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D IRE CT ION or T H E MA ST E R or Tm: norms .

ON the 26th of January 1 857, the Master of the Rolls

submitted to the T reasury a proposal for the publicationof materials for the History of this Country from the

Invasion of the Romans to the Reign of Henry V III .

T he M aster of the Rolls suggested that these materialsshould be selected forpublication under competent editorswithout reference to periodical or chronological arrange

ment, withou t mutilation or abridgmen t, preference beinggiven , in the first instance, to such materials as were mostscarce and valuable.

H e proposed that each chron icle or h istorical documentto be edited should be treated in the same way as if the

editorwere engaged on an Editio Princeps ; and for th is

purpose the most correct text should be formed from an

accurate collation of the best M SS .

T o render the work more generally useful, the Master

of the Rolls suggested that the editor should give an

accoImt of the M SS . employed by him,of their age and

their peculiarities that he should add to the work a brief

account of the life and times of the author, and any

remarks necessary to explain the chronology ; but no othernote or comment was to be allowed, except what might benecessary to establish the correctness of the text .

T he works to be published in octavo, separately, as

they were finished ; the whole responsibility of the task

resting upon the editors, who were to be chosen by the

Master of the Rolls with the sanction of the T reasury .

T he L ords of H er Majesty’

s T reasury, after a carefu l

consideration of the subject, expressed their opin ion in a

T reasury M inu te, dated February 9, 1 857 , that the planrecommended by the M aster of the Rolls “

was well

calculated for the accomplishment of this importantnational object, in an effectual and satisfactory manner,within a reasonable time, and provided proper attention he

paid to economy, in making the detailed arrangements,withou t unnecessary expen se.

T hey expressed their approbation of the proposal thateach chron icle and h istorical document should be editedin such a manner as to represent with all possible correctness the text of each writer, derived froma collation of thebest M S S . , and that no notes should be added, except

such as were illu strative of the various readings. T heysuggested, however, that the preface to each work shou ld

contain , in addition to the particulars proposed by the

M aster of the Rolls, a biographical account of the au thor,so far as au thentic materials existed for that purpose, andan estimate of his historical credibility and value.

R olls H ome,

D ecember 1857.














P R E F A C E .

P R E F A C E.

A PORT ION of the Ann ales Cambriae,”

71a , down A porfion

to A .D . 1 066,was printed some years ago in the

Monumen ta H istorica Britan ni ca, under the able Publishededitorsh ip of the late H enry Petrie

,Esq . F.S .A .



Keeper of the Records in the T ower of London .

1 The

plan adopted by the promoters of that great workassigned the N orman conquest as the h istorical limitof the first volume ; but as on ly one volume was

ever published, the consequen ce was that the chron icle

in question , as well as several others,remained imper

feet. W hen,however, the L ords of H er Majesty


Treasury in 1 857 gave their san ction to the publication of materials for the h istory of this country fromthe Invasion of the Romans to the reign of H enry VI I I

under the direction of the Master of the Rolls,it was

thought desirable that a complete edition of the An

n ales should be issued, and appear in the series

wh ich is now in course of coming out.

T he result is the present volume, t ch

,though of T he

small dimensions, is nevertheless highly interesting, and Prti‘flen t

of con siderable value, as being, perhaps, the oldest N

w e

chron icle of W elsh affairs that we possess. It is de

rived from three di fferent copies, which , for the pur

Mr. P etrie died before the work matter added by T homas D ufl‘


was fin ished, and after h is death it Hardy, E sq .

was completed , and the prefatory


pose of reference, we have distingu ished respectivelyby the letters A ., B .

,and C . W e did not consider it

advisable to deviate from, or to alter in any respect,the groundwork laid down in the Monumen ts. H is

torica ; the undertaking, therefore, is to be regarded

simply as the completion of what was begun there.

A . is a manuscript in the H arleian Collection , N 0 .

on vellum,in octavo

,of the latter part of the

ten th or beginn ing of the eleventh cen tury, insertedw ithout title or introduction in the body of a manuscript of N enn ius. It is followed immedia tely . by the

pedigree 1 of Owain , son of H owel the Good, and h is

T h is pedigree is as follows

Yv’e Map Iguel ,

M ap Catell

Map B otri

Map M erminM ap E thi l

M erch C innan

Map Botri

M . T utgual

M. Catgualart

M . Catgollaun

M . Catman

Y vein Map E len

Merch LoumercMap HymeytMap T ancoyst

M erc Ovei

M ap Margetiut

M . T endos

M . Mailcun

M . Catgolaun lauh ir

M . Einiaun girt

M . Caneda

M . (E tern

M . P atern pesrut

M . T acit

M . Cein

M . Guoicein

M . Doli

M . Guordoli

M . Dumu

M . Gur dumu

M . Amguoloyt

M . Anguerit

M . OnmumM . D uvun

M . Bri thguein

M . E ugein

M . A ballac

M . Amalech , qn ifuitBeliMagni filius,

et Anna mater ejus,

gumdi citur esse con

sobrina Marine V ir

ginismatris Domin inostri Jesu Christi .

M . Constans

M . Constantin i

M agn i ‘

M . Constanti i et

H elen L uiedauc qua;

de Britann ia ex ivit

ad crucem Christi

quazrendam usque

ad Jerusalem, et

inde attnli t secumusque ad Constan ti

nopolim, et est ibi

usque in hodiernumd iem.


the three records of the bards of the Isle of Britain

are the genealogy of descent by marriages, territorialdivisions, and praiseworthy actions and sciences.

The family registers of the princes and other grea tmen of the land would naturally form the basis of a

national chron icle, such as the Annales Cambriae.

T he com It is very possible, moreover, that the compiler wasFi ler w e also an ecclesiastic, for men in holy orders w ere fre

$133 quently found to be members likewi se of the bardi c





lesm‘ profession . But we can hardly suppose that he was an

Eng lishman , because Owain had,for some reason or

other, a great antipathy to the Saxon clergy and

monks,wh ich he carried out to such lengths as even

to destroy the W elsh colleges whi ch harboured them.

T hus it is related of h im in one copy of the Bruty Tywysogion A D . 959, Owain , son of H owel

the Good, demolished the college of Llan illtud in

Gorwennydd, because there were found in it gen tlemen scholars who were Saxons, and from thence heproceeded to the college of Cattwg in N an tgarvan ,

and furi ously demolished it.

” 9

T he chm. T he chron icle under con sideration was in all proba“icle bi lity written in South W ales

,for it n otices events con

wri tten

probably nected w ith that part of the country more particu larly$7322

“ than it does those of N orth W ales. This circumstancein some degree corroborates the supposition that thecompiler was attached to the interests of Owain , who

had no actual jurisdiction in N orth W ales.

T he W e naturally inqu ire who were the most distinguished


330 1, scholars of South W ales at this period ? T he in tervalSouth between the sixth and the twelfth cen turies was singuW ales at larly barren of literary n ames n evertheless, during thatthat time. peri od

,and about the time In wh i ch the chron i cle seems

Ancient L aws and Institutes of Myvyrian Archaiology, vol . l l .

W ales, vol . i i . p. 51 3 . p. 490 .

PREFACE . xi ii

to have been compiled, we meet with two scholars thatwould have done honour to any age, Blegewryd, arch

deacon of L landaf, and Gerain t the Blue Bard, bothbeing the brothers of Morgan , king of Glamorgan .

Blegewryd was a doctor both of the civil and eccle

siastical law ,and On that account was chosen as the

ysgolh aig or secretary, when the ancien t laws of

W ales were undergoing a revision by command of H owel

the Good. T hat he was acquain ted w ith the Latintongue is attested by the fact that a set of L atin verses

is attributed to him in the preamble to one copy of

H owel’s laws.

l In that respect,therefore, as well as

from being in the favour Of H owel, he was well qualified

to be the writer of the Annales Cambrise.

”Gerain t

was a poet an d grammarian of note. A fragmen tarydocumen t prin ted in the 1 0 10 MSS . volume thus speaksof h im The oldest system on record of memorials

and recollections is that of Gerain t the Blue Bardupon poetic metres, and of all that is extan t frombefore his time there is noth ing remain ing exceptwhat may be di scerned by the learned by means of

books. T his Gerain t was brother to Morgan the

Aged, king of Glamorgan , and he collected an cien trecords of poetry and bardism

,and arranged them

in a book of h is own composition,and establi shed

them by the laws of the chair and the Gorsedd, in

every coun try and domin ion in W al es ; and Gerain texcelled in knowledge and judgmen t, and every chair

H ere are the verses composed by B legewryd thereupon, in testimonyof that even t

Explicit editus legibus liber bene fin itus,

Quemregi scripcit Blangoridus, et quoque fuit

Hweli turbo doctor, tune legibus in vrbe

Comando cano, tunc iudice cotidiano

Rex dah it ad partemdexteram nam sumerat artem.

In the same preamble B legewryd is described as“ themost learned in all


”-A ncient L aws, &c., vol. i . pp . 3 4 1 , 3 4 3 .

Geraint a

registrar of



t ion to the

claim of

Gemin tconsidered.


in W ales and England was given to him,fromwhich

he was called the Blue Bard of the Chair. After th ishe became domestic bard to A lfred, kin g of England,

and he remain ed w ith him, giving instruction to theCymry in England, and to the Saxons and in W in

chester he lies buried.

” 1

Geraint appears, in the above extract, in the character

of a“collector of ancient records


”and though these

records are mentioned as“of poetry and bardism


may well presume that a person of such a turn of mind

would not be indifferen t to the memorials of nationaleven ts. Indeed, in the volume alluded to, there are

thirty-two poetic triplets assigned to him, in which are

actually registered the achievements of the principalcharacters of British history from the earliest timesdown to that of Howel the Good, wh ich , if the stan zasare gen uine, prove that he did investigate the historicaltraditions and annals of his country.

” 2

T here is only one objection to the supposition thatGeraint might have been the writer of the Ann ales

Cambriee,”namely, the dispu te which is said to have

ex isted at one time between his brother, the king of

Glamorgan ,and Owain , and whi ch renders it improbable

that he would in any degree further the interests of

the latter.

3 Bu t th is is not a fatal objection . T he

“ A rrangement of vocal poeticalmetres of Geraint V ardd Glas

penes Iolo M SS . pp . 62 3 , 624 .

Gerain t is supposed by some to havebeen the same person with Asser

Menevensis, a monk of St . Dav id’


who at the request of king Alfred

went to reside with h im as h is

preceptor, and was made bishop of

Sh irburne. A collection of moral

and religious precepts attributed to

h im is printed in the Myv. A rch .

vol. iii . pp . 1 00, 850 .

2 1 0 10 M SS . pp. 668, &c .

3 A n account of this dispute and

i ts settlement is given in the

Genealogy of the kings of Gla

morgan ,”

printed in the 10 10 M SS .

pp. 3 57, It is there,however,

attributed to Howel the Good and

Morgan , wh ich is evidently a mis

take, forE dgar, who arbitrated be

tween the parties, was a mere ch i ldwhen Howel died in 9 48 whereas

Caradog positively asserts that it

was his son Owain who committedthe aggression upon Morgan

s terri

tories, wh ich was the cause of the

dispute. S ee Myv . Arch . v . ii.

p . 490 .


last date in the chron icle is equ ivalen t to A .D . 954,

but the cause of the dispute did not arise un ti l fouryears later, so that up to that time Geraint might havecontinued as attached to Owain , as B leg ewryd, his

brother,had been to Owain ’

s father. Indeed,in some

genealogical documents, Owain is represented as the

father of Morgan ,and therefore the father of B legewryd

and Geraint. l In that case it wou ld not be strangethat one son should continue to advocate the claims of

hi s father,whilst another repudiated them. Besides

, as

both Morgan and Owain submitted to the arbitration of

the English king, aided by a council of bishops and

earls fromW ales and Mercia , it would appear that thequarrel had arisen en tirely from a mere misunderstanding, which was of a transien t character, and was not

at all grounded on any personal an imosity.

In bringing forward these two names, we do not Intention

mean to fix the compilation of the chron icle upon eitherEd

ith?inof them we have no su fficien t eviden ce to warrant ourmention ingdoing so. Our in tention is rather to poin t ou t fromzfiix


history that there were men , even in that i lli terateage, who w ere fully equal to the task, and not un likelyto have produced a register similar to the “ Ann ales


W hoever the compiler was, he appears to have availed A n Irish

himself, in the prosecu tion of his task, of an Irish 32:3??tchron icle

,which was also used by T igern ach , and by compila

the compiler of the Annals of Ulster. The notices of“0“

Irish and S cottish even ts are,especially in the former

part of the chroni cle, disproportionately numerous, and

such as could not be expected in a register fou nded

T his relationsh ip is recorded in genealogies. In the Genealogy of

an important h istorical pedigree, the kings of Glamorgan ,”however,

said to have been transcribed from M organ is said to be the son of

Ieuan Deulwyn’

s book , 1 4 50— 1 490 , H owel.

and is confirmed by several other l


upon a purely Cambrian basis. Of this description are

the birth of St. Bridget (p. the death of St. Patrickthe birth of S t. Columcille (p. the death of

S t. Bridget mortali ty in Ireland the deathof C iaran , abbot of Cluan the death of Gabran ,

son of Dungart, king of Scotland St. Columcille

s departure for Britain the death of Brenda,

abbot of B irre (p . the death of S t. Columcillethe death of A idan

,son of Gabran (p. the death of

St. Kentigern and the demolition of the fort of

A ltclyde, or Dunbarton (p.

Intel-com e In the sixth century there was much intercourse

355W ? “ between the ecclesiastim of Ireland and those of W ales,e eccle

siastics of which was not wholly discon ti nued down at least toawima the middle of the ni n th cen tury, as appears from the

fact that Cydivor, abbot of L lanveith in , who died

A D . 883 , had in h is lifetime exh ibited great concern

for the welfare of the Scots of Ireland, and sen t over

six w ise men of h is college to instruct them.

1 There

could, then , have been no difi culty on the part of

Cambrian scholars in gaining access to Irish records

during that in terval of time, and if they were thuswi th in their reach , there is every reason to supposethat they would duly avai l themselves of them.

B ut there were, moreover, documen ts of indigenousdwm enw

growth , which might, and n o doubt were used in the

compilation of this chroni cle— those which the authorof N enn ius speaks of as veteri libri veterum n ostrorum.

” 9 Some of these would be the memorials of

the n ational Gorsedd, whilst others would be familyregisters, or the genealogical title deeds, wh ich every

free-born Cymro was obliged to ex hibit in order to

establish h is rights and privi leges as a member of the

commonwealth . It was very n atural that th e bards

Brut y T ywysogion penes Myvyrian Archaiology, vol. l l . p. 482 .

H ist. Brit . 1 7 .


should add to certain names the principal deeds or

even ts for which the bearers of those names were re

spectively di stingu ished. An aggregate of such pedigrees w ould afford very useful materials towards thecompilation of a national chroni cle.

T he entries of even ts are bu t few in number, more T he entriesespecially towards the beginning of the chronicle. In £2122;


deed, all the notices we have relating to Britain , duringits first century,

are the death of the archbishop of

York, the battle of Badon , and the battle of Camlan .

Its second cen tury con tains twen ty-eigh t en tries, itsth ird twenty-seven ,

its fourth twen ty-n ine, bu t in its

fifth cen tury there are as many as fifty-one

,and seven

during the rema ining ten years T hese several en triesare likewise meagre, being just of that character whichw e would expect genealogical extracts, or fragmen ts of

family registers, to exhibit.Ow ing to the great brevity with which these memo Examples

rials are for the most part clothed, they too frequently got

}: ofoccupy such detached and isolated positions as to make registering.

it impossible for us to iden tify them,independently of

other and fuller authorities. If we depended solely on

the statemen t of the “Annal es, we should kn ow nothingmore of St . Patrick (p . Ciaran (p. Gildas (p.

Brendan Gwrgi and P eredur Gregory (p.

Kentigern (ih .) Ceredig Belin Brochvael

(p. Morgant (p . Adomnan H owel (p.

L audent (p. Iudguoll Mervyn Meurig

(p . Cerball (p. Hyveidd Gorchwyl (p.

Asser and Aedelstan (p. than simply that theydi ed in certain years. T he births as well as the deathsof some

,as of S t. Bridget (p. 3 ) and St. Columcille

(p. are recorded. Others have the names of their

fathers added, as Gavran , son of Dungart (p. Aeddan ,

son of Gavran (p. Selim, son of Cynan Iago,

son of Beli Beli , son of Elfin (p. T ewdwr, son

of Beli Dyvnwal, son of T ewdwr (p. Fernvail ,

xvi i i PREFACE.

son of Iudhail Owa in,son of . Maredudd (p. 1 1 )

T rifun,son of Rein (p. Aedd, son of N eill (p.

Llywarch , son of H yveidd (p. H yveidd, son of

C lydawg (p. and Rhodri , son of H owel (p.

Others their office or rank,as B en ignus, bishop (p .

D unawd, king (p. Dubricius,bishop (p. Osw id,

king of the Saxons (p. Alfred, king of the Saxon s

Osbrid, king of the Saxons (p. Bede, priest

Owain ,king of the P icts Rhodri

,king of the

Britons (p. Edwald, king of the Saxons

L emoyd, king of the P icts Cudberth , abbotArthen

,king of Ceredigion (p. Rein , king of the

D imetians Cadell of Powys Cyn an , king(p. Satur biu hail of Menevia (p. Cemoyth ,king of the P icts (p . Jonathan ,

prince of Abergeleu

A lbrid,king of Giuoys (p. Cadell , king

Anarawd, king (p. A elfied, queen Abloyc, kingEneuris, bishop of Menev ia (p. and H owel,

king of the Britons In some in stances the modeof death is specified ; thus, Maelgwn ,

king of Gwyn edd,

died of a great mortat or plague (p. Idris had h is

throat out (p. Cadwalader, son of Cadwallon , died

of a plague (p. Caradog, king of Gwynedd, had

h is throat cut by the Saxons (p . Iudhai l,king of

Gwent, was killed by the men of Brechein iog (p.

Meurig was killed by the Saxons Cyngen had h is

throat cut by th e Pagan s n awn , king of Cere

digion ,was drowned (p. Dyvnwarth , king of Corn

wall, was drowned (p. Rhodri and Gwriad h is son

were strangled by the Saxons Clydawg the kingwas slain (p. Cadell, son of Arthvael, died of poison(p. Idwal and his son E liz ed were ki lled by the

Saxons Cyngen , son of Eliz ed, died of poisonEadmund, king of the Saxons, had h is throat cut

and Cadwgawn , son of Owain ,had his throat cut by

the Saxon s Again ,in some cases

,the place of

death is men tioned ; Selim, son of Cynan ,fell in the


even t, and thus it not on ly throws more light on the

entries of the chron icle,but corroborates its general


The first entry of a civil or national charac ter thatoccurs in i t is that of the battle of Moun t Badon ,

wh ich is noticed by two contemporaries, Gildas an d

T aliesin . T he former dates h is own nativity from

that event, 1 whi lst the latter speaks of it in the'

W oe to them,miserable ones

,because of the

battle of Badon,

Arthur, the head of the brave,his blades were red

with blood,

H e inflicted on his enemies the vengeance of


T hat demanded the battle blood of the sovereign

of the N orth .

” 2

T he author of the book of N ann ine,who lived at a

later period, represents the battle of Moun t Badon as

the twelfth which Arthur fought, and on e in which 960

enemies fell in a single attack by hi s own hand.


Mailcun ,king of Gwyn edd, or Maelgwn Gwyn edd,

whose death is recorded under the year 547, and of

whom the An nales Cambriae give us no otheraccoun t, is very severely handled by Gildas becauseof h is sinful life.

T he battle of Arderydd, A .D . 57 3 , is mentioned ina W elsh poem, wh ich is usually attri buted to Merddin


a person of some di stinction , who h imself took an

active part in itIn the battle of Arderydd I wore the golden


” 5

H ist. Gildas, c. 26. sion gives 840 as the number thatfell on that occas


o2 Cited by Archbishop U sher.

Epist. Gilda:n

3 Hist. Brit. !56 . A nother ver5 Myv . Arch . vol. i . p. 1 52.


Constan tine, whose con version to the Lord is 9 0mm

noticed under 589, is in al l probability iden tical w ith”ne’

the immundae leaense Damn on iae tyrann icu s catulus

Con stan tin us of Gildas.

Llywarch H en says of king Dun awd, who died Dunawd.

according to the An nales,A .D . 595

FiercelyW as i t said in the pass of Llech ,

Dunawd,the son of Pabo, w ill never flee .

” 9

Both L lywarch H en -and T aliesin sing the praises U rien .

of U'

rien .

3 T he former,indeed

,in h is E legy on that

Christian w arrior,

speaks also of the generosity of

Rhun,in all probability the same person as Run

“ filius U rbgen ,who baptized Edwin ,

A .D . 626.

T he same bard has an E legy on Cadwallon,

4who is Cadwallon .

mentioned in the chron icle under 629, 63 0, and 63 1 . The

battle of M eiceren is ev iden tly alluded to in the

follow ing stanzaT he army of Cadwallon encamped on H avron ,

And on the farther side of Dygen ,

And the devourers were burn ing M eiyen .

W hether the battle off Cocboy, A .D . 644,is alluded T he battle

to in a poem attributed to T aliesin,

5where mention °f

is made of

T he meeting of Corroy and Cocholyn ,

is perhaps doubtful ; n or is it likely that the chief

of Bards was liv ing at th is period.

T he n ame of Brochvael, whose death is recorded Brochvael

under 662, occurs in L lywarch H en’

s E legy on

Cynddylan ,son of Cyndrwyn .


T he author of the book of N enn ius speaks of Mention of

T aliesinT aliesin and Llywarch, the latter of whom he calls and L ly

B luchbard,

and agrees w ith other authorities in wat ch,


N enn i us

Epist. Gildm.

Myv . Arch . vol. i . p . 1 03 .

3 lb. pp. 50, 51 , 55, 55, 57, 59 , 1 03 .


representing them as hav ing flourished at the timewhen the great contest between the Britons and

Anglians in the sixth century was being carried on.


T he first edition of N enn ius appeared in 674 ;2

presuming that the author was at that time thirtyyears of age, he must have been con temporary withthe battle of Cocboy, the carnage of Caer Gai


the slaughter of Pan tha , all of which are describedin the H istoria Britonum n early in the same words

as in the Ann al es Cambriae.

”But as the genealogies

in which these particulars Occur refer to a date as

late as 7 3 8, it follow s that the edi tor, when that

portion of the work was added, was a very old man ,

upwards of n inety years of age. Probably the compilerof the genealogies was an other and a younger man ,

whose li fe did n ot reach any one of the three eventsmen tioned, though it might take in the death of

Cadwalader, which w e may remark is noticed agree

ably to the statemen t of the An nales.

Bede was born in 674, and died 7 3 5 .

' H e was,

therefore,coeval w ith all the occurrences that are

men tion ed in our chron icle as having happened duringthat in terval. H e notices, however, on ly two, namely,

the death of Aelfrid and the death of Oared,the

former of wh ich he places in and the latter inthe one a year later, the other a year earlier than

the respective dates of the Annales Cambriae.

T unc T alhaearn Cataguen in

poemate claruit, et Neirin , et T aliessin , et B luchbard, et Cian, qui vo

catur Guen ith Guant, simul uno

tempore in poemate Britann ico cla

ruerunt.” -H ist. B rit. 62 . T he

genuineness of the Ancien t British

P oems of Aneurin , T aliesin, L ly

warch H en , and Merddin, has been

ably v indi cated by Sharon T urner,

E sq .,

L ondon , 1 803 .

2 T h is appears from the “ H isto

ria in th e Vatican , where we read,

Quando Gratianus E quantius

consul fuit in Roma, qu i tune

a consulibus Romanorum totus

orbis regebatur, Saxones a Gnor

thegirno, anno post Domini P assionem trecentesimo quadrigesimoseptimo suscepti sun t : ad hunc

quem (q 0 ) nunc scribimus an

num sexcentesimum quadragesi

mum septimumnumeramus.

3 H ist. Eccles. lib . v. c . 1 8 .

Ih . c . 22 .

PREFACE. xxii i

Asser Menevonsis also, who was invited to the Era‘


court of Alfred about 885, and closed his mortal Am

career in 908, lends h is testimony in support of a few sis.

particulars. T he battle of Bryn Onnen is described byhim at some length . T he place where it occurred

was called in English JEscesdlm, quod Latino mons

fraxin i interpretatur.

”Mention is made of arch

bishop Novis, whom Asser calls h is relation ; also of

H emeid,Rhodri

, Meurig, an d Anarawd, all of whomare noticed in the An nales.

” 1

The compiler of the chroni cle himself could not T he events

have been long after Asser. T he even ts recorded in zi


the latter portion must, therefore, have been well chronicle

known to him,some of them

,it may be, having l


i ?“

fallen under his own personal observation . W e are compiler.

thus fully justified in receiving them as genuine facts

of history.

There is some reason to th ink that our chroni cle Originallywas origin ally written in W elsh

,and that in its


present form it is on ly a translation . Th is suppoaition is founded on the W elsh words and phraseswhi ch appear in it as if left un translated ; such as


th Camlann (p. Aidan Map Gabran(p. Gi te/13th Caer Legion Guei th Gartmailane (p. Guefith Mocetauc Gewtth

H irford (p .

‘ i Gue’ith Lannmaes ”


Cat Brin Onn en (p. Gu ei th Bannguolou

Guei th Div. Sa l in Mon”

(p .

“Aed M ap


Guei t Conguoy diga l Botri a DeoW i th Dinmeir (p. Guei th D inas


(p. T he W elsh compiler would seemto have turn ed Irish entries into proper Cymraeg, as

“ Mac Gabran ”into “ Map Gabran ,

” “Mac N eill

into M 04) Neill,” though such instances have not

been further translated into Latin .

See A sser de Rebus gestis E lfredi .

traces of a



W e would feign detect traces of a misapprehensionof the meaning of certain W elsh words on the part

henflion on of the translator. S uch , we think,appear in the

the part

of the

T he W elsh



statement relative to Arthur at the battle of Badon ,

that he carried the cross of Christ “ in humeros suos.”

It is very probable that the original word was

ysgwyd, clypeus, and that the translator mistookit for ysgwydd,

”humerus, and rendered it accord

ingly. The mistake wou ld be very easily made at

that early period, when there was no di fference whatever ln the orthograph ical forms of the words, bothbeing written fiscu i t. N enn ius seems to have made

the same mistake, but Geoffrey of Monmouth appearsto have caught the right meani ng, though somewhatamplified, when he says, H umeris quoque su is

clypeum vocabulo Priwen , in quo imago Sanctee

Maria genetricis impicta.

T he forms of the W elsh names are purely etymo

logical, such as prevailed in early times, enabling t heph ilologist to identify at a glance their '

componentparts ; unlike the phonetic character of our more

modern orthography, where the ini tial consonan t,in

compounds as well as in separate words, is affectedby that which goes before.

The chronology of th is documen t is design ated bythe repetition of the word annus for each successive

year, whether blank or otherw ise, whilst every ten thyear is marked x .

,xx .

, 850 . It has not,however, been

con sidered necessary to prin t every annus as it

occurs in the manuscript, where no even t is recorded.

T he first and las t only of the blank years that intervene between each en try of an occurrence have beeninserted. From a comparison of dates assigned to

many of the even ts noticed in it by other writers, itwould appear that the era on which its chronology restswould concur w ith . the year 444 of the Incarnation


though there is no reason given for this particular date.


T he chron icle that comes next under our notice is Descrip

Annales ab orbe condito adusque A .D . 1 286, marked ti“ °f

manuscriptB . i n the presen t edi ti on . This is a manuscript in B .

folio, written in triple colu mns,in a hand of the close

of the th irteen th century, w ithout title or in troduction ,

on certain fly leaves prefixed to an abridged copy of

Domesday Book in the Public Record Ofli ce, in the

custody of the Mas ter of the Rolls, formerly in charge

of the king’

s remembran cer in the Court of the

Exch equer. In all probability it was written A .D .

1 286, whi ch is the date of its latest entry, and wh ich

was but a few years after the death of L lywelyn ,the

last sovereign prin ce of W ales.

But though as a. transcript it may be of that date, Probablythere is reason to suppose that it is not originally 23 11


3 0“the work of one period

, but that it was compiled by period.


ei en t persons at differen t times.

! The bas is of th is chron icle, down to the empire of T he former

L eo I . A .D . 457 , is derived from the T hirty-n in thwhP°m°°

chapter of the Fifth Book of Isidore’

s Origines, ap der


gzd.pat en tly through the medium of Bede

s shorterchron icle

,w ith some insertions relating to general

ecclesiastical h istory from another source, and w ith

the further addition of a few brief notices taken fromGeoffrey of Monmouth ’

s British H istory.

The chronological compu tation of this part of the Chro

chron icle is taken from the length of reign of the 322”of if;several emperors, wh ich seems to mark i t as the work Portionof one man , whilst the referen ce to Geoffrey of Mon

mouth would plac e the date of compilation subsequentlyto the middle of the twelfth cen tury.

From A .D . 457 it agrees nearly w ith manuscri pt ComparedA . until that copy ends and no doubt this w as the 3121


128tregister principally made use of by the compiler, A .

though it is evident that he had other sources of

information at hand as well, whi ch enabled him to

dentify the Dunawd, who died in 597 as filius Pabo,”

Chronology of

the latter

Apparentlynot wri tten

by the sameperson .


The chro

down to

1 09 8moreor less



or to fix the church of S . M ichael that was conse

crated in 7 1 8 in mon te Gargano. H e, moreover,clothes the en tries gen erally in hi s own language ;

thus, where A . has A D . 607, Ai dan Map Gabranmoritur,” in B . i t is rendered, Aidan filius Gawran

obi it.” It may be that both version s are but

separate translation s of the“

same W elsh origin al,

somewhat modified or diversified according to the

additional information wh ich the respective writersmay have possessed.

From the time of its concurrence with manuscriptA . down to 1 097, each successive year is noted by the

word annus, bu t w ithout the numerical indicationof decades. At th is date the common era is adopted,and continued to the end of the chroni cle.

It would appear, then , as if a fresh hand were

employed upon the register from A .D . 1 097 down to

the beginn ing of the thirteenth century, when the

en tries, which were somewhat brief before, becomemuch fuller, thus indicating another change. The

latter portion was probably composed at the monasteryof S trata Florida , to which it frequen tly refers, the

very last entry, indeed, being a notice of a conflagration

which occurred there.

From the eviden t partiality displayed by the writersfor the Cambrian interest, there can be li ttle doubtthat they were W elshmen , probably ecclesiastics,

inmates of some of the religious houses that hadsprung up in di fferen t parts of the coun try, and moreespecially of Strata Florida.

As justly observed in the Preface to the Monuments.H istorica B ritann i ca, p. 93 , the chronology of the

portion derived from Isidore is, by the omission or

confusion of different persons,utterly false, in asmuch

as it would place the accession of Leo in the year

3 97, in stead of the year 457 the arrival of H engistin the year 409, instead of the year 449 ; and the

scripts A .

and B .

down to

A .D . 1 203 .

T he latter

part whollydifferent.

Notices of

E nglish


airs in

terposedin themanuscript.

Basis ofthe present

edi tion .

xxvi ii PREFACE .

generally w ith manuscript B . to the year 1 203 , from

which circumstance it is eviden t that the compileior compilers of that portion had access to the two

other Copies,and made use of them in preparing h is

or their own chron icle.

A fter the year 1 203 it becomes wholly di fferen tfrom B .,

and has fewer and briefer notices of W ales,

wh ilst these have mostly an air of partiali ty towardsthe English W e conclude, therefore, that thisportion , occupying eighty-five years, w as the work of

a distinct party, eviden tly in the interest of the English king.

From about the year 1 0 1 6 to the year 1 200

this manuscript has some leaves of parchmen t interposed, con tain ing brief notices of English affairs. T o

the year 1 1 3 5 they are abridged from Floren ce of

W orcester and his con tinuator ; afterwards they are

taken from another source , and have frequent mention of the bishops of W orcester. Each notice has

a reference to its intended place in the text ; butthese references are very faulty throughout as to

time,and are wholly omitted in the present volume.

T he chronology of manuscript C ., like that of

manuscript B .,is founded, first

, on the length of

reign of the several emperors, and afterwards on the

repetition of the word an nus.

”The former portion ,

from causes similar to those already describedrelative to manuscript B .

,is utterly erroneous ; the

latter portion ,down to A .D . 1 1 3 5

,is subject to

the same kind of error as that manuscript ; butafter that date the annus is more careful ly noted,an d, as far as can . be ascerta ined, the chronologyis generally right.As manuscript A . is eviden tly the most an cient,

and therefore the most h istorically valuable of the

three copies which w e have thus con sidered, it has

been adopted as the basis, as far as it goes, of the


present edition , being colla ted w ith manuscripts B .

and C . W hen manuscript A . ceases, manuscript B .

has been used as the text, collated with manuscript0 . Such additional matter as


was afforded by

coll ation,and would cohere w ith the text, has been

inserted throughout in brackets, except that portionwhi ch in the c0pies B . and C . relates to even ts

preceding the middle of the fifth cen tury. T his

prelimi nary matter, inasmuch as it was prefixed at

a much later period to the original form of the

chron icle, as it stands in man uscript A.,and is con

sequently worthless in a h istorical poin t of v iew,

has been altogether omitted from the text, but isn evertheless in sert ed at the close of the Preface.

T he variations of the di fferent copies are inserted Variousat the foot of the page, and are referred to by a


small numeral ; and when more words than one are

mean t, a tick is used to indicate the terminationof the passage in the text.So long as manuscript A . con tinues

,a numeral has Marginal

been supplied for each ann us which is mentioned,


and in order to have an approximation to the common era, the date 444, as already stated, has beenassumed as con current with its first annus



the Christian year has been con stan tly affixed to

each register of even ts down to 954,which would

then correspond wi th the year 51 0 of that manuscript. From that period forward, the chronology of

the manuscripts B . and C . is so irregular and

erroneous,that it has been found impossible to re

duce it to order ; wherefore the real dates have

been sought for, as far as they were attainable, fromother and more trustworthy au thorities which noticethe same even ts, such as the Saxon chroni cle and

Florence of W orcester, un til we come to 1 097, when

manuscript B . adopts the year of Christ, and is thusfollowed in the margin . T he numerals Opposite to

are no


T he style.


the intermediate years of chron icle C .

, wherever theyoccur during th is period

,have been main ly con

jectured from the position they hold rela tively to thespecified dates of B .

Owing to the brevity of diction in which so manyof the notices, especially in the former part of the

chroni cle, have been clothed, it was found in conven ientto annex marginal referen ces to each. Rather, therefore, than that there should be any incompleteness, orwan t of uniformi ty in th is respect

,it was deemed

advisable to omit them altogether. It is presumed,however, that the fulness of the index,

together w iththe marginal dates, wi ll make up in a great degreefor the deficiency, wh ich oth erwise might have provedsomewhat disadvantageous.W e may remark upon the style of the work, that

in many places it is extremely faulty, defective, and

ungrammatical. A few such inaccuracies have beenpointed out in the foot n otes, but in general the texthas been printed as in the manuscript, a course whi ch

has been adopted lest in any way we should inadver

tently alter the sense of the words , or modify the

peculiarity of the language, which the compi lers mayhave designedly used.


In drawing “P this Preface the in the Monuments. Historica BriEditor begs to acknowledge the tannica,

”of wh ich he has largely

great help h e has derived from that availed himself.


MS . B .

Ah orbe condi to adusque A .D . 447 .

P rim fecit D eu s lucem, quam appellavit

diem. S ecun da die fecit Deu s M amentum in medio aqu arum,

et divisit aquas ab aqu ia superiores ab inferioribu s, u t in Genesi ,

legitur. T ertia di e congregavit Deu s aquas in locum et fecit

terram apparere, quam aridam appellavit, congregationesque

aquarum appellavit maria . Quarta die fecit solem et lanamde luce primo die facta , et cetera sidera in firmamento coel i .

Qu inta die creavit D eu s natatilia‘ et volatilia et ipsa de aqu is.

Sexta die creavi t Deu s animal ia terrestria et ipsum hominemad simili tudin emDei , masculum et foeminam creavit eos, scilicet

Adam et Evam. S eptimo die qu ievi t ab omni opere suo quod


Adam c°xxx

°aetatis suaa anno genu it S eth , a quo filn Dei ,

vixi tque anni s dccccxxx . , et mortuu s est.S eth anno c


genu it Enos, qu i cep it invocare nomen Dei ,

vixitque ann is dccccxij .Enos anno c

°xc . genu it Cayn an , vixitque anni s dccccv .

Cayn an ann o c°lxx. genu it Malaleel , vixitque ann i s dccccx.

Malaleel ann o c°lv . genu it Jareth , vixitqu e ann is dccc .

Jareth anno c°lij genu it E noc xcv . , vixitque ann i s dcccclxij .

Enoch ann o c°lxv. genui t M atusalem, vixitque anni s ccclxv .

Matusalem clxj . genu it L amec, vixitque ann is dcccclxix. Iste

L amee interfecit Chain filium Adm fratriscidam.

L amec ann o c°lvij genu it N oe, vixitque ann is dOOlXX'

VlJ N oe

anno d° genui t Sem postquam S em erat xcvi ij . annorum veni t

di luvium anno dc . vitae N oe , men se secun do, xvij . di e mensis,ut quidamvolunt. H e s est pM a wtas, continens 1 dcccclxxxi iijSem vero ann i s duobns post di luvium genu it Arphaxath , et

ipse Arphaxath anno xxxv°

genu it Salem, qu i primus aedificator

fuit Jerusalem, et a nomine ipsius dicta. est Salem, postea a

Jebus at Salem dicta est Jerusalem. Salem anno cm °genu it

Ebor, a quo H ebrwi . Ebor anno c°m . genui t P halec. P halec

anno c°xxx. genu it Ragan . Dii primum adorantur. Ragan anno

c°xxxij genu it S eruch . Regnum S cytharum inchoat. Sera ch

anno c°m . genui tN achor. RegnumEgyptorum inchoat. N aohor

Natalicia in MS .

anno lxxx. genu it Abraham. Z or castrie magicam artem re

perit . c est secunda aetas, continens annos dccclvij .Abraham anno c


genu it I saac . I saac anno 1x . genu it Jacob .

Jacob anno x1 . genu it Joseph . P horeneus Grascis leges dedit .

Joseph ann o xxiij obi it in Egypto . S ervitudo H ebrmorum incipitin Egypto in eodem anno in quo Joseph mortuu s est , et duravitper cxl i i ij . sunos . Moises rexit populum x1. ann is . Ath las

astronomiam docui t. Josue ann is xxvij . rexit populum post

Moisem. E riotoni us in Troja usnm qnadrigae primns inveni t .P ost hoc fili i I srael serv ierun t regi Mesopotamia ann i s v i ij . ,

quos Gothomel l iberavit, et ei s praafuit annis xl . Eaptinus

l itteras Graacis dedit . P ostea servierunt H ebrwi reg i Moab

xvi ij . ann is, quos Aoth liberavi t , cisque praefui t, et qu ievit terra

lxxx . ann is. Debora popu lum judi cat . Deinde fili i I srael ser

v ierunt Jabin regi Chanaan anni s xx . , quos liberavit B arach , et

praefu it ann is x1 . Apollo citharam reperit . P ostea servi erun t

M idianiti s, quos liberavitGedeon , et prwfu it ann i s x1 . M ercuriu s

lyram condidit. Abimelec xxj Chorus in Grascia inventus est.

Thola ann i s xxxij P riamus L aomedontis filius regnavit in

T roja . Jahi r xxx1] . Carmentis mater E uandri litteras L a

tinorum reperi t. Deinde filii I srael servierunt hostibu s xvi ij .ann is, quos Jepte l iberavit, et praefu it ann is v ij . H ercu les

flamin is se Abessa ann is v ij . Alexander B lenam rapu it .

Abdon ann is x Troja capta est a Gra cis, et Cartago a

D idon e in ch oatur. Dares hi storiam T rojanorum edi di t . Deinde

fil ii I srael servierun t P hi li steis x1 . a nn is, quos Samson l iberavit,et prwfu it xx . ann is . E neas in I tal ia moritur. A sch an ius Albamcondidit. H eli sacerdos pater Ophni ct Phinees praefuit xl .

ann i s . Archa testamenti capta est, Ophn i et P hinees occisis.

Trojan i duce Bruto in Britanni a venerun t. Samuel et Saul

ann is x1 . H omeru s e corum doctissimas clams habebatur.

L ocrinu s filius Bruti in Britann ia regnat. H aec est tertia aatas,

continens dccccx.

David rex anni s x1 . Gad, Asa prophetaverunt in I srael .

S alomon anni s x1 . templum I erosolimis aedificatur. Amos,

L en , Aggen s prophetaverunt . Budh idibras regnabat tune

tempori s in B ritann ia . Roboam ann is xvij . Regnum Israel

div iditur. Abia ann is tribus, sub quo Abimelec pontifex fu it .

S aph an xl ii ij . Z acharias , Johel prophetaverun t. Josaphat ann isH elias , Obedi as , M ich eas proph etaverun t. Joram ann is vi ij .

Joel , N aum prophetaverunt . H elias rapitur, H eliseu s prophe

tav it . Jonadab sacerdos claru it . Joas anni s x1 . H eliseu s H elie

disc ipu lu s moritur . Anseias ann i s xv . Cartago perfecte condita

est . Oz ias anni s xvi ij . Romu lu s et R emus nascuntur. Olympiassub Olympo monte a e ois institu itur. Josue etY sayas xxxviij .


ann is. In primo anno potestatis i storum Roma condi tur a

geminis fratribus Remo et Romu lo, xj . kalendas Mai i , die Sanctae

P al .

’ R egnabat in Britann ia Cunedasiu s, qu i fu it n epos regi s

L er, qu i condidit L erecestriam. Achaz ian xvj . E z ech ias ann i s

xxix . Senatu s cepit esse R omae. S ibilla claru it . M inon ann i s

xij . P rimu s cen su s agitur. Josias ann i s xxij . M illesiu s phi lo

sophu s agnoscitur. Joach im ann is x . S edech ias ann is xx .

N abocodonosor Judeam cepit. T emplum I erosolimis incen sumest . H sec est quarta aetas , contin ens an nos cccclxxj .

H ebrworum captivitas incipit et duravit anni s lxx . H istoria

Judith scribitur. Dariu s ann i s xxxi ij . , sed primo anno su ae po

testatis eju s H ebrasi a captivi tate sun t liberati . N erses ann is

xx . M Oph ocles , Socrates, E urip ides celebran tur. Artaserses

ann is xxv . H esdras legem incen sam renovav it . Alter Dariu s

ann is xvij . P lato clarus h abetur. H istoria H ester completur .

