4_2022-ina-meeting-reminder.pdf - rat lungworm disease

Greetings Everyone, Please join the next International Network on Angiostrongyliasis (INA) to learn, listen and ask questions. There is a Google link inside the attached document to catch up on past recordings of INA meetings if you would like access to those. John Jacob, a researcher based in Hilo, Hawai’i at the University of Hawaii’s Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy (DKICOP) https://pharmacy.uhh.hawaii.edu/rat-lungworm-overview , has shared his latest research papers with us on Anthelmintic treatments for treating early and initial RLWD infection in victims of this disease. See those below. Pete Thatcher is a survivor of Lyme disease and has contracted Rat Lungworm disease twice. He has contributed information to the RLWDF’s monthly support group Zoom call to be shared with all. He has written his testimony on recovering from RLWD and his monthly use of Fenbendazole to stay parasite free. Links and papers are also can be accessed in the attached document. Thanks for all of your support and efforts in the realm of this disease. See you at the next INA meeting or the RLWDF’s monthly support group meeting! Shawzy Dear “Angiostrongylus-researchers and Interested participants” The next INA meeting is scheduled for April 27, 2022, 9:00 pm (Brazilian Time, GMT-3) – Please double check your time zone. 9h00 - 9h30 – Research activities on angiostrongyliasis in Europe, by David Modry (Czech Republic) 9h30 – 9h40 – Q&A, discussion 9h40 – 10h10 – Report from the Working Group (WG) on Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment recommendations, discussions 10h10 – 10h40 – Report from the WG on data collection for samples included in the Repository, discussions. Please feel free to share this invitation and link to anyone that may be interested in neuroangiostrongyliasis. When you enter the room, please inform through the chat your name and institution. Those not registered in the mail-list can do it anytime at:

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Post on 11-Mar-2023




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Greetings Everyone,

Please join the next International Network on Angiostrongyliasis (INA) to

learn, listen and ask questions. There is a Google link inside the attached

document to catch up on past recordings of INA meetings if you would like access

to those.

John Jacob, a researcher based in Hilo, Hawai’i at the University of Hawaii’s

Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy (DKICOP)

https://pharmacy.uhh.hawaii.edu/rat-lungworm-overview , has shared his latest

research papers with us on Anthelmintic treatments for treating early and initial

RLWD infection in victims of this disease. See those below.

Pete Thatcher is a survivor of Lyme disease and has contracted Rat Lungworm

disease twice. He has contributed information to the RLWDF’s monthly support

group Zoom call to be shared with all. He has written his testimony on recovering

from RLWD and his monthly use of Fenbendazole to stay parasite free.

Links and papers are also can be accessed in the attached document. Thanks for all

of your support and efforts in the realm of this disease.

See you at the next INA meeting or the RLWDF’s monthly support group meeting!


Dear “Angiostrongylus-researchers and Interested participants”

The next INA meeting is scheduled for April 27, 2022, 9:00 pm (Brazilian Time, GMT-3) – Please double check your time zone.

9h00 - 9h30 – Research activities on angiostrongyliasis in Europe, by David Modry (Czech Republic)

9h30 – 9h40 – Q&A, discussion

9h40 – 10h10 – Report from the Working Group (WG) on Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment recommendations, discussions

10h10 – 10h40 – Report from the WG on data collection for samples included in the Repository, discussions.

Please feel free to share this invitation and link to anyone that may be interested in neuroangiostrongyliasis. When you enter the room, please inform through the chat your name and institution. Those not registered in the mail-list can do it anytime at:


In countries with difficulties to access Google Forms, please tell me to arrange a word copy of the form.

The meetings are recorded and those who could not follow live will have the opportunity to access recording.

All the best, Carlos


Zoom Link:

Tópico: International Network on Angiostrongyliasis Hora: 27 abr. 2022 09:00 da tarde São Paulo Entrar na reunião Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89105877331?pwd=ZHE4WTFzS2NlWERaTXpxeXJqVlFrUT09 ID da reunião: 891 0587 7331 Senha de acesso: 538203 Dispositivo móvel de um toque +19292056099,,89105877331#,,,,*538203# Estados Unidos (New York) +12532158782,,89105877331#,,,,*538203# Estados Unidos (Tacoma) Discar pelo seu local +1 929 205 6099 Estados Unidos (New York) +1 253 215 8782 Estados Unidos (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 Estados Unidos (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 Estados Unidos (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 Estados Unidos (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 Estados Unidos (San Jose) ID da reunião: 891 0587 7331 Senha de acesso: 538203 Localizar seu número local: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kvEMx4uPD

-- Carlos Graeff Teixeira

Departamento de Patologia e Núcleo de Doenças Infecciosas, CCS Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Department of Pathology, Infectious Diseases Unit, CCS, Federal University of Espirito Santo Vitória, Brazil BRAMA Brazilian Association of Research Managers, Vice-President

