cops demand $345,000 in back· pay - city of newport beach

THE NEWPORT BEACH l ... p •¥'W< """' Dusty Switzer: " That as much a part of me <ts my legs. It's - mr whole \\ Orld." . Biker woman lost without her wheels Beloved H arley stolen from distressed Dusty Switzer . T he two we re a common sight on Costa Mesa s treet s. By LOflAM Bastleda !>t..'I \\ , I C05 TA L . 51cjltng l.)u,1) lf .ule\ OJ\ll"on "J' like cu111ni.: olf 1hc 4b ·, car-ol<l \\Olll.ln ' kl!\, . ' - " If )uu cuulJ JU't 1mJg1nc: a lrcc:dom limJ \\llhout any "'" • , 1hcn H)U gu1 me," 'he : uJ. dmking bJ\. k tc: .ar . '' I h,11 liikc ' w muc.h 11 pJrt ut me: Ill\ \\hole "urld ." S\\1t1cr r arkc:J her I ':> •ll.111 .1t the Counl) I .1irg1ounJs IJ't I "h1lc 'lht>ppmg 111r .i hc.1Jhsht at · the biker '''JP meet " I ' 11d ll> 01) II.tile): ·51,1).'" she rcc.illcJ " Uu1 th at'-. ju't cr.lllne\\." It \\J\ .11,o U\Ck"llc.!" \\ hen S\\lller rc1u1 ncJ h> the p.1Ck1ng lut, he1 bclo,cJ bike ":J'I gone lmrncJ1.11\:h. the 1hct1 \\j\ <.tOllllUlll..e.J U\er the luuJ .ind Cello" b1ki:r:-i r .11l1eJ .irounJ 5\\11/U, Sl.1100 tl) I)\\ I j fC\\JIJ l IJ\lng \. cu1,eJ (\>,ta '>trcch un the hJl._ ol J ll a rk\ 19<>1. 1lllf 1> 'IOnle"' h.11 ol .in 11.un m.1) 001 but Jll)Olle \\<ho hJ\ 'Pl ' ll l \lllllC 110\C Ill th" Cll\ h.1, 'ccn hc:r : the: r;.ul· I iHn " onun \\llh the t.IJrk ApJd1e !>l- 1n, Seo BIKE MD Piii AROUNO TOWN " l he Ult11nJtl' Holly\'.ood Tour. Jn lllu)tr.1tr.d tht> title 01 a lru . .. "Brown BJg" .un to be hdd Jl noon m thl' Room or thl• Nt•\\ port Ccnwr l1brJry, 856 Clemente D1 Nl'\\por t Oc. Kh. for more rn(o. c. 111 64 .f 3191 NUMBERS TO CALL CIRCULATION HO TLINE CLASSIF IE D 642-5678 RCT1\ll ADS 642-4321 540-1 22 4 SPORTS 642 -4330 INDEX OlJ:l "8 <.)0k ........: .. ., ......... Cl.i' 1ft t·<l ............ , ........... 84 Cummunity forum ........ A.7 Cnte'rtJ nrnent .................. A4 l •;ti notiCt.'\ ..................... Bl M O'ti1• Ii ..... , ............. A.3 Spofb .::.... •. ....... .. .......... B1 l!oc. .. c-- ......... 19t) 0 \ tn11 f kttp "S thf v wnthf!r up north Highs todav v.111 be In thf" pper 6°' and 10\\ 70s '°"' 1n thf' fov. n .ar lh coa I Cu I} \\ind) , . this \.\ tt A2 25 Cops demand $345,000 in back · pay More than a dozen Newport Beach sergeants request p aymen t for report in g to work early. claimi ng it was required by department policy. By Tony Dodero I lorn. pre!>idcnt of the nc\\ I) tormc d l\e" · Gun Y.rur · port Beach Police M.rn.igcmcnt ,.\,.,.u.:1.111 un. NEW PORT Bl:.AC ll - Al lea!>t 15 'lcw-- Van H orn, "ho hied a claim for S24 ,197 port Beach Pohcc '>crgcants ha'e tiled Mo nday. !.a1d he ha-, been rc4 uircJ 10 re- clai ms d emanding the uty reimburse them port to Ju ty early '\ ithout compen,Jllun I k for a combined S345,000 in bac k 1hcy said when the poliC} .,.. as que\11oncd 1n the co nt end is owed ·to t hem for bc111g forccJ to past. he and 01he r \\ere 1old lhJt \\ Ork ove rt ime. " a!> JU'>I pa rt of t he job "We decided \\e'rc nm going 10 gl\ c 1he The offrcers claim they were /equircJ w ci ty fr ee l ime anymore." \u iJ Sgt. Slc\c Van rcpon to \\ Ork 15·30 earl) \\lthout p:i), ... nJ the) a) the prJ1.l1 .. c \lol:11cl> 1h c <: at)':. V''n p.,111.} .ind 1he lair LJbor StJndJrth. A..i !:>ume ul the cb11m inclutk !:>bl Lugl!ne !:>i:nc1..1I\ I ·r s-1,JlJO. Sgt. CI .irk' 1> tor S - lo, .inJ !:>gt .\hd1acl k1r $(,\.Jl3. Cll} MjnJg\. r kl!' in ,aid cit) j, no'' rC \IC\\ ing the claim,, '' h1 h the Cll} hal> 4' Ul}'> 10 n:-.ponJ IO .. \\e ·rc going lJke .1 k1uk at \\hJI our cur- rcn1 pr.1ll1Cc: " JOJ Y.hJI the.: F.11r l.;ibor StJOJJrth A 1. t rcqu1rcl> tv d(i," .\turph) ·1he d.11111' \\Ill then lie hrou.gh1 to 1hc Cll\ Coun1.1I, he ,:1a1d ·j he m.m<J :a Od.lllOrt and the :-.=c: .... 1 >0rt Bi:J h l'ultce Al>:.OC1Jt1on re cut- rcntl) al 1mp a'> c '' th 1hc O\Cr ,,1\af) ncgou:11i om. and ha\ b-·en Y.1thou1 a con- ua,1 mce Ju l\ Uu1 Van I I 0irn :i d 1h.: filcll b\ 1hc IS 'ctgcanh me I r,!Jtcd to the ,·;JIJT) "II the) U'> a 10 \omur· '°"· thb "'II n \ co a""a' · \an Horn 'i.1id "l \ OUld ant1cq1:1c .. )CC !>ume (clairm) from Jl1\ t abou: "''Cf! -.crge.101" t here :.ire:: cr.:canh at the: Lkach Pohcc 'lJ partmcnt City .. retirees will pay to play on the green Council axes free golf rounds at city course for employees elected offlc1als ' ....... lfl\( \ \ll \\ frtl ' ! I • 'fCl \\,t• l\t:d. I dn ph .ipprl'll,11. l thl· 'I.'" tr• thl .ind the l II' ,,[ lhl't' t•mplP\l'e\.'hul tht' I'-,, tnl' 1!tm!! \\( ,Jll'I •t--:1Jt1•r\! ·'"' r.\1'rt '11d l llUncrh,or 1an \1nn 11 rnbu Manj it Bain, O\\ ncr of Tinder B o\, l')lim.ltc he' ll I Ol>C about 5 JH.' n. cn t of bu-, in cs) bc<..lU'>l' of moking ban at outh Coa t Pl .uJ. Clearing · the air South C oast P laza off icials te ll customers 'thank yo u f or nor smoking ' in the mall. By CcenJ Aus: n H ggs su:i :• .:ri S hnpp.:r' Ill!), .1th (\1.1,t P l.u:.i 111h.1kJ d\:,1ncr air ?'.1 unJ.n unJl·r J t, ,J Ill.."' n.m 'llhll.1111: poh..-). l'iut the ban kit \l me ,m,,lcr' .rnJ ·a le\\ meri:hJn( hurting JnJ pulling I rom a \\.;'he mcnt 'mu!.; er ''ho '.11J 11.:' c: r ,fH1 p tn the mall JgJm 10 a t\\u·l1mc auu,i.. \l\.11m ''ho -..11J " 11\ t he be't thing 1li..:i1 .. ,iulJ h.1ppcn.'' upin11 .. ''ere 'pin1.:"J .1i1J Ji, .. ·".: on 1 hc tir't t.I J '\ ol the hJn ·11\ ·,u mur1: pfl!J,jlll t\l 'hup '"'"·" ,,11.I I Le.1bo, 74, J nl>n·,moker from l Bc .1 ... h ... r hcrc '> no \mokmg Ill thi.: 'lore,, unJ u' J l\l .t>mi: oul ;.inJ 1h.: mJU 1, JU'I !ull ut '1lh1lc Uut ' c"P''ll Uea .. h '\:' 1 P.1r.1z I 11u•.!£ r. 3 I, . .111 , .... 'llHl.11 ,m,,i..\: r. CJ l!J : he hJ un nc .. 1: "Jf'\ .. h J b .! c1wugh mall. ,,i.J "ll t:h \, n1t1 lh;.il lllJ:l\ p.:,lpk ''ho 'm0i..e • nl,.I 'Cnl lh. n 1, nol a pr1.1bJ, m .. t he 200.,1l>r1: pl.1.:.1 1n Cl ,,J \k ,.1 1 one ,11 11111\ .1 11:" P 1 ,, the \.thll tr. ti .11 pr1.lh1h 1h \ .. th Co.1,t Pb •. 1 1 .. Cr)'l 11C1.1L1r1. ''lll 1 kin!i. 10 .di 1n,1,1, .omm. n ure.,, Rc.:,1.1ur.1111' h.l\e Jl' 1.11-. •1c See PLAZA Back Page t ' . . The domino effect If Sen. M arian Bcrgewn i\ ult1m.1ll'I)' .ippointed e upcrintcnd t•nl ul 'l hool), the potenti.11 poliht al re pert us\lllll' .irl' nc.irl y cndlc s . H erc i one p u'"hlc scenario thal sets off .i c.h.un rl•. 1l11un .lll th<.> way dO \\n to on<.> loca l cit cou ncil. \\thalc\.cr happens, a Berge on ilppointmcnt \\ O uld surely \\<\RI .\:"J St.Ht! nJtor Bill 10'-IG s1.1t,• 'up111111,•1 l ·r I 1 I \d 101> Tt1 l1t• ,,IC.lit'<{ Jtrt r 011 1-:0111 ': ot·m1t•1t••t .l\p pointmcnt b GO\crnor B ergeson eyed for state · schoo l superintendent job ..,... State senator 1s considered top p ick to replace suspended Homg . By Russ Loai - . cl off a frcc·for· '111 among c andid.lles h oping to moH· up t ht feeding chain and othe rs- hoping to dut 9' the state term limit law. u ,. u 1 - (I', a full I! \\ .!\ f Hln'f ,..J\\XllfC •I• 'll;J iC ol edu.:.111tm bul 11\ a JOurnC\ -1 I C.ll rrnc,u...,or... .. 0th t A\Wrnhlv Speci.ll ele<.tion I Spcci.ll ell '(. lion Plll 6Uff,\ c ' OORl'I • llt:--J l )'th 11 1 tml A' t•mlil) pciial cll'llion llllC he lil\t' .. tat'-' .Se n. Mor1n11 l he 1-lcpuhli c n Bc jch '' cJ :i ltlp C:1nJ1J.>1c IM t he JOb hclJ lh ll ''""c l' s:?. lfo n1 "a Cllll\ ictcJ of .. ,1111l1c:t 0 0r ·1n1crc' t lh.u"C., · onJ .. ., lrqm offl,c (",' · Pelc \\.11 in "111 .1 'u (C xlf h\ 1hr rcm:11n1 )C:trs ul l ll mg·, 10111• cru tr rm. "1 h:H! 1101 1IC:d thl \ p• portunat)." U r n ,,1 "I hP\C t tu mai..c a I{" hcthci m n, 1 I ",u · 'cc l th1 • arfl'lintmenl ... 66. l!I a lmmcr and b<>arO m m ,

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Post on 19-Jan-2023




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l ... p •¥'W< """'

Dusty Switzer: " That bik~'s as much a part of me <ts my legs. It's - mr whole \\ Orld.".

Biker woman lost without her wheels ~ Beloved Harley stolen from distressed Dusty Switzer. The two were a common sight on Costa Mesa streets. By LOflAM Bastleda !>t..'I \\ , I

C05TA ~tl:SA L .

51cjltng l.)u,1) ~"111cr\ lf.ule\ OJ\ll"on "J' like cu111ni.: olf 1hc 4b·,car-ol<l \\Olll.ln ' kl!\, . ' -

" If )uu cuulJ JU't 1mJg1nc: a lrcc:dom limJ \\llhout any "'" • , 1hcn H)U gu1 me," 'he :uJ. dmking bJ\. k tc: .ar . '' I h,11 liikc ' w muc.h 11 pJrt ut me: It ' ~ Ill\ \\hole "urld."

S\\1t1cr r arkc:J her 19~~ I kn1.i~c ':> •ll.111 .1t the Counl) I .1irg1ounJs IJ't I rid.i~ n1~ht "h1lc 'lht>ppmg 111r .i hc.1Jhsht at

· the biker '''JP meet " I ' 11d ll> 01) II.tile):

·51,1).'" she rcc.illcJ " Uu1 th at'-. ju't cr.lllne\\."

It \\J\ .11,o U\Ck"llc.!" \\ hen S\\lller rc1u1 ncJ h> the p.1Ck1ng lut, he1 bclo,cJ bike ":J'I gone

lmrncJ1.11\:h. the 1hct1 \\j\ <.tOllllUlll..e.J U\er the luuJ ~pc:.ikc:r, .ind Cello" b1ki:r:-i r .11l1eJ .irounJ 5\\11/U, ~,ilkdlll!! Sl.1100 tl) I)\\ I j fC\\JIJ

l IJ\lng \. cu1,eJ (\>,ta ~k,a\ '>trcch un the hJl._ ol J llark\ >rn~c 19<>1. ~'' 1lllf 1> 'IOnle"' h.11 ol .in 11.un h~re Ll~.11 m.1) 001 ~Ill•\ ~\\ l(/l:r, but Jll)Olle

\\<ho hJ\ 'Pl' ll l \lllllC 110\C Ill

th" Cll\ h.1, ~urch 'ccn hc:r: ~he·~ the: r;.ul·I iHn " onun

\\llh the t.IJrk ApJd1e !>l-1n, Seo BIKEMD Piii


~ " l he Ult11nJtl' • Holly\'.ood Tour. Jn lllu)tr.1tr.d ll•ctur~." i~ tht> title 01 a lru ... "Brown BJg" pro~r .un to be hdd J l noon m thl' Communtt~ Room or thl• Nt•\\ port Ccnwr l1brJry, 856 Clemente D1 • Nl'\\port Oc.Kh. for more rn(o. c.111 64 .f 3191




CLASSIF IE D 642-5678

RCT1\ll ADS 642-4321

NCW~ROOM 540-1224

SPORTS 642-4330


OlJ:l "8<.)0k ........ : ..• ., ......... ~ Cl.i' 1ftt·<l ............ , ........... 84 Cummunity forum ........ A.7 Cnte'rtJ nrnent .................. A4 l •;ti notiCt.'\ ..................... Bl M O'ti1• Ii lln~ ..... , ............. A.3 Spofb .::.... •. ....... .. .......... B 1 CM-4(-oty~ l!oc. .. c--......... 19t)

:.~,_ -· 0

• \

tn11 f kttp "S thf v storm~ wnthf!r up north Highs todav v.111 be In thf" pper 6°' and 10\\ 70s '°"' 1n thf'

fov. 5~ n .ar lh coa I Cu I} \\ind) ~ , . this \.\

tt We•th~r, A2

25 ~·

Cops demand $345,000 in back· pay ~· More than a dozen Newport Beach sergeants request payment for reporting to work early. claiming it was required by department policy.

By Tony Dodero I lorn. pre!>idcnt of the nc\\ I) tormcd l\e" · Gun Y.rur · port Beach Police M.rn.igcmcnt ,.\,.,.u.:1.111un.

NEW PORT Bl:.AC ll - Al lea!>t 15 'lcw-- Van Horn, "ho hied a claim for S24 ,197 port Beach Pohcc '>crgcants ha'e tiled Monday. !.a1d he ha-, been rc4uircJ 10 re-claims demanding the uty reimburse them port to Juty early '\ ithout compen,Jllun I k for a combined S345,000 in bac k pa~ 1hcy said when the poliC} .,.. as que\11oncd 1n the contend is owed ·to them for bc111g forccJ to past. he and 01he r sergeanl~ \\ere 1old lhJt \\ Ork overtime. " a!> JU'>I part of the job

"We decided \\e'rc nm going 10 gl\ c 1he The offrcers claim they we re /equircJ w city free lime anymore." \u iJ Sgt. S lc\c Van rcpon to \\ Ork 15·30 minute~ earl) \\lthout

p:i), ... nJ the) a) the prJ1.l1 .. c \lol:11cl> 1hc <:at)':. V''n o\\~rt11nc p.,111.} .ind 1he lair LJbor StJndJrth. A..i

!:>ume ul the br1...~r cb11m inclutk !:>bl Lugl!ne !:>i:nc1..1I\ I ·r s-1,JlJO. Sgt. CI .irk' Olm~h:JJ 1> tor S - lo, .inJ !:>gt .\hd1acl ~kDonuugh\ k1r $(,\.Jl3.

Cll} MjnJg\. r kl! ' in .\turpr1~ ,aid 11\~ cit) .111urnc~ j, no'' rC\IC\\ ing the claim,, '' h1 h the Cll} hal> 4' Ul}'> 10 n:-.ponJ IO

.. \\e·rc going lJke .1 k1uk at \\hJI our cur­rcn1 pr.1ll1Cc: " JOJ Y.hJI the.: F.11r l.;ibor StJOJJrth A 1. t rcqu1rcl> u~ tv d(i," .\t urph) 1>~1d ·1 he d.11111' \\Ill then lie hrou.gh1 to 1hc

Cll\ Coun1.1I, he ,:1a1d ·j he m.m<J coH~nt :a Od.lllOrt and the

:-.=c: .... 1>0rt Bi:J h l'ultce Al>:.OC1Jt1on re cut­rcntl) al 1mpa'> c '' th 1hc en~ O\Cr ,,1\af) ncgou:11iom. and ha\ b-·en Y.1thou1 a con­ua,1 mce Ju l\

Uu1 Van I I 0irn :i d 1h.: b1m~ filcll b\ 1hc IS 'ctgcanh me I r,!Jtcd to the ,·;JIJT) ~qu.ibhk,,

"II the) g1H~ U'> a 10 pt"~1.cnt \omur· '°"· thb l!>~UI: "'II n \ co a""a' · \an Horn 'i.1id " l \ OUld ant1cq1:1c ~ou .. )CC !>ume (clairm) from Jl1\ t abou: "''Cf! -.crge.101"

t here :.ire:: cr.:canh at the: ~c,\poll Lkach Pohcc'lJ partmcnt

City oHicials~ ..

retirees will pay to play on the green ~ Council axes free golf rounds at city course for employees elected offlc1als

' ....... lfl\( \ \ll \ \ frtl

' ! I • 'fCl \\,t• l\t:d. I dn ph .ipprl'll,11.l thl· 'I.'" h.~

tr• thl ~·,1nrm.n11' .ind the l II' ,,[ lhl't' t•mplP\l'e\.'hul tht' I'-,, tnl'

1!tm!! \\( ,Jll'I -~nn •t--:1Jt1•r\! ·'"' r.\1'rt '11d l llUncrh,or 1an \1nn 11 rnbu

Manjit Bain, O\\ ncr of Tinder Bo\, l')lim.ltc he' ll IOl>C about 5 JH.'n .cnt of hi~ bu-, in cs) bc<..lU'>l' of moking ban at outh Coa t Pl.uJ.

Clearing· the air

~ South Coast Plaza officials tell customers

'thank you for nor smoking' in the mall.

By CcenJ Aus: n H ggs su:i : • .:ri

S hnpp.:r' Ill!), .1th (\1.1,t Pl.u:.i 111h.1kJ d\:,1ncr air ?'.1unJ.n unJl·r J t, ,J Ill.."' n.m 'llhll.1111: poh..-). l'iut the ban kit \l me ,m,,lcr' .rnJ ·a

le\\ meri:hJn( hurt ing JnJ pulling I rom a \\.;'he mcnt 'mu!.; er ''ho '.11J h~"ll 11.:' c: r

,fH1p tn the mall JgJm 10 a t\\u·l1mc h~.•rl auu,i.. \l\.11m ''ho -..11J "11\ the be't thing 1li..:i1 .. ,iulJ l·,~·r h.1ppcn.'' upin11 .. >n~ ''ere 'pin1.:"J .1i1J Ji, .. ·".: on 1hc tir't t.I J '\ ol the hJn

·11\ ·,u mu~h mur1: pfl!J,jlll t\l 'hup '"'"·" ,,11.I I Le.1bo, 74, J nl>n·,moker from l tJn~ Bc.1 ... h ... r hcrc '> no \mokmg Ill thi.: 'lore,, unJ ~\lU

u' J l\l .t>mi: oul ;.inJ 1h.: mJU 1, JU'I !ull ut '1lh1lc

Uut ' c"P''ll Uea .. h '\:' J~· 1 P.1r.1z I 11u•.!£ r. 3 I, . .111 , .... 'llHl.11 ,m,,i..\: r. CJ l!J : he hJ un nc .. 1: "Jf'\

.. h ~ J b .! c1wugh mall. h~ ,,i.J "ll t:h \, n1t1

lh;.il lllJ:l\ p.:,lpk ''ho 'm0i..e • nl,.I 'Cnl lh. n 1, nol a pr1.1bJ, m ..

t he 200.,1l>r1: ,Ji,1prin~ pl.1.:.1 1n Cl ,,J \k,.1 1 one ,11 11111\ .1 11:" P 1 ,, ;i1."l'~l" the \.thll tr. ti .11 pr1.lh1h1h ,·r.hlkm~ \ .. th Co.1,t Pb •. 1 1 .. l1Jm~ Cr)'l 11C1.1L1r1. h~'' ''lll 1kin!i. 10 .di 1n,1,1, .omm. n ure.,, Rc.:,1.1ur.1111' h.l\e Jl' ~ 1.11-. '~ •1c

See PLAZA Back Page t '

. .

The domino effect If Sen. M arian Bcrgewn i\ ult1m.1ll'I)'

.ippointed I.lie upcrintcndt•nl ul 'l hool), the potenti.11 poliht al re pert us\lllll' .irl' nc.irly cndlcs . Herc i one pu'"hlc scenario thal sets off .i c.h.un rl•.1l11un .lll th<.> way d O\\n to on<.> loca l cit council. \\thalc\.cr happens, a Berge on ilppointmcnt \\Ould surely

\\<\RI .\:"J BCRCE~O~ St.Ht! ~ nJtor

Bill ~ 10'-IG s1.1t,• 'up111111,•1 l ·r I 1 I \d 101>

Tt1 l1t• ,,IC.lit'<{ Jtrt r uon~1dron 011 1-:0111 ': ot·m1t•1t••t cl~1ri;e,1

.l\ppointmcnt b GO\crnor

Bergeson eyed for state · school superintendent job ..,... State senator 1s considered top pick to replace suspended Homg.

By Russ Loai

- .

cl off a frcc·for· '111 among candid.lles hoping to moH· up tht feeding chain and others- hoping to dut 9' the state term limit law.

u ,.u 1 - (I', a full I! \\ .!\ f Hln'f ,..J\\XllfC •I• ln'l~l~_!!~~~~~l!..J~U.IJ~~~l:-U.L.-~_.,..--'ll;J iC '~pc11nti:11Jcn1 ol putih~ edu.:.111tm bul 11\ a JOurnC\



C.ll rrnc,u...,or... .. 0th 01\lll~ t


Speci.ll ele<.tion

I Spcci.ll ell'(. lion

Plll 6Uff,\ c~ c

' OORl'I •

llt:--J l)'th 11 1 tml

A' t•mlil)

pciial cll'llion

llllC he lil\t' .. tat'-' .Sen. Mor1n11 Ot·rgcwn.~hlluld m.1~c.

l he 1-lcpuhlic n Nl·,~nvrt Bc jch le~1,J , 1tol '' ~'l1NJ~·1 cJ :i ltlp C:1nJ1J.>1c IM the JOb hclJ b~ lhll Honi~ ''""c l's:?. lfon1 "a Cllll\ ictcJ of .. ,1111l1c:t 0 0 r·1n1crc't lh.u"C.,· l'r1lfa~ onJ .. u,~ntlcd ., lrqm offl,c (",' · Pelc \\.11 in "111 ap~11111 .1 'u (C xlf h\ c~c

1hr rcm:11n1 • '"~' )C:trs u l l l l mg·, 10111• cru tr rm.

" 1 h:H! 1101 :inll~tj) 1IC:d thl \ p• portunat)." U r n ,,1 " I hP\C t tu mai..c a dc~1 I{"

hcthci m n, 1 I ",u · 'cc l th1 • arfl'lintmenl ...

Ocrgc~on. 66. l!I a lmmcr tca~hrr and ~hool b<>arO m m


• • •




A2 Tunaay. Feb<uaty 2.


L oc a I 0 n I y . . . •

The Cheesecake .Factory prepares · to ope·n up shop

' ... r :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~t·.:::::.:.:::::::::---·~~===::::::::::::::::::::::::::~_---.._.·,-.,·,MN ___ •• ,

. ......... --

f \'"I I \I. I I ' :\ I \' I 0 I ' I .'\ - I he

be Vo -

,,( \\ lfll 111tJ , ,,,,tJ l'.111 t .c 11 •. :M'fil} I cb :

r 1t I t \ 1u 1dlln·~ Anl11im'~

\ Irr -~ trrr mtiT ueh 1n5":"T"iii"--t • tmn J ti n~ 1c;5 • .:5 :2

l . l C \ 'I - J .1ck,hrimp Ila: 11 .. pun 1'1cr, ha\ lo 1

I ! I II I Ill ' r11 p. h111 au c l.ut) ·~ U.1r .111<.J <.riH tJIM'Jc1llc

11 1 1 "J 11 J, •I I 1l1111lic l1101tcd • 1 1 ... \.( t , c n ... \l,, .1 •Pr•: . .i "'

1. I • J " ~ I I ( ''" I 11 ... \J,1rl.1 /11ff/'\ l.Hflfll:\ ;111cJ I ullnh wlu11111

11111 ''" I m 1l.1J.





'\early 100 L1guna Art \.1uy:um supporters

• putted dO\\n their SupN 80 .. ,1 scnsaticJOs Sunday C\cning " ilh a

nine-hole round uf · miniJlurt: golf entitled

"A Short Course in Art," teeing off the month·long, arltst·

dl·'>i~nt:d, interact1\e <:xhib1t al Carou":tt:I

Court in S<Juth Coast Plrla. H<:rc, Rand>

\1urri s<JO tries her luck on the sccund twle. "A

Sh1Jrt Cour'>t· in Art" can be pla)<:d during

South Co..i-,t PIJ1a hCJur'> until Feb. 28.

Grccn foes art: SJ for adullo,, and S 1.50 for

ch1ld rvn undt:r 12.

superintendent search continues

~,L\\ PtJf{ I ·Ml..')1\ -

~d1ool bo;;r J mi:m >er "1 I hult.I J ~ur "t.up un t! c search f r .. nc~ fler II· tcr1dc111 t0r11ght "111 rcpr<:· \Cnl:it1 c of lh ( 1t.forn1.1 ~chool B•11rd~ t\ , 111ron. the lrrm <.:h(),cn to ccmduct Ilic !>Cardi

~ ~·''J he pi;blt IOCt:tlll~ ""'"

he: 'Ill JI 7 pm , at lht: JIJrpcr < on rnurlll) (en· t r , :2S I· 1,r I ·Ill SI.·~ ( 11\I 1 :.ti.:~ 1

I tlJ!llCC!. ,,, tho.: 7·c: :.<.port i..1 l r1lf1.d !,dmol D1\tr1ct ~1ll tl1\C'UM•

the: c rc111 mn 1 I J IJ1 tr1c1 I 1.11\011 ( omm1t1cc. to CUllM!ll 11f i.~h0<1l J1\l~I I iJll I rnn.mu1111y rcprc· '>Clll.111\C!I "'llO "-111 IJ~C p 111 in 1t1c !lupcr1ntem.k111 em:h ·

It "Ill he a pl.1n11111.• i.c,-.1011.'''!11111 !I hool hr>JHJ l'rc~1dcnt Rud ~lacM11l1.111 .. \\'c ..... 11 !Ill do ... 11 <!IHI

m:.i ~c 1il.1n l11r ""·•I ' C

\\Jiii to~:' 111d ~cl up,, 11mt:l1m:

go00:· he ~1J " f feel I .. e 1t') m: fit . I hope t m::i .e a d.flerer. e 1n 1hc ~ y nc;.o 1s report~ A nd 'fal.fdt:i bcl1c~cs beaut;. p:t can1 e~pcracn '-111 help hct brca~ 1n10 the h1ghl~ eompcut c business " l feel pl);C:Snb :ire a 5.tcpp:n~ )lune f r a CJrecr in the nt.:~'\ medioi" . .

Will football, soccer~ continue at Bonita Park? .~ L:.\\ PORT UF:ACH - Parb. Bcad1ts .ind .

Rccrc-*tlon (t mm1\~1on member~ :He sd1cdukd to\c ~ rcc11um1~nu.1:1on 10111 •111

· \~hclht.r lhc cilv ~hould ~' ntinuc m allv.~ loolt..111 <im.I \cXc:cr g.10l.L' to la~c pl .1 c ~11 Ho111lJ (red. Park. Cu~ ofl1ci:.i1 .. h:1\C !>cell gruppl111g \\Ith the

l\SUC since a group of homcu~ncr., '-"Ompla1ncc.J 1hti1 loud nu1\C\ from the -.p<,rl'I JCl1\!1tic :ind 1r.ill1 .. \t:rc m;.i• 111~ life

· ( crtoiUl ~untie 1h.1t 111\ol.1,; '' h1~1!c-. ,111 I u .... crtng u;. ... I.Hgt: numhcr u l p ·uplc arc"··~ hc_.umJ " 1\ rca!> le lur 1>mcur1c "llli h Ir .• ng 100 lcct a\\J}." 'l:itd lJ.1 n l<.1hun, a rc.,1llcnt of the SC\\pOrt :"111th Villa:-..·

But pJ tk\ c1lmn11\.,ioncr~ Ju \'am.lcf'\utt :rnJ Bill !') honlau hclic'c the .. 110uld rcm.1in a. ::ubhlc fur )uuth ·~po rt . ·r he> t<:r med the opp<1\1t1un to the )Uuth 1,purt\ ·!' the p.1r~ :l'I

Mn.all. ' I'm wrry th:JI :.i nc1chhor 1s up cl JI the

11u1sc," VJndcno.rt SJl<l " But to me 1hJt i; nh.rncc-, the nc:ighbor hood "

\chunlau Jgrccd ' If }OU don't find <1 healthy outlet for

}oung'>tc r'I, thty ~111 fi nd 'lomc1l1111g·10 <lu thJt ''not l!c~sl thy," Schonl • .u s:.iid .

V,m<lcf\urt <.l1d '><iy, hu\\<C\cr, th.11 11 '"mconc prc\cnt~ her \\Ith .. iron~ .1rgun11.:nt\ tllnij;l11. ;,he CJl'l he pcr'>w 1ucd tu ~ccp ac\l\C '>purl\ out of the parl...

- IJ) ·1 Ull) IJudt ru


Obituary t Dorthea Sheely, 76, Newport librarian 't~\\ POlfl HI \Cll - Dorthea

~h1:.:I\, tlii c11' ht\rari.111lur1l11C'c Jt:~ 1Jc~. die~ ~u~c.l;iy She "':h 76

Shed) hc~;in ltcr 1cnuu.·· .1 d 11 .Jr n lrbr.iri;m for the: ori 'mill B.1lbOJ I 111.1h 1n 11J-:1 .. v.hcn the it) h 111.J,'1 ~ 1011.lent.) :J'm.l llnc I br.rr) In 19' "', '"~ hc~.smc: t"ll. ht 1 u1 in J t 1t1on 1ol eh J Im '\(J \ C,1h

~he ~;i .. IO!>l!Ulllt'ntal IO c: IUhl ,, n. Ci runa Del ;\tar Jnd ,\l:mnl'r Brandi lrbrarrc'>. a., v.dl ,1, the urrcnt < ~n:nsl f.1hrary 111 ;"c'>' porl, Center J ur lhc fl.t\I ll\C }, he .)UjljX lied tic: llC"" l.1bran. nm und1:c on tru uon " \\'c 11 l\C lo I :.I tllU h·l Hd hhr•m

tC\Ou rcc .snJ a rC,J>C tc:d mc:mhcr or· our ... cummu1111y." JI I I aDllllll 1 1'1c:ni1i. Ncl.\porl Uc 1.:h C ti) t"1t r 111;in

I n lieu uf llu\\Cf, mcmu11i.ll J\ n 1t1uns ma) he m.1dc 111 l>or1hc.1\ n.rn1c 10 the Ne .... port Uc::i~h 1'11hlr I 1h1 II} I mnd.,11011 ('\~h S.1n Clemente I >r '\ cwport Uc,1~h1 10 hdp lllnd the pur i..:h.1'lc oJ lurn 1~h1ngs lur thc: llC\\ Cc111r.1l I \ .

!\tcmor1 .. 1 ,c·, .. , .~'"II he held I 11J:l\ .t1 ll tnrrnt~I Anu1c''' Prc,htcrirn

- IJ)' Ton.' Ouduo

\\ l. \ \ l>1>htbUl\.H db.i \\ t>t.oltUll' \\.ifthOuH• "uL ... rn f .. u~1;.ll Cu " lnl I, Ro1 rt C.. Lu1fr.iJtlO 1

. .



" • .; ' J l

\\<•\.l \i:rdc Ori,~ h\t ._ 22

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' '"' I ~ •' IC sun ·'"" ;a < .1rntord\ 1 "t!f\' .,., p.~f \\t~l11t•)4fa) trom J ho11t>rn1h• 1~ ) u. I..

Vill Jgc:> \\ .iy Sonlt'one !Jrul..l• 111111 .1 I • m1• 11 tlw I JOO blLK I.;

_lu1 y_c~ Lt:'tl~J~Jt~nd·:.__­~•<>ll• a numht•r lll'm~. 1nclud1n~ a

Sd111ul hcJ,H d 1111.: mhcr ll \o\11ult.I II~ c to h:nc u nc.,., Ml j1CI 111tcmlc11t 011 h11 II \I Ii! July I l!'~'Y h.'\nk wnt.11nin)t S 1 O in CHIO>

-.. -.. -... -.. -.• ~ .. -.. -.• -. -------=------t-•n ~tmg \\.Ith tl)t• rno-.1c I JI • "A S1r,111,;n I) .lmong u . "

Chun .. h 111 l\c""f 111 lk.1d1. •

To m1"t' a (Orrf'(.1ion II - '"' ...... ~,I' , I flt~!__.,, .. In'\ (II ~nc• h ~JI'"'"" " mt 1>1 tlM '"' I•"' ,.._ u ~l 4 IU M 4l TIW> ~ ~...,

,_.....,_ -·'~ ..,....o-,

«Mf' .. ..... , .... I "• • i.,,.

... ,, .... t ..............

,.._...,~ ... • .... 1..n ... "·· Pl -Mo ....

How to reach us at The Pilot CirNlatlon Ot.tng~ c nunty b4 2·4)) l

Ach-tttlalng u., ,,, d 642·~&78

Dllplay b42 4 l2 l

ld1t0tial N..w\ ~40 1 2 :14 Spr,rti 64 2· 41 lO Nl'W' ports f•• l,4(, ,,. 1 70

Main Offect lh1H1 Olltu! h4i' ·H :l I , , Ou~ne \ fit11 11 H · S901

Nc·~porl St.uh 61 •1 8.lliwM ' &.a 41 Cc»ttl Mf'\tl . b7 40 < 111on.i dtl " 66 4 I

TODAY < lur \ Im•\ .and~"'""'' d•y,

th .. nl" lo .t h111:h prf'uur.- 'Yil«"m th.ii I\ 1.r ·ping tht, \IOf'my ~C'.tlhtr

ruuth..Ji1~ WdA .-.ill 1- •n lh1• upptor Mk .and low 70,, lt1wt 1n thf' 111~ ~o~ th• to .. t .

AIEAIT M .. ybf' "Jm• 11:u1ty ~ind\, but

wumn ,md <le~r throu11:h tht' ¥>t\'t.

IOAlllC No c O.t\ wf'.tlh•r .uh.1,or14!'\

dl\J>l•~t'd llkhl ~.irl.tbl• '°'ind' t•\I 1•pl (11r ""'"' to \OUlh~f>~I •lndi A to t 'J. ~not btlfM' 1.1n~on, •nd P-'"I'' I •n fool \t'•\ ••th I l fou4 •f',ll'fh· \Wl•lf

"'""' 'I Ill p ,..

e .

lOCAll()N Ill ~HA" llunlln«fon Id poot ~''"fi0'1 II#.!( h I• l poot ( bfona lk-1 Ma• l •l poor l•~un• k¥h 1 .I fJOOf \•n ( l•mtnlr l · I poor o, "'" J ""'IM'"lurf' II I


''"' htJh I ir'I kl¥" \4-\ """ h111h ~""" '~ W(l)!l.l 1)4\'

'"'' h•P l11tl ,,,.. W.tlfld hip ~onJ i.,..

• OS • m S ) U41pm I .,. ) .. pm J •

ll . Hpml4

S~f> •mSI I JO pm ._, :itpm17 """'mid ~I

• N~•\\pUrl 8oulc\arJ · S<-imt•ont> l re It' 1 *' tlw Spurt., l'.H:t• lounr•· IJ I T ut':Slfl\ anti ~olt• $!0'i II) J>f\1ng open tht• com how~ 011 tl,l' pool t.lhll~.

f)p1 I.II -

I >r.1"111~ hPld I 11t•· d ,ty, r d1 I

• I lt•.)lb .. u • C luh '\t <'

.• h

A Sp.1cl1 ·~ • tt

On the cover 1 h P•• nting n( \'1,\ l 1d '

11 . .u,, ~·Y J.1n .. l ond n 011 th«! fro II; ,_ hom u Cuy ol N !'.\JX.>rl Uc•.ic h \ l)C)) t:<lll'O( JC, pulJl1~}1{'\f by Uarr It & U rr n at no c~t lo the t.i p.1~ •r • .

. , '

:__., I Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot

1111 • • • • • • •••11 1 • • t • t t I 0 l llffttlll t fl l l' • t• tflff t t f l ft• ft • ttll t ..... ,. 1.: ............................................. .. ; .................. : M ovie lt ~tings

~W~fAM 300 "-· -•0...•6U .Oh0

I .. .._. 'Cl 11 )() 730 4 4~ 7 9~ , UM4 l"ff11I• I'° ll 11 7 • ti .S 7 J.) 10 l AllY• , , ~ rJ 10~

&OWAIOS Ill.AHO CIHlMA r W..., 1 N.-OOI' , _ 64 1 •

I Aa,.l\ la1te- J 1130 7 • )() 7

' l A , _,. O...i M.n ~ I 4 1, IQ ' 11M Crylne Oa~ • 17 30 'J .S 3!) I

I ~

• Snipe' J J JO J • ~ 4 I I~. 10 lO S Scent ef a Weman P 7 • S • )J J!),

• Chct11lln 1 • I ~·1 If 10 IS Al•cldln '° 11 , 4 ' • 10

UOO CINIMA t_."""'1 t ot l't "'llO'\ v, 4 J

Oamae• • • 30 7 !I JO

l"0-1 fHlAJH 7 ~ l C001.1 .....,, '1l ,, ll\cl•c h ln• re. .3 \ e

' Costa Mesa . -

lOWA•OS CINU.V. <1HJH 2101 , __ J '-'-f'll l ,..t ~ • I ._.-' 4

•" Alad~in ~ Q Heme•la • ~ S ~ He••cl I IS 3 A f - o .. c1 M.I\ • 6 <t 30 • At, . .. ~··•me • e cno

IOWA•OS CIN IMA • - 11.1..i ">'• .._,

HAllOI MIN tlHIMA$ • ""°' l .o l y,

' "' ~J Chlldrel\ e l the C•rn II t • e II All•• ' 4 , ' '

MUA CINIMA t • .,.°""' 9 .J 1 S• "'' A II••• • .,,., Tt1•p11g h It ~ 3) e ' -'

·A•m gets 3 years probation, lines

'I V. PC) R I C I '- J r R -\ " h:r u I J\h111n h lanJ me rchJnt \ rl 111 I laum "' ·" 'p.ir1.J pmon

t llllt: •Hl \ h 111tl,I\ , ,1, hi." W'JI,

'C lll \.•fl~CJ (\1 thfl'\. \ C IC' f'lW~JllOn

mt1 S .1.:-11 in hnc' on thrct ~ t1 illl l ' 111 llhlllllC t I\ <:\ 1\11\n

I he; n1.1\I0111m \ Clll1.'n<: c 1h.11

I l.1Ulll 11\\ nn 111 I he.· I 110l dortun · :i.111rc.: l, " ·" I ' ' e"'' Ill I'"" IO 1 rhl I s '\I 1,110P 11111.'

TIMANGU IOUAll l tl!> Sl./Hotl:iol 11wtt S7• 11H

I ke"t ef aw.,_., I, • IS 7 30 1030 ~ A •- o..41 ,_." J U . t 1$ I IS

s u ............ ~ ,, u . 7 '30, s 1 30 10

• $nlf'er • I) 3 , ~ • S. I IC w lMel\H' t 011 P<:i l lJ I, 4, l 10 6 Newt.ere la R11n 11 lO, 7 JO, 4 30

6 )() 8 30 IOJO I '•her Tavnt ePCi 17 SO S SO 9 SO

Chaplllt il'G 'J J 7 8 Motlnff PC I I~ . J iO S • ~, 8. 10 I ~

'\'OWN CtNflR CIHlMAS S..~ COO\• l'loJa' IS • HI•

'••tlo" r la'I ~ 6 Jr 9 .o , Uted Peepl• OG ll s I S 1 • S t o ' ~ l Oomot• ' ~ IO I 10 20 • Lwen1•' • O il Pc; '1 • l, 10


A f- 0 .. 4 Mt!\ ! 8 I 0 3~ • Aloddl" S 1 9 J S.ent el o Wemon ., • 30 1 30 lb :xi

.SOUTH COAST 'lflLlAGl ~ Cl r ~.,.&

Grtlne o • .,.. '• • ~ S, 7 3G t 4'1 1 '••ljvol ol " "'motion •. • JO 1 9 10

Unlergl• • " SIS e 1030

Irvine fHl UHIVllSIJY CINlMA • '•S Co>r4>W• D •• , • 16 1

Sniper • f JC , He-.d • t IS 101~ Atp•n ,,.,,.,,..

• • Nowhete l o l vn 1111 • .

I '•le r't f1 lendt • • 4 ; I~ All•• • ~ )

~ Childre n ol the Coin II • 6 I~ ti S s

-=--~ L ~--_!. -·- - ~ ...... -

Tuesday, Februaty 2, 1993

·er1ght feature turns into dark story E arly la)t ummcr I got :i call from one of co1 ch. 'I o. I -..:.~on dc::idhnc. I d idn't \\ unt to ·

them n)' people \\ho pitch me tone) • he; r about 1t a t that moment. dtuly Generally on deadline. When I'm A j ou rn;:iJ1s11 dilemma. \\ hat to J o ' Ulo~

10 no mood. - him uff? Chat the a!tcrnoon 61 \\i.1)'':' Pun1'1

" Mr Coker, they told me )Ou " ere: the I decided tu GO :iltc:id and " .:iign :; per-.<JO to ti.Ilk lo I'd like )OU pho togr .. phcr to hoot :.. picture o ( the gu~ ~o 10 come out anJ do ~ tor) on 1hat p:.i n "uuhJ be t;ikcn cure 'o f. I a-.•.cJ for · me." hi\ phone number v I cuultl get in touch Y.1th

lf l had a dime ... f1im L.1 tcr. He C\plaincd tha t .bccau ... c he pl.•)Cd Actually, thi:. gu) rc.:all) d11J piano 1n bar .. on Catalina hbno dunng the

ha\ e the'> of J nice . " eek. it "uuld he dilfic ulL tu te<.1ch tuin. JI ..-rcalun.: ~IUf) . Ile C'<plaincd ga\C me the 11umber o f OllC uf the p1er·arc:.i that , \\1th the 'upport of hu .. inc .. !>ml.'n 11h tc.1J, bu\inc..,,c., alon~ the Nc"po" In the rm: ;.snl unc, I put a l>ug in Marble~:. Cil t

Pu:r boJrJ\,alk. he \\ a \ 1h:.i t pcrh;i p) one •>f hi, O\ Cf\.\ orl.;cJ \\Cekcnu pla)tng a pi • .111u - tru1. l.;cd reporter,) or entbui.1:1,tic intern\ might w;:inc tu 11110 Md~ JJden Sqnrc - go out anJ talk t•' the pier':. p1::mo m:1n. 1 le \\ceJ..cnd:. in the i;rcat agrccJ 11 might m:iJ..c a nice bright .

Editor's outdoor.. . A \\Cckcnd p.1~ ed When I got to \Ork Notebook- It wundc.:d !11.. c: a cute -.tof) !\1onda) morning. I lo rnd the photo

:ind nice phuto A ''arm J >)l~nmcnt un m) dt: \ lo.: v.11li the Cl)ptsc nore • fua y. A bright. :J\ our m;inag1ng cJ1tur Stc\C " fie .,..a.,n't there" \\rJttl'n ;icro)S it. Marble tJlh them I dialcJ ti phone numbe r the pi:um 1 la~ c r

liO\\ C\c r , there were l\\O problem\ A , 11 left me. ·1 he bu ... 1nc ~m~n ~ouldn' t ~a } c11ough \\ Ould tn\Ohc going oul ;.inJ \\ ll rl-. 111i; on one u ( nk.i.: thing:, about the piano ll · \\ t:nt un m) prc1.1ou\ v.1.c l cnd\, rnc JW<i) from and on alJout ho\\ th1\ gu) "'a:. bringing pcupk my \\ 1ft:, I. id\ and, the lll\c of my lik, the into Md JJdcn Square. He aho \:.11d hc' J kt

Wanna .place il d assified ad?