Aristotu les et Demostenes celebrantur. M erses ann is vi ij . Al ex

ander ann is v . Asiam tenu it, et I erosol imam cepit, et mortuu sest . T holor


neus ann is xxvi ij . Machabeorum l iber primu s incip it. LXX. interpretes agnoscuntur . P h iladelphu s ann isxxvi ij .

Jesu s librum S apientiae componi t . P h ilopater ann is xvi ij . P h i

lometu s ann is xxvj . S cipio Affricanus Afi'

ricam vi sit et Charts

gin em delevit . B rutus H ispan iam subeg it . Sother ann i s xv ij .

T races R omani s subj iciuntur. Alexander ann i s xj . Syria R o

man is subjugata est .- Tholomeu s anni s xj . Ars rh etorica cepi t

esse Romae . Dion i sius anni s xxij . M agnus P ompeius Judeamcepit, et Cleopatra fil ia L agi tun e temporis in Egypto regnabat ,

et in Britanni a regnabat Lud filiu s H ely , qu i T ronovantumrenovavi t, et a nomine suo L undoni am appellavit .

Ann u s ante Incarnationem Domini ix. Ju l iu s Caesar Britan

n iam bello pulsavit ét vicit, Cassibellano in Britann ia regnante .

Ann us .


Ann us. Augu stu s C aesar regna recep it.

An nu s .


Annu s. N ativitas Domin i nostri Jesu Christi in B ethleh eemJudm in civi tate David.

An nus . Interfectio infantium.

Ann us .

Annu s reversion is Domi ni de Egypto.

Annu s.

Annus T ibern Caesaris, qu i primus post Augu stum regnavi t.

Annu s.

S ic in MS .

2 Repeated l 7 times.

3 Repeated 40 times.

xxxiv PREFACE.

Annus . Dominus a Johanne in Jordane baptiz atus est et

jejunavi t et temptatus est .

An nu s. Aquam in vinum mutavit Dominus eodem die quo

baptiz atns est, revoluto anno.

Annus . Dominus publice praedi cat. Johann es B apti sts obn t.

Annus P assioni s Domini nostri Jesu Chri sti .

Annus .

Annu s Gaicaesari s. Matthaeu s Evangelium scripsit.

Ann us Claudi N eron is. P etrus Romam, Marcus Alexandriam

peti t.

Annus .

Annu s Calvi N eron is, sub quo P etrus cru cifigitur. P au lus

gladi o traditur.

Annu s.

An nus. Vespasianu s regnavit .

Annu s. Ierosolimam diru it .

An nus T iti Imperatorie. H ie p ius et facundus fu it .

Annus. Domi tianu s regnavit . Johann es Evangelista inter

P athmos relegatur. Clemens in P ontos exulat .Annus.

Ann us N erwe Imperatoris . Johannes Eph esum radisneEvan

gel ium scripsit.

Annus T rajanus regnavit. S imon Cleophe fil ius crucifigitur, etrequ iesoit Johannes Apostolu s .

Annu s .

Annu s Adrian i Imperatorie. Aqu ila interpres habetur.

Ann u s.7

Annus . Anton ius P ius regnavi t. Valentin iu s etMarcion heretici

Ann u s.


An nu s . Anton i usm1norregnavit. Cathafrigarumheresis oritur.

Ann u s .


Annus . Comodius regnavit. Theodosiu s inter Christianos

An nu s .


An nu s . H elius pertinax. regnavit .

Ann u s Aureli i An ton i i , vj'editio Ny00pol in i reperitur.

Repeated 5 times. Repeated 1 8 times.R epeated 1 3 times.

7 Repeated 20 times.

3 Repeated 1 3 times. Repeated 24 times.

Repeated 8 times.

9 Repeated 1 8 times.

5 Repeated 1 4 times. Repeated 12 times.

xxxvi PREFACE.

Annu s . Jovianu s regnavit. H ic cum omn i exercitu su o

Chri stianu s efiicitur.

Annus .

Annus . Valentinianu s regnavit, qu i ab Juliano militia fuerst

privatu s .

An n u s .

Annu s . Valen s regnum inchoat .Annu s.


Annu s . B eatus Ambrosius et Martinus Epi scopi claru erunt .

Annus .


Annus . Valentin ianus cum T heodosio regnavit . Ieron imus inB eth leem, Augustinu s in Afi’rica praadicantur. Syn odu s Con

stan tipol in i ccl . Ep iscop ie, in qua omn es h ereses condemnantur.

Annu s .

Annu s . Theodosius cum Archadio et H onorio regnant .

Johannes anachorita claru it .

An nu s .


An nu s . Johannes Crisostomu s et Augu stinus Episcopi pree

An nu s .


Annu s . H onoriu s cum T heodosio M inore regnan t . C irillu s

Alexandrias claru it . Consilium Carthaginense , ccxl . Ep i SCOporumP elagium condemnat .

Annu s . T heodosius M inor regnat. Ephesine synodus N esto

rium condemnat .Ann u s .


An nu s . Marcianu s imperat . Calcedonense consilium geritur.

Annu s .


Ami u s . San ctu s P atricius monente angelo H ibern iam peti it.Annu s .

Annu s . L eo major imperat . E gyptu s errore Dioscori latrat .

Ami u s .

Annu s. Adven tus AnglorumH orsi ct H eng isti tempore W orti ~

gern i regis .

Annu s .


Ann u s . D ies tenebrosa sicu t nox .

R epeated 9 times.

7 Repeated 1 4 times.

Repeated 3 times.9 Repeated 25 times.

Repeated 5 times. 9 Repeated 4 times.

Repeated 1 0 times.

w5 Repeated twice.

Repeated 1 1 times.

6 Repeated 12 times.

Repeated 5 times.

PREFACE . xxxvu

MS . C .

Ab orbe condito adusque A .H . 453

In cipiunt Cron ica Venerabili B ede.


P rima die secul i nascen tis fecit Deus lucem, quam appellav it

di em. S ecunda die fecit Deus firmamentum in medio aquarum,

et divi sit aquas ab aqu ia superiores ab inferioribus . T ertia

die congregavi t Deu s aquas in unum locum et fecit terramapparere . Quarta die fecit Deus solem et lunam et cetera

sidera in firmamento. Qu inta di e creav it Deus natatilia in aqu is

et volatilia in aere . S exta di e creavit Deu s an imalia terrestriaet ipsum hominem, scilicet Adam et E vam. S eptima die qu iev itab omn i opere suo.

Ixcu u'r P smx E ms .

Adam c°xxx° ami o sum mtatis genu i t S eth , a quo ti l1 1 De i .

Seth anno c°v°

g enuit E nos, qu i cep it invocare nomen Domin i .E nos anno c


genu it Chayu an . Chaynan anno C°Lxx


genu it

Malaleel ; Malalcel anno c°Lv


genu it Jareth ; Jareth ann o

0°L I I


genu it E noch ; Enoch anno C°LXV° genu it Matusalem ;

M atussalem anno c°v°

genu it L amech ; L amech anno c°Lvn°

genu it N oe ; N oe anno D°

genu it S eth . E t postquam Seth erat

xcvm°ann orum ven it diluvium. Eme est prima mtas, continens

8 11110 8 M .DCCCCLXXXI I I .


S eth vero annis duobn s post diluv ium genu it Arphaxat ;Arphaxat anno xxx°v° genu it S alan ; S alan c°xxx

°ann o genu it

Eber, a quo Ebrei ; Eber ann o c°xxx1 1 u°

genu it Falech ; Falech

anno c°xxx


genu it Ragan . R agan ann o c°xxx n


genu it

S eru ch . R egnum Cythareum in ch oat . S eru ch ann o c°xxx°

genu it N achor. R egnum Egyptiorum in choat. N achor anno


genu it Thara . R egnum Asyriorum oritur. T hara

aimo Lxxx°

genu it Abraham. Thara astronomicam artem in

ven it . Hmc est secunda mtas , con tin ens annos necen u .


ras .

Abraham anno (P

genuit Y ssac ; Y ssac ami o Lx° genu it

Jacob ; Jac ob anno x1.°

genu it Joseph ; Joseph anno xo°m°

moritur. S ervi tus Ebreorum cepit in Egypto in anno i llo in

quo Joseph mortuus est , et duravi t per c .XL II II . annos . Adlan i

astronomiam inven it . Moyses ann is XL . rexit popu lum. P ost

Moysen Ericton iu s in T roiana reg ion s quadrigam inven it. Go

tonicl anno xn. literas inven it Greecas.

’ Aoth anno Lxxx"

. fabulas

Venerabili B ede] In a moremodern hand.

Gre ens] Inserted in a later hand.


fictmsunt ; Deborra anno XL . Apollo cytharam reperit ; Gedeon

anno XL . Mercurius lyram condi di t ; Amelech anno XXI . Chorus

in Grmcia inventus est ; T ola ann o xxxn . Priamus regnavit

in T roia ; Jayr anno XXIII . Carmentis mater Ev andri l iteras

L atinorum reperit ; Y epte ann o VI . Ercu lee flammi s se injeci t ;Abessa anno VII . Al exander B lenam rapu it ; Jabdon ann o x.

Troia capta est a Grmcis, et Cartago condi tur a Dydone ;

S ampson ann o XIX. [Eneas in Italia moritur, et Ascan i u s ejuefilins Albam-longam condi di t ; H ely sacerdos anno XL . Archa

testamenti capta est . Brutus Asami i nepos Britanni am insulamadi it, et regnum suum L ocrio fil io suo tradi di t in fine vitmsum. Samuel et Sau l anno XL . H omerus clarus habetur. E t

tune tempori s regnabat Madavo L ocri i filiu s in Britann ia . Hmcest tertia mtae, continens annoe n .ccocx .

Qumro E ms.

David rex anni s XL . Gath , N athan , Asa proph etaverunt.

S aleron an . XL . T emplum Ierosolimi s mdificatur. Amos,Jeu , Aggeu s prophetaverun t. E t Rudi di bas in Britann i a

regnabat tune tempori s ; R oboam an . XVII . regnum I srael

at Juda dividitur ; Abya an . I II . sub quo Abymelech

pontifex fu it ; Asaph an . XL II . Z acharias et Joh el pro

ph etaverunt ; Josaphat an . xx . E lyas, Abias, M icheas pro

phetaveru nt ; Joram an . VI II . Joel , N aum prophetaverunt ;

Ocoz ias an . I . E lyas rap itur, E lyseus proph etavit ; Grotol ia

an . VI I . Jonadab sacerdos ; Joas an . XL . Elyseus moritur ;Avasias an . xv. Cartago per fidem condi tur clarui t ; Oz ias an .

XVII I . Romu lus et R emu s nascun tur. Olympias a Grmcis instru itur ; Josue et Y sayas an . XXXVI II . In primo anno potes.

tatis eorum Roma. conditur a Remo et Romu lo XI° kalendas

Mai i . E t in Britanni a regnabat Cun edagius, qu i erat nepos

regis L eyr. Agaz an . XVI . ; E z echias an . XXI I . Senatus Rommhabetur ; Manasses an LV. S ibilla claru it ; Amon an . XI I .

Primus census agitur ; Josias an . XXI I . Tales phi losopha s

agnoscitur ; Joachym an . X. ; Sedechias an . XI I . N abugodonosor

Judeam capit . T emplum I erosolimi s incensuni est. Hmc est

quarts mtas, contin ens annoe CCCCLXXI .


Ebreorum captivitas incep it et duravit anni s LXX. H istoria

Judith scribitur ; Dariu s an . XXXI I I . Sed pro anno sumpotes.tatis Ebrei a captivitate sunt liberati . Xerses an . xx. Sophocles,Socrates, Euripides celebrantur. Artaxerses an . XXXV . E s

In margin Run H irvras.

rash es.

dram legem incensam renovavit. Al ter Darius an . XVI I .

regnavit. P lato clarus habetur. Alter Artarxerses an . XLI .

regnavit . H istoria E ster completar. T ertius Artarxerscs an .

Darius an . VI I . Al exander an . v. Asyan tenu it, et I erosoli .

mam cepit , atmortuus est. T holomeus an . XXVI II . Machabeorumliber primus incipit . LXX. interpretes agnoscun tur. Ph iladel .

phus an . xxvm. Enargites an . xxvn . Jesus librum Sapientimcomponit. Philopater an . XVI I I . regnavi t. P hi lomen ter an .

XXVI . regnavit. Scippio Afl'

ricam vicit. Eu crgites an . XXIX.

Brutus Hyspaniam subsgit. Soth er an . XVII . Traces Romanissuhji ciuntur ; Al exander an . XI . Syria Romani s subjugata est ;

Tolomeus an . Ix. regnavit . Ara rhetorica Romm cepit. Dyeo

nisius an . XXI I . regnav it. Magnus P ompeius Judeam eapit.

Et C leopater tune temperie in Egypto regnabat. E '

t in Bri

tannia regnabat Lud dlius Beli , qui Trinovantum renovavit, et

de nomine suo Lundoni am appellavit. Ju lius Caesar xv. an.

Et in primo qu inquenni o subjugavi t Galli am. In secundo

quin qu enni o Britanniam, at in Roman is historiis reperitur.

Scriptum est enim quod Jul ins Caesar Romanorum primus Britanniam bello pulsavit , anno ab urbe eondita ante

vero In carnationem Domin i L°. Cassibellaunns B elini filius

regnabat in Britanni a tune tempori s. Ulteri o vero qu inqu

devi cit P ompeiam, et monarehiam tetina mundi tenu it. Octo

vianus Cmsar post Julium regnavit ann i s LV. Bed in XL . anno

ejue impel-i i natus est Christu s. Que etiam anno qu inta mtaefin itur, continen s annos DXXXI II . Colligun tur ergo ab origins


mundi u sque ad Chri stum ann i I I I I .DCC .L I II I .

SEXTA E ras.

IdemOetav ianu s Cmsar post N ativitatem Domini ‘

anni s XV.

regnavit . T enuantiu s erat rex Britannim nepos Cas sibellauni

regi s. Tyberius an . XXI II . In tempore i stius passus est Dominus . In Britann ia regnavit Kymbel inus T enuantii fil ius . Cain s

Cal igula an . II I I . regnavit. Matheus evangelium scripsit . In

Britann ia regnabat Arviragus rebellis . N ero an . XI III . P etrus

et P au lus passi sunt . Vespasianus an . X. I erosolima a. Tito

subvertitur. Arviragns adhuc in Britannia regusbat . T itus

an . I I . H ie facundu s et pius fu it . Domieianu s an . LXI I . regnavit. Johannes in P athmos relegatur. N erva an . I . Iohann es

Ephesum redi it. Traianus an . XIX. regnavit. JohannesAposto la s

qu i evit. Adrianne an XXI . regnavit . Aquila interpres habetur.

Antonius an . XXV. regnavit. Valentine et Marcion agnoscun tur.


Al ter An ton ius an . XIX. Catafriga mm heresia oritur. Commodus an . XI II . regnav it. T heodition in terpres habetur. S ilvius

pertinax an . I . H ie n ih i l h istorim habet. Severus an . XVI I I .

Symacus interpres habetur. An ton ius an . VI I . Quinta edi tio

I erosolimi s inven itur. Macrin us an . 1 . H ie nihi l h i storimhabet . Aurelius an . I II . Sabellius ori tur. Alexander an . XVI .

Orig ines insigni a habetur. Maximns an . I II . Iste Germanosv icit. Gordianus an . VII . I ste de P arthis et P ersis triumphav it.Ph ilippus an . VI I . H ie primus imperator fuit. Deein s an . I .

regnavit. An tonius monaehu s claru it. Ca llus an . I I . regnavi t.

N ovatu s heresim condidit. Valerianu s an . XV. regnav it Cy

prianu s martyrio eoronatur. C laudiu s an . I I . H ie n ih i l h i storimhabet. Aurelius an . v. H ie Christianos persequ itnr. T aciua

an . I . H ie n ih il hi storim h abet . P robu s an . VI . M onachorumMani ch eorum orta est beresie. C laru s an . II . H ie n ih il h istorimh abet. Dyoelicianu s an . XX. regnavit. I ste divin is l ibris combustis Christianos interfecit. Galerina an . I I . N ih il h istorimhabet. Constantinus an . XXX. regnav it. N icena syn odu s con

gregatur. Al ter Constantinus an . XXI I I I . regnavit. Anthropomor

ph itarum heresi s oritur. Ju lianus an . II . H ie ex Christiano

P aganus efiicitur. Jovianu s an . I . H ie iterum Christianus effici

tur. Valentin ianu s an . XI I II . regnavit . Gothi hereti ci efiieiun

tur. Grannu s an . VI . regn avit . Adventus Anglorum in

An gliam, id est, H ors et H engist , anno ab Incarnations Dominicceo

°XXXVIII° , Gurtheirno existente rege Britonum. Al ter Va

lentianu s an . VI I . regnav it. I erosol imis at in B eth leem prmdicatur. E t Pasch a. mutatur super diem Dominieum a L eone

papa .



LVI I I. AnnuS— LXXI . Annus.

LXXI I . Ann us. Bellum Badon is, in quo1 Arthur

portav i t crucem Domin i nostri Jesu Christitribus diebus et tribus noctibus 9 in humeros

suos,’ 3

et Britones victores fuerunt .

LXXI I I . Ann us— LXXVI . An nus.

LXXVI I . San ctus Columcille’ nascitur.

Sanetm Brigidm.

5 Quice

LXXVII I . Annus— XCI I. Ann us.

XCI I I . Annus.

6 Gueith Camlann ,in qua Arthur

et Medraut corruere7et mortalitas in Brit

tan ia et in H ibern ia fuit. ’XCIV. Annus— XCIX. Annus.

C . Annus.

C I . Annus. 0 1 1 .

0 1 1 1 . Annus.

8 Dormitatio Ciaran i . ’


9 Mortali tas magna1°

[fuit in

Britann ia] in qua pausat Mailcun rex C en


en llis Ros.

[U nde dicitur, H ir hun W a ilgun

T un e fu itCIV . A nn us— m .

”An nus.

CXIV. Annu s


‘2 Gabran filius Dungart

CXV . Annus— CXVI I . Annus.

CXVI I I . Annus.

‘ 3 Columcille in Brittan ia exn t.’

CXIX. Annus, exx. Annus.

Arthurus, C . RexArturus, B .

2’ Not in C . In humeris suis,B .

et V ictor fu it, C . In i llo prmlio ceciderun t Colgrinus et Radul

pbas Anglorumduces, B .

Columchi lla, B .

U St . B rigida in Christo obn t, B .

S .Brigida quiev it, C.

‘V B ellumCamlan , in quo inclitusA rthurus rex Britonum et Modre

dusproditor suns,mutuis vulneribuscorruerunt.

N ot in B .C .

3 ’ N ot in C . Dormitio Karaun i,

B9’ N ot in C .

10 B .

Between the years ex. and ex .

the word A nnus is repeated ten

times in A .

‘2’ N ot in C . Gawran W radouc

filius Dinwarch obi it, B .

‘3 ’ N ot in C . Columch i lla ex R ibernia venit in Bri tannia, B .


‘ B .


CXXI . Annus . [N avigatio Gildas in Hybern ia .]CXXI I . Annus— CXXIV . Annus.

CXXV. Annus.


[Synodus V ictoriae apud Bri

tones congregatur.]CXXVI . An nus. Gildas 2

[Britonum sapientis

simus] obi it.CXXVI I . Annus. CXXVI I I . Annus.

CXXIX. Annus. Bellum 3 Armterid [interfili os E lifer et Guendolen filium Keidiau ; in

quo bello Guendoleu cecidi t : Merlinus insanus


eetus est. ]CXXX. Ann us. Brendan 4 Byrror dormitatio.

CXXXI . Annus— CXXXV. Annus.

CXXXVI . Annus.

5 Guurci et Peretur l


6mori tur.

CXXXVI I . An nus— CXXXIX. Annus.

CXL . Annus .

7 Bellum con tra 8 E ubon iam,et

9 ’ dispositio Dan ielis 1 ° Ban corum.

CXL I . An nus— CXL IV . An nus.

CXLV. An nu s. Conversio Constan tin i ad Do~


CXLVI . Annus— CXL IX. Ann us.

CL Ann us.


[Edilbertus in Anglia rexit ]CLI . Annu s.

1 2 Columci ll e moritur.

’ ‘ 3 D unau t

rex moritur.

’ 14 Agustinus‘4 Mellitus Anglos

ad Christum convertit.

CL I I . Annus— CLVI . Annus.

2 B . Sapiens, C .

3 Erderit, B . Arden t. C .

Berur ob iit, B . Berrur mo

ritur, C .

5’ N ot in C . Gurgi , B .

3 moriuntur, B .

N ot in C .

8 ’ Eumon iam, B .

9 deposmo, B . De episcopo

Dan iele Bangor, C .

W Bangorensis, B .

N ot in C .

‘9 Columch illa, B .

'N ot in C .

‘3 D unaud, C .

'Dunauut filius

P abo obiit, B .

W N ot in B .

‘5mittitur convertere, B .


CLVI I . Annus. S inodus urbis I Legion2

[ordinataa S . Davide Men evensi archi episcopo.] Gregorius obiit in Christo.


David 3episcopus

4Mon i

CLVII I. Ann us— CLXI . 5 Annus.

CLXII . Ann us .

CLXIII . Ann us.

6 D ispositio Cinnauc’ episcopi7 Aidan 9map Gabran moritur.

CLXIV. Ann us— CLXVI I . Annus .

CLXVI II . Annus.

episcopi .’CLXIX. Ann us .

9 Conthigirni obitus, et D ibrio


ueith Cair L egion ; et ibi

cecidit Selim fil i i Cinan . Et Iacob filii Beli

dormi tatio.


CLXX. Annus. CLXXI . An n us.

CLXXI I . An n us .

CLXXI I I . Ann us.

Ceretie obn t.1 2E tgu in incipit’ regnare.

CLXXIV. Annus— CLXXIX. An n us.

CLXXX. Annus . Sol obscuratus est.

CLXXXI Ann us.

CLXXXII . Annus.

1 3 Etgu in baptiz atus est 14et

Run fil ius U rbgen baptiz avit cum.

CLXXXI II . Ann us . Belin ‘5moritur.

CLXXXIV . Annus.

CLXXXV. An n us. Obsessio 1“Catguollaun regis’

in insula Glannaue.

L egionum, B .C .

2 C .

M enevensis archiepiscopus in

Domino qu ievit, C .

4' Menevensis obnt, B .

5 Between the years on . and

CLXX. the word ‘A nnus is repeated

ten times in A .

6 ”N ot in C .

B .

7 ' N ot in C .

3 ’ filius Gawran obn t, B .

9' N ot in C . Chendeirn obn t, B .

'Depositio Kenauc,

BellumKairlion ,’

In quo Seysil

filius Chinan st 111c filius Beli

moriuntur cum mnltis aliis, B .

Bellum Caer Legion , in quo Silla

filius Kenan cecidit, C .

A ll from henceforward to the

year00 1 . arewanting in C . Cheredi,

B .

W Gu in cmpit, B .

Guin , B .

l"a P aulin o episcopo Eboracensi ,

B .

‘i’obn t, B .

W Catwallaun , B .


C LXXXVI . Annus.

‘Guidgar ven it et non redit,Kal. Januar.’ 9 Gueith Meiceren ; et ibi


terfectus est 3 E tguin cum duobus fili is suis4 Ca tguollaaun autem’

victor fuit.CLXXXVII . Annus . Bellum Cantscaul , in quo5 Catguollan [cum su is] corrui t.

CLXXXVII I . Annus. Strages Sabrinas, ct jugulatio 7 Indris.

CLXXXIX. Annus— CXC IX. Ann us.

CC . An nus. Bellum 8 Cocboy, in quo Oswaldrex

9 N ordorum et1° Eoba rex Merciorum 1 ‘


CC I . Annus.

‘2 Percussio Demeticm regionis .

quando coenobium David incensum est.

1 3

CCI I . Annus— CCIV. An nus.

CCV . Annus.

6[Guen tis Strages ]

CCVI . Annus. Ortus stellae.

CCVI I . Ann us— CCXI . Annus .

CCXI I . Annus. Strages ‘4 Gan Campi .CCXII I . Annus .

‘5 P antha oecisio.

CCXIV. Annus.

1“Osguid veni t et prmdam duxit.CCXV. An nus. CCXVI . Ann us,CCXVI I . Ann us. Commen e fota.

CCXVI II . Annus.

‘7 Brocmail [Eschitrauc] mo

CCXIX. Annus. CCXX. Annus.

N ot in B . obierunt, B

BellumM eigen , in quo, B .W P ercussio Demetim, B .

"N ot

Catwallaun vero, B .

in C .

‘3 All to the year eoxxxvm.

wanting in C .

u Gai, B .

‘5 P endm,B .

Oswid, B .

Brochwail, B .

‘9obiit, B .


CCXXI. Annus. Primum Paseha apud Saxonescelebratur. Bellum Badon is seeundo. Mor

can t moritur.

CCxxn . Annus— CCXXIV. Annus.

CCXXV. Annus. Osgu id rex Saxonum moritur.

CCXXVI . Annus— CCXXXI . An nus.

CCXXXI I . Annus. Stella mirae magni tudin is Visaest per totum mundum 3 lucens.

CCXXXI I I . Annus— CCXXXVII . Annus.

CCXXXVI I I . Annus. Mortalitas magna fuit in

Britann ia,

4 in qua Catgualart filius Catguo

laum obn t.

CCXXXIX. Ann us.

5 Mortali tas 9

[fuit] in H i

bern ia .

CCXL . Annus . T errae motus in 7 Eubon ia factaest

’ 9magnus.

CCXL I Annus.— CCXL IV. Annus.

CCXLV. Annus. P luvia sanguin ea9 facta est


Britanni a, et1°

[in Hybern ia,] lac et butirum

versa aunt in sangu inem.

CCXLVI . An nu s.


[Luna in sanguineum versa

est colorem. ]CCXLVII . Annus— C CL IX. Annus.

CCLX. Annus.

1 ‘ A lchfrid rex Saxonum 1 9obu t.

‘9 Dormitatio Adomn an ’

CCLXI . Annus— CCLXIX. Annus.

CCLXX. Annus. Nox lucida fuit sicut' dies.

N ot in B .

9 Oswid, B .

lucere, B .

pro qua Catwaladir filius Cat

wallaun in M inorem Britanniamaufugit, B . Et Cadwallader rex

Britanniamdereliquit et ad Armoricamregionemperrexit, C.

5’ N ot in C .

B .

Rumen ia, B . Brittannia, C .

9 N ot in C .

9’cecidit, B .

B .C .

A clfrid, B . Adelstan, C.

moritur, C .

‘9’ N ot in B .C .

N ot in B . facta est, at, C .



P ipinusImajor rex

9 Francorum obu t’ 9 in

Christo’.CCLXXI . Annus. CCLXXI I . Ann us.

7 1 7. CCLXXI II . Annus.

4 Osbrit rex Saxonum 5mo

CCLXXIV. Annus. Consecratio 9 Michaelis Arch


CCLXXV . Annus. CCLXXVI. Annus.

CCLXXVI I . Annu s. E stas torrida .

CCLXXVI I I . Annus. Beli filius 7 E lfin moritur,

9et bellum 9 H ehil apud 1 ° Cornuen ses ; gueith

1 9Gartmailaue,’ ‘9

eat P encon apud dextrales

Britton es ; et Britton es victores fuerun t 1“in

istis tribus bellis.

CCLXXIx. Ann u s— CCLXXXI I I . Annus.

CCLXXXIV. Annus. Bellum ‘5mortis Carno.

CCLxxxv . Annus— CCLXXXIX. Annus.

CCXC . Annus.


IIvor filius Cadwallader.]CCXC I . A nnus. Beda presbyter ‘ 7 dormit.CCXC I I . Annus.

‘9 Ougen rex Pictorum obu t.CCXC I I I . Annus.

— CCCV. Annus.

CCCVI . Annus.

‘9 Bellum in ter P ictos et Brittones, 1“id est gueith Moeetauc,

’ 99et rex

2 1eorum T alargan

99a Britton ibus occiditur.

99 T euclubr filius Beli’ moritur.

‘ N ot in B C . ct Saxones ; sed Bri tones v ictores9 Francis moritur. C . in hiis omn ibus fuerunt, Iwor ex3 ’ N ot in B . C . istente duce eorum, C .

Osfrit, B .

’not in C . N ot in B .

5obiit, B .

‘5 Mon tis, B . C .

S . Michael, C . S . M ichaelis in C .

monte Gargano, B . Moritur qui hunc librum CroE lph in i , C .

'E 1pl| in obn t, B . n icumannuatimcomposuit, C .

9 N ot in B .C .

‘9 Ow inus, B . Oweyn , C .

9 Heil, B . H ey], C .

W N ot in C .

1° Corinenses, B . Cornubiam, C2° N ot in C .

bellumGardmai lauc, C'.

2 ‘ P ictorum, B .C .

‘9 Garthmailauc, B .99’

occisas est, B .

bellum Pen tun inter Britones‘

5 T endar, B .

’ab Hell, C .


CCCVI I. Ann us.— CCC IX. Annus.

CCCX. Annus . Rotri rex Brittonum 9mori


CCCXI . Annus. CCCXIL Annus .

CCCXII I . Annus.

9 Edwald rex Saxonum mo


CCCXIV. An nus . CCCXV. Annus.

CCCXVI . Annus. Bellum inter Brittones et

Saxones,9 id est gueith H irford, et

’ 9 Dun

nagual filii T eudubr’ moritur.

CCCXVII . Annus— CCCxxm. Annus.

CCCXXIV . Ann us.

7 Pasca commutatur’ apudBrittones,


[super Domini cam diem,] emendan te9 E lbodugo homi ne

’ D ei .

CCCXXV. Annus— CCCXXX. Annus.

CCCXXXI . Ann us.

1°Fernmail filius Iudhail


CCCXXXI I. Annus. Cemoyd rex P ictorum‘9obii t.

CCCXXXI II . An nus. Cudberth abbas 15moritur.

CCCXXXIV. Annus . Vastatio Brittonum dextralium 19

apud Offa, ‘ 7

[rege Saxonum].CCCXXXV. Ann us— CCCXXXIX. Ann us.

CCCXL . Annus. Vastatio Brittonum 16cum Offa

in acetate.

CCCXL I . Annus— CCCL . Annus.

Bodri, B .C .

3obiit, B .

3 Edphalt, B . Edwalt , C .

N ot in C .

3 ' N ot in B .

Denawal filius T endar, B .

7 P ascha, B : -mutatur, C .

3 B lbodu, C . E lbodo servo, B .

1° Fernwail,B . Sernmail, C .

d al, C . Idwal obiit, B .

‘2 Chemoith , B .

‘3 mori tur, C .

Cubertus, B . Cudbertus, C .

‘ 3obiit, B .C .

ab, C .

C .


CCCLXIX. Annus. Bellum inter l H iguel9

[etKinan , H owel] victor fu it. ’

CCCLXX. Annus.

9 T on itruum magnum fu it, et

incendia multa 4 fecit. 9 Trifun filius 9 Begin


’ 7 E t Griph iud’ filius 9 Cineen dolosa

dispensations’ a fratre suo9 E liz ed post in ter

vallum duorummensium interfici tur.

” '9 H iguel‘ 4 de Mon ia insula triumphavit, et

‘9 Cinan de ea

expulit‘9cum contrition s magna exercitus su i .

CCCLXXI . Annus .

CC CLXXI I . Ann us.

44 B iguel iterum’ de ‘9 Mon ia

expulsus est‘9[a Kenan z]

’7 Cinan rex moritur.

1 9[Saxon es mon tes Ereri et regnum Roweynauc

invaserun t.]CCCLXXII I . An nus.

‘ 3 Gueith Lannmaes.


9°[Cen iul regiones Deme

torum vastavi t.]CCCLXXV. Annus — CCCLXXVI I . Annus.


9 ‘ Arcem'

Decan torum’


Saxonibus destruitur ; et 99regionem Poyuis

in 99sua potestate’ traxerunt.


CCCLXXXI . Ann us.

94 B iguel99 mori tur.

H owel, B . C .

3 B .

'et Kenan, sed victor fuit

Kenan , C .

9” N ot in C .

4 N ot in B .

9 T rifin , B .

3 ’ Rein obiit, B .

3 ’ Chengen dolose, B .

3” B lissed occiditur, B .

W Howel, B .

'H owel i terum pu

gnavit contraKenan , et expulit eumds Mona insula, C .

in , B .

‘9 Conanum, B .

‘9’ N ot in B .

U H owel, C .

'Howel, B .

‘3 Mon , B .

18C .

sed postea Kenan moritur, C .

Ch inan rex obiit, B .

’3 B . Saxones inmontibus Ererivastaverunt, C .

’3 BellumL lanmais.— Lanvays,C .

20 B .

9"Arx Deganhui, B .


arcem Degannoe destruxerunt, et

regionemP owels vastaverunt, C .

3 9’ Powis, B .

93 ’suampotestatem, B .

9 ‘ H owel, B .C .

3 3obii t, B .


CCCLxxXI I . An nus— CCCLXXXVI . Annus.



[Eclipsis lunae.]9 L au

dent moritur,

et’ 9 Satur biu hail M in iu

4moritur.CCCLXXXVI II . Annus— CCCXCV. Annus.


9 N obis episcopus in M in in

regnav it.


CCCXCVI I I. Annus. 9 Iudguoll moritur.


CCCC . Annus.

7 Mermin moritur.

’ 9 Gueith


CCCCI . Annus— CCCC I I I . Ann us.

CCCCIv. Annus.

1’Gueit Finnant.’ 1° Iudhail

rex’ 1 1 Guent a viris 1 9 Brocen iauc occisus est .

CCCCV . Annus.

1 9 Mouric occisus est’a Saxo

n ibus.

CCCCVI . Annus.

‘4 Cinnen a gen tilibus jugu latur.

CCCCVI I . Annus— CCCCVI I I . An nus.

CCCC IX. Annus.

1 9 Mon vastata’ 1[est] a gen

ti libus 19nigris.

CCCCX. Annus. 1 7 Cinnen rex Pouis in Roma’

obi it.CCCXI . Annus.

1 B .

7’ N ot in B .C .

3 ’ Satur win episcopus Meneven

sis, B . Sadurnven C .


11 Novas episcopatum suscepit, B .

Novis est episcopns Menevensis, C .

9 N ot in C . Idwalaum obiit,

7 M erh in, C .

’Merwin obut, B .

9 Gueit, B .

’Bellum Citll, C .

9 Bellum, B .— Fynant, C .

1° Ythail, C .

’Ithail dominus, B .

1 1’ moritur, C .

14 Brecheinauc, B .

1 3 Menrie, B .—occiditur, C .

1 1’ N ot in C . Cengen a gentibus

occisas est, B .

1 3 ’ M on ia vastatur, C .

1 9 N ot in C .

Cengen Powis Romm, B .

1 4

A .D .

856. CCCCXII . Annus. 1 Cemoyth


rex P ictorum9moritur ; st Ionathan princeps 9 Opergslei

CCCCXI II . Annus— CCCCXV . Annus.

CCCCXV I . An nus.

CCCCXVI I. .Annus.

CCCCXV II I . Annus.



[Maileachlsn obu t .]

9 Catguei then expulsas sst.’

CCCCXX. Annus. 9 Duta vastavit 7 Gliui signg.

CCCCXXI . Annus.

9 Ciannant in mer’ 9obiit.

CCCCXXII . Annus. Urbs 1°Ebraue 1 4vastata est

'9 id est cat Dub gin t.’CCCCXXI II . Annus. CCCCXXIV . An nus.


CCCCXXVI . An nus.

fracts est .


‘ 7 Ceterieiaun.



49 Cat 1 4 Brin Onnen .

19 Arx Al t-Clut a gentilibus

’9 Cruoceaun merens est,’rex

49 Nobis ‘9[episcopus]


91 Mouric moriuntur.

’ 99 Gueith 99 Bannguolou .



[Llanwerth episcopus conse


1 Ceinod, B . N ot in C .

9obiit, B .

9' Abergeleu obnt, B .

4 B . Matusalemmoritur, C .

9 Catweithen , B .

’N ot in C .

Dutta, B .

’N ot in C .

7 Gliuissig, B .

9’ Chian Nan t newer, B . Kenan ,

3 moritur, C ,19 Ebrauci , B .

1 1 'vastatur, C .

19’ Cat Du lin, B . N ot in C .

19’ N ot in C .

1 4 W ren, B .

19 N ot ia'

B .

'N ot in C .

19 Gugan , B .

’Gogaun mergitur,

17 Ceredigian . B . Keredigiann

19 Novas, B . Novis, C .

19 B .C .

3 9’ moritur.

41 Meuruc, B .

99’ N ot in C .

9“Bannoleu, B .

24 B .



1 Dumgarth rex9 Cerniu


[id est Cornu bim] mersus est.


4 Gueith D iu Sul 9 in ’ Men .


9 B otri , et 7 filius ejus9C u

riat,a Saxonibus

’ 9



1°Aed map Neill moritur.



1 1 Gueit Conguoy digal

Retri a Deo.

’ 9

[Gueit Conani .]CCCCXXXVI I . Ann us.


1 9 Catgueithen obu t.’CCCCXXXIX. Annus . CCCCXL . Annus.

CCCCXLI . Annus.

1 9 H iguel in Roma’ 14 defunctus


CCCCXL II . Annus.


1 9 Cerball defunctus est.’

CCCCXL IV. An n us.

COCOKLV . Annus.

9[Subin Scotorum sapientissi

mus obii t.]CCCCXLVI . Annus. CCCCXLVI I . Annus.


19 H imeyd moritur.

CCCCXLIX. Ann us .

CCCCL . Annus.

1 7 Anaraut cum Anglis veni t vastare 19 Cereticiaun et 1 9 Strattu i .

Dumnarth, B .

’N ot in C . Bellum Conui, id est Dial Rotri9 Osmen, B .

C .

a B .

1 9 Cathweithen, B .

'N ot in C .


v Bellumdie Dominica apud, C .

119 9 19 1 B ‘ 11 9 1 791“

5en, B ’ 1 4’

obn t, B .

1 Bodri, B .C . 1 3 ’ N ot in B .C .

frater, B .

8 0

19 H iveid, C .

’N ot in B .

Gumat, B . N ot 1 11 C .1”Anaraud cum Saxon ibus va

11jugulantur, B . oceiduntur

, C . stavitKeredigiaun, C .

19’ N ot in B .C .

w Bellum Congni'

Dial Rotri, B .n Stratewy, B .


CCCCL I . Annus.

1 N ordman i venerunt et vastaverun t Loyer et Brichen iaue et Guen t st

C u in n ligu iauc.

CCCCL II . Annus.


[Panis in H ibern ia defecit.

Vermes de aere ceciderun t talpae similes cum

duobus dentibus, qu i totam comederunt : qu i

ejeeti sun t jejun io et oration e.]CCCCL I II . Annus

CCCCL IV . An nus.

CCCCLV . Annus .

CCCCLV I . Ann us.

CCCCLVI I . Annus.

CCCCLVI I I . An nus.

9[E lstan rex Saxonum obu t. ]

9 Albrit rex4 Giuoys moritur.

1 Igmunt in insula Mon ve

n it, et tenu it mass Osmeliaun .

CCCCL Ix. Annus.


[Merwyn filius B odri obu t,

et]9 Loumarch filius 7 H iemid moritur.

CCCCLX. An nus.

9 Rostri 9

[filius H eweid]9 de

eole est in Argu istli .’

CCCCLXI . Annus.

CCCCLXI I . Ann us.

fracta est .

CCCCLXI I I . Annus.

1 °Gu ei th Dinmeir,st M in iu


1 1 Guorch igu i l9

[episcopus]1 9 moritur, 1 9

[et Cormuc

CCCCLXIV . Ann us.

ctus est.’

CCCCCv . Annus.

1 7rex

1 9 moritur.

1 ’ N ot in B .C .

9 A lwryt, B .

’N ot in C .

4’obu t, B .

3 B . Mervin rex filins Rodri

occiditur a gentilibus, C .

‘1 L lewarch , B .

’N ot in C .

R eweld occisas est, B .

Rodri, B .

’N ot in C .

3 ’ decollatus est, B .

Asser 1 4

[episcopus]4 defun

1 5 Catell 1 6

[filius Rodri ]

19 Catel, B . Cadelh , C .

19 B .C .

1 1 N ot in B .C .

19’ Menevia deleta est, B . Bel

lumDynerth , C .

1 1 Gorchewil, B .

’N ot in C .

1 9 Obiit, B .

1 3 B . Gormach rex Hybcrmzcobnt, C .

1 1 B .

'episcopus Britannim fit




9 1 3 . CCCCLXIX. Annus.

1 Otter ven it 9 [in Britann iam]CCCCLXX. Annus.

9 1 5. CCCCLXXI . Ann us.

9 Anaraut rex4[Britonum]



9 Aelflsd regina obu t.CCCCLXXIV . Annus.


7 Clitauc rex occisus est.’

CCCCLXXV I . Ann us.


9 Guei th D inas’ 9 N eguid.



1° B iguel rex perrexit ad


1 1

[H elena obiit.]CCCCLXXXV . Ann us— CCCCXC . An nus.

CCCCXC I . Annus.

19[Grifinus fili us Oweyn obn t.]

CCCCXCI I . Annus . CCCCXC I II . Ann us.


19 Bellum Brune.

CCCCXCV . Annus.

1 4 H imeid filius 19 Clitauc,1 9et

1 7 Mouric’ 1 9moritur.



1 9 Aedelstan 9[rex Saxonum]



9°Abloyc rex moritur.

0m,B . 0 thyr, C .

B . C .


4 Edfled, B . Edelflet, C .

N ot in B . Cledau filius Cadell

occiditur, C .

3 Gueit, B .

'BellumDynas, C .

9 Newit, B .C .

1° B ewelus D a filiusCatelRomamivit, B . Howel rex filius Cadell E lma .B . Adclstan. C .

Romamperrexit, C .

3 9’ N ot in B .C .

1 1 B . et E len obnt, C .

19 B . Grifut filins Oweyn occi

ditur, C .

1 9’ Not in B .C .

1 4 Hewed, B . H iveid, C .

1 3 Clidanc, B . Cledauc, C .

19’ N ot in C .

1"Meuruc, B .


CCCCXC IX. Ann us.

1 Catel filius 3 Artmail 3vs

n eno4 moritur ;

9st Iudgual

’ 9

[filius B odri]7et filius ejue 9 E li z ed a Saxonibus 9



D . An nus. 9 Lumberth episcopus19 in M in iu

1 1obiit.

DI . Annus.

1 9

[Morlsis episcopus1 1obn t. ]

D I I . Annus.

