influence of colored plastic mulches and harvest date on tubers yield, and quality, of potato

INFLUENCE OF COLORED PLASTIC MULCHES AND HARVEST DATE ON TUBERS YIELD, AND QUALITY, OF POTATO. El-Zohiri, S.S.M. and M.M. Samy Potato and Vegetatively Propagated Vegetables Dep., Hort. Res., Inst., A.R.C. Key Words: Potatoes- cv. Diamant colored mulches- harvest date - Yield and its components-Grading- Chemical constituents. Starch-NPK-Carbohydrates. ABSTRACT Two field experiments were conducted at Kaha Vegetables Research Farm, Horticulture Research Institute, Agriculture Research Centre during 2011/2012and 2012/2013 winter seasons to investigate the effect of colored plastic mulches(black-red-blue) and harvest dates(100, 110 and 120 DAP) on yield, yield components and tuber quality as well as chemical constituents of potato cv. Diamant. The obtained results showed that there were differences among the tested colored plastic mulches in yield and its components as well as chemical constituents. Obtained data indicated that, the tubers yield and its components significantly affected. Although, the lowest values were obtained as a result of using bare soil treatment. The one harvest date (100 DAP) gave the lowest values in the yield and its components as well as chemical constituents of potato tubers. Moreover, the differences between the two and three harvest dates not reach to significance level in the most of yield and its components. However, the highest value was recorded to the third harvest time. INTRODUCTION The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a cool-season crop that grows well in certain areas the rate of development of sprouts from seed pieces depends on soil temperature. The optimum soil temperature for initiating tubers is 16-19°C. Tuber development declines as soil temperatures rise above 20°C and tuber growth practically stops at soil temperatures above 30°C. The winter potato crop is planted in the months of October and November when the temperature is low. This low temperature delays emergence of potato seed tubers while during crop development the temperature will be lower which affect crop production period adversely. To get better yield it necessary to provide sufficient period to this crop. This can be achieved by getting rapid germination. Studies on potatoes were undertaken to get quicker germination, increase plant growth and more yield by using different colored mulches. Khalak Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013 845-859

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OF POTATO. El-Zohiri, S.S.M. and M.M. Samy

Potato and Vegetatively Propagated Vegetables Dep., Hort. Res., Inst., A.R.C.

Key Words: Potatoes- cv. Diamant – colored mulches- harvest date -

Yield and its components-Grading- Chemical constituents.



Two field experiments were conducted at Kaha Vegetables Research Farm, Horticulture Research Institute, Agriculture Research Centre during 2011/2012and 2012/2013 winter seasons to investigate the effect of colored plastic mulches(black-red-blue) and harvest dates(100, 110 and 120 DAP) on yield, yield components and tuber quality as well as chemical constituents of potato cv. Diamant. The obtained results showed that there were differences among the tested colored plastic mulches in yield and its components as well as chemical constituents. Obtained data indicated that, the tubers yield and its components significantly affected. Although, the lowest values were obtained as a result of using bare soil treatment. The one harvest date (100 DAP) gave the lowest values in the yield and its components as well as chemical constituents of potato tubers. Moreover, the differences between the two and three harvest dates not reach to significance level in the most of yield and its components. However, the highest value was recorded to the third harvest time.


The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a cool-season crop that grows well in certain areas the rate of development of sprouts from seed pieces depends on soil temperature. The optimum soil temperature for initiating tubers is 16-19°C. Tuber development declines as soil temperatures rise above 20°C and tuber growth practically stops at soil temperatures above 30°C. The winter potato crop is planted in the months of October and November when the temperature is low. This low temperature delays emergence of potato seed tubers while during crop development the temperature will be lower which affect crop production period adversely. To get better yield it necessary to provide sufficient period to this crop. This can be achieved by getting rapid germination. Studies on potatoes were undertaken to get quicker germination, increase plant growth and more yield by using different colored mulches. Khalak

Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013 845-859

and Kumaraswamy (1992) conducted that, mulching with polythene gave average tuber yields of 18.2 and 16.7 t/ha respectively, compared with 14.3 t /ha without mulching. Jalil et al (2007) study the effect of black polythene mulch on potato he found that, potato took minimum time to reach 80 % emergence. Coling (1997) reported that plastic film mulches increased plant height, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and tuber yield of potato. The percentage of large and medium size tubers were also more. Masud et al., (2002) reported that mulching has very positive effect on emergence of potato seed tubers. Ahmed et al., (2009) found that mulching with black polyethylene significantly increased the yield/ plant and total yield as compared with the control. Sadik (2009) reported that mulching potato plants with black polyethylene increased significantly the percentage of dry matter, starch and protein in potato tubers for both seasons and the percentage to reach (14.31, 8.76, 0.94%) respectively for fall season, as compared with the control to reach (13.85, 8.35, 0.77%). Ferdoushi et al (2010) Potato tubers seed took the shortest time (13.92 days) to emergence, significant effect on most of the characters. The highest yield of tuber (25.53 t/ha) was obtained from the plants grown over black polythene mulch and the lowest (13.68 t/h) from the plants given no mulch treatments. Black polythene mulch gave about double yield over no mulch treatment. This may be attributed to the availability of optimum growing condition provided through conservation of adequate soil moisture, efficient use of nutrients due to mulching treatment. As a result, yield plot as well as hectare were increased. On the contrary, less vegetative growth as well as low yield was obtained from non-mulched treatment. Amer and Al-Juboori (2011) working also on potato. The results revealed that latona cultivar of potato surpassed in most studied of the characteristics of vegetative growth and characteristics of yield, The highest value by characteristics of plant height and leaf area per plant, the length of tuber, diameter, weight and number of tubers per plant and the marketable yield was recorded under red plastic comparative with non-mulching, while the black plastic was recorded highest number of leaves and stems aerial per plant comparative with non-mulching and yellow plastic.

Other studies on some vegetable crops. Brown et al. (1998) observed that row covers with plastic mulch increased yield in sweet potato. Aniekwe et al., (2004) concluded that leaf area and fresh root tuber yield of cassava varieties was significantly improved by the application of black plastic mulch with 100% weed control as compared to bare soil. Increased yield in sweet potato. Red and blue have the greatest impact on plant growth. Certain color plastic mulches to have been recommended for specific crops and for certain periods during the growing season. Phytochrome receptors have the ability to detect

846 Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013

wavelengths from 300-800nm. Red (R) light is absorbed from 660 to 680nm and far-red (FR) light is absorbed from 730 to 740nm (Kasperbauer, 1999). In their research, Orzolek et al. (2003) revealed that blue plastic mulch reflected (510 to 720nm) range, and red plastic mulch reflected (380 to570nm) range. The study went on to explain that the high FR: R ratio caused by the red plastic mulch generated a phytochrome induced response that controls photosynthate allocation to maturing plant parts such as maturing fruit. These researchers believed the higher yields were due to the red plastic mulch’s superior ability to produce a greater FR: R ratio. It is believed that red plastic mulch generates a positive phytochrome response within specific vegetable crops.

The main objective of the present study was to determine effect and interaction between, colored mulch and harvest time on yield and growth characteristics in potato. Al-Juboori (2013) on garlic reported that, mulching has shown plants grown under Red Polyethylene superiority in all characteristics of vegetative growth and yield compared with cultivated without mulch.


Site description and soil type: The experiment was conducted for two successive winter seasons

of 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 at the Experimental Research Farm of Kaha Kalubia Governorate, Egypt, to investigate the effect of colored plastic mulches and harvest time on earliness, yield and quality of potato crop. The site is located at an altitude of 21.1 m above sea level, latitude 30°16' N and longitude 31°12' E. Chemical and physical properties of the experimental field are shown in Table 1. The soil is clay loam in texture. Table1: The physical and chemical properties of the experimental soil.

