Comunidad Valen-ciana.

In the past four years, a total of 5,391 illegal migrants have been sent to the region af-ter having sailed into various Spanish ports on jerry-built rafts.

Almost daily, boatloads of sub-Saharan Afri-cans attempt to reach Spain via the ‘back door’, by sailing across the high seas to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and Andalucía. Due to laws restrict-ing their repatriation, they are often sent to various parts of Spain to live before they can either be deported, or fi nd work enabling them to become legal residents.

Since 2007, a total of 329 illegal migrants have reached the

shores of Alicante on 36 boats.

Blasco says the Comu-nidad Valenciana is ‘becoming a dumping ground’ for Africans who put their lives at risk in a bid to enter Europe.

The region is running out of money to keep immigrants in digni-fi ed, human condi-tions, claims Blasco, with funding for the purpose having been cut by 65 per cent this year and proposed re-ductions of a further 40 per cent for 2011. A total of 884,622 il-legal immigrants, who are in a vulnerable situation, currently reside in the region and need help from the Generalitat Valen-ciana.

Rafael Blasco reveals that the central gov-ernment has already sent around 240 mi-grants to the region over the past year, in-cluding over 20 during the Christmas period.

Happy New Year from the UK’s favourite Astrologer Russell Grant!What does 2011 have in store for you..? Will you fi nd Love..? A new career path..? Will your Dreams and goals be fulfi lled in 2011..?Russell Grant reveals what 2011 has in store for all 12 Star Signs p19

Questions & Answers: new energy labels for televisions, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines p.16

CRACKDOWN ON OVERSEAS FRAUDAs Britain shivers, fraud investigators at the Department for Work and Pensions are fi nd-ing new ways of cracking down on benefi t thieves who are living the sunshine lifestyle on taxpayers’ money. Fraud offi cials have joined forces with over-seas counterparts to target Brits in coun-tries where the most abroad fraud is car-ried out, including Spain and America, and even as far afi eld as Thailand and Sweden. Top scams include: people not declaring that they have moved abroad; unreported deaths – where relatives or other third par-ties continue to claim; working overseas; unreported assets – such as properties, savings or even yachts; exaggerated disabil-ity. Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform said:“Abroad fraud cost the taxpayer around £66 million last year. This money should be going to the people who need it most and not lining the pockets of criminals sunning themselves overseas. “We are determined to stop benefi t thieves stealing from the British taxpayer and recently launched our hotline in Portugal to make it even easier to report benefi t crime.” The Portuguese hot-line adds to the existing dedicated service available in Spain, the two main hotspots for expat benefi t fraud activity. Fraud investigators work with overseas or-ganisations, such as land registries, as well as the Foreign Offi ce and UK banks in order to track down benefi t cheats. One benefi t cheat recently caught after a call to the hot-line was Angela Walker, formerly of Birming-ham, now living in Granada, Spain. She had claimed more than £10,000 of Income Sup-port and Child Tax Credits since 2006, de-spite living with a partner and living abroad. She pleaded guilty to the charges in Novem-ber 2010 and must now repay the cash, as well as £100 prosecution costs. The judge also sentenced her to a 12 month Commu-nity Order and 150 hours unpaid work.

Bar and restaurant owners fear loss of trade and jobs, and say they feel ‘defence-less’ as the onus is placed on them to stop customers from smokingWITHIN the fi rst two days of Spain’s new anti-smoking law – dubbed the ‘tough-est in Europe’ – coming into force, a leading consumer association had already re-ceived 700 complaints about bars and restaurants fl outing the rules.From January 2, 2011, light-ing up in public places is now illegal. It means that even bar-owners and staff have to go outside for their cigarettes, not just their customers. Even more radical is the ban on smoking in children’s parks, which are in the open air.And yet smoking in prisons is still permitted. Hotels may not allow smoking in more than 30 per cent of their rooms,

and smoking is not permitted in open spaces belonging to hospitals or health centres, such as car parks. Smoking near education cen-tres attended by under-18s is also banned. Whatever their stance on the issue, no bar or restaurant proprietor in Spain may per-mit smoking on their premis-es – or smoke there them-selves, even if they are the only ones in the building.Consumer body FACUA has opened a website allowing people to make anonymous complaints if they see any-one breaking the law.But catering industry workers say they are between a rock and a hard place, since it is they who will suffer fi nes of up to 10,000 euros if custom-ers smoke on their premises, not the individual smoker.Given that customers are not allowed to take their drinks outside if they contain al-

cohol, it means they have to leave these on the table, exposing them to the risk of having their beverages spiked.Additionally, bar and restau-rant owners have no way of making a customer stop smoking if he or she refuses, or of forcing them to leave the premises.This aside, they say the stringent new law will cause them to lose business and lead to up to 50,000 jobs being cut in the sector – at a time when unemployment is already at an all-time high and traders are struggling to stay afl oat.According to the Federation of Hostelry Businesses in Va-lencia (FEHV), 40 per cent of customers in bars, cafés and restaurants are smokers, and they will simply stay at home instead. Tobacconists could also lose massive amounts of money if ......Continued on Page 2

Stub it out, says new anti-smoking lawBy Samantha Kett


OPEN IN NOVETLESee Main Ad on Page 4

Fraud Hotline for Spain is 900-554-440

EMAIL: [email protected] • Tel 902733622 October 20102

Inland Trader – Coastal Trader - News : SamanthaKett - Arantxa Vidal- Printed by Imprime S.I.L.S.A :

Tel 902733622. Email [email protected] Inland Trader DIPÓSITO LEGAL V-693-

2006 Coastal Trader. DIPÓSITO LEGAL A-187-2.008

The Publisher does not accept responisbility for any inacuracy nor non appearance of any ad-vertisment. The publisher sells space only. No responsibility is held by the publisher for the con-tent of any advertising placed in this publication.


JANUARY 26THTel 902733622 OR 618329511



2 2 [email protected] january 2011 january 2011


Debenhams reveal the difference between perfume buyers in the north and south Debenhams, one of the UK’s largest perfume retailers, has released fi ndings that show that women in the north and south of the country have very different habits when it comes to buying perfume. The north/south divide is proving to be alive and well in beauty halls across the country with the most fl oral, feminine fragrances a sell out success thanks to northern women. South of Watford Gap however, women are snapping up musky, woody and even male scents. Northern and Scottish ladies are drawn to glamorous fragrances with a sweet, edible gourmond edge. They choose the most girly of fragrances with the current bestseller in the region, Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb. Southerners opt for more masculine fra-grances with an edge, such as Clinique Aromatics Elixir. Men’s fragrances are also popular with southern girls who wear them on a night out for a more distinctive, dramatic scent. Women in the Midlands and Wales are the most traditional, opting for the enduring classic perfumes such as Chanel No. 5 and Chanel Coco Mademoiselle.Irish women are plumping for fresh, light fra-grances, even through the winter months, choosing Calvin Klein Euphoria and Marc Jacobs Daisy.Research from the retailer also showed that:Northern women are very loyal to perfume

brands and invest in big bottles that last months.Southern women are much more likely to buy several small bottles of fragrance that they in-terchange on a regular basis. Northern women spritz the most - topping up their perfume in the morning, lunchtime and often twice in the evening.Southern women are more likely to go fra-grance free during the day, keeping a bottle in their handbags or offi ce draw ready for a night out.Northern women wouldn’t even consider bor-rowing their man’s scent – less than 5 per cent have done so.Southern women are frequent offenders and borrow their partner’s aftershave on average once a fortnight.Ruth Attridge, spokesperson for Debenhams commented: “We see the same trends in fragrance as we do in fashion. Just as northern women snap up our party dresses and highest heels, they also love the most feminine sweet scents. “In the south however, it’s distinctive, often masculine fragrances that are teamed with a more edgy style.“As perfume buying reaches its peak in the run-up to Christmas, we have altered our stock patterns to make sure that whether you are after a fruity fragrance in Folkestone or a woody whiff in Wigan, there is a scent to suit under the tree”. Debenhams sales fi gures also reveal that in contrast, there is hardly any regional variance in terms of male fragrance. 1 Million, Bleu de Chanel and Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male are the consistent bestsellers throughout Britain.Attridge added: “As long as they smell good, British men are quite happy to buy a brand they recognise and like without worrying about the messages their scent portrays”.

Some companies are short-changing customers by cutting short their anti-virus protection subscriptions without their knowledge, says Which? Computing.

Consumers who upgrade their anti-virus protection through discount-ed offers from Symantec and AVG are in danger of being caught out. Discounted offers are sent via emails or appear as pop-up alerts on a user’s PC, urging them to upgrade their existing anti-virus protec-tion to a more powerful version - usually at a reduced price.

If someone signs up to the offer, the new subscription starts immedi-ately and they can lose months off their existing anti-virus subscrip-tion. Symantec Corporation, makers of Norton anti-virus software, and AVG both admitted that their discounted offers work in this way.

While the terms and conditions of these offers support such prac-tices, the reality is that some consumers aren’t aware of the loss of remaining time on the security subscription they’ve already paid for.

The consumer watchdog is calling on the industry to either stop this practice or make it clear to consumers from the outset that by up-grading in this way, they’re shortening the terms on their existing subscriptions.

Which? Computing points out that good quality free security software is available, such as Microsoft Security Essentials and AVG Anti-Virus (free edition).

Matt Bath, Technology Editor, Which?, says:

“It’s ironic that these companies offer protection. Symantec and AVG are operating a confusing and arguably misleading anti-virus upgrade service. No one expects a discounted offer to cancel out the remaining time left on an existing subscription and we demand an end to this practice.”

Anti-virus companies’ antisocial practices

A man who lost an incredible 22 stone has spoken publicly about his extraordinary weight loss in the hope that it will inspire others.

Martin Blackburn, 45, weighed a massive 37 stone and had a dangerously high body mass index (BMI) of 67 before surgery per-formed by leading bariatric (weight loss) surgery provider Gravitas completely trans-formed his life.

“When I hit 40, everything started to fall apart,” says Martin, a civil servant on the Isle of Man. “I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and I developed bad cellulitis, which meant that if I stood for too long my skin would burst. I got open sores which be-came infected.”

His GP, whom he knew well, said that pre-scribing drugs for Martin ‘was like prescrib-ing for a small hippopotamus’.

Because antibiotics didn’t work, Martin had to go regularly into a hyperbaric chamber, where he’d breathe pure oxygen which per-meated the skin tissues and killed off the bacteria infecting his sores.

Now, two years after life-changing weight

loss surgery performed by Mr David Ker-rigan, the leading bariatric surgeon who advised the government on the NICE obes-ity guidelines used today, Martin’s life has been transformed.

Today he weighs 14 stone 7lbs, no longer has diabetes, his waistline has gone from 73 inches to 36 inches and his BMI is now near normal.

“My only regret is that I didn’t opt for surgery sooner,” says Martin, who used to have to weigh himself on a vehicle weighbridge he was so heavy.

“When you get to the size that I was, the benefi ts far outweigh the risks. The long term prognosis for me was not good. Know-ing what it’s done for me and what it could do for other people – that’s why I want to tell my story.’

You can read Martin Blackburn’s full story – and fi nd out more about the pioneering duodenal switch weight loss procedure he underwent - on the Gravitas website

Martin Blackburn, 45, weighed a massive 37 stone

the law achieves its aim and leads to more people giving up smoking, something FEHV thinks is improbable. They also believe there will be a marked increase in street drinking parties – known as botellones – now that young people can no longer smoke in pubs or nightclubs. Aside from the noise nui-sance resulting from this, owners of catering establish-ments worry that they are legally liable for preventing their customers from causing disturbances whilst they are outside smoking.On the fl ip side, however, the new law now allows petrol

station convenience stores to sell cigarettes, which has been the sole privilege of to-bacconists for the past fi ve years since a previous at-tempt by the government at banning smoking in public places came into force.Defi anceAlready, however, bar-owners have had problems with defi -ant customers refusing to put their cigarettes out.Many have had to tell custom-ers not to smoke when they lit up by instinct, and most were apologetic and complied, but a few remained determined to continue until the last drag.

A patient who refused to re-frain from smoking in the doorway of a hospital alleg-edly threatened a nurse, forc-ing them to call in the police.And a rotisserie in Marbella – El Asador Guadalmina, on the urbanisation of the same name – has put up a sign saying it will not ban its cus-tomers from lighting up.They call it a ‘smokescreen’ and say the government is turning Spain into a ‘nanny state’, but police have al-ready been on the premises after anonymous complaints about customers smoking.

No Smoking ....continued from page1



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THE price of gas is set to go up now the New Year has ar-rived, having already more than doubled in the past fi ve years.Those whose heating runs on gas will see an increase of 3.87 per cent, which the government claims will cause monthly bills to rise by 1.66 euros.For households where gas is not used for heating, the in-crease will be 4.14 per cent, meaning the average home will have to pay 0.56 euros more every month.

Around seven million homes fall into the former category, says the secretary of state for energy.

The latest rise, of 9.8 per cent, is said to be the highest since 1997.This is because increases in electricity bills were limited to two per cent per annum dur-ing the PP government’s reign from 1996 to 2004, keeping it in line with infl ation.

But since then, the upper limit has been lifted.In 2010, electricity rates went up by 2.64 in January and 4.8 per cent in October. This said, the government has announced that large fami-lies, households with all adult members on the dole, and those in receipt of the mini-mum pension will not be hit by the electricity hikes.Although the government claims the increase will still mean the energy sector runs at a loss and is largely due to rising crude oil prices, con-sumer associations say it is simply due to industry bosses seeking to line their pockets at the expense of the ordinary householder and refusing to take pay freezes.

The price of mailing letters of up to 20 grams to other parts of Spain has gone up from 34 to 35 cents. Heavier letters, up to 50 grams, will now cost 50 cents instead of 45 cents.The cost of a postage stamp to send a letter to anywhere in Europe now costs 65 cents, or 2.95 euros to send it via regis-tered post. International letters sent out-side Europe will cost 78 cents for ordinary delivery and 3.10

Gas, electricity, motorway tolls and stamps shoot up in price this month

Price Hikes Across the Board

ELECTRICITY bills rocketed on January 1, having already in-creased dramatically in the past two years.

euros if sent registered.The overall average increase is 2.94 per cent – just under half of the 6.25 per cent seen in 2010.Despite the increases, Spain is said to have the cheapest postal rates in Europe, at around 10 cents per stamp less than the average for the rest of the continent.

POSTAGE stamps have also risen in price with the start of 2011

TOLL fees on the motorways across Spain have increased by an average of 1.44 per cent as at January 1, 2011, being slightly less than the rate of infl ation – 2.3 per cent – due to falling costs and traffi c volume during 2009 and 2010.The motorways in the Comunidad Valenciana now cost 1.64 per cent more to travel on, whilst the toll between Estepona and Guadiaro (Málaga) has risen by 1.16 per cent. And the tolls on the R-3 and R-5 off the Madrid ringroad have increased by 3.43 and 1.95 per cent respectively. Tolls across Spain went up in 2009 by a whopping 4.63 per cent, but the volume of traffi c has fallen since then. According to the ministry of public works, some 20,300 cars travelled on Spanish roads between January and September 2010, a fall of 2.11 per cent on the previous year.

