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LIBRARY School of Pha rmacy

P r e s e n t e d by







The Class of '32 reverently and affection­

ately dedicate this volume to our late be­

loved Dean, Dr. John R. Minehart, who

would have celebrated his Silver Anniversary

as Dean of Temple University College of

Pharmacy, with the graduation of our class.

His teachings and influences are things

which we will carry with us during our entire

lives, wherever we may be, and whatever

branch of our profession we may choose to

follow, be it Pharmacy or one of its related



To the members of the Pharmacy Class of I932:

My congratulations, my good wishes for a fine successful life. In this hurried age graduation loses much of its meaning. In the excitement, glamor

and applause the diploma and degree seem a final goal. How far from the truth! How solemn is the fact that one may acquire knowledge, receive a degree, and

remain uneducated. As you realize that graduation is the beginning of living, the key that opens the

door to finer appreciation and richer experience. As you live, as you act, as you seek, in the days that follow—is your final test. Real education makes for the understanding of fellow-man. "He that hath small understanding hath small love."

Go forth as on a sacred quest; seeking truth, loving knowledge and rendering service, remembering, "Little knowledge imparts pride to people, great knowledge imparts humility."


Dean. Two

To the members of the Pharmacy Class of 1932:

In felicitating you upon the successful conclusion of your college careers I would commend to you the motto of your Alma Mater: "Perserverantia Vincit."

Perseverance conquers in every field of human endeavor. In research it has wrested secrets from Nature to swell the fund of scientific lore. In business, perse-verance and tenacity of purpose have led to undreamed-of achievements; in the pro­fessions it is equally as essential to complete success.

Keep this motto always before you in the dignified and serviceable profession you are about to enter. It has brought Temple University to glorious attainment in its sphere of service. For its sons and daughters it will do no less.

CHARLES E. BEURY, President.

Th ree

To the members of the Pharmacy Class of 1932:

During the three years which you spent at Temple University you have laid the foundation for your chosen profession. Remember, life is too short to be really edu­cated. To be educated one must be fluent and adaptable in the world of facts and actualities, the world of human affairs, and the world of spiritual and moral values.

It is my sincere wish that you may have the pleasure of continually striving toward this goal which will, without doubt, bring you much success and happiness.

As your class advisor and friend I wish to express most hearty thanks and appre­ciation for your confidence in bestowing this honor upon me and for your complete co-operation at all times. It is my desire that our friendly and pleasant relations may never be forgotten, and I hope that you will always remember and be loyal to your Alma Mater.

HARRY W. MANTZ, Class Advisor.



Constant repetition will in time impress a fact on anyone's mind. So rather than repeat the usual statements made each year at this time let me offer you a new thought.

The completion of our school work does not mean the end of our friendships and acquaintances. In the three years we have grown together we have formed strong bonds between us. This, then, should be the start of a co-operation which will last us throughout our lifetime.

There are none of us too old to resist the influences brought to bear upon us. Our instructors and classmates have each served to add, in some measure, to our mental stature. For this we are most grateful and the only way to prove it is to remember them. When the time comes to part, then say not "Good bye>

,, but rather say, "Until we meet again.11

May that meeting be soon. EDWARD A. BLOCK,




Within a short time our associations as a group will come to a close. Some of us will pursue our careers in the home of our Alma Mater, while others will go far away and seek peace and prosperity outside of the beaten paths of mankind. But wherever we go, and whatever branch of Pharmacy we may follow, we will all be united by a common bond. All of us will carry with us the teachings and traditions for which we labored so diligently during our altogether too brief period of comradeship.

Some of us may have obtained more out of our course than others, but whatever we obtained can be said to be exactly proportional to the endeavors which we, as individuals, put forth into our studies.

In conclusion, I want to extend my heartiest thanks to those that made possible and assisted me in the work of preparing and publishing this little record of many happy days.

BEN POLIN, Editor-in-Chief'.



As we finish our Pharmacy course, and go out into life, and as the months and years pass, nothing will remain with us except a picture of the past. A picture whose color has begun to fade, and only the vivid color of which can be seen with any degree of accuracy.

When we do finish our studies and go out into the world, each on our own, we will not truly be separated, because the same teachings and inspirations which we, as a group, received, will tend to bring us together, though we do not meet again.

The completion of this book gives me an opportunity to pass a word of comment to those who contributed so much of their time in its construction and I hope that all will be able to vision the past through the medium of this volume.


Business Manager.



The thought of our commencement Is sadly drawing near,

And as we ponder o'er our work,

W e wonder why we fear; But fear we do, when we begin

To ionise with the past And we think of harder work,

Which is approaching fast. N o longer do we fuss and fret

O'er worries now so light, For we realize there are harder tasks

Before us we must fight.

As we near the doorway of life, Let our steps neither falter nor fear,

For we are just leaving our school days,

Filled with memories we hold very dear. Never now let us forget our college days,

Wi th their beauty, their charm, and their fun, But remember our youth with a pang of repent

W h e n we realize our college days are done.

And life itself will change with time

As we its way pursue, And each of us will find a path

Best suited to our view. But separated though we be,

N o matter how we adieu, There'll be a place in every heart

For the class of Thirty-two.




Officers of



JOHN PAINTER Vice-President

Class of



Major Faculty

JAMES CONNOR ATTIX, M.S., D.D.S., M.D. Professor of Organic Chemistry

and Toxicology

HENRY FISHER, Phar.D., M.D. Professor of Materia Medica and



Professor of General Chemistry and Director of the Chemical Laboratory

FRANK H. EBY, Phar.D. Professor of Botany and Pharmacognosy

and Director of the Microscopical Laboratories

Elev en

Major Faculty

H. EVERT KENDIG, Phar.D., M.D. Professor of Theory and Practice of


JAMES C. M U N C H , Ph.D.

Professor oj Biological Assaying

HARRY W. MAXTZ, Ph.G. Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Director of Pharmacy Laboratory


Professor of Bacteriology


Major Faculty

J. HOWARD GRAHAM, B.S., M A . B . MEADE WAGENSELLER, B.A., Phar.D. Professor of Physics and Associate Professor . _,,

of Organic Chemistry Professor of Physiology and Hygxene

Junior Faculty



Junior Faculty




Junior Faculty







The Class History as reviewed by


Graduation! Our goal. After three years of association as a group we have come to a parting of the ways. In the years to come we shall look back on our college days possibly with memories vague or facts forgotten. So herein I shall endeavor to portray a history of the Class of '32 that shall be a lasting record of our achievements.

FRESHMAN YEAR One bright September day in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, the

Class of '32 made its appearance in the Pharmacy School of Temple University. The welcoming address was delivered by Dr. Eby, who has since initiated us into the intricacies of Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy.

In due order the other professors were met. But the first "eye opener" was delivered by Dr. "Wake Up11 Schacterle in one of his well-known quizzes which were to become a regular feature (much to our regret).

The next thing to take up our consideration was the election of class officers. This was supervised by the student council. The following were elected:


The officers were duly installed and the class was at last organized. Two social affairs were held during the year. The first Freshman Hop at the

Majestic Hotel on March 4, 1930, although a social success, did not fare so well financially. The second dance, a Sport Dance, at the Club Del Rio, met with better fortune, and was the outstanding social success of the season.

Some of our scholastically inclined students, eighteen in number, were honored with memberships to the Minehart Scientific Society.

And then came the final exams and the end of the Freshman year, and our mem' bers began to decrease.


j£ t s a e«e g ^


Again the politicians come to the fore. A new set of officers were elected with the exception of our Secretary, Miss Witkowski, and our Advisor, Dr. Mantz, who were re-elected unanimously. The officers were as follows:

President EDWARD A. BLOCK Vice-President BRUCE GABLER

Treasurer H E R M A N B L U M Secretary H E L E N W I T K O W S K I

Student Council J O H N DOOLEY and HARRY SPECTOR

During this year the Student Council put into effect the Freshman Regulations, the enforcement of which was up to the Juniors. Harry "Tank" Spector sold the poor Freshmen their red neckties, while Harry Neidorf was in charge of the "Vigi-lants." The first affair between the Freshmen and the Juniors was the "Heavyweight battle of the century,11 a tug of war, with a fire hose playing on the tuggers. The battle took place at "Baldwin Stadium11 (18th and Hamilton Streets). The victory of the Freshmen caused their release from regulations. But we evened this up by the victory in basketball. The team consisted of Moe Klein, Phil Kaufman, Lou Snyder, Si Kaliner and our President, Ed. Block.

About this time "Baldwin Stadium11 came into prominence as a "Battle Ground.11

During the spring fierce "baseball wars11 were waged and during the fall our football battles gave many of us painful bruises.

The Interfraternity Council held their first ball at the Club Del Rio, the entire proceeds of which went for the benefit of the basketball team. This affair was sponsored by all the fraternities and aided the team a great deal, in addition to adding a night to our memories that will never entirely be forgotten.

The class held the Junior Prom at the Rittenhouse Hotel on December 12, 1931. This proved a great financial and social success.

The Ring Committee, under the able guidance of Bruce Gabler, chose a beautiful ring (for your finger or hers) which has been adopted as the standard Pharmacy Ring. Scholastic requirements having been satisfied we were now ready for our Senior year, and our numbers have decreased still lower.


All good things come to an end and so do our college days. All the officers were re-elected, excepting Gabler, who was replaced by John Painter as Vice-President.

Yes, we, too, lost money in the bank. W e banked at the Central Savings Fund and Trust Co. and we had decided to withdraw our money immediately (this at three-thirty in the afternoon). W h e n our Treasurer went for the money the next morning the bank was closed. A "little11 thing like this did not daunt us. W e decided to go right ahead and do everything we had planned on even if we had to work a little harder.

A committee consisting of President Block, Dr. Mantz and the other class officers, suggested Ben Polin as Editor-in-Chief of the Record Book. Their suggestions were unanimously approved by the class.

This year being the 25th anniversary of Dr. Minehart 's service to the Pharmacy School the class dedicated this Record Book to the Dean.

The affair of the season was the second annual dance of the Interfraternity Coun­cil for the benefit of the basketball team. It took place at the Stephen Girard Hotel on February 19, 1932. The largest crowd to attend any social event of the school was present at the time and a marvelous time was had by all.

The school year was brought to a close with the Senior Prom and the Alumni Banquet.

A t this time we thank the Dean, the Faculty, our Advisor and the University for all the assistance they have given us in the past and for them we wish great success in all their endeavors.








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Editorial Staff

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PASCHAL J. AGNES 1629 Porter St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Pat." South Philadelphia High. Ses He: "Tweet tweet tweet, twah twah." Hobby: Giving "Gat" cigarettes. "Pat" was the originator of the "Wheel Trio"'

being the hub. He was a diligent worker, a good student and tried to be as proficient as possible in every subject.

"Pat ' s" jokes were a source of constant amuse­ment to the other members of the class. His favorite jpke was about the Cat and the Canary, but since the Cat ate the Canary there's no more joke.

Here's a toast to "Pat" for the future. Activities:: Circolo Italiano. Dance Committee.


Tuskegee, Ala.

Nick-name: "Al." Tuskegee Institute. Sez He : : "You can't do that to me." Hobby: Tennis, baseball, football. Al was one of the quiet boys in the class. A

well-mannered young man who was always up in his studies. Al was one of the well liked students, being everyone's friend, and a favorite of the profs.

Al says that his ambition is to return to Alabama and conduct a Pharmacy. Well, you're Alabama-bound now Al, and we all wish you lots of luck.

Activities: Alpha Phi Alpha.


Oakmont, Pa.