19 C incenn filius 1 4 E li z ed veneno

1 9

peri it : et’ Eneuris episeoPus

19 Mini u obi it. ’1 7 E t Strat Clut vastata est a Saxon ibus.

DI II . An nus. Eadmund rex Saxonum 1 9


DIV . Annus. DV. Annus.

DV I . Annus.

1 9 H iguel rex Brittonum 9°[scilicet

Bonus] obu t. 9 1 Et Catguocaun’ fil ius 99 Ouem

a Saxonibus jugulatur.

99 E t bellum Ga me”


[in ter filios H oeli et filios Idwal ]DVI I . Annus.

DVI I I . Annus.


[Iago st Idwal filii Idwal

vastaverunt B ewet.]D IX. Ann us.

1 Cadell, C .

9 Arthwail, B . Artvail, C .

9 N ot in C .

4extinctus est, B o

9’ Idwal], B . Idwal, C .

C .

filius cum filio Blissed obnt,

9 L unweth , B . L uvert, C .

19’ N ot in B . Menevim, C .

1 1 moritur, C .

1 9 B . Moreleis episcopusmoritur,

1 1 Kengen , C .

”N ot in B .

1 4 B lissed, C .

Wextinguitur, C .

19’ moritur, C .

1 7 "N ot in C .

1 3 ’oeciditur, C .

1 3 H oclns, B . Howel, C .

99 B .

”Cognomento Bonus mori

tur cni successit Oweyn filius ejus.

Sed supervenerunt duo filii d al ;

id est Iago et Ieuaf, quos Howel

e regno expulerat, et pugnaverunt

contra Oweyn juxta Nan t Carnoet victores fuerunt, C .

91’ Gadugan , B .

99 Oweyn , B .

99 ”N ot in B .

24 B .

99 B . Vastatio Dyvet a fili is

20 ANNALES om ens .


Annus. Edgar1 Anglorum rex obu t. 9 Id

walan filius Owein obi it. ’Annus.


9 Eynan iterum vastavit 4 Goer.

9 Annus.

Annus. Iago captus set 9 [a gen tilibus]7 H oelo

filio Idwal triumphan te et regnum ejue possiden te.

Annus. Idwal 9occisus est.


9 Gothrit et H araldus vastaverun t

Devet et Meneviam.


9[An nus.]

1°H oelus filius Idwal st

Alfre dux Anglorum vas taverun t Brecheinauc

st totam regionem E inaun fili i Ow in i, sed

E inaun ex eis multos occidit.’

9 Annus. Eynan filius Ow in i occisus est.’

Annus. H owelus filius 1 1 Idwal ab Anglis

occisus est.’

9 Ann us. Ment ie filius Idwal occisus est.

M aredut .filius Owin i occidi t Catwalaun filium

Idwal, regnumque ejus, scilicet W enedoeiam,



19 Gothrit filius Haraldi cum n igris1 9

gentilibus vastavit 1 4 Mon ,9captis duobus

1 Saxonum, C.

9’ N ot in C .

3 Eyniaun , C .

4 Goher, C .

9 N ot in C .

4 C .

Ieuaf tenente regnum ejus, C .

3 ’occidi tur, C .

3 ’ Vastatio Dyvet et Menevima Godisric filio H araldi , C .

19’ E iniaun dlius Owein pugnavit

contra Saz ones, A lli-e existente

eorum duce, et con tra Howel filiumIenaf, et multos interfecit ex eis.

Sed Eyniaun ab optimatibns deW ent dolo occiditur, C .

1 1 Ieuaf occiditur, et Maredut

filius Owelu interfecit Cadwallaun

filium Ioveh et ejus regnumpossedit ,C .


millibus hominum : reliquias vero Maredut

secum asportavit ad Keredigean et ad De



1 Idwal filius Idwal 9obu t. 9 Owinus

fil ius 4 H oeli obi it.’ Gentiles vastaverunt Me

neviam,et L lan 9 Patam, et Llan Iltut, et

Llan Carvan , et L lan Dethoch .


9 Maredut redemit captives a gentilibus n igris, nummo pro unoquoque dato.

7 Mortali tas hominum pro fame.

7 Ann us. Owynus filius Denawal occisus est.’

Annus. Maredut 7 fil ius Owein ’vastavit mass

9 H ewed.

9 Ann us.

Ann us.

1°Guyn fil ius Eyn aun , duce Edelisi

Anglico, dextralium Britonum adjumen to,regiones Maredu t, i . e. Demetiam et Keredigeaun , Gubir et Kedweli , devastat. T ertioMen evia vastata est.


1 1

[Annus.]7 Fumes affuit in regno

Maredut.’ B ellum in ter filios Meuruc et Ma

redut 1 9 filium Owini juxta Langu in ,in quo

victores fuere filii Meuruc. T eudur filius

Einaun 19occisus est.

An nus.

7 Sweyn filius H araldi Eumon iam



Annus. Idwal filius Meuruc19occisus est.

1 Iovab, C .

4 moritur, C .

3 Ov cin , C .

4’ Howel moritur, C .vu taVIt

1’ Padarn et L andioch , C .

4' Maredut censum reddit nigris

gentibus, scilicet nummumpro uno

quoque homine, C .

N ot in C .

9 Hiveid, C .

9 N ot in C.

19’ Owein filius Eyniaun

Dyvet et Keredigeaun, C .

u a1 3 ’ sed, C .

1 3’ occiditur, C .


1 0 1 4.


An nus.

1[Annus . Ann us. Ann us. Annus.]

Annus. Msuevia 9vastata est

’a gen tilibus, st

Morgan eu episcopus9ab eis occisus est.


redut 4rex

,filius 9 Owin i , obi it.’

An nus. Kinan , filius H ewel,9 Venedociam


9 Gentiles vastaverunt Demetiam.

Annus. An nus.

Annus. 7 Conanus filius H oeli 9occisas est.

Annus. Annus. Annus. Annus. Annus.


Ann us. Men evia a Saxon ibus 9vastata est

1 °

[scili cet] 1 1 Edris st Uble.

’ 9 N aufragiumSweyn patris Cnut.’

1 °

[An nus An nus. B ianus rex H ibern iae cumfilio suo Ascu thin , scilicet regs Dulyn , occi

ditur.]An n us. Sweyn

1 9adii t regionem Anglorum.

Edelrit fili us Etgar expulsus set a regn o suo,

quod Sweyn invasit, sed in eodem obiit. ’Annus.

9 Ann us. Ow inus fili us Dunawal occisus est.’

Annus. Cnut filius Swein regnum Anglorum19occupavi t.

4 Annus.

An n us. Ai dan filius 1 4 Blegeurit, cum i iii . filiis19sui s, occisus est a Grifino fili o Lewelin regs


w Edrich et Uhrich , C .

17’rex Anglim, C .

1 3obsedi t, C .

1 ‘ Bledkenred, C .

19’a L ewelino occiditur, C .


Annus. Meuric filius Arthawai l 1occisus est.


9 Reyn S cotus mentitus est se esse

filium Maredut qu i obtinu it dextrales Bri

tones ; quem Seisil rex Venedotim in hostio

Gu ili expugnav it, et occisus est Reyn . E ilaf

vastavi t Demetiam. Menevia fracta est.

Annus. L ewelin 9 filius Seisil obi it.’ R iderch4 filius Yestin dextrales rexit Britones.

Annus .

9 Morgann uc episcopus obn t.’

Ann us.


9 Conanus filius Seisil 7obu t.

An nus . Annus. An nus. An nus. Ann us.

Annus. Ryderch filius 9 Yestin occisu s est a

S cotis .

’ 9

[Iacob et fili i Eruin ] H oelus st

Maredut tenuerun t 1 9ejus regionem.

Ann us.

1 1 Gueith H iradus.

Annus. Maredut filius Edw in i a fili is 19 Conan i

occisus est.’ Caradauc filius Rederch ab

1 9 An glis occisus est.’

Cnut filius Sweyn rex

Anglorum1 4obi it ;

Ann us. Ann us. Annus.

Annus .

9[Gen tiles tenuerunt Meuric filium

H owel. Iacob rex Venedotim occidi tur]1 9 Grifiinus filius L ewelin in N ortwallia re

gnars in choavit ; qu i dum regnavit, An glos

1 ’ occiditur, C .

7’ Lewelin filius Scialll, rex Ve

nedotim, pugn avit contra Reyn , qui

se dicebat esse fil inm M aredut ; et

devictus est Reyn in osti le Guili.

E ilaph venit in Britannian et

vastavit Dyvet et Menevian , C .

3 ’ moritur, C .

4’regnum dextralium Britonum

tenuit, C .

9’ N ot in C .

9 Kenan, C .

7occidi tur, C .

9’ Iestyn occiditur, C .

9 C .

19’ regnum, C.

1 1 Bellum Iratur, C .

Kenan occiditur, C .

1 3 ’ Anglicis occiditur, C .

1 4moritur, C .

1 3 ’ P ro quo Grifut ab Lewelyn


et gentiles persecutus est. Bellum in vado

Crucis super Sabrinam cum eis commisit,eosque devicit. Eodem anno dextrales rexit

Britones,et H oelum filium Edwin i ab ea


Annus. 1 Erwyn episcopus Menevim 9obu t.

Annus. Bellum P encadeir, in quo9 Grifinus

superavit H oelum.


4 Bellum P ullduwath , in quo H oelus

v ictor fuit. Grifinus captus est a gentilibus

Dul in .

4 Annus. H oelus filius Owein obu t. ’

Annus. 9 B oelus filius Etwin i, accepts. classegentilium,

intrat hoatium Tewy ; quem Gri

finus filius Lewelin i bello suscepit, eumqus


4 Ioseph episcopus Landavensis Rommobii t. ’ 9

[Seditio magna orta fui t in ter Grifud filium L ewelin st Grifud filium R i

derch]Annus .

9[Ann us.] Familia

7 Grifiin i ad modum

CXL . dolo optimatum S tratewi 9[st Dyvet]

4ceciderunt ; in cujus vindicta rex Grifinus

Demetiam et S tratewi devastavit. N ix cecidit,

et duravit a Kalendis Januarn usque ad

festum Sancti Patricii , quam appellaverunt

magnam ui vem.


1 H ervin , C .

9’ Grifnd victor fuit. Eodemanno Grifud captus fuit a gentili

4' N ot in C .

9’ Heel alias Edwyn, acceptis

viglnti navibus gentilium, coronatns

eat, at cmpit desolate Cambrian

cui obviavit Gritad filius Lewelyn ,et commisso hello in ostio T eivi,cum magna parts exercitas sui

Howel cecidit Gritad autemVictor

fuit, C .

4’ N ot in C .

9 C .

Gfiffld, C.

A .D .

1 055.

1 C .




[H oc anno] tota dextralis patria9 deserta est.

Annus. An nus.

Annus. Classis H ibern im in dextrali parts9


An nus . Ann us. Annus.

Annus.' 4 Grifinus, fili us 1

[Lewelin , Grifud

filium]9 Riderch oecidit


’ 9et H erfordiam



7 Magnus filius H araldi, vastavit 9re

gionem Anglorum,

’aux ilian te 9 Grifin o regs


Annus. Ow inus filius 1°Grifini obn t.

Ann us. Annus. Annus.


1 1 Grifinus filius Lewelini rex Bri to

num 1 9nobi lissimus

,dolo snorum occisus est.

7 Annus. Ioseph Menevim episcopus19obi it.

Annus. Annus. Annus.

14 H araldus Gothorum rex Anglos conatur sibisubjugare, quem alius H araldus filius Gotwi

u i repentino bello excepit et occidit ; ipeumautem pro habita Victoria glorian Em,

W il

lelmus Bastard, N orman norum dux,Anglim

regno privavi t.’

9’ destructa est, metu genti lium,

1 Cambrimprmdavit, C .

4 Grifud, C .

3 ’ Rederch interfecit, C .

9’ A nnus. Destructio Hereford

a Grifud, C .

7 N ot in C .

9’regiones Anglim, C .

9Ci Grifud, C .

19’ Grifud moritur, C.

1 1 Grifud, C .

19’cecidit, C .

19 moritur, C .

14’ Haroldus rex Gothorum cummagno exercita invasit regiones

Anglim cui obviavi t alins Haroldus,

filius Gotwini , et eam interfec it.

Sed iterum supervenit W illelmus

quidam, Normannorum dux, et

Haroldum Anglorum regem vita

26 ANNALES emBE Izs.

Annus. Annus. Annus. 1 Bellum Meths in

in ter filios 9 Kenwin ,

9scilicet 4 B ledin et

9Buallo st filios 9 Grifin i,9scilicet 7 Maredut

st Idwal,

9 in quo fil i i’Grifin i ceciderunt,

Idwal bello, M aredut frigore, Buallo etiam

fil ius Kenwin occisus est,’Elediu 9 in re

gnum successit.’

An nus. An nus.

7 Marsdut filius 1° Owini 1 1 [aCradauc filio Grifiid et] a Francis 1 9


sst’ 1 1[super ripamRemny. D iermi d Scoto

rum rex in bello occiditur, ]Annus.

1 1

[Fran ci vastaverun t Keredigiaun ]Menevia 19

vastata est’a gentilibus, et Ban

gor similiter.

1 4 Bleiduth episcoPus1 9 Men s

vim 1 9obi it. 1 7 Sulgen

19 illi episcopatui suc

cessit .


1 9 De Mungumeri H ugo vastavi t Ke

redigiaun .

1 Annus.


9°Bledi nt filius 9 1 Kenwin dolo 1 1

[malignorum hominum] ductus 99 S tratewy a

99 Reso filio 94 Ow in i occiditur,1 1

[cui successit

Traharin fil ius Cradauc ejus consobrinus re

9 Grifut, C .

7 M areduc, C .

9’ in bello ; Maredue frigot s in

quo etiam bello Rnallaun occidi tur,

C .

3 ’autem regnavit, C .

19 Ov cin, C .

I I C .

1 9’occiditur, C .

Wvastatur, C .

1 ‘ B ledud, C .

1 5 Menevensis, C .

1°moritur, C .

1 ’ Sulgenius, C .

episcopatum accepit, C .

19’ Franci iterum vastaverunt

Keridigiaun , 0 .

2° B ledin, C .

2 ‘ Kenn in, C .

21 de Stratewy, C .

23 Res, C .

2‘ Ov cin, C .

28 ANNALES cm am.

1 Gorv in i et 3 Goethi filius 3 Ruallan ,a

Reso filio T eudur, et a Grifino filio Conani

occisus est.’ Gurgeneu filius Seisil occisus

est.’ 3 W illem rex Anglia causa oration is

Sanctum David adiit.’

Annus. Annus. Annus.


[Annus. Rex Sco

torum moritur.]1 083 .

3 Annus. Sulgen ius episcopatum reliquit, cui

frater successit.’

1 085. An nus 3 W ill ielmus 1°Bastard obn t ; cui suc

cessit 1 1 filius suns W illi elmus Rufus.

Annus. 1 3 Resus filius T eudur 1 3a regno suo

1‘expulsus est

’a fil iis 1 1"B ledin t, 1“scilicet, Ma

danc,1 7 Gadugan , et

1 3 Birit. 1°Besus vero ex

H iberni a classem dux it ct’

revertitur 7

[inBritann iam] Bellum 3°

cum i llis gessit in


’ in quo7

[duo fili i B ledit, id est]Madauc et 3 1 Birit ceciderun t,


[et Res victor

fuit. Ingentem censum captivorum gen tilibus

et Scotis Res filius Teudur tradidit ]1 088. Annus.

3 3 Archa Sancti David 33ab ecclesia

1 Grifud , C . Edrich frater, et ipse W il3 Meilir, C . lelmus, C .

' Ruallaun , C .1 3 Res, C .

et Res filius T endar, et Gri'3 de, C .

fud filius Byanan , filii Iacob oc1"

expellitur, C .

ciduntur, C .'5 B ledit, C .

5 W illelmus, C . Added in a la ter 1° id est, C .

ba nd, Annus Domini n o Lxxxu .

1 7 Cadugann , C .

quo anno Res filius T eudur dedit w Ryrid, c ,

terram de R irid ecclesiw de.

3 ’ad Sanctum David orationis

causa perrexit, C .

“7 Ipse vero Yberniam adnt, et

classe accepts, C .

W Penlethereu geritur, C .7 C .

3 ’ N ot in C .

21 Rmd, C ’

3 W illelmns, C .

7’ Scrinium, C .

3° rex, C .3 ‘ de, C.



3 furata. est,’et 3

auro argentoque qu i

bus tegebatur spoliata est.’ 1

[T errae motusingens per totam Britann iam fuit ]

Annus. 1

[Sulgenus episcopus Lxxv. aetatis

suse anno mori tur.] Menevia 1 fracta est’a

gentilibus3 insularum. Kedivor filius Goller

win obiit, cujus filii invitaverunt Grifinum

filium Maredut, quem Besus filius T eudur

expugnavit et occidit juxta L landedoc.

Annu s.

An nus .


[Annus.]3 Resus filius T eudur 3


ctor dextralis partis’ a Francis 7 Brechenauc

occisus est,

’ post cujus obitum 3 Cadugaun

filius Bledint przedatus est Demetiam pridie

Kalendarum Mai i . C irci ter Kalendas Juli iFranci primitus Demetiam et Keredigean

tenucrun t, et castella in eis locaverun t,et

abinde totam terram Britonum occupaverun t. ’3 Mailcholum 1° Scottorum rex

’ 1 1occisus

est. ’


1 3 W illelmus 1 3 Anglorum rex’ N or

mann i am adii t,1 ‘

quo ibi moran te,


[et fratrem suum expugnante,] Britann i 1 3 jugumFran corum’ 1°

respuerun t,1 7 W enedociam, Ce

furstur, C .

juxta civitatem ex toto Bpo

liatur, C .


1"N ot in C .

Res, C .

qui in Brethen iauc habitabant

1"Dyuet vastatur a Cadugaun

filiumBledin . Postea circa kalendas

Julii Franci Keredigaun et Dyvet

invaserunt, et castella in eis filmsverunt, C .

9 Malcolm , C .

1"rex Scotomm, C .

1"occiditur a Francis. 0 .

1“W illelmus.rex Anglorum, C .

1 ‘ ipsoque, C .

‘5’ Francorum jugum, C.

1“respuunt, C,

1"et castells comm in Nor

unallia dirnunt, castraFlu corum inKeredig

-aun ct Dyuet, C .

3 0 ANNALES cm nw .

A .D .

reticam,et Demetiam ab 1 1s et eorum castel

lis emundaverlmt,’exceptis duobus,

1 id est

in ’ Pembroc et 3aliud in ’ R icors.

Annus . Franci devastaverunt Goher 3et Ked

weli 3et Stratewi . 3 Demetia Ceretica’ et

Stratewi 3 deserta man ent.’ 7 Mediante 3[au

tem] autumno rex Anglorum W illielmus

contra Britones movit exercitum,

’ 1° qui busDeo tutatis,

vacuus1 1ad sua

’redi it.

Annus. 1 3 W illi elmus fili us 1 3 Baldewin i

Domi no Ricors obi it,’ 1 3

quo mortuo castellum1°vacuum reli qu itur.

’ 3 Britones Brecheniauc

et Guen t et 1 7

[Guenlinn c]1 3mdem non mo

dicam de Francis in Celli Damauc fecerun t.

Modi co intervallo a filiis Ednerth

filii Gadugan in Aberllec occisi sun t.’ 1°U th

trit filius 3 °Etwini et 3 1 H oelus fili us ”Goronou3 ’ Penbrochiam devastaverunt,

’ 3

[et inco

Annus. 3MXCVII . Geraldus 3 ‘



7 3 Men eviae fines’ devastavit W illel

1 'scilicet, c. c. illegible in A.

3 ’ N ot in C .1 3’

jugum Francorum respuunt,3 N ot in C. l ed Franci exercitam movent inEstratewi , C . Guent, et n ihil impetrantes vacui

3 ’ Keredigaun et Dyuet, C . domu n redemi t, st in Kellitravant

deserta manserun t, C .

7rant in Brechinauc et cu tella

3 C . fecernnt in ea , sed in redita apud

W illelmus rex Anglorum ez er a

citum contra Britones movit, C . filus Idnerth filii s ugann, 0 .

sed. C . U chrid, C .

m domam, C .2° Edwin , C.

1 7 W illelmus, C .3 1 Howel, C .

‘3 Baldwin , C .

qui jassu regis W illelmi castel Wvastaverunt provinciam de

lumRydcors fundavit, moritur, C .

'3co, 0 .

fines Menevia , C .


mus rex1 Angliae

1secundo 3 in Britones

excitatur,’ 3

eorum omn ium minans excidium

Briton es vero divino protecti mun imin e in

sua reman ent i llaesi , rege vacuo redeun te.

1 098. Annus 1MXCVI I I . Omnes Ven edoti

‘1 in Mon

in sula se receperun t, et ad eos tuendos de

H ibern ia piratas invitaverun t,

ad quos ex

pugnandos missi sun t duo consules, H ugo

comes urbis L egionum, et alter Hugo ; qu i

con tra insulam castrametati sun t. Quos pirataa corum munere corrupti in insulam in troduxerunt, eumque vastaverun t.

’ 3 Cadugan

filius 3 Bledin t et 7 Grifinus filius 3 Con am3relicta insula ,

’ 1°H iberni am 1 1aufugerun t.

1 3 Francis in insula morantibus,

’ Magnus rex

Germani se 1 3cum exercitu venit in insulam

volens, sed ei nolenti Franci ci occurren tesse invicem sagittis salutaverunt, h i de terra,i lli de mari , alter comes sagitta in facie per

cussus occubui t. Quo facto, Magnus abivit

Fran ci vero majores et minores secum ad

Angliam perduxenmt.’

Annus 1MXCIX. Cadugaun filius 1 ‘ Bledint

1 N ot in C .

7 Grifiat, C .

3 Kenan , C .

movit, C .

3 ’ insulam reliquernnt et, C .

sed nihi l impetrans vacans1° Ybern iam, C .

domumrediit, C .

3 ’ Congregati sunt in insula Mon

etGentiles de Ybernia ad se tutan

dos invitaverunt contra duos E u

gones consules Francorum. Sed

Gentiles pretio corrupti consoles

in insulam introduxerunt et castra

a Cadugann. c.

Bledin, c .

1 3 ’ Postea, C .

Wad insulamMon venit et pre

lium cum consulibus commisit sed

alter consulum vulneratus in facie

cecidit alter vero cummajoribusinsulam dereliquit. Postea vero

Magnus rex insulam Mon repente

reliquit, C .

1 ‘ B ledin, C.

3 2 ANNALES cmnnwz.

de 1 H ibern ia 7redi it ;


qu i pacatis sibi

Francis partem terrse suse capiens, a viris

Brechen iauc occisus est.’ Grifinus filius

3 Conani 3 Mon obsedi t. 7 B oelus 3autem

filius 7 Itha il ad 1°H ibern iam 1 1 fugit 1 3 Rege

warc filius 1 3 S ulen 1‘

[episcopus]1 3obn t.

1 1 00 . Annus 3MC . W illelmus rex

1 3 Angliae1 7 a

quodam milite suo cervum peten te, sagitta ’

percussus,1 3 interi it ;

1°cu i frater suus jun ior,

scilicet H enricus, in regnum successit ; n am

W illielmus frater suus concubini s usus

absque liberis interiit.

’ 3 ° Robertus Court

house corum frater sen ior ab H ierosolimis

redi ens et regnum Anglise sibi vendicans a

fratre suo H enrico captus est.’ 1‘

[Thomasarch iepiscopus Eboraci , id est Gayr Ebrauc,moritur, cu i Geraldus H erfordensis episc0pus

successit . An selmus archiepiscopus Cantuariensis a W illelmo rege in exiliummissus, etpostea ab H enrico rege revocatus ad episco

patum suum redi it.]1 1 01 . Annus 3

MC I . H ugo3 1comes Crassus urbis

Ybern ia , C .

7rediens, C .

3 ’

paciflcatns est cum Francis et

partem regni sui accepit. Dev elin

filius Cadugaun ab homin ibus deBrecheiniauc occiditur, C .

Grifud, C .

3 Kenan , C .

Moniam, C .

7 Howel, C .

3 N ot in C .

Yduual, C .

1° Ybern iam, C .

perrexit, C .

‘7 R ikewarth , C .

N C.

‘3 moritur, C .

‘3 Anglorum, C .

improvise ictu sagitta a quo

dammilite in venata, C .

13occubuit, C .

1 7’cujus regn

um accepit Henricus

fi-ater ejus junior, et filiam Malco

lum regis A lbanorum in conjugemduxi t C .

3"Robertas vero frater W illelmiregis Ierosolimis tunc temporis erat,sed audiens fratris sui obitumstatimrepatriavit, C .

7 ‘ P laced after Legionum in C .


Legionum1ob1 1 t



[cu i Rogerus ejus filius

successit].3 Gronou filius 4 Cadugan obi it.

3 H enri cus rex duxi t filiam regis Scotorum.

Annus 3MCI I. Sedi tio 3

[magna] orta est

inter 7 Robertum Belleem et H enricum re


’ 3 Iorwert filius 3 Bledint 1°Maredut

fratrem suum cepit, regi tradidit

Annus 3MCI I I .


[Magnus rex apud Dulin

occiditur.]3 Iorward fili us 3 Bledin t 1 1

apudSaresberiam a rege H enrico injuste capitur,3

[decus et solamen Britann iae]3 D iscordia

in ter regem H enricum et1 3 An selmum archi

episcopum, eo quod nollet consecrare eos

qu ibus rex dederat ecclesias speciales.


[Annus]. Annu s3MCIV .

1 3 Owinus fili us 1‘ Ed3

[longa confectus aegritudine] obi it.


[In terea]1 3 E cclus filius 3 Gronou a Ricardo

filio 1 3 Baldewin i expulsus praedas3


Ann us 3 MCV.

1 3 H oelus fil ius 3 Gronou a Francis1 7 Ritcors et a 1 3 Gogan filio 1 3 Meuruc


occisus est Robertus comes 3

[Belem] a fratresuo H enrico 3

[rege] in bello captus est 3

[etincarceratus]. Meuric et 3 1 Grifinus fili i 3 3 Tra

ham ab 3 3 Owi no filio Cadugaun3 4sun t occisi . ’

Cadugaun , C .

3 ’ N ot in C .

3 N ot in C .

H enricum regem ct Robertumratremejus, C .

3 Ioruerth , C .

Dledin, C .

1 3 ’cepit fratrem sunm Mareduch

et cum in careeremregis trusit, C .

1 1’ Captus est ab hominibus regisapud S lopesburium, C .

1 3 A in MS .

1 3 Ov cin , C .

17 Edwin , C .

1 3 Howel, C .

1 3 Blednin, C .

17 Rydcors, C .

“1 Gogaun, C .

13 Meat ic , C .

1 ° Placed immediately afiernoe in C .

7 1 Grifri , C .

3 3 Traharyn , C .

3 ‘ Ov eno, C .

3“ occisi sunt, C .


Annus 1MCVI. 3 Maredut filius 3 Bledint de

carcere evasit. 4

[Eadgarus fili us M alcolum

obiit, cui successit frater ejue Alexander.]3 Constitutus est ordo Canon icorum in ecclesia

Sancta Maria de1

Suwerke. Rex H enricus

subjugavit sibi totam N ormann iam,capto

fratre suo et multis viris illustribus.

Ann us 1MCVI I . Flandrenses ad Ros vene

run t. Geraldus dapifer 4

[firmavit] castellum3 Chenarth Bechau .

’ 3 Facto conven tu omn i

um fere magnatum Anglia apud London iam,

rex concessit ut nunquam per donation em

baculi pastoralis vel annuli quisquam de

episcopatu vel abbatia per regem vel

quamlibet laicam manum in An gliam in

3 Annus MCVI I I. Kalendis Julii fundata est

abbatia de Trin itate.

1 1 09.

3 Annus MCIX. In cipit ordo Pramonstratensium.

1 1 1 0. Annus 1MCX. Castellum 7 Chenarth 1 W echan

ab 3 Owino filio Cadugaun3combustum est

1 3pro quo facto ipse Owinus ad H iberni am

pulsus redii t.’

Annus 1 MCXI .1 1 Iorwert filius 3 Bledint


[jussu regis] de carcere4

[in patriam suam]redi it .

1 3 Owinus et Madocus filii B irit’ com

busserun t 1 3 Meirionni th,


[hominesque ibi et

3 ’ destrui tur, C .

Wquam ob rem expulsas est ad

4 C.

3 ’ N ot in C .

1 1 Ioruerth , C .

1"de Kilgarran , C. Ov cin filins Cadug'sun et

7 Kenarth , C .

3 Owain .17 M eyronnith, C .

3 6 mu ms om ens.

filius 1 Resi 3ad Grufet filium Conan i in

Norwalliam ivit ; qui ibidem inclusus in qua

dam ecclesia ,’ multis de 3

suis 4occisis, vix

evasit,3et ad Stratewy rediens


in Flandrenses fecit.’ 3 Fundata est abbatisClara vallis et Morimundi . ’

Annus 7MCXVI . 3 Grifinus filius 1 Resi 3

[castellum Arberth invasit et destruxit, et]1 3 Owinum filium Cadugaun in Kairmerdin ,

villa combusta , occidi t. 3 E cclesia SanctiA lban i dedicate. est, rege H enrico pra stante

et coronam ibi gestante.

’ 3

[Bellum geritur

apud castellum Aber Ystoit. Owein a Flan

drensibus in Estrat Brunns occiditur. Eynaun

filius Cadugaun et Grifut fili us Mareduc ca

stellum Vedrith quod est Kymmer fregerun t,et terram ejus obtinuerunt]

Annus 7mcxvn .

1 1 Gilebertus filius Ricardi1 3obn t.

Annus 7MCXVII I . B ellum 1 3 Maismain Cémro


in quo14Lewarch filius 1 3Owin i cecidit . 1°H oe

lus 1 7vero

1 3 Ythail 1°vulnus accepit, quo tan

dem intemt. ’ 3 Obi it Matilda secunda An

glot um regina.

13 ’villam de Cayrmerdyn com

3 'perrexit ad T euec ad Grifut bussit et Ov cin filius Cradauc ibi

filium Kenan, qui ibi in quedam occiditur, C .

' familia sua, C .

3 ’et Grifnt filius Res tedious ad

Estratewi irruptiones fecit in Flan

drenses, C.

N ot in C.

7 N ot in C .

3 Grifilt, C.

3 C .

1"Mays maynkembro, C .

1 1 Lynnarch , C .

1 3 Ouuein , C .

1 3 Hounel, C .

1 7 filius, C .

1 3 d al.1 3 ’ ibi vulneratus, de quo vulnere

postea obiit, C .

ANNALES 0m m . 3 7

Annus 1M0x1x.

3 Murchach 1 maximus 3rex H i

bern ia ’obiit.

1 1 20. Annus 1mcxx.


[Fili us H enrici regis apudBarbefleth submersus est.]

1 1 21 . Ann us 1 mcxxl . H enricus rex4[An glia ]

3 in

Powisenses movit exercitum ; at ipsi datisdecem millibus pecorum cum cc pacificati

sunt.1 1 22.

3 Ann us MCXXI I . Grifinus filius Sulhairn occisus


1 1 23 . An nus 1M0xxm.

7 Eynan filius Cadugaun3obi it. Ithail fil ius 3 Bi rit 1°

a carcere solutusest.

1 1 Catwallaun et 1 3 Owyn fili i 1 3 Grifin i14 Meirionnyth spoliaverun t, et armen tis.

1 1 24. Annus 1MCXXIV.

1 3 Grifinus filius 1 3 Meredut 1° [occidit] I thail filium

3 B iri t, consobrinum suum.

1 7 Catwallaun filius 1 3 Grifini 1 3occidit 1 3 quatuor

3 °avunculos suos,

’ 3 1scilicet Owinum,

’ 3 3 Grono,3 B irit, 4

[et] M eilir,1et 3 3 Morganus filius Os

dugaun occidi t fratrem suum 4[Maredue ]

Annus 1MCXXV.

Ann us 1MCXXVI .

17 Oweyn , C .

3 Murcherdac, C .

1 ’ Grifut, C ,

1 ’ Ybemia rex, C .1 4’ in Meyron ith , et ejus homines

4 C . cum armentis ad propria traxernnt,3 ’cum exercita magno ad Powis C .

venit, ct receptis x. millibus ani Mareduc, C.

malinm a nobilibus term domnm “1 C . occisus est, B .

rediit, C .

1 7 Cadwallaun , C .

3 ’ Not in C .

1 3 interfecit, C.

7 Eynaun , C .

1’ tres, C.

3 moritur, C .

Wsuos avunculos, C .

3 Ririd, C .3 1’ filios Ouuein scilicet,

13 de, C .3 3 (1a C .

1 1 Caduuallaun, C .


Annus 1u cxxvn .

3 Grifinus 3 Resi filius’ 4[a rege

H enrico de terra sua expulsus]3 H ibern iam

petit.’ 3

[Dan iel fili us Sulgen i episcopi moritur.]

1 1 28. Annus 1mcxxvm.

3 Grifinus filius 7 Maredut3obi it. Lewelin filius 3 Owin i 1°

captus est a

Maredut, traditusque Johann is filio, scili cet

Pain .

’ 1 1 Morganne filius Cadugaun1 3 propter

fratricidium Ierosolimam 1 3

peti it,1 4et inde

rediens,’ in insula 1 3 C ipro 3

obiit.Annus 1


7 Maredut filius 1 3 Lywarch

consobrin um suum filium Meuruc occidi t ;1 7alios duos consobrinos suos, filios 3 Grifini


coul is privavit,1 3 duos quoque’

fratres suos

1 3 Baldew ino ca candos tradidit. ’ 1 Ipse vero’

a3 ° Iowan filio 3 1 Owin i 1 de patria expulsus,

3 3cociana est.

’ 1 Madauc filius Lywarc a Meu

ric consobrino suo occisus est.’

1 1 3 0. Annus 1mcxxx.

3 3 Iorwerth filius “ Lywarch a

3 3 Lewelin o filio 3 Owin i 1 in Powis' ”


est. ’ 3 3 L ewelin filius 3 7 Owini a7 Maredut

fi lio 3 3 B ledint coulis 3

[et] testiculis privatus

1 N ot in C .

3 Grifut, C .

fil ius Res, C .

4 C . Cogente, B .

"eat. 0 . jussit, c

3 C.

7 Mareduc, C .

3 moritur, C .

7 Owein .

1 3 ’ab avunculo suo Mareduc

pitur, C .

Cypres, C .

1 3 Lyuuarch qu i, C .

1 7et, C .

1 3 ’ duosque, C .

excecare B ledwino

Ieuuab, C .

3 1 Owein, C .

3 7’occidi tur, C .

Ioruerth , C .

3 4 L yuuarch , C .

3 3 Dev elin , C .

L euuelin .

Ouueyn , C .

B ledin , C .

A OD .



1 Iowan a consobrin is suis fili is 3 Ly

warch 3occisus est.

’ Madauc fili us 4 Lywarc a

3 Meuruc 3

[filio Meuric] consobrino suo,3cc

cisus est.’ 7 Fun data est abbatia de N eth

eodem ann o fundata est abbatie de Fumeis.

Annus Mcxm . Meuric filius Meuric oculi s7et testibus

privatus est. D edi catio 3 Mene

vensis ecclesia .

’ 7 Fundata est T interna .

Annus 3uoxxxn .

1° Iorwerth filius 1 1 Ow in i3occisus est .

’ 1 3 Catwalaun filius 1 3 Grifin i a

consobrino suo Cadugaun filio 14 Goronou ,


Eynaun filius Owin i in N anneudni ’ 3occisus

est.’ 1 3 Maredut filius 1 3 Bledint 7 dux Powi

sorum’obi it.

Annus 3mcxxxm.

Annus 3 mcxxxrv. Robertus dux Normann ia

jussu H enrici fratris sui pelve exca catus est,

et postea obiit apud Gloucestriam in carcere.

1 1 3 5.

3[Annus] An nus


1 7 Obiit H enricus pri

mus’ 3 [1 10 q anno ab incarnatione Domin i

xv°. ann o cicli decennovennalis,]


quo audi to,

S tephanus comes Bolonia , audita morte avun

culi su i , transfretavit in Angliam, et quamv is

promisisset sacramen tum fideli tatis Anglici

regni fil ia regis H enrici ; fretus tsmen vigore

et impudentia , regni diadema audacia sua

invasit, qu i regn avi t per xxx. annos exceptis

Ix. ebdomadibus.

’ 3[E t maxima di scordia fuit

1 Ieunab, C .

3 Lennarth , C .

3 ’occidi tur, C .

4 u nm h o u Grim!t, C .


geuric . C ’

1 4 Gronoe, C .

1 1 Not in C . l

Mareduc, C .

vecclesia Sancti David,

1 1“Elediu. 0 .

7 N ot in C .Henricus rex Anglia moritur

40 ANNALES cm nm.

in ter Britones et Francos, sed Britones vi

ctores fuerun t .]Annus 1

MCXXXVI . 3 Richardus fili us Gilberti aMorgano filio Owyn i occisus est. Owinus et

Catwaladrus fili i Grifin i exercitum in Karedigeaun moven t, et castello W alteri de Bek ;

et castello Aberystu it, et castello Ricardi dela Mar

, et D in eirth destructis, Ka irwedros

quoque combusserun t, et sic ad propria reversi sun t. Owinus et Catwaladrus iterumad Keredigean venerunt, qu ibus in adjutoriumGrifin us fil ius Resi , et Resus fili us H oeli


Madocus fili us Idnerth , et fili i H oeli ad

Abertewy poten ter venerun t qu ibus ex ali a

parte resisterun t S tephanus con stabu larius et

fili i Geraldi et omn es Franci ab hoste Sabrina usque ad Men eviam,

et Flandren ses de

Ros : et proelio coramcastellum in ito, Franci etFlandrenses in fugam versi capti sunt

, occisi

sun t, combusti et equorum pedibus conculcatiet in fluvio T ewy submersi sun t, plurimi incaptivitatem miserrime ducti W alenses vero

h is ad votum peractis, in sua redierun t,

castello Francis reman en te.

’ 3[Eynaun filius

Owein ibi occiditur.]Annus 1

MCXXXV] I . 4Grifinus Resi filius Ros con

quesivit. L etardu s L itelking Dei in imicus et

Sancti David ab Anaurau t filio Grifino, Gri

fino nescien te et nolente, occisus est ; pro quo

1 N ot in C .

3 ’ Grifut filius Res pongregato

exercitu magno cumomnibus duci

bus totius Cambria pugnavit apud

Aberteyn contra Frances et Flan

drenses, et victor fuit. Franci autem

partim occisi partim in amne sub

3 C .

4’ Grifnt filius Res et Grifutfilius Kenan moriuntur. Oweyn

et Cadwalader fili i Grifut combasscrunt castell Estrat Meuric. E t

postea illi et Maraud et Cadell et

Grifut fili i destruxerunt castellumde Cairmardyn , C.


facto Anaraut omn ium Menevensium cleri et

popul i habu it. Grifinus Resi fili us Obii t.T ertio Owin us et Catwaladrus ad Keredigeaun cum exercitu venerunt

, et castelloStratmeur et castello Stephan i et castelloH umfredi et Caermardyn destructis

,in sua

redierun t. Grifinus filius Conan i obiit. ’1 1 3 8. Ann us 1

Mcxxxvn l . Kenwric filius Owin i cc

cisus a t a familia Madoc fil ii Maredut. ’


[Anaraud et Cadell et Owein et Cadwalader

cum xv. navibus gen tilibus pleni s venerun t

ad Aberteyu i et treugas fecerunt usque ad

festivitatem Sancti Martin i . Gen ti les vero

spoliaverun t villam et ecclesiam de Landedoch ,id est, de Sanoto Dogmaelo et pra dam m

mam ad naves portaverunt.]l l 3 9. An nus 1


3 Ven it imperatrix in An

gliam,quam cum rex S tephanus obsedisset

apud Arundel, dimisit eam ire apud Bristolliam ad fratrem suum, consu lem Gloucestria .

l l40 . Annus 1MCXL .


[Kenwric filius Owein occi

di tur ab‘

H owel filio Maredut ]4 Madocus

filius 3 Idnerth 3obn t. 7 Maredut filius

3 H oe1i a fili is 3 Bledin t 3

[filii Gwin ] occi

sus est.

’ 1 1 Ad Pentocostem ivit rex cum ex

ercitu suo super H ugonem Bigod in Sufok, et

cepit castellum de Bungaye.

’ 1 3 Sol obscuratur.

1 1 41 . Annus 1MCXLI . Die Purification is Beata Maria

Ranulphus comes Cestria , et Robertus comes

1 N ot in C .

7 Mareduc, C .

3 C .

3 Howel, C .

3 ' Adventus imperatricis in An 3 B ledyn , C .

gliam ut regnum totius Anglia1"P laced immediately aflcr Howel

in C .

4 Madauc , C .

1 1 ’ N ot in C .

13 ’sol patitur eclipsim, under the

preceding year in C .


1 1 42 .

1 1 43 .


Gloucestria cum familia imperatricis ceperun t

regem, et ad Bristolliam ductum in carceremmiserunt. Sed postea amici regis ceperun t

Robertum consulem Gloucestria pro quo rex

liberatus est.’ H oelus filius 1 Rederch occisus

est 3[a Res filio H owel] .

3 An nus MCXLI I .’ 4 B oelus filius 3


filii ]3 Bledin t a suis 3

[viris]3occisus est.


[Howel et Kadugaun filii Madauc filii d erthocciduntur, machinante Elya de se. ]Ann us 7

MCXL I I I .3 Anaraut filius 3 Grifini a

familiaribus 1° Cadwaladri occisus est. Milo1 1comes H erefordi a

’ 1 3a quodam milite suo .

cervum petente ictu sagitta est occisus.

3 Galfridus comes Andegavia capta N or

mann ia dux nominatus est. Innocen tius papaObiit pridie Nones

1 1 44 . Annus 7MCXLIV.

1 3 Catwalladrus classem de Hi


bern ia in adjutorium sibi contra Owi num fra

trem suum accivit . C lassis in bostic Mensi

applicuit. Interea Ow inus et Catwaladrus

concordati sun t. H a c Germanici audien tes, Cat

w aladmm tenuerun t, qui ut ab eis liberaretur,

duo mi llia captivorum eis pepigit et liberatus

est. Owinus, ut vidit fratrem suum liberum,

in eos impetum fecit, et partim corum occisis

pluribus vero captis, reliqu i cum opprobrio ad

Dulin reversi sunt.’ 3 Puer qu idam apud

3 B ledin , C .

3occiditur, C .

7 N ot in C .

3 Anaraud , C .

3 Gl 'lfll t.

1° Cadwaladr, c .

