a phoenix scedule for the dewey 200's

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

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A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s




A Phoenix Schedulefor the Dewey “200s”

Suggested in particular for Bahá’í Librariesand for other Dewey libraries needing a modern and

unbiased schedule for Religion.

Compiled and edited by Paul Gerard B.A. Grad. Dip. Lib.from recent editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification

and other sources

Submitted with humble acknowledgement to the original genius of

Melvil Dewey

Third Edition 2008

(last updated/edited 9/5/15)

With thanks toMr William P. Collins

for his unfailing help and encouragement

This schedule is designed to be used as a replacement for the Class 200 (religion) section in the current edition (full or abridged) of the Dewey Decimal Classification – a copy of which (if not already owned) will need to be obtained by anyone wishing to apply this schedule to

actual use in a library collection, at least in the intended manner .

The Dewey Decimal Classification is © 1996-2003 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Inc.

DDC, Dewey, and Dewey Decimal Classification are registered trademarks of OCLC Online Computer Library Center Inc.

A formal request to use trademarks and copyright material belonging to OCLC Online Computer Library Center Inc in this schedule has been made through official Bahá’í administrative channels.

Every effort has been made to respect OCLC’s copyright and trademarks.

This work is not for commercial sale – and should be considered an “in-house” document in any library in which it is used. It is distributed at his own expense by the author – further distribution without the

specific permission of OCLC Online Computer Library Center Inc. which could fall into the category of “publication” may be a breach of OCLC’s copyright, and should be avoided.

This Phoenix Schedule © 2001 – 2008 Paul Antony Gerard

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

ContentsPage No.

Introduction …. …. 8

Schedule for Class 200 (Religion) …. …. 18Summary/working abridgement …. …. 19

Comparative religion, works concerned with several religions 23Cults, quasi, historical religions, tribal, folk and localised religions 46

Anti religions, cults, parody and quasi religions…. 46Historical religions …. …. 47

Religions of pre-literate peoples, folk religion…. 48Local and ethnic religion …. …. 49

Hinduism …. …. 51Jainism …. …. 57

Sikhism …. …. 58Buddhism …. …. 59

Confucianism …. …. 65Taoism …. …. 65

Shinto …. …. 66Zoroastrianism …. …. 66

Judaism …. …. 67Christianity …. …. 87

Islam …. …. 115Bahá’í Faith …. …. 132

Table PS1 …. …. 163Table PS2 …. …. 166

Manual Notes …. …. 170Relative Index …. …. 180

Table of equivalent numbers in standard Dewey 21 …. 309The Bahá’í International Library Classification …. 325




A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey “200s”Suggested in particular for Bahá’í Libraries


What is the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)?Melvil Dewey first proposed the classification that bears his name in 1876. It is still the most widely used

library subject classification in the world. Conceived as a unified whole, by an undoubted genius, to encompass the whole of knowledge, it is applicable to innumerable libraries of all kinds and sizes; by no means all of them the moderately large, general, popular libraries for which it is theoretically best suited. As a result, it remains instantly familiar to librarians and library users all over the world.

Dewey wished for friends for his classification. Even the very best of these friends, if they know the Dewey scheme well, must admit it is rather less than perfect! None the less, it has thrived for over 125 years on its great strengths of universality and wide application.

What is a “Phoenix Schedule”?Any library classification has two fundamentally opposed requirements. The first is that it must remain eternally

the same: because changes in the scheme will cause dismay, confusion, and a great deal of hard labour in the libraries in which it is employed. The other requirement is for frequent, continuous, and sometimes radical revis -ion; to keep up with the constantly changing world of knowledge, and to correct mistakes, made either when the classification was first put together, or later, when it was revised.

One of the features of the DDC that has been an important factor in its success is that its publishers have man-aged to strike at least a measure of balance between these contradictory requirements. In fact our classification is now in its 22nd edition, which is of course many times larger than the original (42 page) proposal. Over the years, the changes necessary to keep the scheme fairly current have been made in two basic ways.

The first method has been to expand existing schedules to accommodate new subjects, essentially by sub-dividing existing headings. The simple “decimal” notation used by DDC is admirably adapted to this procedure, up to a point. Eventually new numbers become very long and cumbersome indeed. This is most noticeable in the “500s” and “600s” (science and technology) where a great many totally new subjects have arisen since 1876.

The other method has been to simply scrap a whole section of the classification that is palpably out of date and replace it with something entirely new. The current DDC schedule for Music (the 780s) is a fairly recent example – Law (the 340s), Mathematics (the 510s), and, most strikingly, Computer Science (the original schedule at 001.64 having been replaced by a new one at 004, 005 and 006) are among other sections which have been re-done in this way in living memory.

This kind of thing was once called a “Phoenix Schedule”, after the legendary bird born anew out of the flames: the term is so apt we have revived it here.

The only thing that is different about this particular Phoenix is that it is NOT an official, standard, Dewey bird, but a “foreign exotic”; designed initially for a particular library. In spite of this, it builds on what are already the great strengths of DDC (as any constructive suggestion of change to such a beloved institution must) to enhance its universality, and make it even more widely applicable.

What are the Dewey 200s?The original Dewey scheme divided all knowledge into nine major classes (plus a tenth class for miscellaneous

subjects that did not fit easily anywhere else). Each major class received a block of one hundred numbers. Initially Dewey considered a thousand different subjects would be plenty, in fact his scheme was critic ised when it first appeared for being too detailed! In practice, as libraries for the first time adopted a truly systematic arrangement by subject, the need for the division of the original thousand numbers into many thousands more by the use of “decimal fractions” soon became evident.

The block of numbers between 200 and 299 were reserved for “Religion”. In comparison with the 500s (“science”) and 600s (“technology”) the Dewey 200s have NOT grown spectacularly over the years; in fact, they remain relatively close to Dewey’s original outline. And yet, time has caught up with the Dewey 200s too!


                                                                                                                                  Introduction                                                                                                                                         In 1876, Melvil Dewey was (very properly) concerned with the needs of the particular library where he was

working, for other libraries in the United States, and, perhaps, other English speaking countries. In the world as he knew it, or at least in the world in which he might have envisioned his classification being used, “religion” really meant “Christianity”. This approach to the subject is reflected in the schedule to this day.

To clarify just what we are talking about, this is how the official “Second Summary” of the Dewey 200s goes:

200 Religion210 Philosophy and theory of religion220 (Christian) Bible230 Christian theology240 Christian moral and devotional theology250 Christian orders and local church260 (Christian) Social and ecclesiastical theology270 History of Christianity and Christian church280 Christian denominations and sects290 Comparative religion and other religions

What’s wrong with that, then? Apart from the 210s (Philosophy and theory of religion) and the 290s (reserved for “comparative rel-

igion” as well as well as “other” religions, i.e. those “other” than Christianity) the numbers are all reserved for Christian topics: thus using 70% of the available numbers for one religion!

There is really no specific number for Christianity at all, unless we take “230” as the general Christ -ian number. BUT this comes AFTER “220” (the Bible), which is surely an aspect of Christ ianity, rather than an independent subject, even though the Old Testament consists of what is after all Jewish scripture. Very simply, “religion” is considered to be the same thing as “Christianity”, and “Christianity” the same thing as “religion”!

In fact, in spite of praiseworthy attempts over the years by the publishers of the scheme to improve DDC’s coverage of at least some non-Christian religions, this fundamental bias, excusable (indeed inevitable) as it is in historical context, limits the value of the Dewey 200s, and thus of DDC as a whole, not just for the Bahá’í libraries for which this Phoenix schedule has been specifically designed, but for any library serving a multi-faith or frankly Non-Christian community.

Nor is this the whole problem. Because of the piecemeal way in which the schedules for the Dewey 200s have evolved, there is little consistency in the way in which the same topics are arranged under each religion. First we have Christianity: sprawling over 70% of the available number base, in an arrangement firmly based on the needs of the library of a nineteenth century theological college. Then there are the schedules for Christianity’s close relatives, Judaism and Islam. These are later (in fact quite recently revised) but although perhaps in some ways better arranged, they are different from the Christian arrangement, and from each other. Finally, there are all the real “others”: originally lacking any kind of subdivision at all. These have been given a more or less standard arrangement, fairly sensible, but unfortunately rather inflexible, far from comprehensive, and, once again, different.

To illustrate the effect of this inconsistency, here is an entry from the alphabetical index to standard DDC:

Prayers (Private devotions) 291.433Buddhism 294.344 33Christianity 242Hinduism 294.543 3Islam 297.382 4

Sufi 297.438 24Judaism 296.45

Incidentally, reference to the schedules reveals that some of these index entries do not refer specifically to private prayer at all, but to more general headings, such as “personal devotions”. Ignoring this for the moment; for comparative religion, and some particular religions, our topic seems to be covered by “-433”; but for Islam, it is evidently “-3824”, for Judaism “-45”. There is no way for the library user to work out where to find works on private prayer in a particular religion; and in fact even for the cataloguer it is far fiddlier than it need be.


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                           To summarise the position; in “fixing” the Dewey 200s, we face two problems:

The basic outline of the scheme at this point is grossly biased towards Christianity. Even in an entirely Christian country the extent to which this is the case would be rather ethnocentric and narrow; in any country where “other” religions form an important part of the local culture, it is a major fault: at least for a general, professedly universal, subject classification.

The subdivision of the different religions is inconsistent, and inconsistently specific. This makes the scheme unnecessarily hard to follow for both cataloguer and user, and fails to reflect the fact that all the world’s religions deal with the same fundamental questions, albeit from different viewpoints.

How can we fix the outline?To be fair, the problem of Christian bias in the Dewey 200s has been widely recognised for many years.

The Dewey people themselves (Forest Press, nowadays a branch of OCLC) would never have gone so far as to say that the Dewey 200s would be ideal for (say) a library in a Muslim country.

A suggestion made in old editions of DDC to alleviate this problem was that a library serving a non-Christian community should insert a special, “private” schedule for the “home religion”. In fact, just such a schedule was once prepared at the Bahá’í International Library, to be inserted before the regular 200s, at B200, and listing specifically Bahá’í topics. (It should be noted that the BWC have never used this schedule themselves). The great drawback of this kind of thing is that however well made the extra “pre-location” schedule might be (and its construction is a far from trivial task) one is still stuck with the regular Dewey 200s for all religions except one’s own, leaving most of our primary objections unanswered. In any case, this suggestion no longer forms part of DDC.

Instead, Edition 21 proposed five different options to “give preferred treatment or shorter numbers to a religion other than Christianity”. The first of these options reallocates the numbers reserved for Christianity: replacing the Christian bias of Dewey with a similar bias toward another religion. This is, of course, fundamentally opposed, not only to the Bahá’í principle of the oneness of religion, but also to the universal intent of the Dewey classification as a whole. It does nothing whatever for a multi-faith community! The other options juggle the available number base to give a selected religion shorter numbers, without doing anything very much to attack the basic problem, which has little or nothing to do with the length of numbers as such . To an even greater extent than the old idea of the special “prelocated” schedule, these options miss the point. At best they displace, but by no means remove, the fundamental lack of balance in the Dewey 200s.

The idea of a Phoenix schedule is of course “Burn it, and let a new one be born”. This new outline follows the theories of the great Indian mathematician and librarian Ranganathan – in that it classifies by one thing at once – in this case “religious system”. Something like this:

200 Comparative religion, works concerned with several religions210 Cults, parody, quasi, historical, tribal, folk and localised religions220 Hinduism232 Jainism238 Sikhism240 Buddhism253 Confucianism254 Taoism256 Shinto258 Zoroastrianism260 Judaism270 Christianity280 Islam290 Bahá’í Faith

Our allocation of numbers is still not as even-handed as we would have wished. Since there are only nine digits in our numbering system, and many more than nine religions; we have had to make decisions about which religions are to be defined by a single digit, which by two, and which by three or more (the “miscellaneous” religions grouped under 210). To have produced an absolutely unbiased outline we would have needed a number base long enough to avoid the necessity of making this kind of distinction.

In spite of this limitation, it is suggested that on the whole our first object is met. No one religion takes up more than 10% of the total available base, and there is “room” for a fully detailed classification of any existing religion, as well as several “spare” numbers, where new religions could be inserted.



What about the division of each religion?Many topics mean something rather different in the context of the various religions; but a Bahá’í outlook (not to

mention a universal “librarian-like” one) is that the religions of the world amount to differing perspectives on the same set of questions (however much the answers may differ). One clear implication of this is that the outline, at least, of a classification of one religion can be applied to any other. In fact some people by no means un-acquainted with DDC have expressed to the writer considerable incredulity that this is not already the case, so inconsistent is the current arrangement with the classification as a whole. It is hard to escape the conclus ion that Melvil Dewey himself would have wanted it done this way, at the beginning of the 21st century.

The following is an equivalent alphabetical index entry to the standard Dewey one considered above (although in our actual index it is no longer necessary to give so many examples). The first number, in square brackets, is not a complete Dewey number (and is never used on its own) but may be added to the base number for any religion.

Prayer [-833](for example)

Buddhism 248.33 Christianity 278.33Hinduism 228.33Islam 288.33Judaism 268.33Sufism 288.588 33

Not all topics apply in the same way to all religions – for instance, “prayer” may represent a very different concept, both in its importance or its fundamental nature, from one religion to another. Even so, in this schedule any subject common to more than one religion has, so far as it is at all possible, the same number , regardless of the religion concerned; and is thus arranged on the shelf in the same relation to other topics, under the overall heading for the religion concerned.

Most religions, however, have one or two idiosyncrasies that call for some flexibility. Consider the following:

Founders of religions Biography [-31]

(for example)The Báb 293.1Confucius 253.31Jesus 273.1Muhammad 283.1

While most religions have one clear founder, others do not. The Bahá’í Faith, for instance, has “twin founders”, both of whom have a similar status in Bahá’í theology. The first of these, The Báb, has been given the [-31] number for reasons that are purely chronological; Bahá’u’lláh is 293.2 instead. Anomalies like this have been kept to a mini-mum; but our helpful common outline must not become a distorting straitjacket!

Many other topics, such as specific holy days, scriptural books, or idiosyncratic doctrines, are peculiar to a single religion: but almost all can still be (and are) grouped under common headings. For instance:

Scripture [-4](for example)

Bahá’í scripture 294Buddhist Scripture 244Christian scripture, Bible 274Hindu scripture 224Jain scripture 232.4Mormon scripture 272.798 4Muslim scripture 284Taoist scripture 254.4

So far, so good. “Scripture”, like “Prayer”, is a common heading applying to virtually every conceivable relig-ious system. But what about particular Holy Books? At this point, of course, it is necessary to move into an area where numbers are no longer necessarily “common” – for instance the Bhagavad Gita is classed at 224.65,


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                           St. Luke’s Gospel at 274.4726, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas at 294.54.K6 These numbers are “exclusive” to Hinduism, Christianity, and the Bahá’í Faith respectively. None the less, the specific works of scripture of each religion are arranged under the same common [-4] overall heading, and therefore fall into the same position relative to other subjects. The same is true for all other “exclusive” topics: they are arranged in relation to the common overall outline in the same way as if they applied to all religions, instead of only one.

Won’t all this cause extra work – and what about “standards”?There are many advantages to using a standard scheme like Dewey; but in its current “stock standard” form it is

less than ideal for most religious libraries. It is suggested, in fact, that many religious libraries (and not just Bahá’í ones) will probably want to customise the classification of their religious materials anyway; in fact the plethora of options that form a part of the Dewey “standard” show that this is recognised by the publishers themselves. In this context, a new schedule to replace the Dewey 200s whole, which works for practically everyone just “as is”, and needs no customisation, can be seen as saving work rather than creating it!

Standardisation is a very important consideration in library work and we have tried not to be different just for the sake of it. For the Bahá’í section, for example, we have carefully considered and compared the special division of LC used by the Bahá’í International Library. For other sections, previous work (especially the standard Dewey schedules) has had similar consideration. The aim has been, in general terms at least:

To include subjects covered in previous work. To change the order and grouping of such subjects only where the outline and philosophy of this

schedule demand such change.

What use is this schedule anyway?It provides a universal, up-to-date religion schedule for any library using DDC. (Another possible use is sug-

gested on page 14). The extensive Bahá’í schedule is a prominent feature, however the schedule for Christianity is also complete, and in most respects is at least as detailed and specific as the current DDC standard. The “other” religions are already much better covered than in the “official” Dewey schedule , even where there is still obvious room for improvement. The logical overall arrangement, with its broadly parallel division of different religions, makes the schedule easy to follow for both the cataloguer and the user of the library.

It is one of the principles of the Bahá’í Faith that all religions have their ultimate source in Divine revelation; but the value of a less biased schedule for religion is by no means bound to full acceptance of this idea. Nor does it follow that any library will (or should) have the same number of books on each religion, nor even that all relig-ions will necessarily be covered at all. To come back to our basic thesis: the Dewey Decimal Classification is a general, universal classification – its greatest strength has always been its suitability for a wide range of different libraries. It follows that a library with a very specific agenda (religious or otherwise) must live with a good many pages of redundant numbers; unless a specialist scheme tailored to its agenda can be found.

What about libraries serving Christian communities?It remains arguable (although to a much lesser extent than in Dewey’s time) that the majority of users of librar -

ies currently arranged by DDC, other than those indifferent to religious questions altogether, are Christians. In devising a new 200s schedule suitable for all libraries we have kept this fact in mind. And yet, on the face of it, the drastic reallocation of numbers might seem to “penalise” Christianity. But is this the case?

Unlike standard Dewey, there is in this schedule an actual number for “Christianity” in a general sense (270) under which all Christian material is gathered – in a definite block of numbers (270-279). This number base is the same size as that available to classify (say) Mathematics (510-519), Physics (530-539), or Chemistry (540-549). In fact, the reallocation of numbers does not increase, of itself, the length of any particular number by more than one digit; and the numbers for Christian topics generally remain short and manageable, especially compared with those in scientific and technical areas.

As for the idea that increasing coverage of “other” religions somehow penalises a Christian library: it should be borne in mind that “excessive detail” in areas a particular library may (quite legitimately) not cover on principle, or consider (quite rightly) highly peripheral to its mission, are inevitable in a general scheme like DDC, and are of course by no means confined to religion. In other words, a Church library might have very few books on Buddhism – but perhaps even fewer on Nuclear Phys -ics! None the less, for the sake of other Dewey libraries, both Buddhism and Nuclear Physics require proper coverage. Anyway, nothing in this (or any other) schedule of classification affects in any way the freedom of the administrators of any library to acquire the books or other materials they wish – nor their ability to reject anything they might regard as irrelevant or unsuitable.



Has something been published about every subject in this schedule?Good question! Some classification schemes lay great stress on “literary warrant”. What this boils down to is

that every subject in the schedule should have the “warrant” of at least one published work. While the Dewey scheme is also primarily concerned with the body of existing literature, drawing up tables of subjects often implies many others that might well be covered, if not in the past, then at some time in the future. The idea of literary warrant is that it sets a sensible limit to the size of a scheme of classification by tying it firmly to the real world. Funnily enough – the Library of Congress scheme (based closely on literary warrant) is many times larger than Dewey (which is not), and needs more updating to cover new subjects rather than less.

Many subjects that can be built using this schedule are in fact covered by literary warrant many times, others are logical absurdities, while others again are perfectly feasible subjects, whether they have actually been treated or not. The listed or “enumerated” subjects are mostly “warranted”; although some lists have been completed, even if not every item on the list has been (as yet, so far as we know) the subject of an actual work. The basic idea is that it is much better to have a few “never used” subjects in the schedule than to have a major crisis whenever a new subject arises. In any case, not all libraries (especially religious ones!) are limited to published works.

Is this the whole thing?Ideally, all religions would be fully and carefully classified by this schedule, to more or less the same degree of

detail. This is very patently not the case, at least in this edition. Even though most of the detail present in the standard Dewey schedule has been incorporated (and often extended) there is evidently a good deal of work that could be done, especially on the religions outside the “Judeo/Christian/Muslim/Bahá’í ” sequence.

Perhaps no individual could have the background to single-handedly “complete” this schedule. We have no de-sire to replicate the kind of risible error to be found in some dictionaries and encyclopedias of religion, where, all too often, too much has been attempted by one person; or at least by too few people. There is a big difference between describing a religion and classifying books etc. about that religion, (and of course the latter task is much less demanding) but all the same, one must face one’s limitations! None the less, this schedule does need much fuller amplification at several points – and at this stage, at least, it also almost certainly includes inappropriate headings and other anomalies of which we are, in our ignorance, unaware.

The definitive schedule for Hinduism (the 220s), for instance, will ideally be drawn up by a trained librarian who is also a practicing Hindu, with a fairly close knowledge of his faith, including its myriad varieties. At the very least, it needs to be tackled by someone with more knowledge of the subject than we have, in consultation with people from an appropriate background, and after a detailed study of earlier work on classifying library materials on the Hindu religion. In the meantime, the current draft for Hinduism, for all its increase in specific detail over the standard Dewey schedule, is only a tentative beginning. Of course this also applies to several other religions.

The Bahá’í schedule, on the other hand, is fairly complete; although it remains subject to expansion and alter-ation in future editions, especially as it is applied to more and more actual library collections. It must be stressed that even in its current form, it is very far from being the work of one person; and that the process outlined above in relation to the Hindu schedule has been followed, and in fact is still continuing. In particular, the assist ance of Mr. William P. Collins, whose own work in this field has been shamelessly plundered, and who has cast his eye over the result, contributing a number of helpful suggestions, must be acknowledged.

The Christian schedule is in effect closely based on its equivalent in the standard Dewey schedule, and although many subjects have been rearranged, and a few “consolidated”, a real effort has been made to include all Christian topics covered in standard DDC. Class numbers for Christian subjects are often a little longer than their standard equivalent, but on the whole they remain short, or at worst no longer than the overall Dewey average.

This schedule is complete to the extent that it could certainly advantageously replace the standard 200s in any library currently using DDC, including a library with a strong Christian ethos. It is also sufficiently complete to be applicable to many libraries not currently using DDC, in particular Bahá’í libraries. For the benefit of some “Non-Bahá’í /Non-Christian” religious libraries, for which neither standard Dewey nor this schedule is really adequate, there is room for extensive improvement and updating. This is especially true for the sections covering the “Far-Eastern” religions. The question really must be: just how much more detailed and extensive could this schedule get before it is really too specialised to fit into the framework of a general scheme like Dewey?

In the meantime, the task of classifying a particular item and “finding a place” for a subject not yet properly covered in the schedule, either in the specifically enumerated lists of headings for the religion concerned, or in the common 200-209 table, should be tackled by reference to the schedules for the religions that have been more fully classified. Commonsense comparison – in effect building up an “ad hoc” or “literary-warrant” schedule for the religion concerned – is likely in practice to produce the “correct” number in most cases.


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          

Why is the schedule set out like that?The setting out of this schedule follows that of the standard Dewey schedules fairly closely. This is not because of

a desire to plagiarise, nor because the standard DDC setting out is necessarily the best possible; but simply because it is assumed that a library using this schedule will be doing so in conjunction with either the full DDC edition, or at least the abridged version. Obviously, if you’re hopping from one book to the other it helps if they have a similar layout. Apart from a larger page size and rather more compact formatting, differences have been kept to a minimum.

A feature of the standard Dewey schedules that has been carefully noted, and in general imitated, is the consider-able degree of “redundancy” present in the index and notes. Because a particular question is fully answered in one note does not necessarily preclude touching on it in several other places as well. Similarly in the relative index, most “see” and “see also” references are rendered unnecessary by including fully detailed entries under several different headings. These features are designed to increase the usability of the Dewey volumes, as opposed to their brevity and academic purity. If anything, this Phoenix schedule is just a little less “redundant” than the standard one, but preserves (we hope) most of the advantages of standard Dewey practice in this regard.

Apart from this, the main difference that will be noted is that this schedule uses fewer “summaries” than the standard one. Especially once a general familiarity with the consistent and logical division of this schedule is acquired, it is hoped that these will prove to be unnecessary and unmissed.

How do Dewey numbers work, anyway?One of Melvil Dewey’s most useful inventions was the way his class numbers reflected, or “expressed” the

relationship between the various subjects. If you are familiar with the Decimal classification you may well skip the following – otherwise it may help make sense of Dewey numbers.

Thus, to take a fairly typical example, the “Year of Patience”, an aspect of the Bahá’í Law on divorce, has a class number (296.55383) where each decimal place indicates a new division of the one before; and each new heading comprises a subset of the one above, as follows:

200 Religion290 Bahá’í Faith 296 Bahá’í Law296.5 Bahá’í social law296.55 Bahá’í family law296.553 Bahá’í marriage law296.553 8 Bahá’í divorce law296.553 83 Year of Patience

This “expressiveness”, as it is usually called, has all kinds of advantages; in fact it is one of the reasons why the Dewey Decimal Classification has been so popular for so long.

It does however have some drawbacks, so that Dewey himself, not to mention subsequent editors of his scheme, compromised this strict step-by-step progression in many places. So do we (albeit rather less frequently than the standard Dewey schedule) – as can be seen in this summary of the schedule for Jewish scripture (note that the schedules for scripture in other religions follow very similar overall patterns):

200 Religion260 Judaism264 Jewish scripture264.1 Commentaries, studies etc.

(Collections)264.2 General collections264.3 Special collections

(Specific texts)264.4 Tanakh (Jewish Bible)264.5 Talmud264.6 Legal writings264.7 Cabala & other ancient sources264.8 Aggadah (Nonlegal literature) and oral traditions



Here there are in fact three fundamental, underlying divisions of our general heading “scripture”: works about scripture, collections of that scripture, and specific texts. Instead of a straight step-by-step progression, however, two steps are not given their own numbers. We would not be using these headings as subjects in their own right anyway, and leaving them out uses the available number base much more efficiently. Numbers for specific parts of the Jewish Bible or the Talmud (for instance) are shorter than they would be if we had followed each step with its own number. On the other hand the logical overall order, the main object of our numbering system, remains.

There are other places in this schedule, and many more in standard DDC as a whole, where a step by step progression down an orderly hierarchy is not followed, or if it is, is not fully reflected in the numbering. The “expressiveness” of Dewey class numbers has always been secondary to the primary aim of grouping related subjects.

In practice, we have generally kept closer to an “expressive” ideal than the “official” Dewey schedule – even where this produces slightly longer numbers. Among other advantages, this facilitates the use of Dewey numbers for computerised subject indexing. On the other hand, it should be pointed out that there is nothing particularly magical about class numbers as such: the real essence of this (or any) scheme of classification lies in the choice and arrangement of the subjects themselves, which are essentially independent of the numbering system.

Can we use this schedule without adopting the whole of Dewey?The present author has produced a “simplified” version of this schedule, adapted to very small collections of

materials on the Bahá’í Faith; in particular those owned by individuals, groups, and small Local Spiritual Assemblies. The numbering system has been redesigned, so that instead of a full “Dewey style” number each subject is represented by an alphabetic character, followed by a single digit (e.g. A4, P6, Q2 etc.). The overall subject order, however, remains the same. This simplified scheme assumes that all, or nearly all, materials held will be about the Bahá’í Faith. It is not suitable for more general libraries, nor for libraries using the Dewey Scheme, but fills a gap for some (Bahá’í) libraries for which this schedule is too large and detailed. Unlike this schedule, it is more or less “self-contained” and independent of any other publication.

A little ingenuity and rewriting could adapt the simplified version of this schedule to another religion (say, Christianity), but an even simpler way might be to simply take a section of the full schedule (in this case the “270s”) and apply it to the collection without reference to either the rest of this “Phoenix”, or Dewey as a whole. In this case it would probably make sense to drop the “27” at the beginning of each number: so that “272.593” would become “259.3”, and “279.872” would be “987.2”. Another alternative “cut-down” might be if it were to be applied to an exclusively religious library, but one in which more than one religion was to be represented, in which case the initial “2” could be left off, with “272.593” becoming “725.93” and “279.872” becoming “798.72”.

In general, however, especially for all but the very tiniest of collections, the advantages of investing in (and using) a copy of either the full Dewey Schedules, or at least the abridged edition, in conjunction with this schedule cannot be too strongly emphasised. These advantages include the flexibility of a complete classification, and thus of having somewhere to put those “non-religious” works that even a purely religious library will be most likely to acquire, and the simplicity of following the usage of a standard scheme.

I can’t find the place for magazines and journals!There are many different ways a library could be arranged. The Dewey Decimal scheme assumes that the

arrangement is to be by subject, with the subjects systematically rather than alphabetically arranged. Here, as in many Dewey libraries, this is taken to its logical conclusion, and medium is ignored so far as the classification is concerned. We classify a serial publication, such as a magazine, journal, newsletter etc., just as if it were a book (or a video, a sound recording, a computer file, or anything else we might keep in a library).

Many religious journals and newsletters are connected with particular sects, organisations, learned societies etc. – in this case the publication concerned may very well be filed at the number for the sect, organisation or society concerned. For very general religious magazines, do not be afraid to use a very general number!

It may not be desirable, or even physically possible, for all different media to sit physically in the one sequence; but it is very helpful to at least have them all arranged the same way. Some libraries find it convenient to prefix the number on a particular library item (say, with a letter) to indicate that it is to be found (and of course put away again) in a different place to other materials. “S” is often used in this way to identify a serial publication, shelved in the “Magazines and Journals” section of a library. This is quite consistent with an arrangement by subject iden -tical with that used in the “monograph” (i.e. book) section.

There is of course no reason why a “Dewey” library adopting this schedule cannot use the appropriate DDC provisions for serial publications, including the Table 1 “Standard Subdivision” -05, especially to conform with existing practice, although in general the use of Dewey Table 1 with this schedule is not particularly recommended.


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          

How do I use this schedule then?One “obvious” point needs to be stressed at the outset. The numbers used in this schedule, although they appear

to be typical Dewey numbers, are completely different from their standard DDC equivalents – as a result every page of the standard 200s in your copy (or copies) of the full or abridged edition of Dewey will need to be clearly marked with a note to the effect “Do not use this schedule – follow the ‘Religion’ Phoenix Schedule for all subjects covered here”. Do not use the index to the full or abridged version of Dewey for any religious subject either; but refer to the index to this schedule. Finally, if you use shared cataloguing, or cataloguing-in-publication data; don’t forget that any DDC numbers in the range 200-299 will need to be “translated” from the regular Dewey schedule to the new ”Phoenix” one. There is a table for this purpose starting at page 305 of this book, but this should be used with care. It will often prove to be simpler to ignore the old number and classify the work in question from scratch. In any case, always refer back to the schedule itself as a double check.

Assuming that this schedule is being used as intended, as a replacement for the 200s in an otherwise standard Dewey library, the first step is to ascertain if the work to be classified is about religion. This may seem self evident, but many topics covered in this schedule are not essentially religious; and are only relevant to this section of Dewey if they are treated in a religious context. If the work is not primarily religious, then it will of course be classed outside the 200s, and by the standard Dewey schedule. This applies even to a Bahá’í or other religious library.

If you are an experienced user of DDC then there are really very few other problems. These are in any case dis-cussed in the manual pages near the back of this book. The most important difference is that we effectively avoid the use of the ordinary “standard subdivisions” of Dewey, so far as the 200s are concerned; since all subdivision in this Phoenix schedule is standardised. In other respects, this schedule dovetails fairly closely in with the rest of Dewey.

If you are a beginner (for instance, if the remark about “standard subdivisions” in the previous paragraph meant little or nothing to you) then the best way to start is to sit down with a pile of uncatalogued materials and try to determine what the class number for each should be. Every experienced cataloguer has his/her own pet method, but these seem to boil down to two possible basic approaches:

By the first method:

1. Determine the specific subject of the work. This is quite often reflected in the title; but titles can be un-helpful, even misleading. Never take a title for granted: always have a glance, at least, at the actual content of the work itself. It is quite impossible to classify and catalogue an audio or video recording, for instance, without having a suitable player handy; for a book, there is frequently no substitute for a little reading. Avoid rash decisions and unnecessary rush: it is far, far better to “waste” a few minutes getting the subject right than to waste the whole exercise by getting it wrong.

2. Look the subject up in the relative index. If it does not seem to be there, think of synonyms, or broader, less specific subjects, and look them up. When an apparently suitable heading is found, please resist the temptation to jump on the class number you have found (or built), and rush on to the next item. This point is stressed because it is a very widespread practice (even among experienced cataloguers who should know better) and is the direct cause of most mistakes in the use of the Dewey (or any other) classification. Step 3., which follows, is not just a counsel of perfection – it is necessary!

3. Assuming we have found our subject, or something very like it, in the relative index, we must turn to that number in the schedule itself, so that we can have a look at it in the context of the classification . Often enough your number will fit the book (video, magazine, CD or whatever) perfectly, but you may very well spot a more specific (or more general!) heading that fits even better, or realise you are on the wrong track altogether.

By the second method; and this is the one that many experienced cataloguers find quickest and easiest:

1. As above! We can’t do a thing if we don’t know what the work is about.

2. Don’t bother with the alphabetic index at all, at least not to start with. Instead mentally define the subject in steps from the top down (say, Bahá’í Faith/Law/Marriage/Divorce) so that you know just where in the schedule itself to start looking. Then get to the right subject by examining relevant entries in the context of the classification, in the schedule itself.

3. Use the index as a backup if your search in the schedules fails , or if you are not quite sure you have the right number.

Library cataloguing and classification are ideally carried out by trained librarians or library technicians. They are not trivial or self-evident tasks, especially if they are to be done well. Experience, and familiarity with the classification scheme and its idiosyncrasies, do help – but never entirely remove the challenge. Another way of putting this is that, like most worthwhile, interesting, intensely rewarding tasks, classification is not always easy!


Schedule200 Religion


200 ReligionThe official Dewey schedule defines religion as “Beliefs, attitudes, practices of individuals and groups with respect to the ultimate nature of existence and relationships within the context of revelation, deity, worship”. In practice, this schedule casts a very slightly wider net than the one it replaces (see 212 in particular) but this remains a fair working definition.Comprehensive works on Christianity are relocated to 270, in fact the whole schedule has been completely redrafted; see the following summary.The various options detailed in this class in standard Dewey are rendered redundant by the more equitable treatment given the various religions in this phoenix schedule: there should now be no need to give “preferred treatment to a religion other than Christianity”. In any case, it is recommended that this schedule is used precisely “as is”.Note that at many points in this schedule numbers are presented with a space after each third digit after the decimal point. THIS IS PURELY TO MAKE THEM EASIER TO READ – the spaces do not form an essential or meaningful part of the number.

SUMMARY200 Comparative religion, works concerned with several religions210 Cults, parody, quasi, historical, tribal, folk and localised religions212 Anti religions, cults, quasi religions214 Historical religions217 Religions of pre-literate peoples – folk religion219 Other ethnic and localised religions220 Hinduism232 Jainism238 Sikhism240 Buddhism253 Confucianism254 Taoism256 Shinto258 Zoroastrianism260 Judaism270 Christianity280 Islam290 Bahá’í Faith

N.B. in this phoenix schedule – religion in general, and all specific religions, are divided in the same basic way – this may be summarised as follows:

-1 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons-2 Historical and geographic treatment-3 Personages – religious biography-4 Sources (holy books etc.)-5 Conception of deity, ethical core, principles (theology)-6 Laws, prescriptions and proscriptions-7 Calendars, festive and holy days-8 Religious life and practice-9 Institutions, administration


Summary – Working “Abridged” Version

Summary and Working “Abridged” Version of the ScheduleWhat follows will be useful: not only as an amplification of the summary on the previous page, giving a more

detailed idea of the overall shape of the schedule, but also as a working “minimist” abridgement for very small general libraries, especially school libraries, and for other libraries not requiring particularly close classification for religion, for instance technical and scientific libraries.

Some scope notes are included, but what would have been very similar notes under cognate numbers are not repeated – so that to get details about what is included under (say) 275 look under 205 in this summary, or, of course, under 275 in the main schedule.

Only “whole numbers” are used – following Melvil Dewey’s original plan, before he hit on the idea of adding decimal fractions. Even this may be too detailed in places for some libraries; on the other hand, any library not requiring the close classification of the main schedule, but wishing to divide some or all of these whole numbers, can of course refer to the main schedule, and adopt as much detail as is required at that point.

200 Comparative religion (Religion in general)Class here encyclopedias and dictionaries, and other comprehensive works about religion.Note that all works about a specific religion are classed under numbers in the range 210-299.

201 General introductions, apologetics, comparisonsIncluding general introductions to the subject of religion, attacks on, and defences of, the value of religion (in general) to humankind, and religion compared or opposed to other (secular) subjects (e.g. “Religion and science”).

202 Historical and geographical treatment of religionIncluding history of religion, religion in particular places, countries etc.

203 General religious biographyClass here collections of religious biography spanning several religions, as well as biography of students of comparative religion.

204 Holy books, scriptures, myths and legendsClass here collections of, or works about, the scripture, mythology etc. of several different religions – class scripture peculiar to a particular religion with that religion.

205 Religious theology and doctrineClass here works about kinds of theology (for instance fundamentalism), God, other super-natural beings, saints and heroes. Humanity and its relationship to God and the supernatural – personal and social ethics and morals – virtues and vices. Also religious ideas about society, government, and economics.

206 Religious lawInclude here general codes of personal, social conduct (e.g. the Golden Rule) as they affect several religions, as well as comparisons of laws and rules of personal and social conduct in different religions.

207 Festive and holy days 208 Religious life and practice

Included here are covenants, pilgrimages, prayer, reading and reciting scriptural verses, self-denial and asceticism, meditation, mysticism and religious experience, religious healing, the practice of magic, casting out of evil spirits, and communication with the dead. Divination, fortune telling, and the religious side of ESP. Also religious education, worship and other public acts of devotion, and charity, donations to religions, “collections” etc.

209 Religious institutions and organisations, administrationInclude here all kinds of administrative institution and religious organisation, as well as the related subjects of elections, conferences, houses of worship, communities and congregations.Also classed here are more or less informal religious associations, including secret societies, university religious associations, and clubs for people with common backgrounds or interests.Religious orders and monasticism also find a place under this heading, as do clergy and other religious leadership, pastoral care, missionary and related activities and evangelism.


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

210 Cults, parody, quasi, historical, tribal, folk and localised religionsClass here independent religions (as opposed to sects and denominations) other than the World Faiths enumerated between 220-290

212 Anti religions, cults, parody and quasi religionsIncluding religious philosophy, rationalism (free thought) and atheism as well as religions based on real and/or imagined beliefs and practices of the past, astrology, numerology, spirit-ualism, systems of personal religion, even “parody religion”.Numerous ephemeral, alternative, and syncretic religions are also included here: from dooms-day cults to such “quasi” religions as Freemasonry, Theosophy, and Subud.

214 Historical (“Classical”) religionsClass here extinct or dormant religions: including those of Ancient Greece and Rome.

217 Religions of pre-literate people – folk religionClass here “tribal” and “primitive” religions, especially those of indigenous peoples, as well as other unsophisticated folk religions

219 Other ethnic and localised religionsClass here more “sophisticated” religions, other than those specifically listed in 220-299, that have an essentially local or ethnic membership, even if they have spread to other countries.

220 HinduismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Hinduism at 220General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209.

221 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons 222 Historical and geographical treatment of Hinduism 223 Hindu Religious Biography 224 Hindu Sources (Holy books etc.) 225 Gods and spirits, humankind, ethics 226 Hindu laws, prescriptions and proscriptions 227 Hindu festive and holy days 228 Hindu religious life 229 Hindu institutions and organisations, administration232 Jainism

In the full schedule, Jainism is divided in the same way as Hinduism (and all other religions), only the division starts at the first decimal point: e.g. Jain religious life 232.8 (paralleling 208, 228 etc.)

238 Sikhism240 Buddhism 241 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons 242 Historical and geographical treatment of Buddhism 243 Buddhist Religious Biography 244 Buddhist Sources (Holy books etc.) 245 Gods and spirits, humankind, ethics 246 Buddhist laws, prescriptions and proscriptions 247 Buddhist festive and holy days 248 Buddhist religious life 249 Buddhist institutions and organisations, administration


Summary – Working “Abridged” Version

253 Confucianism254 Taoism256 Shinto258 Zoroastrianism260 Judaism 261 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons 262 Historical and geographical treatment of Judaism 263 Jewish religious biography 264 Bible (Tanakh) and other Jewish scripture 265 God, ethical core, principles 266 Jewish laws, prescriptions and proscriptions 267 Jewish festive and holy days 268 Jewish religious life and practice 269 Jewish Institutions and organisations, administration

270 Christianity 271 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons 272 Historical and geographical treatment of Christianity 273 Personages, Christian biography 274 Christian scriptures, Bible 275 Principles of Christian Theology 276 Prescriptions and proscriptions, religious obligation 277 Christian festivals, holy days – Church calendar 278 Christian life and practice 279 Christian institutions and organisations, administration

280 Islam 281 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons 282 Historical and geographical treatment of Islam 283 Personages, Muslim biography 284 Sources of Islam (Koran and Hadith) 285 Muslim doctrinal theology (‘Aqā’id and Kalām) 286 Muslim laws, prescriptions and proscriptions 287 Muslim festive and holy days 288 Muslim religious life and practice 289 Muslim institutions and organisations, administration


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

290 The Bahá’í Faith 291 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons 292 Historical and geographical treatment of the Bahá’í Faith 293 Bahá’í biography 294 The Writings (Scripture and other authoritative writings) 295 The Teachings (God, ethics, principles) 296 Bahá’í law, prescriptions and proscriptions 297 Feasts and holy days – the Bahá’í calendar 298 Bahá’í religious life and practice 299 Bahá’í Institutions and organisations, administration

For the expansion of this summary – see the pages of the full schedule, which follows.


200 Comparative Religion – Works concerned with Several Religions 200

200 Comparative religion, works concerned with several religionsClass here encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other works dealing comprehensively with various religions, or the concept of religion in general, as well as “comparative religion” as such. Under 201-209 class works treating specific (religious) topics in the context either of several religions, or of no religion in particular. Class any aspect of any specific religion with that religion in 210-299 For example, all religious subjects treated from a specifically Christian viewpoint are classed under 270-279.Many topics listed in 200-209 are in fact much more likely to occur in connection with a part -icular religion than here. This section fulfils a double purpose: the classification of works on comparative religion, and a model for the classification of any particular religion, although the enumerated schedules for the various religions do not necessarily mirror its every detail. For Philosophy of Religion and “Natural Religion” refer to the manual note at 100 vs. 200

201 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons.3 General introductions to the subject of religion, comparative religion

Class comprehensive works, encyclopedias etc. of religion at 200Class here works dealing with various religions, the subject of religion itself, or comparative religion, in the most general way, without pretending to be complete or comprehensive. Class works on specific topics not applied to one particular religion with the topic in 202-209, e.g. a collection of biographies of the founders of several world religions 203.1Class works on religions in or of particular countries in 202.6

.4 Value of religionIncluding attacks on, and defences of, the value of religion (in general) to humankind.

.43 Works defending, praising the value of religion (apologetics for religion)

.48 Works attacking, denigrating the value of religion (polemics against religion)Class here works on religious scepticism in general. Class works defending or attacking a particular religion with the (known or apparent) religious background of the author(s). For works discussing the value of religion in the specific context of (say) atheism or agnosticism, or of a “parody religion” – see the “creed” in question.

.6 General inter-faith relationsClass here the general subject of relations and relationships between the religions in general, or between several different religions.Class works describing one religion in the light of another, whether in a friendly, dispassionate, or hostile manner, with the religious point of view of the author(s), under [-16]. For instance, a Muslim polemic against Christianity 281.67, a Bahá’í discussion of Islam 291.68 Class specific doctrine on the subject with the religion concerned – e.g. the Bahá’í teaching of the oneness of religion at 295.211

.7 Religion compared or opposed to other (secular) subjectsAdd to the base number 201.7 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Religion and science” (201.7+500) becomes “201.75”.For a subject compared or opposed to a particular religion, class with that religion – thus Christianity and science 271.75; Islam and science 281.75 etc.Use 201.7 numbers (and their equivalents under particular religions) for clash and contro-versy, for influence or prohibition, and for real or imagined incompatibility (or reconciliation or refutation of this incompatibility). In particular, a religious library will sometimes class a work at this point that another library would class with its “other” subject.At times numbers that might be built at this point have equivalents or close equivalents else-where in this phoenix schedule, or in standard Dewey. For example, art and religion is 201.77 – BUT class the use of art in worship at 208.83; while religious art in general goes with art (in the 700s). 201.737 might very well be used for relationships between religion and secular education, BUT class Religious Education at 208.7; while schools providing general education run by churches or other religious organisations are classed in the 370s. When in doubt , or where the distinction seems less than useful, use the more specific alternative rather than the “201.7” number (or its equivalent at, say, 221.7, 271.7 or 281.7 etc.)In any case, do not class either specific religious teachings or doctrines, or works that belong outside the 200s at this point. For example, “religion and civil rights” is a useful heading at 201.7323 – but specific religious doctrine touching on the same subject is classed at 205.6535;


200 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 200 and secular works on (say) the right to religious freedom will be classed under 323!


202 Historical and Geographical Treatment of Religion 202

202 Historical and geographical treatment of religion.5 General history of religion(s)

Class in relevant period general surveys of various religions originating, flowering at that time – e.g. a general survey of “new” or recent religious sects, movements would be 202.59 Class works on the history of particular religions or particular topics, aspects of religion(s) with the religion or topic concerned – e.g. general history of the Christian church is classed at 272.5 – the history of Christian missions is classed at 279.872. Specific “historical” religions (e.g. ancient Roman religion) are classed under 214. Class history of religion in particular countries in 202.6 unless the work concerned refers to a particular time or historical period.

.502 Religious Historiography

.504 Historical source material

.507 Chronology (of religious history)

.52 Prehistoric and “primitive” religionClass here comprehensive works on pre-literate religion in general, including that of modern pre-literate peoples. Class works treating particular modern pre-literate religion(s), pagan revivals etc. at appropriate headings under 210

.53 Religion in ancient (“classical”) times (up to about 700 AD)Class works on particular religions of this period in 214

.55 Religion in the middle ages

.553 Religion in the early middle ages (up to about 1000 AD)

.554 Religion in the later middle ages (up to about 1400)

.56 Religion in the renaissance period (up to about 1600)

.57 Religion in the seventeenth century

.58 Religion in the eighteenth century

.59 Religion since the end of the eighteenth century

.591 Religion in the nineteenth century

.592 Religion in the twentieth century

.593 Religion in the twenty-first centuryN.B. For the history of a particular religion, a different “period” schedule will very often apply – see in particular 272.5 and 292.5 – apply [-25] numbers to particular religions with great care.

.6 Religion(s) in particular places, countries, geographic regionsAdd to the base number 202.6 notation 4-9 from Table 2, e.g. Religion(s) in Australia 202.694Class here works on religion(s) in general – limited by place. This refers either to several religions originating in a particular country, region, or place – or else different religions as currently found in a particular country. (Note that these two things are quite different – but are treated here as if they were equivalent). Class works on a particular religion in a particular country with the religion concerned – thus a history or survey of the Christian church in China is classed at 272.651 – Buddhism in the United States is 242.672, and so on. Confucianism and Taoism are essentially Chinese religions – thus Taoism in China is simply classed at 254 (or perhaps 254.25). Similarly, of course, for Hinduism in India: use 220, or 222.5, rather than 222.654Class works on the history of religion in a particular country or region in a particular period under period rather than country e.g. class “Religion in Medieval Spain” at 202.55 rather than 202.646

.7 Sects, heresies, divisions, schisms, reform movements etc.Class particular denominations etc. with the religion to which they consider themselves to belong – e.g. Anglicanism with Christianity, at 272.762, Sunnism with Islam, at 282.74Class here works on religious (doctrinal and political) controversy and the tendency for religions in general to become divided into sects – or treating or comparing sects of more than one religion. Class particular “schools of theology” in relation to several religions under 205.0 – e.g. Fundamentalism (in several religions) 205.017

.71 Relations between denominations (in several religions)

.712 Interdenominational strife – persecution etc

.712 3 Inquisitions

.719 Ecumenical movements – interdenominational co-operation.


202 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 202 .72 History of doctrinal controversy


203 General Religious Biography 203

203 Personages – General religious biographyClass here collections of religious biography spanning several religions, as well as biography of students of comparative religion. For biography of a particular religion, see that religion – at (for example) Jewish religious biography 263, Muslim biography 283 and so on.Note that while the pattern outlined below is followed for classifying biography for most relig-ions, there are some notable exceptions – see especially Judaism and the Bahá’í Faith.Class works treating persons falling into more than one category (say, founders of religions and their disciples) in the category occurring first in the schedule.

.1 Founders of religionsFor works specifically on the station of founders of religions, see 205.21Class here biography, comprehensive works on the founders of several religions.

.3 Other major religious figures

.4 Saints and martyrs etc.For works other than biography – use 205.27

.5 Members of monastic and other religious orders

.6 Clergy and other religious leadersFor duties, station of clergy, leaders etc. – use 209.6

.61 By kinds, hierarchical position

.62 By specialised function, dutiesAdd to base number 203.62 numbers following 209.62 – for example:

.626 2 Faith healers

.626 4 Exorcists

.627 37 Preachers, evangelists

.8 Missionaries

.9 Other religious biographyIncluding scholars, theologians, historians etc.

204 Sources (Holy books, scriptures, myths and legends)Class here collections of, or works about, the scripture of several different religions – class scripture peculiar to a particular religion with that religion – e.g. class Hindu scripture under 224, Bahá’í scripture under 294. Class works recognised as scripture by more than one relig-ion with the religion from which the work in question originated (e.g. the Old Testament with Judaism, under 264) unless treated from the specific point of view of another religion.Class the private reading of scripture as an aspect of religious life at 208.35 – the use of scripture in worship at 208.824

.1 Works about Scriptures

.11 Authorship, origins, authenticity

.112 Canon

.113 Inspiration – revelation

.113 2 Inerrancy, authority

.12 Concordances, indexes and dictionaries etc.

.13 Textual studies

.14 Study – scriptural criticism (exegesis)

.142 Philosophical and introductory studies

.144 Symbolisms and typology

.145 Harmonies

.146 Literary criticism (higher, internal, redaction criticism)

.147 Historical criticism

.148 Mythological, allegorical, numerological, astrological interpretations

.149 Discussion and interpretation of scriptural prophecies


203 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 203 .15 Summaries, paraphrases and commentaries


204 Comparative Religion – Scripture, Holy writings 204 .17 Secular subjects in scripture

Add to the base number 204.17 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Mathematics in scripture” becomes 204.1751

.18 Background to scriptures

.182 General history, civilisation of times when scripture originated.Class religious history in 202.5 – class scriptural stories for children in 204.3222

.183 PersonsGenerally, prefer 203 (religious biography) for specific people, except for minor characters of scriptural stories. For particular kinds of person add to the base number 204.183 appropriate numbers from Table PS1 – e.g. Women in scripture 204.183 43

.186 Geography – maps and atlases of relevant areas in times scriptures originated.

.19 History of scripture

.193 Textual historyIncluding scriptural archaeology – authority of ancient texts.

.195 History of translationsAdd to the base number 204.195 notation 2-9 from Table 6 – e.g. 204.1952 English translations of scripture. Class actual scriptural texts, regardless of language, in 204.2 – 204.9

.2 General collections of scriptural writings (from several religious traditions)

.3 Special collections of scriptural writings (from several religious traditions)

.32 Collections compiled for a specific purpose

.322 Collections compiled for specific classes of readerAdd to base number 204.322 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary.

.322 2 ChildrenIncluding scriptural stories (from several religions) retold for children.

.322 6 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.322 71 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.322 91 New and isolated believers

.322 913 New converts

.322 915 Isolated believers

.325 Scriptural collections of prayers

.326 Scriptural collections compiled for use in personal devotions

.327 Scriptural collections compiled for feasts and/or holy days

.328 Scriptural collections compiled for educational purposes

.33 Collections linked by form

.34 Collections linked by subject

.36 Collections linked by date or periodSpecific Scriptural works are classed with the religion concerned. Scriptural works recognised by more than one religion are normally classed with the religion with which they originated. For instance, the Jewish “Old Testament” (also recognised as scripture, or at least as a holy book, by Christianity, Islam, and the Bahá’í Faith) is classed with Judaism, unless edited or treated from a specifically non-Jewish point of view.

.8 Traditions, legends, apocryphal writings (from several religious traditions)

.83 TraditionsClass here (collections of, or works about) oral traditions from several religions

.85 Mythology, legendsClass here general works of (or on) mythology (398.2 in DDC21) – see the manual note at 398.2 vs. 204.85


204 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 204 .87 Apocryphal writings


205 Comparative Religion – Theology and Principles 205

205 Conception of deity, ethical core, principles Class here doctrine, theology, of several religions – as well as consideration of doctrinal questions without reference to any particular religion. Class the doctrine or theology of a particular religion with that religion – e.g. class Buddhist doctrine under 245, Christian doctrine under 275Class at 205 comparisons of creeds, confessions of faith, catechisms in various religions.In case of doubt as to whether a work treats theology or religious law (206) – class with law.

[.0 Schools and kinds of theology]Do NOT use 205.0 on its own – this number only has meaning when followed by other notat-ion, as detailed below. Class works treating several different theological schools at 205For basic concepts of God etc., use 205.1 and its subdivisions. Thus under 205.111 we might find general works on monotheism, either without reference to any particular creed, or com-paring the monotheistic doctrines of several different religions.

.01 Religious orthodoxy

.011 Scriptural theology

.013 Neo-orthodoxy

.017 FundamentalismIncluding millennialism – see also doomsday cults at 212.54

.03 Philosophical theologiesClass Deism, Theism as creeds in their own right at 212.1 – see also manual note at 100 vs. 200

.04 Dispensationalist theology

.05 Liberal, reform theologies

.054 Modernism

.055 Feminist theologyClass feminism as such at 205.322

.059 Liberation theology

.07 Ecumenical and “uniting” theologies

.075 Syncretic theologies

.08 Contextual theology

.083 Theology concerning particular groups of peopleAdd to base number 205.083 appropriate notation from Table PS1

.086 Theology in the context of particular countries, regions, placesAdd to base number 205.086 appropriate notation from Table 2

.1 God – Prime Cause – The Infinite Class gods and goddesses other than a single, supreme Deity under 205.2

.11 Basic conceptions of the Deity

.111 Monotheism

.111 3 Trinitarianism

.112 Dualism

.113 Polytheism and animism

.113 3 Polytheism

.113 5 Animism

.114 Pantheism

.115 Anthropomorphism

.115 5 God as a woman

.12 Existence, knowability, names, attributes of God

.121 Existence of God

.121 2 Proofs

.121 3 Agnosticism

.121 4 AtheismClass here agnosticism, atheism in relation to several religions, or as aspects of the philosophy


205 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 205 of religion. Class these creeds as beliefs in their own right at 212.33/34

.123 Knowability of God

.123 1 Essentially unknowable

.123 2 Knowable through logic, reason

.123 4 Knowable through faith

.123 6 Knowable through tradition

.123 8 Acceptance through revelation (by prophets etc.)

.125 Attributes (names) of God

.125 2 Goodness of God

.125 25 God the helperSee also 205.315 for dependence of Humanity on God.

.125 3 God the Creator

.125 4 Just ruler of the universeInclude here Theodicy (vindication of God’s justice in permitting evil and suffering to exist).

.125 41 Sovereignty, kingdom of God

.125 42 Wisdom, omniscience of God

.125 43 Mercy of God

.125 45 Justice of God

.125 5 Other attributes and titles of GodIncluding omnipotence, transcendence etc. For Love of God use 205.15

.15 Love of God

.18 Primal will, Holy Spirit

.2 Other supernatural, divine or semi-divine beings

.21 God incarnate or manifested in human form – Prophet of God – MessiahWhere the Incarnation or Manifestation of God does not always take human form (e.g. Avatars of Vishnu in Hinduism) use 205.22 rather than 205.21

.212 Humanity (of Incarnation, Manifestation, Prophet) – relationship to God

.214 Revelation, progressive revelation (of Incarnation, Manifestation, Prophet)For works specifically on authorship, inerrancy of scripture, see under 204.1

.215 Miracles (of Incarnation, Manifestation, Prophet)

.219 Prophethood – prophecies (of Incarnation, Manifestation, Prophet)

.22 God or Gods incarnate in mystical, divine or other extra-human form

.23 Gods and Goddesses – other objects of worshipThe following should be taken as a general guide only in the detailing of the pantheon of a particular (polytheistic) religion.

.232 Personifications of natural forces, features of nature

.232 1 The “elements”

.232 12 EarthClass here worship of Mother Earth, “Nature” – other earth and “nature” gods and goddesses – mountains and other terrestrial features

.232 13 AirClass here astrolatry, worship of sky, heavenly bodies (other than the sun), sky gods

.232 14 FireClass here worship of fire, volcanoes, the sun, sun gods

.232 15 WaterClass here worship of rivers, lakes, the sea – of sea and river gods

.232 8 Gods in the form of sacred trees and other plants

.232 9 Gods in the form of, or possessing features of, animalsClass here totemism – for representations of totems see 208.837 4 – class dietary rules


205 Comparative Religion – Theology and Principles 205 connected with totemism at 206.334 2

.233 Personifications of aspects of human life

.233 1 Gods of good (or bad) fortune, luck, chance. Destiny.

.233 2 Gods of skill, knowledge, craftsmanship.

.233 4 Gods of speech, language. Messages. Symbolism.

.233 5 Gods of creativity, joy. Fertility. Sex and sexual love.

.233 6 Gods of destructivity. War.

.233 7 Gods of pleasure, drinking.

.233 8 Gods of mischief, tricksters.

.25 Spirit beings

.253 Ancestors, ghosts of the dead

.255 Good spirits, Angels etc.

.257 Neutral, morally ambiguous spirits

.258 Evil spirits, demons, fallen angels etc.

.27 Saints, holy people, martyrs and martyrdom, heroesFor comprehensive works on particular saints, biography of saints, see under the religion of the saint (under [-3]) – for prayer to (or in the name of) saints use 208.338

.271 Beatification, canonisation etc.

.275 Miracles associated with Saints

.3 Humanity

.31 Creation, purpose, relation to God

.311 Faith, belief and doubtFor proofs of the existence of God use 205.121 – for faith as a virtue, use 205.472

.312 Creation in the image of God

.313 Relationship between soul and body – essential nature of the individualFor works on the immortality of the soul, use 205.324 – for salvation, see 205.34

.315 Dependence on God

.315 5 Submission to the will of God

.315 7 Humanity created to know and love God

.315 9 Duty of recognition of Messiah, Prophet, Manifestation

.316 Conscience – sense of right and wrong, of shame

.32 Nature of humanity and human society – relation to natural world

.321 Relations between nations and the races of humankind.

.322 Relations between the sexes – male and female qualities – Yin and YangClass here feminism, and male supremist works, as well as the equality of the sexes.

.323 Relations between social classes, castesFor economic aspects of this question – use 205.663 5

.324 Immortality of the human spiritClass here death – near-death experiences etc.

.324 2 Reincarnation, karmaFor the effect of good works on salvation, use 205.34755

.324 8 Conditional immortality

.325 Free will and predestinationClass here destiny, determinism – fatalist views.

.326 Humankind and the natural world

.326 3 Nature of creation

.326 31 Eternity of creation

.326 35 Laws of nature


205 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 205 Class here works on the nature of miracles and the miraculous

.326 37 Kingdoms of creation

.326 374 Relationship of humankind to non-living part of creation

.326 378 Relationship of humankind to plant life

.326 379 Relationship of humankind to animals

.326 5 EvolutionClass here discussion of the question of evolution in a purely religious context – see also manual note at 201.75 vs. 205.326 5 vs. 576.8

.33 EschatologyClass death, immortality under 205.324 – class heaven, hell and the life to come under 205.348.

.332 Eternity

.333 Resurrection, return

.335 Day of God; last days; last judgement etc.

.337 Calamity, wrath of God

.34 Salvation etc.

.342 Good and evil

.343 Temptation, sin (class here original sin and fall)

.343 3 Mortal and venial sin

.344 Accountability, guilt, responsibility for sins

.345 Repentance, atonement, contrition

.346 Redemption

.347 Salvation, divine forgiveness

.347 5 Grace and good works

.347 53 GraceIncluding actual, sanctifying grace – means of grace.

.347 55 Good works, meritFor doctrines of karma use 205.3242

.348 Heaven and Hell

.348 8 Intermediate states, limbo, purgatory

.349 Nirvana, state of blissful extinction

.4 Principles, morals, personal ethicsTreat personal ethics in relation to a particular religion with that religion – e.g. Christian moral theology 275.4 For religious occupational ethics see 205.5, social ethics 205.6 Class here “natural law”, “divine law” but for specific laws, codes of conduct, use 206Class at 205.4 (and its equivalents under particular religions) general works on virtues and vices and “living a good life” – but class Conscience, sense of shame at 205.316, and Good and evil, Sin, and Good works (as an element in salvation) under 205.34

[.40 Guides to a good and holy life for specific classes of person]Add to the base number 205.40 numbers from Table PS1 – as in the following examples – if necessary refer to the table for more detail. For specific virtues see 205.41 – 205.49 For works containing guides to a good and holy life for several kinds of people use 205.4, NOT 205.40

.402 Children

.403 Adolescents, youth, university students

.404 Adults

.404 2 Men

.404 3 Women

.404 5 ParentsClass here religious works on child rearing, parenting

.405 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.406 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement[.408 Occupational groups]

Do not use 205.408 For works on living a good and holy life for members of a particular trade 34

205 Comparative Religion – Theology and Principles 205 or profession – prefer occupational ethics under 205.5

(205.41 – 205.49 Specific qualities, virtues and vices)In this schedule, vice is seen as a deficiency of its corresponding virtue. E.g., a work on pride (as a vice) is classed at the number for humility. Moral qualities are defined positively throughout – although each positive quality is implicitly accompanied by its negative opposite.

.41 Justice, fair-mindedness

.411 Equity, fairness

.412 Fair-mindedness, absence of bigotry

.414 Freedom from superstitious rejection of scientific or other truth.

.415 Rejection and elimination of prejudice and intolerance, open-mindedness

.415 1 Religious intolerance

.415 2 Moral intoleranceClass here undue intolerance due to differing moral standards – e.g. homophobia.

.415 3 Racism and Ethnicism

.415 4 Prejudice based on socio/economic difference, snobbery

.415 5 Sexism

.415 7 Ageism

.415 8 Intolerance of people suffering from illnesses, handicaps, other misfortune

.416 Mercy, forgiveness

.42 Honour, purity

.421 Self-respect, honour

.422 Honesty, ethical dealing

.424 Truthfulness

.426 Trustworthiness

.427 Matching words with deeds (class here hypocrisy)

.428 Purity

.429 Chastity, sexual and reproductive morals (class here lust, promiscuity)

.43 Self-control, prudence, wisdom

.433 Moderation, temperance, restraint (class here excess, gluttony, drunkenness)

.434 Thrift (including careful use of natural resources – but see 205.442 below)

.436 Dignity

.437 Modest dress and sensible reaction to fashion

.438 Patience, gentleness (class here anger, wrath, violence)

.439 Wisdom, prudence, discretion

.44 Kindliness and related virtues, caring

.442 Concern for the environment, life in generalClass ahimsa, ascetic avoidance of the taking of life at 208.45

.442 5 Kindness to animals (including humanity in hunting and other use of animals)

.442 7 Vegetarianism (as an ethical issue)Class religious law or formalised obligation requiring vegetarianism at 206.3345

.443 “Golden Rule”

.443 3 Sympathy and empathy, compassion (class here envy, jealousy)

.443 7 Respect for others’ rights

.443 73 Respect for human life (class here murder, suicide)Class ahimsa, ascetic avoidance of the taking of life at 208.45

.443 75 Respect for the property of others (class here theft, unfeeling destructiveness)

.444 Generosity, charity, care for the poor and sick (class here greed, selfishness)

.445 Encouragement

.446 Courtesy and tact (class here abuse, profanity, verbal cruelty, backbiting)

.447 Hospitality

.448 Gratitude


205 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 205 .449 Tolerance.45 Love and related virtues.453 Love.455 Friendliness, friendship.46 Selflessness and related virtues.462 Sacrifice.464 Service.47 Humility and related virtues.471 Humility.473 Reverence (class here blasphemy) .475 Obedience.48 Faith and related virtues.482 Faith.483 Courage, fortitude.484 Happiness, cheerfulness.485 Hope.486 Steadfastness and perseverance.487 Sincerity.488 Zeal (class here sloth).49 Other qualities and virtues/vices.5 Occupational ethics

At 205.5 class the “work ethic”, spiritual value of work (e.g. as service to humankind).For ethics of a particular occupation - add to the base number 205.5 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g. religious ethics for clergy 205.52, medical ethics 205.561, ethics of management 205.565 Class specific virtues under 205.4 – e.g. honesty at 205.422

.6 Social doctrinesClass here doctrine affecting religion and society. Works treating the practical relationships between religion(s) and social questions should generally be classed under 201.73Class doctrine concerning the social nature of humanity under 205.32Use 206.5 for social laws and obligations.

.63 Religious doctrine concerning Peace and War

.633 Pacifist doctrinesDoctrines absolutely forbidding war in any circumstances.

.634 Collective security

.635 Armaments – disarmament and arms control – morality of particular weapons

.635 2 Landmines

.635 3 Chemical weapons

.635 4 Biological weapons

.635 5 Nuclear weapons/disarmament

.636 World peaceFor international cooperation in general use 205.655

.637 Warfare

.637 3 Just warWar necessarily waged, for a just cause.

.637 4 Holy war

.637 8 Civil warClass civil disobedience, revolution at 205.653 2

.64 Religious doctrine relating to international standards

.643 International standard measure


205 Comparative Religion – Theology and Principles 205 .645 International standard script.646 Universal second language

Add to base number 205.646 notation 2-9 from Table 6 to define the particular language under consideration – for example:

.646 2 English

.646 999 92 Esperanto

.65 Religious doctrine concerning governmentClass here doctrine on citizenship

.653 Individuals and the state

.653 2 Obedience to governmentClass here doctrine on civil disobedience, revolution – class civil war at 205.637 8

.653 23 Military serviceClass here conscientious objection

.653 5 Civil rights

.654 Nationalism, patriotism

.655 International relations, co-operation, world federation

.655 2 International executive

.655 3 International legislature

.655 4 International law

.656 Political systems

.656 3 Republicanism

.656 5 Royalism

.66 Religious doctrine concerning economicsFor the specific virtues of justice, honesty, thrift, generosity etc. see numbers under 205.4

.663 Spiritual solutions to economic questions

.663 3 Relations between capital and labour

.663 5 Excessive inequality – difference between very rich and very poorClass here doctrine about poverty.

.665 Economic systems

.665 3 Socialism

.665 5 Communism

.665 7 Capitalism

.67 Doctrine concerning social life, customs and change

.673 Social life and customs

.673 5 Games, amusements, pastimes

.675 Social change

206 Religious laws, prescriptions and proscriptionsLaw enacted by religious or ecclesiastic bodies, and all other obligations, prescriptions and proscriptions, scriptural or legislated, imposed on or accepted by members of various religions. Class laws affecting the followers of a particular religion with that religion. For instance, class Jewish law under 266 – Muslim law under 286 Class religious attitudes to secular law, and secular law as it affects religious institutions etc. EITHER under 201.734 or at the standard Dewey number under 340 – depending on the stress of the work concerned. Class scriptural texts used as source for religious law in 204Class “natural law”, “divine law” under 205.4 Otherwise, if there is any doubt as to whether a work is about a teaching (theology) or law (205 or 206), class under 206 rather than 205

.1 General codes of personal, social conductCodes classed here may be recognised by many faiths, by two or three, or be more or less exclusive to one. In any case, include here only “comparative religion” treatment of the codes in question – class all works specific to a particular religion with that religion.

.11 The Golden Rule


205 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 205 Including the Silver Rule. For adherence to the golden rule as a virtue, use 205.443


206 Comparative Religion – Religious Law and Obligation 206 .12 Ten Commandments.13 Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes)

Class works on the Beatitudes other than as a code of conduct, and comprehensive works, at 274.4723.14 The Four Noble Truths.148 The Noble Eightfold Path.3 Personal laws.31 Laws affecting membership of a religious body.311 Conversion, initiation.311 5 Denial or concealment of faith (e.g. Taqiyyih).312 Sanctions affecting membership.313 Expulsion, excommunication.314 Voluntarily relinquishing membership of a religion – lapsed membership – “conversion out”.315 Membership of other bodies, religious or otherwise.316 Obligations and privileges.316 4 Tithes and other obligatory payments.

For dietary obligations use 206.33.32 Laws of personal conduct.321 Laws concerning respect for God, religion

Class here binding authority of religious institutions.321 2 Apostasy, heresy, religious dissent

Class here laws in favour of, or against, religious freedom, toleration..321 3 Laws concerning proselytising, attempting to convert people from one religion to another.321 4 Blasphemy.322 Laws affecting sexual conduct, reproduction

Class sexual abuse, rape at 206.32474 For marriage laws use 206.553 – for chastity, general sexual morality as a virtue, use 205.429, as precondition of marriage 206.55326

.322 2 Adultery and fornication

.322 4 Homosexuality

.322 6 Birth control; abortion; artificial insemination, embryo transplant etc.

.322 8 Pornography – obscenity in literature, art etc.

.324 Laws concerning respect of the body, of human life

.324 5 Use of alcohol and other drugs

.324 52 Use of tobacco, caffeine, other mild stimulants

.324 54 Alcohol

.324 56 Marijuana and other “soft” narcotics

.324 57 Opium and its derivatives (including heroin)

.324 59 Other “hard” narcotics

.324 7 Violence (including violence within the family)Class ahimsa, ascetic avoidance of the taking of life at 208.45

.324 72 Assault

.324 74 Rape – sexual abuse

.324 742 Sexual abuse of children

.324 75 Murder and manslaughter

.324 76 Suicide – assisted suicide and euthanasia

.324 77 Warfare

.324 778 Holy War (Crusade, Jihad)

.326 Laws concerning respect of property

.326 3 Theft

.326 5 Fraud

.326 7 Malicious damage, arson etc.


206 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 206 .327 Laws of respect for other’s rights.327 6 Libel, slander.327 8 Discrimination.328 Other “personal” laws.328 2 Gambling.328 4 Involvement with psychic phenomena, the occult.33 Laws of diet.334 Foods totally proscribed (as unclean, sacred, or taboo) .334 2 Unclean and sacred beasts (including totemic emblems).334 5 Vegetarianism

Class vegetarianism as an ethical question at 205.4427.335 Use of blood.336 Methods of slaughter of animals.338 Methods of cooking – proscribed combinations of food.35 Laws of dress

Include veiling of women (and men!), modesty in dress etc. – for works on the ethics of decent, sensible dress prefer 205.437 – for special forms, standards of dress undertaken for ascetic purposes use 208.43 – for vestments, etc. worn for prayers or worship use 208.8372

.5 Social laws

.53 Theocracy, religious government, canon lawFor the relationship between religion and the secular state use 201.732 – for religious teachings on relations with secular government use 205.65 Class here temporal power of religious leaders and institutions – religious law about the administration of religious institutions..

.55 Laws of family life

.552 Duties of children to parentsClass here parental authority. For duties of parents to children use 206.555

.553 Marriage

.553 1 Laws about number of spouses – monogamy vs. polygamy

.553 2 Restrictions, conditions as to whom one may marry

.553 22 Restrictions based on membership of differing religionsClass here interfaith marriage

.553 24 Restrictions based on consanguinity and other family relationships

.553 26 Restrictions based on requirements of premarital chastity, virginity

.553 3 Courtship, betrothal

.553 4 Parental consent.

.553 6 Dowry, bride price

.553 8 Divorce – remarriage

.554 Law concerned with death

.554 3 Treatment of human remains, burial – cremation

.554 4 Laws concerned with mourning

.554 5 Laws of inheritance

.555 Responsibility (of parents and other family members) for childrenClass here laws concerning child rearing.

.555 3 Responsibility for the physical welfare of children

.555 5 Responsibility for the moral/spiritual welfare of children

.555 7 Responsibility for education of childrenClass religious education of children at 208.752


206 Comparative Religion – Religious Law and Obligation 206 .56 Status of individuals by social position, sex, age etc. (apart from topics listed above)

Add to the base number 206.56 numbers from Table PS1 – most likely headings are listed below – but refer to the table for more detail if required.

.562 Children

.563 Adolescents, youth, university students

.564 Adults

.564 2 Men

.564 3 Women

.565 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.566 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.567 Persons of a particular class or caste – social and economic status

.567 1 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.567 5 Persons of middle class

.567 8 Members of upper, privileged classes

.568 Occupational groupsAdd to the number 206.568 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Religious law relating to members of the medical profession, health workers 206.56861

.569 People by religious status – religious groups

.569 1 New and recent converts – people isolated from fellow believers

.569 5 Persons in religious orders

.569 6 Clergy, religious leaders

.57 Religious punishmentsThis heading is reserved for punishments specifically sanctioned or required by religious law. For religious attitudes to punishments enacted by the secular state, for non-religious offences, use appropriate class numbers under 201.73 – e.g. capital punishment 201.736 466

.572 Religious sanctions

.575 Fines and confiscations

.577 Corporal punishment and torture

.577 2 Beating

.577 3 Disfigurement, mutilation

.577 4 Branding

.577 5 Amputation

.577 6 Torture

.578 Imprisonment

.578 9 Life imprisonment

.579 Capital punishment

207 Festive and holy daysClass here works on religious calendars and events in general – class holy days, festivals etc. of particular faiths with those faiths – e.g. Hindu holy days under 227, Bahá’í holy days under 297. Class comprehensive works on particular holy days “shared” by more than one religion with the religion with which the holy day originated (or, perhaps, in the 300s).

208 Religious life and practiceClass here spirituality. All topics under this heading refer to religion in general – or several part-icular religions. For any of these topics as they relate to a particular religion – see that religion.Class works on virtues, religious ethics under 205.4

.1 Fundamental Bases of religion (e.g. Covenants)

.2 Pilgrimage and holy places, objects

.21 Pilgrimage

.26 Holy places, sacred sitesAdd to the base number 208.26 numbers 4-9 from Table 2.

.27 Relics, objects with sacred associations


208 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 208

.3 Personal Devotions, symbols of dedication

.32 General devotional literatureClass here meditations, general works on the spiritual life. Class scriptural collections in this category at 204.326, devotional literature on specific subjects with the subject concerned – e.g. guides to an ethically good and holy life at 205.4, devotional literature consisting mainly or entirely of prayers at 208.33 Class devotional literature, meditations for holy days, festivals under 207 For devotional literature for particular classes of person – add to the base number 208.32 not-ation from Table PS1 – e.g. devotional literature written to console and fortify people suffering from bereavement 208.3266 – devotional literature for the use of families 208.3244

.33 PrayerClass here general, comprehensive works on prayer, the power of prayer – class works spec-ifically treating prayer used in worship under 208.8, prayer in the context of a particular religion – with the religion in question, e.g. prayer in Judaism 268.33

.331 Texts of prayers (other than scriptural texts) – prayer books

.333 Ablutions (as part of prayer)

.334 Ritual genuflections, prostrations

.335 Turning to a point of adoration

.336 Devices and aids to prayer

.336 3 Beads, other aids to counting prayers

.336 5 Prayer wheels

.338 Prayer to, in the name of, particular deity, saint etc.

.34 Repetition of holy verses, spells, mantras etc.

.35 Reading, reciting of scripture

.4 Ritual self-denial and abstinence – asceticism – vowsFor asceticism, celibacy etc. connected with monastic or priestly vows use 209.58 or 209.63 - Class the ascetic practices of a particular religion with the religion concerned.

.42 Sexual self-denial

.423 Celibacy

.43 Ascetic rules of dressClass “normal” religious laws of dress applying to all believers at 206.35

.44 Dietary self-denialClass the ethics of vegetarianism at 205.4427 – dietary laws at 206.33

.443 Fasting, (temporary) dietary restrictionClass days, periods set aside for fasting under 207

.445 Extreme dietary self-denial – fasting unto death – religious “hunger strike”

.45 Ascetic avoidance of taking life (e.g. Hindu, Buddhist, Jain ahimsa)

.46 Ascetic isolation, solitudeIncluding vows of silence – retreats.

.47 Voluntary poverty (including mendicism)

.48 Other physical austerities

.483 Flagellation

.485 Self mutilation

.5 Meditation and mysticism, religious experience

.53 Meditation and contemplation

.533 Physical techniques and aids to meditationClass here Yoga and similar systems.

.534 Mental and spiritual techniques and aids to meditation

.535 Trance

.54 Enlightenment42

208 Comparative Religion – Religious Life and Practice 208 .56 Religious ecstasy.562 Visions, hearing of voices.563 Stigmata, signs.564 Speaking in tongues.58 Mysticism.6 Other Mystic Practices

Class here general works on the occult from a religious point of view. Class belief in the occult as a religion in its own right at 212.365 – works on religious law connected with occult practices at 206.328 4 – works on the occult in the context of a particular religion, with the religion concerned.

.62 Religious healingClass here spiritual healing, faith healing. Class miracles of prophet of God, Messiah at 205.215

.63 Practice of magic, witchcraft, shamanismClass here magic and witchcraft as used in various religions. Class magic and witchcraft in the context of a particular religion with that religion, class belief in magic and witchcraft as systems of belief in their own right under 212.365 See also esoteric mystic abilities at 208.69

.631 Harmful, “black” magic

.632 Beneficial, “white” magicClass (religious) healing magic at 208.62

.635 Objects with (real or supposed) mystic, magical properties.Class here the wearing of such objects (talismans, good luck charms etc.) for protection or other purposes. See also use of symbolic objects in worship at 208.836

.64 Casting out of evil spirits, exorcism

.66 Spiritualist activities (communication with the dead)For spiritualism as a religion in its own right, see 212.38

.665 Raising bodies of the dead (zombiism)

.68 Divination, prophecyIncluding omens, oracles. For prophecy enshrined in scripture, see 204.149 – for prophecies of major religious teachers see 205.219

.69 Esoteric mystic abilitiesClass here ESP associated with religion. For magical powers in general use 208.63

.691 Clairvoyance

.692 Telepathy

.693 Mind reading

.694 Levitation

.695 Astral travel

.697 Materialisation

.7 Religious educationClass here religion as an academic subject. Class religious education in a particular religion with that religion. Class evangelism, missionary activities under 209.8

.72 Importance in general spiritual development

.73 Methods

.731 Self education – personal improvement

.732 Informal gatherings, discussions

.733 Formal classes etc

.734 Summer schools, camps

.735 Religious education through gatherings for other purposesIncluding religious education through worship, conferences, congresses, exhibitions etc.

.736 Use of drama (including electronic media – puppetry)

.737 Preaching, sermons, lecturesClass sermons, lectures on particular topics with the topic concerned.


208 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 208 .738 Use of particular types of materials.738 6 Audiovisual materials.739 Use of mass media.739 2 Print media.739 4 Radio

Class radio drama at 208.736.739 6 Television

Class television drama at 208.736.75 Religious education, training for particular groups of people

Add to base number 208.75 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Most likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.752 Children

.753 Adolescents, youth, university students

.754 Adults

.754 2 Men

.754 3 Women

.755 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.756 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.757 Persons of a particular class or caste – social and economic status

.757 1 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.757 12 Persons of lower class or caste due to race or birthIncluding oppressed minorities, e.g. untouchables, indigenous peoples.

.757 14 Persons of lower class due to misfortune

.757 142 Victims of natural disasters, war, religious, racial and political persecutionClass here refugees, displaced persons.

.757 143 Victims of unjust social systems – economic disasters, depressions Class here unemployed, exploited workers.

.757 15 Persons of lower class due to occupation, workers Class members of particular occupations under 208.758

.757 5 Persons of middle classClass members of particular occupations under 208.758

.757 8 Members of upper, privileged classes

.758 Occupational groupsAdd to the number 208.758 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Religious education for members of the medical profession, health workers 208.758 61

.759 Religious education of people by religious status.

.759 1 New and recent converts – people isolated from fellow believers

.759 13 New converts

.759 15 Isolated believers

.759 5 Persons in religious orders

.759 6 Clergy, religious leaders

.76 Syllabus, particular subjects in religious educationAdd to the base number 208.76 the numbers following 20 in 201-209 – e.g. learning about scripture 208.764 – training religious educators 208.7687

.77 Places, schools, institutions of religious education

.772 Religious education in secular schools

.773 Religious education in religious schools

.775 Religious education in tertiary institutions

.777 Colleges, institutes of religious education


208 Comparative Religion – Religious Life and Practice 208

.8 Worship and other public acts of devotionIncluding individual and community praise of God (or gods), communal and individual confession of sins, ritual purification, celebration of holy days, special occasions.Class here works on worship as a topic in comparative religion. Class worship connected with a particular religion with that religion. Class personal prayer, reading of scripture at 208.35 Class sermons and preaching at 208.737

.81 Essential nature, theory of worshipClass here liturgical renewal.

.82 Order of worship, services

.822 Service books – texts of liturgies

.823 Congregational prayer

.824 Reading, reciting, chanting scripture in worshipClass description, discussion of special copies of scripture used in worship at 208.835 4

.83 Symbolism and its use in religious ritual and other acts of devotion

.833 Use of colour, lights

.835 Particular symbols and symbolic objects

.835 1 Numbers, numerological values as religious symbols

.835 2 Mandalas

.835 3 Other geometric figures (including crosses, crucifixes)

.835 4 Special copies of scripture used in worshipActual copies of scripture, in whatever form, are classed under 204

.835 5 Calligraphical representations of words, names, verses

.836 Wearing of symbolic objectsIncluding rings, medals, and other jewellery. Class particular symbols at 208.835 – vestments and other special clothing at 208.8372 – Class the wearing of objects with (real or supposed) mystic, magical properties at 208.635

.837 Use of art and artefacts, substances in worshipClass the relationship between art and religion in general at 201.77 – class religious art in 700s

.837 2 Vestments, prayer shawls, caps, masks – other special clothing connected with worship

.837 3 Furnishings and decoration in houses of worship

.837 4 Images, icons, idols – representations of gods, spirits, totem figures etc.

.837 5 Use of relics, objects with sacred associations in worship

.837 6 Use of fire and burning objects in worship (including candles, incense etc)

.838 Use of drama in worship (including electronic media – puppetry)

.839 Use of pageantry in worship (e.g. parades and processions)

.84 Use of music and dance in worshipClass religious music in general at 781.7 or 782.22 – the relationship between Music and Religion at 201.778

.844 Singing, song books, “hymnals” etc.

.846 Instrumental music in worship

.848 Dance in worship

.85 Celebration of particular occasions

.852 Rites of passageIncluding ceremonies for naming, initiation, coming of age etc.

.852 3 Rites for males

.852 31 Circumcision

.852 35 Other initiation ceremonies


208 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 208 .852 5 Rites for females.852 51 Female circumcision.852 55 Other initiation ceremonies for females.853 Rites connected with marriage.854 Funerals and mourning rites.854 3 Funerals.854 5 Mourning rites.857 Celebration of feasts, holy days etc..858 Worship at particular times of the day.858 2 Dawn, morning worship.858 5 Noon worship.858 8 Afternoon and evening worship.858 9 Late night worship (vigils, midnight worship).859 Prayers, worship to accompany specific human activities.859 5 Prayers at mealtimes.859 8 Prayers for travellers.86 Rites of purification, absolution.861 Rites of personal, family purification.861 4 Fire walking.861 5 Ritual bathing.862 Sacrifices, offerings

For money offerings, collections, use 208.9.862 3 Votive offerings.862 8 Animal sacrifices.862 9 Human sacrifice, ritual cannibalism.863 Confession of sins.865 Penances.866 Absolution, forgiveness.867 Last rites – anointing the sick.87 Other sacraments

(Use only for sacraments not allowed for under 208.85/6).875 Ceremonies of ordination, dedication, initiation of religious leaders.88 Other rites and rituals.882 Rites of dedication, blessing.882 3 of buildings (e.g. of houses of worship).882 5 of vehicles (e.g. ambulances, aircraft, ships).89 Interfaith and ecumenical worship

Class interfaith and ecumenical worship connected with or organised by a particular religion with the religion concerned.

.9 Charity, donations to religions, “collections”.Class here almsgiving. For obligatory payment of tithes, regular contributions to religious institu-tions, class under 206.316 For charity, generosity as virtues, use 205.444


209 Comparative Religion - Institutions and Organisations, Administration 209

209 Religious institutions and organisations, administration.03 Directories.04 Statistics

Where directories or statistics refer to particular places (e.g. cities, countries etc.) add to the base numbers 209.03 or 209.04 appropriate numbers from Table 2.

.1 General Administrative Topics

.11 General administrationFor subjects not allowed for below – add to the base number 209.11 the numbers following 65 in 651-659 – e.g. General Office administration 209.111 For public relations, advertising use 209.83, rather than 209.119 – for financial management, use 209.117 rather than 209.11815

.15 Elections

.158 Conventions etc. called for the purpose of holding elections

.18 Conferences and administrative meetings

.2 Administrative Centres and Houses of Worship

.22 World headquarters

.24 National centres

.25 Local and district centres, communities, congregations

.253 District, provincial centres

.255 Local centres, congregationsFor pastoral care (by clergy) see 209.657 – for outreach, evangelism etc. see topics under 209.8

.255 3 Isolated, rural areas

.255 4 Suburban areas

.255 5 Urban, inner urban areas

.26 Houses of worshipClass here general works on temples, churches, synagogues, mosques etc. – for particular houses of worship, or kinds of houses of worship, associated with a particular faith – class with the faith concerned. For houses of worship as places for pilgrimage – class under 208.26

.3 Administrative Institutions

.34 Governing institutions

.38 Protective institutions

.4 Clubs, associations, societies etc.Including secret societies etc. Class here works on societies from several religions, and inter-faith societies, but note that some specific societies are classed elsewhere, as “religions” (or quasi-religions) in their own right – e.g. Subud 212.77

.42 General

.422 International

.424 National and Local

.425 Institutional

.425 7 University religious associations

.44 Societies for particular groups of peopleAdd to the base number 209.44 notation from Table PS1. Do NOT use headings under 209.448 (persons by occupation) – for religious societies for musicians, for instance, use 209.4578 rather than 209.44878

.45 Special interest groupsAdd to the base number 209.45 the Dewey number for the subject concerned – class also here clubs and societies limited to people of a particular occupation.

.5 Religious orders and monasticism – monasteries and conventsClass personal self-denial, fasting etc. at 208.4 – class monasticism in a particular religion with that religion – e.g. Buddhist monasticism at 249.5, Christian monasticism at 279.5


209 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 209 .501 Vocation, selection, entry into religious orders.52 Monastic Centres, monasteries, convents etc..522 World headquarters of various orders.524 National centres.525 Religious communities.526 Monastery and convent buildings, abbeys, friaries

For monasteries, convents as places for pilgrimage – class under 208.26.55 Kinds.551 Solitary monks, hermits, dervishes etc..553 Kinds of religious order

[.56 Specific Orders]Do not use 209.56 for specific orders – class with the religion concerned, under (e.g.) 279.56, or 249.56 (Although 209.56 would be the logical place for an interfaith order).

.58 Rules, vowsAdd to base number 209.58 numbers following 208.4 (as in the following examples).

.582 3 Celibacy

.583 Ascetic rules of dress

.584 3 Fasting

.585 Ascetic avoidance of taking life (ahimsa)

.586 Ascetic isolation, solitudeIncluding vows of silence – retreats.

.587 Voluntary poverty (including mendicism)

.588 Other physical austerities

.6 Clergy and other religious leadership – priesthood, pastoral dutiesClass religious leaders under monastic vows under 209.5 – class clergy, religious leadership in a particular religion with that religion.

.601 Vocation, selection, entry into priesthood, clergy, religious leadership

.61 Kinds and degrees

.62 Religious leaders, functionaries with specialised dutiesAdd to the base number 209.62 numbers following 208, as appropriate – thus:

.622 6 Guardians, caretakers of Holy Places

.623 3 Prayer leaders, muezzins

.626 2 Religious healers

.626 3 Sorcerers, magicians, wizards, witches etc.

.626 4 Exorcists

.627 Catechists, religious educators

.627 37 Preachers

.628 Leaders of worship

.628 24 Readers of scripture

.628 44 Leaders of religious song

.628 5 Celebrants of particular ritesAdd to base number 209.6285 notation following 208.85 – e.g. Marriage celebrants 209.62853

.629 Leaders of charitable functions and the collection of funds

.63 Rules, vowsWhere applicable – add to base number 209.63 numbers following 208.4 (as at 209.58) – e.g. priestly celibacy 209.6323

.64 Ordination and initiationUse 208.875 for ceremonies involved with ordination of religious leaders

.643 Ordination of women


209 Comparative Religion - Institutions and Organisations, Administration 209 .65 Duties

For religious education use 208.7 – including preaching and sermons at 208.737 – for evan-gelism use 209.8

.657 Pastoral careIncluding counselling, spiritual direction and guidance – consolation.

.657 5 Of particular groups of peopleAdd to the base number 209.6575 numbers from Table PS1 – some likely headings are listed below – but refer to the table for more detail.

.657 52 Children

.657 53 Adolescents, youth, university students

.657 54 Adults

.657 542 Men

.657 543 Women

.657 55 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.657 56 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.657 571 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste – the poor

.657 58 Occupational groupsAdd to the number 209.65758 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Pastoral care of members of the medical profession, health workers 209.6575861, chaplaincy to the military 209.65758355.

.657 59 People by religious status – religious groups

.657 591 New and recent converts – people isolated from fellow believers

.657 595 Persons in religious orders

.657 596 Clergy, religious leaders

.8 Missionary and related activities, evangelismClass missionary, evangelising activities of a particular religion with that religion – class religious education at 208.7 – class here religious revivals, renewal campaigns.N.B. The Christian terms “Missions” and “evangelism” are used here as the ordinary English words for this sort of thing. Other religions often have their own terms for activities designed to attract new membership or confirm existing members – where known, these are used at the appropriate point; otherwise, common-sense translations should be made!

.801 Importance of

.802 Role in spiritual development of individual

.81 Evangelistic plans and campaigns

.82 History of evangelism

.83 Public relations and advertising

.835 Advertising, publicity

.837 Public relations

.84 Methods of evangelism

.841 Distribution of literature, correspondence courses

.842 By personal example and persuasion in daily life

.843 At social gatherings

.844 By inviting guests to services of worship, conferences, congresses etc.

