document resume ed 375 651 fl 022 491 title …

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 375 651 FL 022 491 TITLE Invatamantul cu Predarea in Limbile Minoritatilor Nationale din Romania. In Anul Scolar 1992/1993 = The Education System in Romania: Tuition in the Languages of Ethnic Minorities. The School Year 1992/1993 = L'enseignement dispense dans les lacgues des minorites nationales de Roumanie. L'annee scolaire 1992/1993. INSTITUTION Council for National Minorities, Bucharest (Romania). PUB DATE 93 NOTE 70p. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) Multilingual/Bilingual Materials (171) LANGUAGE Romanian; French; English EDRS PRICE MFOI/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Constitutional Law; *Educational Policy; Elementary Secondary Education; *Ethnic Groups; Foreign Countries; *Heritage Education; Higher Education; Language Enrollment; *Minority Groups; Public Policy; Teacher Education; *Uncommonly Taught Languages IDENTIFIERS *Heritage Language; *RoMania ABSTRACT Documentation of the Romanian system of :language instruction in ethnic minority languages is presented in Romanian, French, and English. It consists of: relevant provisions from the national constitution concerning the rights of ethnic minority members; organization and functioning of the educational system at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels, teacher education, special provisions for specific minorities (Magyar, German, Serbian, Ukrainian, Slovak, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, and others); language curriculum content and classroom teaching hors; hours of content-area instruction (math and science); electives; population by nationality; total language enrollments for 1992-93; language enrollments by grade level; and a list of schools teaching ethnic minority languages, by county. (MSE) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ***********************************************************************

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ED 375 651 FL 022 491

TITLE Invatamantul cu Predarea in Limbile MinoritatilorNationale din Romania. In Anul Scolar 1992/1993 = TheEducation System in Romania: Tuition in the Languagesof Ethnic Minorities. The School Year 1992/1993 =L'enseignement dispense dans les lacgues desminorites nationales de Roumanie. L'annee scolaire1992/1993.

INSTITUTION Council for National Minorities, Bucharest(Romania).


PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) Multilingual/BilingualMaterials (171)

LANGUAGE Romanian; French; English

EDRS PRICE MFOI/PC03 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS Constitutional Law; *Educational Policy; Elementary

Secondary Education; *Ethnic Groups; ForeignCountries; *Heritage Education; Higher Education;Language Enrollment; *Minority Groups; Public Policy;Teacher Education; *Uncommonly Taught Languages

IDENTIFIERS *Heritage Language; *RoMania

ABSTRACTDocumentation of the Romanian system of :language

instruction in ethnic minority languages is presented in Romanian,French, and English. It consists of: relevant provisions from thenational constitution concerning the rights of ethnic minoritymembers; organization and functioning of the educational system atthe elementary, middle, and secondary levels, teacher education,special provisions for specific minorities (Magyar, German, Serbian,Ukrainian, Slovak, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, and others); languagecurriculum content and classroom teaching hors; hours ofcontent-area instruction (math and science); electives; population bynationality; total language enrollments for 1992-93; languageenrollments by grade level; and a list of schools teaching ethnicminority languages, by county. (MSE)


Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be madefrom the original document.


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It THE SCHOOL YEAR 1992/1993







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III IN ANUL $COLAR 1992/ 1993





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CONSTITUTIA ROMANIEIConstitulia Romania', adoptath prin referendum Ia data de 8 decembrie 1991, coniine urmatoarele

prevederi relevante pentru drepturile persoanelor care apartin minoritMlion

Tit lul I - rincipii generaleArticolul 4 IJnitatea poporului ci egalitatea intre cetateni(2) iemania este patria comuna ci indivizibila a tuturor

cetatenibr sal, fait deosebire de rasa, de nationalitate, deapartenE rip politica, de avere sau de origine socials.

Artict Elul 6 Dreptul la identitate(1) Mattil recunoacte ci garanteaza persoanelor

apartinand minoritatilor nationale dreptul Ia pastrarea, Iadezvoltarea al la exprimarea identitatii lor etnice, culturale,lingvistic?. ci religioase.

(2) Vasurile de protectie luate de stat pentru pastrarea,dezvoltarea ci exprimarea identitalii persoanelor apartinandminoritat:lor nationale trebuie sa fie conforme cu principiile deegalitate ci de rediscriminare in report cu ceilaiti cetateniromans.

Titlul II Drepturile, libertatile i indatoririlefundamentale

Cap I Dispozitii comuneArticolul 16 Egalitatea in drepturi(1) C etatenii sunt egali in fata legii ci a autoritatilor

publice, ara privilegii ci fara discriminari.Articolul 20 Tratatele internationale privind drepturile

omului(1) Dispozitille constitutionale privind drepturile ci

libertatile cetatenilor vor fi interpretate ci aplicate inconcordant& cu Dectaratia Universe% a Drepturilor Omului,cu pacte!e ci cu celelalte tratate la care Romania este parte.

(2) Daca exist& neconcordante intro pactele ci tratateleprivitoare la drepturile fundamentale ale omului, la careRomania este parte, ci legile interne, au prioritatereglemer addle Internationale.

Capitolul II Drepturile ci libertatile fundamentaleArticolul 29 Libertatea conctiintei(1) Libertatea gandirli ci a opiniilor, precum libertatea

credinteior religioase nu pot fi ingradite sub nici o forma.Nimeni nu poate fi ccnstrans s& adopte o opinie ori sa aderela o credinta religioase, contrare convingerilor sale.

(2) Libertatea conctiintei este garantate; ea trebuie sa semanifeste in spirit de toleranVa si de respect reciproc.

(3) Cultele religioase sunt libere ci se organizeaza potrivitstatutelor proprii, in condiliile legii.

(4) In relatiile di ritre culte sunt interzise orice forme,mijloace, acte sau actiuni de invrajbire religioasa.

(5) Cultele religioase sunt autonome feta de stat ci sebucura de sprijinul acestuia, inclusiv prin inlesnirea asistenjelreligioase in armata, in spitale, in penitenciare, in azile ci inorfelinate.

(6) Parintil sau tutorii au dreptul de a asigura, potrivitpropriilor convingeri, educatia copillor minori a carerraspundere le revine.

Articolul 30 Libertatea de exprlmare(7) Sunt interzise de lege defaimarea tariff ci a natiunii,

indemnul la razboi de egresiune, la ura nationala, rasiala, declass sau religioase, incitarea la discrirninare, la separatism

.teritorial sau la violenta publics, precum ci manifestarileobscene, contrare bunelor moravurt.

Articolul 32 Dreptul la invataturA(3) Dreptul persoanelor apartinand minoritatilor nationale

de a Inv* limba lor materna ci dreptul de a putea fi inslruitein aceasta limba sunt garantate; modalitatile de exercitare aacestor drepturi se stabilesc prin lege.

(4) invatamantul de stat este gratuit, potrivit lecii.(7) Statul asigura libertatea invatarnantului religios, potrivit

cerintelor specifice fiecarui cult (...)

Articolul 37 Dreptul la asociere(1) Cetajenii se pot asocia liber in partide politice, in

sindicate al in alto forme de asociere.(2) Partldele sau organizatiile care, prin scopurile on prin

activitatea tor, militea26 impotriva pluralismului politic, aprincipiilor statului de drept on a suveranitatii, a integritatii saua independentei Romani& sunt neconstitutionale.

Capitolul IIi indatoririle fundamentaleArticolul 50 Fidelitatea fats de Cara(1) Fidelitatea fats de tarn este sacra.

Articolul 51 Respectarea ConstiMiei 0 a legi:orRespectarea Consituliei, a suprerratiei sale 0 a legilor

este obligatorie.Titlul III AutoritAtile publice

Capitolul I ParlamentulArticolut 59 Alegerea Camerelor(2) Organizatille cetatenilor apartinand minoritatilor

nationale, care nu Intrunesc in alegeri numarul de voturipentru a ti reprezentate in Parlament, au dreptul la cate unloo de deputat, in conditiile legii electorate. Cetatenii uneiminoritati nationale pot fi reprezentati numai de o singuraorganizatle.

Capitolul V Administratia public&Secilunea a 2a Administratia public& localaArticolul 119 Principii de bazaAdministratia public& din unitatile adrninistrativteritoriale

se intemeiaza pe principiul autonomies locale ai pe cel aldescentralizarii serviciilor publice.

Capitolul VI Autoritatea judecatoreascaSectiunea IArticolul 127 Dreptul la interpret(1)Procedura judiclara se desfacoara in limba romans.(2) Cetatenii apartlnand minoritatilor nationale, precum ci

persoanele care nu inteleg sau nu vorbesc limba miliaria audreptul de a Iua cunoctinta de toate actele lucrariledosarului, de a vorbi in instanta ci de a pune concluzli, prininterpret; In procesele penale acest drept este asiigurat inmod gratuit.

Titlul VI Revizuirea ConstitutieiArticolul 148 = Limitele revizuiril(1) Dispozitlile prezentel ConstItutil privInd caracterul

national, independent, unitar ci indivizibil at statului roman,forma republican& de guvernarnant, Inteegritatea teritoriului,independenta justltiel, pluralicrnul politic 9i limba oficiala nupot forma obiectul revlzuirii.



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Secliunea IXInvatemantul In Ilmbile rnInoritaelor neonate

Art 64. - Minoritatile nationale au dreptul se studieze yi

se se inetruiasca in limba materna la toate formele deInvateu nit

Art. 65. - In localitatile cu populatie din randulminoritapor neonate pot functiona gradinite, ecoli primaregimna::iaie, licee, nornale, sectii, clase sau grupe cupredana limba materna.

Stabile-ea acestor institutil ecolare, sactii, clase sau grupese facia de inspectoratele scoter() in functie de soliciterile eide ponde rea populatlei ecolare minoritare din zone.

Istoria geografia Romaniei se vor preda in limbaroman.i.

In invetarnantul superior se vor organize grupe sau sectiizu predarea in limba minoritatilor pentru pregatirea caerelornecesare in activitatea didactics ei cultural-artistica.

Art. 66. Tinerii din randul minoritatilor nationale trebuiese cunoasca limba romans, asigurandu-se conditiiienecesare in acest scop.

Limba ei literature romans este probe obligatorie laconcursul de admitere in invatarnantul ticeal ei la examenulde bacalaureat.

Art. 67. - Tinerilor.proveniti din randul minoritatilorneonate care au optat pentru clasa cu predare in limbaroman& li se asigure., Ia cerere, insueirea limbii materne.

Art. 68, - La concursurile ei examenele de admitere inInvatamantul de toate gradele, candidate din randulminoritatilor nationale pot sustine probele in limba materna, ladiscipiinele pe care le-au studiat in aceasta limb&


INSTRUCTIUNIprivind studierea limbii materne de catre elerij aparenand minoritatilor nationale care frecventeaza ecoli cupredare in limn roman Anexa la planurile do invatamant primar, gimnazial, lineal al ecolilor cu predare inlimba romansAprobate prin Ordinul ministrului nr. 7642/2AX 1e91 modificate prin Ordinul ministrului nr. 5023/24.V.1993

El vi or apartinend diferitelor minoritati nationale, carefrecvene aza ecoli cu predare in limba roman, Ii se asiguee.,la cererea acestora sau a perintilor, studiul limbii materne cadiscipl;nI. de invatamant.

In leeetura cu aceasta se fan urmatoarele precizari:I. Cu privire Ia numarul de ore afectate studiului limbil

matemePent u elevii din randul minoritatilor nationale, care

studieze M ecoli cu limba de predare roman, I mba maternase preda in felul urmator:

- Ia ciasele I-1V - 4 ore pe saptamanala ciasele V-VIII ei in licee - 3 ore pe saptamana

II. Ct: privire la organizarea studiulul limbil materneClas :le (grupele) cu efective de 15-30 elevi pot fi

constituite astfel:cu elevi provenie din aceleaei clase, din clase paralele

ale acelr sau din unitee ecolare diferite de pe razeunei Corr urn,Jr, a unui oras sau a unui municipiu;

- azul in care numarul total al elevilor este mai min de15, se pt organize grupe cu un efectiv minim de 7 eleviproveniti din clasele I-111, II-1V, V-V11, VI-V111, le-XL X-XII;

- in ocalitatile in care numarul copiilor Ine-un ciclu destudii en' a foarte redus (sub 10), se poste organize predareasimulean i pe ciclu de invatamant (I-1V, V-VIII, IX-X11).

III. C. privire la thcadrarea cu personal didactica) Lt. clasele I-1V, orele de limbs materna vor fi predate,

de eegue , de invatatori care cunosc limba materna a elevilor.Intru( at aceste ore nu fac parte din obligatia de 4-5 ore

de aclivi ate zilnic& a invatatorilor - stability conform pianuluide invatamant - orele respective vor fl constituite in posturicare vor fl acoperite de cadre didactice care cunosc limbarespeotea el vor fl normate el retribuite in conforreitate curegletnenterile in vigoare.