1"Hemfordim comes, C .

W ictu sagittm cujusdam mi litisdum cervum peteret occisus eat, 0 .

1” Cadwaladr accepit sibi classemde Ybernia, ducibus Othir filio

Oth ir et fil io T orkil cum aliis, sed

Ov cin et Cadwaladr concordati

sunt. Hybern iensesvero tenuerunt

Cadwaladr, qui pepigit eis duo

millin captivorum,et sic ae liberav it,

et fngavit Ybernienses, C .


An nus 1MCXLVII I. 3 Hugo de Mortuo Mari

ResumfiliumH oeli in carcere csecavit.’ 3 Catel

cum fratribus suis, Willi elmus filius Geraldi

et fratres su i, H oelo filio Owini eis auxiliante,castellum W iz destruxerunt .

’ 4

[Kenan et

H owel filii Owein vi abstulerun t Meironit a

Cadwaladr.]1 1 49. Ann us 1

MCXLIX. Robertus comes 3 H enrici

regis filius’ 4[in carcere]

3obi it. 7 Gilbertus

comes, qui Strangboga di ctus est, obiit.’

1 1 50. Ann us 1MCL .

3 U thtrit 3episcopus Landaven

sis’ 1°

obiit. Bernardus episcopus1 1 Menevia) ,


[xxx1 1 1°. episcOpatus sui anno]3obiit

, cu i

David 1 3 filius Giraldi’ 4

[in episcopatum] successit. 4

[Robertus H erefordiae episcopus moritur, cui Gilbertus Foliot successit ]

1 1 51 . Annus 1MCL I . Catwaladrus castellum Llan

Ristut aedificavit, et Catwano fili o suo cumparte sua de Keredigean dedit.’ 4

[Oweinfilius Grifut castellum in terra Yal construxit.

Madauc fil ius Maredut Croce Oswald t emdificav it ]

1 3 Maddauc filius Maredut deditKeweilauc nepotibus suis, Owino et H enrie

fili is Grifini ."

1 1 52. Annus 1MCL II . H enricus dux Normann iae veni t

in Angliam, et obsedit Malmesburiae.

1 N ot in C .

3 ’ Hugo de Mortuomari oculos

Resi fili i Howel emit in carcere,

der the p receding year in C .

3 ' N ot in C .

4 C .

3 ’ fraterH enrici regis. C .

4 mortuus est.7’ Gilbertas comes stragore mor

tuns est, under the preceding year

in C .

3 Uchdrit, C .

4”Landauensis episcopus, 0 .

1°mori tur, C .

‘ 1 Menevensis, C .

13 ’ Geraldi filius, C .

1 3 ’ Qui Keveilauc nepotibus suis,

scilicet Ov sino et Meuric, fili is Gri

fut dedit, C .


Annus 1MCL I I I . Catell filius Grifini vastavit

Kedweli .’ 3 B oelus filius 3 Owin i 4 cepit 3 Cat

wanum 3

patruelem suum,

7 terramque cum

castello sibi subjugavit .

’ 3 Catel et fratres su i

cum exerci tu Ceredigeaun intraverunt, et infra

Ai ron sibi vendicaverunt.

’ 1 Imperatrix cum

filio suo H enrico, qu i fuit dux Normanni se et

comes Andegaviae, applicu it apud W arham.

1 1 54. Annus1MCL IV.

3 Catell cum fratribus su is

circa. Purificationem Beatae Marisa, Oppugnato

castello B oeli , s‘

ed non habito, totam prsedam

terrae cum homin ibus secum duxerunt ; ca

stellum Llan B estut longa obsidione ceperunt,

et custodibu s su is servandum commendaverun t ; sed H owelus filius Owini

,ira exas

stuan s,illud oppidum combussit, custodibus

occisis. Catell cum fratribus su is Strat Meu

ric resedificavit.’ 1 3 Catil filius Grifim


venation e,juxta T inebeth violen ter a Francis

laceratus, loco mortui dimissus est.

’ 1 1 Maredut

et B esus castellum Lychur destruxerun t. Re

su s vastav it Keiwelauc.

’David filius Malco

lum 1 3obi it.

1 Radulphus comes Urbis Legionum obiit. ’ 1 3

[Eugen ius papa Obiit ; cu i

successif Anastasius.]1 1 55. Annus 1


1 3[Stephanus An glorum rex

obiit anno KIKO cicli Ivor. concurrentes, cui

1 N ot in C .

3 ’ Cadell et Res et Maredut filu

Howel , C . Howel fili i Gwein Keredigann vi3 Ov cin , C . abstulerunt, et Estrat Meuric e difi4tenuit, C . cavemnt, C .

3 Caduan , C .1 3 ’ Cadell dum venatum iret a

3consobrinum, C . quibnsdammi litibus et sagittari is de

7 ’et ejus terram accessit, C . Dynbech laceratus est, C .

3 ' Cadell et Res et Maredut fili i 1"N ot in C .

Grifirt Keredigaun infra Ayron vi 1 3 moritur, C .

possiderunt, C .

1’ C.


A OD .

1 1 56.


cu i successit H enricus nepos H enrici regis

magn i, et regnum recepit. Anastasius papaObiit, cu i successit Adrianna ]Annus 1

MCLVI . Maredut filius 3 Grifini 3[filii

Res veneno]4Obiit. 3 Resus vero 1 jun ior 3


3et fere solus

, portionem i llins et

fia tris sui solus obtinuit, et semper augendo

viriliter protexi t .

Annus 1 MCLVI I . 7 Catell 3[fi1ius Grifud] Ro

mam 3peregrination is causa perrexi t .

’ 3 R esus

fil ius 3 Grifin i 3audions Owinum de Nor

wallia ad Ceredigeaun venturum, con tra eum

usque ad Aberdewi audacter progressus est,

ibique pugnaturus’fossam 3

[Aberdevi] fecit ;1°ubi postmodum fundavit castellum.

’ 3

[H en

ricus rex transfretavit de Angli a in Nor

manniam N O. Idus Januari i .]

Annus 1MCLVIII . H enricus rex

1 1Anglise1 3 Nor

walliam di tioni sum volens exercitum ad

campestria Cestriw duxit, ibique ten toria fixit,’


[adjuvan te Madane filio Maredut et ven itad Dynas Basic].

1Owinus prin ceps Norwallisecum fil i is su is H oelo, Canano, et David, cum

ingen ti exercitu apud D inas Bassing castrametati sun t, ibique vallum erexerun t. H oc

andi to, rex astuta fictus industria, ad vallum

Owini via littorea tetendi t ; sed antequam

perven isset, a Conano et David hoc idem

prsecaventibus, acerrimo certamine susceptus

est 3 multisque suorum amissis, quo tendebat

1 N ot in C .

3 ’

peregre proficisitur, C .

3 C .

9’ N ot in C .

1 3 ’et non multumpostm tellum

4extinctus est, C . ibidemfundavit, C .

5 1 1 Anglorum, C .

3 ’ terramejus recepit.7 Cadell, C . walliam, C .

A .D .


evasit. Ow inus audions regem sibi a tergoimminere, m fac ie au tem exercitum regis

n imium vallum deseru it, st in loco tutiori se

recepit. Rex deinde collecto in unum exer

citu ad Ruthlan progreditur, ibique castrametatus est.

’ 1 Interea classis regia Mon ies

applicui t, quam in sulam optimates bello su

sceperun t, magnamque stragem ex Fran cisobstantibus fecerunt, in quos H enricus fil ius

Geraldi occisus est,

velut alu volunt, fil ius

fuit H enrici regis et W illi elmus T ren chemer,et ali i quamplures.

’ 3

Quo facto rex et Owi

nus pacificati sun t. Catwaldrus terram suamrecuperavit.

’ 3[Owein fil ius Grifud dedi t

obsides regi,'

et] rex in Angli am redii t.

Ann us 3MCL IX 4Morgan t filius 3 Gwini Mab

occisus est. 3

[In hoc anno]3 Resus fil ius

Grifin i solus bellum regi prsetendi t cum

omnes W alliae principes cum rege pacem haberent.

’ 7 Omnes ergo suos ad silvestria T eW i

removi t, vidons tamen se tam latte regis

potentiae non posse resistere,factis induciis

securus curiam regis adivit, et tanquam in

vitus,regi pacem pepigit ; pacto illi a rege

Cantrefmaur alioque quem rex vellet, in tegre,non disperse. Rex tamen procerum suorumusus consilio, illud Can tref secundum ci in

diversis baronum terris divisum dedit. B esus

tamen cepit et sustinui t .’ 3 Iuteros Rogerus

Classis vero ejus applicans in3 ’ Solus Resus filius Grifut tenuit

Moulam destructs est et spoliata gwerramcontra regemAnglia ,cum

annis ct equis, C . omnes duces Cornubise pacemhabe3 ’ N ot in 0 .

rent, 0 °

CN ot at C .


omnia Res invasit et destrnxit, C.


A OD .


comes de Clara Ceredigeaun , u t suam,ingre

ditur ; castellum S tratmeuric, et castellumH umfredi , et castellum. Aberdiwy firmavit. ’

1 Interea W alterus Cli fford dominus CantrefBethan , prsedam de terra Resi abduxit, homi

n esque interfecit, quo andito,Resus id factum

regi , ut domino, indicavit. Rex illud emen

dare nolu it. Familia ergo Resi in ultione

praedae sues castellum L anamdewi obsedit,

quod Besus adveniens primo impetu cepi t.Eynan filius Anaraud castellum H umfred i

destruxit, milites et alios, qui in eo eran t,

forti manu occidit . Deinde B esus magis armis

quam in dono regis fiden s, castella per Ceredigean a Francis facta combussit.

Annus 3MCLX.

3 Resus combu ssit castella per

Demetiam a Francis facta ; ad Kermerdin

exercitum duxit et obsedit ; sed adven ien te

Reginaldo comiti Cornubi zs , obsidionem dimisit .

’ 1 Goroun bun frater Resi occisus est.

Besus deinde homines suos cum omnibus su is

ad Resterwein removit. Reginaldus vero comes

et comes Bristolliae, et Rogerus comes C larensis

, et ali i duo comites, Catwaladrus quoquefilius Grifin i , et H oelus et Con anus filn Owin i

apud Denweileir castra metati sun t ; sed non

auden tes Resum adire vacui domum redierunt.


[Adrianus papa obiit . Et factum est scismain ecclesia Romana

,Al exandro et Victorio

candidatis.]Annus 3

MCLXI .3 Madoc 4

[fili us Maredu t]3 Powysorum princeps obiit. 7 L ewelinus

1 ’ N ot in C .

1 C .

3 N ot in C .3 Madane, C .

3 ’ Resus fugatus est apud Cayr3 ’

princeps P owisiae, C .

7 L ewelin , C .


A n .


filius ejus’Occisus est. 3 Catwalaun filius

Madane Eynaun Clut fratrem suum tenu it,

et Owino Grifin i filio carcerandum tradidit ;

quem Owinus Fran cis dedit ; sed per colle

ctan eos et fami liares suos de W igon ia liberatus,nocte evasit .

3 Annus MCLXI I .

An nus 3MCLXI I I .

4 Besus vi adquisivit D in

weilir et Llanaindewri .’ 3

[Theoba1dus archi

episcopus obi it.]Annus 3

MCLXIV. H enricus rex Angliae cum3 totias 7Ang1ise exercitu

’et 3W allise,

3ad bel

landum Resum usque ad Pen cha ideirn per

ven it ; sed Resus cum rege, facta pace,in

Angliam ivit.

’ 1 3 Ein aun filius 1 1Anaraut,

3 in

clitus dux,

’a W altero filio 1 3 L iwarch 3 dolose

in somno’occisus est . Cadugaun filius Ma

redut 1 3 a W altero Clifi'

ord occisu s est.’ 14Magi

ster H en ricus filius Archen obi it. Kedivor

archidiaconus de Ceredigeaun obi it. ’ 3

[Consecratus est San ctu s Thomas arch iepiscOpus

IVO. N onas Jum1 .]1 1 65. Annus 3

MCLXV. B esus viden s regem non sol

vere sibi promissa, v idens etiam Rogerumcomitem de Clara

,W alterum proditorem et cc

cisorem E inaun nepotis sui , benigne suscepisse,Rogerum comi tem infestavit, castellum AberRedi val et castellum Mebwenn iaun val ida

1'ejaa filius, C .

3’ N ot in C .

3 N ot in C .

4’ ResfiliusGrifut castella deW al

werin et de L anamdeuri vi cepit, C .

3 C .

3 toto, C .

exercitu A nglia , C .

3 Cambriae, C .

1"veni t contra Resumusque Pen

cadeyr, et pacifice in Angliam te

versus est, C .

1° Eynaun , C .

1 ‘ Anstand, C .

1 3 L yuarch , C .

W interfectus est a W altero filio

R icardi , C .

W H enricus filius H aernmagisterbonus, ct Rediuor archydyaconus de

Keredjgaun ,mortui sunt, C .



A .D .

manu combussit, totamque regionem Ceredigeaun obsecun davit postea vero


W allenses N orwallim, Suthwalliss, Powysorum,

jugum Francorum unanimiter reapuerun t .

3 Exulat Beatus Thomas .

Ann us 3MCLXVI . H enricus rex Anglise


exercitu Anglia , N ormann iw, Flandrise, An de

gavise, P ictavim et Aqu itani as , et Scotias, adCrucemOswalt usque perven it, omniumW alen

sium meditans excidium; cu i Owin us et Cat

waladrus cum N ortwalensibus, Besus vero

cum Dextralibus, Owinus de Keweilauc et

Iorwerth Choch cum Powissensibus viri liter

resisterun t. Rex ul tra progressus in mon teBerwen castrametatus est. Qu i videns se

n ihil ad votum suum posse cflicere,obsides

W alensium, quos potuit, oculis et testibus pri

vavit, amissaque exercitus su i parte non mo~

dica, in Angli am cum opprobrio reversus est.


[F1uvius T egui duobus diebus sanguin eus

apparu it .]3 Besus fili us Grifin i circa Kalendas

N ovembris castellum Abertewy dolo Rigewarc

clerici cepit 3

[ejus vero habitatores cumdimi dio bonorum suorum abire permisit].7 Robertum filium S tephani constabulariumin vinculi s tenui t.’ 3 Apud Kermerdin lupusrabiosus duo de viginti homin es momordi t,

1’ Omnes duces Cambrimin unumcontra HenricumregemAnglimcon

3’ N ot in C .

3 N ot in C .

3 'movit exercitum contra duces

Cambrise, et ven it usque admontemB en in , Britanni vero surrexerunt

contra eum, scili cet Ov cin et Res

et ali i duces Cambrian. Sed rex

nih il impetrans domum m arans

est, et obsides eorum numero xxi i

oculi s et testiculis privavi t, C.

3 C .

3 ’ CastellumAberteyui per doluma Reso filio Grifut captam est, et

usque ad solumdestructum, C .

E t Robertas filius Stephani

custos cu tri incarceratus est, C .


1 T homam archiepiscopum. Galfridus Foliot

archiepiscopus Eboracensis ab arch iepiscopo1 Thoma excommuni catus est.

Annus 3MCLXIX.

3 Resus filius 4 Grifin i 3[cum

toto exercitu Sudwallia ] castellum Abe

reynaun3a dificavi t ;

7 postea vero exercitum

duxit in Brechinauc, st in fugam versus est.

Unde dolore commotus iterum in Brechein

auc exercitum movit, magn amque terra par

tem combussit . Castellum Buellt destrux it,

et cum justitia regis pacificatus,’la tus et

victor domum rediit . 3

[Filia regis Anglia

data est duci Saxon ia .]Annus 3


3 Robert filius S tephan i 3a

carcere Resi precatu1° D iermit filii 1 1 Mur

chath 1 3 H iberni am in travit, et castellum1 3 Carrec 1 4 juxta W isefordiam 3

a dificav it.

Meuruc fil ius 1 3 Adam 1 4filius Seisil de Buellt’

a1 3sanguineo suo

’occisus est. Eynaun Clut

vulneratus est a filiis 1 7 L ewarchi fili i 1 3 Dena

W aI,1 3sci licet 3 °Meiler et 3 1 Ivor.

Annus 3MCLXXI . R icardus comes de 33 Striguil

3 3 H iberni am intravit,

14et filiam D iermit


3 C .

3edificavit, C .

1 'et postea apud Brecheynauc

fugatos est, et iterum cum magnoexercita venit ad Brecheynauc, et

magnam partem illins terra combussit

, et castrum Buellt destruxit

et pacificatus cum justiciario regis

Anglia , C.

11 Robertus, C .

liberatus est a carcere, C .

Dyermyct, C .

1 1 Merchad, C .

1 1et Yberniam, C .

1 3 Carreg, C .

1 4’ N ot in C .

1 3 Adaf, C .

suo consanguineo, C .

3 3 Meilir, C .

3 1 Yuor, C .

3 3 Strngul, C .

3 3 Yberniam, C


. 3

regis uxorem accepit.’ 1 Porthlagi et

3 Du lin3soceri sui aux ilio

, civibus occisis, suo mancipavit domin io.

’ 4 H enricus T ertius filius

H enrici Secundi regn i3 diademate coronatus

est,patre suo viven te ac jubente.

’ 3 Owinus

rex Norwallia et Catwaladrus frater suus

min or, scilicet H oelus fil ius Ow ini a familiaribus fratris su i David, eodem assisten te


occisus est. Ierosolimis terra motus fractusest magnus .

’ 7

[T homas Can tuariensis archi

epi800pus martyrio v itam fin iv it .]Annus 3

MCLXXI I . 3 D iermit rex1° H iberni a

obii t. Besus filius 1 1 Grifin i 1 3castellum Aber

tewi , quod prius destruxerat, rea dificavit .

H enricu s rex An glia1 3 major ad visi tandum

San ctum David de Anglia ven it 1 4 deinde1 3 H ibern iam intravi t,

1 3eamque suo domin io

man cipavit. Burgen ses1 3 W isefordia R 0

bertum filium S tephani , 1 3scilicet eorum

dominum,interfectus omnibus fere su is

, et

castello ejus destructo, vinculis mancipari

fecerun t, quem rex audiens liberavit.’

1 Porthlarky, C .

3 D ulyn , C .

3 ’ fundi tus destruxit, C .

4’ A nnus . H enricus 1 11 118 filius

H enrici Secundi dyademate regni

Anglia coronatus est, patre suo

vivente ac jubente, C .

3 diadematem, in M S .

3 ’ A nnus—Oweyn rexNortwallia

obn t. Ierosolimi s terramotus ma

gnns factus est, C .

1 C .

11 N ot in C .

Dyermyct, C .

1 3 Ybernia , C,

1 1 Grifut, C .

1 1’reedificavit castellumAberteyni

quod prius destmxerat, C .

1 3 ’ Normanorum Sextus veni t ad

vi si tandum SanctumDavid, C .

14et postea, C .

1 3 Ybern iam, C .

1 3et eam, C .

1 ’subjugavit, C.

1 3 de W eysefordia, C .

1 3 ’ dominum suum in terfectis cm

nibas suis fere fami liaribus et de

structo ejus castello mancipat i vinculis fecerunt sed postea liberatus

est per Hem'icumregemAnglia , C.



1 MCLXXII I . H enricus rex

3orandi causa de H ibernia. rediens, ad San

etum David ven it’ XV .

3 Kalendarum Mai i.

4[Ricardus Cantuariensis episcopus electus

est.]3 Rex pater et rex filius di scordes facti

sunt. Comes L eicestria captus est.’

Annus 1MOLXXIV. Sedi tio magna orta est

inter H enricum regem Anglia et H enricum

filium, 3 quem simi liter regemAngli a fecerat.’

3 Conanus filius Owin i obi it .’ 4


Cantuariensis arch iepiscopus Roma a papaAl exandre consecratus a t ]Annus 1

MCLXXV. H enricus rex et H enricus

filius 7suus recon ciliati sun t.’ 3 Comes Lei

cestria apud Sanctum Eadmun dum, Flan

drensibus qui cum eo de Flandria veneran tmagna ca de peremptis, ipse cum uxore et fili is

captus est et in carceratu s. Rex ScotiaDavid a famili aribus H enrici regis captus est.

3 Seis il filius 3 D inawal et 1 3 Gefrei fil ius

ejus4[et ali i plures de W ent] a

1 3 W il

lielmo de 1 3 Breusa 3 in Abergavenn i’dolose

occisi sunt. 3 Obu t comes R icardus filius

Gilberti .’Ann us 3

MCLXXVI . Pon s lapideus L ondonia

in ceptus est .

’R eginaldus

4[filius H enrici

regis] comes Cornubia obiit,et sepultus est

1 4 juxta patrem suum,

scili cet H enricumPrimum apud Reding.

1 N ot in C .

3 Seysi ll , C .

3 ’ de Ybern ia rediens orandi causa 9 T udwalt, C .

ven it ad SanctumDavid, C . mGefl‘

re C .

s Kalendas C .

C .

suus, C .

51 N ot in C .

1 2 W i llelmo, C .

3 'suumsimiliterregemA nglia , C .

'3 3 1 60 89 , 0

ejus adinvicem pacificati sunt,1 1’

apud Radyngs suum,


Saladino eorum 1nefario rege Christianos

apud mare 3 T iberiadem devicerunt, et XL .

millis ex eis occiderun t,3veramque Domin i

Crucem’cum rege

4 Ierusalem et ducibus et

baronibus ceperun t, et civitatem Ierusalem3omnesque terra mun itiones ceperun t, exceptaBethsura .

3 Imperator Romanus,Fredericus

nomine,et rex Francorum Philippus


Anglorum rex’Crucis signaculo es


fecerun t .


[Similiter archi episcopi plures et

comites et duces, barones et mili tes, necnon

et capellan i et clerici .] Baldewinus Cantuariensis arch iepiscopus

3 Swtwalliam ingressus

est,ut Crucem Christi pra dicaret, 1°

v isaq ue

sede San cti Davi d Nortwalliam in travi t,ubi

de Cruce pra dicans, complures signo Crucis

mun ivit, et sic in An gliam redii t.’

1 1 88. An nus 4MCLXXXVI I I . 1 1 Cometes Britann ia per

totam insulam visus est,’ 1 3

n ec sine re si

gnavit enim H enrici regis mortem, qu i citopost obiit cujus v isio nunquam impun e mortalibus habetur. Unde illud crinemque ti

mendi sideris,

et alibi , mutan tem sceptra


’ 1 3 Ricardus rex Anglia et P hi

lippus rex Fran cia , circa festum BeatiJohann is Baptista , cum mul tis armatorum

1nephario, M S . N ot in C .

3 Sutwalliam, C .

3 T yberiadis, C .

1 3 ’ N ot in C .

3 ’et CrucemD omin i , C . Cometa visa est per totamAn

4 N ot in C . gliam, C .

3et omnes, C .

1 3 ’ A nnus. Henricus illius impera3

preceded by Annus in C . tricis rex A nglia obiit apud Neu3 ’ Ph ilippus rex Francorum,

H en striam in octabus A postolorumP etriricus rex Anglorum, C . et P auli . cui successitR icardusfilius

signari , C . ejue.

3 C .1 3p recededbyAnnus. Annus in C .

ANNALES can nula . 57

mi llibus iter versus T erram Sanctam arri

puerun t.]1 1 89.

1 Ann us MCLXXXIX. Besus filius Grifin i in

Sudwall ia. bellum movit ; in Ros et in Pembroc combustiones fecit, Gouhir pra datus est


castellum Carnawillian destruxit, aliaque ca

stella in Dewet cepit, qua per malam custodiam otius amisit. Castellum de Kermerdinobsedi t ; sed adven iente Jchanne comite filio

H enrici regis, cum exercitu totius Anglia ,

relicta est obsidio ; facta est inter ipsum et

Resum 3

pax, sed privata, redu tque Johannesin sua. B esus filius Grifini circa NataleDomini Clari obsedit, quod et habui t ; dedi tque H oeli Seis filio suo cum adjacen te.

Mailgonus Resi fili us a patre suo captus est,

et apud Dinewr incarceratus est. Deinde,patre nesciente, Grifiinus frater suus euma carcere patris duxit, W ill ielmoque de Breusasocero suo custodiendum tradidit.

1 1 90.

1 Ann us MCXC . In Dewet occisi sun t a Francis nobiles W allenses

,scilicet B esus filius

Rederch , et Trahair filius Kediwor, et Gri

finus filius Elidir.

Annus 3MCXC I .

4 Rex Francia Philippus’

tatem 3 Accharon obsedit, nam R icardus rex

3 Anglia3ad C iprum insulam divertit, eamque

dition i sua , rege ill ins capto, subjecit,7


pecun iam infini tam inven it in ca3 inde ad

obsidionem 3 Accharon la to vultu’ven it ; 1° quo

1’ N ot in C .

3pace in M S .

3 N ot in C .

4’ Ph i lippus rex, C .

1 3 ’st in ea non mul tumpost, Deo

5 A ccaron , C . volente, ceperunt vi i. n . paganorum,

4 ' i ter ad Cyprum diverterat, et quos in ca trucidaverunt, C.

camcepit, C .


adveni ente Christiani audaciores et fortiores


ecti civitatem obsessam divino nutu ceperun t, st in ea v 1 1 .millibus paganorum occisis.

Baldewinus 1 Cantuarensis arch iepiscopus3 feliciter in Christo’

obi it, 3st in civitate

Accharon cum honore debito a Christiani s

sepu ltis in Domino qui escit.’

Resus filius4 Grifin i castellum de 3 N ewer di e Assumptionis Sancta Maria 3 forti manu

,Fran cis


Annus 3MCXC I I. W alensee de Dew et


Grifino filio Resi , vi cepenmt castellum de

Lanwaden . Besus filius Grifini Malgonumfilium suum a carcere W illi elmi de Breusa

li beravi t; W illielmo invito.

’ 3 Resus Grifin i

filius, post liberation em Ma ilgoni fili i sui, ad

obsidionem Abertaw i poten ter divertit, eumqueper decem ebdomadas oppidum obsedisset, et

oppidan os fere fame dedition i coegisset, quo

dam infortun io et quadam invidia inter fili os

suos Grifin um et Mai lgonum laten ter habita,

unde Francorum vi obsidionem deseru it, qui

busdam fami liarium snorum in pra ceden te

di e submersis.

1 1 93 . Annus 3u cxcn I . Grifinus Troyt occisus est.

Johannes filius E lidir obiit. ’ 7 Ci rca festum

Sancti Cirici i fami liares H oeli Seis OppidumW iz nocturno dolo et insidiis cujusdam tra

ditoris deintus ceperun t, ac Flandrenses et

Franci de Penbroc pra dicti oppidi captio

1 N ot in C . sed tamen submersis ibidem qu i

2’ N ot in C . busdam de su is obsidionemdeseruit.3 ’cu i successit— C . C .

4 Grifut, C .H oelus filius Resi casts-um de

3 Kemmer, C . vi lla V iech dolo cepit, et castrumde3 ’ Resus nline Grifut castrum dc Lanamdeuery destruxit, et plures de

Sweynese per v . ebdomadas obsedi t, suis ibidemoccisi sunt, C .


1 Flandrenses castellum de W iz di e Pentecostes ceperun t. Resus filius Grifin i duos

filios suos Maredut et Resum Parvum cepit.’3 W illi elmus de Breusa castellum Sancti Clarivalida manu cepit, tenui t, et in eo captis

Koeli familiaribus Lx.

’ 1 H oc audi ens H oelus

castellum N ewer di ruit, terram tamen Francis

invitis sibi retinuit.’

Ann us 3 MCXCVI . 4 Besus filius 3 Grifini 3 Ker

merdin combussit,7 inde exercitum ad H ere

fordia partes ducens, Redenor combussit,militesque Rogeri de Mortuo Mari ad modum

quadragin ta occidit cum innumerabili peditummultitudine.

’ 1 E 0 in hunc modu magen te,

W illi elmus de Breus exercitum ad Abertew i

movit, partemque villa combussit, et sic in

sua redi it. Philippus Magnel in belli con

fiictu ibi cecidi t. Exi it edi ctum a rege

Ricardo ut omn ium rerum venalium commercia per un iversum regnum ejus un ius

mensura ponderis et preti i fierent.

An nus 3MCXCVI I . 3

[Ricardus rex obn t, cui

successit Johannes frater ejus ] Resus 3 Gri

fin i filius’ 1° S udwallia princeps 1 1

nobilissimus,mors Anglorum, clipeus Britonum,

IV. Kalendarum Maii moritur ; cujus corpus nobileapud Sanctum David cum honore debitohumatum est 1 3

ad cujus honorem hos ver

1’ N ot in C .

3’ W illelmus dc Dreusa castrum

de Sancto C laro vi cepit et xn. de

familia B oeli filii Resi , C .

3 N ot in C .

4 Res, C .

3 Grifut , C .

3 Karmardin .

et Maysheueyt simi liter, C .

3 C .

1”filius Grifut, C .

1 3 Sutwalli a , C .

1 1’ moritur iv. Kalendas Maii,

cujus corpus apud Sanctum David

honorifice hamatumest, C.

13 ’ N ot in C .

ANNALES can nula . 61

siculos, pro modulo nostro, composu imus,inducta simili tudin e in ter ipsum et tyrannos

per contrarium.

Cum voluit pluvias Busiris ca de parabat,N oluit a thereas sanguine Resus aquas ;

E t quotiens Phaleris cives torrebat in a re,

Gentibus invisis Resus adesse solet.Non fuit Antiphates, non falsus victor


N on homines rapidus pabula fecit equis,

Sed piger ad pa nam princeps, ad pramiavelox.

Qu icqu id 1 do quo cogitur esse ferox.

H ic non'

degenerat, generoso germine natus,Regibus ortus, obi it Besus, ad astra redi t.

Grifinus filius Resi statim post obitum patrissui curiam Regis adivit

,ibique factus ha res

domum rediit. Mailgonus Resi fil ius circa

Augustum Grifinum fratrem suum cepit, et

W enev inwe filio Owini custodiendum tra

di dit,quem postmodum W enevinwen regi

pro Carree H uwa dedi t. Reans Parvus et

Maredut filii Resi a carcere Grifin i fratriesu i soluti sun t. ’Annus 3

MCXCVI I I . Grifinus Resi filius a car

cere regis solutus est. Ca des W alensium a

Francis facta est in Elwail in obsidione Payn .

Pra cepit rex R icardus omnes cartas in regno

suo emptas reformari et novi sigilli sui im

pressione roborari .’ 3

[Petrus episc0pus Mene

venais Obi it, qui Opus novum ecclesia

Menevensis incepit, vixit autem episcopus

XXII. annis, mensibus VI I . diebus xv.]

3 C . The year 1100. is added in



Annus 1mcxclx.


[Ri cardus rex An glorum in

quedam expeditions apud Lymoses ictu

balista percussus diem clausit supremum,

cu i successit Johannes frater ejus.]3 W illiel

mus Dewer H erefordensis episcopus obiitin Christo, cu i successit in episcopatum

filius W illielmi de Breusa, Egidi us nomine.

H ouelus Seis Resi filius erga Pascha c uriam

regis Johanni s adivit,et in redi tu suo apud

Striguil a gritudine correptus obii t,vel, ut

alii volunt, a Fran cis occisus est; qu i omn es

W allia duces largitate pra cellebat. W illi el

mus Marescallus factus est comes Penbrochia .

1 200. Annus 1M0 0 .

4 Mailgonus filius Resi , u t vidi t

1 201 .

quod solus terram patris sui tenere non

potuit, quin Francis vel Grifin o fratri suo

partem daret, eligit potins cum hostibus par

tiri quam cum fratre. Vendi di t igitur regi

castellum Abertewi pro parvo argen ti ponders, et pro maledictione cleri et popu litotius W alli a .

’ 3 Geraldus filius Mauricii in

H iberni a defun ctus est. Incipit ordo Pra


Ann us 1MCC I .

3 Maredut filius Resi , inclytus

adolescens, a Fran cis de Kedweli die SanctiSwith ini cociana est, cujus corpus ad Ked

weli dilatum ibique juxta ecclesiam SanctaMaria humatum est. Grifinus Resi filius

terram Maredut fi'atris sui scilicet Can tref

bechan, cum oppido L lanamdewri sibi cepit ;sed ante mensem exactum Grifinus quadam

1 N ot in CI Abeteyui hominibus Resi donavi t,“ CE

N ot in C .

et obsides a baronibus accepit, C.

3 ’ Grifut filius Res obiit, et Mare

dut frater ipsius ab hominibul de4’ Mai lgum filius Res castellum Kedwell occisus est, C .


A .D .

riensis arch iepiscopo. Nam sex pra ceden tibus

armis sedes vacaverat propter con troversiam

election is in ter Can tuariensem archiepisc0pum

et abbatem Sancti Dogmaelis, lite ad ultimumdeterminanda in curia Romana ]

1 205 . Annus 1MCCV. H ubertus Can tuariensis arch ie

piscopus obiit, 3

[v ir magna industria et

mirabilis astutia , sed parum literatus,totius

tamen Anglia quandoque justiciarius. Quo

humato, statim monach i 3 Cantuarienses sub

priorem suum elegerun t, et cum literis prioriaet conventus magna on ustum pecun ia ad

curiam Romanam transmi serunt . Quod cumregi Johanni in notu isset, i llico omn ia v ictuali a

et omnia necessaria et etiam exitum vel

in troitum extra cymiterium pra fatis monachis inh ibui t . I ll i autem videntes destructionem sua domus imminere regem adierun t,

et consilii s ipsius adqui escere promi serun t .

Ven iens itaq ue rex Cantuariam episcopum

N orwicensem sibi valde familiarem secum ad

duxit, monachos corrupit, promi ttendo prioriet XI I . majoribus conven tus cui libet corum

epiSCOpatum vel abbac iam u t memoratum

episcoPum postularen t, et sic eum postularun t, ct tanquam postulatum ad osculumpacis receperunt in conven Lu st in refectorio


et literas suas transmiserunt subpriori in

curia Romana existenti et munus consecra

tion is expectan ti ut domum redi ret, et n e de

negotio electionis de se4facta quicquam in tro

mitteret. Quod cum a domino papa compertum esset nun cios cum literis suis domino

regi destinavit u t rex literas suas paten tes

3 Cantuai".M S .

A .D .


de ratihabitatione cum priors et XI I . de di

scretioribus Can tuariensis ecclesia Romammi tteret

, ut quem i lli in pra sentia papa eli

geren t, dominus papa con secraret ; consecra

tumque cum pallio in Angliam transmitteret.

Ven ien tes autem monach i ad curiam Ro

manam, quod regi firmiter st cum juramen topromiserant, neglexerunt, st di ssensione in tereos h abita

,imo mortuo quinque ex ipsis, in

proposito sieut promiseran t permanserun t .Dominus autem papa audiens episcOpum

valde esse secularem et a pluribus diffamatum

, priorem cum reliqu is modis omni businduxit ut magistrum Stephanum Anglicum

quendam theologum valde literatum eligeren t.

E 0 autem electo,dominus papa sum hono

rifice consecrav it, et cum privilegn s st pallioin Angliam ad sedem suam tran smisit. Quodcum regi innotuisset , omnes monachos Can

tuarien sis ecclesia de regno suo eXpul it, nec

unus eorum in toto regno Anglia reman si t.

Et in troitum arch iepiscopo st suis in re

gnum inhibu i t. Dominus autem papa, factispluribu s mon ition ibus domino regi ut arch ie

piSCOpum reciperet, rege semper in mali tiaperseveran te

,totam Angliam sub generali

interdicto conclusit, ne aliqua divina in eccle

siis celebrarentur excepto solo baptismate.

Et ne aliqua corpora episcOporum,abbatum,


laicorum,in eymi

tern s aut locis con secratis sepeliren tur, sed

extra civitates st villas in triv iis et qua

drivn s st in v iarum exitibus sepelirentur.

H enricus Exoni ensis episcopus obiit.]1 Rex

1' Johannes rex Anglia Rothomagumtotamque Normanniamamisit. C .


66 As sumes CAMBR IE .

A .D .

Anglia Johannes cum exercitu Pictaviam in

travit, sed cum Philippo Francorum regi

min ime resistors potuit, in Angliam vacuus

redi it.’ 1 Resus Parvus cum Francis castel

lum Luchewein , quod erat '

In potestate filiorumGrifin i , combussit, omn ibus occisis qu i illud

observabant. Mutatio moneta facta est.’

Annus 3MCCVI .


[Prior Cantuariensis Romam

adiit .]An nus 1

MCCVI I . Cspit rex tertiam decimam

partem regni tam de mobilibus quam im

mobilibus ad recuperandum ha redi tatem suam

in Northman ia. Ab has exactions liber fu itCisterciensium ordo.

’ 3

[Magister Stephanus

Kalendae Julii in archi episcopum Can tuarien

sem consecratur.]Annus 1

MCCVII I . Resus Parvus secundo castellum Luchewein combussit, oppidanis partimcaptis, partim ca sis.

’ 3

[Generals interdi ctumfit per totam Angliam X. Kalendae AprilisDominica prima in P assions Domin i. Eodem

de Brewsa , mota discordia in ter ipsum et

regem, cum uxors et filii s timens regem in

Yberniam fugit. ]Ann us 1

MCCIX. N atua est R icardus Secundus

regis filius. Rex in Scotism ivit.

1 21 0. Annus 3MCCX.


[Omn es episcopi Anglia de

regno ejecti sunt, exceptis duobus W in toni

ensi et N oruicen si, per quem et propter

quem tota discordia mota est .]4 Rex Jo

1 ’ N ot in C. ratu venit P embrochiam, et collectin3 N ot in C . ibidemM . navibus apud M ilford, id3 C . est Aberclethif, in crastino Sancto4 Rodemanno Johannes rex An rum Cyrici et Ialitta matris ejus,

gha cummagno exercitu st appa mare intrans, applicuit apud W ater


duxit, st in ea castella XIV . vel amplius

firmavit. Lewelinus ad pra dicti montis tutaamina cum su is se recepit. T andemmedian tibusAnglia st W allia Optimatibus, reconcili an ti

bus, tribus mill ibus pecorum regi datis, rex

in sua rsdi it.

’ 1 Franci duetu fil iorum Resi

Mailgoni , scili cet st Resi Parvi , castellumAberistut firmavsrunt. Sed Mailgonus st

B esu s, cogni ta Francorum perfidia , statimcombusserunt

,Oppidan is abire dimissis. Mail

gonus in Sw twalliam bellum movit. Catwa

loin Glamorgan ia pra das st combustionesfecit

,non sins hominum detrimento .

’ £1

[R 0bertus filius R icardi XIV . Kalendas Junnobiit.]

1 21 2. Annus 1Mccxn . Mai lgonus st W ennsnwen cum

Lewelino N ortwalensium duos fa dus in ierun t ,st in Pow is stragem magnam ds Francisfecerun t. Robertus ds W epini in fugam versus

in Angliam v ix svas it.’ 11

[Menss Februari inocte quadam qu iescente quodam viro bonaconversation is st hon esta in stratu suo circa

mediam noctsm audivit quas i quamdam sibidicsn tsm, Surge st vide mira st magnarumrsrum pra nostica . Qui statim sxpergsfactus

Crucis signaculo se mun ivit, st surgens a

lecto foras sxivit, st circumspicisns undique

elevans oculos in coelum tres lunas v idit ;nuam in ortu hyemali ,minoremplen a,majoremsemiplena ; duas alias in occiden te vidit quaminores eran t vsrgen tes in occasum. H omo

autem stupefactus sacerdoti suo v isionem in

dicavit, qui visiom'

s testimonium psrhibuit.]

1' N ot in C .

ANNALES 0m m 69

An nus 1MCCXI II . L ewelinus dux Norwallia

cum ducibus sibi confosdsratis, scilicet Malgone

st W enn inwsn st aliis minoris nomin is st

potestatis ducibus,

castello. per Norwalliamst Powis a regs firmata, unum post aliud,

valida manu ceperun t, oppidanis9 partim oa sis,

9 partim redsmptis, partim abirs dimissis.

Resus st Owinus fili i Grifin i , Francorum

auxil io, Den ewr st. Lanam Deweri ceperunt,

Reso Parvo domino tsrra vi expulso. Resus

Parvus ad Mailgonsm so transtulit, st cum so

parum moratus inde ad Franoos ven it, quisum post modi cum temporis intervallumceperunt, st in Angliam duxerunt. Ofi



rex ecclesia Romana totum regnum Anglia

st H ibern ia tenenda ea sibi st ha rsdibus suistanquam feudari is per ann um reddi tum M .


’ 9

[Ph ilippus rex Francorum ex

pra cspto domin i papa Innocenti i T ertii inAn gliam ire proposuit ut rsstitusrst S tephanum Cantuariensem archiepiscopum ad sedemsuam; collectaque navium multitudine apudCaleys, rex Johan nes galeas suas ultra mare

transmisit,spoliataque classe regis Francorum

circi ter octoginta naves combusserun t. Com

busta igitur classe, rex Philippus P arysius

redi it. Rex autem Anglia timens iterumadven tum regis Francorum in Angliam ex

consilio totius regni archiepiscOpum st omnssepiscopos, qu i in exilic srant, revocavit. Qu iredeuntes s regs st ab omnibus honorificesuscepti sunt.]

1 ' N ot in C .

partemin M S .

Annus 1uccxrv .


9 Rex Anglia circa Purifica

tionem Beata Virgin ie P ictaviam in travit,

cui in auxilium cum Alsmann is nepos suus

Otho venit. H a s audiens rex FranciaPhilippus non in arcu suo sperans et gladi o

sed in Ipso qui aperit et n emo claudit,

Othon is acism in vasit, eamque dissipavit, di s

sipatam ca di t, prostravit, pedibus equorumconculcavit ; cepit etiam tres n obiles con

sules, W illi elmum L ongum ensem fratrem

regis Anglia , st consulem Britann ia,et son

su lem Flandria . Othon s in f ugam verso, rex

Fran cia cum triumpho ad sua redi it.

’ 9 UndeFrancia in gaudium versa est, An glia in

luctum. Rex An gli a in Angliam rsdii t, ubi

postmodum Crucis signaculo se insignivit .

‘1 D iscidium ortum est in ter regem Anglia et

consules st barones aqu ilonales,9cujus discidi i

memin it Merlin us vates in vaticini o suo,

dicens, Nam di scidium ali eni gen arumoristur.

Consules et baron es aqu ilonales cum principibus W allia con tra regem fa dera ini erun t.

