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Karibu Nyeri H.E Governor Mutahi Kahiga

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KaribuNyeriH.E Governor Mutahi Kahiga


to uplift the

welfare ofNyeri




Upgraded Nyeri County Referral Hospital

The Governor inspecting the new born unit in Karatina Hospital.A similar facility has been built in Mukurwe-ini Hospital.

The Governor inspecting the new born unit in Karatina Hospital.A similar facility has been built in Mukurwe-ini Hospital.

Referral HospitalReferral Hospital

areas for the first term governor. Sinceareas for the first term governor. Since

People DailyWednesday, November 7, 2018NO.06687

Coping with our baby minus house help after C-section


No turning back on 'Michuki Rules'Matiang'i summons top traffic cops to discuss implementation of laws

www.peopledaily.co.ke // www.epaper.peopledaily.co.ke

I'm ready to quit

A besieged Agriculture Cabinet secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri, who is being swept swiftly away by the mess in maize sector into a political cul-de-sac, tells National Assembly committee that he would rather resign than be in the powerful, but stressful docket - page 5

If you ask me today whether I need to be a minister or retain my dignity, I will retain my dignity and walk home

15 arrested, charged over exam cheatingKisii court orders suspects remanded pending further investigations as Education CS Amina vows to protect integrity of examination >>Pg 4

News BeatPG 2

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY2 NEWS BEAT

P7 P13 P16P15




S NewsNakuru cop shoots wife, self deadPolice officer reportedly had an argument with his wife before the incident

WorldTest for Trump as mid-term polls beginUp for grabs are 435 seats in House of Representatives, 35 seats in Senate

BusinessKMC in Sh490m debt rowFarmers yet to receive payment for livestock supplied as firm snubs Senate Committee

FeatureThings to consider before committing as bridesmaidRead about some factors to explore before giving the request a nod

Interior Cabinet secretary Fred Matiang’i has summoned all traffic commanders as law enforcement agencies go on high alert ahead of the festive season.

The move comes as the deadline for the implementation of ‘Michu-ki rules’ expires on Monday.

The meeting, scheduled for this Friday, is expected to plan the ex-ecution of traffic laws to address road safety.

Sources intimated to People Daily that Matiang’i, currently in South Africa on official duty, has given police officers firm instruc-tions not to relent on the imple-mentation of the ‘Michuki rules’.

He has instructed the officers to impound all unroadworthy vehicles, prosecute offenders and ensure the vehicles are inspected by the Motor Vehicle Inspection Unit (MVIU).

This comes after National Trans-port and Safety Authority (NTSA) director general Francis Meja said 15 per cent of Public Service

Interior CS has instructed police officers to impound all unroadworthy vehicles, prosecute offenders

Vehicles were not registered, thus posing great danger to passengers.

“We are going to crack the whip and revoke licences for all Saccos that have not renewed while hunt-ing down unregistered but still op-erating ones,” he added.

Meja said the Sacco will be re-sponsible for any misdeeds of op-erators registered with them.

With the deadline looming, thousands of commuters have had to walk long distances while oth-ers were stranded after most PSVs kept off the road over the police crackdown.

Last month, Matiang’i and his Transport counterpart James Macharia gave matatu owners un-till next Monday (November 12) to comply with the traffic laws.

According to Meja, the imple-mentation of the law must be car-ried out legally and professionally. “We support the implementation of the traffic laws so as to safeguard our passengers,” he said.

Speaking during a stakeholders meeting with PSVs Sacco leader-ship, Meja said since January, the country has lost 2,585 people and 3,660 were left with serious inju-ries.

Meanwhile, thousands of com-muters were stranded for the sec-ond day running following the ongoing crackdown.

The crackdown that kicked off on Sunday saw many public ser-vice operators keep off the roads for fear of being arrested. Kiambu county Deputy OCPD Eileen Mola said as at Monday evening, they had arrested nine cases.

NTSA director general Francis Meja (right) and NTSA legal

a meeting with stakeholders in Nairobi, yesterday.


27° 31°

31° 26° 35°

We are going to crack the whip and revoke licences for Sac-cos that have not renewed -Meja

The NTSA Act, 2013, and the


Similarly, all PSV drivers and -

forms and badges and promi-nently display their photos in the vehicles.


The fate of Kileleshwa OCS remains unclear three days since his family re-ported him missing and having been de-clared “absent from work without leave”.

Chief Inspector of Police George Mithamo was reported missing on Sat-urday after work.

However, police sources intimated

his official police radio and one of his mobile phones were found in his house in Eastleigh, Nairobi, while one of his phones has gone unanswered since.

Officers attached to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, Kilimani Divi-sion have already taken up the matter.

They are working on phone exploi-tation to establish the last people in contact with the officer before he went missing.

Police in Thika have netted seven sacks of bhang worth Sh1 million after they intercepted a car that was delivering the drugs to Kiandutu slums.

Thika West OCPD Paul Kiriki said officers who were acting on a tip-off from members of pub-lic, waylaid the supplier as he dropped his cargo.

“Officers spotted a Toyota Pro-box offloading some goods and as they approached the vehicle, the driver of the car sped off, leaving behind the seven bags that had already been offloaded,” he said.

He appealed to members of public to keep vigil and always tip the police whenever they noticed any suspicious activities within their areas.

Two suspects linked to the mur-der of Meru magistrate’s daughter Maribel Kapolon have pleaded not guilty before the High Court in Chuka.

Benson Marangu and Francis Otudo took plea after the court was satisfied with a new mental report presented before it fol-lowing an order by Justice Robert Limo to have a previous faulty one corrected.

The court set the pre-trial men-tion date for December 17 and hearing of a pre-bail application by the accused lawyers for No-vember 28. -KNA

The decision caught the defence team and the accused by surprise be-fore the matter was referred to Naiva-sha Chief Magistrate Kennedy Bidali for directions.

In the case, the suspects including Perry Manusukh the owner of the So-lai dam, are charged with 48 counts of manslaughter and failing to prepare an environmental impact assessment report.

The Solai dam case took a new twist after the presiding magistrate disqual-ified himself from the case minutes before it kicked off at the Naivasha law courts yesterday.

Naivasha Principal Magistrate Jo-seph Karanja who has been handling the case stepped aside without giving reasons for the move.

3PEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018 #WhackyWorld

Astonishing facts about human bodyYour anatomy is a wonderland; a weird, miraculous, even disgusting... Just check why!

Pool of saliva

The average person produces enough saliva in their lifetime to fill two standard swimming pools.

You are soap

The human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap.

No blood

The cornea is the only part of the body with no blood supply – it gets its oxygen directly from the air.

No escaping forensics

Embryos develop fi ngerprints three months after conception.

Stomach or foundry?

Stomach acid is so strong it can dissolve metal. This penny was taken from a dog’s stomach.

Blinking contest

Babies only blink once or twice a minute, while adults average 10 times a minute.

Baby bones

A quarter of your 206 bones are in your feet – and, babies have 94 more bones than adults.



There are more than 160,000 km of blood vessels in your body.

A hungry brain

In cases of extreme starvation, the brain will begin to eat itself.

Now you know

The scientific name for stomach growls is “borborygmus.”

NEWS BEAT Wednesday, November 7, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY

Fifteen people arrested in Kisii for allegedly engaging in exam ir-regularities will remain in police custody until November 12 to al-low investigators complete their probe.

The accused appeared before Ogembo Senior Principal magis-trate, Margaret Nafula but did not take plea because investigations are not complete.

Prosecutor Peter Wainaina told the court that one suspect is still at large and is being sought, 14 were arrested on Monday and another was apprehended yesterday.

Nafula said the suspects would be charged with being in posses-sion of unauthorised examination materials and abetting access to the materials contrary to the na-tional examinations council rules and regulations. She directed the prosecution to avail witness state-ments and charge sheet to the law-yer for the accused, Kerosi Ondieki and ordered the matter be men-tioned next Monday.

In court were Hyline Mbone, Judy Nyaboke, Alex Akuma, Chris-topher Ogora, Joel Onyancha, Joel Nyakwanya, Gideon Nyagaka, Ed-nah Morwabe, Peter Arori, John Motende, Peter Arori, Bernard Omoro, Chris Ogembo and Anne Nyaboke and John Edwin Makori. They were detained in Nyamaram-be police station.

But even with the arrest of indi-viduals for trying to smuggle for-eign materials into the exam room, Education Cabinet secretary Ami-na Mohamed said the integrity of the Kenya Certificate for Second-ary Education (KCSE) exam has not been dented.

Amina, who toured Murang’a yesterday morning after she over-saw dispatch of exam papers, said none of the foreign materials got

to the students as those carrying them were intercepted in good time. “We are in charge of this process and no attempt of exam cheating will go undetected” she said and told secondary school heads to ensure trespassers and all unauthorised persons are kept away from school compounds with immediate effect to ensure smooth administration of the tests.

The CS cautioned parents against being duped into engag-ing in any activities, which might compromise the ability of the can-didates to sit the exam. “We are not going to allow any foreign mate-rial to get to the students or have anybody sit the exam for another person. It will not happen...Thou-sands of children have been wait-ing for this moment to show their potential and we cannot afford to let them down,” she said.

Elsewhere, Nyanza Regional Coordinator of Education Rich-ard Limo confirmed that officials in Monianku Secondary School, Kisii allegedly implicated in ex-amination malpractice have been

Ogembo court detains sus-pects to allow police com-plete probe as Amina vows to protect integrity of tests

replaced. Limo said a new team is in place to man the centre, and the examinations was going on well.

Education Principal Secretary, Dr Belio Kipsang, clarified that not the entire Kisii county is in-volved in exam irregularities add-ing that the ministry and the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) were only focusing on four schools whose suspicious activities had raised attention over intended commission of the offence.

In Webuye, four candidates from different schools will not write the exam, despite being registered while in Mwingi, a candidate in Precious Blood Girls, Tyaa had to defer her exam until next year af-ter going into labour and had to undergo an emergency Caesarean section. Another candidate of En-ziu Secondary School went into labour while sitting the English Paper One and was taken to Mum-buni Hospital where she delivered and continued with the exam at the hospital. This is the fifth case in the Kitui since the exam com-menced on Monday.

Knec chairman George Magoha attributed the high rate of teen-age pregnancies to lack of fam-ily values. Speaking after opening an exam container in Kamuku-nji, Nairobi he advised parents to spend more time with their chil-dren.

KCSE exam cheating suspects leave Ogembo court in Kisii, yesterday.

Health Cabinet secretary Sicily Kariuki when she appeared before the National Assembly Health committee in Nairobi, yesterday.

Anybody who tries to gain access to exami-nation centres without authori-sation will be arrested and charged - Amina

The ministry is not going to use resources meant for

counties - Kariuki

The government requires Sh34 billion to roll out Universal Health Care (UHC) plan, Health Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki has said.

Speaking when she appeared before the National Assembly Health committee, Kariuki how-ever, said the ministry has so far received Sh6.3 billion to rollout the plan next month in the four pilot counties of Kisumu, Nyeri, Isiolo and Machakos.

She told the lawmakers that her ministry is ready to roll out the programme that will go a long way in ensuring millions of Kenyans access quality medical care.

According to a study done across the country by the ministry, there is a lot of stock-outs and poor attitude among healthcare givers.

She, however, promised that her ministry will train medical workers to enhance their capacity in readi-ness for the rollout.

“We need Sh34 billion to rollout the programme, we have how-ever received Sh6.3 billion and

we are ready to launch the pilot project,”she said.

Kariuki also told the lawmakers that the National Hospital Insur-ance Fund (NHIF) will be restrict-ed to ensure that the population is linked to the health facilities add-ing that evidence from countries that have implemented UHC such as Thailand, suggest that there is merit in piloting the project first, gather insights to inform the roll-out across the country.

She said the funds for the pro-gramme will not be sourced or taken from County government coffers but the funds already allo-cated for the UHC.

“The ministry is not going to use resources meant for counties. This will ensure that no county is disenfranchised in the sense that its resources are used to fund UHC in the selected counties,” she said.

UHC is part of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Big Four agenda and is meant to ensure all Kenyans have access to quality healthcare.

Kariuki’s sentiments come at a time when President Uhuru Ke-nyatta is expected to roll out the pilot project on December 1 that will benefit more than three mil-lion Kenyans in the four counties.

The launch will coincide with the World Aids Day whose theme for this year is “Know Yourself”.

See related story on Pg 8

The Kenya Certificate of Sec-ondary Education (KCSE) ex-amination kicked off on Monday with 664,585 candidates sitting the tests.

The government has beefed up security in all examina-tion centres to curb cheating and safeguard integrity of the tests.


“I order no further execution of

search warrant or any other search warrant in respect to petitioner appli-cants. Any searched and seized prop-erties which in respect to the petition-er must be released forthwith within the next 72 hours,” ruled Ong’undi.

At the same time, the judge also ex-punged the Director of Public Prose-cutions (DPP) from the proceedings, saying he has not played any role and has not been cited for any violation by the petitioners. “It will not serve any

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Com-mission (EACC) yesterday suffered a major blow after the High Court ordered it to release former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero (pictured) seized property.

In her ruling, Justice Hedwig Ong’undi barred the anti-graft agen-cy from further searching and seizing Kidero’s property pending the hearing and determination of the main peti-tion.

purpose to keep the DPP as a party in these proceedings. DPP doesn’t play any role and has not been cited for any violation,” she ruled.

Ong’undi said the orders sought by Kidero require evidence to determine whether a search warrant should be relied on to optimise all the properties.

Kidero had raised issues on whether EACC has jurisdiction to search apri-vate property on matters relating to Mumias Sugar Company.

Justice Ong’undi directed all neces-sary responses to be filed and served

within the next 14 days. The case will be heard on Decem-

ber 4. Meanwhile, Anti-Corruption chief

magistrate Douglas Ogoti yesterday also allowed release of Kidero’s pass-port to facilitate him to travel to Hong Kong from November 16 until Decem-ber 14.

“Kidero’s passport held by this court should be released to facilitate his travel to Hong Kong and the same should be deposited upon his return,” he said.

Agriculture Cabinet secre-tary Mwangi Kiunjuri appears to be clutching at straws as he is being swept away by the rag-ing maize scandal towards a cul-de-sac.

His frustrations were evi-dent at yesterday’s grilling by the National Assembly ‘s Ag-riculture committee when, in response to question, he said: “If you ask me whether I need to be a minister or retain my dignity, I will retain my dignity and walk home”.

Kiunjuri’s body language spoke of a man almost at his wits end trying to cope with the pressure from his boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta, and demands from angry and hun-gry farmers, who have yet to be paid for the maize deliveries to the National Cereals and Pro-duce Board(NCPB).

The President has demand-ed answers from the CS on why maize importers and car-tels were paid millions of shil-lings at the expense of genuine farmers.

For Kiunjuri, it has been a slippery path since his ap-pointment to the sensitive docket that has been the play-ground for cartels keen to reap from where they never sowed. Some maize farmers, mostly

from the North Rift, rejected him saying they wanted one of their “own”.

His declaration before House committee chaired by Mandera South MP Adan Haji that he will fight for his dignity rather than cling to the Cabinet post contra-dicts his previous determination to stay put despite the pressure on him to throw in the towel over the maize scam.

It also comes amid alleged lob-bying to have Kiunjuri replaced by a former governor from Rift Valley in what could be killing two birds with one stone — balance the po-litical equation in Jubilee and get a more abrasive hand to confront the deep-rooted cartels in the maize sector.

The CS, who had been sum-moned to shed light over the sta-tus of maize in the country, told the MPs that he will not let his dignity to be scarred by the mess in the sector.

He said he is a victim of a smear campaign waged on social media by malicious people, but vowed to face them head-on.

“Anyone who wants to attack my person as Mwangi Kiunjuri, please know that I am ready to defend myself,” he said.

The CS insists the scandal did not occur under his watch but during the tenure of his predeces-sor Willy Bett who has since been posted as Kenya’s High Commis-sioner to India. Kiunjuri also sees an ethnic angle in his troubles.

The first time Uhuru scolded Kiunjuri was during the opening of the Nairobi Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) show on October 4 when he told him in Kikuyu that he would be in trouble if money

CS tells the National Assembly Agriculture committee that he is being punished for sins of others

meant for maize farmers is paid to cartels.

The President was at it again during Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kakamega, when he told him “to ensure the culprits of the maize scandal are punished or carry the cross yourself”.

Yesterday, Kiunjuri revealed that EACC had blacklisted 62 farm-ers and companies that supplied maize to NCPB, adding that of the 152 individuals whose names were forwarded for investigation, the anti-graft agency only expressed interest in the 62.

And following the clearance by EACC, he assured the committee that the Sh2.1 billion that is owed to the farmers will be released by

Treasury in the next two or three days to offset farmers’ debts.