INA - International Network on

Angiostrongyliasis Members Registration

October 2021 - A online meeting was held to discuss "Diagnostic Criteria for

Neuroangiostrongyliasis" and a Working Group (WG) on Diagnosis and Treatment was

established aiming to continuously update the recommendations for diagnosis workout and

treatment indications. This WG initially include: Vernon Anders (Hawaii), Carlos Graeff -Teixeira

(Brazil), Sukwan Handali (CDC-USA), Lv Shan (China), Kittsak Sawanyavisuth (Thailand), Zhayli

Gonzalez Rodriguez (IPK-Cuba). The WG is open to any other colleague involved in the topics of

diagnosis and treatment (please inform your interest in "Observations" section below).

November 23rd, 2021 - INA was proposed to formalize the informal gathering of people

interested in Angiostrongyliasis. We have had the International Symposium on Rat-Lungworm-

Disease for many years (Bangkok, Guangzhou, Brisbane, Hawaii) and INA is to plan and support

regular future meetings. We also began discussing the proposal of a "multicenter international

study to evaluate diagnostic tools for neuroangiostrongyliasis". We have proposed that the

International Network on Angiostrongylus costaricensis, currently headed by Professor Alicia

Rojas, from the University of Costa Rica, to join under the INA umbrella.

January 26th, 2022. We had a meeting to discuss the regulations for a Repository of well

characterized biological samples, as the first step to the multicenter study to evaluate diagnostic

tools. Warren Frensman and Dominic Allen (FIND Diagnostics) presented the resource of Virtual

Biobank for promoting the good practices on Repository organization.

To advance the recommendation of diagnostic criteria and the Repository regulations a next

meeting is scheduled for March 23rd, 2022.

November 2021 and January 2022 recordings are available at Google Drive, please use the

following link:


John Jacob is a researcher based in Hilo, Hawai’i that has recent publications on Anthemic

treatments to treat early and initial RLWD infection in victims of this disease.

John Jacob’s Recent Publications Link


John Jacob PharmD, PhD candidate

Graduate Assistant

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy

University of Hawaii at Hilo

[email protected]

Pete Thatcher is a survivor of Lyme disease and has contracted Rat Lungworm

disease twice. He has contributed this information to the RLWDF’s monthly

support group Zoom call to be shared with all. Below he has written his testimony

on recovering from RLWD and his monthly use of Fenbendazole. He has provided

informational links to websites such as the Root Cause Protocol @

https://therootcauseprotocol.com and referenced research papers that provide

support for his testimony. Feel free to contact him for more information or

questions you may have.

Pete Thatcher

[email protected]

Recovering From Damage Caused by Rat Lungworm

by Pete Thatcher

I just wanted to share a list of the things that I believe helped me the

most with healing from the effects of Rat lungworm. I still have

disabling neurological issues like vision problems ,balance problems,

fatigue, and pain, but I have made quite a lot of progress healing

(enough to want to share this).

I was dealing with Lyme disease in my 20’s. It took more than a decade

to recover from it. The doctors I went to offered little help. I learned first

hand how the medical system operates, especially when it comes to a

little understood illness. I also learned first hand that doctors usually do

not heal people. The mostly just treat the symptoms. Ultimately, your

body is the only thing that is capable of healing itself. For example, just

a small cut healing is an amazingly complex near- miraculous process

that the body accomplishes on its own.

I had all kinds of problems associated with lyme that I healed from in

my 20's. I learned a lot of things that are the foundation of what has been

helped me with rat lungworm.

Very basically, there are two things we can do to help allow the body

to heal itself:

1. Take away substances, organisms, and habits that are blocking the

body from operating efficiently. This can include not only avoiding

unhealthy foods, but also can includes occasional fasting, which has

been scientifically validated to aid some of the body’s healing processes.

2. Give the body what it needs ( good food, water, minerals, nutrients,

exercise, sun, clean air, sleep, hormones)

Here are the main things that have helped me:

1. Fasting ….If someone were to talk to me about fasting, before I

experienced it, my eyes would have glazed over. But a 3 day water fast

about a year ago really made a difference in my health and mindset. It

amazed me how much it kicked off my body's healing. It made

subjective changes that are hard to put in words. Fasting has been used

for centuries for healing, but, only relatively recently have studies shed

light on what the body actually does when fasting and how powerful it

really is. Very beneficial and measurable changes occur in the body

when no food is consumed for just 2 or 3 days. This changes aid in

tissue and nerve healing and regeneration. Some people are afraid that if

they fast, they will just shrivel up and get ill, but it does not work like

that. Fasting does cause the body to go into catabolism , which mean

“breaking down”. This might seem like a bad thing, but it is not.

