bản đọc thử bingo 3- giải mã ielts speaking quý3/2020


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Càng ngày đề IELTS SPEAKING càng trở nên hóc búa với các topic về trải nghiệm hay liên quan

đến lịch sử, văn hóa… Chính vì thế, để giúp đỡ và hỗ trợ các sĩ tử có thể đạt thành tích cao

trong kì thi IELTS SPEAKING, IELTS Trang Bec đã gấp rút hoàn thành cuốn sách “BINGO 3 –

GIẢI MÃ IELTS SPEAKING QUÝ 3/2020”. Cuốn sách là một trong những tâm huyết của Ms.

Trang Nguyen bao gồm những Sample mẫu “chất như nước cất” cùng kho tàng từ vựng “ăn

điểm” theo từng topic để các bạn có thể áp dụng vào bài nói của mình một cách dễ dàng.

Cuốn sách này sẽ giúp bạn giải đáp hầu hết các câu hỏi trong bộ đoán đề Quý 3 (tháng 9-

tháng 12/2020). Chính vì vậy, đừng bỏ qua cuốn sách này nếu bạn đang có dự định thi trong

những tháng tới bởi bộ đoán đề này còn lặp lại trong tháng đầu quý tiếp theo nữa đó.

Để có thể đạt điểm cao trong bài thi Speaking, hãy học cuốn sách này theo 5 bước dưới đây:

Bước 1: Đầu tiên, các bạn hãy sắm một cuốn sổ ghi chép để take notes lại các từ vựng cũng

như các cụm “ăn điểm” trong bài thi

Bước 2: Hãy tập tự trả lời các câu hỏi của các topic trước khi xem Sample mẫu bằng cách ghi

ra các ideas và từ vựng cho Part 2 và Part 3 (Part 2 có thể dựa vào câu hỏi gợi ý để tìm ý tưởng

– nhớ bấm giờ để tập làm quen với Time management trong khi đi thi nhé)

Bước 3: Các bạn đọc các Sample mẫu để tham khảo cách mình đưa ra ideas một cách tự nhiên

nhất cũng như học các từ vựng, cấu trúc của từng chủ đề.

Bước 4: Bên cạnh từ vựng và ideas, phát âm cũng là một trong những yếu tố quyết định số

điểm thi của bạn. Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn phát âm đúng, có luyến láy ngữ điệu rõ ràng trong

bài nói của mình. Vì vậy, mỗi lần luyện tập Speaking bạn hãy Ghi Âm và nghe lại để tìm ra lỗi

sai phát âm và sửa lại để có thể đạt điểm số mong đợi trong bài thi nhất.

Đây là bộ đề được Update mới nhất, với các topic sát với đề thi thật khoảng 90% bởi các

Examiners có thể chỉ hỏi 1-2 câu cho mỗi topic. Bên cạnh đó, các Sample mẫu chỉ mang tính

chất tham khảo, các bạn không nên học thuộc lòng vì các Examiners sẽ phát hiện ra và đánh

trượt bạn ngay lập tức. Hãy sử dụng cuốn sách như một nơi giúp bạn phát triển ideas cho các

topic “khó nhằn” cũng như ‘nằm lòng” các từ vựng học thuật.

Mọi ý kiến đóng góp, feedbacks để giúp cuốn sách hoàn thiện hơn, các bạn có thể gửi mail về

hòm thư [email protected]

Cảm ơn các bạn đã ủng hộ đầu sách mới của mình. Vì đây là sản phẩm trí tuệ cũng như tâm

huyết của mình nên mong các bạn nếu chia sẻ hãy ghi rõ nguồn nhé.

Chúc các bạn ôn tập IELTS thật tốt và đạt kết quả ngoài mong đợi!

Để cập nhật các từ vựng của các chủ đề Speaking mới nhất các bạn follow các trang sau:

Page: IELTS Trang Bec (https://www.facebook.com/IELTSTrangBec)

Website: bec.edu.vn

Để cập nhật lịch học và các khóa học một cách chi tiết nhất các bạn theo dõi trên trang

Fanpage của chúng mình hàng ngày nhé.