Mums miss out on ‘baby cheques’ by less than a quarter of an hourPARENTS of two babies born in the Comunidad Valenciana – both named Claudia – missed out on their 2,500-euro ‘baby cheque’ by a matter of min-utes. The fi rst of the two Claudias was born in Castellón’s Hospital La Plana at 00.12hrs on January 1, 2011, meaning she was just 12 minutes too late for her mum and dad to claim their ‘baby cheque’.It was abolished at the end of 2010.And the parents of the second Claudia, born in Alzira, misse d out by 15 min-utes. The last baby in the Comunidad Valenciana to qualify for the ‘cheque’ was Gabriel, who appeared at a few minutes to midnight on December 31, 2010.And the last parents in Spain to be eligible for the ‘baby cheque’ were 33-year-old Silvia Nestares and David Fernández, 34, from Logroño (La Ri-oja). Amalia made it into the world in the right year by just one minute, being born at 23.59hrs on December 31.The fi rst baby of 2011 in the province of Alicante is Marc, who was born in La Vila Joiosa at 00.58hrs on January 1.

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Two faked kidnaps ‘to test husband’s love’ and ‘to hide fruit machine spending’A WOMAN from Gandia and a man from the Canary Islands have been arrested after faking their own kidnaps, for very different reasons. In the case of the Gandia woman, the accused eventually confessed that she pretended she had been abducted in order to see how much her husband really loved her. He reported his wife missing after re-ceiving a text message, purporting to be from her captors, showing a photograph

of her bound and gagged and demand-ing 20,000 euros for her safe release. Offi cers believed the kidnappers could be in the Benidorm or Dénia area. But they saw the woman driving alone and completely safe and sound in her car near the La Vital shopping centre in Gan-dia. When questioned, she initially said she had just been released that morn-ing, then she admitted that she had faked the entire incident due to prob-lems in her marriage. At the same time, a man from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria also reportedly faked his own kidnap in an attempt to hide the fact he had spent 130,000 euros on fruit machines. The accused, manager of an amusement arcade, is said to have gambled away money belonging to companies he ran and feared discovery by their directors. Police heard that he placed an envelope

fi lled with blank pieces of paper in the fi rm’s safe deposit box at the bank and called a colleague to say he had been kidnapped and that one of his captors would give his workmate the key to the safe. The suspect gave his colleague the key whilst disguised as his ‘kidnap-per’. A bank employee called the police when she saw that the man opening the safe appeared nervous. In the mean-time, the accused had returned to his place of work to wait for his colleague and got changed into his own clothes. He was caught immediately by police offi cers who had surrounded the build-ing, and ordered to open the envelope, revealing the blank sheets of paper he had attempted to pass off as a wad of bank notes.

Water Rates frozen in Valencia VALENCIA’S water authorities have agreed to freeze rates for 2011, just as it did last year. The Metropolitan Entity for Hydraulic Services (EMSHI) says water consumption will cost just under 40 cents per cubic metre this year in the city and surrounding towns and villages. An average household uses around 40 cubic metres of water per month. EMSHI said it was not necessary to increase water rates this year, since its budget was comfortably in the black and there was ‘room for manoeuvre’ for another 12 months at least. The decision was approved by the PP and PSPV parties in all towns in the Valencia metropolitan area, with the exception of Alaquàs, Aldaia, Picassent and Godella, who voted against the rate freeze, as did the EUPV party.

Suspected burglars caught in Torrent area LOCAL Police in Torrent have arrested four men in their 20s in connection with a wave of burglaries on villas in the area. Offi cers have been on the trail of the gang since September after they upped security due to a crimewave hitting urbanisations and country houses in and around Torrent. National Police caught two people just weeks ago, and the latest suspects are thought to be part of the same criminal organisation. Local Police caught a 29-year-old Romanian national on Boxing Day after a high-speed car chase that ended with the accused attempting to fl ee on foot through an area of orange groves. Offi cers found plasma-screen television sets, GPS navigators, jewellery, top-of-the-range laptop computers, stereo loudspeakers, cameras and mobile telephones in his car, all of which are thought to have been stolen from urbanisations in Chiva and Cheste. Two days later, Torrent police caught two Moroccans aged 19 and 20, and a 27-year-old Latvian after they had reportedly just burgled a villa in the Calicanto area in the early hours of the morning. Jewellery, watches, mobile telephones, video cassette recorders and an air-rifl e, all thought to have been stolen from homes in the area, were found in their vehicles. Police have managed to recover a large quantity of stolen goods and are appealing for any victims of break-ins in the area to come forward and identify their belongings.

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Rise in retirement age to 67 will be ‘progressive and fl exible’SPANISH president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has insisted that the country’s economy is on the road to recovery. Despite 2010 being what he called a ‘diffi cult year’, Zapatero says the econ-omy is starting to grow slightly.This said, until new employment begins to be created – something he has al-ways predicted would not happen until this year – the president warns that he cannot ‘confi rm a defi nite recovery’ for Spain’s fi nancial situation. Zapatero maintains that in spite of the controversy surrounding his proposed reforms, both long-term and short-term, it is ‘important’ to follow them through. He says it is essential to do so in order to guarantee future creation of jobs, increase Spain’s currently poor produc-tivity, and ensure that the country does not have to depend upon fi nance from outside its borders.Increasing retirement age to 67 will be done progressively, assures the presi-dent, and will not be fully in force until 2027. Those born during Spain’s ‘baby boom’, in the early 1960s, will be the fi rst to re-tire at 67, although everyone born from 1948 onwards will now have to work longer. Workers who turn 65 in 2013 will have to work another month and a half, whilst those who hit 65 in 2014 will work for a further three months, with an increase of six weeks for each successive year for people reaching 65 years of age. Some fl exibility will apply, and different types of job will be taken into account, says Zapatero, bearing in mind that many professions – particularly manual labour – are nearly impossible to carry out by people in their late 60s. The idea is that spending on the State pension – which will rise from nine per cent to 12 per cent of the country’s GNP in the next few years – will reach the European average by 2025.

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Police jailed for ‘torture’ of Madrid airport bombersFOUR Guardia Civil offi cers accused of ‘torturing’ ETA members thought to be behind the Madrid airport bombing are facing jail terms. A court heard that the policemen pulled up Igor Portu and Mattin Sarasola during a random vehicle check on January 6, 2008 when they were on their way home to Mondragón (Guipúzcoa). Both men, who were later found guilty of being involved in the T4 bombing in December 2006, which killed two Ecuadorian nationals, were found to have various fi rearms and explosives in their car. According to Portu and Sarasola, they were forced into a police van and driven to a remote woodland area near a river before being dragged out, pushed to the fl oor and kicked, punched, beaten and insulted.They say they were kicked numerous times in the head and ribs. One of the men says the four police offi cers threatened to kill him and throw his body in the river, and claims he was ducked several times and forced to swallow the water. They were then taken back to the police station where they claim the torture continued. Igor Portu was admitted to intensive care in Donostia Hospital, San Sebastián, in a critical condition with a pleural haemorrhage. He was discharged after several days. The court acquitted 11 offi cers due to lack of evidence, but has jailed police offi cers Jesús Casas and José Manuel Es-camilla for four years and banned them from working in the force for a total of eight years. Sergio García and Sergio Martínez were imprisoned for two years. All four have been ordered to pay compensation to Igor Portu and Mattin Sarasola for ‘physical and psychological damage’ to the tune of 18,000 and 6,000 euros respectively. The bombing took place the day before New Year’s Eve in 2006, just seven months after the Basque separatist terrorists called a ceasefi re.

Bank ‘mistakenly’ told customer he had inherited millionsA BANK which mistakenly told a man he had inherited a multi-million sum of money has been ordered to pay compensation. Back in December 2002, Banco de Valencia told the plaintiff that the portfolio of shares he had inherited jointly from his father was worth 4.6 million euros, whereas in fact it was only worth 4,600 euros. The French bank, BNP Paribas, trustees of the portfolio, notifi ed Banco de Valencia, who told their customer, A.M. But the account-holder asked Banco de Valencia to double-check, sur-prised by his windfall. When Banco de Valencia confi rmed the amount as being 4.6 million euros, A.M. took out a loan in the sum of 120,000 euros, pending liquidation of the shares. Months later, BNP Paribas notifi ed Banco de Valencia of its error. The bank’s defence against the plaintiff’s legal action was that he could have checked the amount of his inheritance personally at any time, given that he was not the only one to receive a slice of the share portfolio. But the Supreme Court rejected this and ordered the bank to pay the plaintiff 230,114 euros in damages, but also declared his loan null and void, meaning he had to refund it and also give back other goods he had bought with his non-existent millions.

Pirate satellite TV racket bustedEIGHT people involved in a pirate satellite TV racket have been arrested, National Police confi rm.The accused parties are said to have been running a so-called ‘card-sharing’ scheme, whereby they used doctored digital serv-ers to receive television satellite signals, enabling them to sell unauthorised packages to outside consumers. Offi cers seized 18 decoders, various computers and other technological and electronic equipment during house raids up and down the country. They say the suspects cornered their market using messages in internet forums, where they offered TV chan-nels at a cost of 15 euros a month. By pirating the ‘paid’ channels via the internet, the culprits were able to pass on the signals to their customers using fake satel-lite cards. They obtained the signals themselves by copying cards purchased by subscribers, and their customers only needed an internet connection, a satellite dish and a decoder to be able to receive the channels offered. National Police made arrests in the provinces of Alicante, Castellón, Murcia, Málaga, Sevilla, Huelva, Ciudad Real, Valladolid, and A Coruña.



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Your Horoscope for the month of JanuarybY

Annabel Burton Astrologer

© Copyright 21st Century, Annabel Burton web

6 6 [email protected] [email protected] HOROSCOPES - JOKES january 2011 HOROSCOPES - JOKES january 2011

january for Aries A New Year brings and new start and for you the focus in your life direc-tion. What are your goals and aspirations and are you seeking a different profession in the not too distant future? Mid month brings a breakthrough and you are looking in new directions and trying something com-pletely out of the ordinary for you. Friends and people of infl uence have a benefi cial effect on your life so get out about, join groups, and seek out like minded individuals. On a personal level, a relationship could get serious. Find out more

january for Taurus While you can enjoy the benefi ts that this month brings, take advantage of what is on offer further afi eld, or that has a foreign twist. You are stretching your wings a little bit and have a desire to see more of the world. It’s a great month for a trip abroad. Unusual meetings at the begin-ning of the month could be the start of an important relationship for you with someone a little unconven-tional. Decide what your long term goals are and make them realistic. There is every chance of success earlier than you think. Find out more

january for Gemini There is nothing more satisfying than using your natural inventiveness and ingenuity to make something out of nothing. This month you get the chance to do that, to turn a situ-ation around to your advantage and fi nd the silver lining where it has been missing lately. It’s also time to make space, clear your clutter, and get organized. Once this is done, you can see your way ahead and feel more in control. The Full Moon on the 19th marks a turing point for your fi nancial situation and could bring an opportunity to go in another direction. Find out more

january for Cancer Although you are keen to explore a new relationship or take your exist-ing one deeper, it’s a time for developing partnerships in business too. An opportunity for a joint venture is possible providing you make the most of what you already have. All will be revealed by the 19th when there is a Full Moon in your sign. After the 20th your focus is on legal matters and your fi nances with some surprising twists and turns. You have to be alert and open to what is around as these kind of opportunities can be rare!. Find out more

january for Leo You are in for a quite an unusual month as Jupiter, planet of growth and op-portunity, enters the most adventurous part of your chart. Perhaps you are fi red up by the New Year or simply make a decision that this time it’s going to be different. There is a knock on effect as the month continues, particularly around the 19th and 20 where important decisions are made. You feel confi dent and upbeat though you may wonder why it took you so long to take the plunge. Timing is everything. Find out more

january for Virgo While the Capricorn Sun lights up the most creative sector of your chart, this is also a great time for fun and love. Indeed, you don’t feel the winter blues at all since the chance of meeting wonderful people is on the up. You may be feeling the pinch fi nancially, as Saturn, planet of con-straint is powerful in this area of your chart. Nevertheless, take heart form the mighty Jupiter spreading a benevolent light on the most powerful and passionate area of your chart. Important and transformational change for the better brings a great start to the New Year. Find out more

january for Libra You are getting to grips with the nuts and bolts of your life, the practicalities and time management and you are now in a much better position to take on more since you are so well organized. But there hasn’t been much time for a break and the work life balance seems to be edging towards the work end. Have a rethink about where you can cut corners, delegate and get others to share your load to bring back a little more time off for you. After the 19th you feel lighter and more free than you have for a long time which lifts you spirits at last. Find out more

january for Scorpio There may have been changes recently and for you a house move or perhaps fi nding new people in your life have brought new ideas and experiences to your door. But this is also a time of renewal and aspirations and setting the path for your year ahead. Jupiter, as planet of op-portunity is set to enter another sector of your chart this month. Health and well being are key issues as well as being practical, useful and down to earth. It’s time to pin down your ideas and make them real. Find out more

january for Sagittarius There are times when nothing much seems to happen and other times, where you feel as though you are in your very own soap opera -there are family dramas, unusual happenings and unbelievable bits of good luck. Your ruling planet Jupiter, is on the move and you are likely to fi nd all this more of a feature over the coming months, with a special focus on the lighter side of life. Think of fun, kids and a chance to let your hair down more and you may as well start now!. Find out more

january for Capricorn This is your birthday month and as such you can make the most of setting the agenda for the year to come. Initially, you are powering ahead and using the benefi ts of Mars in your sign to cut to the chase, be physically energetic and take on extra work/fun. You are assertive and take the initiative. But the Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th brings the romantic side of your life into focus and is a wonderful time for the start of a new and deep relationship. With your ruler Saturn strongly placed in LIbra, you are encouraged to be part of a team, a special partnership or a perfect relationship. Find out more

january for Aquarius While you have plenty to think about at the start of this month, this as a preparation stage before the main event. When the Sun moves into your sign on the 20th, this is the start of your birthday month and you are most effective and well placed to be strong and vibrant. Jupiter changes signs on the 23rd and brings abundance to you in the form of more travel and activity than you have been used to. A possible change of job or residence puts you in touch with more people and situa-tions that are mentally stimulating. Researching a subject close to your heart brings great results. Find out more

january for Pisces After what has seemed quite a long time of disruption and uncertainty, there is a change ahead as Jupiter moves into your chart area of money and fi nance. Lucky situations can bring extra cash your way and you fi nd that you have less to be concerned about in this area. So far you have enjoyed the journey but not the cost. Still, you wouldn’t change what you have learned on the way! The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th brings a chapter to a close and also stimulates your creative juices. This is wonderful if you are artistic in any way. Use your intuition when it comes to making important choices. Find out more

An old man in his mid-eighties strug-gles to get up from the couch thenstarts putting on his coat. His wife, seeing the unexpected behavior, asks, “Where are you going?” He replies, “I’m going to the doctor.” She says, “Why, are you sick?” He says, “Nope, I’m going to get me some of that Viagra stuff.”Immediately the wife starts working and positioning herself to get out of her rocker and begins to put on her coat.He says, “Where the heck are you go-ing”? She answers, “I’m going to the doctor, too.” He says, “Why, what do you need?” She says, “If you’re going to start using that rusty old thing, I’m getting a Tetanus shot.”

Scotch with two drops of water. A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink she says, I’m on this cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday and it’s today...’ The bartender says, ‘Well, since it’s your birthday, I’ll buy you a drink. In fact, this one is on me.’ As the woman fi nishes her drink, the woman to her right says, ‘I would like to buy you a drink, too.’ The old woman says, ‘Thank you. Bartend-er, I want a Scotch with two drops of wa-ter.’ ‘Coming up,’ says the bartender. As she fi nishes that drink, the man to her left says, ‘I would like to buy you one, too.’ The old woman says, ‘Thank you. Bartender, I want another Scotch with two drops of water.’ ‘Coming right up,’ the bartender says. As he gives her the drink, he says, ‘Ma’am, I’m dying of curiosity. Why the Scotch with only two drops of water?’ The old woman replies, ‘Sonny, when you’re my age, you’ve learned how to hold your liquor. Holding your water, however, is a whole other is-sue.’