In the letter to the Strategic Food Reserve Trust Fund (SFRTF) tabled before the committee, EACC said the 62 companies and individuals are under investigations.

Those under probe include Celestine Chepchirchir, who sup-plied 219,236 bags of maize to El-doret depot and was expecting to be paid Sh385,734,006, Stephen Maiyo, who supplied 144,955 bags to Kitale stores and is demanding Sh255,048,485 and Caroline Chep-chumba, who delivered 126,962

Agriculture Cabinet secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri when he ap-peared before National Assem-

committee yesterday.

Anyone who wants to at-tack my person please know that I am ready to defend myself—Kiunjuri

EACC had blacklisted 62 farm-ers and companies that supplied maize to NCPB and which are now under investigations

Sh2.1 billion that is owed to farmers will be released by Treasury in the next two or


The government has now an-nounced that NCPB will start buying a bag at Sh2,300 for the Strategic Food Reserve.

A Mombasa businessman has denied entering into any agreement with Nakuru West MP Samuel Arama for the sale of 0.00557 hectares of land worth more than Sh60 million in 2015.

Yusuf Ratemo yesterday told trial magistrate Felix Kombo that he had never owned the disputed property and the post-al address appearing on the title deed of Nakuru Municipality block number 6/97.

Ratemo denied ever receiving any money from the MP as indi-cated in the agreement.

“I did not receive the amounts indicated on the agreement to-taling to Sh45 million or Sh60 million,” said the witness.

He was testifying in a case in which Arama and four others are accused of conspiracy to defraud businessman Ahmed Nisar of land worth Sh60 million.

“I do not know anything about the transfer form of the plot from myself to Samuel Otara Arama and l have never filled any such

form,” he told the court.Ratemo also disowned a sig-

nature appearing on the trans-fer form.

“My name, ID number and passport photo were used in the transfers but l did not pro-vide them for the transactions at the land registry,” said the witness.

Arama (pictured) is charged with three former Nakuru Lands Registrars John Mwaura, Daniel Nyantika, Charles Birundu and lawyer Kennedy Onkoba. They have denied the charges.

Five Redeemed Church offi-cials yesterday denied conspir-ing to defraud the church of its property.

Andrew M’taramba, Mellon Maina, William Joseph, John Ndung’o and Florence Tiras are accused of pretending that they had the authority to sell the church’s land in Kayole, Nairobi.

According to the charge sheet, they made a special power of attorney and sale agreement for the plot pur-porting them to be genuine documents drawn and filed by Wandugi Karathe and Com-pany advocates and issued by Kenya Redeemed Church.

Chief Magistrate Francis An-dayi released them on a cash bail of Sh100,000 or a bond of Sh200,000. The case will be heard on December 5.

bags to Kisumu depot and is ex-pecting to be paid 223,383,501.

Others are Paul Kipyego Marus, who 68,622 to Ziwa depot and has been demanding Sh120, 738, 882; Alice Wanjiku Githaiga, who de-livered 50,993 to Bungoma depot and is demanding Sh98,672,202 and Shem Ithangu, who supplied 34,121 at a cost of 59,990,735 to Moi’s Bridge.

The companies that are under probe include Nairasha Estate that supplied 28,499 bags at a cost of 50,617,015, New Progressive FCS, 84,826 bags to Eldoret depot and is demanding Sh149, 247, 892, Old-onyo, Ndovu Estate, 15,951 bags to Narok depot and is demand-ing Sh28,329,971 and Sosiani FCS, 16,152 bags for Sh28,346,160.

The narrowing down to 62 sus-pects comes after the ministry wrote to the EACC and the Direc-torate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), inviting them to investigate payments for maize deliveries.

Two weeks ago, an angry Kiun-juri while distancing himself from the scandal, appeared to shift blame to DCI and EACC which he accused of failing to take ac-tion against the suspects. But the next day, DCI boss George Kinoti refuted his claims and pointed an accusing finger at EACC.

The blame game continued with EACC spokesman Yasin Amaro ab-solving the agency, insisting that they had undertaken the necessary investigations to take the suspects to court.

In May, MPs from the Rift Valley, including Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter, his Moiben counterpart Si-las Tiren and Trans Nzoia Women’s Rep Janet Nangabo, called for his resignation, blaming him for the losses incurred by farmers.

And speaking in Kisii county in the same month, Deputy President William Ruto called for swift ac-tion on the people involved in the maize payment scam.

“How can one supply more than 200,000 bags to the National Cere-als and Produce Board yet he or she has no land? Such a question needs an honest answer,” he said.

Hundreds of farmers in Rift Val-ley, Western and Nyanza regions are stuck with thousands of bags of maize in stores.

The price in the open market has dropped to below Sh2,000. The government has now announced that NCPB will start buying a bag at Sh2,300 for the Strategic Food Reserve.

5PEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018 NEWS BEAT

The prosecution has lined up 25 witnesses to testify against 14 directors of various limited com-panies implicated in the multi-million-shilling Kenya Power and Lighting Company scandal.

During the pre-trial conference before magistrate Lawrence Mu-gambi yesterday, the State also said all witness statements and exhibits have been supplied to the defence.

The hearing will take a month with each side allocated three hours with each witness. The di-

rectors were charged for fraudu-lently obtaining more than Sh15 million from Kenya Power through irregularly acquired tenders.

DPP Noordin Haji recommend-ed arraignment of just a week af-ter top Kenya Power managers including former chief executive officer Ben Chumo and his pre-decessor Ken Tarus were charged over procurement of substandard transformers worth Sh409 million.

Others charged with them in-cluded KP Mungai, Joshua Mutua, Abubakar Swaleh, Samuel Ndiran-gu and Stanley Mutwiri. The case will be mentioned on Monday.

A woman who killed her two-year-old child by throwing her into a well in 2014 has been given a non-custodial sentence of three years.

Nakuru High Court judge Joel Ngugi sentenced Beth Njoki to a probation sentence, saying the four years she has been in remand have served any objectives which would have been served by a cus-todial sentence.

“No meaningful sentencing ob-jectives would be served by com-

mitting the accused person to prison at this point,” he said.

Njoki was charged with the mur-der of her son after his body was found in an unused well under unclear circumstances.

The court had been told that Njoki had problems with the fa-ther of her two children, forcing her to return home to her mother. It was while she was there that she left with the younger child only to return home without him.

When she was arrested, she led the investigators to the well where the body of the deceased child was found.

No mean-ingful sentenc-ing objec-tives will be served

Senate will oppose the priva-tisation of State corporations on grounds the matter is being con-ducted in secrecy to benefi t a car-tel out to buy the entities at throw-away prices.

The senators are also concerned that some profit-making corpo-rations have been listed for sale whereas underperforming ones have been left out.

Already, the Privatisation Com-mission has approved sale of 26 corporations to raise funds to sup-port the budget.

Members of the Energy commit-tee of the Senate warned that sell-ing the corporations, including Ke-nya Ports Authority and the Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC)was in itself a national security concern.

“We are concerned that the whole process is shrouded in con-fusion. Leaving some of the corpo-rations to private citizens will be a

Committee on privatisation says cartels have infi ltrated process, waiting to buy out-fi ts at throw-away prices

KPC chairman John Ngumi said the board will oppose any proposal to dispose of the agency, saying its performance has been on an up-ward trajectory.

He said the government should allow the parastatals to operate au-tonomously instead of privatising them.

Senators Susan Kihika (Nakuru) and Ledama ole Kina (Narok), said the country has learnt from the past that privatisation of State en-tities was a cash-minting venture by a few individuals.

“Powerful cartels are currently readying to purchase the corpo-rations at throw-away prices. The cartels must know that we are watching and will not allow them to succeed,” said Kina.

The commission, under the Privatisation Act, 2005, was man-dated to sell 26 poorly performing State corporations to cut down government spending.

Agencies earmarked for sale are National Bank of Kenya, Consoli-dated Bank of Kenya, Kenya Meat Commission, Development Bank of Kenya, East African Portland Cement, Kengen, Kenya Pipeline Corporation, Kenya Ports Au-thority, and five sugar millers — Chemilil, Sony, Nzoia, Miwani and Muhoroni.

Others are Agrochemical and Food Corporation, New Kenya Co-operative Creameries, Numerical Machining Complex and Isolated Power stations, hotels (Kabarnet Hotel, Mt Elgon Lodge Ltd, Golf Hotel Ltd, Sunset Hotel Ltd and Kenya Safari Lodges and Hotels Ltd).

KPC chair John Ngumi when he appeared before Senate Energy committee, yesterday.

We are con-cerned that the whole process is shrouded in con-fusion -Maina

The privatisation process has been delayed over the years as a result of bureaucracy in approval of the transactions by the Execu-tive.

The commission has carried out just one transaction in 10 years, which was the sale of 26 per cent stake in Kenya Wine Agencies Ltd (KWAL) to South Africaʼs Distell Group Ltd in 2014.


Two prime suspects in the bru-tal killing of Deputy President William Ruto’s Director of Com-munication Emmanuel Taalam’s father were yesterday arraigned in Eldoret High Court.

Silas Too and Hillary Korir ap-peared before Justice Stephen Githinji and charged with the murder of Benjamin Koech, 85. They were, however, not allowed to take plea for lack of legal repre-sentation.

The two, together with others not in court, are alleged to have committed the crime on April 14 at Cheptingting village, Lessos, Nandi county. They are alleged to have waylaid and killed the Koech as he was heading home from Simbi shopping centre where op-erated a retail shop.

Justice Githinji directed the State counsel to appoint a lawyer for the accused before adjourning the case to the 13th for mention.

The body of one of the college students that drowned in River Yala at the weekend has been re-trieved.

The body of Derick Auka, a Second Year student at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Sci-ence and Technology, fl oated 30 minutes after elders performed Luo traditional rituals.

However, the elders, warned Auka’s family not to start burial preparations until the body of Shallet Atieno, the second stu-dent, is retrieved.

Six divers from Bomet also joined the search for the remain-ing body with Siaya County Com-missioner Michael ole Tialal ex-pressing optimism in the exercise. Auka’s body was moved to Bondo sub-county hospital mortuary pending postmortem.

Deputy President William Ruto has hailed the British Broadcasting Corpo-ration for launching its regional head-quarters in Nairobi.

He said the investment will see more Kenyans employed by the institution in addition to offering training opportu-nities to local and regional journalists.

“I commend the BBC for setting up and tremendously modernising its re-gional headquarters in Nairobi,” he said during the launch at a Nairobi hotel.

He later visited the studios located on

Riverside Drive. “We do not take your choice of Nai-

robi for granted, nor do we ignore the

fact that you have employed hundreds of people and developed immense pro-fessional capacities in many more, all to the benefi t of our community,” he said.

The Deputy President observed that the BBC is among the more than hun-dred British companies doing business in Kenya, thereby ensuring that the UK remains by far the largest investor in the country.

BBC News Director Francesca Un-sworth, Director World Service Group, Jamie Angus and Regional Editor BBC Africa Solomon Mugera accompanied him.

National Police Service Internal Affairs Unit will be moved to Nai-robi’s Upper Hill area.

Unit head Charleton Muriithi (pictured) said yesterday the move is aimed at according the unit in-dependence as well as enhance service delivery.

The unit has secured two fl oors at the Kenya Commercial Bank building in Upper Hill where it in-

tends to move this week.

The unit is charged with investigating all complaints against police officers, in-cluding those from members of the public.

They also investigate complaints from the offi cers against their col-leagues.

national security concern. How can we as a country privatise the port which is a major entry point to the country?” committee chair Ephraim Maina asked.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILYNEWS BEAT

Jomo Kenyatta University of Ag-riculture and Technology (Jkuat) Vice Chancellor Victoria Ngumi has urged energy experts to seek solutions to challenges facing the geothermal sector.

Speaking during the second In-ternational F o r u m f o r Geothermal Technology at the university, Prof Ngumi (pictured) said despite the country’s potential to generate more than 10,000

megawatts of geothermal energy, only 2,300 megawatts are being generated.

“This shortfall needs to be ad-dressed and the academic fra-ternity should lead to break the ceiling to self-sustaining energy supply,” she said.

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday arrested Bondo Law Courts clerk Martin Manyala for pocketing treated Sh9,000 to throw out a case.

The detectives arrived at the court grounds at around 8am and laid a trap that left the clerk with Sh9,000 in his pocket, whose ac-quisition he could not explain.

EACC Western Kenya regional manager Ignatius Wekesa said he had received complaints against Manyala on several occasions, adding that the latest complaint was received on November 2.

“We received a complaint from John Misula, that the clerk asked for Sh10,000 to drop a case that was before the court,” he said, adding that the complaints prompted his office to set a trap to arrest the suspect.

The suspect, who was arrested in the office of a sitting magistrate in Bondo Law Courts (pictured), is being held at Bondo Police Sta-tion.

Wekesa said they are still in-vestigating if Manyala was act-ing on behalf of his bosses or for his personal gain, adding that the suspect will likely be charged with soliciting a bribe contrary to the Bribery Act.

He urged all public officers to uphold integrity, adding that any-one involved in corrupt dealings will not be spared. “We are in the fight against corruption and we will not let free perpetrators even if caught at the corridors or cham-bers of courts,” he said.

Plans by Water Resources Au-thority (WRA) to review Lake Naivasha’s boundaries has con-tinued to attract opposition with the Worldwide Fund for nature (WWF) joining the list.

WRA wants to review the lake’s riparian boundaries from 1892.8m above sea level to 1888m. However, the lobby has petitioned WRA, saying if effected, the pro-posal will adversely affect the lake’s ecosystem and wildlife cor-ridors.

WWF Naivasha programme coordinator Carol Njiru said there was no public participation on the issue but WRA Naivasha sub-county manager Geoffrey Mworia said no decision had been made.

A Nakuru County government

Reduced to shell!

We should not allow patients to suf-fer at the hands of quacks -Odongo

The Kenya Obstetrical and Gyn-aecological Society (Kogs) has disowned controversial medical practitioner Mugo wa Wairimu, saying he is not and has never been an obstetrician or gynaeco-logist.

Responding to a local TV expose aired on Monday regarding Mu-go’s alleged conduct at his clinic in Kayole, Nairobi, Kogs said he has never been their member.

Kogs president Benjamin Odongo, in a media statement, said Mugo’s practice bears the hallmarks of social injustice, lack of ethics and violation of human rights especially in the disrespect and inhumane treatment accord-ed to vulnerable female patients.

Dr Odongo said Mugo (pic-tured) should face the law and

severe recourse meted on him by the Kenya Medical Practitio-ners and Dentists Board (KMP-DB).

He said the medical board’s core mission is protecting the public by setting requirements for registration to practise medicine, imposing practice conditions or restrictions and in extreme cir-cumstances, revoking registration of practitioners.

“I have no doubt that patients,

especially women, have died in the hands of such quacks, who not only practice in rural areas but also in urban centres. We should not allow patients to suffer at the hands of quacks,” he said.

Odongo said Mugo’s actions violate the Constitution, which says every individual should ac-cess universally highest attainable standard of healthcare, including emergency treatment.

He termed Mugo’s practice an assault on the professional integ-rity of obstetricians and gynaeco-logists.

Obstetrical society says Mugo practice violates human rights, assaults professional integrity of its members

Controversial medical practition-er Mugo wa Wairimu was in the limelight in 2015 for allegedly pos-ing as a doctor, running an illegal clinic and sedating and sexually assaulting his clients.

Shock and grief has gripped Piave area in Njoro, Nakuru county, after a police officer shot his wife dead before taking his life on Monday.

Cornelius Taalam, 28, attached to Piave Police Base reportedly had an ar-gument with his wife Eunice Wambui, 22, before shooting her and himself afterwards. The couple was reportedly married for only three months.

Wambui’s uncle Stephen Maina told People Daily she completed second-ary school last year and relocated to

Piave in search of a job before meeting Taalam.

“Wambui was a happy soul, she used to visit me when her husband was at Neissiut on patrol during the skirmish-es and she seemed happy,” he said.

Area police commandant Hassan Barua said police have launched in-vestigations into the incident, adding that police at the base keep guns for patrol purposes.

He said the police base has lost two officers in a week.

The other reportedly succumbed to kidney failure after excessive con-sumption of second-generation liquor.

Kenya is on course to improve drug safety through a new proj-ect that seeks to strengthen the national Pharmacovigilance (PV) infrastructure and post-marketing surveillance systems.

The need to monitor drugs in the country’s pharmaceutical outlets is informed by the increased number of clinical trials and evolution of mass drug administration and im-munisation programmes through Public Health programmes.

Health Chief Administrative Secretary Rashid Aman said these

developments call for an urgent need to monitor the safety of pa-tients.