Call 6.t2-5678.

the wory l s ) ler ~ow 1 "'a\ loo~ing fQr lum. A r \urn c II ne e r c me: . A) lhc '-'CCL:)

pa d, I ot pi\chcJ more toric), on dc:adlinc, 'fthcn l \\ s m no mood, :mu t hi) one JU t fell through the fHO\erbfa! crn~k.)

I hh p t v.ecl cud, I hc;irJ buul the p1 no m n 3"Jm l 'hc l11!ot rcpor:: d th~ t l~on:ihJ Cribbs, 3!1, mu 1c1an Yo ho ubtu111i.:J a i.: ll)' pcrm:r to plJ~ hts µ1 no at the fooJ of the 'c\' port l'1cr th1., pa r .. !l1mcr. \\8 :.entcnccd

f· r1d~ 1,.p_.Jllnl' \ J'~ I ~l:Ui'! plll>Wl lur mo1c:iung u S·}C I J r,1rl

( 111 b pp rc1 th mc:t 1hc \11.: 11m' mu1hcr " ll1le pcclurmmg In tch 1ddc11 Squ;s rc: , \\here he v.a~ !med to pin' ll~ lhc Nc" pm t l'1cr A l><> 1,111 ll\

I he muthcr !ell C11 b :ilonc v. 1th tt.c girl ll\t.: r a thrcc·'; pcrioo d1,;nng ,, 111c h he mok~t cd her l \\1 .. e lie pleadc.:ti g1.i1!t~. tdlin~ the JUd .. c he had mental problem He go t un t: l r :J \Car ta ic:d unlO 111~ scntcn • bc":iu)e he \\ , 0;1 parole for m 1mlJyghtcr m Long Be:i II

.\1or:il ol the IOI) ' D n't knu.,, l h:tl there l!I one Uut :or the ~r1·~ rikc, J .,.. ,.,n the !>tury of Ronald Cribb~ h~J bcc11 a unght IIlSlCJJ o f a Cf'mc report

\l:Jrr CuJ.(r 's rnlumn appt .Jn un 1 ur>d.IJS in tl1t Vaih 1'1/ut .

Check Out The e Exan1ple 1 r on1 Our New

I t' CUl''-'°' Hfndo.

. \6 .. ~

\ , "p1irt ( n1~Aw

frtud ini

\ t ' \4 ) t1r~ 'iUJk I l, 1urn ' pwh 1111111 \\ Ill llH: lud<: ' ' ' month' 111 htimc d c te nr 1110

, 111111\~ \\ h1~ h h\. v. 111 h1. 1n 1u11 n l Ill \H' II .111 t• ln t fl)l\I\. 111Ullltl'I


.... • m:.:snr

~ : f I 19~

P/u1. f m/r foh of chc DJ1 U.1,1.d 1111 itn.1h ''' ''' l I 1um' n p1. ml11 u1c. ' 1hc lnt c: rn.11 !< 1.'H um \tr\ Jt l' .11lcgcd 1h,11 ht.' ,111 I It ' Ill 1k tl hi- 111~ 11011. I>)

I 'llll .111.I c \,uJ..;il ,1n 1,;\11111.ltt:d (: • :'" 111 111 \ c.:' 1n the m1J 19"-ll'

- H\ I Oii.' ( II \

Unl1~c. bed, .1 l>u' hnl hdr' ' uur h.1c.. \.; , t.n mi'\ 11atuu\

rm1Ct1lll '>t 1 \llU , kt•p mrn1. 111nlnrt:ibh .1nd ,. ;i l Up lc.:dt11..!

·mor1. rc.:ta-.h1.:1.l M1~{ H\ 11 .1\i:".J < 1m11. 111hd<1\\ n111 a Du \x-d ) ow h .1\l' to ,In p II (11 bdu;\ ~ ll.

THt l)\J\ SH> H~E srn OU HA(' I ' \ .. \ ~

JB's Sports Deli & Wine Bl'.T


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t:Ya<A l y..I p.,,, 1\.c..., p,., ;,.,,,/, 1Jv1.,,1 J:'w,,,., A..-'" p.., a,,. Spttt:Jd f ~"' 5-H t fb,a10 p ., l - , ,_,, '"''""° ~ t:~ Cutt•,..1

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HAM E., •• - ~".de- .J l.r-1if• *"" #ndi ~Mao. all .. S.. 7. 11-~_.._,.,.,., .. ~


Ka<2.!~~~~wis '})¢~ '81.l'MPAf •...•.••••... .• '. ...• •. ..•..•..•• •.

~~~X2~1~~fm . Tab SZ'J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :' .... ... ... .. .......... : .. tASTSHalE

~~~~Li~s.i $l39 ff/ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••

u.c1hn NUTS - $lfJ · II as. Ctn ,, .... ... ...... .. ...... ....... .......... .. .


ASPARAGUS •••• • •••••••• • # ........ . . .... . . . ••• • • • • .. • •••

49¢~ LOCAL HA )

AVOCAOOES . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3h /'JJ~ ~"EFT, \.ARCE IZL \.~t.L T


...... . ... ... ... ........ ....... .... ..... SWEET RlPE


SEAFOOD Fre h· cafood Brought ln 6 Da, A \Vttk

From All O\'er The World! \l PE:R ~1. ~H. W.. LARGE

COOKED HRIMP ( t'"i."4 "' ... , •·"'11 l • lwA

nu H 1-v.v.,1.A" .\VORDFl H




TRl .. TIP ROA T 'M .... I\~

r - - - • • • - - • COUPON • • - - - • - - • • l . ' . . .• •..

$200 o~ , : TtlRK1

E\~lBREA T s199b. J/lGl"U..l. ........... r r 1 HOTDOG<L"'"~; .. ,;o -Sz99~


• lDllD" ~ SS.99 wih ~ Sl.99, - 2 c°"°" ~ z.3.93 oP •

liORMt --·-··--------------------· CHM1PAG E l\noU t [ nn •"" tli . . . . . . . ........ .. \ IU...\ MT



Market at Atriu111 Court


/ l lj; \ ( \[ 1, \ (I\\/ \II \l I • \\ i l i: / i\ ! !

401 ewport Center Dr., Newport Beach, California Telephone (714) 760..()403

Houn: 8am-9pm Mon.-Sat.·~ unday



• ~ I

' . ,

• • '

A2 Tuesday, February 2. 1993

The Cheesecake Fact~ry_ prepares to open up shop VALENTI E'S DAY TREAT - Wat!>tlinc!>

may bc in the entfangcrcd category this month "hen the long-.1\.\aitc<l

CIH~l'S l'rnl..e Factol") opens its doors at 3 p m on Feb. 14 111 Ne\\ port'!> I ·a h 1<m h l;in<l. More tha n -10 vanetics of chcesccJkl!, including C\Ot1cs such JS Dutlh ••pplc lJramel s treu<lcl anJ pcJch hdlin1 Jie on the menu There ~OC'I the diet ' (Cheesecake price' 't.irt a t S-1.50 a .. 1tcc)

Thi., 1~ thc st\th 111 the ch:itn of full-se" ice re,tJurant,, .1ml tht: first 111 OrJnge Count). .KwrJing to pres1Jcnt and CEO D:l\ id

Marla Bird

Tastings and Tidbits

Overton. The JO.U00-!>4u.irc· l<>lH spJlC, pn .. '' iou'I> (llCUp1cd b\ The Rex, b llKUtcJ \.H\ 'the upper lc\t:l of the npll between I. .\fagnin and California l'iua Kitchl'n "ith cntrJnccs at hoth stree t anJ upper h:vcb.

The 17-pJgc menu ('' ith lull·ll>lur :ids tucked 111 amllng 1 he cJ1blc~). features burgc1'. c;hicl.en. ste;il.s, se.1food, .,,d.iJ-.. !>Jnd\\IChes, piuas, pa,tas, chce'" cake and a complete line oi other Je~!>crt~ all of'' hich '' 111 be 'e"cJ J:i1h. A brw1ch·

,l·k.:11011 "111 be .i' a1Jjble on SunJJ\) in

.1J,J1111 n to lhc menu I 1-1 J Nc,,pon C\.·111.. Dr l'lll>nc ""~i).\JJ.l

.......... \IL·\'" lfll l. CO · 1A ~1[ ' ..\ Cllt::E ' l:.C..\~I:. - I ,11 t1ll1..lll \l,11' O\\f'Cr \ h11:tnt Di !\h•glio h , both "h,)lc,.dc rnJ rct.11~ opcrat11:>n,, 'l'I\ 11: 1..hll'l~.11.1.: .it SI...,.) per -.lice JI ha.. :\~'~ \ ur l.. l'lll'nllJ l..c 'tore .11 th" Cl)TllCl of ·Pomc;m:i .111 J l'>th 'J,ltt...l'I Rc.:enth. h1' lmn \\JS .1ppu1n11..d , hl·c,e,·.1!..c 'upp11er f,,r the li11Hn.11 iun.ll IJ ou\l" of P:uu.-.11..l~ . D1 Meglio 1,11 ·1 '' 1>1 Ill d 1liu111 F.i~h1on hl.11 J\ newc~t ll l).Jlll I k '·''"· "\\ 'e\c l!UI l hi... ('hccsc .1!..c J ·.k"'1u1~ bi...·.it, nut JU' l Ill prtlC. but l.J\IC, "' \\di . ,\( (i1J~ JIJth St Phone (IJI 531 .

Li I ' G \ RI>! ! l''ES r ' LUO'! l'ain du ~lon-lk .1 h.1~d,omc b.1ker\ m.11, \\tll be Juelmg h 1 the jllu.11,>n 01 l'lrcaJ lo,cr' tn CoronJ dcl \l.1r \\hlll II \lpCll\ llC\\ \\CCI. lO threct ,·, 1n1 c till 11 h' ( l)~I\ popular C'l·!>t Si Bon

P.1111 Ju \lonJe hJ-, '>h1>p' ,11 Atrium Court .ind U.1lb1.. 1 J,)and. \\here 'te,1J" cu .. wmer., line up tor h1g. healthtul rnufl11h. Jcl1c1ou scone,. L' >uJ .::ufkc:. 1-rench ba~u lie" and the like. Al 311~(, l~ Co.1,1 I h\)

i_] PL \l'\Sl ' LA Ull lS - A "011 nonl>ffi} JnJ J m 1nth llut~ r.1111 ucJlt the do.,ing blo.,.. to t\\ ll llllC ft..."llJ1HJl\t-. Ill JJllUM\

On L1J\l Penin-,ula, Abbund.ul/a, \\hose " o" ncr SJra l'arri''.lh "agcJ .1 \ .il1jnt but lu\tll~ l1~hl Im cu'tnmLT-.. h:i'i 'e"cd 11::> 111101 pl.itc \>!" p<i,t.a P.1r11,h "111 .:ont1nue 1n her other, mure" 'iU1..~c:,,1ul :\ in ~fr,.,1un \ 1c:jo.

On the Ne\\porr Peni n-.ulJ, J{andi ~lasotti . rn1.ncr uf Cuffe Looma , and her chef. Jason l\k\lahon. 'cllJO) lJ un.1n1111uu' lflllCJI Jc:clJ1lll. 'lhc line tu1,11w \\hu.:h 1ndut.h:J tl11n~s ltl.c ro 1'kJ g.1111~ hud,, 'hccr "h.indlcrthtcf' lj\11111, ;.ind -''''·•'·•L!Jll l Jc:~'c1t::.. ".J' not c:nouf!h tt) k.:l·p l.1it1...· l \>11111.1\ dl.)(•P• l>pen !\J.1,< 1t1 "·'' t11lJ,.11l 1l>k h1r ~,ommcnl

t \ l \L I l ' \I " l 01' L'S - I he \ muilan ln,11tull' of \\inc and l'uod \\Ill h:i\e .a,, r1.. 1.1-.t111_\! l'\~·11 n~ on I hu•-.d.1), fi... b. 4, Imm h .t.• 7 ~ l pm .11 I ~ \hru.lien') Antoinl'' rc,t.1<11,1111 \J1111"1on ll r OH: bcr:. 1:. SS I or mc.·1111 c:t~l11p mil 1111.1t1on. phone 955-.t5~~

J \ ( h. '-l ll<l \ II ' \I I l (. \ ''> - J ucl..!> hrimp the.• \lll.Jl11..1k 1 '' \ thi... 'c"p~.11l Pier. hJ!-> ilht 11' lc.1,c .ind 1 11 < 1ng ,hrtmp. hot sauce .ind jll - 1 , I Ul\ ·, lfar Jnd Grill on Pac1hc C. 11.1\t ll 1~h .\ 1~ 1·1' hopeJ that the limited 111.. llll .lthl I \Iv\\ I l11111'C n l\Vr\ \\Ill appeal !ti

I u..:' 'lj\1.. i. ht ~l\h\U .it 353 [:.a-..1 C:oa!>t II \\)

\/;Jr/.1 Uml'\ I ./\ ting .wd I tclbih t•olumn r1111 1111 l uc -tl.n.

VOL. 87,N0.28

Readers' Hotline: 642-608& "'' _ _..u .,..,.~ itw O• 'Y P •it ., 'f'W\


Newport Beach/COit& Mep Dally Pt

0 n I y •

·············································· ········· .......................................

If• t I 1•111 o If Ito 1t I I I I I I I If I 0 It I I ff I fl If f






I I: O: :: : ~: ~ ~::: ::: •• lfllt I• et •••• ••••• •t• II tllttl• ......... Ill••••···· ..... llll It•••·. f •I I I• 0 • •II. I II I II llllttlll ........................................................ i.::==============:::::::========::;;;:;;y;,::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; __ _,.;;..;... ______ ~

Pilot People. Anna Marguerite 1 adde1

SHE IS ····A~;~~ .. ~·1~;g~~·;it~ · i:~~i~i~Ci·2·:·Mi~~ .. N·~~~·h' ·o~~·~·&·~· County ant.I a former Ne,~pon lkach princes) and M"s OrJngc County Young Rcpublicun, who will be 'ompetang 111 1he ~ti.,., California USA pageunt 111 Augu~t.

RECAUJNG THE RIOTS 0 Io Io 0. 0 o 0 0 o • 0 0 o o 0 o o o 0 o o o o o • o o o o o ~ 0 o o o • o 0 o 0 o • o 0 o 0 0 o o 0 o o • o o 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 • o 0 0 o 0 I Io 0 o o o o o 0 o I o

Taddei, a Cl)lllmunicJt1on) m:ijor who will gr:idua1e from Cal State Fullerton in June, recently completed an intern hip at KNl3C _Ch.:innel 4 in Los Angele~. \\here one of her as)agnments \\ Ul> to t'O\'cr the nots that broke out ~•ftcr four police olliccrs \\ erc acquitted in the beating of motorbt Rot.Inc} ~1ng. " While I "J 'Cl) excited IO be thae. it \\J) \!CT) s1 res)ful," 'l:tid T::iddci, \\hO w:i:, cnt of how the med1J CO\ered the riot. " I think they \\ere o'erduing it. It cuulJ\e been handled in ;i differen t \\ti) ...

BfAUTY AND ~.~ ......... N ..... T ....... · .... A·~·;~ 11~~i:in t from Dearbo rn. Mic?-\ Tadc..lci "J)

I 5 ye Jr' old \\ hen )he entered her first beauty • p~11canl. Af I 6, !.hC- follow-et! in ITT:drro1hcn'

luu1,1cps nml hclamc a champion ot the game. of die'') She nwq;J to Ne"port Beach at 18 to li\C

\dtb hc:r "1~ t cr, l lcn.1, "'hom )he crct.l1ts for J'fll\lding nwr~tl ,unport in her quc)t to become J

bLJUl) i1uecn ~h..: .. uid ... he is 'try clo<,c to her


YOUNG REPUBLIC~. . .................................... . · ·.J:.1;jjc1 j) JI ll Jttt\e 111 Rc:pubtir.rrrpofrt~. -:md ,c,urcd a j,1b on th~ \\hale: I louse StJf( through

A PERFECT FIT Out that hasn' t deterred hc:r from wanting a job

as a television flC\\ S reporter. In fact, she has sci her sights on becoming :in anchorperson on a mujor televbion network. '' I ft?und a niche and I'm very

good," !.he s:iid. " I feel 111.c it's my fit. I hope 10 maJ..c a dilfcrcncc in the \\ay news is reported" And T:iddei bclievc) her beauty pageant expenen~c will help her break into the highly compcti\IVC bu~incs!!>. " I feel pngeanb are a stepping )lone hir .1 c.1reer in the ne\\S rne~1." ·

her mcmhcr,hip in the OrJngt. Young l{cpublic.1n" ··1 hke to be tn,ohcd 1n \\h~t happen) 111 Ill\ ,,,mmunih' .1nJ mal\e u d1Cfcrencc . she ~aad . 1 <•r ~"unplc, ,h( tJl.C':I priJc in the Young Repul'h~a 11·, '"l'fl<lrl of 'uch cau c'i ~s the 1\111crk.1n ( llllCr su~1Ct) and the Ohve Crc)\ J h>mc: tor \hi"etl Cfa)IJrcn t\o J<hcr1 1sang ."ale~ ~1iui dinat~ir tor CahhH111Jn _ l'ubl1-.lu11g Co., J .idc..lc1 enJ~')' ,~ i1n~ .111d tr~l\cltng 10 her l>pare time.

- Uy To11t Vodt'ru

Cityside . . ....................... ....... .

i::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :.~:::::::::::.:::::: ........................ : .......... ~ ..... ..

Nearly 100 Laguna Art Mu eu.m supporters . putted do\\O their

Super BO\\ I sen at ions Sunday evening \\.ith a

nine-hole round of miniature golf entitled

" A Short Course in Art," teeing off the month-long, artist-

designed, interactive exhibit al Carousel

Court in South Coas t Plaz.1. Here, Randy

Morrison tries her luck on the second hole. "A

Short Cour~c in Art" can be played during

South Coa t Plaza hour~ until Feb. 28.

Green fees are $3 for adult , and S 1.50 for

children under 12.

Superintendent search continues

l\C.\\'POR 1-Ml:SA ~dmol boJrJ mcmh~r' \\tll hold a \\orbhop on the \eJrch for a fte" ~upcran­tend~nt tun1~h1 "ith n:prc­'>en t:i1i,es of the CJlllorni,1 School lJo.irJ, A\'llll 1.111011,

the tinn cho~c:n to conduct the search.

·1 he public meeting" tll hc~111 at 7 p m • at the 11.~rpc r Com111un11~ Ccn­h:.r, 425 I ~"' I th St .. 111 C\l-.1.1 ~tc-..1

'I fU\tCe\ OI th\! !'-1.:" JXHt -~tt·,.1 Untllc:J Sd1c;wf 1)1,tr1d \\tll th lU\) 1h1.. creJt1un (>f J 1)1,trart L 1 11-.on Comm11tcc. ltl (1>1t'>t~t of 't:ht>OI dl\lnd ;.inJ c.ommun11y rcprc­'c11tall\ n "ho\\ 111 tJl.c p.irt 111 the '>UJH: rinlcmknt \Cardi

" II "Ill be~ plan111ng .,c,,1on." \Jtd s lmol hoard Prc.,1dcn1 l<m.l Mac~lillt.m . ' \\'e \\Ill '11 J0\\.11 and mJl.e plJn' for ''"hat \1. c \\Jilt lo Jo .1nJ .,cl up .i 111nclinc."

~d1ool board mcmbcr:­'~oulll tiJ..c lo ha' c a 11'c"' !.Upc.:r intendl.!;11 Oil hOJIU h) July I

·. Will football; soccer continue at Bonita Park?

NEWPORT BEACI I - Dc.1cht.''> .111cJ Rc~n:ation Commi~s1on mcmbc" Jrc -..;hedulcd lo make J rccommenJ.1t1on ll.1111gln \\ hc1hc r the cit~ shoulJ continue to JllO\\

lnotb:ill :1nJ soccer gamei. to tJl..c at l3onitu Creek Park.

City official\ hJvc been !!1.1ppl111g \\ ilh thc is\uc sin'c n group o J hu111cm' ncr-. compl;i111cJ that loud noi~cs fr om the -.port\ ac11v!tie., r.111J tr.1f11c \\ere•mJ~ing life u11bc.1r.1lilc ··

"Certain act1\lt1c'> t h.11 1muhc \\h1 .. 11e., .1mJ cheering b~ a l.1rgc number l'I pi:uplc Jrt: " " b1.:}ond "h.1t j.., rCJ\On.1blc ltlr \omc:um: ..., hll ., h\tng IOOkct a"·')·" ... uJ O.rn-R':1.,un. J

H:~1<.Jcnt of the Ne" port r-..oath \'111.t' But par~s comm1,.,1oner, Jo \'JnJcf\ort .inJ

13111 S.Chonl:iu belie\c: the p.1r~ 'ilwuld rcm.1111 ,I\ ail able for )lJUlh -.port TIH!) tcrmeJ the oppo iiion 10 the )Outh -,port .it the pJrk a smJll.

" I'm !!>Urry n1at a llCtghbor I\ up-.ct J l t he.! noi-,c." VanJl!f\ort jiJ. "Uut l\l me thjt cnh.rnccs the ne1ghbo rhl)lld ..

Schonlau agreed. " If )OU don' t find a healthy outlet for

'youngsters. they will finc..l 'lumcth111g to do th.11 " not healthy," Schonl,1u s.llll.

Vandervort d id suy, hO'>\C\Cr, rh.11 ti someone presents her with 'trung arguments lonight, ~he can he per,<l lo 1...ccp acll\c spurts out o f the park .

- IJ.~ 1'ot1) IJudc•ro


Dorthea Sheely, 76, Newport lib~arian

" . - f:.\\. PORT UI \(II ~ Dottlk'J'

~heel\, 1h1-. lit\' lthr.111.111 fur tl11c..:. dcc;iJc:-., c..l1cd ~uml.1\· \he '' .1i. 711

Shech be):.jn hc1 lell\H•' ·" d11ldr ·n ' hbr.n1a1~ Im .. the 1H 1g111.1I U.1lb,1 .1 I 1br JI\ 111 19..fl. ''hl·n th~ .1t\ h.1 I '1J111,1

rc,1Jcnh .J'nJ l•1-;-1... l1h1.11\ Iii 11J • .:7. hi...·l.ime t:it~ 11'11 tt1.111 .. 1 I d,111011 'he hdd

' fur 30 ~ l ir, , . •

!:the"·•' 11hlr'11111c11t.1l 111 cs1.i1~1i,h111 • (\>ronJ D..:I M.11 .111:1 .\t.11 111cr!o B hllfjflC\, ·"\\ell J\ the \.lHrent ( llN

l 1brJI) 111 Nc\\port Ccnier l\1r I I I

fi, c )Car ... 'lt\1! ~UPP• 11cJ I IC llC\\

(entral L 1hr ;,il). 1111 ' under ,on-.11 udtllll · \\'e h.\\c kht =i mudt·lm~d lthr•H)

re,l.)urcc ;ind 4 rc,pcdcll 111cmh: r ul 11ur com mu nm ... ~j~I l 1 D,11111.1 Kicn111. f\C\\ port ilc .JC'h {'1t~ l 11'1 ;II I.Ill

In lieu ol 11u""' . mt'tnt111.1I d.11~11aun) ma> he mJJ.: in D1111h •,1\ 11.1111c 10 the l\'c'\J}Ort Uc.i~h 1'111 ltc I 1h1.11) FounJJ11un (!\Sh ~.111 Ckmt:tlll' I >r 1'1.:"rior1 lk.1cl1 ) htht'lp 111 11d the purchJ'e ol lur 111~h~11g' Im lh • 111.1\

Centr .ti L1br:ir~. '-Cr\l~c' '"II h · held l·11d,I\

at II a.m ul St Anurt."'-' f>rc'h~tt•r11n. Church in J\C\\f'1111 l3c.1d1

Weather I : : : :: :::: :: ::::: :: ::::: ::::: : :::::~:::.:: .......................... ::::::::~::::~·:::::::::: . -· ... :.:.: .... ; .__ ______ __,

Ne~port Bt•ch 63 41 8•1bo.\: 64 4 t Cost• Mt\•: 6 ' 40 Coron• dtl Mu· 66 41

Public Record

BANKRUPTCIES l\\'(['f\f l>.J/lkf<.lptt I() ..b fl1J'.

t!M• (Afr.rJ 8.i Lrupl ' C. rt " M.i

'l\\rORT BC\(.11 l't11pl rh \;l·nt,•n l ~\" 1<, >

fl.llll' l11fl\Jrd (I 1 •1 I J

CO> TA Ml) .\

\\ ~ \\' U1~t11butor~ dbol \\ ht•tt''"I" \\ ,m:hvU\\' 1 -'uliurn f olUCCll (..o, '~" lnl I Rohl·rl L . l..1n( <O (I 11 '


'£\\ PORT BEACtl l'l.H l'nl1.l .\\ l'OUl' .. ~ l Jr., • sm ht I 1 .:i \\ mdcl\\ 01 ,, b 'n~s n lhr l 500 hk~\.; ,11 ti

m nc' uom .1 c:a;h "'b :t•r \ 1.1 Oporto: l' ml

<>:n J'I t I n>t" 0.1~1·~ ,'\: J4 bfoc .. . 1 d ~ 40 t;o\t's ot c garcl:l'S lluttonshl'll: >me6nf' btul.,: l rt dt A •' {II the 1800 IJ! toe.

~ .?nd ~lrt\• t · .\It !t" '' on t" l I 't t r \\er.• t.1 l 'O

• . '• I • Ct' m 11 ,. l ?U blO\. ..

\1,1 Oporto:·\ S.?, 100 \\ll)l\\,ltda t • .., ., ,\ t.11 "' ) ..JI t•f Ill

t' ,~ ' ;

' l'\\por l l' l.:izJ : 1\ n 11:.\k\\\;kl(t dl .1 I I. ' ·" \\ t'h' l3l..1"I 111 \

•'' •II Ce thl.' 4 ll .l l " CO T>\ \\E I\

r11r\tl'\\ ~ 1 t l r,11) ( I

\\ r •• r' h '<'urporclllon I..: b : \\ ntf.'I\ Th.., hur~ljr .ipp.:111 n:I, !ho 1hht thNl' \\:I>

r •• , 111 !I · hm,, but l'mplo\ • 1"'

t1>ld pol Ct> 11 l ntJ n(1I tlw 1es:.~urJ1: rn.i11u~I .md t}lht•r f .1: r 1 1.h doc l" h •

' l'\\porl Boulc\.ird A h.•t.I on ' \ti son • ' tt·r d•J ~nw,

"'' c"•t• :1mong th~ ten , 't 1>lt n t tle)(ll\ Imm J 11l1)ttl r. om at 11 •' ' 11 I r M. •ti -

\\l',J \'wde Or1\e E.i~t. .\ "l l ·r .( 1t1·.•u: .imollrt. gun .ind :i

.:i•i•t ordl r \\l'l l' ~., 1x·<J \ \ edrwsd.t) 1111111 J Imm~ '" 1111' 1 s ')/) Ii"" I.. \ ill,l~I! \\'.i )omt.>tuw l.irol..t.• Hltu

,1 I 11\il• m tlw I 300 l>lod. T lll'~·'>· r.m ... 1d;t>t.J l • pl.\1...~ an<I toll> .t numlll' r 1lt>ms indudin~ •'

P'bb" 1\Jnk cunt.1inm~ $10 1n rn11h

an .l \CR ""·~"ti~ mo ... 1 •

I Ip·• " \ ~tr •ln1)l'f IS .\11)\)l'lg \J'.t "

Nt'\\flt>rt 8oull'\Jrd ~m1eont• l rt .t> 11 to tlw Spurb P.1g1..• Louns• IJ l Tu\•Sd.t\ .ind ~ole S!OS b) pl) 1ng OfK'O tht.> COii\ h(l\ t') 011 the r 4 t.10'"' •

"P' • ~ '""~ • !Id ,...'I 11 •«tly tn I •I 'n< W U,,.... ll)!wtrH r .... "'"'~ '4 ho!OJ• •"!,..., llJ­''"""~IN• [w v""1 IO ""'•tefft.liffl WIN> M '"' nn .,,~ IQfl'( ( t>r"'*""""' \(I ~ H,lf 114' ,.,.,, ,..,,1 i. ""' '""' • <rim~ pul>I~ "'int '"' ,.,..,.. ,,,.. , " "- { !\o . ... 1 ""'"''" """'t'" ,.,. "'°''1 ~ 4ll<Wll U 'I\ vuu• ,,.,,,.,.,.,.r; ~~.

~"fl , -No ~ ~l('f 1nutU•llOn\, ttdr t•"'l.ll ""'"'' o< adWf1 mtnlS ~"'" may bf rrprO'ivc I'd ~••ht>vt 11nt>n pl'rm1J(t()n nl

TODAY Clf'.ir ~"•es and w"m"r d•y,

lh•nl..i lo • high pre sure \)'tlem thial 1, 1.eepln~ lhe lorm)' ~eathtr up north. Hi~l'ts tod.ay ~111 be In 1he uppt'r W\ .and low 70$, lows In th«' low ·w~ the toast.

I •B1ma I ::::::::~:::::::


Dr,}\ \ 1n ' hdcl Tw~d·'> · ·r~b . 1

~ """'nf ~" n'W'('ll.,.,,""'"'

Oell\lery 2uarantee! · If Y' ... , ... ' :f'""''~' 4f'Ki lt f'KW ~"· " I

IMP"' by b • 111 17 • m or ~1 .. 111 •ii' .i10 h • dtll" ult bl-for' 1U • ,., 4nd .,... d pl " 16 ~ • b'f nrwon •)u• Cu•!o,.,.. ~' (l'<llfl' ... 1 4))) , •• ~" trnrn II •,., io !t p,., MIW'l~r tn10Ull! J rid.Ir iind 1 1 m in 10 • m <>ll S.tlil · di¥' IO •-'~ l"I" ., th l"\OJf c r 11i..1,.,,, l'Hd\

,_.....,_ ~ .... ~

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(<lpt't~ OWIW'•

How to reach us at The Pilot Cir<'Ul~tion Oran~ Coun 642·43.ll Ad¥er1ising Class1f1t'd 642 -S67& 01spl.ty 64:1·4321

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Mlin Offlc. 8u'i1n•,.,, Off1 ~ b42 ·43l 1 Bu\IMS (• 6l1 ·5902 .

RIBAIT ~a)IM" some l\USI)' wind~ , hut

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LO< A llON Sill t·h,mhn~on f .J lllr~port Buth l · l ( vt~• d4-I Mlf l ·l u•vnil ... Mh l • l Cltm«nl~ l · l Ou·.an tM!ptUlurf'. b I

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Qn the cover l h PJ nt111H of \ '·' l •tk>

f>la1;a \;y• Lund,"' on ll 1 lront P.lSt! •> from thl" City ol "'-'"pc>rt 8t"a\:h 1 !>1 3 al ·n<J.u, pul>l1\l1 :-cJ by B.>rrett & 8~men •t no co~t to th~ t., P.'> ·r.



Newport Beach/Costa MAa Daily Pilot :Tuesday, February 2. 1993 . ~

Movie listings Bright feature turns iilto dark ·story ~=------- .. ··············································••••t·•················ 1 .................................................................... ..

. ~Baell lOWM ~,w,on c1N11M lOO ,....._ ...... (\ •• •••.(1160 I MollM• (PC I) .)0 7 J 4 4S 1 9 JO ? UMtl '••Pl• ll"G IJI 17 1 41), S 7 )0 10 ) Aliff • Ii J "' 9 II'~

IOWA•OS m . .AND CINtMA rov.- 1.i-i "• c ..... 6. 1111

9.1() Aape" t.lre,... 'Ci I 3() 1 4 3l) l

1 A few Gffd M.n t• I • . 1, 10 l Tt.. C.,lng Oo,... •J 12 30 3 ~ 30 I IS -

• Sniper · •Sot I~ IOlO hertl •l• 'emon R _,_.~ • •H, 1 30.

IOJO 6 Otephn - J S • l!t 7 IS 10 IS

Alodtlln t; 17 7 4 6 I 10

UOO CINIMA St"~ 8'o.s u1 Ne-_. V • 038

Oomoe• • • 7 9 30

POIT THlATtl • )~ t Coo>t rt;i....O, 6 7l I' ~J

1..doch111e S 8

Costa Mesa IOWAIOS CINIMA ClNYll 1701 t!o'"°'

. 3 A.•• •f'fldit f 9 'Y 4 1 .. 1 ' Alodd ln ~ 9 , Ne,,.e•I~ ~ ~ ! 10 Hued • 8 l~ J A f ew GMd Me" • to 0 9 30 • Aap•rf'.utreme 'C ~ :u 8 0 70

lOWAIOS CINEMA •'Oft>clo 8.lou ""°""' ~ .• •• Mollnee 'Ci ~ ll $ I /0

HAllOI TWIN CINEMAS 1Vbot I "<I t ,., . .. - tll ] ,(

Ct\oldr•" ol the C•rn II • 4 6 ~ 1 ,., .... .. . , 9""

MlSA CINEMA .... ...... ~ l·d 11 S• 6•• !)02 '- A II•• l 11n1 Th1ovgh It C"G 5 J 8 ~

A•ril gets 3 years probation, nnes

'\ IV. POR I (I -..; I l:R -

TllANOll SQU._I 19'!!1 ~~ IM Sl • 11U

I Sc..,t ~I • w.,...., I , • IS 730 . 10 JO

, A,_ 0fftl .._., • I IS •IS 11$ s

3 Ut-4 Pe•pi. Ki 13 ? ? 30, S 1 lO. 10 • Sniper l IS. J JO. S •S, 8 10 s "•••na•'• 011 c"G 1r11, • . 1. 10 6 Ne..tlere t• l "''l 'I ? lO, 1 ll), 4 )0

0 JO I lO 10).

l '••"•' Ye"'"I ll'Ct I :I SO. S ~. 9 SO CNiplln (PG 13) 3 1

8 MAtltnee 'C 11~ 5 S•5. I IOIS

1~WN CINfU CINlM.U ~"" Ccmi rl:IWI 751 • , ••

I Pottlen Fist. •I ' JI) 9 0 1 u .. 11 Peepi. '"'G13 SIS, 7 •S 10 IS 3 Oomo1• 1' S JO 8 1010 ~ l..ererno'a Oii l'C '3 • 1, 10

SOUYH CO.UY Pl.AZ.A • ~ ~•6 • 11'

I A row G .. d Mon ;' ~ I 10 3S ~ Aloddln S P 9 l S.CenteloW•mon t • lO 7lJ 10)0

SOUTH COAST VILLAGE S~ ... , c• a!'\oOI ~ "

Crtl"9 Gom• •. ll $ 1 30 9 4 S 7 fHllvol of Anlmotlel\ ,,,..)•JO. 1, 9 3J 3 Uo lorolwen • S l !I 8 10 30

Irvine YHl UNIVU SIT'I' CINEMA O•S Co"""' ()t.e l • II

Sniper • , 9, • Hued • 6 · 10 I~ Aspen blreme

' 8 J I• -_.,n • • J 6 _ 8 l.

l Pe1er'1 fr iends • • • • • ' I~ ~ All•• • ) ' j 0 c Children of the Corn II • C> I~ II 15,


E orly la:.t summer 1 got a c<Jll from one o f the many people "ho pitch me tones dJily. Generali; vn deadline. When I'm

m no mood. '·Mr. Col e r. they told me )OU \\Crc the

11111 Ctlmr

per on to talk to . I 'd hl..c )OU

to come out unJ do a \IOI) on .me ...

JC l had u Jame . Actually, 1h1., guy rc:illy did

ha\e the mal..rng) uf a nice · feature i.tuf) I le C\plJincd that, \\llh the !>Up~HI of bu si ne))(!!> along the N e\\ polil Pier boJnfaJlk, he \\J)

pl:l)ing a piano - tru1.ked an10 ~ld·Jducn Square -\\eel.end) 111 the great outdoor-.. Editor's

Notebook It ~undcJ !1kc a cute \lOC)

and mcc photo. A \\arm fuLZy. A bright. as our 111:1naging eJuur Stc\e Marble CJlb them

liO\\C\.e r, there \\Crc t\\O problem) A, 11 \\Oulu imohc going out .1nJ ''orking on one; of my prcc1ou~ "ed.enu), me a"ay (rom my"' 1fe, l..i<h .ind, the re.ii loH: or m) life, the

Wanna place ;i cla sified ad?

Call 6.t2-56i8.

\ t. ter.1n I J'h1on 1 ... 1anJ merchunt \ rl.111 I l.1um " ·I' 'part.d pn n

t inh. •ll' \h1nda' .1, hl w:.1' I L..,;__,~~~~~~~~~--~~~-

'co·h:nu:d 111 1hrce ~e ;.ir' prdhJtion · !lld S3 I 'II in line' un three

•1•1J11t' 111 rn~ome I.I\ n ''mn I h~lll 1\lll1UJ11 'Cllll'llle lh II

l l.1um. P"nt.r nl Jhc I 1>11l dothing ,,,ire. t.lled \\ ,I, I'- ~l'.11\ m pr1,1rn ind 1 5~.;;11 t11111 hnl


I I ium·, pr(•)'\.111nn '"II 111d11dc '" mnnth' o t h<•m1: de1e1111un . .tur r I! "h1l h hl "111 )'\e fl'4u1 red Ill \\(. ,11 .111 ckt: lhH\I\. nmn1(\~r

H."l•I . 111 .111,1h ''' 111 l l.1uni ·, l'\f\.nJ1tUTl' tht. lnlc:_111.1l f{ ,\llllH \l'l"\l•l .1lle1tld lh.11 he Ulldl ll,11111 lh,d Ill' IOl llOl\. ll\


1 ~ -:..~1 l(J .111,l c\ ,1Jul .m c't 1m.111.:J

SI 'l. ~=-:. 10 tJ\C\ 1111hl ITild · JC> 0\

Unl1 k1.: hard ht.:d:> :i l)u\ 1'1.·J hdp, 'our bad; .,l,l\ 111 J n;uu•.11 pch1t1on o vou -,ln·p mor1.· 1. nmt11n,1hl~ .rnd ,, .akl.' up h.dtnc!

muu. rdrC",hlJ and fl'\ 11al1:nl ( uml 111 l1l' ' '"" n 111 J Du' bl.'<l You ha\l· w '>k<:r 1t 1u hd1c\t: 1t

- ll• 1o n• < ot -HE Du\ BED TH~ [J )(1l!~ ~~l ~ ~' • \ • ~r\1 ; ~h '" ' ''"r ..,c (nt~rl>• '""l"·"flc:-.h I A~i,, fl- " < ·• ·mt• f'1::~ ~~'he" Ortn \\,..- ~ lo " ·~ S NI> •rl" -.C:fll ]14 fl •O ()4 70


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cot ch. T"o. l \\lb on deadl ine. 1 didn't ":int to the i\'Ot')' 11d~kr know l 14:.1\ lookin for him. he: r about it at th:it moment. A r('turn 11 ne\Cr c!m1c:. ~ the wecl;)

A journal1-.t1c dilemma. \\ h;it tu Jo'? Ulo" plh'>ed, l gut p1tchi:J more '>torte.), on de:idlinc, him ofl' Chat the alternoon "'":t>? Punt! "hen l \ittl) in no mood, :.ind 1hi.) one ju:.t fell

l dtt1JeJ to go ahe 1d and a sign :a throu&h the p10\erbia! end;- ~ photogr<ipher to shoot a pkturc of the guy o l hi .. p:i't "ed.cnJ, I heard ttbuut the piano tlrnt part \\OU1d li< t ulcn care ot. I a~ked for m:in g. in. 'l11c: Pilot repor::J tlt:u Ron:.ilJ hi' phone number w I coulJ get in iou h "•th "ribbs. 39, :.i muu 1an "hot b1:1incJ a Ctl)

him later. I le c>.p!:.iincd that becau'>e he pla)C\.I permit lo pJa, ht'> 1nano :st the fool uf the piano in bars on CatJlinJ I land during the .i'\c:""pol! P1 r lhts p:lst '.l!"I rnc r, ''a ~cntenccd \\l'Ck, ii \\UUkl be dit11cuh in-reach tum. He I riJ.1) tu 111111: )Can Ill :.t:ue pri-.,m tor ga'e me the number of one of the p1er-arc::i molC!iltng a S·ycJr-olLI girl hui.mi: .... m.:n llhtcad Cribb ppareml) mel the \10 n , mother

' \\)11k pi:rforming 111 ~1d udJln ~qu.ire, \\hcre In the mc;int1me, I put al ug in M.1rblt:'i. c:tr he ,,;i I irctl trJ pl:t) h) th1: ·e"• l.rt Pier

that perhJp.., one () f hh OH:nH.irled "cekend .A '!o\J llllt\ n. reporter., or cnibus1:.i,t1C mttrll'> m1~ht \\ant 10 : 111c mother lctt Cribb' alune \\:alli the girl go out Jnd 1.1ll 10 the pier\ pi;.ino m.1n. He O\er ._. thrcc·"e'ek pd10d d1,~ing ,,111ch he · JgreeJ 11 might male J 111 .. c bright. • mole t1,;d her t" 1 :: lie pleaded guilt). tel ling

/.!!. \\t:Cloi:end p.1..,:.ed \\hen I gut 10 \\Ork the Judge he had rm:111al problem lie got an Mond.Jy morning, l lound the r>hotu nu:.i \Car t a~l cc ontolil ~men i: l ecaui.c: he :h:.1gnment on m~ Jc .. k ."•th the c~pllC not(' \\U:> on patolc IOT rn:ini.l .. 1ugh1cr in Long Beach " He \\J-.n ' t there '' \\nllen :1cro'>:. it. ~toral of the 'ton"' Don't knu .... there

l d1alcJ a phone numb1.r the pianJ rl..i)er I~ une. Uut I I II~ girl' ,3. e. I \\ I h the ~tory left me. The bu'>ine,., couldn't '>J\ enoul!h ol Rona!<l Cribb' h:.iJ been .1 bri~ht ini.lcad~f nice th111gs <ibout the piano nun. I le '"cnt u~n a crime report . and on about hO\\ thl') gu~ "as bnn~111g people \fall'~ r:olumn .Jppt .Jrl un 1 Ut'~da)S into Mcl-.idden Square. He al o '>JtJ he 'd let ;,, tilt 1Ja1l_t J>ilut.

jB's Sports Deli . &Wine Bat



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• I

Tuesday, FebN.,y 2, 1993 NewpOtt Beach/Costa MNa Daily Pilot

E n t e r t a i n m e. n t En~ertainment runs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Editor ls Matt Coker, 642-4321 ext. 366

'Intimate Exchanges' engaging, exasperating E. vel)one's life contains innumerable .. turning points - if we'd only done such

ond such at th is particular time, then that wouldn't have happened. But rarely do we

th:ll she wtl) d1)covered 1n the p;ojecting indcci)1on - her simple •·ye " and ,:ime ~itun1ion on the SCR "no" lines :ire drawn out ''ondcrfully with main :.tage in A>c~bourn's splendid form and texture. Her Celia i' not a

For a limited tirne choose one of the following en.trees For Only:

it down and consider the potent ial destination of all thos.! roads not token.

Alan Ayckbourn does, however. ln his .. Intimate Exchanges," now unfolding on the Second St:igc of South Coa:.t Repertory, the prolific Britbh playwright splns off tentacles of plot from a single mundane situation "hich, if each were pursued, would comprise eight different play), each with t\\O alternate

"Woman in Mind, .. except happy camper, but - faced with the pro~pcct th:11 she hnd just stepped orr ' of running off with n reckless, unccntcred m:in the rake on<l received a na!>ty to whom i.he is hi!. unhe~c - worldly bump on the cranium. con!>idcrations simply \\eigh too heavy upun

There are other par:illcl!>. her. It's n remarkable portr:iyal, !>Urpa!>)tng her

Prime Rib $8~* I of' Snow Crab

--.-- Ch:ippell'!> Celia Tea)dalc 1s recent " Woman in Mind" in thoughtful. I of' Fresh Fish COUPON

or Shrimp Scampi Pasta I or Fish ''N'' Chips .

T• i.utfcring through a i.liOtng illuminating interpretation. TM.. marriuge to a heavy-drinking She al)o takes a few !>tunning turn~ a!> Celia's •- ~chool headmn:.ter, while the Coc~ne)' servant, Sylvin, a slatternly l:lrt who':.

endings. ,. SCR h:J) taken one of Ayckbourn'!. circu11ou)

rouJe~ - .alternating the final scenes SQ that )O\J m:iy see one ending and your neighbor =anothe r - and ai.signed it inte rpretation to a pair of prime talents. Richard Do) le and K<1ndi) Chuppell, under the direction of·nat1ve "le" poner Mar~ Rucker. The result is an engaging, en1crta1ning. though often cAasperating e\ening of theater. .

At the out)et. therc 1s a cunQus Jura of dejJ 'u. Chappell wal~ing onto :i bac~~ arJ si;tting, on which lies but one prop - a rake - in an A~ckbourn play. h seem~ like only yesterday

prospect of u more exciting 'as Oushy as Celia is drab. At one point. Theater lif c loom~ rn the per~on of Choppell ploys both characters at once, Critic hand) man Lionel conducting a dialogue off tage while changing

from one to the other. and c:miei. it off

about her. Heppliewick, "ho'~-qu1tc mud beautifully.

Unfortunately, he's all too real; in " Woman in Mind," she csc:iped into the world of a funta:.y family.

ln the 'crsion on stage a t SCR, Celia considers. bu t then spurns Lionel'!> advances, ''hich drhes the crMwhile ~uitor to desperate meai.ures. Other \Cr!>ions :illow her to follow her heart, ''ith apparently equ::illy disa)trous resul ts.