Hy vọng IELTS Trang Bec sẽ nhận được sự ủng hộ của các bạn!

IELTS SPEAKING PART 1……………………………………………………………………………… 8

AGE .................................................................................................................................. 8

BEING IN A HURRY ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

BORROWING MONEY ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

BORROWING/ LENDING .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CALCULATOR ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CASH - CREDIT CARDS ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CLOTHES ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

COOKING .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

COMEDIES ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CONCENTRATION .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

CONTACTING PEOPLE ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

DISCUSSIONS ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

FISHING .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

FURNITURE .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

GAMES ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

HAND WRITING .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

INSECTS .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

JUDGE / APPEARANCE ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

PLACE ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

PLANTS ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

PICNICS ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

PUBIC TRANSPORT ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

SAVE MONEY ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

SHOPPING .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

SLEEP .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

SOCIAL MEDIA................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

SPORTS ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

STAYING UP LATE ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

STREET MARKETS ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

RECYCLING ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

TEXT MESSAGES ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

TIDINESS ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

WATER ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

WEEKENDS.......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

WILD ANIMALS ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

IELTS SPEAKING PART 2……………………………………………………………………………. 10

PEOPLE ........................................................................................................................... 10

Topic 1: A family (not your own) which you like and happy to know ............................ 10

Topic 2: A friend of yours who is the good leader................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 3: A person who often helps others ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 4: A person who taught you a skill when you were a child ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 5: A person who you think is very open ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 6: A person whom you met at the first time and made you happy. ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 7: An energetic person you know ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 8: An intelligent person that you know ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

PLACES ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 9: A city you have visited and want to come back .. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 10: A colourful place you have visited .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 11: A country in which you would like to work for a short time . Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 12: A crowded place you’ve been ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 13: A historical building ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 14: A major river, lake or area of water in your country ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 15: A noisy place that annoys you/you have been to .............. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 16: A place you visited that has been affected by air pollution ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 17: A place you would like to relax ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

HOBBIES/ INTERESTS ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 18: A book you read that you found useful .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 19: A film/movie or TV show that made you laugh a lot............ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 20: A large company that you know ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 21: A line that you remember from a poem or song ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 22: A movie you have watched and thought about it ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 23: A practical skill you learnt that is useful to you ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 24: A programme or an application that you think is useful ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 25: A sport that you would like to learn ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 26: An area of science that interest you ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 27: An expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

OBJECTS ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 28: A photo of you that you like ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 29: An interesting advertisement that you have seen Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 30: Something you brought back from a tourist attraction ....... Error! Bookmark not defined.

EVENTS/ EXPERIENCES ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 31: A challenging thing you have done ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 32: A conversation topic that you were not interested in ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 33: A country/culture that you want to know more about ....... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 34: A dinner you enjoyed with your friends................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 35: A long journey by car ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 36: A long walk you ever had ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 37: A mistake you once made in your life and how you deal with it ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 38: A prize that you want to win .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 39: A situation where you were surprised to meet a friend ....... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 40: A time when you missed an appointment ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 41: A time when you received good news .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 42: A time when you saw children behaving badly in public ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 43: A time when you were scared by an animal ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 44: A time when you were stuck in a traffic jam .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 45: A time when your family member asked you for help ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 46: A time you took a risk that may have gone wrong, but turned out well ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 47: A volunteering experience you have had ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 48: A project or some work that you did with others as a member of a team . Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 49: A tradition in your country ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 50: An ambition you have had for a long time ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 51: An educational trip you went on in your school days ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 52: An event you attended in which you didn’t like the music played ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 53: An occasion when you wore your best clothes .... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 54: An occasion you forgot an important thing .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 55: An occasion that you wasted your time ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 56: Something you have done with a group of people (friends) and you enjoyed it………….. ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 57: The first time when you used a foreign language to communicate ........... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Topic 58: The time when you got lost....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.