Nick-name: "Barry." Haverford High. Sez He: "How 'bout that." Hobby: Golf. "Barry" was a hard working chap, who always

finished what he started out to do. He always had a good word for everybody—? except the girls. His only weakness was the fair sex. He sure hated to keep away from them!

"Barry" always wished he could learn how to play golf, but his wishing is just in vain as he is no better now than when he started.

Good luck to you, "Barry." Activities: Circolo Italiano, Temple Pharmaceu­

tical Society, Dance Committee, Record Book Staff.



Chambersburg, Pa.

Nick-name:: "Barney." Chambersburg High. Sez He: "Let's go." Hobby: Tennis. "Barney" is the reserve type of modern youth,

and this power holds in store love, friendship and wisdom.

All of those who know him, know a true friend. "Barney's" rosy cheeks probably come from "Let's

go" hiking. With all his quietness and seriousness, "Barney" is a connoisseur of the Tilden pastime.

Good luck, Barney, we are all for you. W e know that when you leave our portals you will be one of our staunchest supporters.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.


1025 Christian St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Austin." Girl's High. Scz She: "Oh Gee!" Hobby: Rudy Vallec. During our first two years "Ada" was one of the

most conservative and shy members of our class, but during our last year she blossomed forth, and how!

"Ada" is liked by everyone, and she has a good reason for this popularity. She has one of the most brilliant minds in our class.

"Ada" is made of the stuff that goes forth and conquers, and we vision her as the outstanding Pharmacist of her sex in our city.

Activities: Circolo Italiano. Minchart Scientific Society, Record Book Staff, Ring Committee, Fresh­man Hop.


452 E. Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Ben." Central High. Sez He: "Hello Ugly." Hobby: Kibitzing. Ben usually could be seen in one of two moods,

serious or contented. Serious when his marks were below 90, and contented when they were above. Needless to say, most of the time he was in the latter mood. Studies seem to come naturally to Ben, just as his ability to "Kibitz!" Will we ever forget that "Hello Ugly" welcome that he had for everyone?

Ben was well liked by all who came in contact with him.

Activities: Gamma Phi Sigma, Record Book Staff, Secretary Minehart Scientific Society.


EDWARD A. BLOCK 2610 S. Nth St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Eddy." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "I guess we'll have to call a meeting." Hobby: Getting complimentary tickets. "Eddy" was our idea of a ladies' man. His power

over the fair sex was far-reaching, but when he came to class he forgot them entirely and handled the pilot wheel of our class like a master.

During the last two years, he led the class through the depression, doing everything in his power to bring them out on top. His activities were many during his stay, and in all, he was a leader,

Activities: President Junior and Senior Classes, President Gamma Phi Sigma, Assistant Manager T. U. Band, Student Council, President Inter-Fra­ternity Council.

CHARLES BLUM 3142 W. Clifford St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Charlie." Central High. Sez He: "At our store it's better than U.S.P." Hobby: Rummy. "Charlie" is one of the boys who takes pharmacy

at school as it "ain't." He could write a book on theory that's better than Amy or Remington and likewise could argue on any subject whether he knew what he was arguing about or not.

A regular fellow, even if he is a little guy. The future of the entire profession will be led by "Charlie" (where we don't know). Watch out for him.

Activities: Gamma Phi Sigma.

HERMAN BLUM 637 Elmer St., Vineland, N. J.

Nick-name: "Hoim." Vineland High. Sez He: "Something on your dues?" Hobby: Books, and how! We have here with us one of the shining lights

of the class, if not the brightest! To "Hoim" Allonal is only a mixture of allyl isopropylbarbituric acid and dimethylamino antipyrine. But still in all, he is a friend of everyone in the class.

"Hoim" is a very active money collector, always at your heels if he smells that you have a cent.

We hope he will be even more successful in Medicine than he is in Pharmacy.

Activities: President Minehart Scientific Society, Class Treasurer, Junior and Senior, Gamma Phi Sigma.


PEARL BOROW 1913 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Peanut." Girls High. Sez She: "Boloney." Hobby: "We would like to know." When this sweet, prosaic personage arises in the

morning her face resembles that of a full moon on a foggy evening after a hypodermic injection of moth balls. It's boloney, as "Peanut" would say.

Without a doubt this charming lady, with big brown and fascinating eyes, seems to glow with an abundance of good will and companionship. Some­one will be fortunate.

To your wisdom and courage, you have our sin-cerest wishes unto success.

Activities: Gamma Alpha Sigma, Inter-fraternal Council.

HARRY BURAK 4533 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Burk." Simon Gratz High. Sez He: "Spirit of Mindererus." Hobby: Matching pennies. "Burk" was one of the most quiet, studious, and

good-natured fellows in the class. Quiet, always, but never failing to have his say when he deemed it important enough.

Whenever "Burk" was wanted, he was sure to be found in a corner of the room matching pennies with one of the boys. "A good racket," says he, "to pick up some good old sense (cents)." Well, it's all odds or evens no matter how you look at it.

VICTOR L. CALEY Middletown, Pa.

Nick-name: "Vic." Middletown High. Sez He: "Where are you all going, Bill?" Hobby: Hunting, fishing and fighting fires. "Where are you all going, Bill," as he says to

his good friend is a bit of Southern tongue that has lived after him. Perhaps this warm land has con­tributed his strength of opinion. "Woe betide the man who finds fault with him!"

"Vic" is an out-of-door man with hunting, fish­ing, and fighting fires as his favorite hobbies. With his determined spirit and pleasant personality, Phar­macy extends a welcome hand to you "Vic."

Activities: Inter-Fraternal Council, Vice-Presi­dent Temple Pharmaceutical Society.



Chester, Pa.

Nick-name: "Joe." Chester High. Sez He: "What do you say, Baby?" Hobby: Bowling. This merry chap first came in contact with the

earth in the well-known town of Chester. "Joe" is made up of that happy-go-lucky stuff that is welcome wherever he goes.

"Joe" has a decidedly keen interest in the lady folks and has often been heard to greet the fair ones with a "What do you say, Baby?" These traits, however, are overshadowed by his ability as a stu­dent, and we see a successful future for this lad.

Activities: Circolo Italiano, Temple Pharmaceuti­cal Society.

BENJAMIN D. COHEN 1705 N. Croskey St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Reds." Northeast High. Sez He: "What was it all about?" Hobby: Wrestling. "Reds" is like a clam. He keeps quiet until he

wants to find out something and then he opens up. He is always after the news.

"Reds" tries to be the jokester of the class which goes over once in a while. Of all records, "Reds" has the one of being the youngest in the class. But this is no drawback. By conscientious study he man­ages to know his stuff. Here's luck to you, "Reds."

Activities: Minehart Scientific Society.


429 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Duke." Northeast High. Sez He: "H'ya, Duke." Hobby: Pinochle. "Hy'a, Duke" informs all within hearing that

"Dave" is around. "Duke" is quite an authority on baseball, and the A's and Phil's don't have a stauncher supporter. Spring is his weakness, with Baker Bowl and Shibe Park his strongholds.

Outside of outdoor sports, "Duke" is quite an authority on pinochle, as has been seen on many occasions. "Dave's" popularity has caused him to gain everlasting friends who appreciate him.

Activities: Alpha Zeta Omega.


EDITH CONFORTO 1235 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Edie." Brown Prep. Sez She: "Aw, nertz." Hobby: Talking to the Dents. "Edie" was the Greta Garbo of our class. Good

looking, pleasing personality and an aura of charm that followed her wherever she chanced to stray.

"Edie" was a hard worker as shown by the deter­mination and grit with which she entered into her assignments.

We see a fine future for her in pharmacy, but we can't see how pharmacy and denf'stry can combine without clashing. Good luck, "Edie," old pal!

Activities: Circolo Italiano, Minehart Scientific Society, Junior Prom, Record Book Staff.

EMMA R. CONFORTO 1235 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Emy." South Philadelphia High. Sez She. "Eek." Hobby: Dancing and movies. Whenever we saw "Emy," "Edie" was never far

away. These two were together 9 9 % of the time. Strange. Why? They are sisters, and, therefore, both must be given credit. They deserve it.

"Emy," when alone, was a shy and loving crea­ture, and she had a personality that was never far behind her.

"Emy" concentrated on studying, and was very much in her element when she was kidding around with Dr. Schacterle in the chemistry laboratory.

Here's to luck and happiness, "Emy." Activities: Circolo Italiano, Minehart Scientific



Nick-name: "Art ." Malvern Prep. Sez He: "I'll do it!" Hobby: Sports. The subject of this discussion is a very quiet indi­

vidual. A profound lover of all sports. W e have cause to lament the failure of more of "Ar t ' s " type to join us, the demand exceeds the output.

He has gained an enviable reputation as a man of few words, but when he did speak, each word was carefully weighed. This trait, combined with his ability as a student, has earned him the respect of the class.

Activities: Kappa Psi, Temple Pharmaceutical Society.



Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Nick-name: "Butch." Wilkes-Barre High. Sez He: "I'll be seeing you." Hobby: Traveling. Big, fat and good natured "Butch" is the personi­

fication of all that is good humored in nature. An example of two hundred pound energy, controlled by a generous and impulsive heart.

"Butch" spends his vacations traveling and so developed the saying, "I'll be seeing you."

The Three Musketeers, Butch, Indian and Sheriff, are pals to the nth degree and Anthracite, you should hear them!

Success surely awaits you, "Butch." Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.

MORRIS S. DENENBERG 637 Bainbridge St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Spike." Central High. Sez He: "Howya doin', Doc." Hobby: Football. "Spike" was the inseparable pal of Lou Handler,

and a more friendly pair than this could not be found in the school. He was the type of fellow who said little and accomplished much. "Spike" was popular and well liked by all on account of his sincerity.

"Spike" is an industrious and conscientious worker. This, coupled to the fact that he is a "Regular Guy," should take him a long way in the world.

Activities: Minehart Scientific Society.


1428 Porter St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Dee." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Twah twah, tweet tweet tweet." Hobby: Giving cigars to "Gat." "Dee" was one of the original personality boys,

being the spokes of the "Wheel Trio." Everyone in the class liked "Dee," and his enemies have yet to be born.

Mathematics was his dish, and his one desire is to prove to Einstein that 2 plus 2 equals i. "Dee" was always willing to lend a helping hand. He was also talented in music, being a first-class Blues Chaser with his ukulele.

Activities: Circolo Italiano, Minehart Scientific Society, Temple Pharmaceutical Society.



Hazleton, Pa.

Nick-name: "Matt ." Hazleton High. Sez He: "Got a cigarette?" Hobby: Books and radio. Here's another chap from the coal regions. Un­

assuming and courteous, he decided as a youth to be­come a pharmacist, and as a result of this resolution entered the best class Temple ever offered, the Class of '32.

"Kid Anethum," as he is sometimes called, is more than a student of pharmacy, because he spends many hours reading books and building radios.

His easy manner has won for him many friends, particularly among the fairer sex.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.


238 Federal St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Beryl." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "What 's a Crith?" Hobby: Worrying. How "Beryl" sure could "Kibitz" with the other

members of the famous "Tankers" (Gibby, Shmerel, Speck, etc.), when he had the occasion.

"Beryl" insisted on worrying over his school work. The funny part was that he didn't need to worry, because he knew the work from A to Z.

But let it be recorded here that "Beryl" was an active member of the class and was always among the first to support all endeavors, both financially and morally.

Activities: Freshman Dance.


2261 N. Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Jack." Northeast Catholic High. Sez He: "How do you do this one?" Hobby: Basketball, golf. "Jack" has a reputation that will probably be a

shining light for the next generation. This reputa­tion will undoubtedly be founded upon the fact of his being a leader in fashionable haberdashery.