We used to think catabolism was just a random breaking down, but now

we know that when the body stops taking in food, the body conserves

muscle and vital organ tissue. It then very specifically breaks down

older, weaker, less vital cells, organelles, and proteins, cell membranes,

etc first. The body basically “ cleans house”. The process is called

“autophagy” which translates to “ self eat” Not only are old, weaker

cells broken down, but the minerals and nutrients that they are made

from are recycled, mobilized, and later reincorporated into new cells.

This process normally happens on a small scale every night when we are

sleeping , but prolonging the fast to 3 days causes dramatic measurable

healing changes to occur.

These changes induced by fasting "set the stage" for anabolism to occur

later after the fast is over. Anabolism is the opposite of catabolism.

Anabolism is defined as “the constructing metabolism of the body” .

Tissue and nerve growth and building are anabolic processes. So even

though the catabolism (breakdown) that occurs during fasting is the

opposite of anabolism, catabolism aids anabolism, so tissue and nerve

regeneration can efficiently occur . This is one of nature’s amazing

paradoxes. One process can not exist with out the other.

Here are some amazing healing changes that have been shown to

occur when fasting.

A. Fasting increases human growth hormone. Human growth

hormone ( HGH) is an anabolic hormone that aids and speeds tissue

healing and nerve regeneration. One study found that 3 days into a fast,

HGH levels increased by over 300%. After 1 week of fasting, they had

increased by a massive 1,250%


Other studies have found similar effects, with double or triple HGH

levels after just 2–3 days of fasting


B. Fasting increases Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

BDNF acts on certain neurons of the central nervous system and

the peripheral nervous system, helping to support survival of existing

neurons, and encouraging growth and differentiation of new neurons

and synapses.

C. Fasting for 72 Hours Can Reset Your Entire Immune System .



Basically in 72 hours of fasting, most of your white blood cells are

broken down and replaced by new ones.

D. Fasting controls inflammation, slows down the aging process and

protect against neurodegenerative diseases…. and helps you live

longer by improving the metabolic fitness of cells through the removal

of damaged organelles and proteins.



( this webpage is backed up by several study citations from PubMed )

2. The Root Cause Protocol (diet and food sourced

nutrients)is a basically a“ ideal human diet” ( my words) that works

by “restoring balance to the key minerals – magnesium, copper and iron

– that must work together in order to optimize energy and increase

vitality” ( and healing). This protocol is designed to balance the body's

biochemistry to make the body operate efficiently and metabolically

burn it’s fuel cleanly. It uses food based nutrients (no synthetically made

vitamins). A lot of people say they feel a lot stronger with more energy

and many long suffered health issues go away on this program. Our

bodies are constantly breaking down old cells and replaces them with

new cells. Most of our cells have died and have been replaced by new

cells in 6 years time. We are what we eat and we can choose to give our

bodies the best building blocks possible. It takes a little while to see the

difference in health after starting this diet. They say you have to wait

until about 6 months often to start seeing the results of the root cause

protocol . That is about what it took me to start feeling positive changes.

Every month is a little better. I’ve tried many different diets in my life,

and this one agrees with me more than any I tried.

How to do this program is free and there is a facebook group for support.

The guy who designed it, does charge for courses and blood tests, but

those are not needed to do the Root Cause Protocol. Here is the link for

more info and where to download the instructions : RCP handbook.

The Root Cause Protocol is divided into a series of “stops” and


“The research behind the RCP shows that each of the STOPS disrupts

the body’s ability to create the enzymatic forms of copper that are

needed to make energy. Completing the STOPS eliminates the

interference created by synthetic supplements, processed foods and other

factors. Each of the STARTS enhances the effectiveness of bioavailable

copper and its singular ability to harness the energy of oxygen. Copper is

the only element on planet Earth that has that ability. One consistent

response that people have to the RCP is an increase in energy



1. STOP Taking iron supplements, iron fortified foods, anything with

‘added iron’

2. STOP Taking vitamin D3 supplements or ANY foods fortified with

vitamin D

3. STOP Taking calcium supplements

4. STOP Taking zinc supplements

5. STOP Taking molybdenum supplements

6. STOP Taking one-a-day multivitamins, prenatals, etc.

7. STOP Taking B vitamins from a bottle (get them from food!)

8. STOP Using synthetic forms of ascorbate/ascorbic acid &

citrate/citric acid

9. STOP Using high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) & artificial sweeteners

10. STOP Using industrialized omega-6 oils (e.g. soybean oil, canola oil,


11. STOP Using fluoride (e.g. in toothpaste, water, etc.)

12. STOP Using colloidal silver as an antibiotic

13. STOP Eating low-fat, high-carb, processed, refined foods

14. LIMIT Exposure to environmental toxins, including unchecked blue

light exposure and EMFs from electronic devices (see Handbook FAQs

for more detail)