SCOUSERS JOIN FERRARI “The Ferrari F1 team fi red their entire pit crew yesterday.”This announcement followed Ferrari’s decision to take advantage of the British govern-ment’s ‘Work for your Dole’ scheme and employ some Liverpudlian youngsters. The decision to hire them was brought about by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from Toxteth were able to remove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment, whereas Ferrari’s existing crew could only do it in 8 seconds with mil-lions of pounds worth of high tech gear. It was thought to be an excellent, bold move by the Ferrari management team as most races are won and lost in the pits, giving Ferrari an advantage over every other team. How-ever, Ferrari got more than they bargained for! At the crew’s fi rst practice session, not only was the scouse pit crew able to change all four wheels in under 6 seconds but, within 12 seconds, they had re-sprayed, re-badged and sold the car to the Mclaren team for 8 cases of Stella, a bag of weed and some photos of Lewis Hamilton’s bird in the shower.

An old lady dies and goes to heaven. She’s chatting with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates when all of a sudden she hears the most awful, blood curdling screams.Don’t worry about that,’ says St. Peter,‘It’s only someone having the holes drilled into her shoulder blades for the wings.’The old lady looks a little uncomfortable but carries on with the conversation. A few minutes later, there are more blood curdling screams. ‘Oh my Goodness,’ says the old lady, ‘now what is happen-ing?’‘Not to worry,’ says St. Peter,‘She’s just having her head drilled to fi t the halo.’ ‘I can’t do this,’ says the old lady, ‘I’m going to hell.’ ‘You can’t go to that nasty place,’ says St. Peter.‘You’ll be raped and taken advantage of.’‘Maybe so,’ says the old lady, but I’ve al-ready got the holes for that.’

Frozen Crabs & the Blonde Steward-ess A lawyer boarded an aircraft in Syd-ney with a box of frozen crabs and asked a blonde stewardess to take care of them for him. She took the box and promised to put it in the crew’s refrigerator. He advised her that he was holding her personally responsible for them staying frozen, mentioning in a very haughty manner that he was a lawyer, and proceeded to rant at her about what would happen if she let them thaw out. Needless to say, she was annoyed by his behavior. Shortly before landing in Perth , she used the intercom to announce to the entire cabin, “Would the lawyer who gave me the crabs, in Sydney , please raise your hand?” Not one hand went up .... so she took them home and ate them.

WORLD SURVEY BY PHONE. Last month a world-wide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was: “Could you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?”The survey was a massive failure because of the following:1. In Eastern Europe they didn’t know what “honest” meant2. In Western Europe they didn’t know what “shortage” meant.3. In Africa they didn’t know what “food” meant.4. In China they didn’t know what “opinion” meant5. In the Middle East they didn’t know what “solution” meant. 6. In South America they didn’t know what “please” meant.7. In the USA they didn’t know what “the rest of the world” meant.8. In the UK they hung up as soon as they heard the Indian accent. • Tel 902733622 7October 2010 January 2011January 2011 7 7


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What do the claims about plastics involve?A group of hoax emails have been doing the rounds for a few years warning about the so-called dan-gers of plastic bottles, containers and fi lms. The emails generally warn people about one or more of the following:

freezing water in plastic bot-tles reusing plastic water bottles leaving plastic bottles in cars microwaving food in plastic containers or covered with plastic fi lms

However, there is no convincing sci-entifi c evidence to back up these claims or to suggest that any of these products could cause cancer.

Where do the claims come from?A health scare began in 2002 when a scientist voiced concerns about the safety of freezing water in plas-tic bottles on a Japanese television programme. This same programme also warned against microwaving food in plastic containers. The sci-entist’s opinions subsequently ap-peared widely on the Internet.

The emails claim that reusing, heat-ing or freezing water bottles releas-es cancer-causing chemicals called dioxins. Some also mention a chem-ical called DEHA, a chemical found in plastics that the emails claim could potentially cause cancer.

Some of these emails credit the warnings about plastics to Johns Hopkins University in America, but


the university denies any involve-ment. On their website, they say:

“The Internet is fl ooded with mes-sages warning against freezing water in plastic bottles or cooking with plastics in the microwave oven. These messages, frequently titled “Johns Hopkins Cancer News” or “Johns Hopkins Cancer Update,” are falsely attributed to Johns Hop-kins and we do not endorse their content.”

Other versions of the emails say that the claims are endorsed by the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Again, this is not true.

Is there any truth in the claims?There is no convincing scientifi c evi-dence to substantiate these health warnings against plastics. In the UK, there is legislation in place to ensure that all materials that come into contact with food, such as con-tainers for pre-packed food, are thoroughly tested before they can be used.

Can I freeze or reuse plastic bottles?Professor Rolf Halden of Johns Hop-kins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health has said that freezing actu-ally works against the release of chemicals. He also says that it is not even clear if plastics contain dioxins, the group of chemicals specifi cally mentioned in the hoax email. Halden stressed that people should not be afraid of drinking wa-ter because of “miniscule amounts of chemical contaminants present in [their] water supply.”

There is nothing to suggest that stor-ing water in plastic bottles is unsafe or that a metal bottle would be any better. The types of plastic bottles in which drinking water is typically sold are safe to re-use as long as their condition hasn’t deteriorated and you can clean them. They should be cleaned with hot, soapy water and thoroughly dried every time you re-fi ll them, to prevent bacteria from growing.

Can I microwave food in plas-tic containers or covered in plastic fi lm?There is no scientifi c evidence that microwaving food in plastic contain-ers or wrapped in clingfi lm can af-fect the risk of cancer.

According to the Food Standards Agency you can use cling fi lm in the microwave, but make sure the cling fi lm doesn’t touch the food. When-ever you heat something, including plastics, you increase the likeli-hood of pulling chemicals out. This doesn’t include the specifi c chemi-cals mentioned in the hoax emails, and there is no evidence that this process could affect the risk of cancer. Even so, it is a good idea to minimise any potential risks by us-ing plastics and clingfi lm correctly.

You also shouldn’t use cling fi lm if it could actually melt into the food, like in the oven or on pots and pans on the hob.

Not every type of cling fi lm is suit-able for using with all foods. For ex-ample, only let cling fi lm touch high-fat foods when the packaging says it is suitable for this. High-fat foods

include some types of cheese, raw meat with a layer of fat, pies, and cakes with butter icing or chocolate coatings. You should check the de-scription on the packaging to see what foods the cling fi lm can be used with.

Likewise, it is best to only use plas-tics that are specifi cally meant for cooking. As Johns Hopkins Univer-sity recommends, “In general, it is best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when using any plastic products. When cooking with plastics, only use those plastic con-tainers, wraps, bags and utensils for their intended purposes.”

Do plastics release dioxins and are they harmful?Dioxins are a group of chemicals that are formed unintentionally by industrial processes such as burn-ing fuels and incinerating waste. Only one dioxin, known as TCDD, has been shown to cause cancer in people.

Burning some types of plastic, such as PVC, at very high temperatures can release dioxins into the atmos

phere. But there is no evidence to support the idea that dioxins are produced when plastics are heated in a microwave oven, as opposed to actually burned in an incinerator. And it is not even clear if plastics used in water bottles or fi lms con-tain dioxins in the fi rst place.

Do plastics release DEHA, and is it harmful?DEHA is a chemical found in some plastics. The email claims about DEHA are based on the work of an American student who supposedly showed this chemical can migrate from plastic wraps into food at high temperatures.

However, this work was never pub-lished, and there is no convinc-ing evidence that DEHA is actually present in plastic bottles or plastic wraps. Even if it was, in the late 1990s, the US Environmental Pro-tection Agency (EPA) removed DEHA from its list of toxic chemicals. It said that DEHA “cannot reasonably be anticipated to cause cancer” as well as a number of other health problems.

Plastic bottles, Microwaves, Clingfi lm, Dioxins, Cancer and Hoax Emails

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We hire infl atable castles etc of various types, we also have a “Mechanical Bull” for your parties. We also have face painting and “Balloon Art, animals, swords etc, for the kids. All our serv-ices come with Monitors and are fully insured. We also cater for private functions, Birthdays etc.

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Careline Theatre’s production of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves opens at the Alcalali theatre on Wednesday January 12 at 20.00hrs for a run of fi ve evening performances and two matinees. Curtain-up for the matinees on Saturday and Sunday, January 15 and 16 is at 15.00hrs.Nearly all pantomimes are based on fairy stories. Not so Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, it is based on one of the most exciting tales of the Arabian Nights stories. That excitement has been skilfully blended with fun and laughter, music and song by director, Candy Wright to bring to the Alcalali stage a pantomime that is not only a bit special but also a bit different.The title role is played by Andy Crabb. Leader of the thieves, creators of most of the excitement, Al Raschid is played by Neil Carter. The big ro-mance is supplied by Ali Baba’s son, Haroun, played by Ben Davis and the lovely slave girl, Marsaina, played in some performances by the fi fteen year-old English actress, Olivia Partington and in others by the seventeen year-old Spanish actress, Grace Sanchez. A fraught romance is that of Ali Baba’s housekeeper, Cascara, played by Phil Panter and Tinbad, the tailor, played by Robin Baxter. She squeezes into to-die-for frocks and wears the most exotic headdresses to press her claim for love and attention; he can’t really be bothered. As in all good pantomimes, there is a goodly supply of magic, good and bad. Mor-

gana, Mistress of Fates, played by Leigh Patter-son doles out the good and Avarice, the Afrit and epitome of evil, played by Marian Carter, gleefully doles out the bad. Ali Baba has a brother named Kassim, played by Alan Gill, who is rich enough and mean enough to earn from the audience the loudest of hisses. His snooty wife, Rhum Baba, played by Kaye Stubley, isn’t likely to win many supporters either. Unlike the beggars, turned thieves, Hanki Panki, played by Brenda Taylor and Jiggeri Pokeri, played by Brenda Smethurst, they are so plain daft that the audience will prob-ably want to give them a big hug.This great cast is helped in bringing the exciting tale of how the starving woodcutter, Ali Baba be-comes Cairo’s richest merchant to life by a fabu-lous chorus. The show’s musical numbers under the direction of Roger Dean and choreographed by Suzanne Mace are spectacular. And the cos-tumes of Jan Walker and the headdresses of Kaye Stubley make this Careline Theatre produc-tion one of the best dressed shows in Spain.Careline Theatre’s production of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves by Norman Robbins, directed by Candy Wright plays the Alcalali theatre from Wednesday to Sunday, January 12 to 16. A few tickets for some performances are still available from the box offi ce on 652 294 750 and Kelly’s of La Xara priced at 12 euros for adults and 10 euros for children of twelve and • Tel 902733622 9October 2010 January 2011 January 2011 9 9

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Clubs, Groups and Charity event holders email your reports, special events

and information [email protected]

NEED INSURANCE? Instant cover from a British Insurer. Contact BENEFICIAL In-surance and save money on, Motor (UK & Spanish), Home and Contents, Pet

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UFO and World Mysteries Discussion Group Next Meetings Friday 14th January 2011. We will discuss recent strange sightings over the Costa Blanca. All who have experienced strange events are welcome to come and tell us all about it. It will be an interesting meeting Friday 4th February 2011. Jeanine Khouri will give a talk on the Crystal Cave in Mexico. This interesting phenonomen is a very curious freak of nature. Venue The Social Club and Bar, Javea Old Town. Time 10am for 10.30 am. Contact Maria Buckingham on 966459976. Wishing all our members and friends the Season’s Greetings.

Naturaleza y animales, the animal charity in pedralba, would like to give a very big thank you to jenny and roy travers, who raised the magnifi cent sum of 325 euros

at a coffee morning they ran for the the charity. A lot of animals will be helped with this money. If you are

able to foster a dog or cat while it is waiting for a new home, please call

lin on 962707229 or if you are look-ing for a dog or cat, please call, we have many lovely aniimals needing

homes. Our web site is

******************Monday 17th January, at 7.30pm:followed by a romantic raffl e and a “Mr & Mrs” competition. ******************Monday 21st February at 7.30pm:followed (by popular demand) by Chaz ‘n Mal’s “Boozy Bingo”. ******************Friday 11th March at 7 for 7.30 pm(by popular demand)Tickets for sale from Committee forA Murder Mystery Night ******************Monday 21st March at 7.30pm:Social activity to be arranged

Remember, you do not have to be either British or former Armed Forc-es to be a member. Want to know more? Come along to one of our meetings or contact Polly Morton on: 965562227; [email protected] or:Tony Henderson on 677647518;[email protected]

Royal British Legion, La Foia Branch, Nr 3621(Do you live in Biar, Castalla, Ibi, Onil or Tibi?) In 2011 Branch meetings will be held on the THIRD MONDAY of each month, at: Pizzaria Els Cristians (the old Cine Avenida)C/Juan Jorge 3, (off Avda Constitucion), ONIL:

“HELP” IN FESTIVE MOODMembers of HELP and their guests joined the “HELP Monday Lunch Club” and volunteers at the Orange Grove on 13th December to celebrate the festive season with a Christmas Lunch. Everyone got into the festive spirit add-ing to the atmosphere by joining in with a “sing along” to Christmas Carols and tradition songs. For more information about the lunch club or the HELP organisation please visit the website or telephone the HELP

Centre on 966427044.

Oliva U3A have had a great Christ-mas, starting from the dinner and dance on December 3rd, followed by the annual Christmas party, on Decem-ber 21st, for 40 disadvantaged children of the “El Basti-dor” after school club.The children and volunteer help-ers had a lot of fun. After hot chocolate, fartons, cakes and mince pies, the children played party games whilst waiting for Father Christmas and his elves to arrive and distribute their gifts, which had been donated by U3A members. On the evening of December 24th we had Carol singing in Plaza Ganguis, Oliva, where we all en-joyed mulled wine, whilst gathered round the fi re, sing-ing to the accompaniment of the U3A Oliva folk group. On Christmas Day 16 members set off on the traditional

walk up to the Castle at Aielo de Rugat for a festive picnic complete with cava, mince pies and lot of other Xmas goodies.If you would be interested in becoming a member of Oliva U3A contact details are on the website

THE ACTS OF LOVE A Light hearted look at life and love For those of you who have enjoyed past productions by the Monte Pego Theatre company you may be interested to hear that Jeff and Jayne Corbett will be presenting three short theatrical interludes between courses at a dinner organised by HELP of Denia and Marina on Friday 21st January. This is being held at Los Arcos Restaurant on the N332, close to the Pedreguer turnoff (ample parking on site). A wonderful mixture of serious and comedy performances along with excellent food this promises to be a different and entertaining evening.There is a choice of menue and tickets are €26 each. These are available either at the HELP Centre in La Xara, telephone 96 642 7044 or by contacting Gail Horler, telephone 965 757 659 email [email protected]. Further information can also be found on the HELP website

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The U3A Dénia have adopted Cáritas as their charity this year - so the members of the Needlework group decided to make some gifts for children. Our knitting and crochet needles have been red hot for the past couple of months making gifts of toys and clothing. We also col-lected some soft toys. The items were all taken to the Cáritas offi ce by representatives from the Dénia U3A committee where they were gratefully received. We hope to continue to receive dona-tions of wool and patterns to help us continue producing items of clothing.





