historical sketch and alumni record of iowa wesleyan college


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Edwin A. Schell, A. M., Ph. D., D. D.

President of Iowa Wesleyan College, 1908

Historical Sketch


Alumni Recordof

Iowa Wesleyan College

19 17

Mount Pleasant, Iowa

MT Pleasant News-Jouhnal, MT Pleasant, Iowa



Now that this edition of the new Iowa Wesleyan Alumni

Record is ready for the press, we begin to fully understand

how incomplete and inaccurate the individual data in many in-

stances is. We are frank to confess that when we first start-

ed on the work, we had visions of making the book accurate

in every detail. But we have now learned that we set for our-

selves an impossible task. Some of the alumni of the early

days, we fear, are lost to us forever. We have been fortunate

in locating a few of the people who were marked as missing in

the old record of twelve years ago, but we are afraid there

will be more new names bearing that legend than were in the

old book. In the preface of the first edition of this history and

record, the editor, Mr. Carl S. Williams, '84, makes reference

to the incomplete data concerning F. H. Burris, of the class of

1863. Just today, as we were rummaging around in a box of

old papers that had been brought down from the attic to be

thrown into the furnace, we found a slip of paper dated in 1906

which gives the complete history of Fernandez Holiday Burris.

In another hour this record would have been lost forever.

The task of the original editors of this book was a little

less than Herculean. After many weary days and nights spent

in an effort to bring this book up to date, assisted immeasur-

ably as we were by the original volume, which "blazed the

trail", we come to an adequate realization of what the first

task must have been. In going over the old documents and

minutes, relative to the life of the school, we have found the

original history as written by Ex-President John W. Hancher,

most complete and accurate.

We have attempted on two previous occasions to get the

book ready for publication, but each time the work was halted

by the exigencies of the endowment campaign. We are work-

ing on it now in the midst of several other pressing duties.

Perhaps this will account for some of the errors and inaccura-

cy f f\nr%€\


cies. We wish to thank, at this time, all those who have as-

sisted us so materially in this work. No one, however, has

made a greater contribution of time to this work than W. H.

Evans, '98, and Ben Hur Wilson, '09. Without their aid, the

book could not have been printed at this time, if at all.

If your own record is in error or incomplete, or that of any

of your friends, or those whose memory you honor, write the

facts and send them to the Librarian of the College. Don't

wait, but do it now. It will be preserved and filed for future


It is the intention to re-print this book once every ten

years. In the meantime, the college will endeavor to keep all

data up-to-date. Young ladies have a most discouraging

way of changing their names and if they knew how difficult a

little event like that makes it to discover their whereabouts,

we feel certain they would notify the college immediately.

The younger graduates are a roving lot. They are teaching, or

preaching, or working here and there, and it is hard to lay

your finger on them without their co-operation.

We trust that this book will serve to unite you more strong-

ly to your Alma Mater. With the future of Iowa Wesleyanassured, all the great family of the Alumni will feel their in-

terest and devotion intensified.

HERBERT N. JEFFREY,Editor of Alumni Record.


The following is not a complete history. It does not pur-

port to be. We confess to that purpose in the beginning, but

the incompleteness of data, the want of full information, and

the impossibility of procuring these in the time allotted, have

swerved us from our purpose, and we here set down somethings of accuracy and some things of uncertainty. These will

doubtless meet the eyes of persons who know their uncertain-

ties, and, in some instances, their inaccuracies. If such per-

sons will kindly advise us, we shall feel called, after hearing

from our alumni, patrons, and friends, to prepare an accurate

history that shall be, in some measure at least, a complete one.

We append to this sketch record of trustees, officers, ex-

ecutive committees, presidents, faculties, etc., from the begin-

ning. We believe them to be correct. In many instances wehave been obliged to depend upon the memory of our older

alumni to know whether they had degrees, and if so, what their

degrees were, so that the scholastic setting may, in someinstances, be erratic. For information touching any error

or omission we shall be exceedingly grateful, and will pre-

serve the same carefully, in the interests of future accuracy

and correctness.

Historical Sketch


Virginia was the "Mother of Presidents." Ohio supplanted

her, and held the distinguished honor, to her great credit and

the profit of the nation. Many people believe that Iowa is to

be the grand-daughter of Virginia in the presidential line. Bethat as it may, Iowa is building, as she has been building from

the beginning of territorial history, as though she might be

called upon to furnish the brain and brawn, the courage and

heroism, the foresight and leadership of the American republic.

The counsels of her political leaders are sought at the na-

tion's firesides. The influence of her religious leaders are felt

everywhere, and everywhere command respect. Iowa's splen-

did system of public education is in evidence in this as in all

other walks of life. The value of her many colleges asserts

itself in the service her sons and daughters are called upon to

render to the state, the nation, and the world. The sequel is:

Iowa began right. She found her inspiration in the hunger of

the Pilgrim Fathers for liberty and learning, and intensified

it by the reflex action from a colonial sentiment, which

thanked God for freedom from the influence of school-houses

and printing presses, and prayed Him to delay their coming at

least one hundred years.

Methodism was early in Iowa. That's a way Methodism has.

Ooir Methodist forbears began upon arrival to lay plans for

liberal education. In 1841, when Mt. Pleasant was but a ham-

let of a few humble cottages, such men as I. I. Stewart, Peter

Smith, E. Killpatrick, J. C. Hall, P. C. Tiffany, Samuel Nelson,

Nelson Lathrop, John P. Grantham, and a score of others,

"whose names are as ointment poured forth," in the memory of

those days, were suggesting, couselling, planning, hoping, dar-

ing, and. in 1842 meeting with the people en masse to discuss

the relation of the hopes and future prosperity of the youngterritory to higher education. Of this labor of brain and heart,



Iowa Wesleyan was brought forth, first of all the educational

institutions of her grade in Iowa, and first of all such institu-

tions to the country on the west of the Mississippi. The be-

binnings were small. To those who are familiar only with

the movements of modern colleges and universities, they

seem insignificant, but they meant much to those noble and

courageous men who planned so wisely, and they mean in-

finitely more to Iowa's posterity because they meant so muchto the men of whose love and sacrifice Iowa Wesleyan was


Iowa has today seventeen colleges which are entitled to

membership in the College Section of the State Educational

Association, and which under that membership are called

"Standard." Iowa Wesleyan is one of these, and enjoys a

worthy place among her sisters. Her alumni are admitted to

the professional schools of our great universities upon the

records made at Wesleyan. Of the seventeen standard col-

leges, five are Methodist, and Iowa Wesleyan sustains mater-

nal relation to all the five. "The average annual attendance

in these five schools for the past four years has been 561. Theaverage annual attendance in all the other standard colleges,

including the State University, with its professional schools,

and the Agricultural College, both backed by the generous

treasury of goodly Iowa, has been but little more. If the aver-

age be confined to the other denominational colleges only, it

is far less."

What magnificent promise this vigorous young state gives

to her future, and the future of the nation, through these mul-

tiplied thousands of earnest young people, building into their

lives the best thought, the best discovery, the best sentiment,

the best hope, and the best vision of the present and the past.

Already Iowa Wesleyan's sons and daughters have belted

the world. They occupy positions of more or less important

leadership in every walk of life. In the ministry, in pedagog-

ics,,-n journalism, in law, in Christian missions, in commerce,

in manufactures, in agriculture, in mechanics, in all the ram-

ifications of modern pastorial, professional, industrial and com-

mercial life, Wesleyan's alumni are to be found in honored



It has been seventy-five years since Heustis came out to

this then far western country to lay the foundations for a

school of higher learning. The beginnings were small, the

gifts were meager. But those early pioneers gave of their sub-

stance, such as it was, gladly. From Heustis to Schell, there

are seventy-five years of glorous history. To give a list of all

the self-sacrificing men and women who have stood by the in-

stitution in all periods of stress and storm, would be impossi-

ble, within the bounds of this book. We could never give full

credit. We wish that one and all of you might have enjoyed

the rare privilege of looking through the old records and min-

utes with us. The bare facts tell a more glowing tale of de-

votion than any work of fiction. Barely had the school been

organized, when a group of lads marched away to the Mexicanwar. What a space of time that covers. It brings to our

mind, memories of Pala Alta, Reseca De La Palma and the

heights of Chapultepec. Even now as we write these words,

the boys are drilling again under the campus elms, prepar-

ing themselves for the great struggle with Germany. Whatthe future may hold for them, only God, in His wisdom,

knows, but if it is necessary for the "sons of Wesleyan" to

get into the front ranks and give up their lives, whether in

America, or in far off Flanders, we know they will respond

with that same high purpose that animated our b'oys of '46,

'61 and '98.

As we read over these old records, we discover manythings that, in this later day, of our greater prosperity, doubt-

less seem a bit amusing. In one place we find where the

Executive Committee gave permission to the President to cut

enough hay off the campus to pay the arrears in his salary.

It is to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of

Iowa Wesleyan, of which there is no other event of greater

historical significance in the whole history of our1 state, that

we have taken up the work of publishing this record. Inaccu-

rate and incomplete as it may be, if it but helps you to live

over some of the sweet memories of your long-forgotten col-

lege days, we will be satisfied.



Just when this institution of learning was organized this

chronicle does not purport to tell, nor does this chronicler

assume to know. The original Articles of Association, where-

by sundry persons associated themselves together and ef-

fected an organization for Christian education, are extant, but,

alas, they are without date. The earliest document of date is

March 8, 1843. It presumes, allowing for the slow postal ser-

vice, a first organization in 1842. Some think the prelimi-

nary step took place in 1841. The next document is of record

in the Henry County archives, and bears date March 11, 1843.

We give the document, together with the names of the as-

sociators, herewith verbatim:

'»Be it known that we, the undersigned, agree and hereby

enter into articles of association for the purpose of erecting a

Collegiate Institute at Mt. Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa Ter-


"That we hereby subscribe to the following articles to gov-

ern said association:

"Article First.

"The association shall be known and denominated 'The

Mount Pleasant Collegiate Institute.'

"Article Second.

"Any person may become a member of said association by

subscribing for the use of said association the sum of five

dollars, or more, which sum may be subscribed in money, la-

bour, property, or building materials.

"Article Third.

"All sums of money, property, or labour subscribed, shall

be faithfully applied to the erection and completion of a suit-

able building designed and to be dedicated for a 'Collegiate


"Article Fourth.

''That J. C. Hall, P. C. Tiffany, Samuel Nelson, NelsonLathrop, and Peter Smith are hereby appointed and constitu-


ted Trustees of this association, and all sums subscribed, all

donations of whatever description or kind intended or design-

ed for the purpose of erecting said building, are hereby trans-

ferred and vested in said Trustees, to have and to hold the

same in trust for the purpose of, erecting said Institute, and

that said Trustees are hereby empowered and fully authorized

to enter into contract with such persons as they may think

proper, and do all acts necessary for the erecting said build-

ing, and that said Trustees have full power for the purposes

aforesaid to transfer any and all property subscribed to aid

in erecting said building, assign any chose in action, and

transfer any subscription that may be subscribed for the

benefit or use of this association, and do all and every act

that may be necessary for the purposes of carrying out the

intent and object of this association. Provided, that nothing

herein shall be so construed as to empower said Trustees to

create any liabilities that are not by the contract to be liqui-

dated by the subscription or property donated by or for the

use of the association.

"Article Fifth.

"That said Trustee shall hold their power and appoint-

ment until the first of January, 1844, and until their appoint-

ments are revoked by the appointment of successors.

"Article Sixth.

"This institution shall be placed under the patronage and

control of the Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal

Church in the bounds of which it is located, said Conference,

or the President thereof, having the power to appoint the

professors, and a board of visitors.

"Article Seventh.

"Any vacancy in the Board of Trustees may be filled by

the remaining Trustees.

John P. Grantham. Chas. Stoddard.

E. Killpatrick. Abram Johnson.

S. Smith. N. Munger.

A. C. Worthing. S. Nelson.

J. E. Smith. Peter Smith.


J. D. Payne. W. Thompson.

N. J. Smith. W. Lathrop.

J. C. Hall. G. W. Patterson.

Wm. R. Long. P. C. Tiffany.

John If. Tee. G. W. Teas.

The trustees elected by the foregoing action entered into

a contract on the 8th day of March, 1843, whereby the first

president and field agent began service, looking to the ac-

quirement of property, the erection of suitable buildings, and

other things necessary to carrying out the plans of the

trustees. That first president was Rev. Artistides J. Heustis,

A.B., A. M. He was an alumnus of Wilbraham Academy.

He came to Mt. Pleasant after considerable correspondence

and negotiation with the representatives and trustees of the

association, for the specific purpose of establishing an institu-

tion for higher education, under the auspices of the Methodist

Episcopal Church.

Seme persons think that these negotiations had gone on

since 1841; others that they were begun in 1842. Certain it

is ,with the slow transit of mails in those times, and the

apparent necessity of passing a number of letters to and fro

before Mr. Huestis would have made the far journey to Iowa

Territory, that, since the contract was negotiated and signed

by him and the trustees as early as the 8th day of March,

1843, the organization must have had form and shape sometime in 1842, if not in 1841.

It remains of necessity uncertain, but we are confident that

we shall yet find the information that will fix the year, if not

the month and the day, when the original organization first

took form and shape.

The young school was named Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Insti-

tute, and was chartered by an act of the legislature of the

Territory of Iowa, which act was approved by the territorial

governor, Lucas, March 15, 1844. While the articles of as-

sociation provided for its patronage and supervision underthe Methodist Episcopal Church, it does not appear that the

Rock River Conference, of which southeastern Iowa was then


a part, ever mothered Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute. TheIowa Conference was organized at Iowa City on the 14th day

of August, 1844, and the trustees of the Institute sought to

have the new Conference accept, govern, control, and direct

their material and educational interests. At the session of

the Conference in August, 1849, I. I. Stewart, Alcinous Young,

Joseph McDowell, Erastus Lathrop, and D. N. Smith were ap-

pointed a committee to negotiate with the trustees to the end

named. On the 11th day of September, 1849, this committee,

for and on behalf of the Conference, accepted the Mt. Pleas-

ant Collegiate Institute, under the following form of agree-

ment: "That the Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute shall be

recognized as our Conference University, and that we, as a

Conference will give the above-named Institute our perpetual

patronage, etc."

This action was confirmed and ratified at the next regular

session of the Iowa Conference, held at Fairfield, August 7,

1850. It has since been under the patronage of the Iowa Con-

ference. On the third day of October, 1854, action was taken

by the trustees of the Iowa Conference University which

action seems to have been with the understanding and ap-

proval of the Iowa Conference, whereby it was authorized

that the name be changed from Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Insti-

tute to Iowa Wesleyan University. Under this new name a

new charter was sought from, the legislature of the state

of Iowa by the supporters, patrons, and friends of the pro-

posed university.

This new charter changes the name, as sought in the

petition, and names Palmer C. Tiffany, John P. Grantham,

Nelson Lathrop, Jonathan P. Hall, Ephriam Kilpatrick, and

their associates, as trustees. The charter was approved bj'

the Governor on the 25th day of January. 1855.

A revised charter of the institution was sought through

E. L. Briggs, Anthony Robinson, Henry Ambler, and ThomasE. Corkhill, under date of September 30, 1865, and the samewas filed in the office of the Secretary of State on the 4th

day of October, 1869. Under this revised charter, Charles El-

liott, J. R. Needham, J. H. Power, Wellington Bird, E. H.


Waring, David Worthington, Henry Ambler, W. F. Cowles,

George Sweney, Charles Snyder, E. L. Briggs, J. R. Copelin,

Thomas Audas, William Wilson, Jr., Anthony Robinson, J. B.

Vernon, M. H. Hare, James Harlan, Charles Lawrence and

Thomas E. Corkhill, were named as trustees. The last

amendment to the charter of the Iowa Wesleyan University

was adopted by the Board of Trustees June 15, 1874, and

filed for record in the office of the Secretary of State Septem-

ber 22, 1874.

In this revised charter, G. N. Power, I. P. Teter, John

Wheeler, Wellington Bird, J. I. Gilbert, I. A. Bradrick, W. F.

Cowles, Henry Ambler, George Sweney, Charles Snyder, A.

Robinson, E. L. Briggs, J. W. McDonald, J. T. Hackworth,

John Conaway, James Harlan, E. H. Waring, T. E. Corkhill, C.

L. Collins, and E. L. Penn were appointed trustees.

it thus appears that the Educational Institution, now ex-

tant under the name of Iowa Wesleyan College has been in

continuous existence, under a single organization, but with

its original name of Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institution,

changed successively to Iowa Conference University in 1850;

Iowa Wesleyan University in 1854 and Iowa Wesleyan Col-

lege in 1911. For a number of years, the trustees had real-

ized that this school was no longer doing work of astrictly university character, and had no intention of so

doing in the future. So, at the annual June meeting of 1911,

the name of the school was formally changed to Iowa Wes-leyan College. This was ratified by the Iowa Conference at

Fairfield in September of that year. It did not, however,

become the legal name until July 1, 1912.

The Trustees are elected by the Iowa Annual Conference,

the Board and the Alumni. They are chosen for a term of

four years. The Board consists of twenty-eight members, the

President of the college and the presiding bishop of the IowaConference who are members ex-officio. Eight members are

elected each, by the Alumni and the Board, while the IowaConference chooses twelve. The term of office of seven

members of the Board expires annually.


The Iowa Conference also elects a Board of visitors of

three members, whose term of office continues three years.

They co-operate with the Board of Trustees, as Advisory

Council, and have the right to vote on all elections of the

faculty. These visitors make annual reports to the IowaConference, as to the progress, condition, needs and achieve-

ments of the college.

Material Growth

Like all institutions of its kind, Iowa Wesleyan began with-

out property. At a meeting of the board of trustees of the

Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute, held at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa,

March 11, 1843, ''for the purpose of receiving propositions and

pledges of donations of land for a site for the building of the

Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute," the following donations of

land were pedged: First, John Jones, "four acres from the

south end of his land in such form as to connect the national

road and Main street;" second, J. C. Hall, "six acres from the

north end of his land connecting also the national road and

Main street; and in this gift he liquidates his subscription;"

third, Samuel Brazelton, "five acres on the east side of Mainstreet and directly east of the ten acres donated by Messrs.

Jones and Hall, and of the same width on Main street;" fourth,

Peter Smith, "(in lieu of his subscription) five acres west of

the national road and directly west of the ten acres donated by

Messrs. Jones and Hall, and of the same width on the national

road. And in all these proposals it is contemplated that a

street forty feet in width on the north and south lines be in-

cluded in the donations."

"The above donations are given with the express under-

standing that the land is to be occupied and held for a build-

ing site for the institution, and that the grant shall be ineffec-

tive and void, provided same should not be for the purpose

^foresaid, and the trustees within three years from this date

erect a suitable building on some part of said donation, whichshall be used and forever appropriated as an institution of


From the above description it is evident that John Jones

and J. C. Hall were the donors of the central square of land


known as the main campus; that Samuel Brazelton was the

donor of the east campus, now occupied by the Conservatory

of Music; and that Peter Smith was the donor of the west

campus now occupied by Elizabeth Hershey Hall, and as an

athletic field. These gifts were pledged by the gentlemen

named upon condition that a suitable building for educational

purposes be erected, and when the same had been done, they

executed warranty deeds to the land in good faith as pledged,

and the said lands have ever since been the property of this


With this contract executed, three days after the contract

whereunder he entered upon the duties of president of the Mt.

Pleasant Collegiate Institute, President Huestis as chief exec-

utive began the work for which he had crossed the Mississippi.

He had come from the far east to found a Methodist institu-

tion of learning. His task was begun, and already his hopes

were seeing fruition. The association of which he was presi-

dent was in the possession of twenty acres of raw prairie land,

pledged in good faith.

Harvard had a few books given to found a university;

Huestis had twenty acres of ground pledged to found a Meth-

odist institution of learning of high grade, which within a few

short years thereafter was also juggling with the word Uni-

versity. Learned, courageous, purposeful, faithful, this found-

er of Iowa Wesleyan went heroically to his task. He served

a half dozen years. Faithfully he served and well. Like col-

lege presidents closing the last half of the century of whichhe was closing the first half, he was of necessity a man of

affairs. He gave his entire time to business administration and

to work in the field, securing funds and creating property. Hetraveled extensively in the new territory and in the then far

eas:, gathering from his friends such gifts, small or very small

(there seem to have been no large ones) as they were willing

to contribute. He is in repute a scholar, thinker and pulpit

orator of more than average ability.

In the early months of his administration Iowa's pioneer

college building was begun. It was enclosed and occupied in

1844, and is still in commission, having done duty first as a


school building and president's residence; later as a recitation

building, and for many years as a Conservatory of Music, but

in more recent years has been occupied by our Commercial

School. It has been in service for seventy-three years, and

though plain and unpretentious, it is still a substantial, reli-

able structure. It was built of brick two stories high with

ground dimensions of 28x54 feet, and then contained 9 rooms.

Seven decades ago it was adequate to the needs of the insti-

tution as a school building and president's residence. Mrs.

I. I. Stewart, whose husband was presiding elder of a large

district in the late 40's and early 50's, and had headquarters

at Mt. Pleasant, states that for a time the school was conduct-

ed in the building on the first floor, and both the president

and presiding elder had residences on the second floor.

The record books of Iowa Wesleyan from the beginning un-

til now are extant and in reasonably good condition. How-ever, the difficulty of determining such questions as the dates

of the first meeting and the business transacted by the first

board of trustees at their earlier sittings will be apparent to

every reader when we state that the first sixteen pages of the

first record book are gone. The book is naturally breaking

and losing its firmness, being now more than seventy years

old, and these leaves have been lost. The records from 1845

to the present are fairly accurate and more or less complete.

Whatever records were made have been preserved and are

extant today.

In 1845 Professor Johnson Pierson, A. B., A. M., alumnus of

McKendrie College, was elected to the faculty of the Mt. Pleas-

ant Collegiate Institute, and remained in its service until 1849.

He was assisted in the school work by his wife a part if not

all of the time. They who were under his tutorship say that

Professor Pierson was an excellent teacher, and his influence

still lives in the lives of his students.

Early Wesleyan Presidents


rev. joseph McdowellPresident 1849-1850


President 1850-1851


President 1852, 6 months.


President 1852-1853

(No portrait extant.)


In 1849 President Huestis and Professor Pierson severed

their connection with the Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute,

and Rev. Joseph McDowell became president on the 11th dayof April of that year. Professor Lewis Dwight, A. B., A. M.,

took the place of Professor Pierson in the faculty, and he andPresident McDowell remained from the spring of 1849 until the

fall of 1850. President McDowell was not a college trained

man, but he was a man of courage, faith and evangelistic

spirit. It is written of him that during a pastorate at TroyCircuit, Iowa, his ministry was rewarded with the conversion

of 1,300 people in a single year. Like President Huestis he

devoted his time to the material interests of} the school, act-

ing as both president and field agent. His was an evangelis-

tic administration. He lived, loyal and faithful to the minis-

try of the church, until 1885, when he answered the final sum-

mons, triumphant in Christian faith and battle-scarred in

Christian service.

Joseph McDowell having severed his connection, and Lewis

Dwight having severed his connection in the fall of 1850, Rev.

Alexander Nelson, A. B., A. M., D. D., became president.

President Nelson was college trained and the trustees hoped

in him to have a permanent president who would build and

grow with the institution. He seems to have continued but

a single year, when he returned to Ohio, where he served his

church and his generation long and well, being respectively

president of Baldwin University, and a pastor of important

stations in the M. E. church. He passed on to the other side

but a few years since, full of years, rich in experience, and

ripe for the triumphs of Heaven. Mrs. Nelson was associated

with him as a teacher during his administration.

During this time and for some months prior to President

Nelson's coming, Rev. R. H. Harrison had been field agent of

the institution, and continued so after President Nelson's res-

ignation had been accepted. At this time serious financial

embarrassments arose, creating no little discusssion and, if wenow judge aright from the records, some turmoil. Aggressive

work in the field seems to have been suspended pending the

adjustment of the troubles and the settlment of financial con-

ditions and restoring of confidence.


In the next two years, Rev. Elias Williamson Gray, A. B.,

A. M., and Rev. James Marshall McDonald, A. B., A. M., were

presidents. The records are not sufficiently clear to enable

us to determine just what length of time each served.

President Gray seems to have been the successor to Presi-

dent Nelson, and after a half year of service as president he

seems to have been succeeded by President McDonald, while

President Gray became teacher, and in 1854 Professor of An-

cient Languages and Literature, which chair he occupied until

1860. President Gray was an A. B. alumnus of Augusta Col-

lege, from which he afterward took the degree of A. M. Wejudge from his army record that he may have been an M. D.,

although we know of no record of it. He responded to his

country's call in the War of the Rebellion in 1862 and wasmustered out at Vicksburg, April 15, 1866. During the last two

years of service he held the position of assistant surgeon in

the 58th Mississippi Colored Regiment. He was born at Mid-

dletown, Ohio, February 20, 1821, and lived until January 31,

1896. In his later years he made permanent some of the re-

sults of his careful, thoughtful life, in a book entitled "TheNew Religion."

President McDonald was an alumnus of Indiana AsburyUniversity. He was a brother of Rev. Dr. J. W. McDonald,

long of this Conference and of Rev. A. C.McDonald, one time

of 'his conference. The latter was the father of Professor

Lillian McDonald, formerly a member of the faculty, and for

many years a devoted servant of the church under the aus-

pices of the Freedman's Aid Society in the South.


President McDonald served but six months, when he re-

signed in the spring of 1853 to take up the regular work of

the pastorate. But it was not to be for long. Born in Ohio onChristmas day, 1823, graduated from Indiana Asbury Univers-

ity in 1851, president of Iowa Wesleyan in 1852, entering the

pastorate well equipped and with high hopes in the spring of

1853, he looked out upon the future with resolute purpose.

But disease was already upon him, and in a few months death

claimed him. He passed to his eternal reward Sept. 12, 1853.


His successor was James Harlan, A. M., LL. D. Toname him is to tell all; and yet to occupy many times the en-

cire space allotted to this sketch in his behalf were not to tell

all. Sixteen years ago this writer was asked by the authori-

ties of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition to name the two

most prominent men in Iowa public life in the early days of the

state's history. He in turn wrote twenty-five men, prominent

in Iowa affairs, both state and church, asking the same ques-

tion. Nearly all of them answered, and every answer namedJames Harlan as one. All but three placed him first. Hewas a valued counselor in the affairs of the nation. In 1855

he was elected a member of the United States senate, in

which position he rendered continuous service to his country

until 1865, when he resigned to accept the portfolio of the

Interior in President Lincoln's cabinet. He continued after

the assassination of President Lincoln a short time in the cab-

inet of President Johnson. In 1867 he was again elected to

the senate and served a full term. President Harlan seems to

have entered upon his duties at Wesleyan out of love, and to

have continued them always in sacrifice. No duties of state

or nation were ever so exacting that he could not give sometime to Wesleyan's interests.

During his administration the plain old brick building in

the center of the main campus was constructed. It is 45x100

feet, three stories high, and is held in memory by every

degree graduate of Iowa Wesleyan from the beginning until

now. The records show that the structure cost $20,000. It

could not be built today for twice that money. Alexander Lee.

a layman whose name has been closely identified with history-

making in southeastern Iowa for more than half a century,

was the contractor. Mr. Lee has been dead for some years,

but his sons and daughters, active, busy and worthy in life,

as was he, still keep his memory green.

During the process of construction of this main hall in 1854,

and when the walls were up, a heavy storm wrecked the build-

ing. A part of one story was blown off, and much financial

damage resulted. Mr. Lee made no complaint but addressed

himself with diligence to repairing the damage, and completed


the structure under his contract without asking reimburse-

ment for the loss. A recent test of these walls shows them to

be durable, reliable and promising for 100 years to come.

President Harlan, as has long been the custom of college

presidents, was professor of Mental and Moral Science. Whenin the faculty, but not president, his chair was International

Law. Succeeding President McDonald, he served from sometime in 1853—probably the spring or summer—until June 22,

1855, when he was succeeded by Rev. Lucien W. Berry, D.D.,

whose election occurred May 3, 1855, and who entered upon

his duties immediately after the close of President Harlan's

first term at the end of June of that same year.

Dr. Berry was a native of Vermont, born at Alburg in

1815, and educated at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, but

did not complete his course. Prior to coming to Iowa Wesley-

an he had been successor to Matthew Simpson as president of

Indiana Asbury University at Greencastle, and his coming

was hailed with high anticipations by those who loved and

sacrificed for the young university. He began to lay the

foundations for large and growing work.

Associated with the beginnings of President Harlan, were

George C. Whitlock, A.B., A. M., Professor of Natural Philos-

ophy and Chemistry, who remained from 1854 to 1864; Mrs.

M. J, Kelly, A. M., who remained from 1855 to 1861; JamesHaynes, Miss Debby Clark, Miss Mary Weir, Lewis Bechtold,

Miss C. Gibson, Miss P. J. Jenkins, Berchem Lucrode, M.S.,

Rev. Wesley J. Spaulding, A. M., Ph. D., Rev| Thomas Audas,

A.M., Walter S. Forrtesque, M.S., Miss Maria C. Gray, WrayBeatty, M.S., Ph.D., Rev. Chas. Elliott, D.D., LL.D., Chas. G.

Downey, A.M., D. N. Heffner, B.S., Miss Maria Meatty, andothers.

From the goodly number taken into the faculty in these

brief years, all of whom seem to have continued in service

until 1855 or later, it is evident that the work of college-

building was begun in earnest. Sincere plans to develop the

university were in the minds of these early educators and of

the then trustees of the institution. Some work of university


class was done later, but Iowa W'esleyan is a college, and it

has not been in the thought of its promoters in the later years

to undertake anything higher than collegiate work. Condi-

tions have changed; colleges have multiplied; universities

with large endowments or state treasuries behind them havegrown up, and the small college which confines itself to its

legitimate sphere instead of undertaking university work gives

evidence of justifiable wisdom.

Iowa Wesleyan put out her first degree graduate in 1856 in

the person of Winfield Scott Mayne, B. S. Living still, rich

in experiences and fellowships, he is practicing law at Council

Bluffs, Iowa. Around him as a nucleus have gathered morethan 1,000 other alumni in this three-quarters of a century of

history-making. Most of them are living and nearly all are liv-

ing well. Some twenty per cent of them have answered the

call of destiny and now are numbered among the immortals.

We are admonished that our space forbids further namingall individual members of the faculty, noting their chairs, and

mentioning their work We have therefore made a schedule

of the "Faculty from the beginning," which will be found ap-

pended to this sketch.

Dr. Berry's administration was all too brief. His was a

great, soul. His was an able ministry. He was under far-

reaching favorable mention for the episcopacy because of his

pulpit power, his literary acumen, and his administrative

skill. After a little more than two years' service at Iowa

Wesleyan he retired from the presidency. In 1842, the prob-

able year when Iowa Wesleyan was first planned, Dr. Berry

became pastor of Wesley Chapel, Indianapolis, at the early

age of 27 years. Henry Ward Beecher was pastor of Second

Presbyterian church in the same city. Beecher's eloquence

had already given him a rapidly spreading fame. Ere young

Berry had been long at Wesley Chapel, a large and growing

audience sat under his ministry, and it is written that

''Honors were evenly divided" between the two young divines.

Mr. Beecher's name is a household word throughout Anglo-

Saxonism, and Mr. Berry's might have been had he not been


cut down in 1858 at the age of 42 when he had not yet reached

his prime Pie died in Cincinnati and his dust rests at Indian-

ape lis.

At the meeting of the board of trustees, held November L'O

1857, Rev. James L, Leavitt was elected president following

the lesignation of Dr. Berry, but declined to accept the

position, and Rev. Charles Elliott. D.D., LL,D., was elected

president at the same meeting.

Dr. ElLott's service as president of Iowa Wesleyan covered

two terms. The first was November 26, 1857 to June 22, 1861

and the second June 23, 1863, to September 26, 1866. In the

interim between these two presidencies, during the trying

days of the War of the Rebellion, he was editor of the Central

Christian Advocate, St. Louis, to which position the General

Conference of 1860, of which, he was a member, had elected

him. He was bold, daring, aggressive, and sometimes defiant

in the Union cause. He earned for himself the name o? WarEditor. Charles Elliott was great as a thinker and a writer.

His executive ability was good, and on pulpit and platform

his was an utterance sturdy, convincing, commanding, and

long to be remembered.

Dr. Elliott did many good things, and some things notable.

Among others was a most unusual event at the time and one

important in history. Up to 1859 no woman had ever grad-

uated with a Baccalaureate degree from a co-educational in-

stitution. This first distinction belongs, to Lucy W. Kill-

patrick whose father was one of the early trustees of IowaWesleyan and a supporter and promoter from its early history

to the time of his death. Miss Killpatrick had been a student

at Iowa Wesleyan for four years, and in 1859 she graduated

with the degree of A.B. She received the usual diploma, andDr. Elliott also gave her a Special Diploma as a fitting empha-sis of her unusual achievement. Soon after graduating she

married George W. Byrkit, A.M., class of 1857, and shared

with him the experiences of an itinerant Methodist preacher

in the Iowa Conference.


The Civil War made large inroads upon the student bodyof Iowa Wesleyan. When the call to the defense of the coun-

try and the flag came, and the student body was assured that

100 days would put down the "Impudent rebellion," the

patriotic flame burned high, and many of Wesleyan's boys en-

listed under the flag for 100 days, whereunder a goodly num-ber re-enlisted and served for a number of years. Those were"the days that tried men's souls." The problem of Christian

education under denominational direction, always perplexing,

was then especially so.

Dr. Elliott found his duties as editor of the Central Chris-

tian Advocate, upon which service he entered in 1860, so

exacting that in June 1861 he asked to be relieved from the

presidency of Wesleyan.

He was succeeded by George B. Jocelyn, A. M., D. D., whoseterm of service was June 22, 1861, to September 10,

1862. President Jocelyn was an alumnus of Indiana Asbury.

He was in repute as an orator and preacher. His brief ad-

ministration of Wesleyan was characterized with the tur-

moil incident to the unrest of war. He went from Wesleyan

to Albion College, where he had a much longer professional

career, filled with abounding and honorable service.

On June 23, 1863, Charles Elliott was again elected presi-

dent. He continued in the editorial chair of the Central

Christian Advocate until 1864, giving to Iowa Wesleyan such

time as he could command from the exacting duties of that

onerous position, when he returned to Mt. Pleasant and con-

tinued with Wesleyan until September 26, 1866. He waslarge-hearted and tender in his administration. Those whowere under him say that he had but to stand on the platform

at Chapel and, after some prank or mischief or wrong had

been committed, say: "Boys, you have hurt my feelings," to

guarantee that the offense would not be repeated.

But the years were speeding; Dr. Elliott was growing old.

The resolutions of appreciation spread upon the page c" of

our record at a meeting of the trustees of date September 28,

1866, are full of tenderness and love. They recite his suc-

cessful professional career of more than half a century;


rank him among the foremost editors and authors of the

church and the best thinkers and writers of the age; they

make him the honored instrument in establishing the first

female college in Christendom, and resolve: "That it is with

deepest sorrow that we bow to this dispensation of Providence

which compells us to accept the resignation of our venerable

and beloved friend and fellow-laborer; that the most cordial

gratitude of the church is due to Dr. Elliott for the true and

faithful manner in which he has fostered every trust commit-

ted to his keeping and for the ablei manner in which he has

performed the duties of those stations to which he has been

called; that in retiring from the active duties of life we ex-

tend to him our warmest sympathies and assure him of a place

in our affections and our prayers."

Dr. Elliott lived until 1869, when at the age of 77, his spirit

came to the fruition of freedom, and his body was laid to rest

in beautiful Forest Home Cemetery at Mt. Pleasant, whither

not infrequent pilgrimages are made that men may pause a.

moment at the tomb of Charles Elliott, whose ''name is as

ointment poured forth."

In the interim between the return of President Jocelyn and

the active service of Dr. Elliott's second term, Wesley J.

Spaulding, A. M., Ph. D., was vice-president and the act-

ing executive head of the institution. Dr. Spaulding was the

son-in-law of Dr. Berry. He graduated at Indiana Asbury Uni-

versity in 1854. He took the chair of Greek Language and Lit-

erature in Iowa Wesleyan in September, 1855, and was in

continuous service until 1864, with executive official relation

during the last two years of this period as stated above.

Dr. Elliott's resignation was accepted September 26, 1866,

and on the same day, Rev. Charles Avery Holmes, A. M.,

D. D., was elected president. The work of re-organization andre-construction after the sad havoc of war's influence upon the

school, so well begun by Dr Elliott, was ably carried forward

by President Holmes. This administration was not character-

ized by unusual events. Rather was it his mission to advance

every interest upon the re-organization already affected by Dr.

Elliott. To this task he addressed himself with fidelity and


loyalty, and witnessed as a reward of his industry growingnumbers of pupils, and graduates from year to year. It wasto the credit of Iowa Wesleyan that during the war days

classes of reasonable numbers had been graduated annually,

as has been true every year from, 1856 to the present year,

when Wesleyan sends out her 62nd successive class.

The valuable and efficient services of Dr. Holmes continued

to the first of January, 1869, when he severed his relation

with the University and returned to Ohio, that he might de-

vote himself to the pastorate. He was a devoted, earnest, God-

ly man, an able scholar and preacher, and preferred the quiet

and good-fellowship of a pastorate to the anxieties, perplex-

ities and vexations of a college presidency.

In 1869 the Hon. James Harlan took the presidency of Iowa

Wesleyan, to serve for a year, when he again tendered his

resignation. On the 28th of June, 1898, full of years and

honors, Senator Harlan accepted the chancellorship of the

university, in which position he continued until his death.

Iowa W|esleyan owes more to this good man than to any other.

He gave 46 years of service to the board of trustees. Manyyears he was a member of the executive committee. Altogether

he was president three years, and chancellor sixteen months.

In all these capacities his counsels were valuable, his service

able, his purse generous, his sacrifice ready, and his love

lavish for this old college that filled such a large place in

his life.

It seems eminently fitting that this noble and worthy man,

whose sacrifice for this institution through forty-five continu-

ous years, testified a devotion unusual and intense, should

have had official connection in the evening-time of his life.

Sweet of spirit, genial of disposition, interested to the last

in the welfare of the humblest student registered in any de-

partment of the college, this official recognition gave himpleasure and Wesleyan distinguished honor. Born in 1820,

graduated from Indiana Asbury in 1845, president first in 1853,

again in 1869, and chancellor in 1898-99, James Harlan left

the impress of his vigorous young manhood and the bene-

diction of his ripened and mellowed life at its maturity upon


Iowa Wesleyan University. He, too, sleeps in Forest Home,but his memory is green and his name is precious everywhere

in Iowa and in many parts of our great republic.

Following the resignation of Dr. Holmes, January 1, 1869,

Rev. J. H. Hopkins, A.B., A.M., vice-president, was made act-

ing president and served in that capacity under President Har-

lan, who was then in the U S. Senate, until June 9, 1870, whenthe Rev. John WJieeler, A. M., D. D., was elected president.

President Wheeler entered upon the duties of his office

at the opening of the next school year and continued for a

term of five years. He was not without college experience.

He was known as the founder of Baldwin University at

Eerea, Ohio, where he had acquired valuable experience. Hehad also been a professor of Latin at Indiana Asbury. Hewas a successful and valuable administrator, instructor and

Christian minister.

For the 15 years preceeding Dr. Wheeler's administration

no realty had been acquired or buildings erected at Iowa

Wesleyan. They had hoped long and prayed much. Dr.

Wheeler was aggressive for results in this direction and suc-

ceeded in securing the affiliation of the Mt. Pleasant GermanCollege, an institution then organized and conducted under

the auspices of the German branch of the Methodist Episco-

pal Church.

, By the terms of the contract between the trustees of fowa

Wesleyan University and the trustees of the Mt. Pleasant

German College, the east campus, a tract of some five acres

hereinbefore described, was bounded and defined in perpetual

lease to the Mt. Pleasant German College, together with a

building erected at a cost of some $16,000.00 under the direc-

tion of the trustees of Iowa Wesleyan, and at the expense of

its treasury. This was done on the condition that the Mt.

Pleasant German College provide immediately an endowmentof $20,000.00 which, with the aid of the patrons of Wesleyanwho gave $8,000.00 they did, and that they maintain forever

an independent treasury supporting their own faculty and the

expense of operating their own plant. In the <?vent of the


failure of the Mt. Pleasant German College to maintain aninstitution of the class and type agreed to, and the discontinu-

ance of the Mt. Pleasant German College as an institution of

learning, the building and property were to revert to IowaWesleyan University.

This proved a very helpful and valuable affiliation. It wasa very good thing for the German Methodist people, whoprobably could not have maintained an independent college

here, and also a very good thing for Iowa Wesleyan, affording

to her advantages of instruction in the German language

under teachers born to the tongue, such as probably she could

not yet have had under other circumstances.

The German College did a valuable work. It had a suc-

cession of worthy and able presidents, whose names are

given in the schedules appended to this sketch. The vener-

able R. Havinghorst, D.D., vice president from 1873-74; the

able and philosophical Dr. Frederick Munz from 1893-97, and

the polished, finished, gentleman and scholar, Rev. Edwin S.

Havighorst, A. M., D. D., from 1898 to 1908; Dr. H. G. Leist,

from 1908 to 1909, are personally known to the writer as menworthy their lofty callings and the high confidences imposed

by the great church whose servants they are.

It is probable that the other presidents of the German Col-

lege were not less worthy of mention, but limits of space and

lack of information forbid more than the listing of their namesas above noted.

During the administration of President Havinghorst, a

beautiful German College Chapel was erected. It was begun

in 1900 and completed in 1901, at a cost of $8,000.00, and serv-

ed the double purpose of a chapel building for the college and

a house of worship for the German Methodist people. As ex-

plained later in this sketch, the German college was, in 1909,

merged with Central Wesleyan college at Warrenton, Mo.

The buildings and property of the institution along with some$12,000.00 of endowment reverted, according to the terms of

the original agreement, to Iowa Wesleyan University.


The administration of Dr. Wheeler was an agreeable andpleasant one. He was a hard worker, a man of large sympa-

thies, congenial spirit, admired by the people and loved bythe students. He severed his relation as president by resigna-

tion, June 16, 1875. He returned to the pastorate, and was a

worthy and efficient Christian minister until his death, which

occurred in 1881.

On June 16, 1875, the day that President Wheeler resigned,

John M. Mansfield, A. M., an alumnus of Iowa Wesleyan,

class of 1864, was elected vice-president, in which office he

continued for one year. Professor Mansfield had the chair of

Chemistry and Natural History from 1864 to 1877, and waswell qualified and equipped by education and experience for

the important duties incumbent upon him in the office of vice-

president, which duties he discharged with faithfulness and


At the resignation of President Wheeler, Professor Wesley

J. Spaulding, who had been out of the faculty since 1864, wasre-elected a member of the faculty and made acting president,

which office he held from September 17, 1875 to September 7,

1876, when he was elected president. For about eight years Dr.

Spaulding was president.

From 1879-81, Professor Wray Beatty, M. D., Ph. D.,

who was in the faculty from 1855 to 1864, and again

from 1875 to 1881, was vice-president Professor Beatty wasan alumnus of Iowa Wesleyan, A. B., class of '57. He had also

taken a scientific course at Ohio Wesleyan, where he gradu-

ated, B. S., in 1852.

President Spaulding was a student to the manor born. His

was a very fine type of intellect. A scholar at graduation, hewas a student always, and always with growing interest and

increasing delight. He analyzed everything and everybody

with unusual accuracy. His philosophical temperament, his

great delight in educational work, his tendency to ever promptthe best thought and the deepest inquiry of the students, madehim a popular president and worthy leader of growing youth

and developing character. The years of his presidency weresplendid years and the record is a worthy one.


During his administration the Mt. Pleasant Conservatory

of Music, which had been in existence under Dr. A. Rommel,a German musician educated to the art in his native land, wastransferred from its quarters in the east side of the city to

Iowa's pioneer college building on the Wesleyan campus, and

affiliated with Iowa Wesleyan University. This conservatory

of music is among the first in the country. Its alumni stand

high everywhere, and Dr. Rommel is recognized throughout

the nation as a musician and a teacher of music of rare abil-

ity. From the time of the affiliation of the conservatory in

1877 until January 1905 Dr. Rommel's official title was Director

of Music of Iowa Wesleyan University. At that time his title

was changed to Dean, and it has since been and henceforth is

to be Dean Rommel.

Vice-president under Dr. Spalding, 1882-84, was Rev. JohnT. McFarland, A. M., D. D., LL. D. Upon the resignation of

Dr Spalding in June 1884, Dr. McFarland was chosen president.

J. T. Dickenson, A. M., succeeded him as vice-president,

which office he occupied from 1884 to 1886. In 1887 Gus Wal-

ters, M. S., class of '79, was elected vice-president, and

continued in that office until 1893, when he resigned. There

has been no vice-president in office at Iowa Wesleyan since.

Dr. McFarland was educated at Iowa Wesleyan, but took

his Baccalaureate degree at Simpson College. President Mc-

Farland had seven splendid years at Iowa Wesleyan. Heenlarged and strengthened the faculty and gathered about

him students in growing numbers, who more and more re-

mained in college "for business." The alumni of those years

are worthy men and women—strong men and women—whoseaverage of scholarship and character is high.

Dr. McFarland was a profound thinker, and a very able

preacher and platform speaker. The Sunday school and Tract

publications off the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he

was elected editor by the General Conference of 1904, are

ready witnesses to his ability as well as his adaptability.

In his administration the Chapel and Science Hall was con-

ceived and planned. Under his inspiration the trustees began

its erection. A subscription was secured, excavations were


made, and a foundation put in in 1888. A careful inspection

of the resources and liabilities was made. Foreseeing the dan-

ger of a heavily increased debt, Dr. McFarland said: "I would

rather see that foundation under pine boards and tar paper

for years than to see a building erected and a mortgage on it".

Accordingly, a temporary roof of the type described was put

over the foundation, and it remained for three years.

President McFarland was highly appreciated by the Con-

ference. Their love for him and confidence in him was testi-

fied at the session of 1887, which elected him to the General

Conference of 188S with a very large vote.

In June, 1891, President McFarland resigned, and at the

same meeting Rev. Charles L. Stafford, A. M., D. D., waselected his successor. Dr. Stafford was an alumnus of Iowa

Wesleyan, class of '71 He was at the time of his election

easily the leading pulpit orator of the Iowa Conference. Pres-

ident Stafford's leadership addressed itself early to the erec-

tion of the building already begun. A subscription was raised,

and the original plans carried forward to the completion of

what was called and is still known as the Chapel and Science

Hall. It is a worthy brick structure, three stories high, and

furnishes accommodations for science laboratories, library,

offices, and several lecture halls. An important feature is the

auditorium. This is a commodious amphitheatre-shaped roomwhich, with its main gallery and back gallery, accommodatescomfortably one thousand people, and is such an auditorium

as any other College in Iowa might be proud to have. Not-

withstanding it was erected during the trying times in 1892-93,

when materials and labor were cheap, this building cost $45,-

000.00; and if it had to be constructed today the cost would

probably increase that figure by $30,000.00.

With this new structure completed, Wesleyan's alumni,

patrons and friends took courage. In 1895 Rev. J. F.

Robertson, then pastor at Muscatine, who had beenholding councils with one of his wealthy members,advised President Stafford that there was an encourag-


ing prospect for help in his parish. Dr. Stafford visited

Muscatine, and he and the Rev. Mr. Robertson having had per-

sonal interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Hershey, came away with

her pledge to give $10,000 for a young woman's home at Wes-leyan when the other patrons and friends of the institution

should have pledged a like amount. The papers were execut-

ed, and a few days afterward this noble woman went to her

final reward; but her work abides. The conditions were metand more, and today Elizabeth Hershey Hall, a three story and

basement brick building, stands on the west campus, a monu-ment to her devotion and that of the many friends who helped

make her conditional subscription available. The structure

was finished in, 1897, at a cost of 32,500. It made provision

for seventy young women, and is modern in every way; steam

heat, electric light, toilet, beautiful parlors, woman's gymna-sium, capacious dining room. Some of the interior construc-

tion was not completed until later. The gymnasium was fin-

ished and fitted in 1901, and later a number of rooms on the

third floor. The total cost of this building to date has been

about $40,000. President Stafford was busy with these material

interests. He was an indomitable worker, a veritable toiler. Heliterally gave himself to this one work for eight years. Heenjoyed a gratifying student patronage and a large measure

of student support. His pulpit and platform utterances will

long be remembered. The goodly numbers who graduated

from Wesleyan under his administration are loyal to their

Alma Mater and devoted to their president. Dr. Stafford waselected by his Conference to the General Conference of 1892

and that of 1896, both of which occurred during his adminis-

tration. He was again chosen in 1900 and 1912 after he had re-

turned to the pastorate. This repeated expression of confidence

on the part of his brethren of the Conference is both an ex-

pression of the appreciation of his work and a testimonial of

their personal esteem. In 1898 President Stafford resigned,

the resignation to take effect in June 1899; and after eight

eventful and fruitful years he severed his connection with the


Rev. Francis Durbin Blakeslee, A. M., D. D., was chosen to

succeed him. Dr. Blakeslee had been some three and twenty


years the head of East Greenwich Academy, Rhode Island. Hewas an alumnus of Syracuse University, cultured, refined, ex-

perienced, traveled and exceedingly well married. The west

was not congenial to him, and after a presidency of one year he

resigned, to accept the presidency of old Cazenovia Seminary

in New York. During that year Mrs. Blakeslee was the vigi-

lant and worthy preceptress at Elizabeth Hershey Hall. Dr.

Blakeslee was a good man, with many elements of strength;

and had he chosen to remain with Wesleyan for a term of

years, doubtless he would have left the impress of his person-

ality and leadership to a much larger degree than is possible to

an administration of a single year. He and Financial Secretary

Dr. T. J. Myers, put their heads together to raise the indebt-

edness. They secured the services of Bishop C. C. McCabe,

and at the session of the Iowa Conference held at Mt. Pleasant

in September, 1900, a goodly beginning was made. Thirty

thousand dollars in conditional pledges were taken, but the

going of Dr. Blakeslee before the completion of the $150,000

upon which these were contingent made the effort compara-

tively futile.

Following Dr. Blakeslee's resignation the trustees were in

search of a president for eight months. During this time

Professor Alba C. Piersel, A. B., A. M., of Ohio Wesleyan Uni-

versity, class of 1890. of the chair of Greek and Dean of the

College of Liberal Arts, was acting president. Born and

reared in a Methodist parsonage, quick of perception, keen of

intellect, by nature a student, and essentially a scholar,

Professor Piersel possessed many elements and qualifications

for this important service. The chief aim of his year as act-

ing president was to hold all the interests of the school firmly

in hand and direct wisely and well until another president

should be chosen. In these things he was successful. Hesent out a loyal and worthy class, and closed his year with a

Baccalaureate sermon that is to many who heard it a sweet


On March 13. 1901, Rev. John W. Hancher, B.S., M.S., A.M.,

S.T.D., then pastor of the M. E. Church at Herkimer, N. Y.,

was elected president. He entered upon his duties early in


May of that year. Until commencement he insisted that act-

ing president Piersel should continue at the head of the insti-

tution, preach the Baccalaureate sermon and administer af-

fairs. President Hancher was formally inaugurated Wednes-day, June 11, 1901. Straightway he began organization look-

ing to freedom from debt. Two and one-third years later

$100,000 had been raised with which to free Wesleyan fromdebt.

President Hancher brought to Iowa Wesleyan fourteen

years' experience in school work, six of them in the public

schools where he began his public career as a teacher, andeight of them as college president. He loved his work and

devoted himself to it with untiring zeal. For the more than

six years of his presidency he was constant in his services

at Wesleyan, except the month of May, 1904, in which he

served his Conference as one of its chosen delegates to the

General Conference at Los Angeles.

Almost immediately after the completion of the $100,-

000.00 debt-raising campaign,—a truly remarkable financial

accomplishment, Dr. Hancher, with his tireless energy, im-

mediately threw himself into the task of raising an emergen-

cy fund of $6,000 per year, to enable the school to meet all of

its obligations. As in the previous campaign he was great-

ly assisted by Dr. T. J. Myers, and other loyal and faithful

friends of Wesleyan, too numerous to mention. During the

dark years when the college was under the cloud of a heavy in-

debtedness and the annual budget running far in excess of the

income, little care could be paid to the physical condition of

the plant. After the completion of these two funds, $5,000.00

was raised for the improvement and beautifying of the cam-

pus and grounds. As no competent man was available, Dr.

Hancher personally superintended this work.

In addition to the splendid work along financial lines, Dr.

Hancher was an educator of the truest type. His aim was

to make Iowa Wesleyan a well-rounded institution; a school

with a name and a standard. To that end he increased the

faculty, strengthened it by the addition of strong men and


women, so that Wesleyan was able to stand in the first class

of colleges and universities of Iowa. The student body also

received his attention, and the catalogues for each succeeding

year of his administration showed a steady increase in the


Dr. Handier gave to Iowa Wesleyan six and one-half years

of faithful, loyal, devoted and untiring service. During that

period, he was twice called upon to undergo dangerous surgi-

cal operations. The nervous shock consequent thereupon

together with the multiplicity of his responsibilities, almost

culminated in a physical collapse, and in November, 1907, he

was obliged to ask to be relieved from further service in

connection with Iowa Wesleyan, in order that he might be

permitted to rebuild his fast failing health.

For two years he was engaged in business pursuits in Old

Mexico, where he was unusually successful, but the over-

throw of the Diaz administration, consequent upon the revolu-

tion, destroyed his holdings and he returned to this country.

Shortly thereafter, he was made counselor of Methodist col-

leges, and in this capacity, raised many thousands of dollars.

In 1912, he was elected assistant secretary to the Board of

Education. During this quadrennium, Dr. Hancher played a

prominent part in the raising of over $13,000,000.00 for Meth-

odist universities, colleges, academies and secondary schools.

As appreciation of this service, the General Conference of

1916 made him Associate Secretary of the Board of Educa-

tion and chairman of the Jubilee Commission. In this

capacity, Dr. Hancher is now engaged in the most stupend-

uous task of raising over $20,000,000.00 for Methodist schools.

His service to Iowa Wesleyan, during the recent campaignfor $500,000.00 of new endowment, is mentioned elsewhere

in this sketch.

Just at the close of President Hancher's administration,

November, 1907, Mrs. Robert T. Lincoln (Mary Harlan) deed-

ed the old Harlan home, with the furniture and belongings,

to the College. It is a fine old house where so many festivities

of Senator Harlan's best days occurred. The lot has a front-


age of two hundred feet and a depth approximately the same.

Immediately upon the transfer of this valuable piece of prop-

erty to the College, the Executive Committee ordered the in-

stallation of a new heating plant in the house and enlarged

the basement, thereby adding greatly to the comfort and con-

venience of the old Harlan mansion.

Upon the resignation of President Hancher in the fall of

1907, a committee was at once appointed to find his successor.

After the church had been thoroughly canvassed and scores

of candidates had been considered the committee finally

selected Edwin A. Schell, A. M., Ph. D., D. D., at that

time District Superintendent of the Crawfordsville District

of the Northwest Indiana Conference. The new president

attended General Conference of 1908 and assumed his duties

here in the latter part of May of that year.

President Schell was born at Deer Creek, Indiana, and was48 years old at the time of his election. He graduated at

Northwestern University, from which institution he also re-

ceived the degree of A. M. During his college work he took

the Kirk Oratorical prize, much coveted by Northwestern stu-

dents. He was a Phi Beta Kappa man in his class. He served

as pastor during his college course, building and organizing the

Methodist church at Hammond, and while at that place he

served as correspondent for the Chicago Tribune, and he

counts this work a very important part of his training. Hewas admitted to the Northwestern Indiana Conference in 1886,

having previously served as a supply for three years. After

pastorates at South Bend, Ind., and Younkers, N. Y., he! waselected General Secretary of the Epworth League and there-

after became for one year Secretary of the Epworth Hospital,

South Bend, Indiana. The financial experience gained here

and later in the district, and as dedicator of churches stood

him in good stead after coming to Mt. Pleasant. After serving

six years as Superintendent of the Crawfordsville district,

where he had a record of assisting in the building of twenty-

four churches and eighteen parsonages he was elected to the

presidency of Iowa Wesleyan. He has always been a writer

for current magazines, and a lecturer in wide demand. Illi-


nois Wesleyan gave him the degree of Ph. D. for post graduate

work in 1S91, and Hedding college conferred upon him the

degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1892. December 1912 to June

1913, President and Mrs. Schell made a circumnavigating tour,

and Dr. Schell lectured for three weeks to the Teachers'

Assembly at Baguio, P. L, under the auspices of the Insular


On the 6th of April 1907, Andrew Carnegie in a letter had

promised $25,000 to the endowment on condition that the

College would raise $75,000 and make the Carnegie Fund$100,000.00. This was the first work that engaged the atten-

tion of the new president and this fund was triumphantly

completed April 6, 1910. This initial gift of Mr. Carnegie's

was the largest ever given to the College up to this time.

Meanwhile, in June 1909, Dr. A. C. Piersel, who had been the

Dean, retired to enter the pastorate of the First Church at

Springfield, Illinois, and Dr. Elmer E. Lymer was elected

Dean. The first year of President Schell's administration

was greatly disturbed by the moving of the German college

and its merger with the institution at Warrenton, Missouri.

The question of the transferring of the endowment was finally

arbitrated before a committee of Bishops, consisting of the

late Bishop Walden, Bishop Newlen and Bishop Anderson.

The award of the Bishops that the amount should be equally

divided, was after some months, changed by the parties inter-

ested therein so that Iowa Wesleyan received forty per cent,

instead of the amount originally awarded. This became the

basis of the Seventieth Year Endowment Fund, which wasfinished July 1, 1912, with an aggregate in money and prop-

erty, approximating $100,000.

The installation of a fine central heating plant was the great

work of the year 1910. A subscription was taken at the Boardmeeting in June of that year, among the Trustees and this

wa3 supplemented by a subscription at the Conference con-

vened at Pella, Iowa, by which, and from other sources, about

$6,000 was obtained. With that as a basis the plant was in-

stalled in the basement of the Chapel building at a cost of

(including arrangement of the room, the chimney, and the plant


itself), about $12,500. $5,000 of this sum was never raised

and was carried in the National State Bank until the refund-

ing of the floating indebtedness in June, 1912. In 1912 Presi-

dent Schell was invited to go as a special lecturer to the

Teacher's Assembly, at Bagio, in the mountain province of

Luzon, in the Philippine Islands, and he was absent during the

first six months of 1913. The remainder of that year and 1914

were characterized by an insistent demand to increase the

Educational Collection. This collection, little by little, had

been growing under the loyal leadership of the District Super-

intendents of the Conference, until in the fall of 1913, it

reached about $7,200. By this special campaign, which in-

cluded rallies in each of the four districts, the collection in

1915 reached the high water mark of $11,200. The interest

of the Conference has never flagged during these years.

The school year of 1914 was dignified by two events of

more than passing importance. The largest class in the his-

tory of the school, forty-four in number, were given their

diplomas. At commencement time, the college was singularly

honored by the presentation of an oil painting of Dr. Charles

Elliott, LL. D., the great war time president of the College,

and editor of the Central Christian Advocate, by his daughter,

Miss Phoebe Leech Elliott. The speech of acceptance by Ex-

President, Charles W. Stafford, in which, in glowing terms,

he paid tribute to this great servant of the church, will long

be remembered.

At the Annual Conference at Winfield, the first after Presi-

dent Schell began to get acquainted, the Conference ordered

that Friday evening should be kept free for the Educational

Anniversary, and a banquet beginning at 5:30 p. m. followed by

the Educational Address began to be the fashion. This has

been the order every year since, and has given opportunity for

the laymen and preachers of the Conference to express their

devotion and even enthusiasm to the higher educational workcarried on by the Conference.

President Schell is now completing his ninth year of serv-

ice. This is a longer administration than was privileged to

any of the eminent men who preceeded him in his office. It


is significant to note that his crowning achievement, the com-

pletion of the Diamond Jubilee half million, came in the

months when other presidents had left or were packing up

preparatory to their departure.

President Schell has enjoyed the largest measure of suc-

cess during these nine years. The endowment has grown

from $60,000 to $750,000. The college enrollment has practic-

ally doubled. The faculty has been strengthened and newfriends of the school added by the thousand. His past efforts

are but a promise of what the future will hold. Each year by

his presence the school will secure the unalloyed benefit of

continuity and cumulation. The author feels that the whole

situation in regard to Iowa Wesleyan is summed up in the

closing paragraph of the President's Report to the Mid-Year

meeting of the Trustees in February, 1917.

"Events have now proved true beyond all question what

I have hestiatingly, often doubtingly, but always sincerely

for almost nine years reiterated that wre have here at MountPleasant and in the Iowa Conference, the opportunity for

founding wrorthily and well, and the constituency for main-

taining an institution of learning, that in its outcome will

bless all mankind."

In May, 1915, the new pipe organ, perhaps one of the finest

instruments in any college chapel in the state, after long

years of expectancy, was finally installed. It exceeds, in both

tone and size, the greatest expectations of all interested.

This splendid addition to the college equipment was secured

through the generosity of the congregation of St. JamesChurch, of Chicago, the quick comprehension of a great op-

portunity by Mr. Hugh A. Cole, and the devoted faithfulness

of the women of the Ladies' Organ Fund. Before the organ

was installed, the interior of the chapel was re-decorated and

a new roof put on.

The year 1915 opened with the College having a produc-

tive endowment of essentially $200,000, with certain lands

whose value was approximately another $50,000 and it wasalready apparent that the progress the institution was mak-


ing in students and in public influence required a leap forward

rather than the slow growth by which it had been character-

ized. The Conference, which met at Centerville received a

proposal from, Parsons College for the merger of the twoinstitutions and a special committee, consisting of President

Schell, Mr. Hugh A. Cole, President of the Board of Trustees,

Dr. C. L. Tennant, Dr. U. S. Smith, and Hon. H. M. Havner,

were appointed to confer with the like committee appointed

by Parsons College as to a merger of the two institutions.

The Board of Trustees met twice in special session in

October and November of the year and a tentative proposal

from Ottumwa for the location of both institutions there, wasgiven serious consideration by the College authorities, but

the Parsons Board were apparently unfavorable to a removal

from Fairfield and to a merger in Ottumwa. On December20th of that year the special committee appointed by the Con-

ference proposed to the citizens of Mount Pleasant and HenryCounty, that if they would raise $100,000 in good subscriptions

the Conference—that is the territory outside of Henry County

—would raise $150,000, and make an added quarter of a mil-

lion for the endowment. This proposition was enthusiastic-

ally received and Mount Pleasant and Henry County com-

pleted their $100,000 by February 1, 1916. Even before that

a special session of the Conference had been called at Ot-

tumwa. At this session in the forenoon, the Conference un-

der wrote the action of the committee which they had ap-

pointed and certain prominent laymen, who loved the institu-

tion, notably Hugh A. Cole, Carl S. Williams, Gardner Cowles,

Chris Haw, W. J. Steckel, and others expressed the opinion

rather forcibly that it would take a half million to make anadequate program to guarantee the future of the College andin the afternoon session the entire program was reconsid-

ered. The Mount Pleasant contingent present agreed that if

the Conference would raise $350,000 instead of the $150,000

which was formerly proposed, they would add another $50,000

to their offering, dividing the half million into $350,000 from

the Conference and $150,000 from Mount Pleasant and HenryCounty. This rather staggering sum after much prayer and

hesitation was voted and the work of the campaign was at

once inaugurated.


Mr. Herbert X. Jeffrey, who had graduated with the class

of 1914 and who had been assisting in the student campaign,

was put in charge of the publicity department. President

Schell, himself, assumed direction of the larger subscriptions,

and Dr. John W. Handier, of the Board of Education, cameback to render his fine service in the way of the popular sub-

scriptions; with two notable interruptions for the General

Conference and for the summer months, the campaign went

forward and was triumphantly concluded on January 1, 1917.

Meanwhile at the March meeting of the North Central

Asociation. Iowa Wesleyan was accorded membership in that

standardizing educational body. In November preceding, the

University Senate recognized the College as a standard in-

stutition of the Church and with the membership of the Col-

lege in the Association of American Colleges, its rank be-

came unquestionably settled and has not since been challeng-

ed. Columbia University was one of the last institutions to

accept its degrees as full entrance requirements for their post-

graduate courses of study and the rating of the College is

now standard and the committee appointed to arrange a pro-

gram for the celebration of its "Diamond Jubilee" is able to

report to the public that the College has approximately

$750,000 productive endowment and the friends of Christian

Education in this section of the state may make their bene-

factions with the knowledge that the College shall in all prob-

ability stand for a thousand years.

Soon after the opening of the fall semester in 1916 Dr. E.

E. Lymer, who for seven years had acted as Dean and Audi-

tor, was elected president of Gooding College, Gooding, Idaho.

He was one of a long list of eminent men who had left the

college for important educational or ministerial positions. It

will be remembered that President Harlan was elected to the

United States Senate; President Elliott was elected Editor of

the Central Christian Advocate, while President McFarlandwent to a pastorate at Bloomington, from whence after sev-

eral changes he came to the editorship of the Sunday school

publications of the Methodist church. Dr. Hancher becameAssociate Secretary of the Board of Education, and Dr. Piersel


went to a pastorate at Springfield, Illinois, and later becameDistrict Superintendent of the Urbana district. During DeanLymer's service, Professor Gardner went to Kansas Univers-

ity, Professor! G. Ware Stephens to the University of Maine,

while Professors Behymer, Hedges, Daugherty, and the M'sses

DeNice and Rader had all been elected to advanced positions

elsewhere. The election of Dr. Lymer as President of a col-

lege was therefore entirely in order and his abilities and

scholarship made it altogether not an unexpected promotion.

On his retirement October 20th, Dr. R. E. Luebbers, Iowa

Wesleyan, 1909, who received his post-graduate degree from

Boston, and after a year in Europe had taken the chair of Po-

litical Economy, was elected Dean to fill the vacancy, created

upon the departure of Dr. Lymer. Mr. Adam Weir, also a

graduate of the institution, was elected Auditor, thereupon

separating the offices of Dean and Auditor, which together

had been filled for many years so creditably by Dr. Lymer.

The statement that we have too many Methodist Colleges

in Iowa is no longer put forward with the assurance that for-

merly characterized it. There are five standard Methodist

colleges in Iowa or one for each 65,000 members approximate-

ly: the Disciples of Christ have one college and they have

only 60,720 members: the Lutherans have two colleges and

10,700 members: the Baptists have two colleges and less than

40,000 members: the Congregationalists have two colleges

and less than 36,000 members: the Presbyterians have six

colleges and only 47,000 members in the entire state—one col-

lege to each 7,843 members. The United Brethren with 10,000

membership and the Friends with 6,600 members each main-

tain a college. The question is fully as clear when judged

by the number of students that these colleges have been able

to attract and help into a larger life. By comparison with

Minnesota, where there is only one institution, the Iowa plan

reaches approximately five times as many; and the samecomparison with Kansas where there are threa Methodist

colleges and Nebraska, where there is only one; and between

Ohio, where there are four, and either Indiana or Michigan

where there is only one, brings the same conclusion.


The College now needs the rebuilding of practically all of its

physical plant and the enlargement and new installation of

equipment. A gymnasium for men and another lor women is

almost imperative. The gymnasium in the Y. M. C. A. wasbuili when the emphasis was not put on basketball that

has since been accorded it, and some quarters that are of regu-

lation size must be found for the College teams. The youngwomen of the institution especially need greater outlet for

their activities and a woman's building perhaps as an annex

to Hershey Hall is absolutely necessary. A new library 1 uild-

ing, a new science hall, and the repair and rearrange aent of

the Pioneer building and its conservation must be considered

in any liberal program for the future of the institutioi.


In addition to the property described in this sketch, which

is conservatively valued at $200,000, about $750,000 of endow-

ment has been gathered through the years. This accumula-

tion of endowment has been going on during the past half cen-


This college probably saw its darkest days during the

Civil War, when as has been shown, the student ranks were

more or less depopulated by volunteers to the army, and whenwithout a dollar of endowment and $57,000 of debt, they were

trying to carry on their worthy work. This heavy burden was

discharged after the close of the war and the work of building

endowment begun.

Oliver Hoyt, of New York, gave $15,000 in cash. This was

procured through the efforts of Rev. Thos. E. Corkhill, Mr.

Hoyt, stating that he placed the money at Wasleyan out of

admiration for Senator Harlan.

Ex-Governor Claflin gave several hundred acres of land In

Louisa County, which afterwards was sold, and the moneyapplied partly to endowment and partly to the general fund.

Mr. Timothy Whiting left by will $5,000, which formed the

nucleus for the funds with which to build the Chapel and


Science Hail. Rev. George X. Power, long a member of the

Iowa Conference and a valued councilor of the board ')f trus-

tees, left $5,000 by bequest, on the Annuity plan, in favor of

his adopted son.

As described elsewhere, in this sketch, Andrew Carnegie,

in 1907, promised S25.000 conditional upon the completion of

the total sum of $100,000. This was finished under the ad-

ministration of Edwin A. Schell, in April 1910. In 1911, an-

other campaign for 2100,000.00 known as the Seventieth Year

Endowment, was launched. President Schell, with the help

of his assistant, Dr. H. X. Smith, completed this fund in July

1912. For a period of practically three years there were no

organized efforts to increase the endowment fund. It was

readily apparent, however, that a campaign for any sum less

than $250,000.00 would not insure the stability of the school.

After an honest effort had been made to combine with someother school or schools, the constituency of Iowa Wesleyan,

in March. 1916, launched the Diamond Jubilee campaign, for

$500,000.00. This was completed January 1st, 1917.

We will not have space to print all the names of the peo-

ple who have made subscriptions to the permanent endow-

ment fund of the college. The total amount of endowment,

at the time the last Alumni Record was printed, (1905) wasbarely §60,000.00. Very many small gifts were necessary to

complete even this meager amount. Such gifts are usually

not spontaneous. They nr^st always be promoted. To do

this, our college has had a long line of financial agents from

the beginning.

Sometimes there were a number of years when no agent

was employed, but for the most part the aggregations of

funds for endowment or buildings from many small contribu-

tions have been procured by agents. Of these there have

been nineteen. We are absolutely without data to showthe results of the faithful services of many of these. RevL. B. Dennis, the centennary agent who began service in

1S66, achieved worthy results in endowment, as did Rev.

I. A. Bradrick, Rev. George X. Power, Rev. J. T. Simmons,


and Rev. Thomas E. Corkhill. Rev. W. F. Cowles also has

a sturdy record in this line. We are embarrassed not to b«

able to furnish details of the results of the efforts of these

worthy men.

The last financial agent was Rev. Dr. T. J I

period of service continued from 1S97 to 1902. He was treas-

urer as well as agent. Dr. Myers took charge following the

awful depression of '92 and "93. which had swept over Europe

and America and had wrecked thousands of bu uter-

prises and hundreds of fortunes. Business was sulky, people

were over-cau:ious. contributions were limited and difficult

to secure. This heroic servant of God and the Church, after

some months of service, foresaw the impossibility of ra:

funds to liquidate the large and growing debt extant at I

time, but he rallied a few friends, and he and they, being menof property, put behind the institution their personal credit

and held the business interest at Wesleyan steady until the

country could recover from its embarrassed and alarmed con-


Iowa, being an agricultural country, had not suffered near-

ly so much as other parts of the country, but Iowa, bein

cautious coun:ry as well if ^cultural one. had becomeimbued with the notion that she had suffered tremendc hi

Hence the necessity of waiting until an opportune time. Mean-

while the authorities of the college, under the nnan

retaryship of this earnest man and the faithful service of

President Stafford, waited and prayed and hoped for br

days. History will never be able to record the anxious

and nights spent by T. J. Myers, nor the financial value of his

service to Iowa Wesleyan rendered at that time.

Under the presidency of Dr. Blakeslee a movement to

raise $150,000 was begun, and some -S

pledged. This included thr >:_ promised by Senator Har-

lan. The outlook for final victory seemed hopefu b re-

signation of Dr. Blakeslee unsettled hopes and brought

couragement, and aga : ere obliged to hold still.


After the administration of President Hancher was well

begun and a new finance movement was in progress, Dr. T. J.

Myers, still continuing financial secretary, which office he ably

filled until September, 1902, was untiring in a service whose

value is beyond measure. His intimate acquaintance with

the college, his gifted understanding of and friendship for

men, his splendid financial standing and his loyalty to the

administration as well as to the school, made him a strong

tower upon which to lean, and the new president, leaning

heavily, never found him wanting.

Trustees Long In Service

The longest trustee record is six and forty years. This

service was rendered by Hon. James Harlan, to whom proper

attention has been paid in this sketch, in the notice of his


Rev. Dr. W. F. Cowles, a trustee from 1855 to 1899, and

for many years an officer of the board, is deserving of spec-

ial and worthy mention. Every interest of his life was closely

identified with W'esleyan, during all those years.

Rev. Thomas E. Corkhill served as a member of the board

from 1855 to 1897. He was abundant in sacrifices and gifts,

according to his means. Here his children were educated,

and here his love was centered.

Hon. Washington I. Babb, A. B., A. M., L. L. D., of the

class of 1866, has just rounded out his forty-third year of ac-

tive service as a member of the board. For twenty-three

years he was treasurer of the college, and for thirty-three

years he was a member of the executive committee.

The late George Haw, of Ottumwa, was for twenty-seven

years a member of the board, and its president from 1899 un-

til his resignation in 1904.

Dr. Thomas J. Myers, of the class of 1865, is now serving

his thirtieth year. Dr. Myers is treasurer of the college, a


member of the executive committee, and a man whose ad-

\ lea is sought constantly.

Others who have filled the office of trustee, fifteen or more

years are:

E. L. Penn, 29 years. W. S. Withrow, 26 years,

Charles Snider. 28 years, E. W. Twining, 21 years,

J. T. Hackworth, 2S years. Rev. T. S. Pool, 19 years.

Carl S. Williams. 26 years, Rev. W. R. Cole, 18 years.

Rev. D. C. Smith, 25 years, Rev. W. G. Wilson, 13 years.

Henry Ambler, 24 years, Charles F. Carver, 18 years.

Mrs. M. S. Huston, 23 years, Rev. J. A. Boatman, 17 years.

Dr. Wellington Bird, 22 years. Rev. M. H. Hare, 17 years.

Rev. Dr. J. C. W. Cox, 21 years. W. J. Steckel, 17 years.

Rev. Dr. J. W. McMillan, 21 yrs. Rev. I. O. Kemble, 15 years.

Rev. Dr. G. N. Power, 19 years. Rev. I. A. Bradrick, 15 years.

Hon. Dillon H. Payne, 1G years. Rev. E. L. Briggs, 15 years.

Rev. Dr. W B. Stoddard, 19 years,

If anybody is not properly recognized or over-recognized in

these statements, be it known that this chronicler has been

diligent, far reaching in inquiry, abundant in effort, and al-

most sleepless in time to find out everything—and be just to

everybody. Any failure of justice to anybody will cause him

more grief than it can possibly cause any other.

We have written of the material and educational develop-

ment of WT

esleyan by administrations from Huestis to Schell.

Many important facts have not been stated, and should wewrite all we know or have heard there would still remain

important data unmentioned. The simple listing of the namesof the trustees from the beginning, without other mention,

requires pages of this book. To discuss trustees, visitors,

agents, secretaries, donors, patrons, and make worthy men-tion of all would of itself require volumes.

Faculty Members Long In Service

Three members of the faculty not including Dean A. Rom-mel of the Conservatory of Music, whose forty years of be-


loved service have been fittingly mentioned in this record,

have served sufficiently long in the college that some special

mention of their merit and their unexcelled work should not

be omitted. Any college faculty is fortunate to have amongits ranks, three such pre-eminent teachers as Professors

Booth, Edwards and Eaton.

Dr. Lucy A. Booth, Ph. D., came to Iowa Wesleyan in

February, 1897, preceding Professors Edwards and Eaton

almost an entire year, thereby ranking as senior member of

the College Faculty, aside from Dr. Rommel of the

Conservatory of Music. She was elected a member of

Phi Beta Kappa from her class, and this will indicate her

scholarship during undergraduate days. She studied for her

Doctor's degree at Ohio State University, and is accounted

there, as here, one of the most engaging and thorough scholars

in the field of History that the country affords. The research

method which she has always adhered to, has produced somerather superior work by various students of her classes, and

enhanced the college reputation among scholars the state

over. She is a member of the Rambler's Club, and has assist-

ed several years in arranging courses for that select group of

women, that has given the club high literary standing. Re-

cently she spent the summer vacation and some weeks of the

autumn in travel abroad, and came home to enrich the ses-

sions of the University Club and the Rambler's Club as well,

with critical and recitative discourses very helpful to those

who have been permitted to hear them.

Professor John W. Edwards, a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan,

came to Iowa Wesleyan in 1898. He had previously obtained

his Master's degree from Tufts college. Professor Edwardshas added to his fine work in Chemistry and Physics, in both

of which he is an acknowledged authority, several outside

activities. He served as Grand Commander of the Knights

Templars for Iowa; and for two terms on the City Council

of Mount Pleasant, and also on the School Board. His analyt-

ical chemistry work in several liquor cases, and his popular-

ity among the citizens has endeared him to the entire com-

munity as well as to the student body of the college. He is


a member of the Iowa School of Science, and a reliable mem-ber of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity.

Professor Arthur L. Eaton, a member of Beta Theta Pi, is

rather reserved in his life, and devoted to the church and stu-

dent work. He began in the college in 1898 as head of the

Latin department, but lately has had the Greek also in charge.

With the rapid turn to Spanish on the part of incoming stu-

dents, he took up the study of that language and has brought

to the instruction in the language his superb pedagogical

training. He has been for several years a student in the sum-

mer school of Chicago University, and is an authority on all

matters of language. Upon the election of Dr. Lymer as Dean,

in 1909. he was appointed by President Schell as Registrar.

He is one of the great teachers of Iowa.

The Diamond Jubilee Half Million

History has not always been kind to Iowa Wesleyan. In

looking back through the long reach of the years, it would

almost seem as if the college had not received its just propor-

tion of the material blessings that go to make up an insti-

tution of higher learning. We can pick out several decades

when there was almost no financial gain. This is not, how-

ever difficult of explanation for those who have followed the

story of Iowa Wesleyan from the beginning. For years the

future of the institution has been clouded by indebtedness and

inadequate financial resources. Only the loyalty and abiding

faith and the promise of a few friends imbued with the vision

of a great constituency in a great territory the "Garden Spot

of Iowa", kept the institution alive. The months between Sep-

tember 1916 and January 1, 1917 will long be remembered.They were the critical days. History gave us more then than

in all the seventy three years preceding. For two months,

Iowa Wesleyan as a Mount Pleasant institution, in the homeof its traditions and its history, seemed likely to become a

thing of the past. Merger with some other school, or an up-

rooting to another locality appeared to be the only solution to

the difficulty. Finally after all of these opportunities had beensifted out, driven on by the spur of necessity, the college lift-


ed its horizon, made its appeal to the people, and the half

million of which we write, insuring perpetuity for years to

come, was the glorious response.

It seems peculiarly fitting that the history of this great

endeavor, with results far in excess of the dreams of the mostoptimistic supporters of the institution a few brief monthsago, should be permanently set down in more or less detail.

When the Carnegie and 70th Year Funds aggregating

$200,000 were raised, the Board well realized that this sumwas altogether inadequate for a modern college. But a com-

paign directly following these two endeavors for still larger

sums seemed scarcely feasible. The University Senate of the

Methodist Church decreed that a college to be ranked as

"Standard" must have $200,000 of productive endowment over

and above all debts and sums upon annuity. January 1, 1916,

was set as the date for all schools to comply with this require-

ment or be demoted. Under this pressure, for Iowa Wesleyancould not comply with the requirements, the Trustees and

friends of the institution began to cast around for some wayout of the difficulty. At the annual Conference held in Cen-

terville in September, 1915, a proposition came from Parsons

College of Fairfield, Iowa, for the union of Parsons, Simpsonand Iowa Wesleyan under the name "Iowa Union College".

The Union College to be located at either Mount Pleasant,

Fairfield or Indianola as deemed most advisable. Control wasto be vested in a Board of Trustees elected by the two Meth-

odist Conferences, the Iowa Synod of the Presbyterian church

and the Trustees of the colleges.

The Board was to be self perpetuating as regards 60 per

cent of its membership—Twenty-five per cent of this initial

membership to come from each Simpson and Wesleyan and 50

per cent from Parsons. The remaining 40 per cent to be pro-

portioned to the two Methodist Conferences and the Iowa


A committee of five was appointed by the Iowa Conference

consisting of Edwin A. Schell, U. S. Smith, C. L. Tennant,

Hugh A. Cole, and Horace M. Havner. This committee was


11 authority to act with like committees from Simpson and

tais. and in the advent of the Des Moines Conference

not appointing a committee, with the one from Parsons for

a union of the two schools. Simpson College and the Des

Moines Conference never accepted the proposal and no com-

mittee was appointed.

The two committees met but it was soon apparent that no

equitable basis of union could be agreed upon. It was how-

ever determined that there was a "distinct field in this sec-

tion of Iowa for one College only". A special meeting of the

Board of Trustees was called for October 27th to consider the

report of the Committee of Five.

At this time rumors of a transfer of the College began to

make themselves heard. A special meeting of the Board wascalled for November 11, 1915. At this time a Committee from

the Ottumwa Commercial Club invited the Trustees to trans-

fer the college to Ottumwa. The following resolutions were


"That we urge the commission to give due consideration

to any definite proposals that may be made and report the

same to the Board.

"That we appoint the Commission as raised by the IowaConference (Edwin A. Schell, Hugh A. Cole, H. M. Havner,

U. S. Smith, C. L. Tennant) as our committee.

The proposal from Ottumwa never reached definite terms

financially. The committee met several times with the Ot-

tumwa Commercial Club. An effort was also made to induce

Parsons College to consider a joint union with Wesleyan at

Ottumwa. Finally in December the Committee of Five, deem-

ing that it was useless to further prolong negotiations writh

either Parsons or Ottumwa made a proposal to the MountPleasant Commercial Club that if Henry county would raise

$100,000 by January 27, that the school would be continued

permanently here, and that within a period of three years the

Iowa Conference would add an additional $150,000. The Com-mercial Club accepted the proposal of the Committee. The


date for the launching of the campaign was set for January 1,

1916. After all efforts to secure expert outside assistance had

failed, a local committee was appointed of which Adam Weirwas chairman.

The Henry County campaign will long be remembered.

When it was inaugurated there were not a half dozen menwho dreamed that it could be successful. Big gifts that were

hoped for did not materialize. The people felt that the task

was too great. But the Committee threw themselves into the

task with a dauntless courage. Progress was slow. Twodays before the closing hour, with every prospect canvassed,

there was a shortage of thirty thousand dollars. The womenof the Iowa Wesleyan Guild, then organized and for two days

of bitter weather canvassed every home in the city. Inspired

and enthused by their devotion the campaign took new life

and one hour before the closing time on the night of January

28, 1916, the goal was reached, with a considerable margin

to the good.

This exhibition of loyalty and sacrificial -giving fired the

Iowa Conference and friends of the school with enthusiasm.

The Board of Trustees met February 16, and ratified the

action of the Committee of Five, and resolved to ask the Iowa

Conference for $300,000 instead of $150,000 making a total of

$400,000. On February 17, the Iowa Conference met in spe-

cial session at Ottumwa, and amidst the greatest enthusiasm

ratified the Conference program for $300,000. In the after-

noon the Henry County delegation proposed to raise $50,000

additional if the Conference would raise $350,000, making a

grand total of $500,000. This motion was passed unanimously.

"Kick-Off Sunday" or "Launching Day" was set for March

12th. Bishop Bristol was selected as the Campaign Chairman,

T. J. Myers, Treasurer, Thomas Osborn, Secretary, E. E.

Lymer, Auditor, and Herbert N. Jeffey, Publicity Manager.

Assisted by a great concourse of Bishops, College presidents,

educators, ministers and laymen, the campaign was presented

to the congregations of the Iowa Conference on Sunday,

March 12th.


The Central office was maintained at Mount Pleasant and

the Conference organized around the District Superintendents.

I'nder the Superintendents were the group chairmen and the

final units were the separate pastoral charges. Literally

thousands of pieces of mail matter were sent out from the

central office educating and informing the people of the pur-

pose and the progress of the campaign.

The original closing date was set for April 25th. But as

Gleaning Sunday fell on Easter the date was moved up one

week. The campaign came up to Gleaning Sunday approxi-

mately $160,000 short of the total amount. However the cam-

paign cammittee was confident that this sum would be forth-

coming, when the matter was presented in all the churches

of the Conference, on "Gleaning Sunday."

But "Gleaning Sunday" was a failure owing to a torrential

rain, general over the entire Conference which ceased not

throughout the day. In many charges no services were held

at ali. Owing to the proximity of General Conference the ac-

tive campaign work was closed down during the month of

May. The Publicity office was kept open and the organization

continued intact. The campaign was re-opened on June 10,

and closed June 25. At the closing hour there was a shortage

of $50,000 which was underwritten by the Mount Pleasant

Commercial Club. This sum was later raised by means of a

"still hunt campaign" under the leadership of President Schell.

It wrould be impossible in this sketch which has already

grown too long to give due credit to all the loyal friends whogave of their time and their counsel and their substance in

this titanic endeavor. The inestimable services of Dr. JohnW. Hancher, representing the Board of Education, has been

referred to elsewhere. Only those who were with him at the

desks from early morning until long after midnight, for thirty

consecutive nights know how he gave of his time, strength

and energy.

The Campaign could not have been successful without

President Schell. The cumulative results of his eight years

of service told in this supreme crisis. His wrork was brilliant.


With a nervous energy that was tireless he went the length

and breadth of the Conference looking for the larger sub-

scriptions. For days at a time he would not be near the office,

but a string of telegrams carrying cheer in large figures ap-

praised the central desk of his whereabouts. Practically un-

aided President Schell turned in subscriptions aggregating

roundly $128,000. This does not include the part that he play-

ed in other gifts.

The devotion of such long tried friends of the college as

Hugh A. Cole, Carl S. Williams, Chris Haw, Gardner Cowles,

T. J. Myers, P. M. Musser, W. J. Steckel, G. T. Pulliam, A.

Weir, H. C. Weir, R. W. Moore, the District Superintendents,

the pastors, the laymen, the alumni, and a thousand others,

will never be forgotten.

The biggest thing about the Jubilee Campaign was not the

money raised, and we do not underestimate that feature, but

bigger than mere money, bigger than a great endowment, big-

ger than an adequate income, is friendship. All of these

things depend upon that, and the Diamond Jubilee closed with

friends added by the thousands. The work is not completed.

There will be other campaigns; new buildings and equipment

are urgently needed, but all this will come now. Our perpe-

tuity and our usefulness are guaranteed.

Ladies' College Organ Association

This association was organized October, 1892 with the

following officers:

President, Mrs. C. L. Stafford.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. Lydia Siberts.

Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Taylor.

Treasurer, Mrs. H. T. Bird.

These ladies were very energetic and persevering for

many years and by entertainments, dues and donations from

time to time, raised more than two thousand dollars. Then

Mr. J. D. Smith left a legacy of one thousand dollars to the


association. With a number of smaller donations they In-

creased their fund until in the spring of 1915 the ladies were

enabled to pay the entire cost of installation and rebuilding

of one of the best pipe organs installed in any public building

in the state of Iowa.

It was the object of the Association from its inception to

place in the Chapel Auditorium an organ which as to both size

and quality would be in keeping with the dignity of the build-

ing which it was to grace, and to their steadfastness of pur-

pose through all the years which they labored and struggled

to collect a fund adequate for the object which they had un-

dertaken, the college owes an eternal debt of gratitude.

Many times were they prevailed upon,, almost under

pressure, to allow their accumulation to be used to install

an organ, inferior both as to size and quality, to the ideal

which they had set for their attainment. Dr. Rommel's opin-

ion however was, that no organ at all, was better than one

which would in any way detract from the splendid Chapel

Auditorium in which it was to be placed. Wiser council

always prevailed and the ladies kept their money out on in-

terest and bided their time. Prospects for an organ in this

generation indeed looked dark, until like a pleasant dreamcame the announcement of the splendid gift from the St.

James Church. It is doubtful if this gift could have been

realized upon, had it not been for the foresight of and ready

money in the hands of the ladies; for to remove, box, crate

and ship the parts of this mammoth instrument, and then re-

assemble it in the chapel upon its arrival, rebuilding and re-

arranging, some parts also being necessary, would require

between $2,500.00 and $3,000.00. The ladies upon hearing of

the proposition immediately realized that the time for which

they had looked forward to and longed for was now at hand.

Their ready co-operation and financial assistance thus en-

abled the college to take advantage of an opportunity to secure

an organ which for sweetness of tone, size, adaptability andregistration is equalled by few, if any organ used for similar

purpose in the State of Iowa.

ine dedicatory recital given m April 1915 at the College

chapel upon the completion of the organ drew a large and ap-

preciative audience. All honor to the loyal public spirited

women who so patiently wrought and reached their goal, of

whom were Miss Mary I. Snyder, Mrs. Alice L. Taylor, Mrs.

Belle R. Leech, Mrs. Amelia Penn, Mrs. Florence McKibbin,Mrs. Walter E. Keeler, Mrs. C. S. Rogers, Miss Ida Van HonMrs. Abbie E. Crane and many others whose names are not

on record.

The association rests from its labors, but its voice of

melody will long be heard, inspiring responsive chords of

harmony in the soul of the present student body as well as

in that of generations yet unborn.

The Woman's Guild of Iowa Wesleyan College

In June 1899, Mrs. Lavanda Gassner Murphy presented

a plan for enlisting the women of the Iowa Conference in

work for the College, to the Board of Trustees and also to the

Executive Committee, in which they heartily concurred. Pur-

suant to the plan, October 2, 1899 the Woman's Guild of the

Iowa Wesleyan College was organized in Elizabeth Hershey

Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

The following were the charter members:

Mrs. Charles C. McCabe, (wife of Bishop McCabe).

Mrs. Lavanda Gassner Murphy.

Mrs. Julia Baldwin McKibbin.

Mrs. Lillian Kendig Rogers.

Miss Ella Penn.

The officers elected for 1899-1900 were:

President, Mrs. Lavanda Gassner Murphy, West Liberty,


First Vice President, Mrs. M. B. Huston, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa

Second Vice President, Mrs. J. W. Stark, Keokuk, Iowa.

Third Vice President, Mrs. J. E. Newsom, Wellman, Iowa.

Fourth Vice President, Mrs. W. G. Wilson, Grinnell, Iowa.

Fifth Vice President, Mrs. Chris Haw, Ottumwa, Iowa.

Corresponding and Field Secretary, Mrs. Julia B. McKib-

bin, Keosauqua, Iowa.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. S. Rogers, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Treasurer, Mrs. Walter E. Keeler, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Resident Board of Managers:

Mrs. F. D. Blakeslee Miss Ella Penn

X. H. Ambler Miss Mary I. Snyder

Mrs. T. J. Myers Professor Lucy Booth

Miss Martha McClure.

The first work of the Guild was to assist in the debt

raising campaign which was undertaken during President

J. W* Handler's administration and to help in the enlarge-

ment of the College endowment. Over five thousand dollars

was raised and paid to the treasurer of the College.

In the last campaign for endowment the ladies of the

Guild gave more than three thousand dollars in pledges for

the fund and in addition to this, valuable service of time

and encouragement which tided the Mt. Pleasant Campaignthrough a crisis at the darkest hour of the undertaking, and

thus assisted nobly in bringing the enterprise through to

an ultimate success. Further details concerning the helpful-

ness of the Guild in this movement are noted in the narrative

of the "Diamond Jubilee Endowment Effort."

The personnel of the officers remained nearly the samefrom 1900 to 1915. Mrs. Murphy has served as president

all these years.

After paying all obligations, in June 1915, "The Guild" wasre-organized on a broader basis, when every woman in the

City, County and Iowa Conference was cordially invited to

become members. One hundred and fifty women gave their

names and much enthusiasm was aroused throughout the

Conference, during the campaign for endowment. The workassumed for the year 1915-16 was to assist in keeping the li-

brary up to the required standard, which was again taken as

its work for 1916-17.

The officers for 1916-17 are:

President, Mrs. Lavanda Gassner Murphy.

First Vice President, Mrs. Adam Weir.

Second Vice President, Mrs. R. S. Galer.

Third Vice President, Mrs. Will Dyall.

Fourth Vice President, Miss Mary Guss.

Fifth Vice President, Mrs. Dennis Morony.

Sixth Vice President, Miss Ida Van Hon.

Seventh Vice President, Mrs. Charles Swanson.

Eighth Vice President, Mrs. Geneva Harshbarger.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. Lulu Ingersoll.

Treasurer, Miss Barbara R. Fouche.

Resident Board of Managers:

Mrs. E. A. Schell Mrs. C. S. Rogers

Mrs. E. E. Lymer Miss Ella Penn

Mrs. M. B. Huston Miss Mary I. Snyder

Miss Nellie Wallbank

Standing Committees:

Finance—Miss Barbara R. Fouche, Miss Nellie Wallbank,

Mrs. H. Wade Gillis, Mrs. W. F. Kopp and Mrs. V. D. Morris.

Membership—Mrs. Ben Hur Wilson, Mrs. J. J. Pitcher, Mrs.

Eliza Palmer, Mrs. H. G. Leist and Mrs. Warren Rogers.

Library—Dr. Lucy Booth, Mrs. W. D. Worthington, Mrs.

M. B. Huston, Mrs. F. B. Crane, and Mrs. John W. Palm.

Social—Mrs. W. H. Evans, Mrs. Adam Weir, Mrs. C. F. Ap-

plegate, Mrs. George P. McKibbin and Mrs. Jas. T. Whiting.

Surely with the co-operation of the intelligent, loyal womenof the City, County and Iowa Conference, the Woman's Guild

of the College will have a magnificent future.

The Alumnal Association

I la probable that the early history of the Alumnal Assoc-

iation is lost for ever. The records in the hands of the officers

go back but a few years, the books having been lost, or in the

hands of some one unknown. The annual catalogue, however,

helps out somewhat, giving the names of the officers of the

association as far back as 1897. or twenty years ago, but back

of that there are no records whatever, as to the organization.

It is evident, however, that there was such an organization,

for as far back as 1878 reference is made in the yearly cata-

logue of the "annual reception and banquet of the alumni,"

and some of the older resident members state that in those

days there was annually elected a staff of officers, and that

the annual banquet was not only a flow of soul, but a genuine

feast of reason. However, it has been impossible to secure

even a tentative list of officers prior to 1878 and it is doubt-

ful if one can be secured at this time.

For many years the organization of the alumni was a

perfunctory matter to be gone through with at the annual

meeting, when a handful of them would gather, to elect offi-

cers, collect enough dues to pay the accumulated bills, and let

it go at that. Since, however, the association has been called

upon to take an active part in the management of the school.

by reason of electing every year two members of the Boardof Trustees, there has been much more interest in the organi-

zation. Then again, the records have been put in permanentcondition. System has been introduced, card systems estab-

lished and the collection of dues has resulted in a treasury

with a balance continually on the right side and funds at

hand to take care of the nominal expenses of the work of

the association. The alumni association is now undertaking

to keep in constant touch with every member of the alumni of

the school from the time he graduates until his activities are

over, to keep the interest of the alumni constantly keen, to

keep the "Old Grad" at all times informed of his "AlmaMater," and keep alive the affection of student for the old

college halls.


It is now recognized and was emphasized during the recent

successful campaign for a half million dollars that a great mis-

take had been made in permitting the old students to drift

away from the college, and to arouse the old affection for the

school, to reawaken the old memories of hall and campus is

now the definite purpose and work of the association. Dur-

ing the great campaign it was found that the whereabouts of

many of the alumni was not known and, in too many cases

it was found that the former students had been away so long

and had heard from the old school so seldom that vital inter-

est had well nigh died out, and appeals for financial assist-

ance fell on ears that would not hear.

The following are the officers of the Association as far back

as the records show.


A. M. Antrobus 1897

Mrs. W. E. Keeler 1898

John F. Riggs 1899-1900

Miss Ella Penn 1901

John F. Leech 1902

Miss Sed Taylor 1903

Rev. W. G. Wilson 1904

Mrs. Emma Lucrode Weber 1905

Carl S. Williams 1906-08

Dr. John C. Willits 1909

Miss Martha McClure 1910

C. D. McClain 1911-12

R. E. Luebbers 1913

C. S. Rogers 1914-15

W. H. Evans 1916-


Miss Sarah Ambler 1897-98

Miss Clara Byrkit 1899

C. S. Rogers 1900

J. B. Eyestone 1901

Jesse Beck 1902

U. S. Smith 1903


Mrs. R. \V. Johnson 1904

F. M. Davenport 1905

\Y. F. Kopp 1906

Mrs. W. E. Keeler 1907-OS

W. F. Kopp 1909

F. D. Throop 1910

Ella Penn 1911

Ida Van Hon 1912-13

Mrs. Clara Kopp 1914-


Walter Brenholts 1897

J. W. Palm 1898

Walter Brenholts 1899

Miss Ida Van Hon 1900-11

Miss Ullena Ingersol 1912-13

Mrs. Laura Craver 1914-15

Miss Ullena Ingersoll 1916-


Miss Mary Snider 1897-98

May Arnold 1899-1900

Miss Fanny Van Dyke 1901

Miss Hattie Ketchum 1 902-03

Miss Blanche Swan 1904-05

Mrs. Axie Lute Mitchell 1906

Miss Ella Penn 1907

W. F. Kopp 1908

C. S. Rogers 1909

George T. Keeler 1910-12

Mr,. Belle R. Leech 1913-15

Ben H. Wilson 1916-




This Association shall be called the Alumnal Association of

Iowa Wesleyan College.




It shall be the object of this organization to encourage

the attendance of students, to increase the endowment fund,

to advance the standard of higher education,, to propogate the

principles of Christianity, and to elevate its members to a

higher plane of intellectual and social culture.


Section 1. The officers of this association shall consist of

a President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, andHistorian.


Sec. II. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at

all meetings of the Association and in conjunction with the

Secretary to call extra meetings of the Association when-ever in their judgment it shall be deemed necessary.


Sec. III. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of

the President in the absence of that officer.


Sec. IV. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a

correct record of all the proceedings of the Association, to act

in conjunction with the President in calling extra meetings

and also to notify all members at least thirty days prior of

the date of the annual meeting in June, together with the

address of the Treasurer and the amount of annual dues.


Sec. V. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all

moneys of the association and pay out the same only upon

order of the association or executive committee signed by

the President and Secretary, and to submit a written report

of the condition of the treasury at each annual meeting. Heshall submit his annual report in writing and his vouchers,

record and books of account to the finance committee at

least three days before the time of the annual business meet-


HI5TUK1LA.L, bM!>ltn


Sec. VI. It shall be the duty of the Historian to secure

and record a history of each alumnus at the time 01 his grad-

uation and to keep on record the principle events in the life

of each alumnus from year to year.

Sec. VII. The President, two Vice-Presidents and Secre-

tary shall be elected by ballot at each annual meeting. The

Historian and Treasurer at each third annual meeting of the

association beginning with 1914.



This Association shall hold an annual business meeting

at such time and place as may be designated by the executive




Sec. 1. All graduates of Iowa Wesleyan College in any

of its regular collegiate courses and all who receive or have

received the Bachelor's or Master's degree in any of the regu-

lar courses including the course in music from said college,

shall be considered members of the association.

Honorary Membership.

Sec. II. Honorary members shall be those persons who

are elected by a two thirds vote at an annual business meet-

ing of the Alumnal Association. These persons shall be

entitled to all the rights and privileges of the regular mem-

bers of the association except the right of voting and of hold-

ing office.



Sec. 1. Each member of this Association shall pay in

advance annually to the Treasurer tha sum of one dollar as

annual dues.


Sec. II. Any member being in arrears with his annual

dues for the current year shall not be permitted to vote on

any question in the meeting of the association.



This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting

by the concurrence of three-fourths of the members present.



Section I. There shall be an executive committee com-

posed of President, Secretary and three others elected at each

annual meeting. Three members of said committee shall be

resident graduates.

Sec. II. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee

to make all arrangements incident to the annual business

meeting, to determine what literary exercises may be held,

to select performers for the same, and to give at least three

months' notice of the time and place of holding said exercises,

to decide whether or not a banquet shall be given, and to

superintend the same or make any other arrangements which

in their judgment may meet the approval of the Association.

Sec. III. There shall be a Finance Committee consisting

of three members, one of whom shall be elected annually and

who shall hold such office for a period of three years.

Sec. IV. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to

examine the report, books and amounts to the Treasurer,

and all other financial officers or agents and report thereon at

each annual meeting.


Seven members shall constitute a quorum for the trans-

action of business.



The minutes of each meeting of the Association shall oe

approved upon the adjournment of the same.


The report of all committees shall be submitted in writing.


These By-Laws shall be subject to amendment the sameas the constitution.

The Museum

The early history of the museum is uncertain in many par-

ticulars. It is plain, however, that the original nucleus, what-

ever it may have been, around which the now splendid col-

lection has been built, was quite small.

Mrs. M. J. Kelly who was the professor of Natural Science

from 1855 to 1861, served also as curator of the museum.Due to her skill in taxidermy, a number of mammals, and

birds were mounted and made a part of the collection.

Whether or not this marks the beginning of the museum, the

collection first attained such dimensions as to interest the

students, under the care of this talented woman.

It was housed in those days in the Main building in the

small room at the head of the stairs on the second floor, being

the room now used as the Croaker office. At another time

it was kept on the first floor in the northeast room now oc-

cupied by the Art Department .

As the museum grew it came to require more space than

could then be afforded it on the campus. It was according-

ly placed down town and occupied up stairs rooms in one of

the business buildings on the north side of the square and

at another time on the east side of the square.

