国际商贸英语信函写作教程 - 文曲经典数字图书馆

21 世纪高职高专规划教材 国际商务系列 国际商贸英语信函写作教程 主编 清华大学出版社

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21 世纪高职高专规划教材


国际商贸英 语信函写作教程

王 丰 主编

清 华 大 学 出 版 社

北 京

内 容 简 介

本书是以国际贸易实务为前期课程和基础 , 系统讲授国际贸易各环节和商务往来过程中常见信函

的写作办法和技巧。本书分为四部分。第一部分国际商贸书信写作概述 ,总体介绍商贸书信写作原则

和格式等内容 ;第二部分介绍外贸书信的写作 ;第三部分介绍国际商务社交书信的写作 ;第四部分介绍


实经贸发展状况的需要 , 在体例的设计上适应教学的具体要求 , 尽力使本教材适应培养应用型人才的


本书是高职高专类教材 ,适用于高等职业技术学校、成人高等学校、本科学院的二级职业技术学院


版权所有 ,翻印必究。举报电话 : 010-62782989 13501256678 13801310933

本书封面贴有清华大学出版社防伪标签 ,无标签者不得销售。

本书防伪标签采用清华大学核研院专有核径迹膜防伪技术 , 用户可通过在图案表面涂抹清水 , 图案消

失 ,水干后图案复现 ;或将表面膜揭下 ,放在白纸上用彩笔涂抹 , 图案在白纸上再现的方法识别真伪。

图书在版编目( CIP)数据

国际商贸英语信函写作教程/ 王丰主编 . —北京 : 清华大学出版社 , 2005. 3

(21 世纪高职高专规划教材 . 国际商务系列 )

ISBN 7-302-10477-8

Ⅰ. 国⋯ Ⅱ . ①王⋯ ②陈⋯ Ⅲ . 国际贸易 - 英语 - 电报信函 - 写作 - 高等学校 : 技术学校 - 教材

Ⅳ. H315

中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2005 )第 011263 号

出 版 者 : 清华大学出版社 地 址 : 北京清华大学学研大厦

ht tp :// www .tup .com .cn 邮 编 : 100084

社 总 机 : 010-62770175 客户服务 : 010-62776969

责任编辑 : 康 蓉

印 装 者 : 北京嘉实印刷有限公司

发 行 者 : 新华书店总店北京发行所

开 本 : 185×230 印张 : 18. 5 字数 : 370 千字

版 次 : 2005 年 3 月第 1 版 2005 年 3 月第 1 次印刷

书 号 : ISBN 7-302-10477-8/ H·631

印 数 : 1~5000

定 价 : 23 .00 元


高职高专教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分 , 担负着为国家培养并输送生产、建


进入 21 世纪后 , 高职高专教育的改革和发展呈现出前所未有的发展势头 , 学生规模

已占我国高等教育的半壁江山 , 成为我国高等教育的一支重要的生力军 ;办学理念上 ,“以

就业为导向”成为高等职业教育改革与发展的主旋律。近两年来 ,教育部召开了三次产学

研交流会 , 并启动四个专业的“国家技能型紧缺人才培养项目”, 同时成立了 35 所示范性软件职业技术学院 , 进行两年制教学改革试点。这些举措都表明国家正在推动高职高专

教育进行深层次的重大改革 , 向培养生产、服务第一线真正需要的应用型人才的方向


为了顺应当前我国高职高专教育的发展形势 , 配合高职高专院校的教学改革和教材

建设 , 进一步提高我国高职高专教育教材质量 , 在教育部的指导下 , 清华大学出版社组织

出版“21 世纪高职高专规划教材”。为推动规划教材的建设 , 清华大学出版社组织并成立“高职高专教育教材编审委员

会”,旨在对清华版的全国性高职高专教材及教材选题进行评审 , 并向清华大学出版社推

荐各院校办学特色鲜明、内容质量优秀的教材选题。教材选题由个人或各院校推荐 ,经编

审委员会认真评审 , 最后由清华大学出版社出版。编审委员会的成员皆来源于教改成效

大、办学特色鲜明、师资实力强的高职高专院校、普通高校以及著名企业 ,教材的编写者和

审定者都是从事高职高专教育第一线的骨干教师和专家。编审委员会根据教育部最新文件政策 , 规划教材体系 , 比如部分专业的两年制教材 ;

“以就业为导向”, 以“专业技能体系”为主 , 突出人才培养的实践性、应用性的原则 ,重新组

织系列课程的教材结构 ,整合课程体系 ;按照教育部制定的“高职高专教育基础课程教学基

本要求”,教材的基础理论以“必要、够用”为度 ,突出基础理论的应用和实践技能的培养。

本套规划教材的编写原则如下 :

( 1) 根据岗位群设置教材系列 ,并成立系列教材编审委员会 ;( 2) 由编审委员会规划教材、评审教材 ;

( 3) 重点课程进行立体化建设 , 突出案例式教学体系 ,加强实训教材的出版 , 完善教

学服务体系 ;

( 4) 教材编写者由具有丰富教学经验和多年实践经历的教师共同组成 , 建立“双师




的主要课程 , 包括专业基础课和专业主干课。目前已经规划的教材系列名称如下 :

· 公共基础课


· 计算机类







· 电子信息类





· 机械类





· 经济管理类







· 服务类



本套规划教材的系列名称根据学科基础和岗位群方向设置 , 为各高职高专院校提供

“自助餐”形式的教材。各院校在选择课程需要的教材时 , 专业课程可以根据岗位群选择

系列 ; 专业基础课程可以根据学科方向选择各类的基础课系列。例如 ,数控技术方向的专

业课程可以在“数控技术系列”选择 ; 数控技术专业需要的基础课程 ,属于计算机类课程可

以在“计算机基础教育系列”和“计算机应用系列”选择 , 属于机械类课程可以在“机械基础

系列”选择 ,属于电子信息类课程可以在“电子信息基础系列”选择。依此类推。

为方便教师授课和学生学习 ,清华大学出版社正在建设本套教材的教学服务体系。本套

教材先期选择重点课程和专业主干课程 ,进行立体化教材建设 :加强多媒体教学课件或电子教

案、素材库、学习盘、学习指导书等形式的制作和出版 ,开发网络课程。学校在选用教材时 ,可

通过邮件或电话与我们联系获取相关服务 ,并通过与各院校的密切交流 ,使其日臻完善。

高职高专教育正处于新一轮改革时期 , 从专业设置、课程体系建设到教材编写 , 依然

是新课题。希望各高职高专院校在教学实践中积极提出意见和建议 , 并向我们推荐优秀

选题。反馈意见请发送到 E-mail : gzgz@ tup .tsinghua .edu .cn。清华大学出版社将对已

出版的教材不断地修订、完善 ,提高教材质量 , 完善教材服务体系 ,为我国的高职高专教育




前 言国际商贸英语信函写作教程


内容全面 , 体例新颖 ,注释细致 , 方便自学 ,较好地体现了高职高专的教学特点和要求。


单元是国际商贸英语写作的理论知识 , 即商贸信函写作的一般原则、格式 , 信函的语气和

风格等。第二单元介绍两种常用的国际商贸电子通信方式 :传真和电子邮件。第二部分外

贸书信写作将外贸活动过程分为多个环节 ,分别介绍有关信函的写作内容和要求。随着大

型公司跨国化发展和国际经济交往的进一步密切 ,商务社交类信件的写作将会日益频繁 ,因

此本教材增加了该部分内容作为全书第三部分 ,介绍对内对外进行商务沟通时常见的书信

类型。最后一部分是人事书信的写作 , 介绍了简历、求职信和其他人事书信的写作内容与


为了方便教学 ,教材主要部分按照内容简介、典型书信、注释、有用句型和套语 ,以及课

后练习的体例编写。在学习本教材之前 ,学生应该已经学习过外贸实务 ,内容简介只对相关

单元信函的写作内容做简短介绍 ,而不涉及商贸环节的具体知识。在典型书信的选择上 ,我

们注重与实际业务紧密结合 ,使学生通过样信和注释的学习能举一反三 ,学以致用。有用句

型和套语、补充材料和课后练习可供学生课后学习 ,书后附有译文和答案供教学参考。

本书由金陵科技学院商学院王丰主编。参编人员及分工如下 : 王丰 (第一部分 , 第二

部分第十三、十四单元和第四部分 ) , (第二部分第一单元、第五~十单元 ) , 向征 (第二部分

第二~四单元 , 第十一、十二单元 ) ,刘薇 ( 第三部分 )。

清华大学出版社和金陵科技学院对本书的编写和出版给予了大力支持 , 在此表示衷

心感谢。由于作者水平有限 , 书中错误在所难免 , 欢迎同行专家和广大读者不吝赐教 , 批


编 者金陵科技学院商学院

2005 年 1 月

目 录国际商贸英语信函写作教程

第一部分 国际商贸书信写作概述 1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第一单元 商贸书信的撰写 3⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第二单元 电子邮件和传真 14⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第二部分 外贸书信 17⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第一单元 建立业务关系 19⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第二单元 资信调查 30⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第三单元 询盘及答复 37⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第四单元 发盘和还盘 47⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第五单元 推销 59⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第六单元 订单及其执行 68⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第七单元 付款方式 78⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第八单元 信用证的修改与延期 90⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第九单元 装运 99⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第十单元 保险 110⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第十一单元 代理 119⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁 130⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第十三单元 补偿贸易和加工贸易 140⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第十四单元 国际经济技术合作 148⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第三部分 国际商务社交书信 161⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第一单元 对外商务书面沟通 163⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第二单元 对内商务书面沟通 179⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第三单元 其他商务社交信函 187⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯


第四部分 人事书信 201⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第一单元 简历 203⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第二单元 求职信 211⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第三单元 其他人事书信 215⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

附录 A 合同和单证 218⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

商业合同 218⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

商业发票 221⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

装箱单 222⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

装货单 223⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

提单 224⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

品质证明书 225⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文 226⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

附录 C 部分课后练习答案 264⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

参考文献 286⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯



Part One Brief Introduction on InternationalBusiness Letter Writing

第一单元 商贸书信的撰写

第二单元 电子邮件和传真

Unit 1 Business Letter Writing 第一单元



商贸信函是组织进行外部沟通的一种形式 , 用于向组织以外的个人传递信息。国际

商贸信函的用途十分广泛 , 可以征询信息、作出答复、索要价款、商议调整、订购货物、出售

货物、提出建议、建立信誉 , 以及达到多种其他目的。本书介绍的国际商贸书信主要包括

对外贸易双方交易磋商的信件往来 , 国际商贸社交书信往来 ,以及人才跨国流动时撰写的

人事书信。国际贸易信函往来就是买卖双方以书面的形式进行交易的磋商 , 对交易内容

和条款达成协议后 , 即说明一笔交易达成。如果事后发生争执 ,就需查阅在此之前交换的

信函 , 以寻找处理争端的依据。西方发达国家的民事法庭审理有关合同的诉讼案件时 ,要

审查全部来往信函。所以 , 在对外贸易中 ,信函是具有法律效力的文件。

以往 , 商贸信函是写在纸上寄发的。现在 ,电子、网络技术的发展 ,使我们可以通过电

子信箱和传真收发邮件、互递信息。不管通信形式发生了什么样的变化 ,书写有效表达信



写好商贸信函必须遵循四项原则 , 即四个 C : 简洁 ( conciseness ) 、明确 ( clarity )、准确

( correctness )、得体 (court esy)。让我们来具体探讨每一项原则。

1 . 简洁

简洁是指信件直截了当地陈述信息 , 节省读者的阅读时间。要注意避免出现以下不

正当之处 :

a . 使用拖沓的短语 (如 in addition to the above 和 in view of the fact tha t ) ;

b . 使用可有可无的填充词 (如 T here are four reasons 或 I t is a good plan ) ;


c . 使用冗长的引导语 ( 如 This lett er is to inform you that 或 I am writing th is let ter

to) ;

d . 使用意义含糊的副词 (如 very , definitely , extremely , really ) ;

e . 使用过时的词汇 (如 attached please find 和 purs uant to your request )。

2 . 明确

明确是指作者用良好的语言提供足够的信息 , 使读者能够充分理解自己的意图。通

知性信函一般采用演绎式顺序 : 首先提出中心思想 , 然后通过提供全部必要的信息来实

现明确性。有权威人士估计 , 大约有三分之一的商贸信函是用来澄清前一封信的。为了

保证你的信件的明确性 , 请把自己放在读者的角度来分析你写的东西。读者看到信会问

什么样的问题 ? 在信件的内容中 , 从一点到另一点的推论符合逻辑吗 ? 你所写的句子和

段落前后一致 , 过渡自然吗 ?

3 . 准确

准确包含两层含义 : 内容的准确性和形式的准确性。从内容的角度来看 , 好的作者

总是把相关的信息写入信中。他们先收集对自己写这封信有帮助的文字材料 ( 上一封信、

备忘录和报告 ) ,他们向对方提出询问、陈述事实、概括要点。要想写出准确的信件 , 必须

进行充分的准备。同样道理 , 准确的信件还要求检查校对信件内容和体例。打字错误、拼

写错误和语法错误会分散读者的注意力 , 破坏作者形象。准确的信件还要求符合某种体

例格式的要求 , 如缩进格式、齐头格式等。

4 . 得体

要设身处地地从读者的角度考虑问题 , 才会使你的表述更得体。想象一下 ,你希望其

他人怎样对待你自己 , 并以同样的尊重和周到对待收信人。你所表达的思想和你的措辞

都会给读者留下一定的印象。对于可能造成负面影响的词语要格外小心 , 比如 you

claim , unfor tunately, you neglected , you forgot , your complain t , 等等。通过从读者的

立场陈述你的信息 , 可以产生正面的影响。要更多地使用 you , 而不是 I 和 we。使用交谈

式的口吻会使对方感觉比较亲切 , 并可以树立起自己的和本公司的良好形象。


大多数商贸信函都分为三部分 : 开头、正文和结尾。这种三段式结构会有助于你快


1 . 开头

信函的开头可能包括一个主题行 , 或提及上一封信 ,或概括这封信的内容。主题行应

该表达一定的意义 , 但不必是一个完整的句子 ,后面不加逗号。提出询问或提供信息的信


第一单元 商贸书信的撰写

函应该开门见山 , 提出主要意图。

2 . 正文

正文部分第一句话进行解释并给出其他相关信息 , 以使它的意义更明确。对于每一

层新的意思 , 都要另起一段 ,还要时时注意体例的准确性。如果信中的信息是采用编号条

目的形式来组织的 , 就一定要保证各条内容之间的平行性。想一想读信人的感觉 ,他会理

解你所表达的意思吗 ? 在回复对方的询问时要不吝笔墨 , 可以写出比对方要求的更多的


3 . 结尾

要求对方付诸行动的信应提出具体要求 , 有时还要包括截止日期。就是说 ,要告诉读

者何时按你的要求采取行动。如果可能的话 , 还应向对方说明原因 ,例如 , Please send me

this information by J une 1 so that I can arrange the insurance .

提供信息的 信可 以以 总结 性陈 述或 善意 的良 好预 期结 尾 , 例 如 , I hope th is

information helps you plan your delivery . 当然还可以在信的结尾推广自己的产品和




1 . 信头

信头写在信纸的最上面 , 包括公司名称、地址、电话号码、E-mail 地址和传真。设计

好的信头可以印在信纸信封上 , 或者存入电脑文档的模板中。一般只要将信息都列在信


Interfon, Inc .

1677 Sea H arbor Drive

Or lando , Florida 35509 USA

Telephone: 407-2403000 Fax : 407-2405454 expor t@ int erfon .com


Yoshimori H eights Kawasaki-shi ww w .nagakura .com .jp

Kanagawa Ken 231 Japan sales@ nagakura .com .jp

Tel: + 8144-932-2526 technical@ nagak ura .com .jp

Fax : + 8144-932-2884

2 . 日期

日期写的应该是信件被寄出的日期 , 而不是开始写信的时间。日期顶边写在信纸的



左边、右边都行 ,距离信头三到四行。书写日期应注意以下几点 :

� 年份必须全部写出 , 不可略写 ,如不可用 04 代替 2004;

� 月份最好用英文全拼 , 不提倡用缩写形式 ,更不能用数字代替月份 ;

� 日期可以用序数词 , 如 1st , 2 nd , 3rd , 4 th , 5th , 6 th , 7 th , 8 th , 9 th , 也可以用基数

词 , 如 1 , 2 , 3 ,⋯ ;

� 年份前要加“ ,”;

� 美式日期中月份在日期前 , 如 June 3 , 2004; 英式日期中日期在月份前 , 如 3rd

June , 2004。

3 . 封内地址

这部分内容包括收信人的姓名、职务、其公司的名称、地址。每项内容单独成行 ,并且


Manchester Trading Co ., Ltd .

16-18 Worsly Road

Swinton Manchester


Ltd .为 Limited 的缩写 ,意思是股份有限公司 , 在美国主要用 Inc .( Incorporated)。

Messrs W . Sch ulhof & Co .

65 R ue Veydt

Bru ssels 5 , Belgium

Messrs 为 Mr .的复数 , 仅用于公司的商号 ,且该公司的商号由人的姓名组成 , 并且是

两人以上合伙组成的公司。如 : Messr s J . H arry & Co .; Messrs Green , Smith &

Brown Co .; Messr s Green Bros .

若收信人姓名同时写出名字和职称时 , 职称应放在姓名之后。若职称太长可另起一

行。若只写职称 , 则先写职称再写公司名。

Mr . F . Lawrence , President

W holesale Supplies Co ., L td .

481 University Ave .

T oronto 2 , Canada

Mr . F . H emingway

Vice P resident & Manager

T he Bank of Bombay , L td .

4 . 开始称呼与结束语

开始称呼相当于中文的“敬启者”。如果你认识收信人 , 可以直呼其名 ; 如果不认识 ,


第一单元 商贸书信的撰写

应称呼其姓 , 加上先生、女士、小姐等 ;如果不能确定由谁看信 , 可写上“尊敬的先生女士”。

大多数格式中 , 都在封内地址下面空两行后写称呼语。结束语相当于中文的“敬上”,“谨

上”,位置在信的正文的最后一行下空两行 , 结束语后要加“ ,”, 只有第一个字母要大写。

Dear Sir or Madam

Dear Sir

Dear Madam

Dear Mr . Smith

Dear Ms Smith

Dear Mrs . Smith

Dear Miss Smith

Dear John


对男士 ,但是你不知道他的姓名

对女士 ,但是你不知道她的姓名







Dear Sir or Madam

Dear Mr/ M s/ Mrs/ Miss Smith

Dear John

Your s faithfu lly 你的忠诚的 , 谨上 ,谨致

Your s sincerely 你的忠诚的 , 谨启

Best wishes 最良好的祝福

5 . 标题事由

标题的作用在于让读信人对来信内容一目了然。它必须简明扼要 , 让人一开始就了

解该信的基本内容和目的。它写在信件正文上方 , 可使用下划线突出 , 并冠以 Re ,

Subject 的字样。

6 . 信件正文

典型的商贸信函用三段式 , 信件看起来平衡和谐 ,当然也可酌情增减。限制每封信件

只有一个主题 , 一事一信。为了让信件视觉效果更好 , 每一行都应自左端同一位置开始 ,

保证对齐。由于字数关系 , 每行右边不可能对齐 , 换行时要注意尽量不要把一个词拆开。

段落间多空一行 , 可以让读者眼睛和思绪停顿。要尽量将信件正文在一张信纸内写完。

信纸不止一页时 , 从第二张起用与第一张相同的但没有信头的信纸 ,并在剩余几张加注页

眉 , 包括收信人姓名、日期、页码。

7 . 签名

签名表示信文执笔者愿为信件内容负责任 , 为防止假冒 ,务必要亲自签上不易被模仿

的字迹。一般在距结束语两到三行的位置 , 打上你的全名 ,另起一行写上职务。然后在打

印的名字上面的空白处 , 亲笔签名。如果是以公司名义签字 , 应打上大写的公司名称 , 再



由公司授权的签署人签名 , 再打上签署人的姓名和职务 ,例如 :



A .A .Weaven

Sales Manager

8 . 参考编号

编号的作用是能够使复信与先前发出的信函联系起来 , 并确保来件及时到达确切的

收信人手中。在许多信头中 , 一般都能留有 Ref No .的空位。一般在信头下方 ,收信人地

址的上方 , 可按部门、产品、地区、客户加以分类。

9 . 附件和副本

如果随信附上额外的材料 , 应在参考编号之后空两行标明附件提示。可以用单词全

拼 ( Enclosure , At tachment ) , 也可以用缩写形式 ( Enc ., At t .) 。如有必要 ,可注明附件的

数量。在副本中 , 列出所有将收到信件副本的人名 , 用“副本转交”或“Cc”后加上冒号标

注。例如 :

Enclosure: Catalog 3

P rice-List 2

Copy of Invoice 6309

Cc: Mary Smith

10 . 姓名缩写

如果写信或起草信件的人和打稿的人不是同一个人 , 则应该用他们姓名的首字母作

为缩写标注。顺序是先写作者 , 后写助理 , 中间用划线分开。例如 : 玛丽·史密斯向莎

丽·大卫·琼斯口述了一封信 , 则写 MDS/ spj。这种标注应左边顶头写 , 在附件字样下 ,



信函给读者留下的第一印象往往决定了这封信是否会被读者真正地读下去 , 也决定

了读者会对信的内容采取什么样的行动。因而 , 商贸信函的作者若要达到良好的沟通效

果 , 一方面要撰写恰如其分的句子和段落 ,另一方面还必须运用恰当有效的书信格式。信

件各部分的安排 , 就整体而言 , 可分为三类 : 齐头式 ( Block Form )、缩行式 ( Indented

Form)和修正齐头式 ( Modified Block Form) 。下面各举一例 , 读者可自己比较选择喜欢

的格式。但是通常英国人采用缩行式 , 因为各部分清晰明了 , 但打字较费事 ; 而美国人多

采用齐头式 , 便于书写 ,不易出错。


第一单元 商贸书信的撰写

1 . 齐头式

每一行都从左面的边界 开始 , 前面不空格。如下面 Beijing Textiles Import &

Expor t Corporation 所写的一封信就是齐头式。













Beijing Textiles Impor t & Expor t Corporation

43 T ian An Men St reet

Beijing , China

Tel: 010-6683812 Telex : 3358711

Our ref . No .

Your ref . No .

January 30 ,2004

T he Pakistan Trading Company ,

15 , Broad St reet

Karachi , Pakistan .

Gentlemen :

Cont ract No . 9887



Yours very tru ly

( signature )


Zhang Daihua

General Manager

EM : mef

Enc .

Cc: M s . Laura Shultz

2 . 缩行式


居中。每个段落的第一行从左边界空 5 个字母的位置开始 , 其他各行都从左边顶头写。


350 Park Avenue , North

Winter Park , Florida 32779

January 16 , 20××



Our ref . No .

Your ref . No .

Pacific Resources , Inc .

1160 Bishop St reet

H onolulu , HI 96813

Ladies and Gentlemen :

SUBJEC T : Cont ract No . 9887



Yours very tru ly

( signature )


Zhang Daihua

General Manager

3 . 修正齐头式

Beijing Textiles Import & Export Corporation43 Tian An Men St reet

Beijing , China

Tel : 010-6683812 Telex : 3358711

Our ref . No . January 30 , 2004

Your ref . No .

T he Pakistan Trading Company ,

15 , Broad St reet

Karachi , Pakistan .

Gentlemen :

Cont ract No . 9887



Yours very tru ly


( signature )

Zhang Daihua

General Manager


第一单元 商贸书信的撰写



偏右 , 收信人的姓名和其国名一定要分行写 , 并且与封内地址在形式上和标点符号上一

致。在信封的左右角上还可以写上邮寄指示 , 如航空信、挂号信、快递信等。其他需要对

方注意的事项 , 可用下列用语注在左下角。

Prin ted Mat ter 印刷品 With Compliments 致侯

Sample Mat ter 样品 Photo 照片

Sample of No Value 免费样品 Private & Confidential 亲展

St rictly Confidential 密件 Personal 亲启

Please forward to 请转交给 Urgent 急件

General Trading Co ., L td .

552 Zhong shan North Road

Nanjing , Jiangsu

P .R .C .


Messrs . R .R .Blackmur & Co .

316 Nor th Flow er Street

San F rancisco , California

U .S .A .



NAGAKURAYoshimori H eights Ka wasaki-shi www .nagakura .com .jp

Kanagawa Ken 231 Japan sales@ nagakura .com .jp

Tel : + 8144-932-2526 technical@nagakura .com .jp

Fax : + 8144-932-2884

Your ref . No .



Our ref . No . JM/ st/ 43Z

12 January , 2001

The Production Supervisor

Leefung Plastics ( Singapore ) Ltd


Brown Street PO


Dear Sir or Madam

Visit to Singapore

I am now planning my for thcoming trip to South East Asia and I would be very

pleased if we could meet to discuss the new range of N agakura products .

I hope to be in Singapore on 9 and 10 March . Would it be convenien t to visit you on

10 March at 11: 30 a .m . ? I would also be gratefu l if , in your reply , you could tell me

exactly where your offices are located .

I look forward to hearing from you .

Your s faithfu lly

Jun Mizuno

Tech nical Sales


1 . Improve the following sentences :

( 1) Mr . Smith wrote Mr . Wang that he had received his order .

( 2) We have duly received your order , for which please accept our thank s .

( 3) We have ordered the goods , and they will be received by us in two weeks .

( 4) We hope to receive your catalogue by return mail . Thanking you in advance .

( 5) Your let ter of recent date to hand and contents noted with thanks . We shall

appreciate a line from you at an earliest date .

2 . Correct the many mistakes in the following letter and separate the message in to

two paragraph s .


第一单元 商贸书信的撰写


P .O . Box 3259

mar keting@elecappli .com

22 th January , 20××

T he Manager

Messrs . Clarke & Smith L td .

68 H igh St reet

London EC 4


Dear Sir

We thank your lette r of 17 th January , asking u s details and prices of our elect ric

heate rs . We are pleasure in enclosing our latest price lis t and catalogue , together with

Model X-4’s details . Please do not reluctan t to write when you require further

information . We remain

Yours faithfully

Elect rical Appliances Co .



第二单元 Unit 2 E-mail and Fax


电子邮件 (E-mail)

电子邮件 ( E lectronic Mail , E-mail)是 Inte rnet 使用最广泛、最受欢迎的功能。

电子邮件的使用方式一般分为 Web 方式和客户端软件方式。Web 方式指用浏览器

访问电子邮件服务商的电子邮件系统网址 , 输入用户的用户名和密码 ,进入用户的电子邮

件信箱 , 然后处理用户的电子邮件。客户端软件方式是指用支持电子邮件基本协议的软

件产品 ( 如 Microsof t Outlook 和 FoxMail) ,使用和管理电子邮件。

在发送电子邮件时 , 必须输入收件人的电子邮件地址。一般来说电子邮件地址有两

部分 : 证明你身份的标志及证明你的因特网服务器。这两个部分由一个“@”来分开 , 域

名在@后面。例如 hotmail 邮箱的标准电子邮件地址是 : 名字@ hotmail .com . 后面附加

的“ com”表示 hotmail 是商业机构 ,其他常用的有“gov”表示政府用户 ,“ edu”表示教育界


电子邮件如果有清楚的标题 , 能有助于人们在阅读信件前把思想转移到正确的内容

上去。标题要简短 , 能提示信函的内容。如果是答复另一封电子邮件的信 ,则可以在标题

前加上“RE : ”或“Re : ”。

最后有必要提醒的是 : 电子邮件的抄送与暗送是有区别的。抄送和暗送的地址都将

收到邮件 , 不同之处在于被抄送的地址将会显示在其他收件中 ,而被暗送的地址不会显示

在其他收件中。因此 , 其他收件人会知道该邮件被寄送或抄送给谁 ,但不会知道该邮件被


第二单元 电子邮件和传真

传真 (Fax)

众所周知 , 快捷的信息传递是人们把握市场先机的重要手段。即使在 E-mail、短信风

行的当代社会 , 传真作为一种能同时传送图像、文字的通信手段 , 由于其实时传输、设备简

单、操作方便、安全可靠等突出优点 , 而被广泛地应用 ,成为当代企事业更多依赖的通信工

具。除了文字和数字之外 , 传真机可以传递图像、图表和图形。它有好几种特殊功能 , 诸

如自动发出和接收电文 , 并在发送时更正错误。

传真机就像一台复印机 , 它只需要几秒钟即可发完一份电文。在一端发出什么 ,在另

一端就同时收到什么。它利用电话线来收发电文 ,并把电话号码用作传真机号码。传真

与使用组合词和简化词的电报和电传不同 , 它以明语发送信函 , 因此 , 良好的英语和书信

技巧无疑是业务通信的基础。下面是一份用传真发出的电文及其译文 :

At ten tion : Mr . John Smith

Dear Sir ,

Investment has been flowing at a torrid pace in to the Suzhou New Area , a new

high- tech development zone in the scenic city in East China Jiangsu P rovince since

the beginning of the year .

Official sources said that during January and F ebruary the zone at tracted US

$230 million in cont ractual foreign investment , mostly from Japan and giant

tran snational corpora tions .

T he Japan-based Mats ushita E lect ric Indust rial Company Limited , Sony

Corporation and the Mitsubishi Corporation have invested in the zone this year ,

followed by the Du Pont and Upjohn Pharmaceutical Companies of the U .S .A . and

the Philips Company of the Nether lands .

Since the development zone was approved in 1992 , local governments have

made great effor ts to improve the zone’s a tt ractiveness to foreign high- tech firms .

T he above is a repor t from Xin hua News , which answers your enquiry about

investment in China .

Yours Sincerely ,


转告 : Mr . John Smith

先生 :

自今年初以来 , 投资一直以快速进入苏州新区———华东江苏省风景城市高新技




官方消息说 , 在一、二月份该区吸引外方契约式投资 23 000 万美元 , 大多数来自


今年已在该区投资的有日本松下电气工业有限公司、索尼公司和三菱公司 ,紧随

其后的便是美国的杜邦和厄普詹制药公司 , 以及荷兰的菲利普公司。

自从 1992 年该开发区被批准以来 ,当地政府尽了极大努力 , 以提高该区对外国


以上是新华社的一份报道 , 它回答了你方关于在中国投资的咨询。



Answer the following questions :

( 1) Why do the E-mail replace telegram ?

( 2) What is the most popular feature of Int ernet ?

( 3) Is there any special meaning for the last second word in the domain ?




Part Two Foreign Trade Correspondence

第一单元 建立业务关系

第二单元 资信调查

第三单元 询盘及答复

第四单元 发盘和还盘

第五单元 推销

第六单元 订单及其执行

第七单元 付款方式

第八单元 信用证的修改与延期

第九单元 装运

第十单元 保险

第十一单元 代理

第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁

第十三单元 补偿贸易和加工贸易

第十四单元 国际经济技术合作

Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations 第一单元


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

业务关系的建立 , 是开始进行交易和发展贸易的基础。因此 , 在国际贸易中 , 建立业

务关系就是一项非常重要的工作。建立和发展客户关系 , 必须对客户的情况 ,包括资信情

况、经营范围、企业实力以及是否愿意与我方建立业务往来有所了解。一般情况下 , 可以

通过以下渠道来获取相关信息 :

( 1) 银行 ( Bank ) ;

( 2) 商会 ( Chamber of Commerce) ;

( 3) 贸易行业名录 ( T rade Direction) ;

( 4) 同业商行 ( Bu siness Association of the Same T rade) ;

( 5) 我国驻外商赞处 ( Chinese Commercial Cou nselor’s Office in Foreign Country) ;

( 6) 外国驻华商赞处 ( Foreign Commercial Counselor’s Office in China ) ;

( 7) 广告 ( Adver tisement ) 。

建立贸易关系的信函一般应表达以下内容 :

( 1) 告诉对方我方如何获悉对方的经营范围和地址 ;

( 2) 表示我方有与对方建立业务关系、与对方合作的强烈愿望 ;

( 3) 介绍本公司或企业的性质、基本业务情况、经营商品的范围 ;

( 4) 说明希望推销或希望购买什么样的产品 ;

( 5) 必要时可向对方提供资信证明人 ,以便对方了解我方的资信情况 ;

( 6) 附寄公司简介、商品目录、价目表和小册子等 ,以便对方全面了解我方信息。

假如我方收到类似的国外来信 , 应及时礼貌地按对方的要求答复。即使不能满足对

方的要求 , 也应及时答复 ,婉言说明原因 , 为以后可能的交易留下余地。


典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) S e lf- in troduction and S ending Ma te ria ls

Dear Sirs ,

Your name and address have been recommended to u s by the Commercial

Coun selor’s Office of our Embassy in your country as the leading impor ter of ligh t

indust rial products in your country . We now avail ourselves of this oppor tu nity to write

to you and see if we can establish bu siness relations with you .

Our corporation is estab lished for the purpose of impor ting and expor ting as well as

other activities in connection with foreign t rade . We are active in the t rade and financial

circles of variou s countries and dist ricts . We are st riving to expand economic cooperation

and exchange of technology with foreign countries , and will u tilize common and

reasonable in te rnational practices in a flexible way .

T o acquain t you with ligh t indust rial products we handle , we are airmailing you

under separate cover a copy of our latest commodity lis t for your refe rence . If you find

any of these items in teresting , please let us know as soon as possible . We shall be glad

to send you quotation s and samples on receip t of your specific enquiries .

We look forward to receiving your early rep ly .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) S e lf- in troduction and Asking fo rMate ria ls

Dear Sirs ,

We owe your name and address to the Bank of China , N ew York Branch , which

told us that you specialize in the export of Chinese tex tiles and cotton piece goods .

Our company imports general merchandise . We have been in bu siness since 1949 ,

and therefore have wide experience in all the lines we handle . Now we are in the market

for P rin ted Shir ting from your count ry .

If you can ass ure us of workable prices , excellen t quality and prompt delivery , we

shall be able to deal in these goods on a substantial scale .

Our bankers are Chase Manhattan Bank and the H ong Kong & Shanghai Banking

Corporation of H ong Kong . They can provide you information about our b usiness and

finances .

We would highly appreciate it if you would send us by airmail catalogues , sample

book s and all necessary informa tion regarding Prin ted Shir ting , so as to acquain t us with


第一单元 建立业务关系

the material and workmanship of your s upplies .

We await your early reply .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) S e lf- in troduction and Asking fo rR ecomm endation

Dear Sirs ,

T his is to in troduce ourselves as one of the leading expor te rs from P .R .C . of a

wide range of garments , and we would like to enter in to t rade rela tions with you on the

basis of equality and mutual benefit .

We have enjoyed an excellen t reputation through fif ty years’business experience .

We are sure that you will be quite satisfied with our services and the excellen t quality of

our goods .

We enclose a brochure of products we are regular ly expor ting and tru st some of

these items will be of in te rest to you . We would be in terested in receiving your inquiries

for all k inds of garments .

If you are not int erested in dealing with the impor t of our garments , please be good

enough to forward this let ter to the import corporations who may be int erested in these

items .

Your ear ly reply will be highly appreciated .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信注释 (Notes)

1 . leading adj . 最重要的 ,主要的

the leading impor ter 大进口商

2 . avail oneself of sth 利用 , 使用

e .g . You mu st avail yourself of every opportunity to approach your prospective

buyers .


3 . write ( to sb ) (给某人 )写信

4 . expor t n . [ U] 出口 ; [C]出口物

expor t v . 出口

e .g . India expor ts tea and cotton to many different countries .


expor ter n . 出口商 ,出口公司 , 出口国



e .g . Argentina is a big expor ter of beef products .


H e is a successful expor ter of diamonds .


expor tation n . [U]出口

expor tation count ry 输出国

5 . impor t 进口

Cf . export

6 . circles n . (有共同兴趣、职业等的人形成的 )圈子、阶层、界

e .g . be well known in business circles 在商界中知名

7 . utilize v . 利用 , 应用

e .g . utilize the availab le resources 利用现有的资源

8 . in ternational practices 国际惯例

9 . acquaint s b/ oneself with sth 使某人/ 自己熟悉或了解某事物

e .g . We are quite acquaint ed with the market conditions at your end .


T he lawyer acquain ted himself with the details of his clien t’s business affair s .


10 . handle v . 买卖 ,经营

e .g . This shop does not handle s uch goods .


11 . under separate cover 另封 ,另邮

还可用 by separate post/ mail

12 . commodity n . 商品 , 货物

在外贸函电中 ,有“商品、货物”含义的单词大致有以下几个 :

(1 ) commodity 商品 , 较正式用语 ,通常指较大范围的商品。

e .g . T rading in commodities was brisk .


(2 ) article 指商品 ,指某项具体的商品

articles of clo thing 衣物

(3 ) item 货物 , 商品

(4 ) goods 货物 , 较通俗的用词 ,只能用复数形式

(5 ) merchandise 泛指商品、货物 ,无复数形式

(6 ) product 产品 , 自然的或人工的产物


第一单元 建立业务关系

the products of manufacturing indust ry 制造业产品

the finished product 制成品

(7 ) produce 产品 , 尤指农产品

fresh produce 新鲜的农产品

farm produce 农场产品

(8 ) cargo 用船或飞机运载的货物

(9 ) sh ipment 装载的货物 ,运输的货物

13 . for your refe rence 以供你方参考

或用 for your information

14 . quotation n . 报价

15 . on receipt of 一收到⋯⋯就

16 . enquiry n . 询价 ,询问

17 . look forward to sth/ doing sth 期待

18 . owe your name and address to . . . 由于⋯⋯得知某人的名称和地址

e .g . We owe your name and address to Messr s . Freeman & Co . L td ., through

whom we have learn t you are impor ter of table cloth .

承蒙弗雷曼公司告知贵公司的名称和地址 ,从该处我方得知你方是桌布进口商。

由某处得知某人的名称和地址常用以下短语 :

have/ know/ obtain one’s name and address from

owe one’s name and address to

through the cour tesy of

on the recommendation of

be recommended to sb by . . .

19 . specialize in 专营

e .g . This shop specialized in chocolates .


20 . cot ton piece goods 棉布匹

21 . general merchandise 杂货 ,是相对大宗散装干货 ( 如谷物、矿砂 ) 和液体散装货 ( 如原

油、汽油等 ) 而言的普通有包装的货物

22 . line n . 行业

e .g . H er line is more selling than production .


We have been in this line of business for many year s .




23 . in the market for 想购买

e .g . We are in the market for canned fruit .


24 . assure v . 向⋯⋯保证

assure sb of sth

assure sb that

e .g . We assure you of our fu ll attention to any inquires from you .

We assure you that any inquiries from you will receive our full att en tion .


25 . deal in 经营 , 买卖

e .g . We deal in hardware but not software .


26 . Chase Manha ttan Bank 大通曼哈顿银行

27 . Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行

28 . finances n . 此处是复数 ,指公司的财源、资金情况

29 . appreciate v . 感谢 ,感激

e .g . We shall highly appreciate your cooperation .

Your cooperation will be highly appreciated .

We shall appreciate it if you can give us your cooperation .

I t will be appreciated if you can give us your cooperation .

你方如能合作 ,我方不胜感激。

30 . cat alogue n . 目录

在外贸业务中 ,常向对方寄送的资料有 :

price lis t 价格表 ,价目单

litera ture 商业文字宣传品的统称

illustrated catalogue 带插图的目录

pamphlet/ booklet/ brochure 小册子

leaflet 单张说明书 , 广告单

folder 折叠式印刷品

31 . enter in to t rade rela tions 建立贸易关系

32 . on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上

33 . enjoy an excellent reputation 享有极佳的声誉

34 . enclose v . 随函附上

e .g . We enclose a copy of our quotation .


第一单元 建立业务关系


Enclosed are two copies of our price lis t .


Enclosed please find our Sales Confirmation in duplicate .

随函附上我方售货确认书一式两份 ,请查收。

enclosure n . 附件

35 . brochure n . 小册子

36 . be of in terest 有兴趣 ,使感兴趣

e .g . This article is of special in terest to us .


37 . forward v . 寄送 , 运送

e .g . We’ll forward you samples in a few day s .


外贸函电中 与 forward 同义 , 作“寄送 , 运送”解的 动词 还有 : send , dispatch ,

submit 等。

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . We take th is oppor tunity to in troduce ourselves as a state-operated corporation

dealing exclusively in Chinese Ar ts and Craf ts .

我们利用此机会自我介绍 ,本公司是专营中国工艺品的国有公司。

2 . This is to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of light industrial products in

China , having business relations with more than 70 countries in the world .

兹介绍本公司为中国最大的轻工业品出口商之一 , 和世界上七十多个国家有业务


3 . H aving had your name and address from the Commercial Coun selor’s Office of the

Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in your cou nt ry , we now avail ourselves

of this oppor tunity to write to you and see if we can establis h business relations by

the commencement of some practical t ransactions .

从驻贵国的中华人民共和国大使馆商赞处获知贵方的名称和地址 , 我们借此机会写信

给你们 , 想了解你我是否可以通过开始做几宗实际的交易来建立业务关系。

4 . Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver ,

Canada .




5 . T hrough the court esy of Mr . Dennis , we are given to under st and that you are one of

the leading impor te rs of elect ric products in your area and wish to enter into business

rela tions with you .

经由丹尼斯先生 , 我们得悉贵公司为所在地区最大的电器产品进口商之一 , 并且希望


6 . We owe your name and address to Piaggio Corporation who has informed u s tha t you

are in the market for weed-kille r .

承蒙比亚乔公司告知我方你公司名称和地址 , 并告知我们你方想购买除草剂。

7 . We have come to know the name of your corporation and are p leased to write to you

in the hope of establis hing business relation s with you .

我们得悉贵公司名称 , 特此致函希望与你方建立贸易关系。

8 . Your lett er of May 8 addressed to our branch in Nanjing has been forw arded to us for

attention . Since the export of this commodity is handled by us , we shall be very

pleased to ent er in to direct business relations with you from now on .

你方 5 月 8 日寄给我方南京分公司的信函已交我方处理。由于此项商品的出口由我

方负责 ,我方很荣幸从现在起和你方建立直接的业务关系。

9 . On the recommendation of Messrs . Ford & Co ., we have learned with pleas ure the

name of your firm and shall be glad to ente r into business relation s with you .

由福特公司介绍 , 我们很荣幸获知贵公司的名称 ,并想与你方建立贸易关系。

10 . With a view to expanding our business at your end , we are writing to you in the

hope that we can open up business rela tions with your firm .

为了在你方所在地扩展我方的贸易 ,我们特致函希望能与贵公司建立贸易关系。

11 . Specializing in the expor t of Chinese foodstuffs , we wish to express our desire to

t rade with you in this line .

我公司专营中国食品的出口业务 ,并且希望能与贵公司在这一行展开贸易。

12 . Your letter expressing the hope of ente ring into business connections with us has

been received with thanks .

你方信函已经收到 ,非常感谢你方在信中表达了希望同我方建立贸易关系的意愿。

13 . To facilita te your work in pu shing the sales of our products , we are sending you by

airmail a small sample . A copy of the relevant descriptive leaflet is enclosed .

为了给你方推销我方产品提供便利 ,现航邮寄上一件小样品 , 并随函附上一份有关的


14 . In order to give you some idea of various qualities of handicrafts we handle , we have

pleasure in forwarding you by airmail one catalogue and a few sample book s for your


第一单元 建立业务关系

information .

为使你方对我方各种款式的手工艺品有所了解 , 我们很高兴航邮寄上目录和一些样

品册 , 以供你方参考。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 ) S e lf- in troduction

Dear Sirs ,

T hrough the court esy of the Chamber of Commerce in T okyo , Japan , we have

learned tha t you have been s upplying the best quality foods all over the world , and we

are sure that there is a la rge demand for various foreign foods in our country . We are

writing to you in the hope of estab lishing bu siness relations with you .

We are the largest food t rading company in China , and have offices or

represen tatives in all major cities and towns in China . We have al ready imported a

number of foods from Europe and U .S .A ., therefore we have considerab le experience in

this field .

We s hould be obliged if you would advise us whether you have a mind to deal with

us by return mail .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) S e lf- in troduction

Dear Sirs ,

Your lette r of November 24 addressed to our sister corporation in Shanghai has

been t ransferred to u s for at ten tion . As the items fall within the scope of our business

activities , we s hall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you .

We have learned that you are one of the leading impor ter s and wholesalers of

Elect ric and Elect ronic Machinery and Equipment in Thailand . We are expor ter of the

same lines of business , having a business background of some 40 years , and now

particula rly in terested in expor ting to your cou nt ry E lectronic Products of all types .

All k inds of our products are good sellers and wor th commendation for their

excellen t quality . If you are int erested in marketing these products a t your end , please

let us k now , and w e shall be pleased to send you our quotations and samples books upon

receipt of your specific enquiries .

We look forward to your favorable reply .

Yours faithfully ,



课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following word s and phrases :

( 1) avail ourselves of

( 3) owe one’s name and address to

( 5) on a sub st an tial scale

( 7) on the recommendation of

( 9) at your end

( 11 ) for your infor mation

( 13 ) fall within the scope of

( 15 ) 商会

( 17 ) 另封

( 19 ) 在平等互利的基础上

(2 ) acquaint s b with sth

(4 ) in the market for

(6 ) through the cour tesy of

(8 ) in the hope of

(10) p ush the sales of our products

(12) have a mind

(14) good selle rs

(16) 国际惯例

(18) 专营

(20) 告知

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) We should like to offe r you our services as a t rading firm , and would mention

that we have excellent con nections in the t rade and are fully experienced with the import

business for this type of product .

( 2) We shall be obliged if you will in troduce us to any capable concerns tha t are

in terested in this line of business .

( 3) Messrs . Smith & Sons Co . of Los Angeles inform us that you are the leading

expor ter of silks . We would like you to send u s details of your various ranges , including

sizes , colors , and prices and also some samples .

( 4) As the item falls within the scope of our business , your letter of 1 st October

addressed to our Shanghai Branch has been passed on to us for at ten tion .

( 5) I t will be appreciat ed if you can give us any further information about Chinese

fruits and nuts .

( 6) We are convinced that with joint efforts b usiness between u s will be developed

to our mutual benefit .

3 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 贵国驻中国大使馆把贵公司作为中国罐头食品的未来买主介绍给我们。我们专

营这一业务 , 希望在平等互利的基础上与你方建立业务关系。

( 2) 从日本东京商会获知 ,你方有意采购农业机械。

( 3) 我们利用此机会自我介绍 ,本公司是本国专营化肥进口的大进口商。


第一单元 建立业务关系

( 4) 为了使你方对我们经营的商品有所了解 ,兹附上最新商品目录和价目单。

( 5) 我们的产品品质优良、工艺精湛。它们在欧洲市场享有盛誉。

( 6) 如果贵公司对在你方所在地推销我方产品感兴趣 , 请告知我方。一俟收到你方

具体询价 , 我方将立即寄上报价单及样品。

4 . T ranslate the following letter into English :

敬启者 :

承蒙鹿特丹安得森公司向我方提供了贵公司的名称和地址 , 现在我们给你方写


我们多年来一直在进口工艺品。目前我们对中国各种各样的工艺品感兴趣 , 很


如果你方的价格合适 , 我们相信能成大生意。




第二单元 Unit 2 Status Enquiry

资 信 调 查

内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

国际贸易与国内贸易相比 , 一次失败的交易往往会带来更为沉痛的损失 ,所以对国际

贸易一定要慎之又慎。有人认为信用调查 , 即针对 4C ( Credit , Characte r , Capital ,

Capacity)做缜密的调查是很重要的。在做资信调查时 , 可分为向银行调查 ( Bank

Reference)和向客户查询 ( T rade Reference )两种。Bank Reference 一般正确而且讲究信

誉 , 但有时过于简略 ,不易对对方的实际情况有深刻的了解。 Trade Reference 较为详细 ,


下渠道 :

( 1) 委托本国驻外经济商赞处查询 ;

( 2) 委托信用咨询社调查 ;

( 3) 自行派调查团调查 ;

( 4) 向外国驻华商务机构调查 ;

( 5) 向商会或其他的行业公会调查 ;

( 6) 委任本公司驻外人员调查 ;

( 7) 函请对方担供资信证明人。

关于信用查询这一类信函 , 在撰写时 ,一般包括以下几个方面的内容 :

( 1) 先提对方的名称和地址 ;

( 2) 再述其与我方的关系 ,声明调查原因 ;

( 3) 允许绝对保密 ,不损害对方的信誉 ;

( 4) 谢辞。

第二单元 资信调查

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 )Asking fo r info rm ation on Finac ia l Sta tus

Dear Sirs ,

As we are on the poin t of executing a considerable order from Messrs . J . A .

H ussain & Co ., P . O . Box 386 , Karachi , we should be much obliged if you would

inform us , in confidence , of their financial standing and modes of b usiness .

T he reference they have give u s is the St andard Chart ered Bank , Karachi Branch .

Will you please be good enough to approach the said bank for all possible information we

require .

It goes without saying that any information you may obtain for us will be t reated as

st rictly confidential and without any responsibility on your par t .

We thank you in advance .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) R e p ly to th e Abo ve Le tte rl

Dear Sirs ,

In reply to your let ter of 25 th March , we wish to inform you that we have now

received from the Standard Char tered Bank , Karachi Branch , the information you

require .

Messrs . J . A . H ussain & Co ., P . O . Box 386 , Karachi , was established in 1979

with a capital of Stg . 10000 . T hey majored in the impor t and export of machines and

elect rial equipments . T heir suppliers’ bu siness with them is repor ted to have been

satisfactory . We con sider them good for small business engagement up to an amount of

Stg . 3000 . For la rge transactions we s uggest payment by sight L/ C .

T he above information is st rictly confidential and is given without any responsibility

on this bank .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 )U n favo rab le R ep ly

Dear Sirs ,

Upon receip t of our let ter of 30 th October , we made inquiries respecting the firm

you mentioned and have obtained the following information :

“Messrs . Willing & Co . made an arrangement with their c reditors in December



20×× . T heir liabilities were £5000 , with assets £4000 . T he creditors agreed to a

composition of 60 p in the pound . A first dividend of 20p in the pound was paid af ter six

months and a second dividend of 20p three months later , but noth ing fur ther . The

business is said to be making no progress a t the present time , and we would advise you

to exercise ext reme caution in your dealings with this firm .”

We have also made independent inquiries respecting the firm , and the result was

practically a corroboration of our agent’s report .

It would , therefore , appear inadvisable to ente r into any credit t ran saction with

these people .

You are welcome to this information free of charge , and we are pleased to have been

of service to you in the mat ter .

Yours sincerely ,

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . We should be much obliged if you would inform us , in confidence , of their financial

standing and modes of business .

假如你能以机密的方式告诉我们有关他们的财务状况和经营业务的方式 , 我们将十分


这是虚拟语气的句子 , 由 should 和 would 与动词原形组成 , 语气显得客气委婉。

2 . T he reference they have given u s is the Standard Char tered Bank , Karachi Branch .


they have given us 是定语从句 ,修饰 reference。

3 . It goes without saying that any information you may obtain for us will be t reated as

st rictly confidential and without any responsibility on your par t .

无需说 , 你方为我们提供的任何信息将被作为绝密件来看待 ,并且你方不负任何责任。

4 . In reply to your lett er of 25 th March . . .

( 复你方 3 月 25 日的信 ) 。这一句型是外贸信函中常用的。此外也可以用 in answer

to your lette r of . . .

5 . We have received now from the Standard Char te red Bank , Karachi Branch , the

infor mation you require .


6 . T heir suppliers’business with them is reported to have been satisfactory .

据告 , 他们的供货者与他们的交易是令人满意的。


第二单元 资信调查

7 . T heir liabilities were £5000 , with assets £4000 .

他们的负债是 5000 英镑 ,资产 4000 英镑。

8 . Exercise ext reme caution in your dealings with this firm .


有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . Messrs . J . M . Sh neider & Co . have recently written to u s that they are the leading

impor ter s in Germany and wish to establis h bu siness relations with us in the line of

machine tools . As we know nothing about the firm we should be obliged to you if

you would get for us some information about th is company .

司耐特公司最近写信告诉我们 , 他们是德国的大进口商 , 希望在机床业务方面与我们

建立业务关系 , 因为我们对该公司情况不了解 , 你方如能为我公司获取有关该公司的

资料 , 将不胜感激。

2 . In reply to your lett er of January 25 , we are pleased to inform you that the firm

mentioned in your let ter was set up twelve years ago . T he capital of the firm is

registered as US$100 000 . They are in the wholesale trade as well as in retail . Our

record with them is quite satisfactory .

今复你 1 月 25 日来信 ,并乐于告你 , 你来信中所提及的那家公司是在 12 年前设立的 ,

公司注册资本为 10 万美元 ,他们经营批发及零售业务。我们同他们往来的记录十分


3 . T he firm , Ander son & Co ., is dealing in pharmaceutical chemicals . They have wide

connections with an annual turnover of about US$100 000 . We usually gran t them

credit up to an amount of US$ 30 000 without security and they have never failed to

meet their engagement .

安特生公司经营西药化工原料 ,他们具有广泛的业务关系 , 年营业额约 10 万美元。我

们通常给予全额 3 万美元以内的信贷 , 而不需要任何抵押物品 , 他们从来没有不履行


4 . We s hould appreciate it if you could obt ain for us all informa tion about the financial

and credit standing of Messr s . James Neil & Co . in London . The reference they

have given u s is their bank , H ong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation .

我们想请你们代为查询一下伦敦一家商行的财务和信用情况 , 他们是 James Neil &

Co . 他们的银行是香港汇丰银行。谢谢。

5 . We s hould be pleased to ent er in to t rade relations with your firm but hope tha t you



will provide us with two bank references so that we my proceed with negotiation of

business .

我们很高兴能同你公司建立业务关系 , 但希望你们提供两个银行资信证明人 , 以便洽


6 . T he firm enquired about in your lette r was fou nded in 1970 with a capital of US$

100 000 and an ann ual turnover of US$300 000 . I t is learned that they had a profit

of US$ 200 000 last year .

你来信询问的那家公司设立于 1970 年 ,资本 10 万美元 ,年营业额 30 万美元 , 据悉 , 去

年有 20 万美元盈利。

7 . Messrs . William Baker & Co . you inquired about are a large impor ter of textiles .

T he maximum credit we granted to them is £5000 in the past and they can meet their

obligation in time .

你所询问的 William Baker 公司 , 是本地一家纺织品的大进口商 ,我们过去给他们最多

5000 英镑的信贷 ,他们都能及时归还。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )Asking fo rC red itR e ference

Dear Sirs ,

We would like you to enquire into the financial and credit status of a firm in Milan

on our behalf .

T he firm is Santo Domino & Co ., dist ribu tors of spare par ts for car s . T heir bank

is the Banco di It alino , of 73 Via Milano . We would like to know their general financial

reliability . In par ticular , their trade with us will involve a s um of USD50 000 initially ,

and perhaps a month ly credit of U SD5000 will be required .

We s hould be pleased if you would let us know whether this credit is justified in

view of their record in meeting payment dates . Is there a record of bad debts ? We need

to know this if we are to extend credit to them .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) F rom ban k to ba nk

Dear Sirs ,

We have been as ked by the Sales Division of Britis h Unit ed Motor Corporation to

write to you concer ning the credit status of one of your clients .

T he clien t is Santo Nomino & Co ., dist ribu tors , and the credit is for U SD500 000


第二单元 资信调查

initially , perhaps followed by a month ly credit of U SD5000 . T he t rade is in spare par ts

for automobiles .

We s hould be obliged if you would let us know if the said company is reliab le in

repaying debts , and also if they pay promptly . A general indication as to whether you

think the amount of the credit is justified will be s ufficien t .