.845 By visiting different communities

.846 At formal gatherings

.847 By confronting strangers

.847 3 “Street preaching”

.847 5 “Door-knocking”

.848 Use of particular types of materials

.848 6 Audiovisual materials

.849 Use of mass media

.849 2 Print media

.849 4 Radio

.849 6 Television


209 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 209 .85 Evangelising particular groups, classes of people

Add to base number 209.85 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Most likely headings will be similar to those found under 208.75 – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.86 Religious revival, renewal, consolidation. Community care and support.

.861 Religious revivals

.861 3 “Conversion” (in the sense of religious, moral renewal)For conversion in the sense of change from one religion to another see 206.311 – 206.314

.862 Community Development

.863 Care and support of particular classes of peopleAdd to base number 209.863 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Class here Seamen’s Missions – City Missions and other similar charitable organisations.

.87 Missionary workMissionary work on behalf of a particular religion is classed, of course, with the religion concerned – e.g. Christian missions at 279.87

.872 History of missions

.876 Work of religious missions in particular countries, regions etc.Add to the base number 209.876 notation 4-9 from Table 2. Thus missionary efforts (by various religions) in Africa 209.8766

.878 Non-evangelical work of religious missionsClass here charitable, medical, educational work of religious missions. Add to base number 209.878 appropriate notation from the main Dewey schedule e.g. 209.87861 for medical missions.


209 Comparative Religion - Institutions and Organisations, Administration 209

210 Cults, parody, quasi, historical, tribal, folk and localised religionsClass here independent religions (as opposed to sects and denominations) other than the faiths enumerated between 220-290 – for example, class all variants of Christianity, no matter how eccentric or heterodox, under 270 All specific religions may be further classified by adding notation following 20 in 201-209 – thus “the status of women in Australian Aboriginal religion” 217.945322

212 Anti religions, cults, parody and quasi religionsClass works on “Cults” in general at 212.5 (q.v.)

.1 Religious philosophy – Deism, Theism and similar systems“Religious beliefs and attitudes attained through observation and interpretation of evidence in nature, through speculation, through reasoning, but not through revelation or appeal to authoritative scriptures”. Class philosophy of a particular religion at [-503]: e.g., Christian Philosophy 275.03 – class “Philosophy of religion” in the sense of “treatment of religious questions without reference to a particular religion” with comparative religion (200-209)

.3 Anti-religions and Neo-paganism

.32 Rationalism (Free thought)

.33 Agnosticism

.34 AtheismAt this point class works treating rationalism, agnosticism and atheism as creeds in their own right. Class works on agnosticism and atheism in relation to religion(s) in general in 205.121(3/4) – in relation to a particular religion, with the religion concerned.

.35 Other “creeds” denying importance, relevance of religion

.352 Materialism

.353 Humanism (secular)

.355 Secularism

.355 3 Secularist (godless) “churches” (e.g. The Sunday Assembly)

.36 Neo-PaganismClass here revivals of beliefs and practices formerly extinct, as well as religions based on real and/or imagined beliefs and practices of the past.For accounts of particular historical religions in their proper context see 214

.363 Satanism, devil worship, witchcraft (Wica)

.365 Superstition, belief in magic, the occultClass here works on the occult as a religion in its own right.

.368 Religion based on real or imagined practices of particular historical religions Add to the base number 212.368 numbers following 214 e.g. “revival” Druidism 212.36864

.37 Astrology and Numerology (as religious or quasi-religious beliefs)

.373 Astrology

.375 Numerology

.38 Spiritualism

.4 Informal religions

.43 Personal religionsClass here religious beliefs of individuals not formally connected to any organised religion, nor (as a rule) claiming an independent revelation. Class “religions” based in satire on religion under 212.6. Class “personal versions” of major religions with the religion concerned.

.49 Universal Life ChurchClass Universal Life Churches/ministries with a particular doctrine under appropriate heading for the creed in question. Class specifically Christian Universal Life churches under 272.781.


212 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 212

.5 Cults, ephemeral and unusual religionsClass here general works on “cults” – but carefully consider the author’s terminology – some widely used and quoted books on the subject of “cults” consist of a series of polemics against the religions and denominations of which the author disapproves (in at least one case, all except his own!) – class this sort of thing with the religious point of view of the author, at[-16]; thus a Christian work attacking several other religions 271.6 – a work attacking several denominations of Christianity from a Baptist point of view 272.768 16Classification of a religion under this heading is not intended to be taken as a value judgement.

.52 “Alternative” and Syncretic religionsClass syncretic and other varieties of major religions with those religions – syncretic writings of individuals not claiming to found a new system at 212.43

.523 New Thought

.524 New Age religions

.525 Course in Miracles

.526 Eckankar

.527 United Church of Religious Science

.53 Religions of Eastern origin popular in West (not allowed for elsewhere)Class varieties of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam etc. with those religions – also note that some other religions that could be classed here have specific numbers elsewhere.

.534 Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

.535 Divine Light Mission

.536 Meher Baba

.538 Radha Soami Satsang

.54 Doomsday cultsFor millennialism in general, or connected with a major faith, use 205.017, 275.017 etc.

.55 Cults based on worship, deification of personalities, celebrities

.555 Extreme “Elvis” movements

.558 Iglesia Maradoniana

.56 Religions and quasi religions inspired by works of fiction

.565 Jedi (religion based on that depicted in the Star Wars movies)

.57 Scientology

.58 UFO religions

.6 Parody ReligionsLess than totally serious “religions”, usually based on, or originating in satirical attacks, either on religion in general or particular religions or religious positions. For other attacks on religion in general (humorous or otherwise) prefer 201.48 – other attacks on particular religion(s) under the religion concerned, at [-148] – e.g. attacks on Scientology 212.57148.

.63 Parodies of particular beliefs or belief systems

.633 Church of the Holy Donut

.634 Eventualism

.635 Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Pastafarianism)

.636 Invisible Pink Unicorn

.637 Kibology

.638 Last Thursdayism

.639 Other parody religions specifically targeting “far-right” fundamentalism

.68 “Post Modern” religions

.682 Bokononism

.683 Campus Crusade for Cthulhu

.684 Church of Emacs

.685 Church of the SubGenius

.686 Frisbeetarianism

.687 MOOism

.688 Discordianism


212 Anti Religions – Cults – Quasi-Religions 212

.7 Secret societies and other quasi-religious organisations

.71 GnosticismIncluding Manichaeism – class Gnostic and Manicheistic controversies in the early Christian church at 272.721/3.

.72 Rosicrucianism Class here Great White Brotherhood

.73 Freemasonry

.74 Theosophy

.75 Anthroposophy

.77 Subud

214 Historical (“Classical”) religionsClass here extinct or dormant religions now mainly or entirely of historical interest. Strictly speaking, we are concerned here with particular religions – but consider the various (native) religions of ancient Egypt, for instance, as if they belonged to basically the same system. On the other hand, class accounts of several quite different ancient religions, some or all of them extinct, in historical context (say, a work on “Religion in ancient Rome” that included Judaism, early Christianity, the cult of Isis etc. as well as Roman religion as such) – under “History of religion” at 202.53Class works specifically on modern revivals of (real or imagined) old religions under 212.36Add to the base number 214 notation following 93 in 931-939

for example:.1 Ancient Chinese religions

Class ancient Taoism under 254, ancient and proto-Confucianism at 253 etc.

.2 Ancient Egyptian religions

.3 Ancient Palestinian religionsClass Judaism at 260, Christianity at 270

.4 Ancient Indian religionsClass Hinduism at 220, Buddhism at 240

.5 Ancient Mesopotamian and Iranian religionsIncluding Mithraism. Class Zoroastrianism at 258

.6 North Western European Religions

.63 Ancient Germanic, Nordic religions

.64 Celtic religionsIncluding Druidism. Class works specifically on modern “revival” Druidism at 212.36864

.66 Ancient Iberian religions

.7 Ancient Italic religions

.76 Ancient Roman religions

.8 Ancient Greek religionsClass here works on “Classical religion” in the sense of Graeco-Roman religion – i.e. ancient Greek and Roman religion treated together, or as parts of one system.

.9 Other ancient religionsClass ancient (pre-Columbian) American religions at 217.7 or 217.8


212 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 212

217 Religions of pre-literate people – Folk religionClass here “tribal” and “primitive” religions, especially those of indigenous peoples, as well as other unsophisticated folk religions. Strictly we are concerned at this point with particular relig-ions – works including the religion of indigenous people (or other ethnic groups) as part of the religious and cultural fabric of a particular country or geographic region are classed under 202.6 – but in practice, as outlined at the manual note at 202.6 vs. 214/219, works on several different preliterate religions of people of the same basic ethnicity are often most usefully classed here, as if they belonged to the same religious system, even if this is not strictly the case.Class works including accounts of pre-historic religion, or dealing with religions of preliterate people in general, or in an historical sense, at 202.52, or, perhaps, under 214Add to the base number 217 notation 4-9 from Table 2for example:

.51 Folk religion in ChinaFor “Folk Taoism” see 254

.6 Religions of Black Africans and people of Black African decentClass churches, sects, denominations of world religions with a predominantly or exclusively Black membership with the religion concerned – e.g. “Black Muslims” at 282.794 (under Islam). Class general works on African religion, religion in Africa, at 202.66Optionally (see manual note at 202.6 vs. 214/219) class here general works on tribal religions of particular countries or regions of Africa. (Prefer 202.66 – with only works on specific religions coming under this heading).

.61 Religions of countries, regions of AfricaAdd to base number 217.61 notation following 6 in Table 2 – unless the above option is applied – use this number for specific religions only.

.62 Black African Religions (not covered below) of people of non-African countries Add to base number 217.62 notation (4-9) from Table 2 – use this number for specific religions only.

.63 Particular Religions

.632 Umbanda

.633 Candomblé

.634 Santeria

.635 Voodooism

.636 Ras Tafari movement

.7 Religion of native North Americans

.8 Religion of native South Americans

.94 Religion of indigenous Australians

.95 Tribal religions of Melanesia and New Guinea

.96 Polynesian and Micronesian religions


217 Religions of pre-literate people – Folk religion 217

219 Other ethnic and localised religionsClass here more “sophisticated” religions, other than those specifically listed in 220-299, that have an essentially local or ethnic membership, even if they have spread to other countries. Class works on more than one religion from a particular country in 202.6Class religions that have a recognised or avowed connection with a major (“world”) religion with that religion, no matter how unorthodox they may be.To place a religion, add to the base number 219 notation following -9 from Table 5, followed by a Cutter number For example:

[.51 Miscellaneous Chinese religions]Class works on more than one religion from or in China at 202.651 – do not use 219.51 on its own.Class Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism etc.under the headings for those religions.

.51.F2 Falun Gong

[.54 Tibetan religions]Class works on more than one religion from or in Tibet at 202.6515 – do not use 219.54 on its own.For Tibetan Buddhism see 242.763

.54.B4 Bon


220 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 220

220 HinduismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Hinduism at 220 Class works on Indian religions in general – or “Hinduism and its derivatives”, NOT at 220 or 230, but at 202.654 General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. A subject not specifically enumerated below, applying to Hinduism, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 22 notation following 20 in 201-209

221 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons.3 General Introductions to Hinduism.4 Value of Hinduism

Including apologetics for Hinduism and general polemics against Hinduism.

.6 Hinduism compared with or related to other religionsAdd to the base number 221.6 the notation following 2 in 200 that serves to define the religion to which Hinduism is compared – (e.g.) Hinduism and Islam 221.68Include here Hindu polemics against other religions – other religions considered or discussed in the light of Hinduism, and works on relations between Hindus and members of other religions.

.7 Hinduism compared or opposed to other (secular) subjectsAdd to the base number 221.7 the Dewey number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points) e.g. “Hinduism and science” (221.7+500) becomes “221.75”.Do not use a number at this point without considering the scope note at 201.7

222 Historical and geographical treatment of Hinduism.5 General history of Hinduism

Class history of a topic with that topic – e.g. history of Hindu scripture is classed at 224.19.51 Earliest period (pre 1000 B.C.)

Class here Vedic religion

.6 Hinduism in particular countries (other than India)Add to the base number 222.6 notation 4-9 from Table 2, (e.g.) Hinduism in Australia 222.694 Do not use 222.654 (Hinduism in India) – class in 220 or 222.5

.7 Hindu denominations, sects etc.Class works on Hindu fundamentalism (regardless of sect) at 225.017

.74 Older Hindu sectsClass general works on particular Hindu deities under 225 (e.g. Vishnu at 225.1114)

.743 Vishnuism

.743 5 Hare Krishna movement

.744 Shivaism

.744 3 Lingayats

.745 Shaktaism

.746 Ganapataism

.747 Shanmukaism

.748 Sauraism

.76 Ramakrishna Movement

.78 Reform Hinduism

.783 Brahma Samaj

.785 Arya-Samaj


220 Hinduism 220

223 Hindu Religious Biography


224 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 224

224 Hindu Sources (holy books etc.).1 Works about Hindu holy books and scriptures (in general)

Class works about particular scriptural works at the number for the work concernedWhere appropriate and applicable, add to the base number 224.1, 224.3 (and to the numbers for particular works) notation following 204.1, 204.3 – e.g. Commentaries 224.15

.2 General collections of Hindu scriptural writings

.3 Special collections

.4 Vedic literatureClass here Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas

.42 Rigveda

.43 Samaveda

.44 Yajurveda

.45 Atharvaveda

.48 Upanishads

.5 Puranas

.6 Mahabharata

.65 Bhagavad Gita

.68 Ramayana

.7 Dharmasastras

.75 Code of Manu

.8 Oral traditions, legends, etc.

.9 Other Hindu scripture

.93 Hindu tantras

225 Gods and spirits, humankind, ethicsClass here Hindu doctrine. For subjects not covered – but either included or closely paralleled under 205, add to the base number 225 notation following 205

.1 God, the Infinite, Prime Source

.11 Basic conceptions of Deity, the godsClass here Aditi, Vasudeva

.111 BrahmanClass here Hindu monotheism

.111 2 Brahma (the creator)

.111 4 Vishnu (the preserver)

.111 6 Shiva (the destroyer, renewer)Shiva is also known as Rudra, Shankara, or Mahesvara

.112 Dualism

.113 Polytheism and animism

.113 3 PolytheismClass here Hindu polytheism in general – class particular gods and goddesses under 225.23

.113 5 Animism

.114 Pantheism

.115 Anthropomorphism


225 Hinduism – Doctrine 225

.2 Supernatural, divine and semi-divine beings

.22 Avatars (Incarnations of Vishnu)

.221 Matsya

.222 Kuma

.223 Varaha

.224 Narasimha

.225 Vamana

.226 3 Parashu Rama

.226 5 Rama, King of the Ayodhya

.227 Krishna

.228 Buddha

.229 Kalkin (the Avatar to come)

.23 Gods and goddesses (Devas)

.232 12 Indra

.232 13 Mitra

.232 14 Agni

.232 153 Varuna

.232 155 Ganga

.232 92 Ganesh

.232 95 Hanuman

.233 1 Bhaga

.233 2 Saraswati

.233 3 Shakti

.233 36 Kali

.233 37 Parvati Shakti

.233 38 Durga

.233 4 Bharati

.25 Spirit beings

.253 Ancestors, ghosts of the dead

.255 Gandharvas (Good spirits, Angels etc.)

.257 Neutral, morally ambiguous spirits

.258 Danavas, Dasas (Evil spirits, demons etc.)

.27 Saints, holy peopleClass Hindu religious biography under 223 – Gurus, religious leaders under 229.6

.3 HumanityWhere applicable – add to base number 225.3 notation following 205.3 for subjects applicable to Hinduism and not enumerated below

.31 Creation, purpose

.32 Nature of humanity, relation to natural world

.321 The races and nations of humankind

.322 The sexes – status of women in relation to men

.323 Caste – the relationship between classes and occupations

.324 The human soul

.324 2 Reincarnation, karma

.4 Principles, morals, ethicsWhere applicable, add to base number 225.4 notation following 205.4

.6 Social teachingsFor Hindu teachings on caste use 225.323Where applicable, add to base number 225.6 notation following 205.6 – class here general teachings rather than laws – when in doubt, class under social law in 226.5


228 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 228

226 Hindu laws, prescriptions and proscriptionsWhere applicable – add to base number 226 notation following 206 for subjects applicable to Hinduism and not enumerated below

.1 General codes of personal, social conduct

.11 The Golden RuleIncluding the Silver Rule. For adherence to the golden rule as a virtue, use 225.443

.3 Personal laws

.32 Conduct

.33 Diet

.35 Dress

.5 Social laws

.53 Theocracy, religious governmentSee note at 206.53

.55 Laws of family life

.57 Religious punishment

227 Hindu festive and holy days.1 Maha Shivaratri.2 Ramanavami.3 Holi.4 Krishna Jayanthi.5 Ganesh Chaturthi .6 Navarathiri .7 Diwali / Deepavali .9 Festivals connected with particular cults, temples

228 Hindu religious lifeClass here spirituality. Where applicable – add to base number 228 notation following 208 for subjects applicable to Hinduism and not enumerated below

.2 Pilgrimage and holy places, objects

.21 Pilgrimage

.26 Hindu holy places

.27 Relics, objects with sacred associations

.3 Personal Devotions

.33 PrayerClass here general, comprehensive works on prayer, the power of prayer – class works spec-ifically treating prayer used in worship under 228.8

.34 Repetition of mantras, holy verses

.35 Reading, reciting scripture

.4 Ritual self-denial – fasting – asceticism – vowsFor asceticism, celibacy connected with monastic or priestly vows use 229.53 or 229.63

.42 Sexual self-denial

.423 Celibacy


228 Hindu Religious Life 228 .43 Ascetic rules of dress.44 Dietary self-denial

Class ethics of vegetarianism at 225.4427 – dietary laws and restrictions at 226.33.443 Fasting, temporary abstinence from certain foods

Class days, periods set aside for fasting or other dietary abstinence under 227 .445 Extreme dietary self-denial – fasting unto death – religious “hunger strike”.45 Ahimsa (ascetic avoidance of taking life).46 Ascetic isolation, solitude, silence.47 Voluntary poverty (including mendicism).48 Other physical austerities.5 Meditation and mysticism, religious experience.53 Meditation and contemplation.533 Yoga

Including Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga, Kundalini yoga, Raja yoga.Class yoga philosophy at 181.45 – physical yoga (hatha yoga) at 613.7046.

.535 Trance

.54 Enlightenment

.56 Religious ecstasy

.58 Mysticism

.6 Other Mystic PracticesClass here general works on Hinduism and the occult.

.62 Religious healingClass here spiritual healing, faith healing.

.63 Practice of magic etc.For siddhis (perfect abilities) use 228.69

.64 Exorcism

.66 Spiritualist activities (communication with the dead)For spiritualism as a religion in its own right, see 212.38

.68 Divination, prophecyIncluding omens, oracles. For prophecy enshrined in scripture, see 224.149

.69 Siddhis (Perfect abilities)Class here ESP associated with Hinduism.

.691 Clairvoyance

.692 Telepathy

.693 Mind reading

.694 Levitation

.695 Astral travel

.697 Materialisation

.7 Hindu Religious education

.8 Worship and other public acts of devotionIncluding individual and community praise of gods, communal and individual confession of sins, ritual purification, celebration of holy days, special occasions.

.81 Essential nature, etc. of Hindu worship

.82 Order of worship, services

.823 Congregational prayer

.824 Reading, reciting, chanting scripture in worship

.83 Symbolism and its use in Hindu worship

.835 Particular symbols and symbolic objects 61

228 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 228 .835 2 Mandalas .837 Use of art and artefacts, substances in worship

Class Hindu art in general at 221.77 – or perhaps in the 700s.837 2 Vestments and other special clothing connected with worship.837 3 Furnishings and decoration in houses of worship.837 4 Images, icons, idols.837 5 Relics, objects with sacred associations.837 6 Use of fire and burning objects in worship (including candles, incense etc).84 Use of music and dance in Hindu worship

Class Hindu music in general in the 780s.844 Singing, chants.846 Instrumental music in Hindu worship.848 Dance in Hindu worship.85 Celebration of particular occasions.852 Rites of passage

Including ceremonies for naming, initiation, coming of age etc..853 Hindu weddings.854 3 Hindu funerals.854 37 Suttee.857 Celebration of feasts, holy days etc..86 Rites of purification, absolution.88 Other rites and rituals.9 Charity, donations to Hindu institutions.

Class here almsgiving. For charity, generosity as virtues, use 225.434

229 Hindu institutions and organisations, administrationWhere applicable – add to base number 229 notation following 209 for subjects applicable to Hinduism and not enumerated below

.03 Directories

.04 StatisticsWhere directories or statistics refer to particular places (e.g. cities, countries etc.) add to the base numbers 229.03 or 229.04 appropriate numbers from Table 2.

.1 General Administrative Topics

.2 Administrative Centres and Houses of Worship

.25 Local centres, communities

.26 Temples and other Hindu houses of worshipFor Temples as places for pilgrimage – class under 228.26

.3 Administrative Institutions

.4 Hindu societies, associations etc.

.5 Monasticism – monasteries and convents

.6 Religious leadership – priesthood, priestly duties

.8 Hindu missionary activities, etc.

This table for Hinduism is evidently far from comprehensive – if it were ever to be applied to a library located in India, or to one specialising in material on the Hindu religion, it would need considerable extension, although this could be very well accommodated within the existing outline.


228 Hindu Religious Life 228


228 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 228

232 JainismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Jainism at 232 Class works on Indian religions in general, NOT at 220 or 230, but at 202.654.General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. A subject not specifically enumerated below, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 232 notation following 20 in 201-209. Comparison with divisions of 220 (Hinduism) may also prove helpful – aspects of Hinduism either closely paralleled, or held in common by the Jains should (of course) use the same numbers.

.1 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons

.2 Historical and geographic treatment of Jainism

.27 Sects and reform movements

.274 Svetambara

.275 Digambara

.3 Personages – Jain biography

.4 Sources (holy books etc.)

.44 Jaina Agama

.5 Conception of deity, ethical core, principles (theology)

.6 Laws, prescriptions and proscriptions

.7 Calendars, festive and holy days

.8 Religious life and practice

.9 Institutions, administration

Common sense dictates that 232.2654 (Jainism in India) is a fairly meaningless heading – simply use 232 (or, perhaps, 232.25).

This section badly needs expanding – although current Dewey gives even less specific detail! In practice most likely subject headings can be built – e.g. Jain ahimsa 232.845


238 Sikhism 238

238 SikhismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Sikhism at 238Class works on Indian religions in general, NOT at 220 or 230, but at 202.654.General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. A subject not specifically enumerated below, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 238 notation following 20 in 201-209

.1 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons

.2 Historical and geographic treatment of Sikhism

.3 Personages – religious biography

.31 The Ten Founding GurusUse 238.521 for works specifically on the station of the founding Gurus

.4 Sources (holy books etc.)

.44 Granth Sahib

.5 Conception of deity, ethical core, principles (theology)

.6 Laws, prescriptions and proscriptions

.7 Festive and holy days

.71 Guru Gobind Singh

.73 Visakhi

.75 Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev

.76 Guru Granth Sahib

.77 Diwali (Deepavali)Use 227.7 for works on this holy day in Hinduism, or in Indian culture in general.

.79 Birth of Guru Nanak.8 Religious life and practice.9 Institutions, administration

Common sense dictates that 238.2654 (Sikhism in India) is a fairly meaningless heading – simply use 238 (or, perhaps, 238.25).

This section badly needs expanding – although current Dewey gives even less specific detail! In practice most likely subject headings can be built.


240 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 240

240 BuddhismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Buddhism at 240 Class works on Indian religions in general at 202.654.General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. A subject applicable to Buddhism, not specifically enumerated below, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 24 notation following 20 in 201-209.

241 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons.3 General Introductions to Buddhism.4 Value of Buddhism

Including apologetics for Buddhism and general polemics against Buddhism.

.6 Buddhism compared with or related to other religionsAdd to the base number 241.6 the notation following 2 in 200 that serves to define the religion to which Buddhism is compared – (e.g.) Buddhism and Taoism 241.654Include here other religions considered or discussed in the light of Buddhism, and works on relations between Buddhists and members of other religions.

.7 Buddhism compared or opposed to other (secular) subjectsAdd to the base number 241.7 the Dewey number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). For instance, Buddhism and science (241.7+500) becomes “241.75”. Do not use a number at this point without considering the scope note at 201.7

242 Historical and geographical treatment of Buddhism.5 General history of Buddhism

Class history of a topic with that topic – e.g. history of Buddhist scripture is classed under 244

.6 Buddhism in particular countriesAdd to the base number 242.6 notation 4-9 from Table 2, (e.g.) Buddhism in Australia 242.694

.7 Buddhist denominations, sects etc.

.74 Theravada (Southern, Hinayana) Buddhism

.743 Mahasanghika

.745 Saravastivada

.747 Sautrantika

.76 Mahayana (Northern) Buddhism

.762 5 Madhyamika

.762 7 Yogacara (Vijnana)

.763 Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism)

.764 Tantric Buddhism

.765 Pure Land Sects

.766 Zen (Ch’an)

.766 273 Rinzai

.766 275 Soto

.767 3 Nichiren Shoshu

.767 5 Sōka Gakkai


243 Buddhist Religious Biography 243

243 Buddhist Religious Biography.1 Gautama Buddha

For works on the station of the Buddha, other Buddhas etc. see 245.21.3 Other major Buddhist teachers.4 Buddhist saints, major leaders.5 Buddhist monks, nuns.6 Other Buddhist religious leaders.9 Other prominent Buddhists, students of Buddhism

244 Buddhist Sources (holy books etc.)Class sources of particular sects not recognised as scripture by other Buddhists with those sects – e.g. class Zen writings at 242.7664 Scripture accepted by Mahayanists in general is however classed at 244.5

.1 Works about Buddhist holy books and scriptures (in general)Class works about particular scriptural works at the number for the work concernedWhere appropriate and applicable, add to the base numbers 244.1, 244.3 notation following 204.1, 204.3 – e.g. Commentaries 244.15

.2 General collections of Buddhist Scriptural writings

.3 Special collections

.4 Buddhist scripture sacred to both Theravadins and Mahayanists

.42 Vinayapitaka

.43 Sutrapitaka

.432 Khuddakanikaya

.432 2 Dhammapada

.435 Jatakas

.44 Abhidharmapitaka

.5 Scripture sacred only to Mahayanists

.6 Buddhist tantras

.7 Laws and decisions

.8 Oral Traditions

245 Gods and spirits, humankind, ethicsClass here Buddhist doctrine. For subjects not covered – but either included or closely paral -leled under 205 (or 225), add to the base number 245 notation following 205 (or 225). The following is a selection of possible headings constructed on this principle.

.21 BuddhasClass works specifically on Gautama Buddha at 243.1

.23 Gods etc.For gods, heroes either equivalent to, or reminiscent of Hindu Gods – add to the base number 245.23 numbers following 225.23 – for example “Monkey” is in way a Buddhist equivalent of Hanuman (or at least strongly reminiscent of him) and can take the number 245.23295

.25 Spirit beings

.253 Ancestors, ghosts of the dead

.255 Good spirits, Angels etc.

.257 Neutral, morally ambiguous spirits

.258 Evil spirits, demons etc.

.27 Saints, holy peopleClass Buddhist religious biography under 243 – Gurus, religious leaders under 249.6


245 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 245

.3 HumanityWhere applicable – add to base number 245.3 notation following 205.3 (or 225.3) for subjects applicable to Buddhism and not enumerated below

.31 Creation, purpose

.32 Nature of humanity, relation to natural world

.324 The human soul

.324 2 Reincarnation, karma

.34 Salvation

.342 Good and evil

.349 Nirvana

.4 Principles, morals, ethicsWhere applicable – add to base number 245.4 notation following 205.4

.6 Social teachingsWhere applicable – add to base number 245.6 notation following 205.6 – class here general teachings rather than laws – when in doubt, class under social law in 246

246 Buddhist laws, prescriptions and proscriptionsWhere applicable – add to base number 246 notation following 206 for subjects applicable to Buddhism and not enumerated below. Class scriptural sources of Buddhist law in 244.

.1 General codes of personal, social conduct

.11 The Golden RuleIncluding the Silver Rule. For adherence to the golden rule as a virtue, use 245.443

.14 The Noble Truths

.148 The Noble Eightfold PathClass here general works only – for elements of the Path, find a more specific place if possible.

.3 Personal laws

.32 Conduct

.33 Diet

.35 Dress

.5 Social laws

.53 Theocracy, religious governmentSee note at 206.53

.55 Laws of family life

.57 Religious punishment

247 Buddhist festive and holy days

248 Buddhist religious lifeClass here spirituality. Where applicable – add to base number 248 notation following 208 (or 228) for subjects applicable to Buddhism and not enumerated below

.2 Pilgrimage and holy places, objects

.21 Pilgrimage

.26 Buddhist holy places

.27 Relics, objects with sacred associations


248 Buddhism – Religious Life and Practice 248

.3 Personal Devotions

.33 PrayerClass here general, comprehensive works on prayer, the power of prayer – class works spec-ifically treating prayer used in worship under 248.8

.336 Devices and aids to prayer

.336 5 Prayer wheels

.34 Repetition of mantras, holy verses etc.

.35 Reading, reciting scripture

.4 Ritual self-denial – fasting – asceticism – vowsFor asceticism, celibacy connected with monastic or priestly vows use 249.58 or 249.63

.42 Sexual self-denial

.423 Celibacy

.43 Ascetic rules of dress

.44 Dietary self-denialClass ethics of vegetarianism at 245.4427 – dietary laws and restrictions at 246.33

.443 Fasting, temporary abstinence from certain foodsClass days, periods set aside for fasting under 247

.445 Extreme dietary self-denial – fasting unto death

.45 Ahimsa (ascetic avoidance of taking life)

.46 Ascetic isolation, solitude, silence

.47 Voluntary poverty (including mendicism)

.48 Other physical austerities

.5 Meditation and mysticism, religious experience

.53 Meditation and contemplation

.533 Physical techniques and aids to meditation

.535 Trance

.54 Enlightenment

.56 Religious ecstasy

.58 Mysticism

.6 Other Mystic PracticesClass here general works on Buddhism and the occult

.62 Religious healingClass here spiritual healing, faith healing.

.63 Practice of magic etc.

.64 Exorcism

.66 Spiritualist activities (communication with the dead)For spiritualism as a religion in its own right, see 212.38

.68 Divination, prophecyIncluding omens, oracles etc. For prophecy enshrined in scripture, see 244.149

.69 Esoteric mystic practicesClass here ESP associated with Buddhism

.691 Clairvoyance

.692 Telepathy

.693 Mind reading

.694 Levitation

.695 Astral travel

.697 Materialisation

.7 Buddhist religious education


248 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 248

.8 Buddhist worship and other public acts of devotionIncluding individual and community praise of gods, communal and individual confession of sins, ritual purification, celebration of holy days, special occasions.

.81 Essential nature, etc. of Buddhist worship

.82 Order of worship, services

.823 Congregational prayer

.824 Reading, reciting, chanting scripture in worship

.83 Symbolism and its use in Buddhist worship

.835 Particular symbols and symbolic objects

.835 2 Mandalas

.837 Use of art and artefacts, substances in worshipClass Buddhist art in general at 241.77 – or perhaps in the 700s

.837 2 Vestments and other special clothing connected with worship

.837 3 Furnishings and decoration in houses of worship

.837 4 Images, icons, idols

.837 5 Relics, objects with sacred associations

.837 6 Use of fire and burning objects in worship (including candles, incense etc)

.84 Use of music in Buddhist worshipClass Buddhist music in general in the 780s

.85 Celebration of particular occasions

.852 Rites of passageIncluding ceremonies for naming, initiation, coming of age etc.

.853 Buddhist weddings

.854 3 Buddhist funerals

.857 Celebration of feasts, holy days etc.

.86 Rites of purification, absolution

.88 Other rites and rituals

.9 Charity, donations to Buddhist InstitutionsFor charity, generosity as virtues, use 245.434

249 Buddhist institutions and organisations, administrationWhere applicable – add to base number 249 notation following 209 for subjects applicable to Buddhism and not enumerated below

.03 Directories

.04 StatisticsWhere directories or statistics refer to particular places (e.g. cities, countries etc.) add to the base numbers 249.03 or 249.04 appropriate numbers from Table 2.

.1 General Administrative Topics

.2 Administrative Centres and Houses of Worship

.25 Local centres, communities

.26 Temples and other Buddhist houses of worshipFor Temples as places for pilgrimage – class under 248.26

.3 Administrative Institutions

.4 Buddhist societies, associations etc.


249 Buddhism – Religious Institutions and Organisations 249

.5 Buddhist monasticism – monasteries and conventsClass personal self-denial, fasting etc. outside a monastic context at 248.4

.52 Monastic Centres, monasteries, convents etc.

.525 Religious communities

.526 Monastery and convent buildings, abbeysFor monasteries, convents as places for pilgrimage – class under 248.26

.55 Kinds

.551 Solitary monks etc.

.553 Kinds of religious order

.56 Specific Orders

.58 Rules, vowsAdd to base number 249.58 numbers following 248.4 (as in the following examples).

.582 3 Celibacy

.584 3 Fasting

.586 Isolation, solitude, silence

.587 Voluntary poverty (including mendicism)

.588 Other austerities

.6 Religious leadership – priesthood, priestly duties

.8 Buddhist missionary activities, etc.Add to base number 249.8 numbers following 209.8, as appropriate.

This table for Buddhism is evidently far from comprehensive – if it were ever to be applied to a library located in (for example) China or Japan, or for a library in a Western country spec-ialising in material on the Buddhist religion, it would need considerable extension, although this could be very well accommodated within the existing outline


253 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 253

253 ConfucianismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Confucianism at 253Class works on Chinese religions in general at 202.651DDC seems a little confused as to whether to treat Confucianism as a religion or a philoso-phical system. While Confucianism may seem to be a religion in a different sense of the word to (say) Christianity or Islam (or, for that matter, Buddhism or even Taoism) treating it as a philosophy also raises difficulties. Preferred treatment according to this schedule is to treat Confucianism unambiguously as a religion, gathering all relevant materials under 253General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. A subject not specifically enumerated below, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 253 notation following 20 in 201-209

.1 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons

.2 Historical and geographic treatment of Confucianism

.3 Personages – Confucian biography

.31 K’ung Fu-tse (Confucius)

.33 Other Confucian teachers

.4 Sources (Confucian writings)

.44 Five Confucian classics

.5 Heaven, ethical core, principles (The Way)

.6 Laws, prescriptions and proscriptions

.7 Calendars, festive and holy days

.8 Religious life and practice

.9 Institutions, administration

254 TaoismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Taoism at 254 Class works on Chinese religions in general at 202.651General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. A subject not specifically enumerated below, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 254 notation following 20 in 201-209

.1 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons

.2 Historical and geographic treatment of Taoism

.278 “Folk” Taoism

.3 Personages – religious biography

.31 Lao Tzu

.33 Other Taoist teachers

.4 Sources (Taoist Scriptures)

.44 Tao Te Ching

.5 Heaven, ethical core, principles (The Way)

.6 Laws, prescriptions and proscriptions

.7 Calendars, festive and holy days

.8 Religious life and practice

.9 Institutions, administration

Common sense dictates that 253.2651 and 254.2651 (Confucianism and Taoism in China) are fairly meaningless headings – simply use 253 or 254 (or, perhaps, 253.25 or 254.25).

The above sections both need expanding – although current Dewey gives even less specific detail! In practice, numbers for most likely headings can be built.


256 Shinto 256

256 ShintoClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Shinto at 256 Class works on Japanese religions in general at 202.652General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. A subject not specifically enumerated below, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 256 notation following 20 in 201-209

.1 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons

.2 Historical and geographic treatment of Shinto

.3 Personages – Shinto religious biography

.4 Sources (Shinto holy writings)

.5 Gods and goddesses, ethics, principles.

.6 Laws, prescriptions and proscriptions

.7 Festive and holy days

.71 Shogatsu

.73 Toshi-goi-no-Matsuri

.75 Setsubun

.77 Hina-matsuri

.79 Shubun-sai

.8 Religious life and practice

.9 Institutions, administration

258 ZoroastrianismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Zoroastrianism at 258 Class works on Persian religions in general at 202.655 – specific historical Persian religions are classed under 214.5General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. A subject not specifically enumerated below, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 258 notation following 20 in 201-209.

.1 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons

.2 Historical and geographic treatment of Zoroastrianism

.3 Personages – Zoroastrian biography

.31 Zoroaster

.4 Sources (Zoroastrian scripture, holy books)

.44 Avesta

.443 Yasna

.443 5 Gathas

.444 Visperad

.445 Vendidad

.446 Yashts

.5 Ahura Mazda, ethical core, principles

.6 Laws, prescriptions and proscriptions

.7 Calendars, festive and holy days

.8 Religious life and practice

.9 Institutions, administration

The above both need expanding – although current Dewey gives less specific detail than this. In practice, however, most likely numbers can be built.


260 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 260

260 JudaismClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Judaism at 260 Class works on Jewish secular history, culture, arts etc. at appropriate place outside the 200s.General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. Most likely subjects are in fact enumerated below, but any additional heading occurring in 201-209 can be built by add-ing to the base number 26 notation following 20 in 201-209

261 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons.3 General introductions to Judaism

Class comprehensive works, encyclopedias of Judaism etc. at 260 Class works on Judaism in particular countries in 262.6

.4 Value of JudaismIncluding attacks on, and defences of, the value of Judaism.

.43 Works defending, praising the value of Judaism (apologetics for Judaism)

.48 Works attacking, denigrating the value of Judaism (polemics against Judaism)

Class works defending or attacking Judaism from the point of view of another religion (or anti-religion) with the religious point of view of the author(s).

.6 Relationship between Judaism and other religionsAdd to the base number 261.6 the notation following 2 in 200 that serves to define the religion to which Judaism is to be compared – e.g. Judaism and Christianity 261.67 Class here apologies for, polemics against, and other works on different religions from a Jewish point of view – other religions considered in the light of Judaism, and works on relations between Jews and members of other religions.

.7 Judaism compared or opposed to other (secular) subjectsAdd to the base number 261.7 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Judaism and science” (261.7+500) becomes “261.75”.Refer to the note at 201.7 for the use of 261.7 numbers.In any case, do not class either specific religious teachings or doctrines, or works that belong outside the 200s at this point. For example, “Judaism and civil rights” is a useful heading at 261.7323 – but specific Jewish doctrine touching on the same subject is classed at 265.6535; and secular or general works on the right to religious freedom will be classed under 323!

262 Historical and geographical treatment of JudaismClass works on the history of particular topics, aspects of Judaism with the topic concerned. Class history of Judaism in particular countries in 262.6 unless the work concerned refers to a particular time or historical period.

.5 General history of JudaismFor secular and political Jewish and Israeli history etc. use appropriate classifications in 320s and 900s.

.53 To 499 A.D.

.533 Earliest Judaism to 586 B.C.

.534 Second temple period 586 B.C. to 70 A.D.

.535 Early rabbinic period 70-499

.55 Judaism in the Middle Ages (499 – 1400)

.56 Judaism in the early modern period (1400 – 1750)

.59 Modern history of Judaism (since 1750)

.591 1750 – 1900

.592 1900 – 2000

.593 2000 –


262 Judaism – Historical and Geographical Treatment 262

.6 Judaism in particular places, countries, geographic regionsAdd to the base number 262.6 notation 4-9 from Table 2, e.g. Judaism in Australia 262.694Class works on the history of Judaism in a particular country or region in a particular period e.g. “Judaism in Medieval Spain” under period rather than country (262.55 rather than 262.646).

.7 Denominations and movements etcClass particular “schools of theology” under 265.0 – e.g. Jewish Fundamentalism 275.017

.74 Denominations and movements of ancient origin

.741 2 Hellenistic movement

.741 4 Karaites

.741 6 Zealots

.742 Pharisees

.743 Sadducees

.744 Essenes

.744 5 Qumran communityClass works on the Dead Sea Scrolls at 264.735 – works on archaeology and Judaism in general under 261.7

.747 Samaritans

.75 Medieval and early modern denominations

.755 Sabbatianism

.76 Modern denominations (after ca 1750)

.762 Orthodox Judaism

.763 Mystical JudaismFor Jewish mysticism in general use 268.58

.763 2 Hasidism

.763 22 Habad Lubavitch Hasidism

.764 Reform movements

.764 1 Reform Judaism

.764 2 Humanistic Judaism

.764 3 Conservative Judaism

.764 4 Reconstruction Judaism

263 Jewish religious biographyClass secular Jewish biography in normal place (e.g. Jewish composers with music).

.1 Moses

.2 Biblical patriarchs, prophets and other ancient figuresFor Biblical characters other than those enumerated here, class under 264 (see manual notes).

.21 Pre-patriarchal figures

.211 Adam

.212 Eve

.217 Noah

.22 Patriarchs and Matriarchs

.221 Abraham

.222 Sarah

.223 Ishmael

.224 Isaac

.225 Rebekah

.226 Esau

.228 Jacob (Israel)


263 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 263 .23 Sons of Jacob (Israel).233 3 Reuben.233 5 Simeon.233 7 Levi.234 3 Judah.234 5 Isaachar.234 7 Zebulun.235 3 Benjamin.235 5 Dan.235 7 Naphtali.236 3 Gad.236 5 Asher.236 7 Joseph.24 Judges

(For Moses, see 263.1).242 Aaron.243 Joshua.244 Samuel.26 Kings.261 Saul.262 David.263 Solomon.28 Prophets.283 Elijah.285 Isaiah.287 Jeremiah.289 Ezekiel.5 Medieval and early modern biography.7 Modern biography (since ca 1750)

264 Bible (Tanakh) and other Jewish scriptureClass the reading of scripture as an aspect of religious life at 268.35 – the use of scripture in worship at 268.824

.1 Works about Jewish Scriptures (in general)Class works about particular scriptural works at the number for the work concerned

.11 Authorship, origins, authenticity

.112 Canon

.113 Inspiration – revelation

.113 2 Inerrancy, authority

.12 Concordances, indexes and dictionaries etc.

.13 Textual studies

.14 Study – scriptural criticism (exegesis)

.142 Philosophical and introductory studies

.144 Symbolisms and typology

.145 Harmonies

.146 Literary criticism (higher, internal, redaction criticism)

.147 Historical criticism

.148 Mythological, allegorical, numerological, astrological interpretations

.149 Discussion and interpretation of scriptural prophecies

.15 Summaries, paraphrases and commentaries


264 Bible and other Jewish Scripture 264 .17 Secular subjects in Jewish scripture

Add to the base number 264.17 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Mathematics in Jewish scripture” becomes 264.1751

.18 Background to scriptures

.182 General history, civilisation of Bible times.Class Jewish religious history in 262.5 – class scriptural stories for children in 264.3222

.183 PersonsGenerally, prefer 263 (religious biography) for specific people, except for minor characters of Bible stories. For particular kinds of person add to the base number 264.183 appropriate numbers from Table PS1 – e.g. Women in the Bible 264.183 43

.186 Geography – maps and atlases of relevant areas in Bible times.

.19 History of Jewish scripture

.193 Textual historyIncluding scriptural archaeology – authority of ancient texts.

.195 History of translationsAdd to the base number 264.195 notation 2-9 from Table 6 – e.g. 264.1952 English translations of Jewish scripture. Class actual scriptural texts, regardless of language, in 264.2 – 264.8

.2 General collections of Biblical and other Jewish sacred writings

.3 Special collections

.32 Collections compiled for a specific purpose

.322 Collections compiled for specific classes of readerAdd to base number 264.322 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.322 2 ChildrenIncluding scriptural stories retold for children.

.322 6 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.322 71 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.322 91 New and isolated believers

.322 913 New converts

.322 915 Isolated believers

.325 Collections compiled for use in prayer

.326 Collections compiled for other personal devotions

.327 Collections compiled for use at feasts and/or holy days

.328 Collections compiled for educational purposes

.33 Collections linked by form

.34 Collections linked by subject

.36 Collections linked by date or period

.4 Tanakh with Apocrypha (Jewish Bible)Class here everything on the “Old Testament” – unless forming part of a Christian Bible, or discussed from a specifically Christian viewpoint. “New Testament” and other specifically Christian scripture is classed under 274

.41 Works about the Tanakh and ApocryphaAdd to the base number 264.41, 264.43 the numbers following 264.1, 264.3

.42 General collections from the Tanakh and Apocrypha

.43 Special collections from the Tanakh and Apocrypha

.44 Complete texts of the Tanakh (with or without the Apocrypha)(264.45 – 264.49 Specific books of the Tanakh and Apocrypha)

.45 Torah (Pentateuch)Class here general works on the historical books of the Tanakh

.451 Genesis

.452 Exodus


264 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 264 .453 Leviticus.454 Numbers.455 Deuteronomy.46 Prophetic books (Nevi’im).461 Former Prophets (Nevi’im rishonim).461 1 Joshua.461 2 Judges.461 3 Samuel.461 31 Samuel 1 (or Kings 1).461 32 Samuel 2 (or Kings 2).461 4 Kings.461 41 Kings 1 (or Kings 3).461 42 Kings 2 (or Kings 4).462 Later Prophets (Nevi’im aharonim).462 3 Isaiah.462 4 Jeremiah.462 5 Ezekiel.463 Minor Prophets.463 23 Hosea.463 25 Joel.463 33 Amos.463 35 Obadiah.463 43 Jonah.463 45 Micah.463 53 Nahum.463 55 Habakkuk.463 63 Zephaniah.463 65 Haggai.463 73 Zechariah.463 75 Malachi.47 Writings (Ketuvim)

Class here Biblical wisdom literature – for Apocryphal wisdom literature, use 264.483.471 Psalms.472 Proverbs.473 Job.474 Megillot (five scrolls).474 1 Song of Solomon (Song of songs).474 2 Ruth.474 3 Lamentations.474 4 Ecclesiastes.474 5 Esther.475 Daniel.476 Ezra (Esdras).477 Nehemiah (Esdras 2).478 Chronicles.478 1 Chronicles 1.478 2 Chronicles 2.48 Apocrypha.481 Esdras.481 1 Esdras 1 (or 3).481 2 Esdras 2 (or 4)


264 Bible and other Jewish Scripture 264 .482 1 Tobit.482 2 Judith.482 3 Additions to Esther.483 Wisdom of Solomon

Class here Apocryphal wisdom literature.484 Ecclesiasticus (Sirach).485 3 Baruch.485 5 Epistle of Jeremiah.486 1 Song of the three children.486 2 Susanna.486 3 Bel and the dragon.487 Maccabees.487 1 Maccabees 1.487 2 Maccabees 2.487 3 Maccabees 3.487 4 Maccabees 4.488 Prayer of Manasseh.49 Pseudepigrapha.491 Historical books.492 Poetic books.492 3 Odes of Solomon

Class here pseudepigraphal wisdom literature .493 Prophetic books.493 2 Books of Enoch.493 4 Assumption of Moses.493 6 Ascension of Elijah.493 8 Jewish Apocalypses.493 83 Apocalypse of Elijah.494 Testaments .494 5 Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs.5 Talmudic literature and Midrash.51 Works about Talmudic Literature and Midrash

Add to the base number 264.51 the numbers following 264.1.518 3 Persons

Class here Soferim, Tannaim, Amoraim, Geonim.55 Talmudic Literature.553 Mishnah.553 1 Order Zera’im

Includes tractates Berakhot, Bikkurim, Demai, Hallah, Kilayim, Ma’aser Sheni, Ma’aserot, Orlah, Pe’ah, Shevi’it, Terumot.

.553 2 Order Mo’edIncludes tractates Bezah, Eruvin, Hagigah, Megillah, Mo’ed Katan, Pesahim, Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat, Shekalim, Sukkah, Ta’anit, Yoma

.553 3 Order NashimIncludes tractates Gittin, Ketubbot, Kiddushin, Nazir, Nedarim, Sotah, Yevamot

.553 4 Order NezikinIncludes tractates Avodah Zarah, Bava Batra, Bava Kamma, Bava Mezia, Eduyyot, Horayot, Makkot, Sanhedrin, Shevu’ot

Tractate Avot (Pirke Avot).553 5 Order Kodashim

Includes tractates Arakhin, Bekhorot, Hullin, Keritot, Kinnim, Me’ilah, Menahot, Middot, Tamid, Temurah, Zevahim


264 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 264 .553 6 Order Tohorot

Includes tractates Kelim, Makhshirin, Mikva’ot, Nega’im, Niddah, Oholot (Ahilot), Parah, Tevul Yom, Tohorot, Ukzin, Yadayim, Zavim

.553 7 Minor tractates

.554 Palestinian Talmud (Jerusalem Talmud, Talmud Yerushalmi)(Add to base notation 264.554 notation following 264.553 for particular tractates and orders).555 Babylonian Talmud (often simply called the Talmud)(Add to base notation 264.555 notation following 264.553 for particular tractates and orders).556 Tosefta and Baraita.556 2 Tosefta(Add to base notation 264.5562 notation following 264.553 for particular tractates and orders).556 3 Baraita.557 Specific types of Talmudic literature.557 4 Halakhah.557 6 Aggadah.57 Midrash.571 Midrashic Halakhah.572 Midrashic Aggadah.6 Halakhah (Legal literature)

Including early rabbinical legal writings, comprehensive works on rabbinical writings to 1400.Class commandments (mitzvot) treated as laws, the 613 commandments, comprehensive works on Jewish law in 266Class commandments (mitzvot) treated as ethical values in 265.4Class strictly secular Jewish law in 340.58 – however in this schedule much that was formerly classed in 340.58 will now go in 266 – be aware of the different degree of distinction between the secular and the religious in Judaism as compared with (say) Christianity.For Torah, see 264.45; for Talmudic Halakhah, see 264.5574; for Midrashic Halakhah see 264.571 For Jewish legal writings since 1400 class in 266 with subject.

.61 Works about HalakhahAdd to the base number 264.61 notation following 264.1 – for instance Secular subjects in the Halakhah 264.617

.64 Legal writings of MaimonidesClass here comprehensive works on writings of Maimonides.Class Philosophical writings of Maimonides in 181.06

.65 Works of Joseph CaroClass here Shulhan ’arukh

.66 ResponsaClass responsa on particular subjects with the subject under 266

.664 Responsa of reform movementsAdd to base number 264.664 notation following 262.7

.7 Other ancient scriptural and quasi-scriptural wrings

.73 Sources of ancient sects and movements

.735 Writings of Qumran CommunityClass here comprehensive works on Dead Sea Scrolls. Class the Qumran community itself at 262.7145 – class works on a specific Biblical book or books in the context of the scrolls at the appropriate heading under 264.4

.75 Cabalistic literatureClass here interdisciplinary works on cabala.The texts of religious cabalistic works are classed here even if the editor introduces them from an occultist or Christian point of view.Class Jewish mystical experience and comprehensive works on Jewish mysticism in 268.58 – class Jewish mystical movements at 262.763

.752 Zohar80

264 Bible and other Jewish Scripture 264

.8 Aggadah (Nonlegal literature) and oral traditionsStories, legends, parables, proverbs, anecdotes, ancient or modern, told for religious edification.Class here comprehensive works on Aggadah.For Talmudic Aggadah, see 264.5576; for Midrashic Aggadah, see 264.572

.81 Works about AggadahAdd to the base number 264.81 notation following 264.1

.82 General collections of Aggadah

.83 Special Collections of AggadahAdd to the base number 264.83 notation following 264.3

.85 Jewish stories and legends

265 God, ethical core, principles Class here summaries, overviews of Jewish Doctrine, Theology – e.g. thirteen articles of faith. In case of doubt as to whether a work treats theology or law (266) – class with law.

[.0 Schools and kinds of theology]Do NOT use 265.0 on its own – this number only has meaning when followed by other notat-ion, as detailed below For basic concepts of God etc., use 265.1 – for specific sects, movements, use 262.7

.01 Jewish orthodox theology

.011 Scriptural theologyAdd to the base number 265.011 the numbers following the decimal point in 264 – thus Jewish Bible theology 265.011 4 – Talmudic theology 265.011 5.

.013 Neo-orthodoxy

.017 FundamentalismIncluding millennialism

.03 Philosophical theologiesClass Deism, Theism as creeds in their own right at 212.1 – see also manual note at 100 vs. 200

.04 Dispensationalist theology

.05 Liberal, reform theologies

.054 Modernism

.055 Feminist theologyClass feminism as such at 265.322

.059 Liberation theology

.07 Ecumenical and “uniting” theologies

.075 Syncretic theologies

.08 Contextual theology

.083 Theology concerning particular groups of peopleAdd to base number 265.083 appropriate notation from Table PS1

.086 Theology in the context of particular countries, regions, placesAdd to base number 265.086 appropriate notation from Table 2

.1 God

.11 Oneness of GodClass Jewish discussions or refutations of Trinitarian, polytheistic, pantheistic etc. conceptions of God under 265.11 – adding to the base number 265.11 notation following 205.11 as appropriate.

.12 Existence, knowability, names, attributes of God

.121 Existence of God

.121 2 Proofs[.121 3 Agnosticism][.121 4 Atheism]

Do NOT use 265.1213 or 265.1214 Class Jewish discussions, refutations of atheism, agnosticism at 261.61233, 261.61234


265 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 265 .123 Knowability of God.123 1 Knowable/Unknowable in Essence.123 2 Knowable through logic, reason.123 4 Knowable through faith.123 6 Knowable through tradition.123 8 Acceptance through revelation, scripture.125 Attributes (names) of God.125 2 Goodness of God.125 25 God the helper

See also 265.315 for dependence of Humanity on God..125 3 God the Creator.125 4 Just Ruler of the universe

Include here Theodicy (vindication of God’s justice in permitting evil and suffering to exist). .125 41 Sovereignty, kingdom of God.125 42 Wisdom, omniscience of God.125 43 Mercy of God.125 45 Justice of God.125 5 Other attributes and titles

Including omnipotence, transcendence etc. – for Love of God use 265.15..15 Love of God.18 Primal will, Holy Spirit.2 Other supernatural, divine or semi-divine beings.21 Messiah, Lord of Hosts.25 Spirit beings.253 Ancestors, ghosts of the dead.255 Good spirits, Angels etc..257 Neutral, morally ambiguous spirits.258 Evil spirits, demons, fallen angels etc..258 1 Satan

.3 Humanity

.31 Creation, purpose, relation to God

.311 Faith, belief and doubtFor proofs of the existence of God use 265.121 – for faith as a virtue, use 265.472

.312 Creation in the image of God

.313 Relationship between soul and body – essential nature of the individualFor works on the immortality of the soul, use 265.324 – for salvation, see 265.34

.315 Dependence of humanity on God

.315 5 Submission to the will of God

.316 Conscience – sense of right and wrong, of shame

.32 Nature of humanity and human society – relation to natural world

.321 Relations between nations and the races of humankind

.322 Relations between the sexesClass here feminism, and male supremist works, as well as the equality of the sexes.

.323 Relations between social classesFor economic aspects of this question – use 265.663 5

.324 Immortality of the human spiritIncluding death – near-death experiences etc.

.326 Humankind and the natural world


265 Jewish Doctrine, Theology 265 .33 Eschatology

Class death, immortality under 265.324 – class heaven, hell and the life to come under 265.348..332 Eternity.333 Resurrection, return.335 Day of God; last days; last judgement etc..337 Calamity, wrath of God.34 Salvation etc..342 Good and evil.343 Temptation, sin (class here original sin and fall).343 3 Mortal and venial sin.344 Accountability, guilt, responsibility for sins.345 Repentance, atonement, contrition.346 Redemption.347 Salvation, divine forgiveness.347 5 Grace and good works.347 53 Grace.347 55 Good works.348 Heaven and Hell.4 Principles, morals, personal ethics

For Jewish occupational ethics see 265.5, social ethics 265.6 Class here “natural law”, “divine law” but for specific laws, codes of conduct use 266.Class at 265.4 general works on virtues and vices and “living a good life” – but class Conscience, sense of shame at 265.316, and Good and evil, Sin, and Good works (in salvation) under 265.34.

[.40 Guides to a good and holy life for specific classes of person]Add to the base number 265.40 numbers from Table PS1 – as in the following examples – if necessary refer to the table for more detail. For specific virtues see 265.41 – 265.49 For works containing guides to a good and holy life for several kinds of people use 265.4, NOT 265.40

.402 Children

.403 Adolescents, youth, university students

.404 Adults

.404 2 Men

.404 3 Women

.404 5 ParentsClass here religious works on child rearing, parenting

.405 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.406 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement[.408 Occupational groups]

Do not use 265.408 For works on living a good and holy life for members of a particular trade or profession – prefer occupational ethics under 265.5

(265.41 – 265.49 Specific qualities, virtues and vices)In this schedule, vice is seen as a deficiency of its corresponding virtue. E.g., a work on pride (as a vice) is classed at the number for humility. Moral qualities are defined positively throughout – although each positive quality is implicitly accompanied by its negative opposite.

.41 Justice, fair-mindedness

.411 Equity, fairness

.412 Fair-mindedness, absence of bigotry

.414 Freedom from superstitious rejection of scientific or other truth.

.415 Rejection and elimination of prejudice and intolerance, open-mindedness

.415 1 Religious intolerance

.415 2 Moral intoleranceClass here undue intolerance due to differing moral standards – e.g. homophobia.

.415 3 Racism and Ethnicism

.415 4 Prejudice based on socio/economic difference, snobbery


265 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 265 .415 5 Sexism.415 7 Ageism.415 8 Intolerance of people suffering from illnesses, handicaps, other misfortune.416 Mercy, forgiveness.42 Honour, purity.421 Self-respect, honour.422 Honesty, ethical dealing.424 Truthfulness.426 Trustworthiness.427 Matching words with deeds (class here hypocrisy).428 Purity.429 Chastity, sexual and reproductive morals (class here lust, promiscuity).43 Self-control, prudence, wisdom.433 Moderation, temperance, restraint (class here excess, gluttony, drunkenness).434 Thrift (including careful use of natural resources – but see 265.442 below).436 Dignity.437 Modest dress and sensible reaction to fashion .438 Patience, gentleness (class here anger, wrath, violence).439 Wisdom, prudence, discretion.44 Kindliness and related virtues, caring.442 Concern for the environment, life in general.442 5 Kindness to animals (including humanity in hunting and other use of animals).442 7 Vegetarianism.443 “Golden Rule”.443 3 Sympathy and empathy, compassion (class here envy, jealousy).443 7 Respect for others’ rights.443 73 Respect for human life (class here murder, suicide).443 75 Respect for the property of others (class here theft, unfeeling destructiveness).444 Generosity, charity, care for the poor and sick (class here greed, selfishness).445 Encouragement.446 Courtesy and tact (class here abuse, profanity, verbal cruelty, backbiting).447 Hospitality.448 Gratitude.449 Tolerance.45 Love and related virtues.453 Love.455 Friendliness, friendship.46 Selflessness and related virtues.462 Sacrifice.464 Service.47 Humility and related virtues.471 Humility.473 Reverence (class here blasphemy) .475 Obedience.48 Faith and related virtues.482 Faith.483 Courage.484 Happiness, Cheerfulness.485 Hope.486 Steadfastness and perseverance.487 Sincerity.488 Zeal (class here sloth).49 Other qualities and virtues/vices


265 Jewish Doctrine, Theology 265

.5 Occupational ethicsAt 265.5 class the “work ethic”, work as service to humankind, as worship of God.For ethics of a particular occupation - add to the base number 265.5 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g. ethics for Jewish clergy 265.52, medical ethics 265.561, ethics of management 265.565 Class specific virtues under 265.4 – e.g. honesty at 265.422

.6 Social doctrinesClass here doctrine affecting Judaism and society. Works treating the practical relationships between Judaism and social questions should generally be classed under 261.73 Class doctrine concerning the social nature of humanity under 265.32 – use 266.5 for social laws.

.63 Jewish doctrine concerning Peace and War

.633 Pacifist doctrinesDoctrines absolutely forbidding war in any circumstances.

.634 Collective security

.635 Armaments – disarmament and arms control – morality of particular weapons.

.635 2 Landmines

.635 3 Chemical weapons

.635 4 Biological weapons

.635 5 Nuclear weapons/disarmament

.636 World peaceFor international cooperation in general use 265.655

.637 Warfare

.637 3 Just warWar necessarily waged, for a just cause.

.637 8 Civil warClass civil disobedience, revolution at 265.653 2

.65 Jewish doctrine concerning governmentClass here doctrine on citizenship

.653 Individuals and the state

.653 2 Obedience to governmentClass here doctrine on civil disobedience, revolution – class civil war at 265.637 8

.653 23 Military serviceClass here conscientious objection

.653 5 Civil rights

.654 Nationalism, patriotism

.655 International relations, co-operation, world federation

.656 Political systems

.66 Jewish doctrine concerning economicsFor the specific virtues of justice, honesty, thrift, generosity etc. see numbers under 265.4

.663 Spiritual solutions to economic questions

.663 3 Relations between capital and labour

.663 5 Excessive inequality – difference between very rich and very poorClass here doctrine about poverty.

.665 Economic systems

.665 3 Socialism

.665 5 Communism

.665 7 Capitalism

.67 Doctrine concerning social life, customs and change

.673 Social life and customs

.673 5 Games, amusements, pastimes

.675 Social change


266 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 266

266 Jewish laws, prescriptions and proscriptionsLaw enacted by religious or ecclesiastic bodies, and all other obligations, prescriptions and proscriptions, scriptural or legislated, imposed on Jews. Class Jewish attitudes to secular law, and secular law as it affects Jewish institutions etc. EITHER under 261.734 or at the standard Dewey number under 340 – depending on the stress of the work concerned. Class scriptural texts used as source for Jewish law under 264 – e.g. class Mosaic law at 264.45 If there is any doubt as to whether a work is about a teaching (theology) or law (265 or 266), class under 266 rather than 265.

.1 General codes of personal, social conduct

.11 The Golden RuleIncluding the Silver Rule. For adherence to the golden rule as a virtue, use 265.443

.12 Ten CommandmentsClass works on individual commandments at appropriate place below

.3 Personal laws

.31 Laws affecting personal status as a Jew

.311 Conversion to Judaism

.312 Sanctions affecting membership

.313 Expulsion, excommunication

.314 Conversion to another religion – lapsed membership

.315 Membership of other bodies, religious or otherwise

.316 Obligations and privileges

.316 4 Tithes and other obligatory payments. For dietary obligations use 266.33

.32 Laws of personal conduct

.321 Laws concerning respect for God, JudaismClass here binding authority of Jewish religious institutions

.321 2 Apostasy, heresyClass here works in favour of, or against, religious freedom, toleration within Judaism.

.321 4 Blasphemy

.322 Laws affecting sexual conduct, reproductionClass sexual abuse, rape at 266.32474 For marriage laws use 266.553 – for chastity, general sexual morality as a virtue, use 265.429, as precondition of marriage 266.55326

.322 2 Adultery and fornication

.322 4 Homosexuality

.322 6 Birth control; abortion; artificial insemination, embryo transplant

.322 8 Pornography – obscenity in literature, art etc.

.324 Laws concerning respect of the body, of human life

.324 5 Use of alcohol and other drugs

.324 52 Use of tobacco, caffeine, other mild stimulants

.324 54 Alcohol

.324 56 Marijuana and other “soft” narcotics

.324 57 Opium and its derivatives, including heroin

.324 59 Other “hard” narcotics

.324 7 Violence (including violence within the family)

.324 72 Assault

.324 74 Rape – sexual abuse

.324 742 Sexual abuse of children

.324 75 Murder and manslaughter

.324 76 Suicide – assisted suicide and euthanasia


266 Jewish Law 266 .326 Laws concerning respect of property.326 3 Theft.326 5 Fraud.326 7 Malicious damage, arson etc..327 Laws of respect for other’s rights.327 6 Libel, slander.327 8 Discrimination.328 Other “personal” laws.328 2 Gambling.328 4 Involvement with psychic phenomena, the occult.33 Laws of diet (Kosher, Kashrut).334 Foods totally proscribed (e.g. as unclean).334 2 Unclean beasts.335 Use of blood.336 Methods of slaughter of animals (shehitah).338 Methods of cooking – proscribed combinations of food.35 Laws of dress

Include veiling of women, modesty in dress etc. – for works on the ethics of decent, sensible dress prefer 265.437 – for special forms, standards of dress undertaken for ascetic purposes use 268.43 – for vestments, etc. worn for prayer or worship use 268.8372

.5 Social laws

.53 Theocracy, religious governmentFor the relationship between Judaism and the secular state use 261.732 – for Jewish doctrine on relations with secular government use 265.65 Class here temporal power, authority of Jewish religious leaders and institutions, law concerning governance of Jewish religious institutions.

.55 Laws of family life

.552 Duties of children to parentsClass here parental authority. For duties of parents to children use 266.555

.553 Marriage

.553 2 Restrictions as to whom one may marry

.553 22 Restrictions based on membership of a different religionClass here interfaith marriage between Jews and non-Jews

.553 24 Restrictions based on consanguinity, relationship by marriage

.553 26 Restrictions based on requirements of premarital chastity, virginity

.553 3 Courtship, betrothal

.553 4 Parental consent

.553 6 Dowry, bride price

.553 8 Divorce – remarriage

.554 Law concerned with death

.554 3 Treatment of human remains, burial – cremation

.554 4 Laws concerned with mourning

.554 5 Laws of inheritance

.555 Responsibility (of parents and other family members) for childrenClass here laws concerning child rearing.

.555 3 Responsibility for the physical welfare of children

.555 5 Responsibility for the moral/spiritual welfare of children

.555 7 Responsibility for education of childrenClass religious education of Jewish children at 268.752

.56 Status of individuals by social position, sex, age etc.Add to the base number 266.56 numbers from Table PS1


266 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 266 .57 Religious punishments

This heading is reserved for punishments specifically sanctioned or required by Jewish law. For Jewish attitudes to punishments enacted by the secular state, for non-religious offences, use appropriate class numbers under 261.73 – e.g. capital punishment 261.736 466

.572 Religious sanctions

.575 Fines and confiscations

.577 Corporal punishment etc.

.578 Imprisonment

.579 Capital punishment

267 Jewish festive and holy daysClass here works on the Jewish religious calendar in general – devotions for particular festivals. Class rites and ceremonies associated with particular days at 268.857

.1 Sabbath

.23 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new Year)

.25 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

.33 Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

.335 Simhat Torah

.43 Hanukkah (Feast of the Dedication)

.45 Purim (Feast of Lots)

.53 Pesach (Passover)

.55 Shavuot (Feast of weeks, Pentecost)

.6 Other festivals, holy days, fasts

.62 Lag b’Omer

.64 Tishah b’Av

.7 Festivals, holy days, fasts associated with the land of Israel

.72 Sabbatical year

268 Jewish religious life and practiceClass here spirituality. Class works on virtues, Jewish ethics under 265.4

.1 Covenant Including special relationship between the Jewish people and God.

.2 Pilgrimage and holy places, objects

.21 Pilgrimage, visits to holy places

.26 Jewish holy places

.261 In Israel

.261 1 Jerusalem

.264-9 ElsewhereAdd to base number 268.26 numbers 4-9 from Table 2

.3 Personal Devotions

.32 General devotional literatureClass here meditations, general works on the spiritual life. Class scriptural collections in this category at 264.326, devotional literature on specific subjects with the subject concerned – e.g. guides to an ethically good and holy life at 265.4, devotional literature consisting mainly or entirely of prayers at 268.33Class devotional literature related to a particular holy day, feast or other religious occasion either with comprehensive works on the feast in question (under 267), or with literature on the celebration of that day or season (under 268.857) as appropriate.For devotional literature for particular classes of person – add to the base number 268.32 not-ation from Table PS1 – e.g. devotional literature written to console and fortify people suffering from bereavement 268.3266 – devotional literature for the use of families 268.3244


268 Jewish Religious Life and Practice 268 .33 Prayer

Class here general, comprehensive works on prayer, the power of prayer – class works spec-ifically treating prayer used in worship under 268.8

.331 Texts of prayers (other than scriptural texts) – prayer books

.34 Repetition of holy verses etc.

.35 Reading, reciting of scripture

.4 Ritual self-denial – fasting – asceticism – vows

.44 Dietary self-denialClass Jewish dietary laws and restrictions at 266.33

.443 FastingClass days, periods set aside for fasting under 267

.5 Meditation and mysticism, religious experience

.53 Meditation and contemplation

.58 MysticismClass here Jewish mysticism in general – class particular sects with mystical leanings (e.g. Hasidism) under 262.763

.6 Other Mystic PracticesClass here general works on the occult from a Jewish point of view. Class belief in the occult as a religion in its own right at 212.365 – occultist interpretations of Jewish scripture with the works concerned ; Jewish law connected with occult practices at 266.328 4

.62 Religious healingClass here spiritual healing, faith healing.

.64 Exorcism

.66 Spiritualist activities (communication with the dead)For spiritualism as a religion in its own right, see 212.38

.68 ProphecyFor prophecy enshrined in scripture, see under 264.149

.7 Religious educationClass here Judaism as an academic subject

.73 Methods

.731 Self education – personal improvement

.732 Informal gatherings, discussions

.733 Formal classes etc

.736 Use of drama (including electronic media – puppetry)

.737 Preaching, sermons and lecturesClass sermons, lectures on particular topics with the topic concerned.

.738 Use of particular types of materials

.738 6 Audiovisual materials

.739 Use of mass media

.739 2 Print media

.739 4 RadioClass radio drama at 268.736

.739 6 TelevisionClass television drama at 268.736

.75 Jewish religious education, training for particular groups of peopleAdd to base number 268.75 relevant numbers from Table PS1. A selection of likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.752 Children

.753 Adolescents, youth, university students

.754 Adults

.754 2 Men

.754 3 Women89

268 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 268 .755 Persons in late adulthood – elderly.756 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement.757 Persons of a particular class or caste – social and economic status.758 Occupational groups

Add to the number 268.758 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Medical pro-fession, health workers 268.758 61.

.759 People by religious status – religious groups

.759 1 New and recent converts – people isolated from other Jews

.759 13 New converts

.759 15 Isolated believers

.759 6 Clergy, religious leaders

.76 Syllabus, particular subjects in Jewish religious educationAdd to the base number 268.76 the numbers following 26 in 261-269 – e.g. learning about scripture 268.764 – training religious educators 268.7687

.77 Places, schools, institutions of (Jewish) religious education

.772 Religious education in secular schools

.773 Religious education in religious schools

.775 Religious education in tertiary institutions

.777 Colleges, institutes of religious education

.8 Rites and WorshipIncluding individual and community praise of God, ritual purification, celebration of holy days, special occasions.Class personal prayer, reading of scripture at 268.35 Class sermons and preaching at 268.737

.802 Historical rites, public services of ancient Judaism to 70 A.D.Class historic rites of later periods with 268.81/89

.802 1 The Temple

.802 2 Sacrifices and offerings

.802 3 Ark of the Covenant

.802 5 Ancient priesthood

.81 Essential nature, theory and types of Jewish worshipClass liturgy of specific sects and divisions of Judaism with those sects and divisions – e.g. Hasidic liturgy 262.76328

.815 2 Ari liturgy

.815 4 Ashkenazic liturgy

.815 6 Separdic liturgy

.82 Order of worship, services

.822 Service books – texts of liturgies

.823 Congregational prayer

.824 Reading, reciting, chanting scripture in worship

.83 Symbolism and its use in Jewish ritual

.835 Particular symbols and symbolic objects

.835 4 Torah scrolls (discussion, description of)Actual copies of Jewish scripture, in whatever form, are classed under 264

.836 Wearing of symbolic objectsIncluding rings, medals, and other jewellery. Class particular symbols at 208.835 – vestments and other special clothing at 208.8372

.837 Use of art and artefacts, substances in worshipClass the relationship between art and Judaism in general at 261.77 – class religious art in 700s

.837 2 Vestments, prayer shawls, caps – other special clothing connected with worship

.837 3 Furnishings and decoration of synagogues etc.


268 Jewish Religious Life and Practice 268 .84 Use of music in worship

For cantors see 269.628 44Class Jewish music in general in 780s

.844 Song books, “hymnals” etc.

.85 Celebration of particular occasions

.852 Rites of passage

.852 3 Rites for Male Jews

.852 31 Berit milah (Circumcision)

.852 33 Pidyon haben (Redemption of first born son)

.852 35 Bar mitzvah

.852 5 Rites for Female JewsIncluding naming ceremonies.

.852 55 Bat mitzvah

.853 Weddings and Divorce rites

.853 3 Jewish weddings

.853 5 Divorce rites

.854 Funerals and mourning rites

.854 3 Jewish funerals

.854 5 Mourning rites

.857 Celebration of feasts, holy days etc.Add to base number 268.857 notation following 267 – e.g. Passover Haggadah 268.85753

.858 Worship at particular times of the day

.859 Prayers to accompany specific human activities

.859 5 Prayers at mealtimes

.859 8 Prayers for travellers

.86 Rites of purification, absolution

.861 Rites of personal, family purification

.861 5 Ritual bathing (Mikveh)

.862 Sacrifices, offeringsFor money offerings, collections, use 268.9 – historical rites of sacrifice 268.8022

.862 3 Votive offerings

.862 8 Animal sacrifices

.863 Confession of sins

.865 Penances

.866 Absolution

.875 Services of ordination of clergyClass works on the theology of ordination at 269.64

.88 Other rites and rituals

.882 Rites of dedication, blessing

.882 3 of buildings (e.g. of houses of worship)

.882 5 of vehicles (e.g. ambulances, aircraft, ships)

.89 Interfaith and ecumenical worship

.9 Charity, donations to Jewish religious institutions, “collections”.Class here giving of alms. For obligatory payment of tithes, regular contributions to religious institutions, class at 266.3164 For charity, generosity as virtues, use 265.444


269 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 269

269 Jewish Institutions and organisations, administration.03 Directories.04 Statistics

Where directories or statistics refer to particular places (e.g. cities, countries etc.) add to the base numbers 269.03 or 269.04 appropriate numbers from Table 2.

.1 General Administrative Topics

.11 General administrationFor subjects not allowed for below – add to the base number 269.11 the numbers following 65 in 651-659 – e.g. General Office administration 269.111 For public relations, advertising use 269.83, rather than 269.119 - for financial management, use 269.117 rather than 269.11815

.18 Conferences and administrative meetings

.2 Administrative Centres and Houses of Worship

.22 International Jewish centres of religious administration

.24 National centres

.25 Local centres, communities, congregations

.26 SynagoguesClass historic temple at 268.8021.

.3 Administrative Institutions

.34 Governing institutions

.38 Protective institutions

.4 Clubs, associations, societies etc.Including secret societies etc.

.42 General

.422 International

.424 National and Local

.425 Institutional

.425 7 University Jewish associations

.44 For particular groups of peopleAdd to the base number 269.44 notation from Table PS1. Do NOT use headings under 269.448 (persons by occupation) – for societies for Jewish musicians, for instance, use 209.4578 rather than 209.44878

.45 Special interest groupsAdd to the base number 269.45 the Dewey number for the interest concerned. Class also here clubs and societies limited to people of a particular occupation

.6 Religious leadershipRabbis etc. Class ancient priesthood at 268.8025

.62 Religious leaders with specific functionsBuild specific numbers as at 209.62 – e.g.

.628 44 Cantors

.64 Ordination of clergyClass works on ceremonies, liturgy of ordination at 268.875

.643 Ordination of women

.65 DutiesFor religious education use 268.7 – including preaching and sermons at 268.737 – for outreach use 269.8.657 Pastoral care

Including counselling, spiritual direction and guidance – consolation..657 5 Of particular groups of people

Add to the base number 269.6575 numbers from Table PS1 – most likely headings are listed below – but refer to the table for more detail.

.657 52 Children


269 Jewish Institutions and Organisations - Administration 269 .657 53 Adolescents, youth, university students


269 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 269 .657 54 Adults.657 542 Men.657 543 Women.657 55 Persons in late adulthood – elderly.657 56 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement.657 57 Persons of a particular class or caste – social and economic status.657 571 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste.657 575 Persons of middle class.657 578 Members of upper, privileged classes.657 58 Occupational groups

Add to the number 269.65758 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Pastoral care of members of the medical profession, health workers 269.6575861, chaplaincy to milit-ary forces 269.65758355

.657 59 People by religious status – religious groups

.657 591 New and recent converts – people isolated from other Jews

.657 596 Clergy, religious leaders

.8 Outreach to non-practicing Jews and GentilesClass here religious revivals, renewal campaigns.Where appropriate – add to base number 269.8 notation following 209.8


270 Christianity 270

270 ChristianityClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Christianity at 270 Class as “Christian” all religious groups considering themselves to be Christian – however heterodox or eccentric their beliefs and practices may appear.A library connected with a particular church or specialising for some other reason in a par-ticular kind of Christianity may optionally treat the general Christian number as referring to their own denomination – classing all Christian material specifically concerned with other churches under 272.4/9 – see manual note at 272.4/9 vs. 270/9General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. Most likely subjects are in fact enumerated below, but any additional (and appropriate) headings occurring in 201-209 can be applied to Christianity by adding to the base number 27 notation following 20 in 201-209, always provided that this does not clash with an existing “enumerated” number.

271 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons.3 General introductions to the subject of Christianity

Class comprehensive works, encyclopedias of Christianity at 270Class works on Christianity in particular countries under 272.6

.4 Value of ChristianityIncluding attacks on, and defences of, the value of Christianity.

.43 Works defending, praising the value of Christianity (apologetics for Christianity)

.48 Works attacking, denigrating the value of Christianity (polemics against Christianity)Class works defending or attacking Christianity from the point of view of another religion (or anti-religion) with the religious point of view of the author(s).

.6 Christianity in relation to other religionsAdd to the base number 271.6 the notation following 2 in 200 that serves to define the religion to which Christianity is to be compared – e.g. Christianity and Judaism 271.66 Class here apologies for, polemics against, and other works on different religions from a Christian point of view – other religions considered in the light of Christianity, and works on relations between Christians and members of other religions.

.7 Christianity compared or opposed to other (secular) subjectsAdd to the base number 271.7 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Christianity and science” (271.7+500) becomes “271.75”.Use 271.7 numbers for clash and controversy, for influence or prohibition, and for real or imagined incompatibility (or reconciliation or refutation of this incompatibility). In particular, a religious library will sometimes class a work at this point that another library would class with its “other” subject.Refer also to the note at 201.7 before using a class number at this point.In any case, do not class either specific religious teachings or doctrines, or works that belong outside the 200s at this point. For example, “Christianity and civil rights” is a useful heading at 271.7323 – but specific Christian doctrine touching on the same subject is classed at 275.6535; and secular or general works on the right to religious freedom will be classed under 323!

272 Historical and geographical treatment of Christianity.5 General Church History

Class works on the history of particular topics, aspects of Christianity with the topic con-cerned – e.g. the history of Christian missions is classed at 279.872 Class history of Christianity in particular countries in 272.6 unless the work concerned refers to a particular time or historical period. Class history of doctrinal controversy in the church at 272.72.

.51 Advent of Jesus

.52 Ministry of JesusFor the life of Jesus, use 273.13


272 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 272 .53 The Church in apostolic times (up to about 325).535 Early opposition and persecution.54 Period of ecumenical councils (325 – 787).55 The Church in the middle ages (787 – c1300).553 787 – 1054

Class here works on the Great Schism of 1054.555 1054 – 1300

Class here works on the religious significance of the Crusades..56 The early renaissance Church (up to 1512).57 Reformation and counter reformation (1512 – 1648)

Class here works on the 16th and 17th centuries in general. Class general as opposed to historical works on the Protestant Reformation at 272.726

.58 Peace of Westphalia to French Revolution (1648 – 1789)Class here works on the 18th century in general.

.59 The Church in the modern period (since 1789)

.591 1789 – 1900 (19th century)

.592 1901 – 2000 (20th century)

.593 2001 – 2100 (21st century)

.6 Christianity in particular places, countries, geographic regionsAdd to the base number 272.6 notation 4-9 from Table 2, e.g. The Church in Australia 272.694Class works on the history of Christianity in a particular country or region in a particular period under period rather than country e.g. class “The Church in Medieval Spain” at 272.55 rather than 272.646

.7 Controversy and division in the Christian Church – Denominations, sects etc.Class particular “schools of theology” in a generalised sense, or in relation to several sects under 275.0 – e.g. Christian Fundamentalism 275.017Obviously not all of the divisions of Christianity can be specifically covered here – although most minor churches not specifically covered clearly go under one of our more general headings. Where appropriate, add to the base number for a particular denomination notation following 27 – thus the Anglican Church in Australia might be 272.7622694 See further examples at 272.798, and the manual notes at 272.74/9 vs. 270/9

.71 Relations between the denominations

.712 Interdenominational strife – persecutions etc

.712 3 Inquisitions

.719 Ecumenical movement – interdenominational co-operation

.72 History of Christian doctrinal controversyClass particular churches (especially modern ones) resulting from these controversies at 272.74 – 272.79. Class works on particular persecutions etc. at 272.712

.721 1st – 2nd centuriesClass here Christian Gnosticism, Pauline vs. “Jewish” Christianity.

.722 3rd centuryClass here Christian Manichaeism

.723 Sabellianism

.724 4th centuryIncluding Arianism, Donatism

.725 5th centuryIncluding Pelagianism

.726 6th – 16th centuriesIncluding Albigensianism, Catharism, Waldensianism, Antinomianism – various theological aspects of proto-Protestantism and Protestantism during the Reformation period.


272 Historical and Geographic Treatment of Christianity 272 .727 17th century

Including Molinism, Quietism, Comprehensive works on Jansenism. Also (e.g.) the Puritan movement in 17th century England and North America.

.728 18th century

.729 19th century and laterIncluding modernism

.73 Christian creeds, confessions of faithClass creeds, catechisms of particular denominations with the denomination in question – (at [-5] rather than [-273]). Class creeds, catechisms on particular topics with the topic concerned – class general summaries of Christian belief other than the following formal creeds in 275.

.732 Apostles creed

.734 Nicene creed

.736 Athanasian creed(272.74 – 272.79 Particular Sects and Denominations)

Class accounts of purely historical sects and movements under 272.72.74 Eastern and “Orthodox” denominations.742 Monophysite churches.742 2 Eutychian church.742 3 Armenian church.742 5 Jacobite church.743 Orthodox Churches.743 2 Syrian Orthodox.743 3 Greek Orthodox.743 5 Russian Orthodox.747 Coptic churches.747 3 Coptic church.747 5 Ethiopian church.748 Nestorian churches.75 Catholic churches

Class “Anglo-Catholics” at 272.762.752 “Eastern rite” Catholic churches.752 1 St. Thomas Churches (Mar Thoma, Syro-Malabar).753 “Roman” Catholics.756 “National” Catholic churches

Whether recognising authority of Papacy or not (but see following). Define using Table 2..757 Modern splinter “Catholic” churches.757 1 Constitutional Church.757 2 Gallican schismatic churches.757 3 Liberal Catholic Church.757 4 Little Church of France.757 5 Old Catholic churches.757 6 Philippine Independent Church.758 Jansenist churches.759 Arminian and Remonstrant churches.76 “Traditional” or “Mainstream” Protestant churches

Class here Protestantism in general. For the history of the reformation period, use 272.57..762 Anglican churches

Whether in communion with the See of Canterbury or not. Class here U.S. Episcopalian churches..763 Hussite, Moravian and Anabaptist churches


272 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 272 .764 Lutheran churches.765 Huguenot churches.766 Calvinist churches.766 4 Reformed (“Free”) churches.766 7 Presbyterian churches.766 8 Congregationalist churches

Class Calvinist Baptist churches under 272.768 .767 Albigensian, Catharist, Waldensian churches.768 Baptist churches.768 278 Disciples of Christ (Campbellites).769 Methodist churches.77 “Fundamentalist” Protestant churches

Class at 275.017 discussions of fundamentalism in the Christian church in general – there are fundamentalist individuals and groups in many Christian denominations other than those classed here. Note that some churches grouped under this heading tend nowadays to disavow the “fundamentalist” label, while others are proud of it. Our intent here is to group works on similar denominations for the purposes of study in a library setting, and not to make value judgements of any kind.

.772 Brethren

.772 2 Plymouth Brethren

.772 4 Evangelical United Brethren Church

.772 6 United Brethren in Christ

.773 Adventist and other Millennialist denominations

.773 2 Advent Christian Church

.773 3 Church of God

.773 4 Seventh-day Adventists

.773 7 Jehovah’s Witnesses

.774 Evangelical Churches

.774 3 Evangelical Free Church of America

.774 5 Independent Fundamental Churches of America

.775 Pentecostal and Charismatic denominations

.775 3 Assemblies of God

.775 5 United Pentecostal Church

.78 Radical and “Uniting” denominations

.781 Unitarian denominationsIncluding Universalist, Socinianist churches. Note that some non-Trinitarian denominations are specifically classed elsewhere (viz. Jehovah’s Witnesses at 272.773 7).

.783 Quakers, Mennonite churches, and Shakers

.783 3 Society of Friends (Quakers)

.783 5 Mennonite churches

.783 55 Amish

.783 8 Shakers

.785 “Undenominational” churches

.785 2 Church of Christ

.786 Salvation Army

.789 “United” and “Uniting” churchesClass here (e.g.) Uniting Church in Australia.

.79 “Quasi-Christian” denominations

.791 Syncretic denominationsUse this heading for churches incorporating doctrines and practices more commonly associat-ed with other religions, but claiming a basically Christian identity, e.g. Jewish Christians. Class Unitarian denominations (including Universalists) at 272.781 – Unification Church at 272.794 Class churches incorporating tribal, regional beliefs under 272.797.


272 Historical and Geographic Treatment of Christianity 272 (.792–.799 Other quasi-Christian Churches and denominations)

.792 Church of Christ, Scientist

.793 Church of the New Jerusalem

.794 Unification Church

.795 Unity School of Christianity

.796 New Thought (Christian)Class New Thought as a movement outside Christianity, as well as comprehensive works on the movement in general, at 212.523

.797 Churches with a strong “Non-Western” bentAdd to base number 272.797 notation 5-9 from Table 2 – as in the following examples:

.797 5 Asian “Quasi-Christian” churches

.797 6 African “Quasi-Christian” churches

.797 7 North American Indian churches incorporating tribal elements

.797 8 South American Indian churches incorporating tribal elements

.798 Mormonism (Latter Day Saints)Where appropriate – add notation from numbers following 27 (or 20) to the number for any specific denomination – as in the following examples for Mormonism. (see manual notes)

.798 27 Mormon sects

.798 27.R3 Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Community of Christ)

.798 31 Joseph Smith

.798 4 Mormon sources, holy books

.798 44 Book of Mormon

.798 46 Pearl of Great Price

273 PersonagesClass here Christian biography and general works about the central figures of Christianity. For persons (other than those actually named) falling into more than one category (say, a beatified member of a religious order) class with the category occurring first in the schedule.

.02 Old Testament Prophets etc.Use only for specifically Christian treatment. Where appropriate – add to base number 273.02 numbers following the decimal point in 263, e.g. Abraham 273.02221

.05 John the Baptist

.1 Jesus

.11 General and comprehensive worksClass here historicity of Jesus. For works specifically on the station of Jesus, use 275.21 For Jesus as a person of the Trinity – use 275.11132 – For Jesus as a Prophet in Islam – use 285.2177 – For Jesus as a Bahá’í Manifestation of God use 295.2177

.13 Life of JesusFor the Gospels – use 274.472. Festivals connected with events of Jesus’ life classed under 277. Class here works on the life of Jesus from a Christian or secular point of view, or from the view of another religion other than Islam or the Bahá’í Faith. Since Jesus is an important figure in his own right in these two religions – class all works on Jesus from a Muslim or Bahá’í viewpoint at 285.2177 or 295.2177 respectively.

.132 Birth and childhood

.132 2 Annunciation to Mary

.132 3 Virgin birth

.132 4 Nativity

.132 43 Adoration of the shepherds

.132 48 Adoration of the Magi (three wise men)

.132 5 Massacre of the innocents


273 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 273 .132 6 Flight into Egypt.132 8 Presentation.132 9 Jesus among the doctors.133 Public ministry.133 2 Baptism.133 3 Temptation.133 4 Calling of apostles.133 5 Transfiguration.133 7 Last supper (and other events leading up to the passion).134 Passion and death of Jesus.134 2 Betrayal, arrest

Class here Judas Iscariot..134 4 Trial, condemnation.134 6 Crucifixion, death .135 Resurrection etc.

Class here complete accounts of Easter story..135 2 Burial.135 3 Decent into hell.135 4 Resurrection.135 5 Appearances after resurrection.135 7 Ascension.2 The Holy Family.21 The Virgin Mary.212 Motherhood of Jesus, virginity, immaculate conception.214 Assumption (Ascent to heaven).215 Miracles and apparitions.22 St. Anne.23 St. Joachim.25 St. Joseph.3 The Apostles (the Twelve)

Class Judas Iscariot at 273.134 2.31 Simon Peter.32 Andrew.33 Sons of Zebedee.331 James.332 John.34 Phillip.35 Bartholomew.36 Thomas.37 Matthew.381 James (son of Alphaeus).382 Thaddeus (Judas brother of James).39 Simon the Zealot (the Canaanite).4 Other Saints, Martyrs and Church fathers.41 Apostles other than the twelve disciples.412 Paul.415 Matthias.42 Other Saints of Apostolic times.44 Church Fathers.45 Medieval Saints.47 Minor and modern Saints

For works (other than biography) on saints, sainthood, beatification etc. use 275.27


273 Christian Biography 273 (.49 Founders of denominations)

This heading is only used by libraries using “270-279” to refer to a single denomination of Christianity, to place biographical material of their own founder – see Manual Note at 272.74/9 vs. 270/9 (2). For all other libraries, founders of Christian denominations are classed with the denomination concerned, at [-31]

.5 Members of religious, monastic ordersClass here biography of Christian monks, nuns etc.

.6 Clergy and quasi-clergy, religious leadersFor duties, station of clergy, leaders etc. – use 279.6

.61 By kinds, hierarchical positionAdd to base number 273.61 numbers following 279.61 e.g. Biography of Popes – 273.6111

.62 By specialised function, dutiesAdd to base number 273.62 numbers following 279.62 – for example:

.626 2 Faith healers

.626 4 Exorcists

.627 37 Preachers, evangelists

.8 Missionaries

.9 Other Christian biographyIncluding scholars, theologians, historians etc.