In cazul in care aceste ore nu pot fi constituite in posturi4

didactice, ele pot fl retribuite prin plata cu ora.b) La clasele V-VIII el in licee, orele de limba materna se

pot constitul in catedre vor fi predate de profesori despecialitate.

Orele de limba materna predate de profesori pesteobligatia maxima ce le revive la catedra vor fi retribuite prinplata cu era. Aceste ore mai pot fi atribuite ei in completareanormei didactice a profesorilor care nu au norma complete lacatedra.

IV. Cu privire la continutul predarii limbil matemePredarea limbii materne pentru elevii de diferite

nationaliteti care frecventeaz& ecoli cu predare in limbaromans se va face pe baza programelor ei manualelor deWipe materna in vigoare, avandu-se in vedere urmatoareleprecizari:

Predarea limb!' materne in clasa I McGee printr-un cursoral introductiv, care dureaza pane la 1 februarie ei cuprinde:

a) lecei de dezvoltare a vorbirii, atragatoare ei bogate incontinue grupate pe teme privind: ecoala, familia, casaperinteasca, meseriile parIntilor, viata ei munca la sate ei°rave anotImpurile;

b) in pregatirea elevilor pentru citire ei scriere, Ia limbamaterna se va tine seama de cunoetIntele ei deprinderileinsucite de elevi In perioada preabecedara

Repartizarea orelor de limba materna Ia clasele 11-IV seva face astfel: cate 2 ore saptamana) pentru predarea citiriicate 2 ore saptamanal pentru predarea cunoetintelor delimba, a ortografiei gi compunerii. La clasele V-VIII, lectureliterare el, la clasele cunoetintele de istoria literaturiimaterne, se vor preda in 2 ore septamanal, jar cunoetintelede limba In cate 1 era pe saptamana.

La citire, clasele invatetoril vor alege din manlualelede limba materna pentru ecollle cu predare in limbileminoritatilor nationale, textele cele mai atractive, cerintaprincipal& in aceasta etape field aceea ca devil sa invete sa

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citeasca cursiv, corect ci expresiv. Textele din -rit ccnu vor putea fi studlate in numarul de ore pt ;Via at, se v )1recomanda da lectura suplimentara.

La cunostIntele de limba (clasele 11IV), se tor pre: :anollunile prevazute de programa in vigoare p J:tandu::eaccent pe probleme specifice limbii materne, p :nt formareIa elevi a deprinderilor de scriere ci exprimar c.. ecta,cat mai mutte exercitii de ortografie ci ortoepie.

La compunere, avand in vedere ca elev insuceucunoctintele deprinderile necesare intocmir o ipuneril 3eIa orele de limbs remand, la limba materna se va :.1s1sta maimult asupra exprimOril corecte In scrls $i asupraimbogatirii vocabularului in limba materna. -

La lectura literarti (clasele Ia C me Miele deIstoria Ilteraturil materne (clasele IXXII), texte li rare, carenu vor putea fi studiate in numarul de ore pr ivi. at, se vorrecomanda pentru lectura in afara clasel.

La cunostintele de limbs (clasele VXII), de fiii numarulredus de ore, se vor stuG,a numai cunoctintet a asentiale deexprimare orals ci scrisa, necesare folosirii c >reote a limbiimaterne ci se vor elimina unele amanunte sau repetari de lao clasa la alta.

Profesorli vor pune acentul pe aplicaliil 3 practice, invederea insucirii temelnice a cunoctintelor fold itoare in viatade toate zilele.

V. Cu privire Ia manualele scolareStudiul limbii materne se va face pe baza manualelor

scolare cuprinse in catalogul manualelor valabile ce seediteaza pentru fiecare an cedar.

In conclitiile in care elevii au optat pentru studiul limbiimaterne, aceastava deveni discipline obligatorie, fiind Indus&in catalog alaturl de celelalte discipline de invOtamant;incepand Cu clasa a Va, elevii vor da tez6 trimestral. Mediiletrimestriale se vor lua in conslderatie la calculul medieigenerale.

Inspectoratele ;colare conducerile do spa vor acordatoata atentia aplicOrii instructiunilor de mai sus pentru caorele de limbs materna sa se predea in conditii

_..corespunzatoare ci cu maxima eficienta.Conducerile ccolilor cu limba de predate romans, in care

invata ci elevi apartinand minoritatilor nationale, au obligatiade a face cunoscut celor interesati de a invata ci limbamaterna ca discipline de invatamant ci vor lua masuri pentruasigurarea programelor ci manualelor necesare, precum cipentru organizarea preddrii.



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In localitajile cu populatia din randul diferitelor etr ii stet. Iasigura organizarea cl functIonarea invatamantului 0.1predare in limbile minoritatilor nationale. Siste nui dinvatamant pentru mlnoritatile nationale corespundE cu cEgeneral din Romania, reglementat printr-o Hotarare .1Guvernului nr., ci cuprinde gradinite, ccoli prillare ;igimnaziale, licee, ccoli Profesionale ci deinvatamantul postliceal. In invatamantul superior s suStiunele cursuri pentru studentli de nationalitate maGniara i

germana, Ia cererea acestora, in limbile respective.In anul cedar 1992/1993, in invatamantul de toata

gradele, sunt cuprin0 4.633.190 de elevi ci student', ;Dee creprezinta 20,4% din populatia taril, din care peste ?.50.001Ide copii, elevi ci student' (5,4%) frecventea2a invataniantui T,1limba materna.

Invatamantul preuniversitar cuprinde 28.926 de ur Kati, dicare 2.730 functioneaza ca unitati sau se* era predarea IIlimbile minoritatilor nationale (9,4%). Din numarul total. as I

unitatilor ci secjillor cu predarea in Iimbile mincritatlIcnationale 85,6% functioneaza cu predarea T,1 limbmaghiara.

invatamantul cu predarea in limba materna este crganizE tin unitati de sine statatoare (1.283) ci it sect iromanomaghiare, romdnogermane, romanosa be etc .(1.447). Atat In unitati, cat ci In seep procesul de imajamarse desfacoara in limba materna. In cele peste 1.400 ie sect i(unitati mixte) baza materials sail de class, labcratoara ,biblioteci c..a. este folosit in comun, conducerea olii estunica, ler o serie de activitati extra ccolare se organi2eaza ti rin limba romana, fie in limba romana ci In limba mate. na.

In invatamantul preuniversitar sunt ccolarizati u r nurnde 4.937.521 de elevi, din care 240.619 de elev (5,5%)studiaza in limba materna. Prin cicluri de invataman' situatiin anul cooler 1992/1993 se prezinta astfel:

invatamantul preccolar cuprinde 12.603 unitati c752.063 de copii, din care In limba romana 11.333 unita i(90.0%) cu 694.385 de copii (92,3%), lair in limnminoritatilor nationale. 1.265 unitati ci sectii (10%) al 57.67 5copii (7,7%);

invalarnantul primar cuprinde 6.149 de unitati c1.201.229 elevl, din care 5.646 unitati (91,9%) in limbromans cu 1.132.983 elevi (94,3%) c1 5.502 unitati ci sect i(8,1%) in limbile minoritatilor nationale cu 68.246 elel(5,7%);

invatamantul gimnazial cuprinde 7.630 unitati c1.339.555 elevi, din care in limba roman& 6.851 unitati c89,7%) cu 1.266.354 elevi (94,5%) ci 779 unItati ci sect!(10,3%) in limbile minoritatilor nationale cu 73.201(5,5%);

invatamantul liceal cuprinde 1.238 unitati cu 714.01;:,,din care in limba romana 1.069 unitati (86,3%) cu 680.72 ;elevi (95,3%) ci 169 unitati ci sectii (13,7%) inminoritatilor nationale cu 33.288 elevl (4,7%);

invatamantul profeslonal, de ucenici, conplementarpostliceal este frecventat de 390.661 elevi, din care in limbromans de 382.455 elevi (97,5%) cl 8.2o6 elevi (2,5%) Tilimbile minoritatilor nationale;

in invatamantul superior studiaza 235.669 de studentdin care cca. 8.000 apartinand mlnoritatii maghlare.

Reteaua ccolara ci numarul de copll ci elevi pt) cicluri dinvatamant cl limbl de predare este prezentatailanexe.a


Planurile de invMamant, programeie ccolare ci mararalelerucesare procesului de invatamant se asigura de Ministerulinvatamantului.

Pentru invatamantul primer. gimnazial ci liceal seelaboreaza planurile de invatamant speciale destinateunitatilor in limbile :le predare ale minoritatilor nationale. ininvatamantul primal' 73,5% din disciplinele prevazute inplanul de invatamant se predau in limba materna, lainvatamantul gimnadal 75,4%, iar la invatamantul liceal intre60,2% 82,8% in (uncle de profilul liceului real, uman,industrial etc. Un lo.) important in planurile de invatamant itocupa predarea Ilrnbii materne ci limbii romane. Astf el,predaril limbii ci materne i se acorda, in ciclurilegimnaziale ci liceale de invatamant, acelaci spatiu ca ci limbiiromane Ia ccolile cu limba de predare romana. Insucireacorecta a limbii materne exercita o influents directs asupracunoacterti ci insucirii tuturor disciplinelor ccolare, hindtotodata un mijloc important pentru realizarea valorilorculturale, a literaturii proprii, precum ci pentru receptareavalorilor literaturii un versale.

Insucirea limbii romane, limba oficiala de stet, de catre tojicetatenfi Romaniei este instrumentul care asigurd premiselenecesare cooperadi ci comunicarii intre romani cl rninoritatilenationale. Cunoacterea limbii romane ca mijloc decomunicare ci intelegere intro toll cetajenii patriei noastre,fara deosebire de nktionalitate, dobandecte valente deosebitein realizarea unor cenditil de egalitate In drepturi. De aceea,limba ci literatura ..omana este oblect de studiu in toateciclurile, tipurile ci fprmele de invatamant preuniversitar. Laciclul primar limba romana se preda in 19 ore, la ciclulgimnazial in 17 ore, iar la invatamantul liceal in 12 ore.Numdrul de ore la invatamantul gimnazial ci liceal esteacelaci ca ci la ccolile cu limba de predare romana.

Programele de limba ci literature materna, prin care suntstabilite oblectivele ci sarcinile fiecarei clase ci trepte deinvatamant sunt elaborate de Ministerul invatamantului cusprijinul unor colectIve largi de cadre didactice dininvatamantul de toate gradele, =Mori, critici literari etc.Toate programele de limbi materne au Post revizultesubstantial in anti 1991 ci 1992. Programele pentru claseleprimare ci gimnaziae prevad lecturi literare a caror tematicaeste legata direct de viata c1 activitatea copiilor de aceastavarsta ci sunt selectate atat din tezaurul literaturii clasice, catci din operele Reran) contemporane in aceste Ilmbi.

Studiul Imbil materne in Iiceu se face dupa principlullinear, imbinat cu col concentric, astfel incat flecare absolventis contact ci its inaucecte cele mai importante creel!' aleliteraturii in limba sa materna. Programele de liceu cuprind cioperele literare scrlse In Cara noastra in limbile materne aleminoritatilor nationale, constituind parte components a culturllRomaniel.

Un oblectiv de prima importanta al invatamantului in limbamaterna dezvollarea capacItatlior de exprimare serealizeaza atat prin orele de compunerl, de gramatIca saucele care trateazd problemele de ortografle, ortoepie,Intonatie, cat cl prin lectIlle inchinate unor capitole alesemanticit. Exercitille de exprimare in serfs urmaresoconstrulrea logica a propozitIllor, alcatuirea frazelor, corelatiaintro continutul propozitlei ci realitate etc. Notiunlle de limbii


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sunt ordonate, de regula, pe principiul concentric de predarein cadrul diferitelor trepte ale invatarnantului, bagajul decunoctinte at elevilor imbogatindu-se in fiecare an cu aspectenoi. Predarea notiunilor de limba nu se rezuma numai laexplicarea tenomenelor gramaticale, ci se axeaza cuprioritate pe aplicatii practice, facandu-se in acelaci time,referiri Ia fenomenele de limba, atat sub aspect atiintific, cat alsub aspectul corectitudinii exprimarii.

Prin predarea ci insucirea Iimbii si literaturii materne decatre elevi se realizeaza dincolo de sarcinile comune tuturordisciplinelor de invatamant - sarcina specifics a suscitariiinteresului tuturor tinerilor pentru literatura, de a le dezvoltacapacitatea de receptare a fenomenului literar, sensibilitateapentru frumosul artistic, deprinderea de a putea apreciaopera de arta ci, in ultima instants, de a face ca dragosteapentru citit sa-i insoteasca de-a lungul intregii vieti.