Ch'appell pos:.e,~e~ the unique skill of •

Do) le scores equally high ns both the brusque headmaster, Toby, and the energiLeth handyman. Lionel. The latter role allowi. him to give his superb comic talent full reign as he falb all over himself in puri.uit of Celia, "hile his Toby is rooted firmly in Englbh decorum. He: also portrays a third character 1n the pl:iy' final scene (\\hich "ill be interpreted differently on different nights).

'' lnt.imate Exchanges" continues until Feb. 28. Call 957-4033 for ticket informal ion.

Golf gala's legend lands -in rough . Dionne Warwick leads hit parade

I or Calapiari I of Chicken' Marsala

of Cioppino I of Scallops Gourmet

These dmncrs mcludc our famous Clam ~oo or our Fresh I Mixed Carden Salad. Fresh Vegetable and Baked Pomo' Coupon valid (()(up ID• .-pk pu Pllf'f· ~Of

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• Whh Coupon Only

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I Fresh Seafood Grill & Bar NEWPORT UEACH ·- o~

g:rn1Lers of 1he Newport Classic g0lf tournamen t and gala thal bcAeltb Ho.1g Hospital )hould be p


wud of the efforts the) h.1\t: mJdc ll\Cr the )Cars to ere· ate one of 1he are:i'i. maJor 'Porting. '>OC1al. and en ter· wlnment. C\\.'111!1. •

creature comforts and enjoy Kay '"'Ch:irles. one of the few pcrlorrn· ers ''ho live:. up to legend bill­ing.

Unfortun:itd), Ch:irlc:. and his big bund dropped the golf ball, turning an a · lac~lu:.ter 65· minute, 14·song i;et.

the motions. They needed an in· fusion uf soul. · The only hope of rescuing the

shO\\ c:ime ne:ir the end, "hen Charle summoned the Ra)ellc~ to the !>t:ige. While his fi\ e mid· die-aged back·up singers did help \\ake up the player!>: it ~a~ 100 little, too IJ te, . ·

COS1 A MESA - A classy l:i:1y · in a cl:my place. Wh::i t better way to describe Dionne Wamick 0s Pops concert Friday night "ith Pa· cific S)•mphon) OrchC)lra at the Performing Arts Cen ter.

Four- time GrJl111ll) Award · winner Warwick pro\cd 10 be

1 630 tidp Park Drive I Newport &icb

• 675,()100 --

1275i Valley Vtew B~·d. I · Garden Grove I

89W081 • . ---Thti. ) they .,nagged an 101 · portJnl corporate ~pomur. Taco Oell . an<l the Frid.iy night g:ila in .J hungJr·s1Le tent at Fa~h1on 1,<l dre\\ 1.200 people \\ho shelled out S ISO each to sample .gn:.11 food. bid on e\ pen!>1\e

Hubbard St. dancers may be too exact Sy Devorah Knaff Special IO Weekend

IRVJNE - Hubbard Street Dnnce Chicago :.repped jazzily into Irvine Barclay Theatre thi po.1st \\CCkenJ \\I th <I \lrtUObtic J1spl..1y ol tcchn1que thJt co,ered an} bJre :>pob 1n the 'horcograph) .

The cqncentratcd on \\Orlb - "eightcd IO"--:Jrd the I) rrc end of th:it 'lt)'Je - · with a ~c­riuus do~e uf modern dance 1hrown in and a few hints of po:.t· modcrni:.m gilding the edges.

\\'hilt: the opening numbers -Luu Conte Jnd Claire Bata11le 's · Linc Dme'' :i nd Con1c·s .. Gcor· g1.1.. - "ere s1mpl~ plca~Jnt, Dan icl l:.zraluu \ " orl.s were cho· rcugraphicJll) l.1 ~ci n.1ting anJ in· tclkctu..111) tlcmantl111g.

And \\htlc .. Linc Dri'e·· and 'Georgia.. arcn·1 e\actly re,ulu·

11 on Jr). th c y "-..Cr c mar~ e d 1hruughuu1 h} nice chureogr;iph1c 1ouchc,, c' pec1..1ll) J constant, !>O· pl11:.1idtcd coun tering of centered f1.i1Jncc Jnd U\ere\1endcd C\ten· ~tuns an .. Georgia ··

The highlight of the evening wa r a ..110" 's "Super Str...1-ight t ) com· 111g dth\ n, .. "'h1ch begins "'11h four people in bu\1nc'I~ sutt~ encased in pl.1, 11c ga rm1:n1 bags. Backlit , they 'ccnicd tu be cryogenica lly pre· 'cnc<l rn large . .cippered ice cube .

I he piece. ahernathcly l)'rical JnJ \ 1ulcnt. '"a~ disturbing and • ingl) ..1nd ~ad , hinting. at the. nu · mcrou~ compltca11ons of modern· <lay existenco. w1thpu1 actu:illy lapl11ng in to narrntive.

The evening was rounded out by See HUBBAAD/M

Nattily in black ~ 1 :1ci..,, black shin and bl:icf.. ·and·\\ hilc plaid J:U:~et. Charles ":is in strong 'oice. Hi:. piano pl.1>ing "as adequJtC. If 1s ~tagc an llC!> \\ere 1mpresi.l\e fur a man his age (62). Out he :ind hi' b.rnd seemeu 10 be running th rough

Much of 1he cro\\d hJd al· ready g1,en up. Seal':> began empt) mg a couple song'> after the tlmd numb~r. ·the requisite •·Georgia," \\ hich de:-.crve<ll) brought loud .ippl:tuse.


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===;;::;J. • .

LISTING ll'llfOl\iAllON : H t<>U .an • \ t nt ltttina or chtlnge of in(Of'm.lltOn (Of, dtrKI inquirie; to Brn· j.imln Ep,ll'1n, <.io 81.tdBool., P.O. 8 0 '11: t SOO· tB~ . (<Hon.a del M.>r, CA 92625. Phont! 760·262.t . Monthly li>llng> run t.ich Thurid•y in th• Wt"e l..e nd ~ccUon. Thi~ me>fe compl tr runs th• '"'' Tue,d.iy o ( t'\ol'ry month.

l.A!_At nd · OC, O r.i.nge County. ST, bl .. d1 llt . BT-opt., bla<I< tit> op tion.ii. pp, pt'r person. TBA, lo be arr•n,;rd .

February • L.;iughter, HeMt and M.u.11 fd.> J JI b JO p m , SJd Ill I lt•Jrt In 1111.itl' dinner ,\t I wr 'it•.1w: fl\ :\c '' JJV•I At Jlh S100 pp Ph. Ol' ~(;8 ~834

• A Bru>h ~1th Ohne • f, o J, G·9 pm, BO\\f'I'\ Mu cum "' Cu tu•.11 Art Jlff'\k'\\ of Herbert 01cl..t-m R) e ... 10011100 ill museum, SJnt.1 .\n.1 SSO pf> Coot.act Dr Pau11,; .1 lfou~. 56;"· ib J~

• Spotlight on Antoin<". fob ~ G ~ JO pm , Am<•rlf'an lni.totull' OI \\ 1ne Jnd fOOr.I '""c ancl hors ti liCU\rt-. ell Lt• '-k11d1cn, 1'1."'J)()fl B~.t h S5 pp l'r" li'l.e cl111n1.•r folknn, S 10 pµ Contact ....._.,,. rwe l """~'14)10

• RoJd tu Rio flu .._mer1cJn lic;.irt Aun S\•J)O(U, ~C\\po!l Ut•.l(h 8Su lS5!>

•• oit 6 pm, ~.1IJ :'II Four

$. 50 pp .Pliooe

rtb 18 JI I p ftl., C.uncloc Ch;iptu of OC Pl.'.rfourung NU Cc:ntei St. John M1b i,uhoon ~w .it Nc1~n M.>rlu,, 1'C\\<pot! Buch Conuct a .ub0»r~ Ot!Mou: :!40-0{Jlb

• M.irdi Gras Ball, ft'.b 19 ;u b • JO pm , C.11'1-ul (. ChJr•hti of 0C .it Ro.-J llOO Inn Co.ta ML"-1 S150 pp Phone 49S·10l-I , • S~t>etHeart B.ill Fc-b 20. M'lf.IC1Jll"\ ol HoJg t lt.',arl In .t•lute at four St'"°"~· ~!!"port 81.'Jth. S17S pp ContJCl L11ol lli'}'"OOCI, ~60-5916

• Americana A\\..lrds, Feb 20 .u 6 pm • C) prC$S Collogp r ovn,i.l11on banqul'l .JI D1~nt.>yl.ind I lt1wl, A1i.1h<'1>n · S 135 pp Phone 82Cdo SI

• M;m ia1te o ( Figaro, fc'b 21 Jl 7 30 pm., Prol~uc Cu1kJ of O~rJ f>aCtflc le<.tore .lt \\e-.11n South Co.ii.t Pl;u.1 Cent.> M~ Con1.>c1 .\\.11g.>rtt Price, 544·i'Ol7.

• TO\\ n Hall l e<lure Series , fob 22 at 1 O· 30 a m , Assistance league of ,....C>..,.port·Mt-,.i Jnd Laguna Bc.l<:h pr<""·nt. .luthor,1;omed1enne Irene K.lmpcn ,u C1n~:ma. """'POrt Beil(h. Scnt"S, S-IS pp f'hvne G4S 69.!9.

• f ashion Show f<'b 25, Ch1kJh:lp U~ lune ht: JO .n I h.iu R~<eflC) '" ine . S&O pp Phone 6' 3 7JC.8

• Celebrity \\.iittrs Feb 17 at 11 : 30 J m Amer <.Jn Otalx-tl> ~n luncheon J!ld JJd1on at Shcratc"I Hotel, 1'('\\port B 1 h 540 1 p PllUt'e C.62·7940

• Brid;il ho'-" , f1•b i', IO .1 m .s pm, • S) mphuny o ( Wint" fl•b .?8, .?·S 1> m, OC Bric.I.ii (11nn1•c11on> • Uh1m.1ll' lu\\n Jnd Cour Ir\ Conun•tkc ul OC \\ r<ldoni; h ... 111 lnr 81'.lCh C•l1l') !:lode;' r'h1lhJrrro..J01C ~ 11.1', .ind 111 font• Cl·ll.:m 11.'Jlurh 100 l'\h h1tl)1) at e1~hbo1hoo<J \\l"C W,tmg ll'Jluroni; 50 \\IOl'lll'S lrom Community t t.'nr1•r Clh1.1 \lt•w SS PP-· "c.ic1J to ZO . RJdl\1o<>n l'IJt.i I lu11•I. l1hont.- S48108'1 lr\1ne S40 pp f>hunl' ··1 19-lJ.

• FOCI~ on Oinin_g Id> • Y. f r11.'I" 1, ut • \._'ine htr.:iordinJ ire Fl:b 28 !·5 01Jtt<;c Co;bt ln11·1t.1.1h St Piil'' .ll C.u,1.11 Pm , · UC \\ '"" S.x.1l:t) lJ>hnt.: t'\Cnl Andl ., r1·,1.1.,1.1nt . \,1111.1 \ n,1 SI.I, ~'I' ~hO\\CJ>•"!: lJ()ut1que '""U•t > JI Rl•d liorl (OOIJ\.I l111~ Cu1d .. 1 •• l 'l :O! t llJICI Cv.• 1 /l.\c'!1 $40 pp 1n ad•dncc • A T .1\le of f .uh1u11 I di Hl .11 11 10 Phone S4t> 81'.iu-t J 111 !>Qu•I> ( t l tr Le.:n.;t.t• .11 • \\'inl' ;ind food C\lrJ\ lt•h 21! , ,\,\OndJ\1 \Vu"1. • I I, I Ccnh•r Cc»l.1 ~vuth Lc,J~I h) 111 ll 1.,r ApP,l1('d i\k>w s.iu PP f'I ,.. ,. ·51 0 l 11 CA.•tonlo' ~· 1.1 7,;,~ • ' .tu.. I on JI \ 1ll,1i;1•

(rl·an :>.int" " .J 11~ i.;111> Phon1• • Ac.uh-my o( \lohun l'11turt.' Arh .ind S5S·l.!12 • ~(11.'0U.•) fcl> 11 I 1• 1Q ,I I \' .( Ul

c "C 1 \fl ~ ... , ... 1 t1J , "'' ''""·urn March bl) hl 8C'\Ctl. ti \ u I •r Ch.i~n' I'll-On(> ;:;•1 1 • ... - • Cdcbr.:iting \\omen Tu1.b~ 'l.\J rch J

• JI •1 30 .i r '• ,.., J, 11 I Ph lh.umon • \ .ilt•ntinc\ DJ\ lund1\'111\. ltb 11 .11 I,.. ht"'1 •ninJr l•'J'ur.n~ 11 Hr p c, ,. ,..u, Jr. oi 0 0 1

p , r J, , \ •: .lr d n.-.1• Jf>J I "'~ .I flor """•' l ••l't ' I ""·· • ·- r I , •, o "'"'' • -~ • '' lr\1n~ \\Ju •1 SSS pp Con:.1<t Jrn

:'l.:t'\\pl)I! t111bot '"'ti< Ill H.abo 1 SIS 11 ,._., •59 >1J . PP ( ' I "' lJ I>. J '..'O ; I • ll l'.trl Ct'nll'r U111ht.l.n f('b I I ,\I • P.:itrun Bninch \\J•d1 J

p Ill Cl10t. -\ I c h .11 t. JI.} I' .,, '\ nr • I to I IJl d nnt•r ( ,,,1J \\l....,.1 S 1 • )

1 1 , ,1 d.a04l' .11 l• Mar. hn ~ ..,,1x.111 UlJ 11

!JI ·opt ~ 1 ~5 pp l ont;i : l1Lt.J, Rus.i • Bu~l.l ml'nll' Anhque !lho\\ \\lrch 4 .u ""1 .!11 IC. 15 Jm \I~ v 1 ( ,\, ,1.,\µo1t • C.111bb1.•.1n C.>1111•JI t U l j .111 tJ fl n 1 IJrlx)f -\rt \hi,\'u n IJu~ I•> J>,h,)Ul'OJ

(01'•1:n11un ( <·nkr lunch .II f>J l~•\,I\ 8. 1 1 luntir ~1 'l 'uut• \ It , tining d.111c.n~ ,\n j C111 r , l. - ' I l I l '! tntl·•t.1°n11 t •I • r.t .1 .. , 1 ' .1n l 1.il11on . '"'h'""' \"'"'" JI \\ Jll nront I 1 lton Rc·~ttrl • PJ tron Brunch f\\.l 'lh - 11 ,1 11 . 1•30 Hur tmi;ll• lk,1ch S 100 pp Ph111• pm. 010<.. i;v1lc.l, JI C\•1 tv ll1 '1 (o>l.1 'H.111 -44' 01 81" ~ lfh \'1.....:1 S 1 SO l''i> Co • I J.11\1 .., 1~111 1

• Romt'o l't Jul11. lit• f • • 1 !> ,1• ' 10 l.! St..~

p ,,- OJ• -.£1r, • Proklj:: • (.u 1d l'l'U•t' • luncht'on \ \.1•ck lll r•m,. (.vtld <1' .11\\11 .. : lo.i•l'l111 (,:0\11\\1•" ( 1o•1J 11, .11 l:.<.1:on JU \ lonr.1: l1lt•tatll!c ptC>lt')~or P.2!o'I; ll.111•0 \01:.11 ,, "' l' lo •, 4 \! ')t J'.i COJI h :'-..'II.lite [am. C• lUl!IJl.H" • 81.>dr. ;int.I \ \hill.' OJll \\,mh ,P, .l•~ .:incl nod l ont.1 I l •t-.t .r< ,_,, , ll'n'{;, .,, \\~£.I l f>rr<e 5~ ; • \\.irr1ult lonlilCI D nn •

• Sh.amrock P1oje<t. M<lrc.h 1 J, ~p.i Ud1,1 Svf0f1ty .l'lCJ WomC"n's lMng Cc-ntt't h.incht"On, fa~ WM •nd s1k.---nt auction •l Rotz Carlton tlO{d, lJ n.i N1svel Coot~ct l1ndJ ".lrd , SSJ.5727

• r.uhion Sho\\ , MJ1d1 17, CttOC l<h N llC!$ g Id I R ~ C.lrlt ;n, l~un.l 1'•i;U<-I C I let J.lOl•I 1',lj,'Uhkt, 5 J2-8C.75,

• found(.'rs' Brunch. MJtcll 17, Cirt It' IOOO ot I loJ~ t Oil four ~.l:.c.>O\, r-;~\\l)Qft 8t'Jth. Dr Ed.,.ird Ro,(•nb.,um, Julh0< <1( 1 he Ooctur. '"" \pt•.ik Phone 5i4 7l14

• Women o( Achievement. March 18 Jl 'J.JO .l m, (r(·..c;c·nd<J 'Ch.iµter ot OC Ptrlo1111mg Arts C.entN l('(turc b~ Bl·th Burn) of SI t1,,,c·pt1 8..illct CompJn~ at Bm .. t•n '-1u<,t•um SJnl..i An.i ContJct <J.11r Burt 5 14 9110

• Choc.ol.ilr Sund.:iy, MJrch''21, noon .i pm S.1ddllb.,,1.. College FoundJtion NU chl.X..,IJte fo, loduc.ition Jt q1lll1;c S\ m ~ 1 5 pp St.udt.'nt )enrors. Sf O pp ChrklrC'fl 4·11. SS pp Includes-all \vu 1•.11, children 's acti\1lle) .ind ·cl• ·cJ d" cl' f11ollt' S82-4C.56.

• An £\.ening o( lmh Spiritu.ility. f\1.)rch l I ~ '.J JO p m.. Center for

.tkH·lupnu:nt !>! P.1111cl.'s 0Jy /'·hf.'r )()11~ dJnc e , enterwmment an 111.h pvt:lr\ .it St fOl"ph <!enter. Or;inge S 15 r p l'h1nt> ;-44 J 1 ~5

• To\\n H.:ill ll'c. ture Seril'.S \\.irch 21 .ii 10 JO a m A\,1UJnc-..· le.i~1.1e vi ""• "fX-'!I \\tw • J lJ!)Uria BeJch prnt.nt.. · All l 1' l' ,q ~ 011 l"spcindc n I Kl'n .,_, ,h•\\,ll .irJ .11 (tl\\Oltds Cincm.i, 1'c.,po11 8\. 1 h "1·11,•), S4 5 pp Phor>c C.4 S b<Jl'.J

• l un<hl•on, \\Jrch 25, South (oJ>I Cu11d ul Opc•r.i 1P.1c111c JI loc.iuon l BA Con1.1n Lil Sl1l•pl..J •

• rJcC'' fo r Litl.'.rJC)' MJrc.h 17, r'rt.'nllu•

• P .atrvnC\\ Jnt.1 ' l \\ ' '" "·.;.'li;;.•;..;·r..:;\_..;.T.:.11.;;.J--"-·-~_·__:..4 _•1 :..' :..' .;..1 .;.;;'t-.:..1 _-•;;..' --------...L:============

642-4403 642-16403 369 E. 17TH ST., COSTA MESA, CA 92627 . The Place to go be fort yoi1 go anyplace


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U.l) !l<lw..ol d r d.lnc:t!, wtem aod 11 • ... Ctm.1 Mt-u SbS pp COllt~ We ;;ucuons, 1 Lt' Mcti<Lt'o t'\\pOlt Cn•d. .,,, 7S~ 9402 Bt'.tCh 8 I Cont.te l Amy ;\1td.rlt . (;~ 11 tS

• 0C Ari and J.111 rt>t i\.il, ~Urch . 7j • •1., 'ti. IOI and col mu\IC Jnd \"tJ i;-1

.t'.; "'' .\n1"r1t6'1n \\J't' Cuitut.ll G ntr.r, O•.th 1'iJ..ihs. SC. pp Cl11kJ•en 1 '1 ;ind urn.kt SJ pp l'l IC' Gr.1n1

• Cuter PJ rJde Brunch M.:11ch ./H •I 11 " 111, 011111 k.t Ct Jpltr n1 OC f'l·rfo1n1 ng An~ C4.'ntc:t l;i~n ~ '"" .11 II i.' R111 l'!t•,..po<t UCJth S75 pp C1•nt.1n M.:i~•· 'l.\<_(>un,110 (,4(, H-13

• roos on Dinini; M;.irch 211. r '·l·nrl~ UI ( o hl tr Wri,111h Sltchtr JI U.111i;~o~ :i . • C ,,,1.i M ~ S85 pp Cont.ict rn,._. G 111l " ",9 'HOJ

• Ct' leb11ty Chth Dinner, Apt•I "21 •t <. JO pm SO~ Ot.i St' Aid !Gu.hen Pru1rct ("e o ,,~ r. JI •t Robert /l.~d.h 1 Wine .ind food CrntN. C°"a

\('SJ Cont ct Laur Mt'nd nh.ill. ';11·7772.

• Celtbr.ily Coif Cl.iHic Af>11I 'J(, An CllC.ln 0 .. 1lx,tt'1 A ,n ltA1!1'&1mt:11I arid d """' • Jutt1on .lt L~ CO)ole Counlf)' Oub S200 pp Phone C 62 79~0

• Snal.. tt, Frogs and lltuds on lo·~ Apnl 30-M.1\ 2. Youth bpu Jl F.1.rgroulld) Co.u Mt-~ Frei• Pliont' ., S 1 · fAIR

May • An ( \l'nin1; \\llh '-Urlh 2'1. • The Cu Consplr.ic , f\1'1) I ill I\ .\l ~ JI I • J' '" l 8A Co1 1 1 S.-nn. or 7 pm • CHOC l11tl~ Red \\ .:i !lm Cu1kl

. PJI :;..lo H 18 (J>lllO nif_ht at location TB.\ sso l>P April CuntJCt J.inet "'"t:ur~1. SJ2 8(ii'S

• fashion Show t.t.i" 1, 9 30 .i rn · ~

5l2·867S • Courm l Cu)I, U 2. 1 6 pm th11d1eri '' Museum at la ti.lbr.i ruflNty cook-olt .it Chh1on Rt!g1on;,I Hudq~rters l.t H.lbf'.J SJ5 pp ContXt Maro.l (.;t"S1ct J1r u91 ·44C.'4

• 0 {·,ignl for Oin1n~ M•v 5, 10 "n1 -4 p m Ct IOC L ·11 ll.'I Cu Id hofne tr1ur iU CreJn \'.I.. , ~nlJ An.l H<'11tht' Coot Jct Jand N;i un ...... 5 H 8C. "5

• Mansion~ .ind M.:islerpi~es , M.l)" 7, 10 .;i m -~ p m CHOC Trt."S Oiu> Cu1ld •t Cul> f111e fuint1.ur1: SW W· P1'14nc SH 8C.1'S :

• Ctleb11l)' Coif Tourn.iment 10, Clu lhdp l. VI JI l•ll CO\tJll"> Country· Clut,, lha.•1 ;a f> .ir;, Phof: ~ "l 1-0ts 14

• Louis ..:.:ihn b h1bit \~, l J JI 10 :'i m', M" m Co1.ioc I t)j 1'C"-TJOll tb1li(., Art Mu<A"um bi>s to \u\.!•i.m ol Conll·mpnrcll) Art LO\ An~ lcs lunch .1 \\Jlcr B.'ll and Cull Phone "S9·11.l:'

• r.t~hiun Shuw. April I·:!, 11 J m. pm J.,. k n jilt Ct10C·ettt'\ .ii Ir' nt' Cl IC"C Af C I h lurx.hl'Ol'l JI Anah1em Marrouu SJO pp ContJCt JJrtt J ur i..1 See LISTINGS/A& \\Jrt•vll SSO f'P Cont.l(I JJPtl ~asur sl..1, ..------------------------

J2 ll - 5

• Cr.:ind rm.>ll". Aptil 2 at 6 JO pm , tr tCx.. A I Cu1lc.h dt11"c r IJ\J11on l!IO•~ JI ""1Jh1l• ''J'""u f'tiori.· 512 111, · s • PhilhJrmon1c ttouse of Ot~ign Ap• I 1 i' \\,h 1 C. UC I' lhJrmul' SiJC .L·t~ .ol I > 1)1, 18-\ <.unt.ict Pl'!:;)..". Cr(J)bv 1112 .!14j

• T0\\11 tl .tll l1.'C lure Serie> Ap11l 1'J JI 10 JU J m Au >IJO(I? Lea.:1.11• Jll

r--c.\J>C•rt 'l.l\.~.1 .inJ lJgun.i Bt:,1d1 J.>fl.'>4.'n!\ '\l!C l n1crt.11nnwnt cd.1or O.H1d'SI JI Ed1\Jrd~ C1nt•m.i, 1'\ l'\'port Bt'alh St.nt 545 pp Phone u4S·u'J~<J

• FOCIS un 01n111g April .? I Fro1•nt.h <•I UrJnf:l' CuN Ir 1t:rt.111h :.hl'ltl'' .11 8Jn>;L.ol.:



-W-edding Vid e o s

Cusiam De 1i:ntd • from w ;:., ..


cor(Jna de! mar

. . '


' .

M Tuesday. February 2, 1983

LISTINGS From AS • Tour de Cure dusk. 15 ilt II a m., Amt'rican 01,1be1 Ann. b•l..t' 11de '°' pl~ges at AnJ~1m Stadium. Phont' 662-7940

June • CelebritiH I h.a .. e kno~n ilnd h,l\t been, June 2 Hoog H<hp1t.1I SS2 Club meeting at Hy.Ill Re~ OC) lf\line. l\c~note speaker, Rich Little. S7S pp Phone 57-4-7208

• Sia& Shoot. June 9, I !11ag Hmp1tal 552 Club Jt OC Shooting Jnd Training Center, El Toro. dinner follo\~S JI Offtter) Club. El Toro M;i11ne 8.,~ rhune 574·7208

• IMtallation Crui~e. June iO al 11 a m , Museum Council of Ne-.,port H.irbm Att Museum lunchron on l'\t'\\i>Ol'I B.:iv, dcpJrturc irom The (. Jnnt.•ry. Phone 759-1122

July • fe~lival of Arts/hgeant of the Masters July 8 ·Aug 29 ill ln-ine 80,,1 PJrl.. lJ8LlnJ Beach Phont' 497·9ll9

• End of Se.ison CeJebr.ilion Jul) 10, South COJ>t Rc•pc.•rtory JI SCR foun1.11n.

Phone 957-2602, t\t. 221

• Una Nocht dtl Teatro July 24 , Sooth Repe-rtO<y v-arit'Cy shuw at !<'R M.J1n~gt' Phont' 957·2G02, ti.I 121 ,

August • Southern California Hom~ and Carden Sho~. Aug 21 21J, IJri;• c ~hm" c» its kmd 1n the U S .u An.ihtulT Con.,,entton Ccnlcr C.onCJCI P.1111 Schn.:ublc, 549 9802

September • Billnsh Tag and Rele.tse TournJment S<-pt. 10· I 1, Ho.1g Mctno11JI t-lo-p11.1I 552 Club 11 B.llbo.l a:-iy Club, .1nd in ;>O milt• r.u.l1us o( Ne-., port Phooe S74 7.!08

• CAil Ball, Sept. 1 ff, South Co.l t Repertory se.i~n .tn<J >OCiJI •l•awn opener. Bl Phone 957-260.!, t'\I 121

November • Gala, ~o\ 6, SJndp1per~ ol I fo.1g Memorial lfn)p•tJI JI four SNson~.

'C\\p<>ft 8CJ,h BT Phone 574· 7:lU8

December 8 Chrislm.1Sy Carol Ball Ot.'<'.. 4 , > lo.1g ll~1tal 552 Club JI /'l.ewport He.l~h MJmotc S552 per i.ouplt', P"unt' 574-7208.

WARWICK Warnick b c·1p;:iblc vf After cn~our Jg1ng 1he autl1·

From A4 cnce to along 11 the) kit \\Jrm, \\ill' und in line ' uic:c ai. lit..c it, Wurv.ick i..111g a number :.he run 1iiruugh :t number of of Cole Porter song), 11H.:lud1ng fJm il1 .1r h11,, !>Cvcral tunci. lrom uptempo-pop ve r i.1uni. o l her recent Cole Porter .tlbum. ·· uegin the Bl!guinc" and anJ -.omc new m:i1er1:.1I ff om "Night und D.I)'. " She folJo,.,.cd her JU'Hclc.t~cd " Friends Can those ,,ith her pl:11inu11i--.cll1ng l.k Lmcr-." album. hits " Dcju Vu" and " I'll Nc,·cr

! .. 1.:J h) the P~Q u~d a ' Love this Way Again," the lat· h:1ndtul ot her o"n muo;1cian!> 1er !>Ong fcJtunns. -.omc -.11vn1,1 (111dud1ng her t\\O coui.ini. on • ,ucalizing. • h.1 d.. ing \UCJh). \V;,in\id. After 1:ilt..rng \\Ith the .iuJi­'trnllcJ on '>IJgc \\earing J cncc abouc her nc" Jlbum, IJ'>ll.'lul gold pJnt' ~u11 \\llh a "Fr.icnJs Can Utlt.l.\cr,," \\',ir· .. -p,1r-k4" bt.n:-k "Jnd imrrtc lop \\1d. pc.:rformeJ .,c,cr.11 tunl.'' Jnd prl>mpll) IJunchcJ 1n10 Jn from 11, 1ncluJ1ng · \\ umJn c\tcnJcd medic' of :.c,erJI That 1 Am." "Age ol ~ltrJdc,· e.irl) hll'>. inc lud~ng "\\IJlt.. On and "Sunny Wc;:i1hcr L9,cr,' U)." · l ~;1~ A L111h: Pruycr" \\htch b the fir,t nC\\ collJbo1.1· .inJ "01.1 You K l\O\\ the \\'a) 10- lion in 17 \C:lr!> of Burt u~-$:111 Jo-.e" ~he \h1f1eJ tcmpmi charach and Ha l O.t,id . She .111J pcrlormcd J hc.trtfclt rcn· clo ed the ~how with hl!r rc.c1:nt J1t1on of "Alfie." '"hich -.howed hi1 "That's What Friend' An: lhJt her \OJCC hJ'> loi.t none of For." the power and emotion that - /J.1 Cllri:.tuphu 1 rt l:i

a. a ""hole was •llartlinaly good. SonJ1 Cook\ey and de Je~us were JOracously paired in

T">la Tharp':. "The fuaue," a "Georgia," and the f1\·c dunccrs trio dJnccJ \\ithout music. The in "Super Straight" shifted piece I) u dis ection of da~ce at from grace 10 quirkincs~ 10 for· 11:1 mo)t elemental - )lnppcJ rnidablcncs!I with m.crcurial ul the di'>tractions of melody, - cu e. CU\tumc-., \l~ge dre~ ing: The My only con,pluint aboul the uni) rh) Ihm m the piece is that dancing w:r •• paradoxically, th:tt 'lupplicd, by 1he sound of !he the darm.:r~ '"ere unnaturally in tfo ncch rce1 and cl~ppmg i.ync wi1h each other - 10 the han1h and labored breathing. poinl that their CA:lctncss was

Although Th~rp's rnovemc11.ts distracting. l'v~ never seen an· nc,•e r loo!.. qulle ai. good on other comp~iny with such naw· unyone ebe -ar they do on her, less coordina11on and wonder· Joi;cf Putrick, Ron de Jc)US ~nd ing how they diJ it t..ept me Mall Rh era did a ma~Mrful JOb from cnjo) ing it as much as I of not simply recrea1ing her lyr· i.hould ha\e. I \\-ondcred if this 1c.1l, off-center style but actu· pcrformnncc 100 needed just a .illy incorporating it into them· few flaws thrown in. scl\C'>. But thb i , of couri.c, a very

In fact, the quality of dancing small complaint.

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Newport Beach/Cotta Meta Dally Piiot Tuesday, February 2, 1993 A7

Comll)unity Write to: Pilot Letters, 300 W. Bay St. , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Fax to: 646-4170 • Readers' Hotline (call·ln let~ers and comments:} 642·6086J • Editor William Lobdelt .•. 642~4321 , ext. 351

For $3 milllon you can live like an l~vine

T hinking about " ~ligh~ly IJrger hou c ! Do I hJ\c a pla1.:c for )<.'>U!

1\ Cli •pie 1 re:. of hilltop: u \IC\\ of (~1.1lin .1 an<l M 1u1; J

7,000·::. 1u:irc lout 1n.111Lp..:ld c.1ll~J C.1,,1 La ( uc t.1 ; a t\\U·bcdroom gue~t house: pool. an<l 1cnrw1 couns; .1 p1h1I hou e \\tlh l.lllllnJ and '::iuna: nn c11,111nou' COUrl)ard \\llh circular drn c , nd J fuun1 ai n, a thc,1 1.:r ,, p.11r ol g:.a rJgC"> \\ith ;in. utl i.:c.: .Cn I I u.1 rJ r 11t1m ah\)\ e unc anJ. ,,.,t 111 1hc )•Hd, a fine lllJ I C\.11.:0 ,£•·•' h 1 ·ed !'J) pump.

II '' .1 prOjlc r !'>p.1n1'h m;in\1on. .. 1.1 1el) ~11\ll d1gnifll:J Uul the ,,11..:ll11c 01 h 1n the lrunt ).lrd ''a bit 1,1'"1\). R1t'111 nL>1\ the plJ1.:e " empt) :ind t 1 lorn. lurn1~hcd u11I)' \\llh n IV c.:1 111 1hc brea!..fJ,t mum :iml u ,,o,•lull;. \\a~ .id .. ed mJttrc" 111 the ma!itc: bcdr,xun I -.u~pecl 11 \, ,1, th.ii .. • •111~. lump~ mattrc" 1h.1t l:nall> c ~ 1 cd the pre cnt °'' ncr' 10 put th .. 111,l h;irn up hir ,,ifc. 11\' ,~,, lor 0111~ ~" m1ll11111.

--------··••tllflt•••tlllll lllt•ltl tllll lOlt l l•tllOllllllllllllll•llllllllfl Ollflll_l_I I llll l ll f t tlltlt•l•llllllllllll t 0 flt I I I ... --====~! · .... ~ ................. :.......... .... ......... . ......................................................................... . ••••••• •• ••• l••f••f Ill If t1 •tll••ll I Ill• . ~ ............

~irst cuts should be ·the taxpayer-lilianced perks T hr~ I\ 1hc ) thJt \\C linall)

{QOlC f,ICC-lO f.1 C \\Ith the · rcal111c~ of Prupu>illun 13.

This i'> the )Car :.ic t~ll} the .. en>nd ~trJrghl )ear - thJt cille\ Jrlll 1.l>Untk'> lrom ChulJ V1~t..t to the Orq;\llr l>oroc:r fin J that rt \\.111 take more lh 1n an C\tr;HhJrp pencil JnJ 1 bit ol number juggling to 1>a1Jnce the bu~i.: I.

l·or pl:icc~ hkc l\c'\ port Ocad1 anJ (.o,l..1 Mc,J, the 101..11 IM b.11Jndng 1hc buJgct m:.i) i.:ume ' '' rl•,cmhlc ,1 1. h:.iin \JW

In l\ c"pun Uc.1ch, for rrhlJncc. dcpJrtment heJt.h arc h1.rng ·"l..cJ to prc:pJre l\\O buJ!!c.." - one lllJt r~prc::.cnh ~ 5 pc.:rc~nt cul, lhc.: uthcr J 10 pc.:rl·ent ~IJ'h

AnJ e\cll, fl,, ,,,m·1 b..:

L-----~r·::·:::::::::: Readers Respond

ncarl) cnou~h Cl!) M.J1l.1gcr Kc' rn Murph) I'> prc,cntl) cun'IJenng 'ccking pcrm1.,!.1un 10 JdjU)l a number of d1Cfc.:rcn1 fee Ill r"1'e money, C\cry1hing frurn parking meter' tu hu,inc.,., licen~c r~ ..

I he hallent:e f:.icing city leader::. in "'"''POrt JnJ other municipJlillC'> r~ \ tX1ng becau~c 11 ill\ohe., doing av.hole ho'>t o f unpop11l.1r thing,, lil..e dumnat in~ juh ..ind p..1 '111g alum~ nc''* or 1ncrc:i,cd 1..u)h tu ta\(M)Cr~ .

t\nJ 1h.11 bring' u.., tu <:Jr::.. Spcc..1l1cally, it t111ng., u~ Ill 1he 4S or)() 'Jr~ th 11 J rc JlW' 1J..:J to lll) cmplo)ec:.J rn ' c..v.pon Uc.:.11..h

l\ e\\fl1.Hl 1.k.i.:h, It lUrll> OU I , hJ') had J \ Cf) ~CllCIU h pul11 .. ) \\hen il come!. l~ i"u111g cars. LH:r)body i::. C\ef)boJ)

get~ one. "Jhe ltl) libran;in . fhe chief check engineer. The depul) lrnance director. I he rede:uion !>uperimendent. ·1 he .1J,an1.:c: pl inning r. And on and on . Thc.:re "a' pr11bab 'i :i ume "hen 11

" ... , OK tu pru\ ':1 car to CH:~ muJ-le\cl,1 •er in thi.. c t\ There \\:1\

prubabl) .1 time "hen nobo<l) minded · thal an emplu)l.!e \I.ho trJ\Cb ':Ill o f '2 mile~ tu \\llrk v.a~ pro,ideJ a car hi

n\Jl..t.: th3t 'hort commute. 13ul 1hu'c <l:1)' .ire :-.urcl) gone Cutting out th · h1r .tll but u k"'

. c .. ')c.:ntral pu .. 1t1un' - p;.11 t1cubrl,:. puli<:c JnJ hrc - \\ill h rJh b:il:.Jni.:i.: the buJgd Uut 11 \\Ill he.Ip. And it '"II be <1

gwd,)rnluhcrn •\; t'>"t:ll It h..t\ become rn ... rea':ltngl~ J1ll1tult for ..

. .


thuse 1n the prh:tJ~ c:ctor hJ ~cn>c: Clll)thing 1c~, th3n cun tcmpt ""hen 1hc:y looi.: tmq1rJ go,ernmcnt :ind cc 11)-•'~ue rar • free golf tor c:\ccull\C':I

and oUl·o!·tu\\A.:Onlcr~ At urnc:' It 1s though there :ire t"'O

rcahtic>, the one thJl th.J c 111 the pmate ~e tor 'cc :ind tl.c o:hcr that ~hme' for 1hme \\ho. tori tor thl' £0\ c:rnrnent.

It I'> our bchd 11 : 1n the ~omin1) month' tho~ l\\O ?1;..i)111c' "•II merge and th;it pl·rk ~uch a tree ar anJ lrec £l 1l .ind g~..t:~ Ou Ir I h.::c and Ill re \\ill \ ,J0t)h

It 1 he) dun t. the' II '1mpl: be a\\,1) h,:. tho c :cJ up\\ •h pa)IO • the t3b

- -4-________ llie....pu.:.c._ ____ 1---

ers soun on 1ng ban on gays in the military


On the Coast

lll luJ~., Jll .1l un;IJ1 .. c nl hl'hH~ \\ h1!c 1 he .urrcnt <.. '1 l..a { ut'~l.1 " onh <. 1

\C,lf' t;IJ, lhC 111'1 home 1>11 1 he h1ll:up ' ' ·" bu:h 111 1-.5(j lti r l'Cl),I >.ht

'11 I UJ. \\ l111w l~m1h fHCll) 111u~h '-l.1rtcd Oi.111g.:

{ Hlll l~

• C >thcr' "la• h '' · c •ntcmpl. te.I th~· ,, 111d11J • c I. l ti,

hJ 1.."fl l,1 \\,I, ;J'\\ illlll

'"of the Or.11111e C.iunt) l'l11lh:i n lnl' St'\;ICl\ \ \\ umen·, (\H111n1:tl!'C, h \\llli llfl their J99J 1 hlll~C' u l lk.;1tn.

In 1,m """' ~n1rc.:' uf lhmn1ng hu~t•.1nd'" m crin!.! 1f Jn~l1JJ~ hJd ,·h ~c<l 1hc.: 1.•,\I nd:ir fur tic.: \upc.:r Ul) \l dJte .

I ?'1-;c.:,J m.:d1.1 1.I 11rmJn Pc~'Y ( IO ln JI'< ut ti \'\C ~ 11 I the} II 1ght II \\ ,, ~ 11!-- tu be the \,111 l,l\ ht It r .. • \\ hllc I 1.:oulJ h.1H.:

r 'l " M I '"men ar1J \ up ... r l\iml,.!.1tc' ,_., fl1 .. h. Pc.:g~ \ l 'PH'" ll II ,, .lflll." I 1111.! h.> kc.:c.:p Ill)

lllUUI I ,, .. II I r :i h:.ingc.: \ -. I! IUI a·d i.•UI, J 'UOI\) unJa)

,1111!11101.111 11 1·.1,,1 I 1 Cue,1.1 \\,ha " •le 1, t more c.:1111. rt.11n 11~ th::­\•I .r B "I \nd 1hc ll' )d .1nJ ,, 11 .111' ' '', r<.' 1111111111.·I~ l•ctter, 1'111

\ n,hd I ti,·~ 1..rU,1"lhjJ ~l 1d1.1 ·I J 1d .. on. ti'" !:>1h:.1i.. Peck h.1d 1!w Pl11lh,11rn11 11'" '>1>\.ll!l) \bu'~ lUOlll h. fl\11\(\ hl ,,, ... L .\ Ch 1mb r Or.h,,tr.1 I <.I I:') l:r1.h' \ 1lll11wr I l1 1hc 1u11c . llhlfl' or le''· 111 \ICJc~ 1h \\ 1lhu11\ '" L1JJ Ro)t' .. - .1nJ" 1h 1m,11cr.1bk ltrJ\1.f) -E11.h ,,111 • 1h1' tribute h> lhl! Dail~ Pilot\ 1c11r111~"' 1i:- 1~ eJ1111r:

\ 1J.1 / )1. ·"'· th<" '''''"''·' qut·cn, ,h .. • " re11·r mi: 10,'3)

\ 1.f,1 fl, II, t/11• /••,t thJt IH'\C

' t'll. ,fJC.' /i,1, .1 thuu ,;i11d tlilflt'' ht

dm /)1it,C. 11>11.:. din II c: Clfl la:.1r t/J1.•

"" /J(.'\lf" pl.1.1 \\ ,,, ,/\ r /J t )Jn~.

I 11 1mr J'l11/IJ.1m11111k, 'he:\ 'u1.·~ .1


,\ i.I. IJc:m the ' ,, 1C'(1 CJU<.'<.'11, ,/J,· I\ .I "' t•thC.lf/, II h.ll J cf.JlllC.'

\ ,,f.J 0 <".111. >'"" 'rl' our 'flc.·u.1/ ... ,Jr • • m. h u llflflJ; ''' }!11.n.1 .J11<I gr1.•Jt /J I'

11 h H.' I' 11111 f11.4 ,,111.i:. fltl / /J/I()'

tir l1n1.· \11dOJ f) • • Ill, IOU/ /lfl(.' \ IJl:Jh' IJ\

'"' "': \\'ell. '''11 h.1d 111 he there.

, lkH,c1:n ·n " und April 17, \\hen the l lou i..: 111 01.·"a;n ~111 open to the puhh1.: 101 o 111111Uh· lon8 ru n, ::!9 Or,1nt;c ('ounl\ 11\-.:mbc:r' of chc ,\ mcrk.111 ~1 ... 1ct\ tir ln tcriot 1.)1; ,1gnl·ri; "rll 1.1i..c C.1,,1 Cuc\ t,\ b.1 ~i.. lll II '''"Y J.I)'

I can't re.ill) prcJ1c1 h~m the pl.1C'c \\rll lou~ "bcn the dc\'.orator' &cl 1l11 ou •h. hu1 I '"' know that unc or the h.1lhlll rn will " project n :tur I of 'hahU\ d111. • or cour,c.

J f'fd i\fiJtllll ' H)/umn nm tu~,, '(ut·~dn), I /1ur ~~> and Saturday.

'· I 't11111~I,:. <.lh.1pp1\1\I.! ol 1111111~ the b.1n un h ·: 1 ..:\u,.i, rn the rn1 I 11~ . I hl' prm:.1.~ l,t1r1.:1 ... oi ti 1. ,\ID\' u ~re hun1l1.,e\u.i1, 111 rn hom ''l':1.ual 1.0111,1d .ind 11 ''oul.t he 'ubj1.·.:1111!! urHkr .. ,11,b.11 C•ll\dlttOlh 11th.:r p..:1.)pk ,!IC.: lllllV'-d)t 111 1h.11 p.1111.ul.11 l..1 .. 1t'r 111 the \llb \ HU\

lll/\LH-11111 ~I l ,1~Ull 1 lk.1,h

I hd1..:\I.: II 'huul.1 II• l he hll d • n.I I h.:lic'c.: 1h:11 the p~ .1i.:..:mb '' Jll't pu-h1n~ It du\\ n l" lhrl>Jt' I hl'hl''~ 1h.11, ,..:\u ht' 1, .111 .1ml .in 111J~1.1.llt )•OI hfr

L> \:'\ \ICKU ~ '.'\:"1)1 •t U..:.1,h

I am u1 IJ'ur u l 1'1,·,1J nt t lmton .1b1 1h~t11ng th1.. 1 .m on honll-r..C\u 11, an th· '1.'I"\ 1,e .111J I \\ \1ulJ h~i.: tv '.:c 1'1 ,,J.:nl Chntun ~Ult r11\IOl,: ~ ulrll~'> . .mJ l"t d,) •• 11 '" un,, n~11 1 11iunal.

B1\ 1'B \R \ ~l RGl :'\ (''''a \ l:l,,1

homO'l'\\ \h\IUIJ be .ill1l\\CJ Ill the nuh1.1n .111J It 1, t1111i: th .11 ''e er br.1ce Jll l}pc' of p1.:11pk .inu get thr, '''Ullll) b..1ck l1.1g..:1hc.:r .1g,.11n.

