amazing sciences of the east


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AMAZING SCIENCES OF THE EAST:The Wisdom of Ancient India

By Rodney Lingham

(C) 2003-2004


Satyavidya Institute of Vedic and Paranormal Research Reformation






(c) 2005 - 2006 Rodney Lingham








6. MIBS (Men in Black) AND SHANI (Saturn)

7. HINDU COSMOLOGY: Inter-dimensional Science


9. EXAMPLES OF ET CONTACT IN MAHABHARATA:The Universe was small, to the ancients





Evolution Theory:

The ancient Hindus appear to have known about Darwin’s theory of evolution – as its self-evident in their Dashavatara or ‘Ten incarnations’ of the God Vishnu, through history.

They start with Matsya (Fish), and next came the Tortoise (Kurma) – the amphibian. The next avatar is the Boar (Varaha) - symbolising the first Mammal. The next is Narasimha (Man-lion) – the being in between the humanoid and the mammal. Next comes Vamana (dwarf) –the primal short man, and then Parashurama (man with an axe) – representing the first hunter-gatherers creating the first tools. 

After him comes Rama – who represents the first King, and hence society. Krishna is the next – who is the philosopher and Yogi, and then comes Buddha – who is a more refined philosopher, advocating non-violence and an atheistic doctrine. The next will be Kalki – who is said to restore the Vedas (texts of wisdom) and righteousness – symbolizing the scientific geniuses.

Big Bang Theory:

The Big Bang theory is mentioned as early as the Rig Veda, where, in Mandala X – the Cosmos and the ‘Golden Egg’ or the Sun, is born from the Cosmic Void – often called as Asat (Non-being) – also meaning ‘Non-wisdom’ or Chaos.

The highest force in Hinduism from Vedic times is called as nothingness (neti neti – not this, nor that). It is also referred to as darkness and in Buddhism as sunyata (void). Theconcept of Zero came to us from the Hindus from this concept – as did their numeral system– which we still employ today over the cumbersome Roman system.

The Great Rig Vedic hymn (X.129), dating to before 3000BCE, states in the beginning of creation there was neither being nor non-being, only darkness and no sky, water etc. From the cosmic void was born heat, and from heat desire and from desire came the spirit. This was before even the Gods, and it is said the wise Seers seek to unite with the formless void beyond, as the primal reality (as mentioned above). This is also the basis of Buddhism and it’s atheistic tones.

Another hymn (X.72) states that the Lord of Hymns created the Gods and creation from a cosmic ‘blast’ and hence created existence from non-existence. From productive power were the regions born etc.

Advanced Medical Science:

Ayurveda is recognized as the World’s oldest and most complete medical system, dating backover 5,000 years.

In 700BCE or earlier, the great Indian doctor Sushruta describes over 120 surgical instruments and also 300 surgical procedures, including placing them in eight categories.

As early as the Rig Veda (c.5000BCE) India has mention of artificial limbs, and restoration of sight, through the Divine Physicians, known as the Ashwins (Horse-men). Onesuch mention is artificial limbs, such as legs, made of gold.

Sushruta also performed Cosmetic surgery and re-constructed ears and noses, which were cutoff in ancient times, due to punishment. The same procedure is used today, and interestingly, modern science got it (like our numerals and numerical system) from the Hindus.

Earlier than Sushruta was his teacher, Dhanvantri, who is mentioned as the Rig Vedic Seer Kakshivan, and dates no later than around 4500BCE.  His own Guru was Bharadvaja – one of the oldest Rig Vedic seers, who taught under Krishna Atreya – who date back as early as 7,000BCE, showing a very ancient lineage.

Dhanurveda (Martial Arts) is also part of Ayurveda and includes branches as Hatha Yoga, orexercise and Pressure Points and Acupuncture (Suchi Karma) that originated with the Seer Rama Jamadagneyi (Parashurama) around 4000BCE. The science was transmitted to China under the Buddhist Monk, Bodhidharma from Southern India – where it is still strong.

Zen Buddhism in Japan arose from Ch’an Buddhism in China, which came from Bodhidharma’s ‘Dhyan’ (Meditation) system from India – which included Martial Arts and the Pressure Points. Hence the origin of later Karate, Judo etc. from India.

Ancient texts also mentioned Atomic warfare, as through Mahabharata and Ramayana, and use of guns. Some Indus cities dated 5,000 years ago, match the Mahabharata’s description of an Atomic War and symptoms – and the skeletons were found to be radioactive!

Yoga itself is a main aspect in Ayurvedic healing, as other methods as steam-therapy and hydro-therapy – mentioned even in Rig Veda, as well as, of course, herbs and Rasayanas, which were part of Soma-traditions and alchemical formulas from the Rig Veda. Atharvaveda around 2500BCE mentions Gold and it’s medicinal values, and other texts deal with astrology, gemstones and power of mantra (chants) in healing – such as Mahamrityunjaya andGayatri, from Rig Veda.

Sound therapy is only just being realized today with its medicinal value, as also is Yoga.Age-old ‘Shaman ‘remedies have been found more effective than today’s artificial ones.

Ayurveda was also taught to Chinese, Greek, Roman and Persian students who studied at the great Indian Universities as Takshashila in Pakistan and Nalanda in India – as early as 700BCE. Buddhism was also taught here, and ruins of these still exist – testifying to its grandeur.

It is said to have had 2000 teachers and 10,000 students around 700AD. Remembering that India is home to Buddhism – it hence attracted students from Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, China, Korea and Mongolia and Tibet – as well as the West.

Many bronze and other sculptures still exist from this University, and the student accommodations, which included kitchens, bathrooms etc. – in ruins, also show the advancement in the East. It was many hundreds of years earlier than Alexandria in Egypt, and much, much larger.

In 300BCE, there were in fact already many Buddhist and Vedantic teachers (Brahmins) from India, noted by the Greeks, in the region of Alexandria, and also in Athens and Rome. Later these were followed by the Romani (Gypsy) – who still speak a dialect of Rajasthani and who’s influenced shaped medieval Europe with their eastern mysticism and culture.

In 900AD, the text Bhoja Prabhanda Samhita,  states that Ayurvedic surgeons successfully practiced brain surgery.

It is known that the Arabs transmitted much from India and spread it into Rome – setting the foundations of Western Medicine and Science. It is hence no surprise that as these Indian Universities and teachings were burnt down and banned by Muslim Rulers in the 12th – 16th centuries, that science was lost.

What we have today in the West is hence a lower level of scientific achievement that was surpassed in the ancient East, as we shall see.

Advanced Cities and Concepts:

The famous Iron Pillar at Delhi was constructed over 1,500 hundred years ago, and, exposedto the sun through heat and also rain and other weather – it has failed to rust or deteriorate, making it a scientific wonder of the modern – let alone ancient world!

It hence represents advanced engineering skills. The Vimana Shastra is also a text dating from around 400BC, but working from much older material, which describes the ‘Flying machines’ used in ancient India, of which many scientists and engineers, East and West, have scrutinized, and proven such machines did exist.

Drawings from 1923, based on this text, still survive. It is interesting that among types of Vimana mentioned are Shakuna (Bird-shape), Mandara (Mountain shape) and Mandala (Circlular-shape). Vimanas are also mentioned in Bhagavata Purana, Ramayana and Mahabharata – and have many amazing qualities and descriptions that fit those of the Vimana Shastra.

The text draws on much older material from Mayamata, ascribed to Maya Danava – the architect and artist of the demons, who is said to have created these flying machines for the Gods and Demons. Padma Purana mentions there are 400,000 types of ‘manusha-like’ or Human-like entities in the Cosmos – some on different dimensions with siddhis (mystical yogic powers) and can manifest.

Other physical evidence is the amazing Vedic-Saraswati or Indus cities in India and

Pakistan. These date back over 5,000 years and their town planning is compared to modern NYC, as well as being drawn from the ancient Shilpa Shastra texts.

These cities had two and three story houses, each with separate bathrooms, living rooms and kitchens. They had their own wells and bathrooms had even a sit-down toilet like the Western style (sit-down toilets were continued in India up to the 16th Century and hence are an old Eastern idea) and baths – leading into an underground sewage system via drains going to a septic tank.

Dholavira, a city that is rather ornamental, has marble pillars and use of stone architecture for its palace and an Athenian-like Stadium, the World’s oldest signboard (dating to 2500BCE), and the Indus script – which is an alphabetic one.It also boast’s a large water reservoir cut from rock.

Lothal in Gujerat boast’s the world’s earliest dockyard. These cities are also amazing as their predecessors as the ruins in the Gulf of Cambay and Mahabalipuram in S.India dating to around 7,500BCE, prove Vedic flood tales correct.

The sunken city of Krishna’s Dvaraka may also be one of the Indus cities, Dholavira or even the later Dvaraka around 1,500BCE, which was recently found and provides a link between Indus and Mauryan India, and continuous art and architecture.

How could the ancients have lived in houses like we did over 5,000 years ago with all of the comforts and also had flying machines, we may ask?

Co-existing racial types:

Today’s view of Race and Civilisation is largely incorrect. The ancient Aryans were not a Nordic-type race, since the earliest type is datable as early as 7500BCE and earlier in India and the rest of S. Asia in the Indus cities.

These cities yielded the Mediterranean Caucasoid, Alpine Caucasoid, Negrito, Australoid and Mongoloid types.

Southern Indians are also classified as the dark branch of the Mediterranean Caucasoid – which we find having dark features as olive to brown skin, black hair and brown eyes. These people created the World’s Oldest Civilisations – from Northern India, Rome, Greece and Northern Africa (Egypt) and dominated the Middle East.

The Himalayan Dardic or Pisacha tribes have Nordic characteristics, because of their association with cooler snowy climates. Lower in the Panjab, people have pale ro olive skin, lighter eyes and hair, and in Rajasthan darker Mediterranean types appear – until wereach the tones of dark brown and black in Southern India – of the Caucasoid branches.

The Dards, however, speaking a language somewhere between Dravidian and Sanskrit (Indo-European) – like Germanic tribes have always been more of a ‘Nomad’ tribal peoples until later times.  Hence the term Pisacha (Ghost).

There are also Indo-European Nepalese people in the East, who are of Mongoloid stock – like the dominant racial type in the East, from Eastern India, into SE Asia and China, to

Japan and across to Alaska and into the Americas. The Japanese who originate from the Ainutribe – a Caucasoid Alpine race – speak tongues part of the Finno-Ugric branch, related toDravidians, and perhaps Pisacha.

Thus, language and race does not denote superiority of culture – as all existed in ancientSumeria and India – all racial types, as modern Western Nations do today – and in fact, itwas the lighter-skinned Nordics that appeared as less advanced.

Britain’s Celts got their strains from the invasion of the Germanic peoples – who appearedto have been Finno-Ugric and ‘Aryanised’ by Celts. Even today we see Mediterranean swarthyfeatures in many Welsh people – and the fact that the original people of Britain were a darker Mediterranean type noted incorrectly as ‘Iberians’ – when they were Celtic Druids –connected to the Romans, Greeks and other Aryan peoples of darker Eastern stock.



The Vedic texts of India tells us that we are now in the era of the Kali Yuga, the dark ages of history, lasting 432,000 human years.

Accordingly, in earlier times before this age commenced, 5000 years ago, India and some other more divine nations had a more astral and advanced civilisation, and hence why most civilisations popped up around 7000 – 5000 years ago, so far as physical ruins go.The Chandogya Upanishad states that the Asuras (demons) have a more physical and material civilisation and the Devas have a more inner and astral civilisation. However, in this present age, which is of the Asuras, it is thus mainly physical and material.

One may ask then, ‘What about the Cave-men?’. Types such as Cro-Magnon man and others muchearlier appear to be the Vanara race, like Hanuman that is worshipped in India and was a race of beings living in Karnataka, that co-existed with human beings (called Manavas, after their founder Manu, who came from the Solar Planet, and were astral). This Manu is the incarnation of Vamana, the dwarf-avatar of Lord Vishnu. This race resembled more monkeys than humans, and was just as advanced as humans – but seem to be more the ‘original’ inhabitants of the earth, whereas humans or Manavas were introduced from the Sun and other divine planets.

Vanara means a ‘Forest-dweller’ and hence suggests the archetypical Apes that were cross-bred with the Manava species we know as humans, creating the Humanoid species we know as Cro-Magnon etc. and such. But again, they were rarely “cave-dwellers” as such, but like the Vanaras of Southern India, had cities and advanced civilisations co-existant with the humans (Manavas).

Various tribes in India and Asia are named in the Puranas, respective of their origin from

more astral beings, of semi-divine, divine and demonic types. Hence, the Mongoloids often appear as Naga (serpent) peoples and the Nordic peoples as the Dards of Kashmir and the Himalayas, were referred to as Pisachas, a form of ghost. These appear to have been, originally, the astral species known as “Grays” (Nagas) and “Nordics” by UFO-ologists, New-Agers etc. that were interbred with Manavas, making their features (perhaps) less pronounced, but still resembling their original species of the same.

The Planets of the Nagas are said to be below the Earth and are both astral and physical planets, where these beings have underground and cave-like cities. Pisachas are sometimes described in lower and also mid-air region, having astral planets, but, like Nagas, are known to physicalise at will, and have occult powers, known as siddhis.

Some demon-rulers as Rakshasas on Earth as Ravana, as per Ramayana, used demonic beings todrive their massive Vimanas, or flying ships. Ramayana described Yaksha beings, and otherswith large and wide eyes and unusually-shaped ears, being the commanders of Ravana’s flying machine, called the Pushpaka. Mahabharata states the same, when it describes it’s original owner, Kuvera flying in it, and thousands of Yakshas in their own flying crafts appeared also, to protect their sacred mountain palace.

The Yakshas and the Gandharvas both seem to be beings in the Epics, that were easily upsetby humans and physicalised themselves and appeared in their flying crafts to capture, or make war with humans.

Others, such as the demonic Duryodhana, who along with his 100 brothers were cloned from asingle embryo, so as the Danava demonic entities could possess their physical bodies – washimself abducted by these beings and transported to their abode, where they revealed the secret of his and his brothers’ births and their mission on Earth, to wreck havoc against the Gods born as humans. – Such more subtle levels and examples are also found today in ‘alien abductions’.