Egidi us de Breuso H erefordensis episcopus,

facto cum ducibus W alli a st baronibus

An glia fa dere, terram patris sui cum castelli s

vi adquisivit, familiaribus reg is undi qus ex

1 N at in C .

9’ Johannes rex transfretavit in

P ictaviam. E odem anno Otho im

perator cum comitibus Flandrias

st Bolonia st comite Salesburia ,

fratre regis A nglia , cum magnoexercitu ad debellandum regemFrancorum ad terminos Francia

venerant. Quibus occurrens rex

Francorum eos devicit, st fugato

imperatore ivor

comi tes cepit, mul

tamque multitudinem baronum et

mi litam, ca tetos autem, in quantum

pomerunt ceciderunt circiter xx .

millia, ut perh ibent . C .

9 ’ N ot in C .

D iscordia mota est interJohannem regem Anglorum et omnesbarones totius regni propter oppres

siones quas eis intulerat et libertates

quas eis abstulerat. C . under the

succeeding year.


A .D .


sibi integra servaverun t.

’ 1 Unde W alenses

la ti ad sua redi erun t, Fran ci vero tristesundique ejecti , velut aves huc st illuc dis

persi sunt.’ 9 Relaxata est sen tentia interdictia domino papa,’ l

et orta est dissensio in terreges st barones, ut pra dictum est .

’ 9[Gal

fridus Meneven sis episc0pus obiit, cu i su c

cessit Gervasius— consscratus est Gervasius

Menevensis episcopus ]1 21 5. An nus 1

MCCXV. W enunwen a Lewelino princips Norwalli a sua patria expulsus est. H oelus

filius Grifin i obii t. Lodovicus filius regis

Francia ven it in Angliam ad pra liandum

contra regem. W enunwen obi it.1 2 1 6. Ann us 1

MCCXVI . Lewelinus princeps N ortwalli a magnum exerci tum in Gower movi t,st castellum Abertaui primo impetu cepit ;inde cum ducibus sibi confosderatis, scil icetMai lgono et Reso Parvo st fil iis Grifini st

alii s Ros ad ivit. Sed An glici dolosi st in

omn ibus fers odi osi , qu ia si non possen t t e

sistere XXIV. obsides communi consilio et son

si lio 4Gervas ii Menevensis episcopi, qui Wallen

sibus magis nocuit quam profu it, tradiderun t ;

et hoc condi tionali ter fecerunt, quod obsides

infia breve!

spatium pro mills marcis deliberarent, totius terra potestatem si tribuerunt.


[Primus decennovennabs cicli ab In carna

tione Domin i MCCXVI . in quo generals con

cilium Roma celebratum est sub Innocentio

I I I . In quo .omnes slerici per un iversum

mun dum aut inviti aut spon tanei vicesimumdsnarium omni um reddituum snorum redders

ANNALES sw am. 73

coacti sun t per trienni um quas i in subsidi umterra Ierosolimitana . Laudatur ab hi s domi

n us papa, culpatur ab aliis. Plurima pra

septa fuerun t ibi promulgata sed a paucisobservata. Ibidem etiam fuit ordinatum ds

decimi s Alborum monachorum. Innocen tiusObii t. E t introniz a fu it H onorius ]

Annus 1MCCXVI I . 9

[Mota est discordia in terJohann em regem Anglorum et optimatestotius regn i sui ; st cum non posset ill is re

sisters crucem suscepit, et nuncios ad curiamRomanam transmisit, exorans st postulan s a

domino papa ut sum quasi crucisignatumdefenderet. Et ea conditions totam Angliamdomino papa tributariam fecit, reddendo an

nuatim curia Romana septingentas marcas.

Dominus itaque papa transmisit lsgatum in

Angliam, qui st Lodouicum filium regis Francomm

, qu i in Angliam venerat, cum omn ibusfautoribus suis excommun icavit, st sic de

Anglia post absolutionem tamsu a legatoadeptam cum dedecore recessit.]

Annus 9MCCXVI I I . Barones qui homagium

fecerun t Lodowico in terfecti sunt, st quamplurimi Francorum

,pugnan te Domino pro


’ 9[In cujus fine ants festum Beati

M ichaelis Johann es rex Anglia viam un iversa

carni s ingrsssus est ; vir qu idem mali tiosus,Oppressor eoclesiarum st Optimatum totius

regni , ut videbatur odiosus Deo st homin ibus,morte repentina pra ventus, de cujus mortepauci vel nulli tristes efi


ecti sunt. Postmortem ipsius legatus supramemoratus filiumipsius H enricum Parvum VI I . annorum apud


Glocsstriam,ut a iebant, diademats regni in

signivit, in festivitate Symon is st Judas.

Lewelinus fuit apud W olnsdale in Ros ]Annus 1

MCCXIX. Lewelinus princeps totius

W alli a cum ali is ducibus minoris potestatis

sibi confosderatis in Augusto exercitum ma

gnum in Dewet movet, st castellum Arberthcum primo nutu sine ulla con tention s, viri s

partim oa sis, partim captia, combussit ; dein decastellum W iz in crastino adivit, et id

idem,solutis viri s cum suis armis

,dato eis

fa dere, sin s mora destruxit.’ 9 Postea castellum H arford adiv it, et totam vi llam combussit, et castellum debellare noluit.

’ 1 Deinde

apud Pul in Ros pern octavi t, st totam patriam

combussit, n ecnon omni a animalia totius patriain simul congregata mactare pra cipit . Dein de

Penbroc volu it ad ire, sed ipsi pra timorev iri fortis ad fosdus habendum ducsn tas

marcas pepigerun t. H oe facto ad propria,

salvis omnibus v iris su is, rsdiit.

’ 9 Obiit W illielmus Marescallus sen ior.

‘1[Civitas Damista

mense N ovembrum miraculose a Christian is

capta est,5

qua duobus an tea ann is obsessa

fuerat. Fuerunt autem in ea XLV . millia

armatorum,ut assereban t

,exceptis muli eribus

et parvulis. Sed plurimi 9 fame st in edi a

mortui fusrun t . D is n amque qua civitascapta fu it inventa fuerun t

,ut dicitur, tria

1 ’ N ot in C .

9’ Eodem anno Lewelinus filin

Youerith combussit H auerfordiam

N onas Septembris, under the sac

ceeding year in C .

9’ W i llelmus Marscallus vetus

comes P enbirch ia obiit. C . Af ter

this we have the sentence E t Ger

vasina episcopus Menevensis, cui

successit An selmas thesaurius Exon iensis— written and then crossed


1 C .

Qui in M S .

1’ Fama in M S


A .D .

Kilgarran rsfirmavit Multos insultus in

W alenses fecit. Confosderatoque sibi Conanofil io H oeli pra dam max imam de terra de

Cardigan abduxit, totamque terram usque ad

Ayron cepit, quam custodi a disti Conanicommisit, st ipse cum su is discessit.]

1 222. Annus 1MCCXXI I . 9 W illelmus Marescallus

iterum H iberni am intravit et justiciariumtotius H ibern ia accessit, st fil ios 9 H ugon is

de Lacy subjugavit, quos ad regem Anglia

ut con cordiam ejus in iren t adduxi t.’ 4 Lowys

rex Francia Pictaviam psssundavit.

’ 9

[H en

ricus rex An glia filius Johann is amisit P i

ctaviam.]1 223 . An nus 1


[In quo primo constitutus

est pra csntor in ecclesia Menevensi . E t in

oeptum fui t novum Opus majoris ecclesia

San cti T homa H auerfordia .]4 Lewelinus

cspit castrum de W itinton st prostravit.’

1 224 . Annus 1MCCXXIV.

9 Castrum de Bedsford ca

ptum est.’ 9

[Ann us in quo L odovicus rex

Francorum expugn av it castra comitis San ctiEgydi i, et pra cipue Avinum

,st muros ejus

evertit. Annus in quo Maredu t filius Resi

arch idiaconus de Cardi gan obi it. Reginaldu s

de Breosa obn t, cu i successi t W illelmus filius

ejus : qu i eodem anno captus est in Kery.]1 225. Ann us 1


7 H enricus rex juni or cumtotius An glia exercitu st maximo armorum

1 N ot in C .

4’ N ot in C o

9 W . in M S .

1 C .

9' E t eodemannoW illelmusMars4 E t cepit castrum de Bedsford,

callus cepit castrum de T rumme in immedia tely af ter amisit P ictaviamYbern iam, et expugnavit H ugonem under 1 222 . C .

de L acy. C .

7 In quo gwerra mota est in ter

E u . an M S . Henricum regem A nglia filium

ANNALES summa . 77

apparatu provinciam de Keri intravit, et ea

stellum ibidem formavit, cu i v iri liter resi stans

Lewelinus N ortwalli a prin ceps, convocatis

ducibus Sutwalli a ,stragem non modicam ex

ercitu regis intulit, st W illielmum de Breusa

cepit. 1

[Et eodem anno exiit a captivitate

in cathedra Sancti Petri ] 9 V idensqus rex

quod propositum suum parum si proficsrst,

accepta quadam summa pecun ia ad 9con

prin cipes, so pacificato castellum inceptumfugit st vacuus domum redi t.’

Ann us 4MCCXXVI . Lewelinus princeps N ord

walli a W illielmum de Breusa pro magna

summa pecun ia st pro castellis de Buslth de

carcere liberavit, ad augmentum etiam foederis

W i llielmo de Breusa filiam suam cum pro

vin cialibus st castello de Buslth dedi t in

uxorem. Urbs H ierosolymitana a Fredericoimperatore st complicibus Christian is captafuit.

’ 1

[Gervasius episcopus Menevensis Obiit,

cu i successit Anselmus Crassus. Et Terra

Sancta reddita est imperatori .]Annus 4

MCCXXVII. 9 Levvelinus prin ceps N ord

wallia W illielmum de Breusa pro nimia

pra sumptions sua st infamia devicit st postmodummorti tradidit. ’ 9 H enricus rex Anglia

circa Kalendas Mai i cum totius Anglia exer

citu ad instantiam comi tis Britann ia M inoris

Johann is st L ewelinum principem5 H . in M S .

W allia in qua gwerra captus est 9’ H enricus rex filius Johann isW illelmus de B reosa a dicto prin transfretavit in Britann iam circa

cipe. C . festum A postolorum P h ilippi et1 C . Jacobi a Portesmnth et apud Bur9’ N ot in C . deus applicuit. E t regemFrancia9conprincipe in M S . nolu it oppugnare, sed, C .

N ot in C .


ad Britanni am tran sfretavit, regemque Fran cia

inquistare scapit 1

[ibi reliqui t W illslmum

Marscallum, qui ali quan tulum ibi moram

faciens repatriavit ]9 Ann us mocxxvm.

9 An nus MCCXXIX. H enricus rex cum exercitu

suo fui t apud Porssmue. Comes Britanniaven it in Angliam.

9 Annus MCCXXX. Obi it Gilbertus comes Glo

verni a .

1 23 1 . Annus 9MCCXXXI .

9 Lewelinus princeps Norwallia ,

su is comi tatus inprisis, quibusdam de

cansis inter ipsum st regem subortis, Mun

gumriam,Brechon iam et H aiam cum Redenor

castello solstenus dirupto st incendi o deva

stav it. Deinde versus Gusntiam tenden s st

Karlion in cinsrsm redigen s, castella de N ethst Kedwely et de Kardi gan , vil la prius a

Mailgono succensa, prostravit, probis partium

illarum sibi subjngatis, st fidelitats a magna

tibus L ewelino pra stita un iversis 'pra terquam a Morgano fili o H oeli An glicis con

foedsrato, qu i sibi jus suum ha reditariumduxerant restitusndum. Accidens autem in

terim rex Anglia cum exercitu suo versus

Marchiam et expensas facien s infini tas , ca

stellum Paen ds petra st calce nobil issimumconstrux it

, et armatorum mu ltitudine suffi

cien ter commun ivit .

’ 4 Obii t 9 W illelmus Mare

scallus VI I . Iduum Aprilis,

’st Ricardus frater

ejus factus est comes Penbrochi a .

9 Ricardus

1 C . comes P enbroch vii i Idus Aprilis2' N ot in C . obiit, C .

9 N ot in C .9 W . M S .

4 W illelmus Marascallus junior R . M S .


totem terram illam proponens in manu fortiet brach io extento, ut erat vir probus st

potens in armis, magnus st terribilis, sapien set facundus, pins atque forma elegantis, sibisubjugat e. Sed cum quadam di e suos debsl

laret adversarios, st eos, ut lso provocatus ad

iram,a dextris et a sinistris prostsmeret st

intsrficeret, su i barones cum mili tibus sua

natura non immsmores frauds pra locuta

quod sum hostibus traderent, illum in bellolinquen tes fugam finxsrunt

,et sic sum adver

sariorum fustibus st gladi is trad iderunt, ubi

confractus fuit hostium ictibus st lancsis ab

imo usque ad summum perforatus ad ultimumtentas, st sic post paucos dies spiri tum Deo

reddidi t ; cujus amissionem planxit dominusrex cum n imio dolore st omnes Optimatessu i multo tempore. Cui in ha rsditatem

successit magister Gilbertus frater suus, juven is elegan tissimus st poten s, cui dominusrex n il de factis fratris su i sibi imputando,omn s jus suum benigno animo dedit st


1 Rees Cryc apud Landsilau Vaurvitam fin ivit ; cujus corpus 9

episcoPus Me

n sv iam juxta patrem suum,Resum, scilicet

Magnum, sepultura traditur a domino Anselmo Men evensi episcopo cum diro planctu

st honore maximo.

’ 1 L ewelinus liberav it

Grifinum filium suum quem antea per sex

anuos in carcerem tenuerat, st dedi t in

msdistatem terra qua vocatur L lyen . Kat

Walan filius Mailgon sumpto religion is habitu

1’ In quo fuit the dea th of W illiam Marshall in

C .

9 S ic M S .


apud Cumhyr obn t. Mailgon filius Mailgon

a dificavit castellum de Trefilan .

1 23 5. Annus 1MCCXXXV. Ow inus filius Grifini , v ir

nobilis genere, moribus, pra ditus largitate

mirabili , fers 9 incomparabilis fama excellen

tissima, perspicuus apud domam de S trataFlorida, di e Msrcuru post octavas Epiphan iafins glorioso quievit, ibique jux ta fratrem

suum Resum in capitulo monachorum extat

tumulatus. ’ 9 Rex Anglia filiam comi tiaBrebancia in uxorem accepit, st apud Londoniam

, pra sentibus episcopis, comitibus,

celebravit. 4 Gilbertus Marescallus desponsavit

sororem regis Scotia .

Anno 1MCCXXXVI . Gue

nllian filia Resi Magni,

uxor Edneveth Vethan , obiit. Mailgon filius

Mailgon circa festum Sancti Michaelis acces

sit ad principsm Lewelinum, et, pecun iainterven iente non modica, fecit Maredut

filium Owein ad reddendum sibi Mevenit proPsnarch . Quo habito ad spoliandummonachosde S trata Florida as pra paravit, videlicet

de terris de Strat Ment ie, quas sui antsosasores st ipsemst sisdem monachis dsderant.Rodem anno Madocus filius Grifin i dominusde Mailaur, st Owinus filius Maredut fil i i

Roberti ds s ewsighe, obisrunt.’ 9 H enri

cus rex Anglia duxit uxorem Alienoramfili am comitis Provincia apud Cantuariam

per dominum Eadmundum arOhiepisc0pum.

1' N ot in C . E lianoram filiam comitia Provin‘1 incomparalis M S . cia . E t Gilbertas comes P enbro1 ' Henricus (muS) rex Anglia ch ia sororem regis Scotia , C .

filius Johann is duxit in uxorem i G. M S .


1[Frator Anianus pra dicavit do Cruse in

W est W allia ]Annus 9 MCCXXXVI I . Obut domina Johannafilia regis Anglia st uxor Lewilini prin cipis

W al li a , cujus corpus sepultura tradi tur apudH aber cum diro planctu st honors non

modi co. Johannes comes Cestria gsner suus,

st Kenwericus domin i Resi Magn i filius,

obierunt. Rex cepit in auxilium tricesimam


’ 1[Otho Romana sec]esia legatus

veni t in Anglian ]Annus 9maxxxvrII . In orestino SanctiLuca Evangeli sta juravsrunt omnes prin cipesW allia fidelitatsm domin o Davi d filio domin i

Lewelini prin cipis apud Stratam Floridam.

Grifut Yal doloMaredut fratris sui,ut di ce

batur, occisus est. S imon de Monteforti duxit

in uxorem Al ienoram comitissam Penbrok .

Ricardus do Clare duxit uxorem M . filiamJ.

do Laci comitia L incolni a .

Annus 9 MCCXXXIX. Obiit Grifinus filius Ma

redut. ’ 9 Grifinus filius L ewelini bellica vice

captus a David fratre suo.

’ 9 N ascitur Ed

wardus regis filius.

4Annus MCCXL . Obu t ills magnus Achilles

secun dus, dominus scili cet Lewelinus filius

Gervasi i fil ii Owin i Guynet, tune prin cepsW allia , recepto habitu monachili in domo doAberconuy cum magna devotions, cujus operasum insufli ciens narrare. H ostss enim suos

clipeo et hasta dominabat, religiosis pacsm

1 C .

4’ Omnes magnates W allia fece9' N ot in C . runt homagium regi Anglia .

9'st Grimnas filins ejus captus L ewelinus princeps Nortwallia

est a David fratre suo ét incarcera Obiit—W alterus Marseallus edifi

tus, C . cavit turrim de Cardigan, C.


usque Londoniam ad concilium celebrs ibi

constituto, restituendo Grifino filio Gwen

nunwon jus suum ha reditarium in Powis st

filius Maredut fil ii Kenan in Meyronnyt .

David filius Lewelyn i tradidit Grifinumfratrem suum carceri domini regis.

1 242.

1 An nus MCCXL I I . Henricus rex Anglia transfretavit in P ictaviam proponens terras quasrex Francia si abstulsrat, quod illo anno

minime potuit.’ 9 Bodom ann o fuerunt castra

firmata in W alli a a domin o Mailgono in Garth

grugyn ,a idomino

4Rogero de Mortuo-Mari in

Mas lenyt. Grifinus filius Maredut fil ii Resi

tunc arch idiaconus do Kordigan9 Gilbertus Marescallus apud W ar in quodam

torn iamen to Obii t, cui successit in ha rodi

tatom W alterus frater ojus.

’ 9[Captus fu it

W alterus do Marisco in insula do Londsy.]Annus 9

MCCXL II I . H enricus rex Anglia7redi it do Burdegalis cum regina sanus et


’ 9 Al isnora regin a pepsrit fili amin Vascan ia nomin e Margaretam.

9 Annus mccxu v. Resus filius Resi Crek

obiit. ’ 9 Grifinus filius Lewelin i in carcere

domin i regis London iis dsten tus, funem per

quondam fenestram tran sjecit, ut ita evadere

EodemannoHenricus rex idemtransfietavit in Gasconiam circa

festum Sancti Johann is ante portamLatinam, C .

9’ Not in C.

9’ Gilbertas Marseallus comesPenbrochia Obiit ivOKalendaeJalii .E t sodomannoW alterus Marseallus

factus est comes P enbroch ia circa

festumSymonis et Iuda , before the

preceding entry in C .

4B . in M S .

9 C .

9 N ot in C .

‘1rediens doGasconia applicuit in

A ngliam circa festumExaltacion isSancta Crucis, C .

Grifut filius L ewelin mortuusest in carcere apud London iam, sive

dolosive aliter ignoratur. E t David

filius Lewella combussit Cayrmardyn , C .


A .O .

possit. Sed infortunio accedente in terram

cecidit, et collo ac cruribus confractis spi

ritum exhalavit . Quo audi to, David frater

ojus ira commotus, suis congregatis ma

gnatibus in hostos suos, tanquam lea na raptiscatuli s suis, irru it, expellans eos omnino a

fin ibus suis, exceptis qu i in mun ition ibus st

castelli s. Deinde omnes principes W allia sibiadunavit pra ter tres, scilicet Grifinum fili um

Madauc,Grifinum fili um Wennunwsn ,


Morgan fil ium H owel, qu ibus postea damnast gravamina intul it non modica .

’ 1 Maredut

filius Roberti obiit, sumpto religioni s habituapud Stratam Floridam. Alienora rsgin a

pepsrit filium Edmundum.

1 245. Annus 9MCCXLV.

1 Conquieverunt ha redes

W illielmi Marescalli in pace.

’ 9 H enricus

rex omnes W alensee subjugars volens magno

congregato exercitu venit usque Deganuu , et

firmato ibi castello, in Angli am redu t. ’1 U ndo st in memoriam facti multa e suis

mortuorum cadavera per N ortwalliam reliqu it

inhumata, tam in mare quam in terra.

Positum est fundamen tum W estmonasterii .’


[Ven it W alterus Marscallus apud H auer

fordiam.]Annus 9

MGCXLVI .9 Obn t illo clipeus W alli a

David filius L ewelin i apud Aber, cujus corpuscum fistibus multis sepultura tradi tur apudAberconuy,

1cui successerunt in ha redemfilii

fratris sui Grifin i , scili cet Ow in us st Lewelinus,qui prudentum virorum consili o torram a qus

1’ N ot in C.

9 N ot in C .4 C .

9 Henricus rex Anglia movit Vst in i llo anno mortuus est

gwerram contra David, under the David, C.

succeeding year in C .

86 mu ms CAMBRIE .

inter so divisorunt.

’ 1 Nicolaus do Molyne

senescallus do Kermerdin ad tsrramMailgonis

usque ad Meronnyth. Dictus tamen N icholaus ibidem moram non fecit, sod terris post

exercitu pervenit usque Degannuy, undo pradictos juvenes manu valida exha rsdere pro

ponebat, st oxercitibus tandem circumquaquesuper dictos juvenes irrusntibus, ipsi se divin acommendantes voluntati se cum suis more

Machaba orum, disponente Deo, in montibus

salvaverunt indemnes ; quo exercitu redsunte

Mailgun in conductu pra dicti N icholai ad

regem accessit, qui vix regiam obtinuit gra

tiam. Ita tamen quod n ihil do pr0pria

ha rsditate habui t pra ter duos commotos, scilicet Gsneurglin st Hyscoid.

’ 9 Obiit Radulphue ds Mortuo Mari. ’ 9 Obn t comes W al

terus Marescallus apud castrum Godrici ;

sodom an no Obiit Anselmas Marescallus

apud Strigai1, quorum corpora apud T in

ternam sun t tumulata.

’ 4[Imperator Frede

ricus depositus est. Maredut filius Res de

pra davit villam de Cayrmardyn . DominusH erebertus filius Mahi i interfectus fuit a

W alensibus in Glamorgan in quodam clivo

props castrum quod fui t Morgan i Cam]Annus 9

MCCXLVI I . 4[Exercitas Demetia , do

mino N icholao do Meulss et Grifino filio

Guenoynwyn ducibus, transiverunt fluvium doDeni st permaximam partemN ortwallia ,


obstante seu etiam contradi cents ]

Senescallus do Cayrmardyn 9' Walterus Marsca llus obnt v°

obsedit castrumdoDeresloyn , under Kalendas Decembris, C .

the preceding year in C .4 C .

1 ’ N ot in C .9 N ot in C .


1 249.

1 250.

1 251 .

1 252.

1 253 .


tros filias suas. Consecratus fuit Thomas W al

lensis Menevensis episcopus VII I . Kal endaeAugusti-l

Annus 1 MCCXL IX.

9 Capta fuit Damista a Lodo

vico rege Francia .

Annus MCCL .


[Fractus fuit pons do Kaymardyn per oppressionem glacisi .]

Ann us 4MCCL I . Gladue filia domini Lewelin i

apud W indssour, Morgan filius Resi Magn i

obiit.’ 9[Destructus fuit Lodovicus rex Fran

cia in T erra San cta st captus per paganos]Annus 4

MCCLI I . Lewelinus filius Gurwareth

tunc balli vus domin i H emi ci regis in term,

qua fuerat domin i Maelgon is juni oris, cepitmandato regio pra dam super viros do E lvael,

so quod quasi ha reditario volebant uti pa

staris mon tium E lenyth .

4 Annus MCCL II I . I llustris rex Anglia dominusH enricus fil ius Johann is cum magno exercitu

in Burgundi am circa principium Augustitransfretavit, commendando regnum Anglia

Edwardo filio suo st domino Ricardo fratri

suo comi ti Comubia st rsgina .

Annus 1MCCL IV.


[Lodovicus rex Francia a

T erra Sancta st]9 H enricus rex Angli a do

Gasconi a in An gliam rslicto ibidem domin ioEdwardo filio suo cum ingenti exercitu in

custodia illarum partium rsdii t.’ 4 Guenllian

1 N ot in C .

4’ LodovicusrexFrancorumexivit

insulam Cypri versus T smm Sanctamcummagno navigioChristianorum xxv. Raleadas Junii, et appli

cuit cum navigio suo in Egyptumin portu Damista vto R aleadas

Juni i , st devictis per Dei gratiamSal'racenis, civitatem illamcepit, C .

9 C .

4’ N ot in C .

5’ H enricus rex Anglia a partibus

ned iit transmarinis. E t dedit rex

Henricus Edwardo filio suo primo

gen ito Yberniam, Walliam, Vascon iam, et Bristollum, C .


A .n .

filia domin i Mailgon is obu t die Sancta Katerina . Eodem anno di ctus Edwardus pro

foetus est cum 1 Bonefacio archiepiscopo inH ispan ism, st ibi dssponsavit filiam regis

H ispan ia ,st factus est miles.

1 255. Annus 9MCCLV. Obn t probus st robustus ju

veni e Mareduth fili us Lewelin i do Msronnyth ,

reli cto un ico ha rode filio do Guenlli an filia

Mailgoni s st post cito circa festum SanctiJohann is Baptista , juveni s egregia probitatis

Resus filius Mailgon is, acta confessions, et

commun icatis corpore Christi st sanguine,

sumptoque Cisterciensis ordin is habitu apudS tratam Floridam,

hou !fatis occubni t , cujuscorpus traditum fuit vsnerabili ter sepulturain capitulo juxta sororsm suam,

lamentan tibus multis, merito plangsntibus mortem ipsius,qui a vehementer sperahatur a mu ltis st pra

coniabatur quod ipse esset redempturus st

libsraturus magnam partem W allia a pri

stino jugo captivi tatis Anglicorum. H isdem

vero diebus orta discordia suggestions diabolica inter filios Grifin i filii venerabilis memoria domin i L ewelin i quondam prin cipieN ortwallia , Owynum scilicet et David fra

trem suum ex parte un a,st L ewelinum ex

altsra ; idem Lewelin us confidens in Dominosorum indubitan ter exPsctavit horribilemcum magno exercitu adventum, ot immobilisstans cum suis ad proeli andum,

infra un ius

hora spatium di ctus Owynum st David

fratres suos, multis de suis interfectis st

captis noonon in fugum versis, forti manu st

bellica cepit, st sorum tsrras sins aliqua

9’ Not in C.

90 ANNALES summa.

1 diflicultate saginavit. N on multum vsro

post, scilicet Sabbato prox imo ante festum

Sancta Mi chaelis, obiit Margsria tune filia

Maslgonis uxor Owin i filii Mareduth do

Kedevsyn , qua apud S tratam Floridam

juxta fratrem suum tradita fuit sepultura .

9 Thomas dictus W alsnsis episcopus Men even

sis obiit in Christo,’ 9

[die Translation is

Sancti Benedicti ,4 cui successit magister Ri

cardus ds Karrsu, theologus st phi losophus

1 256. Ann us 9MCCLVI . Quidam nobiles W allia viam

universa carn is ingressi sunt,videli cst Mare

dut filius Maudauc tunc dominus do Yal, stOwein fil ius Iorwerth do Elvael. H os anno

Anglia . H enricus filius tune comes Cestriacirca Kalsndas Augusti ad cas tra sua, videli

cet do D igannoy et do Disserth videndum st

tsrras. Quo recedente st facta visitations,nobiles W allia indignati st sui s spoliati libertatibus st honoribus, more Machaba orum,

z elo

justitia accouai slegerun t potius cum honors

in bello pro libertate sua mori quam sic ab

extraneis st indignis hostibus calcari, ad no

bilsm juvenom, videli cet Lewelinum filiumGrifin i filii Lewelini accesserunt, suam ei ex

ponentes captivitatem, tribulationem,cum

lachrymis st gsmitibus. Quorum gsmitibus st

fletibus idem Lowslinus motus sorum exhor

tatione st consilio atque rogata accessit ad

torramde Pervewalt, st saminfra unamebdo-s

1 did'

nltate, M 8.


A .D.


Lewelinus filius Grifin i fil ii Gusnonwin do

Powis intravi t, st in villa do T rallug sedone,

st sam omn ino combussit, ibique convocatis

ad so in auxilium duobus baronibus do

Swdwallia, Mareduth fili o Resi Crych et

Maredut fil io Ow ini , ex ali a vsro parteH afi

ron juxta Mumgumbriam congregati fuerunt multi barones do Anglia, videlicetJohannes Stranges Grifinus filius Gusnonwi n ,

Mabalan et multi ali i cum vexillo domini

Edwardi st cum maximo armato exercitu.

Per amnsm vsro H affen pra di ctus exercitus

Anglicorumperven it, st in campo magno interH afren et Eberriw Anglici in acis belli steterunt. W alen sibus vero An glicos ad bellumparatos videntibus valde indignati sun t, et campum cum innumeralibus armatis intrante s, st

Anglici viderunt exercitum W alensium fortemnimis campum viriliter st audactor occupantem

conversi sunt , st usque ad Mungumbriam otinafugsrunt. In illis vero diebus, v idelicet die

Luna proxims post Purification sm Beata

Maria , S tephanus Bauson , N icholaus dominusdo Komorie, P atricius dominus de Kedwely,

st dominus do Karriw , cum multis armatismilitibus, portam Alba domus fregertmt,abbatiam in trantes ibique pernoctantes st in

juriam Deo st Beata Maria st omnibusSanctis fecerunt, scilicet verberando monachos,spoliando conversos, secum ducentss omnesequos et omn i a spolia totius abbatia pra terspolia ecclesia , st in cimiterio ssrvitorss

vero Lewelinus postea in proxima Quadragssima cum g randi exercitu ad terram do

Kedweli st Kamwallaun et Gobir accessit, st

ANNALES summa . 93

partsm Angli corum do pra dictis terris st

Abertawy omnino combussit, omnes vsro

st an te Pascha cum gaudio ad propria re

meavit. Item in h is diebus qui dam nobiles

viri do famili a domini Lewelini fil ii Grifut

ante Domin icam in Ramis Palmarum villamMungumbriam, scilicet castellum Balwy viri

liter combusserunt, st Baldewinum st 1 burgosalios multos cum mulieribus st parvuli s in

eadsm villa igne st forro occiderunt . In illis

dishna quidam nobiles do Kardigaun , videlicetduo filii Eynaun st W ilim st duo fil ii W ilimGoch apud Osterlons ab Anglicis do Ker

merdin occisi sunt. Item Lowslinus ap Grufutcum multitudine virorum fortium an ts Pentecostsn castellum Bodedon obsedit, st dimissiscastellan is cum armis suis libero st castellotradito, illud soletsnus combussit. Post non

multos dies, scilicet die Mercurii proxima postPentocosten , Stephanus Bauzon st multi barones cum multitudine fortium bellatorum

vero omnes incliti.

viri armati cum pluribusequis loricatis st aliis instrumentis ad bellaparatis ad devastandum torram do Stratewyiter arripusrunt, et non sine impedimentousque ad Lanthslou Vaur pervenerunt, ibique

sins aliquo timore pernoctantes, st W al

lenses do Ksredigsaun st do S tratewy, sci

licet Maredut filius Resi Crych st Maredut

filius Owon i cum omn i posse sorum in

silvis st in nemoribus st in convallibus circa

Anglicos cum magn is clamoribus undique

fuerunt congregati . E t pra dicti W alensee

1 barges, M S .


per totan diem Veneris telis armorum st

sagittatum in sodom loco turmas Saxonuminvitaverunt st inquiotaverunt. Ductor Anglioorum, scilicet Res filius Resi Michi l die

Sabbati , videlicet in vigilia Sancta Trin itatis,scilicet IV. Nonas Junii , oos in angustia st

in magno periculo reliquit, st ad castrumsuum, scilicet Dinonour, cum pauois do su is


Anglicis rei eventum nescientibus, occultafugit. Anglioi voro mi li tes mun imentis ferreisni l formidantos so mun iernut. Arma illa

non potuerunt oos.

tueri plusquam vestes

linea ,quia in eis spem st eorum superbiam

posuerun t plusquam in Deo. Armati vero

milites ini to consi lio versus Kardigaun eu

doctor iter arripientss, nilque timontos W al

enses undique do silvis con tra eos virili ter

dimioaverunt, ot a prima hora diei usque ad1 meridiem do nemoribus contra Anglicos

pugnaverunt, st apud Coeth L lathen Anglici

omn ia victualia, omnes caballos, arma st

necessaria sorum portan tes,st omnes pale

fridos ibidem amiserun t st W allsnses propterhoo la ti fuerun t. Circa horam vero meridiei

ad Kemereu pugnando perveni en tes st pra

dioti W alensee cum Dei auxili o inter armatos

An glicos irruorunt, st do equ is armatis in

oli tos Saxones virili ter prostraverunt, st eos

sub pedibus equ itum, peditum,st equorum in

moris st in fossis st in vallibus oonouloavsrunt,

et plusquam tria millia Saxonum in illa die

occubueran t ; pauoi vero aut nulli do armatismili tibus do illo bello ’

evaserunt,st W alensee

cum magna V ictoria st spoliis et equis multis

1 Meriden , M S .


Maredut filius Resi Cryoh homagium st fide

li tatem domino regi fecit. W alensee propterboo valde irati fusrunt, st dominus Lewelinusfilius Grifut st omnes Sudwalsnsss cummagnoexercitu ad torram pra dioti Maredu t do S tratowy accesserunt, st eam omnino pra ter castraojus sibi subjugaverunt. Postea apud KedweliW alensee oastrametati sunt, domos et villas

pra ter castrumKedweli oombusserunt dominusMaredut st dominus Patric cum multis ar

matis Angliois do Kermerdin in W alen sibus

subito irruorunt st pugna valida in ter oos

fuit ; st do W alensibus et de Anglicis qui

dam fuerunt vulnerati , qu idam occisi, et

dominus Maredut juxta pontsm vulners pos

simo fu it vulnsratus. Tandem W alensibus

pra valentibus, st reliotis ibidem oorporibus

Anglioorum, Maredut st Anglici ad villam

Kermerdin cum magno dedecore fugerunt .

In ter mortuos vir nobilis do Arustly David

ap H owel cecidit st apud Stratem Floridam

oum magno planotu sepultura tradi tur.Bodom anno circa N ativitatom Beati Johann is Baptista magna fuit discordia interAnglicos et Franoos in regno Anglia , st

Anglici per consilium oomitum,baronum

, st

optimatum totius regni omnes Fran oos do

finibus st termin is eorum oxpulerun t. De

Optimatibus vero st divitibus Anglia do ven eno

ex parte Fran corum faoto multi Anglici psrierunt. Pra teroa Dav id fil ius Grifin i juvenisin armis splendidissimus st in equo fortis

eia us cum paucis do N ortwallia, st Maredut

filius Owein st R is Bethan cum magno

exercitu per duos dies Maynour castrametatifusrunt, st tertia nocte, scilicet die Mercuri i

proxima ante N ativitatem Beata Maria ,

ANNALES summa . 97

castra sua juxta Kilgerran posust unt. I llo

dis dominys Maredut filius Resi Crich st

dominus Patric senesoallus domini regis cumomnibus armatis viris do Kodeweli , do Ker

mordin , do Pembrok ,ds Ros, st do Ksmeis

apud Aberteiu i cum magna superbia fuerun tcongregati. P ost horam vsro nonam Anglici

do Aberteivi per acies suas usque Ki lgerran

pervensrunt, et juxta vi llam Kilgerran An

glici st W alensee fortiter st crudeliter

pugnaverun t. T andem W alensee Dei auxi lio

pra valuerunt, st Anglicos in fugam verterun t, st cadavsra mortuorum cum equisarmatis ibidem reliquerunt. In illa hora1 domi nus Patric W alterus Malifan t


fortis st strenuus do P embroo, st alii militesnuper ds Angli a veni sntes, turpissima morteoorrusrunt. Maredut cum Anglicis ad oa

stellum Ki]gerran vix evasit, qui per infi

delitatem suam totam W alliam perturbavi t.

In Angli a oonstituti sun t xi i . pares.

Annus 9MCCL IX. Dominus L ewelinus fil ius

Grifin i consilium habu it cum nobilioribus

W allia apud Arustily, st ibi 9 die Mercurii

proxima an te Pentecoston conviotus fui t dominus Marodut fili us Ris do infidelitate


a dicto domino Lewelino tentus, qu i in

carcere fuit apud Crukeid usque ad N ataleDomin i proximum,

st tun o liberatus recipi

endo ab ipso primogeni tum in obsidem, st

duo castella sua D in ewour st Castelh N owid,

cum duabus provinoii s eis adjaoentibus.

Bodom anno circa festum Sancti H illarii

Dominus P atricius do Chaure et dominus W alterus Malonfaunt inter

98 ANNALES su mma .

idem dominus Lewelinus cum magno ex

ercitu accessit ad provinciam do Buslth ,quam dominus Maredut filius Ow ini sidem

domino L ewelino concessi t. Qui statimomnes dispomos ejusdem provincia revooav it,

ot la tos ac h ilares sub sua protection sdimisi t. T endens inde usque ad vi llam do

D inbric in Doved eandem destruens st

multa spolia oapiens, qui habuit in exercitu

suo ibidem CCXL . equos loricatos cum ju

mentis nudis st pedestri incomparabili multitudin e.

1 260. An nus 1M00LX. In die Sancti Georgii Mar

tyrie combusta est villa do Trefstland a

dominis do Keri et de s ewi c. Eodem

anno, dis Sancti Kenelmi Martyris, trosvigiles Anglici nations qui custodi ebant oa

stellum do Buslth tradidsrunt homin ibus illud

domini Lewelin i filii Grifini circa fin em

noctis pro magna summa pecun ia ,st hoo

fui t propter odi um infernale quod diotivigiles habeban t erga notarium ejusdem oa

stelli qui erat An glicus. Quo andi to st divul

gato, statim Resus Bethan cum suo exercitu

st omnes nobiles st bone in armis valentesfers totius Sudwalli a venerunt, st statimunanimi st commun i consili o, quicqu id ore

mabile erat in illo castello igni tradidsrun t,

lapides vsro solotenus dsstruxonmt, ita quodin brevi lapis super lapidem ibidem non

posait roperiri. Veni t etiam tun e dominus

Owinus filius Maredut cum sui s omn ibusfidelibus st subjectis ad pacem st fideli tatem

domini L ewelin i , qui statim Madocum filium

dioti Owin i do carcere liberavit,st liberum

trad idi t, st centum tros libras sidem donavit.

1’ N ot in C.

1 00

A .D .


glia Gilbertus comes do Clare veneno ia

teri it apud Dorobemiam. Eodem anno in

vigilia Sancti Andrea Apostoli per indu

striam hominum do Maslen it oaptum deva

statum fu it castellum ds Kevonellis. Eodemetiam di e captum fuit castellum do Bledvaoh

et destruotum. T une dominus Rogerus st

H umfrei do Bun Jun ior cum flore juven tu tistotius Marohia intraverun t ruinos muros do

Kevsn lis cum magno apparatu molientes re

staurare fractures murorum. Quod audiens

dominus L ewelin us fili us Grifin i princepsW alli a conducsns secum omnes nobiliores

Wallia accessit ad eos et circumspecta chei

dione vallavit ipsos quousque fame et inedia

ducti petierunt sibi cum armis tamon inermeslioentiam recsdendi , quod pius prin ceps pietateduotus con cedens factum est. Autem cum

essent Owein fili us Madoc st pars éxercitusceperunt castrum do Conoolas in vigilia SanctiThoma Apostoli non vi aut bello sed castrou

ses metu pra tsriti reddiderun t se cum castro

pra t imore machinarum; ceperun t etiam oa

stellum do Trefeolaud de N ortun et de Llanon

dras .

’ 1

[Magna fuit discordi a in ter dominumEadwardum filium H enrici regi s Anglia

primogen itum st barones Anglia . E t Lewe

lin us prin ceps N ortwalli a tenui t so ex partebaronum ]

Annus 9MCCLXI I I . Qui n to Kalendarum Ma n

apud Clun ow interfeoti fusrun t ad minus cen

tum viri , in ter quos cecidit Lewelinu s fil ius

Maredut fios juventutis totius W alli a . Eratenim strenuus st fortis in armis, largue indon is

,st in consilii s dandis providus, st

9’ N ot in C .

ANNALES summa . 1 0 1

omnibus amabilis. Eodem anno in a stats coa

dtmati sunt omnes comites st barones fersomnes cum domino Lewelin o princips con traEdwardum, st ceperunt omnia gastolla


un iversas civitates totius Anglia excepto oa

stello do Wyndolesor. E t domin us Leweli nus

cum magno exercitu et apparatu accessit ad

castrum de D isserth circa Kalendae Augusti,st illud bello cepit st statim solotenus ds

struxit, ita ut non ibi lapis super lapidemin brevi inven iretur. Cspit etiam die San ctiMichaelis castellum do D iganwy in regno for

aut bello sed cas tellan i acerrima acerbitato

st amaritudin e famis afllioti consilium in ie

runt cum dicto princips de vita sibi servanda,so ipsos cum castro sidem dan tes. In tan tumen im afllixerat eos famis acerbitas quod oportu it oos inedia daoti famsm sxtinguere car

nibua equorum st etiam canum snorum,u t

fidem domino regi servarsnt illa sam, quod si

pro rege coelesti faoersnt meroedem meruissent habsre a tsrnam. Eadem etiam a stats

ven it dominus Grifinus filius W ennonwen ad

paosm domin i L ew ilin i faciens ei homagiumhumi liter genuflsxo. Qu i rsstituit omn es ter

ras suas quas idem princeps antea occupaverat.

Idem vero Grifinus assumons secum omnes

viros st balli vos de Powis castrum do W eid

grut dsbellavit, cspit, st solo ada quavit. In

finsm vero ipsius ann i venorunt plures baronessibi ooadunatis ad dominum s elinum st

castellum do Redenor ceperunt, st solotenus

cum tota villa destruxsrunt. Dominus

vero Edwardus cum magno exercitu accessitad castella do H un tintun st H aia cumvi llu

lis adjacentibus cepit, st domino“

Rogero ds

1 02 ANNALES omnsm.

Mortuo Mari ad custodiendum tradidit . Eodem

anno occisi sunt multi Juda orum usque ad

D00 . et amplius st reliqui spoliati .’

An twe1MCCLXIV. Orta fuit dissensio inter C i

stsrciensss et Claravallenses, qua tamen in

curia Romana tsrminabatur st 9 dusoiebatur.