1. Are you happy to be the age you are now? (= Do you like your current age?)

Absolutely yes! To me, life is too short to worry about things you can’t control, especially

aging. I think self-improvement and self-esteem go hand in hand and together they are the

most important things at any stage of your life. As long as you feel you are progressing,

then aging is not a big deal. That’s why I go to great lengths to live life to the full.

2. When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future?

Not a bit (or: Of course, not). I think every child at that stage live entirely in the moment and

doesn’t stop to think about tomorrow. The only responsibility that hey have is how to

educate themselves to repay their parents’ favors. And I was no different from this. I spent

much of my youth learning new things, interacting with everyone and discovering my hidden


3. Do you think you have changed as you have got older?

I would say yes definitely. As I got older, I have become more mature, responsible and

selfless (or: less selfish). I think, all experiences are valuable even the painful ones and I

think they help to shape me who I am now. I think it’s a universal path for anyone. We all

learn form our past mistakes. That’s how we become a better version of ourselves.

4. What will be different about your life in the future?

Without a doubt, my life will be unrecognisable from the life that I’m living now. I have a

strong instinct that slowly but surely I would have a bright future ahead and can enjoy

the fruits of my hard work. These days, I study like an eager beaver and I always have a

positive approach towards life. So, I will achieve my target in IELTS, gain a lucrative

income and have a healthy and happy family.

5. At what age do you think people are the happiest?

I believe all stages of life are beautiful as long as you seize every single moment. Having

said that, I believe that ignorance is bliss. When children are very young, they do not know

about the pains and hardships in the world. Instead, they take joy from the most simple of

things. For this reason, I would say infancy is the most joyful time of your life.

6. What was the most important decision you have made?

Being self-employed would be the most profound step I have taken in my life. It was a risky

move, but it has paid off tremendously. It has given me a lease of freedom that you cannot

experience when you work for someone else. I do not answer to anyone, and I have learned

some valuable life skills too. When you step out of your comfort zone, you really begin to






1. Self-improvement (n) /ˌself.ɪmˈpruːv.mənt/: the activity of learning new things on your

own that make you a more skilled or able person - sự tự cải thiện

Example: In the interest of self-improvement, I took a Spanish course.

2. Self-esteem (n) /ˌself.ɪˈstiːm/: belief and confidence in your own ability and value -

lòng tự tôn, tự trọng (yêu bản thân)

Example: She suffers from low self-esteem and it prevents her from pursuing her goals.

3. Go hand in hand with sth: If something goes hand in hand with something else, it is

closely related to it and happens at the same time as it or as a result of it - luôn đi đôi

với nhau

Example: Prosperity goes hand in hand with investment.

4. Go to great lengths = go to any lengths: to try very hard to achieve something - cố

gắng hết sức để làm gì

Example: He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.

5. Universal (a) /ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.səl/: existing everywhere or involving everyone - phổ biến

Example: Food, like sex, is a subject of almost universal interest.

6. Lucrative (a) /ˈluː.krə.tɪv/ = (especially of a business, job, or activity) producing a lot

of money - béo bở, lợi ích

Example: The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies.

7. Seize (v) /siːz/: to take something quickly and keep or hold it - nắm bắt

Example: He seized the chance/opportunity of a free flight with both hands (= with eagerness

or enthusiasm).

8. Ignorance is bliss: không biết là hạnh phúc.

Example: I was wonderfully happy using my drier every day and ignorance was bliss until I

found out how much electricity it consumed.

9. Hardship (n) /ˈhɑːd.ʃɪp/: (something that causes) difficult or unpleasant conditions of

life, or an example of this - khó khăn, nghịch cảnh

Example: economic hardship

10. Infancy (n) /ˈɪn.fən.si/: the time when someone is a baby or a very young child - tuổi

thơ ấu

Example: Her youngest child died in infancy.