According to the ages, so technology in Hindu texts is described thus:

Satya Yuga (Golden Age): Siddhis, or mystical powersTreta Yuga (Atomic Age): Mantras or sacred chants and hymnsDwarpara Yuga (Bronze Age): Yajnas or sacrificial magicKali Yuga (Iron Age): Karaka or artificial methods as yantra (machines)

The Four Yugas are predominantly influenced by Four Great Planets:

Satya Yuga is ruled by the Sun and represents enlightenment (Surya and Indra)Treta Yuga is ruled by Jupiter and represents sacred chants (Brihaspati and Tvashtar)Dwarpara Yuga is ruled by Mars and represents the sacred fire and sacrifice (Rudra and Agni)Kali Yuga is ruled by Rahu and represents darkness, ignorance and materialism (Vritra and Svarbhanu)Hence, we start off with an advanced age, and gradually become more and more material or physical, until, in Kali Yuga, we have physical civilisations, bodies and technology, as opposed to the more organic and subtle in earlier eras.

We should also note that higher beings are inter-dimensional – meaning they can assume a

physical form in our most physical dimension, and then retreat back into their more subtleastral and hence ‘invisible’ dimensions. Gods, demons, ghosts etc., now called ‘Aliens’ asthey are alien to our physical senses, are such groups.

The Four ages correspond to beings as Devas (Gods, Satya), Rishis (Seers, Treta), Manavas,(Humans, Dwarpara) and Asuras (Demons, Kali Yuga). Most noteworthy, is that this age is one of Nagas (serpent-beings), since Rahu who represents the spirit of Kali, is the serpent-being, and Kali himself relates to the Aslesha-nakshatra or constellation of the serpent, and it’s vicious venom.

Hence, as the ages move on, so also under the subtle influence of the planets, do physicaltendencies and characteristics occur amongst various species, both physical and astral, that influence them. Nagas and Rahu, being asuric or demonic in Kali Yuga, thus create a race of evil-minded and wicked atheistic humans, born in darkness or ignorance.Scholars today deny life on Mars. However, the Vedic texts state that it is the abode of the great Skanda and the Ruler of Mars himself, is the son of the Earth-Goddess, and hencehas a genetic relationship with the Earth. There are understood to be forms of the war-gods or Maruts dwelling there, in astral forms as siddhas, rishis and rudras, and are associated with the Pleiades.

The Planetary symbols of astrology also relate to the shape of ‘Vimana’ or Craft possessedby such beings. Again, often subtle or astral are these beings, but they can materialise at their own will, and have astral powers. Thus, the Upward-pointing triangle as the symbol of Mars is hence the triangular-shaped ‘UFOs’ we see. Rig Veda speaks of the flyingships of the maruts of Mars, that propels itself. 

The five-pointed star hence relates to Venus and to the Brighu seers, that come from this planet, and populated the Earth as Rishis, along with the Manavas. Angirasa Seers were from Jupiter and the Atris from the Moon. Agasyas are from the star Canopus, and it is stated Agastya came to earth in a Kumbha (Pot). Perhaps this refers to a pot-shaped flyingsaucer. Hence, humanity, along the Brahmin and Rishi lines, is very much a cross-species!

Originally, the Rishis became the Seers on Earth to the Manavas or the peoples of Rishi Manu, who were Solar and Mercurian mix. However, many millions of years later, it hence appears that we are now ruled by Rahu the asura-planet and lower beings as Nagas, and their Guru known as Shukracharya or Planet Venus – planet of maya (illusion) and lakshmi (wealth and materialism).

Our physical technology itself, is very Asuric, as, as previously noted, the demonic entities are more of a physical or material beings, that promote artificial methods. No surprise then, that Maya Danava of the Talatala planet, beneath the Earth, is the craftsman of all the Palaces, Cities and Airplanes for the Demonic entities – including demonic humans o the past as Salva.

India possessed a texts called ‘Vimana Shastra’ which formed a branch of the Shilpa Shastra tradition in India and gives details of the types of technologies in all four Yugas or world-ages. This texts came from Rishi Bharadvaja, from Jupiter, of the Gods. 

But, Bharadvaja quotes that one of the sources is the ‘Mayamatam’,  which is the treatise of the Demon Maya Danava, from which the more asuric and hence physical aspects for this

Kali Yuga, were drawn from*. It is hence the Cosmic texts for Asuric beings. Vimana Shastra is for humans, and Shilpa Shastra for the Divine beings. It can hence be understood that aspects of this physical and hence artificial asura-technology described in the now lost Mayamatam, is subtly imparted to humans in this age.

Although lost in India, for safe-keeping in this age – some examples of crafts from this text are to be found in the other asuric Civilisations on Earth, that were derived from the Vedic peoples, or based on the Vedas (similar, to how cultures of Indonesia, Bali, Thailand etc. also are).

For example, ancient Egypt – a nation of Asura-beings and humanoid peoples of the same -  as India was a nation of Deva-beings – appears to have had physical technologies of flyingmachines resembling airplanes of today, but much more advanced. They would have derived this knowledge from the Yavana tribes of Western India around Gandhara, who were experts in Astrology and Flying technology, as also from the asuric astral beings as Maya Danava (Imenhotep). Southern India also employed such technologies, and still reveres Maya as their patron – but, because S. India was influenced by Devic cultures, much of this was lost, as also from floods there as Bhagavata states with the Manu, Satyavrata, or Vivasvan, our present.

However, some of these Asuras set up a colony in Egypt to preserve this wisdom, and S. India also co-existed with this culture, for some time, before being Deva-influenced again.

Hence, ancient Egypt and parts of S.Indian cultures, as the Bali Empire, give a glimpse into the kinds of practices, civilisations and types one finds in the more astral Asuric beings throughout the universe, and their powers. Other controls have been found in Turkestan, which also formed part of the Uttara-Kuru region of the Vedas and land of Gods (where they landed on Earth).

The Himalayas are a “Forcefield” region like Stargate for astral beings, of both Divine and Demonic types, as the region beings first came to Earth into – and hence why many sightings of such crafts are there and tales of unusual beings reside there. It is also a link with the astral dimensions, both higher and lower.

India, however, being a Deva-based Civilisation, displays marvels with the ancient Shilpa Shastra cities of the Gods, there in Western India, along the banks of the Saraswati, where the Rishis and Gods aided the Manavas to set-up Divine-influenced cities like those of the Gods. The neo-pictographic and old-Brahmi script used, was the same as employed by the Gods themselves. 

The less-advanced asura-beings use Brahmi-forms which are easier to understand and also donot use pictographic metaphors like those of the Gods. Devanagari is a Kali-Yugic human design that has stemmed from it.

As with Shilpa, materials used were Gold in Satya; Silver in Treta; Bronze in Dwarpara andStone and Iron in the Kali Yuga. This is true, as bricks, stone, wood and dull metals are used in construction of our devices today, which are considered primitive, since they employ false or artificial outer technology, rather than inner powers.

For example, the Vimanas or flying machines and Rathas or chariots of the higher and lowerbeings in the cosmos that possess ‘siddhis’ or mystic powers, use mental power and /or mantras or sacred chants to run these vehicles. Electricity is generated from empowered sources as crystals, or contained in weapons empowered with it, such as physical vajras (thunderbolts), that emit such powers when activated by mind or mantra. Some can also create great atomic weapons (astras) by mere chant with disastrous effects, as severe as earthquakes, tornados, floods, volcanic eruptions as well as nuclear-like results through thunderbolts, fire weapons etc.

Mahabharata seems to suggest that the Vimanas or flying vehicles of the demigods such as Indra are mentally and mantric-powered, but these forces themselves operate or activate propellers, wheels and other apparatus, used to motivate it along.

Some such beings, as the demonic Puloma and Kalakeya beings are said to have had flying cities in the sky, like Giant Motherships. Such cities also exist on astral levels in the cosmos and can physicalise at will. The Vedas just elaborate on the encounters that humansor planet earth had with such flying cities.

Such higher states of being, and realms do not require computers, since their minds are highly advanced and can remember many things, and there is not need for physical intercourse, since they mentally clone or impregnate and hence create species – as Brahma,who has mind-born sons, who are the Rishis, nor lights, since these regions are lit up by gemstones empowered with the force of light (jyothi), or effulgent bodies, planets and buildings in the divine realms. 

In the Western world, it seems that the Earth was regarded as flat. However, Hindus have always known it was round, and referred to it as ‘Bhumandala’ (Earth circle), and it has always been known as one of the Seven Chakras or wheels in the subtle body, as Muladhara, representing the Earth, from as early as the Rig Veda – the oldest text on the planet! According to the Vedas, not only the Vedas, but other sciences (as elaborated above) also came from the Gods, or beings of other planets. Astrology and Astronomy (Jyotish) came through Shukracharya, the Ruler of planet Venus. Medicine and Surgery (Ayurveda) came through Dhanvantri, the Divine physician born on earth, through Indra and Bharadvaja – identified with Heaven and the planet Jupiter, as also the Divine physicians the Ashwini Kumaras – Divine Horse-like youths. Dhanurveda or Martial Arts and warfare came from Vishvamitra – a Sage identified with one of the stars of the Big Dipper, and Parashurama, a descendant from the Bhargava or Venusian Seers. And Yoga came from the Sun-God, who hence imparted it to Manu, the founder of the Human peoples of this planet, who was one ofhis sons – along with Yama, god of death, associated with Planet Saturn.

Various Vedantic lineages also correspond to the Seers: the Vaishnava Sri-sampradaya comesfrom Brighu and Lakshmi of Planet Venus, and the Rudra-sampradaya of which Vallabhacharya was a member originates from Mars. Advaita Vedanta traces back to Dakshinamurti, who represents the Moon God, Soma. The Nimbarka lineages comes from the Sun and others, such as the Kaula lineages in Tantra, come through the Asuric planets and beings as Saturn (Mahakala). Dualistic ones are said to come from Brahma the creator – associated with the planet Jupiter.

Others are human forms of incarnations of various Gods of higher astral planets and

dimensions, born on Earth to impart such knowledge, as also on other planets. Examples areKapila, founder of Samkhya; Rishabha the founder of Jainism and Buddha, founder of Buddhism – all incarnations of the Supreme Lord Vishnu in the supremely subtler than subtle dimensions above the heavens of the demigods, known as Vaikuntha. Adi Shankara, thereformer of Advaita Vedanta, is an incarnation of Lord Shiva (Vishnu and Shiva are two forms of the Holy Spirit or Cosmic-Force, known as Brahman. They are his physical representatives. The third is Brahma).

Some beings in earlier ages survived on earth and cross-breeding of species worked. For example, Rishyashringa was part Deer and part Rishi, a Divine Seer, of a higher evolutionary status than the Manavas or Humans. Dadhyak’s head was replaced with that of aHorse, by the Divine physicians known as the youthful Ashwins, and their fantastic flying crafts which landed on earth and water also, as well as flew through heavens, atmosphere and earth as per the Rig Veda – meaning it is able to be divine, astral and physical in appearance, also.

Other beings as Kimpurushas were part God and part Horse, giving them a semi-divine status. It shows divine DNA genetics, being subtler were and are more advanced in higher ages, and requited no artificial interference.

The question of “hybrids” is also explained in Vedic literature. There we find King Pururava of the Lunar Dynasty descended from Mercury, who marries Urvashi, a Celestial Nymph – associated with the Kingdom of Indra or heaven on planet Venus called Amravati, whose son was Raja Ayu, the human-angelic hybrid.

Then, he married Prabha, the daughter of the demonic Ruler of Planet Rahu – Svarbhanu and had the “hybrid” Nahusha. Nahusha because of this, was originally a great King, but becamethat demonic in nature and materialistic, he conquered even other Planets as those of Indra  and the Gods – Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, the Moon and the Sun, as well as the Earth. He became unto like a God, since he took Indra’s place in his absence and abused his power.

As noted, in our present age, the Ruler is Rahu or Svarbhanu, of whom is the father of Prabha. It is stated that when this age began around 3102BCE, the Raja Parikshit, seeing Rahu or Kali in his kingdom, disguised as a King, was about to kill him, since he was abusing a bull and a cow.

There is also a belief in Kerala that the demons, when they visit, cause death to cattle. All this shows the so-called cattle mutilations are done by demonic species, since it is well-known that Cattle are sacred in the Cosmos, a practice coming to Earth from the Divine realms, where Cows are desire-granting beings, and on earth provide milk from whichwe get butter (ghee), and are hence like Mothers and sacred beings. (Cattle were also sacred to the Irish Kelts and the Egyptians, such as Hathor).

Our present state shows through our demonic materialistic influences, that we now reject such divine practices and kill not only sacred cattle and eat them, but also other animals, which is the nature of demons not of Devas or divine beings, who are vegetarian. Strict Brahmins or Priest in India, will also not even eat eggs, onions or garlic as it promotes demonic qualities, related to Ayurvedic law, also.

In earlier times, humans used to sacrifice animals, to appease the demons, gods and others, so as they would leave their animals alone. Today, as we do not do this – it is nowonder such cattle and animal mutilations happen – amongst Goats and Cattle, which were the most commonly sacrificed animals to such beings – and ensured the being a higher life,appeased the deities and demon spirits, and also removed karma on our part, for eating them, through sanctifying the meat through sacrifice. Thus, we are quite primitive today!

Infact, a lot of these mutilations occur because various asuric beings as Yakshas, Bhutas etc. come to Earth and gather body part from these animals, to sacrifice them, themselves – as per asuric customs we find amongst Shamanism in the ancient world, as Vamamarga Tantra, and tribal communities.

Once again, it shows the asuric nature of our species as a Human race, as many of such beings as pretas, bhutas and rakshasas, says the Puranas are born in human form in this age, due to the evil effect of Rahu on it, allowing them to. This is also why some people see flying machines and phenomena not of this planet sometimes – as a prelude to such events.

It also explains the missing time frames, since higher dimensions or more subtle ones, oneshould say, are much different. The time of the Gods, for example, is 360 times shorter than the human. Thus, 1 day in the Divine realms, will account for around one whole year on Earth! Time hence, seems to go much faster there, but is much longer on earth. This is how so-called abducted people ‘loose time’, as it is much slower in higher dimensions, andmuch slower on earth. Hence a few hours there, would be many days or months on earth.

Tantra texts describe various Yaksha, Guhyaka and Chetaka beings who are demonic in nature, have beautiful, fierce, animal-like and other strange head features as birds, aquatics, reptiles, horses etc. which Tantrics worshipped for their supernatural powers, or siddhis, and alchemical knowledge and formulas. Often such beings were under control ofwicked Brahmins on earth, or of other beings or wizards as the Yatudhanas or Dasyus of theVedas – who were versions of Vamamargi Tantrics as Aghoris.