9[Captus fuit H enricus rex Anglia ot Ead

W ardus filius ojus primogen itus in bello apudLewes, st rex Aleman ia R icardus frater regis

H enrici st alii plurss barones. Et multiLondon isnses fusrunt in terfecti ]

1 265. Annus 1 MCCLXV. Idus Juni i Edwardus filius

regis H enrici evas it do custodia comitis Loi

cestria ab H arford apud W igomore, venitque

ad G. do C lare comitem Gloucestria apudL odolow . D ictus comes Leicestria villamcepit, et castrum do Mori st castrum do U sgst castrum et pontsm do N ovo Burgo fregit.’9

[Visa fuit stella cometa in Francia. E t

duxit rex L odouicus, suggestions fratris sui

Caroli regis C ioili a ,exercitum in Arabiam]


1 266. Annus 1MCCLXVI . J. de s vil et ali i exha re

dati intraverun t st ceperun t insulam do Ely.

E odem anno per consilium et assensum regis

adjudi oati sun t terris suis omnibus exha re

dati , ita vi delicet quod extendsrentur terraeorum st secun dum valorem terrarum facerent

reddere portionem suam,ali i per quin quen

n ium,ali i per IV . annoe, alii per trienn ium,

alii per bienn ium, alii per annum,secun dum

quod majus vol minus deliquerun t9

[Lodov icus rex Francia apud Tunes in Arabiaobiit, st plurss nobiles Francia ]

1 04 ANNALES omnsm.

Annus 1MCCLXXI I I . Obut dominus Maredutus

filius Resi .’ 9

[Cslebratum fuit concil ium ge

nerals apud Lugdunum sub Gregorio papa x°

circa festum N ativitatis Beati Jchaun ie Baptista . Et fuit ibi statutum do decimaomn iumproventuum eoolssiastioorumreddenda

per sex anuos sequentes in subsidium Terra

Sancta , et etiam commenda perpetua revo

cata , et plura alia statuta restrictiva st pe

nalia fusrunt ibidem edita . Magister Johannes do Fskeham archidiaconus Brechonia

obiit, cui successit magister H enricus do

villa Amlofii]An nus 9


4 Dominus Edwardus postobitum patris sui do Francia circa Kalendas

Augusti ad Angliam profectus est, st ibi

honorifioo cum magno tripudio susceptus, st

ad L ondon iam ductus st apud W estmonasterium coronatus.

’ 1 Item sodom anno domin us Grifin us filiu s W ennunwsn Powisia

dominus totem torram suam reliquit, qui

Angliam profectus est a rege Edwardo be

n igne commendatus. Et hoo propter persecutionem N ortwalensium relinquons fil ium

suum Owinum penes principem L ewelinum

in custodia liberali .’ 9[Inceptum fui t fore

trum Beati David in ecclesia Menevensi ]1 275. Annus 1

MCCLXXV. Statuit rex in suo primoparliamento post coronationom suam multastatuta apud W estmonasterium.

’ 9


gW erra in W estwalli a inter homin es de Estratowy st do Cadwely, st interfectus fui t dominus H erveus do Chaurs in 9



A .D .

1 276. Ann us 1 MCCLXXVI.


9 Veni t illustris rex Anglia

dominus Edwardus cum magno exercitu ad

N ortwalliam,st apud B utlan castra metatus

est , ibique per aliquot dies moratus est. De

inde ven it ad sum dictus Lewelinus princepsN orwallia et ibidem confosdsrati sunt, st paxinter oos formata est. Postea vsro dominus

Edwardus rex cum sui s An gliam peti it, st

a dificatum est castellum apud L lan Padam

super mare a domino Eadmundo H enrici regis


1 277.

9[Ann us. Duxit Leuuelinus princeps Nortwalliafiliam comi tis Symoni s de Mon te forti . Ma

gister H enricus ds villa Amlof archidiaconus

Brechon ia obiit ; cu i successit magister AdamBarsth thesaurarius Menevensis, cui Ada suc

cessit in thesauraria Robertus do H averfordi a

rector ecclesia do Lanvsnyth , et fuit in stallatus VI I I°. Idus Septembris.

1 278. Annus. Facta fuit nova moneta, veteri pro

pter ejus diminution sm destructa , regnan teE adwardo rege Anglia .

1 279. Annus. Ricardus do Carreu episcOpus Men s

vensis Kalendae Apri lis obi it, st sepultus

est in ecclesia Menevensi props altarsSancta Crucis a parts australi di e BeatiAmbrosii . E lectus fu it magister T homasBeke II I . N onas Jun i i, st oonfirmatus pridie

Nonas Julii per Johannem do Pooham ds

1 N ot in C .

9' Venit Eadwardus rex A nglia

in manu forti in Northwalliam ad

gwerrandum contra L ewelin umfilium Grifud prinoipem North

wallia in a stats, st Eadmundusfrater ejus ven it in Westwalliam, st

incepit oonstruere castrum apnd

L anpadarnvaur,'

et dominus rex

incepit construers castram apud

Rudlan , et ven i t dictus Eadmundusapud Sanctum Dav id causa pere

grinationis. E t concordes facti

sunt rex st princeps in ootavis

Beati Martini hyemalibus. C .

9 C .


ordine Minorum in abbatia ds Stanlowe

props Cestriam, et consecratus pridi e N onas

Ootobris apud Lyncoloniam. Electus est

magister P etrus do Oxonia archidiaconus

Menevensis in episcopum Exonienssm,cu i

successit in archidiaconatu Robertus the

saurarius Menevensis cui Roberto successit

in thesauraria W illelmus do Burreths os

noni eus Meneven sis. Concessa fui t regi

quintadeoima proventuum eoolssiastioorum ad

subsidium in regno An glia per trienni um.]1An nus 4mccnxxx. Lowelinus filius Griflni

occisus est ab Anglis frauds suorum. Ed

wardus rex totam Snoudon iam subjugavit.CastrumAbsrconw i a dificatum est. 9

[Colebratum fuit concilium provinciale apudLambhethe London iis sub fratre Johanno doPooham archiepiscopo Cantuariensi N onas

Octobris, convocato ad hoo clero totias provincia , st statuta plura edita et publicatepenalia tamon , magna morina ovium fuitqua incepit in anno pra cedenti .

l 282. Annus. Destructum fuit castrum regis apudLampadarnvaur, st captum castrum do L an

amdouery st oastrum do Carregksnn sn per

Davi d fil ium Grifud fratrem Lewelin i principis N orthwallia ,

Resum Vechan filium Resi

filii Mai lgonis, Griflin um st Cananum filios

Maredut filii Owein , Grifln um st Lewelinumfilios Resi Vsohan domi nos Deyskenn sn , in cra

stino Annunciationis Domin ica . Et in terfoetus fuit W i llelmus do Valenciis juni orha res Penbroch ia in Estratswy XVI. Kalendas J11 11 1 W illelmus do Burrschs thesau

1 08 ANNALES om ens .

diaconus do Karmardyn obu t ; cui succes

sit magister Johannes do Al derby. Ecclesia

de Langadauc facta est collegiata .


1 Visitavit Johannes do Pooham archi

episc0pus Can tuariensis diosceses Men evensis,

Landauensis, Bangorensis, Asaphensis. In

cepit autem visitare ecclesia Menevensis V IO .

Idus Julu . Bodom anno rsa difioavit rex

Eadwardus oastrum do Lanpadamvawr. E t

incepit a difioare oastrum apud Aberconoe,

st fecit munitiones apud Bangor st apudRayrarvon . E t ven it dictus rex causa pe

regrination is apud Sanctum David una cumdomina rsgina An glia nomine E lianora di e

Domin ica in orestino Beata Katerina Vir

ginis. Et mensura bladi st vin i et ca terorum li quorum st pondera rsdaota fuerun t ad

instar msnsurarum st ponderum civitatisLondoni snsis. Villa H auerfordia reouperavit

libertatea suas coram justiciariis domin i regis

apud H auerfordiam pro tribunali sedentibus,

quibus dominus W illelmus do Valencia comes

Penbrochia ipsam villam diu spoli averat st

detinuerat spoliatam. Obi it Martinus papa ;successit H onorius.

1 285. Ann us. Ph i lippus rex Francia filius Lodovici

regis mortuus est mense Octobri, st parsmagna exer

citas ejus in Arragonia in

Yspan ia ; cu i successit fil ius suus Phylippus

in regnum Francia (cui primum nomen

Edwardus, sed in coronations mutatum,) st

coronatus fui t in festo Epiphania proximosequenti ]

1 M illesimo cc°LxxXI I I ° added in a la ter hand.

ANNALES summa . 1 09


1 Combustio domorum apudS tratamFloridam.

’ 9 In orestino Annunciationis Domin ica oon cossum fuit subsidiummagnum Thoma Becks episcopo Meneven81

do tota di oscosi sua ad eXpediendum qua damnogotia tangentia clsrum srga magistrum

Giffridum nuncium domini papa in regno

Anglia . Eadwardus rex Anglia tran sfrstavit

in Fran ciam,st fuit nobilissimo Parysius a

regs Philippe filio Phi lippi congnati sui , et

inde ivit in Vasconi am et intravit Burdegal

civitatem, st ibi plurss Burgsnses sibi con

trarios morti tradi fecit, st perhendinavit i n

partibus illis usque ad 9


4Domin i MCCLXXXVI I .’ Resus filius Ma

redut dominus do E stratswy mota discordia

in ter ipsum st dominum Robertum Tybetot

tun c justiciarium regi s do Karmardyn die

Domin ica proxima an te festum Beati Barnaba Apostoli cepit castra do Lanamdeverydo Dynewr, st do Carregksnnsn , et posteacombussit villam do Sweyness st maneriumds Osterlof, cum majori parte patria st

villam do L anpadamvaur et villam do

Karmardyn usque ad portas . Adven isntes

autem Anglici do Anglia in forti manu ca

strum ipsius Resi de Deresloyn obssderun t

circa gulam Augusti , et tandem muros sub

fodi endo oastrum ceperlmt, in qua sub

fossione Oppressus est sub muro dominus

W illelmus de Montthenesy baro cum al iis

pluribus, st captum est castrum novum

1 ’ N ot in C. Opposite to this en try9' C .

in the margin in B . is wri tten non9 S ic M S .

iveh pe. i .e. non inveniuntur plura.

4’ Written over the line, apparentlyB . ends here. in another hand.


super T eyui st recuperate castra per Resum

prius occupata, st evasit Resus cum pauois,

omn ibus homin ibus su is ad paoem regis ven i

sntibus. D ie Dominica in crastino Omn iumSanctorum do nocte reouperavit Resus ca

strum suum, quod dicitur N ovum Castrum,

capto Rogero do Mortuo Mari ipsius castricustode, circa Purificationem proximo sequentsm cepit dominus Robertus Typetot idem

castrum,pluribus ox ipsius custodibus necatis.

Eodem anno die Jovis sero XI II . Kalendas

Jc li i luna in principio noctis visa est rubigda

intense, st postea sodom colors duran to ;diminuta est quasi ad instar minima stella


et sic deoresoendo in fine quasi evanui t.

Eodem anno XW di s Marti i fuit torramotus .

Ann us MCCLXXXVI I I . Secundo di e Aprilis horanona facta est eclypsis solis in superioriparte solis ut videbatur intrans substan tiamsoli s, ita quod quasi videbatur sol habsre

duo comua sursum elevata, et duravi t sic

usque ad horam vesporarum.


I t is to be observed that several of the words explained in the Glossary are to be

found in other parts of the V olume besides the pages referred to.

A BBA S . (Chald. , a father.) A n

abbot . B efore the dissolution of

the monasteries in the reign of

H enry VI II . ,he was the spiritual

lord or governor who had the

ru le and governmen t of such reli

giou s hou se'

. Cowell . B lount.

Cudberth abbasmoritur. 1 0.

A RRA TIA . A society of religious

persons having an abbot or ah 1 06.

boss to preside over them; an ARCH A . A chest ; a shrine.

Archa Sancti David ab ecclesia sua tu

Kalendis Juli i mndata est abbatie do rm est”28. 29.

A nna . W . T he fall of a lesser

water in to a greater ; as of a

brook in to a river, of a river into

a lake or sea.

Bellum geritur apud castellumAberYstoit . 86.

A B SOL U'rl o . A

release from ex

commun ication ; absolution . 7s.

AD V ENTO S DOM IN I . T he A dven t

of our L ord, wh ich begin s on the A n

Sunday nearest to S t. A ndrew,

archbishop . H e is the chief of

wh ether before or after, and con th e clergy in h is prov in ce, and is

tinues to Christmas eve. 91 . th at spiritual and secular person

H 2

A DVOCAT A . A n advocate ; patro


Qu i a Beata Maria ejusdem ordin is ad

oocata amon itus ab hao actions qu ievit .”


A L T (A llt). W . A olifi'

the side

of a h ill. A lt-clut. 1 4.

A NN U L U S . T he ring u sed in the

ceremony of investiture. 3 4. S ee



nunciation of ourL ady, M arch 25.


ecclesiastical officer that hath jurisdiction immediately subordinate

to the bishop throughou t the

whole of h is diocese,or in some

particu lar part of it. 1 B l . Com.

3 83 . T he first among deacons ;an archdeacon .

c ivor arch id iaconus do Ceredigoaun


who hath supremo power under

the king in all ecclesiastical

causes. 1 B l . Com. 3 79 .

E lbodg archiep iscom Guenedote regi

onsmigravit ad Dominum. 1 1 .

Aux . A tower“

; a castle.

ArmDeganhui a Saxonibus dostrultur.”


Castell Deganwy.


ASCEN SIO DOMIN I . A scension day

the 4oth day after Easter. 1 03 .

AVER IA . Cattle. Sp elman .

Vix paclficatus L ewelin m . obsides

regi dedit, st, ut psrh ibent, vi i .mi llis ave

rta cumequis pluribus st canihua st avibuspmmisi t. 67.

BACU L U S . A pastoral staff the

staff given at the ceremony of in

vestiture. B ag] . W .

Rex concessit ut nunquam per donatio

nem bacntt pastoralis vel annuli qu lsquamdo episcopatu vel abbatie per regem vel

quaml ibet laioammanum in An gliam inves


”3 4.

BAL I ST A . A warlike engine to shoot

darts or stones a cross-bow .

Ricardus rex Anglorum in (madam ex

pedi tions apud Lymoses ictu be lieta per

cusl us dismclausit supremum. 62.

BAL L IVU S . A bailiff. A ccording to

S ir E dward Coke, bai liff is an old

Saxon word, wh ich sign ifies a

keeper or protector ; and though

there are several ofli cers called

bailiffs,whose offices and employ

men ts seem qu ite differen t, yet

someth ing of keep ing or proteo

tion belongs to themall. Co. L i tt.

6 1 . b. B ac . Abr. 3 6 1 . H ence

the sheriff is considered as ba i lifi‘

to the Crown and h is coun ty of

wh ich he hath the cars, and in

wh ich he is to execute the king’s

writs, is called h is ba i l iwick; and

the ofiicsrs who by h is precepts

execute writs and other process

are called h is ba i lif s. I bid.

T here are likew ise bai lifl’

s of

l iberties, who are ofiicers under

lords who have franch ises exempt

from the jurisdi ction of the she


. I bid. T here are likew ise

ba i lifi'

a of lords of manors, whocollect th eir ren ts, and levy their

fines and amerciamen ts. Ibid .

A lso he is called a ba i lifl"who

h ath the admin istration or charge

of lands, goods, or ch attels, to

make the best benefit for the

owner, against whom an action

of account lies for the'


wh ich he hath raised ormade, or

Int by h is industry and care

reasonably-have made, h is reason

able chargss and expenses de

ducted. I bid . T here are l ike

w ise those termed ba i lif s to

whom the king’

s castles are com

mitted,as the ba i lifl

"of Dover

Castle . l bid . T he ch ief magistrates in diverse ancien t corpora

tion s are also called ba i lifl’


Ibid . T here are also ba i lifi‘

e of

the forest. M ahmood, part I .

p . 1 1 3 .

Pro qua re ballivi st burgenses doKermordin vi llamsuamcombusserunt.” 71 .

Bano. A degree of nobi lity nex t

to a viscoun t, but in poin t of an

t iqu ity the h ighest. 1 B l . Com.

3 98.

Barones qu i homag ium fecerunt Lodo

wico interfecti sunt.”78.


Cu (Cad) . w . A battle.

Cat Pencon apud dextrales Britch es. 9.


(mei tpa ). T he ch urch

of the bishop themother church

of the diocese a cathedral . 77.

CAU TE LA . P ruden ce caution

circumspeotion .

“G. comes Glovern ia cummagno exer

oltu per oau telam in travit in civi tatemLondonia .

”1 03 .

CAYR (Caer). W . A city a

wal led or fortified town ; the

wall of a city, or any other place

of defence.

T homas arch iep iscopus Eboraci , id est

Cagr Ebrauo, moritur.


CE L L I . W . A grove of haz le

tress. Cslli D arnauc.


Cmmo (Cymro). W . A W elshman .

BellumMaismain Cemro. 86.

C IVI 'I ‘A S. A city. I t now usually

mean s an incorporated town ,

wh ich is or h ath been the see of

a bishop ; W estmin ster, though

the bishopric h as been dissolved,

still rema in s a oi ty. Co . L i tt. 109 . CONcu mM , A council , especiallyl B l Com. 1 1 5 56 of bishops. Generals conci

CL E R ICU S . I n the most generallium,

”a general 0 0 11 110 11 78

sign ification of the word, one th at

belongs to the holy min istry of

the church , and is said to be pro

perly a min ister or priest in holy

orders a clerk, a clergyman .

Resus fil ius Grifin i circa Kalendae No

vembris castellumAbortewy dolo R igewarcclorici cepi t.


CL E R U S . T he order of clergymen

the clergy. 41 .

C L U T (C lwyd). W ' A hurdle.

CON SU L . A coun t an S trat C lut,

”S trath C lyde. a

Ad quos expugnandos missi aunt duo

Et Strat Clut vu tata es a Saxon ibus. consider, H ugo comes urbis Lesionan , st

alter H ugo.

”81 .

i i

CL U T (C lyd). W . Sheltering.

“ Eynaun C lut . as.

0 0 0 3 . W . Red.

“ Iorwerth Choch .

Iorwerth the Red. 50.

CmNOB IUM A convent.

coenobiumDavid incensumset. 7.

COB I E (Coed). W . W ood. Coeth

L lath en .


COL LE CT ANE I . Compan ions. Ce

dymdeithon . B'rut.

Per collecta neoe st fami liarcs suos dc

COL L nGmrus. Collegiate .

Ecclesia do In nsadauc tacit est collo

g ia ta .

”1 08.

COME S . A coun t an earl . 32.

Con an . A comet. 1os

Commas, Comma A

comet. so.

COMME NDA , est custodia ecclesia

alion i commissa. Sp ieg.

E t etiam commendee perpetua revo

cata .

”1 04.

CONFIRMO . T o confirm.

E lectus fuit mag ister T homas Beke i i i .N onas Jun ii , et conflmatue pridie N onas

Jul i i per Johannemdo Pooham.

”1 05, 1 06.

CON STABU LAB IU S . Originally the

keeper of the king’

s stables ; a


Qu ibus ex alia parte resisterunt Sto

phanna constabu la ri ue st fili i Geraldi ct

omnes Franci ab hosts Sabrina usque ad

Meneviam st Flandrenses do Ros.



CON VE N T U S . T he fratern ity Of a

religiou s house, as of an abbey or

p riory a conven t. 64.

CORR IGIA . A leather belt.

Prosi liens sacrista abripu it oi cultcllumquod ad corrigiamsuamhabebat .” 87 .


GIN I S . T he morrow of S t. Cathe

rine N ov . 26 . 1 08.


T hemorrow of all Sain ts; N ov . 2 .

n o.

SANCTI L uca Evanes

L ISTE . T he morrow of St. L uke;

Oct. 1 9 . 82.


JU L I T TE . T he morrow of St.

Cyr, or Cyriquo, and Juliet ;

J une 1 71

. so.

CREK Cars . 3 4.

0 121 0 11 Care. 97 .

Crimes. W . A cross. Cross Os

wald. Oswestry. 44.

Care (Cryg) . ,W . H oarse.

“ Rees

Cryc Rhys the H oarse. so.

Caron CRYO. a .

CYM IT ER IUM A burial

ground a cemetery.

I llico omnia victualia st omn ia neces

saria ct etiam exitumvel introitum extra

cymi teriumpra fatismonachis inh ibuit.”64.

Crsrnacmrzsrs. A C istertian . T he

C istertian monks were an order

institu ted at C isteaux in Fran ce,

who came in to E ngland abou t the

year 1 128, and had their first

h ouse at W averley in S urrey .

Buoti snnt monach i ordinis Oyster

cieneie, qu i modo sunt apud AlbamCandamin W est W alliam per Bornardum ep isco


”43 .

XV° anno cicli decen novenna lie.

B ncma . T ithes.


DAP IFER . A steward a seneschal .

A t first he w as a domestic officer

l ike our steward of the household,

or rather clerk of the kitchen

but by degrees the term was

applied to any fiduciary servan t,

especially steward or head bailifl'

of an honour or manor. Cowel l.Geraldus dam

fer de Penbroc Mcnevin

fines devastavi t.”30.

D E CENN OVE NNAL I S (Decem noven

ualis) . A revolution of n ineteen

years, at the end of wh ich th e

the aspects of the moon are,

w ith in an hour, the same as theywere on the same days of the

mon th n ineteen years before. T h is

cycle was adopted on the l 6th of

Ju ly 43 3 .

Alborummonachorum. 78.


p er. p ass . of D E COL L O . T o be


Bosh-i filius H eweid decals a t in Ar

guistli ."1 6.

D E IN T U S, p ro INTU S . W ith in .

Fami liares H oeli Seis opp idumW iz nocturno dolo ct insidiis cujusdam traditoris

D E SP ON SO . T o betroth or espouse.


DE XTRAL I S . B elonging to the right

h and.

“ Dextrales B rittones,”the

Britons of South W ales, th at por

tion of the principality being

situated on the right h and of a

person look ing eastward, as the

1 1 8

B ards and Dru ids did in the per

formance of their religious rites.

Vastatio Bri ttonum dextra lium apud




M :

M AR IE . A ssumption of th e

B lessed Virgin ; A ug. 1 5 . 58.



s day ; A pril 4 . 105.




T he conception of the B lessed

V irgin D ec. 8. 71 .

J OVI S . (Dydd Iou,

T hursday. 1 08.

L U NJE . (Dydd L lun,W .)

M onday. 75.

M AR TI S . (Dydd M awrth , W .)T uesday. 07.

M E RCUR II . (Dydd M erchur,

W .) W ednesday. 81 .

a rrcu roms B EA 'mE M A

R IE . T he purification of the

B lessed Virgin Mary ; Feb. 2 .

41 .

SABBAT I . Saturday. 94.

SANCTI Gaoaen , M AR TYR I S .

S t. George the M artyr’

s day ;

A pril 23 . 98.


St. Kenelm the M artyr’s day ;

July 1 7. 98.

SANCT I N ICH OL AI . S t, N icho

las’s day Dec. 6 . 68.

SANCTI SW I T H IN I . T he dayof St. Sw ith in Ju ly 1 5. 69.


rl . T ran slation of S t. B ene

dict ; July 1 1 . 90.

VENER I S . (DyddW .) Friday. 94.

D INAS . W . A city.

Gueith Di nas N eguid. 1 7.

W .)



Drummers, (Staffi n g) . A diocese.


D IU (Dyw , dydd) . W . A day.

D iu Sul. Sunday.

Gueith Diu l nl in Mon . 1 5.


T rin i ty Sunday. 95.

Dommcn s. Of or belonging to

the L ord. D ies Domini cua or

“ Domin ica, the L ord’

s day; Sun

day. s,“Annunciatio Dominica,

the Annunciation of our L adyM arch 25 . 1 09.

Doamu 'rlo. A sleeping 5 death .

Dormi tatio Gian ni . 4.

T he word is synonymous w ithhun ,

”wh ich in W elsh is fre

quen tly used to denote death .

H ir Imn M aelgwn ,”long is the

sleep of M aelgwn .


rlo Doamrru l o.

Dormi tio Karauni ,”'


DUX. A duke. 20 .




Per decemebdomadas.”58.

E BDOMA S H E B DOMA S , (éficopé g).T he space of seven days a week.

Qu i regnavit per xix. annos exceptis ix

ebdomadibus .


E CCL E SIA, A Church .

Consecratio M ichaelis Archangeli eccle

sia . 9.

E DICTUM . E dict an ordinance or

command ; a statute. to.

EN (Y n ) . W . In .

H ir hun Wailgnn eu llll Res. 4. Longis th e sleep of Maelgwn in the court of


E P I SCOPA T U S . A bishop’s see ; a


Sulgen illi ep iscop atu i successit. 26 .

1 20

Goon Coon . W ilim Goch ,W illiam Rufus. 03 .

GU E I T H (Gwaith ).action a battle.

Gueith Camlan .

”4. Guei th Cair

Legion .

”6. Guei th Meteoren.


In B . and C . theword is gene

rally rendered by B ellum.

GUERRA , W E RRA . W ar.

Bolus Resus illius Grifut tenuitwom an;

contra regemAnglia .

ӣ 1 .

I t is remarkable that gware in

W elsh is the word used for play.

A gware pelre aphen Season ,”

and to play at hurling w ith

Saxons’heads. T a liesin .

GUL A . T he gullet the beginn ing.

Angli ci de Anglia in forti menu castrumipsius Resi de Dereeloyn obsederuut circa

gu lamAugusti . 109.

GW E RRO . T o make war.

“Ven i t Eadwardus rex Anglia». in manu

forti i n Northwalliam ad awerrandamcontra Lewelinum, filimn Grifud, principcmNorthwalliw.

”1 05.

W . W ork ,

H IR . W . L ong.

H ir hun W ai lgun en llis Ros. 4 .

Long is th e sleep of Maelgwn in the

court of Rhos.

HOMAGIUM . H omage ; a Frenchword derived fromhomo. Co. L itt.

64 . On the original gran t of

lands and tenemen ts under the

feudal system, the tenan t or

vassal, besides taking the oath of

fealty w as obliged to do homage

to h is lord, openly and humblykneeling, being u ngirt, uncovered,

and holding up h is hands broth


together between those of the

lord who sat before h im and

there professing that he did

become h is man from that dayforth , of life and limb and earthlyhonour, and then he received a

kiss from h is lord wh ich cere

mony w as denominated homa

gium ormanhood by the feudists,from the stated form of words


o oester homo. L itt. 85.

2 B l . Com. 53 . Facere homagium,

”to do homage. 7s.

H ORA NONA . T he n inth hour ;

three in the afternoon . 97.

H OSP IT IUM . A hospice. 87.

H OST IUM=OS T IU M . A door, en try,

or passage. H ostium Gu i li,

Aber Gwyli . B rut.

Quem Boisil rex Venedotia: in h istio

Guili expugnavi t , ct occisus est Reyn . 23 .

H un . W . S leep ; death .

H ir lu mW ailgun en llis Res. 4.

S ee H IR .

I n ns, ID E S . W ith the ancien t Ro

man s these w ere eigh t days in

every mon th , being th e eigh t

days immediately after the nones.

I n the mon th s of M arch , M ay,

J u ly, an d October these eigh t

days began a t the 8th day of

th e mon th and con tinued to the

1 5th day in other mon th s th eybegan at the 6 th day, and lasted

to the 1 3 th .


B ut it is on ly th e

last day that is called I des, th e

first of these days is th e eigh th

I des,the second day the seven th ,

the th ird day the sixth , i .e. the

eigh th , seventh , or sixth day

before the I des ; and so of the

rest of the days. W herefore

when we Speak of the Ides of any

mon th in general, it is to be

taken for the 1 5th or 1 3 th of

the month mentioned .

H enricus rex tmnsfretavit dc Anglia in

IMPR I SI I . T hose who side w ith or

take the part of another, either

in h is defence or otherw ise. Co.

L itt. 253 .

Lewelinus princeps Norwallize, suis

comitatus i np risi s, quibusdam do cansis

inter ipsum et regem subortis, Mungumriam, Brechon iam et H aiam cum Redenor

castello solotenus dirupto et incendio de

vastavit .”78.

IN STAL L O . T o in stall.“ Fui t imta lla tus vii i° Idus Septembris.

1 05.

INTE RD ICTUM . A n ecclesiastical

cen sure, whereby the div ine

serv ices are proh ibited to whole

v illages, town s, prov inces, and

even kingdoms, till they make

satisfaction for Injaries done, or

abstain from injuries th ey are

doing to the church . L indw . 3 20 .

Cowell . B loun t.Dominus autempapa totamAngliam

sub generali i nterdi cto conclusit , ne aliquedi vine in eoclesi is celebrarcn turexcepto solo

bap tismate.



E n throned.

E t intm iz atus fuit Honorius. 73 .

JU ST ICIAR I U S . A judge the ch ief

judge lord ch ief justice.

CastrumBuellt destruxit ct pacifica tuscumj usticia rio regis Anghm.


KAL ENDZE . (Calan . W .) T he

calends, or first day of everymon th . 24 .

i i

LAICU S . U ntaugh t un lettered

one who is not of the clergy ;

lay. 3 4.


T he yellow plague. I t is fre

quen tly used in the same sen se

as Y vad velen , the B asilisk, as

some th ink. I’r oer vad velen

0 Res,”(D avydd ab Gw i lym.)

T o the cold B asilisk of Rhos.

Tune fuit ta ll/wale”. 4.

L EGATU S . A n ambassador or

nuncio from the pepe ; a legate.

T he pepes of Rome h ad formerlyin E ngland the archbishop of

Canterbury as their lega tus na tu s;

and upon ex traordin ary occasion s

they sen t over lega tus a la tere.

Cowell. B loun t.Dominus itaq ue papa transmisit lega tum

in Angliam.


L IBRA . A pound. 06.

L I T E RE P ATENTE S . L etters pa

ten t charters con tain ing the


king’s grants. T hey are called

letters paten t, that is, Open let

ters, because they are not sealed

up, but exposed to Open v iew,

w ith the great seal pendant at

the bottom, and are usually di

rected or addressed by the king

to all h is subjects at large. 2

B l . Com. 3 46 . 64.

L L AN . W . A n enclosure ; a vil

lage a church . L lan P atarn ,

the church of S t. P adarn. 21 .

L LAT H EN . W . A yard (measure) .Goeth L lath en .


h as (L lys). W . Court, palace.

“ H ir hun W ailgun enms Ros. 4.

S ee H IR .

L ONGU S~EN SI S . Of the long sword.

W ill ielmus L ongu s-en sis,” W il~

liam of the long sword. 70.

MAE s. W . A field ; a plain .

Igmunt in insula Mon venit, ct tenui tm es Osmeliaun .

”1 6.

MAGISTE R . I t sign ifies in general

a governor, teacher, &e., and also

in many cases an officer. J acob.

A master.

“ Magister H enricus filius Archen Obi it .”


MAGNATE S . N obles ; magnates ;vasslli majores. D u Cange. 51

M AN CI P O . T o deliver possession

to give the right to another.

“ M a nc ip are plus est quam ven

dere ; 11 am mancip a i is, qu i et


proprietatem, et usum, atque

fructum transfert, et ev ictionem

prmstaturum se spendet ; vendit

etiam, qu i nudé et simplici traditione alienat. ~F . Gouldman .

Porthlagi et Dulin l oceri sui auxilio,civibus occisis, suo m acipam

t domin io.

53 0


attestation of the truth of one’s

religion martyrdom.

Th omas Cantuariensis archiep isCOpus

martyria vitamfinivit .”53 .

MANER I UM . A manor. T h e word

is apparently derived from. the

French manoir, h abitatio, or

rather perhaps from ma nendo,abiding, because th e lord usuallyresided there. A manor is de

fined to be nomen col lectivum et

genera le, comprehending messuages, lands, &c . ,

and is the

district or aggregate compass of

ground granted by the anc ient

kings of th is realm to the lords

or baron s, w ith liberty to parcel

the land ou t to inferior tenan ts,

reserving such duties and services

as they though t conven ien t,and

w ith power to h old a court for

redressing misdemeanors, pun ishing the ofi

ences of their tenan ts,

and settling any disputes of pro

perty between them. VVishaw’


L aw D iet.

Maneriumdc Osterlof. 1 09.

M AP (Mab) . W . A son the son .

M AR CA . A coin of the value of

th irteen sh illings and fourpence.

H enricus rex xli i . millia marcarummisit H ierosolimis. 55.

1 24

Oscn wu P ACI S . T he kiss of

peace. 64.

OST ILUM H os'rn m.

“Rt devictus est Reyn in astilo Guili .

B .

P ALEFR IDU S . One of the better

sort of horses used by noblemen

or others for state. Co. L itt.

1 49 . Cowell . A palfrey.

Anglici omni; victualia, omnes caballos,i rma ct necessaria eorum portantes, at

cmnes p a le/rides ibidemamiserunt. 04.

PAL L IUM . A n ecclesiastical vest

mentmade of wh ite wool, properto popes, patriareh s, primates,and metropolitans a pail. 65.

P APA . T he pope. T h is termwas

anciently applied to some clergymen in the Greek Church but

by usage it is particularly appro

priated in the L atin Church to

the B ishop of Rome, who for

merly had great authority in thesekingdoms. S t. 25 E d . 3 , S t. 6 .

4 B l . Com. 104 .

Innocentiusp ap a obiit.”42.

P ARE S . A man ’s peers, or equals

as the jury for trial of causes,

who were originally the vassals

or tenan ts of the lord, being the

equals or peers of the parties liti

gant. 3 B l. Com. 3 49 .

In Anglia constituti sunt xi i . p ares.


P ARL IAME NT UM . T he P arliamen t.Statuit rex in suo primo p arliamento

post coronationomsuammulta statuta apudW estmonasterium.



P ASCH A , H . ; P Asc , W . T he

P assover,the feast of Easter.

Post Martin Nonas, ubi sit nova luna

P EREGRINU S . A pilgrim.

Fermi-int doDyvet et Keredigaun sub


delay to tarry.

Ricardus de Carreu, ep iscopus Mencvensis, ivit in Franciam in Continenti post

P RE CENTOR . An ecclesiastical ofiicer a precentor.

Constitutus est p re senter in ecclesia

E t cum transierit bis septum. Pascha

P asca commutatur superdismDominicum.


P AU SO . T o pause, to rest, to die.

Bp iscopus Eburpausat in Christa.


P ENAL I S . P enal. 1 04. S ee Rn


P ENTE COSTE (wemxoa'

fl j, 80 . sip z'

pa ) .T he fiftieth day fromE aster the

P entecost ; Wh i t Sunday.

suo superHugonemB igod in Sufok. 41 .

P E REGRINAT IO. A p ilgrimage.

civitatemParysiensem. 1 06.

P ERVE DD . M iddle, inward. P er

vewalt, i .e., P erveddwlad, the

middle country. 80.

P B IL OSOPH U B A lover

of learn ing or w isdom a philo

s0pher. 90.


rA . A robber on the sea ; a

p irate .

Omnes Venedoti in Mon insula so re

ceperunt, et ad eos tuendos de Hibernia

p ira tas invitaverun t. 81 .

P ossn . A multitude power.

Maredut filius Resi Crych ct MaredutilliusOweni, cumomn i p osse eorum, in si lvisst in nemoribus st in convallibus circaAnglicos, cummaga is clamoribns undique


P RE DICATOR . A preacher.

P RE MON ST RA T E N SE S . Canon s who

lived according to the rule of St.

A ustin , as reformed by St. N orbet,who set up th is regulation about

the year 1 120 (1009 in “ An

nales at P raemOn stratum in

P icardy, a place so called because

i t w as said to be foreshown or.

pramonstra ted by the Blessed

Virgin to be the head seat, or

mother church , of th is order.

Incip it ordo P reemonstratensium. 3 4.

P R IOR . T he first in dign ity next

to the abbot or ch ief of a conven t;

a prior. 1 B l . Com - 1 55.

Davi d episcopus Menevensis obn t ; cui

successit p rior deW enloc, Petrus nomine.


P U '


rIs . P utativ e ; reputed, or

common ly esteemed, in opposition

to notorious and unquestionable.

Tudur nline Pret i n Opp ido occisus est,

qui fui t nlinep utativas Resi . 59.

QU ADR AGE SIMA . L en t. 92.

QU AR T ER IUM . A quarter,

Quarteria vero ejus fuerunt suspensa.”

1 07.

(Iow a Rest, repose ; death .

Quies Ben igni ep iscopi.”3 .

RAM ISP AL MA . P alm Sunday. 93 .

RAT I II IB I T IO (ex R atum et habeo).

A n approv ing of a th ing.

R E FE CT OR IUM . A place in monas

tories and colleges where the

1 25

company dine and sup together

a refectory.



SAB BAT UM . S aturday. 90.


Saturday. 75.


Com. 3 42. 39.

An oath . 3 B l .


RE L IGIOSU S . A person devoted to

the service ofGod a religious.

Recessi t Oto legatus do regno Anglia ,

qu i cummagno multitudi ne arch iep iscoporum, episcoporum, abbatum, castemrumquerelig iosomm ab imperatore captus fuit.

83 .

RE L IQU IE . Relics. T he remains,such as the bones, &c .

,of the

dead, preserved by persons living,

w ith great veneration , as sacred

memorials of them. S ta t. I ac . 1 .

c . 26 .

Reli qm'

a s veroMaredut secum asporta

vit ad Keredigean et ad Demetiam.

”21 .

RE P ATR IO . T o return to one’


coun try.

“E t iv. Id . Ja lii i ter arripuit rep atri

RE STR ICTIVO S. Restrictive.

P lura alia statuts restrictiva et penalia

fuerunt ibidemedita.

”1 04.

RUD (Rhudd). W . Red. Rudglann

,R udlan (Rhuddlan ) . T he

red shore. A town in N orth

W ales. 1 1 .

RU B IGDU S, p ro RU B IDU s. Reddish .

1 1 0.

a n s, p ro R U INosns. Ru inous.

Tune dominus Rogerus et H umfrei deBun junior cum dore juventutis totius


SACR IBTA . H e that keepeth holyth ings a sexton . 87.

SCIBMA . (axis-pa .) A sch ism; a

separation in the church ; anydiv ision , secular as well as cc

clesiastical.“E t factumest seism in ecclesianomana,

Alexandra at Victoria candidatis.”48.

SOR IN ImI (YscR IN , W ). A shrine.

Ber-mumSancti David (18 6061651. sua

mratur.” 28, 29.

Sa l e (Seis). W . A Saxon ; an

E nglishman .

“ H oclus Seis,”

H owel the Saxon. 59.

SE NE SCAL L U B, derived from the

Germ. S ein, a house orplace, and

S cha le, an officer. A steward

seneschall.N icolaus do Moiyns senesca lla s de Ker

n erdin ad terrai n Mailgonis cum mewexercitu accessi 86.

SE P TIMANA. A week. Septi

mana P aschalis,”E aster week.


SIGILLUM . A seal. 61 .

S IGNO. T o sign to sign ify.

S ignor“ enim H enrici regis mortem.



ImperatorRomanus,Fredericusnomine,ct rex Francorum Philippus, Ricardus An

glorumrex crucis signaculo se signare fece

runt .”56 .

“ De cruce pradicans, complures signo

crucismunivi 50.

SONIP E B. A courser.

Omnes quos habebant generosos son ip edes cumrebus aliis dioti Galli sibi vendi

S trongbow . 44.

W . A street



STRAT (Ystrad).or paved way ; a vale.

Clut, the vale of the C lyde.

E t S trat Clut vastate est a Saxonibus.”

1 8.

SU BP R IOR. An under prior. 64.

SU DWAL L IA . South W ales. 57.

SU L . W . T he sun .

“ D iu Sul.


Gueli b Diu 8931 in Mon.


SYNODU S (ca-64mm). An ecclesiasticalcouncil a synod.

SynodusVictor-he apud Britones congre

T ERRA SANCTA . T he Holy L and.


T H EO L OGU S (Oeouyoq). A di v ine ;

a theologian .

Mag isterRicardus deKat i-en, theolomuet ph ilosophus optimum” 00.

T H E SAUR AR I ULI T he treasury.

Cui Ada successit in thesauraria Rober

tus de Haverford.

”1 05.

T H E SAURAR IU S . A n officer towhomthe treasure of another is committed to be kept, and truly dis

posed of a treasurer.

“Cui successit mag ister Adam Barclt,

thesaurar ia“) Menevensis.

”1 05.


T ORN IAMEN T UM . A tourn ament.GilbertusMariscallus apud W ar in quo

damtomiamen to Obi it.” 64.


T YB I S . T ranslation of St. T homas

the M artyr Ju ly 7 . 75.

T R E E (T rev). W . A town . T ref

ilan ,”I lan

s town . 81 .

T BE UGA . A truce ; a league, or

cessation of arms.Treagas fecerunt usque ad festivitatem

Sancti Martin i .”41 .

T R IN ITA S . T hree persons in one

God the T rin ity. 3 4,

T R IP U D IUM . A dancing.

Ibi honorifice cummagna tripudio sus


”1 04.

I N D E X.

1 3 2 INDEX.

Abloyc, king, dies, 1 7 .

Abraham, assumes the bishoprick ofMene

vi a, 27.

is killed by the P agans, 27 .

A ccharon (A ccaron ) , the city of, besieged

by P h ilip, the king of France, 57.

the bishop of Canterburyburied in, 58.

Achilles, L lywelyn , son of Iorwerth , com

pared to, 82 .

AdamBareth , succeeds Henry of Amlofi'

as archdeacon of Brecon, 105 .

Adoman, death of

, 8.

Adrian, succeeds A nastasius as mm of

Rome, 46 .

his death , 48.

A edd (A ed), son ofNei ll, death of,1 5.

Aeddan (Aidan ) , son of B legywryd, with

his four sons. killed by Grufl’udd,

son of L lywelyn , 22.

A eddan (A idan) , son of Gavran, death

of, 6.

Aedelstan (Adelstan ,E lstan ), king of the

Saxons, dies, 1 7.

Aelfi ed (Edfled, Edelflet) , queen, dies, 1 7 .

Aeron (A lt on , Ayron ), Lower, taken possession of by Cadell, son of Gruf

fudd, and hi s brothers, 45.

W illiam, son of W illiam Mareschal,

takes the whole territory as far as,


A lbrit (A lwryt) , king of Giuoys, dies, 1 6 .

Alchfi'id (A elfi'id, Adelstan ) , king of the

Saxons, dies, 8.

Alderby, John de, succeeds Maredudd, son

ofGwrwared, as archdeacon ofCaer

marthen , 1 08.

A leman ia, i .a. Germany, Richard, king of,taken prisoner at Lewes, 1 02 .