When the present Chapel building was completed, the old

chapel room, comprising the entire east end of the third floor

of the Main building, became available for the museum. In


recent years this room has been devoted entirely to' the

natural history division and the small room adjoining at the

west has been fitted up to display the relics and Ethnological

specimens. It is there that the visitor today goes to view the


After the Civil war a number of war relics were contributed

from various sources, while through the influence of Senator

Harlan, several pieces of interest and value came from the

government. Space will not permit the mentioning of all

who have added their part to the collection for many of the

friends of the school have given articles of interest. How-ever, two contributors should have especial mention: One is

Dr. J. M. Schaffer of Keokuk, who has presented many valu-

able mounted specimens of birds and mammals. In fact a

very large part of the entire museum is the contribution of

that globe trotter and ardent naturalist. The other is Mr.

Charles Buettner? of Burlington. In his travels Mr. Buettner

visited almost every accessible corner of the globe. With eyes

wide open to everything of interest, he got away from the

travel-worn paths and saw things not found by the tourist of

usual type. Some little idea of the scope of his work may be

had in the fact that it took four railroad cars to hold his

contributions to the museum. But his collection ranks higher

in value than in bulk. The specimens have been well col-

lected and uniquely mounted. Many of these represent rare

forms, while several species now extinct are thus preserved

to future generations.

The size, scope and educational value of Wesleyan's mus-

eum is appreciated by only a few. In the relic room are

found treasures relating to the history of our own and other

countries and utensils, implements of warfare, and other

articles of human interest that offer opportunity for hours of

thoughtful study. In the natural science collection the fields

of Mineralogy, Geology, Paleontology and Zoology are well

represented. Aside from the splendid herbarium containing

specimens of over eight hundred species of the flowering

plants of Henry county, collected and presented to the Col-

lege by Mr. Henry Mills, '70, the botanical division is poorly


represented and should receive more attention. On the other

hand the Zoological division exceeds all the others combined

in numbers of specimens. Most of the classes of animals are

represented, but the birds are best represented of all. This

collection of birds is probably the most complete one in the

middle west.

The museum is opened without charge to all visitors and

every year many avail themselves of the opportunity to look

it over. It is of especial value to the natural science classes

of the college and to the public schools who visit it from time

to time.

Alumni and friends of the college can aid materially in

building a still greater museum by contributing relics and

natural history specimens that they may be able to locate.

Mounted specimens or the properly preserved skins of birds,

reptiles and mammals, specimens of insects, fossil remains,

botanical specimens, Indian relics, old or foreign articles of

interest, are all especially desirable.

It is hoped that with the coming of the new Library and

Science buildings the museum may be displayed in the cor-

ridors where it will be more accessible to the public and of

greater educational value to the students.

This is especially to be desired if the new building is fire

proof, for, as it is now situated, the museum which is said by

some, who are competent to judge, to be of greater value than

the entire physical plant of the college, (or at least could not

be replaced for this amount), is subject to the hazard of fire,

being located in an almost inaccessible part of the Mainbuilding. Should this building ever be destroyed, the Museumwould suffer greatly, if indeed, it were not a total loss.

College Student Organizations

Student activities of an organized character have been

present in and carried on by the student body of Iowa Wes-leyan almost from the inception of the school.


As the grim Reaper reaches out and brings to a close, one

by one with ever increasing rapidity, the lives of those whohave been with us since the beginning, it is important, at this

time, that many things, which may to some seem to be of apurely trivial nature, be set down with whatever accuracies

they may be gathered, in order that future generations mayknow the truth, and that history be kept straight upon these

items, which we believe will come to be looked upon with

growing interest as the years go by.

When this book is again published, the Alumni of another

decade will be at the helm, and many of our older Graduates

will have passed into the Great Beyond. With them will die

many valuable and irrecoverable facts concerning the early

history of the school, and particularly those details concern-

ing which the greater part of this sketch is made up.

The search necessary for the production of this portion of

the history of Iowa Wesleyan College has brought to light

many important and striking facts. None, however, impress-

es the writer more than the appalling vagueness of the idea

with which the average student or alumnus is possessed with

reference to the beginning of those activities and traditions

in which he, at the time, may be vitally interested. Manyseem to take it for granted that these activities simply exist,

and few there be, who even so much as give a thought as to

why they exist, or what combination of circumstances created

a demand that caused these various organizations to spring

forth. Persistency of purpose has kept them alive throughout

all of the years of their existence, and thus they played an

important part in the development and rounding out of the

lives of those who have enjoyed their privileges and advan-


In the history of these organizations, Wesleyan has that

which money cannot buy, and influence cannot obtain. Noble

tradition, which lives in the lives of the Alumni from the

time of their graduation, until they reach their grave, set-

ting for them a standard and an ideal by which they mayguide and true their existence, is an asset which wealth


cannot produce, but which must be developed by slow and

tedious evolution, throughout the period of many, manyyears as they come and go.

In this tradition, Wesleyan is peculiarly rich. Of glorious

history, Wesleyan has an abundant supply, and few there be

who search its sacred page who can not detect the Hand of

the Infinite working in and out, sometimes seemingly cruel,

sometimes chaotic, but nevertheless weaving a fabric, which

is inexpressibly wonderful and which will grow in beauty to

the retrospective view of generations of students yet to


It is a rare moment in the writer's life when he comesin contact with one of those dear, old Alumni who has treas-

ured many valuable and precious facts in his heart, and whocan give one some "real" information concerning the origin of

those activities which most of us accept as a matter of fact,

never raising the question from whence they come, why,

when, and to what purpose they exist.

Student activities have always been divided into four

groups, intellectual, spiritual, physical and social. Each in

its sphere has played an important part in the lives of manystudents, for few there are who have studied in Wesleyan's

classic halls, but whose lives have been influenced by one

or more of these various interests, and many there are whohave been active in all of them.

Under the intellectual group, comes the Literary Societies,

Forensic League, and Honorary Fraternities. The Musical

activities of the student body, as well as the Student Publi-

cations, all of which are now or have at some time or other

been carried on with well defined organizations, may also be

classed under this heading. Under the Spiritual will be

found the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., and the Gospel Teams;under the Physical comes foot ball, basket ball, base ball,

track work and tennis. The Athletic group is the least sus-

ceptible of treatment in a sketch of this kind and while these

sports may seem to be interests of the first magnitude while


the student is in college, they soon after graduation becomeinsignificant in character as compared with the activities of

the broader fields, where the development of the mind, the

spirit, and the sociabilities are involved. While each of

these diversions may have its devotees and enthusiasts,

we cannot take the space at this time to give an exhaustive

sketch of the various branches of College Athletic activities.

The Social Group is composed of the Greek Letter Frater-

nities, of which there are now seven in Iowa Wesleyan, three

for boys and four for girls.

In order to hold this writing close to the subject, which is

very necessary owing to the space allotted in the book and

as there are so many side lights, and illuminating narratives

which, though not strictly history, would be highly interest-

ing to all, we are compelled to refrain from the use of any of

these and to treat the subject by topics, according to the fol-

lowing outline. We believe the subject matter following the

outline covers the ground pretty thoroughly, except for the

subject of Athletics, further discussion of which, as above

stated, will not be attempted.

Organized Student Activities

1. College Literary Societies, (English):

(a) Hamline, (Boys).

(b) Ruthean, (Girls).

(c) Athenian, (Now extinct).

(d) Philomathean, (Boys).

(e) Hypatia, (Girls).

2. German College Literary Societies:

(a) Goethe, (German, now extinct).

(b) Shiller, (German, now extinct).

(c) Cicero, (English, now extinct).

(d) Simpsonian, (English, now extinct).

3. Academy Literary Societies, (English)


(a) Harlan, (Boys).

(b) Clionian, (Girls).


4. Forensic League.

5. Honorary Forensic Fraternity:

(a) Pi Kappa Delta.

6 Honorary Literary Fraternities:

(a) Iota Phi.

7. Organized Athletics:

(a) Foot Ball.

(b) Basket Ball.

(c) Base Ball.

(d) Track Work.

(e) Tennis.

(f) Gym.

8. Musical Activities:

(a) Boys Glee Club.

(b) Girls' Glee Club.

(c) College Band.

(d) Orchestra

(e) Choral Societies.

9. Christian Associations, etc.:

(a) Y. M. C. A.

(b) Y. W. C A.

(c) Gospel Teams.

10. Publications:

(a) Wesleyan News (Official Student Newspaper)

(b) The Croaker, (Official Student Annual. Published

bi-annually by the Junior Class.)

11. P. E. O. Sisterhood, (Originally organized in Wes-leyan as a student activity, not now considered as such.)

12. Greek Letter Fraternities:

(a) Beta Theta Pi, (Boys, now inactive).

(b) Pi Beta Phi, (Girls).

(c) Phi Delta Theta, (Boys).

(d) Delta Tau Delta, (Boys, now inactive).

(e) Alpha Xi Delta, (Girls).

(f) Sigma Phi Epsilon, (Boys).

(g) Phi Mu, (Girls).

(h) Kappa Delta Psi, (Boys, organizing),

(i) Omicron Sigma Phi, (Girls organizing.)



Motto: "Lux et Veritas."

During the years immediately preceding the Civil Warwhen disorganization seemed the order of the day, a few

young men of sturdy intellect and determination purported to

turn their attention to organization in Iowa Wesleyan Uni-


Literary Societies were unknown in colleges or universi-

ties west of the Mississippi, but Senator James Harlan, then

president of Wesleyan, suggested and materially aided the

boys of the university in organizing the pioneer literary so-

ciety of Iowa Wesleyan and also of Iowa, the following stu-

dents being charter members:

Winfield S. Mayne, '56. A. H. Murphy,

John Ballard, '57. John Haynes,

E. T. Coiner, '57. James Haynes.

G. W. Byrkit, '57. A. S. Bailey.

J. W. McDonald, '58. J. B. Wilson.

G. W Gray, '58. Chas A. Whittaker,

Mason Bayles, '59. George W. Manly.

George B. Corkhill, '59. John Muldoon.

Many of them became men of great achievements. Thecharter was granted February 22, 1855 and through sixty-two

years of stress and war, and peace with unlimited prosperity

to our nation, Hamline has sent forth men prepared for their

places in the world's activities, men who now are our ideals

in our present forensic activities.

Today Hamline has a record, the like of which few literary

societies can boast, having won several state oratorical con-

tests and furnished many of Wesleyan's successful debaters.

The present membership is made up of some thirty youngmen ranking high in the various departments of the college

and her alumni may be found in many places filling positions

of influence reflecting credit upon themselves, their society

and their Alma Mater.



Motto: "Sic Iter, ad astra."

Every new movement encounters opposition as well as

favor, and many arguments, some amusing, some futile and

others difficult to overcome are presented for and against it,

and the attempt to found a literary society for girls at I. W.C. was no exception to the general rule, for as yet the newand modern woman had not appeared.

The mothers had primitive ideas of what girls should

learn and feared that a literary society would make themmasculine in their actions, so Senator Harlan and his efficient

helper, Mrs. Professor Kelley, Ph. D., had to labor earnestly

with the mothers to secure their consent to such an innova-

tion as their daughters joining a literary society. In 1855

the first girls' society was organized by President Harlan,

and Mrs. Kelley, bearing the name "Cornelian", their badge

being a Cornelian ring, one of which each member possessed.

They were organized in an upper room of the old Pioneer


After the main hall was erected and before it was plaster-

ed, they occupied the southwest room on the second floor.

This was always called "Ruthean Hall" until in more recent

years, when they have occupied "Hamline Hall." The first

constitution was written by President Harlan.

There were twenty-one charter members as follows:

Lucy Kilpatrick-Byrkit,

Sarah Kilpatrick-Woods

Roxie Strawn-Pugh, '60.

Tillie \Vhite-Broadhead,

Fontanella Nervel-Swan.

Emily Porter-McClure.

Mary Young-Coiner.

Allie Young-Brown.

Addie Kauffman-Fov.i.

Martha Kaufman-BronsonKate Kaufman-Marquart.

59. Carrie Wood-Murphy.'GO. Mary Payne-Hildreth.

Jennie Payne-Heckendorn.'63. Carrie White-Bingle.

Mary Kilpatrick-Templin.

Laura Berry-Winslow.

Sarah Whitlock.

Edith Candy.

Martha Linn-Knechen.

Irene Grantham-Ballard.


Of these ladies the following still are living to recall the

olden days for us: Mesdames Byrkit, Woods, Pugh, SwanMcClure, Coiner, Fowl, Bronson, Templin, Knechen, Ballard.

The young society did not sail on smooth seas, and the

dissension became so great that in the first year some severed

their relations with the Cornelian; calling themselves


In the following year, 1856, the disbanded Calliopeans

were reorganized by Fresident Berry and the two organiza-

tions were merged into "The Ruthonian" afterwards called

the "Ruthean," taking the original constitution of the Cor-

nelian society.

Their programs consisted of essays, orations, reviews of

books, "Ruthean Gleaner," the newspaper, and debates, their

first debate being on the subject "Whether women should

speak in public or not." Mrs. Nellie Swan on the affirmative

and Mrs. Lucy Byrkit on the negative side. The original

manuscripts are in the hands of their authors and might be

interesting reading to the girls of today.

With somewhat varied success the Ruthean Society has

continued its way until now—having since 1890 a sister soc-

iety, Hypatia, with whom, to share the loyalty and affection

of the girls.

A number of books are in the college library which were

given by the society and bear its name.

For many years, every three months open sessions were

held, and in commencement week the graduates from the

college who were "Rutheans" received a diploma of gradua-

tion from the society in a public exhibition. Here we learned

something of "Roberts' Parliamentary Rules," to think and

speak qiuickly on different subjects, and to overcome the

timidity which Was so prevalent in early years among the

girl students.

The present enrollment is sixty and the Ruthean girls of

today emulate the example of those who have preceded them,


in achieving gTeat and noble deeds in foreign lands as well

as in our own country, and aiding in the mental and moral

uplift of women. "Thus they journey to the Star."


Organized, 1874.

The life and history of Athenian Literary Society wasbrief and can best be narrated in an excerpt from a letter

from one who was a member of the ill-starred organization.

Although the letter was not written for publication, it

describes with accuracy the circumstances surrounding the

organization as well as the fate of this society, and reads as

follows: "I will tell you what I can of the experiment of

having a literary society admitting both ladies and gentlemen

in our beloved Wesleyan:

"About the first of the year 1874, the Faculty decided that

it would be a good thing for the world and other colleges,

as well as our own, to set an example of such a literary soc-

iety. They (the faculty) selected the members they wished

to have organize it, without any of us asking to be admitted,

at least, at first. There were six of us Seniors—I think

Lizzie Davidson was the first president. Of Juniors I can

remember two, about twenty in all. A few from each class

and each literary society, but not enough from any to

weaken it.

We had a fine earnest high grade society, the experiment

was a success—We all did our best to show the faculty that

they had not misplaced their faith in us. Such was our be-

lief at the time and mine now after forty-three years have

passed. But the other societies were so angry at us and the

faculty—that it was considered wise to drop or disband It.

And through no fault of ours—at the end of the term, June,

1874, the society held its only graduating exercises. In the

fall nothing was done to reopen it."

The "experiment" evidently left a lasting impression on

some of its members and even today they think of its close

with sadness.



Organized 1858.

Official emblem: "A Star."

In the year 1853 the Philomathean Literary society wasorganized, and at once took her place as one of the bright

lights of Wesleyan. In 1867 the present hall was secured

and furnished. In 1868 Articles of Incorporation were taken

out under the laws of Iowa, and the Charter was secured onApril 4th of that year. Several revisions have taken place in

the constitution, the latest being in 1911.

In the Spring of 1907 Philomathean temporarily joined

with Hypatia, for carrying on programs during the remain-

der of the year. The result was a series of most interesting

and helpful meetings. Philo has done her part in sending

out well prepared Alumni and these are in all parts of the

world, holding positions of trust and influence and doing a

noble work for their fellows as preachers, teachers, mission-

aries, lawyers, college presidents and business men.

Philo has no motto, but over the President's chair hangs

"A Star," the official emblem of the society.

"Hitch your wagon to a Star" was the advice of a great

man, and the promotors of the organization said, "Our only

wish for Philo is that she may instill into the hearts of youngmen the true ideals of culture and character, and that she

may ever point to something high, to a 'Star of Hope.' "

Twenty-one young men at present follow her standard and

bear her ideals in their lives.


Organized 1890.

Competition is the life of any organization, and this

axiom is equally true whether it pertains to business activ-

ities, social or educational institutions or College Literary

societies. For many years Ruthean was the only claimant in


the field of literary activities among the girls at Iowa Wes-leyan, and this monopoly upon a field so broad was not con-

ducive to the best interest of the society nor the girls whotook part in it.

For a long time it had been thought that a sister organi-

zation, that could be the counterpart of Philo, and share with

it. its spacious quarters, would be beneficial.

To this end on February 7th, 1890, twenty-four girls, someof them former members of "Ruthean Literary Society," or-

ganized Hypatia, to be a sister society and pursuing similar


The following girls were the charter members:Lillian Kendig-Rogers, '90. Elizabeth McCreedy.

Ida Van Hon, '90. Belle Dinsmore.

Elsie Byrkit-Kirkendall. '90. Anna Walbank-McGavic.

Maggie Campbell-Hughes, '90. Helen Andrews-Guy.

Lillian Saunders. Nortie Rainey-Rosenberger.

Lena Bereman. Julia Grumbling-Gardner.

Alice Hughes-Payne. Pauline Weidensel.

Fanette O'Kell-Lines. Lottie Crane-Woolson.

Edith Corkhill. Lillie Carton.

Minnie Chamberlain. Ina Woodworth.

The new society met with some opposition at first, but

steadily pursued its way and soon attained a high standard of

excellence. It has held its meetings in Philomathean Hall

and has had frequent joint programs with that literary soc-

iety. Fifty enthusiastic and energetic girls are at present

carrying on the work begun and are developing into strong

women ready to do their part in the upholding of Wesleyanideals.


Re-Organized, 1909.

Motto: "Praemia post proelia.''

Goethe Literary Society was organized December G, 1884,

in the German College, with sixteen members. For a num-ber of years it flourished and did good work. However, it


had as competitors Schiller Society, using the German lan-

guage, Cicero and Simpsonian Societies, using the English

language, so that there was great rivalry. The latter three

disbanded and thus in 1906, Goethe was the only literary

society in the German college.

In 1888 the Society was incorporated. During the days of

the removal of the German College to Missouri, a new society

was organized, which was in a sense a perpetuation of the

older organization, as thei name, constitution and purpose of

the old society were retained as also its equipment and the

new Goethe looked forward to a bright future.

However, for reasons considered justifiable, the society

soon disbanded.


Motto: "A Posse Ad Esse."

Harlan Literary Society bears the name of one of Iowa's

most illustrious sons, Hon. James Harlan.

The society has stood and stands today for all that will

tend to the uplift of its members and the upbuilding of IowaWesleyan Academy.

It trains the students and gives them a lasting prepara-

tion for further literary and oratorical work.

Its present enrollment is fifteen young men who are car-

rying forward/ the ideals of the founders of the society.


Motto: "Discimus ut Serviamus."

Clionian Literary Society was organized by Prof. G. L.

Minear, in Harlan Hall.

The Constitution was drawn up and signed by fifty char-

ter members.


IfiBfl Tlieo Shaw of Kirkville. Iowa, had the honor of being

the first president of the new society.

Clionian has an enrollment of forty-six earnest, enthusias-

tic members and it is doing the same good work for the

Academy girls, which its companion society, Harlan, does for

the boys.


The forensic record of Iowa Wesleyan College is one of

which every alumnus and friend of the school can be justly

proud. In the contests of the Iowa Intercollegiate Oratorical

Association, the forensic classic of the state Wesleyan has wonsix firsts, seven seconds, and three thirds, a record exceed-

ing that of any other college in the state. Under the old reg-

ulation when orations had to pass a test in thought and com-

position Wesleyan rarely failed to qualify. Under the newruling with its two divisional contests, one for the eastern

and one for the western part of the state, Iowa Wesleyan has

gone to the final state contest every time, winning three

firsts, one second and one fourth. The interest shown in

Wesleyan's oratorical record and the inspiration it gives to

each member of the student body argues well for the future.

To every Freshman comes the ambition to write his namealong side of Cavanee, Mitchell and Krenmyre, as well as

Heller, Newell and Havinghurst, as a winner of a state

Contest. In this respect Iowa Wesleyan surpasses mostinstitutions of the middle West. The last few decades

has brought about indifference on the part of the student

body toward the art of public speaking. This is true not only

of our large universities, where athletics and social life dis-

sipate the student's time and effort, but of the small college

as well. At Wesleyan, however, the light of forensic enthusi-

asm still burns brightly.

In debate Wesleyan has maintained the high record set byher orators in the state contest. A triangular debate is held

annually. In these forensic encounters W'esleyan has alwaysbroken even in decisions and frequently made a clean sweepas she did this year by defeating Penn on the home floor by a


unanimous decision and Parsons' College by a vote of two to

one. In the last five years Wesleyan has taken part in six-

teen debates ten of which she has won. The inter-collegiate

debates have in the past been the training school for our ora-

tors. In the running fire of debate each one of the college's

representatives has disciplined himself so that when put to

the supreme test in the state contest he has made a good

account of himself.

Nor is interest in debate shown only among the boys.

From time to time the coeds of Iowa Wesleyan have matchedthemselves with the women from other colleges. In these

contests, too Wesleyan girls have always acquitted them-

selves nobly, and have attained for themselves the sameenviable record, gained and defended by Wesleyan boys.

Those who love Wesleyan have great faith in her fu-

ture. This faith leads them to look forward to the time

when Wesleyan will win every state contest, when she will

have an endowed chair of public speaking with a man whowill devote himself, body, mind and soul to the noble workof developing better speakers, that they may repay their

communities and their country by becoming better lawyers,

better preachers, better lecturers, better teachers, better menand women than they would have been without the training

in the art of public speech.


1875 Clay B. Whitford Represented I. W. U. in State.

1876 Clay B. Whitford Represented I. W. U. in State.

1879 Edwin F. Kauffman . . Represented I. W. U. in State.

1880 Parke W. Kauffman . . . Represented I. W. U. in State.

1881 Parke W. Kauffman . . Represented I. W. U. in State.

1883 Samuel A. W. Carver Second Place in State.

1885 John F. Riggs Second Place in State.

1887 Edwin S. Havinghurst . Represented I. W. U. in State.

1889 John Newsome Represented I. W. U. in State.

1892 Scott Alva Power Represented I. W. U. in State.

1893 Scott Alva Power Represented I. W. U. in State.


1S94 Hiram T. Robinson . . . Represented I. W. U. in State.

1895 Chas. P. Frantl Placed in the State.

George J. Smith Second Place in State.

1898 Chas. X. Pace Second Place in State.

1899 Nelson Drue Wells Represented I. W. U. in State.

1900 Thomas Osboru Second Place in State.

1901 Clark N. Cavenee FIRST PLACE in the State.

Third Place in Interstate.

Glenn Mitchell FIRST PLACE in the State.

Frank M. Beatty Third Place in the State.

Henry Munster Second Place in State.

Karl Krenmyre FIRST PLACE in the State.

Oscar Schwiering .... Sixth Place in the State.

Edward Stodghill Sixth Place in the State.

Harry Wishard ...-..- Third Place in the State.

Clarendon Havinghurst Third Place in the State.

Daniel B. Heller FIRST PLACE in the State.

Stanley Newell FIRST PLACE in the State.

Fourth Place in Interstate.

1915 Churley Bloomquist . . . Second Place in State.

1916 Ermil Frye Fourth Place in the State.

1917 Clarendon Havinghurst FIRST PLACE in the State.


Pi Kappa Delta, (National)

Installed January 23, 1913.

No movement which has ever been inaugurated as a Wes-

leyan tradition, has given promise of more far reaching and

lasting results than the Pi Kappa Delta Honorary Fraternity.

The scheme of its operation and plan of the whole organi-

zation possesses much of merit and its helpfulness is the

more appreciated with the better understanding of its work-

ings. It is the only Fraternity in which membership is

bestowed unquestionably according to merit, for only those

are eligible to membership who have represented the School

upon an Intercollegiate Debating Team or as the winner of an

Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest.


Pi Kappa Delta is of national significance, having already

twenty chapters well distributed throughout the United States

and it bids fair to be the peer of any organization, founded

along similar lines. We predict for it a growth and pros-

perity which will soon see it firmly established in all the

colleges and universities of the country.

In the founding of this fraternity, as in the founding of

many other noble traditions, Wesleyan has played an import-

ant part. J. H. Krenmyre, '13, then a student in Wesleyan,

was the prime mover in the founding of the original chapter

and to him the Fraternity owes many of its admirable fea-

tures as well as much of its beautiful ritualistic service. Heis now a Grand Officer of the Fraternity and is doing valuable

work for its advancement.

The degrees of the Fraternity are progressive and so ar-

ranged as to stimulate the student on to larger efforts and

no move of prejudice or fate can bar his recognition once he

has put forth the endeavor necessary to accomplish the ends

required for such recognition.

The degrees, together with the requirements carried with

them are as follows:

1st Membership Degree—On one Intercollegiate Debate.

2nd Degree of Efficiency—Winner of one Intercollegiate


3rd Degree of Honor—Winner of two out of three Inter-

collegiate Debates.

4th Degree of Distinction—Winner of three out of four

Intercollegiate Debates or State Oratorical Contest.

5th Degree of Special Distinction—Winner of four Inter-

collegiate debates or first or second place in Interstate Ora-

torical Contest.




Iota Phi is the outgrowth of a club organized by Prof.

Waterbury, of the English Department, during the School


year of 1907-OS. known at that Ume as "The Scribblers." It

waa the intent that membership be based on proficiency In

literary work. Frequent meeting! were held during this year

aa well as the year following. These meeting combined the

octal element with the Literary. Near the close of the year

190S-09 it was decided to convert "The Scribblers" into an

Honorary Fraternity, based on scholarship. The constitu-

tion of "The Scribblers," revised by a faculty committee, was

retained, giving the faculty exclusive right to elect members.

It also provided for two meetings each year, one during the

winter for a literary program, and one in the spring for the

initiation of new members. Later this arrangement was

changed and only the Spring meeting is held, at which time

initiations take place, and officers are elected.

During the ten years of its existence it has successfully

withstood the vicissitudes of fortune, through which a neworganization invariably goes, and has come to be a well

grounded Wesleyan tradition which will undoubtedly be

handed down through future ages.


The Conservatory of Music was established in 1877 by A.

Rommel, and ranks as the pioneer school of Music in the

State of Iowa.

To relate all that is known concerning the life of this

truly wonderful man, together with the history of his workand his influence from a musical standpoint upon the student

body, townsfolk and the people of Iowa, would require a

goodly volume.

It will fall to the lot of no person to perform a greater

service in compiling the history of Wesleyan and one which

will be more appreciated as years go by, than to him whoshall cause to be put into permanent form a complete bi-

ography of Dr. Rommel, with a detailed history of his Con-

servatory and its activities in Wesleyan. We hope that

some one will undertake this important task within the next


few years and thus preserve this chapter of the school's his-

tory while the necessary information is yet obtainable.

For the present we must content ourselves with the merementioning of some of the more important activities carried

on under the auspices of the Conservatory. The Boys and

Girls Glee Clubs are perhaps as stable as any organization

pertaining to the student body. Each year their members are

carefully selected under the direction of the Conservatory of

Music, and the Clubs are trained and prepared for their an-

nual tours of Southeastern Iowa, which always includes manyof the best towns in this portion of the State. The Club

proper usually consists of sixteen members, and in addition a

reader, a director and an accompanist. The quality of the

programs rendered is above the average of most similar or-

ganizations and the personnel of the clubs are of such high

character that they make a favorable and lasting impression

wherever they go. Return engagements on succeeding years

are, indeed, not rare occurrences.

As an advertising medium, especially in the campaign for

students the Glee Clubs are the very best which the school af-

fords and upon the manner in which the individual membersof these organizations acquit themselves during their travels

about the conference depends very largely the opinion which

the communities visited have of the school and its work and

influence over the young lives intrusted to its care.

Thus the Glee Club brings the work of the school, home to

the various charges of the Conference and this is quite im-

portant, as it is impossible for but few of the members of

these charges to visit the College in its home. The Boys

Glee Club has just completed its Eighteenth Annual Tour,

and the Girls their Eighth.

At various times during the history of Wesleyan, Bands

have been organized, never, however, to our knowledge under

the direct supervision of the Conservatory. While no doubt

there have been many bands previous to this one, the first

concerning which we have any definite information was or-


ganised under the leadership of Lowell J. Anderson, 'OS dur-

LOOl year of 1906-07, This band under the able di-

rection of Mr. Anderson, became a well trained musical or-

gmnls&tlon, and was continued tor a few years under the direc-

tion of Lee Baasenpflug, and later T. J. Pettit, when for lack

Of interest and material it was discontinued.

This year under the splendid leadership of Mr. Claude

an. the band has again been re-organized and trained,

BCellenl concerts having been given during the year in

liege Chapel, as well as a series of successful concerts

down town in the Public Square, later in the season.

Of orchestras there have been quite a few, some at a very

early period of the school's history. These have rarely, if

ever, been under the direct supervision of the Conservatory,

and for the most part have been made; up of and carried on

among the members of literary or other social organizations.

There have been a fewT

, however, that have incorporated the

talent of the entire school and these as a rule were organi-

zations of a superior order producing excellent musical re-


The first oratorio performance in Iowa was given in MountPleasant under the direction of Dr. Rommel. Since, the

Conservatory has rendered Haendel's "Messiah," Men-delsshon's "Elijah" three times, Haendel's "Judas Massa-

beus" twice, "Haendel's "Sampson," Hayden's "Creation",

Mendelsshon's "St. Paul", Gaul's "Holy City", Bennett's

"Women of Samaria." Haendel's "Saul", besides many minorworks. These recitals given by college students assisted bytownspeople have always been of a very high order.

A May Musical Festival of four days was given in 1902 in

commemoration of Dr. Rommels twenty-fifth anniversary in

connection with the Conservatory. At that time a chorus of

sixty voices with solo singers of great reputation, rendered

among other splendid things, "The Quest" by Nevin, and the

"Stabet Mater" by Rossini.

It is greatly to be regretted that modern living conditions,

seemingly do not permit of the continuance of this line of


activity for in these days when society is apparently over

organized with clubs of all sorts and for every purpose, andwhen automobiles have come to be more in favor than pianos,

there seems to be no time in the life of ordinary individuals

that can be devoted to intensive choral work, helpful and in-

spiring as it may be. At this period of the world's history it

requires more effort to keep an ordinary church choir organ-

ized on a working basis, than in former days was necessary to

direct a choral organization of from fifty to one hundredvoices. May the sweep of time hasten the return of the good

old days.


In the fall of 1880, Dr. W. J. Spaulding, who was President

of the University at that time, received a letter from Mr. L. D.

Wishard, then Secretary of the student department of the

Young Men's Christian Association, asking him to see that a

local association be established at Wesleyan. There had

been no organization for religious work among students up

to this time, and no student devotional meetings were held.

Dr. Spaulding handed the letter to Rev. A. R. Miller, '82, then

a student and suggested that a meeting for those who might

be interested, be called for definite organization.

The organization was purely local until the fall of 1881,

when there was a State Convention of the Young Men's

Christian Association held in Burlington, which was attend-

ed by the following Iowa Wesleyan delegates: J. T. Daven-

port, A. H. Collins, Jas. M. McDonald, Alex Telfer, John F.

Gibson, A. R. Miller, Miss M. E. Gardner, Miss Lois Mc-

Donald and Miss Emma McDonald. It will be noticed that

the Young Men's Association admitted ladies to membership

at that time.

There arises some confusion in the dates for the min-

utes of the Convention have the following reference: "Iowa

Wesleyan University, Mt. Pleasant, organized last spring,

was received into the International system. They have so-

cial meetings every Thursday and on Sunday have devotional

exercises." Probably the Association was organized by a


state representative in the sprint; of 18S1, although it may

been begun the proceeding autumn, others who were

influential in its organisation were Miss Ella Martlett, Miss

Anna Lawson. Miss Aimed* Arrowsmith, Julius Smith, W, N.

Potter. \Y. S. Gardner, and C. W, Simmons.

The organization founded by them has continued without

interruption since that time. Its members have in their col-

days been the spiritual life of the school and have al-

ways been active in Christian work after leaving the Insti-

tution, many of them going into the ministry or foreign mis-

sion work. The value of the Association to the student can

best be seen in the effect upon the lives of those who have

come in contact with it.

The work in every department of the organization is

strong and shows the earnestness of those engaged in it.

There is always a large enrollment in Bible Study and Mis-

sion Study, and the Volunteer Band meets weekly to discuss,

the work in foreign fields. Every year a large delegation is

sent to the Lake Geneva Students' Conference, which meets

in June. The Conference draws men from the central section

of the United States and part of Canada, and is in every

respect an investment worth while.


The Young Woman's Christian Association, though a com-

paratively new movement, has now a wonderful influence in

the uplift of womanhood, the world over. It is not con-

fined to America and Europe, but reaches through its secre-

taries, girls in all parts of the world.

The college branch of this organization has associations

in the greater part of the colleges of the land. The Y. W.C. A. stands for the organized Christian activity of the college

girls, and unites all sects in the bond of love for a, commonSavior. In non-sectarian schools, the association is practi-

cally the only Christian influence, while in Christian schools,

such as Wesleyan, though it does not stand alone, yet it

serves as the center for Christian activities.


What might be called the machinery of the Association

is well regulated and adapted to the needs of student life.

The departments of work are conducted by committees,

whose chairmen form the cabinet. Almost all the Association

girls are members of these committees and thus receive the

strength and experience to be gained only in active work.

Yet this well systematized work is not without spiritual life.

Such a spirit of consecration and prayerfulness pervades it

that it becomes but the natural expression of a desire to help.

The influence of the Association, while sometimes silent, is

still powerful in elevating the ideas and ideals of the girls.

The local Association keeps in touch with the broader

work, and the difficulties of a changing membership is over-

come, by the semi-yearly visits of our State Secretary, and

by the attendance of delegates at the State Convention and

the Summer Conferences.


Wesleyan has license to boast of her college paper, for

it is a live, interesting, up-to-date news publication. Wes-leyan students have long since discarded the time honored,

monthly magazine sort of a paper and taken on the form of

a four and sometimes six-page newspaper.

The Wesleyan News is published weekly by a student

staff, which is elected by and from the active members of

the various literary societies of the School. From amongthe members of the staff it is the custom to select the Editor

and Business Manager by annual election, all paid subscrib-

ers being eligible to vote, and these elections aside from the

Croaker elections of the Junior Class, are decidedly the mostspirited participated in by the student body. The Staff has

then usually been organized along the following lines: Edi-

tor in Chief, Associate Editor, Business Manager, Assistant

Business Manager, Local, Literary, Society, Y. M. C. A.,

Y. W. C. A., Alumni Editorships and Subscription Agent.

The Editor and Business Manager of the News for thG

past ten years, have been as follows:


Editor Business Mana i

1906-07 Reemt Luebb< d Buchholi.

1907-OS George B. McKibben. Edward Stodghill.

09 John Haien. John Sllknitl

1909-10 John Silknitter. Enos Lauterbach.

1910-11 Edward Fininien. Pearl MeKee.1911-12 C. E. Hagie. Herbert Jet;

1912-13 Leonard Simmer. Bert Jordan.

1913-14 Russell Barnett. Edith Powers.

1914-1") Stanlt y Xewell. Baron Crane

1915-16 Ermil Fry. Philip Logan.

1916-17 Edward Weston. Alden Doud.

1917-1S Earnest Xewquist. Luther Heller.


The first Junior Croaker was published by the Class 1906,

and. considering the early date of its publication, together

with the fact that they had no anticedent after which to pat-

tern their book, it was a truly remarkable publication, not,

however to be compared with the more elaborate Croakers of

recent years, which are embellished with modern illustrations

and upon which have been lavished a vast amount of moneyas compared with the cost of this simple pioneer edition.

The publication of a second Annual was not undertaken

until three years later wiien the Class of 1909, brought forth,

through many trials and tribulations the '09 Croaker. In ap-

pearance this book was scarcely an improvement upon the

first, while it contained subject matter of a high degree of

excellence. Some of its material has been used verbatim in

other portions of this sketch, as its style and accuracy could

hardly be improved upon, and to their authors not knownto us at this time, wre are truly grateful.

The next Croaker published two years later by *he Class

of 1911 as well as those since published, was a marked im-

provement over the preceeding two, and from that time until

now it has been the custom to publish these bcok^ bi-annually

by the class of each odd year.


As history gatherers these Croakers are splendid medi-

ums and too much praise cannot be given the class and staff

that publish these books, for to these faithful ones, the college

certainly owes a debt of gratitude. It is greatly to be regret-

ted that every class is not a Croaker class and that this pub-

lication is not made annually instead of bi-annually, for wemust all very greatly rely upon these intermediate publica-

tions to keep history straight until it can be put into morepermanent form in the Alumni Record which is published

every ten years. We are indeed sorry that we cannot publish

the names of the entire Staff of these various annuals, but

space forbids and we must content ourselves with publishing

the names of the Editors and Business Managers, with their

Assistants, whose noble efforts and tireless energy cannot

be given too much commendation.





George B. Morgridge, Editor-in-Chief.

Jas. W. Richardson, Assistant Editor.

Paul W. Wilson, Business Manager.

Glenn B. Houghton, Asst. Business Manager.

Ray I. Tennant, Editor-in-Chief.

Ethel M. Powelson, Assistant Editor.

C. E. Stuber, Business Manager.

Ben H. Wilson, Asst. Business Manager.

C. E. Lauterbach, Editor-in-Chief.

Mary Sila Colt and Suzanne Gardner, Assist-

ant Editors.

E. F. Fimmen, Business Manager.

Ralph H. Kreiner, Asst. Business Manager.

Pearl McKee, Editor-in-Chief.

Claude K. Hayes, Assistant Editor.

Gilmore D. Swaney, Business Manager.

Edward W. Tiede, Asst. Business Manager.


'15 CROAKER:Floyd Hagle, Edltor-ln-Ohief.

Ruth Willits, Asst. Editor.

Ruth Schrelner, Business Manager.

Jean Wilson. Asst. Business Manager.

'17 CROAKER:Edward F. Weston, Editor-in-Chief.

Aenid Beeman, Assistant Editor.

Warren L. Huebner, Business Manager.

Marie Schick, Asst. Business Manager.

The experience to be gained in serving in the capacity of

any of the above offices is among the most valuable of any

opportunity for training that comes to a student during his

college life, and may as well be said the greatest literary

honors to be bestowed, within the power of the student

body. The training which it gives always stands the recip-

ient in good stead later in life's larger work and many have

stepped out into important positions as editors and authors

better fitted for these positions by reason of the practical

training obtained while students in Wesleyan.



Founded in 1869.

Emblem: Five-point Star.

Colors: Gold and White.


The early history of the P. E. O. Sisterhood, and that of

Iowa Wesleyan college, are closely associated. P. E. O. was

founded, on January 21, 1869, at I. W. U. with seven charter

members: Alice Bird Babb, '69; Mary Ellen Stafford, '69;

Alice Coffin, '69; Ella Stewart, and Frank Roads Elliott, '69;

Suella Pearson Penfield, '71; and Hattie Briggs Bosquet, '69.

The organization was so well planned, both in purpose and

detail, that the constitution, rituals and ceremonies, with

slight changes, are used today.


The purpose and desire of these seven women was to pro-

mote the ideals which make for superior womanhood and to

bind into permanency the ties of college friendship. From a

small beginning, the sisterhood has grown into a membershipof twelve thousand, with chapters scattered over thirty states.

With a unison of purpose beyond self interests, alone, an edu-

cational fund has been established, now amounting to $60,-

000.00, which is available for use by worthy and ambitious

girls, in securing for themselves a higher education. Anexample of similar work of the society along educational lines,

is that of the $2500.00 which the local chapter gathered and

contributed to the college half million endowment fund, dur-

ing the campaign of 1916.

The rapid growth of the society soon made it feasible to

organize a separate college chapter, first known as "A-J" and

later as "S". The change was made during the second semes-

ter of the year 1889, and continued until 1901, when the college

chapter was withdrawn. The group composing chapter "S"

then petitioned the Alpha chapter of the Greek letter society,

Alpha Xi Delta, which had been organized in 1893, at Lom-bard College, Galesburg, Illinois, for a chapter of its

society. The request was granted, and the local group be-

came the Beta chapter of a society which was soon to becomenational in its organization and membership.



Founded 1839.

ALPHA EPSILON,Installed 1868.

Colors—Pink and Blue.


Fraternity History at Iowa Wesleyan dates back to 1868,

when on June 5th of that year, Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Beta

Theta Pi was installed by James S. Castle, '70, Knox College.

The charter members were Horace A. Kelley, J. A. Schrie-

ner, Wm. R. Pearson, Robt. A. Burton, Dillon H. Payne,

Chester L. Collins, J. C. Mitchell and Albert G. Smith.


Alpha Bpsllon was the oldest chapter of the fraternity

with COntlllUOUfl existence west Of the Mississippi until

HIS, when it was made Inactive.

It has nearly throe hundred names on its roster and these

men have many of them tilled high positions in all walks of

life, honoring thus not only themselves and their fraternity,

but Iowa Wesleyan college, as welt

PI BETA PHIFounded 1867.

IOWA ALPHA.Installed 1868.

Colors: Wine, Silver and Blue.

Flower: Wine Carnation.

December 23, 1S68, Iowa Alpha of Pi Beta Phi was estab-

lished in Iowa Wesleyan as Gamma Chapter of I. C. Sorosis,

by Libby Brooks Gaddis, of Monmouth, Illinois, then a stu-

lent of Iowa Wesleyan University. Charter members were

Libby Brooks (Gaddis), Jessie Donell (Thomas), Sarah A.

Taylor, Prude Kibben (Murphy), Lavinia Spry (Lisle), Sadie

Harrison (Knight), all of whom are living excepting Prude

Kibben (Murphy) and Lavinia Spry (Leslie.)

At the convention of 1886, the chapters were renamed and

Iowa Gamma became Alpha, and at the convention of 1888,

it was voted that the Greek features no longer be sub rosa.

The Greek letters Pi Beta Phi took the place or exchanged

places with the Latin letters, I. C, on the pin.

It was deemed best in 1885 to again require that members

must be University or college students or graduates, in order

to more nearly conform to Fraternity Ethics—that no chapter

3hould exist unless situated in a University or College. Iowa

Mpha is the oldest active Chapter with a membership of sev-

snteen. The roll shows she has initiated over five hundred

members. Of this number, fifty-four have died.


Both active and Alumnae Pi Beta Phi were greatly inter-

ested in the recently raised endowment fund for I. W. C. Theflattering amount of some $700.00 was placed to Pi Phi credit.

Considering that the active chapter seldom numbers twenty,

and Alumnae averages around thirty members, Pi Phi, as the

English say, "does her bit ungrudgingly."

PHI DELTA THETA.Founded in 1848.

IOWA ALPHA.Installed 1871.

Colors: Argent and Blue.

Flower: White Carnation.

Iowa Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Theta was installed at

Iowa Wesleyan, on September 27, 1871, the charter membersbeing as follows: F. M. Miller, '71, J. T. McFarland, W. M.

McFarland, '73, John Lauder, Herman S. Lauder, W. H. Hop-

kirk, '72, E. Sampson, '71, S. W. Siberts, '72, Ed A. Gibbs, '73,

Frank Kauffman and C. F. Knowlton, '73.

Iowa Alpha is the oldest Chapter of the fraternity west of

the Mississippi river, and numbers among its two hundred and

fifty active and alumni members many men prominent in all

fields of activity.

The Alumni Chapter of Mt. Pleasant founded May 30, 1905,

has been very active in its efforts to build up the college and

its loyalty greatly aided the securing of the handsome en-

dowment fund.


In the* year 1874, a chapter of Delta Tau Delta fraternity

was installed in I. W. U. and continued until 1880. Although

some strong men were among its members, for some reason

it failed tq get a firm hold, and after struggling for a time,

the chapter was abandoned, and several of its members were

taken into the other two fraternities, Beta Theta Pi, and Phi

Delta Theta.


ALPHA XI DELTA.Founded April 17, 1893.

As P. E. O., Chapter S.)

BETA CHAPTERInstalled 1902,

Colors: Double Blue and Gold.

Flower: La France Rose.

The early history of the Beta chapter of the Alpha Xi

Delta sorority is identical with that of the P. E. O. Sisterhood

Pot many years this Sisterhood maintained a College Chaper in Iowa Wesleyan known as Chapter S. In 1901 for rea

sons deemed sufficient the Sisterhood decided to withdraw

Tom the field of College activities and this action was con

jummated during the second semester of that College year.

The group of girls composing Chapter S, petitioned the

jreek letter sorority Alpha Xi Delta for affiliation, which pe-

ition was granted and the installation took place in 1902.

Beta Chapter at Iowa Wesleyan has always stood for high

deals, both in the class room and in campus activities. Its

nembers have been leaders in intellectual circles and in

he musical world. They have ever stood firm in living up

o the ideals of Truth, Science and Liberty, which are the

vatch words of our Alma Mater, and in the recent campaign

or endowment they were not found wanting. The Alphas

lid their share, both in giving and in work for the success of

he campaign.


Iowa Alpha Chapter.

Installed 1913.

Colors: Purple and Red.

Flowers: Violets and Roses.

The organization of Sigma Kappa Zeta was perfected

October 1, 1911 and formally recognized by the faculty ons'ov. 1, of the same year. The following constituted the list

>f founders: Enos Abel Lauterbach, Albert Frederick Neutz-

imn, William Goodheart Breitenstein, Clarendon Having-


hurst, Claudius Kief Hayes, Daniel Boone Heller, Gilmore

Danskin Swaney, Roy William Lofquist, Wayne Ross Hagie,

Harlan Ray Stone, Clarence Edwin Hagie, Samuel Laird

Hagie, Columbus Ferrel Hayes, Floyd Oscar Hagie and HughStanley Newell. They chose as faculty member Dr. ReemtEike Luebbers. From the first the organization found a

hearty welcome and as a consequence thrived. Under the

able leadership of its corps of officers, who during the first

year consisted of Roy Lofquist, president; Enos Lauter-

bach, vice president; William Breitenstein, secretary; Albert

Neutzman, treasurer; and Clarendon Havinghurst, historian,

the oganization laid plans to petition the national fraternity,

Sigma Phi Epsilon.

At the Grand Conclave of Sigma Phi Epsilon held in De-

troit August 25, 1912 a charter was granted to the local SigmaKappa Zeta and on February 1, 1913 Iowa Alpha of SigmaPhi Epsilon was installed at Iowa Wesleyan, the names of

the charter members being the same as those of the founders

of Sigma Kappa Zeta, with the addition of Howe Lee Ernst,

who was in the meantime made a member.

The Fraternity has since its organization maintained a

Chapter House on North Main street, and the type of boys

which they have chosen to become members, can in no waybe better illustrated than by the fact that three times during

its brief existence, one of their number has won the State

Oratorical Contest, thus not only bringing fame to Old Wes-

leyan but honor to their fraternity.

PHI MU.Founded 1852.

OMEGA CHAPTER.Installed 1914.

Colors: Rose and White.

Flower: Carnation.

On September 12, 1914, Miss Nellie S. Hart, National

President of Phi Mu, installed Omega Chapter in Iowa Wes-

leyan College, with the following charter members: Edith

Saunderson, '14; May Roberts, '14; Mary E. Torrence, '14;


King. 14; Bertha Saunderson, '15; Ruth Logan, '15

Ruth Schreiner. 15; Marie Schick, '17; Mable Core. '17

Emma Bloomquist. 17; Edna OoUlna, '17; Agnes Reaney, '17

Frances Toothacre. 17; Fae Hayes, '17; Jessie Carter, '17.

The first president was Miss Ruth Logan. Phi Mu is the

youngest of the Greek Letter fraternities in the college, but

with a National Charter it has already made an enviable po-

sition for itself and at present has twenty-six active members.

It is proposed to organize an Alumnae Association during

the coming summer.




Flower: Violet.

Kappa Delta Psi was organized April 24, 1917, with four-

teen charter members. These were as follows: Donald F.

Lawson, '17; Harold D. McCullough, '17; Lowell D. Thomp-son. 17; Paul D. Sandmeyer, '18; Fred E. Hyzer, '18; Lee A.

Messenger, '19; Ernest E. Newquist, '19; George E. Jones,

'19; Arthur Ollivier, '19; William C. Perdew, '20; Lloyd M.

Nye. '20; Earnest Patterson, '20; Paul East, '20; Paul S.

Sterner, '20.

The organization of this new addition to fraternity cir-

cles is due in great part to the efforts of Lee A. Messenger,


The President is Paul Sandmeyer, and there is hopes that

this youngest of the circles may become a strong force in

building up Wesleyan ideals.


Officers From The Beginning


John P. Grantham Charles Stoddard

E. Killpatrick Abraham Johnson

S. Smith N. MungerA. C. Worthing Samuel Nelson

J. G. Smith Peter Smith

J. D. Payne W. ThompsonN. J. Smith. N. Lathrop

I. C. Hall G. W. Patterson

William R. Long P. C. Tiffany

John M. Lee G„ W, Teas


I. C. Hall Nelson Lathrop

P. C. Tiffany Peter Smith

Samuel Nelson

Were made Trustees in 1842 to hold office until January



P. C. Tiffany 1842-46

Rev. Samuel Nelson - 1842-46

Nelson Lathrop 1842-46

Peter Smith 1842-46

J. C, Hall 1842-46

John Jones 1842-46

Wm. C. Stephenson 1842-46

Samuel Brazelton . 1842-46

John P. Grantham Before 1845 to 1853, 1862-65

W. ThompsonThos. J. Coulter . March 11, 1846

Rev. A. J. Huestis, A. B. A. M 1846 to Feb. 24, 1849

G. W. Teas

E. Killpatrick March 11, 1846 to Sept. 1855

Johnson Pierson, A. B., A. M. . . March 11, 1846 to Oct. 3, 1854


y M Snyder March 11. 1846

George Moore 1846

W. H Wallace March 15, 1847

Samuel Smith 1847

E. Rockhold 1847-50

L. J. Rogers 1848-50

William S. Viney . 1849

D. P. Gass 1849

J. Hrusman 1849-54

S. U. Everts 1849-50

Rev. E. Lathrop 1950-53

Rev. Joseph McDowell 1850-60

Rev. Isaac I. Stewart 1850-51, 1855-64

Rev. David N. Smith 1850-60

Rev. E. W. Twining 1850-51

Rev. H. W. Reed 1850-51

Rev. Joseph Brooks, A. M 1850-59

Rev. John Harris 1851-52

Rev. Henry Clay Dean 1851-55

Jas. H. Davis 1851-55

Rev. Samuel H. Clark 1852-55

Rev. M. H. Hare 1851-68

Wellington Bird, M. D 1855-77

E. B. Ogg 1853-55

Rev. D. Worthington 1854-66

Charles S. Clarke. M. D 1854

J. W. Spry 1854-55

Hon. Thomas H. Benton. Jr 1854-55

Jesse Bowen, M. D 1853-54

J. D. Elbert, M. D 1853-55

B. C. Kaufman 1853-54

Rev. Win. Corkhill. M. D 1854-61

Henry Avery 1854-55

Hon. Laurin Dewey 1854-56

Rev. Lucien W. Berry, D. D 1855-58

Charles N. McDowell 1855-60

Alexander Lee 1855-57

Rev. Richard S. Robinson 1855-60

Rev. J. H. White 1855-57

J. M. Shaffer, M. D. 1 855-57


E. K. Hart 1855-59

Rev. Joseph Gassner 1855-66

Thos. W. Claggett 1855-58

Rev. Thos. E. Corkhill, M. D 1855-97

Rev. W. F. Cowles, D. D 1855-99

Geo. Porter 1855-56

Anson Hart 1855-58

E. K. Hart 1855-59

S. Stuffts 1856-58

N. W. Burris 1856-59

Hon. James Harlan, A. B., A. M., LL. D 1853-99

Rev. Wm. Simpson 1857-64

Timothy Waiting 1857-64

Geo. Bumgardner 1858-63

Geo. E. Griffith 1858-60

Rev. Charles Elliott, D. D., LL. D 1858-66

S. P. Young 1858-62

Hon. E. Mayne 1858-62

J. M. Kibben 1859-62

Hon. Henry Ambler, A. M 1859-83

J. H. Power, D. D 1860-72

J. P. Hammond 1860-63

G. Buckingham 1860-63

J. S. Woolson 1860-62

Rev. G. B. Jocelyn, A. B., A. M., D. D 1860-64

John P Grantham 1862-65

Wm. Wilson, Jr 1862-72

Hon. J. R. Needham 1862-66

M. Morehead 1862-66

Rev. J. I. Hammond 1862-63

Rev. J. B. Vernon 1862-66

Rev. E. L. Briggs 1863-78

Charles Snider 1863-91

LeRoy Taylor 1863-66

Samuel K. Helmick 1863-66

Rev. A. Robinson 1864-76

Rev. E. H. Waring 1864-67

Rev. I. A. Bradrick 1864-79

J. R. Capeline 1865-66

Rev. T. Audas, A.B., A. M 1865-66


Geo. Bn nu'v 1865-77

Rev. E. \V. Twining 1866-71

J. i, B. Weaver 1866-70, 1875-77

C. Lawrence 1866-69

Rev. Amos B. Prather, A. B., A. M 1866-72

Rev. \v. Dennett, i). D 1866-71

J. N Fish 1866-69

Rev. C. A. Holmes, A. B., A. M., D. D 1867-69

E. L. Penn 1869-98

Ottrer Hoyt 1870-71

IP. Teter 1870-82

Rev. John Wheeler, A. B., A. M., D. D 1870-81

William Tackaberry 1872-73

Rev. J. W. McDonald, A. B., A. M., D. D 1872-93

J. T. Hackworth, A. B., A. M 1872-76, 1877-1901

John Conaway 1872-77

Rev. G. N. Power, D. D 1873-92

J. I. Gilbert 1873-76

Chester L. Collins 1873-75

Hon. W. I. Babb, A. B., A. M., LL. D 1874-

Rev. W. J. Spaulding, A. B., A. M., Ph. D 1874-84

Rev. Banner Mark 1874-79

A. M. Antrobus, A. B., A. M 1874-82

Miss Phebe Elliott, B. S., M. S 1875-79

Rev. D. C. Smith 1876-1901

Rev. J. B. Blakeney 1876-90

F. T. Campbell 1876-79

George Haw 1877-1904

Hon. M. M. Walden, A. M 1877-86

W. A. Work, A. B., A. M 1877-87

Rev. J. T. Simmons . 1880-88

Mrs. M. S. Huston, A.B., A . M 1880-1903

Charles F. Craver, A. M 1880-98

Rev. W. G. Wilson, A. B., A. M., B. D 1880-98

Rev. J. C. W. Coxe, A. B., A. M., Ph.D., D. D 1880-1901

Rev. S. S. Murphy, A. B., A. M., D. D 1881-85

Rev. M. Bamford, B. S., M. S 1881-86, 1893-99

Rev. I. O. Kemble, A. B., A. M 1883-98

J. Gregg, A. M 1883-90

J. C. Power 1883-87


Dillon Payne, A. B., A. M 1884-1900

Rev. John Haynes 1885-87

Mrs. L. W. Byrkit, A. B., A. M 1885-98

Rev. C. L. Stafford, A. B., A. M., D.D 1886-99

Rev. W. R. Cole, A. B., A. M 1887-19

Rev. T. J. Myers, A.B., A.M., D.D 1888-

Rev. J. E. Corley, A. B., A. M., B. D 1888-97

Carl S. Williams, B . S., M . S 1890-1902 ; 1903-

Rev. W. G. Thorn 1890-1900

Hon. W. S. Withrow, B. S., 1891-

Rev. E. L. Schreiner, B. S., M. S 1891-1901

Rev. D. Murphy, A. B., A. M., Ph.D 1893-94 or '95

Rev. A. V. Kendrick 1895-1908

Rev. J. A. Boatman, A. B., A. M., D. D 1896-1912

Rev T. S. Pool 1897-

Rev. W. P. Stoddard, A. B., A. M., D. D 1898-

Rev. P. J. Henness 1898-1901

S. L. Collins 1898-1902

N. M. Harris 1898-1903

Rev. F. D. Blakeslee, A.B., A. M., D.D 1899-1900

Rev J. C. Willits, A. B., A.M., S.T.B., D, D. ... 1899-1910

Rev. W. R. Stryker, B. S., M. S., B. D 1899-1903

W. E. Keeler 1899-1910

Rev. J. W. Lambert 1900-1908

W. J. Steckel 1900-

Rev. J. W. Hancher, B.S., M.S., A.M., S.T.D 1901-1908

Rev. J. T Brooks, B.S., M.S 1901-1908

C. S. Rogers, B.S., M.S 1901-

Rev. A. E. Craig, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., D.D 1901-1905

Rev. J. F. Barnett, B.S., M.S., B.D 1901-1908

Rev. J. E. Newsom, A.B., A. M 1901-1915

John C Fitzgerald, B.S., M.S 1902-1911

H. C. Hollingsworth, B.S., M.S 1902-1905

Rev. I. B. Schreckengast, A.B., A.M., S.T.B., 1903-10

C. P. Axtell 1903-07

Chris Haw 1904-

Hon. Gardner Cowles, A.B., A.M., 1905-

Rev. H. N. Smith, A. M., Ph.D., D.D 1905-

Hugh A. Cole, A.B 1905-

Charles Frantz, B.S., M.S., M.O., 1906-13


Robert w . Johnson, A.B., am 1906-10

r. II. Hibbits, O.D 1901

J. F. Rigus. MS. D. Pod 1907-1913


Hon. ft X. HaviHT 1907-

Hon. \V. F. Kopp. A.B.. L.L.B. 1907-

Hev. ( Minear, A.M.. B.D.. U.D 1908-

Rev. 1 born, A.B . A.M. D.D 1908-

E. T. Willits 190S-

Hon. \V. B. Seeley, L.L.B 1908-

Hon. W. L. Roach, 1909-13

Charles H. Keck 1909-13

Clark M. Cavanee 1910-13

B. S. Gilson 1910-12

George T. Pulliaui 1910-

Mrs. Lulu P. Ingersoll. A. B 1911-16

Adam Weir, A. B., 1911-

J. E. Peterson 1911-16

Rev. U. S. Smith, A. B., D. D 1913-

Rev. C. L. Tennant, A. B., D. D 1913-

Rev. H. F. Gilbert, A. B., D. D 1913-

W A. Hanna 1913-

H. L. McGrew 1913-

Rev. E. J. Shook, D.D 1915-

Mrs. M. B. Huston, A.B., A.M 1915-


Rev. John Harris 1855-56, 1858

Rev. P. P. Ingalls 1855-57

Rev. George W. Teas 1855-57

Rev. J. P. Linderman 1855-57

Rev. D. Dickenson 1855-56

Rev. J. B. Hardy 1855-57, 1859-60, 1862-64

Rev. J. Q. Hammond 1855-56, 1859-60

Rev. J. P. Holtzinger 1855-57

Rev. A. C. McDonald, A. B. A. M 1855-59

Rev. W. Simpson 1856-57

Rev. S. P. Crawford 1856-57

Rev. E. M. H. Fleming 1856-57, 1859-60

Rev. S. Haines t 1856-59


Rev. M. Miller 1856-59

Rev. J. C. Smith 1857-58

Rev. E. L. Blagg 1857-59, 1862-64

Rev. S. Hestwood 1857-58, 1861-62, 1867-69

Rev. John Guylee 1857-58

Rev. I. Bradrick 1857-59, 1860-61

Rev. L. J. Rowley 1858-59

Rev. A. Bushey 1858-61

Rev. T. Audas, A. B., A. M 1858-62

Rev. E. W. Twining 1858-59, 1861-62

Rev. G. B. Jocelyn, A.B., A.M., D.D 1859-60

Rev. F. W. Evans 1859-60, 65-66, 72-73, 78-79, 81-82, 1885-86

Rev. E. H. Wlaring 1859-60, 1867-68

Rev. H. Gibson 1859-61

Rev. O. C. Shelton 1860-61, 1868-70

Rev. John Haynes 1860-61, 62-64, 65-67, 68-70, 83-84, 1897-98

Rev. W. Dennett, A.B., A.M 1860-64, 1865-66

Rev. M. Carrier 1860-61, 1864-66

Rev. H. W. Thomas, D. D 1860-61, 62-68, 1868-69

Rev. W. J. Spaulding, A.B., A.M., Ph.D 1861-62, 1871-72

Rev. A. W. Spryker 1861-62, 1876-68

Rev. A. C. Williams, D. D 1861-61, 1864-66

Rev. John Darrah 1861-62

Rev. E. Miller, A. B., A. M., D. D 1862-64

Rev. J. Hayden 1862-64

Rev. A. Laubach 1862-64

Rev. G. N. Power, D.D 1864-65, 1866-67, 1870-73

Rev. A. Robinson 1864-65

Rev. G. W. Byrkit, A.B., A.M 1864-70, 1872-73

1877-78, 1880-81, 1887-88

Rev. J. G. Thompson 1864-65

Rev. Geo. Clammer 1864-65

Rev. I. P. Teter • 1864-67, 1869-70

Rev. John Burgess, M.D 1865-66

Rev. B. Mark 1865-66

Rev. W. C. Shippen 1866-67

Rev. J. C. Brown 1866-67, 1869-70, 1873-74

Rev. C. W. Shaw 1866-67, 1870-71

Rev. J. T. Simmons 1866-70, 1872-74, 1877-78

Rev. Joseph Gassner 1867-70. 1871-72


Rrv i: II. Winans. A.B., A. M 1867-69, 1872-73

Rev. J. H. Hopkins. All, A. M 1867-68

Rev. J. B. Hill 1867-71, 1885-86

Rev. D. Murphy. A.B.. A.M. Ph.D., D.D., 1S69-70,

1S77-78, 1882-83, 1891-92

Rev. J. A. Wilson 1870-71

Rev. A. B. Prather, A.B., A.M 1870-71

Rev. O. P. Light 1870-71, 1875-76

. S. Jennis 1870-71, 1875-76

i :. H. Coddington, A.B., A.M 1871-72

Rev. J. W. McDonald, A.B., A.M., D.D 1871-72

Rev B. Holland 1871-72

Rev. D. C. Smith 1871-72

Mr. W. B. Bonnifield 1871-72

I. A. Hammer, M. D 1871-72

Hon. J. West 1871-72

J. M. Schaffer, M.D 1871-72

Mr. J. H. Love 1871-72

Hon. John Mahin 1871-74

D. N. Henton, M.D 1871-74

Rev. J. B. Blakeney 1872-73

Rev. C. B. Clark 1872-73, 1874-75, 1876-77, 1878-79

Mr. W. A. Work, A.B., A.M 1872-73, 1888-89

Mr. J. C. McKell 1872-74

Hon. M. M. Walden, B.S., M.S 1872-74

Mr. A. J. Richardson 1872-73

Mr. F. M. Davenport, B. M 1872-74

Mr. W. S. Lynch, B. M 1873-74, 1876-77

Rev. W. H. H. Pillsbury, A.B., A.M 1873-75, 77-78, 1883-84

Rev. C. L. Stafford, A.B., A.M., D.D. 1873-74, 76-77, 1883-84

Rev. I. O. Kemble, A.B., A.M 1873-74, 75-76, 1881-82

Mr. L. P. Cansey, 1873-74

Hon. J. B. Weaver 1873-74

Rev. Chas. F. Craver, A. B., A. M 1873-74, 1874-76

Rev. R. B. Allender 1874-75

Rev. C. P. Reynolds 1874-75

Hon. Dillon H. Payne, A. B., A. M 1874-75, 1900-03

Mr. W. W. Baldwin, A. B., A. M 1874-75

Miss Jennie Beck, A. B., A. M 187* 76

Mrs. N. M. Letts 1875-/6


Rev. L. O. Housel, A. B., A. M., D. D 1875-76, 1877-78

Rev. A. McClintock 1875-76, 1877-78

Mr. Chas. A. Lisle, A. B., A. M 1876-77, 1879-80

Mr. B. F. Karu 1876-77

Rev. Geo. M. Tuttle, A. B., A. M 1876-77, 1881-82,1896-99

Mrs. Emma Collins Sloan, B. M 1876-77

Mr. P. T. Campbell 1876-77

Miss Ida Hinman, B. S., M. S 1876-77

Mr. N. J. Smith 1876-77

Rev. J. C. W. Coxe, A. B., A. M., Ph. D., D. D 1877-78

Rev. H. E Wing 1877-78, 1879-80, 1883-84, 1886-87

Mr. D. H. Emery 1887-88, 1890-91

Rev. J. G. Barton, 1878-79, 1893-94

Mr. J. W. Wright 1878-79

Mr. D. A. Walters 1878-79, 1882-83, 1884-85

Rev. A. Kirshaw 1878-79

Mr. J. M. Mann 1878-79

Bev. S. S. Murphy, A. B., A. M., D. D 1879-80

Rev. R. A. Caniine, D. D 1879-80

Judge H. L. Dashiel 1879-80, 1891-92

Rev. J. W. Cheney 1880-81

Rev. Morris Bamford, A.B., A.M. . . . 1880-81, 1892-93, 1898-1900

Rev. B. P. Shane 1880-81, 1892-93, 1898-1900

Rev. W. H. H. Smith 1880-81

Rev. D. C. Bevan 1880-81, 1891-92

Rev. C. W. Sheppard 1880-81, 1891-92

Rev. J. Hunter 1881-82

Rev. A. V. Francis 1881-82

Rev. C. H. Montgomery 1881-82

Rev. T. Stephenson 1882-83

Rev. S. S. Martin, A. B., A. M., D. D 1882-83, 1885-86

Rev. O. Jas. McFadden 1882-83

Rev. C. F. Williams 1883-84

Rev. F. H. Beck, D. D 1884-85

Rev. J. A. Boatman, A. B., A. M., D. D 1884-85, 1887-88

Rev. S. R. Ferguson 1884-85

Mr. W. N. Groome, A. B., A. M., D. D 1884-85

Rev. W. G. Thorn 1884-85, 1888-89

Rev. A. V. Kendrick 1885-86, 1888-89

Rev. A. W. Haines 1885-86


v E. L. Schreiner. A. B.. A. M 1885-86

] . F. Robertson 188*47

Rev. T. B. Hughes D. 1884-87, 1890-91

IW\. W. A. Qlbboni 1886-87, 1890-91, 1892-93

Mr. Marcus Simpson 1S86-87, 1890-91, 1S92-93

Mr. Wm. Wilson. Jr 1888-87

Mr. P. M. Musser 1886-87, 1S91-92

Mr. Pierce Ratcliff 1SS6-87

Mr. Arthur Gibbons 1886-87

Rev. C. H. Stocking, D. D 1887-88

Rev. J. W. Lambert 1887-88, 1896-98

Rev. F. W. Adams, A. B.. A. M 1887-SS. 18S9-90

Rev. A. R. Miller. A. B., A. M 1S87-8S

Mr. J. M. McCart y 1887-89, 1S90-91

Mr. George Sweny 1887-88

R-v. W. R. Stryker, B. S.. M. S.., B. D 1888-89, 1894-96

Rev. C. B. Cowan 1888-90

Rev. E J. Pike 1888-89, 1892-93

Rev. H. V. Tull 1888-90

Mr. W. J. Sampson 1888-89, 1895-96

Rev. Matt S. Hughes, D. D 1889-90

Mr. A. W. Thompson 1889-90

Rev. L. D. Johnson, M. D 1890-91

Rev. C. R. Norton 1890-91

Mr. Jno. Moler • 1890-91

Rev. E. C. Brooks 1891-92, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1898-1901

Rev. J. C. Kendrick 1891-92

Judge J. C. Power 1891-92

Mr. J. D. Graves 1891-92

Mr. Samuel Whitlock 1891-92

Rev. H. F. Pugh 1891-92

Rev. C. L. Tennant, A. B 1892-93

Rev. W. P. Stoddard, A. B., A. M.., D. D 1892-93, 1896-9S

Mrs. D. Graves 1892-93

Mr. E. Parks 1892-93

Mr. C. P. Axtell 1892-94

Mr. A. W. Johnson, A.B., A.M 1892-93

Rev. J. W. Fraker, A. B.. A. M 1893-94

Rev. R. W. Wiesse 1893-94

Rev. E. S. Daly. A. B.. A. M 1893-94


Mr. O. W. Weyer 1893-94

Mr. Joseph Kirk 1893-94

Mr. Chas. Breumer 1893-94

Mr. Frank Bacon 1893-94

Rev. Thos. Osborn, A.B., A.M., D.D 1894-95, 1899-1902

Rev. M. J. Pusey, A.B., A.M 1894-95

Rev. J. C. Caughlan 1894-95

Rev. Elias Handy, A.B., A.M 1894

Mr. Chas. Grassell 1904-05

Mr. Levi Richardson 1894-95

Mr. Chris Haw 1894-95, 1903-

Mr .W. J. Turner 1894-95

Mr. B. W. Hadley 1894-95

Rev. G. B. Swartz 1895-96

Mr. S. L. Vest 1895-96

Mr. Fletcher C. Mead 1895-96

Mr. P. H. Bradley 1895-96

Miss Nannie Bingamann 1895-96

Rev. C. S. Cooper 1896-97

Rev. J. R. Payne, A.B., A.M 1896-99

Mr. C. Tribbetts 1896-97

F. C. Holliday, M. D 1896-97

Mr. J. C. Calhoun 1896-98

Mr. J. H. Lukens 1896-1900

Mr. H. C. Hollingsworth, B.S., M.S 1896-99

Rev. P. J. Henness 1897-98

Rev. W. H. Jones 1897-1900

Rev. W. H. Heppe, A.B., A.M., D.D 1898-1900

Mrs. L. G. Murphy, A.B., A.M 1898-

Rev. John Hanks 1899-1900

J. W. Stark, M.D 1899-1900

Rev. I. B. Schreckengast, A. B., A.M., LL.D 1900-03

Rev. John W. Hackley, A.B., AM., Ph.D., D.D 1901-

Rev. J. M. McClelland, A.B., AM 1901-

Rev W. H. Perdew, A.B., A.M 1902-

Rev. W. C. Van Schoiack 1902-03

Mr. Carl S. Williams, B.S., M.S 1902-03

Rev. E. J. Smith, B.M 1903-06

Rev. E. L. Stickney 1903-06

Rev. R. F. Hurlburt, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., D.D 1903-05


Mr. P. W. Francis 1903-05

F. B. Dorsey, M.D. 1904 06

Rev. J. \V. Potter, Ph. B. ,D.D 1904-07

Rev. YV. S. Gardner 1904-07

Rev. U. S. Smith, Ph. B. D.D 1905-08

H. C. Hollingsworth, M.S 1905-08

D. R. Martin, A.B. 1906-09

J. H. Koch, A.M 1905-12

Rev. A. B. Kendrick 1909-13

Rev. A. B. Hightshoe 1912-

Rev. U. S. Smith, Ph.B., D.D 1913-14

Rev. H. F. Gilbert. A.B., D.D 1913-15

Rev. C. B. Hankins, A.B., 1915-


PRESIDENTSP. C. Tiffany 1842-46

E. Killpatrick 1846-50

[. I. Stewart 1850-51

Henry Clay Dean 1851-52

Jas. H. Davis 1852-54

David Worthington 1854-65

(No President) 1865-66

M. H. Hare 1866-68

J. H. Power 1868-72

W. F. Cowles 1872-77

Jas. Harlan 1877-83

W. C. Cowles 1883-91

Jas. Harlan 1891-1900

Geo. Haw 1900-04

A. E. Craig 1904-06

J. C. Willits 1905-08

Carl S. Williams 1908-09

Hon. Gardner Cowles 1909-13

Hon. W. S. Withrow 1913-14

Hugh A. Cole 1914-


Wellington Bird 1873-76

H. Ambler 1876-77


W, F. Cowles 1877-83

J B. Blakeney 1883-87

John Haynes 1887-88

James Harlan 1888-91

D. C. Smith 1891-1901

Wl I. Babb 1901-06

Carl S. Williams 1906-08

I. B. Schreckengast 1908-09

Carl S. Williams 1909-


Hon. James Harlan 1898-99


John P. Grantham 1842-45, 1851-52

Johnson Pierson 1846-49

L. J. Rogers 1849-50

E. Lathrop 1850

E. Killpatrick 1850-51, 1852-55

Thos. E. Corkhill 1855-72

E. H. Waring 1872-76

E. L. Briggs 1876-78

T. E. Corkhill 1878-89

J. E. Corley 1889-97

W. I. Babb 1897-98

Carl S . Williams 1898-1902

W. P. Stoddard 1902-09

Charles P. Frantz 1909-13

Thos. Osborn 1913-


Rev. E. L. Briggs 1866-79

Rev. Thomas E. Corkhill, M. D 1879-80

Mr. A. M. Antrobus, A. B., A. M 1880-84

Hon. W. A. Work, A. B., A. M., LL.D 1884-85

Rev. M. Bamford, B.S., M.S 1885-87

Rev. D. C. Smith 1887-95

Rev. T. J. Myers, D.D 1895-99

Hon. W. S. Wpthrow, B.S.,M.S 1899-1905



hos. J. Coulter 1846-49

V. S. Yiney 1S49-50

. Housinan { 850-54

loL L. Dewey 1854-55

N. McDowell 1855-56

Jex&nder Lee 1856-57

iniothy Whiting 1857-62

Wellington Bird 1862-66

Bnider 1866-77

V. I. Babb 1877-97

-. J. Myers 1897-99

V. E. Keeler 1899-1900

•. J. Myers ^00-

AUDITORS:imer E. Lvmer 1905-1916

ulani Weir 1916-1917


Lev. Lueian W. Berry, D.D 1855-57

Wellington Bird, M.D 1855-58, 1859-65

lr. C. X. McDowell 1855-59

lr. Alexander Lee 1855-57

lr. Timothy Whiting 1857-58

Ion. Jas. Harlan, A.B..A.M.,L.L.D 1858-59, 1863-64

1869-70, 1893-99

lr. Lauren Dewey 1858-59

lev. Charles Elliott, D.D.,LL.D. ..". 1859-61, 1864-67

Jr. Henry Ambler, A.M 1859-74

Jr. Jas. M. Kibben 1859-61

lev. M. H. Hare 1859-60

lev. George B. Jocelyn, A.B., A.M.,D.D 1861-64

lev. James H. White 1861-63

lev. J. Q. Hammond •' 1862-63

»lr. Jno. P. Grantham 1862-63

lev. W. J. Spaulding, A.B..A.M., Ph.D 1862-64, 1877-84

lev. David Worthington 1864-65

lev. H. W. Thomas, D.D 1864-66

Hr. Charles Snider 1864-93


Mr. E. L. Penn 1865-66, 1869-76

Rev. A. Robinson 1866-76

Rev. E. L. Briggs 1866-70

Rev. C. A. Holmes, A.B.,A.M.,D.D 1867-69

Rev. W. Dennett, A.B.,A.M.,D.D 1869-70

Rev. W. F. Cowles, D.D 1870-71, 1874-76

Rev. John Wheeler, A.B., A.M., D.D 1870-74

Rev. George N. Power, D.D 1874-75

Rev. I. P. Teter 1875-76

Judge W. I. Babb, A.B.,A.M.,LL.D 1875-

Rev. John T. McFarland, A.B., A.M., D.D., LL.D. ... 1884-91

Rev. Charles L. Stafford, A.B.,A.M.,D.D 1891-99

Judge W. S. Withrow, B.S., M.S 1893-1903

Rev. T. J. Myers, A.B.,D.D 1895-

Rev. F. D. Blakeslee, A.B.,A.M.,D.D 1899-1900

Mr. George Haw 1899-1904

Rev. A. C. Piersel, A.B.,A.M.,D.D 1900-01

Rev. John W. Hancher, B.S.,M.S.,A.M.,S.T.D 1901-05

Rev. Alfred E. Craig, A.B.,A.M.,Ph D. D.D 1905-06

Rev. J. C. Willits, A.B., A.M., B. B 1905-06

Chris Haw 1905-

Rev. T. S. Pool 1905-

Rev. A. C. Piersel, A.B., A.M., D.D 1907-1908

Rev. Edwin A. Schell A.M., D.D., Ph.D 1908-

Carl S Williams, M.S 1908-1909

Hon. Gardner Cowles, A.B., A.M 1909-13

W. B. Seeley, L.L.B 1909-14

E. T. Willits 1910-16

W. S. Withrow, M.S 1913-1915

Adam Weir, A. B 1913-

Jas. T. Whiting 1913-1915

Hugh A. Cole, A.B 1914-

Rev. C. L. Tennant, A.B, D.D 1914-16

Harry L. McGrew 1916-

W. F. Kopp, LL.B 1916-


Rev. A. J. Huestis, A.B., A. M 1843-49

Rev. Joseph McDowell 1849-50

Rev. R. H. Harrison 1850-51


Rev. I. I. Stewart 1851-54

Rev. Thomas K. Corkhill. II. D 1854-55

K- \ Joseph Brooks 1855-56

A. F. Cowlee, D. D 1856-57, 1872-73

Fohn Panali 1856-60

Eter. n. Worthlngton 1856-57

Rev, a. J. Klrkpatrlck 1860-62

1 . Q. I lammond 1862-

A. Bradrick 1862-70

Rev. G. X. Tower 1868-69

Rev. J. R. Reasoner 1875-76

Rev. I. O. Kemble. A.B., A.M 1877-78

Rev. J. T. Simmons 1879-81


Rev. S. S. Murphy. B.A.. M.A., D.D 1881-82

Rev. Thomas E. Corkhill, M.D 1883-84

Rev. T. J. Myers, A.B., D.D 1897-1902


Mr. Robert W. Johnson, A.B 1902-04

Rev. Charles W. Powelson 1903-07

Rev. Edward J. Shook, A.B., D.D 1903-04

Rev. U. S. Smith, Ph. B., D.D 1903-04

Rev. George L. Minear, A.B., A.M., S.T.B., D.D 1904-05

Rev. J. A. Sinclair 1904-05



Rev. Aristides J. Huestis, A.B., A.M 1843-49

Rev. Joseph McDowell 1849-50

Rev. Alexander Nelson, A.B., A.M., D.D., 1850-51

Rev. Elias Williamson Gray, A.B., A.M 1851-52

Rev. James Marshall MacDonald, A.B., A.M 1852-53

Hon. James Harlan, A.B., A.M., LL.D 1853-55, 1869-70

Rev. Lucius W. Berry, A.B., A.M., D.D 1855-57

Rev. Charles Elliott, D.D., LL.D 1857-61, 1863-66

Rev. George B. Jocelyn, A.B., A.M., D.D 1861-62


Rev. Charles Avery Holmes, A.B., A.M., D.D 1866-69

Rev. John Wheeler, A.B., A.M., D.D 1870-75

Rev. Wesley J. Spaulding, A.B., A.M., Ph. D 1876-84

Rev. John T. McFarland, A.B., A.M., D.D., LL.D. 1884-91

Rev. Charles L. Stafford, A.B., A.M., D.D 1891-99

Rev. Francis Durbin Blakeslee, A.B., A.M., D.D ... 1899-1900

Rev. John William Hancher, B.S., M.S., A.M., ST.D. 1901-08

Rev. Edwin A. Schell, A.B., A.M., D.D., Ph.D 1908-


Rev. J. H. Hopkins, A.B., A.M 1869-71

Rev. Wesley J. Spaulding, A.B., A.M., Ph. D 1875-76

Rev. Alba C. Piersel, A.B., A.M., D.D 1900-01, 1907-08


Rev. R. Havighorst, V.P 1873-74

Rev. H. Lahrman, V.P 1874-75

Rev. Henry Schutz 1875-77

Rev. G. F. W. Willey, A.B., A.M 1877-78

Rev. Wm. Balcke, A.B., A.M 1878-85

Rev. John Schlagenhauf, A.B., A.M., D.D 1885-91

Rev. George A. Mulfinger, A.B., A.M., Ph. D 1891-93

Rev. Frederick Munz, A.B., A.M., D.D 1893-97

Rev. E. E. Schuette, A.B., A.M 1897-98

Rev. E. S. Havighorst, A.B., A.M., D.D 1898-1908

Rev. H. G. Leist, A.B., A.M., B.D., D.D 1908-09


Rev. Wesley J. Spaulding, A.B., A.M., Ph.D 1862-64

Prof. J. M. Mansfield, A.B., A.M., Ph.D 1875-76

Wray Beattie, B.S., A.B., Ph. D., M.D 1879-81

Rev. John T. McFarland, A.B., A.M.., D.D., LL.D. ..1882-84

Prof. J. T. Dickinson, A.B., A.M 1884-86

Prof. Gus A. Walters, B.,S., M.S 1887-93


Rev. H. N. Smith, D.D., Ph.D 1911-13

Herbert N. Jeffrey, A.B 1916-17



J. Huestls, A. 15 AM 1843-49

L J. Huestls, Ms 1843-49

Johnson Plerson, A.B.. A.M 1845-49

Mrs. Johnson Plerson, M.s 1S45-49

Kev. Joseph McDowell 1849-50

Rev. Lewis Dwight, A.B.. A.M 1849-50

Alexander Nelson, A.B., A.M., D.D 1850-51

Alexander Nelson, M.S 1S50-51

Rev. James Marshall McDonald, A.B., A.M 1852-54

Mr. Bliss Williamson Gray, A.B., A.M., Ancient Lan-

guage and Literature 1853 60

Mr. James Harlan, A.B., A.M., LL.D. Mathematics,

Iff ntal and Moral Science 1S54-

Mr. George C. Whltlock, A.B., A.M. Natural Philoso-

ophy and Chemistry 1354-64

•Mrs. M. J. Kelley, A.M., Ph.D., History and Natural

Science 1855-60

•Mrs. M J. Kelley Hager, A.M., Ph.D., Preceptress.

Natural History 1860-61

Miss M. M. Sackett, Academy 1855-

Mr. James Haynes, Academy 1853-56

Mr. Louis Bechtold. Music 1854-55

Miss C. Gibson. Academy 1854-55

Miss P. J. Jenkins. Preceptress 1854-55

Mr. Berchen Lucrode, B.S., M.S. French, German and

Drawing 1854-55

Miss Debby Clark. Academy 1855-56

Miss Mary Weir. Academy 1855-56

Rev. Lucian W. Berry, D.D., Mental and Moral Science

Biblical Literature 1855-57

Rev. Wesley J. Spaulding, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Greek

Language and Literature 1855-64, 1875-84

Rev. Thomas Audas, A.B., A. M. Mathematics 1855-60

Mr. Walter S. Fortescue, M.S. Music 1855-58

Miss Maria C. Gray, M.S. Preceptress 1855-56

Mr. Wray Beattie, B.S., M.D., Ph. D 1855-75

'Note: (Same person) Mrs. Kelly was the first woman in

the United States to leceive a Doctor's Degree.


Rev. Charles Elliott, D.D., LL. D. Ecclesiastical His-

tory, Biblical Literature 1856-66

Mr. Charles G. Downey, A.B., A.M. Natural Philosophy

and Chemistry 1856-57

Mr. D. N. Heffner, B.S. Principal Primary 1856-57

Miss Marie Beattie. Academy 1856-57

Mr. Henry Ambler, A.M. Practice of Law 1858-82

Rev. Adam Miller, M.D. German 1858-61

Miss Amanda T. Buckingham. Music 1859-60

Miss Isabella Page 1 859-60

Rev. J. W. McDonald, A.B., A.M., D.D. Greek, Latin

Languages, and Principal Academy 1859-64

Miss Charlotte Mahan. Music 1860-62

Mr. Joseph G. Schnebly, A.B. Principal Academy. .1861-62

Miss Jennie Willits. Drawing 1861-62

Rev. George B. Jocelyn, A.B., A.M., D.D 1861-62

Miss Rachel Carney, B.S., M.S. English Literature,

Modern Languages. Preceptress 186180

Miss Anna Carney. Music and Painting 1862-80

Mr. Austin Bierbower, A.B., A.M., LL.D. Latin Lan-

guage and Literature 1864-68

Mr. John M. Mansfield, A.B. A.,M., Ph. D. Chemistry

and Natural History 1864-76

Rev. Alexander Burns, A.B., A.M., D.D. Mathematics

and Astronomy 1864-68

Mr. A. M. Antrobus, A.B., A.M. Principal Academy 1864-66

Mrs. Lola E. Devol. Music 1864-66

Mrs. J. Carsin Kern. Music 1864-66

Miss Alice J. Corckhill, A.B., A. M. Music and Paint-

ing 1864-66

Miss Penelope Ambler, A.B., A.M. Preceptress and

English Literature 1864-74

Rev. H. W. Thomas, D.D. Elocution 1865-67

Rev. A. C. Williams, D.D. Elocution 1865-66

Rev. Charles A. Holmes, A.M., A.M., D.D. Mental

and Moral Philosophy 1866-69

Rev. Joseph M'Carty, A.B., A.M. Theory and Practice

of Teaching. Principal, Academy and Normal 1866-68

Mr. Fred Gardner. Music 1866-67, 1871-76

Miss Hattie E. Depuy. Painting 1866-67


Mrs. Mary MVarty. IfUSic 1867-68

Miss Maria llemenway. A.B., A.M. Painting 1867-68

Mr. James H. Hopkins, A.B., A.M. Greek and Latin

Languages, and Literature 1868-71

Mr. Thos. C. George, ail. Mathematics and Astronomy 1868-71

Geo. F. W. WUley, AB, A.M. Music and ModernLanguages, Adj . Greek, Latin 1868-75

Mr. John Forgy. Painting 1868-72

Mr. \V. M. Treloar. Music 1869-71

Miss L. E. Whyten. Painting and Drawing 1869-71

Rev. John Wheeler, A.B., A.M., D.D. Mental and

Moral Philosophy 1870-75

Judge W. I. Babb, A.B., A.M., L.L.D. Law 1870-82

Charles F. Marsh. B.S., M.S., M.D. Pharmacy 1870-72

Miss Emma Munsell. Drawing 1870-71

Mr. T. R. Jackson, B.S. Commercial 1870-71

Mr. Johnathan Shock. Penmanship 1870-71

Mr. Mason Bayles, A.B., A.M. Geology and Natural

History 1871-74

Mr. William T. Robinson, A.B. Mathematics and

Astronomy 1871-78

Mr. William Lucerne Todd. Music 1871-72

Mr. L. W. June. Commercial 1871-74

Miss Alice Bird, A.B., A.M. Latin, Greek (1 year).

Elocution 1872-76

Mr. Wellington Bird, M.D., Pharmacy 1872-77

A. W. McClure, M.D. Pharmacy 1872-73

Mr. Benjamin L. Cozier, A.B., A.M. Theory and Prac-

tice Teaching 1872-73

Miss Sally M. Gardner. Music 1872-77

Miss Mary L. Binckley. Drawing and Painting 1872-73

Miss Anna Carney Woolson. Painting 1873-76

Rev. John R. Reasoner. Architecture 1873-' r6

Mrs. Belle A. Mansfield, A.B., A.M., L.L.B., English

Literature 1874-82

Miss Clara S. Wheeler, B.S., M.S. French 1874-75

Mr. Frederick W. Winter. German 1874-76

Miss Carrie Potter. Academy 1875-76

Rev. Ira O. Kemble, A.B., A.M. Principal, Academy 1876-78

Mrs. Mary P. Kemble. Academy 1876-


John P. McCammon, A.B

A. Rommel, Mus. D., A.C.M., N.Y. Dean of Music ..1877-

Mr. Johannes Scheiwe. Painting and Drawing ....1877-80

Mrs. Lenora Scheiwe. Painting and Drawing 1877-80

Rev. John T. McFarland, A.B., A.M., D.D., LL.D.

Natural Science 1879-91

Mr. J. H. Peck, A.B., A.M. Principal Academy 1879-85

Mrs. M. A. Spaulding, M.S. Belles Lettres andHistory 1879-80

Rev. George B. Addicks, A.B., A.M., D.D. Ger-

man 1879-80

Mr. A. A. Bennett, B.S. Mathematics and Natural

Science 1880-83

Mr. D. K. Bond. Normal 1880-81

Mr. William A. Jones, A.B., A.M. Greek and Latin

Language and Literature 1881-83

Miss Anna Downey, A.B., A.M. Didactics 1881-83

Rev. S. S. Murphy, A.B., A.M., D.D. Geology 1881-82

Rev. W. Balcke, A.B., A.M. German 1881-91

Mr. J. T. Dickinson, A.B., A.M. Mathematics 1883-86

Mr. C. M. Grumbling, B.S. Natural Science 1883-98

Mr. E. N. Kauffman, M. S. Didactics and Principal

Academy 1883-84

Miss Ella S. Nicholson. English Literature and His-

tory 1884-95

Mr. Gus A. Wjalters, B.S., M.S. Didactics and Princi-

pal Academy 1884-93

Miss Pet Walton. Painting 1884-87

Rev. John Schloganhauf, D.D. German 1884-91

Rev. C. N. Curtis, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Latin and Greek 1884-01

Miss Emily M. Noyes, M.S. English 1885-86

Ira M. DeLong, A.B., A.M., Ph. D. Professor Elect,

Latin and Principal Academy 1885-88

Mr. W. L. Sheetz. Elocution and Vocal 1885-95

Mr. W. R. Light, A.B. Normal 1886-87

Miss Minnie J. Edmond, A.B. Normal 1887-95

Lieut. W. A. Dinwiddie, M.D. U. S. Military Science

and Tactics 1887-91

Mr. Hammond Murch. Violin 1887-88

Mrs. Maggie Proper. Painting and Drawing 1887-89


K.>v. w. P. Ferguson, a.r. a.m.. B.D., D.D. Latin 1SS8-91

Mr. Hans Albert. Violin 1SSS-90, 1902-03

May MeClure. Mus. B. I 'aim Ing and Drawing 1SS9-94

larles O. Merle*, A.B. Latin 1S90-91

Miss Lillian O. Kendig, Mus. U. Music 1890-93

Florence & Wright. Violin 1890-92

Rev. C. L. Stafford. A.B.. A.M.. D..I) Moral Science

and Bible Literature 1891-99

Rev F. \V. Adams. A.M.. B.D. Greek and Hebrew 1891-98

Lieut. U. Q ftfcAlexander, B.S. Mathematics 1891-95

Rev. W. H. Heppe. B.S., M.S., D.D. Latin 1891-93

Rev. Geo. A. Mulfingcr. German. 1891-93

W. G. Babb. German 1891-95

Rev. Frederick Munz, A.B., A.M., D.D. German ... 1891-98

Mr. G. O. Riggs. Violin and Band Music 1892-96

ora Mel Patten. Oratory 1892-93

Rev. W. H. Mahaffie, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Academyand Normal 1893-98

Miss Nellie Morrison. Music 1893-94

Miss Kate Corkhill, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Academy 1894-95

Miss Nell Johixson. Music £894-95

Miss Fannette O'Kel. Painting and Drawing 1894-97

Rev. Frederick C. Demorest, A.B., A.M., D.D. Latin 1895-98

Mr. William Koren, A.B., A.M. English Literature

and French 1895-190


Miss Julia B. McKibben, B.S., M.S. History 1895-98

Mr. Edwin Johnson, A.B., A.M. Mathematics 1895-96

Captain Charles L. Hodges, U. S. A. Military Science

and Tactics 1895-97

Rev. Carl Stiefel, B.D. German Language and Lit-

erature 1895

Miss If. M. Dietrickson. Vocal Music 1895-98

Miss Elizabeth Sawyers 1895

Mr. A. L. McCauley. Commercial 1896-99

Rev. Gustav Becker, A.B., A.M. German 1896-1903

Miss Carrie Mauch. Music 1896-

Mr. Herbert A. Thompson. Mechanical 1897-98

Miss Lucy A. Booth, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. History 1897-

Lieut. Frank G. Kalk. Military 1897-98

Lieut. Charles R. Noyes. Military 1897-99


Mr. S. C. Howe, M.S. Principal Academy 1897-1902

Miss Ella Mary Belden. Vocal 1897-1900, 1902-07

Mr. E. E. Schuette 1897-98

Miss Sadie Grumbling. Violin 1897-99

Miss Emma Schliep. Fine Arts 1897-1903

Hev. Francis W. Hanawalt, A.B., A.M. Mathematicsand Astronomy 1898-1904

Rev. Alba C. Piersel, A.B., A.M., D.D. Greek Lan-

guages and Bible Literature 1898-1908

Mr. Arthur L. Eaton, A.B. Latin 1898-

Mr. John W. Edwards, B.S., M.S. Natural Science . . . 1898-

Rev. Leonard A. Blue. Ph.B., Ph.M., Ph.D. Politi-

cal and Social Science 1898-1900

Mr. Charles A. Marsh, B.S. Elocution 1898-1900

Rev. Edwin S. Havighorst, A.B., A.M., D.D. Sys-

tematic Theology 1898-1908

Rev. Francis Durbin Blakeslee, A.B., A.M., D.D.

President and Mental and Moral Science ..1899-1900

Mrs. Augusta M. Blakeslee, A.B., A.M. Preceptress

Elizabeth Hershey Hall 1899-1900

Miss Hedwig Weiss. Violin 1899-1900

Mr. William C. Harvey. Commercial 1899-1901

Ernest C. Hickey, A. B. Political and Social Science 1900-02

Miss Margaret Gilchrist B.D. Oratory, and Precep-

tress Elizabeth Hershey Hall 1900-02

Miss Helen Culver. Vocal 1900-02

Miss Edna Dew. Violin 1900-02

Rev. John William Handier, B.S., M.S., A.M., S.T.D.

Mental and Moral Science 1901-08

Miss Lillian McDonald, Ph.B., A.B. French and

Academy Mathematics 1901-09

Miss Sarah Ambler, B.S., M.S., B.L.S. Librarian ...1901-03

Mr. A. C. Boudreau, B. Acct. Commercial 1902-03

Rev. Elias Handy, A.B., A.M. Pedagogics and Ora

tory 1902-05

Mr. Charles T. Vorheis, B.S. Biological Science 1902-04

Miss Blanche I. Thoburn, A.B. English Literature

and Preceptress Elizabeth Hershey Hall ..1902-04

Mrs. Blanche Smith Piersel. Oratory 1902-08

Miss Alice Haw, Mus. B. Physical Culture 1902-04


Elmer Ellsworth Lymer, M.S.. s. T. D.. ll. d.

Mathematics, Philosophy and. Education .... 1904-16

Miss Elisabeth Dean. Didactics and English Litera-

ature. Preceptress Elizabeth Hershey Hall 1903-07

Rev. Henry 0. Lelst, A.B., A.M., B.D. German Lan-

guage and Literature 1903-

Mr. \Y. L. Prince. B. Acct. Commercial 1903-04

8 Blanche Swan. B.S. Librarian 1903-16

Mr. Harry K. Burton, A. B. Mathematics 1904-05

Ifisa Emma Stover, A.B., A.M. English Literature 1904-05

Mr. H. L. Morgenson, B.Acct., B.Ped. Commercial 1904-10

Mr. G. Ware Stevens, Ph.B. Economics, Political

Science and Sociology 1904-11

Alice Clough. Violin 1904-10

Mr. Fred J. Seaver, B.S., M.S. Biological Science 1904-06

George L. Minear, A.B., A.M., S.T.B., D.D., Prin-

cipal of Academy 1905-08

Lillian W. Willard, A.B., A.M. Prof, of English Lit-

erature 1905-06

Elizabeth A. Hopkins, Ph.D. Instructor in Oratory 1905-08

Jessie P. Lonecker. Preceptress Elizabeth Hershey

Hall 1905-06

Carl Stiefel, A. B., A.M. Professor of Pastoral

Theology 1905-08

John Helmers, A.B. Historical Theology 1905-10

Ella M. Belden. Instructor in Vocal Music 1905-07

Adele R. Brooks, Principal Art Department 1905-06

Charles H. Edmundson, Ph.D., M.S., Instructor in

Biology 1906-07

Ella Heath, Principal Art Department 1906-13

Eva Torr, Preceptress of Elizabeth Hershey Hall 1906-07

Morton E. Peck, A.B. Professor Biology 1907-08.

Harry Gardner. B.S. Professor Mathematics and

Astronomy 1907-09

Henry W. Munster, A.B., A.M., S.T.D. Latin 1907-09

Ella B. Waterbury, A.B. English and English Lit-

erature 1907-09-1

Julia B. McKibben, B.S., M.S. Preceptress Elizabeth

Hershey Hall 1907-09

Nellie Foster. Vocal music 1907-11


Edwin A. Schell, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., D.D. President ..1908-

John W. Hancher, B.S., M.S., A.M., S.T.D. Humani-ties 1908-11

Bert E. Quick, A.B. Biology 1908-10

Charles D. McClain, A.B., A.M. Principal Academyand Mathematics 1908-11

Ora E. Shrader, A.B., B.O. Oratory 1908-11

John C. Behrens. Instructor in German 1908-11

Harry E. Jaques. Principal Commercial Department 1908-11

O. E. Behymer, Ph.B., A.M. English Language and

Literature 1909-12

Wm. J. Wilson, A.B., S.T.B., A.M. Greek andBiblical Literature 1909-11

G. C. Hueftle, A.B. Instructor Mathematics 1910-13

Carrie L. DeNise, Ph. B. Dean of Women 1909-11

Royal E. Jeffs, B.S., M.S. Biology 1910-12

Minnie B. King. Academy of English and History 19iu-

Ethel Lymer, Instructor in German 1910-15

G. O. Riggs. Violin 1910-11

R. D. Dougherty, Ph.B. Principal Commercial Dept.

and Mathematics 1910-12

Wim. T. Jackson, A.B., A.M., B.D., Ph. D. Greekand Biblical Literature 1911-13

Reemt E. Luebbers, A.B., S.T.B., Ph. D. Economics

and Political Science 1911-

Ullena P. Ingersoll, B. S. Oratory 1911-16

Lucille Rader, A.B. Dean of Women 1911-14

Flora Baldwin. Vocal Music 1911-

Julius Winters. Violin 1911-

Claude K. Hayes. Principal Commercial Dept., 1911-17

Marion H. Hedges, A.B., A.M 1912-13

Harry E. Jaques, B . S. Biology 1912-

Louise Schell, A.B. Academy Latin and English.... 1912-13

Edwin O. Koch, A.B., A.M. Greek 1913-17

J. W. Blair, A.B. English and English Literature . . . 1913-

Cortes Johnson, B.S. Mathematics and Astronomy 1913-15

Edward A. Fimmen, Ph.B. Acting Professor of

Economics 1913-14

Margaret E. McCartney. Acting Instructor in Oratory 1913-14

Geo. W. Beal, A.B. Physical Director 1913-15


Mae Hills, A.B. Principal Art Department 1913-

Fr:ue L. Finn. Instructor in Oratory 1914-15

Km Roberts, A.B. Academy English and History ..1914-15

Orrllle J. Dickey. Principal Commercial School 1914-17

Simon R. Boyer. A.B. Mathematics 1915-17

. M. Heidt. A. B. Physical Director 1915-17

Ruth Schreiner, A.B. German and Academy English 1915-

Edith M. Voorhees. Dean of Women 1915-16

Kate Hull, A.B. Home Economics 1915-

Mary P. Warhurst, A.B., B.E. Oratory 1915-

Harriett L. Barber, B.S., A.M. Education. Dean of

Women 1916-

Chas. M. Rauch, A.B., A.M., D.D. Philosophy and Psy-

chology 1916-

Helen R. Barrett. B.L., B.E. Oratory 1916-

Ruth Logan. A.B. Librarian, French 1916-17


Dear Alumni:—The world war now in progress, in which the United States

has been involved, is responsible for the changing of manyplans and the cause of many well conceived arrangements

being broken up. This is particularly true of the plans for the

publication of our new book, for no sooner had the first few

pages of this edition come from the press, than our worthy

editor, Mr. Herbert Jeffrey, 1913, was called to the officers'

training camp at Fort Snelling, to prepare and fit himself to

become an officer in Uncle Sam's great new army.

Inasmuch as the contract for the publication of the Rec-

ord had already been entered into, and the materials required

for the same purchased by the publisher, no turning back

was permissible and it therefore devolved upon me as Chair-

man of the Committee on Publication of the Record, and

being most familiar with the plans and requirements of the

proposed volume, to assume the responsibility of Acting

Editor. This I did upon the request of Dr. Schell and Mr.

Jeffrey, and I therefore take this opportunity of addressing

an open letter to the members of the Association, craving your


indulgence for any errors or omissions which may have crept

into the book, for which I may in any manner he responsible.

This duty was undertaken by me. with the assurance of

the co-operation of a host of friends, who certainly have not

failed me in my hour of need. At this time I desire to thank

personally and publicly all those who have in the least con-

tributed towards the success of this venture. Particularly

Mrs. L. G. Murphy, Mrs. Laura Gassner Craver, Dr. E. E.

Lymer, C. S. Rogers, Reemt E. Luebbers, Harry E. Jaques,

George E. John, W. H. Evans, who have done special work,

and last but not least (if I may mention this with good grace)

my good wife who has devoted practically her entire time to

the direction of compiling the individual records of the

Alumni, taking charge the moment the book was started and

not laying the work aside until it was completed.

Much credit is also due those earnest, enthusiasts whowere responsible for the publication of the first Record, for

without the result of their loyal efforts, this edition of the

Alumni Record would have been physically impossible. All

honor to Carl Williams and Dr. Hancher, as well as all others

who helped to make the previous record a reality. No one,

perhaps can appreciate the enormity of their task so much as

I, having myself had a taste of what they must have gone

through with in preparing the original manuscript.

As Mr. Jeffrey mentioned in his Preface, this work is far

from complete and full of many errors and grievous discrep-

ancies, yet we doubt if any work of this kind could be pro-

duced technically correct owing to the very nature of the

subject matter to be treated. Some sketches which were

incomplete in the Old Record, we have happily been able to

supply, others have been as elusive as Jason's fabled Golden

Fleece, having utterly baffled all of our endeavors to ascertain

the facts. One sketch in particular, which we were enabled

to complete, gives us great satisfaction. All that was pub-

lished in the old record was as follows:

"No. 41. Edward Hemenway, A. B.,

Born Herkimer, N. Y., entered from Academy 1858. M. S.

1865. Served through Civil War as Staff Officer. Died April

6, 1866. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa."


if you will now trouble yonrsell to turn to New Record No.

