effective-parametric resonance in a non-oscillating system

OFFPRINT Effective-parametric resonance in a non-oscillating system Marcel G. Clerc, Claudio Falc ´ on, Cristi ´ an Fern ´ andez-Oto and Enrique Tirapegui EPL, 98 (2012) 30006 Please visit the new website www.epljournal.org

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Effective-parametric resonance in anon-oscillating system

Marcel G. Clerc, Claudio Falcon, Cristian Fernandez-Oto

and Enrique Tirapegui

EPL, 98 (2012) 30006

Please visit the new websitewww.epljournal.org

May 2012

EPL, 98 (2012) 30006 www.epljournal.org

doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/98/30006

Effective-parametric resonance in a non-oscillating system

Marcel G. Clerc, Claudio Falcon, Cristian Fernandez-Oto and Enrique Tirapegui

Departamento de Fısica, Universidad de Chile - Casilla 487-3, Santiago, Chile

received 26 December 2011; accepted in final form 5 April 2012published online 11 May 2012

PACS 05.45.-a – Nonlinear dynamics and chaosPACS 02.30.Oz – Bifurcation theory

Abstract – We present a mechanism for the generation of oscillations and nonlinear parametricamplification in a non-oscillating system, which we term effective-parametric resonance. Sustainedoscillations appear at a controlled amplitude and frequency, related directly to the external forcingparameters. We present an intuitive explanation for this phenomenon, based on an effectiveequation for a driven oscillation and discuss its relation to other approaches. More precisely, a high-frequency forcing can generate an effective oscillator, which may have a parametric resonance withthe applied forcing. We point out the main ingredients for the development of effective-parametricresonance in non-oscillating systems and show its existence in a simple model. Theoretically, wecalculate the appearance of this nonlinear oscillation by computing its stability curve, which isconfirmed by numerical simulations and experimental studies on a vertically driven pendulum.

Copyright c© EPLA, 2012

Introduction. – An oscillator displays resonances dueto its ability to store and transfer energy coming from aforcing source into an internal oscillation mode, GalileoGalilei being one of the first to recognize them [1]. Reso-nance is at the core of physics, ranging from microscopic tomacroscopic, from quantum to classical, and from deter-ministic to stochastic [2–4]. Resonances have been classi-fied mainly in two different ways depending on the typeof forcing acting on the oscillator. The most well-knowntype is characterized by the independence of the forcingfrom the oscillator state, which is termed as resonance [5].The other type is known as parametric resonance [5]. Thelatter appears as an instability of a dissipative oscillatorysystem where one or more parameters are modulated intime or space, injecting energy into the system. As one ofthe control parameters of the system overcomes a certainthreshold, a coherent oscillatory response develops withan amplitude that depends on the the nonlinear satura-tion of the instability. The oscillation frequency is givenby a resonance condition relating injection and dissipationof energy with the mismatch between forcing and naturalfrequencies. It must be noticed that the idea of energystoring and transferring due to resonances can be evengeneralized to fluctuating systems [3].In this work, we present a phenomenon arising from

parametric amplification with revealing potential appli-cations: the generation of effective-parametric resonance(EPR) which induces oscillations in a non-oscillatingsystem, that is, a system that without parametric forcing

cannot present permanent oscillations. The appearance ofoscillations is known in the parametrically forced upside-down pendulum [6]. Parametric instabilities have beenexplained by the introduction of Mathieu functions. Wepresent an alternative explanation allowing a simple inter-pretation, which can be intuitively extended to other phys-ical contexts. We study EPR in a simple prototype modelthat allows us to build a description based on a forcedsystem with an effective potential and apply these resultsto a parametrically amplified over-damped pendulum. Inthis simple system, we show theoretically, numerically, andexperimentally the appearance of sustained oscillationswith a given frequency and amplitude, controlled exter-nally by the parametric forcing.

Prototype EPR system. – In order to characterizethe EPR phenomenon, let us consider the following simpleprototypical dynamical system:

x=−γ sin(ωt)x−µx−αx3, (1)

where x(t) is the variable that describes the state of thesystem, x is the respective acceleration, µ is a viscousdamping parameter accounting for energy dissipation, αcharacterizes the nonlinearity of the system, and γ andω are, respectively, the intensity and frequency of theexternal parametric forcing. Other models can be chosento describe the emergence of permanent oscillations byEPR; however, eq. (1) possesses the main ingredientsnecessary to describe this phenomenon.


Marcel G. Clerc et al.