274 Christian scriptures, BibleClass the reading of scripture as an aspect of religious life at 278.35 – the use of scripture in worship at 278.824

.1 Works about the Christian Scriptures (in general)Class works about particular scriptural works at the number for the work concerned

.11 Authorship, origins, authenticity

.112 Canon

.113 Inspiration – revelation

.113 2 Inerrancy, authority

.12 Concordances, indexes and dictionaries etc.

.13 Textual studies

.14 Study – scriptural criticism (exegesis)

.142 Philosophical and introductory studiesClass here hermeneutics and isagogics.

.144 Symbolisms and typology

.145 Harmonies

.146 Literary criticism (higher, internal, redaction criticism)

.147 Historical criticism

.148 Mythological, allegorical, numerological, astrological interpretations

.149 Discussion and interpretation of scriptural prophecies

.15 Summaries, paraphrases and commentaries

.17 Secular subjects in Christian scripture Add to the base number 274.17 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Mathematics in the Bible” becomes 274.1751

.18 Background to the Christian scriptures

.182 General history, civilisation of Bible times.Class Church history in 272.5 – class Bible stories for children in 274.3222

.183 PersonsGenerally, prefer 273 (Christian biography) for specific people, except for minor characters of Bible stories. For particular kinds of person add to the base number 274.183 appropriate num-bers from Table PS1 – e.g. Women in the Bible 274.183 43

.186 Geography – maps and atlases of relevant areas in Bible times


274 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 274 .19 History of Christian scripture.193 Textual history

Including scriptural archaeology – authority of ancient texts. Class works on history of the canon at 274.112

.195 History of translationsAdd to the base number 274.195 notation 2-9 from Table 6 – e.g. 274.195 2 English translations (as detailed below). Class actual scriptural texts, regardless of language, or translation, in 274.2 – 274.9

.195 21 Early (English) translations

.195 213 Coverdale

.195 215 Tyndale

.195 217 Wycliffe

.195 22 Douay versionIncluding Rheims-Douay, Challoner versions.

.195 23 King James (“Authorised”)

.195 24 Revised version

.195 242 Revised standard

.195 243 New Revised Standard

.195 25 Confraternity and New American

.195 26 New English and Revised English

.195 27 Jerusalem and New Jerusalem

.195 28 Other modern translations

.195 282 New King James

.195 283 New Century

.195 284 New International

.195 285 Today’s English Bible – (Good News Bible)

.195 286 New World

.195 287 Living Bible

.195 29 Translations by individual scholars

.195 292 Goodspeed

.195 294 Knox

.195 296 Moffatt

.195 298 Phillips

.2 General collections of extracts, paraphrases etc. from the Bible

.3 Special collections of extracts, paraphrases etc. from the Bible

.32 Collections compiled for a specific purpose

.322 Collections compiled for specific classes of readerAdd to base number 274.322 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.322 2 ChildrenIncluding Bible stories retold for children.

.322 6 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.322 71 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.322 91 New and isolated believers

.322 913 New converts

.322 915 Isolated believers

.325 Collections compiled for use in prayer

.326 Collections compiled for other personal devotions

.327 Collections compiled for use at feasts and/or holy days

.328 Collections compiled for educational purposes

.33 Collections linked by form

.34 Collections linked by subject

.36 Collections linked by date or period


274 Christian Scripture – Bible etc . 274

.4 The Bible

.41 Complete texts (with or without the Apocrypha)To the base number 274.41 add digits following 274.195 – thus a copy of the complete Authorised Version Bible should be classed as 274.4123 Class works about the Christian Bible as a whole under 274.1

.43 Old TestamentUse this classification only for specifically Christian treatment, or texts forming part of a distinct-ively Christian Bible. Otherwise, prefer a division under 264.4 – counting the Old Testament as a Jewish document. For particular parts of the Old Testament – if classed here – add to the base number 274.43 the notation following 264.4 – e.g. Ezekiel 274.43625 For Christian treatment of the Old Testament Apocrypha, see 274.483

.47 New TestamentClass also here copies of the New Testament bound with selected extracts from the Old (e.g. the Psalms).

.472 GospelsClass texts of, works specifically on, Apocryphal Gospels at 274.4872

.472 145 Gospel harmonies, diatessaron

.472 2 General collections of Gospel textsInclude here “Consolidated Gospels”

.472 3 Famous extracts from the Gospels (e.g. sayings of Jesus)Class here Beatitudes, Lord’s Prayer, Parables etc. – class codes of conduct based on the Gospels at 276.13

(274.472 5 – 274.472 8 – Particular (canonical) Gospels).472 5 Matthew.472 6 Mark.472 7 Luke.472 8 John.474 Acts of the Apostles.476 Epistles.476 2 Pauline epistles.476 21 Romans.476 221 Corinthians I.476 222 Corinthians II.476 23 Galatians.476 24 Ephesians.476 25 Philippians.476 26 Colossians.476 271 Thessalonians I.476 272 Thessalonians II.476 281 Timothy I.476 282 Timothy II.476 291 Titus.476 292 Philemon.476 293 Hebrews.476 5 Catholic epistles.476 51 James.476 521 Peter I.476 522 Peter II.476 531 John I.476 532 John II.476 533 John III.476 54 Jude.478 Revelation (Apocalypse)


274 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 274 .48 The Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, intertestamental works .483 8 Old Testament Apocryphal Books

Use this classification only for specifically Christian treatment, or texts forming part of a distinctively Christian Bible. Otherwise, prefer a division under 264.4 – counting the Old Testament as a Jewish document. For Old Testament Apocryphal Books – if for some reason it is desired to class them here – add to the base number 274.4838 the notation following 264.48– e.g. Judith 274.483822

.483 9 Old Testament Pseudepigrapha – Intertestamental worksSee above note. Preferred treatment is for specific books to be classed with Judaism in 264.49 If it is desired to class them here – add to the base number 274.4839 the notation following 264.49

.487 New Testament Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphal books

.487 2 Pseudo gospelsIncluding agrapha (Jesus’ words not appearing in canonical Gospels) – Gospel of Thomas and other apocryphal gospels. For canonical gospels and works on the gospels in general use 274.472

.487 4 Acts of the Apostles (Apocryphal)For canonical Acts of the Apostles use 274.474

.487 6 Epistles (Apocryphal)For Pauline, Catholic epistles see under 274.476

.487 8 Apocalypses (Apocryphal)For canonical book of the Apocalypse (the Revelation of St. John the Divine) use 274.478

.5 Writings of the early fathers etc.Include here Christian “classics” and other works of an almost “quasi-scriptural” status.

.8 Christian legends, oral traditions etc.(.9 Writings of particular sects, divisions of Christianity)

Normally, class seminal works or scripture of particular denominations of Christianity with the denomination concerned. In a library where the general Christian number (270) is taken as refer-ring to a particular church (say Christian Science, or Mormonism), class scripture or seminal writings of the church concerned under 274.9 – as there is otherwise no place for them.

275 Principles of Christian TheologyIn case of doubt as to whether a work treats theology or law (276) – class under 276Class at 275 very general works on Christian theology, including general catechisms – but class catechisms of particular denominations, especially where these serve to define or distin-guish the denomination concerned – with that denomination, under [-5].

[.0 Schools and kinds of theology]Do not use this number on its own – class works on several different schools of theology at 275 For basic concepts of God etc., use 275.1

.01 Christian orthodoxy, theological conservatism

.011 Scriptural theologyAdd to the base number 275.011 the numbers following the decimal point in 274 – thus Bibli-cal theology in general 275.011 4 – New Testament theology 275.011 47

.013 Neo-orthodoxy

.017 FundamentalismIncluding millennialism

.03 Philosophical theologiesClass Deism, Theism as creeds in their own right at 212.1 – see also manual note at 100 vs. 200

.04 Dispensationalist theology

.05 Liberal, reform theologies

.054 Modernism

.055 Feminist theologyClass feminism as such at 275.322

.059 Liberation theology104

275 C hristian Theology and Doctrine 275 .07 Ecumenical and “uniting” theologies.075 Syncretic theologies.08 Contextual theology.083 Theology concerning particular groups of people

Add to base number 275.083 appropriate notation from Table PS1.086 Theology in the context of particular countries, regions, places

Add to base number 275.086 appropriate notation from Table 2

.1 God

.11 Basic conceptions of the Deity

.111 Monotheism

.111 3 The Trinity

.111 31 Father

.111 32 Son

.111 33 Holy Spirit

.112 Dualism

.113 Polytheism and animism

.113 3 Polytheism

.113 5 Animism

.114 Pantheism

.115 Anthropomorphism

.115 5 God as a womanClass Christian discussions of non-monotheistic ideas of God in relation to a particular religion at the appropriate heading under 271.6 (e.g. 271.62523 for discussion of Hindu gods).

.12 Existence, knowability, names, attributes of God

.121 Existence of God

.121 2 Proofs

.121 3 Agnosticism

.121 4 AtheismClass agnosticism, atheism as beliefs in their own right at 212.3(3/4) – class Christian polem-ics against agnostics, atheists at 271.6123(3/4)

.123 Knowability of God

.123 2 Knowable through logic, reason

.123 4 Knowable through faith

.123 6 Knowable through tradition

.123 8 Knowledge through revelation (e.g. of Jesus)

.125 Attributes of God

.125 2 Goodness of God

.125 25 God the helperSee also 275.315 for dependence of Humanity on God.

.125 3 God the Creator

.125 4 Just Ruler of the universeClass here Theodicy, Divine Providence.

.125 41 Sovereignty, kingdom of God

.125 42 Wisdom, omniscience of God

.125 43 Mercy of God

.125 45 Justice of God

.125 5 Other attributes and titlesIncluding omnipotence, transcendence etc.

.15 Love of God


275 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 275 [.18 Holy Spirit]

Do not use 275.18 – class Christian treatment of the Holy Spirit at 275.111 33 (under “Trinity”) – although Christian libraries with a unitarian bent may prefer this heading instead.

.2 Other supernatural, divine or semi-divine beings

.21 God incarnate – Messiah, ChristClass here station, offices of Jesus. Class Jesus as God the Son, Divinity of Jesus, at 275.11132 – life of Jesus at 273.13

.212 Humanity of Jesus, offices as Priest, King

.214 Jesus as the Word (Logos)For works specifically on authorship, inerrancy of scripture, see under 274.1

.215 Miracles (of Jesus)

.218 Jesus the redeemer

.218 3 The sacrifice of Jesus

.218 4 Intercession of Jesus

.218 5 Redemption, atonement of Jesus

.219 Prophethood (of Jesus)

.25 Spirit beings

.255 Good spirits, Angels etc.

.257 Neutral, morally ambiguous spirits

.258 Evil spirits, demons, fallen angels etc.

.258 1 Satan

.27 Saints, martyrs and martyrdomClass here the Communion of Saints. For comprehensive works on particular saints, biography of saints, see 273.4 – for prayer to (or in the name of) a saint or saints use 278.338

.271 Beatification, canonisation etc.

.275 Miracles associated with Saints

.3 Humanity

.31 Creation, purpose, relation to God

.311 Faith, belief and doubtFor proofs of the existence of God use 275.121 – for faith as a virtue, use 275.472 – for just-ification by faith, use 275.347 53

.312 Creation in the image of God

.313 Relationship between soul and body – essential nature of the individualFor works on the immortality of the soul, use 275.324 – for salvation, see 275.34

.315 Dependence on God

.315 5 Submission to the will of God

.316 Conscience – sense of right and wrong, of shame

.32 Nature of humanity and human society – relation to natural world

.321 Relations between nations and the races of humankind

.322 Relations between the sexesClass here feminism, and male supremist works, as well as the equality of the sexes.

.323 Relations between social classesFor economic aspects of this question – use 275.663 5

.324 Immortality of the human soulIncluding death – near-death experiences etc. For works on the salvation of the human soul – including Heaven and Hell, use 275.34

.324 8 Annihilationism (conditional immortality)

.325 Free will and predestination Class here destiny, determinism – fatalist views.

.326 Humankind and the natural worldFor general works on Christianity and science, prefer 271.75.


275 C hristian Theology and Doctrine 275 .326 3 Nature of creation.326 35 Laws of nature

Class here works on the nature of miracles and the miraculous.326 5 Evolution – “creationism”

Class here discussion of the question of evolution in a purely (Christian) theological context – see also manual note at 201.75 vs. 205.326 5 vs. 576.8

.33 EschatologyClass death, immortality under 275.324 – class heaven, hell and the life to come under 275.348Class here Antichrist – Kingdom of God to come.

.332 Eternity

.333 Resurrection

.335 Return of Christ; Last Judgement etc.

.337 Armageddon, Millennium, wrath of God

.34 Salvation etc.

.342 Good and evil

.343 Temptation, sin (class here original sin and fall)

.343 3 Mortal and venial sin

.344 Accountability, guilt, responsibility for sins

.345 Repentance, atonement, contrition, reconciliation

.346 RedemptionFor redemption of Jesus see 275.218 5

.347 Salvation, justification, divine forgiveness, election (Soteriology)Class here Universal priesthood – Priesthood of believers

.347 5 Grace and good works

.347 53 GraceIncluding actual, sanctifying grace – means of grace – justification by faith

.347 532 Baptism (as necessary to grace)

.347 532 2 Infant baptism

.347 532 4 Adult baptism

.347 535 Confirmation (as necessary to grace)

.347 537 Eucharist – (as a means of grace)Class liturgy and ritual of sacraments under 278.85.Class gifts of the Holy Spirit (e.g. the gift of healing) under 278.5 or 278.6 – virtues under 275.4

.347 55 Good works

.348 Heaven and Hell

.348 8 Intermediate states, limbo, purgatory

.4 Principles, morals, personal ethicsFor religious occupational ethics see 275.5, social ethics 275.6 Class here “natural law”, “divine law” but for specific laws, codes of conduct use 276.Class at 275.4 general works on virtues and vices and “living a good life” – but class Conscience, sense of shame at 275.316, and Good and evil, Sin, and Good works (in salvation) under 275.347 5

[.40 Guides to a Christian life for specific classes of person]Add to the base number 275.40 numbers from Table PS1 – as in the following examples – if necessary refer to the table for more detail. For specific virtues see 275.41 – 275.49 For works containing guides to a good and holy life for several kinds of people use 275.4, NOT 275.40

.402 Children

.403 Adolescents, youth, university students

.404 Adults

.404 2 Men

.404 3 Women

.404 5 ParentsClass here Christian religious works on child rearing, parenting


275 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 275 .405 Persons in late adulthood – elderly.406 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

[.408 Occupational groups]Do not use 275.408 For works on living a Christian life for members of a particular trade or profession – prefer Christian occupational ethics under 275.5

(275.41 – 275.49 Specific qualities, virtues and vices)In this schedule, vice is seen as a deficiency of its corresponding virtue. E.g., a work on pride (as a vice) is classed at the number for humility. Moral qualities are defined positively throughout – although each positive quality is implicitly accompanied by its negative opposite.

.41 Justice, fair-mindedness

.411 Equity, fairness

.412 Fair-mindedness, absence of bigotry

.414 Freedom from superstitious rejection of scientific or other truth.

.415 Rejection and elimination of prejudice and intolerance, open-mindedness

.415 1 Religious intolerance

.415 2 Moral intoleranceClass here undue intolerance due to differing moral standards – e.g. homophobia.

.415 3 Racism and Ethnicism

.415 4 Prejudice based on socio/economic difference, snobbery

.415 5 Sexism

.415 7 Ageism

.415 8 Intolerance of people suffering from illnesses, handicaps, other misfortune

.416 Mercy, forgiveness

.42 Honour, purity

.421 Self-respect, honour

.422 Honesty, ethical dealing

.424 Truthfulness

.426 Trustworthiness

.427 Matching words with deeds (class here hypocrisy)

.428 Purity

.429 Chastity, sexual and reproductive morals (class here lust, promiscuity)

.43 Self-control, prudence, wisdom

.433 Moderation, temperance, restraint (class here excess, gluttony, drunkenness)

.434 Thrift (including careful use of natural resources – but see 275.442 below)

.436 Dignity

.437 Modest dress and sensible reaction to fashion

.438 Patience, gentleness (class here anger, wrath, violence)

.439 Wisdom, prudence, discretion

.44 Kindliness and related virtues, caring

.442 Concern for the environment, life in general

.442 5 Kindness to animals (including humanity in hunting and other use of animals)

.442 7 VegetarianismClass “obligatory” vegetarianism in a Christian context at 276.3345

.443 “Golden Rule”

.443 3 Sympathy and empathy, compassion (class here envy, jealousy)

.443 7 Respect for others’ rights

.443 73 Respect for human life (class here murder, suicide)

.443 75 Respect for the property of others (class here theft, unfeeling destructiveness)

.444 Generosity, charity, care for the poor and sick (class here greed, selfishness)

.445 Encouragement


275 C hristian Theology and Doctrine 275 .446 Courtesy and tact (class here abuse, profanity, verbal cruelty, backbiting).447 Hospitality.448 Gratitude.449 Tolerance.45 Love and related virtues.453 Love.455 Friendliness, friendship.46 Selflessness and related virtues.462 Sacrifice.464 Service.47 Humility and related virtues.471 Humility.473 Reverence (class here blasphemy) .475 Obedience.48 Faith and related virtues.482 Faith

For justification by faith, use 275.347 53.483 Courage.484 Happiness, Cheerfulness.485 Hope.486 Steadfastness and perseverance.487 Sincerity.488 Zeal (class here sloth).49 Other qualities and virtues/vices.5 Occupational ethics

At 275.5 class the “work ethic”, work as service to humankind, as worship of God.For ethics of a particular occupation - add to the base number 275.5 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g. ethics for Christian clergy 275.52, medical ethics 275.561, ethics of management 275.565 Class specific virtues under 275.4 – e.g. honesty at 275.422

.6 Social doctrinesClass here doctrine affecting Church and society. Works treating the practical relationships between the Church and social questions should generally be classed under 271.73Class doctrine concerning the social nature of humanity under 275.32Use 276.5 for social laws.

.63 Christian doctrine concerning Peace and War

.633 Pacifist doctrinesDoctrines absolutely forbidding war in any circumstances. Christian pacifism in general.

.634 Collective security

.635 Armaments – disarmament and arms control – morality of particular weapons.

.635 2 Landmines

.635 3 Chemical weapons

.635 4 Biological weapons

.635 5 Nuclear weapons/disarmament

.636 World peaceFor international cooperation in general use 275.655

.637 Warfare

.637 3 Just warWar necessarily waged, for a just cause.

.637 8 Civil warClass civil disobedience, revolution at 275.653 2


275 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 275 .65 Christian doctrine concerning government

Class here doctrine on citizenship.653 Individuals and the state.653 2 Obedience to government

Class here doctrine on civil disobedience, revolution – class civil war at 275.637 8.653 23 Military service

Class here conscientious objection.653 5 Civil rights.654 Nationalism, patriotism.655 International relations, co-operation, world federation.656 Political systems.66 Christian doctrine concerning economics

For the specific virtues of justice, honesty, thrift, generosity etc. see numbers under 275.4.663 Spiritual solutions to economic questions.663 3 Relations between capital and labour.663 5 Excessive inequality – difference between very rich and very poor

Class here doctrine about poverty..665 Economic systems.665 3 Socialism.665 5 Communism.665 7 Capitalism.67 Doctrine concerning social life, customs and change.673 Social life and customs.673 5 Games, amusements, pastimes.675 Social change

276 Prescriptions and proscriptions, religious obligation Include here all obligations, prescriptions and proscriptions, scriptural, customary or legislated, imposed on or accepted by members of the church, as well as actual law enacted by religious or ecclesiastic bodies – (including canon law which is classed at 276.53). Class Christian attitudes to secular law, and secular law as it affects Christian institutions etc. EITHER under 271.734 or at the standard Dewey number under 340 – depending on the stress of the work concerned. Class scriptural texts used as source for Christian law in 274 (BUT see entries immediately following).In some cases, there may be doubt as to whether a work is about a teaching (theology) or religious obligation (275 or 276). In such a case, class under 276 rather than 275

.1 General codes of personal, social conduct

.11 The Golden RuleIncluding the Silver Rule. For adherence to the golden rule as a virtue, use 275.443

.12 Ten CommandmentsClass works on particular commandments at appropriate classification below

.13 Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes)Class works on the Beatitudes other than as a code of conduct, and comprehensive works, at 274.4723

.3 Personal matters

.31 Membership of the Church

.311 Conversion (from another religion) – baptism/confirmation as affecting church membershipFor baptism as necessary to grace, use 275.347532 – for ritual, see 278.8522

.312 Sanctions affecting membership

.313 Expulsion, excommunication

.314 Voluntarily leaving the church – changing religion – lapsed membership

.315 Membership of other bodies, religious or otherwise

.316 Obligations and privileges (of membership of the Church)

.316 4 Tithes and other obligatory payments110

276 Christian Religious Obligation 276 .32 Personal conduct.321 Respect for God, the Church

Class here binding authority of the Church.321 2 Apostasy, heresy

Class here works in favour of, or against, religious freedom, toleration within the church..321 4 Blasphemy.322 Sexual conduct, reproduction

Class sexual abuse, rape at 276.32474 For marriage laws use 276.553 – for chastity, sexual morality as a virtue, use 275.429, as precondition of marriage 276.55326

.322 2 Adultery and fornication

.322 4 Homosexuality

.322 6 Birth control; abortion; artificial insemination, embryo transplant

.322 8 Pornography – obscenity in literature, art etc.

.324 Respect of the body, of human life

.324 5 Use of alcohol and other drugs

.324 52 Use of tobacco, caffeine, other mild stimulants

.324 54 Alcohol

.324 56 Marijuana and other “soft” narcotics

.324 57 Opium and its derivatives (including heroin)

.324 59 Other “hard” narcotics

.324 7 Violence (including violence within the family)

.324 72 Assault

.324 74 Rape – sexual abuse

.324 742 Sexual abuse of children

.324 75 Murder and manslaughter

.324 76 Suicide – assisted suicide and euthanasia

.324 77 Warfare

.326 Respect of property

.326 3 Theft

.326 5 Fraud

.326 7 Malicious damage, arson etc.

.327 Respect for other’s rights

.327 6 Libel, slander

.327 8 Discrimination

.328 Other “personal” matters

.328 2 Gambling

.328 4 Involvement with psychic phenomena, the occult

.35 Rules of dressInclude veiling of women, modesty in dress etc. – for works on the ethics of decent, sensible dress prefer 275.437 – for special forms, standards of dress undertaken for ascetic purposes use 278.43 – for vestments, etc. worn for prayers or worship use 278.8372

.5 Social obligations, duties

.53 Theocracy, religious governmentFor the relationship between the Church and the secular state use 271.732 – for Christian doct-rine on relations with secular government use 275.65 Class here temporal power, authority of Christian leaders and institutions, canon law and other rules concerning Church governance.

.55 Family life

.552 Duties of children to parentsClass here parental authority. For duties of parents to children use 276.555


276 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 276 .553 Marriage – holy matrimony.553 1 Restrictions based on previous marriage – monogamy.553 2 Restrictions as to whom one may marry.553 22 Restrictions based on membership of a different religion

Class here interfaith (or interdenominational) marriage in a Christian context.553 24 Restrictions based on consanguinity or relationship by marriage.553 26 Restrictions based on requirements of premarital chastity, virginity.553 3 Courtship, betrothal.553 4 Parental consent.553 6 Dowry, bride price.553 8 Divorce, annulment – remarriage.554 Matters concerned with death.554 3 Treatment of human remains, burial – cremation.554 5 Inheritance.555 Responsibility (of parents and other family members) for children

Class here responsibilities for child rearing..555 3 Responsibility for the physical welfare of children.555 5 Responsibility for the moral/spiritual welfare of children

Including responsibilities of godparents.555 7 Responsibility for education of children

Class religious education of children at 278.752.56 Status of individuals by social position, sex, age etc.

Add to the base number 276.56 numbers from Table PS1 – most likely headings detailed under 206.56 – but refer to the table for more detail.

.57 Religious punishmentsThis heading is reserved for punishments specifically sanctioned or required by the Church. For Christian attitudes to punishments enacted by the secular state, for non-religious offences, use appropriate class numbers under 271.73 – e.g. capital punishment 271.736 466

.572 Religious sanctions

.575 Fines and confiscations

.578 Imprisonment

.578 9 Life imprisonment

.579 Capital punishment

277 Christian festivals, holy days – Church calendarClass here works on the Church calendar in general – devotions for particular feasts etc. Class rites and ceremonies (worship) associated with particular days under 278.857 (q.v.).

.1 Sabbath – Sunday (or Saturday) observance – Lord’s Day

.3 Christmas and associated holy days

.32 Advent

.33 Christmas Eve

.34 Christmas Day

.36 Epiphany

.4 Lent

.44 Shrove Thursday

.45 Ash Wednesday

.5 Holy Week and other festivals etc. associated with EasterClass here Passiontide.

.51 Palm Sunday

.55 Holy Thursday

.56 Good Friday


277 Christian Festivals, Holy Days – Church Calendar 277 .57 Easter Saturday.58 Easter Day.59 Ascension Day.7 Pentecost (Whitsunday).73 Trinity Sunday.8 Traditional festivals associated with human activities.82 Blessing of fishing boats.83 Harvest festivals.9 Saints’ days and other church festivals

278 Christian life and practiceClass here spirituality. Class works on virtues, Christian ethics under 275.4

.1 CovenantClass here Christian treatment of the covenant between God and the Children of Israel – as well as any comparable Christian theme. Class general statements of Christian belief at 275 – formal creeds, especially those formulated as a result of controversy in the church, at 272.73

.2 Pilgrimage and holy places, objects

.21 Pilgrimage

.26 Christian holy placesInclude here Christian churches, cathedrals as places of pilgrimage.

.261 In the Holy Land

.261 1 In Jerusalem

.261 3 In Bethlehem

.264/9 ElsewhereAdd to the base number 278.26 numbers 4-9 from Table 2

.27 Relics, objects with (real or supposed) sacred associationsClass here works on the Shroud of Turin etc.

.3 Personal Devotions

.32 General devotional literatureClass here meditations, general works on the spiritual life. Class scriptural collections in this category at 274.326, devotional literature on specific subjects with the subject concerned – e.g. guides to an ethically good and holy life at 275.4, devotional literature consisting mainly or entirely of prayers at 278.33Class devotional literature related to a particular holy day, feast or other religious occasion either with comprehensive works on the feast in question (under 277), or with literature on the celebration of that day or season (under 278.857) as appropriate.For devotional literature for particular classes of person – add to the base number 278.32 notation from Table PS1 – e.g. devotional literature written to console and fortify people suffering from bereavement 278.3266 – devotional literature for the use of families 278.3244

.33 PrayerClass here general, comprehensive works on prayer, the power of prayer – class works spec-ifically treating prayer used in worship under 278.8

.331 Texts of prayers (other than scriptural texts) – prayer books

.336 Devices and aids to prayer

.336 3 Rosary beads, other aids to counting of prayers

.338 Prayer to, in the name of saintsAdd to the base number 278.338 numbers following 273 – e.g. prayer to the Virgin Mary 278.33821 Class prayer to, in the name of, Jesus under 278.33


278 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 278 .34 Repetition of scriptural verses, prayers etc..35 Reading, reciting of scripture.4 Ritual self-denial – fasting – asceticism – vows

For asceticism, celibacy connected with monastic or priestly vows use 279.58 or 279.63.42 Sexual self-denial.423 Celibacy.44 Dietary self-denial.443 Fasting.46 Ascetic isolation, solitude

Including retreats – vows of silence..47 Voluntary poverty (including mendicism).48 Other physical austerities.483 Flagellation.485 Self mutilation.5 Meditation and mysticism, religious experience.53 Meditation and contemplation.54 Conversion (as religious experience)

For conversion in the sense of change from one religion to another use 276.311 – 276.314 – for conversion in the context of evangelistic activity use 279.861 3

.56 Religious ecstasy

.562 Visions, hearing of voices

.563 Stigmata, signs

.564 Speaking in tongues

.58 Christian mysticism

.6 Other Mystic PracticesClass here general works on the occult from a Christian point of view. Class belief in the occult as a religion in its own right at 212.365 – works frowning on or prohibiting the occult at 276.328 4

.62 Religious healingClass here spiritual healing, faith healing. Class miracles of Jesus at 275.215

.64 Exorcism

.66 Spiritualist activities (communication with the dead)For spiritualism as a religion in its own right, see 212.38

.68 Divination, prophecyIncluding omens, premonitions. For prophecy enshrined in scripture, see 274.149

.7 Christian religious educationClass here catechetics, Christianity as an academic subject. Class evangelism, missionary act-ivities under 279.8

.72 Importance in general spiritual development

.73 Methods

.731 Self education – personal improvement

.732 Informal gatherings, discussions

.733 Formal classes etc

.734 Summer schools, camps

.735 Religious education through gatherings for other purposesIncluding religious education through worship, conferences, congresses, exhibitions etc.

.736 Use of drama (including electronic media – puppetry)

.737 Preaching, sermons and lecturesClass sermons, lectures on particular topics with the topic concerned

.738 Use of particular types of materials

.738 6 Audiovisual materials

.739 Use of mass media


278 Christian Life and Practice 278 .739 2 Print media.739 4 Radio

Class radio drama at 278.736.739 6 Television

Class television drama at 278.736.75 Christian religious education, training for particular groups of people

Add to base number 278.75 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary. For training of religious educators, prefer 278.7687

.752 ChildrenClass here Sunday Schools

.753 Adolescents, youth, university students

.754 Adults

.754 2 Men

.754 3 Women

.755 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.756 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.757 Persons of a particular class or caste – social and economic status

.759 People by religious status – religious groups

.759 1 New and recent converts – people isolated from other Christians

.759 13 New converts

.759 15 Isolated believers

.759 6 Clergy, religious leaders

.76 Syllabus, particular subjects in Christian religious educationAdd to the base number 278.76 the numbers following 27 in 271-279 – e.g. learning about scripture 278.764 – training religious educators 278.7687

.77 Places, schools, institutions of Christian religious education

.772 Religious education in secular schools

.773 Religious education in religious schools

.775 Religious education in tertiary institutions

.777 Colleges, institutes of religious education

.8 Worship and other public acts of devotionIncluding individual and community praise of God, communal and individual confession of sins, ritual purification, celebration of holy days, special occasions.Class personal prayer, reading of scripture at 278.35 Class sermons and preaching at 278.737

.81 Essential nature, theory, philosophy of Christian worshipClass here liturgical renewal

.82 Order of worship, services

.822 Service books – texts of liturgies – breviaries and missals

.823 Congregational prayer, litanies

.824 Reading, reciting, chanting scripture in worshipClass here psalters – books of collects etc

.83 Symbolism and its use in Christian ritual

.833 Use of colour, lights

.835 Particular symbols and symbolic objects

.835 3 Crosses and crucifixes

.836 Wearing of symbolic objectsIncluding rings, medals, and other jewellery. Class particular symbols at 278.835 – vestments and other special clothing at 278.8372

.837 Use of art and artefacts, substances in worshipClass the relationship between art and Christianity in general at 271.77 – class Christian art in the 700s


278 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 278 .837 2 Vestments and other special clothing connected with worship.837 3 Furnishings and decoration in houses of worship.837 4 Images, icons etc..837 5 Use of relics, objects with sacred associations in worship.837 6 Use of fire and burning objects in worship (including candles, incense etc).838 Use of drama in worship (including electronic media – puppetry)

Including dramatisations of (e.g.) Nativity, Passion of Jesus.839 Use of pageantry in worship (e.g. parades and processions).84 Use of music and dance in Christian worship

Class religious music in general at 781.7 or 782.22 – the relationship between Music and Christianity at 271.778

.844 Singing, song books, hymnals etc.

.846 Instrumental music in worship

.848 Dance in worship

.85 Celebration of particular occasionsClass here works on the sacraments in general

.852 Baptism and Confirmation

.852 2 Baptism

.852 22 Infant baptism

.852 24 Adult baptism

.852 7 Confirmation

.853 Christian Weddings

.854 Funerals and mourning rites

.854 3 Christian funerals (including requiem mass)

.854 5 Mourning rites

.857 Celebration of Christian festivals, holy days etc.Add to the base number 278.857 the notation following 277 – for example celebration of Easter day 278.85758

.858 Worship at particular times of the dayClass Divine Office, Liturgy of the Hours in general at 278.82

.858 2 Morning servicesFor instance Matins, Morning Prayer.

.858 5 Noon services

.858 8 Afternoon and evening servicesFor instance Vespers, Evensong

.858 9 Late night worship (vigils, midnight worship etc.)

.859 Prayers to accompany specific human activities

.859 5 Prayers at mealtimes

.859 8 Prayers for travellers

.86 Rites of purification, absolution

.862 Sacrifices, offeringsFor money offerings, collections, use 278.9

.862 3 Votive offerings

.863 Confession of sinsIncluding rites of contrition – preparation for confession

.865 Penances, acts of contritionClass here acts of humility (e.g. foot washing), penitential prayers and acts, satisfaction.

.866 Absolution, forgivenessIncluding indulgences.

.867 Last rites – anointing the sick

.87 Other sacraments

.873 The Eucharist (Mass, Holy Communion, Lord’s Supper)


278 Christian Life and Practice 278 Class Requiem Mass at 278.854 3

.875 Services of ordination of clergyClass works on the theology of ordination at 279.64

.88 Other rites and rituals

.882 Rites of dedication, blessing

.882 3 of buildings (e.g. churches, cathedrals)

.882 5 of vehicles (e.g. ambulances, aircraft, ships)

.89 Interfaith and Interdenominational worship

.9 Charity, donations to Christian institutions, “collections”Class here giving of alms etc. For obligatory payment of tithes, regular contributions to Christian institutions, class at 276.3164 For charity, generosity as virtues, use 275.444

279 Christian institutions and organisations, administration.03 Directories.04 Statistics

Where directories or statistics refer to particular places (e.g. cities, countries etc.) add to the base numbers 279.03 or 279.04 appropriate numbers from Table 2.

.1 General Administrative Topics

.11 General administrationFor subjects not allowed for below – add to the base number 279.11 the numbers following 65 in 651-658 – e.g. General Office administration 279.111 – financial management 279.117 (NOT 279.11815). For public relations, advertising use 279.83, rather than 279.119

.18 Conferences and administrative meetingsIncluding ecumenical councils, synods etc.

.2 Administrative Centres and Houses of Worship

.22 International Christian Administrative centres

.24 National Christian Administrative centres

.25 District and local centres

.253 Diocesan, district, provincial centres

.255 Local church centres, parishesFor pastoral care (by clergy) see 279.657 – for outreach, evangelism etc. see topics under 279.8

.255 3 Isolated, rural parishes

.255 4 Suburban parishes

.255 5 Urban, inner urban parishes

.26 Houses of worshipClass here churches, cathedrals, chapels, and other Christian houses of worship. For houses of worship as places for pilgrimage – class under 278.26

.3 Administrative Institutions

.34 Governing institutions

.341 Episcopal (as in modern Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican and some Methodist churches)

.343 Non-Episcopal (as in, for instance, most traditional Protestant churches)

.345 Elected or lay leadership (as used by churches without formal hierarchy)

.38 Protective institutions

.4 Clubs, associations, societies etc.Including secret societies etc. – class monastic and religious orders under 279.5

.42 General

.422 International

.422 2 Moral Rearmament

.424 National and Local

.425 Institutional

.425 7 University Christian associations


278 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 278 Class here Campus Crusade for Christ etc.


279 Christian Institutions and Organisations, Administration 279 .44 Christian Associations for particular groups of people

Add to the base number 279.44 notation from Table PS1. For instance:.443 Societies for young adults.443 22 Young Men’s Christian Associations.443 32 Young Women’s Christian Associations

Do NOT use headings under 209.448 (persons by occupation) – for societies for Christian musicians, for instance, use 209.4578 rather than 209.44878

.45 Special interest groupsAdd to the base number 279.45 the Dewey number for the interest concerned. Class also here clubs and societies limited to people of a particular occupation

.5 Monasticism – monastic & religious ordersClass personal self-denial, fasting etc. at 278.4 Class religious education, training of persons in holy orders at 278.759 5

.501 Vocation, selection, entry into religious orders

.52 Monastic Centres, monasteries, convents etc.

.522 World headquarters of various orders

.524 National centres

.525 Religious communities

.526 Monastery and convent buildings, houses of worship, abbeys, friariesFor monasteries, convents as places for pilgrimage – class under 278.26

.55 KindsClass specific orders under 279.56

.551 Solitary monks, hermits, nuns etc.

.553 Kinds of religious order for men

.553 1 Contemplative orders

.553 2 Eremitical orders

.553 3 Teaching orders

.553 4 Preaching orders

.553 6 Mendicant orders

.553 7 Nursing orders

.553 8 Canons regular

.553 9 Other specific kinds

.553 92 Brothers

.553 93 Lay brothers

.553 94 Third ordersSecular and regular.

.553 95 Secular institutes

.555 Kinds of religious order for womenWhere appropriate, add to the base number 279.555 notation following 279.553 (immediately above) e.g. Lay sisters 279.555 93

.56 Specific Orders

.564 Eastern and “Orthodox” Religious orders

.564 3 Male orders

.564 5 Female orders

.565 Catholic Orders

.565 3 Male orders

.565 31 Benedictines

.565 311 Confederated Benedictines

.565 312 Cistercians (Berbardines)

.565 312 5 Trappists

.565 313 Olivetans


279 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 279 .565 314 Cluniacs

Including Camaldolese, Silvestrians, Monks of St. Peter the Hermit.565 316 Celestines.565 317 Mechitarists and Basilians.565 318 Antonines (Antonians), Maronites, Chaldeans, Syrians.565 319 Canons

Including Crosier Fathers, Crosiers of the Red Star, Premonstratensians.565 32 Dominicans.565 33 Franciscans

Including Alcantarines, Observants, Recollects..565 336 Capuchins.565 337 Conventuals.565 338 Third Order Regular.565 34 Augustinians

Including Augustine recollects..565 342 Trinitarians.565 345 Mercedarians.565 347 Servites.565 349 Other Augustinians

Including Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God, Minims.565 35 Regular clerics.565 351 Theatines.565 352 Barnabites.565 353 Jesuits (Society of Jesus).565 354 Somaschi.565 355 Camillians.565 356 Minor Clerks Regular (Caracciolini).565 357 Clerks Regular of the Mother of God.565 358 Piarists.565 36 Passionists and Redemptorists.565 362 Passionists.565 364 Redemptorists.565 37 Orders of Knighthood

Class here military orders.565 372 Knights of Malta (Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem).565 373 Knights Templars.565 374 Teutonic Knights.565 38 Other Catholic male religious orders.565 381 Carthusians.565 382 Carmelites.565 383 Sulpicians.565 384 Oblates.565 385 Lazarists (Vincentians).565 386 Christian Brothers.565 5 Female orders (Catholic).565 51 Sisters of Charity orders.565 52 Sisters of Mercy orders.565 53 Sacred Heart orders.565 54 Sisters of Bon Secours


279 Christian Institutions and Organisations, Administration 279 .565 55 Little Sisters of the Poor.565 56 Carmelites.565 57 Dominicans.565 58 Franciscans

Class here Poor Clares.565 59 Other Catholic female religious orders.565 591 Ursulines.565 592 Visitation orders.565 593 Saint Joseph orders.565 594 Presentation orders.565 595 Missionaries of Charity.566 Protestant (especially Anglican) religious orders.566 3 Male orders.566 5 Female orders..58 Rules, vows

Class rules of particular orders with the order concerned. Add to base number 279.58 numbers following 278.4 (as in the following examples).

.582 3 Celibacy

.584 3 Fasting

.586 Isolation, solitude, silence

.587 Voluntary poverty (including mendicism)

.588 Other austerities

.6 Religious leadership – priesthood, pastoral dutiesClass religious leaders under monastic vows under 279.5 – administrative institutions and systems as such under 279.34

.601 Vocation, selection, entry into priesthood, clergy

.61 Kinds and degrees

.611 Episcopal (as in modern Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican and some Methodist churches)Class here holy orders, apostolic succession. For ordination, use 279.64, vocation 279.601

.611 1 Popes, Patriarchs, Primates and other leaders of churches

.611 2 Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals

.611 3 Canons, priests etc.

.611 4 Deacons and other sub-priestly members of clergy

.613 Non-Episcopal hierarchies (as in, for instance, most traditional Protestant churches)Add to base number 279.613 numbers following 279.611 (immediately above) for equivalent or nearly equivalent degrees – e.g., 279.6133 for Ministers, pastors etc.

.615 Elected or lay leadership (as used by churches without formal hierarchic leadership)

.617 Unordained religious leaders – “quasi-clergy”Class specialist clergy or quasi-clergy under 279.62

.62 Religious leaders with particular functionsAdd to the base number 279.62 numbers following 278, as appropriate – thus:

.623 3 Prayer leaders

.626 2 Religious healers

.626 4 Exorcists

.627 Catechists, religious educators

.627 37 Preachers

.628 Leaders of worship

.628 24 Readers of scripture

.628 44 Leaders of religious song

.628 5 Celebrants of particular ritesE.g. Marriage celebrants 209.62853

.629 Leaders of charitable functions and the collection of funds


279 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 279 .63 Rules, vows

Where applicable – add to base number 279.63 numbers following 278.4 (as at 279.58) – e.g. priestly celibacy 279.6323

.64 Ordination of ClergyClass the celebration of the sacrament of ordination at 278.875

.643 Ordination of women

.65 Duties (of Christian clergy and other leaders)For religious education use 278.7 – including preaching and sermons at 278.737 – for evan-gelism use 279.8

.657 Pastoral careIncluding counselling, spiritual direction and guidance – consolation.

.657 5 Of particular groups of peopleAdd to the base number 279.6575 numbers from Table PS1 – most likely headings are listed below – but refer to the table for more detail.

.657 52 Children

.657 53 Adolescents, youth, university students

.657 54 Adults

.657 55 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.657 56 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.657 57 Persons of a particular class or caste – social and economic status

.657 571 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.657 575 Persons of middle class

.657 578 Members of upper, privileged classes

.657 58 Occupational groupsAdd to the number 279.65758 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Pastoral care of members of the medical profession, health workers 279.6575861, chaplaincy to milit-ary forces 279.65758355

.657 59 People by religious status – religious groups

.657 591 New and recent converts – people isolated from other Christians

.657 595 Persons in religious orders

.657 596 Clergy, religious leaders

.8 Missionary and related activities, evangelismClass religious education at 278.7 – class here religious revivals, renewal campaigns.

.81 Evangelistic plans and campaigns

.82 History of evangelism

.83 Public relations and advertising

.835 Advertising, publicity

.837 Public relations

.84 Methods of evangelismClass revival and camp meetings at 279.861

.841 By distributing literature, correspondence courses

.842 By personal example and persuasion in daily lifeClass here witness bearing.

.843 At social gatherings

.844 By inviting guests to services of worship, conferences, congresses etc.

.845 By visiting different communities

.846 At formal gatherings

.847 By confronting strangers

.847 3 “Street preaching”


279 Christian Institutions and Organisations, Administration 279 .847 5 “Door-knocking”.848 Use of particular types of materials.848 6 Audiovisual materials.849 Use of mass media.849 2 Print media.849 4 Radio.849 6 Television

Including “televangelism”.85 Evangelising particular groups of people

Add to base number 279.85 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Most likely headings will be similar to those found under 278.75 – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.86 Religious revival, renewal, consolidation – community care and support

.861 Revival and camp meetings

.861 3 “Conversion” (in the sense of religious, moral renewal)For conversion in the sense of change from one religion to another use 276.311 – 276.314 – for conversion in the context of religious experience use 278.54

.862 Community development

.863 Care and support of particular classes of peopleAdd to base number 279.863 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Class here (at 279.86371) Seamen’s Missions – City Missions and other similar charitable organisations

.87 Missionary workClass here comprehensive and general works on Christian missions. Class missionary orders under 279.5 – class works specifically on the evangelising work connected with Christian missions under 279.8 ; “Home” missions, other than those with a purely proselytising function, should be classed under 279.863

.872 History of missions

.876 Work of Christian missions in particular countries, regions etc.Add to the base number 279.876 notation 4-9 from Table 2. Thus African missions 279.8766

.878 Non-evangelical work of Christian missionsClass here charitable, medical, educational work of Christian missions. Add to base number 279.878 appropriate notation from the main Dewey schedule e.g. 279.87861 for medical missions.


282 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 282

280 IslamClass encyclopedias and other comprehensive works on Islam at 280General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209 A subject appropriate to Islam but not specifically enumerated below, and occurring in 201-209 should be built by adding to the base number 28 notation following 20 in 201-209In this schedule “God” and “Allah” are considered to be synonymous. The usual English Name (God) is however used throughout this schedule, mainly to avoid the impression that Allah is a different Being from the God of (say) Judaism and Christianity.

281 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons.3 General introductions to the subject of Islam

Class comprehensive works, encyclopedias etc. of Islam at 280 Class works on Islam in particular countries in 282.6

.4 Value of IslamClass here works attacking, supporting, or assessing the value of Islam.

.43 Works defending, praising the value of Islam (apologetics for Islam)

.48 Works attacking, denigrating the value of Islam (polemics against Islam)Class works defending or attacking Islam specifically from the point of view of another relig -ion (or anti-religion) with the religious point of view of the author(s).

.6 Islam compared with, related to other religionsAdd to the base number 281.6 the notation following 2 in 200 that serves to define the religion to which Islam is to be compared – e.g. Islam and Hinduism 281.62Class here apologies for, polemics against, and other works on different religions from a Muslim point of view – other religions considered in the light of Islam, and works on relations between members of Islam and followers of other religions.

.7 Islam compared or opposed to other (secular) subjectsAdd to the base number 281.7 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Islam and science” (281.7+500) becomes “281.75”.Do not use a number at this point without considering the scope note at 201.7In any case, do not class either specific religious teachings or doctrines, or works that belong outside the 200s at this point. For example, “Islam and civil rights” is a useful heading at 281.7323 – but specific Muslim doctrine touching on the same subject is classed at 285.6535; and secular or general works on the right to religious freedom will be classed under 323!

282 Historical and geographical treatment of Islam.5 General history of Islam

Class the history of Islam in particular countries in 282.6 unless the work concerned refersto a particular time or historical period. Dates given in this English language schedule are Gregorian rather than Muslim for convenience.Class secular history of Muslim peoples in the normal places in the 900s. Note however that division between the religious and secular in Islam is sometimes much more blurred than in (say) Christianity.

.51 Islam in the lifetime of Muhammad

.52 The period of the four Orthodox Caliphs (632 – 661)

.53 Umayyad Caliphate (661 – 750)

.55 Abbasid Caliphate (750 – 1258)Class here works on medieval Islam in general.

.57 Islam during the period of Turkish hegemony (1258 – 1918)

.59 Modern Islam (since 1918)

.592 Twentieth Century


280 Islam 280 .593 Twenty-first Century


282 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 282

.6 Islam in particular places, countries, geographic regionsAdd to the base number 282.6 notation 4-9 from Table 2, e.g. Islam in Australia 282.694Class works on the history of Islam in a particular country or region in a particular period under period rather than country e.g. class “Islam in Medieval Spain” at 282.55 rather than 282.646

.7 Muslim sects, denominations, reform movements etc.Class Sufism under 288.58 (Muslim mysticism) rather than here.

.73 Shi’itesSee note under Sunnites below

.732 Ithna Asharites (Twelvers)

.737 Ismailites (Seveners)

.737 3 Mustalians

.737 5 Nizaris

.738 Zaydites

.74 SunnitesThis is the preferred number for Sunni sects of Islam – optionally, for libraries preferring to shelve Sunni materials before Shi’ite – class the Sunni sects under 282.73, and the Shi’ite sects under 282.74 See the manual note for 282.7

.743 Hanafites

.744 Shafiites

.745 Malikites

.746 Hanbalites and Wahhabiyah

.75 Heterodox Muslim sects

.751 Kharijites

.752 Ibadites

.753 Motazilites

.754 KadaritesSee also Muslim mysticism, Sufism and Sufi orders at 288.58

.755 Mujiites

.76 Druzes

.77 Ahmadiyya movement(.78 Bábism)

This is an optional number for (non-Bahá’í) libraries specifically wishing to group material on Bábism separately from the Bahá’í Faith – as a sect of Islam. Preferred treatment for Bábism is to consider it as an integral part of what became the Bahá’í Faith, under 290

.79 Sects tenuously connected with Islam

.794 Black Muslim movement

.794 2 American Muslim Mission

.794 4 Nation of Islam

.794 6 World Community of al-Islam in the West

283 PersonagesClass here Muslim biography and general works about the central figures of Islam.

.1 Muhammad the Prophet of God

.11 Comprehensive worksFor works specifically on the station of Muhammad, use 285.21 For Muhammad as a Bahá’í Manifestation of God use 295.2178

.13 Life of Muhammad

.132 Period prior to call to prophethoodIncluding birth, childhood.


283 Muslim Biography 283 .133 Period at Mecca.133 3 Revelation of Gabriel on Mt. Hira.133 5 Isra’ (Night Journey to Jerusalem).133 7 Mi’raj (Ascent to Heaven).134 Hijrah (Emigration from Mecca).135 Period at Medina.137 Return to Mecca.3 Family and Companions of Muhammad.31 Parents & Guardians.312 ‘Abdu’lláh.315 Amina.317 Abu Talib.32 Wives.322 Khadija.34 Daughters.342 Fatima.38 Sahabah (companions).382 The first four caliphs.4 Saints, martyrs, heroes etc.

For works other than biography – use 285.27.6 Religious leaders, clergy

For duties, station of leaders etc. – use 289.6Add to base number 283.6 numbers following 289.6 – thus biography of Ayatollahs 283.611

.9 Other MuslimsIncluding scholars, theologians, historians etc.

284 Sources of Islam (Koran and Hadith)Class the reading of scripture as an aspect of religious life at 288.3 – melodic recitation (chanting) of scripture and other use in worship at 288.824

.1 Works about Koran and Hadith (in general)Class works specifically about the Hadith under 284.8 – class here works about the Koran alone – or about the Koran together with the Hadith. Works about particular Surahs of the Koran are classed with the number for the Surah concerned, under 284.5/6

.11 Authorship, origins, authenticity

.112 Canon

.113 Inspiration – revelation

.113 2 Inerrancy, authority

.12 Concordances, indexes and dictionaries etc.

.13 Textual studies

.14 Study – scriptural criticism (exegesis)

.142 Philosophical and introductory studies

.144 Symbolisms and typology

.145 Harmonies

.146 Literary criticism (higher, internal, redaction criticism)

.147 Historical criticism

.148 Mythological, allegorical, numerological, astrological interpretations

.149 Discussion and interpretation of scriptural prophecies

.15 Summaries, paraphrases and commentaries

.17 Secular subjects in Koran and Hadith Add to the base number 284.17 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Mathematics in Muslim scripture” becomes 284.175 1


284 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 284 .18 Background to Koran and Hadith.182 General history, civilisation of period around the lifetime of Muhammad

Class Muslim religious history in 282.5 – class scriptural stories for children in 284.3222.183 Persons

Generally, prefer 283 (Muslim religious biography) for specific people, except for minor characters from the Koran or Hadith. For particular kinds of person add to the base number 284.183 appropriate numbers from Table PS1 – e.g. Women in the Koran 284.183 43

.186 Geography – maps and atlases of relevant areas in period around the lifetime of Muhammad.

.19 History of Muslim scripture

.193 Textual historyIncluding scriptural archaeology – authority of ancient texts.

.195 History of translations, renderingsAdd to the base number 284.195 notation 2-9 from Table 6 – e.g. 284.195 2 English translations of the Koran. Class actual scriptural texts, regardless of language, in 284.2 – 284.9

.2 General collections of writings from the Koran and Hadith

.3 Special collections of writings from the Koran and Hadith

.32 Collections compiled for a specific purpose

.322 Collections compiled for specific classes of readerAdd to base number 284.322 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.322 2 ChildrenIncluding stories from the Koran and Hadith retold for children.

.322 6 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.322 71 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.322 91 New and isolated believers

.322 913 New converts

.322 915 Isolated believers

.325 Collections compiled for use in prayer

.326 Collections compiled for other personal devotions

.327 Collections compiled for use at holy days and special occasions

.328 Collections compiled for educational purposes

.33 Collections linked by form

.34 Collections linked by subject

.36 Collections linked by date or period

.4 Koran (texts)

.41 In Arabic

.42 English translations (renderings)For translations into other languages – add to the base number 284.4 notation 3-9 from Table 6 – e.g., the Koran in German 284.431

(.5/.6 Specific surahs from the Koran)The Surahs of the Koran are numbered here in the conventional (canonical) order. This order has no apparent chronological or logical significance (in fact some editions of the Koran arrange the Surahs differently). In most cases the usual English language name for each Surah is used in this schedule. Class works ABOUT a specific Surah with the Surah in question: e.g. a commentary on the Surah of Mary at 284.531 5

.511 The Opening

.512 The Cow

.513 The Family of Imran

.514 The Women

.515 The Dinner Table

.516 The Cattle

.517 The Elevated Places

.518 The Accessions128

284 Particular Surahs of the Koran 284 .519 The Immunity.521 Jonah.522 The Holy Prophet.523 Joseph.524 The Thunder.525 Abraham.526 The Rock.527 The Bee.528 The Children of Israel.529 The Cave.531 Mary.532 Ta Ha.533 The Prophets.534 The Pilgrimage.535 The Believers.536 The Light.537 The Distinction.538 The Poets.539 The Ant.541 The Narratives.542 The Spider.543 The Romans.544 Luqman.545 The Adoration.546 The Clans.547 The Saba.548 The Originator.549 Yasin.551 The Rangers.552 Suad.553 The Companions.554 The Believer.555 Ha Mim.556 The Counsel.557 Ornaments of Gold.558 The Smoke.559 The Kneeling.561 The Sandhills.562 Muhammad.563 The Victory.564 The Chambers.565 Qaf.566 The Scatterers.567 The Mountain.568 The Star.569 The Moon.571 The Beneficent.572 The Event.573 The Iron


284 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 284 .574 She Who Pleaded.575 The Banishment.576 The Examined One.577 The Ranks.578 The Congregation.579 The Hypocrites.581 The Mutual Deceit.582 The Divorce.583 The Prohibition.584 The Kingdom.585 The Pen.586 The Inevitable.587 The Ways of Ascent.588 Noah.589 The Jinn.591 The Wrapped Up.592 The Covered One.593 The Resurrection.594 Time.595 The Sent Forth.596 The Great Event.597 The Draggers.598 He Frowned.599 The Folded Up.611 The Cleaving.612 The Deceivers in Measuring.613 The Rending Asunder.614 The Celestial Stations.615 The Nightly Visitant.616 The Most High.617 The Overwhelming Calamity.618 The Daybreak.619 The City.621 The Sun.622 The Night.623 The Brightness.624 The Expansion.625 The Fig.626 The Clot.627 The Grandeur.628 The Clear Evidence.629 The Quaking.631 The Chargers.632 The Calamity.633 Vying in Abundance.634 The Age.635 The Slanderer.636 The Elephant.637 The Qureaish


284 Particular Surahs of the Koran 284 .638 Alms.639 The Abundance of Good.641 The Disbelievers.642 The Help.643 The Flame.644 The Unity.645 The Dawn.646 The People

.8 Traditions, legends, minor writings

.83 Traditions (Hadith)Add to the base number 284.83 notation following 284 in 284.1 – 284.3 – e.g. general collect-ions of Hadith 284.832

.834 Particular Hadith, collections.

.834 1 Al-Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Isma’il

.834 2 Abu Da’ud Sulayman ibn al-Ash’ath al-Sijistani

.834 3 Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Qushayri

.834 4 Al-Tirmidhi, Muhammad ibn ‘Isa

.834 5 Al-Nasa’i, Ahmad ibn Shu’ayb

.834 6 Ibn Majah, Muhammad ibn Yazid

.834 7 Other Sunni Hadith

.834 8 Hadith of other sects of Islam(.84 Fiqh and Sharia)

Optional number – prefer 286 for all Muslim law, other than that specifically enshrined in the Koran or Hadith, including that which would be regarded by Westerners as “secular” but is “religious” to Muslims. See Manual Note at 320.55 or 322.1 vs. 281.732, 285.017 etc.

.85 Stories, parables, proverbs, anecdotes told for religious edification.Class here comprehensive works on Muslim stories. Class Muslim stories on a specific topic with the topic. Class non-religious Muslim folklore at the standard Dewey number under 398 Class stories with Koranic authority or enshrined in Hadith with the work in question – stories from the lives of Muhammad, other Muslim figures, under 283

285 Muslim doctrinal theology (‘Aqā’id and Kalām)In case of doubt as to whether a work treats theology or law (286) – class with law. For topics not enumerated below – but covered, or closely paralleled, in 205 (or, for that matter, 265 or 275): add to base number 285 notation following 205 (or 265, 275).

[.0 Schools and kinds of theology]Do NOT use 285.0 on its own – this number only has meaning when followed by other notat-ion, as detailed below. For basic concepts of God etc., use 285.1 and its subdivisions.

.01 Muslim religious orthodoxy

.011 Koranic theology

.017 Muslim Fundamentalism

.1 God

.11 Tawhid (unity of God)Class Muslim discussions or refutations of Trinitarian, polytheistic, pantheistic etc. conceptions of God here – adding to the base number 285.11 notation following 205.11 as appropriate.

.12 Existence, knowability, names, attributes of God

.121 Existence of God

.121 2 Proofs[.121 3 Agnosticism][.121 4 Atheism]

Do NOT use 285.1213 or 285.1214 Class Muslim discussions, refutations of atheism, agnosticism at 281.61233, 281.61234


284 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 284 .123 Knowability of God.123 1 Unknowable in essence.123 2 Knowable through logic, reason.123 4 Knowable through faith.123 6 Knowable through tradition.123 8 Acceptance through revelation by Prophet of God.125 Attributes (names) of God.125 2 Goodness of God.125 25 God the helper

See also 285.315 for dependence of Humanity on God..125 3 God the Creator.125 4 Just Ruler of the universe

Include here Theodicy (vindication of God’s justice in permitting evil and suffering to exist). .125 41 Sovereignty, kingdom of God.125 42 Wisdom, omniscience of God.125 43 Mercy of God.125 45 Justice of God.125 5 Other attributes and titles

Including omnipotence, transcendence etc..15 Love of God.18 Holy Spirit .2 Spiritual beings.21 Prophet of God

Class biography, comprehensive works on Muhammad at 283.1 – but class here works spec-ifically on His station, or any of the following topics.

.211 Relationship between Muhammad and other Prophets of GodClass works on the relationship between Islam and other religious systems at 281.6

.212 Humanity of Muhammad, other Prophets of God – relationship to God

.214 Revelation (of prophets of God)For works specifically on authorship, inerrancy of Koran, see under 284.1 – for occasion of first revelation of Gabriel to Muhammad use 282.133 3

.215 Miracles connected with Muhammad, other Prophets of God

.217 Prophets of God before Muhammad

.217 11 Adam

.217 12 Idris (Enoch)

.217 23 Nuh (Noah)

.217 24 Hud (Eber)

.217 25 Saleh (Shaloh)

.217 31 Ibrahim (Abraham)

.217 32 Lut (Lot)

.217 33 Ismail (Ishmael)

.217 42 Ishaq (Isaac)

.217 43 Yaqub (Jacob)

.217 44 Yusuf (Joseph)

.217 45 Ayub (Job)

.217 61 Musa (Moses)

.217 62 Harun (Aaron)

.217 63 Dhul-Kifl (Ezekiel?)

.217 64 Dawood (David)

.217 65 Sulaiman (Solomon)

.217 66 Ilyas (Elijah)


284 Particular Surahs of the Koran 284 .217 67 Al-Yasa (Elisha).217 68 Yunus (Jonah).217 69 Zakariya (Zechariah).217 73 Yahya (John the Baptist).217 77 Isa (Jesus).219 Prophecies of Muhammad – other Prophets of God.22 Hidden Imam, Mahdi.25 Spirits etc..253 Ghosts of the dead.255 Angels.257 Jinn.258 Iblis (devils).258 1 Shaitan (Satan).27 Saints, martyrs and martyrdom

Class biography and other works on individual saints, martyrs, heroes under 283.4.3 Humanity.31 Creation, purpose, relation to God.311 Faith, belief and doubt

For proofs of the existence of God use 285.121 – for faith as a virtue, use 285.472.312 Creation in the image of God.313 Relationship between soul and body – essential nature of the individual

For works on the immortality of the soul, use 285.324 – for salvation, see 285.34.315 Dependence on God.315 5 Submission to the will of God.316 Conscience – sense of right and wrong, of shame.32 Nature of humanity and human society – relation to natural world.321 Relations between nations and the races of humankind.322 Relations between the sexes

Class here feminism, and male supremist works, even the equality of the sexes..323 Relations between social classes

For economic aspects of this question – use 285.663 5.324 Immortality of the human spirit

Including death – near-death experiences etc..326 Humankind and the natural world.33 Eschatology

Class death, immortality under 285.324 – class heaven, hell and the life to come under 285.348..332 Eternity.333 Resurrection, return.335 Day of God; last days; last judgement etc..337 Calamity, wrath of God.34 Salvation etc..342 Good and evil.343 Temptation, sin.344 Accountability, guilt, responsibility for sins.345 Repentance, atonement, contrition.347 Salvation, divine forgiveness.348 Heaven and Hell.4 Principles, morals, personal ethics

Where appropriate – add to the base number 285.4 notation following 205.4 – e.g. Muslim hospitality 285.437


284 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 284

.5 Occupational ethicsAt 285.5 class “work ethics”, work as service to humankind, as worship of God.For ethics of a particular occupation - add to the base number 285.5 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g. ethics for Muslim clergy 285.52, medical ethics 285.561, ethics of management 285.565 Class specific virtues under 285.4 – e.g. honesty at 285.422

.6 Social doctrinesClass here doctrine affecting Islam and society. Works treating the practical relationships between Islam and social questions should generally be classed under 281.73Class doctrine concerning the social nature of humanity under 285.32Use 286.5 for social laws.

.63 Muslim doctrine concerning Peace and War

.633 Pacifist doctrinesDoctrines absolutely forbidding war in any circumstances.

.634 Collective security

.635 Armaments – disarmament and arms control – morality of particular weapons.

.635 2 Landmines

.635 3 Chemical weapons

.635 4 Biological weapons

.635 5 Nuclear weapons/disarmament

.636 World peaceFor international cooperation in general use 285.655

.637 Warfare

.637 3 Just warWar necessarily waged, for a just cause.

.637 4 Holy war (Jihad)War waged in defence of Islam

.637 8 Civil warClass civil disobedience, revolution at 285.653 2

.65 Muslim doctrine concerning (secular) governmentClass here doctrine on citizenship. For Muslim government, use 286.53

.653 Individuals and the state

.653 2 Obedience to governmentClass here doctrine on civil disobedience, revolution – class civil war at 285.637 8

.653 23 Military serviceClass here conscientious objection

.653 5 Civil rights

.654 Nationalism, patriotism

.655 International relations, co-operation, world federation

.656 Political systems

.66 Muslim doctrine concerning economicsFor the specific virtues of justice, honesty, thrift, generosity etc. see numbers under 285.4

.663 Spiritual solutions to economic questions

.663 3 Relations between capital and labour

.663 5 Excessive inequality – difference between very rich and very poorClass here doctrine about poverty.

.665 Economic systems

.665 3 Socialism

.665 5 Communism

.665 7 Capitalism

.67 Doctrine concerning social life, customs and change

.673 Social life and customs

.673 5 Games, amusements, pastimes

.675 Social change


286 Muslim Law 286

286 Muslim laws, prescriptions and proscriptionsAll obligations, prescriptions and proscriptions, scriptural, customary or legislated, imposed on members of Islam (and, in some cases, on non-Muslims living under Islam). Class Muslim attitudes to secular law, and secular law as it affects religious institutions etc. EITHER under 281.734 or at the standard Dewey number under 340 – depending on the stress of the work concerned (and bearing in mind the Muslim conception of “Secular vs. Religious” which differs from the Western). Class scriptural texts used as source for Muslim law in 284.If there is any doubt as to whether a work is about a teaching (theology) or law (285 or 286), class under 286 rather than 285.

.1 General codes of personal, social conduct

.11 The Golden RuleIncluding the Silver Rule. For adherence to the golden rule as a virtue, use 285.443

.3 Personal laws

.31 Laws affecting membership of Islam

.311 Conversion to, declaration of faith in, Islam

.311 5 Denial or concealment of faith (Taqiyyih)

.312 Sanctions affecting membership of Islam

.313 Expulsion, excommunication

.314 Conversion to another faith – voluntarily leaving IslamIncluding prohibitions against Muslims converting to another faith. C.f. 286.321 3

.315 Membership of other bodies, religious or otherwise

.316 Obligations and privileges of membership of Islam

.316 4 Tithes and other obligatory paymentsFor dietary obligations use 286.33

.32 Laws of personal conduct

.321 Laws concerning respect for God, IslamClass here binding authority of Muslim institutions

.321 2 Apostasy, heresyClass here works in favour of, or against, religious freedom, toleration within Islam.

.321 3 (Prohibition of) preaching another religion, attempting to convert Muslims

.321 4 Blasphemy

.322 Laws affecting sexual conduct, reproductionClass sexual abuse, rape at 286.32474 For marriage laws use 286.553 – for chastity as a virtue, use 285.429, as precondition of marriage 286.55326

.322 2 Adultery and fornication

.322 4 Homosexuality

.322 6 Birth control; abortion; artificial insemination, embryo transplant

.322 8 Pornography – obscenity in literature, art etc.

.324 Laws concerning respect of the body, of human life

.324 5 Use of alcohol and other drugsAdd to base number 286.324 5 notation following 206.324 5 for particular drugs

.324 7 Violence

.324 72 Assault

.324 74 Rape – sexual abuse

.324 742 Sexual abuse of children

.324 75 Murder and manslaughter

.324 76 Suicide – assisted suicide and euthanasia

.324 77 WarfareClass all material on Muslim Jihad (Holy War) at 285.6374

286 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 286 .326 Laws concerning respect of property.326 3 Theft.326 5 Fraud.326 7 Malicious damage, arson etc..327 Laws of respect for other’s rights.327 6 Libel, slander.327 8 Discrimination.328 Other “personal” laws.328 2 Gambling.328 4 Involvement with psychic phenomena, the occult.33 Laws of diet (Halal).334 Foods totally proscribed (e.g. as unclean).334 2 Unclean beasts.336 Methods of slaughter of animals.338 Methods of cooking – proscribed combinations of food.35 Laws of dress

Include veiling of women (and men!), modesty in dress etc. – for works on the ethics of decent, sensible dress prefer 285.437 – for special forms, standards of dress undertaken for ascetic purposes use 288.43 – for vestments, etc. worn for prayers or worship use 288.8372

.5 Social laws

.53 Theocracy, Muslim governmentFor the relationship between Islam and the secular state use 281.732 – for Muslim doctrine on relations with secular government use 285.65 Class here temporal power, authority of Muslim leaders and institutions, law concerning governance of Islam, of Muslim states.

.55 Laws of family life

.552 Duties of children to parentsClass here parental authority. For duties of parents to children use 286.555

.553 Marriage laws

.553 1 Laws about number of spouses – additional wives

.553 2 Restrictions as to whom one may marry

.553 22 Restrictions based on membership of a different religionClass here marriage between Muslims and members of another faith

.553 24 Restrictions based on consanguinity etc.

.553 26 Restrictions based on requirements of premarital chastity, virginity

.553 3 Courtship, betrothal

.553 4 Parental consent

.553 6 Dowry, bride price

.553 8 Divorce – remarriage

.554 Law concerned with death

.554 3 Treatment of human remains, burial – cremation

.554 4 Laws concerned with mourning

.554 5 Laws of inheritance

.555 Responsibility (of parents and other family members) for childrenClass here laws concerning child rearing.

.555 3 Responsibility for the physical welfare of children

.555 5 Responsibility for the moral/spiritual welfare of children

.555 7 Responsibility for education of childrenClass religious education of children at 288.752

286 Muslim Law 286 .56 Status of individuals by social position, sex, age etc.

Add to the base number 286.56 numbers from Table PS1 – most likely headings detailed under 206.56 – but refer to the table for more detail.

.57 Religious punishmentsThis heading is reserved for punishments specifically sanctioned or required by Muslim law. For religious attitudes to punishments enacted by a secular state, for non-religious offences, use appropriate class numbers under 281.73 – but note that the dividing line between the Muslim and secular law is very different from (for instance) that in Western countries.

.572 Religious sanctions

.575 Fines and confiscations

.577 Corporal punishment and torture

.577 2 Beating

.577 3 Disfigurement, mutilation

.577 4 Branding

.577 5 Amputation

.577 6 Torture

.578 Imprisonment

.578 9 Life imprisonment

.579 Capital punishment

287 Muslim festive and holy daysClass here works on Muslim religious calendar and comprehensive works on particular special days. Class rites and ceremonies associated with particular days at 288.857

.1 Jum‘ah (Friday prayer)

.2 ‘Ashura’ (Tenth of Muharram)

.3 Mawlid al-Nabí (Prophet’s birthday)

.4 ‘Id al-Adha

.5 ‘Id al-Fitr

.6 Sawm RamadanClass comprehensive works on fasting at 288.443

.63 Laylat al-Qadr

288 Muslim Religious life and practiceClass here spirituality. Class works on virtues, Muslim ethics under 285.4

.1 Pillars of IslamClass here comprehensive works, general treatment. For Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) see 288.2611 For Sawm Ramadan see 288.4, 287.6 For Salat (daily prayer) see 288.331 For Zakat see 288.9

.15 Shahada (Profession of Faith)

.2 Pilgrimage and holy places, objects

.21 PilgrimageClass here pilgrimage in general – class pilgrimage to specific holy places in 288.26

.26 Muslim holy places

.261 In (Saudi) Arabia

.261 1 MeccaClass here the Hajj.

.261 11 The Kaaba

.261 5 Medina

.261 8 Shrines, Mosques etc.

288 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 288 .262 In Palestine.262 1 Jerusalem.262 8 Shrines, Mosques etc..263 Elsewhere in the former Ottoman Empire.264 Elsewhere

Add to base number 282.26 numbers 4-9 from Table 2..27 Relics, objects with sacred associations.3 Personal Devotions.32 General devotional literature

Class here meditations, general works on the spiritual life. Class scriptural collections in this category at 284.326, devotional literature on specific subjects with the subject concerned – e.g. guides to an ethically good and holy life at 285.4, devotional literature consisting mainly or entirely of prayers at 288.33Class devotional literature related to a particular holy day, feast or other religious occasion either with comprehensive works on the feast in question (under 287), or with literature on the celebration of that day or season (under 288.857) as appropriate.For devotional literature for particular classes of person – add to the base number 288.32 notation from Table PS1 – e.g. devotional literature written to console and fortify people suffering from bereavement 288.3266 – devotional literature for the use of families 288.3244

.33 PrayerClass here general, comprehensive works on prayer, the power of prayer – class works spec-ifically treating prayer used in worship under 288.8

.331 Texts of prayers (other than scriptural texts) – prayer books

.332 Salat (personal daily prayer)

.333 Ablutions (as part of prayer)

.334 Rik‘ats (ritual genuflections and prostrations)

.335 Turning to point of adoration (Mecca)

.336 Devices and aids to prayer

.336 3 Beads, other aids to counting of prayers

.34 Repetition of holy verses etc.

.35 Reading, reciting of scripture

.4 Ritual self-denial – fasting – asceticism – vows

.44 Dietary self-denial

.443 FastingFor Sawm Ramadan see 287.6 – class dietary laws and restrictions at 286.33

.46 Ascetic isolation, solitude.

.47 Voluntary poverty (including mendicism)

.48 Other physical austerities

.483 Flagellation

.485 Self mutilation

.5 Meditation and mysticism, religious experience

.53 Meditation and contemplation

.535 Trance

.54 Enlightenment

.56 Religious ecstasy

.58 Muslim mysticism, SufismAdd to base number 288.58 numbers following 28 – for instance Sufi sources, writings 288.584, Sufi asceticism 288.5884 Also note the following:

288 Muslim Religious Life and Practice 288 .589 5 Sufi orders.589 51 Bektashi.589 52 Naqshabandiyah.589 53 Qadiriyah.589 54 Tijaniyah.589 55 Mevleviyeh

Class specific Muslim mystic sects under 282.7, e.g. Kadarites at 282.734

.6 Other Mystic PracticesClass here general works on the occult from a Muslim point of view. Class belief in the occult as a religion in its own right at 212.365 – works on Muslim law connected with occult prac-tices at 286.328 4

.62 Religious healingClass here spiritual healing, faith healing. Class miracles of Prophet of God at 285.215

.64 Exorcism

.66 Spiritualist activities (communication with the dead)For spiritualism as a religion in its own right, see 212.38

.68 Divination, prophecyIncluding omens. For prophecy enshrined in scripture, see 284.149 – for prophecies of Muhammad, other Prophets of God see 285.219

.7 Muslim Religious educationClass here Islam as an academic subject.

.72 Importance in general spiritual development

.73 Methods

.731 Self education – personal improvement

.732 Informal gatherings, discussions

.733 Formal classes etc

.736 Use of drama (including electronic media – puppetry)

.737 Preaching, sermons (Khutbah)Class actual sermons, lectures on particular topics with the topic concerned.

.738 Use of particular types of materials

.738 6 Audiovisual materials

.739 Use of mass media

.739 2 Print media

.739 4 RadioClass radio drama at 288.736

.739 6 TelevisionClass television drama at 288.736

.75 Muslim religious education, training for particular groups of peopleAdd to base number 288.75 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.752 Children

.753 Adolescents, youth, university students

.754 Adults

.754 2 Men

.754 3 Women

.755 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.756 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.757 Persons of a particular class or caste – social and economic status

.759 People by religious status – religious groups

288 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 288 .759 1 New and recent converts – people isolated from other Muslims.759 13 New converts.759 15 Isolated believers.759 6 Clergy, religious leaders.76 Syllabus, particular subjects in Muslim religious education

Add to the base number 288.76 the numbers following 28 in 281-289 – e.g. learning about scripture 288.764 – training religious educators 288.7687

.77 Places, schools, institutions of (Muslim) religious education

.772 Religious education in secular schools

.773 Religious education in religious schools

.775 Religious education in tertiary institutions

.777 Colleges, institutes of religious education

.8 Muslim WorshipClass private reading of scripture as part of personal devotions at 288.35 Class sermons and preaching at 288.737

.82 Order of worship, services

.823 Congregational prayer

.824 Reading, reciting, chanting scripture in worship (tajwid, qira’at)Class here works on the art of chanting, melodic recitation of scriptural and other verses.

.85 Celebration of particular occasions

.853 Muslim weddings

.854 Funerals and mourning rites

.854 3 Muslim funerals

.854 5 Mourning rites

.857 Celebration of holy days.Add to the base number 288.857 numbers following 287 – e.g.:

.857 1 Friday Prayer

.88 Other rites and rituals

.9 Giving of alms – donations to IslamClass here Zakat, Sadaqah. For charity, generosity as virtues, use 285.444

289 Muslim institutions and organisations, administration.03 Directories.04 Statistics

Where directories or statistics refer to particular places (e.g. cities, countries etc.) add to the base numbers 289.03 or 289.04 appropriate numbers from Table 2.

.1 General Administrative Topics

.18 Conferences and administrative meetings

.2 Administrative Centres and Mosques

.24 National Muslim administrative centres

.25 Local centres, communities, congregations

.26 Mosques and other Muslim houses of worshipClass here comprehensive works on particular mosques, mosques in general. For mosques as places for pilgrimage – class under 288.26

.3 Administrative Institutions

.34 Governing institutions

.343 Caliphate

.345 Imamate

.38 Protective institutions

289 Muslim Administrative Institutions 289

.4 Clubs, associations, societies etc.Including secret societies, Muslim religious (and quasi-religious) revolutionary, political organisations.

.6 Muslim religious leadership

.61 Kinds and degrees

.611 Ayatollahs

.613 Caliphs

.615 Imams

.617 Ulama

.62 Religious leaders with particular functionsAdd to the base number 289.62 numbers following 288, as appropriate For example:

.623 3 Prayer leaders, muezzins

.627 37 Preachers

.65 Duties of clergyFor religious education use 288.7 – including preaching and sermons at 288.737 – for Da‘wah use 289.8

.657 Pastoral careIncluding counselling, spiritual direction and guidance – consolation.

.657 5 Of particular groups of peopleAdd to the base number 288.657 5 numbers from Table PS1.

.8 Da‘wah (the call to Islam, Muslim missionary work)Class conversion to Islam at 286.311 – prohibition or limitation of non-Muslim missionary activity in Muslim countries at 286.321 3Where appropriate – add to the base number 289.8 notation following 209.8

290 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 290

290 The Bahá’í FaithClass encyclopedias and other fully comprehensive works on the Bahá’í Faith at 290 Class works on Bábism as a separate entity at 292.73 (or, alternatively, at 282.78 – see manual note).General division of this subject follows the pattern set by 201-209. Unlike the schedules for some other religions, this schedule is set out more or less complete. In the event that a subject is required that is not specifically enumerated below, but does occur in 201-209, it can none the less be built by adding to the base number 29 notation following 20 in 201-209 – always provided that the resulting number is not already in use with a different meaning.

291 General introductions, apologetics, comparisons.3 General introductions to the Bahá’í Faith

Class comprehensive works, encyclopedias etc. of the Bahá’í Faith at 290 Class works on the Faith in particular countries in 292.6 Class here general works (especially booklets, pamphlets) for seekers and new believers – and works introducing the Faith obliquely, especially if the topic is otherwise obscure.

.4 Value of the Bahá’í Faith

.43 Apologies, proofs

.48 Works attacking the Faith (polemics)Class works written by covenant breakers under 292.7 – works written from the point of view of another (particular) religion, either under the religious point of view of the author (at [-16]) – or, optionally, and especially for a Bahá’í library, under 291.6

.6 Other religions from a Bahá’í perspectiveClass works on the Bahá’í significance of the scripture of other religions under 294.9 – works on the founders of other religions considered as Bahá’í Manifestations of God under 295.217 To the base number 291.6 add notation following 2 in 200 (in this schedule) that serves to define the religion to which the Faith is compared – as in the examples below:

.62 The Bahá’í Faith and Hinduism

.658 The Bahá’í Faith and Zoroastrianism

.67 The Bahá’í Faith and Christianity

.68 The Bahá’í Faith and IslamInclude under 291.6 other religions considered or discussed in the light of the Faith, and works on relations between the Faith and other religions. Also (optionally, but especially in a Bahá’í library) use for apologies for (and attacks on) the Faith in relation to the teachings of a particular religion. The standard place for such works is with the religious point of view of the author – thus a Christian work about the Faith would normally be placed at 271.69 – but it may be classed at the alternative number 291.67, in order to bring all works on the Faith together. The logical place for comparisons between the Bahá’í Faith and Bábism is probably “291.682 78” – but prefer “291.69” – as this is shorter, and uses notation otherwise redundant.

.7 The Bahá’í Faith compared or opposed to other (secular) subjectsAdd to the base number 291.7 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “The Bahá’í Faith and science” (291.7 + 500) becomes “291.75”.291.7 numbers refer to treatment of a subject (in a general way) from a Bahá’í standpoint. For instance, use 291.75 for “The Bahá’í Faith and science” in a general sense; BUT prefer 295.414 for the unity of science and religion as a Bahá’í principle. 291.765 might be used for “General administration from a Bahá’í standpoint”; BUT use 299.1 for “Bahá’í Administration”. Use 291.737 for “The Bahá’í Faith and education”; BUT Education in the Faith (i.e. deepening) is 298.7 If the distinction is NOT a useful one – prefer the specific number to the 291.7 one. Another alternative, which will quite often apply, is simply to class the work in question with its own subject, outside the 200s! In particular, avoid classing a work here simply because its author happens to be Bahá’í, or because it includes a few references to the Faith. The Bahá’í content needs to be specific and substantial, even pervasive.In any case, do not class specific Bahá’í teachings at this point – use a heading under 295See also the note at 201.7

292 The Bahá’í Faith - Historical and Geographical Treatment 292

292 Historical and geographical treatment of the Bahá’í Faith.5 General Bahá’í History

Class Bahá’í biography and other historical works centred on particular people under 293 Class the history of a particular subject with the subject – e.g. history of teaching at 299.8 Class works on particular events not otherwise covered with the period in which those events occurred. Class history of the Faith in particular countries (apart from history belonging to a particular period) in 292.6 Note the use of the Gregorian rather the Bahá’í calendar.

.502 Historiography

.504 Historical source material – including yearbooks

.507 Chronology (of Bahá’í history)

.52 Heroic age (up to 1921)

.522 Preparation for revelation (Pre-1844)

.522 5 Shaykhís

.523 Ministry of the Báb (1844 – 1853)

.524 Ministry of Bahá’u’lláh (1853 – 1892)

.524 2 Baghdád period (1853 – 1863)

.524 3 Constantinople/Adrianople period (1863 – 1868)

.524 4 ‘Akká period (1868 – 1877)

.524 5 Mazrá’ih/Bahjí period (1877 – 1892)

.525 Ministry of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (1892 – 1921)

.53 Formative age (1921– )

.531 First epoch of Formative age (1921 – 1946)Class also here works on period of Guardianship of Shoghi Effendi (1921 – 1957)

.532 Second epoch of Formative Age (1946 – 1963)Class also here period of Stewardship of the Hands of the Cause of God (1957 – 1963) – but works specifically on the history of the Hands as an Institution should be classed at 299.382 25

.533 Third epoch of Formative Age (1963 – 1986)Class here period from election of the Universal House of Justice to end of the Seven Year Plan.

.534 Fourth epoch of Formative age (1986 – 2001)

.535 Fifth epoch of Formative age (2001– )

.6 The Bahá’í Faith in particular places, countries, geographic regionsAdd to the base number 292.6 notation 4-9 from Table 2 – as in the following examples:

.652 The Faith in Japan

.68 The Faith in Latin America

.694 The Faith in AustraliaIf a work treats the history of a particular period in a particular country (say, the Faith in Japan during the guardianship of Shoghi Effendi) then class with the period rather the country. In particular, DO NOT use 292.655 (the Faith in Iran) or 292.656 (the Faith in the Middle East) for the early history of the Faith!

.7 Covenant breakers etcInclude here literature produced by particular covenant breaking individuals or groups, if held, as well as works written from a mainstream Bahá’í standpoint. Works on the general subject of covenant breaking are classed with other works on the covenant, at 298.13

.73 Disputing station of Bahá’u’lláhClass here all Bábís post 1853 – in a Bahá’í context, do not use 282.78

.73.A8 AzalísUse Cutter numbers for specific groups or individuals, as here, under appropriate classification.

.74 Disputing station of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

.76 Disputing station of the Guardian

.76.F3 Free Bahá’ís

.78 Opposing the authority of the Universal House of JusticeInclude here works about, or by, “guardians” other than Shoghi Effendi.

.78.B6 Bahá’ís under the provisions of the covenant

.78.O7 Orthodox Bahá’ís

293 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 293

293 Biography of (and general works about):Class all biography of covenant breakers under 292.7 For 293.05 and 293.5 – 293.9 use Cutter numbers for specific people (Where at all possible, use the same Cutters as the BWC library). Class scholars, historians in 293.8 or 293.9 – as appropriate. For a person who might fall into more than one category, say a martyred Knight of Bahá’u’lláh – class with the category occurring first in the schedule – in the given example, at 293.5 rather than 293.7

.05 Precursors of the Faith

.1 The BábClass here biographical and comprehensive works. For station of the Báb, Manifestations of God generally, use 295.21 – works revealed by the Báb at 294.4

.12 Birth and childhood

.13 Public ministry

.133 Declaration

.135 Pilgrimage (of Báb) to Mecca

.14 Arrest, imprisonment, trials

.141 Arrest and sojourn in Isfahán

.142 Captivity in Ádhirbáhján

.142 3 Máh-Kú

.142 5 Chihríq

.145 Examination in Tabríz

.15 Execution

.2 Bahá’u’lláhShort works about Bahá’u’lláh primarily intended as introductions to, or apologies for, the Bahá’í Faith may be gathered under 291.3 or 291.4 Otherwise, class here comprehensive and biographical works. Works on the station of Bahá’u’lláh are classed at 295.21 (q.v.) – works revealed by Bahá’u’lláh under 294.5

.22 Birth and Childhood

.23 Public ministry

.231 Arrest and imprisonment in the Síyáh-Chál

.232 Exile to Baghdád

.232 5 Withdrawal to Kurdistan

.232 7 Declaration in Garden of Riván

.233 Exile to Constantinople

.233 5 Journey to Constantinople

.234 Exile to Adrianople

.234 5 Proclamation of Bahá’u’lláh

.235 Exile to ‘Akká

.235 3 Imprisonment in ‘Akká

.236 Sojourn at Mazrá’ih

.237 Sojourn at Bahjí

.25 Ascension

.3 ‘Abdu’l-BaháClass here comprehensive and biographical works. Class works on station of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as the centre of the covenant in 298.1 – covenant breakers etc. in 292.7 – works revealed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at 294.6

.32 Birth and childhood

.33 Incidents during the lifetime of His FatherWhere appropriate, add to the base number 293.33 notation following 293.23 – e.g. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Adrianople 293.334

293 Bahá’í Faith - Biography 293 .34 Public ministry.342 Renewal of His incarceration.344 Release from incarceration.345 Travels of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá .345 2 Visits to Egypt.345 4 Journeys in Europe.345 6 Journeys in North America.346 The role of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in World War 1.35 Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.4 The Guardian (Shoghi Effendi).42 Birth and childhood.43 Education.435 The Guardian at Oxford.44 Ministry as Guardian.45 Passing.5 Saints, martyrs, other especially revered persons.6 Hands of the Cause of God.7 Knights of Bahá’u’lláh.8 Other Bahá’ís

Class biography of covenant breakers under 292.7

.9 Non-Bahá’ís relevant to Bahá’í historyUse this heading only for biography, discussion of the people concerned from a Bahá’í point of view; or biography (especially autobiography) treating the Faith at length.

294 The Writings (Scripture and other authoritative writings)Note that headings for 294.1 to 294.3 are used repeatedly for 294.4 – 294.9Class the reading of scripture as an aspect of religious life at 298.3 – the use of scripture in worship, celebration of Bahá’í Feasts and Holy Days, at 298.824

.1 Works about Bahá’í holy books and scripturesClass works about particular scriptural works at the number for the work concerned

.11 Authorship, origins, authenticity

.112 Canon

.113 Inspiration – revelation

.113 2 Inerrancy, authority

.12 Concordances, indexes and dictionaries etc.

.13 Textual studies

.14 Study – scriptural criticism

.142 Philosophical and introductory studies

.144 Symbolisms and typology

.145 Harmonies

.146 Literary criticism (higher, internal, redaction criticism)

.147 Historical criticism

.148 Mythological, allegorical, numerological, astrological interpretations

.149 Discussion and interpretation of scriptural prophecies

.15 Summaries, paraphrases and commentaries

.17 Secular subjects in the writings Add to the base number 294.17 the Dewey class number for the subject concerned (without trailing zeros or decimal points). Thus, “Mathematics in the writings” becomes 294.1751

294 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 294 .18 Background to the writings.182 General history (especially of Middle Eastern countries in mid to late nineteenth, early twentieth centuries) – in relation to the Bahá’í Writings.

Class Bahá’í religious history in 292.5 – class stories for children from the writings in 294.3222.183 Persons

Generally, prefer 293 (Bahá’í religious biography) for specific people, except for minor char-acters of stories in the writings. For particular kinds of person add to the base number 294.183 appropriate numbers from Table PS1 – e.g. Women in the writings 294.183 43

.186 Geography – maps and atlases of relevant areas in mid to late nineteenth, early twentieth centuries – in relation to the Bahá’í Writings, early history of the Faith..19 History of scripture.193 Textual history.195 History of translations

Add to the base number 294.195 notation 2-9 from Table 6 – e.g. German translations 294.19531Class actual texts, regardless of language, or translation in 294.2 – 294.9

.2 General collections and compilations from the Writings

.3 Special collections and compilations

.32 Collections compiled for a specific purpose

.322 Collections compiled for specific classes of readerAdd to base number 294.322 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.322 2 ChildrenIncluding stories from the writings retold for children.

.322 6 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.322 71 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.322 91 New and isolated believers

.322 913 New believers

.322 915 Isolated believers

.325 Collections of prayers from the writingsOptionally, use 298.3 for prayer books – otherwise this is in effect the place for Bahá’í prayers.

.326 Other collections compiled for use in personal devotions

.327 For Feasts and/or Holy DaysAdd to the base number 294.327 the notation following 297 – for example: Scriptural readings for Riván 294.3276 Actual programmes for Feasts or Holy Days should be classed under 298.857, even if they consist mainly or entirely of scriptural extracts.

.328 For deepenings etc.For collections of scripture for deepening particular classes of people – prefer 294.322 – thus collections of scripture for deepening new believers: NOT 294.328913 but 294.322913Note also that collections of scripture prepared for deepenings on a particular subject should be classed at 294.34 rather than here

.33 Collections linked by form (e.g. “Tablets”)

.34 Collections linked by subject (e.g. “Love”)Add to the base number 294.34 notation following 29 to define the subject concerned.

.36 Collections linked by date or periodAdd to the base number 294.36 notation following 292.52 to define the period.

