fairness and expectation

Atti del Congresso Logica e filosofia della scienza: problemi e prospettive. Lucca, 7-10 gennaio 1993. EDIZIONI ETS, PISA (lTAL Y) © 1994 FAIRNESS AND EXPECTATION Alberto Murat Depanment olPhilosophy University 01Pisa, Italy 1. Introduction The theory of personal probability as a fair betting quotient goes back to Ramsey [1926/90] and de Finetti [1931]. Both claimed that this theory presupposes the mIe of maximization of expected gain (supposedly linear in utility). Ramsey [p. 79] writes that the theory «is based throughout on the idea of mathematical expectation.» De Finetti uses almost the same words [p. 304] when he writes that the theory «is in substance based on the notion of mathematical expectation.» This claim has never, as far as I know, been questioned, so that it is quite genernlly taken for granted. On the other hand, there are go od reasons for considering too strong the axioms ofprefer- ence that lead to the linear utility functions. In particular, Allais [1953, 1987/90] convinc- ingly asserts that a violation of Savage's sure-thing principle [1954/72] is implied by very reasonable preferences. If Ramsey's and de Finetti's thesis were correct, any weakening of the sure-thing principle would imply loss of the Dutch Book argument along with loss of any characterisation of personal probability as a fair betting quotient 1. t I would like to thank Clark Glymour, Richard C. Jeffrey, Brian Skynns, Patrick Suppes and espe- cia!ly Teddy Seidenfeld for helpful discussions on the topic investigated in this paper. I arn a!so in- debted to Ken Gemes and Elena Russo for their stylistic suggestions. Responsibility for errors and opinions rests however entirely with me. 1 In recent years severa! theories have been proposed that imply weakening of Savage's axiom sy- stem while retaining additive personal probabilites as derivable from preferences. Unfortunately, none of these theories seems 10 be able to save the characterization of personal probability as a fair

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Atti del Congresso Logica e filosofia della scienza: problemi e prospettive. Lucca, 7-10 gennaio 1993. EDIZIONI ETS, PISA (lTAL Y) © 1994


Alberto Murat

Depanment olPhilosophy University 01 Pisa, Italy

1. Introduction

The theory of personal probability as a fair betting quotient goes back to Ramsey

[1926/90] and de Finetti [1931]. Both claimed that this theory presupposes the mIe of

maximization of expected gain (supposedly linear in utility). Ramsey [p. 79] writes that the

theory «is based throughout on the idea of mathematical expectation.» De Finetti uses almost

the same words [p. 304] when he writes that the theory «is in substance based on the notion

of mathematical expectation.» This claim has never, as far as I know, been questioned, so

that it is quite genernlly taken for granted.

On the other hand, there are go od reasons for considering too strong the axioms ofprefer­

ence that lead to the linear utility functions. In particular, Allais [1953, 1987/90] convinc­

ingly asserts that a violation of Savage's sure-thing principle [1954/72] is implied by very

reasonable preferences. If Ramsey's and de Finetti's thesis were correct, any weakening of

the sure-thing principle would imply loss of the Dutch Book argument along with loss of

any characterisation of personal probability as a fair betting quotient 1.

t I would like to thank Clark Glymour, Richard C. Jeffrey, Brian Skynns, Patrick Suppes and espe­

cia!ly Teddy Seidenfeld for helpful discussions on the topic investigated in this paper. I arn a!so in­

debted to Ken Gemes and Elena Russo for their stylistic suggestions. Responsibility for errors and

opinions rests however entirely with me.

1 In recent years severa! theories have been proposed that imply weakening of Savage's axiom sy­

stem while retaining additive personal probabilites as derivable from preferences. Unfortunately,

none of these theories seems 10 be able to save the characterization of personal probability as a fair

456 A.MURA

In this paper I cOOllenge de Finetti's and Rarnsey's thesis. I propose a new nonlinear the­

ory such tOOt the Dutch Book argument can be formulated within il. This nonlinear theory

provides a new formula for attaching numerical desirability values to gambles, which turns

out to coincide with mathematical expectation in special cases.

I confine my analysis to gambles, as in the originaI approach of Rarnsey and de Finetti. In

fact, the consideration of acts OOving an infinite number of possibie outcomes, aIthough im­

portant under other respects, would involve a lot of technicalities, without adding anything

essential to the topic under consideration.

