節目指南 - 鮮浪潮

Programme Guide 6–21.4.2018

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Programme Guide


主辦 Organised by

戲院夥伴 Cinema Partners

夥伴機 構In Partnership with

專題論壇合辦機構 Co-organiser of Roundtable Discussion

支持機構 Supporting Organisations

活動夥伴 Event Partner

資助 Supported by

贊助 Sponsored by

票務夥伴 Ticketing Partner

場地夥伴 Venue Partners

指定酒店 Appointed Hotel
















About Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival

Message from Chairman


Opening Film

Opening Short Films

Screening Programmes

Love Is A Lonely Song

Ties Unbound

Lost And Found

The Egg And The Wall

I Had A Dream

Killing Me Softly


Rites Of Passage

The Making Of Heroes

Something’s Not Right

Post-Credit Cookies

Jury Panel of Local Competition

Schedule: Screenings & Activities

Ticketing Information

Extended Activities

Participating International Film Organisations



關於鮮浪潮國際短片節About Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival

由鮮浪潮電影節有限公司(下稱「鮮浪潮」)主辦,「鮮浪潮國際短片節」於每年 3 月至 4 月期間舉行。鮮浪潮一直致力推動本地電影及短片創作,發掘及培養具潛質的年輕電影創作人才,為他們提供培訓、創作資助及展示作品的平台,提升實際技能及作品質素。鮮浪潮由發起人兼主席杜琪峯先生帶領,積極開發更多資源及渠道,協助電影工作者尋找發展機遇,為業界注入更多新動力。此外,鮮浪潮亦持續朝電影賞析、教育及文化交流方面發展,如透過舉辦電影大師回顧展、進行校內放映和講座等,締造優良的電影創作與討論氛圍。

「第十二屆鮮浪潮國際短片節」(下稱「短片節」) 主要由「本地競賽」及「精選國際短片放映」兩部分組成︰

本地競賽凡 18 至 35 歲、有志投身電影創作的年輕人均可報名申請,經專業評審甄選,獲選者可獲港幣十萬元拍攝資助,製作一部 10 至 30 分鐘的短片。參賽短片於短片節期間公開放映,並競逐「最佳攝影」、「最佳編劇」、「最佳導演」及「鮮浪潮大獎」。

精選國際短片放映短片節致力與國際電影組織合作,將優秀的國際短片搬上大銀幕,務求加強本港與海外電影之文化交流,擴闊本地年輕電影創作人與觀眾的國際視野。今年的合作單位包括︰國際影視院校聯會、英國電影電視藝術學院、Munk Studio (波蘭電影工作者協會)及斯德哥爾摩國際電影節。

「第十二屆鮮浪潮國際短片節」於 2018 年 4月 6 日至 21 日舉行,假油麻地百老匯電影中心、MOViE MOViE Cityplaza 及 MY CINEMA YOHO MALL,連同開幕電影放映共 46 部本地及國際影片。節目豐富,主題涵蓋現實生活、社會議題、愛情遊戲與少年迷惘等。每場放映均設映後談,由本地競賽導演現身說法,分享創作點滴。閉幕及頒獎典禮於 4 月 21 日舉行,屆時將揭曉「本地競賽」部分的得獎名單。

Organised by Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited (Fresh Wave), the annual Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival takes place in March and April, with the aim to promote and encourage local short film production, and to discover and nurture young talents by providing funding support and a platform for showcasing their work, while enhancing their technical skills and quality through training. Led by founder and chairman Mr Johnnie TO, Fresh Wave proactively develops resources and channels to assist emerging filmmakers, striving towards a more dynamic local film industry. At the same time, Fresh Wave continues to explore into the areas of film criticism, education and cultural exchange, building a conducive environment for filmmaking and appreciation through retrospectives, school screenings and talk events.

“The 12th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival” comprises of “Local Competition” and “International Selection.”

Local CompetitionThe competition is open to aspiring filmmakers aged between 18 and 35. After the selection by a panel of professional jurors, selected candidates would each receive a subsidy of one hundred thousand Hong Kong Dollars for the production of a short film of 10 to 30 minutes long, to be screened at the Festival. Awards are presented for Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, Best Director, and Fresh Wave Award to the best short films.

International SelectionTo foster exchange between local and international film cultures and broaden the vision of local filmmakers and audience, Fresh Wave collaborates with overseas film organisations, namely The International Association of Film and Television Schools (CILECT), British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), Munk Studio (Polish Filmmakers Association) and Stockholm International Film Festival, in screening outstanding short films from around the world.

The 12th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival will be held from 6 to 21 April 2018, with 46 local and overseas films to be screened at Broadway Cinematheque, MOViE MOViE Cityplaza and MY CINEMA YOHO MALL. The rich programme encompasses a wide array of themes such as the everyday, socio-political issues, romance, teenage angst etc., accompanied by sharing sessions with the local directors. The Closing and Awards Presentation Ceremony will be held on 21 April where the awardees of Local Competition will be announced.

主席的話Message from Chairman






Like waves and shadows that cling to us, Hong Kong cannot do without its films. Film is not only a form of entertainment, but also a very accessible art form and cultural interaction. It portrays our lives as it documents developments in society. It is a forerunner, and a witness of history. Through films, we see ourselves mirrored in the lives of others. It is also through films that we move others with our own stories.

No film can make its way onto the big screens without this self-betrayal and labour on the part of the filmmakers. To sustain the ecology of the local film industry, Fresh Wave is dedicated to the promotion of young talents by providing a platform for showcasing their works, funding and technical support, with the aim to enhance their capability and quality of work. This year, we have increased the subsidy to one hundred thousand Hong Kong Dollars per unit, with the hope that candidates would breakthrough the previous restrictions and boundaries, and achieve fully what they have set out to achieve in the form of short films. We are happy to announce that this year’s selection has unfolded unique qualities, demonstrating a vision, capability and sensitivity belonging to a new generation of filmmakers which are certain to please and surprise.

Filmmaking is never a solitary task. Interactions with people is one of the keys to produce quality work. We are very honoured to be screening A Cappella by famous Japanese director Hitoshi YAZAKI and Jun LI’s (11th Fresh Wave Award winner) new work My World at the opening of this year’s Festival, during which Mr YAZAKI will be present for talks and master classes. On the other hand, we continue to work with various international film organisations to bring a selection of international short films to our local audience as a way towards broadening our cultural horizons.

In the recent years, a lot of new talents from the Fresh Wave family can be found in international film festivals, their works have subsequently participated in Kaohsiung Film Festival, Five Flavours Film Festival, Udine Far East Film Festival, Taipei Film Festival, etc. Such news has always impressed me. The new talents, in showcasing themselves, also represent Hong Kong in the world of films, stepping onto the international stage. I sincerely look forward to discovering many more new faces and the refreshing works they bring us in this year’s Festival.

Fresh Wave is never the end of it all. It is only a stepping-stone for those filmmakers who have the perseverance, capability and vision to step on and witness with us every other wave to come.

杜琪峯Johnnie TO

鮮浪潮電影節有限公司主席Chairman, Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited

02 03







Each year, Fresh Wave provides opportunities for aspiring young filmmakers, together with resources and technical support and artistic and production advice, acting as a stepping-stone for some towards the profession of independent filmmaking.

What is independent film production? What is its spirit? Discussions as such have gone on for a long time. Whether as something outside of the mainstream, or as productions free from market considerations, as a spirit comprising of a specific set of ideologies (such as modernity, experimentalism, progressivity or political correctness), “independent” seems always to imply freedom as an indispensable element. On the one hand, freedom of thought, speech and creation is a prerequisite for independent filmmaking; on the other hand, it follows that naturally we would, to a certain extent, expect some kind of message of freedom from independent films.

Independence is the freedom from reliance on others. The audience hopes to see the spontaneous overflow of the filmmakers in their works. Independence is linked to autonomy and self-determination. Yet, since who knows when, our society seems to shirk from these vocabularies such as “independence” and “self-determination”. Freedom and rights become the privileges of the few. Profits and advantages override values. Art is on the downfall towards becoming a tool of propaganda and whitewashing.

This is the world inverted. Years ago in his Experience of Life, Part Two, Mr TANG Jun-yi has laid out two manifestations of “inversion”: “The first being the subject’s objectification of self…… The other being the reverse of hierarchy of values.” Filmmaking itself is a form of objectification. The creator translates his imaginations and unconscious creations into another existence, formulating it into a piece of work. In this we see one layer of inversion. Because of this, creations as such have to produce values, such as the beautiful, the good and the true to compensate for the void left by the inversion. Hence independent creation is not self-indulgence, still less the egoistic proffering of the narcissist. It rejects the inversion of values, or in other words, it is an inversion of inversion, with the mission of reinstating inverted values.

And it is with such hopes that every year we appreciate and discover each new work of Fresh Wave, as a constant reminder to our predicaments.

The Inversion of Society and the Mission of Independent Films




1/ 積極參與每到一個具規模的電影節,千萬別錯過大會提供的官方活動,包括大師班、市場座談、創投會的投標論壇等(尤其是後者)。作為一名新人,你必須學會「推銷」自己和作品的秘技,包括從容面對陌生群眾/投資者/海外買家、善於「包裝」作品以吸引人、確立個人的「市場價值」(除了希望一展抱負)。不要看輕這些文化交流活動,潛移默化下,你自能掌握整個電影工業的運作模式和要訣。別以為導演就可以自命清高闊佬懶理,只要你希望你的作品有朝一日被看見,一些工業上的認知是必須的。

2/ 主動地被看見官方活動固然要出席,非官方活動亦要一網打盡。「Networking」(建立人際網)並非跟「同鄉」圍威喂做個朋友仔咁簡單,你務必跳出語言和自尊的 Comfort zone(安全圈),主動結識海內外業內人士。不論在酒會、座談會後的短聚、朋友飯局等,你都不妨主動搭訕。作為影展中的「小鮮肉」,面對行家前輩,你絕對有條件大無畏,最緊要虛心學習。為免面懵懵或言語無味,大可事先向大會查詢出席嘉賓名單,然後做足資料搜集,這樣不但能讓對方覺得你「識嘢」和尊重,更有助你建立相關的人際網絡。


Nowadays we see more young directors participating in overseas film festivals, including directors and works of Fresh Wave, many of which have been nominated to participate in international film festivals. The question is therefore not the lack of, but the ability to grasp every opportunity. Participating in overseas festivals can be intimidating. How can our young directors learn from these opportunities?

Below are some skills that are not taught anywhere, which I call “Survival Skills at Film Festivals”:

1. Be ProactiveWhen you go to a film festival, never miss the official activities, such as master classes, talks on marketing and venture capital forums (especially this last). As an emerging filmmaker, it is essential to learn to market your work, to be complacent meeting audience/investors/buyers, to know how to present your work in a favourable light, and thereby establish your market value (besides showing your ambitions). Never underestimate these cultural activities, as they will allow you to grasp the mechanism of the film industry and its tricks. Never consider yourself above these considerations, as long as you wish to bring your work to a wider audience, some fundamental knowledge of the industry is essential.

2. Be Seen Other than the official activities, you will want to attend the unofficial ones too. Networking is not limited to being acquainted with your immediate circle, but it is more important that you step out of your comfort zone and meet overseas practitioners of a different linguistic system. These include receptions, hangouts after talks and informal dinner gatherings. As a freshman, you will be excused for proffering yourself to other practitioners and seniors with the humble intention of learning from your betters. To avoid making any blunder, you can always consult the guest list and research beforehand. This will create a good impression and pave the road towards a meaningful connection.

When I attend overseas film festivals and meet impressive young Asian directors, witnessing how they accumulate experience and broaden their visions while polishing their interpersonal skills and building networks, I see the world getting closer and feel this urge to share this with our young directors in Hong Kong.Isn’t all this what films are for?

A Survival Guide for Film Festival Goers

岑朗天 SHUM Long-tin

鮮浪潮電影節有限公司董事Director, Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited

麥聖希Gary MAK

鮮浪潮電影節有限公司董事Director, Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited


04 05


無伴奏A Cappella

日本 Japan / 2016 / 132 分鐘 min日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director:矢崎仁司 Hitoshi YAZAKI 原著 Original novel:小池真理子 Mariko KOIKE編劇 Scriptwriters: 武田知愛 Chiai TAKEDA.朝西真砂 Masa ASANISHI 攝影 Cinematograhper:石井勲 Isao ISHII 監製 Producers:登山里紗 Risa TOYAMA.山口幸彥 Yukihiko YAMAGUCHI.楠智晴 Tomoharu KUSUNOKI演員 Cast:成海璃子 Rico NARUMI.池松壯亮 Sosuke IKEMATSU. 齋藤工 Takumi SAITO.遠藤新菜 Nina ENDO

矢崎仁司,1956 年生於日本,80 年代最備受推崇的獨立電影導演之一。1980 年,尚就讀日本大學藝術系的他即憑首部執導長片《午後微風》嶄露頭角,勇奪日本橫濱影展「最佳獨立電影」,一個人提著影片的 16mm 拷貝走遍日本大學校園巡迴放映,成為一時佳話;相隔 12年後發表被譽為神作的《三月的獅子》(1992),透過一個兄妹禁戀的故事,探討愛情的道德界線,獲比利時王室電影資料館「路易斯布紐爾黃金時代獎」。《無伴奏》是他 2016 年的作品,根據小池真理子同名暢銷小說改編,重現 1969 年日本學生革命時代的風韻,寫四名年輕男女的愛慾糾纏,獲俄國薩哈林影展「評審大獎」。他剛完成新片《Still Life Of Memories》(2018)。

Hitoshi YAZAKI (b. 1956, Japan) debuted with Afternoon Breezes in 1980. The film was awarded Best Independent Film at the Yokohama Film Festival. He self-distributed the film by going on a nation-wide tour around university campuses and screening it to students on a 16mm print. His second film March Comes In Like A Lion was made twelve years later (1992) and received the prestigious Prix de l’Âge d’or from the Royal Belgian Film Archive. Since then he has been making films in both the mainstream and independent sector. A Cappella (2016) was adapted from a best-selling novel and won the Special Jury Prize at Sakhalin International Film Festival in Russia. He has just finished his latest work, Still Life Of Memories, to be released in late 2018.

132 分鐘 min 放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE開幕電影Opening Film



Taipei Golden Horse Film FestivalGöteborg Film Festival Jeonju International Film FestivalSpecial Jury Prize, Sakhalin International Film Festival

06 07




Set in 1969 Japan in the midst of protests against the United States-Japan Security Treaty, A Cappella is a coming-of-age tale of teenage angst, romanticism and campus protests. High school student Kyoko advocates the abolishment of the school uniform, but falls into self-doubt at the realisation that she is just a conformist. Running away from the rioting crowds, she chances upon cafe "A Cappella" and meets three other young people: Wataru, a quiet and beautiful boy who is good at drawing portraits; Yunosuke who “stakes his future for two days’ freedom”, and Emma who is deeply in love with Yunosuke to be willing to bear his child. As it progresses, their relationship, like the variations of Bach’s music, becomes more twisted and tangled, culminating in the unexpected yet fateful tragedy.