We would also appreciate any information you may be able to give us about s ums

advanced in credit to them in the past .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) F avo rab le R e p ly

Dear Sirs ,

In reply to your let ter of April 20 , we are writing to say that we have been bankers

to Santo Domino & Co . for almost fif teen years .

T heir t rade in components for au tomobile engines is large and quite well-known

throughout the North of Italy . Their sales figures are la rge and increasing , and the

sum s you mentioned in your let ter a re not la rge in relation to their to tal turnover .

We have advanced credit to them in the past , and we would have no hesitation in

granting them fur ther credit if they ask for .

Yours faithfully ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . Fill in the blanks with proper words , then t ranslate the following sentences in to

Chinese :

( 1) We be much obliged if you would inform us of the financial and credit

standing of the company named above .

( 2 ) We would like you to enquire the credit standing of J .A .H ussain & Co .

on our behalf .

( 3) We advise you that you must regard their request for credit caution .

( 4) Please oblige us by your best process .

( 5) We will keep you of the recent market development .

( 6) We have got the goods ready and you have to urge your clien ts to open the L/ C

soon your par t .

( 7 ) John Smith & Co . has given us your name as for their financial

standing .



( 8) Please let us know if they have the reput ation of keeping their fu lly .

( 9) Any information you may give us will be treated in absolu te .

( 10 ) We regret being unable to enter new engagement for the time being .

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 我们将与之进行业务往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的商业地位与


( 2) 你方若能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出意见 ,我们将不胜感激。

( 3) 据我们所知 ,他们的财务状况良好。

( 4) 你们所问讯的那家商号是我地区一家最可靠的进口商。多年来在同行中享有良


( 5) 你地银行将给你提供有关我们的信誉和经营作风等方面的资料。

( 6) 对你方提供的任何资料 ,我们都予以保密。

( 7) 我们劝你方与该行业务往来时务必要谨慎。

( 8) 该公司声誉好 ,资金储备雄厚。


Unit 3 Inquiries and Replies 第三单元


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

国际贸易双方在订立合同之前必须就买卖的有关条件进行磋商 , 并达成一致。交易

磋商一般始于买卖双方的一方主动向对方发出询盘或发盘。询盘又叫询价 , 是指交易的

一方向另一方询问是否买进或卖出某种商品 , 以及要求什么样的交易条件的口头或书面

表示。询盘的内容可以涉及价格、品名、规格、数量、包装、交货期 , 以及索取商品目录、价

目单、样本和样品等。采用书面形式的询盘除书信、电报、电传、电邮外 , 还常采用一种询


询盘按其询问内容的不同 , 可分为一般函询和具体询盘。一般函询是买方仅仅为了


盘是买方或卖方有买卖的要求 , 指定商品要求对方报盘。


时向同一地区三家以上客户询盘 , 以免使对方认为写信人需求迫切 ,从而对以后交易的价

格等条件产生不良影响。一般询价信应以简单、清楚和切题为原则 ,最好在信的开头就开

门见山地写出想问的问题。因为买卖双方在交易中处于平等地位 , 所以不必使用过分客

气的词句。如果内容很短 , 可以用明信片代替。

向以前没有业务往来的出口商或供应商询盘 , 应说明是如何得到对方商行的名称和

地址的 , 写信人经营什么业务 ,对什么商品感兴趣 ,一般的经营方针 ,要求对方提供什么等。

对于对方的询盘则应迅速、客气而有针对性地答复 ,以期带来更多的生意。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) Inqu iryDear Sirs ,

We have been informed by the Bank of Canada , Vancouver , tha t you are one of the


leading exporte rs of t ex tiles in Nanjing and that you wish to extend expor t b usiness to

our market .

We are la rge dealer s in tex tiles and believe there is a promising market in our area

for moderately priced goods .

We would like you to send us details of your various ranges , including sizes ,

colours and prices , and also samples of the diffe ren t qualities of material used .

For your information , we would like to state that we u sually pay for our impor ts by

sight L/ C which , we feel s ure , will be agreeable to you .

We anticipate your ear ly reply .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) In vita tion to m a ke an o ffe r

Dear Sirs ,

We saw your product on Global Sources Online . We are glad to inform you that we

are inte rested in your products . Although sales are not particula rly well there , good

prices can be obtained .

We would like you to reply to this inquiry as early as possible .

Inquiry details :

Product ( s ) Selected : S0001/ S0002

Buyer details :

Company N ame : ASADIN & SONS L TD .

Count ry : Bulgaria

Tel: (359 ) 29743818

Fax : ( 359) 29743818

E-mail: asadin @ bitex .com

Your ear ly reply will be appreciated .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) R e p ly

Dear Sirs ,

We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of 15 th January and enclose our price

lis t , catalogue and cutting samples . We are confident that these will give you all the

details you require . However , if you are in need of any other information not contained

therein , please let us k now . We shall satisfy you to the best of our ability .

By the way , we wish to inform you that our products have become very pop ular on


第三单元 询盘及答复

the world market and it has been difficu lt for us to meet the increasing demand . But if

you place your orders not later than the end of this month , we would ensure prompt

sh ipment .

We look forward to receiving your orders soon .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . tex tile n . 纺织品 ; 纺织原料 ; a . 纺织的

the tex tile indust ry 纺织业

2 . dealer n . 商人 ,商号

deal v . 做买卖 ( with ) ; 经营 ( in) ;n . 买卖 ,交易 ( 口语使用 )

dealer ship n . 经销权 , 代理权

small/ petty dealer 小商贩

e .g . T hey are among the leading dealers of th is city in these products .


3 . promising a . 有希望的

4 . moderately ad . 适度地

5 . price n . 价格 ;v . 开价 , 定价

actual price 实际价格

average price 平均价格

base/ basic price 基价

bedrock price 最低价格

ceiling/ highest/ outside/ peak/ top price 最高价

competitive price 竞争价格 ,有竞争力的价格

cost price 成本价 ,生产价

curren t/ present/ ruling price 时价 , 现价

discount price 折扣价

exceptional/ special price 特价

fair/ reasonable price 合理价格

favourable price 优惠价格

gross price 毛价 , 总价

half price 半价

selling price 售价



to tal price 总价

unit price 单价

wholesale price 批发价

e .g . Bu siness is possible if you can raise/ reduce the price by 5% .

假如你方能将价格提高/ 降低 5%可能成交。

T he goods are priced too high .


6 . various a . 各种的 ,各式各样的

e .g . We have stock carpets of various colour s .


7 . range n . 行 ,列 , (一 )系列 , (一 )类 ; 范围 ;差距 ; v . 从⋯⋯到⋯⋯ , 涉及

a full range of samples 一整套样品

e .g . We can supply carpets in a wide range of design s .


T his ar ticles falls with in the range of our b usiness activities .


Our scope of bu siness ranges over an extensive line of ligh t indu st rial products .


8 . size n . 大小 ,尺寸 , 体积 ; v . 依大小排列 (或分类 )

sized a . 依大小排列 (或调整 ) 的 ; [ 用以构成复合词 ]⋯⋯型号的 , ⋯⋯尺码的

small size 小号

medium size 中号

large size 大号

large-sized 大型的 ,大号的

e .g . We haven’t anything your size .


9 . sigh t L/ C 即期信用证

10 . agreeable a . (欣然 )同意的

e .g . Are you agreeable ?

你同意吗 ?

We are agreeable to do what you suggest .


11 . anticipate v . 预期 , 期望

anticipator n . 期望者


第三单元 询盘及答复

anticipation n . 盼望 ,期望

e .g . We anticipate hearing from you again .


We anticipate your acceptance .


12 . inquiry = enquiry n . 询问

inquire = enquire v . 询问

inquiry for sth . 询问某事

inquire for 询问 (商品 , 地点等 )

inquire of sb . about sth . 向某人询问某事 (的一般情况 )

e .g . The goods you inquire for are out of stock now .


The buyer inquired of the seller about the quality of this new product .


13 . cat alogue = catalog n . 目录

14 . sample n . 样品

cutting sample 剪样

as per sample 按照样品

cou nter sample 对等货样

sample book 样品册

sample free of change 免费样品

sample for refe rence 参考样品

e .g . The sample is for refe rence only .


Quality mu st be up to sample .


15 . meet v . 遇见 ;满足 ; 应付 ;如期偿付 ; a . 适当的 , 适合的

meet with ( 偶尔 )遇见 , 碰到 ;得到 ( 赞成等 ) , 遭受

meet a bill 准备支付到期的票据

e .g . We regret being unable to meet your wishes .


Our products have met with warm reception .


16 . demand n . 需求 ; 要求 ;v . 需求 ; 要求



active demand 畅销

ar ticles in great demand 畅销货

e .g . Demand exceed s supply .


There is lit tle or no demand at present for this ar ticle .


The buyer demands of the seller to ship the goods within a w eek .


17 . place v . 发出 ( 订单 ) ; 安排 ,任命 ; 投 (资 ) ,处理

place an order with sb . 向某人发出订单

place sb . as 任命某人为⋯⋯

e .g . We are glad to place an order with you for 50 ton s Dried Potato Slices .

我们很高兴向你方订购 50 吨干土豆片。

Please place the s um to his account .


How can we place all this s urplus stock ?

我们该怎样处理这些剩余的股票 ?

18 . order n . 订单 ; v . 订购 ,订 (货 )

accept an order 接受订单

cancel/ cut/ resend/ withdraw an order 取消订单

carry out an order 执行订单

decline an order 谢绝订单

mail order 邮购

e .g . We thank you for your order of 100 tons Bitter Apricot Kernels .

感谢你方向我方订购 100 吨苦杏仁。

If you order immediately , we can probably arrange 5000 cases .

如果你方立即订货 ,我方可安排 5000 箱。

19 . ens ure v . 保证

[辨 ] ens ure , 保证 ,普通用语。

assure ,向⋯⋯保证 , 使确信 ,常用 ass ure sb . that . . . 的结构。

ens ure supplies 保证供应

e .g . We can ensure that the good s will reach you in time .


20 . prompt a . 迅速


第三单元 询盘及答复

e .g . We look forward to your prompt reply .


21 . shipment n . 装运 ;v . 装运

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . Our commodities are soft and lovely , ligh t in weight and surprisingly warm .

我们的商品柔软舒适 , 轻便温暖。

2 . Our products have already gained a st rong footing in many markets .


3 . We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and

delivery dat e acceptab le .

如果你方报价具有竞争性 ,交货期可接受的话 , 我们愿向你方订货。

4 . Seeing your adver tisement in China Daily , we should be pleased to receive your latest

price lis t for stain less steel t ableware .

从中国日报上看到你们的广告 ,我们希望收到你们不锈钢餐具的最近价格单。

5 . We have learned that you are in a position to export Cameras of the lat est RX-31 . We

are therefore writing to you and hope that you will send us a copy of the ca talogue .

In the meantime , please let us know the lowest price so that we can approach our

clien ts for sales .

据悉你公司能出口最新型照相机 RX-31 型。故与你们联系 , 希望能寄给我们一份目


6 . We hope you will inform u s of the main item s you can export . It would be better if

you could send us a few copies of your export catalogues and cut ting samples of

various kind s of Silk for our choice .

我们希望你能告诉我们可供出口的主要品种 , 最好能寄给我们几份你们的出口商品目

录及各种丝绸的剪样 , 以便我们选择。

7 . We would appreciate your sending us a ca talogue of your Rubber Boots together with

terms of payment and the la rgest discount you can allow us .

请寄橡胶靴目录 , 并注明你方付款条件及能给的最大折扣。

8 . Please send u s your latest catalogue with your best CIF Paris prices . We will also

appreciate your t elling us the approximate weight of each ar ticle .

请寄附有最优惠的成本加保险费和运费到巴黎的最新商品目录 , 并请告知每件货物的




9 . We have the pleasure of sending you under separate cover , a new catalogue which

lists the complet e line of our s por ting good s . For your information , we checked the

items which we hope especially in terest you .

现另寄我们全部体育用品的新目录一本。为供你方参考 , 特标明那些我们认为你们会


10 . Enclosed please find a full range of catalogues covering the bed-sheets enquired for

in your letter . If you find any of the it ems of inte rest , please let us know and we

will send you the samples .

随函附上关于你信中询问的床单的全套目录。假如你对任何商品感兴趣 , 请告诉我

们 ,我们将寄上样品。

11 . As the brochures you sent u s were badly damaged in the mail , we would like you to

mail us some more .

你公司寄给我们的产品简介小册子在邮寄途中已严重损坏 , 希望你公司能再多寄一


12 . You may rest assured that we shall cer tainly give your enquiry our serious consideration .

请放心 ,我们保证认真考虑你方的询盘。

13 . We have received , u nder cover , a detailed price list of ligh t indu st rial goods

available for expor t .


14 . We will exhaust our best effor ts to locat e a supplier .


15 . While thanking you for your enquiry for our products , we regret to inform you that

we are not in a position to meet your requirement . However , as soon as we have

secured our s upplies , we will rever t to the mat ter .

感谢你们有关我方产品的询盘 , 我们很遗憾地告知你方我们不能满足你方的要求。

不过一旦我们获得供给 ,我们将回复这件事。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 ) Inqu iry

Dear Sirs ,

We have just received an enquiry from one of our Japan clien ts who needs 10 000

met ric ton s of the superior white crystal sugar and s hall appreciate your quoting us your

best price at the ear lie r date .


第三单元 询盘及答复

For this enquiry , the buyers will a rrange s hipping and insurance , therefore the

price to be quoted by you should be on an FAS Dalian basis .

As there is a critical s hor tage of sugar in Japan , the goods s hould be ready for

sh ipment as early as possible . Please be assured that if your price is acceptable , we will

place an order with you righ t away .

Your ear ly reply to this enquiry is requested .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) In qu iry

Dear Sirs ,

We are in the market for 500 low wat tage Microwave Ovens . As we have not had

the pleas ure of impor ting elect ric appliances from you since 2000 , we wonder whether

you are in a position to meet our presen t requirements .

If your answer is in the affirma tive , please quote us your best price CI F Hong

Kong , sta ting the earliest date of s hipment and the discount you will allow .

Your ear ly reply will be appreciated .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) R e p ly to th e a bo ve le tte r

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for your lette r enquiring for low wat tage Microwave Oven . We wis h to

inform you that at present we are able to supply 650W Microwave Oven only , the price

of which is simila r to that of 600W , i . e . at USD×× per set CIF H ong Kong less 2%

discount .

As a mat ter of fact it is bett er than the one you enquire for , and w e are sure you

will find it wor th buying when you read the enclosed illu st ra ted leaflet .

We welcome your order and can assure you that shipment will be made within 20

days afte r receip t of your L/ C . We expect to have your decision at an early date .

Yours faithfully ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following word s and phrases :

( 1) discount price

( 3) petty dealer

(2 ) ensure supplies

(4 ) place an order with sb .



( 5) unit price

( 7) a full range of samples

( 9) medium size

( 11 ) large-sized

( 13 ) the range of

( 15 ) an impor t quot a

( 17 ) an impor t surplus

( 19 ) inquire for

( 21 ) inquire of sb . about sth .

( 23 ) separate cover

(6 ) cut ting sample

(8 ) 批发价

(10) 出口贸易

(12) 随函寄去⋯⋯请查收

(14) 目录

(16) 参考样品

(18) 满足要求

(20) 接受订单

(22) 谢绝订单

(24) clien t

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) If you are int erested , please cable us , indicating the quantity you require .

( 2) As soon as we have received your inquiry , we will immediately mail you the

samples and offe r our most favourable prices .

( 3) Our products are rich-looking and beautifu l , easy to work with .

( 4) Please give us your catalogue along with your quot ation .

( 5) We are mailing you , under separate cover , p hotographs of the inquired goods .

( 6) We regret to inform you that the commodity you required is discontinued .

3 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 我们随函寄上询价单一份。

( 2) 我们有意获得你方刺绣亚麻品的商品目录及价格单。

( 3) 如果你们第一批运来的货令人满意 ,随后将有大批续订。

( 4) 一收到你方具体询盘 ,我们将电告报价。

( 5) 这些样品是供您选择的。

( 6) 我们不太可能在近期内供货。

4 . T ranslate the following letter into English :

敬启者 :

我公司是纽约最大的纺织品进口商之一 , 我们盼望与贵公司建立贸易关系以发


随函附上第 123 号询价单一份 , 请早日报给我们最优惠价格 CIF⋯⋯ ,并告最早





Unit 4 Offers and Counter-offers 第四单元


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

发盘是指交易的一方向另一方提出具体的交易条件 , 并表示愿意按这些条件达成交

易的一种行为。发盘在合同法中称之为要约 , 对发盘人来说具有法律约束力。发盘可以

是应对方的询盘作出的答复 , 也可以未经邀请直接发出。发盘多由卖方发出 ,称为售货发

盘 , 也可以由买方发出 ,称为购货发盘。从我国进出口业务的实践来看 , 发盘报价对磋商

成败至关重要 , 对此我们必须做到慎之又慎。发盘即是订购意旨的表示 ,其内容必须明确

无误 , 避免使用意义含糊的词语。一般应包括交易的主要条件 ,如品名、规格、价格、数量、


在实际业务中 , 出口人常用寄送报价单的形式兜售商品邀请对方发盘。报价单可用

印就的格式也可用列表式 , 后者特别适用于商品繁多的情况。而在寄送报价单时 ,常用一

封专函 , 告知对方信内附寄报价单 ,并对询盘表示感谢或介绍所报商品和希望获得对方的


还盘是指受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘人的发盘中提出的条件 , 为了进一步协商 ,

对发盘提出修改性意见。还盘可以用口头方式或书面方式 , 一般与发盘采用的方式相同。

还盘可以针对价格 , 也可以针对品质、数量、包装、交货时间及地点、检验、支付方式等重要

条件提出修改意见。需要注意的是 , 还盘是一项新的发盘 , 是对原发盘的拒绝 , 还盘一经

作出 , 原发盘即失效 ,原发盘人不再受其约束。因此 , 还盘作出后 ,还盘的一方与原发盘方

在地位上发生了换位 , 即还盘人由原来的受盘人变成了新发盘的发盘人 ,原发盘人则变成

了新发盘的受盘人。新受盘人有权针对还盘的内容进行考虑 , 决定接受、拒绝或是再


如果拒绝对方的发盘 , 应写信回复 ,表示感谢并说明拒绝接受的原因 , 可提出合作的

其他机会 , 以示礼貌。


典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) S e lling o ffe r

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you very much for your inquiry . We are very pleased to hear that you are

in terested in our products . Please kindly see the following prices , based on FOB


S0001 U S$39 .50 each

S0002 U S$40 .50 each

Please note that we do not allow any commission on our products , but a discount of

5 % may be allowed if the quantity for each individual item exceeds 1000 pieces .

Meanwhile , please be informed that we require the payment to be made by sight L/ C

which s hould be established th rough a bank approved by us .

Shipment will be made in May , 2004 .

We t rust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen inte rest your t rial

order .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) S e llin g o ffe r

Dear Sirs ,

We have for acknowledgement your let ter of 18 th January and take pleasure in

making you the following offer subject to your reply reaching u s by the end of th is

month :

Commodity : Prin ted Shirting

Specifications : 30yards×35yards

Quantity : 26 000 yards

Packing : In bales or in wooden cases , at seller’s option

Price: US$2 .2 per yard CIF Lagos

Payment : By confirmed , irrevocable L/ C by draft at sigh t

Shipment : Within 3~4 weeks of receiving the L/ C

We feel you may be inte rest ed in some of our o ther products and enclose some

descrip tive booklets and a supply of sales lite rature for use with your customers .

We look forward to receiving your order .

Yours faithfully ,


第四单元 发盘和还盘

(3 )C oun ter- o ffe r

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for your lette r of 15 th February offering us your prin ted s hirting .

T o be candid with you , we like your prin ted shir ting , but your price is rather too

high for the market we wish to supply . It is under stood that to accept the prices you

quoted would leave us little or no margin of profit on our sales . We have also to point

out that some goods of Japanese make have been sold at the level of US$1 .8 per yard .

We apprecia te your prompt response to our enquiry and would like to take th is

oppor tunity to conclude some t ransaction s with you . We would , therefore , suggest that

you make some allowance , say 10% on your quoted prices . As our order would be

worth around US$50 000 , you may think it worth while to make a concession .

We are anticipating your early reply .

Yours faithfully ,

(4 )Acc ep ta nc e

Dear Sirs ,

We confirm having received your lette r of 28 th February , asking us to make a 10%

reduction in our price for Prin ted Shirting .

In fact , our products are sold at a quite reasonable price , if you take the quality in to

consideration . However , in order to develop our market in your place , we have decided

to accept your counter-offer as an exceptional case .

We are pleased to have transact ed this business and hope that from now on we shall

enjoy business relations profitable to both of us .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . following a . 下列的 ,下述的 ; pron . 下面 ; prep . 随后

follow v . 跟随

e .g . We are sold you the following :

我们已卖给你的货物如下 :

Please advise the position of the following order s .


Our sample will follow soon .




as follows = as what follows 如下

It is as follows : 如下 :

T he t elegram s read as follows : 电文如下 :

T he it ems are as follows : 项目列举如下 :

We stat e as follows : 兹陈述如下 :

2 . base n . 基础 ; v . 把⋯⋯基于

basis n . 基础 ; 根据

basic a . 基本的 , 基础的 ;首要的

base on/ upon 把⋯⋯基于 ,在⋯⋯基础上

3 . allow v . 允许 ,准许 ; 让⋯⋯得到 ;酌加 ; 酌减

allowance n . 允许 ,准许 ; 被允许的东西 (限额、期限等 ) ; 折扣 ;津贴

allowances and reba tes 折让和回扣

e .g . We can allow a discount of 5% for cas h payment .


4 . commission n . 佣金

rat e of commission 佣金率

a commission of . . .%或 . . .% commission 百分之几佣金

all commission 一切佣金 , 各项佣金

two or several items of commission 两笔或几笔佣金

e .g . If a 10 % commission is allowed we will exer t our utmost to promote the sale of

your products .

假如能获得 10%的佣金 ,我们将尽最大努力增进你方产品的销售。

Many salesmen receive a commission of 10% on all sales made .

许多推销员在所有销售出的商品上赚取 10%的佣金。

There are three it ems of commission left unpaid .


5 . discount n . 折扣 ; 减价 ;贴现 ; v . 打折扣 ,贴现

a t a discount ( AAD ) 折扣 , 贴水 ,低于正常价格 ; (货物 )没有销路 ;不受欢迎

e .g . T he highest discou nt we can make on this ar ticle is 20 % .


If you can discount your price by 10 % , w e are ready to take 500 bales .

假如你方价格能打九折 , 我们打算接受 500 包。

Many products are repor ted to be selling at a discount .


第四单元 发盘和还盘


Your design being outdated , your product is at a discount in this dist rict .

你方花样已过时 , 你方产品在此地不受欢迎。

6 . individual a . 个别的 , 单独的 ;独特的

individual economy 个体经济

individual privat e owner ship 个体所有制

7 . item n . 条 ,项 , 条款 ,项目 ; 商品

item by it em 逐条

an expor t item 出口项目

an item of business 营业项目

8 . payment n . 支付 ; 支付的款项 ;作为支付的东西

a cheque in payment for ren t 付房租的支票

accept sth . as payment for a debt 接受某物作为对债务的抵偿

9 . approve v . 批准 ,通过 ; 赞成 ,称许 , 满意

e .g . T he session approved the repor t .


10 . keen a . 热心的 ,渴望的 ; 强烈的 ;敏锐的

11 . t rial a . 试验性的 ;n . 试验

e .g . We suggest your placing a t rial order to see how it goes .


12 . acknowledgement n . 承认 ;收到的通知 ; 感谢

acknowledge v . 承认 ; 告知收到 (信件等 ) ;表示感谢

be in acknowledgement of sb .’s help 对某人的帮助表示感谢

acknowledge s b .’s letter 向某人表示来信已收到

e .g . We have had not acknowledgement of our lett er .


13 . offer n . 发盘 , 报盘 ; v . 发盘 ,报盘

a firm offer (一定期限内有效的 )确定发盘

accept an offer 接受发盘

confirm an offer 确认发盘

decline an offer 拒绝发盘

extend an offer 延长发盘

make an offer 发盘

renew an offer 更新发盘



withdraw an offer 撤销发盘

the validity of an offer 发盘有效期

offer subject to final confirmation 报盘以最后确认为准

offer without engagement 无约束力的报盘

e .g . H e is open to an offer .

他愿考虑 (对方的 ) 发盘。

Please make us an offer CI F Shanghai for 10 tons groundnuts .

请给我们一个 10 吨花生 CIF 上海的发盘。

A t present , we cannot offe r more than 10 000 pieces .

目前 ,我们的发盘不能多于 10 000 件。

14 . subject a . 易受⋯⋯的 , 常遭⋯⋯的 ; 有待于⋯⋯的 , 需经⋯⋯的 ; 可以⋯⋯的 ; 从属

的 ; 受支配的 ;ad . 在⋯⋯条件下 ;n . 主题 ;问题 ; 理由 ; v . 使受到 ; 使遭受 ; 提出 ;呈交

a subject for complain t 抱怨的理由

a plan subjected for approval 呈请批准的计划

e .g . Perishable goods are s ubject to damage in t ran sit .


The t reaty is subject to ratification .


We shall go ahead, subject to your approval .

你一批准 ,我们就开始干。

This can only be done subject to his consent .


Subject to your shipment in May , we will order 5000 tons .

如果你方 5 月装运 ,我们将订购 5000 吨。

On the subject of funds , you may cons ult with Mr . White .

关于资金问题 ,你可以与怀特先生商量。

15 . printed shir ting 印花细布

16 . specification n . 载明 ,详述 ; 规格 ;明细单 ; 计划书 ; (载有约定条件的 )说明书 ; 列入说


17 . option n . 选择

e .g . You have the option of accepting all or par t of the quantity .


18 . descriptive a . 描述的 ,描写的 ; 说明的

a descrip tive catalogue 附有说明的分类目录


第四单元 发盘和还盘

19 . booklet n . 小册子

20 . litera ture n . 文学 ;印刷品 ( 如广告、传单等 )

21 . quote v . 报价 , 开价

quotation n . 报价单 , 估价单 ;行情 (报告 )

[辨 ] quote 报价 ,只涉及价格。

offer 发盘 ,包括价格在内的各种交易条件。

quote sb . for sth . 向某人报价

quote a commodity at ten dollars 将一件商品开价十元

a quotation of prices 报价 (单 )

e .g . Please quote us your lowest price .


22 . conclude v . 达成 ; 得出结论

conclu sion n . 结论 ,意见

conclude the tran saction with sib . 与某人达成交易

23 . concession n . 让步

make a concession to s b . 对某人让步

e .g . The ABC Company made concessions at the bargaining tab le .

在谈判桌上 , ABC 公司做出了一系列让步。

24 . reduction n . 减少 ; 缩减

e .g . make a 30% reduction in the price of medicines

把药品减价 30%。

25 . reasonable a . 合情合理的 , 有道理的 ,适当的 ; (价钱 )公道的 ,不贵的 ; 通情达理的 ; 有

理智的 ,明智的

e .g . F res h vegetables are reasonable in winter too .


26 . cou nter-offer n . 还盘

27 . exceptional a . 例外的 , 异常的

exception n . 例外 ,除外

make an exception of 对⋯⋯破例 , 把⋯⋯作为例外

with the exception of 除⋯⋯外

without exception 一概 , 无例外的

e .g . This is an exceptional offe r .


Please understand that this is an exceptional t reatment .




All the items listed are of in te rest to us with the exception of Item s 3 and 5 .


有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . We take pleas ure in giving you an offer for our commodities .


2 . T his offer is open until the end of this month .


3 . We can offer as follows , subject to your reply received here by four o’clock p .m .,

our time , September 25 .

现发盘如下 , 以我方时间 9 月 25 日下午 4 时前复到有效。

4 . We t rust that you will be able to accept our offer , which shall be kept open against

reply by cable .

我们相信你方将接受我们的发盘 , 此盘至回电为止都有效。

5 . On condition that you take more than 2 000 sets , we are prepared to offe r this special

price of US$9 .10 per set , a 5% discou nt .

如订购 2000 台以上 , 我们准备特价发盘 ,每台 9 .10 美元 , 5 %折扣。

6 . We quote for the adjustable wrench as follows :

5″ at US$6 .00 per doz .

6″ at US$7 .00 per doz .

T he above prices are on CIF Karachi basis , subject to our final confirmation .

活络扳手报价如下 :

5 英寸 每打 6 美元

6 英寸 每打 7 美元

以上价格是 CI F 卡拉奇价 , 以我方最后确认为准。

7 . We have indicated those it ems that are available from stock . For the remaining items

the stated dates of delivery are approximate , but in no case would these dates be

exceeded by more than two weeks .

我们已经标明那些可立即供应的现货商品。对其余的商品 , 所报的交货期只是大约

的 , 但无论如何不会超过两周。

8 . We s hall book a t rial order with you , provided you will give us a 5% commission .

假如你方能给我们 5%的佣金 , 我们将向你方试订一批货。


第四单元 发盘和还盘

9 . Af ter carefully calculating the price again , we decide to make a fur ther concession of

US $2 per yard , in the hope that th is would lead to an increase in business

between us .

再次仔细计算价格后 , 我们决定做一个每码 2 美元的进一步让步 , 希望以此增加我们


10 . I t is our practice to require sigh t L/ C . We cannot make an exception of th is

t ransaction .


11 . To ensure punctual shipment of the goods to be ordered , you are requested to open

the L/ C 30 days prior to the stipulated time of shipment .

为保证订购货物的及时装运 ,要求你方在规定的装运期前 30 日开立信用证。

12 . Owing to the heavy commitments of our man ufacturer , we are unable to ente rt ain

fresh booking for the moment .

由于厂方承约太多 ,我们目前无法承接新的订单。

13 . Much to our regret , we are unable to enter tain your offer because the specifications

you quot ed do not meet our clien ts’requirements . If you are in a position to supply

the goods of such specifications as given in our enquiry sheet , we will get in touch

with our buyer s again .

我们很遗憾不能接受你方发盘 , 因为你方所报的规格不符合我方客户的需要。如果

你方能够按我们询价单所给的规格供货 ,我们将再同买主联系。

14 . While thanking you for your offer of yesterday , we regret being unable to wor k on it

as the time of delivery is too distant . In our lett er of enquiry , we have stated that

time of delivery is of u tmost impor tance .

谢谢你方昨天的发盘 ,但我们很抱歉不能对此进行工作 ,因为交货期太长。在我们的


15 . We are glad to receive your enquiry for our Flying Fish Brand Typewrit er 9″, but

regret being unable to meet your requirements as our stock has been exhausted . If

you could accept November shipment , we will t ry to meet your wishes but you must

let us know by the end of the month , otherwise we are afraid tha t we shall have to

decline your order .

我们很高兴收到你方 9 英寸飞鱼牌打字机的询盘 ,但很抱歉不能满足你方的需要 , 因

为存货已经售完。如果你们能接受 11 月装运 , 我们将尽力满足你们的希望 , 但必须

在本月底前告知 ,否则恐怕我们将不得不谢绝你们的订单。

16 . We cannot accept your counter-bid because the price is going up , owing to the rise



in the cost of raw materials .

我们不能接受你的还盘 ,因为由于原材料价格成本增加 , 价格正在上涨。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 ) S e lling o ffe r

Dear Sirs ,

We were very pleased to receive your enquiry of 10 th July and now confirm our

telegraphic offe r of this morning as follows :




We must st ress that this offer is firm for five day s because the price of steel is rising

rapidly and we shall have to adjust our price from US$5 .00 to US$7 .00 per dozen CIF

Karachi from the beginning of next month .

T o get the advantage of the present special offer it is advisab le for you to telegraph

your order in due time .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 )D e c line a cou n te r- o ffe r

Dear Sirs ,

We learn from your letter of 10th October that our price for the Silicon Steel Sheet

is found to be on the high side .

Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales , we are regretful

that we just cannot see our way clear to ent er tain your counter-offer , as the price we

quoted is quite realis tic . As a mat ter of fact , we have received a lo t of orders from

various sources at our level .

If you see any chance to do bette r , please let us know . On account of a limited

supply available at presen t , we would ask you to act quickly .

In the meantime , please keep us posted of developments at your end . We assure

you that any further enquiries from you will receive our prompt attention .

Yours faithfully ,


第四单元 发盘和还盘

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following word s and phrases :

( 1) base on

( 3) at a discount ( A AD )

( 5) te rm of payment

( 7) acknowledgement

( 9) the validity of an offer

( 11 ) make a concession

( 13 ) make an exception of

( 15 ) open the L/ C

( 17 ) in a position to

( 19 ) work on

( 21 ) counter bid

( 23 ) on the high side

(2 ) 佣金

(4 ) 确认发盘

(6 ) 撤销发盘

(8 ) 需经⋯⋯的

(10) 向某人报价

(12) 达成交易

(14) 无例外的

(16) 还盘

(18) 如下

(20) 由于

(22) 你地

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) If you are int erested , please cable us , indicating the quantity you require .

( 2 ) If you thin k this offer is acceptable , please cable u s in order that we can

confirm .

( 3 ) In view of our longstanding business relations , we can consider a price

reduction .

( 4 ) We have accepted your price of US$1 .80 per yard for Pat tern 75 , but we must

ask you to reduce your quotation for Patte rn 76 to US$1 .90 .

( 5) We regret that it is impossible to accept your counter-offer , even to meet you

halfway .

( 6 ) Much to our regret , as your price is out of line with the market level , it is

difficult for us to accept it .

3 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 请尽早回复说明最早装船期和付款条件。

( 2) 我方就 50 公吨大豆发盘如下 , 以本日起一周之内复到有效。

( 3) 如果你们愿意降低价格 ,比方说 8% , 我们愿向你方试订此货。

( 4) 我方决定再作 2%的让步 ,希望这能有助于你方推销产品。

( 5) 如果你公司订购数量达到 1000 , 我们能提供每件 CIF 伦敦 30 英镑的价格。



( 6) 由于考虑到我公司报给你方的价格为最低价 ,故无法满足你方的特殊要求。

4 . T ranslate the following letter into English :

敬启者 :

感谢贵公司 6 月 1 日寄来的询价单。基于贵公司每年 10 000 双的需求量 , 我们

发盘如下 :

价格 : CIF 大连每双 20 美分

支付 : 即期信用证

交货 : 收到订单后的 90 天内

如有其他问题 , 请多多指点。



Unit 5 Sales Promotion 第五单元

推 销

内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

在对外贸易中 , 推销信虽不是必不可少的 ,但它对于拓展业务或恢复业务起着非常重

要的作用。它的最终目的是劝说读者 ( 即买主 )购买卖方所提供的货物或服务。

撰写推销信通常有以下几种具体的目标 :

( 1) 介绍公司的新产品或服务 ;

( 2) 推荐经过改进的产品 ;

( 3) 提供特别的折扣或优惠以吸引客户购买 ;

( 4) 当客户要求的货物缺货时 ,推荐替代品 ;

( 5) 老客户长期不再惠顾时 ,询问其原因并向其阐述我方产品的优势或改进之处。

一封好的推销信应包含四要素 :

( 1) 引起注意 ;

( 2) 激发兴趣 ;

( 3) 产生购买愿望 ;

( 4) 导致购买行为。

撰写推销信时应注意以下几个方面的内容 :

( 1) 不写长信 ,否则读者可能没有耐心看 ;

( 2) 写信时尽可能使口气像私人交往 ,增加亲切感 ;

( 3) 在说明产品或服务项目时要清楚、简洁 , 勿使用过于夸大的言辞 ;

( 4) 向对方表明他将如何从你所推荐的产品或服务中受益。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) In troducing Your FirmDear Sirs ,

We write to in t roduce ourselves to you as a business that provides comp uter sales ,


consultancy and maintenance services to growing companies in the South-East of

England . Our clien ts include H ansens , Parget ter Smith and K . D . Little .

In par ticular , we offer :

� Purpose-built computer syst ems and sof tware to meet a company’s exact

requirements .

� Cons ultancy services , including one-day t raining seminars for managers and

employees involved in operating computer systems and soft ware .

� Same-day service contracts for organizations within a 50-mile radius of our

offices .

At this stage , we enclose our latest broch ure for your perusal . If you are in terested

in our range of products and services either now or in the fu ture , please do not hesit ate

to let us know . We would be pleased to supply fur ther details on request or to discuss

your requirements , without obligation .

We look forward to your reply .

Yours sincerely ,

(2 )O ffe rin g N ew P rod uc ts

Dear Sirs ,

We are pleased to in troduce you to the latest addition to our fast-expanding range of

baby t ransporte rs— the Wayliner .

T his innovative product is a twin pushchair , with three distinctive features :

� A revolu tionary“t wist and ride”sea t—you can change baby sea t position with a

flick of the wrist .

� An all-new , chip-resistant white frame , especially easy for cleaning off grubby

finger marks .

� Fixings for an additional sea t to be added—making it easy for an older child to

ride along .

For a very limited period , we are making a special offer available exclu sively to our

cu stomer s :

� A 10 percent discount off the normal trade price of each pu shchair .

� A free su n-shade or rain-cover with every pushchair .

� A free rota ting sales-display unit for each customer who places an order for 12

pushchairs or more .

We enclose sales lite rature for the Wayliner . To take advantage of the offer , call

our 24-hour Wayliner Hotline . Please note that this offer is for a very limited period .


第五单元 推销

We look forward to receiving your call .

Yours sincerely ,

(3 )O ffe rin g a D is co un t

Dear Sirs ,

We are glad to have your let ter of inquiry forwarded to u s by the Chamber of

Commerce in Sydney .

We wish to inform you that we are the largest manufacturer of cigarette lighte rs in

China with a history of over 30 years . Our products are well-known for their superior

quality and prompt shipment . The quality and prices compare favorably with those of

other makes .

Enclosed please find the price lis t and catalogue of our products which we can

supply at once from stock . We deem it to your advantage to push the sale of our

products in your market . We are prepared to give you a 10% quantity discount if your

order exceeds 1000 pieces . We are sure that you will find a ready sale of our products .

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信注释 (Notes)

1 . sales , cons ultancy and main tenance services 销售、咨询和维护服务

2 . growing adj . 增长中的 ,发展中的

a growing problems 越来越大的问题

growing pains (比喻 ) 新事业发展中所产生的问题

3 . in particular 尤其 , 特别

4 . purpose-built adj . 特地制造的

a purpose-built factory 特地兴建的工厂

5 . meet one’s requirements 满足某人的需求

6 . involve sb/ sth in ( doing ) sth 使某人/ 某事参与某活动或陷入某情况

e .g . H e was involved in a lot of t rouble .


7 . radius n . 半径范围

e .g . Police searched all the wood s with in a six-mile radiu s/ within a radius of six

miles .




8 . stage n . 程度 ;时期 , 阶段

e .g . At this stage it’s impossible to know whether our p lan will succeed .


9 . for your peru sal 供你方细读

10 . range n . 成套或成系列的东西或种类

e .g . sell a whole stage of foods 出售各种各样的食品

The new model comes in an exciting range of color s .


11 . on request 一经要求

e .g . Catalogues are available on request .


at sb’s request/ at the request of s b 应某人之请求或要求

e .g . We will supply more at the request of our customers .

应客户的要求 ,我们将增加供给。

by request ( of sb ) 应 ( 某人的 )请求或要求

e .g . By popular request , the manufacturers reduced their prices .

应大众要求 ,制造商降低了商品价格。

12 . without obligation 不受约束 , 不承担责任和义务

13 . available adj . 可用的或可得到的

e .g . You will be informed when the goods become availab le .


We will ship the goods by the first available vessel .


14 . take advantage of sb/ sth 充分利用

e .g . You s hould take full advant age of this oppor tunity to promote your products .


to sb’s advant age 其结果对某人有利或有帮助

e .g . The agreement is to our advantage .


15 . compare favorably with 比⋯⋯好

16 . make n . 产品出处 ;牌子

e .g . Wha t make of car is it ?

这是什么牌子的汽车 ?

17 . supply from stock 从现货中供应


第五单元 推销

stock v . 储备 ,保持供应

e .g . They stock all sizes .


stock n . 库存货 ,存货

e .g . Our new stock of win ter clothes will arrive soon .


( be ) in/ out of stock 有现货/ 无现货

e .g . The book is in/ out of stock .

该书有库存/ 已脱销。

18 . be prepared to do sth 能够并愿意做某事

e .g . We are prepared to ship the goods if you promise to effect payment

immediately .

如果你方能立即付款 ,我们愿意装运货物。

19 . give/ allow / grant / offer sb a 10% quantity discount 给予某人 10 %的数量折扣

discount ra te 折扣率 , 贴现率

t rade discount 商业折扣

discount s hop/ store 折扣商店

e .g . We have decided to meet you half way by allowing you 5% discou nt on th is

t ransaction .

我们决定各让一步 ,对这笔交易给你方 5%的折扣。

20 . find/ command a ready sale 畅销

表达商品“畅销、销路好”的短语还有 :

have/ find/ command a good/ ready market/ sale

meet with warm reception

be popular

sell well/ fast

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . Our silk garments are made of pure silk of the best quality . T hey are moderate in

price , excellen t in crafts man ship and unique in design .

我们的丝绸服装采用上乘纯真丝制成 , 价格公道 ,工艺精湛 , 设计独特。

2 . By vir tue of its superior quality , this item has met with a warm reception in most

European countries . We deem it to your advantage to buy this item for a t rial sale in



your market .

由于这种商品品质优良 , 在许多欧洲国家很受欢迎。我们认为订购我方商品在你方市

场试销 , 将会对你们很有利。

3 . Our products have been selling well/ selling fast in both American and Western

European markets .


4 . This item , being quite popular , will also command/ find a ready sale in your market .


5 . In view of the large demand for this commodity, we would advise you to work fast

and place an order with us as soon as possible .

鉴于对此种商品的需求巨大 , 我们建议贵方从速决定 ,尽快向我方订货。

6 . As this article is in great demand and the supply is rather limited , we would advise

you to avail yourselves of our offer in your own inte rest .

由于对这种商品的需求巨大 ,供应又非常有限 , 我们建议你方为了你们自己的利益 , 接


7 . Since the ar ticle you require is not available for supply at presen t , we s hould like to

recommend some similar ones as follows .

由于你方所需要的商品目前无货供应 , 我们向您推荐如下类似商品。

8 . The quality and prices of our products compare favorably with those of Indian makes .


9 . A fair comparison in quality between our products and those of o ther s upplie rs will

convince you of the reasonableness of our quot ations .

公正地比较我方产品和其他供应商产品的质量 , 会使你方确信我们的报价是适当的。

10 . We are prepared to allow/ give you a discount of 5 % if your order exceeds 400

pieces .

如果你方订单超过 400 件 ,我们愿给你方 5 %的折扣。

11 . In order to meet your demand , we would recommend an excellen t substitute . It is as

good as the inquired article in quality , but the price is 15% lower .

为满足你方需求 ,我们推荐一种优秀的替代品。在质量上 , 它与询价的商品一样好 ,

但价格低 15 %。

12 . We look forward to an even larger order than the one you favored with us last year .


13 . As we want to expand our turnover with you , we have quoted you very low prices .

We shall be unable to repeat them when our present stock is exhausted .


第五单元 推销

由于我方欲扩展与你方之业务 ,故报价极低。一旦现货售完 , 我方就无法提供如此之


14 . Your reply to this inquiry will enable us to give you the priority to supply your

requirement fast and to provide sufficient quantities for the goods which are going to

be best selling . We hope to be of best service to you .

你方的回复将使我们优先、迅速地供应你们所需商品 , 而且对于畅销商品能够有充足


补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )Announc ing R evam ped Products

Dear Sirs ,

We are ab solu tely deligh ted to be able to announce an exciting new development in

our range of products and services . The ever-popular Biarritz s uite has been upgraded to

meet changing customer requirements .

All new features include:

� A choice of three colors—peach , mustard or mint .

� Rever sible cus hion s incorporating two designs—st ripes and check s . Two looks

in one suit e !

� Removable cover— for easy cleaning !

Its most popular features remain the same :

� A luxury flat-weave fabric .

� Cigar-shaped arms with deep , fiber-filled back and seat cushions , and fully

sprung seats .

� Four cu shion s included free of charge .

All this , just £899 plus VA T— the same price as before .

New sales literature is enclosed for your att en tion . We are taking order s for the

updated version now , for deliveries commencing 1st October . Please note that initial

stocks are very limited , so place your order now by cabling us .

We look forward to hearing from you soon .

Yours sincerely ,

(2 ) E nq u irin g a bo u t Lo s s o f C u s tom

Dear Sirs ,

As we have not heard from you for some time , we thought we would write to keep



you up to date on developments here at Gayfer & Sons Ltd . Since we last supplied

goods to you , we have :

� Int roduced a new line of furnishings and accessories that may be of par ticular

in terest to you .

� Increased our product range by more than 20 percent and it continues to expand .

� Maintained prices at the same levels . These will remain the same for the

foreseeable fu ture .

We also continue to offer the same benefits to our customers as before :

� Immediate dispatch from stocks .

� 48-hour guaran teed delivery and a t no ext ra cost to you .

� 5 percent discount for payment with order or a 2 .5 percent discount for payment

in 30 day s .

� A no-quibble , money-back guarantee for goods returned within 14 days of

receipt .

So why not give us another try ? We enclose you latest catalogue , price lis t and

order form for your a tten tion . Should you wish to discuss or view our products , please

contact us .

Yours sincerely ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following word s and phrases :

( 1) sell well

( 3) meet with warm reception

( 5) to one’s advantage to do sth .

( 7) compare favorably with

( 9) be acceptable to sb

(2 ) be not available

(4 ) 给某人折扣

(6 ) 劝某人迅速决定

(8 ) 从现货中供应

(10) 以⋯⋯闻名

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) A fair comparison in quality between our products and those of o ther s upplie rs

will convince you of the reasonableness of our quotations .

( 2) We are wondering if there is any special reasons for this , for which we are

responsible: order not shipped promptly ; quality not up to the required standards ;

mistakes made in orders , uncompetitive prices , etc .

( 3) A simple comparison will no doubt induce you to let us have your trial order .


第五单元 推销

( 4 ) Because of its success in this count ry , we thought there might be a sales

potential abroad , and we would welcome your advice as to whether , in your opinion ,

there is a market in your dist rict .

( 5 ) Prices of these goods have made a sudden advance . If you miss th is

oppor tunity , you may not be able to obtain the item even at a highest price .

( 6) We are confident that you will want to take advantage of our low prices to

replenish your stock s in time for the Christmas sale , and we look forward to receiving

orders from you in the very near fu ture .

3 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 订单不断涌入 ,存货迅速减少。我们担心贵方采取观望态度会坐失良机。

( 2) 我们的产品品质优良 , 价格公道 , 深受许多欧洲国家欢迎 , 销售很快。我们认为


( 3) 由于你方所需要的商品目前无货供应 , 我们向您推荐如下库存商品 , 可立即


( 4) 由于本公司目前订单甚多 ,建议你方从速决定 , 尽早向我方订购。

( 5) 我们有很长时间没听到您的消息了 ,因此我们特写信给您 , 让您了解一下我公司


( 6) 随信附上我公司最新的目录和价格单 ,供你方参考。如果您现在或今后对我们

的产品和服务感兴趣 , 请勿犹豫告知我方。

4 . T ranslate the following letter into English :

敬启者 :

最近在南京举行的国际商展中 , 本公司摊位 ( stand)所展示的新型电视机曾引起


假如您还没有机会试验一下这种卓越的新产品 , 我们可充分供应您我们的新产

品 , 让您试验其品质。对使用老式电视机而又喜爱享受完美家居生活的人来说 ,我们


随函附上出口价格及付款条件的全部明细 , 带插图的目录和销售资料另邮寄出。

并乐于通知您 , 我们可以直接从库存供应任何数量的货物并保证一个月内交货。




第六单元 Unit 6 Orders and Their Fulfillment


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

订单通常是双方经过交易磋商 , 由买方提出的要求供应具体数量的货物的一种要求。


通常用印制好的订单 , 也可专门缮制。

卖方收到订单后 , 如能接受就应立即确认。这类信函一般包括以下内容 :

( 1) 对收到订单感到高兴和表示感谢 ;

( 2) 重复订单中的交易条件并加以确认 ;

( 3) 对所订货物的品质、价格等方面加以有利的说明 ;

( 4) 保证及时认真处理订单 ;

( 5) 希望收到更多的订单。

在我国的出口贸易中 , 一般由我出口方缮制“售货确认书”或“售货合同”。经我方签

署后将一式两份正本寄给对方 , 要求对方会签后退还一份 ,以备我方存档。经双方签字生

效的确认书或合同即产生法律效力 , 双方必须遵守履行。

但是 , 有时因对方所订购的货物无货可供 ,或对方所提出的交易条件不能为我方所接

受 , 或价格和规格发生了变化等情况 ,卖方不能接受买方的订单时 , 也应迅速就对方的订

单做出答复。婉言拒绝的同时仔细说明不能接受的原因 , 从而为今后的交易留有余地 ,或

者介绍一些合适的替代品 , 供对方考虑。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) P lac ing a Tria lO rder

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for your letter of 17 th August sending u s samples of Soya Beans . We

第六单元 订单及其执行

find both quality and price satisfactory and are pleased to give you a t rial order for the

following items on the understanding that they will be supplied from current stock at the

price named :

Quantity Description Unit Price ( net )

1000M/ T Soya Beans US$230 per M/ T CIF London

Delivery: By the end of September , 2004

Payment : Draft at sigh t under irrevocable L/ C

Packing : In st andard export packing

Please not e that the goods are to be shipped in accordance with your samples . We

are in urgent need of the above good s , so please confirm this order by return . Upon

receipt of your confirmation , we will open an irrevocable L/ C through the Bank of

China .

If this initial order turn s out satisfactory, we shall place fur ther orders with you in

the near fu ture .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) C o n firm ing the O rde r

Dear Sirs ,

We are very pleased to receive your order and confirm that all the items required are

in stock . It is a p leas ure to have the oppor tunity of supplying you and we are sure that

you will be satisfied with the quality of our goods .

We have booked your order for Soya Beans and are sending you herewith our Sales

Confirmation No .HL-104 in duplicate . Please sign and return one copy to u s for our

file .

It is understood that a letter of credit in our favor covering the above-mentioned

goods will be established immedia tely . We wish to poin t out that the stipula tions in the

relevant credit should st rictly conform to the te rms stated in our Sales Confir mation in

order to avoid sub sequent amendments . You may rest assured that we s hall effect

sh ipment without delay upon receip t of your L/ C .

We appreciate your co-operation and look forward to receiving your fur ther orders .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 )D e c lin in g a n O rde r

Dear Sirs ,

Your order of May 20 is received today and we thank you for your co-operation and



assistance rendered to us .

H owever , before we send our official confirmation we have to inform you that we

cannot accept your request for 5 % discount . As we sta ted in our lett er of May 8 , we

cannot possibly make a discount exceeding 2% . T he price has been closely calculated

and our profit margin is so small that it is impossible for us to make any further

concession .

If you really take into account our serious situation , you will agree , we wish , to the

2 % discount we have offe red . We would ask you , therefore , to confir m this as soon as

possib le becau se we can guarantee prompt shipment if we can sta rt on your immediate

order . We promise you that we will give your order our best attention .

Yours faithfully ,

(4 ) C a nc e ling an O rd e r

Dear Sirs ,

We refer you to the S/ C No .567 which stipu lates shipment to be made not later

than 10 th October . We regret that so far nothing has been heard from you .

W hen we placed our order with you , we st ressed the impor tance of dispatching the

goods . They are required for the winter sales in this count ry and they s hould therefore

arrive here by the end of October .

As we have not received any information from you tha t the goods have been sent ,

we have no alte rnative but to cancel this order . We regret this action , but you will

appreciate that we have no other way , as our customers insist on delivery by that date .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信注释 (Notes)

1 . a trial order 试订单

2 . on the under st anding that 在⋯⋯条件下 ,以⋯⋯为条件

同义词组 : on condition that

e .g . We can conclude the t ransaction on the understanding that you can effect

shipment within one month .

我们能达成这笔交易 ,条件是你方能在一个月内完成装运。

3 . name v . 确定 ,指定

e .g . Name your price .



第六单元 订单及其执行

4 . in accordance with 按照或依据某事物

e .g . T o avoid any possible dispute , we wis h to make it clear that the goods supplied

to our order must be in exact accordance with the sample in both quality and

design .

为避免任何可能的争端 , 我们想说明供应我方订单的货物在品质与设计上必须


表达相同意思的类似词组 :

conform to ; be in conformity with ; be in compliance with

5 . be in urgent need of 急需

6 . confirm v . 确认 , 证实

e .g . We confirm with than ks the receip t of the August shipment of Beer .

我方确认已收到八月装的那批啤酒 , 谢谢。

We confirm having closed the deal with you .


confirma tion n . 确认

e .g . We look forward to your final confirmation .


7 . by return 由下一班邮递

e .g . Please reply by retur n .


Write now to this address and we will send you a free sample by return .

按此地址函索 , 即免费寄奉样品。

8 . fur ther adj ., adv . & v . 进一步

e .g . We cannot make any further concession .


We must enquire fur ther in to this matter .


You should do more to further the in terests of your cu stomers .


9 . Sales Confirma tion 售货确认书

Purchase Confirma tion 购货确认书

10 . in duplicate 一式两份

11 . for our file 供我方存档

同义词组 for our record



12 . avoid s ubsequent amendments 避免日后的修改

13 . rest ass ured ( that . . .) 放心⋯⋯

e .g . You may rest assured that everything possible is being done .

请你尽管放心 ,正在尽力把一切都做好。

14 . request n . & v . 要求 , 请求

e .g . Your request will be gran ted .


You are kindly requested to make your offer on CIF basis .

请你方以 CIF 价格报价。

15 . margin n . 盈利 ,利润

e .g . A lthough we are inte rest ed in your products , we find your price is so high that

our margin of profit would be very lit tle .

虽然我们对你方的产品感兴趣 , 但是我们发现你们的价格太高了 , 以至于我们


16 . take sth . in to account 体谅 ,考虑

e .g . You s hould t ake your commercial reputa tion in to account and execute the order

immediately .

你方应该考虑到自己的商业信誉 , 立即执行订单。

17 . alt ernative adj . & n . 可能性中的选择

e .g . H ave you got an alternative suggestion ?

你有没有其他的建议 ?

You have the alternative of carrying out the cont ract or compensating for the

losses arising from cancella tion of the cont ract .

你方可以执行合同 ,也可以赔偿因为撤销合同而造成的损失 , 任你们选择。

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . Owing to the heavy commitments of our manufacturers , we regret that we are unable

to meet your requirements for the time being , however , we will contact you as soon

as we are in a position to offer .

由于制造商大量承约 ,我们很遗憾目前无法满足你方需求。一旦我方可以供货 , 就立


2 . The prices we quoted are closely calculated and considerated moderate . T hese articles

are best-selling in European mar kets thanks to their superior quality . Considerable


第六单元 订单及其执行

business has been done with other cu stomer s at these prices .

我方报价经过精确计算 ,因而是相当合适的。由于产品质量优异 , 在欧洲市场十分畅


3 . We are pleased to place the following order with you if you can guaran tee shipment

from Shanghai to Singapore by October 11 .

若你方能保证在 10 月 11 日前将货物从上海出运至新加坡 , 我方将很乐意向你方订购


4 . We order for 100 units of Spanish furniture Ar t . No .357 at US$600 per unit CIF

Shanghai . If this order is accept able , please let us know by return .