2. Two Kinds of Fairness

Let ;r. be a finite Boolean algebra of events with n atoms Eh... ,En (whose order is fixed

once for ali in advance). Suppose we OOve a currency !inear in utility. A gamble can be con­

sidered a situation in which, for every atom Ei a person X receives or pays a certain amount

of money Xi, if Ei obtains. From a mathematical point of view, a gamble may be represented

by a vector (Xh"',x,,) in Rn

• A \inear utility function can be defined as a Iinear mapping from

f:Rn ~ R satisfying the so called weak dominance principi e, namely:

l. given two vectors (Xl> ••• ,x,,) and (Yh ... ..Yn), if for every i (l S; i S; n) Xi S; Yi then f(Xl, ... ,xn) S; f(Yb ... ..Yn).

Given a constant vector (x, ... ,x), the value f(x, ... ,x) is equal to kx + c for some real posi­

tive constant k and some real constant c. Since the choice of values for k arid c is arbitrary,

we can suppose without Ioss of generality k l and c O, so that the following relation


2. f(x, ... ,x) = x.

A bet on an event E given an event H is a special kind of gamble where gain equals a

constant a (O S; a) for ali atoms that imply E (ì H, where gain equals a constant b S; O(b < a)

for ali atoms entailing --, E (ì H and where gain is Ofor every atom that entails ......JI. The ratio

-bla is called the odds ratio ofthe bet (provided a> O), while the ratio -bICa-b) is called the

betting quotient. See, for example, Gilboa (1985), Fishburn and La Valle (1987), Machina and

Schmeidler (1990). For an excellent introduction to nonlinear decision theories see Fishburn (1988).


betting quotient of the bet. If H is the necessary event, the bet E given H is said to be an ab­

so Iute bet on E.

The key idea in betting theory is the notion ofjairness. There are two distinct concepts of

fairness that we need to distinguish. In a fmt sense, you can consider as fair any bet on an

event E whenever you find yourself indifferent between accepting that bet and abstaining

from betting. In a second sense, you can consider as fair a bet on an event E at odds ratio O if

you are indifferent between accepting that bet and betting against E with the odds ratio 110.

In technical terms, a bet vector x is said to be fair in the first sense when f(x) = O, and it is

said to be fair in the second sense when f(x) f(- x).

There is no reason to distinguish these two different kinds of fairness as far as it is pre­

supposed that the values of gambles are determined by mathematical expectation, since in

that case the two definitions turn out to be equivalent. So the mie of maximizing expected

utility (cali it RMEU) implies that you must be indifferent between betting and abstaining

from betting whenever you do not consider betting on E at certain odds preferable to betting

against E at the same odds.

There are at least two reasons for rejecting this consequence ofRMEU. The first reason is

that you hardly ever have so definite a degree of belief that it may be expressed by a single

real number. In most situations an interval better represents your credal state. In such a case

the minimum odds on which you are prepared to bet on an event E do not coincide with the

maximum odds on which you are prepared to bet against E. As a result, there are odds on

which you are neither prepared to bet on E nor prepared to bet against E. In such a case, ab­

staining from betting would be for you preferable to both betting on E and to betting agrunst

E. A generalization ofbet theory along these lines was outlined by Smith [196]] and carried

out in detail by Levi [1974, 1980, p. 151ff., 1986, p. 122ff.] and Seidenfeld, Schervish, and

Kadane [1990]. In this generalized theory, a credal state is represented by a c1ass ofprobabil­

ity functions, each function in the class satisfYing the usuallaws ofprobability.

The second reason for rejecting the received identification of the two ideas of fairness is

that it mles out any preference between two betting situations when both are fair in the sec­

ond sense. It may be that you prefer to bet at odds 9: l on an event E to which you assign

probability 0.9 than to bet at even odds on an event E' to which you assign probability Y2.

This may happen even if you have no doubts about the probability values of E and E'. The

458 A.MURA

two situations differ in the degree of uncertainty about the truth-value of E and E'. I see no

reason to condemn as irrational a preference depending on this factor (at least in one-stage

situations). Indeed, preference for a less uncertain bet is a fonn of risk aversion that cannot

be explained in tenns of marginaI utility of money, since we are supposing that the payoffs

are linear in utility. Accommodating this kind of preference, in the presence of welI defined

subjective probabilities and utilities, requires some weak:ening of Savage's sure-thing prin­

ciple [1954/72, pp. 21-26]. The theory that I introduce in this paper is an attempt in that di­


3. Fairness and Linearity

Although both Ramsey and de Finetti independently claimed that the theory of fair bets

(calI this theory TFB) is based on mathematical expectation, no strict proof of this claim has

been given by them. What they actualIy showed is that if we presuppose that the bettor's

system ofpreferences is in accordance with RMEU then, under this assumption, TFB may be

developed. This can be summarized by saying that RMEU is a sufficient condition for the

characterisation of subjective probability as a betting quotient. We can presume that they be­

lieved that it is also a necessary one, meaning that this characterisation is impossible when­

ever RMEU is violated.