In the same vein of his Afternoon Breeze and March Comes In Like A Lion, Hitoshi YAZAKI’s adaptation of famous novelist Mariko KOIKE’s semi-autobiography is formally minimalistic: a flutter of the eyelashes, a complicit look, a tiny movement reveal all that happens within the characters. The brilliant performance of Riko NARUMI, Sosuke IKEMATSU and Takumi SAITO brings us back to the turbulent times of the previous century and the glories of its youth.

電影作品年表 Filmography

2018 《Still Life Of Memories》 Still Life Of Memories2016 《無伴奏》 A Cappella 2015 《×××》 Kiss Kiss Kiss2014 《太陽坐落之處》 Solar Eclipse 2012 《1 + 1 + 11》 Ichi Tasu Ichi Wa Ichiichi 2011 《不倫純愛》 Love And Treachery2010 《甜蜜小謊言》 Sweet Little Lies 2006 《Have A Nice Day》(短編) Have A Nice Day (Short film)

《草莓鬆餅》 Strawberry Shortcakes2000 《摘花少女與殺蟲少女》 The Girl Who Picks Flowers And The Girl Who Kills Insects1992 《三月的獅子》 March Comes In Like A Lion1980 《午後微風》 Afternoon Breezes

6.4 | 21:30 BC7.4 | 19:30 MM8.4 | 19:10 BC | 19:20 YOHO

吊吊揈My World

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese & English with

Chinese & English subtitles 彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director:李駿碩 Jun LI 編劇 Scriptwriter:李駿碩 Jun LI 攝影 Cinematograhper:何旭輝 Vintage HO 監製 Producer:梁翠怡 Zoe LEUNG演員 Cast:龔志業 Jonathan KUNG Chi-yip.張迪文 Jayden CHEUNG Tik-man. 余淑培 Bobby YU Shuk-pui

李駿碩,記者、舞台劇編劇、演員、文字工作者(政評、性別議題、影評)。去年 (2017)執導的《瀏陽河》,獲第 11 屆鮮浪潮國際短片節「鮮浪潮大奬」及「最佳導演」(公開組),同時入圍 2017 高雄電影節及波蘭五味電影節。剛完成首部長篇劇情片《翠絲》(姜皓文、惠英紅主演)。

Jun LI is a reporter, playwright, actor, essayist, film critic and an independent filmmaker. He won the Fresh Wave Award and Best Director (Open Division) at the 11th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival with Liu Yang He. The short film was further shortlisted in Kaohsiung Film Festival 2017 in Taiwan and the 11th Five Flavours Film Festival in Poland. He has just completed key photography for his feature debut, Trans, starring Philip KEUNG and Kara HUI.


Opening Short Films

102 分鐘 min 放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

08 09

青春就是叛逆,誓要顛覆成人世界的既定價值。2012 年,新、舊高中課程交接。一名循規蹈矩但永遠只考第二的乖學生,還有一對同父異母而行為舉止差天共地的天才姊弟,從七條高中課程試題出發,來一場理智與感性的思辯,將規則與秩序歸零,在便服日發一場綺夢。主宰青春的,畢竟是任性。憑《瀏陽河》獲第 11 屆鮮浪潮國際短片節本地競賽「鮮浪潮大獎」及「最佳導演」(公開組)的李駿碩,貫徹他對性別議題的關注,再下一城。

Revolt is youth. The story centres around a teacher’s pet who strives his best only to become the eternal runner-up, and a pair of intelligent but diametrically different step-siblings. Set in 2012 during the transition to the new academic structure for senior secondary education and higher education, the young students reconsider and challenge the limits of sense and sensibility through seven exam questions. In their wet dreams, all rules go loose. Jun LI, winner of Best Director (Open Division) for Liu Yang He which also won the Fresh Wave Award in the 11th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival, continues to explore gender issues and the restlessness of youth.

電影作品年表 Filmography

2018 《翠絲》(導演) Trans (Director)

《吊吊揈》(導演/編劇) My World (Director / Scriptwriter)

《看不見的麻風》(監製) The Leprosy We Do Not See (Producer)《看見你便想念你》(演員) I Miss You When I See You (Actor)

2017 《瀏陽河》(導演/編劇/剪接) Liu Yang He (Director / Scriptwriter / Editor)2015 《隧道》(導演/編劇) Goodnight (Director / Scriptwriter)

《一班人去賣藝》(攝影) Young Buskers (Cinematographer)

《流螢》(導演/編劇/攝影/剪接) Glow (Director / Scriptwriter / Cinematographer / Editor)2014 《陌生人》(演員) The Stranger (Actor)

為今屆短片節揭開序幕的,包括上屆「鮮浪潮大奬」及「 最 佳 導 演 」 得 主 李 駿 碩 的 最 新 力 作, 以 及 國 際影 視 院 校 聯 會 大 奬 賽(CILECT)2017 三 大 奬 項 深 度之作。來讓我們透過導演之眼窺探你我他的人生。

We are pleased to open this year’s Festival with a new short film by Jun LI, winner of last year’s Fresh Wave Award and Best Director (Open Division), and the works of three winners of the CILECT Prize 2017.

6.4 | 19:15 BC15.4 | 20:00 MM

第 11 屆「鮮浪潮大奬」及「最佳導演」(公開組) 得主李駿碩新作Latest short film by Jun LI, the winner of Fresh Wave Award & Best Director (Open Division) at the 11th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival


Adolescent girl Cato awaits the return of her elder brother, who comes back home after a failed suicide attempt. The family hopes that by staying together the brother will regain a zest for life. Yet, they have a tough time coping with his severe depression. While Cato’s efforts to reconnect with her brother do not seem to have any effect, an old man with angel wings and a motorcycle appears to help her overcome the greyish days. Apart from exploring this challenging subject from a sensitive young girl’s perspective, this short film also achieves an unusual fusion of fantasy and reality.

導演簡介 Marit WEERHEIJM (荷蘭 ),畢業於荷蘭電影學院;《沉默的灰》是她的畢業作品,熱衷於透過故事探討家庭牽絆。

Director’s Biography

Marit WEERHEIJM (Netherlands) graduated from the Netherlands Film Academy with her short film When Grey Is A Colour. The work is based on subtle storytelling, with a strong fascination for interpersonal relationships, particularly within family ties.

沉默的灰When Grey Is A Colour

荷蘭 Netherlands / 2016 / 28 分鐘 min荷蘭語、佛蘭德語對白,中英文字幕 In Dutch & Flemish

with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

荷蘭埃因霍溫電影節「最佳劇情片」、「最佳導演」及「最佳女演員」Best Fiction Film, Best Director & Best Actress, Eindhoven Film Festival, The Netherlands

加拿大「TIFF Kids」國際電影節「最佳短片」及「年輕評審最佳短片」Best Short Film & Young Jury award for Best Short Film,

TIFF Kids International Film Festival, Canada

導演 Director︰Marit WEERHEIJM

編劇 Scriptwriter:Saar PONSIOEN攝影 Cinematographer:Martijn MELIS 監製 Producers:Loes KOMEN•Eva VERWEIJ演員 Cast:Cécilia VOS•Ko ZANDVLIET•Sam LOUWYCK• Reinout BUSSEMAKER•Margo DAMES•Tjebbe BAANDERS


Xiang-zi drives a taxi to make ends meet in the economically oppressing capital of China — Beijing. Due to his financial situation and the nature of his work, Xiang-zi’s girlfriend Si is put off. One night, he picks up a barmaid named Xiao-mei who is sexually assaulted by her boss and is contemplating suicide. While offering consolation to her, he also seems to find the solution to his own problem. Taxi Blues is a journey into the alleyways of an unfamiliar modern Beijing and its people.

導演簡介 亓天陽(中國),編劇、導演;畢業於北京電影學院導演系,後獲文學碩士學位;自 2014 年修讀北京電影學院電影導演創作與理論方向博士研究生學位至今。

Director’s Biography

QI Tian-yang (China) graduated from the Department of Directing, Beijing Film Academy. Since 2014 he has been researching in film direction and theory for his Doctorate Degree.

一夜北京Taxi Blues

中國 China / 2016 / 28 分鐘 min國語對白,簡體中英文字幕 In Mandarin with

Simplified Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director︰亓天陽 QI Tian-yang

編劇 Scriptwriter:亓天陽 QI Tian-yang攝影 Cinematographer:滕飛 TENG Fei 監製 Producers:黎學鵬 LI Xue-peng.李昕燃 LI Xin-ran.田園 TIAN Yuan演員 Cast:張子君.安欣.意琳

102 分鐘 min 放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

6.4 | 19:15 BC15.4 | 20:00 MM


Opening Short Films

10 11

CILECT 大獎 2017(劇情片) CILECT Prize 2017 (Fiction) CILECT 大獎 2017「亞太區最佳電影」(劇情片) CAPA Best Film (Fiction), CILECT Prize 2017


愛是一闋獨唱的歌 Love Is A Lonely Song

幸運兒Forever Mine

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 譚加汶 Car TAM 編劇 Scriptwriters:李倩霞 Sin Egg LEE• 彭曉茵 Cher PANG Hiu-yan• 譚加汶 Car TAM 攝影 Cinematographer:賴卓褀 Jacki LAI 監製 Producer:陳翊恆 Daniel CHAN演員 Cast:陳子豐 Colin CHAN• 張蔓莎 Sabrina CHEUNG



A man trapped in a black and white world consumed by the necessity of producing money. One day, he suddenly discovers colours. He tries to escape from his monotonous life using the colours, but it does not lead to what he expects…... Colour Cage is a conceptual short film, inspired by the French filmmaker Jacques Tati who likewise questions life’s routines in his films. The director says, “The system controls our ways of life and, therefore, our daily activities.” This idea materialises in the aesthetics of the film, enclosing the characters with routine and boredom.

導演簡介 Daniel REASCOS (厄瓜多爾),曾於厄瓜多爾電影學院「INCINE」修讀電影;現正籌備首部劇情片《Chaos》的劇本。《色囚》為他的畢業作品。

Director’s Biography

Daniel REASCOS (Ecuador) studied cinema at the cinema institute "INCINE", Quito, and is working on the script of his first feature, Chaos. Colour Cage was his final project as a student.

色囚Colour Cage

厄瓜多爾 Ecuador / 2017 / 16 分鐘 min無對白 No Dialogue

彩色 Colour / DCP入圍北京電影學院國際學生影視作品展、瓜亞基爾國際電影節

Screened at the International Student Film and Video Festival of Beijing Film Academy & Guayaquil International Film Festival, Ecuador導演 Director︰Daniel REASCOS

編劇 Scriptwriter:Daniel REASCOS攝影 Cinematographer:Julio ESQUIVEL 監製 Producer:Camila ARROYO演員 Cast:Camille ROUSSEAU•Cristina CORAL

節目 Programme

102 分鐘 min 放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

6.4 | 19:15 BC15.4 | 20:00 MM


Opening Short Films


六年前,10 歲的細蚊被陌生人拐走,從此人間蒸發;更可怕的是,細蚊並非唯一受害者。變態狂徒阿良用牢籠禁錮女孩們,甚至將她們精心打造成為「活體藝術品」。六年後,細蚊長得亭亭玉立,不但對良言聽計從,甚至甘願成為「藝術品」。細蚊視良為人生的全部,要完全佔有;良卻視她為次貨,可有可無。然而,誰是誰的全部?誰人施害?誰人被害?獲得愛情的「眷顧」,是幸運還是詛咒?

In a world where only the abuser and the abused exist, suffering and torture are the only outcomes amid the silent cries. 10 year-old Minnie, kidnapped six years ago, is not the only victim. The kidnapper Ha abducts little girls for their youth and immaculate skin in order to create his “masterpiece”. After six years, spared her life, Minnie is all obedience to Ha, even wishing to be part of the sadistic killer’s tour de force. Unfortunately, she is not the perfect collection for him. To Minnie, Ha has become her lifeline, shelter and everything. When the line between the perpetrator and victim blurs, who takes ownership and control over the destiny of the other?


譚加汶,畢業於英國創意藝術大學,主修電影製作。作品《Light It UP》曾參與多個海外影展;其他作品包括《Hank》、《Diamond In The Rough》、《Locked》等。

101 分鐘 min7.4 | 17:30 BC

15.4 | 17:30 BC20.4 | 19:40 YOHO

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

Director’s Biography

Car TAM graduated from University for the Creative Arts in the United Kingdom, majoring in Film Production. Her short, Light It UP, was screened at a number of film festivals. Other works include Hank, Diamond In The Rough and Locked.

本地競賽作品 From Local CompetitionCILECT 大獎 2017「拉丁美洲最佳電影」(劇情片) CAPA Best Film (Fiction), CILECT Prize

14 15

羅馬尼亞 Romania / 2016 / 18 分鐘 min羅馬尼亞語對白,中英文字幕 In Romanian with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

柏林國際影展「新世代獎」Special Prize from the Generation 14plus Jury, Berlinale


Love is a lonely business. It is never straightforward, and almost always unsatisfactory. There is no telling where it leads once we fall headlong into love.


Welcome to the No Sleep Club where you are never alone in fighting insomnia. The three members of the Club are certainly unique characters. They include the hotheaded and now unemployed chef who often goes on profanity-laced tirades. Tina, a runaway forbidden by her parents to pursue dancing. William, the poet who feels underappreciated. They share a common objective: to be cured of insomnia and leave the club. Dumbhead Ming, the latest chairman of the Club, is in charge after losing both girlfriend and sleep, bringing a breath of fresh air and a new goal to the Club.

導演簡介 王綺美,畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,修讀電影藝術。作品《那雙眸》獲第 16 屆 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體比賽金獎(公開組)。

Director’s Biography

WONG Yee-mei graduated from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, majoring in Cinematic Arts. She won the Gold Award at the 16th ifva Awards (Open Category) with This Pair.

失眠俱樂部No Sleep Club

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 25 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director︰王綺美 WONG Yee-mei

編劇 Scriptwriter:王綺美 WONG Yee-mei攝影 Cinematographer:陳瑞翔 Mike CHAN Sui-cheung 監製 Producer:李德為 Deryn LI Tak-wai演員 Cast:柯煒林 OR Wai-lam.陳素妍 Zoe CHAN.林浩泓 Owen LAM Ho-wang. 李宗信 LI Chung-shun.張允映 CHEUNG Wan-ying

多情舞廳A Night In Tokoriki

導演 Director:Roxana STROE 編劇 Scriptwriters:Ana Maria GHEORGHE•Roxana STROE 攝影 Cinematographer:Laurentiu RĂDUCANU 監製 Producer:Raluca MĂNESCU演員 Cast:Cristian PRIBOI•Cristian BOTA•Iulia CIOCHINĂ


Roxana STROE (羅馬尼亞),畢業於羅馬尼亞國家劇場及電影大學「I. L. Caragiale」;先後憑《Perennial Plants》獲 2013「CineMaiubit」國際學生電影節評審奬和《Black Friday》獲特蘭西瓦尼亞國際電影節「最佳羅馬尼亞短片」。

Director’s Biography

Roxana STROE (Romania) studied film directing at The Caragiale University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in Bucharest. She won the Critics Award at International Student Film Festival CineMaiubit, Bucharest with Perennial Plants in 2013, and Best Romanian Short at Transilvania International Film Festival with Black Friday in 2015.