我们向你方订购货号 357 的西班牙家具 100 套 , 每套 600 美元 CIF 上海价。如果你方

认为此订单可接受 , 请尽快告知我方。

5 . We have pleas ure in confirming that we have booked your order for dis h washer with

the specifications given in your letter .


6 . We are pleased to confirm our cable dispatched today accepting your order No .70 .

我方很乐意确认今天所发出的电报 , 接受贵方第 70 号订单。

7 . Unfor tunately , we are not in a position to accept the conditions of payment and

delivery as specified in your order . However , we would be happy to accept your

order under the conditions customary in our trade .

遗憾 , 贵公司的订单所指定的付款与交货条件 ,我方无法接受。然而 ,我方乐意按我们


8 . We are unable to manufacture the article you ordered . Enclosed , we are returning

your order .

贵公司所订购的货物我们无法生产 , 现随函退回贵公司的订单。

9 . Because our supply of raw mat erials has been commit ted to other orders for month s in

advance , we cannot accept your order at present .

因为我方的原料供应在几个月前已分配给其他订单 , 故目前无法接受贵公司的订单。

10 . We t rust that you will under stand that it is not lack of coopera tion and goodwill that

makes it impossible to meet your wishes . We hope you will find it possible to

rep lace your order by our other excellen t substitu te .

我方相信贵方也能理解 ,我们不能满足你方的要求 , 绝不是因为我们不愿合作和缺乏

诚意。我们希望你方能够更换订单 ,订购本公司其他优质替代品。

11 . We find that the price you have quoted will force us to price the goods out of the

market . T he alternative is for you to adju st your prices by reducing them by 10 % ,



in which case we should be pleased to place your order for 100 units .


格 ,将之降低 10%。在这样的情况下 ,我们将乐于订购 100 件。

12 . We are unable to s hip your complet e order and so as not to delay the whole lot , we

will ship what we can produce immediately . The balance of this order will follow

soon .

我方现在不能装出你方的所有订货 ,但为了不拖延整批货物 , 我们将装运我们现在能


13 . We have pleas ure in informing you that we have booked your order No .123 . We are

sending you our Sale Confirmation No .321 in duplica te , one copy of which please

sign and retur n for our file .

我们很高兴已接受你方第 123 号订单。现寄上第 321 号售货确认书一式两份 , 请签


14 . We regret that we have to cancel our order because of the inferior quality of your

products . We ask you to cover any loss which might be caused as a result of the

cancellation of the order .

很抱歉 ,由于你方产品质量低劣 ,我们不得不取消合同 , 并要求你方赔偿由于取消订


15 . I t has been more than three months since we accept ed your order No .875 for curry

powder , but you are still unable to obtain the relevant import licen se . Although we

have reserved the goods for you , we regret that we are not in a position to reserve

the goods indefinitely . Under the circumstances , we think it advisable to cancel

your present order . A new order may be placed when you have secured the

necessary impor t license .

我方接受你方第 875 号咖喱粉订单已有三个多月了 , 但你方仍未获得有关的进口许

可证。虽我方为你方保留此货 ,但遗憾不能无限期保留。在此情况下 , 我方认为取消

你方现在的订单是可取的。一旦你方获得必要的进口许可证 , 我们可接受你方的新


16 . In compliance with your request in your let ter of September 10 , in which you cancel

the order for curry powder , we agree to t reat your order as cancelled .

同意你方在 9 月 10 日来信中取消咖喱粉的订单的要求。


第六单元 订单及其执行

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )R e comm ending a Go od Subs titute

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for your order of September 1 . Unfortuna tely the goods Model No . PC-

618 you ordered are now out of stock and will not be available again before the end of

December .

H owever , we can offer the slightly superior but very similar quality Model PC-628

instead , which is in stock and is perhaps more s uitable for your purpose .

Please let us know whether you can accept it . If you would care to cable us as soon

as you receive our offer , we could ship the goods at once .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 )D e c lin in g a n O rde r

Dear Sirs ,

We thank you very much for your order of November 5 . Af ter careful con sideration

on your request , however , we have come to the conclusion that it would be better for us

to decline your order in this case .

In order to reach the limit you required in your specification s we have to install a

large scale of special equipments a t our p lant and this would not be complet ed before

January next year without in terrupting our normal production .

We are really very sorry not to be in a position to accept your order , but hope that

you will u nderstand our situation . Please let us have other inquiries as w e shall be only

too pleased to meet your requirements if it is within our power .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) P la c ing an O rd e r o n R e con s id e ra tio n o f the P rice

Dear Sirs ,

We thank you for your quotation and samples of July 4 .

W hile appreciating the good quality of your ar ticle we find the prices rather h igh .

We have to poin t out that very good articles are now available here from several Chinese

manufacturer s and all of these are at prices from 10 % to 15 % below yours .

We should like to place our order with you , but must ask you to consider whether

you can make us a more favorable offer . As our order would be wor th around US$



800 000 , you may think it wor thwhile to make a concession .

Yours faithfully ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1 ) T hank you for your quotation for ma ture vinegar , but we regret the we have to

place our order elsewhere as your prices are too high for th is market .

( 2) Your cooperation is expected to ensure the fulfillment of the order in st rict

accordance with the concerned stipulation s .

( 3) To our regret , we are unable to accept your order at the price requested , since

our profit margin does not allow us any concession by way of discount of prices .

( 4) As w e are in urgent need of the goods , we find it necessary to st ress the

impor tance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the L/ C . Any delay in

sh ipment would be detrimental to our fu ture bu siness .

( 5) We enclose a t rial order . If the quality is up to our expectation , we shall send

fur ther order s in the near future .

( 6 ) We wish to order from you the it ems in your quotes , and will apply for

gover nmental approval to impor t them .

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 感谢你方对蝴蝶牌缝纫机的询价 , 但很遗憾 , 由于制造厂商承约过多 , 目前我们


( 2) 如果收到的货物品质不佳 ,我方以后将不再向贵公司进一步订货。

( 3) 由于本订单甚大 ,请你方给予一定的数量折扣。

( 4) 由于工资和原料的价格大幅度上涨 , 很抱歉无法按我方一个月前所报价格接受


( 5) 我们正在迅速处理你方订单 ,并将随时告知你方我们的进展情况。

( 6) 为了达成你我之间的首笔交易 , 若你方起订数量达到 1000 双 , 我们可以降

价 2%。

3 . T ranslate the following letter into English :

敬启者 :

非常高兴收到你方 10 月 8 日订购我方绿茶的订单 ,欢迎贵方成为我公司的客户


现确认我方可按你订单中所列出的价格供应绿茶 , 并且我方正在安排下周由“皇


第六单元 订单及其执行

后”号轮出运。我们相信当你方收到货物后 ,定会对商品十分满意。

对于上述订单 , 我们随函附上第 138 号售货确认书一式两份。请尽快签字之后

退还一份 , 以便我方存档。

你公司也许不知道我公司有颇为广泛的经营范围 , 现附上目录一份。希望你我




第七单元 Unit 7 Terms of Payment

付 款 方 式

内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

国际贸易中 , 付款方式主要有三种 : 汇付、托收和信用证。

汇付 ( Remit tance )是最简单的国际货款结算方式。采用汇付方式结算货款时 , 卖方

将货物直接交付给买方 , 由买方径自通过银行将货款汇给卖方。汇付有三种方式 : 电汇

( T/ T )、信汇 ( M/ T )和票汇 (D/ D )。货运单据也由卖方自行寄送买方 , 除以票汇方式汇付

外 , 银行并不处理单据。

托收 ( Collection)是出口人委托银行向进口人收款的一种方法。托收分为光票托收

和跟单托收两种。光票托收是指仅把金融单据 ( 通常是汇票 )委托银行代为收款。跟单托

收是出口人发运货物后开立汇票连同有关货运单据 , 委托出口地银行 ( 托收行 ) 通过其在

进口地的分行或代理行 ( 代收行 )向进口人收取货款。跟单托收分为承兑交单 ( D/ A ) 和付

款交单 ( D/ P ) , 付款交单又分为即期付款交单 (D/ P at sight )和远期付款交单 ( D/ P af ter

sigh t )。

信用证 ( Let ter of Credit , L/ C )是国际贸易结算中被广泛使用的最为重要的支付方

式。信用证通常是开证行根据进口人的请求和指示 , 授权出口人凭所提交的符合信用证

规定的单据 , 和开立以该行或其指定的银行为付款人的不超过规定金额的汇票 ,向其或其

指定的银行收款 , 并保证向出口人或其指定人进行付款 , 或承兑并支付出口人开立的汇

票。由于银行保证付款 , 银行信用代替了商业信用 , 对出口人而言有了十足的收款保证 ,

因此在我国对外贸易中被普遍接受。信用证种类繁多 , 最常用的是不可撤销即期信用证。

从出口人的收款保障程度而言 , 信用证的保障程度优于付款交单 ,即期付款交单优于

远期付款交单 , 付款交单优于承兑交单 ,托收优于汇付。因此 , 只有在进口人资信良好 ,或

在过去的业务往来中付款可靠 , 出口人较为信任时 ,才能接受托收的支付方式。如果款项

金额较小 , 也可考虑汇付方式。

有关付款方式的信函 , 其内容多为 : 介绍付款方式 ; 要求更有利的付款方式 ; 要求、催

第七单元 付款方式

促对方开立信用证 , 以保证顺利执行订单和及时装运 ; 确认已开出信用证 ; 确认收到信用

证 , 表示感谢并保证及时装运 ;解释延误付款或延误开立信用证的理由等。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 )Asking fo r an L/C

Dear Sirs ,

We thank you very much for your order No .727 of February 2 with which you have

sent us your s hipping instructions .

T he goods of your order are being manufactured for s hipment . Kindly open an

irrevocable L/ C in our favor in time and we ask you to send it promptly .

Upon arrival of the L/ C we will pack and ship the goods urgently as requested in

accordance with your shipping inst ruction s . We assure you that we will make complete

sh ipment so that we can give you perfect satisfaction .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 )U rg ing E s ta b lis hm e n t o f L/C

Dear Sirs ,

Re : Our Sales Confirma tion No .AJ105

T he goods under the captioned S/ C have already been ready for shipment . The date

of delivery is approaching , but we still have not received your covering Lette r of Credit

to date . Please do your u tmost to rush the L/ C , so as to enable us to effect shipment

within the stipulated time .

In order to avoid s ubsequent amendments , please see to it that the L/ C stipu lations

conform to the te rms of the Cont ract . Moreover , we wish to invite your att en tion to the

fact that the contract is concluded on F OB Shanghai basis ; therefore , your responsibility

is to dispatch the vessel to the loading port in due cour se .

We are looking forward to receiving your L/ C soon .

Yours sincerely ,

(3 )Advic e o f E s ta b lis hm e n t o f L/C

Dear Sirs ,

We refer to our order No .135 for wrist wa tches placed with you on October 10 , and

due for delivery within December . We are pleased to tell you that we have today

estab lished with the National Bank the confirmed , irrevocable Let ter of Credit No .6738



in your favor for the amount of FRF 62 000 payable by sight draft .

Your draft must be accompanied by the following documents : bill of lading in

trip licate , commercial invoice , in surance policy and cer tificate of origin .

As the season is drawing near , our buyers are in urgent need of the goods . Please

arrange s hipment of the goods ordered by us upon receipt of the L/ C . We would like to

st ress that any delay in shipping our order will involve us in no small difficu lty . We

hope you will let u s know at your earliest convenience the name of the carrying vessel

and its sailing date .

T hank you in advance for your coopera tion .

Yours faithfully ,

(4 ) In trod uc tio n o fTe rm s o f P a ym en t

Gentlemen :

We are pleased to receive your inquiry of 17 th October and enclose our illustrated

catalogue and price lis t . We are also sending you by separa te post some samples and feel

confident that when you see them you will agree that the good s are both excellen t in

quality and reasonable in price .

As to the modes of payment , we usually adopt confirmed and irrevocable lette rs of

credit payable by draf t at sigh t . H owever , in order to expand bu siness , we will , as an

exceptional case , accept payment for your t rial order on D/ P basis , provided the amount

involved is less than U S$1000 . In other word s we will draw on you by documentary

draft at sight , through our bank , on collection basis .

We hope the above payment terms will be acceptable to you and expect to receive

your t rial order in due course .

Looking forward to your early rep ly .

Yours sincerely ,

典型书信注释 (Notes)

1 . open an irrevocable L/ C 开立不可撤销信用证

信用证种类很多 , 最常见的类型为不可撤销即期信用证。

2 . in our favor 以我方为受益人

3 . rus h the L/ C 速开信用证

4 . avoid subsequent amendments 避免日后的修改

5 . Please see to it that 请务必注意⋯⋯


第七单元 付款方式

e .g . Please see to it that that all the goods should be made of best materials .


6 . conform to 与⋯⋯相符 ,与⋯⋯一致

e .g . T he packing of the good s should conform to the stip ulations in the cont ract


7 . invite your at ten tion to 请你们注意

call/ invite/ draw one’s at ten tion to sth 提请某人注意

have/ receive one’s at ten tion 引起/ 得到某人注意

8 . in due course 在适当的时候

9 . sigh t draft/ draft at sigh t 即期汇票

clean draf t 光票

documentary draf t 跟单汇票

draft at 30 days sigh t 30 天远期汇票

draw ( a draf t ) on sb at . . . days for a sum again st sth 向某人开立汇票⋯⋯天见票付


e .g . We have drawn on you at sigh t for U S$50 000 against your trial order .

对于你方试订货 , 我们已向你方开出金额为 50 000 美元的即期汇票。

10 . bill of lading 提单

commercial invoice 商业发票

insurance policy 保险单

certificate of origin 原产地证明

11 . at your ear liest convenience 尽早

e .g . Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience .


12 . as an exceptional case 作为例外

13 . provided 如果

provided 与 if 都表示“如果”, 但前者表示前提条件 ,后者表示假设条件。

e .g . Their applica tion for an impor t license will be approved provided (also if) they

do not fail to submit the form in time .

如果他们及时递交表格 , 进口许可证的申请就能被批准。

Their application for an impor t license will be reject ed if (cannot use provided)

they make the same mistake again .

如果他们再犯同样的错误 , 进口许可证的申请将被拒绝。

14 . in o ther words 换句话说 , 也就是说



15 . draw on you by documentary draft a t sight 向你方开立即期跟单汇票

drawer n . 出票人

drawee n . 受票人

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . In set tlement of your invoice No .218 , we enclose our bank cheque for US$5872 .

为支付贵公司 218 号发票 , 兹随函附上本公司银行支票 ,面额 5872 美元。

2 . We were pleased to receive your bank cheque for $5872 . It has been credited to your

accou nt , which is now completely clear .

很高兴收到你方面额 5872 美元的银行支票。我们已将此款记入贵公司账户贷方 , 如


3 . T he usual 3 % discount may be deduct ed if payment is made within 30 days on receipt

of this st atement .

如果贵方在接到此结算书后 30 天内付款 , 将可扣除 3%的折扣。

4 . As soon as we receive confirma tion that the credit has been established the goods will

be s hipped and the documents will be present ed for clearance with the ban k .

我方一收到确认书 ,表明信用证已开出 , 将立即装运货物并向银行提交单据结汇。

5 . We insist upon full payment of your accou nt , otherwise we shall be enforced to take

legal steps .

本公司坚持贵方付清全部账款 , 否则将被迫采取法律途径。

6 . Our usual te rms of payment are by confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit in our

favor , payable by draft at sigh t , reaching u s one month ahead of the stipula ted time

of sh ipment , remaining valid for negotiation in China for a further 21 days afte r date

of trans por t documents and allowing t ranss hipment and par tial shipment .

我们通常的付款方式是凭以我方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤销的信用证见票即付 , 该

证需在合同规定的装运期前一个月到达我方 , 并在运输单据出单日后 21 天内在中国

议付 , 允许转船和分批装运。

7 . Con sidering the small amount involved , we are prepared , as an exception , to accept

payment by D/ P at sigh t for the value of your first t rial order .

考虑到金额不大 , 作为特例 , 对你方的第一笔试订单 , 我们愿意接受即期付款交单的


8 . Although the time limit for the arrival of your credit has been exceeded , we are still

prepared to ship your order in view of the long- term friendly rela tions between us .


第七单元 付款方式

虽然你方信用证应到达我方的期限已过 , 但鉴于我们之间的长期友好关系 , 我们仍愿


9 . We regret having to inform you that although it is our desire to pave the way for a

smooth development of business betw een us , we cannot accept payment by D/ A .

我们遗憾地告知你方尽管我们愿意为顺利发展彼此之间的贸易铺平道路 , 但我方无法


10 . Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed , irrevocable

let ter of credit for the full invoice amou nt .


11 . We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the goods have been ready for

shipment for a long time and the covering letter of credit , due to arrive here before

May 11 , has not been received up to now . Please let us know the reason for the

delay .

我们希望贵方注意货物已经备妥待运相当一段时间 , 但是本应在 5 月 11 日到达的有


12 . We should request to expedite the est ablishment of the L/ C so that we may effect

shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here about April 12 .

我方要求你方尽快开立信用证 ,以便我方能装上约于 4 月 12 日到达此地的直轮。

13 . We hope that you will take your commercial reputation into account in all

se rious ness and open the L/ C a t once; otherwise you will be responsible for all the

losses arising therefrom .

我们希望你方能严肃认真考虑你们的商业信誉 , 立即开立信用证 , 否则由此引起的


14 . As a special accommodation , we agree to your proposal and accept payment by D/ P

at sigh t , but this should not be regarded as a precedent .

作为特殊照顾 ,我们同意你方建议接受即期付款交单 , 但是这不应视为先例。

15 . The covering L/ C will be established in due cour se , and we t rust that you will take

all necessary measures to ensure punctual sh ipment .

我们将适时开立有关信用证 ,相信你方会采取一切必要措施以保证及时装运。

16 . Referring to our order for your chili paste under our cont ract No .3587 , we wis h to

advise that we have established our L/ C No .5180 in your favor on May 8 with the

Milan Bank and tru st that you will be notified by the Bank of China to this effect in

due course .

关于我方第 3587 号合同项下订购的你方的辣椒酱 , 现告知我们已于 5 月 8 日通过米



兰银行开出以你方为受益人的第 5180 号信用证 , 相信中国银行会及时通知你方。

17 . Today we have drawn draf t on you at 30 D/ S , as agreed , for invoice value of

$7000 , under irrevocable letter of credit No .5863 issued by the Bank of America ,

New York , and please not e that the draft should be negotiated through the Manila

Branch of the same Bank .

今天我方凭纽约美洲银行开立的第 5863 号不可撤销信用证 ,按照先前的协议 , 向你

方开出同发票面额 7000 美元 , 见票后 30 天付款的汇票。请注意 , 本汇票由同一家银


18 . We are pleased to send you an enclosed draft on Bank of China , New York , for

$58 000 , endor sed in blank .

兹随函附寄向纽约中国银行开出的面额为 58 000 美元、空白背书的汇票。

19 . Your draf t mu st be accompanied by the following documents .


补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )Chas ing an Ove rdue Paym en t (firs t le tte r)

Dear Mr . Dawson ,

Account No .62435

We write to inform you that we do not appear to have received your payment of

$5950 .75 for invoice 7809 , dated 8 th May . We would be gratefu l if you would give th is

mat ter your prompt a tten tion .

If payment has been made in the past few days , please ignore this let ter and accept

our thanks for your payment .

Should you have any queries about your account , please do not hesitate to contact

us on ××××××××

Yours sincerely ,

Angus Pot ter

Accounts Assistant

(2 ) C h a s ing a n O ve rdu e P aym en t (s e co nd le tte r)

Dear Mr . Dawson ,

Account No .62435

Fur ther to our let ter of 22 th Ju ly, we write to draw your at ten tion again to the

outstanding sum of $5950 .75 relating to invoice 7809 , dated 8 th May . This was due


第七单元 付款方式

for payment by 8 th June .

We wish to remind you that our ter ms of t rade are strictly 30 days net . Please

forward your payment within seven days af ter receipt of this let ter .

Should you wish to discuss the mat ter , please contact us on××××××××

We expect to receive payment no later than 15 th August .

Yours sincerely ,

Doreen Platt

Accounts Supervisor

(3 ) C h a s ing a n O ve rdu e P aym en t (th ird le tte r)

Dear Mr . Dawson ,

Account No .62435

We wrot e to you on 22th Ju ly and 5th Augu st , ask ing you to settle the outstanding

sum of $5950 .75 relating to invoice 7809 , dated 8 May . This sum is now more than

two month s overdue .

T o date , we have not received any response from you and must now insist that th is

sum is paid in full no later than 22 th August .

Failure to make payment by this date will result in your account being passed to our

collections section to commence legal action to recover this debt , plus associated costs .

Yours sincerely ,

Sonia George

Credit Cont roller

(4 ) E xp la in in g the R e a s o n o f th e D e laye d P aym e n t

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your letter reminding us that our payment is overdue on

September 16 . I t had been our intention to clear this before now , but the seasonal t rade

depression here has resulted in extremely slow payment of our own customer’s account .

T his has caused a temporary inconvenience . T he amount of the set tlement is being

sent today to you through Bank of China , Nanjing by telegraphic transfer and you will

receive it in a couple of days . We hope that you will realize our awkward situa tion and

give your assistance in our business .

Yours faithfully ,



(5 )D e c lin in g a P ro po s a l o fD/A Te rm s

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your lette r dated December 22 , 2003 . As already poin ted out in

our previous letter , we have made arrangements with our manufacturers to make

delivery as punctually as possible in fu ture . We shall see to it that your int erest is well

taken care of at all times .

Regarding the t erms of payment , while we have every confidence in your in tegrity

and ability , we wis h to reite rate that our usual te rms of payment by confirmed and

irrevocable let ter of credit remain unchanged in all ordinary cases . For the time being ,

therefore , we regret our inability to accept D/ A terms in all t ransaction s with our

buyer s abroad .

For fu ture s hipments , however , we shall do our best to fulfill your orders within

the time stipulated . If , by any chance , it is impossib le for us to do so , we will effect

sh ipment on a D/ P basis in order to avoid putting you to so much t rouble in the

ext ension of let ter of credit . We t rust you will appreciate our cooperation .

Yours sincerely ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) The draf ts drawn under and in compliance with the ter ms of the L/ C shall be

honored on presentation and delivery of documents as specified .

( 2) Your sta tement of our account for the last quar ter has been received and found

correct . We have in structed our bank to remit the amount of US$6000 for the credit of

your account at the Mercantile Bank , New York .

( 3) In order to save a lot of expenses on opening the let ter of credit , we will remit

you the fu ll amount by T/ T when the goods purchased by us are ready for shipment and

the frigh t space is booked .

( 4) Since it takes time to open the L/ C while the goods u nder this order are

urgently required to meet the season , may we suggest that you draw draft on us at sigh t

through your bank and we will honor it on presentation .

( 5 ) We are unable to effect shipment according to the price and other te rms

originally agreed upon owing to the delay of your L/ C , and therefore the responsibility

for any loss arising sub sequently will totally rest with you .


第七单元 付款方式

( 6) We would like to invite your at ten tion to the fact that the L/ C covering your

order No .546 has not reached us in spite of our repea ted requests .

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 对这次交易 ,我们例外同意用即期付款交单方式。但对以后的交易 , 我们要求更

有利的付款条件 , 也就是信用证方式。

( 2) 为了给你方在你市场推销我方产品铺平道路 ,对此交易我方同意承兑交单付款

方式 , 以示特别照顾。

( 3) 在你公司履行信用证条款的条件下 , 我们将承兑并于期满时支付信用证项下提

示的汇票 , 如需要 ,可提供按当前利率进行贴现的便利。

( 4) 由于所订货物已备妥待运 , 请即开立信用证。一俟我方收到信用证 , 将立即


( 5) 本公司根据蒙特利尔加拿大皇家银行第 5265 号不可撤销信用证开出 30 000 美

元见票后 30 天付款的汇票。

( 6) 由于驶往你方的直轮稀少 ,开证时请允许转船。

3 . T ranslate the following L/ C into Chinese .

T he T rade Bank

525 Market St reet , 25 th Floor

San Francisco , California USA

T o: Indonesia Expor t Ban k

Jakar ta , Indonesia

We hereby issue our irrevocable document ary credit No .5618784

Date of issue : May 15 , 2003

Date of expiry : July 7 , 2003

Place of expiry : Indonesia

Applican t : Beneficiary :

US Coffee Impor ter ABC Coffer Expor ter

San Francisco , California USA Jakar ta , Indonesia

Amount : US$65 000 , Six ty five thou sand U S dolla rs only

Credit available with any bank , by negotiation for payment of beneficiary’s draft at

sigh t drawn on The T rade Bank for 100 percent of invoice value

Par tial shipment: Not allowed

T ranss hipment : Allowed



Shipment from Indonesia no later than June 16 , 2003 to San F rancisco ,

California USA

Goods : Fifteen metric tons of 60-kilo bags of Sumat ra Arabica Grade 1 coffee as per

buyer’s purchase order No .5638 , to be s hipped in one ocean cont ainer

CI F San F rancisco , California USA

Documents required

( 1) Original and four copies of signed commercial invoice

( 2) Negotiab le insurance policy or certificate for at least 110 percent of invoice

value , covering all risks , indicating loss , if any , payable in the U nited Stat es in

US dollar s

( 3 ) Full set of clean on board ocean bill of lading to the order of shipper blank

endorsed marked freigh t prepaid s howing notify John Smith & Company 123 Main

St reet San F rancisco

Drafts must indicate the n umber and date of credit .

T his credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and P ractice for Documentary Credits

( 1993 Revision ) , Int ernational Chamber of Commerce , Publication No .500 .

Period for presentation : Documents mu st be presented at place of expiration no

later than 21 days after date of shipment and within documentary credit validity .

Confirmation in st ructions : Without

4 . T ranslate the following letter s in to English :

( 1)

敬启者 :

事由 : 我方第 7305 号售货确认书

关于我方第 7305 号售货确认书项下 4000 打衬衫 , 提请你方注意交货日期日益

迫近 , 但至今仍未收到有关信用证。请速开立信用证 ,以便我方顺利执行这项订单。

为了避免日后的修改 , 务请注意信用证的规定与合同条款完全一致。



( 2)

敬启者 :

我们特致函告知贵方我们已通过伦敦 ABC 银行开立以你方为受益人的不可撤

销信用证 , 金额 90 000 英镑 ,有效期截至 11 月 30 日。


第七单元 付款方式

该信用证授权你方可在货物出运后 , 按发票金额向伦敦该银行开出见票后 60 天

付款的汇票。在承兑汇票之前 , 银行将要求你方提供如下单据 : 提单一式三份 , 商业

发票 , 装箱单 ,保险单或凭证 , 原产地证明。我们期望能在 11 月中旬收到你方货物。



第八单元 Unit 8 L/ C Amendment & Extension


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

信用证是国际贸易中最普遍使用的付款方式。信用证交易是否成功 , 对信用证条款

的审核是一个重要的环节。出口商在收到有关信用证后 , 首先必须作仔细认真的审核。

审核应全面 , 既要审核信用证中的条款是否与合同中的规定一致 ,还应审核信用证中的条

款是否合乎《跟单信用证统一惯例》。审证这一步骤很重要。两者之间任何细微的差别 ,


的原则 , 是一种十足的单据买卖。如果受益人提交的单据与合同一致 ,但与信用证中的规

定不符 , 将会遭到银行的拒付。因此 , 如在审证时发现信用证条款与合同规定不符 , 或有

先前未经出口商同意的特殊条款 , 或其中的条款与《跟单信用证统一惯例》中的惯常做法

有差异 , 而且出口商无法接受 ,则必须要求进口商修改 , 直至符合合同规定或出口商可接


在实际业务中 , 有时因为货源紧张、生产商生产过程遇到意外、运输耽误以及其他一

些意外情况的发生 , 出口商无法按信用证要求及时完成生产或装运货物 ,也会要求进口商

修改信用证 , 将装运期或信用证有效期延展。

信用证中一般有三个期限 : 装运日期、交单议付有效期和信用证到期日。信用证的

议付有效期与装运期之间应有一定的间隔 , 通常为 10~15 天 , 以便出口商有足够的时间

缮制信用证中所需单据 , 而后向银行办理议付。

要求信用证修改或展期的信函大体包含三方面的内容 :

( 1) 确认收到信用证 ,同时指出其中的不符点 ;

( 2) 详述不符点的内容 , 并提出如何修改或阐述需要展期的原因 , 说明延展的具体

日期 ;

( 3) 要求尽快修改或展期。

出口商必须在收到信用证修改通知书或展期通知后 , 再经审核确认无误后 ,才能发运

第八单元 信用证的修改与延期


典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 )Asking fo r L/C Am endm en t

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for your L/ C No .3589 , but we regret to say that we have found a

number of discrepancies . Please amend the L/ C as follows :

①“Messrs Johnson & Co .”should read“Barclays Bank , London , England”.

② T he amount both in figures and in words s hould respectively be CAD55 000 and

Say Canadian Dollar s Fifty-five T hou sand Only .

③ Draft should be at sigh t instead of at 60 days after sigh t .

④ Insert“Children”before“Bicycles”.

⑤ T he por t of destination should be London instead of Liverpool .

⑥ T he date and place of expiry s hould read : October 30 , 2003 in Beijing , China .

Your ear ly telex amendment to the L/ C will be highly appreciat ed .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 )As k ing fo r L/C Exte n s ion

Dear Sirs ,

L/ C No .NSW6180

We confirm our cable of yesterday , reading as follows :



We t rust that you have received the above cable and are doing wha t is necessary .

As stipulated in S/ C 03S TX-5491 , shipment could be made in Ju ly provided your

L/ C reached us not later than 15 th of J une . However , we received your L/ C only

yest erday and it is ab solut ely impossible for us to s hip the goods in Ju ly .

In the circumstances , we regret to have to ask you to extend the above L/ C to

Augu st 31 and September 15 for shipment and negotiation respectively , with the

amendment to reach us by the 15th July ; otherwise shipment will be further postponed .

We look forward to receiving the relevant amendment at an early da te and thank

you in advance .

Yours faithfully ,



(3 ) R e p ly

Dear Sirs ,

L/ C No .NSW6180

We have received your letter of June 30 requesting u s to extend the above L/ C to

the 31 st August and the 15 th Sept ember for s hipment and negotiation res pectively .

We are quite aware of the conditions set for th in S/ C 03STX-5491 that the goods

ordered could be shipped in J uly if the covering L/ C reached you on the 15 th June a t the

least . However , as we had to go through the necessary formalities of applying for the

relevant impor t licen se , we could not open the L/ C earlier . T he impor t licen se was

granted on June 17 and is valid only up to the 31 st J uly .

We are willing to do wha tever we can to cooperate with you , but as the present

impor t regulations do not allow any extension of license , we regret having to say that it

is beyond our ability to meet your request to extend the above L/ C .

Please do your best to ship the goods in time and we thank you for your

cooperation .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信注释 (Notes)

1 . amendment n . 修改

amendment to the L/ C 修改信用证

amendment advice 修改通知

amend v . 修改

e .g . Please amend the L/ C to read . . .


2 . discrepancy n .差异 ,不符点

3 . amount both in figures and in word s 用数字和文字描述金额

4 . ext ension n .延期

ext end v . 延期

e .g . Please ext end the validity to the end of December .

请将信用证有效期延展至 12 月底。

5 . We confirm our cable of yesterday , reading as follows :




第八单元 信用证的修改与延期

确认我方昨天发出的电报 , 电文如下 :

马口铁信用证 NSW6180 号今天才收到 ,不可能 7 月装运。请把装运日期和到期日分

别延展至 8 月 31 日和 9 月 15 日。

6 . in/ under the circumstances 在这种情况下 , 情形既然如此

e .g . In the circumstances , we felt unable to accept your order .

在这种情况下 , 我们无法接受你方的订单。

7 . negotiation n .议付 ;磋商 ; 流通

8 . be aware of 知道 , 明白

9 . apply for 申请

applican t n .申请人

application n .申请书

10 . impor t license 进口许可证

11 . grant v . 同意给予

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . As there is no direct steamer sailing for your por t this month , we should like to

request you to amend your L/ C to allow tran sshipment and ext end the s hipment date

and validity to . . . and . . . respectively .

由于这个月没有驶往你港的直轮 , 我方要求你方修改信用证 , 允许转船并将装船期和


2 . We are pleased to inform you tha t L/ C No .6345 is sued by the Char te red Bank of

Liverpool for our S/ C No .855 has just been received . However , on examining the

clauses , we regretfully find it contains the following discrepancies : . . . We request

you to inst ruct your bankers to make the necessary amendment to the L/ C .

很高兴告知你方 , 针对我方第 855 号售货确认书由利物浦渣打银行开出的第 6345 号

信用证刚刚收到。然而 , 经核对 , 我们遗憾地发现如下不符点。⋯⋯我方要求贵公司


3 . Please amend L/ C No .456 to read“ T he ext ra expenses are to be for the b uyer’s


请将第 456 号信用证改为“额外费用由买方负担”。

4 . We thank you for your L/ C No .0565 , but on checking its clauses we find with regret

that your L/ C calls for shipment in October , 2003 , whereas our cont ract stipu lates

for November s hipment .



我方已收到你方第 0565 号信用证 , 谢谢。经核对 , 我们遗憾地发现你方信用证要求

2003 年 10 月装船 ,而合同规定 11 月装运。

5 . It appear s that your L/ C is short establis hed , as the correct total CIF value of your

order comes to US $5850 .00 instead of US $5500 .00 , the difference being US

$350 .00 . In view of the above , please increase the amount of your L/ C by US

$350 .00 .

看来你方信用证少开了金额 , 因为你方订单中的正确总额是 CIF5850 美元 , 而不是

5500 美元 , 其差额为 350 美元。鉴于此 ,请将信用证金额增加 350 美元。

6 . According to the L/ C we received , the payment w as to be made at 60 D/ S . But it

should be made at sigh t as per the contract , therefore please make amendment of the

L/ C as stated .

根据我们所收到的信用证 , 付款方式是见票后 60 天 , 但是按照合同应是见票即付 , 因


7 . We are surprised to find in your L/ C that you call for insurance to be effected for

150 % of the invoice value whereas our S/ C stipulates for ins urance to be covered for

110 % of the invoice value . Please amend it accordingly and let us have your

amendment by the end of this month .

我们惊讶地发现你方信用证要求按发票金额 150%投保 , 而销售确认书中规定按发票

金额 110%投保。请做出相应的修改并在本月底之前将修改书送达我方。

8 . T he commission granted for th is transaction is 3% as stipulated in our S/ C , but we

find that your L/ C demand s a commission of 5% . Therefore you are requested to

inst ruct your bankers to amend the L/ C .

在售货确认书中规定的你我都认可的这笔贸易的佣金是 3% , 但是我们发现在你方信

用证中要求 5%的佣金。因此请通知你方银行修改信用证。

9 . We note from your L/ C that you require the Cer tifica te of Origin to be cer tified by

your con sul . H owever , it is our usual practice to have it cer tified by CCP IT and we

therefore s hould be obliged if you would amend your L/ C to that effect .

我们注意到你方信用证中要求由你方领事来证明原产地证明书。然而 , 我们通常的惯

例是由中国国际贸易促进委员会证明 , 因此如你方能按这些内容修改信用证 , 我们将


10 . The amendment advice should reach us by November 30 , failing which you must

ex tend the validity of the L/ C to the end of this year .

信用证修改通知书应在 11 月 30 日之前到达我方 ,如不能 , 你方必须将信用证有效期



第八单元 信用证的修改与延期

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )Asking fo r L/C Am endm en t

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your L/ C No .7375 is sued by the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking

Corporation , Hong Kong for the amount of US $77 000 , covering 1000 pieces of

shearing machines . On perusal , we find tha t your letter of credit does not allow

tran sshipment and partial shipment .

As direct st eamers to your por t are few and far between , we have to ship via Hong

Kong frequently . As to par tial sh ipment , it would be to our mutual benefit because we

could ship immediat ely whatever we have on hand instead of waiting for the whole lot to

be completed . T herefore , we sent you a cable this morning , which reads :



We s hall apprecia te it if you will see to it that amendment is cabled without delay ,

as our good s have been packed ready for shipment for quite some time .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 )As k ing fo r L/C Exte n s ion

Dear Sirs ,

L/ C No .64785

We thank you for your L/ C No .64785 covering your order of 3000 gross Sewing

T hread . We are sorry that owing to some delay on the part of our supplie rs , we are

unable to get the goods ready before the end of this month . So we sent you a cable

yest erday reading :



It is expected that the consignment will be ready for shipment early in August and

we are arranging to s hip it on S .S .“ Peace” sailing from Shanghai on or about 9 th

Augu st .

We t rust you will ex tend by cable the shipment date of your L/ C to August 15 and

validity to August 30 , thus enabling u s to effect sh ipment of the goods in question .

We s hall apprecia te your coopera tion .

Yours faithfully ,



(3 ) R e p ly

Dear Sirs ,

L/ C No .64785

We have received your cable of 14 th July and the lette r of 15 th July requesting u s to

ext end our L/ C .

We have to point out that if you fail to effect sh ipment within the stipulated time ,

we shall not be able to fulfill our cont ract with our clients . Besides , s uch delay will

cer tain ly cause us a lo t of unnecessary inconveniences and expen ses . We would ,

therefore , ask you to try your utmost to effect s hipment according to the original

schedule . If you fail to do so , we will have to ask you to compen sate us for any loss

arising from your violation .

We await your shipping advice by cable .

Yours faithfully ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) Please delete from the L/ C the clause ,“All ban k commissions and charges are

for beneficiary’s account”. Such should be paid by the impor ting par ty only .

( 2) To our regret , this c redit w as not properly amended on the following poin ts

despit e our repeated request .

( 3 ) T here is no word“about”before the quantity and amount in the L/ C , although

the word is clear ly stipu lated in the cont ract . Please in ser t the word“about”before the

amount and quantity .

( 4) We have received your L/ C No .2853 calling for a sh ipment of 10 000 yards

cotton prin ts Art No .536 . According to cont ract No .1758 , the quantity to be shipped is

10 000 yards , 5% more or less . I t is therefore necessary for you to amend the L/ C

according to the contract .

( 5) Referring to L/ C No .7412 iss ued by the Union Ban k of Switzerland , w e must

point out that the unit of quantity does not conform to the cont ract . We would ,

therefore , ask you to amend your credit as follows : Insert the word“metric”and delete

the word“ long”before ton .

( 6) We are cabling you today asking for a t wo week exten sion of the L/ C covering

your order No .6153 for 300 cases frozen chicken .


第八单元 信用证的修改与延期

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 你方第 6532 号信用证条款中 , 我们发现有下列两点与合同条款不符 : ⋯⋯货已

备妥待运 , 请即电报修改你方信用证。

( 2) 由于制造商遭到不可预测的困难 , 我方不可能在 9 月底前装船。若你方将信用

证中装船期和有效期分别延展至 10 月 31 日和 11 月 15 日 , 我方不胜感激。

( 3) 第 2547 号信用证项下的货物备妥待运已有相当长时间 , 但是修改通知书还没有

收到 , 因此现需将信用证延展 15 天。

( 4) 请将第 564 号信用证改为“信用证将于 2004 年 2 月 29 日在中国到期”。

( 5) 第 587 号售货确认书下开立的第 2650 号信用证已收到。但所列装运期与售货

确认书规定不符。售货确认书订明装运期为 4、5 月 , 而信用证上则规定在 4 月装运。虽

然我方将努力争取在 4 月装运 , 但信用证仍应按售货确认书规定加以修改。

( 6) 由于我公司财务发生困难 ,我方不能按时付款 , 请允许我方延长 60 天付款。

3 . T ranslate the following letter s in to English :

( 1)

敬启者 :

今天我们已收到支付 6125 号订单的 2398 号信用证。在审证后 , 我们发现一些

不符点。请即对信用证作如下修改 :

① 将信用证的金额增加 520 美元。

② 允许分批装运和转船 , 删去“直轮运输”条款。

③ 将数量改为 15 000 公吨 ( 由卖方选择可溢短装 5% )。

请使你方修改书于 10 月 30 日前到达我方 , 否则将进一步推迟发运。


( 2)

敬启者 :

谢谢你方由商业银行开出的支付 6000 台计算机的 BC630 号信用证。

根据信用证的规定 , 应于 8 月 19 日前装运 , 并不允许转船。但是由于此地工人

罢工 , 要到 9 月底才有驶往你港口的直达船。因此 ,我们不得不要求你方将装船期和

信用证有效期分别延长至 9 月 30 日和 10 月 15 日。

由于此事紧迫 , 请用电传确认此项修改。如蒙同意 ,不胜感激。


4 . Write a let ter in Englis h asking for amendments to the following let ter of credit

by checking it with the given contract terms .

Copenhagen Bank

Date: 4 th January , 2004



T o: Bank of china , Beijing

We hereby open our Irrevocable Litter of Credit No . 112235 in favor of China

T rading Corporation for account of Copenhagen Impor t Company up to an amount of

GBP1 455 ( Say Pounds Sterling One Thousand Four H undred and Fifty-five only) for

100 % of the invoice value relative to the shipment of :

150 metric tons of Writing Paper Type 501 at GBP97 per M/ T CIF Copenhagen as

per your S/ C No .P05476 from Copenhagen to China port .

Drafts to be drawn at sight on our ban k and accompanied by the following

documents marked“X”:

( X) Commercial Invoice in t riplicate

( X ) Bill of Lading in t rip licate made out to our order quoting L/ C No .112235 ,


( X ) One original Marine Ins urance Policy or Cer tificate for All Ris ks and War

Risk , covering 110% of the invoice value , with claims payable in Copenhagen in the

currency of drafts

Par tial shipment and transshipment are prohibited .

Shipment must be effected not later than 31th March , 2004 .

T his L/ C is valid at our count ry until 15 th April , 2004 .

P05476 号合同主要条款 :

卖方 : 中国贸易公司

买方 : 哥本哈根进口公司

商品名称 : 写字纸

规格 : 501 型

数量 : 150 公吨

单价 : 每公吨 97 英镑 CI F 哥本哈根

总值 : 14 550 英镑

装运期 : 2004 年 3 月 31 日前自中国港口至哥本哈根

保险 : 由卖方按发票金额的 110%投保一切险和战争险

支付 : 不可撤销的即期信用证 , 于装运前一个月到达卖方 , 并于上述装运期后 15 天



Unit 9 Shipment 第九单元

装 运

内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

在国际贸易合同中 , 装运条款是十分重要的。它通常包括 : 装运时间 ( T ime of

Shipment ) , 装 运 港 ( 地 ) ( Por t/ Place of Shipment ) , 目 的 港 ( 地 ) ( Por t/ Place of

Destination) , 运输方式 ,可否分批装运和转运 , 装运通知以及运输单据等。

海洋运输是我国对外贸易中最主要的运输方式。海洋运输主要有班轮运输 ( Liner

T ranspor t ) 和租船运输 ( Chart er Transpor t ) 两种 , 其中班轮运输成为国际海洋货物运输

中的主要运输方式。在对外贸易中 , 出口商在接到进口商寄来的装运指示及相关信用证

之后 , 应及时准备装运事宜。首先要向船公司租订舱位 , 其后向海关进行出口申报 , 一收

到船公司签发的装运单 ( Shipping Order , S/ O ) , 即可开始装船。完成装船后 , 凭该装货

单可换取大幅签发的大幅收据 , 证明货物已收到并且外表状况良好。在起航之前 ,再最后

换取正式的海运提单 ( Bill of Lading)。海运提单是一种非常重要的单据。它具有物权凭

证的特点 , 因此可通过背书甚至无需背书即可转让提单 ,从而将货物的所有权转让。出口

商可凭此及信用证中的其他所需单据 , 开立汇票 ,向银行要求议付。

随着国际贸易的迅速发展 , 除了传统的海运方式之外 , 为了加快交货速度 , 航空运输

也逐渐被采用。但航空运单不是物权凭证 , 因而无法通过转让航空运单转让货物的所




的。特别是在海运中 , 集装箱使得运输效率大大提高 ,而运费大大降低。因此集装箱在现


根据国际惯例 , 不管成交价格是 F OB、CFR 还是 CIF , 卖方都有义务在货物装船之

后 , 向买方发出及时而充分的装船通知。同时 ,在 F OB 方式下 , 因为是买方负责货物的运

输 , 因此他有义务给予卖方关于船名、装船地点和所要求的交货时间的充分的通知。


有关装运的信函通常涉及以下几个方面 : 装运指示 ,装运通知 , 催促早日装运 , 修改

装船条款 , 关于分批和转运的要求 ,装运单据等。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) Shipping Ins truc tions

Dear Sirs ,

We are glad to learn from your cable of 15th May that you have booked our order

for t wo Model 521 Machines . Our Confirmation of Order will be forwarded to you in a

few day s .

Since the purchase is made on F OB basis , you are to s hip the goods from Liverpool

on a st eamer to be designated by us . As soon as the shipping space is booked , we shall

advise you of the name of the steamer , on which the goods are to go forward . For

fur ther in st ructions , please contact our forwarding agents , ABC Company , Liverpool ,

who have hitherto taken care of s hipments from you .

As some parts of the machines are s usceptib le to s hock , the machines must be

packed in seawor thy cases capable of with st anding rough handling . T he brigh t metal

parts should be protected from water and dampness in t ransit by a coa ting of slushing

compound that will keep out dampness , but will no t liquefy and run off under changing

weather conditions .

We t rust that the above inst ructions are clear to you and that s hipment will give the

users en tire satisfaction .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 )D e c lin in g the R eq ue s t fo r E a rlie r Sh ipm e n t

Dear Sirs ,

Re: 50 M/ T Mild Steel Flat Bars

We have received your let ter of May 12 , asking us to modify the previous

arrangements for the shipment of the captioned goods .

Immediately upon receipt of your above letter , we approached our mills with the

request that they hasten their production of your cont racted bar s . But much to our

regret , they are not in a position to advance deliveries as they are heavily booked with

orders for months ahead . Under the present condition , the best the mills can do is to

sh ip the whole quantity of 50 met ric tons in one lot within the contracted time of

sh ipment , i .e ., J uly this year .


第九单元 装运

W hile we are ext remely sorry for our inability to advance the da te of s hipment of 50

met ric tons to June to meet your urgent need , we can assure you that special care will be

given to your order and that we shall do everything possible to ensure smooth shipment

of the goods contracted .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) S h ip p in g Advice

Dear Sirs ,

Re: 50 M/ T Mild Steel Flat Bars

We are now pleased to inform you that w e have shipped the above goods on board

S .S .“Queen”which sails for your por t tomorrow .

Enclosed please find one set of the s hipping documents covering this consignment ,

which comprises :

One non-negotiable copy of B/ L ;

Commercial invoice in duplicate;

One copy of Cer tificate of Quality ;

One copy of In surance Policy .

T he original of which are being sent to you through our bankers .

We are glad to have been able to execut e your order as cont racted and t rust tha t the

goods will reach you in good time to meet your urgent need and that they will turn out to

your entire satisfaction .

We avail ourselves of this opportunity to ass ure you of our prompt and careful

a tten tion in handling your fu ture orders .

Yours faithfully ,

(4 )U rg ing Sh ipm e n t

Dear Sirs ,

Referring to our order No .532 for 3000 Elect ronic Calculators , we wish to remind

you that time for shipment has long been overdue .

W hen we placed the order we poin ted out that punctual sh ipment was of u tmost

impor tance because th is order was secured from the la rgest dealer s here and we had

given them a definit e ass urance that we could supply the goods by the end of June .

Your delay has caused us much inconvenience and we must now ask you to do your

u tmost to dispatch the first 500 sets under this order by air as the goods are urgently

required by our cu stomers .



We s uggest the use of car tons with hinged lids to facilitate opening for cu stoms

examination . You will no doubt proceed with your arrangements for the shipment of the

remaining 2500 sets of the consignments by sea without fur ther delay , and we would ask

you to be particu la rly careful to seal each box into a w ater tigh t bag before packing in to

the car ton s .

We s hould be obliged if you would send us by air a copy of the packing list for the

sh ipment to be dispatched by sea , and also duplicates of the insurance policy or

cer tifica te and the commercial invoice . This will enable us to arrange speedy passage

through customs on arrival of the consignment .

Yours faithfully ,

(5 ) P a ckin g R eq u irem en ts

Dear Sirs ,

S/ C No .15709

We acknowledge receipt of your let ter dated the 3rd this month enclosing the above

sales contract in duplicate but wish to state that aft er going through the cont ract we find

that the packing clauses in it is no t clear enough . The relative clau se reads as follows :

Seaworthy expor t packing , suitable for long distance ocean t ran spor tation .

In order to eliminate possible fu ture t rouble , we would like to make clear

beforehand our packing requirements as follows :

T he t ea under the captioned contract should be packed in inte rnational st andard tea

boxes , 24 boxes on a pallet , 10 pallets in an FCL container . On the outer packing please

mark our initials SCC in a diamond , under which the por t of destina tion and our order

number should be stenciled . In addition , warning mar ks like KEE P DRY , USE N O

H OOK , etc . should also be indicated .

We have made a footnote on the cont ract to that effect and are returning herein one

copy of the cont ract after duly cou ntersigning it . We hope you will find it in order and

pay special a tten tion to the packing .

We look forward to receiving your shipping advice and thank you in advance .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信注释 (Notes)

1 . sh ipping in st ructions 装运指示

2 . book v .预订 (订货或订舱 )


第九单元 装运

e .g . We are pleased to book the order with you .


We are pleased to have booked your order .


We have booked the s hipping space on S .S . Prince .


3 . sh ip the goods from Liverpool on a steamer to be designated by us


4 . sh ipping space 舱位

5 . go forward 运出

e .g . T he shipment covering your order will go forward on S .S . Princess .


6 . forwarding agents 运输代理 ,货运代理

7 . seaworthy cases capable of withstanding rough handling


8 . approach v .(在时间上 )接近 ;接近某人

e .g . T he time of shipment is approaching .


You should take the oppor tunity to approach your clien ts .


9 . mill n .工厂

factory , mill , plan t , woks 的区别 :

factory , mill , plan t , woks 均指工业的建筑物或场所 , 但其产品或加工程序不同。

factory 一词最为普通 ,指产品生产或装配的工厂 , 如 a car factory 汽车制造厂 ;

woks 意为较大的建筑群及其机器设备 , 一般不生产成品 ,如 a gas work s 煤气厂 ;

plan t 多用于美语 ,尤为工业加工者 , 如 a chemical plan t 化工厂 ;

mill 的意思最为狭窄 , 限用于某些原材料的加工 , 如 a cotton/ woolen mill 棉纺/ 毛


10 . in one lot 一批 , 此处 lot 指批次

11 . shipping advice 装运通知

12 . shipping documents 运输单据

13 . non-negotiab le adj .不能流通的

14 . referring to 关于

“关于”一词在函电中使用很频繁 ,有如下近义词组 :



with reference to

with regard to


concer ning

15 . by air 空运

by sea 海运

16 . passage through customs 通关

17 . FCL container 整个集装箱

FCL : full cont ainer load 整箱

LCL : less than container load 拼箱货

CY : container yard 集装箱堆场

CFS: container freigh t station 集装箱货运站

18 . stencil v .印刷

stencil A on B or stencil B with A

stencil the s hipping mark s 刷唛

19 . to this/ that effect 大意是这样/ 那样

e .g . H e asked me to reduce the price , or words to that effect .


to the effect that 大意为⋯⋯

e .g . We have received your cable to the effect that shipment is to be made in a few

days .

我们收到你方电报 ,大意为将在几天内装运。

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . Shipment is to be made during April to J une in three equal monthly lo ts .

货物将在 4 月至 6 月分三批每月均装。

2 . Generally , s hipments can be effected within 30 days afte r receipt of your L/ C but a

specific time is to be fixed upon receip t of your official order .

通常收到你方信用证后 30 天内完成装运 ,但一收到你方正式订单后 ,即可确定具体的


3 . We must insist on delivery within the time limit , and reserve the righ t to reject the

goods , should they be delivered later .

我们坚持在原定时间期限内交货 , 若延迟交货 ,我们保留拒收货物的权利。


第九单元 装运

4 . Your failure in delivering the goods within the stipu lated time has greatly

inconvenienced us .


5 . We will make every effort to s hip the goods as ear ly as possible , and we feel sure that

the shipment will be satisfactory to you in every respect .

我方将尽一切努力尽早装运 , 并确信在每一个方面你方都会对我们的货物满意。

6 . We have the pleasure to inform you that the goods have been shipped on S .S .

“Peace”today which sails for your port on May 23 , and hope that it will arrive at the

destination in perfect condition .

欣告你方今天货物已装上“和平”号轮 ,该轮 5 月 23 日驶往你港。希望到达目的地时


7 . As the purchase is made under F OB terms , you should s hip the goods from Liverpool

on a steamer to be designated by us . As soon as shipping space is booked , we shall

advise you of the name of the sh ip on which the goods are to be sent .

由于是按 FOB 条件购货 ,你方应在利物浦将货物装上我方指定的船只。一俟订舱后 ,


8 . We wish to advise you that the carrying vessel for the goods under our Cont ract No .

1753 will be S .S . . . . expected to arrive at Shanghai on April 17 . Please contact . . .,

our shipping agent in Shanghai , for loading arrangements .

我们想告知你方第 1753 号合同项下的货物将由预期 4 月 17 日抵达上海的⋯⋯号轮

承运。请与我方在上海的运输代理⋯⋯公司联系 , 安排装船事宜。

9 . To ens ure fastest delivery , you are requested to forward the above order by air

( freigh t ) .

为保证以最快的方式交货 ,我方要求你方空运上述订单下的货物。

10 . Please t ry your u tmost to ship our goods by S .S .“F reedom”which is due to arrive

H amburg on September 10 , and confirm by return that the goods will be ready in

time .

请尽力通过“自由”号轮装运我方货物 ,该轮预定于 9 月 10 日抵到汉堡。请尽快确认


11 . Please ensure that all the cases are marked clear ly with our initials in a t riangle ,

under which comes the destination with the cont ract number below .

请确保清楚地在所有箱子上将我公司首写字母写在三角形内 ,其下方为目的港 , 下面


12 . We have pleas ure in notifying you that we have s hipped today by m .v .“Red River”



200 car tons of ala rm clocks . T hey are to be transshipped a t H ong Kong and are

expected to reach your port ear ly next month .

欣告你方今天我们已将 200 箱闹钟装上“红河”号轮 ,将在香港转船 ,预定于下月初抵


13 . In compliance with the term s of the contract , we forwarded you by airmail a full set

of duplicat e shipping documents to you immediately afte r the goods were shipped .

T he originals are being sent to you by the Bank of China .

按照合同条款 ,在货物装船后我们即向你方航寄全套装运单据副本。正本正通过中


14 . Owing to the manufacturer’s production delay , we have missed the February

shipment and loaded your order on the fir st available March vessel for your

destina tion . Please forgive our action con sidering the circum st ances we are

placed in .

由于厂家生产上的延误 ,我们错过了 2 月船期 , 并将你方的订货装上 3 月驶往你地的

第一艘轮船。请体谅我方的处境 ,原谅我方的举措。

15 . With reference to your order No . 576 , we are pleased to inform you that the

consignment of Coffer Sets has been shipped per S .S . Queen , due to arrive a t your

end on 12 th December . Enclosed please find the following duplicate shipping

documents : Commercial Invoice , Ins urance Cer tificat e , Bill of Lading and Draft .

关于你方第 576 号订单 ,欣告咖啡具已装“皇后”号轮 , 预定 12 月 12 日抵达你地。随

函附上如下运输单据副本 : 商业发票、保险凭证、提单和汇票 , 请查收 。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 ) Shipping Advice

Dear Sirs ,

Your Order No .2231

Fur ther to your above-mentioned order , we are pleased to inform you that the

bicycles have now been dis patched as requested .