A lexander, son of M alcolm, succeeds h is

brother Edgar, 3 4 .

Alexander, pope, consecratesRichard, arch

bishop of Canterbury, 54 .

h is death , 55 .

Alfre, an English general, in conjunctionw ith Howel son of Idwal, devas

tates Brechein iog, 20 .

Alienor, sister of Arthur, duke of the Ar

moricans, taken prisoner by kingJohn , 63 .

A lienor (E li anor) , daughter of the count

of P rovence, married to Henry III .

king of England, 81 .

gives birth to a daughter, who was

named Margaret, 84 .

and to a son , whowas namedEdmund,88.

A lienor, countess of Pembroke , marrisdxoS imon de Moutefort , 82.

Al tclyde (Alt-clut) , the citadel of, demoli shcd by the Pagans, 14 .

Amlof , Henry of, succeeds John de Feltsham, as srchdeacou of Brecon, 1 04 .

h is death , 1 05.

A narawd Anaraut, Auarsud devastates

Ceredigion and Ystrad T ywi , 1 5 .

h is death, 1 7 .

Ansrawd (Anauraut, Anstaut, Anstand) ,son of GM kills Letardus

L itelkiug, 40 .

comes with Cadell, Owain, and Cadwalader to Aberteivi , and forms a

truce , 4 1

is ki lled by the fami ly ofCadwalader, 42Anarawd (Ancrant. Anarsud) , son of

Gwriad, ki lled, 1 9 .

Anastasius, succeeds Eugeuius as pope, 45.

h is death , 46 .

Audegavia , s'

.e. Anjou, Geoffrey, earl of, isnominated duke of Norran dy, 42.

H enry, count of,arrives atW areham,45 .

an army from, accompanies Henry II .

as far as Oswestry against the

W elsh , 50 .

Aninu, friar, preaches the crusade in W est

W ales, 82 .

Anne, daughter of king John , given in

marriage to L lywelyn , son of Ior

werth, 67

Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, ba

nished byW illiamRufus, 3 2.reinstated by Henry L, 3 2 .

differs with king Henry, 3 3 .

Anselm, treasurerof Exeter, designated the

Fat, succeeds Gervasius as bishopofMenevia, 74, 7 7 .


Anselm, treasurer of Easter—cont.

buries Rhys Gryg, 80.

his death, 87 .

AnselmMareschal, dies at Striguil, 86 .

Antiphates, Rhys, son of Grufi'

udd, unlike

to, 6 1 .

Aquitania, an army from, is led by HenryIL against the W elsh, 50 .

Arabia, an army led into, by L ouis, kingof France, 1 02 .

he and many nobles of France die

there, 1 02 .

Arberth. the castle of, demolished byGruffluid, son of Rhys, 3 6 .

the castle of, burnt by L lywelyn,

prince ofNorth W ales, 74 .

Archbishop, an, consecrated in the city of

Damietta, 75.Arderydd (Arderit, Erderit, Armterid),

battle of, 5.

Amgonia, a great part of Phi lip, king of


s army die in , 1 08.

Arthen (Arthgen). king of Ceredigion ,dies, 1 1 .

Arthur(A rtur) , carries the cross of Christin the battle of Badon , 4 .

falls in the battle of Camlan, 4.

Arthur, duke of Brittany, taken prisoner

by king John , 63 .

dies, or according to some, is killed inthe king

s prison, 63 .

Anmdel, king S tephen besieges the em

pressMatilda at, 4 1 .

Arwystli (Arustli , Arustly, Arustily) , themen of, burn the villages nearCastle

Baldwin , 95.

Davi d, son of Howel, an illustrious

man from, is killed, 96 .

a council held by L lywelyn with the

nobles ofW ales at, 97.

Asaph , th e diocese of, vi sited by John deP eeohem, 1 08.

Ascuthin, king of Dublin , slain , 22 .

Asser, death of, 1 6.

A ugustine, converts the Anglians, 4 .

Avignon (Avinnm), attacked anddestroyedby Louis, king of theFrench, 76.

1 3 3

B .

Badon, the battle of Badon , 4 .

a second time, 8.

B aldwin , slain by i llustrious men of the

family of L lywelyn , son of Gruf

fudd, 93 .

Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury,

preaches the crusade in W ales, 56 .

his death , 58.

Baldwin , Maredudd, son of L lywarch ,delivers his two brothers to, to be

blinded, 3 8.

Baldwin Castle, the villages near, burnt byGwiu , son of Medog, and the menof Arwystli , 95.

a battle between men from, and the

W elsh , in which the latter were

victorious , 95.

Balvy, the castle of, burnt by i llustrious

men of the family of L lywelyn, son

of Grufl'

udd, 93 .

Bangor, devastated by the P agans, 26.

the bishop of, orderedby king John tobe taken before the altar, 67.

the diocese of, visited by John de

P eccham, archbishop of Canterbury,1 08.

king Edward makes fortifications at,

1 08.

Banguoleu (Bannoleu), the battle of;1 4 .

Barbefieth, the son of king Henry I .

drowned at, 3 7 .

Bareth, Adam, succeeds to the archdea

conry of Brecon , 1 05.

Barons, the, of the North , join the princes

ofW ales against king John , 70 .

who had paid homage to L ouis of

France, slain , 73 .

of W ales, do homage to king H enryI IL , 83 .

Barri, John de, succeeds W illiam de Bur

reche as treasurer of Menevia, 1 07.

Bartholomew , bishop of Exeter, dies , 55.

Basingwerk (Dinas B assing), H enry I I .arrives at, 46 .

Owain, prince of North Wales, andhis sons encamp at , 46 .

1 3 6 rsnux.

Cadvan (Catwan) , son of Cadwalader, re

ceives from his fi ther the castle of

L lanrhystud, with his own share of

Ceredigion, 44 .

captured by Howel, son of Owain , 45.

Cadwalader (Catgualsrt. Catwaladir) , son

of Cadwallon , dies of a plague, 8.

Cadwalader (Catwaladr, Cadwaladr son


udd, with hisbrotherOwain ,

leads an army to Ceredigion, 40.

destroys the castle of W alter de Bee,

of Aberystwyth , of Richard de la

Mere, and of Dineirth, 40 .

burns Caerwedros, 40.

returns home, 40.

goes a second time to Ceredigion, 40 .

in conjunction with otherW elsh priu

ces attacks Aberteivi , 40.

routs the French and Flemings, 40.

returns home victorious, 40.

goes a th ird time wi th an army to

Ceredigion, 4 1 .

demolishes the castles of Ystrad M eu

rug, of Stephen , of H umphrey, andof Caermarthen , 4 1 .

returns home, 4 1

goes with a fleet manned by Pagansto A berteivy, 4 1

forms a truce, 4 1 .

obtains a fleet from Ireland to assist

h im against his brother Owain, and

lands at Abermenai , 42 .

is reconciled to h is brother, 42 .

is taken prisoner by the Germans or

Irish , 42 .

obtains his liberty on stipulating to

pay a ransom, 42 .

attacked by his brotherOwain, 42 .

deprived ofMeirionydd by Oyuun and

Howel, sons of Owain , 44 .

erects the castle of L lanrhystud, and

gives it to his son Cadvan , 44 .

recovers h is territory, 47

encamp at Dinweileir, 58.

opposes king Henry II . nearOswestry,50 .

is slain , 53 .

Cadwallon (Catguollaun, Catguollan, Cati n

the island ofGlanawg, 6 .

obtains the victory in the battle of

Meigen, slain in the battle of Cantscaul, 7.

Cadwallon (Catwallaun , Caduuallaun , Catwalaun , Cadwallaun), son of Gruf

fudd, commits depredations in Meir

ionydd, 3 7

kills h is four uncles, Owain, Gorcnwy,Rhit id, and Meilir, 3 7 .

is killed by Cadwgan, son ofGeronwy,89 .

Cadwallon (Catwalaun, Cadwallaun ) , son'

of Idwal, ki lled by Maredudd, son

of Owain, 20 .

Cadwallon (Catwalauu ) , son ofMadog, de

tains his brother Einion Clud as

prisoner, 49.

Cadwallon (Cstwaloiu), son of(Maelgwn

gan , 68 .

Cadwallon (Katwtslan) , son of Maelgwn ,

dies at CwmH ir, 80 , 8 1 .Cadwallon (Catwallaun , Cadwallaun ), son

of Owain , dies, 1 9 .

Cadweithen (Catguei then , Catweithen ,Cathweithen) , expelled, 1 4 .

hi s death , 1 5.

Cadwgan (Cadugau , Cadugaun), son of

Bleddyn , expels Rhys, son of T ew

dwr, from his kingdom, 28.

commits depredations in D imctia, 29 .

escapes into Ireland. 3 1 .

returns from Ireland, 3 1 , 3 2 .

loses Ceredigion, 3 5.

slain by Madog, son of Rh i rid, 3 5 .

Cadwgan (Cadugaun son of Goronwy,ki lls Cadwallon , son of Grufludd,3 9 .

Cadwgan (Cadugaun ) , son of Maredudd,killed by W alter C lifl’ord, 49 .

Cadwgan (Catguocaun , Cadugan) , son of

Owain, strangled by the Saxons, 1 8 .

Caer Alclut, demolished by thePagans, 1 4 .

Caereiuion (Ksreinauu, Cayrheiuauu) , the.

castle of, built by Owain, son of


Caereiniou—w ntiaued.


udd, and Rhys, son of GM

Caerevrog, r'

.e. York.devastated in thebattle

ofDubkynt, 1 4 .

Caergai, themassacre of, 7.Caerleon (Cair L egion, Caer Legion, Keir

lion) , the synod of, 6 .

the battle of, 6.

Csyrmardyn ,Kermerd,Kermerdin ),the village of, burnt by Grufiudd,

son of Rhys, 3 6 .

the castle of, demolished by Owain

and Cadwalader, sons of Grufl’udd,

4 1 .

it is rebuilt by earl Gilbert, 4 3 .

besieged byRhys, son of Grufl'

udd, 57 .

burnt by him, 60 .

taken by L lywelyn , prince of North

the castle of, obtained byW illiam, son

ofW illiamMareschal, 75.

it is besieged by R ichard Mareschal

and the W elsh , and succoured by

H enry de T riberlevile, 79.

the bridge of, broken by H enry de

T riberlevile, 79 .

burnt by David, son of L lywelyn , 84 .

plundered by M aredudd, son of Rhys,

86 .

Caerwedros (Kairwedros) , burnt by Owain

and Cadwalader, sons of Grufl'



Calais, king John collects a large fleet at,69.

Camddwr (Canduhr) , the battle of, 2 7 .

Cameron (Cameron) , Roger de Mortimer

strengthens the castle of, 59.

Can lun (Cumlann ), the battle of, 4 .

Canons, the order of, established in the

church of St.Mary, Suwerke, 3 4 .

Canterbury, the monks of, elect their sub

prior as successor to archbishop

H ubert, 64 .

they are banished the kingdom by

king John , 65.

the prior of, goes to Rome, 66 .

1 3 7

Centrev Bychau (Cantrefbeohan), takenbyGrufludd, son of Rhys, from his

brotherMaredudd, 62.

Centrev M awr (Cantrefmaur) , taken and

held by Rhys, son of Grufi'

udd, 4 7.

Cautscaul, the battle of, 7 .

Caradog (Cradauc, Caraduc) , son of Graf

fudd, kills M aredudd, son of Owain ,

26 .

is slain in the battle of Mount Caru ,27 .

Geredog (Caratauc, Caraudoc, Cradauc),king of Gwynedd, slain by the

Saxons, 1 l .

Caradog (Caradanc), son of Rhydderch ,killed by the Saxons, 2 3 .


(Kirdive) , the castle of, burnt byR ichard Mareschal, 79 .

Cardigan (Kardigau) taken by L lywelyn,prince of North W ales, 71 .

the castle of, taken by W illiam, son of

W illiamMareschal, 75.the castle of, reduced by L lywelyn ,

78.the tower of, built by Walter Mare

schal, 82 ,

Carn Moun tain , the battle of, 2 7.

Game, the battle ofMount, 3 .

the battle of, 1 8 .

Carnwyllon (Carnawillian) , the castle of,

destroyedby Rhys, son ofGrull’


57 .

Carreg (Carrec) , the castle of, built byRobert, son of Stephen, 52.

Garreg Cennsn (Carregkennen) , the castleof, destroyed by David, son of

Grufl’udd, l 06 .

the castle of, taken by Rhys, son of

Maredudd, l 09 .

Carreg v a (Carrec Huwa), given by

the English king to Gwenwynwyn

for Grufludd, son of Rhys, 6 1 .

Carrew (Karren , Carren) , Richard de, succeeds as bishop ofMenevia, 90.

goes to France, 1 08.

returns to W ales, 108.

his death and burial, 105.

1 3 8 INDEX.

Castell Nswydd (Castelh Nowid), delivered

up to L lywelyn, son of Grufl'udd,

for the liberation of Maredudd, son

of Rhys, 97 .

recovered by Rhys, son of Maredudd,

l 10.

Cedivor (Kedivor), archdm ou of Cere

digicn, dies, 49.

Celli Darnauc (Kellitravant), the French

slaughtered at, 3 0 .

Cemaes (Keumeis), themen of, fight against

the English, 95.

Cemoyth (Ceinod) , king of the P icts, di es,14.

Cenarth Bychan (Chenarth Bechau), the

castle of, strengthened by Gerald

the steward, 3 4 .

burnt by Owain , son of Cadwgan ,

84 .

Cerball, death of, 1 5.

Ceredig (Ceretie) , death of, 6 .

Ceredigion (Cereticiaun , Ceredigaun , Ke

redigean, Keredigiaun , Keredigaun,

Cereticam,Keredigeauu , Ceredig

eaun ) , ravaged by Auarawd and the

English , 1 5 .

also by Gwyn , son of Eiuion , 2 1

also by the French , 26 .

also by Hugh de Montgomery, 26 .

occupied by the French , who built

castles therein , 29.

recovered by the Britons, 29 .

left a desert, 3 0.

the Flemings of, attacked by Owain ,

son of Rh irid, 3 5.

pilgrims from, drowned, 43 .

subdued by Rhys, son of Grufl’udd,

50 .

despoiled by theFrench and Flemings,5 1

Ceri (Keri), king H enry III. arrives with

a large army at, 76 , 7 7.

the lords of, burn the village of Tre

vetland, 98.

Cetyll (Ceti ll, C i til), the battle of, 1 3 .

Charles (Carolus) , king of S icily, induces

h is brother L ouis to lead an armyto Arabia, 1 02 .

Chaurs, Harvey de, killed, 104 .

Chaurs, Patrick de, killed at C i lgerran ,

97 .

Christendom seiz ed with fear of the T ar

tars, 99.

Christians, the, conquered by the Pagans

and Saracens at the sea of T iberius,56.

take the city of Aceharon, 58 .

take th e ci ty of Damietta, 74 .

assist the emperorFrederick in takingJerusalem, 7 7.

a great fleet of, accompanies Louis,king of France, to the Holy L and,


C ian (Chian , Kenan) Naut Nyver, deathof, 1 4 .

C iaran (Karaun ) , death of, 4 .

C ilgerran, the castle of, taken byMaelgwn ,

son of Rhys, 63 .

the town of, taken by W i lliam Mare

schal , 63 .

taken by L lywelyn , prince of North

W ales, and h is confederates, 7 1 .

David, son of Grufl'

udd, M aredudd,

son of Owain , and Rhys Vychan,

encamp near, 96 .

a battle between the W elsh and Eng

lish near, 97.

C istercian order, St. Bernard enters the,

3 5.

exempted froma certain exaction , 66.

a dissension between it and the Clara

valleuses, 1 02 .

C laravallenses, see C istercian order.

C lare, the abbey of, founded, 3 6 .

besieged and taken by Rhys, son of


udd, 57.

the castle of St., taken and demolishedby L lywelyn , prince of North

W ales, and his confederates, 7 1 .

C lare, G. de, earl of Gloucester, Edward,

son of king Henry, escapes to, 1 02 .

Clare, R ichard de, marries the daughter of

J. de Lacy, earl of L incoln , 82 .

Clergy, the, compelled to pay a tax, 72, 73 .

1 40 mnrx.

Cynvrig (Keuwric) , son of Owain, killed

by the family of Medog, son of

Maredudd, (by Howel, son of Ms

redudd, 4 1 .

Cynvrig (Keuweric) , son of the lord

Rhys, dies, 82.

Cynwyl (Ceu iul) , ravages~ the D imetiau

Cyprus, subdued by Richard, king of England, 57.

Cyveiliog (Keweilac,Keweilauc, Keveilauc,Keueilauc, Keiwelauc) , given by

Medog, son of Maredudd, to his

nephews, 44.

devastated by Rhys, 45 .

Owain of, flees into England, 51 .

D .

Damietta. the ci ty of, miraculously captured by the Christians, 74.

an archbishop consecrated in it, 75.

retaken by the Saracens, 75.

taken by Louis, king of France, 88 .

Dan iel, bishop of Bangor, deposition of, 5 .

Daniel, son of bishop Sulgen , dies, 3 8.

David, the monastery of, burnt, 7 .

David, son ofGerald, succeeds to the see

ofMenevia, 44 .

David, son of Grai n“ , aids in killing his

brother Owain, 53 .

David, son of Grufl‘

udd, disputes with his

brother L lywelyn , 89 .

taken captive by L lywelyn, 89.

encamps near Cilgerran , 96 .

takes the castles of L landovery and

Carreg Cennen , 1 06 .

immisoned, hanged, and quartered,1 07

David ap Howel, is slain and buried, 98.

David, son of L lywelyn , receives the

homage of all the princes of W ales

at S trata Florida, 82 .

succeeds his father, 83 .

pays homage to king Henry III . at

Gloucester, 83 .

gives hostages to the king, 83 .

delivers his brotherGruflhdd into the

king’s prison , 84 .

burns Caermarthen, 84.attacks his enemies, and drives them

ravaged by Iago and Idwal, sons of

tions, 85.

causes many losses to Grufi‘

udd, son

ofMadog, Grufl’udd, son of Gwen

wynwyn , and Morgan, son ofHowel,


dies at Aber, and is buried at Aber

conwy, 85.

David, son of Malcolm, dies, 45.

David, son of Maurice, killed byMaelgwn,son Of RhYS, 590

David, bishop of Mcnevin, dies, 6.

David, bishop ofManavia, dies, 55.

David, son of Owain , encamps at Basingv erk, 46 .

expelled by L lywelyn, son of lot

werth, 59 .

David, king of Scotland, taken captive bythemen of king Henry, 54 .

Day, the, becomes dark as night, 8 .

Decem-novennalis, 3 9.

Dedication of the church ofMcnevin, 89.

Deugleddyv (Deuglethef a place given

by bishop Bernard to the Cistercian

monks at T revgarn in , 4 3 .

Dewer, W i lliam,bishop of H ereford, dies,

82 .

Diermid (Diermit, Dyermict, Dyermyct) ,son of Murcath , being expelled byhis own men , goes to the king of

England, 5l

intercedes for the liberation of Robert,

son of Stephen, 52 .

his daughtermarried to R ichard, earlof Striguil, 52 .

his death , 58.

Diermid, king of the Scots, slain in battle,26 .

D imetia (Demetia, Dewet, Devet, Dyvet,


E .

Eadmund, king of the S axons, is strangled,1 8 .

Earthquake, a great, in the i sle of Man , 8.

in Britain, 29, 1 10 .

at Jerusalem, 58.

in B ritain and Ireland, 87 .

Easter, changed to Sunday, 8 .

first observed by the Saxons, 8.

the time of, altered among the Britonsby Elbod , 10 .

Eclipse, of the moon , 1 1 , 1 8, 1 10.

of the sun , 6, 55, 1 10 .

Edelfled (Aeliled, Ediied, Edelflet), queen ,dies, 1 7 .

Edelisius, an E nglish commander, ravages

portions of South W ales, 2 1 .

Edelrit, son of Edgar, expelled fromh isdominion , 22 .

Edgar (Eadgar), king of the English , ap

pears in Caerleon with a fleet of

ships, 1 9 .

his death, 20 .

Edgar (Eadgar) , son of Malcolm, dies, 84 .

Edilbert, reigns in England, 5.

Edmund, son of Henry III ., bui lds a castle

at L lanbadarn ,1 05.

Edris (Edrich) , ravages Mcnevin, 22 .

Edwald (Edwalt, Edphalt) , king of the

Saxons, dies, 1 0.

Edward, son of king H enry U L, entrusted

by hi s father w ith the care of the

kingdomof England, 88.

proceeds to Spain with archbishop

Bon iface, 89 .

there espouses the daugh ter of the

king, 89 .

comes to E ngland, 90 .

crosses over to the con tinen t with the

flower of his kingdom, 99 .

returns to E ngland, 99 .

a great di ssension between h im and

the barons of England, 1 00 .

opposed by the earls and barons with

the lord L lywelyn ,1 0 1 .

approaches the castles of Huntington

and Hay, takes the adjacent villages,

Edward, son of king Henry I IL— cont.

and delivers them to the custody of

RogerMortimer, 1 0 1 , 1 02 .

taken captive at L ewes, 1 02.

escapes h'omprison, 1 02.

succeeds h is father, 103 .

crowned king of England, 1 04 .

goes with a large army to North

W ales, and encamps at Rhuddlan ,

1 05 .

returns to England, 105.

subdnes the whole of Snowdon , l 06.

rebuilds the castle of L lanbadarn

the Great, 108.

begins to build a castleat Aberconwy,

1 08.

makes fortifications at Bangor and

Caernarvon , 1 08.

goes wi th his queen on a pilgrimageto St . David

’s, 108.

goes over to France, 1 09.

Edwin (Etgui n, Gwin) , begins to reign , 6 .

is bapti zed, 6.

slain in battle with his two sons, 7 .

Egidius de Bruse,made bishop of Hereford ,62 .

obtai ns hi s patrimony, 70 .

h is death , 7 1 .

E ilaf (E ilaph ) , ravages D imetia and Me

nevia, 2 3 .

E inion (Eynan , Einaun , Eynaun), son of

Anarawd, destroys the castle of

Humphrey, and kills the soldiers

who were in i t, 48.

1s treacherously slain in his sleep , 49 .

E 1mon (Eynan , Eynaun ) , son ofCadwgan ,

demolishes the castle of U chdryd

(Vedrith ) , 86 .

his death , 87 .

Einion C lud (Eynaun C lut) , seiz ed by his

brother Cadwallon , 49 .

wounded by the sons of L lywarch , son

of Dyvnwal, 52.

E in ion (Eynon , Eyn iaun , Eyu an , E inaun ),son of Owain , ravages Gower,

l 9 , 20 .

killsmany of Howel’smen , who were

devastating his land, 20 .

is h imself killed, 20 .


Fleet, a, collected by Edgar at Caerleon,1 9.


om Ireland, lost in Sou th W ales, 25 .

brought from Ireland by Rhys, son of

T ewdwr, 28.

appears at AberMenei , 42 .

a royal, touches on the coast of Mona,

4 7.

the, of the king of France destroyed,

6 7.

Flemings, the, arrive in Rhos, 3 4 .

attacked by Owain, son of Cadwgan ,

3 5.

likewise by Grnfl'

udd, son of Rhys,

3 5, as.

of Rhos, routed by Owain and Cad

walader, 40.

of Iscoed. plunder Ceredigion and

Gathmenart, 5 1 .who had come with the earl of

L eicester, slain, 54 .

of Ovya, attack the town of L lan

uhadein , 59 .

of Pembroke, come against the W elsh

w ith a large army, 59.

noble, slain by Howel the Saxon , 59.

take the castle ow ys, 60 .

Foliot, Galfrid, archbishop ofYork, excommun icated by archbishop T homas,52 .

Fol iot, Gilbert, made bishop of H ereford,44.

France, a comet seen in , 102.

Frederick, emperor of Rome, assumes thesign of the cross, 56 .

takes the city of Jerusalem, 77.

deposed, 86 .

French , the, slay Maredudd, son of Owain,26 .

ravage Ceredigion , 26 .

occupy D imatis and Ceredigion for

the first time , 29.

their yoke spurned by the Britons, 29,50 .

th ey devastate Gower, Cydweli , and

Ystrad T yw i, 3 0slaughtered by the Britons of Brechei

n iog and Gwent, 3 0 .


G. de C lare, earl of Gloucester, Edward ,son of king Henry, escapes to, 1 02 .

G. earl of Gloucester, enters the city of

London with a large army, 1 08.

French , the— cont.

defeated by the Britons, 40 .

who were in the castle of D inweileir,

slain , 48.

cruelly wound Cadell, son of Gruf

fudd, 45.

slaughtered in the island of Mona, 47

their castles in D imetia ban! byRhys,son of Grufl


udd , 48 .

of Pembroke, plunder Cered igion and

Gathmenart, 5 1 .slay W elsh nobles in D imetia, 57expelled from the castle of Nyver, 58 .

of P embroke, attack the town of

L lanuhadein , 59 .

pursue and kill a great number of theW elsh , 59 .

slaugh ter the W elsh in E lvael, 6 1 .

of Cydweli kill Maredudd, son of

Rhys, 62 .

aid Rhys the L ittle in burn ing the

castle of L lucheweiu , 66 .

fortify the castle of Aberystwyth , 68.

slaughtered by Maelgwn and Gwen

wynwyn in P owys, 68.

aid Rhys and Owain , sons of Gruf

fudd , in taking D inevwr and L lan

dovery, 09.

seiz e Rhys the L ittle, and take him to

E ngland, 69.

expelled from the castle of Caermarthen , 7 l .

many of, with the barons who did

homage to Louis, slain , 78 .

a great discord between them and the

E nglish , 96 .

expelled from their territories by the

English , 96 .

routed fromE ngland, 99 .

Fumees, the abbey of,founded , 89 .


G. bishop ofMenevia, goes to Rome, 7 1 .

h is counsel to the English , 72 .

Garthgrugyn , the castle of, fortified byMaelgwn , 84 .

Garthmaelog (Gartmai lauc, Gardmailauc,Garthmaiianc), the battle of, 9.

Gascony, H enry III. returns from, leavingh is son Edward to guard it, 88.

Gavenny (Gevenu), the castle of, burnt byR ichard Mareschal, 79 .

Gavran (Gabran , Gawran) , son of Dyvn

warth, dies, 4 .

Geoffrey, earl of Anjou, nominated dukeon the capture of Normandy, 42 .

Geoffrey Foliot , archbishop of York,excommunicated by archbishop

Thomas, 52 .


rey, prior of Lantony, consecrated

bishop ofMenevia, 6 3 .

his death , 72.

Gerald, bishop of Hereford, succeeds T ho

mas as archbishop of York, 3 8.

Gerald, son of Maurice, dies in Ireland,


Gerald, the steward of Pembroke, devas

tates the boundaries ofMcnevin, 80.

fortifies the castle of Cenarth Bychan ,

3 4 .

h is sons fight against Owain and Cad

walader, the sons ofGrufl‘

udd, 40.

Germany, Magnus, king of, comes with a

large army to the isle ofMona, 8 1

sudden ly leaves it, 81 .

Gervasius succeeds Geofl’rey, and is con

secrated bishop ofMcnevin, 72.

h is death, 74 , 77.

Giffrid, the pope’s nuncio, 1 09.

Gi lbert, earl of Clare, dies of poison , 1 00 .

Gilbert Foliot ismade bishop of Hereford,

44 .

Gi lbert, earl of Gloucester, dies, 78.

Gilbert Mareschal succeeds h is brother

R ichard in his inheri tance, 80.

espouses the daughter of the king of

Scotland, 81 .

h is death , 84.

1 45

Gilbert, son of R ichard, Cadwgan delivered

up to, 85.

his death , 3 6.

Gilbert, son of W illiam,reduces D imetia

to h imself, 43 .

h is death , 44 .

Gildas sails for Ireland, 5.

his death , 5.

Glamorgan , plundered and burnt by Cad

wallon, 68.

Herbert, son of Mains, killed by the

W elsh in , 86 .

Glanawg (Giannanc) , Cadwallon besiegedin the island of, 6 .

Gloucester, Robert, duke of Normandy,dies at, 3 9 .

Henry, son of king John , crowned at,

74 .

David, son of L lywelyn, does homageto Henry I II . at, 83 .

Glywysig (Gliuisigng, Gliuissig) ravaged

by D ata, 1 4 .

Godrich , W alter Mareschal, dies near the

castle of} 86.

Goethi (Meilir, C.) son of Rhiwallon,

slain, 28.

Gorchwyl (Guorchiguil, Gorchewil) , bi

shop, dies, 1 6.

Gorcnwy (Gorcn iu , Gronou, Gronoe) , son

of Cadwgan , conquered by Rhys,

son of Owain, 27.

h is death, 88.

Goronwy (Goroua bun) , son of Grufl‘


slain , 4 8.

Gorcnwy (Grono, Gronoe) , killed by hi snephew Cadwallon, son ofGrufl




Gothrit (Godisric) , son of Hamid, ravagesD imetia and Mcnevin, 20.

ravages Mona with the black Pagans,20 .

Gower (Goher, Goer, Guh ir, Gouhir,Gobir), ravaged by Owain , 19 .

ravaged by E in ion son of Owain, 1 9.

a second time, 20 .

1 48 INDEX.

Heard, the son of Meurig, drowned, 1 9.

Hamid, king of the Goths, devastates D imetia and Menevia, 20 .

endeavours toreduce theEnglish under

h is power, 25.

Harold, son of Godwin, slays Harold, kingof the Goths, in battle, 25.

Harvey de Chaurs slain , 104 .

Haverford (Harford), Robert;son of R ich

ard, loses the castle and barony of,

67 .

L lywelyn , prince ofW ales, approaches

the castle of, and burns the whole

village, 74 .

W alterMareschal comes to, 85.

the village of, recovers its liberties,

l 08 .

Haverford, Robert de, rector of L lanvyn

ydd, succeeds Ada as treasurer of

Mcnevin, 1 05.

Havren, i . c. the Severn , the English armytakes its station between Aberrhiw

and, 92 .

H ay, devastated by L lywelyn , prince of

North W ales, 78.

taken by Edward, 10 1 .

Hector, Rhys, son of Grufi'

udd, comparedto, 75.

Hehil (H eil, Heyl) , in Cornwall, the battle

Helena (E len) , thewife ofHowel the Good,dies, 1 7 .

Henry de Amlofl'

succeeds John de Fekehamas archdeacon of Brecon, 1 04.

his death , 1 05.

Henry, son of Archen (Haern, dies,

49 .

Henry, .

son of prince Edward, visi ts h is

castles, and lands in North W ales,

90 .

Henry 1 , king of England, succeeds to the

throne, 3 2 .

marries the daughterof M alcolm, kingof the Scots, 82, 3 3 .

Henry I . , king of England— cont.

dissension between h imand Robert dc

Bellesme, h is brother, 83 .

captures Iorwerth, son of B leddyn , 3 3 .

dissension between himand archbishop

Anselm, 88.

takes and imprisons Robert de Bellesme, 3 5.

subjugates for himself the whole 0 f

Normandy, 84 .

concedes that no ecclesiastical investi

ture should be made by a layman ,84 .

leads an army into W ales, 85.

returns home, 85.

assists at the dedication of the church

of St. A lban, 86.

his son drowned at Barbefleth, 3 7.

leads an army into Powys, 87.enters into terms of peace with the

inhabitants, and returns home, 3 7 .

expels Grufl’udd, son of Rhys, fromhis

territory, 3 8.

orders Robert, duke of Normandy, tobe blinded, 3 9 .

his death , 3 9 .

Henry I I ., duke of Normandy, comes toE ngland, and lays siege to Malmesbury, 44 .

landswith hismother atW areham, 45 .

succeeds to the throne, 46 .

crosses over into Normandy, 46 .

medi tates the subjugation of North

W ales, 46.

encamps nearChester, 46 .

proceeds to Rhuddlan, and encampsthere, 47

h is fleet lands in Mona, 4 7 .

makes peace w ith Owain , prince of

North W ales, 47

returns to England, 47

is opposed by Rhys, son of Grufi'


alone, 4 7

agrees to give h imCantrev Mawr, 47 .

breaks his promise, 4 7 .

leads a large army as far as P eucadeiragainst Rhys, 49.

INDEX. 1 49

H enry IL , duke of Normandy—cont.

having made peace with him, he t e

turns home, 49 .

arrives at Oswestry, with an army of

several nations, meditating the de.

struction of all W ales, 50.

is opposed by Owain and Cadwalader

at the head of the men of North

W ales, Rhys at the head of the

South -walians, and Owain Cyveiliogand Iorwerth the Red, at the head

of themen of P owys, 50.

proceeds to the Berwyn mountain ,where he encamps, 50 .

blinds and castrates the W elsh hos

tages that were in h is power, 50 .

returns in disgrace into England, 50 .

his daughter given in marri age to theduke of Saxony, 52 .

visits St. David'

s, 53 .

goes to Ireland, and reduces it under

his own dominion , 53 .

liberates Robert, son of S tephen , who

had been put in chains by the bur

gesses of W iseford, 53 .

returns from Ireland, and goes on a

pilgrimage to S t. David’s, 54 .

dissension between him and his son ,

54 , 55.

they are reconciled, 54 .

alters the coinage, 55.

sends marks to Jerusalem, 55.

his death , 56 .

H enry, son of H enry II ., crowned duringh is father

’s lifetime, 58 .

dissension between himand h is father,

54, 55.

is reconciled, 54 .

h is death , 55.

Henry III .,king of England, is crowned,

74 .

his sister married to the king of

Scotland, 75.

loses P oictou , 76 .

leads an immense army to the pro

vince of Ceri , and erects a castle

there, 7 7.

Henry III ., king of England—cont.

receives a sumof money, and returns

home, 7 7 .

crosses over into Brittany at the head

of a large army, and begins to harassthe king of France, 7 7, 78.

leaves W illiamMareschal there, 78.

is with his army at “ P oresmue, 78.

constructs Pain’s castle of stone and

mortar, and fortifies itwi th a multitude of armed men , 78.

fortifies the castle ofMatilda, 79 .

dissension between him and Richard

Mareschal, 79 .

laments his death , 80 .

marries the daughter of the earl of

Provence, 8 1 .

a son is born to him, who is namedEdward, 92 .

receives the homage of the nobles of

W ales, 82 , 83 .

subdues all the W elsh , 83

fortifies the castle on the rock near

D iserth in T egeingl, 83 .

takes hostages fromD avid on account

of Gwynedd, 83 .

cites him to London , 83 , 84.

crosses over into Poictou (Gascony,84 .

returns fromBordeaux, 84 .

leads a large army as far as Dyganwy,with the view of subduing all the

W elsh, 85.

having fortified the castle there, he

returns to England, 85.

goes to B urgundy, having entrusted

the kingdom of E ngland to his son

Edward, h is brother Richard, and

the queen , 88.

returns into England, 88.

is found by his son E dward in the

W hite T ower, 99.

captured in the battle of Lewes, 102.

his death , 1 03 .

Henry, bishop of Exeter, dies, 65.

Henry, son of Gerald, slain , 4 7.

Henry Goeth (Goch slain by armedmenfromP embroke and Rhos, 95

1 50 mon .

Henry do Trirbeleville succours the castle Howel, (Hoel) , son ofGorcnwy—cont.

is killed by the h euch ot yd yHenryW ingan, constable of Erba 't, slain, Gors, 88 .

95. Howel (Hoel), son ofGrufl’udd, dies, 72 .

Herbert. son ofMathias.slain by theW elsh Howel (Hoel), son of Idwal (Ieuav, c.)in Glamorgan, 86 .

Hereford (Hirford, Herford), the battle of,10.

devastated by Grufl’

udd, son of L ly

welyn , 25.

B ereri, i . e. Eryri, L lywelyn, prince of

North W ales, removes all his goods

Hexvil, I . de, takes the isle of Ely, 102.

Hirad (Iratur, the battle of, 23 .

Hi th oet,”the castle of, taken and demo

lished by prince L lywelyn, 79.

Holy Land, the, restored to the emperorFrederick, 77

the earl of Cornwall goes to, 83 .

tithes for the subsidy of, l 04 .

Honorius enthroned, 73 .

Howel (Biguel), battle between h imand Cynan, th e former victorious,

1 2 .

expels Cynan n'

omMona, 1 2.

is expelled fromMona by Oyasu, 1 2 .

his death , 1 2 .m

Howel (B iguel. Hoel) dies at Rome, 15.

Howel (Hoel, Howiel) , son of Edwi n , holds

the government of Rhydderch, sonof Iestyn , 23 .

expelled from his territory by Graf

fudd, son of L lywelyn , 23 , 24 .

conquered by Grufiudd, in the battle

is crowned, 24 .

harasses W ales, 24 .

is slain in the battle of Aberteivy,

24 .

Howel (Higuel, Hoel) , the Good, goes to

Rome, 1 7 .his death , 1 8.

Howe1 (H oel) , son of Gorcnwy, devastates

P embroke, 3 0 .

expelled by Richard, son of Baldwin

(B leduin, commits great depredations, 83 .

3 0 .

is slain by the English , 20.

Howel (Hoel) , son of Ithel, (d al,

flees to Ireland, 3 2 .

receives a wound, of which he dies,

86 .

Howel, son ofKadog, slain, 42.

Howel (Hoel) , son of Maredudd, slays

Cynvrig, son of Owain, 4 1 .

is slain by his own men, 42 .

Howel (H oel), son of Owain, slain by T ra

hearn (Cradauc, son of Caradog

(Gx'iihd, 27 .

Howel (Hoel) , son of Owain, destroys

Aberteivy, 48 .

attacks and takes the castles of Caer

marthen and L lanstephan , 4 3 .

assists in destroying the castle ofGwys,44.

wrests Mein onydd from Cadwalader,44 .

seiz es his cousin Cadran, and sahja

gates hi s land and castle, 45.

burns the town of L lanrhystud, and

kills the garrison , 45.

encamps with his father, and his

brothers Cynan and D avid, near

B asingwerk , 46.

encamps at Dinwei leir, 48.

Howel (H oel) , son of Rhydderch , ki lled byRhys, son ofHowel, 42 .

Howel the Saxon (Hoel Seis) , son of Rhys,takes by treachery the castle of

Gwys, 58.

destroys the castle of L landovery, 58.

demolishes the town of L lanuhadein ,59.

slays Flemish nobles at Peulyniog,59.

captures his father, 59:

1 52 INDEX.

Interdict, a general, throughout all England, 66.

released by the pope, 72.

Iorwerth (Iorward, Iorwert, Iorwarth , Ioruerth ) , son of B leddyn , takes h is

brotherMaredudd, and delivers h imup to king Henry L , 3 3 .

seized at Shrewsbury by the king,3 3 .

h is character, 3 8.

is released by command of the king,and returns to h is own country, 84 .

killed by his nephew Madog, 85.

Iorwerth (Ioruerth ) , son of L lywarch ,

ki lled in P owys by L lywelyn, son

of Owain , 3 8.

Iorwerth (Ioruerth ) , son of Owain, ki lled,3 0 .

Iorwerth the Red (Goch) opposes kingH enry II. at Oswestry. 50 .

flees into E ngland, 5 1 .Ireland, amortality in , 8, 87 .

rains blood in, 8.

famine in , 1 6 .

pirates from,invited over to Mona to

defend the Venedotians, 3 1 .

Isabella, countess of Gloucester, betrothed

to R ichard, earl of Cornwall, 78,

79 .

Iscoed (Yschoit, Yscoid, Hyscoid) , de

spoiled by the French of P embrokeand Flemings, 5 1 .

Ithel (Iudh ael, Ythai l, I thail), king of

Gwent, slain by themen of Brech

einiog, 1 3 .

Ithel (Ithail), son of Rh irid, released from

prison , 3 7 .

slain by Grufi‘

udd, son of Maredudd,

3 7 .

Ivor, son of Cadwalader, 9 .

I vor (Yaor) , son of L lywarch , wounds

E inion Clud, 52 .

J .

Jerusalem, a great earthquake at, 53 .

taken , with the king thereof, by the

P agans and Saracens, 55, 56 .

subsidy for the land of, 72, 73 .

the ci ty of, taken by the emperorFrederick, 77 .

the kingdom of, occupied by the T ar

tars, 99.

Jews, the, crucify a boy at Norwich , 42 ,

43 .

expelled fromFrance by king Philip,55.

many of, ki lled, 1 02.

Johanna, daughter of the king of England,and w ife of L lywelyn , prince of

W ales, dies, 82 .

is buried at Aber, 82 .

John de A lderley made archdeacon of

Caermarthen , 1 08.

John de B arry appointed treasurer of Me

nevia. 1 07 .

John , earl of Chester, dies, 82.

John de Curcy expelled from Ireland bythe sons of H ugh de Lacy, 63 .

John,son of Edward, dies, and is buried at

W estminster, 1 03 .

John , son of E lidir, dies, 58 .

John , king of E ngland, succeeds to the

throne, 60, 62 .

buys the castle of Aberteivy fromMaelgwn , son of Rhys, 62 .

seiz es Arthur, duke of Brittany, and

his sisterE leanor, 6 3 .

lays an inh ibition on the monks of

Canterbury, 64 .

bribes themonks, 64 .

expels all the monks of Canterburyout of the kingdom, 65.

i nh ibits the archbishop, 65.

h is kingdom put under an interdict,

65 .

enters Poictou with his army, 66 .

returns home without having aecom

plished his object, 66.


John, king of England— cont.

levies a tax for the purpose of reco

vering his inheritance in Normandy,66.

dissension between h im and W illiamde Bruse, 66 .

expels W alter and H ugh de L acy

from England, W ales, and Ireland,

6 7.

on hi s return from Ireland, touches at

F ishguard, 67

leads h is army to North W ales, 67 .

assisted by Maelgwn and Rhys, sons

of Rhys, Gwenwynwyn , son of

Owain , and other ch iefs of lesser

note, 67 .

returns unsuccessfully to England,

67 .

leads h is army a second time to NorthW ales, and fortifies several castles

there, 68.

on receiving three thousand head of

cattle, returns to England, 68.


ers the whole kingdom of E ngland

and Ireland to be held by h imselfand heirs as feudaries of the Church

of Rome for the annual tribute of a

thousandmarks, 69 .

crosses with his galleys into France,

and burns about 80 of the French

ships, 69 .

recalls the archbishop and bishops,

69 .

enters P oictou, and is assisted by his

nephew Otho and the Germans, 70.

returns toEngland, 70.

dissension between h imand the barons

of the North , 70, 72.

dissension between him and the ch ief

men of the kingdom, 73 .

seeks aid from the p0pe, 73 .

h is kingdom made tributary to the

Pope, 73

h is death , 73 .

h is character, 7 3 .

John de Fekeham, archdeacon of Brecon ,dies, 104 .