.4 Works revealed by (and recorded teachings of) the BábClass here all Bábí scripture recognised as such by the Bahá’ís – class other Bábí writings at 292.734

.41 Works about the writings of the BábAdd to base number 294.41 notation following 294.1

.42 General Collections

.43 Special CollectionsAdd to base number 294.43 notation following 294.3

294 Bahá’í Faith – The Writings 294 .44 Specific works revealed by the Báb

(Arranged alphabetically, using Cutter numbers – as follows). For works about specific works of the Báb – add numbers following 294.1 to the number for the work concerned – thus a commentary on the Kitáb-i-Asmá‘ would be 294.44.K55

.44.B3 Bayán, Arabic

.44.B5 Bayán, Persian

.44.D3 Dalá’il-i-Sab‘ih (The seven proofs)

.44.K3 Khasa’il-Sab‘ih

.44.K5 Kitáb-i-Asmá ‘ (The book of names)

.44.K7 Kitáb-i-Panj-Sha’n

.44.K9 Kitábu’r-Ruh

.44.L32 Law-i-Hájí Mírzá Áqásí

.44.L34 Law-i-Hurufat (Tablet of the letters)

.44.L36 Law-i-Muhammad Sháh (Tablet to Muhammad Sháh)

.44.Q3 Qayyúmu’l-Asmá‘ (Ahsanu’l-Qisas) – (Commentary on the Súrih of Joseph)

.44.R3 Risaliy-i-‘Adliyyih

.44.R4 Risaliy-i-Dhahabiyyih

.44.R5 Risaliy-i-Fiqhiyyih

.44.R6 Risaliy-i-Furu’-i-‘Adliyyih

.44.S2 Sahifatu’l-Haramayn

.44.S3 Sahifiy-i-Ja’fariyyih

.44.S4 Sahifiy-i-Makhdhumiyyih

.44.S5 Sahifiy-i-Radaviyyih

.44.S8 Súriy-i-Tawhid

.44.T3 Tafsir-i-Nubuvvat-i-Khassih

.44.Z5 Ziyarat-i-Sháh ‘Abdu’l-Azim

.5 Works revealed by (and recorded teachings of) Bahá’u’lláh

.51 Works about the writings of Bahá’u’lláhAdd to base number 294.51 notation following 294.1

.52 General Collections

.53 Special CollectionsAdd to base number 294.53 notation following 294.3

.54 Specific works revealed by Bahá’u’lláh(Arranged alphabetically, using Cutter numbers – as follows). For works about specific works of Bahá’u’lláh – add numbers following 294.1 to the number for the work concerned – thus a commentary on the Seven Valleys would be 294.54.H35

.54.A3 Alvah-i-Laylatu’l-Quds

.54.A5 Asl-i-Kullu’l-Khayr (Words of wisdom)

.54.A9 Az Bagh-i-Ilahi

.54.B2 Baz-Av-i-Bidih-Jami

.54.B4 Bishárát (Glad tidings)

.54.C4 Chihar Vadi (Four valleys)Class here editions combining the Four valleys and the Seven valleys, and works concerning both books. For works on Bahá’í mysticism generally use 298.58 – for works on the relation-ship between the Bahá’í Faith and Sufism use 291.688 58

.54.H3 Haft Vadi (Seven valleys)

.54.H4 Halih Ya Bishárát

.54.H7 Hur-i-’Ujab

.54.H8 Hurufat-i-‘Allin

.54.I7 Ishraqat (Splendours)

294 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 294 .54.J2 Javahiru’l-Asrar (Gems of Divine Mysteries).54.K2 Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih (Words of paradise).54.K3 Kalimát-i-Maknunih (Hidden words).54.K4 Kitáb-i-‘Ahd.54.K6 Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most holy book)

Class the Synopsis and Codification of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, published by the Bahá’í World Centre, as a commentary, at 294.54.K65

.54.K7 Kitáb-i-Badi‘

.54.K8 Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of certitude)

.54.L12 Law-i-‘Abdu’l-’Azíz va Vukala

.54.L13 Law-i-‘Abdu’l-Vahhab

.54.L14 Law-i-‘Abdu’r-Razzaq

.54.L15 Law-i-Ahbab

.54.L16 Law-i-Ahmad (Tablet of Ahmad)

.54.L17 Law-i-Amvaj

.54.L18 Law-i-Anta’l-Kafi (Long healing prayer)

.54.L19 Law-i-Aqdas (Tablet to the Christians or Most holy tablet)

.54.L22 Law-i-Ashraf

.54.L23 Law-i-Ashiq va Ma’shuq

.54.L24 Law-i-Ayiy-i-Núr

.54.L25 Law-i-Bahá

.54.L26 Law-i-Baqa

.54.L27 Law-i-Basitatu’l-Haqiqah

.54.L28 Law-i-Bismilih

.54.L29 Law-i-Bulbulu’l-Firaq

.54.L32 Law-i-Burhan (Tablet of the proof)

.54.L33 Law-i-Dunya (Tablet of the world)

.54.L34 Law-i-Fitnih

.54.L35 Law-i-Ghulamu’l-Khuld

.54.L36 Law-i-Habib

.54.L37 Law-i-Haft Pursish

.54.L38 Law-i-Hajj

.54.L39 Law-i-Hawdaj

.54.L42 Law-i-Hikmat (Tablet of wisdom)

.54.L43 Law-i-Hirtik

.54.L44 Law-i-Huriyyih

.54.L45 Law-i-Husayn

.54.L46 Law-i-Ibn-i-Dhi’b (Epistle to the son of the wolf)

.54.L47 Law-i-Ittihad

.54.L48 Law-i-Jamál

.54.L49 Law-i-Karim

.54.L52 Law-i-Karmil (Tablet of Carmel)

.54.L53 Law-i-Kullu’t-Ta‘am

.54.L54 Law-i-Malikih (Tablet to Queen Victoria)

.54.L55 Law-i-Malik-i-Rus (Tablet to Tsar Alexander II)

.54.L56 Law-i-Mallahu’l-Quds (Tablet of the holy mariner)

.54.L57 Law-i-Mánikchí Sáib

.54.L58 Law-i-Maqsud

.54.L59 Law-i-Maryam

.54.L62 Law-i-Mawhid

.54.L63 Law-i-Mubahilih

.54.L64 Law-i-Napulyun I (First Tablet to Napoleon III)

.54.L65 Law-i-Napulyun II (Second Tablet to Napoleon III)

.54.L66 Law-i-Nasir

.54.L67 Law-i-Nuqtih

.54.L68 Law-i-Pap (Tablet to Pope Pius IX)

.54.L69 Law-i-Pisar‘Amm

294 Bahá’í Faith – The Writings 294 .54.L72 Law-i-Qina’.54.L73 Law-i-Quds.54.L74 Law-i-Rafi’.54.L75 Law-i-Ra’is.54.L76 Law-i-Raqsha.54.L77 Law-i-Rasul.54.L78 Law-i-Ruh.54.L79 Law-i-Ru’ya.54.L82 Law-i-Sahab.54.L83 Law-i-Salman I.54.L84 Law-i-Salman II.54.L85 Law-i-Samsun.54.L86 Law-i-Sayyah.54.L87 Law-i-Shaykh Fani.54.L88 Law-i-Sultán (Tablet to Násiri'd-Dín Sháh).54.L89 Law-i-Tawhid.54.L92 Law-i-Tibb.54.L93 Law-i-Tuqa.54.L94 Law-i-Yusuf.54.L95 Law-i-Zaynu’l-Muqarrabin.54.L96 Law-i-Ziyarih.54.M2 Madinatu’r-Rida.54.M3 Madinatu’t-Tawhid.54.M4 Mathnavi.54.M8 Munajathay-i-Siyam.54.Q2 Qad-Ihtaraqa’l-Mukhlisun (Fire tablet).54.Q3 Qasidiy-i-Varaqa’iyyih.54.R3 Rashh-i-‘Ama.54.R5 Rivánu’l-‘Adl.54.R6 Rivánu’l-Iqrar.54.S2 Sahifiy-i-Shattiyyih.54.S3 Salat-i-Mayyit.54.S4 Saqi Az Ghayb-i-Baqa.54.S5 Shikkar Shikan Shavand.54.S6 Subhana Rabbiya’l-‘Alá‘.54.S7 Subhanika Ya Hu.54.S8 Suratu’lláh.54.S911 Súriy-i-Ahzan.54.S913 Súriy-i-Amin.54.S915 Súriy-i-Amr.54.S917 Súriy-i-A’rab.54.S919 Súriy-i-Ashab.54.S921 Súriy-i-Asmá‘.54.S923 Súriy-i-Bayán.54.S925 Súriy-i-Damm.54.S927 Súriy-i-Dhabih.54.S929 Súriy-i-Dhibh.54.S931 Súriy-i-Dhikr.54.S933 Súriy-i-Fadl.54.S935 Súriy-i-Fath.54.S937 Súriy-i-Fu’ád.54.S939 Súriy-i-Ghusn (Tablet of the Branch).54.S941 Súriy-i-Hajj I

294 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 294 .54.S943 Súriy-i-Hajj II.54.S945 Súriy-i-Haykal.54.S947 Súriy-i-Hifz.54.S949 Súriy-i-Hijr.54.S951 Súriy-i-’Ibad.54.S953 Súriy-i-Ism.54.S955 Súriy-i-Ismuna’l-Mursil.54.S957 Súriy-i-Javad.54.S959 Súriy-i-Khitab.54.S961 Súriy-i-Ma‘ani.54.S963 Súriy-i-Man’.54.S965 Súriy-i-Mulúk (Tablet of the Kings).54.S967 Súriy-i-Nida.54.S969 Súriy-i-Nush.54.S971 Súriy-i-Qadir.54.S973 Súriy-i-Qahir.54.S975 Súriy-i-Qalam.54.S977 Súriy-i-Qamis.54.S979 Súriy-i-Sabr.54.S981 Súriy-i-Sultán.54.S983 Súriy-i-Vafa.54.S985 Súriy-i-Ziyarih.54.S987 Súriy-i-Zubur.54.S989 Súriy-i-Zuhur.54.T2 Tafsir-i-Hu.54.T3 Tafsir-i-Hurufat-i-Maqatta’ih.54.T4 Tafsir-i-Súriy-i-Va’sh-Shams.54.T5 Tajalliyat (Effulgences).54.T6 Tarazat (Ornaments).54.Z3 Ziyarat-namih (Tablet of visitation).54.Z4 Ziyarat-namiy-i-Awliya.54.Z5 Ziyarat-namiy-i-Bábu’l-Báb va Quddus.54.Z6 Ziyarat-namiy-i-Bayt.54.Z7 Ziyarat-namiy-i-Maryam.54.Z8 Ziyarat-namiy-i-Siyyidu’sh-Shuhada

.6 Works revealed by (and recorded teachings of) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

.61 Works about the writings of ‘Abdu’l-BaháAdd to base number 294.61 notation following 294.1

.62 General Collections

.63 Special CollectionsAdd to base number 294.63 notation following 294.3

.64 Specific works revealed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá(Arranged alphabetically, using Cutter numbers – as follows). For works about specific works of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá – add numbers following 294.1 to the number for the work concerned – thus a commentary on the Will and Testament would be 294.64.A65

.64.A5 Alvah-i-Tablighiy-Imrika (Tablets of the divine plan)

.64.A6 Alvah-i-Vasaya (Will and testament)

.64.L12 Law-i-Aflakiyyih

.64.L14 Law-i-‘Ahd va Mithaq

.64.L16 Law-i-‘Ammih

.64.L18 Law-i-Ayat

294 Bahá’í Faith – The Writings 294 .64.L22 Law-i-Du Niday-i-Falah va Najah.64.L24 Law-i-Duktur Fural (Tablet to Dr. Forel).64.L26 Law-i-Haft Sham’.64.L28 Law-i-Hizat Bayti.64.L32 Law-i-Khurasan.64.L34 Law-i-Lahih (Tablet to the Hague).64.L36 Law-i-Mahfil-i-Shawr.64.L38 Law-i-Muhabbat.64.L42 Law-i-Tanzih va Taqdis.64.L44 Law-i-Tarbiyat.64.M3 Madaniyyih (Secret of divine civilisation).64.M4 Maqality-i-Sayyah (Traveller’s narrative).64.M8 Mufavidat (Some answered questions).64.S3 Sharh-i-Fass-i-Nigin-i-Ism-i-A’zam.64.S4 Sharh-i-Shuhaday-i-Yazd va Isfahán.64.S5 Siyasiyyih.64.T2 Tadhkiratu’l-Vafa (Memorials of the faithful).64.T3 Tafsir-i-Bismi’Ilahi’r-Rahmani’r-Rahim.64.T4 Tafsir-i-Kuntu Kanzan Makhfiyyan.64.Z5 Ziyarat-namih (Tablet of visitation).7 Other authoritative Bahá’í Writings

Include here only writings with definite, “quasi-scriptural” authority. 294.72 – 294.78 naturally follow the same pattern as 294.71

.71 Works of (or recorded teachings of) Shoghi Effendi

.711 Works about the writings of Shoghi EffendiAdd to base number 294.711 notation following 294.1

.712 General Collections

.713 Special CollectionsAdd to base number 294.713 notation following 294.3

.714 Specific works of Shoghi Effendi

.714.A3 Advent of Divine Justice

.714.G6 God passes by

.714.P7 Promised day is come, TheNote that most volumes of the works of Shoghi Effendi are in fact compilations, based (for example) on collections of letters. These should be classed under 294.712 or 294.713 – it is advisable to examine such works very carefully to ensure correct classification.

294 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 294 (.72 Works of Hands of the Cause of God)

The use of this number is optional – either all works by all the Hands might go here, or perhaps only works that may be considered to be (almost) part of the writings, or that have special authority. Otherwise class such works with the topic.

.73 Messages from, rulings by the Universal House of JusticeAdd to base numbers 294.731, 294.733 notation following 294.1, 294.3 Class all compilations, collections of Bahá’í scripture, including those prepared for or by the U.H.J., at the appropriate place in 294.2 – 294.6

.75 Authoritative messages, recognised rulings by N.S.A.s

.76 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ L.S.A.s

.78 Recognised rulings etc. by other Bahá’í administrative bodies(.8 Bahá’í writings of doubtful authenticity or limited authority)

Use of this number is optional. If used – include here Bahá’í “classics” that have considerable authority, although not strictly part of the writings: e.g. Nabíl’s “Dawnbreakers”. Otherwise, class such works with topic.In any case, class writings of covenant breakers at appropriate number under 292.7

.85 Stories, legendsClass authentic stories about particular (real) people at appropriate place under 293 – class stories with full scriptural or historical authority at appropriate place, either in 294.4/294.7, or under 292 – class stories from scripture specifically chosen or retold for children under 294.3222

.9 Holy writings of other religionsClass here discussions, interpretations of verses, passages, books of “non-Bahá’í” scripture from a Bahá’í perspective – especially in so far as they are specifically relevant to the Faith (e.g. containing passages considered by Bahá’ís to be prophecies about Bahá’u’lláh and/or the Báb). Class general works on other religions from a Bahá’í standpoint under 291.6 – e.g. the Bahá’í Faith and Christianity 291.67 – class works on founders of other religions regarded as Bahá’í Manifestat-ions of God under 295.217 – e.g. a work on the station etc. of Jesus in Bahá’í terms 295.2177Optionally, class here actual editions of the works concerned, published by Bahá’ís and annot-ated from a Bahá’í point of view (preferred treatment is to class with other editions of the works in question – under the relevant religion).Add to the base number 294.9 the digits following the initial “2” from the number for the work concerned.

For example:

.964 462 3 The Book of Isaiah

.974 478 The Book of Revelation

.984 4 The Qur’án

295 The Teachings (God, ethics, principles)[.0 Schools and kinds of theology]

At least for the time being do not use any headings under 295.0 – in particular, class all covenant breaker works under 292.7. But note that the Bahá’í International Library reserves a similar heading to this for possible legitimate variations in interpretations of the Bahá’í teachings. c.f. 205.0, 275.0 etc.

.1 God

.11 Oneness of GodClass Bahá’í discussions or refutations of Trinitarian, polytheistic, pantheistic etc. conceptions of God under 295.11 – adding to the base number 295.11 notation following 205.11 as appropriate.

.12 Existence, knowability, names, attributes of God

.121 Existence of God

.121 2 Proofs[.121 3 Agnosticism][.121 4 Atheism]

Do NOT use 295.1213 or 295.1214 Class all Bahá’í discussions, refutations of atheism, agnosticism at 291.61233, 291.61234

295 Bahá’í Faith – The Teachings 295 .123 Knowability of God.123 1 Unknowable in essence.123 2 Knowable through logic, reason.123 4 Knowable through faith.123 6 Knowable through tradition.123 8 Acceptance through revelation by manifestations.125 Attributes (names) of God.125 2 Goodness of God.125 25 God the helper

See also 295.315 for dependence of Humanity on God..125 3 God the Creator.125 4 Just Ruler of the universe

Include here Theodicy (vindication of God’s justice in permitting evil and suffering to exist). .125 41 Sovereignty, kingdom of God.125 42 Wisdom, omniscience of God.125 43 Mercy of God.125 45 Justice of God.125 5 Other attributes and titles

Including omnipotence, transcendence etc..129 Greatest Name.15 Love of God.18 Primal will, Holy Spirit.2 Spiritual Beings.21 Manifestations of God

Use 293.1 for The Báb and 293.2 for Bahá’u’lláh – unless His station, and the nature of Manifestation itself is the primary subject

.211 Unity of the manifestations of GodClass here the oneness of religion. Class the relationship between the Faith and other religious systems under 291.6

.212 Humanity of Manifestation, relationship to God

.213 Most Great Infallibility

.214 Revelation, progressive revelationFor works specifically on authorship, inerrancy of scripture, see under 294.1

.215 Miracles (of manifestations)

.217 Previous and future manifestations from a Bahá’í standpoint Add to the base number 295.217 the notation following 2 that defines the religion founded by the manifestation concerned – with the exception that “6” refers, not to Moses specifically, but to “Manifestations of God mentioned in the Bible and/or the Qur’án, and appearing before Jesus” (as detailed below).Class works on the relationship between the Bahá’í Faith and other religions under 291.6

.217 2 Krishna

.217 4 The Buddha

.217 58 Zoroaster

.217 61 Adam

.217 63 Noah

.217 64 Hud

.217 65 Salih

.217 66 Abraham

.217 68 Moses

.217 7 Jesus

.217 8 Muhammad

.217 9 Future manifestations

.219 Prophethood and prophecies (of manifestations)

295 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 295 .25 Spirit beings.255 Good spirits, Angels etc..27 Martyrs and Martyrdom

For biography of Martyrs use 293.5

.3 Humanity

.31 Creation, purpose, relation to God

.311 Faith, belief and doubtFor proofs of the existence of God use 295.121 – for faith as a virtue, use 295.472

.313 Relationship between soul and body – essential nature of the individualFor works on the immortality of the soul, use 295.324 – for salvation, see 295.34

.315 Dependence on God

.315 5 Submission to the will of God

.315 7 Humanity created to know and love God

.315 9 Duty of recognition of Manifestation

.316 Conscience – sense of right and wrong, of shame

.32 Nature of humanity and human society – relation to natural world For the virtue of love and respect for the natural world use 295.432.

.321 Oneness of humankindFor race prejudice and racism use 295.4153

.322 Equality of men and womenFor Sexism use 295.4155Class here works on feminism from a Bahá’í standpoint.

.323 Social class distinctionsFor economic aspects of this question – use 295.663 5

.324 Immortality of the human spirit For works on Heaven and Hell use 295.348 Class here works on death.

.324 2 Reincarnation, karma (Fallacy of)

.325 Free will and predestinationClass here destiny, determinism – fatalist views.

.326 Humankind and the natural worldFor Oneness of religion and science in general – use 295.414

.326 3 Nature of creation

.326 31 Eternity of creation

.326 35 Laws of natureClass here works on the nature of miracles and the miraculous

.326 37 Kingdoms of creation

.326 374 Relationship of humankind to non-living part of creation

.326 378 Relationship of humankind to plant life

.326 379 Relationship of humankind to animals

.326 5 EvolutionFor the relationship between the Bahá’í Faith and science, use 291.75 Class here discussion of the question of evolution in a purely (Bahá'í ) religious context – see also manual note at 201.75 vs. 205.326 5 vs. 576.8

.33 EschatologyClass death, immortality under 295.324 – class heaven, hell and the life to come under 295.348.

.332 Eternity

.333 Resurrection, return

.335 Day of God; last days; last judgement etc.

.337 Calamity

295 Bahá’í Faith – The Teachings 295 .34 Salvation etc..342 Good and evil.343 Temptation, sin.344 Accountability, guilt, responsibility for sins.345 Repentance, atonement, contrition.347 Salvation, divine forgiveness.348 Heaven (Abhá Kingdom) and Hell

.4 Principles, morals, personal ethicsFor occupational ethics see 295.5, social ethics 295.6 Class here “natural law”, “divine law” but for specific laws, codes of conduct use 296Class at 295.4 general works on virtues and vices and “living the life” – but class Conscience, sense of shame at 295.316, and Good and evil, Sin etc. under 295.34

[.40 Guides to living the life for specific classes of person]Add to the base number 295.40 numbers from Table PS1 – as in the following examples – if necessary refer to the table for more detail. For specific virtues see 295.41 – 295.49 For works containing guides to living the life for several kinds of people use 295.4, NOT 295.40

.402 Children

.403 Adolescents, youth, university students

.404 Adults

.404 2 Men

.404 3 Women

.404 5 ParentsClass here Bahá’í works on child rearing, parenting

.405 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.406 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement[.408 Occupational groups]

Do not use 295.408 For works on living the life for members of a particular trade or profes -sion – prefer occupational ethics under 295.5

(295.41 – 295.49 Specific qualities, virtues and vices)In this schedule, vice is seen as a deficiency of its corresponding virtue. E.g., a work on pride (as a vice) is classed at the number for humility.

.41 Justice, fair-mindednessUse a number under 296 for Bahá’í Law on any 295.4 subject.

.411 Equity, fairness

.412 Independent investigation of truth

.414 Harmony of religion and scienceFor general works about the relationship between the Bahá’í Faith and science, prefer 291.75 Use this number for the oneness of Science and religion as a virtue or principle.

.415 Elimination of prejudice and intolerance, open-mindedness

.415 1 Religious intolerance

.415 2 Moral intoleranceClass here undue intolerance due to differing moral standards – e.g. homophobia.

.415 3 Racism and Ethnicism

.415 4 Prejudice based on socio/economic difference, snobbery

.415 5 Sexism

.415 7 Ageism

.415 8 Intolerance of people suffering from illnesses, handicaps, other misfortune

.416 Mercy, forgiveness

.42 Honour, purity

.421 Self-respect, honour

295 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 295 .422 Honesty, ethical dealing.424 Truthfulness.426 Trustworthiness.427 Matching words with deeds (class here hypocrisy).428 Purity.429 Chastity, sexual and reproductive morals (class here lust, promiscuity).43 Self-control, prudence, wisdom.433 Moderation, temperance, restraint (class here excess, gluttony).434 Thrift (including careful use of natural resources – but see 295.442 below).436 Dignity.437 Modest dress and sensible reaction to fashion .438 Patience, gentleness (class here anger, wrath, violence).439 Wisdom, prudence, discretion.44 Kindliness and related virtues, caring.442 Concern for the environment, life in general.442 5 Kindness to animals (including humanity in hunting and other use of animals).442 7 Vegetarianism.443 “Golden Rule”.443 3 Sympathy and empathy, compassion (class here envy, jealousy).443 7 Respect for others’ rights.443 73 Respect for human life (class here murder, suicide).443 75 Respect for the property of others (class here theft, unfeeling destructiveness).444 Generosity, charity, care for the poor and sick (class here greed, selfishness).445 Encouragement.446 Courtesy and tact (class here abuse, profanity, verbal cruelty, backbiting).447 Hospitality.448 Gratitude.449 Tolerance.45 Love and related virtues.453 Love.455 Friendliness, friendship.46 Selflessness and related virtues.462 Sacrifice.464 Service.47 Humility and related virtues.471 Humility.473 Reverence (class here blasphemy) .475 Obedience.48 Faith and related virtues.482 Faith.483 Courage.484 Happiness, Cheerfulness.485 Hope.486 Steadfastness and perseverance.487 Sincerity.488 Zeal (class here sloth).49 Other qualities and virtues/vices

295 Bahá’í Faith – The Teachings 295

.5 Occupational ethicsAt 295.5 class the “work ethic”, work as service to humankind, as worship of God.For ethics of a particular occupation - add to the base number 295.5 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g. scientific ethics 295.55, medical ethics 295.561, ethics of management 295.565 Class specific virtues under 295.4 – e.g. honesty at 295.422

.6 Social teachingsWorks treating the practical relationships between the Faith and social questions should generally be classed under 291.73Class teachings concerning the social nature of humanity under 295.32 – use 296.5 for social laws.

.63 Teachings concerning Peace and War

.633 PacifismDiscussion of doctrines (in other religions) absolutely forbidding war in any circumstances.

.634 Lesser peace

.634 5 Collective security

.635 Armaments – disarmament and arms control – morality of particular weapons.

.635 2 Landmines

.635 3 Chemical weapons

.635 4 Biological weapons

.635 5 Nuclear weapons/disarmament

.636 Most Great PeaceFor international cooperation in general use 295.655

.637 Warfare

.637 3 Just warWar necessarily waged, for a just cause

.637 4 Holy warFor legal prohibition of holy war use 296.324 778

.637 8 Civil warClass civil disobedience, revolution at 295.653 2

.64 International standards

.643 International standard measure

.645 International standard script

.646 Universal second languageAdd to base number 295.646 notation 2-9 from Table 6 to define the particular language under consideration – for example:

.646 2 English

.646 999 92 Esperanto

.65 Teachings concerning (secular) governmentClass here teachings relating to citizenship

.653 Individuals and the state

.653 2 Obedience to governmentClass here teachings on civil disobedience, revolution – class civil war at 295.637 8

.653 23 Military serviceClass here conscientious objection

.653 5 Civil rights

.654 Nationalism, love of one’s country

.655 International relations, co-operation, world federation

.655 2 International executive

.655 3 International legislature

.655 4 International law

.656 Political systems

.656 3 Republicanism

.656 5 Royalism

295 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 295 .66 Teachings concerning economics

For the specific virtues of justice, honesty, thrift, generosity etc. see numbers under 295.4.663 Spiritual solutions to economic questions.663 3 Relations between capital and labour.663 5 Excessive inequality – difference between very rich and very poor

Class here teachings about poverty..665 Economic systems.665 3 Socialism.665 5 Communism.665 7 Capitalism.67 Teachings concerning social life, customs and change.673 Social life and customs.673 5 Games, amusements, pastimes.675 Social change

296 Laws, prescriptions and proscriptionsFor scriptural and legislative sources of Bahá’í Law use appropriate division of 294 – e.g. The Kitáb-i-Aqdas at 294.54.K6.

.1 General codes of personal, social conduct

.11 The Golden RuleIncluding the Silver Rule. For adherence to the golden rule as a virtue, use 295.443

.3 Personal laws

.31 Membership of the Bahá’í Community

.311 Declaration

.311 5 Taqiyyih - denial or concealment of faith (prohibition of)

.312 Suspension of voting rights

.313 Expulsion

.314 Resignation

.315 Membership of (or involvement with) non-Bahá’í bodies

.315 2 Interfaith bodies

.315 3 Charitable and “service” organisations

.315 5 Other religious bodies

.315 7 Secret societies etc.

.315 8 Political parties etc.Here include participation in partisan politics.

.316 Obligations and privileges of membership of the Faith

.316 4 Contributions to the cause

.316 42 Huqúqu’lláh

.316 5 Obligatory prayer and repeating holy versesFor comprehensive works on Bahá’í personal devotions use 298.3

.316 7 Privilege of voting in Bahá’í electionsFor loss of voting and administrative rights see 296.312

.32 Laws of personal conduct

.321 Laws concerning respect for God, the FaithClass here binding authority of Bahá’í Institutions

.321 2 Apostasy, heresy – disrespect for institutions (short of covenant breaking)Class here works in favour of, or against, religious freedom, toleration of differences of opin-ion within the Faith. For covenant breaking, use 298.13

.321 4 Blasphemy

296 Bahá’í Law 296 .322 Laws affecting sexual conduct, reproduction

Class sexual abuse, rape at 296.32474 For marriage laws use 296.553 – for chastity as a virtue, sexual morals in general, use 295.429

.322 2 Adultery and fornication

.322 4 Homosexuality

.322 6 Birth control; abortion; artificial insemination, embryo transplant

.322 8 Pornography – obscenity in literature, art etc.

.324 Laws concerning respect of the body, of human life

.324 5 Use of alcohol and other drugs

.324 52 Use of tobacco, caffeine, other mild stimulants

.324 54 Alcohol

.324 56 Marijuana and other “soft” narcotics

.324 57 Opium and its derivatives (including heroin)

.324 59 Other “hard” narcotics

.324 7 Violence (including violence within the family)

.324 72 Assault

.324 74 Rape – sexual abuse

.324 742 Sexual abuse of children

.324 75 Murder and manslaughter

.324 76 Suicide – assisted suicide and euthanasia

.324 77 Warfare

.324 778 Holy War (prohibition of)

.326 Laws concerning respect of property

.326 3 Theft

.326 5 Fraud

.326 7 Malicious damage, arson etc.

.327 Laws of respect for other’s rights

.327 6 Backbiting

.327 8 Discrimination

.328 Other “personal” laws

.328 2 Gambling

.328 4 Involvement with psychic phenomena, the occult

.5 Social laws

.53 Theocracy, religious governmentFor the Faith and the secular state use 291.732 – for teachings on relations with secular government use 295.65 Class here temporal power of Bahá’í leaders and institutions.

.532 Laws governing international matters

.532 5 Laws relating to the Universal House of Justice

.533 Laws governing communities

.533 5 Laws relating to N.S.A.s and L.S.A.s

.55 Laws of family life

.552 Duties of children to parentsClass here parental authority. For duties of parents to children use 296.555

.553 MarriageFor laws of sexual conduct and adultery etc. see 296.322

.553 1 Monogamy – plurality of spouses

.553 3 Courtship, betrothal

.553 4 Parental consent

.553 6 Dowry

.553 8 Divorce – remarriage

.553 83 Year of patience

296 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 296 .554 Law concerned with death.554 3 Treatment of human remains, burial – cremation.554 5 Laws of inheritance.555 Responsibility (of parents and other family members) for children

Class here laws concerning child rearing..555 3 Responsibility for the physical welfare of children.555 5 Responsibility for the moral/spiritual welfare of children.555 7 Responsibility for education of children

Class deepening, religious education of children at 298.752.57 Religious punishments

This heading is reserved for punishments specifically sanctioned or required by Bahá’í Law. For Bahá’í attitudes to punishments enacted by the secular state, use the appropriate class numbers under 291.73 – e.g. capital punishment 291.736 466

.572 Religious sanctions

.575 Fines and confiscations

.578 Imprisonment

.578 9 Life imprisonment

.579 Capital punishment

297 Feasts and Holy Days – the Bahá’í calendarCollections of scriptural readings suitable for a particular occasion are classed at 294.327, 294.4327 etc. Works specifically concerning devotions for particular occasions, including programmes, are classed at 298.857 Class here all other works associated with days in question.

.3 The Nineteen Day Feast

.331 Bahá (Splendour)Use 297.5 for Naw Rúz (which falls on the same day).

.332 Jalál (Glory)

.333 Jamál (Beauty)

.334 ‘Azamat (Grandeur)

.335 Núr (Light)

.341 Rahmat (Mercy)

.342 Kalimát (Words)

.343 Kamál (Perfection)

.344 Asmá‘ (Names)

.345 ‘Izzat (Might)

.351 Mashíyyat (Will)

.352 ‘Ilm (Knowledge)

.353 Qudrat (Power)

.354 Qawl (Speech)

.355 Masá’il (Questions)

.361 Sharaf (Honour)

.362 Sultán (Sovereignty)

.363 Mulk (Dominion)

.364 ‘Alá‘ (Loftiness)Class here works on the period of the Bahá’í fast – works on fasting as such are classed at 298.443

.4 The days of Há (Intercalary days)

.5 Naw Rúz (Bahá’í New Year)

.6 Riván

.601 First day of Riván

.609 Ninth day of Riván

.612 Twelfth day of Riván

297 Bahá’í Feasts and Holy Days 297

.7 Holy Anniversaries

.73 The Declaration of the Báb

.74 The Passing of Bahá’u’lláh

.75 The Martyrdom of the Báb

.76 The Birth of the Báb

.77 The Birth of Bahá’u’lláh

.78 The Day of the Covenant

.79 The Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

.8 Other specifically Bahá’í anniversariesClass here anniversaries not celebrated as Holy Days (e.g. anniversaries of birth and passing of The Guardian, other prominent Bahá’ís, etc.).

.9 Other anniversaries etc.

.93 World Religion day

.94 Race Unity Day

.95 World Peace Day

.96 United Nations Day

.98 Human Rights Day

298 Religious life and practiceClass here spirituality. Class works on virtues, Bahá’í ethics, as well as general works on “living the Bahá’í Life” under 295.4

.1 The CovenantClass here works on the station of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as Centre of the Covenant.

.11 Eternal (Greater) Covenant

.12 Specific (Lesser) Covenant

.13 Covenant-breakingFor writings of, accounts of, specific covenant-breakers or covenant-breaking groups, see under 292.7; class crimes against the covenant short of actual covenant breaking under 296.321

.2 Pilgrimage and holy places, objects

.21 Bahá’í Pilgrimage

.213 Accounts of particular pilgrimages

.215 Pilgrims’ notesFor authoritative notes of talks by (for instance) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá or Shoghi Effendi consider classing in appropriate subdivision of 294

.26 Bahá’í holy placesIncluding Bahá’í Temples as places of pilgrimage – personal or “official” – but class compre-hensive works on temples at 299.26

.261 In the Holy Land (Israel/Palestine)

.261 1 Bahá’í holy places in HaifaClass here Mount Carmel – the Bahá’í gardens, buildings thereon in general (“The Arc”).

.261 11 Shrine of the Báb

.261 115 Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

.261 13 House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

.261 2 Bahá’í holy places at Bahjí

.261 23 The Mansion

.261 25 The Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh

298 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 298 .261 3 Bahá’í holy places in ‘Akká.261 32 The Barracks.261 321 Cell of Bahá’u’lláh.261 35 The house of Údí Khammár.261 37 The house of ‘Abbúd.261 38 The house of ‘Abdu’lláh Páshá.261 39 Bahá’í cemeteries in ‘Akká.261 9 Bahá’í holy places elsewhere in the Holy Land.261 92 Mazrá’ih.261 95 Gardens near ‘Akká.261 953 Riván garden.261 955 Firdaws.261 957 Ashraf.262 Bahá’í holy places in Iran (Persia).262 1 House of the Báb (Shíráz).263 Bahá’í holy places in Former Ottoman Empire.263 2 House of Bahá’u’lláh (Baghdád).264/9 Bahá’í holy places in other countries

Add to the base number 298.26 numbers 4-9 from Table 2. BUT generally only one or two digits – further notation indicating a particular holy place – for example:

.264 2 Bahá’í holy places in Britain

.264 24 Shrine of Shoghi Effendi

.267 Bahá’í holy places in North America

.267 1 Wilmette Temple (as a holy place or centre of pilgrimage)

.27 Relics, objects with sacred associations

.3 Personal DevotionsFor obligatory prayer, repetition of verses use 296.3165

.32 General devotional literatureClass here meditations, general works on the spiritual life. Class scriptural collections in this category at 294.326, devotional literature on specific subjects with the subject concerned – e.g. guides to living the life (from an ethical and practical point of view) at 295.4Class devotional literature related to a particular holy day, feast or other religious occasion either with comprehensive works on the feast in question (under 297), or with literature on the celebration of that day or season (under 298.857) as appropriate.For devotional literature for particular classes of person – add to the base number 298.32 notation from table PS1 – e.g. devotional literature written to console and fortify people suffering from bereavement 298.3266 – devotional literature for the use of families 298.3244

.33 PrayerClass here general, comprehensive works on prayer, the power of prayer – class works specifically on prayer used in worship under 298.8 For works specifically on obligatory prayer use 296.3165

.333 Ablutions (as part of prayer)

.334 Ritual genuflections, prostrations, (rik‘ats)

.335 Turning to the point of adoration (Bahjí)

.336 Devices and aids to prayer

.336 3 Beads, other aids to counting of prayers

.34 Repetition of holy verses etc.

.35 Reading, reciting of scripture

.4 Ritual self-denial – fasting – asceticism – vows

.44 Dietary self-denial

.443 FastingClass period of the Bahá’í fast at 297.364

298 Bahá’í Religious Life and Practice 298

.5 Meditation and mysticism, religious experience

.53 Meditation and contemplation

.58 Bahá’í mysticism

.6 Other Mystic PracticesClass Bahá’í Law concerning (in particular proscribing) occult practices at 296.328 4

.62 Religious healing

.68 Prophecy and predictions of the futureFor prophecy enshrined in scripture, see appropriate heading under 294 – for prophecies of Manifestation see 295.219

.7 Deepening (Bahá’í religious education)Class here Bahá’í learning, the Bahá’í Faith as an academic subject. Class teaching, pioneer-ing under 299.8

.72 Importance (of deepening) in general spiritual development

.73 Methods of deepening

.731 Self deepening, personal studiesClass personal study of the scriptures at 298.35

.732 Informal and impromptu gatherings

.733 Institutes, study circles etc.

.734 Bahá’í summer schools, camps

.735 Deepening through gatherings for other purposesIncluding deepening incidental to feasts and holy days, conferences, congresses, exhibitions etc.

.736 Use of drama (including electronic media – puppetry)

.737 Lectures, formal talksClass texts of actual lectures, talks with the topic rather than here.

.738 Use of particular types of materials

.738 6 Audiovisual materials

.739 Use of mass media

.739 2 Print media

.739 4 RadioClass radio drama at 298.736

.739 6 TelevisionClass television drama at 298.736

.75 Deepening particular groups of peopleAdd to base number 298.75 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Most likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary

.752 ChildrenIncluding “Rose Gardens” (Children’s classes)

.753 Adolescents, youth, university students

.754 Adults

.754 2 Men

.754 3 Women

.755 Persons in late adulthood – elderly

.756 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.757 Persons of a particular class or caste – social and economic status

.757 1 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste

.757 12 Persons of lower class or caste due to race or birthIncluding oppressed minorities, e.g. untouchables, indigenous peoples.

.757 14 Persons of lower class due to misfortune

.757 142 Victims of natural disasters, war, religious persecutionClass here refugees, displaced persons.

.757 143 Victims of unjust social systems – economic disasters, depressions Class here unemployed, exploited workers.

.757 15 Persons of lower class due to occupation, workers Class members of particular occupations under 298.758

298 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 298 .757 5 Persons of middle class

Class members of particular occupations under 298.758.757 8 Members of upper, privileged classes.758 Occupational groups

Add to the number 298.758 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Medical pro-fession, health workers 298.758 61

.759 1 New and isolated believers

.759 13 New believers

.759 15 Isolated believers

.76 Syllabus, deepening on particular subjectsAdd to the base number 298.76 the numbers following 29 in 291-299 – e.g. learning about the writings 298.764 – Deepening on the covenant 298.768 1 Actual deepening materials would in most cases be best classed with the subject concerned, or under the appropriate division of 291/9

.77 Places, schools, institutions for deepening, Bahá’í learning

.777 Institutes of Bahá’í learning

.8 Bahá’í Worship, SymbolismIncluding individual and community praise of God, celebration of nineteen day feasts, holy days, special occasions – temple services (unity feasts) and other interfaith worship.Class personal prayer, reading of scripture at 298.3

.81 Essential (non-ritualistic) nature of Bahá’í worship

.82 Services, programmesClass services, programmes for particular occasions, Feasts, Holy Days under 298.857

.823 Congregational prayer

.824 Reading, reciting, chanting scripture in worship

.83 Bahá’í symbolism

.835 Particular symbols and symbolic objects

.835 1 Numbers (especially 9 and 19) as Bahá’í symbolsClass here nine-pointed star.

.835 5 Greatest Name and Ringstone Symbol

.836 Wearing of symbolic objectsIncluding rings, medals, and other jewellery with (e.g.) Greatest Name or Ringstone Symbol.

.84 Use of music in Bahá’í worshipClass religious music in general at 781.7 or 782.22

.844 Song books, “hymnals” etc.

.85 Celebration of particular occasions

.853 Bahá’í weddings

.854 Funerals and other occasions connected with death

.854 3 Bahá’í funerals

.857 Feasts, Holy Days etc.Add to the base number 298.857 notation following 297 For collections of scripture suitable for the celebration of particular Feasts, Holy Days – see 294.327

.858 Worship at particular times of the day

.858 2 Morning worship (e.g. Dawn Prayers)

.858 5 Noon worship

.858 8 Afternoon and evening worship

.858 9 Late night worship (e.g. Midnight worship)

.859 Prayers to accompany specific human activities

.859 5 Prayers at mealtimes

.859 8 Prayers for travellers

.89 Unity feasts, devotional meetings and other (Bahá’í) interfaith worshipClass here worship in Bahá’í temples.

.9 Charity, donations to the CauseFor the virtue of generosity, charitableness, use 295.444 – for the obligation to contribute to the Cause under Bahá’í Law use 296.3164 E.g. Huqúqu’lláh at 296.31642

299 Bahá’í Institutions and Organisations, Administration 299

299 Bahá’í Institutions and organisations, administration.03 Directories.04 Statistics

Where directories or statistics refer to particular places (e.g. cities, countries etc.) add to the base numbers 299.03 or 299.04 appropriate numbers from Table 2.

.1 General Administrative Topics

.11 General administrationFor subjects not allowed for below – add to the base number 299.11 the numbers following 65 in 651-659 – e.g. General Office administration 299.111 – Consultation 299.118 405 For public relations, advertising: use proclamation at 299.53, rather than 299.119 – for financial management, use 299.117 rather than 299.118 15

.15 Bahá’í electionsFor the privilege of voting in Bahá’í elections, and removal of this privilege, see 296.316 7

.158 Conventions etc. called for the purpose of holding elections

.18 Conferences and administrative meetings

.2 Administrative Centres and Houses of Worship

.22 The World Centre (Haifa)Class the Universal House of Justice and specific institutions at the World Centre under 299.342 – class holy places, pilgrimage to Haifa at 298.2611

.24 National centresAdd to the base notation 299.24 numbers from Table 2 to define the particular National centre treated. For example the Australian National Centre 299.249 4 - class National Spiritual Assemblies and other specific national Bahá’í institutions under 299.343

.25 Haziratu’l-Quds – Local Bahá’í CentresFor Local Spiritual Assemblies use 299.345 – for community development use 299.862

.26 Houses of worshipClass here comprehensive, general works on Bahá’í temples and the Institution of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar. For particular temples, add to the base number 299.26 suitable notation from Table 2 – thus the Indian Temple 299.2654. Class temple services at 298.89. Works on temples as holy places, or as destinations of pilgrimages, are classed under 298.26

.3 Administrative InstitutionsClass here works on Bahá’í Institutions in general. Do not add notation from table PS2 at this point – prefer headings under 299.11 – 299.18

.31 Bahá’í International Community The entity which represents Bahá’ís of the world in dealing with international organisations such as the UN.

.34 The Guardianship, Governing Institutions (the Rulers)

.341 The GuardianshipFor comprehensive works on, biography of Shoghi Effendi, use 293.4 – for works on other “Guardians”, class under covenant breakers, at 292.78 – add to the base number 299.341 appropriate notation from table PS2 – for example:

.341 12 Infallibility

.341 163 42 Relationship to the Universal House of Justice

.341 17 Succession

.342 The Universal House of JusticeClass messages (especially authoritative rulings) of the Universal House of Justice at 294.73 – works on the World Centre in general at 299.22 – otherwise, add to the base number 299.342 appropriate notation from Table PS2 – for example:

.342 11 Constitution

.342 12 Infallibility

.342 19 Endowments

.342 25 History

.342 91 International Bahá’í council

.342 970 2 International Bahá’í library(Refer to Table PS2 for more detail)


299 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 299 .343 National Spiritual Assemblies

Add to base number 299.343 notation 4-9 from Table 2 – e.g. the N.S.A. of the United States 299.343 73To the base number 299.3430 (for N.S.A.s in general) or the number for any particular N.S.A., add appropriate notation from Table PS2 – for example:

.343 011 Constitutions

.343 091 Bahá’í Regional Councils

.343 94 N.S.A. of Australia

.343 944 43 Annual reports

.343 949 702 National Bahá’í library of Australia(Refer to Table 2 and Table PS2 for more detail)

.345 Local Spiritual AssembliesAdd to base number 299.345 notation 4-9 from Table 2 – e.g. the L.S.A. of Launceston, Tasmania 299.345 946 61 To the base number 299.3450 (for L.S.A.s in general) or the number for any particular L.S.A., add appropriate notation from Table PS2 – for example:

.345 014 Incorporation

.345 018 Procedures

.345 018 3 Office bearers

.345 018 32 Chairman

.345 018 34 Secretary

.345 018 35 Treasurer

.345 946 61 L.S.A. of Launceston, Tasmania

.345 946 611 4 Incorporation

.345 946 614 9 Minutes of meetings(Refer to Table 2 and Table PS2 for more detail)

.346 Isolated believers and communities too small or immature to form an L.S.A. (Groups)Appropriate notation from Tables 2 and PS2 may be added to the base number 299.346, as above.

.38 Protective and teaching institutions (the Learned)For teaching itself use 299.8 – note that where appropriate, headings under particular institutions may be built, using Table 2 to locate Institutions – and Table PS2 to indicate other divisions.

.382 The Hands of the Cause of GodClass here works on the Institution of the Hands of the Cause. For consideration of Hands as individuals, including biography, use 293.6

.382 25 History of (Institution)For general Bahá’í history during the period of the Stewardship of the Hands – prefer 292.532

.383 International teaching centre

.384 Continental Boards of Counsellors

.386 Auxiliary Boards

.386 3 For propagation

.386 5 For protection

.4 Bahá’í clubs, societies, associations etc.Class general journals, publications etc. of particular societies, and of course anything directly connected with the work of an organisation, at the number for that organisation – other works (especially monographs on a particular topic) with the relevant topic. E.g. class a study of the life of Táhirih by a Bahá’í woman’s society with other works on Táhirih, not with the society producing the work.Use Table 2 (for locality) or Cutter numbers (for a society’s name) to identify particular societies within each classification – followed, if appropriate, by notation from Table PS2.

.42 General Associations

.422 International

.424 National and Local

.425 Institutional

.425 7 University Bahá’í societies

299 Bahá’í Institutions and Organisations, Administration 299 .44 Associations for particular groups of people

Add to the base number 299.44 notation from Table PS1 – some possible headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table if necessary for more detail. Prefer a heading under 299.45 for a society or club open to general membership but with a common interest.

.442 Associations for children

.443 Associations for youth

.444 3 Women’s societies

.445 Societies for elderly Bahá’ís

.446 5 Bahá’í societies for prisoners and their families.

.447 12 Societies for Indigenous Bahá’ís

.449 15 Societies for isolated believersDo NOT use headings under 299.448 (persons by occupation) – but prefer 299.45 For instance a Bahá’í library society is 299.450 2 – whether its membership is restricted to librarians or not.

.45 Special interest groupsAdd to the base number 299.45 the appropriate Dewey number (omitting trailing zeros and decimal points). Class also here clubs and societies limited to people of a particular occupation.(For example)

.450 04 Bahá’í computer clubs

.450 2 Bahá’í library groups and associations

.451 Bahá’í philosophical societies

.452 9 Societies for Bahá’í studies

.453 Bahá’í social welfare and educational societies

.454 999 92 Bahá’í Esperanto clubs

.455 Bahá’í scientific associations

.456 Bahá’í technical groups

.457 Bahá’í artistic societies

.458 Bahá’í literary societies

.459 Bahá’í historical societies

.8 Teaching, Consolidation and PioneeringDefine “teaching” as the introduction of non-Bahá’ís to the Faith – for religious education of declared Bahá’ís (and their children) use “deepening” (298.7). Class institutions of the Faith connected with teaching under 299.38

.801 Importance of

.802 Role in spiritual development

.81 Plans and campaignsFor history, achievements etc. of particular plans – see appropriate heading under 299.82 – for general Bahá’í history during currency of a particular plan see appropriate period under 292.5

.82 History of teaching

.825 Period of plans and campaigns

.825 1 Ten Year Crusade, 1953 – 1963

.825 2 Nine Year Plan, 1964 – 1973

.825 3 Five Year Plan, 1974 – 1979

.825 4 Seven Year Plan, 1979 – 1986

.825 5 Six Year Plan, 1986 – 1992

.825 6 Three Year Plan, 1993 – 1996

.825 7 Four Year Plan, 1996 – 2000

.825 8 Twelve Month Plan, 2000 – 2001

.825 91 Five Year Plan, 2001 – 2006

.83 Proclamation and Advertising

.835 Advertising the Faith, publicity

.837 Formal proclamation


299 A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s 299 .84 Particular teaching methods.841 Distribution of Bahá’í literature, correspondence courses.842 Personal teaching, home visits.843 Firesides.844 By inviting guests to Holy Day celebrations, conferences, congresses etc..845 Travel teaching

Include here accounts of journeys etc. made for the purpose of travel teaching..846 Public meetings.847 Mass teaching.847 3 “Street preaching”.847 5 “Door-knocking” – Home visits (for teaching).848 Use of particular types of materials.848 6 Audiovisual materials.849 Use of mass media.849 2 Print media.849 4 Radio.849 6 Television.85 Teaching particular groups of people

Add to base number 299.85 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely headings are enumerated below – but refer to the table for further detail as necessary.

.852 Teaching children

.853 Teaching youth

.854 Teaching adults

.854 4 Teaching families, married couples

.855 Teaching the elderly

.856 Teaching persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement

.856 6 Teaching persons experiencing bereavement

.857 12 Teaching Indigenous people (and other disadvantaged minorities)

.857 9 Teaching people of particular nationalityAdd to the base number 299.8579 notation 4-9 from Table 2, e.g. Teaching Australians 299.857 994

.858 Teaching occupational groupsAdd to the number 299.858 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Teaching members of the medical profession, health workers 299.858 61

.859 8 Teaching members of specific religions, sects etc.Add to the number 299.859 8 notation following 2 that serves to identify the religion or sect concerned.

(for example).859 86 Teaching Jews.859 872 798 Teaching Mormons.859 888 58 Teaching Sufis.86 Consolidation, social work.862 Community development and support

Including counselling, spiritual guidance and consolation. Class here “core activities” as a unitary strategy for teaching and community development, but class works on particular activities at the appropriate place (e.g. devotional meetings at 298.89 – study circles at 298.733).

.863 Care and support for particular classes of peopleAdd to base number 299.863 relevant numbers from Table PS1. Some likely examples are enumerated below – but refer to the table itself for more detail.

.863 2 Children

.863 3 Adolescents, youth, university students

.863 44 Married couples

299 Bahá’í Institutions and Organisations, Administration 299 .863 5 Persons in late adulthood – elderly.863 6 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement.863 71 The poor.863 714 3 Unemployed people.863 913 New believers

Use this number for the general care and nurture of new believers, especially as part of the consolidation process. For deepening new believers, use 298.75913

.863 915 Isolated believersUse this number for the general care and nurture of isolated believers. For deepening isolated believers, use 298.75915 For the place of isolated believers in the administrative structure, use 299.346

.87 PioneeringFor works about individual pioneers (including Knights of Bahá’u’lláh) and all biography in this area, use appropriate division under 293Class teaching associated with pioneering under appropriate heading in 299.81 – 299.86

.872 History of pioneering

.876 In particular countries, regions etcAdd to the base number 299.876 notation 4-9 from Table 2. Thus pioneering in Africa 299.876 6

.878 Social, medical and other work (other than teaching) directly connected with pioneering.Add to the base number 299.878 the appropriate Dewey number (without trailing zeros or decimal points) – e.g. Medical activities of pioneers is 299.87861



The use of tables, and “number-building” in this scheduleIt was our initial intent to use completely standard Dewey practice in this regard, and in fact generally numbers

in this new schedule are built in the standard way. In particular – note that numbers derived from a table cannot be used on their own – but only as part of a “built” number. Instructions in the standard DDC schedules in regard to the use of tables apply in most cases to this phoenix schedule.

The following exceptions arose indirectly from necessary features of this schedule, and are not based on any idea of being different for the sake of it!

The new schedule for comparative and “general” religion – which is used as a kind of table to divide each particular religious system – to a very large extent supersedes the DDC “standard sub-divisions” (Table 1) in so far as these would otherwise relate to this schedule. As a result – the overall assumption is that the standard subdivisions will not be used at all for the 200s. Notwithstanding – should it be desired to use standard subdivisions at any point, especially to conform with existing practice in a library already using Dewey – this remains possible: especially in regard to the “form” subdivisions (“serials” – “encyclopedias” – “dictionaries” etc.). Great care, however, should be taken that the use of a standard subdivision does not duplicate a topic that is already catered for in the body of the schedule itself. For instance “-092” (“persons”) is unambiguously replaced by [-3] throughout this schedule. As with other parts of Dewey, extra zeros must be added where necessary to bring the standard subdivisions to the head of the topic.

Table 2, which lists geographical regions, countries, provinces, towns etc. – Table 5, treating ethnic groups, and Table 6, listing languages, are all used exactly as in the “official” Dewey schedule.

Table 7 has been discontinued in Dewey Edition 22. In any case, its use was never specified in the regular Dewey 200s. In fact, where it might have been applied subdivisions are enumerated instead (for instance, at DDC21 248.8). Its place in this schedule is in any case taken by the special Table PS1 that follows, which is called for frequently. The schedules and relative index in this volume are built on the assumption that, whichever edition of DDC is used, Table PS1 will be used for “Classes of Person” in the 200s, rather than Table 7, or the equivalent part of Table 1.

Under this schedule the use of the notation under the Dewey 170s (ethics) to cover religious ethics has been superseded by a more specifically religious approach, based on “classified virtues” instead of philosophically arranged topics. It is not suggested that the 170s do not remain a perfectly good schedule for secular ethics; in fact nothing in this schedule should be taken as impinging on any part of the DDC outside the 200s.Having said this. Several standard Dewey tables include numbers derived from the standard schedule for religion that this one replaces. An existing Dewey library converting to the new schedule is faced with a choice here – leave these numbers as they are, at least for the time being, or fully implement the new schedule from the start. The latter course may involve considerable work, with little or no immediate benefit, but would undoubtedly be simpler in the long run. For a library adopting the Dewey Scheme with this schedule, it is necessary to remain alert to this problem – and to mark copies of the standard Dewey schedules used by cataloguers accordingly.

The synthetic principle inherent in DDC is of course carried much further in this schedule than in the standard DDC 200s. It would, in fact, have been quite possible, by relying on the user’s ability to “number build”, to have reduced the bulk of this new schedule to a fraction of the length of the old, without reducing its detail. In practice, having noted the reluctance of many users of DDC to use any topic not specifically enumerated, we have included a good deal of strictly redundant matter – espec-ially in the schedules for the Bahá’í Faith (for whom this work was originally prepared) and for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Even so, it remains true that numbers for many headings not spec -ifically enumerated can be “built”, even in the case of religions which are treated at some length in the full schedule.

The spaces inserted into numbers in the following “PS” tables, and in the tables in the standard schedules, are not integral parts of the numbers concerned, but are there PURELY TO MAKE LONG NUMBERS EASIER TO READ. Even if spaces are used in Dewey numbers by a particular library (say, on spine labels – or in the catalogue) they will obviously be ignored for number building purposes.


Table PS1 – Classes of Person (for the 200s only)

The following is largely derived from Dewey 21 (see DDC21 248.8 and Table 7). Apply it wherever “notation from Table PS1” is referred to in the schedule proper – when works for, or about, particular kinds of person are classed. In theory at least it is possible to use the (former) standard Dewey Table 7 instead (but see notes to use of tables on previous page).In line with standard Dewey practice – class persons falling into more than one category in the category mentioned last in the table – e.g. adolescent mothers at -431 rather than -33; children in holy orders at -95 rather than -2.

(-2 to -5 Persons classed by chronological age/sex and sexuality/marital status)-2 Children (up to the age of 15)-24 Up to the age of 11-25 Between the ages of 11 and 15 (puberty, proto- and early adolescence)

Class adolescents in general in -3, children in general at -2 -3 Adolescents, youth, young adults, university students

Class here persons between the ages of 15 and 21, “teenagers” in general. Class persons over 15 (or 18) in general in -4, persons under 21 in general in -2

-32 Male adolescents-33 Female adolescents-34 Young tertiary students

Class here also tertiary students in general, regardless of age.-4 Adults-42 Men-421 Fathers-425 Husbands-43 Women-431 Mothers-435 Wives-44 Couples, families

For husbands, wives use -425, -435 For children use -2 For parents use -45-45 Parents

For fathers, mothers, use -421, -431-451 Sole parents-46 Separated and divorced persons-48 Persons of unconventional, doubtful, or ambiguous sexuality

Class religious law limiting or prohibiting the expression of unconventional sexuality at [-63224] – class homophobia with moral intolerance, at [-54152] – persons suffering from medical conditions inhibiting or distorting “normal” sexuality under -61/4 below:

-484 Homosexual people-484 2 Male homosexuals-484 3 Female homosexuals-486 Persons of ambiguous sexuality-486 4 Bisexuals-5 Persons in late adulthood – the elderly

Class adults in general in -4-6 Persons experiencing illness, trouble, or bereavement

(-61 to -64 Persons experiencing physical or mental illness, disability)Add to base number -6 the numbers following 362 in 362.1 – 362.4

(For example)-61 Persons suffering from disease, illness-617 5 Terminally ill people


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s-619 697 92 Persons suffering from AIDS-62 Persons suffering from mental illness, addiction-628 Persons who have attempted suicide-629 Persons experiencing addiction-629 2 Alcoholics-64 Persons suffering from disability

(-65 to -68 Persons suffering from misfortune)Class persons suffering from poverty as a result of misfortune at -714

-65 Persons with criminal records - prisoners and their families-653 Juvenile delinquents-659 Newly released prisoners-66 Persons experiencing bereavement-662 Loss in immediate family-662 1 Loss of spouse/partner-662 2 Loss of parent/child, grandparent/grandchild-662 4 Loss of sibling-663 Loss in extended family-664 Loss of friend, companion (other than partner)-665 Loss of pet animal-67 Persons experiencing breakdown of marriage, relationship, friendship-673 Marriage, relationship breakdown-675 Breakdown in friendship-68 Victims of sin, crime

Add to base -68 appropriate numbers following 206.32 – e.g. victims of rape or sexual abuse -68474 Class persons impoverished by crime or other injustice, under -714.

-7 Persons by class or caste – social and economic status – ethnic identity-71 Persons of lower, working, oppressed class or caste (the poor)

Including beggars, the starving, homeless persons.-712 Persons of lower class or caste due to race or birth

Including oppressed minorities, e.g. untouchables, indigenous peoples.-714 Persons of lower class due to misfortune-714 2 Victims of natural disasters, famine, war, religious or political persecution

Class here refugees, displaced persons.-714 3 Victims of unjust social systems – economic disasters, depressions

Class here unemployed, exploited workers.-715 Persons of lower class due to occupation, workers

But class members of particular occupations under -8-75 Persons of middle class

Class members of particular occupations under -8-78 Members of upper, ruling, privileged classes-782 Persons of wealth, status, privilege due to birth

Including royalty, aristocrats, upper caste persons, inheritors of wealth-785 Persons of wealth or standing by reason of good fortune, occupation, personal effort

But class members of particular occupations under -8-79 Members of national, ethnic groups

Add to the base number -79 notation 4-9 from Table 2, e.g., Australians -7994

-8 Occupational groupsAdd to the number -8 the Dewey number for the discipline involved – e.g., Medical profes-


Table PS1 – Classes of Personsion, health workers -861 BUT use -96 for clergy, religious leaders: do NOT use -82


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

-9 People by religious status – members of religious groups-91 New and recent “converts” – people isolated from fellow believers-913 People who have recently joined a religion: “New believers”, converts.-915 Isolated believers

-95 Persons in, or entering, religious orders-952 Men (brothers, friars, monks etc.)-953 Women (sisters, nuns etc.)

-96 Clergy, religious leaders, ordained or otherwise-98 Persons of specific religious, sectarian affiliation

Add to the number -98 notation following 2 in 200-299 (in this schedule!) that serves to identify the religion or sect concerned.for example:

-981 234 Atheists-986 Jews-987 Christians-987 279 8 Mormons-988 858 Sufis-989 Bahá’ís

N.B. “-98” divisions mostly apply (and this is perhaps common sense) where the people in question belong to a different religion to the one that is the primary focus of the topic – or to the consideration of the members of one religion in the context of another.


Table PS2 – Organisations and Institutions (200s only)

By no means will all subdivisions necessarily apply to all religious institutions, in fact some subdivisions may very well be mutually exclusive. This table is applicable to all religious organisations, institutions, societies etc. treated under [-9] – always provided that the resulting numbers “make sense”, and serve a useful purpose.

-1 General matters-11 Constitution

Use this subdivision for constitutional, fundamental organisational questions in relation to the particular organisation/institution involved.

-12 Authority, infallibilityUse this subdivision for the authority, and/or infallibility of specific organisations/institutions – note that the authority of religious institutions in general, as enshrined in religious law, is classed at [-6321]

-14 Incorporation – legal status as corporate body-15 Official recognition by secular (or religious) authorities-16 Relationship to other organisations/institutions

Add to base number -16 numbers following [-9] that serve to identify the organisation/institution involved.

(-17 Election or choice of successor)This heading (obviously) only applies to Institutions embodied in an single person – e.g. the Papacy, the Bahá’í Guardianship.

-18 Administrative procedures etc.Use this subdivision for descriptions, manuals of administrative procedures in relation to particular religious organisations/institutions. Administrative procedures in general are classed under [-911] (or, of course, under [-1765], or even in the 650s!)

-183 Leaders, elected office bearersClass ordained religious leaders at appropriate place under [-96] – use this subdivision for hierarchical structure of particular institutions.

-183 2 Chairman, president -183 3 Vice-chairman, vice president-183 4 Secretary-183 5 Treasurer

Class descriptions, manuals etc for financial management in general at [-9117] – endowments and financial bases of particular institutions at -19 below. Use -449 for periodic financial reports.

-19 Financial matters – endowments, sources of finance -2 Historical, geographical matters-25 General history of organisation/institution-26 Work of organisation/institution in a particular country, locality.

Some organisations/institutions (for instance Bahá’í National Spiritual Assemblies) are necessarily concerned with a particular country – use -26 from this table only for work outside this country. E.g. it might apply for activities of the Australian National Assembly in Papua New Guinea, but would be redundant for that Institution’s work in Australia.

-3 PersonnelPrefer -183 for leaders, office bearers – [-3] for general biography of individuals.

-4 Documents, reports produced or authorised by organisation/institutionIn some cases institutions produce documents with special legal or other binding authority – for instance messages of the Bahá’í Universal House of Justice. These will often have a special place elsewhere – for instance under [-4]

-44 Periodic (e.g. annual) reports-44 3 General-44 9 Financial


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

-45 Prospectuses, general descriptions of organisation/institution’s functions etc.Generated by or for the organisation/institution itself, particularly on a periodically updated basis.

-46 Rules, regulation of organisation, institutionE.g. for its own governance – legal or quasi-scriptural rulings by (or about) an organisation or institution will generally be classed under [-4] or [-6] – procedures manuals should be classed at -18

-49 Minutes of meetings etc.

-9 Departments, committees, sub-organisations/institutionsDo not use this number for sub-organisations that have their own number in the body of the schedule. Class general executive committees responsible for the organisation/institution as a whole under -183

-91 Committees, sub-organisations with delegated executive, administrative powers-94 Committees, trusts etc. responsible for publishing, dissemination of literature-97 Other subordinate organisations/institutions by specific function

To the base notation -97 add the Dewey number for the function concerned. – For example:-970 2 Libraries-976 1 Hospitals, other medical institutions


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Manual Notes



100 vs. 200 Religion vs. Philosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychologyPhilosophy and religion are distinguished in Dewey in that religion involves revelation, deity, and wor-ship – usually all three, but at the very least two. “Philosophy of religion” on the other hand, deals with questions “within the context of deity” without considering revelation or worship.This schedule treats the whole idea of the interface between religion and philosophy in a slightly different way; although broadly more or less the same distinction is made.“Natural religion” and “Philosophy of religion” in the sense of “religious questions treated outside the context of a particular religious system” fall under our new definition of “Comparative religion” in 200-209: along with treatments of religious questions in relation to several different religious systems.On the other hand, “Philosophical religion” as such, or Deism (Theism) as a religion in its own right, has its own number, at 212.1Philosophical theology in a particular religion goes at [-503]: thus Christian philosophical theology at 275.03 On the other hand, a consideration of philosophy, or of particular philosophical questions, from either a general religious viewpoint, or from the viewpoint of a particular religion, might be classed at [-171]: e.g. Christianity and (secular or general) philosophy at 271.71

133 vs. 200Parapsychology and Occultism vs. ReligionThe note in the old (“standard”) schedule at this point is perfectly sensible: “If the author of a work about parapsychological or occult phenomena describes them as religious, the work is classed in 200”. One might add that some works on the occult, or occult practices, are written within the context of a particular religious background: in this case we would include them with that religion (under [-86]) whether the occult practices concerned form a “respectable” or generally recognised part of that relig-ion or not. Works specifically about the relationship between the occult and religion, or a particular religion, might be classed at [-17133]. Some religions frown on occult practices, or specifically prohibit them – works treating the occult from this kind of viewpoint are classed at [-63284].As with the standard schedule, we would want to class all religious texts (e.g. the Zohar) in the 200s rather than 133, even if they are annotated “from an occultist viewpoint”; in fact we would go further, and class all occultist works based on religious texts regarded as scripture or quasi scripture in the 200s.A religious library, as opposed to a general one, may even go so far as to include all works on the occult under 212.365 (or [-86]); or, alternatively, to exclude the occult from the 200s altogether. In our view, a classification should allow that much flexibility. The important thing is that rules for a part -icular library are kept consistently; and that something doesn’t go in one place one week and another the next! Pencilled annotations to one’s working copies of both this schedule and the standard Dewey volumes are often useful in cases like this.

200-209 vs. 210-299Comparative Religion vs. “Particular Religions”“Comparative religion”, in the original Dewey 200s schedule, basically means “all religion other than Christianity”, and occurs as an afterthought, in the 290s. In this schedule non-Christian religions are not regarded as pagan remnants, but as religious systems in their own right. Hence “Comparative Religion” is systematically re-defined as “Religion in general, or specific religious questions considered either outside the context of any specific religious system, or in the context of several different systems”. Note that all particular religions are arranged in the same basic pattern as comparative religion, unlike standard Dewey.Strictly, everything before 210 refers to comparative religion, in this sense, while everything after 210 refers to a “Specific Religion”, or a topic considered in the context of that religion. No specific religion is considered to be merely a part of the general topic of comparative religion; and on the other hand, all works dealing with religion in general, or three or more different religions, go in 200-209 (BUT see note in this manual at 202.6 vs. 214/219).


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

A comparison between two religions, or a treatment of one religion in the light of another, goes with the religion (or apparent religion) of the author, at [-16]. An exception to this is that a library specialising in material on a particular religion may wish to concentrate all material on that religion under the main heading. For instance a Christian Library may optionally class a work by a Muslim on the relationship between Christianity and Islam at 271.68 – whereas the preferred number is of course 281.67

201.757 68 vs. 205.326 5 vs. 576.8The question of evolutionVery simply – use 201.75768 (and its cognate numbers) for works that consider evolution in a con -text that includes both religious and scientific thought, without of course making any judgements about the value of that thought! For instance “Creation science” from a Christian point of view, (however unsound, as science, it might seem to be) is classed at 271.75768 – as would a work treat -ing the implications of evolutionary theory for Christians.

Use 205.3265 (and its cognate numbers) where the question is essentially considered as a religious one – ignoring science and scientific method, except, perhaps, in passing. Thus a Christian creat -ionist (or evolutionist) work that musters purely theological arguments as to why evolution is, or is not, a viable hypothesis, with little or no reference to science, is classed at 275.3265 When in doubt between 201.75768 (or one of its cognates) and 205.3265 class at 205.3265

Class at 576.8 (or elsewhere in the 500s, as appropriate) works that consider the topic outside, or largely outside, the context of religion – even if not in a conventionally “scientific” sense. When in doubt between a 200s number and 576.8 class at 576.8

It is hoped that this will prove a little more workable than the very intricate rule proposed in the “standard” manual!

One further point – in this note we have been considering the idea of biological evolution in the con-ventional scientific sense of the ability of a species of living organism to change, over a period of time, due to the process of natural selection, this process accounting for the different forms of life present on our planet. Of course the word is often used in a much wider sense. In particular, proponents of rigidly fundamentalist religion sometimes refer to “evolution” when they actually mean “all modern science that does not agree with the Bible” (or whatever other book constitutes their ultimate authority). It is necessary, when classifying a religious work about “evolution”, to determine if it is the specific scien-tific hypothesis that is under attack – or science in general. In the latter case, the only correct number is of course 201.75 (if the religion concerned is Christianity, 271.75) etc.

202.6 vs. 214/219Religions originating in, or found in, particular countries, regions etc.A survey of several different religions originating in one country (say, India) will necessarily go under 200-209 (specifically, in the case of India, at 202.654). The regular Dewey schedule would put a work dealing with several religions as they are found in India (for instance, including Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism: as well as the “real” Indian religions of Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism) in another slot altogether. We don’t. The wider work still treats “Indian Religions”, and still goes at 202.654 There is, of course, a perfectly valid distinction here, but we have chosen at this point not to make it.

Any specific religion listed under 214, 217 or 219 will of course be listed under its own proper number; but a work treating several such religions will go under 202.6, or perhaps 202.5 (see last rule but one). Thus the generalised headings under 214, 217 and 219 will normally not be used.

BUT this nice clean rule raises a difficulty. Indigenous Australians, and other small but very fragmented groups of people, belong to particular tribes or language groups whose religion(s) might be treated in isolation. It is likely, however, that most library material will in practice sur vey the religion of several different tribal groups instead. Now, if we followed our rule rigidly, the bulk of material on Indigenous Australian religion (for example) would be found at 202.694: at our generalised heading for “Religion in Australia”, because it is concerned with the religion of several


Manual Notes

Australian peoples (albeit all Aboriginal). This is plainly unhelpful: a much better placing for such works would be 217.94 “Religion of Indigenous Australians”.

In fact there can be very real difficulties in defining exactly what is meant by a “particular” religion in the context of 214, 217, and 219 – for instance the history of ancient Greek religion includes a number of distinct cults that are really different religions – but since most works on ancient Greek religion treat these cults as if they were a single system it would be unhelpfully pedantic if we did not follow suit.

In practice, a number of works that ought, by a strict, pedantic application of the rules, to be classed under comparative religion, as treating several religions, are really best shelved together, under 214, 217, or 219. Thus we can formulate a rule as follows:

“Normally numbers in the range 210-299 all refer to works on a specific religion – works treating several religions are classed in 200-209. However, where a strict application of this rule produces an unhelpful shelf order, especially in certain subheadings under 214, 217, and 219 – it is often more helpful to treat different religions of ancient peoples, and modern indigenous or ethnic populations, as if they belonged to a single religious system, even when in fact this is not strictly the case.”

203 – 223 – 273 etc. Persons associated with comparative religion, particular religionsStandard DDC practice is to place works about people (religious biography) as close as possible to the aspect of religion to which they are connected, using the (-092) standard subdivision. In practice, many prominent people are connected with more than one aspect of religion, and this results in considerable confusion and ambiguity (in spite of elaborate rules) and a generally unhelpful shelf order. In this schedule all religious biography is grouped at [-3]: that is, all biography of people associated with more than one religion, or specifically with comparative religion, goes under 203, while persons assoc-iated with a particular religion go with that religion, under 223, 263, 273, 283 and so on. Even if it is desired to use some of the standard subdivisions (Table 1) do NOT use (-092) with this schedule.Note that works on the station and duties of certain persons or classes of person have their own places. Thus station and duties of clergy [-96] – station of founders of religion [-521]. Works on saints (apart from biography and works on individual saints) have their own place at [-527].An exception also needs to be made for some (“minor”) persons associated with a particular scriptural story. Cain and Abel, for instance, are unlikely to be of interest outside consideration of the Book of Genesis, and putting them into 263 or 273 would be a bit extreme. Standard Dewey practice is to add (-092) on to the end of the relevant number – although we do not use this particular standard sub-division for the 200s we can add [-183] instead – followed by a Cutter number for the person concerned. Thus “Abel” will be 264.451183.A1 in a Jewish or “neutral” context – or 274.4351183.A1 for a strictly Christian one.Some Old Testament characters DO have their own numbers under 263. In a Jewish or “neutral” con-text these go under their specific number – in a Christian context class them under 273.02 (this is the preferred method), or, optionally, as above.

212.33 or 212.34 vs. [-5121(3/4)] vs. [-16123(3/4)]Agnosticism and atheismAgnosticism and atheism can be considered in three different contexts. In the first context, we consider them as creeds in their own right. The classifications for this are at 212.33 and 212.34 This is obviously the correct place for books written by Atheists or Agnostics in favour of their point of view, as well as other works on atheism or agnosticism outside the context of any other creed.In the second context, the specific creeds of atheism or agnosticism are under consideration (probably attack) in the context of a particular religion, or perhaps in the context of several religions. The classi-fications for this are [-161233] or [-161234]. For example, Muslim polemics against atheism or Atheists would be classed at 281.61234.


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

In the third context, atheism or agnosticism may be considered as questions within a particular religion rather than as creeds in their own right. The classifications for this are [-51213] or [-51214] – e.g. Atheism in Buddhism 245.1214 This is specifically excluded as an option in the schedules for some very highly theistic religions – but is in any case unlikely to apply where serious doubt about the exist-ence of God and adherence to the religion concerned are necessarily mutually exclusive.

264 vs. 274BibleIn standard Dewey the Bible precedes general works on Christianity, and the books of the Old Testament or Tanakh may be classed under three different optional arrangements; either with the rest of the Bible used by Christians (the preferred arrangement) or under Judaism.In this schedule, while a complete Christian Bible (i.e. including the Old Testament) is classed under 274 (Christian scripture), and specifically Christian works on the Old Testament or parts thereof are also classed there, the Jewish Tanakh or Bible is nonetheless given its proper place as a Jewish docu-ment – and the “default” place for such works is under 264 (Jewish scripture). In either case, the numbering of the books of the Tanakh or Old Testament follows the usual order in which they are found in Jewish Bibles.To make this matter quite clear: there is no longer any “option” in numbering the books of the Old Testament; and these are classed under Judaism, unless the work forms a part of a Christian Bible, or receives a specifically Christian treatment.This also applies to the Old Testament Apocrypha, and all parts of Christian scripture that are also rec-ognised as such by members of the Jewish Faith. Consider them as primarily Jewish documents – and only class the original texts or works about them with Christianity where they are bound with distinct-ively Christian matter, or are treated from a specifically Christian point of view.

272.74/9 vs. 270/9 (1)Christian Sects and Denominations (1)Christianity is a particularly fragmented religion. Among various matters, this raises the question of whether to class material particular to one denomination of Christianity with other material about the subject concerned, or under the heading reserved for that denomination. Christian monastic orders, which in a way have a separate existence apart from their parent churches, are classed in the “general Christian” area, although they are arranged by denomination. Otherwise the rule for users of this schedule is:

“Ignore authorship or sectarian orientation of a Christian work unless it relates very spec-ifically to a particular sect – but in the latter case unambiguously class it under the appropriate denominational heading.”

Thus a book written by (say) a Baptist, on a general, fairly non-controversial subject, is classed with other books on that subject, written by other (Baptist and non-Baptist) Christians, not under the heading for the Baptist Church. Similarly, a work on Baptist charity work goes with other works on Christian charities. A book about Christian missions organised by the Anglican Church is classed under “Christian missions” (with missions organised by other Christian denominations) unless the purpose of the mission concerned is to convert (say) Catholics and Dissenters to Anglicanism, rather than non-Christians to Christianity.In practice this means that for “mainstream” divisions of Christianity the only material likely to be classed under a denomination, rather than “Christianity in general”, will be:

1. Material on the denomination’s history (including, for example, biographies of founders).2. Works on relations with members of other Christian denominations (e.g. persecutions suffered).3. Catechisms and other doctrinal works concerned with its distinguishing features.4. Specific liturgies and orders of service.

These are arranged under the heading for the particular denomination, using the same pattern as that followed for Christianity as a whole.


Manual Notes

In the case of the more distinctive denominations – especially Mormonism, which is in many ways an independent religion – the case will obviously differ. While the great majority of (say) Anglican or Catholic material might be classed as “general Christian”: most, if not all, Mormon mater ial (for instance, Mormon scripture) needs to be shelved together (under Mormonism), rather than scattered throughout the “Christian” portion of the collection.(BUT see next note!)

272.74/9 vs. 270/9 (2)Christian Sects and Denominations (2)The previous note applies to general libraries, and to religious libraries other than those specialising in works on a particular branch of Christianity. It would make sense for (say) a Catholic library to treat Catholicism under “27” – while classing its (probably less than extensive) collection of specifically non-Catholic Christian works under 272.7, at the points for the denominations concerned. Of course, a Mormon or a Jehovah’s Witness library could do exactly the same thing! While this re-definition of “Christianity” to mean a particular denomination would, in a general (or “non-Christian”) library, be as at least as offensive as Dewey’s definition of “Religion” to mean “Christianity”, in the context of a specialised library it could work well.Unfortunately, there are two problems! Neither of these would apply to (say) a Catholic library – but for some other denominations using the “27 refers to one denomination” option they would create difficulties.

“Founders of religions”, applied to Christianity, can of course only refer to Jesus. If a Mormon library (for example) is using “27” to mean Mormonism, then Joseph Smith cannot go under the standard number (272.79831) since the “preferred” Mormon numbers are not used, nor under 273.1, since that number is reserved for Jesus. Hence an optional number has been inserted at 273.49 especially for this contingency. In a Mormon library (using this option) biographies of and general works about Joseph Smith are classed here – as there is otherwise nowhere for them to go!

The other problem concerns scripture and other seminal works connected with the denomination concerned. These normally file at [-4] under the relevant denomination, of course – but in this case there is no specific number for that denomination except “27” – which would raise a clash with “274” as the overall number for Christian scripture. Hence a further optional number is inserted at 274.9 This number is only used by libraries using the “27 refers to one denomination” option – to persist with the Mormon example: this is where the Book of Mormon and other Mormon scripture must be classed if the preferred numbers for Mormonism are not available.

272.74/9 vs. 270/9 (3)Christian Sects and Denominations (3)One further point: it will be noted that one of the few ways in which this schedule is not at least as detailed as standard Dewey is in the definition of particular Christian sects. What then is to be done with a work concerning one of the sects or denominations not enumerated in this schedule, whether covered specifically by DDC or not?Let’s say the church in question is the Free Methodist Church of North America. Most works by mem-bers of this church, or concerning its activities, will probably be classed at the “General Christian” number for the topic concerned – or perhaps at the “General Methodist” number – but if the matter is inescapably connected with this particular denomination (for instance, a discussion of the church’s points of difference in doctrine or administration from other Methodists) then the number is built as follows – the number for Methodism (272.769), plus the number for sects and denominations [-27] plus a suitable Cutter number for the church concerned (say, F52) – thus 272.76927.F52.Something like this would be required at some stage or other to produce a specific number for every possible Christian sect – since they proliferate at a rate that we could not keep track of otherwise, how-ever closely we followed “standard” Dewey’s gallant attempts to cover them.


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

282.7 Muslim Sects – Sunni vs. ShiahIslam, while less fragmented than Christianity, still has many sects and divisions. Hence much of the content of the above notes, concerning Christian denominations, will also apply here. There are how-ever three further special difficulties.The first of these concerns the fundamental and very early split between Sunni and Shiah Islam. The Sunni Muslims form the majority in most Muslim countries, and they regard themselves as the ortho-dox Muslims. On the other hand the Shi’ites themselves believe that Muhammad’s son-in-law ‘Alí was Muhammad’s true successor, and that they, as ‘Alí’s disciples, are thus the truly orthodox section of Islam. With apologies to any Muslim reader, Sunni or Shi’ite, for the superficiality of this explanation – the fact remains that both of these divisions consider themselves as being the original, pure form of Islam – and the other side as being schismatic, if not heretical.This question might seem to be best left to the Muslims themselves – the problem is that while most non-Muslims regard the Sunni as the stem of Islam, the Bahá’ís, for whom this schedule is primarily drawn up, firmly believe that the Shi’ites have this honour. There are thus two optional places for Sunnism and Shiah. Bahá’í libraries, and libraries for whom this question is not a burning issue, will use the first, “preferred” option – which is the one appearing in the schedules and the relative index. Any library for which this is a serious difficulty will use the second option – simply exchanging 282.73 and 282.74, and thus reversing the Sunni/Shi’ite order. So far as the number for a particular sect is con-cerned, only the fifth digit changes – thus the Malakites (282.745) become 282.735, and so on.

282.7 vs. 288.58SufismThe Sufis are in one sense a denomination or sect of Islam – and might have been placed under 282.7 On the other hand many Muslims who regard themselves as Sufis, or at least as having strong Sufi leanings, belong to one or other of the formal denominations of Islam. Some Sufi teachers have been widely regarded as heretical, but others are considered more or less orthodox by most Muslims.Hence, instead of being treated as a particular sect, under 282.7, works by or about the Sufis are classed at 288.58, under Muslim mysticism. (Incidentally, the compilers of the standard Dewey schedule evidently came to the same conclusion.)The main difficulty that this raises is that we still need to be able to build numbers for the Sufis as we would if they were classed under 282.7 Thus Sufi biography is 288.583, classical Sufi writings 288.584 and so on, as if Sufism was indeed a separate denomination.On the other hand, note that distinct sects with a mystical leaning, such as the Kadarites, have their own numbers under 282.7 – rather than being grouped under 288.582 7

282.78 vs. 292.73Bábism Bahá’ís regard the Báb as one of the Founders of their Faith. His earthly remains rest in a Bahá’í Shrine on Mt. Carmel; His writings are considered a part of Bahá’í scripture. A classification suitable for a Bahá’í library MUST consider Bábism as part of Bahá’í history, an independent revelation, but not strictly an independent religion. Most non-Bahá’í libraries likely to use this schedule should be perfectly happy with this, if only because the whole question is very peripheral to their case.On the other hand some of the Báb’s followers did not become Bahá’ís – so that in the spirit of this classification, (rejecting firmly any religious bias) we need a separate “Bábí” number, however remote the chances might be of a library (other than a Bahá’í one!) obtaining material published by, for or about non-Bahá’í disciples of the Báb. This is one of the few points where we have felt the need to present an “option” of the kind that abound in the standard schedule. According to the first (“preferred”) option, necessary for Bahá’í libraries, and surely acceptable for most others, Bábism is seen essentially as a variety of the Bahá’í


Manual Notes

Faith: material by, or about, “non-Bahá’í Bábís” is classed at 292.73, and all editions of the writings of the Báb are classed under 294.4 In the second option, which may be more satisfactory for some non-Bahá’í libraries, Bábism is regarded as a sect of Islam, at 282.78 This second option will enable Muslim (and, theoretically at least, Bábí) users of the classification to dissociate Bábism from the Bahá’í Faith in their shelf arrangement, if they so desire. Note that if this second option is used then Bábí topics will need to be relocated under the new heading: for instance Bábí scripture will be classed at 282.784

320.55 or 322.1 vs. 281.732, 285.017, 285.65, 286.53Islam and “secular” governmentThe dividing line between the secular and the religious in Islam (and some other religions) is very different from that in the West, where a strong tradition of separation between Church and State has arisen over the centuries. Standard Dewey largely ignores this factor, and the equivalent note to this one (q.v.) advises the user to class in 320.55 or 322.1 many items we would prefer to class under 280 At 281.732 class works about the general relationship between political science and Islam, other than those directly involving Muslim doctrine or law.At 285.017 class all works on Muslim fundamentalism – not merely the religious (in the western sense) aspects, but also the political and social ones (since to a Muslim writer, or reader, these are just as “religious” as, say, doctrine).At 285.65 class doctrine about relations between secular government and Islam – and the duties etc. of the individual Muslim to the state.At 286.53 class Muslim theocracy – and the temporal powers of Muslim leaders and Institutions. If in doubt between a number under 280, and one under 320 – choose the number under 280 (this is basically the opposite course to that advised in the standard Dewey notes).

322.1 vs. 261.732, 265.017, 265.65, 266.53Judaism and secular governmentWhile the dividing line between the secular and the religious in Judaism is still very different from the equivalent in “Christian” countries, it is much more clearly marked than in Islam.Generally – use the above numbers like their cognates in Islam – but prefer a number in the 320s (or elsewhere outside the 200s, as appropriate) where the Jewish connection is clearly political, cultural or national rather than religious.

322.1 vs. 271.732, 275.017, 275.65, 276.53Christianity and secular governmentAt 271.732 class works about the general relationship between Government and Christianity (or the Church and the State) other than doctrine or prescriptive theology. If in doubt between 271.732 and 275.65 then prefer 275.65 At 275.017 class works on Christian fundamentalism – including the direct relationship between it and the political far right in (for instance) the United States. If the relationship seems tenuous, however, and the work in question clearly concerns politics rather than religion, prefer 322.1 or another approp-riate number under 320 At 275.65 class specific doctrine about relations between Church and State – and the duties etc. of the individual Christian to the state.At 276.53 class the temporal powers of Christian leaders and institutions. If in doubt between a number under 270, and one under 320 – choose the number under 320


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

398.2 vs. 204.85Folk literature vs. MythologyAll mythology has a religious source, although this has been lost in some cases. Therefore class works about mythology in general at 204.85 rather than 398.2 Note that this is the opposite to normal Dewey practice. Myths and legends with a connection to a particular religion (even if the connection is not recognised by all believers) should be classed with that religion – usually at [-485].Stories and tales found in scriptural works from any religion are considered with the works concerned (in some cases at [-4148]) even if they are plainly mythological, to all but perhaps the most funda-mentalist adherents of the religion concerned.Folk tales entirely without religious content, even if miraculous or magical events and supernatural beings feature – should of course continue to be classed under 398.2, or at another appropriate number in the 300s. If there is any doubt about the religious content, prefer the appropriate number under 200

615.852 vs. 208.62 (228.62, 278.62 etc.)Religious healingStandard Dewey prefers 615.852 for a work which “focuses on religious practices as a part of the medical practice” or that treats “the use of psychic and paranormal powers in healing that do not men-tion a religious context”. Generally, this seems a sensible enough distinction, although we would reverse the “when in doubt” rule to favour 208.62 or one of its cognate numbers rather than 615.852

616.86 or 362.29 vs. 205.406 29 (etc.)Addiction and addictsFollow standard Dewey as to the distinction between 616.86 and 362.29 – but use the appropriate number under 200 for works on either medical or sociological treatments of this subject that include a strong religious aspect. The relative index entry under “Addicts” (in this schedule!) gives an idea of the possible range of headings concerned.


Relative Index

Relative Index

The Relative IndexThe use of an alphabetically arranged “relative index” (this term is Melvil Dewey’s own) is of course an essent -

ial feature of DDC. This index, however, differs considerably from the standard layout and practice of its equivalent in the “official” Dewey schedule, and the following notes are important:

Without being overly pedantic, we have tried to preserve the worthwhile distinction, established by Melvil Dewey himself, between the function of the alphabetic order of the relative index and that of the classificatory order of the schedules. To find the biblical book of Genesis, for instance, one looks up NOT the Bible nor the Old Testament, nor the Torah; but “Genesis” (under “G”). A user desiring to locate a subject by looking it up under a more general heading should find the general heading in the index: then locate that heading in the schedule, and browse the subheadings he finds there.

Many index headings are grouped under highlighted key words; but these are based on the coincidence of alphabetical order, rather than an attempt to duplicate the logic of a classificatory order. Note the following example:

American Muslim Mission 282.794 2Native Peoples

Quasi-Christian denominations North America 272.797 7South America 272.797 8

ReligionsNorth America 217.7South America 217.8

This entry is a melding of the two entries “American Muslim Mission” and “American Native Peoples”. The two headings have nothing else in common but their Alphabetical order.

Many general topics may be applied to comparative religion, and a number, if not all, of the specific religious systems covered by this schedule. The notation for these “common” topics is noted in the form [-883] (bold, and enclosed in square brackets). This is not, of course, in itself a completed class number, and cannot be used on its own. This kind of entry is always followed by at least one (typically two) examples of its application. These examples are essentially random, and do not, as a rule, represent all possible numbers that might be built from the notational fragment concerned: the rule is very simply to put “27” at the beginning of such a number, to apply it to Christianity, “238” for Sikhism, “29” for the Bahá’í Faith, and so on; then inserting the decimal point after the third digit to turn it into a “proper” Dewey number. Again, here is an example:

Alcoholic beverages Consumption

Religious prohibition [-632454](for example)

Islam 286.324 54Mormonism 272.798 632 454

(see also Moderation, Temperance, Drunkenness)Any religion will logically use the same number for this topic; thus for the Bahá’í Faith it will be 29+632454 (=296.324 54). As implied by the see also note, works on alcohol in contexts other than prohibition are likely to be classed under Moderation or Temperance, or perhaps under the Alcoholics headings which immediately follow. Most common topics apply to most religions; in fact, as outlined in the introduction, this is one of the leading features of this schedule: however there are a few exceptions, which need to be watched out for: see next note!


A number located in this index, or built in accordance with the last note (and this applies to the index to the rest of DDC as much as to this schedule) should always be checked back in the schedule itself, where its context and meaning is sometimes much more evident, and so that its suitability as a class number for the specific library item concerned can be better determined. Some theoretically valid “built” numbers do not apply to some religions, or apply in an unexpected sense. It is also sometimes the case that a more specific class may be found enumerated under the heading found in the index; or that a note under the heading will suggest a more suitable number.

A type of entry that we have tried to avoid here is the heading for which no specific place exists in the schedules, although a rather more general heading plainly covers it. There is a plethora of these in the index to the “official” Dewey schedule (at least in the “revised and expanded” index of the “200 Religion Class” reprint), giving at times a misleading impression of the scope of the scheme. The Kyrie and the Gloria, for example, as parts of the Mass, do not have specific Dewey numbers, either here, or in standard Dewey. In the “standard” relative index they do however receive entries, identifying the general number for the Mass. In this index such headings either do not receive an entry at all, or have a “see” reference to the more general heading. The user is expected in a case like this to choose the “closest” specific number – in other words, look for the specific subject, and if it is not there, look for a more general heading that subsumes the subject concerned (in this case, of course, the number for the Eucharist, or Mass).