Packing : 3 cases

Marking & Numbering : FA in triangle over New York with case number one to

three . Par ticu lar s of weight and measurement are given on the enclosed sheet .

Shipment : M/ S Pacific which sailed from Keelung on April 10 , scheduled to arrive

a t New York on Ju ne 3 .


第九单元 装运

Clean , shipped on board B/ Ls in full set , together with commercial invoice and

ins urance policy have been negotiat ed through The Bank of Taiwan , Taibei with the

sigh t draft under your L/ C No .2818 . We shall be pleased to hear that the goods arrive

safely and in good order .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) In fo rm in g o f th e A lte ra tio n o f Sh ipp in g In s tru c tion s

Dear Sirs ,

Please refer to our order No .173 , which should be nearing completion by this time .

Owing to a st rike at Oakland por t , which shows no sign of letting up for at least another

two month s , we must ask you to change shipping destination .

We s hould now like you to consign the goods to Seattle . T here should be no

alteration in s hipping date , and owing to the increased distance the goods will t ravel by

road . We would ask you to pay special att en tion to crating and padding . Please confirm

that you can carry out these new in structions .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 )As k ing fo r Allow in g T ran s s h ipm en t

Dear Sirs ,

We thank you for your L/ C No .E-102 amounting to U S$1 050 000 .00 iss ued in

our favor through the H ong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation .

With regard to shipment , we regret very much to inform you that , despite

st renuous effor ts having been made by us , we are still unable to book space of a vessel

sailing to Jakar ta direct . The shipping companies here told us that , for the time being ,

there is no regular boat sailing between ports in China and Jakar ta . Therefore , it is very

difficult for us to ship these 10 000 M/ T of sugar to Jakar ta direct .

In view of the difficu lt situation faced by us , you are requested to amend the L/ C to

allow t ranss hipment of the goods in Hong Kong where arrangements can easily be made

for t ransshipment . Please be assured that we will ship the goods to Hong Kong right

upon receip t of the L/ C amendment . Since this is something beyond our cont rol , your

agreement to our request and your under st anding of our position will be highly

appreciated .

We are an xiously awaiting the amendment to the L/ C .

Yours sincerely ,



课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) We regret our inability to comply with your request for shipping the goods in early

October, because the direct steamer sails for your port only around the 20 th every month .

( 2) Owing to the unforeseen difficu lties on the par t of our mills , we regret being

unable to ship the goods within the time limit of your credit . But the mills have

promised that they will get the goods ready for shipment within one month .

( 3 ) It is stipulated that sh ipment is to be made in October . However , we shall

appreciate it if you will manage to advance the shipment to September to enable us to

catch the busy season .

( 4) We wis h to inform you that although we are in a position to supply you with the

goods against the above mentioned order from stock we are advised by the shipping

company that because direct vessels , either liner or t ramp , sailing for your port a re few

and far between , the s hipping space has been fully booked up to the end of November .

( 5) Instead of S .S .“ Manhat tan”as previou sly advised , you are now required to

sh ip the goods of this order by S .S .“California”.

( 6) We have been put to considerab le inconvenience by the long delay in delivery .

We must insist on immediately delivery , otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the

order in accordance with the stipulations of the cont ract .

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 若你方能保证按期及时交货 ,我们要下大的订单。

( 2) 由于你方迟开相关信用证 ,无法按合同要求及时装船 , 只能推迟至 10 月。

( 3) 我们很高兴地通知你方 ,所订购的货物已备妥待运。请告知包装及装运要求。

( 4) 由于我客户急需此货 ,请按规定的时间发运。

( 5) 按合同规定 ,上述货物应在 9、10、11 月分三批均装。但至今第一批货物还没装

运。我们客户正急需此货 , 请即刻装运别再拖延。

( 6) 欣告你方第 5283 号订单项下的货物已装上“曼哈顿”号轮 , 按计划 10 月 15 日离

开此地 , 预定于 11 月 30 日到达你港。

3 . T ranslate the following letter into English :

敬启者 :

事由 : 你方第 100 号售货确认书项下 500 箱玩具

你方 8 月 21 日有关标题货物的来信收悉。兹复 , 我们高兴地通知你方 , 第 654


第九单元 装运

号保兑的、不可撤销的信用证计 5500 美元 , 已于今晨通过纽约美洲银行开出。

一收到信用证 , 请尽快完成我方所订货物的装运。从本地轮船公司得知“阿波

罗”号轮定于 9 月 12 日左右从你地开往我港。如可能 , 请尽量交由该轮装运。

如果我方客户满意这一次的试订货 , 我们可保证将大量续订。

对你方在这一方面的密切合作 , 我们将十分感激。在此同时 ,我们等待你方的装




第十单元 Unit 10 Insurance

保 险

内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

在国际货物买卖中 , 货物由卖方所在地运到买方所在地的整个运输、装卸和储存过程

中 , 很可能因各种自然灾害或意外事故或其他难以预料的风险而遭受损失。因此 ,为了能

在遭遇损失后得到一定的经济补偿 , 买方或卖方就需事先办理货物运输保险。货物运输

保险就是被保险人 ( the In sured )或投保人 ( Applicant )在货物装运以前 , 以一定的投保金

额向保险人 ( Insurer) 或称承保人 ( Underwriter) ,即保险公司投保货物运输险。被保险人

按投保金额 ( Insurance Amount )、投保险别 ( Coverage) 及保险费率 ( Premium Rate) ,向保

险人支付保险费 ( P remium ) ,并取得保险单据。被保险货物若在运输途中遭受事故造成

损失 , 则保险人负责对承保范围内的损失 ,按保险合同予以赔偿。

运输保险的险别所依据的条款 , 主要有由中国人民保险公司制定的“中国保险条款”


泛采用。后者由于影响很大 , 在国外商人提出要求的情况下 ,我国出口企业和保险公司一


由于国际贸易中的货物大都通过海洋运输 , 所以海洋运输货物保险就尤其重要。中

国保险条款中“海洋运输保险条款”规定基本险有平安险 ( F .P .A .)、水渍险 ( W .P .A 或

W .A .) 和一切险 ( A .R .) 三种 ,另有 11 种一般附加险和 8 种特殊附加险。投保人在选择

投保任何一种基本险的基础上 , 可加保附加险 ( Additional Risk )。因一般附加险已包含

于一切险中 , 所以在投保一切险的情况下 , 就无需加保一般附加险。保险责任的时间起

讫 , 中国人民保险公 司采用国际 保险业务 中惯用的“仓至仓 条款”( Warehouse to

Warehouse Clause , W/ W Clau se )。协会货物条款中海运货物保险共有六种险别 :

( A ) 险、( B)险、( C) 险、战争险、罢工险、恶意损害险。

办理投保手续和支付保险费 , 取得保险单据 , 按照所用贸易术语的不同 , 可由卖方负

责 , 也可由买方负责。如一旦发生保险范围内的损失 , 则应尽快提交所需单据 , 向保险公

第十单元 保险


函电中涉及保险的信函内容较为广泛 , 有 : 向保险公司投保 ; 保险公司承保并寄来保

单 ; 询问保险条件以及对方的答复询问 ,介绍保险条件 ; 提出保险中关于投保金额、险别等

的特殊要求 , 以及对方做出的肯定或否定的答复等。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 )Enquiring Insurance R ate

Dear Sirs ,

We shall have a consignment of Glassware valued at U S$90 000 CI F N ew York , to

be shipped from Tianjin to New York by sea .

We wish to ins ure the consignment with you against All Ris ks and War Risk s from

our warehouse to the port of N ew York . Will you please quote your rate for the cover ?

Yours faithfully ,

(2 )Advis ing In s u ran ce R a te

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your letter dated 14th July and are p leased to note that you would

like to in sure with u s a shipment of Glassware from Tianjin to New York by sea .

We would advise that the rate now being charged by us for the proposed shipment

against all risk s including war risks is 1% subject to our own Ocean Marine Cargo

Clauses and Ocean Marine War Risks Clauses , copies of which are enclosed herewith for

your refe rence .

If you find our rate acceptable , please let us know the details of your sh ipment so

that we may issue our policy accordingly .

We are looking forward to your early reply .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 )As k ing fo r In s u ra nce Arra ng em en t

Dear Sirs ,

Order No .401 for 500 Cases Toys

We wish to refer you to our order No .401 for 500 cases of toys , from which you

will see that this order is placed on a CFR basis .

As we now desire to have the shipment ins ured at your end , we shall be pleased if

you will arrange to insure the good s on our behalf against All Ris ks at invoice value plus



10% , i .e ., USD5500 .

We shall of course refund to you the premium upon receipt of your debit note or , if

you like , you may draw on us at sigh t for the amount required .

We sincerely hope that our request will meet with your approval .

Yours faithfully ,

(4 ) F avo rab le R e p ly

Dear Sirs ,

Order No .401 for 500 Cases Toys

T his is to acknowledge receip t of your let ter dated 20 th July requesting us to effect

ins urance on the captioned shipment for your account .

We are pleased to inform you that we have covered the above shipment with The

People’s Insurance Company of China against All Ris ks for US$5500 . The policy is

being prepared accordingly and will be forw arded to you by the end of the week together

with our debit no te for the premium .

For your information , we are making arrangements to ship the 500 cases of toys by

S .S .“ Tsinan”, sailing on or about the 11 th of August .

Yours sincerely ,

(5 ) In trod uc tio n o f In s u ran ce Te rm s

Dear Sirs ,

In reply to your let ter of the 3rd November enquiring about the in surance on our

CI F offer for cosmetics made to you on 20 th October , we wish to give you the following

information .

For transactions concluded on CI F basis , we usually effect insurance with The

People’s Insurance Company of China again st All Ris ks , as per Ocean Marine Cargo

Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China , dated the 1 st January, 1981 .

Should you require the ins urance to be covered as per Institu te Cargo Clauses , we would

be glad to comply . But if there is any difference in premium between the two it will be

charged to your account .

We are also in a position to in sure the shipment against any additional risks if you

so desire , and the ext ra premium is be borne by you . In this case , we shall send you the

premium receip t issued by the relative u nderwriter .

Us ually , the amount insured is 110% of the to tal invoice value . H owever , if a

higher percentage is required , we may do accordingly but you have to bear the extra


第十单元 保险

premium as well .

We hope our above informa tion will provide you with all the informa tion you wish

to know and we are now looking forward to receiving your order .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信注释 (Notes)

1 . ins ure v .保险 ,投保

with an insurance company 向保险公司投保

for the sum of . . . or to the amount of . . . 保险金额⋯⋯

a t the rate of . . . 保险费率⋯⋯

for 110% of the invoice value or for 10% above the invoice value

按发票金额 110%或发票金额加成 10%投保

against . . . risk 投保⋯⋯险别

2 . ins urance n . 保险

ins urance on sth again st . . . ( risk/ coverage ) for . . . (amount/ sum )

在 insurance 之前 , 与其搭配的动词有 : arrange , provide , cover , effect , t ake out 等

3 . ins urance company , in surer , underwrite r

三词意思相同 , 均指保险公司、保险人

4 . cover v .保险 , 投保

e .g . In surance is to be covered by the buyers on CIF basis .

在 CIF 基础上 , 由买方负责保险。

coverage n .保险险别

ins urance coverage 保险险别

5 . ins urance policy 保险单

ins urance cer tificate 保险凭证

6 . premium n . 保险费

premium rate 保险费率

7 . debit note 索款清单

8 . Institut e Cargo Clauses 协会货物条款

9 . additional risks 附加险

10 . amount in sured 投保金额

11 . bear the extra premium 承担额外保险费

e .g . The buyers shall bear the ext ra premium .




也可表达为 :

The extra premium shall be for buyers’account .

词组 for one’s account 表示由某人支付费用。

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . T he cargo is to be in sured warehouse to warehouse against All Risks .


2 . We usually effect ins urance against All Risks and War Risks for the invoice value

plu s 10% for the good s sold on CIF basis .

在 CI F 基础上售出的货物 , 我们通常按发票金额加成 10%投保一切险和战争险。

3 . We agree to your request to in sure the shipment for 130% of the invoice value , but

the premium for the diffe rence bet ween 130% and 110% should be for your account .

我们同意你方要求按发票金额的 130%投保 ,但 130%和 110%之间的保费差额将由你


4 . Our insurance company is a state-operated enterprise enjoying high prestige in

set tling claims promptly and equitab ly and has agents in all main ports and regions of

the wor ld .

我们的保险公司是国有企业 , 享有理赔迅速、公正的声誉 , 并在世界上主要的港口和地


5 . We leave the in surance arrangement to you but we wish to have the goods covered

against All Risks and War Risk .

我们把投保事宜留给你方安排 , 我们希望这些货物投保一切险和战争险。

6 . T he extra premium will of course be refunded to you upon receip t of your debit note ,

or , if you like , you may draw a sight draf t on us for the amount .

一俟收到索款清单 , 我们当即偿还额外保险费 ,或者如果你方愿意 , 可向我方就该金额


7 . T he insurance s hall te rminate when the goods are delivered to the consignee’s

warehouse at the destina tion named in the policy . T he cover , however , is limited to

60 days upon discharge of the insured goods from the carrying vessel at the final port

of discharge before the insured goods reach the consignee’s warehouse .

当货物运抵保险单上所载明的目的地收货人仓库时 , 保险责任终止。然而 , 在被保险

货物运抵收货人仓库之前 ,被保险货物在最终卸货港卸离承运船只后 , 保险责任以 60


第十单元 保险


8 . We s hould be obliged if you s upply us with full details regarding the scope of cover

handled by the People’s In surance Company of China for our reference .

如果你方能提供中国人民保险公司的承保范围的具体全面的详情以供我方参考 , 我们


9 . The premium varies with the exten t of ins urance . Should additional risk s be covered ,

the ext ra premium is for the buyers’account .

保险费随着承保范围的不同而不同。如果需投保附加险 , 额外保险费将由买方承担。

10 . Please quote us by retur n lowest F .P .A . rate on a s hipment of cot ton products

valued at US$50 000 from Shanghai to Rot terdam .

请立即报给我方价值 50 000 美元的棉制品从上海运至鹿特丹的平安险的最低费率。

11 . We shall take out ins urance at this end under our Open Policy .

我们将在此地按我方的预约保单 ,办理保险。

12 . In the event of any loss or damage , you may file a claim against our agent in your

area 60 days af ter the arrival of shipment Meanwhile you are required to present the

survey report , insurance policy and claim sta tement , etc .

若货物发生灭失或损坏 ,你们可在货到后 60 天内向我方保险公司在你地的代理提出

索赔 ,同时请提交检验报告、保险单和索赔清单等。

13 . We are sorry to learn that your goods were badly damaged during t ransit and the

insurance company will compensate you for the losses according to the coverage

arranged .

我们很遗憾得知你方货物在途中严重受损 ,保险公司将按照投保险别赔偿损失。

14 . An insurance claim s hould be submitted to the insurance company or its agents

within 30 days afte r the arrival of the consignment at the por t of destination .

保险索赔应在货物到达目的港后 30 天内提交至保险公司或其代理商。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )Asking fo r Insurance

Dear Sirs ,

Please insure us against all risks to the amount of US$100 000 , value of 5000 sets of

“Butterfly”Sewing Machines shipped at Shanghai , on board S .S .“ Fengching”, sailing for

New York on May 20 . Please send us the policy , together with a note for the charges .

Yours faithfully ,



(2 )Acc ep tin g th e R eq ue s t fo r In s u ran ce

Dear Sirs ,

Regarding your instr uctions dated May 8 , we have in sured your s hipment of 5000

sets of “ Butterfly” Sewing Machines shipped from Shanghai on board S . S .

“Fengching”, sailing for New York on May 20 , as per the policy enclosed . Please remit

US$1200 to our account for this policy .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) In s u ran ce P o licy

Policy No .253787

T his is to cer tify that this Company has insured on behalf of China Light Indust rial

Products Impor t & Expor t Corp ., Shanghai Branch .

T he sum of US dollars One Hundred Thousand only

Upon Five Thousand sets“But terfly”Sewing Machines

At & from Shanghai to New York

Ship or vessel: S .S .“Fengching”

Sailing on or about May 20 , 2004

Covering All Ris ks

In the event of damage , it will be surveyed by the John son Survey Co . and claims

are payable at Shanghai .

T his policy is iss ued in duplicate at Shanghai on 12th May , 2004 .

The People’s Insurance Company of China

Shanghai Branch

( Manager)

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following word s and phrases :

( 1) 平安险

( 3) 一切险

( 5) 附加险

( 7) 钩损险

( 9) 渗漏险

(2 ) 水渍险

(4 ) 战争险

(6 ) 短量险

(8 ) 锈损险

(10) 淡水雨淋险


第十单元 保险

( 11 ) 保险费率

( 13 ) 被保险人

( 15 ) 共同海损

( 17 ) T .P .N .D .

( 19 ) Survey Report

( 21 ) C .I .C .

(12) 保险凭证

(14) 保险人

(16) 仓至仓条款

(18) S .R .C .C .

(20) Sea Pro test

(22) I .C .C .

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) For t ran sactions concluded on CIF basis , we usually cover the ins urance against

All Risk s for 110% of the full invoice value with the People’s Insurance Company of

China as per CIC of the 1st January , 1981 .

( 2) Please see to it that the goods are s hipped before 15 th May and ins ured against

All Ris ks for 150 % of the invoice value . We know that according to your us ual practice ,

you in sure the goods only for 10% over invoice value , therefore , the ext ra premium will

be borne by us .

( 3) Our clien ts requested you to quote on CI F New Yor k basis , since they deem it

is simpler to insure a t your end . But they hope to know the coverage , amount ins ured

and insurance company concerned .

( 4) Insurance on the goods s hall be covered by us for 110% of the CIF value , and

any ext ra premium for additional coverage , if required , shall be borne by the buyers .

( 5) We have noted that you require the insurance to be covered against Risk of

Leakage . However , please be informed that our CI F prices include insurance to cover

W .P .A . only and if you wis h to have the Risk of Leakage included in the coverage , you

must bear the additional premium .

( 6) We wish to st ate that all our export goods sold on CIF terms are insured with

the People’s Ins urance Company of China . They are always prompt and equitable in

settling claims . If the in sured goods are found to have sustained loss or damage , you

should immediately apply for survey to the survey agent stipulated in the policy in order

to avoid subsequent t roubles .

3 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1 ) 我们很遗憾不能满足你方买主的要求 , 按发票金额的 150 %投保一切险和战争

险 , 因为我们的合同规定仅按 110%投保。

( 2) 我们所报的价格是 CFR 价 , 请在你地办理保险。在货物装船以后 , 我们将立即


( 3) 在 CIF 基础上出售的货物 ,通常由我们在仓至仓条款的基础上按发票金额加成




( 4) 买方要求将货物投保至内陆城市的要求可以接受 ,但额外保险费须由买方负责。

( 5) 当客户无明确要求时 ,我们一般投保水渍险和战争险。若你方愿意投保一切险 ,

我方可办理 , 但保险费稍高些。

( 6) 货物如发生损坏 ,可向你地的保险代理提出索赔 , 他们将赔偿你方遭受的损失。

4 . T ranslate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs ,

We thank you for your let ter of December 6 and your L/ C No .TK309 for RMB

250 000 issued by the Bank of Singapore , advised through the Bank of China , Hong

Kong .

On going through the stipulations of your credit , we regret to find that in

addition to FP A and War Ris ks , you require ins urance to cover T PND and SRCC

which were not agreed upon by both par ties during our negotiation s .

Under the ordinary circumstances , no less or theft of such merchandise as mild

steel flat bar s is likely to occur during trans por t or after a rriving at its destination .

T herefore , it is our practice to cover F PA for such commodity . Since you desire to

have your shipment insured against T PND , we can arrange such insurance at your

cost .

With regard to SRCC , we wish to state that the People’s Insurance Company

of China , from now on , accepts this special coverage , and will fall in with the u sual

in ternational practice .

We hope you will arrange with your bank for an amendment to your L/ C to

increase the amount in order to cover the extra premium , under advice to us .

We assure you that as soon as your amendment reaches us , we shall , of

course , make the necessary arrangement for the shipment .

Yours sincerely ,


Unit 11 Agency 第十一单元

代 理

内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

在国际贸易中 , 买卖双方除直接洽谈达成交易外 ,还可根据业务需要在一些国家和地

区采取代理方式 , 委托代理商在指定地区和一定期限内享受代购代销指定商品的权利 ,利


代理根据委托人对代理人授权的大小不同 , 可分为三类 :

1. 一般代理。又称普通代理或佣金代理 , 是指在同一地区和期限内 , 委托人可以同

时委派几个代理人 , 委托人自己也可以直接向该地区销售 ,委托人仅按代理人的实际销售


2. 独家代理。在约定的时间和地区范围内 , 由代理商独家从事约定商品的销售活

动 , 享有专营权。委托人在该地区 ,不得再寻找第二个代理人 , 代理人也不得再作其他委


3. 总代理。代理人在指定地区内 , 除了代表委托人销售指定商品、签订买卖合同、处

理货物外 , 还可以代表委托人处理其他非商业性的活动和事务。

代理双方可以在信函中确立代理关系 , 并签订代理协议明确双方的权利和义务。有

关代理事务的信函无须冗长 , 语言可以直截了当 ,目的一定要明确。代理协议的拟订应小

心仔细 , 所有细则都须双方认可 ,其主要内容有协议名称及双方当事人 , 代理协议的性质

( 一般代理、独家代理或总代理 ) ,指定代理的商品、地区和期限 ,代理的权限 , 最低代销额 ,

代理佣金 , 付款方式 ,争议解决方式等。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 )App ly for agencyDear Sirs ,

We have a well-developed sales organization in Pakistan and are represented by a


large staff in various parts of the count ry . F rom their repor ts , it seems clear tha t there

is a good demand for your bicycles and as we understand that you have no agent in

Pakistan , we would like to offer our services as your sole agent .

In view of the wide connections which we are fortuna te enough to possess , we are

entitled to receive a commission of 15% on all sales .

If you agree to gran t us the sole agency we will devote full attention to the

development of your products on the Pakistan market and will go into the mat ter

fur ther .

We look forward to receiving your favourable reply .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) E n tru s t a n e xc lu s ive a ge ncy

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your lett er of the 15 th and are favourably impressed with the

proposal you make . You are kindly informed that we have decided to ent rust you with

the exclusive agency for our Bicycles in the te rritory of Pakistan .

T he Agency Agreement has been drawn up for duration of one year , automa tically

renewable on expiration for a simila r period unless a writ ten notice is given to the

contrary . Enclosed you will find a copy of the draft . Please go over the provision s and

advise us whether they meet with your approval .

We s hall do our best to assist you in establis hing a mutually beneficial t rade .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) R e fu s a l

Dear Sirs ,

We thank you for your inquiry regarding the exclusive agency for the sale of our

products .

Although we are inte rested in your willingness to be our agent in your locality we

regret being unable to meet your request as our record with you shows only a moderate

volume of business . It would be necessary for you to continue your effor ts in building a

large turnover to justify the exclu sive agency arrangement .

We hope you will agree with us on this poin t and continue to give u s your

cooperation .

Yours faithfully ,


第十一单元 代理

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . represen t v . 代表 , 代理

represen tation n . 代表 , 代理

represen tative n . 代表 ,代理人

e .g . Our company is represen ted in India by Mr . H all .


Our firm has adequate represent in Europe .


H e is a representative for a la rge steel company in England .


2 . staff n . (全体 )工作人员 ; (全体 )职员

e .g . You won’t be cut ting down the office staff , then ?

那么你不会裁减办公室工作人员了 ?

3 . agent n . 代理人

sales agent 销售代理人

purchasing agent 采购代理人

manufacturer’s expor t agent 厂家出口代理人

advertis ing agent 广告代理人

sh ipping agent 运输代理人

ins urance agent 保险代理人

general agent 总代理人

e .g . We owe your name to ABC Company , through whom we have learned that you

are seeking an agent here .

承 ABC 公司告知你公司名称 , 通过他们我们获悉你们正在此地物色一家代理。

T he real estat e agent has the righ t to sell the house .


4 . sole a . 独家的

e .g . We have the sole righ t of selling the ar ticle .


5 . in view of 有鉴于 , 考虑到 ,由于

e .g . In view of the facts , it seems useless to continue .

鉴于这些事实 , 再继续进行下去也没用了。



6 . connection n . 关系 ,联系

in connection with / to 关于

business connections 业务关系

wide connections 关系广泛

e .g . H e asked me many questions in con nection with our products .


7 . possess v . 占有 , 拥有

e .g . T hey possessed a considerable market for your products .


8 . entitle v . 给⋯⋯权利 ( 或资格 )

e .g . You are entitled to have a 5% commission if you reach the turnover of US $

100 000 .

假如你的成交额达到 100 000 美元 ,将被给予 5%的佣金。

H is high score entitled him to a prize .


9 . agency n . 代理

[ 辨 ] agent 意为 a person authorized expressly or impliedly to tran sact business for

someone else , called the Principal , 即明示或默认授权为委托方进行业务的人。

agency 意为 business , place of business of an agent , 即代理人的业务 , 代理人办理业


agency agreement 代理协议

sole agency 独家代理

exclusive agency 独家代理

commission agency 佣金代理

apply for agency 申请代理

10 . devote v . 把⋯⋯奉献

11 . proposal n . 提议 ,建议

propose v . 提议 ,建议 ; 提名 ,推荐

proposition n . 提议 , 建议 ;主张

12 . ent rust v . 委托 ,委任 , 信托 ,托付

ent rust sb . with sth . 委托某人做某事

ent rust sth . to sb . 把某事委托某人

e .g . We will en t rust our agent with the s hipment of your order .



第十一单元 代理

We have ent rusted the matter to our represen tative , who will have a discussion

with you .


13 . exclusive a . 除外的 , 排斥的 ;独有的 , 专利的

exclusive agent 独家代理人

exclusive distribu tion 总经销

exclusive offer 独家发盘

exclusive right 专卖权

exclusive sales 包销

exclusive economic zone 专属经济区

e .g . The above price is exclusive of your commission .


14 . te rritory n . (按某种目的划定的 ) 区域 (尤指商业推销区 )

15 . agreement n . 协议

[辨 ] agreement 协议 , 着眼于宏观 ,重在原则性问题的规定。

cont ract 合同 , 着眼于微观 ,重在对具体问题作出详细明确的规定。在实际经贸业务

中 ,双方对某一项目往往先就原则性问题订立协议 , 再全面确定具体执行细节签订一


e .g . They came to an agreement to s hare the for tune equally if business was done .

他们达成协议 ,如果生意做成 , 将平均分配收益。

16 . draw up 定出 , 草拟

e .g . Draw up a price lis t for bed-sheets in various colours .


17 . duration n . 期间 ;持续时间

e .g . For the duration of the st rike we will remain closed .


18 . automatically ad . 自动地

19 . renew able a . 展期的

renew v . 重新开始 ,继续

20 . expiration n . 满期 ,届期 ; 截止 ,告终

expire v . (一段时间 )终止 , 到期

21 . to the cont ra ry 相反的

22 . draft n . 草案 ; v . 起草 ,草拟

e .g . H e had painfully writ ten out a first draft .




Can you draf t ou t an agreement for us ?

你能给我们草拟一个协议吗 ?

23 . provision n . 规定 ,条款 ; 准备 ,预备 ; 供应

e .g . According to the provision of the cont ract the money must be paid back in

monthly amou nts .

按照合同条款规定 , 钱必须每月付还。

Mr . Jack made provision for his company’s development .


24 . approval n . 赞成 ,同意 ; 认可 ,批准

e .g . The new product meets with general approval .


We believe that quality will meet with your approval .


The goods were bought subject to“ approval of sample”.


25 . do/ t ry one’s best 尽力 , 努力

e .g . She t ried her best to establish bu siness relations with XYZ Company .

她尽力与 XYZ 公司建立业务关系。

26 . mutually ad . 共同地 ,相互地 , 彼此地

27 . turnover n . 营业额 , 成交量

ann ual turnover 年营业额

e .g . Should you be prepared to appoin t us as your agent , we would guarant ee a

turnover of £100 000 each year .

如果你们愿意委任我们作为你方代理 ,我们可保证每年 10 万英镑的成交额。

28 . justify v . 证明⋯⋯是正当的 ,认为⋯⋯是有理的

be ju stified to 有道理做某事

sth . justifies sth . 某事证明某事物是合理的

e .g . You are not justified to lodge your claim .


A bigger turnover mu st be reached to justify estab lish ing the agency .



第十一单元 代理

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . We wish to sell our iron square hinges in your country , and should like to be put in

touch with a company or individual who would be willing to represent us .

我们希望在你国销售我们的方型铰链 , 并愿与乐意做我方代理的公司或个人建立


2 . As we believe you are not directly represented in China , we are writing to offer our

service as your agent .

我们相信你们在中国还没有直接的代表 , 故写信提出为你们效劳 ,充当你们的代理。

3 . Since we have been dealing with you in this line for many years and have offices or

represen tatives in all major cities and towns in this country , we are confident tha t our

capability will justify your appoin ting u s as your sole agent .

我们在此领域为你打理已经有很多年了 , 并在该国主要城镇都有办事处或代表 , 我们


4 . We have been in the business for more than twenty years and est ablished good

business relations with all the leading wholesalers and retaile rs . We should be glad if

you could gran t u s sole agency for your products .


能同意我方做你方产品的独家代理 ,我们将很高兴。

5 . We think you will agree that a 5 % commission on net sales is quite reasonable . We

are also prepared to guarantee payment of all accounts .

我们想你们会同意给予净销售额 5% 的佣金是相当合理的。我们也愿意保证支付所


6 . If you could guaran tee a minimum yearly turnover of £500 000 , we would be

prepared to ent rust you with exclusive agency .

假如你能保证最少 50 万英镑的年贸易额 ,我们愿意委托你为独家代理。

7 . In case you are in terested in a representative in the east coast of the United States ,

we believe we can do a s ubstan tial job for you .

假如你方有意在美国东海岸寻求代理人 , 我们相信能为你方提供大量的业务。

8 . After investigation and due consideration , we have decided to appoin t you our agent

in the dist rict you defined , subject to the following terms and conditions .

经过调查和适当考虑 , 我们决定按照下列条款委托你在你方提出的地区内作为我们的




term 与 condition 均可表示条款 , 一般用一个词即可。但在协议、合同或其他法律文件

上 , 两词要连用。

9 . We note with int erest your sales program on acting as our agent . In view of the fact

that you may encounter some difficulties at the initial stage , we agree to gran t you a

commission of 8% for the fir st half-year and 3% for the sub sequent periods .


一些困难 , 我们同意在头半年给 8%的佣金 ,以后则给 3 %。

10 . We are prepared to appoin t you as our agent for your dist rict on a 5% commission

basis , which will be remit ted to you every three month s afte r our receipt of the

payments . T he advertis ing expenses incurred to you for the promotion of sales of

our products will be paid by us against the relative invoices .

我们准备委任你方为我们在你地的代理 ,佣金为 5% , 在我方收到货款后每三个月汇

付一次。你方为推销我方商品产生的广告费用 ,将由我方凭有关发票支付。

11 . The duration of this agreement is one year and can be automatically extended for a

further year on expira tion .


12 . If there is evidence of a breach of cont ract by either par ty , the cont ract may be

cancelled immediately . Cancellation of the contract must be made in writing by

registered mail .

当事人任何一方的违约行为如经证实后 , 本合同可立即解除。合同解除须书面用挂


13 . We appreciate your proposal to act as our sole agent for the sale of our spanner . As

we are not well acquain ted with each other , we think it advisable to take the mat ter

into con sideration later when some practical t ransactions have been concluded .

我们对你提出作为我们扳手独家代理一事深表感谢。鉴于我们彼此不甚了解 , 我们


14 . As we are now only a t the get-acquain ted stage , we deem it ra ther premature to take

into con sideration the matte r of sole agency . In our opinion , it would be bet ter for

both of u s to t ry out a period of cooperation to see how things prove .

由于我们还处在初识阶段 ,我们认为考虑独家代理问题时机尚不成熟。我们认为 , 尝


15 . After serious considera tion , we don’t think conditions are ripe to entru st you with

the agency at present stage as the sales volume mentioned in your lette r under reply

is too small for us to gran t you the agency .


第十一单元 代理

经过慎重考虑 ,我们认为在现阶段委任你方为代理的条件尚不成熟 ,因为你方来信中

所述的销售量太小 ,我们不能给你代理权。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 ) Ta lk ove r agency

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your letter of the 10 th June and studied it carefully . We have

already been in t reaty with several firms , but at presen t have come to no decision in the

mat ter .

In view of your business rela tions with Scotland we deem it that you will accomplish

much in developing our business . We think you would be just the people we should like

to represent us .

Of cour se , the whole matte r h inges upon the question of the amount of commission

you would require on orders obtained and execut ed . Becau se Mr . Smith from your firm

will visit here next month , we would rather have face to face talk with him than have

the prot racted communications .

We s hall , therefore , await Mr . Smith’s call .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) Te rm s o f a ge ncy

Dear Sirs ,

We are pleased to confirm the agreement reached during our discu ssion last month

and look forward to a happy and successful working relation ship with you . Before

drawing up the formal agreement for signature we s hould like to reitera te the main

points upon which we have reached agreement , namely :

① T ha t you act as our sole agent for a period of two years commencing on 1st

January this year .

② T ha t we pay you a commission of 3% on your sales of our products .

③ T ha t you u nder take not to sell the competing products of other manufactures

either on your account or on that of other suppliers .

④ That you render monthly st atements of sales and honor draf t we draw on you for

the net amount due .

⑤ T ha t you main tain a full range of our products in your showroom .

Upon receiving your let ter confirming these points w e will arrange for the



agreement to be drawn up and sent to you for signature .

Yours faithfully ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following word s and phrases :

( 1) appoint s b . for

( 3) act as

( 5) draw up

( 7) exclusive agent

( 9) ann ual turnover

( 11 ) in view of

( 13 ) in connection with

( 15 ) devote att en tion to

( 17 ) give assistance to s b .

( 19 ) to the cont rary

( 21 ) go over

( 23 ) ent rust sth . to sb .

(2 ) do one’s best

(4 ) mutually benefit

(6 ) put in touch with

(8 ) get-acquainted st age

(10) expiration

(12) sth . justifies sth .

(14) 代理协议

(16) 处理 ,安排

(18) 展期的

(20) 开始阶段

(22) 草案

(24) 委托某人做某事

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) We have already represented several other manufactures and t rust you will

allow us to give you simila r services .

( 2) We are looking for an agent in Asia who has well experienced in this line with

a t least 10 engineers for aft er-sales service .

( 3 ) Since there is so far no t ransaction concluded between us we have to decline

your request as our agency .

( 4 ) After a period of two years the agreement may be cancelled a t any time without

prior notice .

( 5) A 10% commission on invoice value of the actual s hipment will be remit ted to

Par ty B by Par ty A afte r receip t of the payment .

( 6 ) During the validity of this agreement , you s hall not make offers of the said

goods to any par ty in the above-mentioned territory other than us .

3 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 我们愿意担任你们现行商品的出口代理 ,因为我们拥有一个广阔的国内市场。

( 2) 谢谢你方授权我们作为你方产品在日本的销售代理。


第十一单元 代理

( 3) 代理问题仍在考虑中。

( 4) 我方建议一开始代理协议的试用期限为 1 年。

( 5) 一旦达成代理协议 ,你方须保证每月订购一定数量。

( 6) 我方保证不为其他国家担任同样商品的代理或销售同样商品。

4 . T ranslate the following letter into English :

敬启者 :



我们对贵公司的产品颇感兴趣 , 很愿意作为独家代理为你方效劳。




第十二单元 Unit 12 Complaints , Claims andArbitration


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

在实际业务中 , 买方可能因为卖方在货物品种、质量、数量、包装、交货时间等方面未

履行合同约定而提出抱怨 , 或为逃避合同义务 , 对货物提出太过苛刻的要求。抱怨的同

时 , 往往伴随着要求对所受损失给予赔偿 , 即索赔。在撰写此类信函时 , 应表示出友好的

态度 , 避免引起对方的反感 , 语气和措辞应适当。宜在开头对提出的抱怨和索赔表示遗

憾 , 继而说明不满的原因及因此造成的不便和损失 ,最后提出处理的建议。

就对方提出的索赔要求进行处理叫做理赔 , 理赔应建立在充分了解和调查清事实的

基础上。无论对方抱怨和索赔的理由是否成立 , 复函都应有礼貌。宜愉快地用调解的口

气开头 , 避免怨恨的语气和失望的情绪。充分说明事实 ,诚恳地进行解释。如果对方抱怨

和索赔有理 , 应立即承认自己的错误 ,表示抱歉 , 并答允采取更换、修理、减价、赔偿等措施

予以弥补。如果对方的抱怨和索赔无理 , 也应保持和善的态度 ,有理、有利、有节地予以拒

绝。最好以向前看的姿态愉快结束该信 , 与对方保持良好的合作关系。

当国际贸易买卖双方对争议不能通过相互协商或第三者出面调解解决时 , 往往通过


决。仲裁协议可以在订立合同时拟定 , 作为合同的条款之一 , 也可以在争议发生后订立。


典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 )C la im

Dear Sirs ,

We have received the goods you shipped per S . S .“Yellow River”.

第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁

We are much obliged to you for the prompt execution of th is order . Unfor tunately ,

we have found that many of the sewing machines are severely damaged , though the

cases themselves show no trace of damage .

Con sidering this damage was due to the rough handling by the steams hip company ,

we claimed on them for recovery of the loss , but an investiga tion made by the surveyor

has revealed the fact that the damage is at tribu table to improper packing . For further

particula rs , we refer you to the surveyor’s repor t enclosed .

We are , therefore , compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss ,

$27 500 .

We t rust that you will be kind enough to accept this claim .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) S e ttlem en t o f a c la im

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for your let ter of 15th J uly informing us tha t the sewing machines we

shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our

packing .

Upon receip t of your lette r , we have given this mat ter our immediate at ten tion . We

have studied your surveyor’s repor t very carefu lly .

We are convinced that the present damage was due to ext raordinary circumstances

under which they were tran spor ted to you . We are therefore not respon sible for the

damage , but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone . We

suggest tha t the loss be divided between both of us .

We hope you will feel that this concession on our par t is a sa tisfactory solution of

the difficulty .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) Te rm s o f a rb itra tio n

Dear Sirs ,

As a result of our recent exchange of E-mails , we confirm the Arbitration

Agreement on the following terms and condition s :

① All dis putes in connection with the Cont ract or the execution thereof shall be

settled amicably by negotiation . In case no set tlement can be reached , the case under

dispute may then be submitted for arbitration .

② T he ar bit ration shall be conducted in the count ry of the defendant . If in China ,

the China Inte rnational Economic and Trade Arbit ra tion Commission , Beijing , shall



execute the arbitration in Accordance with the Rules of P rocedure of Arbitration of the

said Commission .

③ T he decision of the arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both

parties .

④ T he fees for arbit ration shall be bor ne by the losing party unless otherwise

awarded .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . damage v . 伤害 , 毁坏 ;n . 损害 ,毁坏 ; (复数 ) 损害赔偿费

e .g . Many of the goods were damaged by fire .


T he wheat crop this year is not promising as the damage from frost is too great .


We brought an action of damages against his company for damage done to our

proper ty .


2 . trace n . 痕迹 ,踪迹

e .g . We cannot find any t race of the cheque mentioned in the letter under reply .


3 . due to 因为 ,由于

e .g . T he damage was due to heavy weather .


4 . rough handling 粗暴装卸

5 . claim v . 索赔 , 索取 , ( 根据权利 )要求 ;n . 索赔 , (根据权利提出的 )要求

claim payment from/ of sb . 要某人付款

a claim for damages 表示为某种原因索赔

a claim for US$10 000 表示对金额的索赔

a claim to/ for the damaged goods 表示对某物索赔

a claim on/ with/ again st the seller 表示对某人索赔

claim arising from a breach of a cont ract 违约所引起的索赔

claim arising from a defect of the goods 货物瑕疵所引起的索赔

claim based on lack of conformity of the goods 货物不符产生的索赔


第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁

claim based on physical loss damage 货物灭失所产生的索赔

accept a claim 同意索赔

admit a claim 同意索赔

ent ert ain a claim 受理索赔

dismiss a claim 驳回索赔

reject a claim 拒绝索赔

withdraw a claim 撤回索赔

waive a claim 放弃索赔

settle a claim 解决索赔

settlement of a claim 理赔

e .g . We s hall lodge a claim on the Insurance Company for the goods damaged during

transit .

对于货物在运输途中的损坏 , 我方将向保险公司提出索赔。

6 . recovery n . 复原 ,恢复

7 . loss n . 损失 , 亏损 ,损耗

[ 辨 ] damage 常指部分的损失 , loss 却指绝对的损失。

suffer heavy losses 遭受重大损失

profit and loss 盈亏

e .g .H e has been severely miserable by the loss of all his money .


8 . a tt ribut able to 归因于 , 归咎于

e .g . We cannot agree to your att ribu ting the damage to rough handling in transit .


9 . compensate v . 赔偿 , 补偿

compensation n . 赔偿 , 补偿

make compensation for sb .’s losses 补偿某人的损失

e .g . We compensat e you if your goods are damaged .

假如你方货物受到损坏 , 我们予以赔偿。

T om gave me a new machine as compensation for the one of mine he lost .


10 . convince v . 说服 ,使信服 , 使确信

[辨 ] convince 表示用事实使人信服 , persuade 偏重从感情上打动别人。

convince s b . of sth . 使某人相信某事

be convinced that 信服



e .g . Please try your best to convince your user tha t October s hipment is the best we

can do .

请尽力说服你方用户 , 10 月份是我方能安排的最早装运期。

11 . responsible a . 应负责的 , 有责任的

hold sb . responsib le for sth . 要某人负责某事

be responsible to s b . for sth . 让某人对某事负责

e .g . We are not respon sible for the delay .


Buyers/ Seller s must be held responsib le .

必须由买方/ 卖方负责。

During vanning/ devanning of containers , this company is responsible for tally

those containerized cargoes which the vessel is responsible for delivery/ t aking

delivery of .

对于船方负责对集装箱内货物进行交接的 , 在装/ 拆箱时 , 本公司负责对箱内货


12 . bear v . 负担 , 承担

e .g . You will have to bear the responsibility .


Ext ra expenses are to be borne by you .


13 . divide v . 分配 ;划分 , 分开

e .g . The profits were divided among three or more par tners .


14 . arbit ration n . 仲裁 , 公断

arbit rate v . 仲裁 , 公断

arbit rator n . 仲裁人 , 公断人

arbit ration agreement 仲裁协议

arbit ration award 裁决

arbit ration commission 仲裁委员会

arbit ration clau se 仲裁条款

arbit rate a dispute 对争端进行仲裁

15 . amicably ad . 友好地 ,和睦地 ; 温和地

amicable a . 友好的 , 和睦的 ;温和的

amicability n . 友好 ,和睦 ; 温和


第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁

amicable relations 友谊关系

amicable set tlement 和解

in a amicable way 用友好的方式

16 . negotiation n . 谈判 , 协商

negotiat e 谈判 ,协商 ; 议定

enter in to negotiations with sb . 开始与某人进行谈判

a poin t of negotiation 正在谈判中的问题

be in negotiation with sb . over sth . 与某人协商某事

17 . in case 假如 ,以防 (万一 ) , 免得

e .g . I t is bet ter to keep a lit tle for the further in case of need .

最好为将来留一些 ,万一需要呢。

18 . submit v . 提出 ,提交 , 呈交

submit a plan 提出计划

submit a case to the court 向法院起诉

e .g . All impor tant problems must be submitted to the board of director s for

discussion .


19 . defendant n . 被告 ; a . 处于被告地位的

20 . bind v . 具有约束力

an obligation that binds 必须履行的义务

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . We have received the 100 pieces of Cot ton P rints under our Order No . 873 . On

examination , w e find that 10 pieces do not correspond with the original sample , the

shade being much ligh te r .

我方第 873 号订单项下 100 匹印花棉布已收到。在检验时 , 我们发现其中有 10 匹与

原来样品不符 , 它的颜色要淡得多。

2 . Upon opening the case we found it contained completely diffe ren t a r ticles , and we

presume that a mistake was made and the conten ts of the case were for another

order .

在开箱时我们发现所装的完全是与订单不同货物 , 我们认为你们弄错了 , 此箱货物是


3 . We note with regret that the goods ordered on the 1st June were not delivered up to



the moment of writing , in spit e of the fact that an ear ly delivery was guaran teed and

the order obtained on the st rength of that guaran tee .

我们很遗憾注意到我们 6 月 1 日的订货到写此信时还未交付 , 尽管你们已作过保证早


4 . Since you have not s hipped the goods in accordance with the contract , you have no

ground to avoid the claim .

既然你方未按照合同发运货物 , 你们没有理由逃避索赔。

5 . T he comp uter under the cont ract No .123 was booked by you at $1000 while your

competitors quoted us only $890 , more than 10% lower than your price , with the

remaining term s same as yours .

第 123 号合同项下的计算机你方报价 1000 美元而你的竞争者报价仅 890 美元 , 比你

方的价格低了超过 10% ,其余条款与你方的一样。

6 . Your complain t about the delay in shipment has been noted and we are really very

sorry that we have not been able to ship your order on time because of the late arrival

of some of the raw ma terials .

我们已注意到你方有关迟延装运的抱怨并实在很抱歉 , 由于有些原料到达太迟 , 未能


7 . In the spirit of goodwill and friends hip we agree to accept all your claims .

本着友好精神 , 我方同意接受你方全部索赔。

8 . From what you say it seems possible that some mistakes have been made in our

selection of the materials meant for you and we are arranging for our Mr . White to

call on you later this week to compare the materials supplied with the samples from

which you ordered them .

从你方所说来看 , 似乎有可能在我们挑选预定给你们的布料时出了错 , 我们将安排怀

特先生本周晚些时候拜访你们 , 以便把所供应给你们的布料和你们据以订货的样品相


9 . We will make fur ther effor ts to t ry to find a compromise , so as to set tle the claim

quickly and amicably .

我们将进一步努力找到折中办法 ,以迅速友好地理赔。

10 . According to the bill of lading , these 500 cases w ere really loaded on the carrying

vessel at the por t of s hipment , we are not responsible for the matte r and suggest

your lodging a claim against the sh ipping company .

按照提单 ,这 500 箱货物确已在装运港装船 , 我们对此事不负责任并建议你方向船公



第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁

11 . We would point out that figure of your alleged claim appear s to be far above the

actual loss you have suffered , so it is ou t of the question for us to consider it .

我们想指出你方所提索赔数字远远超过你们遭受的实际损失 ,故不在我方考虑之列。

12 . The price of £9 per CI F Bas rah has been most carefully calcu lated , and we regret

we are quite unable to allow even the s mallest reduction .

CIF 巴士拉每台 9 英镑这一价格是经过仔细计算的 , 我们很抱歉即使最小的减价我


13 . Without the s urvey repor t is sued by a reputab le s urveyor to support your claim , we

cannot take your claim in to consideration .

没有声誉好的检验人员出具检验报告支持你的索赔 ,我们不能考虑你的索赔。

14 . We regret to tell you that your claim cannot be enter tained as it is raised far beyond

the time limit stipulated in the cont ract .

我们很遗憾地告知你方 ,你们的索赔因为超过了合同规定的期限而不能被接受。

15 . The s urvey repor t iss ued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau will be taken

as final and binding upon both par ties .

由中国商品检验局出具的检验报告将作为最后依据 ,对双方都有约束力。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )C om pla int and reques t

Dear Sirs ,

We duly received the documents against order No .642 and took delivery of the

goods on arrival of the S .S .“Jiang Shan”at Hamburg .

On unpacking the container , we found the goods were short by three cases . As we

need the goods we ordered to complete deliveries to our new customers , we must ask

you to send the shor t delivered goods immediately .

We look forward to your reply , we remain .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) R e p ly to th e a bo ve le tte r

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your lett er and appreciate your st raigh tforwardness in pointing

out our error .

We regret to learn of the shor t delivery of three cases of the s hipment against your

order No .642 and have contacted our forwarding agents here who inform us that your



three cases were unloaded in error at Hong Kong and are now waiting for t ran shipment

to your por t .

We were sorry for the trouble cau sed you by the error and wis h to assure you that

care will be t aken in the execution of your fur ther orders .

Yours faithfully ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following word s and phrases :

( 1) claim upon sb .

( 3) lodge a claim against sb .

( 5) admit a claim

( 7) set tlement of a claim

( 9) due to

( 11 ) rough handling

( 13 ) compensate sb . for the loss

( 15 ) be responsible to sb . for sth .

( 17 ) amicable settlement

( 19 ) in case

( 21 ) in accordance with

( 23 ) lodge a complain t against sb .

(2 ) on just grounds

(4 ) be t aken as final

(6 ) st raigh t forwardness

(8 ) time limit

(10) convince s b . of sth .

(12) 指出

(14) 归因于

(16) 要某人负责某事

(18) 承担损失

(20) 仲裁

(22) 检验报告

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1 ) We were very sorry to receive your complain t that the ma terial you received was

not of the quality expected .

( 2) As you failed to make delivery in time , we have no choice b ut to cancel our

order with you .

( 3 ) We claim US $2050 for shor t shipment on the 50 tons peanuts ex S .S .


( 4) As your complaint does not agree with the result for our test , please conduct

another examination to show if there is any ground for your claim .

( 5 ) T he evidence you have provided is inadequate , therefore , w e cannot consider

your claim as requested .

3 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 8 日送达时有 5 箱货物严重损坏。


第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁

( 2) 买方对货物提出索赔人民币 1200 元。

( 3) 很遗憾地通知你方 , 3 号箱及 6 号箱破损 , 箱内货物因包装不良严重损坏。

( 4) 因货物装船时箱子是完整无缺的 ,我们很抱歉难以接受你方索赔。

( 5) 你方索赔须有充分的证据。

( 6) 因不可抗力导致延期交货或无法交货 ,我们不负任何责任。

4 . T ranslate the following letter into English :

敬启者 :


很遗憾 , 我们发现有两箱完全受潮。因为这个原因 , 这些桌布已受损而不能出

售。今退回这两箱 , 并不得不要求你方立即补运损坏的货物。



第十三单元 Unit 13 Compensation Trade andProcessing Trade


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

补偿贸易是发展中国家由于无力购买机械和原材料 , 或由于技术的原因而采用的一

种贸易方式 , 它的优点在于避免应用硬通货来支付货款或延迟支付货款 , 来获得外汇收

入 , 以解决暂时的困难。

补偿贸易简单说就是通过利用外国资金来扩大对外贸易 , 通常是由缔约一方以赊销

方式向对方提供机械设备以及技术等 , 同时承诺向对方购买一定数量或金额的商品。也

就是在信贷的基础上 , 一方向另一方进口机械设备以及技术劳务等 , 然后在一定时期内 ,

用产品或双方商定的商品清偿价款的一种贸易方式。这种商品可以是直接产品 , 也可以

是间接产品。所谓直接产品就是用进口的机械设备直接生产出来的产品 , 所谓间接产品


补偿贸易虽然原则上是以商品来偿付所引进的机械设备等 , 但在具体的业务实践中

并不是简单地以货易货 , 仍然需要商定支付和结算的办法。一般说来 ,可按照不同业务的

具体情况 , 采用托收、对开信用证、银行担保书、贷款等方式加以清算。

加工贸易是指从境外保税进口全部或部分原辅材料、零部件、元器件、包装物料 (以下

简称进口料件 ) 等 ,经境内企业加工或装配后 , 将制成品或半制成品出口的经营活动。加

工贸易可分为 : 来料加工、进料加工、外商投资企业为履行产品出口合同所需进口料件的

加工业务 , 以及与之相应的保税工厂、保税集团开展的加工业务。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) P roposa l fo rCom pensation TradeDear Sirs ,

T hank you for your offer for Plastics Injection Machines together with the relevant

第十三单元 补偿贸易和加工贸易

illust rative leaflets .

We have contacted our customers and wish to inform you that having studied your

pamphlets , they find the Machine s uitable for their need in production . H owever ,

owing to the slack demand for their products for the time being , they do not think it

advisab le to b uy the machines with cash but are of the opinion that if you will buy back

all or a big por tion of the products manufactured with your machines , it may be possible

for them to do business with you through compensation t rade , i .e . after impor ting the

machines , they will reimburse you the cost and charges by selling you the direct

products .

It goes without saying tha t the cou ntersale of our products will also provide you

with full security for the payment of the machines .

If you agree to the proposal , w e s hall put forward our concrete plan as to the

technical data , quality standard , payment , price , etc . for your considera tion .

We await your reply in this regard .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 )An R e p ly to th e Abo ve Le tte r

Dear Sirs ,

Our bankers , Bank of England , inform us that you require our Model AI-S Sewing

Machines and wis h to pay for them with the window cur tains processed under

compensation t rade arrangements . Subject to satisfactory arrangements as to t erms and

conditions , we should be pleased to conclude the deal .

We can offer you 50 sets of Sewing Machines , Model AI-S , at the price of US $80

PER SE T CIF China Por t . The cost of machines will be advanced by us and be repaid by

you in in st allments , plu s freigh t and inte rest a t 10 per annum .

Meanwhile , we would like to receive your quotation for Linen Window Cur tains ,

1000 dozen a month . Upon receip t of your firm offer , we will t ry to package the two

deals and wor k out a draft agreement for you to consider .

We look forward to your quotation and your suggestion as to other terms and

conditions .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 )An R e p ly to th e Abo ve Le tte r

Dear Sirs ,

We are pleased to learn from your lette r of March 18 that you will consider



compensation t rade arrangements for the supply of Model AI-S Sewing Machines .

As requested by you , we are making you an offer , subject to your accept ance by

March 31 , for 10 000 dozen Linen Window Cur tains at US $3 per piece CIF EM P , to

be delivered monthly in 10 lots two month s afte r the t rial operation of the Sewing

Machines . T he price of these cur tains is to pay for the 50 Sewing Machines you supply

plu s freigh t and an ann ual in terest of % .

For your information , we enclose a copy of our compensation trade agreement with

a Swiss firm , we suggest tha t we include the same Arbit ration Clause in the draft

agreement you are to prepare .

We look forward to receiving the formal agreement from you soon .

Yours faithfully ,

(4 ) P rop o s a l fo r P ro ce s s in g T rad e

Gentlemen ,

We read your ad in BUSINESS CHINA , and are writing to find out if you could

help us make contacts with manufacturers in China who are in terested in processing

Gear Boxes in accordance with drawings s upplied by us .

Our client , a Swiss firm , is in terested to cooperate with China in producing Gear

Boxes with supplied drawings and samples . We have sent you separately the relevant

catalog and drawings . If any of your factories are in terested in the b usiness please let us

know their term s and conditions and the U S dolla r CI F Bremen price .

We would be very grateful for a prompt answer .

Yours very tru ly ,

(5 )Q u o ta tio n fo r P ro ce s s in g T rad e

Gentlemen ,

T hank you for your letter of March 9 inquiring about the possibility of producing

gear box with supplied drawings and samples . We have forwarded the catalogs and

drawings you sent us to some large manufacturers and now have an affirmative answer

from a factory in Shanghai . Below is their quotation :

Gear Box , nodular cast iron unit price US $

Gear Box , cast iron US $

CIF Bremen

Please let us k now if your clients find the quotation acceptable . If so , please ask

them to send us the sample as soon as possible .