41, you will get a glimpse of some of the work we have been en*

ableil to accomplish with the assistance of our friends. Thi

only one case of a number where we have been able to improveon t'ne old Record, hut alas there are still too many whosehistory we have been unable to obtain. We shall be greatly

Indebted to the person who can supply for us any information

concerning the lives of the three Hooks, Nos. 119, 120, and 121,

upon whom we have spent more effort without avail, than

any others,

In bringing the History of Wesleyan as presented in this

book, down to date, we have attempted to relate everything of

importance which has occurred during the interim between

publications of the Record. We have also added many newfeatures to the Historical sketch, as well as a few to the

Record proper. The write-up of the Ladies' Guild, Organ

Association, Museum and Student Activities will be of inter-

est to all, particularly those who have not been in the b^bit

of subscribing to the Croaker Publications of the Junior Class.

It is for these especially that we have devoted so much space

to these various topics. Two new departures in the Record

are the fixing of a flag preceding the names of all those whohave served their country in time of war. We are indeed

proud to honor them with this special distinction; also, the

reference numbering from parent to child, husband to wife,

and visa versa. In this connection we have looked in vain for

an instance where grandparent, parent and child have all

graduated from Wesleyan, no doubt, this circumstance will

occur some of these days and with this occurrence a new epoch

will be added to Wesleyan's Tradition.

Vet with all of this added material, we have left untouched

many rich fields for historic research in connection with Wes-

leyan's past, and would suggest that some one delve into the

archives of Wesleyan lore and prepare for us such information

as may be gathered concerning the history of the Class Play.

Founder's Day, Thanksgiving Banquets, Mantel Orations and

the ancient and honorable custom of Junior Orations which

were the bugbear of all of the Juniors up to the class of 1909.

Also a compilation of data concerning Wesleyan yells and


Wesleyan songs will be needed for publication in the next


We are of the opinion that when this work is again pub-

lished, the material will have so increased as to make it nec-

essary that the work be published in two volumes; Volume I,

containing the History and Volume II, the Record. It is also

to be hoped that the appreciation of the Record on the part

of the Alumni, will be so great as to warrant the Association's

publishing the same every five years, and the History and

Record, as a two volume every ten years, and perhaps later

the publishing of both at five year intervals.

We have great plans mapped out for the Association to

accomplish in the future which we hope to see worked out

to the satisfaction of all concerned within the next few years.

Now that the campaign for Endowment has been completed

by the Trustees and friends of the school, the officers of the

Alumnal Association expect to launch a campaign for College

Endearment, which we count as important as College Endow-ment, that will result in bringing the scattered Alumni into

closer touch with their Alma Mater and then a little later,

after we have caught out breath, the erection of a splendid

Alumni Hall on the college campus which will in a measure

show the appreciation of the Alumni, for what Old Wesleyanhas done for them, will be in order.

BEN HUR WILSON,Acting Editor of Alumni Record.

PART TWOThe Record

Iowa Wesleyan College Historyand Alumni Record




OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION\V. H. Evans, '98, President H. E. Jaques, '11, SecretaryFred Van Hon, '96, Vice Pres. Ben H. Wilson, '09, Treas.

Mrs. L. G. Murphy, '62, Historian

COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONHerbert N. Jeffrey. '14, Editor in Chief.

Ben H. Wilson, '09, Chairman of Committee.Wm. H. Evans, '98, President of the Association


Class of 1856

1. WINFIELD SCOTT MAYNE, A. B.—Born October 15,

1833, near Springfield, Ohio. Prepared Keosauqua. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1853. A.M. 1859. Lawyer, Referee in bank-


Married Ruth E. Mangan, May 5, 1864.

Children—J. Harlan, born March 2, 1865.

George H., born Sept. 18, 1869.

Grace (Longnecker), born Dec. 31, 1871.

Carl Winfield, born March 26, 1874; died June

19A 1903, (See No. 455).

Ruth (Rigdon), born July 10, 1879.

Residence, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Class of 1857

2. JOHN BALLARD, A.B.—Born Newcastle, Ind. Came to

Des Moines County with parents, 1836. A. M. 1860. Practiced

law, St. Joseph, Mo. Health failing, gave up law 1861, return-

ed to Des Moines County and engaged in farming and stock-

raising. Was county treasurer, 1880-82.

Married Sabina Orndorff, 1862.

Children—Mary P., born Dec. 25, 1865; died Sept. 5, 1872

John W„ born May 10, 1871; died Jan. 31, 1905.

William, born Nov. 30, 1879; died May 17, 1916.

Homer, born June 6, 1884; died Aug. 14, 1914.

Cora, (Scales) born July 4, 1863; died October

25, 1895.

Pearl (Miller) born October 18, 1865.

Circe (Allen) born December 29, 1867.

Alma, (Roberts), born July 15, 1873.

Died January 14, 1900 at Burlington, Iowa. Buried Aspen

Grove Cemetery, Burlington, Iowa.

3. WRAY BEATTIE, A.B.—Born Jan. 6, 1831, in Ireland.

Came to United States with father in 1833. Prepared Gran-

ville College, Granville, Ohio. Graduate Ohio Wesleyan, B.S.,

1852. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1855, as principal academy.


A. M. I860, Ph.D. 1874 and Sc.D. 1906 Iowa Wesleyan. M.D.,

St. Louis Medical college. Professor and Vice-president Iowa

WYxievan, 1855-64, 1875-81. Traveled much in Europe, crossed

Atlantic four times. Associate Principal of Collegio America-

no, Brazil, South America. Government Service, Washington,

I). C. many yoars. Crossed Great American Desert ten times;

first time before any railroad was built and there was not a

house between Omaha and Denver. Poem, "The Creation" 1898

Married Phebe J. Jenkins, January 1, 1856, Mt. Pleasant,

DM April 1, 1906. Washington, D. C.

Children—Jessie Irene, (Deceased)

Charles, born May 5, 1859, (Deceased.)

Helen LaRue, born Feb. 15, 1864, (Deceased.)

Died February 29, 1912, at Washington, D. C. Buried Cedar

Hill Cemetery, Newark, Ohio.

4. GEORGE W. BYRKIT, A. B.—Born January 23, 1834,

Indianapolis, Ind. Prepared, Fairfield. Entered from IowaWesleyan Academy 1853. A.M. 1860. Charter member Ham-line. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastoral Rec-

ord: Osceola, '57; Bentonsport, '58; Libertyville, '59; Blakes-

burg, '60; Utica, '61; Bloomfield, '62; Centerville, '63; WestPoint, '64; Kossuth, '66; Ft. Madison, '67; Keosauqua, '68;

Agency, '70; Danville, '72; Wapello, '75; Bloomfield, '77; Bur-

lington, (Grace), '78; Mt. Pleasant, (Circuit), '81; Winfield,

'84; New London, '85; Birmingham. '86; Muscatine, (Circuit),

'88; Riverside, '90; Ladora, '91; Oxford, '92; Richland, '94;

Ross Hill, '95; Delta, '96; Keota, '97; West Chester, '98;

Tiffin, 1900; Millersburg, 1901; Superannuate, 1902; died in

this relation.

Married Lucy W. Kilpatrick, (See No. 14), Mt. Pleasant,

Iowa, August 24, 1859.

Children—Pearl Angelo, born 1861; died 1862.

Charles Edgar, born Nov. 17, 1862. (See No. 335)

Mary Lulu, (Crouch), born November 23, 1864.

Francis Kilpatrick, born February 9, 1867.

Clara (Hieke), born Oct. 11, 1871 (See No. 490)

Arthur Henry, born Dec. 15, 1872, (See No. 558)

Grace, born March 17, 1880.


Died Feb. 22, 1913, Los Angeles, California. Buried Los

Angeles, Cal.

&m 5. ERASMUS T. COINER, A. B.—Born February 2,

1832, Ross County, Ohio. Entered from Mt. Pleasant Collegi-

ate Institute. A.M. 1860. Methodist Episcopal Minister, Or-

dained deacon 1859, and elder 1861. Pastorates, Leon Circuit

1857; Smyrna, 1858; New York, 1859; Farmington, 1860; En-

listed in army, 1861, first lieutenant Company D, Fourth Iowa

Cavalry, and died in the service of his country.

Married Mary E. Young, May 1, 1856, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Beverly W., born December 20, 1857. (See No. 255)

Died June 28, 1862, at Jacksonport, Ark.

6. AMOS SUMMERS PRATHER, A. B.—Born April 17,

1832, Clark County, Ind. A.M. 1860. Minister Methodist

Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa conference 1857. Pastor-

ates: Denmark, 1857-58; Wapello, 1859-60; Dodgeville, 1861;

Grandview, 1862-63; Crawfordsville, 1864-65; New London,

1866; Kossuth, 1867-68; Montezuma, 1869; New Sharon, 1870-

71; Birmingham, 1872-73.

Married Miss Deeds, 1858.




Rose, (Adopted daughter.)

Died April 1, 1873, Birmingham, Iowa.

Class of 1858

7. GEORGE W. GRAY, A.B.—Born December 6, 1834, near

Dayton, Ohio. Prepared Ohio Wesleyan Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1854. A.M. 1861. Hamline. D.D. Lincoln

University. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates:

Metamora, 111., 1861; Hamilton, 1862; Onargo, 1863; Onargo

Seminary, 1864-65. Vice-President Quincy College 1866. Presi-

dent Quincy College, 1867-72. Pastorates: Lincoln, 111., 1872-

75; Clinton, 1875-78; Mattoon, 1878-79. Professor and agent,


Illinois Wesleyan. L879-80. Freedman's Aid Society work in

South 1S80-S4. Assistant Corresponding Secretary, same So-

ciety, 188S-92. General Secretary American University, Wash-

ington. D. C, 1892-9:>. Superintendent Forward Movement,

Chicago, 1S93.

MfclTtod Sarah Boys, (See No. 31), March 4, 1862. Died

May. 1915. Evanston, Illinois.

Children - Edwin W.. born February 2, 1874.

Ruth Rowena, born September 20, 1889.

Died 19ir». Evanston, Illinois.

8. JOHN WESLEY HEISEY, A.B.—Born March 16, 1838,

\ M .. 1861. Occupation after graduation: Employed by C,

B. A Q. in East Burlington. Bookkeeper at Penitentiary at

Fort Madison, 1865-66. Afterwards worked for C, B. & Q. at

Burlington in Land & Claims Dept., and for Rand Lumber Co.,

for many years. Latter part of life devoted to private busi-

ness and expert accounting.

Married Sarah Jane Bloss, October 15, 1862, Burlington.

Children—Fannie, born July 30, 1863; died Sept. 27, 1863.

Charles Elliott, born Oct. 10, 1864.

Edgar B., born December 19, 1866.

Ida Belle, born June 26, 1869; died Sept. 20, 1895.

Died October 28, 1892. Buried Aspen Grove Cemetery,

Burlington, Iowa.

9. JOHN WILBUR McDONALD, A.B.—Born March 13,

is:;4. Newcastle, Ind. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Insti-

tute. A.M. 1861. D.D. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church.

Principal Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1860. Elected Chair of

Greek, Latin and Literature, 1862-64. D.D. 1875, Asbury Uni-

versity, (now Depauw). Entered Iowa conference, 1866.

Married Mary Robinson, (See No. 45), November 6, 1866.

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Wilbur F., born December 24, 1867. Died Decem-

ber 7, 1908.

Ernest B., born Oct. 10, 1869; died May 12, 1912.

Grace (Huston), born September 28, 1872, (See

No. 418.).


Maud, born June 23, 1874.

Hubert L., born Mar. 14, 1876; died Jan. 12, 1907.

Died at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, May 31, 1893. Buried Forest

Home Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

10. EPHRAIM H. WINANS, A.B.—Born April 2, 1&31,

New York City. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1855. A.M. 1861.

President Hamline Literary Society. First prize oratorical

contest, 1857. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Ap-

pointed pastor, Des Moines, 1860. Presiding Elder, Des

Moines, 1865. Superintendent Iowa State Industrial School,

1877-80. President Hyland Water Company, 1895-1901, Los

Angeles, Cal.

"Farmer and business man by turns—principally the latter.

With him his daughter Martha, (See No. 310) has made her

home since the death of Mrs. Winans in 1910. She also as

sists him greatly in his business."

Married Margaret S. Wright, June 23, 1858, Mt. Pleasant,

died April 12, 1910.

Children—Stella, (See No. 288), born February 24, 1861,


Martha, (See No. 310), born November 2, 1862,


Katherine, born July 24, 1869, Hamilton, 111.

Joy, born September 28, 1872, Albia.

Residence, 4425 Marmion Way, Los Angeles, Cal.

Class of 1859

fe 11. MASON BAYLES, A.B.—Born September 24,

1833, near Urbana, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1854.

Charter member Hamline. A.M., 1862. First prize Sophomore

Contest, 1856. Member Glee Club. Entered Military Service

1861; mustered out with rank of Major in Staff Corps,

August 4, 1865. Assistant United States Marshal, 1870. Prof-

essor Geology and Natural History, Iowa Wesleyan, 1872-75.

Married Margaret N. Corkhill, Mt. Pleasant, 1859.

Children—William Corkhill, born June 10, 1860.

George Corkhill, born May 10, 1866.


Olivia Miller, born December 6. 1869.

Helen Euphrasia, born June 1, 1881, died July


Died Feb. 28, 1915. Seattle. Washington.


Pleasant. A.M.. L861 Practiced law several years. Wentto Washington, D. C, 1874. Prosecuted and convicted Guiteau

for murder of President Garfield.

Married (1) Olivia Miller. Washington, D. C, 1865; died

December, lSTJ.

(I) Mrs. Helen Phillips, Washington, D. C, 1875.

Children—Lucy Miller, born 1866.

Mary Olivia, born 1870; died 1879.

Died July. 1883, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

13. B. R. CUNNINGHAM, A.B.— A.M. 1865. All trace



ruary 6. 1839, Nashville, 111. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant Collegi-

ate Institute. Entered Iowa Wresleyan 1855. Ruthean, char-

ter member. A.M. 1862. Was first "girl graduate" Iowa Wes-

leyan University, also first of any college of Liberal Arts in

the world. President Elliott, in honor of this distinction,

gave her a special diploma setting forth that fact, and it still

hangs under Doctor Elliott's picture in the home of Mrs. Byr-

kit. Conference secretary Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc-

iety, Iowa Conference, 1891-1900. Has written for church

periodicals, mainly on missionary subjects.

Married Rev. G. W. Byrkit, (See No. 4) August 24, 1859,

Mt. Pleasant. Died February 22, 1913, Los Angeles, Cal.

Children—Pearl Angelo, born 1862; died 1862.

Charles E., born Nov. 17, 1862 ,(See No. 335)

Mary L. (Crouch), born November 23, 1864.

Francis K., born February 9, 1867.

Clara (Hieke), born Oct. 11, 1871. (See No. 490)

Arthur Henry, born Dec. 15, 1872. (See No. 558)

Grace, born March 17, 1880.

Residence 1324 Bond St., Los Angeles, California.


Class of 1860

15. JOHN C. BROWN, A.B.—A.M. 1863.

Died April 6, 1870, Colorado City, Colo.

1KI 16. ASBURY BARNET CONAWAY, A.B.—Born1838, McLean County, 111. Entered from Iowa WesleyanAcademy 1856. Volunteer soldier, 1862 close of war. Promo-

ted Captain, then Major of his Regiment. Wounded, Lexing-

ton, Mo. Member Iowa State Legislature, 1867. Went to

Wyoming Territory, 1S70. Practiced law, Green River, Sweet

Water, and Cheyenne. Editor paper it Sweet Water. Elec-

ter Judge Supreme Court of Wyoming, became Chief Justice,

which position he held at the time of death.

Died Cheyenne, WTyoming, 1899.

17. PHOEBE LEECH ELLIOTT, B.S.—Born January 13,

1839, Cincinnati, Ohio.Prepared Wesleyan Female College,

Cincinnati, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1857. Daughter of

Rev. Dr. Chas. Elliott, president Iowa Wesleyan, war editor

"Central Christian Advocate."

Residence, Pleasantville, New York.

18. JAMES T. HACKWORTH, A.B.—Born January 12,

1839, Brown County, Ohio. Prepared Ottumwa. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1857. A.M. 1863. Hamline. Banker and man-

ufacturer. Trustee Iowa Wesleyan twenty-eight years. Liter-

ary student always. Knows current magazines and book lit-

erature thoroughly.

Married Sue C. Kissinger, August 21, 1866.

Residence, Ottumwa, Iowa.


19, 1835. Perry County, Pa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1855.

A.M. 1863. For several years lived in Chicago. Merchant.

Married Beatrice E. Cosier September, 1860, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Elmer E., born June 5, 1861.

Mattie P. Wright, November 30, 1862; died 1898.

Died April 6, 1900, at New Britain, Conn.


* 20. PETER RUM MEL KECK, B. S.,—Born Novem-

ber II, L8SC1 C.reensburg, Pa. Prepared District Schools. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1S57. M.S. 1863. Hamline. Enlisted, Uni-

ted States Army. October 6, 1861. Discharged as Second Lieu-

tenant. Fourth Iowa Cavalry, 1865. Teacher and Farmer, Ben-

tonsport, Iowa. Retired at Des Moines, Iowa.

Married Mary L. Green, September 5, 1867. Bentonsport.

Died June B, 1(.«'_'. Dee Moines. Iowa.

Children—LeRuy Mayne born Apr. 20, 1868 died Dec. 13, '88

Clayton Willard born Dec. 23, '69 died Dec. 22, '93

Edna Woolson, born September 5, 1875.

Hugh Blaine, born December 6, 1881.

Bertha Craig, born March 27, 1884.

Died, December. 1910. Des Moines, Iowa; buried. Bentons-

port, Iowa.

21. MARY KIBBEN (INGALLS), B.S.—Born August 12.

La Fayette, Ind. Prepared, Joliet, 111. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1S56. Ruthean. M.S. 1863. Taught in Iowa Wes-

leyan one year. Worker in Christian Commission after close

of the war.

Married Rev. P. P. Ingalls, Mt. Pleasant, 1865.

ldren—James Kibben Ingalls. born December, 1870.

Mary Ingalls, born February, 1878.

Died December, 1901, ab Iowa City, Iowa.


January 6, 1842, Macomb, 111. Prepared, Roots Academy,

West Point. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1856. M.S., 1863. At-

tended Medical Deparcment, State University of Iowa. 1860-61.

University of Michigan, 1869, M.D. Physician and Surgeon.

Hospital Steward. Twenty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, 1862.

Executive officer, Department Hospital. Army of Tennessee.

Ex-member Board Medical Examiners, Pensions, Mt.

Pleasant. 1870-90 and 1895-1900. Ex-member Examines In.

sane. Mt. Pleasant. Member Iowa State and Florida Medical


Maried Louisa M. Clark, graduate of Michigan Normal,

May 10, 1870, Chicago. 111.


Children—Franklin C, born May 12, 1871.

Frederick W., born September 10, 1873.

Laura H., born December 4, 1875.

Died September 17, 1908, Pensacola, Florida.

*3. LEANDER McDONALD, B.S.—M.S. 1863. Rancher.

Residence, Sawtelle, California.

24. SARAH E. KILPATRICK (WOODS), A.B.—BornDecember 28, 1841, Mt .Pleasant. Entered from. Mt. Pleasant

Collegiate Institute 1856, A.M., 1863, Charter member Rutheanand Cornilian. Teacher until time of marriage.

Married Dec. 13, 1860, Mt. Pleasant, J. T. Woods. Deceased


Lucy R.





Residence, 716 Harvard Ave., Seattle, Wash.


15, 1841, New Albany, Ind. Prepared, Asbury College, New Al-

bany, Ind. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1856. Ruthean. M.S. 1863.

Teacher practical metaphysics. Contributor to secular and

metaphysical magazines.

Married W. H. Umstot, Mt. Pleasant, 1861. Died July 1907,

Chicago, Illinois.

Children—Charles, born 1863.

Frank, born 1867.

Harry, born 1874.

Residence, 4613 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, Illinois.

26. WILLIAM J. SIMMONS, B.S.—M.S. 1863.

Deceased, 1873.

27. ROXANA STRAWN (PUGH), A.B.—Born, October 7,

1839, Perryopolis, Pa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1855. A.M.,

1863. Charter member Ruthean. Teacher, Mt. Pleasant puh~

lie schools, 1860-64.

1860] ALT MX I RECORD 139

lUnied Thomas J. Pugh, April 19, 1864.

Children—Pearl W., born May 18, 1865; died July 27, 1903.

Myra B., born March 13, 1867.

Forest, born Aug. 21, 1869, died Feb. 6, 1871.

Thomas Scott, born March 11. 1872.

Clark, born July 7, 1874, died June 6, 1875.

Daisy M., born March 2, 1878.

Residence, Fullerton, Neb.


Once lived at Silver Lake, Kansas.

Died. May 10, 1911, Topeka, Kansas.

29. LEROY MONROE VERNON, A.B. Born April 23,

1888, Montgomery County, Ind. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy, 1S56. A.M. 1863. D.D. Minister Methodist Episco-

pal Church. President St. Charles College, 1866-67. Superin-

tendent missions, Italy, 1871-88. Founded and built first

Methodist Episcopal Church in Rome. Dean College of Fine

Arts, Syracuse University, 1893-96.

Married (1) Fannie B. Elliott, 1860, Mt. Pleasant.

(2) Emily F. Barker, June 1871.

Died August 10, 1896, at Syracuse, N. Y.

30. JOHN SIMSON WOOLSON, A.B.—Born Decem-ber 6, 1840, Tonawanda. N. Y. Prepared, Wilson's Academy,

N. Y. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1857. A.M., 1863. LL.D. Ham-line. Second class honors at graduation. Assistant Pay-

master United States Navy, 1863-66. He was aboard the sloop

of War "Housantonic" when she was torpedoed in Charleston

Harbour, and sank in ten minutes. Was then transferred to

the monitor Monadnock. Was present at the attack on Ft.

Sumpter and at both attacks on Ft. Fisher. He was also upthe James River at Ft. Darling and present at the capture of

Richmond. Admitted to the Bar in 1866. Secretary of the

State Board of Commissioners of Insanity, beginning with

1870. State Senator three terms from 1875; represented

Henry, Jefferson and Washington counties. United States

District Judge for Southern District of Iowa, 1890-99. Thememory of him is precious.


Married Mira T. Bird, (See No. 36) Mt. Pleasant, 1867.

Children—Paul Bird, born 1868, (See No. 306).

Ralph T., born 1871; died 1886.

Miriam, born 1873. (See No. 463).

Grace, born 1875. (See No. 554).

Ruth, born 1880.

Died, December 4, 1899, at Des Moines, Iowa.

Class of 1861

31. SARAH BOYS (GRAY), A.B.—Born March 4, 1838,

Metamora, 111. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. Entered Iowa Wes-

ieyan 1856. Ruthean. Salutatorian class. A.M. 1864. Taughtin Onargo Seminary and Quincy College.

Married George W'. Gray, (See No. 7) Watseka, 111,

March 4, 1862.

Children—Edwin W., born February 2, 1874.

Ruith Rowena, born September 20, 1889.

Died May, 1915, Evanston, 111. Buried Rosehill Cemetery,

Chicago, 111.

32. HENRY BALL HEACOCK, A.B.—Born May 16, 1838

Queensborough, Ohio. Prepared Kirkville Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1857. Hamline. A.M., 1864. D.D. Minister

Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered Western Iowa confer-

ence September, 1861. Principal Osceola Seminary 1861-63.

Pastorates: Osceola, 1863-64; Chariton, 1864-65; Wesley

Chapel, Des Moines, 1866-68; Mission Street, San Francisco.

Ca., 1868-70; Sixth Street, Sacramento, 1870-73; Central

Stocklen, 1873-76; Alameda, 1876-79; Presiding Elder San

Francisco District, 1879-83; Grace Church, San Francisco,

1883-86; Central Stocklen, 1886-87; Eighth Avenue, Oakland,

Cal., 1887-92; Traveling 1892-93; Financial Secretary, Santa

Cruz, 1893-95; Santa Clara, 1895-99; University of Pacific,

1899-1902; Traveling in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1902-03;

Superintendent Chinese Mission, 1903, to 1915. Aided in

founding the Fred Finch Orphanage, near Oakland, Cal. Also

McKinley Orphanage in San Francisco, Vice President from


origin and after death 01 its President, became President of

both. Published "The Modern Knights of the Cross."

Married Maria A. Brown (See No. 37) Mt. Pleasant, Aug.

21. 1861, Died June 15, 1912, Pacific Grove, California.

Children—Mary Adelle. born 1864, deceased.

Joseph B., born 1865, deceased.

Philena M., born 1867, deceased.

Lulu, born 1870. (Now living at Pacific Grove,


Harry B., born 1872, deceased.

Bertha, born 1874, deceased.

William S., born 1876. deceased.

Grace A., born 1877, deceased.

Edith M., born 1881, deceased.

Died August 27, 1915, 842 Pine Avenue, Pacific Grove,

California. Buried, Pacific Grove, California.

33. MARY SHELTON (HUSTON), A.B.—Born Septem-

ber 23, 1S41, Parkersburg, Va. Entered from Iowa WesleyanAcademy, 1856. Ruthean. A.M. 1864. Diploma from Chau-

tauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Made many mis-

sionary addresses on behalf of foreign work. Corresponding

Secretary Des Moines branch Woman's Foreign Missionary

Society. Methodist Episcopal Church, 1887-1903. Contributor

to Woman's Missionary Friend. Collaborated with Miss Moss,

of Missouri, in writing "History of Fifty Missionaries." Trus-

tee Iowa Wesleyan, 1880-1903.

Married E. S. Huston, Eddyville, August 18, 1869; died 1916.

Died January 1909. Washington, D. C.


27, 1839, Wood County, Pa. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy, 1857. Hamline. Valedictorian. A.M. 1864.

Teacher. Principal Academy, Ashland. In charge Elliott

Seminary, Burlington, when he enlisted in the army. First

Lieutenant. Company G, Forty-fifth Iowa.

Died October 4, 1864 in service of his Country, Keokuk, la.

35. DANIEL T. TRUITT, A.B—Born July 12, 1835, Mary-

land. Prepared. Keosauqua Academy. Entered Iowa Wes-


leyan 1857. Hamline. Philomethean. A.M. 1864. Teacher,

twelve years. County Clerk, four years. County School Su-

perintendent, 1874-76, Schuyler County, Mo. County Super-

visor, Lampoc, Cal., 1883-93. Real Estate and Insurance Busi-

ness until time of death.

Married Mary M. Saunders, Lancaster, Mo., 1868.

Children—Jessie A., born July 27, 1869.

Nellie and Delia, born November 24, 1870.

Charles Justice, born January 31, 1877, deceased.

James Frances, born Nov. 29, 1879, deceased.

Samuel P., born April 13, 1881.

Died April 5, 1913, Lompoc, California.

Class of 1862

36. MIRA BIRD (WOOLSON), A.B.—Born July 21, 1844,

Fredericktown, Ohio. Prepared, private school. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1858. Ruthean. A.M. 1865. Greek oration,

sophomore year. Latin salutatio at graduation. Has done

occasional newspaper and club work.

Married John S. Woolson, (See No. 30), Mt. Pleasant,


Children—Paul Bird, born 1868, (See No. 396).

Ralph T., born 1871; died 1886.

Miriam W. (Bryant), born 1873, (See No. 462).

Grace W, (Clark), born 1875, (See 554).

Ruth W., born 1880.

Present Residence, 1503, 11th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

37. MARIA ABRAHAMS BROWN (HEACOCK), A.B.—Born July G, 1843, Port Deposit, Md. Entered from Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy. 1856 A.M. 1865. Ruthean. Editor Society

paper one term.

Married Henry B. Heacock, (See No. 32) August 21 1862,

Mt. Pleasant. Died August 27, 1915, Pacific Grove, California.

Children—Mary Adelle, born 1864; died 1889.

Joseph B., born 1865; died 1887.

Philena. born May 1867; died 1869.

Lulu, born 1870. (Now living at Pacific Grove,



Henry, B., born 1872; died 1892.

Bertha, born 1874; died 1888.

William S.. born 1876; died 1898.

Grace A, born 1877; died 1888.

Edith M., born 1881; died 1887.

Died January 15. i912. Pacific Grove, California. Buried

at Pacific Grove.


Born January 23. 1844, West Lebanon, Ohio. Prepared, Mt.

Pleasant. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1857. Ruthean. M.S.


Married George H. Batchelder, June 28, 1875, Janesville.

Died Apr. 25, 1915.

Children—Fred Wmdle, born November 27, 1877; died

April 25, 1915.

Olive, born May 2, 1880; died December 23, 1881.

Mark Stevens, born June 3, 1883; died August

13, 1883.

George Lyman, born May 14, 1885.

Frank Chester, born September 17, 1887.

Residence, Eagle, Idaho.


Wooster, Ohio. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1853.

A.M. 1865. Hamline. Valedictorian of class. Enlisted in the

army. 1861, for one hundred day service. With General Lyon

in battle, Springfield, Mo. Army home letters superior, one

on death of Lincoln especially valuable. Re-entered college

and graduated with his class. Went to Ohio and joined One

HunJred and Second Ohio Volunteers, serving until close of


Died May 19, 1867.

lit 40. WILLIAM C. GHOST, A.B.— Born January 1,

1840, Venango County, Pa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1859. A.M. 1865. Hamline. Studied law,

Mt. Fleasant. Enlisted in army a private; mustered out lieu-

tenant in 1865. Was commended by General Sherman for

bravery at Allatoona. Was Circuit Judge, Fremont, Neb.,

one term. Afterwards removed to Colorado.


Married Adda M. Carleton. January 10, 1872, Iowa City.

Child—Adda Marguerite.

Died November 7, 1896, at Denver Colo.

!5S 41. EDWARD HEM EN WAY, A. B. — Born 1842,

Herkimer, N. Y. Entered from Academy, 1858. L.L.B. 1865.

Hamline. Admitted to the Bar, by the District Court of Hen-

ry Co., 1860. Member of law firm of Ambler, Hemenway &Ambler, Mt. Pleasant. Afterwards attorney at St. Louis, Mo..

Enlisted in Co. F 1st Iowa Infantry, served through Missouri

Campaigns. He was next a Captain and Asst. Adjutant Gen-

eral en Staff of General Pile, (1864), later transferred to Staff

of General Lawler, stationed at Baton Rouge, then to that of

Major General T. W. Sherman of the Department of Louisiana,

who procured for him the brevet promotion to Major.

Physically weakened by years of severe military duty, he

returned to Mt. Pleasant in January 1866, unprepared to en-

dure a rigorous northern winter; he succumbed to disease

contracted in the service of his country.

Died April 4, 1866, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

42. EMMA MARIA HEMENWAY, B.S—Born Herkimer,

New York. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1860.

M.S. 1865.

Married. Deceased. Buried at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

43. HARRIET KELLEY (VERNON), B.S. Born Muskin-

gum County, Ohio, April 18, 1842. Entered from Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy, 1860. M.S. 1865. Contributor to "The Chris-

tian Advocate" and to "The Philadelphiai Methodist."

Married S. M. Vernon (See No. 80), August 22, 1862.

Children—Horace K., born July 25, 1863.

Luanna M., born March 21, 1867.

Mary E., born March 19, 1869.

Samuel M., Jr., born February 14, 1875.

Harriet M., born February 21, 1883.

Leroy S., born March 23, 1886.

Died May 10, 1894, Philadelphia, Pa.


43B. LAURA GASSNER (MURPHY), A. B.—Horn Febru-

ary 4. L84S, Nen Haven. Ohio. Prepared Fairfield Seminary

and Prof. Axline's School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1854.

A.M.. l > T 7 State University of Iowa, Served as President.

irreeponding Secretary and Field

an in Iowa Conference Woman's Home Missions for

thirty-three years, 'i uelve jrean National officer in \V. H. M.

S. as Secretary of Bureau for Texas. Now National Hon. Vice

President anil still President of \V. H. M. S. of Iowa Con-


Married Rev. Dennis Murphy, Birmingham, Iowa. August

19. 1841. Wed January 29. 1S95, West Liberty, Iowa.

Child—Paul Dennis, born Oct. 21, 1862; died Sept. 11, 1863.

Present residence, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

44 MARY A. POPHAM (BURNHAM), B.S.—Born April

;4. Amity, Ohio. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Aca-

demy. 1858. Ruthean. Taught Vocal and Instrumental in Musi-

cal Department for six years. Prominent in charitable workin Philadelphia for many years. Has held offices in many so-

cieties of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Chairmen Educa-

tional Committee of the Philadelphia Methodist Orphanagefor fifteen years.

irried, October 21, 1868, Chariton, Geo. M. Burnham.

Child—Grace, born November 2, 1869.

Residence, 604 Sixth Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J.


ary 10, 1840, Booneville, Indiana. Entered Iowa Wesleyan1860. M.S. 1865.

Married Rev. John Wilbur McDonald, (See No. 9), Mt.

Pleasant. November 14, 1866. Died May 31, 1893.

Children—Wilbur F., born Dec. 24, 1867; died Dec. 7, 1908.

Ernest B., born Oct. 10, 1869; died May 12, 1912.

Grace E.. born September 28, 1871, (See No. 418.)

Maude E., born June 23, 1873.

Hubert L., born March 14, 1875; died June 12, '07

Residence, 305 N. Main, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


H 46 RHODA AMANDA SHELTON (STEWART), B.S.—Born August 27, 184-j, Coolville, Ohio. Prepared Private

schools and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1856. M.S., 1865. Ruthean. Volunteered dietary nurse

Civil War, 1864. Hospital service until close of war. Occas-

ional contributor to magazines. First Woman Superintend-

ent, of Schools in Iowa, at Eddyville. Active in philanthrop-

ic, educational and literary work. Conducted private normalschool in Chariton, Iowa for many years.

Married S. F. Stewart, at Charitc.n, December 26, 1870.

Children—Helen, born August 27, 1873.

Lucy S., September 4, 1875.

Died February 16, 1912 at Evanston, 111.

47. FRANK WOOLSON (BORGHALTHAUS), B.S.—BornJuly 23, 1844. Prepared, Public Schools, Tonawanda, N. Y.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1859. M.S. 1865. Ruthean.

Married, April 1869, Mt. Pleasant, Rufous Borghalthaus.

(See No. 56.)





Residence, Tacoma, Wash.

Class of 1863

43. PENELOPE E. AMBLER (CAMPBELL), A.B.—BornJune 13, 1845. Salem, Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1859. A.M., 1866. Professor, English Lit-

erature, also teacher, Greek, Iowa Wesleyan, 1865-72.

Married William H. Campbell (See No. 115) Mt. Pleasant,

March 21, 1878.

Children—Henry Ambler, born July 4, 1879.

Faith, born April 27, 1881. (See No. 629).

Died, Pueblo, Colo., September 29, 1889.

49. ELLEN M. BLAKE (SCHEIWE), A.B.—Born Febru-

ary 20, 1835, Minden, Germany. Prepared, Ottumwa. Enter-


i-d Iowa Wesleyan hsi.l. A.M. IStSti. Ruthean, first honors.

Btcond honors class. Studied at Evanston, 111. After teach-

ing in schools and colleges, went to Europe in the '70's to

specialize in art and natural history. Art instructor, Iowa

an. L87& Held position in Quincy College before go-

ing to Europe. Artist.

Married Johannes H. Scheiwe, Berlin, Germany, August 8,

LS7& 11 abend graduate Gymnasium Royal Academy of Arts.

Berlin, Germany.

Child—Albertlna, born May 19, 1877. (See No. 683).

Died May 7. 1911, Ottumwa, Iowa.

50 MARY F. BARTLETT, A.B.—A.M. 1866. All trace lost.


August S, 1838 Dearnburn Co., Ind. Prepared Washington

Co.. Iowa. Entered Towa Wesleyan 1852 or 1853. A.M. 1866.

Minister, merchant, real estate dealer, author, statesman and

soldier. Wrote "The Philosophy of Truth" and "The Trinity."

Member of Iowa and Kansas Conference. Merchant and

Real Estate Dealer in Chattanooga, Tenn. Kansas State

Senator one term. Served as Second Lieutenant throughout

the Civil War.

Married Maria Davis 1864.


Three daughters, (Unable to obtain names).

Died February 189L Chattanooga, Tenn.


November 24, 1844. Cattaraugus County, N. Y. Entered

from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1859. M.S. 1886. Teacher.

Married. October 4, 1868, James W. Robb, an alumnus of

Allegheny College.

Child—Cordie, born June 4, 1870.

Died December 20, 1874, Portland, Ore.

53. JEANNETTE MILLER (LANE), B.S. —Born 1844,

Newark, Ohio. Prepared Mt. Pleasant,, M.S., 1866. Con-

tribute articles to temperance papers.


Married 1876, Philadelphia, John Lane.

Child—John Lane, Jr.

Died, Lake Side, Ohio.


uary 31, 1841, Woodsfield, Ohio. Entered from Iowa Wes-leyan Academy 1856. M.S. 1866.

Married John A. Broadhead, Mt. Pleasant, June, 1865.

Child—Carrie May, born June 22, 1867.

Died at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, October 12, 1867.

Class of 1864

55. AUGUSTINE M. ANTROBUS, A.B.—Born May 20,

1839, Greensburg, Ind. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1861. A.M.

1867. Principal Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1864-66. Lawyer.

Married, January 23, 1873, Arpin C. Ross (See No. 62)


Children—Two (deceased).

Residence, Burlington, Iowa.

56. RUFUS J. BORGHALTHAUS, B.S.—Born 1846. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1860. M.S. 1867. Lawyer. Has given

special attention to real estate and corporation practice.

Married, April 1869, Frank W'oolson, (See No. 47).





Residence, Tacoma, Wash.

57. ALICE CORKHILL (WEAVER), A.B.—Born Septem-

ber 12, 1844, Jefferson, Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1861. A.M. 1867. Studied under fam-

ous painter, Nolan, 1865-66. Teacher of painting and music,

Iowa Wesleyan, 1867-68.

Married M. A. Weaver, Oskaloosa, June 2, 1869.

Children—Carrie, died Fresno, Cal., 1896,

Lulu C, born June 8, 1872


Frank I)., died 1S83.

Helen R .. died 1885.

l April ;:. 1886, Bedford, Iowa.

58. FRANCIS MARION DAVENPORT. A.B.—Born May1. 1S40. Gallia County. Ohio. Prepared Mahaska County Kn

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1S59. A.M. 1867. Hamline. Lawyercity Attorney, Oskaloosa, 1877-78.

Harried Martha If. Griffith, May l, 1870, Mt. Pleasant, la.

graduate hfcNeely Normal College '62, Hopedale, Ohio.

Child—Warren G., born August 17. 1874. (See No. 611)

ilence. Ft. Maginnis, Montana.

59. GEORGE W. FIELD, A. B.—A.M. 1867. Soldier

United States Army. Deceased.


imer. N.Y. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1860. A.M.

Died in Marysville, California, 1870; buried Mt. Pleas-

ant. Iowa.

61. JOHN MELVIN MANSFIELD, A. B.—Born in Indiana.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1861. A.M. 1867. Hamline, Ph.D.,

Baldwin University. Studied in London, Paris and Berlin,

Professor Iowa Wesleyan 1864-77. Professor in De-

Pauw University 1879-83. Contributed to various scientific

journals. Joint author of "Bibliography of Education," pub-

lished 1888.

Married Belle Aurelia Babb, (See No. 68.) June 1868. Died

August 1, 1911 Aurora, Illinois.

Died August, 1894, California.

* 61B. THOMAS JOHNSON MYERS, A.B.*—BornJune 7. 1840, Warren County, Indiana. Prepared Ashalnd

Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1858. D.D. Southwestern

College, Winfield, Kansas. Student Garrett Biblical Institute.

A soldier of 'he Civil War. Enlisted in Company I,

First Iowa Volunteer Cavalry on June 13, 1861, two monthsafter Ft. Sumpter was fired upon. Non-commissioned officer


first duty Sergeant; in active service from '61 to '64. Recruit-

ing service from January 1, 1864 until last of April 1864. In

detailed service, in mustering and disbursing office for the

state of Arkansas, at Little Rock, May 1, until mustered out of

service September 9, 1864. Admitted to Iowa Conference and

first appointment, New Sharon, 1869; Sigourney, '70; Otley,

'71; Bellfountain, '72; Kirkville, '74; Kossuth, '77; Danville,

'80; South Burlington, '83; P. E. Burlington District, '84;

pastor at Centerville '90; P. E. Keokuk District, '91; Treasur-

er and Financial Secretary, I. W. U., '97; P. E. Burlington

District, '02; treasurer and Field Secretary, I. W. U. '08 and

still in that relation. Elected member of three general con-

frences, viz: Omaha, Cleveland and Los Angeles. Twice Re-

serve Delegate.

Married, Eliza J. Morrison, Sept. 16, 1869, Victoria, KnoxCo., 111. Died September 23, 1910, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Edward Morrison, born May 12, 1872, (See

No. 456).

Mary L., born Feb. 10, 1874, (See No. 527).

Charles Haven, born Jan. 10, 1882 (See No. 665)

John Foster, born Jan. 22, 1884.

Residence—Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, No. 307 N. Main Street.

62. ARPIN C. ROSS (ANTROBUS), A.B. Born 1846,

A.M. 1867. Ruthean. Literary habits.

Married, 1873, A. M. Antrobus, (See No. 55).

Children—Two, (deceased.)

Residence, Burlington, Iowa.

Class of 1865

!©? 63. JAMES BONAR GREGG, A.B. Born April 25, 1839

Burlington. Prepared, Burlington. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1859. A.M. 1870. Attorney. Served three years in Civil War.

Married Josephine Mills (See No. 77) December 25, 1866,

Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Adelia, March 1868.

Alvah, Augrnst 1869.


May. December 1870.

James Louie. 1S74.

Florence, L876,

Hazel. 1882.

Died at Red Oak, Iowa, May 26, 1904.

64. RUTH E. GREGG (PERRY), B.S.—M.S. 1870.

Died at Burlington low a.


Market (now Bcio), Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1859. A.M. 1870. Ruthean.

Salutatorian class 1865. Trustee Iowa Soldiers Orphan's

Home six years prior to appointment State Board of Control.

Teacher. Academy, Cape Girardeau, Mo. 1865-66. Has writ-

ten valuable Historical Theses. Traveled extensively.

Married, August 7, 1866, Mt. Pleasant, F. H. Ketcham.

Died 1913.

Children—William D., born Sept. 28, 1867. (See No. 390).

Lee P., born June 28, 1871.

Helen M., born November 30, 1876.

Francis H., born February 11, 1878.

Residence, Seattle, Wash.


29. 1844. Des Moines County. Entered from Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy 1861. A.M. 1870.

Residence, No. 262 Conect, California.


35, 1841. Missouri. Prepared, Keosauqua. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1862. M.S. 1870. Hamline. Minister Methodist

Episcopal church. Teacher twelve years. Minister many

years, now superannuate.

Married Ollie Lewis, 1869, Missouri.

Residence, Kahoka, Mo.


Class of 1866

68. BELLE AURELIA BABB (MANSFIELD), A.B.—BornDes Moines County. Prepared county schools. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1862. A.M. 1870. Ruthean. LL.B. 1872. Teacher.

Studied in London and Paris 1872-73. Professor Iowa Wes-leyan 1873-81. Professor DePauw University 1886. Admit-

ted to Bar 1871. For several years Dean College of Fine Arts,

DePauw University.

Married John M. Mansfield, (See No. 61) June 1868.

Died August 2, 1911, Aurora, Illinois.

pri 69. WASHINGTON I. BABB, A.B.—Born October 2,

1844, Des Moines Co., Iowa. Prepared common schools. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan Sept. 1860. A.M. 1869. Hamline. Beta

Theta Pi. Left college and enlisted in the Eighth Iowa Vol-

unteer Cavalry, 1863-65. Returned to college 1865. Degree

LL.D. Iowa Wesleyan, 1898. President of the Western

Wheeler and Scraper Co., of Aurora, 111. Vice-President of

Austin Manufacturing Co., Chicago, 111. and of the Old Trott

Bank, Aurora, 111. Vice President of Aurora Cotton Mills.

Lawyer. Member State Legislature from Henry County,

1884. District Judge Second Judicial District of Iowa, 1891-95.

Trustee Iowa Wesleyan 1874 to present time. Regent State

University of Iowa since 1897. LL.D. State University of

Iowa 1907.

Married, Alice Bird, (See No. 91) October 9, 1873, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Max W., born July 28, 1874 (See No. 488).

Miles T., born February 27, 1877, (See No. 557)

Claribel, born Feb. 16, 1883, died Jan. 2, 1890.

Alice, born March 9, 1887.

Residence—255 West Park Ave., Aurora, 111.


1837, Champaign County, 111. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1859.

A.M. 1870. Hamline. Minister. Responded to first call for

volunteers, going from college and joining Fourteenth Iowa

Infantry, Company F, 1861. Wounded, battle Fort Donaldson,


February, 1862, losing left arm in consequence. Discharged

from army tew months later because of disability. After

wound healed entered college 1863. 1864 left college again

for the war. Commissioned Captain. Company H, Forty-fifth

Iowa Infantry. Served term of enlistment and entered col-

,,. finishing L866. Had a passion for languages, and

co Id read the Bible in English, Latin, Greek, German, French

and Italian. Hifl death was result of the arm be lost for the

flag he loved and under which he fought. Entered Iowa con-

terence 1S66. Pastorates: Troy. 1866-68; Bloomfield, 1869;

Mt. Pleasant, 1870; Fairfield 1871-73.

Married Belle Graham Tannehill, December 24, 1866, Troy.

Children—Clinton G., (See No. 399), born December 1871;

died 1894.

Ernest M., born May 1871; died 1872.

Laura, (See No. 447) born September 1872.

Manly, born January, 1876, died August 1876.

Died in July, 1877 at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Class of 1867

71. EMMA BALLARD (BELL), A.B.—Born 1847, Mt.

Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School and Iowa

Wesleyan Academy. A.M. 1870. Ruthean. Wrote for "Ladies'

Repository." Authoress.

Married Ezra M. Bell, 1869.

Died, Pueblo, Colorado.

72. THOMAS C. GEORGE, A.B.—Entered from Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy 1862. A.M. 1870 and Ph.D. 1885, Iowa Wes-

leyan. Taught at Crawfordsville, Iowa. Professor of mathe-

matics and astronomy, Iowa Wesleyan College, 1868-71. Presi-

dent Napa College in Southern California.

Married Emma Munsel, (Niece of President Wheeler and

Art Teacher in I. W. C. 1870-71).

Died in California, 1894.

73. ALLEN McDOWELL GHOST, A.B.—Born April 13,

1844. Venango County, Pa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. Entered


Iowa Wesleyan 1863. A.M. 1870. Hamline. Studied law, Mt.

Pleasant. Attorney. Superintendent Public Instruction,

Lincoln, Neb. Lived many years in Denver.

Married Ella F. Tunnell, December 31, 1874, Edwardsville,


Child—Genevieve (Whitted), born June 29, 1878.

Died June 23, 1913, Denver, Colorado.


9, 1845, New Richmond, Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1863. A.M. 1870. Hamline.

Minister and Educator. Professor Simpson College, 1867.

Pastorates: Onawa, 1868; Harlan, 1869; Tabor, 1871; Wood-bine, 1872; Fremont City, 1875; Guthrie Center, 1878; Harlan,

1880. Professor Simpson College 1882-83. President Simp-

son College, 1886-89. Pastor Corning 1889. Prof. Simpson

College, 1892. Now blind.

Married, February 8, 1866, New London, Isabella Anderson.

Children—William O., born June 8, 1867 (deceased).

Ida B., born July 27, 1872.

Theodorsia E., born July 11, 1878.

Florence M., born June 13, 1881.

Residence, Indianola, Iowa.

75. RACHEL A. MILLER, (ROLFE).—Born December 28,

1844, Missouri. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1863.

M. S. 1870. Ruthean. Principal High School, Warsaw, 111.

1873-78. Professor Mathematics "Chaddock College," Quincy,

111., 1879-83. Teacher, History and Reading, Riverside Semi-

nary, Vanceburg, Ky., 1889-1905.

Married Lawrence Rolfe, 1882.

Children—Rachel Maude, born 1883.

Myra Billings, born 1885.

Residence, Vanceburg, Ky., Lewis County

76. SUSAN M. MILLER (DOUTHART), B.S.—Born 1835,

Harper's Ferry, Va. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1864. M.S. 1870.

Married Harry F. Douthart, (See No. 85), Scotland Co., Mo.


Children- Henrietta M.. born July 12, 1873.

Emaline, born February 19, 1875.

Died November 4. 1S99, at Willis, Brown Co. Kansas.

77. JOSEPHINE MILLS (GREGG), B.S.—Born April 8,

iM~». Chillicothe, Ohio. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1862. M.S. 1869. Ruthean.

Married James B. Gregg, (See No. 63), December 25, 1866.

Died May 86, 1904.

children—Adelie, born March 1868.

Alvah, born August 1869.

May, born December 1870.

James Louis, born 1874.

Florence, born 1876.

Hazel, born 1882.

Residence, Red Oak, Iowa.

78. WINFIELD SCOTT STRAWN, A.B.—Born September

17, 1845, Perryopolis, Pa. Prepared, Howe's Academy. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1862. A.M., 1872. Graduate, Law De-

partment, Columbian University, Washington, D. C, 1866. Ad-

mitted to Bar 1867. Author, "Practice in Supreme Court of

Nebraska," published 1900.

Married Rose E. Crab, Red Oak, 1876.

Died at Omaha, Neb., in February, 1901.

73B. EMMA L. SCHWENKER, A. B.*—Born September 6,

1847. Cincinnati, Ohio. Prepared private school, Madison,

Ind, and Public Schools, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Graduate Ladies

Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Always lived in Mt. Pleasant,

Iowa. Traveled Extensively.

Residence, 208 East Washington Street, Mt. Pleasant, la.

79. ORSON FOWLER VAN CISE, A.B.—Born July 18,

1849, Bermudian. Pa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1864. A.M. 1870. Hamline. B.D. Can-

ton, NY. Theological School, 1870. Minister, Universalist.

Pastorates: Arburn, Me, July, 1870-72; Portsmouth, N. H.


On account of poor health was compelled to change vocation.

Civil engineer, railroad construction, since 1873. Now poul-


Married Monona Colby, November 28, 1878, Algona.

Child—Joy, born April 18, 1885.

Residence, St. Maries, Idaho.

80. SAMUEL MILTON VERNON, A.B.—Born November27, 1841, Montgomery County, Ind. Entered from Iowa Wes-leyan Academy 1862. A.M. 1870. B.D. D.D. Minister. Madethree trips to Europe and one to Egypt and Palestine. Presi-

dent Simpson College 1866-68. Graduated Drew Theological

Seminary, 1869. Pastorates: Keokuk, Des Moines, Perry

Street, New York City; Christ Church, Pittsburg, Pa.; Roberts

Park, Indianapolis, Ind.; Trinity Church, Philadelphia, Pa., etc.

Contributed to "The Christian Advocate," Western Christian

Advocate," "Central Christian Advocate;" "Northwestern

Christian Advocate," "Pittsburg Christian Advocate," "Con-

gregationalism" Author of "Amusements." "Probation and

Punishment," "Prohibition," "Lux Vitae."

Married (1) Miss Harriet Kelly, (See No. 43); died 1893,


(2) Mrs. Anna Townsend, May 2, 1898.

Children—Horace K., born 1863.

Luanna M., born 1867.

Mary E., born 1869.

Samuel M., born 1875.

Harriet M., born 1883.

Stanley L., born 1886.

Residence, 2344 N. Seventeenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.

fe 81. W. ALEXANDER WORK, A.B.—Born December

25, 1844, near Birmingham, Jefferson county, Iowa. Prepared

Birmingham, Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan March 1862.

A.M. 1870. Hamline. Principal of Public Schools of Keosau-

qua, Iowa. Lawyer. Veteran of the Civil War.

Married Hinda H. Marlow, October 7, 1869.

Children—Craig Marlow; born August 13, 1870.

Ben Mayne; born April 28, 1872.


Emmett Alexander. (See No. 555) horn Jan-

uary 9, 1876

Esther Belle. (See No. 740); born July 2, 1881.

Ruth Eleanor; bom Nov. 7. 1883.

Stella Elizabeth; born December 24, 1886.

Residence—304 North Court Street, Ottumwa, Iowa.

Class of 1868

82. ELIZA C. ALLEN (FINK) A. B.—A.M. 1875. Married

William Wescott Fink (See No. 118) February 21, 1871.

Children—Flora L. born January 4, 1873; died May 5, 1873.

Louise, born June 27, 1887.

Residence. 705 Clark St., Des Moines, Iowa.

83. JAMES W. BOYERS, A.B.—Born September 19, 1844,

hnyetteville, Ark. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1863. A.M. 1871.

Hamline. Pedagogue for twenty-two years, teaching princi-

pally graded schools. Principal schools Brighton, one year;

Percival, two years; Redfield, three years; principal third

ward school Nebraska City, three years; Greenfield schools

three years. Superintendent schools Adair County, four

years, after which bought farm 480 acres, on which he now


Married Mary A. Chance, 1876.

Children—Guy E., born January 31, 1877.

Grace N., born February 2, 1879.

Charles R., born May 17, 1882.

Daisy M., born August 3, 1884.

Eva S., born March 6, 1890.

Residence, Prescott. Iowa.

34. CHESTER L. COLLINS, A.B.—Born June 13, 1847.

New Castle, Ohio. Prepared, Knoxville. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan 1864. A.M. 1871. Hamline. Founder Beta Theta Pi.

Admitted to Bar 1869. At Knoxville, practicing there until

1875. when he moved to Bay City, Mich. Referee in Bank-

ruptcy, District of Michigan 1898-04. April, 1905, elected Cir-


cuit Judge, Eighteenth Judicial Circuit of Michigan for six-

year term, commencing January 1, 1906.

Married Sarah M. Miller, May 12, 1874.


Susan M.

Deceased, 1914.

£g 85. HENRY F. DOUTHART, B.S.— Born Sept. 26,

1841, Indiana. Prepared common schools. Entered IowaWesleyan 1862. Philomathaen. M.S. 1871. Taught mathe-

matics Simpson College two years. Enlisted 1863, served

until close of war. Discharged as a corporal. Candidate for

Governor of Kansas on Prohibition ticket 1896. Instrumen-

tal in putting prohibition in the constitution of Kansas. Nowagriculturist.

Married Susan M. Miller (See No. 76) March 1871, Scot-

land Co., Missouri. Died November 4, 1899 at Willis, BrownCo., Kansas.

Children—Henrietta M., born July 12, 1873.

Emaline, born February 19, 1875.

Residence addoress, Baker, Kansas, R. F. D. No. 1.

85. WILLIAM HALL, B. S.—M.S. 1871. Lawyer.

Residence, unknown. All trace lost.

87. SAMUEL S. MURPHY, A.B.—Born October 22, 1843,

Brownstown, Jackson County, Indiana. Prepared Country

Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1863. A.M. 1871, D.D.4

Hamline. Trustee Iowa Wesleyan 1874-84, Trustee Baker

University, Kansas, from 1888 till time of death, and Secre-

tary same eight years. Minister, Methodist Episcopal. En-

tered Iowa Conference 1869. Pastorates: Bethel Circuit,

1868; Wapello, 1869; Kossuth Circuit, 1871; Ottumwa, 1872;

Keokuk, First, 1873; Mt. Pleasant Circuit, 1875; Keosauqua,

1878; Agent Iowa Wesleyan, 1881; Pastor Knoxville, 1882.

Transferred to Soiuth Kansas Conference, September, 1882,

serving following charges: Burlington, Kansas, 1884; Fort

Scott, 1888; Presiding Elder Independence District, 1890.


Pastor Columbus. L8W; Baldwin, 1S97; [Ola, 1904-5. Reserve

Delegate General Conference 18M. Delegate to General Con-

ference 1S96. Contributor to "Central Cbristian Advocate."

Married Sept. 1870, Mt. Pleasant, Pnude M. Kibben (See

No. 106); died December 25, 1915 at Baldwin, Kansas.

Children—Farmer, born June 29, 1871.

Herbert, born June 25, 1875; died Mch. 20, 1879.

Ruth, born June 15, 1877; died March 31, 1879.

Miriam, born Sept. 5, 1879.

Mary K.. born August 12, 1881.

Edith R., born January 25, 1884.

Walter W., born October 27, 1885.

Died Nov. 1916 at Winfield, Kansas.

88. W. R. PEARSON, A.B.—A.M. 1871. Hamline. Law-

yer. Founder Beta Theta Pi New York City.

Residence, unknown.


March 2, 1848, Lowell, Ohio. Prepared Howe's Academy. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. A.M. 1875. Hamline. Charter

member and first president local chapter Beta Theta Pi. En-

listed Forty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Service 1863-65. Civil

Engineer by profession. Connected with Wabash Railroad

for many years. Associate Engineer World's Fair Construc-

tion, Chicago. 1892-93. Drainage Engineer, Wapello, Louisa

County, Iowa. 1907-12. Later Henry County Surveyor and

private engineering up to time of death. "A man of keen

intellect, and a brilliant student of History, Literature and

Philosophy. One of the best read men that ever graduated

from Wesleyan."

Married, 1893—Bloomington, 111., Mrs. Mary Emerson


Child—One stepson (Harry Dougherty)

Died, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, September 6, 1916. Buried For-

est Home Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


Class of 1869

90. MARY J. ALLEN (STAFFORD), A.B.—Born, MLPleasant. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. A.M. 1872. Ruth-

ean. One of the seven founders of the P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married, July 4, 1871, Mt. Pleasant, C. L. Stafford. (See

No. 146.)

Children—Clarence, born Sept. 22, 1872.

Eva May, born May 7, 1878; died March 11, 1882.

Ralph (See No. 122) born Sept. 5, 1881.

Reuben, born April 15, 1889; died June 19, 1913.

Residence, West Liberty, Iowa.

91. ALICE BIRD (BABB), A.B.—Born 1850, Mt. Pleasant.

Prepared Howe's Academy and public schools, Mt. Pleasant

Entered Iowa Wfesleyan 1865. A.M. 1872. Ruthean. One of

the Founders of P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter Original A. Edi-

tor Alumni Rept. "Iowa Wesleyan" six years. Three years

Principal Mt. Pleasant High School. Chair Latin, Iowa Wes-leyan one year.

Married W. I. Babb (See No. 69) Mt. Pleasant, Oct. 9, 1873.

Children—Max Wellington born July 28, 1874 (See No. 488)

Miles Thornton, born Feb. 27, 1878 (See No. 557)

Claribel, born Feb. 16, 1882; died Jan. 2, 1890.

Alice, born March 9, 1887. (Attended Wesleyan)

Residence 255 West Park Ave., Aurora, 111.

92. HATTIE B. BRIGGS (BOSQUET), B.S.—Born October

10, 1848, Gray. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1866. M.S. 1872. Oneof the seven founders of the P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married H. L. Bosquet, Knoxville, 1873; died July 23, 1913.

Children—Cutts, born Oct. 26, 1873.

Lyman, born Dec. 4, 1875; died Nov. 4, 1881.

Died, Sigourney, Iowa, April 26, 1877.

93.—ROBERT A. BURTON, A.B.—Born July 8, 1846,

Huntsville, Mo. Prepared Richland Public Schools. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1864. A.M. 1872. Hamline. Founder Beta

Theta Pi. Lawyer. Teacher Public Schools, Richland, 1865.

Supt. Public Schools, Unionville, 1869-70.


Married Miss Fannie S. Way, Washington, D. C, 1879.

Children—Geo. W., born 1880.

Ethel, born 1882.

Janet W., born 1884.

Madge, born 1886.

Robert A., Jr. born 1895.

Present address, 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, Illinois.

* 94. JOHN P. SHOWNING, B. S—Born, Jan. 21, 1843

Payson, 111. Prepared Academy, Payson, 111. Entered Iowa

ft'esleyan 1866. M.S. 1872. M.D. Belevue, New York. En-

isted Civil War August 7, 1862, served to close of war. Co. E.

>4th Illinois Vol. Spent more than one year of time in Ander-

sonville prison. Rush Medical 1872-73. Belleview Hospital,

Medical College, New York, 1875-76.

Married Florence Sheriff Jan. 1871 Keithsburg, 111.; died

June 1890 at Millersburg, 111. (2) Mary Lee, Aledo, 111. 1892.

Children—Florence M., born September 7, 1871.

William M., born May 21, 1873.

Josephine, born December 23, 1875.

Evangeline, born August 6, 1877.

John P., born October 14, 1884.

Ruth, born October 15, 1894.

Died Aledo, 111., July 5, 1895; buried Millersburg, 111.

95. FRANK H. CLARK, B.S.—Born June 20, 1844, Oris-

kany Falls, N. Y. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. M.S., 1872.

Philomathean; twice president. First honors Scientific

School at Graduation. Admitted to bar soon after graduation.

Practiced law continuously since. District Attorney, Aurora

Co., S. D , 1890. City Justice, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1902-04.

Married Lucy H. Ely, October 10, 1872, Knoxville.

Children—Sue A., born 1875.

George R., born 1878.

Stella L., born 1882.

Address, Salt Lake City, Utah, 404 McCormick building.


Born September 5, 1850, Oriskany Falls, N. Y. Prepared, Mt.


Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. A. M.

1872. Salutatorian, Ruthean. Lived in Wyoming since 1881.

Married J. O. Willits July 21, 1870, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Paul, born April 26, 1871.

Nellie, born June 29, 1874; died 1903.

Areli ,born April 30, 1883; died 1893.

Vie, born July 18, 1884.

Residence, Big Horn, Sheridan Co., Wyo.

97. ALICE V. COFFIN, B.S.—Born March 28, 1848, Louis-

ville, Ky. Teacher. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. M.S. 1872.

Died at Newton, Iowa, 1888.

98. JOHN D. DETAR, A.B.—Born Dec. 10, 1843, Jefferson

County. Prepared Eddyville and Albia, Iowa. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1865. A.M. 1872. Hamline. Minister Methodist

Episcopal church. Offered chair of Mathematics in Simpson

College. Joined Iowa Conference 1869 and held three pas-

torates. In 1872 he was compelled to retire on account of ill

health. Moved on a farm and taught school and studied law.

In 1876 he again took pastorate and served for seven years in

different localities. He was in business at Woodbine for

seven years until 1901. During his pastorate at Winterset,

Iowa, his health again broke.

Married Mary A. Taylor, Sept. 29, 1870 at Eddyville, Iowa.

Children—Sarah Louise, born August 30, 1871.

Johnnie & Willie, born Sept. 5, 1875; both died

June 16, 1890.

Theodore Robert, born April 7, 1877; died April

6, 1878.

David Franklin, born May 1, 1884.

Died February 20, 1913, University Place, Neb. Buried

Woodbine Cemetery, Iowa City.


ber 4, 1850, Greensburg, Ind. Prepared Public School, Des

Moines County. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. Charter mem-ber Pi Beta Phi. A.M. 1872. Chautauqua Course.

Married S. O. Thomas, November 2, 1871, New London.


Children—Frank O- born December 4, 1874.

Stella May. born July 10, 1878; died Jan. 27, 1901

Berl B., born June 17, 1881.

Jessie M.. born June 15, 1884.

Residence, 109 Woodlawn Ave., Burlington, Iowa.

100 MARY FORCE (BROOKS), A.B.—Born August 18,

L845 Spartansbury. Pa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School,

Hedrick High School and Howe's Academy. Entered Iowa

.an 1865. Ruthean. Salutatorian graduating class.

school Burt County, Nebraska for over ten years. Four

pears member board education. Tekamah High School. Two

vears President Boai\l

Married Socrates C. Brooks, March 25, 1873 Bell Creek Neb

Children—Charles Edgar, born June 3, 1876.

Edna Grace, born December 19, 1880.

Residence, Tekamah, Neb.


1850 Germantown, Ohio. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy 1864. A.M. 1872. Hamline. Clergyman. Entered

Illinois Conference 1874. Transferred to Wilmington confer-

ence 1879 Ordered in Protestant Episcopal church 1882.

General Theological Seminary, New York City, 1883-4. Rector

various parishes, Maryland, New York, Missouri, Delaware and

Pennsylvania. Chaplain Seamen's Mission, Church of the

Redeemer, Diocese of Pennsylvania, since 1899. Editor "Dela-

ware Churchman" 1894-97.

Married Annie Comegys, Dover, Del., Sept. 26, 1876; died

St. Johnland, N. Y. 1888.

Children—Peter Housel, died in infancy.

Sallie Comegys.

Henry Satterlee.


George Sears.


Residence, Front and Queen Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.


102. HUDSON B. GILLIS, A.B.—Born November 8, 1843,

Ridgeway, Pa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. A.M. 1872.

Beta Theta Pi. Soon after graduation admitted to Bar and

practiced law* in Iowa several years, until moving to Califor-

nia, where he continued the practice of law.

Married Anna M. Reynolds, 1871, Yreka, Cal.

Children—James R., born July 20, 1872; deceased.

Maud M., born August 16, 1874; deceased.

Helen P., born March 25, 1876; deceased.

Claude E., born July 8, 1882.

Kenneth C, born June 3, 1885.

Deceased, May 30, 1907. Yreka, Cal.

103. JUSTUS C. GREGG, A.B.—Born April 22, 1846, DesMoines County. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1864. A.M. 1872.

Wholesale grain dealer. President St. Joseph City Council;

President Gregg Bros. Grain Co.

Married Mary Bomberger, Denver, Colorado, 1873.

Children—Mabel, born 1874.

Jennie, born 1875.

Justus, " Jr., born 1878.

Edna, born 1881.

Fred, born 1888.

Died, Jan. 15, 1908 at St. Joseph, Mo.


1850. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1865. M.S.

1872. Ruthean. Prominent in Life Insurance Circles.

Married, March 30, 1886, W. R. Scott.

Residence, Quincy. 111.

105. WILLIAM PERRY JEFFREY, A.B.—Born March 24,

1842, Rush County, Ind. Prepared, Brooks' Seminary. Enter-

ed from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1864. A.M. 1872. Hamline.

Supt. Public School, Shenandoah, 1874-76. Supt. Publ. Instr.,

Adams County, 1870-74. Supt Publ. Instr., Taylor County.

M. D. University of Missouri, March 2, 1880. Physician and


Married Isabelle Weidner, Clarinda, April 23, 1872.

Child—Frank Dana, born February 16, 1873.

Died November 29, 1896, at Clarinda, Iowa.


106. PRUDE M. KIBBEN (MURPHY), AB.—Born June

14, IMS, Wilton Center, 111. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High

School and Ladies Seminary. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865.

AM L872. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi

Married IS. S. Murphy (See No. 87), Mt. Pleasant, 1870;

died Nov. 1916. Wintield Kansas.

Children—Farmer, born June 29, 1871.

Herbert, born June 25, 1875; died March 30, 1879

Ruth, born June 15, 1877; died March 31, 1879.

Miriam, born Sept. 5, 1879.

Mary K. born August 12, 1881.

Edith, born Jan. 25, 1884.

Walter, born Oct. 27, 1885.

Died December 25, 1915 at Baldwin, Kansas.

107. THERON YOUNG LYNCH, A. B—Born July 3, 1848,

Glasgow. Prepared, Fairfield. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1865.

A.M. 1872. Philomathean. Valedictorian of class. LLB.,

State Unhersity of Iowa. Lumber and coal business.

Married Belle F. Brooks, Mt. Pleasant, March 23, IS 75

Children—William A., born April 13, 1879.

Elmer E , born February 2, 1884.

Died, June 28, 1917, Holten, Kansas. Buried City Ceme-

tery. Fairfield, Iowa.

108. WILLIAM ALLEN LYNCH, A.B.— Born December

27, 1848, Greenbrier County, Va. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1865. A.M. 1872. Phi Delta Theta. LL.B. State University

of Iowa. Lawyer.

Married M. J. McConell, February 10, 1875.

Child—Elsie J. Lynch, born January 1, 1876.

Residence, Huron, S. D.

109. DILLON H. PAYNE, A.B.—Born August 7, 1847, Dah-

lonega. Prepared Common Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1864 A.M. 1872. Hamline. Charter member Beta Theta Pi.

Valedictorian of class. Lawyer County Atty. Davis County.

1897-1901. Attorney for contestants in celebrated will case


of A J. Davis, Montana millionaire. Delegate to General

Conference M. E. church, 1900 and 1904.

Married (1) Suda Weaver, Oct. 17, 1877; died April 7, 1891

(2) Mrs. Emma Hill, November 14, 1893; died Oct.

12, 1916.

Children—LaRue I (See No. 545), born Oct. 16, 1878.

Pauline (See No. 667) born March 28, 1881.

Weaver, born April 7, 1891.

Residence, Bloomfield, Iowa.

110 FRANC ROADS (ELLIOTT), B.S.—Born February

10, 1852, near Marshall. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. M. S. 1872. Ruthean. One of

the founders and charter members P. E. O. Sisterhaad. Post-

graduate work, University of Nebraska in Literature and His-

tory. Studied at Art Institute, Chicago. Has taken promi-

nent part in introduction of art in public schools. Supervisor

of Art, Freeport, Illinois, public schools, 1893; same Aurora,

Illinois, public schools, 1894-98; same Salt Lake City public

schools, 1898-1903.

At Lincoln, Neb., 1887, was prominent in first movementlooking toward admission of women to general conference of

Methodist Episcopal Church.

Married S. C. Elliott, Mt. Pleasant, 1872.

Children—Charles Addison, born March 6, 1873.

Stella Elliott Canfield, born October 31, 1876.

Residence, 4017 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, 111.

111. THEODORE B. SNYDER, A.B.—Born August 27,

1845, Des Moines, Iowa. Prepared Wesleyan Academy. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1865. A.M. 1872. Hamline, LLB. State

University of Iowa. County Supt. Schools, Des Moines Coun-

ty, 1872-75. Member of Lee County Bar, practicing law at Ft.

Madison for many years.

Married (1) Miss Mary Dorgan, Chochesett, Mass., Feb.

25, 1880. Died Dec. 27, 1905.

(2) Martha E. Richardson, May 1, 1912.


Children- Marie L. born Nov. 15, 1881.

Garnet L. born Jan. 84, 1883; died Jan. 24, 1883.

Alleen L., bom Dec 9, 1896.

Erlon L., born Jan. 81, 1898.

Theodore Garrett, born 1915.

Residence, MM BPOndwnj St.. Ft. Madison, Iowa.

112 SARAH A. TAYLOR. A.B.—Born Bethlehem, Clark

Count v Lnd. Prepared, Kt Pleasant High School. Entered

towi Wleeleyan L865. am. 1872. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Taught school many years. Was stenographer, Missouri Pa-

cific Railway General offices, Omaha, Neb. Made home in

Mt. Pleasant until 1914.

Residence. California St.. Omaha, Neb.

113. SAMUEL DREW WRIGHT, A.B.—Born January 9.

1847, Van Buren County. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1864. A.M.

1882 LLB. State University of Iowa. After graduation

practiced law, Burlingame, Kan. County Attorney until

spring. 1890, when he moved to Grand Junction, Colo.

Manied Ella Johnson, September 10, 1874. Died 1898.

Children—Lewis, died 1881.

Carrie Wright Thomas.

Dillon, died October 22, 1901.


Died June 28, 1890 at Grand Junction, Colo.

Class of 1870

114. MARY BURT (McFARLAND), B.S.—Born Septem-

ber 26 1852. Indiana. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1868. M.S. 1873. Ruthean. Pi Beta


Married John T. McFarland, Indianola. Deceased.

Children—Merle, born June 10, 1874.

Miriam, born January 19, 1880 .

Laurens W., born March 4, 1885.

Residence, 230 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio.


}£i 115. WILLIAM H. CAMPBELL, A.B.—Born Novem-ber 4, 1840, Indiana. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. A.M.

1873. Philomathean. Served in Civil War, 1861-65. Enlisted,

private, Company C, Fourth Iowa Infantry. Mustered out

1865, Captain of Company. Member Thirteenth General As-

sembly of Iowa 1869. Member First Oklahoma Legislative

Assembly 1890. Attorney. Postmaster.

Married, Penelope E. Ambler (See No. 48). March 21, 1878,

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Henry Ambler, born July 4, 1879.

Faith, (See No. 629), born April 27, 1881.

Residence, Anadarko, Oklahoma.


September 3, 1844. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1866. M.S. 1873.

Editor and Publisher for 32 years. Member City Council,

Kearney, Neb., 1897-1901. Assessor, Kearney, Neb., two


Married Mary E. Clapp, September 3, 1874, Fairfield.

Children—Carl S.; deceased.

Ralph E., born July 1, 1887.

Lora B., born July 4, 1890.

Residence, Glenwood, Iowa.

117. MATIE DRAYER (CURFMAN), A.B.—Prepared Mt.

Pleasant Public Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1867.


Married Dr. G. W. Curfman, September, 1870, Mt. Pleasant.

Died March, 1872, Fairfield, Iowa.

118. WILLIAM WESTCOTT FINK, A.B,—Born November8 1844, Missouri. Entered from Academy, Iowa Wesleyan,

1865. A.M. 1873. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Has writ-

ten for "The Century," "St. Nicholas," "Harper's," and "Inde-

pendent" magazines. Published three volumes of poems. Real

Estate and Investments.

Married Liza C. Allen (See No. 82) February 21, 1871.

Children—Flora L., January 4, 1873; died May 5, 1873.

Louise, born June 27, 1887.

Residence, 1430 20th St., Des Moines, Iowa.


119. ANNA A. HOOK (FARRIS), B.S.—M.S. 1873.

Died in Colorado.

120. GEORGE D. HOOK, A.B.—A.M. 1873.

Died in Colorado.

121. ROBERT HOOK, A.B. -A M 1873. Miner. Beta

rii* La PI

Died in Gladstone, Colo.

122. HORACE AGARD KELLEY, A.B.—Born July 14,

1849. Oswego, N. Y. Prepared, Burlington High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1865. A.M. 1873. Founder, Beta Theta

Pi Chapter at Iowa Wesleyan. LL.B. 1872, State University

of Iowa. Lawyer.

Married Mary M. Carleton, a graduate of S. U. I. 1871, at

Iowa City, in 1872.

Children—Carelton A., born June 1873.

Horace A., Jr., Jan. 1876.

William G., born February, 1879.

Died 1908. Burlington, Iowa.

123. JOHN THEODORE LAING, B.S.—Born Frederick,

Ya.. September 6, 1848. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1867. M.S.

1873. Philomathean. Lawyer. County Atty. 1874-76, 1878-82

Married, 1869, to Adaline McClure, Fontanelle.

Children—Alan, born 1874.

Helen, born 1876.

Robert, born 1879.

Ina, born 1887.

Residence, Concordia. Kan.

124. JOHN C. McADAMS, B.S.—Born November 25,

1847, Marshall Co. Tennessee. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1868.

Five years assistant city engineer, Denver. Engineer, office

U. 8. Surveyor General of Colorado since 1899.

Married Mary H. Humphreys, September 1st, 1875, Union-

ville, Iowa. Died April 6. 1912, Denver, Colo. Buried Crown

Hill, Denver.

Residence, 4307 Goss St., Denver, Colo.


125. JOSEPH HENRY MILLS, A.B.—Born 1849, Ohio.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1866. A.M., 1873. Philomathean.

Grocer. Mayor of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, three terms.

Married Martha Courtney, Nov. 5, 1895, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Paul, born Jan. 30, 1897.

Phillip, born Jan. 1, 1900.

George, born Nov. 26, 1901; died July 1, 1917.*

Adelia, born July 8, 1905.

Residence, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

•(Electrocuted on Wagon Bridge at Oakland Mills by com-

ing in contact with telephone wire which was crossed with a

high tention transmission line from the dam.)

126. DAVID F. MONROE, B.S.—M.S. 1873. Residence,

unknown. All trace lost.

127. WILLIAM WASHINGTON ROBERTS, A.B.—Born,Ohio, 1845. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1866. A.M. 1873. Philo-

mathean. Teacher many years. Supt. Public Schools, AdamsCounty, 1874-77. County Surveyor, 1882-85.

Married Sadie A. Andrews, Montgomery County, 1876.

Children—F. Clyde.

Lew W.Jennie M.

Jesse E.

Daniel C; died June 1, 1895.

Orlando S.

Ida T.

Mabel and Ethel.

Bertha B.

Residence, Mt. Etna, Iowa.

128. A GARY SMITH, A.B.—Born Sept. 9, 1848. Felts Mills

N. Y. Prepared Upper Iowa University, Fayette. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1868. A.M. 1873. Philomathean. Member Col-

lege Quartette. Beta Theta Pi. President Almira College.

Greenfield, Illinois. President Dexter Normal School, Dexter.

Institute Lecturer. Superintendent Schools Scotts Bluffs,

Nebraska, 1911.


Married Angelia Banks, Ann Arbor, Mich., June 30, 1874.

Children—Mabel Esther, born July 11, 1875.

Howard Burton, born Dec. 4, 1876.

Florence Mildred, born July 31, 1886.

Residence, Centra] city, Neb.


30, 1S50. Zanesville, Ohio. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Public

Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1867. M.S. 1873. Pi Beta


Married C. A. Lisle (See 150), Red Oak, January 3, 1872.

Children—January 16, 1875.

Vernon, June 30, 1877; died Sept. 20, 1890.

Stella May, March 12, 1879.

Edwin, Dec. 8, 1881.

Edna, Feb. 11, 1882.

Harvey H., Jan 28, 1885.

Lorance S., March 12, 1887.

Died July 8, 1900.

130. MARY WEBB (CURRIE), B.S.—Born December 31,

1851, Salem, Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant Seminary. M.S.,

1873. President Ruthean Senior Year. Studied one year,

1872, Elliott School of Music, Boston.

Married Rev. Samuel Currie, graduate Griswold College

Divinity School 1872, August 8, 1872, Durant.

Children—William Coe, born Jan. 26, 1875.

Olive Caroline, born January 13, 1877.

Herbert Isabel, born July 19, 1878; died 1896.

Edith, born Oct. 31, 1879.

Katherine Fay, born June 21, 1880.

Mary Eleanor, born May 15, 18S4.

Harriet L. born May 15, 1887.

Josephine, born Aug. 26, 1890.

Charlotte C, born Jan. 16, 1892.

Residence. Park River, N. D.


1842. Fayetteville, Ind. Prepared common schools. Enteredfrom Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1865. A.M., 1873. Boston Uni-


versity School of Theology, B.D., 1878. Philomathean. Beta

Theta Pi. Minister Methodist Episcopal. Admitted to Iowa

Conference 1870. Pastorates: Albia Circuit, 1870; South

Burlington, 1871; Grinnell, 1872; Brooklyn, 1874; Theology

Seminary, 1875; Albia, 1878; Presiding Elder, Ottumwa Dis-

trict, 1880. Chatham Square, Keokuk, 1884; Muscatine, 1886;

Ottumwa, 1891; Oskaloosa District, 1896; Mt. Pleasant, 1902;

Hedrick, 1905. Retired 1909.

Married Miss Jennie White (See No. 147) Sept. 14, 1871.

Children—Henry Drummond, born Jan. 19, 1873; died April

22, 1889.

Olive Plymouth, born April 13, 1878.

Paul White, born Dec. 28, 1885 (See No. 739.)

Residence, 1174 West 39th St. Los Angeles, Cal.

Class Of 1871

132. IONA AMBLER, B.S.—Born September 17, 1848,

Salem, Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1867. M.S. 1874. Member of Art Association.

First iniate in P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Residence, Fairfield, Iowa.

133. HENRY B. BARNES, A.B.—Born October 14, 1839,

Estill County, Ky. Prepared, Normal School, Bloomfield. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1866. Honored member First Literary

Society of University. A.M. 1874. Hamline. Secretary Bee-

thoven Musical Association. Iowa Wesleyan. Minister and

teacher. Prin. Moulton High School 1871-72. Middletown

High School 1882-83. Minister Missouri Conference, 1873-83.

Contributor to Central Christian Advocate, Kansas City Jour-

nal and several other papers. Received degree Dr. Osteopa-

thy, American Institute, Neva, Mo., 1899. Graduate in Ameri-

can School of Healing. Pres. Osteopathic Institute, Portland,

Ind., 1899-1901.

Married Miss Ida L. Worley, Keokuk, February 17, 1892.

Children—Grace E., born April 16, 1893.

Ruth A., born March 15, 1895.

Opal W., born August 19, 1900.

Residence, 316 North 14th St., Keokuk, Iowa.


134. EMMA CAUFFMAN (KULP), A.B.—A.M. 1874.

Married Dr. John Kulp. Died March 1916.

Deceased. Davenport, Iowa.

135. EMMA COLLINS (SLOANE), B.S.—Born March 6.

1S52. Mt. Sterling, Ohio. Prepared, Knoxville High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1868. M.S. 1874. Pi Beta Phi.


Married \Y. K. Sloan, M.D.. April 26, 1876. Deceased 1901.

Children—Chester Collins, born May, 1877.

Clara Olive, born December 14, 1879.

Paul, born April 27, 1883; died August 19, 1890.

Residence, 825 27th St., Moline, 111.

136. JOSEPH EDMUND CORLEY, A.B.—Born 1844, Cold

Spring, 111. Prepared, Shelby Seminary, Shelbyville, 111. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1868. A.M. 1874. Hamline. Beta

Theta Pi. Boston School of Theology. B.D., 1878. Minister

Methodist Episcopal. Entered Iowa conference, 1871. Pastor

various charges until 1890. Presiding Elder, Burlington Dis-

trict, 1890-96; pastor, 1896-1903. Returned April 1905 from

trip around the world. Pastor 1905-09. Retired, 1911. WasSecretary Board Trustees of Iowa Wesleyan for about ten

years. Contributed to Zion's Herald, the Advocates, and other


Married Ida Champ Ferris, (See No. 137) Jan. 17, 1872. Mt.


Children—Karl C, (See No. 514.) born 1873.

Roy F., (See No. 515), born 1874.

Jesse L., born 1877.

Foss F., born 1878.

Ames H., born 1880.

Residence, Chesterton, N. Y.

137. IDA CHAMP FERRIS (CORLEY), A.B.—Born 1852.

Brownsville, Pa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Weselyan 1868. A.M. 1874. Ruthean.

Married Rev. Joseph E. Corley (See No. 136) Jan. 17, 1872,

Mt. Pleasant.


Children—Karl C, (See No. 514.) born 1873.

Roy F., (See No. 515), born 1874.

Jesse L.. born 1877.

Foss F., born 1878.

Ames H., born 1880.

Residence, Chesterton, N. Y.

138. ELLA KILLPATRICK (DINWIDDIE), A.M.—BornAugust 24, 1851, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant HighSchool. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1868. A.M., 1874. Ruthean.

Church organist Mt. Pleasant and Cedar Falls.

Married Major W. A. Dinwiddie, 1877, Washington, D. C.

Husband deceased.

Child—Daisy Killpatrick, born Aug, 1886.

Residence, Manilla, Philippine Islands. (Letter returned).

SHI 139. FRANCIS M. MILLER, A.B.—A.M. 1874. Phi Delta

Theta. Private Company G., Third Iowa Cavalry, U. S. A.

1862-65. County Superintendent, Van Buren County, 1872-74.

Principal Schools, Lebanon, Ore. City Recorder, Lebanon,

Ore. Insurance Agent and Attorney at Law.

Died, Lebanon, Ore., 1894.


uary 23, 1849, Monroe County, Indiana. Er.tered Iowa Wes-leyan 1866. A.M., 1874. Lawyer. Judge of District Court,

Second Judicial District of Iowa.

Married Alice C. Wilson April 28, 1875, Eau Clair, Wis.

Died Dec. 2, 1912.

Children—Adelyn W., (Williams), born April 3, 1876.

Mark W. H., born July 18, 1880.

J. C. Paul, born January 8, 1882.

Residence 222 N. Green Street, Ottumwa, Iowa.

141. SUELLA ROSE PIERSON (PENFIELD), A.B.—Born1851, Cleveland, Ohio. Prepared Howe's Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1867 A.M. 1874. Ruthean. Gave Penfield

medal to Military Dept. Iowa Wesleyan. Founder P. E. O.


Married, \V. A. Penfield. 1876,

Children—ReAlso one son. (Deceased.)

& tldence, 1789 E. 55th Street. Cleveland, Ohio.

142. CARRIE POTTER (HOLWICK) A.M—Born February•». 1864 Cleveland, Ohio. Prepared High School, Mt. Pleasant.

AM 1874. Ruthean. P. E. O.. Latin Salutatory. Assistant,

Mt. Pleasant High School, three years. Principal Iowa Wes-leyan Academy one year.

Married Charles A. Holwick, Mt. Pleasant.

Deceased Sept. IS, 1908, Mt. Pleasant. Buried Forest HomeCemet

143. WILLIAM T. ROBINSON, A.B.—Born August, 1850.

Charlestown, Ind. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy.A.M. 1S74. Hamline. Beta Theta Phi. Minister Methodist

Episcopal. For several years Professor Mathematics, IowaWesleyan. Went as missionary to South America in 1880,

where he labored for fourteen years, as follows: Para,

Brazil, later at Rio Janeiro, where he had charge of schools.

Thence to Chili; several years teaching at Coquimbo and Con-

ception. Later he went to Buenos Ayres, where in addition

to preaching and teaching he was publishing agent of South

American Missions. Returned to United States one year on

vacation. Returning to South America, was pastor at Porte

Allegra on east coast of Brazil, 1896. His wife's health fail-

ing, returned to United States and took work in North Ohio

conference. Pastorates: Cleveland, 1898; Russell, 1899.

Went to Ecuador, S. A., as Supt. of Schools, Querits.

Married Cora Walker, 1880, McConnelsville. Ohio.

Children—May, born 1882.

William, born 1887.

Charles, born 1889.

John, born 1891.

Sarita, born 1893.

Juanita, born 1897.

Residence, Delaware, Ohio.


M 144. EZEKIAL SAMPSON, B.S.— Born March 13,

1845, Cornwall County, England. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy, 1866. M.S., 1874. Philomathean. Graduated from

Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, 1882. Soldier in

Civil War; enlisted May, 1864, 44th Iowa Regiment, for 100

days. Afterwards enlisted, 23d Illinois and was discharged,

July, 1865. Minister, Methodist Episcopal. Entered Iowa

Conference September, 1871. Pastorates: Knoxville Cir-

cuit, Otley, Eddyville, Millersburg, Tiffin and Riverside.

Married Isabel Hopkirk, October, 1871, Lockridge, Jeffer-

son County.

Died, Lockridge, Iowa, February 9, 1896.


1874. Phi Delta Theta.

U. S. A., Corp; Co. H, 1st Iowa Cavalry, 1861-64. Princi-

pal Graded Schools. Panora. Lawyer. When last heard from,

in Panora, Iowa.


tember 26, 1844, Clark County, Ohio. Prepared, DenmarkAcademy, Lee County. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1866. A.M.

1874. Beta Theta Pi. D.D. Upper Iowa University, 1888.

Minister, Methodist Episcopal. Pastor of several leading

charges. Iowa conference since 1871. Completed course

Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Pres. Iowa Wes-

leyan 1891-99. Delegate General Conference 1892, 1896, 1900.

Twice Assistant Secretary General Conference. Delegate,

Evuraenical Conference, London, England, 1901. Three years

President of Clear Lake Assembly. Bible instructor two

years. Contributor to various papers, church and secular.

Married, Miss Mary J. Allen, '69 (See No. 90) July 4, 1871,

Mt. Pleasant,

Children—Clarence Allen, born Sept. 22, 1872.

Eva May, born May 7, 1878; died March 11, 1882.

Charles Ralph, (See No. 622), born Sept. 5, 1881.

William Reuben, born April 15, 1889; died June

19, 1913.

Residence, West Liberty, Iowa.


147. JENNIE WHITE (WILSON), B.S.—Born Febmai y :;.

L851, Hanover. Ohio. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy.

M S. 1874. Ruthean. PI Beta Phi

Married W. O, Wltoon, (See No. 131), Mt. Pleasant, Sep-

tember 14. 1871.

Children—Henry Drummond, born January 19, 1873; died

April 22, 1889.

Grace Joy, born Mch. 16, 1875; died May 9, 1876.

Olive Plymouth, born April 13. 1878.

Paul White (See No. 739), born Dec. 28, 1885,

Residence, 1174 W. 39th St. Los Angeles, Cal.

Class of 1872

148. JENNIE BECK (SMITH), B.S.—Born December 14,

1844 Hocking Co.. Ohio. Prepared, Oskaloosa College. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1869. M.S. 1875. Ruthean. Teacher,

public schools, 1872-75. Secretary Iowa National Conference,

\V. P. M. S., 1875-83. Branch organizer, W. F. M. S. 1882-90.

Delegate twice to General Executive Committee W. F. M. S.

also Field Secretary, Des Moines Branch and Member Board

Of Managers since 1892.

Married, Rev. D. C. Smith, April 18, 1895, Ottumwa,

Residence, South Schuyler St., South Ottumwa, Iowa.


Alamosa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1868. A.M. 1874. Hamline.

Phi Delta Theta. Principal Holston Seminary, New Market,

Pa. 1872-73. Public Schools, Sutton, Neb, 1878. City Clerk,

Kearney. Neb., 1879-81. County Atty. Buffalo County, Nebr.


Editor Kearney Times 1883-87. Educator. Supt.

City Schools, Mosca. Colo.

Died 1913. Greenwood, Iowa.


Born March 12, 1850, Pittsburg, Pa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1866. A.M. 1875. Ruth-

ean. Missionary, Mexico and South America.

Married Samuel W. Siberts, (See No. 162) Sept. 7, 1873, Mt.



Children—Paul R., born November 29, 1875.

Bessie Jewel, born December 6, 1877.

Olive Ruth, born December 29, 1881.

Winifred, born June 23, 1884.

Sara Miriam, born July 12, 1890.

Temporary address, 1725 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111.

Residence, Mercedes, Argentina, South America.

151. LAURA GASSNER, (CRAVER), B.S.—Born Feb. 13,

1853, Sharonville, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1869. M.S.

1875. Ruthean. In Missionary work with husband since 1876,

as follows: Guanejuita, Mexico, 1876-83. Silao, Mexico, 1883-

Silao, Mexico, 1883-84; Querito, Mexico, 1884-89, Puebla,

Mexico 1889-95 where Mr. Craver was presiding elder and Pres.

of Puebla College and Theological Seminary. In 1898 trans-

ferred to South America Conf. and is still connected with that

work. Lived in Paraguary, Uruguay and Argentina, engaged

in district work, day school work and had charge of Theologi-

cal Seminary. Honorary "I. C." Pres. of 1st Y. W. C. A. or-

ganized in South America. Member of "National Council of

Women" of Argentina.

Married Samuel P. Craver, graduate of Iowa College and

Boston Theological Seminary, Sept. 22, 1875, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Olive Harriet, born July 28, 1876, deceased.

Frederic Butler, born Mar. 23, 1878.

Bertha Josephine, born July 14, 1880, deceased.

Robert, born Feb. 1884.

Helen, born July 1, 1886, deceased.

^ Charles Wilbur, born Nov. 8, 1894.

All children born in Mexico. The ashes of three that have

died rest in one tomb in American Cemetery, Mexico.

Foreign address, 718 Cable Corientes, Buenas Aires, Ar-


Home address, 209 East Madison Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

152. NEWTON J. HENTON, A.B.—Born Oskaloosa. Pre-

pared Oskaloosa High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1868.

A. M., 1875. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Many years City Clerk

Albany, Ore. Pharmacist.


Married Sarah Cole. Oskaloosa.

Children—Three daughters. (One married, one deceased.)

Died, Albany. Ore., 1903.

153. IDA HINMAN, B.S.—Born Keokuk. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1S70. M.S., 1875. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. A.M.

Columbian University. Washington, D. C, 1902. Graduate

work. Cambridge, Mass, and Northwestern University, Ev ins-

ton. Author of "Washington Sketch Book and Supplements,"

and contributor to various secular and religious periodicals.

Residence, Keokuk, Iowa.

154. JOHN ADAMS HOFFMAN, A.B.—Born April 23,

1851, Jackson, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1867. Beta

Theta Pi. Second honors of class. Lawyer. Admitted to bar

1873. Judge, Second Circuit, Sixth District, 1884.

Married Anna Wallace, graduate Mt. Pleasant Seminary,

December 15, 1875.

Children—Wallace, born January 5, 1877; died Feb. 15, 1907

Mary, born Aug. 29, 1878; died July, 1890.

Ripley C, born December 9, 1881.

David A., born December 8, 1883.

John A., Jr. born Sept. 13, 1889; died March 1891

Donald, born October 9, 1891.

Residence, 215 Twelfth St., Great Falls, Mont.

155. WILLIAM HOME HOPKIRK, A.B.—Born October 13,

1843, Lockridge. Entered from Academy, Iowa Wesleyan 1868.

A.M., 1874. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Third honor

student in class of 30. School teacher, twenty years, as fol-

lows: Ten years Burlington High School, teaching science,

and ten years Principal Public Schools, Burlington Insurance

business since 1892. Secretary of Commercial Club, Ccrner'd

Alene, Idaho. Justice of Pea^e in Kootnai County, Idaho.

Married Etta C. Cowles June 27, 1877. Died Corner'd AleneIdaho, 1915.

Children—Jessie L., born June 7, 1882.

Clarence, born November 28, 1885.

Rollin, born May 19, 1890.


Howard, born March 21, 1894.

Ruth, born June 17, 1879; died February 24, 1881.

Residence 702 Ninth Ave. S., North Yakima, Wash.

156. LAUREN OZIAS HOUSEL, A.B.—Born June 30, 184G,

Parmington, Ohio. Prepared, Public Schools, WashingtonCounty. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1867. A.M. 1875. D.D. Ham-line. Phi Delta Theta. Minister, Methodist Episcopal. Enter-

ed Iowa Conference 1873. Pastorates, Lone Tree, 1873-76;

Granville and Peoria. 1876-78; Montezuma, 1878-80; Ft.

Madison, 1880-82; Mediapolis, 1882-84; Kirkville, 1884-86;

Sigoairney, 1886-87; Northwest Kansas Conference, 1887-89;

Russell, 1889-94; Belleville, 1894-95; Reloit, 1895-98; Norton

District, 1898-1904; Minneapolis, U04. President SummerSchool of Theology, N. W. Kansas Conference. Led delega

tion to Gen. Conf from Northwest Kansas Conf. of Methodist

Episcopal Church.

Married Matilda W. Davidson, October 6, 1874, Muscatine.

Children—Clarew Fletcher, born July 8, 1875; died Febru

ary 24, 1876.

Lauren Chesley, born Dec. 28, 1876.

Alta May, born July 15, 1878.

Lulu Elizabeth, born April 13, 1881; died Febru-

ary 24, 1904.

Roy Ozias, born March 8, 1884.

Merle Matilda, born March 20, 1886.

Floyd Everett, born December 1891.

Residence, Williamsburg, la.

157. CHARLES ALBERT LISLE, A.B.—Born October 13,

1846. Belmont County, Ohio. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy 1867. A.M. 1875. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

Principal West High School, Burlington, 1872-73. Superintend-

ent Red Oak Schools, 1873-74. Principal High School, Bur-

lington, 1874-82. Postmaster Fort Madison, 1882-86. Postmaster

Clarinda 1897-1902. Editor newspaper since 1882. General

Manager Powers Manufacturing Company.

Married (1) Lavina Spry, (See No. 129), January 3, 1872.

Died July 8, 1900.


(I) Mrs Bmmi Harris (Kussel) Feb. 19, 1908, Missouri

Valley, la.

Children—Vesta, born January 17, 1875.

Vernon, born June 30, 1877; died Sept. 20, 1890.

Btatella May, born Marco 12, 1879.

Hdwln, born December 8, 1881.

Edna, born February 11, 1882.

Harvey H., born January 28, 1885.

Lorence S., born Feb. 12, '87; died March 15, 1913

Residence, Clarinda. Iowa.

158. ROBERT R. LYONS, A.B.—Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1868. A.M. 1875.

Died 18S5.

159. ELLA AMELIA PENN, B.S.—Born October 1, 1852.

La Fayette. End. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Pi Beta

Phi. Ruthean. One of the founders of Woman's Guild of

Iowa Wesleyan.

Residence, 408 Broadway, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

160. LULU PENN (INGERSOLL), B.S.—Born Jan. 8,

1854, LaFayette, Ind. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1867. M.S. 1875. Pi Beta Phi.

Married, Jan. 8, 1881, Mt. Pleasant, Frank Ingersoll; died

April 10, 1906, Chicago, 111.

Child—Ullena, (See No. 788), born May 2, 1887.

Residence 408 Broadway, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

161. MARY I. SNYDER, B.S.—Born 1853, Mt. Pleasant.

Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesley-

an 1868. M.S. 1875. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Member Board

of Trustees, Free Public Library, 1902-06. Secy. Board 1917.

Residence, 110 N. Adams St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

162. SAMUEL WESLEY SIBERTS, B.S.—Born June 19,

1847, Ohioville. Pa. Prepared Winfield. M.S. 1874. B.D.

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Ph.D. Boston University. Mis-

sionary, Mexico, 1876-96. Missionary, South America, since


1899. President Theological School, Mexico, five years. Pre-

siding Elder five years. Editor El Abogardo Christiano,

Mexico. Director Nicolas, Iowa Institute.

Married September 4, 1873, Mt. Pleasant, Mary Elizabeth


Children—Paul Raymond, born November 29, 1875.

Jewel Bessie, born December 6, 1877.

Olive Ruth, born December 29, 1881.

Winifred Ferris, born June 23, 1884.

Sara Miriam, born July 12, 1890.

Died March 3, 1908, Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-ica; buried British Protestant Cemetery.

163. MOSES P. WALKER, A.B.—Born June 9, 1847, Sel-

ma, Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1867. A.M. 1875.

One of the organizers of Philomathean Literary Society. Also

charter member Alpha Epsilon Chapter Beta Theta Pi. Stud-

ied law in office of W. A. Jackson. Admitted to Bar 1876.

Assistant pastor Kossuth Circuit 1878.

Children—Cora May, born Apr. 1, 1876; died Sept. 10, 1902

Retta Viola, born March 21, 1878.

Died, August 25, 1879, at Wapello, Iowa.

164. CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT, A.B.—Born June 29, 1849

Glasgow. Prepared Academy, Fairfield. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1868. A.M., 1875. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Lawyer.

Married Mamie Swain, August 16, 1883, Modesto, Cal.

Child—Alfred, born April 26, 1889.

Died Feb. 1906.

Class of 1873

165. FLORA A. BAUGH, A.B. — Born August 26, 1854,

Casstown, Ohio. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1870. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Died July 30, 1874, Mt. Pleasant, la. Buried Forest Home.

166. JOHN W. BOYER, A.B.—Born 1847 Green Co., Pa.

Prepared Common Schools. Entered Wesleyan 1869. A.M.

1861. Unmarried. All trace lost. From his brother, Jas W.


Boyer, (See Xo. S3) of Prescott, Iowa we have obtained the

following information: "John W. Boyer was last heard < i

by his family in 1876. He was thought to have gone to Min-

neapolis, Minn. In about 1882 some of the flour mills were

blown up by an explosion of mill dust. In the fire which en-

sued many of the employees were killed or injured. In the

casualty list which appeared in the paper the day following

the name John Boyer appeared among the dead at the Wash-burn Mills. A letter was immediately sent to the WashburnCompany and the reply came back that this John Boyer

had been claimed by a relative and the body taken to Indiana

lor burial; however, as the years passed by and John did not

return the suspicion has ever been increasing with his family

that this was a ruse on the part of the Washburn people cO

avoid litigation for damages, or that there might have been

an unintentional error on their part and that the body wasentirely cremated or buried among the unknown dead."

167. JAMES ANCIL BRIGGS, A.B.—Born September 21,

1854. Indianola. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1869. A.M. 1876.

Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Admitted to Bar 1875. Was mem-ber of law firm of Anderson & Briggs, 1875-80. Contributor

to Des Moines Register.

Died, March 1880, at Knoxville, Iowa.

168. EDWARD ASHLEY GIBBS, B. S.—M. S. 1876. Phi

Delta Theta. Lawyer.

Residence, 624 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal.

169. ANNA S. KERNS, A.B.—A.M. 1876. Teacher of Art.

Artist of unusual ability.

Died, 1890, Missouri Valley, Iowa.

170. CHARLES F. KNOWLTON, B.S.—Born May 18,

1853, Fayette County, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1869.

M.S. 1876. Hamline. Charter member Iowa Alpha, Phi Del-

ta Theta. Lawyer. City Atty., New Sharon. Asst. City At-

torney, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1884-90. Asst. Pros. City Attorney,

1898-1902. At present Gen'l Mgr. Indianapolis & Chicago

Traction Co., Indianapolis, Ind.


Married Anna M. Arnold, May 6, 1878, Cedar Rapids.

Children—Prentiss J., born 1884.

Clarence, born 1887.

Residence, Indianapolis, Ind.

171. WILBUR F. MARK, B.S.—Entered from Iowa Wes-leyan Academy 1869.M.S. 1876. Lawyer. Son of Rev. BannerMark, for a long time faithful servant of the Methodist Epis-

copal Church in the Iowa Conference.

Died January 1913.


—Born September 11, 1853, Miarquette, Mich. Entered Iowa

Wes!eyan 1867. A.M. 1876. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Vale-

dictorian, Ruthean, 1873. Valedictorian Senior Class. Oneyear Eng. Lit. University of Michigan. Adjunct Professor

Eng. Lit., Cornell College, Iowa, 1877-83.

Married Joseph O. Dobson, May 11, 1884, Hot Springs, S.D.

Children—James Martin, born March 27, 1885.

John Vincent, born May 3, 1886.

Jessie Vera, born January 27, 1888.

Even Wever, born August 2, 1893.

Paul Hancher, born July 13, 1897.

Residence, Mt. Vernon, Iowa.


1876. Phi Delta Theta. LL.B. State University of Iowa,

1880. Prof. Mathematics, Napa College, 1873-74. Prin. High

School, Georgetown, Cal., 1874-75. Editor "Vindicator,"

Estherville, 1884-90. Member St. Leg., Iowa, 1887-90. Sec. of

State, Iowa, 1890-1900. Insurance. Died suddenly in depot at

St. Paul, Minn.

Died July 15, 1905, St. Paul. Buried Brooklyn, la.