Elevilor din randul minoritatilor nalionale carefrecventeaza, potrivit dorintei lor sau a parintilor, ccoli culimba de predare romans li se asigura ai studiul Iimbiimaterne, pentru care sunt prevazute ore in toate ciclurile deinvatamant: in clasele I-1V in patru ore saptarnanal, iar inclasele V-XII in cate trei ore. Predarea se face pe grupecare se compun din 15-30 de elevi. In cazul in care numarultotal at elevilor care doresc sa studieze limba materna estemai mic de 15, pot fi organizate ci grupe de studiu cu unefectiv de 7 elevi. Grupa poate fi constitulta cu elevi provenilidin acPeaai class sau din clase diferite. Dace grupele seorganizeaza cu elevi din clase diferite, eta pot fi alcatuite dincei proveniti din clase paralele sau cu cel din acelaai ciclu deinvatamant (I-1V, V-VIII, IX-X11). In anul ccolar 1992 - 1993din cei paste 70.000 de elevi care frecventeaza ccolile culimba de predare romans o parte din ei studiaza ai limbamaterna (cca. 20.000 maghiari, 1.000 germani, 8.064ucraineni, 1.386 ruci-lipoveni, 1.449 turci, 621 polonezi, 461bulgari, 55 romi etc).

La invatamantul preccolar ci primar pentru studiul Iimbiiromane exists programe specifice, iar Ia invatamantulgimnazial ai liceal acestea au caracter unit aceleaci

programe, indiferent de limba de predare.Pentru toti elevii de Ia ccolile predare in limbile

minoritatilor national: se asigura in mod gratuit manualele inIlrnba materna pentru disciplinele prevazute in planurile deinvatamant. Pentru ;ccolile cu limba do predare maghiara aigermane se asigura in limba materna manualele pentru toatedisciplinele ce se studiaza in clasele 1 X11, pentru culimba de predare sarba, slovaca ci ucraineana pentrudisciplinele prevazute in planurile de invatamant de Ia clasele1-VIII, precum ci manualele de literatura materna pentruclasele IX-X11; iar pentru ccolile cu limba de predare ceha cicroata cele necesare elevilor din clasele 1-IV, Ia nivelul Iacare exists invatamantul in limba materna. De asemenea, seasigura manualele de limba ci literatura materna pentru eleviide la ccolile cu limba de predare romans care studiaza, Iacerere, limba materna - turca, bulgara, polona, ruse(lipoveni), romani.

Manualele de limba ai literature materna, dupe caz,muzica, se elaboreaza de cadre didactice care predau la

cu predarea in !imbibe minoritatilor nalionale sau carefac parte din cated-ele de limba $i literatura materna de launiversitali, iar manualele pentru alte discipline (matematica,fizica, chimie, biologie etc.) se tradun dupe cele editate pentruacolile cu limba de predare romanii. De asemenea, seelaboreaza manuale specifice pentru Predarea Iimbii romanela clasele I-1V, cu vocabularele romano-maghiar,romano-german, romano-slovac, romano-sarb,romano-ucrainean, romano-ceh.

Editarea manualelor ravine Editurii Didactice ciPedagogice care are doua redactii pentru manualele care seelaboreaza in limbile materne, cu doua subredactii laCluj-Napoca ai Timiaoara.

Din cele cca. 1.000 de titluri de manuale care se tiparescpentru invatamantul preuniversitar, peste 330 de titluri seediteaza pentru acolile cu predarea in limbile minoritatilor 95de titluri, intr-un tiraj de 631.460 exemplare, iar pentru anulccolar 1993-1994 vor aparea 208 de titluri cu un tiraj de750.600 exempiare.


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In anul acolar 1992-1993, in invatamantul preuniversitarpredau un numar de 259.263 cadre didactice, din care 15.132functioneaza la ecollle cu predare in limbile minoritatilornationale (2.729 educatoare, 3.630 invatatori ci 8.733profesori).

Pregatirea educatoarelor el invatatorilor se realizeaza inacolile normale cu predarea in limbile maghiara pi germane,unde in anul cooler 1992-1993 sunt cuprinai 2.150 elevimaghiari ai 270 germani. Pentru celelalte minoritati, periodic,functioneaza clase cu profit pedagogic pe langa unele licee.Astfel, in prezent se pregatesc 87 ucraineni, 30 slovaci, 28turd, 62 ruci-lipoveni, 55 romi ei 4-5 bulgari.

Cadre le necesare invatamantult. i gimnazial, liceal alprofesional se pregatesc la institutiile de invatamant superiordin Romania. Profesorii de limba literatura materna -pentru toate ccolile cu predare in limbile minoritatilornationals sunt pregatiti de cadrele specializate de la

1. Pentru minoritatea maghiara

unlvers1; 411c: din Cluj-Napoca, Bucurepti, Timiaoara, Sibiu,In ul mi ani ur numar important ;le studenti de diferite

etnii stt. iia :a in vrainatate Ungaria, Ucraina, Bulgaria,SlovaciE Subia, Croatia.

Peri otimarea cadrelor ci sustinerea examenelor degraded ac ice se ofectueaza, la solicitarea candidatilor, ci inlimba m er la.

La ivolul unrtatilor sectiilor ccelare, un numarimportal t de cadre didactice din randul minoritatilor nationaleindeplir sc functli de conducere directori sau directoriadjunct' n report c J ilumarul elevilor ei cad..elor didactice, launele in ; )ectorate acolare judetene sunt incadrati inspectoride spec :Agate de difarite nationalita;i, inclusiv in cele deconduce fo. La Minioterul Invatamantului functioneaza DirecliaInvatanrant pentru Minoritati Nationale, incadrata cuspeciali2ti de diferite etnii, care coordoneaza ai indrumainvatamiintul cu predarea in limbile mirioritatilor nationale.



Invatamantul in limba maghiara se desfaaoara in institutiipreacoiare, primare. gimnaziale, liceale, profesibnale,postliceale ci universitare, deci in toate treptele deinvajamant existente in prezent in Romania. In invatamantulpreuniversitar reteaua acolara cuprinde, in total, un numar de2.336 unitati ai sectii. Ponderea unitatilor sectiilor cupredarea in limba maghiara este de 8,1%. Ponderea reteleiccolilor cu predare in limba maghiara este de 8,5% ininvatamantul preacolar, 8% in invatarnantul primar aigimnazial ai de 6,4% in invatamantul secundar din totalulretelei de invatamant din Romania. In acest an *cater, incomparatie cu 1991-1992, reteaua liceelor a crescut cu 11unitati acolare avard numai clase cu predarea in limbamaghiara, ei o sectie. Dezvoltarea retelei invatarnantuluikeel s-a realizat, mai ales, prin infiinlarea de licee teologicecatolice ai reformats. A scazut reteaua la invatarnantulpreacolar, primar gimnazial, in total cu 40 de unitati ai 11sectii.

Din numarul total al unitatilor ai sectiilor cu predarea inlimbile minOtatilor nationale, 85,6% functioneaza cupredarea in limba maghiara. Ponderea populatiei maghiare fn

numarul total al cetatenilor apartinand minoritatilor nationale,este, potrivit recensamantului din 1992, de 67,3%.

Studentil apartinand -ilnoritatii maghiare pot audia inlimba materna unele discipline la Universitatea"Babep-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca, la Universitatea dinBucurecti, la Universitatea de Medicine Farmacie laAcademia de Arta Teatrala din Tg. Mures. Au fost Infiintate, lasolicitalea studentilor, not grupe in limba maghiara(matematica, fizica, chimie, istorie p.a.) la Universitatea"Babes-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca.

In invatamantul in limba maghiara invata 216.917 copii aielevi, cu 5.909 mai putini decat in anul ecolar precedent,ceea ce reprezinta o diminuare a numarului lor cu 2,7%. Inintreaga retea ccolara a Romaniei, in teats tipurile de acoli,se inregistreaza o diminuare a numarului de copii elevi cu162.089 reprezentand 3,7% feta de anul ecolar anterior.Ponderea elevilor de nationalitate maghiara care invata inlimba materna reprezinta 4,9% din totalul populatiei acolare


din Rorr ania. Pe trepte de Invatamant ponderea copiilor pielevilor maghiari care invata in limba naterna se prezinta infelul ura ator: in Invatamantul preaco ar 6.5%; invatarnantulprimar pi gimnazial 5,1%; invatarnantul liceal 4,4%;invatamilntul profedonal el postliceal 3,2%. In invatamantulpreccolar in limba maghiara au fost cuprinai in 1992-1993 unnumar d: 49.255 ccpii. In invatamantul primar ai gimnazial auPost cup inai 128.879 elevi, in licee 31.196; in invalamantulprofesicnal in limba materna 6.707 elevi, iar in claselepostlicee le 880.

In ceca ce priveate acolarizarea in limba maghiara in liceede diferite profiluri, ponderea elevilor maghiari esteurmatoarea: la seminar!! teologice - 13,8%; la ccoli normale-10,2%; la licee de arta - 7,2%; la licee teoretice 5,9%; lalicee de informatica 3,5 %; la licee s 'vice 3,4%; la liceesanitare - 3,3%; la ices agricole - 2,9%; la licee cu programde educatie fizica - 2,9%; la licee industrials - 2,8%; la liceeeconomiae, de administralie ci de serricii - 2,3%. In liceelecu profil de metrologie, militare pi speciale pentru deficienti nufunctioneaza clase cu predare in limba maghiara.

Un numar important de copii elevi maghiari, aproximativ60.000, reprezentand cca. 28% din cifra lor totals,frecventeaza in grupe sau clase cu predare In limba romans_0 parte din aceatia studiaza limba materna.

In anul universitar 1991-1992 In invatamantul superior auJost cuprinai 8.777 studenti apartinand minoritatii maghiare,mai mug cu 1.686 student' fata de anul 1989. Pondereastudenjilor maghiari a fest de 4,5%, raportat la totalul destudenti de nationalitate romans. Mentionam ca in Ungariastudiaza pests 1.000 de studenti maghiari, absolventi ailiceelor din Romania.

Activitatea instructive ci educativa din Invatamantul inlimba maghiara este asigurata de 13.843 cadre didactice, cu1,129 mai multe decal in anul acolar precedent (2.374educatoare, 3.239 invatatori al 8.232 profesori ai maictri).Calificati pentru posl.urile pe care le occpa sunt 10.391 (75%).

Din conducerea celor 2.336 de unitati ai sectii cupredarea in limba maghiara fac parte ci un numar de 1.527directori ci directori adjunct' (1.298 directori ei 229 directoriadjuncti). In toate liceele care functioneaza ca unitati sausect!i cu predare in imba maghiara exiata directori ci directori


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adjunct! de nationalitate maghiara. De asemenea, inspectoriiccolari generali din judetele Covasna I Harghita ci cate unuldin inspectorii general! adjuncti, din judetele Arad, Bihor,Bracey, Cluj, Murec ci Satu Mare sunt de nationalitatemaghiard. Un numar de peste 80 de inspectorl pcolari denationalitate maghiara asigura indrumarea ci controlulnemijiocit al invatamantului cu predarea in limba maghlaradin Romania.

Elevii beneficiaza gratult de manuale ccolare. Manualelede limba ci literatura materna ci muzica se elaboreaza decadre didactice care predau Ia ccolile de limbs maghiara, saucare fac parte din catedrele de limba pi literatura maghiara onacademiile de reuzica; manualele pentru alte discipline(matennatica, fizica, chimie, bjologie c.a.) se traduc in limbamaghiara dupe manualele editate pentru ccolile cu predareain limba romans. Se elaboreaza manuale specifice pentrupredarea limbit romane la clasele I-IV ale scolilor cu limba depredare maghiara. In total, pentru cu predare in I mbamaghiard sunt editate 97 de titluri de manuale.

2. Pentru minoritatea germana

Comparativ cu situatia existents in anul 1989, reteauaInvalamantului in limba germana a scazut in anul cedar1992-1993 cu peste 200 unitatl sectii (de Ia 497 in anulccolar 1989-1990 la 290 in acest an cooler), ca urmare aplecarli unei parti a populatiel germane din tart' ci aconcentrarii retelei ccolare cu predarea in limba germana inunitati mai marl.

In acest an ccolar sunt cuprinsi In gradinite, ccoli primare,gimnaziale, licee ci ccoli postliceale cu predarea in limbagermand 20.120 copil yi elevl (0,40% din totalul populatieiccolare), ceea ce rerezinta o scadere a populatiei ccolarecare Trivet& in ccoli cu predarea in aceasta limba, fat& de anulccolar 1989-1990, cu 43% (de Ia 35.079 copil ci elevi la20.120 in acest an ccolar). Un numar important de elevl dinrandul minoritatii germane (peste 5.000) Inv* in ccoli cupredarea in limba romans ci pot studia, la cerere, ci limbagermana, ca obiect de studiu (4 ore saptamanal Ia claseleI-IV, respectiv 3 ore saptamanal la clasele V-XII).

Elevii beneficiaza gratuit de manuale ccolare. Manualelede limba ci literatura materna se elaboreaza de cadredidactice care predau Ia ccolile cu limba de predare germana,iar cele necesare alter discipline (matematica, flzica, chimie,biologle etc.) se traduc in limba germana dupa manualeleeditate pentru ccolile cu limba de pre Hare romans. Deasemenea, se elaboreaza manuale speciaie pentru predarealimbii romane in clasele I-IV. in total, pentru cupredarea in limba germana sunt in uz 82 de titluri demanuale, iar tlparirea lor este asigurata de Editura Didactic&ci Pedagogics.