Properties Fall seasons of

2011/2012 2012/2013

1- Physical

Clay (%)

Silt (%)

Sand (%)


60.70 21.10


Clay loam

60.40 22.00


Clay loam

2- Chemical (available)

N (ppm)

P (ppm)

K (ppm)




216.2 7.70



215.6 7.60

Experimental design: The experiment was organized in a Randomized Complete Block

Design (factorial) in three replications in the field of the experimental unit. Each experimental plot included five ridges 4.2 m length and 75 cm

Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013 847

width with an area about 15.75 m3, where 4 ridges were planted and the fifth one was left without planting as a guard ridge between plots. All data collected were subjected to analysis of variance(ANOVA) to test treatment effects for significance using Statistix 10 software package. The means were compared using F-LSD. The study contained two factors: 1) Colored polyethylene mulches (Red, Blue and Black with 100 μm

gauge thickness as well as bare soil treatment.

2) Harvesting stages were(100, 110 and 120day after planting).

Planting technique: Uniform size seed tubers of potato. cv. Diamant were planted on

the top of the ridges in the hills, which wereprepared for this purposein the soil at 25 cm deep and at a distance 25 cm apart. The surface drip irrigation system was applied and the space between the dripper and other one was 25 cm and between the hills were 10 cm. In addition, 35 m3 farm yard manure plus 90 kg P2O5 / fed. phosphorus fertilizer were mixed together and added during soil preparation. Potato plants were supplied with ammonium sulphate (20.6 % N) as a source of nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 150 kg N/fed. The total amount of N-fertilizer was divided into two equal portions added at 40 and 60 days after planting. While potassium fertilizer was added as potassium sulphate (48 - 52 % K2O) at a rate of 96 kg K2O /fed. at two times, i.e., half of the total potassium amount was applied before planting (during soil preparation), whereas the rest of potassium was added at complete plant emergence (45 days from planting).Soil temperature were taken at 10 cm depth using a digital soil temperature tester between 2:00 and 4:00 pm twice weekly throughout the duration of the experiment as shown in Table (2) during the growing season the follow date were recorded.

Table 2. Measured soil temperatures for all treatments during the

growing season in years 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 Treatments Soil Temperatures (oC ) for 2011/2012 and 2012/2013

Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Main


Control 17.08 15.69 15.22 17.89 22.21 17.61

Red 24.92 23.83 21.42 27.25 29.44 25.37

Blue 23.61 22.40 20.6 25.95 28.75 24.26

Black 25.58 24.29 22.37 28.91 31.53 26.53


Control 18.31 19.07 16.97 17.47 22.87 18.94

Red 25.64 23.45 24.33 25.84 28.92 25.64

Blue 24.25 22.18 24.12 24.25 26.75 24.31

Black 26.55 24.22 23.88 27.95 29.75 26.47

848 Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013

1- Yield and its components: At harvesting time (100,110 and 120 days after planting) all tubers of

each experimental plot were harvested after removal of plant foliage

above ground surface, then tubers were cleaned from the soil and the

following data were recorded:

2-1. Average number of tubers per plant.

2-2.Weight of tubers /plant.

2-3. Percentage of tuber dry matter, a reprehensive sample of 100 g from

fresh weight of tubers were taken and dried in an electric oven to constant

weight at 70 oC and the dry matter percentage was calculated.

2-4.Total tuber yield per plot was weighted and converted into


2- Chemical constituents of tubers:

In the digested dry matter of tubers, nitrogen was determined according to

the methods described by Pregl (1945) using micro-kjeldahl apparatus.

Meanwhile, phosphorus was estimated calorimetrically according to the

method described by Murphy and Riley (1962) modified by John (1970).

Furthermore, potassium was determined flam-photometrically as described

by Brown and Lilleland (1946).

Starch and carbohydrates percentage. It was assayed in tubers

calorimetrically using the methods described by Dubois et al (1956).


1- Yield components. 1-1. Effect of colored plastic mulches.

Data in Table 3 show clearly that number of tubers per plant and average tuber weight were significantly increased under colored plastic mulches i.e., red, black and blue compared with the control treatment during growing seasons of study. In addition, the highest number of tubers per plant (8.89 and 8.00) and average tuber weight (113.50 and 108.17 g) were recorded in case of using red plastic cover during first and second season, respectively. However, there were no significant differences among the blue and black plastic mulch. On the other hand, bare soil gave the lowest value of tubers number per plant. These results are true in the two seasons. The reduction in tubers number per plant and average tuber weight under bare soil may be attributed to the reduction in vegetative growth as a result to the frost damage during the nighttime that burned the new shoots. The same results was recorded by Amer and Al-juboori (2011)on potato and Al-juboori(2013)on garlic they reported that the red mulch gave the highest values of yield and its components compared with the control treatment.