陳亞珍 18 歲女「大壽」,廣邀親朋到小鎮上的「多情舞廳」狂歡一晚。亞珍跟怕醜仔男友整晚糖黐豆,而隨友人「搭單」前來的阿年竟對壽星女虎視眈眈。男友喪睥阿年要他知難而退,阿年亦不甘示弱。本以為兩男會因爭女而大打出手,豈料自作多情的並不只阿年一人……全片影像冷峻,卻不失幽默調侃。不得不提一流的美術設計,使得刻意復古的「娘」味滿瀉,光看畫面已夠抵死啜核。影片的詭異風格,處處教人聯想起芬蘭導演郭利斯馬基的怪雞電影世界。

Geanina is celebrating her 18th birthday at a village nightclub called Tokoriki. It is evening, and the neon lights fill the room. The DJ sets up his playlist and soon the Disco animates the guests. Yet, Alin seems preoccupied with something. His eyes shimmer every time he meets Geanina's look, which is not unnoticed by her boyfriend. However, emotions and actions escalate to a surprise ending…… A Night In Tokoriki displays a nostalgic and surrealist engagement with the set and costume design, while achieving a remarkable quirky tone that resembles the world of Aki Kaurismäki.

愛是一闋獨唱的歌 Love Is A Lonely Song

01節目 Programme

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition 國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品 From CILECT 2017

101 分鐘 min7.4 | 17:30 BC

15.4 | 17:30 BC20.4 | 19:40 YOHO

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

16 17


導演 Director:Lily PAPAMILTIADES 編劇 Scriptwriter:Nolwenn MARTY 攝影 Cinematographers:Sarah TCHEUREKDJIAN•Thomas Le FOURN 監製 Producers:Stéphane PIERRAT•David HUET演員 Cast:Céline DUPONT•Florent HILL•Madeleine POUGATCH

紅蘋果Red Apples

亞美尼亞 Armenia.喬治亞 Georgia.美國 United States of America / 2016 / 16 分鐘 min亞美尼亞語對白,中英文字幕 In Armenian with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP哥倫比亞大學電影節「最佳影片」

Best Film, Columbia University Film Festival 多倫多國際電影節首度放映

Premiered at Toronto International Film Festival

導演 Director: George SIKHARULIDZE

編劇 Scriptwriter:Ophelia HARUTYUNYAN 攝影 Cinematographer:Guka GOLIADZE 監製 Producer:Ophelia HARUTYUNYAN演員 Cast:Hrachuhi AMIRYAN•Vahagn MARTIROSYAN• Varduhi RUSHANYAN

法國 France / 2016 / 12 分鐘 min法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP克萊蒙費朗國際短片節「年輕觀眾節目」

Young Audience Programme, Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival


The red apple is an Armenian ritual and a manifestation of the oppression of women in patriarchal societies. After a joyous wedding, the honeymoon of a gleeful young couple is interrupted when the mother-in-law requests proof of the new bride's virginity. If the requisite virginal blood is found on the bedsheet, tradition dictates that the groom's family send the bride a bowl of red apples. The inherent patriarchy from the age-old tradition still finds its way in humiliating and insulting females in the name of proper etiquette.

寧靜的小城,日復日平靜似是湖水,而對16 歲少女嘉莉來說,要過簡單快樂的日子竟從來不易。性格內向的她,面對朋輩壓力和校園欺凌,沒辦法亦沒膽量說一聲不。校園生活帶來無休止的恐懼和無助,她只能擁抱孤獨,直至與格利邂逅,黯淡無光的生活頓變得色彩繽紛。嘉莉重拾失落的勇氣,還原青春本來應有的快樂與無慮。

Life at the quaint and tranquil suburbs may not be serene for everyone. Quiet and introverted, 16-year-old Claire is bullied by the girls from her football team. She feels powerless against the taunting until she meets Garry, an older man who seems to like her. Drawing courage from the mysterious Garry, Claire gradually regains her lost happiness and carefree self.

導演簡介 Lily PAPAMILTIADES (法國),現職美術指導及攝影,並正籌備第二部短片;先後獲文學文憑及進修電影創作。《少年格利》是她的畢業作品。

Director’s Biography

Lily PAPAMILTIADES (France) works in art direction and photography while preparing for her second short film. After earning a high school diploma in literature, she studied in a cinema school and made her first short film, Garry, as a final school project.

導演簡介 George SIKHARULIDZE(喬治亞),電影導演藝術碩士,畢業於哥倫比亞大學。首部短片作品《The Fish That Drowned》獲選在克萊蒙費朗國際短片節選映;《紅蘋果》是他的第二部短片作品。

Director’s Biography

George SIKHARULIDZE (Georgia) obtained a Master Degree in Film Directing from Columbia University. His first short film, The Fish That Drowned, was premiered at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. He received the Katharina Otto-Bernstein Grant to direct his second film Red Apple.

愛是一闋獨唱的歌 Love Is A Lonely Song

01節目 Programme

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品 From CILECT 2017 國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品 From CILECT 2017

101 分鐘 min7.4 | 17:30 BC

15.4 | 17:30 BC20.4 | 19:40 YOHO

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

18 19

導演簡介 林熙駿,畢業於香港城市大學應用社會科學系;對數據感乏力無味,轉以影像探索社會。

Director’s Biography

LAM Hei-chun obta ined a degree in Appl ied Social Sciences from City University of Hong Kong. Disillusioned by digital data, he explores the world through moving images.

切肉不離皮 Ties Unbound


香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 26 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 林熙駿 LAM Hei-chun 編劇 Scriptwriter:林熙駿 LAM Hei-chun攝影 Cinematographer:葉雲生 IP Wan-sang 監製 Producer:袁奧妙 Omiu YUEN演員 Cast:強尼 Johnny HUI.鄭心榆 Emily CHENG Sum-yu



After years of illness, Ken’s wife finally passes away. Ken returns to his job as streetlight repairman after the funeral. Having to work at night, he rarely sees his daughter Ann, who develops a fear for darkness since her mother dies. Often left alone at home, she learns to grow up at a tender age. She makes her father agree to go out and play with her on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, but Ken breaks the promise because of work. During the festive season, father and daughter try hard to re-capture moments of love and concern for each other.

99 分鐘 min有一種關係,有人說是天賜,有人說是報應。恃寵生驕,因為知道有個(些)人永遠都在。

There are all kinds of ties, some a matter of fate, some consequences of our own actions. And we never cease to take advantage of them. 7.4 | 19:40 BC

15.4 | 19:40 BC19.4 | 19:45 MM

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

導演簡介 何靜怡,畢業於香港浸會大學傳理學院,修讀電影電視,從事影視創作。

Director’s Biography

HO Ching-yi has been working as a screenwriter in different film companies since graduation from the Department of Cinema and Television at Hong Kong Baptist University.

跑吧On The Road

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 何靜怡 HO Ching-yi 編劇 Scriptwriter:何靜怡 HO Ching-yi攝影 Cinematographer:梁詠俊 LEUNG Wing-chun 監製 Producer:蔡穎安 CHOI Vianne演員 Cast:何嘉麗 HO Kar-lai• 陳港虹 CHAN Kong-hung


Running makes us forget our pain and tawdry lives while bringing back long-forgotten memories. After years of living alone, middle-aged Hung sees her estranged son Tak at the doorstep again. Tak’s life hits rock bottom as he loses both his job and girlfriend, and the childhood home becomes his asylum. After years of separation, mother and son learn to reacquaint with each other. While at home, Tak discovers Hung’s glorious past. Like himself, his mother has had dreams and aspirations of her own.

節目 Programme

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition 本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

20 21

導演簡介 Jessica PALUD (法國),曾任 Bernardo BERTOLUCCI、Sofia COPPOLA等人的副導演,參與過多部電影如《戲夢巴黎》、《瑪麗皇后》等製作,正籌備兩部長篇劇情片。

Director’s Biography

Jessica PALUD (France) started her career as Assistant Director on films such as The Dreamers by Bernardo BERTOLUCCI and Marie-Antoinette by Sofia COPPOLA. She is currently developing two feature films.


比利時 Belgium.法國 France / 2017 / 19 分鐘 min法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP康城國際電影節大奬Grand Prix, Cannes International Film Festival入圍多倫多國際電影節Shortlisted for Toronto International Film Festival

導演 Director: Jessica PALUD 編劇 Scriptwriters:Jessica PALUD•Clémence Madeleine-PERDRILLAT攝影 Cinematographer:Victor SEGUIN 監製 Producers:Sylvain LAGRILLÈRE•Lucas TOTHE演員 Cast:Flavie DELANGLE•Jonathan COUZINIÉ•Anne SUAREZ

成長路上,也許遇上千萬人,也許分隔天涯海角,然而總有這麼一個人,永遠住在心頭。14 歲女孩馬琳受萬千寵愛,但讓她無法忘懷的始終還是她身陷牢獄的媽媽。母愛頓然缺席,她一邊學著獨立堅強,一邊渴望了解這位既熟悉又陌生的媽媽。即使母親墮入法網坐監收場,在她心目中媽媽永遠是她的童年榜樣。千錯萬錯,母女濃情注定化不開。

Being a teenager can be frustrating. For the seemingly guarded and withdrawn Marlon, teenage life is more complicated as the 14-year-old is visiting her mother in jail for the first time. Albeit being protected by her loving family and relatives, the young girl stubbornly maintains her belief in her childhood heroine.

導演簡介 Brady HOOD (英國),畢業於當地國家電影及電視學院;憑畢業作品《甜姐石美琪》獲得多個獎項;最近獲《Screen International》雜誌選為「明日之星」。

Director’s Biography

Brady HOOD (United Kingdom) attended the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield. Since graduation, he has signed with Independent Talent Agency and picked up a number of awards with his graduation film Sweet Maddie Stone. He was also recently selected as a Star of Tomorrow by Screen International magazine.

甜姐石美琪Sweet Maddie Stone

英國 United Kingdom / 2016 / 24 分鐘 min英語對白,中英文字幕 In English with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP倫敦影評人學會獎「年度最佳英國/愛爾蘭短片」British/Irish Short Film of The Year, Critics Circle Awards入圍英國電影電視藝術學院奬BAFTA Award finalist

導演 Director: Brady HOOD 編劇 Scriptwriters:Brady HOOD•Jess JACKSON攝影 Cinematographer:Dan ATHERTON 監製 Producer:Jake Riley-HUNTE演員 Cast:Jessica BARDEN•Barney HARRIS•Zachary SUTCLIFFE

石美琪,年僅 15 歲,生性桀驁不馴,經常當老師的話「耳邊風」。返學只是副業,在校內兜售糖果零食賺錢才是正經事。儼如校內「糖果大亨」的她,為了「籌旗」保釋犯事斷正的父親,不得不更落力搵真銀。本片承襲英國寫實電影的傳統,4:3 銀幕比例進一步壓抑美琪內心的牢籠。窄小的景框與校園環境所提供的實感,強而有力地暗示出包圍這位賣糖美少女的甜蜜世界,實為無處可逃的監倉。

15 year-old Maddie Stone is a rebellious “confectionary tycoon” who has earned her status through selling sweets in the school yard. After the arrest of her father, she decides to raise money by selling sweets to bail him out. True to the British realist tradition, this modern drama is shot in the classic 4:3 aspect ratio, creating a feeling of entrapment in Maddie’s world. The oppressive composition and atmosphere of the real-life location highlight Maddie’s world as an inescapable prison.

切肉不離皮 Ties Unbound

02節目 Programme

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品From CILECT 2017

斯德哥爾摩國際電影節 2017 作品From Stockholm International Film Festival 2017

99 分鐘 min7.4 | 19:40 BC

15.4 | 19:40 BC19.4 | 19:45 MM

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

22 23

追尋與失落 Lost And Found

陳氏家族Chan's Family

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 18 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 李子軒 Otto LEE Tsz-hin 編劇 Scriptwriter:李子軒 Otto LEE Tsz-hin 攝影 Cinematographer:湯煥淋 TONG Woon-lam 監製 Producer:譚匡誠 TAM Hong-shing演員 Cast:陳麗雲 CHAN Lai-wun.許素瑩 HUI So-ying



香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 羅昊培 Prescott LAW Ho-pui 編劇 Scriptwriter:羅昊培 Prescott LAW Ho-pui 攝影 Cinematographer:黎葦林 Max LAI Wai-lam 監製 Producer:袁菱紫 Verandar YUEN Ling-tsz演員 Cast:全冠霖 Plato KWAN Lam-chuen.劉世榮 LAU Sai-wing. 陳約彤 CHAN Yeuk-tung.蕭子聰 Cary SHIU

如果我們最初都從同一個他方而來,最終你會怎樣從我的生命中消失?鏡頭潛入夢中做夢,瞥見破鐘停留在「4時 48分」,誰沉睡或醒來,身體凝於未知之境。西裝筆挺的男人、拾石頭的藍髮少年、巴士上沉睡的女子、從黑暗之海而來的祼男……無法解讀拼合的零碎記憶,散落於純粹虛幻的想像中。一切都成為隱喻的載體,平凡而赤裸地存在著,短暫或永恆、回憶同時遺忘。荒蕪邊境內,誰帶著行李回來或離去,直至與誰交錯相遇或相分?離境,大概亦是通往某地的一種方式。

If we all come from the same place, where will we go in the end? Dreaming in another dream, we see a broken clock stop at 4:48. Someone sleeps or wakes, and the body is immersed in a state of unknowing. Fragmented memories that we can never understand merge with abstract imagination. Every existing object and event becomes a metaphor: ordinary and naked, brief or perpetual. Lacuna is a monologue about a city, a night, a man in a suit, a boy with blue hair, a woman fallen asleep on a bus, a naked man from the sea. In the barren lands, someone returns or leaves with a suitcase, still walking until the next encounter. Departure may be a quest for the desolate land of fantasy within our minds.


羅昊培,現就讀香港演藝學院電影電視學院三年級;作品《庇里牛斯山的城堡》入圍第 20 屆 ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體比賽(青少年組)及第一屆平地學生電影節。

Director’s Biography

Prescott LAW Ho-pui is a current student at the School of Film and Television, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. His short film The Castle in the Pyrenees was selected in the 20th ifva Awards (Youth Category) and the First Ground Up Student Film Festival.


Every family has a story, and not all are sweet. For the Chan’s family in Cheung Chau, the cremated ashes of Old Mr Chan become the thorn of a bitter issue. Old Mrs Chan, faced with her own mortality, hopes that the children would work together to care her husband’s urn. However, the siblings shirk away from this duty, reopening old wounds when confronting their mother. In this modern tale of King Lear, the only strong bond is that between the grandmother and the young granddaughter. Not an uncommon story among Hong Kong families nowadays. Veteran actresses CHAN Lai-wun and HUI So-ying flesh out their roles with brilliance.