174. NORMAN FERMAN TERRY, B.S.—Born October 3,

1852, Kossuth. Prepared, Winfield High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1870. M.S. 1876. M.D. Miami Medical Col-

lege 1876. Division Surgeon Missouri Pacific Ry., 1888-94.

Also Surgeon Springfield Mo., Hospital. Member Missouri

State Medical Assn.




Married, 1S81, Leora Hibler, graduate Washington Park

Seminary, •('lass of 1881."


175. LEONORE M. TICER, B.S.—M.S. 1876. Pi Beta Phi.

Residence, unknown.


tember 20, 1845, Cincinnati. Prepared, Baptist College, Bur-

lington. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870. M.S. 1876. Success-

ful, live stock raiser and cattle dealer.

Married Ida E. Card, Tremont, Ohio, 1883.

Children—Blanche E., born January 2, 1885.

Florence M., born October 12, 1886.

Laura Mae, born May 13, 1887.

Helen Charlene, born November 18, 1895.

Residence, 852 Buena Vista Street, Los Angeles, Cal.

177. JOHN QUINCY WORK, B.S.— Born Birmingham.

Prepared, Birmingham. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870. M.S.

1876. Taught School, Fairfield, 1873-74. Lawyer. Beganpractice, Allerton, 1874. Lamar, Mo., since 1884. Real Es-


Married Mary M. Combs, October 13, 1880.

Children—Wayne D., born February 19, 1883.

Millie May, born March 13, 1887.

Hugh, born February 18, 1900.

Residence, Lamar, Mo.

Class of 1874

178. HATTIE BURTON, A.B.—Prepared, Mt. Pleasant

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1871. A.M. 1877.

Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Specialized in Mathematics.


Children—May Burton (Batchelor).

Hattie Burton (Leach).

( ) ; deceased.

Residence North Adams Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


179. STELLA LORETTA COMSTOCK (SAUNDERS),B.S.—Born November 20, 1852, Burlington. Prepared private

school, Burlington. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1872. M.S., 1877.

Ruthean. P.E.O. Sisterhood.

Married D. Saunders, June 17, 1875, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Gertrude Stella, born Apr. 14, 1876; died March9, 1914.

Eva Flora, born Jan. 31, 1878; died Dec. 4,, 1896.

Carl Henry, born Mar. 27, '81; died Nov. 27, '96.

B. Dorothy.

Elsie Ruth.

Claude Austin born Apr. 20, '90; died Oct. 21, '97

Willey, born July 19, 1892; died Aug 5, 1893.

Residence 501 S. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb.


buque, 1854. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan 1869. A.M. 1877. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. State

Pesident Illinois P. E. O. President N. W. branch Women'sForeign Missionary Society.

Married H. B. Williams Feb. 1883, Bloomfield.

Children—John Corkhill, born November 28, 1883; died

October 1908.

Lucy Marie, born October 12, 1889.

Residence, 1940 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111.


Born March 17, 1856, Carlyle, Ky. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870

A.M. 1877. Ruthean. Teacher, Public School, California,


Married Dr. E B. Ringland, a graduate of College of Fhysid

ians and Surgeons, Keokuk, June 5, 1883, Winfleld.

Children—Glenneweir, born August 19, 1884.

Evan B., born February 16, 1889.

Died August 10, 1891, at Hamilton, 111. Buried Keokuk, la.



Married Prof. Biersworth, of Harvard University, Los An-

geles, Cal.

Residence Long Beach, Cal.



Bnren County. Prepared, Troy Academy, Davis County.

Entered lowe Wesleyan 1869. A. M. 1877. B. D. 1880.

Boston rnivirsity. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theia.

Won debating contest. Valedictorian for Philomathean sen-

ior year. S.T.B., School of Theology, Boston, 1881. Minister,

Methodist Episcopal. Appointments Iowa Conference. 1874-

7^ Various appointments, New England Conference. NewEngland Southern Conference, 1878-83. Transferred, Iowa

Conference 1883-S6. Idaho, 1886-87. Returned, Iowa Confer-

1S87-1902. Conference Evangelist, 1903-06. Retired,


Married Miss Luella S. Woodard, October 13, 1887, Keokiik.

Graduate of Penn College, Oskaloosa.

Residence, Muscogee, Oklahoma.

184. LIDA J. HAMILTON (SAWERS), A. B.—Born Janu-

ary 26, 1853, Clermont County, Ohio. Prepared public schools.

Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1870. A.M. 1877. Ruth-


Married Edward H. Sawyers, Presbyterian Minister. April

10. 1878, Mt. Union.

Children—Edith Duncan, born January, 1879.

Agnes Wilson, born August, 1880.

Charles Williams, born March, 1882.

Laura Hamilton, born February, 1888.

Residence. R. F. D. No. 3, Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada.

135. CASSIUS L. HASKELL, (LE CLERE), A.B.—A.M.1^77. Married Rev. Prudy LeClere, deceased.

One child, deceased.

Died WTest New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y., 1901.

186. ANNETTE HUSTON, B.S.—Born near Dodgeville,

Des Moines county. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1871. M.S. 1877.

Teacher for many years in rural schools of Des Moines

County, Iowa.

Deceased, 1900.

187. WELLINGTON H. LA MONTE, B.S.—Born April 25,

1851. Delaware County, N. Y. Prepared Keokuk High School.


Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870. M.S. 1877. Philomathean. Phi

Delta Theta. Law Student, Keokuk. City Attorney, Hamil-

ton, 111.

Married Nellie Wilbur, Hamilton, 111., June 23, 1874.

Children—Jessie, born September 15, 1875.

Leonora, born August 31, 1877.

Mary, born August 15, 1880.

Austin, born June 19, 1888.

Elizabeth, born January 15, 1890.

Thomas, born December 23, 1892.

Died, Hamilton, 111.

188. JOHN FRANCIS LEECH, B.S.—Born. July. 9, 1848,

Bloomfield. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870. M.S. 1877. Philo.

Admitted cadet West Point, from Montana 1865. Soon after

graduation admitted to the bar. Editor Mt. Pleasant Journal

1874-77. Admitted to Henry Co., Bar 1879 and practiced law

continuously. Elected nine times mayor of Mt. Pleasant.

City Water System and Municipal Light Plant established un-

der his administration. Charter member and one of the

founders of Municipal league of Iowa. Trustee of Mt. Pleas-

ant Public Library. Several years trustee Iowa Wesleyan.

Married Belle Evelyn ReQua, (Mt. Pleasant Seminary

1874) (See No. 855.) Sept. 28, 1880, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Died Feb. 9, 1906, Biloxi, Miss.

Buried Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Forest Home.

189. JAMES W. LOVE, B.S.—M.S. 1877. Lawyer.

Died, Fremont, Neb., 1894.

190. WILLIAM O. NORVAL, B.S.—Born September 15.

1851, London Mills, 111. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1870. M.S.

1877. In real estate business.

Married Jennie Du Mars Oct. 28, 1875, Peoria County, 111.

Children—Stella Mary, born November 14, 1876.

Lulu Bertha, born July 18, 1879.

Lillian May, born September 16, 1881.

George Oliver, born June 2, '84; died Apr. 1, '86.

Residence 24 Broadway Circle, Oklahoma City, Okla.


191. JAMES A. PENICK, B. S.—Bom 1854, Eddyville. En-

tered Iowa WVMryan 1871. Beta Th.-ta Pi. M.S. 1877. Mem-ber Twt'iitj--seventh General Assembly of Iowa, representing

Liu as County. Lawyer.

Married [da 11 Wm L876, Chariton Iowa; died July 1915

at Chariton, Iowa.

Children—Loyd. bom 1879.

Raymond, born 1890.

Idence, Chariton. Iowa.


8, 1S57, Melmore .Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered towa Wesleyan 1870. A.M. 1877. Ruthean.

Married, December 25, 1875, Burlington, James N. Tolley.

Children—Clarence L., born September 25, 1876.

Frank E., born January 28, 1878.

James R., born July 3, 1881.

Netta Ruth, born July 26, 1883; died March 1885.

Died February 1884, Fairfield, Iowa.

193. EDWARD A. ROBINSON, A.B.—August, 1854, In-

diana. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School and Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy. A.M. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Minister.

Pastorates, Melrose, Cincinnati, Keosauqua, Riverside.

Married Maud Weaver.

Child—Edward.Died Ottumwa, Iowa, August 22, 1895.

194. ELIZA J. STEPHENS, A.B.—A.M. 1877.

Died at Storm Lake, 1886.

195. ANNA R. TRITES (CRANDALL), B.S.—Born Janu-

ary 25, 1854, Canton, 111. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870. M.S.

1877. Vice-President Ruthean. Charter member and Vice-

President Athenian Literary Society. Associate editor "IowaClassic." Taught school 1878-79. Sunday School worker.

Took charge census 1900. School census 1904.

Married Harry J. Crandall July 3, 1879, Mt. Pleasant; died

July 28, 1896 at Panama, Iowa.


Children—Harry T.;born October 21, 1880.

Mellone P., born September 16, 1883.

Marc D., born March 3, 1887.

Lewis O., born Aug. 11, 1888; died Feb. 14, 1889.

Cora Anna, born May 14, 1894.

Julia E., born Nov. 8, 1896; died Nov. 10, 1896.

Residence, Brighton, Iowa.

196. JOHN C. WHARTON, A.B.—Born January 4, 1850,

Zanesville, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1871. A.M. 1877.

L.L.B. Hamline. President Board of Trustees Presbyterian

Theological Seminary, Omaha, Neb. Raised many thousands of

dollars in Eastern cities for this Seminary. Attorney eight

years, Illinois.

Married, January 20, 1876, Mamie Fitzgerald, Mt. Pleasant;


Children—Gerald A., born March 7, 1880.

Glenn Carlton, born August 20, 1882.

Residence, Omaha, Neb. lP.fl

Address, Suite 818 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.

197. JOHN TINGLEY WHEELER, A.B.—Born February

10, 1854, Greencastle, Ind. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870. A.M.

1877. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi.

Married, February 1892, St. Paul, Minn., Mary Yandes.

Children—Mary Anna Yandes.

Katherine Elizabeth.

Died January 21, 1898, Ormond, Fla.


Iowa Wesleyan 1871. M.S. 1877. Lecturer, authoress and

musician. A very brilliant woman.Deceased.

Class of 1875

199. FRANK W. ADAMS, A.B.—Born Newark, Ohio. Pre-

pared Kossuth Academy and Burlington Baptist College. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1871. A.M. 1878. B.D. Boston Uni-


Vanity School of Theology, 1S81. Philomathean. Phi Delta

Theta. Columbus Chautauqua Association three terms. Sev-

eral years Professor of Greek in Iowa Wesleyan.

Married. (1) Jennie Robinson, Northfield, 1878.

(2) Minnie Wayman, New London, 1885.

Children—Margaret R., died Nov. 1908.

Olive W.Harriet M.

Died May 1911, at Morning Sun, Iowa.

200. JOHN TIN LEY BROOKS, B.S.—Born October 17,

1850, Keokuk County. Prepared, Oxford, Ohio. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1871. Haruline. Delta Tau Delta. Associate Edi-

tor Iowa "Classic." Practiced law, Sigourney, 1876. One of

the founders of town of Hedrick, Iowa; organized Bank of

Hedrick, 1882; Hedrick Savings Bank, 1899; First National

Bank of Hedrick, 1900; Mayor of Hedrick, 1886-96. Ex Mem-ber of Iowa State Senate.

Married Lucy E. White, May 21, 1879, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Mary, born March 10, 1884.

Florence, born December 13, 1885.

Alice Elizabeth, born April 22, 1891.

John White, born March 18, 1893.

Residence, Hedrick, Iowa.

201. ISAAC NEWTON CARVER, B.S.—Born October 11.

1847, Ripley County, Iiid. Prepared District Schools, Wapello

County. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870. Philo. M.S. 1878;

Ph.C. 1875. Chosen representative of students 25th anniver-

sary of Iowa Wesleyan. Taught school, Iowa and Kansas, twoyears. Registered pharmacist, 1885, Kansas and Oklahoma.

Married Emma Rebecca Purnell Feb. 25, 1877, Ottumwa.Two children, died in infancy.

Residence, Haviland, Kansas.

202. CLINTON A. COLLINS, B.S.—Born April 19, 1855,

Knoxville. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1871. M.S. 1878. BetaTheta Pi. Cashier Bank, Wahoo, Neb.

Married Ella Jamison May 18, 1876, Morning Sun.

Child—Ethel Collins, April 4, 1879.

Died March 27, 1913, WTahoo, Neb.


203. JOHANNA DISBRO, B.S.—M.S. 1879.

Residence unknown.

204. JOHN JAMES FITZGERALD, B.S.—Born January 5,

1856, Mason County, Ky. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1873. M.S. 1878. Beta Theta Pi.

Studied law with Wbolson and Babb. Admitted to bar, 1877.

Associated with Major T. A. Bereman in practice of law. Oneof Directors Florida Chautauqua, DeFuniak Springs, Fla. Hashelped to build up one of the largest Chautauqua Associations

in the United States. Trustee Iowa Wesleyan University.

Florida Manufacturer. Engaged in lumber and timber business

Married (1) Anna Smith October 31, 1878, Pekin, 111.; died

August 27, 1903.

(2) Miss Rebecca Hay, Dec. 26, 1906, Poley, Ala.

Children—Isabell, born December 1, 1879.

Catherine (Shepard), born Aug. 3, 1881; died 1915

John Wallace, born September 1, 1883; died Feb.

15, 1907.

Anna, born June 9, 1889.

Henry Paul, born May 26, 1893.

Ruth, born October 19, 1895.

Donald C, born March 13, 1897.

Residence, Poley, Alabama.

205. JACOB J. FRAZEE, A.B.—A.M. 1878.

Deceased. Mesa, Arizona. (?)


October 28, 1855, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Semi-

nary. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1872. M.S. 1878. Valedictor-

ian. Ruthean. State President P. E. O. Sisterhood, 1894-95.

State Secretary Woman's Home Missionary Society, 1879-80.

Teacher, 1875-76. President Woman's Relief Corps. Daughter

American Revolution. Contributor, Woman's Club and liter-

ary work.

Married Franklin B. Bryant, Sept. 24, 1878, Omaha, Neb.


Children—Frank Darwin, born July 27, 1880.

Torrey Ferree. born September 19, 1881.

Arthur Clark, born June 19, 1885.

William Cullen, born June 2, 1891.

Marjorie. born December 23, 1896.

Residema »">-•"> N. 41st Avenue, Omaha, Neb.

207. EMMA E. KENYON, B.S.—M.S. 1878. Pi Beta Phi.

Last heard from, in Kellogg, Iowa. Letters returned.

208. FLORENCE A. LYNCH, (GROSS), A.B.—A.M., 1878.

Died October 2, 1891, Leadville, Colo.

209. WILLIAM C. McDOWELL, B.S.—Born January 24,

1855. Harrisville. Pa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant public schools.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1872. M.S. 1878. Philomathean.

Beta Theta Pi. Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia,

1878, M. D. City physician, Mt. Pleasant, several years. Coro-

ner, Henry County eight years. Physician, Chicago, since


Married Flora M. Housel, June 2, 1891, Mt. Pleasant.

Residence 854 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, 111.


ber 19, 1853, Covington, Ind., Fountain Co. Prepared, Central

University, Pella. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1870. M.S., 1878.

Hamline. Delta Tau Delta. Editor, "Wilber, Neb., Republi-

can," 1882-83. Publisher, Chase County "Chronical," 1885 90.

Member Nebraska House Representatives, 1889-90. Twice

Prosecuting Attorney of his District. Delegate Republican

National Convention, Minneapolis, 1892. Postmaster, Im-

perial, Neb. Lawyer.

Married Miss Mary E. Hines, June 27, 1877, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Lulu Leota, born May 6, 1879.

Sarah Mabel, born April 18, 1880.

Myra Margaret, born May 30, 1882.

Suella Blanche, born June 6, 1884.

Cleo May, born March 27, 1887.

David Franklin, born February 14, 1890.

Charles Edwin, born December 16, 1891.


Cordelia Marie, born December, 1894; died Feb-

ruary 14, 1895.

Residence, Imperial, Chase Co., Neb.

212. GENEVIEVE POTTER (CASE), A.B.—Born Cleve-

land, Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1873. A.M. 1878. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sister-

hood Elocutionist, Dramatic Impersonator for many years.

Married Homer W. Case, Pittsburg, Pa.

Residence, 4008 Brooklyn Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

213. EMILY CAROTHERS PUTNAM, (STOVER), A.B.—Born, Washington Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1872. A.M. 1878. Ruthean. Phi Beta

Phi. Very efficient teacher. Aggressive and critical student

of English Literature.

Married Hon. W. S. Stover, June 26, 1907, Ft. Collins, Colo.,

died Oct. 8, 1908.

Child—Stephen George, died April 1915.

Residence 3711 Mesa Street, Los Angeles, Cal.

214. LAURA SHERMAN (STUBBS), B.S.—Born January

13, 1857, Chester, 111. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wjesleyan 1872 or '73. M.S. 1879. Ruthean.

Married, September 9, 1880, Mt. Pleasant, Mr. I. N. Stubbs.

Children—Blanche, born April 24, 1882

Roy, born January 11, 1884

Fred, born October 20, 1885.

Edward, born March 6, 1888.

Died, April 22, 1888, Williamsburg, Kansas.

215. MARY V. TEETER, (THOMPSON), B.S.—M.S. 1878.

Died June 1878, Ottumwa, Iowa.


September 26, 1853, North English. A.B. 1876. Prepared,

North English public schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan Wes-

leyan 1872. Pi Beta Phi. A.M. 1879.

Married Rev. William A. Gibbons, State University of Iowa,

November 18, 1880, North English.

Residence Strawberry Point.

1875-76] ALUMNI RECORD 1»6

217. EMMA WILLEY (YOUNG), A.B. — Born May 18,

18*7, Quincy. 111.. Prepared Mt. Pleasant. Entered Iowa Wes.

leyan 1872. A.M. 187S. Ruthean. Taught school, Grammar

Department. Malvern Schools, 1883-84; Grammar School, Fre-

mont. Nebraska. 1884-85. Specialized in Primary and Kinder-

pan on work. Excellent teacher.

Married Augustus L. Young, graduate Iowa State Univer-

sity. August 18, 1885, Mt. Pleasant; died 1890.

Children—Blaine A., born September 9, 1887.

Ruth E.. born December 4, 1889.

Residence, Merriman. Neb.

Class of 1876

218. MORRIS BAMFORD, B.S.—Born, 1849, Muscatine.

Prepared, Washington Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1876.

MS 1879. Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Services

in Iowa, southern Kansas, and western Nebraska Conferences.

Served many important churches in each conference.

Married Frances C. Melick, 1872.

Children—Geneva, born 1878.

Gertrude, born 1880.

Daisy, born 1886.

Paul, born 1889.

Frances, born 1896.

Residence, 1129 West Third Street, Hastings, Neb.

219. DAVID OLIVE COLLINS, A.B.—Born November 1,

1854 Knoxville. Prepared, Knoxville High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1872. A.M. 1879. Beta Theta Pi. Admittea

to bar and practiced law, Knoxville, several years. Editor of

"Knoxville Journal" at time of death.

Married, Victoria Thompson, 1878, Evanston, 111.,

Child—Ward O., born May 1879; died February 4, 1885.

Deceased; Knoxville, Iowa.

220. JOSEPH M. FEGTLY, B.S.—M.S. 1879.

Residence 511 Merton Ave., Pasedena, Cal.


221. GEORGE WESLEY HOLLAND, A.B.—Born June 13,

1852, Lee County. Prepared, public schools and Axeline's Acad-

emy, Fairfield, la. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1871. A.M. 1879.

Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Bank Cashier. During senior

year was captain of military company at Iowa Wesleyan. Wasdelegate to the oratorical contest held in Des Moines in 1875.

Taught two years. 1880 elected cashier of Richardson Coun-

ty bank of Falls City, Neb., which he organized and still has

the same position. Was delegate from Nebraska to National

Republican Convention held in Minneapolis in 1892.

Married Ida Schock, June 16, 1880, Falls City, Nebraska.

Children—Florence Elizabeth, born April 16, 1881; died

Aug. 6, 1881.

Edna Sarah, born November 9, 1883.

Adaline Mildred, born March 28, 1888.

Gladys Ethel, born January 14, 1897.

Residence, Falls City, Neb.

222. FRANCES M. HUNGERFORD, B.S.—Born in Conn.

M.S. 1879. Died in Connecticut.


29, 1848, Wabash, Ind. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1871. A.M. 1879. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. B.D. 1878.

Boston University School of Theology. Minister, Methodist

Episcopal. Missionary, Bolivia, South America, 1878. Driven

out by war, 1897; went to Chili, where for one year was Chap-

lain Seamen's Evangelical Society, Valparaiso. President

American College, Concepcion, Chili, 1880-83. Returning to

United States took work Des Moines Conference, 1883-1905.

Has written and published number of poems. Contributor,

several secular and church papers. Trustee Simpson College.

Married Nellie Jane Dungan, July 22, 1878, Mt. Pleasant, la.

Children—Alexander Balfour, born Aug. 24, 1879.

Elena, born August 18, 1881.

Mabel Verne, born March 22, 1886; died March

24, 1887.

Warren Emmet, born December 27, 1887.

Lucile, born March 16, 1896.

Residence, Winchester, Kansas.


224. ALLEN C. JENNIS, A.B.—A.M. 1879. Phi Delta

Theta. M I>. State I nive-rsity of Iowa, 1879. Cornell, 1884-

BS. SditOT "Republican", Marengo, 1876-77. Principal High

School. Marengo, 1876*77; Centerville. 1S86-87. Druggist,

Pittsburg, Kan.

Died, Port Arthur. Texas, 1S92.

225. HATTIE KETCHEM, A.B.—Horn Wappinyus Falls,

N.Y. Prepared, public schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1871.

A.M. 1879. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Member first delegation

to State Contest, Iowa City, 1875-76. Teacher, decorative art

needle work. Sixteen years Secretary Ladies' Library As-

sociation, also Secretary Library Club.

Died Nov. 12, 1915, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Buried Forest

Home Cemetery.

226. ANDREW K. LIND, A.B.—Born 1851, Monroe Coun-

ty. Prepared, public schools, Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1872. A.M. 1879. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Govern-

ment employ, Postoffice Department.

Married Rena B. Hanks, Oct. 26, 1882, Knoxville; deceased.

Children—Ida M.

Alma G.

John E.

Residence, Washington, D. C.

227. KATE MONTGOMERY (KEELER), B. S. *—BornJanuary 10, 1859, Trenton, la. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant HighSchool. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1874. M.S. 1879. Ruthean.

Married Walter E. Keeler, May 1, 1895, Trenton.

Step-child—George Townsend, (See No. 762)

Residence, La Grange, 111.

"First graduate Scientific Department, Iowa Wesleyan.

228. JOHN W. PALM, A.B.—Born October 23, 1850, Ohio.

Prepared, M P. H. S. and Howe's Academy. Entered IowaWesleyan, 1875. A.M. 1879. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. After

graduation engaged in teaching in Des Moines one year.

Studied law in office of Woolson and Babb at Mt. Pleasant

1872. Admitted to bar 1874. Appointed 1877 to fill vacancy


Superintendent of Schools of Henry County upon death of

Prof. Samuel Howe. Editor and publisher of Mt. Pleasant

Journal 1877-90. County Treasurer Henry County, 1887-91.

County Auditor Henry County, 1391-95. Postmaster Mt. Pleas-

ant, 1897-1906. Filled office of Secretary and President HenryCounty Agricultural Ass'n for many years. Now retired from

active politics and engaged in the pursuit of horticulture.

Married Florence E. Andrews, Feb. 19, 1879, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Edward H., born Sept. 6, 1881.

Mary S., born Sept. 20, 1884.

Margaret C, born January 25, 1894.

Residence, 504 South Walnut St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

229. HENRY J. PHILPOTT, B.S.—Born May 3, 1850, Des

Moines County. M.S. 1879. Teacher, writer and editor. Uni-

ted States Land Agent for a time in Arizona. Edited "Des

Moines Million." Assistant Editor "Des Moines Leader."

Married Miss Catherine Cregor, May 9, 1875, Peru.

Children—Merlin Guy, born April 28, 1876.

Raymond Shelley, born August 11, 1877.

Vernon Lyett, born December 26, 1881.

Irma, born July 15, 1884.

Mabel, deceased.

Died at Niles, Cal., September 23, 1893.

230. GEORGE A. RANKIN, B.S.—Born September 5, 1857,

Keosauqua. Prepared, Keosauqua public schools. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1874. M.S. 1879. Philomathean. Beta Theta

Pi. Lawyer. District Attorney Washoe County, Neb., 1879-


Married, April 29, 1887, San Francisco.

Children—Daughter and Son.

Residence 1324 Park Road, Washington, D. C.


March 20, 1857, Baltimore, Md. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1874. M.S. 1879. Ruthean.

Pi Beta Phi. Studied vocal music under Professor Fish, Iowa


Residence 404 East Washington Street, Mt. Pleasant.


232. FANNIE M. VANCE (RAIKES), B.S—M.S. 1879.

Missionary in a foreign country, where she died.

223. CLAY B. WHITFORD, B.S.—Born Rockville, Ind.,

1S54. Entered Iowa WYsloyan 1872. M.S. 1879. Represent-

ed his college twice in state oratorical contests, once whenSophomore, again when Senior. Beta Theta Pi. Admitted to

Bar, Mt. Pleasant, 1877. where he practiced law for several

years. City Attorney, Mt. Pleasant, 1881. Member Colorado

State Senate, City of Denver, four years, beginning 1889. Ap-

pointed by Governor Thomas to draft new revenue system for

Colorado; same was adopted, is now a law of the state and

regarded as a model. Elected member charter convention,

1903, to draft charter for city of Denver, pursuant to consti-

tutional amendment. The charter so framed was adopted by

the people. Was Democratic candidate for Congress in the

Denver District, 1904, but was defeated.

Married, Ida Kauffman.

Children—Winifred, born April 25, 1900.

Eleanor, born September 39, 1902.

Died July 12, 1914, Denver, Colo.


tember 28, Wapello. Prepared, Muscatine High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1871. A.M. 1879. Philomathean. Phi

Delta Theta. M.D. 1880, Iowa State University Medical

School; valedictorian. Did post-graduate work, medical col-

leges, Chicago and Kansas City. Principal of High School

Garner, Iowa, 1876-78. Member Wyman, Neb., School Board,

1890-96. Secretary Neb. State Home Medical Society, 1886-88.


Married, Lida Bennett November 26, 1885, Wyman, Neb.,

Children—Ralph B., born May 31, 1887.

Mae Irene, born October 10, 1889.

Wilhelm Waldo, born May 8, 1892.

Louis Emerson, born December 1, 1897.

Elsa Amelia, born May 9, 1901.

Residence, Wymore, Nebr.


Class of 1877


Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1873. A.M. 1880. Ruthean.

Married Hardy E. Wycoff, (See No. 268), September 30,

1880, Mt. Pleasant. Died 1896, St. Joseph, Missouri.

Child—Lucile H., born November 2, 1881.

Died March 4, 1884 at Evanston, 111.

236. ANNA BIRDSALL BRADRICK (FIEGENBAUM),B.S.—Born August 18, 1856, Lima, Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleas-

ant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1873. M.S. 1880.

Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Married Dr. Geo. A. Fiegenbaum (See No. 251) October 20,

1880, Mt. Pleasant. Died 1896, St. Joseph, Mo.

Children—Henry Allen, born January 19, 1882.

Helen Mary, born July 30, 1889.

Clara Marguerite, born June 1, 1893.

Residence, 472 North Normal Parkway, Chicago, 111.


Delta Theta. LL.B. State University of Iowa, 1(870. Mayor,

Eddyville. City Attorney, Broken Bow, Neb., 1889. Attorney

at law, Broken Bow.

Died Jan. 1914, Eureka, California.

238. FRANCES VIRGINIA CRAIG, B.S.—Born October 7,

11851, near Fairmount, W. Va. Prepared public schools. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1866. M.S. 1880. Graduate Normal In-

stitute, Newton, 1884. Teacher.

Residence, 907 North Elpaso Street, Colorado Springs,



ary 10, 1855, Bloomfield. Prepared Southern Iowa Normal,

Bloomfield. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, March 1877. M.S. 1880.

Hamline. Admitted to Bar 1878; practiced law ever since.

July 1878, located at Harlan, moving from there to Rock Rapids

six years later. Mayor Rock Rapids 1894-95. Sustained injury


in railroad wreck in Texas from which he never fully re-


Married (1) Nettie Royce, August 5, 1883, Harlan; died

March 9. 1898.

(2) Ellen Thompson Royce, June 12, 1902,

Rock Rapids, Iowa.

Children—Alma, born 16S4.

LaRue, born 1891; deceased.

Erdine. born 1904.



uary 8, 1851. Wabash. Ind. Prepared for college, Corning. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1S73. A.B. 1880. A.M. 1883. D.D. Beta

Theta Pi. One year's graduate work, Philosophy, Boston

University. B.D., Boston School cf Theology, 1880. Minister,

Methodist Episcopal. Entered Des Moines conference 1880.

Freached one year. Teacher and pastor to Conception, Chili,

South. America. Pastor, various charges, Des Moines con-

ference, 1883-85. Went to Utah. Pastorates: Salt Lake,

Park City, Provo City, and Ogden. Transferred, Rock River

conference, 1896; preached at Chicago, and New Lenox. Cor-

respondent "Central Christian Advocate."

Married Rachel Holding, June 18, 1885, Paris, 111.

Child—Ruth Elizabeth, born September 21, 1900.

Residence, Collinsville, Oklahoma.

241. SAMUEL JONES, B.S.—Born May 10, 1857, Bloom-

field. Lawyer. A.B. District Attorney Second Judicial Dis-

trict of Iowa, 1883-87.

Married Sarah Young.

Children—Robert Y.

Ben S.


Residence, Lyons, Kan.

242. ALEXANDER M. LINN, B.S.—Born February 16,

1854, Brownsville, Pa. Prepared Howe's Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1875. M.S. 1880. Philomathean. Phi Delta

Theta. Took part oratorical contest 1876. Superintendent


Schools, Henry County, 1879-81. Graduated, HahnemannMedical College, Chicago, M.D. 1883; valedictorian. Assist-

ant Surgeon Third Regiment, Iowa National Guards, 1889-90.

President Iowa State Homeopathic Society; also Missouri

Valley Medical Society; also Iowa State Board of Health.

Member American Institute of Homeopathy. Member andex-president Board of Directors, Young Men's Christian As-

sociation, Des Moines. Contributed to several medical maga-zines.

Married Elizabeth Guyer, 1896.

Child—Alexander M., Jr., born October 1, 1898.

Residence, 1720 Woodland Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa.

243. SEBERN S. MARTIN, A.B.—Born April 26, 1850, at

Warren, Lee County. Prepared, public schools Primrose, Iowa.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1873. A.M. 1880. D.D. 1905. Philo-

mathean. Minister, Methodist Episcopal. Iowa Conference.

Pastorates: Ottumwa Circuit 1877-79; Melrose, 1879; Morning

Sun, 1880. Spent one year, 1881-82 traveling in Europe,

Egypt, and Palestine. On return, pastor, Morning Sun, 1880;

Keota, 1882; Agency, 1885. Transferred South Kansas Con-

ference, Howard, Kan., 1886; Chanute, 1889; Independence,

1891; Presiding Elder Ottawa District 1893; Ft. Scott, 1899.

Transferred St. Louis conference 1902; pastor Sedalia, Mo.

1902-05. Appointed Commandant of Kansas State Soldier's

Home, by Gov. Capper, taking charge July 1, 1915. Assisted

in raising money and in building first home at Topeka, 1914-15.

Married Elma V. Oneal, June 12, 1883, Bloomfield.

Children—Leslie O., born June 13, 1£84.

Ruth, born April 10, 1886.

Marie, born Aug. 31, 1894.

Residence, Ft. Dodge, Kansas.

244. JOHN PURDUE McCAMMON, A.M.—Born May 25,

1853, Henry County. Prepared common schools. Entered

from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1871. A.M. 1880. Philoma-

thean. Beta Theta Pi. Orator, State Oratorical Contest.



Married Lucy C. Owen Oct. 16, 1889. Sprinfield, Mo.

Children—Elizabeth, born 1890.

John P., born 1893.

Owen, born 1896.

Lucy, born 1899.

William S., born 1902.

Residence, Springfield, Mo.


public schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1873. M.S. 1880.

Member University and World's Congress Extension 1898.

N. E. Conservatory of Music 1886-87. Teachers' Institute, Chi-

cago, 111. Lectures summers of 1896-97. Teacher.

Residence, Dallas City, 111.

246. LESLIE G. RHODES, B.S.—Born May 5, 1852, East

Almond, N. Y. Prepared, Kossuth Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1872. M.S. 1880. Philomathean. State University

of Iowa, M.D. 1881. Practicing physician for many years.

Surgeon Missouri Pacific Railroad, 1885-89. United States

Pension Examiner, 1889-91. Surgical staff, Mercy Hospital,

Lincoln, Nebraska, 1894-96. Member American Medical

Association, and other medical societies.

Married Minnie McHenry, May 4, 1882, Alton, Kan,

Killed in automobile wreck while speeding to an emergen-

cy case at South Haven, Michigan, June, 1915.

.247. EDWIN L. SCHREINER, B.S.—Born September 9,

1840, Washington County, Ohio. Prepared, Howe's Academy.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1876. M.S. 1880. Minister, Metho-

dist Episcopal. Entered Iowa Conference, 1865. Pastorates:

Crawfordsville, 1865; Dodgeville, 1866; Fort Madison, 1868;

Keokuk, First Church, 1870; Ottumwa, Main street, 1873;

Bloomfield, 1874; Newton, 1877; Brooklyn, 1878; Oskaloosa

District, 1879; Welton, 1883; Centerville, 1886; Newton, 1889;

Fairfield, 1890; Albia, 1895; Burlington, Grace Church, 1899;

Albia Ct., 1900; Melrose, 1901; Conference Evangelist, 1903-04.


Married (1) Martha A. Robinson, June 30, 1869, Mt.

Pleasant; died, 1892.

(2) Mrs. Anna C. Johnson, Aug. 30, 1899; Albia.

Children—Maisy, (See No. 422), born January 6, 1871.

Olive (Barnes), (See No. 484), born Sept. 6, 1874.

Died May 8, 1911, at Albia. Buried Forest Home, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa.


tember 21, 1844, Ross County, Ohio. Prepared public schools,

Monroe, Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1872. A.M. 1880.

Taught school, Otley, 1877.

Married Wheatley G. Gooch, May 16, 1880, Ten Mile Sta-

tion, S. D.

Children—Mary Elizabeth and Edward Wheatley, born

January 16, 1884; Edward died January 18, 1884.

Mildred Emily, born June 17, 1886.

Residence, South Bellingham, Washington.

249. GEORGE M. TUTTLE, B.S. — Born Wallace, NovaScotia. Prepared, Mt. Allison College, Sackville, N. B., 1877.

M.S. 1880. Minister, Methodist Episcopal. Vermont Confer-

ence; Pastorates, Glover, 1869; Danville, 1871; Newberry,

1873. Iowa Conference; Morning Sun, 1875; Burlington Ct,

1878; Winfield, 1881; Mediapolis, 1884; Danville, 1887; Monte-

zuma, 1890; Keokuk First, 1892; Bloomfield, 1895; Burlington

District, 1896; Newton, 1902; Fremont, 1903; Brighton, 1904.

S'y '06; Eldon, '07; S'y '08; Retired '13.

Married, (1) Laura M. Carter, November 19, 1874. Am-herst, Nova Scotia; died September 23, 1899.

(2) Mrs. Lou F. Baines, December 19, 1900,


Children—Maud Blanch, November 5, 1875.

Mary Isabel (See No. 644), August 7, 1878.

Arthur Barnes, (See No. 686). December 10, 1880

Residence, 1618 South St., Burlington, Iowa.


Class of 1878

250. NOBLE E. CARPENTER, B.S.—Born January 13

1856, Ottumwa, Iowa. Prepared Wapello Co. Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1874. M.S. 1881. Philomathean. Divis

ion Chief, Office Secretary of the Interior, "Washington, D.C.

1889-90. Special Agent, United States General Land Office

1889-92. Since Oil Inspector. Practiced law. Loans and Real


Married Belle E. Daughters, June 2, 1881.

Children—Lora, born April 22, 1882.

Elva, born Dec. 13, 1890.

Residence 219 E. Maple Ave., Ottumwa, Iowa.


uary 1, 1855, Geneva, 111. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1873. A.M.

1880. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Graduate GermanCollege. Graduate St. Joseph College Physicians and Sur-

geons. Practiced medicine, St. Joseph, Mo., until death.

Married Anna Birdsall Bradrick (See No. 236) October 20,

1880, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Henry Allen Ernest, born January 19, 1882.

Helen Mary, born July 30, 1889.

Clara Marguerite, born June 1, 1893.

Died 1896, St. Joseph, Mo.

252. FRANK E. GREGG, A.B.—Born Des Moines. Entered

from Iowa Wesleyan Acadamy, 1875. A.M. 1881. Hamline,

Beta Theta Pi. Master's oration, 1881. Graduate Boston Uni-

versity Law School, LL.B. Several years Trustee, Iowa Wes-

leyan. Practiced law Lincoln, Neb., Salt Lake City, Utah, and

several years in Denver.

Married, Ella A. Hampton, November 9, 1881, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Helen; deceased.

Imogene H., born January 26, 1895.

Address, 401 McPhee building, Denver, Colorado.

253. EMMA LUCRODE (WEBER), B.S.—Born October 1*25

1861, Jackson, Mo. Prepared Mt. Pleasant high school. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1875. Ruthean and Schiller. M.S. 1881.


First woman graduate German College, 1878. Principle, MtPleasant High School, 1882-85, 1887-90. Professor, ModernLanguage, S. W. K. C. Winfield Kansas, 1890-93. Later in

schools of Yankton, South Dakota, and Cleveland, Ohio. Mem-ber Mt. Pleasant Library Board; member Pekin School Board.

Married Henry Weber, March 25, 1908, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Residence, Pekin, 111.

254. PHILLIPPUS ERNST WINTER, A.B.—Born Novem-ber 1, 1859, Chicago, 111. Prepared, public schools. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1873. A.M. 1881. Philomathean. Schiller.

Phi Delta Theta. Arion Singing Society. College Oratorical

Contest, 1877. Graduate German College. Teacher, three

years, Beardstown, III. Entered Union College of Law, Nov-

ember, li881. Took Horton annual prize for graduating thesis,

and received degree, LL.B., 1883. Lawyer. Practiced, Wymore,Neb., 1883-86, where he was City Attorney two years. Movedto Omaha, Neb., 1891, where he was deputy county attorney,

1895-98; member Board Education, 1898-99; appointed Int.

Dept., 1900; President, Nebraska State Association, Washing-

ton, D.C. Now practicing law at Oklahoma City.

Married Alta S. Kauffman, June 3, 1884, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Max Wilhelm, born June 24, 1885.

Irmgard Christine, born September 29, 1887;

died April 12, 1891.

Jean Grace, born March 24, 1890.

Gladys Kauffman, born February 10, 1892.

Winifred Elsa, born June 17, 1894.

Residence 1014 North Walnut, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Class of 1879

161 255. BEVERLY WAUGH COINER, B.S.—Born Dec.

20, 1857, Leon. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1874. M.S. 1881.

Studied one year State University of Nebraska, 1876-77. Ad-

mitted to bar and practiced law Mt. Pleasant. Mayor Mt.

Pleasant, 1883-84. Prosecuting Attorney, Pierce Co., Wash-ington, 1887-89, and again 1895-96. Major U. S. Volunteer

Army, Spanish-American War, 1898.


Married Ira Hare, November 1, 1880, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Richard T., born December 26, 1882.

Beverly H., born November 26, 1890.

Residence, Tacoma, Wash.

256. ERNEST CHAPIN COLE, B.S.—Born January 18,

1858, Mt. Pleasant. Allen School, West Newton, Massa-

chusetts. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1878. M.S. 1882. Admitted

to Iowa Bar, 1881. Engaged in retail hardware business,

Council Bluffs, 1S86. Engaged in manufacture of hot blast

stoves since 1S95. President Cole Mfg. Co., Chicago.

Married Jennie B. Comstock, March 9, 1881, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Lucretia, born 1882; died 1888.

Clifford C, born June 22, 1884.

Hazel, born 1886; died 1886.

Genevieve, born January 20, 1889.

Margaret, born November 11, 1891.

Ernest R., born June 30, 1894.

Residence, 4730 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111.

257. LAMONTE COWLES, A.B. — Born September 30,

1859, Oskaloosa. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1873. A.M. 1882. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Ad-

mitted to Bar. Practicing law since, Burlington. Has been

Republican Chairman both County and State Committees.

Chairman, Congressional Committee ten years. Three times

City Solicitor of Burlington. Referee in bankruptcy. State

senator 34th and 35th General Assemblies.

Married (1) Hattie E. Kane, Sept. 15, 1885, Burlington,

died 1889, Burlington, Iowa.

(2) Ada S. Miller Nov. 26, 1897, Burlington.

Child—Ethel M., born October 21, 1887.

Residence, 810 N. 5th St., Burlington, Iowa.

258. JOHN REIDE FOULKS, A.B.—Born August 13, 1853,

Mansfield, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1875. A.M. 1882.

President Philomathean, 1879. Phi Delta Theta. Principal

Public Schools; Bloomfield, 1879-80; Villisca, 1880-81. En-

gaged in business since 1881. General Agent New York Life

Insurance Co.


Married Nellie T. Boehner September 22, H890, Malvern.

Children—Merle B., born December 13, 1891; died 1895.

Homer B., born March 31, 1894; died 1894.

Residence Aberdeen, Idaho.


ust 15, 1859, Keosauqua. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1877. A.M. 1882. Ruthean. Pi Beta

Phi. Spent several years in Teheran, Persia, where husband

was medical missionary, having been appointed in Chicago,

1881, by Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. On account

of ill health was compelled to return to America in 1892. Haswritten occassional verses for several periodicals. Delegate

State Oratorical Contest. Taught school one year.

Married Dr. W. W. Torrence, Rush Medical, '80, Feb 3, 1881

Mt. Pleasant; died Feb. 13, 1906, Denver, Colo.

Children—Joseph Gassner, born May, 1882, deceased.

Edna Earl, born 1884, deceased.

Laura Lavanda, born Dec. 11, 1886, deceased.

Gerald A., born Sept. 4, 1|887.

Margaret, (See No. 816), born Nov. 11, 1889.

Mary Eda, (See No. 930), born Dec. 3, 1893.

James Watt, born Aug. 1, 1895.

(Of above, all were born in Persia except Mary and James)

Permanent Address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Temporary Address, Hilts, California.

260. CHARLES F. HARRISON, A.B.—Born January 8,

1857, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Howe's Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1876. A.M. 1882. Hamline. Real Estate

business. President, Omaha Real Estate Exchange, 1903.

Married Agnes McDonald August 24, 1890, Omaha,Residence 5002 Florence Boulevard, Omaha, Neb.


June 13, 1852, Wapello. Prepared Ottumwa Normal School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1875. M.S. 1882. Philomathean. Beta

Theta Pi. Teacher. Principal Morning Sun Public Schools,

two years. Superintendent Knoxville City Schools, one year.

Superintendent Centerville Schools, eight years. Superinten-


dent City Schools. Albia, fourteen years. Member Board

Trustee Iowa Wesleyan, 1900-05. Contributor, several Iowa

and New York school journals. Connected with Department

of Public Instruction at Des Moines April 1914.

Married (1) Merrie Ella McGuigan (See No. 303) June 13,

L88S. Middletown. She was killed by accident Thanksgiv-

ing 1904. while driving with her husband.

(2) Sophronia Burket. Feb. 20, 1908, Joliet, 111; died Dec.

23. 1913. Ottumwa, Iowa.

Children—Ralph Galem, born October 2, 1884.

Robert Leigh, born Dec. 12, '88, died June 17. '05.

*Henry Donal, born Mar. 3, '95, died June 17, '05.

Bovs drowned in Village Creek, 4 miles south of Ottumwa.

Residence 431 Hamilton St., Ottumwa, Iowa.

262 JOHN H. PECK, A.B.—Born 1851. Principal Iowa

Wesleyan Academy, four years. Professor Greek. Iowa Wesley-

an until death, 1885.

Married Kate Vannice.

Children— () ; deceased.


Died April 21, 1885, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

263. CHARLES ARTHUR ROADS, B.S.—Born July 10,

1858 Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1876. M.S. 1882. Hamline. Graduate

Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Business College, 1881. Later, Civil En-


Died September 22, 1897, at Stockton, Cal.


16, 1859, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared Whittier College public

school. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1875. A .M.

1881. LL.D. 1902. Phllomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Won ora-

torical contest, 1879. Delivered Master's Oration, 1882. Ad-

mitted to Bar, 1880. In educational work under Bishop Tay-

lor in Brazil from Oct. 1880, until Feb. 1882; Prin. Agency

public schools from 1882-84; practiced law, Mt. Pleasant, 1884-


85; Principal De Witt public schools, 1885-89; Teacher, West-ern Normal College, Shenandoah, 1889-92; Lincoln NormalUniversity, 1892-93; Superintendent Public Schools, Burling-

ton, 1893-99; President Simpson College, 1899; President State

Educational Association, 1901-02. Special 15 months in SouthAmerica, Brazil as Educational Missionary. Visited Europeand studied in Paris and London.

Married Julia Woodward, October 1880, Mt. Pleasant.

Child—Whitford Huston, born March 31, 1885.

Residence 326 Hyde Park Ave., Scranton, Pa.


ruary 1856, Mt. Pleasant. Entered Iowa W'esleyan 1876. A.M.1-882. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married J. F. H. McKibben, deceased, 1896.

Children—Stella, born 1880.

Maud, born 1883.

Cora, born 1883; died 1884.

Theodore H., born 1885.

Ethel, born 1888.

Ralph E., born 1891.

Harold M., born 1895.

Residence, Topeka, Kan.

266. G. W\ WALTERS, B.S. — Born February 14, 1857,

Pennsylvania. Prepared Howe's Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1878. M.S. 1881. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Prin.

Whittier College, Salem, 188H-83. Teacher, Howe's Academy,

1883-86. Prin. Academy, Iowa Wesleyan, 1886-90. Professor

Mathematics, Iowa Wesleyan, 1887-93. Prof. Pschy. and Phil-

osophy at Iowa Wesleyan. Vice-President 1891-93. Prin.

Whipple Academy, Illinois College, 1893. Prof. History and

Pohilsophy of Education, Iowa State Teachers' College since


Married (1) Jennie Hart, March 27, 1881, Mt. Pleasant;

died 1897 Cedar Falls.

(2) Florence Griffith, 1899 Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Children—Jesse H., born 1882; died 1911.

Mary, born 1885.

Perle A., born 1889.

Residence, 2313 Walnut St., Cedar Falls, Iowa.

B79 80] ALUMNI RECORD - 11

267. MARY E. WATSON, B.S.—M.S.. 1882.

Residence, 1701 South Seventeenth St., Lincoln, Neb.

268 HARDY E. WYCOFF, B.S.—Born Kossuth. Des

Moines County, Iowa May 16. 1858. Prepared Howe's Acad-

emy and Public Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1877. M.S.

Delta Tau Delta. Philomathean. Valedictorian, 1879.

Minister. Methodist Episcopal church; serving various ap-

pointments. 1S79-97. District Manager Life Insurance Com-

pany. 1S97-1917.

Married (1) Emma A. Allen, (See No. 236); died, Evanston,

111 March 4. 1884.

(2) Alma M. Power, 1901, Mediapohs.

Children—Lucile Hope, born Nov. 2, 1881.

Helen Elizabeth, born February 27, 1904.

Residence 315 First Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

269. GEORGE W. YEOMANS, B.S.—M.S., 1882.

Died at Clinton, Iowa, 1885.

Class of 1880


Delta Theta. LLB. Yale, 1885. Prin. Schools, Waterville, Kan

1880-81. Supt. Schools, Greenfield 1881-84. Manager for

Nebraska of N. H. Trust Company. Judge County Court, Se-

ward County, Neb., 1887. Lawyer.

Died, May 1913.

271. EDWIN N. KAUFFMAN, B.S.—Born August 15, 1855,

Dayton. Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1874. M.S. 1883.

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Represented Iowa Wesleyan at

State Oratorical Contest, 1878. Lawyer.

Married, April 21, 1888.

Children—Lawrence E., born February, 1890.

Ruth May, born 1891; died 1904.

Dorothy, born August, 1893.

Alice, born August 21, 1903.

Residence, Wymore, Neb.


272. CAPITOLA McGEE,B.S.—Residence unknown.

273. OTTO WHIT SMITH, A.B.—A.M., 1884. Merchant.

Died, Burlington, Iowa, 1898.


tember 26, 1857, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Fairfield High

School, Burlington and Washington. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1875. A.M. 1883. Ruthean. Valedictorian. P. E. O. Sister-

hood. President of Ruthean three times.

Married Greeley W. Whitford, June 4, 1890, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Kent Shelton, born March 31, 1891.

Ruth Edna, born March 8, 1894.

Helen Jane, born November 20, li896.

Died Jan. 1916 at Denver, Colo.

275. ALBERT JOHN WEBER, B.S.—Phi Deita Theia.

Postmaster, Albia, 1885-89. Editor "Democrat," Albia, 1890.


Residence, 149 P. Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Class Of 1881

276. KATHERINE ALLEN (BALL), B.S.—Born August

7, 1861, Wayland. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1879. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Married, October 18, 1883, Mt. Pleasant, Dr. J. O. Ball, S.

U. I. 1883, D. D. S.

Children—Ellen, born July 7, 1884

Florence, born April 9, 1892.

Newton Allen, born September 29, 1897.

Residence, 4714 16th Ave., Seattle, Washington.


ber 23, 1859, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1879. Ruthean. P. E. O.

Sisterhood. Teacher, Ottumwa, 1882-84; Mt. Pleasant High

School, 1884-88. In missionary work in India with her hus-

band at Moradabad, 1889-90. On account of husband's ill


health, returned to America. Moved to Colorado, 1891, where

Mr. Simmons engaged in pastoral work. Contributor to sev-

eral magazines; also to Sunday School publications, Method-

ist Book Concern; also David C. Cook's publications. Has

been editor house department, various newspapers. Waseditor of "Woman's Work," official paper of the Colorado State

W. H. M. S. Has Written tracts for W. F. M. S.

Married, August 23, 1888, Mt. Pleasant, C. W. Simmons,

<See No. 285.)

Children—Walter E., born July 30, 1889 .

Ruby S.. born July 3, 1891.

Ruth, born 1893; died 1893.

Leroy, born 1895; died 1895.

Grace Mildred, born January 29, 1901.



6, 1857, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1874. A.M., 1888. Philomathean. Minister, Meth-

odist Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa Conference, 1887. Stu-

dent, Boston University, 1890-93. Pastorates in Massachus-

etts and Iowa. Left Iowa Conference 1897 and afterwards

engaged in the drug business.

Married Anabelle Davis, May 1883, Bloomfield.

Children—Charles William, born March 3, 1884.

Pauline, born August 24, 1887.

Died Nov. 1905 at Alberquerque, N. Mexico.


ember 1, 1858, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1877. A.M. 1884. Ruthean.

Married Parke WTilfred Kauffman (See 281) November 28,

1883; died June 13, 1910, Pomona, Cal.

Children—Margaret, born January 23, 1888.

Karl F., born September 2, 1890.

George E., born December 9, 1895.

Florence, born February 18, 1896.

Residence, Pomona, Cal.


Residence, unknown.



4, 1857, Mt. Pleasant. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1875. A.M.

1884. Phi Delta Theta. Represented Iowa Wesleyan twice

in Oratorical Contests. Engaged in educational work from

1881 to 1910.

Married Carrie Ferris, (See No. 279), November 28, 1883.

Children—Margaret, born January 23, 1888.

Karl F., born September 2, 1890.

George E., born December 9, 1894.

Florence, born February 18, 1896.

Died June 13, 1910, Pamona, Cal.

282. MILLIE KENYON (CRELLIN), B.S.—Born Novem-ber 19, 1852, Cascade, Wis. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1870.

M.S. 1884. Ruthean. Teacher, several years, various public

schools. Marengo High School, Washington Academy. Con-

tributor to several periodicals and magazines.

Married E. M. Crellin, Winfield, February 26, 1889.

Died 1911.


ary 2, 1860, Wayne County. Prepared, Ottumwa High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1876. A.M. 1890. Pi Beta Phi. Teach-

er, Ottumwa Schools, Training for Missionary Work, Chicago.

First Missionary from Des Moines branch. Missionary Meth-

odist Episcopal Church.

Residence, Ajmere Rajputana, India.

284. GEORGE W. MARTIN, B.S.—Born March 19, 1854,

Greensburg, Pa. Prepared, Carthage College. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1877. A.M. 1889. Philomathean. Chicago Univer-

sity. Minister. Taught in Kansas eight years in public

school. Nine years in College. Preached 11 years in Okla-

homa. In Kansas four years. In Illinois three years.

Married Louise Bick, 1877 at Canton, Mo.

Children—Arthur J., born 1878.

Delia, born 1883.

Residence—Macomb, 111.



ber S. 1867, Brook* li16, Prepared. Tarpon's College. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1^7'.' I M 1S87. Philomathean. Garrett

Biblical Institute. B D. 1888. Minister, Methodist Episcopal

Church. Missionary to India, 1889-90, in charge of Coucher

Central High School (now Bishop Parker Memorial) at Mora-

dabad, North India Conference. On account of ill health re-

turned and took work in Colorado Conference, 1891. Pastor-

ates: Mosca, Rifle, Fruita, Castle Rock, Arvada, Erie, High-

lands Church, Denver.

Married Ella Bartlett (See No. 277). August 23, 1893, Mt.


Children—Walter E., born July 30, 1889.

Ruby S., born July 3, 1891.

Ruth, born 1893; died 1893.

Leroy B., born 1895; died 1895.

Grace Mildred, born January 29, 1901.

Residence, Plateau City, Colo.


ary 23, 1860, Mt. Pleasant. A.M. 1883. Graduate St. Louis

Law School, 1898. Employed in various capacities on NewYork, West Shore and Buffalo R. R.. from 1881-1888; with St.

Louis and San Francisco R. R. 1888 to present time, now being

Claims Attorney for last named Company.Residence, 809 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis. Mo.

287. JAMES B. TRAXLER, B.S. — Born September 21,

1856, Henry County. Prepared, Howe's Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1879. M.S. 1884. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi.

Delivered Master's oration 1884. Lawyer. Admitted to Bar

in Iowa, 1884; Colorado, 1889. County Superintendent Schools

Henry County, 1882-86. Member 14th General Assembly of

Colorado. Has held several other public positions.

Married Cora B. Syp, April 29, 1886, Afton.

Children—Harry W , born February 22, 1887.

Ralph N., born December 20, 1887.

Residence, Lamar, Colo.


288. STELLA WINANS (CARVER), B.M.—. Born Febru-

ary 24, 1861. Bonaparte. * (Parentage See No. 10). Entered

from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1874. Mus. B. Ruthean. P.

E. O. Sisterhood. Member Oratorio Society. Represented

Iowa Wesleyan in State Oratorical Contest, 1881. First Grad-

uate, Iowa Conservatory of Music, 1881. Professor of Music,

Hedding College, Abingdon, 111., 1882-84. Ottumwa, 1884-87;

Seminary, Escondido, Cal., 1890-91; University of Southern

California, 1891-92; Los Angeles, 1892-95.

Married Samuel A. W. Carver, (See No. 314), June 17,

1884, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Chesley Winans, born June 4, 1885.

Kauffman L., born May 10, 1888.

Doris Margaret, born May 13, 1896.

Marjorie Adele, born July 29, 1898.

Residence, 4101 Marmion Way, Los Angeles, Cal.

*First Graduate of Iowa Wesleyan having been born of

one or both parents who were graduates of Iowa Wesleyan.

Class of 1882

289. SARAH AMBLER, B.S.—Born Mt. Pleasant. Enter-

ed from Iowa Wesleyan Academy. M.S. 1885. Pi Beta Phi.

State Library School, University of Illinois, B.L.S. 1900. Li-

brarian of Iowa Wesleyan September, 1901, to August, 1903.

Since that time employed at cataloguer of public documents in

office of Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.

Residence, 629 E. Capitol St., Washington, D. C.

290. ALMEDA ARAMINTA ARROWSMITH, A. B.—BornJune 11, 1856, Jefferson County. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1873. Ruthean.

Died October 14, 1886, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

291. CHARLES F. BLUME, B.S.—Born October 2, 1860,

Jordan, Minn. Prepared, Jordan, Minn. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1877. Schiller, Cicero. Engaged in several public de-

bates. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates:

Stillwater, 1882-84; Minneapolis, 1884-86; St. Paul, 1886-89;

Presiding Elder, St. Paul District, 1889-93; Minneapolis, 1893-


Winona. 1898-05. Trustee St. Paul's College; elected

President St. Raul's College, June 1903, but declined. First As-

sistant Secy. Northern German Conference. Contributed to

Christliche Apologete.

Married Berths B. Fiegenbaum. April 22, 1884, Highland,


Children—Clarence Edwin, born April 8, 1887.

franklin Leslie, born December 7. 1893.

Residence. 2S43 Williams Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.


March 7. 1S60, Ottumwa. Prepared, Ottumwa High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1S78. M.S. 1S85. B. Ped. Mont. State

Normal School. Ruthean. President one term. Pi Beta Phi.

Teacher, experience, 16 years, grades. High Schools and mus-

ic. Principal Lowell School 4 years, Great Falls Mont. P.

E. O. Past WT

. M. O. E. S., Past Noble Grand Rebekah Lodge

Married Rogers Wilson Berry, L.L.D., Ann Arbor, Michi-

gan. October 16, 1889. Independence. Kansas.

Children—Montana Gold, born January 6, 1S98; died Jan

uary 22, 1898.

Rogers WTilson, born June 26, 1904.

Residence, Great Falls, Mont., 1015 Second Ave. South.

292B. HUGH A. COLE, A. B.—Born October 6, 1864,

Mount Pleasant. Iowa. Prepared, common schools. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1879. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. LL. D.

State University of Iowa.

Married Kate Penn. (See No. 322B), Oct. 6, 1887, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa.

Children—Edward Penn, born June 6. 1889.

Hugh Livingston, born May 26, 1S94.

Ralph G., born March 30, 1896; died Feb. 4, 1897.

Amelia Throop, born September 27, 1897.

Clarence Oliver, born May 18. 1901

Residence, 4278 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111.

293. ALBERT HARVEY COLLINS, B.S.—Born March 16,

1856, Stiles. Prepared, State Normal School, Kirkville, Mo.Entered Iowa WT

esleyan 1878. Philomathean. Minister.


Methodist Episcopal Church. Missouri Conference. Pastor-

ates; Brashear, 1883-84; Lancaster, 1884-85; Des Moines Con-ference: Cromwell, 1885-87; Afton, 1888-91; Chariton, 1892-95;

Bedford, 1896-1900; Perry, 1901-04.

Married, Hannah D. Gibson, February 26, 1884, Stiles.

Children—Era Curl, born October 28, 1885.

Floyd Foss, born September 12, 1887.

Robert D. G., born October 18, 1889.

Ira Kellogg, born August 19, 1S91.

Albert Raymond, born February 24, 1895.

Residence, Boone, Iowa.

294. GARDNER COWLES, A.B.—Born Feb. 28, 1861, Oska-

loosa. Prepared I. W. A. and Penn College. Entered IowaWesleyan 1880. Hamline. A.M. Phi Delta Theta. Member,Iowa House of Representatives, State Legislature, 1899-03.

1882-1903 Banking and Real Estate at Algona, Iowa. Pub-

lisher Des Moines Register.

Married Florence Call Dec. 3, 1884, Algona, Iowa.






Gardner, Jr.

Residence, Des Moines, Iowa.

295.—JOSEPH IVINS DAVIS, B.S.—Born August 31, 1853,

Ohio. Prepared, Howe's Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1880. M.S. 1885. Hamline. Teacher. Principal, public

schools, Primrose, Salem and Mt. Hamil. Has been Justice

of the Peace. Has done some ministerial work.

Married, Mattie McMillen, September 3, 1884, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Harry W., born December 21, 1886.

Myrtle May, born May 7, 1889.

Benjamin T., born July 2, 1894.

Residence, Mt. Selman, Texas.

296. ELIAS S. GATCH, B.S.—Born February 14, 1859, Mil-

ford, Ohio. Prepared, Lebanon Ohio Normal. Public Schools


of Ohio Entered Iowa Weeleymn issi. Philomathean. Beta

TheU PI. Junior address to Senior Class. Addressed Alum-

ni L882 EH < rotary and QeneraJ Manager Granby Mining and

Smelting Company since 1894.

Married Katherlne Barnes, Bt Joseph, Mo., June 8. 1887.

Children—Nelson B., born March 25, 1888.

Hay word. H.. born June 22, 1889.

Katherlne, born February 22, 1891.

Calvin P., born July 28, 1893.

Residence 5266 Westminster Place. St. Louis, Mo.

297. EDSON GREGG, B.S.—Born March 12, 1859. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1S79. M.S. 1885. Beta Theta Pi. Grain Dealer.

Married. Loraine Rone. June 1898, Kansas City, Mo.,

;. March 17. 1902, Hot Springs. Ark.

298. JOHN DANIEL HARE, B.S.—Born September 2,

Mr. Pleasant. M.S. 1886. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1879. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

Graduate, University of Michigan, M. D., 1890. Practicing

Physician and Surgeon.

Married Jennie V. Shotwell, October 23. 1883, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Hazel Delphine, born November 19, 1887.

Max William, born June 20, 1892.

Died April 1907.

299. CHRISTIAN RUDOLPH HAVIGHORST, A. B.—BornDecember 28, 1862, Alton, 111. Prepared, Iowa City Highschool. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1878. A.M. 1885. D.D Boston

University School of Theology. S.T.B. (Boston). Pres. Sen-

ior Class Phi Delta Theta. Prin. High School. Papoleon, Ohio,

1882-85. Attended Boston University School of Theology, 1888-

90. Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Belle-

fountaine, Ohio. 1890-95; Delaware, Ohio, 1895-97; First

Church. Findlay. Ohio, since 1S97. Delegate to General Con-

ference M. E. church 1900, 1904. Prin. Public schools for 6

years, minister First Church. Columbus, Ohio, Youngston, OhioMarried. September 11, 1890, Fremont, Ohio, Emilie M. Can-

field; educated, Wellesley College.


Children—Alfred R., born October 5, 1891.

Harold C, born December 24, 1897.

Helen Louise, born April 24, 1901.

Residence, Youngston Ohio.

300. DANIEL HELMICK, A- B.—Born February 14, 1846,

near Columbus City, la. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1878. A. M.1885. Graduate, Hanneman Medical College, Chicago, 1885.

County Superintendent Louisa County one term. Practiced

medicine, Ottumwa, Davenport, and Tulare, California.

Died, August, 1893.

301. JAMES W. KENNEY, B.S.—Lawyer.Last report, 725 Reaper Block, Chicago.

302. EVA LeHOMMEDIEU (CARROLL), A. B.—EnteredIowa Wesleyan 1878. Studied in New England Conservatory

of Music, 1883.

Married Dr. Carroll, 1884.

Died, February, 1885, en route from New Orleans to her

home in Colorado. (Railroad accident.)

303. MAGGIE ELLA McGUIGAN (HOLLINGSWORTH),B.S.—Born October 13, 1859, Middletown. Prepared, Mt.

Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1879. M.S.1885. Ruthean. For a number of years Pres. Ladies' "XVClub," of Albia.

Married H. C. Hollingsworth, (See No. 261), June 13, 1883,


Children—Ralph Galem, born October 2, 1884.

Robert Leigh, born Dec. 12, '88; died June 17, '05.

*Henry Donal, born Mar. 3, '95; died June 17, '05.

*Boys drowned in Village Creek, 4 miles south of Ottumwa.

Died, November 24, 1904, at Albia, Iowa. Killed by accident

while driving with her husband. Horse became unmanageable

and threw them from the buggy. Husband recovered.

304. AMBROSE R. MILLER, A. B.—Born February 17,

1856, Monroe County. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1877. Delivered Master's Oration, 1885. Minister, Methodist


Episcopal church. Entered Iowa Conference 1883. Pastorates:

Salina. 1881-88; Abingdon, 1883-84; Batavia, lS^ls;,; Keota,

1885-S7; West Burlington, 1887-88; South Kansas Conference.

Baxter Springs. 1888-91; Des Moines Conference. Kirkman.

1810-18; Emerson. 1S92-94; Elliott, 1894-95; College Springs,

1S95-96; Prescott. 1898-88; Orient. 1898-99; Mitchelville, 1S99-

1901; Griswold. since 1901. Editor and Publisher, "Christian

Tidings"; contributed to local church paper.

Married. March IS, 1S91. Baxter Springs. Kansas, Winnie

E. Polster.

Children—Lucile. born February 21, 1892.

Hortense. born November 20, 1894.

Jean Paul, born April 14, 1896.

Haven Raymond, born June 20, 1898; died Dec.

6, 1902.

Harriet Christina, born May 3, 1903.

Ruth Evelyn, born May 30, 1905.

Residence. Manilla, Iowa.

305. JOHN DEMPSTER MURPHY, A-B.—Born Septem-

ber, 26, 1857, Iowa County. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy 1878. A.M. 1885. Phi Delta Theta. Attorney at law.

First National Bank building.

Address, 1341 25th St., Ogden, Utah.


1858. Union township, Des Moines County, Iowa. Prepared,

Burlington High School. Elliott's Business College. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1881. Ruthean.

Residence. 919 North 8th St., Burlington, Iowa.

307. FRANKLIN SKIPTON, B.S.—Born May 30, 1859,

Mt. Pleasant. Prepared Howe's Academy. Entered Iova

Wesleyan 1880. M.S. 1885. Pres. Hamline, 1882. Phi Delta

Theta. Graduate Commercial Department, Salina Normal.

Lawyer. Judge, Fillmore County, Nebraska, 1897. Three terms.

Teacher. Editor Shickley Herald. Banker.

Married, 1893, Lincoln, Neb., Ida T. Stickle.

Children—Virgil E., born October 18, 1894.

Frances L., born May 31, 1899.

Residence. Stickley, Nebraska.


308. MAY TETER (ELLIOTT), B.S—Born May 2, 1863,

Carrollton, Ohio. Prepared, Carrollton High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1880. Valedictorian. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Married, September 9, 1885, Mt. Pleasant, Dr. E. N. Elliott.

Residence, 639 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111.


27, 1860, Jones County. Prepared, Lenox High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1878. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

Drake University, LL. M. Chicago College Physicians and

Surgeons, M.D., 1899. Assistant Physician Iowa State Hos-

pital, Clarinda 1899-05. Appointed January, 1905. Superintend-

ent Glenwood Sanitarium, Danville, N. Y. Close student of

Epilepsy for years, and is writer of note on this subject, being

author of "What is Epilepsy"; "Is the Epileptic Attack Ex-

plosive in Character"; "Results of an Experimental Treat-

ment of Epileptic Insanity"; "The Significance of the Convul-

sion in Idiopathic Epileptic."

Married, October 27, 1887, Danville, Mattie L. Hanna.

Child—John W., born 1888; died 1891.

Address, 506 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Long Beach, Calif.

310. MARTHA WINANS, A. B.—Born Nov. 1, 1862, In-

dianola. (Parentage See No. 10). Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1875. A.M. 1885. Ruthean. Member of P.E.O. Sisterhood.

Was State President of this organization. Has lived in Los

Angeles for many years, being one of the most influential

business women in that city. Since the death of her mother

in 1910, she has made her home with her father, Ephraim H.

Winans, '58, whom she assists greatly in looking after his

many business cares and interests. A very capable woman.

Residence 4425 Marmion Way, Los Angeles, California.

311. STELLA WINANS (CARVER), A.B.—See No. 288.


23, 1860, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1878.

Married Mr. Alfred G. Cook, Sept. 17, 1884, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Henry E., born Dec. 21, 1886.

Edwin G., born Feb. 5, 1895.

Residence, 639 W. Fourth St., Ottumwa, Iowa.

is >;.] ALUMNI RECORD --'


Class of 1883

313. JULIA BALDWIN (McKIBBIN), B S —Born Decem-

ber 16, 1855, Keosauqua. Prepared Keosauqua High School,

State Univ. of Ga., private school. Entered Iowa Waeleyan

1882. M.S. 1886. Pres. Ruthean. P.E.O. One year, State

University of Iowa. Teacher, Washington Academy, 1884-86;

teacher and preceptress, Iowa Wesleyan, 1895-97; taught

private school Keosauqua. Organizer and secretary Woman's

Guild. Iowa Wesleyan. Prominent in philanthropic work in

Salt Lake City. Utah. Author of a story published by Method-

ist Book Concern. Contributor, Young Peoples' Magazine,

Epworth Herald and Central and Christian Advocate. Dean

Women Iowa Wesleyan 1907-09. Author of "Miriam" published

in 1905.

Married Dr. Geo. J. McKibbin, July 20, 1866, Keosauqua,

Iowa. Died April 12, 1895.

Child—George Baldwin, (See No. 793), born Arpil 26, 1888.

Residence 4503 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111.

314. SAMUEL A. W. CARVER, A. B.—Born March 6, 1859,

Kirkville. Prepared, High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1879. A.M. 1886. Philomathean. Delegate to National Con-

vention Phi Delta Theta 1882. Second honors, oratorical con-

test. 1883. Master's Oration, 1886. Attorney at Law, Ottum-

wa, 1884-87; Los Angeles, Calif., until 1898. Electric lighting

business, 1898-01; since then creamery and wholesale ice

cream business. Pres. Calif. Creamerymen Assn., 1912. Sec.

of Cal. State Dairy Ass'n, 1914. Addresses before Internation-

a IMilk Dealer's Ass'n, 1915, National Ice Cream Mfg. Ass'n.

Contributor to various dairy and agricultural magazines.

Married Stella Winans (See No. 288), June 17, 1884, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Chesney Winans, born June 4, 1885.

Kauffman L., born May 10, 1888.

Doris Margaret, born May 13, 1896.

Marjorie Adele, born July 29, 1898.

Residence, 4101 Marmion Way, Los Angeles, California.



May 3, 1856, Mahaska County. Prepared, Penn College, Oska-

loosa, and I. W. A. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1878. M.S. 1887.

Hamline. Four years farmer in Kansas. In retail business

in St. Joseph, Mo. Now farming in Monroe County.

Married Erne Haskell, Sept. 15, 11884, Albia, Iowa.

Children—Edith L., born May 8, 1896.

Haskill, born Oct. 12, 1898.

Lorenzo 0., born Feb. 21, 1901.

Residence, Albia, Iowa, R.F.D. No. 4.

316. ALLIE H. GROVES (BEALL), B.S-—Born Decem-ber 31, 1859, Deavertown, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1879.

M.S. 1888. Ruthean. Arion Musical Society. Course in Con-

servatory. Teacher advanced work public schools, Creston,

1883-86. Postmistress, Afton, 1886-1898. At present Assistant

Cashier, Savings Bank. Contributed to several papers and


Married, October 5, 1897, Creston, S. L. Beall.

Residence, Shannon City, Iowa.

317. MARY ALICE HARE (LOPER), B.S. —-Born Octo-

ber 1, 1859, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Howe's Academy. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1880. M.S. Ii886> Ruthean. P.E.O. Sister-

hood. Won first prize, oratorical contest, 1883. Valedictorian.

Ruthean. Class representative, Alumni Banquet, 1883.; Poet-

ess Alumni Association, 1883-84. Honorary member of other

literary societies, Iowa Wesleyan and German College. Em-ployed as proof reader for Review and Herald Publishing

Ass'n, Battle Creek, Mich., nearly six years. Contributed to

various health magazines and church periodicals.

Married, February 17, 1887, Mt. Pleasant, Asbury Nelson

Loper, M.D., (See No. 326).

Children—Alpha Lorena, born January 19, 1889.

Bessie Marie, born September 28, 1893.

Residence, Fresno, California.

318. FRED KALTENBACH, A. B.—Born April 24, 1857,

Auggen, Germany. Prepared, country school in Mo. and I. W.A. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1878. A.M. 1886. Minister, Meth-


otiist Episcopal Church. Western German conference since

Conference treasurer eight years.

Married, Beptembei 5, 1883, Anna <\ Kapp.

Children—Lillie M., born July 29, 1884.

Ddns A., born October 6, 1886.

Emma L., born April 18, 1889.

Marie S.. born November 4, 1897.

Residence, 2603 Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

319. SETH REITMAN, B.S —Born January 21, 1857, In-

diana. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1S81. M.S. 1886. Very suc-

cessful. Too close attention to business cause of death.

Died, September 2, 1888.

320. JULIUS SMITH, B.S—Born June 9, 1857, Savannah,

Mo. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1880. M.S. 1886. Hamline. Wonlocal oratorical contest, 1883. D.D. Baker Univ., Baldwin, Ks.

B.D. Garrett Biblical Institute, 1885-88. B.D. Baker Univ.,

1902. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Missionary to

Burmah, 1S90-03, during all of which time was Presiding Elder

of that District. Has been preaching and lecturing in interest

of missionary societies. Horticulturist. Author of "Ten Years

in Burmah", and wrote "Incidents and Adventures in the


Married Mary E. Price, June 12, 1884, Savannah, Mo.

Children—Foss B., born December 7, 1887.

Helen E., born May 26, 1889.

Mary P., born December 19, 1893.

Address, Box 454, Baldwin, Kansas.

321. JOHN PETER WAGNER, A. B.—Born January 1,

1861, Des Moines County. Entered from I. W. A. 1878. Schiller

Verein; one of founders of Ciceronean. Graduate GermanCollege. Studied law, Burlington. Admitted to bar July, 1884.

Drew Theological Seminary, B.D. 1892. Minister Methodist

Episcopal Church. St. Louis German Conference, 1884; Iowa

Conference, 1888; New York Eastern Conference, 1892. Pas-

torates: Illinois City, 111.; Wilton, Kossuth, West Hampton,X. Y.; Higgam Circuit, Baldwin, N. Y. ; Simsbury, Conn.

Married Anna W. Axthelm, August 21, 1884, Harper.


Children—Elmer C, born February 18,1886.

Bertha A., born July 23, 1888.

Edna M., born March 31, 1890.

Grace V., born December 16, 1892.

Residence, Simsbury, Conn.

Class of 1884


15, 1856, Davis County. Prepared, Bloomfield. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1878. M.S. 1887. B. D. Garrett Biblican Institute;

S.T.B. Garrett Biblical Institute 1892. Minister Methodist

Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Drakeville 1884, Farmington

1885, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1888; North English, 1892; Wil-

ton, 1894; Ft. Madison, 1892; Milton, 1901; Fremont, 1904;

Richland, 1905; New Sharon, 1908; Mt. Pleasant Ct, 1910;

Brighton, 1913; Lone Tree, 1915. Trustee Iowa Wesleyansince 1901.

Married Anna A. Russell, October, 1881, Bloomfield.

Children—Stella, (See No. 741), born March 3, 1883.

Ruskin W., born July 18, 1885.

Lottie, born December 7, 1886; died 1888.

Laura, born April 8, 1890.

Charles R., (See No. 934), born October 26, 1892.

Mary, born October 25, 1896.

Ruth, born March 13, 1899.

Residence, Lone Tree, Iowa.

322B. KATE PENN (COLE), A. B—Born February 22,

1863, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Common Schools. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1879. Ruthean. P.E.O.

Married Hugh A. Cole, (See No. 292B), Oct. 6, 1887, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Edward Penn, born June 6, 1889.

Hugh Livingston, born May 28, 1894.

Ralph G., born March 30, 1896; died Feb. 4, 1897.

Amelia Throop, born September 27, 1897.

Clarence Oliver, born May 18, 1901.

Residence 4728 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Illinois.


323 JAMES W. DAVENPORT, BS—Born March 15,

Oskalooea. Prepared, Penn College, Otkalooea, Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1880, M.S. 1887. llamline. i>hi Delta Theta.

State University of Iowa, LL.B. 18S6. Teacher, Aurora, Net).,

95. Farmer at Batavia, Iowa.

Married Sadie Hayden, (See No. 339), September 17, 1885,


child— Phillip Hayden, born January 10, 1S94.

Died February 12, 1907, Keokuk, la; buried, Libertyville, la.


cember 21 1S61 Birmingham. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1S80. M.S. 1887. Ruthean.

Pi Beta Phi. Delegate to Nat'l Conv. Pi Beta Phi, Lawrence,

Kansas, 1885.

Married Dr. W. P. Gardner. S.U.I. , Sept. 9, 1886, Oskaloosa.

Children-Susan H., born June 17, 1887. (See No. 829).

Lavanda, born February 10, 1889. (See No. 828).

Ellen, born September 15, 1898.

Residence, Wellnian, Iowa.

325. CHARLES L. LEHNERT, B- S.—Born March 14,1858.

Henderson, Minn. Prepared, German College, Mt. Pleasant.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1880. B.D. Minister Methodist Epis-

copal church. Entered Northwestern German conference, 1884-

86; Northern German conference, 1886; statistical secretary,

sin-e 1891. Pastorates: Rochester, Minn., 1884-86; Crow

River, 1886-89; Sleepy-Eye, 1889-93; Salem, 1893-95; Duluth,

1S95-97; Owatonna, 1897-98. Presiding Elder Minneapolis Dis-

trict since 1904. Trustee St. Paul's College since 1892.

Married (1) Ida C. King Oct. 28, 1885, Le Sueur, Minn;

died June 19, 1893.

(2) May C. Gagsteller, Oct. 1, 1895, St. Paul,


Children—Florence P., born May 8, 1897.

Pearl O., born February 22, 1899.

Harold R., born September 30, 1903.

Residence, 1020 Thirtieth Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn.


326. ASBURY NELSON LOPER, B.S.—Born near Medi-

apolis. Prepared, Baptist College, Burlington. Entered IowaWesleyan 1879. M.S. 1888. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

University of Michigan, M.D. 1890. Member Battle Creek

Sanitarium Medical Staff, 1890-01. Medical Superintendent Ne-

braska Sanitarium, Lincoln, 1895-19011; St. Helena (Cal.),

1901-02; Pasadena, 1902-04; member American Medical Ass'n;

California State Medical Society, San Joaquin Valley Medical

Society, Fresno County Medical Society.

Married Mary Alice Hare (See No. 317), February 17, 1887,

near Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Alpha L., born January 19, 1889.

Bessie M., born September 28, 1893.

Address, Box 353, Fresno, Cal.

327. JAMES M. McDONALD, B.S. — Born near Franklin

Mills, Des Moines Co., Iowa. Prepared Kussuth Academy. It-

tinerent Methodist Episcopal minister. Charges at Kidder, Mo.,

Mt. Sterling, 111., Kansas, Southern Louisiana, Oregon, Adele,

Iowa, Nebraska. Retired.


Several Children.

Residence, Mediapolis, Iowa.

328. FRANK WESLEY OTTO, B.S. —Born April 8, 1862,

Burlington. Prepared, Burlington High School and Iowa Wes-leyan. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1880. M.S. 1887. D.D., I. W.C. Ciceronean. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Joined

the Iowa Conference in 1885; appointed to Montrose 1886-87;

Troy, 1888-90; Ewart, 1891. Transferred to South Kansas


Married Verda V. Chester, (See No. 346) April 13, 1887,

Garden Grove.

Children—Chester L., born Feb. 16, 1888.

Miriam O., born June 24, 1889; died June 29, 1889

Paul, born September 14, 1890.

Frank Wesley, Jr., born March 28, 1892.

Residence, 1717 Third Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., Verbena



329. JAMES ARMINIUS ROSS, B.S.—Uorn September 20,

LKI Fairtieid. Prepared, Mt Pleeemnt Entered Iowa Wee-

L881 MS. K. AM L891. Philomathean. Boston

School of Th< MS, S. T. B. Minister Methodist Epis-

copal Church. Admitted to the Iowa Conference in 1884.

Served West Point 1SS4-85; Burlington Ct. 1886-87; Kossuth,

1887-88; New London 1888-89; Student Boston Theological

Seminary 1890-03. Received degree of B. D. Transferred to

the Des Moines Conference.

Married. Annette M. Phillips, 1887, Mt Pleasant.

ildren—Myriam S.. born November 15, 1889.

Ralph P., born June 22, 1891.

Helen M., born March 30, 1896; died 1899.

Died January 3, 1916, Prairie City, Iowa.

330. EMMA RUKGABER, B.M.—Born March 27, 1868,

Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt Pleasant High School. Began

study of music under Dr. Rommel at very early age. Music


Died, summer of 1886. Mt. Pleasant; buried Forest Home

Cemetery. Death resulted from injury to spine caused by fall-

ing out of a swing.

331. BARZAR W. SCHEURER, B.S.—Born 1853, Heidel-

berg. Germany. Prepared, Northwest Missouri State Normal.

Entered Iowa Wesles an 1S81. M S. lbS7. Hamline. Schiiier.

Valedictorian, both lewa Wesleyan and German College. City

Health Officer, Santa Ana. Cal., 1892-97. Discoverer of Neu-

ropathy, new treatment for chronic nervous diseases. Found-

er, Neuropathic College, Long Beach, California, June 1899;

alio President same. Contributed tc "The Osteopath,*' and

other medical journals.

Married Flora C. Northrup August 20. 1SS8, Kirkvillt. Mo.

Children—Corn M., born November 28, 1889.

Delia M., born May 28, 1892.

Jennie S., born April 18, 1896.

Died April 1913.

332. MARY SUTTON (SMITH), B.M.—Born, May 27,

1857, near Bonaparte, Iowa. Prepared, Ladies Seminary


(Graduate). Entered Wesleyan 1881. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Taught Music after graduation.

Married Dr. George E. Smith, November, 1878, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa.

Child—Olive Jessie, (Brown), born 1879.

Died, Oct. 26, 1888, Colorado Springs, Colo. Buried Forest

Home Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

333. CARL SCHURZ WILLIAMS, B.S.—Born June 16,

1863, Centerville. Prepared, Centerville High School. M.S.

1887. Pkilomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Master's oration, 1887.

New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, 1888-89. Treas-

urer, Williams Piano & Organ Co., Chicago, since 1892. Trus-

tee Iowa Wesleyan since 1890. Vice-Pres. Board I. W, C. since

1909. Editor Alumni Record published in 1905.

Married (1) Marie M. Weir (See No. 371), May 29, 1890,

Mt. Pleasant; died December 23, 1897.

(2) Elizabeth D. Bonnell, June 26, 1901, Chicago.

Children—Paul, died September, 1891.

Faith, born June 10, 1893.

Weir, born December 11, 1894.

Bradley, born April 18, 1897.

Residence, 14 W. Washington, Chicago, 111.

Class of 1885


2, 1859, Clarksville, Pa. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Aca-

demy 188K M.S. 1888. Hamline. Superintendent Public

Schools, 1888-02. Merchant.

Married Betina O. Burke, December 25, 1894, Gladbrook.

Children—William W., born December 8, 1895.

Donald J., born June 20, 1897.

Residence, Wapello, Iowa.

335. CHARLES EDGAR BYRKIT, A. B.—Born Novem-

ber 17, 1862, (Parentage See Nos. 4 and 14), Bloomfield. Pre-

pared, Burlington High school. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1881.

A.M. 1889. Hamline. Tutor, Business Dept. Iowa Wesleyan,


Teacher, West Nebraska, 1SS6-S7. Editor, publisher and

printer, Nebraska, 1887-80; Des Moines, Iowa, 1891-03. Print

er and publisher, Los Angeles, California since 1903. Orange

and lemon grower, Corona, California 1912.

Married Josephine Blackburn, December 20, 1893, Hastings,


Children—Elizabeth, born 1894.

Wakefield Blackburn, born 1896.

Margaret, born 1902.

Residence, Corona, California.

336. HENRY W. DOERR, A. B.—Born November 13, 1855,

Bluff Springs, 111. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1881. Ciceronian.

Schiller Verein. Goethe Verein. Graduate of German College.

Civil Engineer. Farmer and aparist. Contributed to agricul-

tural and other papers.

Married Amelia E. Herzberger, February 24, 1887, Beards-

town. 111.; died 1895.

Children—Everett K., born November 29, 1887.

Flora L., born July 11, 1890.

Francis L., born November 28, 1892.

Residence, Beardstown, Illinois.


July 21, 1S63, Newboro, Ont. Prepared, Afton Iowa and Par-

sons College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1884. Phi Beta Phi.

Valedictorian of class; salut. of class. Participated in High

School work.

Married H. C. Dawes, June 6, 1899.

Children—Roberta, born March 2, 1900.

R. Truman, born October 3, 1901.

Charles Allen, born April 14, 1905.

Residence, Santa Ana, California.

338. GEORGE ANDREW HARE, B. S—Born May 23.

1867, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Howe's Academy, Mt. Pleasant.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1881. M.S. 1889. Philomathean.

Beta Theta Pi. M.D. Univ. of Michigan, 1887. Postgraduate

work, Harvard, 1887; New York, 1902. Member, Board of

Health, Fresno, Calif., 1902-04; Vice President Calif. State


Medical Society, 1903-04; trustee Calif. State Medical Society,

1902-04. Medical superintendent Washington, D. C, Sanitar-

ium Ass'n. Asociate editor "Life and Health". Delegate to

International Medical Congress at Lisbon 1906. Pres. Am.Academy of Medicines 1916-17.

Married Jessie Blanche Daniells, December 23, 1886, AnnArbor, Mich.

Children—Herold P., born 1888.

Gail B., born 1890.

Helen M., born 1894.

Marion A., born 1896.

Residence, Wishou and McKinley Aves., Fresno, Calif.


vember 25, 1859, Brookville. Prepared, Fairfield High school.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1882. M.S. 1888. President Oratori-

cal Ass'n, College Misionary society, and Y. W. C. A. Ruthean.

Pi Beta Phi. First prize, oratory. Teacher, Aurora, Nebraska,


Married J. W. Davenport, (See No. 323), B.S., M.S., LL. B.

Sept. 17, 1885, Libertyville; died Feb. 12, 1907, Keokuk, Iowa.

Child—Phillip Hayden, born Jan. 10, 1894.

Residence, San Diego, California.


ember 19, 1861, Calhoun County, Mo. Prepared Mt. Pleasant

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1881. A.M. 1888. Ruth-

ean. First negro graduate, Iowa Wesleyan. Teacher two

years in Iowa. Then went south in the interest of Freedman's

Aid and Southern Educational Societies. Teacher two years,

Clark University, Atlanta, Ga. ; four years, Bennett College,

Greensboro, N. C; one year, Wiley University, Marshall, Tex-

as; the last three M. E. schools for the education of negroes.

Married, Rev. C. N. Grandison, Gammon School of Theology


Children—Ruth H., born June 4, 1890.

Ida Wj., born July 16, 1892.

Toussant L., born May 14, 1894; died 1895.

Residence, Chicago, 111.


341. JOHN FRANKLIN RIGGS, B.S.—Born February 14,

I860, oear Salem, Prepared, Whittier College and Iowa Wes-

leyan. Entered Iowa Wjealeyan 1S79. M.S. 1888. Ped. D.,LW.LL.D., Simpson. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Junior prize,

Oratory. 1884. Represented college at State Oratorical Con-

test. 188& Superintendent Henry County Schools, 1886-91;

Superintendent City Schools. Ift Pleasant, 1891-98. Sigourney

State Superintendent Public Instruction, Iowa, 1903.

Publisher since retiring from office.

Married Cora J. Delzell, November 20, 1S89, Morning Sun.

Children— Edith L., born November 4, 1893.

John H., born August 24, 1898.

Mary Rebecca, born Dec. 6, 1907.

Residence, 308 Forty-Second Street, Des Moines, Iu„c.

342. FLORA E. SMITH, B.S.—Born June 22, 1863, Agency.

Prepared. Agency High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1881.

U.S. 1S94. Pi Beta Phi. Ruthean. President Ruthean 1885.

Assistant Agency High School four years; Principal, Shenan-

doah High School three years; Teacher, Seventh and Eighth

Grades eighteen years.

Residence, 1422 Broad St., Grinnell, Iowa.

Class of 1886

343. LULU AMBLER (OFFICER), B.S.—Born Mt. Pleas-

ant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1882. Ruthean.

Pi Beta Phi. Married Alexander V. Officer, Mt. Pleasant, Nov.

18, 1889.

Child—Robert Ambler, born November 27, 1890.

Died September, 1907.

344. HENRY WILLIAM BECKER, A.B.—Born St. Louis,

October 20, 1861. Prepared, McKendree College, Leba-

non. 111. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1883. A.M., 1889. MasterAccountant, Lincoln Business College Normal, 1886. Tutor, Mt.

Pleasant German College before graduation. A.M. 1889. Mas-

ter's Oration, 1889. Member Choral Society and College Quarttete. Business College Instructor, Lincoln and York, Neb.,

1886-90. President and founder, York Business College Nor-


mal Institute. Cashier, United States Internal Revenue De-

partment, St. Louis, 1890-93. Chief Clerk, Harbor Department,

1893-99. Assistant Secretary, Muilanphy Emigrant Relief

Fund, 1899-1902. Assistant Cashier, Manchester Bank, 1902-03

Vandeventer Bank, 1904. Since September, 1904, Auditor Ber-

net, Craft & Kauffman Milling Company. Accountam and

Lecturer. In 1898, organized the Saint Louis Public School

Patrons' Alliance; General Secretary same. In charge North

Side Branch Y. M. C. A. Educational Work, three years. Con-

tributor to Daily and Educational Press.

Married, Miss Louise Niedringhaus, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1886

Children—Alma L., born October 11, 1888.

Adelaide N., born July 30, 1890.

Wesley H., born December 9, 1895.

Warren R., born August 17, 1899.

Residence, 1826 Warren Street, St. Louis, Mo.

345. C. C. CHADWICK, B.S.—M.S. 1889. Residence, Ver-

non, Colorado.

346. VERDA CHESTER (OTTO), A.B.—Born November27, 1865, Jefferson County. Prepared, Normal School and

Garden Grove, Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1882. Ruth-

ean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. A.M. 1886. Teacher.

Married Frank W. Otto (See No. 328), April 13, 1887, Gar-

den Grove.

Children—Chester Lyman, born Feb. 16, 1888.

Miriam, born June 24, 1889; died June 29, 1889.

Paul, born September 14, 1890.

Frank Wesley, Jr., born March 28, 1892.

Residence, Los Angeles, Cal.

347. LILLIAN GRAIG (COFFMAN), B. M .— (Early data

obscure). Pi Beta Phi. Very prominent in musical circles in

Saint Louis. Composer of large number of meritorious selec-

tions for the piano. Organist Methodist Episcopal Church

South, Saint Louis.

Married G. W. Coffman, Garden City Kansas.

Residence address, 4553 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo.


348. JOHN P. HEHNER, B.S.—Born April IS, 1863, Ore-

gon. Mo. Prepared, [owe Weeleyen Academy. Entered Wea<

leyan L881. Cicero. BhUler. Master's Degree from Central

\Ve8leyan. Bntered the ministry of Methodist Church, Sept.

1890. Pastorates: Dallas City. 111., Dodgeville, Iowa; Ellis

Grove. 111.; Boody, 111.; Hoyleton, 111.; Wapello. Iowa; Delta,

Iowa; Liberty villo. Iowa; Wayland. Iowa; Lone Tree, Iowa;

Lovilla. Iowa; North English, Iowa.

Married Rose E. Floreth, Oct. 1, 1890, Mt. Olive, 111.

Children—Myra Viola, born July 4, 1891.

Nelson Earl, born May 3, 1898.

Alta Floreta. born May 18, 1909.

Residence North English, Iowa.

349. ERNEST M. JENISON, A.B.—Born, April 16, 1866,

Kirkville. Iowa, Mahaska, County. Entered from Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy 1882. A.M. 1889. Philomathean. Phi Delta

Theta. Delivered Master's Oration, 1889.

Married. (1) Laura E. Hinsey December 27, 1893, Ottum-

wa. Iowa; died Nov. 23, 1907 Fond du Lac, Wis.

(2) Mary L. Lamb, Aug. 1, 1912, Don du Lac,


Children—Marguerite E., born September 2, 1895.

Ernestine F., born May 15, 1899.

Clyde H., born September 26, 1902; died 1905.

Residence, Fond du Lac, Wis.


Born, Emporia, Kan., October 26, 1863. Entered Iowa Wesley-

an 1882. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Married Thomas N. Carver, A.B. University of Southern

California, 1891, May 4, 1888, San Diego. Ph.D., Cornell, '94.

Children—Emmett K., born July 9, 1894.

Margaret, born December 20, 1897.

Helen G., born April 11, 1899.

Residence, Cr. T. N. Carver, Washington, D. C.

351. MARTHA McCLURE, B.S.—Born April 17, 1866. Mt.

Pleasant. Prepared, Des Moines, Callanan College. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1883. M. S. 1889. P E O Sisterhood. Influ-


ential business woman, interested in the Western WheelScraper Co., Aurora, 111. Traveled extensively. Prominent

club woman.Residence 302 E. Monroe Street. Mt Pleasant, Iowa

352. MATTIE L. McKIBBEN, A.B., B.M.—Born November12, 1863, Garden Grove. Prepared, Normal School, Garden

Grove. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1882. A.M. 1894. Ruth sail.

Graduated A.B., B.M... same year. Teacher, public schools,

Sheridan; Kingman, Kan.; South Bend, Neb. Prepared for

missionary work, Chicago Training School. Sent as mission-

ary to Mexico City, March 1900, where, after a brief time, she

was stricken with pneumonia and died November 13, 1900.

353. SARAH BELLE McKIBBEN (KIRBY), A.B—BornOctober 4, 1865, Garden Grove. Prepared, Garden Grove

Normal School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1882. Ruthean. Af-

ter graduation taught school six years in public and normal

schools; one year, Ackworth Academy.Married Arthur P. Kirby, May 2, 1894, Garden Grove.

Children—Harry K., born October 15, 1898.

Leigh McKibben, born June 28, 1900; died 1900.

Residence, Merna, Neb.

354. JOSEPHINE WEIDNER, B.M.—Born 1862, Boulder,

Colorado. Prepared, Boulder High School. Trained Nurse.

St. Luke's Hospital New York City.

Died and buried, New York City.

355. HENRY EBBERT WILCOX, B.S.— Born Nashville,

Ohio, May 20, 1864. Prepared Ohio public schools and Bald-

win Wallace College at Berna, Ohio. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1883. M.S. 1889. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Second place

local oratorical contests, 1885 and 1886. Class valedictorian.

Varsity ball team. Adv. Mgr. Wesleyan News one year. Junior

Society honors. Taught one year. S.T.B., Boston University,

1890. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates:

Montour, 1890-91; Conrad, 1891-93; Reinbeck, 1893-95; Shef-

field, 1895-97; Clinton, 1897-99; Coggon, 1899-1900; Olin, 1900.

Married Lena A. Smith, Woodsfield, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1889.


Children—Earned H.. born November 3, 1S93.

William R.. born July 16, 1899.

Helena L., born October 7, 1901.

Residence, Kenwood Park, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Class of 1887

356. ROSE ANDREWS (ROMINGER), B.S.—Born HenryCounty, October 1, 1S64. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Aca-

demy 1SS3. M.S. 1S90. Pi Beta Phi. Ruthean. Charter mem-ber, "Twentieth Century Club." P. E. O. Scholarship to Ober-

lin University.

Married Ellsworth Rominger, LL.B., '92, State University

of Iowa. December 28, 1892, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Florence V., born February 14. 1894.

Ellen L., born September 13, 1900.

Died Feb. 7, 1915, Ottumwa Hospital. Buried Bloomfield,

Iowa, I. O. O. F. Cemetery.

357. MARY LULU BYRKIT (CROUCH), A.B.—Born WestPoint,. November 23, 1864. Prepared, Burlington High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1881. A.M. 1890. Ruthean. Pi Beta

Phi. Winner Crane Latin Prize, 1883, and English Literature

Prize, 1884. Teacher: Bartley, Neb., 1888; Northwestern

Normal, 18S8-90. Tutor, Iowa Wesleyan, 1890.

Married William S. Crouch Sept. 9, 1891, Riverside, Iowa.

Children—Mary L., born August 1, 1892.

George B., bcrn December 17, 1893.

Frank B., born April 24, 1896.

Residence, 4318 Morningside Ave., Sioux City, Iowa.


1867, Morgantown, W. Va. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 18S2.

Phikmathean. M.S. 1890. Phi Delta Theta. Lawyer.

Married. Clara Creswell. Denver, October 12, 1897.

Children—Creswell G., born October 19, 1898.

Charles C, born December 25, 1900.

Address, 1340 Williams St, Denver. Colo.



Pleasant, Dec. 10, 1866. M. S. 1890.

Married Dr. Robert Caruthers, October 8, 1890, Mt. Pleas-


Children—Ralph G., born October 5, 1891.

Tom A., born April 5, 1893.

Dorothea, born February 5, 1895.

William C, born March 21, 1903.

Residence, 413 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.

360. EMMA ELLEN DAY (NEWSOM), A.B.—Born Janu-

ary 4, 1862, Grafton, Wis. Entered from Iowa WesleyanAcademy 1881. A.M. 1890. Ruthean. Y. W. C. A. Student

Volunteer Band. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Prize, chemistry.

Teacher, Public Schools, Mt. Pleasant, 1887-88; Storm LakePublic Schools, 1888-90.

Married John Edward Newsom, (See No. 379), September

2, 1890, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Hugh R., (See No. 856), born December 19, 1891.

Edward D., born 1893; died 1893.

Francis W., born July 4, 1895.

Edwin E., born December 13, 1897.

Grace E., born April 21, 1899.

Day G., born July 23, 1900.

Residence, Ft. Madison, Iowa.


23, 1865, Grafton, Wis. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1881. A.M. 1890. Ruthean. Y. W. C.

A. Student Volunteer Band. Latin Prize, P. E. O. Sister-

hood. One year, Boston Conservatory of Music. Teacher,

Fairfield Public Schools, 1887-88; W. F. M. S. missionary to

India, 1888-94; Calcutta Moradabad.

Married Rev. David G. Abbott, (See No. 427), Sept. 9, 1895,

Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, Khandwa, (Also spelled Chandwa), Central

Province, India.


ber 8, 1863, Danville. Prepared, Burlington High School. En-


tered Iowa Wesloyan UB8S. M.S. 1890. M.D., HahnemannMedical College, Chicago. 18S9 Philoniathean. Beta Theta Pi.

Business manager "Iowa Wesleyan," 1885-86. Interne Hahne-

mann Hospital. Chicago, 1SS9-90. Practiced in Chicago until

1901. simr which time physician and surgeon for Mass. Con-

solidated Mining Company. Mass, Mich. Public health offi-

cer, member Board of Education, proprietor Mass Hospital,

Secretary Ontonagon Medical Society.

Married Olive Brownlee, November 12, 1892, Chicago.

Residence, Mass, Mich.

363. EDWIN S. HAVIGHORST, A.B. — Born Springfield,

111., November 7, 1865. Prepared I. W. A. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1880. A. M. 1890. S. T. B. Boston University

School of Theology. D. D. 1900. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta.

Class President 1887. Represented Iowa Wesleyan in State

Oratorical Contest, Des Moines, 1887. Pastorates: GermanM. E., Peoria, 111., 1887-88; Moberly, Mo., 1890-92; Blooming-

ton, 111., 1S92-97; Burlington, 1897-98. President German Col-

lege, 1898-1908. Pres. Wallace College, Berea, Ohio. General

Conf. Delegate 1908-'16. Elected 1917 (June) Dean of Theo-

logical Faculty, Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo.

Married, Emma Frels, '84, September 16, 1890, Geneseo, 111.

Children—Freeman C, born May 1, 1895.

Dorothy E., born August 15, 1897.

Mildred M., born June 18, 1899.

Lawrence D., born May 14, 1901.


364. ANNA A. KURTZ, (GRAY), B.S.—M.S. 1890.

Married Dr. W. R. Gray, Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, 1121 Fifteenth Street, Bellingham, Wash.

365. WILLIAM W. LEE, B.S.—Born Glendale, Cal. March

20, 1863. Prepared, New London Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1883. M.S. 1890. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

Editor "Iowa Wesleyan," 1886-87. Teacher, 1887-90. Cashier,

New London Banking Company. Pres. First Nat'l Bank, Glen-

dale, Calif.


Married Louella G. Wlallar, August 25, 1888, New London.

Child—Raymond W., born June 25, 1890.

Address, First National Bank, Glendale, California.

366. AGNES M. MASON, A. B.—Born 1864, Mt. Pleasant.

Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1883. A.M Teacher

most of time since 1888.

Residence, 1620 Mayle Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.


2, 1866, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. M.S. 1890. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Y.W.C.A.Married Richard B. Wilcox, A.B. State Univ. of Iowa, 1881,

Harvard, 1883. January 17, 1889, Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, 4008 Campbell Street, Kansas City, Mo.


7, 1863, Jordan, Minn. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1880. M.S.1891. Graduate Student, Illinois Wesleyan, 1893-94; North-

western University, 1894-95. A.M. 1900. Ph.D. 1910. Min-

ister German M. E. Church. Pastorates: Pepin, Wis., 1887-89;

Stillwater, Minn., 1889-91; St. Paul, 1891-93; Bloomington, 111.,

1893-94; Faribault, Minn., 1895-1900; Red Wing, Minn., 1900-01;

New Ulm, Minn., 1903; Instructor, St. Paul's College, St.

Paul Park, Minn., 1901-03. Editor "Expositions of Interna-

tional S. S. Lessons", first quarter of 1904, in "Christliche

Apologete." District Supt. Northern German M. E. Confer-

ence, 1912-15. Minneapolis District of St. Paul District, 1915.

Married (1) Julia A. Plitt, 1887, Wapello, la.; deceased

March 16, 1892, St. Paul, Minn.

(2) Jeannette Lang, Sept. 10, 1895, Bloomington,


Child—Charles E., born July 5, 1889.

Residence, 2843 Williams Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn.