It has to be recognised that the premises of the celebrated Dutch Book argument, stated

by both authors and proved by de Finetti, strongly suggest the inseparability of TFB and

RMEU. Let us see why. Both Ramsey and de Finetti presented their Dutch Book argument

in a fonn that is based on the folIowing premises:

(1) Any linear combination of fair gambles is in turn a fair gamble;

(2) For any event E there exists one and only one betting quotient such that any bet on E

with that betting quotient is a fair gamble;

(3) A gamble whose gains are negative in every event is not fair.

We can consider conditions (1 )-(3) as an axiomatization of the idea of faimess. What de

Finetti actually proved is that for every set S of bets on events E1, ...,E whose betting quo­n

tients do not satisfy probability laws, there exists a linear combination of bets in S whose to­

tal balance is negative in every event. By conditions (1) and (3) at least one of the elements


in S is not fair. On the other band, by condition (2), a set S' of fair bets on El'....En exists.

Since, by conditions (l) and (3), no linear combination of elements of S' implies a total bal­

ance negative in every case, the betting quotients of the bets in S satisfY the axioms of finite

probability. Hence for every El' ... .E a single set of fair betting quotients exists and it satis­n

fies the axioms of finite probability. But condition (1) also implies that the set of fair gam­

bles is c10sed under linear combination and indeed constitutes a \inear vector space. Now, it

is very natural to justifY condition (I) by saying that the set offair gambles must be a linear

vector space because it is the kemel of a \inear mapping f:R" ~ R. In that case the first

meaning of faimess seems to be primary and the second merely a derived one. This suggests

that the theory of fair bets can hardly be maintained if we tak:e a non\inear mapping

f: R" ~ R as representing the values ofgambles.

In spite ofthe reasonableness ofthese considemtions, I shall show that this conclusion is

incorrect. To begin with, I observe that an alternative version of the Dutch Book argument,

using only the second notion of faimess, can be provided. To avoid confusion, I shall reserve

the word 'fair' for gambles that are fair in the sense that an indifference exists between each

of them and the status quo, while I shall cali 'balanced' those gambles that are fair in the

other sense. Clearly, ali conditions (1)-(3) remain tme if we substitute the term 'fair' with

the term 'balanced', so that we have the following axioms for the idea ofbalanced gamble:

(I ') Any Iinear combination ofbalanced gambles is in turn a balanced gamble;

(2') For any event E there exists one and only one betting quotient such that any bet

on E with that betting quotient is a balanced gamble;

(3') A gamble whose gains are negative in every event is not balanced.

Since axioms (I ')-(3') are parallel to axioms (\)-(3), a pamllel Dutch Book argument

can be carried out using the idea of balanced gambI e, thus without presupposing that ali bal­

anced gambles are ranked with the status quo. In this new form, the argument proves that for

every E1, ... ,En a single set of balanced betting quotients exists, one that satisfies the axioms

offinite probability.

The preceding analysis opens the door to a new way to merge the Iinear vector space of

balanced gambles in a nonlinear structure. Sepamting the idea of balanced gamble from the

idea of faimess, we have no need to require that the vector space of balanced gambI es would

be the kemel of a mapping f:R" ~ R. It is sufficient that this vector space is kept as the set

460 A.MURA

of gambles whose value does not change when the payoffs are multiplied by -1. In such a

case there would be no basis for the alleged dependence of subjective probabiIity on the idea

of mathematical expectation. In what foIlows I shall prove that this is the case.

4. Nonlinear Expectation

In order to introduce a new parameter for risk attitude, I shall consider two extreme cases:

maximum risk aversion and maximum risk attraction, so that the generai case can be

achieved as a !inear combination of these two extreme cases; Let f:Rn ~ R a !inear utiIity

function. Consider the following transformation of f:

f.(y) f«min(f(y),yl)" .. ,min(f(y),y,,)

Clearlyadopting formula (A) in pIace of expectation to calculate desirability values presup­

poses a strong risk aversion. My proposal is to take (A) as representing the utiIity function

with maximum risk aversion. Formula (A) has an optimistic counterpart in the foIIowing


(B) r(y) f«max(f(y),yl),···,max(f(y),y,,)