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Darts – World Championships Saturday 8 January 2.30-4.30pm BBC ONEColin Murray introduces action from the World Championship darts at LakesideColin Murray and Bobby George are at the Lakeside Coun-try Club for the 2011 Lakeside World Profes-sional Championship semi-fi nals. The MagiciansSaturday 8 January 7.00-8.00pm BBC ONEViewers can prepare to be amazed as three of the world’s best magic acts team up with three celebrities to bring jaw-dropping illusion and magic tricks with contemporary twists, hosted by Lenny Henry. Lark Rise To Candleford Ep 1/6 Sunday 9 January 8.00-9.00pm BBC ONEBBC One’s popular winter-warmer Lark Rise To Candleford returns for a fourth series, teeming with its usual wit, intrigue and ro-mance. Its vividly drawn, much-loved charac-ters continue to delight and entertain.

Silent Witness – Lost: Part 1 Ep 3/10Monday 10 January 9.00-10.00pm BBC ONEWhen a preserved female body is found buried in a peat moor in Sheffi eld, DI Sonia Hardwick decides to call in an archaeologist, Professor Patrick Cain, in the fi rst of a new two-part story of the forensic crime drama. Human Planet – Oceans: Into The Blue Ep 1/8Thursday 13 January 8.00-9.00pm Humans are the only animals that have managed to adapt to life in every habitat on Earth. From oceans to jungles, the poles to the deserts, Human Planet explores man’s in-credible ability to survive in the most extreme environments. Hustle Ep 2/6Friday 14 January 9.00-10.00pm BBC ONEThe Hustle gang are near to closing a small con in a café, as the drama continues, until Joe Ryan – an old fl ame of Emma’s – turns up unexpectedly and blows their cover. Intrigued to see what he’s been up to since the pair

last met, Emma arranges to meet him for a glass of wine... Masters Snooker – Semi-Final Saturday 15 January 1.00-4.30pm BBC ONELand Girls – Back To The Land Ep 1/5 Monday 17 January 2.15-3.00pm Land Girls returns for a new seriesThe lives and loves of the land girls serving their coun-try in the Women’s Land Army (WLA) return to BBC One Daytime as the award-winning pe-riod drama Land Girls is back for a new fi ve-part series.

Dancing on IceSunday 9th January, 6.30pm and 9.30pmPhillip Schofi eld and Holly Willoughby present a sparkling new series of the celebrity ice dancing competition. Over the course of 12 weeks, 16 stars will be battling it out for viewers’ votes and the chance to be crowned the 2011 cham-pion.Kidnap and RansomThursday 13th January, 9pmWeek 01/02 8th - 14th January Gripping new three-part drama starring Trevor Eve as an international hostage negotiator who takes on one of the tough-est cases of his life when an apparently simple negotiation goes awry. Wild at HeartSunday 9th January, 8.30pmBrand new series of the acclaimed dra-ma set on an African nature reserve. Stephen Tompkinson and Dawn Steele return as newlyweds Danny Trevanion and Alice Collins, who fi nd that their lives after marriage continue to be just as complicated as before. That Sunday Night ShowSunday 9th January, 10.15pmDaybreak host Adrian Chiles presents a brand new topical show for Sunday night on ITV1. In each episode, the programme takes a look at all the big events from the past seven days, picking up all the ma-jor stories as well as some pieces which may have slipped under the radar. The Biggest LoserMonday 10th January, 9pmDavina McCall presents a brand new series of the weight loss show in which a group of overweight people are chal-lenged to embark on a life-changing jour-ney of nutrition and exercise as they try to return to a healthy weight. Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford Friday 14th January, 9pmComedian and TV presenter Jason Man-ford hosts a brand new Friday night show featuring an irresistible combination of comedy and great music. Each week Ja-son will be joined by some of the hottest comics on the stand-up scene including legendary names from the circuit mixed in with some great new talent.Midsomer MurdersWednesday 12th January, 8pmJohn Nettles returns as DCI Tom Barnaby in a brand new mystery in which a plan-ning dispute leads to murder. He is joined by regular cast members Jane Wymark, Jason Hughes, Barry Jackson and Kirsty Dillon as well as guest stars Peter Egan, Hugo Speer and Jill Baker. The Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald Tuesday 11th January, 8pmTrevor McDonald continues his epic andenlightening tour of the Mediterranean with visits to three very different destina-tions. He begins his journey at one of the most beautiful of all the Greek islands - Santorini.Hell’s Kitchen USAMonday 10th January, 9pm ITV2Gordon Ramsay’s US cookery competi-tion returns for a brand new series.

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EMAIL: [email protected] • Tel 902733622 October 201012

All photography courtesy of PRshots

Freshen up the homefrontNew year, new you,new excuse to blow the budget on some fabulousnew furnishings.

1 Love Miss Daisy Vintage.Hand made vintage

cup and saucer cakestand, £45. 2 Ebay

Fashion Outlet.English rose welcome

mat, £14.95. 3 TK Maxx.Bright throws, £29.99.

4 Matalan. Mirror. 5 Debenhams.

Rocha.JohnRocha metallic

sequin cushion, £30. 6 House of Fraser.

Cushion. 7 Pink flower canvas,£22. 8 Debenhams. Butterfly by

Matthew Williamson. 9 10 Matalan. Cushion.

11 Ebay FashionOutlet. Spicerack, £14.95. 12 Marks &


13 House ofBath. Mini



There issomethingabout a

new year thatbrings out thenesting instinct.And as staying inis so much morestylish than goingout in 2011, there’severy reason to splashout on a few new homecomforts. Just think of all thatmoney you’ve saved on drinks andtaxi fares. Follow our guide to the top threespring fashions on the home front and you’ll have theJoneses trying to keep up with you for a change.

EXOTIC BRIGHTSThink of this trend as shock therapy for the home – a guaranteedway to liven up any living room. Citrus greens, sunshine yellows,fuchsia pinks – mix and match exotic palettes and tropical huesto transform your house into an urban oasis.

Butterfly by Matthew William at Debenhams is just the thing tonail this look – with duvetsfrom £50 and throwsfrom £100. TK Maxx hassome jewel-inspiredthrows from £29.99,Ebay Fashion Outlet’sspice rack (£14.95)should heat up yourkitchen décor,’s wall artis a fashionablefinishing touch.

GILT AND GLAMOURSummon up the grand salons of old to bring some Regency-stylesophistication into your humble abode. This grandiose sofa(House of Bath £324.95) sets the scene. Then just accessoriseto the max with gilt mirrors (Matalan and and plentyof sumptuous scatter cushions (Matalan and Rocha.John Rochaat Debenhams).

CRAFTY BUYSThrifty chic is all about that homespun, make-do-and-mend look. But we won’t tell anyone if youstock up on a few of these stylish cheats. Takeinspiration from Marks & Spencer’s new homewarerange, a mix between vintage and craft-inspiredbuys. Throw down a homely welcome mat (EbayFashion Outlet £14.95), and some retro cushions(House of Fraser). Then treat your guests toafternoon tea on this charming vintage teacupcake stand (Love Miss Daisy Vintage £45). Well,you deserve a break after all that decorating.



12 12 [email protected] January 2011 January 2011 • Tel 902733622 13October 2010

All prices exclude IVA (Spanish VAT) *UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira), Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Itlay, Norway, Holland, Sweden and Switzerland. ** ADSL call packages have a minimum contract period of 18 months. If cancelled within this period a 60€ charge will be levied. *** 10 cents/min. to BT, Movistar, Orange & Vodafone mobiles. Other operators charged at 18 cents/min. A 15 cents connection charge applies to calls to all mobiles. † No connection charge for landline calls. A 15 cents connection charge applies to mobiles.

January 2011 January 2011 13 13








12 13


EMAIL: [email protected] • Tel 902733622 October 201014


2. Unusable section of country initially (3)

5. Cleric keeps company with another (6)

7. College reader, one voting to start late (6)

9. Go a second time by the way and become hostile (4,7)

10. Swampy planet has hydrogen for starters (6)

11. Run from skinhead taking photograph (6)

13. Stop others after a redhead (6)

16. Financial return (6)18. Girl who is sponsored

(11)19. Glowingly served meat

had some iron on the outside (6)

20. Insect found somewhere near Wigtown (6)

21. Fisherman’s perch? (3)







































1. Lady bather struggling (6) 2. Imprudently Guy lost his

head when about to warn eccentric (6)

3. Say law needs changing every time (6)

4. Bed having weight of soft fibre (6)

6. All the believers from Richmond set out (11)

8. Donor who might offer his services to a magazine (11)

10. After a short time a flightless bird appears (3)

12. Draw closely around the neck? (3)

14. Give pleasure to Reginald by taking drink (6)

15. Bullet perhaps removed from crater (6)

16. Teased for being rough around the edges (6)

17. Go inside and give up (4,2)

1. Which group had a Christmas No 1 hit in 1974 with Lonely This Christmas?

2. Which part of an insect’s body lies between the head and the abdomen?

3. What is the most northerly city in Australia, lying on the coast of the Timor Sea?

4. What are lollo rosso, red chard and rocket?

5. What region of Czechoslovakia was annexed by Germany in 1938?


Quiz Challenge

PREVIOUS CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS:CRYPTIC: Across – 1 Restock; 8 Heave to; 9 Unitary; 10 Beacons; 11 Diocese; 12 Regress; 14 Earthed; 18 Adjudge; 20 Legroom; 21 Armhole; 22 Cooling; 23 Elected.Down – 1 Round the clock; 2 Sailor; 3 Ovate; 4 Khyber; 5 Falange; 6 Before; 7 Horseshoe bend; 13 Chaotic; 15 Region; 16 Damage; 17 Adroit; 19 Jamie.QUICK: Across – 1 Garage; 4 Isopod; 8 Isaiah; 10 Atonal; 11 Tacit; 12 Thesis; 14 Desert; 16 Rash; 17 Sect; 19 Cram; 22 Herb; 26 Adhere; 27 Affect; 28 Dwarf; 29 Issues; 30 Dawdle; 31 Twenty; 32 Debris.Down – 1 Gaiety; 2 Reader; 3 Gratis; 5 Settee; 6 Punnet; 7 Dilute; 9 Hash; 10 Aids; 13 Sabre; 15 Scarf; 18 Lariat; 19 Chaste; 20 Ardent; 21 Mews; 22 Hard; 23 Efface; 24 Bender; 25 Stress.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Ronnie Wood –see Question 7


























20 25


















2. Circumscribed (7) 7. Cloak (4) 8. Harness (4) 9. Blissful state (7)10. Male voice (4)12. Foreshadow (4)15. Fathered (5)17. Elevates (6)18. Sharp struggle (6)19. Laugh nervously (6)21. Former Spanish currency (6)22. Assessed (5)23. Projecting knob (4)26. Saucy (4)28. Carouse (7)29. Atmosphere (4)30. Conform (4)31. Exerted (7)

1. Volcanic rock (4) 2. Optical device (4) 3. ------ dance (6) 4. Crockery (3,3) 5. Dreary (4) 6. Tie securely (4)10. Remonstrates (7)11. Japanese therapy (7)13. Disgusting (7)14. Graceful (7)15. Cut off (5)16. Deceived (5)20. Narrow gorge (6)21. Rained heavily (6)24. Tight (4)25. Sketch (4)26. Jab (4)27. Stink (4)



3 48 5 3

2 4 71 6 9 2

8 1 9 46 1

7 4 9 32 1

8 2

69 8

5 1 3 24 6 2 1

1 8 76 9 5 4 8

6 2 5 8 14 1

6 3 7 2


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z1 2 3 4 5

M6 7 8 9

10 11 12

L13 14 15

I16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

5 4 17 16 12 12 15 3 25 23

10 9 16 16 25 20 2 22 4

11 15 9 8 23 16 22 2 4

17 12 2 14 2 18 10 4 22

5 2 12 4 3 26 12 4 4 1

4 22 16 25 4 22 17 16 22 8 4 17

18 5 12 6 22 20

25 26 23 17 12 4 25 16 7 16 8 4

25 20 13 12 4 19 15 23 12 4

23 4 12 15 4 13 12 25 16

13 22 26 25 4 15 9 9 25

21 26 2 17 4 25 3 2 3

12 24 4 19 17 4 9 10 4 10

EACH number in our Cross Code grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. You have three letters in the control grid to start you off. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares.

As you get the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check off the alphabetical list of letters as you identify them.

PREVIOUS SOLUTION: 1 Elizabeth Barrett Browning; 2 Father’s Day; 3 Bats; 4 Roald Dahl’s Charlie and The Chocolate Factory; 5 The Loire, near the Atlantic port of Saint-Nazaire; 6 Inspector Jacques Clouseau; 7 Emil Zatopek in 1952; 8 The London Coliseum; 9 St Nicholas; 10 The X Factor.

6. What connects early miners’ lamps with the TV comedy series Yes, Minister?

7. With which group did Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood first taste success in 1965?

8. Which fast bowler formed a famous attacking partnership with Dennis Lillee in the Australian cricket team?

9. Which Caribbean island was invaded by troops of the USA in 1983?

10. In which city is La Scala Opera House?

HOW many words of four letters or more can you make from this Nonagram? Each word must use the central letter, and each letter may be used only once. At least one word using all nine letters can be found.

Guidelines: 20 Good; 24 Very Good; 28 Excellent.

Any word found in the Concise Oxford Dictionary (Tenth Edition) is eligible with the following exceptions: proper nouns; plural nouns, pronouns and possessives; third person singular verbs; hyphenated words; contractions and abbreviations; vulgar slang words; variant spellings of the same word (where another variant is also eligible).

PREVIOUS SOLUTION:aloe; also; clod; close; closed; coal; coaled; coalesce; COALESCED; coca; coda; code; cola; cold; cole; dolce; dole; dose; load; lode; lose; scold; secco; sloe; socle; soda; sola; solace; solaced; sold; sole; soled.




NONAGRAMPLACE a different arithmetical sign (add, subtract, multiply, divide) in each circle so that the total of each line across and down is the same. Perform the first calculation in each line first and ignore the mathematical law which says you should always perform division and multiplication before addition and subtraction.

14 10 6 2 5 2 8 12 3 3 4 5

PREVIOUS SOLUTION: Clockwise from top left – subtract; multiply; add; divide. Total: 5.


THERE is just one simple rule in Sudoku. Each row and each column must contain thenumbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box. This is a logic puzzle, and you should not need to guess.

5 9 4 7 6 1 2 3 83 1 6 2 5 8 7 9 47 8 2 4 3 9 1 6 51 6 5 3 4 7 8 2 94 2 9 8 1 5 3 7 68 3 7 6 9 2 4 5 16 4 8 9 7 3 5 1 22 7 1 5 8 6 9 4 39 5 3 1 2 4 6 8 7

6 7 8 3 4 2 9 5 13 2 1 6 5 9 8 7 44 9 5 8 7 1 3 2 61 3 6 2 8 7 4 9 58 5 7 1 9 4 6 3 29 4 2 5 3 6 7 1 87 1 9 4 2 8 5 6 32 8 3 7 6 5 1 4 95 6 4 9 1 3 2 8 7



Easy Hard


SPELL out a 15-letter word or phrase by moving from one chamber to another within the pyramid. You may only enter each of the chambers once and may only proceed through openings in the walls. The first letter may appear in any of the chambers.






PREVIOUS SOLUTION: Ebenezer Scrooge.

USING all 16 letters of the phrase above, form four words each of four letters which will fit in the grid to form a magic square in which the words can be read both horizontally and vertically.


PREVIOUSSOLUTION: verb; evil; rise; bled.

WORD PYRAMID MAGIC SQUAREHERE are two miniature five-square crosswords using the same grid – but the letters have been mixed up. You have to work out which letters belong to which crossword.