Such lower beings, also representing hellish planets, also mimic human civilisation and technology – being natural masters of illusion and knowing human psychological fears. Hence many abductions are also descents into hellish-like states of consciousness and realms by demonic entities, due to karmic consequences. BACK TO CONTENTS 


Padma Purana mentions the Cosmos has 400,000 species of manu-like or human-like species. 

The Puranas, Mahabharata and Vedas and other texts of ancient India not only describe ancient Humans, Gods and Demon species as having Flying Chariots and Mystical Powers, but also describe their appication and creation, in texts as Samaranga Sutradhara and Vimana


Saubha, Pushpaka and Flying Space-stations as Hiranyapura are such examples of flying chariots or Vimanas. These were shaped like Mandara (Mountain), Shakuna or Hamsa (Bird or Swan) and even Mandala (Circular) as per the Hindu Vimana Shastra and other texts, as wellas normal chariots. The Pancharathas at Mahabalipuram are built after different designs and shapes of such Vimanas belonging to the Gods descended in human form as the Pandavas.

The ancients all documented various Planets and Constellations with their Stars in the Sky, and the various Gods that rule these, as well as their inhabitants – weather of Divine, Semi-divine or Demonic in nature. Humans belong to the Semi-divine class.

Humans descended from the Sun and also from the Moon and Jupiter through Budha, who rules Mercury, representing a inter-mixing of species.

Seer-families and Seers furthur miced this up. Atris came from the Moon Planet, and the Bhrigus from Venus, and Angirasas (which include Bharadvajas, Gotamas, Kanvas etc.) came from Jupiter. Budha or the ruler of Mercury himself, born from the Moon-Planet hence has his Lunar lineage in the Atri line.

In ancient times, demons were the cause of diseases and medical ailements, seemingly physically and subtly having such ailements within them themselves, as genetic disorders, and hence passing it onto humans. Rakshasas, Pisachas and Nagas were mainly these types.

Generally the Ten avatars of Vishnu are descended from beings of various planets:- Rama is from the Sun- Krishna from the Moon- Parashurama from Venus (Bhargavas)- Kurma, the tortoise-being from Saturn - Vamana the,  Brahmin and Dwarf froom Jupiter- Varaha the Boar-being (half-human and hhalf-boar) from Rahu- Matsya the fish-form from Ketu- Buddha the great philosopher from Mercuury- Narasimha the Man-lion form from Mars Of the Seven Rishis – the sub-families appear to be associated with other families. For example, the Brighus are of Venus, but one of the Stars of the Big Dipper is ruled by Jamadagni Seers of the Brighus. This means such seers inhabit both regions and rule them. Venus is ruled by Shukra of Brighus and the Big Dipper star by Jamadgni. Likewise, Atri (probably Dattatreya) rules one of these, but the Atris of the Moon are ruled by his son Soma. Kashyapas and the Sun are the same – as also Gotama and Bharadvaja of the Angirasas,and so forth.

Hence, hundreds of species of various Rishis and class are identified as Rulers and hence their lineages, inhabitants of various stars or planets – just as Earth is ruled by Rishi Manu, and the Manus or Manavas, are human species that inhabit it. Likewise Angirasas on Jupiter, and so forth, as above.

This is before we even get to the other classes of divine and demonoic beings. In other words, other planets also have physical and astral Rishis and classes, that came to Earth and settled here as in other planets, and hence Brahmins of India are of mixed descent. Kshatriyas are also, as from Moon and Sun lineages. Such beings on these planets, astral

and physical, must hence resemble us, in some ways.

In such ways, is human culture varied. Our astrology came through Venusians; knowledge of flying crafts from Bharadvaja and hence from Jupiterian and others, and the Vedas from theSun as also our Yoga (through Manu Rishi). He got them from Matsya, of Ketu planet, and various Rishis. From Jupiter, who governs all Devic or divine knowledges, as Venus does demonic species (hence humans are semi-divine class of beings, as a mix) – also comes our knowledge of Ayurveda and medicine, which came through Angirasas as Bharadvajas, but they got it from Atreyas of the Moon.

Many of these are mentioned in Mahabharata (Adi and Sambhava Parvas) and Puranas.Adityas – The Sun Gods or Solar DevasAngirasas – Rishis from JupiterApsaras – Semi-divine angelic-like female beings of the heavens and lower regionsAshvins – Divine youthful Physicians with flying chariots and the stars of OrionAsuras – A class of demonic entities like the Rakshasas, Daityas and Danavas**Atrins – Devouring asuras mentioned in Atharvaveda**Arayas – Class of disease-causing and grudge asuras mentioned in Atharvaveda**Kimidins – Class of disease-causing asura mentioned in Atharvaveda**Vigriva – Class of Crooked-necked asuras of Atharvaveda**Visikha – Class of Crestless asuras mentioned in the AtharvavedaAtharvans – Rishis associated with the Fire-God, thus of Planet Mars and stars of OrionAtris – Rishis from the MoonBhrigus or Bhargavas – Rishis from VenusBhutas – Invisable ghostly entities or elementalsCharanas – Class of beings like the GandharvasDanavas – Class if demonic entities, sons of DanuDaityas – Class of demonic entities, sons of DitiDakas – Sky dancing semi-divine beings like the Yakshas and GuhyakasDevas – Celestial beings, or Gods as Shining OnesGanas – Class of demonic entities, often ghoulishGandharvas - Semi-divine angelic-like male beings of the heavens and lower regionsGarudas – Class of large, sometimes half-human and half-bird speciesGuhyakas – Semi-divine and demonic class entities like the YakshasKalas – ‘Black ones’, class of beings like Yama and associated with death and judgement (MB).Kalakeyas – Class of demonic brings, mentioned along with the Nivatakvachas and PaulomasKashyapas – Class of Rishis associated with the Sun and a star of the Big DipperKinnaras – Class of semi-divine beings like the Gandharvas, but with animal heads or bodiesKimpurushas – Class of semi-divine beings with half-horse and half humanoid bodiesKrodhavasas – Class of demonic entities mentioned in MahabharataKruras – Wicked class of demonic entities born from Krura he Goddess (Mahabharata)Manavas – Human beings that dwell on Earth Planet, descended from the Sun Lord----Human classes are:-Shakas-Yavanas-Nishadas-Chinas-Dravidas

Maruts – Class of  higher beings as Shaivite Rishis. Associated with the PleiadesNagas – Serpent class of demonic species. As humans they are Mongoloids in India and AsiaNirritis – Class of females asuras that cause havocNishadas – Dark-skinned, short and red-haired demons, also a Human species. Born from VenaNivatakavachas – Demonic beings that have air-like armoury or clothingPannagas – Group of serpentine beings like the NagasPaulomas – Class of demonic entities mentioned in the textsPisachas – Class of demonic entities. Associated with Nordic peoples / beings of the HimalayasPitas – Class of bhutas that are departed souls of the cosmosPramathas – Class of ghostly beings like the BhutasPretas – Class of demonic beingsRakshasas – A Class of demonic entities, often flesh-eaters. Sometimes they set up on EarthRibhus – A class of Divine Craftsmen under Vishvakarma who built Palaces, Cities and ChariotsRishis – Divine Sages that move through the Cosmos, Planets and Lokas (dimensions)Rudras – Also called Bhairavas. More wrathful forms of the Maruts, of Milky Way and OrionSadanvas – Class of demonic species mentioned in the AtharvavedaSadhyas – Class of semi-divine beings like the PitasSapratishis – Seven Major Seers associated as rulers of the stars of the Big DipperSiddhas – Class of beings with supernatural powersUragas – Class of serpent beings like the Nagas Vanaras – Monkey-like beings that have civilisations like and resemble humans as HanumanVidyadharas – Class of beings like Gandharvas, but more demonicVasus – Class of Devas that control the Elements and associated with MarsVetalas – Class of demonic entitiesVritras – Class of demonic Nagas mentioned in the Rig Veda who had powers of Maya (illusion)Yakshas – Class of Semi-divine entitiesYatudhanas – Class of demonic sorcerer beings or black magicians of the demons, also knownas Dasyus. They are like Rakshasas, and also shape-shifters, taking forms as humans, hoofed animals, dogs etc. BACK TO CONTENTS  


Today, we are in the dark as to the reason why mysterious beings with mystical powers appear, in physical form on their crafts we call ‘Unidentified Flying Objects’ (UFOs), andhave built much hysteria surrounding such phenomena.

Looking at the Eastern Texts and the world’s oldest religion of the Vedas, we find this present age is Kali-Yuga, a dark age governed by dark planets, such as Rahu (Uranus) and Shani (Saturn), and visitations by demonic beings of various class, are said to wreck havoc in this age, take human form, corrupt humanity and plunge them into an age of

ignorance, atheism and darkness.

This all began before 3102BCE, the start of Kali Yuga when Krishna died, and marked a higher era. Even then, demons (danavas) were being born as humans, such as the Kururavas described in Mahabharata. The Gods (devas) descended in human form and were of natural birth – but the Kururavas and their leader Duryodhana, were clones, and were created from a single embryo divided into one hundred lots. When these grew in large jars, they became alive, and the demons possessed the bodies and animated these one hundred artificial bodies, and wrecked havoc on the earth.

We hence understand why many ‘Alien’ species wish to promote cloning and also physical technology, rather than subtle – which they themselves employ, as it steers humanity away from the Devic or godly influences, and hence creating a more destructive age and civilisation for Mankind.These ‘Aliens’ and their UFOs are hence what the ancients described in detail, and knew well, the various classes of demons and their Vimanas or Aerial Ships. Ancient texts in India describe demonic civilisation on Earth and Human Kings and Gods that possessed such Crafts, which came from Planet Venus, through the great Architect of the Demons, Asuramaya.

Such beings are often physical or sub-astral, but have may mystic powers, which enables them to assume more subtle forms and use subtle powers of clairvoyance, telepathy and alsowith such means, power their crafts, which sometimes employ various crystal and other power technologies, and alchemical engines. Their metals are empowered with various qualities also, as we learn from texts as Vimana Shastra and Shilpa Shastra treatise, which came from the Gods to Humanity, and also knew these secrets, we have lost today, through our break with divinity, spiritualism and creation of atheism, by the Asuric or demonic beings.

I have noted the Vedic Pisachas and Nagas as the “Nordics” and “Grays” of today’s aliens, and also the human forms on this planet. The Puranas also describe their births of such species in interesting ways, as the Kururavas already noted, and suggests cloning as a Kali Yuga practice for demons to possess human forms.

Nagas are said to have cities within the underground and caves of the Earth and other planets, both astral and physical, and resemble Mongoloids, who are called Nagas or serpent-peoples, because of this association. Nivatakavachas are demons with mystical weaponry powers and air-suits for armour, who had cities under the Ocean and Flying Citiesin the Mahabharata.

Other species have elaborate and opulent and advanced cities – said to be even more materially beautiful than the Svargas of Heavenly Planets of the Gods! Their darkness is illuminated by gemstones, and they fly about in Vimanas or flying vehicles. The Vimana Shastra mentions the “Shakuna Vimana” (Bird-shaped aerial vehicle), “Mandara Vimana” (Mountain-shaped aerial vehicle) and “Mandala Vimana” (Circular-shaped aerial vehicle), which are often found in various sightings of UFOs. Cigar shaped etc. are mentioned, and Hindu temples are shaped after these chariots of the Gods, Demons and other higher beings,which one may also take note of.

The texts state that Rishis – the Cosmic Seers, are the only beings that do not use flying

vehicles, as they use methods of astral travel and projection only – which is also known to other classes but, because of their Materialism, they prefer to use physical vessels.

The Divine Seers, Agastya and Vasishtha, are said to be born of the Gods Mitra and Varuna as “Maitravaruna”. Mitra represets the Sun and Male principle and Varuna the Waters and female principle. Their “seminal fluids” in Rig Veda were placed in jars, and from this, grew the two Seers in different jars respectively. This also seems a form of Higher Cloning, employed by the Gods.

However, Divine Beings can, through higher powers called Siddhis, multiply or clone themselves. The great Yogi and incarnation of god Vishnu, Krishna, is famous for his 16 replications of himself while dancing with the Gopis, who were all identical to him, but acted differently. He expanded himself in various forms, through using the mystical yogic Siddhis. It seems lesser gods use other methods, as do demons.

The Demonic Goddess Diti is said to have been pregnant, but God Indra, through mystical yogic powers, made himself extremely tiny and entered her womb, and divided the embro intovarious pieces, which became the Marut gods, who were Divine in status as a result, as opposed to their original birth, which was supposed to be demonic.We note of various Vanara or Monkey-Human, Kimpurusha Horse-Human etc. hybrids of ancient times, which also shows a greater variety of species existed. Puranas note only in the endtimes of Kali Yuga after around 432,000 years, do Lizards and Snakes become greater in Size than humans – showing Dinosaurs came from previous Kali Yugas. Ancients also note of Horses wth wings and large birds as Garuda humans flew on.

Another example of Demons is Salva who, in Mahabharata, just before the Age of Kali began – hence showing previous demonic influences, was the demon Ashva in a previous lifetime. In his last as Salva, he possessed the great craft Saubha by name, of which could fly, dispatch weapons, hide itself and fly at great speeds. Krishna destroyed it with his chakra – a bladed circular weapon that sliced anything in it’s path.

There are hence physical beings that ancient texts regard as “demonic entities”, of whom have created and intermingled with the original Manava or human species since ancient times – as Nagas and Pisachas have. We also note Budha or Mercury married the Manu’s daughter, showing humanity as Mercurian also. We note of Solar through Manu, and also Lunar races through Budha.

Such visitations are hence also by our ancestors! BACK TO CONTENTS  5. TECHNOLOGY AND ADVANCEMENT.

Today we have many great achievements and breakthroughs in science and technology. But, are they really “advancing” us?

Our ancestors used the forces of nature, the divinities and demons. They did Yoga and

harnessed supernatural powers called ‘siddhis’, which enabled them to have telepathy, clairvoyance, dematerialise and materialise, fly or leivitate, travel astrally and into sulber worlds and could control forces of nature as earthquakes, tornados, floods etc. through mantras, siddhis or yajnas (sacrifices). Today – our ‘technology’ can do none of these!

So, my challenge is – what really is our technology doing for us? Did we really come from cave-men? If so – it seems these people were far more advanced than us!

Look at the Egyptian Pyramids. Marvels on Earth, that even with man-power and physical machinery, we would fail to reproduce. Or the advanced sewage systems and cities of the Indus, all built with billions of baked-brick, all the same sizes, some 5,000 years back. 