Lacy, Hugh de, his sons expels John deCurcy from Ireland, 63 .

expelled from England, W ales, and

Ireland by king John , 67.h is sons subdued by W illiamMares

chal, 76 .

Lambeth, a provincia l council held at, 106.L audent, death


of, 1 3 .

Legate, a, sent by the pope to England,73 .

who excommun icates Louis, son of

the French king, with all his parti

sans, 73 .

and afterwards absolves h im, 73 .

he crowns Henry, son of king John,7 3 , 74 .

L eicester, the earl of, taken prisoner, 54 .

the town of, taken by the earl of

Gloucester, 102.

Leo, pope of Rome, effects a change in the

time of Easter, 3 .

LetardusL itelking, ki lled by Anarawd, son

ofGruifudd, 40 .

L ewes, the battle of, 102 .

L inw ln,T homas Becke, consecrated at, 106 .

one quarter of David, son of Grufi‘

udd,suspended in , 107.

John Pain , L lywelyn, son of Owain , de

livered up to, 3 8 .

John de P eccham, archbishop of C anter

bury, confirms T homas B ecke as

bishop of Menevia, 1 05 .

holds a provincial council at Lambeth ,1 06 .

visits the diocese ofMenevia, L landaf,

B angor, and St. A saph , 1 08.

John Strange in the English army betweenthe Severn and Aberrh iw , 92 .

Jonathan, prince of Abergeleu, dies, 1 4 .

Joseph , bishop of L landaf, dies at Rome,24 .

Joseph , bishop ofMenevia, dies, 25.

1 56

L lywelyn (Lewelin), son of Owain , seized,

by Maredudd, son of B leddyn, and

delivered to John P ain, 3 8.

blinded and castrated by Maredudd,

son of Bleddyn , 3 8 .

L lywelyn (Lewelin), son of Rhys the

L ittle, destroys the castle of L lan

badarn the Great, and takes the

castles of L landovery and Carreg

Cennen , 1 06 .

imprisoned in London , 1 07

L lywelyn (Lewelin) , son of Seleyll, dies,

23 .

London , a convention of the noblemen of

E ngland held in, 3 4.

a stone bridge begun in , 54 .

the nuptials of king H enry I II. cele

brated with splendour in , 81 .

David, son of L lywelyn , cited by king

H enry III . before a council in ,

as, 84.

many of the inhabitants of, slain, 1 02 .

G. earl of Gloucester enters the city

of, 1 03 .

the legato Otho holds a council in

103 .

a council held in , under John de

P eeohem, archbishop of Canterbury1 06 .

the head of David, brother of L lywelyn , conveyed to, and placed on

the T ower of, 107

Longsword, W illiam, seiz ed by Philip,

king of France, 70 .

Lou is, king of France, comes to St.

T homas’s, 55.

h is death , 55.

Louis, son of the king of France, comes

to England, to figh t against king

John , 72 .

excommunicated by the pope’

s legate,

73 .

is absolved, andreturns fromEngland,73 .

king of France, overthrows Poictou ,

76 .


Mabalan, in the English army that was

arrayed near the Severn , 92 .

Mabudrut, the castle of, bui lt by earl

Gilbert, 43 .

Mabwyn ion (Mebwenn iaun) , the castle of,

burnt by Rhys, son of Gd ,

49, so.

Madog (Madauc) , son of B leddyn , expels

Rhys, son of T ewdwr, from h is

kingdom, 28 .

slain in the battle of Penletherw , 28 .

Madog (Madoc) , son of Grufi'

udd Maelor

dies, 8 1 .

Medog (Madoc) , son of Idnerth , goes to

the assistance of Owain and Cad

walader, sons of Grufi'

udd, 40 .

h is death , 4 1 .

Madog (Madsus) , son of Llywarch , killed

by his cousin Meurig, 3 8, 3 9 .

Madog (Madane) , son of Maredudd, gives

Cyveiliog to h is nephews Owain

and Grufi’udd, 44 .

hi s death , 48.

Louis, son of the king of France—coat.

attacks the castles of the earl of St.

Egydius and Avignon , 76 .

takes the city of Damietta, 88.

overthrown in the Holy L and , and

taken prisoner by the P agans, 88.

returns fromthe HolyL and, 88.

leads an army into Arabia, 1 02 .

dies at T unis in A rabia, 1 02 .

L oyer(q . Gower?) ravaged by the Nor

mans, 1 6 .

L ucius succeeds A lexander in the see of

Rome, 55.

L udlow (Lodolow) , Edward, son of kingHenry II L , escapes to the earl of

Gloucesterat, 1 02 .

L amberth (Lunweth, bishop, dies

in Mcnevin, 1 8.

Lyons, a general council held at,1 04 .


Madog (Madoc), son of Owain , released

Madog (Madoc, Madane) , son of Rhirid,

burns Meirionydd, and kills the

inhabitants, 3 4 , 3 5.

flees to Ireland, 3 5.

returns fromIreland, and concealshimself ia the woods, 3 5.

kills hi s uncle Iorwerth , 3 5.

kills h is uncle Cadwgan , 3 5 .

is deprived of his eyesigh t by Owain ,

son of Cadwgan , 3 5.

Madog (Madauc) , sacrist of Menevia, de

tects a. thief in the church , 87

Maelgwn (Mai lcun) Gwynedd, death of, 4 .

Maelgwn (Mai lgon) , son of Maelgwn , goes

to L lywelyn , and makes Maredudd,

son of Owain , give up Mevenydd

for P enarch , 81 .

fortifies the castle of Garthgrugyn, 84 .

flees into Meirionydd, 86.

conducted by N icholas dc Moleyns to

the presence ofthe king, and scarcely

obta ins h is royal favour, 86 .

Maelgwn (Mailgon) , son of Rhys, seiz ed

by his father, and imprisoned at

D inevwr, 57 .

removed by his brother Grufl'

udd from

h is father’s prison , and placed in the

custody of W illiamde B ruse, 57.

released by h is father against W illiamde Brase

’s will, 58.

envious of h is brotherGrufl‘

udd, 58.

demolishes the town of L lanuhadein,

59 .

kills D avid, son of Maurice, and

T ankard, amonk, 59 .

seiz es h is brother Grufi‘

udd, and

delivers him into the custody of

Gwenwynwyn , 6 1 .

goes over to the enemy, 62 .

sells the castle of Aberteivy to the

king, 62.

takes the castle of Cilgerran, 63 .

assists king John in h is expedition toNorth W ales, 67 .

burns the castle of Aberystwyth , 68.

carries the war into South W ales, 68.


Maelgwn (Mailgon) son of Rhys—coat.

enters into a treaty with L lywelyn,

and slays many of the French in

Powys, 68.

in conjunction with prince L lywelyn

takes the castles in North W ales

and Powys that had been fortified

by the king, 69 .

subdues all the W elsh of Dimetia, 7 1 .crosses the riverT eivy, 7 1 .

assists Rhys, son of Grufl'

udd, in oh

ta in ing Cydweli and Carnwyllon ,

7 1 .

joins prince L lywelyn’s expedition into

South W ales, 7 1 .

Maelienydd (Maelen it) , the castle of

Cevnllys taken and laid waste bythemen of, 100.

Maeleachlen (Ma ileachlen , Matusalem) ,death of, 1 4 .

Maenor (Maynour), David, son of Grud

udd, w ith other W elsh chieftains,

encamps at, 96.

MaesHyveidd H ewed, H iveid) , ravagedby Maredudd, son of Owain, 2 1 .

Macs Osmeliaun held by Igmond, 1 6 .

M agnel, P hilip. See Philip Magnel.

Maesmaiu Cymro (Maismain Cemro) , thebattle of, 3 6 .

Magnus, son of H arold, ravages the terri

tories of the English , 25.

comes with an army to Mona, and

encoun ters the French , 3 1 .

departs, 3 1 .

is ki lled atD ublin , 3 3 .

Malcolm(Mai lcholum, Malcolum) , king ofthe Scots, slain , 29 .

Malefaunt (Malefant), W alter, is slain , 97 .

M almesbury besieged by H enry, duke of

Normandy, 44 .

Maredudd (Maredut, Mareduch) , seiz ed byh is brother Iorwerth , 3 3 .

escapes fromprison, 3 4 .

takes L lywelyn , son ow ain , prisoner,

3 8.

blinds and castrates him,3 8.

h is death , 3 9.


Marsd (Maredac) , son of Cadwgan ,killed by his brotherMorgan, 3 7.

Maredudd (Maredut), son of Edwin, holds

the government of Rhydderch, son

killed by the sons of Gyuna , 23 .

Maredudd (Maredut), son of Grufl’


ki lled in the battle of Mechain , 26.

Maredudd (Maredut), son of Grufl'


destroys the castle of L lychwr, 45.

h is death , 46 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Gwrwared,

archdeacon of Caermarthen , dies,1 0 7, 1 08.

Maredudd (Maredut), son of Howel, slain

by the sons of B leddyn , 4 1 .

Maredudd (Maredut), son of L lywarch ,

kills h is own cousin , 3 8 .

Maredudd (Mareduth), son of L lywelyn ,

of M eirionydd, dies, 89 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Madog, slain

by Hugh de Mortimer, 43 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Madog of

Yale, said to have plotted the deathof h is brotherGrulfudd, 8 2.

h is death , 90 .

Maredudd (Maredut) son of Owain, slays

Cadwallon, son of Idwal, and pos

sesses himself of hi s coun try, 20 .

paysa ransom to the P agans for those

who h ad been taken captive in

M ona, 2 1 .

ravages M acs Hyveidd, 2 1 .

fights against the sons of Meurig,

near L langwin, 2 1 .

h is death , 22 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son ofOwain , killed

by Caradog, son of Grufiudd,26 .

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Owain , madeto give up M evenydd to Maelgwn ,

son of Maelgwn , for P enarch , 8 1 .

enters into terms of fideli ty with

prince L lywelyn , 9 1 .

receives from h im the part of Cere

digion , wh ich belonged to Edward,

9 1 .

harasses the English , 9 3 .


Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Ov ain—coat.

encampswith a large army atMaenor,96 .

gives Buellt to prince L lywelyn , 98.

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Rhys, seized

by h is father, 60.

killed by the French of Cydweli , 62 .

buried nearthe church of S t. Mary, in

Cydweli , 62.

Maredudd (Maredut) , son of Rhys, arch

deacon of Cardigan, dies, 76 .

Maredudd (Maredut, Mareduth ), son of

Rhys the H ome, plunders the

v illage of Caermarthen, 86.

joins L lywelyn, son of Grufl‘

udd , in

his onset on the M idland Country,

9 l

receives his inheritance back fromLlywelyn, 9 l

joins L lywelyn against the English

army on the Severn, 92.

does homage to the king, 96 .

burns houses and vi llages in Cydwel i .


wounded, 96.

flees to Caermarthen in great disgrace,96

meets warriors from Cydweli, Caer

mar-then, Pembroke, Rhos, and

Games, at Aberteivy, 9 7

makes his escape wi th difficulty to

C ilgerran , 9 7.

his death , 104 .

M aredudd (Maredut) , son of Robert, dies

after taking the religious habit at

Strata Florida, 85 .

Mareschal, Anselm, dies at Strigui l, 86, 87

isburied at T intern, 86 .

Mareschal, Gi lbert, espouses the sister of

the king of Scotland, 81 .

Mareschal, R ichard, dissension between

h im and king Henry I II . , 79.

goes over to the W elsh , 79 .

burns the village of Monmouth , andtakes the castles of Cardifi

, P en

cell i, Bwlch y Ddinas, Gerenay ,

and B laen L lyvni , 79.


Meurig (Meuruc)—cont.

sons of, and Maredudd, son of

Owain, 2 1 .

Meurig (Meuruc) , son of Adam, slain,


Meurig (Meuric) , son of Arthvael, killed,


Meurig (Meuruc) , son of Cadvan, death

Meurig (Meuric) , son of Grufl’udd, receives

Cyveiliog n'om his uncle Madog,

Meurig (Meuric) , son of Howel, sei zed by

the P agans, 23 .

Meurig (Meuric) , son of Idwal, deprived

of his sight, 1 9 .

Meurig (Meuric) , son of Madog, slain

through treachery by h is own men,48 .

Meurig (Meuric), son of Meurig, blinded

and castrated, 3 9 .

Meurig (Meuric) , son of Rhirid kills

his cousin Madog, son of L lywarch,


Meurig (Meuric) , son of T rahaiarn , killed

by Owain, son of Cadwgan , 3 3 .

Mevenydd (Mevenit) , Maredudd, son of

Owain ,made to give up, 8 1 .

Michael, the archangel, consecration of the

church of, 9 .

Milk turned to blood, 8 .

M i lo, earl of H ereford, slain , 42 .

M inorites, the order of, instituted, 6 7 .

Mogedawg (Mocctauc), the battle of, 9 .

Molyne (Meules), N icholas de, seneschal

of Caermarthen , marches at the

head of a large army to the territoryofMaelgwn , 86 .

passes the river Dovey, 86 .

Mona (Mon , Mania) , the isle of, subdued

by Howel, l 2 .

Cynan , h is brother, expelled by himfrom,

1 2 .

ravaged by the B lack Pagans, 1 3 .

the battle on Sunday in , 1 5.

ravaged by the son of Harold, 1 9

20 .

invested by Grufl‘

udd, son of Oyasu ,3 2 .

expelled n'om the kingdom by the

Monmouth (Monema), the village of,

burnt by Richard Mareschal , 79 .

Montefort, Simon de, marries A lienora,countess of P embroke, 82 .

fratricide, 3 8.

dies on his return in the island of

Cyprus, 3 8.

Morgan Gam (Cam) , i . e. the Crooked, his

castle, 86 .

Morgan (Morgant) , son of Owain , kills

Richard, son ofGilbert, 40 .

is ki lled, 47

Morgan P atta dies, 55.

Morgan , son of Rhys the Great, dies, 88.

Morganen , bishop, killed by the Pagans,


Morganwg (Morgannuc) , bishop, dies, 23 .

Morgetiud, king of the Dimetians, dies,1 l

Mona (Mon, Monia) the isle of—coat.

King Henry Il’s fleet touches at.

and a battle ensues, in which manyof the French are slain, 47.

Money, a change effected in the coinage of.

55, 66, 105.

Monks of Canterbury, the, elect their sub

prior to the archiepiscopal see, 64 .

bribed by king John, 64 .

vages Ceredigion , 26 .

Montgomery (Mungumria, Mungumbria)devastated by prince L lywelyn, 78.

the English flee to, 92 .

the village of, burnt by some of L ly


s partiz ans, 93 .

Monthenesy, W illiam de, oppressed under

the wall of Dyryslwyn castle, 1 09 .

Moon , the, turned of a bloody colour, 8.

threemoons seen in the heavens, 68.

Morgan (Morcan t), death of, 8.

Morgan , death of, l 9

Morgan, son of Cadwgan , kills his brother

Maredudd, 3 7 .

INDEX. 1 6 ]

Mori castle demolished by the earl of

L eicester, l 02 .

Morimundi, 3 6.

Morleis, bishop, death of, l 8.

Mortimer, H ugh de, takes Rhys, son of

H owel, prisoner, 4 3 .

kills Maredudd, son ofMadog, 4 3 .

blinds Rhys, son of Howel, in prison ,

44 .

Mortimer, Randulph de, death of, 86 .

Mortimer, Roger de, his soldiers killed by

Rhys, son of Grufl‘

udd, 60 .

fortifies the castle ofMaelienydd, 84 .

deprived of the territory of Gwerthryni ca , 9 l

the castles of Huntington and H ay,

with the adjacent villages, deliveredby Edward to the custody of, 1 0 1 ,

1 02 .

captured, 1 10.

MorvaMawr (Morvamaur), prince L lywelyn passes the night at, 9 1 .

Murchath (M urcherdac) , king of Ireland,

dies, 3 7

Naut Game, the battle of, 1 8.

Naut Conwy (Nantconuy) the battle of,

l 9 .

Nedd (Neth) , the abbey of, founded, 3 9.

the castle of, reduced to ashes by

prince L lywelyn , 78.

Newborough, the earl of Leicester destroys

the bridge of, 1 02 .

New Cu tie recovered by Rhys, son of

Maredudd, 1 1 0 .

N icholas de Molyne, see Molyne.

N ight becomes li gh t as day, 8 .

Nobis (Novus, Novis) , bishop, reigns in

Menevia, 1 3 . France, 70 .

his death, 14 . Otho (Oto) , legate of Rome, comes over toNormandy, subjugation of, 42 . England, 82.

king Henry II . goes to, 46 . returns fromEngland, 83 .L 2

an army from, accompanies kingHenry II . against the W elsh to

Oswestry, 50 .

king John levies a tax to enable himto recover h is inheritance in, 66 .

Normans, the, ravage Loyer, Brecheiniog,

Gwent, and Gwentllwg, 1 6.

Norwich, a boy crucified at, 43 .

the bishop of, accompanies king Johnto Canterbury, 64 .

the bishop of, exempted h'om banish

Nyver (Newer, Kemmer, the castle of,taken by Rhys, son of Grufl



the castle of, demolished by Howel

the Saxon, 60.


a, king of the Saxons, destroys the

Britons of South W ales, 1 0 .

his death , 1 l .

Q abrit (Osfrit), king of the Saxons, dies,9 .

Osterlof, the manor of, burnt by Rhys,son of Maredudd, 1 09.

Oswald, king of the Northerns, slain in

battle, 7 .

Oswestry (Cross Oswald) , rebuilt byMadog, son of Maredudd, 44 .

king H enry II . arrives at the head of

a large army at, 50.

Oswi d (Osguid), king of the Saxons, comesand plunders, 7.

his death, 8 .

Otho assists his uncle king John in P oictou,70 .

1 62 mnsx.

Otho (Oto), legate ofRome-” coat. Owain (Owyn, Oweyn) , son of Grufl'

ul d

is captured with many archbishops,

bishops, abbots, and other ecclesias

tics, 83 .

is in the T ower of London, 1 03 .

holds a council in London , 103 .

returns to Rome, 1 03 .

Otter (Oter, Othyr) comes to Britain,

1 07.

Owain (Owiu, Owen, Owein) , son of Os

dwgan , ki lls Mearig and Grufl‘


sons of T rahaiarn , 3 3 .

burns the castle of Cenarth Bychan,

3 4.

(son of Rh irid, burnsMeirionydd,

84 .

attacks the Flemings, 3 5.

goes to Ireland, 3 4 , 3 5.

returns and recovers his territory, 3 5.

depri ves Medog, son of Rhirid, of his

sight, 3 5.

killed by Grufiudd, son of Rhys (bythe Flemings, 3 6 .

Owain (Owia , Gwyn , Owein) de Cyveiliog,manfully resists king H enry, 1 l .flees into England, 51 .

Owain (Owia), son of Dyvnwal, is slain ,

22 .

Owain (Owiu , Owein ) , son of Edwin, dies,

after a long illness, 3 3 .

Owain (Owia ) , son of Grutfudd, death of;25.

Owain (Gwyn , Oweyn ) , son of Grufl’udd ,commits depredations in Meirion o

ydd, 3 7 .

undertakes an expedition into Cere

digicn, 40, 4 1 .

destroys the castles of Ystrad Meurig,Stephen , H umphrey, and Caer

marthen, 4 1 .returns home, 4 1 .

goes to Aberteivy, and concludes a

truce, 4 1 .

oppou d by h is brother Cadwalader,4 2 .

is reconc iled to him, 42 .

attacks the Germans, and puts themto flight, 42 .

builds a castle in the territory of Yale,


resists king Henry II. nearOswestry.

50 .

rebuilds the castle of Caeremrou, 51 .takes the castle of Rhuddlan , 5 1 .

Owain (Owia , Owyn ) , son of Grufiudd,w ith h is brotherL lywelyn , succeeds

David, son of L lywelyn , 85.

dissension between himand his brother

L lywelyn, 89.

seiz ed by L lywelyn, and deprived of

h is land , 89 .

Owain (Owia), son of Grufl'

udd, son of

Gwenwynwyn, let!by his fi ther in

free custody with L lywelyn , 104.

Owain (Owia , Owain) , son of Grufl'


son ofMaredudd, receives Cyveiliogfromh is uncle Madog, 44 .

Owain (Owia) , son of Grufl‘

udd (son of

Rhys) , takes Dinevwr and L isa

devery, 69 .

takes and destroys the castles of Caer

marthen, Cydweli, St. Stephen , S t.C lare, and T revdraeth , 7 1 .

his death , 8 1 .

h is character, 8 1 .

Owain (Owin, Owein ) , prince of North

W ales, encamps, and erects a for

tification near Basingwerk, 4 6.

makes peace with king Henry I I.,

4 7.

gives himhostages, 47 .delivers E inion Glad to the French ,49.

slain by the men of his brotherDavid,

53 .

Owain (Owia ) , son of Howel, sleuth of,

2 1 .

Owain (Owein ) , son of Iorwerth , death of,90 .

Owain (Owein) , son of Madog, takes the

castles of Conoclas, T revclawdd, de

Nortun, and L lansndras, 1 00.

Owain (Eugem, Owia , Oweyn ) , son ofMa

redudd, dies, 1 1 .


Philip, king of the French -Jena

proceeds to the Holy Land, 57 .

subjugates Normandy under his own

proposes to go over into England in

order to restore Stephen , archbishopof Can terbury, to his see, 69.

mama, 69 .

attacks and routs the army ofOtho, 70 .

his death , 75.

Phi lip, king of France, son of king Louis,

dies, 1 08.

Philip, his son, succeeds him, and is

crowned, 1 08.

Philip Magnel falls in battle, 60 .

P icts, the, war between them and the

Britons, 9 .

Pilgrims from D imetia and Ceredigion

drowned, 4 3 .

P irates from Ireland invited by the V enedotians to their assistance, 8 1

Poictou , an army from, accompanies kingHenry II. in his expedition against

the W elsh, 50.

king John enters, 66, 70 .

L ouis, king of France, snbdnes, 76 .

king H enry III. loses, 76 .

the same crosses over into, 84.Pope, the, quarrels with king John , 64 , 65.Poresmne, king Henry II. at, 78.

Striguil, 53 .

Powys reduced under the power of the

Saxons, 1 2 .

P owysians, king H enry I . marches against

they enter into peace wi th him, 3 7 .

Prmmonstrants , the order of, instituted, 3 4 .

Preachers, the order of, instituted, 62 .

Precentor, a, appointed in the church of

P rior, the, of Canterbury, goes to Rome,66.

Provence, king Henry III . marries the

daughter of the earl of;8 1 .

Pwllgydig Pullgudic, Pnllgudi t) , the bat

Pwlldnwath (P ulldnwath ), the battle of, 24 . beheaded in Arwystli , 1 6 .

Radnor burnt by Rhys, son of Grufi‘

udd .


devastated by L lywelyn, prince of

North W ales, 78.

the castle of, rebuilt by R ichard, earl

of Cornwall, 79.

the castle of;taken by the barons, 10 1 .Rain of blood in Britain and Ireland, 8.

Raudnlph. earl of Chester, seiz es kingStephen and sends h imto prison , 4 1 ,42 .

taken by the king, 43 .

h is death, 4 5 .

Randulph (Radnlph ) de death

of, 86.

Reginald de Bruse, death of, 76 .

Reginald, earl of Cornwall, encamps at

Dinweileir, 48.

his death, 54 .

Rein (Begin , Reyn ), king of the Dimetiau ,

death of, l 1 .

Rein (Reyn ) , a Scot, pretends to be the sonof Maredudd, 23 .

attacked and killed by Seisyll, king of

Venedotia, 28.

Rhesterwein (Resterwein ), Rhys, son of


udd, removes his men and


ects to, 48 .

Rh i rid (B irit, R irid) , son of B leddyn, ex

pels Rhys, son of T ewdwr, fromhiskingdom,


slain in battle, 28.

Rh irid (R irit, Ririd) , son of Owain, killed

by his nephew Cadwallon , 3 7 .

Rh iwallon (Buallo, Ruallaun) , slain in

battle, 26 .

Rhodri (Rotri, Bodri ), king of the Britons,death of, l 0 .

Rhodri (Botri, Bodri ), the Great, ki lled bythe Saxons, 1 5 .

avenged in the battle of Conwy, 1 5.


Rhodri (Rotri , Bodri) , son of Howel, death

of, l 9.

Rhodri (Bodri), son of Idwal, killed, 1 9 .

Rhodri (Bodri) , son of Owain, death of,

59 .

Rhos (Ros), the long sleep of Maelgwn in

the court of, 4 .

cha ined by Grufl'

udd, son of Rhys,


conflagrations in , 57 .

L lywelyn , prince of North W ales,

goes to, 72 .

passes the night at Pyle in , 74 .

armedmen from, assist in ki llingW il

liamT echo and Henry Goeth, 95.

Rhnddlan (Rudglaun, Rudlan , Ruthlan,

Rutlan) , the battle of, l 1 .king H enry II. proceeds to, and eu

camps at, 4 7 .

the castle of, taken by Owain , son of


udd, and Rhys, son of Graf

fndd, 51 .

king Edward encamps at, 105.

Rhun (Run) , son of Owain , dies, 43 .

Rhun (Run ) , son of Urien, baptizes Ed

win, 6 .

Rhnvoniog (Roweynanc) , the region of,

attacked by the Saxons, 1 2 .

Rhydderch (R iderch ), bishop, dies, 1 9 .

Rhydderch (R iderch, Rederch ) , son of

Caradog, holds South W ales, 27

is engaged in the battle of Camddwr,27 .

ki lled by h is cousin Meirchion, 27 .

Rhygewanch (R igewarc) , clerk, the tresch

ery of, 50.

Rhys, son of Bledrig, death of, 59 .

Rhys (Res) , son of Grufl'

udd, obtains the

portion of h is brotherMaredudd, 46.

marches against Owain Gwynedd as

far as Aberdovey, 46.

makes a fosse there, and afierwards

founds a castle, 46 .

carries on thewar against the English

king alone, 4 7.

takes at the first onset the castle of

L landovery, 48.

Rhys (Res), son ofGrufindd—cont.

burns the castles in Ceredigion which

had been erected by the French , 48.

also those which had been made bythem in D imetia, 48.

leads his army against Caermarthen ,and besieges it, 48.

removes his men and goods to Rhes

terwein, 48.

forcibly acquires D inweileir and

L landovery, 49

makes peace with the king, 49 .

harasses Roger, earl of C lare, burns

the castle of AberRheidiol , and the

castle of Mabwynion , and subdues

the whole region of Ceredigion , 49 ,

50 .

joIDB the allied princes against king

H enry II . , 50.

takes the castle ofAberteivy, 50 .

imprisons Robert, son of Stephen , 50 .

rebuilds the castle of Caereinion, 51 .

takes the castle of Rhuddlan, 5 1 .

builds the castle of Aberein ion , 52 .

leads his army to Brecheiniog, 52 .

is put to fligh t, 52 .

leads h is army again to Brechemiogand burns a great part of the land,

52 .

destroys the castle of Buellt, 52 .

returns home victorious, 52rebuilds the castle of Aberteivy, 53 .

leads his army into South W ales, 57 .

causes conflagrations in Rhos and

Pembroke, 57

plunders Gower, 57

destroys the castle of Carnwyllon , 57.

takes other castles in D imetia, 57.lays siege to the castle of Caermarthen , 57.

makes peace with the king, 57 .besieges the castle of Clare and takes

possession of it, 57

gives it to his son , Howel the Saxon ,57.

takes the castle of Nyver, 58.

liberates his son Maelgwn from the

166 nsm-3x.

Rhys (Res), son ofGrufi‘

udd—coat.raises the siege, 58.

captured by his sons Howel and

Maelgwn, 59.

seiz es h is two sons Maredudd and

Rhys the L ittle, 60.

burns Caermarthen, 60 .

leads his army to H ereford, 60.M ore 60 Great, takes the castles of L lan

slsys a large numberof the soldiers of devery and 0917 08 Cennen , 1 06.Rogerde Mortimer, 60 . imprisoned in London, 1 07.

h is death , 60 .

h is character, 60 .

Rhys, son of Maelgwn , dies at Strata Flo

his elegy, 6 1 .

Rhys, son of Grufl’udd, with the assistance

of the Franch , takes D inevwr and

L landovery, 69 .

obtains possession of Cydweli and

buried near his sister, midst great

plunders Gower and demolishes itscastles, 7 1 .

his death , 75.

Rhys (Rees), the Hearse (Gryg), dies atL landeilo the Great, 80 .

Rhys, son of Howel, goes to Aberteivy to

the assistance of Owain and Cad

walader, sons of Grufl'

ndd, 40.

kills H owel, son of Rhydderch , 42.

taken and immisoned by Hugh de

Mortimer, 43 .deprived of h is sight by the same, 44.

takes possession of Ceredigion , and

builds Ystrad M eurig, 4 5.

(son of Ge 20, destroys the castleof L lychwr, 45,

(son of Grufl’udd ravages Cyveiliog,


Rhys the L ittle captured by h is father,

Rhys, son of Grnfl’

udd, 60 .

released fromprison , 6 1holds possession of Can trev Bychan

and the town , 63 .

burns the castle of L lychewein, 66.

burns it a second time, 66 .

goes to the assistance of king John ,6 7.

burns the castle of Aberystwyth , 68.

taken by the French , 69.

Rhys the L ittle—coat.

joins the expedition of‘

prince L lywelyn , 72 .

Rhys the L ittle (Vychan), ejected fromh isterri tory, 9 1 .

utterly demolishes the castle of Buellt,98.

Rhys, son ofMaredudd, dies, and is buried,

1 03 .

Rhys, son of Maredudd, holds lands by

gift of the king, 107 .

takes the castles of L landovery, Dine

vwr, and Garreg Cennen , 1 09.

burns the village of Swayne and the

manorofOsterlof, w ith otherplaces,109.

escapes with a few men, 1 1 0 .

recovers h is castle, called the New

Castle, l l O.

Rhys (Res), son of Owain, kills B leddyn ,

son of Cynvyu , 26 .

engaged in the battle of Camddwr, 27 .

conquers Gorcnwy and L lywelyn ,

sons of Cadwgan , in the battle of

Gwynnotyll, 27 .

slain by T rahaiarn, son of Caradog,27 .

Rhys, son of Rhys, released fromthe king’


prison , 7 1 .

h is death , 84 .

Rhys (Res) , son of Rhys M echyll, escapes

to the castle of D inevwr, 94 .

Rhys (Res) , son of T ewdwr, begins to

reign, 27.

kills T rahaiarn son of Caradog, Cara

dog , son of Grufl‘

udd, and Meilir

son of Rh iwallon in the battle of

Cammountain , 27 , 28.

expelled fromh is kingdomby the sonsof B leddyn , 28.


St. David (Dewi), birth of, 3 .

appoints a synod at Caerleon, 6 .

Baldwin , archbishop of Canterbury,

visits the see of, 56 .

his praise celebrated in hymns and

canticles, 87

St. Dogmael, the church of, robbed by the

P agans, 4 1

St. Egydius, the castle of the earl of,

attacked by L ouis, king of the

French , 76 .

St. Mary de Suwerke, the order of Cano

nicals instituted in the church of,

3 4 .

St. P atri ck, death of, 3 .

St. Peter, W illiam de Bruse escapes from

prison in the cathedral of, 77.

St. Stephen , the castle of, taken by L ly

welyn and h is confederates, 7 1 .

St. Thomas’

s, Louis, king of France, vi sits ,

translation of h is remains, 75church of} at H averford, 76.

Star, the rising of a, 7 .

of a wonderful magnitude, 8.

Stanlowe, the abbey of, l 06 .

Stephen Bauson Bauz on , Bantban )sacrilegionsly enters the W h ite

House, 92 .

passes the n ight at Caermarthen, 93 .

Stephen, earl of B lois, comes over to

England, 3 9 .

invades and obtains the kingdom, 3 9 .

as king he besieges the emmessM atilda, 4 l

takes the castle of Bangaye, 4 1 .

seized by Randulph , earl of Chester,

and Robert, earl of Gloucester, and

sent to prison , 4 1 , 42.

liberated, 42 .

takes Randu lph in hi s own court, 4 3 .

his death , 45 .

S tephen the Constable opposes Owain and

Cadwalader, sons of Grufl’udd, wi th

their confederates, 40 .

h is castle destroyed, 4 1 .

Stephen de n ton recommended by the

pope for the arch iepiscOpal see of

Canterbury, 65.

Sunday, the battle on a, 15.

Sweyn , son of H arold, ravages Eumon ia,or the Isle of Man, 2 1 .

is wrecked, 22.

comes to England, 22.

Sweyne, the village of, burnt by Rhys, son

of Maredudd, 1 09 .

Synod of Victory, 5 .

of Caerleon, 6 .

Stephen de Langton— cont.

consecrated archbishop by the same,66 .

banished by the king, 65.

Philip, king of the French , proposes

to restore him, 69 .

goes to Rome, 7 1

Stranges, John , in the English army on

the Severn , 92 .

S trata Florida, Owain , son of Grutfudd,dies at, 8 1 .

all the prin ces of W ales swear fide

lity to David, son of L lywelyn , at,82 .

Rhys, son of Maelgwn , dies at, 89 .

Margaret, wi fe of Owain , son of

Maredudd, buried at, 90 .

D avid ap H owel of Arwystli buried

at, 96 .

burnt, 109

Stratford, king H enry H I . encamps at, 1 03 .

S trath C lyde (Strat Clut) , ravaged by theSaxons, 1 8.

Strongbow, Gilbert, death of, 44 .

Sabin , death of, 1 5.

Sulica (Sulgen ) succeeds to the see of

Mcnevin, 26.

resigns it, 2 7 .

assumes the bishoprick a second time,2 7 .

resigns it again, 28.

hi s death , 29.

Summer, a hot, 9.


Talargan, king of the Picts, killed by the

Britons, 9.

T anchard (T ankard) , a monk, killed byMaelgwn , son of Rhys, 59.

T artars, the , occupy the kingdom of

Jerusalem, 99.

T echo, W illiam, slain by armed men fromP embroke and Rhos, 95.

T clvy (T ewy, T egui the French and

Flemings, drowned in the, 40 .

appears bloody for two days, 50 .

T enby (T incbeth , Dynbech ) , Cadell, son of


udd, severely wounded near,


T ewdwr (T eudubr, T endar) , son of Beli,

death of, 9 .

T ewdwr (T endar) , son of Ein ion , killed,

2 1 .

T heobald, archbishop, death of, 49.

T hief, a, detected in the church ofMcnevin,


T homas Beoke, see Becke.

T homas, archbishop of Canterbury, con

acerated, 49 .

banished , 50 .

crosses over into Flanders to avoid

the wrath of the king, 5 1 .

the bishops and many of the great

men of England write to the pope

against h im, 5 1 , 52 .

excommunicates Geoffrey Foliot,arch

bishop of York , 52.


ersmartyrdom, 53 .

T homas W allensis succeeds to the see of

Menevia, 87

consecrated, 88 .

T homas, Archbishop of York, dies, 3 2 .

T hunder, great, 1 2

T iberias, the Christians overcome near thesea of, 56 .

T intern , foundationof;3 9 .

W alter and AnselmMareschal, buried

at, 86 .

Tmhaiern (Traharin, Trahsrn) , son of

Uh ls ravages M cnevin, 22 .

U chtryd (U thtrit, U chrid, V edrith ), son of

Edwin , devastates Pembroke, 3 0.

the castle of, demolished by E in ion ,son of Cadwgan , and Grufl


udd, son

of Maredudd, 3 6 .

venedOti‘ , g6s 27 .

victorious in the battle of Pwllgydig ,7 .

kills Rhys and h is brother Howel, 27 .

Trahaiarn (T rahair) , son of Cedivor,killed by the French , 57 .

T rallwng (T rallug), L lywelyn , son of


udd, at, 92 .

T ranslation of S t. T homas the Martyr, 75 .

Trenchemer, W illiam, killed, 4 7 .

T revclawdd (Trefeolaud), the castle of,taken by Owain, son of Madog,1 00 .

T revdracth (T reftraid) , the castle of, takenby L lywelyn , prince of North

W ales, 7 1 .

T revetland (T refetland), the village 0Lburnt by the lords of Ceri and

Cydewig, 98.

T revgarn (T refgarn) , a place at, given to

the Cistercians, 4 3 .

T revilan (T refllan) , the castle of,bui lt by

Maelgwn, son of Maelgwn , 8 1

T rifun (T rifln ) , son of Rein , dies, 1 2 .

T rin ity, the, foundation of the abbey of,

3 4 .

T rirbelevile, H enry, succours the castle of

Caermarthen , 79 .



royt, Grufl'

udd, ki lled, 58.

T udur, son of P ret, killed, 59 .

T ybetot (T ypetot) , Robert, q uarrels w ith

Rhys, son of Maredudd, 109 .

takesh is castle, 1 1 0 .

T ywi (T ewy) , many persons drowned inthe , 79 .



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H er M ajesty’

s P ublic Record Office. E dited by MARY ANNEEVE RE TT GREEN .


CHARL E S I ., preserved in the S ta te P aper D epu M en t of H er

M ajesty’

s P ublic Record Office. E di ted by JOHN BRU CE , E sq . ,

Vol . IV .


E dited by the Rev . J . S . BREW E R , M .A . , P rofessor of E nglish

L iterature, King’s College, L ondon , and Reader at the Ro lls.




E dited by W . B . T U RN B UL L , E sq . , of L incoln’s

Inn , B arrister-at-L aw ,

and Correspondent da Comité ImperialdeS T ravaux H istoriques et des Seciétés Savan ts de France.


the S tate P aperDepartment ofH erM ajesty’s P ublic Record Oflice.

ted by W . N OE L SAIN SBU RY, E sq .

Vol. I .



[ROYAL 8ve. P rice 83 . 6d. each Volume ]

1 . T H E CHRON ICL E or ENGL AND , by JOH N CAP GRAVE . E dited by the

Rev. F. C . H INGE STON , M .A .,of Exeter College, Oxford.

2 . CHRONI CON MONA STER I I DE A B INGDON . Vols. I . and II . E di ted bythe Rev . J . STEVEN SON , M .A .,

of Un iversity College, Durham,

and Vicar of L eighton Buz z ard.

3 . L IVE S or EDWARD T H E CONFE SSOR . I .—L a E stoire de Saint A ed

ward ls Rei . II .—Vita B eati Edvardi Regis et Confessoris.

I II .— Vita E duuardi Regis qu i apud W estmonasterium requ iescit.

E di ted by H . R . L U ARD , M .A ., Fellow and A ssistant T utor of

T rin ity College, Cambridge.

4 . M ONUME NTA FRANCI SCANA ; sc ilicet, I .— T homas de E ccleston de

A dventu Fratrum M inorum in A ngliam. II .— Ada3 de M arisco

E pistolae. I II .—RegistramFratrumM inorumL ondon ia . E d ited

by the Rev . J . S . B REWE R , M .A ., P rofessor of English L iterature,King’

s College, L ondon , and Reader at the Rolls.


A scribed to T H OMA S N E TTER , of W AL DEN,P rovin cial of the

Carmelite Order in E ngland, and Confesser to King H enry the

Fifth . E di ted by th e R ev . W . W . SH IRL EY, M .A .,T utor and late

Fellow of W adh am College, Oxford.

6 . T H E B U IK on T H E CRONI CL I S OF SCOTL AND ; or, A M etrical

Version of th e H istory of H ector B oece by W I L L IAM STEWART.

Vols. I . ,II .

,and II I . E dited by W . B . T URNBU L L , E sq . , Of

L incoln’s Inn, B arrister-at-L aw.


by the Rev . F. C . H INGE ST ON , M .A ., of Exeter College, Oxford.


formerly M onk and T reasurer of th at Foundation.

E dited by C . H ARDW I CK,M .A . Fellow of St . Catharine

’s H all


andC hristian A dvocate In the U n iversity of Cambridge.

9 . E U LOGIU M (H I ST OR IARUM SIVE T EMP OR I S), Chron icon ab Orbecondi to usque ad Annam Domin i 1 3 66 ; a M enacho quedamM almesbiriensi exaratum. Vol . I . E dited by F. S . HAYDON,Esq . , B .A .


T holou tis de Vita Regis H enrici Septimi H istoria ; necnon

alia quwdam ad eundem Regem spectantia. E dited by J .


1 1 . MEMORIAL S or H ENRY T H E FIFT H . I .— Vita Henrici Quin ti ,

Roberto Redmanno auctore. I I .—Versus Rhythmici in landemRegis H enrici Quinti . I I I .

— E lmhami L iber Metriena de

H enrico V. Edited by C . A . COL E , Esq .

12. M UN IM EN T A GILDH AL LE L ONDON IENSI S ; L iber Albus, L iber

Customarum, et L iber H orn, in archivia Gildhallw asservati .

V ol. I . , L iber A lbus. E dited by H . T . R IL EY, E sq ., M .A ., B ar

rister-at-L aw .

1 3 . CHRONI CA JOR ANNI S DE OxENEDEs. E dited by S ir H . E L L I S, K B .


Or EDWARD 1 1 1 . T O T H E R E IGN or H ENRY VIII . Vol. 1 .

E di ted by T . W R IGH T , E sq ., M .A .

1 5. T he OP U S T ERTIUM ”and OPU S M IN U S of ROGER B ACON .

E dited by the Rev . J . S . BREW ER , M .A . , Professor of English

L iterature, King’s College, London , and Reader at the Rolls.


ANGL ICANA (A .D . 449 E dited by H . R . L U ARD , M .A. ,

Fellow and Assistant T utor of T rin ity College, Cambridge.

17 . T he B RU T Y TYWY SOGION , or, T he Chron icle of the P rinces of

W ales. E dited by the Rev . J . W IL L IAM S AB I T H E L .


RE IGN OF HENRY IV . Vol. I . E dited by the Rev. F. C .

H INGE STON, M .A .,of E xeter College, Oxford.

19. T H E RE PRE SSOR or OVER M UCH B LAMING OF T H E CL ERGY; ByR EGIN AL D P E COCK, sometime B ishop of Ch ichester. Vols. I .

and 1 1 . E di ted by C . B AB INGTON ,B .D ., Fellow of St. John


College, Cambridge .

20 . T HE A NNAL E S CAMBR IE . E dited by the Rev. J . W IL L IAM S AB

I T H EL .

In the Press.


Fellow and A ssistant T utor of S t. Jebn’s College, Cambridge.

T H E ANGL O-SAxON CHRONICL E. E dited by B . T HORP E , E sq .

L E L IVERE DE RE I S DE B RITTAN IE . E dited by J . GL OVE R , M .A .,

Chaplain of T rin i ty College, Cambridge.



T HE W AR S or T H E DANE S IN IRE L AND : writtenin the Irish language.

Edited by the .Rev. Dr. T ODD , L ibrarian of the U n iversity of

Dublin .