-2 -1 0 1 2-4





-2 -1


1 2-2





x x

-2 -1


1 2-3











-2 -1 0 1 2-3








-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1









x x

a) b)

c) d)

e) f)



-1.5 -1 -0.5






0 0.5 1 1.5

Fig. 1: (Color online) Phase portrait of model (1) for α=1.0, γ = 1.0, µ= 0 and ω= 0.5 a); α= 1.0, γ = 1.0, µ= 0 andω= 20.0 b); α= 1.0, γ = 1.0, µ= 0.02 and ω= 0.5 c); α= 1.0,γ = 0.3, µ= 0.2 and ω= 10.0 d); α=−2.0, γ = 46.5, µ= 0.0and ω= 1.0 e); α=−2.0, γ = 46.5, µ= 0.0 and ω= 20.0 f).

To study the phenomenology of EPR, we haveperformed numerical simulations of model (1) usinga fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm with time stepΔt= 0.02 for several values of the control parameters.In the non-dissipative limit (µ= 0) for α> 0, model(1) exhibits chaotic behavior near the origin and quasi-periodic behavior away from it when ω is of order1, as illustrated in fig. 1a)). However, as ω increasessufficiently, the former scenario changes and the phaseportrait described before is changed to the equivalentphase portrait of a simple oscillator, i.e., chaotic behavioris transformed into quasi-periodic behavior (cf. fig. 1b)).In the dissipative regime (µ> 0), the dynamics of thesystem is characterized by the appearance of a chaoticattractor [7], as depicted in fig. 1c). As ω increasessufficiently, the phase portrait displays the equivalentof a damped oscillator, as illustrated in fig. 1d). Even,the effect of large ω can even stabilize a non-oscillatingsystem with divergent trajectories (α< 0) with or withoutdissipation. Figure 1e) shows the phase portrait of model(1) for small ω displaying divergent trajectories. As ωincreases, there is a qualitative change in the trajectories

as oscillations develop around the fixed point x= x= 0and trajectories do not diverge, as is shown in fig. 1f).Therefore, for large ω and γ of order 1, model (1) showsthe emergence of oscillations.Forced systems with explicit temporal dependence, as

the one displayed in model (1), are usually studied in termsof first return maps using the time-dependent forcingperiod as the iteration period between two successivevalues of the map [8]. This approach will be of benefitin the case of low-frequency forcing, where the dominanttime scale is the forcing scale. In the case of high-frequency forcing, first return maps describe basically thesame dynamics as model (1). Furthermore, first returnmaps, although useful for calculations of stability of fixedpoints, and hence limit cycles, do not give an insightinto the physical mechanism for the generation of thehigh-frequency dynamics explained above. Another wayto study the high-frequency dynamics of eq. (1) that canpresent a way to interpret and understand the dynamicsis the strategy proposed by Kapitza [9]: the previoushigh-frequency dynamics can be understood as a resultcaused by the separation of time scales between the forcingand the state variable x(t) itself, which can explain theappearance of an effective force. Unlike the linear analysisbased on Mathieu functions, this strategy allows a globaldescription that contains the nonlinear response of thesystem. Therefore, a generalization of this type of strategymay allow us to glimpse into non-trivial phenomenaarising from the original forced system. Following thestrategy proposed by Kapitza, in the limit ω≫ µ, thedynamics is decomposed as

x(t) = z(t)+γ

ω2sin(ωt)z(t), (2)

where z accounts for the slow dynamics and the secondterm on the right-hand side stands for the small fastdynamics [9]. Introducing the above Ansatz in eq. (1), weobtain

z = −γ2















. (3)

If one considers the limit, ω≫ 1 and γ/ω2≪ 1 averagingover a period 2π/ω, we obtain

z =−γ2/2ω2z−αz3−µz, (4)

which is the Kapitza dynamics. On the other hand, inthe case of small z and considering that γ/ω2 < 1 but notsmall, the dominant order of eq. (3) takes the form

z =−γ2


ωcos(ωt)z, (5)

up to leading-order resonant terms in γ/ω. In this effec-tive dynamical system z(t) is a variable that accounts for


Effective-parametric resonance in a non-oscillating system














x x

a) b)

-1 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1-1 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1

Fig. 2: (Color online) Phase portrait of prototype model (1)for α= 200.0, γ = 48.0, µ= 1.0 and ω= 14.0 (a)) and α=−1.0,γ = 47.0, µ= 1.0 and ω= 10.0 (b)).

slow dynamics of x(t). The above model corresponds to anoscillator with an induced natural frequency ωI ≡ γ/


