chatterbox - alamo country club

1 Chatterbox Alamo Country Club March, 2022 Special Meeting of the MembersTimeline & Important Dates As we navigate through these uncharted waters and prepare for the Communitys first Special Meeng of the Members, the lines of communicaon & transparency is key for a successful meeng. The sole purpose for the Special Meeng of Members is to discuss & vote on the 2022 HOA Assessment & please see the below significant dates, mes, & events: February 28th Members Surveys Deadline (Due by Noon) March 3 rd Packet Pickup – Card Room (8:00 am-4:00 pm) March 7 th Town Hall Meeting 6-8 pm / Big Hall & Virtually March 9 th Budget Meeting 9-11 am / Big Hall & Virtually March 14 th Absentee Ballots & Proxy Deadline (Due by Noon) March 16th Special Meeting of the Members Meeting at 9 AM in the Big Hall **Registration in Card Room from 7:00 am to 9:00 am The Board of Directors & GM Medley are requesng for the community to refrain from contacng our employees and making such comments as sorry you didnt get your raise”, “thats too bad”, “the com- munity does not value you”, etc. You may believe youre doing good, but these comments may be con- strued as hurul and divisive. Thank you for your consideraon. Lasty, please use the upcoming Town Hall, Budget Meeng, and/or ACCs documented process to voice your concerns & suggesons instead of social media. Your input is greatly appreciated and needed to resolve the current discussion point. Thank you in advance for your understanding ; we will get through this as a kind & loving community. Current 2022 HOA Assessment Special Meengs of the Members Important Takeaways Since the 2022 HOA Assessment of $185 failed at the Annual Meeng, the monthly assessment has automa- cally reverted to $157 per month effecve March 1 st , 2022. Since the 2022 Budget was based upon the monthly assessment of $185, the Board of Directors are in the pro- cess of cost reducons & cuts in the following areas: ACC amenies, ACC facilies, ACC services, and per- sonnel. These cuts & cost reducons are based on the current monthly HOA assessment of $157. The Community is strongly encouraged to aend the March 7 th Town Hall from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Big Hall & virtually and the March 9 th Budget Meeng from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in the Big Hall & virtually. Your input is greatly needed. Due to the state law that requires ACC to provide the financials 30-days prior to annual/special meeng, which was sasfied in January 2022, the absentee ballot of “2022 HOA Assessment of $185” will be represented. However, there is a high probability that an amendment will made to the moon you are vong on in your packet. If the amendment is seconded, a majority vote is needed to decide whether the amendment is accepted. Then a vote is taken on the amended moon. If this happens, your vote doesnt count so you may want to consider giving your proxy to someone aending the meeng so they can vote for you.

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Chatterbox Alamo Country Club March, 2022

Special Meeting of the Members’ Timeline & Important Dates

As we navigate through these uncharted waters and prepare for the Community’s first Special Meeting of the Members, the lines of communication & transparency is key for a successful meeting. The sole purpose for the Special Meeting of Members is to discuss & vote on the 2022 HOA Assessment & please see the below significant dates, times, & events:

February 28th Member’s Surveys Deadline (Due by Noon)

March 3rd Packet Pickup – Card Room (8:00 am-4:00 pm)

March 7th Town Hall Meeting 6-8 pm / Big Hall & Virtually

March 9th Budget Meeting 9-11 am / Big Hall & Virtually

March 14th Absentee Ballots & Proxy Deadline (Due by Noon)

March 16th Special Meeting of the Members Meeting at 9 AM in the Big Hall

**Registration in Card Room from 7:00 am to 9:00 am

The Board of Directors & GM Medley are requesting for the community to refrain from contacting our employees and making such comments as “sorry you didn’t get your raise”, “that’s too bad”, “the com-munity does not value you”, etc. You may believe you’re doing good, but these comments may be con-strued as hurtful and divisive. Thank you for your consideration.

Lasty, please use the upcoming Town Hall, Budget Meeting, and/or ACC’s documented process to voice your concerns & suggestions instead of social media. Your input is greatly appreciated and needed to resolve the current discussion point.

Thank you in advance for your understanding ; we will get through this as a kind & loving community.

Current 2022 HOA Assessment

Special Meetings of the Members Important Takeaways

Since the 2022 HOA Assessment of $185 failed at the Annual Meeting, the monthly assessment has automati-cally reverted to $157 per month effective March 1st, 2022.

Since the 2022 Budget was based upon the monthly assessment of $185, the Board of Directors are in the pro-cess of cost reductions & cuts in the following areas: ACC amenities, ACC facilities, ACC services, and per-sonnel. These cuts & cost reductions are based on the current monthly HOA assessment of $157.

The Community is strongly encouraged to attend the March 7th Town Hall from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Big Hall & virtually and the March 9th Budget Meeting from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in the Big Hall & virtually. Your input is greatly needed.

Due to the state law that requires ACC to provide the financials 30-days prior to annual/special meeting, which

was satisfied in January 2022, the absentee ballot of “2022 HOA Assessment of $185” will be represented. However, there is a high probability that an amendment will made to the motion you are voting on in your packet. If the amendment is seconded, a majority vote is needed to decide whether the amendment is accepted. Then a vote is taken on the amended motion. If this happens, your vote doesn’t count so you may want to consider giving your proxy to someone attending the meeting so they can vote for you.