RO!JI R I LAUA'.\0 • ' -="r rt Ue;.11.h

.....J I \\ ,1, 111 the mil11.1r~ j\ j )11ung, rurull i.JUll1. .1 '' h1lc a~•' <111J tht b 111 Jl ,ufutcl~ 'hou lJ n, t h1. hlli:i.J. I he) .ire n >I PJ,::.l\c . In I 1ur \C,1h ul 'Cl"\1,..: ti 1t I ,c,,c:J l h.1J 11uml'H'~' Ufl\\ .11 ll'U en uu111cr' \\ here th.:~ \\C1l a~r"" 1\c ;,in I tl. l t \\,1~ \\h1.n th.:~ "l .! 'uppo .:JI) b;,innc-J '0 rl "e hit th.11 h.11 th~: II ~\Cll ltc;,111n .. · mu re 3,!!gr l':..,1\ e :.inJ more 01l...r1

\C.0 1"1 0 \\ 1') 'l"IWrl l.3i:Jdl

o· I 11..:rt: I) .i , th:..t h 1\111£ g.1~' in th.:

1111!11 ' ' thr .... t t.1 our ,_.1.:ur1, \\1: il. I "1.1uld ':.i' "'' ' 111 the dl•,ot r..: 111 ri: ,,, .1 1hrc-:11~tu'11u r '-' Ullt\ h1.•, .1u,, th.:~ ar.: II .:I~ l\I 1. bla,k n;,11 .. J It I'll'' re m.l lr~eh t ''c tc:r1111n,11eJ fr1..m th..: )ll"\ l\.e be1. .iu'c tilt.:' ' r e.: ~·''· thcrl \no tt1rlJl of

• C \ROL) !\ CARR '"''J'<Hl UeJ .. h

,...... i._.;

:'\ 1.1 \\;I\ . I '..:e no r1.· 1 ... 011 10 Iner c ., nu );1.>1.>,I ti11ng 111 ll \II It ''·1llld Ju ,, dCJIC'.

a lot more ph bli.111, 11!.rn 1t \•Oulu 'ohe ..1nd 11 \HlUIJ 1.1!;: the pri.!c out ol being 1n ,11!) rrnht.11:- 'l"f' 1,1.·.

v \RII I !ILL (, lt \It, ,,

·1 hi.. '' .ocr !>ttccl \j,c- qu~~ tron Jb1.>U t l!.•\,·;il!u,"J 111 thc m1lllJr\, \\.:re

. 1h -..: ih~ .>nl~ p1.:•1rk a k:J ur 1h on11 p.::uplc ~ ou -~1..:.t,J n) LU ';,imphn~. I llnJ 11 ha'rJ hi bdti:'.: that onh one ou1 tl l ll\1! pcl1pk )OU 111tcr.1C\\CO \\~'>in ,:i,ur 111 th,. tl..ln :ind I ·\\a'> in 1hc N:.i' bcto•~ r\ tckphon~· ' \.r\ C) in an1 :h..:r loc:il p:ip~ r rq , ned 10,110..,. rl''p<1n.. .,· t 1 the quc.:.,tron "') 1IJ l'rc:.iJ .. ·nt ( hntlln lt,1 the b.111 un

c ... u.1b m th: m11I:af\ .. \\Ith -(J

pcr ,cnl 3_'.1.1:,t the pre~aJ, nt h11rnc lh, h.lll 111J ~l pc.:r{ nt io l.1\\ r vi it h,'lllf lilt.iJ \\ ,1, th~·:c un~ Ji dt"I n about th.: '"u. ' • , "'Uh.l I\;!\(.' 1rit1m1da1cd the pc.:r, lc:1 ~' 1.•.:J \\hat \\ ..1' th, 1onc.: 1.11 Hlke > \\ I , re lh ·re :JO\ other re,ponJc:nl' ') I th nk )OU ,11\>uiJ be .. obJ1.ll1'~ rn) ur r..:por11n.: c pcci.111) rn the'e kinJ ol 'u"c~~ .rnJ ,t.11e IHm man.

pt'1)plc \\ere rntCr\IC\\<.'U \\ l ~DY LI H ; l-

Ct ,t 1 \k , 'Ilic .htn.•t•t111.H• f t.ltun. i) not u ~cu·1uinc pull. nun. f.1 3 rondum s.1mptfng uf .J

\nJJI/ 1:ruup uf prnplt . Lu l'~•n~. J

1 t'ft·rJn plwtogr•1pl1a 11hu took the phturc • •lid h e J\kt·cl the qut·stiu11 111 u 'tr:tiJ:ht fon•ard 111.mncr and tllJt t/1t " ' u1re tllc fir:-t fiit• r. •J><Jn>n.

..-. ...... .\~a l (irrn~r \1,:rnc, both enl ~led .111J :in

f;r,cr, " r\ JO.! in \\ urlJ \\Jr II ;rn t K l:e:i. :.ind ,lll \Cf\ :i.::l\e in the .\l ..11mc lorp ... and .\1 IUH.0 .1..ti.ll1C. l helic•C II

\\ Ou!d be h.srm!ul ! ir the g..t)' to be .1 lo \CJ rnlll thc.: m .t~I'\ not hc;:a c c th.:\ .l(l'. not £00d fii.:ht. r' and houor.iblc .11at. l-r.1,e pc1.1pk, 11 , ·Ju~t .in 1nconlp:.111~·1c If . .,l k .11 J \\OUI..! r.:!l h .. au.,~ m;iti\

km~ in th~ .:..11') • BRllE Ul SDl R

( 0 \,I \l • j

I II uh Jl Ii .. "' lh I lhl ..1 cc1i.10ll 'houlJ h· m.1di.: I' 11 ... pl.'1.lplG "h\> h'c \\llh 11, :inJ I am pc!l ~lOll ol our mea and "omen 1n tht. ,J f->:C'c

RO')l \I .. \ IKi~ R. Co,IJ M, ,J

Don't the NRA's gun ownership ·arguments apply in Somalia? E \er ... 111t.e 1hc.: l \ r 1h1 1n ,I.irk I

'' tl n.111 ... 1 ' , II ... 11 ing

\\l ,Ip 'll' 111 ~•llll,d i.1 ·'' ,1 llC\" l\\"l to Op,•r.1111 1 Rc,1011.· I lop.:. I e been "artrni:; t'' protc.- '' .1gJ111,t '"" n.:" 1111"111n l11•m the.: N.1t11111al R1lk \ "l)CIJll\111 .111J 11th~·1 .1J\01:',1ll..'' l~l gllll

,m ne r '!up 1 \ \ mi.11 .. Sure!~. an Or.11 1. L~ unt,, home tu .1

Mark Petl'ICCI ·

L1oeral Politics

:r1. 11 n.111~ 11uhp11h·11 1lpp11ne11t' 111 ~llll \.Qllth•I Ill \mcr 1, 1.

'•)flli:'\lllC '' ''uld hJ\\.. "'"" n 10 thl' dd1..·n,e ul J \ ••'\l,1la,1 1:'1t1Lcll', ru.l1t to o"n ,, llrc.irrn \lt ...r .ill II '"11 .1c .. 1.·p1 lhl' jf~lllllC.:llt' ,,( the.: !'\ RA gun \ "ncr,hip '' .111 "'- 11.d JHi.'l.:'•jlll II~ ill .1 Irle.: '''Ciel\

n •. 1 'II 1.11. 1 \..: \\,lltCJ II\ \~Ill I h1''C per 'o"' \\ h1• pr 1>111l1te and 1kk11 I the 11du ul

\mefl\.Jll'r 10 O\\ll llfC;trllh h.1'. b>cn

curiou~I> ''knt """" t '' 11 .. , h• u1\.irm111g the pl'oplc 1ll 1111.tl1.1.

1 he NRA .rnJ 1h h1\JI ·'""'"1.11\.'.., arc qu11.~ to 'P'>ut oil. t:·"n't :i11H1n • \\h11

J.1r~ ~ to .1JH• ... 1tc cun , untrvl 1n 1\ 111\.·11-.1. bu1 t;ii...·J. tlh>ui:.h 1r.1t'I~. rc.:.1"'"' 11111\ .. 11cnce ha' g11. d~J ti , rfc.:" ..:,1 l \ n11lit.1~ 1111,~r.111 '' \ •. 1h.i. I " ''I Jc r "h)

1 he ~ R \ .111 ll!! "11 1 11,•1cJ l>rrwneni.. 111 i:un .:onl•• I 'u;h J' (. l\Jrllllll I 1..:-,lun .1nj Uru,e lk , .. i 1.n,,1h1. r.:bu~c ncarl} .111) prur,,.,ll t > r1.,ll 1d tic.: u'e .mJ \)\\fl~ l'hlp 111 .!,1111' Ill \ llldlcJ llll b1l\h .in,I p111'1.d1\C.: gruunJ, I 11 .. lct·.I. Ill th .. · :H :cl lllJl h \J I I he I. \ r ll \\ 1.1,I 'I 1fl!!.£Ull \J\\111.1,hlp Ill

S1luthe111 C.d1hH111.1 h,1, l1u-.1111c 'u111i:th1ng 1 I .1 I ,I ) 1. I Je,p11c.: the '°'ur£cnt Ji:"r"" i.1, "" J lir1..u111. ne11hcr o l the .1t fl.I 1~111r.1ncd ju,1itrc.1t11ll\' h r lhl' p11''"'"11111 ut .1 l11c <1 rrn h:.iJ 11111,h m~rll

(1 111 .iJ,,i,. ·~' nH,t.1k1.·nl) 11\ll' rprct the ~ .. ·~,H\J Am1..11Jm.:r11 111 the Con,111u11on ·" .a ~u.11.1n1ee tu C\Cl) pch11n of the.: risht ''' P.."'c"' {Jnd. 1f n~"""·1r\ u'c) .1 IHt.:Jrnl \ Cl the ~C(onJ .\ mc.:ndrnenl "pc.1k' n11I) of lhc nceJ l11r .a " "di rc.:gubtl .! ~l1ht1J "

\l\Hl.l>,cr. the \\.'" '>nJ \11\cndmcnt Jppllc' llnh 11.1 the 11.Ji;r.11 [:O\cmmcnt, r\lll t1l rc!!UIJt11m' "lm.h might be 1mpo,eJ h\ the ,t.lll' l 1nlrke nc:Jrly e'el) other .1m, nJmt: nt 1.rnll.irncJ "' the

U1ll, I R ,...h:... thl L !:> '> JfHt:mc.: Cou:t h.~, rll..\lr .1ppl1t:d th..: J1 cl ( ·,c1c~tl\e tnnirp1H.llr•>n" ll• the ~ ... ,, nJ ·\ m1.-ndm1:1a "h1d1 \\lll.;\J I rl~ 11 I \ l• ... ,, ... k,

V1111I lh..: 14 lh \n\('.nJ111c.:nt\ l I ·Jue.: JHlKc"" unJ "c4u..1l pr1ll • ..t1l'n unJ..:r 1he la1' " arc: cmplv)Ctl h) the court w 1111.11rpvrJtC' the 4'.> ... u nd Amcndm•· nt h l

the ,1,1tc:,, ·the.: r 1.;h\.''' the p..:opk 10 ki:c.:p .111J h.:.1r .11m,· "ill 1.1)nt111ue tu rc,lri..t \lll' tt c: I ,k ral l!ll\l'TlllllC:nl. !\<II r11.f1,1JuJI 't 1te ~' \Crnmcnh

1 h1: .1d\11c,11c' ,,1 !!Un o"ncr,J11p .11'11 alkg.: 1hJl ~'hen pm:llc: 1.1111cn' l ""

gu1h the~ ::m: h .. ·11.: r able t l I ro11.d thc.:nhd\C' :11:: 1111,l dlll\lll::I' 3 iJ t , potcn1i.1I abl~'c' 11! i;u'\crnmc.:nl \ , , :J lllg h> th" \IC\\ . the p10-pe..1 l f I '"'" m 1 J1rl'dh lm kc.: tl h> t'lc: e\tcnt o l i::un ' ~ l.l\\Oer,hap Ill '11.l .. 1.:h ( rf) 'ellm~ th.II 1lhNun 10 the \ ll'lc.:ncc:-11dJcn c111zcn-. ,11 ~1.lmahJ or the chilJrc.:n l I U,1 nra )

Of"""our,c. lh( f'\.Ople 1'1 ~,,n alt::i d llll t hJ\C J SC'-l>nJ Ami:nJrncnl 1c1

prvlcd their \.>\\ncr~hip 1.11 J11c.11111' 11 might he: 'a1J the~ d9n'1 rc.:. ll) h:.i' • •. nJ11un 'tJte an~ kmg~r ~1thcr.

Ho"c'cr, 1f th t: prolectl\c 1u,111a •. 11i1ln h..1 ' JO\ me rit . then the pc,1plc ol !>vmJhJ ClrlJ1nh nc:eJ th\.1r IHI! rim. h""I

. .

prolc.:,t th rn ag111n l .nm1m1b and 1h un".1:r.1n1cJ mtru,tun~ of I! \crnmcnt l'\C.:~ bit ,,, much ,,, th.e rc,1denh ol ~C\\p(l(: lka,h. (. .?r\tc,::i or Lo" Ani:c!c' .

If the d ':inmnc.,, '),Hnaha 1.1hzc11' t' the l! 'i r llrtan ~' ,1 ltt J tin • hur in.t r1an cioumh to end 'en d ... ' \tolcn .. c. '>t.:ll:~an~. nd :k!Hh. 1hcn 'u11~I~ llllH..: ~1rin:c 11 gun control IJ"' rn 1hc L',I ~I.ii,' Jr.: mcrrtcJ tu cnl..I tht'

' I

..................................................................................... Best of the Hotline

/ /1c lc1llc111mg '' .1\.llllJ>ltll~11/ t.1f/, /f11m our 2-1-l1iwr Rc.111"1 ' ' 1/ot /111,· II \1111°1/ like to f.N 1t11l1/1l•J u\.' .:-.1,\ J'

pu11,hlllf. Ill f/14• t11/h>t1 Ill~ \,I\. /I l lU/11/'i.,I\

6.J2 (>{)..\O Pk.1'C )Ullr 11;11m.· ('J' ·II 1t l1ut),

, ' '·' .111J plwm: n111111,,., (lor 1"C11t1 .... 11,'1111)

I JJ.inJ. ,h>CI!

Newport's cars 1 d,n'1 1ic111;\C: ell)' u f1 rc1Jh \houlJ be jlW\ldcJ "1th tr.lll,(X.Hl.Hllll\ " ith the U\lhlll\Ohilcs ll> .1nd Imm "'uk .1nJ.Jurthcr mwe I J o n' t th1nlo. the ta\ '"Nl\lftlJ org.rn11.111111h "lhoukl prn"iJc thal either. l he:)' 'h1luhl prob::ihl ''' p11h1\.kd 11 .1n,1x.11t.111n11 \\hale th.: a rc ,11 '"l'IK t'ut not tll an1t fr um \\\Iii.:

lHJD l.U l l> (',1\t:a Mb:s

(I Nc\\por t Ucach C1h olf1cial' .. tmuld not hJ\'C the u'c of .a ''') ov.ncJ car. h ..., ulo

r •

. .. ····················· ..... ········· ................ , ..................... .

b.: nr.ltl! h11111>m11..1I 11 the) u,eJ their o\\n l'.11 .1nJ ll.'i.:C:l\l.'J 15 lH 10 CCIII\ a mile

JO I I'\ Rl \ LLI .... Cu,tu Me J

I lu .. 1~ rq!,ud h' l"1 t\ t1ll1c1ul' hcing a"1i;ncJ C'.11 , ll1r u'e du ring \\Orkrng h.1ur .. .. I 01 hin~ th::u e'ef)llllt' ... huulJ llu' 111J l'J~ thl.'11 0 \\11 l'.U p.1) 0\elll\, l)\\n

11hl11 ,1n, ~-. .rnJ m,11111cn.111c:c for their u" n . I h t\ the.: AmeriC'un \\a\'. l hb ., not l.urnnc rn ro~.111) th.ll "·" 11.i be c:ur'ied on the l>:ili.., ol the ta\ pll)t'f,,

... I J111l0

t thrn~ uin kJcral, 'late, "'>­~hool J1 111~1 . un) vllr"1al .. houlJ ha\e ~1c 11ght 1,, h.11'C It pm ate cur paid for b>

I D\ f':l)Clll . ·1 he re'>t ol u \\Orking foes h3\ e Ill fl;i)' \IUf U\\0 "U)'. 1 he) 'hUulJ t°'' 1 he) m:sl.c more money and h.a\c t'OllUjh ~rl.'I "'thout ha"'in the Cit) pay for thcu· <: r,. ma1nccnan~e. etc.

LAURI P l:R ·oN. ta Mc

There was a time " hen 1 "·" gain"I hclH'.:•'f'ICr' I th11ught l,19 made •

tl)\.l mud1 no1,c .anJ )U t J1Jn'1 J~l . damn bu1 artc.-r b~ in 1n' IH:d 1n •n rrc t "h t I haJ tu ma~e :a c1t11cn·~ rrc,1 unJ 1 he: hcli\:l1ptc1' ,aught the ~U) Y-1 tl11n h H\

'c1.,1nJ, 1 h~' c.1o l ld 1ob nd I'm II f,1r 11. Cut them h ~ nJ 1hc ,rune "'ouhl ,,, up 1n tlm i.11~ '

JO'- 1 ERR'l Ct\ ta M ~r1

I mtl II I '~ th thc:stcr chairman· DI Ora nae Co:i't C 1111 i!C being in the plup I th anl.: 11 Jlh" 1Jc'I an C\.:cllcnt opportun1l~ (or 1hc tuJ nt\ Also l'J 111.e 10 ) th:il I • o hl 1ht r' ' t Or ngc C('~M Critic . c an"J l thin the. asc ,,f C\CCllcnt qu 1hl) nJ I c-unnot bchc'c the \'t1lumc of plrt)

they d' th re nd the c.>ppouunit • they pr\l\1Jc (or the cudc:nt'+. ( dare u co find th:u am"'hcrc else in ltforn1:a.

• 1 OM RNOLD. Ct ti Me


Published lh lOd 1 Cnmmun1t1o- f''' Inc

Elliot tc1n, Jr. thJr·nJn

Jim Gres ingl'r publ YlCt

Tom Johnson a pubh her

WilliAm . lot>Mll cd1t0f ~ " c pr 1d(?tll

Stne M.&rb~ maN 1ng edrtor

W.tter lunought 1901-1989

founding ~bl~

Al TUffday. February 2, 1113


PLAZA From A1 oreoa and Individual stores, most which al· ready ban moklna, c:on allow smokin& if they choose.

South Coast Plaza decided to prohibit smoking in response 10 nationwide con· cern surrounding econd-hand smoke, in· eluding a recen t report from the Environ· mentol Prt1ec1ion Agency, sa id the mall's marketing dirl!ctor Jon Roberts. The EPA report called second-hand smoke lethal and blamed passive tobacco smoke inhala­tion for about 3,000 dea ths annually from lung cancer.

Re pon)e to the policy, wh ich was an­nounced last month has been "over-

whclmln&ly poaftlvc," Roberts .aid. "We've 6een 1euln1 unaolkhed CAiis from people all over C11irornl1 H)'lna they're hiappy - con1ralulntln1 u ," he ~id. "They're 1oyin1, 'Woy to ao,' 'We're aoina to be shoppina there more,' or 'We're only aoina to be ~hopp1na there.' "

Most merch:ints accepted 1hc b.:in Mon· day, bu1 said they aren't nbout 10 enforc.:c it if it mean:. lo)ing a !tUle.

" lC n guy walk in and buy $500 \\Orth of shoes or whatever, I'm not going 10 stop him from :imo~1ng," 11aid Steve So· lomon, 27, " ho )Cll) shoes ut John)ton & Murphy.

Others " orried that the policy will of~ fend ' i::.itors from foreign countriei., cspc· c1ally in parts of Europe, "here is not only acceplllble, but fo)hiun~1blc .

Manjit Bain, owner ol Tinder Box, a ~hop that acJ11 pipes, dpn, tjpreuc1 and ~moke paraphernalla, estimates he'll Iott :ibout ' percent Of hls bu•ine11 M<'AU 0 O( the ban.

"01 course I'm not hllppy about it be· cau)c l think it v.ill affect my bu)iness," he s.:iid. " ll cauaht me by )urpri!>e. I was )hocked."

'uain, n pipe smoker, alto"~ smoking in­iJe hi) shop.

Mo!>t of the mall's 25 rc)tauranb have ~csign~llcd smol.. ing areas, but a t least one h~ banned it comple tely.

" I simply think it's the right th ing to do, not only for businc) • but philosophicnlly,'' )aid Hui Rosoff, o>wner of Back Uay Row-111g and Running Club rcsrnur:in t. " I just hope tha t evef)body undcr:irnnd ."

All uhtrays wert remOYed rrom the mall Sunday nfaht and no amokfnt 1l1n1 were r,11ccd on all doon. There were no slans nslde the mall.

"We want it to be subtle,'' Roberts H id. "We're not tryina 10 hit people O\ Ct the head with it ."

People "ho light up inside the mall will be told of the policy :ind directed 10 des· ignated nreos ouhide. Those areas will be kept clean and free of cigoreue butts, Roberts s:.iid.

Some doubt the ban will la!il. " ll' ll lasl ma)be a month anJ n half,"

Solomon said. "They're going to sec pco· pie still smoking, they'll ask them 10 go outside to the designated areas and the people will keep '' alking - all the way to their ca'tl>."

Newport Beach/Co1ta M- Dally Piiot

Shopper Phllllp Hankins. 26, an oc· caslonal cfaar smoker, aald tht ban 11 ln· cvitablt and evidence or • 1rowln1 trend In America.

" It '• the way the public opinion .it 1oin1,'' he said. " It helps for heahh reo· on ."

nut Hankin and f ricnd frank Gardner said they don't agree with the EPA's re· cent report calling second-hand smoke a health hazard. •

" I think it '~ more dangerous eating a hot dog," Gurdner $nid.

T he city of CoMa Mesa docs not have n policy prol11biting smoking. but many of it!I mnjor businesses t11at cuter 10 the gen· eral public hnve smol e-frce environments, including John Wayne Airport and the Orange County Performing Arts Center.

BIKER says she fee ls somewhat betrayed by the 1hef1.

From A 1 " I keep thinking, 'WhJt did I do jc1 blJck hair and heavy eyeliner. wrong?" .she asked, h:ilung bc-

New Year's Resolution: ARN STEAKHOUSE 1. - 0 · e ·no" na'e around l\\ een words to holJ bacl.. sobs: urqu b n _) "" e'cl) inch of all ten fingers ond "h 's just so crazy. All l\e done i

good." s1hcr bangles form slec"es of armor up to her clbO\\S, S\\ itzer hopped on her Hurley

S"11zer's black leather spike· every morning at 6 a.m. to hi1 the heeled boots )himmy up past her first AA meeting nr 1hc da). She knees. And on w:irmcr days. her nb6 sponso~ girls at half·" ay denim )horn. :}re al" ay) short bouses throughout the coun1y. enough to sho" off the elaborate Since her Harlcv was s1olcn, !ihe buuerlly tauoocd on her thigh. has had to rel) on· friends for

"One hundrcJ and fifteen transportation. "And I don' t e'en pound) of rompin', !.tompin' like cars," she said. "During the mari.hmallow thar love)," is how rains, someone len t me their) und she pub it. l returned it in an hour." ,

Dressed in skimpy leather ou t· But Switzer has no other choice. firs adorned wi1h metal s1uJs and With permanent brnin injury, she chains, 5,,11zcr can't help but draw survives on a paltry disability at1ent1on "hile cruising up and check, :ind the bif..e \\as only 11i-dm\n Ne,,porr Ooulc,Jrd on ihe sured for liabilitv. bJcl of her lm\'·)lung cycle. Friend ha\C set up a !ipccial

"No mailer "hat bother) me, I fund for Du't) at O::ink of Amcn-c.111 JU)I get on my b1f..e and ride," ca, Act. No. 020:!7-01316. And the

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.STEllK HOUSE she )Jld. "That'i. ,,hen I .can t:ilk Sl,000 re\\Jrd still stand!> for inlor·

11----_..LO lb~· criut!I' and smelLC:C\Ue~f)~~-..lffiwUi1..1lJ.!oiounwlis,e""ad~i1JJn~gJ.10L\-,..Lthwc.._• .._n,.._.·1 .... 11..,.rn....,..o...,C ---t-1---tlHlk-~.,,,-~H~~.-..--• thing It \ .:i fccl111g of freedom." - her bil..c - no questions ai.f..cJ.

Coastal •Ji'nilnlng SER\'l~G l . l '\('II & Dl~~ER

2300 Hamor Blvd. at Wilson. Costa Mesa n \\hen S" i1zcr armed in Co)ta "Help get her bad. on the ~lei.a more 1han 30 )'e:iri. ago, ii road." announce) one t11cr that '' wa~ on the bJcf.. of her brother'!> being passed around tO\\ n. b1f..e. "And H.1rlcy's are more ad- "That bike') as much a pJll ol Jict1\C than drugi. or Jlcohql," she mens my lcgi.," he )a1d. '' It\ 111)

c\pl;.11ncd. "hole ''orld." 5,,1tLcr knO\\!>. A former drunl

and hca\')-dUt) dope fiend, the gr.111Jmother of three 9as been clean and )Ober fo r )even yeari.. Our kicking the I lnrlcy habit is out of 1he qucs1ion - even ufter she crashed !fer cycle 10 years ago and slipped in10 a coma.

When Switzer a\i,,oke, )he had forgotten everything. including ''ho she was and how to read and w rile. But doctor's warnings that her riding days "ere over didn't s1op Switzer from mounting a Har­ley after her release from Hoag HoSpital a year later.

Having surv1Ved all that and turned her life around, Switzer


If Bergeson becomes stale -.chools superintenden t, county Republican Pany Chnirman Tom Fuentes said Republican Newport Geach A)scmbl)man Gil Ferguson an~ Assemblywom:.rn Dori) Allen (R·Cypress) would be the likely Republican c:..111d1date) in a )pecial election.

"Doth of them are seasoned and e \pcricnccd conscrvo thc Re· publican legisl:uors," Fuentes aid . "They would ench ha"e a free ride of not having to forfeit their as· sembly )ea\s."

Fergu on, "ho lo'>I a bid for the \late Senate 1n 197 to ultracon­\en.:ill\e John Schmitz, said he \H1ulJ run for Oerge,on's seat. " I ha'e )Ome 1s,ue that I want to deal w11h in a pos1t1\e way "hilc I'm sttll in the Lcgt)lature and l know I coulJ get them ac­comph)hcd for easier in the Sen­ate." Fcrgu)on said. "The As· '>embly I) a constant ballle­grounJ"

Ncwport·Me)a school bonrd Pm,ident Rod MacMillian, who served with Uergcson during her 12 years un 1hc school board, said '>he would he the best choice among 1he current con tender) for Hon1g's JOb. "~he has !>uch great skills m an·

ill)LJOg the i'>'>Ues and working out va rious compromise) - she'!> just an outstanding per on,'' MacMil· lian said. "She would be an out­standing \uperintendcnt of educa­tion"

Other top contenders for the top educ:l11on lot are former teacher Maureen D1Marco, the governor's education adv1~r; and state Sen. Rebecca Morgan of Los Alto). FergU>On secs Bergc)()n -a moderate Republican - as the logjcal choice because DiMnrco is a Democrat nnd Morgun i:i con!>id­crcd a liberal Republican,. If Bergeson were appoi nted to the pos1, Ferguson believes she would be the odd ·on favorite to • be elected for u full term in 1994.

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, .• February 2, 1993

The Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Carlson .• . . 642-4330 ext.387

llctlan B . Sports on TV-radlo/82 JC b~seball preview/83 Class1fled/B4

All-American Jason Bo)'Ce

CdM's Boyce All-American

CORONA Df I r-i.tAB , Cor.1n..1.,.-----l,__­Jcl MJr High JUn1ur J.1 on 13U) CC.

"ho h." hdpctl lc._iJ the Sc..a King' to the No: .3 r..anl1ng in OrolJlge Cou11t> ..a nJ flN pl..acc 1n the ~i.: .1 \'1e" Lc.1gue (unul ~lonJ.1) ), ".~ nJmcd tu mag.<t mc\ 3S · member h1t.:h ,1..·lwol All -,\ bu)' ' " '"'"cr- tc .101

Um ce. a mcmticr o l the under-17 n~l lll ll ,il , h,I\ \ C'OH·J 2J ~oJb for CJ~ I. ''h1dl 1' 11\- 1 -~ .

One ul 12 hH\\!:. ' ' ll the tc ;.sill

• l"teJ tll ~unJ.1, \ cJ111o n, Ul.h -:c "·•~ unc o f fou1· C.1hl1..1' h~1n ­urcJ .• ind the onlv Or.111~c Cuunt' c ho1ce • • ·

A ~c.1 \ 1c" Lc.iguc 1.h.1mp1,1n Ill the Jll() ..and -:uo met Cf'), J\ \\ell J' the 1,1ng ju111p. Uu~--~ h..a' 'corcJ &4 goJh 111 h1' ·1hrce·)Car , ... r,tt) i.:;irccr.

S~a Kings absorb·

majnr hit ~ Saddleback applies 2-1 Sea View League v ctory. By Dennis Bros!erho .. s. Sl>OltS vw. r

SANTA A~A - ::, J dleback li tl!h ha' nc• l r been a faH1rate pla1.. t: kir the Corona dcl Mar bvp .,,..... • occer team . ""llt'I ... ~

M o nd a) JCt crn,lo n ~ pro' cd no C\ Cl'p t1on a ... the Sc;i Ktn!'> n J I onh lu t !1 ~-I Jc: 1-

)1011 to the Re dru"111e.r:.. ]>Ut rcll out uf rir ... 1 Ill 1'11.: ~CJ \ 1c\\ L1:ague.

"SadJlcha .. 1- ,., .1 gooJ :..1J:: ," i.: \ -pla nc:d a lh appomtcJ 1.:.1 l\. r g'> Coach R;.i' Hale' ... I he' n:c:d tile poin ts lo get into the pla~·\ tb I ti in k the' \\ JO I 'J 11 a lot more th.rn \\t: d1J" . -

t \\ J., \C lf't O'' \l l t ~ '-C: ;t\l)ll,

·other thJ n on pc.:nJ.t~ ""·k" 111 l\.urna­mc.:nt pl J) , ~u1fcred b) CoronJ dcl nu" IS- l -.1 P\C rall and "'·1·2 an the: ':>\. J \ II. \\

Cc ronoi IJ ,, \.OC' P" .n hi.:h111J ~..aota ·I ~l.1rgarita . \\ h1'"h drilled :'\cwpo rt I Lir·

bur and impro,eJ to .., II '\ 1n league pl:l~ .

·1 he m:it...h '> t.irtc:J ft poorl) fur the Sea Km~' .1 .. Saddlch:.ick 11 2-.1 -2, 5-~ ·2 ) com c rte~d · on m I ir-. t con cc: n cd cl h•rt un ten,e. Ju~' R1..1Jri~ucL -.lipp ·J thrnugh the CJ~J Jdt:n-.c :.inJ kl:­foo tcd 11 11110 the right-hand c0rm·: to ~C Jt Cororu 1:0311.: Un.1'1 ~'"' •h \\1:h le' '!> th 111 '''o nunu:c.. ,r,· · in the m.14:'h.

Coron;i dci M;ir'~ Bc;it B.iud~nbachcr (22), P;iul Fruchbom (-i) b;ittlc SJddlcb.icl.'s S.indro De Santos in \1onda 's duel.

.. I think \\ C: c~mc: out too ...:unl1,il'nt toJ. ~ :· l l:ilc' aJdc:d. · \\ Ju't \\ tc too !>lo" tn the fir,t ll\ c rnincte' a nd re all~· plJ)l d b..adl~ the " hok . ma:, h 1 he~ (the Rl1;1Jrunncr') dc~cl"\cJ 11

See SEAK B2 . .

Estancia boys soccer team lorleits lour wins, one tie

Sea -Kings /outhustled, l and results predictable

~ lneltg1ble player costs Eagles unbeaten record in f 1rst round of Pac1f1c Coast League action. By Roger Carlson

COSTA Mt .\ - -6, l:.'l lJOCIJ I ltgh' hlJ)'I I ~ sO\:ccr team. unbc.1tcn ( , ~ \ through the Ctr)t round \ l ~ Ji ) of P.1c1f1c Co..a~t Lc.1guc ISL ~J-~ / Dl' t1o n. ha' been lurccd .,I. :....·." t~) fur fell lnur '' 111 .... tm.1 u tic bccau'lc of an 111ehg1Mc pl.i)er, occorJ1ng tu Athlcuc Director bJ Dian ton.

A!i 3 rc,uh of the ll\c fo rfeit (four lo"e' and a lie) the l:.agk ore now 7- 11 -1. 1-5 10 league .

" I 'II be notif)ing the lc;1guc Tue!>­da) :· lid Glanton Monda) e'cning.


~Corona del Mar loses th1<d straight in Sea View. By OeM1s.Brcsterhous

CORO~A DF L ~!AR - Lcth..11g1'" ('oron.1 dcl ~IJr l lai!h ~ Clamc· the l.111. , 1 UJhCt \ lllllll U( , l ~ _ I

pc'"' ·;1dJleb;id .t-.....l.~-- ..... uni! ~lunJ." night 1n ~~ .I ~t:J \IC" Lt:.l!.:UI: -·~y~ b,,, ':. bJ,l..etb.ill g.11ne ~· 1n the ~c..a King · g)m . ,...

1 he Ro..aJrunner,. lre'h ult a )Ur­prt!>mg \l\.101) <.l\C:r ll"\ 111C IJ't Fnd.11. pulled J\\,1) at the ,1,1r1 llf 1hc ~ccunJ quJrtcr ..anti \\Crl: OC\Cr CtlUU!>l) threateneJ 111 J ..,4-65 dec1'1lll1 OH:r CJ~\.

Satldlcbad. (7- 14 O\erall . .3· 7 in c:i Vic" pla)) mu'c ioto a tic lllr L\lh pljc:c "11 h Ne" port H.irbor Jnd onl) t r.11ls the Sc..a Kin¥~ ( 11 -10. 4-Cl) b~ o ne gnme in the<l1ng ·

..We h.1d nu 111tcnMI) "h.11'oc' er .li either cnJ of the noor," !>Jltl J J1-.cour·


SADOlEBACK COM •••••• • •••••••• • • • • • • • ! • • • .... , . r•• •••• .• • t I i 4 • : :

• • •••• • ••••••

agcJ Ctir'"lllJ (.\l;i-:h P jut Om . "ho \\..ltchcJ h" 1cam lo'c 1b th1rJ -.1r.11ght lc:1gyc dc.:1~1on ··\\ c "c:rc JU't plain outhu,t lcJ ··

A prime C\JO\Pk \\J\ lh.11 (\l~I \\J

lam1tcd 11.i t\\ 1.l l>lfen,l\C rchounJ, m the f1r..t three qu.1rtef'I, "h1k the Roa­drunner' haJ mure J h.inJlul of 'c:conJ and thuJ \'.h;in..:c!> :it tht:1r end

.. RcbuunJ1n~ ,.., dc)irc: · Orrill ... ummcd up •

The game "J) clo.,e for the bette r part of the f1N quJrll.r. \\tth >:sJ­dkbacl ·!> Chrn Ur ..aJshJ\\ dropping a three-point l>hnt at the: buucr to !>trctch the ,i,1tor">· lead to 19-14 k the )econ~ pcriuJ tieg;in, S..adJlcb..ack scored on each o f ii!> fir~t fhc tnp~ do\\n the court to help 11\jnufJcture a lead that stood at 3'>·2 at h:ilft1me.


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sama Margarita iscapes ~Newport Harbor gave Eagles a scare, but fall by two.


NEWPORT BEACH • - Tht naal draauHk momtats tttt not tx· • act11 tlmt-apsult ma&~ • rial, bul Newport Harbor Hiab boys basketball coocb Bob Stn-ea 'wouldn't mind If tht ~tnls of Monday's Su View Leacut strualt •ilh Santa Marsarila re­malntd lmplanltd In. the minds ot hit )'OURI sqw.d.

The Sailors (10-12 O\'traU, J-7 In leapt), wbo u~t lht lt1pc-le1dJng EqlH, 51-57, Jan. 11, narrowly mis.std 1 HCOGd stannu O\'tr ,fonntr Harbor Coacb Jtrry· OtBusk•s Jugemaut, .aJ. .. l, al the Tars' om.

Bob Torribio made a pair or fttt tbrowl to mall.t It 43-41 witll 1:25. kft..

·but tbl'ft aubstquaat polRSsloos by ncb team l'alltcl ao prodllft any polnu.

Ne.,ort'• hal TaJyar, wtao nailed Ille p .. wlllltft' a& Ille bUuer la lht llnt Sula Marprita a~r, tame ., abort N 1 10-loot om-hanckr la tM 1aM wllla 32 see.di left, and Mlke Wle'a ltt-folc buellae J•mpu dJdn"l lulft a daaace as M 11 .. bltd over an

Ea&le ddtadtr witb n~ seconds ldt. " Poor u«tatlon la the flul two min·

u&es," said ~nn, ~the Kar· 1rtiss ... Wt llYt a put drort to ~ back In the 1a.e, bat ~ ... too many mlslakH to bnt • Sood teaat lie lhaL Hopefully, tlaal was d• ao oar )out.IL"

Antr lt1clin1 S-6 at llM net of OM quarter, N"port snade Jasc 4 of 13 fleld pal alttm~ OWi' ti.t Dal 11:14 to tall bdaiad. 21-17.

n.e bolts h&mtd up ....... ... lnteaslty lo close tH llmd ... rter wldt a 9.J rva. And after ~ Cftlll' Ramy Sbookry eanlH a ..,_ f llac play on aa olftulft ptll beck .... S:t1 atn, tbe Sallon Md doled .. ~

But S•krf, wllo a.11111• wD • lta•ll.lalt 17 polab, 11 nll111•1 .. thrtt blocbd &bots. ............ 1;56 ltft, alld the Newport eCltw 5tntgled wlthoat Ill ..... PJ· • .Tht Eastes (ls.J. 9-1) .._. .._ -6



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82 Tuesday. February 2, 1993

RliEllS: From 61

~ho '>a1J the '1tuat1l a (u,ing pl<t\er in hi nsnih :.cmell·

ll' r) h tu1.1lly 1lltgal, but in the 'amc t>re;llh di~ounced hlame on am Clne .

.. h •, JU't om: of those rare thing..\ and n.:all) unfortu· 11.atc," ,ajJ Blanton . " We h.1d an admm1 tracor. who hJ\ since retired, grant a a mnth cmc,tcr be· l JU\c he had <lune <,(l well m makm't up grade~ and ~"" \\llhm r.ingc of gradua· 11\Jn '

1 he ruh "'a' thal the ~tU· Jcnt thought he v. .;., .-.till at hlet1call) cli1?1ble, '>tnCe he had pla)Cd ~cer onl} when 1 frc:-.hman .

·· f h" i, n' t the: coach'" la ult ( DJ\ t: \ lcJ...1ernan ). 1111r 1hC' r ta~c·r,: "<lid Blan· 1<111 " ) " ' J l!C "a' OK. and h1' l!r 1Jc, " ere OK And 1t \\,1,n t th l: 1dmm"1rJt1on"• ! 11111 either II IA.J ' JUSl

'omcthtnl! t h at .. 11 ppC' d thr.1ugh th~: 1.r<1d ., ·

II " .,, nut unul the afore· mcnllllncJ rc11rcd .1d m 101'\· tr.stor rcJJ of g.11111: ac· uHlnt' ot tht: pla)cr ' par­t 1l'1r.1t1•in 1hat the quc-.tio n nl Im cla:1htl1ty l Jmc to l1~h1

HI inion 'ml he 1ntcmh to pc.: 11un11 1hc k·Jcuc lo allt11A. th : I ll!lc' Ill r· •rl l\.lf>JIC In

! he up.1.<1m111g ( II pl.ivotf., (.11.1 (jardc1l ( 1f\l\ C High 1111m the 0Jrdcn Gr~·e l..c.1 •uc.: in 1hc rcccn1 foot· h.111 pl 1\1,fh fottov.1n~ J '•m· 1111 'l'flC' of forfe it' hc1.:au~e 111 Ull U'IJ,11 ~·r·l'.um,lJO(C\)

I .. '

IEAICla: l:INlll 1111 Mir 11111 daClllDn ta Sldll8blCk From 81

About midway through the frrst half. Corooa·~ flr'lt ch.mcc wa~ thwarted when Saddlcback goalie Eddy Lope1 made a nice save when the hall wa<. dcllcc1td in the box off Bill R immer's free kick.

But 1hc Seu King.s go t the equah1cr lc'>s 1ha11 ·• minute be­fore h.tlft1mc by swanning the Saddlcback goal.

A long pa., from Rick Bahador Wd'i he;uJed b.)- Rimmer in the box o ff Lopez, who was unable to fie ld 1t cleanly. J ason Boyce ~ an the right pot 10 cont rol ~he re· bound and fi re at past the Sad· dlcback l<ccpcr.

ThJt wa'> 1hc last real legitimate threat for &he Sea Kmgs. "-hO "'ere outsho1, 14-5, in the match.

The Roadrunners fo rced the 1 sue in 1he second half and it fi· nally pJid off in the game-winner w11h about five minutes remain· ing Juan Arrcola's cros ing pass found Raul Montes deep in the box, and Monte'> made no mi'i· t..ike, pull ing the ball into the bad. <.>f the net off his forehead

CdM, med to force ,1 hc issue in the "•in mg moments, but never w uld create a rc.tSOnable sconng nppurl · tie

Bl 1n111n ,,ud 1~ 0 \Ir three n1111 le 1cm ~.tmc., J rc ' tall Ill

~l' l1wl ~d 11111 Corona del Mar goalie Brian Smith houts to teammate Mike Zoelle (3) to kick the ball out of danger from CdM net on Monday.

" \\-c can't " ' and mope about 11 , · ... 11d \. notmg the ea King' ,m! . m action toda~ .i~Jm,1 ( u, 11n " \\ c still have a tough 1hcJd

Today's TV-radlo Deep sea

TELEVISION Colle9e BHketball ·

' u am -t,•1,s;;i ~ 'SH c:>r ', .: 30 o'" - 1•11c11 t.1 c• !>t ESP'1 , D rr1 - S• le~ S OeP.iul 1 •.. /11 ; J :: 'Tl - t.r. arisu-LSU r.;;•1 10 '30 ;J m -Rice HOW~ ... ·? ic a ni - r.• c11 I.' c~ Si E.S.-'1

Pro Hockey .: "' :- - Y ng Q,.,~:;,.cc ....

Pro Buketball


' . ; 'i r • t 2! :t ~ . ..



TBS 5 30 p m - t.eis ·Spurs. WOR

• 7 30 pm -Mac•t · la~m PT .

Boxln9 9 pm - at Au!lurn H s USA I a m - at A~t>.m s USA

RADIO Pro Hockey

4 30 p.,, -K:~s-c ..... ::ec )(TR~ 1£30

Pro Bas~etball 7 30 pm - 1.1J . C·La•t:I), Kl.AC 1s10, 7 .30 p m - s~·s·C ~;iers , l"H ?C (710

In the bleachers


D AVEY ' S LOCKER - 2 'o n 3 \ ang t:rs 6 t a.ico bass. 19 Jarlle sand bass 118 ba.rn~da 30 y! OW'.3 I 14 scu pm 10 ~pt>ud 16 'roo 15 mac•e1e 3 "'" ~e '~.,

N EWPORT LANDING - 2 b • . 30 a:ic; .. S I ~ C...) 12 tiass 2 seu';r. I t.00.:J 2 S etptlel~ 73 rtld. · e·et 2• ci:ac~s't ·n perc•


J~ ;)

" Check 1t out , Dewey . This is bizarre. They're dangling worms right in front of my nose and I won 't even nibble. Now. if they had been here yesterday. I would have nailed 1t ... go figu~e. "


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Local schedule Todar

BHkelb•ll . Co ~e tre'l - SO&lttlem Ci lomla

Co~ce at Po rJ lom3 Nuarene 7 30 COf.t~e .... omen - Sol.I:.~ Cu!omia

C~e;e •1 Po.r1 Lorna Nawme 5 30 H ;ill schOoC !j"1S - llCul\I H s JI

h 1.111Ci.i 7 Cei:Jry a1 Costa Mesa 7 COIQ0.1 Ctl ~lar •I Sat:<! e.!latl(. 7, Nf"NllOll 1-UW 11 Sa"Q I>~ ;at;!.a, 7; t.Uttr Ott oil I.' ss>on VieJJ 7

Soccer H.;'l s~· " :>.;1s - Co:7.a eel I.'.~ .a

l~ • 3 1!: •'. .-.":Ir .ice ii 1.e ... i>Oll 3 t !I t<~ ~ ~ ; s - lA; o#'..i H s .i

h:i!Y.ra 3 l!i Cr•.r1 at C~u t.•eu :! S Colt

Comr:a.i ·, co ~· - Orait;e C~I • l Co ece et... Cift,~ s a <:.Jf

Wednesday 8Hketball

C~«JTll '1 t..-~ (!le-\ - Sa.::: c:.;ac, ~I C·a'r.e c~a~I i

Com-.un.•1 cc t1;e ~Qmtn - Onnoe Coasa • t Sa;(t~Jc" 7

H ;n s:.~cl l:>O)S - t,t #.t>v1 •t \'. cc:!:>nd~e 7 JD, T11s:.n •I Coior 4 C!el l.'ar 7 30 La;UN H Its •I Lla.ic..a 7, te :.iry a1 t.i~u Men• 7. 1.1.te1 Ctr ~t II ~SIOll \'11:10 7 30

WrHtlln9 H , !I scnoot - Sacu MatQlllU iii

1 .... pun Hamor 6 pm Soccer

H gll SChOOI bvtS - Llguna HJIS al H t.ix•• 3 1 ~ Ctt .:..iy at Cos11 ._4eu 3 15

Hyh schOQI g'41s - 1 USIJll II CdM 3 1 5 t>ev. pert a1 Wocx!bnelge 3 I s

Golf • COIMV" If co.ieoe - t.~ San Antonio

Cerr ct OCC at Costl Mtsa' GI.CC 11 am.