Yours sincerely ,


第十三单元 补偿贸易和加工贸易

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . H owever , owing to the slack demand for their products for the time being , they do

not think it advisab le to buy the machines with cash but are of the opinion that if you

will buy back all or a big por tion of the products manufactured with your machines ,

it may be possib le for them to do business with you through compen sation trade , . . .

但由于现在他们的产品滞销 , 他们认为用现金购买机器是不合适的。但他们的意见是

假如你方能回购用你方机器所生产的全部或大部分产品 , 他们可能以补偿贸易方式与


T hey do not think it advisable to . . . 为全句的主句。T hink , believe , suppose 等动词

后的否定意思 , 习惯上都体现在前面的谓语动词 think , believe 上。

In reply to ours of . . . 介词短语作定语修饰 letter。

With regard to compensa tion t rade 介词短语作定语 , 修饰 our s。 Ours 等于 our

lette r。

By th ree annual installments 介词短语 , 作状语 ,说明付款方式。

Namely , 10 % of the total value . . . 对付款方式做进一步说明。

Namely 是“即”的意思。

2 . It goes without saying that . . . 显然⋯⋯ , 理所当然的是⋯⋯ ,不言而喻的是⋯⋯ ;

固定短语 that 后面跟主语从句 , it 是形式主语。

3 . in installments 分期地

installment n . 分期付款清偿债务时分成连续几次付款中的一次 ; 部分某事物的一部

分 , 如分期出版的印刷品。

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . T he cost of the equipment you supplied may be repaid by 8 equal in st allments with

the resu ltan t products , and the whole t ransaction is considered as one package deal

on the basis of compensa tion trade .

你方提供的设备价款将用生产的直接产品分八批等量装运 , 整个交易视为补偿贸易的


2 . We would like to impor t advanced capital goods appropriate to China’s needs .

Repayment of the cost of the impor ted capital goods will be made on deferred te rms



with the resultan t products .


3 . We can make a down payment for the impor ted equipment , which accounts for 10%

of the to tal cost while the balance will be repaid by installments with the products

produced with the imported equipment .

我方可以先付进口设备货款总额 10%的现款 ,余额由该进口设备的产品分批支付。

4 . We s hall reimburse you the total amount of the imported equipment by installments

in 4 year s whereas you s hall undert ake to counter-purchase equal amount of the

products turned out with the said equipment .

我方将在四年内用进口设备的产品分批支付设备价款 , 而贵方应当回购上述设备的等


5 . You shall guaran tee that if the equipment fails to operat e normally owing to faulty

manufacture , you shall send over your technicians to repair or replace the defective

part or par ts and bear all the required expenses .

你方应当保证如果设备因质量问题无法正常生产的话 ,将派遣技术人员修理或更换问

题部件 ,并承担所有费用。

6 . Emphasis has to be laid on the poin t that the machine impor ted will be paid for with

the b uy-back products , this being the principle as agreed upon by both par ties .

Should you have any difficulty in counter-purchasing our products , we would suggest

that a reliab le third par ty in your count ry be requested to help you solve the

difficulty .

必须强调进口设备将以回购商品的方式支付。作为双方达成的共识 ,如果你方回购我

方产品有困难 , 我们建议由贵国一位可靠的第三方帮助解决困难。

7 . On the basis of compensation t rade , we would impor t from you GE elect ronic

equipment to the amount of USD × × × on the u nderstanding tha t you would

purchase from us in equal amount the products manufactured with the said

equipment .

根据补偿贸易方式 ,我方将从贵方通用电器公司进口总额×××美元的电器设备 , 而


8 . We both have agreed that reciprocal lette rs of credit will be adopted as the means of

payment . Under this arrangement , you shall open an irrevocable sigh t L/ C in our

favour as soon as you have received our sales contract/ confirmation while we in turn

shall also open in your favour an irrevocable sigh t L/ C for the same amount as the

one sta ted in the sales cont ract/ confirmation .


第十三单元 补偿贸易和加工贸易

我们双方同意采用对开信用证的方式支付货款。基于这种安排 , 一旦收到我方的销售

合同 , 请你方开立一份以我方为受益人的不可撤销即期信用证 , 而我方将按销售合同


9 . We have received your lette r of 23 th November in reply to ours of 12 th November

with regard to compen sation trade and are glad to learn that you agree to sell the

Plastics Injection Machines to us on compen sation t rade basis .

收到你方复我方 11 月 12 日有关补偿贸易的 11 月 23 日来信 ,我方愉快地获悉你方同


10 . Concerning the payment for the machines to be impor ted by us , we suggest that we

make payment by three annual in stallments without in terest , namely , 10% of the

total value of the machines to be paid within one year afte r the date of bill of lading ,

the remaining 30% and 60% to be paid in the second and the th ird year

respectively .

关于我方进口机器的付款 ,我方建议采用三年的免息分期付款办法 , 即 : 自你方装船

提单日期起 , 一年内付总价的 10% ,其余的分别在第二年和第三年各付 30%和 60 %。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )R e jection to P ro ces s ing Trade

Dear Sirs ,

We have received the illust rated pamphlets you sent u s and have carefu lly studied

the characteris tics of the machine you in tend to sell .

According to the illustration stat ed in the pamphlets , this complete set of machine

was manufactured in Switzerland three years ago . It has an automatic cont rol system

and an automatic lubricating device . Its function to manufacture all kinds of gum

products offers many at tractions .

We have discussed with our technical engineers the question whether or not to import this

machine to revamp our production . Recently we have come to the conclusion that it seems too

costly to buy the machine especially at the present time when we are in urgent need of funds for

reconstructing our factory premises . Under such circumstances, we cannot make any fresh

purchase but leave the matter for further consideration .

Never theless , we thank you for keeping us in touch and hope that someday in the

near future we will do some successful business .

Yours tru ly ,



(2 ) P rom o tion o f P roc e s s ing Tra de

Dear Sirs ,

Your let ter of February 8 arrived this morning . We appreciate your straigh tforward

reply . The machine alone costs one million U S dolla rs , not including freigh t , insurance

premium and packing .

Our in ten tion of selling this machine is due to the fact tha t our board of directors

has decided to change our production plan . F rom now on gum products are no longer in

the lis t of ar ticles to be manufactured , therefore , it is of no u se for us to ret ain the

machine . However , we have an idea that we sell the machine to you on credit and allow

you to pay for it in t wo years by monthly installments with in terest payable at the rate of

12% per an num . We wish to say this is a most advantageou s deal you can ever have .

T o be frank with you , it pays to buy . Since you are enla rging your factory

premises , it will be in your in terest to make good use of the machine to increase

production , and you can reply on it that the machine is a brand new one have having

been carefully kept in our warehou se since last October .

We sincerely invite your represent atives and engineers to Zurich to see the machine ,

we will give them a demonstration of process involved in operation . Please let us know if

this proposal is acceptab le to you .

Yours sincerely ,

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 必须强调指出 ,你方供应的设备和技术应该符合标准 , 适合我们的生产情况 , 并


( 2) 具体数量、规格、价格、付款方式、装运期等应在各个售货合同中详细规定。这种


( 3) 通过补偿贸易购进的技术和设备必须是先进而适用的 , 必须有利于改进中国现


和技术所生产的直接产品 , 但必要时 ,经双方同意 , 也可用其他产品偿还。

( 4) 你方要求我方按你方设备总价预付 10%现款作为订金 , 其余 90% 采用为期五年

的延期付款办法 , 此事我方可以接受。

( 5) 我们遗憾地从你方 11 月 3 日来信中获悉 , 你方要求撤销补偿贸易协议下供应设

备的合同 , 理由是其中一些设备须向第三者购买 , 而他们不守诺言停止供应。对此 , 我们


第十三单元 补偿贸易和加工贸易

可予同意 , 但你方必须赔偿我方损失。

( 6) 我们遗憾地告诉你方 ,虽然在一个月前就应发运 , 补偿贸易合同×××号项下向

你购买的设备迄未装运。对此我们十分关注 , 不知目前情况如何 ,请即复告。

( 7) 由于补偿贸易协议须报经主管部门批准后方能生效 , 我们建议在拟议中的协议


( 8) 关于在洽商中的补偿贸易 ,我们意见是先签订一个总的协议 , 其有效期自签约日

起至设备价款全部清偿为止。在总协议下 , 再签订两个合同 ,即供应设备的合同和返销产


2 . Correct or improve the following message :

With reference to your let ter of . . ., enquiring for our principal of doing

compensation t rade , we like to reply as following :

We require that the equipment and technology to be provided by our t rade

partner should be advanced world st andard , reasonable price , and suitab le our

condition of production . They should also be able to bring about raise of the

production and quality of our export products , thereby strengthen their competition

in the world market . The equipment and know-how will be paid in installments

with our products according to the schedule and arrangement to be fixed through

negotiation .


第十四单元 Unit 14 International EconomicCooperation


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)


契约式的合营 , 是由两国或两国以上的合作者建立在合同制基础上的各种形式合营的


合营企业或称合资企业是当代国际间直接投资的主要形式之一 , 也是我国利用外资

的重要方面。合资经营 , 简单说来 ,就是有关各方共同投资 , 共同经营 ,共负盈亏。中外合

资经营企业是共同投资的中外各方 , 以现金实物或无形财产折价为现金后 ,各按一定比例

的股份出资 , 共同组织一个具有法人地位的、在经济上独立核算、在业务上独立经营的企

业 , 由投资各方共同经营、共同管理、共担风险、共负盈亏。按照有关法令、协议、合同的规

定 , 国外出资人享有一定的管理权和控制权 ,并对企业的经营成绩承担责任。

与中外合资经营企业不同 , 中外合作经营企业是一种建立在合同基础上的合营关系。

中外合作者的权利和义务 , 包括投资或合作条件、收益或者产品分配、风险和亏损的分担、

经营管理的方式和合作企业终止时对财产的归属等事项 , 都由缔约双方在合作企业合同

中予以约定 , 而不像中外合资经营企业那样 ,以投资各方的认股比例为准。

国际经济技术合作的形式是多种多样的。有仅涉及单项经济活动的合作经营 , 也有

涉及多项经济活动的综合性合作经营。合作经营的各方 , 可以组成松散的合作经营联合

体 , 进行合作生产、合作制造、合作开发、合作建设、合作技术投资、合作销售等合作经营的

经济活动 ; 也可以组成统一的具有法人资格的经济实体在广泛的经济技术和科学研究等


第十四单元 国际经济技术合作

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) P roposa l fo r Inve s tm ent

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your let ter of 23th October from which we learn that you are

in terested in establish ing an Auto Par ts factory in China in the form of a join t venture

and enquire about its feasibility .

You are probably aware that China has always persistent in an open door policy and

taken a positive stand with regard to int roducing foreign investment , with a view to

expanding economic cooperation and technical exchange with other count ries on the basis

of equality and mutual benefit . China permits foreign firms , enterprises and other

economic organizations or individuals to form join t ventures with Chinese firms ,

ent erprises or o ther economic organizations . A t present , there are two types of joint

ventures in operation , i . e . Equity Join t Venture and Contractual Join t Venture .

Besides , joint exploration of China’s Offshore Oil is also in existence . The main

features of this form of business are joint investment , join t management and joint share

in profits and losses , being beneficial to both par ties in that they will en hance business

rela tions and cooperation .

On July 8 , 1979 , our government promulgated“ The Law of the People’s Republic

of China on Join t Ventures U sing Chinese and Foreign Investment”. Since then ,

amendments have been made several times and the latest amendments to the law were

made on March 15 , 2001 during the Four th Session of the Ninth National People’s

Congress . In order to help you get fu lly acquainted with the various provision s in

connection with the join t venture , we take pleasure in enclosing a copy of the Law for

your refe rence and hope to have your comments .

Should you be in terested in forming a join t venture with u s , please let us know your

ten tative idea as to the type of commodity , quantity of production , material

procurement , sales channels and principal machinery and equipment , so that we can

make a thorough study of your plan and go fur ther into the mat ter .

We look forward to your reply with in terest .

Yours faithfully ,

(2 ) S ug ge s tio n fo r In ve s tm en t

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for your lette r of 2nd November , enclosing a copy of“ T he Law of the



People’s Repu blic of China on Join t V entures U sing Chinese and Foreign Investment”.

H aving gone th rough it carefully , we have now a bet ter understanding about the

estab lishment of a joint venture in China . We understand that there is now no limit to

the capit al to be contribu ted by the foreign investors and wonder if it is correct as we are

inclined to make investment on 5%~50% basis .

Our investment , i .e . 50% of the capital of the proposed joint venture , is to be

made par tly in cash and partly in machinery and equipment . As to the cash , it is to be

conver ted from US dolla rs according to the exchange rate in effect on the da te the

agreement becomes effective . As we are well connected with the machinery and

equipment s uitable for the need in the cour se of production , which will be evaluated by

both par ties . In the meantime , we should like to know in what form your investment

will be .

Upon hearing from you , we will go fur ther in to the mat ter or suggest a personal

visit to have a face- to-face discussion so that problems can be cleared and settled

quickly .

We await your early reply .

Yours faithfully ,

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . We have received your lette r of 23rd October from which we learn that you are

in terested in Establis hing an Auto Parts factory in China in the form of a joint

venture and enquire about its feasibility .

你 10 月 23 日来信收到 , 知道你们有兴趣以合资企业形式在中国设立一汽车零件制造

厂 , 并询问其可行性。

from which we learn . . ., which 是关系代词 , 一方面起连接作用 , 另一方面作从句中

from 的宾语。

that you . . . and enquire . . ., that 从句是宾语从句 , 作 learn 的宾语。从句主语 you 有

两个并列的谓语动词 , 即 are in terested 和 enquire。

2 . You are probably aware that China has always persisted in an open door policy and

taken a positive st and with regard to in troducing foreign investment , with a view to

expanding economic cooperation and technical exchange with other count ries on the

basis of equality and mutual benefit .

你可能知道中国一向坚持开放政策并对引进国外投资采取积极立场 ,以在平等互利的


第十四单元 国际经济技术合作


You are probably aware 是主句。

T ha t China has always per sisted . . . and taken a . . ., and 连接其中两个并列的动词

has persist ed 和 taken。

with a view to expanding . . ., 介词短语作状语。本句中的 to 是介词 , 不是动词不定

式 , 后面接动名词 expanding ,与 with a view to 意义相似。in order to , 后面接动词原

形 , 而不是接动名词。

3 . T he main features of this form of business are join t investment , join t management

and join t share in profits and losses , being beneficial to both parties in that they will

enhance business relations and cooperation .

这种经营方式的特点是共同投资 , 共同管理 , 共负盈亏 , 可使双方的关系更为密切 , 协

作更为加强 , 对双方都是有利的。

being beneficial to both parties . . . 分词短语 , 其逻辑主语是句子的主语 , 即 the main


in that 介词短语 , 作状语。 that 从句是名词从句 ,作介词 in 的宾语。作介词宾语的从


有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . T he price charged to the licensee for any item of the contract equipments as per

section 4 .3 .2 should be in the amount of one and a half times the manufacturing costs

plu s all costs incurred by the licensor in delivery the equipment to the licensee .

按第 4 .3 .2 条所提供的任何一件合同设备 , 向受让方的收费价格的计价方法为出让方

制造费用的 1 .5 倍加上出让方将该设备交付给受让方所花的费用。

2 . Selling price for Cont ract P roducts supplied by licensor to licensee pursuant to section

4 .4 of the present cont ract shall be at licensor’s published price in effect on the date

of receip t of each licensee order .

按合同第 4 .4 条 , 由出让方提供给受让方的合同产品的价格应按每次收到受让方订货


3 . Subject to the provision s of article 5 to this cont ract , licensor hereby grants to

licen see an exclusive righ t to manufacture , assemble , install and use and/ or sell the

cont ract products in territory A under the paten t gran ted , technical information

furnis hed/ provided/ given and tech nical assistance rendered/ given to licen see

pursuant to this cont ract .



按本合同第 5 条规定 ,出让方授权予受让方按所转让的专利 , 所提供的技术资料 , 所给

予的技术援助在甲地区制造、装配、安装、使用和 (或 )销售该合同产品。

4 . T he law precisely st ates the legal status of the join t venture and protects the lawful

righ ts of the foreign participants .

该法确定合营企业的法律地位 , 并保障了国外合营者的合法权益。

5 . In order to absorb foreign capital , in troduce advanced t ech nology and equipment in to

our country , improve bu siness management and promote the development of our

national economy , we are ready to adopt the regular forms of inte rnational economic

coopera tion to serve the socialis t construction of our country .

为了吸收外资 , 引进先进技术和设备 , 改善经营管理 , 促进国民经济的发展 , 我们愿意

采用国际经济合作中通常采用的形式 , 为社会主义建设服务。

6 . The amount of our investment will be around one to one and half million US dollars ,

par tly in the form of cash and par tly in capital goods . The equipment we are going to

s upply is up- to-date by world standard .

我们的投资将以现金和资本货物方式提供金额为 100 万至 150 万美元。我们将提供


7 . T here is no fixed rule concerning the term of a join t venture contract ; it shall be

dete rmined by the mutual agreement of the parties to the venture according to the

venture’s par ticu lar line of bu siness and condition s . Subject to mutual agreement and

approval , the te rm of the cont ract may be extended on expiration .

关于合营企业合同的期限并无硬性规定 , 而是由合营各方按不同行业 , 不同情况商定 ,

合同期满 , 如各方同意并经批准 ,还可延长期限。

8 . T he board of director s is empowered to discuss and take action on , pursuant to the

provisions of the articles of association of the join t venture , all fundamental issues

concerning the venture .

董事会的职权是按合营企业章程条款规定 , 讨论决定合营企业的一切重大问题。

9 . We have studied with care your proposal to estab lish a join t venture between you and

u s for the erection of a factory in Shanghai for the man ufacture of sewing machines .

We u nderstand that there is a great demand for th is commodity in the in ternational

market and brisk sales can be expected .

你公司提出与我们共同投资在上海设立工厂生产缝纫机的建议 , 我们已经进行了认真

的研究。我方了解到该产品在国际市场上的需求量很大 , 可有广阔的销路。

10 . We are of the opinion that the net profits of the venture for the fir st three years of

operation should not be dist ribu ted , instead , they should be used to replenis h the


第十四单元 国际经济技术合作

capital of the venture .

我们的意见是 ,在开始经营的头 3 年 , 净利润不应分配 ,而用以充实企业资金。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 ) P roposa l fo r Jo in tVenture

Dear Sirs ,

Earlier this year we were very pleased to have you with us in Melbourne , and

discuss ways and means of developing the piece goods business . Among other items we

proposed ent ering the wholesale business as a means of expanding exports and were

pleased to learn recently from your office that your corporation is willing to consider

joining hands with u s in such a venture . We therefore take this oppor tunity to send you

herewith a memorandum on the subject . It is merely a broad outline in tended as a

sta rting poin t for more detailed discussions between u s .

Mr . H arvey and I would be pleased to visit Beijing , say from the 2nd to the 5 th

February , to discuss mat ters in detail with officials from your head office . If the

suggested time of our visit is not s uitable , we shall be glad to change it to a more

convenien t time .

We hope that our detailed discussions in Beijing will result in the signing of a

provisional agreement during our visit .

We look forward to your comments .

Yours sincerely ,

(2 ) C o n firm a tio n o f Jo in t Ve n tu re Te rm s

Dear Sirs ,

We are pleased that during our discu ssions last week we reached agreement on the

proposed join t venture in Au st ralia . Before drawing up the formal contract for signa ture

we should like to confirm the main poin ts upon which we have agreed , namely :

① That Chinatex and Bunge enter in to a wholesale textiles joint venture in the

State of Victoria .

② T ha t Chinatex holds 30 % of the shares and Bunge 70% .

③ T ha t Bunge undertakes to estab lish warehouse facilities in Melbourne .

④ T ha t the joint venture is to be registered to operate also in the State of New

South Wales .

⑤ That all profit , losses , costs and liabilities will be prorated according to the



share-holding of each par ty .

⑥ T ha t any disputes in connection with the join t venture agreement which cannot

be settled by cons ultation shall be referred to arbit ration by the CCPI T Arbitration

Commission , whose award being final and binding upon both par ties .

⑦ T ha t the agreement is subject to ratification by the two government au thorities .

Upon receiving your lett er of confirmation we will arrange for the cont ract to be

drawn up and sent to you for signing .

Yours faithfully ,

(3 ) B an k Loa n s

Dear Sirs ,

Your let ter of May 2 , as king whether a join t venture in China can obtain loans from

the Ban k of China has been noted .

In reply , we enclose a Xeroxed copy of the P rovisional Regulations for providing

Loans by the Bank of China to Chinese- Foreign Joint-Ventures approved by the St ate

Council on March 13 , 1981 , which will answer your question .

Please contact your local branch of China for any fur ther information you may need .

Yours faithfully ,

Enclosure: As stated .

(4 )O n Te chn o lo gy Im p o rta tion

Dear Sirs ,

Your lette r of 24 th May suggesting fur ther expanding our cooperation in technology

impor tation has been received with than ks .

In reply , we wish to inform you that we will do our best to cooperate with you in

this connection to our mutual benefit . At present w e are in terested in importing the

technology and equipment for exploiting oil and coal . If you can s upply these , please

make us an offe r at your early convenience . W hen offering , please t ake note of the

Regulation s on Administ ration of Technology Impor t Cont racts of the PRC , which is

enclosed for your reference .

Your cooperation will be highly appreciated .

Yours faithfully ,

Enclosure: As stated .


第十四单元 国际经济技术合作

(5 )On the Sa le o f L icense s, Know- how, Eng ine ering

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your letter of March 2 , th is year , with the request to deliver

equipment for a chemical p lant .

We have considered your request and write to inform you that we are ready to

conduct negotia tions on this problem , at the same time we would like to draw your

a tten tion to the fact that our company sells licenses on know-how which go along with

deliveries of complete equipment .

As you know these lines of coopera tion are widely used all over the world . In the

agreement on the t ransfer of know-how we guarantee additional profit for a licensee and

the output of produce of high quality , i .e . in accordance with technical specification s .

If you find our offer of some in terest we shall prepare mat erial for patenting

( description , drawings ) the equipment taking in to account the requirements of your

pat en t office .

Awaiting your reply .

Yours faithfully ,

(6 )O n Tra in ing Lo ca l P e rs on ne l

Dear Sir or Madam ,

In accordance with Contract No . × × da ted × × ( day , month , year ) , the

const ruction of the railway in which is being carried out with the tech nical assistance of

China National Technical Impor t and Export Corporation , will be completed in the ×

( quar ter of the year) .

At present there are not enough qualified specialis ts in our count ry to operate th is

railway . With this in view we would like to ask you to assist us in training the necessary

specialis ts .

We would ask you to send to our country 3 or 5 qualified specialis ts to work as

advisers in the Minist ry of Communications and also to deliver a cour se of lectures on

diffe ren t aspects of railway t ransport . Apar t from tha t , we ask you to assist u s in setting

up a t raining center in ×× to t rain our per sonnel in higher and secondary specialized

educational estab lishments of t ranspor t and communication .

We understand that rendering technical assistance in operating railways is not

stipulated by the in tergover nmental agreement , therefore we offer to pay for the above

expen ses in pounds sterling under the China T rade Agreement .



We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience .

Yours faithfully ,

(7 ) C o n tra c t fo r P ro je c t C oo pe ra tion

T his Cont ract , made as of the day of J uly 1 , 20×× by and between ABC Co .

( hereinaf ter called Party A ) and XYZ Co . ( hereinafte r called Par ty B)

W hereas Par ty B will en ter in to a contract for work with Par ty A for the latte r’s

air-conditioner , the par ties hereof , in con sideration of the mutual covenants and

agreements , agree as follows :

① Name of work : Air-conditioner .

② Location of work : Par ty A’s newly erected plant in ×× .

③ Scope of work : As specified in the drawings .

④ T ime limit for completion : T he work hereof shall be commenced in compliance

with the const ruction work of Party A’s plan t , and shall be completed within 30 days

af ter the completion of const ruction work of Par ty A’s plan t , including the completion

of inner part of the plan t when the plant is in the condition that t rial ru n for air

conditioning mechanism is possible .

⑤ T otal price of work : US$3 200 000 only .

⑥ Payment for work :

Fir st installment : Par ty A shall pay to Par ty B 30 percent of the to tal price for

work , i .e . US$960 000 only at the time when th is contract be duly executed .

Second installment : Par ty A shall pay to Party B 20 percent of the to tal price for

work , i .e . US$640 000 only upon the commencement of in st allation of air pipes .

T hird installment : Par ty A s hall pay to Par ty B the balance of unpaid 40 percent of

the total price for wor k , i .e . US$1 280 000 only upon the completion of the work

hereof .

Four th installment: Par ty A shall pay to Par ty B the balance of unpaid 10 percent of

the total price for work , US$320 000 only when the complet ed work be duly received

and found qualified .

⑦ Penalty for defau lt :

In the event Par ty B shall fail to complete the work hereof in time owing to such

reason s that Party B shall be liable thereto , Party B shall pay a penalty for such default

based on 0 .1% of the total price for work per day .

⑧ Increase or decrease of work :


第十四单元 国际经济技术合作

In the event Party A shall have amended , increased or decreased its project of

const ruction work , the corresponding increase or decrease of total price shall be

calculated as per the unit price specified herein . In the event there shall be newly

increased it ems of work , the parties hereof shall en ter in to an agreement for the unit

price of such items . In the event Par ty B shall have to abandon and par t of the completed

work or any part of the materials t ransmitted to the location of work owing to

amendment of const ruction project by Par ty A . Party A shall , afte r having duly received

the work , pay for such completed work or such materials abandoned as per the unit price

specified herein to Par ty B .

⑨ Supervision for progress :

T he per sonnel for supervision of progress of work appoin ted by par ty A and its

represen tative shall have the authority to supervise the progress of work and give

inst ruction s to Par ty B , and Party B shall perform correctly in accordance with such

inst ruction s of Par ty A’s per sonnel or represen tative without making any excu ses .

⑩ Inte rruption of progress :

In the event Par ty A shall notice party B to inte rrupt the progress of work beyond

the causes Par ty B shall be liable thereto , Par ty B may withdraw for work and claim to

Par ty A to pay the price by giving to Par ty A a list of the amount of completed work ,

mat erials t ransmitted to the location of work and the reasonable expenses and fees for

checking of s uch list , and for payment of the amount of s uch list over the paid

installments , or for return of the amount of s uch list less than the paid installments .

�11 Custody of work :

T he completed wor k and the materials , tools and equipment , etc . to the location of

work shall be under custody of Par ty B af ter the commencement of work and before

completion of work and delivery of the completed work . U nless in the event of force

majeure , Party B shall be fully respon sible for any and all accident or damage of the

work under custody of Par ty B . In circumstances of force majeure , Par ty B may give a

lis t of damages in detail according to the actual condition of damages and also give a

projected lis t of price and date for recovery from such damages to Par ty A for check of

such lists and for payment . In case Party A s hall decide not to continue the progress of

work , this cont ract shall be terminated under Ar ticle 10 hereof .

�12 Warranty for wor k :

Par ty B shall warran t the promised condition of the work one year aft er the date of

receiving the work by Par ty A . H owever , Par ty B shall no t be liable to Acts of God or



misu se of the work by Par ty A .

�13 At tachments :

At tachments hereof shall be made a par t of this cont ract and effective as any other

provisions of this contract . At tachments hereof includes drawings and proforma invoice .

�14 Additional P rovision :

Maintenance of mechanism—Party B s hall provide free and periodic main tenance

service for the air conditioning mechanism hereunder for a year af ter receiving the work

by Party A by sending maint enance personnel once each month for performing

main tenance .

T his Cont ract shall be in duplicate to be held each by par ties hereof .

In witness whereof , this contract shall be effective when it is du ly signed by both

parties .

Par ty A : Par ty B:

By : By :

Address : Address :

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases :

( 1 ) We’ve discussed the possibility of est ablishing the join t venture during the last

few day s and agreement on every iss ue touched upon so far .

( 2 ) China’s open-door policy has paved the for att raction more foreign

investment .

( 3) You may rest that we have laws governing these .

( 4 ) The favourable conditions have much bet ter investment environment for

the establis hment of relation ship bet ween China and foreign count ries .

( 5 ) At the same time , we shall the development of new products by

adopting advanced scientific and technological achievements .

( 6 ) T hese vast areas offer ample scope for the funds and techniques , and are

places for u s to work together with you for joint ventures .

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1 ) 你方建议双方投资各占 50% , 我们可以接受你方意见 ,但你方投资的主机设备价

值在资本总额中不到 35% ,因此你们必须提供一部分现金 , 以达到资本总额的 50 %。

( 2) 你方提出合资企业产品须在我国国内销售问题 ,我方强调指出 ,产品必须全部在


第十四单元 国际经济技术合作

中国境外销售 , 由你方包销 ,而不留任何部分在我国国内销售。

( 3) 在业务经营中 ,双方如有不同意见 , 可根据公司章程条款 ,在董事会内协商 , 如不

能协商解决 , 可通过仲裁 ,获得合理解决。

( 4) 我方愉快地收到你方×月×日寄来关于合资企业的协议草案。该草案就你我双

方数月来多次友好协商所达成的一致意见 , 作了很好的表述。

( 5) 我方对贵方在合营企业的商谈中表现的友好态度和远大眼光表示欣赏 , 相信在

双方的共同努力下 , 我们将能取得丰硕的成果。




Part Three International Social Correspondence

第一单元 对外商务书面沟通

第二单元 对内商务书面沟通

第三单元 其他商务社交信函

Unit 1 Business Communicationoutside the Company



内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

随着市场经济的不断发展 , 竞争进一步加剧 ,沟通能力在商场和职场中发挥着越来越

重要的作用。这一单元我们主要探讨如何运用社交书信对外进行良好的商务沟通 , 主要


一点就是社交礼仪。也许有人会以为西方人待人处事比较随意 , 不必在乎那些礼节性的

东西。其实不然 , 正规的英语社交书信中的格式和汉语中的一样有讲究 ,即使在比较随便

的日常信件中 , 遣词造句也一样需要斟酌。在细节方面 , 纸张的质量要好 ; 应该考虑感情

因素 , 慰问信、吊唁信等最好用手写 , 不用电脑打印 ; 收到任何信件都应该及时回信 , 推迟


邀请信应详细写明邀请原因、地址与具体的日程安排 , 以便被邀请人能够合理规划。

请贴与信虽然在形式上差别较大 , 在实质上也是一种邀请信 ,而且是所有邀请信中最正规

的一类 , 尽管文字很少 ,但在用词、页面设置以及帖子的选择等方面都非常考究。但更重

要的是社交礼仪。所有人名都要用全称 , 而不能单用姓或者名 , 称呼也不能随意使用 , 大

多数请帖上都用“Mr .”和“Mr s .”来称呼人。请帖均用第三人称写 , 所以不能用“ I”或者

“we”。拼写都用英国式的 , 以示正式。在格式的安排上应有一定的艺术性 , 最多不超过

14 行。


其内容应包括以下几个方面的内容 : 第一部分介绍被介绍人的情况 ; 第二部分介绍被介


当客户或贸易界的朋友要来你公司所在地参观访问或商谈业务 , 为表示友好或出于

礼貌 , 常常给对方写一封欢迎信。既然是欢迎信 , 写信人要表现出一定的热情 , 应从多方

面为对方着想 , 在力所能及的范围内尽地主之谊 , 帮助对方做好食宿、旅游以及其他商务


活动方面的安排。因此写信时可适当使用一些带感情色彩的词语 , 以表示对来客的友好


别人有求于你公司 , 你代表公司写信答应对方的要求 ,这样的信好写。你只要直接告

诉他 , 你公司能满足他的要求 ,他会非常高兴 , 对你和你公司都会很感激。但实际情况是 ,


绝信难写 , 难就难在既要拒绝对方的要求 ,又不能得罪对方 , 搞坏与对方的关系。因此 ,写

回绝信应特别注意方式方法 , 讲究策略。一般首先要对对方的来信表示感谢 ,对信中提出

的要求表示理解。然后再解释不能满足对方的原因 , 同时应表示歉意。最后如有可能还

应说一些安抚对方的话或提出一些可替代的解决方法 , 以避免使对方过于失望 ,或失去今


在公司的日常运作期间 , 难免需要预定车辆、预约房间等。一般可以通过电话预约。

但有时候为了正式起见 , 需要写一封预定信。预定信的内容不用太长 ,把主要信息表达清



通函使用范围很广 , 例如 ,某商号开业、迁址或变更商号名称 ,常采用通函通知其有业务联

系的客户 ; 公司发生机构变动或经营负责人变更时 , 也常用通函将此情况通告其重要客

户。通函不同于一般通告或广告。首先 , 顾名思义 , 通函是以信函形式寄送的。其次 , 通

函发送对象是经过选择的 , 通常是在某范围内有一定联系的客户。此外 ,通函的内容更具

体、更具针对性。拟写通函时 ,应注意不要写得太长 , 长篇大论使人生厌 ,收信人可能弃之

不读。信函内容应开门见山 , 最好一开头就能抓住读者 ,引起注意或兴趣。写信的语气要

亲切 , 要使收信人感到自己受到了特别的关注和照顾。

典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) Invitation Le tter

Dear Sirs ,

We are pleased to announce that our new product line is ready to be s hown .

I’m confident that you will be deligh tfully surprised when you see our latest

innovations . We are holding a special preview on J une 5 from 9: 00 a .m . to 5: 30 p .m .

and would like to invite you to visit our display room .

I am s ure you’ll find that new line is well worth the visit .

Yours sincerely ,

(2 ) In vita tion C a rd

T he Chairman , P resident and Officers of ABC Co ., Ltd .


第一单元 对外商务书面沟通


The honour of your presence

At the formal opening ceremony

Monday morning the fifth of March

F rom nine to eleven o’clock

288 Pudong Avenue


(3 ) Le tte r o f In tro du c tion 1

Dear Sirs ,

As you know , Mr . David has been promot ed as the new sale chief officer in our

Beijing office . Mr . Wang will be the new account executive in your area . Mr . Wang has

been working with u s for three years in our sales department and is experienced in

computer-relat ed products . We believe he will do an excellen t job in handling your

account . Should you have any questions , please feel free to ask to him .

H e will cont act you in these few days .

Yours sincerely ,

(4 ) Le tte r o f In tro du c tion 2

Dear Sirs ,

It is a great pleasure to int roduce to you Mr . H all , our new sales manager , who is

visiting our clien ts in America , and is planning to call on your esteemed firm for U .S .

market research . We would greatly apprecia te if you may be able to give him assistance ,

which will be regarded as a great honour for our company . You will be informed in

advance of the exact da te on which Mr . H all will be arriving in your area .

T hank you for your a tten tion on th is mat ter and with best regard s .

Yours sincerely ,

(5 ) Le tte r o fW e lcom e 1

Dear Sirs ,

We are pleased to receive your lette r of 21st April and to learn that you are making

plans to visit th is country next Ju ne . We shall be very happy to welcome you and to do

all we can to make your visit both enjoyable and beneficial .

As th is will be your first visit to China , you will no doubt wish to see some of our

places of in terest . A suitable program is something we can discuss when you arrive . If

you so wish , we can also in t roduce you to some firms with whom you may like to do



business .

W hen date of your visit is settled , please let me know the time of your arrival here .

I will then arrange to meet you at the airpor t and drive you to your hotel . You may be

sure you will have a good time here .

Yours sincerely ,

(6 ) Le tte r o fW e lcom e 2

Dear Sirs ,

I am writing just to let you k now how happy we are in the head office to learn that

you are planning to visit our company and how anxious we are to meet you .

We keep enquiring about your arrival and making necessary arrangements so as to

make sure that you will feel quite at home here and that your stay will be pleasant and

beneficial one .

Yours sincerely ,

(7 ) R e fu s a l Le tte r 1

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for the time you s pent in evaluating our existing computer system and

the estimate you provided for improving it .

After considering the proposal and evalua ting the cost as well as o ther factors , we

have decided not to proceed with the suggested improvements at this time . We will ,

however , keep them in mind for possib le implementation at some future dat e . Your

effor ts in this matte r are most appreciat ed .

Yours sincerely ,

(8 ) R e fu s a l Le tte r 2

Dear Mr . Green ,

T hank you for your letter of 11st August , asking for a dona tion to your Wise

Fund .

We receive many let ters of th is na ture and , unfor tunately , it is not possib le for us

to respond favourably to all of them . We have a limited budget for charitable and it is

fully commit ted at this time .

T herefore , we are unable to make a cont ribu tion on this occasion . We wish you

well in your approaches to other organization s .

Yours sincerely ,


第一单元 对外商务书面沟通

(9 ) Le tte r o f R e s e rva tion 1

Dear Sirs ,

I am on an urgent mission and want to get to H ong Kong as soon as possib le .

Please reserve for me a sea t in the plane leaving for Hong Kong at six a .m . tomorrow .

I shall be obliged if you will deliver the ticket to Room 903 of the H unan Guesthouse

where I am staying .

Many thanks .

Yours sincerely ,

(10 ) Le tte r o f R e s e rva tion 2

Dear Ben ,

Our office is in charge of planning for the company’s picnic on Augu st 11 , so I’m

contacting a number of persons who might be able to help u s with arrangements . Since

you’re in charge of the motor pool , I was wondering if you could make arrangements for

transportation from the company to Carnegie Lake and back again on the day of the picnic .

Basically , what we will need are enough cars and driver s for about fifty employees

and guests . The car s should leave from the motor pool ent rance at noon and return from

the Carnegie Lodge ent rance at four o’clock .

I’d very much appreciate your help in making these arrangements . Please let me

know right away if we can count on you for our t ransportation needs on Augu st 11 .

T hanks , Ben .

Yours sincerely ,

(11 ) C o n firm in g Le tte r o f R e s e rva tio n

Dear Sirs ,

T hank you for choosing the Jinling Hotel . T his is to confirm the reservation for

Mr . Davis for t wo nights , October 1 and 2 . Mr . Davis has requested a single non-

smoking room with a king-size bed . T he charge for the room will be RMB 200 .

T he hotel will hold his room until 6: 00 p . m . If Mr . Davis expects to arrive late ,

will he please notify us before October 1 ?

We look forward to welcoming Mr . Davis to Jinling Hotel .

Yours sincerely ,

(12 )N o tice s o fApp o in tm en t

Dear Sirs ,

We are regretful to inform that Mr . David , our general manager will be retired on



Ju ly 2 due to illness .

I have been appoin ted to replace his position by the board of director . Your

contin uous suppor t and assistance are highly apprecia ted by all of us .

Yours sincerely ,

(13 )Me e ting N o tice s

Dear Sirs ,

T o your request , we have changed your meeting with the Hot el of Hilton to 9: 00

a . m ., on F riday . We are pleased to be able to accommodate you in th is manner , and

your general manager will be looking forward to our meeting on this newly appoin ted

date .

Yours sincerely ,

(14 ) R em ova l

Dear Sirs ,

We have as today moved to the following new location at :

R m101 , Changjiang T rade Building , 99 Changjiang Road , Nanjing , 210005 , China

Telephone: (8625) 84611234

Fax : ( 8625 ) 84612345

T he new office is much larger and modern than the old one . We are looking forward

to your visit .

Yours sincerely ,

(15 )N ew B ra nch

Dear Sirs ,

We take much pleasure to inform you tha t on Ju ne 1 , we will be opening a branch

office at the following address :

R m505 , Changjiang T rade Building , 99 Changjiang Road , Nanjing , 210005 , China

Telephone: (8625) 84611234

Fax : ( 8625 ) 84612345

In the new branch , we will be able to show the full range of our products and to

provide after- sales services . We have appoint ed Mr . David as the manager of the

branch .

We sincerely hope that we will have oppor tunities to serve you at the new branch

soon .

Yours sincerely ,


第一单元 对外商务书面沟通

(16 ) C e s s a tion o f B u s ine s s

Dear Sirs ,

We are sorry to inform you that we will no t be able to continue our services due to

financial difficulties . Because of the new policy the government has imposed on our

business star ting from last J une , we have been facing unexpected difficu lties while

trying to expand our business . T he owners of this company have decided to close the

business to avoid bigger losses .

We have checked our records and found no outstanding debts with you . Please also

check your files and make sure of it . If you have any enquires , please contact us soon .

Yours sincerely ,

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . product line 产品系列 , 生产线

2 . ceremony n . 典礼 , 仪式

the wedding ceremony 结婚典礼

e .g . What the old headmaster said at the graduation ceremony dwells in my mind .


3 . avenue n . 大街 ; 方法

e .g . My address is 11 Carlton Avenue , Bristol .

我的住址是布里斯托尔市卡尔顿大街 11 号。

T hey explored every avenue but could not find a solu tion .

他们试过了每一种方法 , 但是没能找到解决的办法。

4 . esteem v . 尊重 , 尊敬 ;认为

e .g . T he old teacher was much loved and esteemed .


I didn’t esteem him to be t rustwor thy .


5 . appreciate v . 感激 ; 欣赏

e .g . We cer tain ly appreciate your kindness .


We appreciate your effor ts for the development of the company .


6 . assistance n . 协助 ,辅助



e .g . Safely returned hos pitality and assistance appreciat e .

已安全返回 , 感谢款待和帮助。

7 . regard v . 看待 , 当作

e .g . We regard him as a fool .


8 . beneficial a . 有利的 ,有益的

e .g . Sun shine is beneficial to p lants .


9 . place of in terest 名胜古迹

e .g . I am afraid t wo days time is not enough for us to see all the place of int erest .


10 . do business 做生意

11 . have a good time 玩得愉快

12 . head office 总部 ,总公司

13 . anxious a . 渴望的 ;忧虑的

e .g . We are anxious to serve you .


We are very anxiou s about this .


14 . arrangement n . 安排 , 筹备 ,整理

to establis h arrangement 达成协议

e .g . Our dog will be looked afte r by arrangement with a neighbour .

经与邻居协商 ,我们的狗将会受到照料。

15 . evaluat e v . 评价 , 估⋯⋯的价

e .g . Don’t evaluate a person on the basis of appearance .


16 . proposal n . 提议 ,建议 ; 求婚

a practical proposal 切实可行的建议

17 . proceed v . 进行 ,继续进行

proceed from objective realities 从客观实际出发

e .g . The in terview proceeded in a most friendly atmosphere .


As soon as he came in he proceeded to complain about all his troubles .



第一单元 对外商务书面沟通

18 . keep . . . in mind 保留 , 铭记在心

19 . implementation n . 实行 ,执行

e .g . She suggests tha t Tom goes implementa tion .


20 . donation n . 捐献

e .g . The donation will be stopped from your sala ries .


a donation of money to the hospital 捐给医院的钱

21 . fund n . 资金 , 基金 ,存款 , 储备

welfare fund 福利基金

e .g . The nursery teacher’s got a fund of amusing stories .


22 . respond v . 作答 , 响应

respond with a smile 以微笑表示回答

e .g . I offered him a drink but he didn’t respond .

我请他喝酒 ,但他未作回答。

23 . favourably ad . 有利地 ,顺利地

e .g . His speech was favourably received .


24 . budget n . 预算 ,预算案

state budget 国家预算

e .g . A new car will no t be part of our budget th is year .


25 . charitable a . 仁慈的 ,宽厚的

a charit able club 慈善团体

26 . commit v . 犯 ( 错误 ) , 干 (坏事 )

commit an error 做错事

e .g . I never commit myself on such iss ues .


They were committed to follow order s .


A robbery was committed last night .


27 . cont ribu tion n . 贡献



a great contribu tion to h umanity 对人类的一大贡献

28 . approach v . 向⋯⋯靠近 ; n . 靠近 ; 方法

present a new approach 提出一个新的方法

e .g . The day was fast approaching when we would have to leave .


The performance approaches perfection .


29 . urgent a . 紧急的 ; 强求的

inform someone of an urgent meeting 通知某人参加紧急会议

e .g . She was urgent in her demands .


30 . mission n . 使命 , 任务 ;使团

accomplish one’s mission 完成使命

e .g . H e was sent to Was hington on a diplomatic mission .

他被派往华盛顿 ,负有外交使命。

I t seems to be his mission to help others .


31 . reserve v . 储备 ,保留 ; 预定

strategic reserve 战略储备

e .g . I reserve the righ t to disagree .


32 . oblige v . 强迫 , 迫使

e .g . Please oblige me with your presence .


I am obliged to you for your graciou s hospitality .


She was obliged to go .


Please oblige me by closing the door .


33 . deliver v . 投递 , 送交 ;发表 ; 分娩

deliver a speech 发表演讲

e .g . We deliver res ults .



第一单元 对外商务书面沟通

Some new books have been delivered to the school .


She delivered a baby boy this morning .


34 . in charge of 掌管 , 负责

35 . motor pool 调度场

36 . t ransportation n . 运输 , 运送 ,客运

water t ransporta tion 水路运输

37 . cou nt on 依靠 ;期待 , 指望

38 . appointment n . 任命 ;约定 , 约会

appointment to the bench 被任命为法官

e .g . I made an appoin tment to see the doctor .


39 . replace v . 把⋯⋯放回 ;取代

e .g . She replace the glasses on the table .


We are responsible to replace the defective ones .


40 . accommodate v . 容纳 ; 供应 ,供给

e .g . The host will accommoda te us tonight .


We can not accommoda te him with anything .


41 . location n . 位置 , 场所

railway location 铁路选线

e .g . H ave they decided on the location of the new building yet ?

这座新建筑的位置他们定下来了吗 ?

42 . branch n . 树枝

olive branch 橄榄枝

e .g . T he company’s head office is in the city , but it has branches all over the

count ry .

公司的总部在这个城市 ,但它的分公司遍布全国各地。

43 . range n . 排 , 行 ,山脉 , 范围 ; v . 排列 , 归类于 , 使并列 , 放牧

e .g . The children’s age ranges from 5 to 15 .



孩子的年龄从 5 岁到 15 岁。

Wha t is the range of your gun ?

你的枪射程有多远 ?

leather shoes range from US$10 a pair .

皮鞋售价每双 10 美元起。

44 . afte r-sales services 售后服务

45 . serve v . 服务 ; 服役

e .g . They served on the committ ee .


Can I serve you in any way ?

我能帮你忙吗 ?

This box will se rve for a seat .


46 . financial a . 财政的 ,金融的

financial plan 财务计划

e .g . Many comp uter soft ware corporations are experiencing financial rever ses .


Mr . Danial is our financial adviser .


47 . policy n . 政策 ,方针

tax policy 税收政策

e .g . Honesty is the best policy .


I t’s bad policy to smoke too much .


48 . impose v . 把⋯⋯强加 ; 征 (税 )

to impose trade barrier on certain goods 某些产品实施贸易壁垒

e .g . New duties were imposed on wines and spirits .


49 . expand v . 扩大 ; 使膨胀

e .g . When heated , the met al expands .


The business has expanded from having one office to having t welve .

这个公司已从一个分公司发展到拥有 12 个分公司了。


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50 . avoid v . 避免 ,回避 , 躲开

e .g . We shall avoid making mistake .


Are you t rying to avoid me ?

你是不是想躲开我 ?

51 . outstanding a . 突出的 , 杰出的

an outst anding writer 杰出作家

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . I do hope that it will be possible for you to under take this assignment . Let me know

as soon as you can , please . If your response is favourable , I’ll get other information

to you .

本人真诚希望您能接受此项任务 , 并将您的想法尽快告诉我们 ,如若接受邀请 , 我将继


2 . We are inviting you to bring your car in to our shop for a free in spection and tune-up .

现邀请您带着车来我车铺 ,以便对您的车作一次免费检查和调试。

3 . Mr . and Mrs . Sun Jun request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their

daughter Sun Jia to Mr . Zhang Jin on Sunday , 5th may , 2002 a t eleven o’clock

forenoon Peace Hotel .

兹定于 2002 年 5 月 5 日 ( 星期日 )上午 11 点在和平饭店举行孙俊夫妇之女孙佳与张

进先生的婚礼 , 敬请届时光临。

4 . We shall be most grateful if you will in troduce him to reliable manufacturer s and give

him any help or advice he may need .

如果您能将他介绍给您方信誉可靠的生产厂商并给予必要的帮助和指导 , 我们将不胜


5 . We shall very much appreciate your help and be pleased to perform a similar service

for you should the oppor tunity ever arise .

对您的帮助我们将会十分感激 , 并乐意在以后有机会时给予回报。

6 . With your k nowledge , you are bet ter able to give the help he will need than anyone

else I know . I shall very much appreciate it if you would provide him with any

necessary recommendations .

以您的知识 , 您比我认识的其他任何人更能给予他所需要的帮助。您如能为他提供一




7 . Mr . Bird may have occasion to call upon you for information concer ning expor ter s of

various products in your area . Any help that you can extend will be appreciated .

伯德先生可能会造访您处 , 了解你地各种产品的出口公司的情况 , 如蒙帮助 , 将不胜


8 . Welcome to the city of Dalian . We know tha t you will enjoy living here and we’re

pleased that you’ve selected this community to be your new home .



9 . We would like to thank you for coming to visit our company .


10 . Please feel free to ask u s any question during your visit .

在您访问期间如有任何问题 ,请别客气 , 尽管发问。

11 . However , due to other professional commitment at this time , I must regretfully

decline your invitation .

但是 ,近期我公务繁忙 , 不得不拒绝您的邀请。

12 . We thank you for the invitation to be a corporate sponsor , but our company policy

prevents us from participating .

我们非常感谢您邀请我们成为贵单位的赞助人之一 ,但我们公司的政策不允许我们加入。

13 . Please reserve me two second-class seats in the plane leaving New York for Beijing .


14 . I should like to book a single room with shower for the night of Monday .

我希望定一个带浴室的单人房间 ,时间是星期一晚上。

15 . It is hereby proclaimed that the board of direction has decided to dismiss Mr .

Robinson from the vice-president of Xinhua , Ltd .

经董事会研究决定 , 免去罗宾逊新华有限公司副总裁职务 ,现予公告。

16 . We are pleased to announce that will effect from 2nd , October , our office will be

relocated to 30 Jie Fang Road .

很高兴告诉大家 ,我公司办公室将于 10 月 2 日迁至解放路 30 号。

补充材料 ( Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )W e lcom ing Spee ch

Ladies and Gentlemen ,

I’m very glad to say that Mr . H eywood , an old friend of Chinese people , come to


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our company again this morning . It is the four th time tha t Mr . H eywood has come to

China and to our company . H e has done a lo t to the development of our company and

I’m happy that we’ve found a way of cooperation , which is beneficial to both sides . H is

present visit shows again the sincere goodwill of the Canadian people and of himself . I

believe that our cooperation this time will be more successful and more pleasant . Now

let’s offer a warm welcome to Mr . H eywood . Thank you .

(2 ) In vita tion to B id

We hereby invit e w ell reputable and experienced manufactures to par ticipat e in the

supply of the following equipment : W histles , Winter H ead-cover .

① Specification for Whistles

Quantity : 2000

Specifications :

a . The whistles are to be made of brass and coated with nickel and according to

diagram .

b . Each offer presen ted without a sample will be refu sed .

② Specification for Winter H ead-cover

a . H ead-cover is to be made of two pieces , as shown in figure .

b . The H ead-cover is to be made of poplin , cot ton and in blue .

c . All the inte rior of the head-cover is to be lined .

d . Top of the H ead-cover is to have a label indica ting the size , stitched a t the center

of the lining at t wo inches from the front edge .

e . Three holes must be made on each of the t wo head-cover sides , at the ear zone .

Tenders are request ed to submit samples for comparison , otherwise , their offe rs

will not be considered . Tenders have the right to claim tha t the samples reach within 30

days of being notified for the final awarding of the tender . Otherwise , the company

reserves the righ t to do as it deems necessary .

Please study these and arrange offers as early as possible . We have managed to

delay the closing dates . However , time is still essential , so your prompt response would

be appreciated .

ABC , Ltd .

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) You are cordially invited to the dinner party .



( 2) I am very pleased to advise you tha t Mr . Yang is now representing our firm in

your area .

( 3) Let me take this oppor tunity to offer a warm welcome to Mr . Smith .

( 4 ) T hanks for the inviting us to your anniversary par ty , but unfortuna tely we will

be unable to at tend .

( 5) Please to so kind as to let us have an early confirmation of this booking .

( 6) I t is hereby proclaimed that on March 1 , 2004 , Miss Chen Li was appoin ted

manager of Public Relation s Depar tment .

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 如若您接受我们的邀请 ,我们将非常高兴。

( 2) 承蒙各位造访我公司 ,备感荣幸。

( 3) 我们将尽全力让各位访问者愉快。

( 4) 由于生病 ,不能前往 , 十分抱歉。

( 5) 如果可能的话 ,请替我保留一间面向海的房间。

( 6) 经董事会决定 ,任命索菲娅女士为经理部秘书 , 现予公布。


Unit 2 Business Communicationinside the Company



内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

公司作为一级商业组织 , 其结构较为复杂 , 公司内部的沟通在所难免。上下级、同级

间的业务联系 , 社交沟通 ,如何得体地运用商业信函进行交流 , 是本单元要探讨的主要内



公司内部 , 如果要对公司的职员、部门或公司的分部通报信息的话 , 一般都采用备忘录的

形式。为了方便、提高效率 ,备忘录通常由公司统一印制成标准的表格 , 写作时一般应用

电脑 , 也可用手写 ,通过 E-mail 发出。

作为社交书信中常见的一种形式 , 便函经常用于熟识的朋友、同事之间。较一般书信

而言 , 便函的格式比较简单 ,语言也比较简洁。因此 , 写作起来比较方便。

公司除了向外发布信息以外 , 在公司内部常常也要发布一些信息 ,内部通告由于在公

司内部发布 , 不需要交代过多的背景情况 ,简洁交代公告内容即可。

下级在工作中常常需要得到上级的授权 , 因此要写信请求批准 , 由于写信对象是领

导 , 态度要比较谦虚 ,对于请求事项要明确。上级也会为了工作方便 , 写一些授权书 ,要明


典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 )Mem o 1

T o: All representatives

From : Miss Liu , Office Manager

Subject : Ordering of company-headed stationery



T he supply of company-headed writing paper , note pads and ball pens , embossed

with the company’s name and address will be available from next Monday from my

office . These are to be dist ribu ted to customers .

All representa tives should decide how many of these item s they require . I need to

have all orders on my desk in writing by this F riday at the latest .

(2 )Mem o 2

T o: All staff in the sales depar tment

From : Sales Manager

Subject : Summer ad campaign


Sail away with colourful clo thes from ABC Company !

T his is the theme of the new ad campaign tha t will be launched J une 5 . The

advertis ing will be taking out several full-page newspaper ads , plu s mailing catalogs to

area residents . As the ads and ca talogs go out , we will post them in the break room for

your refe rence .

I hope the s ummer ad campaign will bring u s ext ra sales achievements . Wish you a

happy working day !

(3 )Me s s ag e 1

Dear Mr . Chen ,

I very much regret I was unable to attend office this morning owing to a severe

a ttack of headache . I enclose a cer tificate from the doctor who is att ending me , as he

fears it will be several days before I am able to resume my duties . I hope my absence will

not occasion any inconvenience .

Li Ping

(4 )Me s s ag e 2

Dear Sir ,

May I be excused from attending office today on account of the serious illness of my

lit tle daughter ? She was operated on yesterday . O wing to the fact that my h usband is

not in town at present , the duty falls on me to take care of her . I hope I may be excused

for a few more days to pass the worst days .

Zhao Hong


第二单元 对内商务书面沟通

(5 )Ann ou nc em e n t 1

A friendship basketball match between our company team and that of the ABC

Company is to take place in the Wu Tai Shan Gymnasium at 4: 00 p .m . this Thur sday

af ternoon . Come and cheer for both t eams .