PHASE 1: Foundations

1. START Taking adrenal cocktails (sodium/potassium)

2. START Taking mineral drops or applying transdermal magnesium

3. START Taking wholefood vitamin C (WFC) complex

4. START Taking magnesium

5. START Eating grass-fed organic beef liver

PHASE 2: Supporting Nutrients

6. START Eating organic ancestral whole foods and drinking

mineralized filtered water

7. START Taking Mother Nature’s sources for B vitamins

8. START Taking wholefood vitamin E complex

9.START Taking boron

10. START Taking cod liver oil

PHASE 3: Advanced Nutrients

11. START Taking taurine

12. START Taking silica / diatomaceous earth

13. START Taking iodine from food

PHASE X: Deeper Support

14. START Donating blood

15. START Managing histamine levels/reactions

16. START Releasing emotional stress

17. START Strengthening the bioenergetic field

18. START Getting regular sunlight

19. START Doing joyful movement

3. Sleep: The body heals during sleep. It makes growth hormone

during sleep. (Human growth hormone ( HGH) is an anabolic hormone

that aids and speeds tissue healing and nerve regeneration) . Even a little

light exposure at night reduces melatonin which makes it harder to

sleep.. I put blackout curtains in my windows to prevent that. I also take

tryptophan and melatonin before bed and go to sleep before 10 pm.

Some studies say we make the most growth hormone between 10 and 2

am, but only if sleeping. Sleep deprivation suppresses the release of

HGH and overall growth and healing. ( Growth hormone is an anabolic

hormone that aids and speeds tissue healing and nerve regeneration)

4. Strength training: stimulates growth hormone and anabolic

tissue growth. Not only muscles grow when strength training. Nerves are

also stimulated to grow and regenerate. Strength training increases

human growth hormone. ( Again, growth hormone is an anabolic

hormone that aids and speeds tissue healing and nerve regeneration). A

good book about strength training with resistance bands, fasting , and

stimulating the body’s growth hormone, is here:

“Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time”: ........



I just got this book and a cheap set of resistance bands and a bar online.

It only takes 15 minutes a day to do this type of strength training and it

works out your entire body.

5. Anabolic steroids - help with growth and repair Anabolism is defined as : the synthesis of complex molecules in living

organisms from simpler ones together with the storage of energy;

constructive metabolism.

My primary care physician told me Rat lungworm put my body in a

wasting state. I lost 25 pounds of healthy weight and could not seem to

gain it back. I had extensive nerve damage , especially in the lower half

of my body with numbness and pain. Nerve damage is challenging for

the body to heal. Doctors say nerve damage often cannot heal, but the

fact is that nerves can regenerate and make new connections.

Neurogenesis means the creation of new neurons. It is an anabolic

process. It was once thought that brain could not make new neurons.

But in the 1990s, stem cells were discovered in the adult brain. Stem

cells can divide, and differentiate into many types of cells, like new

brain cells.

Neurogenesis is now accepted to be a process that occurs normally in the

healthy adult brain.

When most people think of anabolic growth, they think of muscle

building. But the fact is, anabolic growth pertains to the whole body,

including organs and the nervous system.

So in between the occasional 3 day fast ( I only did 2 so far), I have been

trying focus on things that cause anabolic growth so my body can be

literally be put back together. I have never been interested much in

sports, but I have found a lot of useful answers in the area of sports

medicine. Anabolic steroids can be used to heal faster when injured.

Sometimes they are used to heal faster after surgery.

Anabolic steroids helps in growth and repair. I take testosterone

cypionate prescribed by my doctor. I am over 45 years old and it was

low anyway.

“Testosterone for nerve fibre repair


“Anabolic Steroid Strategy in Reversing Denervation Atrophy”


(Interesting pertinent info I found….I never personally tried any

anabolic steroid other than testosterone.)

“Neuroregenerative Effect of Oxandrolone: A Case Report”:


While reading about this, I learned one anabolic steroid women athletes

sometimes use called Anavar ( oxandrolone). The link above is a study

showing how this steroid can aid nerve regeneration.

6. Progesterone: progesterone has been classified as a

“neurosteroid”. It’s a protector of the body. It reduces stress and limits

adrenaline. It can be called an adaptogen. It calms the fight or flight

response ( calms the sympathetic nervous system). Better healing occurs

in this state when the body is not stressed. Progesterone fights against

excess inflammation in the brain. It regulates connections between

nerve synapses. In addition, it impacts learning, memory, mood, and

neurodegenerative diseases. An important role of progesterone is to

protect the brain from damage and promote repair after injury. It actually

does this by promoting the growth and repair of the myelin sheath that

protects the nerve fibers.

It is used to help people recover from traumatic brain injury. Someone

told me about it on facebook. An N.D in town, Dr. Hahn, prescribed

bioidentical progesterone ( not synthetic progestins) for me. You can

also find it online. I have been taking 100 mg per day for about a year.

Its really relaxing feeling. It really does put the body in a relaxed state

that subjectively feels nurturing and conducive to healing. I do not

know why this is not more commonly used.