In invatarnantul cu predare in limba german&functioneaza 1003 cadre didactice (0,38% din totalul cadrelordidactice din Romania).

Incadrarea ccolilor cu predare in limba germana cu cadredidactics este, in unele cazuri, in special In mediul rural,deficitard. Pe baza acordutul intre Ministerul invatarnfintuluidin Romania ci ministerul de resort din R.F.Germailia, inRomania predau In ccoll cu predarea In Ilmba germand 40 decadre didactice din R.F,Germania.

Pregatirea educatoarelor 9i a invatatorilor pentruInvatarnantul preccolar yi primar cu predarea In limbagermana se realizeaza la Scoala Norma la "A.Saguna" dinSibiu, lar a profesorilor de limba german& Ia universitatile dinBucurecti, Timicoara, Cluj, laci ci Sibiu.

Conducerea invatamantului cu predarea In Ilmba

germana )sle asIgurata de cadre didactice din randulminoritatii ;germane. Inspectorul ccolar general de Ia judetulTimis ci inspectorul general adjunct de la jcaletul Sibiu sunt denationalitat 3 germana.

3. Pent u minoritatea sarba

Reteaua de invatamant ci populatia §etelara din randulminoritatll earbe au cunoscut o crectere faVi de nivelul anului1989-19a); de Ia 28 unitatl ci sectii cu predare in limbasarba, frecventate de 990 copil ci elevi, Ia 35 unitati ci sectiicu 1.024 cooli ci eievi. Reteaua scolara currinde 15 gradinite,18 unitati bbe invatarnant primar ci gimnazial ci 2 licee. Ceamai repre2entativa unitate cu predarea 'n limba sarba esteliceul teorE tic "D. Obradovici" din Timicoara. Invatamantul cupredarea sn limba sarba este organizat de judeteleCarac-SE verin ci Arad. Peste 600 de elevi apartinandminoritatii sarbe, care invata in ccoli cu oreciarea in limbaromans, s udiaza, la cerere, c1 limba materna ca obiect destudiu (4 ere saptamanal Ia clasele I-IV, respectiv, 3 oresaptamara clasele V-XII.

In inva;amantul cu predarea in limba sarba functioneaza96 de cac re didactice (20 educatoare, 27 invatatori ci 49profeseri,. La Inspectoratul Scoter at Judetului Timicfunctioner za un inspector pentru limba sarba. Pregatireaeducatorik r Yi invatatorilor se realizeaza la pcoala Normaladin Timi; oara, iar a profesorilor de limba sarba IaUniversita ea din Bucurecti pi Timicoara. De asemenea, unnumar de eudenli studiaza in Serbia.

4. Pen' ru minoritatea ucraineanaCa pcndere, minoritatea ucraineEna ocupa, dup.&

recensamantul din anul 1992, locul 4, dupi maghiari, romi cigermani.

Pentru elevii apartinand acestei minorit exist& un numarde 15 unit Ai de invatarnant preunlversitar 7 gradinite, 6 cooncu clasele I-Vtll cl 2 sectii de liceu) In c are Trelata 628 deelevi. in a:este unitati invatamantul se des` acoara in limba depredare u:raineana, care este asigurata ca un numar de 33cadre did lctice. Elevii beneficiaza atat cc manuale pentruIlmba ma erne, cat ci de cele necesare alter discipline -matematic a, fizica, chimie etc. care se tracJC. Pentru claseleliceale se asigura manualele de literaturd ucraineana. In uzexista 40 Ile titluri de manuale.

Pentr i elevii de nationalitate u;raineana, carefrecventet za ccolile cu predare in limba remana, se asigura,la cerere, predarea limbil materne, in cater 4 ore saptamanalla invajdmantul primar ci cate 3 ore saptamanal lainvatArnai,tul gimnazial liceal. Majoritatea elevilor opteazapentru ac )a.ta forma de invatare a limbil ucrainene, dovadafiind nurr Aral ler. Astfel, in anul scoter 1992/1993 suntcuprinsi it invatarea limbii materne 8.064 de elevi, din care Iaclasele I-1V 3.709, iar la clasele V-XII 4.355 de elevi.AceastA f )rma de invatare a limbii materne s-a extins dupaanul 1990.

Cadrthe ciidactice pentru invatarnantul preccolar ci primaraunt prejaite pe langa Scoala Norreala din SighetulMarmatia, jud. Maramurec ci Scoala Normal& Suceava, uncleperiodic 'unctioneeza close speciale pentru minortateaucrainear a. In anul scoter 1992/1993 se pregateso Ia unitatilementionale 87 de elevi.

Profeeoril necesari pentru predarea limbil ci literaturiiucrainenE sunt pregatiti Ia Universi'atea din Bucurecti, undefunctinnei Lza o sectie. In ultinnli ani, prin Uniunea Ucralnenilordin Rorminla, a fost trInnIs la studii in Ucraina un numarimporient de absolventi din randul acestei rninoritati.

Majoricatea elevilor do nationalitate ucrnineanA loculesc In


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judetul Maramurec ci intr-o mai mica masura in judeteleSuceava, Carac-Severin ci Tulcea.

5.. Pentru minoritatea slovacaMinoritatea slovaca este concentrate in cateva localitati

din jude/eie Arad, Bihor, Salaj ci Timic. Invatamantul cupredarea in limba slovaca are o retea stabile ci cuprinde 38de unitati ci sectii ccolare cu 1.379 de elevi (11 gradinite, 21unitati cu clasele I -IV, 5 ccoll generale cu clasele ci 1liceu cu clasele I -XII in opracul Nad lac, judetul Arad). Laliceul din Nadlac, functioneala ci o class cu profil pedagogic,in care sunt cuprinci 30 de elevi din judetele in carefunclioneaza gradinite ci ccoli primare. Procesul deinvatamant este asigurat de 134 cadre didactice. Profesoriinecesari pentru limba slovaca sunt pregatiti la Universitateadin Bucurecti, unde functioneaza o sectie, precum ci Iadiferite institute de invatamant superior din WI In ultimli ani,.prin Uniunea Democrats a Slovacilor din Romania au fosttrimici la studii superioare in Slovacia cca. 60 de studenti,bursele fiind asigurate de Ministerul Invalarnantului dinSlovacia.

Elevilor Ii se asigura gratuit manualele in limba materna,elaborarea ci tiparirea acestora revenind Editurii Didactice ciPedagogice. La clasele 1-V111 se tiparesc atM manualele delimba materna, cat cele necesare altar disciplinematematica, fizica, chimie etc., care se traduc, iar pentruclasele IX-X11 se asigura manualele de literatura slovaca. Inuz exista 40 de titluri de manuale.

6. Pentru minoritatea cetiaInvelamantui cu predare in limba ceha are la nivel

preccolar el primar 2 gradinite ci 5 cool' cu clasele I-1V, incare sunt cuprinci 221 de elevi. Unitatile ccolare respectivesunt situate in judetul Carac-Severin. La aceste unitatifunc/ioneaza 11 cadre didactice, iar pregatirea acestora esteasigurata la Liceul din Nadlac (Arad), unde periodic existaclase cu profil pedagogic in cadrul carora sunt ccolarizati Sielevil de nationalitate ceha. Pentru clasele I-1V se editeazamanuale de limba ceha ci de rnatematica. Absolventiiinvatamantului primar frecventeaza invalarnantul gimnazialcu limba de predare romans, dar Ia cerere studiaza I Iimbaceha ca object de studiu (3 ore saptamanal).

7. Pertru minoritatea bulgaraPentru copiii de na/ionalitate bulgara exista o gradinita cu

predarea in limba bulgara, in judetul Timic, frecventata de164 copii, la care predau 6 educatoare. Copiii de varstaccolara Inv* in ccoli cu limbs. de predare romans cistudiaza, Ia cerere, limba materna. Numarul elevilor se ridicaIa 461 ci dupa anul 1990 exIsta o tendinta de crectere aacestora, infiintandu-se grupe, pe langa cele existente injudetul Timic ei in judetele Arad, Giurgiu municipiulBucurectl. Pentru pregatirea specialIctilor care vor preda inlimba bulgard, la ccolile normale din Bucurecti ci Timicoaraexista clase (grupe) de elevi care studiaza ci limba bulgara.

Predarea limbii bulgare se face dupa manualele editatede Editura Didactics ci Pedagogica, care Ia invatamantulprimer si gimnazial se tipAresc pe clase; pentru rnvatamantulliceal a aparut o Antologie de texte leerare, clasele IX-XII.

6. Pentru minoritatea croataMinoritatea croata este concentrate in judetele

Cara9-Severin 91 T1m19. Pena in anul 1989 devil apartlnandacestei minorltaii frecventau cu Iimba de predareromans, Iar Ia cerere 11 se asigura studiul limb!' materne.Dupa anul 1990, in Judetul Caras-Severin, s-au inflIntat 3


gradinite ci 2 unitati r,u clasele I -IV cu predare in limbacroata, cuprineand 117 elevi. Editura Didactica Pedagogicaa trecut Ia elaborarea inui numar de 8 titluri de manuale inlimba croata (manualell de limba materna ci de matematica).PAM. in prezent au apirut 4 titluri. Un numar de 303 elevi denationalltate croata, c are frecventeaza ccoli cu limba depredare romans, au optat, in continuare, pentru studiul limbiimaterne (163 elevi Ia clasele I-1V ci 140 la clasele V-VIII).

9. Pentru celelalte mincritallInainte de decernbne 1989 turcii, rucii (lipovenii), polonezii

romii au studiat Habra materna in mica masura sau deloc.Comunitatile einice respective au solicitat ca elevii

apartinand acestor etnii care Inv*" in ccoli cu limba depredare romans, sa poata studia ci Iimba materna (4 oresaptamanal Ia clasele 1-1V, respectiv, 3 ore saptamanal laclasele V -XII). Dandu-se curs acestor cereri, s-au infrinlatgrupe de studiu al limbil materne in numeroasedupa cum urrneaza:

- pentru minoritatea turca ci Mara (turco-tatarA) s-auinflintat grupe de studiu al limbii materne in 49 localitati dinjudetele Constanta, Tulcea Braila, care cuprind 1.449 elevi;de asemenea, s-au inflintat trei sectii de invatamantpreccolar cu predare in limba turca, unde aunt cuprinci 49 decopii; incepand cu anul ccolar 1990/1991, in cadrul ScoliiNormale din Constanta sunt ccolarizati 28 elevi care vordeveni invalatori pentru a preda Iimba turca. Predarea limbiimaterne se face dupa manualele editate in Cara noastra.Para in prezent s-au editat manuale pentru clasele I -IV,urmand ea, in viitor, se apara gi celelalte titluri;

- pentru minoritatea rucilor-lipoveni. Pentru aceastaminoritate care traiecte in uncle localitati din judetele Tulcea,Suceava, Constanta, Braila, Iasi, Botocani s-au infiintat,dupa anul 1990, grupe de studiu al limbii materne (4 oresaptamanal la clasele i-IV, respectiv, 3 ore saptamanal laclasele V-XII), in care sunt cuprinci 1.386 de elevi. Pentruinceput, s-a editat un Abecedar Antologii de texte pentruclasele II -IV ci V-VIII, urmand ca din anul 1993 sa inceapaeditarea manualelor pe clase.

Pentru pregatirea cadrelor necesare, Ia ccolile normalesunt ccolarizati 62 de elevi de aceasta nalionalitate, °kora lise asigura studiul limbii materne;

pentru minoritatea polona - in 5 ccoli din judetulSuceava exista clase sau grupe de elevi care studiaza limbamaterna (4 ore saptamanal la clasele I-1V, respectiv, C oresaptamanal la clasele V-VIII ci in care sunt cuprinci 458 deelevi.

Pentru predarea limbil polone s-au editat un numar de 8manuale, cate un titlu pentru fiecare clasa.

Cadrele didactice necesare se pregatesc la Universitateadin Bucurecti In acest an cooler in judetul Suceava lucreazaci 2 cadre didactice din Polonia;

- pentru mlnorltatea romllor sunt ccolarizati Ia ScolileNormale din. Sucurecti, Bacau, Si Tg. Mures un numar de 55de elevi, care ra Ii se asigura studierea in 3 ore saptamanal alimbli romani Dupa terminarea ccolii acectia vor fi repartizatiin localltatile in care prpulatia respective este majoritara.Editura Mac tea cl Pedagogica pregatecte un manual pentruaceasta cateeorie de elevi, care va aparea in acest an.