李 子 軒,獲香港專業教育學院多媒體廣告及視覺特效高級文憑;並於香港理工大學攻讀應用藝術,銜接學士學位。

104 分鐘 min13.4 | 19:40 YOHO16.4 | 19:30 BC19.4 | 21:50 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

Director’s Biography

Otto LEE Tsz-hin obtained a Higher Education Diploma in Multimedia Advertising and Visual Effects. He then enrolled at the School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for a Bachelor of Applied Arts top-up degree.


We never lose something all of a sudden. Same with finding it.

節目 Programme

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition 本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

24 25

聖母頌Ave Maria

新加坡 Singapore / 2016 / 18 分鐘 min英語、他加祿語、國語對白,中英文字幕 In English, Tagalog &

Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: Aron B. CASTRO 編劇 Scriptwriter:Kenneth LEE 攝影 Cinematographers:Eugene LEE•Choon SHENG 監製 Producer:Inez HO演員 Cast:Jake MACAPAGAL•Dalin SARMIENTO•Ivan SAYSON

地獄之門Mouth of Hell

英國 United Kingdom.印度 India / 2014 / 16 分鐘 min印地語對白,中英文字幕 In Hindi with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: Samir MEHANOVIC 編劇 Scriptwriters:Bart GAVIGAN•Samir MEHANOVIC 攝影 Cinematographer:Jasper WOLF 監製 Producers:Ailie SMITH•Michael WILSON•Mark EVANS演員 Cast:Ramanjit KAUR•Taranjit KAUR•Suraj MONDAL

聽說,每個人都在尋找失落的一塊。8 歲的安南,小小年紀已背負起生命的重擔和包袱,在貧窮和疾病的隙縫中挖掘生存的曙光和意義。他每日冒著地熱高溫,四出搜羅煤炭,再帶到市場轉售。小小的疲弱身軀扛著萬般煎熬,為的是要養活自己以照顧病重的母親。是一次巧合,改寫了他的命運。在這人間煉獄裡,「童年」彷彿是注定失落的。

Jharia, India, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Fires rage underground, smoke and dangerous fumes belch from cracks in the earth. This is the home of Anant, an 8-year-old boy who scrapes a living picking coal and selling it at the local markets. Each day is a struggle to feed himself and his sick mother. One day, a chance encounter is to change Anant's life forever.


Samir MEHANOVIC (蘇格蘭),分別憑《The Way We Played》(短片) 及《The Fog Of Srebrenica》(紀錄片)獲英國電影電視藝術學院奬(蘇格蘭)及亞姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展特別評審獎;新作《地獄之門》亦獲提名角逐英國電影電視藝術學院奬項。

Director’s Biography

Samir MEHANOVIC (Scotland) won the BAFTA award (Scotland) with his short, The Way We Played, and Special Jury Award at International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam with The Fog Of Srebrenica. Mouth of Hell is his latest short film and has been nominated for the BAFTA award.

追尋與失落 Lost And Found

03節目 Programme

104 分鐘 min13.4 | 19:40 YOHO16.4 | 19:30 BC19.4 | 21:50 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

在菲律賓小村落任教師的艾米利奧,因家園遭無情風災摧毀,而決心赴新加坡尋找在當地當家庭傭工的老婆。唯踏破鐵鞋,始終找不到伊人蹤影……短短 18 分鐘的影片,鏡頭走訪不同的家庭,敘事層次(三重倒/插敘)豐富、結構嚴謹,寥寥幾筆即有力點出菲、新兩地的差異(尤其經濟地位之懸殊)。電影對社會與人性的刻劃廣闊而深刻,尤其值得生活條件相若的香港年輕電影創作者參考。

After a deathly typhoon disaster destroys his secluded village, Emilio, a Filipino teacher arrives in the neighbour country of Singapore with one objective: to bring his domestic worker wife, Maria home. Upon his arrival, however, she is nowhere to be found. The short film succinctly presents the cultural and economic differences between the Philippines and Singapore by its multi-layered narrative structure. In the short span of 18 minutes, the film provides a broad examination of humanity and society.


Aron B. CASTRO (新加坡),畢業於新加坡拉薩爾藝術學院,主修導演及監製;作品《Cain》為第 25 屆歐洲電影節開幕短片;憑《Di Sana》獲提名 2015年新加坡國家青年電影獎「最佳電影」。

Director’s Biography

Aron B. CASTRO (Singapore) pursued his film studies at LASALLE College of the Arts, The Puttnam School of Film, majoring in Directing and Producing. His work Cain was the 25th European Union Film Festival’s opening short film; and Di Sana was nominated for Best Picture at the 2015 National Youth Film Awards.

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品 From CILECT 2017 英國電影電視藝術學院獎 2017 作品 From BAFTA 2017

26 27

大同Watu Wote: All of us

肯亞 Kenya.德國 Germany / 2017 / 22 分鐘 min德語、英語、斯瓦希里語對白,中英文字幕 In German, English &

Swahili with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

多倫多短片國際電影節大奬及「最佳外語片」Grand Prize & Best Foreign Film, Toronto Shorts International Film

湯森港電影節「最佳敘事短片」Best Narrative Short, Port Townsend Film Festival

導演 Director: Katja BENRATH 編劇 Scriptwriter:Julia DRACHE 攝影 Cinematographer:Felix STRIEGEL 監製 Producer:Tobias ROSEN演員 Cast:Adelyne WAIRIMU•Abdiwali FARRAH• Barkhad ABDIRAHMAN•Charles KARUMI• Faysal AHMED


Based on real events during a terrorist attack on a Mandera public bus in December 2015, the story follows a Christian woman Jua who takes a bus across Kenya to visit her sick mother. The woman is filled with deep-rooted mistrust for the Muslims around her. Yet, this attitude may be ripe for change when on a treacherous part of the road, the bus is ambushed by Al-Shabaab terrorists, who are hunting Christians. As the gunmen violently deboard the passengers and make threatening demands, solidarity among the latter arises. The film is a powerful reminder of the humanity that binds us together.


Katja BENRATH (德國),漢堡媒體學院碩士,《大同》是她的畢業作品。其他作品包括《Babydoll》、《No One Pukes In Heaven》、《Tilda》、《Where Have You Been》及《Secrecies》等。

Director’s Biography

Katja BENRATH (Germany) obtained a Master Degree from Hamburg Media School with her graduation project, Watu Wote. Her other films include Babydoll, No One Pukes In Heaven, Tilda, Where Have You Been and Secrecies.

導演簡介 曾慶宏,獨立電影導演、作家;畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院;曾任香港大學客席講師;著有《蜜糖不壞:華語 80後導演訪談》(2015)。

Director’s Biography

Eric TSANG is an independent director and writer. Graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, he was part-time lecturer at The University of Hong Kong. He is the author of Tales of Honey: A Collection of Interviews with Post-80s Directors from the Greater China (2015).

雞蛋與高牆The Egg And The Wall

下雨天The Umbrella

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 22 分鐘 min粵語、英語、國語、客家話對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese, English, Mandarin, Hakka with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 曾慶宏 Eric TSANG 編劇 Scriptwriter:曾慶宏 Eric TSANG攝影 Cinematographer:戴子軒 TAI Tsz-hin 監製 Producers:盧嘉恩 Sharon LO.LukHo WONG演員 Cast:楊智遠 Siu-yuen.徐維靜 Karry TSUI. 鄭惠成 CHENG Wai-shing.Bipin BISHWOKARMA


2014 年 10 月的一個夜晚,雨下個不停。大學宿舍內,雨聲讀書聲討論聲聲聲入耳。幾個各有各生活背景和立場的年輕人,被分派到同一楝宿舍生活,共同度過這一夜。在沉默與吵鬧之中,他們學習互相了解和體諒,憑藉的是對社會的關懷。聲援同學的行動一觸即發,靜止長鏡頭所捕捉的,是年輕人思變的躁動與不安。

It rained non-stop when Hong Kong was rocked by the tumultuous events in October 2014. At the university hall, young souls are assigned to different rooms amid the sounds of rain, studies and heavy discussions. These strangers come from a variety of backgrounds but are united by their passion towards the society. They may have dissenting opinions, but will learn to accept and be sympathetic to each other. The rainy night feels especially ominous when the students ponder at the events in Mong Kok.

109 分鐘 min10.4 | 19:30 BC12.4 | 19:35 MM17.4 | 19:30 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE追尋與失落 Lost And Found

03節目 Programme

節目 Programme

104 分鐘 min13.4 | 19:40 YOHO16.4 | 19:30 BC19.4 | 21:50 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品 From CILECT 2017 本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

28 29

波蘭 Poland / 2017 / 28 分鐘 min波蘭語對白,中英文字幕 In Polish with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP的里雅詩特電影節觀眾奬Audience Award, Trieste Film Festival

導演簡介 郭漢芬,畢業於香港中文大學英文系;後獲北京電影學院導演系碩士。執導作品包括《咖啡、香煙與中式按摩》、《北京之夏》和《MOKSHA》。

Director’s Biography

Jeff KWOK graduated from the Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and obtained a Master Degree in Directing from Beijing Film Academy. His films include Cafés, Cigarettes et Massage Chinois, One Night in the Capital City and MOKSHA.

化生To The Final Nirvana

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 郭漢芬 Jeff KWOK 編劇 Scriptwriter:郭漢芬 Jeff KWOK攝影 Cinematographer:陳樂賢 Wil CHAN 監製 Producer:張皓琳 Zoe CHEUNG演員 Cast:談善言 Hedwig TAM.凌梓維 Benson LING. 袁浩楊 YUEN Ho-yeung.李楓 LI Fung

香港地,有錢就有得揀⸺至少 80 後桑榆如此認為。受聘於大型地產商的她,主要工作是收購唐樓,重建新式屏風樓;收入可觀,以「賺錢至上」為人生目標,所體現的正是主流社會歌頌的「核心價值」。一次收樓行動中,桑榆赫然驚覺自己的工作對人們造成的傷害;然而老闆委以重任,她願意放棄上位的大好機會嗎?良知與工資,如何取捨?在地產大過天、有樓才是王道的香港,基層市民也許注定只能在絕望中掙扎求存。《點五步》談善言化身桑榆,令人眼前一亮。

For Sang-yu, to be rich in Hong Kong means you get to make choices instead of someone making them for you. Hired by giant property developers to buyout ownership of tenement buildings, she earns considerable income and lives the kind of life lauded by mainstream society. During one of the buyouts, she starts to realise the harm her work inflicts upon others. She falls further into a moral dilemma when her boss assigns her a difficult buyout task, a profitable opportunity for her. In Hong Kong where real estate is considered above all else, the grassroots are left to fight for survival in desperation. Hedwig TAM from Weeds on Fire stars as Sang-yu in this story of morality and ethics.

導演簡介 Piotr DOMALEWSKI (波蘭),導演、編劇、監製;已發表多部短片並多次於國際影展獲奬,包括憑《Stranger》獲華沙 CINEMAFORUM 國際短片節大奬。

Director’s Biography

Piotr DOMALEWSKI (Poland) is a director, screenwriter and producer. He has made more than a dozen shorts with international awards. With Stranger, he won the Grand Prix at the CINEMAFORUM International Short Film Festival in Warsaw.

重若鴻毛60 Kilos Of Nothing

導演 Director: Piotr DOMALEWSKI 編劇 Scriptwriter:Piotr DOMALEWSKI攝影 Cinematographer:Bartosz SWINIARSKI 監製 Producer:Munk Studio (PFA)演員 Cast:Grzegorz DAMIĘCKI•Andrzej GRABOWSKI• Tomasz SCHUCHARDT

如果靈魂重 21 克的話,那麼,一個人的「生命」到底有多重?這個「重量」又值多少錢?礦場管工哥華里開工首天,即嚴正要求礦場同工記得記得記得做足安全措施。人算不如天算,一場突如其來的意外,旋即令他陷入道德兩難的宭境⸺循正常途徑通報為「意外」,礦場極可能面臨停業危機;堅守原則的話,的確對得住天地良心,但知易行難,誰要與礦場對著幹?道德高地雖頭有光環,卻怕高處不勝寒。

Krzysztof is starting his first day as a manager at an open-cast ore mine, a job which provides stability to his family. A fish out of water, he tries to maintain discipline with an iron hand in this community of physical labourers, but his moral principles are put to test when an unexpected accident happens. He comes to the grim realisation that it is easy to be upright and firm under easy circumstances, but not so when the consequences may prove tragic.

雞蛋與高牆The Egg And The Wall

04節目 Programme

109 分鐘 min10.4 | 19:30 BC12.4 | 19:35 MM17.4 | 19:30 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE以卵擊石?還是水滴石穿?是時間。 Will the egg finally triumph over the high wall? Time will see it through.

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition Munk Studio (波蘭電影工作者協會) 作品From Munk Studio (Polish Filmmakers Association)

30 31

導演簡介 Aleksandra TERPIŃSKA (波蘭),短片及音樂特輯導演及編劇;分別於西里西亞大學修讀導演課程,及於弗羅茨瓦夫大學修讀心理學。短片及紀錄片 作 品 包 括《Chicken》、《All Souls’ Day》、《America》和《Czech Swan》,屢獲殊榮。

Director’s Biography

Aleksandra TERPIŃSKA (Poland), studied Directing at the University of Silesia in Katowice and Psychology at the University of Wroclaw, is a director and screenwriter of short films and music videos. To date, she has made three shorts films and a documentary, namely Chicken, All Souls’ Day, America and Czech Swan, with which she won several awards at various film festivals.

亂世煙火The Best Fireworks Ever

波蘭 Poland / 2017 / 29 分鐘 min波蘭語對白,中英文字幕 In Polish with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: Aleksandra TERPIŃSKA 編劇 Scriptwriter:Aleksandra TERPIŃSKA攝影 Cinematographer:Michał DYMEK 監製 Producers:Ewa JASTRZ BSKA•Jerzy KAPU CIŃSKI演員 Cast:Justyna WASILEWSKA•Piotr POLAK• Malwina BUSS•Andrzej KONOPKA


In a city tormented by constant riots and political intrigues, the destinies of three friends diverge beyond their control. One distances herself from the conflict, refuses to engage in anything, whose only wish being to get a scholarship and leave the country; another, a natural rebel, joins a reactionary group aiding the guerrillas, without being fully aware of the consequences of her actions; while the third, called up to the army, hopes to make a responsible decision for once despite his fears. In the harsh reality of war, there are neither happy outcomes nor conscionable decisions.