What about the Puranas of India, that describe not only physical planets and inhabitants, and means to get there as in Vimana Shastra, which explores physical and subtle technologies – but even explains subtler dimensions on this earth and aborad, that we havenot yet even found!

Take the Iron pillar near Delhi. Either at 2,300 years old by Puranic accounts of Guptas or 1,500 years old, it has been exposed to heat, rain, wind etc. for this period, and still has not rusted or decayed. Such metal was hence scientifically engineered or perhapsempowered with subtle technology as amulets etc. were. 5,000 year old skeletons around Harappa have been found to be radiactive, perhaps from mantrastric wars around the time ofMahabharata.Computers today record, add and store knowledge. But, ancient Brahmins used to memorise the entire four Vedas, 18 Puranas and be able to do mathematics in their head. In earlier times, mathematics was not required, since Rishis and Brahmins used their siddhis or mystical powers through the mind, to create entire cities, planets or chariots – and in lower Yugas, emplored the Gods to do so for them through yajnas and pujas (tantra).

Thus, it appears in this Kali Yuga – we really are in a lower age, than beforehand. We seeour ‘technology’ really only reflects our own inability to perform anything ourselves, andhence we are ruining our own bodies and civilisation through such methods.

All physical technology today is not new anyway! Dayananda Saraswati and Aurobindo both stated ancient India (earlier in this Kali Yuga) already invented all that is new, and will be new in the West today! They are replicating old methods merely.

As noted, Vimana Shastra of Bharadvaja, son of Jupiter’s Ruler, from other older sources –notes ways to construct crafts, and various devices to spy on enemy crafts, become invisible and different shapes as ‘mandala’  (circular) Vimana – used obviously by some demonic and divine beings we call ‘UFOs’! The ancients identified other beings, knew theirplanets, powers and culture – hence their methods of travel – and our ‘technology and advancement’ today sees it as alien and ‘unidentified’! So much for advancement!One could also argue that the Alphabet is itself a Kali-Yuga and material means for the lower mind-consciousness to understand what was formally done through pictographic symbols, paintings or images, as the ancients (aboringines, ancient hindus and Europeans) employed:- which use various images as abstract metaphors with higher symbolic meanings.

An example of this is how the Upanishads were written as people did not understand Vedic

metaphors and then how the Gita and Puranas were written ti simplify the Upanishadic Yogic, Vedantic and Samkhyaic metaphors, teachings etc.

For example, take the term Pranas, and it’s relation to Yoga.

In Satya Yuga, it is related through symbols as Horses (Ashva) or Warriors (Maruts) [Rig Ved]In Treta Yuga, the Spoken term ‘Prana’ comes into vogue with Ashva and is used [Yajurved]In Dvarpara Yuga, Pictures and symbols come together and are explained [Upanishad]In Kali Yuga, Yoga texts etc. must use alphabetic means to precisely explain – as if to, or in ‘baby language’ these terms to neophytes in various ways, as they cannot understand higher symbols and requires an alphabet and writing to describe these in texts.

In Satya, the Svastika is represented as a symbol and represents Surya as the Atman [Rig Veda]In Treta, the spoken term Atman and Surya are related to Svastika so as to be understood [Yajur]In Dvarpara, the Svastika symbol, Surya and Atman all need to be related [Upanishad]In Kali Yuga, many texts need to be written explain the relation of Sun and Self, and hence the need for alphabet.

In such a way, we could argue the alphabet is a form of negative evolution required for lower Yugas (end of Dvarpara and Kali Yugas), as opposed to Metaphoric Symbols and Clairvoyance (Satya), Symbols as Representative of Spiritual Terms and Mantra [Treta] and The explanation of all Three in expanded form [Upanishad]. Tantra is Kali Yuga and is ‘bhashya’ on Upanishad.

In ancient cultures of Satya Yuga, Cave paintings represent a higher symbolic form of metaphoric language – often representing Vedic hymns, devatas etc., than is commonly understood or admitted by Western scholars, with their Darwinian and racial theories.

Similarly, symbols as seven horses or chariots in a painting depict Seven Chakras or Pranas in the subtle body. Scholars cannot even see these in Rig Veda, so I guess we cannot expect their mentalities to expand to such higher levels of consciousness, as to see these in paintings of the Australian Aborigine, in Egyptian Pyramids etc. [They still have not even clicked that Mt. Meru is basis for Indian, SE Asian, Mayan and Egyptian pyramidal buildings!]

Ancient symbols such as the Svastika, Chakra, Ashva, Chakra, Raja, Naga etc. all representhigher symbolisms. 

I also wish to promote the view that Cave paintings of the ancients, like the latter temple friezes, tell stories (as well as their metaphoric meanings, symbols etc. hidden therein) – such as we see friezes depicting Mahabharata, Ramayana etc.

An example is the Vedic Marut warriors and the later Pandavas, both representing Pranas, and could have been used to denote Prana. The Vedic Brahmi (Indus) symbol for ‘ra’ or ‘ri’appears like a stick-character, and is thus evolved from the ancient pictographic symbol seen on cave paintings for ‘Rana’ or ‘Raja’(King), as a personified form, since they come from the Sanskrit root ‘ra’, which means ‘to rule’. 

Likewise the symbol for ‘da’ in Vedic Brahmi resembles an arrow. In Sanskrit it would be ‘danda’ – which means staff, but also symbolises a sceptre etc. It hence, as danda, represents ‘da’ (‘to cut off’) symbolising lance – the shape of which it is. The Devanagari symbol resembles a crook, which also shows some resemblance here.

’Sha’ is shown like a fish. But it could also represent a flying bird (Shakuna), as ‘sa’ in Sanskrit denotes a bird. Tha is shown as a circle with a hole through the centre, and in Sanskrit, ‘tha’ also means a disc, or the moon’s disc. It is hence shaped as a chakra and thus represents ‘tha’ sound. ‘Na’ is represented by wavy lines, representing a river (nadi), and ‘na’ represents a waterhouse.

So these alphabetic symbols of Indus can be understood from proper understanding of Sanskrit language and also comparison to later scripts as Brahmi and Devanagari.

Hence, such an understanding of ancient languages – such as Sanskrit has itself given us, can help us, through it’s grammer, scripts and ancient texts as Rig Veda, Brahmanas and Upanishads – understand the evolution of the Brahmi script from Vedic-Brahmi and from proto-Vedic Brahmi (cave paintings or pictographic writing), itself deriving alphabetic symbols (as shown above), from indigenous means, and from older metaphoric ‘tales’ or stories, charactors etc. representing higher means (as Maruts/Prana or Horses as Pranas and senses, Yogis etc.)

Ancient cultures as the Aborigines, Native Americans, Hindus etc. required no written means, since they had great Oratory skills and Mental Libraries – such as Rig Veda has been preserved. Their written forms in form of pictures, paintings etc., as noted, is itself a higher evolved type of language, through metaphors and divine expression – such as we fail to have today.

The Indus script as per Jha’s decipherment is quite fitting.

The Civilisation and script is now known as Vedic-Sarasvati, since it was on the banks of the Vedic Sarasvati River. Hence the script the Sarasvati script, as the Sanskrit alphabetis itself derived from the Goddess Vak or Sarasvati in Hinduism.

Moreover, Indus Jha point is ‘Old Brahmi’. Brahmi itself is in India by 1500BCE in Dvarakaand Brahmi is another name for Goddess Sarasvati! Another clue is that the modern Sanskritic script, Devananagri means ‘City of the Gods’ – reflecting it’s ancient origin from the Devic cities along the banks of the Sarasvati River, or the Indus Civilisation.

Indus derived scripts also show resemblances in later Indic scripts. The Indus symbol for ‘M’ for example, is close to the older S. Indian Kadamba and Brahmi script symbols for theletter. The Kadamba script’s symbol for ‘a’ also matches close with the ancient Indus vowel symbol.

The ‘sha’ of Indus or Vedic Sarasvati (Vedic Brahmi, we could say) resembles latter symbols and shapes in Kadamba for the same, as does Sa. The Devanagari symbol is also close, and resembles this fish-like sign. The Devananagri ‘ri’ letter is also almost cognate to the human-looking ‘ra’ of the Indus script, showing a closer relationship with it than it’s (supposed) Brahmi mother.

NS Rajaram sees the Old Brahmi as a development from cave paintings in India, which also promote this idea above. Even on Vedic seals, a Bull says ‘Indra’. Hence in pictographic writing, a Fish (matsya) and a Bull (vrisha) – bull as symbol of Indra would say ‘Matsyendra’ – the Great Siddha Sage, for example.

The Rig Veda, the great text that uses such metaphors, is perhaps the key to ancient pictographic writing of the ancient world, from which the (easier and simpler) alphabetic systems have come in, until we get Devanagari. This is not advancement or ‘technology’, but co-exists with the later commentaries as Brahmanas, Upanishads of the Vedas, since lower yuga peoples are dull and cannot understand them in lower ages (hence alphabetic writing as humans cannot understand metaphors in pictographs, as in Bhimbetka caves etc.)

Astrology is also a lower-yugic means, by which mechanics of written and physical applications tell various predictions and signs. In higher yugas, humans would have used their Rishis and Gods, or Brahmins through Yajnas and Mantras, often through the Fire through Havana, Meditation and Prayers through direct perception means to determine these.Astrology is a more practical method.

In each Yuga, the caste system becomes more decayed, and hence Brahmins lead in Satya , but Kshatriyas lead in Treta, Vaishyas lead in Dvarpara and Shudras in Kali Yuga. As per each caste – so people also become attuned to the attributes of each: Divine in Satya; Passionate in Treta; Passionate and Materialistically minded in Dvapara and Tamasic or Demonic in Kali.

SatyaYuga: Brahmins and Sattva: SiddhayogaTreta: Kshatriyas and Rajas: MantrayogaDvarpara: Vaishyas and stronger Rajasic tendances and some tamasic: Yajnayoga or TantraKali: Shudras and Tamas, often of extreme kinds: Yoga becomes non-existant or perverted Tantrayoga

The avataras are:Vamana for Satya, as BrahminParashurama for Satya-Treta, representing the change from Brahmins to KshatriyasRama in Treta, representing KshatriyasKrishna in Dvarpara, representing Vaishyas (merchants)Buddha in Kali who, although born a Kshatriya, represents the Vaishya-Kshatriya fall to Shudras through atheist doctrines as Buddhism BACK TO CONTENTS 

6. MIBS (Men in Black) AND SHANI (Saturn)

Before we understand the MIBs (Men in Black) and their significance in the Cosmos, we should first understand Planet Shani (Saturn), in terms of Vedic Astrology.

Charactoristics are:

- Is dressed in black clothes, rides a bllack chariot, and associated with black- Govorned by Yamaraja, the Cosmic Lord oof Death, Justice and Dharma (Righteousness)- Overlord is Prajapati, who is the Four--faced Varuna or Brahma of the Vedas who works inconjunction with Yama and Governs Waters and Rtu (The Cosmic Law). He is often invoked in unison with Yama in the Rig Veda.- Shani is associated with Shiva in the fform of Mahakala – a terrifying form of Vedic Varuna or later Yama, as the Cosmic Devourer and represents Time and Darkness (Kala). He is Lord of ghouls as ganas, nagas, ugras, bhairavas, bhutas, pisachas and other ghostly beings etc. with mystic powers (siddhis).- Shani is planet of avidya (ignorance), tamas (darkness) and mrityu (death)

Vimanas are flying vehicles, possessed by Vedic Gods, some Rishis and demons in the Hindu texts. They are often built by Asuramaya, the Guru of the Demons – which includes inferior(asuric) planets as Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn.

Shani or Saturn has a Black Chariot or Vimana, which is made of Iron – his sacred metal. Hence why many inauspicious Vimanas, inhabited by inferior beings, are from this. It is also an important link with the MIB (Men in Black).

But, what are we getting at here? Are the MIB from Saturn?

The MIB appear to have interesting characteristics. It is clear they are subtle beings that physicalise, and can manipulate maya or creation, and appear to have yoga-siddhis, ormystic powers. They drive black cars, wear black suits, and are mongoloid or Nordic in appearance.

Pisachas who live in the Himalayas are Nordic Dard-speaking peoples, who descend from the subtle pisachas. Likewise, Nagas are mainly Mongoloid peoples of the Himalayas and India. Both classes of beings are related to Saturn, and are under the control of Yama and Varunarespectively, and also associated with Mahakala and Shani, as forms of his ghoulish retinue, or followers.

As noted, Yama and Varuna are Lords of Dharma and Rtu. This is more or less the ‘Cosmic Law and Order’, and hence the link of such beings to the Planet, are herein explained. It appears they appear as agents (beings serving the gods, as Nagas and Pisachas) of Yama andVaruna to uphold Cosmic Order.

Varuna and Yama also correspond to the Mahavidya Goddess Bagalamukhi, as their noose is her power, which stops, binds or controls. In this relation, it may also be related to stop certain activities or events from occurring. It especially relates to stopping the tongue, and thus corresponds to telling the Mass Media about certain events that should not be, and hence comes under the juristriction and law of Varuna.

Relating to darkness, we note that in the Vedas, Varuna controls darkness as the ruler andcreator of the night (ratri), and his loka (abodeI of which he rules, also includes many Danava (demonic) species under his service (as Mahabharata gives description of).

We also note this age is Kali-Yuga – an age of Spiritual Darkness. Kali is related to Shani and Rahu as planets who keep us in the Darkness, and hence a double-mission of such beings is to:

 a). Keep us in spiritual darkness (avidya) about other beings (ie. Spiritualism, other dimensions etc. or Vedic civilisation in general)

b). It appears such sightings of UFO’s ‘hushed up’, being chariots of Gods and Demons, upsets the Cosmic Order if humans see them in this age of Kali-Yuga, and are agents to keep Kali’s influence alive by stopping us contacting with such (higher) beings. Contact with either Gods, would cause Vedic dharma to be re-instated and with Asuras would cause humans to be even more materialistic if they found out their astral technology. Hence their reasons for silencing.

The Devas themselves all appear to have a hated for humans having the knowledge of the Self. Especially Yama, since it means he will have less souls if they realise the Truth. Hence, he keeps them deluded. Even Rishis as Nachiketa had to try hard with Yama, in orderfor him to disclose the Truth to him.

It is interesting to note that in the science of Vastu Shastra, Varuna guards and rules the Western Hemisphere of the Cosmos, and also corresponds to Planet Saturn.