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1-2. Effect of harvest time. The same data presented in Table 3 show that number of tubers per

plant and average tuber weight were significantly in flounced when the potato crop harvested at 100, 110 and 120 days after planting. In this concern, number of tubers per plant was increase with delaying the harvest time up to 120 days after planting. On the other hand, the first harvested date at 100 days after planting produced the lowest tuber weight (97.16 and 88.81 g) during 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 seasons, respectively. Whereas, the maximum tuber weight (102.98 and 109.92g) was obtained from the harvested potato crop at 110 days after planting during the first season and at 120 DAP in the second season, severally. Table 3. Effect of colored plastic mulches and harvest date on yield

components of potato tubers.



weight (g)

Number of

tubers /plant


tuber weight


Number of

tubers /plant Harvest




2012/2013 2011/2012

85.71 5.67 91.37 5.77 Control

108.17 8.00 113.50 8.89 Red

95.00 7.00 103.86 6.78 Blue

106.80 7.11 106.56 7.00 Black

3.84 0.98 5.04 1.25 L.S.D. at 5%

88.81 6.17 97.16 6.08 100

98.04 7.08 102.98 7.08 110

109.92 7.58 97.16 8.17 120

3.33 0.85 4.37 1.09 L.S.D. at 5%

1-3. Effect of the interaction.

Results in Table 4 reveal that the interaction between colored plastic

mulches and the harvest time had a significant effect on number of tubers

per plant and average tuber weight during both seasons of this study. The

uppermost values of number of tubers per plant and average tuber weight in

both seasons were recorded as a result of using red plastic cover mulch

followed by the black mulch with the harvest date at 120 days after planting,

while the lowest values in such yield traits were recorded in case of bare soil

and harvest date of 100 days after planting during both season of this study.

This results may be due to the long period after the last irrigation without

plastic cover up to the harvest date. at 120 DAP.

850 Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013

Table 4. Effect of the interaction between colored plastic mulches and

harvest date on total yield per plant and yield ton fed.

Average tuber

weight (g)

Number of

tubers /plant

Average tuber

weight (g)


of tubers







2012/2013 2011/2012

77.83 4.33 86.58 4.33 100

Control 85.51 5.67 90.92 6.00 110

93.78 7.00 96.60 7.00 120

97.67 7.00 104.67 7.33 100

Red 101.30 8.00 109.00 8.00 110

125.55 9.00 126.84 11.33 120

84.67 6.67 98.260 6.33 100

Blue 94.00 7.00 104.33 7.00 110

106.33 7.33 109.00 7.00 120

95.07 6.66 99.14 6.33 100

Black 111.33 7.67 107.67 7.33 110

114.00 7.67 112.88 7.33 120

6.66 1.70 8.74 2.17 L.S.D. at 5%

1- Total yield.

1-1. Effect of colored plastic mulches. Data in Table 5 show that the variation among the mulching operation

in respect of yield per plant was highly significant. The highest yield of tubers per plant (1008 g and 806 g) was obtained from red polyethylene mulch during both seasons, respectively. The lowest yield of tubers per plant (451 g and 452 g) was obtained from bare soil. In addition, it was evident that the red polyethylene treatment was statistically highly significant. The maximum yield (20.133 and 19.943 ton/fed) in both seasons respectively, was produced by using red polyethylene mulch and the lowest yield (7.809 and 7.918 ton /fed.) was found in bare soil treatment. This may be attributed to be availability of optimum growing conditions provided through conservation of adequate soil moisture efficient use of nutrients due to mulching treatment. As a result, yield per plant as well as per feddan were increased. Amer and Al-juboori (2011) working on potato he suggested that the red plastic mulch gave the highest values of average tuber weight, number of tubers per plant and total yield ton per hectare compared with black or yellow plastic mulches as well as bare soil treatment. The same trend was recorded by Al-juboori (2013) on garlic

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crop. Contrary results were obtained from black polyethylene mulch compared with blue or yellow (Khalak and Kumaraswamy (1992), Coling (1997) and Ferdoushi et al(2010).

