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Hindu Temple of Lubbock TX Class 50 April 22, 2018

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Hindu Temple of Lubbock TX

Class 50 April 22, 2018


• Indrajit entered the battlefield

• He tricked by entering the field with an illusory image of Sita.

• In front of Hanuman and all the monkeys, he dragged her by the hair and killed her.

• He then laughed saying he killed Sita and the monkeys looked very helpless and started running away

• Hanuman stopped all the monkeys and instilled courage in them. He fought and told the monkeys that they will go to Rama and tell him about Indrajit killing Sita.

• Indrajit saw Hanuman and the monkeys withdraw towards Rama’s place.

• He immediately went to a sanctuary called “Nikumbhila”

• He started performing a huge sacrifice to please and evoke the Goddess. If he successfully finished this, he will never be killed ( Did he complete?)

• Meanwhile, Hanuman gave the news of Sita’s death to Rama. He fainted upon hearing the news

• Lakshmana tried to console Rama but he was lamenting too

• Vibhishna arrived and assured them that Sita was alive. He told Lakshmana to go with army to Nikumbhila sanctuary

• Vibhishna said- Lakshmana should kill Indrajit before he completed the “sacrifice”. So Lakshmana went along with Sugreeva, Jambhavan, Hanuman and Vibhishna

• It is also said that nobody should enter the Nikumbhila sanctuary while the sacrifice was being performed. Hanuman sneaked into the sacrificial place, without anybody noticing him.

• Who was the Goddess Nikumbhila devi?

Lakshman performing the sacrifice

Pratyangira / Nikumbhila devi

• She has the face of a Lion. She first appeared in Satya Yug, in Narasimha Avtar. When Lord Narasimha killed Hiranyakashipu, he was uncontrollable and ferocious. That time Lord Shiva appeared as Sarabeeswara and his consort Parvati, in the Shakti form appeared as Pratyangira devi, the Goddess with the lion head and hugged Narasimha and calmed him down.

Indrajit’s Sacrifice destroyed

• A fight started between the monkeys and the demons. Hearing the noise, Indrajit left the sacrifice and entered the battle field.

• Indrajit abused Vibhishna for being a traitor. He was angry that Vibhishna brought Lakshmana and the army to the sanctuary

• Lakshmana killed Indrajit’s chariot. Then some monkeys killed the horses and destroyed the chariot.

• Indrajit was swift to get another chariot for himself.

• The battle continued and even the Gods were watching. Indrajit-Lakshmana duel is one of the most important fight in mythology

• Vibhishna too fought in this war. Indrajit went to strike Vibhishna. He killed Indrajit’s horses. Now, Lakshmana addressed a prayer to Rama and discharged Indra’s weapon towards Indrajit. It beheaded him. Indrajit was finally killed.

• There was celebration in Rama’s army.

• Sulochana was a brave and a virtuous lady In Ramayan. She was the wife of Indrajit and Ravana’s daughter-in-law. It is said that she courageously sent her husband to war.

• She also received the head of Indrajit

Sulochana received the head of Indrajit

• Ravana was totally devastated. He proceeded to Ashoka gardens to kill Sita. He felt Sita is the cause of all disaster. His minister, however, stopped him from doing so.

• Ravana ordered his army to go and fight to the best of their effort. Most of them got killed.

• The female demons started lamenting over their husbands and sons’ deaths. They cursed and blamed Surpanakha as the cause of all.

• On seeing all this, Ravana decided to take revenge and assured that he will kill both brothers. He entered the battle field

• The final Rama-Ravana war began….

• Sugreeva killed the mighty Virupkasha. Mahodara , another powerful demon attacked many monkeys. Sugreeva killed him too. Angad killed Mahaparshva.

• All was left now was the fight between Rama and Ravana. Lakshmana joined the fight. Ravana hurled a mighty spear and Lakshmana fell down, unconscious.

• Rama discharged several arrows and weapons at Ravana. Ravana got scared and ran away.

• Laskhmana’s condition was uncertain. The monkey physician Sushena examined and requests Hanuman to bring herbs from Himalayas as soon as possible to get Lakshmana regain his consciousness

……………………continue next class

Surya Namaskar

• 1. Aum Mitraya Namah

• 2. Aum Ravaye Namah

• 3. Aum Suryaya Namah

• 4. Aum Bhanave Namah

• 5. Aum Khagaya Namah

• 6. Aum Pushne Namah

• 7. Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah

• 8. Aum Mareechaye Namah

• 9. Aum Adityaya Namah

• 10. Aum Savitre Namah

• 11. Aum Arkaaya Namah

• 12. Aum Bhaskaraya Namah

• …………….to continue next class………