So (B) may be taken to represent the utiIity function of a decision-maker with maximum

risk attraction. It is possible to reach a continuum of degrees of risk attitudes that goes from

the maximum risk aversion function f. to the maximum risk attraction function r consider­

ing every convex Iinear combination off. and r in the folIowing way:

U/I(x) =/3f.(x)+ {(x)(C) /3+1

2 Rere I aro supposing that for every constant vector x=(x, ...,x), f(x)=x holds. This is a simpIifying as­

sumption that implies no loss of generality. But relaxing this assumption requires a generalization of

formula (A), namely:

(AG) f.(y) = f(min(f(y),f(Yl'···'Yl»,···,min(f(y),f(y", ... ,y,,)))

as well as (in a similar manner) of subsequent formulas (B),(C),(A'),(B'), and (C').




lt is quite intuitive that when 13 I, (C) yields again the mathematical expectation. This is

proved by the following result:

Proposition 1.

'<:Ix (f.(x) + r(x) = 2f(x»


By definition:

(j) f.(x) = f(min(xl,f(x», ... ,min(xn,f(x»)


By substitution we bave:

f.(x) + r{x) = f(min(x.,f(x», ... ,min{xn,f(x») + f(max{xl,f(x», ... ,max{xn,f(x)))

Since f is an homomorfism:

f(min(x.,f(x», ... ,min(xn,f(x») + f(max(xl>f(x», ... ,max(xn,f(x))) =

f«min(xl,f(x», ... ,min(xn,f(x))) + (max(x.,f(x», ... ,max(xn,f(x»)))

For every i (I S; i ~ n) it holds:

ifmin(xj,f(x» Xi then max(x;,f(x» = f(x)


ifmin(xj,f(x» = f(x) then max(xi,f(x)) = Xi'


f«min(xt,f(x», ... ,min(xn,f(x))) + (max(xd(x»•...• max(xn,f(x»»

462 A.MURA

f(x+(f(x), ... ,f(x» f(x) + f(x) = 2f(x) •

By Proposition l, u](x) f(x), so tbat (C) can be considered as a genuine generalization

of expectation. When ~ > 1 we bave risk aversion and when ~ < l risk attraction. So, as re­

quired, my theory is able to introduce only one parameter, representing the generai attitude

towards risk.

To show that this theory satisfies other requisites as well, like stochastic dominance, it is

necessary to generalize our approach, so that different probabilities distributions may be

compared. This is reached if we define a gamble as a pair of vectors having the same dimen­

sion. Simply, for any natura! n (n > O), given a vector x (x], ... ,xn)' and a vector

p = (p], ... ,Pn) ofprobability values such tbat Lp; = l and O:::; Pi for every i (let #Rn the sel of

such vectors), I consider as a gamble the pair (x,p). I cali the number f(x,p) = LXiP; the lin­

ear utility of (x,p). The ~-continuum of utility nonlinear function may be defined as foIlows:

f3f.(x,p)+ {(x,p)(C') ( )uf3 x,p = 13+1

where f. and r are respectively defined as follows:

(A') f.(Y,p) f«min(f(y,p)J']), ... ,min(f(Y,P)J'n)

(B') r(y,p) f«max(f(y,p)J']), ... ,max(f(Y,P)J'n)

The following result proves that the class of functions u~ fulfils aH requirement to char­

acterize probability as a fair betting quotient and to assure one stage coherence in the sense


Theorem 1.

Every u~fuTlction satisfies the following conditions:

1. ifx belongs to Rn

and x = (x, ... ,x), then for every p belonging to #Rn, u~(x,p) = x;

2. for every n (1:::; TI < ro), every x (xl, ... ,xn)' Y (r1, ... J'n)' and p (p belonging to

#Rn), iffor every i (l:::; i:::; n) Xi :::; y;, then u~(x,p):::; u~(y,p)(weak dominance);



3. for every n (l ~ n < co), every x = (xl, .. ·,xn)' q = (qj, ... ,qn)' and p = (Pt, ... ,Pn) (p and

q belonging to #R8), if for every j (l ~ j < n) Pl+",+Pj ~ qt+...+qj and xj+l ~Xj' then

up(x,p) ~ up(x,q) (first order stochastic dominance);

4. (linearity in utility)

(a) for every rea! À > O, ÀUp(x.p) = Up(Àx,p)

(b) for every constant vector y "" (y, ... ,y), ulI(x+y,P) up(x,p) + Y

5. up{x,p) = ulI(-x,P) iff f(x,p) O


L ifx1= ...= xn' up(x,p) f(x,p), so that condition l is immediate!y satisfied .•

2. ifx = (xt,. .. ,xn) and y (Yl, ... ,yn) are such that for every i (l~ i ~ n) Xi ~ Yi' then:

f(x,p) ~ f(y,p)·

Therefore, for every i (l ~ i ~ n) :

min(xi,f(x,p» ~ min(yj,f(y,p»


It follows, by the fact that f satisfies the dominance condition, that

f.(x,p) ~ f.(y,p)


!*(x,p) ~ !*(y,p)

from which soon it follows:

up(x,p) ~ ulI(y,p).•

3. From the fact that f satisfies first order stochastic dominance, it follows that:

f(x,p) ~ f(x,q).