Website Advertising

For more information, please

contact the ACC office


Alamo Country Club

438 Country Club Drive

Alamo, TX 78516



Golf Shop-956-787-0910

Fax 956-7870037

Chatterbox Advertising

Print Ad Size (in inches) 1 month 3 months 6 months

Full page 8 x 10.250 $100 $270 $510

Half page 3.937 x 10.250 $50 $120 $210

or 8 x 5.063

Quarter page 3.937 x 5.064 $40 $90 $150

Business card 3.937 x 2.25 $20 $45 $75

For more info, please contact the ACC office. Ad sizes approximate. Minimum resolution 200 dpi,

max 300 dpi Acceptable file types: GIF, JPG, PDF, or TIF . All ads must be submitted camera ready,

paid in full and approved by the office before the deadline (usually 25th of the

month) [email protected]

[email protected]

Chatterbox Mission Statement

ACC’s Chatterbox is a monthly publication to keep the Community informed regarding ACC’s ongoing initiatives, events, &

fundraising activities of the Board of Directors, ACC Committees, ACC Clubs and/or groups. Such initiatives, events, and/or

fundraising events may be published in the Chatterbox in the form of reports, announcements, fundraising advertisements,

monthly calendar, etc. to keep the Community updated & informed. The Board of Directors, Committees, Clubs, & Groups

shall not be charged for their monthly submissions, announcements, and/or advertisements. The Chatterbox is not a forum

for individual members.

**The office will be closed on March 15 until the printing for the special meeting is completed.**

President’s Letter March 2022

[email protected]

As we enter the new 2022 Board year, the 2022 Leadership Team will focus on our administrative responsibilities & duties to include our fiduciary responsibilities and conducting the proper due diligence & research on proposals, contracts, membership requests & identifying best practices. It is critical for the Board to be transparent & accountable as one cohesive unit for the Community & strive to be “proactive” instead of “reactive”. With that being said, it gives me great pleasure to introduce your 2022 leadership team: LJ Gioeni (President), David Rossignol (Vice President & City Liaison Officer), David Stutelberg (Treasurer), Kathi Hedberg (Secretary & Welcoming Committee Liaison Officer), H. Lee King (Security Liaison Officer & Golf Committee Liai-son Officer), Jerry Addie (PPRC Liaison Officer), Barry Nolde (Assistant Secretary & Activities Liaison Officer), David Milne (Parliamentarian & Document & Rules Committee Liaison Officer), Mark Dray (ARCO Liaison Officer), Jonah Gray (Parliamentarian), and GM Monty J. Medley.

Lastly, I want to thank our ACC volunteers who dedicate their time, talents, and expertise to ACC and make ACC a wonderful place to live & gather with friends & family. ACC will always persevere with kindness, selflessness, volunteerism, & neighbors caring for neighbors and let us approach the 2022 season with the same zeal & further bridge our community through fellow-ship & kindness.

Thank you for all that you do for our community and continue to do for ACC. Let’s make 2022 an outstanding year for our com-munity. Be Safe All - President LJ Gioeni


Blank Ballot Proposal

In the upcoming March 16, 2022, Special Meeting, which has been called by the ACC Homeowners Associa-

tion President for the sole purpose of establishing an HOA Assessment Fee. To keep this meeting from be-

coming a time-consuming drawn-out meeting, our parliamentarians are proposing a method that is de-

scribed in Robert’s Rules of Order that will accomplish this goal and simplify the process. There is an alter-

nate method in Robert’s Rules of Order called, “Filling Blanks” (Ref. RNOR (11th ed.), p. 162 - 167)

“Although not a form of amendment in itself, is a closely related device by which an unlimited number of

alternative choices for a particular specification in a main motion or primary amendment can be pending

at the same time. In effect, it permits an exception to the rule (Ref. RNOR (11th ed.), p. 135, II. 27-30) that

only one primary and one secondary amendment can be pending at a time….” and, in the current situa-

tion has distinct advantages. The greatest advantage is the time it takes to administer a motion and

amendments and gives the ACC Homeowners a fair and efficient method of deciding the 2022 budget year

assessment. It also gives the ACC Homeowners the full range of ballots being considered for approval ra-

ther than hearing them one at a time as motions are made and voted on.

Briefly this is how it works; If the membership votes to approve a $185.00 monthly Assessment Fee for the

2022 budget year, the subject is closed, and the Special Meeting is adjourned. However, if it fails, the pre-

siding officer will ask for unanimous consent to create a Blank, if no one objects the meeting proceeds. If

there is an objection to create a Blank, an immediate vote is taken and can be passed by a simple majority

vote of attending members. If passed, the meeting will proceed in this manner. The failed $185.00 is re-

moved from the motion and the figure is left blank. The floor is opened for attending members to suggest a

number to fill the blank. All numbers are accepted and ranked from highest to lowest. The attending mem-

bers begin to vote on each number starting at the highest and going down the list until one number re-

ceives enough votes (a simple majority of attending voters) to pass. This will be by hand vote. This number

is now inserted into the motion. The attending members vote on the motion with the new number insert-

ed by secret ballot for final approval (2/3 majority of attending voters). If the ballot vote passes, we ad-

journ the meeting. If the vote fails, we go to the next number. If no number is accepted, then we vote on

the $157 current assessment.

The ACC Homeowners Association Board of Directors believe that the method described is an efficient, fair

method for the membership to agree and vote on an assessment that meets the needs and expenses of

ACC Homeowners Association.