有一種現實叫「夢想」 I Had A Dream


香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 25 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 周溥傑 CHAU Po-kit 編劇 Scriptwriter:張潔妍 CHEUNG Kit-yin 攝影 Cinematographer:周溥傑 CHAU Po-kit 監製 Producers:許維嬋 HUI Wai-sim.魏沛賢 NGAI Pui-yin演員 Cast:王麗琪 WONG Lai-ki.巫嘉俊 MO Ka-chun.張翼東 CHEUNG Yik-tung


大學畢業,然後呢?可以繼續擁抱夢想和熱情,固然可喜可賀。然而「一事無成」,也許才是你我他的心聲。剛告別大學生活的她,滿腦子疑問和感慨,自覺平庸,深感難以融入社會,相信在 12 元店兼職hea 做才是完美出路。期間倒楣事鑊鑊新鮮鑊鑊甘,無味的生活、三尖八角的同事、難搞的客人……12 元店內,眾生相光怪陸離,笑中有淚,道盡新生代的虛空。

Life after university may be just dandy for people with passion and drive, but what happens if you are aimless, dreamless and hopeless? With no goals or ambition in life, a fresh graduate believes that she is an oddball destined for mediocrity. Her perfect solution is to be a slacker and to work part-time at a 12-dollar store. Unfortunately, the mundane life and wacky colleagues just add to her melancholy. The array of eccentric characters at the 12-dollar store speaks volumes on how the new generation perceives their less-than-rosy future.



103 分鐘 min8.4 | 21:40 BC

12.4 | 19:35 BC17.4 | 19:40 YOHO

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

Director’s Biography

CHAU Po-kit, graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (Digital Media), sees comedy as a more truthful reflection of reality than tragedy.

雞蛋與高牆The Egg And The Wall

04節目 Programme

節目 Programme

109 分鐘 min10.4 | 19:30 BC12.4 | 19:35 MM17.4 | 19:30 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

Munk Studio (波蘭電影工作者協會) 作品From Munk Studio (Polish Filmmakers Association)

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

32 33

阿根廷 Argentina / 2016 / 20 分鐘 min西班牙語對白,中英文字幕 In Spanish with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

入圍康城影展「Cinéfondation」項目Selected for the Cinéfondation, Cannes Film Festival

CILECT 大獎 2017「亞太區最佳電影」(劇情片) CAPA Best Film (Fiction), CILECT Prize 2017

(詳見 For details, please refer to P.11)

有一種現實叫「夢想」 I Had A Dream

05節目 Programme

103 分鐘 min8.4 | 21:40 BC

12.4 | 19:35 BC17.4 | 19:40 YOHO

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE夢想,誰人沒有?別讓「追夢」淪為口號標語,成為向現實低頭的證據。

Who does not dream? But only when it is more than a slogan, a gloss over our compromise to the reality.


Acting is not always a life of glamour and excitement, and is often filled with sweat and tears. Devoted actor Gus is crushed when he fails to cry on cue. As self-doubt sinks in, he hears that his father has suffered a sun-stroke. He decides to help at his father’s company and cast his dream aside. When his friend Mo offers him a role in a new film, he declines but not before Mo shoves him the script. When he starts to read the script at night, he is amazed to find that the plot is identical to the events around him. In the realm of a dream-like script or a script-like dream, Gus ponders his life as an actor and finds his own direction.

導演簡介 何頌勤,畢業於香港演藝學院電影電視學院導演系;現為自由工作者,從事廣告、公司影片及短片拍攝和剪接工作。

Director’s Biography

HO Chung-ken graduated from the School of Film and Television of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Directing. As a freelancer, he works in advertising, corporate video and short film production and editing.


香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director︰何頌勤 HO Chung-ken

編劇 Scriptwriters:何頌勤 HO Chung-ken.張小保 CHEUNG Siu-po.吳彥俊 NG Yin-chun攝影 Cinematographer:羅凱麒 LAW Hoi-ki 監製 Producers:張小保 CHEUNG Siu-po.郭靄儀 Jessie COO Oi-yee演員 Cast:黃雋謙 WONG Chun-him.楊螢映 Anna LEONG.邱頌偉 YAU Chung-wai


導演 Director:Malena VAIN 編劇 Scriptwriter:Malena VAIN 攝影 Cinematographer:Javier ARCARO 監製 Producer:Laura GUINDE演員 Cast:Telma CRISANTI•Leonardo MURÚA


Malena VAIN (阿根廷),現任自由電影工作者及編劇;畢業於 Universidad del Cine電影大學;曾於紐約電影學院修讀劇本創作。《商務父女》是她的首部短片作品。

Director’s Biography

Malena VAIN (Argentina) is currently working as a screenwriter and freelance filmmaker. She graduated from Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires, and studied screenwriting at New York Film Academy and playwriting. Her first short film is Business.


A girl with a guitar reunites with her middle-aged father in a hotel room. He is a business man on a visit to Argentina, the country he once called home. She is back from playing at a concert. Updating each other on each their diverging life paths, they rebuild a connection through cautious conversation laden with emotional overtones. Night falls between those four white walls, until the sun rises again.

一夜北京Taxi Blues

導演 Director:亓天陽 QI Tian-yang

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition 國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品 From CILECT 2017

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導演簡介 車駿禧,畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院;執導短片《無性別戀愛》獲第 11屆台灣金甘蔗影展「評審團大獎」。

Director’s Biography

CHE Chun-hei is a graduate of the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. He was awarded the Jury Prize at the Golden Sugarcane Film Festival 2016, Taiwan, for his short film, Love without Gender.

暴烈溫柔 Killing Me Softly


香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 車駿禧 CHE Chun-hei 編劇 Scriptwriter:車駿禧 CHE Chun-hei攝影 Cinematographer:伍嘉賢 NG Ka-yin 監製 Producers:盧曉潼 Jamie LO• 黃寶玲 WONG Po-ling演員 Cast:陳永尉 Bowie CHAN Wing-wai.布丁 Putin. 劉江 LAU Kong

06節目 Programme


What should have been a standard assassination goes awry, all because of a mongrel. Crime boss Brother Shing orders hitman Howard to kill an old man while walking his dog. Although the hit is successful, the remarkably loyal mongrel refuses to leave. Howard takes pity on the mongrel that waits for its dead owner who will never return. Eventually, man and dog form a bond. On a fateful day, Howard accidentally kills a female student who tries to bully the mongrel, and the situation escalates to fateful consequences. Screen veteran LAU Kong exudes evilness as the ruthless crime boss. Behind the symbolism of the jellyfish looms the sense of nihilism and loss.

101 分鐘 min溫柔,可以殺人;暴烈,不一定殘忍。甚麼叫「溫柔」?甚麼才算「暴烈」?

Gentleness sometimes kills, and violence is not always cruel. 12.4 | 21:50 BC

14.4 | 19:40 MM19.4 | 19:40 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

導演簡介 李卓風,畢業於香港浸會大學國際學院,主修新媒體及影視劇本創作;現職編劇,曾參與多個港台電視項目如《沒有牆的世界》、《我家在香港》和《Plan B》等。

Director’s Biography

LI Cheuk-fung , graduated from the College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, is currently a screenwriter. He has participated in a number of RTHK and ViuTV productions, such as A Wall-less World, My Home is Hong Kong and Plan B.

接近無限溫柔的瘋狂The Gentle Madness 香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 李卓風 LI Cheuk-fung 編劇 Scriptwriter:李卓風 LI Cheuk-fung攝影 Cinematographer:陳靖安 Timothy CHAN 監製 Producers:李卓乘 LI Cheuk-shing.李卓風 LI Cheuk-fung演員 Cast:翁佩鈴 YUNG Pui-ling.鐘雪螢 CHUNG Suet-ying. 羅雪妍 LAW Suet-in.李卓乘 LI Cheuk-shing


Mothers often go to extremes and make sacrifices for their children, including feigning madness. Fun-nei's mother has been kept in custody in a mental hospital for killing her husband, leaving daughters Fun-nei and Si-ling on their own. Fun-nei later achieves success by making her eventful life story into a documentary. One day the mother escapes from the hospital and returns home. Furious that Si-ling has not reported the escape, Fun-nei clashes with her sister and films the conflict, eventually unveiling the hidden truth.

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition 本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

101 分鐘 min12.4 | 21:50 BC14.4 | 19:40 MM19.4 | 19:40 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

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導演簡介 Reed Van DYK (美國),畢業於康奈爾大學,修讀電影藝術;現於加州大學洛杉磯分校攻讀藝術碩士課程,主修電影導演;將獲頒「嘉麗絲(姬莉)王妃奬」(2017-2018)。

Director’s Biography

Reed Van DYK (USA) has a Bachelor Degree in Theater Arts from Cornell University and will graduate with a Master of Fine Arts in Film Directing from University of California, Los Angeles. He will be receiving the Princess Grace Award (2017-2018) from The Princess Grace Foundation-USA (PGF-USA).

命懸一線DeKalb Elementary

美國 United States of America / 2017 / 21 分鐘 min英語對白,中英文字幕 In English with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP克萊蒙費朗國際短片節大奬Grand Prix, Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival「SXSW」電影節特別評審奬 Special Jury Award, SXSW Film Festival

導演 Director: Reed Van DYK 編劇 Scriptwriter:Reed Van DYK攝影 Cinematographer:Jon PETER 監製 Producers:Cory DESROSIERS•Christopher LEAVINS• Enrique DIAZ•Morgan PETERSON• Ricardo RAMIREZ演員 Cast:Tarra RIGGS•Bo MITCHELLl

暴烈溫柔 Killing Me Softly

06節目 Programme

一個尋常不過的放學午後,一名年輕男子突然拔出一支 AK-47,吆喝要大開殺戒,並挾持校內一名女校工。對峙中,女工一邊從容不迫地替槍手向外界傳話,一邊試圖安撫他,甚至打開心扉吐露自身不堪回首的往事。千鈞一髮間,槍手會猛然扣動扳機威脅周遭人命安危,還是因為溫柔的對話而有所覺悟、放下屠刀?影片以校務處為主要場景,狹小的空間在精簡的調度處理下,充滿懸念和張力,直教人想到薛尼盧密的《黃金萬両》(1975)。

A young man armed with an AK-47 walks into an elementary school. Commanding everybody to hide, he communicates with the police outside through the receptionist, who tries to calm the shooter down. Interaction between the shooter and the receptionist develops and tension builds up. The economy of mise-en-scène injects a powerful emotion to the film along a thrilling encounter between the two strangers. Inspired by a 911 call placed during a school shooting incident in Atlanta, Georgia, this short recalls moments of Sidney Lumet’s Dog Day Afternoon (1975).

導演簡介 Kaveh MAZAHERI (伊朗),影評人出身;至今已發表四部獨立短片及逾 20 部紀錄片作品。作品包括《Report About Mina》及《PS人生》等。

Director’s Biography

Kaveh MAZAHERI (Iran) began to write film criticism for Iranian magazines after graduating from college. He made his first short film, Tweezers, in 2007. To date, he has made four independent short films and more than twenty short and long documentaries, including A Report About Mina and Retouch.

PS人生Retouch 伊朗 Iran / 2017 / 20 分鐘 min波斯語對白,中英文字幕 In Persian with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP翠貝卡電影節「最佳敘事短片」Best Narrative Short, Tribeca Film Festival斯德哥爾摩國際電影節「最佳短片獎項」 Best Short Film, Stockholm International Film Festival

導演 Director: Kaveh MAZAHERI 編劇 Scriptwriter:Kaveh MAZAHERI攝影 Cinematographer:Mohammad Reza JAHANPANAH 監製 Producer:Kaveh MAZAHERI演員 Cast:Sonia SANJARI•Mohammadhossein ZIKSARI


Retouch sees an Iranian woman’s morning routine unexpectedly disrupted, offering her an escape route from her life. Working at the graphic design department of a newspaper, her task involves retouching images for publishing. One day, when her husband falls into a critical state between life and death through an accident, she decides to withhold help and watch him die. The drama further unfolds as the woman tries to retouch the entire event by manipulating appearances and perceptions to achieve her desired outcome.

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品From CILECT 2017

斯德哥爾摩國際電影節 2017 作品From Stockholm International Film Festival 2017

38 39

二域 Territories

艷陽天Bright Spring Days

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 25 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 葉嘉麟 YEH Ka-lun 編劇 Scriptwriter:葉嘉麟 YEH Ka-lun 攝影 Cinematographer:葉嘉麟 YEH Ka-lun 監製 Producers:陳家明 CHAN Ka-ming.曾慶宏 Eric TSANG演員 Cast:廖愛玲 LIU Oi-ling.岑珈其 SHAM Ka-ki. 稅潔 SHUI Jie.劉政譽 LAU Ching-yu


白沙堆The Bridge

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語、國語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese & Mandarin with Chinese &

English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 楊兩全 YEUNG Leung-chuen 編劇 Scriptwriter:何其美 Kimmy HO 攝影 Cinematographer:黃嘉祺 WONG Ka-ki 監製 Producer:邱洛彤 YAU Lok-tung演員 Cast:李英濤 LI Ying-to.覃恩美 Amy CHUM Yan-mi.張宗煌 ZHANG Zong-huang. 李偉樂 LEE Wai-lok.余詠茵 YU Wing-yan


Lai-sing, full of aspirations as a journalist, lives in Hong Kong with his sister Kei-mei. Their parents live in Hainan since retirement while Uncle Guoyou lives in Shenzhen. The family is separated until the third anniversary of the death of Lai-sing's grandmother. According to tradition, a monument has to be erected on this occasion, which brings the family members to meet up. The reunion slowly unveils the indiscernible distances and intimacies built over time. It is only through understanding and acceptance that they would cast aside their differences and show genuine care for each other.



Director’s Biography

YEUNG Leung-chuen graduated from the School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a winner of the Hong Kong Youth Literary Award and has competed in the Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival and Golden Sugarcane Film Festival.

節目 Programme


Kuen is a lounge singer on Temple Street. Her son Ka-kei, now a university student, returns to Hong Kong for just a few days after emigrating to Canada with his father. Kuen's colleague Kit has to work overnight and enlists Kuen’s help to take care of her young son. During the sleepless night, Kuen and Ka-kei relive their past and envisage their future through another pair of mother and son. Under the bright sun, the cycle of life and family relationships continue, made all the more touching by the nuanced moments of care and concern between each other. SHAM Ka-ki of Weeds On Fire plays the son and renders a tender and layered performance full of subtlety.



110 分鐘 min11.4 | 19:35 YOHO14.4 | 17:20 BC21.4 | 17:20 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

Director’s Biography

YEH Ka-lun graduated from the School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


In the global village, there are no distinct territories, only those who traverse.

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition 本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

二域 Territories

07節目 Programme

40 41

飛天鼠Flying Rats

比利時 Belgium / 2016 / 19 分鐘 min荷蘭語對白,中英文字幕 In Dutch with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: Emiel SANDTKE 編劇 Scriptwriter:Emiel SANDTKE 攝影 Cinematographer:Xavier Van D'HUYNSLAGER 監製 Producer:Roxanne SARKOZI演員 Cast:Brecht DAEL•Mohmad IBRAHIM


英國 United Kingdom.科索沃 Kosovo / 2016 / 20 分鐘 min英語對白,中英文字幕 In English with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP英國電影電視藝術學院奬「最佳短片」

Best Short Film, BAFTA Award導演 Director: Daniel MULLOY 編劇 Scriptwriter:Daniel MULLOY 攝影 Cinematographers:Paul MACKAY•Victor SEGUIN 監製 Producers:Shpat DEDA•Afolabi KUTI•Tim NASH•Scott O'DONNELL•Chris WATLING演員 Cast:Jack O'CONNELL•Holliday GRAINGER


Home is a sensitive, layered and complex exploration of how fear can bring out the best and worst in all of us. A family, led by a confident and caring father, heads out on a holiday. However, it slowly becomes evident that they are leaving the security and safety of the English suburbs to cross Europe and make their way into the middle of a war zone. As they travel, the father's reassurances ring hollow. Under great stress, the father buckles and the mother's strength takes over. Through inverting the roles of middle class whites and refugees, the short film provides a glimpse into the realities and trauma of being the later.