Top 10 Orange County high school ""' basketball

Dally Pilot selections Poa., t eam record 1. Mater Oe1 22· 1 2 Huntington Beach 19-3 3 Santa Margarita 17 · 3 4 Trabuco Hl'ls 17-5 5 Sonora 18-3 6 Kennedy 18·3 7 Esperanza 16-5 8 Los Alamitos l 7 -4 9 Capistrano Valley 1 ~ -8

1 o Tust.n 16·5


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Newport Beach/Cotta Meaa Daily Pilot Ii

I I Tuelday, Fe~ 2, 1883 U

Community college baseball prev1ew

Pirateg hopeful new blood can blend. into .. a guick fix

NIWPOrt Harbor nnds ltsell crltlcal pllght attar 8-1 setback ~ No more chances left with Woodbridge coming to Newport Harbor today.

-one or ju ' three g<>3-l~ llred in league again)t the· l:tlentcd uglc~ (only the 1ec:ond non ·pcnalty l.1cl to

\ • find the net).


• New coach (John Altobelli), and a new crop of freshmen gives Orange Coast a new look. By Dennis Brosterhous SPolD Wr tr

COSTA MESA - \ \ 'e lcoming a new permanent h ead coach for t he firi.t time since 1976, the Or.loge

'Co:i t College ba\cball team ore<.L· L.L-............... ' .... · .llLLL-lwW---]

Friday with n mca~urc of op11m1 m.

J o hn Altobcllt replace!> long-11mc P irate)' coach· 1ng mai n !llay M 1l.c Mayne, and after ht!I tc;un en­d u re d a tough i.ummc r campaign, thing'> Maned -;h.iping up fur toalot du r ing t he fall, according to t he nc" mentor.

"O,crull, l w:i) \Cry "-llh 1hc gu),," ~aid Altobcll1. "Our pi1cher s finally le i our Jcfeni.c help 1hcm out .and 11 paid off."

The P irate begin ~cJring up for \\hJt figure:. to be a very c:om­pct1thc Or.1nge empire Conference campaign '.'hen they open the T im P allCr!>on M cmorwl ·1ourn1mc111 :it College ot· the De-;ert 1n P alm Spring' on F r iday :1g.11n't ChaftC) Conlcrc111:c pb) bl.'g111 ... l·cb. 27, with t he Oucs ho!l t ing SadJkbacl. . .

Allobclh, 29, w~1' h ire d in early Jul> tu rcplJce M a)nc, -who \\Cn t 21-15 in hi., l 111al :.e:i:.on la)t \Car. ~1-\nc Ju.I not lea'e t he cupboard har i.:. a., lherc'i. 4uitc a hai o f C\pl'ricncc av:.11bblc.

"We're the ~lccpcr~ (111 C\>nf1:rcnc1.:)," ),11J Ahobclli, " bccau:.c nut too ma•}) \\ill be u' You \c gut tu hl..c R.incho Santiago un top, b(J t C)prC\!> and Rt\' \ hould hi.' 11ght there

tuo • .1nd fulte rton ha:. a ' '' o f t ;ilcn t coming h .tek from la'l )ear. JC.:lOrJ1ng to t he COU IS.

" \\c\.e •o t :1 cham.c tu 'IUr ri'c: '!>umc >cv le. I'm c\ )Cl.ling ;i t. O'>C r .1ce that "'!n't be J eciJeJ tM1t 1I t 11.: 1111.11 i:o uplc o game,,

fatanua l l1gh ra~ht-h.indeJ trc ... 1'\ le \\ 1bon hi.:.11.h 1nll1 the l>CJ!>On J\ 0(.C\ h)p \lJrlCI " Ile\ a \(C,1J;r l)fl..: \\ ith !;~l\IJ mcd1· n1ci.." Allulic lh ,.11J of \\ 11\0n. " I It' thn •":. t .a...tb:il1' and ~hJcr.. and h..l' a gooJ dtJngc- of pJi:e."

Another 'ltJrtcr t1gure' to he ' oplhrnl\1re Phi~ Jc11,en fr,1111 l ·da

'l\>ll 1 l agh. J1::n)cn p1td1cJ 1n 'h\.Jrt rclicf 111 1 99~. anJ "·'' U· I \\Ith

Hr9h school girls High school girls

a I.SU earned r un average in 18 inn ing!>. l);mn lJabttluck, \\ ho \\ :Ii. 4-1 with a 5.57 t:.RA tn St inning ...

and ~1 ~1rk Sec. a rc<l!>hart fresh man from Urmer~ily "111 ba11h: for the 1hmJ llpot in the ro tation.

f·ormer Ocean View H igh s tandout quarterback and left ·hJn<lcd pitt.hcr Randy Kurlincr returns to the area foll0\\111}; J !>tint at thc Un1,c r-.11y of ~fosbsippi. K arliner will !>tart the !>Cal>on a'> the team'!>, "ith the plan being to build ham up 10 .,,Jrung wme games la t e r in t he !>CU!>un

" We're :i t K arlinc r , our lop ldt ­hander, ai. a guy " .ho might get some !>pot '>larti. late in the )t!ar, " !><Hd A h obelli . " H e could :ibo pla)· sornc ou1ficid for U!>."

The catching 'pot &ecame Coa!>t'!> b1ggei.1 \\hen Oui.ty W:lth:in, wno hit .3~1 a!> a (rc,hman. ''a!> rule d academically incli~1blc . That leave Dam:n Drink , who h it .29~ an 34 at-ball> a~ a back-up last year ,. and Cypress Col-lege 1r.1n'lfcr Drian Igoe to fight it out , \\ith J J r-

1 b II'

rctt M urphy bJc l.ang t hem up. • A to e 1 T u p c;andidJt e:. around the infield include 6 -lout-4 J u::. tin I !...ilp

er at fir:.t ba!le, fatancia H igh produ c t Curtis B ruce at ~el1.rnJ. lch· hani.Jcd h itt ing G reg F obom battling Ben S t rack at th,ird ;inJ r.J . Graber, mu\ing over from second ba!le, :it llhOrt .

I l .1lpcr i.., con .. 1J1.:rcJ pcrhap!> the Pirate!>' 10p prote ..... 1on;.il pru'­pcu " J u-.1111 1'1 lOnung into hill O\\ll ai. J pla)er anJ .1 lc;.ad1:r llll th 1' te.1111," !>Jtd Altobelli. - <

Urui.;e, meamd11lc, gets a · chance aft e r i.illmg on t hc be n...11 1111 ntli't ,11 IJ't !lca ... 0 11 \\hen he hit . 19~ in 36 ;it·hJ li. "Uru'c hJd h~ f;Jr t hl· he t fall of JOY P trJtc," :..ud Altuhell r. ''hu ligurc'!I t h£ .1b11 m11.:ht be the P irate!>· lop ba:.c-runn111g thre.11

In the out111:l~I \\Ill be UC fl'\inc trani.h.:r ·\ arun \\i.:l\!I. I Jrnn: r Oc { ddl.'11'11\c h.h.~ R1d1JrJ l:.rn '>l JnJ J11111her L ... 1;.inl1.1 ll 1gh p1 ... lud, l';tul ~h.1J.111 1cl'I, ''ho hJll '>pent 111, c.:Jrc1..r tu J iu-. P.:\llnt l>d11nJ the plait

· ~ld).1111eb un h11 for po\H.:r. run. thro'' .111J hat l11r J\ er.1~c." ~ 11d It•' ll11dl. • 1 lt" ll he uur lc.1Ju1 r haller, ,,1111.h i ... 1 Ill" ruh.· hH him. h111 he.., lc.11n111g " ""

Tars, Santa M.,..-tta play to 1-1 deadlock in Sea View action

CdM bombards Saddleback, 6~0

.Riptides· victorious·, 2-1

By Barry Fa.ilkner S~1WMt1


r\CH O SANTA ~ 1 ARGAR l'l A Tud;.ay " another day for the Nc\\-pOfl I lur· bor I l tgh boy~ so<.:ccr 1e:irn . Th:rnl. gooJnc!>

I he SJilors get the pcrfcc1 rcmcd) for M onda)'!> 6· I s~a Vic1.1. Lcagui: IO'I'> 10 f1r'>l ·pla cc San1a MargantJ, the top· ranl.ed 1e;.im an Orange Count). \\hen WdoJbndgc \ l'llb tuJJ) in ;i nll!i.I ·'>' 111 game fur both te:.irns.

" (l udJ)) "ill be J dtl krcnt g.1mc," l'c'"JX>rl Coach Ll1as ~hehadi aiJ folio" ing the SJnta t.tirgJrit:i Je· bade, "h1ch \\J\ t1eJ. l·I, a l h:ilf-11mc, before t hing:. got ugl)-

" The'c gU)!> :ire hc;.iting e\ef)· lmd)," ,;,i1d Sheh.1d1, \\hO sa\\ hi'> te ;1m forge a lll orcle!>lo tac 1,1.i1h the t-aglcs 111- thc1r pre\ 1oui.. lcaguc meet·

1111,'!,' " W t' c.1n'1 let thb offcct u-., be­l.lU'>C \\I.' stall h.l\C fj,c game:' left. \\ e~ nl.'.cd to be.11 \VoodbnJge (toda~) .111J CuronJ Jel ~IJr Thur,JJy"

~.1 n la \1Jrgar 1t.1 ( lli·O 3 U\erall, 7-ll-3 111 k 1guc J u,.._.J t he \ 1ctury tu c:.11 -.1ruh rJ\I Cl1M , ;.Ill up,lt \ IC l tm tu S:iJJkh.1. I. ~k nJ.i,, :.ind into fir:.t pl 11.e b\ 1J le pu111 ·

l l:Jrl ,11 (6· 7-~. '.!·3--! J .11 uint bchinJ \\ \.Judl nJ •c

, bd1111J , lh1rd·pJJCC S lJ-dlch:icl,, f ,;i.:11 '!- u premium on 1hc 11,c 1111.i! JX)1~1r-;.:tt111g opportu11111 '") :.i~.1 n,1 c~guc 101:,

'>.1JJlcba k .1 ~J \\ ~ >Jbr1J~-.: .ire 'ur l\lL•1 ..:t1t1u l. 'ii d. Ja .... ud~

I h.: ~.11lur-. ll I' pdcd "cll · tur the l1r I 4 I llHOUk' ~tonJ.I), ll\tlCh111g

ESCAPE: From 8 1 . 1 ~11'1\C l•1uJ.,. .. 1 II l\C'IUH' l.111, .111d

. 111 111 .111\l'l·d t 1dd i.:11JI .111empt "ftm ,1111 111· h.111d ' l \\f"'rl '>l·,er.11 "Pl'• tt lUllllll" to t l

'J he 1 ar~ tnlly c-ame 10 1hc 22nd minute when ~cnior Chris H ul!_tcr _ 'cnt the bnll into the penalty'bo'< to a ~1rc.1k1ng Ju ) l1n Kctch:im Ketcham CJ~cu the ball Lu the ught ~hie. of----1 the net \\hc11: J am ll1d.> fioii.hcJ from 5 )•lid:. OUI .

" h v.,1\ a bc11ut1lul pl:n : s~11d She· hadi. \\ hu pra1wd h1~ SJalor ' fir:.t· hi.tlf effort, J) mg· "\\ c: t\Jo l tlmn uut o f their game "

S:rnt:i Mt1r~:m1,1, v.h1...l1 u p<nl·d the: ' onns in the t l11 1d minute \\h. I Geo rge fired home :a !!Oal, w:i~ d .t\· t i'icd h\ Coach Curt Uaut'r. :tl hOJll· tame tor "hst hi: tcrrncd ''ll) tar the11• \\Or!>t tf(1 ri of the \t:;sr"

Dau \park), "h~1 mi:.~cd 3 pcnalt~ l.1c k 1n rf-ic l1r 1 meeting IO m:.iiotatn the S('Ordc ,· tki.1Jlud:. c.1rr.cJ re· dcmp1io11 10 lhc ~tllth nunutc of lhc '!lecond half. kaptng 10 boot home ;.i

John UJmfurd corner k 11.. I.; for .ill the L1glc "uuld need ·

Sp.lei.:!> and Gc\11gc ;,iJJcJ their \ CC·

ond gu:ih of the game 10 lu;lp crcJtc the bkl\\11u1. "h.1lc ..,t;irtin~ ~o;.ill ccpcr M all Rei,, pl:i)lllg a:. :.i t1cJJ pla:cr. \.cored an the fin.ii tv.o m:i1utc' to lap the ul frn,1\ e ou tl1u r\l

~1 1)..c l· l!;iJ 111m: )a•C' tur t he: SJ 11 r,, "ho ,,c1c 11u1-liu1 1'~"' and r lq111rcd lk1' tu rn.1~e JUsl l\\O

Sa\ Clo.

H untC'r, ''!Hi m1s .. cd ti 1.:

pmcs \\tlh 311 a=iUc •

.1\ c l n .1 ~ .1 t ~ ~ l:i rl!'lr ...L ~lot th .. t hud :ilrc..1 h t c Jten I·rc:c" 1·1 ;111d \U'

d..: 1incJ I r tic ~t SEA VIEW LEAGUE

San ta Ma rgarita e, Newport Ha rbor 1 ......... , ,. 4 v Tt(; "'"'

!3-• ~ • ,,VS f • ~ '. " -:>Cit H.t~ s~ n.:·~ • SJ•U r r "la,~ S

I ".a? ••

Boys basketball SEA VIEW ~EAGUE

League Overall W L W L

Sin:.i M,1;a· •1 ,, T11.' :i . ~

111 \C II In 1111l·

11! ti' hip Jl'lcn,l\l • I~\

'\l \\ PC>H I (i • Six CdM ptayers scar~

IR\ INI:.. - I he R 1pt1Jei.. \\Ill be \\ ,t\C" 111 ~I irdt .11 l C l l\11ll' .11 the ... ccttlH1:1I fin:lb fullo\\lll\! ~lvnJ.1\\ :!: 1 \ 11,.hlf\ U\er ;\ , ir1h ll"\1 n c fur the Arca 0 Ch:!mp~11'h1p. ,\ J1.,_1.,1on "";lh 111· dud1..) Co,tJ ~ t~ ... J. Nc:\\port OeJch, CnrunJ Jel ~!Jr, ll"\1111,; :.111J I u ... 1111 ' l " pn11 pl 1Hd h .11d .md ,.., s ~ '6 6

5 ~ 'i IC

t'll\llt\ 111 lht \C,I '.J '\(Ill, lhc. '\ llAJi.llt I I 11 ll\1r H 1d1 gar I' '1.:" c;r team c,11111:d J I I lit.' ,1j!,lll\\I h11?hl'f ri:~. tflll\I '\Hit.I

~1 . 111!Jt1tJ \1unu;n . til l rn'"'n

CO RO~\ IJl: L

\1;\R - ( oh111.1 Jd i \l.1r I l a~h ' ~111-.. '111..-1.'er 11...1111 p ut tonh .1 , ) • ,

hil.1n"..:J df\J1t Ill ~~· J1,pu'lni: t•l · ''"'Ill!! ~~ '>JJJkbJ" I. \lonJ,I\ · - ._,.. .

I h1.. :-.. .:,\p">rt A\ ~O 01,1 .. 1on IV entl) to r g irl ' .1g1:: IO·l 1 .1nJ l,l,1d1lJ h' (1knn Ro.,~. ::.nJppcJ a 1·1 11e \\Ith JU'!>l l\\ u 1u111ute' 1c111.1111111g "hen K .1t1c Welh\.Jurn '..:orc:J w put 'e"fXHl l'~er the: ., p •

\\ db,iurn \\ho h.tJ three :.a\ e) "h1k pl.1~1nl! Ill th.: net 111111,; I r't hall. 10111..:J gl1.1l-1cnJ111g Ju11e' "''cr Iv Jc,,1,a \ ndru'.. \l•l\1.:

'·•\C) 111 th..; ' ei:onJ half !\.1.·"r0r1·, lk~1thc r l'app.t' ,,\)11,:d 1h:


B. •t>h' ,, ·"" '"' ..,., ~II p1 qi.ired ' n.:uu,k l'fl'lkd Hut \IUf ll:.llll d11l nnt rt l\ "1\.trl •• \1 .111 111J Ilk I

1 h I • <. d I • ) &!I\ l: I h,11 1'.lllll , l\I. , I\

. Ctiron• del Mer ' 6 11 ,_

Hewpor1 Harbor 3 7 ·o 1:-.. J 7 ,, .( . 5 1~ . .

Monday' • Sc ore• • Newport 41

• CdM 8 5

1 h-.: 'i,ulur' 1ci ij I 11\ r.111, J., I 111 thl 'icJ \ tl\\ I "'·1~uc> hi.Id 1

\ h •llll' to "111 tal.1ni: .1 I 0 h: .1d 111\tl the '>Cl..lllHJ h.11! ,l.11."\ (1tll"\ h e 'ac.lcJ Ill •• \.Onll.'I !..Ill. b) ..,hdh l \ auhun I" 011nu1t·, 1111 • 1 he llr't h f In put \o c1.1. pNI 111 Ir• in t

1lkrm.>- l , ~:.11 • ,j, 0

pl.1~1: '' an l hc ~\.Of ng C11lumn cn IOUIC hi .• t1·0


'>1111. \\ 1t ·.111t1 "'"'h .. 11mm11 ll I )l ' l lllfllt \l:I' t11 lhl \Jthir' 'l l. h,1J llh 111 lh•l' Ill th" u 1, 1.11 !ttt11th ; uuJ 1 lw I .11.:lc 1111 Jll'I l~fll- .:7 11111 ( ' lpeh.·1111 induJ 111~ If l.i\11rh. but I l.111>or 'hut a 111.::.: ~II i l'l~l'lll (JJ ol J~) •

WedaHd• 't • O• m•s 17. 301 New por1 Harbor ,•,

Cj \ 1.:" Lc.1guc '1d111 ~ ,,.. 1 h.: " 1nnc1 ) 11el,J

•. Coron• del Mar

OUTHUSTLED: mal.111g Ill an the pem.J SEA VIEW LEAO\IE

u • ~ -l ,.

It "J' ) ·U .11 h;illt1m.: .1t1t·r

\ k ~Jll '" ""'ll, \ 11 I l.1\ 11111~ 'ilC'· 1.1111\.' J fo~fl(' ( .l't\ \41,.l l.111e I ,11 Ch1 1' R .111d.1ll Jrl1\c: h\lllh. \\tnn.h

- the: l11l=hl1~h t \,'\11111111! \lll \k C l.11tc:', hl·.1der \'II a i:w'' ltl'l\I P·''' lro111 I l1lk .tr\ Kdir 11

From 81 S111ddlebac 1t 74, Coro na d el Me r &5 Saddleback Coron• del Mar PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE

S EA VIEW LEAGUE Saftt• • • rv•r"• 431 Newport H•rbof 41

fg ft pl Ip lj It p f IR >. I ~ 1J ~'' \' • • ~ • I J 1 T \ 't 11!'41! 4 ' !., Jl27 \\ :ctt J1~6

) ) ,, r i.:in ' fi 3 ~ 3 ' 1 11 ()Jn ) I~ 4 ~? IOJ?Si"•UO 310• J 0 l I I I 3 : coio 10: • c. 0 0

Senta Mar .. rl\lt N--1 He!Mr "' ft pf tp .. " pf tp

't • • I •

E ala n cle T ~.u" l..L ~ry l ~i H s •• ~ J I! icll Costa Me sa

League Overall W L W l • ' ,~ 9 ! '! l7 s j J H 6 3 3 9 10 2 10 6

luWc\lr. the l .1i;lc' { 11 ·2 "', "' I 'I c .1rnc d 1 he Judhll. I. I 11 nun l ilt' llllll 1h1.· ,, 1.1111d h .ill 1111 .111 u 1.1'"'tld b\ I rrl. ·1 - l k\ 111'

' n(a M,1r~ .11 1 t .1 h ,1\1 " 1111 tht ltr-..1 11 it'-'hup hct\H'l.'ll 1 ht ' ' 1111' ,·,u -11 I lhl .. \C,1'4lll , '·I

'c.' \l.f'llHl I' ,11 \\ 11ndhr 1Jcl.'

\ 11Jr1.:J ~u"on ,1JJed ~ ,c: ... 1111d t .. 111 i;oal ;inJ g111ll.;l.'l.'f'C:f l .1111.1 D11111111sh1 pr l1ll'di.:d the: '>htll1tl1t

'' 11 h a p.11r 1>1 'Jh'

I h.: \C1.1>1hl h.111 lc.11urc:J llll.

{ J\\ r.111~: 111~1cad, the f{o.1J­

runncr .. .:un1111ueJ thl.'ar hut 'ht>\ lt·

111~ h\ Jnllang h of 9 from the f1clJ

111 the 1h11d te r tel p.1J the .1J · ,,1nt.1c.e to I' cnti:rmg t he 1111.ll

pl 111td

\ .1dJkb.11:I. d1J mu .. h ui 11' "url.

proli:ding t h.11 lc .1J 111 lhl.' to urth

llU ,1Ttc1 at l ite: free -thro " ltne.

,, Tol•I• ,~ I :Ii 14 Tolalt I · 23 :3-,£)

Score br Quarter11 - • To1ela S.;lo. < I j 1w 11 'I • •

To\ltle Score bf Ovar1•"

We d nesda y' • Game• (7 ) .. t :. 1 .i: Co a te Mesa

Cl)l:N'~ ~· U u H .: ~ '"•w ~ti .i: Es tanc ia la~.r.1 B " .i• " :>..-co ti \ \ l Ul1c,J.1y lht•n h11\1' ( 11111111 dl'I

\I ir I r1J ,1\ turun.1 1111(H1>\"' 111 11-l -h ,1, 1·

. all. 5·~-3 111 lcJgue pl .1~


)~~\ ~ ~·-a.~~•d L'f! L~J., ~•It ' C{lrClfol Cd L\io' - ~\t!t""-MI l tHITI ' v, ~ ' Tfdritli I.Ill Bii..~.f• ~)


PUBLIC NOTICE O u S HOULD OF lltE PROCEEDING ".tnces ancs h i mated Fo.m ull>.11yme<11 A.I p.ay "t tl'eteol 390104 Bl>Olt - P~O' - ol uie ... 1 be m;»de bu1 w•lh YOU , Y C "I 1om.1 q.lb6J



ments tnu~I bo b'I' car.I\ l-'l n.~ 0 s .. c.. .....0,...~y Offic .,I Reocorcss ln the ot ~I co~tt1•nt Of ..,;t1T,ll"" CONTACT A LAWYER. Th0

e und~IJ9'1,.d Tl\.~I,.,. AGAINS T YOU , YOU cos)) an\l rp•~'f«<'li•T(1s - "'·~ w " ,.. ,_., R CS or OR ., ...._ •'"n " I .... t '"' SHOU' .. CO.,T .. " T .. $.8.SOO OO AP "'"'X1M". ce<lll "'' Chl"C'" c.aa.11 "' 0t °' 11 ..,,1 ol pro~tty sh.a .be l.ce or the ecor ~ · • •1>1•:.>ed or 1mpt•t'd , re """ f-et><u 1rv ::I a:,~ .111 o s.-: ... tms '1y ·'"' 7 ' ...., " - .. THAT noi.ce °' bre ch or

De partment of the treuu1N s ChKIC or bV .l ~tte<l 10 ~ redeemed ANGE County. C~otomoa ~rdof'9 we poueut0n. 1 30 pm R., ~" Reocon any tne0t•eclt\ess o tt>l' LAWYER. N•d ob1t9:\I on atwJ " uon T re•auf"'t,1ntetnal Un tlh.I SI.Ii.!. poi..l.ll b.a"il UP9'1 P ymetll to Ill• pur· e••Cuted by GARV R or eocumbl.lnces, '° P.l'Y veyance Co. a C-\ l.:>m1.1 strtti a ddress •na <>'.h0t ON FlBRUAR"I' 9 1993

10 s.a '-1d i 1 orO~'f S TATEMENT OF Aeverwe Service e apre!oS , o r IOlegr tph Cl'IUN °' 111 c.>se he c;.,, EHRNMAN ANO MA RV the rem31n1ng pnnc1pet corpor.lltOn u 1ne Oul'I' :Ill>' common des qn,11 on ' 111 10 C? AM INTERSTATE ,..

81 re corced

11 In

ABANDONMENT OF Nol"'9 of mOnl''I' ordt'I Moh• Cl'IKI< nol bo. I°""" in the counl ANN EHRNMAN HUS sum ol tnc notC(SI St'Cureoo POtn!eel TrustN unoer and ;my st'IOW" l'lere n LENDERS ASSISTANCE. strumeni 68n:l2 on Se It'd 8'd S.1 e °' mooey orde< PJ'f.ltlle 10 in wtucn 1,,_, 0~ '° ~ BAND ANO WlfE .lS Tf\JS b'( sa>d Ot'td ot Tf\JSI, ..,,th put~u.,nt 10 ~N ol flu I S.a.d S..l e ,,, ft be """ • INC u ~ppoontec OCTOeER g 1!n2. ol QI

U SEi>F FtCTITIOUI Un\Jer Ille auln01 !y In In- 1"- ll\letn31 Rev9'\u. SOf r.OettmNl 11 ':iualed lhen tor IMCO A.EAL TV SER inle<est tne1C!Otl as p<O- R"'corded on Fet>ru.1-v 6 Ix.I "' tr-out CO•lr\.1 I °' Trlltlee or S1Jccessor locoilll Records In lhe ot1•ce BUSINESS MAME twno l Revenue Code .lif'C• ~-ce IO tn.t Secr4.'t.iry I~ 'lhe VICES. INC A DH.AWARE v•CSed 1t1 said n0tc(t.I ad 19'J2 ,u Dol:Vl'"ent ,,_, 1.:!· "' l"'illll\' , ••OfeU 0t 1m Trvr.tH U"d.. nc pur&u ol the Count'I' Record« ()(

The following pefM>OI llQt1 6331. ltle p1oporty d• Nllure o1 T.1 e . Tho 119n1, u!.e ol Ille purcheser h•S CORPORATION AS GEN· vanees. if 1,,y urwJ~ the 071921 Bool< -. Plllt - pl14Ml , l Ur . P<I~ ""I 10 OHO o1 T"'s.t •~ ORANGE County St.le of I ..,. •bl\ndoned the u" ol &Ct•bed below l\IS been trite , ilnd inter•~·°' the I.I\ heirs or HSI n• • . th• ERAL PARTNER OF. AND terms Of lhe Deed ol Trust. 01 O"•CI AKOrds n l"" session or ..-~uml>"'\(1$ K'l.'CJ t>y ERIC v HOLT c °""" t t·~ FlChltOUS 8us1n•ss s~zfd lor noripiyment ol p.lyt't (Mmtd above) 11'1 moo•\ t p ·d by ~ucn pur NOMINEE ON 8EHALf Of' e sltmated IHS, charges olf•C• of lh• AtC()tOer ()! 10 P.l'f Ill • ,.,,, , ""'1~ P'lt'CI ANO JAMIE L HOLT HUS TN•t- or Nl'ty COfl-"Im • MASTE R TRAIN 1n1erN11 revenue 11~111'1 dVC lf'd lh• pioporty IS oneted Ch l~I l 'ld 1nterHI lhOfeon IMCO REALTY SERVICES and upense s ot the Ori.lnge OCXlf'lry Cl lorrua p.a.1 SUIT' ol , .... Nll"t'\~ M 'J AN O ANO Wlf E AS lHS' CONSORTIUM, t().128 lrom J mes P & l.Au1.:i lee 10< ~·e s.1.11>ioct 10 .111y l)(lor ;at ' the r lle OI 20 cenl A CAUFOl'\tl lA LIMITED Trustee arid ot the 1rus1s e .. cult!d by LUIS E cured by s 1+\l Dee" Of JOINT TtNANTS .u Trv51or due: Ung S .. e INTER• A,.clle A1111r Allenue , Hutton 2284 1 R1d90 Route v,ll1 1J lTIOrl ~r ~im 'm pet PARTNERSHIP, as Benell· cre;it"d by s.l•d De«! of ROCCO ANO H E:LE N Trv I "' Ill "l~Ut thofeoo for lne t>eno"1 1nd sfl'C:unty STATE lENDEAS A~ F*'nllln Vllley, Cini Dr. EJ Toro. Ca 92"10 9.l<J~. encumb1, nct1. Ot tt~I uol Junt<>r Encvm· C•.11'11° Wlil. J;ELL AT PUS- Trvst 10-wit $ 113 91794 ROCCO. HUSBAND ANO il~VOVdl"CI n s.1·0 "'0te ['1 or H J O'CONNOR. flt ,\N SISTANCE, INC.

108 ~ The property w.11 be sold ottoer l•cn1 1n l,wor or third bf lnUS LIC AUCTION TO THE Eslt,,;:lled WIFE Woll M' ~ JI publ•C OIS'v W...f'\ •I .1ry u ler t!ll" UN-.CARR1(0 MAN H 8<"'1 1714~ l rv1ne Blvd,, FlchllOOI Bus•non et pvbllc 5.llo undt'• se;ilOIJ po1t1tns •' 0·' Ml 11'1(' '"' S~c til39i'-I Eltect ot HIGHEST BIDOER FOR Accruod l"!e•C'Sl Urtd 'd OVChon 10 lhO tlr(llit:>I M:J 1erms ol • I d Dt•N I)/ ('! c .'lry .inJ rf('ort le\l .. ~Ir\ Suite 2 00, Tustin, Cal

tWne 1•ltt1ed 10 lbove l>td S prOlllded by lntcrnJI p.lyCr lh:ll .uo 1upcoo1 10 J oJl'\40f l:ncumbrances CASH. (p<lyable 8l t1mt OI dtt•O" .1 3dv3f\CeS 11 any, der, lor C U h CJ>h•C!i°~ lrus.I IH'll Ctl II J•'~ •'l<I ttrumenl NO 91..11111 JO on fo r n I e 9 2 &8 0 T e I: W9 Med on OfiVlgo County Re11enuo Coco 1ect1on rh.- lion of tho'd A cerMc,\tO 01 salo of per H it in l,1wlul money ol lhc will lncroase th s 1t9ure checl\ drawn on a s1..i1e or e~·n10es o1 tl'oe ll'\ttotf'I' JVLY 1, t'l'll ORANGE. I

11 41 8 3 2 •119 1 April tl, 199 1 File 6335 and rel led rt-gula St."rll All propeity ,, 1os~ · $0/\., 1 ll'OPOtty gllltn °' 8 United States. by cash, • prior 10 sale n11t1on111 b.1nk, a checi.. " 01 Ill• 1ni~•-. C1e.1te<J co,m11• S'"• 01 C •om., T

5 te N

2 977•

N9 r•9 l ~I lions. lctred lor s;i1e "wno11 cso.•d 1., rt'Jl prol>Cf'IY •~ casruot's chock orawn by• The benehc1nry under dritWn by a stato or ledl'• by "OPIXI ol lluo;;t Will Sl LL At PUBLIC na•t- a • · • $ 9' Aron Etchemendy , O;i1e B•d• wtll be 0Pt'"t'd 3n\) • 11s IS rid W•lhOUI 1e l'(UIOU kl•'>U \111 '" IOCl•on St.11• or na11on.ll bank, a S:\•d ~d ol Tf\J!ol hl!fl'IO cred•I unron or ,, d't><k Tho IOUI amount I)/ ~.,. AUCTION TO HIOHlST •

71 Blue L.nntom. Din. Tuhd·'Y Febfu.1ry 16, 1'l-JJ cooru ;19J1nS1 lhe Untl•hl t..ll8 ~;<tll cl SCl1t11go 'vch <:heel\ drawn by a SI ,. °' IOfC t•OCUICd .l"d Cleh~ dr.1 ... n by,, SI.lie OI IC'de• ' uop;id ba '"' " I !!lot 0 ~ OIDDlR FOR CASH A Date : J ANUARY 12 , ~•t, C ltl 92629 rime 81as .,.. ,11 t>e Opi.>nod St lll'J N" 9u.11.inty or "'·' ' proiwtt'( lrom 1 ~ l•ens en- lcdcral bed1t union at a ered to lhe undff1>1gned 1 '""'"9' and lo.l'I ·' "' ~1.1 9,HrOn ~ cutfd by '""' CA s H 1 EA ~ CHE C " t M l J.IV• Lynn Towne 10428 2 00 P"I tMly. t•ptOUed 0t 1m cuitillf ittic ,, all\l lolles 'ove1 check Cir wn by a st.:ile Of wrtnen Ooc:l.1ti1l•ori ol De 1ton 0t s .. h*ll>Q\ b l nl\ spe;;:1 pto~l'y 10 titt 1101t1 •M Ol'IAWN ON A STAl( OR INTERSTATE LENO­

/I, Che River A..,e,,ue, Pt ce ol S;t!e ln1e<n.1I p'ed,1$m.1C1e .11 tolhevJ wh•ChlhehenollheUnoled ledet~ S.l11t1'9S atld lo.1n lolullandlnrm1nd l0tSale, fedl,,Sechon5102olltoe re•sonablf e\l im •ltCI NAl lONALRANK A SfAH E R$ ASS ISTAN C E , ~ n11ln V1 1te y, Cell!. Rewnue Service , 2•000 h4•tY o1 tn1s Mle, qu.iloly StatC'S "' •It\ res.peel to ssoc:11:111on, 53~"9' IS· 1,,d a wnlttt1 Nol-ce of De- Finr\ Code an.j lul~., C'O'>ll ••l>C'<l$n ,111d a OR FCOIH!Al CRt.:('ltl INC., AS TRUSTEE.,

A1111J. Am 32038, LaguN qu,nlory, we.ght. s te , Ot .,..luch 1111 :t-vy w,IS m;ade &oaaltOn, or s.avonos l>ank laull il\d (IC!<:t>On to Sell m•ed 10 do l>uS•11eu in trhS 1<,1rxes II lhe l llT'le Of 11'1«' U~ I N OR A ST ATC C'A BY· eRtCITTE H\Q. , buslneU w s con Niouef, CA 91607 Cooid l•on °' any ol th• ll'ld >(11 Sl)eOfted In section 5102 ol the unQ9" 9'* ~M'd stale (Checi..s mu I be '"''' I pi.t>l.:AllOf'I Ol 1tlt N H OlJ\Al SA NGS ANl) • . led by • genet111 p.111· Title OffffOd Qf-ly tne p1ope,1y, 0t 111 ltnns for C Pila y R Of· the F'tn.lnoill Code and au- sa•d Not•ce ol O.l;tl.111 erd Pl'f ble t tne It,,_. ol ~le oce 01S1" 1s $6A 901 80 LOAN ASSOCIAtlO r-i 00 CINS, PRE•tDENT

"" shrp fighL "''•· IOd ltllefUt ()( an)' llSll OI ' purJ>O" No • m. eve n&M lhOnZed to buStneSS In this Eleclion 10 S.CI lO be r• lt'I l,1wlul "OM!j ol ltlct Tr>• bet'leliC•l•y und , M ll(O , ... fH TATli OF Publl •h•d Newport l his statement wilt ftled J;amea P. Hullon in "nd IO cl m ... 111 ~cons cored '°' fleer • t '21193, st.lie) A! ~ nwn (NOl'\h) COfO.d II\ lh• county whefl U11tled St.:itu o1 ""'If c1, u "l D"° ol Tl'\l~I hefeto CAU~ORNfA 1p;eyAt>I• a• a•• c h -C •at• • e • •

"' tit lhe County Cler ll OI the property .,,. 11 t>e ollereKJ llow;v.ce or io tmelf\I or Internal Re ve nue Ser- entrance 10 the County ~ l'NI P'Oi>ertY 11 ~led IN Ille lobby 10 !he build IOfe e•eculld 1nd df'li;; ume ot u • 1n 11wl1,1 Dal" PUet J anuery te, Or 1199 County on J.lllUlfy IOI u•• II 1eques1td, 1ne ror rescissl()(l ol the s..\ vice, P .O. Bo• 30220, COUf\houn. 700 C1111c C., a nd mor e than lhree 1,,g, 601 Soulll Lew s to•~ to the vn<1••1f9~ money ot tl'le U"•t•d 2 6 , Fet>Nar, 2 , 1H2 . 2' 1993 lntom;al Reveoue Sotv•ce ba~d on 14 1;;(• of the Laguna Nig uel, CA t« Du\!e Wesl Santi An3. months h.lve el paed s•nc"l Street Ora~. C.i ''or:l<d 'Miilen 0.-o.t,1'uon ot Sta'H) at Tl-4£ ~R NT (N Tv0$l Published N9WP9f1 B4t11Ch ""''" lu1n11h 1nlorm,,non pioperty to confom1 w-lh 82607 714-843-4301 CA Ill nght, Lue 11110 lr'lter· Wen rec0tdi1t•on ;iN nght i.tie. 11c1 it'\fHUt llUll '1(1 Ooem.\ncs tor";\• nu ... cc TO SUIT( 100

Cvst1 MOS3 Polol Fob<UNV 11bou1 pou1bl• e ncum· • "Y • •Pf•U•u °' llTlpiie\J Put. .. ..n'eo Ne .. potl Be.tch est corweyed 10 and now DATE: 0 111 ~193 conveyed to '10 no- N-ld IM'IU a "'"tt~l'I N • ce o1 0. fS CONO HOORI 17t1' .1 PUBLIC NOTICE 2. 9. It, 23. 1993 branc:es wh ch be utpresent.sbon . C M D• 1., p ,101 held by It und« WtO Deed ROeERT I! WEISS .... by 11 urider d Off.J 1)1 l \Iii °"' £1e< to S. IRVIN DOUllV~HO TV

T oa I UHlul 1n d1tenn1t10ng ll'Ht A~lll)(•on R1ottts The 061~ .. \ 1 ol Trvst In the ptOpCll1y .... • Tf\J'I In IM PfO~rt'( ',,. undctr119ned c se.1 JIN CALlrOIWlA •• lrighl Fkt1tleu• --- ------1.., ... e Ol lhe ll\l4tf8Sl blonlj f'9'11 ol rl(lempton. I F•l>fWty2, l'Y.lJ ualed in Hid County, Cau- CORPORATED , AS 11ed "' S.l'<I ~')\,JOl'f Cn MllS N 114;8 °' o.fllUl1 • NJ W• •f'4 inltof • I com;-.eo haJ-.aNa-

PUIUC NOTICE sold •p«·lled .,., lrtf'm.11 Rev 1083 fomo3 descnbing fl • I nd TRUSTEE, 920 Vil· IOffll.t , dHcr·bo~ Ml• i.,.,<t Oec:l\:ln 10 S.I to b« no 10 no nc.. (ll(I by •t Sta•~• O.ac11pi.on °' Pr~rty · ff'Ve C1xJ• Helton 63.lf, • ,,_..,, A Sut>IN 'lehold .,. lAQIE OAKS DRIVE, u~ .. n LOI :37, QI Tf, Ct NO cor(ljO(j "'lt-9 CC'UJ"fy ~ • Uflder' 0 Oeotd OI ll\lal lft The ~Ing l)«tont •

STATEMENT Oft Asstuor s P;ttcel 4'617· .,,. quoted es I0110 .. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE lite in &nd to Loe 16. in COVINA, CA 91722 Jt61, in the City °' Ht'• 11'1• re P'l.'l'.*'Y 11 ~180 1t1• ptO y lod It\ re~~~' •• UAaANOOs• ,_ ~TIRNTTtOUOf'a 281 72, ~ommonly kno'Ml Ste 6337 Redempuon of tHale lilt City ol N-pon Be.xtt. Tel•ttMM NYmltef: po'1 Beach, County OI Of· Date: .t-•ty t3, Cl County •"d SI e de ASSOCIATED MARKET·

a...,,. rn. as 22841 Rid\)e Rout• Or . pro~y CPtt e wcept the NortheASlel'ty (8•8) H?-4302 nge, Stete o1 htomo , H 1H3 t.Clrlbfd s LOT S Of ING 2220 S H won l)r •USUllll NA.Ml El Toro, CA ~. S;,,gle (.t) Otlort S.11e M y pet. Title Order No. S 00 '" '· end I.he Honn- 8y· CRll A KllMQ~1' tnoW"I on ll m P ~Olded A I • I e , a R e c o " · TRACT NO S IN THC anti M l c.111 t2704 " ni. fOllQllrtng Ptf10'1• 1,l m•ly hOUM, i b.Orooms 50!1 who•e property hl\t 9011382 · e i1trty 8 00 tffl of lot 11. ' ' in 8ooi1 9!> P I ~8 11 " • M e Co . t 30l S. CITY 0 1 COSlA M S4 Jecll. S• Mn. Inc Cai.for·

• ,~. abaneson.d lh8 UH ol 2 l>illl'll. 2 ear Q.Jr go. 2'4 S1 been ltv•ed upon •hall ~N 104S-o73· te ".In 81ock 1, Tract 772, IS MAN • •nd t i ot M lh'llQ\" 't p 0 .. a336 COUNl'f Of QAANQ • t'loL 2220 s H\.lfOft Dr .. th• F1e1111ou1 Bu•1n111 sq ft . Pl\hO. La<oe IOI "'e hnvo tne righl 10 P•Y rne .. Tn.••- Sate P"' rMp r.c:cwoec:t 1n ~ PY'll•h•d Ne wport M1ps, fecan1, al Or~ :c~!; • C • 92~12 • S1 AT o r CAlll ORllllA !\, ntll MA. Calif

2704 U1m • TH E J OU ll W1'1lt lo lhe L.lkt' Sealed lmoutll dJl tooethef 'Mlh No R~070 23. P•o• e of M1scel •••ch-C•••• M••• Coonty. C11itom• • "'· • • AS f'U:I MAP ,.!C'ORO(O h111 bu• •"411S II con c.;nouP. 10428 Ap•ch• Old Sal• Min bid IM ·~~nsea 1)1 th• Pfc>· ..... r N lln(!OUI M1'ps, In tn• Off .• Dally lttlot J•nU•fY 1•. •C•Pt•riq lh~ITY"I n •r: Shhiey F.-it•rt• IN OOOK '°"AOC! • . Ml' OUCt.0 by' I c~•bOn ...... r A~. Fountlln Vlll '30.00500 - CM(hng, If any. to lh• s.c-. • enc• 0

• of lh• C~l'l1y Recordfl ol 2e, ,~arr 2 , 1H3. m1net • • a.I Q.U ()( hVofO- 114 954177'0 CH\.ANl:OU!I MAPS IN Th e 11v1atrant(I ) com y C.M 92708 Prope rly m• y bt 1n ftl ry t ll'y 11rne prior la 10219:199-2 1.Mi County cre.Jtltd by • Tt.10S1 cerbon 1ub1t>11,COI bl.II ~10160 3 9 1 2 TH 0~ I ICl 01 fHl! rnor ed 10 ltanall(1 ~

11i. f lClll.IOUI Au11111u •peeled at on..,. by only me aa•• lllC!#IOf. 110 upun NOTICI! OF ct11111n aubl• , ,• With . Sup- W•lhOul "¥ riql\4 OI enlry TAC11401 COUNTY AlCOAO R or ne s UrtCHr ~ F'.Oitloul Nu,,. refened 10 •t>Ov• S\lbmlu•on OI 01cl1 All such p;iyrnent the S.C· nlU9TU'S IAlR plement to Sublease" on PUIUC .. OTICE on 1"9 urf.>t• of '-•id II~ •• Publt1P.• d Ne wpvrl SAID COONT"r lkilll'I•.. N "'•l•I 1iw1ec1 ,,. 11 tiled in County bid must be •ubm1n~ on rotMV ,,,,, . A'~IUte auc:h YOU ARI IM DKF'AULT Apnl • : tMO • •eculed by H rellfWd ifl N deed O• "Cot ~ AF-' N' "~2<l2-0I ·~• on ~ 19

1 1163

brt May t t , 1990 file r0111'1 2221, S4-'.tled bid l0t P'°'*ty to h•tn.'Md Ill lur UNDIR A DllD O' FRank H Ayrea, and S0n TITll 0.-019' NO from ~.,IV fnl N.,t>M;i p.:..c~ t F' bt\I TM 1 t • ' '" 1 IWIC1 J II •eM,lnc., i....e M Jtl F4571t4 P\ifc.h.iM OI St •ltd Prop· thttr JlfOCff<llOQ\ 1n COl'I ntUIT DATO M/28t' I Corl)Ofi'lbon, IS lesso• ,~7 8.r llnd 01'-' ~ ~ t otMr com'"°" u Don v~e, Vtce '"'-tidelll Sh e r on Etc hemendy . tnv ConlK t the ott1c. Ind• netlton Wllr\ Ul• l\."'V on ., UMU•• YOU TAKR •no Nc-•pot\ Shewn Co • TRUSTa• SAL.• July 2'6. tteT In 800ll Wt ,,., '2, I J It WI'(.°'.,.,.., pr~y This ~ •• , .....

ort 9ue 1.ani.m, c ated belOw '°' 'orma iuc.h ~rty I.ti CH • • piVtnlf""'P· " ._,...., ,... ,_ ~•G• t2l. o r Olllc111 TUOO<l onatbed ,boff Is p.w· •ltt ll'le ~ ~ "' • nt Cetif t2Qt 2222 an<t iftlOfl'Nlion 1()()\11 ''°'",,,.~of IU(h ~Y· ACTM>te TO lltRC>TaCT COfdf'IJ Apnl 19 19'0, In NO. 192,• Al«WCt• Md .. grenlecl ID pof1lld to be 7~ CCNlCA C)f..,ge County°"..,__, J:t.,.· Lynn 10421 lht preptny S\>t>m1 biUt "'""' YOU9' HIOPDTV, IT Boe-II 5191, P1199 M T of lOAll NO. •I•" bi! CM J:'i:'ttlb\, • PUILIC NOTICE SlACI T. COSTA u A n . iilaJ

'/ti> ne A1vtr Awe , '°"" to lhe P«SOl'I Mmed bt'low lbl R~11pl*Ot1 ot Roat MAY •• 80lO AT A Oft cill Al<~s. Orange MOTICI OP Hew Y~ 1110n #lei CAUf'OANIA .......,., ' "'" v....,, C•t t2709 belOtelhe 11me 1>t01 be t1n1

A"11Si. PUellC SAL.a.. YOU County c.Ltornia • TMISTaa'SM.La ANMltOl'f ~ C« ..... '!°,T~.~.<!.... lH UNOC ASIO Nf; _D ~ ........... ..... ISuun ~Wei. tOOt N ~ (II l'•!lO<l ·ll'e O'*NMS Of Ml lD AN •XPLAMA- Tt\8 lt'fft IHW•eu ~ YOU Ml .. .,_,AULT porlltiOn, e CINof!We Cot • nv ~ - TA\.I TC OISQl.AIM ANY

tllCOWI Str .. I. 8u<benll Payment lermt B•d• any rul prOpett'f sotd , Ttotl OP nta UTURR 04t* common CletlO'\l lion . UMDI.. A 0•10 OF porilbon Men" t9 _.."" NOTICR l1A91llTY ! OR l~COlll ~otte ..... 0.-, ::' Allf tl509 ""'11 be attOlnfU!t\iod by P~ °In lf'C;c)f\ l.ll • Of' THa NOCl:IDNfQa ti •"Y ol ,.., ~y ""'9T OATD ~ O"•i<Md 1 Int- ta '* YOU AR& IM HJ'MILT p CT ~TlON JU"' ewu.y t . t , 11 23, I

lrn ~· .... con lht lull """°''"t °' lhe bi(I ii I If " ,, • • ilot AQA 118T 0. cr•t>ed bOW .. SM• ,. .. ... u•i••• ~ 19CtWdetd In In u ....... A o.M .. TN .. N HtO • T-0. tuct~ ~ a 91'*81 pN1 1 totAla SlOO 0t18 II 11 .. adlllinlll• IOI& or any Pit ........... ' •• .,. CYOUT:,.,. YOU oortf'd to be '2W ~NO ST. _!. •T .. ~a .... notl TO 1t"'"*" No IJ-41<&.l)J, Of DATO JUNa

17 tftt THAT hid M1e

~ 10411 bid 11 nwwe S."'.00 • on hAW\O 1ty lnlorelA envvw ON -T A Nf.WPOAT 8£ACH CA .-- ._ - o '9CO'Cll • ICM .renam or .., lllit "8ll'Mllt wu r.~ \lbmlt 20 pc1tCent Cil lhti th r n or en ll'lttlOl'I L.AWft". 91fQ PWOTaCTlOU9' ~ APNll1•211 UNlUt YOU TM AC· r.tnty r 11 , PIK

"'4th 11'9 ~y 0.-k 0( emourlt bid or $200 wtikh or 1' i>« ;n 1 b4' On tt'tJ Mt 0 AM The 1.411dt119*1 Truat .. Un, IT llAY M ICM.D ,... atrwt resa ano T ION TO PROT I C T .. won 01 ~8"C9t. *109 County Oft Jam.wy evet 1s grN•lf On I C h I, • ~ permittetl to RO l\T f wt . IN cl111ti.m1 • "Y liaboil!t1 tot AT A PUeL.1C SALL • °"* on~ YOUR ~DTV, IT or 1o intut• f al .. ~ IMJ C8pc8"Ct °' I.he hii,ilflnt ,~ .,, lVOJ,)frfy I co~no .. .,. duty .,,, lncott«lnMI al .,,. YOU ... All UP\Ao " any."Of IM ,.., P'OC*'TY llAY • • 80lO AT A :JHC: tolM amount ....