President’s Report March 2022

[email protected]

Executive Sessions:

On February 16th, 2022, an executive session was held with the Association’s attorney to discuss a legal matter. On February 18th, 2022, an executive session was held with the Association’s attorney to discuss a legal matter.

Board Actions:

On January 24th, 2022, the Board of Directors held an email vote to approve the December 2021 Planning Meeting minutes and the Board Meeting minutes. The meeting minutes were approved unanimously (8-0) via an email vote.

On January 31st, 2022, the Board of Directors held an email vote to approve a variance for Red Hat event to be held at ACC on February 23rd, 2022. The variance was approved 6-2 via an email vote.

On February 14th, 2022, the Board of Directors held a special meeting to discuss the 2022 HOA Assessment. On February 14th, 2022, the Board of Directors held the election, introduction, and transition of the 2022 Leadership Team. On February 16th, 2022, the Board of Directors held an email vote to petition & request for the Board President to schedule

a Special Meeting of Members on March 16th, 2022. A Special Meeting of the Members was approved unanimously (8-0) via an email vote.

On February 18th, 2022, the Board of Directors held a special meeting to discuss proposed cost reductions & budget cuts. The proposed cost reductions & budget cuts were presented at the February 21st, 2022, Special Meeting and posted on ACC’s Website.

On February 19th, 2022, the Board of Directors held an email vote to approve PPRC Project 2021-1-D: Planting of additional hedge on the north side of the new transformer & continuing east adjacent to the cart path to prevent golf carts from pulling onto the golf course in this area. The PPRC project was approved unanimously (8-0) via an email vote.

On February 21st, 2022, the Board of Directors hosted a Special Meeting to discuss the upcoming Special Meeting of the Members, the current monthly assessment of $157, proposed cost reductions & cuts based upon the current monthly HOA assessment, and the upcoming Town Hall & Budget Meeting.

GM Medley 6-Month Progress Review

On February 4th, 2022, VP Baldner, Secretary Rossignol, & Ms. Gioeni conducted a 6-month progress review of GM Medley. The performance review consisted of Board feedback & performance input, review of 6 managerial reports, and his per-formance based upon 10 critical performance elements as follows:

Communicating Orally & in Writing Quality of Work Productivity of Work Knowledge of Job Working Independently Initiative & Proactiveness Interpersonal Relationships & Professionalism Use of Computers Achieving Results & Accomplishments Supervision

VP Baldner, Secretary Rossignol requested for GM Medley to focus on the following three areas for the next 6 months:

Continue to cultivate professional exchanges & relationships with ACC membership, Board of Di-rectors, vendors, and contractors.

Continue to improve communications with the Board & ACC membership. Continue to utilize ACC’s email blast capability, What’s Happening, monthly Chatterbox,

& Urgent Notification System (Only 2 texts per month of 160 characters only, no monthly carryover).

Presenting & posting the ACC’s complaint tracker in the GM’s manger’s report on ACC’s bulletin board, & on ACC’s Website.

Continue to be proactive & identify cost-saving measures & improvements to ACC’s infrastructure & continue to develop best business practices. (continued on page 5)


GM Medley’s managerial reports, the Board of Directors’ notes, and performance review

document were scanned & submitted to Mr. Medley’s personnel file.

Special Meeting of the Members Town Hall (03/07/2022 at 6:00 PM-8:00 PM)

On March 7th, 2022, the Board of Directors will host a Special Meeting of the Members Town Hall to discuss proposed cost reductions and budget cuts to the following four areas: ACC amenities, ACC facilities, ACC services, and ACC personnel. The meeting will be held in the Big Hall & virtually.

Special Meeting of the Members Budge Meeting (03/09/2022 at 9:00 AM-11:00 AM)

On March 9th, 2022, the Board of Directors will host a Budget Cost Reductions & Budget Cuts Session to focus their cuts & reductions in the following areas: ACC amenities, ACC facilities, ACC services, and ACC personnel. The meeting will be held in the Big Hall & virtually.

2022 Leadership Team Assignments

Board of Directors Officers

President LJ Gioeni Vice President David Rossignol Treasurer David Stutelberg

Secretary Kathi Hedberg Asst. Secretary Barry Nolde

Board Liaison Officers:

Activities (Barry Nolde) ARCO (Mark Dray) City Liaison (David Rossignol) Security (H. Lee King)

Document & Rules Committee (David Milne) Golf (H. Lee King) PPRC (Jerry Addie)

Welcoming Committee (Kathi Hedberg)

ACC Parliamentarians

David Milne Jonah Gray

Vaccination Booster Session #3 (TBD – March 2022)

ACC will host a closed vaccination booster sessions (Big Hall & in-house) in March 2022 for ACC members & employees only. A morning session will be held in the Big Hall and the afternoon session will be dedicated to homebound/immune compro-mise residents & their caretakers.

The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson boosters will be administered during the session. Once the vaccination date is established, additional information will be forthcoming to include registration, vaccination forms,

etc. If you would like to volunteer, please send an email to [email protected].

Moratorium on Negative Social Media Posts

The Board is respectively requesting a moratorium on all negative social media posts. The 2022 Absentee Ballot Results Meeting is behind us, and it is a time for our community to move forward & concentrate our efforts on the upcoming Special Meeting of the Members on March 16th, 2022. Let us focus on acts of kindness such as neighbors caring for neighbors through these trying times and not allow negativity to overshadow such kind & loving acts.