“The Regional Medicine Regu-latory Harmonisation (PROFOR-MA) project, a product of various partnerships, is committed to provide Kenyans with safe, qual-ity and effective medical prod-ucts and health technologies le-veraging on existing structures,” he said through Pharmacy and Poisons Board member, Rugendo Birichi.

PV refers to monitoring effects of medical drugs licensed for use to identify and evaluate previously unreported adverse reactions.

NEWS BEATPEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILYSPECIAL REPORT

As it braces for the roll-out of Universal Health Care (UHC), among the other pillars of the government’s Big Four Agenda, Kenya may need to borrow a leaf from South Africa which has laid out a solid plan to offer such a ser-vice to its population.

South Africa, the continent’s most prosperous economy, has a population of 56 million while Ke-nya, East Africa’s biggest economy, has an estimated population of 48 million people.

Challenges facing both nations are largely similar, despite Kenya being lesser in economic might and health infrastructure, with

each nation having a largely poor, rural population facing dire basic needs.

Two months ago, South Africa’s Health minister Aaron Motsoaledi published a draft National Health Insurance Bill for public scrutiny. The Bill lays out the structure of free, universal, high-quality health care for all, by creating a single na-tional health insurance fund that would centralise procurement of medical supplies by the State.

South Africa’s NHI membership will be made mandatory for all citi-zens, meaning, even if one is cov-ered by a private insurance, they are also contributors and benefi-

ciaries of the national fund. There-after, all health care would be ac-cessed free of charge through the NHIF. President Cyril Ramaphosa (pictured) who has been champi-oning the rollout of UHC has often been quoted saying the financially able must help subsidise the ser-vice for those who are not, as is the trend across the world.

Another feature of the South Af-rican UHC programme, that Ke-nya could study is the plan to pur-chase comprehensive healthcare services for the citizens and per-manent residents from certified and accredited private and public healthcare service providers.

Slightly over a year after Presi-dent Uhuru Kenyatta assumed of-fice for his second and final term, focus has now shifted to actuali-sation of what he plans to be his legacy – the Big Four agenda.

If the foundation of the Big Four is laid well, analysts say it will put the country on course to its most tangible development track since Independence, by the time the president leaves office in 2022.

Of the Big Four – manufacturing, universal healthcare, affordable housing and food security – it is Universal Health Care (UHC), also known as Universal Health Cover-age, that Kenyans need most.

UHC is both anchored in the Constitution and World Health Organisation (WHO) as a human right.

According to WHO, UHC means all people should have access to promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services while also ensuring that use of these services does not ex-pose users to financial hardship.

A key indicator that the govern-ment is determined to lay a firm foundation for the development pillars was the 2018/19 budget, in which the Big Four were allocated more than Sh400 billion.

Universal Healthcare was allo-cated Sh44.6 billion, with the big-

gest chunk of the money, Sh13.7 billion, directed to free maternal health care and leasing of medical equipment.

The government recognises the huge task ahead in delivering on this pillar, given that health cov-erage stands at 38 per cent, with majority of the poor in rural areas without access – or cannot afford – decent health services.

Treasury CS Henry Rotich said in his Budget speech in June the government will ensure all house-holds access quality healthcare by 2022.

The designers of the Big Four, and specifically UHC, were cog-nisant of the fact that health care for all can only be achieved if the government partners with the pri-vate sector .

In the budget, Rotich said the main reason for public-private partnership in rolling out UHC “is to guarantee affordable health care and involves reconfiguring the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and reforming governance

Most pri-vate hos-pitals are situated in areas where the gov-ernment may nev-er reach even with the Big Four out-lay

Consultant neurosurgeons from Kenyatta National Hospital, Nakuru County Referral Hospital, University of Toronto and Egerton University perform Awake craniotomy, a surgery of the brain done while the patient is fully awake at the Nakuru Level Five hospital last month.

Experts say players on their own can mobilise sufficient resources to invest in sector with support from State

of private insurance companies.”The government manages big

referral hospitals and county fa-cilities. But it does not have clinics in most places outside the county headquarters, which is what UHC should offer if it is to be labeled ‘Universal’.

The capacity of NHIF on its own to provide all Kenyans with medi-cal insurance is limited unless it partners with private health care providers, some which have pres-ence off the beaten tracks in most counties.

An independent survey of health care providers across Kenya shows that many private hospitals are in areas where the government has never set up a health facility.

For instance, Bliss Medical Centre, has clinics in 43 out of 47 coun-ties.

Also widely available in many counties is AAR Health Care, Me-diheal Group among others that provide both insurance and health services.

They also partner with NHIF to offer health care services under the public insurance cover. The hospitals and clinics focus more on providing affordable services as opposed to the big facilities based in major towns.

Most private hospitals are situ-ated in areas where the govern-ment may never reach even with the Big Four outlay.

In the Big Four budgetary allo-cation for universal health care,

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means every person ir-respective of where they live and their socioeconomic status, has access to good quality health services without having to go

More than three million Ken-yans in four counties are set to start enjoying universal health coverage after President Uh-uru Kenyatta launches a pilot programme on December 1.

The programme will be launched in Isiolo, Kisumu, Nyeri and


the Treasury also set aside Sh2 billion to free primary health care and Sh800 million to the health insurance subsidy programme.

The bulk of this money will go to leasing equipment for public hos-pitals which have been operating below capacity for lack of diagnos-tic equipment.

“In view of increased cancer-related deaths, early screening and management is imperative. We have allocated Sh7 billion for leasing of computed tomographic scanners which will help diagnose the disease at the early stages,” said Rotich.

Partnering with the private sec-tor will take the headache off the government, leaving the Ministry to concentrate on other issues.

The Bill stipulates that since ser-vices are bought by the NHI Fund on behalf of its members, patients who want their medical costs to be cov-ered by the Fund will not go directly to specialists or hospitals, without being referred through the Fund.

Pricing of health services would be determined uniformly and be paid out by the Fund to the private health care providers through a closely mon-itored capitation system.That way, every citizen can access health care in any part of the country. It’s a system Kenya could study and emulate as the South African model is borrowed from long existing best practices in the de-veloped world. - Joe Kimondo

PEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018

People Daily



Magoha Faki Yaxley






“The high rate of candidates giving birth is a cultural problem. We as parents are failing to bring up our children in the correct manner. That is a very serious issue,” Knec chair George Magoha.

“Improvement in the representation of youth and women in the AU will inject dynamism and innovation,” AU Commission chair Moussa Faki on union’s ongoing reform process.

“The Mediterranean has become the world’s deadliest sea route for migrants. That it continues to be so should be totally unacceptable,” UN Refugee Agency spokesperson Charlie Yaxley.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY

Ideal partnerships key in managing plastic waste

Mucai Kunyiha

Environmental sustainability is a major global concern, with many countries grappling with the vagaries of climate change.

During this year’s World Environ-ment Day on June 5, global leaders and policymakers converged in India to refocus the efforts to safeguard the environment and ultimate health of the human population.

Kenya has not been an exception to the global discourses around sus-tainable environmental conserva-tion and the green economy. In 2017, the National government through the Environment ministry imposed a ban on production, importation, distribution and usage of single-use plastic bags, Kenya’s biggest step yet in the bid to conserve environment.

But the ban notwithstanding, the country continues to face a huge chal-lenge in waste management. A Frame-work of Cooperation signed between Kenya Association of Manufacturers, the Environment ministry and the Na-tional Environment Management Au-thority to manage PET (polyethylene terephthalate )bottle waste provides a much-needed platform to spearhead development and implementation of strategies to unlock a holistic waste management plan.

Most Kenyan households prefer PET bottles because of their desir-

able qualities, including being light in weight, and therefore easily por-table, hygienic, recyclable and shat-terproof. Unfortunately, despite the benefits, uncontrolled disposal con-tinues to be a challenge.

The manufacturing industry con-tinues to advocate the implementa-tion of structured Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes that will generate value and spur sustain-able growth. An EPR scheme will en-sure producers and manufacturers of PET bottles have a significant respon-sibility for the treatment and disposal of post-consumer products.

It is against this background that PETCO Kenya was established to be the driving force of PET Recycling and spearhead joint efforts by PET manufacturers to self-regulate post-consumer recycling.

If it is anything to go by, the success of PETCO South Africa (SA), if repli-cated in Kenya, would be a catalyst to our success in managing plastic bottle waste. PETCO SA was incor-porated in 2004 and has since then assisted to manage the recycling of PET in the country. The company, which is financed by a voluntary recy-cling levy imposed on manufacturers of PET, provides the recycling sector with some 62,000 jobs for collectors.

We are looking to have a similar

impact on our PET waste with PET-CO Kenya. Therefore, we continue to engage government and relevant stakeholders to yield effective results.

The first National PET Forum and Exhibition, to be held this week, pro-vides a viable avenue for stakeholder engagements and consultation. As seen globally, stakeholder engage-ment is the most appropriate av-enue to develop effective policies. As waste involves many within the value chain, it is essential that guid-ing policies take into account each role-played within the chain.

Denmark is a global leader on is-sues of waste management and the circular economy, thanks to intense collaboration between the Confed-eration of Danish Industries, Danish Plastic Federation, the government, Municipalities and recyclers.

Kenyan industries also desire such collaborations, which will instate a clear policy direction on plastic waste and recycling. In addition to partner-ing with government, KAM has now partnered with the Kenya Association of Waste Recyclers, PETCO Kenya, NTSA and Dandora HipHop City, a youth enterprise that focuses on the collection of recyclable plastics.

Writer is Vice Chairman, Kenya Association of Manufacturers —[email protected].

Most Ke-nyan house-holds prefer PET bottles because of their desir-able quali-ties





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People Daily is published by MEDIAMAX NETWORK LIMITED at DSM Place, Kijabe Street, P.O. Box 24943, 00100 - Nairobi, Tel: 0730144100; 0709824000; 0204944100E-mail: [email protected] 2018

Sh34 billion universal health plan laudable


Tackling the challenges of quality and equity linked to healthcare provision remain a steep climb despite significant steps and interventions undertaken by the government. The elephant in the room is, of course, funding. Resources for health sector are still grossly inadequate, a reality attributed to other competing social, security and infrastructure needs.

The symptoms of the malaise in the sector show in persistent and chronic drugs shortages, poor services and generally ill-equipped or rundown fa-cilities—all these combine with shortfalls in policy framework and capacity realities to denigrate health service delivery.

The gap between what is available and what is re-quired is massive. With 46 million people and less than 6,000 doctors in practice—despite over 10,000 having been trained at taxpayers expense—Kenya remains under-resourced at human resource level. Indeed, this country is often cited as suffering among the highest net emigration rates with significant medical and paramedical personnel leaving to work elsewhere. And with a lopsided ratio of one doctor for 17,000 patients and a per capita investment of less than Sh2,000 per year, the prognosis is poor.

The resources setback cast a long shadow over medical goals, principally President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Big Four agenda in which health is key pillar and the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals where health is goal number three. True, there has been progressively scaled up budgetary allocations to health sector in recent years, including the govern-ment rolled out a Sh38 billion initiative for leasing of critical equipment.

Health Services Cabinet secretary Sicily Kariuki yesterday announced what sounds like a ray of hope for the sector, saying measures were in place to roll out the Sh34 billion Universal Health Care (UHC) next month, with pilot scheme targeting four coun-ties—Kisumu, Nyeri, Isiolo and Machakos at initial cost of Sh6.3 billion. But such steps still appear far from adequate to address overall healthcare needs and challenges.

African leaders meeting in Abuja in 2001 recom-mended allocation of 15 per cent of national budget to health. Our 2018/19 national budget of Sh2.5 tril-lion and the Sh56 billion health allocation is still far from the Abuja target. Clearly, the bottom line must be resolve to give healthcare more resources and ad-dressing its complex realities. It’s only then that Ke-nyans can expect the medical care they deserve.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept

not trying —Michael Jordan


11PEOPLE SPEAKPEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018

TRUTH IS: You can’t turn your back on Christ, if you keep your eyes on Him.

KOT were yesterday eagerly waiting for the Gor Mahia vs Everton at Goodison Park.

Nixon Yegon.@Nixonyegone: Make us proud @Offi cialGMFC when you face @Everton today

at Goodison Park, Liverpool. #teamkogallo.

Nyakwar Gumoh@gummoh98: Wishing our boys @Offi cialGMFC all the best in their game tonight against @Everton at Goodison

Park. Make us proud K’ogalo.

MALIK LOUIS@AmTheOracle: Gor Mahia is the only Premier League Team in Africa to play in the English premier League. Why do we still have Harambee Stars?

Gor Mahia should be our National Team.

Anne rose@candybaibe170: wishing might mayienga all the best in todays game @Offi cial-GMFC Goodison Park.

/ / / @PeopleDailyKe / / / People Daily

A popular TV political

analyst was recently given a

joint beating by his wife and

mistress for allegedly cheating

on them. The wife to the

opposition-leaning man had

ganged up with her rival after

he disappeared for nearly two

weeks without informing them

of his whereabouts. When he

resurfaced, the two women

ganged up and gave him a

sound thrashing. They even

threatened to invite the media

to cover the scandal.

Is Nairobi Governor Mike

Sonko contemplating shifting

political base? Those close

to him say he has been

complaining about the

challenges and dynamics of

city politics that could render

defending his seat an uphill

task. Insiders say this could be

the reason the governor has

minimised tours to various parts

of the county unlike before


MCAs of a county in Western

region are accusing the

governor of colluding with the

Woman Rep to clean the county

coff ers. Matters have been

worsened by the senator who

has been missing in action since

his election. Attempts by the

MCAs to seek intervention of the

party headquarters have borne

no fruit as the party leaders

have allegedly been pocketed

by the governor.

STREET talkTV analyst beaten by wife, mistress

Is Sonko mulling a base shift in 2022?

Governor accused of cleaning out coff ers

An infl uential Nasa MP has

reportedly fallen out with a

senior Jubilee offi cial whom

he has been working with.

The legislator is said to have

angered his Jubilee honcho’s

friend for ‘eating’ money

given to him to contribute at

harambees. He is alleged to

have pocketed Sh300,000 he

was to contribute at a harambee

in his county and in another

harambee gave out Sh100,000

out of Sh1 million he had

allegedly been given.

MP in fi x for ‘eating’ harambee money

Perils of trivialising contractual agreementsDecky Omukoba

Part of my fascination with Judge Judy’s court (American arbitration-based reality court show) is the type of cases that peo-ple sue for. Like a woman who sued the weatherman for predicting that it would be sunny over the weekend, then it rained and ruined her outdoor barbeque party!

When I watched the episode, I laughed and thought, “That’s so trivial. The weath-erman has no control over nature!”

But the argument was that by him de-claring he is a weatherman, he entered into an agreement with viewers that he is a professional who will offer them verifi ed and accurate information.

This may still sound trivial until you hear the story of Maria and Rick, a couple who entered into an agreement with Ta-bles and Spoons caterers to supply food during their wedding. On the day of the wedding, the catering company did not show up yet the couple had paid them.

The incident left the couple confused and embarrassed. Their guests left the wedding hungry and gossiping.

The implications of a contractual agreement gone wrong can be cataclys-mic. The understanding is that when we enter into an agreement, both parties of-fer promises that are legally enforceable and that each side will keep their side of the bargain.

But this is not always the case. Some parties abandon their side of the agree-

ment leaving the aggrieved party disap-pointed, embarrassed and in many cases suffer huge losses and in debt.

When parties sign on the dotted line, there is always a lot that is at stake, like years of investments, borrowed capital, reputation and even relationships. These are weighty issues that are assumed to be protected by contractual agreements be-tween parties but in the midst of this pro-cess one party sometimes drops the ball either intentionally or unintentionally causing a lot of damage to the other side.

This is one of the reasons we keep see-ing trivial and ridiculous cases in court-rooms, because the more frivolous we become with upholding the agreements we enter into with each other, the more we see absurd matters being brought for-ward for litigation or mediation.

It is true that there are laws in place that govern the rights and duties arising from agreements and, therefore, injured par-ties can access legal remedies.

But some of the ridiculous matters in court shouldn’t be occurring, because we shouldn’t fall short from the standards we hold as humans bearing in mind that we have advanced more in our thinking and ability to solve problems through tech-nology. This is the 21st century.

Our fore fathers with less privileges and resources at their disposal lived honour-ably. It is almost unthinkable that people

would only shake hands as a sign of agree-ment for such weighty matters like busi-ness partnership, land transfer and prop-erty share. Your word was enough for you to be trusted, yet today it’s a nightmare to get back a few coins that you loan some-one in good faith!

People sign along the dotted line and trivialise the value and seriousness of a contractual agreement. People give their word and their signatures and don’t follow through. This messes the fabric of a soci-ety because if we cannot trust each other even in a contractual agreement, then we become so afraid of each other and lose the opportunity to connect with genuine and worthy people because we have met many rogues along the way.