March 20, 1864, Mohawk Valley, Ohio. Entered from Iowa

Wesleyan Academy 1882. A.M. 1890. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Associate Editor "The Iowa Wesleyan". Delivered Master's

Oration, 1890, and thus far the only woman ever accorded


that Honor m [OWl WYsl.-yan. TMCher, McPherson Public

school 1887-90. Principal, Klrkrille High School, 1890-93.

Latin Department, Crete High School 1895-1904. Dean of

Women, Nebraska Wesleyan UniYereity, 1904.

sidence, Canton, Kansas.


Giendale October 5, 1860. Prepared, Parsons Academy,

Fairfield. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1884. Teacher, Giendale,

1887-89; Utice, Neb., 1S90-92.

Married, February 84, 1892, John R. Parsons.

Child—Helen L.. born May 3, 1895.

Residence, Ruskin, Neb.

371. MARIE M. WEIR, (WJLLIAMS), B.S.— Born June

1> 1867 Pilot Grove. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy

1884. M.S. 1890. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Teacher in

Public Schools 1888-89.

Married Carl S. Williams (See No. 333) May 29, 1890, Mt.


Children—Paul, died September, 1891.

Faith, born June 10, 1893.

Weir, born December 11, 1894.

Bradley Potter, born April 19, 1897.

Died, December 23, 1897, at Chicago, Illinois.


Berea, Ohio. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. Entered Iowa Wes-

levan'l880. A.M. 1890. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Editor "Iowa Wesleyan." Matron State Industrial School for

Girls, at Beloit, Kan., 1888-93. Head of Wheeler Hall, State

Normal School, Moorhead, Minn., 1893-99. Manager Foster

Hall, University of Chicago, 1899-1905. Superintendent of

Women's Commons, University of Chicago, October 1905-07.

Married Wilfred T. Lutz, June 12, 1907, Beloit, Kan.

Residence, Beloit, Kansas.

373. JOHN COZIER WILLITS, A.B.—Born Mt. Pleasant

June 3, 1864. Prepared country school and Iowa Wesleyan.

Entered Iowa Wresleyan 1883. A.M. 1890. Hamline. Phi


Delta Theta. S.T.B. Boston University, 1890. D.D. Baker

University. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Secre-

tary Iowa Conference 1898-03. Delegate to General Confer-

ence, 1904. Pastorates: Nahant, Mass., 1889-91; Wapello,

1891-94. Fort Madison, 1894-99; Newton, 1899-03; Oskaloosa

District, 1902. Member Iowa Conference 1891-08. Illinois

Conference 1908-13. Michigan Conference 1913. MemberGeneral Conference 1908-13. Pastor Decatur, 111., 1913-117.

Pastor Grand Rapids, Mich.

Married, Mathilde Winter, June 25, 1889, Wymore, Neb.

Children—Paul W., born April 3, 1890.

Charles W\., born May 15, 1894.

Ellen, born July 23, 1899.

Residence, Barclay Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.

374. JAMES LEIGH WOOLSON, A.B.—Born Mt. Pleasant

October 25, 1886. Prepared, Shattuck School, Fairfault, Minn.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1884. A.M. 1890. Philothean. Beta

Theta Pi. Local Editor "Iowa Wesleyan." Manager Baseball

Team, 1887. Graduate Boston University Law School, 1890.

Admitted to Bar, Omaha, Neb., 1900, where he was Assistant

Counsel for Omaha Street Railway Company, etc. Lawyer,

Chicago. Member Chicago Bar Association. Acting Coun-

sel "International Estate Adjustment Company" and other en-


Married Lillian E. Mandeville May 6, 1891, Missouri Val-

ley; died 1898 at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Theron Mandeville, born July 29, 1892.

Address, Joliet, 111.

Class of 1888

375. JAMES A. CHISMAN, A.B.—Died in Ottumwa, Iowa.

376. WILLIAM H. HEPPE, B.S.—Born Peoria, 111., Marchli, 1867. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1882. M.S. 1891. D.D.Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Delivered Master's Oration. Min-

ister Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Victor, 1893-

95; Brighton, 1895-97; Ottumwa, Willard Street, 1897-99; Mt.

Pleasant First, 1899-1903; Salem, Ore., First, 1904-05; Port-

tug] ALUMNI aBCORD 243

land Ore., Centenary, 1905. lie-entered Iowa Conference,

Burlington, 14; Newton, 16. Delegate to Third international

Y II C A Convention at Toronto, Canada, also member

Betting r. P. Conf. ol Mm and Religion Forward Movement,

at Buffalo, N. V. Professor, Iowa Weeleyan and German Col-

lege. 1SSS-93.

Married Bmma M. Bm kenberg, 18S9, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Waldo P. W.tborn 1S90.

Ralph H., born 1S93.

Ruth EL L.. born 1894.

Residence. 810 r 2nd Ave. E., Newton, Iowa.

377. JAY KIRKENDALL, A.B. — Born Leando, Iowa,

March 1. 1866. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1883. A.M. 1891.

STB.. Boston University, 1896. Phi Delta Theta. Philo.

Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Long

Plain Mass.. 1893-96; Marion, Mass., 1896-98; Gravity, 1898-

1901, Dallas Center, 1901-04; Corning, 1904. Ames, Iowa; Jef-

ferson, Iowa. Corning, Iowa.

Married Elsie Byrkit, (See No. 397) March 15, 1898, Red


Children—Ruth M., born January 14, 1899.

Mary M., born August 1, 1900.

Esther K., born April 28, 1904.

Walter, born May 15. 1912.

Residence. Corning. Iowa.


ber 3 1863, Winfield. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1885. M.S.


Hamline. M. Di., Cedar Falls S. S. N. S. County

Superintendent Schools, Henry County, 1891-95. Teacher,

Mt Pleasant Academy, 1897-1904. Farmer.

Married Etta L. Day (See No. 517), June 29, 1904, Mt.


Residence, Winfield, Iowa.

379. JOHN EDWARD NEWSOM, A.B.—Born January 27,

1856. Hamilton. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy

1883. A.M. 1890. Philomathean. Y. M. C. A. Member Stu-

dent Volunteer Band. First Editor "The Iowa Wesleyan."


Represented Iowa Wesleyan, State Oratorical Contest, 1886.

Delegate to Y. M. C. A. Convention, Northfield, Mass., which

resulted in Student Volunteer Movement. B.D. 1890, Garrett

Biblical Institute Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Mis-

sionary, Cawnpore, India, 1890-95, where in addition to regu-

lar missionary work was Chaplain in British Army. Contri-

butor to "Indian Witness" and "Central Christian Advocate."

Returned to Iowa Conference. Pastorates: Blue Grass, tVell-

man, West Liberty, Brooklyn, Wapello, Bloomfield, Ft. Maai-

son. Member Iowa Wesleyan Board of Trustees 1901-15.

Married, Emma E. Day, (See No. 360) September 2, 1890,

Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Hugh R., born Dec. 19, 1891, (See No. 856)

Edward D., born December 30, 1893; died 1893.

Francis W., born July 4, 1895.

Edwin E., born December 13, 1897.

Grace Elizabeth, born April 21, 1899.

Day G., born July 23, 1900.

Residence, Ft. Madison, Iowa.


19, 1865, Talleyrand. Prepared, Keota. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan 1883. M.S. 1891. Hamline. Delegate, Oratorical As-

sociation. Advertising Manager "The Wesleyan." Graduated,

German College, Mt. Pleasant, 1888. Founder, Editor, and

Proprietor, "Daily Mining Record," Denver, 1893-95. Mem-ber, Denver Mining Stock, Exchange, 1891-95. Secretary

Potter Monument Commission, 1888-89. Among first at open-

ing of Oklahoma, April 21, 1889.

Married Bertha C. Lyon, Mt. Pleasant, June 5, 1889.

Child—Miriam Elanor, born Feb. 24, '91; died March 8, '92.

Died at Denver, Colo., August 8, 1895.

381. ELISABETH PATTERSON SAWYERS (VONKLEINSMID) B.NL—Born August 1875, Sioux City, Iowa. Pre-

pared Public Schools. Entered Wesleyan 1885. Pi Beta Phi.

A musical prodegy. Graduated at the head of her class at

age of twelve years, mastering the most difficult feats in har-

mony, better than the brightest child would the multiplication

table. Post Graduate Courses : Wolf Hall, Denver, Colo. ; Uni-


;ty of Oregon; Boston I itory of Music. Studied in

Germany two y.. ars under the famous Leschetizky. Teacher,

Piano and Harmony I'nivorsity of Oregon. Dean of Music, De

Pauw University. Composer of note. Member Association of

Authors of Indiana. Now wife of the President of the Uni-

ty of Oregon.

Married. Bernard Von Gleinsmid, 1913, Portland, Oregon.

Residence, Tucson, Oregon.

382. CHARLES EDGAR TODD, A.B.—Born Waverly, 111.,

December 17, 1862. Prepared, Waverly High School and Chad-

dock College, Quincy, 111. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1884. Phi

Delta Theta. A.M. 1S91. S.T.B., 1891, Boston School of

Theology. Minister Episcopal Church. Dist. Supt. of Olym-

pia Dist., Puget Sound Conf. 6 years; chaplain of House of

Rep. State of Wash., 1909. Pastorates: Mendon, Vt., 1891;

West Ruthland, Vt., 1891-93; West Hebron, N. Y., 1884-85; Pa-

louse, Wash., 1885-86; Spokane, Wash., 1886-1900; Baker City,

Ore., 1900-02; Bellingham, Wash., 1902. Secretary Columbia

River Conference, 1898-99. Member of Religious Congress

for Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, 1905.

Married Jessie H. Smith, Morning Sun, July 30, 1890.

Children—Jean S., born June 20, 1891.

Hal E., born April 17, 1893.

Residence, 3930 Whitman Ave., Seattle, Wash.

383. JULIA WATSON, A.B.—A.M. 1891. Pi Beta Phi.

Residence, 1701 South Seventeenth Street, Lincoln, Neb.

Class of 1889

384. FRANCIS K. BYRKIT, A.B.—Born February 9, 1867,

Kossuth, Iowa. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1881.

A.M. 1892 Hamline Captain Company C, Iowa WTesleyan

Cadets, 1889 D.O., 1901, from Massachusetts College of Os-

teopathy. Professor Pathology in Mass. College of Osteopa-

thy 1901-03. In practice Osteopathy for many years.

Married Anna M. Waldron October 23, 1895, Mackburg.

Residence Summit Road, Wellesley, Mass.


385. FRANCES CARTWRIGHT (MANNERS), B. M. —Born August 11, 1870, New London, Iowa. Final Conserva-

tory examination for graduation passed with grade of 100

per cent. Taught music, piano, organ, harmony until date of


Married William Griffin Manners Dec. 12, 1901, Ottumwa.Children, Helen Frances, born May 18, 1905.

Elizabeth Josephine, born Jan. 9, 1908.

William Henderson, born March 1, 1911.

Residence 1013 N. Ninth Street, Des Moines, Iowa.

386. EMMA KATE CORKHILL, A.B.— A.M. 1892. Pi

Beta Phi. Ph.D., Boston University, 1«93. Professor English,

Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1894-95. English Literature, Simp-

son College, 1895-1902. Same, Lawrence University. 1892. In

Europe on leave of absence, 1905-06. Author of many fine

Travel Sketches published in prominent church and secular

periodicals. Very brilliant woman.Died Dec. 1913. Buried Forest Home Cemetery, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa.

387. MARY EVA GREGG, (WILSON), A.B.—Born Dan-

ville, October 1, 1869. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1889. A.M. 1892. Ruthean. P. E. O. Girls'

Military Company. Y. W. C. A. Member "Wesleyan" staff.

Student Conservatory of Music. Took special work GermanCollege Graduate Chicago Training School, 1892. Graduate

Student University of Chicago, 1897-98. Traveled abroad in

1895. Prominent in foreign missionary society work, and in

Deaconess movement of the Methodist Episcopal Church. As-

sistant Principal Chicago Training School for City, Home and

Foreign Missions, 1892-99. National President of Deaconess

Society for several years. Prin. Blackstone Missionary In-

stitute, Muetra, India, 1899-1912. In 1912, Evangelistic workin India; Delhi and Laore. In 1899 Missionary in India.

Married Rev. F. M. Wilson Jan. 2, 1912, Muttra, India.

Address, M. E. Mission, Laore, India.

388. MARY GROVES, B.M.—Address Leland Stanford




April 8, L869, lvkin. Illinois. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan, Mt.

Pleasant and Keokuk High Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

L88& AM. L898. Ilamline. Phi Delta Theta, Senior Class

President 1st Sophomore Latin and 2d Sophomore Greek

prizes Boston University. 1894 S. T. B. Graduate Student

Berlin. Germany, 1898-95. Chair Greek and German Missouri

n College. 1SS9-91. Methodist Minister. Pastorates:

Yirden. 111.. 1898-98; Carlinville. 111., 1895-96; Springfield, 111.,

87. Chair History and Economics, Lawrence University,

Appleton, Wis., Lincoln, Rantour, Tuscola, Bloomington, First

Church 1912-16; Decatur First Church, 1916.

Married Winifred Weter, (Graduate. Lawrence University,

1S9S), August 29, 1899. DePere, Mis.

Children—Robert James, born June 5, 1900.

Walter Edwin, born November 28, 1901.

Alfred Freeman, born September 30, 1904.

James Winfred, born August 5, 1908.

Miriam Content, born Oct. 7, 1913.

Residence, 701 W. Main Street, Decatur, 111.


tember 28, 1867. Parentage (See No. 165), Kansas City, Mo.

Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School and Howe's Academy. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1886. Beta Theta Pi. M.S. 1892. Twoyears. Boston Law School. Commission and Coal Business.

Now manager of coal mines.

Married, (1) Mary L. Richmond, Springfield, Mass., Jan.

26, 1893.

(2) Stella Johnson, Olatha, Kan., Aug. 6, 1913.


Helen, born May 1, 1897.

Residence, Mendota, Mo.

391. ELIZABETH KIRKENDALL (HECKART), A.B. —Born February 11, 1869, Douds. Entered from Iowa Wesley-

an Academy, 1883. A.M. 1892. RiUhean. Pi Beta Phi.

Married, May 17, 1898, Elias Heckart


Children—Harlan, born April 11, 1899.

Miriam, born January 1, 1902.

Edith, born May 6, 1903.

Residence, Douds Leando, Iowa.

392. LIBBIE NIX, (PINKERTON), B.M.—Born Sept. 16,

1869, Danville, Iowa. Entered Wesleyan 1887. Ruthean. Pi

Beta Phi.

Married, Charles W. Pinkerton, Feb. 21, 1898, Afton, la.

Residence, Afton, Iowa.

393. EDWARD HARLAN SCOTT, B.S.—Born May 13,

Rome. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1885. M.S.

1892. HamlineV Phi Delta Theta. Member, Military Da-

partment, Athletic and Baseball Association. Manager, "TheIowa Wesleyan." Graduate Boston University, 1891, LL.B.

Studied mining, University of Utah, 1896; University of

California, 1897-98. Since then engaged in mining.

Married Alice Winter, graduate Albany College, Oregon,

June 26, 1900, Redding, Cal.

Child—Edward W., born December 5, 1902.

Residence, 517 Crocker Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa.

394. WILLIAM H. SPURGEON, A. B.—Born July 30, 1867.

Entered Wesleyan 1884. A.M. 1892. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. Attorney at Creed, Colo.; Cripple Creek, Colo. At

present Corporation Lawyer Colorado Springs. Was largely

instrumental in adoption of Commission form of Government

by Colorado Springs. Was first mayor under this system of

Government. Director Commercial Exchange Bank.

Married Laura M. Peterson (See No. 442) 1894, New Lon-

don, Iowa.

Child, Robert Lawrence, born Aug 9, 1904.

Residence, 1335 Tejon St., Colorado Springs, Colo.


ville, 111., June 24, 1868. Prepared, Centerville High School,

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1886.

M.S. 1892. Freshman year, DePauw University. Philomathean

President. Beta Theta Pi. Organized Military Department


[owt Wesleyan. Cashier citizens Hank, Centerville. Vice

Ideal Wooden Saving! Rank, Centerville, Iowa.

Married Mae Crawford, Burlington, June 12, 1S90.

Children—Robert K.

John C.

{{ sides rrille, Iowa.

396. PAUL B. WOOLSON, A.B.—Born 1868. (Parentage

See No. 30 anil No, 86), Ml Pleasant Prepared, Mt. Pleas-

ant. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1SS4. A.M. 1892. Hamline.

Beta Theta Pi. Manufacturing business.

Married Laura Crane, 1893. (See No. 446), Mt. Pleasant,

Children—Ralph Crane, born June 10, 1897.

George D., born Aug. 2, 1903.

Residence, Clarinda, Iowa.

Class of 1890


S, 1S67. St. Louis, Mo. Prepared, Red Oak. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1885. M.S. 1893. Ruthean. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi.

Married Jay Kirkendall, (See No. 377), 1898, Red Oak.

Children—Ruth M., born Jan. 14, 1899.

Mary M., born Aug. 1, 1900.

Esther K., born April 28, 1904.

Walter born May 15, 1912.

Residence, Corning, Iowa.


April 1, 1868, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant Public

Schools and High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1885. M.S.

1893. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher.

Married John R. Hughes, April 3, 1895, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Rex Hughes, born March 24, 1898.

Elizabeth, born March 4, 1900.

Residence, R. F. D. Mt. Pleasant.

399. CLINTON GRAHAM CODDINGTON, A.B.— BornDecember, 1867. Parentage (See No. 70) Troy. Prepared, Mt.

Pleasant Public Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1884. A.M.


1893. Phi Delta Theta. Delegate to National Convention at

Galesburg, 111., 1890. Local Editor "Iowa Wesleyan." Master's

Oration, 1893. Assistant Editor "The Randolph Times," Ran-dolph, Neb., until health failed in 1894.

Died, November, 1894, Denver, Colo.

400. HOMfc* H. FELLOWS, A.B.—A.M., 1893. Lawyer.Last report, Algona, Iowa

401. WILLIAM R. JEFFREY, Jr., B.S.—Born September

30, 1862, Louisa County. Prepared, Washington High School

and Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1884. M.S., 1893.

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Superintendent Public Schools,

Ainsworth, 1890-93. Clergyman, Methodist Episcopal Church.

Entered Iowa Conference, 1893. Pastorates: Salina, Glascow,

Parsonsville, 1900-02. Missionary to Black Hills, Custer City,

1902-03; Spearfish, S. D., 1903-05. Author, "Pastoral Greet-

ings." Also book of essays and poems.

Married Jessie Brenholtz, June 4, 1891, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Walter Roland, born July 25, 1892.

Milford Mallalieu, born June 9, 1894; died Jan-

uary 18, 1900.

Dorothy, born April 12, 1896.

William Merwin, born December 12, 1899.

Wallace Loraine, born January 25, 1903.

Residence, Washington, Iowa.

402. LILLIAN KENDIG (ROGERS), B.S.—Born June 14,

1870, Atlantic. Prepared Knoxville High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1887. B.S. in cursa, 1893. M.S. 1896. Hy-

patia. Pi Beta Phi. Associate Editor "Iowa Wesleyan" In-

structor, Mt. Pleasant Conservatory of Music, 1891-92.

Married Charles S. Rogers, (See No. 421) April 18, 1894,


Children—Warren K., born January 27, 1895.

Elbert C, born October 14, 1896.

Margaret F., born Nov. 8, 1906.

H. Elizabeth, born Dec. 30, 1907.

L. Josephine, born March 30, 1910.

Residence 511 E Washington St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


403. JULIUS JOHN LAISY, A.B.—Born December 14,

franklin, Iowa. Prepared Franklin Schools. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1883. A.M. 1S93. Phi Delta Theta. Part

Proprietor "The Blmetallc Standard;" "The Cleveland Critic,"

and the 'Daily Legal News." Studied medicine and law,

Western Reeerre Dnlreralty. Admitted to Bar, 1892. Or-

ganizer of Cleveland Harmonie Singing Society. Studied art,

London and Paris. 1S99-1900. Attorney.

Died Dec. 6, 1910, Cleveland, O. Buried at Franklin, Iowa.


Pleasant. Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Music

teacher. Resided Crawfordsville, Iowa.

Married John Buxbaum, Mount Pleasant, Iowa; died 1915.

Died 1900, Crawfordsville, Iowa. Buried Washington, Iowa.

405. ALBERT GEORGE SCHERE, B.S.—Born December20, 1862, near Red Wing, Minn. Entered from Iowa WesleyanAcademy, 1886. M.S. 1893. President Hamline, 1890. Beta

Theta Pi. Captain Company C, Cadet Corps, 1890. Business

Manager 'Humane World," St. Paul, 1892. Teacher, 1893-94.

Legislative member, Twenty-ninth Senatorial District of Min-

nesota, 1901-02. Business, Hardware and Agricultural Imple-


Married, Emily Saupe, May 6, 1897, Red Wing, Minn.

Children—Horace Edwards, born March 16, 1898.

Eugene Paul Frederick, born April 18, 1900.

Jerome Lincoln, born May 2, 1903.

Ruth Dorothy, born April 29, 1905.

Residence, Red Wing, Minn.


—Born March 26, 1869, Vohrenbach, Germany. Prepared, Mt.

Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1886. M.S.

1893. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married, Samuel Gray Cartwright, October 10, 1904, Mt.


Children—Miriam, born October 8, 1895.

Edward Williams, born June 10, 1897.

George Dewey, born May 31, 1898.

Died Jan. 21, 1894 at Santa Fe, New Mexico.


407. IDA VAN HON, B.S.—Born Mt. Pleasant. PreparedMt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1886.

M.S. 1893. Rluthean. Charter Member Hypatia. Pi BetaPhi. President Rebekah Assembly of Iowa, 1902.

Residence, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Class of 1891

408. ELEANOR HAMPTON BEREMAN, B.S. — BornNovember 8, 1871, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant HighSchool. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. M.S. 1894. Hypatia.

Pi Beta Phi. Cashier Western Wheeled Scraper Company.Residence, 125 North Fourth St., Aurora, 111.


409. MAUD HAMPTON RISSER, B.M.—Born 1873, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant, P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Teacher of piano. Professional Accompanist.

Residence, 1745 C. Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.

410. HORACE HERON CARTER, B.S.—Born July 25,

1869, Jefferson County. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1886. M.S. 1894. Hamline. Phi

Delta Theta. Chairman Delegation, State Oratorical Contest,

at Indianola, 1891. Attorney, Wayne County. Assistant At-

torney General State of Iowa, 1917.

Married Winifred Miles, (See No. 526), Sept. 28, 1906,

Corydon, Iowa.

Residence, Corydon, Iowa.

411. OLIVE COLE (SMITH), B.S.—Born Oct. 21, 1869,

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared, M. P. H. S. and Iowa Wesley-

an Academy. Ruthean. P. E. O. Entered Wesleyan 1886. M.S.

1894. Teacher public school. Made trip around the world.

Occassionally contributed articles to papers. Woman's suf-

frage. Participated in Social and Economic justice.

Married Elbert Ellis Smith Oct. 15, 1896, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa

Children—Dan Throop, born Nov. 20, 1907.

Mary Cole, born Sept. 15, 1909.

Residence, 5134 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111.


412. EDWARD L. DIETERICH, A.B.—Born September 21,

L864, DeKalk County, 111. Prepared, Victor High School, IowaWesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1883. A.M.

A, BlmpeoniaiL Goethe. College Band. Business course,

Bryant and Stratton's, Chicago, 1891. Jennings' Seminary,

Aurora. 111., Business Department, 1891-04. Victor High School,

1895-9S. Deputy Sheriff, Iowa County, 1898-01; elected Sheriff

1901; re-elected, 1903. Agriculturist.

Married Catherine W. Hofl'man, August 11, 1892, Sigourney.

Children—Henry Laurel, born May 20, 1895.

George Milton, born September 23, 1900.

Mary, born February 16, 1902.

Residence, R. F. D., Grinnell, Iowa.

413. WINONA EVANS (REEVES), B.S.—Born August 14,

1871, Big Mound. Prepared, Whittier College, Salem. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1890. M.S. 1894. Ruthean. President of

Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Past President of Iowa

Grand Chap, of P. E. O. Past Pres. of Supreme Chap. P. E. O.

State Auditor of Iowa Society Daughters of American Revolu-

tion. Edited Blue Book of Iowa Women. American Club.

Society Editor of Keokuk Gate City. Teacher High School,

1891-97. Plattsmouth and Omaha, Neb.,

Married Harry J. Reeves, December 23, 1897, Salem.

Children—Helen Lusk, born September 25, 1901.

Agnes Evans, born April 24, 1908.

Residence, Keokuk, Iowa.

414. FRED A. HAAS, B.S.—Born June 23, 1867. Illinois.

Perpared, Muscatine. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1886. M.S1894. Hamline. Cicero. Schiller. Beta Theta Pi. Mem-ber German College Quartette. Elected County Superintend-

ent Public Instruction. Lumberman.Married Madge Spears, 1895, Red Oak.

Children—Carles J., born 1896.

Mary E., born 1897.

Ruth, born 1899.

Winifred, born 1900.

Martha, born 1901.

Cherry, born 1904.

Deceased. (Last known residence Alvin, Texas)


415. NELLIE HIGLEY (WILSON), B.M.—Born Nov. 25,

1869. Fairfield, Iowa. Entered Wesleyan 1890.

Married Mr. Wilson, Oct. 16, 1895.

Child—Frances Wilson.

Residence, Fairfield, Iowa.

416. MILO BRUCE HUSTON, B.S.—Born April 13, 1868,

Burlington. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1885.

M.S. 1894. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Won Latin

scholarship prize. Editor "Iowa Wesleyan," 1890-01. Captain

and Adjutant military corps. County Auditor, Henry County,

1897-98. President Whittier College, Salem, 1892. Editor Mt.

Pleasant Daily and Semi-Weekly Journal. Asst. Post Master,

Mt. Pleasant.

Married Grace McDonald, (See No. 418), October 24, 1894,

Ottumwa.Residence, 305 N. Main, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

417. LOUISE MASON (GREENUP), A.B.—Born Aug. 3,

1866, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared Mount Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. A.M. 1894. Taught three years

in Missouri. Ruthean. Teacher most of the time since 1888.

Married John Greenmp, June 30, 1915, Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, 904 Palm St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

418. GRACE McDONALD (HUSTON), A.B.—Born Sept.

28, 1872. (Parentage See No. 9 and No. 45). Oskaloosa. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1885. A.M. 1894. Ruthean. Alpha Xi

Delta. Charter member College Chapter P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Won Greek Scholarship prize. Member board trustees, Iowa

Wesleyan College. Prominent in Women's Clubs.

Married Milo B. Huston (See No. 416), October 24, 1894,

Ottumwa.Residence, 305 N. Main St., Mt. Pleasant.

419. ARTHUR W. MILLER, A B —Born August 14, 1867,

New London. Prepared District Schools. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1886. A.M. 1894. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Athletic

Association Business Manager "Iowa Wesleyan," two years.

Pres. Oratorical Assn. Capt. Cadet Corps two years. Alumni


editor. L8I1-9& Deputy Sheriff, Homy County. 1S97-9S; Clerk

District Court. Honry Couuty, 1899-02. Secretary and Mana-

ger Mt. Pleasant Telephone Company, 190J. assistant Post-

master 1903-05. Treasurer Honry County 190S-14. Elected

County EPaperrlBOr LilA Insurance Business and Wholesale


Married Laura A. Brans, December 20, 1S98, Mt. Pleasant.

Child— Pan! Evans, born March 11, 1901.

lidence, Second Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

420. BERT LARKIN OSGOOD, A.B.—Born December 25,

1S6S, Burlington. Prepared, Mclndoes, Falls, Vermont. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 188S. A.M. 1894. Philomathean. Beta

Theta Pi. Baseball and football teams. Won intercollegiate

prize, standing broad jump. Republican Candidate for Con-

gress, U. S. 9th Congressional District of Texas, 1904. Post-

master, Alvin, Texas, five years under President McKinley.

Married Mary Orvilla Abraham, 1893, Emporia, Kansas.

Children—Helen M., born 1894.

Emmet O., born 1896.

Irene Ramona, born 1899.

Deceased, Dec. 2, 1906, Houston, Texas.

421. CHARLES SUMNER ROGERS, B.S.—Born April 14,

186S, North Windham. Maine. Prepared Concord, Mass. High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1887. M.S. 1894. Philo-

mathean. Phi Delta Theta. Assistant Editor "Iowa Wesley-

an." Won oratorical contests 1899 and 1900. State Oil In-

spector for Iowa, 1902-06. Employed by Burlington HawkeyeCo. until he purchased Mt. Pleasant Daily News. Editor and

publisher of Mt. Pleasant Daily News. Trustee of Iowa Wes-leyan College. Printed 1917 Edition Iowa Wesleyan College

History and Alumni Record. President Mt. Pleasant School

Board. President Henry County Chapter American Red Cross.

Married Lillian Olive Kendig, (See No. 402), April 18, 1894.


Children—Warren K., born January 27, 1895.

Elbert C, born October 14, 1896.

Margaret, born Nov. 8, 1906.


H. Elizabeth, born Dec. 30, 1907.

L. Josephine, born March 30, 1<910.

Residence 511 E. Washington St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

422. MAISY SCHREINER, A.B.—Born Jan, 6, 1871, Mt.

Pleasant. (Parentage See No. 247) Prepared, Wilton Junction

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1888. A.M. 1894. Ruth-

ean. Alpha Xi Delta. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Y. W. C. A. Ora-

torical Association. Girls' Military Company. Special course

Latin, University of Chicago, 1898. Teacher, Fairfield Public

Schools, 1892; Ida Grove Public Schools, 1894-96; elected As-

sistant Principal Albia High School 1896; elected Principal

Albia High School 1898. Instructor, Monroe County, NormalInstitute. Graduate work at Leland Stanford University.

Latin Instructor Colorado Springs High School.

Residence, 430 N. Weber St., Colorado Springs, Colo.

423. ROSE THORN E (CLAPP), B.S.—Born March 6, 1870,

Melrose. Prepared Centerville and Keokuk High Schools. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. M.S. 1894. Ruthean. P. E. O.

Graduated from Hinshaw Conservatory of Music, 1915.

Married Rev. W. L. Clapp, May 3, 1893, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—William Thorn, born 1908.

Gladys, born 1910.

Residence, 552 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago.


Grove. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1888. M.S.

1894. Phi Delta Theta. Philomathean. Northwestern Uni-

versity Medical School, Chicago, 1894, M.D. House Physic-

ian, St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, 1894-95. Six months' Post-

graduate work, London and Vienna, 1899. Surgeon, Engle-

wood Union Hospital. Instructor in Anatomy, Northwestern

University Medical School, 1895-02. Member several medical

societies. Physician and Surgeon.

Married Eleanor Reeves, October 18, 1900, Chicago, 111.

Children—Marion Reeves, born January 4, 1903.

Preston Reeves, born February 1911.

Residence, 6701 Stewart Ave., Chicago, 111.

1891-92] ALUMNI &BCORD 861

425. ANNA WILLIAMS (HINSHAW), A.B.—Born Center-

ville. Prepared Ceoterrilta Hlgb BchooL Entered Iowa w.-s-

leyan ls^T A.M. 1894. Ruthean. P. K. O. Sisterhood. 1st

Sergeant Ladies' Cadet Corps. Won Oratorical contest, 1S91;

Northern Indiana Normal School. Valparaiso, 1898, Mus. B.

Won Vocal contest 1898. As-istant Principal High School,

Centerville. tfl

Married W. W. Hir.shaw. September 88, 1S93, Centerville.

Children—Carl w.. born If

William W., Jr., born 1S99.

J. Thomas, born 1900.

Anna Marie, born 1902.

Deceased Nov. 30, 1905, Chicago, 111.

426. WILMOT C. WILLITS, A.B.—Born January 29, 1866,

Mt. Pleasant. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered

fowa Wesleyan 1886. A.M. 1894. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., M.D.

Physician. Kansas City, Mo.

Married Lemma Hoover, August 23, 1893, Morning Sun.

Children—Lyle Germain, born June 5, 1897.

Miriam Sweet, born July 29, 1904.

Residence, 3001 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

Class of 1892

427. DAVID GUSHWA ABBOTT, B.S.—Born December 2,

1863, Cherokee, California. Entered from Iowa Wresleyan

Academy 1886. M.S. 1895. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

Y. M. C. A. Oratorical Society. Student Volunteer BandBoston School of Theology, 1895 S.T.B. Minister Methodist

Episcopal Church. Pastorates: West Grove, Cantril, Kalona,

1895-1900. Missionary Khandwa, India since 1900.

Married Martha Ellen Day, (See No. 361) September 9,

1895, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Carol, born July 21, 1899.

Marcus Day, born July 12, 1902; died June 15, '03

Residence, Khandwa, Central Provinces, India.


428. MINNIE D. BALCKE, B.S.—Born October 22, 1872,

Genesea, 111. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant Public Schools. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1887. M.S. 1895. Schiller. Ruthean.

P. E. O. Sisterhood. Teacher of German, Jacksonville, 111.,

Public Schools.

Temporary residence, Jacksonville, 111.

Permanent address, Pekin, 111.

429. CHARLES JOSEPH BEERS, A.B.—Born February

23, 1871, Morrison, 111 Prepared M. P. H. S. Entered IowaWesleyan 1889. A.M. 1895. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta.

Sophomore Latin prize. Northwestern University Chicago,

1895, D.D.S. Prof. Prosthetic Dentistry, Crown and Bridge

Work, Des Moines College of Dental Surgery, 1897-1900.

Married Olivia R. McCabe, July 19, 1911, Los Angeles, Cal.

Children—Margaret Elvira, born June 9, 1913.

Dwight LeRoy, born July 26, 1914.

Residence, 844 No. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.


13, 1870, Mt. Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1888. M. S. 1895. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Assistant

Cashier LaGrande National Bank.

Married Florence M Byrkit, October 18, 1899, Red Oak.

Child—Dorothy, born November 22, 1901.

Residence, 565 21st St., San Diego, Cal.

tSi 431. JESSE WILBUR CLARK, B.S.—Born Jan. 19,

1870, Mt. Carroll, 111. Prepared, Red Oak High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. M.S. 1895. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. Captain, Cadet Corps. Won Penfield prize 1892. Ex-

change Editor, "Iowa Wesleyan," 1891-92. State University

of Iowa, 1900, LL.B. Instructor, Science, Red Oak High

School, 1892-95; Elected Superintendent Schools, MontgomeryCounty, 1895; re-elected, 1897. Captain Fifty-first Iowa U. S.

V. Spanish-American War, and Philippine Insurrection, 1898-

99. Lieutenant Colonel Fifty-first Regiment, Iowa National

Guard, 1900. Attorney with American Colortype Company,New York City. New York Rep. S. D. Warren & Co., Paper



Married Grace Woolson, (See No. 564), June 84, LW2, Des


Children- Gertrude, bom August 14, 1904.

John Woolson, born April 5, 1913.

lance, LIS Clannon are., Montclalr, Now Jersey.

432. CORA E. DILL, B.S.—Prepared. Howe's Academy,

Mt Pleasant PI Beta Phi. M.S. 1895. Student Columbian

Univ. rsiiy. Washington, D C, 1890-92, winning Ruggles prize

in Mathematics. 1891. Graduate Student, University of Cali-

fornia. 1902-03. Instructor Mathematics, Maryville Seminary,

rrille, Mo., 1S92-1900; Librarian University of North Da-

kota. 1901-02.

Residence, Wayland, Iowa.

433. MARCIA ERNEST (WIDMER), B.M.—Born July 12,

1874, Seymour. Iowa. Entered Wesleyan 1890. Won gold

medal in piano contest 1891. Graduate work at Sherwood

Schcol, Chicago.

Married A. G. Widmer, Sept. 12, 1893, Centerville, Iowa.

Children—William Ernest, born June 14, 1894.

Ames, bcrn Oct. 6, 1902.

Residence, 508 S. Main St., Centerville, Iowa.

434. WILLIAM F. KOPP, B.S.—Born June 20, 1869, Dodge-

fffle, la. Prepared I. W. A. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1885.

M.S. 1895. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Editor "Iowa

Wesleyan." State University of Iowa, LL.B., 1894. Attorney,

Henry County. 1894-98. Lawyer. Member Iowa House of

Rep. term 1915-17. Board of Trustees Iowa Wesleyan College.

Executive Committee. Postmaster Mt. Pleasant 1906-14.

Married Clara R. Bird, (See No. 445), December 4, 1894.

Mt. Tleasant.

Residence, 308 N. Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

435. CORA M. LIEBY, B.M.—Died April 28, 1893. Sterling,


436. CHARLES T. LANG, A.B.—Born November 27, 1867,

near Bloomfield, Iowa. Prepared Lincoln University, Lincoln,


111. Entered Wesleyan 1888. A.M. 1S95. Philomathean. WasSergeant, First Lieutenant and Captain of Co. B under Lieut.

McAlexander. Active college Y. M, C. A. matters and was one

of first five young men whose subscriptions started Y. M. C. A.

fund. Supt. of High Schools. Engaged in banking. Estab-

ished a bank in Lynch, Neb., in 1899, and later became its

president. In 1894 he purchased a farm and settled there.

Married Anna M. Clark July 2d, 1893, Craig, Neb.

Children—Roscoe Clark, born Oct. 2, 1893; died April 1,


Francis William, born March 2, 1900.

Infant, twin to Francis (a girl) born March 2,

1900; died March 27, 1900.

Richard Hiram, born July 24, 1904.

Residence, Craig, Nebraska.

437. WILLIAM ANDREW LONGNECKER, B.S. —BornFebruary 17, 1868, Kinderhook, 111. Entered from Iowa Wes-leyan Academy, 1889. M.S. 1895. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta

Delegate Nat. Convention Phi Delta Theta at Atlantic, Ga.

Oct. 1891. Boston University School Theology, 1894-97. S.T.B.

Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Member Iowa Confer-

ence. Pastorates: Sperry, 1892-94; East Templeton, Mass.,

8195-97; Lacey, 1897-1900; Deep River, 1900-05; Danville, 1905-

09; Winfield, 1909-11 and Burlington Grace, 1914. Secretary

to Iowa Annual Conference since 1911.

Married Grace Mayne (Parentage See No. 1), September

15, 1897, Council Bluffs.

Children—Wm. Mayne, born September 12, 1898.

Francis Arthur, born September 7, 1899.

Walter Winfield, born December 25, 1900.

George Hull, born October 24, 1902.

Karl Powell, Nov. 17, 1905.

Harlan Thomas, Nov. 7, 1910.

Richard Rutheven, June 18, 1913.

Residence, 524 S. 10th St., Burlington, Iowa.

438. GEORGE EDWARD MOORE, A.B.—Born 1870, Lex-

ington. Prepared, Washington High School. Entered Iowa


leyan L88& A.M. 1S9.V M.S. 1899. Haniline. Phi Del-

ta Thfta. Won Crane Greek prize. 18S9. Course, Osteopathy

Still College, Dei Moines. D.O. 1901. Superintendent Audo-

bon College 1S92-93. President Maryville Seminary, 18*4-96;

Vice PresJ lent and Professor Neurology, Still College, 1899-

isteopsthlc Physician.

Married Lillie Belle Sumtz, Brunswick, Mo.

Children— Florence \\\, born 1898.

Kenneth W.tborn 1902.

Residence, Twenty-eighth and Forest Drive, Des Moines.


1, 1871, Washington, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Public

Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. M.S. 1895. Shiller.

P. E. O. Sisterhood. Alpha Xi Delta. Teacher, Public

Schools Mt. Pleasant. Assistant, three years. Principal eigh-

teen years "Willowbank". Primary teacher. Assistant music

teacher in German College for one year.

Residence 606 North Adams St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

440. FRANK S. PAYNE, B.S.—Born August 16, 1869, Hen-

ry Connty. Prepared, Bushnell, 111., High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1888. M.S. 1895 Philomathean. Phi Delta

Theta. Editor-in-Chief, "Iowa Wesleyan." Northwestern Uni-

versity. 1894. LL.B. Attorney. Member of Twenty-eighth

and Twenty-ninth General Assemblies of Iowa.

Married, Grace Dickinson, (See No. 449), Oct. 8, 1896.

Residence, Centerville, Iowa.

441. JAMES R. PAYNE, A.B—Born Aug. 15, 1856, Missou-

ri City, Mo. Prepared, Oregon and Martinsburg, Mo. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1885. A.M. 1895. Hamline. Financial

Agent "Iowa Wesleyan," 1885; Assistant Editor 1886. Pastor,

Crawfordsville, 1886; Mt. Union, 1887; Lebanon, 1888; Mont-

rose. 1889; West Burlington, 1890; Chillicothe, 1892; Maryville

Mo.. 1892-94; Riverside, 1894-96; No. English, 1896-99; Keota,

1899-02; Wilton, 1902-04; Letts, 1904.

Married Elizabeth Shaw, March 13, 1881, Newpoint, Mo.

Residence. Letts, Iowa.


442. LAURA PETERSON (SPURGEON), B.S.—Born May3, 1898, Monroe County. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. M.S.

1895. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi.

Married William H Spurgeon (See No. 394), 1894, New Lon-


Child—Robert Lawrence, born August 9, 1904.

Residence, 1335 North Tejou St., Colorado Springs, Colo.

443. MARY SMITH, B.M.—Died, Washington.

444. LENA WILLIAMS (HUSTON), A.B.—Born March 23,

1870, Centerville, Iowa. Prepared, Centerville High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. A.M. 1895. P. E. O. Sisterhood

President Ruthean. President Oratorical Association. Cap-

tain Ladies' Military Company. Pres. Senior Class. Studied,

Chicago Musical College, 1892-93; Indiana Normal School,

Valparaiso, 1895-96.

Married Jos. Knight Huston, June 21, 1900, Centerville.

Children—Helen E., born June 3, 1901; died Dec. 29, 1909.

Florence Virginia, Jan. 13, 1911.

Donald Paxson, Aug. 16, 1912; died Feb. 19, 1914.

Residence, 605 Marengo Ave., Pasedena, Cal.

Class of 1893

445. CLARA BIRD (KOPP), A.B.—Born November 28,

1870, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1886. A.M. 1896. Ruthean. P. E. O.

Sisterhood. Alpha Xi Delta. Won McFarland prize, Christ-

ian Evidence, 1893.

Married W, F. Kopp, (See No. 434), December 4, 1894, Mt.


Residence, 308 N. Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

446. LAURA CRANE (WOOLSON), B.S.—Born June 2,

1870, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. M. S. 1896. Hypatia, charter

member. Pi Beta Phi. Member, Oratorio Society.

Married Paul B. Woolson (See No. 396) September 13, 1893,

Mt. Pleasant.


Children- Ralph Crane, born June 10, 1S97.

George D., born Angusl 2, 1903.

lence, Clarinda, towa.


tember 1. 1872. Parentage (See No. 70), Fairfield. Prepared,

Ml Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1887.

A.M. 1896. Kutluan. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Alpha Xi Delta.

Teacher, lit. Pleasant, 1895-99; Ottumwa, 1899-1900; Lake-

Washington, 1900-01.

Married French Leon Eason, Aug. 3, 1901, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—French Leon, Jr., born August 1, 1902.

Marjorie Elizabeth, born April 30, 1905.

448. MINA DAVIS (EVANS), B.S.—Born December 26,

L871, Henry County. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1889. M.S. 1896. Ruthean. P. E.

O. Sisterhood. Teacher, Mt. Pleasant and Agency high schools


Married Austin J. Evans (See No. 450) 1896, Mt. Pleasant;

died March IS, 1906.

Child—Ruth, born May 27, 1899.

Died March 31, 1911 at Redlands, Cal., buried Forest HomeCemetery, Mt. Pleasant.

449. GRACE DICKSON (PAYNE), B.S.—Born January 1,

1873, Onarga, 111. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1889. M.S. 1896. Ruthean. P. E. O.

Sisterhood. Teacher, German and History, Hedding College,

Abingdon, 111., 1893-95.

Married Frank Payne, (See No. 440), October 8, 1896, Mt.


Residence, Centerville, Iowa.

450. AUSTIN J. EVANS, A.B.—Born February 5, 1869,

Des Moines County. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1889. A.M. 1896. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Banker.

Married Mina Davis, (See No. 448) 1896, Mt. Pleasant; de-

ceased, March 31, 1911.

Child—Ruth, born May 27, 1899.


Died March 18, 1906 at Carlsbad, New Mexico; buried For-

est Home, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

451. T. J. GROOMS, B.S.—Born March 20, 1843. VanBuren Co., Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. En-

tered Wesleyan 1867. Philomathean. Served three years,

lacking a few days in Federal Army during Civil War. Washonorably discharged at the close of the war. Studied law

under Judge Knapp of Keosauqua after leaving I. W. C.

and was admitted to the bar. Did not practice law but

devoted himself to teaching. Settled in Idaho where he wascommander of the Grand Army of that State for a numberof years. Met with serious accident which disabled him dur-

ing the last years of his life.

Died December 21, 1913 at Blackfoot, Idaho. Buried at

Caldwell, Idaho, Caldwell Cemetery.

452. LILLIAN O. KENDIG (ROGERS), B.M.—See No. 402

453. CHARLES EDWARD LAUDER, A.B.—Born Novem-ber 22, 1868, Henry County. Prepared, Winfield High School,

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1889. A.

M. 1896. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Sophomore-Freshman

contest, 1890; Parsons-Iowa Wesleyan contest, 1892. Busi-

ness Manager "Iowa Wesleyan," 1891-92. Editor 1892-93.

Principal Kirkwood, Illinois High School 1893-95. Assistant

Principal Burlington High School, 1895-1900. University of

Michigan Law Department 1901, LL.B. Admitted Iowa Bar,

May. 1900. Practiced law, Burlington, 1901-03. Illinois Bar,

May, 1903. Counsel for John Alexander Dowie, Chicago. City

Attorney, Zion City, 111. Lawyer.

Married Harriet Frances Chamberlain, December 19, 1895,

Kirkwood, 111.

Children—Frederick Houlton, born June 1, 1897.

Charles Edward Chandler, born June 6, 1901.

Residence, Monmouth, 111.

fe 454. WILLIAM RALPH McADAM, B.S.—Born Feb.

23, 1870, Mercer, Pa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1888. M.S. 1896. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.


elation prlsee In tennis Graduate Jegerson

Medical College, 18*7. Resident Physician Wilkesbarre Hos-

pital. Assistant Surgeon, rank fiist lieutenant, 0. S. Service,

lv.ivLouisviiio. Kentucky. Assistant. Medical Inspector of

Emigrants al N- m York port, 1899. Command, Marine Hospi-

tal. Key Went, Florida, also Dry Tortugas Quarantine station.

Died October 11'. 1S9 (J, Marine Hospital, Key West, Fla.

455. CARL WINFIELD MAYNE, B.S.—Born March 29,

1874. (Parentage See No. 1). Keosauqua. Prepared, Council

Bluffs High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1890. M.S.

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Member, Mandolin and

ir Club Bank clerk.

Married Edith Snider, October 20, 1895, Mt. Pleasant.

Child—Charles W., born March 4, 1899.

Died June 19, 1903, at Council Bluffs.


12. 1S72, (Parentage See No. 61B), Marion Co., Iowa. Pre-

pared, Burlington High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1889.

A.M. 1896. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. President Iowa

Wesleyan Publishing Company, 1893; Glee Club and Male

Quartette. Northwestern University Medical School, 1900,

M.D. Member, House Staff, Mercy Hospital, 1900-02. Fellow

American College of Science. Member American Academy of

Medicine, Associate Military Surgeon of U. S. Army. Member

Iowa State Medical Society. Physician and Surgeon.

Married, Margaret E. Ross, Nov. 24, 1914, Frankfort, la.

Child—Edward Morrison, Jr.,

Residence, 311 Marshall St., Boone, Iowa.

457. SCOTT ALVA POWER, A.B.—Born Dec. 9, 1869, near

Pulaski, Iowa. Prepared Southern Iowa Normal and Rural

Schools. Entered Iowa WTesleyan 1890. A.M. 1896. Philo-

mathean. Beta Theta Pi. Represented Iowa Wesleyan,

State Oratorical Contest, 1892-93. Exchange Editor, College

Paper, 1892-93. Supt. Fairfield Schools. College Debating

team vs. Parsons 1893. Member College Football team. Cap-

tain of Company D. when it won the Penfield Diamond Medal

in competitive drill with other companies of the College. Mem-


ber 35th General Assembly of Iowa. Lay delegate from IowaConference at M. E. General Conference 1912. Three years

Secretary of Fairfield Chautauqua. Two years President Fair-

field Commercial Club and now vice-president of CommercialClub and retail Merchants Association.

Married, Fannie B. Davidson, June 12, 1895, Burlington.

Children—Earl D. and Erma K. born March 8, 1896.

Helen D. born 1898.

Ruth Albert, born July

George Wilson, born Jan. 24, 1901.

Scott Jr., born March 5, 1906; died March 6, '06.

Residence, Fairfield, Iowa.

458. CLYDE W. PAYNE, B.S.—Born September 7, 1872,

Mt. Pleasant. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1888. M.S. 1890.

Phiiomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Chicago Homeopathic Medi-

cal College, 1896; Illinois Medical College, 1900. M.D. Physic-

ian, at Boone, Iowa. Now in automobile business.

Married Alice Hughes (See No. 477), 1897, Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, Des Moines, Iowa.

459. EDWARD JOHN SMITH, A.B.— Born August 31,

1868, San Jose, 111. Prepared Cream Ridge Public Schools.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1886.A. M. 1)896. Ciceronian. Goethe.

Phi Delta Theta. Member German College Chorus; Male

Quartette and Orchestra; Assistant Editor "Der Wesleyaner,"

1890-93. Student, Berlin University, 1894-96. S.T.B. Garrett

Biblical Institute, 1897. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church

St. Louis German Conference, 1893; Iowa Conference since

1897. Pastorates: Mt. Pleasant German M. E. church, 1893-

98; supplied Mystic, 1897; Pulaski, 1897-98; Member Iowa

Conference Board of Examiners. Now member of Puget Sound


Married, Marie L. Heins, October 14, 1897, Wapello.

Children—One daughter, died in infancy.

Two adopted children:

Margaret, 1908.

Thoburn, 1909.

Residence 1106 Chehalis, Ave., Chehalis, Wash.


4G0. FLORA MAY SAMSON (ROE), A.B.—Born Dec. 16.

1878, Kirkwoo.i. ill. Prepared, Burlington High School. En-

: fowl WYsleyan 1S90. A.M. 1S96. ltuthoaii. P. E. O.

rhood. Second honor Benior class. -Evidences of Chris-

tianity.*' Editorial staff. College Taper. Postgraduate work,

Literature. State I'niv. rsity of fowa, 1905. Chair Latin and

Greek. Burlington Institute College, 1893-95; Teacher, Piano,

Married Dr. F. A. Roe. Sept. 17, 1895. Burlington.

Children—Ethel May. horn June 18, 1897.

Miriam Etta, horn Jan. 24, 1901'.

Dorothy Ruth, horn March 21, 1907.

Died September 88, 1912 at Burlington, Iowa. Buried Aspen

Grove Cemetery. Burlington.


mion. Ontario. Can. Prepared, Albert College, Belleville, On-

tario, Can. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1889. A.M. 1896. Ham-

line. Phi Delta Theta. Delegate to State Oratorical Contest,

Grinnell. 1S92. Studied at Garrett Biblical Institute, 1904.

Minister. Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastor, Selma, 1893-95;

Cantril. 1895-96; Bentonsport, 1896-98; Batavia, 1898-1900.

Agency, 1900-01; Standish, Mich., 1901-03; Au Sable, Mich.,


Married, Lizzie Glendenning, June 5, 1896, Belfountain.

Ontario, Canada.

Children—Glen Arthur, March 6, 1898.

Paul Vivian, Augnst 3, 1901.

Residence, Duntroon, Ontario.

462. CHARLES GRANT WATKINS, B.S.—Born Feb. 12,

1869. Libertyville, Iowa. Prepared Libertyville School and

Parsons College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1890. M.S. 1896.

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Captain Co. C Iowa Wesleyan

Militia Graduate Law Department State University of Iowa

1897. Deputy Secretary of State of Iowa 1913 to 1915. Re-

signed to accept position Special Agent of N. W. Mutual Life

Insurance Company. General practice of law in Cedar Rap-

until 1913. Was County Attorney Cedar Rapids one term.

Married. Clara Wood Talley, Oct. 5, 1898, Anamosa.


Children,—Ruth, born Oct. 22, 1899.

George Samuel, born July 16, 1901.

Grace, born Oct. 15, 1903; died at birth.

Residence, 902 18th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

462B. ADAM WEIR, A.B.,—Born Sept. 6, 1872, near Pilot

Grove, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered

Wesleyan 1888. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Trustee Iowa

Wesleyan since 1911. Executive Committee. Auditor IowaWesleyan 1'916-17. In business, Duluth, Minn., 1892-93. Ownedand operated Mt. Pleasant Produce Co. ever since. Performed

a notable service for College as chairman Henry County cam-

paign Committee of the Diamond Jubilee Half Million.

Married, Lucy Davis, June 2, 1892. Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Helen May, born Feb. 12, 1©00.

Davis, born Nov. 4, 1903.

Residence, 412 Broadway, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

463. MIRIAM WOOLSON (BROOKS), (BRYANT), A.B.—Born May 19, 1873, (Parentage See No. 30 and No. 36), Mt.

Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1889. A.M.

1896. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Alpha Xi Delta. Third prize

Sophomore Oratorica. Local Editor "Iowa Wesleyan" Master

of Didacts, I.S.T.C., 1906. A.M. West Highland, Des Moines,

Drake University, 1900; State Normal, 1904; Teacher, RedOak, 1894-95; Des Moines, 1900-02; Teacher, History and Civics

Cedar Falls High School, 1904-1905. Principal 1906-10; Politi-

cal Science; History Department 1910-16; Columbia Univer-

sity, 1912; Historical Department, 1916; taught in SummerSchool I. S. T. C. 1913-14.

Married, (1) Gilbert E. Brooks, 1896, Mt. Pleasant.

(2) James E. Bryant, 1902, Des Moines.

Child—John W(oolson Brooks, born August 29, 1897.

Residence, 2020 Fremont Ave., North, Minneapolis, Minn.

Class of 1894

464. GUY MALCOME BYRKIT, B.S.—Born Red Oak. Pre-

pared, Red Oak High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1890.


MS LW7. llamlino. Phi Mitt Theta. University Of Penn-

sylvania. D.D.S. Lumber business.

Married, Edith C Palmer, 1902, Red Oak.

Child—George Palmer, born 1903.

Residence. LaGrando. Oregon.

465. AVA K. CLEMENTS (PERDEW), B.S.—Born July 24,

L872, ^liat Cbeer. Prepared, Agency High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1890. M.S. 1S97. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sis-

terhood. Special work Boston University. Principal, High

School, Pella, 1S95-96; Principal, Agency City Schools, 1896-

97. President Y. W. C. A.

Married. \Y. H. Perdew, (See No. 481) August 19, 1897,

Agency City.

Children—^Villiam Clements, born 1900.

Ava Jeannette, born 1902.

Neil Westbrook, born 1903.

Richard Melville, born 1905.

Harlan F. born 1906.

Rebecca F., born 1908.

Residence, Ottumwa, Iowa.

466. BERTHA CROZIER, B.M.—Born Nov. 15, 1874,

Knoxville, Iowa. Prepared Knoxville High School. P. E. O.

Sisterhood. Hypatia. Post graduate work in music under Dr.

Rommel, also in Chicago. Secretary to famous musical critic,

Dr. John Van Cleve two years. Brilliant pianist. Gave up

musical profession on account of ill health (Muscular rheuma-

tism) in 1901 and took up study of library work in New York

City. Now has charge of important branch library in Brooklyn

Address 199 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

467 DAISY DUKES, (FANCHER), B.M.—Born April 25,

1872, Chariton, Iowa. Prepared Common Schools. Entered

Wesleyan 1892. Stenographer. Now employed in abstract

work. Member of the firm Stewart and Fancher.

Married George G. Fancher, June 13, 1911, Chariton, Iowa;

died June 1911, Chariton, Iowa.

Residence, 213 N. 13th Street, Chariton, Iowa.


468. WILLIAM LINCOLN FRY, A.B.—Born August 12,

1865, St. Marys, Pa. Prepared Eddyville High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1889. A.M. 1897. Harlan. Hamline.

Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa Confer-

ecen 1895; ordained Deacon, Oskaloosa, 1897; ordained Elder,

Mt. Pleasant, 1899. Pastorates: Durham, 1895; Marysville,

1896; Pleasant Plain, 1898; Unionville, 1899; Martinsburg,

1901; Cedar 1903. Transferred to California Conference, 1910;

Transferred N. W. Kansas Conf. Osborn, Kans. 1911-14; Colby,


Married Louis Stafford, July 19, 1899, Lovilla, Iowa.

Children—Harold Stafford, born November 5, 1900.

William Lloyd, born October 5, 1903.

Edith Louise, born Aug. 31, 1911.

Residence, Colby, Kansas.

469. FRANK PEARL GARDNER, A.B.— Born June 10,

1871, Lexington, la. Prepared, Lexington schools. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1888. A.M. 1897. Beta Theta Pi. Philomathean.

Shoe merchant at Newton, Iowa.

Married Julia Myers Grumbling (See No. 472) July 17, 1907

at Tacoma, Wash.Residence, Newton, Iowa.

470. SARAH C. GILLIS, B.M.—Born February 3, 1802, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Public Schools and Iowa Wesleyan

Academy. Leland Stanford University, three years; within

one semester of graduation from this school.

Died April 23, 1898, Mt. Pleasant. Buried Forest Homecemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


29, 1865, Kirkville. Prepared, Kirkville High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1888. Phi Delta Theta. Boston Theologi-

cal Seminary, 1896-99. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church.

Pastorates: Marysville, 1894-06; E. Templeton, Mass., 1897-

90; Eddyville, 1899-1900; Ottumwa, 1900-02; Richland, Ga.,


Married Fannie Power, (See No. 483), Aug. 24, 1898, Pulaski


Children— Dorothy Plymouth, born July 20, 1S99.

Katheiyn Adele. born June SS, 1902.

Died June 6, L903, Kirkvilie, Iowa.


May K, L872, Lndianola, Prepared Public Schools Mt Pieas-

ant and Indianola. Iowa Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1887. A.M.

Is;.; m i , ,1. Charter member, Hypatia. P. E. O. Sister-

hood. Teacher. Mt. Pleasant Public Schools, 1S95-98; English,

ihlngtOO Academy, 1898-1901; English and Science, Grin-

nell High School, 1901-03; English, Tacoma High School, 1903.

Married Frank P. Gardner (See No. 469) July 17, 1907 at

Tacoma, Wash.

Residence, Newton Iowa.

4 73. ALICE J. HAW, B.M.—Born, Ottumwa, Iowa. Prepar-

ed Public Schools, Ottumwa, Iowa. Post graduate work in

Germany.Address, Ottumwa. Iowa.


Sept. 30, 1872, Van Buren County. Prepared, Keosauqua High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1890. A.M. 1897. Philoma-

thean. Phi Delta Theta. Adjutant Iowa Wesleyan Battalion.

1893-94. Editor "Iowa Wesleyan," 1893-94. Various offices

Y. M. C. A., Secretary, Oskaloosa, 1894-98; Student Secretary

of Iowa, 1897-98; Secretary Army and Navy Department Inter-

national Committee for Philippines and China, 1900-02. 51st

Iowa Infantry. U. S. V., 1898-99; 2d Lieutenant, promoted in

Philippines, July 1899. to 1st Lieutenant. Contributed to "Out-

look," "Christian Herald," "Epworth Herald," "Association

Men," "Intercollegian." Now State Secretary Y. M. C. A., New


Married Mary Myers, (See No. 527), February 19, 1902, Mt.


Children—Thomas Myers, born May 16, 1904.

Edward Warren, Jr., born Oct. 17, 1909.

John Halford, born Nov. 1911.

Residence, 43 Stratford Road, Boston, Mass.


Born November 12, 1872, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared District


Schools and Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan 1889. M.S. 1897. Ruthean. President of Ruthean.

P .E. O. Sisterhood. Graduate Henry County, Teachers' In-

stitute, 1896. Teacher, High School, Agency, 1894-96, and

Marion, 1896-98.

Married, Wm. Thompson Jackson, Nov. 23, 1898, MountPleasant.

Children—Miriam Rebecca, born February 20, 1900.

Frederick Parrett, born January 18, 1902.

Eleanor Grace, born July 3, 1904; died July 4, 'U8.

Frances Cozier, born Aug. 9, 1906.

William Cooper, born Jan. 22, 1911.

Residence, Marion, Iowa.

476. ROSE ELLA HUKILL, A.B.— Born October 31, 1870,

Kossuth. Prepared, Kossuth Academy. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan 1890. A.M. 1897. Ruthean. Diploma, Chicago Policlin-

ic Training School for Nurses, December, 1902. Trained Nurse.

Residence, Mediapolis, Iowa.

477. ALICE HUGHES (PAYNE), B.S.—Born 1874, Mt.

Pleasant. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1889. M.S. 1897. Hypatia.

Pi Beta Phi.

Married Dr. C. W. Payne, (See No. 458) November 17, 1896.

Residence, Care of Hotel Plymouth, 4700 Broadway and Le-

land, Chicago.

478. JOSEPH LUTHER TULLIS LAWSON, A.B.—BornAguust 31, 1864, Wayne County. Entered from Iowa WesleyanAcademy 1886. A.M. 1897. Hamline. Y M C A. Male Quar-

tette; Band; Orchestra. Wjon 440 yard-dash; long distance

foot-ball kick. 16 pound shotput. On cattle ranch.

Married Alice May Corry, October 3, 1901, Fairfield.

Child—Florence Eleanor, born July 24, 1902.

Residence, Garden City, Kan.


6, 1870, Swedesburg, Iowa. Prepared Howe's Academy,Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1890. A. M. 1897.

Ordained by the Ev. Luth. Augustana Synod at St. Paul, Minn.,


Wapello, Iowa, 1901-09. Harcoart, Iowa 19©9-lo. Saron

v'iu,' Nebr 1915. Graduated from the TheologlMl Dept. of

Lwutaiu College and Theological Beminary 1897.

M,,:i..,. Ann,, M. Johns,,,,. 1 ,899, Swedesburg, la.

Children-Paul, born Oct. 12. 1902. died Oct. 17. 1905.

Gertie, born March 11. 190o.

Euart Eugene, born June 13, 08; died June 24, 11.

Harvey Floyd, born June 1, 1911.

Bancael Marvin, born Feb. 2, 1914.

Residence. Saronville, Nebraska.


, mt Moulton. Iowa. Prepared Moulton High School. En-

tered Wesleyen 1892. Studied Theory and Piano American

ZL Music. Chicago. Also piano w«h Frances Str.gel

Burke Accepted as pupil with Fannie Bloomfield Ze,ser.

Teaching piano at present at Muscatine, Iowa.

Married Roy Johnson, Sept. 26, 1894, Moulton, Iowa.

Children—Donald Ulton, deceased.

Max Roy, deceased.

Ruth Elizabeth.

Residence, 411 \V. Second Street, Muscatine, Iowa.

181 WILLIAM H. PERDEW, A.B.-Born 1867, Carthage.

Ill Entered from Iowa Weselyan Academy 1888 AM. 1897

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Charter member and President

Harlan. Sophomore Oratorical contest 1892; Hamline PhUo-

mathean Oratorical contest 1892. President State Oratorical

Association 1902. Boston University School of Theology S.T.

B 1900. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa

Conference 1894. Pastorates; Columbus City, 1894-96; New

Sharon, 1900-03; Mediapolis, 1903. Conference visitor, Iowa

Yvesleyan University, 1902-05. Centerville '06; Newton, 09;

Oskaloosa '14; Ottumwa Dist. '16.

Married Ave K. Clements, (See No. 465) August 19, 1897,

Agency City.

Children—William Clements, born 1900.

Ava Jeannette, born 1902.

Neil Westbrook, born 1903.


Richard Melville, born 1905.

Harlan F., born 1906.

Rebecca F., born 1908.

Residence, Ottumwa, Iowa.

482. JOHN W. POOL, A.B.—Born August 23, 1868, Bur-

lington, Iowa. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1887.

A.M. 1897. Hamline. Took part in Senior exhibition. Presi-

dent Oratorical Association. Valedictorian, 1894. Was 1st Ser-

geant, 2nd Lieutenant and Cadet Major, Military Department.

Won prizes in 220, and 440 yard and half mile dashes. Boston

University School of Theology, 1896-97. Minister Methodist

Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa Conference, 1894. Pastor-

ates: Hillsboro '94; Crawfordsville '95; Boston '96; Kossuth

98; Ft. Madison, (Santa Fe) '99; Ledoa, '03; Ottumwa, (Main

St.), '07; Burlington (Grace), '11; Moulton, '14.

Married Sadie Reaney, Oct 27, 1897, Columbus Junction.

Children—Genevieve Elizabeth, born August 25, 1898.

Robert John, born Apr. 18, 1901; died Apr. 19, '01.

Dwight Reaney, born May 4, '03; died June 17, '04

Mildred Lucile, July 7, 1910.

Residence, Moulton, Iowa.

483. FANNIE POWER (GILMORE), B.S.—Born January

23, 1871, Pulaski. Prepared, Southern Iowa Normal, Bloom-

field. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1900. M.S. 1897. Ruthean,

P. E. O. Sisterhood. Teacher High Schools Monroe, Colfax,


Married W. F. Gilmore, (See No. 471), August 24, 1898,

Pulaski; deceased June 6, 1903, Bloomfield, Iowa.

Children—Dorothy Plymouth, born July 20, 1899.

Katheryn Adele, born June 23, 1002.

Residence, Bloomfield, Iowa.


tember 6, 1874, Ottumwa, (Parentage See No. 247). Prepared,

Iowa Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1889. A.M. 1897.

Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Associate Editor "Iowa Wes-

leyan" 1893.

Married Horace Barnes, 1898, Albia.

Residence, Keokuk, Iowa.


435. HARRY B. SCOLES, A.B.—Born July 23, 1865. Knox-

ville. Prepared Knoxrille High Bchool. Entered Iowa Wes-

Uyan L890. A If. L8$7. Hemline. Beta Theta PI. V. If. C. A.

Won Freshman Greek prize in 1 si* 1 . Local Bditor "Iowa WeS-

leymn" L892. Minister Methodist Episcopal church. Memberlows Conference Board or Examiners. Registrar. Iowa Con-

ference, since 1900. Pastorates: rnionville, 1894; Lovilia.

sdar, 1S9S; Hedrick. 1900; Brighton, 1902; Winfield,

1903. Ft. Madison, 1905; West Liberty, 1909; Keota, 1911;

Bloomfield. 1914.

Married Mary c. Tike. November 1, 1894, Sigourney.

Children—Ruth, born October 26, 1895.

David Lambert, born April 14, 1900.

Esther, born July 4. 1905.

Paul Eugene, born April 2, 1913.

Residence, Bloomfield, Iowa.

486. EMMA GERTRUDE SMITH, B.S. — Prepared Iowa

Wli Bl< yan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1890. Principal

Kirkville Schools, 1894.

Died 1895, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ledru J. Willits,

St. Francis. Kansas. Buried Forest Home cemetery, MountPleasant.

Class of 1895

487. HELEN ANDREWS (YOUNG), B.M.—Born April 2,

1874, Little Rock, Arkansas. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1891. Music teacher.

Married Bruce Charles Young (See No. 512), Oct. 11, 1897,

Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, 3811 Idaho Street, Bellingham, Washington.

488. MAX WELLINGTON BABB, A. B.—Born July 28,

1874, (Parentage See Nos. 69 and 91), Mt. Pleasant. Prepared,

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools and I. W. A. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1891. A.M. 1898, I.W.C. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi.

University of Michigan, 1897, LL.B., Univ. of Mich. Practiced

law seven years, Mt. Pleasant. City Attorney, Mt. Pleasant,

1903. Vice-President and Attorney for Allis-Chalmers Co.,

Chicago, since 1904.


Married Vide Kemble, (See No. 493), Oct. 23, 1900, Fairfield.

Children—Mary Winnifred, born March 24, 1905.

Irving T., born January 10, 1907.

Residence, 624 Summit Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

489. CHARLES E. BLODGETT, A. B.—Born May 31, 1871,

Burlington. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1891.

A.M. 1898. Charter member, Harlan. Hamline. Beta Theta

Pi. Iowa State Normal, M. Di. 1896. Principal High School,

Carroll, 1896-1901; Superintendent Logan Schools 1901-07;

Superintendent Atlantic Schools June 1907-13. Rancher.

Married Irene R. Osgood, December 26, 1900, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Charles Osgood, born February 20, 1904.

Eale Comstock, born September 1, 1906.

Mary Ellen, born May 19, 1913.

Residence, Grandview, Idaho.

490. CLARA BYRKIT (HIEKE), A.B.—Born October 11,

1871, (Parentage See Nos. 4 and 14), Mt. Pleasant. Prepared,

Muscatine High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1890. A.M.1898. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Y.W.C.A. First in Ruthean-

Hypatia Oratorical Contest 1894; second in local contest 1895;

Local Editor Iowa Wesleyan 1893-94.

Married Albert Hieke, October 4, 1899, Des Moines.

Children—Paulina, born November 17, 1900.

Wesley, born March 8, 1904.

Residence, Merrill, Iowa.

491. FRANK KLEIN, A.B.—Phi Delta Theta. Druggist

at Eldorado, Kansas

Last report, Eldorado, Kansas.

492. CHARLES HERMAN KAMPHOEFNER, A. B.—BornMarch 9, 1872, Burlington. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy 1891. A.M. 1898. Iowa State Normal School. Ham-line. Phi Delta Theta. Chairman of Delegation, State Orator-

ical Contest, 1893. President Hamline 1895. Editor "Iowa

Wesleyan" 1894-95. Iowa State Normal School, M.Di. 1898.

Superintendent Public Schools, Odebolt, 1898-1900. Minister

Methodist Episcopal Church. Member of Nortnwestern Iowa


Conference. Pastorates: oto 1900-02; Weil Lake 1902. Presi-

dent Ma Qtots District Bpworth League, 1901 At present

Superintendent [da District, Northwest lows Conference M. E.


Married Amelia Leveke. Sept. 1. L898, Adair County, Iowa.

Children— Francis Ash ry. horn Feb. 1. 'I Feb. 7, '02.

Miriam Fraith, born March 27, 1904.

Hervt y ;


.in May 5. 1907.

Helen Margaret, born February 6. 1909.

Residence, 1706 Jones St.. Sioux City, Iowa.

493. VIDA KEMBLE (BABB), A. B—Born April 13, 1875,

Bloomfield. Prepared, Muscatine High School, Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1892. A.M. 1898. Ruthean. P.E.O. Sisterhood.

Teacher. Public Schools, Muscatine, four years.

Married Max W. Babb (See No. 4SS), Oct. 23, 1900, Fairfield.

Children—Mary Winifred, born March 24, 1905.

Irving T., born January 10, 1907.

Residence, 624 Summit Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

494. STEPHEN GEORGE MAYER, A.B.—Born March 2.

. Hebron. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1891.

A.M. Goethe and Cicero, German College. Hamline. Asso-

ciate Editor "Der Wesleyaner." Member German College

Orchestra and Male Quartette. LL.B., State University of

Iowa, 1S97. Lawyer.

Married Miss Lena Schreiber, February 3, 1904, Indianola.

Residence, Des Moines, Iowa.

495. MABEL MILNER, A.B.—Born February 24, 1870,

Oakland Mills. Prepared, Howe's Academy and Whittier Col-

lege. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1890. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi.

Member Students' Volunteer Movement. President Y. W. C.

A. 1894. Graduate Henry County Normal.

Died November 2, 1895, Monte Vista, Colorado.


27, 1868, near Keosauqua. Prepared public schools of Kil-

borne and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan1891. A.M. 1898. Harlan. Philo. Y. M. C. A. Boston Uni-


versity School of Theology 1898-1901. S. T. B. Minister of

Methodist Episcopal church, D.D. Hedding College, 1909. Field

secretary, Iowa Wesleyan University 1904-05. Principal, IowaWesleyan Academy, 1905. Entered Iowa Conference 1894. Pas-

torates, Saline, 1895-97. Libertyville, 1897-98; East Gloucester,

Mass., 1899-1901. Cantril, 1901-04. What Cheer, 1910; Knox-ville, 1912. Dean Missouri Wesleyan College 1908-10. District

Supt. Oskaloosa, 1914.

Married Nellie Sevier, (See No. 505), Sept. 4, 1895, Mt.


Children—Gladys, born July 1, 1896.

George Jefferson, born Oct. 12, 1897.

Wesley Warren, born Feb. 27, 1900.

Craig Pearson, born Nov. 4, 1901.

Ruth, born July 1, 1903.

Paul Sevier, born Feb. 17, 1906.

Augustus David, born March 23, 1911.

Residence 133 K Ave., East Oskaloosa, Iowa.

497. ALBERT H. MYERDICK, B.S.—Born May 25, 1874,

Washington. Prepared Public Schools, Mt. Pleasant. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1891. M.S. 1898. Y. M. C. A. Member Mili-

tary Cadet Corps. St. Louis College of Physicians and Sur-

geons M.D. 1899; Medical Department of Washington Univer-

sity (St. Louis) M.D. 1903. Assistant to Surgical Clinic, St.

John's Hospital, St Louis, Mo., 1903; St. Louis Health De-

partment, 1899-1901; Assistant Surgeon St. Louis Transit Co.

and United Railways Co. of St. Louis, 1903. Prison physician

at Missouri State Penitentiary, Jefferson City, under Gov. Her-

bert S. Hadley. Medical Inspector in Public Schools of St.


Permanent address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

St. Louis address, Limar Hotel, Washington Ave.

498. MARGARET NICHOLS, B.M.—Nichols, Iowa.

499. HOWARD WILSON POWER, B.S.—Born July 25,

1872, Pulaski, Iowa. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy*1889. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Manufacturing.

Married Emma Vieths, June 10, 1902, Davenport.


Children— Phyllis, bom Feb. 22, 1906.

Gordon, born May 17, 1911.

Idence, EUllcreet Ave., Davenport, Iowa.


Knoxville. low*. Prepared Knoxville H. S. Teacher of music

Knoxville and Philadelphia.

Married, George Edwin Baker, Sept. 30, 1907, London,


Residence, Shrubery. Hook Road, Swibiton, England.

501. HIRAM THOMAS ROBINSON, A.B.—Born August 9,

1S58, London, Kentucky. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Aca-

demy 1889. A.M. 1898. Harlan. Philomathean. President of

Society. Represented Iowa Wesleyan State Oratorical Con-

test. Fairfield, 1894. S.T.B. Boston University School of Theol-

ogy. 1900. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Admitted

Iowa Conference, September, 1894. Pastorates: Hillsboro,

1895-97; Barnes City, 1900; Kellogg, 1901-02; Delta, 1903; Mt.

Union, 1904. Transferred to California River Conference,

1907. Still preaching.

Married Julia B. Farr, August 15, 1895, Mt. Pleasant.

Child—Wendell L., born Jan. 19. 1900.

Residence—Perhastin, Wash.

502. ED L. ROTH, B.S.—Born Trenton, May 20, 1868. Pre-

depar Howe's Academy and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered

College, 1891. M.S. 1898. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta.

Second place Local Oratorical Contest. Vice-President State

Oratorical Association. Made records in athletics. Represent-

ed Iowa Wesleyan, Intercollegiate Debate, Fairfield. Superin-

tendent Henry County Schools, two terms. Experience in

Journalism, Merchandising and Farming. Established valu-

able Cooperage Plant, Kansas City, 1901; this business grewrapidly and was promising; entire plant and home utterly de-

stroyed by great floods of 1903. Re-established in Real Es-

tate, Ottumwa, 1904. Real Estate and Insurance.

Married, December 25, 1901, Miss Ella Spray.

Child—Homer Max, born October 25, 1902.

Residence, Ottumwa, Iowa.


503. THOMAS EDMUND SAVAGE, A.B.—Born January 8,

1866, Salem. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1892. A.M. 1898. Philo-

mathean. Beta Theta Pi. Won Sophomore Latin Prize, State

University of Iowa, B.S. 1897. State University of Iowa, M.

S. 1898 Iowa State University Ph.D. Yale Univ. Professor

Biology and Geology, Western College, 1899-1903. Assistant

State Geologist 1903. Secretary Iowa Academy of Science.

Contributor to Iowa Geological Survey Reports, and Proceed-

ings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences. Prof, of Geology, Uni-

versity of Illinois since 1905.

Married Elinor C. Dubai, July 21, 1900.

Four Children.

Residence, 604 S. Busey Ave., Urbana, 111.

504. DETLEF HEINRICH SCHROEDER, A.B. — BornJune 18, 1867, near Kiel, Germany. Entered from Iowa Wes-leyan Academy 1890. A.M. 1898. Hamline. Goethe. B.D.

Union Theological Seminary 1898. Minister Methodist Episco-

pal Church. Post-graduate work Columbia University, 1896-99

Pastor Big Springs, Neb., 1899. Teacher, Long Island Busi-

ness College, evenings, 1900-04. Librarian in New York Pub-

lic Library, 1901. Assistant Librarian Union Theological

Seminary since 1901. Bibligraphical work for various authors

and extensive translations from German exegetical works,

mostly for the Cross Reference Bible.

Residence, 3041 Broadway at 120th Street, New York City.

505. NELLIE SEVIER, (MINEAR), A.B— Born April 1,

1871, Kansas. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1889.

A.M. 1§98 Hypatia. Y. W. C. A. One year of Hebrew andGreek, Boston University School of Theology, 1898-99.

Married George L. Minear, (See No. 496), September 4,

1895, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Gladys, born July 1, 1896.

George Jefferson, born October 12, 1897.

Wesley Warren, born February 27, 1900.

Craig Pearson, born November 4, 1901.

Ruth, born July 1, 1903.

Paul Sevier, Feb. 17, 1906.

Augustus David, March 23, 1911.

Residence, 133 K. Avenue East, Oskaloosa, Iowa.



eJb«M 1868, BattTia. Entered Imva W.sleyan 1S89. A.M.

,,,„• ,.,, IM.i Delta The a.

Married Lula I

MO. 681) October 14. 1896. lit

i. pebniary 18, 1808, Cedar, to**.

507. EDGAR SQUIRE, A.B.-Last report. Wellman .Iowa.

508. HENRY SQUIRE, A.B.-Last report. Wellman, Iowa.


lost, letter addressed St. Louis, Mo., returned.

5,0. SAMUEL L. WINTERS, A. B. -Born February 19,

1872 Ht Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School En-

tared Iowa Wesleyan 1890. A.M. 1898. Harlan. Philomathean

BetaThetaPi. State University of Iowa. LL.B. Asststant

City Attorney ot South Omaha, Nebraska, 1905.

Married. February 19, 1903.

Child-John R., born May 12, 1904. ' „ . fc„

Residence, 4722 South 17th, St., South Omaha, Nebraska.

511 HENRY WOLTMAN, A. B.-Born March 11. 1S68.

Clark County, Missouii. Prepared Kahoka College, Iowa Wes-

levin Academv. Entered Wesleyan 1891. A.M. 1898. M.D.

1903. Taught school three years; took up study o£ medmme

1898 Physician and surgeon."

Married Katherine Rojerson, September 4, 1913, Jackson-


Residence, 32G W.. College Ave., Jacksonville, Illinois

512 BRUCE CHARLES YOUNG, B.S—Born March 8,

1870 Mt Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy

189l'. Harlan. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Lumberman

and Rancher. M.S. from I.W.C.

Married Helen Andrews, (See No. 487), Oct. 11. 1897, Mt.


Residence, 3811 Idaho St., Bellingham, Washington.


Class of 1896

513. MARY E. ARNOLD (FRANTZ), B.S.—Born February29, 1876, Salem. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant Public Schools. En-tered Iowa Wesleyan 1889. M.S. 1899. Ruthean. P. E. O.Sisterhood. Y. W. C. A. President Ruthean. Assistant Busi-

ness Manager, "Iowa Wesleyan," 1896. Tutor, Normal Depart-

ment, Iowa Wesleyan, 1896. Teacher, Public Schools, Mt.

Pleasant, 1899-1900. First Vice President Iowa Grand Chapter,

P. E. O.

Married, Dr. Charles P. Frantz, (See No. 519), November7, 1900, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Robert Arnold, born February 4, 1905.

Charlotte May, born June 19, 1908.

Howard Jerome, Oct. 11, 1910.

Residence 727 N. 5th St., Burlington, Iowa.

514. KARL C. CORLEY, A.B.—Born September 9, 1873.

{Parentage See No. 136 and 137), Victor. Entered from Iowa

Wesleyan Academy 1891. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Mem-ber Oratorical Association and Athletic Association. First

Prize Junior Oratorical Contest 1895. Business manager "Iowa

Wesleyan" 1895-96. Member Hamline Debating Team 1895.

Member Foot Ball and Track teams. Medicine University of

Pennsylvania, 1903. M.D. Resident Physician Columbia Hos-

pital, 1904. Began private practice January 1, 1905. Appoint-

ed Demonstrator of Anatomy, Columbian University, Washing-

ton, D. C, December 15, 1904. Contributed to Virginia Medi-

cal Magazine.

Married, Ida Hill Oct. 1905, Philadelphia, Pa.

Residence, 1787 Columbia Road, Washington, D.C.

515. ROY FRANKLIN CORLEY, A.B.—Born 1874, (Par-

entage See No. 136 and No. 137), Newton. Entered from Iowa

Wesleyan Academy 1890. President Hamline. Phi Delta Theta.

Class Vice-President. Won second prize, Junior Oratorical

Contest. Dental Department University Pennsylvania. D.D.S.


Married, Etta Palmer Baily, 1903, Kenton, Delaware.

Residence, Dover, Delaware.



17. 1^74. Agency city. Prepared, Agency City School. Enter-

ed [owa Wesleyan L892. M.S. L899. Harlan. Elamllne. Phi

Delta Theta Member Oratorio Society. Captain Military Co.

Won second honor 1S96. Keokuk Dental College. 1S97-1900.

D.D S Assistant Demonstrator Keokuk Dental College, 1899-

1900. Lectured on Dental Medicine in Keokuk Dental Col-

lege, 1900-02. Doctor of Dental Surgery.

Married Lillian Durr, August 15, 1900, Batavia.

Child—Marjorie Durr, born March 10, 1902.

Residence, 202 Baal Main Street. Ottumwa, Iowa.

517. ETTA DAY (LARKIN), A.B.—Born 1875. Pilot Grove,

Prepared, Mt. Pleasant Public School. Entered Iowa Wesley-

an 1890. A. If. 1899. Ruthean. P. E. O. Teacher, Mt. Pleas-

ant Academy, 1902-04.

Married Charles W. Larkin, (See No. 378), June 29, 1904,

Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, Winfield, Iowa.

518. MARSA ELIZABETH FEE (VOORHIES), B.S.—BornApril 21, 1875, Centerville, Iowa. Prepared, Centerville Public

School and High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1891.

Ruthean. Rancher.

Married. J. W. Voorhies June 22, 1897, Centerville, Iowa.

Children—Jean Alethea, born Aug. 8, 1898.

Jewett Fee, born April 10. 1900.

Thomas Wilber. born Aug. 16, 1904.

Rollin Wilson, born Dec. 20, 1906.

Sara Virginia, born Nov. 18, 1908.

James franklin, born Dec. 3, 1914.

Residence, Bakersfield, California.

519. CHARLES P. FRANTZ, B.S.—Born January 22, 1869.

Burlington. Prepared,Burlington Schools. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1890. M.S. 1899 Harlan. President Hamline. PhiDelta Theta. Won place Oratorical Contest 1895. Class

President. Secretary Oratorical Association. Manager BaseBall Team. Won 50 and 100 yard dashes 1895-96. Drum Ma-jor Battalion 1894-95. Captain Company A, won Penfield Dia-


mond Medal 1896. Business Manager "Iowa Wesleyan" 1894-

95. Editor same 1895-96. Northwestern University, M.D. In-

terne People's Hospital, Chicago, one year. General practice

at Milton. Physician. Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose, and ThroatLecturer on General Anatomy, Diseases of. Nose and Throat,

in Mercy Hospital Training School for Nurses, Burlington.

Married Mary E. Arnold, (See No. 513), November 7, 1900,

Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Robert Arnold, born February 4, 1905.

Charlotte May, born June 19, 1908.

Howard Jerome, born Oct. 11, 1910.

Residence, 727 North 5th St., Burlington, Iowa.

520. OLIVE H. GASS, B.S.—Born April 17, 1871, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Public Schools. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1890. M.S. 1899. Hypatia. P. E. O. Pi

Beta Phi. Post Graduate work in Literature, Boulder Uni-

versity. Also work at University of Chicago. Teacher Mt.

Pleasant Public Schools 1896-1906. Denver, Colorado Public

Schools, 1906-17.

521. RACHEL GASS, B.S.—Born Oct. 27, 1880, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa. Prepared Public Schools, Mt. Pleasant. Entered

Wesleyan 1892. M.S. 1899. Hypatia. Teacher CommonSchools Henry County, Iowa. Post graduate work, Iowa Wes-

leyan College.

Residence, R. F. D. No. 6, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

522. BLANCHE GREEN (SCOTT) (PAYNE), B.M.—BornMarch 24, 1870, Trenton, Iowa. Prepared Leando and Keosau-

qua Public Schools. Hypatia. Taught music. Post graduate

work Helena, Mont.

Married, (1) Frank Scott, Mt. Pleasant.

(2) Earl Payne, Billings, Montana.

Child—Alice Scott.

Address, East 606 34th Ave., Spokane, Wash.

523. GRACE HAYES, (BENJAMIN), B.M.—Born Center-

ville, Iowa. Prepared Centerville High School. P. E. O. Sis-

terhood. Pi Beta Phi.


Married W. 0. Benjamin, Ban Francisco, CaL

Child—Bogenla Marguerite.

L9 Park Av, .. Qreal Bend, Kan. (Letter return-

: »ni this address. Said to be in California.)

524. HENRY M. HILLS, A.B.—Born, 1S74. South Manches-

pared, Mt Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa Wealeyan 1892. Beta Theta Pi. Chicago University,

A.M. 1900. Push Medical. M.D. 1900. Physician and Surgeon.

Residence. Lamona, Iowa.

525. NATHAN W. HUSTON, A.B.—Born May 4, 1874,

Dodgeville, Iowa. Prepared Franklin School and Public

Schools, Des Moines. Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1S91.A.M.

1S99. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. First prize. College

Song Book, published 1S95. Latin and Greek prizes, 1892.

place. Freshman-Sophomore Oratorical Contest, 1893

Delivered Master's Oration 1899. Editor and one of the pro-

pietors Mt. Pleasant Journal 1897-1903. Won Inter-society de-

bate. President of Philomathean society twice. President of

Freshman class. Captain of Artillery in Military department.

Published St. Scott Republican two years in Kansas. Publish-

ed Manhattan Nationalist from 1907-14 as editor and owner.

Now editor and owner of Columbus Daily and Weekly Advo-


Married, (1) Grace L. Downer, Sept. 5, 1895, Sperry.

(2) Kathryn Wing, July 8, 1908, Manhattan, Kas.

Children, Dorothy, born June 20, 1896.

Nathan, born Aug. 20, 1898.

John, born June 6, 1900.

Residence, Manhattan. Kansas.


Married Horace Carter (See No. 410), Sept. 28, 1906, Cory-

don, Iowa.

Residence Corydon. Iowa.

527. MARY MYERS, (HEARNE), B.S.—Born February 10.

(Parentage See No. 61B) Bellfountain. Prepared, Bur-

lington and Centerville High Schools. Entered Iowa Wes-


leyan 18911. M.S. 1899. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Y.

W. C. A. Alumnae Editor "Iowa Wesleyan," one year. Teacher,

Literature and English, Iowa Wesleyan, one year.

Married Edward Warren Hearne, (See No. 474), February

19, 1902, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Thomas Myers, born May 16, 1904.

Edward Warren, Jr., born Oct. 17, 1909.

John Halford, Nov. 1911.

Residence, 43 Stratford Road, Melrose, Mass.

528. JOHN WESLEY POTTER, Ph.B.—Born March 18,

1864. Lone Tree. Prepared Public Schools and Howe's Acade-

my. Entered Iowa Wesleyan in 1892. Philomathean. Phi Delta

Theta. D.D. Iowa Wesleyan College, 1911. Exchange editor

"Iowa Wesleyan." Won oratorical contest two consecutive

years. Three years Secretary Iowa State Epworth League As-

sembly. Iowa delegate, World's Fourth Sunday School Con-

vention at Jerusalem, 1904. Secretary Iowa Conference, M.E.

Church 1905. Member "Holy Land Party" 1910, visiting Egypt

and Syria and crossing Europe twice, seeing the "Passion

Play." Now pastor of First M. E. Church, Anderson, Indiana.

Built an $80,000 church in Sioux Falls, S. Dakota.

Married Effie R. McBeth, Dec. 5, 1888, Keosauqua.

Children—Carrie Lucille, born Apr. 24, 1890; died May '03.

Robert Russell, born Jan. 3, 1897.

Ruth Potter, born Dec. 15, 1899.

Residence, Anderson, Indiana,

529. MARTHA BLANCHE SWAN, B.S.—Born August 10,

1873, Danville. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1892.

M.S. 1899. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Iowa Library SummerSchool 1904. Teacher, Librarian, 1903-1916, Iowa Wesleyan


Residence, Meyers Falls, Washington.

530. FRED VAN HON, B.S.—Born October 2, 1874, Mt.

Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1890. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Member Glee

Club, Philo Quartette, Foot Ball Team. Clerk First National

Bank. Asst. Cashier First National Bank.

ls9 7j ALUMNI RECORD 287

Married Marjorie Alice Steadman, April 26, 1904, Mt. Pleas-


Children—Thomas Williams, horn March 9, 1905.

Ethel Kh/.ahoth. horn Jan. 6, 1910.

Helen Louise, horn June 22, 1916.

lidence, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Class of 1897


Jan 17 1876 Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1893 Hvpatia. Pi Beta Phi- Attended New School of Meth-

ods in Chicago. Taught public school music in Chariton, Iowa

two years and Mason City, one year.

Married. (1) William Shearer (See No. 506), Oct. 14, 1896.

Mt Pleasant, Iowa. Died Cedar, Iowa, Feb. 13, 1902.

(2) Charles B. Wolfe, Oct. 11, 1898, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Hal Baxter, born 1906.

Mary Marjorie, born 1909.

Jeannie Maxine, born 1911.

Residence 174 N. Main Street, Ashland, Oregon.

532 AARON VALE BLACKFORD, A.B.—Born December

18 1871 Bonaparte. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy.

1892 Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. First Honors, Philo-

Hamline Debate, 1897. Business Manager, "Iowa Wesleyan,"

1897 Hardware and Implemnt Merchant.

Married Maude A. Swan, (See No. 576) October 8, 1901,


Child—Kenneth Swan, born April 1, 1907.

Residence, Bonaparte, Iowa.


July 18, 1875, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant

High School.

Married Walter Richardson Aug. 29, 1901, Mt. Pleasant;

died Oct. 11, 1908, Galesburg, 111.

Died Nov. 24, 1907, Los Angeles, Cal. Buried Mt. Pleasant,

Iowa, Pleasant Hill Cemetery.


534. JOHN THOMAS DICKINSON, Ph.B.—Born Septem-

ber 1, 1876, Onarga, 111. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1893. Philomathean. Adjutant, Mili-

tary Department. Registered as Pharmacist, Iowa, 1900; Illi-

nois, 1904. Pharmacist.

Residence, Abingdon, Illinois.

535. JAMES BRUCE EYESTONE, A.B.—Born March 24,

1870, Lexington. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1890. Philomathean.

Beta Theta Pi. S.T.B., Boston University, 1905. Minister

Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Keosauqua, 1897-

1900. Libertyville, 1900-02. Manager Gospel Ten, 1902-03;

Epworth Settlement (Boston), 1903-04; Assistant Pastor Mor-

gan Memorial (Boston), 1904-05. President Theological Semi-

nary, Foochoo, China.

Married (1) Elizabeth Wright, August 25, 1904, Keosauqua.

Died March 1907, Foochoo, China.

(2) ( )

Address, Cr. Theological Seminary, Foochoo, China.

536. JULIA EVA FREEMAN, B. S.—Born June 18, 1876,

Born June 18, 1876, Winfield. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1893. Ruthean. Pi Beta

Phi. Y. W. C. A. Ladies Military Company.Residence, Wjnfield, Iowa.

537. ARTHUR HENRY HOFFMAN, A.B.—Born August 13

1873, Washington. Prepared, Sigourney High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1893. Hamline. A.M. 1905. Goethe.

Beta Theta Pi. Y. M. C. A. Representative Sophomore Ora-

torical Contest. First and second place respectively in each

of two German oratorical contests. Junior Oratorical; Crane,

Greek, and Latin prizes tied. German Scholarship prize. Mem-ber, Glee Club, German Quartette, Oratorio Chorus. Principal

Wesley High School, 1898-99; Principal Andrew, 1899-1901;

Principal Marble Rock, 1901-02. Instructor Physics and Elec-

trical Engineering Iowa State College, 1904-05. B.S. in E.E.

June, 1905, Iowa State College.

Residence, Ames, Iowa.


538 FRED J. KAMPHOEFNER, B.S.—Born January 8,

1^74 Burlington. Prepared. IV rlinut.m High School. Enter-

ed Iowa W^h van. 1*94. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Ex-

change Editor -Iowa WesUyan." One of the organizers of

Iowa Illinois Wesleyan Debating League. Instructor Preston

High School.

; Alue !•:. Martin. October 29, 1902, Eldora.

Residence, Grovcr and Baker Streets, San Francisco, Cal.


Red Creek W Va. Prepared, Montezuma High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1893. Phi Delta Theta. Phi Delta

Phi Lawvers' Fraternity. Graduate in Law, University of

Nebraska 1903. Principal Stewart High School three years;

Agency one year. Enlisted Spanish-American War, Co. K, oOth

Iowa Infantry. Attorney at law.

Residence, Pierre, S. Dakota.

540. DORA LAUGHLIN (HUKILL), B.S.-B.S. Hypatia.

Pi Beta Phi.

Married, Rolla C| Hukill, (See No. 566) September 24, 1903.

Residence, 3548 Franklin St., Denver, Colo.

541. IRA ELMER LUTE, A.B.—Born December 29, 1875,

Henry County. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1891.

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. President College Y. M. C. A.

Manager Foot Ball Team. Assistant Secretary Cedar Rapids

Y M. C A., 1S97; General Secretary Independence Y. M. C. A.,

1897-99; Assistant Secretary St. Louis-Central Y. M. C. A.,

1899-1903; General Secretary Camden, N. J ,Y. M. C. A.,

1903. Captain Co. B. 32d degree Mason. Candidate for PhD.

in Denver University.

Married Biona Barrer, March 7, 1900, Burlington, Iowa.

Children -WTinnifred, Sept. 23, J 305.

Natalie K., July 22, 1914.

Residence, 2390 Forest St., Denver, Colo.

542. ZOE MAIER, B.M.—Born 1876, Avoca, la. Prepared.

Avoca High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1S93.

Residence Avoca, Iowa.


543. IDA KATHERINE MINEAR, BAIRD), A.B.— BornJune 8, 1871, Kilbourne, Iowa. Prepared, Keosauqua HighSchool and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Hypatia. Entered

1893. Teacher Primary Grade, 1897-1900. Contributed arti-

cles to church and temperance papers.

Married Dr. J. Baird, May 8, 1900, Kilbourne.

Children—Byrle, born November 15, 1902.

Bryce Minear, Sept. 13, 1906.

Kathryn, born Nov. 7, 1913.

Residence, 105 W, 1st St., Coffeyville, Kan.

544. THOMAS OSBORN, B.S. — Born May 28, 1867,

Knoxville. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1887. A.M.

1901. D.D. 1911 York College, York, Neb. Second honor Iowa

State Oratorical Contest. Minister, Methodist Episcopal

Church. Pastorates: Williamsburg, 1889-93; Wellman, 1893-

95; Agency, 1897-99; WTinfield, 1899-1903; Fairfield, 1903-08;

Muscatine, 1908-10; Fairfield, 1910-13; Mt. Pleasant, 1913-

Married Birdie M. Pace, August 27, 1890. Knoxville.

Children—Helen M., born May 17, 1898.

Florence, born May 29, 1904; died Nov. 17, 1908.

Virginia, born June 13, 1910.

Residence, 302 N. Adams St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

545. LA RUE I. PAYNE (VAN HON) (BRANDVIG),(SIMMONS), B.M.—Born October 16, 1878. Bloorafield, Iowa.

P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married, (1) William Van Hon; died Jan. 1, 1906.

(2) Eustin Brandvig, Feb. 3, 1907.

(3) E. B. Simmons.

Child—Florence, born Nov. 24, 1900.

Residence, Mayfield, Kentucky.

546. ROBERT D. POOL, B. Lit.—Born November 14, 1872,

Des Moines County. Prepared, Iowa College for the Blind. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1895. Hamline. Minister, Methodist

Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa Conference 1897. Pastorates


Park Avenue, Muscatine, 1897-98; Blue Grass, 1899; Oxford,

1900-06; Columbus Junction, 1906-09; Broken Arrow, Okla.,

1909-11; Clarenure, 1911-14; Woodward, 1914-16; Norman, 1917


Married Minnie Ettcksler August IS, 1895, Salem.

Child ItOlKWl Harold, born September 9, 1898.

Residence. Norman, Oklahoma.

547. MARY ELIZABETH RANDALL (SMITH), Ph.B. —Born March 18, 1872, Itiia. Prepared. Birmingham High

School. Wichita. Kan.. High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1895. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Alpha Xi Delta. Y. W.

C. A. Chairman Delegation to State Oratorical Association,

1896-97. Junior Prize, Oratory. Attended Wichita School of

Oratory, also Normal, Lincoln. Neb. Assistant Principal, La-

tin and German. Mt Pleasant High School, 1897-1901. Member

Mt. Pleasant Art Club 1900-01; member Austin Woman's Club.

Member Woman's Club in Madison, Wis.

Married Albert Erastus Smith, (See No. 552) June 18, 1901,


Children—Alethea Elizabeth, born May 27, 1902.

Albert Randall, Dec. 26, 1907.

Harriett Ruth, born Jan 21, 1912.

Residence, 1148 Spaight, Madison, Wis.

548. FRANK STUART ROBINSON, A.B.—Born February

8, 1874, Northfield. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan, 1892. Ham-

line. Phi Delta Theta. LL.B. Columbian University, Wash-

ington, D. C 1902. Attorney, Law Department C, B. & Q.

Ry. Co.

Married, Miss Kriechbaum.

Residence 209 Adams Street, Chicago, 111.


1874, Windham, Maine. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Public Schools

and Iowa Wesleyan. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1893. Phi Delta

Theta. Philomathean, Y. M. C. A. Editor, "Iowa Wesleyan".

Philo Male Quartette. Cadet Major and Assistant Military In-

structor in Military Department 1896-97. Graduate, Chicago

Theological Seminary, 1900. Congregational Minister, Pond

Creek, Okla., 1900-03. Sunday School Field Wrorker. Editor

Oklahoma Sunday School Wrorker." (Monthly), 1905. Now a

lesson writer on staff of Sunday School Times of Philadelphia

and doing Bible lecturing. Pastor of Congregational Church


at Amarillo, Tex., West Terre Haute and at present with

Plymouth Cong. Church, Terre Haute, Ind.

Married, Esther Baumgartner, May 28, 1900, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Paul Chapman, born May 6, 1904.

Ruth Augusta, born Dec. 13, 1906.

David Lawrence, born May 13, 1908.

John Osgood, born May 2, 1913.

Residence, 1708 Sycamore Street, Terre Haute, Indiana.


ruary 26, 1876, Mt. Pleasant. Entered from Iowa WesleyanAcademy 1892. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Hamline-Philo-

mathean debates, 1896-97. Valedictorian, Class, 1897; Chair-

man Lecture Course Committee, 1896-97; Captain Co. B (ca-

dets), 1897. B.S.A. Iowa State College, 1899. Assistant, Ani-

mal Husbandry, Iowa State College, Ames, 1899-1901; ManagerO. R. & N. Experimental Farm, Walla Walla, Wash., 1901; Ex-

pert, Animal Husbandry, Bureau; of Animal Industry, United

States Department of Agriculture, 1901-17. Contributor to

Annual Report Bureau of Animal Industry, United States De-

partment Agriculture, and Year Book of the Department;

Author of several department bulletins on Animal Husbandry.

Married Mrs. Sallie Russel Reeves, Sept. 19, 1906, Washing-

ton, D. C.

Children—Anna Margaret, October 18, 1907.

Sarah Elizabeth, born Jan. 30, 1909.

George, Jr., born Dec. 24, 1910; died Dec. 24, '12.

Alexander Ross, born Sept. 24, 1913.

Residence, 2622 Garfield, Street, Washington, D. C.

551. MAMIE SLOAN (WHITHAM), B.M.—Born May 10,

1874, New Boston, 111. Prepared New Boston. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1893. Ruthean. Teacher of Piano Lansing, Mich.

Married John E. Whitham, Burlington, Iowa, 1898.

Child—Mildred V., born Nov. 25, 1900.

Residence 6832 Hawthorne Ave., Hollywood. Cal. (Suburb

of Los Angeles.)

552. ALBERT E. SMITH, B.S.—Born May 11, 1876, Mt.

Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa


WJMleyan L89S. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Represen-

tative. Intercollegiate Debate with Illinois Wesleyan. '96 and

:•: annual debates. Territory Manager The Cable Company,1891. Contributor to "Office Appliance Journal." Asst. In-

structor in Business. President Wisconsin Music Company.Married Mary Elizabeth Randall, (See No. 547) June 18,

1901, Birmingham.

Children—Alethea Elizabeth, born May 27, 1902.

Albert Randall, born Dec. 26, 1907.

Harriet Ruth, born Jan. 21, 1912.

Residence. 1148 Spaight St., Madison, Wis.

553. ELLA WOODS, B.M.—Born Aug. 15, 1874, Mt. Pleas-

ant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Hypatia. Pi Beta

Phi. Music Teacher, Los Angeles, Cal.

Residence, 7161 Howard Ave., Seattle, Wash.