It thus also is no surprise that most MIB accounts occur in the West or the S. Pacific (asin Australia and S. America), which Varuna-Yama rules. Varuna also represents Maya and gave birth to the Brighu Seers who rule Venus (the plate of Maya and Materialism). These Seers or Venusians are also lauded as Asuras (demonic entities) in India, as the Guru of the demons of Ushanas a Brighu Seer.

Brighus, especially Ushanas, are also Seers of the science of Vimanas – the crafts of the gods and demons, of which they construct. As sons of Varuna, who rules Saturn, this also makes a link with UFOs here and the apparent ways to silence them. It also explains the MIB in vehicles, since they also construct palaces and chariots (cars of today).

Varuna is also the father of the three great Rishis (who are also Cosmic Law-Givers) – Brighu, Agastya and Vasishtha.

It appears this connection shows his link with Shani and the Western world, and has an order to keep them deluded in this Kali Age, so as they do not discover the technology of UFOs, or it can become detrimental. This is also why texts as Vimana Shastra in India werehidden from Materialistic Muslims.

The Samaranga Sutradhara, a text that describes airplanes and technologies in medieval India that came from the Gods to humans, states:

”The machine's construction and operating details are not publicly disclosed. For if theirmotivative power became known expressly to others--giving out results described elsewhere - elements of these machines would be wrongly used.”

This explains why such “sightings” in the Western world are hence hidden and not to be disclosed, and why many are dissuaded from publicising their views, abductions etc. It would cause people to link them to the Vedas and a resurgence of Vedic Dharma would not allow Kali Age to continue – hence Varuna of the Cosmic Law and his attendants, Masters ofSaturn step in.

Such examples are when the Demonic Beings received the Tantra knowledge and misused it to take over the Gods. As a result, it upset the Cosmic Order and false Tantras were created for the Demons, as also doctrines as Buddhism and Jainism, that also reached the demons amongst the human class. Likewise with Vimana wisdom.

Such an example is the god Indra, who threatened the Seer Dadhyak, that if he disclosed the ‘Madhuvidya’ (Sri Vidya Doctrine) to the Ashwin Gods, his head would fall off. However, the Sage took no notice of the God, and the Ashwins (being Divine Physicians) replaced his head with that of a Horse, and revived him. This is an example of Gods actingas “Silencers” even to Great Seers of more subtler ancient eras, let alone today!

The Tantric texts contain such secret wisdoms (guhyavidyas) are stressed in the texts, notto be repeated to those who are not true devotees, or demonic peoples. Hence in this day and age of Kali Yuga, such Cosmic Secrets must be veiled. Hence the job of the MIBs – the attendants of the dark Saturnian Gods – Varuna and Yama, to uphold the Cosmic Law (Rta or Dharma)! BACK TO CONTENTS


7. HINDU COSMOLOGY: Inter-dimensional Science

In order to understand the Planets and Beings in the Universe, we first need to understandthe various tenents to the Hindu Universe.

- Creation itself is the Goddess in the fform of Maya (Illusion)- There are Three-Gunas (modes), which arre Sattva (Goodness), Rajas (Passion) and Tamas (Darkness) in the Cosmos- There are Fourteen Lokas or ‘Dimensionss’ in the Cosmos – the Physical is merely one, each including a variety of Planets filled with inhabitants. In the physical system, the Earth planet (Jambhu dvipa) is merely one.- There are Nine Main Planets or Grahas ((excluding the Earth), 27 Nakshatras (constellations) of which are noted, including the Milky Way, Pleiades, Big Dipper and Pole Star- There are Nine Physical Planets in the Bhu-Mandala or our present solar system. Jambhu-dvipa is the Earth, filled with Salt-water. Others include Shakadvipa, filled with Milk and Lanchadvipa, a Planet that has no mountains, nor Ocean.- Manavas (humans) are merely the offspriing of the Seer Manu through the Sun-Planet. Other inhabitants, of demonic variety alone, are Nagas (serpent-like); Danavas, Daityas, Asuras, Urugas, Pannagas, Pisachas (Nordics), Nivatakavachas, Kalakeyas etc. of lower Planetary Systems.

The seven upper worlds, or dimensions relate to:Sahasrarapadma Chakram: Satyaloka - Brahmajyothi or BrahmanAjna Chakra: Tapaloka - AtmanVishuddha Chakra: Janarloka - AkashaHridaya Chakra: Mahaloka - Vayu (Astral Civilisations on Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mars etc.)

Manipura Chakra: Svargaloka - Agni (Astral Civilisations on Venus, Saturn etc.)Svadhishthana Chakra: Bhuvahloka - Apas (Demonic species who dwell in astral planets and on physical planets in ethereal forms, and below the earth in 7 patalas)Muladhara Chakra: Bhur-Loka - Prithvi (Physical civilisations on Patalas and Earth)

Lower seven dimensions or worlds:Talatala Chakra: Talatala Loka, ‘Realm of Non-being’ and Ruled by Venus or AsuramayaSutala Chakra: Sutala Loka, Realm of Spiritual Darkness, ruled by Bali Maharaj and DanavasVitala Chakra: Vitala Loka, Realm of Confusion and confused beings. Buddhists and atheists.Atala Chakra: Atala Loka, Realm of Fear, and having no end. Realm of the Narakas or HellsRasatala Chakra: Rasatala Loka, Realm of materialism and hence demonic heavenly realmsMahatala Chakra: Mahatala Loka, Great confusion realm or of Ego. Egositic demonic speciesPatala Chakra: Patala Loka, Realm of wickedness. Cruel beings dwell here, such as demons (‘aliens’) inimical to humans and other beings.

By entering these states, or chakras, through deep sleep, meditation etc. we can hence attain astral travel. Fear, sickness and near-death can also cause these, and hence the prime times demons in ancient beliefs, came to harass humans (today’s benign aliens).

In addition, there are Five body-types or koshas (sheaths) that Vedic texts describe. Humans have the Annamaya kosha (Food or physical). Others are:Pranamaya kosha (ethereal or life-breath sheath) – Classes of gods and demonsManomaya kosha (mental sheath, composing of ego) – Classes of gods and demonsVijnamaya kosha (sheath of wisdom or intellect) – Classes of gods and demonsAnandamaya kosha (sheath of bliss – which Gods, Yogis etc. have)

In addition are 24 Major Siddhis (Mystic Powers), which can be possessed by beings of any of these realms. They include travelling or astralising / pliscalising as per any of the 14 Lokas, bodies, ESP, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Levitation etc.

Higher Gods have Green, Gold, Blue, Yellow, Red etc. bodies with various numbers of heads,arms and fly on flying chariots, as do the Gods. They are dressed in robes, armoury that is close to body or close-fitting robes as seen on Buddhist and Jaina Gods.

Nagas have Mongoloid appearances, Rakshasas often an Australoid or Negroid, as also of Yakshas. Devas of Caucasoids, and the Pisachas of Nordics or Dardic Himalayans. Others dwell on various planets as the Nine Main Planets in subtle civilisations – as also on Earth with Kailasha, that sometimes materialises, and other times doesn't. BACK TO CONTENTS  


Strange beings in flying crafts from other planets, that appear to mutilate and abduct

humans and have such sophisticated technologies that do not require any physical machines.Is this all false?

We have discussed the Aliens and the beings mentioned in Vedic texts. As noted, the “Gray”type Aliens are the Naga (serpent, serpent-looking and semi-serpentine) races that inhabitthe lower worlds, and their physicalisation on Earth are the Mongoloid races that originated in Kashmir and spread throughout the Himalayas and Eastern India and Asia. The “Nordics” are the ghost-like Pisacha beings that inhabit the lower worlds, and on Earth have physicalised as the Himalayan Pisacha or Dardic Nordic people around Kashmir.

Such beings are well-known to have more subtle bodies and Civilisations, but can move throughout the 14 dimensions (lokas) in the Cosmos – and physicalise (ie. Come to bhur-loka), travel in Vimanas or flying vehicles, and possess siddhis (mystic powers).

Whereas beings as Ashwins are Divine Phsyicians and aided Seers in ancient times – so the lower asuric types of beings would abduct humans and other beings and perform non-necessary surgical procedures on them.

The idea of human-alien hybrids and Aliens as humans is an old idea. The ancients knew it as Gods and Demons possessing human bodies, or taking “avatar” (descent) in human form – as Vishnu did. This is sometimes done by subtle impregnation – as Vishnu in the womb of Devaki or Karna the Sun-God appearing to Kunti and as a result, became pregnant due to hismental-impregnation of her.

Other demonic beings are described. Vyasa in Mahabharata tells us that Duryodhana was a demonic being, charged with the power of Rakshasas, Daityas and Danavas of the underworlds, to wreck havoc on Earth. As a result – Vishnu and the Gods also descended in human form.

Yet, the Kururavas or Duryodhana and his brothers and sisters, were clones.

The 100 Kururavas themselves were said to be incarnations of Rakshasa beings. Their mother, Gandhari, gave birth to a ball of flesh. Sage Vyasa took this ball of flesh, divided it into 100 pieces, and placed them each in a jar or kumbha filled with ghee (clarified butter), and put a lid on them. After a while, they grew and became humans – but demonic humans. This is an example of human cloning, as we see here – where 100 were cloned from one embreyo. Hence only Rakshasas (demonic beings) possessed their bodies – asVyasa himself states in the end of the Mahabharata. Gandhari was also imprgnanted by the Rakshasas or ‘Aliens’, if you like.

Mahabharata mentions a fight between the Rakshasa and Yaksha beings of Kubera, who dwelledin his palace on Mt. Kailasha in the Himalayas, and flew on their chariots attacking him. It describes flame-emitting maces, and lightening-emitting lances etc. – showing of weapons energised with mystic powers. All demon-beings in India, however, are said to be Mayinas (possessing powers of Maya or Illusion) and have Siddhis (mystic powers gained through Yoga).

Another demon, was Salva. Mahabharata places him as the incarnation of the demon Ashva, and his famed Vimana or craft, called Saubha, and it’s ‘UFO-like’ characteristics, have been well noted by all researchers. 

Our Planet or Jambu-dvipa (‘Apple-land’, as shaped round) is said to be in the Centre of these Planets. It is divided into Varshas or lands (hence our seven seas) – of which ‘Bharatvarsha’ is India; Uttara Kuru is Central Asia and Mongolia; Kimpurusha-varsha appears to be the Pacific and so forth. It is said this is the only planet where the four yugas (world ages) exist.

In Plaksha-dvipa, it is said inhabitants always dwell in Treta Yuga, as also of other Lokas (except Jambhu – Earth and Pushkara). Inhabitants in Plakshadvipa worship Vishnu as the Wind-God.

In these worlds, it hence appears as per the texts, that inhabitants live from 5000 to 10,000 years in various Yugas or World-ages and in various forms and bodies. And hence technologies.

This explains much about our visitations from outsiders, as it explains the Bhu-Mandala orPhysical World Planetary System – the Seven Main Inhabited Planets (Dvipas) within this system, and that Jambu (earth) which has it’s lands surrounded by oceans of salt-water suffers the cycle of four ages.

It hence shows ancients knew Aliens more than we do, today, and hence our own physical system. There are hence 6 other Planets which physical (Bhu-mandala) beings can visit from.

Thus, on Saturn, Mercury, Moon, Venus subtle beings and civilisations exist (on various dimenions or lokas), but they can materialise at will. Just as how the Kailasha Palace of Kubera was visable to the Pandavas in the Mahabharata, and the Yaksha beings and their flying chariots, weapons etc. became physicalised to them – and the vanished (into the ethers).

Another example comes to mind. Yogananda states of his Guru’s materialisation in tangible form, and then his dematerialisation and return to his astral planet – ‘Hiranyaloka’ – theSun’s astral dimension where the civilisation exists. Babaji, Sri Yukteshwar’s ‘Paramguru’and a noted Siddha – also created (by his mind), a tangible Palace for Lahiri Mahasaya, and then dematerialised it!

Such examples are how we ‘see and now we don’t’ the UFO’s, Aliens etc. which are merely Devic and he many classes of Asuric beings of other dimensions. The lower realms of the Demons are said to be more materialistic than even the Heavens, in beauty, and technology (remember some mechanical or physical technology as Surgery and Vimanas or Airships, came from Vedic Sages through the Gods, as Indra, and Angirasa peoples from Jupiter). It shows such beings use mechanisms sometimes (especially demons), although they may be more subtlein civilisation.

Vimana Shastra deals with physical types of locomotion, and came from Bharadvaja from Jupiter. However, it is noted that Jambudvipa or the Earth appears the only realm that suffers the decline of ages as Kali, when this material technology is needed – others employ the Mantra, Yajna and Tantra practices. Demons, especially, are known to use Yajnas, Siddhis or Mystic Powers and also employ Tantra and it’s many sadhanas or black-magical abhichara rites for powers etc.

As we know the reason for strange powers, missing time, strange materialised metals left by UFOS (when materialised, they often crash because of the move into a more physical dimension or astral wars, which makes them crash. These can be of both Devic and Asuric species visiting, and killed by the opposite.). These are often charged with siddhic or yajnic powers – as our ancients did to various metals, bracelets, charms etc. No differentthan chanting a mantra and it having a physical effect (as through tantra), as creating a lightening-bolt or various astras (weapons).

The reason for ‘Alien abductions’ appears to be mainly because such Danava type beings like to harass humans in this age, and also want to ‘empower’ them with their demonic missions – as they did with Duryodhana. This age is ruled by Asuric Planets as Rahu (Kali), Shani (Saturn) and their respective followers. 

Ravana, Salva and other rakshasa beings that assumed human form in ancient times, also hadretinues of such beings physicalised on Earth. Ravana had Yakshas and other beings in Lanka, for example – some of which have descended as these various peoples and tribes there today.

We learn in earlier ages and in higher planets of the Vanara or ape-like beings, who are very advanced like the Gods, but have different body types. Such species are now extinct, but still exist on subtle planes – and sometimes come into our dimension (as Yeti or ‘Bigfoot’) – and hence why (like Aliens and UFOs) are seldom seen, and are hard to get pictures of – although they leave physical remains and evidence when they physicalise. 

Today we misunderstand and ignore the 14 Dimensions of the Cosmos, and the Chakras, Elements etc. – which makes it hard for us to understand.