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Total Romania

RomaniMaghiariRomi (Tigani)GermaniUcraineniR4-11poveniTurciSarbiTatari




Populaila dupa nationalitate

din care: Slovaci





Alte na(ionalitali x)Nedeclaraii


- recensamantul 7 ianuarie 1992






Inclusiv persoanele care s-au declarat Cara§oveni Ceangai (2.775, respectiv



Page 13: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 375 651 FL 022 491 TITLE …

SISTEMULde invatamant preuniversitar din Romania pe limbi de predare ii i d 1992/1993

Limba depredare

Totaluro tat

Si sectiiTotal cop§I elevi

Total tart 28.926 100 4.397.521 100

Total minoritati 2.730 9,4 240.619 5,5

Maghiara . 2.336 8,1 216.917 4,9Germans 290 1,0 20.120 0,5Ucraineana 15 628Sarba 35 0,1 1.024Bulgara 1 164Slovaca 38 0,1 1.379Ceha 7 221Croats 5 117Turca 3 49



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SISTEMULde invatamant preuniversitar din Romania, pe cicluri de Invatamant si limbi de pr !cl. re, iii anul scolar 1992/1093

Limba depredare

Unitati Seoul Totalu + s

Totalcopii sielevi

I. invatamAnt prescolar

Total jars 11.977 626 12.603 10( 752.063 100Total minoritati 639 626 1.265 10,1. 57.678 7,7

Maghiara 589 481 1.070 8,: 49.255 6,5Germana 22 131 153 1,', 7.o51 0,9Ucraineana 5 2 7 305 0,1

Sarba 6 9 15 0,, 368 0,1

Bulgara 1 1 164 -Slovaca 11 - 11 0, , 321 0,1

Cella 2 - 2 89Croata 3 - 3 76 -Turca - 3 3 49 -

II. invalgmant primar

Total Cara 5.999 150 6,149 10(.0 1.201.229 100Total minoritati 353 150 503 8, I 68.246 5,7

Maghiara 329 78 407 6,, 60.726 5,1

Germana 3 57 60 1,t. 6.370 0,4Ucraineana 4 4 145Sarba 2 2 4 319 0,1Slovaca 17 4 21 0,', 513 0,1Cella 2 3 5 132 -Croata - 2 2 41

III. invatamttnt dimnazial

Total Cara 7.103 527 7.630 101 1.339.555 100Total minoritati 252 527 779 10, s 73.201 5,5

Maghiara 241 455 696 9,1 68.153 5,1Germana 5 57 62 0,,1 4.423 0,3Ucraineana - 2 2 65 -Sarba 1 13 14 0,.'. 138Slovaca 5 - 5 0, ' 422 0,1

IV. Invatamant liceal

Total tarn 1.108 130 1.238 101 714.013 100Total minoritati 39 130 169 13, 33.288 4,7

Maghiara 33 118 151 12,' 31.196 4,4GermanP.' 5 8 13 1, , 1.657 0,3Ucraineana 2 2 0, l 113 -Sarba 1 1 2 0,.' 199Slovaca - 1 1 123

V. Invatamant profesional ci postliceal

Total tars 1.306 1.306 390.661 100

Total minoritati 14 x) 14 1, 1 8,206 2,5

Maghiara 12 12 1, 1 7.587 1,9Germana 2 2 619 0,3

x) Clasele de la invaWnantul profesional frecventeadi in cadrul grupurilor ccolare 31 it incluse in numarul de unitati de lainvatamantul liceal. Cele 14 unitati suet de nivel postliceal.



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CADRE DIDACTICEpe cicluri si iimbi do predare din InvMamtntur preuniversitar in anul ycc ar 199211993

Limba depredare


din care:Educatoare Invatoir 15i-desair

Total tarn 259.263 36.447 55.176 167.640

Total minoritati 15.132 2.729 3.630 8.773

Maghiara 13.843 2.371 3.239 8.233Germany 1.003 297 304 402Ucraineana 33 13 16 4

Sarb5 94 20 25 49Slovac5 134 14 35 85Ceha 11 2 9Bulgara 6 6Turca 3 3Croata 5 3 2

SITUATIAapariVei manualelor In limbile de predare ale minorit5iilor no ionale


Limba de predare Anul F4colar 1992/1993 Anul scolar 1993/1994Nr. TirajNr.


Maghiara 64 610.300 91 650.000Germans 12 11.590 W. 71.400Sarb5 2 700 15 4,000Ucraineana 4 3.400 22 8.000Slovaca 6 1.900 12 4.000Ceh5 3 320 2 400Bu [gar& 1 100 4 400Turca 4 2.000Croats 1 150 5 800polona 4 600Rus5 (lipoveni) 2 3.000 (i 4.000Romani 1 5.000Total 95 631.460 20e 750.600

NOTA Manuaiele in limba maghiar5 se tiparesc anual, cele In limba german& din doi 1.1 (' ani, jar pentru celelalte minoritaii lainterval de 4-5 ani datorit8 num5rului redus de elevi.


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LIMBA MAGHIARAA. Licee In limba maghiara

JUDETUL ALBA1. Liceul Teoretic "Beth len Gabor". orasul Aiud2. Seminar Romano-Catolic, municipiul Alba-lulia

JUDETUL ARADGrupul Scoter Industrial "Csiki Gergely", municipiul Arad

JUDETUL BIHOR1. Liceul Teoretic "Ady Endre", municipiul Oradea2. Seminarul Teo logic Reformat, municipiul Oradea3. Seminarul Romano- Catolic, municipiul Oradea

JUDETUL BRASOV1. Liceul Teoretic "Aprily Lajos ", municipiul Brasov2. Liceul Teoretic "Zajzoni Rab Istvan", orasul Sacele

JUDETUL CLUJ1. Liceul Teoretic nr. 2, municipiul Cluj2. Seminarul Reformat, municipiul Cluj

JUDETUL COVASNA1. Liceul Teoretic "Szekely Miko", municipiul Sf. Gheorghe2. Liceul Teoretic "Mikes Kelemen", municipiul Sf. Gheorghe3. Scoala Norma la "Bod Peter", orasul Tg. Secuiesc4. Liceul Teoretic "Nagy Mazes", orasul Tg. Secuiesc

JUDETUL HARGHITA1. Liceul Teoretic "Marton Aron", municipiul Miercurea-Ciuc2.Liceul Teoretic "Tamest Aron", municipiulOdorheiu-Secuiesc3. Liceul Teoretic "Orban Balks", orasul Cristuru Secuiesc4. Liceul Teoretic "Se lemon Erna" orasul Gheorghieni5.Liceul Teoretic "Puskas Tivadar", municipiulOdorheiu-Secuiesc6. Liceul Teoretic "Petofi Sandor, Municipiul Miercurea-Ciuc7. Liceul Teoretic, comuna Corund8. Liceul de Arta, municipiul Miercurea Ciuc9.Scoala Norma la "Benedek Elek" municipiulOdorheiu-Secuiesc10.Gruput scoter Industrie Lemnului, municipiulMiercurea-Ciuc11. Grupul Scolar Industrial "Barley Janos", municipiulOdorheiu-Secuiesc12. Grupul Scoter Agricol, comuna Sanmartin13. Grupul pcolar Sanitar, municipiul Odorheiu-Secuiesc14. Grupul Scoter Industrial, orasul Vlahga15. Grupul Scoter Industrial, comuna Joseni

JUDETUL SATU MARELiceul Teoretic "KOlcsey Ferenc", municipiul Satu-Mare

JUDETUL SALAJSeminarul Liceal Reformat, municipiul Zalau

JUDETUL SALAJSeminarul Liceal Reformat, municipiul Zalau

JUDETUL TIMISLiceul Teoretic "BartOk Bale", municipiul Timisoera

MUNICIPIUL BUCURESTILiceul Teoretic "E. Ady ", muncipiul Bucuresti

B.Licee cu sectii si In tin be maghiara

JUDETUL ARAD1. Liceul Teoretic, comut la Pecica2. Scoala nr. 2, comuna Pecica

JUDETUL BIHOR1. Liceul Teoretic "M. En linescu", municipiul Oradea2. Liceul Teoretic, orasu Valea lui Mihai3. Liceul Teoretic "Petofi Sandor, orasul Sacuieni4. Grupul Scoter I.C.M. ";nfratirea", municipiul Oradea5. Liceul Industrial Cons ructii -Montaj, municipiul Oradea6. Grupul Scoter Industrial, orasul Salonta7. Grupul Scoter Industrial, orasul Marghita8. Grupul Scoter Agricol, municipiul Oradea9. Grupul Scoter Agricol oarsul Valea lui Mihai10. Liceul de Arta, municipiul Oradea11. Grupul Scoter Sanitc r "E. Costras", municipiul Oradea12. Scoala Normala "I. 1: ulcan", municipiul Oradea13. Grupul Scoter Agricc I, orasul Salonta

JUDETUL BISTRITA-N5SAUDLiceui "A, Muresanu", m micipiul Bistrita

JUDETUL BRASOV1. Grupul Scoter Energetic, municipiul Brasov2. Grupul Scoter Industr al, municipiul Brasov3.Grupul Scoter "Electroorecizia", orasul Sacele4. Grupul Scoter Materir le de Constructii, orasul Rupea5. Grupul Scoter Constr ictii de Marini Brasov

JUDETUL CLUJ1. Liceul Teoretic "S. Br.tssail, municipiul Cluj2. Liceul Teoretic nr 3, r luniciptul Cluj3. Liceul Teoretic nr. 4, municipiul Cluj4. Liceul 13oretic "A. Mt resenu", orasul Dej5. LIceul Teoretic 'P. K jot', orasul Gherla6. Licev; Teoreiic "Mihai Viteazu", orasul Turda7. Liceul "0. Goga", ore )ul Huedin8. Liceul de Muzick mu iicipiul Cluj9. Liceul Sanitar, municipiul Cluj10. Grupul Scalar "Clujana", municipiul Cluj11. Grupul Scalar Elect otehnic, municipiul Cluj

JUDETUL COVASNA1. Grupul Scalar 'T. Pur kas", municipiul Sf. Gheorghe2. Liceul Industrial "Oltu ", municipiul Sf. Gheorghe3. Liceul de Arta, murk piul Sf. Gheroghe4. Liceul Economic, A dmlnistrativ si de DFept, municipiulSf. Gheroghe5. Grupul Scoter Agrico , municipiul Sf. Gheorghe6. Grupul Scoter Agrico " A. Gabor", orasul Tg. Seculesc7. Liceul Agricol, orasul Tg. Secuiesc8. Grupul Scoter, orasul Covasna



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9. Grupul Sailer "Baroti Szabo David", Baraolt10. Scoala Profesionala nr. 3, municipiul Sf. Gheorghe

JUDETUL HARGHITA1..Liceul Teoretic "O.C. Taslauanu", orasul Top lita2.Grupul Scoter Constructii de Marini, municipiulMiercurea-Ciuc3.Grupul Scoter Industrial, orasul Man4.Grupul Scoter de Chimie, municipiul Odorheiu-Secuiesc5.Grupul Scoter Constructii de Marini, orasul Gheorgheni6.Grupul Scolar Agricol, municipiul Odorheiu-Secuiesc7.Grupul Scoter Agricol, orasul Gheorgheni8.Grupul Scoter Economic, municipiul Miercurea-Ciuc9. Liceul Teoretic, orasul Gheorgheni10. Liceul Teoretic, comuna Danesti11. Liceul de Arta si Muzica, municipiul Odorheiu-Secuiesc

JUDETUL HUNEDOARA1. Grupul Scoter Minier, municipiul Petrosani2. Liceul Teoretic nr. 2, Deva

JUDETUL MARAMURES1. Liceul Teoretic "Gh. Sincai", municipiul Baia Mare2.Liceul Teoretic "M.Eminescu", muncipiul Baia Mare3. Liceul Teoretic "V.Socaciu", municipiul Baia Mare4. Gruput Scoter Industrial Constructii-Montaj, municipiulBaia Mare5. Liceul Teoretic "Dragon orasul Sighetu Marmatiei6. Grupul Scoter de Transport Auto, Baia Mare

JUDETUL MURES1. Liceul Teoretic "Al. Papiu Harlan", municipiul Tg. Mures2. Liceul Teoretic "F. Bciyai", municipiul Tg. Mures3. Liceul Teoretic "Unirea",'municipiui Tg. Mures4. Grupul Scoter Industrial "Electiomures", municipiulTg. Mures5. Gruput Scoter Industrial "Gh. Sincai", municipiul Tg. Mures6.Grupul Scoter de Industrie Usoara, municipiul Tg. Mures7.Grupul Scoter de Chimie Industrials, municipiul Tg. Mures8. Grupul Scalar de Prelucrarea Lemnulul, municipiulTg. Mures9. Grupul Scalar Constructii-Montaj, municipiul Tg. Mures10. Grupul Scoter Industrial nr. 1, municipiul Tg. Mures11. Grupul Scoter Agricol, municipiul Tg. Mures12. ?coda Normalg, municipiul Tg. Mures13. Liceul de Arta, municipiul Tg. Mures14. Liceul Teoretic "Mircea Eliade", municipiul Tg. Mures,.15. Grupul Scoter Industrial,orasul Ludus16. Liceul Teoretic, orasul Reghin17. Grupul Scoter Constructii de Marini, orasul Reghin18. Gruput Scoter Industrial, orasul Sovata19. Liceul Teoretic, orasul Tarnaveni20. Liceul Teoretic, comuna Band21. Liceul Teoretic. comuna Sangeorgiu de Facture22. Liceul Teoretic, comuna Miercurea Nirajului23. Grupul Scoter Industrial, orasul lernut24. Grupul Scolar Agricol, orasul Reghin25. Scoala Profesionala, municipiul Tg. Mures26. Liceul Teoretic, comuna Sangeorgiu de Facture27. Grupul Soder. orasul Tarnaveni