In the limit of high frequencies (γ≪ ω2), the last term isneglected as a result of the separation of scales betweenz(t) and the forcing, which corresponds to Kapitza analy-sis [5]. Hence, using this approach, the first term of theright-hand side is an effective force that leads the dynam-ics. Independently, if at moderate frequencies model (1)has divergent trajectories (α> 0) or not (α< 0), in theabove limit the system can be described as an oscillator.Model (5) allows us to intuitively understand the dynam-ics exhibited by model (1) in this limit providing a way tounderstand the emergence of oscillations in non-oscillatingsystems submitted to high-frequency forcing. In brief,the non-oscillator system subjected to a high-frequenciesforcing (eq. (1)) is equivalent to a parametrically drivenoscillator with a well-defined natural frequency (γ2/2ω2).Therefore, one expects intuitively that changing the valueof the induced natural frequency one can observe the well-known characteristics of parametric resonance.

Appearance of EPR. For large but fixed ω, as weincrease γ, the induced natural frequency increases.Furthermore, the terms neglected in the strategy ofKapitza grow in their amplitudes. The combination ofthese effects can generate the phenomenon of effective-parametric resonance: as ωI approaches ω/2 and theforcing and dissipative terms can be balanced, the systemcan resonate by parametrically amplifying itself. Hence,by modifying γ appropriately, the system can displaythis phenomenon when γ ∼

√2ω2/2. Therefore, x= x= 0

becomes unstable and nonlinearity saturates this instabil-ity leading to attractive periodic solutions. Figures 2a) andb) show the stable limit cycle generated by EPR for bothpositive and negative α. Thus, for large ω and γ whichsatisfy the above resonance condition, model (1) inducessimultaneously a natural frequency of oscillation and aparametric forcing, giving rise to effective-parametricresonance at half the forcing frequency even for largedissipation. From these simulations, we can infer thatin the case of positive (negative) α, the observed limitcycle is dominated by the first dominant mode (first two























Fig. 3: (Color online) Effective-parametric resonance curve inγ-ω space for µ= 0.1 and α=−1.0. Above the line, the systemshows effective-parametric resonance. Pentagon symbols areobtained by numerical simulation of model (1). The solid line ina) and b) is, respectively, deduced from models (5) and (3). Leftinsets: limit cycle. Right insets: damped oscillations towardsx= 0.

dominant modes). This explains the different limit cyclesin the x-x phase portrait displayed in fig. 2.We perform a modal expansion for eq. (5) and, keeping

the dominant terms of modal expansion up to order γ/ω,one finds the curve (γ/2ω)2 = (µ/2)2+(ω/2− γ/ω


for the stability of x= 0. To corroborate this predictionwe have performed numerical simulations of model (1)in the ω-γ space, showing good agreement with thepredicted curve. In fig. 3a) we show both theoreticaland numerical results. On the other hand, using thesame modal expansion in eq. (3) allows us computean amended instability curve, which improves the accu-racy to within 3% from the previous expression as isshown in fig. 3b), although the qualitative shape ofthe curve is the same. Thus, our first-order approxi-mation agrees consistently with numerical simulationsof the instability curve. Above the curve a stable limitcycle in the x-x phase portrait develops (fig. 3, leftinset), whereas outside of it damped oscillations towardsx= x= 0 appear (fig. 3, right inset). In the case of α< 0,for small (large) µ compared with ω, effective-parametric


Marcel G. Clerc et al.

resonance develops as a super(sub)-critical instability, thatis, when one increases γ the system shows the appear-ance of a infinitesimal (finite) limit cycle. In the othercase (α> 0), one observes the opposite behavior.

EPR in a vertically driven pendulum. – As wehave noted before, EPR results from the effect of theparametric amplification of a system by a large-amplitudeand high-frequency forcing. As mentioned above, a simplemechanical system that shows this effect is a verticallydriven pendulum. The upside-down state becomes stableat high frequencies even for small displacement amplitudesof the support point, as a result of the emergence of anoscillator where the upside-down position is a stable fixedpoint [5]. This counterintuitive fact was first predictedanalytically in the pioneering work of Stephenson [10]which spanned a large ammount of theoretical [5] andexperimental discussions [11,12] of the phenomenon. Asthe displacement amplitude is increased, it was observednumerically [13] and experimentally [12] the appearance ofa nonlinearly saturated oscillation around the upside-downposition. This is a limit cycle in the φ-φ phase portrait,where φ is the angle of the pendulum with respect to thevertical axis and φ is the angular velocity. This phenom-enon was associated with a Hopf bifurcation [7], which isrelated to a time-independent linear operator. This state-ment is inadequate for the upside-down position becausethe linear stability analysis of this state is related to a peri-odic time-dependent linear operator which requires the useof Floquet theory [14]. On the other hand, this behav-ior can be inferred as a consequence of the linear analy-sis based on Mathieu functions for negligible dissipationshowing that the upside-down state is unstable. Alterna-tively, using a weakly nonlinear analysis, one finds thatthe dynamics around the upside-down state is similar tomodel (1) with negative α. Therefore, the appearance ofpermanent oscillations with respect to the vertical stateis the result of EPR. It is important to note that in thestudy of the Faraday instability for strong viscous fluid asimilar resonant condition is established in ref. [15].