It is to our advantage to understand and appreciate the things that bind us. On an interpersonal level your word should bind you. Your word should be enough. If you promise to return something you should, no one should make you sign to refund a Sh1,000. Your word should be weighty enough for it to be trusted.

No couple should be left stranded on their wedding day because a fl ippant ca-terer couldn’t deliver a pot of rice and beef stew! When you sign a contract it should be binding.

—Th e writer is a communications strate-

gist and lecturer at Kenyatta University

[email protected]

Tragedy of exams candidates in need of midwivesDaniel Chemjor

After eight years of primary school edu-cation, parents of candidates expect two things from examination results — a pass or a fail. But for some parents, there is a third possibility — a baby.

Reports from the just-concluded Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam suggests the third result is becoming increasingly possible.

The teenage pregnancy rate is worrying and so is the number of unplanned preg-nancies in general. A huge chunk of Kenya’s population is the result of accidental con-ceptions.

This, however, is not unique to Kenya. It’s a global phenomena except in countries with population control policies.

When our daughters give birth, it should not be news. But when it happens at teen age and in a huge number, it becomes news.

Even with the elaborate plans to ensure the exams were a success, Education Cabi-net secretary Amina Mohammed did not anticipate the need for midwives and ob-stetricians.

The CS said it is worrying that children who should be in school are in hospital nursing children.

Even as Amina tries to solve the problem, it should be noted that there is a correlation between poverty and teen pregnancies. The higher the rate of poverty the higher the number of teen pregnancies. Kilifi county, which had the highest number of reported KCPE exam candidates who gave birth, is among the poorest counties in the country, according to poverty index.

Despite the many efforts to empower the girl child, the high number of teen pregnan-cies suggest that a lot still needs to be done.

Poverty is abstract: when you give it a form or shape then you can feel it smells and looks haggard. The author of The Rational Optimist, Matt Riddley paints a picture of a state depicting poverty. It is that of a farm-hand living in a ramshackle grass-thatched house. With a family of three, provision of basic needs is a struggle.

The eldest daughter is at her teen age. She is delicate and needs attention. The descrip-tion further dampens the future of the fam-ily. The father is sick with a life-threatening respiratory disease, which portends an even bleaker future for the family.

It is hard to discuss sex education with the hungry, just like the global debate on geneti-

cally modifi ed foods debate. People in the developed world can discuss the merits and demerits of GMOs but for the poor, they will eat the GMOs fi rst and debate about it when they are fully fed.

We are discussing teenage pregnancies but what exactly is the problem? In essence, the poor cannot eat good policies.

It is also an open secret that our children are over exposed to information on sex too early. They access information which should be alien for their age.

In 2014 a push for sex education was re-jected in Parliament with a claim that it was about making contraceptives available to children. The motion’s sponsor was of the view that we need to encourage abstinence noting that at their age teenagers are prone to many complications if they get pregnant.

It is often said that the four horsemen of human apocalypse which cause most pre-mature and avoidable death in poor coun-tries are poverty related: hunger, dirty water, indoor smoke and diseases.

If you liberate people from these then other life-related challenges will be sur-mountable.

—Th e writer is a producer with K24

Your word should be weighty enough for it to be trusted.

CS Amina Moham-med did not anticipate the need for midwives

Rift Valley dairy farmers have renewed their demand for government to hando-ver new Kenya Cooperative Creamer-ies (KCC) to them. The farmers want President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto to ensure the Sh8 billion company earmarked for priva-tisation alongside other government parastatals is handed back to them. Speaking in Eldoret Monday during a farmersʼ meeting Moiben MP Sila Tiren said farmers in the region have nothing to celebrate because of the dwindling prices of maize and milk. - KNA

There is need for the government to enhance sex edu-cation in school following the high number of teen-age pregnancies. Speaking on Mon-day while present-ing Uwezo Fund cheques worth Sh7.5 million to 49 women and youth groups from Cheptiret/Kipchamo ward, Kes-ses MP Mishra Swarup said they are investigating the issue of teen pregnan-cies warning that stern action would be


The government has put in place a raft of measures to curb coffee theft in Central Kenya. Central Region Commissioner W i l son N jega promised the theft would be wiped out as the government moves to protect farmersʼ earnings. He said teams have been formed in all sub-counties to deal with the menace and urged farmers to collaborate with security agencies. -GITHINJI MWANGI

Rift dairy farmers renew calls for KCC handover

Enhance sex education, Kesses MP urges State

Measures put to curb coffee theft, says Njega


Operations at the Sh750 mil-lion Ewaso Nyiro Tannery and Leather Factory in, Narok, has finally kicked off.

The factory built by Ewaso Ng’iro South Development Authority (ENSDA) is a major boost for the government as manufacturing is one of the four pillars the Jubilee gov-ernment targets to pursue in its second term for economic growth.

ENSDA managing director Sammy Leporos said the fac-

tory, which has a capacity to process 13 tonnes of hides and skins per day, will be among the few in the country that process leather.

“The construction began two years ago and the factory is now operational targeting to get raw materials from livestock farmers in Narok, Nakuru and Kajiado counties,” he said.

“The tannery is well-equipped and we are now do-

ing trials to ensure that all the equipment are operating well and so far all is well,” he added.

On human resource, Leporos said they had attained quality technical skills from other es-tablished factories in a bid to save on training costs.

In the leather industry, the government targets to produce more than 20 million pairs of shoes by 2022, while increasing export revenue to Sh50 billion in the next five years.


An Eldoret court has allowed former Kamamega District Com-missioner Paul Yatich to proceed with burial plans for his wife Loice, who was brutally murdered three weeks ago at their house in Kiplombe estate.

Loice’s burial was scheduled two weeks ago at her husband’s Ta-lai village home in Baringo county but was indefinitely postponed following a court injunction filed by sister-in-law Esther Chirchir.

Until her death, Loice worked as Curriculum Development officer at the Teachers Service Commis-

sion in Uasin Gishu county.Eldoret Resident Magistrate Ni-

codemus Moseti marked the case as settled after both parties in-volved in the feud over burial plans informed the court that they had

We have agreed to with-draw the case from court -Chirchir

Former Kamamega District Commissioner Paul Yatich.

Parties feuding over Loice funeral inform court they had settled disputed issues that had stalled final rites

Detectives arrested the prime suspect in the killing who ap-peared before Eldoret Chief Magistrate Charles Obulutsa court last week.

The magistrate ordered the suspect Bonface Kiptoo, who was the deceased farm worker, be remanded at Eldoret Cen-tral Police Station.

While delivering the ruling Obu-lutsa said the move will allow



settled the issues that has stalled the burial.

Chirchir, through her lawyer Si-las Kandie, asked the court to with-draw the application as they have agreed with the former DC’s family on the burial plans.

“Following a series of meetings from the deceased family and those from her husband, we have agreed to withdraw the case from court and proceed with the funeral arrangements ahead of the burial day,” she said.

While making his ruling, the

magistrate directed that the appli-cant meets the cost of preservation of the body which is lying at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret.

“I order the applicant meets the cost of preservation of the de-ceased body at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret. Both parties will meet their own costs in the case,” ruled Moseti.

The deceased family stopped her burial accusing her husband of not involving them in the plans and also wanted the police to first complete investigations into the brutal murder.

A Kiambu businessman yester-day asked a local court to punish area Governor Ferdinand Waititu for defying court orders barring his government from interfering with the trader’s property.

Robert Gathimba (pictured) through his lawyer Dorothy Nya-kiega told Limuru Senior Princi-pal Magistrate Evelyn Olwade the county government had ignored interim orders warning it not to develop his land in Lari until the case was heard and determined.

“Am asking the court to pun-ish the county government for continuing to develop the con-tentious property despite having

been issued with orders against the same,” she said.

The county government said it was yet to make any submission because Waititu was out of the country.

His case will be heard on No-vember 15 and ruling made on November 19.

Kenya Forest Service (KFS) has stepped up restoration efforts in the Mau Forest Complex—the country’s biggest water tower—with more than five million trees set to be planted during the No-vember-December rains.

Speaking yesterday, KFS Mau Head of Conservancy, Fred Ogombe said they plan to plant the seedlings at Kiptunga Forest, which is part of the larger Mau For-est Complex.

Kiptunga is also the source of water for Mara River.

Out of the 20,000 hectares of the forest that was degraded and en-croached, KFS have managed to

rehabilitate 7,000 hectares in the last three years. Ogombe said the exercise is ongoing until their tar-get is reached.

Green Belt Movement chairper-son Marion Kamau urged Kenyans not to leave conservation efforts to corporate and private organ-isations but to also participate as individuals.

“Over the past years, the govern-ment has pushed for forest conser-vation, I believe most Kenyans are now well informed on forest mat-ters especially the dangers of de-stroying such natural resources,” she said and urged Kenyans to jealously guard resources that will benefit generations to come.

I believe most Ke-nyans are now well informed on forests matters -Kamau

A college student is recuperating at Kendu Bay Sub-County Hospital after

allegedly attempted to rob an MPesa shop.

The Mawego Technical Training Institute student is alleged to have broken into the shop at Mawego trading centre in Rachuonyo on Monday night.

distress call reportedly asked the student to open the door to no avail, forcing them shoot in the air, but unfortunately the student got injured by a stray bullet.

County Police Commander Marius Tum said the student will be arraigned in court after being discharged from hospital.


Ewaso Ny-iro leather factory produc-

Haron Githongo operates machinery

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILYCOUNTY NEWS

Six people have been arrested in France on suspicion of planning to carry out a “violent” attack on President Emmanuel Macron, of-ficials say.

The individuals, reported to be five men and a woman, were picked up by the French security services in Brittany, north-east and south-east France Tuesday.

An investigation is now taking place into a “criminal terrorist as-sociation”, a judicial source said.

Details of the suspects and the alleged plot have not yet been re-leased. -BBC

The Taliban will send repre-sentatives to multilateral talks in Russia on war-torn Afghanistan this month, the militant group said Tuesday, as the international community ratchets up efforts to end the 17-year conflict.

Moscow announced Saturday it would host the meeting on No-vember 9 to discuss ways to kick-start peace talks between Kabul and the Taliban.

In a statement posted on social media, the Taliban said it would dispatch “high-ranking” repre-sentatives from its political office in Qatar. -AFP

The Prince of Wales acknowl-edged Britain’s role in the trans-atlantic slave trade but stopped short of giving an official apology, which is likely to disappoint cam-paigners who have long called on the British Royal Family to do so.

Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, is in West Africa. Speaking in Accra, Ghana, he said: “The appalling atrocity of the slave trade and the unimaginable suffer-ing it caused left an indelible stain on the history of the world. -BBC

An army search operation is under way in Cameroon to rescue dozens of people kidnapped from a boarding school.

At least 79 students and three others were seized on Monday in Bamenda, the capital of the North-West region, a State official said.

The government and English-speaking separatists have accused each other of orchestrating the kidnapping. Cameroon’s 85-year-old President Paul Biya (pictured) vowed Tuesday to pursue poli-cies of decentralisation to address “frustrations and aspirations” in English-speaking regions hit by separatist unrest as he was sworn in for a seventh term in office.

Cameroon’s North-West and South-West regions have been hit by a secessionist rebellion in recent years. Regional governor Adolphe Tchoffo blamed separat-ist militias for the kidnapping.

But English-speaking separat-ists are accusing the government of staging the kidnapping, as an attempt to discredit their cause.

The authorities have declared a ban on vehicles driving between most districts of the North-West re-gion. They say the education system favours the majority French-speak-ing population and discriminates against English speakers. -BBC

More than 2,000 migrants have died since January trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Eu-rope, the UN said Tuesday, adding that more than half of them were headed for Italy.

“The number of lives lost on the Mediterranean this year has now ex-ceeded 2,000” after 17 people were found dead off the Spanish coast

this week, said Charlie Yaxley, spokes-person for the UNHCR refugee agency.

He said some 105,000 migrants and refugees seeking asylum have reached Europe so far this year, representing a drop to pre-2014 levels.

But the drownings this year mean that the rate of deaths has escalated sharply. The UNHCR “has called re-peatedly for urgent action to address this situation,” he said.

“The Mediterranean has for several

years been the world’s deadliest sea route for refugees and migrants. That it continues to be so should be unac-ceptable to all.”

A spokesperson for the Interna-tional Organisation for Migration, Joel Millman, said it was the fifth consecutive year that arrivals have topped 100,000.

But he noted that in previous years that threshold was crossed much ear-lier in the year. -AFP

Americans started voting Tues-day in critical midterm elections that mark the first major voter test of Donald Trump’s controversial presidency, with control of Con-gress at stake.

The elections are seen as a ref-erendum on Trump’s presidency.

About three quarters of the 50 states in the east and centre of the country were already voting as polls began opening at 6am local time for the day-long ballot.

Republicans were keenly aware that losing their majority will ham-string his political agenda over the next two years.

Up for grabs are all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 35 seats in the 100-member Senate, 36 governor posts and seats in state legislatures across the US.

Trump attended three rallies on the final day of campaigning, tell-ing his supporters: “Everything we have achieved is at stake tomor-row.”

Former President Barack Obama—on the campaign trail for the Democratic party—said “the character of our country is on the ballot”. The former president

tweeted the vote “might be the most important of our lifetimes”.

For almost two years, Trump’s rule-breaking, sometimes cha-otic administration has enjoyed a largely free hand from the twin Republican-controlled chambers, but the midterms could finally see his wings clipped.

According to nearly all pollsters, the Democrats have a good chance of winning the House, while the Republicans are likely to retain the Senate.

But with turnout a key unknown factor and pollsters still unsure about the effect of Trump’s mav-erick style on voters, both parties admit that they may be in for nasty surprises.

After a divisive campaign in

Every-thing we have achieved is at stake —Trump

Up for grabs are 435 seats in House of Representatives, 35 seats in Senate, 36 governor posts, with Republicans keen on retaining majority

which Trump was accused of race-baiting with repeated and unsubstantiated references to an “invasion” of undocumented im-migrants bent on rape and mur-der, left-right divisions in America could not be deeper.

“It’s a consequential election,” said Yorgo Koutsogiogasi, 64, who was among 17 people ready to cast ballots at a downtown Chicago polling station when doors opened at 6:00 am.

“Divisiveness in the country is really tearing the country apart,” said the Greek immigrant, a com-pany CEO.

At every rally, Trump has vowed to his supporters that they will “win, win, win.” But on Monday, he conceded that the House may slip from his party’s grasp. -AFP and BBC

Police in Uganda continue to hold academic and feminist activist, Stella Nyanzi, with crimes concerning an “of-fensive” post on Facebook.

She allegedly made offensive state-ments against President Yoweri Musev-eni, Vincent Ssekatte, the spokesperson for the police’s Criminal Investigations Department said.

Her lawyers, however, say that they have not been officially informed of the charges she is facing.

Nyanzi (pictured) who has a big fol-lowing on social media, has become famous for championing the cause of the under-privileged and speaking out for the rights of women.

But her colourfully worded and graphic posts have continued to land her on the wrong side of the law. She is still facing charges for calling the Presi-dent Museveni “a pair of buttocks”.

Nyanzi was suspended from her job at Makerere University, where she was a research fellow, in March 2017.


British Prime Minister Theresa May promised her ministers she would not strike a Brexit deal with the EU “at any cost” after opposi-tion over a mooted plan to resolve the deadlock over Northern Ire-land.

Negotiations have stepped up with Brussels as London seeks a divorce agreement within weeks, to allow time for it to be passed by parliament before March 29, 2019.

Several government sources have indicated they would like to see a deal before the end of November.

At a weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday, May told ministers she ex-pected an agreement and wanted it as soon as possible, but it would “not be done at any cost”, accord-ing to her spokesman James Slack.

“We will need to be satisfied in the negotiations that we have achieved the best deal that we pos-sibly can for the UK,” he added.


PEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018 WORLD NEWS


BusinessHubBriefing PEOPLE DAILY / Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Manager sacked over ‘improper’ behaviourDISCIPLINE: A manager at Equity Bank has left his post after sexual harassment accusations against him were made public in Facebook posts last month. The manager is alleged to have made inappropriate advances towards some female interns on the Equity Leaders Programme. The bank, through its Group chairman designate David Ansell, said in a statement it has taken disciplinary action against the staff concerned. He said the group is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of both claimants and the accused. “This said, the group has taken necessary measures in line with its policies and procedures, including disciplinary measures, and in some cases termination or separation of employment of certain staff,” Ansell said. “Furthermore, we confirm that the claimants who presented their concerns have been individually contacted and informed of the outcome of the process, and offered all necessary support.” –BARRY SILAH

Three Kenya Power impostors arrestedFRAUD: Three people have been arrested in Kisii for allegedly posing as Kenya Power customers, calling their customers and demanding money from them. The three, Jerald Ondieki, Beutah Mangera and Victor Nyamato were arrested by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) officers who were working in collaboration with Kenya Power security officers. One HP laptop, nine mobile phones and a list of customers with their contacts were recovered from the suspects. They were booked at Kisii Central Police Station. Kenya Power urged its customers to always apply for electricity connection and make all payments for the same at the company’s banking halls spread across the country and not to individuals. –ZACHARY OCHUODHO

Transporting crude oil from Turkana to Mombasa.Tullow Oil


Farmers want an independent probe of maize stored at National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) silos that was declared unfit for hu-man consumption last month even as MPs rejected the Sh2,300 offer by the government to a 90-kg bag of the commodity.