Continued from p. 4

Special Meeting of the Members Town Hall Big Hall & Virtual

Monday March 7th, 2022, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

On March 7th, 2022, ACC will host a Special Meeting of the Members Town Hall to discuss the 2022 HOA Assessment proposals & procedures for the special meeting in the Big Hall & virtual. All members are strongly encouraged to attend the town hall and your input is greatly appreciated.

Topic: Special Meeting of the Members Town Hall Time: Monday, March 7th, 2022, at 6:00 pm

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Meeting ID: 149 895 7962 Telecom Dial-In Only:

Dial RingCentral Telephone Number: (469) 445.0100

Enter Meeting ID: 149 895 7962 Enter Participant’s Number 1 followed by # sign (1#) or wait on the line to join the meeting.






(715) 952-6736


Ladies League

Thursday March 3rd will be FUN DAY and lunch-eon so come experience the "50 Shades of

Green" themed fun for this years event! Play

starts at 9 and you do not need to be a league

member to play! Each team will have a green ball

and needs to finish with it to earn prizes! SO wear

your green and plan on an exciting day of fun!

A luncheon will follow the fun.

Old Time Television Comes to ACC Tickets on Sale March 5

Relive old TV shows something like “All in the Family,” “The Mary Tyler Moore Show,” and don’t forget “The Golden Girls.”

For legal reasons we re-named them Not My Family, The Golden Years & I Hate Perky. Three short one act skits with all your

favorites, Archie, Meat Head, or Rose, Dorothy, or Murry, and Ted

On Stage April 1 and 2, Theater opens at 6:30 Your ACC Drama club will bring these characters alive and as funny as you remember. Tickets will be available in the

pro-shop in time for you to get good seats. Tickets are reasonably priced including a free cupcake. The Dog Park Initiative group

will be on hand to dispense your favorite beverages for a small donation.

Stay Tuned to this Bat Channel

Lucy Street Party

Have you signed up for the golf game and potluck

at the Pavilion on March 13 yet? Please head up to

the Big Hall and take care of this so we can have a

good turnout . Fun begins at 4:00 pm. Hosts are the

Welches and Cherneys.

BUNCO—Card Room, March 3, 6:30

Bring finger food to share and your beverage.


Special Meeting of the Members Budget Meeting

Big Hall & Virtual Wednesday March 9th, 2022, 9:00 am to 11:00 am

On March 9th, 2022, ACC will host a Special Meeting of the Members Budget Meeting to discuss proposed cost reductions & budg-

et cuts to the 2022 Budget based upon the current assessment of $157 in the Big Hall & virtual. All members are strongly encour-

aged to attend the budget meeting and your input is greatly appreciated.

Topic: Special Meeting of the Members Budget Meeting

Time: Wednesday, March 9th, 2022, at 9:00 am Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

j/1498957962 Meeting ID: 149 895 7962

Telecom Dial-In Only:

Dial RingCentral Telephone Number: (469) 445.0100 Enter Meeting ID: 149 895 7962 Enter Participant’s Number 1 followed by # sign (1#) or wait on the line to join the meeting.

Board of Directors In-Person Planning & Board Meeting – Big Hall

Video Conferencing & Telephone Dial-In Meeting Link

March 21st, 2022

Since the Special Meeting of the Members will be held on the scheduled date of the March Planning Meeting, the Board of Direc-tors will host an abbreviated Planning Meeting on March 21st followed by a Board Meeting. If needed, a lunch break will be afforded to the Board & the membership.

Topic: BOD March Planning Board Meeting/Board Meeting In-Person, Video Conference/Telcall

Time: March 21st, 2022 8:30 AM (Pre-Meeting) & 9:00 AM (Meeting)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Meeting ID: 148 622 3544

Telecom Dial-In Only:

Dial RingCentral Telephone Number: (469) 445.0100 Enter Meeting ID: 148 622 3544 Enter Participant’s Number 1 followed by # sign (1#) or wait on the line to join the meeting.

Closed ACC Vaccination Booster Session #3 TBD March 2022

Big Hall & In-House Vaccination & Boosters ACC will host a third closed vaccination booster session (Big Hall & in-house) in March 2022, for ACC members & employees only. A morning session will be held at the Big Hall with scheduled appointments & late morning will be dedicated to home-bound/immune compromise residents & their caretakers. Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, & Moderna boosters will be adminis-tered during the session. Additional information will be forthcoming and if you would like to volunteer, please send an email to LJ Gioeni at [email protected]. Your volunteerism is greatly appreciated.




Activities Committee Report

By Lori Welch

Our next Activities Meeting will be March 7 at 11am in the Card Room. The meeting is open to all, if you want to listen and learn, or find out what the Activities Committee is involved in, please join us. Our voting members includes a person from each organiza-tion/club and a liaison from the BOD. Activities maintains the clubhouse so this is very interesting. We’re always looking for more help! Please support their efforts in upcoming dances. The dollars you spend at dances, hamburger lunches, and entertainment events help support Activities.