JUDETUL SATU MARE1. Liceul Teoretic "loan Slavici", municipiul Satu-Mare2. Liceul Teoretic, orasul Tasnad3. Liceul Teoretic, crawl Carei4. Grupul Scoter Constructii-Montaj, municipiul Satu-Mare5. Gruput Scoter de Industrializarea Lemnulul, municipiulSatu-Mare


6. Grupul Scolar de Con: tr nr. 3, municipiulSatu Mare7. Grupul Scoter Constructii dE Masini, orasul Carei8. Liceul Sanitar, municipiul Sr to -Mare9. Gruput Scoter Agricol, orEist I Carei10. Grupul Scoter Agricol, c rr una Livada11. Liceul Teoretic "DoarnnirE lance", municipiul Satu-Mare12. Scoala Normalg, municiDit I Satu-Mare

JUDETUL SALAJ1. Liceul Teoretic, municipit I 22. Liceul Teoretic "S. Bernuiti3. Liceul Teoretic, comuna4. Grupul Scoter de Constr. ct5. Grupul Scoter de Chimie In6. Scoala Normala, municipiul7. Grupul Scoter de indt.stCehu-Silvaniei8. Grupul Scoter de IncuECehu-Silvaniei9. Gruput Scoter Agricol, or10. Grupul Scoter Industrial S

algu, orasul.snaide municipiul Zalaulustriala, municipiul ZalauZalaulalizare a Lemnului , orasul

trializare a Metalului, orasul


JUDETUL SIBIU1. Liceul Teoretic "0. Goga', lunicipitil Sibiu2. Liceul Teoretic "St. L. Roth' , orasul Medias

JUDETUL TIMIS1. Liceul "I. Hasdeu", orasui L2. Grupul Scolar "Electromotc3. Grupul Scolar Industrial ;u4. Grupul colar de Indust' e

LIMBA GERMAN,A. Ucee in Ilmba germs rq

JUDETUL ARADLiceul German Arad

igojr", municipiul Timisoara:o, municipiul Timisoaraisoarg, municipiul Timisoara

JUDETUL BRASOVLiceul Teoretic "Johanes Hor ;erus", Brasov

JUDETUL SIBIULiceul Teoretic "Brukhenta", Sibiu

JUDETUL TIMISLiceul Teoretic "N. Lenau", 1 misoara

MUNICIPIUL BUCURESTILiceul Teoretic "H. Oberth", E ucuresti

B. Licee cu sectii si n Ilmbe germane

JUDETUL ALBALiceul Teoretic Sebes

JUDETUL BF1ASOVGrup Scoter Industrial EnE rg municipiul Brasov

JUDETUL CLUJLiceul Teoretic "George Gist Luc", municipiul Cluj-Napoca

JUDETUL SATU MARELiceul Teoretic "M. Emine.ct " ,municipiul Satu-Mare


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JUDETUL MURESLiceul Teoretic "Joseph Ha IMO", municipiul Sighisoare

JUDETUL SIBIU1. Scoala Norma la "A. Saguna", municipiul Sibiu2. Liceul "Axente Sever", municipiul Medial


Liceul Teoretic "C. Brediceanu", municipiul Lugoj

UMBA SLOVACAA. Ucee cu sectii sl in limba slovacti


Liceul Teoretic "J, Grigor-Tajovsky", crawl Nad lac

UMBA sAFkaA. Ucee in limbs Barba

JUDETUL TimipLiceul Teoretic "Dositel Obradovici", municipiul Timisoara

B. Ucee cu 0841 sl in limbs °Arbil

JUDETUL CARAS-13E 'ERINGrupul Scolar IndustrIai, orasul Moldova-Noua


A. Ucee cu asap sl to limbs ucralneanti

JUDETUL MARAMUREScoala Norma la, molt ipiul Sighetu MarmatleiLiceul Teoretic "Dragq-Vocia", municipiul Sighetu Marmatiel



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Plan de invatarnant.Clasele I IV

Cu predare in limbi ale minoritAjilor nationals)

Nr.crt. Obiecte de studio

Nurnarul de, ore pesaptarnana

1-11I I II IV

# Educalia umanista $i social& 13 14 15 15

1. Limba rornana, din care:Citire scriere - 4 - -Dezvoltare a vorbirii si a gandirii 4 1

Gramatica - - 1 1

Citire - lectura - - 3 3Compunere expunere - - 1 1

2. Limba maternaCitire - scriere

- Dezvoltare a vorbirii7 - -

si a gandirii 1 1

Gramatica , 1 2 2Citire - lectura - 3 3 2Compunere expunere 1 1 1

3. Limba moderns - 2 2 24. `Geografia si Istoria Romaniei - - 1,55. Educatia moral - civics - - 1 0,56. Educatie religioasa ' 1 1 1 1

B # Educatie stiintifica de baza 4 5 5 6

1. Matematica 4 4 4 42. Cunoasterea mediuluilnconjurator 1 1 2

C # Educatie artistica 3 4 3 31. ' Educatie plastics 1 1 1 1

2. Compozitii aplicative (lucru manual) 1 1 1 1

3. ' Caligrafie 1 - -4. Educatie muzicala 1 1 1 1

D. # Educatie fizica 2 2 2 2

& Total ore 22 25 25 26

* A se vedea explicatia data la scolile cu predare in limba romana



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Clasele V VIIICu predare In limbi ale minoritalilor nallonale

Nr.crt. Obiecte de studiu


Numarul de ore pesaptarnanaVI VII VIII

A. # Educatia umanista si sociala 15 13 14 15

1. Limba si literatura roman& 5 4 4 42. ' Limba si literatura materna 5 4 4 4

3. * Limba latina 1

4. ' Istoria moderns 1 2 2 2 25. Istorie 2 2 2 26. Cultura civics ') 1 1

7. Educatie religioasa **) 1 1 1 1

B # Educatie stiintifica de !Dela 8 11 12 12

1. Matematica 4 5 4 42. * Fizica 2 2 23. Chimie -- 2 24. ' Biologie 2 2 2 25. * Geografie 2 2 2 2

C # Educatie estetica 2 2 2 2

1. Educatia muzicala 1 1 1 1

2. * Desen artistic si educE,tie plastica 1 1 1 1

D # educatie tehnologica ***) 2

E # Educatie fizica 2 2 2 2

F # Dirigentie 1 1 1 1

G # Pregatire ootionala 2 2

& Total ore 30 31 33 34

')' ..). ***) A se vedea explicatiile si notele adaugate pentru cu predare in limba romans, valabile si

la acest tip de scoli


Page 21: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 375 651 FL 022 491 TITLE …


Cu predarea in limbile minoritatilor nationale profil umanist

Filo logie

Nr.crt, Obiecte de studiu

Numgr deIX

ore pe saptamanaX XI XII

A. # Educa is umanittaisociala 21 21 22 221. "Tim a qi iteratura romans 5 5 4 42. ' Limba si literature materng 5 5 4 43. Limba modern& I 3 3 3 34. Limba moderns II 2 2 2 25. Limba Wind 2 2 3 36. Literature univursalg 2 27. Istoria 2 2 2 28. ' Psihologie 29. Logic& 210. Economic 21 1. Filozofie 2B # Educatia atiingicg de baza 6 6 5 61. Matematica 2 2 2 2

2. *Fizica 1 1 1 1

3. Chimia 1 1 -4. Geografia 1 1 1 25. 1 1 1 1

C # Educa ia fizicgtie

2 2 2 2

# r eo optional 2 2 2 2E # Dirigentia 1 1 1 1

& Total ore 32 32 32 33

Pregatire optionala

A # Stenodactilografie 2 2 2 21. Stenografie 1 1 1 1

2. ' Dactilografie aicorespondent& 1 1 1 1

B # Biblioteconomie ji lucrari de arhiva 2 2 2 21. Lucrgri de arhivg al

biblioteconomie 1 1 2 22. Reconditionare si restaurare

de air 1

C # Difuzarea cartii 2 21. " Tehnica prezenliii7

difuzarii si contabilizariicgrtii 1 1 1 1

2. Practice 1 1 1 1

D # Lingvistica general& aiteorie literary 2 2 2

1. * Elemente de lingvisticageneralg 1 1 1 1

2. Elemente de teorie literary 1 1 1 1

E # Istoria culturil 2 2 2 21. Istoria refiTOF T F -2. ' Istoria artei 1 1 2 2



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Matematia - FizicA

XI XIINr. Numar de ore pe sap-tairanacrt, Obiecte de studiu IX X

A # Educatia umanista 9i aociala 13 13 12 12r.--93rrEiTiffeatura roniEri6 3 32. Limba $i literature materna 3 3 3 33. Limba modern& I 2 2 2 24. Limba moderna II 1. 1 1 1

5. * Limba latina 1 1 -6. Istoria 2 '2 1 27. Psihologia - 1

8. * Logica, sociologia 1

9. * Economia - 2 -10. * Filozofia 1

B # Educajia stiinlificade baza 14 14 15 14

I. * Matematica 5 5__

5 52. * Fizica 4 4 4 43. Chimia 2 2 2 24. Biologia 2 2 2 1

5. * Geografia 1 1 1 1

6. . Geologia - 1 1

7. * Astronomie,astrofizica 1

C # Educle fizica 2 2 2 215 3-P-FeTratireaop_To-n-ga 2 2 2E # Dirigentia 1 1 1

8: ToTaThr e 32 32 32 -51

Nota : Sunt valabile notele inserate la acelasi tip de scoli cu predare in limba romana.

Pregatire oplionala

Nr. Numar de ore pe saptamanacrt, Obiecte de studiu IX X XI XII

_ _A # Tehnica de calcul pinformatica 2 2 2 21. '13azele inforniala 1 1 1 1

2. Tehnica de calcul 1 1 1 1

B # Pregatire tehnica generala 2 2 2 21. Desen geometric si proiectiv 2 -2.2. Cunoetinte tehnice si desen tehnic 2 2C # Tehnici de laborator 2 21. .76776icieTab-Orator

aplicate in fizica siprelucrarea datelorexperimentale 2 2 2 2

D # Matematici aplicate 21. 1Tritematica aplicatl in

activitati socio-economice 2 2F # Istoria culturil 2-17-76161a

2 21 1

2. Istorla add 1 2 2G # Economia produc lei agricole 2 2 2 2

2. Lucrari practice 1 1 1 1



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MIN ANUL ,SCALAR 1992/ 1993





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LA CONSTITUTION DE LA ROUMANIELa Constitution de to Roumanle, adoptee par referendum, le 8 decembre 1991, prevolt ce qui suit

concernant les droits des minorites:

Titre I Principes generauxArticle 4 L'Unite du peuple et l'egalite entre les citoyens

(2) La Roumanie est la patrie commune et indivisible de tousses citoyens, sans distinction de race, nationalite, origineethnique, langue, religion, sexe, opinion, appartenancepolitique, fortune ou origine sociale.

Article 6 Le Droit a l'identite(1) L'Etat reconnait et garantit aux personnes appartenantaux minorites nationales le droit a la preservation, audeveloppement et a ('expression de leur identite ethnique,culturelle, linguistique at religieuse.

(2) Les mesures de protection prises par l'Etat afin depreserver, developper et exprimer Ildentite des personnesappartenant aux minorites nationales doivent etre enconcordance avec les principes d'egalite et de non-discrimination par rapport aux autres citoyens roumains.

Titre II - Droits, libertes et obligationsfondamentaux

Chapitre I Dispositions communesArticle 16 Egalite des droits(1) Les citoyens sont egaux devant Ia loi et les autoritespubliques, sans privileges et sans discriminations.Article 20 Traites internationaux concernant les droits del'homme

(1) Les dispositions constitutionnelles concernant les libertesdes citoyens seront interpretees et appliquees enconcordance avec Ia Declaration universelle des droits del'homme, avec les conventions et les autres traites auxquelsIa Roumanie est partie.

(2) Sill y a desaccord entre les conventions et les traitos surles droits fondamentaux de l'homme auxquels la Roumanieest partie et les lois internes, les reglementationsinternationales ont priorite.

Chapitre II Droits et libertes fondamentauxArticle 29 Liberte de conscience(1) La liberte de pensee et d'opinion, ainsi que la liberte descroyances religieuses ne peuvent etre limitees sous aucuneforme. Personne ne peut etre contraint d'adopter tine opinionou d'adherer a une religion contraires a ses convictions.

(2) La liberte de conscience est garantie, elle dolt semanifester par ('esprit de tolerance at le respect reciproque.

(3) Lee cultes religieux sent libres et s'organisentconformement a leurs propres statuts, selon la loi.