1-2. Effect of harvest time. Data presented in Table 5 showed that the third harvest time was

significantly increased total tuber yield for both plant and feddan

compared with the first harvest dates. This increment was 39.38 % and

39.97 % in case of yield per plant and 69.51 % and 71.29 % in case of

total yield ton per feddan during both seasons, respectively. On the other

hand, there were no significant response among the second and the first

harvest dates in yield per plant during both seasons whereas, the second

harvest date had a significant effect in case of total yield ton per fed.

compared with the first one. Such increments in total produced yield

either for plant or for feddan were connected with the increase in average

tuber weight Table (4) and tuber number, which in turn affect produced


Table 5. Effect of colored plastic mulches and harvest date on total

yield per plant and per fed. Total yield


Yield per

plant (g)

Total yield


Yield per

plant (g) Harvest



mulch 2012/2013 2011/2012

7.918 452 7.809 451 control

19.943 806 20.133 1008 Red

13.902 562 16.257 636 Blue

18.242 633 18.197 744 Black

1.31 118 2.31 128.5 L.S.D. at 5%

12.564 529 13.571 622.33 100

15.136 578 15.743 698.00 110

17.304 732 17.482 816.75 120

1.13 102 2.00 111 L.S.D. at 5%

1-3. Effect of the interaction.

As for the effect of the interaction between colored plastic mulches

and harvest dates on the yield per plant and per feddan data in Table (6)

show clearly that total produced yield per plant and per feddan

significantly increased with using both the application of colored plastic

mulches and harvested at 110 and 120 day after planting. In this regard,

the highest yield per plant and total yield per feddan were obtained in

case of red plastic mulch and the third harvest time (120 DAP). Obtained

results are true during both seasons of this study.

852 Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013

Table 6. Effect of the interaction between colored plastic mulches and

harvest date on total yield per plant and per fed. Total yield


Yield per plant


Total yield


Yield per plant

(g) Harvest



mulch 2012/2013 2011/2012

5.757 419 6.313 407 100

Control 7.863 430 7.120 441 110

10.133 507 9.990 503 120

16.773 646 17.333 790 100

Red 20.357 709 20.983 945 110

22.700 1064 22.083 1290 120

11.903 498 14.693 580 100

Blue 13.473 529 16.933 643 110

16.330 658 17.143 685 120

15.823 555 15.943 711 100

Black 18.850 645 17.937 762 110

20.053 698 20.710 788 120

2.268 205 4.00 222 L.S.D. at 5%

2- Grades of tubers. 2-1. Effect of colored plastic mulches. Data presented in Table (7) show that all colored plastic mulches

significantly had higher large tubers (> 55mm) yield compared to bare soil. In this concern, large tubers yield increased by 65% under red plastic mulches followed by black (52%) and blue(40%) in the first season and by (51%) under red plastic mulches followed by black (44%) and blue(21.42 %) in the second season compared with the control treatment. The highest percentage of large tubers as number and weight was found in red polyethylene mulch.

Regarding the effect of colored plastic mulches on medium and small tubers size (35-55mm and<35mm) respectively, the highest percentage of medium and small tubers was recorded in case of the control treatment ( bare soil). The bare ground gave the highest values (52.33 %) followed by blue mulch (34.49%) whereas, the lowest values of both medium and small size tubers were recorded in case of using red mulch. Amer and Al-Jaborri (2011) on potato revealed that red plastic mulch gave the highest results on the length of tuber, diameter, weight and number of tubers per plant and the marketable yield. 2-2. Effect of harvest time.

As for the effect of harvest time on tubers size grades data in Table 9 show that the large tubers percentage was increase with increasing the number of days from planting up to harvest time. The late harvest time (120) day after planting significantly increased compared with other harvest times (100 and 110 days after planting).