Activities Committee Members:

President: Bill Skelly, Vice-President: Barb Bledsoe, Treasurer: Neil King, Secretary: Lori Welch

Yoga/Sewing Quilters Club: Kathy Dunning Investors Club: Donna Rief Men’s Golf League: Mo Guffey Women’s Golf League: Pat Frank Entertainment: Terri Talbot & Darla Ewer RV & Travel Club: Mary Guffey Drama Club: Sue Cherrier Dance Club: Dick Henry Security Committee: Audrey Addie First Responders: Eric Danielson Welcome/Pool: Susan Freisleben Pavilion: Lynn Clark Library: Karen Gibson Board Liaison: Barry Nolde

We’re happy to announce the Card Room Update is completed, newly upholstered chairs, tables and paint. All of the above are volunteers in addition to the kitchen cooks and hamburgers grillers. It takes many volunteers that make this happen.

Have you wondered where does the Activities money go? Here’s an example of expenses that were covered by Activities in


All kitchen supplies: disposable plates, silverware, napkins, paper towels, detergent, pots & pans, coffee etc.

Card Room- new paint and reupholstered 54 chairs total, 10 in the library and 44 in card room $4,968 Dance Club bought new podium Big Hall ceiling fans controls rewired $198 New kitchen coffeemaker $50 Big Hall AVR projector and sound and video equipment updates $1348 Patio BBQ grill replaced $242 Kitchen stove repair $835 Culligan Water kitchen reverse osmosis $469 Volleyball equipment updated $404 Big Hall Christmas decorations $287 In 2022: 11 new Card Room tables $2613 Library DVD shelves $255

Citrus Drive and Northcutt Drive Block Party

March 20th, 2022 (Sunday) At the Pavilion (Lucy Drive) Weather Permitting Time: 4:30—6:30

Potluck Dinner: Generously share your favorite crowd-pleaser. Bring your own drinks, dinnerware, and utensils.

Entertainment will again be provided by our neighbors on Citrus Drive GERALD and ELOISE RUTHERFORD. They kind-ly offered to do this for us, again, and we are blessed!

Do check the bulletin board for cancellation due to weather or covid alerts.

The coordinator is Mary Moline.

Entertainment coming up is:

3-2-2022 Dave & Daphne Show & Dinner

Terri Talbot and Dick Henry have already

attended the talent showcases to book

events and dances for next year!



Karan Herring; 323 Rebecca Dr, Passed Away

Bob Schwinghammer; 239 Karen Dr, Passed Away

Jim Bentley: 236 Diana Dr, Passed Away


Kenneth & Patricia Fults, Lot # 251, 848 Citrus Dr

Ronald & Ranae Watson, Lot # 389, 247 Diana Dr

Covenant, By-Law and Rules and Regulations Changes During the Last Year

Covenant Changes By-Law Changes

None None

Rules and Regulation Changes (all changes were passed by the Board of Directors, date passed in paren-theses

Section 1, General Rules

Allows ACC to verify occupancy of residents and guests and redefines who can use ACC amenities. (June 21, 2021)

Redefines yard maintenance responsibilities of residents including maintenance standards, fines, remedial action allowed by ACC management, repeat violations and other rules regarding yard mainte-nance. This is a complete rewrite of the yard maintenance section and residents are advised to read it when published.

Section II, Club House Rules

Golfing hours are defined as from Dawn to Dusk. (August 16, 2021)

Prohibits recreational bicycles on cart paths during golfing hours. (July 19, 2021)

Prohibits residents not playing golf from taking a golf cart onto the course during golfing hours. (August 16, 2021)

Section III, Golf Course Restrictions and Safety

Pets, except for registered service animals, will not be allowed to walk or run on the golf course at any time. (April 19, 2021)

Section VI, Policy

Allows service pets in the pool area but prohibits all other animals and prohibits any animal from being in the pool. (April 19, 2021)

Prohibits skateboards and roller blades on golf course. (July 19, 2021)

Section X, Architectural Control Committee (ARCO)

Requires ARCO approval on exterior installation of propane tanks and generators. (March 15, 2021)


RV and Travel Club

Mary Guffey

As the March winds blow, the RV and Travel Club continues to en-joy many activities. But first a big Thank You to Bevelee DeCour and Darla Ewer for a fantastic Chocolate Factory Tour in Hidalgo and lunch at Riverside Club. Also thanks to Margie Peart for the beauti-ful day Monday Feb. 21st when we joined the Red Hats for a cata-maran trip on the bay at South Padre. Thank you Margie for plan-ning this.

The club has three events coming up on their schedule for the sea-son and more details will be given out at our March 7th meeting. On March 10th the second ViP Zoo trip to Brownsville will be led by Judy and Mike Huber. April 6th is the Riverside Lunch and Boat trip on the Rio Grande. Pat Herrin and Jan Howard will be collecting money at the March 7th meeting. A signup sheet is on the board in the Big Hall. The cost is $25 per person and includes lunch and the boat trip. Please bring cash.

The Pavilion has been reserved for Monday April 11th for our Hap-py Trails event to wish our Winter Texan members safe trav-els. Again more info will come later,so watch for emails and notes on the board.

As a reminder to our RV people who use the cleanout/dump area at the storage area, please take your hoses or sewage caps when you leave. This is a nice benefit for rvers so we need to keep it clean.

Remember our March 7th meeting at 9 a.m. in the Big Hall.

Nature Park News

from Lynette Huberty & Patty Whalen

[email protected] [email protected]

After a few postponements due to rainy weather we finally were able to have the river rock delivered and placed in the three prepared beds in the nature park on February 28th! Thanks to Kevin Malmin for arranging to use the large maintenance trailer to pick up several loads of the rocks and to all of our wonderful volunteers who came to work on this project. The Nature Park is looking good for our up-coming Walk in the Park Ice Cream Social!