Now, for somej,r (l ~j ~ r < n):

464 A.MURA

f.(x,p) = f«f(x,p), ... ,f(x,p),xj, ... ,xn),p)


f.(x,q) = f«(f(x,q), ... .f(x'q),xr' ... 'xn),q)

Since j:::; rand f(x,q) :::;xj +s for some s (O:::; s:::; n- j+ 1)

f«f(x,p), ... .f(x,p),xj' ... ,xn).q) :::; f.(x,q)


f.(x,p) = f«(f(x,p), ... ,f(x,p),xj,· .. ,xn)'P) :::; f«f(x,p), ... ,f(x,p),xj, ... ,xn),q)

It follows (by transitivity):

f.(x,p):::; f.(x,q)

By analogous (omitted) reasoning it can be proved:

r(x,p) :::; r(x,q),

so that:

u~(x,p) :::; u~(x,q).•

4. (a) Since À > O:


Analogously (by substituting min with max):

À!*(x,p) !*(Àx,p)

and therefore:

ÀU~(x,p) u~(Àx,p).•



(b) Since f(x+y) = f(x) + y,

f .(x+y) f(min((x;+y),(f(x)+y», ... ,min«xn+y),(f(x)+y»

f(min(x;,f(x» + y, ... ,min(xn,f(x» + y)

f(min(xj,f(x», ... ,min(xn,f(x» + y)

f(min(xj,f(x», ... ,min(xn,f(x») + f(y)

f.(x) + Y


r(x + y) r(x) + y.

It follows immediately:

5. Suppose f(x,p) O. Then:

f.(x,p) = LXiPi x/so


f.(-x,p) LXiPi' Xi> o

It holds:

f(x,p) = LXiPi LXjPi + LXjPi f.(x,p) + f.(-x,p) O. xiS'O xj>O


f.(x,p) = f.(-x,p).


r(x,p) r(-x,p).

466 A.MURA

It follows:

Uf3(x,p) = uf3(-x,p) •

Suppose now that f(x,p) * O. In that case: ~>iPi * - LXiPi so that: x, o: o x/>o

(1) f.(x,p) * f.(-x,p).


(2) j*(x,p) * j*(-x,p)

Furthennore, since

LXiP; - LX;P; =LX,P, - L -xip; Xl~O xj>o xi>o X(so

it holds:

(3) f.(x,p) - f.(-x,p) = j*(x,p) f*(-x,p)

Reasoning ad absurdum, suppose IIp(x,p) = u~(-x,p), so that uf3(x,p) - u~(-x,p) O. It follows:

(Pf.(x,p) + !*(x,p» - (Pf.(-x,p) + f+(-x,p» = O.


(4) P(f.(x,p) - f.(-x,p» + (f(x,p) - !*C-x,p» o.

Now ifp 00, (4) contradicts (I); ifp 0(4) contradicts (2) and ifO < P < 00, (4) is

inconsistent with (1), (2), and (3) taken together. Thus we conclude:

u~(x,p) = u~(-x,p) •

..,...---------------------------------- ­


5. From Preference to Utility and Probability

The Ramsey-von Neumann-Savage approach to utility is based on a set ofaxioms about

preferences and on a representation theorem that shows that whenever those axioms are sat­

isfied by a decision-maker X, a utility function exists unique up a positive linear affine

transformation that preserves X's preferences. The problem arises whether a similar theorem

can be proved with respect to our theory. From our point of view it is important to derive

both probabìlìties and utìlìties from preferences, as it is in the theory ofRamsey, Savage and

Jeffrey. Nevertheless, as a first step I shall try to use the simpler approach of von Neumann

that presupposes external probabìlìties.

In the von Neumann approach, a procedure exists allowing the attachment of numerical

utiIity values to outcomes. Von Neumann's basic idea is that, given a finite set of outcomes

(xl, ... ,x,,), ordered according to the preference relation, we can attach aibitrary values to XI

and x" and determine the other values, finding for every Xi (l < i < n) that probability value p

such that x is indifferent between the gamble 'Xl with probability p, x" with probability l-p'

and Xi for certainty. The existence of this probability value is assured by a specific axiom.