BibleChristian 274Christians (Denomination)

(see Methodist Churches)Colleges 278.777Jewish 264

Note that here we meld four entries:Bible, ChristianBible Christians (Denomination)Bible CollegesBible, Jewish

As there is no specific number in the schedule for the “Bible Christians” denomination, we do not, as the “official” Dewey index so often does in such cases, insert a number that actually refers to a broader topic: but a see reference to the (broader) topic itself. But, incidentally, see the Manual Note at 272.74/9 vs. 270/9 (3) for a method of building a specific number for any Christian denomination.

We have resisted the temptation to include too many topics in the index based on “built numbers” (other than examples of applications of the “common topic” system referred to above). Only subjects specifically covered in the schedules (plus a selection of those that can be built) are indexed here. The purpose of this policy is twofold. Firstly, it sets a clear limit on the growth of the index; secondly, it keeps its basic function clear and consistent. Above all, it is desired to encourage the very healthy practice of using the relative index as a guide to the schedules, rather than as an alternative source of finished class numbers.

The above policies result in more “see” and “see also” entries than in the standard index, although the general philosophy in DDC of avoiding these where possible is endorsed. Headings deemed to be unlikely to be useful are also avoided; for instance there is no reference to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá from “Abbás Effendi”, on the grounds that the preferred heading is so much more likely to be the first one to be thought of that there is little point in including the other, especially as the two entries would be on the same page anyway. At times rather arbitrary decisions have been made as to which entries to include; and this index cannot pretend to be an alphabetical listing of every possible name for every possible subject enumerated in the schedules (not to mention the many topics we can build). Such an index would probably run to hundreds of pages, and any marginal increase in usefulness would be offset by its great bulk.

Arabic words present a transliteration problem, and we have not been consistent. For the Bahá’í Faith the older transliteration familiar to the Bahá’ís (and likely to be encountered in Bahá’í books) is followed. In Muslim (or other non-Bahá’í) contexts we have followed standard Dewey practice, which is itself a rather inconsistent mixture of the current standard transliteration for Muslim names and subject headings, as found in most modern references, and the “normal English spelling”. Thus we have used “Bahá’u’lláh” rather than “Bahā’ Allāh”, but “Koran” rather than “Qur’án” (except in a Bahá’í context). The diacritic marks for both transliterations present typographical and other difficulties – for a work produced using standard fonts in a standard word processor – and their complete and proper application has been postponed for a later version of this work. We have also left uncorrected (for the moment) inconsistent spellings taken from standard Dewey – e.g. “Kadarites” (in some contexts) for “Qādirīyah”.


Relative Index

The spaces printed in many numbers in this index have no significance whatsoever: their purpose is simply to break long numbers into more easily legible portions. Thus “298.261 38” is exactly the same thing as “298.26138”, although it may be a little easier to read.


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

AAaron (Biblical character)

Christianity 273.022 42Islamic Prophet 285.217 62Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.242

Abbasid Caliphate (Muslim history) 282.55Abbeys (monastic houses of worship) [-9526]

(for example)Buddhism 249.526Christianity 279.526

‘Abbúd, House of 298.261 37Abdias (Biblical book) 264.463 43

Christian treatment 274.436 343‘Abdu’l-Azim, Ziyarat-i-Sháh 294.44.Z5‘Abdu’l-’Azíz va Vukala, Law-i- 294.54.L12

‘Abdu’l-Baháin Adrianople 293.334Anniversary of passing of 297.79

Worship connected with 298.857 79Biography 293.3Birth and childhood of 293.32Comprehensive works 293.3Covenant breakers disputing station of 292.74Egypt, Visits to 293.345 2Europe, Journeys in 293.345 4House of (Holy Place) 298.261 13Ministry of

Bahá’í history 292.525Biography 293.34

North America, Journeys in 293.345 6Passing of

Anniversary 297.79Worship connected with 298.857 79

Biography 293.35Release from incarceration 293.344Renewal of incarceration of 293.342Shrine of (Haifa) 298.261 115Station as Centre of Covenant 298.1Travels 293.345World War 1, Role in 293.346Writings of 294.6

General collections of 294.62Special collections of 294.63Specific works of 294.64

(see also under titles, e.g. Some Answered Questions)Works about writings of 294.61

‘Abdu’lláh Páshá, House of 298.261 38‘Abdu’lláh (Father of Muhammad) 283.312‘Abdu’l-Vahhab, Law-i- 294.54.L13‘Abdu’r-Razzaq, Law-i- 294.54.L14Abel (Biblical person)

Christianity 274.435 118 3.A1Judaism (or “neutral”) 264.451 183.A1

Abhidharmapitaka 244.44Ablutions (Religious ritual) [-8333] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.333Islam 288.333

(see also Ritual baths, Baptism)Abodah Zarah 264.553 4

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

AbortionReligious law [-63226]

(for example)Buddhism 246.322 6Christianity 276.322 6

(see also Reproduction)Aboriginal Australians, Religion of 217.94

(for religion of indigenous Australian followers of world religions – e.g. Christianity, Bahá’í Faith – see

those religions. – see also Indigenous people)Aboth 264.553 47Abraham (Patriarch)

Bahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 66Christianity 273.022 21Comprehensive works 263.221Islam, Prophet in 285.217 31Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.221Surah of Koran 284.525

AbsolutionRites [-8866]

(for example)Christianity 278.866Judaism 268.866

Theology [-5347](for example)

Christianity 275.347Judaism 265.347

Abstinence Asceticism (religious practice) [-84]

(for example)Buddhism 248.4Judaism 268.4


Relative Index Abstinence (continued from last column)

Moderation, temperance (virtue) [-5433](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.433Hinduism 225.433

Abu Da’ud Sulayman ibn al-Ash ‘ath al-SijistaniHadith 284.834 2

Abu Talib (Uncle of Muhammad) 283.317Abundance of Good, The

Surah of Koran 284.639 Abuse

Sexual abuse, rape [-632474](for example)

Christianity 276.324 74Judaism 266.324 74

Verbal abuse [-5446](for example)

Islam 285.446Zoroastrianism 258.544 6

(see also Assault, Child abuse, Victims of abuse)Accessions, The

Surah of Koran 284.518Accountability [-5344] (for example)

Christianity 275.344Judaism 265.344

Acts of the Apostles 274.474Pseudepigrapha 274.4874

Actual grace [-534753] (for example)

Christianity 275.347 53Adam

Bahá’í Faith 295.217 61Christianity 273.022 11Islam 285.217 11Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.211

Addicts Community care and support of [-9863629]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 629Comparative Religion 209.863 629

Collections of scripture for [-4322629](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 629Buddhism 244.322 629

Addicts (continued from last column)Guides to religious life for [-540629]

(for example)

Christianity 275.406 29

Judaism 265.406 29

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985629](for example)

Hinduism 229.856 29

Islam 289.856 29

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575629](for example)

Christian 279.657 562 9

Judaism 269.657 562 9

Religious education of [-875629](for example)

Comparative religion 208.756 29

Zoroastrianism 258.875 629

Religious law concerning [-656629](for example)

Jewish 266.566 29

Muslim 286.566 29

Religious societies for [-944629](for example)

Bahá’í 299.446 29

Jewish 269.446 29

Theology concerning [-5083629](for example)

Christianity 275.083 629

(see also Alcoholic beverages, Drugs, Drunkenness)

Adha, ‘Id al 287.4

Ádhirbáhján, Captivity of The Báb in 293.142

Adi Granth 238.44

Aditi 225.11

‘Adliyyih, Risaliy-i- 294.44.R3

‘Adliyyih, Risaliy-i-Furu’-i- 294.44.R6

Administration (religious) [-9] (for example)

Bahá’í 299

Hinduism 229

Mormonism 272.798 9

Administrative Centres (religious) [-92]

(for example)

Christianity 279.2

Buddhism 249.2


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Administrative (continued from last column)

Procedures (particular Institutions)(Add to the number for particular institution

notation “18” from Table PS2 – e.g. Procedures for Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assemblies 299.345 018 )Institutions (religious) [-93]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.3Christianity 279.3

(see also names of particular institutions)

AdolescentsCommunity care and support of [-98633]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 3Comparative Religion 209.863 3

Collections of scripture for [-43223](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 3Buddhism 244.322 3

Guides to religious life for [-5403](for example)

Islam 285.403Judaism 265.403

Devotional literature for [-8323](for example)

Christianity 278.323Hinduism 228.323

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965753](for example)

Judaism 269.657 53Sikhism 238.965 753

Religious education of [-8753](for example)

Christian 278.753Comparative religion 208.753

Religious law concerning [-6563](for example)

Jewish 266.563Muslim 286.563

Religious societies for [-9443](for example)

Bahá’í 299.443 Shinto 256.944 3

Theology concerning [-50833] (for example)

Christianity 275.083 3Zoroastrian 258.508 33

AdorationPoint of [-8335]

(for example)Bahá’í (Bahjí) 298.335Muslim (Mecca) 288.335

of Shepherds 273.132 43of Wise men 273.132 48

(see also Prayer, Worship, Nativity)Adoration, The

Surah of Koran 284.545Adult baptism

Liturgy 278.852 24Theology 275.347 532 4

Adultery (religious law) [-63222](for example)

Christianity 276.322 2Islam 286.322 2

(see also Marriage, Chastity, Sexual conduct)Adults

Religious education for [-8754](for example)

Christian 278.754Comparative religion 208.754

Advent of Divine Justice

Bahá’í Scripture 294.714.A3of Jesus

Church history 272.51Church calendar 277.32

Celebration, liturgy 278.857 32Adventist

Christian Church 272.773 2Churches 272.773

Advertising (religious) [-9835] (for example)

Christian 279.835Bahá’í 299.835

Aflakiyyih, Law-i- 294.64.L12African

“Quasi-Christian” churches 272.797 6(For more orthodox African, Afro-American sects of

Christianity – see the denomination concerned)Religions

Comparative religion 202.66Specific religions 217.6(see also names of particular religions)


Relative Index Afro-American sects of Islam 282.794Afternoon and evening worship [-88588] (for example)

Christianity 278.858 8Comparative religion 208.858 8

Agama 232.44Age, The

Surah of Koran 284.634

Aged (elderly people)Community care and support of [-98635]

(for example) Comparative Religion 209.863 5Confucianism 253.986 35

Collections of scripture for [-43225] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 5Buddhism 244.322 5

Guides to religious life for [-5405](for example)

Christianity 275.405Judaism 265.405

Devotional literature for [-8325](for example)

Christianity 278.325Judaism 268.325

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965755](for example)

Christian 279.657 55Judaism 269.657 55

Religious education of [-8755](for example)

Christian 278.755Comparative religion 208.755

Religious law concerning [-6565](for example)

Jewish 266.565Muslim 286.565

Religious societies for [-9445](for example)

Bahá’í 299.445Buddhist 249.445

Theology concerning [-50835](for example)

Hinduism 225.083.5Zoroastrianism 258.508 35

Ageism (prejudice) [-54157] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.415 7

Christianity 275.415 7

Aggadah 264.8

Midrashic 264.572

Talmudic 264.557 6

Aggeus (Biblical book) 264.463 65

Christian treatment 274.436 365

Agni 225.232 14

AgnosticismCreed in its own right 212.33

Theology [-51213] (for example)

Buddhism 245.121 3

Philosophy of religion 205.121 3

Theism 212.151 213

AgnosticsBiography 212.333

Collections of scripture for [-4322981233](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 981 233

Christianity 274.322 981 233

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985981233](for example)

Judaism 269.859 812 33

Islam 289.859 812 33

Polemics against [-161233](for example)

Christianity 271.612 33

Islam 281.612 33

Judaism 261.612 33

Agrapha 274.487 2

Ahbab, Law-i- 294.54.L15‘Ahd, Kitáb-i- 294.54.K4

‘Ahd va Mithaq, Law-i- 294.64.L14Ahilot 264.553 6

Ahimsa [-845] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.45

Jainism 232.845

Ahmad, Law-i (Tablet of Ahmad) 294.54.L16Ahmadiyya movement 282.77

Ahsanu’l-Qisas 294.44.Q3

Ahzani, Súriy-i 294.54.S911

AIDS (Disease) – Persons suffering from


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Community care and support [-986361969792]

(for example)

Christianity 279.863 619 697 92

Comparative Religion 209.863 619 697 92

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657561969792]

(for example)

Christian 279.657 561 969 792

Judaism 269.657 561 969 792

Religious societies for [-94461969792]

(for example)

Bahá’í 299.446 196 979 2

Jewish 269.446 196 979 2

Air (“element”) as object of worship [-523213]

(for example)

Comparative religion 205.232 13

“Primitive” religion 217.052 321 3

‘Akká (Bahá’í holy City)

Bahá’í cemeteries in 298.261 39

Bahá’í holy places in 298.261 3

Exile of Bahá’u’lláh to 293.235

Gardens near 298.261 95

Period in Bahá’í history (1868-1877) 292.524 4

‘Alá‘ (Bahá’í feast day) 297.364


In history of Christian controversy 272.726

Denominations 272.767

Alcantarines 279.565 33

Alcoholic beverages


Religious prohibition [-632454]

(for example)

Islam 286.324 54

Mormonism 272.798 632 454

(see also Moderation, Temperance, Drunkenness)

AlcoholicsCommunity care and support of [-98636292]

(for example)

Christianity 279.863 629 2

Comparative Religion 209.863 629 2

Guides to religious life for [-5406292]

(for example)

Christianity 275.406 292

Judaism 265.406 292Alcoholics (continued from last column)

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965756292] (for example)

Christian 279.657 562 92Judaism 269.657 562 92

Religious education of [-8756292] (for example)

Christian 278.756 292Comparative religion 208.756 292

Religious societies for [-9446292] (for example)

Bahá’í 299.446 292Jewish 269.446 292

Alexander II, TsarTablet (of Bahá’u’lláh) to 294.54.L55

Allah [-51]Islam 285.1

(see also God, Greatest name)Allegory in scripture [-4148] (for example)

Biblical (Christian) 274.148Biblical (Jewish) 264.148Koranic 284.148

‘Allin, Hurufat-i- 294.54.H8Alms

Surah of Koran 284.638Almsgiving [-89] (for example)

Jainism 232.89Islam 288.9

(see also Charity, Generosity, Tithes)“Alternative” religions 212.52Alvah-i-

Laylatu’l-Quds 294.54.A3Tablighiy-Imrika 294.64.A5Vasaya 294.64.A6

‘Ama, Rashh-i- 294.54.R3America

Journey of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to 293.345 6Religions in

North America 202.67South America 202.68

American Muslim Mission 282.794 2Native Peoples

Quasi-Christian denominations North America 272.797 7South America 272.797 8

ReligionsNorth America 217.7South America 217.8

Amin, Súriy-i- 294.54.S913


Relative Index Amina (Mother of Muhammad) 283.315Amish churches 272.783 55

(see also Mennonite churches)‘Ammih, Law-i- 294.64.L16Amoraim 264.518 3Amos (Biblical book) 264.463 33

Christian treatment 274.436 333Amputation (religious punishment) [-65775] (for example)

Comparative religion 206.577 5Islam 286.577 5

Amvaj, Law-i- 294.54.L17Amr, Súriy-i- 294.54.S915Anabaptists 272.763Ancestors [-5253]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.253Melanesian religions 217.955 253

Ancient Egyptian religion 214.2Greek religion 214.8Priesthood (Judaism) 268.802 5Religion

General history 202.53Modern revivals of 212.36Particular (extinct) religions 214

Roman religion 214.76Andrew, St. (Apostle) 273.32Angels [-5255]

(for example)Christianity 275.255Islam 285.255Judaism 265.255(see also Fallen angels, Good spirits)

Anger [-5438](for example)

Islam 285.438Taoism 254.543 8

Anglican churches 272.762Religious orders 279.566

Anglo-Catholics 279.762

AnimalsCruelty and Kindness to [-54425]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.442 5 Zoroastrianism 258.544 25

Animals (continued from last column)

in Holy Books [-41759](for example)

BibleChristian 274.175 9Jewish 264.175 9

Persons bereaved of companionPastoral care of [-96575665]

(for example)Christianity 279.657 566 5

Relationship of Humanity to [-5326379](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.326 379Comparative religion 205.326 379

Ritual slaughter of [-6336](for example)

Islam 286.336Judaism 266.336

Sacred (dietary law) [-6334](for example)

Comparative religion 206.334Hinduism 226.334

Sacrifice of [-88628](for example)

Judaism 268.862 8Melanesian religions 217.958 862 8

Unclean (dietary law) [-6334](for example)

Islam 286.334Judaism 266.334

Worship of [-52329](for example)

Comparative religion 205.232 9Melanesian religions 217.955 232 9

Animism [-51135] (for example)

Australian Aboriginal religion 217.945 113 5Comparative religion 205.113 5

Anne, St. (Mother of the Virgin Mary) 273.22Private prayers to 278.338 22

Annihilationism [-53248] (for example)

Christianity 275.324 8Annunciation to Mary 273.132 2Anointing of the sick [-8867] (for example)

Christianity 278.867Anta’l-Kafi, Law-i- 294.54.L18


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Ante-Nicene church 272.53

Ant, TheSurah of Koran 284.539

Anthropology (study of humankind)Theological [-53]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.3

Buddhism 245.3

Christianity 275.3

Anthropomorphism [-5115] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.115

Anthroposophy 212.75

Antichrist(see Eschatology – Christianity)

Antinomianism 272.726

Antinuclear movement [-56355](for example)

Christianity 275.635 5

Comparative religion 205.635 5

Anti-religion 212.3

Anti-Semitism(see Race prejudice, Religious intolerance)

Anti-TrinitarianismDiscussion of Trinitarian beliefs [-51113]

(for example)

Christianity 275.111 3

Comparative religion 205.111 3

Muslim polemics against 285.111 3

Unitarian sects of Christianity 272.781

(see also Arianism, Church History, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Religious Controversy, Trinity,

Trinitarian etc.)

Antonines 279.565 318

Apocalypse of Elijah (Apocryphal Book) 264.493 83

Christian treatment 274.483 938 3

Literature (Bible)

New Testament

Pseudepigrapha 274.487 8

Old Testament

Pseudepigrapha 264.493 8

Christian treatment 274.483 938

New Testament Book 274.478

Apocrypha (Bible)

New Testament 274.487Old Testament 264.48

Christian treatment 274.483 8(see also names of particular books)

Apocryphal Literature (Comparative religion) 204.87Wisdom literature (Bible) 264.483

Christian treatment 274.483 83Apologetics [-143] (for example)

Buddhism 241.43Christianity 271.43Islam 281.43

ApostasyReligious law [-63212]

(for example)Islam 286.321 2Judaism 266.321 2

Division of religions into sects [-27](for example)

Comparative religion 202.7Mormonism 272.798 27

Conversion to another religion [-6314](for example)

Conversion out of Buddhism 246.314Conversion out of Islam 286.314

Apostles 273.3(see also particular apostles’ names)

Apostles’ Creed 272.732Apostolic

Church 272.53Succession 279.611

Apparitions Ghosts [-5253]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.253Melanesian religions 217.955 253

of Mary 273.215‘Aqā’id 285Áqásí, Law-i-Hájí Mírzá 294.44.L32Aqdas

Kitáb-i- 294.54.K6Law-i- 294.54.L19

A’rab, Súriy-i- 294.54.S917Arabia, Muslim holy places in 288.261Arabic


Relative Index

Bayán 294.44.B3Texts of Koran in 284.41

Arakhin 264.553 5Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5Mishnah 264.553 5

Aranyakas 224.4Arc (Bahá’í complex on Mt. Carmel) 298.261 1Archaeology (scriptural) [-4193] (for example)

BibleChristian 274.193Jewish 264.193

(see also Qumran Community, Dead Sea Scrolls)Archbishops

Biography 273.611 2Church administration, In 279.611 2

Architecture and Religion [-1772] (for example)

Buddhist Architecture 241.772Muslim Architecture 281.772

(BUT see 726 in main schedule)Ari liturgy 268.815 2Arianism 272.724 Ark of the Covenant 268.802 3Armageddon 275.337Armaments, Arms race [-5635] (for example)

Christianity 275.635Hinduism 225.635

(see also Peace, Pacifism, Nuclear arms)Armenian Church 272.742 3Arminian churches 272.759Arrest of

Bahá’u’lláh 293.231Jesus 273.134 2The Báb 293.141

ArsonReligious law [-63267]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.326 7Comparative religion 206.326 7

Artificial insemination (religious law) [-63226] (for example)

Christianity 276.322 6Judaism 266.322 6


and Artefacts, Use in worship [-8837](for example)

Comparative religion 208.837Islam 288.837Shinto 256.883 7

and Religion (in most general sense) [-177](for example)

Hinduism 221.77Judaism 261.77

(see also particular arts, e.g. Music, and relevant headings in main schedule, e.g. 755)

Arya-Samaj 222.785Ascension of

Bahá’u’lláh Biography of Bahá’u’lláh 293.25Bahá’í Holy Day 297.74

Celebration of 298.857 74Elijah (Apocryphal book) 264.493 6

Christian treatment 274.483 936Jesus

Life of Jesus 273.175Ascension Day 277.59

Celebration of 278.857 59Mary 273.214Muhammad to Heaven 283.133 7

Ascensiontide 277.59Asceticism [-84] (for example)

Buddhism 248.4Christianity 278.4Hinduism 228.4

Ascetic isolation, solitude Religious life [-846]

(for example)Hinduism 228.46Islam 288.46

Monastic rules [-9586] (for example)

Buddhism 249.586Christianity 279.586

Ash Wednesday 277.45Celebration 278.857 45

Ashab, Súriy-i- 294.54.S919Asher (son of Jacob)

Christianity 273.022 365Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.236 5

Ashkenazic liturgy 268.815 4


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Ashraf

Bahá’í garden 298.261 957Law-i- 294.54.L22

‘Ashura 287.2Asian “Quasi-Christian” churches 272.797 5

(see also Unification church)Asl-i-Kullu’l-Khayr 294.54.A5Asmá‘

Kitáb-i- 294.44.K5Qayyúmu’l- 294.44.Q3Súriy-i- 294.54.S921

Assault (religious law) [-632472] (for example)

Islam 286.324 72Judaism 266.324 72

Assemblies of God 272.775 3Assisted suicide (religious law) [-632476] (for example)

Comparative religion 206.324 76Judaism 266.324 76

Associations (religious) [-94] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.4Sikhism 238.94

Assumption of Mary 273.214Moses (Apocryphal book) 264.493 4

Christian treatment 274.483 934Astral travel

Religious mystic practice [-8695](for example)

Comparative religion 208.695 Hinduism 228.695Astrolatry [-523213] (for example)

Australian Aboriginal religion 217.945 232 13Comparative religion 205.232 13

Astrological interpretations of Scripture [-4148] (for example)

Bible (Christianity) 274.148(see also following entry)

AstrologyReligious belief in itself 212.374in other Religious systems [-1612374]

(for example)Buddhism 241.612 374Zoroastrianism 258.161 237 4

Astronomy and religion [-1752]

(for example)Christianity 271.752Islam 281.752

Athanasian creed 272.736Atharvaveda 224.45Atheism

Creed in its own right 212.34Polemics against [-161234]

(for example)Christian 271.612 34Muslim 281.612 34

Theology [-51214] (for example)

Buddhism 245.121 4Comparative religion 205.121 4

AtheistsBiography of 212.343Collections of scripture for [-4322981234]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 294.322 981 234Christianity 274.322 981 234

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985981234](for example)

Judaism 269.859 812 34Islam 289.859 812 34

Atonement Day of (Jewish feast) 267.25

Liturgy 268.857 25of Jesus 275.218 5Repentance [-5345]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.345Islam 265.345

Attributes of God [-5125] (for example)

Christianity 275.125Comparative religion 205.125Islam 285.125

Audiovisual materialsUse in religious education [-87386]

(for example)Christianity 278.738 6Judaism 268.738 6

Use in evangelisation [-98486](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.848 6Islam 289.848 6

Augustinians 279.565 34


Relative Index Australian Aboriginal people

Religion 217.94(for religion of Indigenous Australian followers of

world religions – e.g. Christianity, Bahá’í Faith – see those religions. – see also Indigenous people, and the Manual Note at 200-209 vs. 210-299 )

Authority ofAncient Scriptural texts [-4193]

(for example)Buddhism 244.193Judaism 264.193

ParentsReligious law [-6552]

(for example)Islam 286.552Roman religion 214.765 52

Religious institutionsin General [-6321]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.321Islam 286.321

of Particular Institutions(Add to the number for particular institution

notation “12” from Table PS2 – e.g. Authority of the Papacy 272.753 961 111 2 )

Scripture [-41132](for example)

Christianity 274.113 2Confucianism 253.411 32

(see also Heresy, Schism, Covenant breaking) Authorised version (Bible)

History of Bible translations 274.195 23Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 3

Authorship of scripture [-411] (for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.11Book of Mormon 272.798 411Koran 284.11

Auxiliary Boards (Bahá’í Administration) 299.386Language, Universal [-5646]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.646Comparative religion 205.646

Avarice [-5444] (for example)

Buddhism 245.444Zoroastrianism 258.544 4

Avatars (of Vishnu) 225.22

(see also names of particular Avatars, e.g. Krishna)Avesta 258.44Avodah Zarah 264.553 4

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Avot 264.553 47Ayat, Law-i- 294.64.L18Ayatollahs

Biography 283.611Place in Muslim Order 289.611

(see also Clergy)Ayyám-i-Há 297.4Ayub (Islamic prophet) 285.217 45Awliya, Ziyarat-namiy-i- 294.54.Z4Az Bagh-i-Ilahi 294.54.A9Azalís 292.73.A8

‘Azamat (Bahá’í feast day) 297.334

BBáb, The

Ádhirbáhján, Captivity in 293.142Anniversaries of

Birth 297.76Celebration of 298.857 76

Declaration 297.73Celebration of 298.857 73

Martyrdom 297.75Worship associated with 298.857 75

Arrest, imprisonment, trials 293.14Biography and comprehensive works 293.1Birth of, Anniversary 297.76

Celebration of 298.857 76Birth and childhood (Biography) 293.12Chihríq, Imprisonment in 293.142 5Declaration of

Anniversary 297.73Celebration of 298.857 73

Biography 293.133Execution of

Anniversary 297.75Worship associated with 298.857 75

Biography 293.15Followers of (rejecting Bahá’u’lláh) 292.73

Báb, The (continued from last column)House of (Shíráz) 298.262 1


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Ishfahan, Sojourn in 293.141Máh-Kú, Imprisonment in 293.142 3Martyrdom of

Anniversary 297.75Worship associated with 298.857 75

Biography 293.15Ministry of

Bahá’í history 292.523Biography 293.13

Pilgrimage to Mecca 293.135Shrine of (Haifa) 298.261 11Station as Manifestation of God 295.21Tabríz, Examination in 293.145Writings of 294.4

General collections of 294.42Special Collections 294.43Specific works of 294.44

(see also under titles, e.g. Persian Bayán)Works about writings of 294.41

BabaBatra 264.553 4

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Kamma 264.553 4Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Mezia 264.553 4Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Bábism 292.73Bábu’l-Báb va Quddus, Ziyarat-namiy-i- 294.54.Z5Babylonian Talmud 264.555Backbiting (gossip, slander)

Ethics [-5446](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.446Hinduism 225.446

Religious law [-63276](for example)

Buddhism 246.327 6Islam 286.327 6

Badi‘Calendar 297

Kitáb-i- 294.54.K7Bahá

Law-i- 294.54.L25Bahá’í feast day 297.331

Bahá’í Faith 290International Community 299.31

Bahá’u’lláhAdrianople, Exile to 293.234

‘Akká,Exile to 293.235Imprisonment in 293.235 3

Anniversaries ofBirth 297.77

Celebration of 298.857 77Declaration 297.601

Celebration of 298.857 601Passing 297.74

Worship connected with 298.857 74Ascension of

Anniversary 297.74Worship connected with 298.857 74

Biography 293.25Baghdád, Exile to 293.232Bahjí, Sojourn at 293.237Biography 293.2Birth of, Anniversary 297.77

Celebration of 298.857 77Birth and childhood (Biography) 293.22Cell of (‘Akká) 298.261 321Comprehensive works 293.2Constantinople

Exile to 293.233Journey to 293.233 5

Covenant breakers disputing station of 292.73Declaration

Anniversary 297.601Worship associated with 298.857 601

Biography 293.232 7Exile to

Adrianople 293.234‘Akká 293.235Baghdád 293.232Constantinople 293.233

House of (Baghdád) 298.263 2Imprisonment in

‘Akká 293.235 3 Síyáh-Chál 293.231

Bahá’u’lláh (continued from last column)Kurdistan, Withdrawal to 293.232 5


Relative Index

Knights of (biography) 293.7Mazrá’ih, Sojourn at 293.236Ministry of

Bahá’í history 292.532Biography 293.23

Passing ofAnniversary 297.74

Worship connected with 298.857 74Biography 293.25

Proclamation of 293.234 5Riván, Declaration in Garden of 293.232 7Station as Manifestation of God 295.21Síyáh-Chál, Imprisonment in 293.231Writings of 294.5

General collections of 294.52Special collections of 294.53Specific works of 294.54(see also under titles, e.g. Kitáb-i-Íqán)

Works about writings of 294.51Baghdád

Exile of Bahá’u’lláh to 293.232House of Bahá’u’lláh in 298.263 2Period of Bahá’í history 292.524 2

BahjíBahá’í holy place 298.261 2Period of Bahá’í history 292.524 5Point of Adoration (Bahá’í ) 298.335Sojourn of Bahá’u’lláh at 293.237

Banishment, TheSurah of Koran 284.575

BaptismAffecting membership of Church 276.311of Jesus 273.133 2Liturgy, worship 278.852 2Theology of (necessary to grace) 275.347 532

Baptismal fonts(see Church furnishings)

Baptist Churches 272.768John the

Christianity (saint) 273.05Islam (prophet) 283.217 73

Baqa, Law-i- 294.54.L26Bar mitzvah 268.852 35Baraita 264.556 3Barnabites 279.565 352

Barracks, The ('Akká) 298.261 32Bartholomew, St. (Apostle) 273.35Baruch (Apocryphal book) 264.485 3

Christian treatment 274.483 853Baths, Ritual [-98615] (for example)

Comparative religion 209.861 5Judaism 269.861 5

(see also Baptism)Basilians 279.565 317Basitatu’l-Haqiqah, Law-i- 294.54.L27Bat mitzvah 268.852 55Bava

Batra 264.553 4Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Kamma 264.553 4Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Mezia 264.553 4Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

BayánArabic 294.44.B3Persian 294.44.B5Súriy-i- 294.54.S923

Bayáni faith 292.73.A8Bayt, Ziyarat-namiy-i- 294.54.Z6Baz-Av-i-Bidih-Jami 294.54.B2Beatification of saints 275.271Beatitudes 274.472 3

As code of conduct [-613](for example)

Christianity 276.13Comparative religion 206.13

Beating (religious punishment) [-65772] (for example)

Comparative religion 206.577 2Islam 286.577 2

Bee, TheSurah of Koran 284.527

Bekhorot 264.553 5

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5

Mishnah 264.553 5


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Bektashi 288.589 51

Bel and the Dragon (Apocryphal book) 264.486 3

Christian treatment 274.483 863

Believer, TheSurah of Koran 284.554

Believers, TheSurah of Koran 284.535

Benedictines 279.565 3

Beneficent, TheSurah of Koran 284.571

Benjamin (son of Jacob)Christianity 273.022 353

Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.235 3

Berakhot 264.553 1

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 1

Mishnah 264.553 1

Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Bereavement (Persons suffering from)Community care and support of [-986366]

(for example)

Christianity 279.863 66

Comparative Religion 209.863 66

Devotional literature for [-83266](for example)

Islam 288.326 6

Hinduism 228.326 6

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657566](for example)

Buddhism 249.657 566

Christianity 279.657 566

Berit milah 268.852 31

BethlehemChristian holy places in 278.261 3

Bezah 264.553 2

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2

Mishnah 264.553 2

Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Bhaga 225.233 1

Bhagavad Gita 224.65

Bhakti Yoga 228.533

Bharati 225.233 4

BibleChristian 274Christians (Denomination)

(see Methodist Churches)Colleges 278.777Jewish 264(see also specific parts of Bible, e.g. Apocrypha,

Genesis, Gospel, New Testament, Song of Solomon,– and topics grouped under “Biblical” below

For scriptures of religions other than Judaism and Christianity, see Scripture, and also names of relevant

Holy Books, e.g. Koran, Bhagavad Gita)

Biblical Allegory

Christian 274.148Jewish 264.148

ArchaeologyChristian 274.193Jewish 264.193

(see also Qumran Community, Dead Sea Scrolls)Canon

Christian 274.112Jewish 264.112

CommentariesChristian 274.15Jewish 264.15

CriticismChristian 274.14Jewish 264.14

HarmoniesChristian 274.145Jewish 264.145

History of BibleLands and times

Christian 274.182Jewish 264.182

TextsChristian 274.193Jewish 264.193

TranslationsChristian 274.195Jewish 264.195

Moral codes(for example)Christianity 276.1Judaism 266.1

Biblical (continued from last column)Readings

In private devotionsChristian 278.35


Relative Index

Jewish 268.35In public worship

Christian 278.824Jewish 268.824

Religious educationChristian 278.764Jewish 268.764

Stories (retold for children)Christian 274.322 2Jewish 264.322 2

TheologyChristianity 275.011 4Judaism 265.011 4

(for similar topics in other religions see Scriptural – also under names of other Holy Books, e.g. Koranic)Bikkurim 264.553 1

Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Biography (religious) [-3] (for example)

Confucianism 253.3Islam 283Zoroastrianism 258.3

(see also names of particular individuals, classes of people, e.g. Bishops, Saints)Bioethics [-5557] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.557Buddhism 245.557Christianity 275.557

Biological weapons [-56354] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.635 4Judaism 265.635 4

Biology and religion [-1757] (for example)

Buddhism 241.757Christianity 271.757

Birth control [-63226] (for example)

Catholicism 272.753 632 26Islam 286.322 6

Birth and childhood of‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.32The Báb 293.12 Bahá’u’lláh 293.22

Jesus 273.132Muhammad 283.132Shoghi Effendi 293.42

(see also other individuals – biography)Birth, Anniversary of

The Báb 297.76 Celebration 298.857 76

Bahá’u’lláh 297.77Celebration 298.857 77

Jesus (Christmas) 277.34Celebration (religious) 278.857 34

Muhammad (Mawlid al-Nabí) 287.3Celebration 288.857 3

Bishárát (Glad Tidings) 294.54.B4Bishárát, Halih Ya 294.54.H4Bishops

Biography 273.611 2Church administration, In 279.611 2

Bismi’Ilahi’r-Rahmani’r-Rahim, Tafsir-i 294.64.T3Bismilih, Law-i- 294.54.L28Black

Africans (and their descendants)Religions of 217.6(see also names of particular religions)

Methodist churches(see Methodist Churches)

Muslim Movement 282.794Theology [-5083796]

(for example)Christianity 275.083 796

BlasphemyOffence against religious law [-63214]

(for example)Islam 286.321 4Judaism 266.321 4

Vice, sin [-5473](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.473Sikhism 238.547 3

Blessings ofFishing boats (Christian festivals) 277.82Harvests (Christian festivals) 277.83

Blessings of (continued from last column)Houses of Worship [-8882]

(for example)Churches 278.882


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Hindu temples 228.882Synagogues 268.882

Body (Human)Disposal (after death)

Religious law [-65543](for example)

Hinduism 226.554 3Zoroastrianism 258.655 43

(see also funerals)Relationship between body and soul [-5313]

(for example)Christianity 275.313Comparative religion 205.313

Respect for body (religious law) [-6324](for example)

Islam 286.324Judaism 266.324

Bokononism 212.682Bon (Tibetan religion) 219.54.B4Book

of Common Prayer 272.762 882of Mormon 272.798 44

BooksHoly [-4]

(for example)Buddhism 244Zoroastrian 258.4

(see also names of particular books, e.g. Bible)of Enoch (Apocrypha) 264.493 2

Christian treatment 274.483 932Brahma 225.111 2Brahma Samaj 222.783Brahman 225.111Brahmanas 224.4Brahmanism 220Brethren (Christian sects) 272.772Breviaries 278.822Bride price [-65536] (for example)

Comparative religion 206.553 6Melanesian religions 217.956 553 6

Brightness, TheSurah of Koran 284.623

BrotherhoodGreat White 212.72of Man [-5321]

(for example)

Islam 285.321Sikhism 238.532 1

BrothersChristian 279.565 386(Christian religious orders) 279.553 92Hospitallers of St. John of God 279.565 349

Buddha (Gautama)Bahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 28Buddhism

Biography 243.1Station 245.21

Hinduism (Avatar of Vishnu) 225.228Buddhas 245.21Buddhism 240Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Isma’il

Hadith 284.834 1Bulbulu’l-Firaq, Law-i- 294.54.L29Burhan, Law-i- 294.54.L32Burial

of the deadReligious law [-65543]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.554 3Islam 286.554 3

Funeral services [-88543](for example)

Christianity 278.854 3Confucianism 253.885 43

of Jesus 273.135 2Business

and Religion(s) [-1738](for example)

Hinduism 221.738Confucianism 253.173 8

Ethics [-5565](for example)

Islam 285.565Shinto 256.556 5

(see also Honesty, Trustworthiness etc.)in Social Doctrine [-5663]

(for example)Christianity 275.663Comparative religion 205.663

Byzantine rite churches 272.752(see also Eastern churches)



Relative Index Cabala 264.75

Jewish mysticism

Religious experience 268.58

Movement 262.763

Cain (Biblical person)

Christianity 274.435 118 3.C1

Judaism (or “neutral”) 264.451 183.C1


Eschatology [-5337]

(for example)

Islam 285.337

Jehovah’s Witnesses 272.773 753 37

Surah of Koran 284.632


Religious [-7]

(for example)

Bahá’í (Badi‘) 297

Jewish 267

Liturgy of [-8857]

Christian 278.857

Anglican 272.762 885 7

Roman Catholic 272.753 885 7


Abbasid (Muslim history) 282.55

in Muslim administration 289.343

Umayyad (Muslim history) 282.53


Companions of Muhammad

Biography 283.382

Muslim clergy

Biography 283.613

Role and function 289.613

Orthodox (Muslim history) 282.52

Call to Islam 289.8

Calvinist churches 272.766

Calvinistic Baptist churches

(see Baptist churches)

Camillians 279.565 355

Camp meetings

Christian religious practices 279.861

CampaignsEvangelistic [-981]

(for example)Christianity 279.81Comparative religion 209.81

Teaching (Bahá’í terminology) 299.81Camps

Use in religious education [-8734](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.734Christianity 278.734Judaism 268.734

Campbellites (Christian denomination) 272.768 278Campus

Crusade for Christ 279.425 7Crusade for Cthulhu 212.683Ministry

(see Students – Pastoral care of, Students – Outreach to – evangelisation of, University religious associations)

CandlesUse in religious worship [-88376]

(for example)Christianity 278.837 6Judaism 268.837 6

Candomblé 217.633Cannibalism, Ritual [-88629] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.862 9Polynesian religion 217.968 862 9

CanonLaw [-653]

(for example)Catholicism 272.753 653Christianity 276.53

Scriptural [-4112](for example)

BibleChristian 274.112Jewish 264.112

Canonisation of saints 275.271Canons

Priests 279.611 3Biography 273.611 3

Religious ordersBenedictine Canons 279.565 319Canons Regular 279.553 8

Canticle of Canticles (Biblical book) 264.474 1Christian treatment 274.437 41

Cantors (Judaism) 269.628 44Capital punishment

Religious punishment [-6579]


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example)Buddhism 246.579Islam 286.579

Secular punishment [-1736466](for example)

Christianity 271.736 466Judaism 261.736 466

Capitalism (economic system)Religious doctrine [-56657]

(for example)Christianity 275.665 7Hinduism 225.665 7

(see also Business, Honesty)Captivity of

‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.342Báb, The 293.14Bahá’u’lláh

‘Akká 293.235 3 Síyáh-Chál 293.231

Capuchins 279.565 336Caracciolini 279.565 356Cardinal sins 275.4Cardinals (Clergy)

Biography 273.611 2Church administration, In 279.611 2

Caring (human virtue) [-544] (for example)

Buddhism 245.44Confucianism 253.544

CarmelTablet of 294.54.L52Mount

Bahá’í complex on 298.261 1Carmelite Nuns 279.565 56Carmelites 279.565 382Caro, Joseph

Jewish legal codes 264.65Caste

Religious teaching [-5323](for example)

Comparative religion 205.323Hinduism 225.323

(see also Social class)Casting out of evil spirits [-864] (for example)

Buddhism 248.64

Christianity 278.64

Carthusians 272.565 381

Catechetics 278.7

Catechisms [-5] (for example)

Christianity 275

Anglican 272.762 5

CatechistsBiography 273.627

Role and function 279.627

Catechumenate(see Adult Baptism)

CatharismChristian doctrinal controversy 272.726

Catharist Churches 272.767

CathedralsAdministrative centres 279.253

Buildings 279.26

Catholic Churches 272.75

(see also particular churches)

Epistles 274.476 5

Cattle, TheSurah of Koran 284.516

Cave, TheSurah of Koran 284.529

Celebration of particular occasions [-885] (for example)

Christianity 278.85

Hinduism 228.85

Islam 288.85

Celestial Church of Christ

(see African Quasi-Christian Churches)

Stations, The

Surah of Koran 284.614

Celestines 279.565 316

CelibacyMonastic [-95823]

(for example)

Buddhist 249.582 3

Christian 279.582 3

Celibacy (continued from last column)Priestly [-96323]

(for example)Catholic 272.753 963 23


Relative Index

Christian (generally) 279.632 3Religious practice [-8423]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.423Hinduism 228.423

Cell of Bahá’u’lláh 298.261 321Celtic religions 214.64Ceremonies [-88] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.8Buddhism 248.8(see also particular ceremonies, e.g. Weddings)

Chabad Lubavitvh Hasidism 262.763 22Chaldeans (religious order) 279.565 318Challoner Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 22Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 2

Chambers, TheSurah of Koran 284.564

Ch’an Buddhism 242.766Chance

Games of (prohibition) [-63282](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.328 2Islam 286.328 2

Gods of [-52331](for example)

Comparative religion 205.233 1Hinduism 225.233 1

Change, Social (theology) [-5675] (for example)

Christianity 275.675Hinduism 225.675

Chanting scripture in worship [-8824] (for example)

Buddhism 248.824Islam 288.824

Chanukah 267.43Liturgy 268.857 43

Chargers, TheSurah of Koran 284.631

Chapels 279.26Chaplaincy

Hospital [-9657561](for example)

Hinduism 229.657 561

Islam 289.657 561Military [-965758355]

(for example)Christian 279.657 583 55General 209.657 583 55

Prison [-9657565](for example)

Buddhism 249.657 565Islam 289.657 565

Characters of scriptural stories [-4183] (for example)

People in the BibleChristian treatment 274.183Jewish treatment 264.183

(see also Religious biography, Names of particular people)

CharismaticChurches 272.775Gifts

(see Healing, Miracles, Speaking in tongues etc.)Charitable bodies (religious)

Donations to [-89](for example)

Hinduism 228.9Judaism 268.9

Membership ofAffecting religious affiliation [-63153]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.315 3

Part of missionary work [-9878](for example)

Christianity 279.878Islam 289.878

Work of [-9863](for example)

Hindu 229.863Shinto 256.986 3

Charity Human virtue [-5444]

(for example)Buddhism 245.444Christianity 275.444

Sisters of 279.565 51Chastity

Human virtue [-5429](for example)

Hinduism 225.429


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Judaism 265.429Precondition of marriage [-655326]

(for example)Confucianism 253.655 326Islam 286.553 26

(see also Adultery, headings under Sexual)Cheerfulness (human virtue) [-5484] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.484Taoism 254.548 4

Cherubim(see Angels)

and Seraphim Church(see African Quasi-Christian Churches)

Chemical weapons [-56353] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.635 3Islam 285.635 3

Child Abuse

Neglect, cruelty [-6555](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.555Buddhism 246.555

Sexual exploitation of children [-6324742](for example)

Christianity 276.324 742Hinduism 226.324 742(see also Victims of abuse)

RearingGuides to Parenting [-54045]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.404 5Christianity 275.404 5

Religious law [-6555](for example)

Judaism 266.555Islam 266.555

(see also Children, Parents)Childhood of

‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.32The Báb 293.12 Bahá’u’lláh 293.22Jesus 273.132Muhammad 283.132Shoghi Effendi 293.42

(see also other individuals – biography)

ChildrenBible stories for

Christian 274.322 2

Jewish 264.322 2Community care and support of [-98632]

(for example) Comparative Religion 209.863 2Christianity 279.863 2

Collections of scripture for [-43222] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 2Buddhism 244.322 2

Devotional literature for [-8322](for example)

Jainism 232.832 2Judaism 268.322

Guides to religious life for [-5402](for example)

Christianity 275.402Judaism 265.402

of Israel, TheSurah of Koran 284.528

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965752](for example)

Christian 279.657 52Judaism 269.657 52

Religious education of [-8752](for example)

Christian 278.752Comparative religion 208.752

Chinese religionsFolk religions 217.51Religions in China 202.651

(see also Taoism, Confucianism etc.)Chihar Vadi 294.54.C4Chihríq (imprisonment of the Báb in) 293.142 5Choice

of Successors to Religious Institutions(Add to the number for particular institution

notation “17” from Table PS2 – e.g. choice of successor to Papacy 272.753 961 111 7)

Chosen people (Judaism) 265.1Christ

(see Christology, Jesus)Christening

(see Baptism)Christian

Brothers 279.565 386Methodist Episcopal Church


Relative Index

(see Methodist Churches)Reformed Church

(see Reformed Churches)Science 272.792

Christianity 270Christians

Biography 273Tablet (of Bahá’u’lláh) to the 294.54.L19

ChristmasCelebration of 278.857 3Day 277.34Eve 277.33Season 277.3Story 273.132 4

ChristologyComprehensive works on Jesus 273.11Divinity of Jesus 275.111 32Works on the station of Jesus 275.21

(see also Jesus)Chronicles (Biblical books) 264.478

Chronicles 1 264.478 1Chronicles 11 264.478 2

Christian treatment 274.437 8Chronicles 1 274.437 81Chronicles 11 274.437 82

Chronology [-2507] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 292.507Comparative religion 202.507

ChurchAdministration 279

(see also particular topics)Authority of 276.321Buildings (Chapels, Cathedrals etc.) 279.26Calendar 277

(see also particular feasts, holy days, e.g. Christmas)Controversies in 272.7

History of 272.72Fathers

Biography 273.4Writings 274.5

FinanceContributions from members 278.9Management 279.117

Furnishings 278.837 3Church (continued from last column)

Government 279Groups 279.4

Growth 279.8History 272.5Holidays 277Law

Canon law 276.53Binding members of church 276

Management 279Missions 279.87Membership 276.31Organisation 279Polity 279Relations with the state 271.732

Theology 275.65Renewal 279.861Separation from state 271.732Services (worship) 278.82Work with

Aged 279.863 5Disabled 279.863 64Families 279.863 44Juvenile delinquents 279.863 653Poor 279.863 71Sick 279.863 61Youth 279.863 3

(see also Pastoral Care)Year 277Youth groups 279.443

(see also other specific topics)Church of

Brethren, the

(see Baptist Churches)

Christ 272.785 2Christ, Scientist 272.792Emacs 212.684England

(see Anglican Churches)Flying Spaghetti Monster, the 212.635God 272.773 3

(see also Adventists)God in Christ, Mennonites

(see Mennonite churches)Holy Donut, the 212.633Ireland

(see Anglican Churches)Church of (continued from previous column)

Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 272.798(see also Joseph Smith, Book of Mormon etc.)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Nazarene, the(see Methodist Churches)

New Jerusalem, the 272.793North India

(see Methodist Churches)Scotland

(see Presbyterian Churches)South India

(see Methodist Churches)SubGenius, the 212.685

CircumcisionReligious ritual [-885231]

(for example)Australian Aboriginal 217.948 852 31Judaism 268.852 31

Cistercians 279.565 312Citizenship

Relation to religion [-17323](for example)

Sikhism 238.1732 3Christianity 271.732 3

Religious doctrine [-565](for example)

Confucianism 253.565Islam 285.65

City, TheSurah of Koran 284.619

Civil Disobedience

Social theology [-56532](for example)

Christianity 275.653 2Hinduism 225.653 2

RightsRelation to religion [-17323]

(for example)Buddhism 241.732 3Islam 281.732 3

Social theology [-56535](for example)

Christianity 275.653 5Hinduism 225.653 5

Civil (continued from previous column)

War [-56378]

(for example)

Comparative religion 205.637 8

Hinduism 225.637 8

CivilisationScripture [-4182]

(for example)Bible 274.182Koran 284.182

ClairvoyanceReligious practice [-8691]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.691Hinduism 228.691

Clans, TheSurah of Koran 284.546

Classical religionGeneral history 202.53Particular ancient religions 214

Clear Evidence, TheSurah of Koran 284.628

Cleaving, TheSurah of Koran 284.611

ClergyBiography [-36]

(for example)Christianity 273.6Hinduism 223.6

Occupational ethics for [-552](for example)

Buddhism 245.52Comparative religion 205.52

Pastoral care by [-9657](for example)

Islam 289.657Judaism 269.657

Religious law concerning [-65696](for example)

Hinduism 226.569 6Judaism 266.569 6

Status, duties [-96](for example)

Buddhism 249.6Christianity 279.6

Clergy (continued from previous column)Training of [-87596]

(for example)


Relative Index

Christianity 278.759 6Islam 288.759 6

(see also particular kinds and degrees, e.g. Bishops)Clerks regular 279.565 35

of Somaschi 279.565 354of the Mother of God 279.565 357

Clot, TheSurah of Koran 284.626

Clubs, associations, societies etcReligious [-94]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.4Christianity 279.4

Cluniacs 279.565 314Code of Manu 224.75Codes of conduct [-61] (for example)

Comparative religion 206.1Hinduism 226.1

(see also particular codes, e.g. Ten commandments)Codex iuris canonici (1917 – 1983)

(see Canon Law – Catholicism)Collections

of money at religious services [-89](for example)

Christianity 278.9Judaism 268.9

of Scriptural textsGeneral [-42]

(for example)Bahá’í scripture 294.2Hindu scripture 224.2

Special [-43](for example)

BiblicalChristian 274.3Jewish 264.3

(see also Children – Collections of scripture for etc.)Collective security [-5634]

Religious doctrine(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.634Hinduism 225.634

College studentsCommunity care and support of [-986334]

(for example) Comparative Religion 209.863 34Shinto 256.986 334

Collections of scripture for [-432234](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 34Buddhism 244.322 34

Devotional literature for [-83234](for example)

Christianity 278.323 4Judaism 268.323 4

Guides to religious life for [-54034](for example)

Christianity 275.403 4Judaism 265.403 4

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98534](for example)

Hinduism 229.853.4Islam 289.853 4

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657534](for example)

Christian 279.657 534Judaism 269.657 534

Religious education of [-87534](for example)

Christian 278.753 4Comparative religion 208.753 4

Religious societies for [-94434](for example)

Bahá’í 299.443 4Jewish 269.443 4

(see also University religious associations)Colleges of religious education [-8777] (for example)

Buddhism 248.777Islam 288.777

ColourUse in worship [-8833]

(for example)Christianity 278.833Comparative religion 208.833

(see also Race)Colossians (Biblical book) 274.476 26Commandments

Jewish law 266Ten 266.12

Christianity 276.12Commentaries (Scriptural) [-415] (for example)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

BiblicalJewish 264.15Christian 274.15

Hindu scripture 224.15Koranic 284.15

(For commentaries on a particular work – see the work in question)

Commentary on the Súrih of Joseph 294.44.Q3Common

Lectionary 278.824of the Mass 272.753 887 3

(see also Missals)Communication media

Evangelisation, use in [-9849](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.849Hinduism 229.849

Religious education, use in [-8739](for example)

Buddhism 248.739Judaism 268.739

Communion of Saints 275.27Service (Eucharist) 278.873

Communism (economic system)Religious doctrine [-56655]

(for example)Hinduism 225.665 5Islam 285.665 5Judaism 265.665 5

Community of Christ (Church) 272.798 27.R3Companions

of Muhammad 283.382Surah of Koran 284.553

Comparative religion 200Concealment of faith

Religious law [-63115](for example)

Comparative religion 206.311 5Islam 286.311 5

Concordances [-412] (for example)

BiblicalJewish 264.12Christian 274.12

Buddhist scripture 244.12Koranic 284.12

Condemnation of Jesus 273.134 4Conditional immortality [-53248] (for example)

Christianity 275.324 8Comparative religion 205.324 8

Conduct of lifeMoral theology [-54]

(for example)Buddhism 245.4Christianity 275.4

Religious law [-6](for example)

Hinduism 226Islam 286

Confederated Benedictines 279.565 311Conferences [-918] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.18Buddhism 249.18

Confession of sinsIn worship [-8863]

(for example)Christianity 278.863

Catholicism 272.753 886 3Confessions of faith

General [-5](for example)

Comparative religion 205Islam 285

(see also Creeds)Confirmation

Christian riteConfirming membership of church 276.311Liturgy 278.852 7Necessary to salvation 275.347 535

(see also Conversion, Bar Mitzvah, Rites of passage)Confraternities 279.4Confraternity Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 25Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 5

Confucianism 253Confucius 253.31Congregation, The

Surah of Koran 284.578Congregational

Methodist Church(see Congregationalist Churches)

Prayer [-8823] (for example)

Christianity 278.823Islam 288.823

Congregationalist Churches 272.766 8Congregations [-925]


Relative Index (for example)

Christianity 279.25Judaism 269.25

Consanguineous marriageReligious law [-655324]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.553 24Buddhism 246.553 24

Conscience [-5316] (for example)

Christianity 275.316Judaism 265.316

Conscientious objection [-565323] (for example)

Hinduism 225.653 23Jainism 232.565 323

(see also Warfare)Consecrations [-8882] (for example)

Buddhism 248.882Christianity 278.882

Conservative Judaism 262.764 3Consolatory devotions [-8326] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.326Buddhism 248.326

(see also Bereavement, Suffering)Constitution

of particular religious institution(Add to the number for particular institution

notation “11” from Table PS2 – e.g. Constitution of Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly of Australia

299.343 941 1)Constitutional Church 272.757 1Consultation (Bahá’í terminology) 299.118 405Consumption (e.g. of food, drink, energy)

Moral theology [-5433](for example)

Buddhism 245.433Christianity 275.433Judaism 265.433

Contemplation [-853] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.53Hinduism 228.53Islam 288.53

Contemplative religious orders

Christianity 279.553 1(see also names of particular orders)

Contextual theology [-508](for example)

Christianity 275.08Judaism 265.08

Contraception [-63226] (for example)

Catholicism 272.753 632 26Islam 286.322 6

ContritionPublic worship [-8865]

(for example)Christianity 278.865Comparative religion 208.865

Theology [-5345](for example)

Islam 285.345Judaism 265.345

Controversy, Religious [-27] (for example)

Christianity 272.7Comparative religion 202.7History of [-272]

(for example)Christianity 272.72Islam 282.72

Convents [-9526] (for example)

Buddhism 249.526Christianity 279.526

Conventuals 279.565 337Conversion

Change of religion [-6314](for example)

Leaving Hinduism 226.314Leaving Islam 286.314

Initiation [-6311] (for example)

Joining the Bahá’í Faith 296.311Joining Christianity 276.311

Spiritual renewal [-98613](for example)

Christianity 279.861 3



A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Collections of scripture for [-4322913](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 913Buddhism 244.322 913

Devotional literature for [-832913](for example)

Christianity 278.329 13Judaism 268.329 13

Guides to religious life for [-540913](for example)

Christianity 275.409 13Judaism 265.409 13

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575913](for example)

Hinduism 229.657 591 3Islam 289.657 591 3

Religious education of [-875913](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.759 13Comparative religion 208.759 13

Coptic churches 272.747Core activities (Bahá’í terminology) 299.862Corinthians (Biblical books) 274.476 22Corporal punishment (religious) [-6577] (for example)

Comparative religion 206.577Islam 286.577

Corpus iuris canonici(see Canon law)

Cosmology [-53263] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.326 3Hinduism 225.326 3Islam 285.326 3

Councils Religious bodies [-93]

(for example)Buddhism 249.3Christianity 279.3

Administrative [-934](for example)

Hinduism 229.34Judaism 269.34

Protective [-938](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.38Islam 289.38

Counsel, TheSurah of Koran 284.556

CounsellingCare and nurturing [-9862]

(for example)

Comparative religion 209.862

Bahá’í Faith 299.862

Pastoral care (by clergy) [-9657](for example)

Buddhism 249.657

Christianity 279.657

Counter reformation Church history 272.57

Doctrinal history 272.726

Courage (human virtue) [-5483] (for example)

Hinduism 225.483

Judaism 265.483

Course in Miracles 212.525

Courtesy (human virtue) [-5446] (for example)

Buddhism 245.446

Islam 285.446

CourtshipReligious law [-65533]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.553 3

Hinduism 226.553 3

Covenant [-81] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.1

Breakers 292.7

Breaking 298.13

Day of the 297.78

Worship associated with 298.857 78

Greater 298.11

Lesser 298.12

Christianity 278.1

Judaism 268.1

Ark of the 268.802 3

Coverdale BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 213

Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 13

Covered One, TheSurah of Koran 284.592

Cow, TheSurah of Koran 284.512


Relative Index Creation

of humanity [-531](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.31

Buddhism 245.31

In the image of God [-5312](for example)

Christianity 275.312

Judaism 265.312

Nature of [-53263](for example)

Hinduism 225.326 3

Islam 285.326 3

Science [-53265](for example)

Christianity 275.326 5

Comparative religion 205.326 5

Creationism [-53265] (for example)

Christianity 275.326 5

Comparative religion 205.326 5

CreativityGods of [-52335]

(for example)

Comparative religion 205.233 5

Polynesian religion 217.965 233 5

CreatorName (attribute) of God [-51253]

(for example)

Christianity 275.125 3

Islam 285.125 3

Judaism 265.125 3

(see also Brahma)

CreedsConfessions of faith in general [-5]

(for example)

Buddhism 245

Comparative religion 205

Judaism 265

(BUT – note following for Christianity and Islam)

Christian formal creeds 272.73

Muslim Shahada 288.15

(see also specific creeds, e.g. Apostles Creed)

CrimeReligious law [-63]

(for example)Islam 286.3Judaism 266.3

Secular law [-17345](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 291.734 5Christianity 271.734 5

Crosier Fathers 279.565 319Crosses 278.835 3Crucifixes 278.835 3Crucifixion of Jesus 273.134 6Cruelty

to Animals [-54425](for example)

Christianity 275.442 5Hinduism 225.442 5

Human vice [-544](for example)

Buddhism 245.44Comparative religion 205.44

CrusadesCampaigns of evangelisation [-981]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.81Christianity 279.81

Church history (wars) 272.555Cthulhu , Campus Crusade for 212.683Cults 212.5Cumberland Presbyterian Church

(see Presbyterian Churches)Curia Romana 272.753 9


Daily devotions [-83] (for example)

Christianity 278.3Judaism 268.3

Dala’il-i-Sab’ih 294.44.D3Damage, Malicious

Religious law [-63267](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.326 7Islam 286.326 7

Damm, Súriy-i- 294.54.S925

Dan (son of Jacob)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Christianity 273.022 355

Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.235 5

DanceUse in religious worship [-8848]

(for example)

Buddhism 248.848

Comparative religion 208.848

Daniel (Biblical book) 264.475

Christian treatment 274.437 5

Danavas 225.258

Dasas 225.258

Daughters of Muhammad 283.34

David, King of IsraelBiblical leader

Christian treatment 273.022 62

Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.262

Islamic Prophet 285.217 64

Da’wah 289.8

Dawn Surah of Koran 284.645

Worship [-88582](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.858 2

Islam 288.858 2

Dawood (Islamic prophet) 285.217 64

Day of God [-5335](for example)

Christianity 275.335

Judaism 265.335

of the Covenant (Bahá’í ) 297.78

Daybreak, TheSurah of Koran 284.618

Days of Há (Bahá’í calendar) 297.4

DeaconsBiography 273.611 4

In church administration 279.611 4

DeadSea Scrolls 264.735

Spirits of [-5253](for example)

Confucianism 253.525 3

Islam 285.253

DeathReligious laws concerned with [-6554]

(for example)Hinduism 226.554Judaism 266.554

Rites connected with [-8854](for example)

Christianity 278.854Confucianism 253.885 4

Theology [-5324](for example)

Buddhism 245.324Islam 285.324

(see also Murder, Suicide, Capital punishment)Death of

‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.35Báb, the 293.15Bahá’u’lláh 293.25Jesus 273.134 6

(see also other individuals – biography)Decalogue [-612] (for example)

Christianity 276.12Judaism 266.12

Deceivers in MeasuringSurah of Koran 284.612

Declaration of Báb, the

Biography 293.133Holy Day 297.73

Celebration 298.857 73Bahá’u’lláh

Biography 293.232 7(see also Riván)

Faith (Bahá’í terminology) 296.311Decoration

Houses of worship [-88373](for example)

Hindu temples 228.837 3Christian churches 278.837 3

DedicationFeast of the 267.43Rites of [-8882]

(for example)Christianity 278.882Judaism 268.882

Deepavali Hinduism 227.7Sikhism 238.77


Relative Index Deepening (Bahá’í terminology) 298.7Defenceless Mennonites

(see Mennonite Churches)Defences of value of religion(s) [-143] (for example)

Buddhism 241.43Islam 281.43Religion in general 201.43

Deism 212.1(see also Religious philosophy)

Deities [-523] (for example)

Hinduism 225.23Polynesian religion 217.965 23

Deity, Supreme [-51] (for example)

Christianity 275.1Judaism 265.1

Demai 264.553 1Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Demoniac possessionDelivery from [-864]

(for example)Christianity 278.64Islam 288.64

Demons [-5258] (for example)

Buddhism 245.258Christianity 275.258

Demythologising(see Mythology)

Denial of faith Religious law [-63115]

(for example)Comparative religion 206.311 5Islam 286.311 5

Denigrationof Religion(s) [-148]

(for example)Jehovah’s Witnesses 272.773 714 8Islam 281.48Religion in general 201.48

(see also Atheism, Polemics)Denominations [-27] (for example)

Christianity 272.7

Judaism 262.7(see also names of particular denominations)

Dependence (of humanity on God) [-5315] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.315Islam 285.315

Descent into hell (of Jesus) 273.135 3Destiny

Deities connected with [-52331](for example)

Ancient Nordic religion 214.635 233 1Comparative religion 205.233 1

vs. free will [-5325](for example)

Christianity 275.325Buddhism 245.325

DestructivityDeities connected with [-52335]

(for example)Hinduism 225.233 5Ancient Greek religion 214.853 335

(see also Shiva)Ethics [-544375]

(for example)Buddhism 245.443 75Christianity 275.443 75

Religious Law [-63267](for example)

Islam 286.326 7Judaism 266.326 7

Determinism [-5325] (for example)

Christianity 275.325Islam 285.325

Deuteronomy (Biblical book) 264.455Christian treatment 274.435 5

Devil(s)Demons [-5258]

(for example)Buddhism 245.258Islam 285.258

Satan [-52581](for example)

Christianity 275.258 1Judaism 265.258 1

Devil worship 212.363

Devotional Calendars [-7]


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example)Christian 277Jewish 267

LiteratureGeneral [-832]

(for example)Buddhism 248.32Christianity 278.32

Prayers [-833](for example)

Hinduism 228.33Judaism 268.33

Scriptural collections [-4326](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.326Islam 284.326

(see also particular groups of people, e.g. Bereaved)Meetings (Bahá’í terminology) 298.89

DevotionsCongregational [-88]

(for example)Christian 278.8Hinduism 228.8

Personal [-83](for example)

Buddhism 248.3Islam 288.3

Dhabih, Súrih-i 294.54.S927Dhahabiyyih, Risaliy-i 294.44.R4Dhammapada 244.432 2Dharma

Buddhism (law) 246Hinduism (virtue, right behaviour) 225.4

Dharmasastras 224.7Dhul-Kifl (Islamic prophet) 285.217 63Dhibh, Súrih-i 294.54.S929Dhikr, Súrih-i 294.54.S931Dianetics 212.57Diatessaron 274.472 145Diet

Religious laws of [-633](for example)

Hinduism 226.33Judaism 266.33(see also Fasting, Vegetarianism)

Dietary self-denial [-844] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.44Buddhism 248.44

Digambara (Jainism) 232.275Dignity (human virtue) [-5436] (for example)

Christianity 275.436Hinduism 225.436

Dinner Table, TheSurah of Koran 284.515

Diocesan centres 279.233Directories (religious) [-903] (for example)

Bahá’í 299.03Christian 279.03

DisarmamentSocial theology [-5635]

(for example)Islam 285.635Judaism 265.635

Disasters, Victims ofCommunity care and support of [-98637142]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 299.863 714 2Comparative Religion 209.863 714 2

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965757142](for example)

Christian 279.657 571 42Judaism 269.657 571 42

Disbelievers, TheSurah of Koran 284.641

Disciples of Christ (Campbellites) 272.768 278Jesus (Apostles) 273.3

Discordianism 212.688Discrimination

Social theology [-5415](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.415Christianity 275.415

Religious law [-63278](for example)

Islam 286.327 8Judaism 266.327 8

Disease and sickness Care of sufferers


Relative Index

As a pastoral duty (of clergy) [-9657561](for example)

Christianity 279.657 561Hinduism 229.657 561

As a virtue [-5444](for example)

Buddhism 245.444Judaism 265.444

Religious healing of [-862](for example)

Comparative religion 208.62Ancient Greek religion 214.886 2

Last rites for sufferers of [-8867](for example)

Christian 278.867Jewish 268.867

DisfigurementReligious punishment [-65773]

(for example)Comparative religion 206.577 3Islam 286.577 3

DisobedienceCivil [-56532]

(for example)Hinduism 225.653 2Islam 285.653 2

As a Vice [-5475](for example)

Buddhism 245.475Christianity 275.475

Dispensationalist theology [-504] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.04Christianity 275.04

DissentReligious [-63212]

(for example)Christianity 276.321 2Judaism 266.321 2

(see also Religious controversy – History, Apostasy, Covenant breaking)

Dissenters(see Protestant Churches – especially Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Baptist, and Methodist churches)

Distinction, TheSurah of Koran 284.537

Distribution of religious literature [-9841] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.841Hinduism 229.841

Divali 227.3Divination

Religion [-868](for example)

Comparative religion 208.68Voodooism 217.635 868

DivineAssistance [-512525]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.125 25Islam 285.125 25

(see also Dependence)Civilisation, The secret of

Bahá’í scriptural book 294.64.M3Forgiveness [-5347]

(for example)Christianity 275.347Judaism 265.347

Law [-54] (for example)

Christianity 275.4Comparative religion 205.4

Light Mission 212.535Office (Christianity) 278.82

Anglican 272.762 882Roman Catholic 272.753 882

Plan, Tablets of the 294.64.A5Providence [-51254]

(for example)Christianity 275.125 4Judaism 265.125 4

Divinity Academic subject

(see religious education)of Jesus 275.111 32

DivorceReligious law [-65538]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.553 8Islam 286.553 8

Rites [-88535](for example)

Comparative religion 208.853 5Judaism 268.853 5

Surah of Koran 284.582

Divorced personsCommunity care and support of [-986346]


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example) Christianity 279.863 46Comparative Religion 209.863 46

Collections of scripture for [-432246](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 46Buddhism 244.322 46

Devotional literature for [-83246] (for example)

Christianity 278.324 6Judaism 268.324 6

Guides to religious life for [-54046](for example)

Christianity 275.404 6Judaism 265.404 6

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657546](for example)

Christian 279.657 546Judaism 269.657 546

Religious education of [-87546](for example)

Christian 278.754 6Comparative religion 208.754 6

Religious law concerning [-65646](for example)

Jewish 266.564 6Muslim 286.564 6

Religious societies for [-94446](for example)

Bahá’í 299.444 6Jewish 269.444 6

DiwaliHinduism 227.7Sikhism 238.77

Doctor Forel, Tablet to 294.64.L24Doctrinal

Controversy (history of) [-272](for example)

Christian 272.72Comparative religion 202.72

(see also particular controversies, sects etc.)Theology [-5]

(for example)Buddhism 245Islam 285

DominicansMen 279.565 32

Women 279.565 57Donations (to charities, religious bodies) [-89] (for example)

Buddhism 248.9Christianity 278.9

Donatism 272.724Doomsday cults 212.54

(see also Millennialism)Douay Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 22Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 2

DoubtTheology [-5311]

(for example)Christianity 275.311Judaism 265.311

(see also Agnosticism)Dowry (religious law) [-65536] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.553 6Islam 286.553 6

Draggers, TheSurah of Koran 284.597

DramaUse in worship [-8838]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.838Hinduism 228.838

Use in religious education [-8736](for example)

Christianity 278.736Judaism 268.736

DressAscetic practice concerning [-843]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.43Jainism 232.843

Ethics (decency, modesty in) [-5437](for example)

Hinduism 225.437Islam 285.437

Religious laws of [-635](for example)

Comparative religion 206.35Islam 286.35

(see also Vestments)Drugs

Religious prohibition of use of [-63245]


Relative Index

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.324 5Buddhism 246.324 5

(see also Addicts, Names of particular drugs)Druidism 214.64

Modern revivals 212.368 64Drunkenness (Vice) [-5433] (for example)

Christianity 275.433Judaism 265.433

(see also Alcoholic beverages)Druzes (Muslim sect) 282.76Du Niday-i-Falah va Najah, Law-i 294.64.L22Dualism (Concepts of God) [-5112] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.112Zoroastrianism 258.511 2

Duktur Fural, Law-i 294.64.L24Dunkers

(see Baptist churches)Dunya, Law-i 294.54.L33Durga 225.233 38Dutch Reformed Churches

(see Reformed churches)Duties of

Children to parents [-6552](for example)

Hinduism 226.552Islam 286.552

Clergy [-965](for example)

Buddhism 249.65Christianity 279.65

Parents to children [-6555](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.555Judaism 266.555

Duty of recognition ofProphet, Manifestation of God [-53159]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.315 9Comparative religion 205.315 9

Dying patientsLast rites for [-8867]

(for example)Christian 278.867Jewish 268.867

(see also Disease and sickness, Euthanasia, Terminal care)

Dysfunctional familiesCommunity care and support of [-986344]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 299.863 44Buddhism 249.863 44

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657544](for example)

Christian 279.657 544Judaism 269.657 544

(see also Families)


Earth (“element”) as object of worship [-523212] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.232 12“Primitive” religion 217.052 321 2

EasterDay 277.58Saturday 277.57Season 277.5Story 273.135Sunday 277.58Worship, liturgy 278.857 5

Eastern Churches 272.74

Religious orders 279.564Orthodox churches 272.743Religions

(see particular religion(s) concerned – note that there are, to be pedantic, no major surviving Western

Religions)Rite Catholics 272.752

Eastertide 277.5(see also Easter)

Ecclesiastes (Biblical book) 264.474 4Christian treatment 274.437 44

Ecclesiastical law 276.53Ecclesiasticus (Apocryphal book) 264.484

Christian treatment 274.483 84Ecclesiology 279Eckankar 212.526Ecology

Ethics (concern for the environment) [-5442](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.442Buddhism 245.442

Ecology (continued from last column)Relation to religion [-17577]


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example)Christianity 271.757 7Hinduism 221.757 7

EconomicQuestions, Spiritual answers to [-5663]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.663Hinduism 225.663

(see also Honesty, Ethical Dealing, Business)Systems

Religious doctrine [-5665](for example)

Islam 285.665Judaism 265.665

(see also Capitalism, Socialism etc.)Economics

and Religion (in general sense) [-1733](for example)

Comparative religion 201.733Judaism 261.733

Religious doctrine concerning [-566](for example)

Buddhism 245.66Christianity 275.66

(see also Business, Management, Honesty, Ethical Dealing)

Ecstasy, Religious [-856] (for example)

Christianity 278.56Hinduism 228.56

(see also Meditation, Religious experience, Speaking in tongues, Trance)

EcumenicalCouncils (Christian) 279.18

Period of (Church history) 272.54Movements [-2719]

(for example)Christian 272.719Interfaith 202.719

Theology [-507](for example)

Christianity 275.07Judaism 265.07

Worship [-889](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.89Christianity 278.89

Eddy, Mary Baker 272.792 31Christian Science writings by 272.792 4

Education and religion [-1737] (for example)

Hinduism 221.737Islam 281.737

(see also Religious education)Education of

Clergy [-87596](for example)

Christianity 278.759 6Islam 288.759 6

Children, Responsibility forReligious law [-65557]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.555 7Judaism 266.555 7

The Guardian (Bahá’í history) 293.43(see also Religious education)

EducationalCollections of scripture [-4328]

(for example)Hinduism 224.328Judaism 264.328

(see also Religious education)Eduyyot

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Eglise de Jesus-Christ sur la terre par le prophete Simon Kimbangu

(see African Quasi-Christian Churches)Egypt

‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Visits to 293.345 2 Flight into (of young Jesus) 273.132 6

Egyptian religions Ancient 214.2

(see also Coptic church, Islam) Elderly

(see Aged)Elected church leadership 279.615Election

Christian doctrine 275.347of Successors to Religious Institutions

(Add to the number for particular institution notation “17” from Table PS2 – e.g. election of

successor to Papacy 272.753 961 111 7)Elections (religious administration) [-915] (for example)


Relative Index

Bahá’í Faith 299.15Christianity 279.15

Elephant, TheSurah of Koran 284.636

Elevated Places, TheSurah of Koran 284.517

ElijahApocalypse of (Apocryphal book) 264.493 83

Christian treatment 274.483 938 3Ascension of (Apocryphal book) 264.493 6

Christian treatment 274.483 936Prophet 263.283

Christian treatment 273.022 83Islamic 278.217 66Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.283

Emacs , Church of 212.684Embryo transplant [-63226] (for example)

Christianity 276.322 6Islam 286.322 6

Emigration from MeccaBiography of Muhammad 283.134

Empathy (human virtue) [-54433] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.443 3Buddhism 245.443 3

Encouragement (human virtue) [-5445] (for example)

Christianity 275.445Hinduism 225.445

Encyclicals(see Canon Law)

Encyclopedias of religion 200(see also specific religions, religious topics)

End of the world [-5335] (for example)

Christianity 275.335Judaism 265.335

EnglishTranslations of scripture

History of [-41952](for example)

Christian Bible 274.195 2Koran 284.195 2

(for texts – see particular holy books, and particular translations, e.g. Authorised Version Bible)

Enlightenment (religious) [-854] (for example)

Buddhism 248.54Comparative religion 208.54Hinduism 228.54

EnochBooks of 264.493 2

Christian treatment 274.483 932Islamic Prophet 285.217 12

EnvironmentEthics (concern for, abuse of) [-5442]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.442Buddhism 245.442

Relation to religion generally [-17577](for example)

Christianity 271.757 7Hinduism 221.757 7

Envy [-54433] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.443 3Christianity 275.443 3

Ephemeral religion 212.5Ephesians (Biblical book) 274.476 24Epiphany 277.36

Celebration of 278.857 36Episcopal systems 279.611Episcopalian Churches (U.S.)

(see Anglican churches)Epistle

of Jeremiah (Apocryphal book) 264.485 5Christian treatment 274.483 855

to the Son of the Wolf 294.54.L46Epistles (Biblical)

Apocryphal 274.487 6Catholic 274.476 5New Testament 274.476Pauline 274.476 2(see also particular epistles, e.g. Corinthians II)

EqualityBefore the law – in the sight of God [-5411]

(for example)Islam 285.411Judaism 265.411

Between men and women [-5322](for example)

Christianity 275.322Hinduism 225.322

Equality (continued from last column)Between the races of humankind [-5321]


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.321Buddhism 245.321

Eremitical religious orders 279.553 2Eruvin

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Esau 263.226Christian treatment 273.022 26

Eschatology [-533] (for example)

Buddhism 245.33Christianity 275.33

Esdras (Apocryphal book) 264.481Christian treatment 274.483 81

EsperantoReligious clubs, societies for [-945499992]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.454 999 92Christianity 279.454 999 92

Use as universal second language [-564699992](for example)

Comparative religion 205.646 999 92Bahá’í Faith 295.646 999 92

Essenes 262.774(see also Qumran community, Dead Sea Scrolls)

Esther (Biblical book) 264.474 5Christian treatment 274.437 45Apocryphal additions to 264.482 3

Christian treatment 274.483 823Eternity

Eschatology [-5332](for example)

Christianity 275.332Judaism 265.332

Ethical dealing [-5422] (for example)

Islam 285.422Judaism 265.422

Ethicsof the Fathers 264.553 47Occupational [-55]

(for example)Buddhism 245.5Christianity 275.5

Ethics (continued from last column)Personal [-54]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.4Hinduism 225.4

Social [-56](for example)

Confucianism 253.56Islam 285.6

(see also specific vices and virtues, ethical questions)Ethiopian Church 272.747 5Ethnic and localised religions 219

Ethnic groupsCommunity care and support of [-986379]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 79Comparative Religion 209.863 79

Guides to religious life for [-54079](for example)

Christianity 275.407 9Judaism 265.407 9

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98579](for example)

Hinduism 229.857 9Islam 289.857 9

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657579](for example)

Christian 279.657 579Judaism 269.657 579

Religious education of [-87579](for example)

Christian 278.757 9Comparative religion 208.757 9

Religious law concerning [-65679](for example)

Jewish 266.567 9Muslim 286.567 9

Ethnicism (prejudice) [-54153] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.415 3Shinto 256.541 53

EucharistChristian rite 278.873Theology – means of grace 275.347 537

EuropeJourneys of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in 293.345 4“National” Catholic churches of 272.756

EuthanasiaReligious ethics [-544373]


Relative Index

(for example)Christianity 275.443 73Hinduism 225.443 73

Religious law [-632476](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.324 76Hinduism 226.324 76

Eutychian Church 272.742 2Evangelical

Churches 272.774Congregational Church

(see Congregationalist Churches)Free Church of America 272.774 3Lutheran Church

(see Lutheran churches)and Reformed Church

(see Reformed Churches)United Brethren Church 272.772 4

Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland(see Lutheran churches)

Evangelism and missionary work [-98] (for example)

Christianity 279.8Islam 279.8

Evangelists (preachers)Religious leaders

Biography [-362737](for example)

Christianity 273.627 37Islam 283.627 37

Role and function [-962737](for example)

Christianity 279.627 37Islam 289.627 37

Eve (Biblical person)Christianity 273.022 12Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.212

Evening worship [-88588] (for example)

Buddhism 248.858 8Islam 288.858 8

Evensong 278.858 8Eventualism 212.634Event, The

Surah of Koran 284.572Evil [-5342] (for example)

Hinduism 225.342Judaism 265.342

Evil spiritsCasting out of (exorcism) [-864]

(for example)Hinduism 228.64Judaism 268.64

Theology [-5258](for example)

Buddhism 245.258Christianity 275.258

Evolution (biology)Relation of theory to religion [-175768]

(for example)Christian (creation science) 271.757 68Islam 281.757 68

Theology [-53265](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.326 5Comparative religion 205.326 5

(see Manual Note “201.75 vs. 205.326 5 vs. 576.8”)Examination in Tabríz (of Báb) 293.145Examined One, The

Surah of Koran 284.576Excess [-5433] (for example)

Hinduism 225.433Judaism 265.433

Excommunication [-6313] (for example)

Christianity 276.313Islam 286.313

Execution of the Báb 293.15Exegesis [-414] (for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.14Koran 284.14Talmud 264.514

ExileBahá’u’lláh 293.23

Adrianople 293.234‘Akká 293.235Baghdád 293.232Constantinople 293.233

Existence of God [-5121] (for example)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Comparative religion 205.121

Islam 285.121

Exodus (Biblical book) 264.452

Christian treatment 274.435 2

Exorcism [-864] (for example)

Buddhism 248.64

Christianity 278.64

ExorcistsReligious leaders

Biography [-36264](for example)

Christianity 273.626 4

Comparative religion 203.626 4

Role and function [-96264](for example)

Christianity 279.626 4

Melanesian religion 217.959 626 4

Expansion, TheSurah of Koran 284.624

ExperienceNear death [-5324]

(for example)

Comparative religion 205.324

Judaism 265.324

Religious [-85](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.5

Christianity 278.5

Expulsion [-6313] (for example)

Christianity 276.313

Islam 286.313

Extinct religions 214

Extramarital relations (religious law) [-63222] (for example)

Hinduism 226.322 2

Islam 286.322 2

(see also Marriage, Chastity)

Extreme unction [-8867] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.867

Christianity 278.867

Ezekiel Biblical book 264.462 5

Christian treatment 274.436 25Prophet 263.289

Christian treatment 273.022 89Islam 285.217 63

Ezra (Biblical book) 264.476Christian treatment 274.437 6


Fadl, Súriy-i- 294.54.S933Fair mindedness [-541] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.41Christianity 275.41

Fairness [-5411] (for example)

Hinduism 225.411Islam 285.411

FaithBelief and doubt [-5311]

(for example)Buddhism 245.311Judaism 265.311

Blind (fault) [-5412](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.412Hinduism 225.412

God knowable through [-51234](for example)

Islam 285.123 4Judaism 265.123 4

HealersReligious leaders

Biography [-36262](for example)

Christianity 273.626 2Hinduism 223.626 2

Role and function [-96262](for example)

Melanesian religion 217.959 626 2Comparative religion 209.626 2

Healing [-862](for example)

Christianity 278.62Comparative religion 208.62

Faith (continued from last column)Human virtue [-5482]


Relative Index

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.482Christianity 275.482

Justification byChristianity 275.347 53

Faithful, Memorials of the 294.64.T2Fall of humankind [-5343] (for example)

Christianity 275.343Islam 285.343

Fallen angels [-5258] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.258Judaism 265.258

Falun Gong 219.51.F2

FamiliesCommunity care and support of [-986344]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 44Comparative Religion 209.863 44

Devotional literature for [-83244] (for example)

Christianity 278.324 4Judaism 268.324 4

Guides to religious life for [-54044](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.404 4Buddhism 245.404 4

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657544](for example)

Christian 279.657 544Judaism 269.657 544

Religious education of [-87544](for example)

Christian 278.754 4Comparative religion 208.754 4

Theology concerning [-508344](for example)

Christianity 275.083 44Judaism 265.083 44

FamilyLife, Religious laws of [-655]

(for example)Islam 286.55Judaism 266.55

Family (continued from last column)Planning [-63226]

(for example)Catholicism 272.753 632 26Islam 286.322 6

Purification (rites) [-8861](for example)

Comparative religion 208.861Judaism 268.861

Violence [-63247](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.324 7Christianity 276.324 7

Worship [-83244] (for example)

Confucianism 253.832 44Judaism 268.324 4

Family ofImran, The

Surah of Koran 284.513Jesus (Holy Family) 273.2Muhammad 283.3

Fast daysBahá’í fast 297.364Ramadan 287.6

(class days and periods of fasting in other religions at appropriate number under [-7])

FastingGeneral religious practice [-8443]

(for example)Hinduism 228.443Islam 288.443

Monastic rules of [-95843](for example)

Christianity 279.584 3Buddhism 249.584 3

Unto death [-8445](for example)

Hinduism 228.445Jainism 232.844 5

Fatalism [-5325] (for example)

Hinduism 225.325Islam 285.325

Fath, Súriy-i- 294.54.S935Father, God the (Trinitarian doctrine) 275.111 31

Fathersof the Church


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Biography 273.4Writings of 274.5

Christian priests 279.661 3Catholic 272.753 966 13

Community care and support of [-9863421](for example)

Christianity 279.863 421Comparative Religion 209.863 421

Collections of scripture for [-4322421](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 421Buddhism 244.322 421

Guides to religious life for [-540421](for example)

Hinduism 225.404 21Islam 285.404 21

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575421](for example)

Christian 279.657 5421Judaism 269.657 5421

Religious law concerning [-656421](for example)

Jewish 266.564 21Muslim 286.564 21

Religious societies for [-944421](for example)

Bahá’í 299.444 21Jewish 269.444 21

FatimaDaughter of Muhammad 283.342Our Lady of (Apparition of Mary) 273.215

Feast days [-7] (for example)

Christianity 277Hinduism 227

(see also particular feasts and holy days by name)Feasts

Nineteen day (Bahá’í ) 297.3Celebration of 298.857 3

Unity (Bahá’í ) 298.89(see also particular Bahá’í feasts by name)

Federation of the world [-5655] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.655Comparative religion 205.655

FemaleCircumcision [-885251]

(for example)

Comparative religion 208.852 51Islam 288.852 51

Qualities [-5322](for example)

Christianity 275.322Hinduism 225.322

Religious ordersCatholic churches 279.565 5Eastern and orthodox churches 279.564 5Protestant churches 279.566 5

(see also Women – classes of person regardless of sex)Femininity of God [-51155] (for example)

Christianity 275.115 5Comparative religion 205.115 5

Feminism [-5322] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.322Christianity 275.322

Feminist theology [-5055] (for example)

Christianity 275.055Judaism 265.055

Fertilisation in vitro [-63226] (for example)

Christianity 276.322 6Judaism 266.322 6

Festivals, Religious [-7] (for example)

Buddhism 247Islam 287

(see also particular festivals and holy days by name)Fig, The

Surah of Koran 284.625Finance In management of religious institutions [-9117]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.117Christianity 279.117

Fines (religious punishments) [-6575] (for example)

Buddhism 246.575Islam 286.575

Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church(see Lutheran churches)

Fiqh 286


Relative Index Fiqhiyyih, Risaliy-i- 294.44.R5Firdaws (Bahá’í garden) 298.261 955Firdawsíyyih, Kalimát-i- 294.54.K2 Fire

Object of worship [-523214](for example)

Comparative religion 205.232 14Hinduism 225.232 14

Tablet 294.54.Q2Use in worship [-88376]

(for example)Christianity 278.837 6Zoroastrianism 258.883 76

Walking [-88614](for example)

Comparative religion 208.861 4Polynesian religion 217.968 861 4

Firesides (Bahá’í terminology) 299.843First Day of Riván 297.601First-born Son, Redemption of

Judaism 268.852 33Fishing boats

Festivals of blessing of (Christian) 277.82Fitnih, Law-i- 294.54.L34Five

Confucian Classics 253.44Pillars of Islam 288.1

(see also Hajj, Sawm Ramadan, Salat, Zakat, and Shahada)

Scrolls (Bible) 264.474Christian treatment 274.437 4

(see also particular books, e.g. Song of Songs)Flagellation

Religious austerity [-8483](for example)

Christianity 278.483Hinduism 228.483

Flame, TheSurah of Koran 284.643

Flight from Mecca (of Muhammad) 283.134into Egypt (of young Jesus) 273.132 6

Folded up, TheSurah of Koran 284.599

Folk Religions 217Food

Proscribed by religious law [-6334](for example)

Islam 286.334Judaism 266.334

Foot washingChristian rite 278.865

Force, The(see Jedi)

Forces of natureAs objects of worship [-5232]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.232Polynesian religion 217.965 232

Foreign missions [-987] (for example)

Christianity 279.87Comparative religion 209.87

Foreordination (Christian doctrine) 275.325Forgiveness

Divine attribute [-5347](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.347Christianity 275.347

Human virtue [-5416](for example)

Buddhism 245.416Islam 285.416

Rites of absolution [-8866](for example)

Christianity 278.866Judaism 268.866

Form criticism (scriptural) [-4146](for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.146Talmud 264.514 6

Formal classes (religious education) [-8733] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.733Islam 288.733

Formative Age (Bahá’í history) 292.53Former Prophets (Biblical books) 264.461

Christian treatment 274.436 1(see also particular books, e.g. Judges)

Fornication [-63222]Religious law

(for example)Buddhism 246.322 2Judaism 266.322 2

(see also Sexual conduct - Chastity)Fortune, Gods of [-52331] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.233 1233

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Hinduism (Bhaga) 225.233 1Founders of religions

Biography [-31](for example)

Gautama Buddha 243.1Jesus 273.1

Humanity [-5212](for example)

Confucius 253.521 2Muhammad 245.212

Miracles [-5215](for example)

Jesus 275.215Lao Tsu 254.521 5

Prophecies of [-5219](for example)

Jesus 275.219Muhammad 285.219

Station of [-521](for example)

Comparative religion 205.21Gautama Buddha 245.21

Founding Gurus (Sikhism)Biography 238.31Station of 238.521

Four Noble Truths [-614] (for example)

Buddhism 246.14Comparative religion 206.14

Four Orthodox CaliphsBiography 283.382Period of Muslim History 282.52

Four Valleys, The 294.54.C4Franciscans

Men 279.565 33Women 279.565 58

FraudReligious law [-63265]

(for example)Islam 286.326 5Judaism 266.326 5

Free Bahá’ís (Covenant Breakers) 292.76.F3Church of Scotland

(see Presbyterian Churches)Churches 272.766 4

Free (continued from last column)Methodist Church of North America

(see Methodist Churches)

Thought 212.32

Will [-5325](for example)

Christianity 275.325

Islam 285.325

Freedom, Religious [-63212] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.321 2

Christianity 276.321 2

Freemasonry 212.73

Freewill Baptists(see Baptist Churches)

Friaries 279.526

FridayGood 277.56

Celebration of 278.857 56

Muslim observance 287.1

Prayer, worship 288.857 1

Friendliness (human virtue) [-5455] (for example)

Hinduism 225.455

Judaism 265.455

FriendsBahá’ís 290

Quakers 272.783 3

Friendship [-5455] (for example)

Buddhism 245.455

Islam 285.455

Fringes (Judaism) 268.837 2

Frisbeetarianism 212.686

Fu’ád, Súrih-i- 294.54.S937

Fund raising [-9117] (for example)

Christianity 279.117

Judaism 269.117

FundamentalismChristian sects 272.77

Theology [-5017](for example)

Christianity 275.017

Islam 285.017

FuneralsReligious law concerning [-65543]


Relative Index

(for example)Hinduism 226.554 3Confucianism 253.655 43

Rites [-88543](for example)

Buddhism 248.854 3Christianity 278.854 3

Furnishings of Houses of Worship [-88373] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.837 3Zoroastrianism 258.883 73

Furu’-i-‘Adliyih, Risaliy-i- 294.44.R6Future

Life [-5348](for example)

Christianity 275.348Islam 285.348

Manifestations of GodBahá’í Faith 295.217 9


Gad (Biblical character)Christianity 273.022 363Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.236 3

Galatians (Biblical book) 274.476 23Gallican schismatic churches 272.757 2Gambling

Religious law concerning [-63282](for example)

Buddhism 246.328 2Islam 286.328 2

Gamesof Chance

Religious law [-63282](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.328 2Sikhism 238.632 82

Amusements, pastimesReligious law [-56735]

(for example)Christianity 275.673 5Islam 285.673 5

Ganapataism 222.746Gandharvas 225.255Ganesh 225.232 92Ganesh Chaturthi 227.5Ganga 222.155

Gaonim 264.518 3Gathas 258.443 5Gautama Buddha 243.1

Gays (homosexual people)Community care and support of [-9863484]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 484Comparative Religion 209.863 484

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985484] (for example)

Hinduism 229.854 84Islam 289.854 84

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575484](for example)

Christian 279.657 548 4Judaism 269.657 548 4

Prejudice againstReligious ethics [-54152]

(for example)Christianity 275.415 2Judaism 265.415 2

Prohibition of sexual practices ofReligious law [-63224]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.322 4Islam 286.322 4

Religious societies for [-944484](for example)

Christian 279.444 84Jewish 269.444 84

Theology concerning [-5083484](for example)

Buddhist 245.083 484Judaism 265.083 484

Gems of Divine Mysteries (Bahá’í scripture)294.54.J2

General Conference Mennonite Church(see Mennonite Churches)

Generosity (human virtue) [-5444] (for example)

Buddhism 245.444Islam 285.444

Genesis (Biblical book) 264.451Christian treatment 274.435 1

(see also Religion and Science, Evolution)Genetics

and Religion [-17576]


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example)Comparative religion 201.757 6Judaism 261.757 6

Gentleness (human virtue) [-5438] (for example)

Hinduism 225.438Islam 285.438

GeographyReligious [-26]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith (in Britain) 292.642Buddhism (in Australia) 242.694

Scriptural [-4186](for example)

BibleChristian 274.186Jewish 264.186

Geonim 264.518 3German Reformed Church

(see Reformed Churches)Germanic religion 214.63Ghosts of the dead [-5253] (for example)

Australian Aboriginal religion 217.945 253Hinduism 225.253

Ghulamu’l-Khuld, Law-i- 294.54.L35Ghusn, Súriy-i- 294.54.S939Gittin

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 3Mishnah 264.553 3Palestinian Talmud 264.554 3

Giving of alms [-89] (for example)

Hinduism 228.9Islam 288.9

Glad tidings (Bahá’í scripture) 294.54.B4Glossolalia [-8564] (for example)

Christianity 278.564Comparative religion 208.564

Gluttony [-5433] (for example)

Buddhism 245.433Judaism 265.433

Gnosticism 212.71Christian heresy 272.721

God [-51] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.1Judaism 265.1

(see also particular attributes of God etc., e.g. Creator)Parents 276.555 5Passes By (Bahá’í Writings) 294.714.G6

Gods and goddesses [-523] (for example)

Classical (ancient Greek) 214.852 3Hinduism 225.23Polynesian religion 217.965 23(see also particular Gods by name, attributes)

Golden ruleAs code of conduct [-611]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.11Buddhism 246.11

Following (as a virtue) [-5443](for example)

Christianity 275.443Hinduism 225.443

Good and Evil

Soteriology [-5342](for example)

Comparative religion 205.342Buddhism 245.342

Vice and virtue (moral behaviour) [-54](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.4Confucianism 253.54

Friday 277.56Celebration 278.857 56

News BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 285Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 85

Spirits (beings) [-5255] (for example)

Australian Aboriginal Religion217.945 255Hinduism 225.255(see also Gods and Goddesses)

WorksMoral behaviour [-54]

(for example)Hinduism 225.4Judaism 265.4


Relative Index Good works (continued from last column)

Soteriology [-534755](for example)

Christianity 275.347 55Comparative religion 205.347 55

Goodness of God [-51252] (for example)

Islam 285.125 2Judaism 265.125 2

Goodspeed BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 292Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 92

GospelsApocryphal 274.4872Canonical 274.472Harmonies 274.472 145

(see also names of particular gospels and pseudo gospels, e.g. Mark, Thomas etc.)