As demonstrated in Table (7) the medium (35-55mm)and small tubers (<35mm)were gradually decreased with increasing the days at

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harvest time from 100 up to 120 DAP. The one harvest time (100 DAP) produced the highest percentage of medium and small size tubers yield while, the lowest percentage was recorded in case of harvesting yield at 120 DAP. Table 7. Effect of colored plastic mulches and harvest date on size

grades of tubers. Tuber size (%) Tuber size (%)




mulch (<35mm) (35-55mm) (>55mm) (<35mm) (35-55mm) (>55mm)

2012/2013 2011/2012

11.68 48.98 39.34 11.19 52.33 74.63 Control

5.78 35.75 59.47 4.76 34.49 81.95 Red

9.88 42.34 47.77 3.57 40.86 89.76 Blue

6.77 36.24 56.77 3.19 36.34 88.38 Black

1.92 5.53 5.68 n.s 8.37 10.45 L.S.D. at 5%

9.95 55.61 35.19 3..8 53.33 71.69 100

8.19 34.21 55.01 1.61 38.02 8..61 110

7.45 32.67 62.30 5.91 31.66 47.98 120

1.67 4.79 4.92 n.s 7.24 9.05 L.S.D. at 5%

2-3. Effect of the interaction.

Data in Table (8) reveal that, the maximum values of thelarge

tubers (>55mm)was obtained as a result of the combination between the

red mulch and the late harvest date (120 DAP) flowed by the black mulch

shared with the same harvest date whereas, the lowest values was

recoded in case of bare soil combined with the early harvest date (100


Table 8. Effect of colored plastic mulches and harvest date on size

grades of tubers. Tuber size (%) Tuber size (%) Harves

t date


mulch (<35mm) (35- 55mm) (>55mm) (<35mm) (35-55mm) (>55mm)

2012/2013 2011/2012

97.51 63.16 22.96 9...7 63.57 .6..7 100

Control 97.38 43.18 43.06 96.77 49.76 78.19 110

3.67 40.61 52.00 3.7. 43.67 61.79 120

7.16 56.81 42.25 7.91 50.75 64.74 100

Red 3.97 29.03 63.84 99.78 25.24 47.39 110

4..3 21.41 72.32 6.35 27.46 43.34 120

9..49 50.53 36.86 6.77 52.85 67.98 100

Blue 3.65 34.45 58.06 8.77 41.99 8..41 110

1.84 42.05 48.39 96.71 27.74 85.93 120

1.74 51.93 38.71 1.49 46.16 66..7 100

Black 6.71 30.18 64.76 3..4 35.08 83.48 110

4.88 26.62 66.83 4.54 27.77 48.73 120

3333 73.9 73.9 n.s 11.57 38. 10 L.S.D. at 5%

As confirmed in Table (8)the medium (35-55mm)and small tubers

(<35mm)were gradually decreased with increasing the number of days

from planting up to 120 days after planting. In this regard, the bare soil

854 Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013

treatment combined with early or medium, harvest dates produced the

highest consequences medium tubers(35-55mm) followed by blue mulch

whereas, the red mulch recorded the lowest mean medium tubers.

3- Carbohydrates, dry matter and starch:

3-1. Effect of colored mulches. Data in Table (9) investigate that dry matter, total carbohydrates

and starch in tubers were significantly affected with application of

colored plastic mulches treatments compared with the control treatment.

In this connection, the maximum increments of all aforementioned

parameters in tubers were connected with used red plastic mulch. The

same trend was obtained during both seasons of growth. On the other

hand, there were no significant differences in dry matter, starch and

carbohydrates percentage between the different plastic color during both

season of study. However, the bare ground treatment gave the lowest

results in all measurements in both seasons of this study.

3-2. Effect of harvest time.

The same data presented in Table (9) show clearly that the dry

matter, total carbohydrates and starch percentage of potato tubers were

increased with increasing the number of days after planting up to the

harvest time (120 day). In this respect, there was a significant differences

between the early and medium harvest dates in both seasons of study and

between the medium and late harvest time in the two seasons of study.