Pharmacy is only a side issue with this suave per­sonage, maybe because of the frequency with which he has asked: "How do you do this one?"

This suavity and blue eyes are a hard combination to beat, and we predict a successful career.

Activities: Freshman Hop, Student Council, Kappa Psi, Temple Pharmaceutical Society.



Nick-name: "Doc." Sugar Notch High. Sez He: "Let's have a coke." Hobby: Taking other men's women out. "Doc" is one of our most conscientious students,

always striving to reach the highest pinnacle of suc­cess. He is one of those fellows about whom very little is known except by other than his most inti­mate friends. "Doc" is one of the so-called Four Horsemen of the class (Flannery, Harris, Kaliner and himself).

"Doc" may look hard-boiled, but the other three Horsemen have often commented on his weakness for the opposite sex.


Nick-name: "Dunk." Chambersburg High. Sez He: "Flossie Green." Hobby: Women. Small in stature but high in ideals. "Dunk" is

one of our cheerful men. Life is not dull when he is present. Next to his profession "women" are his favorite pastime, and so the saying "Flossie Green."

We all have our moments, likewise Charley has his. Just the same, he is the type that cannot help but be an honor to his chosen profession.

We wish you good luck, Charlie. Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.


Paraiso, Canal Zone, Panama

Nick-name: "Al ." Lincoln College Prep. Sez He: "Don't worry." Hobby: Tennis. "Al" knows his stuff and we know that he knows

it. The profs have a hard time keeping work suffi­ciently heavy to keep him from running away from the class.

"Al" is a mighty good fellow who has a high standard of friendship as those of us who have en­joyed an intimate friendship with him will testify. Therefore, by reason of these traits, we look up to him.

His host of friends take this opportunity of wish­ing him luck.

Activities: Cosmopolitan Club, Minehart Scien­tific Society, Record Book Staff, Temple Pharma­ceutical Society.



145 S. 63rd St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Nat ." Overbrook High. Sez She: "Where's Eddie." Hobby: Talking in a stage whisper. "Nat" is a demure damsel, quiet and studious.

Unless you know her well you little realize her wealth of humor and good sportsmanship. Of gentle disposition, with a flash of gaiety here and there, "Nat" is a willing helper, and a good friend.

She is a friend in need, and has been a loyal sup­porter of all class and school affairs. We need not wish her success, for wc icel sure it will follow her wherever she goes.

Activities: Junior Prom, Interfraternal Council, Gamma Alpha Sigma.


Scranton, Pa.

Nick-name: "John Jack." St. Thomas High. Sez He: "What 's up. Si?" Hobby: Drinking beer. Of course you have all heard of John M. Flan­

nery, the famous halfback of St. Thomas tame of several years ago. He is still just as dashing out in the world with the women as he was on the football field.

"John Jack" enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best-dressed men in the class. He is a fellow to whom credit has to be delivered C. O. D. He was always steady.

Activities: Minehart Scientific Society, Kappa Psi.


1212 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Jake." Central High.

Sez He: "I think it should be this way, Doc." Hobby: Preparing Tasteless Castor Oil. "Jake" was one of the cleverest boys in our class

from the start. If you don't know it, just ask him, and if he denies it you can tell by his hair (and he's not a musician).

Besides being just naturally smart, "Jake" is a good card player, getting plenty of pinochle experi­ence in the laboratory of his store (when the boss isn't there, we suppose).

The balance of the time he studies with Kleiny, and no foolin'. they do get along well.

Activities: Record Book Staff.


HENRY G. FRANTZ Shenandoah, Pa.

Nick-name: "Sheriff." J. W. Cooper High. Sez He: "I missed the street car." Hobby: A blonde. Here we have one of the big men of the class,

enthusiastic, brilliant and possessing a most con­tagious laugh.

"Sheriff" hails from a city that enjoys an enviable reputation for the sparkling, invigorating, fascinat­ing, amber-colored elixir of life brewed therein.

Frivolity is of minor importance. As to his kind­ness and eagerness to help others which proves be­yond the shadow of a doubt that he can hardly do otherwise than make a success.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.

CANDIDO A. GATTI Punxsutawney, Pa.

Nick-name: "Gat." Punxsutawny High. Sez He: "Tweet twah, tweet twah, tweet." Hobby: Mooching cigs from "Pat" and "Dee." The Adolphe Menjou of the class comes to us

from "Punxsy." He was the rim of the "Wheel Trio," having a magnetic personality that draws friends from everywhere. He was not a star as a student, but could hold his own.

At the end of his first year "Gat" surprised all by getting married. His improved work was doubt­less due to the catalytic power of his better half.

May all your troubles be little ones! Activities: Circolo Italiano, Record Book Staff,

Dance Committee.


Nick-name: "Colby." Trenton High. Sez He: "The expert lover." Hobby: Tennis. "Colby" travels into another State each day in

pursuit of a professional training. He is ambitious and has courage, but like unto his courage he finds consolation in "Blue Moon," women and tennis.

"Colby's" good nature has won him many a friend. They all take this opportunity of wishing for him the greatest measure of success he may de­sire.

We know that "Colby" will spread the teachings of his Alma Mater throughout his fair city.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.



I 101 W. Somerville St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Gibby." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Got any change?" Hobby: Eating, sleeping, more eating. "Gibby" was one of the outstanding athletes of

our class, playing on the varsity for three years, besides being among the leaders at "Baldwin Stadium." In addition to his athletic endeavors, "Gibby's" voice was ever present in the matters of the class.

"Gibby's" personality won many friends for him, both male and female. He was what is known as a "ladies' man." One glance into that little black book of addresses of his will convince anyone.

Activities: Basketball Team, Social Editor of Record Book, Vice-President Freshman Class, Junior Prom.


2446 S. 2nd St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Gawge." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "I'll be glad when you're dead." Hobby: A crying baritone. Our hats off to George, "You rascal you," the

musical genius of the class. "Ha, ha, ha—you're right, that was "Gawge," the first one to laugh at any joke. His pent up mirth seemed to be loosened by any occasion.

"Gawge" goes forth from our midst, leaving with us the impression of a truly great musician and we herewith give him our best wishes, and hope to see his name on Broadway within a short time.

Activities: Temple University Band, Record Book Staff, junior Prom.

SAMUEL GRANITE 733 Porter St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Schmerel." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Aw, nerts." Hobby: Football at Baldwin Stadium. "Shmerel" was a live wire—a funster; in a few

words he was the life of the class. Yes, there never was a basketball game or dance without the presence of "Shmerel" and his lovely wife.

Like all famous men, he was a plugger, and a good one at that. "Shmerel" obtained his various suc­cesses by plugging away at it. A "hard guy" he was, and we will never forget the time he got the class sick by chewing tobacco.

Activities: Freshman Dance, Junior Dance.


BERNARD GROSSMAN 2326 E. Clearfield St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Bee Gee." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "I'm not even worrying about it." Hobby: Supplying refreshments in lectures. Everybody knows "Bee Gee" as a lad of sterling

qualities whose scholarship was always of high stand­ards as were his ideals.

His grave countenance gave to the outsider the impression of profound quietness, but none would suspect that beneath that aspect lay a subtle humor that could only be appreciated by those who knew him.

Because of his quiet and studious manner, and good nature, "Bee Gee" became immensely popular with his classmates and will long remain in their memory.

Activities: Gamma Phi Sigma, Associate Editor of Record Book.

SAMUEL GUTTLER 1001 N. 46th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Sam." Simon Gratz High. Sez He: "No, I don't have any dues." Hobby: Pinochle. Dues are one thing that "Sam" never had, al­

though his pockets always sounded prosperous. "Sam" was a popular man around Baldwin Stadium —what an athlete he was.

In case anyone says otherwise, "Sam" was one of the popular fellows in the class, up-to-date in his work and always willing to aid his classmates.

His friends, and he had many of them, take this opportunity to wish him loads of luck in his future endeavors.

Activities: Freshman Hop.

LOUIS HANDLER 2314 Clearfield St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Lou." Central High. Sez He: "O. K., Duke." Hobby: Figuring it out. A crowd of girls bubbling over with happy

laughter often has in the midst of it—Lou Handler— one of the most jovial and witty members of '32. Since we have known him he has always been the same cheerful happy-go-lucky fellow.

We could rely on "Lou" for any help he could bring our way. He was truly a diligent pupil.

With his good qualities and fine personality, "Lou" should succeed in his chosen profession.

Activities: Alpha Zeta Omega.



17 Line St., Gerardville, Pa.

Nick-name: "Dick." Gerardville High. Sez He: "Okey." Hobby: Arguing with Flannery. "Dick" was an all-around scholar. He worked

diligently and earnestly and his marks always proved it since he always ranked among the highest.

Because he is a staunch believer in the conserva­tion of energy, "Dick" is a reserved sort of chap. The Sphinx has nothing on him when it comes to keeping quiet.

However, he is always prepared in his studies and no doubt will be prepared against life's greater battles in the years to come.


Willow Grove, Pa.

Nick-name: "Paul." Abington High. Sez He: "What I can do tomorrow, I'll do." Hobby: Radio. Concentrated in size, but overwhelmingly abound­

ing in knowledge, this embryonic pharmacist has dis­played his ability of being a leader among pharma­cists. He is a leader in all undertakings, and as an added attraction to pharmacy, is a radio engineer of eminent ability. And can he use the slide rule? You bet.

It is with regretfulness that our association with him has been so short. We rest assured that Paul will win laurels in the future.

Activities: Kappa Psi, Minehart Scientific Society.


Tamaqua, Pa.

Nick-name: "Ron." Tamaqua High. Sez He: "How's your slide rule, Paul?" Hobby: Swimming and fishing. This big-hearted, good-natured chap is acknowl­

edged as a supreme "good fellow." We congratu­late a man who has made good in pharmacy. Yes, he's a married man.

"Ron's" favorite pastime is asking Hendler for the use of his slide rule.

His genial disposition and willingness have earned for him many a friend. His ambition is to conduct an ethical pharmacy. Here's luck.

Activities: Kappa Psi, Minehart Scientific Society.



3140 Fontain St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Len." Central High. Sez He: "It's all right." Hobby: Canoeing at night. "Len" is a great fellow, but don't show him any

red, or he'll start throwing (the bull). His innocent expression and likeable manner make his few faults negligible.

At those open Minehart lectures he makes every­one feel at home—especially the Dental Hygiene Class.

"Len" prides himself in knowing chemistry and appears stunned on failing to answer during a quiz.

He also answers present for two people, namely, Uncle Si and himself.

Activities: Minehart Scientific Society, Junior Prom, Senior Basketball.


4222 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Si." Overbrook High. Sez He: "What are you doing tonight?" Hobby: Playing golf (we suspect women). "Si" is responsible for a poem, and we can see

his point. Love must be grand. The "Cohen 6? Kelly" team of the class is "Si"

Kaliner and John Flannery. "Si" answers in class and Flannery laughs, and vice-versa.

He doesn't say much, but when girls are around, you know his hobby isn't golf, or maybe that's what they call it now.

However, his likeable manner and pleasing smile (Daily News pictures do i t) , make him a regular classmate.


230 Federal St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Phil." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Pharmacy is better." Hobby: Traveling. "Phil" is a nice boy, not too loud, but he won't

let you miss him. He is well liked and is an integral factor in our class, inasmuch as he plays on the Senior team, is a clever student and looks neat all the time.

"Phil" went to normal school before he entered Temple Pharmacy, and according to Jake, he went from bad to worse. But we don't know, he may make something of it yet.

Activities: Minehart Scientific Society, Basketball.



Reading, Pa.