Daniel MULLOY (英國),英國電影電視藝術學院奬及英國獨立電影大奬得主;至今已獲近百項國際奬項、三度獲選於辛丹斯電影節舉行首映,及於英國愛丁堡電影節兩度獲奬。

Director’s Biography

Daniel MULLOY (United Kingdom) is a BAFTA and BIFA winning filmmaker. His films have received near 100 international awards. Three of his films premiered at Sundance Film Festival. He is also a two-time winner of the Edinburgh International Film Festival.


Childhood days should be carefree, but not for 11-year-old Nadir when his family is arrested by the immigration officers. To prevent Nadir from being taken as well, his friend Kian plots to run away with him. It proves to be far more difficult than expected when the flawless plan is quickly derailed by reality. The seagulls, which captivate the young boys, symbolise an escape from their respective difficult situations. 


Emiel SANDTKE (荷蘭),畢業於布魯塞爾 LUCA 藝術學院,獲影音藝術碩士學位;作品《The Biggest》獲魯汶國際短片節「The Pitch」奬,曾參與康城影展;現為亞姆斯特丹媒體學院講師。

Director’s Biography

Emiel SANDTKE (Netherlands) graduated with a Master in Audio-visual Arts at LUCA School of Arts, Brussels. His short film, The Biggest, won The Pitch award at the Leuven International Short Film Festival, Belgium and was selected that same year for the pitch session at Cannes Film Festival. He is currently a lecturer at the Media College in Amsterdam.

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品 From CILECT 2017 英國電影電視藝術學院奬 2017 作品 From BAFTA 2017

110 分鐘 min11.4 | 19:35 YOHO14.4 | 17:20 BC21.4 | 17:20 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

二域 Territories

07節目 Programme

節目 Programme

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狂歡派對The Party

愛爾蘭 Ireland.英國 United Kingdom / 2016 / 16 分鐘 min英語對白,中英文字幕 In English with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: Andrea HARKIN 編劇 Scriptwriter:Conor MACNEILL 攝影 Cinematographer:Piers MCGRAIL 監製 Producers:Farah ABUSHWESHA•Emmet FLEMING演員 Cast:Anthony BOYLE•Niall MCNAMEE•Eileen O'HIGGINS

導演簡介 鄧亮輝,自由編劇,遊走於商業與獨立創作之間;憑作品《我和阿里的故事》入圍第 10 屆鮮浪潮國際短片節。

Director’s Biography

Anthony TANG is a freelance screenwriter. His short film, Ali and Me, competed in the 10th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival.

慌為大人Rites Of Passage

誰聽赤子心Silent Sky

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 25 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 鄧亮輝 Anthony TANG 編劇 Scriptwriter:鄧亮輝 Anthony TANG攝影 Cinematographer:汪習堯 WAN Chap-yiu 監製 Producer:葉婞和 YIP Hang-wo演員 Cast:薛立賢 SIT Lap-yin.羅旭全 LAW Yuk-chuen


生存很累,「大人」的身份很重。學校生活如常,煦麗的陽光照耀著無以名狀的悲傷。好友雄無故自殺,17 歲少年天朗深受打擊。回憶的碎片愈撿愈多,雄自殺的真相愈見水落石出,濃罩天朗心底的那份沉鬱絕望亦愈揮之不去。置身殘酷的人世、徘徊生死邊緣,該如何自處?可不可以當個世故的孩子?或者做個天真的大人?

Becoming an adult could be simply tiring for many. 17-year-old Long suffers a heavy blow by his best friend Hung’s incomprehensible suicide. Long cannot reconcile to his friend's decision, yet school life goes on. Putting together the fragments of overlooked bygone events, the truth of Hung’s suicide gradually surfaces. After a glimpse of the sorrow and desperation from which his best friend has been suffering, what course should Long take? Perched on the edge between life and death, how will he survive in the cruel world? Hopefully, someone will hear the silent cries of the young and wounded.

93 分鐘 min10.4 | 21:50 BC17.4 | 21:50 BC21.4 | 13:45 YOHO

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

1972 年,北愛爾蘭首府貝爾法斯特。愛爾蘭共和軍與北愛政府皆劍拔弩張,雙方關係如箭在弦。青年米基逃避追捕,回家與表弟羅蘭斯及一眾好友載歌載舞,借酒精逃避殘酷現實。然而,即使刻意不去碰政治,政治還是會找上門來,無人能夠置身事外。年輕熱血碰上國族情仇,只會徒添怨恨。影片以少年成長的躍動與脆弱,烘托出愛爾蘭歷史的糾結與沉痛。

Set in 1972 at the height of the Troubles in Belfast, The Party sees man-on-the-run Mickey welcomed home by his cousin Laurence and close friends for an evening of drinking and dancing during which the conflicts of the world outside are mostly forgotten. By morning, harsh reality comes crashing in. The Party is both about Ireland's troubled past as well as the vibrancy and vulnerability of youth.


Andrea HARKIN (北愛爾蘭),畢業於英國國立電影電視學院,修導演學;先後憑處女作《The Flyer》及最新作品《狂歡派對》獲提名競逐英國電影電視藝術學院奬項。

Director’s Biography

Andrea HARKIN (Northern Ireland) graduated from The National Film and Television School and studied directing. She was nominated for the New Talent Awards at BAFTA (Scotland) and the Best British Short at BAFTA with her first short film, The Flyer, and latest short, The Party, respectively.

英國電影電視藝術學院奬 2017 作品 From BAFTA 2017 本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

110 分鐘 min11.4 | 19:35 YOHO14.4 | 17:20 BC21.4 | 17:20 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

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導演簡介 Mika GUSTAFSON (瑞典),畢業於哥德堡 Valand學院;劇情與紀錄片雙線發展,首部長篇紀錄片為《Silvana》。

Director’s Biography

Mika GUSTAFSON (Sweden) has a Bachelor Degree in Film Directing from Valand Academy in Gothenburg. Her first feature film, Silvana, was a documentary.


瑞典 Sweden / 2017 / 24 分鐘 min瑞典語對白,中英文字幕 In Swedish with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP哥德堡影展首映Premiered at Göteborg Film Festival斯德哥爾摩國際電影節提名「最佳短片」 Nominated for Best Short Film, Stockholm International Film Festival烏普薩拉國際電影節提名「最佳短片」Nominated for Best Short Film, Uppsala International Film Festival

導演 Director: Mika GUSTAFSON 編劇 Scriptwriter:Mika GUSTAFSON攝影 Cinematographer:Claudia KENT 監製 Producer:Maida KRAK演員 Cast:Elmira ARIKAN•Alexander ÖHRSTRAND• Julia WIKMAN

CILECT 大獎 2017 (劇情片) CILECT Prize 2017 (Fiction)

(詳見 For details, please refer to P.10)

沉默的灰When Grey Is A Colour

導演 Director:Marit WEERHEIJM

節目 Programme

慌為大人Rites Of Passage

08 93 分鐘 min10.4 | 21:50 BC17.4 | 21:50 BC21.4 | 13:45 YOHO

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

Mephobia,當代網上用語,指人對「無敵是最寂寞」的恐懼,然而青春就是天不怕地不怕。幾名 6 至 8 歲的屋邨小女孩追逐嬉戲,另一群少女亦漫無目的四處闖蕩。短片透過仿紀錄片的拍攝手法,以鏡頭捕捉女孩們的瑣碎日常。她們字裡行間所流露出的自滿與驕傲,猶如青春的狂奔與揮霍。以少年輕狂淹沒世界,正是她們生活的真正意義。

Mephobia is a newly coined word which means the fear of becoming so awesome that the human race could not handle it, and everybody dies. A group of girls aged 6 to 8 wander around the neighbourhood. The older girls are just as frustrated, but their restlessness expresses itself in other ways and limits are constantly tested. This pseudo-documentary narrates fragments of the girls' lives, whose interactions with others are indicative of their strong self-affirmation, believing that their awesomeness overflows to an extent that everyone else pale in comparison.


In between innocence and sophistication, ecstasy and melancholy, grappling with possibilities. We all grow up more or less this way.

導演簡介 Pascal REINMANN (瑞士),獲電影學士學位,現於蘇黎世藝術大學修讀電影學碩士課程。

Director’s Biography

Pascal REINMANN (Switzerland) obtained a Bachelor Degree in Film and is a current Master student in Cinematography at the Zurich University of the Arts.

十五十六Millimeterle 瑞士 Switzerland / 2016 / 16 分鐘 min瑞士德語對白,中英文字幕 In Swiss-German with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP柏林「First Steps Awards」「最佳短片」Best Short Film , First Steps Awards鹿特丹「TENT」學院奬「最佳外語片」 Best Foreign Film, TENT Academy Awards

導演 Director: Pascal REINMANN 編劇 Scriptwriter:Pascal REINMANN攝影 Cinematographer:Ramón KÖNIGSHAUSEN 監製 Producer:Filippo BONACCI演員 Cast:Maurice SCHNIEPER•Thierry BRUNNSCHWEILER


X jumps first. Down in the water, he is not allowed to change position. The goal for Y and Z is to jump as close as possible to X. The one who jumps closest to X wins the game. Measuring their power and proving themselves is part of the boys' everyday life. Such is for 13-year-old gentle-natured Yännu, until his best friend's upcoming sexual curiosity suddenly puts him in a threatening situation. Where is the line between game and reality and what happens if that line is crossed?

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品From CILECT 2017

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品From CILECT 2017

46 47

是有種人 The Making Of Heroes

渡邊人Raging Through River

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 23 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 賴永昌 LAI Wing-cheong 編劇 Scriptwriters:許一雄 HUI Yat-hung.賴永昌 LAI Wing-cheong 攝影 Cinematographer:陳兆翔 CHAN Siu-cheung 監製 Producer:麥家威 MAK Ka-wai演員 Cast:蔡浩洋 CHOI Ho-yeung.曾文威 TSANG Man-wai.王宗堯 Gregory WONG


人間樂園The Garden Of Earthly Delights

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 27 分鐘 min粵語、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese &

English with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 黃倩怡 WONG Sin-yi 編劇 Scriptwriter:黃倩怡 WONG Sin-yi 攝影 Cinematographer:黃詩洛 Daphanie WONG Sze-lok 監製 Producers:莫庭偉 Terry MOK Ting-wai.張振興 CHEUNG Chun-hing演員 Cast:張婉雯 CHEUNG Yuen-man.陳凱雪 CHAN Hoi-suet.黃修平 Adam WONG Sau-ping


If you can neither adapt to the world nor go with the current, perhaps it is best to stay somewhere that never changes. Single mother and career woman Ngor is afraid to find out the real reason behind her son's suicide. Carrying his ashes and memento, Ngor, while wandering on the street, encounters the mysterious Japanese tourist Kusano and Worm, the girl next door who has had a fight with her parents. Their fates intertwine, beginning with an exclamation mark and ending with a question mark.



Director’s Biography

WONG Sin-yi studied Fine Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Cinema Production (MFA) at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

節目 Programme


Difference in generational values is perhaps as old as time itself, and can neither be explained nor resolved. An ambitious teenager is eager to explore the world by reaching the other side of the river. He meets an indifferent and unenthusiastic ferryman. The tiny ferry is not large enough to hold dissenting opinions. The ferryman considers the teenager naive while the teenager thinks the other spineless with no stance. Reflecting on the present, their conflicts and separate beliefs make a consensus almost impossible. Two people set for sail, yet only one reaches the shore. On the other side of the river, the youngster, instead of hope, witnesses the end of an era.



107 分鐘 min13.4 | 19:35 BC16.4 | 21:45 BC17.4 | 19:30 MM

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

Director’s Biography

LAI Wing-cheong studied Multimedia Design and has participated in various creative video competitions. Currently he is working in a television broadcast company as an assistant director.


Life is made up of choices. It requires courage, acquired through action.

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition 本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

是有種人 The Making Of Heroes

09節目 Programme

107 分鐘 min13.4 | 19:35 BC16.4 | 21:45 BC17.4 | 19:30 MM

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

48 49


波蘭 Poland / 2017 / 26 分鐘 min波蘭語對白,中英文字幕 In Polish with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP第 33 屆華沙電影節選映

Screened at the 33rd Warsaw Film Festival導演 Director: Roman PRZYLIPIAK 編劇 Scriptwriters:Roman PRZYLIPIAK•Grzegorz BOGDAŁ 攝影 Cinematographer:Ita Zbroniec ZAJT 監製 Producer:Munk Studio (PFA)演員 Cast:Sebastian ŁACH•Justyna WASILEWSKA•Adam BOBIK• Laser the dog•Jan SZUMACHER


哥倫比亞 Columbia / 2016 / 15 分鐘 min西班牙語對白,中英文字幕 In Spanish with Chinese & English subtitles

彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: Ricardo Fernández JIMÉNEZ 編劇 Scriptwriter:Ricardo Fernández JIMÉNEZ 攝影 Cinematographer:Juan FERNÁNDEZ 監製 Producer:Santiago RODRIGUEZ演員 Cast:Edgar DURAN•Juan David SALCEDO•Alieth VARGAS

也許,世上沒所謂「後悔」或「不甘」,在無數個平行時空裡,事情早已發生過。希爾伯特遊走於兩個平行宇宙,嚴格來說,是他的意識能夠在兩個世界互 Sync (同步運作)。在這個世界,他替黑道賺錢;在那個宇宙,他遇上美艷的安娜。極力想擺脫黑道制肘的這個他,讓那個他得以好好認識她……全片透過上下分割的畫面,巨細無遺地呈現出希爾伯特意識到的兩個空間。

Hilbert lives in two parallel worlds — his consciousness traverses two worlds simultaneously. In one world, he must help a gangster to win fifty-fifty bets, but the beautiful Ana interferes from the other dimension. Hilbert wants to end his connection with the gangster, and the perfect opportunity comes when he meets Ana. Using split screen, the film allows us to delve Hilbert’s double universe filled with strange and exhilarating visual effect.


Ricardo Fernández JIMÉNEZ (哥倫比亞),現任導演、編劇;畢業於哥倫比亞國家大學電影及電視學院。

Director’s Biography

Ricardo Fernández JIMÉNEZ (Columbia) is a film director and screenwriter from Bogotá. He studied at the National University of Columbia, School of Film and TV.