General Manager’s Office

(6 )Ann ou nc em e n t 2

T omorrow being our National Day , there will be no work for 7days . All staff

member s are expected to t ake part in the celebrations held in our company . Work will be

resumed on 8 th October as the usual hour .

General Manager’s Office

Sept ember 30 , 2004

(7 ) Le tte r fo r H e lp

Dear Manager ,

One year ago I joined your firm as an apprentice , receiving RMB 800 per month

during the period of t raining . I became a full-time cle rk afterwards , but my salary has

remained the same . As the cost of living is rising, would you con sider an increase of my

salary ? I pledge myself to continue to serve the firm to the best of my ability .

Yours sincerely ,

(8 )App rova l N e e ded

Dear Sir ,

At last year’s sales meeting , we discussed the possibility of having a court esy suite

for customers at the Shanghai Trade Show .

I recommend that we rent a small banquet room for the three evenings of the show

and provide snacks and drink s for customers . Based on previou s attendance records , we

will probably have about 75 to 100 visitors each evening . A detailed cost breakdown is

a ttached .

I would like to finalize arrangements , but I need your okay .

Yours sincerely ,

(9 )App lica tio n fo r T ra in ing

Dear Mr . Anderson ,

I’m writing to you to express my wish to have a sales t raining .

As I said in my application let ter , my major in college w as Electrical E ngineering .



Although I can in t roduce our products technically , I ’m badly in need of selling

techniques . I wonder if you can offe r me s uch an oppor tunity .

I shall be deligh ted for your favourable rep ly .

Yours sincerely ,

(10 ) P e rm is s io n s

Dear Mr . Wang ,

T his is to authorize a one-day ab sence for Kathy next T hursday , March 17 , to

a ttend her sist er’s wedding . Although Kathy is still in her proba tionary period at

company , we agreed to her request to at tend this family event at the time of her hire .


典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . represen tative n . 代表

sales represen tative 销售代表

e .g . T he representatives were all amazed by what had happened in the factory .


2 . stationery n . 文具 ; 信笺

e .g . T his shop handles paper and stationery .


3 . availab le a . 可利用的 ; 通用的

e .g . When will the paperback edition be available ?

那本书的平装本何时才能买到 ?

Chinese commodities available for export a re varied .


T he lawyer is not availab le now .


4 . emboss vt . 加浮雕花纹于 , 使凸出

emboss a design on a coin 在硬币上浮雕出图案

e .g . T he name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper .


5 . dist ribut e v . 分发 , 分送 ;分布

to dist ribute books to students 给学生发书

e .g . In the 19 th century the government dist ribu ted land to settle rs willing to


第二单元 对内商务书面沟通

cultivate it .

在 19 世纪 , 政府将土地分发给愿意耕种的定居者。

6 . campaign n . 战役 ; 运动

an election campaign 竞选活动

7 . theme n . 题目 ; 词干 ;主旋律

theme song 主题歌

e .g . Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk .


8 . launch v . 发射 ; 发动 (战争等 )

launch an at tack 开始攻击

9 . severe a . 严重的 ; 严肃的

severe competition 激烈的竞争

e .g . T he severe teacher has gone abroad , you can breathe freely again .

要求苛严的教师已经出国了 , 你可以完全放心了。

10 . certificate n . 证书 ,证件 , 执照

stock cer tificate 股票 ; 公债证书

11 . occasion n . 场合 , 时刻 ;时机

a proud occasion 隆重的场合

e .g . A bir thday is no occasion for tear s .


12 . excuse vt . 原谅 , 申辩 ,做托辞 ;n . 饶恕 , 致歉 ,理由 , 借口

invent an excu se 捏造借口

e .g . Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law .


13 . on account of 因为

14 . operate v . 手术 ;运转

operate a bu siness 经营一家企业

e .g . The motor operates smoothly .


The new law doesn’t operat e in our favour .


15 . take care of 照顾

16 . gymnasium n . 体育馆 ,健身房

e .g . H e goes to the gymnasium to practice every day .




17 . Na tional Day 国庆日

18 . take par t in 参加

19 . celebration n . 庆祝 ; 庆祝会

hold a celebration 举行庆祝会

e .g . The villagers had a celebration , with a new film to finish up with .

村民们开了个庆祝会 ,最后放映了一部新电影。

20 . apprentice n . 学员

e .g . H e was apprenticed to an electrician .


The new apprentices are doing quite well .


21 . pledge n . 誓言 ; v . 使发誓

pledge one’s honour 以名誉作担保

22 . cour tesy n . 礼貌 , 谦恭 ;请安

cour tesy card 优待券

23 . banquet n . 宴会 ,盛会 , 酒席

return banquet 答谢宴会

24 . snack n . 快餐 ,小吃

e .g . She fixed u s a snack .


25 . finalize v . 落实 , 定下来

e .g . H e said he had got to finalize the plan for the proposed visit .

他说 ,关于拟议中访问的计划还需作最后肯定。

26 . in need of 需要

27 . probationary a . 试用的

e .g . After the probationary period the company decide to offe r h im a full- time

contract .

经过试用期 , 公司已决定给他订一个全日工作的合同。

有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . T he company will close on August 30 , each of the employees will receive a generous

severance package , including career coun seling , six months sala ry , and benefits .


第二单元 对内商务书面沟通

公司将于 8 月 30 日关闭 ,公司每名员工将获得一份丰厚的告别礼物 , 包括职业建议、


2 . A t a meeting last night the Board voted to accept an offer to sell our company to ABC

Group . Our staff , products , and services , however , will remain vir tually

unchanged .

在昨晚的会议上 ,董事会同意将我公司出售给 ABC 集团。但是我们的员工、产品和服


3 . Starting July 1 , employee will on ly be required to work every other weekend instead

of t wo out of every three weekends .

从 7 月 1 日开始 , 员工每两个周末工作一次 ,取代以前的每三个周末工作两次的安排。

4 . In the inte rest of good health for all employees , company has enacted a formal No

Smoking Policy for its executive offices .

为了确保所有员工的身体健康 , 公司正式颁布了一条禁止吸烟的规定 , 禁止在行政办


5 . XYZ Corporation is proud to announce that John Doe has been named the Employee

of the Year in recognition of his outst anding service to his customers .

XYZ 公司骄傲地宣布 : 约翰·多伊先生已经被评为本年度优秀员工 ,以表彰他为其客


6 . T he conference room is available to all , but w e need your help in keeping it tidy for

the next group that uses it .

所有的人都可以使用这个会议室 , 但是为了下一次使用它的人们 , 我们需要您保持它


7 . I am awfully sorry that I can’t come to office today . Enclosed please find a cer tificate

from the doctor , who said I must keep the bed .

我因病今天不能上班 , 谨致歉意。医生说我须卧床休息 ,兹附上医生证明一张。

8 . My siste r called me last night , saying tha t my father is dangerously ill . I beg to apply

for one week’s leave of absence from 15 th to 21 st instant , in order to see my father .

因姐姐昨晚电话告知父亲病危 ,我打算回家探望 ,请求请假一周 ,从本月 15 日起到 21 日止。

9 . A seminar on advanced spreadsheet design is being offered through the university

ext ension next month . Our company would benefit in several ways by sending me to

this program .



10 . I’m writing to you to express my wish to have a t raining .



我写信给你 ,是为了得到一次培训的机会。

补充材料 ( Letters for Optional Study)

(1 ) Toas tSpe ech

Ladies and Gentlemen ,

Our friend Mr . Rogers , a machine-building exper t of Aust ralia , has done a lo t to

help u s solve so many of our technical problems , even though he has worked in our

factory for only a very brief period . Now let me take this oppor tunity to thank him on

behalf of all the factory staff . Let’s drink a toast to Mr . Rogers’health and the friendly

cooperation bet ween the two peoples of China and Aust ralia .

(2 ) F a rew e ll Sp e e ch

Ladies and Gentlemen ,

I’d like to take this opportunity to say a few words . During my stay here everybody

has been so kind to me , so considerate in my work , that I really don’t know how I can

thank you enough . I t has been such a pleasure working among you that I do feel regret

to have to leave you now . But of cour se this does not mean the end of our cooperation

and relationship . In fact I know w e will continue to cooperate and I’m sure we’ll

achieve greate r and greater success in this . T hank you very much .

课后练习 (Exercises)

T ranslate the following letter s in to English :

( 1) 工作时间记录器现已安装在门口 , 从 2004 年 7 月 1 日起 , 你的上下班时间便会

被记录在卡上。请注意 , 良好的考勤记录是评估工作表现的重要因素。假若你忘记打印

你的上下班时间 , 请交予部门主管加签。

( 2) 很抱歉我不能出席本周五召开的会议了。我患了重感冒 , 医生说我必须卧床休

息几天。所以写信向你请三天假 , 望批准 !


( 3) 我很多最好的生意想法都是在休息的时候想出来的。这也是虽然假期总是很难

安排进工作工程中 , 但休假还是很重要的原因。

我想在 9 月 5 日到 9 月 10 日期间休假。这将花去五天的休假时间。正如你知道的 ,

我会将所有最近手头上的项目交接给杰克 , 并告知项目的进程情况。

如果我的申请没有问题的话 , 请尽快通知我 ,以便我完成必需的旅行安排。


Unit 3 Other Social Correspondence 第三单元


内容简介 (Brief Introduction)

本单元包括 : 感谢信、贺信、表扬信、慰问信、吊唁信、致歉信等。

感谢信在西方是一种使用频率非常高的信件 , 只要对方有惠于你 ,无论是帮你一个小

忙 , 还是给了你很大的帮助 ,都应该及时写封感谢信表示感谢。根据获得帮助的大小以及

与对方的关系 , 感谢信的形式也是多种多样的 , 可以是简短的几句话 , 也可以是措辞规范

严谨的一封长信。人的一生总会有可喜可贺的事情 , 比如结婚、晋升等 , 每当这时候 ,给可

喜可贺的人写一封短信表示祝贺 , 既可以分享对方的喜悦 , 也可以让对方有锦上添花的


贺信相对而言比较容易写 , 只要把喜悦的心情表达出来就可以了。以何种口吻写就


当客户或同事的表现非常出色 , 可以写一封表扬信 ,真心实意的赞扬可以激励别人更


当你公司里同事或商界的朋友遇到意外的不幸 , 例如因车祸受伤、生病住院、解雇失

业等情况时 , 可以写慰问信。收信人的心理状态不佳 , 所以写信时要特别注意遣词造句 ,

既要向收信人表达出你真切的同情 , 给他以抚慰 , 但又不能让他觉得损失真是那么惨重 ,


失去亲人是世界上最痛苦的事 , 失去亲人的时候也是最需要安慰的时候 , 正因为如

此 , 我们需要写一封吊唁信。吊唁信在书写的时候要注意表达的感情一定要真实 ,表达悲

伤的心情时要注意分寸 , 不能再次激起生者痛苦的回忆。在语言方面一定要注意语气庄

重 , 用词严谨 ,信件不宜写得太长 , 如果是私人信件 ,不宜用公函信笺 , 最好用手写 ,这样更


因为自己的行为不当 , 或是出于客观原因给他人带来不便 , 为了表达歉意 , 需要写一



典型书信 (Specimen Letters)

(1 ) Thank- you Le tte r 1

Dear Chris ,

I am very grateful to you for managing the project of 202 for me .

T his was a detailed and complex mat ter and I know you had to s pend a great deal of

your time and energies on it .

I do appreciate what you have done and than k you again for your assistance .

Yours sincerely ,

(2 ) Thank- you Le tte r 2

Dear Paul ,

T hank you very much for in t roducing me to your business contacts in the West

Count ry . I visited them last week , taking several orders and establish ing what I hope

will prove to be long- term relations hips with them .

I have no doubt that your in t roductions made all the diffe rence to the welcome I

received from them , and I am ext remely grat eful to you for this . T hank you again .

If I can ever do a favor in return , please do not hesitate to contact me .

Yours sincerely ,

(3 ) Le tte r o f C on g ra tu la tio n 1

Dear Sir ,

It is a great pleasure to learn your promotion in the board of ABC Corp . We would

like to send you our sincerest congratulations .

Our entire company and I my self a re very pleased that the many years of great

contrib ution you have made to your firm has been rewarded . I wish you every success in

your new position .

Yours sincerely ,

(4 ) Le tte r o f C on g ra tu la tio n 2

Dear Lan ,

All of us here in the office are deligh ted to hear that you have had a baby boy and

want to send our very best wishes to you , Nick and the new arrival !

We enclose a small presen t with our war mest regards . Do let us k now how you are

get ting along once you have set tled back at home .

Yours sincerely ,


第三单元 其他商务社交信函

(5 ) C om p lim e n t Le tte r 1

Dear Caroline ,

We purchased an IBM comput er system from your firm ear lie r this year and are

writing to say how pleased we are with it and the modifications that you made for us—

they were exactly what we needed .

We are also very impressed with your after-sales service . We have called out your

service consultant , John , for advice on three occasions , and he has always been most

helpfu l and informative . Please pass on our compliments to h im .

We are planning to expand our operation next year and will be in touch with you in

due cour se to discuss our revised IT requirements .

Our compliments to you .

Yours sincerely ,

(6 ) C om p lim e n t Le tte r 2

Dear Gill ,

I just wanted to write to compliment you on the way in which you handled the

contract of No .102 .

T his was a very dedicat ed and poten tially disastrous situation . I thought that you

dealt with it in an ext remely cour teou s and professional manner . I was deligh ted with

it’s successful outcome .

Well done—and keep up the good work .

Yours sincerely ,

(7 ) Le tte r o f S ym pa thy 1

Dear Cindy ,

W hen I came back from Beijing yesterday , my secretary told me you are ill in the

hospital now . I’m so shocked at this sad news . You shouldn’t have worked so hard ,

and I know you did all this for the company .

I hope this lett er finds you w ell or at least recovering . You needn’t worry about the

things in the company , and please take time and recover fully . We are all praying for

God for your speedy recovery .

Yours sincerely ,

(8 ) Le tte r o f S ym pa thy 2

Dear Mr . Crook ,

I learned with sympathy that a fire burnt many workshops in your factory . Your



whole staff must have s uffe red a great panic , let alone the loss of production and

proper ty . I am worrying about your temporary inconvenience caused by this unexpected

misfor tu ne .

Please tell me what I can do for you . Please do dismiss the misfor tune as a natural

calamity , and convey my consolation to you all .

Yours sincerely ,

(9 ) C o nd o len ce Le tte r 1

Dear Sir ,

I have just learned with deepest sympathy of the death of P resident Hall , losing

him must mean a great loss to your firm and his family .

We hope tha t our co-operation relationship , which he has looked af ter so carefully ,

will remain unchanged .

Please accept our sincere condolence , my staff and I convey our sympathy to his

family .

Yours sincerely ,

(10 ) C o nd o le nce Le tte r 2

Dear Sir ,

I write on behalf of everyone to tell you how very dist ressed we are to learn of

Mick’s death .

Mick was an accomplished and hugely popular sales represen tative . H e will be

missed by everyone here , his clients and his many friends in the industry .

We send our sincere condolences to you . If there is anything we can do for you now

or in the fu ture , please let us know . We would be only too pleased to help .

Yours sincerely ,

(11 ) Le tte rs o fApo log y 1

Dear Sir ,

I am sorry I missed seeing you yesterday . I know that you must have been

disappoin ted . The fact is that my manager at the last moment asked me to prepare a

plan while I couldn’t get to a phone to call you . I am terrib ly sorry .

H owever , I would like to ask you out this weekend to make up for yesterday . I am

waiting for your reply .

Yours sincerely ,


第三单元 其他商务社交信函

(12 ) Le tte rs o fApo log y 2

Dear Customer ,

I apologize to you on behalf of my store for the negligence that you encou ntered

here days ago . Your lette r has been due at ten tion and we have told the t wo shop

assistan ts to make an apology to you them selves .

As a customer myself sometimes , I fully understand the embarrassment and

frust ration that you went through . Our store is k nown for its“ friendly service”, and

that is why we can not and will not tolerate any behavior that violates the company’s

princip le and image . As a punishment , we have decided to cut half the salary of the

employee concer ned .

T he incident also urges us to take new measures so as to bet ter our service . We

have decided to set up“Customer Service”and to open up a telephone line for customers

to contact the manager’s office in case of particula r needs .

I am glad tha t you make your complaint known to us , which shows your t rust in

our ability to solve the problem . I would like to thank you for your support and

confidence in our store . Please remember that we are always at your service .

Yours sincerely ,

典型书信的注释 (Notes)

1 . complex a . 结合的 ;复杂的

culture complex 文化复合体

e .g . A computer is cert ainly a complex machine .


2 . promotion n . 促进 ; 提升 ;创立

exceptional promotion 破格提升

e .g . Our teacher has got a promotion .


3 . a deal of 大量

4 . reward n . 报答 , 报酬 ; v . 奖赏

e .g . Vir tue is its own reward .


H ow can I reward your kindness ?

我如何酬谢你的好意呢 ?



5 . impress v . 印象 ;留下极深的印象

e .g . She impresses her teacher with her diligence .


H is words are strongly impressed on my memory .


6 . af ter-sales service 售后服务

7 . handle n . 柄 ,把手 ; v . 拿 ,触

to wind the handle 转动把手

e .g . She handled the employee’s problem with sensitivity and direction .


8 . dedicated a . 潜心的

e .g . She’s very dedicated to her work .


9 . potentially a . 可能地 ,大概地

e .g . She’s potentially our best p layer , but she need s to practice much harder .

她有可能成为我们最好的球员 , 但她需要更加努力练习。

10 . disastrous a . 灾难性的 ,悲惨的

e .g . The result is disastrous .


The results of the flood were disast rous .


11 . cour teous a . 有礼貌的 , 谦恭的

e .g . I find the hotel st aff par ticularly cour teous .


12 . outcome n . 结果 ,后果 , 成果

e .g . Chance will determine the outcome .


13 . shocked a . 震惊的 , 震撼的

e .g . My father was shocked .


14 . recovery n . 重获 ; 痊愈 ,恢复

a speedy recovery 迅速的复元

e .g . She made a quick recovery af ter her illness .



第三单元 其他商务社交信函

15 . sympathy n . 同情 ; 同感 ;慰问

seek sympathy from a friend 想得到朋友的同情

e .g . H e is in sympathy with their beliefs .


16 . proper ty n . 财产 ; 财产权

proper ty pro tection 所有权的保护

e .g . This car is my proper ty .


17 . worry about 担心

18 . temporary a . 暂时的 ;临时的

e .g . She has a temporary job or temporary post with a firm of solicitor .


19 . dismiss v . 打发走 ;开除

dismiss fear from one’s mind 消除心里的恐惧

e .g . H e was dismissed from his job .


20 . calamity n . 灾害

e .g . An optimist see an oppor tunity in every calamity , a pessimist see a calamity in

every oppor tunity .

乐观者从灾难中看到良机 ,悲观者从良机中看到灾难。

War is a frigh tful calamity .


21 . convey v . 传送 ,运送 , 传播

e .g . Wires convey electricity .


If you’ll leave a message , I’ll convey it to him .

如果你愿意留下口信 ,我会转告他的。

22 . con solation n . 安慰 , 慰藉

e .g . They wrote to us offering consolation .


Your kindness was a consolation to me in my grief .


23 . misfor tune n . 不幸

companions in misfor tune 患难之交

e .g . H e had the misfor tune to break his left arm .




24 . co-operation n . 合作

e .g . The film was produced in co-operation with BBC .


Thank you for your co-operation .


25 . condolence n . 吊唁 , 哀悼

My heart felt condolence to you 深切的慰问

26 . on behalf of 代表

27 . dist ress n . 悲痛 ; v . 使痛苦的

marine dist ress 海难

e .g . The mother was in great dist ress when her baby became ill .

当她的小孩子生病的时候 ,母亲非常苦恼。

The life-boat went out to a ship in distress .


28 . accomplished a . 精通的

an accomplished singer 技艺高超的歌唱家

e .g . Wha tever he wills he may accomplis h .


29 . disappoin ted a . 失望的

e .g . Mary looks disappoin ted .


30 . negligence n . 粗心大意

e .g . Damage at tributes to your negligence .


31 . encounter v . 遭遇 ,遇到 ; n . 遭遇

e .g . The more danger s we encounter , the harder should w e push forward .


32 . embarrass ment n . 窘迫 , 尴尬

financial embarrassment 财政拮据

33 . frustration n . 挫折 ,灰心丧气

e .g . Willful people cannot tolerate the slight est frust ration of their wishes .


34 . tole rate v . 忍受 ,容忍 , 宽恕


第三单元 其他商务社交信函

e .g . I can’t tolera te bad manners .


35 . violat e v . 违犯 , 违背 ;侵犯

e .g . They violate the law repeatedly .


36 . principle n . 原则 , 原理 ,主义

tax principle 税收原则

e .g . I t is a principle of mine to help people when I can .


37 . incident n . 小事件 ; 插曲 ;事变

without incident 平安无事

e .g . Were there any exciting incidents during your journey ?

你们在旅行中有没有什么令人激动的事情 ?

38 . urge v . 激励 ; 催促

e .g . Waves urge waves .


H e urged its impor tance .


39 . confidence n . 信任 ;信赖 ; 信心

crisis of confidence 信任危机

e .g . She has a lot of confidences .


有用句型和套语 (Useful Sentences)

1 . Thank you for your help in locating the newspaper ar ticle I was searching for

yesterday .


2 . Thank you for your quick processing of our order , especially when I couldn’t find my

gift certification .

谢谢您迅速处理了我们的订单 , 尤其是当我找不到我的赠品证明书的时候。

3 . I want to compliment your organiza tion on its speedy handing of my order . I look

forward to doing business with you again .

对贵公司迅速传递了我的订单 , 我表示感谢并期待与你们的再次合作。



4 . We sincerely appreciat e your h umanita rian effor ts . They have benefited many needy

families in our community .

我们真诚地感谢您的人道主义帮助 , 使我们社区许多需要帮助的家庭受益。

5 . Thank you for taking time out from your busy schedule so share this impor tant

message with us .


6 . Please convey our thanks to Mr . David , the ins urance adjuster who helped us when

our house flooded in Ju ly .

请替我向保险理赔人大卫先生致谢 , 当我们的房子在七月遭受洪水 ,他帮助了我们。

7 . T hank you for your excellen t proposal on the bridge project .


8 . I was so pleased and happy to hear that you got married the day before yesterday .


9 . Congra tu lations on your birthday ! I hope that all the years to come will be as happy

as ever .


10 . I would like to convey my warm congratula tions on your appoin tment to be Manager

of the Marketing Depar tment .


11 . My congratulation on your having received a Doctorate in lite rature from Yale

U niversity .


12 . Our staff here join s me in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a H appy and

P rosperous New Year .

我和全体员工祝你圣诞快乐、新年快乐 , 生意兴隆 !

13 . I want to let you k now what an excellent job John has been doing for u s . We are in

the midst of the harvest season when every day counts .

我们现在正是收获的季节 ,我认为非常有必要让您知道您杰出的雇员约翰为我们所


14 . I was s hocked and dist ressed to learn of Dick’s heart at tack , and I won’t rest easy

u ntil I lea rn of h is full recovery .

惊悉迪克心脏病发作 ,我感到很难过。在他完全康复之前 , 我将一直放心不下。

15 . I was sorry to learn when I call at your office yeste rday that you had been in a car

accident on your way home a week before , but equally relieved to learn that you are


第三单元 其他商务社交信函

now making good progress and likely to be back at work again soon .

昨天去你公司时非常遗憾地得知你一周前在回家途中出了车祸 , 但令人欣慰的是你

的伤情正在好转 ,很快就能上班了。

16 . I was so saddened and shocked to know that your house caught fire last week and

great proper ty loss w as caught .

得悉你的房屋在上星期不幸失火 ,财产损失惨重 , 我非常难过和震惊。

17 . Although it is a terrib le blow , I’m convinced you will bear it like a man .

尽管这是沉重的打击 ,但我深信您会以大丈夫的气概泰然处之。

18 . We are so sorry to learn of the death of your wife . She was a good friend to all of us

here and we will miss her .

获知您妻子的死讯 , 我们非常难过。她是我们这里所有人的一位好朋友 , 我们将怀


19 . H e will be long remembered for his st eadfast service to his host of friends .


20 . I am afraid I will no t be able to go with you to the concer t tomorrow for I have

caught a bad cold .

非常抱歉 ,恐怕明天我不能陪你去音乐会了 , 因为我患上了重感冒。

21 . I am sorry to have put you to so much t rouble .

给你添了不少麻烦 ,极为抱歉。

补充材料 (Letters for Optional Study)

(1 )Answ ering Spee ch

Ladies and Gentlemen ,

Let me first thank my host Mr . Zhang for his kindness and hospitality . This is my

first visit to China , and I can’t help feeling very excited about it . Ever since I was a

child I have always dreamt of visiting China , this land of wonders . I was very happy

indeed when I was offered the opportunity to do business with companies in China .

T hough my stay in China will no t be long, I hope I’ll be able to do a little to express my

goodwill towards the Chinese people and to help fur ther the friendship between our two

peoples . T hank you very much .

(2 )O b itu a ry No tice

Li Lin , Con sultant of H aitian Limited Company , died of lung cancer at 19: 10 on

September 19 , 2004 in Nanjing at the age of 65 , after failing to res pond to meticulous



medical treatment .

For near ly 30 year s Li Lin served the company as Chief Accountant , during which

he discharged his duties with the efficiency . Since his retirement he has continued to

serve the company as a consult an t . H e will be long remembered as one who devoted his

time and his abilities to his service of the company . We who knew him had a genuine

love and respect for him . It is decided that last res pects will be paid to his remains at a

mour ning ceremony on September 21 . A memorial meeting will be held on

September 22 .

May his soul rest in peace .

The Funeral Commit tee for Li Lin

课后练习 (Exercises)

1 . T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese:

( 1) I especially apprecia ted your organizing the informa tion according to the items

on the agenda . Your effor ts made my part easie r .

( 2 ) Thank you for your k ind visit , which has helped me to forget the loneliness and

minimize the pain of my illness .

( 3) Just a note to wish you a very happy new year . May the New Year bring you

joy , love , and peace .

( 4 ) All the representatives were dist ressed to hear of your unfor tunate accident .

T hey all join me in wishing you a s peedy recovery .

( 5) I was surprised to learn from the press release under your name tha t you will

s tep down as president of your company . I feel I must write to you at once to express my

sincere regret .

( 6) H e left a heritage of achievements tha t will be long remembered .

( 7) I hope there is no inconvenience cau sed by it .

( 8) Please accept my sincere apologize for h is bad behavior .

( 9) I do apologize for my mis understanding .

2 . T ranslate the following sentences into English :

( 1) 十分感谢您上个星期对我的热情款待。

( 2) 祝贺你们在北京成立分公司。

( 3) 恭喜饭店开张 !

( 4) 我们一致称赞您出色的工作 ,请继续保持。


第三单元 其他商务社交信函

( 5) 在你恢复期间 ,如有什么事情需要帮助 , 请告诉我们。

( 6) 得悉您失业一事 ,深感难过。

( 7) 听到你父亲过世的消息 ,我感到很难过。

( 8) 我将永远怀念他的教诲。

( 9) 未能及时给你复信 ,甚是抱歉。




Part Four Personnel Letters

第一单元 简历

第二单元 求职信

第三单元 其他人事书信

Unit 1 Resume 第一单元

简 历


在本单元中 , 我们用 CV (履历 ) 一词来代替美国用语 Res ume (个人简历 )。尽管欧洲

的人才招聘者都知道 Resume 一词 ,但他们大多数还是习惯使用 CV。不过 , 如果你想去

一家美国公司求职 , 最好还是用 Resume。

一般求职者都知道简历在应聘过程中的重要作用 , 雇主也常常要求应聘者提供真实

详尽的个人履历。一份好的简历应包括 :

( 1) 你的工作情况 ;

( 2) 你曾经处理过的问题 ;

( 3) 你对工作的投入程度 ;

( 4) 你取得的工作业绩 ;

( 5) 你能为公司创造价值的才能。


阅读的 , 但也是他们打开信封时首先看到的 ,因此称之为“前附信”。一封好的求职信可以

达到以下目的 :

( 1) 打招呼 ;

( 2) 说明你为什么申请工作 ;

( 3) 说明你对公司的了解情况以及你为何会申请该公司的工作 ;

( 4) 说明你能为公司提供的帮助 ;

( 5) 说明你希望得到什么回报。





还可以包括描述求职者个人具体情况的标题内容 , 描述求职者个人情况、特别爱好等。实

际上 , 标题内容和叙述顺序完全可以根据个人爱好来确定。例如 ,语言能力可以单独列为

一项 , 也可以放在受教育情况、个人经历或个人情况标题里。需要强调的一点是 , 你必须

尽量运用较少的标题 , 以一种读者易于理解的方式组织材料信息。


如果你觉得受教育情况最能说明你的个人才能 , 如果你刚从院校毕业或寻找第一份

全职工作时 , 通常将教育背景放在第一项。如果多年的工作经历使你与学生时代有了距

离感 , 或工作经历比受教育情况更能充分体现你的个人才能 ,可把教育背景放在第二项。


刚刚毕业的大学生往往只有教育阶段的实习工作 , 而没有获取报酬的工作。虽然在

是否取得报酬上可能有所差别 , 但从工作经历的角度看 ,他们之间并没有本质的差别。因


为你成长提供了更大的机会 , 那么你可能需要考虑是否要将其列出。如果你参加过市场

调查的实习工作 , 它可以体现你想表达的更多方面的个人才能。如果你从事过很多工作 ,

请注意 , 不要试图将它们全部列举出来。试图包罗所有事情可能使你的简历变得冗长而

乏味 , 读者不会有兴趣读下去。如果你几乎没有什么工作经历 ,那么就在非工作经历中发


为了帮助招聘者理解工作经历中的核心内容 , 让招聘者更好地抓住文字材料中的重

点 , 可以多使用行为动词描述你的工作和职责。虚动词只会模糊人们的实际行为 ,它们可

以说明一切 , 也可能什么也说明不了 , 例如 manage , do , make , have⋯⋯。下面列举了


分析 Analyzed 为⋯⋯做索引 Indexed

审查 Audited 面试 In terviewed

平衡 Balanced 调查 Investigated

协商 Consulted 监控 Monitored

记录 Recorded 研究 Researched

复核 Reviewed 检查 Surveyed

估算 Estima ted 证实 Verified

识别 Identified 获取 Acquired

保持 Maintained 采购 Obtained


第一单元 简历


搜集 Collected 汇编 Compiled

确保 Secured 挑选 Selected

保存 Conserved 测试 Tested

谈判 Negotiated 完成任务 Performed

归功于 Accounted for 扩大了 Enlarged

取得 Achieved 保证了 Ensured

安排了 Arranged 超过了 Exceeded

确保了 Ascertained 扩展到 Expanded

评估出 Assessed 促进了 Facilitated

实施了 Carr ied out 提高了 Improved

巩固了 Consolidated 阐明了 In terpreted

构思了 Const ructed 生产出 P roduced

设计出 Designed 降低了 Reduced

确定了 Determined 报告 Repor ted

开发出 Developed 阻止了 P revented

消除了 Eliminated 赶上了 Followed up


在全球经济日益融合的今天 , 求职者的语言能力是体现个人才能的一个特别重要的

因素。遗憾的是 , 求职者在表达时 ,语言过于程式化 , 不能令人信服。应该从工作能力的

角度来思考自己的语言能力。例如 :


Chinese: Mother tongue

English: Fluent . One year of study in an American High school . 90% of university

reading in English-language t ex tbook s . Many lectures in English in China .

French: Excellent command . Now studying in F rench Business School , following all

cour ses and writing repor ts in F rench .

Italian: Good command . Many pleasure t rips to I taly . Understand T V and radio . Can

write simple letter s .

还可以说其他方面如 : 获得了商会颁发的某种语言证书、英语剑桥 TOE FL 考分等。





你可以称之为成绩、业绩、成果、结果 , 但它们都是指你亲身而为、应该引以为豪的。

我们说“应该”, 是因为你可能比较谦虚 ,或是还没有意识到这是你值得自豪的 , 但至少应

该在简历中体现出来。成绩或业绩来源于工作实践、校外活动、个人嗜好以及学习生活 ,


论为自己设定的挑战以及结果。这样 , 你就应该再列出一份材料 : 你感到自豪的成绩。


� 在为期两天的社区医院对外交流的会议上担任双语翻译。

� 通过院校学生市场服务计划 , 为不同领域的多家公司进行过完整的市场研究。

� 设计制作过商品营销传单 , 接触过专业杂志、筹划过广告活动。

� 负责过学生自行创办的《校园生活》的版式文字设计。

� 在学校发起并成立了学生网球俱乐部。

� 为一个短期主题电影节筹集了足够的资金。

� 为当地工商界名人在我校举办的一系列会议担任组织监督工作。


如果你知道如何运用不同的软件系统与互联网 , 通常可以单列一个标题 : 计算机技

能 , 包括你在这方面取得成绩的例子。


Microsoft Office , Desktop Publishing : Pagemaker , Photoshop . Research project

for our Marketing Department carried out on Int ernet .


可能还有一些事情你认为需要说明 , 但不知道应将这些内容归到哪一个标题下。如

果这些内容确实有用 , 你可以将它们归到个人兴趣、个人活动、兴趣与活动等标题里。我

们建议 , 最好避免单列休闲活动 ,否则会显得你只对休闲生活感兴趣。




过程”,而不去思考简历材料的组织顺序可能对简历产生的积极影响。事实上 , 成功的简

历材料组织方法可以有三种 :


第一单元 简历

1. 时间顺序法。

2. 个人才能或工作经历法。

3. 个人能力与业绩法。



注意每段文字开头都是关于工作职责的总体介绍 , 然后着重强调解决问题所采取的

行动 , 最后是关于主要工作成绩的总结。


96 , Ave de Neuilly

75019 Paris

F rance



Paris , F rance .

General Sales Manager: Star ted as Regional Sales Manager for

Southern F rance . Brought in as General Sales Manager to develop

and implement st rategies to increase sales to corporat e clien ts in

wor sening economic climate . Repor ted directly to CEO . Turned

around performance of undermotivated sales management team by

redesigning compensa tion packages and realloca ting sales areas in line

with sales represen tatives ’ profiles . Personally followed major

national accounts and st rengthened company’s position as sole

supplier . Sales performance increased by 27 % .


Grenoble , F rance

District Sales Manager: Worked directly with five magazine

wholesalers and dozens of retail accounts to increase circu lation of

publication s . Overcame resistance to innovative publication s and

gained considerab le expos ure for breakth rough specialized magazines

for the younger set . Added 30 % new and profitable accounts to

company’s line .




Hong Kong

Independent Product/ Market Representative: Conducted market studies and consulted

with sporting goods dist ribu tors and ret ailers to determine poten tial demand for

Diversified’s executive exercise equipment . Concluded existing dist ribu tion circuits

were ill-adapted to Diversified’s specificity and developed contacts with multinational

businesses’headquar ters to out fit in-hou se executive health spas . Successfu lly p laced

company products with over 100 corporations and ens ured aft er sales service . Left a

permanent sales str ucture .


F rench : mother tongue .

English : fluen t , four years English selling experience in H ong Kong .


1987—1988 Master’s in Economics and Business ,

Catholic Univer sity of Lillie , F rance


这种简历可以使求职者摆脱时间概念的桎梏 , 主动组织简历材料 ,体现可以在工作中

运用的能力和知识 , 略去那些读者不感兴趣的信息。

Dieter Shneider


Na tionality :


1997—present F H U Graduate School of Management . Majoring in Finance .

F rankfur t , Germany

June , 1997 Germany H igh School Dip loma Arbitur . Otto Bismarck H igh

School , Germany . Par ticipation in student exchange programs in

high schools in UK and F rance .

1994—1996 Exchange program at H arvard Milita ry Academy , Los Angeles ,

California , U SA


第一单元 简历


May—Aug , 1999 Geros Ltd ., Sheffield , Great Britain

In terns hip in the Marketing Depar tment

Dec—Feb , 1999 Nixko Bank , Germany

In terns hip in the M & A department

June—Aug , 1998 H SSA Services , Aachen , Germany

In terns hip in the Finance Depar tment

Sept , 1997 Mar tin Euer Gmbh & Co ., Munich , Germany .

In terns hip in Sales and Logistics .

July & Aug , 1996 Motorenwerke: Stut tgar t , Germany

In terns hip in the Accounts Department

1997—P resent Part- time work as desk cle rk , Marriott Hotel , T ubingen


Sept—Dec , 1999 Not re Dame University , South Dakota , USA . MBA Program

Feb—June , 1999 University of Montpellier , F rance . France


German : Native

English : Fluent


这种格式要求求职者具有可以运用于大量具体工作的才能 , 因此这种样式可能更适

合于具有一定经验的求职者 , 而不是刚刚毕业的大学生。下列表格中的词和短语能有效


能够抓住重点 Able to take st ress 诚实 H onest

富于进取精神 Aggressive 幽默 H umorous

善于分析 Analytic 富有想象力 Imagina tive

果断 Asser tive 具有洞察力 Insight ful

能干 Capable 学识渊博 Intellectual

办事仔细 Careful 工作努力 Intelligen t

谨慎 Cautious 自然 Na tural

性格开朗 Cheerful 眼光敏锐 Observant




考虑周到 Considera te 组织观念强 Organized

富于创造力 Creative 耐心 Pa tien t

好奇 Curious 目的性强 Performance-oriented

热诚 Dedicate 执著 Persistent

严格要求 Demanding 有说服力 Persuasive

可以依靠 Dependable 务实 Practical

有决心 Determined 明晰 Precise

勤奋 Diligent 乐于承担任务 Ready and Willing

易于相处 Easy-going 善于随机应变 Resourceful

有力 Effective 有责任心 Responsib le

办事效率高 Efficient 富于冒险精神 Risk- taking

精力充沛 Energetic 自信 Self-confident

有事业心 Enterprising 工作主动 Self-sta rting

办事快捷 Fast 敏感 Sensitive

灵活 Flexible 真诚 Sincere

友好 Friendly 直率 Straigh tforward

目标明确 Goal-orien ted 精明 Street-smar t

有进取心 Go-getting 能支持他人 Supportive

工作刻苦 H ard-working 考虑问题周到 Thorough

乐于助人 H elpful 有创见 Thought ful

待人热忱 Warm


Unit 2 Job Application Letter 第二单元

求 职 信


在写求职信的时候遇到的问题是你通常认为在简历中已经说了想说的话 , 特别是你

已经掌握了写简历的方法 , 根据个人情况选择了正确的简历式样 , 求职信就显得可有可

无。你甚至于可能在求职信中写上 : 请参阅我的简历。

事实上 , 求职信是你向招聘方再次强调个人能力的机会 ,可以很直接地引导招聘方关

注你的个人能力。求职信可以强调你应该获得聘用机会的三到四个主要优势 , 这些优势




人投入 , 这会使求职者显得更具吸引力。求职信还可使我们考察求职者的写作水平如何。

还有一点需要指出的是 , 在有些国家 ,例如英国与法国 , 有些公司强调求职信是必须

的 , 而且还要求必须是亲笔信。他们要求亲笔信 ,通常只是因为他们想看看你能否清楚表

达思想 , 或者是想检查你的文法与字迹。不过 ,简历应该是打印的。


一封好的求职信能为你获得面试机会起到相当大的作用 , 可以说明申请工作的原因 ,

说明你对公司的了解情况 , 你能为公司提供的帮助 ,以及你希望得到的回报。

I have been told that Canon , Inc . is looking for students to conduct s urveys about

your new photocopier range . I think I am in a good position to apply for th is job .

A series of cour ses devoted to mar keting research in my Bu siness School have

provided me with a solid theoretical foundation for such work . Many class exercises in

working up question naires , processing st atis tical data and reporting succinctly on


findings have prepared me for both desk research and field work . I also recently took

part in a na tion-wide survey of F rench business leaders , which made me operational in

conducting business surveys from the exploratory phase to the final repor t .

I feel I have developed good contact skills , whether dealing with customer s or

supplier s . Working in sales brought me in touch with many manager s and taught me to

lis ten well to customer problems and get valuable information to report to the home

office . Whether as a member of a team , or in the field , I have learned to asser tively

offer creative and u seful suggestions , while maint aining good relations with my

co-worker s .

I have been reading up on developments in the European photocopier market to

prepare myself for the oppor tunity to work for you . I k now the competition is tough and

that digital technology is reconfiguring the industry . I would like to have the chance to

learn more about this indust ry by carrying through a research project for you .

I hope to be hearing from you soon .


好的开篇应该使读者了解你写作信函的目的 , 确定你的个人情况 ,并了解你为何将他



I have been told that Canon , Inc . is looking for students to conduct s urveys about

your new photocopier range . I think I am in a good position to apply for th is job .



作者的语气很肯定 , 具有针对性 ,没有丝毫的拖泥带水 , 这样就会引起读者的好奇心 ,



以上封求职信为例 , 第二、三段文字详细谈论她的个人才能。第四段文字又回到了招

聘公司及其业务方面 , 通过表明由于她付出了努力而真正激发起她的积极性 ,这样就增加

了她的吸引力。她以前并没有从事过照相复印设备的营销工作 , 但她通过好奇心与必要

准备弥补了工作经验方面的不足。最后她再次重复希望得到这份工作 , 并将其直接与她

可以提供的服务联系起来。在结束语中 , 她提醒招聘方应该与她联系 ,但语气是肯定的。

作者在陈述事情时并没有绕圈子 , 没有重复 ,也没有思维混乱的现象。她是一位优秀

的商贸书信作者 , 仔细慎重地使用了“参与”、“建立”、“教会”、“学会”之类的动词 , 这体现

了他一直注重学习 , 并有所体会 ,且谦虚、诚实 ,有自知意识。这给读者留下的印象是作者


第二单元 求职信

虽然是新手 , 但她会自觉地学习 ,不断取得进步 , 可以学习到更多的东西。另外 ,一些形容

词和副词也给人以一种实用而自信的感觉 :“有利条件”、“坚实基础”、“具备能力”、“有价

值的创新性建立”等。她对自己的个性进行了深入的思考 ,然后将个性与行事方式联系起

来 , 使求职信收到了很明显的效果。


考察一下她的简历 , 我们看到她没有重复求职信中的内容 ,甚至有意识地避免使用相

同的词汇 , 避免提到同样内容的信息。

Marie Taillat

123 , rue Victor H ugo

14800 Trouville , F rance

Tel: 33-2-15-49-74-89

mtailla t@ email .com


Curren tly in Master of Management P rogram at X School of Management .

1997 Admitt ed to Master’s program on competitive examination , ranking 51

out of 3000 candidates .

1995—1997 Pre-Business Administration School , Paris , F rance .


Summer 1999 British Telecom , East Anglia . Colchester , Essex :

Sales representative in Business Systems Depar tment . Trained in British

Telecom selling methods in a two-week course . A ssigned to take over

from regular in fax machine sales . Researched prospects, visited several

hundreds of firms . Developed sales approaches to renew regular renew

dormant accounts . Negotiated prices and terms of payment . Ranked 4 th

in the t rophy bet ween 50 longstanding representatives and novices .

Summer 1998 Atamer Chemicals , Paris , France

Accountan t : Kept foreign cu stomer and tran spor ter accou nts . Wrote a

report assessing the organization of cu stomer and supplier services .

Summer 1997 SPE S cardboard industry , Montreuil , France .

Assembly worker : Made packages for perfume indust ry . Noticed and

repor ted waste of time and products due to a bad organization on the

assembly line . Proposed solutions to improve the organization and the



control of quality . Improved productivity rate .

Summer 1996 CL Bank , Chatou , F rance .

Counter clerk : Entered cu stomers’deposits and withdrawals , delivered

check book s and credit cards . Answered customer s’questions about

Stock Exchange .


Managed a student polling association : s upervised a sta rt- to-finis h bu siness survey

published in the one million-circulation Views magazine , negotiated deadlines with chief

editor , worked up the s urvey questionnaire , briefed 200 pollers , supervised the analysis

of the results .

Marie 通过个人经历的叙述为能力的培养提供佐证 , 但是她没有提及公司名称或地

址与详细情况方面的信息。这样为了获得更多的信息 , 读者就会自然地阅读她简历的每

段 , 甚至每句文字。

求职信 简历

Marie 提及商学院 招聘方发现了商学院的名称、地址与级别。

她提到“全国性的调查” 在简历的工作业绩部分 , 招聘方发现了关于调查


提到“从事营销工作” Marie 最近一次工作经历是销售代理 ,说明她对企

( 显然是企业与企业间的 ) 业代理有着充分的理解。

提到“提出有价值的创造性建议” 在她的简历中 , 装配工也许无足轻重 , 但却突然间


她在求职信中两次提到“汇报” 读者发现除了“全程参与商业调查”外 , 她在两项

具体工作中做过汇报 : 一是财会 ,二是装配工作。


最后一段很重要 , 但可以简短。首要的一点就是要再次申明你对这份工作的兴趣 ,语



Unit 3 Other Personnel Management 第三单元


(1 )个人推荐信

Dear Mr . Langston ,

Marcia Reddy was my secretary during my seven years with Lord and Taylor in

Sea ttle . I was cer tain ly sorry to lose her when I moved to Por tland .

Ms . Reddy is an excellent secretary . She is conscien tiou s , efficien t , well-

organized , and tactful with all people .

I make no hesitation in recommending her , you will find her a big help .

Yours sincerely ,

(2 )拒绝求职者

Dear Mr . Li Jie ,

Your in terest in St anford Corporation is appreciated . I read your resume with

considerable in terest and it has been carefu lly evaluated by our Personnel and Marketing

Departments .

Your qualifications are excellent , but I regret tha t we do not now have a position

open that fits your obvious abilities .

We thank you for considering Standord Corporation , and I know you will find a

su tiable position soon .

Yours sincerely ,

(3 )接受求职者

Dear Miss Garcia ,

Your recent application for office clerk has been reviewed and approved by the

Personnel Department . Your abilities appear suitable to the needs of J .P . Sundst rom

and we can offer you a position beginning immediat ely at the pay discu ssed .


At J . P . Sundst rom , every employee is an impor tan t member of the firm . All

employees have the opportunity to be promoted according to their abilities . T hus even

ent ry-level employees are selected with great care .

Congra tu lations on your selection . If you choose to accept our offer , please report

to per son nel office on Wednesday , September 17 , 2004 , at 8: 00 a .m . .

Yours sincerely ,

(4 )提升

Dear Andrea ,

It is my pleasure to inform you that you will be promoted to the position of Director

of Marketing effective from May 1 . you have been outstanding member of the marketing

team at Albo Indust ries during your years of service here . We are condifen t tha t you will

provide the strong capable leaders hip we need as our marketing function expand s .

Your promotion is well deserved . Please accept my warmest congratulations .

Yours sincerely ,

(5 )因有好工作辞职

Dear Mr . Huang Fei ,

With great reluctance I am submitting my resignation , effective J uly 31 , 2004 .

My association with Viley Company has been a pleasant one , and I will miss the

friendship here . However , as I mentioned in our brief discussion lask week , the offe r I

have received cannot be ignored , considering the financial benefits to my family and the

fu ture pot en tial of the position .

I appreciate your understanding of my decision to leave Wiley Company .

Yours sincerely ,

(6 )因表现不佳而解聘

Dear Mr . Allen ,

I regret that the Max Company will no longer require your services afte r Friday ,

March 8 .

Following company policy , we have w arned you on three occasions that your

contin ued unexcused absences could res ult in dismissal . Despite our warnings , you were

absent without explanation on these dates : January 13 , January 17 , January 31 ,

February 7 , and February 18 .

T he Max Company regrets that we must t ake this action , and we hope that you will

soon find other s uitable employment .

Yours sincerely ,


第三单元 其他人事书信

(7 )单位推荐信

T o Whom I t May Concern ,

I’m told that you are trying to get qualified teachers to reinforce your teaching

staff . I t is my pleasure to avail myself of this oppor tunity to recommend to you Ms .

Wang Li .

Ms . Wang Li , female , 42 years old , graduated in 1964 from the Beijing Foreign

Languages Institu te , where s he completed a five-year cour se , majoring in English .

Upon graduation , she was assigned to be a teacher of English in charge of senior

classes in No .2 Middle School of Fengfeng County . Many of her colleagues and students

have a high opinion of her capability and teaching experience , saying that they have been

most favorab ly impressed by her in many ways . She has shown herself indust rious ,

dutiful , con scien tious , in telligen t and reliab le . You will not fail to find her amiable and

cooperative . I mu st not forget that she has rich experience in teaching basic courses ,

above all , pronunciation and intonation . T here is every reason to believe that she will

satisfactorily discharge all her duties .

Ms . Wang Li’s h usband , Zhang H ua , a research member , works in the Provincial

Biology Institu te , which is only a few minutes’walk from your school . The authorities

of her presen t school , concerned about her present family conditions , are beginning to

consider sparing her , though most reluctantly . I t rust you will have no hesitation in

arranging for her to be t ransferred to your school .

Best wis hes .

Yours respectfully ,

Huang Yi


附录 A



Commercial contract

T his cont ract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller , whereby the Buyer

agrees to buy and the Selle r agrees to sell the undermentioned commodity according to

the terms and conditions st ated below :

1 . Commodity , Specifications:

Unit :


Unit Price:

Total Amount :

Total Value :

2 . Country of Origin and Manufacturers:

3 . Packing:

T o be packed in st rong wooden case ( s ) or car ton ( s ) , s uitable for long distance

ocean/ parcel post / air freigh t trans por tation as will as changing climate and with food

resistance to moisture and s hocks .

T he Seller s hall be liable for any damage of the commodity due to improper packing

and for any rust at tributable to inadequate protective measures in regard to the packing .

One full set of service and operation manuals shall be enclosed in the case( s) .

4 . shipping Mark:

T he selle r shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number ,

gross weight , net weight , meas urement and warnings such as ,“KEEP AWAY FROM

MOIS TU RE”,“ H A NDLE WI TH CARE”,“ T HIS SIDE UP”as well as the shipping

附录 A 合同和单证

mark :

5 . Date of Shipment:

6 . Port of Shipment :

7 . Port of Destination:

8 . Insurance:

T o be borne by the Buyer aft er shipment .

9 . Payment , Under Conditions Below:

T hrough Letter of Credit :

T he Buyer , upon receip t from the Seller of the Seller of the delivery advice , shall

open an Irrevocabel Letter of Credit with the Bank of ××× , in favour of the Selle r for

the to tal value of shipment 15~20 days prior to the date of delivery . T he credit shall be

availab le against Seller’s draf t ( s) drawn at sigh t on the opening bank for 100% invoice

value accompanied by the s hipping documents specified in Clau se 10 hereof . Payment

shall be effected by the opening bank , again st presen tation of the aforesaid draft and

documents . T he Let ter of Credit shall be valid until the 15 th day af ter the shipment is

effected .

10 . Documents:

( 1) In Case of Sea-freight :

Full set of Clean Bills of Lading marked“Freight to Collect”or“F reight P repaid”

made out to blank endorsed notifying Corporation at the por t of destination .

( 2) Invoice in 5 copies indicating cont ract number and shipping mark , made out in

details as per the cont ract concerned .

( 3) Packing list in 2 copies issued by the Manufacturers .

( 4) Certificate of Quality and Quantity iss ued by the Manufacturers .

( 5) The Buyer shall be advised by Cable/ mail immediately after s hipment .

In addition , the Seller shall , within 10 days afte r shipment , send by airmail t wo

sets of the aforesaid documents with one set directly to Buyer and one set directly to the

corporation at the por t of destination .

11 . Shipment :

( 1) The Selle r shall sh ip the good s with in the sh ipment time from the loading port

to the port of destination . Transshipment is not allowed .

( 2 ) In case the goods are to be dispatched by parcel post/ air-freigh t the Seller

shall , 30 days before the time of delivery as stipulated in Clause“5”, inform the Buyer

by cable/ let ter of the estimated date of delivery, cont ract number , name of commodity



and invoiced value . T he Seller shall , immedia tely after dispatch of the goods , advise the

Buyer by cable/ lette r of the contract number , name of commodity , invoiced value and

date of dispatch for the Buyer to arrange insurance in time .

12 . Shipping Advice:

T he Seller s hall , immediat ely upon the completion of the loading of the goods

advise the Buyer by cable/ let ter of the contract number , name of commodity , quantity ,

invoiced value , gross weight , name of vessel and date of sailing . In case the Buyer fails

to arrange in surance in time due to the seller’s not having cabled in time , all lossees

shall be bor ne by the Selle r .

13 . Guarantee of Quality :

T he Seller guarant ees that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with

first class work man ship , brand new , unused , and complies with the quality and

specifications stipulated in this cont ract . T he ‘ guarantee period shall be 12 month s

sta rting from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination .

14 . Claims:

Except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel

a re liable , s hould the quality , specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with

the stipulations of the contract , within 90 days afte r the arrival of the goods at

destination , the Buyer can use the Inspection Certificate iss ued by the to claim for

replacement as compensation . All the expen ses incurred shall be borne by the Seller .

15 . Force Majeure:

T he Seller shall not held responsib le for delay in sh ipment or nondelivery of the

goods due to Force Majeure , which might occur during the process of manufacturing or

in the course of loading . T he Seller shall advise the Buyer of the occurrence mentioned

above within fourteen day s and send by airmail a cer tifica te of the incident issued by the

local governmemt to the Buyer . Even in s uch cases , the Seller is still liable to take all

possible measures to expedite the delivery of goods .

Should the selle r fail to perform the cont racted obligations 10 weeks after the

aforesaid incident , the Buyer shall have the righ t to treat the cont ract as null and void .

16 . Late Delivery and Penalty:

Should the Seller fail to make delivery within the cont racted period for reasons

other than Force Majeure s pecified in Clau se 15 of this cont ract , the Buyer may accept

the postponement on condition that the Seller agrees to pay a penalty which shall be


附录 A 合同和单证

deducted by the paying bank from the agreed amount of payment . The penalty ,

however , shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved in the la te

delivery . The rate of penalty is charged at 0 .5% for every seven days , odd days less

than seven days should be counted as seven days . In case the Seller fails to make

delivery ten week s late r than the shipment stipu lated in the contract , the buyer shall

have the righ t to cancel te contract . T he seller in spite of the cancellation , shall s till pay

the aforesaid penalty to the buyer without delay .

17 . Arbitration:

All disputes in connection with this cont ract or the execution thereof shall be

settled through friendly negotia tions . Should no settlement be reached , the case may

then be submitted for arbitration to the Ar bit ration Committee of the in

accordance with the rules and procedures of the said Arbit ration Commit tee . The

Ar bit ration shall take place in . the decision of the Arbit ra tion Commit tee shall

be final and binding upon both Par ties , The arbit ration fee shall be borne by the losing

Par ty . T he Ar bit ration may also be settled in the third country mutually agreed upon by

both Par ties .

18 . Special Provisions:

In witness thereof, this cont ract is signed by both Par ties in two original copies ,

each Par ty shall keep one copy .







U NIT H , 6/ F WOR LD T EC H CT R , DA TE : J UNE 25 , 2002

95 H OW MIN G S T , TOK YO , JAP AN L/ C : 91071-64

CO NT RAC T : 99M55-2







NO: 1&4000 ­




100 MT








@ USD 145 ë.00


USD14 500 /.00

USD1200 .00

USD159 .50

USD13 140 .50









U NIT H , 6/ F WOR LD T EC H CT R , DA TE : J UNE 25 , 1999

95 H OW MIN G S T , TOK YO , JAP AN L/ C : 91071-64

CO NT RAC T : 99M55-2




NO :1&4000 §



T alc in power

4000 kraf t paper bags

Packing : in kraft paper

bags of 25 kgs net each











附录 A 合同和单证





装单号码 日期 海关编号


船名 航次 装往地点









Marks and Numbers




Descrip tion of Goods

重量 Weight

净重 Net 毛重 Gross


Meas urement

合计 共重

Total Total



请将以上完好之状况货物 , 予以装船 ,并希签署收货单为荷。

Please receive on board the above mentioned goods in good order and condition and

sign the accompanying receip t for same .