GossipEthics [-5446]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.446Hinduism 225.446

Religious law [-63276](for example)

Buddhism 246.327 6Islam 286.327 6

Governing institutionsReligious [-934]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.34Jainism 232.934

GovernmentReligious (theocracy) [-653]

(for example)Hinduism 226.53Islam 286.53

SecularLoyalty to [-56532]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.653 2Confucianism 253.565 32

Religious teachings about [-565](for example)

Buddhism 245.65Christianity 275.65


Religious doctrines [-534753]

(for example)

Comparative religion 205.347 53

Christianity 275.347 53

Thanksgiving prayers at meals [-88595]

(for example)

Christianity 278.859 5

Judaism 268.859 5

Gradual 278.873

Grandeur, The

Surah of Koran 284.627

Granth 238.44

Gratitude [-5448]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.448

Confucianism 253.544 8


Event, The

Surah of Koran 284.596


Church history 272.553

White Brotherhood 212.72

Greater (eternal) Covenant (Bahá’í ) 298.11

Greatest Name (Bahá’í )

Theology 295.129

Symbol 298.835 5

Greed [-5444]

(for example)

Hinduism 225.444

Islam 285.444


Orthodox Church 272.743 3

Religion (classical) 214.8

Grief (Persons suffering from)Community care and support of [-986366]

(for example)

Christianity 279.863 66

Comparative Religion 209.863 66

Devotional literature for [-83266]

(for example)

Hinduism 228.326 6

Judaism 268.326 6


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Grief (Persons suffering – continued)

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657566](for example)

Christian 279.657 566Muslim 289.657 566

Religious societies for [-94466](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.446 6Buddhism 249.446 6

Guardians of holy placesRole, duties etc. [-96226]

(for example)Comparative religion 209.622 6Hinduism 229.622 6

Guardianship (Bahá’í ) 299.341of Shoghi Effendi (Bahá’í history) 292.531

Guides to a good and holy lifeDevotional literature [-832]

(for example)Christianity 278.32Hinduism 228.32

Ethical teachings [-54](for example)

Confucianism 253.54Zoroastrian 258.54

Religious life [-8](for example)

Buddhism 248Islam 288

Guilt [-5344] (for example)

Christianity 275.344Judaism 265.344

Guru Arjan Dev Martyrdom (Holy day) 238.75

Guru Granth 238.44Guru Granth Sahib (Holy day) 238.76Guru Gobind Singh 238.71Guru Nanak Dev

Birth of (Holy day) 238.79Gurus

Biography [-36](for example)

Hinduism 223.6Sikhism 238.36

Founding (Sikhism)Biography 238.31Station 238.521

Gurus (continued from last column)Status, duties [-96]

(for example)Buddhism 249.6Hinduism 229.6

(see also Clergy)


Há, Days of (Bahá’í calendar) 297.4Ha Min

Surah of Koran 284.555Habad Lubavitch Hasidism 262.763 22Habakkuk (Biblical book) 264.463 55

Christian treatment 274.436 355Habib, Law-i- 294.54.L36Hades [-5348] (for example)

Ancient Greek religion 214.853 48Judaism 265.348

Hadith 284.83Haft Pursish, Law-i- 294.54.L37Haft Sham’, Law-i- 294.64.L26Haft Vadi 294.54.H3Hadj 288.261 1Haggadah (Passover) 267.53

Celebration of 268.857 53Haggai (Biblical book) 264.463 65

Christian treatment 274.436 365Hagigah 264.553 2

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Hagiographa (Bible) 264.47Christian treatment 274.437

HaifaBahá’í administrative Centre in 299.22Bahá’í holy places in 298.261 1Bahá’í Pilgrimage to 298.261 1

Hájí Mírzá Áqásí, Law-i- 294.44.L32Hajj 288.261 1

Súriy-i- (I) 294.54.S941Súriy-i- (II) 294.54.S943Law-i- 294.54.L38

Halakhah 264.6238

Relative Index

Midrash 264.571Palestinian Talmud 264.557 4

Halal 286.33Halih Ya Bishárát 294.54.H4Hallah 264.553 1

Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Hanafites 282.743Hanbalites 282.746

Handicaps, People suffering fromCommunity care and support of [-986364]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 299.863 64Comparative Religion 209.863 64

Intolerance of [-54158](for example)

Buddhism 245.415 8Christianity 275.415 8

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98564](for example)

Hinduism 229.856 4Islam 289.856 4

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657564](for example)

Christianity 279.657 564Judaism 269.657 564

Religious societies for [-94464](for example)

Bahá’í 299.446 4Jewish 269.446 4

Hands of the Cause of GodBiography 293.6History (of Institution) 299.382 25Station and duties 299.382Stewardship of (Bahá’í history) 292.532Works, writings of 294.72

Hanukkah 267.43Celebration, liturgy 268.857 43

Hanuman 225.232 95Happiness (human virtue) [-5484] (for example)

Islam 285.484Taoism 254.548 4

Hard-Shell Baptists(see Baptist Churches)

Hare Krishna movement 222.743 5

Harmonies (scriptural) [-4145] (for example)

Christian (Bible) 274.145Islam (Koran) 284.145

Harmony of religion and scienceBahá’í principle 295.414

Harun (Islamic Prophet) 285.217 62Harvest festivals (Christian) 277.83Hasidism 262.763 2Hatred [-545] (for example)

Buddhism 245.45Zoroastrianism 258.545

Hawdaj, Law-i- 294.54.L39Haykal, Súrih-i- 294.54.S945He Frowned

Surah of Koran 284.598Healing (spiritual) [-862] (for example)

Christian 278.62Hindu 228.62

Health services and religionMedicine [-1761]

(for example)Islam 281.761Sikhism 238.176 1

Public welfare [-173621](for example)

Confucianism 253.173 621Judaism 261.736 21 (see also Disease and Sickness)

Heathenism(see Atheism, Agnosticism, Paganism)

HeavenParadise, the next life [-5348]

(for example)Christianity 275.348Islam 285.348

Ruling power behind the universe [-51](for example)

Confucianism 253.51Taoism 254.51

Hebrews (Biblical books) 274.476 293Hegirah 283.134Hell [-5348]

(for example)239

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Islam 285.348

Judaism 265.348

Hellenistic movement (Judaism) 262.741 2

Helpof God to Humanity [-512525]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.125 25Islam 285.125 25

Surah of Koran 284.642(see also Dependence)

HeresiesReligious history [-272]

(for example)Christianity 272.72Comparative religion 202.72

Sects resulting from [-27](for example)

Buddhist sects 242.7Muslim sects 282.7

(see also names of particular sects and divisions)Heresy (religious law) [-63212] (for example)

Christianity 276.321 2Islam 286.321 2

Hermeneutics [-4142] (for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.142Koran 284.142Talmud 264.514 2

(see also other particular holy books)Hermits [-9551] (for example)

Buddhism 249.551Christianity 279.551

Heroes (religious and mythological)Biography [-34]

(for example)Ancient Greek religion 214.834Islam 283.4

Station [-527](for example)

Comparative religion 205.27Bahá’í Faith 295.27

(see also Martyrs)Heroic age (Bahá’í history) 292.52Hidden

Imam 285.22

Words (Bahá’í scripture) 294.54.K3Hifz, Súriy-i- 294.54.S947 Hijr, Súriy-i- 294.54.S949Hikmat, Law-i- 294.54.L42Hijrah 283.134Hina-matsuri 256.77Hinayana Buddhism 242.74Hinduism 220Hirtik, Law-i- 294.54.L43Historians of religion

Biography [-39](for example)

Comparative religion 203.9Hinduism 223.9

(BUT note the following)Bahá’í Faith

Bahá’í historians 293.8Non-Bahá’í historians 293.9

HistoricalBooks (Bible)

Old Testament 264.45Christian treatment 274.435

Pseudepigrapha 264.491Christian treatment 274.483 91

CriticismSacred books [-4147]

(for example)Bible (Christian) 274.147Koran 284.147Talmud 264.514 7

Religions 214Rites (ancient Judaism) 268.802Societies (religious) [-9459]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.459Judaism 269.459

Source material [-2504](for example)

Christianity 292.504Comparative religion 202.504

Historicity of Jesus 273.11Historiography (religious) [-2502] (for example)

Comparative religion 202.502Islam 282.502

History ofDoctrinal controversy [-272]


Relative Index

(for example)Christianity 272.72Comparative religion 202.72

History of (continued from last column)Evangelism [-982]

(for example)Hinduism 229.82Islam 289.82

Missions [-9872](for example)

Christianity 279.872Mormonism 272.798 987 2

Religion(s) [-25](for example)

Confucianism 253.25Buddhism 242.5

Scriptural translations [-4195](for example)

Bahá’í scripture 294.195Hindu scripture 224.195

Scripture [-419](for example)

Bible (Jewish) 264.19Koran 284.19

Hizat Bayti, Lawi- 294.64.L28Holi (Hindu festival) 227.3

Holy Days

Calendar events [-7](for example)

Hinduism 227Judaism 267

Celebration of (liturgies) [-8857](for example)

Buddhism 248.857Christianity 278.857

Scriptural collections for [-4327](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.327Sikhism 238.432 7

(see also particular holy days, feasts etc.)Communion 278.873

Theology – means of grace 275.347 537Donut, Church of the Holy 212.633Family

Family of Jesus 273.2(see also other particular families)

Holy (continued from last column)Ghost

Person of Christian Trinity 275.111 33(see also Holy Spirit)

Land (Israel/Palestine)Holy places in [-8261]

Bahá’í 298.261Christian 278.261Jewish 268.261

(BUT note the following )Muslim 268.262

People [-527](for example)

Buddhism 245.27Christianity 275.27

PlacesGuardians of [-96226]

(for example)Comparative religion 209.622 6Sikhism 238.962 26

Places themselves [-826](for example)

Hindu holy places 228.26Muslim holy places 288.26

Prophet, TheSurah of Koran 284.522

SpiritChristian (Person in Trinity) 275.111 33In Unitarian religions [-518]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.18Islam 285.18

WarDoctrine [-56374]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.637 4Islam 285.637 4

Religious lawProhibition [-6324778]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.324 778Comparative religion 206.324 778

Week 277.5Home Missions [-9863] (for example)

Christianity 279.863Comparative religion 209.863

Homeless persons


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Community care and support of [-986371](for example)

Christianity 279.863 71Comparative Religion 209.863 71

Collections of scripture for [-432271] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 71Buddhism 244.322 71

Devotional literature for [-83271](for example)

Christianity 278.327 1Judaism 268.327 1

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98571] (for example)

Hinduism 229.857 1Islam 289.857 1

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657571](for example)

Christian 279.657 571Judaism 269.657 571

Homiletics(see Sermons)

Homophobia [-54152] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.415 2Taoism 254.541 52

HomosexualityReligious law [-63224]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.322 4Christianity 276.322 4

HomosexualsCommunity care and support of [-9863484]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 484Comparative Religion 209.863 484

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985484] (for example)

Hinduism 229.854 84Islam 289.854 84

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575484](for example)

Christian 279.657 548 4Judaism 269.657 548 4

Homosexuals (continued from last column)

Prejudice against

Religious ethics [-54152]

(for example)

Christianity 275.415 2

Judaism 265.415 2

Prohibition of sexual practices of

Religious law [-63224]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.322 4

Islam 286.322 4

Religious societies for [-944484]

(for example)

Christian 279.444 84

Jewish 269.444 84

Theology concerning [-5083484]

(for example)

Islam 285.083 484

Judaism 265.083 484

Honesty (human virtue) [-5422]

(for example)

Islam 285.422

Sikhism 238.542 2

Hope (human virtue) [-5485]

(for example)

Christianity 275.485

Hinduism 225.485

Horayot 264.553 4

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4

Mishnah 264.553 4

Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Hosea (Biblical book) 264.463 23

Christian treatment 274.436 323

Hospitality (human virtue) [-5447]

(for example)

Confucianism 253.544 7

Islam 285.447

Hospital chaplaincy [-9657561]

(for example)

Hinduism 229.657 561

Christianity 279.657 561

Hospitallers of St. John

of God 279.565 349

of Jerusalem 279.565 372

House of


Relative Index

‘Abbúd 298.261 37‘Abdu’l-Bahá (Haifa) 298.261 13‘Abdu’lláh Páshá 298.261 38

Bahá’u’lláh (Baghdád) 298.263 2The Báb (Shíráz) 298.262 1Údí Khammár 298.261 35

Houses of worship [-926] (for example)

Hindu 229.26Judaism 269.26

Hu, Tafsir-i- 294.54.T2Hud

Bahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 64Prophet in Islam 285.217 24

Huguenot Churches 272.765Hullin 264.553 5

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5Mishnah 264.553 5


Origin [-531](for example)

Comparative religion 205.31Islam 285.31

Respect forReligious law [-6324]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.324Buddhism 246.324(see also Ahimsa)


Bahá’í Faith 297.98and Religion [-17323]

(for example)Hinduism 221.732 3Islam 281.732 3

Religious doctrine [-56535](for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.653 5Comparative religion 205.653 5

Sacrifice [-88629](for example)Comparative religion 208.862 9Polynesian religion 217.968 862 9

Humanism 212.353

Humanistic Judaism 262.764 2Humanity

of Founders of Religions [-5212](for example)

Gautama Buddha 245.212 Jesus 275.212and Religion [-53]

(for example)Buddhism 245.3Judaism 265.3(see also Creation, Salvation etc.)

Humility (human virtue) [-5471] (for example)

Confucianism 253.547 1Islam 285.471

Hunger strike (religious) [-8445] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.445Hinduism 228.445

HuntingHumanity and moderation in [-54425]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.442 5Comparative religion 205.442 5

Huqúqu’lláh 296.316 42Hur-i-‘Ujab 294.54.H7Huriyyih, Law-i- 294.54.L44Hurufat, Law-i- 294.44.L34Hurufat-i-

‘Allin 294.54.H8Maqatta’ih, Tafsir-i- 294.54.T3

Husayn, Law-i- 294.54.L45Husbands

Community care and support of [-9863442](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.863 442Comparative Religion 209.863 484

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575442](for example)

Hinduism 229.657 544 2Judaism 269.657 544 2

(see also Marriage, Adultery, Care of Children)Hussite Churches 272.763Hutterite Brethren

(see Mennonite Churches)Hymns [-8844]


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example)Christianity 278.844Judaism 268.844

HypocrisyHuman failing [-5427]

(for example)Buddhism 245.427Shinto 256.542 7

Hypocrites, TheSurah of Koran 284.579


‘Ibad, Súriy-i- 294.54.S951Ibadites 282.752Iblis 285.258Iberian religion (Ancient) 214.66Ibn Majah, Muhammad ibn Yazid

Hadith 284.834 6Ibn-I-Dhi’b, Law-i- 294.54.L46Ibrahim (Patriarch)

Bahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 66Christianity 273.022 21Comprehensive works 263.221Islam, Prophet in 285.217 31Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.221Surah of Koran 284.525

Icons [-88374] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.837 4Russian Orthodox Church 272.743 588 374

‘Id al-Adha 287.4‘Fitr 287.5

Ideas about God, the infinite [-51] (for example)

Buddhism 245.1Confucianism 253.51

Idols [-88374] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.837 4Polynesian religion 217.968 837 4

Idris (Islamic prophet) 285.217 12


People suffering fromCommunity care and support of [-986364]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 299.863 64Comparative Religion 209.863 64

Intolerance of [-54158](for example)

Buddhism 245.415 8Christianity 275.415 8

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657564](for example)

Christianity 279.657 564Judaism 269.657 564

‘Ilm (Bahá’í feast day) 297.352Ilyas (Islamic prophet) 285.217 66Image of God

Creation of Humankind in the [-5312](for example)

Christianity 275.312Judaism 265.312

Images [-88374] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.837 4Christianity 278.837 4

Imamate 289.345Imams

Biography 283.615Role and function 289.615

Immaculate Conception of Mary 273.212Immorality [-54] (for example)

Confucianism 253.54Zoroastrianism 258.54

(see also specific vices and virtues)Immortality of the human spirit [-5324] (for example)

Buddhism 245.324Christianity 275.324

Immunity, TheSurah of Koran 284.519

Imprisonment (religious punishment) [-6578] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.578Islam 286.578

Imprisonment of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.342


Relative Index

Bahá’u’lláh In ‘Akká 293.235 3In Síyáh-Chál 293.231

BábIn Chihríq 293.142 5In Máh-Kú 293.142 3

Incarnation of God in human form [-521] (for example)

Christianity (Jesus) 275.21Comparative religion 205.21

IncenseUse in worship [-88376]

(for example)Christianity 278.837 6Hinduism 228.837 6

Incorporationof particular religious institutions

(Add to the number for particular institution notation “14” from Table PS2 – e.g. Incorporation of

Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assembly of Launceston , Tasmania 299.345 946 611 4)

Independent Fundamental Churches of America 272.774 5Investigation of truth

Bahá’í principle 295.412Methodists

(see Methodist Churches)Indian religion

Ancient 214.4in General 202.654

(see also Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism etc.)Indigenous Australians

Religion of 217.94(for religion of indigenous Australian followers of

world religions – e.g. Christianity, Bahá’í Faith – see those religions. – see also following heading)

Indigenous people(s)Community care and support of [-9863712]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 299.863 712Christianity 279.863 712

Collections of scripture for [-4322712] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 712Buddhism 244.322 712

Indigenous people (continued from last column)Devotional literature for [-832712]

(for example)Christianity 278.327 12Judaism 268.327 12

Guides to religious life for [-540712](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.407 12Christianity 275.407 12

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985712] (for example)

Hinduism 229.857 12Islam 289.857 12

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575712](for example)

Christian 279.657 571 2Judaism 269.657 571 2

Individual human being – essential nature [-5513] (for example)

Islam 285.513Taoism 254.551 3

Individuals and the State [-5653] (for example)

Confucianism 253.565 3Judaism 265.653

Indra 225.232 12Indulgences (Christian rites) 278.866Inequality

Social theology [-56635](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.663 5Buddhism 245.663 5

InequityEthical theology [-5411]

(for example)Judaism 265.411Sikhism 238.541 1

Inerrancy (of Scripture) [-41132] (for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.113 2Koran 284.113 2

Inevitable, TheSurah of Koran 284.586

Infallibility Most Great (Bahá’í terminology) 295.213of Religious institutions [-6321]

(for example)Islam 286.321Judaism 266.321

Infallibility (continued from last column)

Scripture [-41132]245

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example)Christianity 274.113 2Confucianism 253.411 32

Infancy of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.32The Báb 293.12 Bahá’u’lláh 293.22Jesus 273.132Muhammad 283.132Shoghi Effendi 293.42

(see also other individuals – biography)Infant baptism

Liturgy 278.852 22Theology 275.347 532 2

Informal methods Religious education [-8732]

(for example)Christianity 278.732Judaism 268.732

InheritanceReligious law [-65545]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.554 5Islam 286.554 5

InitiationJoining a religion [-5311]

(for example)Christianity 275.311Islam 285.311

Rites [-8852](for example)

Australian Aboriginal religion 217.948 852

Comparative religion 208.852Inquisition

Christian Church History 272.712 3Inspiration (scripture) [-4113] (for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.113Koran 284.113

Institutes of Bahá’í learning 298.777Institutional religious associations [-9425] (for example)

Bahá’í 299.425Christian 279.425


Religious law [-6321](for example)

Buddhism 246.321Islam 286.321

Religious [-93](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.3Sikhism 238.93

(see also names of particular (kinds of) institutions)Instrumental music

Use in religious worship [-8846](for example)

Comparative religion 208.846Hinduism 228.846

Intercession of Jesus 275.218 4Interdenominational

Co-operation [-2719](for example)

Christianity 272.719Comparative religion 202.719

Strife [-2712](for example)

Islam 282.712Judaism 262.712

Worship [-889](for example)

Christianity 278.89Islam 288.89

Interest groupsReligious associations [-945]

(for example)Bahá’í library associations 299.450 2Christian computer groups 279.450 04

InterfaithBodies 209.3

Membership ofAffecting membership of a religion [-63152]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.315 2Islam 286.315 2

Marriage [-655322](for example)

Hinduism 226.553 22Judaism 266.553 22

Interfaith (continued from last column)Relations [-16]


Relative Index

(for example)Christianity and Judaism 271.66Hinduism and Islam 221.68General 201.6

Worship [-889](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.89General 208.89

Intermediate states (next life) [-53488] (for example)

Christianity 275.348 8Comparative religion 205.348 8

InternationalBahá’í teaching centres 299.383Co-operation [-5655]

(for example)Islam 285.655Judaism 265.655

Executive [-56552](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.655 2Comparative religion 205.655 2

Law [-56554](for example)

Christianity 275.655 4Judaism 265.655 4

Legislature [-56553](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.655 53Comparative religion 205.655 53

RelationsDoctrine, theology [-5655]

(for example)Confucianism 253.565 5Islam 285.655

and Religion [-17327](for example)

Comparative religion 201.732 7Hinduism 221.732 7

Religious associations [-9422](for example)

Buddhism 249.422Christianity 279.422

Society for Krishna Consciousness 222.743 5International (continued from last column)

Standard measure [-5643]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.643Comparative religion 205.643

Standard script [-5646](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.646Comparative religion 205.646

Interpretation ofProphecy (scriptural) [-4149]

(for example)Buddhist 244.149Christianity 274.149

Scripture [-4148](for example)

Hindu 224.148Judaism 264.148

Tongues [-8564](for example)

Christianity 278.564Comparative religion 208.564

Inter-religiousBodies 209.3

Membership ofAffecting membership of a religion [-63152]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.315 2Islam 286.315 2

Marriage [-655322](for example)

Hinduism 226.553 22Judaism 266.553 22

Relations [-16](for example)

Christianity and Judaism 271.66Hinduism and Islam 221.68General 201.6

Worship [-889](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.89General 208.89

Intertestamental scriptureChristian 274.483 9

Intolerance [-5415] (for example)

Hinduism 225.415Islam 285.415

Introduction to religion(s) [-13] (for example)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Bahá’í Faith 291.3Religion in general 201.3

Invisible Pink Unicorn, The 212.636Íqán, Kitáb-i- 294.54.K8Iqrar, Rivánu’l- 294.54.R6Iran

Bahá’í holy places 298.262Iranian religion (ancient) 214.5

(see also Zoroastrianism, Islam)Iron, The

Surah of Koran 284.573Irreligion 212.3Isa 285.217 77

(See also Jesus )Isaac (Patriarch)

Christian treatment 273.022 24Islamic prophet 285.217 42Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.224

Isaachar (son of Jacob)Christian treatment 273.022 345Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.234 5


Christian 274.142Isaiah

Biblical book 264.462 3Christian treatment 274.436 23Bahá’í treatment 294.964 462 3

ProphetChristian treatment 273.022 85Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.285

Ishaq (Islamic prophet) 285.217 42Ishfahan, Sojourn of Báb in 293.141Ishmael

Christian treatment 273.022 3Islamic Prophet 285.217 3Jewish and other treatment 263.223

Ishraqat 294.54.I7Islam 280Ism, Súriy-i- 294.54.S953Ismail (Islamic Prophet) 285.217 3Ismailites (Muslim sect) 282.737Ismuna’l-Mursil, Súriy-i- 294.54.S955

Isolated believersCommunity care and support of [-9863915]

(for example)

Christianity 279.863 915Comparative Religion 209.863 915

Collections of scripture for [-4322915] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 915Buddhism 244.322 915

Devotional literature for [-832915](for example)

Christianity 278.329 15Judaism 268.329 15

Guides to religious life for [-540915](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.409 15Hinduism 225.409 15

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575915](for example)

Christian 279.657 591 5Judaism 269.657 591 5

Religious education of [-875915](for example)

Christian 278.759 15Comparative religion 208.759 15

Religious law concerning [-656915](for example)

Jewish 266.569 15Muslim 286.569 15

Religious societies for [-944915](for example)

Bahá’í 299.449 15Jewish 269.449 15

Theology concerning [-5083915](for example)

Christianity 275.083 915Judaism 265.083 915

IsolationAscetic [-846]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.46Hinduism 228.46

Monastic [-9586](for example)

Buddhism 249.586Christianity 279.586

Isra’ 283.133 5Israel

Patriarch (=Jacob)Christian treatment 273.022 8


Relative Index

Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.228Country (i.e. Palestine)

Holy places in [-8261]Bahá’í 298.261Christian 278.261Jewish 268.261

(BUT note the following )Muslim 268.262

Jewish festivals connected with 267.7Italian religion (ancient) 214.7Ithna Asharites 282.732Ittihad, Law-i- 294.54.L47

‘Izzat (Bahá’í feast day) 297.345

JJacob (Patriarch)

Christian treatment 273.022 8Islamic Prophet 285.217 43Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.228

Jacobite Church 272.742 5Ja’fariyyih, Sahifiy-i- 294.44.S3Jaina Agama 232.44Jainism 232Jalál (Bahá’í feast day) 297.332Jamál (Bahá’í feast day) 297.333James

ApostlesSon of Alphaeus (James the less) 273.381Son of Zebedee 273.331

Epistle of 274.476 51Jansenism

Churches 272.758History of doctrinal controversy 272.727

Japanese religions 202.652(see also specific religions – e.g. Zen, Shinto etc.)

Jatakas 244.435Javad, Súriy-i- 294.54.S957Javahiru’l-Asrar 294.54.J2Jealousy (vice) [-54433] (for example)

Islam 285.443 3Taoism 254.544 33

Jedi 212.565Jehovah’s Witnesses 272.773 7Jeremiah

Biblical book 264.462 4Christian treatment 274.436 24

Epistle of (Apocryphal book) 264.485 5

Christian treatment 274.483 855Prophet

Christianity 273.022 87Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.287


History of Bible translations 274.195 27Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 7

Holy CityChristianity 278.261 1Islam 288.262 1Judaism 268.261 1

(the above numbers are also used for Pilgrimage to Jerusalem)

Talmud 264.554Jesuits 279.565 353

Jesusas Bahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 7Birth 273.132 4

(see also Christmas)Biography 273.13

(see also Gospel)Childhood 273.132Comprehensive works 273.11Disciples of 273.3Divinity of 275.111 32Historicity of 273.11Humanity of 275.212Intercession of 275.218 4as Islamic Prophet of God 285.217 77as Logos 275.214Ministry of

Biography 273.133Period in Church history 272.52

Miracles of 275.215as Muslim Prophet 285.217 77Nativity 273.132 4Passion and death 273.134

(see also Easter)Person of the Trinity 275.111 32Prophethood of

Christianity 275.219Islam 285.217 77

Jesus (continued from last column)Public ministry 273.133Redeemer 275.218Redemption of 275.218 5


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Resurrection of 273.135Revelation of 275.214Sacrifice of 275.218 3Society of (Jesuits) 279.565 353Station (Christian viewpoint) 275.21Word, as the 275.214

Jewish Apocalypses 264.493 8

Christian treatment 274.483 938Bible 264.4Christians (Sects) 272.791New Year 267.23Religious schools 268.773

Jews (Religious group) 260Biography 263

(see also specific Jewish topics)Jihad 285.637 4Jinn

Spirit beings 285.257Surah of Koran 284.589

Jnana yoga 228.533Joachim, St. 273.23Job

Biblical book 264.473Christian treatment 274.437 3

Islamic prophet 285.217 45Joel (Biblical book) 264.463 25

Christian treatment 274.436 325John

the BaptistChristianity (saint) 273.05Islam (prophet) 283.217 73

Biblical booksEpistles of 274.476 53Gospel according to 274.472 8Revelation 274.478

SaintApostle 273.332

Jonah Biblical book 264.463 43

Christian treatment 274.436 343Islamic prophet 285.217 68Surah of Koran 284.521

Joseph Caro

Works, writings of 264.65Foster father of Jesus 273.25

Son of Jacob 263.236 7Christian treatment 273.022 367Islamic Prophet 285.217 44

Smith (founder of Mormonism) 272.798 31Surah of Koran 284.523Súrih of, Commentary on the 294.44.Q3

Joshua Biblical book 264.461 1

Christian treatment 274.436 11Biblical Character

Christian treatment 273.022 43Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.243

Journey of‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Europe 293.345 4North America 293.345 6

Bahá’u’lláh Constantinople 293.233 5

Judah (son of Jacob)Christianity 273.022 343Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.234 3

Judaism 260Judas 273.134 2Jude (Epistle of) 274.476 54Judges (Biblical book) 264.461 2

Christian treatment 274.436 12Judgement Day [-5335] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.335Islam 285.335

Judith (Apocryphal book) 264.482 2Christian treatment 274.483 822

Jum‘ah 287.1Just war [-56373] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.637 3Confucianism 253.563 73

Justiceof God [-512545]

(for example)Islam 285.125 45Judaism 265.125 45

Justice (continued from last column)

Human virtue [-541](for example)

Christianity 275.41250

Relative Index

Hinduism 225.41Justification (Christian doctrine) 275.347

Juvenile delinquentsCommunity care and support of [-9863653]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 653Comparative Religion 209.863 653

Collections of scripture for [-4322653] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 653Buddhism 244.322 653

Devotional literature for [-832653](for example)

Christianity 278.326 53Judaism 268.326 53

Guides to religious life for [-540653](for example)

Hinduism 225.406 53Islam 285.406 53

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575653](for example)

Christian 279.657 565 3Judaism 269.657 565 3

Religious education of [-875653](for example)

Christian 278.756 53Comparative religion 208.756 53


Kabbalah 264.75Kadarites 282.754Kalām 285Kali 225.233 36Kalimát

Bahá’í feast day 297.342Kalimát-i-

Firdawsíyyih 294.54.K2Maknunih 294.54.K3

Kalkin 225.229Kamál (Bahá’í feast day) 297.343Karaites 262.741 4Karim, Law-i- 294.54.L49Karma [-53242] (for example)

Buddhism 245.324 2Hinduism 225.324 2

Karma yoga 228.533Karmil, Law-i- 294.54.L52Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim

Jewish legal codes 264.65Kashrut 266.33Kelim 264.553 6Keritot 264.553 5

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5Mishnah 264.553 5

Kethubim 264.47Christian treatment 274.437

KetubbotBabylonian Talmud 264.555 3Mishnah 264.553 3Palestinian Talmud 264.554 3

Ketuvim 264.47Christian treatment 274.437

Khadija 283.322Kharijites 282.751Khasa’il-Sabi’ih 294.44.K3Khitab, Súriy-i- 294.54.S959Khuddakanikaya 244.432Khurasan, Law-i- 294.64.L32Khutbah 288.737Kibology 212.637Kiddushin

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 3Mishnah 264.553 3Palestinian Talmud 264.554 3

Kilayim 264.553 1Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Kindliness [-544] (for example)

Confucianism 253.544Zoroastrianism 258.544

Kindness to animals [-54425] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.442 5Hinduism 225.442 5

King James BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 23Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 3

KingdomAbhá 295.348


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

of Godin Heaven [-512541]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.125 41Judaism 265.125 41

on Earth [-533](for example)

Christianity 275.33Islam 285.33

(see also Theocracy, Religious administration)Kingdom, The

Surah of Koran 284.584Kingdoms of creation [-532637] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.326 37Comparative religion 205.326 37

KingsBiblical books 264.461 4

Christian treatment 274.436 14of Israel (biography) 263.26Tablet of the (Bahá’í Scripture) 294.54.S965

(see also Royalism)Kinnim 264.553 5Kitáb-i-

‘Ahd 294.54.K4Aqdas 294.54.K6Asmá‘ 294.44.K5Badi‘ 294.54.K7Íqán 294.54.K8Panj-Sha’n 294.44.K7

Kitáb’r-Ruh 294.44.K9Kneeling, The

Surah of Koran 284.559Knighthood orders

Christian 279.565 37Knights

of Bahá’u’lláh 293.7Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem 279.565 372of Malta 279.565 372Templars 279.565 373

Knowledge (and Knowability) of God [-5123] (for example)

Christianity 275.123Judaism 265.123

Knox BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 294Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 94


Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5Mishnah 264.553 5Palestinian Talmud 264.554 5

Kohelet 264.474 4Christian treatment 274.437 44

Koran 284Bahá’í treatment 294.984 4

(see also entries under “Koranic” following – for scripture of other religions see “Scripture” and ent-ries under names of specific holy books, e.g. Bible,

Bhagavad Gita)

KoranicAllegory 284.148Commentaries 284.15Criticism 284.14History of Koran

Lands and times 284.182Translations 284.195

ReadingsIn private devotions 288.35In public worship 288.824

Religious education 288.764Stories (retold for children) 284.322 2Theology 285.011

(for similar topics in other religions see Scriptural – also under names of other Holy Books – e.g. Biblical)Kosher observance

Jewish Religious law 266.33Krishna

Bahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 22Hinduism 225.227

Krishna Jayanthi 227.4Kullu’t-Ta’am, Law-i- 294.54.L53K’ung Fu-Tse 253.31Kuma 225.222Kundalini yoga 228.533Kuntu Kanzan Makhifiyyan, Tafsir-i- 294.64.T4Kurdistan

Withdrawal of Bahá’u’lláh to 293.232 5


Relative Index


LabourRelationship with capital

Religious aspects [-56633](for example)

Comparative religion 205.663 3Hinduism 225.663 3

as Service, Worship [-55](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.5Christianity 275.5

(see also Occupational Ethics)

Labouring classesCommunity care and support of [-9863715]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 715Comparative Religion 209.863 715

Collections of scripture for [-4322715] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 715Buddhism 244.322 715

Devotional literature for [-832715](for example)

Christianity 278.327 15Judaism 268.327 15

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985715] (for example)

Hinduism 229.857 15Islam 289.857 15

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575715](for example)

Christian 279.657 571 5Judaism 269.657 571 5

Religious education of [-875715](for example)

Christian 278.757 15Comparative religion 208.757 15

Lag b’Omer 267.62Liturgy 268.857 62

Lahih, Law-i- 294.64.L34Laity (Church members)

Biography 273.7Church Government by 279.615Pastoral care of 279.657

Lamaism 242.764Lamentations (Biblical book) 264.474 3

Christian treatment 274.437 43Landmines (weapons) [-56352] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.635 2Buddhism 245.635 2


Swearing, profanity [-5446](for example)

Hinduism 225.446Islam 285.446

BlasphemyReligious Ethics [-5473]

(for example)Buddhism 245.473Christianity 275.473

Religious Law [-63214](for example)

Judaism 266.321 4Shinto 256.632 14

Universal second [-5646](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.646Comparative religion 205.646

Lao Tzu 254.31Lapsed membership (of a religion) [-6314] (for example)

Comparative religion 206.314Judaism 266.314

LastDays [-5335]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.335Islam 285.335

Judgement [-5335](for example)

Christianity 275.335Judaism 265.335

Rites [-8867](for example)

Christianity 278.867Comparative religion 208.867

Supper 273.133 7


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Thursdayism 212.638Late night worship [-8859] (for example)

Christianity 278.859Islam 288.859

Later Prophets {Bible books) 264.462Christian treatment 274.436 2

Latter-Day Saints Church (Mormons) 272.798

LawBuddhist scriptural writings 244.7Canon (Christianity) 276.53Divine [-54]

(for example)Christianity 275.4Judaism 265.4

International (religious doctrine) [-56554](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.655 4Comparative religion 205.655 4

Jewish scriptural writings 264.6Natural [-54]

(for example)Hinduism 225.4Islam 285.4

Religious [-6](for example)

Buddhism 246Judaism 266

(see also names of particular scriptural works enshrining religious law – e.g. Kitáb-i-Aqdas)

Law-i-‘Abdu’l-’Azíz va Vukala 294.54.L12

‘Abdu’l-Vahhab 294.54.L13

‘Abdu’r-Razzaq 294.54.L14

Aflakiyyih 294.64.L12

Ahbab 294.54.L15

‘Ahd va Mithaq 294.64.L14

Ahmad 294.54.L16

‘Ammih 294.64.L16

Amvaj 294.54.L17

Anta’l-Kafi 294.54.L18

Aqdas 294.54.L19

Ashiq va Ma’shuq 294.54.L23

Ashraf 294.54.L22

Ayat 294.64.L18

Ayiy-i-Núr 294.54.L24

Bahá 294.54.L25

Law-i (continued from last column)Baqa 294.54.L26

Basitatu’l-Haqiqah 294.54.L27

Bismilih 294.54.L28

Bulbulu’l-Firaq 294.54.L29

Burhan 294.54.L32

Du Niday-i-Falah va Najah 294.64.L22

Duktur Fural 294.64.L24

Dunya 294.54.L33

Fitnih 294.54.L34

Ghulamu’l-Khuld 294.54.L35

Habib 294.54.L36

Haft Pursish 294.54.L37

Haft Sham’ 294.64.L26

Hájí Mírzá Áqásí 294.44.L32

Hajj 294.54.L38

Hawdaj 294.54.L39

Hikmat 294.54.L42

Hirtik 294.54.L43

Hizat Bayti 294.64.L28

Huriyyih 294.54.L44

Hurufat 294.44.L34

Husayn 294.54.L45

Ibn-i-Dhi’b 294.54.L46

Ittihad 294.54.L47

Jamál 294.54.L48

Karim 294.54.L49


Khurasan 294.64.L32

Kullu’t-Ta‘am 294.54.L53

Lahih 294.64.L34

Mahfil-i-Shawr 294.64.L36

Malikih 294.54.L54

Malik-i-Rus 294.54.L55

Mallahu’l-Quds 294.54.L56

Mánikchí Sáib 294.54.L57

Maqsud 294.54.L58

Maryam 294.54.L59

Mawhid 294.54.L62

Mubahilih 294.54.L63

Muhabbat 294.64.L38

Muhammad Sháh294.44.L36

Napulyun I 294.54.L64


Relative Index

Napulyun II 294.54.L65

Law-i (continued from last column)Nasir 294.54.L66Nuqtih 294.54.L67Pap 294.54.L68Pisar‘Amm 294.54.L69Qina’ 294.54.L72Quds 294.54.L73Rafi’ 294.54.L74Ra’is 294.54.L75Raqsha 294.54.L76Rasul 294.54.L77Ruh 294.54.L78Ru’ya 294.54.L79Sahab 294.54.L82Salman I 294.54.L83Salman II 294.54.L84Samsun 294.54.L85Sayyah 294.54.L86Shaykh Fani 294.54.L87Sultán 294.54.L88Tanzih va Taqdis 294.64.L42Tarbiyat 294.64.L44Tawhid 294.54.L89Tibb 294.54.L92Tuqa 294.54.L93Yusuf 294.54.L94Zaynu’l-Muqarrabin 294.54.L95Ziyarih 294.54.L96

Lay Brothers

Christian religious orders 279.553 93Ministry

Christianity 279.617People

Biography 273.7Church Government by 279.615Pastoral care of 279.657

SistersChristian religious orders 279.555 93

Laylat al-Qadr 287.63Lazarists 279.565 385

Leaders (Religious)Biography [-36]

(for example)Christianity 273.6

Hinduism 223.6Leaders (religious) (continued from last column)

Pastoral care of [-9657596](for example)

Islam 289.657 596Judaism 269.657 596

Religious education of [-87596](for example)

Christianity 278.759 6Islam 288.759 6

Religious law concerning [-65696](for example)

Hinduism 226.569 6Judaism 266.569 6

Status, duties [-96](for example)

Buddhism 249.6Christianity 279.6

(see also particular kinds and degrees, e.g. Bishops)Leaving a religion

Religious law [-6314](for example)

Leaving the Church 276.314Leaving Islam 286.314

Lectionaries 278.824Lecture method

Religious education [-8737](for example)

Christianity 278.737Buddhism 248.737

LegendsReligious sources [-485]

(for example)Comparative religion 204.85Hinduism 224.85

(BUT note the following)Judaism 264.8

(see also Mythology, Parables, Stories)Lent 277.4

LesbiansCommunity care and support of [-98634843]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 484 3Comparative Religion 209.863 484 3

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-9854843] (for example)

Hinduism 229.854 843


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Islam 289.854 843Lesbians (continued from last column)

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965754843](for example)

Christian 279.657 548 43Judaism 269.657 548 43

Prejudice againstReligious ethics [-54152]

(for example)Christianity 275.415 2Judaism 265.415 2

Prohibition of sexual practices ofReligious law [-63224]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.322 4Islam 286.322 4

Religious societies for [-9444843](for example)

Christian 279.444 843Jewish 269.444 843

Theology concerning [-50834843](for example)

Hinduism 225.083 484 3Judaism 265.083 484 3

LesserCovenant 298.12Peace 295.634

Letters, Tablet of the 294.44.L34Levi (son of Jacob)

Christian treatment 273.022 337Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.233 7

LevitationReligious mystic practice [-8694]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.694Hinduism 228.694

Leviticus (Biblical book) 264.453Christian treatment 274.435 3

LibelReligious law [-63276]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.327 6Islam 286.327 6

Liberal Catholic Church 272.757 3Liberal theology [-505] (for example)

Christian 275.05

Jewish 265.05Liberation theology [-5059] (for example)

Catholicism 272.753 505 9Comparative Religion 205.059

Library AssociationsReligious [-94502]

(for example)Bahá’í 299.450 2Jewish 269.450 2

LifeAfter death [-5348]

(for example)Christianity 275.348Islam 285.348

ImprisonmentReligious punishment [-6579]

(for example)Comparative Religion 206.579

Respect forReligious ethics [-544373]

(for example)Christianity 275.443 73Hinduism 225.443 73

Religious law [-6324](for example)

Buddhism 246.324Judaism 266.324

(see also Ahimsa)Sciences and religion [-1757]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 291.757Hinduism 221.757

(see also Evolution)Life (biography) of

Founders of religion [-313](for example)

Gautama Buddha 243.13Jesus 273.13Muhammad 283.13

(see also Biography, other categories of person, names of particular people etc.)

Light, TheSurah of Koran 284.536

LightingUse in worship [-8833]

(for example)Christianity 278.833


Relative Index

Comparative Religion 208.833Limbo [-53488] (for example)

Catholicism 272.753 534 88Christianity (in general) 275.348 8

Lingayats 222.744 3Litanies 278.823

Roman Catholic 272.753 882 3Literary

Associations (religious) [-9458]Bahá’í Faith 299.458Christianity 279.458

CriticismHoly Books [-4146]

(for example)Bible (Christian) 274.146Talmud 264.514 6

Literature and religion [-178] (for example)

Christianity 271.78Comparative religion 201.78

Literature, ReligiousDistribution [-9841]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.841Christianity 279.841

(see also Scripture, Devotional Literature)Little

Church of France 272.757 4Sisters of the Poor 279.565 55

Liturgical Dance [-8848]

(for example)Buddhism 248.848Comparative religion 208.848

Objects [-8837](for example)

Hinduism 228.837Judaism 268.837

Renewal [-881](for example)

Christianity 278.81Comparative religion 208.81

YearCalendars [-7]

(for example)

Buddhism 247Islam 287

Liturgical (continued from last column)Celebration of particular days [-8857]

(for example)Christianity 278.857Hinduism 228.857

Liturgies (texts) [-8822] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.822Judaism 268.822

Liturgy of the hours 278.82Living Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 287Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 87

Local Centres, communities, congregations [-925]

(for example)Hinduism 229.25Islam 289.25

Church 279.255Spiritual Assemblies (Bahá’í)

Bahá’í administration 299.345Bahá’í law relating to 296.533 5Recognised rulings by 294.76

Localised religions 219Logic

Means of knowing God [-51232]Christianity 275.123 2Deism 212.151 232

Logos (Jesus as the Word) 275.214Long Healing Prayer (Bahá’í scripture) 294.54.L18Lord of Hosts (Judaism) 265.21Lord’s

Day 277.1Worship 278.857 1

Prayer 274.472 3Supper 278.873

Lots, Feast of 267.45Love

Divine attribute [-518](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.18Christianity 275.18

Human virtue [-545](for example)

Confucianism 253.545


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Islam 285.45(see also entries under Sexual)


Pastoral care of [-9657571](for example)

Islam 289.657 571Judaism 269.657 571

Religious education of [-87571](for example)

Christianity 278.757 1Islam 288.757 1

(see also Poverty)Criticism (Scriptural) [-413]

(for example)Bible (Christian) 274.13Talmud 264.513

Lubavitch Hasidism 262.763 22Lucifer

Christianity 275.258 1Islam 285.258 1Worship of 212.363

Luck (gods of) [-52331] (for example)

Chinese folk religion 217.515 233 1Comparative religion 205.233 1

Luke (Gospel) 274.472 7Luqman

Surah of Koran 284.544Lust [-5429] (for example)

Buddhism 245.429Christianity 275.429

Lut (Islamic prophet) 285.217 32Lutheran churches 272.764


Ma’ani, Súriy-i- 294.54.S961Ma’aser Sheni 264.553 1

Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Ma’aserot 264.553 1Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Maccabees (Apocryphal books) 264.487Christian treatment 274.483 87

Madaniyyih 294.64.M3Madhyamika Buddhism 242.762 5Madinatu’r-Rida 294.54.M2Madinatu’t-Tawhid 294.54.M3Magi

Adoration of the 273.132 48Magic

Belief in as a religion 212.365In various religions [-863]

(for example)Melanesian religion 217.958 63Voodooism 217.635 863

Magisterium 276.321Maha Shivaratri 227.1Mahabharata 224.6Mahasanghika Buddhism 242.743Mahayana Buddhism 242.76Mahdi

Muslim theology 285.22Mahfil-i-Shawr, Law-i- 294.64.L36Máh-Kú

Imprisonment of Báb in 293.142 3Mahomet

(see Muhammad)Mahzorim 268.857Maimonides, Moses

Jewish legal writings 264.64Makhdhumiyyih, Sahifiy-i- 294.44.S4Makhshirin 264.553 6Makka

(see Mecca)Makkot

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Maknunih, Kalimát-i- 294.54.K3Malachi (Biblical book) 264.463 75

Christian treatment 274.436 375Malikites 282.745Mallahu’l-Quds, Law-i- 294.54.L56Malta, Knights of 279.565 372Man’, Súriy-i- 294.54.S963Management

Ethics [-5565](for example)


Relative Index

Hinduism 225.565Judaism 265.565

Management (continued from last column)Religious Institutions, of [-91]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.1Christianity 279.1

Manasseh, Prayer of (Apocrypha) 264.488Christian treatment 274.483 88

Mandalas [-88352](for example)

Buddhism 248.835 2Hinduism 228.835 2

Manichaeism 212.71History of doctrinal controversy

Christianity 272.722Manifestations of God (Bahá’í terminology)

BiographyThe Báb 293.1Bahá’u’lláh 293.2

Station 295.21 (see also particular manifestations – e.g. Moses, Jesus, Bahá’u’lláh. For similar concept in other

religions see Messiah, Prophet of God, Lord of Hosts)Mánikchí Sáib, Law-i- 294.54.L57Mankind [-53] (for example)

Buddhism 245.3Judaism 265.3

(see also Creation, Salvation etc.)Mansion of Bahjí

Bahá’í holy place 298.261 23Manslaughter

Religious law [-632475](for example)

Islam 286.324 75Judaism 266.324 75

MantrasRepetition of [-834]

(for example)Buddhism 248.34Hinduism 228.34

Manu, Code of 224.745Maps

Illustrating scripture [-4296](for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.296Koran 284.296

Maqality-i-Sayyah 294.64.M4

Maqsud, Law-i- 294.54.L58

Mar Thoma Church 272.752 1


(see Mary)

Mark (Gospel) 274.472 6


Eastern church 272.752

Religious order 279.565 318

MarriageCounselling (by clergy) [-9657544]

(for example)

Christian 279.657 544

Judaism 269.657 544

Religious law [-6553]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.553

Hinduism 226.553

Rites [-8853]

(for example)

Buddhism 248.853

Zoroastrianism 258.885 3

(see also Adultery, Divorce, Children)

Married personsCommunity care and support of [-986344]

(for example)

Christianity 279.863 44

Comparative Religion 209.863 44

Collections of scripture for [-432244]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 44

Buddhism 244.322 44

Devotional literature for [-832544]

(for example)

Hinduism 228.324 4

Islam 288.324 4

Guides to religious life for [-54044]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.404 4

Buddhism 245.404 4

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657544]

(for example)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Christian 279.657 544

Judaism 269.657 544

Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev

Holy Day 238.75of the Báb

Biography 293.15Holy Day 297.75

Worship associated with 298.857 75Martyrs

Biography [-34](for example)

Christianity 273.4Islam 283.4(BUT – Bahá’í Martyrs at 293.5)

Miracles associated with [-5275](for example)

Christianity 275.275Comparative religion 205.275

Prayer to, in the name of [-8338](for example)

Christianity 278.338Comparative religion 208.338

Station [-527](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.27Islam 285.27

Mary (Mother of Jesus)Annunciation to 273.132 2Apparitions of 273.215Assumption into heaven 273.214Biography 273.21Comprehensive works 273.21Miracles 273.215Motherhood of Jesus 273.212Prayer to 278.338 21Surah of (Koran) 284.531

MaryamLaw-i- 294.54.L59Surah of Koran 284.531Ziyarat-namiy-i- 294.54.Z7

Masá’il (Bahá’í feast day) 297.355Mashíyyat (Bahá’í feast day) 297.351

MassChristian worship

Rite 278.873Theology 275.347 537

Mass (continued from last column)Media

Use in evangelism [-9849](for example)

Christianity 279.849Hinduism 229.849

Use in religious education [-8739](for example)

Buddhism 248.739Islam 288.739

Teaching (Bahá’í terminology) 299.847Massacre of the Innocents 273.132 5Materialism 212.352Materialisation

Religious mystic practice [-8697](for example)

Comparative religion 208.697Hinduism 228.697

Mathnavi 294.54.M4Matins 278.858 2Matrimony

Celebration of 278.853Christian Law 276.553

(see also Marriage, Married people)Matsya 225.221Matthew

Apostle 273.37Gospel 274.472

5Matthias (Apostle) 273.415Maundy Thursday 277.55

Worship 278.857 55Mawhid, Law-i- 294.54.L62Mawlid al-Nabí 287.3Mazdaism 258Mazrá’ih

Bahá’í holy place 298.261 92Period in Bahá’í history 292.524 5Sojourn of Bahá’u’lláh at 293.236

MealtimesPrayers at [-88595]

(for example)Christianity 278.859 5Judaism 268.859 5

Measure, International standard [-5643]


Relative Index (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.643Comparative religion 205.643


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Mecca Muslim Holy City 288.261 1Period in life of Muhammad 283.133Pilgrimage to (Hajj) 288.261 1

By the Báb 293.135Qiblih 288.335

Mechitarists 279.565 317Medals

ReligiousSymbols of worship, devotion [-8836]

(for example)Buddhism 248.836Christianity 278.836

Medical Ethics [-5561]

(for example)Judaism 265.561Sikhism 238.556 1

(see also Medicine and Religion, Respect for life, and specific issues, e.g. Euthanasia)

Missions [-987861](for example)

Christianity 279.878 61Comparative religion 209.878 61

Medicine and religion [-1761] (for example)

Christianity 271.761Hinduism 221.761


Biography 263.5Denominations 262.75

Religious History [-255](for example)

Christianity 272.55Religion in general 202.55

MedinaMuslim Holy City 288.261 5Period in life of Muhammad 283.135

MeditationReligious life [-853]

(for example)Hinduism 228.53Islam 288.53

Meetings and conferencesReligious organisations [-918]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.18Jehovah’s Witnesses 272.773 791 8

Megillah 264.553 2Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Megillot 264.474Christian treatment 274.437 4

Meher Baba 212.536Me’ilah 264.553 5

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5Mishnah 264.553 5

Melanesian Religions 217.95Melodic reading of scripture [-8824] (for example)

Buddhism 248.824Islam 288.824

Membership of a religious communityReligious law [-631]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.31Hinduism 226.31

Memorials of the FaithfulBahá’í Scripture 294.64.T2

MenCommunity care and support of [-986342]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 42Comparative Religion 209.863 42

Guides to religious life for [-54042](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.404 2Buddhism 245.404 2

Devotional literature for [-83242](for example)

Christianity 278.324 2Judaism 268.324 2

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98542] (for example)

Hinduism 229.854 2Islam 289.854 2

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657542](for example)

Christian 279.657 542Judaism 269.657 542

Religious education of [-87542](for example)

Christian 278.754 2Comparative religion 208.754 2


Relative Index Men (continued from last column)

Religious law concerning [-65642](for example)

Jewish 266.564 2Muslim 286.564 2

Religious societies for [-94442](for example)

Bahá’í 299.444 2Jewish 269.444 2

Menahot 264.553 5Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5Mishnah 264.553 5

Mendicant religious ordersChristian monasticism 279.553 6

(see also Mendicism (below))Mendicism

Monastic [-9587](for example)

Buddhist 249.587Christian 279.587

Religious practice [-847](for example)

Comparative religion 208.47Hinduism 228.47

Mennonite churches 272.783 5

Mentally ill personsCommunity care and support of [-986362]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 62Comparative Religion 209.863 62

Collections of scripture for [-432262](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 62Buddhism 244.322 62

Guides to religious life for [-54062](for example)

Christianity 275.406 2Judaism 265.406 2

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98562](for example)

Hinduism 229.856 2Islam 289.856 2

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657562](for example)

Christian 279.657 562Judaism 269.657 562

Mentally ill persons (continued from last column)Religious education of [-87562]

(for example)Christian 278.756 2Comparative religion 208.756 2

Religious law concerning [-65662](for example)

Jewish 266.566 2Muslim 286.566 2

Religious societies for [-94462](for example)

Bahá’í 299.446 2Jewish 269.446 2

Mercedarians 279.565 345Mercy

Divine attribute [-512543](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.125 43Judaism 265.125 43

Human virtue [-5416](for example)

Hinduism 225.416Islam 285.416

Mesopotamian religions, Ancient 214.5Messages from the Universal House of Justice

294.73Messiah [-521] (for example)

Christianity 275.21Judaism 265.21

Messianic Judaism 272.791Methodist Churches 272.769Mevleviyeh 288.589 55Micah (Biblical book) 264.463 45

Christian treatment 274.436 345Micronesian religions 217.96Middle Ages

JewishBiography 263.5Denominations 262.75

Religious History [-255](for example)

Christianity 272.55Religion in general 202.55

Middot 264.553 5Midnight worship [-88589] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.858 9Christianity 278.858 9


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Midrash 264.57Mikva’ot 264.553 6Mikveh 268.861 5Military Orders

Christian monasticism 279.565 37Military service

Religious ethics [-565323](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.653 23Judaism 265.653 23

Millennialist Churches 272.773Millennium

Christianity 275.337Mind reading

Religious mystic practice [-8693](for example)

Comparative religion 208.693Hinduism 228.693

Minims 279.565 349Ministers

Christian clergyBiography 273.6133Church administration, in 279.6133

(see also Clergy)Ministry of

‘Abdu’l-BaháBiography 293.34Bahá’í history 292.525

The Báb Biography 293.13Bahá’í history 292.523

Bahá’u’lláhBiography 293.23Bahá’í history 292.524

JesusBiography 273.133Church History 272.52

MuhammadBiography 283.13Muslim History 282.51

Shoghi EffendiBiography 293.44Bahá’í history 292.531

Minor Clerks Regular 279.565 356Prophets (Biblical Books) 264.463

Christian treatment 274.436 3Tractates (Talmud) 264.553 7

Minorities, OppressedCommunity care and support of [-9863712]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 299.863 712Christianity 279.863 712

Collections of scripture for [-4322712] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 712Buddhism 244.322 712

Devotional literature for [-832712](for example)

Christianity 278.327 12Judaism 268.327 12

Guides to religious life for [-540712](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.407 12Christianity 275.407 12

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985712] (for example)

Hinduism 229.857 12Islam 289.857 12

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575712](for example)

Christian 279.657 571 2Judaism 269.657 571 2

MiraclesComprehensive works [-532635]

(for example)Christianity 275.326 35Comparative religion 205.326 35

of Founders of religion [-5215](for example)

Gautama Buddha 245.215Jesus 275.215

of Mary, Mother of Jesus 273.215Nature of [-532635]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.326 35Philosophy of religion 205.326 35

of Saints, Holy People [-5275](for example)

Christianity 275.275Hinduism 225.275

(see also Healing, other types of miraculous occurrence)Mi’raj 283.133 7


Relative Index Mischief

Gods of [-52338](for example)

Comparative religion 205.233 8Norse religion 214.635 233 8

Spirits capable of [-5257](for example)

Comparative religion 205.257Islam 285.257

(see also Sin)Mishnah 264.553Mishneh Torah 264.64Missals 278.822

Anglican 272.762 882 2Catholic 272.753 882 2


Biography 273.8(see also Missions)

of Charity 279.565 595

MissionsComprehensive works [-987]

(for example)Christianity 279.87Islam 289.87

Educational activities of [-987837](for example)

Buddhism 249.878 37Christianity 279.878 37

Evangelism by [-98](for example)

Christianity 279.8Hindu 229.8

(see also many divisions at this point in schedule)History of [-9872]

(for example)Hare Krishna 222.743 598 72Mormon 272.798 987 2

Home (e.g. City, Seamen’s missions) [-986371](for example)

Christianity 279.863 71Comparative religion 207.863 71

in Particular countries [-9876](for example)

Christian missions in China 279.876 51Buddhist missions in America 249.876 7

Missions (continued from last column)Medical activities of [-987861]

(for example)Christian 279.878 61Comparative religion 209.878 61

(see also Missionaries, Evangelism)Mithraism 214.5Mitra 225.232 13Mitzvot

Ten commandments 266.12Halakhah 264.6

Midrashic 264.571Talmudic 264.557 4

Jewish ethics 265.4Jewish law 266

Moderation (human virtue) [-5433] (for example)

Buddhism 245.433Christianity 275.433


Religious [-259]Church History 272.59Religion in general 202.59

(BUT check any number built at this point in schedules – as usage, and the definition of “modern”

in this context, differs for some religions)Jewish

Biography 263.7Denominations 262.76

Revivals of “old” religions 212.36Scriptural translations

(see Scripture – History – Translations. Also names of particular translations, e.g. New English Bible)“Splinter” Catholic groups 272.757

ModernismTheology [-5054]

(for example)Christianity 275.054Judaism 265.054

In history of doctrinal controversyChristianity 272.729


Humility [-5471](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.471Buddhism 245.471


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Modesty (continued from last column)

Reserve, decency in dress [-5437](for example)

Hinduism 225.437Islam 285.437

Sexual reticence [-5429](for example)

Christianity 275.429Sikhism 238.542 9

Religious lawDress [-635]

(for example)Comparative religion 206.35Islam 286.35

Mo’ed (order) 264.553 2Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Mo’ed Katan 264.553 2Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Moffat BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 298Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 98

Mohammed (see Muhammad)

MolinismChristian Doctrinal controversy 272.727

Monasteries [-9526](for example)

Buddhism 249.526Christianity 279.526

Monasticism [-95](for example)

Buddhism 249.5Christianity 279.5

MonksBiography [-35]

(for example)Buddhist 243.5Christian 273.5

Pastoral care of [-96575952](for example)

Buddhist 249.657 595 2Christian 279.657 595 2

Monks (continued from last column)Training of [-875952]

(for example)Buddhist 248.759 5Christian 278.759 5

Religious law concerning [-656952](for example)

Buddhist 246.569 52Christian 276.569 52

of St. Peter the Hermit 279.565 314Solitary [-9551]

(for example)Buddhist 249.551Christian 279.551

Vocation [-9501](for example)

Buddhism 249.501Christianity 279.501

NOTE: Buddhism and Christianity are used for examples throughout the above entry since other

headings are so much less likely – class numbers for monks in other religions may, of course, be

constructed in the usual way.(see also Particular religious orders e.g.

Franciscans, Dominicans etc.)Monogamy

Religious law [-65531](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.553 1Christianity 276.553 1

Monophysite churches 272.742Monotheism [-5111] (for example)

Hinduism 225.111Sikhism 238.511 1

(for Judaism, Islam, and the Bahá’í Faith see Oneness of God)

Monster, Church of the Flying Spaghetti 212.635MOOism 212.687Moon, The

Surah of Koran 284.569

MoralIntolerance (vice) [-54152]

(for example)Hinduism 225.415 2Islam 285.415 2

Rearmament (Movement) 279.422 2


Relative Index Moral (continued from last column)

Renewal [-98613](for example)

Christianity 279.861 3Comparative religion 209.861 3

Theology [-54](for example)

Islam 285.4Judaism 265.4

Welfare of children, Responsibility forReligious law [-65555]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.555 5Islam 286.555 5

MoralsSexual [-5429]

(for example)Christianity 275.429Hinduism 225.429

(see also Moral theology)Moravian Churches 272.763Mormon, Book of 272.798 44Mormonism 272.798Morning

Prayer (Anglican) 272.762 885 82Worship [-88582]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 298.858 2Christianity 278.858 2

Mortal sin [-53433] (for example)

Christianity 275.343 3Comparative religion 205.343 3

Mosaic law (Bible) 264.45

MosesAssumption of (Apocryphal book) 264.493 4

Christian treatment of 274.483 934Prophet

Bahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 68Christian treatment 273.021Comprehensive works 263.1Islamic prophet 285.217 61Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.1

MosquesGeneral and comprehensive works 289.26As places of pilgrimage

Arabia 288.261 8Palestine 288.262 8

Most GreatInfallibility 295.213Peace 295.636

Most High, TheSurah of Koran 284.616

Most Holy Book 294.54.K6Tablet 294.54.L19

Motazilites 282.753Mother Earth

Goddess, Object of worship [-523212](for example)

In Ancient Greek religion 214.852 321 2Comparative religion 205.232 12

MotherhoodMary’s of Jesus 273.213

(see also Mothers)

MothersCommunity care and support of [-9863431]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 431Comparative Religion 209.863 431

Collections of scripture for [-4322431](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 431Buddhism 244.322 431

Devotional literature for [-832431] (for example)

Christianity 278.324 31Judaism 268.324 31

Guides to religious life for [-540431](for example)

Hinduism 225.404 31Islam 285.404 31

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575431](for example)

Christian 279.657 5431Judaism 269.657 5431

Religious education of [-875431](for example)

Christian 278.754 31Comparative religion 208.754 31

Religious law concerning [-656431](for example)

Jewish 266.564 31Muslim 286.564 31


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Mothers (continued from last column)

Theology concerning [-5083431](for example)

Christianity 275.083 431Judaism 265.083 431

Mount CarmelBahá’í complex on 298.261 1

Mountain, TheSurah of Koran 284.567

MountainsAs gods, objects of worship [-523212]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.232 12Melanesian religions 217.955 232 12


Persons inCommunity care and support of [-986366]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 66Comparative Religion 209.863 66

Devotional literature for [-83266](for example)

Islam 288.326 6Hinduism 228.326 6

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657566](for example)

Buddhism 249.657 566Christianity 279.657 566

(Persons in)Religious societies for [-94466]

(for example)Bahá’í 299.446 6Jewish 269.446 6

Religious law [-65544](for example)

Islam 286.554 4Judaism 266.554 4

Rites and ceremonies [-88545](for example)

Comparative religion 208.854 5Judaism 268.854 5

Mubahilih, Law-i- 294.54.L63Muezzins 289.623 3Mufavidat 294.64.M8Muhabbat, Law-i- 294.64.L38

MuhammadAscent to heaven 283.133 7Bahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 8Birth of 283.132

Anniversary 287.3Celebration of 288.573

Biography 283.13Childhood of 283.132Comprehensive works 283.11Emigration from Mecca 283.134Family and companions 283.3History of Islam in Lifetime of 282.51Humanity of 285.212Mecca period 283.133Medina period 283.135Miracles 285.215Night Journey to Jerusalem 283.133 5Relationship

to God 285.212to other prophets of God 285.211

Surah of Koran 284.562Muhammad Sháh, Law-i- 294.44.L36Muharram, Tenth of 287.2Murjiites 282.755Mulk (Bahá’í feast day) 297.364Mulúk, Súriy-i- 294.54.S965Munajathay-i-Siyam 294.54.M8Murder

Ethical theology [-544373](for example)

Christianity 275.443 73Jainism 232.544 373

Religious law [-632475](for example)

Islam 286.324 75Judaism 266.324 75

Musa (Islamic Prophet) 285.217 61Music

Attitude of religion(s) to [-1778](for example)

Comparative religion 201.778Islam 281.778

Use in worship [-884](for example)

Christianity 278.84Hinduism 228.84

(see also Religious music, in the 780s)


Relative Index Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Qushayri

Hadith 284.834 3Mustalians 282.737 3Mutilation

Religious punishment [-65773](for example)

Comparative religion 206.577 3Islam 286.577 3

Self (religious austerity) [-8485](for example)

Comparative religion 208.485Hinduism 228.485

Mutual Deceit, TheSurah of Koran 284.581

MysticalIslam (Sufism) 288.58

(see also Kadarites)Judaism 262.763

Mysticism [-858] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.58Buddhism 248.58

Mythological interpretation of scripture [-4148] (for example)

Jewish Old Testament 264.414 8Koran 284.148

MythologyReligious sources [-485]

(for example)Comparative religion 204.85Hinduism 224.85


Nabí, Mawlid al- 287.3Nahum (Biblical book) 264.463 53

Christian treatment 274.436 353Names of God [-5125] (for example)

Islam 285.125Judaism 265.125

Naming ceremonies [-8852] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.852Judaism 268.852

(see also Baptism)

Naphtali (son of Jacob)Christianity 273.022 357

Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.235 7

Napoleon III (Emperor of the French)First Tablet (of Bahá’u’lláh) to 294.54.L64

Second Tablet (of Bahá’u’lláh) to 294.54.L65

NapulyunLaw-i- (I.) 294.54.L64

Law-i- (II.) 294.54.L65

Naqshabandiyah 288.589 52

Narasimha 225.224

Narratives, TheSurah of Koran 284.541

Nasa’i, Ahmad ibn Shu’aybHadith 284.834 5

Nashim 264.553 3

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 3

Mishnah 264.553 3

Palestinian Talmud 264.554 3

Nasir, Law-i- 294.54.L66

Nation of Islam 282.794 4

NationalMonastic centres [-9524]

(for example)

Buddhism 249.524

Christianity 279.524

Religious associations [-9424](for example)

Bahá’í 299.424

Hindu 229.424

Religious centres, administration [-924](for example)

Islam 289.24

Shintoism 256.924

Spiritual Assemblies (Bahá’í )

Bahá’í administration 299.343

Bahá’í Law relating to 296.533 5

Recognised rulings by 294.75

Nationalism [-5654] (for example)

Islam 285.654

Mormonism 272.798 565 4

(see also Race Prejudice)

Native Americans


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Quasi-Christian denominations North America 272.797 7South America 272.797 8

ReligionsNorth America 217.7South America 217.8

Nativityof Jesus 273.132 4

(see also Christmas)Plays

As worship 278.838


Victims ofCommunity care of [-98637142]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 299.863 714 2Comparative Rlgn 209.863 714 2

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965757142](for example)

Christian 279.657 571 42Judaism 269.657 571 42

ForcesObjects of Worship [-5232]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.232Australian Aboriginal religion 217.945 232

Law [-54](for example)

Christianity 275.4Comparative religion 205.4

(see also Religious Law)Religion 200

(BUT see manual note 100 vs. 200)Resources, Use of

Religious ethics [-5434](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.434Judaism 265.434

NatureRespect for

Ethics [-5442](for example)

Hinduism 225.442Islam 285.442

(see also Ahimsa)Nature (continued from last column)

Theology [-5326](for example)

Buddhism 245.326Christianity 275.326

Worship of [-5232](for example)

Comparative religion 205.232Folk religion in China 217.515 232

(see also Animism)Natures of Jesus 275.21

(see also Divinity, Humanity of Jesus)Navarathiri 227.6Naw Rúz (Bahá’í New year) 297.5

Celebration of 298.857 5Nazir 264.553 3

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 3Mishnah 264.553 3Palestinian Talmud 264.554 3

Near death experience [-5324] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.324Judaism 265.324

Nebiim(see Nevi’im)

Nedarim 264.553 3Babylonian Talmud 264.555 3Mishnah 264.553 3Palestinian Talmud 264.554 3

Nehemiah (Biblical book) 264.477Christian treatment 274.437 7

Neo-orthodoxy (theology) [-5013] (for example)

Christianity 275.013Islam 285.013

Neo-paganism 212.36Nestorian churches 272.748Neutral, morally ambiguous spirits [-5257] (for example)

Celtic religion 214.645 257Comparative religion 205.257

Nevi’im (Bible books) 264.46Christian treatment 274.436

Aharonim 264.462Christian treatment 274.436 2

Rishonim 264.461Christian treatment 274.436 1


Relative Index

Age religions 212.524American Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 25Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 5

BelieversCommunity care and support of [-9863913]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 913Comparative Religion 209.863 913

Devotional literature for [-832913](for example)

Islam 288.329 13Hinduism 228.329 13

Guides to religious life for [-540913](for example)

Christianity 275.409 13Judaism 265.409 13

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575913](for example)

Buddhism 249.657 591 3Christianity 279.657 591 3

Religious education of [-875913](for example)

Christian 278.759 13Comparative religion 208.759 13

Century BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 283Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 83

English Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 26

Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 6

International version (Bible)

History of Bible translations 274.195 284

Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 84

Jerusalem Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 27

Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 7

King James Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 282

Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 82

Religions 202.59

(see also particular religions by name)

Revised Standard version (Bible)

History of Bible translations 274.195 243

Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 43

New (continued from last column)

Testament 274.47Apocryphal books 274.487Theology 275.011 47

Thought 212.523Christian 272.796

World (Bible)History of Bible translations 274.195 286Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 86

YearBahá’í 297.5

Celebration 298.857 5Jewish 267.23

Liturgy 268.857 23

Newly released prisonersCommunity care and support of [-9863659]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 659Comparative Religion 209.863 659

Devotional literature for [-832659](for example)

Islam 288.326 59Hinduism 228.326 59

Guides to religious life for [-540659](for example)

Christianity 275.406 59Judaism 265.406 59

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575659](for example)

Buddhism 249.657 565 9Christianity 279.657 565 9

Religious education of [-875659](for example)

Christian 278.756 59Comparative religion 208.756 59

Nezikin 264.553 4Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Nicene Creed 272.734Nichiren Shoshu 242.767 3Nida, Súriy-i- 294.54.S967Niddah

Practice 268.861Tractate 264.553 6

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 6Mishnah 264.553 6Palestinian Talmud 264.554 6

Night 271

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Journey of Muhammad 283.133 5Surah of Koran 284.622Time worship [-88589]

(for example)Christianity 278.858 9Hinduism 228.858 9

Nightly Visitant, TheSurah of Koran 284.615

Nineteen Day Feast (Bahá’í) 297.3Celebration of 298.857 3

Scriptural collections for 294.327 3Ninth

of Av 267.64Liturgy 268.857 64

day of Riván 297.609Celebration of 298.857 609

Scriptural collections for 294.327 609Nirvana [-5349] (for example)

Buddhism 245.349Comparative religion 205.349

Nizaris 282.737 5

NoahBahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 63Christian treatment 273.022 17Comprehensive works 263.217Islam, Prophet in 285.217 23Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.217Surah of Koran 284.588

NobleEightfold path [-6148]

(for example)Buddhism 246.148Comparative religion 206.148

Truths, The Four [-614](for example)

Buddhism 246.14Comparative religion 206.14

Non-Episcopal Church hierarchies 279.613Non-Evangelical mission work [-9878] (for example)

Christianity 279.878Comparative religion 209.878

Non-Theistic religion 212.3(see also Buddhism, other particular religions)

Non-Trinitarian concepts

Discussion of Trinitarian beliefs [-51113]

(for example)

Christianity 275.111 3

Comparative religion 205.111 3

Unitarian sects of Christianity 272.781

(see also Arianism, Church History, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Monotheism, Religious Controversy,

Trinity, Trinitarian etc.)


Pacifism [-5633]

(for example)

Christianity 275.633

Hinduism 225.633

Personal forbearance [-5438]

(for example)

Buddhism 245.438

Judaism 265.438

(see also Civil Disobedience)


(see, especially, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Baptist, and Methodist churches)

Noon worship [-88585]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.858 5

Christianity 278.858 5

Norse religion 214.63

Northern Buddhism 242.76

Nubuvvat-i-Khassih, Tafsir-i- 294.44.T3

Nuclear weapons/disarmament

Religious ethics [-56355]

(for example)

Islam 285.635 5

Shinto 256.563 55

Nuh 285.217 23

Numbers (Biblical book) 264.454

Christian treatment 274.435 4

Numerological interpretations

of Scripture [-4148]

(for example)

Talmud 264.514 8

Koran 284.148

Numerology 212.375


Relative Index

NunsBiography [-35]

(for example)

Buddhist 243.5

Christian 273.5

Devotional literature for [-832953]

(for example)

Buddhist 248.329 53

Christian 278.329 53

Pastoral care of [-96575953]

(for example)

Buddhist 249.657 595 3

Christian 279.657 595 3

Training of [-875953]

(for example)

Buddhist 248.759 53

Christian 278.759 53

Religious law concerning [-656953]

(for example)

Buddhist 246.569 53

Christian 276.569 53

Solitary [-9551]

(for example)

Buddhist 249.551

Christian 279.551

Vocation [-9501]

(for example)

Buddhism 249.501

Christianity 279.501

NOTE: Buddhism and Christianity are used for examples throughout the above entry since other

headings are so much less likely – class numbers for nuns in other religions may, of course, be constructed

in the usual way.

(see also Particular religious orders, e.g. Dominicans)

Nuqtih, Law-i- 294.54.L67

Núr (Bahá’í feast day) 297.335

Nursing orders


Men 279.553 7

Women 279.555 7

Nush, Súriy-i- 294.54.S969


Obadiah (Biblical book) 264.463 35

Christian treatment 274.436 335


Human virtue [-5475]

(for example)

Christianity 275.475

Hinduism 225.475

to Government [-56532]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.653 2

Buddhism 245.653 2

Objects of worship [-523]

(for example)

Australian Aboriginal religion 217.945 23

Comparative religion 205.23

(see also gods and goddesses)

Oblates 279.565 384

Obligatory Prayer

Bahá’í Law 296.316 5


Religious prohibition [-63228]

(for example)

Hinduism 226.322 8

Islam 286.322 8


Polemics against [-1612365]

(for example)

Christianity 271.612 365

Islam 281.612 365

Relationship to religion [-17133]

(for example)

Buddhism 241.713 3

Judaism 261.713 3

as a Religion in its own right 212.365

Religious practice [-86]

(for example)

Comparative religion 208.6

Voodooism 217.635 86


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Occupational

Ethics [-55]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.5

Hinduism 225.5

Law (religious) [-6568]

(for example)

Comparative religion 206.568

Judaism 266.568

Odes of Solomon (Apocryphal book) 264.492 3

Christian treatment 274.483 923

OffendersCommunity care and support of [-986365]

(for example)

Christianity 279.863 65

Comparative Religion 209.863 65

Collections of scripture for [-432265]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 65

Buddhism 244.322 65

Devotional literature for [-83265]

(for example)

Christianity 278.326 5

Judaism 268.326 5

Guides to religious life for [-54065]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.406 5

Christianity 275.406 5

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98565]

(for example)

Hinduism 229.856 5

Islam 289.856 5

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657565]

(for example)

Christian 279.657 565

Judaism 269.657 565

Religious education of [-87565]

(for example)

Christian 278.756 5

Comparative religion 208.756 5

Religious societies for [-94465]

(for example)

Bahá’í 299.446 5

Jewish 269.446 5


Contributions to religious funds [-89]

(for example)

Christianity 278.9

Hinduism 228.9

Ritual sacrifice, in [-8862]

(for example)

Comparative religion 208.862

Ancient Roman religion 214.768 862

(see also Tithes, Purification)

Office of the hours

Christian worship 278.82

Oholot 264.553 6

Old Catholic churches 272.757 5


(see Aged)

School Baptists

(see Baptist Churches)


Christian treatment 274.43

Apocrypha 274.483 8

Pseudepigrapha 274.483 9

Prophets etc. 273.02

Theology 275.011 43

Jewish and neutral treatment 264.4

Apocrypha 264.48

Pseudepigrapha 264.49

Prophets etc. 263.2

Theology 265.011 4

Olivetans 279.565 313

OmensReligion [-868]

(for example)

Comparative religion 208.68

Ancient Roman religion 214.768 68

Omnipotence of God [-51255] (for example)

Christianity 275.125 5

Islam 285.125 5

Omniscience of God [-512542] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.125 42

Judaism 265.125 42


Relative Index Oneness

of God [-511]Islam 285.11

Judaism 265.11

of Humankind (Bahá’í teaching) 295.321

of Religion (Bahá’í teaching) 295.211

Opening, TheSurah of Koran 284.511

Open-mindednessHuman virtue [-5415]

(for example)

Christianity 275.415

Confucianism 253.541 5

Oracles Religion [-868]

(for example)

Comparative religion 208.68

Ancient Greek religion 214.886 8

Oral traditions (Religion) [-48] (for example)

Comparative religion 204.8

Hinduism 224.8

Ordersof Knights

Christianity 279.565 37

Religious [-95](for example)

Buddhism 249.5

Christianity 279.5

(see also particular orders, and kinds of order – Monks, Nuns etc.)