Nick-name: "Schub." Reading High. Sez He: " Didya ever hear this one?" Hobby: Smoking cigars. "Schub" is another chap from that burg called

Reading. When it comes to telling stories he has Dr. Rowen faded to oblivion. To hear him record his tales one might almost imagine him a connoisseur of fast living and frivolity in general, but when we consider that "C. Schubert's" predominating char­acteristic is his unlimited imagination, we merely smile and deduce.

Good natured, unselfish to nth degree, willing to aid friends—we wish him the greatest success.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.


929 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Klciny.' South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Jake's wrong, it should be that way." Hobby: Playing football. "Klciny" is an eccentric fellow, but nevertheless,

an asset to our class. Being an asset not only includes his scholarship,

but also his athletic ability. The athletic end comes in when he shows us his

stuff at Baldwin Stadium and he sure can play! The scholarship end appears when his marks are posted, or read, with him as cither one of the few A's, or the onlv A.


608 Moore St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Boo Boo." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "He's a . Hobby: Studying and getting good marks. "Harry" must have been born in a drug store,

because he does know his pharmacy, if anything at all. W e also understand he is a glutton for study. His notes are always written in school.

"Harry" is the original woman hater, since he is never found in the company of the fairer sex. But his views must be changing lately, because recently he is developing a beauty that is threatening even to the great lovers of these times.


ISADORE MEYER KOFF 1003 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Isy." Central High. Sez H e : : "Hello, honey." Hobby: Throwing the bull about Helen. "Isy" was a hard worker and prominent in Temple

Pharmacy's social and political life. He has made himself one of the most popular and best liked stu­dents in the school. It was his optimistic personality and honest efforts which brought him to the top of almost every activity into which he entered.

"Isy'' has all the makings in him of a real man­ager of many things in life, even outside the field of sports.

Activities: Gamma Phi Sigma, Manager of Basket­ball Team, Minehart Scientific Society, Sports Editor of Record Book.


Nick-name: "Reds." Woodbine High. Sez He: "Where's Phil?" Hobby: Studying character. "Reds" is a handsome boy, liked by everyone, in­

cluding the teachers. He is the perfect friend, con­siderate and reliable, always willing to lend a hand. He is witty and therefore the life of our parties and dances.

"Reds" doesn't stop here. His school work is very proficient and one is naturally envious of the abun­dant knowledge he stores.

He is a member of the KSKN, that group of four class members who stuck together through the entire college career.

Activities: Minehart Scientific Society, Tug of War, Freshman Hop.

IRVING I. KRASNER 1827 S. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Irv." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Where's Harry?" Hobby: Singing. "Where's 'Irv,' " chirps up Harry, and "Irv" sings

out, making known his presence. "Irv 's" voice is a rare quality, very fine and un­

usual for a pharmacy student. His vocal capabili­ties have led him to different local stages in minor roles, but he is only content as a pharmacist.

His cheerleading abilities date back to high school days, and when he "struts his stuff" everybody just has to cheer.

"Irv" has poise, personality and sociability. What else is necessary?

Activities: Captain Cheerleader, Junior Prom, Freshman Hop, Tug of War.


NORMAN LEVINE 3117 Page St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Norm." Central High. Sez He: "How about dues?" Hobby: 2 P. M. Tuesday, 15th and Wallace. "Norm" as a treasurer for the Minehart Scientific

Society added to the distinction and reverence that was already there.

He made a good friend and classmate and a cap­able pharmacist. But we think that "Norm" should be told of those bad, bad chorus girls that live on live pharmacists, 'cause we don't want poor little him gnawed and eaten up by these bad, bad girls. So don't go out after work huh?

Activities: Minehart Scientific Society.

JOSEPH LEVITT 1843 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Joe." Central High. Sez He: "Got a piece of lead?" Hobby: Playing chess. He's the conscientious student, and the more we

look at him the more he reminds us of Einstein. "Joe" is always reading his books and expounding

theories. His efforts, even if they arc futile, have at least shown birth in him. He always shows an interest in anything that is going on, and you can always rely on him for any help needed. "Joe" is willing to be everybody's friend. Just give him a chance.


5051 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Spirit." Lincoln Prep. Sez He: "Give me a sheet of paper." Hobby: Reading, playing and talking. At times Jack is a little helpless, and when he gets

that way he splutters and mumbles. It was a sight to see Jack and Si (the old chem­

istry duo) , doing their titrations. First Jack took charge of the "works" and he would make a blunder, so Si got angry and told him to stand aside and Si took charge and got it wrong anyway.

Jack's pal. Harry Burak, was always seen with him during school.

Jack is also always talking of how much respon­sibility he's got in his store, etc.


JOSEPH MARCELONIS 23 Welsh St., Pittston, Pa.

Nick-name: "Joe." Jenkins Township High. Sez He: "Eine Kleinigkeit." Hobby: Assaying Cascara Sagrada. "Joe" is very capable and can be depended upon

for support or any other obligation. He is as strong as the veritable ox, and won't

hesitate a moment to an invitation outside. And what a man he turned out to be, as we

understand it, the girls are crazy about him, or is it that he's crazy about the girls? Anyway, he is no back number and we are glad to have him with us as a classmate and friend.

Activities: Basketball Team.


Cedar Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Little Caesar." "Pip." West Philadelphia High. Sez He: "When I'm the President." Hobby: Songs. Day in and day out the rooms reverberated with

"Little Caesar's" cheerful crooning. Could that boy sing! However, singing wasn't his only asset, for "Pip" surely distinguished himself at Baldwin Stadium.

Without doubt, "Pip" was a careful student in the chemical laboratory, but we will never forget the time he had that slight (?) explosion. His blue sweater turned pink in various spots.

We know that his aptitude for study and hie vibrant personality will bring him success.

Activities: Gamma"Phi Sigma, Senior Basketball.


523 Reed St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Moish." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "I'll bet she isn't as pretty as mine." Hobby: Showing them how at Baldwin Stadium. "Moish" was an outstanding star on the basket­

ball team, having seen service on the varsity for three straight years. This lad won the admiration of the fans by his spectacular play at Baldwin Stadium, besides earning good marks without any apparent effort.

He cared most for the welfare of the school as could be seen by his participation in its various ac­tivities. "Moish" was one of the most popular stu­dents and we will miss his contagious enthusiasm.

Activities: Basketball team. Gamma Phi Sigma, Record Book Staff, Interfraternal Council.



725 South 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Joe." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Moth balls." Hobby: Traveling. Meek and mild, "Joe" is not as meek and mild

as he sounds, but conversely he is a good student, strong fellow and a well-liked friend.

He always has a smile for you, which seems to classify all the Joes in our class, and we did have quite a number of them.

"Joe" was fairly active in class, belonging to the Temple Pharmaceutical Society and Circolo Italiana.

"Joe" was often seen with Joe Montalbano in school and out.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society, Cir­colo Italiano.


1502 Wharton St., Philadelphia ,Pa.

Nick-name: "Joe." Brown Prep. Sez He: "Cut it out." Hobby: Traveling. "Joe" knows his pharmacy well since he has been

connected with drug stores for years. As business manager for the Record Book "Joe"

showed his capability by reaching the quota set. "Joe" is noiseless and effective, which is a hard

combination to find in a student. He was active in the Minehart Scientific Society and as President of the Circolo Italiano, was a respected and appreciated leader. He also assisted in the making and staging of the successful interfraternal dances.

Activities: Business Manager, Record Book, Temple Pharmaceutical Society, President, Circolo Italiano, Junior Prom, Interfraternal Council.

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Nick-name: "Mose." Manor Township High.

Sez He: "Why be a great man—be a great boy." Hobby: Taxi driving. During our Freshman year, Charley drove a taxi

at night and school lecture rooms were his sleeping quarters.

The nice part of it all was the fact that the pro­fessors were easy with him and let him sleep; and thanks to Charley, he doesn't snore.

During his Junior year, he jerked sodas for Media Drug Stores, that is, a Fizzician, "don't yer know!"

On his Senior year (the Q. A. year), he was chief mainstay (?) at Media.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society, Ring Committee.


HARRY NEIDORF 2316 N. 31st St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Harry." Simon Gratz High. Sez He: "Where's Irv?" Hobby: Running a drug store. Meet "Harry," our George Washington. "Harry"

started his political career with a bang. Did you see his smile, or hear his laughter? Well,

it just flows with glee. He may laugh, joke and kid, but "Harry" is

headed for a brilliant career. It seems that he in­tends to study medicine. Flere's luck to you, Harry.

He is a member of the KSKN friendship, "one that never weakens."

Activities: Freshman President, Minehart Scien­tific Society, Chairman Junior Prom, Associate Edi­tor of Record Book, Cheerleader, Tug of War, Freshman Hop, Senior Basketball.

IDA NEWMAN Talmadge, Pa.

Nick-name: "Ida." West Pittston High. Sez She: "That's your story." Hobby: Skating. Remember that first year? Almost everybody

flocked to "Ida." Babe Sloane and Sam Guttler were her almost constant companions during school. The reason, of course, everybody likes her.

The Senior year brings "Ida" away from the boys and close to Natalie. For some reason or other, they are always seen together and always talking, too. A little between periods, a little after class, and a lot during lectures.

Nevertheless, "Ida" finds a soft place in every­body's heart.

Activities: Freshman Hop, Junior Prom.


Nick-name: "John." Reading Boys' High. Sez He: "Hello, Doc, howya doing." Hobby: Helen. To this young man from the land of "beer and

pretzels" was allotted the task of helping "Eddie" Block pilot our class.

"John's activities have taken much of his time, but in knowing him, one knows he is a sport.

His straightforwardness and unselfish manner pop­ularized him with his fellows, and all will feel an inward touch of gratification in later years to say, "He was a classmate of mine."

Activities: Vice-President Senior Class, Kappa Psi, Minehart Scientific Society, Temple Pharma­ceutical Society, Interfraternal Council.



2021 Division St., Baltimore, Md.

Nick-name: "Pen." Douglass High, Baltimore. Sez He: "Where's Wesley?" Hobby: Tennis, basketball. "Pen" will always be an asset to our class, as big

things are expected of him. He was one of the noisy boys, but was very industrious. He entered into all of his work with a skill and confidence that can only come out of hours of study and concen­tration.

W e can depend upon "Pen" becoming a very efficient, practical and ethical pharmacist and know that he will emulate the work of a predecessor in Washington.

Activities: Kappa Alpha Psi.


1932 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Jake." Central High. Sez He: "Wanta play?" Hobby: Tennis, pinochle. "Jake" is one of the biggest hearted fellows in

the class. He is always ready to do any favor asked of him. It is fellows like "Jake" that make friends worth while.

"Jake" was one of the shining lights in Baldwin Stadium, excelling both in baseball and football. But be that as it may, we must inform him that codfish do not get their vitamines by taking sun baths on the beach.


Nick-name: "Joe." Masten Park High. Sez He: "I don't say anything!" Hobby: Bridge. Our Alma Mater would do well to seek matricu­

lants in our neighboring State if "Joe" be an ex­ample. This popular man might be duty bound, but still he finds time to play bridge, doesn't he, Esther?

"Joe" is a self-made man, optimism has made him a good-natured fellow, ambition a scholar and gener­osity the high regard in which we all hold him.

Here's to your highest success, "Joe." Activities: Interfraternal Council, Kappa Psi,

Regent, Temple Pharmaceutical Society.



5648 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Ben." Northeast High. Sez He: "Know arsenic! It's a sure question." Hobby: Seven radios—nine pipes. "Ben" was one of the walking Pharmacopoeias in

our class. He could always be depended upon to give a correct answer. "Ben" became very popular as evidenced by his being chosen Editor-in-Chief of this volume (Work) .