PREVIOUSSOLUTION:(1) Across – Forth; Order; North. Down – Flown; Rider; Harsh.(2) Across – Rugby; Cuppa; Rayon. Down – Racer; Guppy; Yearn.







No. 1540TThePuzzlerPuzzler

14 14 [email protected] January 2011 January 2011

The PuzzlerThe Puzzler • Tel 902733622 15October 2010 January 2011 January 2011 15 15

When responding to an advert mention you saw it in THE TRADER please. When responding to an advert mention you saw it in THE TRADER please.

The once bishop’s seat of Segorbe is now the regional cap-ital and the name of its principal square, Plaza Agua Limpia (Clean Water Square) symbolises the his-torical importance of the springs and riv-ers of the area. Many street names in the old town refl ect oth-er elements of the city’s history. Calle Foro Romana, Calle Mezquita and Plaza Almudin are remind-ers of its Roman and Moorish past, while Calle Los Silleros (Chairmakers Street) recalls the time when each trade could be found in a specifi c area within the city walls. A plaque in Plaza del Angel informs you that it was formerly known as the Plaza de los Cerdos, where every Thursday for centuries the most important pig market in Valencia and lower Aragon was held and where only pigs of the highest quality and prestigio were sold. A number of the streets have plaques describing their his-tory.The Arco de la

Verónica on Calle Ar-gen is thought to be part of the original Roman wall, and on the edge of the old town there are two cylindrical towers that also formed part of the fortifi cations. Torre Cárcel housed the prison and Torre Botxi was home to the town’s execu-tioner (Botxi being the Catalan name for that grim occupa-tion).The city’s history as a religious centre is refl ected in the abundance of its churches, the most prominent of which is the 12th century Catedral-Ba-silica, whose inher-ent Gothic style has been considerably modifi ed, as have most of the churches in the Province of Valencia, through various architectural fads and fancies. It houses a small mu-seum of art from the 15th to 18th century, including work by Do-nattello.Segorbe’s main fi es-ta is held during the last week of August and incorporates the Fiestas Patronales held in honour of the

city’s patron saint, la Santisima Virgen, and the Semana de Toros (the Week of the Bulls). The high point of the taurine week is the Entrada de Toros y Caballos (Entry of the Bulls and Horses) when horse riders drive bulls down the main street between two densely packed rows of unprotected by-standers who rely on the skill of the horse-men to prevent them from being gored.A short drive from Segorbe is one of the most unusual sanc-tuaries in Valencia, the Santuario Cueva Santa. It is dedicated to the Virgen of the Holy Cave, known as the White Dove, and her image is portrayed in bas-re-lief stucco about 20 cms high. The legend goes that Bonifacio Ferrer, a Carthusian prior, gave the im-age to a shepherd who hid it in a niche in the cave, where it was found by another shepherd in 1503. At a later date a glorious Doric-style temple was built in the cave, 20 metres below ground, where

the image now sits, surrounded by jade and gold. As you de-scend the stairway lined with tile vo-tive plaques giving thanks for prayers an-swered and ailments miraculously cured, you pass small side niches and diminu-tive alters. Nothing quite pre-pares you for your fi rst sight of the tem-ple, with its ornate scroll plasterwork topped by a pair of cavorting cherubim. The tiny stucco im-age radiates from its gold mount and it comes as no sur-prise to hear that she is the patron saint of Spanish speleolo-gists (cavers). It is said that if a drop of water falls from the ceiling and lands on you and you rub it over the part of your body that is ail-ing, you will be cured. Drops taken from the puddles on the fl oor will also work but without the same ef-fi cacy. You will also be cured if you hear the tinkling of a bell during the night of your visit to the cave.

Maestrat Park, San Jordi is a new residencial mobile home park situated in the heart of the Sierra de Erta on the Costa Azahar. It is an island of peace, and friendly informality, of-fering visitors the best of all worlds. Located near the town of San Jordi, it is a perfect base to discover the richness of this area of Spain. Close to the larger seaside towns of Vinaros, Benicarlo and Peniscola with miles of beach-es, marina, shops and hospitals. Maestrat Park is a superb location to enjoy your life in the sun. The Park covers approximately 50,000 square metres with plots that are a generous 200 square metres which have been devel-oped to a high standard, and can easily ac-commodate larger twin sized mobile homes if desired. Many of the plots have stunning uninterrupted views over the countryside.

PARK FEATURES The plots have plenty of room for decking, a small garden and parking. The park is midway between the airports of Reus and Valencia, with the new airport at Castellon only twenty minutes. Park Features New site with large choice of plots. Gated Park with excellent views. Beautiful quiet rural setting, multi lin-gual staff to help with any needs. Reception, Gym, Library, Hairdresser, Bar, Restaurant, Terrace. Mini market, Outdoor swimming pool Internet access, Site open all yearNearest towns: Sant Jordi (two minutes Ca-lig (fi ve minutes) and only a short 10 minute drive from coast at Vinaros, Benicarlo or Pe-niscola.

THE LOCAL AREAOur nearest town is San Jordi which was fi rst established in 1261. With its fi ve bars and two restaurants you will be able to while away many a happy hour. The nearest beach is at Vinaros, only a few minute’s drive from the park. Vinaros is the third largest town in the Valencia region. It is a lively town with a full range of shops and supermarkets and the fi sh market. Further down the coast you will fi nd the historic town of Peniscola with it’s ancient castle, famous for the setting of the 1961 fi lm ‘El Cid’.The old town has many narrow alleyways witha range of quaint shops, bars and restaurants serving Tapas and the region’s famous paella

dishes. From Peniscola, miles of golden sandy beaches stretch north too Benicarlo, another typical Spanish town with its daily fruit and vegeta- ble market and many other shops for all of your needs. Here you also have a marina for those needing somewhere to moor their boat. Further south there is Castellon, Valen-cia and Benidorm to be visited. Vinaros is also on the main railway line, making Valencia only one hour away or Barcelona only two hours by high speed train. For those who like a round of golf we are just a few minutes the spectac-ularly designed course the Panorámica Golf & Country Club is the only Spanish course de-signed by Bernhard Langer. Its eighteen holes are surrounded by typical Mediterranean landscape complimented by one of the best training centres in Europe with two practise ranges of 350 metres.

FINANCIAL DETAILSElectricity is from your own meter. Water is from a meter WiFi Internet 25€ per month Gas Bottles available on site. Town Hall refuse charge 36.06€ per year Site Rents start from 240€ per month inclusive. Increased yearly in line with infl ation. There are no service charg-es or council taxes to pay. No hidden extrasSatellite Television and Telephone is avail-able. Park Homes We offer a large range of mobile homes starting from €35,000 with an extensive choice of layout. All our mobile homes are built to the highest quality and tailored to your needs, and your Spanish life-style. You have the choice of both UK or Span-ish built homes.

INSPECTION TRIPS Most inspection trips are over 3 days but longer periods can be accommodated. We try to make the trips as relaxing as possible, al-lowing you to get to know our area in a friendly and informative way, with no pressure selling. The closest airports are Valencia or Reus with Castellon opening in 2011. You will be col-lected from the airport and taken to your ac-commodation. Should you wish a longer stay we recommend you hire a car from the airport and we will give you simple directions to ouroffi ce. The accommodation for the 3 days costs £100 for up to 2 people sharing, but this is refunded should you be successful in buying.

New residencial mobile home park situated in the heart of the Sierra de Erta on the Costa Azahar.




CASTELLONTEL: 0034 964 412 262 EMAIL:[email protected]



EMAIL: [email protected]

SegorbeBy Derek Workman

EMAIL: [email protected] • Tel 902733622 October 201016 16 16 [email protected] January 2011 January 2011

ADVERTISE CALLADVERTISE CALL 618329511 618329511 ANUNCIO LLAMAANUNCIO LLAMA 618329511 EMAIL [email protected] 618329511 EMAIL [email protected]

What are the main differences between the old and the new label?The new labelling system allows up to three classes (A+ to A+++) to be added on top of class A so as to provide consum-ers with more differentiation between products. If the major-ity of the market reaches the upper two classes (A++, A+++), the classifi cation will be reviewed. However, it is expected that classes A+++ are close to the technological limit of possible effi ciency improvements.Another novelty is that the label is language free and will be added in the packaging of each appliance. It will allow retail-ers to easily attach the label to the appliances at the point of sale and avoid today’s situation where appliances are often mislabelled.

Why does the energy label for televisions have seven classes from A to G while the energy label on refrig-erators, dishwashers and washing machines goes up to class A+++?The principle is that the energy label starts with the classes A to G when it is introduced for the fi rst time on the market (which is currently the case for televisions). Refrigerators, dishwash-ers and washing machines have already been displaying the energy label with the A to G classes for more than 10 years. As a result of the technological improvement triggered by the label, around 90% of those products currently reach class A. This is why new classes have been introduced on top of class A to allow consumers to differentiate “better than A” products.

When will we have for TVs also labels showing classes other than A to G?Label formats A+ to F, A++ to E and A+++ to D become man-datory in 2014, 2017 and 2020, respectively. However, a TV achieving a class “better than A” can be labelled ahead of these dates. Currently only a few TV models achieve energy effi ciency class “A”, which are LED backlight technology, while most TVs are in energy effi ciency classes “C” and “D”, includ-ing “average” plasma TVs.

How much money can I save?If 10 years ago you bought a refrigerator-freezer with energy effi ciency class “A” you would have saved around 1000 EUR over the life-time of the appliance compared to the purchase of a product with energy effi ciency class “G”.If, for example, you today choose a 50 inch/127cm TV of energy effi ciency class “A” instead of energy effi ciency Class “D” (where a big bulk of TVs are at the moment), savings are around 35 EUR per year (assuming 1kWh = 0,15€). A fam-ily buying an “A” 50 inch/127 cm “main” TV and an “A” 32 inch/81 cm “secondary” TV, the electricity savings are annu-ally 50 EUR, compared to the choice “both are D”, and 500 EUR over ten years, if operated 4 hours per day.

What is the impact of the en-ergy label on prices? How can you be sure that companies do not raise prices once they get a good energy class on the label and offset the gains of energy effi ciency?It is of course impossible to guarantee that as prices are not regulated in a free market economy. However, since the ener-gy labels also provide information on how much electricity the appliance would typically consume, consumers will be able to calculate the expected electricity costs and relate it to prices.We know by experience for example for household refrigera-tor-freezers or washing machines that the price premium set in the top energy classes used to be higher when one or very few producers were producing products in that class but as soon as competition rises to a suffi cient level, prices start to fall. Free competition does get prices down. The labelling classes are defi ned with the view that the energy savings on the electricity bill during the use phase of the prod-ucts should, after a reasonable period of time, compensate for the extra purchase costs of these products.

Does the introduction of these new labels ban some household equipment from the market?The label does not ban any product from the market but pro-vides information and market transparency to assist consum-ers to make an informed purchasing decision. It ensures that all products are comparable using the same test methods and classifi cation. Equally, energy labelling aims at providing incentives for industry to develop further improved products

and innovations beyond the “minimum” mandatory energy ef-fi ciency levels.How will the new label be introduced at the point of sale? Is an old class A of a fridge, a dishwasher or a washing machine the same as the new one? The new label will gradually be introduced at the point of sale, meaning that consumers are likely to see the old and the new label close to each other for several months at the point of sale. However, since an old class A or B appliance is equiva-lent to a new class A or B, consumers will still be able to com-pare products at the point of sale on the basis of both energy labels.

What is the difference between energy labels, ecolabels and ecodesign?Energy labels are adopted by the European Commission on a product by product basis (energy labelling Directive 2010/30/EU). They display ranking of products according to their energy effi ciency consumption on an A to G scale, the A class (green) being the most energy effi cient appliances and the G class (red) the least. Once the majority of products reaches class A, up to three classes (A+/A++/A+++) are added on top of class A.Energy labels are mandatory for all appliances placed on the EU market and have to be clearly displayed on each appliance shown at the point of sale.Ecolabels are voluntary labels adopted by the European Commission on a product by product (Ecolabel Regulation (EC/66/2010). The Ecolabel, i.e. the fl ower logo, may be dis-played on products and promotional material on a voluntary basis if they respond to a list of the criteria pre-defi ned in im-plementing measures of the Commission and guaranteeing that the product is among the most environmentally friendly in his sector.Ecodesign requirements are adopted by the European Com-mission on a product by product basis (ecodesign Directive EC/2009/125). They set requirements on the design of the products so as to improve their environmental impact. Ecode-sign requirements are mandatory and must be met by all prod-ucts to be allowed to be placed on the EU market. They are based on an assessment of the impact of the product on the environment throughout its life-cycle, starting from the produc-tion stage, through usage, distribution and disposal.

What will be the next appliances that will get new labels?The Commission is working on the adoption of new or updated energy labels for the following products: lighting, air condition-ing, laundry driers, water heaters, boilers and vacuum clean-ers.

Questions & Answers: new energy labels for televisions, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines ciency/labelling/energy_labelling_en.htm

Further information on the energy label is available on the Commission’s website:

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Further information on the energy label is available on the Commission’s website: • Tel 902733622 17October 2010

€195 + IVA

January 2011 January 2011 17 17

GARDENING HINTS AND TIPS By Clodagh and Dick Handscombe. Holistic gardeners and authors

living in Spain for 25 years.


Although this was our precious garden a few years ago it will hopefully not happen this year and January will be generally clear blue skies to allow one to progress the winter cut back and annual soil im-proving to progress without interruption.

Unfortunately most of us start with poor soils and although many do an initial en-richment we fail to recognise denude the ground of nutrients as they grow and don’t improve the soils annually by mulching around plants in the fl ower gar-den and orchard with compost from a compost heap or well rotted animal ma-nures or working the same into the top 30 centimetres of soil in the vegetable plot or raised beds. As said in previous writings one should aim to mix in 20 to 30% into new vegetable plots and raised beds. Adding vegetable matter not only increases the richness of the soil but also the soils ability to retain moisture.

This is very important in containers used for growing both fl owering plants and vegetables as many cheap bags of com-post are poor value, middle priced bags designed for the use by those who use ir-

rigation systems or never forget to water and the most expensive is often specially formulated to keep plants alive for those who often forget to water and allow con-tainers to dry out. One thing that you can also do is to work TerraCottem into soils and composts. This is a specially formu-lated soil improver that includes nutrients and a powerful water absorbing and re-taining gel originally developed to enable vegetables to be grown in drought areas of Africa and to enable golf courses to be planted and easily maintained in Spain. The cover of the 200gram pack on our desk indicates that the correct mixing of this into your soils/composts can reduce your watering bill by 50%

and the 200grams is all you need for 40 litres of compost. More information will be found on in English. By the way a dusting of yellow sulphur powder will help clean up the soil from unwanted pests.

Happy gardening in 2011.

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If you didn’t get a copy of one of our books for Christmas they are available from good bookshops and Carefour and internet sites such as Santana Books , Amazon and The Royal Horticultural Society.

© Clodagh and Dick Handscombe January 2011.

When responding to an advert mention you saw it in THE TRADER please. When responding to an advert mention you saw it in THE TRADER please.

Sterling Performance

For The PoundGiven most of the country was frozen solid for most of December, yesterdays extremely positive UK manufacturing data caught many in the market by sur-prise. British PMI rallied to 58.4, the fastest pace of growth since 1994. Ster-ling has mirrored the weather recently, depressed throughout last month and over the Christmas holidays; the Pound was up almost one percent against the Dollar and half a percent against the Euro yesterday as investors’ optimism on the UK economy returned. Quite how long the positive sentiment will last is anyone’s guess - along with Sterling the FTSE 100 has broken through the key level of 6000 over the last few weeks and even the recently downbeat hous-ing market received some good news with mortgage approvals increasing. But given that most items are going up in price after the VAT hike and the Gov-ernment cuts begin to bite, the current optimism may once change as quickly as the forecast second cold snap takes hold.