Ordinary of the mass 278.873

Ordination of clergyAdministration, theology [-964]

(for example)

Comparative religion 209.64

Judaism 269.64

Ceremonies, liturgy [-8875](for example)

Christianity 278.875

Islam 288.875

of Women [-9643](for example)

Christianity 279.643

Comparative religion 209.643

OrganisationsReligious [-9]

(for example)Comparative religion 209Shinto 256.9

(see also particular kinds of organisation – particular organisations and institutions)

OrientalChurches 272.74

Religious orders 279.564Religions

(see particular religions concerned – note that there are, to be pedantic, no major surviving Western



of Scripture [-4112](for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.112Talmud 264.511 2

of Universe [-51253](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.125 3Islam 285.125 3

Originator, TheSurah of Koran 284.548

Original sin [-5343] (for example)

Christianity 275.343Comparative religion 205.343

Orlah 264.553 1Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Ornaments of GoldSurah of Koran 284.557


Bahá’ís (covenant breakers) 292.78.O7Caliphs, Four

Biography 283.382Period in Muslim history 282.52

Churches 272.743Religious orders 295.564

Judaism 262.762Orthodoxy, Religious [-501] (for example)

Christianity 275.01Hinduism 225.01


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Osee (Biblical book) 264.463 23

Christian treatment 274.436 323

Outreach [-98] (for example)

Comparative religion 209.8

Judaism 269.8

Overwhelming Calamity, TheSurah of Koran 284.617


PacifismPersonal forbearance [-5438]

(for example)

Buddhism 245.438

Judaism 265.438

Social theology [-5633](for example)

Christianity 275.633

Hinduism 225.633

PaganismClassical religion

Religious history 202.53

Particular religions 214

(see also particular religions by name, e.g. Druidism)

Modern revivals 212.36

Primitive, pre-literate religion

Religious history 202.52

Particular religions 217

(see also particular religions by name, e.g. Voodoo)

Religions other than the reader’s own

(see particular religions by name)

PalestineHoly places in [-8261]

Bahá’í 298.261

Christian 278.261

Jewish 268.261

(BUT note the following )

Muslim 268.262

Palestinian Talmud 264.554

Palm Sunday 277.51

Celebration of 278.857 51

Panj-Sha’n, Kitáb-i- 294.44.K7

Pantheism [-5114] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.114

Hinduism 225.114

Pap, Law-i- 294.54.L68


General Christian treatment 279.611 1

Roman Catholicism 272.753 961 11

(see also Popes)

Parables (of Jesus) 274.472 3

(see also Legends, Stories)

Paradise [-5348]

(for example)

Christianity 275.348

Islam 285.348

Parah 264.553 6

Paralipomena (Biblical books) 264.478

Christian treatment 274.437 8


Polemics against [-1612365]

(for example)

Christianity 271.612 365

Islam 281.612 365

Relationship to religion [-17133]

(for example)

Buddhism 241.713 3

Judaism 261.713 3

as a Religion in its own right 212.365

Religious practice [-863]

(for example)

Comparative religion 208.63

Voodooism 217.635 863

Parashu Rama 225.226 3

ParentingGuides to

Religious [-54045](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.404 5Hinduism 225.404 5

Religious law [-6555] (for example)

Islam 286.555Judaism 266.555

(see also Parents, Parental)


Relative Index

ParentsCommunity care and support of [-986345]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 45Comparative Religion 209.863 45

Collections of scripture for [-432245] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 45Buddhism 244.322 45

Devotional literature for [-83245](for example)

Christianity 278.324 5Judaism 268.324 5

Guides to religious life for [-54045](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.404 5Christianity 275.404 5

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657545](for example)

Christian 279.657 545Judaism 269.657 545

Religious education of [-87545](for example)

Christian 278.754 5Comparative religion 208.754 5

Religious law concerning [-65645](for example)

Jewish 266.564 5Muslim 286.564 5

Religious societies for [-94445](for example)

Bahá’í 299.444 5Jewish 269.444 5

(see also Parenting, Parental)Parental

AuthorityReligious law [-6552]

(for example)Islam 286.552Roman religion 214.765 52

Consent (to marriage)Religious law [-65534]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.553 4Christianity 276.553 4

(see also Parenting, Parents)

Parishes 279.255

Parody religions 212.6

ParseeismZoroastrianism 258

In India 258.265 4

Parvati Shakti 225.233 37

Passing of‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.35

Báb, the 293.15

Bahá’u’lláh 293.25

Jesus 273.134 6

(see also other individuals – biography)

Passion of Jesus 273.134


Use as worship 278.838

Passionists 279.565 362

Passiontide 277.5

(see also Lent, Easter)

Passover 267.53

Celebration, liturgy 268.857 53

Pastafarianism 212.635

Pastoral Care [-9657]

(for example)

Christianity 279.657

Hinduism 229.657

Duties [-965](for example)

Buddhism 249.65

Islam 289.65

(see also Clergy, Religious administration, Religious education, Preaching, Evangelism)

PastorsBiography 273.613 3

Church administration, In 279.613 3

(see also Clergy)

Patience (human virtue) [-5438] (for example)

Hinduism 225.438Islam 285.438

PatriarchsClergy in Eastern Churches 279.611 1Old Testament figures 263.22

Christian treatment 273.022 2


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Patristics (Christianity) 274.5Paul (Apostle) 273.412Pauline epistles 274.476 2Peace

Doctrine concerning [-563](for example)

Buddhism 245.63Christianity 275.63

Lesser (Bahá’í teaching) 295.634Most Great (Bahá’í teaching) 295.636World (Universal) [-5636]

(for example)Hinduism 225.636Judaism 265.636(see also Pacifism, Disarmament)

Pe’ah 264.553 1Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Pearl of Great PriceMormon Holy Book 272.798 46

Pelagianism 272.725Pen, The

Surah of Koran 284.585Penance [-8865] (for example)

Christianity 278.865Comparative religion 208.865

Pentateuch 264.45Christian treatment 274.435

PentecostChristian 277.7

Celebration 278.857 7Jewish 267.55

Celebration 268.857 55Pentecostal churches 272.775People, The

Surah of Koran 284.646Persecutions

of early Christians 272.538Interdenominational [-2712]

(for example)Christianity 272.712Comparative religion 202.712

Persian Bayán 294.44.B5Religions (historical) 214.5

(see also Zoroastrianism, Bahá’í Faith)

Person of Jesus 275.212

Personal Conduct

Ethics [-54]

(for example)

Comparative religion 205.4

Confucianism 253.54

Religious Law [-632]

(for example)

Hinduism 226.32

Islam 286.32

Devotions [-83]

(for example)

Buddhism 248.3

Christianity 278.3

Ethics [-54]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.4

Shinto 256.54

Laws [-63]

(for example)

Judaism 266.3

Sikhism 238.63

Prayer [-833]

(for example)

Jainism 232.833

Zoroastrianism 258.833

Religion(s) 212.43

Religious life [-83]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.3

Hinduism 228.3


Objects of worship

Aspects of human life [-5233]

(for example)

Comparative religion 205.233

Roman religion 214.765 233

Natural forces [-5232]

(for example)

Hinduism 225.232

Polynesian religion 217.965 232


Relative Index Persons

Biography [-3](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 293

Buddhism 243

in Scripture [-4183](for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.183

Talmud 264.518 3

Pesach 267.53

Liturgy 268.857 53

Pesahim 264.553 2

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2

Mishnah 264.553 2

Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

PeterApostle 273.31

Biblical Books 274.476 51

First epistle of 274.476 521

Second epistle of 274.476 522

Pharisees 262.742

Philemon (Biblical book) 274.476 292

Philippians (Biblical book) 274.476 25

Philippine Independent Church 272.757 6

Phillip (Apostle) 273.34

Phillips BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 298

Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 98

Philosophical Religion(s) 212.1

Study of scripture [-4142](for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.142

Talmud 264.514 2

Theologies [-503] (for example)

Christianity 275.03

Comparative religion 205.03


and Religion [-171](for example)

Confucianism 253.171

Islam 281.71

of Religion

(see manual note at 100 vs. 200)

Physical techniques and aids

to Meditation [-8533]

(for example)

Comparative religion 208.533

Hinduism 228.533

Physics and religion [-1753]

(for example)

Christianity 271.753

Comparative religion 201.753

Piarists (Christian religious orders) 279.565 358

Pidyon haben 268.852 33

Pietism 272.727

PilgrimageGeneral works [-821]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.21

Hinduism 228.21

To particular places [-826]

(for example)

Islam 288.26

Judaism 268.26

(see also particular places, e.g. Jerusalem, Mecca)

Surah of Koran 284.534

Pillars of Islam 288.1

(see also particular Pillars, e.g. Hajj, Sawm Ramadan, Salat, Zakat)

Pink Unicorn, The Invisible 212.636

Pious societies [-94]

(for example)

Christianity 279.4

Comparative religion 209.4

Pirke Avot 264.553 47

Pisar‘Amm, Law-i- 294.54.L69

Pitakas 244

Plans and campaigns

Evangelisation and missionary work [-81]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith (teaching) 298.1

Christianity 278.1

Plants in Scripture [-41758]

(for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.175 8

Comparative religion 204.175 8

Plymouth Brethren 272.772 2


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Poetic books (Bible)

Old Testament 264.47Christian treatment 274.437

Pseudepigrapha 264.492Christian treatment 274.483 92

Poets, TheSurah of Koran 284.538

Point of Adoration [-8335] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.335Islam 288.335

PolemicsGeneral point of view [-148]

(for example)Against Hinduism 221.48Against Religion in general 201.48

Point of view of a particular religion [-16-](for example)

Christian, against Islam 271.68Hindu, against Sikhism 221.638

PoliticalEthics [-5532]

(for example)Hinduism 225.532Judaism 265.532

Parties (Membership of)Affecting religious affiliation [-63158]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.315 8Comparative religion 206.315 8

Systems [-5656](for example)

Buddhism 245.656Islam 286.656

(see also Republicanism, Royalism, Theocracy)Politics and religion

General relationship [-1732](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 291.732Confucianism 253.173 2

Religious government (theocracy) [-653](for example)

Hinduism 226.53Islam 286.53

Religious teachings about [-565](for example)

Buddhism 245.65Christianity 275.65

(see also Political parties, systems)

Polynesian religion Comparative religion 202.696Specific religions 217.96

Polytheism [-51133] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.113 3Theism 212.151 133

Poor Clares 279.565 58People

Community care and support of [-986371](for example)

Christianity 279.863 71Comparative Religion 209.863 71

Pastoral care of [-9657571](for example)

Islam 289.657 571Judaism 269.657 571

Religious education of [-87571](for example)

Christianity 278.757 1Islam 288.757 1

(see also Charity, Social work, Poverty, Spiritual solutions to economic question, Snobbery)

Pope Pius IXTablet (of Bahá’u’lláh) to 294.54.L68

PopesBiography 273.611 1In Church government 279.611 1

(see also Clergy – Christian, Roman Catholic Church)Population control [-63226] (for example)

Catholicism 272.753 632 26Islam 286.322 6

PornographyReligious proscription of [-63228]

(for example)Christianity 276.322 8Islam 286.322 8

(see also headings under “Sexual”)Post Modern Religions 212.68

PovertySocial theology [-56635]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.663 5Judaism 265.663 5

(see also Poor people, Charity, Alms)


Relative Index Poverty (continued from last column)

Voluntary Religious practice [-847]

(for example)Hinduism 228.47Islam 288.47

Monastic rules [-9587](for example)

Buddhism 249.587Christianity 279.587

PrayerBeads [-83363]

(for example)Hinduism 228.336 3Islam 288.336 3

Books [-8331](for example)

Buddhism 248.331Christianity 278.331

Comprehensive works on [-833](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.33Jainism 232.833

Congregational [-8823](for example)

Islam 288.823Sikhism 238.882 3

Leaders [-96233](for example)

Comparative religion 209.623 3Islam 289.623 3

Lord’s 274.472 3of Manasseh (Apocryphal book) 264.488

Christian treatment of 274.483 88at Mealtimes [-88595]

(for example)Christianity 278.859 5Comparative religion 208.859 5

Personal devotions [-833](for example)

Judaism 268.33Shinto 256.833

Public worship [-8823](for example)

Buddhism 248.823Islam 288.823

Prayer (continued from last column)to (or in name of) Saints [-8338]

(for example)Christianity 278.338Comparative religion 208.338

Scriptural, Collections of [-4325](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.325Several religions 204.325

Shawls [-88372](for example)

Comparative religion 208.837 2Judaism 268.837 2

Wheels [-83365](for example)

Buddhism 248.336 5Comparative religion 208.336 5

Pre-Muslim prophets 285.217Preachers

Religious leadersBiography [-362737]

(for example)Christianity 273.627 37Islam 283.627 37

Role and function [-962737](for example)

Comparative religion 209.627 37Islam 289.627 37


Christianity 279.553 4Religious life [-8737]

(for example)Islam 288.737Judaism 268.737

Precursors (of Bahá’í Faith)Biography 293.05

Predestination [-5325] (for example)

Christianity 275.325Islam 285.325

PredictionsDivination [-868]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.68Voodooism 217.635 868


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Predictions (continued from last column)

of Prophets [-5219](for example)

Jesus 275.219Muhammad 285.219

Scriptural (interpretation) [-4149](for example)

Book of Daniel 274.437 514 9Koran 284.149

(see also Doomsday cults, Millennialist Churches)Prehistoric religion 202.52Prejudice

Ethics [-5415](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.415Hinduism 225.415

Premarital counsellingCommunity care and support [-986344]

(for example) Bahá’í Faith 299.863 44Comparative Religion 209.863 44

Pastoral care (by clergy) [-9657544](for example)

Christian 279.657 544Judaism 269.657 544

Premonstratensians 279.565 319Presbyterian Churches 272.766 7Presbyteries 279.343Prescriptive theology [-6] (for example)

Islam 286Shinto 256.6

Presentation of Jesus 273.132 8Religious orders 279.565 594

PrideHuman vice [-5471]

(for example)Buddhism 245.471Judaism 265.471

PriesthoodAncient Jewish 268.802 5of Believers (Christian doctrine) 275.347of Jesus 275.212Pastoral duties [-965]

(for example)Buddhism 249.65Christianity 279.65

Priesthood (continued from last column)Religious leadership [-96]

(for example)Comparative religion 209.6Hinduism 229.6

Priestsin General sense (i.e. Clergymen)

Biography [-36](for example)

Christianity 273.6Hinduism 223.6

Role and station [-96](for example)

Buddhism 249.6Comparative religion 209.6

in Special sense (i.e. rank in Christian hierarchy)Biography 273.611 3Role and station 279.611 3

(see also Clergy)Priestly

Celibacy [-96323](for example)

Catholic 272.753 963 23Christian (generally) 279.632 3

Primal Will [-518] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.18Comparative religion 205.18

PrimatesChristian clergy

Biography 273.611 1Role and station 279.611 1

Primitive Methodist Church

(see Methodist Churches)Religions

in History of religion 202.52Particular religions 217

PrinciplesReligious ethics [-54]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.4Jainism 232.54

Print mediaUse in evangelisation [-98492]

(for example)Christianity 279.849 2Islam 289.849 2


Relative Index Print media (continued from last column)

Use in Religious education [-87392](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.739 2Hinduism 228.739 2

Prison chaplaincy [-9657565] (for example)

Buddhism 249.657 565Islam 289.657 565

Probation after death [-53488] (for example)

Christianity 275.348 8Comparative religion 205.348 8

Processions [-8839] (for example)

Christianity 278.839Comparative religion 208.839

Proclamation Bahá’í 299.83of Bahá’u’lláh 293.234 5

Profanity [-5446] (for example)

Hinduism 225.446Islam 285.446

Profession of faithIslam 288.15

(see also Creeds)Professional ethics [-55] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.5Hinduism 225.5

Progressive National Baptist Convention

(see Baptist churches)Revelation [-5214]

Bahá’í Faith 295.214Mormonism 272.798 521 4

Prohibition, TheSurah of Koran 284.583

Prohibitions(See Law - Religious)

Promised Day is Come, TheBahá’í Scripture 294.714.P7

PromiscuityHuman vice [-5429]

Buddhism 245.429Islam 285.429

Proofsof Existence of God [-51212]

(for example)Christianity 275.121 2Islam 285.121 2

of Validity of religion (or a religion) [-143](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 291.43Religion in general 201.43

Proper of the mass 278.873Prophecies

Scriptural [-4149](for example)

Christianity 274.149Hinduism 224.149

ProphecyDivination – foretelling of future [-868]

(for example)Melanesian religions 217.958 68Taoism 254.868

Enshrined in scripture [-4149](for example)

Bahá’í scripture 294.149Bible (Christian) 274.149

of Founders of religion, prophets [-5219](for example)

Jesus 275.219Muhammad 285.219

Prophet of GodIslam 285.21

(see also Muhammad. For similar concepts in other religions see Lord of Hosts, Manifestation of God,

Messiah)Prophet’s Birthday 287.3Prophets, The

Surah of Koran 284.533Prophethood [-5219] (for example)

Jesus 275.219Muhammad 285.219

Prophetic Books

Old Testament 264.46Christian treatment 274.436

Pseudepigrapha 264.493Christian treatment 274.483 93


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Prophetic (continued from last column)

Office [-5219](for example)

Jesus 275.219Muhammad 285.219

Proscriptive theology [-6] (for example)

Buddhism 246Judaism 266

ProselytisingEvangelisation [-98]

(for example)Christianity 279.8Mormonism 272.798 98

Religious law forbidding [-63213](for example)

Comparative religion 206.321 3Islam 286.321 3

Protective institutions [-938] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.38Comparative religion 209.38

Protestant Churches 272.76

(see also particular churches)Methodists

(see Methodist Churches)Religious orders 279.566

ProtestantismChurch history 272.57Theology 272.726

Proverbs (Biblical book) 264.472Christian treatment 274.437 2

Providence (of God) [-51254] (for example)

Christianity 275.125 4Judaism 265.125 4

Prudence (human virtue) [-5439] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.439Confucianism 253.543 9

Psalms (Biblical Book) 264.471Christian treatment 274.437 1

Psalters 278.824Pseudepigrapha (Bible)

New Testament 274.487Old Testament 264.49

Christian treatment 274.483 9

Pseudo gospels 274.487 2Psychology and religion [-1715] (for example)

Christianity 271.715Religion in general 201.715

Public Meetings

Evangelism [-9846](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.846Comparative religion 209.846

Ministry of‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Biography 293.34Bahá’í history 292.525

The Báb Biography 293.13Bahá’í history 292.523

Bahá’u’lláhBiography 293.23Bahá’í history 292.524

JesusBiography 273.133Church history 272.52

MuhammadBiography 283.13Muslim history 282.51

Shoghi EffendiBiography 293.44Bahá’í history 292.531

Relations [-983] (for example)

Buddhism 249.83Christianity 279.83

Worship [-88](for example)

Hinduism 228.8Islam 288.8

Publicity [-9835] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.835Comparative religion 209.835

PunishmentReligious [-657]

(for example)Islam 286.57Judaism 266.57


Relative Index Puppetry

(see Drama)Puranas 224.5Pure Land Buddhism 242.765Purgatory [-53488] (for example)

Christianity 275.348 8Comparative religion 205.348 8

PurificationRites of [-8861]

(for example)Judaism 268.861

Purim 267.45Liturgy 268.857 45

Puritanism 272.727Purity (human virtue) [-5428]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.428Buddhism 245.428


Qad-Ihtaraqa’l-Mukhlisun 294.54.Q2Qadir, Súriy-i- 294.54.S971Qadiriyah (Sufi order) 288.589 53Qaf

Surah of Koran 284.565Qahir, Súriy-i- 294.54.S973Qalam, Súriy-i- 294.54.S975Qamis, Súriy-i- 294.54.S977Qasidiy-i-Varaqa’iyyih 294.54.Q3Qawl (Bahá’í feast day) 297.354Qayyúmu’l-Asmá‘ 294.44.Q3Qiblih [-8335]

Bahá’í Faith 298.335Islam 288.335

Qina, Law-i- 294.54.L72Qira’at [-8824]

Bahá’í Faith 298.824Islam 288.824

Qohelet 264.474 4Christian treatment 274.437 44

Quakers 272.783 3Quaking, The

Surah of Koran 284.629

Quasi-Christian denominations 272.79Quasi-clergy

Christian 279.617Quasi-religion 212.7Qudrat (Bahá’í feast day) 297.353Quds, Law-i- 294.54.L73Queen Victoria, Tablet to 294.54.L55Quietism 272.727Qumran community 262.744 5

Writings of 264.735Qur’án 284

Bahá’í treatment 294.984 4(see also entries under “Koran” and “Koranic”

– for scripture of other religions see “Scripture” and entries under names of specific holy books, e.g. Bible,

Bhagavad Gita)Qureaish

Surah of Koran 284.637


Biography 263.6Role and function 269.6

(see also Clergy)Race

Oneness of human (Bahá’í principle) 295.321Prejudice [-54153]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.415 3Hinduism 225.415 3

Relations [-5321](for example)

Buddhism 245.321Christianity 275.321

Unity Dayas Bahá’í anniversary 297.94

Racism [-54153] (for example)

Confucianism 253.541 53Islam 285.415 3

Radaviyyih, Sahifiy-i- 294.44.S5Radha Soami Satsang 212.538Radio

use in Evangelism [-98494](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.849 4Christianity 279.849 4


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Radio (continued from last column)

use in Religious Education [-87394](for example)

Islam 288.739 4Judaism 268.739 4

Rafi’, Law-i- 294.54.L74Raja yoga 228.533Rahmat (Bahá’í feast day) 297.341Ra’is, Law-i- 294.54.L75Rama

King of the Ayodhya 225.226 5Parashu 225.226 3

Ramadan 287.6Celebration of 288.857 6

(see also Pillars of Islam, Fasting)Ramakrishna movement 222.76Ramanavami 227.2Ramayana 224.68Rangers, The

Surah of Koran 284.551Ranks, The

Surah of Koran 284.577Rape

Religious law [-632474](for example)

Hinduism 226.324 74Islam 286.324 74

Rapture (Christian doctrine)(see Last Judgement)

Raqsha, Law-i- 294.54.L76Ras Tafari movement 217.636Rashh-i-‘Ama 294.54.R3Rasul, Law-i- 294.54.L77Rationalism 212.32

Polemics against [-161232](for example)

Christianity 271.612 32Hinduism 221.612 32

(see also Reason)Reading and recitation of scripture

Private devotions [-835](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.35Islam 288.35

Public worship [-8824](for example)

Christianity 278.824Judaism 268.824


Means of knowing God [-51232](for example)

Islam 285.123 2Sikhism 238.512 32

Religion based on 212.1Rebekah (Biblical matriarch) 263.225

Christian treatment 273.022 25Recitation

Art of melodic [-8824](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.824Islam 288.824

(see also Music – Use in worship, Reading and recitation of scripture)

Recognition ofInstitutions (religious) – by secular authorities

(Add to the number for particular institution notation “15” from Table PS2 – e.g. Recognition of

the (Bahá’í) National Spiritual Assembly of Iran 299.343 551 5)

Prophet, Manifestation of God [-53159](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.315 9Comparative religion 205.315 9

Reconciliation (Christian doctrine) 275.345Reconstruction Judaism 262.764 4Recovery from addiction

(see Addicts)Redaction criticism

Sacred books [-4146](for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.146Talmud 264.514 6

Redemptionof First born son (Judaism) 268.852 33of Jesus 275.218 5Theology [-5346]

Christianity 275.346Judaism 265.346

Redemptorists 279.565 364Reform

Hinduism 222.78Judaism 262.764

Reformation Church history 272.57Doctrinal history 272.726

Reformed 286

Relative Index

Churches 272.766 4Episcopal Church

(see Anglican Churches)Presbyterian churches

(see Presbyterian Churches)

RefugeesCommunity care and support of [-98637142]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 714 2Comparative Religion 209.863 714 2

Guides to religious life for [-5407142](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.407 142Judaism 265.407 142

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965757142](for example)

Christian 279.657 571 42 Judaism 269.657 571 42

Regular Baptists

(see Baptist Churches)Clerics 279.565 35

Reincarnation [-53242] (for example)

Buddhism 245.324 2Hinduism 225.324 2

Relations betweenCapital and labour [-56633]

(for example)Christianity 275.663 3Judaism 265.663 3

(see also Communism, Socialism, Economics)Denominations within a religion [-271]

(for example)Christianity 272.71Islam 282.71

(see also Interdenominational)Races and nations [-5321]

(for example)Buddhism 245.321Christianity 275.321(see also Racism, Nationalism)

Religions [-16](for example)

Christianity and Judaism 271.66General 201.6Hinduism and Islam 221.68

Relations between (continued from last column)

Social classes [-5323](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.323

Buddhism 245.323

Relationship betweenMuhammad and other Prophets 285.211

Religious Institutions

(Add to the number for the first institution notation “16” from Table PS2 – followed by

distinguishing notation for the second institution - e.g. Relationship between Bahá’í National and Local

Spiritual Assemblies 299.343 163 45)

the Soul and the Body [-5313](for example)

Buddhism 245.313

Christianity 275.313

Release of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.344

RelicsObjects of reverence [-827]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.27

Christianity 278.27

Use in worship [-88375](for example)

Comparative religion 298.837 5

Hinduism 228.837 5

Religion 200

(see also particular religions, religious topics – for definition of the subject see scope note at 200, and

manual note at 100 vs. 200)

Religion and

Culture [-177](for example)

Buddhism 241.77

Christian 271.77


in General [-1732](for example)

Buddhism 241.732

Judaism 261.732

Social theology [-565](for example)

Christianity 275.65

Hinduism 225.65

(see also Socialism, Republicanism etc.)

Religion and (continued from last column)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Science [-175](for example)

Sikhism 238.175

Islam 281.75

Secular disciplines [-17](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 291.7

Shinto 256.17

the State

Religious (theocracy) [-653](for example)

Hinduism 226.53

Islam 286.53


Loyalty to [-56532](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.653 2

Confucianism 253.565 32

Religious teachings about [-565](for example)

Buddhism 245.65

Christianity 275.65

Religion in Ancient times

Classical religions 214

Religion in general 202.53

the 18th century


Church history 272.58

Doctrinal history 272.728

Comparative religion 202.58

the Middle Ages [-255](for example)

Christianity 272.55

Religion in general 202.55

(as with all [-25] divisions – be aware that these do not apply in the same way to all religions, and check back to the schedule before using “built” numbers)

Modern times [-259](for example)

Church History 272.59

Religion in general 202.59

(BUT check any number built at this point in schedules – as usage, and the definition of “modern”

in this context differs for some religions)

Religion in (continued from last column)

the 19th century [-2591](for example)

Church History 272.591

Religion in general 202.591

(BUT see note to above entry)

Particular places, countries [-26-](for example)

Bahá’í Faith in Canada 292.671Buddhism in Australia 242.694Christianity in India 272.654Religion in South Africa 202.668

the Renaissance period [-256](for example)

Church History 272.56Religion in general 202.56

(BUT note that subdivisions for religious history are necessarily NOT standardised – always refer back to

the schedule )the 17th century [-257]

(for example)Church History 272.57Religion in general 202.57

(BUT note to the entry above also applies here )the 20th century [-2592]

(for example)Church History 272.592Religion in general 202.592

(BUT note to the entry above also applies here )the 21st century [-2593]

(for example)Church History 272.593Religion in general 202.593

(BUT note to the entry above also applies here )

Religion(s) ofAboriginal Australians 217.94Black Africans 217.6Melanesian peoples 217.95Micronesian peoples 217.96Native South Americans 217.7Native North Americans 217.8Polynesian peoples 217.96Preliterate peoples 217

Religious (Members of Christian orders)

Biography 273.5

Religious education, training of 278.759 5

Role and function 279.5

Religious (continued from last column)


Relative Index

Authority [-6321](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.321Islam 286.321


in Evangelism [-98494](for example)

Christianity 279.849 4Hinduism 229.849 4

in Religious education [-87394](for example)

Buddhism 248.739 4Islam 288.739 4

Televisionin Evangelism [-98496]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.849 6Christianity 279.849 6

in Religious education [-87396](for example)

Comparative religion 208.739 6Sikhism 238.873 96

BuildingsHouses of worship [-926]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 299.26Hinduism 229.26

Monastic buildings [-9526](for example)

Buddhism 249.526Christianity 279.526

Communities (Monasticism) [-9525](for example)

Buddhism 249.525Christianity 279.525

Dance [-8848](for example)

Comparative religion 208.848Hinduism 228.848

Dietary limitationReligious laws of [-633]

(for example)Hinduism 226.33Judaism 266.33

Religious (continued from last column)

Dietary limitation (continued)Self-denial (fasting) [-844]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 298.44Buddhism 248.44

Ecstasy [-856](for example)

Christianity 278.56Hinduism 228.56

(see also Meditation, Religious experience, Speaking in tongues, Trance)

Education [-87](for example)

Buddhism 248.7Islam 288.7

Experience [-85](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.5Christianity 278.5

Freedom [-63212] (for example)

Islam 286.321 2Hinduism 226.321 2

Healers [-96262](for example)

Comparative religion 209.626 2Melanesian religion 217.959 626 2

Healing [-862](for example)

Christianity 278.62Hinduism 228.62

History [-25](for example)

Judaism 262.5Religion in general 202.5

Holidays [-7](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 277Buddhism 247

Intolerance [-54151](for example)

Hinduism 225.415 1Islam 285.415 1

Law [-6](for example)

Hinduism 226Judaism 266

Religious (continued from last column)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Leaders [-96](for example)

Buddhism 249.6Christianity 279.6(see also Clergy, Monasticism)

LifeEthical theology [-54]

(for example)Hinduism 225.4Judaism 265.4

Observance [-8](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298Confucianism 253.8

Medals [-8836](for example)

Buddhism 248.836Christianity 278.836

MythologyInterpretations of scripture [-4148]

(for example)Jewish Old Testament 264.414 8Koran 284.148

Religious sources [-485](for example)

Comparative religion 204.85Hinduism 224.85(BUT note the following)

Judaism 264.8Observance [-8]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 298Confucianism 253.8

Orders [-956](for example)

Buddhism 249.56Christianity 279.56

Organisations [-9](for example)

Comparative religion 209Shinto 256.9

(see also particular kinds of organisation, particular organisations and institutions)

Orthodoxy [-501] (for example)

Islam 285.01Hinduism 225.01

Religious (continued from last column)

Pageantry [-8839](for example)

Buddhism 248.839Christianity 278.839

Plays [-8838](for example)

Comparative religion 208.838Sikhism 238.883 8

Practice [-8](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298Confucianism 253.8

Prejudice [-54151](for example)

Hinduism 225.415 1Islam 285.415 1

Processions [-8839](for example)

Buddhism 248.839Christianity 278.839

Punishments [-657](for example)

Islam 286.57Judaism 266.57

Revival [-9861](for example)

Christianity 279.861Comparative religion 209.861

Rites/Services [-88](for example)

Melanesian religions 217.958 8Zoroastrianism 258.88

Studies(see Religion, Religious education)

Symbolismin Scriptural studies [-4144]

(for example)Islam 284.144Sikhism 238.414 4

in Worship [-883](for example)

Buddhism 248.83Christianity 278.83

Therapy [-862](for example)

Christianity 278.62Comparative religion 208.62

(see also Illness)

Religious (continued from last column)290

Relative Index

Tolerance [-54151]

(for example)

Hinduism 225.415 1

Islam 285.415 1


Religious law [-65538]

(for instance)

Christianity 276.553 8

Judaism 267.553 8

Remonstrant churches 272.759

Renaissance (Historical period)

in Religious History [-256]

(for example)

Christianity 272.56

Religion in general 202.56

(see also Reformation)

Rending Asunder, The

Surah of Koran 284.613


of Incarceration of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 293.342

Liturgical [-881]

(for example)

Christianity 278.81

Judaism 268.81

Religious [-9861]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.861

Buddhism 249.861

Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

272.798 27.R3

Repentance [-5345]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.345

Christianity 275.345

Repetition of prayers, holy verses [-834]

(for example)

Buddhism 248.34

Islam 288.34

ReproductionEthical theology [-5429]

(for example)

Hinduism 225.429

Judaism 265.429

Reproduction (continued from last column)

Religious law [-6322](for example)

Buddhism 246.322Christianity 276.322

Republicanism [-56563](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.656 3Sikhism 238.565 63

Requiem mass 278.854 3Resignation (Bahá’í terminology) 296.314

Respect forthe Body

Ethics [-543](for example)

Christianity 275.43Hinduism 225.43

Religious law [-6324](for example)

Buddhism 246.324Islam 286.324

God, ReligionEthics [-5473]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.473Shinto 256.547 3

Religious law [-6321](for example)

Judaism 266.321Sikhism 238.632 1

Human lifeEthics [-544373]

(for example)Christianity 275.443 73Confucianism 253.544 373

Religious law [-6324](for example)

Buddhism 246.324Islam 286.324

(see also Ahimsa)the Property of others

Ethics [-544375](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.443 75Shinto 256.544 375

Religious law [-6326](for example)

Buddhism 246.326Islam 286.326

Respect for (continued from last column)291

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

the Rights of othersEthics [-54437]

(for example)Christianity 275.443 7Confucianism 253.544 37

Religious law [-6327](for example)

Buddhism 246.327Islam 286.327

Responsa (Jewish legal writings) 264.66Responsibility for

Sins [-5344](for example)

Christianity 275.344Judaism 265.344

Welfare of childrenReligious law [-6555]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.555Confucianism 253.655 5

ResurrectionEschatology [-5333]

(for example)Christianity 275.333Judaism 265.333

of Jesus 273.135Surah of Koran 284.593

Retreatof Bahá’u’lláh into Kurdistan 293.232 5of Jesus into the wilderness 273.133 3Monasticism [-9586]

(for example)Buddhism 249.586Christianity 279.586

Personal asceticism [-846](for example)

Hinduism 228.46Islam 288.46

Priestly [-9636](for example)

Christianity 279.636Comparative religion 209.636

Returnof Christ 275.335

(see also Resurrection)to Mecca (of Muhammad) 283.137

Reuben (Son of Jacob) 263.233 3

Christianity 273.022 333Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.233 3

Revelation Biblical book 274.478

Bahá’í treatment of 294.974 478of God [-5214]

(for example)Islam 285.214Judaism 265.214

of Scripture [-4113](for example)

Bahá’í scripture 294.113Bible (Christian) 274.113

Reverence (human virtue) [-5473] (for example)

Buddhism 245.473Christianity 275.473

Revised Standard Version (Bible)

History of Bible translations 274.195 242Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 42

Versions of BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 24Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 4

Revival of formerly extinct religions 212.36Meetings (Christian) 279.861Religious [-9861]

(for example)Christianity 279.861Comparative religion 209.861

Revolution [-56532] (for example)

Confucianism 253.565 32Islam 285.653 2

Rheims-Douay BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 22Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 2

RivánBahá’í festival 297.6

Celebration of 298.857 6Garden (near ‘Akká) 298.261 953

Rivánu’l-‘Adl 294.54.R5 Iqrar 294.54.R6

Right and wrongSense of [-5316]


Relative Index

(for example)Islam 285.316Shinto 256.531 6

Good and evil [-5342](for example)

Confucianism 253.534 2Judaism 265.342

Right toDie (i.e. the question of euthanasia)

Religious law [-632476](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.324 76Christianity 276.324 76

Life (i.e. the question of abortion)Religious law [-63226]

(for example)Islam 286.322 6Judaism 266.322 6

(see also Death, Family law)Righteousness

Membership of the electChristianity 275.347

Upright life [-54](for example)

Jainism 232.54Judaism 265.4

Rigveda 224.42Rik’ats [-8334] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.334Islam 288.334

Rinzai 242.766 273Risaliy-i-

‘Adliyyih 294.44.R3Dhahabiyyih 294.44.R4Fiqhiyyih 294.44.R5Furu’-i-‘Adliyyih 294.44.R6

Ritesin General [-88]

(for example)Anglican 272.762 88Hindu 228.8

Last [-8867](for example)

Christianity 278.867Comparative religion 208.867

Rites ofAbsolution [-8866]

(for example)Christianity 278.866Judaism 268.866

Burial/Cremation [-88543](for example)

Hinduism 228.854 3Islam 288.854 3

Dedication [-8882](for example)

Buddhism 248.882Christianity 278.882

Marriage [-8853](for example)

Shinto 256.885 3Zoroastrianism 258.885 3

Mourning [-88545](for example)

Judaism 268.854 5Taoism 254.885 45

Passage [-8852](for example)

Christianity 278.852Melanesian religion 217.958 852

(see also particular rites, e.g. Baptism)Purification [-8861]

(for example)Australian Aboriginal religion 217.948 861Islam 288.861

Ritual Abstinence [-84]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 298.4Hinduism 228.4

Baths [-88615](for example)

Comparative religion 208.861 5Judaism 268.861 5

(see also Baptism, Ablutions)Genuflections [-8334]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 298.334Islam 288.334

Purity [-8861](for example)

Islam 288.861Judaism 268.861

Ritual (continued from last column)Self-denial [-84]


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

(for example)Hinduism 228.4Islam 288.4

Slaughter (Dietary laws) [-6336](for example)

Islam 286.336Judaism 266.336

Rituals(see Rites, Rites of)

Rock, TheSurah of Koran 284.526

Roman Catholic Church 272.753Religion (Ancient) 214.76

Romans Biblical book 274.476 21Surah of Koran 284.543

Rosary beads 278.336 3(see also Prayer beads)

Rose GardensBahá’í children’s classes 298.752

Rosh HashanahJewish New Year 267.23

Liturgy 268.857 23Tractate 264.553 2

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Rosicrucianism 212.72Royalism

Religious teachings on [-56565](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.656 5Comparative religion 205.656 5

Rudra 225.111 6Ruh

Kitáb’r- 294.44.K9Law-i- 294.54.L78

Rulesof Dress [-635]

(for example)Islam 286.35Judaism 266.35

Rules (continued from last column)Monastic [-958]

(for example)

Buddhism 249.58Christianity 279.58

Priestly [-963](for example)

Christianity 279.63Hinduism 229.63

Rural communities [-92553] (for example)

Christianity 279.255 3Comparative religion 209.255 3

Russian Orthodox Church 272.743 5Ruth (Biblical book) 264.474 2

Christian treatment 274.437 42Ru’ya, Law-i- 294.54.L79


Surah of Koran 284.547Sabbath

Christianity 277.1Celebration 278.857 1

Judaism 267.1Celebration 268.857 1

Sabbatianism 262.755Sabbatical Year (Judaism) 267.72Sabellianism 272.723Sabr, Súriy-i- 294.54.S979Sacraments (Christianity) 278.85

Anglican 272.762 885Roman Catholic 272.753 885

(see also particular sacraments)Sacred

Books [-4](for example)

Buddhism 244Christianity 274

Latter-Day Saints 272.798 4Heart religious orders 279.565 53Music

Use in worship [-884](for example)

Christianity 278.84Hinduism 228.84

(see also Religious music, in the 780s)Sacred (continued from last column)

Places, sites [-826](for example)


Relative Index

Australian Aboriginal 217.948 26Islam 288.26

SacrificeHistorical Jewish rites of 268.802 2Human virtue [-5462]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.462Confucianism 253.546 2

of Jesus 275.218 3Ritual [-8862]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.862Judaism 268.862

Sadaqah 288.9Sadducees 262.743Sahab, Law-i- 294.54.L82Sahabah 283.38Sahifatu’l-, Haramayn 294.44.S2Sahifiy-i-

Ja’fariyyih 294.44.S3Makhdhumiyyih 294.44.S4Radaviyyih 294.44.S5Shattiyyih 294.54.S2

Saint(Title of Christian holy person)

(see name of particular saint – e.g. Saint Paul under “Paul” etc. – see also Apostles, Holy Family, Saints

and holy people etc.)Joseph religious orders 279.565 593Thomas Churches 272.752 1

Saints and holy peopleBiography [-34]

(for example)Comparative religion 203.4Christianity 273.4

(BUT check the schedule, as this number is not standard for all religions)

Theology concerning [-527](for example)

Buddhism 245.27Christianity 275.27

Saints’ Days (Christian) 277.9Salat

Muslim daily prayer 288.332Salat-i-

Mayyit (Bahá’í scripture) 294.54.S3Salih (or Saleh) (Prophet)

Bahá’í Faith 295.217 65Islam 285.217 25

Salvation Army 272.786(Theology) [-5347]

(for example)Buddhism 245.347Christianity 275.347

Samaritans (Judaism) 262.747Samaveda 224.43Samhitas 224.4Samsun, Law-i- 294.54.L84Samuel

Biblical books 264.461 3Christian treatment 274.436 13

Prophet 263.244Christian treatment 273.022 44Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.244

Sandhills, TheSurah of Koran 284.561

Sanhedrin (Tractate) 264.553 4Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Santeria 217.634Saqi Az Ghayb-i-Baqa 294.54.S4Sarah (Biblical matriarch) 263.222

Christian treatment 273.022 22Saraswati 225.233 2Saravastivada Buddhism 242.745Satan [-52581] (for example)

Christianity 275.258 1Islam 285.258 1Judaism 265.258 1

Satanism 212.363Saturday

Easter 277.57Celebration 278.857 57

as SabbathChristian 277.1

Celebration 278.857 1Jewish 267.1

Celebration 268.857 1Satisfaction (Christian rite) 278.865Saul, King of Israel

Biblical leader


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Christian treatment 273.022 61Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.261

Sauraism 222.748Sautrantika Buddhism 242.747Sawm

Muslim fasting 288.443Ramadan 287.6

Sayyah, Law-i- 294.54.L86Scandinavian religion 214.63Scatterers, The

Surah of Koran 284.566Schism, Great (between Eastern and Western Church)

Church history 272.553Schisms

Christianity 272.7Doctrinal controversy 272.72(see also Church history, Great Schism)


General education in(see appropriate class in 370s)

Religious education in [-8773](for example)

Buddhism 248.773Islam 288.773

Secular (Religious education in) [-8772](for example)

Hinduism 228.772Judaism 268.772

Summer (religious) [-8734](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.734Christianity 278.734

Theological [-8777](for example)

Islam 288.777Jainism 232.877 7

of Theology [-5](for example)

Christianity 275Judaism 265

(see also particular schools, e.g. fundamentalism, modernism)

Science and religion

in General sense [-175]

(for example)

Comparative religion 201.75

Shinto 256.175

Humankind and Nature [-5326]

(for example)

Buddhism 245.326

Islam 285.326

Oneness of (Bahá’í principle) 295.414

(see also manual note at 201.75 vs. 205.326 5 vs. 576.8 – and specific topics, especially “Evolution”)

Scientology 212.57

Scriptures [-4]

(for example)

Confucianism 253.4

Judaism 264

(see also the names of particular holy books etc.)

ScripturalAllegory [-4148]

(for example)

Hinduism 224.148

Judaism 264.148

Archaeology [-4193]

(for example)

Christianity 274.193

Judaism 264.193

(see also Qumran Community, Dead Sea Scrolls)

Canon [-4112]

(for example)

Buddhism 244.112

Islam 284.112

Commentaries [-415]

(for example)

Hinduism 224.15

Zoroastrianism 258.415

Criticism [-414]

(for example)

Comparative religion 204.14

Judaism 264.14

Harmonies [-4145]

(for example)

Christianity 274.145

Hinduism 224.145

Scriptural (continued from last column)History of Scriptural

Lands and times [-4182](for example)


Relative Index

Bahá’í Faith 294.182Islam 284.182

Texts [-4193](for example)

Confucianism 253.419 3Judaism 264.193

Translations [-4195](for example)

Christianity 274.195Islam 284.195

Moral codes [-61](for example)

Buddhism 246.1Judaism 266.1

ReadingsIn private devotions [-835]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 298.35Sikhism 238.835

In public worship [-8824](for example)

Christianity 278.824Islam 288.824

Religious education [-8764](for example)

Hinduism 228.764Judaism 268.764

Stories (retold for children) [-43222](for example)

Christianity 274.322 2Confucianism 253.432 22

Theology [-50114](for example)

Comparative religion 205.011 4Islam 285.011 4

(see also under names of particular Holy Books)Second

Coming of Christ 275.335Tablet to Napoleon III 294.54.L66Temple Period (Jewish History) 262.534

Secretof Divine Civilisation (Bahá’í book) 294.64.M3

Secret (continued from last column)Societies 212.7

Membership ofPermitted or forbidden [-63157]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.315 7Christianity 276.315 7

Sects [-27] (for example)

Buddhism 242.7Islam 282.7

(see also names of particular sects)Secular

Humanism 212.353Institutes

Christian religious orders 279.553 95Subjects

Relation to religion [-17](for example)

Islam and science 281.75Judaism and the arts 261.77

Treated in scripture [-417](for example)

Music in the Bible 264.177 8Animals in the Koran 284.175 9

Secularism 212.355Secularist churches 212.355 3Seder service 268.857 53Sees

Christian ecclesiology 279.253Self

Control (Human virtue) [-543](for example)

Confucianism 253.543Judaism 265.43

Deepening (Bahá’í ) 298.731Education (religious) [-8731]

(for example)Buddhism 248.731Christianity 278.731

Mutilation (religious austerity) [-8485](for example)

Comparative religion 208.485Hinduism 228.485

Respect (Human virtue) [-5421](for example)

Islam 285.421Jainism 232.542 1

Selfishness [-5444] (for example)

Hinduism 225.444Islam 285.444


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s Selflessness [-546] (for example)

Buddhism 245.46Christianity 275.46

Seminaries (Christian) 278.759 6Sent Forth, The

Surah of Koran 284.595Separdic liturgy 268.815 6Sermon on the Mount 274.472 3

as code of conduct [-613](for example)

Christianity 276.13Comparative religion 206.13

Sermons [-8737] (for example)

Judaism 268.737Islam 288.737

ServiceBooks [-8822]

(for example)Christianity 278.822Comparative religion 208.822

Human virtue [-5464](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.464Confucianism 253.546 4

ServicesWorship [-88]

(for example)Hinduism 228.8Islam 288.8

Servites 279.565 347Setsubun 256.75Seven

Last words on cross 273.134 6Valleys (Bahá’í scripture) 294.54.H3

Seveners (Muslim sects) 282.737Seventh-Day

Adventist Church 272.773 4

Baptists(see Baptist churches)


Gods of – as object of worship [-52335]

(for example)

Ancient Greek religion 214.852 335

Comparative religion 205.233 5

Theological anthropology [-5322]

(for example)

Buddhism 245.322

Islam 285.322

(see also Sexes, Sexual)


Equality of the [-5322]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.322

Christianity 275.322

(see also Sex, Sexual)

Sexism [-54155]

(for example)

Confucianism 253.541 55

Islam 285.415 5


Religious law [-632474]

(for example)

Hinduism 226.324 74

Judaism 266.324 74

(see also Child abuse)


Ethical theology [-5429]

(for example)

Buddhism 245.429

Christianity 275.429


Religious law [-6322]

(for example)

Islam 286.322

Judaism 266.322

(see also Marriage – Religious law)

Self-denial [-842]

(for example)

Christianity 278.42

Hinduism 228.42

(see also Celibacy)

ShabbatJewish Sabbath day 267.1

Celebration 268.857 1Tractate 264.553 2


Relative Index

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

(see also Sabbath)Shabuoth 267.55

Liturgy 268.857 55Shafiites 282.744Shahada 288.15Shaitan 285.258 1Shaivism 222.744Shakers 272.783 8Shaktaism 222.745Shakti 225.233 3Shamanism [-863] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.63North American native religion 217.786 3

Shanmukaism 222.747Sharaf (Bahá’í feast day) 297.361Sharh-i-

Fass-i-Nigin-i-Ism-i-A’zam 294.64.S3Shuhaday-i-Yazd va Isfahán 294.64.S4

ShariaMuslim religious law 286

Shavuot 267.55Liturgy 268.857 55

Shaykh Fani, Law-i- 294.54.L87Shaykhís (in Bahá’í history) 292.522 5She Who Pleaded

Surah of Koran 284.574Shehitah 266.336Shekalim 264.553 2

Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Shemittah 267.72Shepherds

Adoration (of Baby Jesus) 273.132 43Shevi’it 264.553 1

Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Shevu’ot 264.553 4Babylonian Talmud 264.555 4Mishnah 264.553 4Palestinian Talmud 264.554 4

Shiah Islam 282.73Hadith 284.834 8

Shikkar Shikan Shavand 294.54.S5Shin Buddhism 242.765

Shinto 256Shiva (Hindu deity) 225.111 6Shivaism 222.744Shogatsu 256.71

Shoghi EffendiBiography 293.4Birth and childhood 293.42Covenant breakers disputing station of 292.76Education 293.43Guardianship of

Bahá’í history 292.531Biography 293.44

at Oxford 293.435Passing 293.45Place in Bahá’í Order 299.341Shrine of 298.264 24Works , writings of 294.71

Shrine of‘Abdu’l-Bahá 298.261 115The Báb 298.261 11Bahá’u’lláh 298.261 25Shoghi Effendi 298.264 24

Shrines [-826] (for example)

Islam 288.26Sikhism 238.826

Shroud of Turin 278.27Shubun-sai 256.79Shulhan ‘arukh 264.65

Sick personsCommunity care and support of [-986361]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 61Comparative Religion 209.863 61

Collections of scripture for [-432261] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 61Buddhism 244.322 61

Guides to religious life for [-54061](for example)

Buddhism 245.406 1Islam 285.406 1

Sick people (continued from last column)Devotional literature for [-83261]

(for example)Hinduism 228.326 1


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Judaism 268.326 1Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657561]

(for example)Christianity 279.657 561Jainism 232.965 756 1

Religious law concerning [-65661](for example)

Muslim 286.566 1Sikhism 238.656 61

Religious societies for [-9445](for example)

Bahá’í 299.446 1Zoroastrian 258.944 61

Sikhism 238Simeon (son of Jacob)

Christianity 273.022 335Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.233 5

Simhat Torah 267.335Celebration, liturgy 268.857 335

Simon Peter (Apostle) 273.31Simon the Zealot (Apostle) 273.39

SinEthical theology [-54]

(for example)Confucianism 253.54Zoroastrianism 258.54

General works [-5343](for example)

Comparative religion 205.343Hinduism 225.343

Mortal , Venial [-53433](for example)

Christianity 275.343 3Catholicism 272.753 534 33

Original [-5343](for example)

Comparative religion 205.343Judaism 265.343

Sincerity (human virtue) [-5487] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.487Confucianism 253.548 7

Singingin Religious worship [-8844]

(for example) Christianity 278.844

Comparative religion 208.844Single parents and single parent families

Community care and support of [-9863451](for example)

Christianity 279.863 451Comparative Religion 209.863 451

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575451](for example)

Christianity 279.657 545 1Jainism 232.965 754 51

Religious law concerning [-656451](for example)

Muslim 286.564 51Sikhism 238.656 451

Sirach (Apocryphal book) 264.484Christian treatment 274.483 84

Sisters Christian religious orders

Anglican 279.566 5Catholic 279.565 5Orthodox 279.564 5

of Bon Secours 279.565 54of Charity 279.565 51of Mercy 279.565 52

Síyáh-ChálImprisonment of Bahá’u’lláh in 293.231

Siyasiyyih 294.64.S5Siyyidu’sh-Shuhada, Ziyarat-namiy-i- 294.54.Z8Sky (& Sky Gods)

Religious worship of [-523213](for example)

Comparative religion 205.232 13Australian Aboriginal religion 217.945 232 13

Slanderer, TheSurah of Koran 284.635

SlothHuman vice [-5488]

(for example)Christianity 275.488Judaism 265.488

Smith, Joseph (founder of Mormonism) 272.798 31Smoke, The

Surah of Koran 284.558Snobbery

Prejudice based on wealth or rank [-54154](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.415 4


Relative Index

Comparative religion 205.415 4 (see also Social class distinctions, Socio-economic

problems etc.)

Social Change [-5675]

(for example)Hinduism 225.675Islam 285.675

Class distinctions [-5323](for example)

Buddhism 245.323Christianity 275.323

(See also Snobbery)Inequality [-56635]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.663 5Confucianism 253.566 35

Laws [-65](for example)

Judaism 266.5Sikhism 286.65

Life and customs [-5673](for example)

Comparative religion 205.673Melanesian religions 217.955 673

Theology [-56](for example)

Christianity 275.6Jainism 232.56

WorkClergy [-9657]

(for example)Hinduism 229.657Islam 289.657

Religious bodies [-9863](for example)

Buddhism 249.863Judaism 269.863

Missionary bodies [-9878](for example)

Christianity 279.878Comparative religion 209.878

Socialism [-56653] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.665 3Hinduism 225.665 3

Societiesreligious [-94]

(for example)Christianity 279.4Islam 289.4

(see also Religious orders)Society

of Friends (Quakers) 272.783 3of Jesus (Jesuits) 279.565 353

(see also Societies, headings under Social, Sociology)Socinianism 272.781Socio-economic problems

Social theology [-566]Buddhism 245.66Islam 285.66

(see also headings under Social, Poor people, Poverty, Snobbery, and other specific problems)

Sociology and religionin General [-17301]

(for example)Hinduism 221.730 1Judaism 261.730 1(see also headings under Social)

Sodalities 279.4Soferim 264.518 3Sojourn of Bahá’u’lláh

at Bahjí 293.237at Mazrá’ih 293.236

Sōka Gakkai 242.767 5Solitary monks, hermits, dervishes [-9551] (for instance)

Christianity 279.551Sufism 288.589


Biblical leaderChristian treatment 273.022 63Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.263

Islamic Prophet 285.217 65Odes of (Apocryphal book) 264.492 3

Christian treatment 274.483 923Song of 264.474 1

Christian treatment 274.437 41Wisdom of (Apocryphal book) 264.483

Christian treatment 274.483 83Somaschi 279.565 354

Some answered questions 294.64.M8

Son of God


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Christian Trinitarian doctrine 275.111 32

God incarnate in human form [-521]Christianity 275.21

Comparative religion 205.21

(see also Jesus)

SongBooks [-8844]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.844

Sikhism 238.884 4

of Solomon (of songs) 264.474 1

Christian treatment 274.437 41

of Three Children (Apocryphal book) 264.486 1

Christian treatment 274.483 861

Use in worship [-8844](for example)

Hinduism 228.844

Judaism 268.844

Sons ofJacob (Patriarchs)

Christianity 273.022 3

Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.23

Zebedee (Apostles) 273.33

Sophonias (Biblical book) 264.463 63

Christian treatment 274.436 363

Sorcerers (Religious leaders)Biography [-36263]

(for example)

Comparative religion 203.626 3

Melanesian religion 217.953 626 3

Role and function [-96263](for example)

Comparative religion 209.626 3

Voodooism 217.635 962 63

Sotah 264.553 3

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 3

Mishnah 264.553 3

Palestinian Talmud 264.554 3

SoteriologyChristianity 275.347

(see also Salvation)

Soto 242.766 275

SoulImmortality of [-5324]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.324Buddhism 245.324

Relationship to the body [-5313](for example)

Hinduism 225.313Judaism 265.313

Salvation of [-534](for example)

Christianity 275.34Sikhism 238.534

Sources (religious) [-4] (for example)

Confucianism 253.4Zoroastrianism 258.4

Southern Baptist Convention

(see Baptist Churches)Buddhism 242.74

Sovereignty of God [-512541] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.125 41Islam 285.125 41

Spaghetti Monster, Church of the Flying 212.635Speaking in tongues [-8564] (for example)

Christianity 278.564Comparative religion 208.564

Special interest groups [-945] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.45Judaism 269.45

Specific Covenant (Bahá’í ) 298.12 Spider, The

Surah of Koran 284.542

Spiritual Beings [-525]

(for example)Buddhism 245.25Judaism 265.25

Direction [-9657](for example)

Islam 289.657Sikhism 238.965 7

Spiritual (continued from last column)Healing [-862]

(for example)


Relative Index

Christianity 278.62Comparative religion 208.62

Life [-8](for example)

Taoism 254.8Zoroastrianism 258.8

Renewal [-986](for example)

Christianity 279.86Islam 289.86

Solutions to economic problems [-5663](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.663Comparative religion 205.663

SpiritualismCreed in its own right 212.38Mystic practice in several faiths [-866]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.66Judaism 268.66

Spirituality [-8] (for example)

Buddhism 248Christianity 278

Sport and ReligionGeneral relationship [-17796]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 291.779 6Hinduism 221.779 6

Religious sporting bodies [-945796](for example)

Christianity 279.457 96Sikhism 238.945 796

St. (abbreviated form of “Saint”)(Title of Christian holy person)

(see name of particular saint – e.g. St. Paul under “Paul” etc. – see also Apostles, Holy Family, Saints

and holy people etc.)Joseph religious orders 279.565 593Thomas Churches 272.752 1

Star, TheSurah of Koran 284.568

Star Wars religion 212.565Stations of the Cross 273.134 6

Catholic liturgy 272.753 857 56Statistics (religious) [-904] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.04

Comparative religion 209.04Steadfastness (human virtue) [-5486] (for example)

Christianity 275.486Sikhism 238.548 6

Stewardshipof the Hands of the Cause of God (Bahá’í ) 292.532

Stigmata [-8563] (for example)

Christianity 278.563Comparative religion 208.563

StoriesReligious sources [-485]

(for example)Hinduism 224.85Judaism 264.85

Scriptural (retold for children) [-43222](for example)

Christianity 274.322 2Confucianism 253.432 22

StudentsCommunity care and support of [-986334]

(for example) Comparative Religion 209.863 34Shinto 256.986 334

Collections of scripture for [-432234](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 34Buddhism 244.322 34

Devotional literature for [-83234](for example)

Christianity 278.323 4Judaism 268.323 4

Guides to religious life for [-54034](for example)

Christianity 275.403 4Judaism 265.403 4

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98534](for example)

Hinduism 229.853.4Islam 289.853 4

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657534](for example)

Christian 279.657 534Judaism 269.657 534

Students (continued from last column)Religious education of [-87534]

(for example)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Christian 278.753 4Comparative religion 208.753 4

Religious societies for [-94434](for example)

Bahá’í 299.443 4Jewish 269.443 4

(see also University religious associations)Study Circles (Bahá’í terminology) 298.733


in General [-87](for example)

Christianity 278.7Sikhism 238.87

of Scriptures [-414](for example)

Confucianism 253.414Judaism 264.14

Private, personalin General [-8731]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 298.731Taoism 254.873 1

of Scriptures [-835](for example)

Buddhism 248.35Islam 288.35

SuadSurah of Koran 284.552

SubGenius, Church of the 212.685Subhana Rabbiya’l-‘Alá‘ 294.54.S6

Subhanika Ya Hu 294.54.S7

Submission to the will of God [-53155]

(for example)

Comparative religion 208.315 5

Islam 285.315 5

Substance abuse

Religious law [-63245]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.324 5

Buddhism 246.324 5

(see also Addicts, Drunkenness)

Subud 212.77Suburban communities

Religious administration [-92554]

(for example)Christianity 279.225 4Comparative religion 209.225 4

SufferingPersons undergoing

Community care and support of [-98636](for example)

Christianity 279.863 6Comparative Religion 209.863 6

Devotional literature for [-8326] (for example)

Islam 288.326Hinduism 228.326

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965756](for example)

Buddhism 249.657 56Christianity 279.657 56

Religious societies for [-9446](for example)

Bahá’í 299.446Jewish 269.446

Wisdom of God in permitting to exist [-51254](for example)

Christianity 275.125 4Sikhism 224.512 54

Sufi orders 288.589 5(see also particular orders)

Sufism 288.58

SuicideEthical theology [-544373]

(for example)Judaism 265.443 73Sikhism 238.544 373

Persons attemptingCommunity care and support of [-9863628]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 628Comparative Religion 209.863 628

Devotional literature for [-832628](for example)

Islam 288.326 28Hinduism 228.326 28

Suicide (continued from last column)Persons attempting (continued)

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575628]


Relative Index

(for example)Buddhism 249.657 562 8Christianity 279.657 562 8

Religious law [-632476](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.324 76Jainism 232.632 476

Sukkah 264.553 2Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

Sukkot 267.33Celebration, liturgy 268.857 33

Sulaiman (Islamic prophet) 285.217 65Sulpicians 279.565 383Sultán

Bahá’í feast day 297.362Law-i- 294.54.L88Súriy-i- 294.54.S981

Summer schoolsReligious education [-8734]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 298.734Christianity 278.734

Sun, TheSurah of Koran 284.621Worship of [-523214]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.232 14Ancient Egyptian religion 214.252 321 4

SundayAssembly, The 212.355 3Christian Sabbath 277.1

Celebration 278.857 1Easter 277.58

Celebration 278.857 58Palm 277.51

Celebration 278.857 51Schools

Christianity 278.752(see also Children – Religious education)

Trinity 277.73Celebration of 278.857 73

Sunni Islam 282.74Supernatural beings [-525] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.25Hinduism 225.25

(see also Gods and Goddesses)Superstition

Belief in magic, the occult 212.365Rejection of scientific truth [-5414]

(for example)Christianity 275.414Confucianism 253.541 4

Religions other than the reader’s own(see particular religions by name)

Surahs (Koran) 284.5(see also particular surahs by their English names)

Suratu’lláh 294.54.S8

Súriy-iAmin 294.54.S913Amr 294.54.S915A’rab 294.54.S917Ashab 294.54.S919Asmá‘ 294.54.S921Bayán 294.54.S923Damm 294.54.S925Dhabih 294.54.S927Dhibh 294.54.S929Dhikr 294.54.S931Fadl 294.54.S933Fath 294.54.S935Fu’ád 294.54.S937Ghusn 294.54.S939 Hajj I 294.54.S941Hajj II 294.54.S943Haykal 294.54.S945Hifz 294.54.S947Hijr 294.54.S949

’Ibad 294.54.S951Ism 294.54.S953Ismuna’l- Mursil 294.54.S955Javad 294.54.S957Khitab 294.54.S959Ma‘ani 294.54.S961Man’ 294.54.S963Mulúk 294.54.S965

Súriy-i (continued from last column)Nida 294.54.S967

Nush 294.54.S969


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Qadir 294.54.S971

Qahir 294.54.S973

Qalam 294.54.S975

Qamis 294.54.S977

Sabr 294.54.S979

Sultán 294.54.S981

Tawhid 294.44.S8

Vafa 294.54.S983

Ziyarih 294.54.S985

Zubur 294.54.S987

Zuhur 294.54.S989

Surrogate motherhood

Ethical theology [-5429]

(for example)

Hinduism 225.429

Judaism 265.429

Religious law [-63226]

(for example)

Christianity 276.322 6

Islam 286.322 6

Susanna (Apocryphal book) 264.486 2

Christian treatment 274.483 862

Suspension of voting rights

Bahá’í religious sanction 296.312

Sutrapitaka 244.43

Suttee 228.854 37

Svetambara 232.274


Profanity [-5446]

(for example)

Hinduism 225.446

Islam 285.446

Blasphemy [-5476]

(for example)

Buddhism 245.476

Christianity 275.476

Swedenborgianism 272.793

Syllabus (religious education) [-876]

(for example)

Judaism 268.76

Zoroastrianism 258.876


in Religious worship [-883]

(for example)

Islam 288.83Jainism 232.883

in Scripture [-4144](for example)

Judaism (Bible etc.) 264.144Sikhism (Granth) 238.414 4

Sympathy (human virtue) [-54433] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.443 3Shinto 256.544 33

Synagogues 269.26Syncretic

Christian denominations 272.791Personal religion 212.43Religions 212.52Theologies [-5075]

(for example)Christianity 275.075Comparative religion 205.075(see also Unitarian, Universalist)

Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches(see Lutheran churches)

SynodsChristian ecclesiology 279.18

Synoptic Gospels 274.472Syrian Orthodox Church 272.743 2Syrians (Religious order) 279.565 318Syro-Malabar Christians 272.752 1


Ta HaSurah of Koran 284.532

Ta’anit 264.553 2Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2

TabletAhmad, of 294.54.L16Branch, of the 294.54.S939Carmel, of 294.54.L52Christians, to the 294.54.L19

Tablet (continued from last column)

Dr. Forel, to 294.64.L24Fire 294.54.Q2


Relative Index

Holy Mariner, of the 294.54.L56Kings, of the 294.54.S965Letters, of the 294.44.L34Muhammad Sháh, to 294.44.L36Napoleon III, to

First 294.54.L64Second 294.54.L65

Pope Pius IX, to 294.54.L68Queen Victoria, to 294.54.L54Tsar Alexander II, to 294.54.L55Visitation, of (Bahá’u’lláh) 294.54.Z3Visitation, of (‘Abdu’l-Bahá) 294.64.Z5Wisdom, of 294.54.L42

Tablets of the Divine Plan 294.64.A5Tablighiy-Imrika, Alvah-i- 294.64.A5Tadhkiratu’l-Vafa 294.64.T2Tafsir-i-

Bismi’Ilahi’r-Rahmani’r-Rahim 294.64.T3Hu 294.54.T2Hurufat-i-Maqatta’ih 294.54.T3Kuntu Kanzan Makhfiyyan 294.64.T4Nubuvvat-i-Khassih 294.44.T3Súriy-i-Va’sh-Shams 294.54.T4

Tajalliyat 294.54.T5Tajwid [-8824]

Bahá’í Faith 298.824Islam 288.824

Talismans [-8635] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.635Voodooism 217.635 863 5

Talmud 264.5

Bavli 264.555

Yerushalmi 264.554

(see also particular orders, tractates)

Tamid 264.553 5

Mishnah 264.553 5Palestinian Talmud 264.554 5

Tanakh 264.4(Christian Old Testament) 274.43

Tannaim 264.518 3Tantras

Buddhist 244.6Hindu 224.93

Tantric Buddhism 242.764Tanzih va Taqdis, Law-i- 294.64.L42Tao Te Ching 254.44

Taoism 254Taqiyyih (denial or concealment of faith)

Religious law [-63115](for example)

Comparative religion 206.311 5Islam 286.311 5

Tarazat 294.54.T6Tarbiyat, Law-i- 294.64.L44Tawhid 285.11

Law-i- 294.54.L89Madinatu’t 294.54.M4Súriy-i- 294.44.S8

TeachingBahá’í terminology (= Evangelism) 299.8Methods

Religious education [-873](for example)

Hinduism 228.73Christianity 278.73

OrdersChristianity 279.553 3

(see also headings in 370s for secular teaching – and general teaching skills etc.)

Teachings Bahá’í terminology (= Theology) 295

Technology and religion [-176] (for example)

Islam 281.76Shinto 256.176

TeenagersCommunity care and support of [-98633]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 3Comparative Religion 209.863 3

Collections of scripture for [-43223](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 3Buddhism 244.322 3

Guides to religious life for [-5403](for example)

Islam 285.403Judaism 265.403

Devotional literature for [-8323](for example)

Christianity 278.323Hinduism 228.323

Teenagers (continued from last column)Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965753]

(for example)307

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Judaism 269.657 53Sikhism 238.965 753

Religious education of [-8753](for example)

Christian 278.753Comparative religion 208.753

Religious law concerning [-6563](for example)

Jewish 266.563Muslim 286.563

Religious societies for [-9443](for example)

Bahá’í 299.443 Shinto 256.944 3Telepathy

Religion [-8692](for example)

Comparative religion 208.692Hinduism 228.692

Televisionuse in Evangelism [-98496]

(for example)Christianity 279.849 6Comparative religion 209.849 6

use in Religious education [-87396](for example)

Hinduism 228.739 6Judaism 268.739 6

Temperance (human virtue) [-5433] (for example)

Buddhism 245.433Islam 285.433

Templars 279.565 373Temple

Historical Jewish temple in Jerusalem 268.802 1Temples [-926] (for example)

Bahá’í 299.26Mormon 272.798 926

Temporal powerof Religious leaders, institutions [-653]

(for example)the Catholic Church 272.753 653Islam 286.53

(see also Religion and the State, Government)Temptation

Moral theology [-5343] (for example)

Christianity 275.343Judaism 265.343

of Jesus 273.133 3Temurah 264.553 5

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5Mishnah 264.553 5

TenCommandments [-612]

(for example)Christianity 276.12Judaism 266.12

Founding Gurus (Sikhism)Biography 238.31Station 238.521

Tenth of Muharram 287.2Terminal care

Community care and support [-98636175](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.863 617 5Comparative Religion 209.863 617 5

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965756175](for example)

Christian 279.657 561 75Judaism 269.657 561 75

(see also Dying patients)Terumot 264.553 1

Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Test-tube babiesReligious law [-63226]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 296.322 6Buddhism 246.322 6

Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs 264.494 5Christian treatment 274.483 945

Testaments (Pseudepigrapha) 264.494Christian treatment 274.483 94

Teutonic Knights 279.565 374Tevul Yom 264.553 6Textual

HistoryScripture [-4193]

(for instance)Bible (Jewish) 264.193Koran 284.193

Textual (continued from last column)Studies (criticism)

Scripture [-413]308

Relative Index

(for example)Bible (Christian) 274.13Hindu scripture 224.13

Thaddeus (Apostle) 273.382Theatines 279.565 351Theatre

Relationship with religion [-17792](for example)

Christianity 271.779 2Hinduism 221.779 2(see also Drama, Passion plays)

TheftReligious law [-63263]

(for example)Islam 286.326 3Judaism 266.326 3

Theism 212.1(see also Philosophy and Religion)

Theocracy [-653] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.53Hinduism 226.53

Theodicy [-51254] (for example)

Christianity 275.125 4Judaism 265.125 4

Theologians Biography [-39]

(for example)Comparative religion 203.9Hinduism 223.9

(BUT note exceptions – e.g. Judaism, Bahá’í Faith)Theological

Anthropology [-53](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.3Sikhism 238.53

Seminaries (Christian) 278.759 6Theology

Contextual [-508](for example)

Comparative religion 205.08Islam 285.08

Theology (continued from last column)

General [-5]

(for example)

Buddhism 245

Judaism 265

(see also specific topics – e.g. God)

Theosophy 212.74

Theravada Buddhism 242.74

Thessalonians (Biblical books) 274.476 27

Third Order Regular of St. Francis 279.565 338

Third orders 279.553 94

Thirteen Articles of Faith (Judaism) 265


Apostle 273.36

Gospel (apocryphal) 274.487 2


Children, Song of the (Apocrypha) 264.486 1

Christian treatment 274.483 861

Wise men 273.132 48

Thrift (human virtue) [-5434]

(for example)

Islam 285.434

Sikhism 238.543 4

Thunder, The

Surah of Koran 284.524

Thursdayism, Last 212.638

Tibb, Law-i- 294.54.L92


Buddhism 242.763

Religions 219.54

Tijaniyah 288.589 54


Surah of Koran 284.594

Times of the day

Religious observance [-8858]

(for example)

Christianity 278.858

Religion in general 208.858

Timothy (Biblical books) 274.476 28

Tipitaka 244

Tirmidhi, Muhammad ibn ‘Isa

Hadith 284.834 4

Tishah b’Av 267.64

Celebration, liturgy 268.857 64

Tithes [-63164] (for example)

Christianity 276.316 4


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Comparative religion 206.316 4Titus (Biblical book) 274.476 291Tobacco

Religious law [-632452](for example)

Comparative religion 206.324 52Mormonism 272.798 632 452

Tobias (Apocryphal book) 264.482 1Christian treatment 274.483 821

Tobit (Apocryphal book) 264.482 1Christian treatment 274.483 821

Today’s English BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 285Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 85

Tohorot (Order or tractate) 264.553 6Babylonian Talmud 264.555 6Mishnah 264.553 6Palestinian Talmud 264.554 6

Tolerance (human virtue) [-5449] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.449Sikhism 238.544 9

Toleration (Religious)Human virtue [-54151]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.415 1Zoroastrianism 258.541 51

Religious law [-63212](for example)

Islam 286.321 2Shinto 256.632 12

Torah (Bible) 264.45Christian treatment 274.435

Torah scrolls 268.835 4Torture (religious punishment) [-65776] (for example)

Comparative religion 206.577 6Tosefta 264.556 2Toshi-goi-no-Matsuri 256.73Totem poles [-88374] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.837 4Native North American religion 217.788 374

TotemismDietary rules, taboos [-63342]

(for example)

Comparative religion 206.334 2

Indigenous Australian religion 217.946 334 2

General works [-52329](for example)

Comparative religion 205.232 9

Melanesian religion 217.955 232 9

TraditionMeans of knowing God [-51236]

(for example)

Christianity 275.123 6

Judaism 265.123 6

Traditions (religious sources) [-483] (for example)

Hindu oral traditions 224.83

Muslim Hadith 284.83

(This classification not used for several religions – check in schedules!)

Trance [-8535] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.535

Hinduism 228.535

Transcendence of God [-51255] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.125 5

Sikhism 266.512 55

Transfiguration of Jesus 273.133 5

Trappists 279.565 312 5

Travel teaching (Bahá’í terminology) 299.845

Traveller’s Narrative (Bahá’í scripture) 294.64.M4

Travels of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 273.345

Treatment of human remains [-65543] (for example)

Hinduism 226.554 3

Zoroastrianism 258.655 43

TreesReligious worship [-52328]

(for example)

Comparative religion 205.232 8

Druidism 214.645 232 8

Trial of Jesus 273.134 4

Tribal religions 217

Tribulation (Christian doctrines) 275.335

TrinitarianismApologies for, refutations of [-51113]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.111 3


Relative Index

Christianity 275.111 3Trinitarians

Religious orders 279.565 342Trinity

Christian doctrine 275.111 3 Sunday 277.73

Celebration of 278.857 73Tripitaka 244Trustworthiness (human virtue) [-5426] (for example)

Islam 285.426Sikhism 238.542 6

Truthfulness (human virtue) [-5424] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.424Hinduism 225.424

Tuqa, Law-i-Turkish hegemony (period in Muslim history) 282.57Turning to point of adoration [-8335] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 298.335Islam 288.335

Twelfth day of Riván 297.612Celebration of 298.857 612

Twelve Patriarchs (Pseudepigrapha) 264.494 5

Christian treatment 274.483 945Prophets (Bible) 264.463

Christian treatment 274.436 3Twelvers (Muslim sects) 282.732Twentieth century

Religious history in [-2592](for example)

Comparative religion 202.592Hinduism 222.592(This classification not used for all religions – check in schedules!)

Twenty-first centuryReligious history in [-2593]

(for example)Buddhism 242.593Christianity 272.593 (This classification not used for all religions – check in schedules!)

Tyndale BibleHistory of Bible translations 274.195 215Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 15


Scriptural studies [-4144](for example)

Bible (Christian) 274.144Talmud 264.514 4


Údí Khammár, House of 298.261 35UFO religions 212.58Ukzin 264.553 6Ulama

Biography 283.617Role and function 289.617

Umayyad Caliphate (Muslim history) 282.53Umbanda 217.632Unclean beasts (religious dietary law) [-63342]

(for example)Islam 286.334 2Judaism 266.334 2

Unemployed peopleCommunity care and support of [-98637143]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 714 3Comparative Religion 209.863 714 3

Collections of scripture for [-43227143] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 714 3Buddhism 244.322 714 3

Devotional literature for [-8327143](for example)

Christianity 278.327 143Judaism 268.327 143

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-9857143] (for example)

Hinduism 229.857 143Islam 289.857 143

Unfairness [-5411] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.411Confucianism 253.541 1

Unicorn, Invisible Pink 212.636

Unification Church 272.794

Unitarian churches 272.781



A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Brethren in Christ 272.772 6

Church of Canada

(see United churches)

Church of Christ

(see Congregationalist churches)

Church of Religious Science 212.527

Churches 272.789

Conference of Methodist Churches

(see Methodist churches)

Evangelical Lutheran Church

(see Lutheran churches)

Lutheran Church in America

(see Lutheran churches)

Methodist Church

(see Methodist churches)

Methodist Free Churches

(see Methodist churches)

Nations Day

as Bahá’í holy day 297.96

Pentecostal Church 272.775 5

Presbyterian Church

(see Presbyterian churches)

Reformed church in the United Kingdom

(see Reformed churches)

Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing

(Shakers) 272.783 8

Uniting Church in Australia 272.789

Churches 272.789

Theologies [-507](for example)

Christianity 275.07

Comparative religion 205.07

(see also Ecumenical, Interdenominational, Interfaith, Unity of God, Oneness of Religion)

UnityFeasts (Bahá’í ) 298.89

of God [-511](for example)

Islam 285.11

Judaism 265.11

Unity (continued from last column)of Humankind [-5321]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.321

Sikhism 238.532 1of Manifestations of God (Bahá’í ) 295.211of Religion (Bahá’í teaching) 295.211School of Christianity (sect) 272.795Surah of Koran 284.644

UniversalHouse of Justice (Bahá’í ) 299.342

Covenant breakers disputing authority of 292.78Laws relating to 296.532Messages from 294.73Rulings of 294.73

Life Church 212.49Priesthood (Christianity) 275.347Second language [-5646]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.646Comparative religion 205.646

Universalist churches 272.781University

Religious associations [-94257](for example)

Bahá’í 299.425 7Christian 279.425 7

Unknowability of God [-51231] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.123 1Islam 285.123 1

Unordained (lay) religious leaders [-9617] (for example)

Christianity 279.617Comparative religion 209.617

Untouchablesin Hindu caste system 225.323as Poor – Oppressed minority

(see Poor people)Upanishads 224.48

Upper classesPastoral care of [-9657578]

(for example)Islam 289.657 578Judaism 269.657 578

Religious education of [-87578](for example)

Christianity 278.757 8Islam 288.757 8

Urban areasLocal religious organisations in [-92555]

(for example)Christianity 279.255 5


Relative Index

Comparative religion 209.255 5Ursulines 279.565 591

VVaishnavism 222.743Value of religion(s)

Attacks on [-148](for example)

Comparative religion 201.48Confucianism 253.148

Defences of [-143](for example)

Christianity 271.43Hinduism 221.43

Vamana 225.225Varaha 225.223Varfa

Súriy-i- 294.54.S983Tadhkiratu’l 294.64.T2

Varuna 225.232 153Vasudeva 225.11Vedas 224.4Vedic

Literature 224.4Religion 222.51

VegetarianismEthical theology [-54427]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.442 7Jainism 232.544 27

Religious law [-63345](for example)

Comparative religion 206.334 5Hinduism 226.334 5

VehiclesBlessing of [-88825]

(for example)Buddhism 248.882 5Christianity 278.882 5

Veiling Religious law [-635]

(for example)Comparative religion 206.35Islam 286.35

Vendidad 258.445

Venial sin [-53433]

(for example)

Christianity 275.343 3

Comparative religion 205.343 3

Verbal cruelty [-5446]

(for example)

Confucianism 253.544 6

Zoroastrianism 258.544 6

Vespers [-88588]

(for example)

Christian 278.858 8

Catholic 272.753 885 88

Vestments [-88372]

(for example)

Christianity 278.837 2

Sikhism 238.883 72

Viaticum 278.867


Ethical theology [-54]

Buddhism 245.4

Christianity 275.4

(note that in this schedule particular vices are classed with their corresponding virtues)

Victoria (Queen of England)

Tablet (of Bahá’u’lláh) to 294.54.L54

Victory, The

Surah of Koran 284.563

Vigils [-88589]

(for example)

Christianity 278.858 9

Sufism 288.588 858 9

Vijnana Buddhism 242.762 7

Vinayapitaka 244.42

Vincentians 279.565 385


Ethics [-5438]

(for example)

Christianity 275.438

Confucianism 253.543 8

Religious law [-63247]

(for example)

Islam 286.324 7

Jainism 232.632 47

Virgin Birth of Jesus 273.132 3Mary

Annunciation to 273.132 2313

A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Apparitions of 273.215Assumption into heaven 273.214Biography 273.21Comprehensive works 273.21Miracles 273.215Motherhood of Jesus 273.212Prayer to 278.338 21

Virginityof Mary 273.212Religious marriage laws [-655326]

(for example)Confucianism 253.655 326Islam 286.553 26

(see also Adultery, Chastity, Virgin birth)Virtues

Ethical theology [-54]Hinduism 225.4Islam 285.4

Visakhi 238.73Vishnu

Hindu Deity 225.111 4Incarnations (Avatars) of 225.22

Vishnuism 222.743Visions

Religious experience [-8562](for example)

Christianity 278.562Hinduism 228.562

Visitation Sisters 279.565 592Tablets of

‘Abdu’l-Bahá 294.64.Z5Bahá’u’lláh 294.54.Z3

Visperad 258.444Vocation

Occupational ethics [-55](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.5Hinduism 225.5

to Priesthood, ministry [-9601](for example)

Christianity 279.601Sikhism 238.960 1

Vocation (continued from last column)

to Religious order [-9501](for example)

Buddhism 249.501

Comparative religion 209.501Voices

Hearing of [-8562](for example)

Christianity 278.562Hinduism 228.562

VolcanoesObjects of worship [-524314]

(for example)Polynesian religion 217.965 243 14Shinto 256.524 314

Voluntary povertyin Monastic rules [-9587]

(for example)Buddhism 249.587Christianity 279.587

Religious life [-847](for example)

Islam 288.47Jainism 232.847

Voodooism 217.635Voting

in Bahá’í elections 296.316 7Rights, Suspension of (Bahá’í ) 296.312

Votive offerings [-88623] (for instance)

Christianity 278.862 3Comparative religion 208.862 3

VowsMonastic [-958]

(for example)Buddhism 249.58Christianity 279.58

Priestly [-963](for example)

Christianity 279.63Hinduism 229.63

Religious life [-84](for example)

Hinduism 228.4Islam 288.4

Vying in AbundanceSurah of Koran 284.633



Relative Index Wahhabiyah 282.746Wakes [-88545] (for example)

Christianity 278.854 5Comparative religion 208.854 5

WaldensianismIn history of Christian controversy 272.726Denominations 272.767

WarCivil [-56378]

(for example)Confucianism 253.563 78Islam 285.637 8

Doctrine concerning [-5637](for example)

Judaism 265.637Sikhism 238.563 7

Comprehensive, general worksEthical theology [-5637]

(for example)Christianity 275.637Hinduism 225.637

Religious law [-632477](for example)

Buddhism 246.324 77Comparative religion 206.324 77

Gods of [-52336](for example)

Ancient Greek religion 214.852 336Melanesian religion 217.955 233 6

HolyDoctrine [-56374]

(for example)Comparative religion 205.637 4Islam 285.637 4

Holy (continued)Religious law

Prohibition [-6324778](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 296.324 778Comparative religion 206.324 778

War (continued from last column)

Just [-56373](for example)

Christianity 275.637 3Comparative religion 205.637 3

(see also Crusades, Peace, Pacifism, Rebellion, Obedience to government, Military service, Weapons) Water

Religious worship [-523215](for example)

Comparative religion 205.232 15Hinduism 225.232 15

Way of the Cross 273.134 6Catholic liturgy 272.753 857 56

Ways of Ascent, TheSurah of Koran 284.587

WealthExcessive [-56635]

(for example)Bahá’í Faith 295.663 5Christianity 275.663 5

(see also Upper Class)Weapons [-5635] (for example)

Comparative religion 205.635Islam 285.635

Weddings [-8853] (for example)

Christianity 278.853Hinduism 228.853

Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church(see Presbyterian churches)

Wesleyan Conference

(see Methodist churches)Methodist Church

(see Methodist churches)Reform Union

(see Methodist churches) Reformers

(see Methodist churches)Whitsunday 277.7

Celebration, liturgy 278.857 7Wica 212.363Will and testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 294.64.A6Wilmette temple

as a (Bahá’í) holy place 298.267 1Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

(see Lutheran churches)Wisdom

Human virtue [-5439](for example)


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Bahá’í Faith 295.439Confucianism 253.543 9

Literature (Bible) 264.47Apocrypha 264.483

Christian treatment 274.483 83Old Testament 264.47

Christian treatment 274.437Pseudepigrapha 264.492 3

Christian treatment 274.483 923of God [-512542]

(for example)Islam 285.125 42Sikhism 238.512 542

of Solomon (Apocryphal book) 264.483Christian treatment 274.483 83

Tablet of 294.54.L42Words of (Bahá’í Scripture) 294.54.A5

Wise menAdoration of the 273.132 48

Witchcraftas Creed in its own right 212.363Religious practice [-863]

(for example)Comparative religion 208.63African religions 217.610 863

Revivals of (modern) 212.363Witches

Religious leadersBiography [-36263]

(for example)Comparative religion 203.626 3Witchcraft 212.363 362 63

Role and function [-96263](for example)

Comparative religion 209.626 3Witchcraft 212.363 962 63

Withdrawalof Bahá’u’lláh into Kurdistan 293.232 5of Jesus into the wilderness 273.133 3Monasticism [-9586]

(for example)Buddhism 249.586Christianity 279.586

Withdrawal (continued from last column)Personal asceticism [-846]

(for example)Hinduism 228.46Islam 288.46

Priestly [-9636](for example)

Christianity 279.636Comparative religion 209.636

Witness bearingChristianity 279.842

WitnessesJehovah’s (Christian denomination) 272.773 7

WivesDevotional literature for [-832435]

(for example)Christianity 278.324 35Judaism 268.324 35

Guides to religious life for [-540435](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.404 35Buddhism 245.404 35

of Muhammad 283.32 (see also Women, Marriage, Adultery, Care of Children)

WomenCommunity care and support of [-986343]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 43Comparative Religion 209.863 43

Devotional literature for [-83243](for example)

Christianity 278.324 3Judaism 268.324 3

Guides to religious life for [-54043](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.404 3Buddhism 245.404 3

Ordination of [-9643](for example)

Christianity 279.643Judaism 269.643

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-98543] (for example)

Hinduism 229.854.3Islam 289.854 3

Women (continued from last column)Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-9657543]

(for example)Christian 279.657 543Judaism 269.657 543


Relative Index

Religious education of [-87543](for example)

Christian 278.754 3Comparative religion 208.754 3

Religious law concerning [-65643](for example)Jewish 266.564 3Muslim 286.564 3

Religious ordersCatholic churches 279.565 5Eastern and orthodox churches 279.564 5Protestant churches 279.566 5

Religious societies for [-94443](for example)

Bahá’í 299.444 3Jewish 269.444 3

Rites for [-88525](for example)

Comparative religion 208.852 5Judaism 268.852 5

Surah of Koran 284.514(see also Equality, Female, Feminism, Wives, Mothers)

Word of GodJesus as 275.214Scripture [-4]

(for example)Islam (Koran) 284Sikhism (Granth) 238.4

(see also other holy books, e.g. Bible, Bhagavad Gita)Words

Hidden 294.54.K3of Paradise 294.54.K2of Wisdom 294.54.A5

Working classesCommunity care and support of [-9863715]

(for example) Christianity 279.863 715Comparative Religion 209.863 715

Collections of scripture for [-4322715] (for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 715Buddhism 244.322 715

Working classes (continued from last column)

Devotional literature for [-832715](for example)

Christianity 278.327 15Judaism 268.327 15

Outreach to – evangelisation of [-985715] (for example)

Hinduism 229.857 15Islam 289.857 15

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-96575715](for example)

Christian 279.657 571 5Judaism 269.657 571 5

Religious education of [-875715](for example)

Christian 278.757 15Comparative religion 208.757 15


Moral behaviour [-54](for example)

Hinduism 225.4Judaism 265.4

Soteriology [-534755](for example)

Comparative religion 205.347 55Christianity 275.347 55

Revealed by

‘Abdu’l-Bahá 294.64

the Báb 294.44

Bahá’u’lláh 294.54

WorldCommunity of al-Islam in the West 283.794 6

Federation [-5655](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.655

Comparative religion 205.655


of Religions [-922](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 299.22

Roman Catholicism 272.753 922

of Religious orders [-9522](for example)

Buddhism 249.522

Christianity 279.522

World (continued from last column)

Peace [-5636](for instance)

Hinduism 225.636


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Islam 285.636

Peace Day (Bahá’í celebration of) 297.95

Religion Day (Bahá’í celebration of) 297.93

Unity [-5655](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 295.655

Comparative religion 205.655

Worship [-88] (for example)

Hinduism 228.8

Judaism 268.8

Wrapped up, TheSurah of Koran 284.591

Wrathof God [-5337]

(for example)

Christianity 275.337

Islam 285.337

Human vice [-5438](for example)

Buddhism 245.438

Zoroastrianism 258.543 8


Holy (scripture) [-4]

(for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294

Sikhism 238.4

Jewish Bible (Ketuvim) 264.47

Christian treatment 274.437

Wycliffe Bible

History of Bible translations 274.195 217

Texts (i.e. actual Bibles) 274.412 17


Yad ha-hazakah 264.64Yadayim 264.553 6Yahya

Bábí leader 292.73.A831Islamic prophet (John the Baptist) 285.217 73

(see also John)Yasin

Surah of Koran 284.549Yashts 258.446Yasna 258.443

Year of patience (Bahá’í divorce law) 296.553 83Yearly Conference of People called Methodists

(see Methodist churches)Yevamot 264.553 3

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 3Mishnah 264.553 3Palestinian Talmud 264.554 3

Yin and Yang [-5322] (for example)

Buddhism 245.322Comparative religion 205.322

YMCA (Association) 279.443 22Yoga [-8533] (for example)

Comparative religion 208.533Hinduism 228.533

Yogacara Buddhism 242.762 7Yom Kippur 267.25

Celebration, liturgy 268.857 25Yoma 264.553 2

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 2Mishnah 264.553 2Palestinian Talmud 264.554 2


Community care and support of [-98633](for example)

Christianity 279.863 3Comparative Religion 209.863 3

Collections of scripture for [-43223](for example)

Bahá’í Faith 294.322 3Buddhism 244.322 3

Guides to religious life for [-5403](for example)

Islam 285.403Judaism 265.403

Devotional literature for [-8323](for example)

Christianity 278.323Hinduism 228.323

Young (continued from last column)

Adults (continued)

Pastoral care of (by clergy) [-965753](for example)


Relative Index

Judaism 269.657 53Sikhism 238.965 753

Religious education of [-8753](for example)

Christian 278.753Comparative religion 208.753

Religious law concerning [-6563](for example)

Jewish 266.563Muslim 286.563

Religious societies for [-9443](for example)

Bahá’í 299.443 Shinto 256.944 3

Theology concerning [-50833] (for example)

Christianity 275.083 3Zoroastrian 258.508 33

Men’s Christian Associations 279.443 22Women’s Christian Associations 279.443 32

Yunus 285.217 68Yusuf

Foster father of Jesus 273.25Law-i- 294.54.L94Son of Jacob 263.236 7

Christian treatment 273.022 367Islamic Prophet 285.217 44

Surah of Koran 284.523YWCA (Association) 279.443 32


Zakariya 285.217 69Zakat 288.9Zavim 264.553 6Zaydites 282.738Zaynu’l-Muqarrabin, Law-i- 294.54.L95Zeal (human virtue) [-5488] (for example)

Islam 285.488Sikhism 238.548 8

Zealots (ancient Jewish sects) 262.741 6Zebedee (sons of) 273.33Zebulun (son of Jacob)

Christianity 273.022 347Jewish and “neutral” treatment 263.234 7

Zechariah Biblical book 264.463 73

Christian treatment 274.436 373Islamic prophet 285.217 69

Zen Buddhism 242.766Zephaniah (Biblical book) 264.463 63

Christian treatment 274.436 363Zera‘im 264.553 1

Babylonian Talmud 264.555 1Mishnah 264.553 1Palestinian Talmud 264.554 1

Zevahim 264.553 5Babylonian Talmud 264.555 5Mishnah 264.553 5

Ziyarat-i-namih(Bahá’u’lláh) 294.54.Z3(‘Abdu’l-Bahá) 294.64.Z5

Ziyarat-i-namih-i-Awliya 294.54.Z4Bábu’l-Báb va Quddus 294.54.Z5Bayt 294.54.Z6Maryam 294.54.Z7Siyyidu’sh-Shuhada 294.54.Z8

Ziyarat-i-Sháh ‘Abdu’l-Azim 294.44.Z5Ziyarih

Law-i- 294.54.L96Súriy-i- 294.54.S983

Zohar 264.752Zombiism [-8665] (for example)

African religions 217.608 665Comparative religion 208.665

ZoroasterBahá’í Manifestation of God 295.217 58Zoroastrianism 258.31

Zoroastrianism 258Zubur, Súriy-i- 294.54.S987Zuhur, Súriy-i- 294.54.S989


Table of Equivalent Numbersin Standard Dewey 21

Equivalent Number TableThis table is essentially a selection of the numbers used in the standard Dewey 21 schedule 200s – with at least

one equivalent number from this Phoenix schedule for each. It is designed to assist in “translating” Dewey 21 numbers, from wherever these may have been acquired, into their Phoenix schedule equivalent.

The following reservations and cautions about its use are important: Older works bearing a Dewey number may well have been classified some years ago, possibly under

a “former” (pre-21) edition of DDC. Since this table was compiled a further Dewey edition (22) has been published. While many numbers have remained the same over a number of editions, especially in a relatively static area like the 200s, each edition does typically include revisions and changes. It is obviously not practicable to attempt to cover numbers peculiar to old (or new!) editions of Dewey in a table like this. For the moment edition 21 is the most likely and has been retained for this table.

The old schedule has numerous “options”. Numbers acquired from CIP (Cataloguing in Publication) data, or from Library of Congress or other shared cataloguing will follow the “preferred” or standard form of the DDC schedule; but this will not necessarily apply to class numbers derived from work in other libraries, especially specialist religious libraries. These may well have followed one or more of the options allowed for in Dewey 21 (or even in older editions, where the available options were in some cases quite different!). Again, the possibilities raised by these options cannot be covered here.

This Phoenix schedule is, generally, much more detailed than the equivalent section of standard Dewey. What this means, in practice, is that while the phoenix numbers are mostly quite specific, the corresponding “old” numbers are sometimes rather vague, and can cover wide, even diverse, subject areas. In cases like this, classification from scratch may prove quicker and easier than choosing be-tween several possibilities from this table. Either way, the actual subject of the work concerned needs to be carefully considered in order to make an informed choice! Bahá’í users of this schedule, in part -icular, should note that Dewey numbers in or attached to old Bahá’í works are almost totally useless; there is essentially only one number for the Faith in the standard schedule, and while this number can in theory be built on, this has in practice been done to a very limited extent at best. The rule must be: classify all Bahá’í works from scratch!

On the other hand in a few places – for instance the very comprehensive list of Christian denominations, mostly American, in standard DDC – we have “consolidated” the schedule slightly. This should in theory be less of a problem, but it is still worth watching. See the manual note at 272.74/9 vs. 270/9 (3) for a method of building a specific number for any Christian denomination.

There are some basic terminological differences between the two schedules. “Comparative religion” and “Philosophy of religion”, for instance, overlap much more in this schedule than they do in the standard one (see the manual note at 100 vs. 200). The “Old Testament” of the Christian Bible is for us a Jewish document; whereas in standard Dewey it is essentially treated as “Christian property”. The total effect of these differences is that some numbers in the “old” schedule have a degree of ambiguity in the context of the new; and vice versa, of course.

In any case, this table should never be construed as a simple one to one equivalence between the numbers listed. Always check back in the schedule to make sure that:

1. The subject of the work concerned (and this needs to be determined) fits the number in this schedule. Usually it should be close, at least; but sometimes, for various reasons, it will be wide of the mark!2. This subject fits into the general context of the schedule. If necessary, refer back to the relative index (of this schedule) to check for alternate contexts available.3. There is not a more specific (or more general!) number in the schedule that better defines the subject of the work concerned.

Do not waste time in pursuing any obscure, ambiguous, or otherwise difficult “old” Dewey numbers through this table. If any problems arise: quickly abandon the old number altogether, and simply reclassify the work from scratch. This will probably prove quicker and less intellectually taxing, not to mention more likely to produce an appropriate and accurate class number for the work concerned.

In fact, the overuse of this table, especially any kind of “mechanical” application, is not to be recommended: classification from scratch, without reference to any earlier number a work may have acquired, is often easier as well as more accurate. On the other hand, judiciously applied, this table should save time for (say) users faced with the task of converting an existing Dewey library to the new schedule, or of adding a pile of “discards” from another Dewey library. It may also help a cataloguer who is very familiar with the old schedule to quickly find his/her bearings; at least until (s)he becomes equally comfortable with the new one.