An all-around fellow, "Ben" also played in all the games at Baldwin Stadium. "Ben" says that he is going to study medicine. Should you need a good M.D., call on him. Flis zeal and endeavor as­sure his success.

Activities: Editor-in-Chief of the Record Book, Minehart Scientific Society, Tug of War.


5500 Blakemore St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Bernie." Central High. Sez He: "Do you think, etc., etc." Hobby: Taking notes nobody else can read. As great minds run deep, "Bernie," the best pal

one can have, kept his mouth closed. Plodding along in his own chosen way, quietly but steadily, "Bernie" didn't advertise himself to the world, but just rolls on, having his ups and downs (mostly ups). That kind of fellow turns out best in the long run. "Bernie" held down the job of being a good friend, always ready to help a classmate when in trouble— always there.

Activities: Senior Basketball.


337 Emily St., Philadelphia, Pa. -

Nick-name: "Sol." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "When you're right, you're right." Hobby: Always present for more knowledge. Here is indeed a fellow whorr^ anyone might be

proud to call a friend. A wonderful personality. "Sol," although quiet and unassuming, was liked by all the class. Aye, always modest, that was one's conception of "Sol," that is, if one didn't know the young man. We soon found out differently.

"Sol" was one of the most versatile and popular fellows in our class because of his amiable and pleas­ing disposition. His winning manners gained him many friends.

Activities: Gamma Phi Sigma, Minehart Scientific Society.


NELSON M. REIDER Middletown, Pa.

Nick-name: "Bill." Middletown High. Sez He: "Get behind it, fellows." Hobby: Hunting and fishing. And then there is that very self-contained and

unassuming young chap who fairly reeks with authority during the periodic meetings of the T. P. S., namely, "Bill" Reider. He is an organizer and student of no mean ability who promises to go far in the eyes of the pharmaceutical world.

Then again, one must marvel at this lad's unusual technique as applied to the female species. A not unwholesome physiognomy, plus a well-modulated voice has carried him past the threshold of many de­sirable femmes heretofore considered hallowed ter­ritory.

Activites: President Temple Pharmaceutical So­ciety, Associate Editor of Record Book, Interfra­ternal Council.

SOLOMON ROVINSKY 2421 N. 31st St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Sol." Simon Gratz High. Sez He: "Let me show you how." Hobby: Stage play. "Sol" was one of the enthusiastic group of fel­

lows who played football and baseball in our Bald­win Stadium. Although he showed off a little with that trick ankle of his, he put everything he had into his game.

Will we ever forget the day he led the class in singing that battle song, "Boo Boo Got a Hair Cut." With that rare gift of showmanship and humor, "Sol" can't help but carve a niche in the wall of success lor himself.

Activities: Freshman Dance, Basketball

FRANK SELIGSOHN 1714 N. 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Selig." Central High.

Sez He: "I think we're going to have an exam!" Hobby: Tickling the ivories, drawing. If silence were golden, "Selig" would be a mil­

lionaire. He always was seen (with his pal Spirit), but never heard. "Selig" did his work, packed up and went home. His favorite work was in the chem­istry lab, where he always managed to do two hours' work within four or five hours.

However, still water runs deep, and in "Selig" we find artistic qualities. There seems to be a bright future for him in his chosen profession.



435 S. 50th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Phil." Central High. Sez He: "Hey, Reds." Hobby: Selling PM's. "Phil" is an ideal student. He "knows his stuff,"

plugs when he has to, has a sweetheart, and a physique that makes one envious.

"Phil" has the ability and desire to study, and he and "Reds" spend plenty of time at it. His drug store experience is complete, as he is a star salesman.

Among his important activities, he is also a mem­ber of the KSKN, otherwise known as Kopman, Shrager, Krasner and Neidorf.

Activities: Junior Prom, Prophet of Record Book, Minehart Scientific Society, Tug of War.

A fine fellow and hard, accomplished

IRVING BERNARD SKOLNICK 717 W. Moyamensing Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Iz." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Acting Dr. Skull." Hobby: Whistling. "Iz" was more or less noisy,

a true comrade. He worked much, and said little.

Some people feel sorry for themselves, others for somebody else. "Iz" belongs to the latter class. Other people's mishaps affect him to the extent that he will do his utmost to help those less fortunate than he.

His activities have been confined more or less to fraternity business where he has done great work.

Activities: President Alpha Zeta Omega, Inter­fraternal Council, Freshman Hop, Junior Prom, J. S. A.

MORRIS SMITH 3913 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Q-A Smitty." Overbrook High. Sez He: "Do you know Betty Smith?" Hobby: Talking fast and furious. There is a crowd down front seems to be laugh­

ing and yelling. "Smitty" has just found seven new hairs in his moustache and is exhibiting them.

Wherever there is a huddle you will find "Smitty." Without him nothing can be done. The A. Z. O. would hardly continue if he were not there to help.

He is one of the popular boys and aids in making the spirit of the class a gay one. Success is his.

Activities: Alpha Zeta Omega, Junior Prom, Interfraternal Council, J. S. A., Record Book Staff.


LOUIS SNYDER 4054 Pechin St., Roxborough, Phila., Pa.

Nick-name: "Lou." Roxborough High. Sez He: "I know my stuff." Hobby: Shooting crap. "Lou" was O. K. We sort of envy and feel

jealous of him at the same time. He never needed a haircut or shave—while we (?) .

Without him we would have no model to follow, and for the latest thing out, "Lou" is there first.

Pep, vim and vigor (Omin) are also possessed by "Lou" which accounts for all his youthful vitality. We believe all these things are to his good because "Bella" still sticks.

Activities: Freshman Hop, Junior Prom, Basket­ball.

ALBERT SONSTEIN 5404 Diamond St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Sonnie." Overbrook High. Sez He: "How's your floatchs?" Hobby: Typing notes. "Sonnie" was a good sport and pal during the

entire three years that we were associated with him. He was one of the less widely known members of our group, and associated to a large extent with his fraternity brothers—especially Irv Skolnick, and when these two were together anything was liable to happen.

As a pharmacist we know that many of "Sonnie's" finer qualities will be brought to the lore, and he will be very successful in his chosen profession. There is no need to wish him luck!

Activities: Alpha Zeta Omega. Junior Prom.


2106 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Spec." Germantown High. Sez He: "Well, yes and no." Hobby: Tennis. Almost any day during our three long years, one

could hear a loud stentorian voice—that's "Spec." "Spec," with his winning personality, could always be seen in the first row center of the amphitheatres.

"Spec's" chief contribution to our class was his untiring efforts on the Record staff. He is a fine chap and a real pal in every sense of the word. We foresee a fine future for him.

Activities: Associate Editor Record Book, Tug of War.


HARRY SPECTOR 613 Mercy St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Tank." South Philadelphia High. Sez He: "Look out, here comes Eby." Hobby: Pretty (?) pictures. "Tank," a member of the famous "tankers," was

one of the most popular and well-liked fellows in the class. His joviality preceded him.

A class activity could not exist without "Tank" on the committee. He has been one of the outstand­ing members of the class, socially and avoirdupoisly.

"Tank's" work extended beyond the class to the sports field where he made an enviable record as a basketball star. His popularity must be deserved.

Activities: Basketball, Freshman Dance, Student Council, Ring Committee.

JOSEPH A. SULOT Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Nick-name: "Joe." Coughlin High. Sez He: "Hope she calls me tonight." Hobby: Cutting classes. "Joe," the Adonis of the Class of '32, has for his

motto "Variety is the spice of life." Take this from us, he lives up to that motto in every detail!

"Joe's" attraction seems to be centered on one "Peg." "Hope she calls me up tonight," is every­day language.

Outside of cutting classes, tennis and swimming, "Joe" is quite a student of pharmacy. We feel cer­tain that he will some day be one of Wilkes-Barre's leading pharmacists.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.


1172 S. 9th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Laura." West Catholic Girls' High. Sez She: "I don't know about that." Hobby: Reading. W e hear Loretta has her boy friend all picked

out, and she's nobody's fool, because she has selected a pharmacist. Boy, what a combination!

There is one thing that we can say about "Laura," and that is that she has a fine sense of humor that is not evident to everyone.

"Laura" has always treated us fair and square, so we do her this good turn. Ask her about it.

Here's health and happiness to you and yours! Activities: Circolo Italiano, Minehart Scientific




Nanticoke, Pa.

Nick-name: "Indian." Nanticoke High. Sez He: "Hello, L , how's your heart?" Hobby: Tennis. "Indian," the man who puts pep into college life

"et quam." And this popular fellow has for his hobby tennis and keeping the family together!

Radical in his speech, however, his strong opinions have sought weak points and therefore they become constructive.

To work with him is a pleasure; his many friends will tell you. We are only sorry that we cannot enjoy association with such men for a longer period of time.

Activities: Temple Pharmaceutical Society.


1909 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Helen." Wm. Penn High. Sez She: "The minutes of the last meeting said—" Hobby: "John." "Helen" is the cause of many of the fellows

missing out in their lectures, just sitting near her and trying to get in her good graces. There wasn't a chance, she had hers all picked out.

Helen has been our Class Secretary for the entire three years, and it should serve her well to fill a similar position for one of her admirers. (Not that we like Mr. Winchell's gossip, but there seemed to have been a budding romance going on in our class.) Helen has participated in many class affairs and her verdicts were always heeded.

Activities: Secretary Freshman, Junior and Senior Class, Minehart Scientific Society, Freshman Hop.


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820 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Slotty." Central High. Sez He: "Oh boy, oh boy. oh boy." Hobby: Sports. "Slotty" missed his profesison by taking up phar­

macy. He should have entered the sport world. Aside from his great athletic achievements,

"Slotty" is a well-liked fellow. He is always there with a laugh.

Activities: Basketball.

MARIS P. WESLEY 3827 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Nick-name: "Wes ." West Chester High. Sez He: "What did they do in pharmacy lab?" Hobby: Tennis and music. Maris is one of the bright lights of our class.

Wherever you see him you don't have to look around for Penn.

Maris is quite versatile in sports, being an excel­lent tennis player.

Activities: Kappa Alpha Psi.



Age—About—Just between so-so—(?). Height—Tall enough to look up to and small enough to look down upon. Weight—(?) Kilogrammes (convert). Appetite—Usual. Hobbies—Pharmacy Seniors. Ethyl is a very nice girl. In fact, she is a very, very nice girl. It took us a little

while before we caught onto her, but since we ve had her down pat once, we will all remember her for a very long time.

Ethyl, however, has one bad fault (even her best friends won't tell her). Strange as it seems, her magnetic personality is of such a calibre, that even great authorities argue that she and members of her family have the power to hasten the healing prop­erties of our injured and abraided epithelium.

Here is something that very few of us know. When Ethyl is taken out on a party and treated with some good acetone (?), and then if her boy friend Oxi-dize her gown with some of the punch, she is of such a jealous nature that she will change into an entirely different person, and throw her Sulph-on-al the other fellows around. In fact, in this state, she almost seems to be a hypnotic to her boys.

Believe it or not, once when she was in this condition, one of our kind professors had to take her completely apart for us before we could get down to the basic fact of what she really was. Be that as it may We More you, Ethyl Mercaptan; We love you, Ethyl Mercaptan,

Your hair and face and figure nice, And although we are pals not new, But when we take you home at night

Why must you act like so much ice? You can bet on us to see, that

"Even your best friend won't tell you."


Class of 1932


with the \ind assistance of


Ten o'clock Saturday night, and the languishing strains of "Lucky Days are here again," signifying the opening of another Lucky Strike Dance Program, starring Walter Winchell, the know all, sees all of Broadway and points here, there and everywhere.