CILECT 大獎 2017「拉丁美洲最佳電影」(劇情片) CIBA Best Film (Fiction), CILECT Prize 2017

(詳見 For details, please refer to P.12)

色囚Colour Cage

導演 Director:Daniel REASCOS

導演 Director: Piotr DOMALEWSKI 編劇 Scriptwriter:Piotr DOMALEWSKI攝影 Cinematographer:Bartosz SWINIARSKI 監製 Producer:Munk Studio - PFA演員 Cast:Grzegorz DAMIĘCKI•Andrzej GRABOWSKI• Tomasz SCHUCHARDT


Jerry, an energy therapist, takes a blow to the face from a disgruntled client's family member, a painful reminder that his powers are gone for good. One day, his healer’s powers return to him unexpectedly when he takes in a stray dog. He becomes a genuine miracle worker. However, this new-found power does not last as it vanishes along with the dog's disappearance. Will he ever regain his gift?


Roman PRZYLIPIAK (波蘭),畢業於洛茲電影學院電視電影導演系;擅長創作劇情及實驗性電影;於華沙「Teatr」工作室負責視覺元素及場景製作。

Director’s Biography

Roman PRZYLIPIAK (Poland) graduated from the Department of Film and TV Directing at the Łódź Film School. He also creates visuals and scenes for productions at Teatr Studio in Warsaw.

Munk Studio (波蘭電影工作者協會) 作品 From Munk Studio (Polish Filmmakers Association) 國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品 From CILECT 2017

節目 Programme

50 51

導演簡介 陳綺華,畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,從事影像相關工作。

Director’s Biography

CHAN Yee-wa, a graduate of School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, works with moving images.

弊傢伙… Something’s Not Right


香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 28 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Director: 陳綺華 CHAN Yee-wa 編劇 Scriptwriters:陳綺華 CHAN Yee-wa.李淑明 LI Shuk-ming攝影 Cinematographer:梁皓昇 LEUNG Ho-sing 監製 Producers:黃詩明 WONG Sze-ming.馮瑞菁 FUNG Sui-ching演員 Cast:蔡頌思 Jocelyn CHOI Zung-sze. 黃焯言 WONG Cheuk-yin.吳家燕 NG Ka-yin. 余達志 YU Tat-chi


贏在起跑線的,是否保證成為「人生勝利組」?是否只有考試取得 80、90 分,才能得到父母疼愛?為人父母的,該如何走進子女的內心世界?就讀中五的曉茹,不敵學業和考試壓力,企圖自殺,奈何求生不得,求死亦不能。家人的關懷備至反而成為監視,壓力爆煲下,她只好提早復課。重啟生活,卻無所適從,又怎料到當初的抉擇竟令情況變得更糟糕。事過境遷,重新出發,是否就能夠重生?

Will getting ahead in school ensure success in life? Are children worthy of the parent’s love only if they obtain good grades? Unable to cope with the pressure from schoolwork and examinations, Form 5 student Hiu-yu attempted suicide. Her life after surviving the attempt is just as exasperating. The parents keep a guarded watch over her, prompting her to return to school. The endless sense of desolation remains in the new life, which takes a turn for the worse. How should parents balance their expectations with the needs and feelings of their children? And how can we make sure we do not tread the same path again when given a second chance?

99 分鐘 min你看我好,我看你好。實各有各的難處。好就好在,無論如何都可以做點甚麼。

We all have our own problems. The only consolation being, we can always do something about it. 8.4 | 17:50 MM

14.4 | 19:40 BC21.4 | 19:40 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

導演簡介 莊文迪,畢業於廣州暨南大學藝術學院,主修電影藝術;曾執導多部短片及參與電影製作。

Director’s Biography

CHAUNG Man-tik, graduated from Film and Media Arts Department in Arts College of Jinan University, Guangzhou, has a great enthusiasm for filmmaking. He has produced a number of short films and feature films.

出口Speak Out

香港 Hong Kong / 2018 / 30 分鐘 min粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles黑白 Black & White / DCP

導演 Director: 莊文迪 CHUANG Man-tik 編劇 Scriptwriters:莊文迪 CHUANG Man-tik.陳月半 Fat CHEN攝影 Cinematographer:海樹 Chris OCEAN 監製 Producer:莊文迪 CHUANG Man-tik演員 Cast:邵仲衡 David SIU Chung-hang. 陳曾寧 CHAN Tsang-ning


The Umbrella Movement not only made an impact on the entire society, but also on countless families. University student Chow, sentenced to prison over her involvement in the movement, takes a toll on the relationship with her taxi-driver father. Eight months later at her release, father and daughter are speechless on the ride home. The father tries to secure a better future for his daughter by finding her a job. Chow decides to move back to the dormitory. On the night of her departure, the father is disheartened to learn that she is joining an assembly. Will father and daughter eventually resolve their conflicts? The role of the despondent single father comes alive through TV veteran actor David SIU Chung-hang.

本地競賽作品 From Local Competition 本地競賽作品 From Local Competition

52 53

導演簡介 Alex SCHAAD (德國),畢業於慕尼克電視電影大學導演系;從事電視、電影及劇場製作。

Director’s Biography

Alex SCHADD (Germany) studied at the Department of Film and Television Drama Directing, University of Television and Film Munich and works in television, film and theatre production.

傷信Invention of Trust

德國 Germany / 2016 / 29 分鐘 min德語對白,中英文字幕 In German with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP學生奧斯卡奬「外語劇情片」金奬Gold Award in �Foreign Narrative�, Student Academy Awards

導演 Director: Alex SCHAAD 編劇 Scriptwriters:Dimitrij UND•Alex SCHAAD攝影 Cinematographer:Ahmed El NAGAR 監製 Producer:Richard LAMPRECHT演員 Cast:Dimitrij SCHAAD

節目 Programme

弊傢伙… Something’s Not Right

10 99 分鐘 min8.4 | 17:50 MM

14.4 | 19:40 BC21.4 | 19:40 BC

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE


As the boundary between the virtual and physical wor lds is increas ingly blurred, personal data unprotected and privacy constantly invaded, trust between people takes a bizarre and digital turn. Young teacher Michael receives a mysterious message – the personal rating service “b.good” has obtained his online and mobile data for the evaluation of his professional skills and personality. Soon he finds himself in a moral fight for trust in the midst of students, colleagues and friends. Highlighting the ethical loopholes of the virtual world, this cautionary tale is alarmingly realistic and relevant.

導演簡介 Directors’ Biographies

Frida KEMPFF (瑞典),作品涵蓋紀錄片及劇情片等範疇;曾參與康城影展、特柳賴德電影節、亞姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展及「Hot Docs」加拿大國際紀錄片影展等。

Fr i d a K E M P F F ( S w e d e n ) ’s f i l m s r a n g e f ro m documentaries to narrative dramas which won her awards at Cannes Film Festival, Telluride Film Festival, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam and Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival.

Erik ANDERSSON (瑞典),任短片、紀錄片及電視節目監製及剪接;《獵狼》為他的首部執導作品。

Erik ANDERSSON (Sweden) has been working as editor and producer on several short films, feature documentaries and TV-series. Wolf is his directorial debut.

獵狼Wolf 瑞典 Sweden / 2017 / 12 分鐘 min瑞典語對白,中英文字幕 In Swedish with Chinese & English subtitles彩色 Colour / DCP

導演 Directors: Frida KEMPFF•Erik ANDERSSON 編劇 Scriptwriter:Frida KEMPFF攝影 Cinematographer:Pia LEHTO 監製 Producer:Erik ANDERSSON演員 Cast:Beri AYDIN•Bahador FOLADI•Erik KEMPFF


In the wilderness, the law of the jungle is to eat or be eaten. The sheep kept by Charlie and her father are attacked by a wolf. Charlie overcomes her initial panic and retaliates. Shooting at close distance, she learns to become strong and encounters death face to face. The harsh winter in Northern Europe acts as the backdrop to the frigid wasteland and atmosphere of isolation.

國際影視院校聯會 2017 作品From CILECT 2017

斯德哥爾摩國際電影節 2017 作品From Stockholm International Film Festival 2017

54 55

彩蛋 1: 鮮浪潮得獎短片巡禮Cookie 1: Fresh Wave Award Winners Highlights

*本地競賽部分總評審簡介,請參閱 P.56。 For the biographies of the jurors, please refer to P.56.

壓軸彩蛋Post-Credits Cookies

放映時間及地點 TIME & VENUE

今年參與本地競賽部分的短片共 19

部,競逐「最佳攝影」、「最佳編劇」、「最佳導演」及「鮮浪潮大獎」。所有獎項均由五位本地及國際專業評審 *評選,得奬名單於 4 月21 日的閉幕及頒獎典禮上公布。得奬作品會再次公開放映,與影迷見面。

There are a total of 19 short f i lms in Local Competition of this year’s Festival, to be judged by our prestigious panel of five jurors*. The winners of Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, Best Director, and Fresh Wave Award will be announced at the Closing and Awards Presentation Ceremony on 21 April, followed by screenings for the award winning titles.


What’s next? We can never predict the post-credits, but we will always appreciate what comes to us, which mystery adds to the allure.

5.5 | 14:00 BC | 19:45 MM6.5 | 19:40 BC | 15:40 YOHO

彩蛋 2:「合拍」放映禮Cookie 2: Collaborative Works Screening

此外,三位於 CILECT 大奬 2017^

中獲得高度評價的海外年輕導演,於短片節期間獲邀來港參與「海外/本地年青導演合拍計劃」。三位海外導演與三位本地導演會分成三組,以「一對一」或「聯合執導」形式,「落區」各自製作一部 3分鐘以內的劇情短片,作品更會與今屆本地競賽得獎作品一同搬上大銀幕。爆笑、感人、哲思等內容風格層出不窮,但交換故事、交換心情、交換文化視野的初心不變。

During the Festival, three young overseas directors awarded by the CILECT Prize 2017 wil l be participating in a collaborative project with three local directors, in which one overseas director will pair up with a local director to co-direct a piece of narrative work within 3 minutes in Hong Kong. The finished product will be screened together with the award winning titles of Local Competition. It may be a hilarious, moving, or philosophical 3 minutes; but more importantly the will and eagerness to exchange.

^ CILECT 大奬 2017由國際影視院校聯會(CILECT)公布。關於 CILECT,請參閱 P.67。 CILECT Prize 2017 is presented by The International Association of Film and Television Schools (CILECT). For more information, please refer to P.67.

56 57

本地競賽總評審簡介 Jury Panel of Local Competition

艾朗宏博士,香港城市大學創意媒體學院院長,兼應用計算機及互動媒體中心副董事;曾任紐約大學帝勢藝術學院電影研究教授。艾朗宏博士專研電影理論與美學,編著有《Wittgenstein, Theory and the Arts》(2001)等;同時為希治閣電影權威,《Hitchcock Annual》編輯及移動影像研究會會員。

Dr Richard William ALLEN, Dean of School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong and Associate Director of Center for Applied Computing and Interactive Media. Dr ALLEN has previously been a professor of Cinema Studies at the New York University Tisch School of the Arts. He is the author and editor of nine books on film theory and aesthetics, including Wittgenstein, Theory and the Arts (2001), and is a leading authority on Alfred Hitchcock. He is a fellow of the Society of the Cognitive Study of Moving Image, and editor of Hitchcock Annual.

郭力昕博士,影像文化評論者、倫敦大學金史密斯學院媒介與傳播系博士及台灣政治大學傳播學院教授。著作包括《再寫攝影》(2013)、《真實的叩問:紀錄片的政治與去政治》(2014)及《漂浮的意義:攝影、話語、意義、權力》(暫訂) (2018,編輯中)。

張楊,畢業於中央戲劇學院導演系;1997年執導電影處女作《愛情麻辣燙》,獲中國電影金雞獎「最佳導演處女作」及北京大學生電影節「最佳導演」;1999年《洗澡》獲西班牙聖塞巴斯蒂安國際電影節最佳導演「銀貝殼獎」;2001 年《昨天》獲第四屆曼谷國際電影節最佳影片「金翼獎」;2005 年《向日葵》獲得西班牙聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節「最佳導演」;2012年《飛越老人院》獲紐約翠貝卡電影節最受觀眾歡迎影片獎;2015年《岡仁波齊》獲第二屆意大利中國電影節最佳影片獎。最新作品是《皮繩上的魂》(2016,上海電影節「最佳攝影」)。

Dr KUO Li-hsin, media critic and expertise in Theories of Photojournalism, Documentary Film & Visual Media, PhD in Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London, and Professor at College of Communication, National Chengchi University, Taipei. Recent publications include More Writings On Photography  (2013), Interrogating Reality: Politics and De-politicization of Documentary Film  (2014) and Floating Meanings: Photography, Discourse and Power (provisional title) (2018).

ZHANG Yang graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, Beijing. His directorial debut Spicy Hot In Love (1997) won him the Best Directorial Debut Award at Golden Rooster Awards and Best Director Award at the Beijing College Student Film Festival. His second feature Shower (1999) won him the Silver Shell Award for Best Director at San Sebastian International Film Festival. His other films include Quitting (2001), Sunflower (2005), Going Home (2012), Paths Of The Soul (2015). His latest film, Soul On A String (2016), premiered in competition at the Shanghai International Film Festival and won the Best Cinematography Award.


FUNG Ka-ming, Senior Lecturer in Film History and Theory at School of Film and Television of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and veteran film critic whose writings can be seen on the Sunday edition of Ming Pao.

陳勝吉,馬來西亞新銳導演;畢業於國立台灣藝術大學電影系;在學期間已參與多部台灣影視作品幕後工作,如《神算》(第16屆台北電影獎「最佳短片」)、連續劇《他們在畢業的前一天爆炸》(第 46 屆金鐘獎多項大獎)。2013 年編導的《32℃深夜KK》,獲「BMW」短片競賽首獎「最佳導演」及「最佳編劇」。首部劇情長片《分貝人生》則獲金馬創投百萬首獎(2014)、第 20 屆上海國際電影節亞洲新人獎「最佳影片」、「最佳攝影」,及獲提名第 54屆台灣電影金馬獎「最佳新導演」。2017年憑新片計劃《風和日麗》獲金馬創投會議大奬。

TAN Seng-kiat, a budding director from Malaysia; graduated from the Department of Directing, National Taiwan University of Arts. During his study in the university, he participated in the productions of various films, including The Busy Young Psychic (Best Short Film at the 16th Taipei Film Awards) and Days We Stared At The Sun (a multi-prize winner at the 46th Golden Bell Awards). In 2013, he won Best Director and Best Screenplay at the BMW Shorties Competition, Malaysia with 32℃ Fall In Love. His feature debut, Shuttle Life, won him the Million Dollar Grand Prize at Taipei Golden Horse Film Project Promotion (FPP), Best Film and Best Cinematography at the 20th Shanghai International Film Festival, and a nomination for Best New Director at the 54th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. In 2017, he won the Grand Prize at Golden Horse FPP with his forthcoming film, One Fine Day.