Continuing the positive news fl ow, in America the minutes from the latest Federal Reserve Open Market Commit-tee (FOMC) were released last night. In it, the Fed showed cautious optimism on the ongoing economic recovery. Labour market conditions, once of the Fed’s main concerns, seemed to be im-proving but the pace of recovery is still “disappointingly slow”. Unsurprisingly, given the ‘better, but not that much bet-ter’ stance, the Fed made no change to the ongoing QE program. Alongside, the Fed minutes, we also had positive US data. Factory orders rose as did auto sales to their highest level in 16 months.

The fl ip-side to the Dollar and Sterling performing strongly is that the Euro has been moving in the opposite direction. Another year begins, but it’s the same old problems causing further Euro weakness, namely the ongoing fund-ing issues of Eurozone nations. Several commentators suggested Portugal will throw the towel in and tap the bail out fund at some point in the fi rst quarter which can’t have helped the selling pressure. But not even a Chinese an-nouncement that it will remain a long term investor in Spanish debt seems to be able to reassure investors that €200 bn will be successfully rolled over by Spain in 2011 alone.

In terms of data today, we have Euro-zone PMI data and from the US ISM non-manufacturing fi gures and employ-ment change.

Report by Alistair Cotton

The contents of this report are for informa-tion purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation to trade or a solicitation for funds. Currencies Direct cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages arising from any action taken following considera-tion of this information.

Mobile phone chargersFollowing a mandate from the European Commission, the European Standardisation Bodies CEN-CENELEC and ETSI have now made available the harmonised standards needed for the manufacture of data-enabled mobile phones compatible with a new com-mon charger. This is the most recent devel-opment in the process towards a global com-mon mobile phone charger initiated by the European Commission. It follows the June 2009 agreement of fourteen leading mobile phone producers to harmonise chargers for data-enabled mobile phones (i.e. that can be connected to a computer) sold in the Euro-pean Union. The European Commission ex-pects the fi rst common chargers and mobile phones compatible with the new standards to reach the European market in the fi rst months of 2011.





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Your Year Ahead Horoscopes from Russell Grant!Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Intimate relationships will be both challenging and re-warding throughout 2011. It’s time to either make up or break up. If you’ve been unhappy with your business or romantic partner, now is the time to dissolve the relation-ship. Don’t worry; new opportunities will be coming along soon enough. As far as this year is concerned you need to align yourself with someone who brings out the best in you. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at a business convention or professional organisation. Don’t be surprised if your lover is considerably older or younger than you. No matter how healthy your love life is, you’ll have to work hard to balance your personal and professional lives. Business trips may put a distance between you and your loved ones. The two of you will have to set aside some in-violable time together to keep your relationship on track. A long term business contract will give a welcome measure of security to your life, but be sure to hire a lawyer to over-see the details before signing on the dotted line.

Taurus (Apr 21/May 21) Work will be something of a challenge for you throughout 2011. It may be necessary to take a boring job for the sake of paying your bills or gaining experience. At times, it may feel as if you’re on a gruelling treadmill. That’s why it’s so important to temper your work life with lots of fun activities. Head to the gym after work for a yoga or karate class. Join a movie or book club that gives your intellect a workout. Schedule a series of short breaks throughout the year. Frequent changes of scenery will prevent you from getting bored. If you have your own business, it will be diffi cult to drum up new clients, so be sure to treat your existing cus-tomers with a lot of care and attention. Health problems can create diffi culties, too, particularly with regard to your teeth and bones. Schedule regular checkups with your dentist and go to a chiropractor to keep your spine limber. On the plus side, 2011 is one of the best years ever to establish a vigorous health regime.

Gemini (May 22/Jun 21) It will be diffi cult to let your hair down and put your feet up throughout 2011. Too many exciting opportunities beckon. You’ll need to focus all of your energy on acquiring new skills. Opportunities to party will be few and far between. Similarly, your love life may be a little lacklustre. It’s not that you will lack for admirers; it’s just that you won’t be in a particularly amorous mood. Concerns over a young child may force you to put a romantic alliance on the back burner. Getting the right schooling for your young friend will prevent you from enjoying intimate interludes with your beloved. Although you will have many responsibilities on your shoulders, it doesn’t mean you should avoid fun alto-gether. Schedule a series of well timed breaks throughout the year, lest the destination becomes more important than the journey. Creative blocks will abound 2011. De-voting a certain hour to your hobby each day will help you blast through some of the constraints you hold fast. Don’t wait for inspiration to strike; just keep writing, painting, or sculpting.

Cancer (Jun 22/Jul 23)

2011 invites you to make some life changing decisions. It’s especially important to resolve any childhood disap-pointments that have been weighing on your shoulders. Whether you were the victim of abuse or simply prevented from realising your full potential as a child, it’s time to ac-knowledge the tragedy and forge a happier future. If you’ve been thinking of buying a home, this is the perfect year to do so. You’ll have to do some heavy negotiating to fi nd a good place within your price range, but it can be done. If you already have your own home, it’s time to rid your home of clutter. Sell off any items you haven’t used in over a year and donate the rest to charity. Items you can’t sell or give away should be relegated to the trash. Any purchases meant for long term use are good for you this year, so you might also consider buying a car, appliance, or business equipment. Function is more important than form; fi nd a model that is built to last, rather than an up to the minute status symbol.

Leo (Jul 24/Aug 23) 2011 fi nds you adopting a more serious outlook. You’ve been blessed with many talents, but have found it diffi cult to focus on a single area of expertise. Take this opportunity to hone your writing, teaching, or public speaking ability to a diamond like brilliance. Relations with one of the fam-ily or a neighbour will be strained this year. You’ll need to establish healthy boundaries or they will take advantage of your generosity. At some point this Spring you’ll be tempted to eliminate certain people from your social circle. You’re tired of wasting time with people who don’t enlighten or uplift you. Breaking ties with superfi cial friends will give you more time for serious pursuits like studying, reading, and writing. If you need to get a degree or certifi cate, 2011 is the time to do so. You’ll have to make some fi nancial sacri-fi ces along the way, but they’ll pay off in the long run. Stay focused on the long term future. Beware of excessive worry this year. Surround yourself with optimists when emotional thunderclouds start gathering.

Virgo (Aug 24/Sep 23) Finances will be tight throughout 2011, forcing you to oper-ate on a shoestring budget. Although the prospect of living without luxuries is depressing, it shouldn’t deter you from paying off your debts and putting money into savings. Mak-ing a game out of stretching your resources will make the year’s depravations more tolerable. By the time the year is out, you will have acquired valuable skills for making mon-ey work for you, instead of the other way around. If you’re unemployed, look for a job that offers fi nancial stability. There is no harm in accepting a position that pays less than you made in the past. The important thing is to gener-ate income so you can cover your bills and live independ-ently. Don’t worry; you aren’t sentencing yourself to a life of depravation. Instead, you’ll be able to use this position as a Springboard to bigger and better things. When you become depressed about fi nances, luxuriate in a hot bath, take a nature walk, or have lunch with optimistic friends. Maintaining an upbeat attitude will keep deprivation from your door.

Libra (Sep 24/Oct 23) Your outlook will become more serious in 2011. Work re-sponsibilities will weigh heavily on your shoulders, and you may have to help an elderly relative. Having less time for the people and activities you love can be discouraging. Make a concerted effort to do something fun every day, even if it means getting up early or going to bed late. If you’ve gained weight recently, now is the perfect time to get in shape. Following a diet and exercise regime will be easier than it has been in years past. That’s because you’ll derive comfort from following a routine. If you’re not sure where to begin, ask a health professional. This expert can tell you the most effective way to lose pounds and build muscle. It’s very possible you will be offered a high profi le job this year. At fi rst, you won’t be sure if you can handle such an important position. In time you’ll welcome the challenges this job offers. You’re a born leader; put your natural talent to use!

Scorpio (Oct 24/Nov 22) Confronting your fears will be a continuing theme in 2011. Whether you’re afraid of air travel or loathe confl ict, you need to overcome any obstacles that block your progress. Joining a support group or getting therapy can help so can a spiritual practice, like prayer or meditation. Creative out-lets like writing, playing music, and painting can also be therapeutic. It doesn’t really matter how you conquer your demon; you just need to face it down, once and for all. If you’ve been harbouring a childhood dream but have been too afraid to work towards it, stop making excuses. 2011 invites you to push past the constraints that previously paralysed you. The fi rst thing you need to do is admit you have a problem. The second is to ask for help. Last but not least, you need to follow a path that will take you out of the past and launch you into the present. Take a leap of faith; the planets are positioned for a magnifi cent breakthrough. Your hard work and persistence will pay off.

Sagittarius (Nov 23/Dec 21) Your social circle is about to undergo some interesting changes this year. You’ll part ways with certain friends and form several new alliances. Although it makes you very un-happy to walk away from people you’ve known for years, you’re starting to realise their lifestyle is undermining your happiness. Be ready to break away from loved ones whose toxic behaviour is making you miserable. Be more discreet about forming new friendships. This year, you’ll come in contact with several respected experts. Aligning yourself with these esteemed people will cause your own star to rise. It will also make it easier to join an exclusive organi-sation that will boost your professional reputation. People may accuse you of being a social climber, but the truth is quite different. You’re eager to fulfi l your potential, and want to surround yourself with people who support your aims. Friends who want the best for you will remain loyal, while envious types will fall by the wayside. Be ready to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Capricorn (Dec 22/Jan20) You’ll be focusing more on your public than private life this year, thanks to stellar career opportunities. If you’ve ever wanted to run for political offi ce, now is the time to do so. Your leadership talent is evident to everyone, and people respect your ability to make diffi cult decisions. Unfortu-nately, it will be diffi cult to fi nd time for friends and family this year. If you’re in a relationship, your amour may be resentful of all the time you spend on your offi cial duties. Beware of neglecting your amour, or you’ll become a lone wolf. If you’re single, you need to be careful about the com-pany you keep. Several people will be drawn to your exalted status. You deserve to be with someone who loves you for who you are, not what you are. Be especially attentive to children this year. If you promise to attend a recital, game, or play, stand by your word, even at the risk of displeasing your boss. Set aside quality time for your young friends to maintain close ties.

Aquarius (Jan 21/Feb 19) 2011 prompts you to question some of your basic as-sumptions about life. Slowly but surely, your priorities have changed. Unfortunately, your lifestyle has remained the same. Now is the time to make adjustments to your outer life so it more closely resembles your emotional landscape. If that means fi nding a less demanding job, starting uni-versity, or taking up a spiritual practice, so be it. Friends may be alarmed by the changes you make, but don’t let their fears deter you. You need to live according to your needs, rather than society’s expectations. If you’re looking for work, you might fi nd a job overseas. Although tearing yourself away from home will be diffi cult, the experience will be invaluable. You never learn more than when you’re forced to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. Besides, the skills you acquire abroad will be worth their weight in gold. By the time you’re ready to come home next year, you’ll be able to work for whatever company you choose! Be will-ing to make a temporary sacrifi ce for the sake of your long term future.

Pisces (Feb 20/Mar 20) You’re ready to come to terms with some sexual hang ups that have haunted you for years. In the past, you may have found it diffi cult to tap into your sensual side. Alternatively, you may have used sex as a means to blot out pain. Taking a healthier attitude towards physical pleasure will improve your relationships, as well as your self esteem. If you’ve been struggling with debt, 2011 is the year to pay it off. Put yourself on a strict payment plan that is designed to make you debt free by a certain date. Having a deadline will make you more disciplined about spending and sav-ing. Refrain from putting any additional charges on your credit card until you’ve paid off all the outstanding bal-ances. If you don’t owe any money, take this opportunity to set up a retirement account or college fund. The more funds you have in reserve, the easier it will be to make choices geared towards happiness, instead of made out of fi nancial need. Such a measure of independence is more precious than gold. © COPYRIGHT RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LTD

For a personalised Horoscope for 2011, Russell Grant can produce a Year Ahead Horoscope Forecast based on your specifi c time, date and place of birth, so no 2 Forecasts are the same!

EMAIL: [email protected] • Tel 902733622 October 201020

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20 20 [email protected] Spanish Football Spanish Football January 2011 January 2011

Sports reports Email to [email protected]

Sports reports Email to [email protected]

Send all sports rS d ll tSports reportsSports reports

SPANISH FOOTBALL was back in action for 2011 after the Christmas & New Year break with fi ve games sched-uled as part of the Spanish League - Liga. Here is a brief summary of tonights Round 21 games with their results & the scorers. FC BARCELO-NA hosted LEVANTE without key players Puyol (injured), Pique (suspended) & Messi ( on leave) & had to reorganize the team with Busquets as a central defender & Mascher-ano in from the start.

Barça suffered in their 2 - 1 victory with a penalty not called in Levante´s favour - that was - which has brought plenty of post-match con-troversy as Barça defender Abidal clearly fouled Juanlu early in the 1ºst half. In fact, barring this important incident, credit to Levante who put pressure on Barça & created their chances all through the 1ºst half.

Things then changed posi-tively in the 2ºhalf for Barça with PEDRO combining in both his goals with Alves - 47th min & 59th min - scored twice with the latter a real marvel. Pedro could have had a “hat-trick” but he hit the post & Barça´s play had clearly seen a marked improvement. Levante then managed to score in the 80th min via STAUANI that tasted “sour” as they re-membered the penalty not called to their favour in the 1ºst half.

Lastly, XAVI HERNANDEZ equaled ex player Migueli with 549 offi cial matches & is just one game away from becoming the “All-Time His-torical” games holder with FC Barcelona. A remarkable feat for a player who still has con-

troct with Barça until 2016. Tough night at ATHLETIC DE BILBAO hosting DEPORTIVO that did their job with a 1 - 2 victory. Deportivo got ahead fi rst via a penalty converted by ADRIAN in the 22th min with more problems soon later for Bilbao in the 34th min when San Jose was sent off. Things got heated & the balance was equalized when Malaga player J.Rodriguez got a red card in the 45+ min.

The 2ºhalf was competitive & Deportivo managed to score their second via ADRI-AN again in the 52nd min & this seemed to motivate Bil-bao to pull out their pride & LLORENTE headed their only goal in the 86th min; but the comeback attempt was too late. SEVILLA FC managed a win after six games 1 - 0 over a “sticky” OSASUNA. Sevilla saw the return of Spanish In-ternational Jesus Navas & he gave his side speed upfront that made them look dan-gerous. The winger was ac-tive & key in his team victory tonight. The goal came in the 35th min thanks to the ever reliable KANOUTE with a per-fect header. REAL SPORT-ING DE GIJON has started 2011 badly with a 1 - 2 loss over a MALAGA team full of youngsters. Some may claim that the referee & his bad decisions played a part in the Gijon defeat, but the fact is that Malaga won with jus-tice & their “inexperienced” youngsters got the job done. Gijon started well with the fi rst goal via a penalty which DIEGO CASTRO converted in the 42th min. Then Ma-laga equalized soon in the 45th min via WELLINGTON & APOÑO put Malaga ahead via a “controversial” penalty

in the 59th min. From here Malaga held out & Sporting Gijon still heated over the “unfair” penalty could not get their mind /act together to equalize.

A bad & very worrying start to 2011 for Sporting.