The growers have cast doubt at an audit report by Kenya Bureau of Stan-dards (Kebs) indicating that 2.1 mil-lion bags out of 3.6 million procured by NCPB were not of the required standards. Last month, during an Ad Hoc Senate Committee meeting that had summoned Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri, Kebs tabled an audit report that revealed maize stored in 14 counties was con-taminated with aflatoxin.

Farmers who talked to People Daily yesterday alleged the decision to de-stroy the maize could be a scheme by cartels to dispose of the cereals cheaply to consumers. Kenya Farm-ers Association director Kipkorrir

tural value chain players with a view to ascertaining the actual status of the stored maize,” he added. United Grain Millers Association vice chair-man Ken Nyaga said his organisation would deploy officials to monitor all the maize stored in the depots is test-ed for aflatoxin and other impurities.

“Kebs might only test maize in Nai-robi and release the report. This can leave us at a difficult situation as we might buy maize from other depots which have not been verified,” he said. During a meeting between Ki-unjuri and members of the National Assembly’s Agriculture committee led by Mandera South MP Adan Ali Haji, the CS said an inter-ministerial com-mittee had been formed to undertake fresh audit of the maize in NCPB silos.

Kiunjuri said the team will pres-ent its report by Friday to enable the government to decide on whether to destroy the maize.“By the end of the week this committee should be able to tell us on the actual position of the safety of maize in the stores across the country,” Kiunjuri said.

Africa-focused Tullow Oil ex-pects the first crude shipments from its Kenyan oilfields in the first half of 2019 and is pricing the product for the market, the company’s chief executive said yesterday.

Paul McDade also told Re-uters that Tullow, which has expanded beyond Africa to the coast of Guyana, was bringing forward its drilling plans for the South American country and was looking to drill at least two wells there in the middle of next year.

In Kenya, one of Africa’s newest oil plays where Tullow

Menjo said the admission by govern-ment last month that about 60 per cent of the maize stored in NCPB de-pots is not fit for human consumption raises a lot of doubts.

“This could be a plot by govern-ment officials in conjunction with un-scrupulous traders to siphon money from Kenyans,” said Menjo on phone. “We are in talks with various agricul-

Legislators told Kiunjuri that the of-fer to buy a bag of maize for Sh2,300 was too little yet production costs have not come down. Last year the government was buying the produce for Sh3,200.

“The Sh2,300 is not acceptable at all. The cost of production is still the same. We would rather keep our maize than sell it,” said Kwanza MP Ferdinand Wanyonyi. Alfred Keter (Nandi Hills MP) said for the last five years farmers have been suffering as government abandoned them.

“Strategic Food Reserve Trust Fund oversight board don’t consider the is-sues of farmers as serious,” he said.

On Monday, the board’s chair-man Noah Wekesa said the price was arrived at after an analysis and har-monisation of the cost of production which stands at Sh1, 800, according to a study carried out by the Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture Policy and De-velopment of Egerton University.

Kenya Bureau of Standards, the agency in charge of setting safety standards, revealed that the maize currently stored in various silos coun-

for consumption.

with other defects and not con-

for animal feeds and will be sold to manufacturers and other uses

-sight board.

is already trucking crude, the next phase is getting ready to roll. “We will have a shipment of Kenyan crude ready to go probably in the first or sec-ond quarter of next year. We will market that and it allows the refiners to see the crude

and try the crude so that helps the marketing process,” McDade said on the sidelines of the Africa Oil Week confer-ence.

The price for crude from Ke-nya and neighbouring Uganda has not yet been fixed. The product is light crude but is waxy, a drawback as it needs to be heated for transport to stay liquid. But its extremely low sulphur content is a plus.

A 0.5 per cent sulphur limit will be imposed on marine fuels from 2020 by the Inter-national Maritime Organisa-tion, down from 3.5 per cent,

Number of bags out3.6 million procured by NCPB which Kenya Bureau of Standards indicate to be suspect.


Year when a 0.5pc sulphur limit will be imposed on marine fuels by the International Maritime Organisation, down from 3.5 per cent.


Say plan to destroy grains could be a scheme by cartels to dispose of the cereals cheaply to consumers

to help protect the ocean envi-ronment. “It is as close as you can get to zero sulphur which is quite unusual. That will give it a premium,” McDade said.

He would not be drawn on what he thought its price ulti-mately would be in relation to the Brent benchmark.

Tullow also has a planned pipeline project in Kenya and its CEO said tenders would go out for that probably in the first half of next year.

Some of the contractors Tullow has spoken to have said they can get their own financ-ing. “That is a novelty, it’s not the conventional way to go,” McDade said. –REUTERS

online insurance platform that reduces application time for

How it Works

PEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018 BUSINESS HUB

Farmers yesterday camped at Kenya Meat Commission (KMC) Athi River demanding Sh490 million in dues as top manage-ment snubbed Senate Agricul-ture Committee meeting.

Workers on a go-slow at the gi-ant meat processing factory, cur-rently working 50 per cent below its production capacity, also pro-tested gross misconduct by the management as well as unpaid gratuity and salaries.

The Senate Agricultural Com-mittee, led by its chairperson Njeru Ndwiga, expressed dis-pleasure as the top management failed to show up despite a two-week communication seeking audience with the management.

According to Njeru, they re-ceived a petition from Kajiado nominated Senator Mary Se-neta over farmers’ unpaid dues over a period of three years amid other uproar over the company mismanagement and massive corruption.

Njeru said if the top man-agement fails to show up in the next two weeks, when the com-mittee is scheduled to visit the plant again, they will summon Agriculture Cabinet secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri.

“We are saddened by the state of this meat factory. It is want-ing in its operation and man-agement. Millions of taxpayers’ money is going to the drain as livestock farmers go unpaid and

workers continue working un-der poor conditions with rela-tive wages that are unpaid for months. It is such a shame that the management can disrespect us and fail to show up despite an earlier notice,’’said Njeru.

Njeru said CS Kiunjuri should be in a position to tell Kenyans who procures the meat and where the money goes leaving farmers unpaid.

Farmers from arid and semi-arid areas from Kajiado, Man-dera, Moyale, Marsabit and Wa-jir, who were at the factory, told the committee the factory has been frustrating them claiming the meat supplied has not been paid for by consumers.

For instance, KMC owes Sam-uel Tupet, a farmer from Isinya Kajiado Sh5million for livestock supplied in the past two years. Another farmer, Hassan Husse-in from Marsabit county claims KMC owes him Sh18 million.

Farmers yet to re-ceive payment for livestock supplied as firm snubs Sen-ate Committee

Safaricom is looking to double the daily transaction limits on its M-Pesa service from Sh140,000 owing to the growing demand from users of the service.

Presently, an M-Pesa customer can keep up to Sh100,000 in their account while doing a maximum daily transaction of Sh140,000. That could double if such plans re-ceive the much-needed nod from the regulator, which has been in the works for more than a year now. The move is,

however, subject to regulatory sanction by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) even as talks between the two parties is said to be “on the right track” according to Safaricom’s head of new business Paul Kavuva.

“We have already made submissions to CBK, who will need more time to look into critical factors such as cus-tomer exposure and risk to the economy,” said Kavuva, confirming yesterday that the strategic move had been in the pipeline for close to a year.

Those plans have now been congealed by the new partnership inked yesterday

between the operator and US firm Western Union (WU) in a deal that will allow customers from anywhere in the world to send and receive money via M-Pesa – a mobile-based fi-nancial platform that handles in excess of 17 million worth of transactions everyday.

The deal will facilitate glob-al money transfer and expose the telco to direct integration with any authorised local and international remittance ser-vice provider, pioneering in Germany, United Arab Emir-ates (UAE) and UK before it is rolled out to other markets where WU has operations.

The Institute of Certified In-vestment and Finance Analysts (Icifa) will gazette a list of li-censed investment and financial analysts and firms registered to operate in Kenya under the IFA Act, 2015.

Icifa chairman Job Kihumba said they are currently compil-ing the list in fulfilment of its mandate.

Kihumba said the registration will ensure financial and invest-ment analysts uphold stated eth-ics while serving the public. “We

also have a disciplinary commit-tee whose responsibility will be to deal with any cases of miscon-duct and non-compliance with the law and best practice as de-fined in the code of conduct and ethics,” he said.

Kihumba said they had noted a number of cases of non-compli-ance among some practitioners and investigations had com-menced to ascertain the truth.

A firm is compliant when at least one of its senior employees is a licensed member of Icifa af-ter meeting some minimum re-quirements.


Currently, a large number of farmers have withdrawn supply of livestock to the factory due to delayed pay-ments.


Maximum dailytransaction that an M-Pesa customer can carry out in a day.


The CBK will need

more time to look into critical factors such as customer exposure





US DOLLAR 101.5089 101.4089 101.6089SW KRONER 11.2036 11.1907 11.2165STG POUND 132.0586 131.9050 132.2122SINGAPORE DOLLAR 73.8166 73.7305 73.9027SAUDI RIYAL 27.0611 27.0330 27.0892SA RAND 7.1508 7.1405 7.1612S FRANC 100.9939 100.8442 101.1436NOR KRONER 12.1390 12.1234 12.1546KES / USHS 36.9919 36.9062 37.0776KES / TSHS 22.5941 22.5472 22.6410KES / RWF 8.7451 8.7294 8.7609KES / BIF 17.5515 17.5010 17.6020JPY (100) 89.5575 89.4653 89.6496IND RUPEE 1.3907 1.3893 1.3922HONGKONG DOLLAR 12.9535 12.9407 12.9663EURO 115.4700 115.3483 115.5917DAN KRONER 15.5189 15.5026 15.5351CHINESE YUAN 14.6651 14.6477 14.6825CAN $ 77.4197 77.3405 77.4990AUSTRALIAN $ 73.2640 73.1868 73.3413AE DIRHAM 27.6354 27.6055 27.6652


NSE ALL SHARE INDEX: DOWN 1.66 points to close at 142.95NSE 20-SHARE INDEX: UP 2.65 points to close at 2842.00NSE 25-SHARE INDEX: DOWN 49.75 points to close at 3660.79

COMMODITY Kg Nairobi Mombasa Kisumu Nakuru Eldoret

Dry Maize 90 1800 1900 2800 1500 1600

Green Maize 115 2400 3600 2200 1400 1200

Finger Millet 90 7200 7200 7600 5400 8100

Sorghum 90 3600 2250 3000 3500 5850

Wheat 90 3000

Beans Canadian 90 5800 7200 5000

Beans Rosecoco 90 6000 4900 7200 5400 7200

Beans Mwitemania 90 5000 4000 3500 7200

Mwezi Moja 90 5400

Dolichos (Njahi) 90 5000 5940 5400 11250

Green Gram 90 6000 5400 8000 5400 9900

Cowpeas 90 6500 2250 7200 6300 6750

Fresh Peas 51 3300 2500 2500 2500 2040

Groundnuts 110 14400 10560 8000 8500 10800

Red Irish Potatoes 50 2500 3000 2200 2600

White Irish Potatoes 50 3000 3000 2200 3000 2400

Cassava Fresh 99 2300 2900 3000

Sweet Potatoes 98 3200 2700 3100 3000 3800

Cabbages 126 1800 3000 1200 1200 1200

Cooking Bananas 22 550 600 300 350 1200

Ripe Bananas 14 600 350 300 750 600

Carrots 138 3500 5400 2500 3000 2800

Tomatoes 64 5500 6000 7000 4000 4000

Onions Dry 13 660 600 910 650 1170

Spring Onions 142 2700 3800 2400 3000 1400

Chillies 38 2500 1520 1500 3000

Cucumber 50 2250 2000

Capsicums 50 3000 2000 2400 3000 1750

Brinjals 44 2200 900 1500 2000

Cauliflower 39 2145 1560

Lettuce 51 2500 2000

Passion Fruits 57 5000 5500 3000 5000 6840

Oranges 93 3800 3000 3000 3200 3000

Lemons 95 2850 2600 1500 2400

Mangoes Local 126 2800 1500 2400 3000 2000

Mangoes Ngowe 25 1200 1250 2000 500

Limes 13 1300 1500

Pineapples 13 1040 1080 650 600 650

Pawpaw 54 2600 1000 1000 2500 2700

Avocado 90 2200 4000 1800 2000 2200

Kales 50 700 1500 1200 400 1500

Eggs 300 300 280 300 320

PEOPLE DAILY Wednesday, November 7, 2018T O P S H E L F F A C T S

Things to consider before committing as a bridesmaid

So, your friend is getting married and you’ve been asked to be a bridesmaid? Before you accept the invite, you’ll need to think about it for a minute. Faith Kyoumukama explores the factors to consider before giving it a nod

1. It’s okay to say noIn as much as we want to support our closest friends, it is okay to de-cline the request. It might hurt the bride or groom, but if you think ac-cepting the invite will cost you an arm and a leg, it’s better to avoid it. Also, not everyone loves to be in the bridal party and sometimes you just don’t have time, so declining would do you some good.

2.You will spend moneyBeing in the bridal party is not as easy as just dance slipping into a pair of heels and looking glam. No! All that costs money; from the head down. The detailed expenses, es-pecially when it comes to make-up,

-etary investment and sometimes it can be heavy.

3.You’ll step out of comfort zoneIf you don’t do make-up or wear your hair in an up-do, you might want to give all that up and get in line and do as the bride pleases. Af-ter all, it’s her wedding day. If you

completely cannot do it, you might want to have a sit-down and come into a compromise. Remember this might put your personal relation-ship with the bride (or the groom) in the line.

clashImagine, for instance, a bridal par-ty line-up of 12 people. These in-dividuals come packed with differ-ent characters, tastes and...name it. All this is a mix-up of emotions, opinions and attitudes. So, clash-

emerge, but at the end of the day, you will have to stick to the agen-da. Don’t keep anything to heart.

5. Observe protocolDon’t give yourself a role that be-longs to the maid of honour. It will embarrass you. In case you have a concern you might want the bride to know or address, just suggest it through the maid of honour. She is in the inner core of things and can pass the message to the bride. The bride is certainly dealing with a lot of pressure, so it might be safe to let the maid honour do her job. But sometimes, you should not be too expectant; bureaucracy exists everywhere.

6. Recognise people’s tastesWhen you are in a bridal party, keep in mind people have different tastes. What you like might not be other people’s preference. So, try and understand this and it will help you compromise on some issues. People are brought up differently, in that one might like chunky heels while another prefers a divergent choice.

7. Availability is keyYour investment would be highly needed in planning the wedding be-cause that is what the bride expects of you. If you don’t have enough time, you might want to either dis-close this to the bride or step down for another person. Being unavail-able might cause a strained coor-dination between you and other members of the bridal party.

8. It’s not your party

your hair may end up making you feel like a new girl straight from the village. You may not want to wear pointed shoes or burgundy lipstick, but you’ll need to fake it till the end. You have to make it through the wedding. And that is what it is.

9.Clarity before commitment Before you commit to the duties and roles of bridesmaids, you have ev-ery right to ask about whatever con-cerns you. You need to know what

-ments you’re expected to make, so you can decide whether it’s right for you accepting the invite or not.

10. It’s supposed to be funDespite the challenges you meet on the way, being a bridesmaid is (should be) tonnes of fun. Don’t for-get that you should (or expected to) be enjoying every moment of it. That should be the bottom line. So, you

People Daily, WEDNESDAY, November 7, 2018


Gay and transgender people in Tanzania have gone into hiding fear-ing for their lives after a senior gov-

-- -




- Daily Mail

Gay witch-hunt sparks fear and panic in Tanzania

an understanding of what a good size is and how it looks like,” he says.

Speaking of size, while it is relative,

what is meant by small, normal, and of

a penis measuring longer than eight

review published by BJU International

-ous methods of measurements were

vary in different region, with men from Asia having the smallest size rela-



A number of reasons have been

First, the width of the penis at the base may be more stimulating to the

that a larger penis may help women


woman a ‘greater feeling of fullness’ -

and skills that women enjoy im-

resulting in greater pleasure for your partner.

“Obsessing about the size of your penis will not only dent your self-

esteem. This will make it harder for


one simple reason – they have more

not know of the size of the prize be-forehand,” he says.