And tonight, ladies and gentlemen of the radio audience, we are going to hear two of the greatest dance aggregations ever brought to you by our Lucky Strike Host. From Chicago we are going to hear George Goldstein and his Pharmacy Madcaps, and from Montreal, Canada, Eddie Block and his famous Mortar and Pestle gang. But before entering the program proper, I've a few news snatches for your astonishment. Frank Wadsinski and Helen Witkowski have finally gone and done it, fulfilling what I told you a few programs back. Reds Cohen, one of Broadway's favorite playboys, has decided to quit philandering and go back to his wife. Norm Levine has decided to quit paying chorus girls' breach of promise suits and pay more attention to his growing chain of drug stores. Morris Klein and Jack Fleisher have put their resources (mental and financial) together and published series of books telling all and sundry scientists just what is wrong with their theories. Pat Agnes has just opened his new theatre on Fifth Avenue with John De Stefano as his Charge d'Affaires. Boo-Boo Koff has finally realised his dream of piloting Jack Pearlstein into a windup fight at Madison Square Garden against Isy Koff, the bantam champ. Frank Seligsohn has been signed to a contract as mistress of ceremonies at the Show Place in Long Beach. John Flannery has been promoted to Chief of the chemistry laboratory at Brooklyn College of Phar' macy. Ed Alexander has been appointed analytical chemist at the duPont Chemical Works. And now, folks, our magic carpet will take you to Chicago where we will hear George Goldstein and his Pharmacy Madcaps. O.K. Chicago!

Good evenin', folks, this is George Goldstein and his boys, coming to you from the Roof Garden of the Sol Ravin Hotel in Chicago. For our first number we have a composition written especially for this occasion by John Painter with the composer himself at the piano. Let's all dance. And now we have a treat for you. Eddie Gibstein will do his song and dance for you to the tune of "Come, You Sons of Temple." After Eddie's number you will hear from your local announcer who will take you back to New York and Walter. O.K.! Walter Winchell!

Very good, George, that was great. The latest Broadway sensation is Irv Krasner, who is laying them in the aisles at the Joe Levitt Theatre, where Solly Rovinsky is presenting his latest musical effort, "A Night in Camden." Irv is assisted at the piano by Pearl Borow. Appearing in the same show is another well-known pair, "The Adhesive Twins" (Natalie and Ida). Rumor has it that Henry Frants and Ada


Bernabei are that way about each other. I don't believe it, he's much too big. Joe Specker would like to know when Harry Neidorf will stop thinking he's so "hot." I don't know, Joe, but look at Ben Bernie. Walt Dembiec, the Wilkes-Barre Beer Baron, has just been "put on the spot" by Charlie Moseman, the little Wheeler of Brooklyn. Lou Snyder, the Yankee second baseman, is reported engaged to a Follies girl who was thought to be ga ga about Lou's pal, Al Sonstein. Coleman Gibbs will have the sup­port of Joe Pierce's outfit in his fight for City Treasurer. Tony Baranzano, Holly­wood's newest star, is seen in Lew Skolnick's latest flicker extravaganza, "Ten Nights in a Bedroom," with Loretta Tirro in the leading female role, now appearing in the Gatti Theatre on East 45th Street. Schub Keller and Nels Reider are on a tour of the speakeasies, under the tutelage of Joe Caranci. Vic Caley and Matt Dill are study­ing police and fire methods in the principal cities of the East. And now for Eddie Block and his Mortar and Pestle Gang from Montreal, Canada. O.K., Eddie! O.K., Magic Carpet!

Hello, everybody, this is Eddie Block and his Mortar and Pestle Gang, coming to you direct from the Grille Room of the Cafe Margulis. For our first number, we are going to play a special arrangement of that latest dance sensation by Ronald Howell, with vocal chorus by those two queens of harmony, the Conforto Sisters. Following this number, I will sing, with permission of the copyright owners, and as a special request of Dick Harris, Charlie Blum's latest effort, "Materia Medica Notes for Sale." Directly following we will take time out for station identification and then our magic carpet will carry you back to Walter Winchell and his lingo. O.K., New York!

O.K., Eddie, that was swell. Ran Durrant has been decorated by the Hawaiians for his revision of Pharmacy methods on the Islands. Charlie Dunkinson and Ambrose Dougherty have buried the hatchet and are now friends. John Dooley is going to throw his hat in the Senatorial campaign with Art Connors as his campaign manager. Ben Polin, the hard-drinking, hard-working city editor of the Times, with the assistance of Joe Montalbano, his circulation manager, is fighting to repeal the Eighteenth Amend­ment, so that he won't have to pay such high prices for his booze. Did you know that the "Advice to the Lovelorn" column of the Times was run by Sam Granite, with Beryl Domsky as his moral support. "Spike" Denenberg will be guest of honor at the Boy Scout Executive Dinner tonight, at which Lou Handler and Jack Mandeberg will also be speakers. Dave Penn is in Charleston running the hospital pharmacy. And now, our magic carpet will whirl you back to Chicago and George. O.K., Chicago! O.K., George!

Hello, folks, we're back again, and this time we're going to play a group of your favorite selections from the pen of Bernie Grossman, after which your local announcer will guide you and the magic carpet back to Walter and his gossip. O.K., Walter Winchell! Let's go, New York!

Excellent, George, fine! Little Walter has a few choice bits of news which he has saved for the last. Did you know that Ray Barnhart, the Sheik of Chambersburg, is to croon and lead his orchestra at the Palace next week? Ben Blackman has settled his breach of promise suit out of court. Harry Burak will defend his eastern tennis title next week. Dave Cohen will produce musical shows at the Apollo next season. Sam Guttler has decided that buying your wife a fur coat every three seasons is cheaper


than buying chorus girls Lincoln roadsters. Paul Hendler is writing syndicate articles for Associated Press. Len and Sam Kaliner have gone in for beer making on a large scale and are now threatening Joe Mira's supremacy in the East Side. Phil Kaufman is to be seen nightly at the stage door of the Earl Carroll Theatre. Joe Marcelonis, the Olive Oil King, is selling olive oil as a substitute for lubricant oil. Moish Miller is to be named shortly as coach of the Bryn Mawr Seminary. Red Kopman, who has broken more hearts than any one man I know, is to be married shortly to a little girl who sings at the Roxy. Mor Smith is now the man behind the works at the Cotton Club. Tank Spector, that very likeable chap, is promoting amateur fights at the St. Nick Arena. Herm Blum, who, during his college days, was perhaps the most brilliant and one of the best liked fellows in his class is going on right where he left off in col' lege. Herm is now recognized as the outstanding authority on medicine in the country. Good luck, Herm, and the best of success.

And now, folks, my time is drawing to a close. This is Mrs. Winchell's naughty boy Walter, signing off. We will be with you next week at the same time and don't forget "Lucky Strikes do not contain harsh irritants." Goodbye, everybody, goodbye.'"




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The Wonder Class Believe it or not! The Class of '32 is the Wonder Class. It's a wonder that most

of us graduated.

Our college life has been full of surprises. The first happened in a botany quiz during our Freshman year. We were asked "Who founded Temple University" and "Who was President of the United States after Wilson?" Our last surprise was when —I don't know how—we graduated.

Blessings on thee, druggist man, Sell us freckles, sell us tan. All the ruddy tints of health, Even girls of little wealth Purchase on some simple plan. Blessings on thee, druggist man.

"Snap out of it" Shac has also done some wondering about the "Wonder Class." He wonders how it is possible for a gang of rank amateurs to get perfect results in Quantitative Analysis. It's a wonder he don't heave the bunch of us out of the lab. Truly—"He's Human." Any ordinary chemist would take one look at our results and then either take HCN, or go out on the corner and sell apples.

We're a 9-day wonder in another manner. Some profs never wonder how six fellows, sitting all over the amp, can have the same wrong answers to questions—no use to wonder—we're the "Wonder Class."

We wonder if there'll ever be A future in our Pharmacy, Or if we'll always slave and wait And show nothing for it but weight.

We wonder if in times to be, There'll be no "Patent Medicy." And we'll do nothing through the day 'Cept compound, the ethical way.

Wonder? That they may, But nothing they do And all that they say "I'm glad this day's through.

But let them all wait till we are through And then they'll hear us thunder past. We wait for nothing! Go ahead! Because we are the "Wonder Class."

Here is an unknown clipping found in a drug journal. Let's apply it to Phar­macy and let Pharmacy be the "other traveler."

Life is like a journey taken on a train, With a pair of travelers at each window pane. I may sit beside you all the journey through, Or I may sit elsewhere, never knowing you. But if fate should mark me to sit at your side Let's be pleasant travelers, it's so short a ride.



Class of '33


Vice-President M A R T I N ZACHIAN



Class Advisor FRANK H. EBY


Class of '34




Treasurer A L B E R T K O F F



Record Book Staff

Editor-in-Chief BEN POLIN












Sports Editor ISADORE KOFF


Distribution VICTOR CALEY


Minehart Scientific Society Organized February, 1929

The Minehart Scientific Society, the only honorary society of the Pharmacy School, named after our dean, has just completed the most successful year since its inauguration. Organized four years ago by a group of enthusiastic pioneering phar­macy students, the society has made such rapid strides that today it carries the full recognition of the faculty, the University and is chartered under the State of Penn­sylvania.

In accordance with its purpose of creating a better relationship between the phar­macy students, the Schools of Pharmacy and also the advancement of Pharmacy as a science, the organization, throughout the year, has obtained numerous speakers, from the leading workers in the pharmaceutical and medical professions, to address the entire school. Along with its closed meetings, at which time papers on original re­search are read by the members, and the educational trips throughout the city, the society has attained a position of honor and esteem throughout the University.

OFFICERS Honorary President DR. J O H N R. M I N E H A R T President HERMAN BLUM Vice-President J O H N PAINTER Corresponding Secretary ADA L. BERNABEI Secretary B E N BLACKMAN Treasurer NORMAN LEVINE


H O N O R A R Y MEMBERS J O H N R. M I N E H A R T , M.D., Phar.D. HARRY W. M A N T Z , Ph.G. ROBERT R O W E N , P.C., B.S. LEON A. RYAN, Ph.D. H E N R Y FISHER, M.D., Phar.D. Louis GERSHBERG, Ph.G. JAMES C. ATTIX, M.S., M.D., D.D.S., Phar.D. LEO G. P E N N , Phar.D. H. EVERT KENDIG, Phar.D., M.D. HENRY V. ARNY, Ph.D., Ph.M., F.C.S. GEORGE K. SCHACTERLE, B.S., Phar.D. CHARLES H. LA W A L L , Dr .Sc , Phar.D. FRANK H. EBY, Phar.D. P H I L I P FISCHELIS, M.D. FRANK C. ABBOTT, M.D. JAMES C. M U N C H , Ph.D.


Seniors Ada Bernabei Ben Blackman Herman Blum Ben Cohen Edith Conforto Emma Conforto Morris Denenberg John DeStefano Randolph Durrant Paul Hendler John Flannery Leonard Kaliner Philip Kaufman Isadore Koff Herman Kopman Norman Levine Joseph Montalbano Harry Neidorf John Painter Ben Polin Sol Ravin Philip Shrager Loretta Tirro Helen Witkowski

Juniors Joseph Barmach Turna-Chana Gejfecman Theodore Robaczewski Albert Bendon Joseph Lawrence Charles Schwartz Samuel Berkowitz Salvatore Mergliano Morris Schusman Morris Berkowitz Robert Miller Charles Shickman Joseph Cimino Benjamin Ornstein Martin Zachian Harry Friedberg Isadore Ravin J. Cuccinatti

Freshmen Gennaro Avella Albert Koff Samuel Robinson Samuel Baron Sidney Kramer Frederick Scholl Solomon Cantor Coleman Levin Henry Seltzer Thomas Clendening Philip Levine William Wood Sol Finklestein Hector Pelicata Dorothy Zdaniewicz Herman Goren David Phillipe Josefa Zdaniewicz

Morris Plotkin


Alpha Zeta Omega

In 1919, through the zeal and endeavor of a group of students in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, there was founded an organization which is now international in its scope, embracing a subsidiary chapter in Canada.