Tallied by






Seal No .

Marks & Nos

T .E .I .


NO .20000 ~

No . Of contain- Kind of

Packages; Ners or P’kgs

Descrip tion of goods





Gross weight




Shipper COSCO B/ L N O . COS9912101

NA N TONG H U AYA NG 中国远洋运输公司




Notify Par ty Combined Transport BILL OF LADING


1204-6 SINGERE BLDG . 84-86



P re-carriage



of Receip t

Ocean Vessel Voy . No .Por t

of Lading


of Discharge


of delivery




F REIGH T &C HA RGES Revenue Tohs Rate Per P repaid Collect

P repaid at Payable a tPlace and date of Issue

NANTONG 99/ 12/ 10 ï

Total Prepaid No . of original Bs/ l Signed for the Carrier


Date 99/ 12/ 10



附录 A 合同和单证










Date of In spection Testing








No .




Means of T ran spor tation


Date of Export


Marks & Numbers

本证明书所列商品经本厂检验结果如下 , 特此证明。

T his is to certify that we , the undersigned , have inspected/ t ested the quality of the

above mentioned goods and found the result as follows :

检验员 供货单位

In spector Manufacturer


附录 B


第二部分 外贸书信

第一单元 建立业务关系


( 1) 自我介绍并寄送资料

从我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉你方公司名称和地址 , 并了解你们是贵国经营

轻工业品的大进口商。现借此机会与你们通信 , 想了解你我之间是否能建立业务关系。



流 , 灵活运用通常而合理的国际惯例。

为使你公司了解我公司经营的轻工业品 , 将另封航寄最近的商品清单一份 , 以供参

考。如果你们对任何商品感兴趣 , 请尽快告知我方。一收到你方具体询价 ,我方将寄上报



( 2) 自我介绍并索寄资料

承蒙中国银行纽约分行告知你公司名称和地址 , 我们得知贵公司专营中国纺织品和


本公司进口杂货。我们从 1949 年开始就入行 ,因此在我们所从事的行业积累了丰富


如你公司能保证价格可行 , 品质优良 ,交货迅速 , 我们能大量经营该商品。



如你公司航邮寄来商品目录和样本 , 并提供有关印花衬衫布的一切必要资料 ,以便我

公司熟悉你公司供货的质地和工艺 , 我方将不胜感激。


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

( 3) 自我介绍并希望推荐

兹介绍本公司是中华人民共和国主要服装出口商之一 , 经营各种各样的服装。我们


本公司具有 50 余年的贸易经验 ,并享有良好的信誉。我们相信贵方对本公司的服务


随函附寄我公司经常出口的产品目录一份 , 并相信其中有些产品你公司会感兴趣。


如果你公司对进口我方服装不感兴趣 , 请劳驾将本函转至对我方产品感兴趣的进口


如蒙早日答复 , 不胜感激。


( 1) 自我介绍

承蒙日本东京商会介绍 , 我们了解贵公司在世界各地供应高品质的食品 ,并且确知我


本公司是中国最大的食品贸易公司 , 在中国的主要城市都有分公司和门市部。我方

已从欧洲、美国进口大量食品 ,因此在这方面拥有丰富的经验。

请贵公司函复我方 , 告知是否有意与本公司进行交易 ,我们将甚为感激。

( 2) 自我介绍

你们 11 月 24 四日寄给我上海公司的信已转交给我们处理。因该商品属于我们的经

营范围 , 我们很高兴与你方建立直接的贸易关系。


上述商品的出口商 , 已经经营了 40 余年 , 现在十分有意向贵国出口各种型号的电子产品。

我们的产品十分畅销 , 品质优良值得推介。如果贵公司有意在你地推销这些产品 ,请

告知我方。一俟接到贵公司的具体询价 , 将立即航寄我公司的报价单和样本。


第二单元 资信调查


( 1) 要求提供财务状况资料

我公司正准备办理在卡拉奇邮政信箱 386 号的 J .A .H ussain 公司的一批大额订货 ,

如贵方能以保密的方式向我们提供这家公司的财政状况和业务经营方式 , 我公司将不胜



联系 , 以搜集我公司需要的所有有关情况。



诚然 , 我们将会对贵方提供的一切情况予以严格保密 ,贵方对此不负任何责任。


( 2) 回复上述信函

兹回复贵方 3 月 25 日来函。我行已从标准渣打银行卡拉奇分行处得到了有关你方


卡拉奇邮政信箱 386 号的 J .A .H ussain 公司成立于 1979 年 , 资产为 1 万英镑。该公

司主要经营机床和电器的进出口业务。据了解 , 供应商与该公司间的交易是满意的。我

们认为该公司有能力经营全额在 3000 英镑内的比较小的业务。对于大额买卖 ,我们建议


以上资料是严格保密的 , 本银行对此不负任何责任。

( 3) 回复坏消息

我们于收到你方 10 月 30 日来信后 , 即对你方提到的那家商行进行征询 ,并获得以下

情报 :

“威廉公司在 20××年 12 月与他们的债权人达成了一项协议 , 他们的负债是 5000

英镑 , 资产 4000 英镑。债权人同意每英镑欠款偿还 60 便士以了结债务。6 个月后付了

第一批欠款每镑 20 便士 , 再过三个月付了第二批欠款每镑 20 便士 , 之后就什么也没有



我们对这家商行也进行了单独调查 , 其结果基本上证实了我们的代理人的报告。因

此 , 同这些人做赊账交易看来是不可取的。

承问讯 , 这份情报免费提供。在这件事中能为你服务 ,我们感到高兴。


( 1) 要求提供信贷参考


这家商行是 Santo Domino 公司 , 是汽车零件的经销商。他们的银行是 Banco di

Italino , 137 via Milano。我们要你查询他们的一般财务可靠性。特别是他们同我们一开

始的一笔贸易就要涉及 5 万美元之数 , 或许每月还要给予 5000 美元的信贷。

我们想知道 , 照他们按期付款方面的记录 ,给予这笔信贷是否妥当。他们有无坏账记

录 ? 如果给予信贷 , 我们必须知道这一情况。

( 2) 银行致银行


这个客户是经销商 Santo Domino 公司 ,首批信贷是 50 万美元 ,可能接着还要每月给

予 5000 美元信贷。这是一笔汽车零件的生意。

如果你们能告诉我们这家公司在偿付债务是否可靠及他们付款是否及时 , 我们将很


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

感激。你认为这个贷款数目妥当与否 , 只要给我们一般指示即可。

你如能就过去给予他们的贷款数目告诉我们 , 我们也很感激。

( 3) 回复好消息

兹函复你方 4 月 20 日来信 ,我们作为 Santo Domino 公司的银行差不多已有 50 年。

他们经营汽车发动机部件的业务是大的 , 并且在整个意大利北部相当闻名。他们的

销售数量很大而且还在增长。就他们的总营业额来说 , 你信中提到的金额并不算大。

过去我们给过他们贷款。如果他们要求 , 我们会毫不犹豫地再给予信贷。

第三单元 询盘及答复


( 1) 询盘

加拿大银行温哥华分行告知我们 , 你公司是南京主要纺织品出口商之一并希望扩大


我们是纺织品的大贸易商 , 相信适中价格的商品在本地区有良好的市场。

请你寄给我们各种产品的详细资料 , 包括尺寸、颜色和价格 , 以及所用各种材料的


作为给你方的信息 ,我们要告诉你们 , 我们对进口货一般用即期信用证付款 , 我们相



( 2) 邀请发盘

我们从全球信息在线上看到了你们的产品。我们很高兴告知你们 , 我们对你们的产

品很感兴趣。虽然这里销售数量不特别多 , 但能卖到好价格。


询盘细节 :

被选产品 : S0001/ S0002

买方细节 :

公司名称 : ASADIN & SO NS 有限责任公司

国家 : 保加利亚

电话 : (359 )29743818

传真 : (359 )29743818

E-mail: asadin @bitex .com


( 3) 回复

很高兴收到你方 1 月 15 日的询盘并附上我们的价格单、目录和剪样。我们相信它们



将给予你们所需要的所有细节。当然 , 如果你们需要未包含在这里的任何其他信息 ,请告


顺便说一句 ,我们希望告知你方 , 我们的产品在世界市场上已十分畅销 , 我们很难满

足日益增长的需求。但如果你们能在本月底前发出订单 , 我们能保证及时发货。



( 1) 询盘

我们刚刚从日本一客户那里收到询盘 , 他需要 1 万公吨的优质白砂糖 ,我们将感谢你


关于询盘的货物 , 买主将安排装运和保险。因此你方应以大连港船边交货价为基础


由于日本奇缺糖 ,因此货物应尽早备妥待运。请放心 , 如果你方价格是可以接受的 ,



( 2) 询盘

我们想购买 500 瓦低功率微波炉。由于我们从 2000 年以来未曾有幸从你方进口电

气用品 , 我们想知道你方是否能满足我们现时的需要。

如果你方的答复是肯定的 , 请报给我们最优惠的价格 CIF 香港 , 并告最早装运日期



( 3) 回复上述信函

感谢你们询问低功率微波炉的来信。我们想告诉你方 , 我们目前只能供应 650 瓦的

微波炉 , 价格与 600 瓦的相同 ,即每台为××美元 CIF 香港 , 折扣 2%。

事实上这比你们询购的要好。我们相信你方看了随函附上的附图活页说明后 , 一定


我们欢迎你方订购 , 并保证在收到你方信用证后 20 天内装运。我们期待你方早日作


第四单元 发盘和还盘


( 1) 卖方发盘


FOB 宁波的价格 :

S0001 型 每件 39 .50 美元


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

S0002 型 每件 40 .50 美元

请注意我们对我们的产品不给任何佣金 , 但如果每个单项商品的订购数量超过 1000

件 ,我们可给予 5 %的折扣。同时告知你方 ,我们要求用通过我方认可的银行开立的即期


装运期安排在 2004 年 5 月。


( 2) 卖方发盘

你方 1 月 18 日的来信收悉。很高兴向你方发盘 ,以你方本月底前复到有效。

商品 : 印花细布

规格 : 30 码×35 码

数量 : 26 000 码

包装 : 捆装或木箱装由卖方选择

价格 : CIF 拉各斯每码 2 .2 美元

支付 : 保兑的不可撤销即期信用证

装运 : 收到信用证后 3~4 个星期内

我们认为你方可能对我们的其他产品也有兴趣 , 今附上一些说明小册子和供你方客



( 3) 还盘

感谢你方 2 月 15 日来信向我们作你方印花细布的发盘。

直言相告 , 我们喜欢你们的印花细布 ,但你们的价格对我们所要供货的市场而言有些

偏高。不用说 , 接受你方的价格我们在销售上只能获得很小或毫无利润。同时我们不得

不指出的是一些日本货已卖到每码 1 .8 美元。

我们感谢你方迅速答复我们的询盘并想趁此机会与你方达成一些交易。因此 , 我们

建议你方做些折让 , 比如在你所报价格上降低 10%。由于我方订货价值将约值 5 万美

元 , 你方应会认为是值得做出让步的。


( 4) 接受

确认已收到你方 2 月 28 日请我们将印花细布价格降低 10%的来信。

事实上 , 如果把质量考虑在内 ,我们产品的价格是相当公道的。然而 , 为了在你地拓

展市场 , 我们已决定接受你方还盘 ,只此一次 , 下不为例。

我们很高兴达成这笔交易 , 并希望从今以后我们之间的业务关系是互利的。


( 1) 卖方发盘

我们很高兴收到你方 7 月 10 日的询盘 ,现确认我方今晨发盘如下 :



你方 10 日电悉。现报 , 1000 打钢卷尺 , 2 米长 , 5 美元 , CIF 卡拉奇 , 8 月装运。建议

接受 , 最迟 7 月 21 日止 , 因为价格正迅速上涨。中国进出口公司。

我们必须强调 , 这一发盘的有效期是 5 天 , 因为钢价正迅速上涨 , 因而我们将从下月

初开始不得不把价格从每打 CIF 卡拉奇 5 美元调整到 7 美元。

为了不失现特别发盘的有利时机 , 你方及时电报订购是明智的。

( 2) 拒绝还盘

我们从你方 10 月 10 日的来信中得知我方硅钢片的价格偏高。

尽管我们愿意同贵公司合作以扩展销售 , 很遗憾我们不能接受你方还盘 ,因为我们所

报价格是非常合理的。实际上 , 我们已按此价格收到了来自各方面的许多订单。

如果你们能出更好的价格 , 请告知我方。由于目前供货有限 ,请你们从速。

同时 , 请随时告知你地的情况。我们向你保证来自贵方的任何进一步询盘都将得到


第五单元 推销


( 1) 介绍你的公司


企业。我们的客户包括 H an sens , Pargetter Smith 和 K .D .Little。

向您特别介绍的是 , 我们提供以下产品 :

� 完全符合公司要求的特制计算机系统和软件。

� 咨询服务 , 包括对经理及雇员进行为期一天的计算机系统及软件操作培训讲座。

� 与地处我公司周围 50 英里范围内的组织签订当天服务合同。

随信附上我公司最新的简介材料 , 望您细读。如果您现在或今后对我们的产品和服

务感兴趣 , 请勿犹豫告知我方。如果你愿意的话 , 我们将很高兴提供进一步详细资料 , 或



( 2) 提供新产品


这一创新产品是一个为双胞胎设计的折叠式手推婴儿车 , 有以下三个显著特点 :

� 创新的“转动坐骑式”座位———您轻旋座位便可改变其方位。

� 全新的、不破碎的白色框架 ,特别易于清洗脏手指印。

� 可供加座的嵌固件———使大一些的儿童易于坐骑。

在很有限的期间内 , 我们可专门向客户提供特别优惠的报价 :

� 在正常贸易价格的基础上 , 给予每辆折叠式婴儿手推车用户 10%的优惠。


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

� 免费赠与每辆折叠式婴儿手推车遮阳棚或雨棚。

� 对于订购 12 辆以上折叠式婴儿手推车的客户 ,免费赠送可转动的销售展示组合件。

随信附上 Wayliner 的促销资料。如要利用此发盘 , 请拨打我们 24 小时的 Wayliner



( 3) 给予折扣


我们想告知你方我们是中国最大的打火机制造商 , 已有 30 多年的历史。我们的产品


随函附寄我方可立即供应现货的产品的价格单和目录 , 请查收。我们认为你们在你

方市场推销我们的产品对你方而言是有利的。如果你方订单超过 1000 只 , 我们愿给予




( 1) 宣布改进的产品


迎的 Biarritz 家具已经改进 , 以满足客户不断变化的需求。

以下为所有的新特色 :

� 有三种可供选择的颜色———桃色、芥末色、薄荷色。

� 可翻转的靠垫 , 条纹和格子两种式样的组合。一套家具两种外观。

� 可拆卸的罩子———方便清洗。

其已被普遍接受的特色被保留 :

� 豪华平纹面料。

� 雪茄形扶手 , 厚软靠背和坐垫 ,全弹簧座位。

� 免费提供四个配套靠垫。

所有这些只需 899 英镑附加增值税———和以前的价格一样。

随信附上的促销资料供你方参考。我们正准备接受新产品的订单 , 交货将从 10 月 1

日开始。请注意 , 最初的存货非常有限 ,如要订购 , 请电告我方。


( 2) 询问不再惠顾的原因

我们有很长时间没听到您的消息了 , 因此我们特写信给您 ,让您了解一下我公司———

Gayfer & Son s 有限公司的最新发展动态。从我们最近一次向您供货至今 , 我公司有了

如下的发展 :

� 开发了一组新的设备及附件 , 相信您会特别感兴趣。



� 我公司产品的范围已扩大了 20% ,并在继续扩大。

� 价格水平仍保持不变 , 并在不久的将来仍会保持同等水平。

我们仍继续向客户提供同样的优惠 :

� 立即现货供货。

� 48 小时保证交货 ,不附加任何费用。

� 给予随订单付款 5%的折扣 , 给予 30 天内付款 2 .5 %的折扣。

� 收到后 14 天内退还的货物 ,保证无条件退款。

基于以上各点 , 请再与我们合作。随信附上最新的产品目录、价格表和定购单 , 请细

读。如果您希望与我们商讨或查看产品 , 请与我们联系。

第六单元 订单及其执行


( 1) 试订购

感谢你方 8 月 17 日来函 ,并寄给我方大豆的样品。我们对质量和价格均感到满意。

如果你方能按所列价格供应现货 , 我们将很高兴向你方试订购如下商品 :

数量 商品描述 单价 ( 净价 )

1000 公吨 大豆 每公吨 230 美元 CIF 伦敦

交货 : 2004 年 9 月底前

付款方式 : 不可撤销即期信用证

包装 : 标准出口包装

请注意所装运货物应与样品一致。我们急需上述货物 , 所以请即确认此订单。一收

到你方确认书 , 我们将通过中国银行开立不可撤销信用证。

如果这笔首订单令人满意 , 在将来我们将会有更多的订货。

( 2) 确认订单

我们很高兴收到你方订单 , 并确认所需货物备有现货。很荣幸能有机会供货给你方 ,


我们接受你方大豆的订货 , 并在此寄上第 HL-104 号售货确认书一式两份。请签字

之后 , 返还一份 ,以便我方存档。

不言而喻 , 你方将会立即对上述货物开立以我方为受益人的信用证。我们需要指出 ,

相关信用证中的条款应严格遵照我方售货确认书中所列条款 , 以避免日后的修改。你方

可以放心 , 一收到你方信用证 ,我们将毫不延误立即发运。


( 3) 拒绝订单

今天收到你方 5 月 20 日寄来的订单 ,感谢你方所给予我们的合作和协助。


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

然而 , 在我们寄出正式的确认书之前 , 必须通知你方 , 我公司无法接受你们 5% 折扣

的要求。如我们在 5 月 8 日信中所述 , 我们所打的折扣不可能超过 2%。我们的价格经

过精确计算 , 所得利润甚微 ,因此不可能再做出任何进一步的让步。

如果你方真正能体谅我公司所面临的严重状况 ,就会同意我们所提出的 2 %的折扣。

因此 , 我们要求你方尽快确认。若我们能立即执行你方订单 ,可保证立即装运。我们向您

保证 , 对贵方的订单将给予最谨慎的处理。

( 4) 取消订单

我们想请你方参阅第 567 号售货确认书 , 其中规定装运不得迟于 10 月 10 日。我们


在向你方订购时 , 我们就曾强调交货的重要性。这些商品在本国用于冬季销售 ,因此

应在 10 月底前抵达此地。

由于我们尚未接到你方有关货物已出运的任何消息 , 我们别无选择 , 只能取消此订

单。我们很遗憾采取这种方式 , 但是希望你方能理解 ,因我们的客户坚持必须在上述日期

前交货 , 我们不得不为之。


( 1) 推荐优良替代品

感谢你方 9 月 1 日的订单。很抱歉 ,您所订购的 PC-618 型产品目前无货 ,而且在 12


然而我们能提供极为相近而且品质更优的 PC-628 型产品作为替代。该项商品有现

货供应 , 而且或许更能满足你方的需求。

请告知我方你们是否能接受此项替代品。如你方一收到报价就电报通知我方 , 我们


( 2) 拒绝订单

非常感谢你方 11 月 5 日的订单。但是对于你方的要求 , 我们经过仔细考虑 , 决定在


为了达到你所要求的规格 , 我们必须在工厂安装大规模的特殊设备 ,而且在不影响正

常生产的情况下 , 这项工作在明年 1 月之前不可能完成。

我们非常遗憾无法接受你方的订单 , 但希望你方能理解我们的处境。如果在我们能

力范围之内 , 我们非常愿意去满足你方的需求 ,欢迎你方的其他任何询价。

( 3) 重新考虑价格之后再行订购

非常感谢你方 7 月 4 日的报价单及样品。

虽然我们对你方产品的质量相当欣赏 , 但是却发现价格颇高。我们必须指出 ,目前有

好几家中国制造商在此地供应的品质极佳的货物 , 其价格比你们的产品低 10%至 15%。

我方愿向你方订货 , 但必须要求你方考虑是否能给我们一个更优惠的报价。由于我



们的订单高达大约 800 000 美元 ,也许你会认为是值得作出让步的。

第七单元 付款方式


( 1) 要求开出信用证

非常感谢你方 2 月 2 日寄来的第 727 号订单 , 同时还收到你方的装船指示。



信用证到达之后 , 我们将按你方装运指示的要求 , 尽快将货物包装并出运。我们保

证 , 我们将做完善的装运 ,以求给贵公司一个满意的交代。

( 2) 催开信用证

事由 : 我方第 AJ105 销售确认书

标题所列销售确认书下的货物已备妥待运。装运期已临近 , 但我方到目前为止仍未

收到此货物的信用证。请尽力速开信用证 , 以便使我方能按规定日期发运。

为避免以后的修改 , 请务必使信用证的规定和合同条款相一致。此外 ,我们希望贵方

注意合同是按 F OB 上海的条款签订 , 因此你方有责任按时派船至装运港。


( 3) 通知开出信用证

请参阅 10 月 10 日订立的 12 月交货的第 135 号手表的订单 ,我们很高兴告知你方今

天我们已由国民银行开出以你方为受益人的第 6738 号不可撤销保兑信用证 , 金额为

62 000 法国法郎 , 凭即期汇票支付。

汇票需随附下列单据 : 提单一式三份 ,商业发票 , 保险单和原产地证明。

由于销售季节已临近 , 我们的买主急需此货物。请在收到信用证后即安排发运我们




( 4) 介绍付款条件

很高兴收到 10 月 17 日的询价 , 现附寄我方带有插图的目录和价格单。我们也将另

邮去一些样品 , 相信你方在见到样品后认为货物品质优良、价格公道。

至于付款条款 ,我们通常采用保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。然而

为了扩大贸易 , 如果金额不超过 1000 美元 , 我们愿作为特例对你方的试订单采用付款交

单方式。换句话说 , 我们将在托收的基础上通过我方银行向你开立即期跟单汇票。

希望上述付款方式能为你方接受 , 并能及时收到你方试订单。



附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文


( 1) 追索延误的付款 (首封信函 )

亲爱的 Da wson 先生 :

账号 : 62435

我们特致函通知您 , 到目前为止我们仍未收到您对 5 月 8 日第 7809 号发票的付款 ,

付款总额为 5950 .75 美元。如果您能立即关注此事 , 我们将不胜感激。

如果款项已于过去的几天内支付 , 则不必复函 ,并接受我们的感谢。

如果您对账目有疑问 , 请勿犹豫与我们联系 ,电话××××××××。


Angu s Pot ter


( 2) 追索延误的付款 (第二封信函 )

亲爱的 Da wson 先生 :

账号 : 62435

在 7 月 22 日信函的基础上 ,我们再次提醒您注意您对 5 月 8 日第 7809 号发票所拖

欠的款项 , 总额为 5950 .75 美元。此款的付款期限应为 6 月 8 日。

我们希望提醒您 , 我方的贸易条件是 30 天内必须付款。请在收到此信后 7 天内支付


如果您希望与我们讨论此事 , 请与我们联系 ,电话××××××××。

我们希望于 8 月 15 日之前收到付款。


Doreen Plat


( 3) 追索延误的付款 (第三封信函 )

亲爱的 Da wson 先生 :

账号 : 62435

我们于 7 月 22 日和 8 月 5 日写信给您 , 要求结清 5 月 8 日第 7809 号发票下拖欠的

货款 , 总额为 5950 .75 美元。此款已延误了两个多月。

至今我们没有收到你方的任何回复。我们必须强调 , 此款需于 8 月 22 日前全部


如此日期前仍不付款 , 我们将把你方的账户转给我公司代收欠款的部门 ,以着手采取



Sonia George




( 4) 解释延期付款理由

接到你方来函通知我们 ,本公司应付款项已于 9 月 16 日过期。在此之前 , 本公司已

有意将此款项付清 , 但由于季节性贸易不景气 ,致使本公司客户付款速度极为缓慢。


电汇给你方 , 相信你方会在两三天内收到。希望贵公司能理解我们的困境 ,并在双方交易


( 5) 拒绝承兑交单的提议

我们已收到你方 2003 年 12 月 22 日的来函。正如我们在先前的信件中指出的 ,我们


关于付款方式 , 尽管我们很相信贵方的诚信 , 但仍需重申我们通常的付款方式 , 不可

撤销保兑信用证 , 在所有普通贸易中都保持不变。因此很遗憾 ,对于所有买方在国外的交

易 , 我们暂时无法接受承兑交单的付款方式。

然而 , 对于将来的交货 ,我们将尽力在规定的时间内履行你方的订单。如果由于偶然

原因使我们无法完成 , 我们将在付款交单的基础上完成装运 ,以避免给贵方带来信用证展


第八单元 信用证的修改与延期


( 1) 要求修改信用证

感谢你方第 3589 号信用证 ,但是我们遗憾地发现证中有一些不符点。请将该证作如

下修改 :

① 应该是“英国伦敦巴克莱银行”, 而不是“约翰逊公司”。

② 金额的数字和文字都应表示为“55 000 加元”。

③ 汇票应为即期而不是见票后 60 天。

④ 在“自行车”前加上“儿童”一词。

⑤ 目的港应为伦敦 , 而不是利物浦。

⑥ 到期时间和地点应为 : 2003 年 10 月 30 日在中国北京到期。

如能电传信用证修改通知书 , 将不胜感激。

( 2) 要求信用证展期

NSW6180 号信用证

确认我方昨天发出的电报 , 电文如下 :

马口铁信用证 NSW6180 号今天才收到 , 不可能 7 月装运。请把装运日期和到期日

分别延展至 8 月 31 日和 9 月 15 日。



附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

如售货确认书 03STX-5491 号中的规定 , 如果你方信用证不迟于 6 月 15 日到达我

方 , 那么可在 7 月装运。然而 ,我们昨天才收到你方信用证 ,因此我们绝不可能在 7 月份


在此情况下 , 我们遗憾不得不要求你方把上述信用证的装运日期和议付日期分别延

展至 8 月 31 日和 9 月 15 日。并且修改通知书必须在 7 月 15 日前到达我方 ,否则装运将



( 3) 回复

NSW6180 号信用证

我们已收到你方 6 月 30 日来函 ,信中要求把上述信用证的装运日期和议付日期分别

延展至 8 月 31 日和 9 月 15 日。

我们很清楚售货确认书 03STX-5491 号中订明如果有关信用证最迟在 6 月 15 日到

达你方 , 则能在 7 月出运所订购货物。然而 , 因为我方须办理申请进口许可证的必要手

续 , 因此无法更早地开证。该进口许可证在 6 月 17 日才领到 , 并且有效期只到 7 月

31 日。

我们愿意倾尽所能以配合你方 , 但由于目前进口规章规定许可证不准展期 ,我们遗憾




( 1) 要求修改信用证

我们已收到香港汇丰银行开出的支付 1000 台剪毛机的 7375 号信用证 , 该证金额为

77 000 美元。经过细读 , 我们发现你方信用证不允许转船和分批装运。

由于驶往你港的直轮稀少 , 我们经常不得不在香港转船。关于分批装运 ,因其可以使

我们随时出运现有的货物而不必等到整批货物生产完毕 , 因此符合你我双方的利益。因

此 , 今天早上我们向你方发出如下电报 :

信用证 7375 号 ,请电改 , 允许转船和分批。

如果你方能毫不延误地电改信用证 , 我们不胜感激 ,因为我们的货物包装完毕备妥待


( 2) 要求信用证展期

64785 号信用证

感谢你方支付 3000 罗缝纫线订单的 64785 号信用证。我们很遗憾由于我们的供应

商有所延误 ,我们无法在本月底前将货物备妥待运。因此 , 我们昨天发给你们电报 , 电文

如下 :

信用证 64785 号 , 请电报展期 ,装运期至 8 月 15 日 ,有效期至 8 月 30 日。函详。



预期能在 8 月初将货物备妥待运。我们将安排通过“和平”号轮装运货物 , 大约 8 月

9 日从上海起航。

我们相信你方将会电报延展信用证装运期至 8 月 15 日 ,有效期至 8 月 30 日 ,以使我



( 3) 回复

64785 号信用证

我们已收到你方 7 月 14 日的电报和 7 月 15 日的来函 , 要求我方延展信用证。

我们不得不指出 , 如果你方不能在规定的时间内完成装运 ,我们将无法履行与我客户

之间的合同。另外 , 这种延误肯定会给我们带来许多不必要的麻烦和额外的支出。因此 ,

我们要求你方尽力按照原计划完成装运。如果无法做到 , 我们将不得不要求你方赔偿由



第九单元 装运


( 1) 装运指示

我们很高兴从你方 5 月 15 日电报获知 , 你方已接受我方关于两台 521 型机器的订


因为购买是建立在 F OB 基础上的 , 你方需在利物浦将货物装上我方指定的船只。舱

位一订妥 , 我们将立即告知你方承运船只的名称。关于进一步的指示 ,请联系我方运输代

理人 , 利物浦 ABC 公司。到目前为止他们一直处理你方货物的装运事宜。

因为机器的部分零配件容易震坏 , 该机器必须用适合海运且能经受得住野蛮搬运的

木箱包装。明亮的金属部件必须涂上滑油以便在运输途中防水防潮 , 但是滑油在变化的


我们相信你方已很清楚上述指示 , 并且相信这些货物将会让客户完全满意。

( 2) 拒绝提前装运的要求

事由 : 50 公吨软扁钢

我们收到你方 5 月 12 日来函 ,在信中你方要求我们改变先前关于标题中所列货物的


我方一接到上述来信即与厂家联系 , 请其加速生产你方合同项下的扁钢。但很抱歉 ,

由于先前数月的订货厂方已承约太多 , 所以不能提前交货。在目前情况下 ,厂方能尽力做

到的 , 是在合同规定的时间内 ,也就是说 7 月 , 把总数 50 公吨的货物一次装运交足。

我们十分抱歉 , 不能把 50 公吨扁钢提前到 6 月份交货以满足你方急需。但我们可向


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

你方保证 , 将对你方订单给予特殊关注 ,并尽一切努力保证顺利装运合同所订货物。

( 3) 装运通知

事由 : 50 公吨软扁钢

我们很高兴通知你方 , 我们已把上述货物装上定于明天起航驶往你港的“皇后”号轮。

随函附上这批货物的运输单据一套 , 包括 :

不可转让的提单副本一份 ;

商业发票一式两份 ;

品质检验证书副本一份 ;



我们很高兴已按合同履行了你方订单 , 并相信货物能及时到达以满足你方急需 ,且会


我们趁此机会向你方保证 , 我们将迅速认真地处理你方今后的订单。

( 4) 催促装运

关于我方第 532 号 3000 台计算器的订单 ,我们想提醒你方装运时间已过期相当长时


订购时 , 我们指出及时装运至关重要 , 因为这笔订单是从我地最大的经销商处获得

的 , 我们已给他们明确保证将在 6 月底前供货。

你方的延误给我们造成诸多麻烦。因为我们的客户急需此货物 , 我们现在必须要求

你方尽力将前 500 台计算通过空运的方式出运。

我们建议使用装有铰链的纸箱包装 , 以便于客户打开检验。毫无疑问 ,你方应毫无任

何延误继续安排通过海运方式出运剩下的 2500 台。我们要求你方包装时特别注意在把

货物装入纸箱前 , 将每台计算器盒子封入防水的袋子中。

如果你方能航邮寄上海运货物的装箱单复本一份 , 以及保险单或保险凭证和商业发

票的副本 , 我们将不胜感激。这将能使我们在货物到达时 ,安排快速通关。

( 5) 包装要求

第 15709 号售货合同

今天早上我们已收到你方本月 3 日的信函以及随函附上的售货合同一式两份。仔细

研究合同之后 , 我们想指出我方发现包装条款不够清楚。有关条款如下 :

适合海运的出口包装 , 适合长途海洋运输。

为了避免日后可能的麻烦 , 我们想事先明确我方的包装要求 ,如下 :

合同项下的茶叶应装于国际标准茶叶盒中 , 24 盒装至一托盘 , 10 托盘装至一整个集

装箱。在外包装上 , 请将我公司名称首写字母 SCC 写在菱形内 , 其下应刷上目的港和我

方订单号码。另外 , 警告性标志如“保持干燥”、“切勿用钩”等也应标明。



关于这点 ,我们在合同中已做出脚注 , 并且在会签之后 , 我们在此退还一份合同。我

们希望你方也能觉得合适 , 并请在包装时给予特别的关注。

我们期盼你方的装运通知 , 并提前致以感谢。


( 1) 装运通知

你方第 2231 号订单

关于你方上述订单的进一步消息 , 我们乐于通知你方所订自行车已按要求出运。

包装 : 三箱

唛头及编号 :“纽约”两字上面三角形内写上“FA”及一至三的箱号。重量与尺码的详


装运 : 由“太平洋”号轮承运 , 于 4 月 10 日驶离基隆港 , 航程表预定 6 月 3 日到达


全套清洁已装船提单 , 连同商业发票、保险单 , 及依你方第 2818 号信用证所开出的即

期汇票 , 已由台北台湾银行议付。我们将乐于获悉货物安全抵达 ,且状况良好。

( 2) 通知变更装运指示

请参阅我方第 173 号订单 , 目前已接近完工阶段。由于奥克兰港目前正在罢工 , 而

且至少在两个月内没有结束的迹象 , 我们必须要求你方改变目的港。

我们希望你方能将货物运至西雅图。装运日期不变 , 由于路途拉长 ,这些货物将再经


些新指示 , 请予以确认。

( 3) 要求允许转船

很感谢已收到由汇丰银行开立的 ,以我方为受益人 , 金额计 105 万美元的第 E-102 号


有关装运之事 , 我们非常遗憾地告知你方 , 尽管我方已尽了很大努力 , 但仍未订到去

雅加达的直轮的舱位。此地轮船公司告知我方 , 目前暂时没有来往中国和雅加达的定期

船只 , 因此我们很难把 1 万公吨白糖直接运往雅加达。

鉴于我们面对的困难情形 , 请你方修改信用证 , 允许在香港转船 , 因该处便于我方安

排转船事宜。一俟接到你方信用证修改书 , 我方即将货物运往香港。因此事非我能力所

及 , 如你方能体谅我方的难处 ,并同意我方的要求 , 我们将不胜感激。


第十单元 保险


( 1) 询问保险费率


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

我们有一批价值 90 000 美元的玻璃器皿 , CIF 纽约 ,将从天津经海运至纽约。

我们欲向你方投保此批货物 , 投保一切险加战争险 ,从我方仓库至纽约港。你方能否

报上保险费率 ?

( 2) 告知保险费率

你方 7 月 14 日函收到 ,欣悉你公司愿将一批从天津海运至纽约的玻璃器皿交给我们


现奉告 , 根据我公司海洋运输货物保险条款和海洋运输货物战争险条款的规定 ,承保

上述货物的一切险包括战争险的现行费率是 1%。现随函附上上述条款 , 请参阅。

如你们同意接受此费率 , 请来电告知船货的详细情况 ,以便我公司据此出具保险单。


( 3) 要求保险安排

第 401 号订单项下 500 箱玩具

请参阅我方第 401 号订单 , 其项下的 500 箱玩具是按 CFR 基础订购的。

因我们现在想把这批货物在你处保险 , 因此你方是否能够安排代我们按发票金额加

成 10% ,即 5500 美元投保一切险。

一俟收到你方的索款清单 , 我们一定立即把保险费归还给你。或者如果你愿意的话 ,



( 4) 回复同意

第 401 号订单项下 500 箱玩具

兹很高兴收到你方 7 月 20 日来信 , 要求我们代办标题中所列货物的保险 , 由你方承


我们很高兴地通知你方 , 我们已向中国人民保险公司为上述货物投保了一切险 ,投保

金额为 5500 美元。保险单正在准备之中 ,在本周末我们将连同保险费的索款清单一并寄


顺告 , 我们正安排由“济南”号轮装运该 500 箱玩具。该轮约于 8 月 11 日左右起航。

( 5) 介绍保险条件

兹回复你方 11 月 3 日来函 ,询问我方 10 月 20 日在 CI F 基础上向你方作出的化妆品

的报价中的保险条件 , 现提供如下资料。

对于在 CIF 基础上成交的贸易 ,我们通常依据 1981 年 1 月 1 日中国人民保险公司制


款投保 , 我们也乐于接受。但两者在保险费上的差异 ,将由你方承担。

如果你方想投保任何额外的险别 , 我们也能接受 ,但额外保险费由你方负担。在这种

情况下 , 我们将向你方寄上由相关保险公司开出的保险费收据。



通常 , 投保金额是发票总金额的 110%。但是如果要求更高的加成率 , 我们也可照

办 , 但同时你方也必须承担额外保险费。

我们希望以上资料可以提供你们想获知的所有信息 , 并企盼收到贵方的订单。


( 1) 要求保险

请为我方 5000 台“蝴蝶”牌缝纫机投保一切险 ,投保金额 100 000 美元。货物在上海

装“丰庆”轮 , 该轮 5 月 20 日驶往纽约。请寄给我方保险单 , 一并寄上费用清单。

( 2) 接受投保要求

关于你方 5 月 8 日的指示 , 依照随函附上的保险单 , 我们已承保你方的 5000 台“蝴

蝶”牌缝纫机 ,在上海装上“丰庆”轮 , 5 月 20 日驶往纽约。请汇 1200 美元至我方账户以


( 3) 保险单

保险单号码 253787


金额 10 万美元整

承保 5000 台缝纫机


船只 :“丰庆”轮

起航日期 : 2004 年 5 月 20 日或左右


若有损坏 , 将由 Johnson 检验行检验并在上海赔付。

本保单于 2004 年 5 月 12 日在上海开立 , 一式两份。



( 经理 )

第十一单元 代理


( 1) 申请代理

我方在巴基斯坦有完善的销售组织 , 并在全国各地有我公司的大量职员。他们的报

告显示 , 显然你们的自行车有良好的需求。我们知道你方在巴基斯坦还没有代理 ,我们很

乐意为你方效劳 , 作为你们的独家代理。

鉴于我们有幸拥有的广泛关系 , 我们应被给予销售总额 15%的佣金。

假如你们同意任命我们为独家代理 , 我们将致力于发展你方产品在巴基斯坦的市场 ,


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文



( 2) 委托独家代理

我们已收到你方 15 日来函 ,并被你们的建议所打动。特告知我方已决定委任贵方作


代理协议已草拟 , 期限为一年 ,除非另有书面通知到期时本协议将自动续延相同的时

间。随函附上草案副本 , 请查收。请审阅条款并告知我们这些条款是否能得到你们的



( 3) 拒绝


虽然我们对你方愿意在你方当地作我方代理很感兴趣 , 但我们很遗憾不能满足你方

的要求 , 因为我们的记录显示与你方只有中等的交易量。你方有必要继续努力扩大营业




( 1) 商议代理

我们已收到并仔细研究了你方 6 月 10 日的来信。我们已和几家公司商谈过 ,但目前


鉴于你方在苏格兰的业务关系 , 我们认为你将在该地区很好地发展我们的业务。我


当然 , 这件事的关键在于你方在获得并履行的订单上需要多少佣金。因为你公司史

密斯先生将于下月来访我地 , 我们愿与其面谈而非旷日持久的通信往来。


( 2) 代理条件

我们很高兴确认上月在我们共同洽商期间达成的协议 , 并盼我们建立一个愉快和成

功的业务关系。在起草正式协议书以供签署之前 , 我们想复述一下我们双方一致同意的

要点 , 即

① 自今年 1 月 1 日起你们作为我们的独家代理 , 期限为 2 年。

② 我们按照你们推销我方产品的销售额的 3%付给你们佣金。

③ 你们承诺不为自己也不为别的供应商销售其他厂方的相竞争的产品。

④ 你们每月要向我们提供销售报告 , 并承兑我们按应得的净金额向你方开出的


⑤ 你们要保持把我们的全部产品在你处陈列室展出。



一俟收到你们来信确认这些要点 , 我们将准备把协议书拟好并寄给你方签署。

第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁


( 1) 索赔


我们非常感谢你方迅速执行这一订单。很遗憾 , 我们发现尽管这些箱子没有损坏的

痕迹 , 但许多缝纫机严重损坏。

考虑到损坏是由于船公司粗暴装卸造成的 , 我们向他们提出赔偿损失 ,但由鉴定人所

做的调查揭示 , 损坏是由于不适当的包装造成。进一步的详情请看我们随函寄去的鉴定


我们因此不得不向你方索赔 , 赔偿我们 27 500 美元的损失。


( 2) 理赔

感谢你方 7 月 15 日来信 ,告知我们发运给你们的缝纫机由于我方的包装不当到达时


一接到你方来信 , 我们立即对此事予以关注。我们已非常仔细的研究了你们鉴定人



任 , 但我们认为让你方独自承担损失是不公平的。我们建议我们双方分担损失。

我们希望你方会感觉到 , 我方这一让步是解决问题的一种圆满方法。

( 3) 仲裁条件

作为我们最近电子邮件往来的结果 , 我们确认仲裁协议 ,条件和条款如下 :

① 凡与合同或执行合同有关的一切争议 , 均应友好协商解决。如不能得到解决 , 争


② 仲裁须在被告所在国进行。如在中国进行 , 由北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会


③ 仲裁的裁决应作为终局的裁决而予以接受 , 对双方均有约束力。

④ 除非另有规定 , 仲裁费用由败诉的一方负担。


( 1) 抱怨及要求

我们收到了 642 号订单项下的单证并在“江山”号到达汉堡时提取了货物。

打开集装箱时我们发现货物少了 3 箱。由于我们需把所订货物用来完成向新客户交

货 , 我们不得不要求你们立即发运短少货物。


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文


( 2) 回复上述信函


我们遗憾地获悉你第 642 号订单项下货物少交 3 箱 , 并已与我们的运输代理商联系 ,

据告该 3 箱货物错卸在香港 , 现正等候将该货物转运至你港。

我们对由此错误给你带来的麻烦非常抱歉 , 并向你保证在履行你今后订单时谨慎


第十三单元 补偿贸易和加工贸易


( 1) 建议开展补偿贸易


我们已经与我方客户取得联系并告知你方 , 经过研究 ,手册中的产品适合他们在生产

中使用。但是 , 由于目前产品滞销 ,他们不想进行现汇交易。如果你们能回购全部或部分

产品 , 我方客户愿意与您以补偿贸易的方式进口机器设备 ,他们将用直接产品补偿设备成


显然 , 产品返销将保证你方设备的全额支付。

如果你方同意该建议 , 我们将提出技术数据 , 品质标准 , 支付方式 , 价格等的具体计

划 , 供你方参考。


( 2) 对建议开展补偿贸易的回复

我方交易行英格兰银行告知我们 , 贵方需要型号 AI-S 的缝纫机并以补充贸易的方式

用窗帘布支付价款。只要交易条款令人满意 , 我们愿意成交。

我方可以 80 美元每台 CIF 中国港口价提供 50 台缝纫机。机器价款由我方预付 , 以

后你方分批补偿 , 并加每年 10%的运费和利息。

同时 , 请你方提供亚麻窗帘的报价 ,每月 1000 打。收到实盘报价后 ,我们尽力达成一

揽子协议 , 并起草一份协议供你方考虑。


( 3) 回复上述信函

很高兴收到你方 3 月 18 日的来信 ,获悉贵方将以补偿贸易方式安排型号 AI-S 缝纫


根据你方要求 , 我方现报盘如下 ,以你方 3 月 31 日前接收为准 , 10 000 打亚麻窗帘 ,

CI F EM P 价为每件 3 美元 , 缝纫机试用两个月后每月发送 10 批。窗帘价款将支付您所

提供的 50 台缝纫机、运费和每年 %的利息。






( 4) 建议开展加工贸易

我方在《商业中国》看到你方广告 , 并写信询问是否能帮助我们联系一家能根据我方


我方客户 , 一家瑞士企业 ,有意让中国按来样来图生产齿轮箱。我们已另邮产品手册

和图样。如果有任何工厂有兴趣这笔业务 , 请告知我们他们的条款和 CIF 不来梅价。


( 5) 关于加工贸易的报价

感谢你方 3 月 9 日来信 , 询问按照图样和样品生产齿轮箱的可能性。我们已将寄来

的产品目录册和图样寄给一些大生产商 , 现在得到了一家上海工厂的肯定答复。下面是

他们的报价 :

齿轮箱 , 小铸铁 单价 美元

齿轮箱 , 铸铁 美元

CIF 不来梅

如果报价可以接受 , 请告知我们。如此 ,请通知他们尽快寄给我们样品。


( 1) 拒绝加工贸易

我们收到你们寄来的有图片说明的小册子 , 并仔细研究了你们要出售的那台机器的


按照小册子中的说明 , 整套机器是 3 年前在瑞士制造的。它设有自动控制系统和自



得出的结论是 : 特别在目前 ,我们正急需资金重建厂房之际 ,去购买这台机器似乎代价太

高。在这种情况下 , 我们无力购买任何新的东西 ,只得将此事留待以后考虑。

尽管如此 , 我们感谢你们同我们保持联系 , 希望不久的将来我们将做些有成效的



( 2) 推进加工贸易

你们 2 月 8 日来信于今天上午到达。我们赞赏你们坦率的答复。这台机器本身值

100 万美元 , 不包括运费、保险费和包装。


橡胶制品已不再列入我们生产的商品范围之内 , 因此 , 我们保留这台机器毫无用处。不


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

过 , 我们有个主意 ,即我们用信贷的方式把机器卖给你们 , 允许你们在 2 年内按月分期偿

还 , 并按年息率 12%支付利息。我们要说 , 这是你们所能得到的最为有利的待遇。

坦率对你说 ,这台机器是值得购买的 , 既然你们正扩建厂房 , 利用好这台机器来增加

生产 , 对你们有好处。你们可以放心 ,这台机器是崭新的 , 自去年 10 月份起就一直被小心


我们真诚地邀请你们的代表和工程师到苏黎世来观看机器 , 我们会给他们示范机器



第十四单元 国际经济技术合作


( 1) 建议投资

贵方 10 月 23 日来函收悉 , 得知贵方有兴趣以合资企业形式在中国开设一家汽车零

件制造厂 , 并询问其可行性。

贵方可能已了解 , 中国一贯坚持开放政策 , 积极鼓励引进外资 , 以扩大与其他国家在


或个人与中国的公司、企业和其他经济组织共建合营企业。目前 ,在经营中的有两种合营

企业 , 一种股权式合营企业 ,另一种是契约式合营企业。此外 , 我们还与国外投资者联合

开采中国沿海石油。这种经营方式的特点是共同投资 , 共同管理 ,共负盈亏。这对双方都

是十分有利的。因为这能使双方的关系更加密切 , 协作更加加强。

1979 年 7 月 8 日我国政府颁布了《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》。此后对

该法又作了多次修改。2001 年 3 月 15 日在第九届人大四次会议上作了最新一次的修

改。为帮助你公司充分熟悉有关合营企业的各种规定 , 今乐于附上该法律一份供参阅 ,并


如贵公司有意与我们合资经营 ,请将贵方的初步设想 , 包括产品品种、产量、进料、销

售渠道和主要机械设备等告诉我们 , 以便详细研究后 ,作进一步的洽谈。


( 2) 建议投资

谢谢贵方 11 月 2 日来函 ,附函寄来的《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》的抄本


仔细阅读了该法律后 , 我们对在中国设立合营企业有了更好的了解。我们理解对国

外投资者的投资额现在没有限制。不知道我们的理解是否正确 , 因为我们想在 5% ~


我们对所提议的合资企业中我方投资额也就是该企业资本的 50% , 一部分将以现金



方式支付 , 一部分以机器及设备方式支付。至于现金部分 ,则按合约生效日当天的兑换率



我们在有了贵方回音后 ,将进一步研究此事 , 或提议派遣代表来访进行面谈。这样 ,




( 1) 建议合营



我方特利用此次机会寄上该事项的备忘录一份。这当然只是纲要 , 作为我们双方进一步


哈微先生和我会在 2 月 2 日至 5 日访问北京 , 与你方总部官员讨论细节问题。如果

上述时间不合适 , 我们很愿意更改一个方便的时间。


( 2) 确认合营条件

很高兴通过上周的讨论 , 就建议在澳大利亚建立合营企业达成了协议。在正式签署

协议之前 , 我们需要确认以下几条要点 ,即 :

① 中纺与 Bunge 公司在维多利亚州建立纺织品批发合资公司。

② 中纺持有 30%的股份 , Bunge 持有 70 %的股份。

③ Bunge 负责在墨尔本建立仓库设施。

④ 合资公司也将在新南威尔士州注册。

⑤ 所有利润、损失、成本、负债根据各方持股比例承担。

⑥ 任何与合资协议相关的纠纷无法用协商的方式解决的 , 将会递交给 CCP IT 进行


⑦ 协议将由双方政府当局批准。

一收到你方的确认信 , 我们将安排签署合同并将其寄给你方签字。

( 3) 银行贷款

你方 5 月 2 日来信询问在中国建立合资企业能否获得中国银行的贷款 , 我方已经注


现随函附上一份国务院 1981 年 3 月 13 日批准的中国银行为中外合资企业提供贷款

的条例的复印件 , 这会回答你的问题。



附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

( 4) 技术引进

你方 5 月 24 日来信建议进一步扩大我们双方在技术引进上的合作 , 已经收到 , 非常


我方现告知你方我们将尽力在这方面开展互利合作。现在 , 我们对引进技术和设备

开发油田和煤矿很感兴趣 , 请尽早向我方报盘。报盘时 ,请注意随函附上的中华人民共和



( 5) 知识诀窍、工程技术许可证销售

贵方今年 3 月 2 日要求交付化工厂设备的来函已收到。

我们已考虑你方要求 , 现写信通知你方我们愿意就此问题与你方讨论。同时请你方




如果你方对我们的报盘感兴趣 , 我们将准备资料 ,根据你方专利局的要求为设备申请



( 6) 关于人才培训

根据×年×月×日×号合同 , 在中国技术进出口有限公司的帮助下进行的铁路建设


现在本国没有足够的专家运行铁路。因此 , 我方想请你方帮助我们培训必需的专家。

请你方派遣三或五位有资格的专家来我国作为通信部的顾问 , 并开展一次关于铁路

交通方面的课程讲演。除此之外 , 还请帮助我们在××建立一个培训中心培养交通和通


我们理解政府间协议不包括给予铁路运行的技术支持 , 因此 ,我方会根据中国贸易协



( 7) 工程合作合同

本合同于 20××年 7 月 1 日由 ABC 公司 (以下简称甲方 ) 与 XYZ 公司 ( 以下简称乙

方 ) 签订。

乙方与甲方订立工程合约 , 安装甲方的空调设备 ,双方同意如下 :

① 工程名称 : 空调设备。

② 工程地点 : 甲方在××新建的工厂。

③ 工程范围 : 如本合约所附图样。

④ 完工期限 : 本工程将从配合甲方建厂工程开始 , 并在甲方工厂完工后 30 天内完



成 , 包括工厂内部完工可使空调运转期在内。

⑤ 工程总价 : 320 万美元整。

⑥ 工程款支付 :

第一期 : 甲方在本合同开始实施时支付乙方工程总价 30% , 即 96 万美元整。

第二期 : 甲方在安装气管时 ,支付乙方工程总价 20% ,即 64 万美元整。

第三期 : 甲方在工程完毕时 ,支付乙方工程总价 40% ,即 128 万美元整。

第四期 : 甲方在工程验收合格后 ,支付乙方工程总价余款 10% ,即 32 万美元整。

⑦ 违约罚金 : 倘若乙方因应自行负责的原因而未准时完成 ,乙方应付违约罚款 , 每天

按总价 0 .1%计算。

⑧ 工程增加或减少 : 倘若甲方需要修改、增加或减少工程计划时 , 总价的增减 , 应按

双方规定的单价计算 ; 如属新增工程 ,双方应另行协定该新增工程的单价 ; 倘若双方因修

改原计划而将已完成的一部分工程或已运抵工地的材料废弃 , 甲方在验收时 ,应按双方协


⑨ 工程监督 : 甲方指派的监督工程进度人员及其代表有权监工并给予乙方指导。乙


⑩ 工程终止 : 倘若甲方通知乙方将工程停工 ,其原因并非因应由乙方负责时 , 乙方可



�11 工程监护 : 在工程开始后 ,到完工并移交前 , 已完工工程及留在工地的材料、工具、

设备等 , 均由乙方保管。除不可抗力外 ,乙方对保管的一切 , 负全权责任 ,如遇不可抗的天

灾人祸 , 乙方应详列损害实情 ,向甲方提出恢复原状的价格及日期 , 以供甲方核实。倘若

甲方决定不再继续施工 , 本合同应按第 10 条规定结束。

�12 工程保证 : 除乙方不能负责的天灾或甲方使用不当之原因外 , 乙方在甲方验收后


�13 附件 : 本合同之附件应视为本合同之一部分 ,与其他条款一样具有效力 , 附件包括


�14 附加条款 : 机器的维护———乙方应在甲方验收后 ,对空调免费定期保养服务一年 ,


本合同一式两份 , 下述两方各执一份。

以兹证明 , 本合同在双方签字后方可生效。

甲方 乙方

代理人 代理人

地址 地址


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

第三部分 国际商务社交书信

第一单元 对外商务书面沟通典型书信

( 1) 邀请信

敬启者 :

我们高兴地宣布 , 我们开发的系列新产品已准备就绪 ,很快就可以展出。

我们相信当您看到这些最新的革新产品定会十分惊喜。我们拟在 6 月 5 日上午 9 点

至下午 5 点半举行一次特别预展 , 特邀请您光临我展室参观。


( 2) 请柬

ABC 公司主席、总裁及全体员工




9 点到 11 点

上海浦东大道 288 号

( 3) 介绍信一

敬启者 :

如您所知 , 大卫先生已经调升为北京分公司的新销售主任。王先生将成为服务贵公

司的业务专员。王先生在本公司销售部已经三年 , 对于像贵公司这类的与电脑相关产品

有些经验。相信他会做得很好。如有任何问题 , 请尽管问他。


( 4) 介绍信二

敬启者 :

兹向贵公司介绍本公司新任销售经理霍尔先生 , 其本人正在美国访问客户 ,并计划造


如贵公司能对他提供任何协助 , 我们将感激不尽 ,而这也帮了我们一个大忙。本公司



( 5) 欢迎信一

敬启者 :

欣接您 4 月 21 日来信 , 得知您正筹划 6 月来华访问。我们非常高兴地欢迎您来访 ,


由于您是首次访华 , 毫无疑问希望参观这里的一些名胜古迹。待您抵达后 ,我们再和



您一起商讨具体的日程安排。如果您想同这里的一些公司洽谈业务 , 我们也可以帮您


待您的来访日期确定后 , 请告知您到达这里的时间 ,我届时会去机场迎接您并驱车送

您到旅馆。您放心 , 您在此地定会非常愉快。

( 6) 欢迎信二

敬启者 :

我写此信只是让您知道 , 当我们得知您计划来访问我公司时 ,我公司总部的同仁是多

么高兴 , 多么急切地期待与您相见。

我们时时打听您到来的消息 , 并着手作必要的准备 , 以保证您在此逗留期间方便自


( 7) 回绝信一

敬启者 :

您花费不少时间评审我们现有的计算机系统 , 并对改进该系统所需费用做了估算 ,对


我们研究了您的建议 , 计算了所需费用 ,并考虑了一些其他因素 , 决定现在暂不采取



( 8) 回绝信二

亲爱的格林先生 :

感谢您 8 月 11 日关于寻求怀斯基金会捐款的来信。

我们收到许多这样的来信 , 遗憾的是 ,我们无法对所有这些都做出所要求的回应。我

们用于慈善事业的预算是有限的 , 而目前已全部使用完了。

因此 , 这一次我们无法捐助。我们祝愿您在与其他组织联系时有好的结果。

( 9) 预定信一

敬启者 :

兹因急事 , 需尽快赶往香港。请代留明晨 6 点钟飞往香港的飞机座位一个。机票烦

请送至我住的湖南宾馆第 903 室。


( 10 ) 预定信二

亲爱的本 :

我们办公室负责策划 8 月 11 日公司举办的野餐活动 ,因此我在联系一些能够帮助我

们做出安排的人。您是负责汽车调度的 , 我在想您是否能在野餐那天安排从公司到卡内


我们主要需要足够的汽车和司机 , 共约 50 名职工及客人使用。出车时间为中午 , 从


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

调度场门口出发 , 下午 4 点从卡内基旅馆门口返回。

非常感谢您帮助安排车辆。请马上告诉我 8 月 11 日那天 , 您是否能把车辆安排妥

当。谢谢您 , 本。

( 11 ) 预定信回复信

敬启者 :

感谢您选择金陵饭店。现确定一下戴维斯先生 10 月 1 日和 2 日的订房。戴维斯先

生要求一间单人非吸烟房间 , 内有大号睡床。房费为每晚 200 元人民币。

本酒店将保留他的房间到下午六点。如果戴维斯先生希望晚些到达 , 请问他能否在

10 月 1 日之前通知我们 ?