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

200 200200.82 205.083 43200.842 205.083 3200.92 203210 200


211 205.1211.2 205.114211.32 205.113 3211.33 205.112211.34 205.111211.4 212.32211.5 212.1211.6 212.35211.7 205.121 3

212.33211.8 205.121 4

212.34212.1 205.121212.6 205.123212.7 205.125213 201.757 68

205.125 3205.31205.32

214 205.125 4205.342

214.8 205.125 4215 201.75

201.76215.3 201.753215.7 201.757218 205.3220 274220.07 278.764220.12 274.112220.13 274.113220.132 274.113 2220.15 274.149220.404 6 274.13220.520 1 274.412 1220.520 2 274.412 2220.520 3 274.412 3220.520 4 274.412 4220.520 42 274.412 42220.520 43 274.412 43220.520 5 274.412 5

220.520 6 274.412 6220.520 7 274.412 7220.520 8 274.412 8220.520 81 274.412 84220.520 82 274.412 85220.520 83 274.412 87220.6 274.14220.601 274.142220.61 274.142220.64 274.144220.65 274.145220.66 274.146220.67 274.147220.68 274.148220.8 274.17220.830 54 274.183 43220.858 274.175 8220.859 274.175 9220.9 274.182220.91 274.186220.920 82 274.183 43220.93 274.193220.95 274.182220.950 5 274.322 2221 274.43221.044 274.437 4222 274.435222.1 274.435222.11 274.435 1222.12 274.435 2222.13 274.435 3222.14 274.435 4222.15 274.435 5222.2 274.436 11222.32 274.436 12222.35 274.437 42222.4 274.436 13222.5 274.436 14222.6 274.437 8222.7 274.437 6222.8 274.437 7222.9 274.437 45223 274.437223.1 274.437 3223.2 274.437 1223.7 274.437 2223.8 274.437 44223.9 274.437 41

224 274.436224.1 274.436 23224.2 274.436 24224.3 274.437 43224.4 274.436 25224.5 274.437 5224.6 274.436 323224.7 274.436 325224.8 274.436 333224.9 274.436 3224.91 274.436 335224.92 274.436 343224.93 274.436 345224.94 274.434 353224.95 274.436 355224.96 274.436 363224.97 274.436 365224.98 274.436 373224.99 274.436 375225 274.47226 274.472226.1 274.472 145226.2 274.472 5226.3 274.472 6226.4 274.472 7226.5 274.472 8226.6 274.474226.8 274.472 3226.9 274.472 3226.93 274.472 3226.96 274.472 3227 274.476227.1 274.476 21227.2 274.476 22227.4 274.476 23227.5 274.476 24227.6 274.476 25227.7 274.476 26227.81 274.476 271227.82 274.476 272227.83 274.476 281227.84 274.476 282227.85 274.476 291227.86 274.476 292227.87 274.476 293227.9 274.476 5227.91 274.476 51227.92 274.476 521


Table of Equivalent Numbers between Standard Dewey 21 and this Schedule

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

227.93 274.476 522227.94 274.476 531227.95 274.476 532227.96 274.476 533227.97 274.476 54228 274.478229 274.48229.1 274.483 81229.22 274.483 821229.24 274.483 822229.27 274.483 823229.3 274.483 83229.4 274.483 84229.5 274.483 853

274.483 855229.6 274.483 861

274.483 862274.483 863274.483 88

229.7 274.483 87229.8 274.487 2229.9 274.483 9229.911 274.483 91229.912 274.483 92229.913 274.483 93229.914 274.483 94229.92 274.487229.925 274.487 4229.93 274.487 6229.94 274.487 8230 270

275230.01 275.017230.041 275.011 43230.041 56 275.011 47230.046 26 275.017230.046 3 275.04230.046 4 275.059230.071 1 278.7230.082 275.055230.089 275.086230.089 96 275.083 796230.09 275.086231 275.1231.042 275.123 231.044 275.11

275.111 3231.1 275.111 31

231.2 275.111 32231.3 275.111 33231.4 275.125231.5 275.125 4231.6 275.125 42

275.18231.7 275.125 41231.72 275.125 41231.73 275.275

275.326 35231.74 275.214231.745 278.68231.76 278.1231.765 275.125 3

275.326 3231.765 2 271.757 68

275.326 5231.8 275.125

275.342232 273.11

275.21232.1 275.21232.12 275.219232.2 275.214232.3 275.218232.4 275.218 3232.5 273.135232.8 275.111 32

275.212232.901 273.13232.908 273.11232.91 273.21232.911 273.212232.912 273.132 2232.914 273.214232.917 273.215232.92 273.132

273.2232.921 273.132 3232.922 273.132 43232.923 273.132 48232.928 273.132 8232.932 273.25232.933 273.22

273.23232.94 273.05232.95 273.133

232.955 275.215232.956 273.133 5232.957 273.133 7232.96 273.134

273.135232.961 273.134 2232.962 273.134 4232.963 273.134 6232.964 273.135 2232.966 278.27232.967 273.135 3232.97 273.135233 275.3233.11 275.31233.14 275.343233.4 275.344233.5 275.313

275.324233.7 275.325234 275.34234.1 275.347 53234.13 275.347 532


234.131 278.62234.132 278.564234.161 275.347 532234.161 2 275.347 532 2234.161 3 275.347 532 4234.162 275.347 535234.163 275.347 537234.164 279.64234.165 276.553234.166 275.345

278.865234.23 275.311234.3 275.346234.5 275.345234.5 275.347234.6 275.475234.9 275.325235 275.25235.2 275.27235.24 275.271235.3 275.255235.4 275.258 235.471 275.258 1236 275.33


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

236.1 275.324 236.2 275.348236.21 275.332236.22 275.324236.23 275.324 8236.24 275.348236.4 275.348 8236.8 275.333236.9 275.335

275.337238 272.73

275238.11 272.732238.142 272.734238.144 272.736239.7 271.612 3 239.93 271.612 52240 275.4

278.8241 275.4241.1 275.316241.2 275.4

276241.3 275.342


241.31 275.343 3241.4 275.4241.5 276.1241.52 276.12241.53 276.13241.54 275.443

276.11241.62 275.532241.621 275.65241.622 275.41

275.65241.624 275.655241.624 2 275.438

275.63275.653 23

241.624 22 275.635 5241.63 275.404 4

276.553 8241.64 275.5241.641 275.52241.642 275.561

241.642 4 275.443 73241.644 275.565241.649 57 275.557241.65 271.778

276.328 2241.66 275.322

275.429241.667 276.322 8241.672 275.446241.675 275.415241.676 2 275.455241.676 5 276.553 3241.68 275.433

275.663 5241.681 275.433

276.324 54241.691 275.442

275.443 73241.693 275.442 5

275.442 7241.695 275.446

275.473241.697 271.736 466

275.438275.443 73275.633276.324

241.697 6 276.322 6242 278.3242.2 278.3242.3 277242.33 277.3242.332 277.32242.335 277.34242.35 277.5242.36 277.5242.38 277.7242.4 278.326242.5 278.35242.62 278.322242.63 278.323242.642 278.324 2242.642 1 278.324 21242.643 278.324 3242.643 1 278.324 31242.643 5 278.324 35242.644 278.325 44

242.645 278.324 5242.646 278.324 6242.722 274.325242.74 278.338 21242.8 278.331246 271.77

278.83246.53 278.837 4246.55 278.835246.558 278.835 3246.6 278.833246.7 278.84246.72 271.779 2


246.723 278.838246.75 278.84246.9 271.772

279.26246.97 279.526247 278.837247.1 278.837 3248.2 278.5248.22 278.58248.24 278.54

279.861 3248.25 279.861 3248.29 278.56248.3 278.8248.32 278.33248.34 278.53248.4 278


248.46 276278.3

248.47 278.4248.5 279.842248.6 278.9

276.316 4248.82 275.402248.83 275.403248.834 275.403 4248.84 275.404248.842 275.404 2248.842 1 275.404 21


Table of Equivalent Numbers between Standard Dewey 21 and this Schedule

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

248.842 5 275.404 25248.843 275.404 3248.843 1 275.404 31248.843 5 275.404 35248.844 275.404 4248.845 275.404 5248.846 275.404 6248.861 275.406 1248.862 275.406 2248.866 275.406 6248.88 275.5248.894 275.409 5

279.5248.894 3 275.409 53249 278.324 4250 279.255251 278.737251.07 278.739 4

278.739 6252 278.737253 279.657

279.863253.2 279.601253.25 279.632 3253.5 279.862253.53 279.657253.7 278.73254 279.255254.5 276.31

279.8254.7 279.26254.8 279.117255 279.5255.01 279.553 1255.02 279.553 2255.03 279.553 3255.04 279.553 4255.06 279.553 6255.07 279.553 7255.08 279.553 8255.092 279.553 92255.093 279.553 93255.094 279.553 94255.095 279.553 95255.1 279.565 3255.11 279.565 311255.12 279.565 312

255.125 279.565 312 5255.13 279.565 313255.14 279.565 314255.16 279.565 316255.17 279.565 317255.18 279.565 318255.19 279.565 319255.2 279.565 32255.3 279.565 33255.36 279.565 336255.37 279.565 337255.38 279.565 338255.4 279.565 34255.42 279.565 342255.45 279.565 345255.47 279.565 347255.49 279.565 349255.5 279.565 35255.51 279.565 351255.52 279.565 352255.53 279.565 353255.54 279.565 354255.55 279.565 355255.56 279.565 356255.57 279.565 357255.58 279.565 358255.62 279.565 362255.64 279.565 364255.71 272.565 381255.73 279.565 382255.75 279.565 383255.76 279.565 384255.77 279.565 385255.78 279.565 386255.791 279.565 37255.791 2 279.565 372255.791 3 279.565 373255.791 4 279.565 374255.83 279.566255.9 279.5

279.555255.907 279.555 7255.9093 279.555 93255.93 279.565 53255.95 279.565 55255.971 279.565 56255.972 279.565 57

255.973 279.565 58255.974 279.565 591255.975 279.565 592255.977 279.565 594259.086 64 279.657 548 4259.086 643 279.657 548 43259.1 279.863 44

279.657 544259.22 279.657 32259.23 279.657 53259.24 279.657 534259.25 279.657 53259.3 279.657 55259.4 279.657 561259.41 279.657 561259.411 279.657 561259.417 5 279.657 561 75259.42 279.657 562259.428 279.657 562 8259.429 279.657 562 9259.429 2 279.657 562 92259.44 279.657 564259.5 279.657 565259.6 279.657 566261 271.77261.2 271.6261.21 271.612 3

275.665 5261.26 271.66261.27 271.68261.5 271.7261.51 271.71261.513 271.612 365

271.713 3261.515 271.715261.530 1 271.730 1261.55 271.75261.557 271.757261.56 271.76261.561 271.761261.57 271.77261.578 271.778261.58 271.78261.7 271.732

275.65261.72 275.415 1

276.321 2261.73 276.53


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

261.8 275.41275.66

261.832 1 275.444279.863 61

261.832 175 279.863 617 5261.832 2 279.863 62261.832 29 275.083 629261.832 5 275.663 5

279.863 71261.832 7 276.324 7261.832 71 276.324 742261.833 276.3261.833 6 276.57261.834 275.411

275.415275.663 5

261.834 23 275.083 2261.834 24 275.083 3261.834 242 275.083 3261.834 4 275.083 43261.834 42 275.322261.834 562 275.083 715261.834 8 275.321261.835 736 276.322 2261.835 766 275.083 48261.835 766 3 275.083 484 3261.835 81 279.863 44261.835 843 276.553 22261.835 85 275.083 44261.835 89 276.553 8261.836 2 271.757 7261.836 5 271.757 6261.836 666 276.322 6261.85 275.663261.87 271.732 7

275.655261.873 275.63

275.653 23261.873 2 275.635 5262 279262.001 1 272.719262.006 81 279.117262.1 279.6262.11 279.611262.12 279.611 2262.135 279.611 2262.136 272.753 9

279.18262.14 279.611 3

279.613 3279.64

262.15 279.615279.617

262.2 279.255262.22 279.255262.24 279.5262.3 279.253

279.611262.4 279.18

279.25262.5 279.18

279.3262.72 276.321262.8 272.7

276.321262.9 272.753 653


263 278.85263.041 278.21263.042 278.26263.042 569 442 278.261 1263.1 277.1263.9 277263.912 277.32263.915 277.34263.92 277.4

277.5263.925 277.45

277.5263.93 277.5263.94 277.7263.98 277.9264 278.8264.001 278.81264.020 15 272.753 882264.020 36 272.753 882 2

272.753 887 3264.020 8 272.753 885264.021 272.753 885 7264.024 272.753 882264.027 272.753 882 3264.027 2 272.753 885 75264.027 4 272.753 857 56264.03 272.762 882264.030 15 272.762 882264.030 36 272.762 882 2

272.762 887 3264.030 8 272.762 885264.031 272.762 885 7

264.1 278.823264.13 278.331

278.823264.15 278.82

278.858 8264.2 278.84264.23 278.844264.34 278.824264.36 272.753 887 3

278.873265 278.85265.1 278.852265.12 278.852 22265.13 278.852 24265.2 278.852 7265.4 278.875265.5 278.853265.61 278.86265.62 278.863265.63 278.865265.64 278.866265.66 278.866265.7 278.867265.82 278.867265.85 278.854265.92 278.882265.94 278.64266 279.8

279.87266.022 279.863266.023 279.87267 279.4267.16 279.422 2267.3 279.443 22267.5 279.443 32267.6 279.443267.61 279.425 7268 278.7268.092 273.627268.3 279.627268.432 278.752268.433 278.753268.434 278.754268.6 278.73268.632 278.737268.635 278.738 6268.67 278.736


Table of Equivalent Numbers between Standard Dewey 21 and this Schedule

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

269 279.86269.24 279.861269.26 279.849269.6 278.46270 272.5270.084 2 275.083 3270.086 64 275.083 484270.1 272.53270.2 272.54270.3 272.55270.38 272.553270.4 272.555270.6 272.57

272.726270.82 272.58


271.01 279.553 1271.02 279.553 2271.03 279.553 3271.04 279.553 4271.06 279.553 6271.07 279.553 7271.08 279.553 8271.092 279.553 92271.092 02 273.5271.093 279.553 93271.094 279.553 94271.095 279.553 95271.11 279.565 311271.12 279.565 312271.125 279.565 312 5271.13 279.565 313271.14 279.565 314271.16 279.565 316271.17 279.565 317271.18 279.565 318271.19 279.565 319271.2 279.565 32271.3 279.565 33271.36 279.565 336271.37 279.565 337271.38 279.565 338271.4 279.565 34271.42 279.565 342271.45 279.565 345271.47 279.565 347

271.49 279.565 349271.5 279.565 35271.51 279.565 351271.53 279.565 353271.54 279.565 354271.55 279.565 355271.56 279.565 356271.57 279.565 357271.58 279.565 358271.62 279.565 362271.64 279.565 364271.71 272.565 381271.73 279.565 382271.75 279.565 383271.76 279.565 384271.77 279.565 385271.791 279.565 37271.791 2 279.565 372271.791 3 279.565 373271.791 4 279.565 374271.9 279.525271.900 2 273.5271.907 279.555 7271.909 3 279.555 93271.93 279.565 53271.95 279.565 55271.97 279.565 593271.97 279.565 595271.971 279.565 56271.972 279.565 57271.973 279.565 58271.974 279.565 591271.975 279.565 592271.977 279.565 594272 272.712272.2 272.712 3272.8 272.727273 272.7273.1 272.721273.2 272.722273.3 272.723273.4 272.724273.5 272.725273.6 272.726273.7 272.727273.9 272.729


280 272.7280.042 272.719280.4 272.57


281.5 272.74272.752

281.6 272.742281.62 272.742 3281.63 272.742 5

272.743 2281.72 272.747281.8 272.748281.9 272.743281.947 272.743 5282 272.75282.092 273.611 2283 272.762284.1 272.764284.2 272.766284.3 272.763284.4 272.767284.5 272.765284.6 272.763284.8 272.757284.84 272.758284.9 272.759285 272.766 7285.8 272.766 8285.9 272.727286 272.768286.6 272.768 278286.63 272.785 2286.7 272.773286.732 272.773 4287 272.769287.93 272.789287.96 272.786289.1 272.781289.3 272.798289.32 272.798 4289.322 272.798 44289.333 272.798 27.R3289.4 272.793289.5 272.792289.52 272.792 4289.6 272.783 3


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

289.7 272.783 5289.73 272.783 55289.8 272.783 8289.9 272.772 2

272.772 6272.791

289.92 272.773 7289.93 272.797 6289.94 272.775289.95 272.77289.96 272.794289.97 272.795289.98 272.796291 200291.042 202.52

217291.046 202.59291.13 204.85291.14 205.1291.172 201.6291.175 201.7291.177 201.732


291.177 2 205.415 1 206.321 2291.177 3 206.53291.178 205.41

205.66291.178 321 205.444

209.863 61291.178 321 75 209.863 617 5291.178 322 209.863 62291.178 322 8 205.443 73

209.863 628291.178 322 9 205.083 629

209.863 629 291.178 322 92 209.863 629 2291.178 325 205.663 5

209.863 71291.178 327 206.324 7291.178 327 1 206.324 742291.178 33 206.3291.178 336 206.57291.178 34 205.411

205.415205.663 5

291.178 342 3 205.083 2291.178 342 35 205.083 3291.178 342 4 205.083 4291.178 342 42 205.083 3291.178 344 205.083 43291.178 344 2 205.322291.178 345 62 205.083 715291.178 348 205.321291.178 356 9 206.553 8291.178 357 36 206.322 2291.178 357 66 205.083 48291.178 357 663 205.083 484 3291.178 358 1 209.863 44291.178 358 43 206.553 22291.178 358 5 205.083 44291.178 362 201.757 7291.178 365 201.757 6291.178 366 66 206.322 6291.178 5 205.663

205.665 7291.178 7 201.732 7


291.178 73 205.63205.653 23

291.178 732 205.635 5291.2 201.48

205291.208 2 205.055291.208 996 205.083 796291.21 205.113 5


291.211 205.1205.23

291.211 2 205.115205.125 41205.125205.18

291.211 4 205.115 5291.211 7 205.125 4

205.214205.326 35208.68

291.211 8 205.125 4205.342

291.212 205.232205.233 5208.837 6

291.213 205.253291.214 205.233291.215 205.255291.216 205.258

212.363291.218 208.837 4291.22 205.3

206.553291.23 205.324


291.237 205.324 2291.24 201.757 68

205.125 3205.31205.326

291.3 208.6209.86212.365

291.31 208.62291.32 204.149

208.68291.34 208.86

208.9291.35 208.26291.351 208.21291.36 207

208.858291.37 201.779 2

208.83208.84208.862 3

291.38 208.64208.8

291.4 208.3208.8

291.41 209.863 913291.42 208.5

208.64209.861 3

291.422 208.58291.43 208.324 4


291.432 208.32291.433 208.33291.435 208.53


Table of Equivalent Numbers between Standard Dewey 21 and this Schedule

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

291.436 208.533291.44 205.4

208291.440 81 205.404 2291.440 82 205.404 3291.440 83 205.402291.440 877 205.406 1291.441 205.404 4

206.55208.325 44

291.442 205.406209.863 66

291.446 206.33208.3208.9

291.447 208.4291.5 205.316


291.562 205.532205.655

291.562 1 205.637 8205.653 2

291.562 2 205.41291.562 4 205.635291.562 42 205.438

205.63291.562 42 205.637

205.653 23291.562 422 205.635291.563 205.404 4

206.553 8291.564 205.5291.564 1 205.52291.564 2 205.561291.564 24 205.443 73291.564 4 205.565291.564 957 205.557291.565 201.778

201.779 6291.566 206.322 6


291.566 7 206.322 8

291.567 2 205.446291.567 5 205.415291.567 62 205.455291.567 65 206.553 3291.567 7 205.44

205.45291.568 205.433

205.434205.444205.663 5

291.568 1 206.324 54291.569 1 205.442

205.443 73291.569 3 205.442 5

205.442 7291.569 5 205.446

205.473291.569 7 201.736 466

205.438205.443 73205.633206.324 76

291.569 76 206.322 6291.61 209.6291.610 82 209.643291.63 203.1291.65 209

206.321291.657 209.5291.72 209.87291.75 208.7291.8 204291.81 204.8291.82 204.13

204.14291.84 206

206.53291.9 202.7

212.5292 202.53

214292.07 214.76292.08 214.8292.13 202.534 83

214.764 85214.848 5

292.211 214.052 3214.852 3

292.212 205.232 14

292.221 214.765 23293 214.63293.13 214.634 85293.211 214.635 23294 202.654

214.4294.3 240294.333 244.85294.337 245.653 2294.337 2 241.6294.337 5 241.75

241.77294.337 7 241.732

245.653 2245.654

294.337 8 245.66294.337 832 5 245.663 5

249.863 71294.337 87 241.732 7

245.655294.337 873 245.63294.342 245294.342 11 245.23294.342 2 245.3

245.324 2245.343

294.342 3 245.324 245.33

294.342 3 245.348245.349

294.342 37 245.324 2294.342 4 245.326 3294.343 5 248.26294.343 6 247294.343 7 241.77


294.343 8 248.8248.823248.854 3

294.344 248.3248.8

294.344 2 248.5248.54

294.344 22 248.58294.344 3 248.33



A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

294.344 32 248.32294.344 33 248.33294.344 35 248.53294.344 36 248.533294.344 4 245.4


294.344 41 246.55248.325 44

294.344 43 248.331294.344 47 248.4294.35 245.316

245.4294.356 245.404 4

245.655294.356 2 245.532294.356 21 245.637 8

245.653 2294.356 22 245.41294.356 242 245.63294.356 3 245.404 4

246.553 8294.356 42 245.561294.356 6 246.322 6

245.429246.322 4

294.356 77 245.44245.45

294.356 8 245.433245.434245.663 5

294.356 91 245.442245.443 73

294.356 93 245.442 5245.442 7

294.356 97 241.736 466245.438245.443 73245.633246.324 76248.45

294.356 976 246.322 6294.361 249.6294.363 243.1294.365 7 249.5294.375 248.7294.382 244

294.382 2 244.42294.382 3 244.43294.382 32 244.432294.382 322 244.432 2294.382 325 244.435294.382 4 244.44294.383 244.8294.384 246294.385 244.6294.391 242.74294.392 242.76294.392 3 242.764294.392 5 242.764294.392 6 242.765294.392 7 242.766294.392 8 242.767294.4 232294.435 232.826

232.926294.437 232.884294.456 97 232.845294.482 232.44294.492 232.274294.493 232.275294.5 220294.509 013 222.51294.513 224.85294.517 225.653 2294.517 2 221.6294.517 5 221.75

221.77294.517 7 221.732

225.65294.517 8 225.66294.517 832 5 225.663 5

229.863 71294.517 834 568 225.323294.517 87 221.732 7

225.655294.517 873 225.63294.52 225294.521 1 225.11

225.23294.522 225.3294.523 225.33


294.523 7 225.324 2294.524 225.326 3294.535 228.26

229.26294.536 227294.537 221.77


294.538 228.8294.54 228.3

228.8294.542 228.5294.542 2 228.58294.543 228.33

228.8294.543 2 228.32294.543 3 228.33294.543 5 228.53294.543 6 228.533294.544 225.4294.544 228294.544 1 226.55

228.325 44294.544 6 226.334294.544 7 228.4294.548 225.316

225.4294.548 62 225.532294.548 621 225.637 8

225.653 2294.548 622 225.41294.548 624 225.655294.548 624 2 225.63294.548 63 225.404 4

226.553 8294.548 642 225.561294.548 66 226.322 6

225.429226.322 4

294.548 677 225.44225.45

294.548 68 225.43225.663 5

294.548 691 225.442225.443 72

294.548 693 225.442


Table of Equivalent Numbers between Standard Dewey 21 and this Schedule

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

294.548 697 221.736 466225.438225.443 73225.633226.324 76228.45

294.548 697 6 226.322 6294.551 2 222.743294.551 3 222.744294.551 4 222.745294.551 5 222.746294.551 6 222.747294.551 7 222.748294.555 222.76294.556 2 222.783294.556 3 222.785294.561 229.6294.575 228.7294.592 224294.592 1 224.4294.592 12 224.42294.592 13 224.43294.592 14 224.44294.592 15 224.45294.592 18 224.48294.592 2 224.68294.592 3 224.6294.592 4 224.65294.592 5 224.5294.592 6 224.7294.593 224.8294.594 226294.595 224.93294.6 238294.617 2 238.168294.635 238.826

238.926294.663 238.521294.682 238.44295 258295.82 258.44296 260296.082 265.083 43296.086 64 265.083 484296.086 643 265.083 484 3296.1 264296.12 264.5

296.120 4 264.513296.120 6 264.514296.120 601 264.514 2296.120 64 264.514 4296.120 66 264.514 6296.120 67 264.514 7296.123 264.553296.123 1 264.553 1296.123 2 264.553 2296.123 3 264.553 3296.123 4 264.553 4 296.123 47 264.553 47296.123 5 264.553 5296.123 6 264.553 6296.123 7 264.553 7296.124 264.554296.124 1 264.554 1296.124 2 264.554 2296.124 3 264.554 3296.124 4 264.554 4296.125 264.555296.125 2 264.555 2296.125 3 264.555 3296.125 4 264.555 4296.125 5 264.555 5296.126 2 264.556 2296.126 3 264.556 3296.127 4 264.557 4296.127 6 264.557 6296.14 264.57296.141 264.571296.142 264.572296.155 264.735296.16 264.75296.162 264.752296.18 264.6

266296.181 2 264.64296.182 264.65296.185 264.66296.19 264.8296.3 265296.308 2 265.055296.311 265.1296.311 2 265.115 5

265.125 41265.125

296.311 4 265.125 4296.311 5 264.113296.311 55 268.68296.311 6 265.326 35296.311 72 265.1

268.1296.311 8 265.125 4

265.342296.315 265.255296.316 265.258 1296.32 265.3


296.33 265.324265.33265.348

296.336 265.21296.34 261.757 68


296.35 261.6265.316265.342265.4266.1

296.362 265.532296.362 1 265.637 8

265.653 2296.362 2 265.41296.362 4 265.655296.362 42 265.63296.363 265.404 4

266.553 8296.364 265.5296.364 2 265.561296.364 24 265.443 73296.364 4 265.565296.364 957 265.557296.365 266.328 2296.366 266.322 6

265.429266.322 4

296.367 2 265.446296.367 5 265.415296.367 62 265.455


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

296.367 65 266.553 3296.367 7 265.44

265.45296.368 265.43

265.663 5296.368 1 266.324 54296.369 1 265.442

265.443 73296.369 3 265.442296.369 5 265.473296.369 7 261.736 466

265.438265.633285.443 73286.324 76

296.369 76 266.322 6296.369 9 265.43296.371 261.71296.375 261.75296.376 261.76296.377 261.77296.38 261.730 1

261.757 7265.322265.41265.66269.863 71

296.382 261.732265.415 1265.65266.321 2

296.382 7 261.732 7265.63265.655

296.383 265.663265.665 7

296.39 261.6296.396 261.67296.397 261.68296.41 268.857 1296.43 267

268.858296.431 5 267.23296.432 267.25296.433 267.33296.433 9 267.335296.435 267.43296.436 267.45

296.437 267.53296.438 267.55296.439 267.62

267.64296.439 1 267.72296.442 2 268.852 31296.442 3 268.852 33296.442 4 268.852 35296.443 268.852296.443 4 269.852 55296.444 266.553

268.853296.444 3 266.553 22296.444 4 266.553 8296.445 268.854296.446 268.882 3296.45 268.3

268.8296.450 4 268.815 2296.450 42 268.815 6296.453 268.857296.453 15 268.857 23296.453 2 268.857 25296.453 3 268.857 33296.453 39 268.857 335296.453 5 268.857 43296.453 6 268.857 45296.453 7 268.857 53296.453 71 268.857 53296.453 8 268.857 55296.453 9 268.857 62

268.857 64296.454 22 268.852 31296.454 23 268.852 33296.454 5 268.854296.454 6 268.882 3296.46 261.77

268.83296.461 268.837296.461 5 268.835 4296.462 268.84296.47 268.737296.48 268.26296.481 268.21296.482 268.261 1296.491 268.802 1296.492 268.862


296.493 268.802 3296.61 269.6


296.610 82 269.643296.610 869 2 269.657 565296.610 877 269.657 561296.65 269.117

269.26296.67 262.72


296.68 268.7296.680 835 268.753296.7 265.4


296.708 2 265.404 3296.708 3 265.402296.708 35 265.403296.708 77 265.406 1296.71 268.5296.712 268.58296.714 268.54

269.861 3269.863 913

296.72 268.32268.53

296.73 266.33296.74 265.404 4

265.404 5266.55268.325 44

296.742 268.861296.75 268.861 5296.8 262.7296.81 262.741296.812 262.742296.813 262.743296.814 262.744296.815 262.744 5296.817 262.747296.82 262.755296.832 262.762


Table of Equivalent Numbers between Standard Dewey 21 and this Schedule

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

296.833 262.763296.833 2 262.763 2296.833 22 262.763 22296.834 262.764 2

262.764 3296.834 1 262.764296.834 4 262.764 4297 280297.082 285.083 43297.09 285.017297.1 284297.122 284297.122 1 284.113

284.149297.122 4 284.13

284.41297.122 404 5 288.824297.122 6 284.14297.122 601 284.142297.122 67 284.147297.122 68 284.148297.122 9 284.5297.124 284.83297.124 1 284.834 1297.124 2 284.834 2297.124 3 284.834 3297.124 4 284.834 4297.124 5 284.834 5297.124 6 284.834 6297.124 8 284.834 8297.14 286297.18 284.85297.2 285297.211 285.1297.211 2 285.125 41

285.125297.211 3 285.11297.211 5 285.214

288.68297.211 8 285.125 45

285.342297.215 285.255297.216 285.258297.217 285.257297.22 285.3

285.34297.221 285.31

297.225 285.313285.324

297.227 285.325297.23 285.324


297.24 285.22297.242 281.757 68


297.246 285.217297.246 3 285.217 31297.246 5 285.217 77297.261 281.71297.265 281.75297.266 281.76297.267 281.77297.27 281.730 1

285.41285.63285.66289.863 71

297.272 281.732285.653 2285.654285.655

297.273 285.66297.28 281.6297.282 281.66297.283 281.67297.284 3 281.64297.284 5 281.62297.284 6 281.638297.289 281.612 34297.29 281.4

281.6297.292 281.66297.293 281.67297.294 281.62


297.298 281.612 352297.3 288.8297.301 282.740 88297.302 282.730 88297.31 288.1297.33 287.6

297.34 288.15297.35 288.21

288.26297.352 288.261 1297.355 38 288.261 5297.355 694 42 288.262 1297.36 287

288.858297.362 287.6297.37 288.737297.38 288.333

288.8297.382 288.33

288.53297.382 2 288.332297.382 4 288.331297.385 288.854297.39 288.635297.4 288.58297.41 288.585297.43 288.588 8297.438 2 288.588 3

288.588 53297.438 24 288.588 33297.44 288.588297.446 288.588 4297.45 288.588 443297.48 288.589 5297.482 288.589 55297.5 285.316


297.53 288.443297.54 288.9297.562 285.532297.562 1 285.637 8

285.653 2297.562 2 285.41297.562 4 285.655297.562 42 285.63297.563 285.404 4

286.553 8297.564 285.5297.564 2 285.561297.564 4 285.565297.565 286.328 2


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s

Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix Dewey 21 Phoenix

297.566 286.322 6285.429286.322 4

297.567 62 285.455297.567 7 285.44

285.45297.568 285.433

285.434285.663 5

297.568 1 286.324 54297.569 1 285.442

285.443 73297.569 5 285.473297.569 7 281.736 466

285.438285.443 73285.633286.324 76

297.569 76 286.322 6297.57 285.4

288297.570 82 285.404 3297.574 288.54

289.861 3297.576 286.33

288.4297.577 285.404 4

286.55288.325 44

297.61 289.34289.61289.65

297.63 283.1297.633 283.133297.634 283.134297.648 283.38297.72 285.637 4297.74 289.8297.77 288.7297.81 282.74297.811 282.743297.812 282.744297.813 282.745297.814 282.746297.82 282.73297.821 282.732297.822 282.737

297.824 282.738297.83 282.751297.833 282.752297.835 282.754297.837 282.735297.85 282.76297.86 282.77297.87 282.794297.92 292.73297.93 290299.15 214.5299.16 214.64299.31 214.2299.51 217.51299.512 253299.512 82 253.44299.514 254299.54 219.54.B4299.56 202.652299.561 256299.561 13 256.484299.561 211 256.523299.561 35 256.926299.6 202.66

217.6299.62 202.664 85299.63 202.665 23299.64 202.668 68

217.608 665299.672 217.632299.673 217.633299.674 217.634299.675 217.635299.676 217.636299.7 217.7299.72 217.748 5299.73 217.752 3299.74 217.788 374299.8 217.8299.82 218.848 5299.83 217.852 3299.921 5 217.94299.924 202.696

217.96299.93 212.52

212.72299.932 212.71

299.933 212.77299.934 212.74299.935 212.75299.936 212.57


A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s



Appendix A (For Bahá’í Libraries)

The Bahá’í International Library ClassificationBased on the Library of Congress Scheme – at BP300-399

Developed by Mr. William P. CollinsThe Bahá’í International Library at the Bahá’í World Centre some years ago adopted, and still uses, the Library of

Congress Classification. Since the standard LC schedule treats the Faith poorly, (albeit rather better than standard DDC) it was necessary for the foundation librarian at the World Centre, Mr. William P. Collins, to develop an extension and amplification of the LC scheme at this point.

This schedule has at least two apparent advantages over the classification described by this work, one of which is very real, the other, in the writer’s opinion, illusory – and it is only fair to mention them here.

Mr. Collins’ Schedule is in daily use at the Bahá’í World Centre, and has been for some years. There can be no doubt that it “works” – at the very least in that it supplies a place for any work in the existing corpus of Bahá’í literature. In any case, there are potentially very real advantages for any Bahá’í library in standardising cataloguing and classification practice with that of our World Centre.

The Library of Congress Scheme is used by many libraries (especially large academic ones). Most of these libraries gain considerable advantages by using the cataloguing and classification of the parent library – which is of course the largest library in the world – more or less unchanged and unmodified, thus saving a great deal of time, and permitting library staff to concentrate their efforts on other things.

In fact, we very seriously considered adopting Bahá’í International Library practice, together with Mr. Collins’ classification, in the Australian National Centre Libraries. It must be stressed that this remains a perfectly legitimate option for any Bahá’í library. This course of action is by no means as simple as it sounds, however. Mr Collins’ schedule follows (very properly) the philosophy and structure of the Library of Congress classification, and dovetails neatly in to the philosophy and practice of the standard scheme as a whole. In itself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, in fact in this schedule we have endeavoured, to a large extent, to follow the same ideal in relation to DDC. It is unavoidable in both cases, however, that we retain the faults as well as the virtues of the parent schemes.

This is not the place for an extensive analysis of LC, but suffice it to say that it has always been tailored very closely to the needs of the Library of Congress itself. It was not originally intended (as was Dewey) for use in other libraries. As a result it is unquestionably inflexible compared with Dewey, and the libraries in which it works reasonably well tend to share certain characteristics of the Library of Congress. In particular, they tend to be large, and their users tend to rely on finding works through reference to the catalogue, as opposed to browsing the shelves.

An important reason why some libraries have adopted the Library of Congress scheme is the fact that so many works are automatically deposited with the Library of Congress on publication, and thus acquire cataloguing, including a standard LC call number, that can be slotted into the home catalogue when the work is acquired. This obviously saves a great deal of work – as well as permitting new works to be available to borrowers and other users soon after arrival, rather than waiting for weeks or months on a cataloguer’s desk. A library adopting Mr. Collins’ schedule together with the standard LC schedules gains this advantage for all works other than those on the Bahá’í Faith – which must of course be re-classified in accordance with the special Bahá’í extension. If, as may well be the case, the bulk of the works acquired by a Bahá’í library are in fact Bahá’í works – then it follows that the “shared classification” advantage is to a great extent forgone – as this part of the schedule is not standard.

Any Bahá’í librarian intending to use the Library of Congress classification should really have a good look at the complete, standard LC classification, not just Mr. Collins’ excellent extension of the Bahá’í section – and decide if the scheme as a whole is really for them! It is worth pointing out that Mr. Collins himself saw from the beginning that Dewey might well suit some Bahá’í libraries better than LC, and went to the trouble of drawing up a schedule under what was at that time a standard Dewey option for a special “home religion” schedule for the Faith.

Although the writer’s own opinion of the relative virtues of LC and Dewey at times surfaces, the following point by point comparison of the DDC Phoenix schedule with the World Centre adaptation of LC is NOT primarily intended as a relative evaluation. In fact it repeatedly demonstrates the writer’s great debt to Mr. Collins – and that the value of this schedule (if it has any!) owes a great deal to “plunder” of Mr. Collins’ work.

This appendix should prove useful to anyone needing, for any reason, to translate “Collins” numbers into their “Gerard” equivalents (or vice versa), as well as serving as an introduction to either schedule for users of the other.

One last point. In this comparison, we frequently refer to “LC” to mean Mr. Collins’ adaptation, and “DDC” to mean this Phoenix schedule. When “LC” and “DDC” specifically refer to the parent schemes – this is made clear.


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          



The Bahá’í International Library, following Library of Congress practice, groups periodical publications (magazines, newsletters, journals etc.) separately from other materials, and shelves them at the beginning, before, for instance, general reference works, introductions to the Faith etc.

If it is desired to arrange periodical literature in a similar manner (i.e. separately from books and other formats in which library materials might be held) in a Bahá’í library organised using the DDC Phoenix schedule, then this remains quite feasible: by adding a prefix letter (conventionally an “S”) to the call number, and simply shelving the periodicals in a separate sequence (on a different shelf – even, perhaps, in a different room or building).

So far as subject classification is concerned, however, what is important is the information in a particular package, not the format the package might be in. In other words, books, periodicals, sound recordings, computer data files, photographs, and so on are all treated in exactly the same way in so far as subject classification is concerned. They may even actually be shelved in one sequence – although this is not always practicable, it is in some ways the ideal. If we have to have separate sequences for (for instance) print materials, sound recordings, and archive files - this principle ensures that at the very least, each sequence will be arranged in the same way.

Using this schedule, then, we class a periodical just as if it were a book (or any other type of information medium). In practice, however, a typical shelf of periodicals in a “Collins” library will differ rather less from that in a “Gerard” one than one might expect – assuming that these publications are shelved separately from other materials in both cases. The “S” attached to the Dewey numbers here need not be used except by a library doing this, of course.

General publications BP300.A1 (General, Cutter by title) ……S290 (Cutter by title)

For example:Bahá’í International Community ……S290.B3Bahá’í World Centre ……S290.B34

This looks very straightforward – but not all the “general” serial publications enumerated in the Collins schedule at this point will be classed at 290 – but only those that are about the Bahá’í Faith itself, in the most general sense, or that are in fact “general” magazines in the wider sense, with a strong Bahá’í orientation.

The journals of particular Bahá’í associations and other organisations are classed with the numbers for those organisations, under 299.4 – note that in the Collins scheme the following are all grouped at BP300 and arranged alphabetically by title, with no other grouping. In each case the Dewey call number might be completed with a Cutter number for the name of the society concerned, of course.

Thus (for example): Journals for Bahá’ís in recovery ……S299.446 29Bahá’í computer user’s associations ……S299.450 04Organisations for Bahá’í studies ……S299.452 9

Huqúqu’lláh Institution ……S299.452 963 164 2Bahá’í Esperanto associations ……S299.454 999 92

Although – a general Bahá’í magazine that happened to be in Esperanto would be treated differently from a journal (either in English or Esperanto) about the use of the language in relation to the Bahá’í Faith – the first would be classed at S290 – even if it were shelved in a separate “Esperanto” section.

Bahá’í medical and health agencies etc. ……S299.456 1Bahá’í associations for the arts ……S299.457


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            

Periodicals – Continental BP300.1 ……S292.6(4-9) by Dewey table 2Periodicals – National BP300.2 ……S292.6(4-9) by Dewey table 2

In LC, periodicals are listed under each heading alphabetically (using Cutter numbers) by country or region (table III), then by alphabetically again (further Cutter numbers) by title.

In the Phoenix schedule, all serials concerned with the Faith in particular continents, countries, or regions are grouped under 292.6, arranged geographically (by Dewey table 2) rather than the alphabetical listing favoured by LC. However, general periodicals that simply happen to be published in a particular country (continent, region, location) will be classed at 290 unless there is a definite national (or regional, local) slant to actual content.



In LC Bahá’í statistics have a separate, detached number - here, again, before general works on the Faith. In the DDC Phoenix, these statistics are shelved under “Bahá’í Administration” (299) . LC does not include a breakdown of the heading, but DDC allows for geographical division by Dewey table 2 at this point.

Statistics BP302 ……299.04(4-9) by Dewey table 2



In LC programmes for use in celebrating Bahá’í feasts, holy days, commemorations, etc. are classed under this number. No subdivision is specified. In DDC these programmes are shelved with other works covering the celebration of Bahá’í feasts and holy days – under the general category “Bahá’í worship” (298.8). This heading is further subdivided, so that any particular feast or holy day can be specified. At 298.82 there is a heading for “services, programmes” for Bahá’í worship in general, i.e. not connected with particular occasions. Programmes for Bahá’í weddings, funerals etc. will be classed with other works on the celebrations of these occasions, under 298.85

Programs BP303 ……298.857

(also – see above note)General Bahá’í worship ……298.82Bahá’í weddings ……298.853Bahá’í funerals ……298.854Celebration of the feast of Mashíyyat ……298.857 351Celebration of Naw Rúz ……298.857 5


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          


Congresses, Conventions, Regional meetings

LC distinguishes between conventions, held for electoral purposes – and conferences, held for the purposes of “deepening, study and fellowship”, but basically groups them together here. In this DDC Phoenix conventions are classed with other works on Bahá’í elections, under 299.158 – while 299.18 is used for administrative meetings and conferences in general. The use of conferences and other Bahá’í functions for teaching is covered by 299.844, while 298.735 specifically covers the deepening function of conventions and conferences.

General BP304 ……299.18

(also – see above note)Bahá’í electoral conventions ……299.158Teaching incidental to Bahá’í conferences etc. ……299.844Deepening incidental to Bahá’í conferences etc. ……298.735

The Phoenix schedule has no equivalent to the essentially geographic division of BP304 in LC. If this proves to be a serious deficiency, it could be easily added in a future edition – possibly under 299.18



Bahá’í directories in the DDC Phoenix are shelved at 299.03, at the beginning of the “Administration” section. Subdivision of this heading is not specified in LC – in DDC we apply Dewey Table 2 at this point to give a geographical order.

General, international BP305 ……299.03(4-9) by Dewey table 2



There is in fact no direct equivalent of this heading in the DDC Phoenix schedule. If this proves to be a problem in practice, one may be added to a future edition. In the meantime, exhibits and displays used for teaching at meetings, conferences, and as part of “outside” functions such as agricultural shows should be classed at 299.848 6 – while exhibitions of objects with sacred associations might well be classed with other works about such objects at 298.27

General BP306 ……299.848 6 ?……298.27 ?


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            



Bibliography by subject in the Dewey system is normally gathered at 016, so that the bibliography of the Bahá’í Faith – using the Phoenix schedule with DDC as a whole, will be under 016.29. A workable alternative might be to simply class bibliographies with the topic concerned.

General Bibliography BP309 ……016.29(..…290 )

Division under both LC and DDC is “by topic” for example:

Bibliography about the Guardianship BP309.81 ……016.299 341(..…299.341)


Societies, clubs, associations etc.

In LC this heading comes here, before general works on the Faith. Division is purely alphabetic, by name of societyIn the Phoenix schedule societies and clubs are classed under 299.4, just after more formal and administrative bodies. Specific clubs and societies are grouped by category – for instance 299.425 7 for University Bahá’í societies.

General BP310.A1 ……299.42

Specific societies BP310.A2-Z ……299.4 (see schedule)

In LC BP310.9 is used for “covenant-breaker organizations/groups from an orthodox or neutral viewpoint”. In the DDC Phoenix all works on or by specific covenant-breaker individuals or groups, from whatever standpoint, are grouped at 292.7, although works on covenant breaking as such are classed with other works on the Covenant, at 298.13

Covenant-breaker organizations/groups

General BP310.9.A1 ……292.7

Specific covenant-breaker individuals and groups are arranged purely alphabetically in LC – in DDC, alphabetically under basically chronological headings.

Specific groups BP310.9.A2-Z ……292.7 (3-8)

(for example)Azalis BP310.9.A9 ……292.73.A8Orthodox Bahá’í Faith BP310.9.O7 ……292.78.O7


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          


Collections, reference works etc.

For the purposes of this comparison a “collection” is taken to mean a work containing several articles etc. – either all treating the Faith in a general way, or on several subjects: so that the work as a whole constitutes a general work about the Faith. “Holy texts and authorized interpretation” have their own place at BP360-364 (DDC 294)

In this sense, LC divides “collections” into works containing articles by several authors (BP320) and works by individual authors (BP325). In DDC – both shelve either at 290 (if they have a claim to be more or less fully comprehensive), or at 291.3 (if they constitute general, but not fully comprehensive, introductions to the Faith). Some “collections” may well be better classed at another heading under 291 (q.v.) or have a definite theme or subject (in which case we would class them under that subject, of course).


Several authors BP320 ……290 (comprehensive, encyclopedic)……291.3 (general introductions)

Individual authors BP325 ……290 (comprehensive, encyclopedic)……291.3 (general introductions)

Dictionaries, encyclopedias etc. BP327 ……290

For DDC, Yearbooks, which LC also puts under the above heading, may also be classed as historical source works, at 292.504, if the content seems to justify this. Some yearbooks (including, perhaps, Bahá’í World) may be best considered as very general Bahá’í serials, under 290 (?) Picking an “easy way out” classification based on bibliographic form rather than subject is foreign to the nature of the Phoenix schedule. Ready reference works etc. BP329 ……290

Chronologies – in LC included above, in DDC are part of historical treatment of the Faith, and are classed at 292.507The author has a strong personal prejudice against mixing classification by subject and by bibliographic form. The

option remains open however, to use the part of DDC Table 1 (Common subdivisions) to divide 290 into bibliographic form (e.g. dictionaries, encyclopedias, serials etc.) in the standard Dewey way.

BP330 - BP359

History of the Bahá’í Faith

History has the two very obvious facets (to use Ranganathan’s terminology) of Time, and Place. An historical work is necessarily set in a particular time (although this can vary from a specific minute – to a period so long that it encompasses for an historian’s purposes the whole of time) – and in a particular place (although this place might be a particular room, or the whole universe). LC reserves numbers under BP330 for the time (“date”) facet, while history limited by place is classed under BP350. It is not immediately clear from the LC schedule itself where a work on the Faith in a particular time AND place (say, Australia in the 1940s) would go – although in practice it would probably go under “Australia” rather than the 1940s, or “place before time”. Another anomaly is that all works on the history of the Faith in Iran are placed at the beginning, under BP330. “Standard” DDC as a whole also adheres to the idea of “place before time” – this Phoenix schedule, however, reverses this “facet order” to “time before place” for history of religion and religions (including the Faith). Without going into too much detail about the rationale of this reversal, it was


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                             originally in order to avoid an anomaly over the early history of the Faith – which is really exclusively in the “Middle East”, and would otherwise be shelved out of proper sequence.


General history of the Faith.

General works and Iran BP330 ……292.5 (General History of the Faith)……292.655 (The Faith in Iran)……292.52 (Early history of the Faith)

Historiography BP330.9 ……292.502

It must also be noted that the history of a particular subject (at least in DDC) goes with the subject – note in particular history of scriptural translations, history of teaching (including the achievements of particular plans and campaigns etc.) and history of Institutions. Historical writing centred on particular people goes under biography (293).

History by date, period

The original, “first draft” version of the Phoenix schedule simply copied Mr. Collin’s work here – in spite of some changes since then, the current version remains very obviously related. Dates are omitted from the following to facilitate neat setting out – see either schedule for definition of “ages”, “epochs” and “periods”.

Heroic Age BP331 ……292.52

Ministry of the Báb etc. BP331.1 ……292.522 (Shaykhís etc.)……292.523 Ministry proper of the Báb)

Ministry of Bahá’u’lláh BP331.2 ……292.524

Baghdád period BP331.21 ……292.524 2

Constantinople/ BP331.22 ……292.524 3Adrianople period‘Akká period BP331.23 ……292.524 4

Mazrá’ih-Bahjí period BP331.24 ……292.524 5

Ministry of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá BP331.3 ……292.525

Formative Age BP332 ……292.53

Guardianship of Shoghi Effendi BP332.1 ……292.531

First epoch BP332.11 ……292.531

Second epoch BP332.12 ……292.532

Ten Year Crusade BP332.121 ……299.825 1

Note that in DDC, all aspects of the Ten Year Crusade, and other teaching plans as such, are classed under “history of teaching” (299.82). General Bahá’í history during the period of the Ten Year Crusade would be classed at 292.532

Stewardship of Hands of the Cause of God BP332.2 ……292.532

From the election of the Universal House of Justice BP332.3 ……292.533


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          

Third epoch BP332.31 ……292.533

(For teaching plans as such – see “history of teaching” in DDC)

Fourth epoch BP332.32 ……292.534

Fifth epoch BP332.33 ……292.535

History by Country (place)

History by place in LC takes precedence (one presumes, it is not made explicit in the schedule) over time – e.g. a work on the Faith in (say) the United States, during the Ministry of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá will be classed under place – i.e. the United States, rather than period. This is also the usual “citation order” for history in standard DDC.

This Phoenix schedule reverses this order (for religious history only) – thus the above hypothetical work would be classed with other works on the Ministry of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá rather than the history of the faith in the United States.

The other fundamental difference between LC and DDC at this point is that countries and places are arranged geographically (using Dewey Table 2) in DDC – but alphabetically in LC. The exceptions to LC’s alphabetical order are the bringing of the United States to the head of the list (logical in the Library of Congress itself, but curious for the Bahá’í International Library, as an international library, based in Haifa) and Iran – books on the Faith in Iran are classified under “general Bahá’í history” – this is probably to avoid the same anomaly that would have arisen had we not reversed the “time/place” citation order in the Phoenix schedule..

United States BP350 ……292.673

By state, A-Z BP352 ……292.67(4-9) (by Table 2)

Other countries, A-Z (except Iran) BP355 ……292.6(4-9) (by Table 2)

There is no direct equivalent for the LC “Bahá’í travelogues” number in DDC. Possible numbers that such works might be classed at would include: under the 293 (Bahá’í biography) number for the person concerned, the number for travel teaching (299.845), or even pioneering (299.87).

Travelogues BP356 ……293 (etc. for the person concerned)……299.845 (travel teaching in general)……299.87 (Pioneering)

“Pilgrim’s notes” are classed in DDC under 298.21, with other works on pilgrimage. Authoritively recorded talks by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá or Shoghi Effendi might possibly be classed under 294 (Bahá’í scripture). Pilgrims’ notes BP358 ……298.215

Accounts of Bahá’ís’ pilgrimages, especially including notes of talks by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi.

There is no direct equivalent of the “General Special” number in DDC. The writer has a prejudice against classifications like this – they are inherently meaningless, and can attract careless “can’t think where else to put it” entries, especially with cataloguers who are inexperienced, lazy, or just plain overworked. Class particular events at the appropriate date or country classification – history of particular subjects (e.g. conventions, teaching plans, scriptural translations) with the subject concerned. Events associated closely with particular people, especially the central figures of the Faith, should be classed at the appropriate number under Bahá’í biography (293).

General Special BP359 ……??????


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            

BP360 – BP364Holy texts and interpretation

The equivalent section in DDC to this (294) has a very slightly wider scope. For a start, virtually all texts from the writings are normally included here – including compilations on particular subjects, compiled for particular classes of reader, or for particular purposes. In DDC, authoritative and “quasi” scriptural writings, not only of Shoghi Effendi, but also (for instance) rulings from the Universal House of Justice, are also grouped under 294; although they are not strictly part of the writings.

The difference in the basic arrangement is that LC has the order: Collections: Works about the scriptures: Specific Texts

Under the heading for a particular Revealer of Bahá’í scripture (say, the Báb) , on the other hand, LC has the order:Collections: Specific Texts: Works about the writings of the Báb

Whereas the DDC order is:Works about the scriptures: Collections: Specific Texts

Under the heading for each Revealer the order is exactly the same:Works about the writings of the Báb: Collections: Specific Texts

Works about specific texts, in both schedules, are shelved under the number for the work itself.

Overall – if the DDC order is more consistent and logical, and easier to follow, this is more a product of the sounder basis of the original Dewey scheme, NOT because the Phoenix schedule is superior (in the context of the “parent” scheme) to the LC schedule (in its own context).

None the less, to say that in this area large sections of DDC bear a close resemblance to their LC equivalent is of course an understatement – they are in fact lifted whole! LC, being based in the World Centre, is obviously in a position to be able to list all Bahá’í scripture in a way that we are not – in any case this is one effort which it would have been foolish to duplicate. The same alphabetical listing of titles (in fact, using the same Cutter numbers) is followed – although DDC avoids alphabetical arrangement as a rule, in this case it is hard to see what other order could have been used. Chronological order, for instance, is in many cases difficult to establish, or even disputed, and there is no established “canonical” order in Bahá’í scripture.

Selections, collected works with no title BP360.A1 ……294.2 (General collections)……294.3 (Special collections)

Prayerbooks [table I, by language] BP360.A11-19 ……294.325

Compilations, by title BP360.A2-Z ……294.2 (General collections)……294.3 (Special collections)

General works on Bahá’í scriptures BP360.1 ……294.1

Authorship BP360.2 ……294.11

Method and nature of revelation/writing BP360.3 ……294.113

Concordances, indexes, dictionaries BP360.4 ……294.12

Hermeneutics (principles of scriptural criticism) BP360.5 ……294.14

Commentaries, textual studies BP360.6 ……294.15

Treatises on special subjects, A-Z by subject BP360.7 ……294.17 (Subjects in Dewey order)

Study and teaching BP360.8 ……294.15 (Commentaries, studies etc.)…298.764 (Deepening about the writings)

History BP360.9 ……294.19

History of translations BP360.95 ……294.195Writings of the Báb


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          

Selections and compilations BP361.A1 ……294.42 (General collections)……294.43 (Special collections)

Prayerbooks BP361.A11-19 ……294.432 5

Specific works of the Báb follow exactly the same pattern in both schedules (because the DDC one is a direct lift from LC!). There is therefore no point in listing them in this comparison.

Specific works BP361.A2-Z ……294.44(.A2-Z)

General works on the writings of the Báb BP361.1 ……294.41

Authorship BP361.2 ……294.411

Method and nature of revelation/writing BP361.3 ……294.411 3

Concordances, indexes, dictionaries BP361.4 ……294.412

Hermeneutics (principles of scriptural criticism) BP361.5 ……294.414

Commentaries, textual studies BP361.6 ……294.415

Treatises on special subjects, A-Z by subject BP361.7 ……294.417 (Subjects in Dewey order)

Study and teaching BP361.8 ……294.415 (Commentaries, studies etc.)… 298.764 4 (Deepening about Báb’s writings)

History BP361.9 ……294.419

History of translations BP361.95 ……294.4195

Writings of Bahá’u’lláh

Selections and compilations BP362.A1 ……294.52 (General collections)……294.53 (Special collections)

Prayerbooks BP362.A11-19 ……294.532 5

Specific works of Bahá’u’lláh follow exactly the same pattern in both schedules (as for the works of the Báb)

Specific works BP362.A2-Z ……294.54(.A2-Z)

General works on the writings of Bahá’u’lláh BP362.1 ……294.51

Authorship BP362.2 ……294.511

Method and nature of revelation/writing BP362.3 ……294.511 3

Concordances, indexes, dictionaries BP362.4 ……294.512

Hermeneutics (principles of scriptural criticism) BP362.5 ……294.514

Commentaries, textual studies BP362.6 ……294.515

Treatises on special subjects, A-Z by subject BP362.7 ……294.517 (Subjects in Dewey order)

Study and teaching BP362.8 ……294.515 (Commentaries, studies etc.)…298.764 5 (Deepening on Bahá’u’lláh’s writings)

History BP362.9 ……294.519

History of translations BP362.95 ……294.519 5


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                             Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Selections and compilations BP363.A1 ……294.62 (General collections)……294.63 (Special collections)

Prayerbooks BP363.A11-19 ……294.632 5

Specific works of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá follow exactly the same pattern in both schedules (as for the works of the Báb)

Specific works BP363.A2-Z ……294.64(.A2-Z)

General works on the writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá BP363.1 ……294.61

Authorship BP363.2 ……294.611

Method and nature of revelation/writing BP363.3 ……294.611 3

Concordances, indexes, dictionaries BP363.4 ……294.612

Hermeneutics (principles of scriptural criticism) BP363.5 ……294.614

Commentaries, textual studies BP363.6 ……294.615

Treatises on special subjects, A-Z by subject BP363.7 ……294.617 (Subjects in Dewey order)

Study and teaching BP363.8 … 294.615 Commentaries, studies etc.)……298.764 6 (Deepening on ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s writings)

History BP363.9 ……294.619

History of translations BP363.95 ……294.619 5

Letters and works by Shoghi Effendi

Selections and compilations BP364.A1 ……294.712 (General collections)……294.713 (Special collections)

Prayerbooks BP364.A11-19 ……294.713 25

Specific works of Shoghi Effendi follow the same pattern in both schedules (alphabetic by title). In practice, some works of Shoghi Effendi that are really compilations have been treated as “specific works” in the BWC library. This smacks of carelessness, and should NOT be followed by users of DDC.

Specific works BP364.A2-Z ……294.714(.A2-Z)

General works on the writings of Shoghi Effendi BP364.1 ……294.711

Authorship BP364.2 ……294.711 1

Method and nature of revelation/writing BP364.3 ……294.711 13

Concordances, indexes, dictionaries BP364.4 ……294.711 2

Hermeneutics (principles of scriptural criticism) BP364.5 ……294.711 4

Commentaries, textual studies BP364.6 ……294.711 5

Treatises on special subjects, A-Z by subject BP364.7 ……294.711 7

Study and teaching BP364.8 ….294.711 5 (Commentaries, studies etc.)….298.764 71 (Deepening on Shoghi Effendi’s writings)

History BP364.9 ……294.711 9History of translations BP364.95 ……294.711 95


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          


General Works

Although it is not altogether clear from the LC schedule itself – this is in fact the normal place for general introductions to the Faith – i.e. the same works that are classed in DDC at 291.3.

General works BP365 ……291.3

“General special” is to the writer a contradiction in terms – in LC generally it seems to mean “this work seems to go about here – we are in any case in far too much of a hurry to find a better place”. As will be gathered – the fact that there is no DDC number as an equivalent of this one is quite deliberate! (In practice “291.3” would very likely be a reasonable equivalent to BP365.5 – but watch that there is not in fact a more suitable number elsewhere).

General special BP365.5 ……??????


Doctrines, theology

In the DDC schedule we specifically do not use an equivalent to the following heading – although there is a “theoretical number” that would apply. Apparently this heading has not been actually used at the Bahá’í International Library either, although it is reserved “just in case”. It is in the nature of the Bahá’í Faith (especially of its recent origin) that “comparative theology” is rather unlikely, except in a covenant-breaking context.

Comparative BP366.A11 [……295.0(1-9)]

The special difference between “outlines” and “compendia”, and other general works on this subject does not seem to the writer to really warrant a special number or place on the shelf. In any case, in DDC both these headings count as “general” works at 295 – in fact this is just the kind of work that we would class as “general”, and class at the head of the topic.

Outlines BP366.A12 ……295

Compendia BP366.A13 ……295

In DDC, works discussing the value of the Faith come near the beginning of the schedule, under 291.4 – apologetics at 291.43 and polemics against the faith at 291.48. Since polemics against the Faith (or any other religion, for that matter) from the point of view of another specific religion usually say far more about the religious point of view of the author than they do about the religion he is attacking, these are normally shelved there. Thus a polemic against the Faith written by a Christian (or from a specifically Christian point of view) will normally shelve with Christianity.

Apologetics, proofs BP366.A14 ……291.43

General works on Bahá’í theology BP366(A2-Z9) ……295

God BP366.1 ……295.1

Unknowable BP366.11 ……295.123 1

Names, titles; Greatest Name BP366.12 ……295.125 (Names, attributes)……295.129 (Greatest Name)


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                             Primal will; Holy Spirit BP366.15 ……295.18

Manifestations of God BP366.2 ……295.21

Oneness BP366.21 ……295.211

Revelation BP366.22 ……295.214

Relationship to God BP366.24 ……295.212

Most Great Infallibility BP366.25 ……295.213

Miracles BP366.27 ……295.215

Prophecy BP366.28 ……295.219

Future Manifestations BP366.29 ……295.217

In DDC works on the Covenant are classed under 298 (spiritual life) at 298.1 – the location in LC is, of course, just as logical.

Covenant BP366.3 ……298.1

Eternal (Greater) Covenant BP366.31 ……298.11

Specific (Lesser) Covenant BP366.32 ……298.12

Covenant-breaking BP366.33 ……298.13

Note that materials on Covenant-breaking individuals and groups are classed elsewhere, in both schedules.

Creation; Worlds of God BP366.4 ……295.326 3

Eternality of creation BP366.41 ……295.326 31

Kingdoms of creation BP366.42 ……295.326 37

Environment; ecology BP366.429 ……295.422 (ethical teachings)……295.326 (relation to humanity in creation)

Humanity BP366.43 ……295.3

Immortality of human spirit BP366.433 ……295.324

Free will and predestination BP366.434 ……295.325

Evolution of mankind BP366.435 ……295.326 5

There is no simple one-to-one equivalent of BP366.436 – but one or other of the suggested DDC numbers would probably apply to any work classified under this heading.

Soul, mind; knowledge; dreams BP366.436 ……295.313 (human spirit)……298 (spirituality – religious life)……298.5 (religious experience)……298.6 (mystic practices and abilities)

Purpose of man; personal virtues BP366.437 ……295.31 (theology)……295.4 (personal ethics, virtues)

(see next page)


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          


Virtues, qualities

This section is very closely paralleled between the two schedules – the main difference is that the writer has followed normal Dewey practice, which is to classify the virtues – grouping virtues that are related, or that in some cases essentially manifest the same basic human quality. Mr. Collins, on the other hand, and very correctly in context, follows normal LC practice, which is to simply list the virtues in alphabetical order. Both approaches have their advantages, and it is only fair to list these.

The “alphabetical order” approach is on the surface, at least, simpler for the cataloguer – he does not have to think about the nature of a previously unused heading to determine which other headings it is “related” to, but simply constructs a Cutter number, or uses some other device that essentially produces an alphabetic sequence. In any case a “classified” order will never be so unambiguously self-evident as an alphabetical one, as it is possible to relate terms to each other in quite different (but perhaps equally valid and helpful) ways. With these advantages in mind, alphabetical lists abound in LC; by no means just in Mr. Collins’ Bahá’í schedule, but throughout the scheme as a whole.

Melvil Dewey (an enthusiast for reformed spelling) was very strongly against using alphabetical order to arrange subjects in his scheme. Alphabetical order was to him totally arbitrary and meaningless. One has to point out that the English language spelling for a subject heading IS arbitrary: the order it produces has no meaning whatsoever in any other language, and even in English the common names for concepts and headings, and countries, change over time. In the case of such change, one must either persist with notation that never had any relevance except in the context of the alphabet, and has lost even that – or “reclassify” the heading – with all the difficulties that involves. In practice LC tends to ignore the fact that the old term and the new are synonymous, and treats the new term as if it were a new concept, whether this is the case or not. In fact, even supposing the English language to be static, a given concept can have several different English language names – and in not a few instances it would be quite hard to determine which is the most “common”. In this case the alphabetic place for the heading concerned is hardly self-evident, or unambiguous either. What is in fact likely to happen is that both terms (regardless of the fact that they are synonymous) will be used, so that works on the same subject will be possibly quite widely separated, purely based on how different English names for the subject concerned are spelled.

Human virtues, qualities BP366.437 ……295.4

General works BP366.437.A1 ……295.4

Particular virtues BP366.437(.A2-Z9) ……295.4 (1-9)

In LC virtues are simply listed alphabetically, by Cutter number – in our DDC Phoenix they are arranged in a “classed” order, which may be summarised as follows:

Virtues in general ……295.4Justice and related virtues ……295.41Honour, purity etc. ……295.42Self-control, prudence, wisdom etc. ……295.43Kindliness, caring etc. ……295.44Love and related virtues ……295.45Selflessness and related virtues ……295.46Humility and related virtues ……295.47Faith and related virtues ……295.48Other qualities and virtues ……295.49

We start with Justice (the “best beloved” of all the virtues, as we are told in the Hidden Words), and then move through the sequence, in each case picking as the next step the cardinal virtue that seems to have the most in common with the one before. Under each of the main headings are grouped such specific virtues as Thrift (at 295.434, under the “Self-control” heading), Sincerity (295.487, under Honour) and Obedience (295.475, under Humility). Of course, any number of quite different subjective classifications of this kind might be devised, each just as logical in its own right – but in the writer’s opinion ANY of these would be superior to an alphabetic arrangement.


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            

BP366.438 – BP366.63

Sin, salvation – eschatology etc.

Sin; salvation BP366.438 ……295.34

Good and evil BP366.5 ……295.342

Heaven and hell BP366.51 ……295.348

There is no direct equivalent to the next heading in DDC. A work about the Bahá’í concept of evil as an absence of good, in the same way that darkness is an absence of light, would probably be better classed at 295.342 anyway. Research into which actual titles have been classified at BP366.52 in the Bahá’í International Library may suggest a deficiency in DDC here – to be remedied in a future edition.

Light and darkness BP366.52 ……295.342 ?

Eschatology; millennialism BP366.6 ……295.33

Resurrection; return BP366.61 ……295.333

Day of God; Last days BP366.62 ……295.335

Calamity; catastrophe BP366.63 ……295.337

BP367 – BP368

Bahá’í law

This section is very largely equivalent to the Bahá’í law section of the DDC Phoenix (296). In both schedules, for instance, sources of Bahá’í law in the Writings are classed with Bahá’í scripture (BP360/4 – 294).

General works BP367 ……296

The LC headings “Codification”, and “Justice, rule of law” have no direct equivalent in DDC – class both as “General works” on Bahá’í law at 296 – BUT note the DDC heading “General codes of personal, social conduct” at 296.1. This refers to universal or “interfaith” laws like the golden rule, as they apply to the Faith. Some works classed under BP367.2 might be better placed, in the context of DDC, under 295.41 or 291.734.

Codification BP367.1 ……296

Justice; rule of law BP367.2 ……296……295.41 (Justice, as a human virtue)

……291.734 (Bahá’í Faith and secular law)

Punishment and reward BP367.9 ……296.57

Note that 296.57 is reserved for punishments sanctioned or required by Bahá’í law as such. Otherwise use a heading under 291.734

Capital punishment/ life imprisonment BP367.99 ……296.579 (Capital punishment)……296.578 9 (Life imprisonment)


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          

Laws of personal status BP368 ……296.3

Chastity; sexual morality BP368.1 ……296.322 (Bahá’í law)……295.429 (as a virtue)

Birth control etc . BP368.11 ……296.322 6

Marriage and family life BP368.2 ……296.553

Courtship; betrothal BP368.21 ……296.553 3

Parental consent BP368.22 ……296.553 4

Dowry BP368.23 ……296.553 6

Divorce etc. BP368.24 ……296.553 8

Burial; funerals BP368.3 ……296.554 3

Bequest and inheritance; wills BP368.4 ……296.554 5

Prohibitions BP368.5 ……296.32

Alcohol, drugs etc. BP368.51 ……296.324 5

Gambling BP368.52 ……296.328 2

Murder; manslaughter BP368.53 ……296.324 75

Arson BP368.54 ……296.326 7

Adultery BP368.55 ……296.322 2

Homosexuality BP368.56 ……296.322 4

Backbiting, gossip BP368.57 ……296.327 6

Participation in partisan politics BP368.58 ……296.315 8

Holy war; jihad BP368.59 ……296.324 778

Membership in secret societies BP368.6 ……296.315 7

Theft BP368.61 ……296.326 3

Psychic phenomena BP368.62 ……296.328 4

Financial obligations BP368.8 ……296.316 4

Huqúqu’lláh BP368.81 ……296.316 42

There is no specific place for Bahá’í Zakat in the DDC Phoenix schedule – class any works on this subject at 296.316 4 – the next “general” heading. A future edition of this schedule may include a specific number for Bahá’í Zakat, possibly at 296.316 44.

Zakat (Tithe) BP368.82 ……296.316 4(4?)

Other laws of personal status BP368.9 ……??? (see particular topics in 296)


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            


Devotional practices, worship

In this comparison we have taken BP369 to be generally the equivalent of DDC 298 (Bahá’í religious life), however it also includes 297 (the Bahá’í calendar) and some topics from 296 (Bahá’í law). Devotional practices; worship BP369 ……298

……298.3 (Personal devotions)……298.8 (Bahá’í worship)

Prayer BP369.1 ……298.33

Obligatory prayer BP369.11 ……296.316 5

Congregational prayer BP369.12 ……298.823

Fasting BP369.2 ……298.443

Pilgrimage BP369.3 ……298.2

To the House of the Báb, Shiraz BP369.31 ……298.262 1

To the House of Bahá’u’lláh, Baghdád BP369.32 ……298.263 2

To the Holy Tombs, Haifa-‘Akká BP369.33 ……298.261

Other pilgrimages BP369.39 ……298.26 (4/9)

Meditation BP369.4 ……298.53

Mysticism BP369.5 ……298.58

Work/occupation as worship BP369.6 ……295.5

Calendar BP369.8 ……297

Holy Days BP369.83 ……297.7 (General works)……298.857 7 (Celebration of)

Naw-Rúz BP369.831 ……297.5 (General works)……298.857 5 (Celebration of)

Riván Festival BP369.832 ……297.6 (General works)……298.857 6 (Celebration of)

Declaration of the Báb BP369.833 ……297.73 (General works)……298.857 73 (Celebration of)

Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh BP369.834 ……297.74 (General works)……298.857 74 (Celebration of)

Martyrdom of the Báb BP369.835 ……297.75 (General works)……298.857 75 (Celebration of)

Birth of the Báb BP369.836 ……297.76 (General works)……298.857 76 (Celebration of)

Birth of Bahá’u’lláh BP369.837 ……297.77 (General works)……298.857 77 (Celebration of)


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                           In LC, works about the Nineteen Day Feast are all classed at BP382.5 – although this would seem to be more

appropriate to the administrative side of the feast. In DDC comprehensive works about the Nineteen Day Feast are classed at 297.3 – works about the celebration of the Nineteen Day Feast (or particular feasts) under 298.857 3. There is currently no specific place for works on the administrative side of the Feast under 299 in the Phoenix schedule – perhaps there should be – in which case we may add one in a future edition.

Ayyám-i-Há BP369.841 ……297.4 (General works)……298.857 4 (Celebration of)

Day of the Covenant BP369.842 ……297.78 (General works)……298.857 78 (Celebration of)

Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá BP369.843 ……297.79 (General works)……298.857 79 (Celebration of)


Special subjects

In general – this is equivalent to the DDC heading at 291.7 “The Bahá’í Faith compared or opposed to other (secular) subjects”. While the order of the subjects is (once more, and typically of the Library of Congress Classification) alphabetic, in the DDC Phoenix schedule the order is by Dewey number (i.e. classed).

Many works that might be classed under BP370 or 291.7 would have a more appropriate number elsewhere (in both schedules, but particularly in DDC). Refer to the scope note at 291.7 in the Phoenix schedule.


Bahá’í education

Mr. Collins’ schedule brings together at this point more or less everything impinging on education and the Bahá’í Faith in any way. There is nothing wrong with this at all – in fact for a Bahá’í library (especially, say, the library of a Bahá’í school of education) there are very obvious advantages to this approach. On the other hand, our basic philosophy, in the Phoenix schedule, is to produce a replacement for part of the Dewey scheme – which is essentially universal, and designed to be usable in as many different kinds of library as possible. Hence the following three categories of material on “Bahá’í education” are distinguished in DDC:

1. Works on the subject of education, perhaps written by Bahá’ís, or from a generally Bahá’í point of view, but still essentially about education rather than religion. This includes works on Bahá’í schools teaching a “complete” or general curriculum; even if this curriculum includes Bahá’í studies, and has an overall ethos that is strongly influenced by the Teachings.

2. Works about the relationship between the Faith and education – including the principle of universal compulsory education, and also works specifically on the (general) education of Bahá’í (as opposed to non-Bahá’í) children. In the grey area between these first two categories – where there is real doubt, prefer the first category to the second.

3. Works on Bahá’í religious education (deepening) – including the Faith itself as an academic subject.

These three categories are treated as quite different subjects in the DDC Phoenix.

1. Works in the first category are classed as works on education rather than religion – i.e. in Dewey class 370 rather than 200 – by the standard Dewey scheme rather than by the Phoenix schedule.

2. Works in the second category are classed under 291.737 – for instance a work on a specifically Bahá’í perspective on the general curriculum might be classed at 291.737 5

3. Works in the third category are classed under 298.7 – i.e. the number for deepening.


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            

Wherever possible, the following comparison between the two schedules assumes that BP371 is talking about Bahá’í education in the sense of deepening ; although from the above note it should be plain that this is not always the case: and, especially if a “Collins” number is being converted to a “Gerard” one, it is necessary to be alert. Where the “Collins” number actually refers to a work about education in the wider sense, and not Bahá’í religious education – the DDC number must be found in the standard Dewey schedules. (Copyright constraints prevent us listing these here)

General works BP371 ……298.7

Teaching methods BP371.1 ……298.73

Syllabi, study courses, outlines BP371.11 ……298.76

Deepening, personal study BP371.2 ……298.731

Schools and education institutions; educational levels BP371.3 ……298.77

Elementary (incl. tutorial schools); child education BP371.31 ……298.752 4

Secondary schools; youth education BP371.32 ……298.752 5

Colleges/Universities; higher education BP371.33 ……298.753

Summer schools; winter schools; teaching institutes BP371.36 ……298.777

Specific schools, colleges, universities BP371.39 ……298.777

Scholarship, academic study, Bahá’í studies BP371.4 ……298.7

There is no specific number in our Phoenix schedule for the deepening, or training, of Bahá’í institutions. The following number is a rather fanciful “built” number – an alternative would be to class such works under the number for Bahá’í institutions, or the particular type of institution (say, LSAs). It is possible that a number needs to be specified in a future edition of the schedule.

Education of Bahá’í institutions BP371.9 ……298.759 899 3 ?


Bahá’í faith and other religions

BP372 and 291.6 are fairly close equivalents – but check the scope notes in each schedule. The order of the “other” religions is quite similar, too, as in each case the order is mostly “classified”. If it is desired to shelve all polemics against the Faith separately; this is done in a Dewey context by extracting such works and shelving them in (say) a locked case rather than classifying them at (say) the end of the sequence.

General works BP372 ……291.6

Specific religions and groups

There is no specific number for Sabaeanism in DDC (either the parent scheme or this Phoenix Schedule) – if this proves to be a deficiency one may be added to a future edition of the Phoenix. In the meantime, assuming that Sabaeanism is an ancient, extinct, Middle Eastern religion it would in any case be classed under 214.3 – making a usable, if possibly incomplete, built DDC number at this point - 291.614 3


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                           The Bahá’í Faith and:

Sabaeanism BP372.1 ……291.614 3 ? (see above note)

Hinduism BP372.2 ……291.62

Buddhism BP372.3 ……291.64

Zoroastrianism BP372.4 ……291.658

Judaism BP372.5 ……291.66

Christianity; Bible BP372.6 ……291.67 (Christianity)……294.97 (Bible)

Catholicism BP372.61 ……291.672 75

Eastern Churches BP372.62 ……291.672 74

Protestantism BP372.63 ……291.672 76

Mormonism BP372.67 ……291.672 798

Islam; Qur’án (Koran) BP372.7 ……291.68 (Islam)……294.98 (Qur’án)

Shiah BP372.71 ……291.682 73

Sunni BP372.72 ……291.682 74

Other Muslim groups BP372.79 ……291.682 (75-79)

The first edition of the Phoenix schedule had no specific place for “discussion of the interrelationships and differences between Bábí and Bahá’í revelations” – at least under 291.6, although a logical place would have been 291.68278. In this edition we prefer 291.69 – as this is shorter, and uses otherwise redundant notation

Bábí Faith BP372.8 ……291.69(or...291.682 78) ?

Other religious groups BP372.9 ……291.61

Most of the religions listed (alphabetically) in LC under BP372.9 have a specific place in DDC – either under the “anti-religions, cults, and quasi-religions” heading, as above, or elsewhere.


Teaching (i.e. propagating) the Bahá’í faith

General works BP373 ……299.8

LC (perfectly logically) classes declaration and enrolment, as the aims of teaching, under this heading. Equally logically, DDC classes both under the general heading of “Bahá’í law affecting membership of the Faith”, at 296.31

Declaration and enrolment; membership BP373.1 ……296.311

Withdrawal; resignation BP373.18 ……296.314

Recantation BP373.19 ……296.311 5 (Taqiyyih)……296.314 (Resignation)


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                             Public information; publicity; proclamation; advertising BP373.2 ……299.83

Firesides (home meetings for teaching the Bahá’í Faith) BP373.3 ……299.843

Travelling teaching BP373.4 ……299.845

Pioneers and pioneering BP373.5 ……299.87

Correspondence courses BP373.6 ……299.841

Teaching plans BP373.9 ……299.81

Global/international teaching plans BP373.91 ……299.81 (Plans and planning in general)……299.825 (Particular plans in context of

history of teaching)Ten Year Crusade BP373.911 ……299.825 1

Nine Year Plan BP373.912 ……299.825 2

Five Year Plan BP373.913 ……299.825 3

Seven Year Plan BP373.914 ……299.825 4

Six Year Plan BP373.915 ……299.825 5

Three Year Plan BP373.916 ……299.825 6

Four Year Plan BP373.917 ……299.825 7

Twelve Month Plan BP373.918 ……299.825 8

Five Year Plan BP373.919 ……299.825 91


Social teachings

General works BP374 ……295.6

Independent investigation of truth BP374.1 ……295.412

Unity of mankind; elimination of prejudice; racial unity BP374.2 ……295.321 (Oneness of humankind)……295.415 3 (Elimination of prejudice)

Equality of men and women BP374.22 ……295.322 (Theology of equality)……295.415 5 (Elimination of sexism)

Unity of religions BP374.3 ……295.211 (Oneness of religion)……295.415 1 (Religious intolerance)

Cycles BP374.35 ……295.211 (Unity of religions)……295.214 (Progressive revelation)

Harmony of science and religion BP374.4 ……295.414

Universal peace BP374.5 ……295.63

Lesser peace; collective security BP374.51 ……295.634


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          

War; just war BP374.519 ……295.637

Most Great Peace BP374.52 ……295.636

Universal auxiliary language BP374.59 ……295.646

Theories of government and the body politic BP374.6 ……295.65

General works BP374.6.A1 ……295.656 (Political systems)……295.665 (Economic systems)

Capitalism BP374.6.C3 ……295.665 7

Communism, socialism, Marxism BP374.6.C6 ……295.665 5 (Communism)……295.665 3 (Socialism)

Pacifism BP374.6.P3 ……295.663

World federation/governance; world commonwealth BP374.61 ……295.655

International executive BP374.611 ……295.655 2

International legislature BP374.612 ……295.655 3

International tribunal BP374.613 ……295.655 4

International police force BP374.614 ……295.655 4 ?

Individual and state BP374.62 ……295.653

Obedience/loyalty to government BP374.621 ……295.653 2

Military service BP374.622 ……295.653 23

Human rights and civil liberties BP374.623 ……295.653 5

International relations; international law BP374.63 ……295.655 (International relations)……295.655 4 (International law)

Kingship; constitutional monarchy BP374.67 ……295.656 5

Economics; spiritual solution to economic problems BP374.7 ……295.663

There is probably a need for an additional heading in the phoenix schedule to cover economic development – under 295.663. In the meantime simply use that number – or perhaps 299.86, or even 291.733

Social and economic development BP374.79 ……295.663 (spiritual solutions)……299.86 (in consolidation)……291.733 (the Faith and economics)

Other social teachings BP374.8 ……??? (see particular topics)

Social life and customs BP374.9 ……295.673

Amusements, pastimes BP374.99 ……295.673 5


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            


Addresses, essays, lectures

DDC does not have a classification exactly corresponding to this one. Addresses, essays, or lectures on a particular subject are of course classed with the subject. Collections of addresses, essays or lectures on various subjects may end up in a general heading at (for instance) 290, 291.3 or 295. The use of the lecture method of teaching in deepening (298.737) or public meetings in teaching (299.846) may be relevant.


Specific classes of people

The LC schedule divides this topic alphabetically – some examples follow to give an idea of what is involved.

.A8 Asians

.B5 Blacks

.C4 Children

.I5 Indigenous peoples (aborigines, Native Americans)

.I7 Iranians; Persians

.P3 Parents

.R6 Romany/Gypsies

.S5 Single people. .W6 Women

.Y6 Youth

The DDC phoenix contains an extended and quite detailed classified list of categories into which people might be divided (see Table PS1). This may be applied at numerous points in the schedule – for example:

Particular kinds of person in the writings ……294.183Scriptural collections for particular kinds of person ……294.322Works on leading the Bahá’í life for particular kinds of person ……295.40Bahá’í law relating to particular kinds of person ……296.56Devotional literature for particular kinds of person ……298.32Deepening particular kinds of person ……298.75Bahá’í societies for particular kinds of person ……299.44Teaching particular kinds of person ……299.85


Juvenile (Children’s) literature

Probably the best method (in effect very similar to the method suggested in the LC schedule) is simply to classify children’s books precisely as if they were adult books – and then shelve them in a separate section (or a separate “Children’s library”). The call numbers might very well be prefixed with a “J” to indicate their “home” location.

There are many places (see the list under BP376 above for some examples) where children, or works for them, are mentioned in the Phoenix schedule – see the relative index.


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          


Folklore, legends, mythology, oral tradition

Three possibilities (at least) here:

Bahá’í folklore, oral traditions ……294.85Folklore in the context of religion in general ……204.85Folklore outside the context of religion ……398.2

BP380 – BP384

Administrative order, government of the Bahá’í Faith

This is one point where the Bahá’í International Library classification is very much more detailed than was the first edition of this schedule. So much so, that the writer considered that there was an urgent need for a supplementary expansion of the DDC Phoenix schedule at this point.

This supplement took the form of a table (PS2) which can theoretically be applied to any religious institution, Bahá’í or otherwise. Many of the DDC equivalent numbers in the following section are built using this table.

General works BP380 ……299

Distribution of decision-making authority BP380.1 ……299.118 403

The following heading has no clear DDC equivalent – a work on this subject would probably be classed with other works on the relationship of individual Bahá’ís to the covenant (298.1)

Spiritual relationship of the individual and the institutions BP380.2 ……298.1 ?

Administrative rights & obligations, participation BP380.3 ……296.316 7

Guardianship BP381 ……299.341

Infallibility BP381.2 ……299.341 12

Succession BP381.3 ……299.341 17

Relationship to the Universal House of Justice BP381.5 ……299.341 163 42

Rulers BP382 ……299.34

Universal House of Justice BP382.1 ……299.342

Messages of the Universal House of Justice have, because of the special authority of this institution, a “quasi-scriptural” quality, and are classed in DDC at 294.73 - the Bahá’í World Centre has its own number at 299.22

Constitution BP382.11 ……299.342 11

Messages BP382.12 ……294.73

Legislation BP382.13 ……294.73


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            

Infallibility BP382.15 ……299.342 12

Bahá’í World Centre BP382.18 ……299.22

Endowments (International) BP382.19 ……299.342 19

National Spiritual Assemblies BP382.2 ……299.343

In DDC, N.S.A.s in general are more clearly distinguished from particular N.S.A.s – in the following equivalence numbers we assume that N.S.A.s in general are meant. For a particular N.S.A. the “0” in the numbers following would be replaced by notation from the standard Dewey Table 2 - e.g. “73” for the USA or “94” for Australia. Refer to the schedule (page 150).

Constitutions; incorporation BP382.21 ……299.343 011 (Constitution)……299.343 014 (Incorporation)

Messages BP382.22 ……294.75 (Rulings)……299.343 04 (Reports etc.)

Procedures BP382.23 ……299.343 018

Annual reports are not “authoritative rulings” to be classed at 294.75

Annual reports, by country BP382.24 ……299.343 044 3

Officers BP382.27 ……299.343 018 3

Departments and committees BP382.28 ……299.343 09

Administrative Committees BP382.281 ……299.343 091(incl. Bahá’í Councils)

Endowments (National) BP382.29 ……299.343 019

Local Spiritual Assemblies BP382.3 ……299.345

Again, DDC distinguishes between works on L.S.A.s in general and particular L.S.A.s more consistently at this point – in the following equivalence numbers we assume that L.S.A.s in general are meant. For a particular L.S.A. the “0” in the (DDC) numbers following would be replaced by notation from the standard Dewey Table 2 for the location of the L.S.A. in question.

Constitutions; incorporation BP382.31 ……299.345 011

Messages BP382.32 ……294.76

Procedures BP382.33 ……299.345 018

Annual reports BP382.34 ……299.345 044 3

Officers BP382.37 ……299.345 018 3

Chairman; vice-chairman BP382.371 ……299.345 018 32

Secretary BP382.372 ……299.345 018 34

Treasurer BP382.373 ……299.345 018 35

Departments and committees BP382.38 ……299.345 09

Endowments (Local) BP382.39 ……299.345 019


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                           Groups BP382.4 ……299.346

Officers BP382.47 ……299.346 018 3

The following number for the Nineteen Day Feast would seem to refer to its administrative function – in this sense there is no exact equivalent in DDC – depending on the nature of the work we would tend to class it either under 297.3 (for comprehensive works) or 298.857 3 (for works on the celebration of the feast). Since the latter might well be seen as including the administrative consultation it would be the more likely correct number.

Nineteen Day Feast BP382.5 ……298.857 3 (Celebration)……297.3 (General works)

Elections BP382.6 ……299.15

Consultation; problem solving; conflict resolution BP382.8 ……299.118 405

Isolated believers BP382.9 ……299.346

Learned BP383 ……299.38

Hands of the Cause of God BP383.1 ……299.382

International Teaching Centre BP383.2 ……299.383

Continental Boards of Counsellors BP383.3 ……299.384

Auxiliary Boards BP383.4 ……299.386

Assistants to Auxiliary Board members BP383.45 ……299.386 03

Other institutions BP384

Mashriqu’l-Adhkar (Bahá’í temple and dependencies) BP384.1 ……299.26

Bahá’í World Centre Institutions BP384.2 ……299.22

International Bahá’í Archives BP384.21 ……299.342 970 2

International Bahá’í Library BP384.22 ……299.342 970 2

Centre for the Study of the Sacred Texts BP384.23 ……299.342 972 94

International Bahá’í Council BP384.28 ……299.342 91

Haziratu’l-Quds BP384.3 ……299.24

Funds BP384.4 ……299.117

Bahá’í International Community BP384.5 ……299.31

A scope note in the LC schedule makes it clear that the following heading is used for “General guidelines on setting up such institutions”. The logical place for this in DDC is under “secular subjects in relation the Bahá’í Faith” at 291.7

Archives, Libraries, Museums BP384.6 ……291.702 (Libraries and Archives) ……291.706 9 (Museums)

Institutions, agencies, etc. appointed by the Universal House of Justice

BP384.7 ……299.342 9


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            



This section is not subdivided in the LC schedule – its placement at this point is also a bit of a puzzle, (why is it not subordinate to BP369?). Perhaps this owes more to the parent scheme than to Mr. Collins ? The DDC equivalent is in any case the number for “General devotional literature” and is placed with other works on personal devotions – including prayer, repeating of holy verses etc.

Meditations BP385 ……298.32


Inspirational works

The practical difference between BP385 and BP386 is not altogether clear to the writer. In any case both would normally be classed under the same number in DDC.

Inspirational works BP386 ……298.32



Although this heading is not extensively sub-divided in the LC schedule, similar remarks can be made as under BP371 (Education). Books relating to music and the Faith will fall under three headings:

First – any works that are primarily about music – whether or not the author is a Bahá’í, or mentions the Faith in the course of his writing. These will be classed at the appropriate number in the 780s.

Second – works about the general relationship between music and the Faith. These are classed under 291.778.

The third and final category is works relating quite specifically to the use of music in Bahá’í worship and devotions – these are classed under 298.84

Music BP387 ……298.84 (use of music in Bahá’í worship)…....291.778 (Bahá’í faith and music in general)

Songbooks, ‘hymnals’ BP387.9 ……298.844


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          


Art and artists (visual arts)

Again – as with music, education, and many other “peripheral” subjects, we use the same threefold differentiation. The work concerned is either entirely (or mainly) about art, in which case it is classed with other works on that subject in the 700s, or is about the relationship between art and the Faith – in which case a number can be built under 291.77 The final alternative refers to the use of art in worship – although this is negligible in a Bahá’í context, compared with many other religions – so that this last heading is largely “theoretical”.

Since the numbers that would be used by a Bahá’í library using the Phoenix schedule for the topics under BP388 are basically outside the scope of this work (i.e. they would come from the main DDC schedules, which are after all copyright !) there is little point in listing headings under BP388 here.



In DDC, comprehensive works on particular institutional buildings logically go with the number for the administrative or other institution involved. For instance works on Bahá’í temples that included physical descriptions and history of the building(s) concerned, together with information about the institution of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar, are classed in DDC at 299.26. Works on Bahá’í buildings as holy places, or as destinations of pilgrimages, are classed under 298.26

In fact, works on Bahá’í buildings purely as works of architecture can in DDC only be classed under 291.772, or, especially if they are technical works intended for the use of architects, in the 720s – there is therefore no point in a line by line comparison of the two schedules at this point, since subdivision in DDC is governed by the parent scheme rather than the Phoenix schedule itself.



Collective BP390 ……293


The Báb BP391 ……293.1

Bahá’u’lláh BP392 ……293.2

‘Abdu’l-Bahá BP393 ……293.3

Shoghi Effendi BP394 ……293.4

Other individuals (Bahá’ís) BP395 ……293.(5/8)

In LC, all “other (Bahá’í) individuals” are arranged purely alphabetically. In DDC these “others” are arranged in the following categories:

Saints, martyrs etc. ……293.5Hands of the Cause of God ……293.6Knights of Bahá’u’lláh ……293.7Other Bahá’ís ……293.8


                                                                Appendix A – The Bahá’í International Library Classification                                                                                            

The main advantage of the DDC arrangement is that collective biography of (say) Hands of the Cause, or martyrs, has a specific place, and is grouped with biography of individuals in the same category. Within each particular category – individuals are of course arranged alphabetically – in fact it would make sense to use the same Cutter numbers for particular individual Bahá’ís as enumerated in LC. (An extensive, if not comprehensive, list of these forms part of the LC schedule).

Covenant-breaker biography BP395.6/7 ……292.7(etc.)

Covenant breaker biography goes here in LC, but in DDC with other works on covenant breakers.

Non-Bahá’ís (Collective) BP395.8 ……293.9

Non-Bahá’ís (Individual) BP395.9(A-Z) ……293.9 (A-Z by LC Cutters)

This list of Cutter numbers for “Non-Bahá’ís relevant to the history of the Faith” should be applied to both BP395.9 and 293.9 – in fact this applies as a general rule – do not “compose” a Cutter number for DDC, whether from an LC or other table or by “commonsense” extrapolation, when there is already a World Centre one in use.

.A4 Allenby, Edmund (General)

.B76 Browne, E. G.

.G35 Gandhi, M. K. (Mahatma)

.M54 Miller, Wm. McElwee

.N38 Nasiri’d-Dín Sháh

.T65 Tolstoy, Lev

.W54 Wilson, Woodrow



Even if we did not try so hard to avoid headings like this in DDC as we do, we would end up with different topics considered as “miscellaneous”. If it is necessary to give a DDC Phoenix number to a work classified by the Bahá’í International Library at this point it will obviously have to be done “from scratch”.


Opposition, defence

Polemics against the Faith (in fact all works treating the value of the Faith) are in DDC grouped at 291.4. (Although such works written from the point of view of other religions would normally be classed with the religion concerned). Works considered either to be dangerous, or highly offensive to Bahá’ís, are best either simply avoided, or shelved in a separate (even “locked”) section, rather than “classified out of the way”.

General works about opposition and defence BP398.A1 291.4

Polemical works against the Bahá’í Faith BP398.A2-Z 291.48


                                                                                        A Phoenix Schedule for the Dewey 200s                                                                                          


Covenant-breaker works

In DDC – class all works about or by covenant breaker groups or individuals under 292.7

N.B. If it is desired (as it very properly might be) to keep such works out of the general run of Bahá’í literature in a library – in the context of DDC, at least, these, and any other works considered to be dangerous or offensive to Bahá’ís, are best either simply avoided, or shelved in a separate (perhaps locked) section, rather than “classified out of the way”.