11. Profound (a) /prəˈfaʊnd/: felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way - sâu

sắc, uyên thâm

Example: His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.






Topic 1: A family (not your own) which you like and happy to know


Describe a family (not your own) which you like and happy to know

You should say:

Whose family this is

Where they live

Who are the family members

Why you like this family

Sample answer


I would start off by saying that if you were born in a stable and happy family, it is such a

blessing. There’s one particular family that always fill me with admiration for its close-

knit nature and successful factors that everyone dreams of.


This is actually one of my student’s family and also his family is my grandmother’s neighbour

so I know his family very well. All his family members look decent and immaculately

groomed. As well as this, they are all highly educated. His father is a doctor at one of the

most prestigious hospitals in Hanoi. His mother is working as a diplomat. His brother and

him follow in his father’s footsteps and both of them have medical degrees at Hanoi

medical university. They are also successful entrepreneurs and have opened their own

private dental practice. His sister studied overseas and has settled down in France with

her new family happily. As you can imagine, they are a very wealthy family which allows

them to contribute so much to various charitable events. I think this can inspire others to

do the same.

Besides their success in career and education, they are also really caring and supportive

towards each other. Although I know that all families have some inevitable arguments every

now and then, they always know how to resolve conflicts in a very fair way.

I am always jealous of my student for having such a civilised and respectable family like this.

I think his mum and dad really put great efforts into providing their children with a stable

upbringing and it’s also one of the stepping stones for him to be successful.





All in all, this is the most awe-inspiring family that I have ever known. I really hope my future

family will also be like this.


1. Blessing (n) /ˈbles.ɪŋ/: something that is extremely lucky or makes you happy - phúc


Example: It was a blessing that no one was killed in the accident.

2. Close-knit (a) /ˌkləʊsˈnɪt/: If a group of people are close-knit, they all help and support

each other - khăng khít

Example: a close-knit family/community

3. Decent (a) /ˈdiː.sənt/: socially acceptable or good – tốt

Example: I thought he was a decent person

4. Immaculately (adv) /ɪˈmæk.jə.lət.li/: in a way that is perfect and has no mistakes –

chỉn chu

Example: He wore an immaculately tailored three-piece suit

5. Prestigious (a) /presˈtɪdʒ.əs/: very much respected and admired, usually because of

being important - uy tín

Example: a prestigious literary award

6. Diplomat (n) /ˈdɪp.lə.mæt/: an official whose job is to represent one country in

another, and who usually works in an embassy - nhà ngoại giao

Example: a Spanish/British diplomat

7. Entrepreneur (n) /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr/: someone who starts their own business, especially

when this involves seeing a new opportunity - nhà khởi nghiệp

Example: He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in property.

8. Follow in someone’s footsteps: to do the same thing as someone else, esp.

someone in your family, previously did - nối bước ai đó

Example: She followed in her mother’s footsteps and started her own business.

9. Wealthy (a) /ˈwel.θi/: rich - giàu có

Example: He’s a very wealthy man.

10. Inevitable (a) /ɪˈnev.ɪ.tə.bəl/: certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented

- không thể tránh khỏi

Example: The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.

11. Conflict (n) /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/: an active disagreement between people with opposing

opinions or principles - mâu thuẫn

Example: There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.




12. Stepping stone (n) /ˈstep·ɪŋˌstoʊn/: something that helps someone advance or

achieve something - đòn bẩy

Example: I hope this job will be a stepping stone to something better.

13. Awe-inspiring (a) /ˈɔː.ɪnˌspaɪə.rɪŋ/: causing you to feel great respect or admiration -

tuyệt vời

Example: Niagara Falls really is an awe-inspiring sight.

Part 3: Let's talk about Families

1. Do you think family relationships are important?

2. In what ways have families in your country changed recently?

3. What are the benefits of younger and older generations living together? 4. Do you think people should be responsible for looking after their parents when they

get older? 5. Which do you prefer most, support from family or support from friends?