“The neuroprotective effects of progesterone on traumatic brain



4. Fix Gut issues : Healing the gut is very important for healing the

entire body and neurological system. Once my gut was healed , and I

started really digesting and assimilating all the good food I was eating,

positive changes started happening fast . Besides gaining 25 lbs of

healthy weight in a few weeks, I had some noticeable improvements in

my nerve damage symptoms, including less pain.

I has IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for over 20 years. A lot of people

have digestive issues like this but never talk about it, and just treat it as

normal digestive issues. Mine was really not majorly bad as long as I

avoided certain foods, but now that its fixed, I realize that I really did

not digest my food very well at all. Plus I had to avoid so many foods

that caused upset, that it restricted my nutrient intake. I used to have

many food sensitivities.

I often wonder if my digestion and gut had been really healthy, maybe

my system would have been able to resist intrusion of the rat lungworm I

accidentally ingested . Its my guess that a healthy digestion with the

right acid ph and strong pancreatic enzymes , plus a non-permeable (

non-leaky) gut with a healthy mucosal layer with healthy bacteria ,

might have possibly thwarted the rat lungworm. In support of this

theory, my landlady at the time drank half of the same smoothie as I did,

but she did not get sick. To my knowledge, she has no digestive issues.

I believe the cause of my IBS was SIBO (small intestine bacterial

overgrowth) which is now believed to be the case with many others


Here are the things I did to deal with my gut issues that really


a. Antimicrobials: To deal with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial

overgrowth) and any possible parasites or bad bacteria I might have been

carrying, many people recommend taking antimicrobials like berberine,

oregano oil, neem , and or (some people use prescription antibiotic

xifaxim). I took all of those except the xifaxim.

b. Low sugar and no refined carb diet (like root cause protocol diet


c. Eventually introduce prebiotics and probiotics when tolerated. The

human body contains trillions of microorganisms — outnumbering

human cells by 10 to 1. But because of their small size, microorganisms

make up only about 1 to 3 percent of the body's mass (in a 200-pound

adult, that’s 2 to 6 pounds of bacteria). These bacteria are necessary for

our bodies to function properly. The are a part of our immune system

and excrete nutrients that our bodies use. Prebiotics are like an

unrecognized food group. They are not digestible by us, but make their

way to the colon where they can feed the trillions of bacteria in our gut

and keep the population high. Some of the (best prebiotic/ probiotic

advice I found and use is here:



I follow the advice there and drink a prebiotic drink every morning with

flax, acacia fiber, and inulin.

I also eat natto every morning which is a probiotic and prebiotic food

(more on that below)

d. Triphala : ayurvedic herbal formula for digestion, inflammation,

natural vitamin C, natural prokinetic) .

”Therapeutic Uses of Triphala in Ayurvedic Medicine”


Excellent links for more info about gut healing:

“Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Irritable Bowel



“The rainforest in your gut: A brief tour through your intestinal biome,

why it’s messed up, and how to fix it”


6. B12: The body uses B12 in the form of methycobalamin to help

regenerate nerves. I take that orally (about 2000mcg / day) and recently

got the injectable kind from my dr.

“ Methylcobalamine is effective in peripheral neuropathies”


7. Best Pain med I found for nerve pain: Buprenorphine

Its the main drug contained in “suboxone” that is given to heroin

addicts to stop withdrawal. Most doctors do not know much about it. It

works better than anything I tried, last long, and does not mess up my

head or cause sleepiness or any side effects. It does not cause a

significant tolerance to develop, like most other pain medication. (It is

a synthetic opiate and a dependence will develop in time however).

“Buprenorphine for neuropathic pain in adults



Understanding Buprenorphine for Use in Chronic Pain: Expert Opinion


8. Vitamin K2: Often Ignored and Misunderstood

Powerhouse of Health

This is a classic case of cognitive dissonance. Vitamin k2 can prevent

many illnesses like artery calcification and and osteoporosis. High doses

are prescribed by doctors in Japan to clean out arteries. It is involved

with many if the bodies healing processes.



“Vitamin K2 and the End of Osteoposis “ ( about much more than




“kuinone “( hard to find high dose k2-4 supplement I’ve been taking.)



9. Natto: a rare high k2 source, also probiotic and prebiotic superfood

with big health benefits. Easy to make. I eat it every morning and make

it like this: https://athomeinpuertorico.com/how-to-make-natto-in-an-


“Natto, the Fermented Soy Super Food:”


10. Injectable Peptides that increase the body's growth hormone

production ( called cjc 1295 and ipamorelin)- I took these almost every

night before bed for 6 months.

Human growth hormone ( hgh) is an anabolic hormone that aids in tissue

growth/healing. The peptides cjc 1295 and ipamorelin stimulate the

hypothalamus to secrete extra growth hormone. You can also inject hgh

(human growth hirmone), directly but if used too carelessly in high

amounts, it can cause side effects. It is believed that using these 2

peptides is safer than straight hgh in that they cannot cause excessive

growth hormone production.