Then the attached value to Xi is given by the formula of mathematical expectation

xlP +x,,(l-p). Clearly this procedure is entirely based on the mathematical expectation. So

we cannot use it in our theory to determine utìlìty values of outcomes, simply because

xlP + x,,(l-p) does not fit in geneml our formula (C'). Using (C') instead of mathematical

expectation would lead to a formula containing the parameter 13 and it would not be working

unti! we had an independent way to determine the value of 13. There is no simple way to do

that. So we have to invent an alternative way, not dependent on a 13 value.

Since (C') is a genemlization ofthe formula ofmathematical expectation, the method we

are looking for should be an alternative method valid also with respect to the linear theory.

My proposal consists in tak:ing the idea of a balanced gamble as a basis, since the linear

structure of balanced gambles is perfectly preserved in our theory. So the first problem we

have to solve is to define the concept of a balanced gamble in terms ofpreferences.

Given a certain outcome 0, the idea of a balanced gamble requires the existence of an in­

verse outcome, that is, it requires the idea of an outcome -O that has the same distance in

utility from the point O as 0, but is preferred to the point O if and only if the point O is pre­

ferred to O. Clearly this idea requires, in turn, the idea ofa point O with an intrinsic meaning.

468 A.MURA

I bave said before tbat a natural way to give this meaning is to identifY the point O with the

utility ofthe status quo. Unfortunately. there is no idea of status quo to borrow from the von

Neumann's or Savage's theory. So we bave to find a new approach, one tbat consistently

allows definition of these concepts. I shall not try here to find a rigorous axiornatic founda­

tion of my theory, leaving this technical task to the future. I sball try, instead, to show in an

informaI way wbat to do in order to pass from preferences to utilities according to the generai

formula (C') instead oftbat ofthe mathematical expectation.

My basic idea is to define preferences among subject state transitions in the following

sense. I suppose that there is certain finite set A {SI"",Sn} of n states and that in a certain

instant the decision maker X can be in one (and only one) of them. I suppose that X may

move from any state Si to any other state S;. This transition is represented here simply with

the ordered pair (Si'S;), I assume that when X is not indifferent between an event and its ne­

gation, the state of X changes when the tmth-value of this event becomes known to X. We

can assume that the ultimate reason for any preference lies in a causai connection between

the objects of preferences and subjective state transitions.

Suppose now that X is put in the following situation: X wìll move from the present state

to any one ofthe possible states, and X attributes to every possible state the same probability

of being selected. It is well known that uniform personal probabìlìty distributions can be de­

fined without reference to a numerical scale, simply in terms of indifference attitudes, under

certain existential assumptions. This is tme in the framework of the !inear theory, but re­

mains tme also in the present theory. Suppose in fact that we have Boolean algebra B with n

ethically neutral atoms3 whose truth value is unknown. Suppose further that to every state Si

is associated an atom ai' such that X will transit to the state Si iff ai obtains. Therefore we

bave a one '"Co one mapping between the set of states and the set of atoms of B. Suppose that

X is completely indifferent to the possible mappings to be used. This defines the idea of

equiprobability of the atoms in terms of preference dispositions. Suppose also that before X

carne to be informed about the atom that actually obtains, she is offered the opportunity to

acquire the right to transit from one state to another state. Clearly X will be able to use the

3 In the present theory we can define ethica1 neutrality in the following way: an event E is said to be

ethically neutral for X iff for every state S ifX is in S the sole knowledge by X of the truth value of E

leaves X in the state S.


right to tmnsit from state Sto state T only if the state S obtains. In these circumstances we

can conceive that X has a definite attitude of preference between any pair of tmnsitions.

Actually these tmnsitions are conditional upon an uncertain event (namely the initial state of

.K). But since this event has the same probabiIity for every tmnsition, that fact does not dis­

tort the preferences between tmnsitions in themselves, due to the principle of wea.k domi­

nance. We can suppose tbat the preferences ofX concerning these transitions define a weak

order relation on the set LhA. This preference relation defines also a relation of preference

among states, since we can say that the state S is not preferred to the state T iff the tmnsition

(S,1) is not preferred to the tmnsition (T,S).

A distinguishing feature of the present approach is tbat it allows the definition of the no­

tion of status quo. In fact, the status quo can be represented as the transition (S,S) from a

state S to itself. l suppose that for every S and T, X is indifferent between (S,S) and (T,1).