PublllMCI .._Pl'f\ BHen bid, fie billfte due. t ot any p;u1 1 u I Cl • PPOinttlcl TrvM• under MMt ..,...... llnO Othf'lf llATIOll OP ,,.. llA-~ ~ ft purr "'8ltC SAL•. w YOU unpaid • Mid ob-• Meta Hele ' tOtWIY ""Y· Wi1 be o.Mned at IOI aut.h pr ty 114 ,...., ,,._, P"'IUltnl IO 0eH el COll'lmoft cltt19net1on, II TUR• OP TM "'°' PGl'ed 10 ~ 46l1 AMf NllD A'l llllPlANA· ' ad

t t i, tl. t tal '°"!i ~ br 't:'OO AM _.,.,, liO dl YI f!f IM f N I , ~ on 01, tny, lftOwft ~ caaOl .. G• ....... , ... T A..,.,;, ~ IMcf\ TM* Of' THI U1'\MI f' T 011 °" u t 7113 ., t ~~ Ho 81 ,. ~- ., """---------


' '

, Newpolt a.ctVColla ..... D!ly Piiot

·~ '

114 TU!!day. February 2, 1993 ' . .. - WllOT1CU MUcllOTICU'\::· MaJC_llOTICll :-=.:.."!':.. ... flUmJC llOTICU PUil.iC IOTICU PUIUC llOTICll fl. UC ll01 w 802 ..... Aw • •.,n ,,__... Undur ~ MM " I _.. .i. Dllt al

'UILtC llOTICU W709 ,.... -........ I• con- his 11a11 ••it w• fllect .oh CA IHl2 , .. ,., ... T.w ---- Ill _. ..... Ill lllUl&JC llOTICI Mei 111bovt1 PUIUC MOTICI .ieye 1.~ r-- 1CMH ~ oy. en lndMdlllll _. IN C*""Y OM °' ~ A.,.,,.: ~I · 10 M9y 11 4~fl '%..:""' r TM1 • ':.. ._IN .. .

Det94 ........,. 2•• •once OP Apache A1ver Avenue, TM 1•o••ttant(1t ~ ~Caunly °" .-...Y .._. Tl\e Ufl~enl1ne Mil lA;taliun llf1iJ H YI ::..,Clillllr ...... Ltl t Of

MTICS TO 'IM3 --• - •a•• - , Founll ln Valle~ . CaUt • ....-:9CI lo ""'9IKle tM*- H ... ...IMIM Trull.. ~IHlalftl1 en w»l•lll M h1111&111 11'111 li\I .. •,~-, ._ .. ,.,.. o4 camtTOlla CW y.,..... C:4,.... ...._ - ..,.... "'*' a.. f~ P '1 ........... lllbllltv '°' 81\V lflo0nee"'9• f U-Vld YUi.ii-,, will ._.. • ., Trell .. o •aw • .. - -!MIU(~ fluaaRl C""- ~utaOllAL NOP9fY ~:::' bulln•n It cion- =.... NMM(I) ..._, f»W!llhed ...,_,Pott BMcit· Tl'ot FOllO'#ing l*'IOM of the 9tf'Nt _.,,... W YDUf..., 1111~ •Id C... ...... Coill!- ol Ofll'I'

t PufsWlnt to the ~ duC4ed by· en indiyjdual •bov• °"' J•nua1y t I, Costa Mesa 01111y Piiot -*'· we ~ ~· ••· 01her e°"""'°" deeitnat l~hlu •• iu..- •uwi~v" SDll o4 ~"II. • '* ts•Ct. et04, Pte'" C nar N tl Sell SttvlCe StOtaQ• FaCll· Th• r•glilrint(a) com- 1993 ' u.,., 21, F•bfuwy 2, t. 1e, BTA VALUAflOH UA if eny. 1Nwn IMve. " ""'" 16. 19WA &ua 71JO.! rtC9fdtC Ill loOI "1 . ...... •1oa u .c .C.) Publl1hed ••PO •IY Act (8 & p Cod• 21100 ~ IO ltln*tel bu9I- Louil[, Mlddel9110tt> 1193 VICU GROUP. "'°~,,,.., llddtell ., Of p~ ll02 Qttw ...,.., ... 31 3tand .0 ol ~s

EICIOW No.'l-COlll Mep O"ly et aeQ t. .,. ~t!OneO ~ ~ the ftc:Wout Thia 9Ullemenl wu flied • T·°'5 PIM Dnw, Suite 200. New- c°"""°" 4'411ftnaUon An •U11 .. n1lm•nl 111 Htd ..... 111111 Oita of• Couniy 8694-MC P•IOI F.t>ruatY 2, 1993. -11 Mii et public ~C110n 8uaiMea NMll(I) lljted With .._ County Olene ot J>Oti 8 .. Cll, Celit t2teo '"°wt', direetlone to ~ ., .. r41WtcJool Mal¥ IY ~- ol salt COUllfy h •

H<>Ucle II n.ntby glven to Tu084 on 2• 1e 93 11 ti · JO, al al>Ow on: August 24, 1992 Ot*9t County on .ianu.Y PUIUC NOTICE Thoma11 Je"rey Cuccia. looetlon of the PfOPettv me •MS 111 8'-* 70!10 P411141 CllOlinO lhtllll'OM UM 2 of Lot credl1011 ot th• within Publlc $lOrllge 2099 Pt• Ja • l.~n To-"9 11 , 1..., 602 8~# Avenue. Co- b• cUitlinH bv H"dlno • 11'1 01111.1o111 •J•ui.1111J• /\

1 OfTracnizs

1 by r..SOI\ ot a

nal'Md 1e11or that a· bullc PUBLIC NOTICE cenll.a Ave. Cott• Meu, nJ, staW!'nenl was tlted • ,.5 .... 1 FlcUU•• rON del Mar, C3'1I. ~~5 wrlttef1 n1quee1 to the MJtUf•d 11111t .. 11ltllolfll to ._, l)llMI ~ llCOfcltd tale la at>out to~ m1:d1 of .. "'TICE OF C.t , !*-M)f'lal Pf0!*1y. II\- Wllh ~ COl.lntY Clltil Of p blllt\ld Newl>Of1 BMc"" au.ine .. Na"'• Th11 bu11ne111 11 Con· Nntflclary within 10 daye liwllll w..,. 1ww1lud Olittrt11 Dlelmbtf

11 ltll • lntlll

the as11t• 0•1crlbed '""' ch.ding tum11ur1. clothing ()(ange County on Januwy u p Stat~t ducte4 by' an 11\dillldual ot tl'lo dete ol tiret htlf t J 1978 ..i 8111• 12"0


Oftlcial below. lltUBUC SALE OF tOOlt ancl!Of other hOU ... 22, 1093 Cott• MeN Dally llOt ~ The Followlno S>erM>nl The reg1s1ren1(1) com· ~llo1tloo of thl• Not ice ot f>ayQ 1 9~0 0 11 11, 11 t INlll NO A8J -,.l)M .. P,

439 1lle names and l>Us neu PERSONAL PROPERTY nckl 1tem1 .iOtld bt tho


FSl8347 W1tY tt, H, f'et>Nary 2, 9, _.. OOinQ 1>U91Mu as• me!Qd 10 \fat\UCl bu.el· S• ~lWldto Thu 1tllm11~1 t1I AecOllf t Mid eddresus ol tho seller ate Pursuant 10 "'8 Ca11lom1a following per~s. C317 Publls/\ld Newl)Ort 1893 POSSIBTUTIES A.V · 'T it n .. t utlfSer tl'le fle11tlous Oat1·J1nuery20, 1993

111., ludllll utldv• Ml(l lu•w 22145 Tile ar•}!4:a:,.

11 UNOLEY HOVI.&. 5:)13 Uni· Selt&Mee Storao- Fac;il· TOMMY RU8lE. D45t T-Ose w Tt 'Snel E2. 'c \a 8 u•in..• N.,n•(S) li$1ed Q M AC M ottta• CI • t\U ...u , ..... tu Err-• OIW comtnOll "'""" • Vet'lily Drive, ltvlne, CA 11 ACI (8 & P COde 21700 18RAHIM $AMARO. C289 CostAI Meta Daily Piiot 1 " eiil

7 os above on: J.\nuary t , 1993 Servic e Contp1ny o l Gue"


and Mwi\I tuu15&J MY ol flt rial PfOC*IY dt 92715 - eY •8<1·/· the undef'S•oned PHILLIP ~us. D• 23 RAY· February 2, 9, 16. 23. 1993 PUILIC NOTICE ~:~·T~tr.~~~~7241 l<rla. Thomas J . cuco.J C• llforn.11 11 ·~vJru~I!.•· Guui8o. ttuaa•nd ••• • 1tu tcthd lbC!¥t is pu1porld 10 The locauon In Calttomla wi• s.el al publlc. aucuon MONO COl.EMAN, Ct78 T-076 topher Lil • Huntington- Thi~ stalWMnl was tiff 1'724 Venturw O k' ~~

1 1,


1111y IJtuttttttv R" bt 165 MESA ORI~ COST~

oflhectiret••ecullveoffice Of\2·18-93at2pm at Pub· PETER LINTON. 0419 i'ldftloue B Cam' •92641

w1lh Utt County Clerk Of ltOt , Sherman ~ i.o11

Jud Jun11

t> 1910 m M(SA. CA t2t27 Tiit 11ntet or lhO seller Is:_ Samo as Jlc Storage_-2065 Pl.aC4l/1Ua MICt'IELLE ICENY'ON PUBLIC NOTICE 8yalnee• Nam. T~~· bull~ess 11 con. Orange COuf'lty on JirtUtJY :1~3Fl:,181 :J3A7 •t J~ Boo• IJl7.t PdUtf 026 C.>4 SlgnH Trwi• dtsdllmt lllV abOv~ Ave., Cosl<l Mesa, CA., por· Owner reserve; Ule right Flc:tftJoua se.t•tnent ducted by: an ln(llvfelu3I 19, 1993 p,'~.~•nt o•r • • 1iuo1 R.JW1u~ "'""'"'IU ll1t1 ~ IOf llnY lnGorrtClll• ot

.4$ listed by the seller,~ 'onal ptoperty. 11'1¢1ucMO lo bid ill th• j ~llle. Pw· llual N 1lle persona The reglatranl(•) com· F55782~ 02/ 02/83 . 02 /0 9 / 83 p<u,JQfl y muru p.11111.ul.,rly tilt Slr"ttl address 111d odW other business "411\" a lurn11ure, clotnlno, tools chases must be made wltn ,.... a11M are dOing business as: monoed

10 ttansact busl- Published Newpon Beach-

02116193 ooscJllW illi IOlll•'*• COll'lfllOll dttlQnaliOll 11 any

•ddfesses used by th~ and/or other houHl'IOld ~ dleelt.e or c:asn. Statement BARRI ST AR PROOUC· ness under tl'le FlctiUous Cosla Mou Daily Piiot PAACEL 1 LOI$ 1

3 111111

wn 11111#\ T111 tot.V an1ounr Miier within Ulree years be- Items store<! b~ tl'le tollow- 1er'1 check only al P~~ lot The FoUo~ng persons TIONS 1 O Sheridan INfne, Suslness Namo(s) hsted Febl'V'""' 2 9 16 23 I 993 PUIUC NOTICE 5 '" tll<it.k &3

4 0' O>l<Vll "'!.... 110 OalanOI 01 int 00

10'9 the date tuctl l1s~ was 1ng persons: at the bme of pyreha~. All are dOlng t>us1ness as: C 111 92120 ' b • J -

11 - • • • • • Dul Mor

111 1twt C11y ol Nttw· ol . .. unp

sent or dellvered to lhe AOS t BART SULLIVAN, putcl't3se<I goods are SOid 1'0VANCEO CONSERVA· a · 10 Sltendan Ir• a ove on. anuary • T-075 CPOJS5.f3__

01 CAiulll y ol 01 lig1tion seeurtd by tilt PIOOttlV

buyer Me: None C018 RONALD CRAIO WIL· " as is", and mus1 be re- TION TECHNOlOCY OIS. J"'--: g~l(92720 ' 'i:~ Tetieault PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PETITION ~ s1uu; ol CitlllC•nllt • 10 be t old fl'O rMIOMI* •• Tiie names and bus1nes~ L 1 AM s tR,, DI 0 C 0 N· moved al the time or Hie. TRIBUTION. 223"9 La Allr9d J, 'Turdo, 4 Seaside Tttis etalemtf'lt ""'" filed TO ADMINISTER pc:r niuµ ruc:.ouk1ll 111 UillJll J matHI COlll. UlllllMI llld Id•

oilddrosse.s of lhtt t>uyef life: TROLL.ED HOBBIES, 006ol Sales subject to pnor Cert· Palma Ave.. Ste. I t 3, Circle. Newport Beach. with 1he Couniv Clel1t 01 AcUllou• ESTATE OF: Pay.ii 41

and 4? CJI U1si .. ut vane.I ti"' time ol 111 llllllM YERVANT CINAR, n ot MARY WHEELER. LOOS cellat1on In the "'tn' ot ..... Yort>a Unda, Calif. 92687 Cahl 92663 Orange County on Jaouaty Buafn• .. N•m• Gretchen OrNn li111oous Maj" In ll'lu 01111.u pucliedOn of"" Hob OI .. a.mesa w.. Irvine, A DAVID MIU..ERBERG. A063 tlement betweon owner and lntngue lntet1Ms. Inc,, A Thi~ busln•ss Is con· 15 1993 Statement BUii J

111 Chu County ~11~1 o1 IJ 19

71163 72 111 aodltloll 10

92720. PUZANT CINAR 12 JERRY L. PETERSON, obh9ated party. Dated this C•llfornla Corporallon, dveled by· co-partners ' . FSSle4I Th Follow tsOnt n s 3

~~ Cuun•y cull N TNS* w11 ~a Oetamesa W., Irvine, CA 0029 RANDY W. VILLA, 21"1<1 pnd 91h day of Feb. 22349 La Palma Ave .. St~. The reg.litrant(s) com· B o:i b 1 1~s ~- CASE NO. 16735 PARCEL

2 lvl 6


1 c:Wiiandltc:tdrnllOll l lllll 92720, PIERRE CINAR, 12 E O 3 7 THOM AS A . Public Storage Manage- t 14 Yori)._ Unda, Celtl. od 1 t nsact busl Publlshed N$wpof't each- are ,, cNOGRAPHY To an lwtlf9, B~ II F f l

114 1 No J23

111 naUoNI a dltcll ClflMI

Delomesa w., Irvine, CA SCtiUNEMAN, E043 PAUL ment. Inc, Telephone (714) 926S7 :~'i und:r ~e Flctillou~ Costa Meta Daily Pilot Jan· 1~~,P w .::arner 16

an~ beneficiaries, creditors. 11,: Cnv 0v

1 ;..;

1111Xlfl ~h. Of


Of McllWe1ctH11 IMllOl'I 92720 J. ANDERSON, €090 JqHN 646...3865, Agent for Owner. This business Is con· Business Name(s) listed uaty 26. Fobrul'lry 2, 9, 16, A C i

1 92704 • $ contingent credltOfS, an Couniv o1 O.t11'1)11 5

111111 ol by • Chtdt °'""' by a

11111 OI Thoasse\Stobesoldarc LIJl<E PHtLLIPS. E10S Published Newport duotedby: acorporallon A

14 1987 1993 · na, 31 - . W l)e'10nt vmo ma C..hl


IX rMjl ,


_0fa described In general as: all JULIAN A. NAfAL. E209 Mesa Daily Tho reglstrant(sl com· above on: Pf"I • T·066 Guadalupe M~a, 1400 · otherwisa be lnlerested Ii\ , 1111118• a:

161 lfu llfVl-'S ltdfral sMlgt 111d IOlll *°'"

stocll ln lr8de, lum1ture, lixj RICH c. CROMER. C4'.1! p11o1 febrvary 2. 9. 1993. mef'lcecl 10 1ransaet '?Usi- ~~ s~al=~t was flied ~a~rug"l7~6, anta Ana. the will or J$late. or Gboth, ~o"!;~ :1. vi" Mi)Cnita~ius elation, ~=:i:

tures, equipment, goodW1I MARI( w. WALLACE, E28.. Tu066 ness, under the Flct1uous with the County Cletk 01 PUBLIC NOTICE T~ · · b ·ness ls con- of: Gretchen '"n Mdp~ 111 1111

, Oll lC:lo 01

Intl pyings blllll ,.._ ..... CocM and the lrade namo oi a ROD w. OBLENES ICE Business Namc(s) listed County J uaty . 11 usi :ll B1Uln9s R , J , 1 Sltld lion 6102 ol 111 r •• .._ dry cleaners and are lo- Owner re~rves the rtghl PUBLIC NOT above on: N/A ()(~ Oil an Fk:tltlO'&• ducted by:. an 1Ni111idu A l>ETITION has been C.iunly


1',..';. 1toy

1110 11.iflOflad to do tMlnttt

cated at ~IJ Urwefsity to bid al the sale. f'Ur· NOTICE OF Intrigue Interiors, Inc .. '2

• 1 3

F557138 Bualn•H N•m• The -~egistrant(s) 1

':!mo. filed by M~rk Cos1etto In ~·~•,r, lltO~~ut~ i>1 ..UW· lll llllU1a'9 1ft 9'1wtl\l Mdt• Dnve, '"''no, CA 92715 chases musl be made w11h Donna Marie. Presldenl St•tement menc.,.., to transac 51 the SuperlOI' Court of • , .

111 ·• >s•• Olhtr °""' Qlll IS ac:ceoltd flt

The business name used personal checks or cash- PUBllC SALE OF Thos s1atemen1 was filed Published Newport Beach- The Followmg persons nes~ under tl'le F1ct1Uous Calitomla, county o f 111.11\DI 11:11u ,•:~~ 1 ,!; ln• Tius .. rnay •lllllo4d IN mCJ

by tne .seller al ll'lal ~~· 11i_,

5 cnecks OlllV and paid PERSON,\L PROPERTY with tho Counly Clerk of Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Jan. are doing business as: B~sif'loss 0 ,N°Ta~~!ryus~'1 ORANGE PETITION ~m:;11• .. ,11 :,,1u;rucl .Z Tru~t: ~ Ol lllt TruJ ... '$ O..d 111111

uon Is: VIE.w CLEANE t foe al the 11me ol pU¥cl'lasa Puf'5uant to the Calil,?"'!3

Orange County on Januaty uary 26, febl'Uary 2, 9, 16, CELLULAR. 1525 Ptacenllil ~~;• 0 • • THE M 111. 111


111 lite 111u;11\~1" ttof111~· tuncli bKomt evalal* to llt

,:e"el)Ur.;i11~::!'~ F~~~a~ :~d~~~~~·e<1an~~u's1 ~ ~:'~~(eC: ~'c~! "lt~ t9, 1993 F557820 1993 104, Newport Beach, Cahl. Guadalupe Met•.i ~~:fr: be ~oinled aas •"' l}V ..a.u kla'41 .ir111 rrus· P<JYtt or tildorset • a man r

18, 19~~· 81

:i0~tticf2: removed 81. th:C1 ~~en~: ~tll s:~j/' at~u~~e~~;)~ Publi~hod Newport Beach· T.-060 9R~ond Edward Gon- ~s 1~~1~~~ w~~ile:, pe~~at18~e~~·~~:;': ~~ ~15~;!":~~ .,~;;~.,,1~d~:I g~;'g!:: ::;, ~ ":: ~.P~~,;,'!,, Ave., Orange, sa~ceft~~~n 51~b~o eve~t 01 on 2•1a.93 at 3·30, at Pub- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot PUBLIC NOTICE n~ll~, '525B Pl~ccn 1t'r Orange Countv on Januaty ~e d~edent. 111 tu 1iay111u111 1n lull ul all tt1111Y. ..,

0ien °' WllPlltG

CA 92666. ;:u1emen1 betwoen owner lie Storage. 17?5 Pomona Febtuary 2. 9. 16, 23, 1993 • • ewport eac • a 1 · 22. l 993 THE PETITION 1111_1Ut1w<111«ss Mur1>11 hufu rtQWOlllQ 1ltll posmsion Of This bulk S<lle Is sub1ect and obligated pany. Dato<:t Ave .. Co$ta Mesa CA .. l)ef· T·074 Ac:tltlou• 9{6f3 b •

1,;,· s Is con. F558338 requests authority to by act1u111

1 1...,.1 1111•1 t" "flV tncumbfances tQ ,_tnty tit

lo Cahlornla Unilorro Com· chis 2nd and 9th day ol sonal -p<operty, Including Busln••• N•m• d~cl~ bu~ an ~Mdual Pupllslled Ncwpo<t Beach· adinlnlsler ll'le estate 1111i._o 1,1r11111c1 11111•110 111 ~hi! rioebtedness StQilld l1Y Alcl merclal Code Section Feb Pubhc Storage Man· furniture. clothing, lools PUBLIC"NOTICE Statement The ro~istranl(s) com- Cosl<1 Mesa Daily p


under the, lndf19,!ndent 1111:n11:1u~ ~n11~11 llv ~ Otto. ac!YancH tr1t1t1111W 6106 2

8 Dmtlfll Inc Telephone and/or 01l'ler 1. houset1old 5885 The Following person.s t b 1 F b

2 9 16 23 1993 Administration ol cslatAts lu11w lhu ""' o 11• Wltll riwtst • l)(ov!Uld

rt 5.o · suojeet, .ha n11mo (~t 4) 64~ 1 66. Agent tor Items stored by tho IOI low· cns 1°7

arit doing t>Ysslnos:.,~J~E·RS ~°:.c~nd~, ~~~53;jc1111~~; e ruary ' • ' ' f.078

Act (This au1ho1ity will o• Trus1 SI Mll: t;:'M·\' ~.c~~:! \tltltlll. and Ult unp»d DfW;lpll and address ot the perSOfl Owner 1ng persons· G322B USA Flc:tl tloue KENNETH · B . Na (s) listed allow lhf. p•rsona lo WV\•r ""' • 11 H ll'l ot Int nolUICll1td by uld ... d w\lh whom claims may be Pubi isl'led Newporl PEATROWSKY , 0Jt7F Buslneas Name co .. 1555 Mes;> VOide 1~· a~~~n:s~n· :J'a~uaty

20 PUBLIC NOTICE represen1a11ve to . tall• ~lll h ll'\ w111il'

1 1111"' 0•11~ wlll lnlfftsl lltlton as pio-

ltled is Oppor1un11y Escrow, Beach.Costa Ml'sa Daily STEVEN VAHEY, D1 29 St•tement #57l.. Costa ~o~. Cai . 1993

· • ' manr, 111cbons w1~oul1•1 111 1.11111'1 u~tuu id OlnS.tld NOll ..., dl¥gts 1205 E. CfliJpman, Ave., Pd t February 2 9, 1993. SUSAN EARLEY. E204 The tallowing person Is 92626 . d E

0 111 Flctltlou• obca nlno coun approval. -i:>!l· 174 00 v . • it

80 tit ano

Orange. CA 92666, and ll'le


' T087 BRUCE PAUL doing l)vs1ness as: Kenneth Sean Winters, Roymon · onr:,.ev •hied Business Name B&lore laking cenain very Ol\• ,,,.., ,1 ,111.iroi.i. 111.U .. o ~m OI ' SMd dale for Ming claims Owner reser.ies the right EXECUTIVE. ACCOUNTING 1555 Mesa Verde E. 15'7l, This statemQl'l as · • • shall be February 17, 1993, PUBLIC NOTICE to bid at lhe sale. Pur· SERVICE , t4 01 Dove Cot I 26 "": ~ COIJn; on Januarv The Following pc!f'lons however, the P.erwna 11 a"v vi lilt' 111at 111111• " 1


Y O.dotT





993 which Is tho business day chases must , s business Is con- ~ ol bu ine

89 represenlative wtlt be ~11lul 11t1U..: '~ IJU•IJCN Oa•d 01

be r the sale dato $oecl· person ecl(s or ca Sh· Beach, CA 92660 ducted by: an lndivtdual 22, 1 93 F558343

·~~PM rig HA~OY:AN CO reqv1teo to give notice to 1111 lo hu 281.S 67 Etti.1 1#1llU1Arf TRUST DCCD Flctltlcius 1ers cnecks only and paid Janice N. CIJctiell. 12 Tho 1eglstrant(s) com• S

8 b

5..,,;: interested persons unless C<1.t!>I lltuh•,ty w111.., Ool MRVICE, l#C. AJ TRU$1((

Classitled is..... Bu•lnoas N•me for at Ute time ol purchase. Brookdale, I rvine, CA mencltd to transact busl· Pub11Shed Newport Beach- 7871 anta a~ am. they hove waiv9d noliee or 1,t.,1 (.,I\ !lib~ 1J3a1MILL CREEK DRIVC. C 0 NV EN.IE NT St•tement All purchased goods are 92714 ness under ltle F1ct1\lou11 Costa Mesii Daily Pilot ton, Cat'·i~ crra

11582 cons&nted to the ptoposed lhv ur11lt~'ll\J'll'd lru)h'tl $UJfC l 1JOLAGUNAHllLS

whether you re buy· the FolloWlng persons sold " as 1s", and must tie This business os con· Business Namo(s) listed Febtuary 2, 9; 16, 23, 1993 ~~!~ S~ s At\~heim Calli &CllOn) The independCH'\l 111-...1111rni. "''V ho)\J•h•v "" ~ 91653 REF I 91·18051 Ing, selling, or Just are d0tng business as· rer!].ovec:I at ltle ume ot ducted by an tndivtdunl above on: January. \1, T-017

92804 • • adl'f'14nlsttallon OiJlhortl)' illlY "" '"""·lr1"''

0 1 11111 714. 707·5059 8y LISA Al ~looking. classihod has CTJ SF HOTEL ASSOCI· saJ&. Sales sub1ect to prior The regls tranl com· 1993 his business Is con· w1I be granted unlesg an ,11e .. 1 1Hl1H•'~' •

1111 ulh..r EDGARfORCCLOSURC Tft:H

.what you need' ATES 650 Town Center ca,,citll~l,on in tho event of menced to 1ransae1 busl- Kenneth Sean Winton PUBLIC NOTICE J clod by. an individual Interested person Illes an w1t111111111i. ~~1w1u1 '' ""Y NICWI PILOT CLASSIFIED On~e." suue 1910, Costa settlqmerir between owf'ler ness under the 11cu11ous Ttlls s1a1emen1 was flleo· _ T~e reglstrant(s) corn- objection lo the pelltlon \1111"'" "''"~'' OPP

9919 642· 5678 Mesa. CaJil. 92626 and obhgalod party. Date<I name • 0, names listed with tho County Clet'k ol Fictitious meneed 10

ttllnsaci busi· and Shows oood • cause 1111 . .. _..,1 ,.,,~, .... 1 ul "'" JN-4 19

~ f(B

2 1993 Tusl'lat Patel, 650 Town lhis 2nd arid 9lh day, 01 above on 12·1 -1992. O<ange County on January Bu•lness Name ness under tt'lo ficlluous why the court should nol 11041,,,.1 1111r1< ll•<tl i.1111111111 nl Centc< Dnve, Sulle 1910, Fob., Public Storage Man- Jamee N. Gitchell 15, 1993 Statement 6 inost Name(s) listed granl the autnorlty. 11 .. 1 11l~•i.wu11 1•r 1111•11 11'1' 1----~-::-=::=-:::=--Coslci Mesa. C311I 92626 agcment. Inc., Telephone This s1a11menl was tiled F557e&7 The FollO'Nlng persons 3 ~~ve on· J1tnuary t 1, A HEARING on the 1110 111•11,.tflV 1u hv ..olll .mil PUBLIC NOTICE OBITUARY 888 Gastonia Enterpnses, Inc., (7t4) 642·3107, Agent tor with Iha County Cieri( ot Publish~ Newport Beacfl. are dot"<} business as'.

1993 pebtion will bi held on ,,.3,,. • .,11i1t 1 vsl\ l'•1•~1~ s

a ~ll'l Carolina Corpota· OWner. Orange Coun1y on Ja11. 12, Costa Mesa Daily PilOI Jan· FULi. SERVICE SECRE· Jou LulS Gueu.l Mtuch 4, 1993 al 1 4~ •"•I ull•.,t1A"\ di ll1i1 "°"' OI YOU &AE IM DEFAULT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil11on. ~50 s . Ple;isantburo Pu 'blt.shed Newport 1993. 26 FebNaty 2 9 16 TARY. 176S2 Mitchell ThlS statement WM hied p M In Oepl 703 '°E'te Ill; lllllWll 1JVOl1<1llll lfl ,,1 llltl UNDER • DEED OF

RENO Dr., Groenv!lle,SC.29607 Beact1..Cos111 Me5.l Daily F557254 u~ ' ' ' ' Nor1h, lrv1ne,Cal11. 927\4 wilh the Counry Clorlt 01al 34t The City ~vet,v11111 " ', ''"' " TRUST 0AT£0 DECO" RussCr>en

123525Spring. Pllot2,9, t993. JaniceN.Gitchell

1 Mary Eileen Odom. 28 Ore1n eCouruyonJanual)'South, PO Box 14\ 1° l l41091t11!;; HM


Vlolet A . Reno, snow Cemtos.CaUl. 90701 · TOSS Published Nowpo>t T-068 W1n1ert>ranch. lfVlne, Caltl . 22

,gg3 ,- Oranq!1

CA92613·1571 111 ~l•l•i(I 111 itt~lt 11111 YOU TA~E ACTION TO 1ong-11me Newport Tien· Sl'lou Yang. 12102 92714 • FSS8:l3e IF TOU OBJECT TO 111"1'"' "''" '" 11111 ·• • .,,11 PAOlECT YOUA PA0P£M Beactl /Cosla Mese Abana S11eel, Cemtos, PUBLIC NOTICE BPe1loa.,chJ.Canou~lary 2M6e. s:e .. ?uaalryly PUBLlC NO.TICE This business IS con- a "· the 9ran11ng ol the pelil!O(\, .... \I In \ '""~" 1111 .. ~··II•· TV 11 MAV eE SOLO AT ,. r o s Iden t . Lo v Ing Clllil 90701 .. "' ducted by: an lnd1v1dual Pubh~hed Newport eac you $hould appear al the '" " 11uw1 l..tut. ..i Lh1-'Lk P\HJl.IC SALIE IF YOll mothof or Rex R . James Hsiu-Chu Lee, S864 Fictitious 2. 9, 16, t993. Flctlllou.- Th• .uLgisttan~(.s) com· Cosla Mesa Deily P1101 hearing and sl~• your "''"" II\' ,1 ''''"' " ' h~huoot NEEO AH EXPl.AHATIOH Reno, grandmother o r E. Camino Real, San G~b- Business Name T073 B\lslnffs N•me meneed to 11ansac1 bu$/· February 2. 9. 16, 23, 1993 obf tlons ot hie wnllltl'I ..,,i.1 un11111 111 •• • 1\1·1 ~

01 1"E ~ATUftl!

01 THE

six, grea1·grandmother net, ca~I. 9tns Stat•m•nt Statement ness under lhe Fictllioin T-079 obections wllh the court M""'"" '"'" "'"ll '" h~k•ll PAOCEEOING AGAINS T o l six. She wH born Tien Fu Y11ng, 12102 The Following persons PUBLIC NOTICE The Following persons aus1ness Name(s) 115ted be fl the nearing Your ,.,1V111u' ' '"' h1.1n '"'>lit 1• VOU YOU SfQJl.O CON· In Lead South Oa· Abana St .. Cemtos. Cah•. are doing buslneh as: are doing business a11: above on· January 1, 1993 PUBLIC NOTICE appearance may be In ,,11.w1 "' •"'I.I~ ,1"""'"''""' 111 TAcT A L,AWY£A

M 'rch 12 1903 90701 PRUDENTAL LABORATQ. Fictitious (a)KING JESUS FELLOW- Mary Eileen Odom F person or by .your allomey ...,.1'"'' lldn~ 'li\'<•(11 .. '(t 111 NOTICE OI

kola, a ' nua ' This business 1:: con- RIES 20211 Acacia S1t11et 8MalneH N•m• SHIP (b)AGAPE. ASHRAM Thes statement w.U hied NOTICE 0 IF YOU ARE A ~ ' "'" ~ 101 1JI 1111 t 111J11 TA STE.E'S $Alf pass~3aw;y Jla ra~ duC1e<I by a general part- f'HO, Sant.a Ana Heights. Statement PROJECT, 14221 Edwards with the County Clerlc of APPLICATION TO CAEOll'OA Of 8 1' ~.i '"" " ' ""'' a1tt111J1u"1 h• ~. 129641 31 •


· rtva e nershlp Ca11I. 92707 Tho IOllowin9 persons are Street ' 10, Westminster, Orange County on Januaty SELL ALCOHOLIC con Mg en I creditor ol lhtl """'''r" ··~ "' 1111~ "''"' In · rot '* OCI l91}J ,11 lly lnlerment. The reglstrant(s) com· M(lf10 Boustani. tS Rost doing business as: HOG- Caht. 92683 12. 1993 • BEVERAGES 1·29-.93 deceased. you must hie Ilk I!''-"' 111 h••'<ki• 11111,.1 .,i:, I\ ~ "~


,. honl.,,., SHEELY mBl'\ced to ttansact t>us1- Ftneh, Aliso Viejo, Cahl. GA n 's INCOME TAX SER, Da111d w Charter. 1422 t F557137 lo Whom tt May Con- your claim wilt! the court lll;JI• , ., .. 11 1~ .,. 11

1,1 .. 11 ""'




HJ O!llf'QQ tAll~I lnlv H ness llf\der the FIC\ltlous 92656 VICE, 2200 Harbor Blvd., Edwards Street #10, We$1· Publistied Newpo11 eeaci,. cem· CALIFORNIA STYLE and m.111 a copy lo lhe l1u•1I•~• '"''• .. 11111.11.1 "" •• Con

1 6,0

N Tustin In Do'~ th•• 76• Business Name(s) !Isled Lana El Jor. 18 Rosl IB·5 . Costa Mesa. CA minster, Calll. 92683 Costit Meu Daily p 1101 Jan- BBO. INC. 1s(are) epplymg personal representa11Ve w~w 11 "' lh•· ' "'\""' s uiv ~: ul S•t1•• An1t

She• y , age • above on: December 30. Flnch, Ahso V1e10, Cah 92627 This bu's1ness is con-2 9 6

to lho Dof»rtmcnt of Alco. 11ppo1nted by the court !:>\.'\.Ml 1111111 lu"tl" 04.,. .11ou1 C ty ol Ofar Shih· ol passed away Sunday, 1992 " 92656 U<M Enterprises tnc .• 1200 ducted by: an Individual uary 26. Fet>tuary · · 1 · hol•c Beverage Con11o1 10 w ithin, lour montM !Tom .,.,,,,,..,, '" ""' '"'~" 111 1111 M'I • i:?:mi• fte January 31 ,.

1993 in Hasmukl'l P. Ramer. CEO This t>usioess Is col\- Harbor Blvd .• 19-S, Costa The reg111rant(s) co~· 1993 sell aleohOlic oeverages a1 the dale ol hrst issuance ol kll"' '"

11, ,, ~''"" 1;1 r11

1111 1 lC'11~ eomp.ny .,

Newport Beach Bom Russ Chen ducted by: husband and Mesa, CA 92627 menced to transaC1 bus•· T·OS9 187().A Ha11>0r Blvd, • 204, letters u provided in ~twl !>tJI .. 111 '"" m,111 .. ~~, .. Cot1ior.itt0n '" in Salem. Oregon, she nen Sl'lou Vang Wife This business IS • con. ness under tl'le F1ct111ous PUBLIC NOTICE Cost ill Mew, CA 92621 sec:llOn 9100 ol the .. ,11,.11.

11 1 u11l ••1<t11I t11 . .. .,.,,. ........ tud TJui.lo.; un

had resided 1n New· James Hsiu.Chu Lee The reg1s1ran1(s) com- ducted by a cotpora11on Business Name(s) hste<I wilh .. 4 , .. On S.lle Beer & California Proba1e Code tv 1,.

1,,. \~

111 "fll•ht••l ,, • ....,., ff"" ~

1 port Beach 101 'the Tien Fu Yang • monced 10 \ransact '?Usl- The registrant(s) com. abovo on: January 15, Flctltlou• Wine (Pub. Eal Pl) II· The lime tor tiling claims 1,.,


1 "'" 1,.u~"'"' ur t.:~,' :;:,"-~·;;:·~ OllTl\J:~

past 45 years She This statement was ftle<f ness undbr lhe F1c1111ous menced 10 ttansaC1 . busl· 1993 N• • censc(s) w1I nol e1p1re berore lour " " unit.11


11., 10 ..,.,.,,.1, Mkl ~ W

was tho Lebrari~n tor with the County Clerk ol Business Name(s) listed ness under the F1c:tillous David W. Cl'lartar Bu;lness n:" Published Newport ,monltls ltom the h~llflng lh•· """-"'"''"•"O i.i«""'''' W'fll!O<t•i;:~ •nd .~ the City of Newport Oran90 Coonty on J.inuary above on: N/A B~slness Nome(s) listed This statement was filed Th ~teme

5005 8 eacll·Cos1a Mesa Daily d."118 noticed obove h¥ ,,,.\J Ot••·•I u!IY••H ui. ~w~1 s •uwel»I""' Ou

Bo l'l rrom 1947 to 6 1993 Mario Bous1.1n1 abOve on t 1-30.92 Wllll the County Clerk ot e owing per p1101 Febru;vy 2 t99J. YOU MAY EXAMINE 1n.


wt., .. 1111 11111 -.1 ,.1 '" "'' •u Ill

98 ,9:i. There are no hv· ' F556~2 This stalement was Ill~ l<LM ENTERPRISES INC . Ora7B9 County Oil January a~E:~c,i~u~~D~~ a

3\ 1 N ' Tu092 th1t li'e kepi by the coun " i •ov.U.'\J lln " '"'

1111<1 '"': 'i:i~:,'i ,!t ~ • • :6;89~•11~0 :no ··:·"~" h ';:, ·~~ ;:,;~:-:::.:;;: .. :::~: Q,"!',,'Z' ~:,~ ~J:.':..~ :.:;;:,:.,,•'""" "······ ... ' ' ... .,,,,. ·-':' ~'1 • ~w..::-· PUBLIC NOTICE r,~: ... :.· '" :... :::::-.'. ~: ::::: .. -.~-...:.~ ... :.~~ ·.:::~ !!'.~· .: ::."!i. .. g:~·

eavo 15, 1993 This statement was filed PubllSl'led Newport eoach- port ac • " ' you may file With Che cour1 111h • t•'>l '"""'w' J~ IJl"•""-"1 ..... •tJtu' • 1'UU Y friends. Memonal Ser· uary 19, 26, Febtuary 2. 9, F557945 wicn the Covniy Clerk ol Cos la Mesa Dally Piiot Michele Mano Rudy. 2025 CNS t077717 3

lomial Request tor 111

....,,., N; ,11

It"-'' ( l'4t«l)l;' ~'"'11 01 c.t.1oin1a untlt1 vices w ill be held Fri· 1993 Published Newpoit 8oacn- Orange County on DEC 14, F b 2 9 16 23 1993 Lomnos, Costa Mesa, Calif NOT.IC~ ore Special Notice ol the hl1ng .u.l 1••1 .. ~1'"'" ol lhl• hv'""' ll1t• '"'*tll ot ~ lh(lf•11n day at 11 :00 AM. 81 T-054 0 Pi J 1992 e Nat)' • • • • 92626 TRUSTEE s A of nn 1nventoty MCI 11111 "' ''" ' Hll!.h • •u.1h>cl l 1v Wfll411110lJ .... $1111 •• pl.II.Jiit St. Androws Presbyte· PUBLIC NOTICE Costa Mesa ally lo~ a~ F554157 T-091 "fh11 business Is con· lru11eo S•I; ~o appr31Sal ol W$13loi ll$~1$ :w•wl l'li.•I u t T11n.1 11111 l!Of• lo '"" tltQllo-.,1 l1lll nan Church Newport ullfY 26. FebruaJY 2. • l , Published Newport Beach· due1e<S by ' en lnd1V'dual FC 1 ~70N DEFAUL'l or of any pe1111on or S.rranO Aeconveyance IJO• '"' t •Jtl or f.111.l( ~ •• 8-0ach. l nte,'mef'li was NOTICE OF Puduc 1993 Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Jan· PUBLIC NOTICE Th• rog1strant(s) .com· UNDr~uA ~E6 or TRUSl " 'count as p10\<"IOttd in Compal"ly 11.100 A1vu1u1....i.1 ou ... 11thl "'"'" j)jly .. ~ "' private, at PacHlc View T-067 mence<I to transoct bu$1- A TED S St10Wl'l8ELOW s.i...11on 1 :>SO ol lhit ""' !)u11 .. JIJ 10 " "' 'flllitlu "" 11100 OI '!ollO in 1~,,.11;1 Memorial Park In New· PERSOSAN'".l.LEPOROF PEATY PUBLIC NOTICE uarv 12, 19, 26, February 2. Flctltlou• - noss undl!N the ( Fi)IC~tJ~~ S,..u:s/you T AKr ACTION CnhlOfl\13 P1obale c~ A fl II I/()(; 1111111 (114 bJ70 fllllf!Uy Ill II Uollutl blalm port Beach In lieu ot .. 1993 Busln .. s Name Business ame S •S TO PROTECl YOUR Reou&~l lor Spec1.d NOiie:& By w•t~ ww..~lunil v,.

11 ol l'\ll11ofw11 '"11t\0Ut 1111111111

llowers c~ntrtbulions Pursuanr 10

lhO CaJilornia Fictitious 111u045 Statement above on: Jar;iuary 5• 1-~3 ~OPERT'f IT MAY 6l lorm 1$ ava1labtt1 tro"' 11\1:1 f'1 iu1tl1•n1 O • 1 ud iv ll•l"l''>.S •• 111

ic:*uJ H 111 th Setl-SeNlco Storage Fool- The FollOWlng persons M1Chelo Rudy 0 D AT A PUSllC SALE courl clt1rl'.