I got mine here: https://www.researchpeptides.org/cjc-1295-and-


“CJC and Ipamorelin and Its Positive Effects on Your Health “



11. Fenbendazole: is a wormer medication related to albendazole

(the wormer medicine sometimes given to rat lungworm patients in the

hospital). I take 333mg each day for 3 days in a row every month as a rat

lungworm preventative and also give it to my dogs. It gives me some

peace of mind while living in this area.

(By the way, fenbendazole has even been shown to make cancerous

tumors go away in rats):


.... and some people are taking it to try to kill cancer. According to

some people online, it worked for them).

12. Dr Herrera: The only neurologist in Eastern Hawaii at the time of

my illness. He recommended nothing to me except gabapentin after

going to see him dozens of times for 2 years.

Avoid this doctor unless you enjoy wasting time.


Fenbendazole For Rat Lungworm Prevention

RCP Handbook

(Formerly known as the Instruction manual)

Version 10.0 -- Updated October 4, 2021





As updates occur, this document will be updated, so please make sure that you stay

subscribed to the RCP mailing list. The RCP Handbook (formerly Instruction manual) is

totally FREE, but if you want to share it with a friend, please DO NOT email them a copy of

the PDF -- instead, please ask your friend todownloadtheir own copyso that we can ensure

EVERYONE receives updates.

By Pete Thatcher

I have been taking Fenbendazole every month for a couple years as rat

lungworm preventative. Fenbendazole is in the same class of drugs as

albendazole except its known to be much safer with lower side effects

than albendazole. My lifestyle living off grid in Puna, Hawaii apparently

makes me higher risk at getting rat lungworm . I already got sick

twice with this parasite. So now I take 500 mg fenbendazole 3 days in

a row each month. And I know ( Izabella Tausz) told me about it and

how to take it for general parasite cleansing. I was excited about

reading b the bew study " Clinical Efficacy and Saftey of Albendazole

and Other Benzimidazole Anthelmintics for Rat Lungworm Disease

(Neuroangiostrongyliasis)", but then I found out fenbendazole was left

out of the study. I understand that fenbendazole is not yet approved

for human use , but the fact is that is widely recognized as one of

the safest of the bendazoles with the lowest of side effects . It is

also has a long track record used for lungworm infections in animals.

Its also easily and cheaply obtainable. Many people are currently

taking fenbendazole as explained below . Due to the practicality,

relative safety, efficacy, and easy obtainability, I do not think

fenbendazole should be ignored.

After studies showing fenbendazole has made rat tumors disappear,

people have been taking it in hopes it kills their cancer. Its even

currently being sold online in pill form. Whether its approved for

human use or not, the fact is that a lot of people are currently

taking fenbendazole t . I compiled more info about fenbendazole, rat

lungworm, and human use which is copied below.

From what I read, fenbendazole does indeed cross the blood brain

barrier but not as well as albendazole. However fenbendazole has also

been used sucessfully to treat animals with rat lungworm. There are

not many, but here are the resources I found.

1. "Treatment included glucocorticoid therapy, ± anthelmintic

(fenbendazole). Both dogs made a complete recovery".

From: "First Documented Cases of Canine Neuroangiostrongyliasis Due


Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Hawaii"



(Besides showing how fenbendazole was the "go- to" anthelmintic the

drs chose for dealing with a rat lungworm infection, it not say much

about the efficacy, since both dogs recovered and one was not even

given any fenbendazole or other anthelmintic. )

2. "In a litter of seven Greyhound pups with multifocal CNS disease

( from Angiostrongylus cantonensis ), six died despite glucocorticoid

therapy, but a single pup treated with fenbendazole as well as

glucocorticoids recovered"

From: "Twenty two cases of canine neural angiostrongylosis in eastern

Australia (2002-2005) and a review of the literature"

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3361490/ https://


3. "There are reports that fenbendazole. has been used to successfully

treat A. cantonensis infection in grey-headed flying-foxes"

From: "Angiostrongylus and Australian Wildlife "




4."Fenbendazole is the "traditional" treatment for lungworm, although

it is not licensed for this use. A suggested dose rate is 25 mg/kg for

20 days in mildly- to moderately-infected dogs, with a 91% efficacy in

preventing L1 larvae in faeces"

From "Lungworm: A roundtable discussion"


(This quote is talking about the lungworm Angiostrongylus vasorum, not

cantonensis yet there biology and controls are similar.)

5. This is the fenbendazole chapter of her book " The Art of Healing"

Isabella Tausz N.D. gave me. It explains how fenbendazole works and

how she takes it. She recommends it to her patients:


Fenben, short for Fenbendazole doesn't smell, doesn't taste , and you

just take it once a day, with whatever food you like. It also doesn't

cause any die-off reactions, even if you use it initially, because it

doesn't kill , it simply inactivates our superbugs, slowly and

gradually, one by one.