The seven upper worlds, or dimensions relate to:Sahasrarapadma Chakram: Satyaloka - Brahmajyothi or BrahmanAjna Chakra: Tapaloka - AtmanVishuddha Chakra: Janarloka - AkashaHridaya Chakra: Mahaloka - Vayu (Astral Civilisations on Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mars etc.)Manipura Chakra: Svargaloka - Agni (Astral Civilisations on Venus, Saturn etc.)Svadhishthana Chakra: Bhuvahloka - Apas (Demonic species who dwell in astral planets and on physical planets in ethereal forms, and below the earth in 7 patalas)Muladhara Chakra: Bhur-Loka - Prithvi (Physical civilisations on Patalas and Earth)

Lower seven dimensions or worlds:Talatala Chakra: Talatala Loka, ‘Realm of Non-being’ and Ruled by Venus or AsuramayaSutala Chakra: Sutala Loka, Realm of Spiritual Darkness, ruled by Bali Maharaj and DanavasVitala Chakra: Vitala Loka, Realm of Confusion and confused beings. Buddhists and atheists.Atala Chakra: Atala Loka, Realm of Fear, and having no end. Realm of the Narakas or HellsRasatala Chakra: Rasatala Loka, Realm of materialism and hence demonic heavenly realmsMahatala Chakra: Mahatala Loka, Great confusion realm or of Ego. Egositic demonic speciesPatala Chakra: Patala Loka, Realm of wickedness. Cruel beings dwell here, such as demons (‘aliens’) inimical to humans and other beings.

By entering these states, or chakras, through deep sleep, meditation etc. we can hence

attain astral travel. Fear, sickness and near-death can also cause these, and hence the prime times demons in ancient beliefs, came to harass humans (today’s benign aliens).

In addition, there are Five body-types or koshas (sheaths) that Vedic texts describe. Humans have the Annamaya kosha (Food or physical). Others are:Pranamaya kosha (ethereal or life-breath sheath)Manomaya kosha (mental sheath, composing of ego)Vijnamaya kosha (sheath of wisdom or intellect)Anandamaya kosha (sheath of bliss – which Gods, Yogis etc. have)

Hence the other three body-types can belong to Demonic species. We should note these four subtler types can hence exist on any of the 14 Lokas or Dimensions.

Thus, the Human race appears to be more a Divine Race, with only a few demonic importations in history – but a great importation in this Kali Yuga – which is an age where demons get free-range, and Godly species do not appear to dwell on Earth or on the physical plane – since this Kali age is one of physicalisation, and appeals to the materialistic and wicked, cruel, dark natures of the demons, as opposed to the Godly varieties and species.

Apparantly, there were many demonic beings present at the time of my birth – and one whichkept hovering around shortly after I was born. This perhaps suggests they disliked my Vedic persuation, and perhaps sought to attack and take my body, so they could exert theirpower – as they often target babies, unborn and youngsters because of this.

This is also linked with the MIBs and their stopping of humans from ‘digging up’ any truths about the sightings about Aliens, as they might realise they are demons and hence their influence in this Kali Yuga. It appears they are from Rahu or Shani, as per their vehicles, violent natures, dress, vehicles, and mystic powers. They hate humans or other beings becoming wise, and like to promote materialism, delusion and paranoia at all costs.Hence many UFO abductions and scenes of ‘technology’ like today, are hence mere displays by such beings to appeal to today’s mechanical/material and physical mind (as the creationof the MIBs black helicopters and cars to resemble today’s culture).

Even Gods in Vedic times did this, and Indra, Yama, Agni and Varuna appeared at the Svayamvara (choosing of a husband) of Damayanti, all disguised as Nala. Other times, Indraand others, as Shiva, appear as Kings and Brahmins or Rishis in disguise, as per the culture and dress of those they are imitating.

The Rakshasa, Ravana of Lanka disguised himself as a begger and came to Sita, before abducting her and taking her on his flying chariot, the Pushpaka, to his Sri Lankan capital.

Others, as Yakshinis are known to be demonesses, who disguise themselves as beautiful women, entice men, and then eat their flesh. Other Aliens today who mutilate animals (especially cows), show them as breaking the cosmic violation of the Cow as sacred, hence them as demonic beings. Yakshas, Rakshasas, Vetalas and Preta beings in the Vedas, are allknown to eat flesh, and appear in various forms to devour humans and other beings. It seems, they are still doing so.

The Ruler of this age, Kali, is said to have started beating a Cow at the start of this age, in Bhagavata Purana, relating of all demonic species, that do so. Jatasura, Putala, Trinavarta etc. are all examples of demonic species that took human forms.

Thus, today, we should be aware of such beings and their connections. And the dangers of such demonic practices of cloning, which serve a purpose only to attract the spirits of Danava beings – not of souls, as Mahabharata shows. It hence helps such beings exert poweron earth in this age, and explains why such ‘aliens’ encourage it. BACK TO CONTENTS 

9. EXAMPLES OF ET CONTACT IN MAHABHARATA:The Universe was small, to the ancients

As noted in the Hindu texts as the Puranas – the Language of the Gods is Sanskrit (as spoken in the Rig Veda), and all other world-languages are derivations of it – as can be seen with other IE languages and even Dravidian and Munda etc. languages, from which Finno-Ugraic, Malayo-Polynesian and others have come, as Prakrits (as also demon-tongues have originated).

The Cosmos is small to Hindus and, as on Earth, all forms of religion are deemed to stem from the Vedic or Sanatan Dharma. On Earth we have demonic or atheistic faiths as Buddhismand Jainism – the former which was said to have been created to destroy the demons – both on earth and other realms in Cosmos (making Buddhism a Universal faith). Gautama expoundedit on Earth.

As such – all events in history are known throughout the Universe – and the Mahabharata onEarth is known to other inhabitants also. The Mahabharata at it’s end, tells us about this, as follows.

The Mahabharata by Vyasa, was said to have originally had 60 lakhs (60,000, 000). He divided it up as follows: In the region of the Devas or Gods, the Mahabharata is 30 lakhs (30,000,000) verses long; in the world of the Pitri or spirits it is 15 lakhs (15,000,000)verses long; in the world of the Yakshas (semi-divine beings) it is 14 lakhs (4,000,000)  verses long and on Earth it is only 1 lakh (100,000) of verses.

Narada Rishi, a descendant of the Angirasa seers from Jupiter, gave it to the Devas or Godly beings; Rishis Asita-Devala, the descendants of Rishi Kashyapa the Prajapati or ‘Creator of beings’, gave it to the Pitris (ghostly beings); Shuka, the son of Vyasa gave it to the Rakshasa and Yaksha beings (demonic species) and Vaishampayana or Vyasa to Humans.

Vyasa in the next chapter, starts talking about the various Chariots one ascends as one moves up in the Universe, and compares it to the Fire-sacrifice. In the second realm, a chariot made of gemstones is mentioned; in the fifth, a chariot resembling the Sun or Fireis mentioned, which takes one to Svarga or Heaven; in the seventh, the chariot has an

altar made of Lapis Lazuli, and is made of corals, gemstones and moves at the will of it’scharioteer; in the eighth, the chariot resembles the moon and is hence white and moves at the will of the mind; the nineth is a chariot made of gold, with golden pillars, lapis-lazuli and gold seat and windows of gold; the tenth is a chariot of gems and lapiz-lazuli,which has turrets, archways etc. like a palace, and is decorated with bells, flags and banners etc.

The Mahabharata also describes various beings, who had taken human form in Mahabharata:

Lord Vishnu (Ruler of Planet Mercury) became Lord KrishnaBrihaspati (Ruler of Jupiter) became DronacharyaLord Indra (Ruler of Svarga or Heaven) became ArjunaThe Divine Physicians (Ashwins) became Nakula and SahadevaSanatkumara (Ruler of Pleiades) became Pradyumna, son of KrishnaOne of the Maruts (Of Milky Way) became Ktiravarma, Krishna’s charioteerSoma (Ruler of Moon) became Abhimanyu, the son of ArjunaSurya (Ruler of the Sun) became KarnaYama (God of Death and ruler of Saturn) became Yudhisthira

In addition, the Rakshasa (demon-beings) are said to have taken birth in the Mahabharata war as humans, who fought on the side of Duryodhana and his Kururava armies.

The 100 Kururavas themselves were said to be incarnations of Rakshasa beings. Their mother, Gandhari, gave birth to a ball of flesh. Sage Vyasa took this ball of flesh, divided it into 100 pieces, and placed them each in a jar or kumbha filled with ghee (clarified butter), and oput a lid on them. After a while, they grew and became humans – but demonic humans. This is an example of human cloning, as we see here – where 100 were cloned from one embreyo. Hence only Rakshasas (demonic beings) possessed their bodies – asVyasa himself states in the end of the Mahabharata.

Mahabharata mentions a fight between the Yakshasa and Yaksha beings of Kubera, who dwelledin his palace on Mt. Kailasha in the Himalayas, and flew on their chariots attacking him. It describes flame-emitting maces, and lightening-emitting lances etc. – showing of weapons energised with mystic powers. All demon-beings in India, however, are said to be Mayinas (possessing powers of Maya or Illusion) and have Siddhis (mystic powers gained through Yoga).

It is said that these demonic beings serve a purpose to guard the sacred Himalayan region,and appear to frighten off people who go there, so as the Gods can live in peace.

We note that the Puranic measurement is One Yojana, which is about 8Kms. The ancient Hindus said the circumference of the Earth was 5000 Yojanas, making about 40,000kms – whatwe say today it is.

Our planet in Hindu texts is one of the many planets in ‘Bhu-mandala’ (The Earthly or Physical Circle) or Solar system. Jambudvipa (India, on Planet Earth, which according to Ramayana included SE Asia as Java is mentioned) is described as being surrounded by ‘Lavana samudra’ (Salt-water), and other noted Islands are noted on other Planets (as India or Asia was the main on Earth, names of main Islands on other planets are noted) in this Physical-system in Bhagavata and other Puranas, being surrounded by Oceans of Sugar-

cane juice; Wine; Milk; Clarified Butter; Curds etc.

Solar people come from Shakadvipa as per Puranas, and wear unusual ‘space-man’ type boots.Shakadvipa appears to be a planet close to the Sun, with humanoid like beings that worshipthe Sun. They travelled to Konarak in early days, and create the Scythian peoples of the Himalayas and Central Asia. Buddha descended from the Shaka beings.

Our Planet or Jambu-dvipa ( ‘Apple-land’, as shaped round) is said to be in the Centre of these Planets. It is divided into Varshas or lands (hence our seven seas) – of which ‘Bharatvarsha’ is India; Uttara Kuru is Central Asia and Mongolia; Kimpurusha-varsha appears to be the Pacific and so forth. It is said this is the only planet where the four yugas (world ages) exist.

In Plaksha-dvipa, it is said inhabitants always dwell in Treta Yuga, as also of other Lokas (except Jambhu – Earth and Pushkara). Inhabitants in Plakshadvipa worship Vishnu as the Wind-God.

In these worlds, it hence appears as per the texts, that inhabitants live from 5000 to 10,000 years in various Yugas or World-ages and in various forms and bodies. And hence technologies.

This explains much about our visitations from outsiders, as it explains the Bhu-Mandala orPhysical World Planetary System – the Seven Main Inhabited Planets (Dvipas) within this system, and that Jambu (earth) which has it’s lands surrounded by oceans of salt-water suffers the cycle of four ages.

It hence shows ancients knew Aliens more than we do, today, and hence our own physical system. There are hence 6 other Planets which physical (Bhu-mandala) beings can visit from.  

AMAZING SCIENCES OF THE EAST:The Wisdom of Ancient India

-By Rodney Linghamm

(C) 2003-2004


Satyavidya Institute of Vedic and Paranormal Research Reformation






(c) 2005 - 2006 Rodney Lingham




12 COSMIC BEINGS: An Overview





From the various Planets, we have our various Gods and Seers, and also Human Warrior-races, who have descended on Earth from such planes, according to ancient Indian Vedic texts.

Their wisdoms hence hence also come from other Planets, not from Earth and, as a whole, humans are a mixed race of inhabitants from Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Sun and Mercury, and also other planets.

We learn that Gods travel in Space-Ships called Vimanas (‘Flies like a bird’) – of which Hindu and Buddhist temples are shaped after, called rathas (chariots). They are built by Ribhus and Vishvakarma – their architect. The Demons in the Universe have theirs constructed by Asuramaya or Venus – as also do demonic humans. Bharadvaja from Jupiter took this scsience to earth and hence ancient humans also had flying science.

We learn Sages are associated with various Planets, of which they rule. They travelled to earth in ancient times to connect part of this ‘Cosmic Dharma’ or Faith, known as Vedic Dharma. The Demonic Planets (Venus, Rahu and Moon) have also been instrumental in this.

The Seer Dhruva rules the Pole-Star, and the Marut-Seers are associated with the Milky-Way. The God Skanda rules the Pleiades, as do the Kumaras (Youths), and also in other

forms of Fire-Gods, rules planet Mars. The Maruts have flying chariots in forms of balls of fire and light in the Rig Veda, and have mystic powers. They are also a class of Siddhas.

The Seven Seers are said to rule the Planets of Ursa Major, and hence come from these planets.

SUN:From the Sun’s ruler Vivasvan, was born Manu – who was the first of the Manava beings or Humans, who populated the Earth Planet (Bhumi).

Manu had two children: Ila a daughter and Iskhvaku, a Male. Ila stands for the Moon-peopleand Ikshvaku for the Solar people.

Whereas Manu ruled the Earth-Planet – his brother, Yama, became the Ruler of Planet Saturnand also the God of the Dead. On Saturn are astral civilisations of Yama, Varuna, Mahakalaand Shani, who govern the Cosmic Law (Rta) and lower astral Lokas or Planets full of Demonic species.

From the Sun we have received the race of Kshatriyas (warrior caste) of the Solar lineage,and also the science of Yoga, came from the Sun-God to his son Manu, and hence we have received it. The Sun inhabitants are the first Yoga Seers, and relates to Lord Shiva, and is the planet where the astral Shivaloka exists.

The Aditya-sampradaya or lineage of the Sun, such as the Seers as Yajnavalkya and the Shukla Yajurvedis, originate with the Sun, as the Sun-God himself appeared to Yajnavalkya and imparted knowledge of this Veda to him, as other planets have to humans.

MOON:From the Moon we have the Atri Seers, of whom the most famed is Soma. The Atreyas are alsothe teachers of Ayurveda or Vedic Medicine and Surgery, who they gave to Bharadvajas, who passed it on to humans.

The Moon-Lord, Soma, the son of Rishi Atri, is the father of the Lunar Kshatriya peoples on Earth, of whom Ravana the demon-king of Lanka and also Krishna, were born into lineage of.