11 15 lli\JJ 11110 II""' Vi" !>)'Ur\ t11 '"'

<> may be :enth


~ bl'e •IV Act (B & P Code 21700 • Bu1lneH Name PUBLIC NOTICE are doing business as· This jlalomOf'll was tiled ~f l Y 0

u NEE 0

AN Attorney tof Petitioner A~Pt JlllO Lumlo111 us all flQhl 11th Newport oac u ic et seq). !ho undersigned Statement · RAVE DESIGNS. 2351 with the County Cler" OI (X?tANA TION OF THr RICHARD GLASNER

1 lb l I I ,

1 1111tl t11IL"ms1 rlll• hlAl.I IJY 11

Library Foundation, w1» sen at public aucuon The Follo,.ing persons F1el1Uoua Westminster, Cosio Mesa, Ora119e Coun1y on Januarv NA Tu RE o r T Hr 3550 Camino Del Rio "~ \114 11 llu~h •n an1t "' • 856 San Clemente Or., 9" 2·18-93 at 10 AM, a1 are doing business as. Buslne .. Name Cahl. 92627 12, 1993 PROC[(DING AGAINST North PUBLIC NOTICE, 1111• 1t1ll11• 1nu (h1s111lw•I

N ewporl Beach Public Slorage 2075 New· HERITAGE MARINE, 1043 Statement Richard Vanravenswaay, • F5571 43 YOU YOU SH OULD Sul!e200 - • llll''""'" ,,11uah!d in lh1 92660. Pac1t

1v View port Bl . Costa Mesa CA A-3 Cenler SI. Costa The Following persoos 2351 Westm4nst&f, Cost.a Pubh$kled Newport 8Mch- CONlACT A LAW'l'l:R San Diego , CA 92108 NOTICE 11l1lf1•Y••J Cuun1y aNJ Slall'

Momonal Park and peAOnill propeny, lnclud- Mesa, C11l1t. 92627 are doing business as: Mesa C:ilil 92627 Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Jan. A public 1uct1on ute l o Q.iily N•wpoft LOAH NO 061· • · 0566Jl>ALA tu .. ,, l\PN 11?1 in 07 M ortuory In c1'argo 01 1n9 lurn.ture, clothing, tools Richard E Crane. 961 Ma EXECUTIVE AUDIO/VIDEO, This business la co'1" uary

26 February 2.


16• the h1uhest bldd•• lor cuh Beocn ·Cor.t,l MESA lot J'I ot Trc1 nl)T tfl 11M

arrangemon l s, 6 44- and1or olher nou<;ehold gellan, Costa Mesa. Cahl 16478 9eaCh Blvd .. West· dueled by: &J:IJnd•vldual t99:1 ' cut11ere check d•ewn on• M esa Pilol QlHt.A l\H (.11y nl Co).l• MuM •1 pi•

2700. ilems stored by the totlow. 92626 mlns1e1, Callt. 92683 The regls1rao1(s) com- T 062

11a1e or national bank • Ft1b 1 2 S, 1993 TS NO U ·UG&l M1111 H'WIOOd 11'1 70 1ng ~s: Roben 0 . Jones. 2255 Too Alan Sharpnacl\, 7232 menced to transaC1 busl- • cllcic: ~ dtawn by • 11a1e 01 · 'n• • "'fAUll UN P'9Ql1 13 ol Ul'M!lll11tK1u~

- Et76 THOMAS AAPPLER. Her11a9e Or . Costa Mesa, 21st Apl. C. Wes1rr11nster. ness under · lhe Flct11lous PUBLIC NOTICE l ede•ol c1ed1' u•110n, o• • PUBLM: NOTM:E YOU AEncO ~TRUST OATED U1J~ '" •'-• OfllW 111 •It• rots ROGER COURVILLE, Cahl. 92627 Calif 92683 Bu5lneu Nam1(s) listed dh11c~ drawn by a 1tete oi OfR A 0£ "'" Cvunly Rut.ouJ111 ul "'111 FOt9 ROGER COURVILLE. This b1,1s1ness Is con- D. Davis Burgoss. 5938 above on: Ooc:embof 31 , Fi ctitious tt1deul u111no1 1n.d loar NOTICE Of' TRUSTEES Novtmbtr 1 1ggO UNLESS C>v11ty._ E239 REBE<;CA ANN ducted by: a gene(al pRll· Gundry, Long Beach, C<l11I. t99Z Bualneae Name anoc1 el lon. .. vif'l g • SALE UNOEA DEED YOU lAKE ACTION TO Pfl(). tt

111 tnA~ tttllNfll ol th••

CICARELLI, G018 CATHI nersl'l1p 90805 Richard Vanravenswaay H1oc1a11on, 9r uv1ng1 b•n~ Of' TRUST TCC1 VOUR PROPlRTY ll u~ IJl!fl(>IPftJ l»illl<A 111 BOULWARE The reo111rant(s) com- This business Is con- This stalamenl wu filltd Statement epeclhed '"Section $101 ° T F NO 94441 EM MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC IV'O~I il'lotuon ioouihtlr _.11

h Owner res.erves tl'le ngl'lt menced to trans3cl busl- ductltd by· co-partners w1ll'l tho County Cieri( ot Tho Following persons tl'l• Finano1111 Code Ill< Lo•n No 504369 SAU If YOU NEED AH lXPlA· ,~_,llbtv 11Jhll1AILl(J wsti

MMIOll LAWN· 10 be al the Hie. Pur· ness under the Flct1t1ous lhe reg1r.trant(s) com ()( e County on D9Cem- are dolnq business 15 euthofl11d 10 do buiineu 1 Other Ael - NAflOH or THE NATURE or oal)lt"ttJ~ M\O Mlv~ "' MOUNT OlM chases mu&I bo made With Business Name(s) !isled monced to transact buSI· ber 9i1 t992 RIOS FINE ART, 90I Dove 1h11 atate will be hC1ld bv th V'(.llJ AHL IN OtfAlJI t 'f)i£ PROCEEDING AGAINST 11w1 1ttno 01 llltJ ttllll<il Jllllilt

CerMtety • ~ personal Checks or cash- above on: January 5, 1993 ness under the Flctlltous ' F5S5~8t SI.. Suet~ 1 ~~OOoNewport dulv •ppoimod . :ru~1",:0h~ UNOCJ1 I\ OtLO OF TRUST YOU YOU SHOU}O CONTACT A tahun ol 1111e Nol~"


Cl\aj)ll • Cremaloty 1ers cheolf5 Olllv and paid Richard E:. CrBne Business Nar:n11(sl listed Published Newport Beach· ~"'r· Rig~ · 410\'\ Hollo •1ri1ow:J~~':',·.:\ e!nveye 01\ T~ 0 M.111 h 2 I 9/J4 LAwVER $193 612 32

'Sm1ng All Faulu " ~ a~~~:h~:'e:i 0~~csha!~fl :~s t~~11tc~~~./8eri!d":, -a,~~~=;~~;:1 1992 CostA Mes.1 Daily Piiot Jan- tr:e. co;ona del Mor. !~ ·~nd now held,!,~. t~, ~~~t;~~ i~g1 l'~fl ... ~~ Notlee ollrustet's SM 1111011 rJ~~"':.7 &;:::~ ~r\

l82S Glai.r sold "as ts'. and musl t>e Orange County on January This statement was hied uary 19, 26, Februaty 2, 9, 1-al11. 9~~lness 11

con-~~:~:,:,.:;' ~':rie';,•v v~• l'HOPlRtY, II MA Y BE Nota0:~1t,~s~llllll'I trial 1...-,

11tt'9 1

0 lllO T1u1hm 01

Coat.a Mesa rflmoved al the lime ol 12, 1993 w.11'1 lhe County Cleric OI 1993 l'lls . individual 8l•d PllllU.,lll 10 , Deed 0 M)I 0 Al fl f'\JULIC, ~1\1 t T AST l£ TP.IJST OHO 1Jiikltt1 11


l•t..luPl•blu 111 ••••M0•1..s1a1M•••~I sale Sales subject to prior F557t45 O<ange County on January T-055 dTuhC1eed.,cbeyoi:front(s) com- Truet dHcribed below T 1r YOll Nfl Ol hN l')(lf'UlRl\l:S IN£Rt,,.t'\Nc b lr\ISIH OI T ru~1t1t1 pro111t11ttJ 11

rci1.111 f'AC..C VIEW

•MONAL PAN< Cen;:ief«y • Mortuary Chat>el • Crema•ory

concollat1on in Iii• event ol Pvbhshod Newport Beaeh- 12, 1993 acl bull· ule wrll b• made, bu Ni\llON Uf Ht:. NI\ '""'" bs lll\)Ohl• •lllUI\ i. i:i".utlle !~~le:i:~~t:t;:~ g~~ costa MesaOa1lyPllotJ1n. F557t39 PUBLIC NOTICE ~~c~nJ~, ~~~sf°IClll!ous w11hou1 coven1111 o ~~fl~~~/~tt,<rf(~l~e ~::S:~..!u~1u:I: ~ From m1mnu111011 " """


3500 Peclflc: View OrlVtl Newpor1 8Mcl'l .... .,.

....... ,.u llUlllUWAY

Mortuary • Cn•pel Cr.m.tlon

110 Bfoec:Jway Cott•Mesa


this 2no ar><:t 9th day or uart_26, February 2

• 9, l6, ~!~s~::~:rv~1!;'~~· F1ctltlous Bus1ne11 Namo(s) l~~d ~~~i:dntv.r•g~:;,:" 111: ~tlOlJlD <.:ONlA<..l A O..c1otTrustenc11teObYPAl-' ~ .~u!~ ... h~=: Fob Put>C1c StOfage Man·

1993 Bu•ln .. e Name ~on: January 4• 1 p 0 t ~ • , 1 I o n • o l-AWYt;R MCSA II, llO , A CAlt(OANt.. uu •til'IUM'Otatiun 1.11 watelrl

agement. Inc, Telephone T·064 Ult.IV 26. F.obrvary 2

• 9

• 16

· JStatement ~I RiOS t fllod 1ncumb11ncH , to P•\I th Nolle• 1; hornl1y u1v"11 LIMIHO PARfNlRSHIP Re· 1y 1hu Ml\M•I ~1ou111~) (II (714) 646-S6t6. Agent IOI PUBLIC NOTICE \993 T-061 The FOiiowing peraons 01' ~lalc0::01y w~l~tk ot renlllnlng r41nclp1I •um 0 lhul Serrano Aecom1ev· eotoeo 11/16/1990 Ill Ii ~ oii ..... \,()lfif11041 dWIQniUl(lll Owner 11e dom businou as· wi e n J n 1 U'• l\Otel• •lleu••d by \ ance Company 11 Callloi PllQ• lnSI No 90 604246 OI ol lhu al.ovo Cle.sr11bod Publ11he<I Newport ,latltlou• P' 'BLIC NOTICE AEROM9EOIA NATIONAl. O~e3C01.1nly on il u ry D11d o f Trutt,.wlth lntere1 ,.,.; Cu11111w111111 d!I lrustuu Olltelal Ate:OldS 11'1 lllt OlllOI ol PlhCJo>tly IS bill ~11.-1l1

Beach Cos11 MIS<\ Daily 8u9'M•• Nam• u SYNDICATE, 2080 Newport 12, 1 9 FS57 t44 and '.•I• (haflilU ttu!r1on, • "" l "~"" ll\11110\1. Ill ~u4· lllt Counl)' RteOfdtt Of OR 51Hltll Ct111141 Meua ,CA Pilot February 2, 9, t 993. &t•tement Flc:tltlou• Blvd. Cosla M"3, C&ht. provided Ir\ lho notel• I 111 11ul11<I tru11hr11 11Yr)U«ll1I to N4Gf County, C.lhl0tnll ..,,

0 92620

T085 92627 PUbllshed Newport B&aeh· adv1nc ... J1 env, """" 1 11111 !IJ ol t 1us1 u•lt\.• ,, anuo 1111 Nollol 01 Oll~n Sitll1 P'Ollllll'f 11

INill\I .,.,.,J -P-t-L""'o""T,,.-C~LA~S:-::s=-a:-::F=:l:-:E=:D= The Followino Pfl'te>na au.i.,..e Name Robert Philip Damsky, Colla M•sa Dally PilOt J111n. t"'"1 of th• 0 ••d ot Trull I.JV ._,,,.,,, C...1111Y.1 •r111 u my ~d EtecruOll to Set 111treunoe1 lur 1""' PIHflC)IO ul P'IYl"O II'• the solution you're .(,..a)TdHolEng JbuOSUlnLesE so ·~OUP ···~4"n•nt 2080 N•Wport 81vd,, Coat• uarv 26, FobnJory 2, 9, HI, lnler••t 1h1 .. on. • ... lOUl!tll• Gt•CJIUU hu&ll11ri<I dff 05/t2/1992 ltl Bo~ lllQ Ulllol,l8110r)) t«.'l'ed 1)\1

gbgM .. STER TRAINERS' The follow;ng person• ar• •• ---·11 92627 1993 chargH. and e11pen1H 0 1111(1 .,, ,, H1r1ol1tll .. d racor .. 9"' 31··a•s I !1111..I Oooo OI Tru.i R.k.1(!101J searching for • whOlh· ,. d()lng buslnns as· ... 011,"""' • tho Tru•IH tor the tota l llll 19~ 1 111 Ooui. NI\ PaQ• ll'ISI "o ~ · ~ " o

1 1 l>I tt

ef' yoo' re •eelr.lng • NSORTIUM (c)OIAL-A· COLLEGE TRAILER PARK. This bu~lne~a 1J• ~on /! T-063 etn011flt l•t th• tirn• ol I p~" NI\ 111~• I tl.t.w67.19 flld Ollldll Recoros. ""' Sd. on r'~:! .. ::. .. r~ ~ Ill

hOme, an apa1tmel'11. TEK ADVISORS, t0418 ~~ Nec:'~ .. .,Blvd., Co•t~ °r~!ed,~~l::;an~(s~"!om- PUBLIC NOTICE ~01t;rc'• :~b:~r~~:'.a:~n•~I ul ~lh• .,,11 1,~ 11111.'11~ •I ~'. OT2HI09/1E fR9930HT•I Of10 OOT!FMr~~~ ce111~rn 1,. "•cionve1.

a now occup111lon or Apache River Avenue, ... e... """u" enced io butl 1

d b • t ,011

, • .., .,, '"" ..,.111111y ''"" c111,.,. " ..,...T ance eom,>any • • "'"' evnn a •ttay pot Foun101n Valley, C11it Oon1tlCI & GIOf•• Bigelow. :iou undor ihe l'iciillova tatsoe :!:0'::1~,!o..,:,~11,•~•v b 01 l>l i1t1t1<1 ~llJ11tv c..111111 POlES Al TH( MAIN EN RY t

11111u , ay Swaone ~

l '72·0 Monto \lista AV9. ouainou Name(11) listed Flct, tlou• g•Ht•• 011 tht div of 111a n1J 111 111 l llO)lu._oel lo lho ""' ARCA lO lH£ PiACtHTIA CIVIC u~"'ullv1t Vicv P1w11d'9(1t llll••···················111~~~~~~-,Coat3 Mita, CA 92627

al>Ovt on Novombor 1902 BuslMH N•M• Truetor Douglat Clar~. 11111 111 U11l1111h lllld f ~>1 loi C(NTCR • 01 ·411 f CHAPMN-4 ~ ~ A~. Ctw.11

'I TM• buslnes. Is con· Aot>en p OM1sky Stat•mant •n Uf'ltl'lerri.d m en 111 ~141 lh1.11._11111c11." , h1t11111oll AVE PIJ.CENTIA, CA al pllOllC • Ofl h Ca1t101n•• e 13 t 1 STIRTlll& I llEW BUSllESS• Ouelld by. husblll'd •n<I Th11 llalll'l'ICIOI Wat filed Th• FollOWlng S)el'SOf'll OulyAppolntedTruttH Ill 01 199<' .,. 8011~ NI\ IUCtton to ... l\lQhtfl CIOdtf 611 (116) 11& 2&1~.

, •.. ;-C".J ~ -

I 1111111

wi1h tl'I• Covn\y Om 01 .,. dolno buslne•• u OMAG Mon11eo• $11Vte P~11 · N" •11i.t 1 ()' "'"'11 0 IOf cm11 (~llOlt a1 Ile ~• ol 0..1&1.1 O.ic•mbo•r JO. 1902 The re~iatrant(a) =· G>fanoo Countv on Jilnuary MAIL BOX DEPOT, 1070 Co°'peny ol C•llloml1 11 Kl Oll1ut1I ~.d11l1 will &ale In laW1111 money ol Oii l\SAPIJ371 "'~ ndo trmnaaf~11ov15,1993 N B•••"'•· Uo•t F, O<ange. Tru•' D11d 0111 Sell 11001·16 1~3 "' lOJO Un1MdSlaftt) . allrtgtil.Uflt, at1d I 10 1'2t'l 21? ,,. .. u w

0 1

F55t2tt c Ill lf2GG7 f-1bru1 1y t '1 , I 88 l\M di lhu tlflllllfl(~• 10 tl1U -===========:!::========::::; Bu1ll'l4ls11. JN•m•~~ ll1u1d p blllhed NewpOI'\ :ichard W levy, t7&6 f\eco•d••'\9 Oate Merch 2. 1 ,.,~ rly '"'Ith.Kl 111 211011 ; •b<>Y• on *" 4• u C A Ana,,t/m 1987 la 1 (A""' t1111hwlty in 11111 Donald BIQelow Co•t• Mota Dally Piiot J.\n t= 119

• • . lcntrumentNumber 87 ,11v 111 N11• 111111 8u111 h Qtur-t~ Bogetow 11_. uary t9, 28, f obrua.ry J. IJ. Thlt tlualneu 11 con- 110460 tCu•cm,. U111 M ai 111uul ll1lt tl.llt41ment wu

1"" 1993 lndlvid 111 Aeco•d•d In CoYf\tY o l . Cl11Hity ul l>lf•• tiJIJ, Stall> u

wllll the County CIClfk Of f.()58 ~v;"ed by 1 ~ anl(I) u c:om- Orq•, $1111 o f Call fornl1 11,.11 .. 1 Ni ,.1.wt u. ..... 11 .. Or~nge Courity on JAN 4, e reg 1 ~ Net butl- Date a/Id Time o f Silo Cl\ \116/1.1


1iu1i1et lllk.llOO 1~ PUILIC NOT1C! ~ unJ!, ,: F'.ttttiou• l'ebruery ~/3· 1913 "" tu 111u •11U111.•.,, h11kll'I rn1

F•Ht 'It n... M ( I ti Wld 10.00 A · w\fl il"'Y"""1 11111.,1 hn"1 t1l P\.lbl4ahecf Newpo<\ Oe~h· ~ctlllou• 8ut1Maa am• a ' Place or Sale At t u11 111 ld••ul nkll"'V 01 11'10

eo.1a Me .. o •v P1totJan- • .,.,,.... ....... a:=,rw~1 ~!'0~~~:!':.: 101

u1111u11 S1•tl•11 "" •11 in1 11 UIWY a, 1~, 26. F~ry 2, Stateme"' Th11 .t.alln'lefll WH filed 0"411 Center Orlw • W11t llll ~t irll('tt~'.:.~1 1 "'~°"'Ylk~I I 11')3 The rottOWlng f)erlOnt ..,,"' IN CovnlV Cieri( Of SIM'\1 Ant, CA lu llnu r•ow ""'' 'Y 1 un. "

TuOcJ .,. CIOinO bualM"lt ••· Orange Couf1ty on J8"U.lry Ettlrnottd S ... Amount !Mill Ou1'1.1 111 llMI 111• 111t•tly •·--~~~~=-=-- COASTAi. CARPENTRY 21 19" tlll 728 2• ,.,,,,,k~l w1_,C..1uoly1ttlll

PUIUC NOTICE SC.RVICU, ~ Chn tine ' 'aue' t Leo•• o .. crrpuon o S1it1e• "'"' ' "'"''"•' •b h,. onv., HuntinQ4on 8eacf't , ··-~- 8o n. f'ropeny Lot 1 In 84ocll. 1 1u..,.. 1111 11tJ'H 1111.. 11 141111 l'lctltloue ~rl Cl2646 Publlthlld ,_..,..,_, ~ of $ett ion 3, 8albo• lel•nd, 11••1 "'"""'' • 111'..h fru'"''

9u9'neM ....,.. J,lm•• lhboltoo, Cott• Mou Daily ~1101 In Iha Cit" o f Newpo 111<1v 1111• t111w •• •flitV ""ru ., ...... _, 80)8 Worthy Orllle1 Wall robruaty 2, '· ''· 23, t993 a..IC-h. In ..... Counfy .. 111 .. ilUf\lfft "' lhitl 11'1111111

The '* Pl'ton• mlnat•. Cttlif. 92GaJ • T 090 Stet•. •• atioll!'n on • M 1, ... .,.11iu1d l ~''''"•""'"~'try 11re dOl~tlMH H Thl1 t>us1nn1 la con- PILOT CLA9a1FteD Thef1of A.corded In Booll. . lh•. r Hwl11111 ()1001111 11 ... tu PACIFI Rt SC ARCH ' d"'ltd by "n lnc!Mdual II • 1 th• ea a y •10 , .. , 1' et Mlecell-ou 1l.1h•I Ni1111·111l1111 II l()tJ

,_.AAKtfl 3202 Colo The r•Ql,tr1n1,•) 'om· 1 l oim•llon M .. • "' the Offle• ol t ·••~ u11.t try f'l•.1• r Ml v• ttdO Pt Costa Me ... Cahl mtnced 10 lr•na.Kt bulM •CC~s•d, " Ir. t lee• County Recorder of I '''"" 1 i.t11l /\ttM M Ml C Utt II ' ,,... Ul'lcMf IM fic:t1110ut pac.,• m•r e P Covmy '""' t111..t •11I .i111I w•lu •• ~~ ~ Middel410ftl 320:1 8u11neH Name(e) litled vtM4":1 fctOvl•rly • auc- l t111t Addren o • .._.,. 111" 1t1h1n,.I 111 llrv

eoi:,.lldo Pl Co•• ·Me.. ~on NIA ~fvttv by "" kind• ~-- IOI Ot~1 c • ur .. 111 ..... , 1c ... ~I . ,, •••••••••19jcaM t2Q'8 ' · Oonllld J lbbalson o f c.or1.i"n•r• Do11tn1tion, It llifl 000- tU.ll•'ll 111 Piut ' .,,. c;u

' '

Thank You! My rea&lll ad WM ordered tor 3 d•· I& wa "'need o• Ule nni d., ud 3tl •ore """''"called! DllLY MLDRIDGB


NewpOn Beach/Coata Meaa Daily Pilot Tuesday. February 2. 1993 ..


61'2-5678 llOr .. CI. Ml-128

330 West Bay Street

How To Place A Classified Ad

BY PHONE: 714-642-5678 !'forth Oranet County-540· I 220

UY VISITI NG OR MAIL: J JO Wttt Bey trtt1 Costa Mtsa. CA 92627 , _ "' ,__. 111'4 . .. , \I

CtA IFIF.D HO 'R : ft~ L ... 4.\i .S:Jtl'\t M..., ~all·la Uf\.\t .5.JOl'\l MOICl1)'fnd1}

DEADLINES Mood a.y .. . ... . ..... .. .......... l'r lda7 6 .30PM

Tueeday ............................ Mo nday 5 .30PM Wednesday ..... Tue9day & 30PM

Jo depeodeot Wedoe 9da7 3 30PM

Tbursd-., . . Wednnda7 5 30PM Frtda.J ....................... Thu rsday & 30PM

S.turcl~....... .... .. ... . ...... P r tday &:30PM

GENERAL POLICY !tarn aod dndhDH art subJKt 10 chance • 1th011t nocin. TIM p!Jblil lwr rtttntt tilt , "fbt te ctnM>r, rrclus lf) , ro 1u or rtject U ) duur1td 1Hhtrt11f111f11t. Pkut rtpon ID) tm>n !Jlat ma1 bt 111 oer ('.janlfttd ad ••IM'Clt•ltl). T1w Dall~ PllO. & TIM lodtptodt•I ¥Ctpu ne habilil) ror .. , m-or Ill 111 Mhmltt-at for • hKb 11 mt) bt mpon~blt o<"f91 for llw n1 t of tht ~P•et •m• ll) omipltd b) tht mw. Crtdlt can onh bt alloottd for tht nnt


Before your garage sale, determine what

items you wish to sell. Make ·sure

everything is clean and repair-ed.

: ' f I ' • o I I •' '. '

Costa M esa, CA, 92827



CONDOS PENJ NS U1A 2 10 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 2 16 9 PENINSULA 2 60 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil -......miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FOR SALE liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii F o r L•a-: 1 BA 1 BA liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • MOVE · l N SPECIAL! 2 B~ lDA !Iii n I••••••••• LAO 2•. 2 lull bath, condo, end unit, lowe1 Np t H g hts 4Br lBa 20R 1 B..\. Oen, w/d lq cle n 2br 1 ba cpr t>ost f: S do rea b • t

Baytront, securd bldg floor, on S11eam Mir Cape Cod hso w lam hkups lrq pallo r,, cpt OW SIOfW)e to hc.h 380 wooo w/2 encl patkng spcs rorcd walls. AIC, WO im $1!~00 6 19.727. SlJOOmu yr lease SI o t~ Pt-t6'10·2 ll· lind S~'1064& •Ob Fum1shd. Mann3 avail hkup. Ca1port 440 O r 6605; 2 I J 849 2J2 7 uhl pd, call 615•1140 • MOVE· l N SPECIA L.!,. $1600 yrly 675--0308 ange Blpssom S<i7S 2 Lq JOJI ;>UA, d ' w. trµI,

mo. Pa1,1I 6 40-5 3 2 4 NPT North Ur I' •Sa BAYFAONT "Br turn encl (!all"· 2 oar'"·" HUNTINGTON

BEACH 1040 1----------For Sale



for le .. se. w d, tpr, els to ferry p~lo.n9 leo s 10'l ;.1•1':1 Pw r;.•o 21"15 tmmac unit llpl , 1 to July 1 310 37~ -------,;.._-r=-----S1125 759 1277 5500 303 eoiiu,..t11ei I UH duple• w p1>l10 E ' &4de lg ~fJJ 1

Nwpt No Villa, l6R deck, trplc garage t,, r ·w vc:i<'I DI nos, 2• ,BA, tmmac, $2600 W 0 tikup N sm•rs '' Quot $13 2169 Owner!

1 Bedroom condo. Downtown Huntington Close to b"'ach and p101. Pool, spa. P1iced to selll (714)960·2868

• * Lg 3BR 2BA front iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiii house. lg gllme rm w/ blltn bar, 1ofllg. stove, f1plc, gar. W/ 0 S1750 Avl 2/1 7G0-3676



mo Avail J . 15 eve CORONA pots sr,so 646 1105 20lh 7:!2 • wknds. 760· 1716. dny 2BR I~ . DA townllou:.e US( 725·9119 Ask for Irene DEL MAR 2622 style, g.1rage pa\•O Ttl

Oceanfront, 2f:ln 2BA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pool. $100 No PN5 PILOf .. lwr unit duplex, frpl. 1 BR • Oe n . lg yard. 646-0 10':; or 662· 1982 CLA!.Slf 11::0

E ' StOE trp • . spi;CIO~ 2U1 new pnint eoor, 10<'.lry p.ItlO SCP un I, q I t• Sl15 6'10 1733

EASTS I DE Ba<:k Ba)f

Z8R TOA; .V t7 l•k'tlp " , t> • ~ v •<1 No pttts sns JT10 64S- t631

Ea • 1Cle I S.ll>CJ•O Apt, til Cl'!tl1t ~~ lg ba, ~re •I IOC' $!:.!!!.. mo 111d u111s· 7?0 t '.C.!.

0 Whcthcr ·~ou re buying or s• 11in9 Cla~!llh<'d covers nll your nc~dsl


PROPE RTY 1 5 25

Cute & Coly 2BR 1 BA Cottago on Pojnsot11a Small yard, pal.IO, fire place. w 0 hl<ups, 9·" SIO!:.O Agt 675-4912

SS 7S. a.10. S 1600 MO Studio to 3 81-droori

'""''511ed Uil"' •"'.J Villa Rentals

gar. lmmac' $19501mo closo lo bch, lndry rm y1ly loase 675 2272 avt now $900 mo

720-0402 or 645 752 I O N LY $750 Ve1y

el 'Jn IBR pool, spa, FA9ULOUS VI E W

If you'r e looking for a ca r, classlfled h as news for you.

Monte re y P e n i n s ula OCEAN~ONT 1904 Bed & mollklast Inn Snto by o wner. AH coz y occanl ront rooms with whitewater VICWS Ownc1/Mana9· e1s apl 9 Venrs SOhd ~sh flow Apprn1sed S 1 906 000 Selltng

p11co St ,J00,000 Financing 11vo1lable w1lh $300,000 down.

(408 ) 3 7 3-5177 5




Oelui1• JC 119 3BR JBA frplc, 2 car gor, w d hkup, amons. $ 1800


Avl 2/1 759-0 8 7 4 __ ... :J_U_f,_l -2-.- ,-a""A_S_1_1_f_5_& I

••Fro nt Un i t•• S'l60 Npt Hgts twnh Beaulf1mmac 20n ses, w d, lrq yrd lrple 28A, lg dock. yd, I garage 647· 7540 car gar A must sec• ~,..,..,.-:--:--:-----603 lrtS $155-0 Gary BllY RIDGE C ONDO 720-94 22 Avl Now! 2BR 28A 2 c.u ').Jr.

w d, lndgc. S) J50 OCEAN ANO BAY VWS G42 5735 d ,1ys ask for

Now C.:i1pet & P3tnl Tom. 673 4195 cvo•, 2BA + Oen Spacious

gym sec & only sleps Spacious 1 Br w den to bch Agt 854·5609 lrg pvt deck, encl g.:ir

Houmy 2.BR 2BA, 2-g<H. S 1950 mo Avi\11 now Wall< to bench Pool/ Cllll t.73·5371 tcnn. No pets s1Joo11·c-R_E_A_T __ s _r_u_o_1_0_. -,-,1e mo Avl J I 631-511 1 floors S725 Small

e S EA IS LAND • Luic s<'ud10, S575 A I ultls ::?BR. 2• ,BA 2600 s I & w 0 incl 640·4255 2 Sly gated qoll cr!>e S tudio Largn, llr"'lht, Y\J $2 975 644-9 t 23 " walk· in closet L.,,ge

•UPSTAI RS 3Br 203 balcony S850 mo. ap111. lrplc. " car g:ir Call 640-5664 Okr Swp-; 10 bay & bo,1cn SI ISO mo 8181~59-4539 Din & lR w/FP.· 2·CM BAVlllOGE. 2BA 20A

Enclos<.'<I Car. S2G50 2 c;:11 931, pool ~~p~;:i~~~~~~~~!!~~C~Q~-~S~T~A~M~E~~~A~2~6~2~4~ APARTMENTS FOR RENT COS TA MESA 2124 Eastbluff

2BR 2BA condo w ••2BA Oplx, q ulet, lg den. completely--------­

yoird, new cnrpet, sngl remodeled, new· BALBOA g.J1a9e. qood area pct'I. wrndow cover· $850 mo. &47· 7 5 40 1ngs, new appls. 2 car I S IAND 2606

JBA 1BA, BIKE TO qaiagc, WO hkup iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii s I JOO mo 627 H1I· BEACH, lrg fenced vanas Contact Warm yMd, now kitchen •""Ion Alty 557.5511 S~7!> 646 2582 .. ,,

E X EC hom e , 405 LIDO IS LAND

DA YFRON r Studio. 10-dccor al ed N smk1 l>(;IS Avl now $775 mo yrly 873-6640

l1wv F111rv1ew, pool. Steps to beach, :ien "P" pnrk, :JBR", Iott 2BA Sl850 mo 1c.he. 1•8- ALB--O- A ____ _

;: 1 2 BA app10• 2<100 _o_w_n_r_. _8_7_s-_ 1_6_1_1 __ 2.607

$ 4 99 M O VE IN • Brtghl I Bdrm Apts • C3rport.Ca1ed • Nr Tu SQ Sr Cntr F°' Oc1.:i11s 642 5856

• $200 OFF ! 3Bf1 2'. Ba , W O hk"ps, garage 22J I Fa1rv1~•w S1070 mo 548-7 001

• $48!> MOVl:.. YO U ltJ • 2BR I ' BA Twntlm • S785 mo SIOO S"C

• Nu occor, c1p1, patio 606A J0..1nn, 6!':>0 5901

•• E .Sldo•• sq tt , $1 600 754-4142 Ltdn Isle. 3 , J, lnm rm, PENlNSUIA

LARGL ctenn 2tJt 19,, rcd!'c 2 c:ir qnr . liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ch3rm1ng JBR 2BA houso w 'g3r Avoc:tdo S2 500 310 277·158J $60 0 lrg 1Br Duple• beach hou9'C. pvt Str('()I No pets S700 Call owner alte1 6PM s1ove relrtg uul P.l•d

Lg 3BR 2BA, new cpl drps. new paint. vaufl ce11s. lrplC, pvt sun· dccll. gnr 3 t 3 O Ca· b11llo $985 832 5086 poi110. tum ur1fum Avl mo 240·2299 •Uclo P e.nlnsula• ~~ ~~~·~7~~:~~a now• St!.50 mo -. - o- u-re_ t _ N_e_l_g_h_b_ o_ r · Uniq~10 1 & 2BR Units•---------

- 673-RENT h ood! 3Dr 28.-i lrpl 101 le.-ise Private bch • ::?BR IBA upstts, 1500 gar, $1 2!i0 Avl noN on bay. 6 7 3 -6030 s I. huge hv•ng 1m. 0.ivc.Aqt545·7soG 7 10lldo P•rk Or. st~s 16 bctl $1150

rno Gary 7 20·9422

.. Celh ng • 1BR unlum. encl ga1. ftplc. d w No pets S705 rno • 642· 7142

LINES DAYS BUCKS Merchandise Under $306 • Private Party Only

DilijPilot-~ -642-5678

Ba ytront condo . Now RENT Lu•ury C ondo Nr n 'w WllC'lhcr you re buying 30A 2DA, rool oeck. , 2on movo-1n condt 0 , s«:ll•ng. c1.1s'l•l•cd S2200 813 E Bay Tennis, pool Nr bch covers all yow "ct•ds' 579-4752 01 779 7962 $1350 854 5609 Aqt

•MO VE· IN S P ECIAL! 2BR 201\, now carpet. OW, I patio. enc l qM,

S8JO No Pel 640·2495 Classified Community Moticetploce


DIRECTORY D ETAIUNG 3 4 42' TILES 352 8 INSTRUCTION 355 7 R EP AIRS 3 62 2 & COO UNG 3 7 5 4 IA W N CARE 3808 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!' •!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • W. P . YOU NGQUIST! "'• 0 -.vur 1

• • ~"Hour TU. rou1"2 Auto/Bo • t Oe t•llln_g THE ORIGINAL M•c lna tr\.ic tlon B4tg B asket B azaar R~n1n R1c '5 Hea1.nn and A C .- Lawns mowl'd hont ,!.~,lntlng,Con~r•cto,r Pl-Jm!>ing~ n;ac J'r- P ie• up 11 vetrv

ACCOtJNTING Cet the best• C;ill ln1e1 Adv MS Work• .. " "' • back s1 1 ~') clo~n v.... P 1 " "1 "" p<:> no IC:> 1~ pu C ' 1 ' 0'" i.c 4

0 =' DEAN the TILE MAN lfPJ '" ::ns••·I "'•'P'•l'S, f'rol I SC'NICC, Qu.1l1ly "' l•C.•f;(). "'l:t ' I 11 ' 11 ~ Slav•' s ... ~, ~ I 0 11• IOOmEnNG TAIES3406 Ke11h for QUM'1ntood Pqmkr. Mac Draw t.> J n•p,1irs k>w pr ,.., up'4 & o<:>m11 .. Nv .i1.,,o f -" • ,.. 1 ~· 33 qu,1tity work. 6~ 6:!JO leaky showers Acid ltc 7 2 1-0852 f!"~.lll.~n ~~~ s.;~"'t~" • n 1 oa•,t) 4 90-0702 avail, 63 t ·8809 • ,_ l•c. r~ " 53 ~ 1122

d • '••4

°':; ~""'ii Taug:tlOf 723- I 126 Tl• Flfm ptlCH on t.l•H Ftff P<" up & del•vety

wotsh & rcqroul Now •House Pa1nlln9 • • No G1mm1c l!.s • Sti '1 r •m S.?<r l;D'•i;J & Repa11. a.1th1ooms --------- • TREES! [,•c or"'" , IS Plu1nt I d :i I 101 S• I bu'lo

AUTO REPAIR 3 447 Shower doo1s KHC· DRYWALL -HAN--D- Y- MAN---3


IMPROVEMENTS "' f.''" 11r-• ,..,, tl<tt 1 .,., ' " • 1 c •o :ind ,.,por•• Floors Plumb1n9 tL1c SERVICE 3584 • Topptd1il e movt \.a " ' · Ow• 648-9981 lie M C'Vos3 ti.tG«l'>. •l 65C>c7276

•PIPEWORKS • ,~ .. ' .rw'"!"I w "

!'tlP I •OO't'f • .,..., l'> p c!)Ondr 67381.a..J

•Painting by Pe ter lnl l \I <. ' • J t 1st fie • t I 0t •. "" r lo •• 960-2868 ••

AT YOUR S ERVICE 25yrs 0 C 673 80b5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii H OME 3756 ~<!nuo 751-34

76 .. ~ ... P 1- l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Y.ud .:l<!.ln up hau1on9

---------• Mobile AIJlo Clta• Amb -' • w -•1 & Cell.inn ,....._.,.,"ef't.i ~t1ow. 1• S C

...... •• ..___ ... - • p c Gvt?rl)ro .. n -d\ Srtr\lbS ACOU TI Pin- "' your '""''"" OI CHllD CAR~ 3536 LJn & ·-•• ,,,.. 111 n 1 a r P 0 n tr Y C•lrns Constructio n _ ..... .....__ ..... 2b26061 ,,.; 11 ..... re..., rs. 0 II d I llff st .. ...,p ..,, .... ''"" S REMOOEUNG 3 408 _, • ,,,_"""' R<i>mo"9 W>l Apaper faJI rywil .:in more Nt'I> ·~l~j ·-to.. ' lrca o~t 964-5239

stveJoe 72 t ·73 47 GM)MS-5277 Spe .. ..a••• tn cu"omch3~ i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ----------1 N•nny' • live lr\fout .120 y.., ol 0ua111v Work

CABINETS 3490 • c t 1 D 1 "'-· Acllonh- Ae,..•lr S.rv.ce '911'9 ,oos be ~l!>ll • .,••, , .'1 • ,, POOL W•~n• Wall Tuturea $100 a WM~ b.lbys•tters 11, omp e • rywa ...,. .. ,co ....- , ~ Drywall aeoustlc:al ce1I p.\ Cal Ille P909lt .... ell a~ H.lllQ•n«J LlP.~teirtll'e Plumb elect carpentry Coastal Carpontry LEGAL R .... ' ' ~ .. - SERVICE l~gs, rep• ir. rtmo1tal M r . QOOOWOOO utnce LA.l r."1lr812 ISO wlll!f d.l'TIJ9C Asbestos p;itnt l•IO ma!lonry etc A,.'l'OJ • ' ""' ' "' SERVICES 3812 --------- ' 3S94


SER\,C~ 3926

J M B Communtc•tlons I •1 • :>a llu5111C111 A

Free est 192·7085 Kteh n.or11ge tt1tef\.ln h:>!>!.'rtmo"o 77S 8!154 C;all Rick 8lG :,:) 17 ,. ..,.,,. a. , r -~•"'' E~~ro(sa.,Pa11n~1ng iiiiii ___ iiiiiiiilliiiiiiliiiiiiiiii ,,.. • c~ •3·1 Cool W .•tcn Poola --------

wood moldot191 ll'st.: led CT r111UT1uG Europe•n Craftsmen ">AA , .. , ' Bankruptc y .. em1 '2~v > •• ,. ., c t""""c"' 72, t ...... ~u-. =-------- """Iv POOf tt ct..,m T:r 1TORJ,.'G 3930

ADDmOHS * · "'-* EARTHQUAXE Tile. poin11nq re tool Remodeling, r~..: '''"I 101 cd Alm" .o yrs £.I. t • l~ 1~1.! n.e CQl , , , Ir~ 'liiii,uiiiii_,iim•iiiiii•iimiiii.__ ---------1:SiiEiiiRiiVliiiCii£iiSiiiiiiiii3ii5ii4ii8 PREPAREDNESS 3609 i p.w nnd moro• At'I ~ rt•p.w:. ('IC e'P 8S'l ')<•vo .... do a. Ri'i"Neow Clrcl• Ma1nt. e I 7~o; I ~· •

ilEiiiMiiiOiiDiiEiiUNiiiiiGiiiiii3 ii4iil iiOI CARPENTRY 3 5 10 11 Stefan 581-768 t L•<- 85651.;!9 1 t; vrs lht' h.1•d w 0< to. t1>r ..,oo• p , 1 tbl~ Ill, • F cmt:h• I 1 !lfl

••British Clean ln 9 Fl• u p r our Hom e 1 do e•p Henry. 7JO 6747 ""' <>.'. , r,, .. ~ • I ' • • • I I • '1~• • Senrlce Guarantocd Prop,1re you1 home/ d sr c; • .1, ,. , 1 1· .,

1ROOFING 3910 -w., llf'n~$ "' ' "

.,...VIiiani Const ruction • B EST Q UALITY • Room ~111ons,remodels All pr()jects l1g small. eabtnets, dn IModOWS new or romodol he ins ltc U06t 7 Ma.l107 T im 723- 1 3 0 5

.Work. noh1 Ins & Lie l nm1ly oll1ce F100 all trndost Cont•a ing MASSA GE 3830 - TOP QU .. LITY-- - --- G37· :122 H2-4052 homo co11sultat1on ad<1t11ons remodels H OUSE ._

Ellte Cle•n ln g '1

today ..... --------- SITTING 3760 • Ovr.rwt•rn•tt• Oon 1 nt ., .. 1 • • II • ,' ,, \\'ORD

* 0 & O Bull de rs • K11Chef'\. biath Im addl 11ons decks patios F roe H I LIC" 659273

C II I "" '' 2 1694 ,466245 Jay 850-3008 ~· ' ' IJ ' ,.., n • 1~

Hom s 01 ott1cc hou •--------- N o Anaw M•ch ln o iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii he 1 ,.. c- 1 "''t:, 1 11 ~ !>OtY. " q , • Ken'• Cldt-C~try Stiling l\Villl Reas E' rcr RICAl 3 6 10 Call R.indilll Jny ltmt1<' VO' IC"- I '1'<'.tl' l•C a RN• :140 b213 - 'P OCESSING 39]8 Jobs 10 Complete r.ites Tina 541 · 5445 ' iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tor s.1mc dlV erv•ce• ¥ At\Pomible ltm»l !;) ~ • 939-0942 • -Room Adcltt-ons At YOUt •"'-.. .. nt H- ··-•e-. -• II All ttades 7 4 3-8 798 •• '""' "°"'4 1n lht ,...,..,, '~ PERSONAL_____ R• Root & RftJ• 0

"6 F 11 s 1

.. ~·r• 1- -" Yout r~ ....... _...., -·-.... •0 & A E lectric. n., ~ •. ,. 1-1- f j t ll I II ' .. u • f!CfC!l lU• ~"'- ~ ... """.. R-................... ~.1h roi ·a Pl bl .,... " .., a _.,. "'"' P'• s VICES 3867 r s ~ .tr·-·on n---' • · 531 -03.,., .... .,.,. """"'"" .. q11,c;i.. \Q(\o•Co low "'t,ces u m ng & Electncel c 110 ~ -~~ ••2• M O VING 3834 ER l • n c>r f' J ..... ........ ~ Groal OfQmn1zer 20 yrs ,.. F1nm1nn 10 r1111~h c~r ' lnll~·""" __ ,. v r: I !I

• Uc'd. Insured. 35 "-··- n-mod .,_,,, .~ • ltOublhhO<ll spec•,lllSI . ... ~ " 836 t 9 6 I Jar._ :. ' ::\'·02 ~·· ,.,. """" or exp PIM 4 5·9 818 •52 .. 576 pohlly. Orywnll ne ·--------- iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-llliiiiiiiii - I ~ .. .,, .. .,r• e•p .. Addtllons, (ly.,, cabtotts.alucco & rJty 1---------1 ___ ..;;" _:_-·..;,v____ .- Error\da person I • Thundet R ouht1y•

declls, j>.)hOS. cab{ lencn. 11''-" lie. le· Eutope3rt. ldC!JI C1c1.1n.119 Funk' • Elect ric Add• pains', P:lmtinq, l tic JEWELRY 3 784 P oor Ma n "• Mover 1 service o f all 1)~X?!t hlt in" , , t ' ~ • •._.s I 11 r in t net$, doof hanging & 45 rrs .-p .lerff 142.0567 Tho wily you want Ill toon 11ouhlcshoo1mg Lie Kon H0.1514 ht m n Cwt lowest Home or otfK.'O Pk.k ,. ~ds• Rer ....I u tr r..;1n ,,.., <'


tlOlsh wOfk 546·0318 roslcomm, moveouts Hnr<1workl.lllpttco • S . Ii rates . llc1110800.:? uoe1eive•y b42H"l.a l;o.; 638114 64&..&1 11 llorm• C4tft•lrvc tlon --------- he'd bonded 348 9547 reh.1blc> 751-FUNI( R e pair pec1a st W1ll13m H iUOlct ~elers tnstir 714 63J '}925 ~=::=:=r-*1~~~~·1;::::=:;;:::::=;:;.:===----------

Addi\/femodtl'k1ICI\ b.llh CAR.PET Homo or o llic:o LIC 1nsu1 local 1&1" w.11ch A wwelry 1epa•r 1--------- Spec1•l Glr1 Frtday

pl b..~t. onu•t• CTr11.nuG 3515 a1nce I 80 * bOndt'd Jon es Elect rical l'r<.'o ost 0 73· 7 922 Antique 1'1n Jo""''"Y PUBLIC NOTICE To • s I '" co'" f!Q ,

um c J.,l;AAl.R R(IWuo Rt>P.'''' l o w \ e.iy wltrart. 073.0385 Tho Cal•I J'ublic U111t <I!\ ' 1 Dr O"" t C A 10 Z M!MC• ltcU416~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 536-0306 prtc<' ·no 100 too ""J 1 lies Comm•., IOI'\ RE· ••14" s• call 5 46GO C.n Robe11 • 31-4·

3 10 Ivan'• S to m Cl.anlng Housoclo mng $.30 dny, f roe <a lie ti s.i 2 1 l28 HAU LING 3720 1-1),......_______ OUIR(S th.ii nll ''"•d ---------

Quellty Cent rec:Un9 ~siotnillllCommtttial U95 Keopota In/out $100 I--------- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IANDSCAPE & household goods PET lwnodeHllWtl lmpt~ I* 100IT\S1l hea¥Y 1111tc -weok, e>Cper & reh ble FENCES , H•ullnn & Cle-- -·-- LAWN CARE 3808 1nov<1111 print lht>"

Lic'delnsut"d9FrM est. Upl'4ll. WI Damage 6JI 1470 call Lisa 2tJ 572. 1549 L DErvs • ....... _ ' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pu C C"I T numb('r SERVICES 3870 20 yrs e11p. 890-e&Oe QI ~ 36 15 No )Ob too "milll big' 1• limos md chm1tfevrs iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

Sunrt- Calpet C•r• I deaned Boston• Finest "''V 1tme any ¥Wht11e • ""IOI IM•r "t c P. num----------1 • $8.50 Special • homes lat 12 ~I'S. now Oill 6-12· 15557548 QJ.J.4 •We do It alll • .... 11 ALTE

n •TIONS :Jrms•lrMNll& ~th 1 e#\ c!Mn ~111 call •FENCES GATES• Sod sponli. r, ploints , ber 1n I Yi'rt•M r.n 67 .. ..,..,.,....,, 801 2244 -2 7 •3 ,.._,. _ _. - •t -'K• llees, drl\lns, con· mof'lts 11 ¥\XI h.we •

TAILO IUNG 3420 """' ,....., Wendy - • • ~i;,,1,';;d c:rete 551 043 • que•l•\>I'\ "out the k'

Qrete tuf P e t e Boafd t d.tyc: • ._ 'ra v ')Qnl vt n

I M t ~ d 4 C1.K1


~ & ...,, ... Alltrattons Oual11y and profeulOnel ~. pjek. ul)ldeblferV IMllf lrM•tl ...... ,_..