VALENCIA CF won 2 -1 “in ex-tremis” with 10 men against RCD ESPANYOL in a match which turned dark for the home team as they man-aged to pull things out of the hole thanks to goalie Guaita & MATA who scored the win-ner in the 90+ min. Earlier ADURIZ was to score a head-er in the 29th min to put Valencia in front. The home team was playing their best Football when in the extra time of the 1ºst half Valencia defender R COSTA put in an own goal to allow Espanyol to equalize, very unlucky in-deed.

The 2ºhalf then went ter-ribly bad for Valencia when Aduriz was directly sent off in the 69th min for a violent aggression & Valencia goalie Guaita then saved a “should have been goal” from Espan-yol player Callejon in the 71st min. The last 20 min was end to end stuff with both goalies being the main actors, until Valencia forward turned a corner-kick which touched 4 players into a breath taking play & winning goal.

Espanyol lost because they could not capitalise when Valencia was down to 10 men & they missed clear chances. Valencia won with some grit &with some late found luck. Striker



Seen this piece of news in Spanish Sports daily “As” whom in turn picked it up from Dutch website “”, the later specialized in the following news items. The multi-national that sponsors the ATLETICO DE MADRID uniform ( along with Arsenal, FC Barce-lona...etc) has designed, proposed to the Club & apparently been accepted the “new-look” uniform for the 2011-2012. The fi rst visual impact is “rejection” from my end as it breaks with tradition, but hold on, this does not mean that I´m a conservative “old” foe. I suppose that it will grow on me with time as there are

more lines & the neck is circular. Apart from appearance, the seasonal changes of uniform kit designs are marketing tools now used to keep shirt sales healthy & ongo-ing. According to the some news source FC BARCELONA ( with the same sponsor ) will also experience a “kit” design change very similar to the At.Madrid changes. I imagine that the immediate effects will be the same as with me in that you (like myself) are not accustomed to such “radical” breaks in looks. Any views on the design?


2010 has been a spectacular year for SPANISH SPORTS. There has been many moments with great & grand victories in team & individual competitions. For Span-ish Football Sports Blog there has been three magical moments that comes im-mediately to mind: in Football the FIFA World Cup victory & World Championship in South Africa, in Tennis Rafael Nadal with his 3 Grand Slam victories (French, Wimbledon & US Open) & in MotoGp with all three catagories - 125cc, Moto 2 & Moto Gp - being won by Spanish riders & in particular Jorge Lorenzo who becomes the 2º Spaniard in its History to take the title.

Out of all the 2010 achievements obviously on a collective level the SPANISH NA-TIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM takes the prize & on an individual level RAFAEL NADAL. Lets fi nish off the year with 3 VIDEOS to give tribute to Spanish Sports & the three great moments of the year.


RAFAEL NADAL wins the only title missing from his long list - 2010 US OPEN

JORGE LORENZO secures the 2010 Moto GP World Championship in Sepang.Special mention to Spanish Moto 2 Champ TONI ELIAS & 125cc World ChampMARQUEZ only with 17 years of age.

Thanks to PAU GASOL (NBA Champ 2010 ), ALBERTO CONTADOR ( Tour de France - Cycling) ...etc & etc. • Tel 902733622 21October 2010

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On 14 December we continued our earlier start time of 9am much to the chagrin of certain members who have to walk the dog in the dark and other such lame excuses. On this occasion it was still dark when the fi rst groups ventured to the tees and the secretary’s reputation as the provider of sunny days for golf was at serious risk as heavy rain was forecast for the day. However the gods relented and apart from one shower and a bit of drizzle we all returned to the clubhouse dry. In fact conditions were quite reasonable for golf and a good day was had by all. The course continues to im-prove with at long last some decent sand in most of the bunkers and the worst ones now being designated as ‘ground under repair’ until they have been dealt with.21 members turned out, which was very pleasing given the recent travel problems in the UK and some unfortu-nate members being unable to play due to their either

going to UK for Christmas or collecting arrivals from the UK.Once again scoring for the day was generally moderate and only one player beat par. This month’s winner was Paul Wilcock with 37 points off a handicap of 23. Juan Mansanet Marti was second with Ed Jones third (on lower handicap) from Ian Parker. The full results of the meeting were thus:-1st Paul Wilcock (23) 37pts2nd Juan Mansanet Marti (17) 35pts3rd Ed Jones (18) 31pts 4th Ian Parker (28) 31ptsNearest the pin winners were Peter Nunn, Juan Mansanet, Hans Loykens (who also made his 2), and Chris Ward.This month the Duffer of the Day trophy was re-award-ed to Ian Parker on the basis that in November he had

made a break for it before the presentation started. Having said this Ian Skipper was a serious contender for turning up in fancy dress and then playing like he was wearing a dress. A special prize awarded by Mick Newman for ‘meritorious effort in the face of adversity’ was presented to Stephen Forster to help with the sup-plies for his birthday party later in the week.We are grateful to Stephen for presenting a hamper, which was raffl ed raising €105 for McMillan Cancer Support. The hamper was won by Chris Ward.The ‘balls in the water’ sweep was won by Bill Pilking-ton.Our next meeting will be at Foressos on Tuesday 25 January with a 9am start a week later than our regular dates this year.To join or to play with the society contact Ed Butler on 659487646

Pego Golf Society Oliva Nova – December 28th 2010

Well, after two consecutive weeks of rain in-duced disruption to our competition sched-ule we were met today with a two hour frost delay with a mere 19 players fi nishing the competition, of whom two were guests, An-gus Muir and Dave McAuley. The weather was very kind to us and the course was sur-prisingly good.Our captain for the day, past captain Dan Gibbs, called on Andrew Harrison to an-nounce the results of the Balls in the Wa-ter and 2’s Competitions. The Balls in the Water pot remained unclaimed as nobody came up with a correct guess of 64. The 2’s pot was shared by Dan Gibbs and Andrew Harrison.Dan then announced the society prize win-ners, with the Nearest the Pin prizes being won by Peter Brown on the 3rd and by Mar-tin Gates on the 16th. As there were insuf-fi cient low handicappers only two divisions were justifi ed this week and the happy win-

ners were as follows:Division 1 (Handicaps up to 18.4)Winner – A rather surprised Andrew Har-rison with a rather meagre 33 stableford points off a handicap of 11.7Runner up – A more surprised Brian Red-fearn with an almost embarrassing 31 points off 6.8Third – Martin Gates (with his best score for a while!) also with 31 points but off a higher handicap of 7.1Division 2 (Handicaps over 18.4) Winner – Lynne Harrison with a spectacular 38 points off 27.5Runner up – Bill Pike, also surprised that his 31 points off 19.5 was good enough for a prize.Third – Johnny Nicol, who was fi ttingly em-barrassed by his prize winning 26 points off 21.1Lynne Harrison’s sparkling form saw her through to the next round of the new sea-son’s Summer (?) Knockout competition with a win against the hapless Les Hall who was very unlucky to meet Lynne in such scintillating form.

Our congratulations to Derek Eldon, Club Vice Captain who has been accepted as a member of the Spanish National Bowls Team

QUARTZ (home) v FINCA GUILA 13TH DECEMBER 2010This was the last match of 2010 for Quartz and an important game for the home side who were anxious to retain their 2nd position in the Northern League. Captain David Sackman and Morris Jones were not playing so changes had to be made to the established scoring teams. However, Quartz put on a spirited performance and the teams of Carol Davey, Bill Barrie and Stan Staines, together with Jenny Rich, Sue Kent and John Pittaway both got off to fl ying starts and maintained their form to win 19 – 15 and 26 – 12 respectively. Alison Brown, Gary Kent and Terry Wheeler recovered from a slow start to also win their game 17 – 15. The new trio of Linda Armstrong, Jonathan Barr and Ken Davey were less fortunate despite giving it their best. With the eventual score of 80 shots to Quartz and 54 shots to Finca Guila Quartz took the 2 points for the score difference, resulting in an overall Quartz victory of 8 points to 2. The Javea Green Club Captain, Alan Phillips, together with the Committee and all the Club members wish everyone a very happy new year.

Valldigna Golf Society Foressos 14 December 2010

The Captain’s Cup took place at Javea Green on 29th and 30th December. This proved to be a bit of an organisational nightmare for Ken Davies, Match Secretary, as a number of the players were stuck in the UK due to the snow. Fortunately, this was somewhat miti-gated by an equal number whose fl ights had been similarly affected going into the UK and therefore available to play! However, all was well in the end and the bowl-ers had two enjoyable and fun-fi lled days – and the Spanish weather did not disappoint. A very good reason to have chosen Spain!The essence of the competition is that teams of 3 players, picked at random have to play 3 games against similarly picked players and each player has to play one game as 1st wood, one as 2nd wood and one as Skip. What a lev-eller that proved to be!Fun - fi lled, yes! Competitive, most defi nitely yes! The worthy winners of the prestigious Cap-tain’s Cup, who had built up an unassailable lead in the competition, were Brian Rich, Jim Menzies and Dick Murdoch.

The runners up were Sheri Fletcher, Mick Brownlow and Linda Armstrong

For greater detail of the above reports & for more information about our Club, see the excellent Javea Green website at www: [email protected].


Now Open

FOX FUR jacket, medium size, as new. 100 euros. 962281798 XativaWOOD STOVE for sale,

great condition with lower ashtray, heatproof glass and top oven. Size H65 W62 D49 (cm). 185 euros. 2 replica medieval style pinedoors with window panel in the middle and security grill. Size: H203 W174 (m). 300 euros. French doors good condi-tion with 8 glass panel each (8x2), and etched motives. 130 euros. Chiva tel. 647267415j.M.L. steamer 40euros.

2 Wrought Iron chairs with soft seats + table 90 €. Tel. 96284 3919MOTORBIKE BMW

R80RT in perfect condi-tion. 1986, 50000 km, ITV till 01-2012. € 4200. Liria area. E-mail [email protected] for photos and more information.GENUINE SILVER fox

fur coat, fall length, size 12/14 vgc. 400 euros onotel.962912312.SQUIER FENDER Stra-

tocaster electric guitar and Hartke G30R 30 watt amplifier. 150 euros. Tel 962135869 or 664422810. Ontinyent.WOOD BURNING

STOVES Both in need of repair. Bigger (H 70 W70 D52cm) one is designed to be built in to wall, small one (H65 W60 D47cm) is free standing. On both glass is broken and needs some at-tention, but a good bargain at. 60€ (big) & 40€ (small) Andrew 961105196BRASS FIRE Surround

(fender): Beautiful brass fender (adjustable) - ideal for a house with large fireplace. 95 € - Andrew 961105196WIRELESS ROUTER

(Linksys)– 20 €: Model No. WAG54GS (speed booster by 35% built in). Virtu-ally new. A good make and a quality made product. I bought it, then moved house and no longer needed it - Andrew 961105196GLASS DINING Table

and 5 chairs: A bit old and worn, but still looks good and certainly very some good life left in it. A bargain at 45€ - Andrew 961105196SMALL HOT Water

Cylinder: Good condition, works well - 12€ - Andrew 961105196COFFEE TABLE - Glass

top metal framed coffee table with shelf underneath - good condition. 15€ Call Sandra 961105196GENUINE STAFFORD-

SHIRE pottery. Small col-lection for sale. Prices from 30 euros. A nice gift for christmas. Call 961589627 in Torrent.UNWANTED ITEMS-

King size mattress- 80, bedside cabinet-20, chest of drawers 40, blanket box-

40, TV table-40, small electric oven-50. Tel 96 289 3203. OLIVATV Panasonic 24” and

stand. 50€. Tel. 962807242 after 2pm.Bedroom suite. Dresser,

B’side cabs, lovely head-board. 150€. tel. 962807242 after 2pm.Computer monitor 17”

Hyundai. Hardly used. 30€. tel. 962807242 after 2pm.2 Computer desks. 20€

and 30€. tel. 962807242 after 2 pm.Panasonic(made in Ger-

many) VCR. Hi-Fi Nicam Super Drive. 35€. tel. 962807242 after 2pm.Assorted cabinets/work-

tops and 8” shelving. Of-fers. Tel. 962807242 after 2pm. REF TJAN.........................................GENERATOR kubota

10kva diesal 3 cylinder good condition 1.200.00 euros Tel 669 0239385000 ltr deposito and

pump with on demand valve used only for drink-ing water 850.00 euros Tel 669 023938GENUINE silver fox fur

coat, full length, size 12/14 v.g.c. 400 euros onoTel 96291231SUPER Ser gas fire for

sale, excellent condition, with gas bottle .45€. Tel 96 640 6794 GENUINE staffordshire

pottery. Small collection for sale. Prices from 30 eu-ros. A nice gift for christ-mas. Call 961589627 in TorrentESTUFA, cast iron, build

into fireplace, €250. Elec-tric hot water boiler, Apari-ci, 100 Litre, €175. Electric fan oven €25.more details call 676041413/962200151GARDEN shredder. Ger-

man made Al-Ko. Metal construction. Hardly used with instruction manual. 60 euros. 96 225 3027

KAWASAKI 360 4x4 quad vgc very stable,lights towbar etc offers. Quan-tity fishing equipment rods,reels, everything needed 125euro. Muro area 608818477UFESA DH3605 Dehu-

midifier water tank capac-ity 3,1L. As new. €75 Vil-amarchante tel: 685878640THREE piece suite,

excellent condition, cream design, 300 euros. Tel.962202226/627691191CATERING CARVERY

UNIT and dish wamer. Ide-al for buffets roast dinner service etc top plate with 9 serving dishes, underneath plate warmer. Bargain at 695 Euors. Tel 634153664BRAZING HEARTH,

floor standing with elec-tric blower and torch. €50. Tel.962807579WATER HEATER JUN-

KERS BUTANO GAS V.G.C. 1 year old with instructions, €200 o.n.o 962853663. OLIVA.2 OIL FILLED radiators

hardly used E75 the pair. 962853663 OLIVASONY TRINITRON TV

50€, Sony surround sound 100€, Fagor fridge-freezer (silver), as new 250€, Com-puter 70€, Braun multi-sys-tem mixer 45€, Washing machine (top-loader) 50€, Tel 6180071741.4 METRE Skydish plus

double lmb and reciever ?100 or near offer buyer collects phone 965515557AS NEW, EXC COND.