We are excited that our new garden shed has ar-rived but have a complication regarding where it has been placed. Several residents have offered to make a ramp below the doorway, build shelves inside and place skirting around the bottom. Hopefully, the shed will be ready to be used by mid March.

Our main focus this month is our Walk in the Park Ice Cream Social fundraiser event scheduled for Monday, March 21st from 5:30-7:00pm in the Na-ture Park. We will have ice cream sundaes to enjoy for a purchase of $5.00 and entertainment on the memorial plaza by Curt James! Don’t forget to bring dollars for a chance at winning some wonderful raffle prizes donated by ACC residents. There will be tables available to use while eating your ice cream sundaes but we ask that you bring your own lawn chairs for seating. You can find more details of this event on our bulletin board in the clubhouse hallway and on the media board by the office as well as on the ACC website. Please contact Patty or Lynette if you would be willing to help serve ice cream, set up, sell tickets etc. All the funds raised from this event will go towards the continued up-keep of our Nature Park.

Hope you will plan to join us for a fun evening with your ACC neighbors!

Driving Range Dilemma

Randy Rawlings & Rick Wright We are having difficulty getting driving range balls from the supplier. We’ve had balls backordered for 6 months now. Consequently we are running low on balls. So for now please only use 1 token of golf balls when you use the range. Do not store extra balls in your cart or at home. This will help us have balls available for all our members.

Making Space – Demo of Golf Equipment Repair and Future Ideas by Jim Gerry

Discussions have been taking place about the concept and possi-bility of adding a Making Space amenity to ACC. What initially started as a wood shop concept has blossomed into a much more versatile space for creativity and making things. To provide exam-ples of things that could be made in this space, a monthly series of demonstrations is being planned. Demonstrations will be held in the Big Hall and will be available to view via RingCentral as well.

The first session is scheduled for March 21 at 4:00 PM and will be dedicated to making items used to support one's golf game. A demonstration of a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) method of replacing old golf club handles will be given. This demonstration will be provid-ed by Dana Morley of ACC who has done this type of repair for years. This is a fairly easy process that anyone with some basic skills can tackle and Dana will show us how. Then he will show how to build a simple device to help improve one's putting skills. This device will be made with two 12 to 18 inch long pieces of 2x4 wood and some scrap metal straps to tie them together. Again, beginning skills are all that is needed to make this device.

Other demonstrations in the works will include: water color, acrylics, or oil painting ; inexpensive micro controller (Arduino) based projects; assorted craft projects; demonstration of how RC airplanes work; use of a Dremel tool for removal of stuck screws, cut off materials and inlay routing.


6840 N I69C Edinburg Tx 78542.

Dusty Cyphers

956-381-1162 956-381-0504 fax

ACC Investment Club By Bill Skelly, 1st Vice President

I joined the Investment Club 2 years ago, mainly because I know very little about the stock market and investing. ACCIC has a limit of 30 members. Currently we have room for 5 more members due to members either moving or failing health. Any individual wanting to learn more about invest-ments can contact me (956 249 4756) or Bob Dawson (419 576 7253). We will get you started. We meet on the 2nd Thursday @ 2 p.m. each month, October through May. The cost to join is $500 which goes into your account. Dues are $25 per month. At the end of a year, you will have $800 in your account plus whatever the club has made in dividends which historically has been around 10% return. The ACCIC also runs 2 community projects per year. The first one is the investment golf tournament which was held on Feb 18th & 19th. We had 128 golfers @ $15, which came to $1920; we paid out $960 in pro shop credit to the winners and $960 to the golf committee for golf course improve-ments. The other project is our annual fish fry which is March 18th @ 5:00 and is limited to 200 meals. All profits are put back into the ACC community.


Karen Gibson

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Library vol-unteers for all the time they give to the Library. They are Gayle Baldner, CeCe Boecker, Kay Derry, Kathy Dunning, Sandy Gunter, Gleta Hagarman, Vicki Peterson, Julie Roach, Lynn Robertson, Vicki Toland, and Yvonne Warn-er. New to join our list of volunteers are Roz Daman and Melanie Eckert. Recently someone anonymously donated six boxes of books to the Library! Thank you very much! Happy reading and puzzling everyone!

Beautification Committee

Diane Kitchen

We began the year with a meeting of all our volunteers. We planned a day to drive around the community to see what needed our attention. Currently, we have eleven volunteers. I can’t say enough about them. There are hard workers, eager, and do a great job keeping this community beautiful. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Belinda Suarez, our newest member. Belinda is excited to get started. Welcome Belinda!

On February 21st our committee planted ixoras, laid landscape fabric, spread mulch and placed landscape blocks in the two areas in front of the #1 men’s tee box. A big thank you to Ste-ve Bradley, Gary Kitchen and Leon Hedberg for all the heavy lifting. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Julie Roach. Julie brings water, soda and treats on our work days. Thank you Julie!

We welcome new members and new ideas. If your undecided about joining, give me a call and we can talk further. For more information contact Diane Kitchen at 217-494-7596 or [email protected].

THE PLAY IS ON! Kevin Slavin, President What exciting news! The Drama Club’s spring play is on April 1 & 2. We are going to take you back to the good old days of television, with 3 different comedies for your enjoy-ment. Please watch for the ticket sales information on our Drama Club bulletin board.