Table 9. Effect of the colored mulches and harvest date on total

carbohydrates and starch percentage of tubers

Starch (%)









Dry matter

of tubers (%)


(%) To








(%) Dry matter

of tubers






2012/2013 2011/2012

13.65 17.79 19.80 13.33 17.56 .19 44 Control

14.67 18.68 20.95 96.34 18.80 .9.78 Red

14.63 17.94 20.90 96.77 17.72 .7.84 Blue

14.46 18.63 20.71 96.74 18.52 .7.47 Black

0.61 0.25 0.84 63.0 0.19 36 68 L.S.D. at 5%

13.94 17.15 2014 97.79 16.97 91.67 100

14.09 18.36 20.29 96.67 18.28 .7.46 110

15.02 19.28 21.34 96.53 19.21 .9.95 120

0.53 0.23 0.68 6391 0.24 36 58 L.S.D. at 5%

3-3. Effect of the interaction.

With respect to the effect of the interaction between the two studied

factors the data in Table (10) reveal that using red plastic mulch and

harvest potato crop at 120 days after planting reflected the highest dry

Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013 855

matter, total carbohydrates content and starch percentage in potato tubers.

On the other hand, bare soil combined with harvest after (100 DAP)

resulted in the lowest values of total carbohydrates and starch percentage

during both seasons of study. However, the differences between the

colored plastic mulches combined with the different harvest dates were

gradually increased with increasing the number of days after planting up

to the last harvest date (120 DAP).

Table 10. Effect of the interaction between colored mulches and

harvest date on total carbohydrates and starch percentage of


Starch (%) Total


Dry matter of

tubers (%)





Dry matter of

tubers (%) Harvest



mulch 2012/2013 2011/2012

13.39 16.54 19.52 9..91 16.20 95.93 100

Control 13.47 18.11 19.60 97.38 17.89 91.19 110

14.08 18.71 20.28 96.78 18.60 .7..8 120

13.91 17.41 20.10 .5197 17.23 .7.73 100

Red 14.16 18.66 20.38 96.35 18.88 .9.73 110

15.93 20.01 22.36 98.4. 20.28 ...79 120

14.51 16.90 20.79 97.59 16.70 91.11 100

Blue 14.53 18.07 20.77 96.73 17.80 .7.49 110

14.84 18.84 21.14 96.59 18.65 .9.97 120

13.95 17.73 20.14 97.73 17.73 91.61 100

Black 14.20 18.58 20.42 96.41 18.53 .7.13 110

15.24 19.57 21.58 98.7. 19.30 .9.78 120

836. 63.. 8388 8363 0.48 38 17 L.S.D. at 5%

4- Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of tubers

4-1. Effect of the colored mulches. Data illustrated in Table (11) show the effect of colored plastic

mulched on total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of potato

tubers. Such data reveal that, application of colored plastic mulches led to

a significant increase in the content of total nitrogen, phosphorus and

potassium in tubers tissues. In this regard, the highest content of such

assayed macro-elements in potato tubers were obtained by cover the soil

by using red plastic film during both seasons of study. On the other hand,

there were no significant response among the blue and black plastic

mulches in the first season only whereas, the bare soil treatment was

recorded the lowest values in both seasons. These results may be

attributed to the role of plastic mulches in keep the water around the root

zone of plants which increasing the movement of such macro elements in

the soil that leads to the increase in the uptake of such nutrients by plant


856 Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013

4-2. Effect of harvest date.

Data in Table (11) investigate that total nitrogen, phosphorus and

potassium contents of potato tubers were significantly affected with

delaying the harvesting date whereas, the maximum increments of all

aforementioned macro-elements was connected with the thread harvest

date i.e. after 120 days from sowing.

Table 11. Effect of colored plastic mulches and harvest date on N,P and

K of tubers. K

(mg/g) P(mg/g)








(mg/g) Harvest



mulch 2012/2013 2011/2012

16.14 1.65 17.12 98.14 1.62 94.17 Control

19.10 2.07 17.91 95.31 2.02 93.18 Red

18.05 1.70 17.27 93.18 1.70 93.71 Blue

18.92 1.98 17.63 95.78 1.89 93.85 Black

0.21 0.05 0.35 633. 0.05 63.0 L.S.D. at 5%

16.93 1.69 16.82 94..5 1.62 94.5. 100

17.95 1.81 17.47 93.59 1.78 93.64 110

19.29 2.06 18.17 91..9 2.00 95.71 120

0.21 0.11 0.29 638. 0.06 6309 L.S.D. at 5%

4-3.Effect of the interaction. The results given in Table(12) elicit that total nitrogen, phosphorus

and potassium concentration in potato tubers under the interactions

between colored plastic mulches and harvest dates were significantly

affected. Red plastic mulch combined with the third harvest time (120

days after swing) significantly increased all assayed macro-nutrients

compared with other combinations.