The purposes in forming the Alpha Zeta Omega Fraternity were manifold. Chief among them was the perpetuation of friendships formed at college and through organization make greater strides toward success in the profession of pharmacy.

The ideals of the fraternity meeting with great success caused the installation of a Gamma Chapter at Temple University Pharmacy School in October, 1922. The original chapter was made up of a mere handful of graduates and students. The spirit of the fraternity developed to such an extent at length that it is now one of the out­standing fraternities in the school.

Alpha Zeta Omega stands on record as being the first fraternity to put aside tra' ditional rivalry between Temple and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and to establish bonds of peace, friendship and brotherly love with its associate chapter.

The officers for the year are:


The collegiate members are:

Irving Skolnick Sidney Levy Morris Smith Lee W. Kushner Albert Sonstein Coleman Levin Ben Ornstein Morris Berkowitz David Sherry Harry Jacobs Sol. C. Segal David Cohen Louis Handler


Kappa Psi

About the middle of May of this year the Beta Omega of Kappa Psi Fraternity celebrated its second anniversary at Temple University, School of Pharmacy. At that time Brothers Bard, Clarke, Collins, Englehardt, Fegan, Forbes, Lasley, Pierce, Porecca and Walker were initiated as charter collegiate members, while Drs. Eby and Schacterle and the Messrs. Bossle, Kelley and Leberknight were initiated as charter facultate members. Of the charter members, Brother Pierce is in the graduating class this year. The other Brothers have graduated and begun their pharmaceutical careers. Since then our ranks have been added to considerably. At the close of 1930, the fol­lowing men were extended the privileges of Psi, namely, Baranzano, Campbell, Jamison, Painter and Sassaman. In February, 1931, Brothers Armstrong, Connor, Lynch and Robaczewski were initiated into the chapter. At the more recent initiations, Brothers Flannery, Dooley, Hendler, Howell, Falcon, Stormer and Pelicata were inducted.

And now that the school year is terminating and graduation breaks asunder the bonds of brotherhood in taking from us some of the members, to them and the rest of the graduating class of 1932 Kappa Psi writes to say that in bidding you goodbye it is certain of your success and have only to wish you good luck.

OFFICERS, 1931-1932


OFFICERS, 1932-1933






Freshman: PELICATA.


Gamma Alpha Sigma

It was in the early part of 1928 that the only pharmaceutical sorority was organ­ized at Temple University by a group of co-ed students whose aim it was to keep con­stantly at work both scholastically and socially. In 1929, after working diligently to obtain official recognition, Gamma Alpha Sigma was officially recognized by the University.

With the induction of the new members this year, the organization has become stronger. We have supported all school and social activities and have endeavored to render every assistance to our members. Not only are the members of this sorority succeeding in living up to the traditions of Gamma Alpha Sigma, but are continuing with the advancement of the aim that started the formation of it.




Vice-Chancellor NATALIE R. FELDMAN

Chancellor of Exchequer A N N E E. SELTZER Scribe PEARL BOROW





Eva Cornfeld Bertha Herman Katherine E. Tucker Anne A. Seltzer Nellie Shulik Natalie R. Feldman Sadie Levinsky Sue B. Cutler Dorothy M. Ruby Sophie Sorokin Hilda Scoll Pearl Borow Rosalind Feldman Selma Spoont Sylvia Popolow Mollie Greenfield


Gamma Phi Sigma (GALEN)

Ever since the promulgation of the Gamma chapter of the Gamma Phi Sigma Fraternity the members have always regarded the work of the founder with respect. It has always defended an unchallenged supremacy in Temple University's field of phar­maceutical societies and fraternities.

Advisor DR. LEO G. P E N N


Vice-President MORRIS MILLER

Secretary SOL RAVIN



This is not merely an idle fact calculated to attract favorable comment, but it is a direct result of the high standards which we were constantly pursuing, and due to the incomparable and dynamic leadership of its officers, and the devoted efforts towards co-operation on the behalf of the members.

Now we feel proud to say, but pardonably so, that this year with a new helmsman and crew, embarked on one of the most successful seasons. Once more we were able to raise the Galen banner of success and supremacy in the fields of science, social and scholastic activities, higher than ever emblazoned against the sky.

Truly the Gamma chapter of the Gamma Phi Sigma Fraternity has kept up and set its own pace by that set up by those who went before us. In all a well-rounded list of activities comprised the calendar of this year.


'32 Edward A. Block Morris Miller Sol Ravin Isadore M. Koff Bernard Grossman Benjamin Blackman Herman Blum Harry Margulis Charles Blum


Charles Schwartz Sydney Burnstein Lewis Hershman Morris Koval Samuel Parness Simon Elkins Charles Shickman Sol Perloff Harry Blofstein

'34 Albert Goldstein David Schwartz Isadore Finkel Jack Koutcher Max Factor David Kraimen Morris Shusmen Isadore Sachs

The Gamma Phi Sigma (Galen) wishes to acknowledge its appreciation to our esteemed and beloved Advisor, Dr. Leo G. Penn, "Father of Galen," at Temple, for his untiring guidance; and to the honorary members, Dr. Robert Rowen and Dr. Sol P. Hanig, who were always ready and willing to aid, not forgetting the co-operation of the Alumni, who helped make this year one of the most successful in the history of our chapter.


Circolo Italiano

Those who have led the Circolo Italiano, of the School of Pharmacy, which has been in existence for little over a year, are:

JOSEPH MONTALBANO President MICHAEL FALCON Vice-President JOHN D E STEFANO Treasurer FANNY D E PALMA Recording Secretary ADA BERNABEI Corresponding Secretary

Under the sponsorship of Mr. Carl Malamisuro, the society has been brilliantly successful in its undertakings. This was illustrated by the fact that it was one of the leading organizations to aid the Interfraternal Council accomplish its purpose.

Graduation time is here and with it comes sadness. Sadness, I say, for our most active and helpful members are leaving us. They are: Paschal Agnes, Anthony Bar-ranzano, Ada Bernabei, Joseph Caranci, Edith Conforto, Emma Conforto, John De Stefano, Candido Gatti, Joseph Mira, Joseph Montalbano and Loretto Tirro.

May we take this time to express our thankfulness and appreciation for the work they have done. It is the wish of every one of us that the outgoing members shall be just as successful in their future life as they have been here at school.

This poem expresses most adequately the thought we wish to leave with you.

As you follow the years In their joyful pace,

May you go with a smile And win in the race;

May each one be a mark Of honor and pride

And life give you peace That is deep and wide.


Temple Pharmaceutical Society

According to the folklore of the South Sea Islands, there came a time when novices had to discard their youthful whims and enter the hall of the aged and experienced leaders if they expected to carry on. Temple Pharmaceutical Society, founded in Nine' teen Hundred and Twenty-two, is about to enter the ranks of age-worn societies. It is with extreme pleasure that the T. P. S. enters these ranks the same year that our honorable Dean and honorary member, Dr. John R. Minehart, celebrates his twenty-fifth year as Dean of Temple University, College of Pharmacy. We have been suc­cessful this year in carrying on the precedence set by our former brothers. It gives us great pleasure to announce that in making our debut into the list of older fraternities we were able to hold the first formal dinner-dance given by any fraternity in Temple University, College of Pharmacy. We have been fortunate in maintaining our prestige through our select members even during the period of depression with twenty-one members graduating, we will have a small nucleus with which to carry on our activities. As was ever our policy, few or many, we will strive to excell in all our undertakings.


NELSON M. REIDER President VICTOR L. CALEY Vice-President EMIL L. MATYASIC Recording Secretary CHARLES B. MOSEMAN Treasurer HENRY G. FRANTZ Financial Secretary







Baranzano, Anthony Barnhart, Raymond Caley, Victor L. Caranci, Joseph P. Connor, Arthur E. Cucinotta, Orazio Dembiec, Walter J. De Stephano, John Dooley, John F. Dill, Matthew


Dunkinson, Charles Durrant, R. A. Frantz, Henry G. Gibbs, Coleman A. Keller, C. Shubert Mira, Joseph Matyasic, Emil Morgan, Edward Montalbano, Joseph Moseman, Charles B. Di Lorenzo, Pasquale

Most, William Painter, John W. Pascucci, Rocco D. Pierce, Joseph J. Reider, Nelson Rabaczewski, Theodore J. Smith, Harold D. Scholl, William Varga, Frank L. Wadzinski, Frank J.


Social Notes

Cozy atmosphere, lights dimmed, beautiful girls and music that just becomes part of you—you ask what can this be—answer—nothing more or less than any affair which we, the Class of '32, put across.

During the first part of our Freshman year, all our time was spent getting to know each other and trying to see what we could do to get in right with the profs, but when the second semester came around we wanted some excuse to let off some of our steam— viz., the cause for our Freshman Hop. Place—Hotel Majestic. Time—March 4, 1930. Music—Paramount Serenaders. Boy, what a time! This was all the incentive we needed. No sooner had we reached school the next day than we started to make plans for a dance that would be the outstanding affair of our college life. After some argu­mentation we decided it was to be a Sport Dance—wear anything from a bathing suit to a tux.

There is one series of incidents that will never be forgotten concerning that Sport Dance at the Club Del Rio at the end of our Freshman year. These incidents took place before and after the dance. On the way to the Club Del Rio, Ben Polin had an ancient tin can (very sport model), and three couples were in it. Going up, nothing happened except when the Ford tried to climb up the back of a Cadillac. But going back, after our most enjoyable time together, things happened thick and fast. Just to enumerate, sideswiped four parked cars on Market Street, hit two "L" poles, chased and stopped by detectives, almost exterminated by a Mack truck. Stalled on Delaware River Bridge. Bus had to push us across, and then a game of hide-and-go-seek, which we played in Camden for about an hour. This night will live forever with us.

And now comes our Junior Prom at the Hotel Rittenhouse, with Bill Honey and his Merry Pickers furnishing the syncopation. The affair took place in December and the largest and gayest crowd to attend any of our affairs were at hand. Outside of the dance, some very good talent was procured to entertain us. This "tripping" to the "light fantastic" just put us in the right mood for the Interfraternal Council to take advantage of the fact. They planned an affair which took place at the Club Del Rio in March. The dance was put over so as to be a benefit for our basketball team. "Laughing11 Leo Zollo and his orchestra furnished the melodies and drove us into "conniptions11 with their antics. This was a huge success.

During our Senior year we were taken up too much with our studies during the first part of our year, so we let things slide until the Interfraternal Council again put on a show, this time at the Stephen Girard Hotel, with Earl Denny and his orchestra. This affair took place during February. A most enjoyable evening was spent among beautiful environment, most congenial friends and accompanied by unusual enter­tainment and music.

We hope that these enjoyable events are marked by greater successes to the Inter­fraternal affairs in the future.


Senior Dinner Dance






Girl Friend:







Check as above



Fair Lousy (Please check)

Short Too many

Please check)

Not enough



K:.' .j^--


Think It Over!!

JD^2^cr^)o p TUS bpucfe







Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Compliments of

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Phila., Pa.