The Moon had an illicit affair with Brihaspati’s wife, and, as a result, a son, Budha was born, and became Ruler on Planet Mercury. He then married Ila, the daughter of Manu on Earth and hence the human Lunar peoples were born (Somavamsha).

The Lunar-race also had other-planetary blood, as well: The son of Budha (Mercury, and hadLunar blood) and Ila (of Solar blood), was born Pururava – the first real “Human being”.

Pururava married an angel called Urvashi from Indra’s Heaven (Planet Svarga), and their most famed child was Ayu. Ayu then married Prabha, who was the daughter of the Planet Rahu(Uranus).

JUPITER:From Jupiter, who is ruled by Brihaspati, come the Angirasa Rishis from Angirasa (father of Brihaspati), who include the Bharadvajas, Gotamas and Vamadevas, as well as Rishis suchas Narada. 

From Brihaspati and Angirasa, we received many Vedic mantras and teachings. From Narada, we received the Bhakti-sutras and from Gotama we received Nyaya or Logician Philosophy, and from Bharadvaja we received Ayurveda (Medicine and Surgery), which was passed on to Dhanvantri, Sushruta and Charaka, as well as Vimana Shastra (Treatise on Aircrafts: of Celestials, Humans and Demons). Vishvakarma here, also creates Vimanas for Gods.

The Angirasas are Gurus of the Gods in the Cosmos (including Godly humans). It relates to the planet of Brahma, the Four-faced Creator, who has his astral Satyaloka there.

VENUS:From Venus, who is ruled by Shukra or Asuramaya, from whom we received Astrology and Astronomy wisdom (Jyotish), Architecture (Vastu Shastra), and of whom also builds cities (puras) and flying machines (vimanas) for humans (as Salva), gods and the demons. 

From Venus comes the Goddess Lakshmi and the Brighu or Bhargava Seers – often lauded as Asuras (anti-gods) and are opposed to the Angirasa Seers. They are the Gurus or teachers of the Asuras or Demons in the Cosmos (including demonic humans). Brighu is father of Kaviof whom was father of Asuramaya. Brighu is father of Lakshmi, and the planet relates to wealth.

The Sri Sampradaya originates on Venus with Rishi Brighu, and came to earth. 

Venus relates to the Planet of Indra, the Lord of Svargaloka or Heaven, who has an astral abode there.





Just as humans have descended from the Sun God (Surya) through his son, Manu – creating a race of Manavas (humans) of both the Somavamsha (Lunar peoples) through his daughter, Ila and and Suryavamsha (Solar peoples) through his son, Ikshvaku – so also other Cosmic

beings have various lineages.

Here we discuss those of the Danava varieties. Danavas are a class of Demonic Entities whothemselves are split up into many classes. Some of these married in with the human race, mainly in the Somavamsha or Lunar peoples – which included human (manava) clans as Yadavas, Turvashas and others.

These beings are called Danavas, as they sprung from the demonic Goddess Danu.  These include demonic beings called Pulomas, Kalakeyas and Nivatakavachas.

The Kalakeyas are said to be cruel beings, as are the Pulomas. In the Mahabharata, they are described as having a Golden City (Hiranyapura) that flew in the sky. It hence sounds like a Giant “Space Station” that we see on Star wars. The texts also describe these beings as having magical weapons and powers, that enable them to become invisible, enter various dimensions, change in form etc.

The Nivata-kavachas (Beings with impenetrable [air-like] armour – sounding like some kind of ‘space men’) are said to have been offered a boon from the Creator-God (Brahma), and hence attained such armour. Interestingly, we note these beings harassed the beings that dwelled under the Oceans on Earth.

The Daityas are another class of demonic beings. They are named after the evil Goddess Diti, the evil-sister of Aditi, the Mother of the Aditya Gods. The Daityas are hence darkness, whereas the Adityas represent the Sun and Light. Daityas include demons as the Vritras (serpent-like beings mentioned in the Vedas) and Shambaras, who fought with Vedic Gods and also hassled human beings, as well as the inhabitants of the higher dimensions ofHeavens and lower dimensions of the demonic and hellish planets.

It is interesting the Mahabharata notes that, just as the Gods have taken birth on Earth in human form (Vishnu as Krishna; Indra as Arjuna; Surya as Karna etc.), the Danavas also have. The Danava Ajaka became Salva the demon of Krishna’s time, and Ashoka the great Kingwas an incarnation of demon Ashwa etc. Seers as Sunaka are also said to be incarnations ofAsuras or demons in human form. It hence explains some humans and their extraordinary powers, as Salva, Duryodhana and Mohammud, Adolf Hitler etc. in more modern times as (withAshoka), being an Asura reborn on Earth in human form. The likes of Salva etc. still possessed their non-human attributes, however, as gods like Krishna did.

A class of beings is known as Uragas. They are said to be in between Nagas (serpents) and Manavas (Humans) in appearance. Hence they resemble the ancient “Goblins” or the present-day Alien Gray beings, who are hence semi-divine, and have serpent-like faces, hairless bodies, but human-like appearances. Human Naga (serpent) races of Eastern India have Mongoloid appearances, which bear some resemblance to these demonic creatures – showing Naga beings of higher ethereal worlds, as also possessing such features.

Likewise, the Pisacha peoples in Himalayas, descend from the Pisacha demons, and hence married with the Manava (human race) and hence attained such interesting features – as theNagas also did.  The Pisachas refer to the Dardic (Nordic peoples) tribes of Kashmir with fair skin, hair and eyes – hence the “Nordic” variety of ‘Aliens’ described by modern day abductees, are the Pisacha beings who are related to these human species – as the Grays are the Nagas.

Interestingly, the Pisacha and Naga tribes of the Himalayas seem to have always lived in that region – and most often, adbuctees relate that the Grays have Nordic-aliens with them! Hence the same is here on Earth with the Dards/Pisachas and the Nagas.

Pisacha refers to Ghosts, and hence seems to mean these Nordic peoples of “ghost-like” or Nordic appearance. Intrestingly, the Maori word for a white person is “Pakeha”, close to Pisach, and also has the same meaning (refers to a Ghost and also being pale) – as also with the Nordic/Pisacha connection in India. Hence the “Nordic” Aliens are Pisachas.

The subtle/astral or ‘Alien’ variety of these beings (demons) are still said to dwell in the Himalayan region to the Gobi desert, where these physical human types also remain. Hence the flying saucers, or Vimanas. Vedic literature speaks of Mandala (circular) Vimanas (airships), and we remember the Chakra (wheel or circle) is a sacred shape to Hindus!

As per the Chandogya Upanishad – it shows that, whereas the Devas (Gods) lead by Indra revere more things subtle, astral and of the self – the Asuras (Demons) lead by Virochana were materialistic and revered the physical – much like the Kali-Yuga manavas or human-race.

This is not surprising, since we are presently under the Rulership of Rahu – also known asKali and corresponds to the Planet Uranus. He is cruel, demonic and represents darkness (tamoguna) and ignorance (avidya). He, himself, is the disciple of Asuramaya – the Cosmic Craftsman who creates Mahals (Palaces), Vimanas (Chariots), Puras (Cities) of the Demons, and sometimes the Gods, and is also a great Astrologer. He is Ruler of Planet Venus, alongwith Indra.

As for the time lapses in the tales of abductions, and unusual phenomenon – they can be again explained by siddhis in the Vedic tradition, possessed by demons and gods. Also, we note that human time, in this age especially, is 360 times slower than Divine time. Thus, in abductions by demons – the “few minutes” that appear physical hours, are herein explained. It also explains the subtle nature of such beings.

There are seven lower “dimensions” or planes (lokas) that the demonic entities dwell on, in various planets, astral planets etc. as per the Vedas. Such lands are from where such beings come from, and physicalise, or manifest here on this Earth planet on the physical dimension (in the way gods and demons, ghosts etc. do).

I must note here, in relation to demons and death phenomena, Yama etc. – of how the Stupas(funerary mounds of the Buddhists and Jainas), appear shaped like the “Flying saucer” UFOs, and how Hindu temples in Pyramidal and Cigar-shapes are shaped after the Gods! Flying saucers are hence often death-related demons of the netherworlds. A Mandala (circular) Vimana, however, is noted in the Vimana Shastra, as are Shakuna and Hamsa (Birdand Swan-like), that both humans and gods and demons posess.

As we know that in higher dimensions, that they also sometimes use surgical instruments, physical weapons (sometimes charged with mantras., perhaps), as from the Puranas and otherVedic texts, and the fact of Puranas stating of Devic and Asuric cities made of Iron, Bronze and Gold, but in higher dimensions and could physicalise (as craft of Salva). 

Some have aerial cities, some cities in lower realms (lokas), and some even cities under the sea and underground and mountains (as Nagas and Yakshas) on the Earth – and some even described as living in subtle dimensions around the Himalayas.

And also the fact our Vimana information of motors comes from Bharadvaja of the Jupiterianlineage of the Gods, and Surgery from Dhanvantri the avatar through the god Indra of the astral planes again.

If Gods use surgery for physical means, then the demons mis-use it to harass humans and godly beings – as they also do with their astras (weapons) and vimanas (crafts), as Vedic texts explain.

Animal mutilations are also explained – as many asuric beings are described as rakshasas (flesh-eaters) and hence travel here from other dimensions to do so, as other animals killthere pray. Moreover, cattle mutilations suggests they are the demons of Vedic mythology –since the Cosmic Law of the Devic or Godly beings, including lower demonic and human species – is never to harm or kill a cow. It hence shows (as with Kali / Rahu doing it at Parikshit’s time), that their influence now prevails, and also has been done since time immemorable.

The influence of Rahu of the present age appears to keep us (through MIBs) in the dark about such things. However, the higher technology known to ancient India Kings, from the Samaranga Sutradhara about fast-moving planes run on Mercury, explains a reason for keeping such secrets about UFOs (Vimanas) secret:

”The machine's construction and operating details are not publicly disclosed. For if theirmotivative power became known expressly to others--giving out results described elsewhere--elements of these machines would be wrongly used.”

Hence it appears that the Yamadhutas and the likes, the Cosmic Guardians, known as MIBs who are devic and asuric classes, appearingly coming from Shani, the planet that drives black chariots (transformed into Caddilacs) and wears black, appears responsible. Saturn

is also Planet of Yamaraja (death) and known as Dharmaraja the “Lord of Righteousness”or Rta (Cosmic Law) as Varuna, and hence his Siddha attendants must be the MIB that silence whitnesses. 

Others are Rahu’s agents who like to keep us spiritually unaware and hence, especially, ofwho they really are (demons) and their plan in this Kali Yuga age of Rahu and his asuras!

Thus, from Vedic literature and Indian Tradition, we learn much about the Cosmos and it’s inhabitants, and also the various races of people on this earth itself – of both human andextraterrestrial origins.




12 COSMIC BEINGS: An Overview

There are many beings in the Cosmos, and their demonic counterparts. Hence, some are physical and others are astral or subtle.

Adityas are Sun-Gods and Daityas are Demons, opposite of Adityas, Hence the Adityas have the same bodies as the Daityas, except the Daityas are the darker reflection of the Devas and are hence demonic, wicked beings, with grotesque forms, who mis-use their powers. Theyhave astral bodies.


Danavas are Demons and Manavas are Humans,   Hence, the Manavas who have physical bodies, have other physical-bodied reflections – the Danavas, who are demonic. While Manavas have five races as Caucasoid, Australoid, Negroid, Mongoloid and Negrito – so also the Danavas also have their five physical species – but are aweful and frightening in appearance and more advanced than humans, as they have siddhis (yogic powers).

Danavas are the physical residents on the Asura Planets, and Manavas are physical residents of the Deva planets, and can also dematerialise or make themselves subtle, whereas Manavas cannot. This gives Danavas power over Manavas in the Kali Yugas, as the Asuras do over the Devas in the Kali Yugas of the Gods.

Devas or Suras are the Demi-Gods and the Adevas or Asuras are opposites,these beings have astral bodies, but can physicalise at will.The Asuras and Devas are always at war. Although related, they are reflections. The Devas are lead by Indra and guided by Brihaspati (Jupiter), and include inhabitants on the planets of the Sun, Moon,  Mars and

Mercury. The Asuras are lead by Shukra (Venus) and include Uranus, Pluto and  Saturn and their inhabitants, who are classes of Danavas, Ganas, Bhutas, Asuras, Daityas, Nagas (On Rahu and Ketu) and other such beings.

Gandharvas and Yakshas: Yakshas are demonic demigods with supernatural powers that fly around on Vimanas or flying chariots and the Gandharvas are their counterparts, as Angels.They can assume both physical and astral forms at will, and both are quite curious about humans (manava), demon (danava) and godly (deva) concerns.





Maharishi Dayananda Saraswati: - “An Introduction to the Vedas”</ p>

- “Satyartha Prakasha: The Light of Truth”

David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri):- ”Gods, Sages and Kings”

Frawley, Fruerstein, Kak- In Search of Cradle of Civilisation

India's Contribution to World Culture-Sudheer Birodkar 

Richard L. Thompson:- “Alien Identities: Ancient Insights inttoo Modern UFO Phenomena”

Stephen Knapp:- “Vedic Prophecies: A New Look into the Fuuture”

Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada:- Srimad Bhagavatam- Bhagavad Gita

-         - Easy Journey to Other Planets


Paramhansa Yogananda:- Autobiography of a Yogi

- God Talks to Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita

Erich Von Daniken

-Chariots of the Gods

S.R.Leela- Biography of Vasishtha Ganapati Muni>  

Rig Veda Samhita (Griffith Translation)


A Tribute to Hinduism / Vimanas:



mystery/history/important/personaleverything in one place-plate-blogWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013

indian actress


Here are Bollywood actress boobs nude pics in real , no fakes. Some Bollywood actresses,the ones of Indian origin and Indian actresses have shown their naked boobs according to the demands of the script or by mistake. Here are the ones that we could find out

Deepa Sahi showed her boobs that look like conical like mangoes in Maya Memsaab starring Shah Rukh

Khan.A book showed that the director wanted his wife Deepa to practice sex scene with SRK before doing it for the shoot. This is not confirmed and no one is willing to talk. 