554. GRACE WOOLSON (CLARK), Ph. B.—Born July

17, 1875, (Parentage See No. 30 and No. 36), Mt. Pleasant. En-

tered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1893. Ph.B. Ruthean.

President Class 1897. Private Secretary District Judge United

States Court, 1898-1901.

Married Jesse Wilbur Clark (See No. 431) June 24, 1902,

Des Moines.

Children—Gertrude, born August 14, 1904.

John Wcolson, born April 5, 1913.

Residence, 129 Grove Street, Montclair, N. J.

555. EMMET ALEXANDER WORK, B.S.—Born January

9, 1878, (Parentage See No. 81) Keosauqua. Hamline. Beta

Theta Pi. Law Course, Iowa City, 1899. Member HammondLaw Senate and Wapello Club, Ottumwa. Lawyer.

Residence, Ottumwa, Iowa.

556. LILLIAN BELLE ZARING (CROZIER) B.M.—Born,July 9, 1877, near Fremont, Iowa. Prepared Fremont schools

and Penn College Conservatory. Entered Wesleyan 1896.

Music teacher.

Married William Crozier, Dec. 14, 1899, Fremont, Iowa.




Residence, R. F. D., North, Oskaloosa, Iowa.

Class of 1898

557. MILES THORNTON BABB, B.S.—Born February 27,

1878, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared Public Schools, Mt. Pleasant.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1894. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi.

Member Wesleyan Debating Team in contest with Illinois

Wesleyan, 1898. Leader Mandolin Guitar Club, 1896-97. Dist.

Mgr. Western Wheeled Scraper Co.

Married Lottie Barton Allen, September 12, 1904, MorningSun.

Residence 6400 Locust St., Kansas City, Mo.

558. ARTHUR H. BYRK1T, A.B.—Born Dec. 15, 1872 (Par-

entage See No. 14 and No. 4) Danville, Iowa. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1892. Hamline. Student Garrett Bible Institute. In

United States Postal Service since 1907.

Married (1) Lela E. Wilkins, Dec. 20, 1907, Los Angeles,

Cal.; died Nov. 19, 1911 at Los Angeles, Cal.

(2) Dora Eisentraut, July 20, '15, Los Angeles.

Child—Gertrude Alice, born Oct. 18, 1911.

Residence, 2732 W. 12th St., Los Angeles, Cal.

559. CHARLES W, COCHRAN, B.S.—Born March 15, 1871

Van Buren County. Prepared, Whittier College, Southern

Iowa Normal, Bloomfield, Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1895.

Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Won Junior Oratorical Con-

test. Gave the annual address to class of 1899. Taught

school three years in Henry and Lee counties. Business Man-ager "Iowa Wesleyan" 1897-98. Entered Iowa Conference

1901. Pastorates: Salina, 1901-03; West Point, 1903; Sperry,

1905; Burlington Circuit, 1907; Attica, 1908; Eddyville, 1910;

Bussey, 1912; Barnes City, 1915; Wayland, 1916.

Married Miss Jessie White, April 4, 1901, Creston.

Children—Mildred Bernice, born February 12, 1903.

Alberta, born Oct. 15, 1909.

Louise, born July 4, 1911.

Residence, Wayland, Iowa.


550. WILLIAM HENRY EVANS, B.S.—Born Aug. 16, 1ST::

Ifediapolls, low*. Prepared Mt . Pleasant High School and

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1892.

Hamline. Beta TheU PI (Mass President. Captain Com-pany A Cadets L897-98. President Hamline Literary Society.

Cashier Henry County Savings Bank. President Iowa Wes-

D Al ninal Association Since 1916.

Married Estelle Lamb, June 29, 190'j, Waterloo. Iowa

Child—William Irving, born Oct. 3, 1910

Residence, 106 N. Jefferson Street. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

561. CHARLES EDWARD FITZSIMMCNS, A.B. —BernMay 10. 1866, Muscarine County, !owa. Entered from Iowa

Wesleyan Academy 1£94. Harlan. Hamline. Y. M. C. A.

Editor of Student s Hand Book 1897-98. Chairman of Mission-

ary Committee three years, also correspondent for the Stu-

dent Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions. Member of

executive committee of the Inter-Collegiate Debating Associa-

tion 1898 Pastorates: Nichols 1899; Blue Grass, 1901,

Koszta, 1902; Durham, 1904. Two years agent for Iowa Cen-

tral C. R. I. & P. Railroads. Three years in store and lumber

yards. Re-entered Ministry. Pastoratee: Reasoner, 1913;

Attica, 1916.

Married, Clara Tharp, March 22, 1899, Wilton, Iowa.

Child—Harold Vincent, born March 13, 1903.

Residence, Attica, Iowa.

562. IDA MAE GODFREY, B.S—Bora, Mt. Pleasant. Pre

pared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan1894. Hypatia, elected to all offices. Associate Editor "Iowa

Wesleyan." Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Public Schools, Kansa?

City since 1898.

Residence, 2047 Holmes Street, Kansas City, Mo.

562B. HORACE M. HAVNER, A.B —Born Nov. 22, 1871,

Corydon, Iowa. Prepared Simpson College. Entered (Simp-

son) College 1891. Alpian (Simpson) Literary Society. Buck-stone and Barker Oratorical Contest (Simpson) L.L.B. Uni-

versity of Iowa 1897. Practiced Law continually at Marengosince 1899. Conducted litigation which made Des Moines dry.


Lay delegate to General Conference of M. E. church 1908-'12-

'16. Reserve delegate Republican National Convention, Chi-

cago, 1912. At present Attorney General, State of Iowa.

Married Ada LaForest Dean, Jan. 3, 1900, Marengo, Iowa.

Children—Ada, born Nov. 6, 1902.

Rachael, born March 3, 1910.

Residence, Marengo, Iowa.

Official address, State House. Des Moines, Iowa.

563. MARY GRACE HELPHREY, B.M.—Born April 10,

1874. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1892. Ruthean.Freshman and Sophomore Contest, '95. Ruthean Glee Club,

'95-'96. Teacher, District Schools, 1893-94. Teacher of voice.

Residence, 404 E. Monroe Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

564. JOHN PAR RETT HELPHREY, A.B.—Born April 23,

1876, Mt. Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1893. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Class President. Presi-

dent Interstate Oratorical Association. Member Hamline De-

bating Team. Foot-ball Captain and Manager. Merchant at

Mediapolis 1907. Now rancher and merchant.

Married Jennie C. Matson, June 25, 1902.

Children—Mary Frances, born June 18, 1904.

John Parrett, Jr., born Sept. 20, 1905.

Joseph Chapman, born April 10, 1907.

James Matson, born Sept. 23, 1908.

Billy, bom Jan. 9, 1916.

Residence, Curlew, Washington.

565. ELIZABETH A. HOPKINS, Ph.B.—Born March 1875,

Albion, Mich. Prepared Sewichley, Pa, and Baldwin Univ.

Ypsilanti, Mich., and Peoria, 111. Entered Iowa Wesl }yan

1896. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Teacher, PuoncSchools, three years. Graduate, Columbia College of Expres-

sion, Chicago. B.S. 1915 Columbia Univ. Special student at

Chicago School of Physical Education. Teacher of Expres-

ion. Physical Training and Literature.

Residence, 2738 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo.

ISS8] Al.l'MM RECORD 897

566. ROLLA C. HUKILL, B.S.- Ilainlim-. Phi Delta Theta

instructor Iowa Wealeyan Hand. Chief Clerk Colorado state

industrial School.

Married Dora Laim'ilin (Bee NO. -~>40), September 24, 19U3.

lidence, 8548 Franklin St., Denver, Colo.


18, 1877, Dodgeville, Entered Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1S94.

Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. President Senior Class. Edi-

tor "Iowa Wesleyan." Member and Manager Glee Club.

Course Animal Husbandry, Iowa State College, Ames, 1903-04.

Kramer and Stock-rait er.

Married Cora Robbins, Sept. 6, 1908, Redfield, Kansas.

Child—Burton Robbins.

Residence, Plainview, Texas.


22, 1877, Yarmouth, Iowa. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy 1893. Harlan. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Contest-

ant in three Oratorical Contests. Won place, Simpson, 1898.

Assistant Postmaster, Blackwell, O. T., 1900-03. Loans, Insur-

ance, and Real Estate Business.

Married Alice Jane Kistler, Oct. 18, 1905, Blackwell, Okla.

Children—Paul K., born Oct. 30, 1907.

Ruth M., born April 27, 1910.

Residence, 1402 Jackson St., Amarillo, Texas.

569. KATHERINE ALICE LUNDGREN, B.LIT.— BornBurlington. Prepared, Burlington High School. Entered IowaWesleyan 1896. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Y. W. C. A. Eng-

lish Teacher, Aledo, 111., High School, 1904. Assistant Princi-

pal Birmingham High School, 1905.

Home Address, Burlington, Iowa.

570. EDMUND P. MEAGHER, A.B.— Born, Muscatine.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1889. Philomathean. Y. M. C. A.Dealer Fancy and Commercial Poultry.

Married Margaret A. Scott, October 12, 1898, Beacon, la.

Children—Edmund A., born July 21, 1900.

Margaret L., born Nov 28., '01; died Jan. 7, '02.

Last known address, Pasadena, Cal.


571. AUGUSTUS CLAY MINEAR, A.B.—Born July 1,

1873; Kilbourn, Van Buren Co., Iowa. Prepared KeosauquaHigh School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered IowaWesleyan 1893. Philomathean. Y. M. C. A. Member Brass

Band. Chairman Lecture Course Committee. Course ArmourTechnical College. A.M. Northwestern, 1902. Assistant Edu-

cational Director San Francisco Y. M. C. A. 1902-03. Prof.

Mathematics, University Southern California 1903-04. Science

teacher in Hiawatha Kansas Academy. Major of Military

Dept. Taught Mathematics, Anderson Military Academy,Irving, California. General agriculture High School of Los

Angeles City School System.

Married Cora Maude Dyar July 4, 1915, Los Angeles, Cal.

Address, P. O. Box 43, Gardena, California.

572. LYDIA SADLER POOL, A.B.—Born November 14,

1876, Des Moines County. Prepared, Salem. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1893. Ruthean. Y. W. C. A. President Oratorical

Association. Normal Course, Chicago Training School, 1903.

Secretary W. F. M. S. for Burlington District, 1901; Treas-

urer Iowa Conference of W. F. M. S., 1902-03. Principa) Girls'

High School 5 years. Graduated State Teachers Coiiege

1911. Missionary to India. Supt. High School, Cawnpor,

India, 1903-09. Home on furlough 11909-11. Supt. W. F. M. S.

Normal Training School for Natives, Jubbulpore. India, 1911-

1917. At present home on furlough.

Foreign address Jubbulpore, India.

Home address, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

573. ALETHA RANDALL (WELLS), B.M.—Born June 16,

1875, Utica, Iowa, Prepared, Birmingham, H. S. Entered Wes-

leyan 1895. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta P. E. O. Supervisor

of music in Fairfield, Iowa Public Schools for three years.

Married, Thomas S. Wells, June 25, 1902, Birmingham, la.

Children—Robert Randall, born April 5, 1904.

Thomas L., born Sept. 4, 1907.

Edward Thayer, born Feb. 29, 1912.

Residence, 220 Home Park Blvd., Waterloo, Iowa.


574. ARTHUR E. ROMMEL, B.S —Horn Xovrmb.

1877, Mt. Pleasant Entered from [owe Weeleyao Academy,

1884 Mainline. Beta TheU Pt Local Editor. "Iowa Wes-

leyan." 1898 Leader Qlee Club. 1897. C. E., Cornell Univer-

sity. 1902. Civil Engineer. C. and X. \V. R.R. 1902-09; Union

Paciflc, 1909-10; Farming. Point of Hock. Md.. 1910-13; Coun-

ty Bug. Corydon, 1913-14; County Engineer of Mahaska Co.,

1914-16, at time of death.

Married Stella Budde, December 23, 1903, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Margaret Rachel, born July 8, 1907.

Stella Jane, born Xov. 26, 1913.

Arthur Evan, born Jan. 23, 1915.

Died Feb. 26, 1910, Oskaloosa. Buried Forest Home, Mt.


575. GEORGE J. SMITH, B.S.—Born September 12, 1874,

San Jose, 111. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1892.

Hamline. Goethe. Phi Delta Theta. College Glee and Man-

dolin Clubs. College Quartette. Captain, Company B (Ca-

dets), 1898. Won second place Oratorical Contest, 1897. Lo-

cal Editor, "Der Wesleyaner," twro years. Ph.B., German Col-

lege, Mt. Pleasant, 1898. M.S., Northwestern University,

1900. Teacher, San Jose, 1899. Principal Schools, Pekin,

111.. 1901-02. Student, Law Department, Illinois Wesleyan

Residence, 401 Seminary Avenue, Bloomington, 111.

576. MAUD SWAN (BLACKFORD)—Married Aaron Vale

Blackford, (See No. 532), Oct. 8, 1901, Keosauqua, Iowa.

Residence, Bonaparte, Iowa.

577. NAOMI WHEATLEY, (DRENNON), B.M. — Bornnear Hillsboro, Van Buren County, Iowa. Prepared CommonSchools and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Commercial Course.

C. C. C. C, Des Moines, Iowa. Music teacher and stenogra-

pher, Des Moines, Iowa.

Married J. B. Drennon, Medford, Okla.

Address, Medford, Oklahoma.


Class of 1899

578. JESSE McFALL BECK, B.S.—Born November 8,

1873, near Ottumwa, Iowa. Prepared Country Schools and

Penn College Preparatory School, Oskaloosa. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1893. Philomathean, President. Phi Delta Theta.

President Senior Class. Editor "Iowa Wesleyan," 1898-99.

Managing Editor Muscatine "Journal" 1900-03; Editor "Iowe-

gian" Centerville, since March 1, 1903. Elected MemberBoard Directors Centerville Schools, 1904; Secretary Appa-

noose Chautauqua, 1904-05. Member Library board. Superin-

tendent M. E. Sunday School; Secy. Iowa Methodist Inter-

Conference Com. Member General Conference 191216.

Married Edna Pauline Needham, (See No. 591), Septem-

ber 11, 1901, Sigourney.

Children—Harold Needham, born September 2, 1904.

Paul Ralph, born Feb. 7, 1907.

Marjorie Bell, 1911; deceased.

Robert Knowlton, born July 17, 1915.

Residence, Centerville, Iowa.

579. LUELLA BELL, B.M.—Born Nov. 26, 1870, near Mt.

Hamil, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Academy. P. E. O.

Alpha Xi Delta. Killed by collapse of hay loft in barn.

Died March 10, 1916, near Mt. Hamil, Iowa. Buried in Clay

Grove Cemetery.


Dec. 21, 1879, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Lyndon, Kansas,

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1898. Ruthean.

P. E. O.

Married Fred F. Hall, March 19, 1902, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Helen Aletha, born March 22, 1904.

Frederick Clarke, Oct. 11, 1907.

Mary Louise, born Feb. 23, 1910.

Edna May, born April 20, 1912.

Joe, born December 15, 1914.

Residence, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


581. ERWIN EARL CRAWFORD, B.S.—Born April 19,

lsTT. Mt. Pleasant Prepared, Kansas City, Mo., High School

and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1S94.

Hamline, President, L899 (one term). I'hi Delta Theta; Dele-

gate for Local Chapter to Semi-centennial National Confer-

ence, Columbus. Ohio, November, 1S98. Manager Track Team,1S9S. Ad vert Islng Agent College Paper, 1899. Otticer in

Military Company. Manager of Re-Insurance Department,

Dee Moines Insurance Company.

Married Alice Campbell, Mt. Pleasant, Oct. 11, 1905.

Children—Miriam, born Aug. 5, 1910.

Frances, born Jan. 31, 1912.

Residence, 940, 44th Street, Des Moines, Iowa.

582. ALBERT GERTH, B.M.—Born Dec. 2, 1878, Wyacon-da, Mo. Prepared, Wyaconda. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1896.

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Entered Colorado University,

where he took his Junior year, after which his health failed.

Died Oct. 1, 1909, Wyaconda, Missouri. Buried Wyaconda

583. ALMA HEARNE (HOLLAND), B.S.—Born October

20, 1S78, Van Buren County. Prepared, Keosauqua High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1895. Ruthean. P. E. O.

Sisterhood. President Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Deaconess

Training School, New York, 1902-04. Toured for Missionary

Society in Conventions, etc., 1904. Contributed to "New YorkDraconess." Missionary.

Married, Charles H. Holland, (See No 586), May 3, 1901,

New York; died February 3, 1902, at Milton.

Residence, Hawa Bagh, Jubbulpoie, India.

584. JOHN HELMERS, A.B.—Born November 12, 1870,

Germany. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1893. Cicero, Goethe*.

Fiifct and second places in Oratorical Contests. Assistant

Editor "Der Wesleyaner" one year. A.M. University of Chi-

cago. Minister. Pastorates: White Water, Mo., 1896-97;

Newton, 1897-98; West Burlington, 1899-1901; Sigourney, 1901-

1904; Victor, 1904. Pastor Mt. Pleasant Iowa German Chapel

1908-1909; Assistant in German, Warrenton, Mo., and Prof.


of Hist, and Economics, 1909. President Ex-Students' Society

of German College.

Married Louise Weasman, September 5, 1900, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Louise Cornelia, born July 4, 1901.

Carl Joyce, born April 23, 1907.

Residence, Wiarrenton, Mo.

585. MAY ALTHEA HILLS, A.B.—Born March 19, 1878,

Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School and Iowa

Wesleyan Academy. Entered 1895. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Alumnae Editor "Iowa Wesleyan."* Completed Art Course,

Iowa Wesleyan. Summers of 1902-04 spent in Art Schools of

Chicago. Teacher, Public Schools, Mt. Pleasant, since 1901.

Residence, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


Prepared, Milton. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1891. A.B. Philo-

mathean. Beta Theta Pi. Missionary to South America,

Concepcion, Chili, 1899; returned 1901. Stationed Sugar City,


Married (1) Lilly Haney, August 14, 1895, Milton.

(2) Alma Hearne (See No. 583), May 3, 1901,

New York.

Child—Howard Haney, born April 2, 1897.

Died, February 3, 1902, at Milton, Iowa.

587. IONE JANES (CULLISON). Lit.B. — Born Septem-

ber 17, 1876, Red Oak. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Acad-

emy 1895. LitB. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood

Married A. B. Cullison (See No. 610), September 28, 1904,

Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, Omaha, Neb.

588. ALMA LAW (McCAULEY), Ph.B.—Born June 15,

1875, LeGrand. Prepared, Chariton High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1894. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Taught three

years at Chariton, Iowa.

Married A. L. McCauley, December 24, 1903, Chariton.


Children—Irma Blanche, born December 29, 1904.

Helen Dorothy, born March 27, 1906.

Marion Robert, born Jan. 11, 1914.

Residence. Hoodriver, Oregon.

589.—CHARLES D. McCLAIN, A.B.—Born February 16.

1870, Fairfield. Prepared, Preparatory Department Parsons

College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1895. Philomathean. Beta

Theta Pi. Member, Glee Cluub. M.Di., Cedar Falls, 1904.

Teacher, Fairfield High School, 1S99-1905. Superintendent

New London Schools. 1905.

Married Julia Taylor, 1893, Glasgow.

Children—Helen, born July 7, 1899; died April 21, 1900.

Milford, born May 18, 1901.

Residence, Des Moines, Iowa.


B. M.—Born July 9, 1878, Fairfield, Iowa. Prepared Fairfield

High School and at Parsons under Dr. Rommel. Entered Wes-leyan when Dr. Rommel stopped teaching at Fairfield. Music

teacher at Fairfield.

Married Mr. Sparr.

Residence, 113 X. 35th St., Billings, Montana.

591. EDNA NEEDHAM, (BECK), B.M.—Born Jan. 9, 1876.

Oskaloosa, Iowa. Prepared, Sigourney. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan 1897. P. E. O. Supervisor of Music in Sigourney

Schools, 1897-1901.

Married Jesse McFall Beck (See No. 578), Sept. 11, 1901.

Sigourney, Iowa.

Children—Harold Needham, born Sept. 2, 1904.

Paul R., born Feb. 7, 1907.

Marjorie Belle, born 1911. Deceased.

Albert Knowlton, born July 17, 1915.

Residence, Centerville, Iowa.

592. ALTA ALMYRA NEWBY, A.B.—Born December 21.

1876, Mt. Hamil. Prepared, Mt. Hamil. Public School and

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Local

Editor and Assistant Business Manager "Iowa Wesleyan



Leader of Student Volunteer Band. Graduate, Chicago Train-

ing School for Missions, 1903. Deaconess, Teaching English

and History, Jennings Seminary, Aurora, 111., 1903-04. Underappointment by Women's Foreign Missionary Society to teach

in the Baldwin Memorial School, Nau Chang, China.

Residence, New London, Conn.

593. CHARLES NELSON PACE, A.B.—Born October 13,

1877, Keosauqua. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy,1893. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. D.D. 1912 Iowa Wesleyan.

Won Freshman Declamatory Contest 1896, and Freshman-

Sophomore Oratorical Contest, both as Freshman and as

Sophomore, 1896 and 1897. Represented Iowa Wesleyan in

State Contest, Indianola, 1898. President Y. M. C. A. 1898-99.

On "Wesleyan" staff one year. Occasional contributor to

"Central Christian Advocate." One year special work, Gar-

rett Bib. Inst. Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Thorn-

burg, 1899. Student Garrett Bib. Inst. 1901. Lone Tree 1902

05. Sigourney, 1905-08; Knoxville, 1908-12. Transferred, St.

Paul, 1912-16; Duluth, 1916.

Married Lenore Estelle Lee, June 16, 1899, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Merna, born Sept. 27, 1905.

Charles Robert, born Sept. 7, 1912.

Residence 120 W. Third St., Duluth, Minn.

594. EDITH PATTERSON, B.M.—Prepared Bloomfield,


Last report, Stillwater, Okla.

595. MARTHA ROBINSON (PARRETT), Ph.B.—• BornAugust 23, 1872, Northfield. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1893. Pi Beta Phi. Contributor to several


Married Dr. W. A. Parrett, October 11, 1899, Northfield.

Child—Elizabeth Robinson, born November 12, 1903.

Residence, Mediapolis, Iowa.

596. BIRDIE SARGENT (PAYNE), B.M.—Born Nov. 1,

1881, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Wesleyan Conservatory

of Music. Entered Wesleyan 1896. P. E. O.


Married James 1. Payne Aim 85, 11*04. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa;

died Feb, 19, 1915, Chicago, 111.

Child—Eleanor Sargent, born Dec. 2, 1906.

Residence. 4862, Kenmore Ave., Chicago, 111.

596B. IDA SCHLIEP, B.M.—Entered \\. slrv m 1895. Pre-

pared Mt Pleasant Howe's Academy. Chicago Musical College

1S99. Studied voice under Win. Castle and Madame Fox. Ital-

ian with Eurico Alfien. Public School Music at Chicago 1903-

04. Member of Conservatory Chorus of Semicentennial of

Iowa. October 7, 1S96. Singer at unveiling of General Zebulon

Pike's Monument at Pike's Peak Centennial Sept. 20, 1906.

Residence North Adams, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

597. FRED J. SMITH, A.B.—Born September 7, 1876, San

Jose, 111. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1895. Ham-line. Goethe. Phi Delta Theta. German Oratorical Contest,

1S97. College Glee and Mandolin Club. M.A. Illinois State Uni

versity, 1904. Principal Schools, Bentensport, 1900; Assistant

Principal Normal High School, Normal, 111 , 1901-03; Instructor

in German, University of Illinois, 1903-04.

Residence, Montezuma, Iowa.

598. OLIVE SMITH (BROWN), B.M.—Born Mt. Pleasant,

October 28, 1879, (Parentage See No. 332). Prepared Mt.

Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1898. P. E. O.

Married James S Brown, Mt. Pleasant, June 6, 1900.

Children—George Ellis, born March 12, 1902.

Ruth M., born September 29, 1910.

Joe Robert, born Nov. 24, 1911.

Residence, 514 N. 8th Street, Burlington, Iowa

599. FRANK DWIGHT THROOP, B.S.—Born Sept. 23,

1878, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Entered Wesleyan 1895. Hamline.

Phi Delta Theta. Represented Iowa Wesleyan College in In-

tercollegiate debate with Illinois Wesleyan, 1899. Advertising

Manager Iowa Wesleyan College paper 1898. Editor Standard.

Entered newspaper work in employ of Clinton, Iowa Herald.

Business manager and largest stockholder in Democrat Pub-

lishing Co. of Davenport. City Editor, Muscatine Journal.


Married Mabel Leverich, June 21, 1905, Muscatine, Iowa.

Children—Marjorie, born Aug. 6, 1907.

Mary Katherine, born May 26, 1910.

Residence, 132 College Ave., Davenport, Iowa.


Born October 5, 1877, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant.

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1894. Ruthean. Pri-

mary Teacher, Pond Creek, Oklahoma, 1900-01; High School

Teacher, Medford, Okla., 1901-02; Primary Teacher, Medford,

Okla., 1902-05.

Married Nathan Orville Woods, Jan. 1, 1906, Mt. Pleasant,

Present address, R. F. D. Okemah, Oklahoma.

601. JOHN BRESEE WALKER, A.B.—Born July 20, 1874,

LeMars, Iowa. Prepared Agency City High School, and IowaWesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1894. Philo-

mathean. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered

Northwest Iowa Conference, 1900. Conference Historian since

1912. Elected Conf. Secy 1916.

Married Lillian Hobart, June 20, 1900, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—John Hobart, born March 1, 1902.

Mildred Florence, born July 18, 1903.

Residence, Rock Rapids, Iowa.

602. SAMUEL T. WALKER, B.S.—Born March 19, 1870,

Batavia, Iowa. Prepared Coe College I. S. T. C . Entered IowaWesleyan 1899. Represented Iowa in Interstate Oratorical

Contest of State Normal Schools, 1896. Editor of Normal "E"

(paper of Iowa State Normal), 1895-96. M.Di. Iowa State Nor-

mal; Special student in Botany, University of Chicago. Prin-

cipal, Brighton Schools, 1896-98; Superintendent Mt. Pleasant

Schools 1898-1900; founded "Cedar Falls Daily Record," 1900.


Married Marion I. McFarland, Sept. 22, 1897, Cedar Falls.

Child—Theron Woolson, born October 25, 1902.

Died July 15, 1905, Whiting, Iowa.

603. ADALINE WARD (BARNUM), B.M.—Born Aug. 23,

1879, Biggsville, 111. Prepared Malvern H. S. Entered Iowa


Wesleyan 1817. Huthean. IM Beta Phi. Supervisor of Public

'1 Music.

Married Letter K. Bernom, April If), 1908, Malvern, Iowa.

Residence, 220 S. Sth Street. Monmouth, 111.

604. DAISY WOODS (HILDRETH), B.M.—lence 518 Summit Ave., Seattle, Washington.

G05. EMILIE YOUNG (RAMSEY), B.M.— Born May 19,

1877, Mt. Pleasant. Iowa. Entered Wesleyan 1S94. Ruthean.

Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, Salem, S. Dakota.

Married Guy Ramsey, Oct. 17, 1901, Mt. Pleasant, lo*wa.

rhildren—Paul Young, born Dec. 25, 1903.

Mary Lurene, born Jan. 7, 1906.

Philip Bruce, born Jan. 15, 1908.

Elinor Louise, born Oct. 14, 1915.

Residence, Salem, S. Dakota.

606. GRACE ETHEL BELL, B.M.—Born, Mt. Hamil, Iowa.

Prepared common schools. Teacher of music in Twin Falls.

Residence, Twin Falls, Idaho.

607. MAYME E. BIGLER, B.M.—Born June 6, 1878, Mt.

Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1899. Taught music.

Residence, North Hamline Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Class of 1900


ary 20, 1877, Gilman. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1895. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Principal Schools, Chapin,

1900-01; Ladora, 1901-02; Packwood, 1902-03; Letts, 1903-04.

Superintendent Schools, Eddyville, 1904-05.

Married Letetia Mae Thomas, Dec. 25, 1902, Conesville.

Child—Cecil Maurice, born October 27, 1903.

Residence—St. John, Kansas. Letter returned.


from New London, Iowa.

Residence 919 Ninth Street, Des Moines, Iowa.


610. ARTHUR BRADFORD CULLISON, A.B.—Born May9, 1876, New Windsor, 111. Prepared, Hedding College, Abing-

don, 111. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1897. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. Business Manager, "Iowa Wesleyan," 1899-1900. Man-ager, Foot-ball Team 1899. Insurance Business.

Married lone Janes, (See No. 587), September 28, 1904, Mt.


Residence, Omaha, Neb.

611. WARREN GRIFFITH DAVENPORT, B.S. — BornAugust 17, 1874, Oskaloosa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant HighSchool and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered, 1891. Philo-

mathean. Beta Theta Pi. Powder master Black Rock mine.

Address, Lock Box 1506, Butte, Montana.

612. GOLDA VIOLA DENNING, B.M.—Entered fromBosworth, Mo. All trace lost.

613. JOHN HENRY DIMMITT, Ph.B—Born July 16, 1877,

Cerrogordo, 111. Prepared Grade Schools and I. W. A. Enter-

ed Wesleyan 1892. Philomathean. Mason. First place Fresh-

man-Sophomore Oratorical Contest, 1898. Broke college rec-

ord, standing broad jump. Minister M. E. Church. Pastorates


Donnellson, 1899-'02; Washington Circuit, 1902-'03; Missionary

to Africa, 1903; pastor Lead, S. Dakota, 1904; now President

of Federated Brotherhoods of M. E. Churches of Los Angeles.

In Lithograph business in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles.

Married (1) Cora M. Walker, 1899, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa;

died Donnellson, 1902.

(2) Blanche A. Klein, 1904, Washington; died '07.

(3) Gail Mills, Oct. 1911, Salt Lake City.

Children—George Walker, born Sept. 22, 1900.

Beulah, born April 10, 1913.

Residence, 755 N. Gramercy Place, Los Angeles, Cal.

614. EDNA FRANC HOUGH (BARNETT), B.M.—BornApril 13, 11882, near Wayne, Iowa. Prepared, Crawfordsville

High School. Entered Wesleyan 1897. Ruthean. Pi Beta

Phi. Music teacher (piano). Completed business course at El-


Uott's lousiness College, Burlington, [owe, 1901. Resided at

Napha end Kenmer, Idaho; St. Bemerdino, Cal.

Married. Ethan Harnett. May 1902, Crawfordsville, Iowa.

Child- Holm Idaho, born January 24, 1904.

Residence. Clarmont. California.


December 21. 1879. Poweshiek County. Prepared, MontezumaHigh School. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Won highest honors in

Montezuma High School. President Y. W. C. A. Junior

address 1899 Exchange Editor of "Wesleyan." Teacher,

Crawfordsville five years.

Married David C. Griffith June 1908.

Child—Myrtle Genevieve, born August 5, 1913.

Residence, Crawfordsville, Iowa.

616. WINIFRED KEMBLE, B.M.—Entered from Fairfield,


Residence, The Plaza, Las Vegas, New Mexico.

617. MARGARET BERTHA LESTER, (BELL), B.M. —Married Frank Bell.

Residence, Twin Falls, Idaho.


tember 27, 1877, Bloomfield. Prepared Bloomfield High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1896. A.M. 1903. D.D. 1915

Grove City College. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. FoundedPresent Iowa Wesleyan Glee Club, 1897. Represented Iowa

Wesleyan on Debating Teams of 1899-1900; Editor "Iowa Wes-leyan." 1900; Manager Glee and Mandolin Clubs, 1899; Leader,

Mandolin Club, 1900; President Y. M. C. A. 1900; S.T.B. 1904,

Boston University; Post graduate Study, 1905. One of the

founders of First Hebrew Fraternity among Theological Stu-

dents, Boston University, 1903, entitled Beth Resh Mem. En-

tered Iowa Conference 1901-03; East Gloucester, Mass., 1903-

05. Transferred to East Ohio Conference, 1905; Assistant

Pastor Epworth Memorial Church, Cleveland. Pastor Mead-

ville Oil City, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y.


Married Axie E. Lute (See No. 677), Sept. 23, 1905, Mt.


Children, Allen Lute, born Jan. 12, 1912.

William S., Jr. born May 25, 1915.

Residence, 443 Porter Ave., Buffalo, New York.

619. ADA ELIZABETH POWELL, (WILLIAMS), B.M.—Born Oct. 9, 1879, LaCrew, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Entered Wesleyan, 1884. Hypatia. Music teacher, Mt. Hamil,

Iowa and Portland, Oregon.

Married Robert J. Williams, Sept. 19, 1906, Portland, OregonResidence 708 Mississippi Ave., Portland Oregon.

620. GUY SHIELDS, A.B.—Born July 2, 1872, New Lon-

don. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Philomathean.

Phi Delta Theta. Delivered class address to Juniors. Adver-

tising solicitor, "Chicago Daily News."Married, Ida J. Mirrielees, Aug. 15, 1914, Chicago, 111.

Residence, 6529 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111.

Business address, Cr. Chicago Daily News, Chicago, 111.

621. ULYSSES S. SMITH, Ph.B.—Born February 2, 1869,

Davis County. Prepared High School and Southern Iowa Nor-

mal, Bloomfield. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1894. Philomathean.

D.D. 1912, I. W. C. Spent five months in field for "Iowa Wes-leyan" helping to raise the school debt of $100,000.00. Wondelegation on State Oratorical contest. Member General Con-

ference 1912. Pastorates: Montrose, 1892; Batavia, 1895;

West Burlington, 1897; Eddyville, 1898; School, 1899; Pulaski,

1900; What Cheer, 1902; Montezuma, 1908; Washington, 1907;

Muscatine, 1914.

Married, Eva Patterson, August 17, 1892, Davis County.

Children—Hazel, born October 111, 1900.

Pauline, born Nov. 8, 1907.

Residence, Muscatine, Iowa.

^ 622. CHARLES RALPH STAFFORD, A.B. — BornSept. 6, 1881, (Parentage See No. 96 and No. 146), Keokuk, la.

Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1896. Hamline. Phi

Delta Theta. Member College Debating Teams, 1899 and 1900,


in debate with Illinois Wesleyan. Teacher of Science, Red O.tK

High School, 1900*01 1 >tp ty County Treasurer, Muscatine

County. July 1002-08. Law School University of Chicago, 1908-

11. Elected County Attorney Muscatine Co.. Nov. 1914. En-

listed Officers Training Camp, Ft. Snelling, Minn., May 8, 1917.

Residence, Muscatine, Iowa.

623. GRACE NEWELL SWAN, B.S.—Born June 8, 1879.

Danville. la. Prepared, ML Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa YYesleyan, 1S96. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Principal, Al-

ton High School a number of years. Now living on a ranch.

Residence, Meyers Falls, Washington.

624. BERTHA TENNANT (MOORE), Ph. B.—Born Sep-

tember 24, 1878, Morgantown, W. Va. Prepared Moulton, 111.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1894. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Alpha. Junior class President; Secretary Senior year. Prin-

cipal. Eldon Public Schools, 1900-02.

Married Edward J. Moore, October 22, 1902, Oskaloosa.

Child—Virginia, born 1907.

Residence, Eldon, Wapello County, Iowa.


13, 1S62, Monongalia County, W. Va. Student, West Virginia

University, and Mt. Union College, A.M., 1905. Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa Conference, September,

1884. Pastorates: Farmington, 1883-85; Cincinnati, 1885 88;

Moulton, 1888-93; Keosauqua, 1893-98; Fremont, 1898-1903;

Grace Church, Burlington, 1903-08; Fairfield, 1908-10; Burling-

ton District 1910-16; Centerville, 1916.

Married Linnie B. Heath, September 18, 1885. Farmington.

Children—Raymond I., (See No. 802), born Jan. 11, 1887.

Reba E., (See No. 927), born August 10, 1893.

Residence, Centerville, Iowa.

626. GEORGE WILLIAM WEYRAUCH, A. B.—Born March28, 1872, Ankeny, Iowa. Prepared, Des Moines and Mt. Pleas-

ant. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1894. Hamline. Goethe. Phi

Delta Theta. Won German College Oratorical Contest 1899.


Assistant Editor, Mt. Pleasant "Der Wesleyaner," two years.

Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Earlham,

1900-01; Audubon, 1901-03; Dallas, 1903-04; Neola, 1904. Supt.

Public School, Calumet, 1914-16; Supt. Highvievv Consolidited

School, Alta, Iowa.

Married, Adelaide Leah Stanley, Sept. 24, 1902, Earlham.

Child—Mabel Elizabeth, born Feb. 16, 1905.

Residence, Alta, Iowa.

627. FRANCIS A. ZICKEFOOSE, Ph. B.—Born December9, 1868, Onawa. Prepared, Howe's Academy, Mt. Pleasant. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1897. Philomathean. Twice represent-

ed Iowa Wesleyan University in debate with Illinois Wesleyan.

Congregational minister. Pastorates: Clay, 1900-02; RockRapids, 1902-03; Onawa, 1903-07, Ottumwa, 1907-09, Montrose,

Colo., 1909-13, Dubuque, 1913-15.

Married Bessie A. Ford, May 17, 1893, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Myrna Ruth, born March 27, 1896.

Lois Marie, born June 7, 1898.

Frances Marion, born August 1, 1903.

Died Dec. 15, 1915, Dubuque, Iowa. Buried Olds, Iowa.

Class of 1901

628. GEORGE BLAGG, A.B.—Born May 20, 1872, Clarbor-

ough, Nottinghamshire, England. Prepared, Parsons College.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1899. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Editor,

"Iowa Wesleyan," senior year. Minister, Methodist Episcopal

Church; Exline, 1901; Mystic, 1903; Mt. Sterline, 1906; Morn-

ing Sun, 1909; Montezuma, 1916.

Married Louis Belle Paine, June 22, 1904, Fayette, Iowa.

Children—Amy Elizabeth, born July 14, 1905.

John, born August 8, 1909.

Residence, Montezuma, Iowa.

629. FAITH CAMPBELL, B.S.—Born April 27, 1881, (Par-

entage See No. 48 and No. 115), Mt. Pleasant. Entered from

Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1896. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sister-

hood. Teacher, Latin and English, High School.

Residence, Hennessey, Okla.



March Na1ST."., Aurora, 111. Prepared. Nebraska. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan L896. Ph.Ii. from German College Won Ora-

torical Contest. German College, 1901. Minister, Methodist

Episcopal Church. St. Louis German Conference. Pastorates

Council Bluffs, 1901-03; Warsaw, 111. 1903.

Married Carrie Mauth, September 10, 1901, Mt. Pleasant.

Chfldren—Esther Laura, born September 21, 1905.

Alvin Frederick, Jan. 25, 1907.

Lucille Dorothy, born May 21, 1911.

Residence, Burlington, Iowa.

631. MYRTLE B. ELLIOTT (BROWN), B.M.—Ottumwa.

632. CARRIE ALICE EYESTONE (SPENCER), Ph.B. —Born January 29, 1878, Lexington. Entered from Iowa Wes-leyan Academy, 1897. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Glee

Club. President Iowa Wesleyan Oratorical Association. Soc-

iety Editor of "Iowa Wesleyan News," senior year. Teacher,

Ding Sun High School, 1901-02.

Married R. B. Spencer (See No. 752), September 10, 1902,


Child—Alice Louisa, born July 9, 1904.

Residence, Ft. Morgan, Colo.


29. 1S75. Keosauqua. Prepared Keosauqua High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1894. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta.

Service 51st Iowa U. S. V., in United States and Philippines,

189S-99. University of Denver Medical College, 1904, M.D.

Resident Physician, Denver City and County Hospital, 1904-05.

Residence, Ancon Hospital, Custobal, Panama, Canal Zone.

634. LOUISE HAYES HINSEY (JOHNSON), A.B.—BornDecember 13, 1876, Ottumwa. Prepared, Ottumwa HighSchool. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Instructor, Latin,

Ottumwa High School, 1895-99; 1901-03.

Married Robert W. Johnson (See No. 662), October 7, 1903,


Residence, 534 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.


15§ 635. CLYDE O. HOOBER, A.B.—Born March 29, 1878,

Watseka, 111. Prepared Morning Sun High School. AgencyHigh School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1895. Ham-line. Phi Delta Theta. College Band, 1895-97. College Glee

and Mandolin Club, 1900-01. Manager Foot Ball Team 1900.

President Hamline. President Iowa Alpha Chapter of Phi

Delta Theta one term. Journalist, "Ottumwa Courier," 1901-

03; "The Chiftian," Pueblo, Colo., 1903. U. S. Military Ser-

vice, 51st Iowa Reg. Vol. in Philippine Islands. Correspond-

ent of Associated Press, Denver.

Married Pauline Christman, Feb. 20, 1910.

Address, Cr. Associated Press, Denver, Colo.

636. KATHERINE JACKSON (RANDALL), A.B.—BornOctober 15, 1879, Cawker City, Kan. Entered from Iowa Wes-leyan Academy 1897. Ruthean. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married Jason Adams Randall, February 17, 1904, Mt. Pleas-


Residence, New London, Iowa.

637. MARY JAY (SLUSH ER), B.M.—Entered from

Pulaski, Iowa.

Residence 628 Seventh St., San Banardio, Cal.

638. MARY EDITH KELLY (COCAYNE), Ph.B.—BornDecember 16, 1880, Mediapolis. Prepared, Mediapolis High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1897. Ph. B. Ruthean. P.

E. O. Sisterhood. Contributed to "Iowa Wesleyan." Teacher,

Mediapolis Public School, 1901-02. Author of "Sue McFarland,


Married James Wesley Cocayne, June 29, 1904, Mediapolis.

Children—Franklin Ford, born May 25, 1906.

Alan James, born Dec. 17, 1910.

Jane Elizabeth, born Nov. 22, 1914.

Residence, 1501 Hinkley Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

639. JOHN HENRY LEMKAU, A.B.—Born July 31, 1874

Freiburg on the Elbe, Germany. Entered from Iowa WesleyanAcademy, 1897. A.M. Columbia Univ. New York. B.D.Union Seminary, Also graduate, German College. Graduate,


man College, L8W. Minister. Methodist

i Church. Bt Louis German Conference. Pastorates:

Beainstown. 111., January 4. 1901; Hannibal. Mo, September,

1901; Canton, Mo., Beptember ii>o::. Warrenton; Springfield;

Qnlncy; Nen York City.

Married, Caroline Stork. Aug. 15, 1905, Canton, Mo.

Children—Elsa Margaret, born Nov. 19, 190G.

Paul Victor, born July 1, 1909.

l S Clghth Street, Quincy, 111.

640. HUGH BEN McCOY, B.S. — Born 1879, Oskaloosa.

Prepared, Penn College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1899. Phi

Delta Theta. Lawyer.

Married. June 15, 1904, Mt. Pleasant, Laura Kauffman; de-


Residence, Oskaloosa, Iowa.

641. A. BRUCE MINEAR, A.B.—Born September 14, 1877,

Kilbourue. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1895.

Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. President, Y. M. C. A. Presi-

dent College Debating Society. Captain Track Team. Assist-

ant Secretary Y. M. C. A., Ottumwa, 1901-03. State Secretary

Y. M. C. A. of Iowa 1903. Commissioned by Roosevelt in

1906 to work out problem of recreative and moral betterment

on Panama Canal Zone. Since then been doing similar work

on railroad with corporations. New York International Stu-

dent Secy. Y. M. C. A. Int. Secy. Y. M. C. A. Panama,1906-09. Traveled through Europe 1909-10. Inter R.R.Secy. Y. M. C. A. Chicago, 1916. Industrial Secy. Y. M. C. A.

Denver, Colorado.

Married Nell Downer June 25, 1908.

Children—Robert Bruce, born Oct. 17, 1910.

Marvin Downer, born May 11, 1913.

Residence 251 Forest Ave., River Forest, 111.

642. BERTHA SNYDER, (TRIBBY), B.M.—Born Decem-ber 3, 1885, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1896. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Pi Beta

Phi. Assistant Piano Instructor in Iowa Wesleyan Conserva-

tory, 1904-05. Studied with W. E. S. Seeboeck, Chicago, Mme.


Marie Gabreille Leschetsky and Prof. Theodore Leschetizky,

Vienna. Piano teacher Athens, (Ala.) College; Pomona Col-

lege, Clairmont, California, Hastings (Nebr.) College.

Married Don Tribby, Aug. 18, 1917, Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, (Permanent), Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

(Temporary), Hastings, Neb.


17, 1882, Mt. Pleasant. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1896. President P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married Geo. W. McKibbin, June 21, 1911, Mt. Pleasant.

Residence, North Main St., Mt. Pleasant.

644. MARY TUTTLE (VORHEIS), A.B.—Born August 7,

1878, (Parentage See. No. 249), Morning Sun. Prepared, Keo-

kuk and Bloomfield High Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan1896. Ruthean, Alpha. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married Charles Taylor Vorheis, (See No. 669), September

7, 1901, Mt. Pleasant.

Child—Charles Tuttle, born July 111, 1912.

Residence, 528% Tyndell Ave., Tuscon, Arizona.

645. NELSON DRUE WELLS, Ph.B.—Born April 2, 1868,

Grandview. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1895.

Philomathean. Won Literary Contest; Poem Contest; Story

Contest; two local Oratorical Contests. Took part in State

Oratorical Contest 1899 and 1900, on three intercollegiate De-

bates. Had charge of Iowa Wesleyan University Museumthree years. Two years' work in Medical School State Uni-

versity of Iowa. Principal Lovilia High School, 1901-02. Hascontributed to several newspapers and magazines.

Residence Kesta, Colo.

646. KATHERINE WILSON (RISKSBAUGH), B.M.—BornMarch 12, 1881, near Hastings, Iowa. Prepared Malvern Com-mon Schools. Entered Wesleyan 1899. Ruthean. Pi Beta

Phi. Taught music privately several years. Leader of

choirs and was for two years superintendent of Music of Pub-

lic Schools of Albion, Neb.

Married Mr. Riscksbaugh.




Children- Mildred, born Oct. 11, 1903.

Margaret, bora Sept 88, 1905.

Charles, born Nov. 11. 1907.

George, born Oct. 13. 1909.

Ruth, born June 7, 1913.

Robert, born Feb. 10. 1915.

Residence 8888 B. 88rd St. South Central Station, Omaha,


7. 1880, Mt Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1896. B.S. 1905, I. W, C. Harlan. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. Treasurer. Y. M. C. A. 1904-05. Farmer and Stock


.Married Emma Katherine Faulkins, Aug. 19, 1905, San Jose,


Children—Elin Marietta, born June 21, 1906.

Eleanor Louise, born May 16, '08; died Oct. 8, '08

John Thornton, born July 27, 1912.

Residence, R. F. D. No. 6, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Class of 1902

648. JAMES F. BINGAMAN, A.B.—Born November 7, 1868.

Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1895. Harlan. Philo-

matnean. Member of Homiletic Association. Minister, Metho-

dist Episcopal Church. Entered Des Moines Conference 1902.

Pastor, Davis City.

Married Dora Roberts, April 29, 1903.

Residence, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

649. ALLEN DAY BONNIFIELD, A.B.—Born July 1, 1881,

Mt. Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy 1898.

Harlan. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Member, Glee and Man-dolin Clubs. Secretary, Oratorical Association, 1901. Presi-

dent, Athletic Association, 1900. Adv. Mgr. Wesleyan News.Captain Foot-ball Team, 1901. Asst. Prof, in Greek 1901-02.

Teacher Central High School, Kansas City, 1902-03; Teacher,

Streator, 111., 1903; attended Central High School. Kansas City,

December 1903. Agent Bankers* Reserve Life Ins. Co., 1909-12.


Supt. Agent Great Western Life Ins. Co., 1912; District Mana-ger, Union Central Life Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Married Bessie F. Strother Nov. 23, 1909, Kansas City. Mo.

Child—Nancy Lee, born Oct. 24, 1914.

Residence, 3127 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Mo

650. INA MAY BURKET, (BENNET), Ph. B.—Born Feb.

15. 1881, Valley Falls, Kan. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant Schools.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1898. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Ruthean.

Teacher, Shenandoah Public Schools, 1903-06; Des MoinesPublic Schools 1906-09; Deputy County Recorder Henry Co.,

1916; elected County Recorder Henry County, 1917-19.

Married T. E. Bennett, May 25, 19U9. Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Wilbur E., rorn Feb 24, 1910.

Henry E born Oct. 13, 1911

Ronald J., born March 14, 1914.

Residence, 105 North Harrison Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


ruary 29, 1880, Mt. Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan

Academy 1898. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Represented Iowa

Wesleyan in debate with Illinois Wesleyan, 1901 and 1902.

Won Freshman Sophomore Contest, 1899. Won Iowa State

Oratorical Contest, 1901. Received third place, Interstate Con-

test. President, Senior Class. Student, Harvard Law School.

Practicing attorney. L.L.B. Harvard.

Residence 914 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111.

652. NORMA COURTS (SIMPSON), B.M.—Born April 23,

1883, Morning Sun, Iowa. Prepared Morning Sun High School.

Entered Wesleyan 1901. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Taught music

at Morning Sun 1902-06. Hospital training school for nurses,

1909. Private nursing 1909-10. Institutional Supt. 1910-12.

Supt. Christian Hospital, Valparaiso, Ind., 1912-13.

Married David Moffatt Simpson, Oct. 17. 1914, Morning Sun,


Child—Nancy Rose, born Jan. 15, 1917.

Residence, 1743 68th St., Chicago, 111.


653. ETHEL MARGERY COWAN (WEIBLEY), A.B. —Born .May 16, L87t, Oskaloosa. Prepared. Oskaloosa, High

School ami IVnn College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1900. Left

Iluthean With other .^ i r 1 s ami helped organize Hypatia. Pi

Beta rin. President, v. w C a Graduate. German College.

Instructor. German and English Literature. Sidney High

School. 1902-03. Teacher. Oskaloosa, 1903.

Married Win. P. Weibley. (See No. 707) Sept 6, 1905, Os-

kaloosa. Iowa.

Children— Mildred Elane, born June 15, 1906.

Anna Louise, born Jan. 2, 1909.

Helen Marjorie. born Nov. 3, 1915.

Residence. 616 Court St., Burlington, Iowa.

654. RICHIE PONTIUS-WATKINS (CRESAP), B.M. —Born June 2. 1S7S. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared M. P. H. S.

Taught music.

Married Homer Cresap, June 21, 1899, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Mary, born January 14, 1903; died in infancy.

Homer Watkins. born May 21, 1911; died in


Residence. 118 North Jefferson St., Ottumwa, Iowa.

655. FLORENCE CURRIER (STEPHENS), B.M.— BornMarch 27, 18S0, Melrose, Iowa. Prepared Simpson Colleg. En-

tered Wesleyan 1900. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta.

Married, George Ware Stephens (See No. 703), June 28,

1905, Indianola, Iowa.

Children—Helen Frances, born Nov. 7, 1911.

Florence Marjorie, born Feb. 12, 1915.

Residence, Orono, Maine.

656. HIRAM F. GILBERT, A.B.—Born Jan. 7, 187U, Mus-catine, Iowa. Prepared Jetmore (Kansas) Academy, Central

Normal College, Gt. Bend, Kansas. Entered Wesleyan 1898.

Philomathean. D.D. 1915, Iowa Wesleyan. Entered IowaConference 1893. Pastorates: Mt. Zion, 1892; Keosauqua Ct.

1894; Batavia, 1897; W. Burlington, 1898; Eddyville, 1900;

Cedar, 1901; Packwood. 1903; Cantril 1904; Montezuma, 1909.


Member Illinois-Iowa Debating Team 1902. App. Dist. Supt.

of Muscatine Dist. Sept. 1913.

Married Jennie A. Cook, July 8, 1896, Wichita, Kansas.

Children—Glyde Emma, born July 2, 1897; died Apr. 8, '99.

Katheryn Esther, born April 8, 1900.

Lawrence Austin, born July 11, 1902.

Helen Fae, born May 20, 1909.

Residence, 701 S. 3rd Ave., Washington, Iowa.

657. G. G. GILLER, B.S.—Born April 16, 1882, Cleveland,

Ohio. Prepared Bloomfield and I. W. A. Entered IowaWesleyan 1900. Hamline. In Oratorical Contest, 1902. Minis-

ter, Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Donnellson,

1902; Lexington, 1903; Pueblo, Colo., 1904.

Married, Vera E. Stevens, June 3, 1903, Hedrick.

Child—Edgar Herbert, born April 1, 1904.

Deceased, Pueblo, Colo.

658. JAMES A. GLENDENNING, Ph.B.— Born July 21,

1873, Belfountain, Ont. Prepared, Clinton, III. Entered IowaWesleyan 1897. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Leader, Glee

and Mandolin Clubs, 1902. Attended School of Theology, Bos-

ton University. Principal Knoxville High School 1902-03.

Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastor, Burlington Ct,

1903. School 1907; Moravia, 1908; Ainsworth, 1909; Center-

ville, 1913; Washington, 1916.

Married Pauline Payne, December 30, 1903, Bloomfield.

Children—James, April 4, 1906.

Jean, born Aug. 13, 1908.

Residence, Washington, Iowa.

659. IVA HARSHBARGER, (VIRDEN), B.M.—Born, Sept.

15, 1885, Oakland Mills, Iowa. Prepared Common Schools.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1899.

Married Harry E. Virden, Oct. 26, 1910, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Joseph R„ born July 9, 1914.

Residence, Riverside Farm, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

660. JOHN WESLEY HOLLAND, A.B.—Born May 8, 1877,

Milton. Prepared, Milton, Public School. Entered Iowa Wes-

1902] ALl'.MN'l UECORD 321

leyan 1S97. Philoniathoan Beta Theta Pi Second place.

Oratorical Contest. 1900. First place, Debating Team, 1901.

Reader of College Glee Club, 1897-1902. Member, Debating

Team. North western University, 1904. Student, Drew Theo-

logical Seminary. 1902-03; Graduate B.D., Garrett Biblical In-

stitute, 1905. Pastor First M. F. Church Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Married Daisy Pearce, Oct. 14. 1908.

Residence, Cedar Falls, Iowa.

661. MARY HUSTON (PIPER), B.M.—Born June 1880,

Sperry. Iowa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Entered Wes-

leyan. 1898. Ruthean P. E. O. Alpha Xi Delta.

Married Meade Piper, Sept. G, 1905, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Stanley Huston, born Feb. 1908.

Warren, born May 1912.

Residence, 41st and Center Drive, Des Moines, Iowa.

662. ROBERT W. JOHNSON, A.B.—Born 1873. Burlington.

Prepared, Morning Sun High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1898. Philomathean. Beta Theta Phi. Manager, Glee Club,

two years. Manager, Lecture Course, three years Rendered

valuable assistance in Iowa Wesleyan Debt Raising Campaign,

1902-03. Many years traveling Salesman, Ottumwa Box Car

Loader Company.

Married Louise H. Hinsey, (See No. 634), October 7, 1903,


Address 534 N. V. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.

562B. HATTIE NEWTON, (ROBENSON), B.M.—PreparedMt. Pleasant High S;hool and Academy. Entered Wesleyan.


Married Wm. Robenson April J. 1915, Aurora, 111.

Child—Julia Jane, born April 7, 1916..

Residence, 105 Beers St., New Haven, Conn.

663. MABEL LARSON, B.M —Born, 1878. Prepared pub-

lic schools.

Residence, Swedesburg, Iowa.


664. GLENN ADNEY MITCHELL, A.B.—Born June 1,

1881, Bloomfield. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy,1898. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. L.L.B. Harvard. 1906. Member, Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Won State Oratorical Contest

1902. Vice-president State Oratorical Association, 1901. At-

torney at Law.

Died April 21, 1912, Kansas City, Mo. Buried Forest HomeCemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

665. CHARLES HAVEN MYERS, A.B.—Born Jan. 10, 1880

(Parentage See No. 61B), Kossuth, Iowa. Prepared I. W. A.

Entered Wesleyan 1897. Harlan. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta.

A.M. 1900, Iowa Wesleyan, B.D. 1907, Drew Theological Semi-

nary; D.D. 1912, University of Chattanooga. Editor "Iowa Wes-leyan" senior year. Minister M. E. church. Pastor Little RockWashington, 1902-04; Also under appointment for Pastorate

summer 1905, Delta. Fellowship student in United Free Church

College, Glasgow, Scotland. Delegate Speaker at Nat. Council

of Congregational churches, New Haven, Conn., 1915.

Married Esther Bell Work, (See No. 740), Sept. 10, 1907,


Children—Edward Marlowe, born January 15, 1910.

Ruth Virginia Morrison, born Oct. 4, 1912.

Residence, 608 Oak St., Alberta Apts., Chattanooga, Tenn.

666. ELLA M. PARKER, A.B.—Born August 23, 1880, Kos-

suth. Prepared, Kossuth Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1897. Ruthean. Alpha. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Teacher, Al-

ton, Iowa, 1902-04; Kossuth, Iowa, 1904. Teacher, Judith Gap,

Montana. Rancher.

Residence, Judith Gap, Montana.


March 28, 1881, (Parentage See No. 109), Bloomfield. Pre-

pared, Bloomfield High School and Southern Iowa Normal

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1900. Hypatia. P. E. O.

Sisterhood. Alpha Xi Delta Sorority.


tied James Alfred Qlendenning, December 80, 190:;.

Bloom Mold.

Children Janet, born April 4. 1906.

>n. horn Aug. IS, 1909.

n. Iowa.

668. CYRUS FOSS STODDARD. A. B.— Horn April 10, 1881,

York city. Entered from lowa Wesleyan Academy 1898.

Hamline. Beta Theta PL Second place Oratorical Contest

1901. Loral Editor, "lowa Wesleyan." 1900-01. Member,College Mandolin and Glee Clubs. Journalist, "Centerville

en." Private See. to two members of Congress and to

Bishop Hartzell. traveling in Europe and Africa. Editorial

Clerk. U. S. Dept. of lab r.

Married Katherine E. Matins. March 30, 1911, Muscatine.

Residence 424 Randolph St., N.W. Washington. D.C.


ber 7. 1S79. Henry County. Prepared, Fairfield High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1S9S. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta.

Ph.D. 190S. University of Wis. President Y. M. C. A., 1901.

Business Manager, "Iowa Wesleyan." 1900-01. Member, Glee

and Mandolin Clubs, 1901-02. Instructor, Biology, Iowa Wes-leyan, 1902-04. Graduate Student (Biology) University of

Wisconsin 1903-05. Instructor, Zoology, University of Wis-

consin. 1904. Ichthyologist, Fish Com. summer 1908. Zoolo-

gist, Univ. of Utah 1908-15. Dean Univ. of Utah Medical

School, 1911-13. Entomologist, Cornell Univ. summer 1915.

Zoologist University of Arizona since 1915.

Married Mary Isabel Tuttle, (See No. 644), September 7,

1901, Mt. Pleasant.

Child—Charles Tuttle, July 16, 1912.

Residence, 117 Olive Road, Tuscon, Arizona.

570. MINNIE WOODRUFF, B.M.—Born 1887. Prepared,

Winfield High School.

Residence, Morning Sun, Iowa.


Class of 1903

671. KATE BEATTY, (AUGUSTINE), B.M.— Born Sig-

ourney, Aug. 12, 1885. Prepared Delta High School. Entered

Wesleyan Sept. 1901. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Married C. N. Augustine, Delta, Iowa.


Rommel.John B.


Residence, Rose Hill, Iowa.

672. BURTON BECK, B.S.—Born May 17, 1876, Highland

Center. Prepared, Penn College Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1898. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Delegate

to National Convention, New York City, 1902. Advertising

Agent, "Wesleyan News," 1901-02. Captain Track Team, 1899.

Glee Club, 1899-1900. Principal Commercial Department, 1901.

Football manager, 1900-02. Associated with Mexican Nat.

Packing Co. Asst. Passenger Agent for Union Pacific and

Southern Pacific R. R. In System Dept. of Pacific Stationary

and Printing Co., Portland, Oregon.

Married Grace Hancher, (See No. 695), July 6, 1903.

Residence, 234 N. 19th St., Portland, Oregon.

673. FRED RUSSELL BECK, B.S.—Born March 28, 1880,

Ottumwa. Prepared, Penn College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan

1900. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. President Senior Class,

1902-03. Manager Football, 1901. Baseball, 1903. Member,Freshman Debating Team. Lumber and grain Dealer. NowFarmer and Stock Raiser.

Residence, Fremont, Iowa.


Born April 17, 1872, Mt. Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesley-

an Academy 1899. Ph.B. Teacher.

Residence 501 S Vine St., Denver, Colo.

675. PRESTON M. CONANT, A.B.—Born June 10, 1878,

Wilton Junction. Prepared, Wilton High School and Wilton

190;i J ALTMM RECORD 325

German-English Collet Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1902. Philo-

niathean. Beta Thetft PL Three years college work, Wilton

German-English College. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church.

Pastor. Riverside 1903; Webster Circuit, 1904; Muscatine

1906; West Burlington, 1908; Moravia, 1909; Ains worth, 1913;

New Sharon, 1915.

Married Ida E. Wise, Oct. S. 1903, Wilton Junction.

Child—Preston S.. born Nov. 6, 1908.

Residence, Nen Sharon, Iowa.

675B. DELLA B. GREENFIELD, (SUITE), B.M.—BomOct. 24, 18S3. Chariton, Iowa. Prepared Chariton. Entered

Wesleyan 1900. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Married Frisbie Tull Suite, Sept. 23, 1903, Libertyville,


Children—Ross Frisbie, born Nov. 4, 1904.

Wresley Howard, born Nov. 6, 1908.

Residence, 1526 Bertch Ave., Waterloo, Iowa.

676. BEATRICE FERN EMERSON, B.M.—Born 1883. Pre-

pared Kellerton High School and Simpson College.

Residence, Kellerton, Iowa.

677. AXIE E. LUTE, (MITCHELL), A.B.—Born Decem-

ber 15, 1881, Wayland. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1899. Ruthean. P. E. O. Alpha Xi Delta. Won FreshmanOratorical Contest, 1900.

Married William Samuel Mitchell, (See No. G18), Sept. 23,

1905, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Allen Lute, born Jan. 12, 1912.

William S., Jr., born May 25, 1915.

Residence 443 Porter Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.

678. FRANK B. MAI KEN, A.B.—Born July 11, 1881, Mora-

via. Prepared Albia High School and I. W. A. Entered IowaWesleyan 1899. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Real Estate

Spokane, Wash., Van Couver, B. C. and San Jose, Cal.

Married Louise R. Singer, Aug. 21, 1906, Mt. Pleasant.

Child—John Andrew, born Aug. 19, 1911.

Residence, 421 N. 15th St., San Jose, Cal.



1881, Sigourney. Prepared, Sigourney High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Captain

Baseball Team, 1902; Captain Football Team 1903. Manager,Glee Club, 1903. Society Editor, "Wesleyan News" 1902. Stu-

dent Penn College, 1899-1900. Ames, 1900-01. Deputy Post-

master, Sigourney, Iowa, Newspaper business.

Residence, Sigourney, Iowa.

680. ORAL GERTRUDE NEELY, (DEMPSTER), B.M.—Born Oct. 30, 1882, Grinnell, Iowa. Prepared Thomas Training

School, Detroit, Mich, and Grinnell Conservatory of Music.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1902. Taught two years.

Married A. H. Dempster, Dec. 2, 1901, Grinnell Iowa.

Children—Gertrude Josephine, born Feb. 1908.

Mildred Louella, born Feb. 11, 1911.

Roscoe Jr., born Dec. 19, 1913.

Residence, Grinnell, Iowa.

681. GRACE A. MEHLER, B.M.—Born Nov. 4, 1883, NewLondon, Iowa. Prepared New London High School. Pi Beta

Phi. P. E. O. Three years post graduate work in Chicago

under Prof. Heinz. Music teacher at New London. Travels


Residence, New London, Iowa.

682. LULU RANDLE, B.M.—Born Centerville, Iowa. Pre-

pared Centerville High School. Master of Music. Alpha Xi


Residence, 611 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, California.

683. HENRIETTA ALBERTINA SCHEIWE (ELLMA-KER), A.B.—Born May 19, 1878, (Parentage See No. 49)

Dresden, Germany. Prepared, Ottumwa High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1898. Ruthean. Y. W. C. A. Schiller

Verein. P. E. O. Alpha Xi Delta. Member, College Orches-

tra. Instructor, Music and Pipe Organ, Ottumwa. Studied in

Europe, 1901. Teacher of languages and music. Organist

First Methodist church. Seven Oaks Jersey Dairy.


Married John II. EBUmaker, September 14. 1904, OttomwaChild John Blake, born 1906.

tumwa, [owa.

684. LOUISE R. SINGER. (MAIKEN), Ph.B —Horn Dec-

ern! • -'. Mt Pleaaant Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

ool. Entered [owa Wesleyan. 1S99. Rnthean. P. E. O.

Alpha Xi Delta. Freshman Sophomore Contest. Teacher,

German and Mathematics, Chariton High School.

Married Frank B. Maiken (See No. 678) Aug. 21, 1906, Mt.

int. Iowa

Child—John Andrew, born Aug. 19, 1911.

121 X. 16th St. San Jose, California.

685. ERNEST F. THEE, A.B.—Born January 25, 1874,

laon, Mo. Prepared. Missouri State Xormal School and

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered. 189S. Fhilomathean.

itant Editor "Der Wesleyaner" Junior and Senior year.

Graduate German College. Minister Methodist Episcopal

Church. Entered Iowa Conference. 1903. Pastorates: Hock-

ing and Hilton. 1903; Lexington, 1904-05; Iconium, 1905-06;

Keosauqua, 1906-07. Teacher Des Moines. New Mexico 1908-

09. organizing Deputy M. \V. A. 1909. Supplied during vacant

pastorate, Des Moines, Xew Mexico, New Mexico Conference

1916. Now farmer.

Married, Bertha Tratchel, December 9, 1903.

Children—Margaret May, born Aug. 24, 1906.

Arthur Glen, born June 19, 1912.

Grace Lydia, born Jan. 21, 1914.

Melvin Ernest, born March 20, 1917.

Residence. Des Moines, New Mexico.

686. ARTHUR B. TUTTLE, A.B.— Born December 10,

1880, (See Parentage Xo. 299). Burlington. Entered from IowaWesleyan Academy 1898. Harlan. Beta Theta Pi. Member,FTeshman Debating Team, 1898. Business Manager of Wes-leyan News. Secy. State Oratorical Assn. Graduate work,

University of Wisconsin, 1903. Science Teacher.

Residence. Jacksonville. Florida.


Class of 1904

687. GERTRUDE BEARD, B.M. — Born Newton, Iowa.

Prepared Newton High School.

Residence, Newton, Iowa.

688. FRANK M. BEATTY, A.B. —Born March 19, 1882,

Thornburg. Prepared, Thornburg High School and I. W. A.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1899. Philomathean. Won third

place, State Contest, 1904. President, Y. M. C. A., 1903-04.

Principal, Big Stone City (S. D.) Schools, 1904.

Residence, Thornburg, Iowa.

689. FREDERIC W. BINTZ, A.B.—Born October 20, 1880,

Atlantic, Iowa. Prepared, Cortland (Neb.) High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1898. Philomathean. Completed Theo-

logical Course, German College. Ph.B. 1904. S.T.B. Boston

University of Theology, 1907. A.M. Iowa Wesleyan, 1909.

Pastorates: Rushville, Neb., summer 1904; at Macon, Neb.,

September 1904-05; Boston, 1905-07; White Cloud, Kan., 1907-

10; Howard, Neb., 1910-12; Martell, Neb. 1912-16; Scotia, Neb.

1916. Minister West German Conference of M. E. Church.

Married, Sophia Aufrecht, June 28, 1906, Arcadia, Neb.

Children—Evangeline, born March 3, 1908.

Warren, born August 8, 1910.

Lawrence, born April 20, 1913.

Arthur, born August 4, 1915.

Residence, Scotia, Neb.

690. LAURA CARROLL, B.M.—Entered from Sigourney.

691. MABEL L. DAY, B.M.—Born September 8, 1885, Pilot

Grove. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1903. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. P. E. O. Sister-

hood. Music Teacher.

Residence, Winfield, Iowa.

692. EARL M. DEAN, A.B.—Born December 16, 1879, Un-

ionville. Prepared Unionville Public School and Iowa Wes-

1904] ALl'MN'l RECORD 32S

ltyan Academy. L898. Hamline. Betar

riieta Pi. Member,Debating Team. Inter-collegiate Debate with Simpson Col-

lege. Member of foot ball team three years; manager base

ball one year: won second place in Oratorical Contest; travel-

ing salesman H?e fears; rancher five years; manager Nyssa

Cheeae Factory two years.

Married Stella Hale, June 18. 1907, Kansas City, Mo.

Child—Dorothy Elizabeth, born March 18, 1910.

Residence. Xyssa. Oregon.

693. FRED C. EDWARDS, A.B.—Born December 7, 1875,

Moulton. Prepared. Moulton High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1901. Philomathean. Leader, Glee Club. Beta

Theta Pi. Two years' work, Moody Bible Institute, 1899- 1900.

Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. S.T.B. from Boston

University. M.A. and D.D. from I. W. C. Admitted to Iowa

Conference 1904. Pastorates, Beacon, 1904; Pella, 1905;

School 1906; Delta, 1908; Brooklyn, 1910; Keokuk. 1915. Tour-

ed Europe, Eastern Asia including Constantinople, Palestine

and Northern Africa in 1910.

Married Florence Mabel Anderson, Dec. 21, 1904, Pulaski.

Child—Miriam Louise, born Sept. 8, 1909.

Residence 611 Grand Ave., Keokuk, Iowa.

694. HUBER WILLIAM HURT, B.S.—Born Nov. 3, 1883,

Princeton, Mo. Prepared, Pella High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1900. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Member foot-ball,

baseball teams. Member Glee Club. A.M. and L.L.D. Univer-

sity of Chicago. Science Teacher Mt. Pleasant High School,

1903; Principal, Oskaloosa High School, 1904-05. Supt. and

Founder Lockport T. H. S. 1909-11; Lecturer, Lyceum and

Chautauqua fourteen years; Solar Research, Yerkes Universi-

ty 1910; Germany and Berlin 1911-12; President Lombard Col-

lege 1912-15; President McKendree College since 1915.

Married, Harriet M. Hibbs, Dec. 31, 1908, Piano. 111.

Children—Harriett Jane, born June 28, 1912.

Helen Maurine September 17, 1914.

H. William, March 25, 1916.

Address, Lebanon, 111.


695. GRACE HANCHER (BECK), Lit.B.—Born December

7, 1881. Florence, Kan. Prepared, Academy Black Hills Col-

lege. One year Greek, Folts' Mission Institute, Herkimer, N.

Y. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1901. President Ruthean. Pi

Beta Phi. Graduate Student, 1905.

Married Burton Beck, (See No. 672), July 6, 1903.

Residence, 234 N. 19th St., Portland, Oregon.

696. LILIAN JAY, (HEINZE), B.M.—Born 1885, Pulaski,

Iowa. Prepared Pulaski High School. Pi Beta Phi.

Married Robert Heinze, Raton, New Mexico.

Child—Virginia; died Aug. 6, 1917.

Address, San Barnardino, California.

697. ELIAS HANDY, A.B.—Born March 21, 1860, Dudley,

England. Took required courses and passed examinations for

Teacher's Life Certificate, good throughout Great Britain.

Headmaster, Oakamoor Mills Schools, England, before coming

to America. A.M. Cornell College, 1904. Member Faculty

Iowa Wesleyan and Principal Academy, 1902-04. State FieM

Secretary Iowa Sunday School Association. Minister Metho-

dist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Lebanon, 1890; Mystic,

1892; Newton Circuit 1896; What Cheer, 1899; Professor I.

W. U. 1902; Washington, 1905; Grinnell, 1907; Trr.nsferred

1912 to Des Moines Conference. Now Stationed at Atlantic,


Married Anna Maria Southall, July 17, 1882, Dudley, Eng.

Children—Alice E., born 1883.

William S., born 1884, (See No. 726)

Donald J., born 1886.

Mary L., born 1888.

Jennie M., born 1891.

George (deceased), born 1893.

Emma Frances, born 1894.

Eva Ruth, born 1896.

Walter N., born 1899.

Residence, Atlant'c, Iowa.

698. HAZEL KESTER, B.M.—Entered from New London


1904] AU MM RECORD 831

699. AILEENE LEE (ATKINSON) (DAVIS), B.M.— Horn.nit. Iowa. Prepared Near London Hi-h

ooL Holds diploma from Commercial Department or

.iy «!' Los Angeles, Calif. Btenograp

with Bouthern Pa< Iflc Railroad.

b1 i. 1907, Los Angeles, Cal.

IDavis, Los Angeles, Cal.

Address, 129 N. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, California.

700. ZELLA LONGWELL (LAUSER), B.M.—Born May|4, 1882. Kalona, towa. I Kalona. Eniered Wesley-

_: i'i Beta Phi Music Teacher at Wellman.

Henry \\ Leaser, Oct. 26, 1910, Wellman.

Children— Robert, born Jan. 9. 1912.

Richard, born July 1, 1913.

Charles, born Dec. 17, 1914.

Kent, born Oct. 13, 1916.

Address. Wilton Junction, Iowa.

701. MAUDE REEVES (BESSER), B.M.—Born Feb. 3,

Washington, Iowa. Prepared Washington High School.

Entered Wesleyan 1903. Alpha Xi Delta.

.Married Merle Besser (See No. 710), Dec. 3, 1915, San Fran-

cisco. California.

Address. 558 Clayton St., San Francisco, Cal.

702. JULIA LISZT SHANKLAND, Lit. B.—Born February

1S80, Des Moines. Prepared, West Des Moines High

School. Student one year, Illinois State University. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, New-

ton High School, 1904. Teacher of Drawing.

Residence 212 W. 140th Street, New York City.

703. GEORGE WARE STEPHENS, Ph. B.—Born Septem-

ber 18, 1878, WTapello. Prepared, Wapello High School and

State University of Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Philo

mathean. Beta Theta Pi. Phi Kappa Phi. Simpson-Wes-

leyan Freshman Debate 1902, and Illinois Wesleyan-Iowa Wes-leyan Debate 1902. President Senior Class. Editor "Wes-


leyan News". Member of Base Ball team three years, captain

1903. Beta delegate National Convention 1903. Professor

Economics, Political Science and Sociology, Iowa WesleyanCollege 1904-11. A.M. 1904 and Ph.D. 1905. University of

Wisconsin. Chair of Economics and Sociology, University of

Maine since 1911.

Married, Florence Currier (See No. 655), June 28, 1905, In-

dianoJa, Iowa.

Children—Helen Frances, born Nov. 7, 1911.

Florence Marjorie, born Feb. 12, 1915.

Residence, Orono, Maine.

704. ABBIE DEE STILES (KELLEY), B.M.—Born Dec. 9,

1884, Des Moines, Iowa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1902. Ruthean, Alpha Xi Delta.

Married Fred G. Kelley, Nov. 20, 1905, Charleston, Illinois.

Children—Kenneth, born Feb. 18, 1907.

Ella Corrinne, born Aug. 4, 1909.

Wilfred Dudley, born May 21, 1916.

Residence, East Alton, Illinois.

705. EDGAR LLOYD TENNANT, Ph.B—Born September

4, 1872, Miracle Run, W. Va. Prepared, Moulton and SeymourHigh School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1891. Philomathean.

Y. M. C. A. Member, Oratorio Chorus. Chapel Choir and Col-

lege Quartette. Assistant Principal, Moulton High School,

1893-94. Minister, Methodist Church. Entered Iowa Confer-

ence 1897. Pastorates: Melrose, 1897-99; Hillsboro, 1899-04;

Crawfordsville, 1904-06; Rosehill, 1906-09; (Missionary to In-

dian Territory 1906); Cantril 1909-12; Chaplin. Iowa State

Prison, Ft. Madison, 1912-14; Danville, 1914-15; deputy warden

Iowa State Prison, 1915-17. Pastor, Deep River, Iowa 1917

Married Retta Viola Walker, October 26, 1898, Mt. Pleas-


Children—Florence Marie, born March 12, 1901.

John, born May 15, 1906.

William, D., born April 6, 1915.

Residence, Deep River, Iowa.

1904-05] ALUMNI RECORD 333

706. EDITH VAN CISE (WILLITS), B.M.—Born May 19,

L886, Mt. Pleasant Prepared, lit Pleasant High School. En-

tered fowl Wesleyan 1903. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. P. E. O.


Married Ledru Willits. (See No. 722), July 1, 1908. Mt.

PlTHitnt. Iowa.

Children—Mary Elizabeth, born August 20, 1911.

Ralph Ledru. born Aug. 15, 1913.

Harold Van Cise, born May 6, 1916.

Residence, Oak Grove Farm, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

707. WILLIAM WEIBLEY, B.M.—Born Harper, April 26,

Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Phi Delta

Theta. Coach Foot-ball team three years. Member, Glee

Club three years. Architect.

Married. Edith Cowan (See No. 653), Sept. 6, 1905, Oska-

loosa. Iowa.

CMldren—Mildred Elaine, born June 15, 1906.

Anna Louise, born Jan. 29, 1909.

Helen Marjorie, born Nov. 3, 1915.

Address, 616 Court Street, Burlington, Iowa.

708. ERNEST D. WELLER, Ph.B.—Born September 13,

18S3. New London. Prepared, New London High School and

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Philomathean. Won Freshman-

Sophomore Oratorical Contest, 1902. Athletic Editor, "Wes-

leyan News," 1904.

Letter returned from Billings, Mont., last known address.

709. EDITH YOUNG (SWANEY), B.M.—Born March 9,

1882, Mt. Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1902. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Married Chas H. Swaney. Jan. 5, 1910, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Residence, 676 Second Ave E, North Kalispel, Mont.

Ciass of 1905

710. MERLE ALFRED BESSER, B.S.—Born March 1, 1884

Harper. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1901. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Captain baseball


team two years. Represented Senior Class on Athletic Board.

Member Mandolin Club 1902. Delegate Zeta Prov. Convention,

St. Louis, Mo., July 13-14, 1914. With Willy's Overland of


Married Maude Reeves (See No. 701), Dec. 3, 1915. San

Francisco, California.

Residence, 558 Clayton St., San Francisco, Cal.

711. BESSIE GARMAN, (JOHNSON), B.M.—Born Novem-ber 12, 1883, Council Bluffs. Prepared Griswold High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Ruthean. Taught voice and

piano several years.

Married Emil M. Johnson June 1, 1910, Mt. Pleasant.

Children—Vivien Besse, born April 1, 1911.

Phyllis Garman, born May 10, 1913.

Virginia Ruth, born Aug. 3, 1914.

Residence 908 Broadway St., Waterloo, Iowa.

712. EVA MARIE GEORGE, B.M. — Born Corning 1877.

Prepared, Corning Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1902.

A.B. Iowa Wesleyan 1917, (See No. 996). Teacher in Public

Schools, Gosport, Indiana and Martinsville, Indiana. At-

present Teacher of Music, New London Public Schools.

Residence, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

713. EDWARD BELL ISETT, Ph.B.—Born October 30,

1880, Wapello. Prepared Wapello High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Member of baseball team four years,

manager 1904. Beta Theta Pi. Philomathean. Member Man-

dolin Club. Lumber dealer Wapello, 1905-07; Wicks, Arkan-

sas, 1907-11. Now operates Isett Lumber Co., Wapello, Iowa.

Married, Agnes Sevier, (See No. 720), Feb. 20, 1906, Cen-

terville, Iowa.

Children—Donald, born Dec. 27, 1906.

Margaret, born Aug. 8, 1908.

Stanton, born June 4, 1910; died Feb 4, 1913.

Virginia, born Dec. 11, 1915.

Residence, Wapello, Iowa.


714. GEORGE ELLIOT JOHN. A.B —Horn September 27.

187S. Nunia. Iowa Prepared, Centerrille, Iowa EUgn School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Mainline Twice in Local Ora-

torical Contest. In Freshman Debate with Simpson College.

Principal and Superintendent of Schools. Gosport, Indiana.

1905-14. Resigned to accept present position as cashier of Cen-

tral Union Telephone Co., Blonde, Indiana.

Married. Inez Neal. May 4. 1909. Gosport, Indiana

Residence 319 E. Jackson St.. Ifuncle, Indiana.

715. MABLE DOROTHY LAUER, (JOHNSON), B.M. —Born 18S6. Mt. Union, Iowa. Prepared. Winfield High School.

President of Ruthean. Iota Phi. Alpha Xi Delta. A.B. from

L'niversity of Iowa. Pursued Liberal Arts Course Iowa Wes-

leyan College. 1909-11.

Married, Earl Briggs Johnston, September 4, 1913, Winfield.

Children—Earl Byron, born Jan. 20, 1915; died Dec. 29, 1916

James Fredrick Bennett, born July 20, 1916.

Residence. 1118 W. 37th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.

716. ETHEL LYMER, B.M.—Born Essex, Iowa. Prepared,

Academy Black Hills College and Academy Morning Side Col-

lege. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1904. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

Accompanist Men's Glee Club four years. Professor Frenchand Associate Professor of German, Iowa Wesleyan. 1911-15.

Graduate Student State University of Michigan. An accom-plished scholar.

Deceased August 16, 1915, Bay View, Michigan. Buried For-

est Home Cemetery. Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

717. HERBERT CRATES MERSHON, A. B.- -Born Janu-ary 11. 1SS2. Newton, Iowa. Prepared. Newton High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

V. M. C. A. Member Baseball team 1904-05. Engaged in Ad-vertising Business LL.B. Illinois College of Law. Attorney.

Married Mildred Brady (See No. 757), Sept. 3, 1908, Rich-land, Iowa.

Residence, 831 LaFayette Parkway, Chicago, Illinois.


718. HENRY MUENSTER, A.B.—Born Hamburg, GermanyOctober 16, 1877 Prepared, Rock Island High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1899. Goethe. Cicero. Philomathean.

Y. M. C. A. President, 1904. Second place, State Oratorical

Contest, 1905 Graduate, German College. Minister, Metho-

dist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Council Bluffs, 1903; Kel-

logg, 1906. Professor Iowa Wesleyan, 1907; South Muscatine

Ct., 1910; North English, 1911; Unionville, 1914; Sigourney,

1916; Farmington, Iowa.

Married Emily Havighorst, Sept. 1907, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Address, Farmington, Iowa.

719. JUDSON EDSON PIPER, Ph.B.—Born May 29, 1884,

Bonaparte. Prepared District School and Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Won Local Contest

1902. On State Contest 1903. Wesleyan-Simpson Debate,

1902. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Editor "Wesleyan News",1904-05. LL.B. University of Iowa. Attorney at Law.

Address, No. 800 Observatory Building, Des Moines, Iowa.

720. AGNES SEVERS (ISETT), B.M.—Born July 8, 1884.

Centerville Prepared Centerville High School and Houston

Texas. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1903. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Married, Edward Bell Isett, (See No. 713), Feb. 20, 1906.

Centerville, Iowa.

Children—Donald, born Dec. 27, 1906.

Margaret, born Aug. 8, 1908.

Stanton, born June 4, 1910; died Feb. 4, 1913.

Virginia, born Dec. 11, 1915.

Residence, Wapello, Iowa.

721. CHARLES ROBERT SHOOK, A.B.—Born February

8, 1875, Olney, Illinois. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy1901. President Y. M. C. A. 1903. Philomathean. Phi Delta

Theta. Member Glee Club four years. Represented Fresh-

man Class, Oratorical Contest. Minister, Methodist Episcopal

Church. Entered Iowa Conference, 1905; Batavia, 1905-07;

Fremont, 1907; Busey, 1908-09; Transferred to Southwest

Kansas Conference, 1910; Fredrick, 1910-11. English Bible

1905-06] ALUMNI RECORD 337

Course. Moody Bible Institute. 1911-12; Plevena, Kansas, 1912

14: Canton. 1914-15; Belpre. 1915-17.

KaiTled Emma C Cavit. June 2X. 1905, Houston. Kansas.

Children—A son; died in infancy.

Elouise. born 1914.

Residence, Belpre. Kansas.

722. LEDRU WILLITS, B.M.—Born Feb. 25 1883, Mt.

Pleasant. Entered from Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1900.

Member Glee Club 1902-05. Football Team, 1903-04. Hamline.

Phi Delta Theta. Farmer.

Married. Edith Van Cise (See No. 706). July 1, 1908, Mt.

Pleasant. Iowa.

Children—Mary Elizabeth, born Aug. 20, 1911

Ralph Ledru, born Aug. 15, 1913.

Harold Van Cise, born May 6, 1916.

Residence. Oak Grove Farm, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


(See No. 647.)

Class of 1906


Nov. 18, 1882, Ainsworth, Iowa. Prepared Washington Acade-

my and Monmouth College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1904.

Philomathean. Editor Wesleyan News. Principal Wapello

High School, one year. Taught Latin one year in State Uni-

versity of Missouri. M.D. 1911 Northwestern. Physician and


Married, Bertha E Reimers, March 20, 1915, Clinton, Iowa.

Residence, 1210 Ringwood Place, Clinton, Iowa.

725. ARTHUR BECK, B.S.—Born Dec. 13, 1881. Ottumwa.Iowa. Prepared Penn College Academy. Entered Wesleyan1901. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Farmer.

Married, Mabelle Payne, Jan. 29. 1913, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Residence, Fremont, Iowa.


1884. (Parentage See No. 697), Oakamoor Staffordshire, Eng-


land. Prepared What Cheer High School. Entered Wesleyan

1902. Philonmthean. Secretary .Junior Class. Secretary

Athletic Council. S.T.B. Boston University of Theology.

Taught in Red Oak High School, 1906-07; Entered Iowa Con-

ference 1907. Pastorates: West Grove 1907. At school in

East 1908-11. Transferred to Northwest Iowa Conference

1911. Now College pastor for Methodist students at Iowa

State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts at Ames, Iowa.

Des Moines Conference.

Married, Bertha Blanche Birch, June 1, 1910, Mt. Union,


Children—Margaret Elizabeth, born July 18, 1913.

Richard Elias, born Sept. 22, 1915.

Residence, 2624 Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa.

727. NORA MABEL HARRIS, Ph.B.—Born Dec. 2, 1885.

Lincoln, Neb. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered

Wesleyan 1902. Ruthean. Honor graduate Mt. Pleasant

High School. Teacher Buxton, Iowa 1907-10; Atlantic, N. J.

1910-17. College Course for teachers; University of Pennsyl-

vania, 1916-17.

Teaching address: 1806 Arctic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J.

Home address, 502 East Madison St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


11, 1879, Osceola, Nebraska. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Acade-

my. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1902. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. President Sophomore Class. Treasurer Y. M. C. A.

Foot Ball Team. Track Team. Holder of record on HammerThrow for some years. Freshman debate. Minister: Enter-

ed West German Conference, 1906. Pastorates, West Point,

Nebraska, 1906-07; Pueblo, Colo., 1907-08. Missionary in Cen-

tral Provinces, India; 1908-17, Khandwa, India. Principal Tho-

burn Biblical Institute and Pastor English congregation, Jub-

bulpore, India, 1911-13. District Superintendent KhandwaDistrict, C. B. Conference, India, 1914-17. At present home on


Married (1) Emma K. Smith, Aug. 30, 1906, San Jose, 111.;

died Nov. 11, 1907, Pueblo, Colo.


(I) norencs S. Bngelhardt, Oct. 18, 1910, Jub-

bulpore. India.

Children Cedrk Carl, born Oct. 18. 1907.

Cordon Thoburn, born Nov. 18, 1912.

Est a Gertrude, born Nov. 27, 1914.

Present address, 611 N. 26th Street, Lincoln, Neb.

729. FRED CLINE HUEBNER, B.S.—Born Nov. 9, 1881,

BeglS Grore, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Bur-

lington Institute. Entered Wesleyan 1902. Philomathean.

Beta Theta Pi. S. I. U. LL.B., 1909. Sixth District Memberof Iowa Rep. State Central Committee. Wesleyan Simpson

Debate. 1904; Wesleyan Coe Debate, 1905. Base ball team,

1905-06. President Philomathean, 1906. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet

1905-06. Iowa- Kansas Debate, 1907. Local Oratorical Con-

tests, 1905-06. Lawyer.

Married Ina M. Duncan, (See No. 743), March 29, 1911, Mt.


Child—Helen Janet, born July 28, 1917

Residence, 204 4th Ave. W., Albia, Iowa.

730. MAUDE MAIKEN, B. Lit.—Born 1884. Moravia, Iowa.

Prepared Moravia High School, and Iowa Wesleyan Academy.

Entered Wesleyan 1901. Alpha Xi Delta. Taught English in

Duluth. Minn. High School 1911-12. Student at Chicago Uni-

versity, also in Paris.

Residence 1007 E. 60th Street, Chicago, 111.

731. EMERY JEREMIAH MILLER, Ph.B.—Born June 26,

1885, Pulaski. Iowa. Prepared Southern Iowa Normal, Bloom-

field, Iowa. Entered Wesleyan, 1902. Philomathean. Beta

Theta Pi. President Philomathean. Glee Club. 1916. W.Master of Marion Lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M., Marion Iowa.

Secretary School Board, Marion, Iowa. Secretary Marion

Commercial Club. Staff Correspondent of Cedar Rapids Re-

publican and Evening Times.

Married Inez Scarborough, Arpil 10, 1912. Bloomfield, Iowa.

Residence, Marion, Iowa.



Wilton Junction, Iowa. Prepared Wilton High School. En-

tered Wesleyan 1901. Hamline, Beta Theta Pi. Editor 1906

Croaker. Editor Wesleyan News 1905-06. Tel. Editor CedarRapids Republican, 1906-08. Publisher News, Sierra Madre,

Cal., since 1910.

Married Hazel Hill, Oct. 10, 1914, Sierra Madre, Cal.

Child—Elizabeth Hortense, born June 10, 1916.

Residence, 19 West Live Oak, Sierra Madre, California.

733. CLARA BELL POWELSON (VAUGHN), A.B.—BornDec. 4, 1884, Lamona, Iowa. Prepared, Burlington High School

Y. W. C. A. Ruthean. Teacher Richland High School three

years. Teacher of Latin and German, Pomeroy, Wash., twoyears. American Falls, Idaho, three years.

Married James C. Vaughn, Feb. 9, 1916, Cardington, Ohio.

Died Feb. 14, 1917, Pasedena, Cal. Buried, Mt. Pleasant.

Iowa, Forest Home Cemetery.

734. JAMES WILEY RICHARDSON, B.S.—Born 1882. Pre-

pared Albia High School. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi.

Married Helen Coe (See No. 759), Muscatine, Iowa.

Residence, Unknown.

735. MABEL PRATT SPRY, B.S.—Born March 3, 1887, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Wesleyan 1902. Alpha Xi Delta. Post Graduate work one

year at University of Washington, Seattle. Taught five years

in Odessa, Washington, High School; taught three years in

Davenport, Washington High School; teacher in English Dept.

in Cheney State Normal, Washington, during summer.

Residence 907 Kilbourne St., Seattle, Wash.


25, 1880, Henry County, Iowa. Prepared, Winfield High School.

Entered Wesleyan 1901. Hypatia. Graduate German College

1905. Y. W. C. A. Graduate Nurse's Training School, Kirks-

ville, Mo., 1910.

Residence, Winfield, Iowa.


737. STACEY TURNEY (HASNER), B.S.— Born August

IS, 188&! Mi. Pleasant, [OWE. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Acade-

my. Entered Iowa Wesleyan. 1903. Ruthean I'i Beta Phi

Taught Chemistry. Shelby ville. Mo. High School, 1906-07. Twomda*te work In Chemistry, State University of

Iowa, 1907-08 and 1909-10. Instructor in Chemistr\ . Iowa State

Agricultural College, Ames, 1910-H.

Married Ralph W. Hasner, Aug. 17, 1914, Ml. Pleasant, la.

Residence, Independence, Iowa.

738. FRED WILLIAM WAHL, Ph.B.—Born Dec. 2, 1879,

Victor. Iowa. Prepared Public Schools, Emdon, 111., and Iowa

Wesleyan. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1898. Hamline. President,

i'. M C. A. S.T.B. Boston University 1907. Ministry, Emden,

111.. 1907-13; St. Louis, Mo., 1913.

Married Nelle C. Huns, October 2, 1907, Emden, 111.

Children—Milton, born Sept. 17, 1908.

Carolyn, born Feb. 20, 1913.

Residence, 2607 North 19th St., St. Louis, Mo.

739. PAUL WHITE WILSON,—Born Dec. 28, 1885, (Par-

entage, See No. 131 and No. 147). Prepared Grinnell High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Phi Delta Theta. M.D.

1912. University of Minnesota. Captain Foot Ball team, 1905.

Business Manager of first "Croaker." Physician.

Residence, Whittier, Cal.

740. ESTHER WORK (MYERS), Ph. B.—Born July 2,

1881, (Parentage, See No. 81), Keosauqua, Iowa Prepared

Ottumwa High School. Entered Iowa WTesleyan 1900. Ruthean.

Pi Beta Phi. P. E. O. Post Graduate course at University

of Glasgow, Scotland, 1908.

Married Charles Haven Myers, (See No. 665), 1907, Ottum-

wa, Iowa.

Children—Edward Marlowe, born Jan. 15, 1910.

Ruth Morrinson, born Oct. 4, 1912.

Residence, 608 Oak St., Chattanooga, Tenn.


Class of 1907

741. STELLA BARNETT, Ph.B. — Born March 3, 1883,

(Parentage See No. 322), Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Wil-

ton Junction and Ft. Madison, Iowa. Entered Wesleyan 1901.

Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. President Y. W. C. A. 1906-07.

Secretary Debating Association 1906. Teacher of History at

Mason City, Iowa. Attended State University of Iowa.

Temporary Address, 121 N. Jefferson St., Mason City, Iowa.

742. JOHN STANLEY DECKER, A.B.—Born October 12.

1873, Harrisonville, Pa. Prepared Cumberland Valley State

Normal, Shippensburg, Pa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1903.

Philomathean. Debating team. Editor Wesleyan News 1906-

07. Pastorates Melrose, Iowa, 1899; Sperry, 1901; West Bur-

lington, 1903; Mt. Pleasant, West, 1904; Packwood, 1907;

Kirkville, 1909; Richland, 1911; Moravia, 1913; Ft. Madison,

Santa Fe, 1916.

Married (1) Cornelia Zimmerman, Feb. 26, 1896, Pennsyl-

vania; died Oct. 24, 1914, Des Moines, Iowa.

(2) Jennie Zimmerman, Sept. 14, 1916, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa.

Child—Helen Alrena, born Nov. 26, 1910.

Residence, 2715 California St., Ft. Madison, Iowa.

743. INA DUNCAN (HUEBNER), B.Lit.—Born Feb. 9,

1885, Columbus Junction, Iowa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1902. Ruthean. Alpha Xi

Delta. Reader with Glee Club 1906-07.

Married Fred Cline Huebner, (See No. 729), March 29, 1911,

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Helen Janet, born July 28, 1917.

Residence 204 Fourth Ave. W. Albia, Iowa.

744. OSCAR JOHN FIX, A.B.—Born May 16, 1881, Kramer,Neb. Prepared Country public school and Iowa WesleyanAcademy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1900. Literary, Goethe

and Cicero. Ministry, Hillsboro, 1907; Batavia, 1910; Burling-

ton Circuit 1912; Pulaski, 1915.


Married Lulu M. Kopp, June 16, 1907, Sperry, Iowa.

Children—Charles J., born June 9, 1908.

Irene M., born Dec. 22. 1910.

Roger S., born Dec. 25, 1914.

Residence, Pulaski, Iowa.

745. CRAIG P. GARMAN, B.S.—Born 1887, Council Bluffs,

Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan and Griswold, Iowa. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Philomathean. Engaged in Y. M.

C. A. work.

Residence, Los Angeles, Cal.

.746. HARRY GOODRICH, A.B.—Born Nov. 30, 1879, Jeffer-

son County, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1901. Beta Theta Pi. Philomathean.

President Y. M. C. A. 1902-03. Boys Work Secretary, Y. M.C. A. Fargo, N. D. 1907-10; Boys Work Secretary, Des Moines

Iowa 1910-14; Boys Work Secretary of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa,

1914. Army Y. M. C. A.

Married Stella Guthrie, October 4, 1905, Des Moines, Iowa.

Children—Paul Wallace, born September 2, 1906.

Robert Charles, born July 4, 1909.

James Penn, born Dec. 6, 1914.

Residence 2221 East 13th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

747. LUELLA HIGHTSHOE, A.B.—Born May 7, 1883, Bos-

worth, Mo. Prepared Sigourney High School and Iowa State

Normal School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1903 Hypatia.

Alpha Xi Delta. High School Principal and Superintendent

of Schools in South Dakota and Minnesota. Principal, Dan-

ville Public Schools.

Residence, Danville, Iowa.

748. JOHN QUINCY McKINNON, B.S.—Born July 6, 1887,

New London, Iowa. Prepared New London and Mt. Pleasant

High Schools. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Excellent in de-

bate and oratory, L.L.B. Columbia, 1914. Principal, Langdon,

N.D. Schools 1907-08. Studied law, University of Minn., Min-

neapolis. 1908-09. Principal Verona, N. D. Schools, 1909-10;


Superintendent LaMore, N. D. Schools 1910-12. Student Colum-

bia School of Law, 1912-14. Member law firm of Murry, Pren-

tice & Howland, 37 Wall Street, New York. A very promis-

ing career.

Died July 9, 1916, Long Beach, N. Y. Buried New London,

Iowa, Burge Cemetery. Death caused by drowning while

saving the life of a fellow bather. Heart failure.

749. LURA CLARK (MORGENSON), Ph.B.—Born April

23, 1884, Albia, Iowa. Prepared Albia High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1903. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta, (President.)

Member of Wesleyan News Staff. President Y. W. C. A.

Married H. Louis Morgenson, June 14, 1916. Albia, Iowa.

Child—Dana Clark.

Residence, Escalon, California.

750. LYDA PITTMAN, B. Lit.—Former principal High

School, Mount Pleasant. Now Public School teacher, Ft.

Dodge, Iowa.

Address, Fort Dodge, Iowa.


17, 1875, Pilot Grove, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High

School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesley-

an 1896. Philomathean. Been employed as tradesman since

1907. Carpenter.

Residence, 319 Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

752. ROBERT B. SPENCER, A.B.—Born 1873. Prepared

Iowa Wesleyan Academy.Married Carrie Alice Eyestone (See No. 632), Sept. 10, 1902,

Lexington, Iowa.

Child—Alice Louisa, born July 9, 1904.

Residence, Ft. Morgan, Colo.

753. MAE STODDARD, Ph.B—Born Feb. 4, 1883. Provi-

dence, R. I. Prepared Mt. Pleasant, Iowa and Grinnell, Iowa,

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1904. Hypatia. Pi

Beta Phi. Teacher Alexandria, S. D. 1907-08; Newton, Iowa,


1908-09; Amrs High BcllOO] 1909-11; Grmnell. L913-14. For

pMl tbrefi J%m taught English and History In Thorsbv Insti-

tute, Thoraby, Alabama.

Home ad E>ark, Qrlnnell, low a.

754. BERNARD VOLL, A.B.—Born March It. 1882. Ger-

many. Prepared Central Wesleyan College. Entered Iowa\\

'. slryan 1904. Member of California German Conference.

After grad ation spent ten years in east and a brief period in

Germany.Married Marie Bohlander June 18, 1913, Los Angeles. Cal.

Children—Dorothy Marie, born Sept. 24, 1914.

Bernard Frederick, born Feb. 11, : 9 1


Residence, 520 Sixteenth St., San Diego, Cal.

Class of 1908


$85, Bloomfield, Iowa. Prepared Southern Iowa Normal.

Entered Wesleyan 1903. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Presi-

dent of Senior Class. Captain of Basket Ball Team. Memberof track and base ball team. Winner Harlan oratorical con-

test. Represented Wesleyan in State Oratorical contest. Cor-

netist of unusual ability, being soloist in Glee Club. Organizer

director and leader of Wesleyan band. Composer of WesleyanHymn. "Wesleyan Thy Honored Name;" played "Nearer MyGod to Thee" from tower of Chapel building on departure of

body of Ian McClaren, for England, on the night of May 7,

1907. After graduation Principal Washington. Iowa High

School, 1908-09. Resigned after election for second year to en-

ter employ of Allyn-Bacon Text Book Publishing House which

he represented for states of Minnesota and Dakotas, until time

of his death, except for one year spent in law school of the

University of Minnesota.

Died July 28, 1914. Drowned in Basswood River, in rapids

on the Canadian side of the International boundary, north of

Ely, Minnesota, while on an exploration trip.

Buried Pulaski, Iowa.

756. CLAYTON LEROY BRADY, B.S.—Born May 26, 1887.

Richland, Iowa. Prepared Richland, Iowa, High School. En-


tered Wesleyan 1903. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. ManagerC. L. Brady & Co. (Fire Insurance Co.) Cashier SehnstoneNational Bank. Town Clerk and Treasurer for Cody, Wyo.

Married Virginia Simpson, Jan. 15, 1914, Cody, WyoChildren—William Harlan, born Sept. 20, 1915

Margaret Lou, born Dec. 1916.

Residence, Cody, Wyo.


1, 1885, Richland, Iowa. Prepared Richland High School. IowaWesleyan. Entered Wesleyan 1903. Hypatia. President of

Society. Alpha Xi Delta.

Married Herbert Crates Mershon, (See No. 717), Sept. 3,

1908, Richland, Iowa.

Residence 831 Lafayette Parkway, Chicago, III.

758. FARNCO BRIDGER, B.S.—Born Oct. 27, 1887. Rich-

land, Iowa. Prepared Richland High School and Iowa Wes-leyan Academy. Entered Wesleyan 1903. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. Clothing merchant. At present cashier Fremont

State Bank.

Married Florence Diwal, Jan. 29, 1916, Washington, Iowa.

Residence, Fremont, Iowa.

759. HELEN COE (RICHARDSON), A.B.— Born 1884,

Prepared Muscatine High School.

Married James W. Richardson, (See No. 734.)

Residence, Unknown.

760. GORDON DALE COX—Born 1886. Prepared Hedrick High School. Minister Bussey, 1910. School, 1912. Post

graduate work University of Boston.

Residence 72 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass.