Table 12. Effect of the interaction colored plastic mulches and harvest

date on N,P and K of tubers.

K(mg/g) P

(mg/g) N(mg/g) K(mg/g)


(mg/g) N(mg/g) Harvest



mulch 2012/2013 2011/2012

15.73 1.49 16.37 98.67 1.40 94.77 100

Control 15.84 1.68 17.20 98.3. 1.66 93.74 110

16.86 1.78 17.79 94.34 1.79 93.67 120

17.87 1.86 17.35 93..1 1.81 93.73 100

Red 18.88 1.93 17.84 95.47 1.95 93.58 110

20.56 2.43 18.55 .7.61 2.31 95.46 120

16.66 1.63 16.63 94.87 1.58 94.57 100

Blue 17.96 1.71 17.23 93.13 1.69 93.78 110

19.53 1.75 17.97 91.67 1.81 93.15 120

17.47 1.78 16.92 98.17 1.72 94.34 100

Black 19.12 1.91 17.60 95.16 1.84 93.85 110

20.18 2.26 18.36 .7.91 2.10 95.74 120

63.0 6388 6399 6307 0.13 63.0 L.S.D. at 5%

Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013 857


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المحصول والجوده تأثير األغطية البالستيكية الملونة وميعاد الحصاد على

لدرنات البطاطس سمير شديد محمد الزهيري ، محمود محمد سامي

معهد بحوث البساتين –قسم بحوث البطاطس والخضر خضرية التكاثر

لمركز البحووث الزراعيوة التابعة قها قليوبيةب البحثية بالمزرعةربتين حقليتين أجريت تج

797./.79.و .79./799.معهود بحووث البسواتين خووس مواومر الزراعوة العوتو لعووامر -

لدرااه تأثير تغطية التربة بالبواتك الملوو ااساوو ا اسحمور واس(روث وثوثوه مواعيود ح وا

ه وجوو الودر ا ث وتوأثير للوك علور المح ووس ومكو اتويوم بعود الزراعوه 9.7و 997ا 977ا

وكووو لك المحتوووو الكيميووواو للووودر ا ل وووون البطووواطس ايمو وووت ووو ا وقووود أ هووور الوتوووا

المتح ووع عليهووا وجووو تختونووا معوويووه بووين اس طيووه الملو ووة المسووتخدمة علوور المح وووس

ومكو اتوه وكوو لك المحتوو الكيميوواو للودر ا االكربو يوودرا االوعواا الويتووروجين ا ال واوو ور

عود للح وس علر أعلور القويم نور بوتاايومث. حيث أ ااتخدام التغطية بالبواتيك االحمر وال

الدر ا للوبا ا متواط و( الدر ة ا مح ووس الوبوا والمح ووس الكلور لل ودا وكو لك حجوم

ال غير والمتواطه. كموا الدر ا الكبير والمتواطة ني حين ت وو الكوتروس ني حجم الدر ا

ث أقوع القويم نوي المح ووس ومكو اتوه وكو لك يوم بعود الزراعوه 977أعطر ميعا الح ا اسوس ا

المحتو الكيمياو للدر ا . عوو علر للك لم يكن واك أ نرو معوو بين ميعوا الح وا

ا متواوط و( الثا ر والثالوث نوي مع وم ال و ا المح ووليه المدرواوة اعود الودر ا للوبوا

الدر ة ا مح وس الوبا والمح وس الكلر لل دا ث نر حين أ ميعا الح ا الثالث اجع أعلور

القيم نر مع م ال ا المدرواة.

Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 28 (12B) 2013 859