Mens Wed’ze black SKI JACKET Size M €35. Wed’ze grey SKI TROUSERS size 14 yrs €35 Or €60 for both. Tel 658497289 L’Eliana area’DELONGHI EC7 domes-

tic expresso and cappucci-no machine. Little used asnew condition 25€ Tel-

ephone 965 978874 or 669 615185 (Pinoso)MERCEDES E230, bur-

gandy colour, year 1997, always been serviced with mercedes in valencia every 6 months, passenger win-dow and driver window require looked at although both have had new motors. I.T.V until Jan 2011, 1500 euros. Phone 647610413DOMENA IRON PRESS

ideal if you have a b&b casa rural or a large family €40.00 call 661260510HP PSC SERIES 1510

very good condition €20,00 call 661260510SELECTION OF ITEMS

for car booting Includes tv,

motorcycle leathers, kite surfing equip, power tools, ornaments and much more.Best offer secures Shaun

620402627 OlivaHOUSEHOLD ITEMS

include 2 single beds, castillion dresser, rustic wardrobe, Blanket box and tv cabinet for sale in Caudete. Please telephone 662572775. ........................................PORTABLE Ecron De-

Humidifier for sale, model 2007-EC with 3.5 litre ca-pacity. 50 euros. Xativa area. Call 678 314 074SELECTION OF ITEMS

for car booting. Includes tv, motorcycle leathers, kite surfing equip, power tools, ornaments and much more. Best offer secures. Shaun 620402627 OlivaKIPOR GENERATER

5kva digitalkde6700ta die-sel .engine fine generater faulty intermitent power problem. ideal for repair or spares. Tel 699382523 XativaFREE STANDING

TABLE SAW Einhell TKS18/250 ,1800wt, 25cm blade,45º blade tilt, 5800 revs 100 € Tel 965767124 (Ondara)CEMENT MIXER nearly

new used once €80 Tel: 685878640MODEL RAILWAY

BUFFS, box of bits, trans-formers, switches etc, of-fers.Childs bike, 4 to 8 yrs, good con, 15€. 962202226, 627691191.GOLF CLUBS MEN’S

full set Misuno 90€ , La-dies full set Lynx 90€ both sets with driver, woods, trolley and carry bags Tel 619433515 Ontinyent.GOPED with optional seat

VGC as new cond great fun toy, all folds up 125€. 2 electric push bikes com-plete with chargers, batter-ies etc good cond, fold up so as can be put in car boot 125€ Muro area phone 608818477MARKET STALL AND

STOCK. Great business opportunity. Easy to as-semble walk in style with cover and clips. Fits into large car. Large selection of UK High St new ladies’ clothing sizes 8 – 32, with and without labels. 4 retail quality clothing rails. Sold as a complete package. 400€ ono Tel 965571837 (Pego)........................................SINGLE BED & MAT-

TRESS - good modern

bed in excellent condition, mattress is nearly new. It comes with a big drawer underneath (delivery pos-sible for extra charge). 80€ - Double Bed & Mattress - (2 for sale) good modern beds in excellent condition, mattresses nearly new. One bed is adjustable at head and feet (delivery possible for extra charge). 120€ and 130€ Coffee Table - Glass top metal framed coffee table with shelf underneath - good condition. 20€ Call Sandra 9611051966 HIGH BACK dining

chairs, ex condition 50€. artificial firegrate wood surround art.50€ glass top coffee table wood and steel legs, 10€ Tel 628763493GOLF CLUBS Men’s full

set Misuno 90€ , Ladies full set Lynx 90€ both sets with driver, woods, trolley and carry bags Tel 619344515 Ontinyent.VARIOUS ITEMS for

sale including tvs, table and chairs, patio set , ward-robes and more. call for de-tails 9655901311.9 Metre Dish plus free

view box for all Eng-lish TV. 2 years old. 400 euros o.n.o. Bellus tel 962263057.6 NEW DOORS 4 panel

internal moulded to paint 1981 x 762 x 35mm 40 euros each Tel. castello de rugat (cv60) 647 272 212WETSUIT (typhoon) 2

piece blue xl plus crews-aver buoyancy jacket like new 80 euros(over 200 new ) tel. 647 272 212COLLECTABLES ty

beanie babies various ani-mals (all tagged) 4 euros each 647 272 212G PLAN, Dinning Room

Table 160cm, Long Ex-tends to 200cm. 105cm Wide. 250€. Display Cabi-net, G Plan, Base,3 Draws 3 Cupboards Top, Shelves, 3 Glass Doors. 250€. Phone 961648404SOFABED sprg matt.

€180. Playstation2 Lots of games 2 controllers €125. Electric scooter adult/teen, needs attention ex. cond.€60. 639781461.SPINNING BIKE: max

rider weight 120kg+, 23kg flywheel, heart rate moni-tor, pedal toe clips, adjust-able seat & handlebars, emergency brake. Mint condition, less than 1 year old and hardly used. Photos available via e-mail. Cost 400€ new, will accept 200€. Tel Malc on 962979175.

GENERATOR, Diesel, Silenced. Yanmar. 6.2 kw 1,500 euros. Invertor and batteries 25000 watt, 160 amp hrs. 500 euros. no of-fers. Tel 649974863TWIN LNB for a 2.4m

dish. New and unused in box with instructions. I bought recently for 85€ (Crystalclear satel-lite) Selling for 50€ Tel 965836484. CAST IRON wood burn-

ing stove for sale.....good condition, cylindrical, 1m tall, hardly used. Very efficient. No longer re-quired. 150 euros ono. Tel. 647543635LARGE WOODEN patio

table + 8 wooden match-ing chairs €300, cost over €1000 new tel. 6906565152 SINGLE BEDs both incl

mattresses high headboards lovely design from Next €100 each, can be pushed together to make double tel. 690656515........................................ROTAVATOR two stroke

engine good condition two sets blades also wheels 225€ Tel 965 529 715 OnilBEDROOM FURNI-

TURE, 2 bedside cabinets, 3 drawer chest, 7 drawer tallboy. Green stained solid wood, good quality. 100€. Xativa area. [email protected] for photos. Tel 962293133 PINE FURNITURE

PACKAGe: dining ta-ble,4 chairs,coffee ta-ble,3 seater settee,2 chairs blue,gold,brown,,good condition,425€, Tel 965496209,Aspe/La Ro-manaDINING TABLE 4 Chairs

90€, Kitchen table 4 chairs 75€, Blue bed settee 75€. Folding bed 40€. 2 pine bedside draws 25€ each. Tel 637909080 Cocen-taina


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22 22 January 2011 January 2011


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cise Bike Wanted A good quality upright bike wanted - will collect. Please call Jos with make and details on 964 765967 or email [email protected]. Calig GENERATOR 6.5 KVA

DIESIL, Yanmar, Elec/man start. As new condition and less than 50 hours from new. Paid 2000 sell 1000 euros no offers. Tel Andy 600890453TWO SHIMANO beach-

caster fishing rods, unused, please ring for full details. 100 euros each.Tel Andy 600890453ASUS 19” LCD PC Moni-

tor. Integrated webcam and stereo speakers. Nearly new. 75 Euro. 964459110 VinarosFREE TO A LOVING

HOME 3 year old boxer bitch, loves children, for info tel 628779422 (mora la nova)APRILIA BIKE 50 cc

350 €. Racing RX bike 50 cc 100 €. For sale in L Ametlla de mar. Tel 660697135PANASONICA Sky di-

gibox with remote control. Gets 20+ free channels. 35€. L’Ampolla. Tel 977059969 or 669545181INVALID ELECTRIC

scooter for sale. Battery op-erated. In good all-round working condition. No

longer required. 500€.Tel 977477367LASER 4.2M sailing boat.

Needs tiller and the odd bits. Boat is fine. “No Trail-er.” Bargain at 375€. Tel 965977015SCOOTER - FOR SALE.TBQ-19 Retro 125cc

Scooter - 2007 4600km , Sale due to return to UK. Needs ITV, bargain price 425 euros. Alcossebre, Castellon . 634341364, [email protected]. SCOOTER - FOR SALESYM FIDDLE Retro 50 cc

Scooter. 2005 7500km, Sale due to return to UK. Needs ITV, bargain price 325 eu-ros. Alcossebre, Castellon . 634341364, [email protected]. FRIDGE under-worktop

size 85 x 55 cms, class A, 3 yrs old, LG. 50€, tel 669545181 or 977059969L’AmpollaSUPER SER gas fire for

sale, excellent condition, with gas bottle .45€. Tel 96 640 6794FREE to a loving home

3 year old boxer bitch, loves children, for info tel 628779422 (mora la nova)Mitsubishi Pajero 2.5 td

1993 rhd on spanish plates, current itv, rear seats fold away, spare wheel like new, tow bar, a/c, sun roof .clean non smokers car, 1350€ re-liable good runner. Tel 638 263 011 Tarragona L’ Am-polla





BELLA VISTA, 3 bed villa with pool. Needs TLC. but great bargain. 176,000 euros. Tel 962856034 /962853510 ref tscah.............................................BUGARRA, new build, 3 dou-

ble beds, 1 bath,kitchen,lounge. 110m2living sp, 2500m2 plot. Beautiful views, ready to move in. Mains water, genny elec-tricity. 99,000eur(Ref 3968 ).............................................NR CASINOS Casinos: Idyl-

lic country- house, 3 years old, marvellous panoramic moun-tain and sea views, new pool, living space abt 135 sqm, 3 bedrooms, lounge with open fire & dining area, large living room, attico-style, fitted kitch-en, 3 sun terraces, garden, plot 1700 sqm without any visible limitations to the surrounding nature; new solar-generator, connection for solar panels, 2 big water deposits . Price 110.000 Euros. Tel: 960615246 Ref Aug.............................................COTTAGE for sale in the

lovely area of Casinos. 2/3bed, 1 bath, kitchen, lounge. 95m2 living space, Mains water & electric. 85,000eur.(Ref 3718) Tel 962728066.............................................CATALUNYA. Semi -De-

tached Bungalow. Two Bed-rooms, Swimming Pool, At-tractive Garden. 400 sqm Plot.160,000 euros/ Tel owner

Alan Richardson (0034) 977270968 or 627008302 Ref Mar11............................................. OLD DOMENO,great loca-

tion, casita of 1 bed, 1 bath, kitchen with fantastic views. Mains water, electric can be connected. 40m2 built, 500m2 plot. 29,000eur (Ref 3948) Tel 962728066.............................................BUSINESS for sale. First

class supermarket and internet cafe. Ideal for a couple to run. For sale due to owners retire-ment. To include all stock. 60,000 euros. Tel 962856034 /962853510 ref tscahGROUND floor 3 bed. apart-

ment with private courtyard. Furnished. 79,000 euros Tel 962856034 /962853510 ref tscah............................................. OLIVA4th floor apartment,

no lift, large with 4 beds. 69,000 euros. Tel 962856034 /962853510 ..........ref tscah............................................. MONTE PEGO, Spectacular

views, reformed apartment, 95,000 euros. Tel 962856034 /962853510 ref tscah.............................................OLIVA BEECH, 2 bed.

ground floor apartment with parking. 91,000 euors Tel

962856034 /962853510 ref tscah ..............................................LA FONT, 3 bed apt.,

good condition with private 30m2 terrace. 79,000 €. Tel 962856034 /962853510 .........ref tscah..............................................OLIVA, massive reduction,

beautifully reformed 3 bed t/house in very good area, lovely terrace 110,000 € Tel 962856034 /962853510.ref tscah...............................................NEAR OLIVA town hall,

150m2 4bed t/house, 2 terrac-es, sat system, good condition. 116,000 €. Tel 962856034 /962853510 .............ref tscah.............................................ONTINYENT TOWN

HOUSE, 280 m square partly reformed, mortgage availble to transfer 130,000 euros. Tel 618329511..............................................ONTINYENT . Casa Sirrah,

10,000m2 plot. Landscaped gardens, filtered pool. On two levels, 6 bedroom 2 Bathroom, 2 kitchens 2x lounge val-ued at 475,000 –asking Price 320,000€ must be seen Tel 618329511..............................................RAFOL DE SALEM, stun-

ning 3bed t/house, terrace leading from master bed, with fabulous views of mountains. Tel 962856034 /962853510 ref tscah...............................................FANTASTIC BARGAIN,

Oliva Nova Golf, I bed luxury apt. on this exclu-sive development,good rental income, 136,000€ Tel 962856034 /962853510 ....ref tscah...............................................PEDRABLA house to be fin-

ished, mains water and mains electric, 1km into the town, lovely views, good access. 2/3 beds, bath, lounge, opened kitchen. All materials included in the price. Very good value. 80,000eur(Ref 4046) Tel 962728066...............................................


5 Euros a monthXATIVA – Stone Built

Farmhouse 3 Beds 2 baths Completely reformed. CH . AC . All mains . ADSL. Bar . Pool.Hot Spa. Feature gardens 289.000€ - 634153664............................................... VILLA to be finished in Vil-

lar del Arzobsipo, two floors, 7 beds, 2 baths. 3000m2plot, 260m2built. Deposit water, electric has to be solar &/or

genny. 79,000eur.(Ref 3747) Tel 962728066.............................................BEAUTIFUL 5 bedroomed

villa in Villar del Arzobispo, recently reformed, spacious lounge, kitchen with diner, one bath, 5 double beds. Terraces, pool. Mains utilities. Great value. 135m2 living space, 1100m2 plot. 129,000eur.(Ref 4048) Tel 962728066.............................................. PROPERTY with poten-

tial in Villar del Arzobsipo, mains water and electric can be connected. Two building on one plot & pool. 3000m2 plot, 150m2+50m2 built. 40,000eur.(Ref 3662) Tel 962728066.............................................VILLARdel Arzobispo,

4 double bed, big lounge, kitchen, 1 bath, mains water, solar+genny electric. Ready to move in. 800m2 plot, 100m2 living sp. 99,950eur (Ref 3892) Tel 962728066.............................................VILLAR del Arzobispo, 3

double beds, poss to extend it, 1 bath, kitchen, lounge. Mains water, mains electric. Outbuildings. Very good ac-cess, 5 min into the village. 110m2 living sp, 4000m2 plot. 120,000eur(Ref 4018) Tel 962728066..............................................OWN HOUSE VALL DE

GALLINERA 35 mins from Oliva Beach The centrally heated accomodation com-prises of a large groundfloor room which has potential for more rooms and/or storeplace. 2 double bedrooms one with annexe sitting room. Fully fitted Kitchen, Living Room, Breakfast Balcony and Ter-race. Price 99.000 euros or Property Exchange considered in the chesterfield or Alfreton area (Derbyshire)For more details and photos go to to view Or contact the owner direct Tel Mrs Scutt on 96 6406505 ...................REF.spsBUILDINGPLOT for sale

in a residential area in Camp Lliria. The last one available. Mains water connected, pos-sible to connect mains elec-tric. Ideal for wooden chalets. 4,600m2. 20,000eur(Ref 3505) Tel 962728066..............................................

BUSINESS XATIVA Ware-house for rent 300m2, 300 eu-ros a month Tel 634153664............................................MURO D ALCOY 3 bed villa with seperate ac-

comadation, Court yard swim-ming pool etc. 450 euros per month. Tel 651420067

............................................ONTINYENT Long term

rental villa. 4 bedrooms. Swimming pool available Long term only from Septem-ber 650 euros per month Tel 618329511..............................................Lovely Det Villa for rental in

Genoves Xativa. 3 Bed 3 Bath . Centrally Heated. Internet and fully modernised through-out. U.K Satelite TV Fully furnished. Pool. Childrens pay area and close to all amenities. 700€ per month plus bills Tel : 634153664TOWN HOUSE ONTINYENT 450 Euros Per

month. 230m2. Terrace. Shop Frontage on ground floor on main highstreet. Ideal for shop office with accomodation above if required. Tel 618329511

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Resale opportunity of a 3 bed-room home with 2 bathrooms and private terrace. Floor area of 95 m². Ground fl oor property with private underground car park and storage room included in the price. Communal swim-ming pools and lifts.

Tel Vincens 696 476 429

ONTINYENT . Casa Sirrah, 10,000m2 plot. Landscaped gardens, private for-est area, large Driveway parking for 5+ cars, almond orchard, 10 x 5 filtered pool. On two levels, down stairs, 2 bed-room Bathroom, American style kitchen dinner lounge. Upper level 4 bedrooms, Kitchen breakfast room. Large lounge and terrace. Bathroom. swimming pool 10 x 5 filtered with Roman steps. Val-ued at 475,000 –asking Price 289,000€ Tel 618329511Email [email protected]





Property for rent or for sale.

Advertise in print and online 5 Euros p/m

XATIVA, VALENCIA285,000. Large property taste-

fully reformed to high standard, Lots of extras. Must be seen 3 Bedrooms, Reception , Lounge, American style kitchen with Island, Pool Bar. Office, Ga-rages Store. 2 pools. Susan Tel 634153664


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