760. GORDON DALE COX—Born 1886, Martinsville, la.,

Prepared Hedrick High School. Hamline. Ministry Methodist

Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Bussey, 1910-12. Post grad-

uate work Harvard. S.T.B. University of Boston, 1916.


761. CHARLES B HANKINS, A.B. Horn March 27, 1882,

New London. Iowa Prepared Agency High School. Entered

Woleyan L902. Philomath, an B.I). 1910 from Drew Theo-

. Seminar] a If, L910 Iowa Weeleyan Pastorates in

lowa Conference, LibertjnriUe, Mystic, 191011 ; Hedrick, 1911-

i .. Morning Sun, 1918*16; West Liberty I9lt>.

Harried Madge Lynn VanZandt, Dec. 9, 1903, Agency City,

low a

Children—Pauline Agnes, horn Oct. 19, 190G.

Charles Robert, born March 27, 1914.

lence, West Liberty, Iowa.


Parentage See No. 227), ML Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared

Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Wesleyan 1904. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. President Hamline one year. Assist

ant Cashier Farmers Merchants Savings Bank at Mt. Pleasant

1908-12. Cashier Ravenswood, National Bank, Chicago, 111.

since 1912.

Married Mabel Piper, (See No. S59) June 23, 1914, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Florence, born Sept. 11, 1916.

Residence. 4546 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.

763. CARL HENRY KRENMYER, B.S.— Born Feb. 11,

1882. Farmington. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy and

Farmington High School. Entered Wesleyan 1904. Hamline.

Phi Delta Theta. Inter-Collegiate debate. Winner State Ora-

torical Contest, 1908. Superintendent of Public Schools at

Morning Sun, Iowa, 1908-11.

Married, Rosa Brewer, June 20, 1907, Muscatine, Iowa.

Child—Wendell Leon, born July 10, 1908.

Died April 10, 1911, Morning Sun, Iowa. Buried, Farming-

ton. Iowa.

764. ERNEST LAUER, A.B.—Born 1886. Entered fromMacon, Nebr. Prepared Common Schools and Iowa Wes-leyan Academy.

Present address, Y. M. C. A. Duluth, Minn.


765. WILLIAM EDWARD LAUTERBACH, A.B. —BornSept. 6, 1883, near Donnelson, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesley-

an Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan in 1901. Philomathean.

Goethe (President). Graduate German College 1907. Y. M.

C. A. Training School, Chicago, 1908-09. Office Secretary Y.

M. C. A., Duluth, Minn., 1909-16. Now in employ of Interna-

tional Y. M. C. A. Committee, as Army Secretary among Rus-

sian Prisoners of War in Austria-Hungary. Has charge of

work in four prison camps, with head quarters at Vienna,

Austria. Sailed for Europe Aug. 17, 1916.

Married Margaret Van Niewaal, Aug. 18, 1914, Pella, Iowa.

Forwarding address, Cr. Y. M. C. A., 124 East 28th Street,

New York City.

Home address, North White Street, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.


1881, Emden, 111. Prepared Illinois State Normal University,

Iowa State Teachers College and Central Wesleyan Univer-

sity. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1903. Minister, Davenport,

Iowa, 190840; Chicago, 1910-17; General Secretary Y. M. C. A.

Bloomington, 111. 1917.

Married Katherine L. Davis, Sept. 2, 1908, San Jose, 111.

Children—Alvin James, born Sept. 19, 1913.

Ralph Emerson, born July 23, 1916.

Present address, Cr. Y. M. C. A. Bloomington, 111.


July 23, 1885, Monmouth, 111. Prepared Centerville, Iowa,

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1903. Hypatia. Pi

Beta Phi. Primary Teacher four years at Centerville, Iowa.

Hutchinson, Kansas and Mt. Ayr, Iowa. Assistant in Public

Library, Hutchinson, Kansas. Iowa State College, 1905-06.

Special work at Iowa State Teachers College, 1909. Student

New York State Library School. Now Librarian, Elmwood,


Present address, Elmwood, Indiana.

768. ANNA MARY SABINA POOL, B.S.— Born Jan. 3,

1886, Burlington, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy;

190S-09] ALUMNI RECORD 349

Letts Grammar School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1904. Hy-

patia. President of Hypatia. Wesleyan News Staff. Y. W.

C. A. Cabinet. Teaching. Principal of Salem High School.

President Address, Mt. Pleasant. Iowa.

769. BERTON L. SMITH, B.S.—Born May 26, 1885, HayGulch, Colorado. Prepared Fairfield High School. Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy and Birmingham High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1903. Philomathean. M.S. from University of Wis-

consin. Science Instructor Red Oak, Iowa, High School, 1909-

10. Biology and Chemistry Fort Collins High School, Colo-

rado, 1910-13. Head of Science Department, Fargo, N. D.

High School 1913-17. Assistant Professor of Chemistry in N.

D. Agricultural College and State Oil Chemist for North Da-

kota. Research work in Lubricating oils, N. D. Experiment Sta-


Married to Feme E. Beeman, April 8, 1910, Mt. Pleasant,

Child—Burton Maclyn, born Feb. 28, 1915.

Residence, 1028 Twelfth St., North, Fargo, N. D.

770. FRED A. SMITH, A.B.—Born 1886. Prepared Monte-

zuma High School.

Present Residence Unknown.

771. WALTER WOLLEN H AUPT, Ph.B.—Born 1883. Pre-

pared Massena High School.

Married Helen Jannsen.

Present Address, Springfield, 111.

Class of 1909

772. ROBERT WHITING ALLEN, B.S.—Born June 15.

1888. Mt. Fleasant, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy.Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1905. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. A.B.

Iowa Wesleyan. M.E. 1912, Cornell University. WesleyanNews Staff, 1908-09. Glee Club 1908-09. For one year after

graduation with Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co. at East

Pittsburg, Pa. Now Electrical Engineer for Cutter-HammerMfg. Co., Milwaukee.


Married Fern Armstrong, Oct. 28, 1914, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—George Wade, born July 5, 1916.

Present address, 390 22d St., Milwaukee, Wis

773. LOUIS THEODORE BALCHE, A.B.—Born Dec. 18,

1887. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Quincy High School, 111.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1905. Philo Goethe. Y. M. C. A.

Cabinet. President of the Band. Graduate of German Col-

lege 1909. Teacher.

Present address, 342 Buena Vista Ave., Pekin, 111.

774. ALFRED HERBERT BARKER, Ph.B.—Born Jan. 16,

1885. Black River Falls, Wis. Prepared Brooklyn High

School. Two years at Ames. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1906

Hamline. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1908-09. Secretary of Jun

ior Class. Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered

Iowa Conference, 1910. Pastorates: Victory, 1910; Lexing-

ton, 1911; Muscatine, North, 1912; School, 1915; Wellman,


Married Nellie Berdinner, March 17, 1910, Beacon, Iowa.

Children—Everett, born Dec. 20, 1910.

David Franklin, born Feb. 13, 1912.

Alice Christian, born April 24, 1917.

Present address, Wellman, Iowa.

775. AGNES BEERY (SMITH) — Born Feb. 9, 1887, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Common Schools and Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1905. Hypatia.

Married Clarence E. Smith, (See No. 813), Oct. 15, 1912, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Children,—Merritt, born Oct. 19, 1913.

Lenore, born Feb. 7, 1915.

Gwendolyn, born Dec. 6, 1916.

Present address, 406 S. Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


Born April 22, 1'889, Richland, Iowa. Prepared Richland High

School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesley-


an 1905. Hypatia, (Pies.) Alpha Xi Helta. Wesleyan NewsStaff. Croaker Staff 1909. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet.

Married Edward Huntting, Sept. 26, 1912, Richland, Iowa.

President address, 512 N. 5th St., Clear Lake, Iowa.

777. LUCILLE BRADY, Ph. B.—Born April 22, 1889, Rich-

land, Iowa. Prepared Richland High School and Iowa Wes-leyan Academy. Entered Wesleyan 1905. Hypatia. AlphaXi Delta. Y. \V. C. A. Teacher Clear Lake High School.

Present address, Clear Lake, Iowa.

778. JOHN T. BUCHHOLZ, B.S.—Born July 14, 1888. Polk

Co., Nebr. Prepared Public Schools, Eustis, Neb., Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1905. Philomath-

ean. Goethe Society. A.B. 1909, University of Iowa. M.S.

1914. University of Chicago. Glee Club, 1906-08, College Quar-

tette, 1907-09. Business Manager Wesleyan News, 1908-10.

Awarded "W" in Foot Ball, 1908. Member Band. Instructor

Biology, Arkansas State Normal, Conway, 1909-11. Head of

Science Department since 1911. Department Editor of Arkan-

sas Teacher's Journal. Special work in University of Chicago


Married Olive Peterson, Aug. 15, 1912. Dubuque, Iowa.

Children—Olive Marian, born June 21, 1913.

Christine, Jan. 26, 1915.

Present address, Conway, Ark.

779. ALICE CHENEY, A.B.—Born May 1, 1889, Harrison

Co., Mo. Prepared Keosauqua High School. Entered Wes-

leyan 1905. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Y. W, C. A. Cabinet,

1906-07. President Y. W. C. A. Teacher Council Bluffs, Iowa,

1909-10. Teacher Keosauqua, Iowa. High School, 1910-13.

Student Chicago Training School, 1913-14. Missionary to

Japan under W. F. M. S. since 1915.

Present address, Acyama Jo., Gakuim, Tokyo, Japan.

779B AMY CHENEY, A.B.—Born Feb. 9, 1887, Harrison

County, Mo. Prepared Keosauqua High School. Entered Iowa


Wesleyan 1905. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Y. W. C. A. Cabi-

net 1906-08. Teacher Keosauqua High School, 1909-17. Prin-

cipal 1912-17. Teacher of English in Aoyama Jo. Gakium,


Permanent address, Keosauqua, Iowa.

Teaching address, Aoyama Jo, Gakium, Tokyo, Japan.

780. WAREHAM GRANT CLARK, B.S.—Born March 9,

1887, Albia, Iowa. Prepared Albia High School. Entered

Wesleyan 1905. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Glee Club. Sec-

retary Lecture Course Committee. Organizer and first Presi-

dent of Iota Phi. Retail Hardware Merchant.

Present address, Albia, Iowa.

781. VINCENT E. DIETRICK, Ph.B—Entered from Guern-

sey, Iowa. Philomathean. Goethe. Glee Club, 1906-07. Boys

Secretary Y. M. C. A. at Ottumwa and General Secretary Y.

M. C. A. at Oskaloosa, Iowa for some years.


Present residence unknown.

782. MABEL L. DUNCAN (KEMP)—Born Aug. 19, 1887.

Columbus Junction, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1905. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta.

1909 Croaker Staff. Composed "The Banquet Song." Taught

German and English, Wapello Iowa High School, 1909-11; Ger-

man and English, Kembleville, Indiana High School, 1911-14;

English Teacher, New Castle, Indiana High School, 1914-16.

Married Edward Kemp, Oct. 10, 1916, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, 536 S. 11th St., New Castle, Ind.

783. WILLIAM JOHNSTON FOWLER, A.B.—Born March31, 1883, Pella, Iowa. Prepared Pella High School and Central

College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1904. Hamline. Glee Club.

Member of Band. Treasurer of Junior Class. Student Volun-

teer band. B. D. Drew Theological Seminary. Minister Meth-

odist Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa Conference 1911. Pas-

torates Mt. Sterling, 1911; Kilduff, 1913.

Married Myrtle Walker, Sept. 9, 1908, Burlington, Iowa.


lldren- Wilma Adeline, bora March 11, 1911.

Fuimt's Marguerite, bora March 26, 1912.

C,t ni'vit it€ Aiutta. burn July 30, 1913.

William Franklin, born July 3, 1915.

Bent address. Kilduff. Iowa.

784. PAUL B. GALER, B.S.—Born May 14, 1888, Bloom-

tit'ld. Iowa. Prepared Howe's Academy and Iowa Wesleyan

Academy. Enteied Iowa Wesleyan, 1905. Haraline. Beta

Theta Pi. L.L.B. University of Iowa. Received American

History Medal 1909. Lawyer. City Solicitor, Mt. Pleasant,


Married E. Ruth Anderson, June 24, 1914, Pulaski.

Children—Benjamine Anderson, born May 3, 1915.

Elizabeth Plank, born July 19, 1916.

Present address, East Madison St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


ber 21, 1887, Beverly, Illinois. Prepared Fort Madison Hifc.li

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1905. Hamline. Beta

Theta Phi. Advertising Manager "Wesleyan News" Captain

Track Team, 1917. Basket Ball. Athletic Council. President

Senior Class. Class play. Traveling Salesman EconomyFuse Company.

Married Mary Aileen Coombs, Dec. 6, 1915, Grand Rapids,


Residence, 511, Franklin Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.

* 1 786. REA DIMMETT HIGHTSHOE, A.B.—Born June

23, 1886, Bosworth, Mo. Prepared Ft. Madison High School. En-

tered Iowa W'esleyan 1905. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Cap-

tain of Track Team, 1907. Basket Ball Team. Athletic Coun-

cil. Member 1908 Track Team. Traveling salesman Des

Moines, Iowa W^estinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Co.

Now in 339th Field Artillery, Battery D., Camp Dodge, IowaForwarding address, Cr. Rev. A. B. Hightshoe, Moravia, la.

787. GOTTHILF CARL HUEFTLE, A.B.—Born 1884, Eus-

tis, Neb. Prepared Eustic Public Schools. Entered IowaWresleyan 1905. Philomathean. Goethe (President) Glee Club.


1906-07. Graduate of German College. Instructor Iowa wes-

leyan Academy. Studied dentistry University of Iowa. Teach-

er. Now engaged in hardware and furniture business.

Present address, Eustis, Neb.

788. ULLENA PENN INGERSOLL (BEAL), B.S.—BornMay 2, 1887, Silverton, Colo. Prepared Kirksland School, Chi-

cago and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan1905. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Leading part Senior ClaK«

Play. Secertary Iowa Wesleyan College Alumnal Association

1915-17. President of Epsilon Province Pi Beta Phi, 1915.

Professor of Expression and Public Speaking Iowa Wesleyan.

1911-16. Engaged in Rescue Work, St. Louis, 1917.

Married George Walden Beal, Sept. 4, 1917, Mt. Pleasant, la.

Present address, 1228 Johns River Street, Detroit, Mich.

789. MARTHA ANN JOHN (WILSON), Ph.B.—Born Feb.

5, 1886, Centerville, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wjesleyan 1905. Ruthean (President). Graduat-

ed from Mt. Pleasant German College 1909. Secretary of Ruthean, 1907-08. Member of Wesleyan News Staff, 1908-09. Af-

ter graduation taught History in Spencer, Ind. High School,

1909-11. P. E. O. Sisterhood, W. M. Local Chapter O. E. S.

1916-17. Compilor 1917 Edition of Alumni Record.

Married Ben Hur Wilson, (See No. 803) June 14, 1911, MtPleasant, Iowa.

Present address, 209 North Main Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

790. MAE JOHNSON (COBB), B.S.—Born Oct. 29, 1887.

Winfield, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan, 1905. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Treasurer

of Hypatia. Teacher of Public School Music.

Married Roy L. Cobb, Dec. 19, 1912, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, Spencer, Iowa.

791. REEMT EIKE LUEBBERS, A. B. —Emden, 111. Pre-

pared Iowa Wjesleyan Academy and Normal University. En-

tered Wesleyan 1905. Philomathean. Sigma Phi Epsilon.

Iota Phi. President Junior Class. Ph.D. 1911. S.T.B. 1913


University of Boston. Manager Tennis Team 1908. Student

BditOT of "Der Wesleyaner." Vice President Oratorical Associ-

ation. Vice President Debating Association. Leader College

Debating Team twice. Editor Wesleyan News. Winner Lo-

cal Oratorical Contest. Chautauqua lecturer. Post Graduate

work at Berlin. Traveled in Europe studying social and ec-

onomic conditions. Professor of Economics, Political Science

and Sociology, Iowa Wesleyan College, since 1911. Dean of

Iowa Wesleyan College, 1916-

Present address, Broad Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

792. ETHEL LYMER, Ph.B.—See No. 716.


26, 1888, Keosauqua, Iowa. Prepared Keosauqua High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan. 1905. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi.

Editor of Wesleyan News. Vice President State Oratorical

Association. L.L.B. 1913 University of Chicago. Lawyer.

Married Helen Sunny, Nov. 11, 1916. Chicago, 111.

Present address, 1142 East 45th St., Chicago, 111.

794. CLARA MUNZ (VOSS), Ph.B—Born Jan 13, 1887, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Covington High School and Iowa

Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1904. Goethe.

Pi Beta Phi. A.M. Central Wesleyan College.

Married Ervin Louis Voss, Oct. 19, 1909, Covington, Ky.

Present address, 2531 Farlow St., St. Joseph, Mo.

795. ARTHUR HENRY NUETZMAN, A.B.—Born 1886 in

Jackson (now Gordenville), Mo. Prepared Brighton, Illinois

High School and Central Wesleyan College. Philomathean.

Goethe. College Band. Glee Club. Graduate German Col-

lege. Teacher: Principal, Gayville, S. Dakota Schools 1909-10;

Timberlake, S. Dakota Schools 1910-12; County Superinten-

dent Schools, 1912-14; Superintendent Schools, Isabella, South

Dakota, 1914-17.

Married—Flossie Peck, June 1914, Washington, Iowa.

Child—Elizabeth Margaret, July 6, 1917.

Residence, Isabella, South Dakota.


796. ORPHA MAY PIERCE (SCAMMAN) A.B.—Born Aug29, 1888. Plattsburg, Mo. Prepared Tarkio College. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1906. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Membe.1909 Croaker Staff Member Wesleyan News Staff, 1908-09.

Teacher, Richland, Iowa High School, 1908-10. Teacher Mur-

ry, Iowa High School, 1910-12.

Married Wm. Carl Scamman, Sept. 4, 1912, Tarkio, MoChildren—James Pierce, born Sept. 24, 1913.

Joy Pauline, born May 25, 1917.

Present address, Rock Port. Mo.


—Born Dec. 3, 1888, Moulton, Iowa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1905. Ruthean. Iota

Phi. Pi Beta Phi. President Ruthean, 1908. President Girl's

Oratorical Association. Associate Editor 1909 Croaker. Wes-leyan News Staff. Author of "Prudence of the Parsonage."

"Prudence Says So." "Sunny Slopes" and "The Log in a Trav-

elogue." Member Iowa Press and Author's Club.

Married (1) Wm. J. Hueston, Dec. 28, 1911, Mt. Pleasant,

Iowa; died October 12, 1915, American Falls, Idaho.

(2) Edward J. Best, Aug. 13, 1917, Denver, Colo.

Child—Elizabeth Buell, born Aug. 17, 1912.

Present address, 1209 Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo.

798. ERWIN CLINTON ROSS, A.B.—Born May 25, 1888,

Great Bend, Kansas. Prepared Public Schools, Berlin, Neb.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1905. Hamline President. Beta

Theta Pi. B.S. Central Wesleyan, Warrington, Mo. Glee Club.

Atheltic Council. Associate Editor Wesleyan News. Y. M.

C. A. Cabinet. Member of Band. 1909 Croaker Staff. Supt.

of Schools and teacher in High School, Lecompton, Kansas.

Teacher of American History and Manager Athletics, Law-rence, Kansas. Went to Philippine Islands, 1916 as teacher

in employee of U. S. Government.

Present address, Cr. Bureau of Education, Manila, Philippine




June 14, 1887, Gilniore City, Iowa. Prepared, Newton, Iowa,

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1908. Hypatia. Iota

Phi. V. W. C. A. Cabinet, Assistant Commercial Dept. Teach-

er of Latin from 1909-16 at various High Schools.

Married Gordon If. Culver, June 14, 1916, Mediapolis, Iowa.

Present address. 106 Sixth St., Wilmette, Illinois.


5, 1SS7, Peoria, 111. Prepared Bradley Polytechnical Institute,

Peoria, Eli Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1906. Hamline. Beta

Theta Pi. Vice President Hamline. A.M. University of Wy-

oming. Basket ball team, three years. College Debating

team. 1908. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Glee Club two years, Col-

lege Quartet. State Oratorical Contest, 1908. Iota Phi.

Graduate Student University of Illinois, 1911. University of

Colorado. 1912, 14-15 University of Chicago, 1917. MemberNational Society for the Study of Education." President of

Wyoming Supt. Association. Executive Board of WyomingState Teacher's Association.

Married Willetta Jaminson, Jan. 3, 1910, Chicago, 111.

Child—Oscar Conrad, Jr., Aug. 8, 1916.

Present address, Douglas, Wyo.


1885. Dudley, la. Prepared Albia High School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1903. Hamline. Phi

Delta Theta. Business Manager 1909 Croaker. Member Col

lege Band. Member of Athletic Council, 1908-09. Cashier MtHamil, Iowa, Savings Bank. Confectionary business, ivft

Pleasant. Iowa. Banker, Leon, Iowa.

Married Freda M. Teale, Sept. 9, 1914, Leon, Iowa.

Child—Charles Frederick, April 2, 1916.

Present address, Garden Grove, Iowa.

* 802. RAY I. TENNANT, A.B.—Born Jan. 11, 1887.

Cincinnati, Iowa. Prepared Fremont and Burlington High

Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1905. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. Wesleyan News Staff. Editor in Chief '09 Croaker.


Assistant to Auditor. Captain 1907 Track Team. City Edi-

tor Despatch and Pioneer Press, St. Paul, Minn. Officers

Training Camp, Ft. Snelling, Minn.

Married Elva R. Potts, (See No. 837), June 4, 1912, Moravia


Present address, 1931, Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

803. BEN HUR WILSON, B.S.—Born Jan. 27, 1888, Elk

River Junction, Iowa. Prepared Fremont and Oltumwa High

Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1906. Hamline. Assistant

Business Manager, 1909 Croaker. Graduated from Mt. Pleas-

ant German College, 1908. Special work in Civil Engineering.

Member of Iowa Academy of Science. Treasurer of Iowa

Wesleyan College Alumnal Association since 1913. Chairmanof Committee on Publication, 1917 Edition of "Iowa WesleyanHistory and Alumni Record." Contributed article on "Theory

of Flood Insurance" to special Quin-quennial Edition of "TheSpectator." Superintendent of Schools, Agency City, Iowa,

1909-11. Insurance Business, Oskaloosa, Iowa and St. Louis,

Mo. Since 1912 has resided in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he

is engaged in the Wholesale and Insurance business. Civil


Married Martha A. John, (See No. 789), June 14, 1911, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, 209 North Main, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Class of 1910

804. JOHN C. BEHRENS, A.B.—Born Sept. 3, 1878, Wula-

dorf, Germany. Prepared Public Schools of New York City

and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1896.

Goethe. Hamline. Graduate German College. Minister

Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa Conference, 1911:

Mt. Union, 1911-13; Keosauqua, 1913-17.

Married Julia Koch, Sept. 9, 1902, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Ruth Adaline, born June 28, 1903.

Julius Frederick, born April 24, 1905.

Lera Gesnee, born Nov. 14, 1908.

Kathryn Majorie, born Sept. 18, 1910.

Present address, Keosauqua, Iowa.


305. EDNA BETTS (SH RADER)—Born April 8, 1888,

Lone Tree, Iowa. Prepared Common Schools and Lone Tree,

Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1906. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi.

V. W. C. A. Cabinet 1909. President Ruthean 1909. Teacher.

Longmout, Colo. Teacher, Naches, Washington.

Married Stanley C. Schrader, Dec. 31, 1913, N. Kakima,


Present address, Thorp, Wash.

£06. WARREN A. BOYDSTON, B.S.—Born April 3, 1887.

Moulton, Iowa. Prepared, Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1906. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Glee Club

1907. President Senior Class. Base Ball, 1906-07. Job Print-

er, Mt. Pleasant News. Des Moines Homestead and Federal

Printing Company.

Married Bess Lite, July 28, 1912, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.



Mary Jane.

Present address, 1045 16th Street, Des Moines, Iowa.

C06B.—ROBERT DAUGHERTY, Ph.B.—Born December 25.

1874 near Wyman, Iowa. Prepared, Washington Academy and

Iowa State Teachers College. Entered Wesleyan 1909. Prin-

cipal Washington Academy 1902-09. Principal. Commercial

Department and Instructor in Mathematics Iowa Wesleyan1910-12. Professor in Mathematics Iowa State Teachers Col-

lege, 1912-17 with one year's absence (1916-17) for Post Grad-

uate Course at State University of Iowa.

Residence, Cedar Falls, Iowa.


Sept. 15, 1889, Deep River, Iowa. Prepared Victor High

School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesley-

an 1908. Hypatia. News Staff, 1909-10.

Married Edward W. Stodghill (See No. 815), Oct. 26, 1910,

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Merrill Edward, born Jan. 5, 1915.

Present address, Libertyville, Iowa.


803. BERNYCE H. HOLDMAN, A.B. — Born April 17,

1888, Lone Tree, Iowa. Prepared Lone Tree High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1906. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Iota Phi.

Secretary Y. W. C. A. Secretary Senior Class. Leading part

in Senior Class Play. School teacher three years in LoneTree. One year in Burlington.

Present address, Lone Tree, Iowa.

809. ETHEL M. LAM ME, Ph. B.—Born 1887, Winfield,

Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1906. Hypatia. Iota Phi. P. E. O. Sisterhood.

Assistant Librarian at Iowa Wesleyan College. Taught in

Garden Grove High School.

Present address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, R. F. D. No. 4.

31 a, BESSIE LANGWITH, (HAFFNER),; Ph^B.—Born1885 near LaCrew, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1906. Ruthean. Graduate GermanCollege, 1907. Instructor of History, Mt. Pleasant High

School. Graduate Iowa State Teachers' College, 1908. Teacher.

Married Albert Haffner, Dec. 29, 1914, LaCrew, Iowa.

Child—Ralph, born Nov. 1916.

Present address, R. F. D. Donnelson, Iowa.


near Rome, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Hy-

patia. Vice President Senior Class. Graduate German Col-

lege, 1909.

Married Ferdinand Schaffer, 1916.

Child—Max, born 1917.

Residence, R. F. D., Rome, Iowa.

812. FRED E. MORRISON, A.B.—Born Sept. 5, 1878, Keo-

sauqua, Iowa. Prepared Keosauqua High School and Iowa

Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1901. Philomath-

ean. Beta Theta Pi. Iota Phi. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1903.

Glee Club, 1908. Dean's Secretary, 1903. Minister M. E.


Married Gertrude Holbert, Oct. 24, 1904.

1910] \LlM.\l RECORD 361

Children Helei May, born Jan. 7. 1906.

Eleanot Gertrude, born May 31, 1915.

Present address, Anticver, s. D.

813. CLARENCE E. SMITH—Horn Aug. 5, 1887, Fremont,

Iowa. Prepared Fremont High School and Iowa WesleyanAcademy. Entered Iowa Wes^yan, 1906. Hamline. Phi

Delta Theta. Iota Phi. Member of Band. Local Oratorical

Contest, 1908. Assistant in Chemistry, 1909-10. Atheltic

Council, 1907-10. Manager Base Ball Team, 1909. Special

work in Engineering, University of Illinois. Assistant City

Engineer. Mt. Pleasant, 1911-13. Count) Engineer, Henry

County. Iowa, 1913-17.

Married Agnes Beery, (See No. 775), Oct. ^5. 1912, Mt.

Pleasant. Iowa.

Children—Merritt, born Oct. 19, 1913.

Lenore, born Feb. 7, 1915.

Gwendolyn, born Dec. 6, 1916.

Present address, 406 South Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

814. NONA V. SPAHR, (DONAHUE), B.S.—Born Feb. 11.

1888, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Public

Schools and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan, 1906. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. President Junior Class,

1909. Teacher.

Married Wm. James Donahue, Sept. 1, 1915, Mt. Pleasant.


Present address, 2821 Cambridge Ave., Chicago, 111.

815. EDWARD W. STODGILL, Ph.B.—Born Oct. 25, 1884.

Dudley, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1906. Philomathean (President). Iota Phi.

S.T.B. 1915, Garrett Biblical Institute. A.M. 1915, North

western University. Y. M. C. A. President. Business Mana-ger Wesleyan News 1908. Debating Teams 1907. President

Debating Association 1908-10. Winner Local Oratorical Con-

test, 1910. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered

Iowa Conference 1910. Pastorates North Muscatine Circuit,

1910; Libertyville. 1915.


Married Helen Hanawalt, (See No. 807), Oct. 26, 1910, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Merrill Edward, born Jan. 5, 1915.

Present address, Libertyville, Iowa.

816. MARGARET TORRENCE, Ph.B.—Born Nov. 11, 188»,

Teheran, Persia, (Parentage See No. 259). Prepared IowaWesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Ruth-

ean. Pi Beta Phi. Iota Phi. Attended University of Chicago,

Summer of 1916. Assistant in Library. Teacher, Scottsbluff,

Nebr. ; Assistant Principal Humeston, Iowa; Qakwood Town-ship High School, Oakwood, 111. Chautauqua work, VawterSystem.

Present address, Oakwood, 111.

817. ARTHUR C, WAHL, B.S.—Born Nov. 15, 1885, Victor

Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered IowaWesleyan, 1907. Hamline, (President). Goethe. Sigma Pi

Epsiolan. Graduate German College 1909. Wesleyan NewsStaff, 1909-10. Member College Tennis Team. Elected Hon-orary Member of Sigma. Principal Dexter High School, one

year. Assistant Secretary Ottumwa Y. M. C. A. one year.

Manager Savings Dept. of Iowa Loan and Trust Co. Nowteller in Century Savings Bank.

Married Mabel Mussetler, May 21, 1913, Victor, Iowa.

Present address, 1220 24th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

818. RAY E. WILLCOX, A.B.—Born Nov. 25, 1883, Dan-

ville, la. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy and Danville High

School. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Wes-

ieyan News Staff. Stenographer in President's Office. Class

Play. Secretary to Bishop James M. Thoburn and Williaus

Foldhaw. Reporter Des Moines Tribune, 1909. Editor Mt.

Pleasant Daily News 1910-12. Williams Piano and Organ Co.,

Chicago, 111. Now employed in the Paris office of the ArmyY. M. C. A.

Forwarding address, Cr. International Committee Y. M. C.

A., 124 East 28th Street, New York City.




Class of 1911

819. JULIA ALLEN, A.B.—Born Sept. 5, 1890, ML Pleas-

ant, fowa. Prepared Iowa WVslryan Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1906. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Iota Phi. 1911

Croaker Staff. Wesleyan News Staff, 1909. Girls' Glee Club.

Graduate German College, 1909. Bible Teachers' Training

School, New York City. Bible Work Parson's College. Fair-

field. 1912-15.

Present address. Mt Pleasant, Iowa.

320. MAE ALLENDER (YEAGER), A.B.—Born April 18,

1888. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Hypatia. Triangular Debate

With Simpson and Central. Principal High School, Delta,

Iowa. 1911-14. Principal High School Battle Creek, Iowa,

1914-16. Principal High School Charter Oak, Iowa. Special

work at Iowa Teachers College.

Married Bruce B. Yeager, June 14, 1914, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, Charter Oak, Iowa.

821. JACOB BISSINGER, A.B.—Born Jan. 6, 1880, Wapel-

lo, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1898. Philomathean and Cicero. M.A. University

of Chicago, 1916. Instructor in Education and Religious Edu-

cation. Hedding College, 1916-17. Graduate oi Garrett Bib-

lical Institute.

Married Anna Boehland, Nov. 15, 1911, Freeport, 111.

Child—Terry Ernest, born Sept. 21, 1915.

Present address, 304 Penn Ave., Abingdon, 111.

322. EDITH BRINTON (DEAL), A.B.—Born Aug. 3, 1890,

Brighton, Iowa. Prepared Brighton High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Hypatia, (President). Alpha Xi Delta,

lota Phi. President Pan-Hellenic Association. Wesleyan News,1910-11. House Council. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1908-09. Teach-

er, Brighton High School.

Married Leslie S. Deal (See No. 825). June 19, 1912, Brigh-

ton, Iowa.

Child—Virginia Brinton, born July 25, 1914.

Present address, 63 Arsdale Terrace, East Orange, N. D.


823. PEARL BROWN, A.B.—Born 1887, Oakville, Iowa.

Prepared Wapello High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1906.

Hypatia, (Vice President.) Iota Phi. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet

1908-09. Vice President Junior Class. Taught English one

year Fairbank, Iowa. Three years at Clarinda, Iowa. Nowat Wapello, Iowa.

Present address, Wapello, Iowa.

824. FLORENCE COOLIDGE, Ph.B—Born Nov. 9, 1889,

Ottumwa, Iowa. Prepared Ottumwa High School and KnoxCollege. Hypatia (Secretary), Alpha Xi Delta. M.A. North-

western University, 1916. Teacher, Wayland, Iowa High

School, 1911-13. History and English, Mt. Pleasant High

School, 1913-15. Instructor English, Iowa State Agricultural

College, Ames, Iowa 1916-17.

Address, Ames, Iowa.

825. LESLIE S. DEAL, Ph.B.—Born Aug. 19, 1884, Win-

field, Iowa. Prepared Winfield High School and Iowa Wes-leyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1904. Hamline.

Beta Theta Pi (President). Manager Basket Ball 1910-11.

President of Junior Class. Croaker Staff. President Y. M.

C. A. 1910-11. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1908-11. C. A. Training

School, 1911-12. Boys Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Ottumwa, la.,

1912-17. At present Boys' Secretary Y. M. C. A. Newark, N. J.

Married Edith BriiUon (See No. 822), June 19, 1912, Brigh-

ton, Iowa.

Child—Virginia Brinton, born July 25, 1914.

Business address, Y. M. C. A. Newark, New Jersey.

Residence address, 63 Arsdale Terrace, East Orange, N. J.

826. EDWARD A. FIMMEN, Ph.B— Born Oct. 24, 1885.

Danville, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1909. Hamline, Goethe. Wesleyan NewsStaff, 1907-11. Local Oratorical Contest. Freshman Debat-

ing Team. Graduate German College. Editor in Chief, Wes-leyan News, 1910-11. Business Manager Croaker. Assistant

to Auditor four years. Instructor in Economics 1913-14. Man-

ager to Barnett Phillips Co. Constructing Engineers, NewYork.


Married Zona Male Griswold. April 15, 1916, New York.

Present address. 601 W. 121 Street, New York.

827. LAVANDA GARDNER (CARR), Ph.B.—Born Feb.

10, L889. (Parentage See No. 324), Wellman, Iowa. Prepared

Wellman High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Rutliean

letary). Pi Beta Phi. Iota Phi. Secretary Girls' Debat-

ing Association. Secretary of Senior Class. Principal of Vic-

tor High School 1911.

Married Dr. L. L. Carr, Oct. 14, 1914, Wellman, Iowa.

Child—Lavanda, born Jan. 27, 1917.

Present address, Clermont, Iowa.

828. SUZANNE GARDNER, Ph.B.— Born June 17, 1887,

(Parentage See No. 324), Wellman, Iowa. Prepared WellmanHigh School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1905. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Iota Phi. Diploma

graduate Conservatory of Music, 1907. Graduate German Col-

lege, 1909. Delegate to 1910 Convention Pi Beta Phi in

Swarthmore, Pa. Member Girl's Wesleyan-Simpson debate,

1909. Wesleyan News staff, 1909-11. Associate Editor of

Croaker. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 1908. First House President of

Hershey Hall. Girl's Glee Club, 1907. Instructor of Chorus

in Chicago Training School for City, Home and Foreign Mis-

sions. Member of McMinn Evangelistic Party.

Present address, Wellman, Iowa.


12, 1889. Prepared Nelsonville, Ohio, High School and Iowa

Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Hamline.

Phi Delta Theta. Iota Phi. Taught in Idaho and Washington1911-13. Served in irrigation Construction for Federal Govern-

ment, Washington, 1913-14.

Died, Sept. 4, 1914, of typhoid fever, Easton, Washington.

Buried, Nelsonville, Ohio.

830. CHARLES J. HIGHTSHOE, A.B.—Born Dec. 13, 1911

West Point, Iowa. Prepared Ft. Madison and Mt. Pleasant

High Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Hamline.

Beta Theta Pi. Captain Basket Ball team 1910. Book-keeper


in German-American Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Cashier and

book-keeper, Auditor's Office Board of Education, Los Angeles.

Cash Clerk, Arizona Copper Co. at Morenci, Ariz. RancherHead time keeper, Camp Cody, Deming, New Mexico. Vivilian.

Permanent address, Postoffice Mecca, California.

831. HARRY E. JAQUES, B.S.—Born July 24, 1880, Dan-

ville, Iowa. Prepared Danville High School and Drake Uni-

versity. Philomathean. Principal Commercial Department.

M.A. Ohio State University 1917. Fellow Iowa Academy of

Science. City Superintendent Schools, Garden Grove, Iowa,

1911-12. Professor of Biology, Iowa Wesleyan College sine©


Married Ethel Benedict, Aug. 29, 1912, Delaware, Ohio.

Children—Mabel Elizabeth, born April 13, 1915.

Martha Winifred, born Jan. 26, 1917.

Present address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

832. RALPH HERMAN KREINER, Ph.B.—Born Dec. 12,

1887, near Wapello, Iowa. Prepared Wapello High School

and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1906.

Philomathean. Goethe. Assistant Manager 1911 Croaker.

Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 1909-10. Vice President Debating Associa-

tion. Glee Club, 1909-11. Iowa-Illinois Wesleyan Debate,

1909-10. Superintendent of Schools, Agency, Iowa, 1911-14.

Member of J. C. Latta School Supply Firm, Cedar Falls, Iowa,

1914-15. Superintendent of Schools, Thompson, Iowa, 1915-17.

At present Superintendent of Schools Hansell, Iowa.

Married, Myrtle Eldore Garmine, June 19, 1912, Dexter,


Children—Richard Allison, born May 15, 1914

Robert, born July 29, 1916.

Present address, Hansell, Iowa.

J8l 833. CHARLES E. LAUTERBACH, A.B.—Born Aug.

28, 1884, Bushnell, 111. Prepared Fushnell Htgh School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Philomathean. Iota Phi. Y. M.

C. A. Cabinet 1908-11. Local Oratorical Contest Debating

Team, 1909. Glee Club and Band. Editor, 1911 Croaker.

President Senior Class. Member Colorado National Guard.


Service on Mexican Border. Hi^h School Principal. Victor.

Iowa. Now teaching at Canon City, Colo.

Present address. Canon City. Colo.

834. PAUL LAUTERBACH, B.A —Born Jan. 1. 1886, Don-

nelson, la. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Hamline and

Goethe. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Athletic Council 1907-10. Base

Ball Team, 1906-10. "W" Manager Base Ball Team. 1910.

Graduate German College. One year Post Graduate work

State University of Iowa. Teacher in High School, Hampton,

Iowa, 1911-14. Principal Leigh High School. 1914-15. Superin-

tendent Wall Lake schools 1915-17.

Married Ada E. Johnson, Pomeroy, Iowa, Aug. 2, 1916.

Child—Theodore Gordon, born Aug. 19, 1917.

Present address, Wall Lake, Iowa.

835. WARREN J. PHILLIPS, A.B.—Born Jan. 18. 1888.

Stockport. Iowa. Prepared Birmingham High School and

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Phi-

lomathean. Iota Phi. S.T.B. 1917 from Universal School of

Theology. President Philomathean, 1910-11. Y. M. C. A.

President, 1910. Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Pas-

torates : West Burlington, 1909-14;. Post Graduate Student

at Boston and Harvard University.

Married Elsie Hazel Husted, Aug. 26, 1915, Mediapolis, la.

Present address, 72 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass.

836. EDNA E. POTTER (NORTH RUP)—Born April 28.

1889. Lone Tree, Iowa. Prepared Lone Tree High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Hypatia. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet.

Wesleyan News Staff, 1908-10. High School Teacher at Gar-

den Grove, Iowa two years.

Married H. L. Northrup, May 24, 1913, Garden Grove, Iowa.

Child—Margaret, born June 7, 1914.

Present address, Garden Grove, Iowa.

837. ELVA R. POTTS, (TENNANT), Ph. B.—Born June

24, 1887, Moravia, Iowa. Prepared Public Schools and Iowa

Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1905. Hypatia.


Alpha Xi Delta. Medal in History 1911. Taught Latin andHistory in Moravia High School, 1911-12.

Married Ray I. Tennant (See No. 802) June 4, 1912, Mora-

via, Iowa.

Present address, 1931 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

838. KATHRYN SMITH, Ph.B.—Born 1888. Entered fromMontezuma, Iowa.

All trace lost.

839. ALBERTA STEPHENS (JAMISON), Ph.B. — Born1884. Prepared Wapello High School. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta.

President Girls Debating Association. Instructor in Academy.Manager Girls' Basket Ball Team. Teacher, Morning Sun HighSchool, 1912-15; West Liberty High School, 1915-16.

Married John Jamison, 1916, Morning Sun, Iowa.

Present address, Morning Sun, Iowa.

841. MADGE ELMA WHISTLER (KJOSNESS), Ph.B —Born July 23, 1882, Danville, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant

Academy and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1907. Ruthean. Iota Phi. Editor Wesleyan News.

Secretary Ruthean. Teacher Natural Science, History, Gov-

ernment and Commercial subjects, five semesters, AmericanFalls High School. Superintendent of Public Instruction of

Power County, Idaho, 1915-16. Bookkeeper and homesteader,

Interim. Active in Club work.

Married, Albert W. B. Kjosness, Nov. 29, 1916, AmericanFalls, Idaho.

Present address, American Falls, Idaho.

842. RUTH WILLITS, B.M.—Born Dec. 12, 1891, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Public Schools and Iowa WesleyanAcademy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Ruthean. Alpha

Xi Delta. B.A. from University of Wisconsin. Iowa Wesley-

an Girls' Glee Club. Associate Editor of 15 Croaker.

Present address, R. F. D. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

843. JAMES A. WILSON, A.B.—Born May, 1871. Liberty-

ville, Iowa. Prepared Parsons College and Iowa Wesleyan

1911-11] Al.lMM RECORD 869

Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan L906. v. M. c. a. Cabi-

net 1907-11. Assistant Baperlntendeill of Mt. Pleasant Meth-

odist Sunday School. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church.

Knitted Iowa Conference 1910. Pastorates: Troy, 1910;

Richland. 1914. Agency, 1917.

Married Lucy Campbell. Feb. 22, 1893.

Children—OttO T . born Feb. 19. 1894.

Harry, born Jan. 11, 1896; died June 27, 1897.

C. Chester, born Oct. 11, 1898.

Rinda. born Oct. 6, 1901.

Trissie If., born Feb. 23, 1905.

John Wm., born Jan. 30, 1910.

Present address. Agency, Iowa.


March 17, 1S87. Dighton. Kansas. Prepared Bloomfield High

School and Culver Military Academy. Entered Iowa Wesley-

an 1908. Phi Delta Theta. Captain Football team. ManagerBasket Ball team. Member Track Team. Holder College

half mile record. Winner of Harlan Oratorical Contest, 1909.

Representative of Iowa Wesleyan in State Oratorical Con-

test, 1911. Shoe Clerk, Law and politics. Now Lawyer.

Member of California State Legislature since 1914. Commis-sioner for Iowa. Captain California National Guards. Wonappointment of Major, U. S. Army by competative examina-

tion. Holds distinction of being youngest member of Cali-

fornia Legislature, also youngest major in U. S. Army.

Present address, 5336 Abbott Place, Los Angeles, Cal.

Class of 1912

845. EDWARD R. BARTLETT, A.B.—Born Nov. 10,

1889, Ft. Madison, Iowa. Prepared Ft. Madison High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Philomathean (President).

Iota Phi. S.T.B. Boston, U. S. T. Manager Iowa WesleyanCollege Band, 1909-10. Manager Glee Club, 1909-10. Y. M.

C. A. (President) Minister M. E. Church. Pastorate Grand-

view 1911-14. Boston University School of Theology, 1914-



Married Ruth E. Pace, (See No. 858), June 14, 1912, Fair-

field, Iowa.

Child—Elizabeth, born Sept. 18, 1916.

Present address, No. 4, Rowell St., Upham's Corner, P. O.,

Boston, Mass.

346. AMY E. BROWN, A.B.—Born Dec. 24, 1883, Cedar,

Iowa. Prepared Penn College, and Iowa Wesleyan Academy.Hypatia. (President). Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1909-11. Senior

member House Council. Mantle Oration, 1912. High School


Present address, Milton, Iowa.

347. ETHEL CAR IS, B.S.—Born Jan. 16, 1890, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered IowaWesleyan 1908. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. News Staff,

1908 09. Teacher.

Present address, R. R. No. 3, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

848. MERLE COURTS, Ph.B.—Born Nov. 26, 1888. Morn-

ing Sun, Iowa. Prepared Morning Sun High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan, 1908. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Foot

Ball, 1908-11. L.L.B. Northwestern University, 1915. Admit-

ted to practice in State and Federal Courts of Iowa, Oct. 1915.

Married Bea Orchard, July 1, 1916, Morning Sun, Iowa.

Present address, Morning Sun, Iowa.

349. LORING G. CRAYMER, Ph.B—Born 18S7. Prepared

Northwestern University. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Ham-line. Coach of Athletics at Iowa Weselyan, 1910-11.

Present address, Parker, Colo, Cr. Ward Craymer.

850. MARY FIREBAUGH (SWANEY) — Born Jan. 3,

1892, O'Neil, Neb. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Iota

Phi. Y. Wr. C. A. Cabinet. Wesleyan News Staff. Mantle

Oration, 1911. President Senior Class. Teacher, Brighton

High School; Principal, Mt. Pleasant High School, 1917.

Married Gilmore Swaney (See No. 886) June 16, 1915, Ta-

coma, Wash. Died July 19, 1916, Brighton, Iowa.

Present address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

1911'] ALUMNI RECORD 871

851. IDA FRUEHLING. Ph. B.—Born March 12, 188S. Pre-

pared Ft. Madison High School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy.

Entered Iowa Wtoaleyan 1907. iiypatia. Charter memberClionian Sod< ty. Graduate German College. Y. VY. C. A. As-

ant Principal of Agency High School. Analatant Princi-

pal in Grammar Dept., Ft. Madison, Iowa, Schools.

lent address. 1808 Chicago St., Ft. Madison, Iowa.

852. STELLA FRY, A.B.—Born 1882. Prepared South-

ern Iowa Normal. Hypatia. V. \V. C. A. Cabinet, 1908-12.

President V. W. C. A. 1909-12.

Present address, Bloomfield, Iowa.

853. GRACE HARRIS, Ph.B.—Born June 17, 1891, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1908. Hypatia. Vice President Junior

Class. Teacher Public Schools of Buxton, Iowa, 1912-17.

Permanent address, 502 E. Madison St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

854. MAX KINNEY, B.S.—Born June 20, 1889, Rome la.

Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan1908. Hamline (President). Phi Delta Theta. Iota Phi.

Ph.B. University of Chicago. Superintendent of Schools at

Edgerton. Minn, three years, at Roseau, Minn., one year. Nowstudying law in University of Chicago.

Present address, 963 East 61st St., Chicago, 111

855. BELLE RE QUA (LEECH) Ph.B.— Born Mt. Pleas-

ant. Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant Seminary. Entered IowaWesleyan 1874. By request of Mr. Leech re-entered andgraduated in 1912. Pi Beta Phi. Served as Grand Officer in

Pi Beta Phi 1881-82. In charge of office of Ladies Library As-

sociation. Member of Committee which raised funds to

move library from its upstairs location on North Jefferson to

ground floor, where it remained until a Public Library wasbuilt. Represents line of Eastern Fire Insurance Co. andSurety Bonds, thus continuing her husband's business.

Married John F. Leech, (See No. 188), Sept. 28, 1880, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, Midway Cottage, 209 North Adams, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.


856. HUGH NEWSOM, B.M.—Born Dec. 20, 1891, (Par-

entage See. No. 360 and No. 379), Gawnpore, India. Prepared

Wapello High School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Leader Academy Debating Team. M.E.

Conservatory, Boston, 1913. Oberlin Conservatory, 1915.

General Sales Manager, Norems Piano Co., Chicago.

Married Myra Hehner, Oct. 24, 1915, North English, Iowa.

Present address, 6910 Lakewood Ave., Chicago, 111.

657. O. G. ORCUTT, A.B.—Born 1878. Prepared NewThorne High School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Philo-

mathean. Simpson-Wesleyan Freshman Debate. President

Freshman class. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. En-

tered Iowa Conference 1901. Pastorates: Mt. Pleasant

(Circuit), 1901; Attica, 1902; Harvey, 1903; Packwood, 1905;

Agency, 1907; Milton, 1910; State Sunday School Secretary

1914-17. Resigned to enter Evangelistic work in South Dakota.

Married, Florence

Children—Charles, born 1910.

Helen Louise, born 1912.


Present address, Des Moines, Iowa.

858. RUTH PACE (BARTLETT), A.B.— Born May 26,

1890, Knoxville, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Hypatia (President). Iota

Phi. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 1910-11. Secretary of Forensic

League, 1911-12. Boston University School of Theology,


Married Edwin R. Bartlett, (See No. 845), June 14, 1912,

Fairfield, Iowa.

Child—Elizabeth, born Sept. 18, 1916.

Present address, No. 4 Rowell St.. Uphams P. O., Boston,


859. MABEL PIPER (KEELER)—Born July 16, 1889, VanBuren County, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. P. E. O.

Sisterhood. Iota Phi. Teacher Mt. Pleasant Public Schools.


Married George Tousend Keeler, (See No. 761) June 23.

1914. Mt. Pleasant. Iowa

Child— Florence, born Sept. 11. 1916.

Present address. 4f>46 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 111.

860. MYRTLE SAYLOR, A.B.—Born Jan. IS, 1891, Gil-

more City. Iowa. Prepared Newton High School and Iowa

Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Hypatia

(President) B.R.S. 1916 from Chicago Training School.

Charter member of Clionian Literary Society. Leader Girls'

Debating team vs. Central College, 1911. Taught High School

History and Economics, Mediapolis, Iowa, two years. Taught

North English, Iowa, one year. Now evangelist.

Present address, 4949 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111.

861. H. KENNETH SMITH, B.S. — Born Nov. 7, 1886,

Geneva, Ohio. Prepared Cornell Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1910. Hamline. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1911. Glee

Club, 1911-12. College Debating Team, 1912. Gospel Team,

Principal of Sanborn, Iowa, Schools. Supt. of Geneva, Iowa


Married Carolyn Kettler, Oct. 4, 1912, Mechanicsville, la.

Children—Herman Donald, born July 31, 1913.

Margaret Louise, born Sept. 5, 1915.

Present address, Geneva, Iowa.

862. CHARLES B. SWANEY, Ph.B. — Born March 31.

1888, Marengo, Iowa. Prepared Marengo High School. Ham-line. S.T.B. from Garrett Biblical Institute. M.A. from

Northwestern University. Glee Club, 1910. Local Oratorical

Contest. 1912. Debating Team, 1912. Tellow in History

Northwestern University, 1916-17.

Married Mary Eda Torrence, (See No. 930), Sept. 14, 1914,

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Charlotte, born 1915.

Present address, 813 Foster St., Evanston. III.


863. ETHEL VAN TUYL (BERGREN)—Born March 20,

1891, York, Neb. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Ruthean. Iota Phi. Assistant Li-

brarian 1910-12. Assistant Principal, Scranton, Iowa, 1912.

Assistant Principal, Bellevue, Iowa, 1912-13. Teacher Public

School American Falls, Idaho, 1915-16.

Married, Charles Edgar Bergren, June 28, 1916, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa.

Present address, Biggsville, 111.

864. HELEN WALKER, Ph.B.—Born Dec. 1891, Keosau-

qua, Iowa. Prepared Keosauqua, High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1908. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Graduate work

at University of Chicago. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1909-12.

Student government council. Iota Phi. High School Teach-

er, Keosauqua and Onawa, Iowa.

Present address, Keosauqua, Iowa.

865. PLINY WALTER, Ph.B.—Born Nov. 6, 1888, Knox-

ville, Iowa. Prepared Knoxville, High School. Philomathean.

Beta Theta Pi. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1908-09. Captain Foot-

ball Team, 1909. Manager FootBall Team, 1910. Debating

Team, 1909. Base Ball Team, 1910. Manager and Salesman

for Sears, Roebuck & Co's. Electric Fixture Dept. Chicago,


Married Clara Campbell, Aug. 10, 1912, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Frank, born Nov. 25, 1916.

Present address, 6824 Windsor Ave., Berwyn, 111.

fe 866. JOSEPH W, ZELLER, Ph.B.—Born 1891. Pre-

pared Winterset High School. Philomathean (President).

Beta Theta Pi. L.L.B., Harvard, 1917. Baseball, 1909-12.

Debating Team 1910-12. Winner Forensic Medal. Superin-

tendent Schools Whiting, Iowa. Commissioned First Lieu-

tenant of Infantry, Officers Reserve Training Camp, Platts-

burg, N. Y.

Forwarding address, Whiting, Iowa.


Class of 1913

367. EDITH CORNIC, A.B. — Born March 6, 1891, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared [owe Wesleyan Academy. Entered

[owe Wteeleyan 1907. Ruthean. Croaker Staff

Present address. 107 N. Garfield Ave., Burlington, Iowa.

868. MAE GRAU. B.S.—Born March 23, 1890, Mt. Pleasant

Iowa. Prepared Mt Pleasant, High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1904. Ruthean. Principal Stockport High School,


Home address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

869. CLARENCE EDWIN HAGIE, Ph.B.—Born Nov. 30,

1886, Olds, Iowa. Prepared Howe's Academy and Iowa Wes-

leyan Academy. Hamline. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Pi KappaDelta. Football squad, 1909-10, Basket Ball 1910-11. Inter-

collegiate Depate, 1910-12. President Oratorical Association,

1910-11. Secretary Debating Association, 1909-10. Physical

Director and Athletic coach at Ft. Atkinson, Wis., High

School, 1913.Teacher Pleasant Valley School, Montana, 1910-

LS. Rancher.

1910-15 Pleasant Valley School, Mont.

Married, Ruby May Phillips, June 3, 1914.

Child—Frederick Edwin, born April 17, 1915.

Present address, Marion, Mont.

870. WAYNE ROSCOE HAGIE, Ph.B.—Born Feb. 1, 1888,

Olds, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1909. Hamline. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Croaker

Staff. Football, 1910. Basket ball 1910-11. President Junior

Class. 1914-16 on cattle ranch in Montana. Acting secretary,

Kalispel Y. M. C. A.

Present address Cr. Y. M. C. A. Kalispel, Montana.

871. CLADIUS K. HAYES, A.B.—Born Dec. 22, 1885, Sa-

lem, Iowa. Prepared Salem High School, Whittier College

and Iowa State Teachers College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan1911. Hamline (President). Sigma Phi Epsilon. Iota Phi.

B.D. 1909. Iowa State Teachers College. News Staff, Y. M.


C. A. Cabinet Associate Editor Croaker. Class Play. Prin-

cipal Iowa Wesleyan Commercial Dept. Superintendent of

Schools, Birmingham, Iowa, 1906-11; Salem, Iowa, 1911-15;

New London, Iowa, 1915-17; Director Iowa Wesleyan SummerSchool, 1914-15. Mayor of Salem, Iowa, 1913-15.

Present address, New London, Iowa.

fe 872. DANIEL BOONE HELLER, A.B.—Born Jan. 19,

1888, Ladora, Iowa. Prepared Ladora High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1907. Hamline. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Leader

Freshman Debating Team, 1910. College Debating team,

1911. Winner Forensic Medal, 1911. Foot Ball, 1909-11.

Y. M. C. A. (President). Winner State Oratorical Contest.

Candidate for Congress on Progressive ticket, first Congres-

sional District. Second Vice-President Iowa State Teachers'

Association. Superintendent of Schools at Batavia, Iowa,

1913-16. Superintendent of Schools Seymore, Iowa, 1916-17.

National Army, 1917. Stationed at Camp Dodge.

Forwarding address, Seymour, Iowa.

873. ROY D. HISSONG, B.S.—Born Feb. 1888. Craw-

fordsville, Iowa. Prepared Winfield High School. Philo-

mathean. Iota Phi. Wesleyan News Staff. Croaker Staff.

Glee Club. Band. Graduate Student State University of Iowa.

Summers 1913-14-16. Industrial Arts, Horticulture, Iowa State

College, 1915. Teacher of Science, Mathematics, and ManualTraining. Principal High School; Pocahontas, Iowa, 1913-

15; Principal of High School at Morning Sun, 1915-16;

Instructor State Normal School, 1916, Madison, S. D.

Permanent address, Winfield, Iowa.

874. MARGARET KEMBLE, A.B.— Born June 10, 1891,

Muscatine, Iowa. Prepared Muscatine High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Hypatia. Pi Kappa Delta. Iota Phi.

Girls' Debating Team. 1911. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1911-13;

Secretary-Treasurer Junior Class. Secretary-Treasurer

Forensic League, 1912-13; Croaker Staff. Teacher.

Present address, 617 East 9th Street, Muscatine, Iowa.


875. JERRY H. KRENMYRE, Ph. B— Horn .* pril lfi, 1883,

Ftanington, Iowa. Prepared Pennington High school. Ham-line (President.) Charter Member of Pi Kappa Delta. M.A.

from Iowa State I'niversity. Croaker Staff. Freshman De-

hate. 1911. Leader College Debate, 1912. President Forensic

League. 1911 -12. Winner Forensic Medal. "W" in football.

lent ol College Prohibition Society, 1910-12. Minister,

Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Keosaue.ua Circuit,

1908; Jerome. 1909; Avery, 1910; Jerome, 1911; Tiffin, 1913.

Married Kdla Hetzel, (See No. 908), May 5, 1908. Farming-

ton. Iowa.

niild—Lewis Jesse, born June 12, 1917.

Present address. Tiffin, Iowa.


22, 1889, Donnelson, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Acade-

my. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Philomathean. SigmaPhi Epsilon. Basketball 1910-13. Captain Basket Ball Team1912. Freshman Debating Team, 1910. Local Oratorical Contest. Peace Contest. Mantle Oration, 1912. Principal Danville Schools, 1913-14. With Redpath Lyceum Bureau, 1914

15. Teacher Commercial Branches, Cedar Falls, High School

1915-16. Commercial branches and coach, Canyon City. Colo.

1916-17. National Army, 1917. Stationed at Camp Dodge.

Home address, 609 N. White Street, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

877. JESSIE FRANCES LOGAN, A.B.—Born Jan 5, 1891,

Richland, Iowa. Prepared Richland High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Hypatia. Iota Phi. Croaker Staff.

Diploma graduate Conservatory of Music, 1910. Girls Glee

Club, 1912.

Present address, Cody, Wyoming.

878. GRACE McKEE (WILLIAMS), B.S. — Born 1886,

Aledo, 111. Prepared Aledo High School. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan, 1909. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Iota Phi. Croaker

Staff, President Hershey Hall Self Governing Association,

1911-12. Secretary Girls Debating Association, 1911.

Married George A. Williams, 1915, Aledo, 111.

Present address, R. F. D. No. 5, Box 171, San Antonio, Tex-


879. PEARL McKEE (McM ILLAN), B.S.—Born Nov. 26,

1887, Aledo, 111. Prepared Aledo High School. Entered IowaWesleyan 1909. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Iota Phi. Y. W. CA Cabinet 1910-11. Editor-in chief 1913 Croaker. Businessmanager, Wesleyan News, 1911. Member Staff four years.

Civil service position as post office clerk, one year.

Married McMillan.

Present address, Aledo, 111.

1^ 880. HAROLD Y. MOFFET, A.B.—Born Nov. 29, 1888

Morning Sun, Iowa. Prepared Morning Sun and Mt. Pleasant

High Schools and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered IowaWesleyan 1909. Beta Theta Pi. Iota Phi. Football Team"W" 1909-11. Glee Club. 1910-12. American History Medal at

Graduation. Graduate School University of Chicago, 1913-15.

Instructor in English and Acting Principal, Cedar Valley

Seminary, Osage, Iowa, 1914-16. Instructor in English MasonCity High School, 1916. Officers Reserve Training Corps, Ft.

Snelling, Minn. 1917.

Married Elena Patton, Nov. 25, 1914.

Forwarding address, Morning Sun, Iowa.

881. FLOSSIE O'NEIL, A.B.—Born Oct. 18, 1888, Cantril,

Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa

Wjesieyan, 1908. Ruthean. Principal of Stockport High School

1913-16. Principal Early, Iowa High School, 1917.

Home address, 510 N. Adams St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

882. JOY PIERCE, A.B.—Born Jan. 30, 1891, Hamilton,

Mo. Prepared Tarkio, Mo. High School and N. W. Mo. Nor-

mal School. Entered Wesleyan 1909. Ruthean (President)

Pi Beta Phi. P. E. O. Girls Glee Club (Reader) 1911-13.

Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 1912-13. Senior member House Council

at Hershey Hall. Class Play. 1913 Croaker Staff. B. Peda-

gogy Iowa State Teachers College. Principal Salem High

School, 1913-15. Now Dean of Women and Teacher of Latin

and History at Cedar Valley Seminary at Osage, Iowa.

Present address, Osage, Iowa.


ft 883. ALBERT W. RANDLE, A.B.—Horn .Jan. 2:',. 1891

Centerrille, Iowa. Prepared Centerrllle High School and

Taylor University Bartered Iowa Wesleyan 1009. Hamline.

Beta Theta PI Foot Ball 1909. Leader Glee Club, 1910-11.

Butler Brothers, Chicago, Dl. Offloera Trainlnlg Camp, Ft.

Sheridan. 111. 1917.

Permanent address, Evanston, 111.

884. GRACE ROBERTS (COBB), B.M.—Born Dec. 19,

1891, aft Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School.

Music Supervisor, Mt Pleasant Public Schools, 1913-14. Music

Supervisor Wyman Public Schools, 1914-15. Music Supervisor

Sioux Rapids, 1915-16

Married Harold O. Cobb, Sept. 20. 1916, Mt. Fleasant, Iowa.

Present address. Washington St. and 12th Ave., Eldora, la.

885. LELA STIRLEN, B.Mj—Born June 1891, Delta, Iowa.

Frepared Oskaloosa and Sigourney High Schools. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Glee Club. Teacher of Piano.

Present address, Sigourney, Iowa.

336. GILMORE D. SWANEY, A.B. — Born June 8, 1890,

Marengo, Iowa. Prepared Marengo High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1900. Hamline. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Business

Manager Croaker. B.S. from Ames. Athletic Council 1910-13.

Glee Club, 1912. Football, 1909-10. President Y. M. C. A.

1912-13. Leader Gospel Team 1912. Secretary Oratorical As-

sociation. Superintendent of Schools at Blainsburg, Iowa,

1914-15. Superintendent of Schools, Brighton, Iowa., 1915-16.

Married Mary Firebaugh, (See No. 850), June 16, 1915, Ta-

coma, Wash.

Died July 19, 1916, Brighton Iowa, (Killed by Lightning).

Buried Forest Home Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

887. EDWARD TIEDE, B.S.—Born Nov. 20, 1888. Berlin,

Nebr. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered IowaWesleyan, 1909. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. President

Philomathean. Associate Business Manager Croaker. "W"


Basket Ball, 1910-13. Captain 1911. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1910

13. Glee Club, 1910-13. Attended graduate college, IowaState University one summer. Superintendent of Schools,

Wayland, Iowa, 1914-17.

Married Marie E. Thorson, Sept. 12, 1913, Mt. Pleasant, la.

Children—Gwendolyn Christine, born June 29, 1914.

Kenneth William, born May 6, 1917.

Present address, Wayland, Iowa.

*H 888. CARL WHITNEY, B.S.—Born Feb. 24, 1892, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1909. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Iota

Phi. Basket Ball, 1910-12. President Iowa State Oratorical

Association. Glee Club, 1911. Teacher, Mt. Union Schools,

1913 14; Carroll High School, 1914-15; Ironwood, Michigan

High School, 1915-16; Ottawa, 111. High School, 1916-17. Offi-

cers Reserve Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan, 111. Commis-sioned Second Lieutenant of Artillery, Aug. 11, 1917.

Home address, South Jefferson St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

§H 889. LUTHER WEAVER, A.B.—Born Aug. 18, 1885,

Rockwell City, Iowa. Prepared Rockwell City High School

and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1902.

Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Iota Phi. President Senior

Class. Newspaper work St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer

Press. Associate Editor St. Paul Dispatch. Officers Training

Camp, Ft. Snelling, Minn., 1917.

Married Reba E. Tennant, (See 927), June ll, 1914, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, 1004 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

890. PAUL W. WILLETS, B.S.—Born 1890, Nahant, Mass.

Prepared Muscatine High School and John Milliken Univer-

sity, Decatur. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1908. Hamline. Phi

Delta Theta. Football "W", 1912. Northwestern University

Medical School, Chicago.

Present address, 2306 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111.


Class of 1914

891. ETTA ANTRIM, A.B.—Born April 28, 1890, Primrose,

Iowa. Prepared. Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1910. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. Teacher of Eng-

lish and German, Essex, Iowa, 1914-16. Hamburg, la., 1916-17.

Present Address, Hamburg, Iowa.

Home address, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

892. DOLLY BARKER, A.B.—Born Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Prepared Henry County Normal, Mt. Pleasant Academy and

Success School of Shorthand. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910.

Ruthean. Teaching.

Forwarding address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

893. LEMMA BECK, A.B.—Born 1892. Prepared Morning

Sun High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Hypatia.

Alpha Xi Delta.

Present address, Morning Sun, Iowa.

^ 894. W. G. BREITENSTEIN, A.B. — Born Oct. 17,

1891, Keokuk, Iowa. Prepared Burlington High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Philomathean. Sigma Phi Epsi-

lon. FootBall "W". President Tennis Association, 1914.

Wesleyan News Staff, 1911-13. Class Play. M.A. from Uni-

versity of Montana. Publicity Manager, Montana State Fair,

1914-16. Publicity Agent Montana Exposition Commission,

San Francisco, 1915. Sporting Editor Great Falls Leader,

1916. News writer, Helena, Mont., 1916-17. Quartermaster De-

partment, National Army, 1917.

Permanent address, Cr. Independent, Helena, Mont.

Military address, Camp Q. M. C, Camp Dodge, Iowa.

895. WILL CAMPBELL, A.B.—Born Aug. 11, 1892. Pre-

pared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1911. Philomathean. Pi Kappa Delta. Beta Theta Pi. Har-

lan Oratorical. Base Ball "W", 1911-12. Foot ball "W" 1912.

Gospel Team, 1911. College Debate, 1914. Glee Club, 1911-13.

Class Play. Dairyman.

Present address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


896. INEZ J. CLARK, (RAIL), A. B.—Born May 18, 1883,

Birmingham, Iowa. Prepared Birmingham High School, DrakeUniversity and Fremont Normal College. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1913. Ruthean, B. Sc. and B. Ped. from Fremont NormalCollege, Fremont, Nebr. Graduate of Drake University. College

Oratory and English 1902. Iowa Wesleyan Academy Instruc-

tor, History and English, 1913-14. Teacher Iowa NormalTraining School. Teacher Grand Forks, Minn.

Married, Ellis Rail, Oct. 10, 1917, Birmingham, Iowa.

Present address, Cr. "American Breeder," Omaha, Neb.

897. LYCURGUS MATHEW COX, A.B.—Born near Hed-

rick, Iowa, 1881. Prepared Martinsburg Schools and IowaWesleyan Academy. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Attended

Harvard University, 1915-16. University of Chicago, 1916-17.

Law Student.

Present address, 3502 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111.

898. ANITA CRIPS (JEFFREY), A.B.—Born Dec. 13, 1892,

Ottumwa, Iowa. Prepared Ottumwa High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1910. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Girls Glee

Club, 1912-14. Reader for Men's Glee Club, 1913-14. Class

Play. Teacher in Ottumwa, Iowa, 1915-17.

Married Herbert Jeffrey, (See No. 903), June 25, 1917, Lin-

coln, Neb.

Present address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

899. JENNIE B. DAVIS, A.B.—Born 1892, Milton, Iowa.

Prepared Milton High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910.

Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. Teacher at Milton, Iowa and Port

Angeles, Washington.

Permanent address, Milton, Iowa.

lift 900. JOHN W. DAVIS, B. S.—Born 1893, Milton, la.

Prepared Milton High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910.

Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Glee Club, 1912-14. Post

Office Department and Student in Law Department, George

Washington University, Washington, D..C. Officers Training

Camp, Ft. Myer, Va.

Present address, 2030 N. W. Washington, Civil Service Bur-

eau, Washington, D. C.


r\:, 901 LAIRD HAGIE, A.B.—Born Dec. 14, 1889, Wayne,la. Prepared Howe's Academy and Iowa Wesleyan Academy.Philoniathean. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Iota Phi Foot ball,

1910. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1911-12. Wesleyan News Staff

1911-12. President Forensic League, 1912-13. Glee Club, 1913.

College Band, 1913-14. In the employ of Sears Roebuck & Co.

National Army, 1917, Camp Grant, Rockford, 111.

Married Ruth Toothacre (See No. 928). June 20, 1917, Bur-

lington, Iowa.

Home address, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

902. NELLIE M. JACOBS (CLARK), A.B.—Born Nov. 6,

1891, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared New London High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Hypatia. Girl's Glee Club,

1912-14. Class Boom, 1912-14. Y. M. C. A. Girls Basket Ball

team. Treasurer National Organization "Kings Daughters".

Taught English Eldon High School, 1915.

Married John W. Clark, May 2, 1916, Ottumwa, Iowa.

Present address, 940 N. Court St., Ottumwa, Iowa.

*i 903. HERBERT N. JEFFREY, A.B.— Born April 7.

1893,, Lander, Wyo. Prepared Carthage, Mo. and OttumwaHigh Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910. Hamline (Presi-

dent). Phi Delta Theta. Iota Phi. One year post graduate

work, University of Nebraska. Affiliated Nebraska Alpha, Phi

Delta Theta. President Senior Class. Tennis Team "W"1911-14. News Staff. Iowa Wesleyan Publicity Department.

Secretary Henry Co. $100,000 Campaign Committee, 1916. Pub-

licity Manager Diamond Jubilee Half Million Campaign. As-

sistant to President of Iowa Wesleyan College, 1916. Secre-

tary Mt. Pleasant Commercial Club. Officers Reserve Train-

ing Camp, Ft. Snelling, Minn. Now Field Secretary of Iowa

Wresleyan College.

Married Anita Crips (See No. 898), Lincoln, Nebr., June 25,


Present address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

904. BERT L. JORDON, A.B.—Born May 28, 1891, Bir-

mingham, Iowa. Prepared Salem High School. Entered IowaWesleyan, 1910. Hamline (President). Sigma Phi Epsilon.


Pi Kappa Delta. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1911-14. College Debat-

ing Team, 1913. Business Manager Wesleyan News, 1913-14.

College Debate, 1914. Winner Forensic Medal. Class Pay.

High School Teacher.

Married Nelta A. Hartzog, Nov. 5, 1916, Pueblo, Colo.

Present address, Swink, Colo.

905. LULU KEMPER (KORN), A.B.—Born Dec. 24, 1888.

Wapello, Iowa. Prepared Wapello High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Hypatia. Principal Oakville HighSchool one year.

Married John C. Korn, June 16, 1915, Wapello, Iowa.

Child—Charles Austin, born May 4, 1916.

Present address, Wapello, Idwa.

906. INEZ NAOMI KING, A.B.—Born Oct. 7, 1892, Clarin-

da, Iowa. Prepared Savanah, Mo. and Mt. Pleasant HighSchools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910. Ruthean. Phi Mu.Iota Phi. Fellowship to James Millikin University and Uni-

versity of Illinois. M. S. 1915 from James Millikin University.

Member of Iowa Academy of Science, American Microscopical

society and American Association for Advancement of Science.

ScienceTeacher Langdon, S. Dak., 1915-16. Centerville, Iowa,


Present address, Centerville, Iowa.

907. GEORGE KOCH, B.S.—Born Sept. 19, 1891. Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910. Hamline. Basket Ball. Class

Play. Teacher, Belle Plain, 1914-15. Coppock, Iowa, 1915-16.

Superintendent of Schools, Chillicothe, Iowa, 1916-18. Iowa

Wesleyan College Summer School, 1914.

Permanent address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Teaching address, Chillicothe, Iowa.

908. EDLA HETZEL KRENMYRE, A.B.—Born June 27,

1884. Farmington, Iowa. Prepared Farmington High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910. Ruthean. Gospel Team, 1911-12.

President Debating Association, 1910-11. Wesleyan NewsStaff, 1911-12. Girls Glee Club, 1913-14.


Married Jerry Krenmyre (See No. 875), May 5, 1908, Farm-

ington, Iowa.

Present address, Tiffin, Iowa.

909. LI MA LI, or MALI* LEE, A.B.— Born October 20,

1889 at Chi-naw-fu, Shang-tung, China. Prepared S. L. Baldwin

Memorial Nau Chuang, China, and Iowa Wesleyan Academy.

Hypatia. Iota Phi. Y. \V. C. A. Cabinet, 191214. Delegate

World Student Christian Conference, 1913. Vice President

Chinese Student Christian Association, 1913-14. Associate

Editor Chinese Student Monthly. Delegate Quadrennial Stu-

dent Volunteer Convention, 1914. Teacher in Hitt Memorial

Training School for girls under the auspices of the W. F. M. S.

of the Methodist Episcopal Church, located at Hwa Chai

Hsiang, Nanking, China.

Present address, Hwa Chai Hsiang, Nanking, China.

(Mali in the Chinese language is the equivalent for the

English Molly.)

fc- 910. WILLIAM G. LODWICK, A. B.—Born January,

1893. Spencer, Iowa. Prepared Centerville High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Hamline. Iota Phi. Beta Theta

Pi. LL.B. 1917, Northwestern University Law School. Presi-

dent Sophomore Class. Glee Club, 1911-14. Manager of Glee

Club. Basket Ball, 1913. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Assistant

Manager Athletics, 1912-13. First Marine Co., Illinois Naval

Militia. Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. Sar-

gent on U. S. S. Virginia. Drill Master.

Home address, 730 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111.

911. OLIVE MAUCH, A.B.—Born June 6, 1891, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa. Prepared Mount Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Ruthean. Graduate German College.

Teacher in Mt. Pleasant Public Schools. Summer School, 1917

at Cedar Falls.

Present address, 612 North Lincoln Street, Mt. Pleasant, la.

912. ROY LEWIS MAYHEW, B.S. — Born July 3, 1890,

Washington, Iowa. Prepared Washington High School. En-


tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910. Hamline. M. A. James Millikin

University, 1917. Teacher Science Department High School,

1914-15. Fellow in Bilogical Department, James Millikin Uni-

versity, Decatur, 111., 1915-17. Professor of Biology and Physics

Central Wesleyan College Warrenton, Mo., 1917.

Married Myrtle Beatrice Weaver, Aug. 25, 1915, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa.

Present address, Warrenton, Mo.

913. VAHAN MORLAIN, A.B.—Born 1887 in Armenia.

Prepared Armenian Institute College. Entered Iowa Wesley-

an, 1910. Sole survivor of five children in Turkish-Armenian

massacre, 1894. Head of relief work in United States for

destitute Armenians. Last heard of enroute for Armenia.

Whereabouts unknown.

914. ALBERT NEUTZMAN, A.B.—Born Dec. 4, 1890, Eller

Grove, 111. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1910. Philomathean Pi Kappa Delta. Sigma Phi

Epsilon. Glee Club, 1909-14, (Leader), Philo-Hamline Debate.

Basket Ball "W" 1911-12. Winner Harlan Oratorical Contest.

Superintendent Mount Pleasant Canning Factory, 1914-15. Of-

fice Montgomery Ward, 1915-17.

Married Ruby Hogle, Sept. 21, 1916, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, 1361 Hudson Ave., Chicago, 111.

915. CHARLES EDWIN PETTIT, A.B.—Born August 21,

1895, Avery, Iowa. Prepared Avery Public Schools and Iowa

Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1909. Iota Phi.

S. T. B. Garrett Biblical Institute. Leader Glee Club. Mem-ber Band and Orchestra. Mantle Oration. Attended Theo-

logical School at Evanston until March 1916. Now pastor at

Griggsville, 111. M. E. Church.

Married Anna Marsh, Sept. 26, 1906, Tracey, Iowa.

Children—Charles Edwin Jr. born Nov. 8, 1908.

Paul Marsh, born Oct. 11, 1916.

Present address—Griggsville, 111.


916. CHARLES O. POGEM I LLER, B.S.— Born Jan. 16,

1S90. Burlington. Iowa. Prepared Morning Sun High School.

Entered Iowa Woshyan 1909. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

Football team. 1910-13. Baseball, 1911-14. Assistant Secre

tary, Illinois Oil Co. of Rock Island.

Present address, Rock Island, 111.

917. EDITH ROGERS POWERS, A.B.—Born July 28, 1891

Moulton, Iowa. Prepared Moulton High School and Des

Moines College. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Y. W. C. A.

Cabinet, 1913-14. Wesleyan News Staff. 1912-14. Business

Manager Wesleyan News, 1813-14. President Student Self

Government Association, 1912-13. History Medal. Y. W. C. A.

Secretary. Page Co., Iowa. Girls Secretary Y. W. C. A.

Washington, D. C.

Present address, 600 Main Street, St. Joseph, Mo.

918. JOHN F. REX, A.M.—Born Sept. 19, 1885, Warren,

Ohio. Prepared Central Holiness University Academy and

Southwestern College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1912. Philo-

mathean. Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered

Iowa Conference, 1912. New Port Circuit, 1912-13; Montrose,

1913-14; Victor, 1915-17.

Married Alta Mae Reineke, June 26, 1912, Farmington, la.

Child—Wendell Franklin, born March 30, 1913.

Present address, Victor, Iowa.

919. MAE ROBERTS, A.B.—Born July 4, 1887, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa. Prepared Mt Pleasant High School. Ruthean. Phi

Mu. Iota Phi. M.A. Columbia University, 1917. Girls Glee

Club, 1912-14. Manager Glee Club. 1913-14. Class Play.

Reader for Glee Club. Professor of English, Gooding College,

Gooding, Idaho, 1917-

Home address, 310 N. Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Teaching address, Gooding, Idaho.

920. EDITH SAUNDERSON. A.B—Born Oct. 1, 1890, Mt.

Zion, Iowa. Prepared Keosauqua High School. Entered IowaWesleyan, 1910. Hypatia. Phi Mu. Pi Kappa Delta. Y. W.


C. A Cabinet, 1911-12. President Y. W. C A. 1913. Girls

Glee Club, 1913-14. Co-ed Intercollegiate Debate, 1911. In-

structor in Keosauqua High School, 1914-17.

Present address, Keosauqua, Iowa.

921. FLORENCE SEELEY, A.B.—Born Nov. 28, 1890, LaCrew, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. P. E. O.

Sisterhood. Manager Girls' Glee Club, 1912-13. Glee Club,

1912-14. Y. W. C. A Cabinet, 1912-13.

Present address, 400 Broadway, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

922. LEONARD SIMMER, A.B.—Born Oct. 22, 1890, Ot-

tumwa, Iowa. Prepared Agency High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1909. Philomathean. Pi Kappa Delta. Editor

Wesleyan News, 1912-13. Business Manager, Wesleyan News,1911-12. Freshman Debate, 1911. College Debate, 1912-13.

Studied Law Iowa State University one year. Pastor at Cog-

gon, Iowa, 1915-16. Attended Garrett Biblical Institute 1916-17

Now on student charge while in Garrett located at May Cen-

ter, Wis.

Married Agnes Shank, June 9, 1915, Iowa City, Iowa.

Child—Iola Gwendolyn, born Nov. 4, 1916.

Present address, May Center, Wis.

imi 923. DEWITT SOWERS, A.B.—Born Dec. 12, 1891,

Bloomfield, Iowa. Prepared Bloomfield High School and M.

M. C, Meridian, Miss. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Foot-

ball, 1911-12. Manager Senior Class Play. Newspaper Adver-

tising manager. Regimental Supply Sargent, 3rd Iowa Infant-

ry- Soldier on Mexican Border. Commissioned First Lieuten-

ant Iowa Ammunition Train, Aug. 5, 1917.

Present address, Bloomfield, Iowa.

924. HARLAN STONE, A.B.—Born 1885. Prepared Kirks-

ville High School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1910. Philomathean, (President). Sigma Phi Ep-

silon. President Freshman Class. Captain Freshman Basket

Ball Team. Gospel Team, 1911-12. Y. M. C. A. (President)


Cabinet 1911-14. Captain in Senior Basket Ball 1914. Foot

Ball •\V K'aptain), 1911-13. Class Play. Glee Cub, Soloist,

1913. Student Boston Theological Seminary, 1914-17. Stu-

dent Charge.

Present address, Cr. 72 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass.

* 925. HJALMAR A. STROMBERG, A.B.—Born June

28, 1894, St. Louis, Mo. Prepared Fairfield High School and

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910. Pi

Kappa Delta. M. A. from Northwestern University. College

Debating Team, 1914. Foot Ball, 1914. Basket Ball, 1914.

Teaching in Marvin College, Fredericktown, Mo. Officers Re-

serve Camp at Ft. Riley, Kansas.

Address, Fort Riley, Kansas.

926. STOCKTON SWANEY, A.B. — Born Feb. 5, 1892,

Marengo, Iowa. Prepared Marengo High School and IowaWesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Hamline.

Pi Kappa Delta. B.D. and A.M. Northwestern University.

Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 1913-14. College Debating Team, 1913.

Gospel Team, 1914. Student Northwestern 1914-17. Pastor

of M. E. Church, Linton, N. D., 1917.

Married Ruth Logan (See No. 945), June 12, 1917, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Present Address, Linton, N. D.

927. REBA TENNANT (WEAVER), Ph.B.—Born Aug. 10,

1891, Moulton, Iowa (Parentage See No. 625.) Prepared

Burlington and Fairfield High Schools. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan, 1910. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. Glee Club, 1911-12.

Married Luther P. Weaver, (See 889), June 11, 1915, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, 1704 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn.

928. RUTH TOOTHACRE (HAGIE), A.B.—Born Dec. 20,

1892, Glendale, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1910. Hypatia. Phi Mu. Iota Phi.

Mantle Oration, Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-14.

Married, Laird Hagie (See No. 901), June 20, 1917, Burling-

ton, Iowa.

Present address, Burlington. Iowa.


929. BLANCHE N. THORSON, B.M.—Born Dec. 19, 1887,

Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1909. Piano teacher.

Present address, 208 S. Adams St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

930. MARY EDA TORRENCE (SWANEY), A.B.—BornDec. 3, 1893, Ottawa, Illinois. (Parentage See No. 259),

Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1911. Ruthean. Phi Mu. Iota Phi. Girls Glee Club, 1912.

Wesleyan News Staff, 1912-14. President Ruthean.

Married Charles B. Swaney, (See No. 862), Sept. 4, 1914,

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Charlotte, born 1915.

Present address, 813 Foster St., Evanston, Illinois.

931. GRACE WEIR, A.B.—Born 1890, Ottumwa, Iowa. Pre-

pared Ottumwa High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910.

Hypatia. Teacher in West Union High School, Iowa.

Home address, Ottumwa, Iowa.

932. EVA WILLIAMS, A.B.—Born Montrose. Iowa. Pre-

pared Keokuk High School and Iowa State Teachers College.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Graduate work at State Uni-

versity of Iowa. Taught in Mt. Pleasant High School. Prin-

cipal Sheldon High School several years.

Present address, 104 N. Adams "St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

933. EVA WILSON, A.B. — Born 1892. Versailes, 111.

Prepared Centerville High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1910. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Iota Phi. Y. W. C. A.

Cabinet, 1911-14. President Y. W. C. A. 1912-13. MemberForensic League, 1913-14. Teacher, Wayland High School,

1914-15. Centerville High School 1915-17.

Present address, 609 S. Main St., Centerville, Iowa.

Class of 1915

934. RUSSELL BARNETT, A. B.—Born Oct. 26, 1892,

North English, Iowa. (Parentage See No. 322). Prepared Mt.

Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Philo-

1915] ALTMM RECORD 391

mathean. Beta Theta Pi. Iota Phi. Pi Kappa Delta. Y. M.v. Cabinet, 1913-15. Vice President Y. M. C. A. 1913-14.

Glee Club, 1913-14. Freshman Debate, 1912. Winner Foren-

k Medal. Editor Wesleyan NfeWB, 1913-14. Instructor in

Mathematics, Bdwardsville, 111., High School, 1915-16. Prin-

cipal Knoxville High School, 1916-17.

Present address, Knoxville, Iowa.

fe 935. RALPH CAMPBELL, B.C.—Born Dec. 25, 1894,

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-14. Base ball 191214. Croaker

Staff. Glee Club, 1912-13. Special Dairy Course Iowa State

Agricultural College. Enlisted National Army, Sept. 1, 1917.

Aviation Service.

Forwarding address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

936. PERCY H. CARIS, B.S.—Born Nov. 25, 1889, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan, 1911. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Physical Di-

rector Y. M. C. A. 1911-12. Base Ball Team 1912-13. Band(President) and Orchestra, 1913-14. Croaker Artist. Assist-

ant Manager Weber Engine Co.

Present address, 5817 Peery Ave., Kansas City. Mo.

937. VERE DEAN (ANDREWS), B.M.—Born Dec. 6, 1892,

Mt. Peasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Ruthean. College Orchestra,

1913-14. Music Teacher. Pianist Settlement House, Daven-

port, Iowa.

Married Wells B. Andrews, June 30, 1915, Mt. Pleasant, la

Home address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

938. ALLEN ELIASON, B.S.—Born Sept. 2, 1893, Letts.

Iowa. Prepared Letts High School. Entered Iowa W^esleyan

1911. Hamline. Iota Phi. Wesleyan News Staff, 1913-14.

"W" in track. Mantle Oration. Iowa State College, Ames,1916-17.

Present address, Pinehurst Farm, Letts, Iowa.


939. HOWARD GOEHRING, A.B.—Born Feb. 7, 1892, Fre-

mont, Iowa. Prepared Fremont High School. Entered IowaWesleyan 1911. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Junior Class

President. Croaker Staff, Base Ball "W" 1912-15. Captain

Base Ball, 1913. Athletic Council, 1912. Live Stock farming,

Fremont, Iowa.

Married Molly Adams, October 18, 1917, Denison, Iowa.

Present address, Fremont, Iowa.

{US 940. FLOYD HAG IE, A.B.—Born Jan. 19, 1882. Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan, 1911. Hamline (President) Sigma Phi

Epsilon (Charter member), Wesleyan News Staff | Athletic

Council, 1911-12. Glee Club, 1912-15. Manager Glee Club,

1914-15. Foot Ball, 1911-12. Basket Ball "W" 1912-15. Editor

in Chief 1915 Croaker. Manager E. G. Staats & Co., Inc. 1915-

16. Member National Army, 1917. Trench Mortar Co. Sta-

tioned at Camp Dodge, Iowa.

Married Florence Buck, (See No. 958), Aug. 28, 1917, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Home address, 103 Broad Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

941. COLUMBUS HAYES, A.B.—Born Dec. i, 1892, Sioux

Center, Iowa. Prepared New London High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1911. Philomathean. Sigma Phi Epsilon.

Iota Phi. Pi Kappa Delta. A.B. from Commerce University

of Illinois. Phi Beta Kappa. Football and baseball. Y. M.

C. A. Cabinet, 1913-14. President Y. M. C. A. 1914-15. Base

Ball "W" 1914. Winner forensic medal. Athletic Council,

Croaker Staff.

Present address, New London, Iowa.

942. RALPH HILEMAN, B. S.— Born June 13, 1894

Centerville, Iowa. Prepared Centerville High School. Ham-line. Phi Delta Theta. Iota Phi. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 1912-

15. President Y. M. C. A. 1913-14. Glee Club, 1915. Foren-

sic Department Editor, 1915 Croaker. M.S. Manzaneta Hall,

Palo Alto, California. Army Y. M. C. A. Camp Dodge, Iowa.

Home address, 802 N. 11th St., Centerville, Iowa.


043. HAZEL JOHNSON (TRUITT), A.B.—Born June 14,

1893, Agency. Iowa. Prepared Agency High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Hypatia. Phi Mu.

Married Laurence M. Truitt, (See No. 982), June 14, 1916,

Agency, Iowa.

Child—Carroll Johnson, born July 29, 1917.

Present address, Ottumwa, Iowa, R. F. D. No 9.

944. EDITH LEE, A.B.—Born 1891. Prepared Eddyville

High School. Ruthean.

Present address, Eddyville, Iowa.

945. RUTH CLAUDIA LOGAN, (SWANEY), A.B.—BornJan. 30, 1892, Big Mound, Iowa. Prepared Iowa WesleyanAcademy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1907. Ruthean. Phi Mu.

Iota Phi. Glee Club, 1911-14. Secretary Glee Club 1914. Croak-

er staff. Supervisor of Music, Public Schools, Green, Iowa,

1915-16. Librarian Iowa Wesleyan College, 1916-17. Teacher

of French at Iowa Wesleyan College 1916-17.

Married Stockton Swaney (See No. 926), June 12, 1917, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, Linton, N. D.

946. HUGH STANLEY NEWELL, A.B.— Born Feb. 10,

1890, Wapello, Iowa. Prepared Howe's Academy. Hamline.

Sigma Phi Epsilon. Iota Phi. Charter member of Phi KappaDelta. LL.B. from University of Iowa, 1918. Y. M. C. A.

Cabinet, 1913-14. Leader Freshman Debating Team, 1912.

Winner Forensic Medal, 1912. Winner Local Oratorical Con-

test, 1913. Winner State Oratorical Contest, 1914. WesleyanNews Staff, 1913-14. Gospel Team, 1911-12. Glee Club, 1911-

13. Manager Glee Club, 1913. Now Law Student at Iowa City

Home address, Wapello, Iowa.

947. EDNA OWEN, A.B. — Born Sept. 11, 1890. HaySprings, Neb. Prepared Keota High School. Entered IowaWesleyan 1911. Ruthean. Principal of Lovilia High School.

1915-16. Principal Delta High School, 1916-17.

Home address, R. F. D., Mt Pleasant, Iowa.


948. BERTHA SAUNDERSON, A.B.—Born Dec. 9, 1893,

Mt. Zion, Iowa. Prepared Keosauqua High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Hypatia. Iota Phi. Glee Club, 1913-

14. Member of House Council. Diploma Graduate in Vocal

Music, Iowa Wlesleyan Conservatory of Music.

Present address, Keosauqua, Iowa.

949. RUTH SCHRIENER, A.B.—Born Jan. 16, 1893, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Ruthean. Phi Mu. Iota Phi. Girls'

Glee Club, 1914-15. Business Manager, 1915 Croaker. Professor

of German and English at Iowa Wesleyan Academy, 1915-17.

Present address, 409 N. Adams St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

950. MARY STALL, A.B.—Born April 19, 1891, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered IowaWesleyan 1910. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa, Danville, Iowa and Bedeford, Alberta.

Temporary address, Bideford, Alberta, Canada.

Permanent address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

951. FERN WALKER, A.B.—Born Jan. 1887, Burlington,

Iowa. Prepared Public Schools Rock Point and Iowa Wesley-

an Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Hypatia. Help-

ing to care for parents.

Present address, R. F. D. No. 4, Burlington, Iowa.

952. JEAN WILSON, A.B.—Born July 12, 1894, Centerville

Iowa. Prepared Centerville High School. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan 1911. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Treasurer Y. W. C.

A. Assistant Business Manager, 1915 Croaker. Instructor in

English in Osceola, High School.

Permanent address, 609 So. Main St., Centerville, Iowa.

Class of 1916

953. LEROY AKERSON, A.B.—Born Feb. 1, 1892. Keo-

kuk, Iowa. Prepared Keokuk High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1912. Philomathean (President), 1916. Y. M. C.


A. Cabinet, 1915-16. Student Volunteer. Gospel Team, 1912-

16. Missionary ami teacher, Pangkal Pinag Banka, Nether-

lands, East Indias.

Home address, Keokuk, Iowa.

B- 954. ROY P. ANDERSON, B. S.—Born March 8, 1893

Oskaloosa, Iowa. Prepared Oskaloosa High School and PennCollege. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1915. Hamline. Phi Delta

Theta. Football "W" 1915. Clothing business, Ottumwa, la.

Enlisted Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, 1917.

Married Ethel Blanchard, Aug. 7, 1917, Ottumwa, Iowa.

Permanent address, Ottumwa, Iowa.

? 955. HARRISON BARKER, B.S.—Born Mar. 5, 1889,

Mt. Pleasant, la. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy and Whit-

tier College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1912. Hamline. Phi

Delta Theta. Football 1912-15. Track, 1916. Science teach-

er and Athletic coach in LeMars High School. Enlisted Iowa

Ammunition Train, July 25, 1917. Reserve Officers Training

Camp, Ft. Snelling, Minn., Aug. 28, 1917.

Home address, 300 S. Harrison St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

956. CHURLEY BLOOMQUIST, A.B.— Born April 16,

1889, Little York, 111. Prepared Brighton Public Schools and

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1909.

Philomathean. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Phi Kappa Delta. Iota

Phi. Y. M. C. A 1914-15. Member Forensic League. Fresh-

man Debate, 1913. Leader, Sophomore Debate, 1914. WinnerForensic Medal First Place, Local Oratorical Contest. Sec-

ond place State Oratorical Contest President of Ministerial

Club. Post Graduate wrork Garrett Theological Institute. Min-

ister Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates, Kingston, 1914

15. At school. 1915-17.

Present address, Cr. Garret Library, Evanston, 111.

957. EDITH BOND, A.B.—Born 1891. Muscatine, Iowa.

Prepared Muscatine High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1912. Hypatia. Glee Club, 1913-16. Student Volunteer. Girl's

Gospel Team, 1915. Science Teacher in High School.

Present address, Muscatine, Iowa.


958. FLORENCE BUCK (HAGIE), A.B.—Born Feb. 15,

1893. Doddsville, 111. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1911. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. Glee

Club, 1911-15. Reader Glee Club, 1915-16. Y. W. C. A. Cabi-

net, 1914-16. Senior Class Play. Teacher Winfield Schools.

Married Floyd Hagie (See No. 940), Aug 28, 1917, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Home address, R. F. D. No. 1, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

959 JEANETTE BUCK, A.B —Born May 9, 1894, Dodds-

ville, 111. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered IowaWesleyan 1911, Ruthean (President) Iota Phi. Alpha Xi

Delta. Glee Club. Forensic League, 1915, Y. W. C. A. Cabi-

net, 1912-16. President Y. W. C. A. 1915. Teacher in Brigh-

ton High School 1916-17. Teacher Iowa State Teachers Col-

lege, Cedar Falls, Iowa, 1917.

Permanent address. R. F. D. No. 1, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

960. HARRY M. BURNS, A.B.—Born Sept. 13, 1883, Cor-

inth, 111. Prepared Hillsdale, Mich, and Iowa WesleyanAcademy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Hamline. Pi Kap-

pa Delta. President of Hamline. Gospel Team, 1914. Col-

lege Debate. Member Iowa Conference. Pastorates: Donnell-

son, 1911; Sperry, 1914; pastor M. E. church, Crete, 111., while

student University of Chicago and Garrett Biblical Institute.

Married Stella Hopper, April 4, 1907, Mt. Vernon, 111.

Present address, Crete, 111.

961. VIOLA CARSON, A.B.—Born Feb. 4, 1893, Troy,

Iowa. (See Parentage No. 991) . Prepared Farmington High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Hypatia. Alpha Xi

Delta. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1914-15. House Council. Secre-

tary Hypatia, 1913. Graduation recital student.

Present address, Fairfield, Iowa.

fe 962. BARON D. CRANE, A.B.—Born March 31, 1895.

Burlington, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Hamline. Phi Delta Theta. Ath-

letic Council, 1912-13. Business Manager Wesleyan News,


1914-15. Student rnivtrsity of Illinois, School of Business Ad-

ministration. Urbana, 111., 1915-17. Enlisted in Iowa Ammuni-tion Train. July IT.. 1917. Transferred to Officers Training

Camp, Ft. Snelling. Minn.. Aug. 28, 1917.

Home address. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

963. NELLIE CUR RAN, A.B.—Born Jan. 1, 1892. Morning

Sun, Iowa. Prepared Morning Sun, Iowa High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1911. Hypatia. Iota Phi. Secretary

Y. W. C. A. 1912-13. Teacher of Latin and History in Morn-

ing Sun, Iowa.

Present address, Morning Sun, Iowa.

964. WINNIFRED DILTS, (BECKER), A.B.—Born, 1892.

Prepared Whittier Academy. Ruthean Pi Beta Phi.

Married Elijah Becker, Sept. 25, 1917, Salem, Iowa.

Present address, Salem, Iowa.

965. KATHERINE DRUSE, A.B.—Born April 12, 1895,

Wapello. Prepared Whittier Academy. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan, 1911. Ruthean Phi Beta Phi. Iota Phi. Hershey

Hall House Preeident. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Croaker Staff.

Junior Mantel Oration, 1914. Principal High School, Batavia,


Present address, Batavia, Iowa.

966. EDNA EVANS, A.B.—Born June 16, 1899, Mystic, la.

Prepared Mystic High School and Iowa Wesleyan Academy.Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. Ruthean. Iota Phi. Y. W.C. A. Cabinet, 1915-16 Student Volunteer. High School

Teacher at Mystic, Iowa.

Present address, Mystic, Iowa.


Sept. 20, 1873, Washington, la. Prepared Washington Acad-

emy. Alpha Xi Delta. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Housewife.

Married Franz Siegle Finley, June 20, 1900, Washington, la.

Child—Jean Wright, born April 17, 1902.

Present address, 408 E. Washington St., ML Pleasant, Iowa.


968. ERMIL B. FRYE, A.B.—Born April 14, 1893, Scio,

Ohio. Prepared Simpson College. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1914. Hamline. Beta Theta Pi. Iota Phi. Pi Kappa Delta.

Editor-in-chief. Wesleyan News, 1915-16. Winner Local Ora-

torical Contest, 1915. Fourth place in State Oratorical Con-

test. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1916. Debating team, 1914. Min-

ister, Methodist Episcopal Church. Pastorates: Grandview,

Iowa, 1916. Now in school at Boston.

Married Gladys Hastings, (See No. 971), Oct. 1, 1916, Bir-

mingham, la.

Child—Margaret Beth, August 20, 1917.

Present address, Cr. 72 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass.

969. CORA GILLESPEY, A.B.—Born 1889, Noble, Iowa.

Prepared Howe's Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912.

Hypatia. Student Volunteer band.

Present address, Noble, Iowa.

970. GLENN GRANT, A.B.—Born Dec 23, 1892, Fairfield,

Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1909. Harlan. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Captain Basket

Ball, 1915. Football, "W" 1913-15. Base Ball "W" 1913-15.

Track Team one year. Glee Club, four years. President Senior

Class. Athletic Council. Teacher Seymour High School,

1916-17. Athletic Coach Ottumwa High School, Sept. 1917.

Present address, Cr. High School, Ottumwa, Iowa.

971. GLADYS HASTINGS (FRYE), A.B.—Born Sept. 15,

1893, Stockport, Iowa. Prepared Birmingham High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Iota

Phi. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1914-15. Secretary and Treasurer

Y. W. C. A. House President, 1915. Glee Club, 1916. Junior

Mantle Oration, 1915.

Married Ermil B. Frye (See No. 986) Oct. 1, 1916, Birming-

ham, Iowa.

Child—Margaret Beth, born Aug. 20, 1917.

Present address, Boston, Mass.

972. HOMER HENDRICKSON, A.B.—Born Feb. 20, 1890.

Burlington, Iowa. Prepared Public Schools and Iowa Wes-

1916] ALPMN1 RECORD 399

leyan Academy. Entered low* Wesleyan, 1912. Philomath-

ean. Iota Phi. Phi Kappa Delta. Minister Methodist Epi>

copal Church. Entered Iowa Conference 1914. Pastorates:

it Burlington. Iowa, 1914; Student, Boston Theoolgical

Seminary, 1917. Student pastor Hemstead, New Hamp.Present address, 72 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass.

Home address, \V. Burlington, Iowa.

973. GRACE HOWARD, A.B.—Born March 11, 1894, Ma-rengo, Iowa. Prepared Marengo High School. Entered IowaWesleyan 1912. Hypatia. Iota Phi. Glee Club, 1913-16. Man-ager Glee Club, 1916. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1915-16. Teacher

of Latin and German Ackley High School.

Present address, Marengo, Iowa.

974. KATHERINE L. HULL, A.B.—Prepared Iowa State

Teachers College. Instructor in Domestic Science at Iowa

Wesleyan College.

Present address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

975. JAY HUNTER, A.B.—Born Oct. 14, 1891, Danville,

Iowa. Prepared Danville Schools and Iowa Wesleyan Aca-

demy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1910. Philomathean. SigmaPhi Epsilon. Phi Kappa Delta. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1913.

Sophomore Debate, 1914. College debate, 1915. Football "W"1914. Track, 1915-16. Glee Club, 1915-16. Head of Commer-cial Department Public Schools, Hampton, Iowa. Now book-

keeper in German American Bank, Burlington, Iowa.

Married Bertha Chandler, May 31, 1917, Danville, Iowa.

Present address, Burlington, Iowa.

976. CLARENCE B. JOHNSON, A.B.—Born May 26, 1892.

Winfield, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1908. Philomathean. Iota Phi. President of

Philomathean, 1915. Member of Wesleyan News Staff, 1914-

15. Forensic League. Captain Foot Ball team, 1915-16.

Awarded "W's" 1913-15. Teacher in History and Civics,

Bloomington, 111. High School, 1916-17. Principal Schools, Ri-

pon, Wisconsin, 1917-18.


Married Helen Miriam Packard, July 21, 1917, Bloomington,


Present address, Ripon, Wisconsin.

ta 977. RONALD E. JOHNSON, A.B.—Born Sept. 5, 1895

Agency, Iowa. Prepared Agency High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1912. Philomathean. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Pi Kap-

pa Delta. College Debate, 1915-16. President Junior Class.

Farmer, Ottumwa, Iowa. National Army, Oct. 1917, CampDodge.

Married Gail Jones, Nov. 8, 1917, Des Moines, Iowa.

Home address, Ottumwa, Iowa.