(4) En ce qui concerne les relations entre les cultes, tous lesactes, moyens, formes ou actions qui serneraient la discordereligieuse sent interdits.22

(5) Les cultes religieux sent autonomes face a l'Etat atjouissent de son soutien, y comprls concernant ('assistancereligieuse dans l'armee, lee hopitaux, les penitenciers, lesasiles et les orphelinats.

(6) Les parents ou les tuteurs ont le droit d'assurer,conformement a leurs convictions, ('education des enfantsmineurs qui sont a leur charge.

Article 30 Libecte d'expression(7) La loi interdit Ia diffamation du pays et de la nation,('incitation a la guerre at a I'agression, a la haine nationale,raciale, religieuse ou de classe, !Incitation a la discrimination,au separatisme territciial ou a la violence publique, ainsi quela conduite obscene, contraire aux bonnes rnoeurs.

Article 32 Droit a l'enseignement(3) Le droit des personnes appartenant aux minoritesnationales d'apprendre leur langue maternelle at le droit a unenseignement dispense en leur langue maternelle sontgarantis; les modalites d'exercer ces droits sont etablies parla loi.

(4) L'enseignement public est gratuit, conformement a Ia loi.

(7) L'Etat assure Ia liberte de I'enseignement religieux,conformement aux exigences spocifiques a cheque culte(...).

Article 37 Droit d'association(1) Les citoyens peuvent s'associer librement darts des partispolitiques, syndicats et d'autres formes d'association.

(2) Les partis ou les organisations qui, par leurs objectifs oupar leurs activites, militent contre le pluralisme politique, lesprincipes de l'Etat de droit ou la souverainete, l'integrite ou!Independence de la Roumanie sent non-constitutionnels.

Chapitre III Obligations fondamentalesArticle 50 Fide lite envers le pays(1) La fidelite envers le pays est smite.

Article 51 Respect de la Constitution et des lois.Le respect de la Constitution, de sa suprematie et des lois

est obligatoire.

Titre HI Autorites publiquesChapitre I ParlementArticle 59 Election des Chambres

(2) Les organisations des citoyens appartenant aux minoritesrationales qui ne reunissent pas aux elections le nombre devotes necessaire pour etre representees au Parlement ontdroit chacune a une place de depute, dans les conditions dela loi electorale. Les citoyens appartenant a une minoritene`ieltale ne peuvent etre representes que par une seuleorganisation.

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Chapitre V Administration publiqueSection II Administration publique localeArticle 119 Principes de base

L'administration publique des unites administrativesterritoriales est fondee sur le principe de l'autonomie locale etcelui de Ia descentralisation des services publics.

Chapitre VI Autorite judiciaireArticle 127 Droit a rinterprete

(1) La procedure judiciaire se deroule en langue roumaine.(2) Les citoyens appartenant aux minorites nationales ainsique les personnes qui ne comprennent ou ne parlent pas la

langue roumaine ont le droit de prendre connaissance detous les documents de leur dossier, de parler devant'Instance et de formuler des conclusions par l'intermediaired'un interprete; dans Ies proces pOnaux, ce droit est assuregratuitement.

Titre VI Revision de Ia ConstitutionArticles 148 Limites de la revision(1) Les dispqsitions de la presente Constitution concernant lecaractere national, independent, unitaire et indivisible del'Etat roumain, Ia forme republicaine de gouvernement,l'integrite du territoire, ['independence de Ia justice, lepiuralisme politique et la langue officielle ne peuventconstituer ('objet d'une revision.


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Les classes de langue maternelle enseignees par lesprofesseurs audela de leur norme de travail obligatoireseront retribuees a l'heure. Les classes peuvent egalementetre attribuees aux professeurs qui ne beneficient pas d'unenorme de travail entfere.

IV. Concernant le contenu de l'enseignement de Ialangue maternelle

L'enseignement de la langue maternelle pour les elevesde diverses nationalites qui frequentent des ecoles ofl'enseignement est dispense en roumain sera en conformiteavec les programmes et les manuels de langue maternelle envigueur, tenant compte des precisions suivantes:

En premiere, l'enseignement de la langue maternellecommence par un cours introductif oral qui s'etend jusqu'au 1levrier et qui comprend:

a) des legons dont l'objectif est le developpement de lacapacite des eleves a s'exprimer oralement, attirantes etayant un contenu riche, groupees sur des themes lies al'ecole, a la famille, a la maison paternelle, aux metiers desparents, au travail a la campagne et dans lee villes, auxcaracteristiques des saisons etc.;

b) en ce qui concerne la preparation des eleves pourapprendre a lire et a ecrire dans Ia langue maternelle, serontprises en consideration lee connaissances et les habiletesacquises par lee eleves dans la periode preabecedaire.

La repartition des cours de langue maternelle pour lesclasses II IV sera faite comme suit: 2 heures par semainepour l'enseignement de la lecture et 2 heures par semainepour l'enseignement des connaissances de langue,d'ortographe et de redaction. La lecture litteraire, pour lesclasses V a VIII, et les connaissances d'histoire, de Ialitterature maternelle pour Ies classes IX a XII, serontenseignees deux heures par semaine et les connaissancesde langue une heure par semaine.

Pour Ia lecture (classes II a IV) les instituteurs choisirontdans lee manuals de langue maternelle destines aux ecolesou l'enseignement est dispense dans les langues desminorites nationales, lee textes lee plus attractifs, a cette&ape robjectil principal etant d'apprendre aux eleves a lirede maniere cursive, correcte at expressive. Les autres textesdes manuels qui ne pourront pas etre studies pendant lesclasses prevues, seront recommandes pour la lectureindividuelle.

En ce qui concerne les connaissances de langue (classesIIIV), seront enseignees les notions prevues dans le

programme en vigueur, mettant ['accent sur les problemesspecifiques de la langue maternelle afin de former aux elevesl'habilete d'ecrire at de s'exprimer correctement. Dans ce butsera resolu le plus grand nombre possible d'exercicesd'ortographe at d'ortophonie.

En classe de redaction, vu que les &yes acquierent lesconnaissances at lee habiletes necessaires a la redaction enclasse de roumain, en classe de langue maternelle lesprofesseurs insisteront notamment sur ('expression ecrite etorale correcte et sur l'enrichissement du vocabulaire.

Pour ce qui est de la lecture &Wake (classes V a VIII) etdes connaissances d'histoire de la litterature maternelle (cis.IX a XII), lee textes litteraires qui ne pourront pas etre studiespendant leg classes prevues seront recommandes pour lalecture individuelle, hors classe. En ce qui concerne leeconnaissances de langue (classes V a XII), etant donne lenombre reduit de classes, ne seront enseignees que lesconnaissances de base de ('expression orate et ecrite,necessaires a ('utilisation correcte de Ia langue maternelle etcertains details ou Ies reprises dune classe a l'autre serontelimines.

Les professeurs mettront ('accent sur lee aspectspratiques afin que les eleves acquierent des connaissancesutiles dans la vie quotidienne.

V. Concernant Ies manuels scolaires

La langue maternelle sera etudiee sur Ia base demanuels scolaires inscrits dans le catalogue des manuelsvalables, qui sent edites cheque armee scolaire.

Si lee eleves ont opts pour ('etude de Ia languematernelle, celle-ci deviendra discipline obligatoire, etantinscrite dans le catalogue scolaire comme toutes les autresdisciplines. A partir de Ia cinquierne, les eleves passeront uneepreuve ecrite trimestrielle. Les moyennes trimestriellesseront prises en compte dans le calcul de Ia moyennegenerale.

Les inspectorats scolaires et Ies responsables des ecolesaccorderont une attention particullere a la mise en oeuvredes instructions ci-dessus afin que les cours de languematernelle soient enseigne dans des conditions approprieeset avec une efficience maximale.

Les directions des ecoles ou l'enseignement est dispenseen roumain at qui sont frequentees aussi par des elevesappartenant aux minorites nationales ont l'obligation de faireconnaitre aux interesses Ia possibilite d'apprendre Ia languematernelle en tant que discipline scolaire et de prendre desmesures pour les programmes et les manualsscolaires necessaires ainsi que pour organiserl'enseignement.


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Dans les locale& a population appartenant aux diversesethnies, l'Etat assure ('organisation et le fonctionnement deI'enseignement dispense dans les langues des minoritesnationales. Le systeme de l'enseignement pour les minoritesnationales correspond a l'enseignement general deRoumanie, reglemente par une decision du Gouvernement etcomprend: des ecoles maternelles, des ecoles primaires, descolleges, des lycees, des ecoles professionnelles etd'apprentissage et des ecoles poselycee.

Dans l'enseignement superieur, sur la demande desetudiants des nationalites magyare et allemande, certainscours sent soutenus dans les langues respectives.

Pour l'annee 1992/1993, dans I'enseignement de tous lesniveaux sont compris 4.633.190 Neves etudiants, ce quirepresente 20,4% de la population de Ia Roumanie, dont plusde 250.000 enfants, eleves et etudiants (5,4%) frequententdes etablissements scolaires oe l'enseignement est dispenseclans leur langue maternelle.

L'enseignement preuniversitaire comprend 28.926etablissements dont 2.730 oe I'enseignement est dispensedans les langues des minorities nationales ou possedent dessections dans les langues respectives (9,4%). Du nombretotal des etablissements et des sections oe l'enseignementest dispense dans les langues des minorites nationales, dans85,6% la langue d'enseignement est le hongrois.

L'enseignement dans les langues maternelles estdispense dans des etablissements independents (1.283) etdans des sections roumaine et magyare, roumaine etallemande, roumaine et serbe etc. (1.447).

Tant dans les etablissements independents que dans lessections, I'enseignement est dispense dans les languesmaternelles.

Dans ces plus de 1.400 sections (etablissements mixtes),la base materielle - salles de classe, laboratoires,bibliotheques etc. est utilisee en commun, la direction del'ecole est unique et une serie d'activites periscolaires sontorganisees soit en roumain, soit dans les deux langues(roumain + langue de Ia minorite respective).

Dans l'enseignement preuniversitaire sent scolarisees4.397.521 eleves, dont 240.619 (5,5%) etudient dans leurlangue maternelle. Par cycle d'enseignement, la situationpour l'annee scolaire 1992/1993 se presente comme suit:- l'enseignement prescolaire comprend 12.603etablissements ou sont englobes 752.063 enfants; dans11.338 de ces etablissements (90%) l'enseignement estdispense en roumain et le nombre total d'enfants qui lesfrequentent monte a 694.385 (92,3%); dans 1.265etablissements et sections (10%) l'enseignement estdispense dans les langues des minorites nationales et Isnombre total d'enfants qui les frequentent monte a 57.678(7,7%);

l'enseignement primaire comprend 6.149 etablissementsfrequentes par. 1.201.229 eleves, dans 5.646 de cesetablissements (91,9%) l'enseignement est dispense enroumain et le nombre d'eleves qui y etudient monte1.132.983 eleves (94,3%), dans 5.503 etablissements etsections (8,1%) l'enseignement est dispense dans leslangues des minorites nationales et le nombre d'eleves quietudient monte a 68.246 (5,7%);

I'enseignement secondaire du premier cycle (colleges)cornprend 7.630 etablissements frequentes par 1.339.558Neves; dans 6.851 de ces etablissements (89,7%)26

l'enseignement est dispense on roumain et le nombred'eleves qui y etudient monte a 1.266.354 (94,5%); dans 779etablissements et sections (10,3%) l'enseignement estdispense dans les langues des minorites nationales at lenombre d'eleves qui y etudient monte a 73.201 (5,5%);

l'enseignement secondaire dot deuxieme cycle (lycees)comprend 1.238 etablissements frequentes par 714.013Cleves; dans 1.069 etablissements (86,3%) l'enseignementest dispense en roumain at le nombre d'eleves qui y etudient'none: é 680,725 (95,3%); dans 169 etablissements etsections (13,7%) l'enseignement est dispense dans leslangues des minorities nationales et le nombre d'eleves qui yetudient monte a 33.288 (4,7%);

l'enseignement professlonnel, complementaire, post-lyceeset celui pour apprentis est frequents pa' 390.661 eleves, dont382.455 (97,5%) etudient en roumain at 8.206 (2,5%), clansles langues des minorites nationales;

- l'enseignement superieur est frequents par 235.669etudiants dont environ 8.000 appartenant a la minorltemagyare.

Le reseau scolaire et le nombre d'enfants et d'eleves, parcycle et langue d'enseignement sent presentes dans lesannexes.

Le contenu de l'enseignement

Les plans d'enseignement, lee programmes et lesmanuels scolaires neoessaires dans le processus didactiquesent assures par le Ministere de l'Enseignement.

Pour I'enseignement primaire, secondaire premier cycleet deuxieme cycle sont elabores des plans d'enseignementspeciaux, destines aux etablissements oe l'enseignement estdispense dans les langues des minorities nationales.