In bed it’s size of ego, not member that matters



their women rather than the size of their penis size.

about penis size have an image in their mind of something they heard in

man’s ‘apparatus’ is usually the thrust of

surprisingly small penis. During this -

ing to do with the size of the penis -


pressed man. His girlfriend

stand. Her ideal man is someone who has it big; something that she believes will make her have a great

he wasn’t that great in bed.

away and probably, in this day and

never will but does penis size matter? Is it something that people genuinely


penises was more on its small size. -

ished in plays not to behave badly or else their punishment would be their penises growing larger.

18 PEOPLE DAILY Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Fans of popular Kenyan TV drama, My Two Wives, have something to be jolly about, as the Kalasha Awards-nom-inated show goes digital. According to the production company behind the captivating show, Insignia Produc-tions, all the episodes that have already screened on TV will soon be available for viewing on digital video-sharing platform, YouTube. “We have decided to go digital so that we can capture the emerging online market and grow the programme’s fun base even further. The show does well on

Insignia’s Director of Cinematography, Phil Bresson, told Spice





DJ Swaj is the brand ambassador for CoolBlack — an international Kenyan fashion line — and is the brain behind his clothing line, Swaj Wear. He talks with Grace Wachira about his fashion interests

Risper Faith

My fashion jour-n e y b e g a n when I imme-diately joined campus in 2011. Being a brand ambassador for

CoolBlack (an international Kenyan fashion label) gives a lot of meaning to my life, considering that the main role of a brand ambassador is to set the pace and be the face of a brand. It also gives me a lot of joy, knowing that there are people who look up to me, and in the way I dress. It has also given me an opportunity to have things that I love and enjoy, which are fashion and deejaying.

My memorable fashion moment was sometime back when I was called on stage to model for a cer-tain company that was launching a new brand. Being the shy guy that I am and with no proper training in modelling, it posed a huge challenge for me, but I’m glad I pulled through and did surprisingly well. I started my clothing line soon after starting my deejaying career. I want-ed to make a name for myself and create a brand, and Swaj Wear was a perfect way to push this agenda.

If money was no object, I would get a good pair of Jordans! Fresh from the box with that new shoe smell. I love a good pair of sneakers and Jordans is at the top of my list.

I’d kill to have David Beckham’s wardrobe. The man can pull good

looks. He not only pulls up in well-tailored suits, but also can do a ca-sual look and still be sleek with it.

You should always have a time-piece as a man. You know what they say, a gentlemen’s timepiece says a lot about him. So one should invest in owning at least one good wristwatch.

I am being dressed by Robby of CoolBlack, so I already got the plug. Right now I’m wearing CoolBlack and Swaj Wear.

If I were not a DJ, I could have either been an Information Technology guy or a dancer.

My go to for accessories are Rich Black for timepieces, and I have two friends; one who is my plug for bracelets and the other for eye wear.

My signature look involves a cool bomber jacket, a Tee, cap (I can do both snapbacks and baseball caps), good pair of sneakers and denim pants.

My greatest fashion obsession is sneakers.

I never miss either one of my signa-ture look pieces in my closet. You’ll

-ent colours, different designs.

is one who understands his style and

to pull off that look.


isper Fa i th is

child. However, she has been serving nothing less than

baby bump goals and

platforms. She pulls off-shoulder dresses quite well and we are all feeling the vibe. So, you might as well go ahead and steal a few of her looks, especially if you are or will be expecting a bundle of joy soon.

Floral gown from @african-fabricdesignke

Red velvet bodycon dress (can be ordered from local and inter-national shops)

Red off shoulder top from @fashionova

PEOPLE DAILY Wednesday, November 7, 2018


This past Sunday saw hundreds of horse racing lovers attend the highlight Conference Cup meet at Ngong Racecourse, Nairobi, in what was a relatively toned down atmosphere. Action was electric on the tracks, as Muoki Kiilu won

the main race in a thrilling fashion. Jockeys and

under fairly comfortable weather. For the few punters in attendance, it was an opportune time to rewap from bets. TEXT: BARRY SILAH PHOTOS: DAVID NDOLO

















A section of women in Mombasa recently launched a women-driven campaign strategy to empower women and young girls to actively participate in the

Kenya. Under the auspices of Coast Women Coun-

seeks to rally national and county governments, communities, civil society, private sector and inter-national partners to join hands in the war against terror. National Counter Terrorism Centre director, Njenga Miiri, said the plan would go a long way in enhancing partnerships to counter the vices in the county. Also in attendance was Coast Education


Young creatives in the Kenyan fashion industry recently came together at the Mi-chael Joseph Centre in Nairobi to show-case their work during an annual event dubbed Fashion Bloggers Runway Show. The event was organised by Swazuri Events with an aim to bring together bud-

-ativity on the runway. During the event, the audience was also given an opportunity to engage in various competitions pertaining fashion, with winners taking home varied goodies. TEXT: CHEBET KORIR PHOTOS: JOHN OCHIENG









ISK Kenya students Allegra Polo, Jodie Vi-gada and Mara Vigada.

Horse racing en-thusiast Rose Muya looks stunning.

National Counter Terrorism director Njenga Miiri.

Kwacha Africa en-tertain the guests.

Dr Fridah Simba (centre) takes one with colleagues.

Here it is! The CVE

Charter unveiling.

Esther Ingolo with Coast Education Centre executive director, Halima Mohamed.

A model strikes a

the runway.

Eva Maloba with fashion model

Lawrence Muraya from Music Guys Academy.

A model struts down the runway.

Fans Diana Achieng with Joy Wangari.

Eddy Orinda, his son Eddy Jnr, daughter Wema Nanda and horse owner Felix Mbugua.

British tourists Harry Baxter and Sarah Baxter.

Muoki Kiilu holds -

ning the main race.

Stewards Walchii Wanjiru and Ratcliff


Henrey Muya (right) beats Paul Kiarie of Romeo Fox to

al l about kin and kith

Fam i l y

PEOPLE DAILY Wednesday, November 7, 2018



Our children have taken over the houseThe holidays are here and as usual

we have no idea what to do with the un-controllable noises at home. Many par-ents are working out ways to send their children away to their grandparents’. This might, however, not entirely work because we have about two months with them out of school. So, my hus-band, Justin and I sat, staring, awed at how much energy our two older daugh-ters had. Our little one, Ella could only

clapped and laughed with their every move. “Jeez!” I began, “You’d think they just had a box of chocolate.” Justin leaned in and tried to whisper, unaware that his whis-per sounded more like a hiss and was obviously louder. “With all this noise, I doubt we’ll be able to get rid of them!”

Ideas to considerMy eldest daughter overheard the

hissing and immediately turned to-wards us. “Dad!” she quipped. “I have

an idea that you might like if you want to get rid of us.” Oh dear me, you would have thought that she would be of-fended after overhearing such plans, but no. Not the Mwambi daughters. She was already crafting something up helping us execute a grand plan. “How about we go to cousin Breisy’s for two weeks’, then another two weeks at Cousin Essie’s.” We remained silent as she paused to count the remaining number of weeks left unaccounted for.

Yvonne Ndungwa, her husband and children. She says school holidays need not be an expensive affair. Learners at Kenya School of Flying are paying Sh137,600 for a two-week training. Learners enjoy a good time at the beach.

Children love school holidays. For parents, well, it is a catch 22 situation. Beating boredom and entertaining children during the school holidays is hurting the budgets of many parents

The December holidays have just began, and while school-going chil-dren are expected to be home, it is a busy morn-ing at Neema Education Centre. It runs a school

holiday programme for children of all ages providing meals and activities at a fee.

As youngsters run playfully into the school assembly point, their parents saunter out, some visibly relieved. Just one week into the 10-week school holi-days, one beleaguered mother says her seven-year-old son has already asked 10 times to go for ballet training.

While parents have an opportunity to spend some quality time to bond with their children and make it memorable, beating boredom and entertaining chil-dren during school holidays, it turns out, is hurting the budgets of many families.Even if they are planning a ‘staycation’, the cost is a big source of stress. It is a never-ending juggling act of making sure the children have enough holiday fun without the costs spiraling out of control. Whether it is the price of child-care, weekends out, new toys, enter-tainment or food, many parents are feeling the pinch on their hip pocket.

A spot check by Fusion reveals children-based holiday programmes are taking advantage of the holidays to fork out thousands of shillings out of parents. The top child-friendly expense is eating out followed by theme parks and zoo visits.

left by school by keeping their children stimulated with privately organised camps, trips to Coast or abroad, pri-vate tuition, you name it. While poorer

-cial strain. Affordable school holidays

some instances, high demand for holi-day camps are forcing facilitators to hike charges. At home, it is not any easier, all of a sudden, food budgets have swollen two or three-folds

Among the available options for chil-dren this holiday include Kenya School

Counting the cost of school holidaysof Flying, a Professional Flight training School based at Wilson Airport that is providing a 14-day personalised training for high school students from November 27 to December 11, at their Ukunda base in Mombasa. The course, which runs every school holi-day including April and August, costs Sh137,600.

The school’s marketing executive Kevin Ririani says the aviation holiday camp offers both Private Pilot Licence

The girl course is done separately from the boys and other courses are incorpo-

her child into, some of which will not cost her a dime.

“I plan to enrol my daughter to a Vocational Bible Study conducted at Kitengela International Christian Centre where I also will be volunteering,” she says. Thereafter, for another week, the church will be training the children on how to do bead work. The programmes are free of charge. She also has skating, which she will pay Sh300 per day for al-ternating day as well as Ballet dancing, voice recording, piano and guitar les-sons lined up her daughter at Maasai Discovery in Kitengela, which she will pay Sh500 per session.

At home, she keeps Zarya busy by letting her assist with home chores such as clearing the table, organising her toys as well as letting her take part in cook-ing and washing. An events planner by profession, Yvonne tells parents that

on themselves and still ensure their chil-dren have an action-packed holiday.

In the past many parents opted to take their children to the countryside to visit their grandparents and relatives over the school holidays. By spending time in shags, parents believed that their children would learn and understand their culture better, know their history and get to see life from a different per-spective. Further, there was so much to do in the countryside as they would feed animals, farm and do many other things. While some still do that today, many modern parents would rather take their children to all holiday destinations in the country save for their upcountry homes.They think taking their children to their rural home is shady and unnecessary.

play and etiquette training while nine to 14-year-olds are set to be equipped with personal management, values, ca-reer development, problem solving, In-ternet use and public speaking skills.

Joan Gathungu, who runs the pro-gramme, says children are provided with a conducive environment to learn and play. “We are open from 8.30pm to 3.30pm and transport arrangements can be organised with parents if their children are not being dropped off. We serve all parts of Nairobi,” she says.

At Wadi Degla Club located in the leafy suburbs of Runda, they are offer-ing a four weeks summer camp where children will learn new skills in arts and crafts, education, sports and music.

At Kenya Institute of Martial Arts, Cleophas Chalicha is conducting tae-kwo-ndo for three-year-olds and above. A parent pays Sh300 per session of two hours in the morning and afternoon

But having a great time doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag as ex-plains Yvonne Ndungwa, a mother of two, Zarya, five and Ziah one. Apart from the house budget, she has found ways of cutting the cost of entertain-ment for her daughter. She has every-day of the holiday planned out. Starting November, 12 up until the end of the holiday, she has lined up a number of programmes that she intends to enrol

Let the little kings ruleIn the end, we considered two sleep

overs (obviously not that long), a visit to their gramps at the Coast and a few weeks around town so they take part in some Christmas activities happening in our church. We’ll try as best to bond with our minions and appreciate their crazy wild life. Who am I kidding, these children have literary taken over the house! They control the TV and decide what we eat. We’ll perhaps just survive until schools open again. What to do now?

rated with the ground school. “In addi-tion, we also do mentorship on leader-ship for the girl-child and strengthening their base in Aviation Technology. The students are also assured of graduating

he says.Royal Montessori School, Muthaiga

is also offering a five-day children’s camp starting next week on Monday to Friday known as November Camp for children between four and 14 years.At Sh3,500 children between four to eight years will be kept busy with personal management, personal values, creative

PEOPLE DAILY Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Daddy’s diary

Faith Amodingʼ-Papa,her husband and their child. Her maid started acting up after Faith gave birth and she had to sack her and learn to manage without a nanny. Mother-daughter moment.

5:00 Password Plus Repeat6:00 AM Live 8:00 Better Living10:00 Wild Skin11:00 NTV Today1:00 NTV at 11:30 NTV Sasa3:00 China Wings3.30 Gina Dʼs Kids Club4:00 NTV at 44:15 Road to Russia Series5:00 The Beat

6:00 Be Careful With My Heart7:00 NTV Jioni7:30 Mchungaji8:00 Wild Skin9:00 NTV Tonight10:00 The Hostel10:15 Road to Russia Series10.45 Movie01.00 The Beat12:30 CNN

5:00 Club 7005:30 Praise and Worship6:00 Morning Express7:00 Life nʼ Style8:30 The Enterprise9:00 Afriscreen11:00 Dolce Amore12:00 Tujaribu1:00 News Desk13:30: Kick Off14:00: Afri Screen16:00: Mbiu ya KTN16:30 World of Winx17:00 Maisha Mzuqa

18:00 The Better Half19:00 KTN Leo19:30 Real House helps of Kawangware 20:00 King David 21:00 KTN Prime 21.25 LOTTO Live! 21.45 Movie




5:00 BBC5:30 Gear Up6:00 Good Morning Kenya9:00 Layd Back9:30 Parliament Live11:00 Hypochondri ach RR12:00 Top Mashariki Rpt13:00 Lunch Time News13:30 Business

14:00 Business Africa

14:30 Parliament Live17:30 Club 118:30 The Great Debaters19:00 Taarifa19:30 Bold Conversations20:00 First Lady21:00 Channel 1 News23:00 CCTV23:30 Layʼd Back





PICK the


5.00 Switch Mix5.30 Tizi6.00 K24 Alfajiri9.00 Isabella10.00 The Daily Brief1.30 Sports Hub2:00 Arena 2542:30 DW Documentary3.30 Playlist4.00 K24 Mashinani4.30 Juskids

5.00 Beatbox6.00 Madhubala7.00 K24 Saa Moja7.30 Sumu La Penzi8.05 Sweetest love9.00 K24 Evening Edition10.00 Kenyan Movie11.00 Beatbox12.00 DW Live Feed

5.00 Ime Ria Ruciini6.00 Rikiratha9.00 Riruka Mixx11.00 Nyarari-Rpt12.00 Riruka Mixx11.00 Tuikaranie-Rpt1.00 Mohoro Gitau1.30 Kameme Iharoi- Ni Live2.30 Kiigunyi Kia Wonjoria-Rpt3.30 Rigu Wa Kiroho Mixx5.00 Thinema Cia Kameme

ARIES (MAR. 21- APRIL 20) You will feel the limitations if you have been overdoing it. Catch up on overdue phone calls and correspondence.

TAURUS (APR. 21- MAY 21) Refrain from overspending on entertainment or luxury items. You can accomplish a great deal.

GEMINI (MAY 22-JUNE 21) You are best to keep your cash in a safe place. Property investments, insurance, tax rebates, or inheritance should bring

CANCER (JUNE 22-JULY 22) Situations in your personal life are moving a little fast lately. Secret affairs will only lead to heartache.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG 22) Do not overspend on entertainment. Hard work will pay off if you refrain from expressing your opinion to superiors.

VIRGO (AUG. 23 -SEPT. 23) You may want to take a serious look at your goals and objectives. Travel will promote new romantic encounters.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 -OCT. 23) You can do well on stage or behind the scenes, the choice is yours. Take a different approach; make an offer they just canʼt refuse.

SCORPIO (OCT. 24 - NOV. 22)

better suggestion before you make arrangements for the whole family. Networking will be a necessity.


through business connections. Sports,

in general will make you feel better and show some pretty quick results.

CAPRICORN (DEC 22.- JAN. 20) Your communication skills may win you points. Your main concern will be to spend as little as possible of your own cash in the process.

AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 -FEB. 19) Be sure to use your charm and diplomacy when dealing with potential new clients. Try not to get upset or angry without having all the facts.

PISCES (FEB. 20-MAR. 20) Donʼt let the cat out of the bag. Be sure you get accurate information.

TimeoutPEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018

6.00 Kameme Maturaini6.30 Kayu Ka Murimi7.30 Wendo Muroge8.05 Mutamburuko Wa Mohoro9.00 Thinema Cia Kameme10.00 Mutamburuko Wa Mohoro- Rpt00.00 Deuestche Welle

each row, column and every 3x3 shaded box contains only one of the digits 1-9. You need to reason out where to place the missing numbers by using the numbers given in the grid and a process of elimination. It is a game of logic not mathematical ability.