Mandakini exposed her boobs with sexy nipples prominent through the saree and had a breast feeding scene in the movie Ram Teri Ganga Maili 

Dimple Kapadia's naked boobs emerged in Sagar in one of the first popular cases of  Bollywood wardrobe malfunction in movies

kashmera Shah's sexy boobs were naked in Revathi in the bathing scene 

Sunny Leone's naked boobs are world-famous, she is an actress of Indian origin. The only film in which she has worn clothes is Jism 2 .ha ha ha ha 

Antara Mali's boobs popped out during a running scene. Her breast looks handful and cute. 

South Indian actress Reshma is famous for her big boobs, exposing them in many films. 

Deepti Bhatnagar went nude for Cobra, her big boobs making your cobra stand on its own, in the movieOperation Cobra. 

Helen Brodie in Monsoon showed her naked boobs pink and sexy, a movie that released in the 1990 andmade many people watch it secretly for just this scene.

Sherlyn Chopra's naked boobs are quite popular, she is India's first Playboy girl and is also now a part of Kamasutra 3D. 

Anu Aggarwal showed her sexy boobs naked in The Cloud Door, an erotic movie by Mani Kaul. 

Indira Varma showed naked boobs in Kamasutra. She went full nude for the film and had lot of sex scenes. 

Bipasha Basu showed naked boobs in the Lotto ad back in early 2000.

Paoli Dam 

Given below are Riya Sen naked boobs.  The actress denied that she is not the one in the MMS But whatever it is, the boobs are big and full, her aureolas are really big and black.

 Hope you enjoyed Indian actresses showing boobs in real, Bollywood breasts nude. Let us know which Indian actress has the best pair of boobs and which one you'd like to see. Posted by sam sinha   at 11:23 PM 


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Anonymous said...pls comment if u lov 2 c moreMay 14, 2013 at 10:08 AM


August 2, 2013 at 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...topAugust 2, 2013 at 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...Deepti Bhatnagar; wish we could have got more & more of her to see.August 16, 2013 at 1:47 AM

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mystery/history/important/personaleverything in one place-plate-blogWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013

11 Bollywood stars who went naked

11 Bollywood stars who went naked

 By Vishwas Kulkarni | Pop Vulture – Wed 22 Feb, 2012 12:55 PM IST

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With Ashmit Patel posing in the buff for an underwear campaign in a men’s magazine recently, we bring you 10 Bollywooders who went naked before the camera

The actress

had a rendezvous with Shashi Kapoor in Siddhartha that raised quite a few eyebrows in the ‘70s

1.Simi Garewal in ‘Mera Naam Joker’ and ‘Siddhartha’ (1972) – Newly returned from England, Simi Garewal bagged some of the most prestigious films from her generation, though she never found the commercial success of her peers. In both ‘Mera Naam Joker’by Raj Kapoor and ‘Siddhartha’, a film adapted from Hermann Hesse’s novel of the samename (both 1972), she sheds her quintessential whites and pretty much everything elsetoo.

Protima Bedi

stirred a hornet's nest with her morning jog in 1974

2.Protima Bedi in the Cine Blitz promotional campaign (1974) – Celebrated danseuse and Kabir Bedi’s bohemian wife stripped down to nothing and ran naked on Juhu beach as part of a promotional campaign to launch filmi rag Cine Blitz in 1974. She made headlines, naturally.


sarong getting undone led to a nude scene that lasted less than a second. Yet, it was the most rewound scene of 1985.

 3. Dimple Kapadia in ‘Saagar’ (1985) – Her introduction to Rishi Kapoor in the film went like this: a young village belle goes for a dip in the ocean. Then when returning she wraps herself in a sarong, notices that Rishi Kapoor has been watching her through plastic weeds hanging above him. She trips and her sarong gets undone fora split second. Yet, to many, this qualified as at least a half-monty moment in Bollywood.


may have been from small-town Meerut, but her transparent debut made her a national entity

4.  Mandakini in ‘Ram Teri Ganga Maili’ (1985) – A cliché but it does remain one ofthe most bare-breasted moments in Hindi cinema. Mandakini became a household name

with this blockbuster, but also vanished just as quickly following allegations of herbeing Dawood Ibrahim’s moll.

SRK has

never gotten as randy as he did with Deepa Memsaab

5.Deepa Sahi in ‘Maya Memsaab’ (1993) – In this film, director Ketan Mehta’s wife played a day-glo Madame Bovary, a novel by Gustave Flaubert in which the wife of a doctor gives in to illicit affairs and hedonism to escape the banality of provincial life. And escape she does in what is perhaps Shah Rukh Khan’s most carnal performanceon screen as well. Deepa Sahi exposed her breasts and features in numerous romps withKing Khan in this awkward adaptation.

They said

she’s in Dubai now, but Bombay was so much fun with her circa 1993

 6.Mamta Kulkarni on the Stardust cover (1993) – She vanished just as quickly as she arrived too. However, in the early 1990s, Mamta Kulkarni was in the eye of a storm for appearing topless on the cover of Stardust magazine. Lawsuits were slapped and last-minute bails were sought in India’s most regressive decade, but this was a firstfor a Bollywood actress after Protima Bedi’s legendary Full Monty on Juhu beach in 1974 (see earlier note).

The model-cum-actress who debuted with

Aashiqui did the full monty for art house guru Mani Kaul

7. Anu Agarwal in ‘The Cloud Door’ by Mani Kaul (1994) – This short Indo-German film by acclaimed 

director Mani Kaul was inspired by erotic themes in Hindi and Muslim literature. True to its genre, it

featured the ‘Aashiqui’ girl naked in bed with Murad Ali in a rather steamy sequence.


first supermodel couple shed all their inhibitions for an ad campaign. They only had their sneakers

and a python for company

8. Milind Soman and Madhu Sapre in the Tuff shoes campaign (1995) – Okay, granted Madhu Sapre never bothered with Bollywood, but Milind Soman did. So this duo qualifies as a tinsel town couple that did ruffle many a right-wing feather when appearing in the buff for a sports shoe campaign in the mid-‘90s.


quintessential he-man from the jungle was seen his birthday suit in mentor B Subhash's English-

language turkey Divine Lovers

9.Hemant Birje in ‘Divine Lovers’ (1997) - Director B Subhash made him a national sensation with ‘Tarzan’, a 1985 blockbuster film that Hemant Birje and his co-star Kimi Katkar are most remembered by. By the time Birje was forgotten, he was summoned to act in B Subhash’s English-language film ‘Divine Lovers’, starring ‘Grease 2’ heroMaxwell Caulfield and Marc Zuber. Packaged as an erotic film set in exotic India, thefilm was initially to star Anu Agarwal, who developed cold feet based on the sheer amount of nudity required. Eventually they roped in some LA actress. The skin-flick bombed and B Subhash lost a lot of money. But Hemant Birje did appear in a flash nudemoment in this one.

Helen Brodie

had some pretty steamy scenes in Jag Mundhra’s Monsoon

10.   Helen Brodie in Jag Mundhra’s ‘Monsoon’ (2001) – Her debut at the cusp of the millennium, ‘Hadh Kar Di Aapne’, sank without a trace. Then a year later, Helen Brodie truly crossed over. To LA, on the sets of soft porn filmmaker Jag Mundhra’s ‘Monsoon’. And hadh kar di Mundhra saab ne! Brodie found some pretty significant exposure with this flick.

She is the

daughter of a Nobel Prize-winning economist. She was also rather economical with her clothes in Rang


11. Nandana Sen in ‘Rang Rasiya’ (2008) – Daughter of Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, Nandana Sen stars in Ketan Mehta’s ‘Rang Rasiya’. The film is based on India’s most celebrated calendar artist, Raja Ravi Varma played by the brooding Randeep Hooda. Senplays Randeep Hooda’s muse and since Raja Ravi Varma painted nudes, Nandana too gave us some mirch masala.Posted by sam sinha   at 11:17 PM 

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11 Bollywood stars who went naked By  Vishwas Kulkarni  |  Pop Vulture  –  Wed 22 Feb, 2012 12:55 PM IST Email Like 88...

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11 Bollywood stars who went naked

11 Bollywood stars who went naked By Vishwas Kulkarni | Pop Vulture – Wed 22 Feb, 2012 12:55 PM IST

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With Ashmit Patel posing in the buff for an underwear campaign in a men’s magazine recently, we bring you 10 Bollywooders who went naked before the camera

The actress

had a rendezvous with Shashi Kapoor in Siddhartha that raised quite a few eyebrows in the ‘70s

1.Simi Garewal in ‘Mera Naam Joker’ and ‘Siddhartha’ (1972) – Newly returned from England, Simi Garewal bagged some of the most prestigious films from her generation, though she never found the commercial success of her peers. In both ‘Mera Naam Joker’by Raj Kapoor and ‘Siddhartha’, a film adapted from Hermann Hesse’s novel of the samename (both 1972), she sheds her quintessential whites and pretty much everything elsetoo.

Protima Bedi

stirred a hornet's nest with her morning jog in 1974

2.Protima Bedi in the Cine Blitz promotional campaign (1974) – Celebrated danseuse and Kabir Bedi’s bohemian wife stripped down to nothing and ran naked on Juhu beach as part of a promotional campaign to launch filmi rag Cine Blitz in 1974. She made headlines, naturally.


sarong getting undone led to a nude scene that lasted less than a second. Yet, it was the most rewound scene of 1985.

 3. Dimple Kapadia in ‘Saagar’ (1985) – Her introduction to Rishi Kapoor in the film went like this: a young village belle goes for a dip in the ocean. Then when returning she wraps herself in a sarong, notices that Rishi Kapoor has been watching her through plastic weeds hanging above him. She trips and her sarong gets undone fora split second. Yet, to many, this qualified as at least a half-monty moment in Bollywood.


may have been from small-town Meerut, but her transparent debut made her a national entity

4.  Mandakini in ‘Ram Teri Ganga Maili’ (1985) – A cliché but it does remain one ofthe most bare-breasted moments in Hindi cinema. Mandakini became a household name

with this blockbuster, but also vanished just as quickly following allegations of herbeing Dawood Ibrahim’s moll.

SRK has

never gotten as randy as he did with Deepa Memsaab

5.Deepa Sahi in ‘Maya Memsaab’ (1993) – In this film, director Ketan Mehta’s wife played a day-glo Madame Bovary, a novel by Gustave Flaubert in which the wife of a doctor gives in to illicit affairs and hedonism to escape the banality of provincial life. And escape she does in what is perhaps Shah Rukh Khan’s most carnal performanceon screen as well. Deepa Sahi exposed her breasts and features in numerous romps withKing Khan in this awkward adaptation.

They said

she’s in Dubai now, but Bombay was so much fun with her circa 1993

 6.Mamta Kulkarni on the Stardust cover (1993) – She vanished just as quickly as she arrived too. However, in the early 1990s, Mamta Kulkarni was in the eye of a storm for appearing topless on the cover of Stardust magazine. Lawsuits were slapped and last-minute bails were sought in India’s most regressive decade, but this was a firstfor a Bollywood actress after Protima Bedi’s legendary Full Monty on Juhu beach in 1974 (see earlier note).

The model-cum-actress who debuted with

Aashiqui did the full monty for art house guru Mani Kaul

7. Anu Agarwal in ‘The Cloud Door’ by Mani Kaul (1994) – This short Indo-German film by acclaimed 

director Mani Kaul was inspired by erotic themes in Hindi and Muslim literature. True to its genre, it

featured the ‘Aashiqui’ girl naked in bed with Murad Ali in a rather steamy sequence.


first supermodel couple shed all their inhibitions for an ad campaign. They only had their sneakers

and a python for company

8. Milind Soman and Madhu Sapre in the Tuff shoes campaign (1995) – Okay, granted Madhu Sapre never bothered with Bollywood, but Milind Soman did. So this duo qualifies as a tinsel town couple that did ruffle many a right-wing feather when appearing in the buff for a sports shoe campaign in the mid-‘90s.


quintessential he-man from the jungle was seen his birthday suit in mentor B Subhash's English-

language turkey Divine Lovers

9.Hemant Birje in ‘Divine Lovers’ (1997) - Director B Subhash made him a national sensation with ‘Tarzan’, a 1985 blockbuster film that Hemant Birje and his co-star Kimi Katkar are most remembered by. By the time Birje was forgotten, he was summoned to act in B Subhash’s English-language film ‘Divine Lovers’, starring ‘Grease 2’ heroMaxwell Caulfield and Marc Zuber. Packaged as an erotic film set in exotic India, thefilm was initially to star Anu Agarwal, who developed cold feet based on the sheer amount of nudity required. Eventually they roped in some LA actress. The skin-flick bombed and B Subhash lost a lot of money. But Hemant Birje did appear in a flash nudemoment in this one.

Helen Brodie

had some pretty steamy scenes in Jag Mundhra’s Monsoon

10.   Helen Brodie in Jag Mundhra’s ‘Monsoon’ (2001) – Her debut at the cusp of the millennium, ‘Hadh Kar Di Aapne’, sank without a trace. Then a year later, Helen Brodie truly crossed over. To LA, on the sets of soft porn filmmaker Jag Mundhra’s ‘Monsoon’. And hadh kar di Mundhra saab ne! Brodie found some pretty significant exposure with this flick.

She is the

daughter of a Nobel Prize-winning economist. She was also rather economical with her clothes in Rang


11. Nandana Sen in ‘Rang Rasiya’ (2008) – Daughter of Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, Nandana Sen stars in Ketan Mehta’s ‘Rang Rasiya’. The film is based on India’s most celebrated calendar artist, Raja Ravi Varma played by the brooding Randeep Hooda. Senplays Randeep Hooda’s muse and since Raja Ravi Varma painted nudes, Nandana too gave us some mirch masala.Posted by sam sinha   at 11:17 PM 

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11 Bollywood stars who went naked


electricity mhe bio gas association gobar gas plant biogas

11 Bollywood stars who went naked By  Vishwas Kulkarni  |  Pop Vulture  –  Wed 22 Feb, 2012 12:55 PM IST Email Like 88...

royal history

royal histories the name Cooch-Behar is derived from the name of the Koch tribes (the Rajbongshi or Rajbanshi or Koch Rajbongshi) indigeno...

Real Aliens

Real Aliens Dec 28,2012 - by  Plan B 17 Theysay there aren’t any, however these picturessay a different story. I’ve tried to find...

10 MOST HAUNTED PLACE IN INDIA10 MOST HAUNTED PLACE IN INDIA Table of Contents Forts of Bhangarh, Rajasthan HorrorMovies Dumas Beach, Gujarat Ramoji Film...

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“   List Of Hidden/Secret Beaches In Goa   ”03 December 2012, 17:00 List Of Hidden Beaches In Goa and Near-By (You may not ag...


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