Our monthly meeting is the first Wednesday of each month at 10 am in the View Room. It’s never to late to join us, we’re a fun club. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm. Looking forward to seeing you y’all.


Mark your calendars for Sunday March 27th from 4-7 p.m.

at the Pavilion. It will be potluck, so bring a dish to

share. There will be a golf tourney as well. More info to

come. Please RSVP with Naomi Rossignol or Darla Ewer.


MONDAY MARCH 14th 2022

8 am – 10 am in Big Hall

$3 per person

Come join in on fun,

games and gifts!


Wellness Screening March 21, 2022

The Rio Grande Regional Hospital will be conducting a Well-

ness Screening in the Card Room and Big Hall on Monday,

March 21st starting at 7:00-8:00 AM. NO FOOD 12 hours

prior to the blood draw. Water only!!!

There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the

main hallway of the clubhouse prior to the blood draw. The

cost of the basic test is $20.00 (cash or check). Several other

tests are available at an additional fee, such as PSA, CA-125,

thyroid profile, H-Pyloric, etc. Cash or check only.

Results of your tests will be placed in your ABC box by Thurs-

day, March 24th and David Almquist from Rio Grande Hospi-

tal will be here on Friday, March 25th at 10:00 AM in the

Card Room to go over test results and answer any questions.

The basic test is a great indicator of how well your heart,

lungs, liver, pancreas, thyroid, etc. are working. Did you real-

ize that 85% of the diagnoses your doctor gives you comes

from your lab results?

If you have any questions regarding days and/or times of the

blood draw, please call Barbara Bledsoe at 956-530-2408 or

email at [email protected] . Thank you and hope to see

you there!

The monthly ladies’ coffee will be held on March 8 in the Card Room, starting around 9:00.

Hostesses will be Judy Porter and Kathy Baker. Bring a morning snack to share with others and a

coffee cup. Get to know other women in the ACC community and learn their stories. This gathering

usually lasts about an hour.


Security Support Committee

Submitted by Audrey Addie

The Security Committee last met on Monday, 2/7/2022. The

treasurers’ report was presented and approved. No security

supervisor was present at our meeting due to Richard Mar-

tinez’s recent retirement.. Rick and his family had a great last

day on January 31. A small luncheon for the employees, BOD

and security committee was held. After lunch many ACC resi-

dents came to say their farewell to Rick and tell a few stories.

Mr. Martinez is moving on to spend more time traveling, fishing

and possibly opening a thrift store. Rick promised to come by

with flyers when the store is ready.

Enrique Martinez is the new supervisor reporting to the Gen-

eral Manager. He also answers to Rick.

There will be no March root beer floats.

Knockers are continuing to harass our community. Just a re-

minder, leave your yard lights on all night, install motion detec-

tor lights, cameras, or a Ring doorbell. All are good deterrents. If

you do get a knocker, please report it to Security. Eric Danielson

from the First Responders Committee joined us for the February

meeting. Due to only 3 active members on the First Responders,

it was decided to submit a proposal to combine our two com-

mittees. Once we work out all the details, we will provide more

information. Our next meeting is Monday, March 14 @ 8am.

Any resident of ACC is welcomed to attend.


Golf Committee

Bret Ewer

It's March already and my how time flies when we're having fun! The Investment Club had 128 players participate in their tournament, Feb 18th and 19th. Great job and thank you from the golf committee! The Club Championship is scheduled for March 11th and 12th. The tournament is being run by Men's League President RIck Wright and Ladies League President Pat Frank. We encourage everyone to sign up. Renters are eligible in the various flights, but are not eligible for the championship flights. ACC Homeowners/Members, if you want to compete in the Champion Flights, you must declare so when signing up.

It is unfortunate that the #4 ballot did not pass. Which still means that no one under 18 years of age is allowed on the golf course at any time, not just during golf.

Our course continues to have a lot of play, but still remains in very good shape. Please remember to fill divots and repair ball marks on the greens. Also, please remember that if you hit your ball in the water, you may retrieve it, but NOT the other balls as they now belong to ACC. Don't be one of those people taking more than you are allowed, per the ACC golf rules.

Have fun and hit ‘em straight. See you on the course,.

Dance Club

Dick Henry

Well, here it is March already and we have our final 2 dances of this season this month. First up is our St. Pat-rick's Dance on Thursday, March 17th. Music will be per-formed by Rock Star Denied. It will be their second time perform for us. This is always one of our most attended dances. We will also be celebrating the birthdays of Patty Whalen and Barb Rawlings. They will be providing the birthday cakes and your Dance Club will be providing "free" keg(s) of beer. There will be 50/50 drawing(s) and 6 Raffle Items which all will be gift cards to local restau-rants like The Yard House, Texas Roadhouse, Golden Cor-ral and El Dorado. Some of these are gift cards are spon-sored by our ACC Realtors. Both of these drawings can be purchased for 6/$5 each. Dance tickets are available in the Golf Shop from Jorge for $10/pp starting on Tuesday, March 1st. It is unknown at this time whether dance tick-ets will be available at the door. I'll post that information closer to the dance date on our ACC Facebook page. The doors are opened at 6:00 and the music starts at 7:00 and ends at 10:00.

Our second and final dance of this season is our Spring Roundup. The dance is on Saturday, March 26th and our performer is our own Curt James. The dance tickets can be bought in the Golf Shop at the same time and date as the St. Patrick's Dance. The price is the same, the times are the same and everything else is the same not men-tioned or mentioned above. Drawings are yet to be deter-mined.