Maid for I D- Jlm Whyte 542•7200 HEALTH, BEAUTY g \hly "' mov~r. hmo C r..-cu.- 3 - • a. f~t=c:s 3 740 All Ame r lc 111n T r • ot Chftulf ur, c 11 , __ _ ~&;.SU e33. 1H •utldl~epalr MMC• QI ""'"""' Service Ran1ov~• . PubllC UlthOH PLASTER

C ONCJtETE 3526 You' ll h vo 11 tnadel Ow9f 30 yt.ars ••Pr~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii T1ill'I, Senior Ot'\C , Comm• 110n -ood C::e< frH e·•I Spectnl Oller To toos. fr" esl SJI 8415 714 Sst~IS 1 REPAIR

T .J . ~ Cenc. c-.e COMPANION F1an11 838"0872 ~N Qt"' 'V IOf s n. •--------- 5•" On Movi"9


---------1 Conc-Btick Btock. Uc CAllE 3 554 1_________ cent.,.. t.11 _,. b)d you• ,_ :.:.·:~:;::!-:::;'!:. Lowest, lot 119 , prof

AltCHJt!CTUJlE ~'= mr,~.= PLOOlt INSTAll ~~ "ll~:s.~~ S•nc• l!HM S4~7J? LNT Ulp 1 '" ""n -DIAPTUIG 3428 itiii COiCilit iiiiV c."' ......... Care E!tP UPADS 3820 OUM ~tut• 147-2310 Call 7 t4 4 · 1~5 Tll7659, v.uc 731 ~SI

~· C\lll""O'~W s.c·ty/, Driv., __:T;...h-in_k_ln'iJ_,..o_l_h_a_v_~-..... 0.-..n k e fte lollnll <l)n9

repourJlacldummer •"ands, ptepere Dew'• flloet C...,..fttt g111a09 'M'~? Give vi A lmg.11i.on. Trtmm•no Uc:1 417$59 U t -H10 meal• 97~a Your maton.i 0t mtne • calll a. A m°" la, c .. " Buy It. S.11 It F'tnd It Make the r19hl "'°"- p.tdding el COtl In• d PILOT CLASS tl"IE O Vl>I & Maint. I. Lie

Clas.il1.0 PtlOI ANI E•t•l• lX14491()2 n t .0010 ••2· M78 •S·~s. 4 3 2 ·8804

TRADE IM>UQ'1 Clil hed


lnl '' p; tc.l'I f)la'1etln:d CU& I• ~I)

""" k. "' bltlm. No P'OC>· G..-ns! .;t~.sS4 7UI

Th1okong o f h11vmg • .,,,.~ ••If! G~ 111 11 c II' P ILOT CLASSl~l~D

4Ml •ff7 8


~1(1kt\ urt' )'Ou .trmt• at the

gar ag "I sal<) earl or vou will miss

th be t barg, ins! '

iiilyPiit .. . .

Take adlal- al Oii LOW MONlll.Y RAIEI Aduallls8 •business or service b onlV-

4Unes PerDay

Fer more l1dot1i1allon can M2·5678 x 31o




•Tuesday, February 21 1993 Newport Beach/Costa M .. Daily Piiot

COST& IDS& 2124 •aw.Oat UlfTALS TO Dlft'AU IVIDIUS oma.. DVPtlDI PBaOIUUS lllPtOYllUT l'UUJTVll IOH nn. -----lll.11JiiliiCllii. .. .i2iiNlm SllAll J7Z4 WUTID 2721 IOI IDT 2711 a UlllTI 27H 1530 UlllW ... • •N OCC -. ••••••••Ill Cherry °"""' Mne dfnl ......... lm! r . • ·--r 1--------- '"'• ~ UMd: Ible ... ,. .... IO llOOd "°'"' deoor•lM 1pacloua .......... o. .. Vwt 2 ..... •11•11. Neu F\nnlahed hOUM or 2 llXllO ....... 4770 CllM tlfl ....... M!Mll.SHIPS ...... "'.,.... ch1'9, buffet a~ w/ lleUweller ..... 28R ,._. ..., 1 hM to Mindi 281t Beach, mtl, S300 •.c'h Ame 1n aatne tor 1 Y•R KerMeR (JW t t MOR TRAINO MJP waterlon:t cut Ole d1'9, male b&eck I ~ 172SAOt 540-11S1 28a. gar lt200 NOi ... c di· 0-'m l C011 P I• . •lll•S/30 . Airport. NB ) .,..,.work 1871 • dep, 3011 Ou•lw,..• (INI~ ., .. , mlrr0ted bk, CUtfo "' ,.,., .. ~ .. t ~ ~ old. To~ S.aaho,.•73-4&74 wfd. BBQ N-7• a (40l)7U.OS.-I ... ,. ~:;~,~~~: ____ n_•_·_305_5 ___ ,il •••••••• '3~11) wlll .,.111 and•. U)C)(). 3a3·5513 NHd• ...,.... ,.,..,.y,

••ach Move•. n.w F,.. ptkng, lun'I, \/Ok• ••lb•• ••w Ch•b ••Pd rfftaurant JMf· Uko Now • SIMl>er Con~ UM Of ,,.,,k, 38R 2~ea. oar999. ctirpet/palfll ptot pref 11 " mo1nborahlr , 0 , ion Salary open -~•• ..... .. ~ .. ..,... (7t •) MO-t4°" 28R t°"Ba, pilll0,"18AI••••••••- Ava I Feb t "415/f••••••••• ma • recepc, co -. ulo, ·~Inc lflll\.. S.nd reaum• to 8929 .... .... ......,_,, .... w/garage 3 Locauona APARTMENTS mo, 6734456 COMJIUCIAL cont rm F~. caplet, BUSINESS. ler toe 948·3344 W1IM'llra Ollld. SI• 4 17, & '"4ghta 142· le51 LOYA•L• lam, blk

Ma-73&7 • D•llul lg rum 20A .F!'JtvE·•·..,a'!.Ps,.33~·rv.. Nr:WDORT BEAC'-' Bell Hills. CA 90211. MATTRR•• SALE Lab. •1>1vad. alt •hoe•, FOR RENT REAL ESTATE .,; " -.... so FINANCE .. ,. " Twin Hit S99. lull name (lAll(A) also

20A Blulls condo Al Quinlan COUNTRY CLUB ' Retail Salff Mta SI llil: queen -.Cl bllclgtay kitten, p&aytut, PO<>I, ..,c, cable, w/d , I••······- -::F:-or-~L-.-.-,-.-:-N---...,...- OOLF' MEMBERSHIP OUT OF SANTA FE $169, kl""' a-s St89 n<i many other d""I S595 • dep. 644 6184 ,...... • .... 257& • ··v v• -LAGUNA

IEACH Beech, •30 32nd Sl _.. UpKale mens• wom· 10 yr warranty. Ir" and cal• waiting Z-648 ROOMS 2706 Fam n.smkr ahr C.M BUSINESS OFFICE •PP• 1,000 S/F & 250 BUSINESS Thinking o r hnlng a ana Sooth-slern •P· dell..,.ry 714/3A•-3981 adoption, 722-830t

i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 28A 2BA, lndry lac, 2 S/F a2'1· S378 OPPOR~ ~a.!!1g11• ule? Give ua paral snop, Maki ... MOVING B I I I pool, Jae:, parking FOR RENT 769 • u111u 1

0 _ perlonc:e sales per· * eau 1 u 1---------

18,A Apt• w/new docor DELUXE NB Gated 5410 1 vlls &.-S.1384 ·~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilcoMMERCIAI. 2904 PILOT CUSStfflED ion, F/T, tHIV t forn & anllqyH. Sacrl· SPORTING 6 ocean view, · park· Comm. Furn mslr BR I• • 42 5 • 78 comm. 7 14 ...... .. 399 flee prices. 771-6197 GOODS &065 • Home on pvt beach In I 00-3 500 S/F cheap v • v ......,.. ~ ing Close to beac h/ Pl/\ BA Pool/&p;i Fem r-t ' Nr C M. Ct•"" ---------•REMODEL SALE. For shops, 499-t44SO NJS ssoo 640·0219 No Wtgvna Bch w/a«: "'" .... PROPERTY 2778 EARN S.-1< MONTHLY. T .VJFllm, com'I & bHI bargalr'\s bringliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii

~/~m'"ke;~~~-7d:ts Ce~1~9;1~ne~t t~ 14.~8. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil LOCAL PAY PHONE!••······- modelln11, all types/ cash & trucll Kids Tall PINO eye·2 aand ---------•Large Room wthouse NEWPORT BEACH 2669

ptlvolodgos, pvt entry, Ja e:, w/d , $4 50/mo Costa Mos;i 642·6811

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LAO room ror age 60 1 •

•2BDRM $700• * 1 BDRM $600•

24 hr Uc 'd supervised care Owner o n pre­mises 714 667-0 175

1ig. dahw&hr, -.tovc Inc l No pets 545-4855 _V_A_CA_ TI_ O_ N ____ ,

2BR 2BA Duplex, gnr, RENTALS 2722 1 Yi b lks fro m bch , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii p o rc h , $1 200 /m o (818) 359-4539 Near Lake Gregory

2BR, bath & I '2. lrpl, •Aak About Our cable t11 , aloeps 6 , Mov•ln Speclal! 2 wee kends or IOnger

Years Now!, 28A, ram· resonablo , 646-5245 lly compte ic, Avorngo --------­rent $637 50/mo w/a 6 Trade Park c11y ski tn/ mo 1s o 850-831 o out condo slee ps 4-6

for condo on b<'·"lCh In Largo VC1s a1lles S tudio

tn O uael Location Sep t 801 645 9676

Scpa rale BR. Full sec RENTAlS TO Walk to beae1'1 $ 725/ mo., loase Agent No SHARE 2724 tee. No pets . 644·721 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

• STEPS TO SANO • * Attn Musicians! 48R 2BA l'lsit. with 1 Br I Bo .. o wners unit

dwnstr 1r1pl1t. Lse S7SO Avl Now 847·2622


re h ear sal studio, lrpl w d , S375 &oiS-5028

3S33; (310) 377•57745 Commerclal aulld- ROUTE . PRICED EMPLOYMENT ages. no ••P req. Bed auite INtng room wedoe. Ilk• new. S40. MINUTES 2 BEACH 1"9 In LagU"8 RIGHT. 800-7•1·t 18S lntervl- 650-5529 sot , 1ar'ga stereo 5• 9-0218 Boaut1ful, qulol park· BAVFAONT Beach on P1telflc LOCAL PAY PHONE Teacher. Preachool speaker•, microwave, Buy 11. Sall It. Ftnd It. ltke so111ng, great lor ~:.!~~oe::;h !~.!;: Coaat Mwy ROUTE Sl20p A WK 12 ECE units needed. more 644·6020 Claulfiec:t ~~~tn~O:.~dsp~~~1~. 1111• /prolessional 01• Must Sacrifice! SPEOLTLENTIAL MUST EMPLOYMENT Morning hra. , He Teak Bdrm Set: Chll

T WA"\ 1 F 1 50 Foot frontage . 800-375-VENO 5530 area 536-1•41 drwrs, drssr, hdbd, qu oge, ennls. , .., , 1co. ree park ng L h •Iii•••••••• Largo dock and p&llO. Easy 1'C:cess. $1700 ergo • owrooms. VENDING • Become sz Sealy PIP malt, Spaciou.s.. •n.d·unn ~r monlll. A---shp-for ~· 494-9528 Aichi $_3K..tK cash TYPIST ldm usecL.ln gest TRANSPORTATION townhome. NW. edge your yacht may also Evea 4 97· 997S- weekly possible. lat 1n CETCO n ••d Needed immediately rm, 5750 &46-<l910 ol Hunltngton Beach. bo available at an ap LUXURY ott;co & ware- orea Prime routes for WBE. City 01 LA. lor roal esl;ite oll•o• 1n Trundle bed & ·a Queen Coritempo furnishings. proprlato additional houso, 1400 st, J780 sole choap. SO down fl Contact David Nowel. Newport Beach Call size Murphy bed Bfu, private unlurn c:hargo 7 11 w. 17th St quallllod. Clint 800· 752· lSl8. S Lennon 759-37&2 · S75ea. ~It condf Call -



7-0-1- 1 bedroom/bath. Clean Other com· ..,·. 0 . 12 C M. 63l·0446 827·7•29 •--------- C03s t Newport Props •7&0-0'124 Now!!

3S ~ F/M nonsmoker. merc1al 1pace also Olftc:e & Warohse, e-2, Whether you're bUying COUNTER HELP S550 mo. 840-9779 lllla1lablo 300 sq ft. 900 s /f, s750/mo. 217 or aelhng, Classtned P/T IOf drycloaners, ---------1---------

•NB duplex 2 houses and up: $495 to $2000 A11oc:ado St . CM (619) CO\lers all VOUT r"Odsl no eicp noc . 963·9208 EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE from beach . Fem prof per monitt. tor further 726-8100 or 540-0488 Customer Service SERVICES 5533 MISC. 6015 Gar, w/d, $425 .. utol. Information call 714· '•••••••••

27 FT TUO•OAT 1942, now diesel, n­t nks, f11aboa1. S 151</ Obo. 646-3920

Mu at see! 548

_3178 673-9330 All Kinds ol Jobs For 1• B11ng your publlshlng/ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil All Kinds o f People. ANNOUNCEMENTS newspaper cus tomer ---• Contomp black Iron MIN.N·t<OTA elec troll·

NB. M/F to sharo lrg P iiot Cla911fied. service oxpc rienc:o Please be aware that queen bod & mattress 1ng motor, 3HP, w/2 ho mo Master bdrm and your enthusiasm St50, geometric: mtr· HO batll'es & cl'larger w/rvt bath. N/S. $~25/1--------- --------- ------------ to our fa c1hly. II tho hSl•ngs in this cat· r<X 4ic6 S50, set o r W1I $275 . Call 675-5201 .

d I , egory may roqu11e vou mo • 'A ulll. 54S-9201 BUSINESS OFFICE BUSINESS OFFICE LOST & you are etat or.- lo call a 900 number son Stnll 1964 goll

•Npl To race S I FOR RENT 2769 FOR RENT 2769 enlod, c nn handle in which there Is a clubs 2 thru p1tch1ngl---------r m FOUND 2925 mullfple tasks, hallO wedgo , collec t or SPEED &

bdrm, pool, spa, w/d .1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t I charge per minute. <t500/ b '8" $350~ 'I.I . No sm"l'" liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii compu or typing exp Items, T 0 0 • "' SKI BOATS 7016 pol, a111 now. 548·7818 SSOO Reward tor Yellow and hke ,working w/ .Honda 2SO Ehto S800 ' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

lab, mlic, neutered pcoplo, then wo wanl 650-1270 11 Sell yo ur unwanted wport Beach Offices male, lost 1/ 1193. No to talk to vou Must b o MERCHANDISE HOBBY • Model uem s the easy wayl a problem s olver, To place vour classl· For Lease collar. <2 t3> 5~93t have pleasant phone ••••••••• Alr planea! Model f1ed a d c a ll 642-5678. • Non·Smoking Building FOUND: Bracele t In s ktlls, boa sell· s t;ine r . piano a , eng ines.

• ·1 Suite w/wet bar & Scotsman ie&·mjlker parking lot at Poppy Salary , ope n DOE , ---------• pl ans . kits , part s. + private '1'1 BA. Alie, &' E. Coast Hwy, good bonotns . Crill ANTIQUES 6010 balsa . books & maga·

CdM, on 1125. Coll to _J_e_n_n1_1c_r_7_5_ &-_2_ 2 _1_e_ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Zlf'OS 846-4.380 e large r upsta11s suite wi5 olhces, ldonttly. 673-9002. WICKER LOVESE.AT

t9' QLASTRON '87 190HP MatcJCrulser VO. Open eo,., Tri· Hull, Sun-Top. Trailer. Lots of a1orago. Great akl boat 1n excellent cond ition . (10-pcrson c apacity) S 9 ,000 o eo ca11 8445- t 5 71 conference room, c offee rm & receplion rm FOUND: Sft\all fe m C ream colo r High JEWELRL FURS

By CHARLES GOREN • Also Single Suite Available ..,,1• oo~....._-'Jl~....,..1r-::; ba c k . -c:o v e 1y. ao<l ._ART 6025 W

it sho s . Edgoview oppty w/c omp worth s tu rdy ! $ 3 0 0 ltrm. Ul ,. 11~E~ RV'S ---~~~~~~~~~~-----------------~---~~~~~~pnuRl~D~--~~-Ga~~~HB,I/ ~~~~~6115 71~4~779 ~~ ••

and TANN A H H IRSCH IAcroutromJofwtWeYMAlfpef1I 28. Call71~·894-7904 . Food. sertera nnd Bus * S igned Lero~ TRAII.E 8014 ,

IHFf'ERt;NT "'TROKES FOR ()JfFEHENT FOLKS C•ll 7 59• 7000 For O.l•llal LOST DOOi Female Persons N"dod, New---------• Neiman l1tho, (l'h•jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Black Lab, approx 100 Restaurant t 7lh SI. APPLIANCES 6011 19th cha llenge), ttie •82 Overl.lnd, 23• Class lbs . v1c:1mty Coro na Bar & Grlll. exp ro· Am•roc" n cup . 3•3 1/2 A. 454 Chevy Eng109,

E.1 .. 1 \\ , .1 r1 .... 1,

dol Mai 644-1129 qutradl O tnner & Stnn<J up freezer S8!l $ 1350 52S 1382 Leo Ouaner Bed dual a1r \\ t''I v. oulcl ha"e mRrle um d1tferent 1 to Lunc h s h ills avail, Rot11g S89 Both gooo ---- ----- · 1 •

" th t final rnnt rm f South v. 11111d contact Danny 6S0.1150 cond Nick, 9G3 OJ34 OFFICE :,~~:~:':;~. i;;nr~: NORTH • ~ 7 .j

\'o id .\ K .J 10 3 2

+ 7ij :J 2 WF.!o<T !-.AST • 2 •. J 6 5 :}

K Q ,J I O 5 A ft R 7 8 6 I 7

• A(~JIO • 1f8 fi SOl 'T ll + AK Q 10 ~

6 :l 2 Q95

+ Kl 1 hl' lt tddtni.: We t !'forth l . 2 4 1 • Pass

Ea..<1l 3 Pa..,,,

0 1)tnm.: It ad I\ 11111 111

. So uth 3 . Piu.

' ttrl'h hJ\I \l'lll ll rt'd f11u r " JlllUh . EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Loan ollocers . Tetemar· ----------- mo re c1Ctr11s. hydraulic: ... 11111• t lw rltumn nd hi p ro\tdrd ll 5530 keters. W•lll lght o fc •• w s h 0 r 0 r'y 0 r FURNITURE a ja c ks . m int cond

5530 5530 Wfk, r un o r Port ume, S140en •net EQUIPMENT 6047 51 l ,800 758 1848 -.ult't\ nf'I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Will train, 85 1-8582 Rcl r.geraio r $ ISO 1- --------

l>t.·dart'r rull t-cl t h l' •1pt'ntntit ht>an 646-5848 8 3 Comtor1 21 II , lt·.1cl tincl lt«1 clumm' • nuw " ' s s MED RECEPTIONIST USED dl.'s ks & creden- slcteps 6 , root fir & I n i mJh \\ hen E u<,t l11 IJ11v. l'<i lov. ' "" Tu DENT • Front Office _F_U_R.NlT _ __ UR_ E _ _ 6_0_1_4_ zas. I roll top d e sll o wn tn g , dbl• a11al , d trl dt'dan: r \\ ht•n 1 he nint' ht•ld . , , • Need s omeone ener·, %J Ol,)4 p le<l ly 01 s torage, "a· d t·t lnrn d r1<v. iru lll" " and run dia EA

1 N ~~;>-.~~ ;~.... · gette lor busy family iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-·.,.-------.. ra ge kepi , asking ,. • practtc o 1n NB E\p *TWO BAR STOOLS rOr Ad Action S SOOO MINT CONO

m,,nck ma k in~ I .! trn k« in ull pref F(T. Call l 1nd.:i Sout,riwcstar n • tyle 991 -0730 I .tkang 8 lt r .. t r11und 1rump h 64A·7848 lllflth 9 In ch -ro u nd Call a

m· .. .,<' v.a ... m11rt thnn JU"t "1 l't \ ~ RECEPTIONIS T white wa s hed 9.lood Illy... MOTORCYCLES pl.I\ It v.a a11 .l\111rlontt' man t'll\l' r • tiff~' ~~~, For be•utV ~loo In fram e s . C ream mint ~ .... tu kt't-p tht cfon~er hJnd oll J>lit\ ~,,.Ato ~ ... 'l. ~ CdM. E.Jip prof "Nl1llt. ptnk c:ulhtons [1'ce l AO-VISOR SCOOTERS 8018

,.. ~ , - , ---------1. ' 83 Yam8ha t80

~111cf' \\ f'..,I m11rt' than h.kel\ ht•ld ff~' ~· ~····"" clean appoarance :~~ i~~':~9~17~ aA2 5 .. 78 tht ltet• ol d uh.,, denvmu E a-. t t ht.> ~~ 0·· •" ~· __ ,4""' Full lime. 6 75· 1495 u-. • v It ,1d v..rn1lcPp r111t•< I I he ktnl! 111 dub. j Scooter. $ 700 OBO troim the .:u1ll11t1nt \ 11cl t he tine"" ~ . ~· ' · EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 890 0055

d1·1 larer ntt'J(-d" t r•imJ> m rl 11m m' v 5530 5530 5530 10 prolt'tl i1!-lUIO,t . lu rther ht'o rt leud" E\l•n 11 llw ll'\Jmp ti nl'!''t' los t , d1'< lorer ""J" ' Ur!· 111 11 t rirk' ~ _ - AUTOMOBILES

h11d t u lit· t nkt'n 1mmed1otl'h "'"l'' ,, 0~· :. .• 1 '~.... ~ ·.. .• . Tht" n u n · ""mt• pl 1\, th.11 uri Jiu..., "" ' 111ldvuu 111rklt• tht ha nd tn ~

11ut••nt1tll\ '" ,.,1hlwr hruJl(t' l'IJ\ t>r• d u11h,11tt• r rumpt'tllt11n ' \111 .. 1 AFTER SCHOOL The Huntrngton BC'.i< h' I ount.1in \ Jiit.' \ lnciPpl'ndenl is looking for Jn e\ pene.nced ret.111 .... 1 1~~per:>on . We otfer a SJIJ ry commie; ion packdge ac; " ell ac; tull benef1b tmedicdl d ntal, \ 1:,1on 1, J 40 l K plan and credit· urnon. Plt•a-,e send a resume> with a daytime phone number to

hut 11001 h1 m<1 t" I 1:1 d 1phnttf' .1/ p111r' ... h1111ld hu\ t lw hand ut fou r rnmatI H '< h n1q.,1 • 11 "'rli•al 1,, ·ill "'fldCl1• .. 11 r h11(hl'r .... , t hr -.alet\ p la t 1 ·4 YEARS & OLDER t'Xamplt tt l "- ...,,. 011'11ll -.huuld he ,l\111d1·cl 111 l;1\11r 111 muk

~Al'I ~ 1111111' I•• lhrt'f lw11r1 ... "" 1111( ttll lht' t rllk' w11h ll11rmal WORK EVENINGS & SATURDAY part n1·r,h111 .11,11 1 n11 nt "" II" pn• h n .. 1k .. lh lf lht• h1>1Jrl lt'.td rm .,, 111 1>mµt1 \C H11dt hi-\1ln1r,1l11h1\hl't' lt. 1 h1 .q1 1t·t'llt•ld1,1mond~ and niflan '/OU CAN AVERAGE PER WEEK lf>\t>N il .1 IJll hltwxlt·d h•H' In lt•11 r ol hn h t·i1n :-;,. ... drav.·tnimp ' and. 1 he-a rt ., m11d11 h.1\1 1 .... Cl m· nrdn 11 thl·\ hrc ·11 k ,I .!. \ 11•1 ha\e the re t

a lt "' " cf.t.1!11 >AIH'tlwr 1h.1t 1' l 11 l11 rt u11J1t•h, thdl'- d11\l. 1t 11nl' $100 OR MQRE


& Win Educational Trips to the State Capitol & Son Francisco Work in Your Own Neighborhood

(3 10) 455~2206


HB FV Independent 330 W. Bay St.

t osta Mesa, CA 92627 Att": Wayne Rowan


' 78 Coupe de Vine, excellent running eon­d11ton . s1 200 Coll 548· 1711

FORD 9075

'79 Mus tang II Good cond lran s po. cloan. m 11 nu a1. must soll S t 400 &45-5432

!JJ TAUHUS OL Se<Jan Acq Loaso $290/mo . SO down Need gOOd cred it. 434-'1747


1 Bog

54 Hiving lett no will

57 1'19Nled PMVIOUI ..UZ:ZU 10l.V£D All transportation provided by on adult supervisor o phone call.. please

· ·ee MUSTANG 289 V 8 . AT , 515"1. Mo­c ho111colly rest<Xed. Now lntenor Jusl n eds paint )Ob to bo bolt e r thnn now l Si<JlJs o eo 84&-1s1t

6 H1"'9SI 10 Oil H 8

gamble 14 Haw111an

greehng 1S Kazan 16 Ruuia.n " """ 17 Pua along 18 Ut\derground

worker 20~, 21 Pale 22 HOid I v>ew 23 Asian cn<n 2S Regrets 27 Devil~ 30 Strength• 31 Sao ""Old 32 P1c>pe11ed 33Gullar1

ret1t1ve 36 tlammy 37 Overly

cauttOUs one

38~ metc:tteuly

39 Cuctcoo 40 Benar 41 - glua 42 M .. I CUii « Renled 45 sn.. .. 47 Flull 48 Slinging

lnMCll 411 &natl tole 50 Tel(U City

58 Seo11 I• l\a- ' eyelodS).

S9 Pean Buck

~°'"° 60 lllOetlsed

6 1 Spreads '°' drying

62 Forks OUI 63 DIS'*1ses


r war god 2 l o Shelter 3 Ctlaractar 4 lrlSll aymbOI S An1m.i IOOd 6 MajM1 t<: 7 N c cooeoe 8 Trouble 9 Small cusn1on

10 Hidden snoo1er

11 flond• and

t2 HIQOetl1ng 13 An ... , ... 19 Solkeo

.21 UMd to be 24 India 2S Nomad 21 PllCMr 27 An movement 28 Enlhuaium 29 Elllnoed 30 Nudgel 32 CandtU 34 l<tu Me 35 Scenneo

3 7 Landing SC>OI 38 l<nlves el\d

'°'"' 40 Dent•• -4 I>Otnl -43 Mo1111a1 .. 44 Fac:iel

INlu1e 4& 0.11or1 46 Hindu prll'I•

cetl VII

4 7 Legal charges 49 linger 51 Bllnd u ~2 Command (IOf

br•Yety) 53 Some poems 65 Summit 6e Wing 57 Bound.ary

· \fr>\! 1lf out \ ()<JllC'd , ••• r...,1ning .. ·,1m1"'' rn trnllmg 1trpumt'fll• fr1r

Of All Thin~· ~hny born undH lltt> nw- rt"qu1rt'ml'l\I' lnd1qdu.i l \.'CIU !!Cllfl/: 1in ~llt:\lnjl •• I' <.' J/rcad\ Air aig11.1 - wm1n1, lib••· Aquulus ,, f""<'1 P"'' mt'.rn1n111ul ... mpllm1·n1 ,J,i . - •n 11ymp,.ht'lklo "clp.• r t" UBRA (C..-pt 2:\·011 ii 1 /\th n1 11•11 /Jmn //Jn c 1 Rotiin•t1n Perh•ps lht> mosl noted " (,fmini ri•v11I--.·• .iruunJ mu•H J 1•m"''" .1<1 111.t thr ( , round bott l'ullllng OUI P1t"rrf' Salinger, who WU Prt>•1df'nt fU\lm1· it1 t nm1n1t ... "rm' " l lh 1t1J1 or h" hulr, ou ' ll S('(' lht light Kenne1dy'• preM ~nf'lary •nd now I• v1du~ I w h<' pl.iv• mJ1nr ro •I•• 1n H•Uf tod•) nn 1 number of I lft''• In· • n4'1worlo. nfw m•n. lohn F ~"""'.. lt ft' ~font•v l•'J\•l "ll ll .11" "'"'11.,1 ' ' ""'" t' ludlnll world· \ hallerina n~11 to bt! dy, • CA-mini, m•de no ~ntl of hi~ f•llVh' 111 •h no1m1< .,. tn•rn• ll l1tt '1td lvdli) and throutthoul tht' " Ion of ctg.trt " Amy lowfll, lt>gt'nd· SCORPIO c l>.t ,n. ~"" :'I I '°' u " (fl.. \.\ h11t I\ brou2ht to 11,hl at· u y l•lt', d1tl in~ul1h f"d, t'C'Cf'n lr1c p<H· luv1• " tn\ ' l\'f\ ,inJ 11n t h t~ runJ.1\ re"\ h ~lld i.)\lfml, and U ll i for In.I , Wllt an Aqu,1r1an who Opt'nly \<'1111 ..,.,lvl' "'•'I'" f'Ulllt• l.,{ t•n.a rn• lt•.i ll l ion. It ' \ out "Ith tbt (1fd and In pufft'd clg•~ PHh•p• th .a 1$ •notht'r I Uh'\ tnth~ll\' 14t.1m11u1 "l'\ ,..., m1 .. 11•n "1th thl' ""· ind m•~\('\ or ~pit W•Y fo r Cf'm1n l, Lib••· Aqu,,1u• ""U II Iv t<'IJ Yuu C1•ultJ ht• 1tw .. 1.1r llf lrf afTttttd. 11·, n c>lhln1t lo hldC' p«rson• I Atr •1gn1. 1ntl'llectu.tl11 to .i ' r v ""'IC• ' r i-..«"' n-rrt><>t•n i..J undrr lhf \ :O\ tr> aboul. bul llkt tbt d1•pl•y lh«lr lndt~nd«nc« SACITTARI U (Ni•v 22 - r>t-.. 21 1 around h01t toda) , •hrn )OU \tt lht'

AAIES I M.irch 21 April Iii I fucu• lv,11 , ., prt'v• tl• H•U II t>to vi nJ iutrJ llaht, JfC'l oul of )Ollr " bolt," on currt'•pon1l1·nc1• u•mmu n te•l llln dradltnt e••~I • tl>4 llt•nKl' i• f C"<•n lnwrr \ rln fl Am) 'l>t 1rch 10· .\pril 19 , uhm.-\111n l•I nrtR'""' 1111•.a ., lorm•U <it .ii rel.111on•h1Jl lt•111f, 'r•t t' I t1t u~ nn ' nu '('lt•t J pcr~'llol l .11 c: .i th.ii Mu~''1 • ..,, .. 11111 ltm11t<J ·•lcl·nl J.- . 1•·1'•1 "Khh puhhi 1 m.1~ 1· ,1·put.11 111n .in1I v. ,1nt tu tackle .1ml 1111Jlrll\ C ti , rnnc11 tmport l'\port ar11v 1111•• [(,., ., , 1,.,u, "c .,ncr r nillivt' invi•lvi-J l.trlln)I NO\.\ l ht\ ,ho"" ' \ lmng N-vond t hf' 1mmr tl1.a1 .. Arwt ht'r "'"'~ CAPRICO RN (l>n l2 · 1•n Iii ! "t' lf•\ \ lll.m <1 nll il Jc .. uc Ill inuca\C

--..-........ ----~ 1nvlll11C'd 10 11 12 13 l o nl' r• nAr rrt" J't't h ft-• lurl'd l nlur • \Cll \\ <• rlh .md be hi1pp1t·r .:alXlUI TAURU fA r ril W M•v 201 t >bl.i in m•llun rrc-.. 1111-J du ri nl' 1.1 .. .iht'm1'1('fl v.h1• \ 1111 •Ill .ind rc:ll cl·I 11 110 lhc

_,...-+--+...._...__ .. l11 M fulm 1\t1t· mc"'"'Kt' Stl'\"'' (IMI'• .. I I I .• I' . llllh lik 115 llolllly, dtn' ur rroJ,uct th1•rt> tll'\ "" j)' f\'')( I Vt' imp II\ ftll'nt ., ilN'tlmil ... --+--+-.+--.. w•y' 111 1ro1 n·•w tncom,. '""" rt l•l tt•n ' p.·nf 1< dwc .. rl'ft' rt'/UM b<· •w•t1· 111 I lil uru~ (I ll11vt I April 21-1\ht)' lO

\hip gt>ls wum w.trmf'r [ mph•\tlc ftnf' pnnl I 1br .. l1K11tn rN•mtnt'ntlv ' ne\\ \\IU ' I' in lht mrt .. llltt• d•nn1' wtlhl'IA"""' 1,1 i:,.. vul nr,,blt' 10 AQ ARIU t l•n ZO lt-b Ill ) Uvn 1 ind 1t • t"<l llln1 tn l.1.1n1t rnpl .11c all

==--+--+--+--+-~lo" pull rum hM• All \1 11,... •!VI - tmrrint ti\\: u pm•n' ' 1111 rn.1 , t.irtk f"'O-CEMINI I M•\ l l · lunt 20 i 'l'ou 11 "' Ylt', d1 pl• 11 crourlAt' 111 r11n v1c11on' pk il l l1r'I tt\ lhq won't 1.jUllC 1n wh1i h dtrt'(lll.>n 111 I'" - ~'"'" Sro111t~ht un ~non•I m-1'n•·fl.,.ITI ~'' .. no'°" htJW h i c: th l\ ch.UlJe 11nJ l•m1ly m•mbt!ra m•y n11t 'llrt"' t unu 'u•lnv ~· "PN'"I Sct'n.,1n fr•lllrt ~ ·•"Ul 1\ l! l1l'\ ll\ hlo.cly ) t>U' ll lo ne pt.i.t11nn "''""•' 1ndrpt-nd•ml'. cr;-o111v ~ f"'ul•t1on .r~ c 11f'nwn1 ,11....-twt'ry down .afte r c "(pcnmen lln und find 11y 1nt11•llvf in 11.,111ni1 h > hi••n ,,, ro.11 " ES 0f'b lll · 20 1 /\ut'n • tn~ huw fur \0\1 we nt tn u 1._c lhc. '"" Aqu•rt•n pl•)'• Nit t 111n rt'volv.-. .tr11unJ l•m1ly rl'l•tmn • • fll' \I. \tHt

CANCflt (jun" 21 · Juh 221 St-<h't •htpt rn•J"'M)I veluf"\ J1v1•1•1n nf ••· 1l'mlnl {I Think) \ta l l · Junc 20 --+--+--c ",,.. 11Hlf'J murh h• your "'"'." '""".," HI• Oth1·r. will bi•' thAt ""'" I t~a 1 l'mu tK)llll for many u:4•

ffl•nd 1ntt'nw 1ttltn1'• wt1h hum11r .- m""" bu"""' Rrlu-. II' be> 1n11m1d.t1f'J '0"'· ilntl friend\ con help so n --+--+--4---'1 Jll'rnlot Min~ of tht' rtdiCllhtU\ h• ( 1111\t' , h'I' l>t·ll1ww ind1v1Jual .. !Ind 1•111 lhtnl? t\Ut nnd f)UI .a 1111(1 (l<.'1

111 f11rl'lrnnt AJ11",."'" will I>!''""' If fCIRUARY 2 l'i YOUR llRTH 'fl'l:tl\.t:. II\ h~CI) \Ou' t c ll\UI lormtJ 1n1t1 Pl"'""" •-I OAY 'r11u •A" f'm11tmn•I •nd 1111u1llvl' (rtlii.-i l 11nd thl'rc ' no nci;d to , or

I UO flu l 2l •Au" 21 t v .. u ~rt both M .. thn h"1f'J m '"' 1nllu1 n f' lh•n J1J ,1J1; n l.i c 10 J"ing ~ I IJ:h l~ n up I crf'J11 •nti <Hh - lnuu tin 1 n¥~tmM1 f.tth•r 'ou h•"" fluurmt'f .aprrttt• can rr fl fttll ~unt' l l · Juty 2J '"'p.1n .. 1b11t1v 1111t>nw l111rf' rt'l•tton • ( apmom t''"""' f"'!'l"l M pl•v 1h•I • The h~ht tCiv.n' o n m:tn\ 1 UC \ •thm1pr .. ~~',u,!I. ":'.', .dJ':!.'Jlm1n11~: ~ ... w~~ c',•,r~o.r lfnfl"'I' ruin in ~our hfr '1)\.111 lr•vf'I a nd )' IU hJl~ t' .1 rhn tu• 10 hcl11.: \IC

11n ""' "' . ... ~ '" • ... • fl,., vur • ..O•t•I • c11" 1111 ~·"'"'''" h fn rc:, cir \1411 Ch ,~an '\' c1u\c had

cuunitna rr11~1"J11ll"!I Sc'ru1tn11t•' \'•hl II ~- fnCll't' ...... ,,.of hliJf '"''"t If ti• l(n mor~ lh1HI II flu \ hll re or VIRGO IAua 2' · s.>r1 22 1 :i>tudy alnAr ... m•m.ta• 11 1n•m•J P'"'1M" 1 1 l.rll m"'°'• r 1.~ ..••.,, your ""'" .. ccp1n up tu f.a)' c 11c n, 1n, i;ur · ., ,. 4kfd1llC1n to l•n"IY Mut1t'J nr .. n.i lf' I

buatnHI f , .. 11 , " " tvmmun1<•t1"n 1 r~ nl t C\. 1111n\ C'llU )••U 1t1 \lcp HO\I"" 1~ .. 1y tu bf. 1n t>ut1nft!I ,.., ~our• lh "' • I

wntffn '"'"lM"•'"' knowlf'J "of ,.. ur c . ... cc; cwn mon·. Of 11t .. '"' •------nwo~tiiloil;ti"4ilrii::9iaW:~---...... -1'°ll '"'und n--t---t---1r---+-"4f l~I (I (. Otllmaftd) JUI)' 1.\ ..... U

1 um1n1 ••n chmc f111 1c1Jav·~

rc \ pOo\c I<> unc\pt.'ctc d new~ There:\ nn pntnl in Jtj,'Umg rnhl)


'9J ACCORD LX S~an Acq Loasa $271/mo .• SO ~wn. Noed ~oocl c red1L 434-1 747

1.1 nd )Ou u\c: t!\ Cnl~ 10 \ Our .ad· 1--------­v11 n t ot ~c l't)' qu1Cl.'.h rc~jlond1ng MAZDA 9125 ping u thcr' · h l , ( 1ntl'rl''t •11 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mmJ JI .a.II 1111\C\ \ lf"llO (I \.n111,.u 1 ua. lJ-~cpl. 2l

Y11u dCl ldt' h• ta._c 11 h ra' c f,, rv. ..rJ. IM'l'J 11 11 r.: . c nl fact\ 1h~ 1 l h .tnizc f\OC:Cfll l(IM lUmplcttl) 'I ou led u lJu .1nJ V.. l\t r .ind moi c et' nltdl'nl , C\ Cn 1h11ugh \Oll 1ra'd ncv. h: mtury.

'8' e2e. 2 door. 5 s pd, a tr, alum wheels, now p ;J Int Iba tier y /51 ar ler $1400 Call 67S-1214

1990 RX7 Rot ry G)(L Coupe load t.'d , iclnl cond, red . 22K m iles. s 14,200 640-1999

l lbra (I Halancr) s~pt . l.\ .Oct. 2l 9 130 c,1)()J new\ sm\.c:~ . .and ,,,u mlc MERCEDES

l hl V. JH' "llh l!J\C l hl ml} t n\li· l~~~~iiiii~iiiiiiii ca1c me re "" tirk .mJ 11mc ~pc-111 ' 72 250 MeACEOES

A/C, new t11es ttl ma~c adJU~lmt n1s, hu l 1t '~ 11 11 Naoos TLC p.trt ol mo,mg '''"'art! s1soo oeo Srrorplo !l Oul~l Oct. lJ-~o\, 21 Call 646 7146,

Ynu """' to &tJhJ lirm ,,,.. a f"'r 01 leave ~saao.•. rclJt1Un, h1p MUC lh1' cJn at • SL Midnight t>lu•. e ithe r he m1nd1ng up ror ' o ur :l Iopa, calm whls/Urol r 1~ht\, m td u"n 10 ~.: the o ther S tereo, St 5K OBO. p..lmt of view '' >•"' dcdarl' indc · 646-1869 or 642·3d!So pcndc ncc, be careful 11111 to cut

1 ________ _

our·wlf ofl rrom lrut' 11ffcl·t1m1 NJSSAH 9150 •altuiri11 <1 Cl A1oplr.> No"· ll· llt'c. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

21.., '90 CENTM a d~. "011 udJpl f11tlv v.c ll tu ch.ln1u l'uto. pe-r. •OK ml,

thJI ~km nd mo rl rl' (l0Mth1ht>' whtl• w/lan It'll. Mu t 11nd ll" 111& Of \'OUf\l If 10 ~Cf'\C .1n aoll $6,39G 6.-0.7808 w11mu1c rcl.111on,h1p ' u u 'rc bc·

1 ________ _

comma more ntJtltt l' .ind lcarn1n PLYMOUTH 91'5 1ht rc".ird\ of l\lll h1 ~f\IC olh· 1:miiii~iiiiii•ii•iii Cf\ need' •~ '67 Oarracuda, f lbk, t'aprl<'Orn II ~l DK. l2·J an. 19 auto, ale .. •ti opoons, •

A p1vo111I pmnl amt' in )t'Ur nu OflQ. 741( mllf!I, hk. re l'mb hn1 ,, fork tn the road 12600 obo a..s 111oe '\ ou H ' "' ' lhrcd1on ha\c'I un n w

--------~ pcn~dM'\ .1ntl 1n111~1c a blur "I PORSCHE eciMllC 10 "<~in lhc "


quarh1\ t i knmt ) JH 20-ftb. 19 • .,, P0<che 030 TurbO, I hr. 1ru1h hll\ h11d, but-noth1na C•uora, • lllr, blk llllr.

)OU C•tn"t hllnlllC Hema vcr~.lt1lr orig eond Sao. "lld phJCCll\C ht'lf' )1111 Dl.IJU,I 110. IM> 811 02S7 4u1 kly 11nJ J01n cftntl for 1 han c "'"' fl ltl.lntl hb JO.~t.rth " VOLISWACi!N 9235

A 'UJdcn (h1ng..-: I 1ntr<'Ju cJ •• I •••••••iliil aflcr11ng fncnd h1J" 'nd ~ .. irk af •7,. BUQ. ,...,., ~ fa1ra Some '"'"''will nc"cr he 1h~ 1r8"~ft~te-1nc um , nJ ~111' 11 hi\ to ;H.IJu't htlW Ila' btv) MINT COND ~Oii \'I W lhc ,_1•rht J' ntlY 12100 &;si • .,...t

·~-~--~~~---~ ..... -=-------~&..--~~~---~~~-~--~...-.---~

l • . I