58 59

放映及活動時間表 Schedule: Screenings & Extended Activities

放映 + 映後談Screenings + Post-screening Talks

延伸活動Extended Activities


6.4 Fri

開幕短片精選Opening Short Films19:15 P.8

開幕典禮 Opening CeremonyP.64 *只限獲邀人士 By invitation only

開幕電影Opening Film21:30 P.6

【相逢電影院 Face-to-Face】與矢崎仁司面對面談電影 Face-to-face with Hitoshi YAZAKI P.64*憑票入場 Ticket required

7.4 Sat

01愛是一闋獨唱的歌Love Is A Lonely Song17:30 P.13

開幕電影Opening Film19:30 P.6

02切肉不離皮 Ties Unbound19:40P.18

8.4 Sun

開幕電影Opening Film19:10 P.6

10弊傢伙… Something’s Not Right17:50P.50

開幕電影Opening Film19:20 P.6

05有一種現實叫「夢想」I Had A Dream21:40P.31

10.4 Tue

04雞蛋與高牆 The Egg And The Wall19:30P.27

08慌為大人Rites Of Passage21:50P.43

11.4 Wed

07二域 Territories19:35P.38

放映 + 映後談Screenings + Post-screening Talks

延伸活動Extended Activities


12.4 Thu

05有一種現實叫「夢想」I Had A Dream19:35P.31

04雞蛋與高牆 The Egg And The Wall19:35P.27

06暴烈溫柔 Killing Me Softly21:50P.34

13.4 Fri

09是有種人 The Making Of Heroes19:35P.46

03追尋與失落 Lost And Found19:40P.22

14.4 Sat

07二域 Territories17:20P.38

06暴烈溫柔 Killing Me Softly19:40P.34

10弊傢伙… Something’s Not Right19:40P.50

15.4 Sun

01愛是一闋獨唱的歌Love Is A Lonely Song17:30 P.13

開幕短片精選Opening Short Films20:00 P.8

02切肉不離皮 Ties Unbound19:40P.18

16.4 Mon

03追尋與失落 Lost And Found19:30P.22

09是有種人 The Making Of Heroes21:45P.46

BC - 百老匯電影中心 Broadway CinemathequeMM - MOViE MOViE CityplazaYOHO - MY CINEMA YOHO MALL

每場放映均設映後談,由本地導演現身說法,分享創作點滴。Local filmmakers will share with the audience at the post-screening Q&A sessions.

請瀏覽 www.freshwave.hk查閱短片節最新消息與節目更新。Please refer to www.freshwave.hk for most updated programme information.

60 61

放映 + 映後談Screenings + Post-screening Talks

延伸活動Extended Activities


17.4 Tue

04雞蛋與高牆 The Egg And The Wall19:30P.27

09是有種人 The Making Of Heroes19:30P.46

05有一種現實叫「夢想」I Had A Dream19:40P.31

08慌為大人Rites Of Passage21:50P.43

19.4 Thu

06暴烈溫柔 Killing Me Softly19:40P.34

02切肉不離皮 Ties Unbound19:45P.18

03追尋與失落 Lost And Found21:50P.22

20.4 Fri

01愛是一闋獨唱的歌Love Is A Lonely Song19:40 P.13

21.4 Sat

07二域 Territories17:20P.38

08慌為大人Rites Of Passage13:45P.43

【專題論壇 Roundtable Discussion】電影教育的學與習Learning & Practice in Film EducationP.65*須預先報名 Registration required

10弊傢伙… Something’s Not Right19:40P.50

閉幕及頒奬典禮 Closing and Awards Presentation CeremonyP.65*只限獲邀人士 By invitation only

5.5 Sat

壓軸彩蛋Post-Credits Cookies14:00P.54

壓軸彩蛋Post-Credits Cookies19:45P.54

6.5 Sun

壓軸彩蛋Post-Credits Cookies19:40P.54

壓軸彩蛋Post-Credits Cookies15:40P.54

放映及活動時間表 Schedule: Screenings & Extended Activities

BC - 百老匯電影中心 Broadway CinemathequeMM - MOViE MOViE CityplazaYOHO - MY CINEMA YOHO MALL

每場放映均設映後談,由本地導演現身說法,分享創作點滴。Local filmmakers will share with the audience at the post-screening Q&A sessions.

請瀏覽 www.freshwave.hk查閱短片節最新消息與節目更新。Please refer to www.freshwave.hk for most updated programme information.

62 63

票價 Ticket Price

正價 Adult ticket $65

百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque (BC)

九龍油麻地眾坊街 3 號駿發花園(港鐵油麻地站 C 出口)Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon (MTR Yau Ma Tei station - Exit C)

*不設劃位 Free seating

MOViE MOViE Cityplaza(MM)

香港太古城道 18 號太古城中心 1 期 5 樓(港鐵太古站 D1 或 E3 出口)5/F Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Hong Kong(MTR Tai Koo station - Exit D1 or E3)

*不設劃位 Free seating


新界元朗朗日路 9 號 YOHO MALL I1 樓 1021 舖(港鐵元朗站)Shop 1021, Level 1, YOHO MALL I, 9 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long(MTR Yuen Long station)

百老匯電影中心 bc / MOViE MOViE 會員bc VIP Members / MOViE MOViE Members$52

優惠票 Concessionary ticket*$35

* 備註 Remarks 優惠票適用於 60 歲或以上長者、殘疾人士及全日制學生。(全日制學生優惠票先到先得,額滿即止。)優惠票持有人必須於票房劃位前及/或入場前出示有效年齡、身份證明文件或全日制學生證。Applicable to senior citizens aged 60 or above, persons with disabilities and full-time students (limited availability for student tickets). Concessionary ticket holders must provide acceptable proof of identity, age or valid full-time student ID card during purchase of ticket and/or admission to the house.

購票方法 Ticketing

親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the screening venues

電話購票 Phone Ticketing 2388 3188^

網上購票 Online Ticketing www.cinema.com.hk^

查詢 Enquiry

查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline 2388 0002bc 會員專線 Member Hotline 2783 7004MOViE MOViE 會員專線 Member Hotline 2871 3600

^網上及電話購票均需收取手續費 A handling fee will be charged for each ticket purchased online or by phone:

BC / YOHO星期一至五每張 $8 $8 per ticket (Mon - Fri)星期六、日及公眾假期每張 $10 $10 per ticket (Sat, Sun and public holidays)

MM每張 $10 $10 per ticket

售票條款 Terms & Conditions所有已出售的門票均不能退款,亦不能更換其他放映之場次。所有門票均受百老匯院線的銷售條款所約束。請參閱 www.cinema.com.hk網頁上之告示。All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.All tickets are subject to the Purchase Policy of Broadway Circuit. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions at www.cinema.com.hk.

影片等級 Film Categories本節目指南出版時,是次節目之電影尚未獲電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處評列等級,如有電影被列為三級者,主辦單位將於戲院及售票網頁 www.cinema.com.hk上公布,敬請留意。All the films in this Programme Guide have not yet been categorised by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration at the time of its printing. If any film is subsequently classified as Category III, a notice will be posted at the screening venue and on www.cinema.com.hk.

退款及節目更改 Refunds and Programme Changes如有電影被列為三級者,未滿 18歲的持票人可於通知日起至該節目開場前,親臨各票房申請退票(網上購票之手續費用恕不退回)。If any film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds can be made to ticket holders under 18 years of age from the day of announcement until before the screening. (Online ticketing service charges will NOT be refunded).

鮮浪潮電影節有限公司保留更改放映節目的權利。有關放映節目之最新修訂(延遲、取消或更改),敬請留意鮮浪潮官方網站(www.freshwave.hk)及放映場地通告。Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited reserves the right to alter programmes without prior notice. Delays, screening cancellations or alterations will be announced on the Fresh Wave official website (www.freshwave.hk) and at the screening venue.

節目查詢 Programme Enquiry鮮浪潮電影節有限公司 Fresh Wave Film Festival Limited:2820 1046 / 2820 1035

駿發花園Prosperous Garden

Exit D1

Exit E3


太古站 Tai Koo Station

元朗站 Yuen Long Station





Yau Ma Tei Station

放映場地 Screening Venues

購票須知 Ticketing Information

文明里 Man Ming Lane

永星里 Wing Sing Lane

東莞街 Tung Kun St

彌敦道 N

athan Rd

元朗公路 Yuen Long H


元政路 Yuen Ching Rd

朗日路 Long Yat Rd

上海街 Shanghai St

新填地街 Reclam

ation St

眾坊街 Public Square St

太古城道 Tai Koo Shing Rd

康山道 Kornhill Rd

元龍街 Yuen Lung St

Long Lok Rd

青山公路元朗段 Castle Peak Rd (Yuen Long)

攸田東路 Yau Tin E Rd


英皇道 King's Rd

64 65

開幕典禮Opening Ceremony**只限獲邀人士進場 By invitation only

閉幕及頒奬典禮Closing and Awards Presentation Ceremony**只限獲邀人士進場 By invitation only

延伸活動 Extended Activities

典禮及免費公眾活動 Ceremonies & Free Public Activities

6.4.2018(星期五 Fri)

地點 Venue

Kubrick (百老匯電影中心旁) (Next to Broadway Cinematheque)

21.4.2018(星期六 Sat)

地點 Venue


6.4.2018(星期五 Fri)

時間 Time

23:45(電影放映後)(Post-screening event)

地點 Venue


Broadway Cinematheque (In-house, ticket required)

【相逢電影院 Face-to-Face】與矢崎仁司面對面談電影 Face-to-Face with Hitoshi YAZAKI


The opening f i lm A Capella , adapted from the semi-autobiography by Mariko KOIKE, set in a turbulent past shared by Hitoshi YAZAKI, what are the semblances or dissemblances between the book and the era? Filmed with a modest budget, how does the aesthetics contribute to the verisimilitude to the times? The director employed amateur actors previously, what is the difference this time for engaging popular actors? Mr YAZAKI will join the audience after the screening of the opening film for a face-to-face sharing session.

(映後談將以廣東話進行,現場設即時中、英傳譯。)(To be conducted in Cantonese, with simultaneous interpretation in English.)

21.4.2018(星期六 Sat)

地點 Venue

香港演藝學院(灣仔) 3樓電視錄影廠3/F TV Studio, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Wan Chai)

【專題論壇 Roundtable Discussion】※

電影教育的學與習 Learning & Practice in Film Education


Before it became an industry, film used to be a form of entertainment through technology. Then, combining other creative elements, film evolved into a unique form of art, and entered the institutions to be studied, researched and trained. Nowadays, most filmmakers in the world are trained at universities or film academies, though some still reject film pedagogy. How then should we learn about film? From whom and in what way? How do we put it in practice? What is the relationship between film academies and the industry? The roundtable invites directors from this year’s competition, emerging directors, scholar jurors and veteran directors to a discussion on the above questions.

(講座將以廣東話及國語進行。)(To be conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin.)

※報名詳情及更新,請密切留意鮮浪潮官方網頁Online registration required. For registration and details, please refer to the Fresh Wave official website:


66 67

國際影視院校聯會 The International Association of Film and Television Schools (CILECT)

創立於 1954 年法國康城。至 2016 年,已有來自 60 多個國家、超過 160 間影視教育院校加入。

CILECT (Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision) was founded in Cannes, France, in 1954. By 2016, it includes over 160 audio-visual educational institutions from 60 countries on six continents.


英國電影電視藝術學院 British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA)

成立於 1947 年,至今成為全球領先慈善藝術團體。除了頒奬禮之外,學院積極於英美及亞洲展開電影及電視教育工作,舉行工作坊、大師班和師友計劃等,旨在培養電視電影創意人才。

Formed in 1947, BAFTA is a world-leading independent arts charity. In addition to its awards ceremonies, BAFTA has a year-round, international programme of learning events and initiatives that offers unique access to some of the world’s most inspiring talents through workshops, master classes, scholarships, lectures and mentoring schemes in the UK, USA and Asia.


Munk Studio(波蘭電影工作者協會)Munk Studio (Polish Filmmakers Association)

成立於 2008年,由波蘭電影工作者協會營運,Munk Studio 致力為年輕電影創作人監製處女長片及短片作品,並於製作期間提供各項技術指引及支援。

Founded in 2008 and operating within the structure of the Polish Filmmakers Association, Munk Studio produces short and full-length debut films.  Its goal is to discover and foster talented young directors by providing artistic, production and promotional support.


斯德哥爾摩國際電影節Stockholm International Film Festival

起源於 1990年,以「求新求異」為選片宗旨。電影節評委規定,只有執導作品不超過三部的導演,方可角逐電影節最高獎項「銅馬獎」,以積極發掘具潛質的年輕電影創作人。

Back in 1990 the idea for the festival was born. The Festival is recognised for its ability to promote and offer a venue for young and unestablished filmmakers. As many as a third of the films selected are made by a debuting director and only directors who have made less than three films are selected for the competition.


參與國際電影組織 Participating International Film Organisations

68 69

鳴謝 Acknowledgements





參與國際電影組織 英國電影電視藝術學院Munk Studio(波蘭電影工作者協會)斯德哥爾摩國際電影節國際影視院校聯會


Guest-of-Honour for the Opening CeremonyMr Hitoshi YAZAKI

Jury Panel for the Final Selection, Local CompetitionDr Richard William ALLENDr KUO Li-hsinMr FUNG Ka-mingMr TAN Seng-kiatMr ZHANG Yang

Jury Panel for the First-round Selection, Local CompetitionMr CHAN Ying-waiMr Danny CHEUKMr Andrew CHOIMs May FUNGMr Eric POON

Selection Panel for the International Short FilmsMr Daniel CHANMr HO Siu-bunMr WONG Siu-pong

Participating International Film OrganisationsBritish Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA)Munk Studio (Polish Filmmakers Association)Stockholm International Film FestivalThe International Association of Film and Television Schools (CILECT)

Tutors for the Workshops of Local CompetitionMr Meteor CHEUNGMr Kiwi CHOWMr Joseph HOMr Roy KOMr Mandrew KWANMr SHU KeiMr Cyrus TANG




技術支援Noisy Miner

網頁設計AlphaSoft Design Ltd.

短片節宣傳片CINE a’ holic STUDIO



奬座設計 matchus

「海外/本地年青導演交流計劃」- 短片合拍計劃統籌黎貝彤

特別鳴謝 唐慶枝先生英國文化協會民政事務局

Board of DirectorsJohnnie TO.SHU Kei.May FUNG.Louis KOOGary MAK.NG Chun-hung.SHUM Long-tinWinnie TSANG.Calvin WONG Chee-jun.Susan WONG

Festival AdministratorsSimon AU.Hailey TSANG Hoi-ling.Vicky WONG

Graphic DesignerPeter Bird Studio

Technical SupportNoisy Miner

Website DesignerAlphaSoft Design Ltd.

Trailer ProducerCINE a’ holic STUDIO

Programme Guide Writers & TranslatorsDaniel CHAN.Mary LEEPatrick SUEN.Hailey TSANG Hoi-ling

Subtitle TranslatorsPearl CHEUNG.Mary LEE.Felix TSANG

Trophy Designermatchus

Overseas Young Directors Exchange Programme CoordinatorCatherine LAI

Special Thanks toMr Patrick TONG Hing-chiBritish CouncilHome Affairs Bureau

團隊成員 Credits