5 1 3 6 2

9 4 1

7 8 5 3

4 6 9 2

2 3

8 9 1 6

8 1 4 7

2 8 6

1 2 9 5 3

ACROSS1. Time3. Daybreak9. Outmost10. Lucid11. Biographical14. Nod16. Grebe17. Mum18. Flyonthewall

21. Rifts22. Backout23. Ballhoo24. Vets

DOWN1. Trombone2. Motto4. Act5. Belligerency

6. Exclaim7. Kids8. Courageously12. Pleat13. Emulates15. Doleful19. Arose20. Grub22. Boo

ACROSS 1. Person who thieves (6) 7. Observer (8) 8. Pro (3) 9 . Struggle to do

something (6) 10. Sodium chloride (4)

13. Leftovers (7) 15. Large number of

disordered things (7) 17. Walks through water

(5) 21. Body of water (4) 22. Boldness (6) 23. Very cold (3) 24. Birds of prey (8) 25. Made fun of someone


DOWN 1. Purify (6) 2. Breaks open (6) 3. Regal (5) 4. Sideways looks (7) 5. Greek dish (8) 6. Magician in Arthurian

legend (6) 12. Supplication (8) 14. Newspaper audience

(7) 16. Old measure of

distance (6) 18. Fingers (6) 19. Steady (anag) (6) 20. Peak (5)

TimeoutAnga Mega Kisumu: 18:30: 5 WEDDINGS (2018)

Anga Sky Cinema:20:20: 5 WEDDINGS (2018)

Planet Media Cinema Westgate Mall :11:20, 18:10: 5 WEDDINGS (2018)

Anga IMAX CBD:08:05, 17:50: ALPHA (2018) 3D

Century Cinemax IMAX Garden City:21:45: FIRST MAN (2018)

PEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Call: 0730144100, 0709824000, 0204944100 or visit us at:DSM PLACE 1th Floor, Kijabe Street, Nairobi or email: [email protected]


FOOTBALL: Turmoil descends

on Ingwe as warring factions

dig deep in turf war - Pg26

The one-stop sports shop...


DOPING: All set for the national Anti-Dop-ing Day scheduled for this Friday at Iten Sta-dium, Elgeyo Marakwet County. Athletics Kenya (AK) Elgeyo Marakwet sub-branch chairman Pius Lai said everything has been put in place for the much-anticipated day. “We are burning the mid-night oil to ensure that the event goes on smoothly because this is a national event and all eyes are in Iten,” said Lai. He said the event is meant to educate people not just athletes on the dangers of doping. He said doping is a very wide subject and it is not only athletes that need to be educated on the issue and it is important that Kenyans understand the vice. Lai said a number of notable athletes have confirmed their participation this in-clude former world records holder Wilson Kipsang, New York marathon winner Mary Keitany and Geoffrey Kamworor, among other athletes. AK President Jackson Tuwei and Elgeyo Marakwet Governor Alex Tolgos are expected to grace the event as guests.


RUGBY: Erick Bosire is a coach that will be remembered by many, especially within the Kisii RFC family and fans for his tremen-dous job in grooming and growing the club from grass-to-grace when he guided his charges to the country’s top rugby league, Kenya Cup in 2017-2018 season. After this achievement, Bosire was redeployed to the club’s director of rugby, giving way for a new coach Nick Abok with Kenya Cup certification requirements to guide the team in the top-flight league. This change of guard, however, did not yield fruit as the newcomers Kisii finished second last in the league to immediately return to the second tier, Kenya Rugby Union (KRU) Championship League for the 2018-2019 season. Bosire is not amused by the fact that they did not manage to remain in the top-tier league but has promised to put in his magics to steer his ever ambitious Kisii back to Kenya Cup by end of this season. “As a team, we feel bad being relegated to championship having worked hard to get the promotion to Kenya cup. But that is behind us now, back to the drawing board. Our focus now is working to get back to Kenya Cup. –GIBO ZACHARY

FOOTBALL: In the quest to finish among the top teams during their second attempt in Football Federation Kenya (FKF) National Super League (NSL) Kakamega-based Green Commandos under veteran coach Eliud Omukuyia has early on Monday start-ed a three-day trials exercise at Bukhulunya Primary School to bolster the team ahead of the league that kicks off early next month. Omukuyia said the turn-up for the exercise has surpassed their expectations as he con-firmed to having received players from all the way from Mombasa, Nairobi and other areas across the country that were over 200. “It is quite interesting and impressive to see this kind of big turn-up has come out with intention of joining our young club, we want to blend the team with both fresh young blood and also experience qualities that will enable us compete with rest of the teams.” –FREDERICK LIKUYANI

Anti-Doping Day to be held in Iten on Friday

Coach Bosire on a mission to bring glory to Kisii RFC

Green Commandoes to draft in new players


Kariuki wins Digital in Thika as Medicross Medical co-sponsors

Jefferson Kariuki emerged the overall winner as curtains came down on Digital Golf Day played at the Par 72 Ruiru Golf course over the weekend.

Playing off handicap 28, Kariuki returned a score of 21 in the first nine and played for an improved 26 in the back nine to clinch the overall winner’s prize.

Handicap 15 Christopher Kiai was the men’s winner as he played for 42 points made up of 22 in the first nine and 20 in his back nine. Kiai beat Angelus Maina to the top men’s prize on countback as the latter,

playing off handicap 17 carded 23 and 19 point scores in the first and second nines respectively for a total 42 points.

Veronica Mwaura posted 37 points of 22 and 15 to clinch the women’s prize, one point ahead of Judy Nyambura who re-turned a 17 and 19 point game in the first and second nine respectively.

In the subsidiary category, SK Nyingi playing off handcap 26 settled for the first nine prize after carding 22 while the second nine went to handicap 20 Patrick Miitii at 26 points. Winning the nearest to pin prize in the ladies category was Petty Kigwe while the men’s gong went to Joseph Njoroge. The guest winner’s prize went to Ronald

Mwenesi who, playing off handicap 25 carded 41 points after a 21 score in the first nine and improved the score by a point in the second nine.

Longest drive men’s battle went to Frank Munyua while Judy Nyambura won the women’s prize. JK Muraguri carded 20 and 17 points to win the sponsors award by 37 points. Ben Omondi was the gross winner at 77 Gross while Teddy Muriuki clinched the junior winner award at 92 Gross.

Overall winner Jefferson Kariuki hcp 28,(21,26) 47pts; Men winner Christopher Kiai Handicap 15, (22,20) 42pts; Men run-ners up Angelus Maina Handicap 17 (23, 19) 42pts.

A club member is given free medical test at Thika Sports Club during a recent tournament. Medicross Medical Centre was part of the sponsors for the golf tournament. PHOTO: ALEX NJUE

Favourites rush to first day match lead after a well fought win over Equity In a scintillating match that left

basketball fans yearning for more of such clashes, Thunder downed Equity Bank to take a 1-0 lead in the Kenya Basketball Federation (KBF) men’s quarter-finals played at Nyayo Sta-dium.

Thunder were the better side in the first quarter of the match as they as-sumed the lead early and went on to win by six points in a 17-11 outcome. Equity, however, turned the tables in the second quarter to score a period high 22 points while their opponents managed 16 for the match to head to the breather on a 33-33 tie.

On resumption, the two sides ex-changed the leads and the match was headed for another stalemate. With less than a minute to play, Equity missed a free throw that would have equalled the score at 47. The resulting rebound bore a three-point score for Thunder through Nathan Terry will

just one second to the buzzer for the Bankers to trail by two baskets.

The Carey Odhiambo coached bankers were, however, outplayed in the final quarter in a 20-13 outcome that handed Thunder the crucial win at 70-59.

“My players did not go the extra mile in trying to win the match. We were largely unsettled and the tension had us losing easy points. However, the team is a work in progress and ex-perience played a big part in the loss. We only converted 30 per cent of our free throws, for instance, and often had easy shots not dropping. We have to rectify these mistakes for Game Two if we are to fight for a last four chance,” said Odhiambo.

In other matches, defending cham-pions Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) men and women picked easy wins against United States International University- Africa (USIU-A) and Ke-nyatta University Oryx at 69-55 and 60-33 respectively to set one foot in the last four ahead of Game Two fix-tures at home.

KPA men had a good first half scor-ing 13-9 and 25-12 in the half. The 17 point lead saved the holders from the embarrassment of losing to minnows as they struggled in the second half. The third quarter went to USIU in a 20-16 outcome. The students then pressed the Dockers hard for a half a basket loss in the final quarter in a 16-15 outcome.

In the women’s encounter, couch Antony Ojukwu although thankful for the win feels that his team is yet to gel for a perfect performance.

“I am happy with how we per-formed. However, losing more than five players in one season can never be easy on any team and for now we are managing with fewer players and some are still learning. However, we will fight in each match together, win or lose,” said Ojukwu.

Lenson Kisia of Equity Bank wins the ball from Charles Kituyi of Thunder during their match played at Nyayo Stadium. INSET: Referee Justus Akwesa gestures during the match. PHOTO: PHILIP KAMAKYA

25Wednesday, November 7, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY


Sam Barasa of NYS attempts to score during their KHF League match against MKU Thika at Kaloleni Social Hall. PHOTO: RODGERS NDEGWA

Strathmore University and National Ce-reals and Produce Board (NCPB) picked crucial Kenya Handball Federation (KHF) league wins over the weekend as competition for playoff positions inten-sifies with seven matches left.

Strathmore, in a classic display, downed defending champions Black Mamba albe-it in a low scoring clash that ended 18-15 while Ulinzi fell to NCPB 32-26. With the win, the students revived their dreams of winning the regular season battle as they have lost just one match in the 13 played.

“We had a good match and our strategy

worked well for the win. Our conversion was almost perfect as we did not waste any chances and even converted four of the five penalties won. We had a good defence strategy, first to neutralize our opponent’s lethal right back Paul Ondaro , and thank-fully it worked. The league is now open and we are in the running for the title,” said Strathmore head coach Peter Mwathi.

Prior to the weekend matches, Strath-more were chasing the leading pack of Mamba, Ulinzi and NCPB who had not lost a match yet. The students had already lost to the Millers therefore the win gives Mwathi’s charges a lifeline in fighting for the top spot.

It was a bad weekend in the office for

the holders as prior to the loss they had played for a 30-30 draw against military side Tigers. Nicholas Okore scored seven goals for Mamba in the draw while Kelvin Imo gave the soldiers a match-high 12 goals.

“My players did the best they could in both matches but it was just hard luck. Three of my players, Okore, Byron Agun-da and Antony Ngweyo sustained injuries during training and that slowed us too as we did not want to aggravate them. How-ever, we are still in a good position to de-fend our title despite the weekend results,” said Mamba head coach Martin Abunde. The team is third at 25 points from 14 matches.

Team Kenya consisting of Ismael Chan-gawa, Ibrahim Kibet and Angella Okutoyi led the onslaught in moving into the quar-ters of The African Cup of Nations (CAN) Tennis Championships yesterday in Ga-borone, Botswana.

The trio won their matches with convic-tion as they closed in on the Sh2 million prize purse. All three are recent Kenya Open finalists and ultimately showed their grit in the continental bonanza that ends at the weekend.

Ismael Changawa trounced Kombe

Mabo of Zambia in straight sets of 6-2, 6-2 in what would best be described as a com-plete performance from the 22-year-old left hander. Changawa was patient in his execution and service as he only dropped four games enroute to a straight forward win. Mabo had attempted to cool off pace and power of his opponent’s balls but Changawa wore him out with great tech-nique especially of his backhand returns and movement on court.

In the other match, Kibet beat veteran Zambian player Edgar Kazembe 6-0,6-3 in a nother exemplary of the 2018 Kenya Open men’s final in September.The fast improving Kibet was deadly on his serve

as well as he ran his opponent rugged on the hard court surface. His serve percent-age points won him plaudits as he forced the experienced Kazembe to drop easy points and falter too. He was clinical in the opening set,hardly dropping a set while an attempt by Kazembe to make a comeback in the next set was resolutely dealt with.

As for 14-year-old Angela Okutoyi whose star is on the rise, her match against home girl Madikwe Thato was awful as she lost 6-0, 6-2 result. The African Junior Championship winner was onsong from first serve as she punished Thato’s care-less mistakes with comfort. Her biggest weapon was her effective returns.

Strathmore, NCPB record crucial victories in handball league

Kenyan tennis stars move to quarter-final of African Cup of Nations

Football Kenya Federation (FKF) President Nick Mwend-wa has made a passionate ap-peal to the government to offer more financial backing ahead of the upcoming assignments involving the Harambee Stars, Harambee Starlets as well as the Emerging Stars.

Mwendwa’s call comes in the wake of earlier threats by FKF to withdraw Harambee Starlets from AWCON finals if they don’t get funds to support the team.

In the recent past, the feder-ation’s efforts to secure funds for the same have been ham-pered as a result of the impasse between government minis-tries and the Parliamentary Se-lect Committee on Delegated Legislation over control of the National Sports Fund.

The Ministry of Sports has been adamant that it has no money to meet the budgets presented to them by FKF to facilitate the teams participa-tion in international tourna-ments.

Ironically, there is Sh12 bil-lion held up in the Sports Fund that cannot be accessed as the Committee on Delegated Leg-islation is dragging its feet in allowing the fund to operate.

The immediate task in-volves Starlets who scheduled to take on Ghana in an inter-national friendly match today at the Moi International Sports Centre (MISC), Kasarani, be-fore the team jets out for the Africa Women Cup of Nations (AWCON) in Ghana.

Starlets are pooled in Group B alongside Africa women football heavyweights Zambia, South Africa and Nigeria.

Kenya is scheduled to face Zambia’s She-Polopolo on November 18 in their open-ing match hoping to do better than they did two years ago in Cameroon.

Addressing journalists at FKF Headquarters at Fifa Goal Project in Kasarani yesterday, Mwendwa pointed that the preparations of the national teams involved more than Sh80 million.

“We will have three teams in camp which include Ha-rambee Starlets, Harambee Stars and the Emerging Stars at around the same time, which comes along with a Sh 83 mil-lion financial obligation,” said Mwendwa.

FKF’s Mwendwa in another appeal for cash to prepare Stars, Starlets

Fonteyn scores and provides an assist to help guide Butali in a cherished win over USIU-Africa at City Park Stadium

Merteen Fonteyn makes a pass as USIU-A James Muthii looks on at the City Park Stadium. Butali won 2-0 win over USIU-A to regain league command. PHOTO: ALEX NJUE

Angela Okutoyi with trophy after winning Kenya Open tennis championships. PHOTO: DAVID NDOLO

Dutchman Merteen Fonteyn scored for Butali Warriors and made a crucial assist to seal a win over USIU to regain com-mand of the men field hockey premier league after the Sun-day fixture at the City Park Sta-dium.

The rough road to the 2018 season title has seen the War-riors tie with Kenya Police at 51 points with the latter having a match at hand to level with Butali.

Commenting on their sea-son target, Butali coach Dennis Owaka praised the Fonteyn’s input in their win over USIU-A while projecting interesting times ahead following Police closing in on their lead.

“Our focus is on the remain-ing fixtures which are crucial

with our main goal being to remain on top at the close of the season. With Fonteyn’s ad-dition to the team, his experi-ence and knowledge of the game having featured in top tier leagues in England, Neth-erlands and Germany will be a surplus for us,” said Owaka.

Butali rivals and the defend-ing champions Kenya Police fancied a short-lived league lead on Saturday owing to a 16-2 controversial win over Wazalendo in a match hijacked by protest from the opponents while levelled at 2-2.

Commenting on their tar-get in the remaining fixtures and whether Butali poses any threat to their title to defend, Police skipper reveals they plan to raid maximum points from each side regardless of their strength.

“Our initial season goal was

to finish unbeaten but we lost a match. In our remaining matches we are going for wins from all teams. Butali is a good and strong side but we see no threat in them, ours is to pick wins from each remaining fix-ture.

Both Butali and Police have 17 wins, Butali with four wins and a loss in their last five while Police have won all the last five.

Butali completed a double over USIU-A for the league command, the earlier match played on May 13th ending 3-0 while Police completed a double over Wazalendo having beaten them 4-0 on April 21st at the same venue.

Parklands climbed a place to settle at sixth with 23 points courtesy of a 4-2 win over KCA-U who remain in the relega-tion zone at position 11 with

19 points while Jaguars held Green Sharks to a 2-2 stalemate in Kakamega.

Jaguars stalemate earned

them a point, which causes no effect as they remain at the bottom of the log with 15 points off three wins and six stalemates.

In the sole women premier league fixture played over the weekend, Strathmore held onto the second log position following a double comple-tion over courtesy of 3-1 win, a similar result to their previous encounter played at the same venue on May 19.

In the men super league divi-sion, Chase Sailors and Multi-media University maintained positions one and second re-spectively following respective wins over Wazalendo Masters and Kimathi University.