This is completely natural in the circumstances I bave previously defined. As usual, we can

consider as values the equivalence c1asses with respect to the relation of indifference, so that

the status quo can be considered as the equivalence c1ass of any tmnsition (S,S).

Coming to the notion ofbalanced gamble, we have to define, given a transition (SI,S2) the

idea of the inverse transition -{SI,S2) of (SI,S2)' l simply set -{SI,S2) (S2,SI)' I sball as­

sume that if X does not prefer (Sj'S2) to (TI,T]), X also does not prefer (T],T1) to (S2,Sj)'

From this assumption it follows immediately that if X is indifferent between (SI,S2) and

(TI,T]), X is also indifferent between (S2,SI) and (T2,Tj). This consequence allows the defi­

nition of inverse value in terms the idea of inverse transition. For, given a value a, the in­

verse of a, say -a is the equivalence c1ass to which ali the inverses of the elements of a be­


Once we bave defined the idea of inverse transition, we are able to define the idea of a

balanced gamble as well. Suppose that in the situation defined before bets will be offered to

X involving rights to tmnsitions, so that, for example, given an ethically neutral event A, the

(right to) transition (SpTj) is offered ifA happens and the (right to) transition (S2,T2) is of­

fered if -.A happens. l sball say that this gamble is balanced iff there is an indifference be­

tween it and the gamble (TI,Sj) ifA, (T2,S2) if -,A. I sball assume tbat for every equivalence

class Wand every ethically neutral event E there exists one and only one equivalence class V

470 A.MURA

whose e!ements are such that the bet consisting of the prospect of an element of W if E and

an e!ement of V if ......E is balanced.

Now we are able to assign to every transition a definite numerical va!ue provided we bave

events with any possible probability, as in the von Neumann approach. Suppose, in fact, tbat

we bave a set oftransitions (ShTI) ... (Sk,TIr) in order of weak preference, such tbat (Sk,TIr) is

strictly preferred to (SI,TI). The procedure to attach a numerical value to every transition

(Si,Ti) (l < i < k) consists ofthe following steps:

81. Determine for every transition 'Twhether it is strictly preferred, indifferent or strict!y

not preferred to the status quo '10. S2. Give arbitrary value 1 to a transition s" strict!y preferred to the status quo and the

value -I to its inverse -s".

S3. For every transition 'T strictly preferred to the status quo, find tbat probability P'T at

which the prospect 'Twith probability P'1' -s" with probability I-P'1' is ba!anced.

84. For every transition 'Tstrictly not preferred to the status quo, find that probability P'Tat

which the prospect 'Twith probability P'1' and s" with probability l-p'1' is baianced.

85. Assign:

(a) to every transition ranked with the status quo the value O';

(b) to every transition 'T strictly preferred to the status quo the numerica! value:

(c) to every transition 'Tstrictly not preferred to the status quo the numerical value:

The problem to determine the value of the pararneter pthat appears in our theory arises

now. This is a very easy task once we bave reached the numerical scale of utilities. Suppose

4 This is actua1ly a simplifying convention that implies no loss of generality. You can assign to the

status quo areai value k whatsoever, but in such a case the inverse of a ìransition of value z, would

receive the value 2k-z.



in fact that the preferences of X fit the formula (C'). Then p may be determined simply by

determining the utility value V of the bet: "I at probability Y:z, -I at probability W'. Since V,

according to (C'), is confined in the c10sed interval [:""Y:, Y:z] we OOve:

1-2V if V>-Y:zf3 =2V+I

In the case V = -Y:z we put ~ = 00. This formula is easily derived from (C').

So far I OOve shown that my generalized theory allows determination of utility from pref­

erences, provided we have external probabilities at hand. The next step consists of finding a

procedure to derive probabilities as well as utilities from preferences. In Savage's theory, the

inference from preferences to probabilities is ultimately based on the fact the relation of

comparative probability (A is more probable than B) can be defined in the preference lan­

guage. We can borrow this idea from Savage's theory. Clearly, within our approach, it is per­

fectly possible to characterize the idea of de Finetti-Savage qualitative (also called compara­

tive) probability. The relation 'A is not less probable than B', denoted with A ;;:: B can indeed

be defmed in the following way: given a transition 'Tsuch tOOt the status quo '10 is not pre­

ferred to it and two events E and E', we say that E is not less probable than E' iffthe gamble

"'Tif E', '10 if -,E'" is not preferred to the gamble "'T if E, '10 if -,E". From tbis definition

we can obtain, in the usual way, the derived relations of 'A is not more probable than B' (A :s;

B), 'A is strictly more probable than B' (A > B) and 'A is strictly less probable than B' (A <

B). Moreover, we can define the ideas of probability O in the following way. An event E is

said to be ofprobability O ifffor every transition 'Tstrictly preferred to the status quo '10, the

gamble 'TifE '10 if..,E is ranked together wÌth '10. The relation 'not less prohable' so defined, satisfies the first three of the folIowing four

axioms of comparative probability proposed by de Finetti [1931, p. 321], namely:

l. Given two events E', E", eitherE' ;;:: EH or E" <::: E' (comparability).