Fenben disables pathogens. It literally paralyses them, so they can?t

move, eat, replicate, reproduce, transfer, or create energy. It's akin

to shrivelling up and dying, as opposed to being bombed and spewing

poison everywhere, or mounting a counter attack in response to a

threat .

So instead of being a killing machine, Fenben harmlessly disables

pathogens by working on a core mechanism of replication.

If I hadn't been so impatient (and brave!), I probably would have

started with Fenben, and only would have introduced MMS at a later

stage. It wouldnt have helped so quickly, but also, I wouldnt have had

to suffer with such severe die-off reactions.

Fenben is fantastic, doing its job slowly but surely, and the only

thing crazy about it is that its not on the market for us humans yet;

it is only sold as a dewormer for animals. But just wait until you

hear about the patents! For humans.

Fenben belongs to the group of Benzimidazoles, just like Mebendazole,

a cheap, over-thecounter anti-parasitic medication that has been

widely used since 1971, for adults and children. It is sold under a

number of product names including Vermox, Ovex, Combantri, etc.

Probably because of the expired patent and its cheap price, the last

manufacturer of Mebendazole in the US discontinued production in


however, it is available in most other countries, as well as online.

Very few are aware of the effect Benzimidazoles have in fighting

chronic health issues, including cancer, yet, it is a known fact that

they do, as you will see if you do a quick PubMed, or even a simple

Google search for Benzimidazoles + cancer.

With all the corruption around us, as Benzimidazoles are so cheap, it

doesn't even surprise me anymore that people dont know about their


But are you starting to see what I mean when I say that the success of

a certain treatment is

proof of the disease's root cause? Ok, anyways,

Benzimidazoles were originally used to get rid of environmental

pathogenic fungi and algae,

and now are regarded as a promising class of bioactive compounds that

exhibit a range of

beneficial activities, including antimicrobial, anti-viral, antidiabetic,

anti-cancer, anti-oxidant,

anti-parasitic, anti-helminthic, anti-proliferative, anti-HIV,


anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive,

and anti-neoplastic.

The list is long and impressive!

Their core chemical structure is a derivative of Vitamin B12, and

they are proven to be safe and

effective against a wide range of conditions, being so-called microtubule

inhibitors, known to

prevent the replication and feeding of pathogens and cancerous cells,

making it more and more

difficult for them to survive in our body.

They basically starve to death and are easily eliminated.

Possibly because they are too cheap, Benzimidazoles are not recognised

by the medical

establishment as an anti-cancer drug or for the treatment of the

various diseases that were

cured by them in multiple studies, however, they can be easily bought

in many pharmacies, as well as online for deworming.

So, while researching Mebendazole, I came across Fenendazole and

quickly saw that it`s

even better.

Fenben is considered the safest of the hundreds of benzimidazole

derivatives that exist,

including the ones on the market for humans, adults or children, so it

can be taken long term,

which is often necessary to effectively deal with the trillions of

pathogens inside us.

Fenben is widely used in animals, and has multiple patents pending for

the treatment of various

human diseases, from brain cancer to Alzheimer's disease, with

multiple studies proving

its effectiveness, as well as superiority and safety margin to already

approved medications,

including Mebendazole. Fenben has the chemical formula

C15H13N3O2S, if

anyone is


Fenben is used to rid fish, dogs, cats, goats, sheep and cattle of


It is also used for racehorses, which to me, as I already mentioned,

is always a great sign, as horse racing is big money. They really dont

fool around with horses worth millions!

After having talked to some vets and horse owners, and looking through

the patents, I also

came across online forums discussing Fenben's effectiveness, such as

a Facebook group called

A Study Group previously "Steve's Images", where Steve Beddingfield

and his group's over 4000

members share their experiences with Fenben, including many graphic

images, macro- and

microscopic, showing the pathogens that Fenben helped them eliminate.

Pretty shocking, yet

you may want to see.

Most people in the group have "Morgellon's disease" with all kinds of

skin rashes, shown in

pictures. But again, its just a nickname. As all other diagnosis are.

So you don't have to have

skin rashes to join. Simply bloating, hair loss, panic attacks, or

cancer " they all will do".

We really all have them, the same pathogens, living inside us and

sometimes growing so much

that they take control of our body. Some scientists believe that our

pathogens all evolved from

cyanobacteria and come from our waters, which all, including our

oceans, lakes, rivers, tap water

and bottled water, are full of them - which I also tend to agree with.

However, wherever they evolved from, whether it's bacteria, virus, or

any other parasites,

whether we call them toxic slime mould, or whatever else, most

importantly, we want to get rid

of them.

So how does Fenben get rid of our pathogenic, parasitic junk?