Sailors lead the division with 39 points while MMU have amassed 32 for the second place.



1. Butali 51

2. Kenya Police 51

3. Green Sharks 29

4. Wazalendo 29

5. Strathmore 25

6. Parklands 23

7. Sikh Union 20

8. USIU-A 20

9. Nakuru 20

10. Parkroad 19

11. KCA-U 1912. Western Jaguars 15

MEN PREMIER LEAGUE RESULTSUSIU 0-2 ButaliParklands 4-2 KCA-UKenya Police 16-2 WazalendoJaguars 2-2 Green SharksMEN SUPER LEAGUEMMU 5-1 KimathiKisumu Yongstars 1-0 MSCSailors 3-2 Wazalendo MastersKimathi 0-3 MSCWOMEN PREMIER LEAGUEStrathmore Scorpions 3-1 Sliders

26 PEOPLE DAILY / Wednesday, November 7, 2018



KERICHO: Four teams earned promotion to Division Two League as the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) South Rift branch league ended last week-end. The league, played in Pools A and B, had 31 teams from Kericho, Bomet and Narok counties. In Pool A, Snippers beat second-placed Cheborgei by one point to top the group with 58 points as the two got promoted while Kapsoit finished top in Pool B after amassing 75 points with Kapkatet from Bureti Sub-County second (62 points) to claim the other promotion slot. Similarly, four teams that performed dismally were rel-egated to the county leagues. They are Dikirr from Narok and Tebesonik from Kericho, Sonokwek from Bomet and Kericho’s Chemoiben. “I want to laud the teams for adhering to the FKF rules and being disciplined throughout the year. They demonstrated their desire to take football to the next level,” said South Rift branch secretary Alfred Kirui. Meanwhile, Kirui revealed that 90 football teams have come forward to participate in the Chapa Dimba Na Safaricom tournament set to kick off later this month with Bomet, Narok and Kericho counties producing 30 teams each. –PHILIP YEGON

Four South Rift teams promoted to 2018/19 FKF Division Two League

KITALE: It was sweet revenge for Kitale-based Trans Nzoia Falcons as they downed Kisumu’s All Starlets 3-1 in what was payback for the former as they lost to the latter in the Women Premier League’s (WPL) first leg. The win extended Justin Okiring side’s winning streak to 15. Sharon Mato registered a brace while Monica Paul add-ed one for maximum points with Kisumu’s consolation coming from Sylvia Akinyi. Falcons went into the match without the services of Maureen Khakasa and Martha Amunyolete who are in camp with the national team Harambee Starlets prepar-ing for the Africa Women’s Cup of Nations (AWCON) while top scorer Tumaini Waliaula is sitting her national exams. Kisumu goal poacher Bertha Omita missed the match as she is also doing duty with the national team. Falcons picked another three points against Baringo Starlets at Eldama Ravine after their match was forfeited in the 67th minute with Falcons leading 1-0. Baringo had seven players on the pitch during the match and one sustained an injury leaving just six in play, which is below the required FIFA required quorum, thus forc-ing the forfeiture. In the other weekend match, Makolanders hammered Baringo 4-0. –LYNETTE MATHEKA

Sweet revenge for Kitale Falcons over Kisumu Starlets in WPL

NAIROBI: Jericho All-Stars set up a mouth-watering Super 8 Cham-pions League semi-final clash against arch-rivals Makadara Junior League SA at Camp Toyoyo grounds last weekend. Jericho whipped Shauri Moyo Sportiff 3-0 with Brian Kasasi scoring a brace and Victor Walerah adding the other to steer the Super 8 Premier League champions to the East Conference semis while Makadara Junior secured their spot after beating MASA 6-5 on post-match penalties after settling for a barren draw in regulation time. Jericho captain Eddie Otieno credited early preparation and focus for the win, saying: “After the regular season ended, we never went for a break. We kept on training and preparing for the Super 8 Champions League even though we were not sure it would be there. But through focus and early preparation, we are through and now have to push ourselves harder in the semis to make sure we reach the finals.” The Champions League has received a shot in the arm after gaming firm Betika and Extreme Sports Limited entered into a partner-ship that will see winners walk home with Sh100,000, runners up pocket Sh 50,000 and the third-placed team bag Sh25,000. –BARRY SILAH

Jericho, TUK in Super 8 Champion League semi-finals

AFC Leopards chairman Dan Mule who is under fire for traveling to the UK to watch Gor take on Everton while Ingwe is in disarray. PHOTO: DAVID NDOLO

Leopards wrangles persist with boss under fire for traveling to UK to watch Gor, Everton tie

A faction jostling for control of AFC Leopards has kicked up a storm by galvanising the Ingwe faithful against the current leadership.

Former chairman Mathews Op-wora and six others including Sulei-man Angulu, Susan Wamalwa and Moses Wanami sought to take over club leadership on an interim basis after the current office, which is led by chairman Dan Mule, failed to call for elections in August.

“The current office is running the club illegally. They registered a new constitution last year but there is no transitional clause in it. So the constitution talks about three office holders while we have 10 that were elected under the old constitution. An election ought to be conducted to operationalise the new constitu-tion and that should have happened in August going by the Registrar’s advice,” Suleiman Angulu explained.

“We just want to set things straight by taking over in interim capac-ity and organising elections within three months. We have already writ-ten to the registrar but she is yet to reply,” he added.

It has, however, emerged that the office sought an extension from the Registrar to fulfil the conditions set out in their registration certificate but the opposing faction is having none of it.

Opwora’s camp hit the roof yester-day when a picture of Mule heading to Liverpool, England to attend last

night’s friendly match between Gor Mahia and Everton started circulat-ing on social media.

A section Leopards’ supporters were angry at Mule for flying to the United Kingdom to cheer their bit-ter rivals instead of building Ingwe to fight for the league title that has eluded them for 20 years and qualify for such high profile international engagements.

“AFC was not formed for its chair-man to support Gor. It was formed to beat Gor left right and centre, win trophies and make the community proud and represent the nation. See what Mule has done. Gor is beating AFC left, right and centre. Those who are supposed to be bereaved are now fans of our rivals. There is no way (Gor chairman Ambrose) Rachier can do this, take it to the bank! Rach-ier understands this culture,” a fan wrote on Facebook yesterday.

Gor and Leopards share SportPesa as shirt sponsors and Mule may have been invited for the trip by the bet-ting firm but fans are not taking it lightly.

Mule’s woes are compounded by the fact that he does not come from the traditional Luhya community where Ingwe’s core support lies. He has endured a torrid time since his election in 2016.

Some have promptly singled out Mule’s trip to signify what they per-ceive as inept leadership at the club.

Tribal politics has always been at the heart of Leopards leadership problems with various factions fight-ing over the control of the club, lead-ing to unending wrangles.

Mule was seen as someone who would transcend the inter-tribal politics and bring stability to the club but he seems to be running into the same problems the club was running away from when he was elected.

27PEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Ouma: Starlets, Ghana friendly a squad decider

National women’s football team Harambee Starlets take on Ghana’s Black Queens this after-noon in the first of two high-pro-file friendlies lined up for them ahead of Africa Women Cup of Nations (AWCON) that starts next weekend.

Coach David Ouma says that the match will largely form the basis of his final squad of 21 that will travel to Ghana for Starlets’ second appearance at the con-tinental showpiece that doubles up as a 2019 Women’s World Cup qualifier.

“The squad has been in train-

ing for a week and we have con-centrated on fitness and slightly touched on the tactical aspect of the match. The previous friendly matches against Women’s Pre-mier League select and Under 15 boys helped me trim the team to 25 after gauging the fitness levels of my players,” said Ouma ahead of the 4pm kick off.

He added: “I will use as many players today as is possible as we now get to test our different strategies, tactics and approach to the game. I will also be looking to have a working combination in all fronts depending on the flow, rhythm and intensity of attack when paring certain players.”

“The statistics of a player in training can be good but the in-ternational stage is a different ball game. I have to travel with the best tactically, physically and mentally,” he said.

Those dropped include Na-tional Under 23 goalkeeper Di-ana Tembesi, defender Phelistus Kadari from Vihiga Queens, Jen-trix Shikangwa of Wiyeta Girls and Martha Amunyolete of Trans Nzoia Falcons.

Ghana is ranked 47th in the world and second in Africa be-hind South Africa who are 38th globally. Kenya ranks 129th glob-ally, having dipped six places in September.


Kenyan Opposition Leader Raila Odinga wants sports developed in the country to match the standards in Europe.

The former Prime Minister says football develop-ment in Kenya will play a key role in ensuring the mas-sive talent in the country is tapped and advanced to match international standards like in Europe and other parts of world.

Speaking during a meeting with Gor Mahia players at Liverpool’s Hilton Hotel ahead of last night’s friendly match with EPL Everton, the African Union High Rep-resentative for Infrastructure Development who was among the K’Ogalo fans at Goodison Park lauded the players for being the first team in Africa to play an Eng-lish side on their soil.

“We have seen football play a big role in a country and that is why as nation, we should make sure we fur-ther it to meet the international standards like the ones here in England. The talented youth can use it to make great strides in their career, hence putting Kenya on the

international map,” said Raila, who is the patron of Gor Mahia.

He had earlier told the 17-time Kenyan champions not to be afraid of Everton’s pedi-

gree during the match.“Upon hearing that Gor will be taking

on Everton, I had to cancel my com-mitments to be here to witness the

historic match as I offer morale and encouragement to the play-

ers. I want the team to take the match as any other contest be-

cause they (Everton) will be fielding 11 players just like Gor and play 90 minutes as well. This is not a battle between David and Goliath

but rather, between David and David,” he added.Raila was accompanied by

Siaya Senator James Orengo, Sports Principal Secretary Pe-ter Kaberia, former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth, SportPesa CEO Ronald Karauri and Gor chairman Ambrose Rachier.

Harambee Starlets players during a past training session. PHOTO: DAVID NDOLO

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga with Gor Mahia midfielder Francis Kahata when he paid the team a visit at their hotel in Liverpool ahead of yesterday’s friendly match with Everton . PHOTO: RODGERS NDEGWA

Raila calls for Kenyan clubs to improve standards to match European counterparts

Alexis Sanchez (pictured) has endured a torrid start to his Manchester United career but hinted at better things to come with an impressive display in a central role ahead of the Champions League match against Juventus.

The injured Romelu Lukaku missed the 2-1 win at Bournemouth on Satur-day and Marcus Rashford started on the bench as Jose Mourinho opted for a three-man forward line, with Anthony Martial and Juan Mata deployed either side of Sanchez.

The former Arsenal man was instru-mental in United’s first-half equaliser, setting up Martial, and will be disap-pointed to have been substituted to-wards the end of the game.

The match, won by substitute Rash-ford in injury time, was a rare high point for the Chile international, who has struggled to find his feet since arriving at Old Trafford in January it was his first league start since September 22.

Following the much-needed win against Bournemouth, Mourinho praised Sanchez and spelt out his pre-ferred system, saying he did not need a traditional centre-forward to lead his attack.

“The way I like to play is with three at-tacking players where there is not a clear definition of the winger as a winger,” he said, adding that he likes wide men with a striker’s appetite.

“And I always had that in my team, with the wingers scoring a lot of goals, sometimes even more goals than the striker,” he said.

“So it’s not impossible at all to have in the same team at the same time Rash-ford, Lukaku, Alexis for example. But today Romelu was not available and we thought that Alexis could do what he did.

“What he did, he had a good assist, he had some mobility, he created some problems but then in the second half I

knew that by having the two brothers on the bench, Rashford and (Jesse) Lingard, I knew that the brothers could come in and also make an impact.”

United now travel to Juventus for another date with former favourite son Cristiano Ronaldo, two weeks af-ter they were outplayed during a 1-0 defeat at Old Trafford that left them five points adrift of the Italian champi-ons in Group H.

Despite Mourinho’s stated pref-erence for a multi-dimensional attack, keeping Lukaku out of the starting line-up will be tricky, with the man-ager proving loyal to his muscular front man.

The Belgium inter-national, who has not found the net for the club since mid-Sep-tember, is not the only United forward who has gone off the boil, with Rashford also struggling despite his goal at the weekend.

Martial’s goals have been paper-ing over the cracks during United’s recent mini-re-covery, with the Frenchman earn-ing the manager’s trust at last.

Former United de-fender Rio Ferdinand believes Rashford should be given a run in the starting line-up, even though he said it is not clear what his best position is yet.

“You look at Lukaku. Lukaku’s goal-scoring record is up there, it’s fantastic, he scores goals,” added the TV pundit. “But in the best teams you need more than that.

“You need to be able to bring other people into play, you need to be able to complement other players in your team, things have to be set up off you. -AFP

PEOPLE DAILY \ Wednesday, November 7, 2018

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CRICKET: Brandon Mavuta and Sikandar Raza shared seven wickets between them as Zimbabwe recorded their first Test win in five years with a thumping 151-run victory over Bangladesh yesterday. Debutant leg-spinner Mavuta claimed 4-21 and off-spinner Raza’s 3-41 as hosts Bangladesh were left chasing 321 runs on the fourth day in the northeast-ern city of Sylhet. Wellington Masakadza, another debutant, also shone with two wickets as Zimbabwe made quick work of Bangladesh’s lower order, dismissing the hosts for 169. Left-arm spinner Maskadza took the final wicket of the in-nings, sending Ariful Haque for 38 as Zimbabwe notched their first Test win since beating Pakistan in Harare in 2013. It is also the first time Zimbabwe has clinched an away Test vic-tory since beating Bangladesh in Chittagong 17 years ago in 2001. “I am ecstatic. I thought the guys went out and worked really hard to apply themselves,” Zimbabwe captain Hamilton Masakadza said in the post-match presentation ceremony. Zimbabwe sensed a win once Raza claimed three vital wickets in the opening session to reduce Bangladesh’s innings to half.


FOOTBALL: Arsene Wenger is edging closer to a sensational re-turn to management with AC Mi-lan, according to reports. Reports in France claim Wenger - who has been out of a job since leaving Ar-senal at the end of last season - is in advanced talks with the Italian club to replace Gennaro Gattuso. Milan have made a decent start to the season and sit fourth in the Serie A table, but high-ranking officials at the club are demanding to see more progress after splashing out in excess of £130million on new recruitments over the summer. According to France Football, leaders of the American investment fund Elliott Management Corporation - which now owns Milan - Paul and Gordon Singer are spearheading the move for Wenger and begun negotiations with him several weeks ago. The father and son billionaires are understood to be Arsenal fans and are keen for Wenger to replace Gattuso at the helm. To sweeten the deal, Wenger has also been offered more control in the transfer department and could be confirmed as their new boss within the next few weeks. -DAILYMAIL

Zimbabwe thrash Bangladesh for long-awaited Test win

Wenger ‘close to becoming new AC Milan manager’, replacing Gattuso

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Bayern Munich are struggling to fill the creative hole left by Thiago Alcantara’s injury as they host AEK in the Champions League on Wednesday trying to secure a last 16 berth with trouble brewing for head coach Niko Kovac. Bayern can reach the knockout stages if they beat the Greek champions AEK at Munich’s Allianz Arena and Benfica lose at Ajax in the other Group E match. However, Bayern have been struggling for creativity since Thiago tore ankle ligaments ten days ago and Joshua Kimmich, usually a right-back, has struggled to replace him in the central midfield role. Kimmich lost 14 of his 16 challenges for the ball and several passes went astray in Saturday’s lethargic 1-1 draw against Freiburg, which left Bayern third in the league table, four points behind leaders Borussia Dortmund. Kovac has other central midfield options to replace Thiago against AEK in James Rodriguez, Renato Sanches or Leon Goretzka.  -AFP

A judge in Brazil has reportedly ordered for Ronaldinho’s passport to be seized, with the former Barcelona star having unpaid debts of £1.75 million (Sh232m). According to reports in Spain, authorities found a total of just £5.24 in Ronaldinho’s bank accounts. As reported by Marca, Ronaldinho and his brother Roberto Assis were fined for illegal construction in a protected area. Despite reportedly mortgaging their property, it is said they haven’t been able to pay off the debt because of high interest. Ronaldinho has spent time in China and Japan for advertising reasons in recent weeks. The 38-year-old officially retired from playing earlier this year following a lengthy career. Best known for his time at Barcelona, with whom he won the Champions League and two La Liga titles, Ronaldinho also won the World Cup in 2002. -AFP

Sanchez gives Man United options at Juventus


CSKA Moscow vs Roma 8.55pmViktoria Plzen vs Real Madrid 11pmLyon vs Hoffenheim 11pmMan City vs Shakhtar Donetsk 11pmJuventus vs Manchester Utd 11pmBayern Munich vs AEK Athens 11pmBenfica vs Ajax 11pm






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