2. If T is the necessary event, and E a factual event not of probability O, holds:

T <::: E >..,T . 5 (nontriviality).

5 In the originai paper of de Finetti [1931 p. 321] the cJause that E is not an event of probability O is

not present and instead of the inequality T ~ E > ...,T the inequality T> E > ...,T appears. There is su­

rely a misprint in the de Finetti paper, because de Finetti's fonnulation implies that every factual

472 A. MURA

3. IfE' <! E, and E <! EH, then E' <! EH (transitivity).

4. IfEl and E2 and E are such that El and E2 both are logically incompatible with E, then

El <!E2 ,iffE,UE <! E2 UE (additivity).

Proo[ ~

l. Immediate trom the fact that the weak preference relation satisfies the comparability


2. Let 'Tbe a transition strictly preferred to the status quo '1Q. By definition, the gamble

"'Tif T, '1Q if ....,1"', is ranked together with "'TifE, 'Tif ....,E" and the gamble "'Tif

....,T, '1Q if1'" is ranked with "'1Q if E, '1Q if ....,E". Consider the gamble "'Tif E, '1Q if

...., EH. By weak dominance, it is strictly preferred to '1Q and it is not preferred to 'T. It

follows: T <! E > ....,T.•

3. Immediately deduced trom the transitivity ofthe weak preference relation .•

It seems that the proof of 4 cannot be carried out without new principles. In Savage's

book the proof is omitted. A proof using the sure-thing principle (which is not valid in our

theory) in an essential manner turns out to be indeed very easy. In any case, 4 is clearly sat­

isfied in our theory based on (C'), because it is a consequence of the stochastic dominance

principle. So I consider 4 as an axiom.

It is weIl known that the conditions 1-4 are not sufficient in generai to the ensure the ex­

istence of a unique finitely additive probability function P such that P(A) <! P(B) iff A <! B.

New conditions are necessary. So far no sufficient set of necessary conditions for existence

and uniqueness is known in a generic finite Boolean algebra .!il, unless we suppose that no

atom of Jll has probability 0.6 This assumption is in generai rejected by Bayesian subjectiv­

event has probability strictly greater than O, a constraint rejected by de Finetti even in the same pa­

per. We notice that the set ofaxioms 1-4 are sligthly stronger than Savage's axioms for qualitative

probability [1954 p. 32J, because our system implies that a factual event has the same probability of

a contradìction iff it is of probability O. Thls consequence is not deducible from Savage's definition

ofqualitative probability, although it is a consequence of its whole theory of preference.

6 For more details see the excellent artiele of Fishburn [1986J and the comments on it by Suppes

[1986] and Seidenfeld [1986J.





ists.7 I think that this rebuttal is correct because the assumption is extraneous to the meaning

ofprobability. Therefore, the appeal to an infinite algebra seems to be unavoidable.

Given the conditions 1-4, to ensure the existence of a unique agreeing probability func­

tion, the way generally followed consists of adding structural constraints. Several alternatives

are possible. The common basic idea goes back to de Finetti [1931 pp. 322-3]. Intuitively

speaking, it consists in assuming that for every event B (no matter how improbable it is), the

logical space is partitionable into events ali ofwhich are less probable than B. De Finetti re­

quired partitioning into equiprobable events, but less constraining alternatives are available.

Savage proposed a postulate (P6) [1954 p. 39] in a form that turns out to be stronger than re­

quired by our theory, which is concemed only with gambles. But Savage formulated also a

weaker form P6' ofP6 that is sufficient for our purposes. It goes as follows:

5. lfB < C, there exists a partition of the algebra S of events, the union of each element

ofwhich with Bis less probable than C.

Savage claimed, without proof, the existence of a single agreeing probability function de­

fined on the algebra S of events satisfying 5. A proof ofthis result, valid for any Boolean al­

gebra whatsoever, has been reached by Wakker [1981]. In any event, 1 shall adopt 5, so that,

in the present theory as well, the existence of a unique probability function induced by the

set of preferences is guaranteed.


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