Fenben is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial.

It rids the body of worms, bacteria, viruses, parasites, mould and

cancer cells, because these all

rely on an algal mechanism, a protein called FtsZ, that is a conserved

mechanism in algae and

all harmful microbes. FtsZ was inserted shortly after cyanobacteria in

evolution and has never

transferred to humans, in millions of years, ever. That's why it's so

safe for us.

Fenben binds to, and only to, and disrupts that FtsZ mechanism, which

ALL pathogens rely on.

This includes e. coli, lyme, malaria, toxoplasmosis, candida,

syphillis, herpes, HIV - ALL, as they

all need it to replicate, transfer, reproduce, create energy, team up.


Fenben also regenerates tissues and repairs so many dysfunctional

pathways, that it?s truly

incredible. It is the ONLY non-natural remedy I use, because it?s

really SO good, and has an

extremely broad spectrum with a wide safety margin, and is also only

minimally absorbed after

it is given orally, and is excreted in stool and urine.

However, even though Fenben doesn?t kill, as it pushes the bugs out

of our system, they do

leave some of their toxins behind, which are then reabsorbed back into

the bloodstream,

making some a bit uncomfortable, and others quite sick. This, however,

always passes relatively


Taking Fenben, it's absolutely essential to keep our elimination

channels open, taking ozonated

magnesium (such as MagO7) in a dose high enough to have at least 3-4

bowel movements

daily, especially in the first 3 months of treatment, because we need

to regularly wash out the

potentially massive amount of paralysed pathogens from our intestines

to make sure they don't.

cause any blockages or regrow.

If bowel movements get less, we need to increase our intake of

ozonated magnesium or may

want to back off on Fenben until our bowels are moving again.

The drawback of Fenben is that (compared to MMS) it may take longer


see and feel the

improvements, and overall, true healing may take up to 3 years. Most

people, however, start

noticing improvements after around 3 months of continuous use.

I take the Fenben for tropical fish o MMS) it may take longer to see

and feel the

improvements, and overall, true healing may take up to 3 years. Most

people, however, start

noticing improvements after around 3 months of continuous use.

I take the Fenben for tropical fish to see and feel the

improvements, and overall, true healing may take up to 3 years. Most

people, however, start

noticing improvements after around 3 months of continuous use.

I take the Fenben for tropical fish . It is a huge bag and will last a

lifetime, but the only source

of pure Fenben I could find. When I am traveling, I use the fish

Fenbendazole powden sachets.

Many respond to minuscule amounts. If one is heavily infested, it is

best to start low dosage

with Fsted, it is best to start low dosage

with Fenben - this may mean may mean just around 15 mg per day

initially, and slowly increasing to the

standard dose of 5 mg per kg body weight per day. For a person with

70kg, this is 70 x 5 =

350mg. (One sachet has 250mg.) Some people, however, take much


I started with 125mg daily, and within a week, increased to 500mg

daily, on which I stayed for

four months. I now still take 250mg two to three times a week for

maintenance, just thrown on

the back of my tongue and swallowed with water. Fenben is safe for

children too, and obviously

for pets as well.

However, liver enzymes need to be monitored with long-term use, and if

they go up, Fenben

needs to be discontinued for a while. We don?t want to stress our


Fat increases the absorption and ability of Fenbendazole to do its

job, so it is best taken along

with a meal containing some nuts, seeds, avocado or coconut. Also, the

worms we want to

get rid of are eating our food, so our food serves as bait, making the

bugs from all over our

body come to our digestive tract, where the Fenben then paralyses

them. And as the bugs get

paralysed and can't steal our nutrients, we actually get to use the

nutrients ourselves!

By the way, our parasites love vitamin B12, iodine, iron and chromium,

and low levels of any of these are often indicative of heavy parasitic


Taking Fenben with DMSO also increases its absorption, however


often gives a really nasty body odour, and unless you are looking to

heal from a life-threatening disease, in my opinion, it?s not worth


We also need to treat our family and pets, because they?re most

likely also infected, even if they have no symptoms, and we don't want

them re-infecting us. And of course, we want them to stay healthy too!

Many get scared from their first bowel movement after starting Fenben.

Those who actually look, often see the weirdest types of worms,

wiggling slowly out of them, which some describe as vibrating.

Bowel movements are often also green, and look like algae in the first

few weeks of treatment.

Fenben usually doesn't cause much of a healing crisis, apart from

feeling constipated and bloated in the beginning, in which case the

dose of ozonated magnesium must be increased to keep up with washing

out the dying bugs. And the rest, well yes, maybe scary, but it always


6. The following 2 articles are about people using fenbendazole off

label as a cancer killing drug:

"A Drug Made for Animals and Taken by Humans to Treat Cancer:



"Veterinary drug may be repurposed for human cancers: study

Yogesh Sharma |Hyderabad, August 27 | Updated"