978. VIVIAN MILLER, A.B.—Born Feb. 11, 1893, East

Orange, New Jersey. Prepared Central High School, Detroit,

Mich. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1914. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi.

Instructor in French and Gymnasium. Teacher, Bellevue Col-

lege, Neb.

Present address, Cr. Bellevue College, Bellevue, Neb.

979. LELA ANN PAPE, A.B.—Born Oct. 9, 1894, Kirk-

wood, 111. Prepared Kirkwood High Schohol. Entered IowaWesleyan, 1914. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. Recording Sec-

retary Ruthean, 1915-16. Y. W. C. A. 1914-16. WesleyanNews Staff, 1916. Honor Ring Student of Alpha Xi Delta.

Principal Briggsville Public Schools, 1916-17.

Present address, Briggsville, Illinois.

980. LILLIAN PIPER, A.B.— Born March 19, 1895, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. WesleyanNews Staff. Teacher of Latin, Bussey, Iowa High School.

Home address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

fe 981. EARL F. TOVREA, B.S.—Born Dec. 23, 1894,

Mt. Pleasant, la. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Assist-

ant Chemical Laboratory. Football "W" 1912-15. Assistant

Chemistry instructor Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa. En-

listed Iowa Ammunition Train, July 20, 1917.

Home address, N. Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


982. LAWRENCE TRUITT, A.B.—Horn Jan. 7, 1893, La

Rose, in. Prepared Agency High School. Entered Iowa Wes-U'van. 1912. Philomathean. Sigma Phi Epsilon. President

Forensic League, 1914-15. Farming.

Married Basel Johnson, (See No. 943), June 14, 1916, Agen-

cy. Iowa.

Child- Carrol Johnson, July 29, 1917.

Present address, Ottamwa, Iowa, R. F. D. No. 9.

983. EDWARD D. WAHL, A. B.—Born 1888. Victor, Iowa.

Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1913. Hamline (President). Sigma Phi Epsilon. Pi KappaDelta. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1914-15. Glee Club, 1913.

Band, 1913-14. President Tennis Association, 1913. Basket

ball "W 1913-14. Captain 1915. Football "W" 1913-15. Pres-

ident Sophomore Class, 1913. Sophomore Debate, 1914. Or-

chestra, 1914. History Medal, 1915. Now Student at Garrett

Biblical Institute.

Present address, Garrett Dormitory, Chicago, Til.

984. DOROTHY WITHROW (COLE), A.B.—Born Sept. 8,

1893, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared, Mt Pleasant High School.

Entered Wesleyan, 1912. Ruthean. Alpha Xi Delta. Orches-

tra. 1913-14.

Married Ernest R. Cole, Oct. 24, 1916, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Child—Cordelia Throop, born Nov. 1, 1917.

Present address, 4730 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111.

985. BETTY M. YOUNG, A.B.—Born Nov. 17, 1893, Marsh,

Iowa. Prepared Kansas State College. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan, 1914. Ruthean. Phi Mu. Teacher of History andPedagogy in Osceola High School.

Present address, Osceola, Iowa.

986. AMY ZIMMERMAN, A.B.—Born July 22, 1893, Lex-

ington, Iowa. Prepared Morning Sun, Iowa, High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1905. Hypatia. Pi Beta Phi. Y. W. C.

A Cabinet. President Hypatia, 1915. Croaker Staff. Wes-leyan News Staff. Resided in Malaysia 1914-16. Assistant

Principal of W. F. M. S. Schools for native Girls at Taiping


in the Federated Malay States. Instructor of Latin, Jefferson,

Iowa High School, 1916-17.

Present address, Jefferson, Iowa.

Class of 1917

987. AENID BEEMAN, A.B.—Born April 28, 1896. Delta,

Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. Hypatia. Alpha XiDelta. Iota Phi. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1914-16. Assistant

Editor Croaker. Class Play. Senior Student Government.Mantle Oration. Teacher, Seymour High School.

Present address, Seymour, Iowa.

988. BEULAH BILLINGSLEY, A.B.— Born 1894. Lockridge, Iowa. Prepared Clay Hill and Iowa Wesleyan Academy.Ruthean. Pi Beta Phi. Iota Phi. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 1916.

House President, 1915-16. Croaker Staff. Teacher of Latin

and Spanish in New London High School.

Present address, New London, Iowa.

989. EMMA BLOOMQUIST, A.B.—Born Sept. 19, 1891,

Little York, 111. Prepared Brighton Public Schools and IowaWesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1914. Hypatia.

Phi Miui. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-16. President Y. W. C.

A. Cabinet, 1915-16. Croaker Staff. Teacher in KeosauquaHigh School.

Present address, Keosauqua, Iowa.

*m 990. GLENN P. CAMPBELL, A.B.—Born Feb. 18,

1896. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. Philomathean. Beta

Theta Pi. Basket Ball "W", 1914-15. Glee Club. Farmerand Stock Raising. National Army, 1917. Camp Cody, N. M.

Home address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

991. JOHN WILLIAM CARSON, A.B.—-Born Aug. 26, 1855,

Bloomfield, Iowa. Prepared Troy and Bloomfield Normal

School and University of Illinois. Entered Iowa Wesleyan,

1915. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Minister Methodist Episcopal

Church. Pastorates: Salina, 1890; Troy, 1891; Columbus City,

1896; Salem, 1897; Cantril, 1900; Mystic, 1901; Keosauqua,

11.171 ALUMNI RECORD 403

(Circuit). L90S. I'nionvillr. LS06. Fanuiimton. 1909; Way-

Ian. i. Ifll; Fairfield (Circuit), L914; Fremont, 1917.

KUTled RetU Blddle, March LJ, 1884, Moravia. Iowa.

Children—Ruth, born April 8, 1S90.

Haoise Viol*, born Fob. 4. 1893, (See No. 961.)

Edgar B., born Jan. 5, 1896.

Present address, Fremont, Iowa.

992. JESSIE C. CARTER, A.B.—Born April 17, 1894,

Mystic. Iowa. Prepared Mystic High School. Entered Iowa

n, 1913. Hyptia. Phi Mu. Iota Phi. Manager Girls

Glee Club. Teaching school in Oregon.

Home address, Mystic, Iowa.

993. MARY CREATH, A.B.—Born Oct. 13, 1895, Cantril,

Iowa. Prepared Cantril High School and Iowa WesleyanAcademy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1913. Hypatia. Teach-

ing in Cantril High School.

Present address, Cantril, Iowa.

£=. 994. FLOYD DUNCAN. A.B. _ Born Feb. 28, 1893.

Columbus Junction, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High

School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1911. Beta Theta Pi. LLB.from State University of Iowa, 1917. Football and basket ball,

1911-13. Enlisted in Officers Training Camp, Ft. Snelling,

Minn., May 8, 1917. Second Lieutenant Cavalry Branch, U. S.

Army.Married Edith Phillips, Aug. 16, 1917, Letts, Iowa.

Forwarding address, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

995. ETHEL M. FORSYTH E, B.S.—Born Nov. 30, 1895,

Mystic, Iowa. Prepared Centerville, Iowa. Hypatia. Teacher

at Bideford, Alberta, Canada.

Present address, Bideford, Alberta, Canada.

Home address, Mystic, Iowa.

996. EVA M. GEORGE, A.B.—(See No. 712).

997. RUTH GREEN, A.B.—Born Henry County, Iowa. Pre-

pared Country Schools. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. Ruth-

ean. Phi Mu. Teaching in High School at Olds, Iowa.

Home address, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.


998. FAE HAYES, A.B.—Born June 14, 1898, New London,

Iowa. Prepared New London High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan, 1913. Hypatia. Phi Mu. Wesleyan News Staff,

1915. Glee Club, 1914-16. Assistant Business Manager, Wes-leyan News, 1915-16. Teacher of Spanish and Latin, Colfax

High School.

Present address, Colfax, Iowa.

Home address, New London, Iowa.

999. WARREN HUEBNER, A.B.—Born Nov. 11, 1893

Denver, Colo. Prepared Albia High School. Entered IowaWesleyan, 1913. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi. Iota Phi.

Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-14. Baseball "W" 1914-16. Captain

Baseball, 1916. Reader Men's Glee Club, 1916. Business

Manager Croaker. Studying Law, State University of Iowa.

Present address, Cr. S. U. I., Iowa City, Iowa.

1000. MIRIAM JARVIS, A.B —Born Sept. 18, 1894, Musca-

tine, Iowa. Prepared Burlington High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1912. Hypatia. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1915-17. Wes-

leyan News Staff, 1915-17. Croaker Staff, 1917. President Hy-

patia, 1916-17. Business Manager Class Play. Teacher of

Mathematics, LaMont, Iowa, High School.

Present address, LaMont, Iowa.

Home address, Burlington, Iowa.

1001. ZELLA K. JORDAN, A.B.—Born May 1, 1894, Hills-

boro, Iowa. Prepared Salem High School. Entered Iowa Wes-

leyan 1911. Ruthean. Iota Phi. Charter member Omricon

Sigma Pi. Teaching in Winfield High School.

Home address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

fe 1002. J. HAROLD KEMBLE, A.B.— Born June 20,

1894, Muscatine, Iowa. Prepared Muscatine High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan 1914. Hamline. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Pi

Kappa Delta. Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, 1914-15. Glee Club, 1914-16.

Football "W" 1915. Croaker Staff. President Forensic League

1916-17. Enlisted in Ammunition Train, July 20, 1917. Trans-

ferred to Officers' Training Camp, Fort Snelling, Minnesota.

Home address, Muscatine, Iowa.


1003. DONALD F. LAWSON, A.B.—Horn Dec. 20, 1893,

Batavia, Iowa. Prepared Bata\ia High School and Iowa Wes-

leytA Academy. Entered towa Wesleyan L911. Hamline. lota

Phi. Charter member Kappa Delta Psi. V.M.C.A. (President)

1912-16. Staff PUT Croaker. Assistant Biological Labora-

tory, 1915-16. Post Graduate work at John Millikin University.

President address, Batavia, lowa.

f 1004. JOHN S. LODWICK, A.B.—Born Dec. 8, 1894,

Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Prepared Mystic High School and KnoxCollege. Entered Wesleyan 1915. Philomathean. Beta Theta

Pi. Pi Kappa Delta. (President) Football 1915-16. Two years

on debating team. Officers' Training Camp, Fort Snelling,

Minnesota, Aug. 28, 1917.

Home address, Mystic, Iowa.

1005. ARCHIE MARSH, B.S.—Born June 15, 1895, Tracy,

Iowa. Prepared Tracy High School and Iowa WesleyanAcademy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1914. Hamline. SigmaPhi Epsilon. Base Ball "W" 1914-15. Glee Club, Principal

Seymour High School.

Present address, Seymour, Iowa.

1006. GLADYS M IN EAR, A B —Born July 1, 1896. Salina,

Iowa. Prepared Knoxville High School. Entered Iowa Wes-leyan 1913. Hypatia. A.B. Cornell College. Attended PennCollege, 1914-16. Cornell College, 1916-17. Head of English

Department Hedding College Academy, Abingdon, 111.

Home address, 133 K Ave., E. Oskaloosa, Iowa.

1007. BERTHA McCHORD, A.B.—Born Aug 10, 1894, Or-

ongo, Missouri. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan, 1914. Ruthean (President). Teacher in

Summer School, in Canada, 1917. Now teaching in Cumber-land, Iowa.

Home address, 708 Broadway, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

1008. HAROLD D. McCULLOUGH, A B —Born Dec. 25,

1893. Selma, Iowa. Prepared Keosauqua, High School. Enter-

ed Icwa Wesleyan, 1913. Philomathean. Charter member


Kappa Delta Psi. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-17. Track, 1914-

17. Faculty Gooding College, Gooding, Idaho.

Present address, Gooding, Idaho.

1009. THOMAS J. PETTIT, A.B. — Born Dec. 21, 1881,

Avery, Iowa. Prepared Avery public schools and Iowa Wes-leyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1911. Leader of Col-

lege Band, 1909-11. Glee Club, 1911. Commercial Course at

Iowa Wesleyan, 1903-04. Two years at Penn College, 1914-16.

Minister Methodist Episcopal Church. Entered Iowa Confer-

ence, 1906. Pastorates: Highland and Farson, 1907; Ollie.

1908; Mt. Pleasant, West, 1909; Buxton, 1912; Tracy, 1914.

Married Celia May Bridges, April 25, 1906, Hedrick, Iowa.

Children—Lillian Lorene, born Aug. 18, 1909.

Wendell Eugene, born Aug. 15, 1911.

Present address, Tracy, Iowa.

1010. ESTHER PRINTZ, A.B.—Born March 7, 1896, Moul-

ton, Iowa. Prepared Moulton High School. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1913. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Pi Kappa Delta.

Freshman Debate 1914. Croaker Staff, 1916. Girls' Glee Club,

1915-16. Assistant Business Manager Wesleyan News, 1914-

15. Now in kindergarter work at Moulton, Iowa.

Present address, Moulton, Iowa.

1011. AGNES REANEY, A.B.—Born Mch. 25, 1894, Colum-

bus Junction. Prepared Columbus Junction High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. Hypatia. Phi Mu. Forensic

League, 1915. Croaker Staff. House President, 1917. HouseCouncil, 1915-16. Teacher in High School, Seymour, Iowa.

Present address, Seymour, Iowa.

1012. FLORENCE RESOR, A.B. —Born Sept. 15, 1892.

Grey County, Kansas. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1914. Hypatia. Iota Phi. Student

Volunteer. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Teaching in Gilbert, Minn.

Present address, Gilbert, Minn.

^ 1013. CARL ROBERTS, B.S.—Born 1893. Prepared

Mt. Pleasant High School. Iota Phi. Superintendent of Mt.


Union SchOOlfl. National Army. 1917. Stationed at CampDodge, Iowa.

Home address, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

1014. EDYTHE MILDRED ROTHENSTEIN, A.B.—BornDec. It, 1896, Mt PleaMUlt, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1914. Ruthean (Pres-

ident). Iota Phi. Charter Member Omricon Sigma Pi. Mem-ber Y \Y. C. A. Cabinet, 1916-17. Teacher Douds Leando High


Home address, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

1015. ELMER C. SANDMEYER, A.B.—Born Feb. 9, 1888,

Billings. Mo. Prepared Marionville College. Entered Iowa

Wesleyan 1914. Minister Methodist Episcopal church. Pas-

torates St. Louis, Marionville Circuit, 1909; Galena, 1910;

Pierce City, 1911, (Missouri). Louds-Leando, Iowa, 1911;

Avery. 1915; Manteno, 111., 1917. Student at Garrett Theo-

logical Institute, Evanston, 111.

Married Nora Yentsch, Aug. 28, 1912, Mt. Vernon, Mo.

Child—Donald Elmer, born March 17, 1916.

Present address, Manteno, 111.

1016. MARIE SCHICK, A.B.—Born 1892, Sioux City, Iowa.

Prepared Ottumwa High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913.

Hypatia. Phi Mu. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1915-16. WesleyanNews Staff. 1914-15. Hypatia (President), 1915. Assistant

Business Manager Croaker. Teacher of English Ft. Madison

High School.

Home address, Ottumwa, Iowa.

1017. ANNA SINGER, A.B. — Born Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan1916, B. Di. and M. Di. Iowa State Teachers College. Tenyears teacher in Marion High School. At present in Califor-


Home address, 300 S. Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

1018. LARUE SOWERS, A.B—Born July 25, 1895. Bloom-

field, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Ruthean.

Pi Beta Phi. Teaching in Bloomfield High School.

Present address, Bloomfield, Iowa.


1019. FRED TAYLOR, A.B.—Born Aug. 8, 1895. Hillsboro,

Iowa. Prepared Big Mound Schools and Iowa WesleyanAcademy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan 1913. Hamline, Phi Delta

Theta. Iota Phi. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1915. Baseball,

1913-16. Captain Base Ball, 1915. Farming near Hillsboro.

Present address, Hillsboro, Iowa.

He 1020. LOWELL D. THOMPSON, B.S.—Born Jan. 2,

1889, Salem, Iowa. Prepared Whittier Academy. Entered

Iowa Wesleyan, 1914. Hamline. Charter Member Kappa Del-

ta Psi. Freshman Debate, 1914-15. Assistant Biological DeptFootball "W" 1915-17. Captain Base Ball Team, 1917. Math-

ematics teacher and Athletic Coach in Albia High School, 1917.

National Army, 1917.

Present address, Albia, Iowa.

Home address, Salem, Iowa.

1021. RUTH THORSON, A.B.—Born April 4, 1893, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Ruthean. Iota Phi. Charter

Member Omricon Sigma Pi. Girls Glee Club, three years.

Wesleyan news staff, 1915. Teacher in Agency High School.

Home address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

1022. ANNA VAN BRUSSEL, A.B —Born Feb 19, 1890,

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Ruthean.

Teacher in Mt. Pleasant Public Schools while taking College

course. Teacher, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Present address, 302 S. White Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

1023. MARTHA VAN BRUSSEL, A.B—Born April 12, 1892

Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. Ruthean. Teacher in New Lon-

don Schools.

Home address, 302 S. White St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

1024. EARL J. VANDAGRIFF, A.B.—Born December 28,

1889. Prairie City, 111. Prepared Fairfield High School and

Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered I/owa Wesleyan, 1913.

Hamline (President, 1915) Phi Delta Theta. Y. M. C. A. Cabi-

1917] AHMM PJDCORD 409

net. 1915-16. President Junior Class. President Freshman

class Wtosleysn Newi start". L916. (Soaker Staff. Student

Boston QnlTerssJ Bchoo] of Theology. Army y. m. c. a.

Present sddress, Cr. International Y. M. C. A. Committee,

York City.

r 1025. GRANT W. VENELL, A.B.— Born July 28,

1894 Mystic. Iowa. Prepared (Vnterville High School. En-

tered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. Philomathean. Beta Theta Pi.

PI Kappa Delta. Football three years. "W". Glee Club four

years. Freshman Debate. 1914. Manager Glee Club, 1916.

Wesleyan News Staff, 1915. Officers' Training Camp, Ft. Snell-

ing, Minn., Aug. 28, 1917.

Home address, Centerville, Iowa.


sas City, Mo. Prepared Howe's Academy and Mt. Pleasant

High School. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. B.E. Columbia

College of Expression. Student Conway School of Dramatic

Art. Lyceum Reader under management of Mutual & Slayton

Lyceum Bureaus. Head of Mary L. Powelson Concert Co. twoyears. Head of Oratory Department John B. Denton College,

Denton, Texas. Chair of Oratory, Iowa Wesleyan, 1917.

Married Clarence C. Warhurst, June 5, 1912, Des Moines,


Present address, 511 S. Jackson St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

1027. HELEN D. WEAVER, A.B.—Born Sept. 4, 1894, Mt.Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan. 1913. Ruthean. Iota Phi. Charter Mem-ber Omricon Sigma Pi. Teaching in Agency High School.

Home address, East Washington Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa

1028. LUCILLE WHITNEY, A.B.—Born Nov. 6, 1895, Mt.

Pleasant. Iowa. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan, 1913. Hypatia. Alpha Xi Delta. Teach-

er of Mathematics in Edgerton, Wis. High School.

Home address, South Jefferson St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


Class of 1918

£a 1029. HARRY CARLTON FRASER, A.B.—Born May14, 1885, Rochester, N. Y. Prepared Mt. Herman Academy,Mt. Herman, Mass. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1917. Sigma Nu,Iota Phi. Spent two years as undergraduate at Columbia Uni-

versity. Assistant Secretary, Army and Navy Y. M. C. A.

Brooklyn, N. Y. Secretary Y. M. C. A. Manila, Philippine

Islands, 1913-17. Chaplain 79th Field Artillery U. S. A. 1917.

Married Louise Elizabeth Schell, June 25, 1913, Mt. Pleas-

ant, Iowa.

Child—Elizabeth Ann, born June 23, 1916.

Forwarding address, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

£a 1030. CLARENDON HAVINGHURST, A.B.—BornAug. 25, 1890, Toledo, Ohio. Prepared Toledo Public Schools

and Iowa Wesleyan Academy. Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1909.

Charter Member Sigma Phi Epsilon. Member of Delta SigmaRho. Phi Delta Tau. Sigma Delta Chi. Freshman WesleyanDebating Team. Won third place Iowa State Oratorical con-

test, 1912. Superintendent of Schools, Hoytville, Ohio., 1912-

15. Summer School, University of Michigan. University of

Kansas, 1915-16. University Debating Team. Winner of

Kansas State Peace Contest. Winner of Iowa State Oratorical

Contest. Second place Western Interstate Contest, 1917. Na-

tional Army, 1917, Camp Dodge, Iowa.

Home address, Toledo, Ohio.

1031. EDWARD FRANK WESTON, A.B. — Born May1, 1894, Chicago. Prepared Mt. Pleasant High School. Enter-

ed Iowa Wesleyan, 1912. Philomathean. Sigma Phi Epsilon.

Pi Kappa Delta. "W's" in Tennis, Foot Ball, Basket Ball.

Tennis Captain, 1914. Winning College Debate, 1914. Presi-

dent Philomathean. Editor in Chief, 1917 Croaker. Editor

Wesleyan News, 1916-17. Y. M. C. A Cabinet. Glee Club.

Army Y. M. C. A.

Army address, Camp Cody, Deming, New Mexico.

Home address, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.


1032. BE VONG LEE (ZEN), A.B.—Born Changshu, China

Came U) the United States to be educated in American Col-

leges. Hypatia. Undergraduate work, University <>t Pacific,

one year; Wellsley College, one year. Iowa Wesleyan Col-

two years.

Married Zen Hsieh, July 24, 1917, Springfield, 111.

Present address, Pittsburg, Pa.

Note: The four above members of the class of 1918 com-

pleted the required course at the Summer School of 1917,

and their Degrees will be conferred with remainder of their

class at the next Annual Commencement.

34B. EMILY PORTER (McCLURE), A.B.—Born May 29.

1839, near Trenton, Iowa. Prepared Iowa Wesleyan Academy.

Entered Iowa Wesleyan, 1852. Ruthean. Delivered oration at

first Commencement Exercise of the College held in the newMain Building in June 1856. Traveled extensively in this

country and in Europe.

Married—Andrew Wilson McClure, November 20, 1860, Mt.

Pleasant, Iowa.

Children—Victor Porter, born Oct. 9, 1861; died Feb. 1, 1870

Mary (Kelly), born May 5, 1864.

Martha, born April 17, 1866 (See No. 351.)

Present Residence, 302 East Monroe St., Mt. Pleasant, la.

Degree to be conferred at Commencement in June, 1918, to

be reinstated in the Class of 1861.


43B should read Lavanda Gassner (Murphy).

211. No name assigned to this number in original Record.

298. Death in error. Now resides at Reely, Cal.

317. Residence Dinuba, Cal.

539. Number omitted.

760. Second version correct.

780. Add * i Enlisted in U. S. Regulars, Fort Logan.

841. Whistler. Child, Valborg Elizabeth. Born Oct. 14, 1917


Alun)Qi of the University

Law College Alumni

1865 Edward Hemenway, B.L.

1872 Augustus B. Patton;B.L.

Joseph C. Mitchell, B.L.

Belle A. Mansfield, B.L.

1873 John W. Boyer, B.L.

1874 Gladcus S. Ambler, B.L.

Edward A. Gibbs, B.L.

John H. Palm, B.L.

Cornelius D. Bevans, B.L.

Cassius L. Haskill, B.L.

John C. Wharton, B.L.

*M. B. Walker, B.L.

William B. Silbern, B.L.

Pharmacy College fllumni

1872 Thomas E. V. Faris, B.M.

1874 Ehme E. Auker.

Thomas J. Stringfield.

1875 Isaac N. Carver.

1878 Daniel Anderson.

1879 M. C. Carpenter, Ph.C.

North, Ph.C.

1880. Ed. C. Inman, Ph.C.

H. B. Jennnings, Ph.C.

College of Oratory

1891 Mattie Stearns (C. G. Gloeckler), B.O.


MoQorary Degrees

List of those upon whom Honorary Degrees have been con-

ferered upon recommendation of the Faculty and by action of

the Board of Trustees.

1858 Mr. McKenzie, A.M.

Rev. B. F. Crary, D.D.

1859 George Clinton Whitlock, LL.D.

Horatio N. Robinson, LL.D.

1860 J. H. French, LL.D.

Robinson Scott, D.D.

1861 Alexander Nelson, D.D.

1862 M. J. A. Kelly-Hager, A.M.

1863 Enoch G. Wood, D.D.

Thompson Mitchell, D.D.

O. M. Spencer, D.D.

Emory Miller, A.M1864 Isaiah A. Bradrick, A. M.

1865 William H. Shelly, A.M.

Jervase Smith, A.M.

Rachel Carney, M.S.

Henry Cox, D.D1866 Herman M. Johnson, LL.D.

1867 Martha A. Spaulding, A.M.

1869 William Brush, D.D.

Richard L. Miller, D.D.

1870 *Anna Miller, M.S.

1871 P. M. Martin, A.H.

Joseph B. Wakeley, D.D.

L. H. King, D.D.

Adelia White, M.S.

1872 William T. Robinson, A.M.

John Hammond, A.M.

1873 Wm. Shrady, A.M.

C. V. Anthony, A.MJohn Braden, D.D.

Philander Wiley, D.D.

Samuel A. Lattimore, Ph.D.


1874 James B. Mervin, D.D.

Wray Beattie, Ph.D.

1875 James H. Hopkins, D.D.

Stephen Bowers, D.D.

1876 Jeremiah Tingley, Ph.D.

J. H. Rhea, D.D.

1877 William F. Swahlen, Ph.D.

1878 *W. H. H. Pillsbury, A.M.

1879 *Wesley Dennett, D.D.

J. B. Noble, A.M.

1880 J. W. Bissell, D.D.

George P. Jenkins, D.D.

Dennis Mnrphy, Ph.D.

1881 William Alexander, A.M.

John W. Hammond, A.M.

Thomas B. Redding, Ph.D.

John Wayman, D.D.

1882 *Isaac C. Templin, A.B.

James Lisle, A.M.

W. W. Bowdish, D D.

S. McChesney, D.D.

Prof. Berry, Ph.D.

B. F. Leggett, Ph.D.

1883 H. B. Heacock, D.D.

Joseph S. dimming, D.D.

A. Rommel, Mus.D.

1884 T. Wall, A.M.

Lester Janes, D.D.

W. C. Webb, D.D.

John P. Armstrong, Ph.D.

1885 *Thomas C. George, Ph.D.

Charles J. Clark, D.D.

1886 F. F. Roose, A.M.

H. H. O'Neal, D.D.

Bishop S. M. Merrill, LL.D.

1887 Samuel P. Craver, D.D.

Benjamin Trueblood, LL.D.


1888 T. E. Fleming, D.D.

J. A. Smith, M.S.

W. J. Sampson, A.M.

1889 Joseph W. Miles, D.D.

H. M. Hale, LL.D.

1890 S. W. Siberts, D.D.

1891 Thomas I Coultas, D.D.

J. J. Dofflemeyer, M.S.

Virgil A. Gregg. A.M.

L. B. Carlisle, A.M.

Theodore R. Timby, LL.D.

1892 Charles O. Merica, A.M.

J. W. Hackley, A.M.

H. H. Green, D.D.

1893 P. W. Kaufman, A.M.

T. C. George, D.D.

*A. B. Conaway, LL.D.

O. W. Eyer, M.S.

1895. *Isaac Templin, A.M.

J. G. VanNess, D.D.

1896 S. S. Murphy, D.D.

*E. M. Scott, A.M.

1897 Washington I. Babb, LL.D.

1898 Thomas Nicholson, D.D.

*John S. Woolson, LL.D.

1899 E. S. Havighorst, D.D.

Sewarfl C. Howe, M.S.

Gustav Becker. A.M.

Martha I. Ware, A.M.

1900 W. H. Heppe, D.D.Hon. Howard P. Dennison, A.M.

1901 Fred C. Demorest, D.D.

1902 Austin Bierbower, LL.DCharles Eldred Shelton, LL.D.

1903 Benjamin Clark Warren, D.D.

Harvey W. Ewing, D.D.

1904 A. O. Ebright, D.D.

William C. Farmer, A.M.


1905 Christian R. Havinghorst, D.D.

Ira O. Kemble, D.D.

Irvin B. Pulliam, D.D.

William G. Wilson, D.D.

John Mickey, LL.D.

Charles L. Stafford, LL.D.

Francis D. Blakeslee, L.D.

William J. Spaulding, L.D.

Johnson Pierson, PdD.

John F. Riggs, Pd.D.

John T. McFarland, L.H.D.

William Wirt King, S.T.D.

Wray Beattie, D.Sc.

Arthur H. Hoffman, M.A.

Charles L. Tennant, M.A.

George W. Pool, M.A.

A. H. King, Pd.M.

1906 James C. W. Coxe, L.H.D.

Huber W. Hurt, M.A.

1907 Charles F. Blume, D.D.

William B. Hollingshead, D.D.

W. F. Mayne, LL.D.

T. W. Roach, Pd.D.

Henry Warren Munster, M.A.

1908 John M. McClelland, D.D.

William P. MacVey, D.D.

Alba C. Piersel, D.D.

Fred C. Edwards, M.A.

1909 Alfred A. Winslow, LL.D.

Ernest Dailey Smith, D.D.

Henry G. Leist, D.D.

Persis Hurd Alderson, D.Lit.

Jeanette Franc Throckmorton,


1910 Hardy A. Ingham, D.D.

Thomas W. Jeffrey, D.D.

Frank W. Otto, D.D.

Charles L. Tennant, D.D.

Demetrius Tillotson, D.D.


Edmund H. Waring, D.D.

Fred Bintz. MA.Charles Hankins, M.A.

Luella Hightshoe, M.A.

Charles H. Myers, M.A.

1911 F. C. Mahle, D.D.

John W. Potter, D.D.

Ulysses S. Smith, D.D.

1912 I. M. Griggsby, D.D.

Freeman Havinghurst, D.D.

Charles N. Pace, D.D.

Charles E. Piper, LL.D.

Samuel Eitelgorge, M.A.

1913 R. D. Chipperfield, D.D.

Newton W. Gilbert, LL. D.

Clifford Thorne, LL.D.

1914 Ira B. Lute, M.A.

1915 Hiram F. Gilbert, D.D.

John W. Holland, D.D.

E. J. Shook, D.D.

1916 W. H. Perdew, D.D.

F. C. Edwards, D.D.

Joseph R. Hanley, D.D.

1917 Elmer E. Lymer, LL.D.

Huber William Hurt, LL.D.

Horace B. Haskell, D.D.

Edward M. Freeman, D.D.

John F. Robertson, DD.

James A. Glendenning, D.D.

John W. Pool, D.D.

James M. Brown, D.D.

Harry B. Scoles, D.D.Charles M. Rauch, D.D.

Louis E. Kettlekamp, D.D.

*DegTees conferred in recognition of work done in course

at Iowa Wesleyan. Student did not graduate with his class.


Black Hills College(Historical Sketch)

Black Hills College during the ten years of its history of-

fered strong courses in its college of Liberal Arts as well as

in Music. It was located at Hot Springs, South Dakota, a

beautiful town situated among the Southern foothills of the

Black Hills Mountains. A handsome building was erected

and had all gone well, it would no doubt have proved to be a

power for good throughout the entire Black Hills Country.

Both Dr. Hancher and Dr. Lymer, known and beloved to all of

us were officially connected with the Institution, and Prof.

Eaton of the Faculty is numbered among its Alumni. Thoughone of the small colleges, it had at one time an attendance of

one hundred and fifty students. Twenty-two persons receiv-

ed Bachelors Degrees from this institution. In 1905 by action

of the authorities of Iowa Wesleyan College, the Alumni were

adopted as Alumni of the Iowa Wesleyan College. These

alumni are now widely scattered and not all of their addresses

are known. Their ability has been recognized everywhere

they have been and they have proven worthy representatives

of the institution graduating them and also of the institution

adopting them. Their names and classes with residence as

far as known appear below:

The first alumna of Black Hills College was Miss AlmaLampert, who graduated in 1891, at the end of the first col-

lege year. Miss Lampert taught a number of years at HotSprings, South Dakota and was married to Mr. George Ben-

nett of Rapid City, where she now resides.

Black Hills College Alumni

CLASS OF 1891.

Alma Lampert-Bennett, B.L., Rapid City, South Dakota.

CLASS OF 1893,

William C. Snodgrass, A.B., Plainfield, N. J.


Angelina Bergey, Ph.B., teacher, Michigan.

Earl R. Hare, A.B., Physician, Minneapolis, Minn.


Harry B. Hare, B.S., Corporation Manager, Cleveland,

Ohio. Deceased, 1913.

Lillian McDonald, Ph. 13., Teacher and College Professor,

Lake Point. California, (Ex-Faculty, Iowa Wesleyan)

Fred E. Robinson, A.B., Journalist. Last known address,

Omaha, Neb.


Abram L. Baker, A.B., Minister, Anti-Saloon Secretary.

Ventura, California.

William A. Turner, A.B., Attorney at Law. Clarinda, la.

Anna M. Walton-DeKay, A.B., Teacher. Deceased in

France, 1915.

CLASS OF 1896.

James G. Bradley, B.S., Banker, Twin Falls, Idaho.

Sylvester A. Calhoun, B.S., Civil Engineer, Hot Springs,

South Dakota.

Charlotte L. Denmen Jones, Mus.B., Osteopath Physician,

Landore, Idaho.

Albert B. Gidley, B.S., Civil Engineer, California.

Arthur L. Eaton, A.B., Professor of Latin, Iowa Wesleyan

College, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Anna M. Morrell-Weisheit, Mus. B., Music Teacher. Last

address known, Spearfish, South Dakota.

Robert E. Robinson, B.S., Engineer. Last known address

known, Omaha, Nebraska.

Charles Stewart, A.B, Banker, Hot Springs, South Dakota.


Arthur W. Ladd, B.S., Stockman, Gordon, Nebraska.

Lou McDonald, Mus.B., Music Teacher, Rural Route No.

8, Fresno, California.

Emma Silkensem-Dudley, Mus.B., Hot Springs, S.D.

Orville H. Southmayd, B.S., Civil Engineer, Lead, S.D.Harry Stewart, B.S., Deceased at Hot Springs, S.D.


John Hall, A.B., Minister, Spring Valley, Minn.

CLASS OF 1900.

Eva Robinson, A.B., Teacher. Last known address, Oma-ha, Nebraska.


Mt. Pleasant Female Seminary(Historical Sketch)

Mount Pleasant Female Seminary was established by the

Rev. Mr. Bergen, a Presbyterian clergyman, in 1864. It waslocated on the South Side of East Washington street, just be-

yond the entrance to the Grounds of the State Hospital. In

1866 Mr. Bergen sold it to Mr. Edward L. Belden, pastor of the

Presbyterian church of Mt. Pleasant. Under the administra-

tion of this able man, the school was remarkably successful.

It grew from year to year and very soon it was found neces-

sary to enlarge the building. In 1871 Mr. Belden died; this

was a terrible blow to the school and for a while seemed as

though it would bring about its destruction. However, under

the splendid leadership of his widow, Mrs. Jane W. Belden,

it rallied from the blow and became more successful than be-

fore Mr. Belden's death.

In 1874 Mrs. Belden followed her husband to the great be-

yond and this disaster, coming so soon after the first one,

proved more than the school could withstand. After vain and

ineffectual struggles its doors were closed in 1879. It was not

an endowed institution.

Both the instruction and work done by the students of the

Seminary were of a very high order, and many of its graduates

are today social and intellectual leaders in the communities

in which they reside. Culture and refinement were every-

where in evidence and to quote from a catalogue of the insti-

tution, issued in 1877. "A thorough practical English education,

with the cultivation of a high and refined taste, is our aim,"

well illustrates the spirit of its promotors. Had not disaster

overtaken the school, it would no doubt today rank with the

most noted finishing schools of the Country.

The prescribed course compared very favorably to the Lib-

eral Arts course of the Colleges of its time, and while degrees

were not given, the work required gave its graduates the

equivalent of a College Education.

Mount Pleasant and Wesleyan owes much to the Seminary,

for one thing, if for no other. It brought Dr. Rommel into our


midst and this alone should make tor it I worthy place in all

our memories.

At the annual meeting of the Alumnal Association in 1913,

the jraduatee of the Seminary, list of whom is below ap-

pended, wore made Honorary Alumni of Iowa Wesleyan. Weprint their names with pleasure and deeply regret that space

forbids our printing a detailed history of each. Not a few of

them are also graduates of the College and their names will

he round in the index and by referring to their respective

numbers in the Record.

Mt. Pleasant Female Seminary AlumniCLASS OF 1866.

Henrietta M. Browning-Brown (A.M.), Ottawa, Ohio.

Louisa M. Bruning, Deceased, (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Carrie E. Crane-Brenholtz (J. P.) Deceased. (Mt. Pleasant, la.)

Amelia A. McCormick, Deceased 1875, (Burlington, Iowa)

Damaris Ross-Bereman (Oliver), St. Louis, Mo.

Lillie M. Sergent-Hebard, Deceased (Lincoln, Neb.)

Emma L. Schwenker, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

S. Alice Washburn-Moss (A. R.), Kansas City, Mo.

CLASS OF 1867.

Ella W. Crane-Leib, Deceased (Marengo, Iowa)

Anna E. Cole-Sands, Seattle, Washington.

Carrie E. Dodd-Cowan, Toledo, Iowa.

Flora Ramsey-Brown (F. R. I.), Denver, Colo.

Jennie Moore-Cook, Pierce City, Mo.

CLASS OF 1868.

Estella A. Lee, Mintonye, Deceased (Osceola, Iowa)

Anna S. McClintock-Laidley, Carmichaels, Pa.

Maggie P. McDonald-Stanton, Deceased (Ames, Iowa.)

Cynthia E. Morris-Williams, Iowa City, Iowa.

Amelia M. Mount-Stowe, Deceased (Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.)

Joselle Williams, Deceased, (Oskaloosa, la.)

Mell E. Torrence-Larkins, Keokuk, Iowa.


CLASS OF 1869.

Mary Crane, Deceased 1875, (Mt. Pleasant, la..)

Nannie Fitzgerald-Wharton (J. C.) Deceased, (Omaha, Neb.)

Ella J. Garretson, Deceased, (Muscatine, la.)

Lizzie M McElhinny, Los Angeles, Cal.

Ada B. Swan-Lindsay (L. L.), Deceased, (Sigourney, la.)

Ella Swan-Anderson, Omaha, Neb.

Jennie A. Wiley, Deceased 1871, (Muscatine, Iowa)

Ella Wright-Maple, Chariton, Iowa.

CLASS OF 1870.

Ella M. Allen-Crane (H. N.), Wooley, Wash.Mary R. Evans-Swan (Wm.), Biloxi, Miss.

Ella Godfrey-Dungan, Chariton, Iowa.

Keo Knapp-Stoddard, Deceased (Little Rock, Ark.)

Mary J. McQuiston (Married), Princeton, Iowa.

Anna Wallace-Hoffman, Deceased (Oskaloosa, la.)

Mary Washburn, Ottumwa, Iowa.

Mary D. Wright-Peavy, Deceased (Minneapolis, Minn.)

CLASS OF 1871.

Flora E. Chalfant-Dillon, Aurora, 111.

Belle H. Chalfant-Worthington (W. D), Mt. Pleasant, la.

Etta Melendy-Bassett, Red Wing, Minn.

Agnes S. Phillips-McAdam (J.), Deceased, (Mt. Pleasant, la.)

Ines Saunders-Miller, Albia, Iowa.

A. Dora Shaw-Cook (Geo. D.), Deceased, (Mt. Pleasant, la.)

Rebbeca T. Smith, Bedford, Iowa.

Sadie M. Sterrett, Deceased, (Wellsville, N. Y.)

Addie V. Teesdale-Clark, Deceased, 1875 (Des Moines, la.)

CLASS OF 1872.

Laura J. Black-Hayes, Lincoln, Neb.)

Mary E. Clapp-Cunningham (B.), Glennwood, Iowa.

Mollie T. Davidson, Deceased, (Carlisle, Ky.)

Effie L. Hoffman-Rogeis, La Junta, Colo.

Kate N. Parks, Carlisle, Ky.


CLASS OF 1873.

Isabella M. Denny-Bell (David), Jefferson, Pa.

Anna If. W. Drayer-Sullivan (Ross), Port Gamble, Wash.Mollie A. Duryee-Sage (O.M.), Belvidew, 111.

Mary H. Jacobs-Borchers, Hamburg, Iowa.

Emma V Lee-Alden, Lewis, Iowa.

Florence G. McDondald-Wishard (E. B.), Sunnyvale, Cal.

Jeanette Mellen-Clark, Deceased, (Mt. Pleasant, la.)

Lena H Potter-Ringland (Adam W.), McAllister, Okla.

Ruth R. Robshaw-Porter, West Liberty, Iowa.

Fannie Ross, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Mary E. Shannon (Married), Janesville, Iowa.

Mary B. Sutton-Smith (Geo. E.), Deceased, (Mt. Pleasant, la.)

Rosa Van Tress-Weatherby (C. J.), Biloxi, Miss.

Emma M. Wallace, Saskachewan, Canada.

CLASS OF 1874.

Sadie M. Avery, (Married), Deceased, (Indianapolis, Ind.)

Lillian I. Berger, Oakland, Cal.

Nellie A. Bishop, Los Angeles, Cal.

Jennie M. Buchanan-Miltenberger (Ira), North Platte, Neb.

Sadie J. Cole-Ridpath, (S. J.), Spokane, Wash.Laura M. Cole, Deceased, (Mt. Pleasant, Iowa)

Hattie P. Close, Cedar Valley, Iowa.

Jennie C. Porter-Bean (J. P.) Deceased, (Mt. Pleasant, la.)

Belle E Requa-Leech (John F.) Mt. Pleasant, la.

Lucy E. Waugh, Canton, 111.

Cattie M. Wallace-Maxon (Lee), Deceased, (Mt. Pleasant, la)

Carrie M. Wiley-Iddings, Michigan.

Alice C. Wilson-Mitchell (J. C), Deceased, (Chariton, la.)

CLASS OF 1875.

Lizzie C. Humphrey-Rogers, Chicago, 111.

Emma F. Underwood, Muscatine, Iowa.

Mattie P. VanCise-Hamilton (F.W.), Deceased. (Mt. Pleasant,)

CLASS OF 1876.

Lizzie A. Fullerton-Langston. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


CLASS OF 1877.

Lizzie J. Evans-Lindsay, (I. T.), Omaha, Neb.

CLASS OF 1878.

May Whiting-Allen (G. W. S.) Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

(Unable to obtain other members.)

CLASS OF 1879.

(Unable to obtain names.)


The Alumni of Iowa Wesleyan College are made up of

three distinct and separate classes. First, all graduates of

the College who have pursued the regular Collegiate Course

leading to a Bachelor's or Master's Degree, (See Alumnal As-

sociation Constitution, Article 5, Section I, Page 65) who upon

graduation automatically become members of the Alumnal As-

sociation and are entitled to vote at its meetings upon pay-

ment of the Annual Dues. Second, those upon whom Honor-

ary Degrees are conferred at the Annual Commencement,upon recommendation of the Faculty and election by the

Board of Trustees, who thereby become Honorary Alumni of

the College, but do not become members of the Alumnal As-

sociation without special action of that body. Third, those

who are elected to Honorary Membership in the Alumnal As-

sociation by a two thirds vote at the annual business meeting

of the Association, according to the constitutional prerogative

of that body. (See Alumnal Association Constitution, Article

5, Section II, Page 65) These members are entitled to all the

rights and privileges of regular alumni, excepting the right to

vote. It is usually the intent to bestow this honor upon the

graduates of extinct institutions as in the case of the Black

Hills College and the Ladies Seminary, or upon those whohave had the equivalent of a college education.

The Graduates of the University, listed on page 412 in-

cluding the College of Law, Pharmacy and Oratory, are regu-


lar graduates of the College and therefore members of the

Alumnal Association. In the next publication of the Record

their names will be distributed with their several classes and

if possible a complete sketch of each will be obtained and

printed with those of their classmates. This will necessitate

a renumbering and reordering of both the Record and the

Index and will afford us opportunity to eliminate a number of

B's, the majority of whom were graduated and reinstated with

their classes subsequent to the time of graduation of the re-

mainder of their class.

The total number of Alumni of the College up to and in-

cluding graduates of the June 1917 Commencement, are as


Total number indicated in "The Record" 1028

Plus total sub-numbers (B's.) 12

Total 1040

Less number omitted (211) 1


Plus University Alumni (Bachelor's) 19

Total Alumni (Class I) 1058

Honorary Degrees (Class II) 180

Honorary Alumni (Class III) 109

Grand total 1347


Acting Editor of the Alumni Record.


Index to Alumni Record

Abbot. David G . 427.

Abbot. Martha Ellen Day, Ml.

Adams. Frank W.. 199.

on. LeRoy, 953.

Allen. Eliza C (Fink), 82.

Allen. Emma (Wyn)i I, 235.

Allen. Catherine (Ball). 276.

Allen. Mary K .Stafford), 90.

Allen. Robert Whiting, 772.

Allen. Julia. 819.

Allender. Mae (Yeager), 820.

Ambler, lone, 132.

Ambler. Lulu (Officer). 343

Ambler, Penelope E. (Campbell), 48

Ambler, Sarah, 289.

Anderson, Marion Ellsworth 724.

Anderson, Lowell, 755.

Anderson. Roy P. 954.

Andrews, Helen (Young), 487.

Andrews, Rose (Rominger), 356.

Andrews. Vere Dean, 937.

Antrim, Etta, 891.

Antrobus, Augustine M., 55.

Antrobus, A. M., 55.

Arnold, Mary E. Frantz, 513.

Arrowsmith. Almeda, 290.

Atkinson. Aileene Lee (Davis), 699.

Augustine, Kate Beatty, 671.


Babb. Alice M. Bird, 91.

Babb, Belle A. (Mansfield), 68.

Babb, Max W., 488.

Babb, Miles T., 557.

Babb, Vida Kemble, 493.

Babb, Washington I., 69.

Baird, Ida K. Minear, 543.

Baker, Gertrude Robinson, oOO

Balche, Louis Tbeodore, 773.

Balcke, Minnie, 428.

Baldwin, Julia (McKibben), 313.

Ball, Katherine Allen, 276.

Ball, Margaret Bertha Lester, 617.

Ballard, Emma M. (Bell), 71.

Ballard. John. 2.

Bamford, Morris, 218.

Barker. Harrison, 955.

Barker, Dolly, 892.

Barker, Alfred Herbert, 774.

Barnes, Henry B., 133.

Barnes, Olive Schreiner, 484.

Barnett, Edna Frank Hough, 614.

Barnett, John F., 322.

Barnett, Russell, 934.

Barnett, Stella, 741.

Barnum, Adaline Ward, 603.

Bartlett, Ella (Simmons), 277.

Bartlett, Mary F, 50.

Bartlett, Edward R., 845.

Bartlett, Ruth Pace, 858.

Batchelder, Clara Coleman, 38.

Baugh, Flora A., 165.

Baxter, Lulu (Shearer) (Wolf), 531

Bayles, Mason, 11.

Beal, Ullena P. Ingersoll, 788.

Beall Alica H. Groves, 316.

Beard, Gertrude, 687.

Beattie, WTray, 3.

Beatty, Kate (Augustine), 671.

Beatty, Frank M., 688.

Beck, Burton. 672.

Beck, Edna Needham, o91.

Beck, Fred R-, 673.

Beck, Grace Handier, 694.

Beck, Jesse, 578.

Beck, Jennie (Smith), 148.

Beck, Lemma, 893.

Beck, Arthur, 725.

Becker, Henry W., 344.

Becker, Winifred Diltz, 964.

Beeman, Aenid, 987.

Beers, Charles Joseph, 429.

Beery, Agnes (Smith), 775.

Behrens, John C, 804.

Bell, Emma M. Ballara, a.

Bell, Grace Ethel, 606.

Bell, Luella, 579.

Benjamin, Grace Hayes, 523.

Bennet, Ina Burket, 650.

Bereman, Eleanor Hampton, 408.


Bergren, Ethel VanTuyl, 863.

Berry, Emma A. Bowen, 292.

Besser, Merle Alfred, 710.

Besser, Maud Reeves, 701.

Best, Ethel M. Powelson (Hueston)797.

Betts, Edna (Shrader), 805.

Biersworth, Anna L. Fuller, 182.

Bigler, Mayme, 607.

Billingsley, Beulah, 988.

Bingaman, Jas. F., 648.

Bintz, Fred W., 689.

Bird, Alice M. (Babb), 91.

Bird, Clara (Kopp), 445.

Bird, Mira T. (Woolson), 36.

Birdsall, Anna (Fiegenbaum), 236.

Bissinger, Jacob, 821.

Blackford, Aaron V., 532.

Blackford, Maud Swan, 576.

Blagg, George T., 628.

Blake, Ellen M. (Scheiwe), 49.

Blakeney, Charles J., 358.

Blodgett, Charles E., 489.

Bloomquist, Emma, 989.

Bloomquist, Churley, 956.

Blume, Charles F., 291.

Bond, Edith, 957.

Bonnifield, Day A., 649.

Borghalthaus, Frances L. Woolson,47.

Borghalthaus, Rufus, 56.

Bosquet, Hattie B. Briggs, 92.

Bowen, Emma A. (Berry), 292.

Bowser, William H., 334.

Boydston, Warren A., 806.

Boyer, John W., 166.

Boyers, James W., 83.

Boys, Sarah (Gray), 31.

Brady, Francis Louise (Huntting)776

Brady, Lucille, 777.

Brady, Clayton Leroy, 756.

Brady, Mildred Emma, (Mershon),757.

Breitenstein, William G., 894.

Breeden, Luther P., 608.

Brenholtz, Walter L., 430.

Bridger, Farnco, 758.

Briggs, Hattie B. (Bosquet), 92.

Briggs, James A., 167.

Brinton, Edith (Deal), 822.

Britton, Georgia Swanston, 509.

Britton, Sadie M., (Brown), 674.

Broadhead, Tillie White, 54.

Brooks, John T., 200.

Brooks, Mary Force, 100.

Brooks, Miriam Woolson, 463.

Brown, Pearl, 823.

Brown, John C, 15.

Brown, Marie A. (Heacock), 37.

Brown, Myrtle 'Elliott, 631.

Brown, Olive Smith, 598.

Brown, Sadie M. Britton, 674.

Brown, Amy E., 846.

Bryant, Jennie L. Holtzinger., 206.

Bryant, Miriam Woolson, 463.

Buck, Florence (Hagie), 958.

Buck, Jeanette, 959.

Buchholz, John T., 778.

Burket, Ina M. (Bennet), 650.

Burnham, Mary A. Popham, 44.

Burns, Harry M., 960.

Burris, Fernandez Holiday, 51.

Burt, Mary E. (McFarland), 114.

Burton, Hattie, 178.

Burton, Robert A., 93.

Buxbaum, Luella Maynard, 404.

Byrkit, Arthur H., 558.

Byrkit, Charles E., 335.

Byrkit, Clara (Hieke), 490.

Byrkit, Elsie (Kirkendall), 397.

Byrkit, Francis K., 384.

Byrkit, Lucy W. (Killpatrick), 14.

Byrkit, Guy Malcombe, 464.

Byrkit, George W., 4.

Byrket, Mary L. (Crouch), 357.

Campbell, Glenn P., 990.

Campbell, Ralph, 935.

Campbell, William, 895.'

Campbell, Elmore Pierce, 237.

Campbell, Faith, 629.

Campbell, Mabel (Richardson), 533.

Campbell, Margaret (Hughes), 398.

Campbell, Penelope Ambler, 48.

Campbell, William H., 115.


Caris, Ethel, S47.

Carle, Percy, 936.

Carpenter. Noble E . 250.

Carr, Lavanda Gardner, 828.

Carroll, Eva LeHoiumeilieu. 302.

Carroll. Laura iK.nsliau). 690.

Carson. John William, 991.

Carson, Viola, 961.

Carter. Jessie C. 992.

Carter. Horace II.. 410.

Carter, Winifred Miles, 526.

Cartwright, Bertha (Sraub). 406.

Cartwright, Frances (Manners) 385.

Cartwright, Olive Bell, 609.

Caruthers, Clara Cole, 359.

Carver, Flora Kirkendall, 350.

Carver, Isaac N.,~ 201.

Carver, Samuel A. W., 314.

Carver, Stella Winans, 288 and 311.

Case, Genevieve, E. Potter, 212.

Cavenee, Clark M., 651.

Cauffnian, Emma (Kulp), 134.

Chadwick, C. C, 345.

Chester, Verda, (Otto), 346.

Cheney, Alice 779.

Cheney, Amy. 779B.Chisman, James A., 375.

Chowning, John P., 94.

Clapp, Rose Thorn, 423.

Clark, Laura (Morgenson), 749.

Clark, Inez J., (Rail), 896.

Clark, Wareham Grant. 780.

Clark, Nelle Jacobs, 902.

Clark, Frank H., 95.

Clark, Grace Woolson, 554.

Clark, Harriet E. Willits, 96.

Clark, Jesse WT., 431.

Clark, Nellie Comstock (Hall), 580.

Clements, Ava (Perdew), 465.

Cobb, May Johnson, 790.

Cobb, Grace Roberts, 884.

Cochran, Charles W., 559.

Cocayne, Edith Kelly, 638.

Coddington, Clinton Graham, 399.

Coddington, Eli H., 70.

Coddington, Laura (Eason), 447.

Coe, Helen (Richardson), 759.

Coffin, Alice V., 97.

Coffman, Lillian Craig, 347.

Coiner, Beverly Waugh, 255.

Coiner, Erasmus, 5.

Coolidge, Florence, 824.

Cole, Hugh A., 292B.Cole, Kate Penn, 322B.Cole, Clara (Caruthers), 359.

Cole, Ernest Chapin, 256.

Cole, Olive (Smith), 411.

Cole, Dorothy Withrow, 984.

Coleman, Clara Emma (Batchel-

der)), 38.

Collins, Albert Harvey, 293.

Collins, Clinton A., 202.

Collins, Chester L., 84.

Collins, David O., 219.

Collins, Emma J. Sloan, 135.

Comstock, Stella (Saunders), 179.

Conaway, Asbury B., 16.

Conant, Preston M., 675.

Cook, Nettie Woodburn, 312.

Corkhill, Alice J. (Weaver), 57.

Corkhill, Charles E., 278.

Corkhill, George B., 12.

Corkhill, Lulu (Williams). 180.

Corkhill, Emma Kate, 386.

Corley, Ida Ferris, 137.

Corley, Joseph E., 136.

Corley, Karl C, 514.

Corley, Roy F., 515.

Cornic, Edith, 876.

Courts, Norma (Simpson), 652.

Courts, Merle, 848.

Cowles, Gardner, 294.

Cowles, LaMont, 257.

Cowan, Ethel M. (Weibley), 653.

Cox, Gordon Dale, 760.

Cox, Lycurgus Mathew, 897.

Craig, Frances Virginia, 238.

Craig, Lillian (Coffman), 347.

Crandall, Anna T. Trites, 195.

Crane, Laura (Woolson), 446.

Crane, Baron D., 962.

Craver, Laura Gassner, 151.

Crawford, Erwin E., 581.

Crawford, Johanna Disbro, 203.

Craymer, Loring G., 849.

Creath, William E., 516.

Crellin, Millie Kenyon, 282.

Cresap, Richie Pontius, 654.


Crips, Mary, 993.

Crips, Anita (Jeffrey), 898.

Crouch, Mary L. Byrket, 357.

Crozier, Bertha, 466.

Crozier, Lillian Zaring, 556.

Culver, Grace P. Saylor, 799.

Cullison, Arthur B., 610.

Cullison, lone Janes,. 587.

Cunningham, B. R., 13.

Cunningham, Edward M., 149.

Cunningham, Lyman Beadier, 116.

Curfman, Mattie Drayer, 117.

Currie, Mary H. Webb, 130.

Currier, Florence (Stephens), 655.

Curran, Nellie, 963.

Darrah, Charlotte (Robb), 52.

Daugherty, Robert D., 806B.Davenport, Francis Marion, 58.

Davenport, Joseph Thornton, 315.

Davenport, James W., 323Davenport, Sadie Hayden, 339.

Davenport, Warren G., 611.

Davidson, Lizzie (Ringland), 181.

Davis, John W., 900.

Davis, Jennie B. 899.

Davis, Aileene Lee, '3 t*9.

Davis, Joseph Ivins, 295.

Davis, Mina (Evans), 443.

Dawes, Florence Donahue, 337.

Day, Etta (Larkin), 537.

Day, Emma (Newsome), 360.

Day, Ms.bel, 691.

Day, Martha Ellen (Abbot), 361.

Deal, Edith Brinton, 823.

Deal, Leslie S., 825.

Dean, Earl M., 692.

Dean, Vere (Andrews), 937.

Decker, John Stanley, 742.

Dempster, Oral G Neely, 6S0.

Denning, Golda Viola, G12.

DeTar, John D., 98.

Dickenson, Grace (Payne), 449.

Dickenson, John Thomas, 534.

Dietrich, Edward L., 412.

Dietrich, Vincent 781.

Dilts, Winnefred 'Becker., 964.

Dill, Cora E., 432.

Dimmitt, John H., C13.

Dinwiddie, Ella Kdlpatrick, j38.

Disbrow, Johanna (Crawford), 203.Dobson, Frances Martin, 172.

Doerr, Henry, 330.

Donahue, Florence i Dawes), c37.Donahue, Nona V. Spahr, 814.

Donell, Jessie (Thomas), 99.

Douthart, Henry F., 85.

Douthart, Susan M. Miller, 76.

Drayer, Mattie (Curfman), 117.

Drennon, Naomi Wheatley, 577.

Druse. Katheriue, 965.

Dukes, Daisy (Fancher), 467.

Duncan, Floyd, 994.

Duncan, Mabel L. (Kempi, i S2.

Duncan, Ina (Huebnen 743.

Eason, Laura Coddington, 447. '

Edwards, Fred C, 693

Eitelgeorge, Samuel, 630.

Eliason, Allen, 938.

Elliott, Franc Roads, 110.

Elliott, May Teter, 308.

Elliott, Myrtle (Brown), 631.

Elliott, Phebe Leech, 17.

Ellmaker, Albertina Scheiwe, 683.

Emerson, Fern, 676.

Ernest, Marcie (Widmer), 433.

Evans, Austin J., 450.

Evans, Mina Davis, 448.

Evans, Winona (Reeves), 413.

Evans, Wm. H., 560.

Evans, Edna, 966.

Eyestone, Carrie (Spencer), 632.

Eyestone, Rev. J. Bruce, 535.

Fancher, Daisy Dukes, 467.

Farris, Anna O. (Hook) 119.

Fee, Marsa E. (Voorhies), 51&.

Fegtley, Joseph M., 220.

Fegtley, Samuel Marks, 39.

Fellows, Homer H., 400.


Ferris, Mary Elizabeth (Siberts)


Ferris. Carrie (Kauffman), 279.

Ferris, Ida (Corley), L37.

Fiegenbaum, Anna Birdsall, 236.

Fiegenbaum, George Adolph, 251.

Field, George W., 59.

Finimen, Edward A.. S26.

Finley, Katherine Jeffrey, 967.

Fink, William W., 113.

Fink, Eliza Allen, 82.

Firebaugh, Mary (Swaney), 850.

Fitzgerald, John J., 204.

Fitzsimmons, Charles E., 561.

Fix, Oscar John, 744.

Forsytli, Ethel M„ 995.

Force, Mary (Brooks), 100.

Foulks, John R., 258.

Fowler, William Johnston, 783.

Frantz, Charles P., 519.

Frantz, Mary E. Arnold, 513.

Fraser, Harry Carlton, 1029.

Frazee, Jacob J., 205.

Freeman, Julia Eva, 536.

Fruehling, Ida, 851.

Fry, Ermil B., 968.

Fry, Gladys Hastings, 971.

Fry, Stella, 852.

Fry, WTilliam L., 468.

Fuller, Anna L. (Biersworth), 182.

Galer, Paul, 784.

Garman, Bess (Johnson), 711.

Garman, Craig P. 745.

Gardner, Lavanda (Carr), 827Gardner, Suzanne, 828.

Gardner, Julia Grumbling, 472.

Gardner, Frank P., 469.

Gardner. Nettie Gassner, 324.

Gass, Olive, 520.

Gass, Rachel, 521.

Gassner, George S., 101.

Gassner, Hattie (Torrence), 259.

Gassner, Laura (Craver), 151.

Gassner, Nettie (Gardner), 324.

Gassner, Lavanda (Murphy), 43B

Gatch, Eli S., 296.

Goehring, Howard, 939.

George, Eva M . 712.

George, Thomas C, 72.

Gerth, Albert, 582.

Ghost, Allen McDowell, 73.

Ghost, William C, 40.

Gibbens, Margaret Thomas, 216.

Gibbs, Edward A., 168.

Gilbert. Hiram F., 656.

Giller, Grant G , 657.

Gillis, Hudson B., 102.

Gillis, Sarah C, 470.

Gilmore, WTilliam, 471.

Gilmore, Fannie Power, 483.

Gillaspey, Cora 969.

Glendenning, James A., 658.

Glendenning, Pauline Payne, 667.

Godfrey, Ida May, 562.

Gooch, Mary Ellen Teter, 248.

Goodrich, Harry, 746.

Grandison, Susan Mosley, 340.

Grant, Glenn, 370.

Gray, Anna A. Kurtz, 364.

Gray, George W., 7.

Gray, Sarah Boys, 31.

Grau, May, 868.

Green, Ruth, 997.

Green, Blanche (Scott), 522.

Greenfield, Delia B. (Suite), 675BGreenleaf, Eugene, 239.

Greenup, Louise Mason, 417.

Gregg, Edson, 297.

Gregg, Frank E., 252.

Gregg, James B., 63.

Gregg, Josephine Mills, 77.

Gregg, Justus C, 103.

Gregg, Mary Eva (Wilson), 387.

Gregg, Ruth E. (Perry), 64.

Griffith, Myrtle Mabel Jacobs, 615.

Groom, T. J., 451.

Groome, William N., 183.

Groves, Alica H. (Beall), 316.

Groves, Mary ,388.

Gross, Florence A. Lynch, 208.

Grumbling, Julia, (Gardner), 472.



Haas, Fred A., 414.

Hackworth, Jauies T., 18.

Haffner, Bessie Langwith, 810.

Hagie, Charles B., 869.

Hagie, Floyd, 940.

Hagie, Florence Buck, 958.

Hagie, Laird, 901.

Hagie, Ruth Toothacre, 928.

Hagie, Wayne Roscoe, 870.

Hall, Nellie Comstock Clark, 580.

Hall, William, 86.

Hamilton, Lida Jay (Sawyers), 184.

Hamilton, William E., 74.

Hanawalt, Helen (Stodgill), 807.

Handy, William Southall, 726.

Hancher, James William, 829.

Hancher, Grace (Beck), 695.

Handy, Elias, 697.

Hankins, Charles B„ 761.

Hanna, William B., 362.

Harbin, Emma (Scott), 104.

Hare, George A., 338.

Hare, John D., 298.

Hare, Mary (Loper), 317.

Harrison, Charles F., 260.

Harshbarger, Iva (Virden), 659.

Hartzell, John A., 19.

Harris, Nora Bell, 727.

Harris, Grace, 853.

Haskel, Cassius L., 185.

Hasner, Stacy Turner, 737.

Hastings, Gladys, (Fry), 971.

Havighorst, Chris, 299.

Havighorst, Edwin S.. 363.

Havighorst, Freeman A., 289.

Havighorst, Clarendon, 1030.

Havner, Horace M., 562BHaw, Alice, 473.

Hayden, Sadie (Davenport), 339.

Hayes, Grace (Benjamin), 523.

Hayes, Fay, 998.

Hayes, Columbus 941.

Hayes, Claudius K., 871.

Heacock, Henry B„ 32.

Heacock, Maria A. Brown, 37.

Hearne, Alma (Holland), 583.

Hearne, Charles A., 633.

Hearne, Edward W., 474.

Hearne, Mary Myers, 527.

Heckhart, Elizabeth Kirkendall,391.

Hendrickson, Homer, 972.

Hehner, John P., 348.

Heinze, Lillian Jay, 696.

Heisey, John Wesley, 8.

Helmers, John, 584.

Heller, Daniel Boone, 872.

Helphrey, Maud F. (Jackson), 475.

Helphrey, Mary Grace, 563.

Helphrey, John P., 564.

Helmick, Daniel, 300.

Hemenway, Delia Catherine, 60.

Hemenway, Edward, 41.

Hemenway, Maria, 42.

Henton, Newton J., 152.

Henz, Lillian Jay, 696.

Heppe, William H., 376.

Hermann, Carl Christian, 728.

Hetzel, Elda (Krenmyer), 908.

Hieke, Clara (Byrkit), 490.

Higley, Nellie (Wilson), 415.

Hightshoe, Chas. J., 830.

Hightshoe, Clyde Bates, 785.

Hightshoe, Rea Dimmett, 786.

Hightshoe, Luella, 747.

Hildreth, Daisy Woods, 604.

Hileman, Ralph, 942.

Hillier, Genevieve (Sweezy), 280.

Hills, May A., 585.

Hills, Henry M., 524.

Hinnman, Ida, 153.

Hinsey, Louise (Johnson), 634.

Hinshaw, Anna Williams, 425.

Hinshaw, Laura Carrell, 690.

Hissong, Roy D. 873.

Hoffman, Arthur H., 537.

Hoffman, John A., 154.

Hogle, Fannie (Thompson), 369.

Holdeman, Berna, H., 808.

Holland, Alma Hearne, 583.

Holland, Clifton E., 270.

Holland, Charles H., 586.

Holland, George W., 221.

Holland, John Wesley, 660.

Hollingsworth, Henry Clay, 261.


Hollingsworth, Maggie McGuigan,303

Holtzinger. Jennie L. (Bryant), 206

Holwii-k. Carrie Potter, 142.

Hoober. Clyde O., 635.

Hook. Anna O. (Farris), 119.

Hook, George W., 120.

Hook. Robert. 121.

Hopkins, Elizabeth, 565.

Hopkirk. William Horae, 155.

Hough. Edna Franc (Barnett), 614.

Housel, Lauren O., 156.

Howard. Grace, 973.

Huebner, Warren. 999.

Huebner, Fred Cline, 729.

Huebner, Ina Duncan, 743.

Hueftle, Gotthilf Carl, 787.

Hueston, Ethel M. Powelson(Best), 797.

Hughes, Alice (Payne), 477.

Hughes. Margaret Campbell, 398.

Hukill. Dora Laughlin, 540.

Hukill, Rolla C., 566.

Hukill. Rose, 476.

Hull. Katherine L., 974.

Hunter, Jay, 975.

Huntting. F. Louise Brady, 776.

Hungerford, Frances, 222.

Hurt, Huber W., 694.

Huston, Annette, 186.

Huston, Grace McDonald, 418.

Huston, Lena Williams, 444.

Huston, Mary E. Shelton, 33.

Huston, Mary (Piper), 661.

Huston, Milo B., 416.

Huston. Nathan W., 525.

Huston, Ralph E., 567.


Ingalls.Mary Kibbon, 21.

Ingersoll, Lulu Penn, 160.

Ingersoll, Ullena Penn (Beal), 788.

Isett. Edward Bell, 713.

Isett, Agnes Severs, 720.

Jackson, Katherine (Randall), 636.

Jacobs, Nelle M. (Clark), 902.

Jackson, Maude F. Helphrey, 475.

Jacobs, Myrtle Mabel (Griffith),


Janes, lone (Cullison), 587.

Jaques, Harry E., 831.

Jarvis, Miriam, 1000.

Jay, Lillian, Henze, 696.

Jay, Mary (Slusher), 637.

Jeffrey, Alexander T.. 223.

Jeffrey, George M., 240.

Jeffrey, WTilliam R., 401.

Jeffrey, Herbert N., DOll

Jeffrey, Anita Crips, 898.

Jeffrey, Katherine (Finley), 967.

Jenison, Earnest M., 349.

Jennis, Allen C, 224.

John, Martha Ann (Wilson), 789.

John, George Elliott, 714.

Jones, Samuel, 241.

Johnson. Hazel (Truitt), 943.

Johnson, Clarence B., 976.

Johnston, Mabel D. Lauer, 715.

Johnson, Ronald E., 977.

Johnson, Bessie Garman 711.

Johnson, Mae (Cobb), 790.

Johnson, Louise Hinsey, 634.

Johnson, Robert W\, 662.

Johnson, Nellie Morrison, 480.

Jordan, Bert L., 904.

Jordan, Zella K., 1001.


Kaltenbach, Fred, 318.

Kamphoefner, Charles H., 492.

Kamphoefner, Fred J., 538.

Kauffman, Carrie Ferris, 279.

Kauffman, Edwin N., 271.

Kauffman, Park W., 281.

Keck, Peter R., 20.

Keeler, Kate A. Montgomery, 227.

Keeler, George Townsend, 762.

Keeler, Mabel Piper, 859.

Kelly, Edith (Cocayne), 638.

Kelley, Harriet (Vernon), 43.

Kelley^ Horace A., 122.

Kelley, Abbie Dee Stiles, 704.

Kemble, J. Harold, 1002.

Kemble, Margaret, 874.

Kemble, Vida (Babb), 493.


Kemble, Winnifred, 616.

Kemp, Mabel L. Duncan, 782.

Kemper, Lulu (Korn), 905.

Kendig, Lillian (Rogers), 402-452.

Kenney, James W,, 301.

Kenyon, Emma E., 207.

Kenyon, Millie (Crellin), 282.

Kerns, Anna S., 169.

Kester, Hazel, 698.

Ketcham, Hattie A., 225.

Ketcham, Will D., 390.

Ketchem, Mary J. McDivitt, 65.

Kibben, Mary (Ingalls), 21.

Kibben, Prude M. (Murphy), 106.

Kilpatrick, Ella (Dinwiddie), 138.

Killpatrick, Lucy W. (Byrkit), 14.

Killpatrick, Sarah E. (Woods), 24.

Kinney, Max, 854.

King, N. Inez, 906.

Kirby, Sarah Bell McKibben, 353Kirkendall, Elizabeth (HecKhart),


Kirkendall, Elsie Byrkit, 397.

Kirkendall, Flora (Carver), 350.

Kirkendall, Jay, 377.

Kjosness, Madge Whistler, 841.

Klein, Frank, 491.

Knowlton, Charles, 170.

Koch, George, 907.

Kopp, William F., 434.

Kopp, Clara Bird, 445.

Kreiner, Ralph H., 832.

Krenmyer, Edla Hetzel, 908Krenmyer, Carl Henry, 763.

Krenmyer, Jeremiah H., 875.

Kulp, Emma Cauffman, 134.

Kurtz, Anna A. (Gray), 364.

Laing, John T., 123.

Laisy, Julius J., 403.

Lambert, Llavius Webb, 539.

Lamme, Ethel M., 809.

LaMonte, Wellington, 187.

Lane, Jenette Miller, 53.

Lang, Charles T., 436.

Langwith, Bessie (Haffner), 810.

Larkin, Charles W., 378.

Larkin, Etta Day, 517.

Larson, Mable, 663.Lauder, Charles E., 453.Lauer, Mabel Dorothy Johnson, 715Lauer, Ernest, 764.Laughlin, Dora (Hukill), 540.Lauser, Zella Longwell, 700.Lauterbach, William Edward, 765.Lauterbach, Enos, 876.Lauterbach, Paul, 834.Lauterbach, Charles E., 833.Law, Alma (McCauley), 588.Lawson, Donald F., 1003.Lawson, Anna Elizabeth, 283.Lawson, Joseph L. T., 478.Lee, Aileene, (Atkinson) (Davis)


Lee, BeVong (Zen), 1032.Lee, Mali, 909.

Lee, Edith, 944.

Lee, William W., 365.Leech, Bell ReQua, 855.Leech, John F., 188.Leech, Phebe (Elliott), 17.

Lefforge, Fletcher M., 568.Lehnert, Charles L., 325.

LeHommedieu, Eva Carroll, 302.Lemkau, John H., 639.

Lester, Margaret B. (Ball), 617.Libby, Cora M., 435.

Lind, A. K., 226.

Lindeen, Eugene T., 479.Linn, Alexander M„ 242.

Lisle, Charles A., 157.

Lisle, Lavinia Spry, 129.

Lodwick, Will G., 910.

Lodwick, John S., 1004.

Logan, Ruth C. (Swaney), 945.

Logan, Frances, 877.

Longwell, Zella, (Lauser), 700.

Longnecker, William A., 437.

Loper, Asbury N., 326.

Loper, Mary Hare, 317.

Love, James W., 189.

Lucrode, Emma (Weber), 253.

Luebbers, Remt Eike, 791.

Luebbers, Aldrich Jack, 766.

Lundgren, Katherine Alice. 569.

Lute, Axie E., (Mitchell), 677.

Lute, Ira E., 541.


Lymer, Ethel, 716 and i

Lynch, Florence a.. (Grost

Lynch, Theron v.. 107.

Lynch, William a.. 108.

Lyons, Robert R., 158.

Maier, Zoe, 542.

Maiken, Louise R. Singer, 684.

Maiken. Maude. 730.

Maiken. Frank B., 678.

Manners, Frances Cartwright, 385.

Manning, Jessie E. Wilson, 198.

Mansfield, Belle A. Babb, 68.

Mansfield. John M.. 81.

Mark. Wilbur P., 171.

i. Charles F., 22.

Marsh. Archie. 1005.

Martin, Frances (Dobson), 172.

Martin. George W., 284.

Martin, Sebern S., 243.

Mason, Agnes M.. 366.

Mason. Louisa, (Greenup), 417.

Mauch. Olive, 911.

Mayhew, Roy L., 912.

Mayer. Stephen, 494.

Maynard, Luella (Buxbaum). 404.

Mayne, Carl W.. 455.

Mayne. Winfield S., 1.

McAdams, John C, 124.

McAdam. William R., 454.

M< rammon, John P., 244.

McCauley. Alma Law. 588.

lain, Charles D., 589.

McClure. Martha, 351.

McClnre, Emily Porter. 34B, (Seepage 411).

!oy, Hugh B., 640.

McCracken, Margaret R., (Sparr)


<>rd, Bertha, 1007.

Harold D., 1008.

McDonald, James M., 327.

McDonald, John Wilbur, 9.

McDonald, Leander, 23

McDonald, Mary R. Robinson, 45.

McDonald, Minervia P., 66.

McDowell, William C. 209.

McDh lit, Mary .1. (Ketchem), 65.

McFarland, Mary i:. Burt, L14.

McFarland, William M., 173.

M Gee, Capitola, 872.

McGnlgan Maur ur it' ( llollingsworth)303.

McKee, Grace, 878.

McKt e Pearl (McMillan). 879.

McKibben, Cora Spaulding, 265.

McKlbben, Belle, 352.

McKibben, Julia Baldwin, 313.

McKibben. Mattie L., 352.

McKibben, Sarah Bell (Kirby), 353McKibbin, Stella Snider, 643.

McKibben, George Baldwin, 793.

McKinnon, John, 748.

McMillan, Pearl McKee, 879.

McMullen, Glenn Elizabeth, 767.

Meagher, Edmund P., 570.

Meeker, Charles W., 210.

Mehler, Grace, 681.

Mershon, Mildred E. Brady, 757.Mershon, Herbert Coats, 717.

Miles, Winnifred (Carter), 526.

Milner, MabJe, 495.

Miller, Ambrose R., 304.

Miller, Arthur W., 419.

Miller, Francis M., 139.

Miller, Jenette (Lane), 53.

Miller, Rachel (Rolfe), 75.

Miller, Susan M. Douthart, 76.

Miller, Vivian, 978.

Miller, Emery Jeremiah, 731.

Miller, Winfield S., 67.

Mills, Joseph Henry, 125.

Mills, Josephine (Gregg), 77.

Millspaugh, Ethel (Schaffer), 811.

Minear, Augustus C, 571.

Minear, Bruce A., 641.

Minear, George L., 496.

Minear, Ida K. (Baird), 543.

Minear, Nellie Sevier, 505.

Minear, Gladys, 1006.

Mitchell, Glenn A., 664.

Mitchell, Joseph C, 140.

Mitchell, Will S., 618.

Mitchell, Axie E. Lute, 677.

Moffet, Harold Y.( 880.

Monroe, David P.. 126.


Montgomery, Kate A. (Keeler), 227Moore, Bertha Tennant, 624.

Moore, George E., 438.

Morgridge, George Burton, 732.

Morgenson, Lura Clark, 749.

Morlian, Vahan, 913.

Morrison, Nellie (Johnson), 480.

Morrison, Fred E., 812.

Mosley, Susan (Grandison), 340.

Muenster, Henry, 718.

Munz, Clara (Voss), 794.

Murphy, Laura Gassner, 43B.Murphy, John D., 305.

Murphy, Prude Kibben, 106.

Murphy, Samuel S., 87.

Meyerdick, Albert H., 497.

Myerdick, Augusta, 439.

Myers, Charles H., 665.

Myers, Edward M., 456.

Myers, Mary (Hearne), 527.

Myers, Thomas J., 61B.Myers, Esther Work, 740.


Needham, Edna (Beck), 591.

Needham, Sherman W., 679.

Neeley, Oral (Demster), 680.

Neutzman, Albert, 914.

Neutzman, Arthur A., 795.

Newby, Alta A., 592.

Newell, Stanley, 946.

Newsome, Hugh, 856.

Newsome, Emma Day, 360.

Newsome, John Edward, 379.

Newton, Hattie, (Robenson), 662BNicols, Margaret, 498.

Nix, Libbie (Pinkerton), 392.

Northrup, Edna E. Potter 836.

Officer, Lulu Ambler, 343.

O'Neil, Flossie, 881.

Orcutt, Orville G., 857.

Osborn, Thomas, 544.

OFgood, Bert L., 420.

Otto, Frank W., 328.

Otto, Verda Chester, 346

Owen, Edna, 947.

Pace, Ruth (Bartlett), 858.Pace, Charles N., 593.Palm, John W., 228.Pape, Lela A., 979.Parker, Ella M., 666.Parrett, Martha Robinson, 595.Parsons, Ellen J. Toothacre, 370Patterson, Edith, 594.Payne, Alice Hughes, 477.Payne, Birdie Sargent, 596.Payne, Blanche Green (Scott), 522Payne, Clyde W., 458.Payne, Dillon H., 109.Payne, Frank S., 440.Payne, Grace Dickenson, 449.Payne, James R., 441.Payne, LaRue I (Van Hon) (Sim-mons), 545.

Payne, Pauline (Glendenning), 667Piper, Lillian, 980.Piper, Judson Edson, 719.Pearce, Georgia (Wilcox), 367.Pearce, Loulilia (Tolley), 192.Pearson, W. R., 88.Peck, John H., 262.Penfield, Suella R. Pierson, 141.Penick, James A., 191Penn, Ella, 159.Penn, Lulu (Ingersoll), 160.Penn, Kate (Cole), 322B.Penney, Clara, 306.

Pennington, Elizabeth (Umstot), 25Perdew, Ava Clements, 465.Perdew, William H., 481.Perry, Ruth E. Gregg, 64.

Peterson, Laura (Spurgeon), 442.Pettit, Thomas J., 1009.Pettit, Charles E., 915.

Philpott, Henry J., 229.

Phillips. Warren J., 835.

Pierce, Orpha May (Scamman),796.

Pierce, Joy, 882.

Pierson, Suella R. (Penfield), 141.

Pinkerton, Libbie Nix, 392.

Piper, Mary Huston, 661.


Pittman. Lida. 760.

Pogeniiller. Charles O., 916.

Pontius-Watkins. Richie (Cresap),664.

Pool. John W.. 482.

Pool. Lytlia S . 572.

Pool. Robert D.. 546.

Pool. Anna Mary Sabina. 768.

Popham. Mary A. (Burnham), 44.

Porter Emily (McClure), 34B (SeePage 411)

Potter, Edna E.. (Xorthrup), 836.

Potter, Carrie (Hohvick), 142.

Potter, Genevieve E., (Case), 212.

Potter, John Wesley, 528.

Potts, Elva R. (Tennant), 837.

Powell. Ada E., (Williams). 619.

Powelson, Mary (Warhurst), 1025.

Powelson. Ethel M. (Hueston)(Best). 797.

Powelson, Clara Bell (Vaughn),733.

Power, Fannie (Gilmore), 483.

Power, Scott A., 457.

Power. Howard W., 499.

Powers. Edith R., 917.

Prather, Amos S., 6.

Printz. Esther, 1010.

Pugh. Roxanna Strawn, 27.

Putnam, Emily C, (Stover), 213.

Raikes, Fannie M. Vance, 232.

Rail, Inez Clark, 896.

Ramsey, Emilie Young, 605.

Ranck, Katherine Fidelia, 245.

Randall, Alethea (Wells), 573.

Randall, Katherine Jackson, 636.

Randall, Mary E. (Smith), 547.

Randle, Lulu, 682.

Randle. Albert W., 883.

Rankin, George A., 230.

Reaney. Agnes, 1011.

Reeves, Maud (Besser), 701.

Reeves. Winona Evans, 413.

Reinert, Wm. F., 388.

Reitman. Seth, 319.

ReQua, Belle (Leech), 855.

Resor, Florence, 1012.

Rex, John F., 918.

Rhodes, Leslie G., 246.

Richardson. James Wiley, 734.

Richardson, Helen Coe, 759.

Richardson, Mabel (Campbell), 533.

Riggs, John F., 341.

Ringland, Lizzie Davidson, 181.

Risksbaugh, Katherine Wilson, 646.

Risser, H. Maud, 409.

Roads, Charles A., 263.

Roads, Franc (Elliott », 110.

Robb, Charlotte H. Darrah, 52.

Roberts, William W., 127.

Robinson, Edward A.. 193.

Robinson, Frank S., 548.

Robinson, Gertrude (Baker), 500.

Robinson, Hiram Thomas, 501.

Robinson, Martha (Parrett), 595.

Robinson, Mary R. (McDonald), 45.

Robinson, William T., 143.

Robenson, Hattie Newton, 662B.Roberts, May, 919.

Roberts, Carl, 1013.

Roberts, Frank Arlington, 751.

Roberts, Grace (Cobb), 884.

Roe, Flora M. Samson, 460.

Rogers, Charles S., 421.

Rogers, Lillian Kendig, 402, 452.Rogers, William O., 549.

Rolfe, Rachel Miller, 75.

Rominger, Rose Andrews, 356.

Rommel, Arthur E.,574.

Rommel, George M., 550.

Ross, Arpin C. (Antrobus), 62.

Ross, James A., 329.

Ross, Clinton Erwin, 798.

Rothenstein, Edythe M., 1014.Roth, Edward L„ 502.

Rukgaber, Emma, 330.

Sampson, Ezekial, 144.

Sampson, Flora M. (Roe), 460.

Sandmeyer, Elmer C, 1015.

Sargent, Birdie (Payne), 596.

Saunders, Stella Comstock, 179.

Saunderson, Bertha, 948.


Saunderson, Edith, 920.

Sauter, Charles H., 368.

Savage, Thomas E., 503.

Sawyers, Elizabeth Patterson, 381.

Sawers, Lida J. Hamilton, 184.

Saylor, Grace Pearl (Culver), 799.

Scammon, Orpha May Pierce, 796.

Schaffer, Ethel Millspaugh, 811.

Scheiwe, Alberta (Ellmaker), 683.

Scheiwe, Ellen M. Blake, 49.

Scherf, Albert G., 405.

Scheurer, Balzar W., 331.

Schick, Marie, 1016.

Schliep, Ida, 596BSchreiner, Edwin L., 247.

Schreiner, John Augustine, 89.

Schreiner, Maisy, 422.

Schreiner, Olive (Barnes), 484.

Schreiner, Ruth, 949.

Schroeder, Detlef Heinrich, 504.

Schwenker, Emma L., 78B.

Schwiering, Oscar, 800.

Scoles, Harry B., 485.

Scott, Blanche Green, 522.

Scott, Edward Harlan, 393.

Scott, Emma Harbin, 104.

Seeley, Florence, 921.

Severs, Agnes Isett, 720.

Sevier, Nellie (Minear), 505.

Shankland, Julia, 702.

Shearer, William, 506.

Shelton, Amanda R., (Stewart), 46.

Shelton, Charles Elred, 264.

Shelton, Mary E. (Huston), 33.

Shelton, Ortus C, 34.

Sherman, Laura N. (Stubbs), 214.

Shields, Guy, 620.

Shook, Charles Robert, 721.

Shrader, Edna Betts, 805.

Siberts, Mary Elizabeth Ferris, 150.

Siberts, Samuel Wesley, 162.

Simmons, Charles W., 285.

Simmons, Ella Bartlett, 277Simmons, William J., 26.

Simmer, Leonard, 922.

Simmons, LaRue Payne Van Hon,545.

Simpson, Norma Courts, 652.

Singer, Anna, 1017.

Singer, Louise R., (Maiken), 684.Skipton, Frank, 307.

Sloan, Emma J. Collins, 135.

Sloan, Mamie (Whitham), 551.Slusher, Mary Jay, 637.

Smith, Albert, 552.

Smith, A. Gary, 128.

Smith, Emma G., 486.

Smith, Edward John, 459.

Smith, Flora E., 342.

Smith, Fred J., 597.

Smith, George J., 575.

Smith, Jennie Beck, 148.

Smith, Julius, 320.

Smith, Mary, 443.

Smith, Mary E. Randall, 547.

Smith, Mary Sutton, 332.

Smith, Olive Cole, 411.

Smith, Olive (Brown), 598.

Smith, Otto Whit, 273.

Smith, Ulysses S., 621.

Smith, Berton L., 769.

Smith, Clarence E., 813.

Smith, Fred A., 770.

Smith, Agnes Berry, 775.

Smith, Kathryn, 838.

Smith, H. Kenneth, 861.

Snider, Bertha (Tribby), 642.

Snider, Stella (McKibbin), 643.

Snyder, Mary I., 161.

Snyder, Theodore B., 111.

Sowers, DeWitt, 923.

Sowers, LaRue, 1018.

Spahr, Nona V. (Donahue), 814.

Sparr, Margaret R. McCracken, 590.

Spaulding, Cora (McKibben), 265.

Spaulding, Ida (Whitford), 274.

Spaulding, Wilbur B., 286.

Spencer, Carrie Eyestone, 632.

Spencer, Robert B., 752.

Spry, Lavinia (Lisle), 129.

Spry, Mabel Pratt, 735.

Spurgeon, William H., 394.

Spurgeon, Laura Peterson, 442.

Spurgeon, William Henry, 145.

Squire, Edgar, 507Squire, Henry, 508.

Stafford, Charles L., 146.

Stafford, Ralph C, 622.


Stafford. Mary J Allen, 90.

Stall. Mary. 950.

Stephens. Eliza J.. 194.

Stephens. C. Ware. 703.

Stephens. Florence Currier,

ens, Alberta, S39.

at, Amanda R. Shelton, 46.

Stiles. Abbie Dee Kelley. 704.

Stirlen, Lela, B

Stoddard. Cyrus F.. 66S.

Stoddard, Mae.Stodgill. Helen Hanawalt. S07.

Stodgill. Edward W.. 816.

Stone. Harlan. 1)24.

Stover. Emily C. Putnam, 213.

Straub. Bertha (Cartwright), 406.

Strawn, Roxanna (Push), 27.

Strawn, Winfield S., 78.

Stromberg, Hjalmar A., 925.

Stubbs, Laura N. Sherman, 214.

Stuber, Charles Edward, 801.

Suite. Delia B. Greenfield, 675B.

Sutton. Mary (Smith), 332.

Swan, Blanche, 529.

Swan, Grace Newell, 623.

Swan, Maud (Blackford), 576.

Swaney, Mary Firebaugh, 850.

Swaney, Gilmore D., 886.

Swaney, Edith Young. 709.

Swaney, Stockton, 926Swaney, Mary E. Torrence, 930.

Swaney, Charles B., 862.

Swaney, Ruth (Logan), 945.

Swanston, Georgia (Bntton), 509.

Sweezy, Genevieve (Hillier), 280.

Taylor, Fred, 1019.

Taylor, Sarah A., 112.

Teeter, Mary V. (Thompson), 215.

Tennant, Reba, (Weaver), 927.

Tennant, Bertha O. (Moore), 624.

Tennant, Charles L., 625.

Tennant. E. Loyd, 705.

Tennant, Elva R. Potts, 837.

Tennant, Ray I., 802.

Terry. Norman F.. 174.

Teter, May (Elliott), 308.

Teter, Mary Ella (Gooch), 248.

Thee. Ernest. 685.

Thorson, Blanch N.. 929.

Thorson, Ruth, 1021.

Thomas. Caroline Sophia, 736.

Thomas, Jessie Donell, 99.

Thomas. Margaret, (Gibbens), 216.

Thompson, Lowell D., 1020.

Thompson, Fannie L. Hogle, 369.

Thompson, Mary V. Teeter, 215.

Thorn, Rose (Clapp), 423.

Thornley, Arthur Edwin, 461.

Throop, Frank Dwight, 599.

Ticer, Leonore M., 175.

Tiede, Edward, 887.

Tininierman, Sophia A., 231.

Todd. Charles E., 382.

Tolley, Louilia Pearce, 192.

Toothacre, Ruth (Ha^ie), 928.

Toothacre, Ellen J. (Parsons), 370.

Torrence, Hattie Gassner, 259.

Torrence, Margaret, 816.

Torrence, Mary (Swaney), 930.

Tovera, Earl F., 981.

Traxler, James B., 287.

Tribby, Bertha Snider, 643.

Trites, Anna R. (Crandall), 195.

Truitt, Hazel Johnson, 943.

Truitt, Lawrence, 982.

Truitt, Daniel T., 35.

Turney, Stacey (Hasner), 737.

Tuttle, Arthur B., 686.

Tuttle, George M., 249.

Tuttle, Mary (Vorheis), 644.


Umstot, Betty Pennington, 25.

Vance, Fannie M. (Raikes), 232.

VanBrussel, Martha, 1023.

VanBrussel, Anna, 1022.

Van Cise, Edith (Willets), 706.

VanCise, Orson, F., 79.

VanDyke, Helen Frances (Woods),600.

Vandagriff, Earl J., 1024.

Van Hon, Fred, 530.

Van Hon, Ida, 407.


Van Hon, La Rue I. Payne, 545.

Van Orsdel, Benjamin F., 28.

Van Tyle, Ethel (Bergren), 863.

Vaughn, Clara B. Powelson, 733.

Venell, Grant W., 1025.

Vernon, Harriet Kelley, 43.

Vernon, Leroy M., 29.

Vernon, Samuel Milton, 80.

Virden, Iva Harshbarger, 659.

Voll, Karl Bernard, 754.

Von Kleinsmid, Elizabeth PattersonSawyers, 381.

Vorheis, Charles T., 669.

Vorheis, Mary Tuttle, 644.

Voorhies, Marsa E. Fee, 518.

Voss, Clara Munz, 794.


Wagner, John P., 321.

Wahl, Fred William, 738.

Wahl, Arthur C, 817.

Wahl, Edward D., 983.

Walker, Fern, 951.

Walker, M. Helen, 864.

Walker, John B., 601.

Walker, M&ses P., 163.

Walker, Samuel T., 602.

Walter, Pliny, 865.

Walters, Gus Wf , 266.

Ward, Adaline (Barnum), 603.

Warhurst, Mary (Powelson), 1026.

Watkins Richie (Cresap), 654.

Watkins, Charles G., 462.

Watson, Julia T., 383.

Watson, Mary E., 267.

Weaver, Luther, 889.

Weaver, Reba Tennant, 927.

Weaver, Helen D„ 1027.

Weaver, Alice J. Corkhill, 57.

Webb, Mary H. (Currie), 130.

Weber, Albert J., 275.

Weber, Emma Lucrode, 253.

Weibley, William, 707.

Weibley, Ethel M. Cowan, 653.

Weidner, Josephine, 354.

Weir, Charles F., 424.

Weir, Marie M. (Williams), 371.

Weir, Grace, 931.

Weir, Adam, 509B.Weller, Ernest D., 708.

Wells, Alethea Randall, 573.Wells, Nelson D., 645.

Weston, Edward Frank, 1031.Wharton, John C, 196.

Wheatley, Naomi, 577.

Wheeler, Frances G., 372.

Wheeler, John, 197.

Wherry, James W., 309.

Whitford, Clay B., 233.

Whitford, Ida Spaulding, 274.

White, Jennie (Wilson), 147.

White, Tillie M. (Broadhead), 54.

Whitham, Mamie Sloan, 551.

Whitney, Carl, 888.

Whitney, Lucile, 1028.

Whistler, Madge, (Kjosness), 841.

Widner, Marcie Ernest, 433.

Wilcox, Georgia Pearce, 367.

Wilcox, Henry E., 355.

Willcox, Ray E., 818.

Willey, Emma S. (Young), 217.

Williams, Anna (Hinshaw), 425.

Williams, Carl S., 333.

Williams, Lena (Huston), 444.

Williams, Lulu Corkhill, 180.

Williams, Ada E. Powell, 619.

Williams, Marie M. Weir, 371.

Williams, Eva, 932.

Willits, Harriet E. Clark, 96.

Willits, John C, 373.

Willits, Ledru, 722.

Willits, Edith Van Clse, 706.

Willits, Robert Charles, 647 & 723.

Willits, Wilmot C, 426.

Willits, Ruth, 842.

Willits, Paul W., 890.

Wilson, Eva, 933.

Wilson, Jessie E. (Manning), 198.

Wilson, Jennie White, 147.

Wilson, Katherine (Risksbaugh),646.

Wilson, Nellie Highley, 415.

Wilson, Mary Eva Gregg, 387.

Wilson, James A., 843.

Wilson, Jean, 952.

Wilson, Ben Hur, 803.

Wilson, Martha Ann John, 789.


Wilson. William Geor B, L31.

Wilson. Paul W: i

Winans, Ephriam H . LO.

Winans. .Martha. 310.

Winans. Stella (Carver), 288.

Winona. Evans (Reeves), 413.

Winter, Phil E .. 254.

Winters, Samuel, 510.

Winters. Frederick William, 234.

Wishanl. Harry Albert, 844.

Withrow, Dorothy (Cole), 984.

Wolf. Lulu Baxter Shearer, 531.

Wollenhaupt, Walter, 771.

Woltman, Henry C 511.

Woodburn, Nettie (Cook), 312.

Wooden, Charles R., 395.

Woodhead, Charles B., 176.

Woods, Daisy (Hildreth), 604.

Woods. Helen Frances VanDyke,600.

WToods, Ella, 553.

Woods, Sarah E. Killpatrick,, 24.

Woodruff, Minnie, 670.

Woolson, Frances L. (Borghal-thaus), 47.

Woolson, Grace (Clark), 554.

Woolson, James Leigh, 374.

Woolson, John Simson, 30.

Woolson, Laura Crane, 446.

Woolson, Mira T. Bird, 36.

woolson Miriam (Brooks) (Bryant)463.

Woolson, 1'aul B., 396.Work. Esther (Myers), 740.Work, Emmet A..

\\'<»rk, John Qnincy, 177.

Work. W. Alexander, E i.

Wright, Christopher C, 164.

Wright, Samuel Drew, 113.

Wycofl, Emma Allen, 235.WT

ycoff, Hardy E., 268.


Yeager, May Allender, 820.Yeomans, George W., 269.Young, Bruce C, 512.

Young, Edith (Swaney), 709.Young, Emilie, (Ramsey), 605.Young, Emma S. Willey, 217.

Young, Helen Andrews, 487.

Young, Betty M., 985.

Zaring, Lillian (Crozier), 556.

Zeller, Joseph W., 866.

Zen, BeVong Lee, 1032.

Zimmerman, Amy, 986.

Zickefoose, Francis A., 627.


General Index to Iowa Wesleyan History

Alumni, Who Constitutes, 424.

Alumnal Association, 61.

Officers, 62, 63.

Constitution, 63.

Athenian Literary Society, 77.

Alpha Xi Delta, 97.

Auditors, 113.

Agents, 114.

Acting Presidents, 116.

Assistants to President, 116.

Apology, 125.

Association of American Colleges,


Additions to Record, 127.

Alumnal Hall (Proposed), 128.


Babb, Washington Irving, 48.

Burris, F. H., 5.

Berry, Dr. Lucien W., 23-24.

Byrkett, Geo. W., 25.

Beatty, Dr. Wray, 31.

Berry, Dr. Lucien W., 23, 24.

Black Hills Alumni, 418.

Blakeslee, Dr. Frank D., 34, 35.

Booth, Dr. Lucy A., 50.

Buettner, Mr. Charles, 68.

Beta Theta Phi, 94.

Business Managers:Wesleyan News, 91.

Junior Croakers, 92-93.

College, Honorary Alumni, 418, 420College Library, 6.

Campus, donars, 16.

Conservatory of Music, 32, 85.

Chapel and Science Hall, 33.

Carnegie, Andrew, 39, 46.

Cole, Hugh A., 41.

Cowles, Dr. W. F, 48College of Oratory Alumni, 412.

Clionian Literary Society, 80.

Clafflin, Governor, 45.

Croaker, 91.

Conference visitors, 105.

Chancelor, 112.

Constitution, Alum. Assn., 63.

Corkhill, Thomas E„ 48.

Diamond Jubilee Half Million, 51.

Delta Neu Delta, 96.


Evans, W. H., 6.

Elizabeth Hershey Hall, 17, 34.

Elliott, Dr. Charles, 25, 26, 27, 40, 44Educational Collection, 40.

Educational Campaign, 42, 59.

Endowment, 45, 51, 59.

Edwards, Prof. J. W., 50.

Eaton, Prof. Arthur L., 51.

Executive Committeemen, 113.

Editors:Alumnal Record, 126.

Wesleyan News, 91.

Junior Croakers, 92-93.

Explanation, 424.

First,Trustees, 100.

First, Co-Ed, Ph. D., 117.

First Graduate, 24.

First, Co-Ed Graduate, 25.

Forest Home Cemetery, 27, 29.

Faculty Members Long in Service,


Fraternities, 73, 94.

Forensic League, 81.

Forensic Fraternity, 83.

Financial Secretaries, 112.

Financial Agents, 115.

Field Secretaries, 115.

Faculty, 117.

Grantham, John P., 8.

Gray, Rev. Elias Williamson, 21.

German College, 29, 30, 39.


e Literan Society, 79.

e Presidents, 116.


John W., 5, 35, 36, 37, 43.

Hall, J. C. 18.

Artistedes J., 10, 13,


::. James, 22, 23, 26, 37, 43.

Dr. Chas. A.. 27.

Hopkins, Re? J. H. 29.

Elizabeth, 34.

Harlan House. 37. 38.

Heating Plant, 39.

Hamline Literary Society, 74.

Hypatla Literary Society, 78.

Harlan Literary Society, 80.

Honorary Forensic Fraternity, 83.

Honorary Alumna, 418, 420.

Honorary Degrees, 413.

Hoyt. Oliver, 45.

Iowa Wesleyan Founders, 8.

Iowa Conference University, 14-15.

Iota Phi, 84.

Incorporators, 100.

Jeffrey, Herbert N., 6, 43.

Jocelyn, Dr. George B., 26.

Junior Croaker, 91.

Leavltt, Rev. James L., 26

Libera] Arta College Alumni.HI,

In, Mi s. Robert T., ".7.

Lymer, Dp, ESlmei !•;.. 39, 43.

Luebbei b, Dr. R. E., 44.

Ladies' College latlon,


Literal y So< U I le i, 72.


Mexican War, 10.

Mt. Pleasant Female SeminaryAlumni, 420.

Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute 11Material Growth, 16.

McDowell, Rev. Joseph, 19-20.

Main Building, 22.

Mayne Winfield Scott, 24.

Mansfield, Prof. John M., 31.

McFarland, Dr. John T., 32, 43.

Myers, Dr. T. J., 35, M, 47.

Methodist Colleges in State, 44.

Museum, 67.

Musical Activities, 85.

Myers, Dr. T. J., 35, 36, 47, 48.


Nelson, Alexander, 20.

Nelson, Samuel, 8.

Name of Institution changed, 14-15

North Central Association, 43.

Needs of the College, 45.

Number of Graduates, 425.

Killpatrick, E., 8.

Killpatrick, Lucy W., 25.

Kappa Delta Psi, 99.

Kelley, Mrs. M. J . 117. 67, 75.

Organization of College, 11.

Oratory, 82.

Omicorn Sigma Phi, 99.

Officers from the Beginning, 100.

Officers, Alumnal Association, 62.

Lathrop, Nelson 8.

ge Alumni, 412.

P. E. O. Sisterhood, 93.

Pharmacy College Alumni, 412.


Philomathean Literary Society, 78.

Phi Delta Theta, 96.

Phi Mu, 98.

Pioneer building, 17.

Pierson, Prof. Johnson, 18.

Presidents, 19, 111, 115.

Piersel, Dr. Alba C, 35, 39.

Pipe Organ, 41, 56.

Pi Beta Phi, 95.

Power, Rev. Geo. N. 46.

President's Board of Trustees, 111.

Presidents of College, 115.

Tiffany, P. C, 8.

Trustees, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100.

Trustees, how elected, 15.

Trustees, Long in Service, 48.

Treasurers, 113.

Total, Number Alumni, 425.

University Senate, 43.


Rommel, Dr. A., 32, 50.

Ruthean Literary Society, 75.

Record in Oratory, 82.

Record, Plans for next, 128.

Record, The 129-411.

Stewart, I. I., 8.

Smith, Peter, 8.

Schell, Edwin A., 10, 38, 39, 40, 41,

43, 46.

Spaulding Dr. Wesley J. 27, 88.

Stafford, Dr. Charles L., 34.

Schaffer, Dr. J. M., 68.

Student Organizations, 69.

Sigma Phi Epsilon, 97.

Secretaries Trustees, 112.

Vice-presidents Trustees, 111.

Vice-presidents College, 116.

WWilliams, Carl S., 5, 126.

Wilson, Ben Hur, 6, 128, 92. 424.

Wheeler, Dr. John 29, 31.

Whiting, Timothy, 45.

Woman's Guild, 58.

Wesleyan News, 90.

Y. M. C. A., 88.

Y. W. C. A., 89.






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