As all of us know, this has been another difficult time in-side and outside of our community. On behalf of your Dance Club, I would like to thank all of you for your con-tinued support. We all work hard to bring you the very best we can each and every dance. All the bands for next season (2022-2023) and the following season (2023-2024) have already been contracted. Next year we have Pelican West, Diego, The Bottom Line Band, Southern Vibes (new), Rock Star Denied and REWIND.

Have a healthy and safe summer and we will see you back here at your home away from home ACC!

Golf Shop Is Booming Busy Jorge Benavides

Hello again everyone. March is here and we’re hoping for some great golfing weather this month. March brings with it several golf outings and plenty of opportunities for participa-tion and FUN!!! We have our Annual Club Championship on March 11th & 12th, as well as our regular weekly events. 2022 handicap fees are due, so come visit me at the Golf Shop if you haven’t already taken care of them.

Friday Couples Dates:

3/4, 3/18, 3/25

Saturday Scramble Dates:

3/5, 3/19, 3/26



ACC Website Updates

Donna Hucker [email protected]

Website for our Homeowners Association . We encourage all residents

(homeowners and renters) to register on the website. You will

be approved by the office within a few days. By registering,

you will receive a weekly “What’s Happening” email and will

receive informative email blasts from the office and the Board

of Directors.

What’s Happening Emails

If you registered for the website and have not received the

emails, please send an email to webmaster and we will investigate. if you are

sponsoring an ACC event and would like it to appear in these

emails, please review the “Special Events” calendar on the

website and make sure your event is listed properly. You can

also submit flyers or additional information to webmas-

[email protected].

Pictures on the website

If you attend an ACC event and would like to post those pic-

tures on the website, please send them to webmas-

[email protected]. They will also appear in

“What’s Happening”. Remember, not everyone uses Face-

book !

On the horizon

We are looking into adding a feature similar to Angi’s List on

the ACC website. If you would be interested in being a part of

a small group to help brainstorm and get this feature kicked

off, please contact Donna Hucker.


Our meetings for March will be on the first and third Wednesdays, as usual, at 10:00 AM, at 431 Rexine. Care-givers who are caring for someone 24/7 or someone at a distance are welcome. We focus mainly on caregivers car-ing for someone with any kind of dementia.

Our goals are : to offer and share support with the others, so that no one needs to feel they are all alone in doing this. Just as important is becoming educated about symptoms, behaviors, aspects of caregiving, and especially dealing with the stress that comes with this.

I always have lots of educational materials and handouts, as well as resources available. I have dealt with all of this professionally since the 1980's.

I am also willing to take calls from any caregiver be-tween meetings. My number is 402-641-0440.


First Responders to Merge with

Security Committee

By consensus, the First Responders will be merging with the Security Committee. Our last meeting will be in March and the day will be determined at a later date. We are encouraging people who are interested to come to the next Security Committee meeting March 14 at 8:00am in the Card Room. Again, the Milk Can Dinner scheduled for this year has been cancelled, BUT, the First Responder/Security Com-mittee has scheduled the next Dinner March 13, 2023.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1Men’s League


2 Drama Club,

VR, 10


Show, 5:30. BH

3Ladies League


Packet Pickup, CR, 8—4

Bunco, CR, 6:30

4 5

6Nada Block

party, 4, P

7Golf Mtg, 9, VR

RV/Travel, 9, BH

TOWN Hall, 6,


8 Women’s

Coffee, 9, CR

9BOD Budget Mtg

9:00, BH, VC

Celebration of Life,

Bob Vander Ven,

10 11CLUB





13 LUCY Street

Party, 4, P

Daylight Savings

Time begins

14Security, 8,


ballots due

Wisconsin Coffee,

8-10, BH






VC, 9:00

17St. Pat’s Day

Dance, 6, BH

18Investors’ Fish

Fry, 5, BH

19 Line Dance

party, BH, 10

Private Party, BH,


20 Citrus/

Northcutt party,



21 Wellness Screening, CR, 7-BOD Mtg, 9, BH Choir, CR, 3 Nature Park ice cream, 4

22 23 24 25 26SPRING




Marilin Jane party,

P, 4—7

28 Choir, CR, 3 29 30 31 DRAMA CLUB

PLAY—April 1-2,

NO Fooling.

MARCH 2022

WEEEKLY ACTIVITIES CR—card room VR—View Room BH—Big Hall L—Library

Church Service—9, S, CR Water Volleyball—1—3 M,W,F Dominoes & Pinochle—6:30, T, CR

Zumba—10, BH, M, T,W, F Mah Jong—1, W, CR; Tennis—9, M.W,F, courts

Line Dance—1—T, TH, BH Laughter Yoga-10, 2nd,4th TH CR Karaoke—6, S, BH

Yoga— 8—9:15, M,W,F VR Wizard—10—12:30, F, CR Tough 13 Cards—12:30, M, CR

Exercise—8-9, M-F, BH Help—6:30—9, F CR Couples Hangout—5-8, F, pavilion

Pickleball—10:30, M,W,F courts Sew Be It Quilting—9:15—2, T, VR Water Aerobics--11-12, M,T,W,F, Sat

Men’s Bible Study—9, Th, VR Row Quilting-9:15—3, F, VR Thinner Winners—8, W, CR

Ladies’ Bible Study—10, M, L Writers’ Group—10, F, L