Manufacturing 'Pharmacists

Manufacturers of

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WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Importers and Manufacturers

N. W. Cor. 3rd and Callowhill Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

" Everywhere It's Bernheim Equipment" with Bastian-Blessing Soda Fountains

Most of the Temple Graduates who have gone into business have equipped their stores with complete up- to - the -minute

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Bernheim & Sons are ready to serve you. May we suggest a layout for that new store and help to bring success into your business life?

Experienced buyers know "Bernheim Quality Fixtures" is their best investment.

Reasonable Prices

Easy Terms



for over 50 years B e r n h e i m e q u i p m e n t has been the Standard of Excellence A

Both Phones Bell, Regent 0536

Keystone. Park 5343

1401-07 North 3rd Street Established 1880

Philadelphia, Pa.

Everywhere "Bastian-Blessing Soda Fountains"

with Bernheim Store Fixtures Bernheim & Sons, Inc., - 3rd and Master Sts., - Distributors in the East

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The new 1932 Bastian-Blessing Sanitary Soda Fountain has been made more attractive, more convenient

than ever before

N E W ! Water and Soda cooling system.

N E W ! Draft Station.

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Above all Bernheim & Sons are ready to give you "ever-ready service and advice," of real value to the man

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BERNHEIM & SONS, he, " £ £ £ £ • * Bell Phone , Regent 0536 Established 1880

Philadelphia, Keystone Phone , Park 5343

Distributors of Bastian-Blessing Soda Fountains Reasonable Prices — Easy Terms


PHILADELPHIA MAGNESIA U. S. P. Is used by the Majority of the Druggists in this state

wi th perfect satisfaction

U. S. P. Magnesium-Carbonate instead of technical is used in the manufacture of our product—a more palatable preparation is the result.

The most expensive Terpinless Oil of Lemon is used in our product. This prevents terpidity, and it also increases the palatableness of our preparation.

A heavier syrup is used in our product to overcome the super tart taste which is evident in most citrates. This feature makes our preparation easy to take for children as well as adults.

Our product is uniformly accurate in the raw materials as well as the physical appearance. A special pasteurizing process is used to insure its clearness and freshness for months.


When you dispense PHILADELPHIA MAGNESIA U. S. P. you please the physician as well as the patient because they will appreciate the advantages of our product which is so mani' festly superior.

Prompt Service Is Readily Available Direct From the

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33rd and Dickinson Sts . , Phila. , Pa. Bell, Oregon 2500 Keystone, Race 2633

For 100 Years Favorably Known


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The Best Insurance against Colds and La Grippe, rich in Vitamins

"A" and "D"

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In capsules and bottles

JOHN C. BAKER CO. 131 N. 10th St. - Phila., Pa.

Establ ished 1830

Compliments of


Best Wishes from


When you decide to go into business, asfy us

for an estimate on your requirements

QREE^ Vine Street above "Broad

An old line house in the manufacture of Soda Fountains, with the organization and ability to remain young in appreciating and adopting the newest and best ideas, and the intention to con­tinue to build the most practical of soda fount­ains. The present-day products of G R E E N stand as proof of this.


Robert M. Green & Sons Pioneer Manufacturers of

Soda Fountains Established 1874

1413-25 Vine St. - Philadelphia Telephones:

Rit. 8317 8318

Race 7017

HENRY TROEMNER 911 Arch Street Philadelphia

Compliments of

AMERICAN DRUGGIST Pharmaceut ica l Business


57th St. at 8th Ave., New York City


William C. Martin

Class Jeweler

908 Chestnut St., - Phila., Pa.


Quality First Since 1845




Compliments Oj

A Friend

National Tetanus Antitoxin

is a highly refined and extra concentrated antitoxin containing from 1500 to 2000 units per cc.

For immunizing or prophylaxis inject 1500 to 5000 units, deep intramuscularly or subcutaneously, imme­diately patient reports wound. At least two injec­tions should be made following every suspicious or deep penetrating wound.

The period of passive immunity, given by immu­nizing doses of antitoxin, is relatively short. In delayed healing wounds, it is strongly advised, that two or more immunizing doses of antitoxin be given at weekly intervals. This method was found necessary during the World War in order to give protection.

Repeated curative doses of 20,000 to 60,000 units should be given intravenously. Once clinical symp­toms of tetanus develop the patient is already satur­ated with the tetanus toxin and irreparable damage has occurred to the central nervous system.

National Tetanus Antitoxin is furnished in perfected serum syringes and in ampoule-vials; each package contains 1,500; 5,000; 10,000 and 20,000 units.


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The <iyfrt of the oJfrTasters

in our




1 holographic Studios

1010 Chestnut Street - Philadelphia, Pa.

Pennypacker 5777

Official Photographer for IQJ2 Temple Pharmacy Record

Special reduction given to all students

TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad Street and Montgomery Avenue





Send for Bulletin Phone, Stevenson 7600

Compliments of

Hoffman-LaRoche y Inc.

This book published by


Sez We: Things We Never Knew

Who ever heard of a stadium grounded with cobbles? Who ever heard of a stadium surrounded by five-story buildings (all broken windows) ? Who ever heard of athletes playing in such a stadium with their lunches in their mouths? Who ever heard of the historic feats of these athletes? Who ever heard of Baldwin Stadium? Well, listen everybody! Way back in the, fall of 1929 Baldwin Stadium was discovered; was immediately adopted as our sport world, and since then has become the haven of the class cutters. The politicians of the class, the bright guys, and the plain students, all had something to do in the making of its history.

First of all we'll discuss Sam Granite and his deeds (mostly misdeeds). Sam is famous not because of his hefty wallops, his dazzling stops, or his brilliant forward passing (all of which he hasn't got), but for the fact that he never chose a winning team. "How come your teams never win, Sammy?11 "We don't play so much to win, we play for exercise."

Bee Gee had us fooled, nobody thought he could play, but we learned better. Barn sure was smart, playing football, he would resin his hands, so that he woufdn't drop a forward pass. Tank was another one of those exercisers, football being his sport. Remember that time he fell on little Moey Kline—Moey was on the sidelines for a month after that. Now you know enough about the losers, and here's the real reason for their losing. Benny Slott for one. How could any team lose with him on it! A natural schemester, his hidden ball tricks played havoc with the enemy, and as for hitting that baseball, he takes the cake. The bridge was no barrier for him. Yep, you're the champion slugger, Ben. And Gibby for another. He was the guy you saw doing those dance steps while shagging a fly. No use hitting the ball towards that "fielding fool.11 Remember Pippy, the perfect pegger, and Protigal, the catcher, who was all over the field, and Mahatma Gatti, who never caught a ball all season, while Ben Polin, the famed pitcher, always lost his heels. There's plenty more of them, some good, some bad, but we'll have to—. Oh, yes, we can't forget those devoted fans, the unemployed, who cheered us and jeered us in rain or shine.

Now, about our fighting Senior champions. After being in the class league for two years without doing much, our class team surprised all in its third year and came through with the intra^mural championship. Our team showed a winning brand of basketball, going through the season undefeated, running roughshod over the Fresh­men, and beating the Juniors in a thrilling game that went into extra periods. The members of the team were Sol Rovinsky, Lou Snyder, Harry Neidorf, Pip Margulis, Ben Protigal as regulars, Phil KaufFman, Si Kaliner and Moey Kline as reserves, with Moish Miller as coach. Lou Snyder was the lad who came through in the extra period game with the winning points. In addition to him, the other members of the team who were outstanding were Sol Rovinsky, who thrilled the fans with his dribbling, and Pip Margulis, who was one of the outstanding guards of the league.




The Pharmacy basketball team is a student activity of Pharmacy School which is run by the students, for the students, and depends wholly upon the students. The students are always back of the team with their support and help.

Just a little excerpt from one of the games.

Fight, fight, Cherry and White. Fight!

Yeah! Another basket scored by "Ben" Slott, with the able assistance of "Moish" Miller, "Eddy" Gibstein and "Tank" Spector. Amid the lusty cheering and yelling, the whistle was heard. The game had ended and the score was tied 29-29.

An extra period must be played.

What cheers! What yells!

The game was resumed and again the crowd goes into hysterics as "Slotty" makes another basket, with the assistance of the "Tank." The score is now 31-29. A jump ball and again Pharmacy comes through as "Gibby" makes a beautiful shot to win the game.

Over at the official table, wiping the perspiration from his pencil, is Isadore "Isy" Koff, whose efforts to work for a winning team finally came true. "Isy" worked so hard that he never thought of having anything deter him when it came to doing his utmost for the team.

During our Freshman and Junior years, the team were members of the Eastern Intercollegiate Pharmacy League, and during those years our class was represented by Miller, Spector, Gibstein and Slott. The seasons were quite successful, with our team ending in the cellar, or not far from it.

A call for candidates. Just a little material left from last year. Forty-two (42) prospective players responded. A team was shaped up and our schedule started. We had dropped from the Pharmacy League and were Independent.

This year our first game was for a most notable purpose, the first of its kind ever attempted, a Combined Pharmacy Basketball Game for the Unemployment Relief. And what a success it was financially!

We then played such outstanding teams as Penn A. C., La Salle College, Susque­hanna University, Upsala College, Gallaudet College, Textile College, Pennsylvania Military College and P. C. P. 6? S. We brought our season to a successful close by defeating our ancient rivals, P. C. P. fc? S.

Again, as in former years, the team is under the able guidance of Robert "Bob" Geasy, whose labors for Temple Pharmacy were well rendered. For publicity we are thankful to Maurice Tarr, Athletic Director, who worked earnestly for the team. Then we have our worthy sponsors, Dr. Harry Mantz, the faculty advisor, and Dr. Frank H. Eby, the financial advisor, in back of the team. These men worked harder this year for the team than ever before.

The members of the squad were: Seniors—Miller, Gibstein, Slott and Spector. The Juniors—Jedoff, Falcon, Sherry, Parness and Robaczewski. The Freshmen— Skoboloff, Pollock and Edelsohn. Manager—-Isy Koff, and Assistant—Lew Hershman.


Sez They To Us

' Joe At t ix" "Under ordinary conditions

'Shac" " A bunch of super-educated nuts

'Har ry" "Cohen-shaped suppositories

'Evert" "To make a Bronx cocktail, we use—

'Munchy" "It doesn't hurt the animal

'Frank" "Black mustard is brown when it's green.

'Pingy" "He's a mucker

'Waggy" "You're a bunch of bums

'U. S. P. Corny" " W h a t preparation in the U. S. P.—?

'Bob" "Oh, he don't know what he's talking about.

' W a l t " "Well , now looka here.

'S. Paul" "Work the fine adjustments, students

'Hypodermic Joe" "Time's up

'Eddie" "Get a dry test tube

'Leo" "Spit on the four walls lBos" " N / 1 0 is the same as # $ % ? & * | 4


Sez We To Them









Cornfeld . . . .


Leberknight .


Malamasuro .











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m m

Best Liked



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Best Sport






















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9 0


Sez We To Ourselves

Handsomest (Male) Anthony Baranzano

Prettiest (Female) Ada Bernabei

Most Popular Herman Blum

Best Dressed Lou Snyder

Brightest Ben Polin

Most Athletic Ben Slott

Biggest Noise Eddie Gibstein

Biggest Politician Harry Neidorf

Most Humorous Harry Margulis

These being our last words in the composing of the ASCLEPIAN, we must pause for a few moments to pay our respect to a man of sterling character, unflinching in his co-operation, and ever present with useful and suggestive ideas. This man is none other than our beloved class advisor, Professor Harry W. Mantz.

We can truthfully say, that without his useful comments and ideas, the work of publishing this volume would have been an undertaking that would have been too great for any of us.

Upon this occasion, I thank you, Dr. Mantz, on behalf of the entire staff, and can only say that our brief period of working together has been entirely too short.




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