Experimental study. A parametrically excited pendu-lum is built to explore EPR. A stainless-steel cylindricalroller bearing (internal diameter 8mm, external diameter15mm) is mounted vertically into a plexiglass plate(10× 15× 4mm3), see fig. 4. A plexiglass cylinder is fixedsolidary to a cylindrical roller bearing, which enables it torotate smoothly in a plane. A massive bronze bar (length60mm, diameter 3mm) is eccentrically positioned 2mmfrom the center of the cylinder (cf. fig. 4), displacing thecenter of mass from the center of the plexiglass cylinder.This asymmetry generates a physical pendulum with anatural frequency f0 ≈ 10Hz (ω0 ≈ 30 ad/s) and oscillat-ing radius l≈ 2mm. The whole system is then mountedover an electromechanical shaker driven sinusoidally by afrequency generator via a power amplifier. The modula-tion of the acceleration of gravity aexω

2excos(ωext) with

ωex = 2πfex is measured directly by a piezoelectric

2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6−250



φ [rad]

φ [r





−0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4











−0.70 −0.35 0 0.35 0.70−1.4








2 2.5 3 3.5 4




φ [rad]

φ [r

ad /s







Fig. 4: A Lissajous figure of the nonlinear oscillations aroundthe inverted pendulum position is obtained experimentally (a))and numerically (b)). The limit cycle oscillating around theinverted position of a physical pendulum is found experimen-tally (c)) and numerically (d)). e) Schematic representationand snapshot of the physical pendulum under consideration.

accelerometer and a charge amplifier. The control para-meters are then ωex and aex (γex = aexω

2ex/l). The motion

of the pendulum is acquired with a high-speed camera at500 fps in a 800× 600 pixel window.We explore the large-frequency limit ωex/ω0≫ 1 in

the particular case of aex/l∼ 1, which corresponds γex ∼ω2ex. For a given ωex, by increasing the amplitude of

modulation aex the inverted pendulum is stabilized. Asaex continues to increase, new equilibria appear, namely alimit cycle, which oscillates at fex/2 around the invertedposition φ= π. This type of limit cycle also appearsoscillating around φ= 0. These oscillations cannot occurin the unforced system, due to its highly dissipativenature. In fig. 4a), we show a typical trajectory of thecenter of mass of the pendulum found experimentally forωex/ω0 ≈ 5 and aex/l≈ 2, and in fig. 4b) the numericallycomputed trajectory. They display Lissajous figures withtwo frequencies, one being fex and the other one beingfex/2. We also show in figs. 4c) and d) the phase portrait.Notice that the limit cycle is surrounding the invertedposition φ= π.

Conclusions. – The usual strategy to induce oscilla-tions is done by exciting the natural frequencies (or entiremultiples of these frequencies) of a system under study.We show here that the use of high-frequency forcing—the forcing periods are smaller than any characteristictime scale of the system under study in non-oscillatingsystems— can induce an effective natural frequency ofoscillation and simultaneously induce parametric amplifi-cation through resonance even for large dissipation. Botheffects are responsible for the appearance of permanentoscillations. We have considered a simplest model, eq.(1), to illustrate these behaviors. Analytically based ona generalization of the strategy proposed by Kapitza, wehave succeeded in explaining this effective-parametricresonance. However, the obtained results are quite general.It suffices to consider a system of at least two variables


Effective-parametric resonance in a non-oscillating system

forced parametrically at high frequencies, which caninduce an effective oscillator and that in a suitable para-meter region can exhibit effective-parametric resonance.Recent studies showed that the shape of the forcing,contrary to common wisdom, can qualitatively changethe scenario of the expected dynamic behavior [16,17].Theoretical, numerical and experimental studies oneffective-parametric resonance for non-harmonic forcingare currently in progress.

∗ ∗ ∗

MGC, CF and ET acknowledge the financial supportof FONDECYT grants 1120320, 11090449 and 1120329,respectively, and the financial support of the ACT127grant. CF-O acknowledges the financial support of CONI-CYT by Beca Magister Nacional.


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