( 12 ) 任命公告

敬启者 :

兹本公司总经理大卫先生因病将于 7 月 2 日退休。

本人已由董事会指定接替大卫先生的职务 , 对于贵公司的继续支持与协助本公司将


( 13 ) 会议通知

敬启者 :

根据贵方请求 , 我方把会议改为周五 9 点在希尔顿大酒店举行。我们希望这样安排


( 14 ) 搬迁通知

敬启者 :

本公司已于今日迁至如下新址 :

南京市长江路 99 号长江贸易大楼 101 ,邮编为 210005

电话 : (8625) 84611234

传真 : (8625) 84612345

新址设备较旧址更大更为现代化 , 本公司将期待您的造访。

( 15 ) 开设分公司通知

敬启者 :

本公司很荣幸地通知您 , 从 6 月 1 日开始 ,我们将在下列地址开设分公司 :

南京市长江路 99 号长江贸易大楼 505 室 ,邮编为 210005

电话 : (8625) 84611234

传真 : (8625) 84612345

新分公司将有全套产品展示 , 并提供售后服务。本公司已指定大卫先生为经理。




( 16 ) 停业通知

敬启者 :

很遗憾通知您 ,由于财务困难 , 本公司无法再继续为您服务 , 因为政府去年六月起对

我们这个行业的新政策 , 使我们在拓展业务时遭到无法预期的困难。为避免更大的损失 ,


我们查过账册后发现与您方没有未清的账目 , 也请您清查一下记录以兹确定。如有



( 1) 欢迎词

女士们 , 先生们 :

我很高兴地告诉大家 , 我们中国人民的老朋友海沃德先生今天早上又一次来到我们

公司 , 这也是海沃德先生第四次来中国 ,来到我们公司。他为我们公司的发展做出了很大

的贡献 , 更让我们高兴的是我们已经找到了一条共同合作的道路 ,这对我们双方都有很大


信这次我们的合作将会更加成功 , 更加令人愉快。现在 ,让我们对海沃德先生的到来表示

热烈的欢迎。谢谢大家 !

( 2) 招标公告

谨此诚邀诚信有经验的制造商参与竞标下列产品 : 汽笛、防寒帽。

① 汽笛生产要求

数量 : 2000

要求 :

a . 笛身铜制 , 镀镍 ,如图所示。

b . 竞标者必须带样品。

② 防寒帽生产要求

a . 防寒头套 , 如图所示由两部分组成。

b . 帽子面料用府绸 ,蓝色棉布。

c . 帽里必须有内衬

d . 在帽子顶部内衬上 , 距正面边沿两英寸处 ,缝上标有规格的标签。

e . 帽子两边耳朵部位必须有三个孔。

竞标者必须呈交样品以供比较选择 , 否则不予考虑其报盘。竞标者有权要求样品于

投标人最后通知之日 30 天内寄达。否则 ,该公司保留进一步采取措施的权力。

请研究有关事项 , 尽快安排发盘。我们已设法推迟截标。但是 , 时间还是重要的 , 请



附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

第二单元 对内商务书面沟通


( 1) 备忘录一

致 : 所有代表

自 : 办公室刘小姐

主题 : 订购印有公司名称和地址的办公用品

日期 :

下周一我将向各部门分发印有公司名称和地址的信纸、便笺和圆珠笔 , 用来发给



( 2) 备忘录二

致 : 销售部所有员工

自 : 销售经理

主题 : 夏季广告宣传

日期 :

穿着 ABC 公司生产的亮丽衣衫去远航 !

这就是即将在 6 月 5 日开始的新一轮广告宣传活动的主题。该次宣传将包括在报纸

上做多张整版广告 , 以及向小区居民邮寄产品目录。一旦广告和目录完成后 ,我们将投放


希望这次广告活动能带来大量的额外销售业绩。祝你工作愉快 !

( 3) 请假条一

陈先生 :

我因头疼得厉害 ,今天上午不能办公。经医生诊治并嘱咐 , 需休养几日 , 方可再到公

司工作。兹附医生证明 , 请查阅。希望我的缺席不会让公司方面产生不便。


( 4) 请假条二

经理先生 :

兹因女儿患病 ,今日不能到公司上班 , 敬请原谅。她昨日刚刚动了手术 , 且我丈夫不

在本地 , 我需照料她。希望您能多准假几天 ,以便我度过最困难时期。


( 5) 内部通知一

我公司与 ABC 公司于本周四下午四点在五台山体育馆将会有一场友谊篮球赛。欢

迎全体员工前来观赏加油 !




( 6) 内部通知二


明天是国庆节 , 公司放假 7 天。欢迎全体员工参加公司的庆祝活动。10 月 8 日将正



2004 年 9 月 30 日

( 7) 求助信

亲爱的经理先生 :

一年前我作为见习生来到公司工作 , 培训期间 , 每月工资 800 元。后来 , 我成为公司

的正式职员 , 工资照旧。由于生活消费不断提高 , 您是否可以考虑增加我的工资 ? 同时 ,


( 8) 请示信

在去年的销售会议上 , 我们讨论了在上海贸易展览会上为客户们提供一套礼貌服务


我建议我们租用一个小型宴会厅 , 在展览会期间的三个晚上 ,为客户们提供小点心和

饮料。根据以往出席人数的记录 , 我们可能每个晚上要接待大约 75 至 100 位来访者。信


我想将这些安排最后落实一下 , 但是我需要您的赞同。

( 9) 培训申请信

亲爱的安德森先生 :


我在求职信中已写明 , 我在大学所读的专业是电气工程。尽管我能从技术方面向客

户介绍我们的产品 , 但我缺乏销售技巧。因此 ,我不知道您是否可以提供给我销售培训的



( 10 ) 批准信

王先生 :

请批准凯西在下周四 , 即 3 月 17 日请假一天 , 以参加她姐姐的婚礼。虽然凯西还处

在公司的试用期阶段 , 我们还是同意她在雇佣期间参加她的家庭活动。



( 1) 祝酒词

女士们 , 先生们 :

我们的澳大利亚朋友、机械制造专家罗杰斯先生这次来我厂短期工作 ,给了我们很大


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

的帮助 ,帮助我们解决了很多技术问题。我借此机会代表全厂职工向他表示感谢。让我

们为罗杰斯先生的健康干杯 , 为中澳人民的友好合作干杯 !

( 2) 告别词

女士们 , 先生们 :

我想借此机会说几句话。在我访问期间 , 你们对我的热忱友好、无微不至的关怀以及

对我工作热情周到的帮助让我感激不尽。同你们一起工作对我来说是一种享受 , 因此对

我的回国我感到非常难过。当然 , 这并不意味着我们的合作关系的终结。事实上 ,我知道

我们仍将继续合作。我相信我们将会取得更大的成功。谢谢 !

第三单元 其他商务社交信函


( 1) 感谢信一

亲爱的克瑞斯 :

非常感谢您让我管理第 202 号项目。

这是一个复杂的项目 , 我知道您将为此付出大量的时间和精力。

我衷心感谢您付出的努力 , 并再次对您的协助表示感谢。

( 2) 感谢信二

亲爱的保罗 :

非常感谢您将我介绍给您在西南部的生意伙伴。我已于上周拜访了他们 , 得到了一

些订单 , 并建立了有望是长期的合作关系。

毋庸置疑 , 您的推荐使我能够受到他们的欢迎。对此我不胜感激 ,再次感谢您。

如果我对您能有所帮助 , 请与我联系。

( 3) 祝贺信一

敬启者 :

欣闻阁下被任命为 ABC 公司董事会成员 , 谨致诚挚祝贺。

我们公司及我本人都为阁下多年来为 ABC 公司所做的杰出贡献而获此回馈深感欣


( 4) 祝贺信二

亲爱的兰 :

办公室里所有的人都很高兴地得知您生了一个男孩 , 特向您、尼克和新降生的小宝贝

送去最好的祝福 !



( 5) 感谢信一



亲爱的卡罗琳 :

我们于今年早些时候从您处购买了 IBM 计算机系统。我们对产品及您为我们所作




我们计划明年扩大业务 , 届时将与您讨论我们改变了的 IT 要求。


( 6) 感谢信二

亲爱的吉尔先生 :

我特致信表扬您在处理 102 号合同时的做法。



干得好———继续这样干吧 !

( 7) 慰问信一

亲爱的辛迪 :

当我昨天从北京归来 , 得知您因病住院深受震动。我知道您这样都是为了公司 ,别再


我希望这封信可以给您带来好运 , 至少使您康复。您无需担心公司事务 ,请安心养病


( 8) 慰问信二

库克先生 :

我获悉你所在的工厂发生火灾 , 烧掉许多厂房 ,不胜同情。你们所有的职工一定经受

了一场大惊慌 , 更不要说生产和财务的损失。我担忧你们受了这次意外灾难所引起的暂


请告诉我 , 有什么我可以效力之处。务请将这次不幸视为天灾而自慰 ,并将我的慰问


( 9) 吊唁信一

敬启者 :

惊闻贵公司董事长霍尔先生过世甚感遗憾 ,他的过世实为贵公司及其家庭最重大的损失。


请接受本公司上下同仁最诚挚的哀悼之意 , 并请转知其家属为幸。

( 10 ) 吊唁信二

敬启者 :



附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文



我们特对您表达真切的哀悼。如果我们现在或将来能为您做些什么 , 请告诉我们。


( 11 ) 道歉信一

敬启者 :

很抱歉昨天未能赴约 ,我想您一定很失望。事情时这样的 : 就在我要走的时候 , 经理

要我准备一份计划书 , 而我无法给您打电话 ,非常非常抱歉。

无论如何 , 我希望这个周末能约您出来。我等候您的回音。

( 12 ) 道歉信二

亲爱的顾客 :


经引起我们足够的重视 , 并已责令那两个售货员亲自向您道歉。

从一名顾客的角度出发 , 我完全理解您当时所经历的失望和尴尬。我们商场以热情

服务而著称 , 所以我们决不会 , 也将不会容忍任何违背公司规定的行为与意图。作为处

罚 , 我们已经决定扣除那两个售货员当月工资的一半。

这个事件也要求我们 , 为了更好地规范服务 ,我们应当制定新的措施。我们决定成立

“客服中心”, 开通服务热线 ,以便于顾客和商场经理直接联系 , 提出特殊要求。

我非常高兴您能给我们写来这封抱怨信 , 这是您对我们处理问题能力的信任。感谢

您对我们工作的支持和对我们商场的信任。请您牢记 , 我们将永远为您服务。


( 1) 答谢词

女士们、先生们 :

首先 , 我非常感谢我的主人张先生对我的热情款待。这是我第一次来中国 ,对此我感

到万分激动与兴奋。从小时候起我就一直梦想着有一天能踏上中国这片神奇的土地 , 因

此当我有机会到这里和中国公司做生意时 , 我真是兴奋异常。尽管我在中国待的时间不

会很长 , 但我希望我的这次中国之行能为表达对中国人民的良好祝愿和增进我们两国人

民之间的友谊尽一份微薄之力。谢谢 !

( 2) 讣告

李林 , 海天有限公司顾问 ,患肺癌 , 经精心医治无效 , 于 2004 年 9 月 19 日晚上 7 点

10 分在南京逝世 ,享年 65 岁。

李林在公司任会计师 30 多年 ,在此期间他恪尽职守 , 卓有成效。自退休后他担任公

司的顾问 , 为公司服务。他以聪明才智为公司做出了贡献 ,他将永远为我们所怀念。我们

当中凡是了解他的人都真诚地爱慕他和尊敬他。兹定于 9 月 21 日举行向他的遗体告别



仪式 , 9 月 22 日举行追悼会。



第四部分 人事书信

第三单元 其他人事书信

( 1)

朗思顿先生 :


波特兰 , 不得不失去她。芮第女士是位优秀的秘书。她谦虚 ,工作效率高 , 组织能力强 ,人


我郑重向你推荐她 , 您会发现她非常得力。

( 2)

亲爱的李杰先生 :

很高兴您对斯坦福公司感兴趣。我认真地看过了您的个人简历 , 我们的人事部和营


您的条件相当不错 , 但遗憾的是 ,我们目前没有适合您才能的职位。

感谢您向斯坦福公司提出申请 , 我知道您一定能很快找到一个合适的职位。

( 3)

嘉锡亚小姐 :

您最近提出的关于文职人员的求职申请 , 已经得到了人事部门的审查和批准 ,您的条

件看来符合 JP 森德斯特罗姆公司的要求 ,您可以按商量的薪水马上来本公司上班。

在 JP 森德斯特罗姆公司 ,每个职员都是公司重要的一分子 , 所有职员都有晋升的机

会 , 关键是看您的能力大小。因此 ,即使是最低级的职员也要经过本公司的严格筛选。

祝贺您被公司录取。如果您同意接受这一职位 , 请在 2004 年 9 月 17 日周三上午

8 时到人事部报到。

( 4)

亲爱的安德列亚 :

我很高兴地通知您 , 从 5 月 1 日起 ,您被正式提升为营销部主任。自从您到阿尔博实

业集团几年来 , 您一直在营销小组干得非常出色。我们相信 ,您一定有能力领导好我们日



( 5)

亲爱的黄飞先生 :


附录 B 典型书信和补充材料译文

我极不情愿地提出这份辞职申请 , 生效日期是 2004 年 7 月 31 日。

我在威力公司工作的这段时间是愉快的 , 我将想念这里的朋友。但是正如我在上星

期简短的讨论中提到的那样 , 我不能不考虑我得到的新工作机会 ,因为它不仅对我的家庭

经济状况有好处 , 而且对我今后发展的潜力也比较大。


( 6)

亲爱的艾伦先生 :

我很遗憾地通知您 , 从 3 月 8 日星期五开始麦克斯公司将不再雇用您。

按照公司的规定 , 我们已经警告过您三次无故旷工是要被开除的。您未听从我们的

警告 , 在 1 月 13 日、17 日、31 日及 2 月 7 日和 18 日多次无故旷工。

很遗憾 , 麦克斯公司不得不采取这种行动 ,希望您很快找到另外合适的工作。

( 7)

负责同志 :

听说你们正在寻找称职的教师 , 充实教师队伍。我想趁此机会向你们推荐王莉同志。

王莉同志 , 曾在北京外国语学院英语专业学习五年 , 1964 年毕业。


她的教学经验和能力极为称赞 , 她在许多方面给他们留下了良好的印象。王莉同志工作

刻苦 , 认真负责 ,勤勤恳恳 , 精明能干 ,忠实可靠 , 待人态度和蔼 ,富有合作精神。特别值得

一提的是 , 她在讲授基础课方面 ,尤其是语音语调方面 , 积累了丰富的经验。我确信 ,不管

分配她干什么工作 , 她都能令人满意。王莉同志的爱人张华同志 , 是一位研究员 , 现在在

省生物研究所工作 , 该单位离你们学校很近 ,步行几分钟可到。峰峰二中领导为了照顾她

目前的家庭情况 , 准备考虑放她。希望你们抓紧时机 ,早日接洽 , 把她调动你校。


附录 C


第一部分 国际商贸书信写作概述

第一单元 商贸书信的撰写

1 .

( 1) Mr . Smith wrote to Mr . Wang that he had received Mr . Wang’s order .

( 2 ) We have received your order No . 60 dated 22 nd March , for which we

thank you .

( 3) We have ordered the goods and will receive them in two weeks .

( 4) We shall appreciate it if you will send u s your catalogue by return mail .

( 5) We than k you for your letter of 14th April . We shall appreciat e your writing us

soon .

第二部分 外贸书信

第一单元 建立业务关系

1 .

( 1) 利用 ,使用

( 3) 由于⋯⋯得知某人的姓名和地址

( 5) 大规模 ,大量

( 7) 由⋯⋯推荐

( 9) 你方所在地

( 11 ) 供你方参考

( 13 ) 在⋯⋯范围之内

( 15 ) Chamber of Commerce

( 17 ) under separate cover

( 19 ) on the basis of equality and

mutual benefit

(2 ) 熟悉 , 了解

(4 ) 想购买

(6 ) 由于⋯的好意

(8 ) 希望

(10) 推动我方产品的销售

(12) 有意

(14) 畅销品

(16) inte rnational practices

(18) specialize in

(20) inform/ advise sb . of sth .

inform/ advise sb . that

附录 C 部分课后练习答案

2 .

( 1) 作为一家贸易公司 ,我们极愿提供我们的服务。在贸易方面 , 本公司有良好的关

系 , 对这种类型的产品进口业务具有丰富经验。

( 2) 如果贵方能将我们介绍给任何对这行感兴趣的公司 ,我们将不胜感激。

( 3) 洛杉矶的史密斯父子公司告知我们贵方是一家大丝绸出口商。希望贵方能够给

我方寄来各种不同系列产品的详细资料 , 包括尺寸、颜色、价格并寄上样品。

( 4) 由于该商品属于我们的业务范围 ,你方 10 月 1 日寄给我方上海分公司的信件已


( 5) 如蒙提供有关中国水果和干果的更多资料 ,我们不胜感激。

( 6) 我们相信 ,通过你我双方共同的努力 , 我们之间的贸易会朝着互利的方向发展。

3 .

( 1 ) Your firm has been recommended to u s by your Embassy in China as a

prospective buyer of canned food . We wish to inform you that we s pecialize in this line

and hope to enter in to business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual

benefit .

( 2) We lear n from the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan tha t you are in the

market for Agricu ltural Machinery .

( 3 ) We take the oppor tunity to in t roduce ourselves as the leading impor ter

specializing in fer tilizers in our country .

( 4) To give you a general idea of the products we handle , we enclose our latest

catalogue and price lis t .

( 5) Our goods are of good quality and have fine workmanship . They have enjoyed

an excellen t reputation in Europe .

( 6) If you are in terested in marketing these products at your end , please let us

know , and we shall be pleased to send you our quotations and samples books upon

receipt of your specific enquiries .

4 .

Dear Sirs ,

H aving obtained your name and address from Messrs . Ander son & Co .,

Rotterdam , we are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations between

us .

We have been import ers of ar ts and crafts for many years . At present , we are

in terested in variou s kinds of Chinese Ar ts and Crafts and would appreciate your

catalogues and quotations .



If your prices are workable , we t rust impor tant business can materialize .

We are looking forward to receiving your early reply .

Yours faithfully ,

第二单元 资信调查

1 .

( 1) should

( 3) with

( 5) informed

( 7) reference

( 9) confidence

(2 ) in to

(4 ) offering

(6 ) on

(8 ) engagement

(10) into

2 .

( 1) The firm with whom we intend to deal has referred us to you for par ticu la rs

respecting their business standing and t rustwor thiness .

( 2) We should be most grateful if you would furnis h u s with your opinion on the

financial status and reliability of the above company .

( 3) As far as we k now , their financial standing is sound .

( 4) The firm you inquire about is one of the most reliable importe rs in our dist rict

and has for many years enjoyed a good reputation among the t raders .

( 5 ) T he Bank of your city will give you any information you may require concerning

our credit s tanding as well as our manner of doing business .

( 6) Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be t reatd as confidential .

( 7) We advise you to proceed with every possib le caution in dealing with the firm in

question .

( 8) They are a firm of high reputation and have la rge financial reserves .

第三单元 询盘及答复

1 .

( 1) 折扣价

( 3) 小商贩

( 5) 单价

( 7) 一整套样品

( 9) 中号

( 11 ) 大型的、大号的

( 13 ) 范围

(2 ) 保证供应

(4 ) 向某人发出订单

(6 ) 剪样

(8 ) wholesale price

(10) the expor t t rade

(12) enclosed please find . . .

(14) catalogue


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

( 15 ) 进口限额

( 17 ) 入超

( 19 ) 询问 ( 商品、地点等 )

( 21 ) 向某人询问某事 ( 的一般情况 )

( 23 ) 另寄

(16) sample for refe rence

(18) meet the demand

(20) accept an order

(22) decline an order

(24) 客户

2 .

( 1) 如果你方有兴趣 ,请电告我方 , 说明所需数量。

( 2) 一接到你方的询盘 ,我们会立即寄上样品 , 并报最优惠的价格。

( 3) 我们的产品美观大方 ,使用简便。

( 4) 请把目录和报价单一起给我们。

( 5) 我们另寄你所询问的货物照片。

( 6) 我们很遗憾地告知你 ,你方询问的商品已不在生产了。

3 .

( 1) We are enclosing here with an inquiry sheet .

( 2) We are in terested in obtaining the cat alogue and price list of your embroidered

linen products .

( 3 ) If your fir st order turns out to our satisfaction , large repeat order s will follow .

( 4) As soon as we receive your specific inquiry , we will cable our quot ation .

( 5) These samples are for you to choose from .

( 6) We don’t have much hope that we’ll be able to supply it in the near fu ture .

4 .

Dear Sirs ,

Our company is one of the largest textile impor te rs in New York . We sincerely

hope to estab lish business relation s with your company so as to promote trade between

our two count ries .

We are enclosing an inquiry note No .123 and please quote u s , at an early date , your

best price CI F . . ., stating the ear liest date of shipment and the discount you will allow .

Your early reply will be appreciated .

Yours faithfully ,

第四单元 发盘和还盘

1 .

( 1) 基于

( 3) 折扣 ,贴水 , 低于正常价格 ; (货物 )

(2 ) commission

(4 ) confirm an offer



没有销路 ;不受欢迎

( 5) 付款条件

( 7) 承认 ;收到的通知 ; 感谢

( 9) 发盘有效期

( 11 ) 让步

( 13 ) 对⋯⋯破例 , 把⋯⋯作为例外

( 15 ) 开立信用证

( 17 ) 能够

( 19 ) 继续工作

( 21 ) 还盘

( 23 ) 价格偏高

(6 ) withdraw an offer

(8 ) subject to

(10) quote sb . for sth .

(12) conclude the transaction

(14) without exception

(16) count-offer

(18) as follows

(20) on account of

(22) at your end

2 .

( 1) 如果你方有兴趣 ,请电告我方 , 说明所需数量。

( 2) 如果你方认为该盘可接受 ,请电告我方以便确认。

( 3) 鉴于你我双方长期的业务关系 ,我们可以考虑减价。

( 4) 我方接受 75 型每码 1 .80 美元 ,但 76 型请务必降低报价至每码 1 .90 美元。

( 5) 很遗憾 ,即使各让一半 , 我们仍难接受你方还盘。

( 6) 很遗憾 ,由于你方价格与市场行情不符 , 我方很难接受。

3 .

( 1) Please reply as soon as possible stating the ear liest time of shipment and terms

of payment .

( 2) We offer you , subject to your rep ly reaching here within one week , for 50 M/

T . Soybean s as follows :

( 3) Should you be prepared to reduce the price by , say , 8 % , we would place t rial

order with you .

( 4) We have decided to make a fur ther concession of 2 % in the hope that this will

help you pu sh the sales of our products .

( 5) If you can raise your order to 1000 , we can offer you a price of CIF London £30

per each .

( 6) Because we consider that the price we offered you is the lowest price we are not

in a position to meet your special requirement .

4 .

Dear Sirs ,

We have received your enquiry sheet of 1st June . On the basis of 10 000 pairs


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

annual requirement we offer you as follows :

Price: 20 cents CIF Dalian per pair

Payment : by sight L/ C

Delivery : 90 days after receip t of your order .

Please give us your directions if you have any problem s .

Yours faithfully ,

第五单元 推销

1 .

( 1) 畅销

( 3) 很受欢迎

( 5) 做某事对某人有利

( 7) 比⋯⋯更好

( 9) 对某人可接受

(2 ) 没货

(4 ) give/ allow sb . a discount

(6 ) advise s b . to work fast

(8 ) supply from stock

(10) be famous/ well k nown for

2 .

( 1) 公正地比较我方产品和其他供应商产品的质量 , 会使你方确信我们的报价是适


( 2) 我们想知道是否有我们应该承担责任的特殊原因 :如货物未能迅速装船、质量未


( 3) 经过简单比较后 ,毫无疑问你方会有兴趣向我方试订购。

( 4) 由于国内市场的成功 ,我们认为它在国外市场亦具有销售潜力。我们想知道您


( 5) 此种货物的价格突涨。你方若放弃此次机会 ,即使以更高价格 , 亦难购得。

( 6) 我们相信你方愿意把握此次低价机会 ,在圣诞节销售期之前及时补充您的库存。


3 .

( 1) Orders are pouring in and stock s are fast ru nning low . We fear you will miss

the chance by sitting on the fence .

( 2) Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price , our product has met with a

warm reception and sold fast in most European countries . We deem it to your advantage

to buy this ar ticle for sale in your market .

( 3) Since the ar ticle you require is not available for supply at present , we should

like to recommend the under-mentioned products which can be s upplied from stock for

prompt shipment .

( 4) Owing to the large number of orders we are receiving , we would advise you to



work fast and place order with u s as soon as possible .

( 5) As we have not heard from you for some time , we are writing to keep you up to

date on development here .

( 6 ) We are enclosing our la test catalogue and price lis t for your information . If you

are in terested in our range of products and services either now or in the fu ture , please do

not hesitate to let us k now .

4 .

Dear Sirs ,

Great in terest was aroused at the recent N anjing In ternational T rade Fair by the

new TV demonst rat ed on our stand .

In case you have still not the opportunity of testing this s plendid new product , we

can send you a sufficien t supply of our new product to enable you to test on its quality .

For owner s of old type TV , our TV is a mu st for all who prefer to enjoy a perfect home

life .

With this lette r we enclose full det ails of our export prices and terms of payment .

Our illust rated catalogues and sales lit erature are being sent under separate cover . We

are pleased to inform you that we can supply any quantity straigh t from stock and

delivery is guaranteed within a month .

We look forward to your reply .

Yours faithfully ,

第六单元 订单及其执行

1 .

( 1) 感谢你方对陈醋的报价 ,但很遗憾因为你方的价格对此地市场来说太高了 , 我们


( 2) 我们期望你方的合作 ,以保证严格按相关条款执行订单。

( 3) 很遗憾 ,我们不能按你方所要求的价格接受订单 , 因为我方利润已不容许我们再


( 4) 因为我方急需此货 ,我们认为有必要强调一下 , 在信用证有效期内准时装运的重


( 5) 我们随函附上一份试订单。如果质量能符合我们的期望 , 将来我们会寄上更多


( 6) 我们想订购你方报盘中的商品 ,并将向政府申请进口这些商品。

2 .

( 1) W hile thanking you for your quotation for But terfly Sewing Machine , we are


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

sorry to inform you that owing to the heavy commitments of our manufacturer , we are

not in a position to enter tain fresh orders for the moment .

( 2 ) If inferior goods are received , we will be unable to p lace further orders

with you .

( 3 ) T his order is quite large and we would request you to make a quantity discount .

( 4) As wages and prices of materials have risen con siderably , we regret we are not

in a position to book the order at the prices we quoted a month ago .

( 5) Your order is receiving our immediate attention and we will keep you informed

of the progress .

( 6) In order to finalize th is first transaction between u s , if your minimum quantity

of order calls for 1000 pair s , we are prepared to reduce the price by 2% .

3 .

Dear Sirs ,

We are pleased to receiving your order of October 8 for our green tea and welcome

you as one of our customers .

We confirm supply of the green tea at the prices stated in your order and are

arranging for dispatch next week on S .S .“Queen”. When the goods reach you , we feel

confident that you will be complet ely satisfied with them .

For the above order , we enclose our Sales Confirmation No .138 in duplicate . Please

sign and return one copy for our file as soon as possible .

As you may not be aware of the wide range of the goods we deal in , we are also

enclosing a copy of our catalogue and hope that the initial order will lead to further

business bet ween us .

Yours faithfully ,

第七单元 付款方式

1 .

( 1) 根据信用证并符合证中条款开立的汇票 , 一经提示并提交规定的单据 , 即予以


( 2) 我们已收到上个季度我方账户的结算书 , 经查无误。现已指示我方银行汇 6000

美元至纽约商业银行 , 记入你方账户的贷方。

( 3) 为了节省开立信用证的大量费用 ,我们将在我方购买的货物备妥待运、舱位已订

妥时 , 电汇全部金额。

( 4) 由于开立信用证需要花费时间 ,并且这份订单下的货物急需用于供应季节销售 ,

我方能否建议贵方通过你们的银行向我方开出即期汇票 , 我们一经提示 ,立即付款。



( 5) 由于你方延误开立信用证 ,我们无法按原定的价格和其他条款装运货物 , 因此由


( 6) 请你方注意 ,尽管我方再三要求 , 针对第 546 号订单的相关信用证仍没有到达


2 .

( 1) For this t ransaction , we are prepared , as an exception , to accept payment by

D/ P a t sight but for the future t ransactions , we would as k for more favorable payment

terms , i .e ., L/ C .

( 2) In order to pave the way for your pushing the sales of our products in your

market , we agree to payment for this t ransaction under D/ A terms as a special

accommodation .

( 3) P rovided you fulfill the terms of the credit , we will accept and pay at maturity

the draft presen ted to us under th is credit and , if required , provide discounting facilities

at curren t rates .

( 4) As the goods ordered are ready for shipment , please expedit e your L/ C . We

will effect shipment on receip t of the L/ C .

( 5) We have drawn on you a draft at 30 D/ S for US $30 000 under No .5265

irrevocable lette r of credit issued by The Royal Bank of Canada , Montreal .

( 6 ) As direct steamers to your por t a re few and far between , please allow

transshipment when opening the L/ C .

3 .


市场街 525 号 , 25 楼

旧金山 , 加利福尼亚 ,美国

致 : 印度尼西亚出口银行

雅加达 , 印度尼西亚

我们在此开立第 5618784 号不可撤销跟单信用证

开立时间 : 2003 年 5 月 15 日

到期时间 : 2003 年 7 月 7 日

到期地点 : 印度尼西亚

开证申请人 : 受益人 :

美国咖啡进口商 ABC 咖啡出口商

旧金山 , 加利福尼亚 ,美国 雅加达 ,印度尼西亚

金额 : 65 000 美元 (六万五千美元整 )


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

本证可在任何银行议付 , 凭受益人按 100%发票金额向贸易银行开出的即期汇票

分批装运 : 不允许

转运 : 允许

运输从印度尼西亚至旧金山 , 加利福尼亚 ,美国 , 不迟于 2003 年 6 月 16 日

货物 : 15 公吨 60 公斤袋装的苏门答腊咖啡 , 一级咖啡 , 按照买方第 5638 号购货订

单 , 装于一个海运集装箱中

CI F 旧金山 , 加利福尼亚 ,美国

所需单据 :

( 1) 已签字的商业发票正本和四份副本

( 2) 可转让的保险单或凭证 , 至少按发票价值 110%投保一切险 , 标明如有任何损失 ,


( 3) 全套清洁已装船海运提单 ,凭托运人指示 , 空白背书 ,标明运费预付 , 并通知位于

旧金山中央街 123 号的 John Smith 公司


本信用证的开立以《跟单信用证统一惯例》( 1993 年修订本 ) 国际商会第 500 号出版


交单期限 : 必须在装运日后 21 天内及信用证有效期内在到期地点交单 ( 议付 )


4 .

( 1)

Dear Sirs ,

Re : Our Sales Confirmation No .7305

With reference to the 4000 dozen shir ts under our Sales Confirmation No .7305 , we

would draw your at ten tion to the fact tha t the dat e of delivery is approaching , but we

still have not received your covering letter of credit . Please try your best to estab lish the

L/ C , so that we may execute your order smooth ly .

In order to avoid su bsequent amendments , please see to it that the L/ C stipu lations

are in exact accordance with the t erms of the contract .

We hope to receive your favorable news .

Yours sincerely ,

( 2)

Dear Sirs ,

We write to inform you that we have now opened an irrevocable let ter of credit in

your favor for £90 000 with the ABC Bank , London , valid until 30 th November .



T he let ter of credit au thorizes you to dra w draf t at 60 days on the bank in London

for the amount of your invoice af ter shipment is made . Before accepting the draft , the

bank will require you to produce the following documents : Bill of Lading in t riplicate ,

Commercial Invoice , Packing List , Cer tificate of Insurance and Cer tificate of Origin . We

will expect your con signment about the middle of November .

Yours sincerely ,

第八单元 信用证的修改与延期

1 .

( 1) 请从信用证中删去此条款 :“所有银行佣金和费用由受益人负担”。这些费用应


( 2) 令我们遗憾的是 ,尽管我们一再要求 , 你方并未就下列各点对信用证做出适当的


( 3) 尽管合同中明确规定必须在数量和金额前加上“大约”的字样 , 但信用证中都没


( 4) 我们已收到你方第 2853 号信用证 , 要求出运 10 000 码货号为 536 的印花棉布。

根据第 1758 号合同 ,数量应是 10 000 码 , 5 %溢短装。因此有必要要求你方根据合同修


( 5) 关于由瑞士联合银行开立的第 7412 号信用证 , 我们必须指出数量单位与合同不

符。因此 , 请你方作如下修改 :吨前删去“长”字 , 加入“公”字。

( 6) 今天我们已电告你方 ,要求你方将第 6153 号订单项下 300 箱冻鸡的的信用证有


2 .

( 1) Among the clauses specified in your L/ C No . 6532 , we find that the following

two points do not conform to the cont ract stipulation s : . . .As the goods are now ready

for shipment , you are requested to amend the L/ C by cable as soon as possible .

( 2) Owing to unforeseen difficulties encountered by our manufacturers , we find it

impossible to effect shipment before the end of September and would appreciate your

extending the shipment date and validity of your L/ C to October 31 and November 15

respectively .

( 3) T he shipment covered by your L/ C No .2547 has been ready for quite some

time , but the amendment advice has not yet arrived , and now an extension of 15 days is

required .

( 4) Please amend L/ C No .564 to read“ T his L/ C will expire on 29 th February ,

2004 in China”.


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

( 5) Your L/ C No .2650 under S/ C No .587 has been received but we have found

that the time of shipment is not in conformity with that stipulat ed in the S/ C . T he S/ C

stipulates for s hipment in April/ May while your L/ C calls for shipment in April .

Although we will t ry our best to ship the goods in April , the L/ C should be amended

according to the S/ C .

( 6) Since we are in financial difficulty , we cannot effect payment on time . Please

extend the date of payment for another 60 days .

3 .

( 1)

Dear Sirs ,

We have today received L/ C No .2398 covering Order No .6125 . After checking , we

have found some discrepancies . Please make the following amendments without the least

delay :

① Increase the amount of your L/ C by $520 .

② Allow par tial s hipment and t ranssh ipment and delete the clause“ by direct


③ Amend the quantity to read : 15 000 M/ T ( 5% more or less at Seller’s option) .

Please see to it that your amendments reach u s by 30 th October ; otherwise

sh ipment will be further postponed .

Yours sincerely ,

( 2)

Dear Sirs ,

We thank you for your Let ter of Credit No .BC630 is sued through the Commercial

Bank covering 6000 pieces of computers .

In accordance with the stipulations of the L/ C , shipment should be effected not

later than August 19 , and transshipment is not allowed . H owever , owing to the

worker s’ st rike here , there will be no direct steamer to your por t un til the end of

September . Therefore , we have to request you to ext end the da te of sh ipment and the

validity of the L/ C to September 30 and October 15 respectively .

Since th is is an urgent mat ter , please confirm the amendment by telex . Your

compliance with our request will be highly apprecia ted .

Yours sincerely ,



4 .

Dear Sirs ,

While we thank you for your L/ C No .112235 , we regret to say that w e have found

some discrepancies . You are therefore requested to make the following amendments :

( 1) The amount both in figures and in words should res pectively read“GBP 1455

( Say Pounds Sterling Fourteen Thousand Five H undred and Fif ty only)”

( 2 ) “ From Copenhagen to China por t ” should read “ from China port to


( 3 ) T he Bill of Lading should be marked“ F reight Prepaid” instead“ F reight


( 4) Delete the clause“Par tial shipment and t ran sshipment are prohibited”

( 5)“ T his L/ C is valid at our count ry”should be amended to read“ This L/ C is

valid at your country”

Please confirm the amendments as soon as possible .

Yours faithfully ,

第九单元 装运

1 .

( 1) 很抱歉不能满足你方 10 月初装船的要求 , 因为直轮在每月 20 日左右驶往你港。

( 2) 由于工厂遇到了不可预见的困难 , 我们抱歉无法在你方信用证规定的时间期限

内装运货物 , 但工厂已保证在一个月内将货物备妥待运。

( 3) 按规定应在 10 月装运 , 但是如蒙你方设法提前至 9 月装运以使我方赶上销售旺

季 , 我方将不胜感激。

( 4) 我们希望告知你方 ,虽然我们对上述订单的货物可供现货 , 但船公司告知我方 ,

因为开往你处的直轮 , 不论是班轮还是不定期船都很稀少 , 因此 11 月底以前的舱位都已


( 5) 现要求你方通过“加利福尼亚”号轮出运这笔订单下的货物 , 而不是先前通知的


( 6) 由于交货期延误已久 ,给我们带来诸多不便。我们必须坚持你方立即交货 , 否则


2 .

( 1) If you can guaran tee punctual delivery , we shall place la rge orders with you .

( 2) Owing to your delay in opening the relative L/ C , s hipment can not be made in

time as cont ract ed and s hould be postponed to October .

( 3) We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered are ready for delivery .


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

Please let us have your in structions for packing and shipment .

( 4) As our users are in urgent need of the consignment , please get the goods

dispa tched within the stipu lated time .

( 5) As stipulated in the cont ract , the above goods s hould have been shipped in

th ree equal lots in September , October and November respectively . But so far the first

lo t has not been shipped . Our clien ts a re in urgent need of the good s , please dispatch

the goods without fur ther delay .

( 6) We are pleased to advise you that the consignment under your order No .5283

has now been dis patched per S .S . Manhattan scheduled to leave here on the 15 th

October and due to arrive a t your por t on 30th November .

3 .

Dear Sirs ,

Re: Your Sales Confirmation No .100 covering 500 Cases Toys

We thank you for your let ter dat ed 21st August in connection with the captioned

goods . In rep ly , we take pleasure in advising you that the confirmed , irrevocable L/ C

No .654 for the sum of $5500 has been opened this morning through the Bank of

America , New York .

Upon receip t of the same , please effect shipment of the goods booked by us as soon

as possible . We are informed by the local shipping company tha t S .S .“Apollo”is due to

sail from your city to our por t on or about the 12 th September and , if possible , please

try your best to ship by that steamer .

Should this t rial order prove satisfactory to our cu stomers , we can assure you that

repeat order s in increased quantity will be placed .

Your close coopera tion in this respect will be highly appreciated . In the meantime

we await your shipping advice by cable .

Yours faithfully ,

第十单元 保险

1 .

( 1) F .P .A . ( Free from Par ticular

Average )

( 3) A .R . ( All Risk s)

( 5) Additional Risk

( 7) Hook Damage

(2 ) W .P .A . or W . A . ( With

Par ticular Average)

(4 ) W .R . ( War Ris ks )

(6 ) Shor tage

(8 ) R ust



( 9) Leakage

( 11 ) Premium Rate

( 13 ) the Insured

( 15 ) G .A . (General Average )

( 17 ) 偷窃、提货不着险

( 19 ) 检验报告

( 21 ) 中国保险条款

(10) Fresh Water and/ or Rain Damage

(12) Insurance Certificate

(14) Insurer or U nderwriter

(16) W/ W Clause

(18) 罢工、暴动、民变险

(20) 海事报告

(22) 协会货物条款

2 .

( 1) 在 CIF 基础上成交的贸易 ,我们通常依照 1981 年 1 月 1 日的中国保险条款按发

票的 110%向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。

( 2) 请务必注意货物应在 5 月 15 日前装运并且按发票金额的 150%投保一切险。我

们知道根据你方的惯例 , 你们仅按发票金额加成 10 %投保 , 因此 , 额外保险费将由我方


( 3) 我方客户要求你方报 CIF 纽约价 , 因为他们认为由你方保险较为简单。但他们


( 4) 我们将按 CIF 价加成 10%投保。如需投保附加险 , 将由买方承担额外保险费。

( 5) 我们注意到你方要求投保渗漏险。然而 , 我们 CI F 价货物仅投保水渍险。如果

你们愿投保渗漏险 , 必须承担额外保险费。

( 6) 我们愿指出所有我方按 CIF 价出售的出口产品由中国人民保险公司承保。他们

总是迅速而公正地理赔。如果所保货物发现遭受损失 , 你方应立即向保单上列明的检验

行申请检验 , 以避免日后的麻烦。

3 .

( 1) We regret being unable to comply with your buyers’request to cover the goods

again st All Risk s and War Risk for 150% of the invoice value because our contract

stipulates tha t in surance is to be effect ed for 110% only .

( 2) Since we quoted on CFR basis , please have our goods ins ured at your end . We

will immediately inform you of the s hipment aft er the goods are loaded .

( 3) For goods sold on CIF basis , ins urance is us ually to be effected by us against

All Risk s and War Risk based on warehouse to warehouse clau se for the invoice value

plu s 10% .

( 4) Buyer’s request for ins urance to be covered up to the in land city can be

accepted on condition that s uch extra premium is for buyer’s account .

( 5) We cover insurance WP A and War Risk in the absence of definite in st ructions

from our clients . If you desire to cover All Risk s , we can provide such coverage at a


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

slightly higher premium .

( 6 ) If any damage to the goods occurs , a claim may be filed with the insurance

agent at your end , who will undertake to compensate for the loss s ustained .

4 .

敬启者 :

谢谢你方 12 月 6 日来函以及由新加坡银行开立的通过香港中国银行通知的总值计

人民币 250 000 元的第 TK309 号信用证。

在审查该证条款时 , 我们发现除了平安险和战争险外 ,你方还要求我们投保偷窃提货

不着险和罢工暴动民变险。而这两种险 , 在谈判时双方并未同意。

在一般情况下 , 像扁软钢这样的货物在运输途中或到达目的港后短量或被窃是不太

可能的。因此 , 我们的做法是对这种货物投保平安险。既然你方希望对该批货物投保偷

窃提货不着险 , 我们可以代办 ,保险费要由你方负担。

至于罢工暴动民变险 ,现奉告 , 中国人民保险公司从现在起接受承保这种特殊险 , 并


希望你方到银行办理修改信用证 , 增加信用证金额以支付上述额外保险费用 ,并通知


我们保证 , 你方信用证修改书一到 ,我们一定立即安排必要的装运事宜。


第十一单元 代理

1 .

( 1) 派某人任⋯⋯

( 3) 充当

( 5) 草拟

( 7) 独家代理人

( 9) 年营业额

( 11 ) 鉴于

( 13 ) 关于

( 15 ) 致力于

( 17 ) 给某人以帮助

( 19 ) 相反的

( 21 ) 检查 , 审查

( 23 ) 把某事委托某人

( 2) 尽力

( 4) 互利

( 6) 与⋯⋯建立联系

( 8) 初识阶段

( 10 ) 满期 , 届期 ;截止 , 告终

( 12 ) 某事证明 ( 说明 )某事物是合理的 ( 正确的 )

( 14 ) agency agreement

( 16 ) deal with

( 18 ) renewable

( 20 ) initial stage

( 22 ) draft

( 24 ) ent rust sb . with sth .

2 .

( 1) 我们已经是其他几家厂商的代理 ,相信你方也会允许我们为你方效力。

( 2) 我们正在亚洲寻找这一领域经验丰富 , 至少有 10 名工程师以提供售后服务的




( 3) 由于我们尚未达成一笔交易 ,故不得不谢绝你方作为我方代理的要求。

( 4) 在 2 年期限届满后 ,此协议可随时取消而不予事先通知。

( 5) 甲方在收妥每笔货款后 ,按实际出运货物的发票金额汇付乙方 10%的佣金。

( 6) 在本协议有效期内 ,你方不得把上述商品在上述地区销售给我方以外的任何其


3 .

( 1) We would like to act as your agent for ruling expor table good s as we own a

wide domestic mar ket .

( 2) Thank you for your offering us the selling agency in Japan for your products .

( 3) The question of agency is still under con sideration .

( 4) We suggest the agency agreement should be initially made for a t rial period of

one year .

( 5) In case we come to an agency agreement , it would be necessary for you to

commit your self to place orders for a cer tain quantity every month .

( 6 ) We shall guarantee not to undert ake the agency of , or to handle the sale of , the

same kind of goods for any other count ries .

4 .

Dear Sirs ,

We specialize in the trade of various ligh t industrial . At present we represent some

of the bette r known firms here and in other countries . We have much experience and

extensive sales organization in this line .

We are very much in terested in your products and would like to offe r our services as

your sole agent .

We await your early reply .

Yours faithfully ,

第十二单元 抱怨、索赔和仲裁

1 .

( 1) 向某人索赔

( 3) 向某人提出索赔

( 5) 同意索赔

( 7) 理赔

( 9) 由于

(2 ) 正当理由

(4 ) 作为最后依据

(6 ) 坦率 , 直截了当

(8 ) 期限

(10) 使某人相信某事


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

( 11 ) 粗暴装卸

( 13 ) 赔偿某人的损失

( 15 ) 向某人对某事负责

( 17 ) 和解

( 19 ) 假如 , 以防 (万一 ) ,免得

( 21 ) 按照 , 根据

( 23 ) 向某人提出申诉

(12) poin t out

(14) att ribu te to

(16) hold sb . responsib le for sth .

(18) bear the loss

(20) arbit ration

(22) survey report

2 .

( 1) 我们很抱歉收到你方的抱怨 ,你们收到的货物没有期望的质量。

( 2) 由于你方未能及时交货 ,我们只有取消订单。

( 3) 我方就“大庆”轮运来的 50 吨花生短运提出索赔 2050 美元。

( 4) 由于你方抱怨与我方的检验不符 , 请你方再次检验以证实你方赔偿的要求是有


( 5) 你方所提供的证明是不充分的 ,因此我方不能考虑你方的索赔要求。

3 .

( 1) Five cases of the shipment were badly damaged when delivered on 8th .

( 2) The buyers have filed a claim on the shipment for RMB 1200 .

( 3) We regret to inform you that Case No . 3 and Case No . 6 broke , the goods

within the cases were badly damaged owing to improper packing .

( 4) We regret being unable to accept your claim because the cases were in perfect

condition when the goods were loaded on board the ship .

( 5) Your claim should be supported by s ufficien t evidence .

( 6) We should not be held respon sible for any delay in shipment or nondelivery of

the goods due to force majeure .

4 .

Dear Sirs ,

Your shipment of tab le cloth s arrived today at H amburg .

Unfortunately , we have found t wo car tons of cloths are completely wet . Because of

th is , the it ems were damaged and cannot be sold . We are returning these two cartons

today , and have no choice be to request immediate rep lacement of the damaged goods .

Yours faithfully ,

第十三单元 补偿贸易和加工贸易

1 .

( 1) We must empha tically poin t out that the equipment and technologies provided



by you should be up to standard , suit able for our production and reasonable in price .

( 2 ) The specific quantities , specifications , prices , term s of payment , time of

sh ipment , etc . shall be stipu lat ed in detail in separate sales cont racts , which shall be

decided a t the beginning of each quar ter during the term of this agreement .

( 3) The technologies and equipment purchased by way of compen sation t rade shall

be advanced and suitable for use . T hey must help improve China’s existing enterprises ,

raise productivity and increase t ech nical competence . T he products used for

compen sation in principle shall be the products directly produced with the impor ted

equipment and technologies . If necessary , however , upon mutual consent , other

products can also be used for repayment .

( 4) We will accept your request for a down payment of 10% of the total value of

your equipment with the balance of 90 % to be paid in 5 years on deferred t erms .

( 5) We regret to learn from your let ter of November 3 that you want to cancel the

contract for the supply of equipment under the compensation t rade agreement for the

reason that a part of the equipment has to be purchased from a third par ty who has

recalled his promise to s upply the same . We may agree to it but you have to make

compen sation for our losses .

( 6 ) We regret to inform you that you have not yet shipped the equipment purchased

from you under the Compensation T rade Cont ract No .××× although is should have

been shipped one month ago . We are quite concerned about the mat ter and should like to

be informed of the present position .

( 7) As the compensation t rade agreement s hall officially take effect only after it is

approved by the competen t authorities , we suggest tha t this clau se be incorporat ed in

the proposed agreement .

( 8) As to the compensation trade under negotiation , our opinion is that a general

agreement may first be signed which shall come into force from the date of signing up to

the time when the cost of the equipment has been fu lly reimbursed . U nder this general

agreement t wo contracts may be signed , one for the supply of equipment and the other

for the countersale of our products .

2 .

With reference to your lette r of . . ., enquiring about our principle of doing

compen sation t rade , we would like to reply as follows :

We require that the equipment and technology to be provided by our trade par tner

should be up to advanced world standards , reasonable in price , and suitable for our


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

condition of production . They s hould also be able to bring about a quick raise in the

production and quality of our export products , thereby st rengthening their competition

in the world market . The equipment and know-how will be paid in installments with our

products according to the schedule and arrangement to be fixed through negotiation .

第十四单元 国际经济技术合作

1 .

( 1) reached an ( 2) way

( 3) assured ( 4) made

( 5) improve ( 6) just

2 .

( 1) Your s uggestion tha t the investment be made on 50% -50% basis is acceptable

to us . But as the total value of the main machinery and equipment you will cont ribu te as

your investment is less than 35% of the to tal capital , it would therefore be necessary for

you to provide cash to make up your share of 50 % of the total capital .

( 2) You propose that the products of the join t venture be marketed entirely in the

domestic market . We must st ress that they should be marketed entirely outside China

and exclusively by your side , with no por tion of the products to be sold in our market .

( 3) In case of any diffe rences of opinion between the parties in connection with the

operation of the venture , they shall be , according to the ar ticles of association of the

venture , set tled through consultation by the board of directors , failing which , a

reasonable settlement can be reached through arbit ration .

( 4 ) We are pleased to inform you that we have duly received the draft agreement of

the join t venture , enclosed in your letter of ×× . This document well represents the

unanimity of views achieved through negotiations bet ween our t wo par ties during the

past several months .

( 5) We wish to express our deep appreciation of your friendly at titude and far-

sigh ted viewpoin ts shown in the negotiations between us in the mat ter of the joint

venture . I t is our belief tha t through our join t effor ts , we shall be able to achieve great

success in our venture .

第三部分 国际商务社交书信

第一单元 对外商务书面沟通

1 .

( 1) 真诚地希望您出席宴会。



( 2) 我很高兴向您通告 ,我公司杨先生即将去你地区任我公司代表。

( 3) 借此机会让我们对史密斯先生表示热烈的欢迎。

( 4) 谢谢您邀请我们参加您的周年纪念晚会 ,但我们实在无法参加。

( 5) 烦请早日确认此次预订。

( 6) 经 2004 年 3 月 1 日会议决定 , 任命陈莉小姐为公关部经理 ,特此公告。


( 1) We would be deligh ted if you would accept our invitation .

( 2) I t is a great pleasure having you all visit our company .

( 3) We will make an all-out effor t to make your visit comfor tab le .

( 4) I am sorry that I shall no t be able to join you because I am badly sick .

( 5) I should like a room facing the sea , if possible .

( 6) I t is hereby announced that upon the decision of the board of director s Miss

Sophia is appoin ted secretary of the management .

第二单元 对内商务书面沟通

1 .

( 1) A time recorder is now being installed at the office entrance . Your in and out

times required to be marked on your record card from 1st Ju ly 2004 . Please note that

your accurate at tendance will be one of the impor tan t factors justifying your performance

in the office . If you forget to mark your record card , please as k your depar tment

manager to countersign it .

( 2 ) I am awfully sorry that I can not at tend the meeting to be held this F riday . I’ve

got a bad cold and the doctor said I mu st stay in bed for a couple of days . So I am

writing to ask for a leave of three days . I hope that my request will be given due

consideration .

Enc . Doctor’s Cer tificate .

( 3) Some of my best business ideas come to me when I’m not at work . That’s why

vacation s , while always tough to schedule into the workload , are so importan t .

I’d like to plan to be out of the office from September 5 to September 10 . This

would use five days of vacation time . As you know , I will leave all my curren t projects

up to date and make Jack aware of their status .

Please let me know as soon as you can if this would be all righ t , so I can finalize the

necessary travel arrangements .

T hank you .


附录 C 部分课后练习答案

第三单元 其他商务社交信函

1 .

( 1) 我特别感谢您根据项目收集了很多数据 ,您的努力使我们的工作轻松很多。

( 2) 非常感谢你到医院来探望我 ,使我忘记了孤独和痛苦。

( 3) 寄上简函一封 ,祝你新年快乐。愿新的一年为你带来幸福、友爱和平安。

( 4) 我公司的全体员工得悉你不幸遭遇车祸 ,十分难过。我们都祝愿你早日康复。

( 5) 得悉你在报纸上宣布辞去贵公司总裁之职 , 甚为遗憾。我感到有必要立即写信

给您 , 表示我由衷的遗憾。

( 6) 我们将永远记住他的成就。

( 7) 我希望不会为此给你造成不便。

( 8) 对于他的恶劣行为 ,请接受我深深的歉意。

( 9) 实在抱歉 ,是我误解了你。


( 1 ) Thank you so much for your generous hos pitality when I was visiting last

week .

( 2) Congratulations on the establish ment of your new Branch Office in Beijing .

( 3) Congratulations for the opening of the restauran t !

( 4) We all applaud you for a job well done . Keep up the good work .

( 5) Please let u s k now if there is some way that we can be of assistance to you

during your recovery .

( 6) I was sorry to hear of your unemployment .

( 7) I was very sorry to learn of your father’s death .

( 8) I shall miss his cou nsel forever .

( 9) I am sorry for not answering promptly .


参 考 文 献

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2 . 约翰·伍兹 .商务信函 .上海 : 上海人民出版社 , 2002

3 . 许小平 .国际商务英语写作 .武汉 : 华中理工大学出版社 , 2000

4 . 戚云芳 .外贸英语 .杭州 : 浙江大学出版社 , 2003

5 . 凌华倍 ,朱佩芬 .外经贸英语函电与谈判 .北京 : 中国对外经济贸易出版社 , 2002

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