Dans le cycle primaire, 73,5% des disciplines prevuesdans le plan d'enseignement sent enseignees dans la languematernelle, dans les colleges 75,4% et dans les lycees, de60,2% a 82,8%, en fonction du profil du erode humaniste,scientifique, industriel etc.

L'enseignement de la langue materneile et do la langueroumalne occupe une place importante dans les plansd'enseignement. Ainsi, dans les colleges et les lycees,I'enseignement de Ia langue et litterature maternelles occupeIa memo place eue l'enseignement du roumaln dans lesecoles ()Cr la langue d'enseignement est le roumain. La bonneconnaissance de Ia langue maternelle exerce une influencedirecte sur ('acquisition des connalssances dans toutes lesdisciplines scolaires, etant en meme temps un moyenimportant dans la creation de valeurs culturelles, de Ialitterature propre, ainsi que dans la reception des valeurslitteraires universelles.

L'apprentissage de la langue roumaine, langue officielled'Etat, par tous les citoyens de Ia Roumanie constitue('instrument qui assure les premIsses necessalres 6 lacooperation at a la communication entre les Roumains et lesminorites nationales. La connalssance de Ia langue roumainecomme rnoyen de communication entre tous les cltoyens denotre pays, sans distinction de nationalite, acqulert desvelours particulieres dans la realisation de l'egalitie des droits.C'est pour cola quo Is langue et Ia litterature roumaines sentdos disciplines etudiees dans tous les cycles, formes at


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profils de l'enseignement preuniversitaire. Durant le cycleprimaire le roumain est enseigne 19 heures par trimestre,durant le college 17 heures at durant Is lycee 12 heures.

Pour le college at Is lycee, le nombre d'heures est egalcelui prevu pour les ecoles ou l'enseignement est dispenseen roumain.

Les programmes de langue et litterature maternelles, parlesquels sant etablis les objectifs et les taches didactiquespour chaque classe et chaque niveau de I'enseignement,sont elabores par le Ministere de l'Enseignement encooperation avec de nombreux groupes d'enseignants detous les niveaux, des ecrivains, des critiques litteraires etc.Tous les programmes de langues maternelles ant ate revisesde maniere substantielle pendant les annees 1991 et 1992.

Les programmes pour le cycle primaire et les collegesprevalent des lectures litteraires dont la thematique estdirectement liee é la vie et a l'activite des enfants de cot age.Ces lectures sont choisies dans le tresor de la litteratureclassique ainsi que des oeuvres litteraires contemporainesecrites dans la langue de la minorite respective.

Au lycee, ('etude de la litterature dans Ia languematernelle se fait sur Ia base des principes linealre etconcentrique, de sorte que chaque &eve prend contact etacquiert des connaissances sur les plus importantes oeuvreslitteraires dans sa langue maternelle. Les programmes pourle lycee contiennent egalement les oeuvres litteraires ecritesen Roumanie dans les langues des minorites nationales,oeuvres qui font partie integrante de la culture de noire pays.

Un objectif de premiere importance de l'enseignemert deIa langue maternelle le developpernent des capacitesd'expresslon est realise par les lecons de redaction, degrammaire ou cellos qui traitent de problemes d'ortographe etd'ortophonle ainsi que par les 'aeons de semantique. Lesexercices d'expression &rite visent la construction logiquedes propositions et des phrases, la correlation entre lecontenu de la proposition et la rodeo etc.

Les notions de langue sont generalement ordonnees surla base du principe concentrique d'enseignement dans lecadre des divers niveaux scolaires, le bagage deconnaissances des Neves s'enrichissant chaque annee denouveaux aspects.

L'enseignement des notions linguistiques ne se recluit passeulement a ('explication des phenomenes grammaticaux,ma's if est centre notamment sur des applications pratiques,faisant en meme temps des references aux phenomenes delangue, tent sous lour aspect scientifique que sous ('aspectde la correction de l'expressidn.

Par l'enseignement et l'apprentissage de Ia langue et deIs literature maternelles par les Neves se realise au-delades objectifs communs a tous les disciplines scolairesl'objectif specifique de cette matiere, c'est-a-dire susciterl'interet de tous les jeunes pour la litterature, developper leurcapacite de reception au beau artistique, d'emettre desjugements de valeur sur une oeuvre d'art etc., en derniereinstance, de faire en sorte que ('amour de la lecture lesaccompagne tout le long de leur vie.

Aux Neves appartenant aux minorites nationales quiselon leur desk ou celul de leurs parents, frequentent desecoles ou l'enseignement est dispense en roumain estassuree ('etude de la langue maternelle dans tous les cyclesde l'enseignement: pour les classes I a IV, 4 heures parsemaine at pour les classes V a XII, 3 heures par semaine.

L'enseignement se fait par groupes composes de 15 a 30eleves. Dans le cas oe le nombre total c'es 'Neves desireuxd'atudier In langue maternelle est cu- dessous de 15, desgroupes de 7 (Neves peuvent etre organises. Un groupe peutetre compose d'eleves provenant de Ia memo classe ou declasses differentes. Si les groupes sont composes d'elevesprovenant de diverses classes, its peuvent reunir des elevesdes classes du meme niveau ou de meme cycle scolaire

VVIII, IXX11).Dans l'annee scolaire 1992/1993, des 70.000 eleves qui

frequentent les ecoles oe l'enseignement est dispense enroumain, une partie etudie egalement la langue maternelle(environ 20.000 Magyars, 1.000 Allemands, 8.064Ukrainiens, 1,386 Russes 1Ipovenis, 1.449 Turcs, 621Polonais, 461 Bulgares, 55 Tziganes etc.).

Dans l'enseignement prescolaire et primaire, pour ('etudede la langue roumaine it y a des programmes speciliques, aucollege et au lycee les programmes sont uniques lesmemes programmes, quelle que soit la langued'enseignement.

Pour tous les eleves des ecoles ou l'enseignement estdispense dans les langues des minorites nationales, lesmanuals en langue maternelle pour les disciplines prevuesdans !es plans d'enseignement sont assures gratuitement.Dans les ecoles en langue magyare et allemande sontassures des manuals en langue maternelle pour toutes lesdisciplines etudiees dans les classes I e XII, dans les ecolesen langue serbe, slovaque et ukrainienne, pour les disciplinesprevues dans les plans d'enseignement pour les classes I aVIII, ainsi que des manuels de litterature maternelle pour lesclasses IX a XII. Dans les ecoles en langue croate ettcheque, sont assures les manuels necessaires aux elevesdes classes 1 a IV, correspondent au niveau auquell'enseignement est dispense dans la langue maternelle. Dememo, sont assures les manuels de langue at litteraturematernelles aux eleves des ecoles 06 l'enseignement estdispense en roumain et qui ont demande d'etudier Ia languematernelle turque, bulgare, polonaise, russe, romani.

Les manuals de langue at litterature maternelles et, selonIs cas, de musique, sent elabores par des professeurs quienseignent dans les ecoles ou I'enseignement est dispensedans les langues des minorites nationales ou qui font partiedes chaires de langue et literature maternelles desuniversites. Les manuels pour les autres disciplines(mathernatiques, physique, chimie, biologie etc.) sent traduitsdu roumain. De meme, sont elabores des manualsspecifiques a l'enseignement de la langue roumaine dans lesclasses 1 a IV, avec des vocabulaires bilingues: roumainmagyar, roumain allemand, roumain slovaque, roumainserbe, roumain ukralnien, roumain !cheque. L'edition desmanuels revient aux Editions Didactiques at Pedagogiquesoil 11 y a'deux redactions pour les manuels en langues desminorites qui ant deux filiales a ClujNapoca et a Timieoara.

Des quelque 1000 titres publies pour I'enseignementpreuniversitaire, plus de 330 titres de manuals sont destinesaux ecoles oe I'enseignement est dispense dans lee languesdes minorites nationalee. Pour l'annee scolaire 1992/1993ant ate imprimes 95 tltres, avant un tirage de 631.460exemplaires et pour eannee 1993/1994 vont paraitre 208titres, ayant un tirage de 750.600 exemplaires.


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La formation et le perfectionnement des enseignants

Pour l'annee scolaire 199211993, dans l'enseignementpreuniversitaire fonctionnent 259.253 enseignants, dont15.132 dans les ecoles en langues des minorites nationales(2.729 monitrices de maternelle, 3.630 instituteurs at 8.773professeurs).

La formation des monitrices et des instituteurs s'effectuedans les ecoles normales en langues magyare et allemande,ou pour l'annee 1992/1993, etaient inclus 2150 elevesmagyars at 270 &eves allemande. Pour les autresnationalites periodiquement, it y a des classes a profitpeclagogique aupres d'autres lycees. A present, sont formesainsi 87 eleves ukralniens, 30 slovaques, 28 turcs, 62 russes

lipoveni. - 55 tziganes et 45 bulgares.Le personnel neeessaire dans l'enseignement secondaire

du premier et deuxierne cycle (colleges et lycees) et del'enseignement professionnel est forme dans lesetablissements d'enseignement superieur de Roumanie. Lesprofesseurs de langue et litterature maternelles pour touteslee ecoles en langues des minorites nationales sont instruitspar les professeurs de specialite des universites de

Cluj-Napoca, Bucuresti, Timisoara, Sibiu.Dernierement, un nombre important d'etudiants des

divorces nationalltes etudient a ('stranger en Hongrie,Ukraine, Bulger le, Slovaquie, Serbie, Croatie.

Le perfectionnement des enseignants ainsi que asepreuves des examens pour l'obtention des gradesdidactiques sont soutenus, sur is dernande des candidate,dans leur langue maternelle.

Au nlveau des etablissements et sections scolaires, unnombre important d'enseignants provenant des minoritesnationales occupent des fonctions de direction - directeursou directeur adjoints. En fonction du nombre d'eleves eld'enseignants dans certains lnspectorats de departementsont encadres des inspecteurs de specialite provenant deleur minorite, y compris dans des fonctions de direction, DansIs cadre du Ministers de l'Enseignement existe une Directionpour l'Enseignement des Minorites Nationales, 00 travaillentdes specialistes de diverses ethnics. charges de lacoordination et du suivi de l'enseignement dispense dans leslangues des mlnorites.,



1. L'enseignement de Ia minortte hongroise

L'enseignement en hongrois est dispense dans desmaternelles, des ecoles primaires, des colleges, des lycees,des ecoles professionnelles, des ecoles post-lycee atuniversites, donc a tous les nlveaux d'enseignement existenten Rournanie. Dans l'enseIgnement preuniversitaire lereseau scolaire contient, en tout, 2336 etablissements etsections scolaires. Le pourcentage des etablissements at dessections Oil l'enseignement est dispense en hongrois est de8,1% du total du reseau scolaire de Roumanie. Le reseaudes ecoles Oil l'enseignement est dispense en hongroisdatient un pourcentage de 8,5% dans l'enseignementprescolaire, 8% dans l'enseignement primaire at les collegesat 6,4% dans les lycees. Par rapport a l'annee scolaire1991-1992, cette annee le reseau des lycees s'est enrichi deonze etablissements oe it n'y a que des classes ouSenseignement est dispense en hongrois et d'une sectionhongroise. Le developpement du reseau des lycees s'est faitsurtout par la creation de lycees theologiques catholiques etreformes. Le reseau s'est reduit dans l'enseignementprescolaire, primaire at dans les colleges, en tout de 40etablissements at de 11 sections scolaires.

Sur l'ensemble des etablissements et sections scolairesoe l'enseignement est dispense dans lee langues desminorites nationales, un pourcentage de 85,6 est Menu parlee ecoles hongroises. Sur l'ensernble des citoyensappartenant aux minorites nationales, le pourcentage de lapopulation hongroise est, conformement au recensement de1992, de 67,3%.

Les etudiants appartenant a la mlnorite hongroise,peuvent etudier certaines disciplines en langue hongrolse,l'Universite «Babes-Bolyaie de Cluj-Napoca, a l'Universitede Bucarest, a l'Unlversite de Medecine et Pharmacle et al'Academie d'Art theetral de Targu Mures. Sur la demandedes etudiants ont etc cress de nouveaux groupes d'etudesen langue hongrolse (mathernatiques, physique, chimie,


histoire etc.) dans le cadre de l'Universite .,Babee-Bolyai. deCluj-Napoca.

L'enseignement dispense en hongrois inclut 216.917enfants et eleves, 5.1C de moins par rapport a l'anneeprecedente, ce qui represents une diminution de 2,7%. Dansl'ensemble du reseau scolaire de Roumanie, par rapport al'annee precedente, est enregistree une diminution de162.089 enfants at Neves.

Le pourcentage des eleves de nationalite hongrolse quisuivent des etudes en langue maternelle represente 4,9% dumontant de la population scolaire de Roumanie.

Echeloenee en fonction de cheque niveaud'enseignement, la situation se presente comma suit: dansl'enseignement prescolaire - 6,5%; dans l'enseignementprimaire et les colleges - 5,1%; dans les lycees - 4,4%; dansl'enseignement professionnel et post-lycee 3,2%. Durantl'annee scolaire 1992-1993, dans l'enseignement prescolaireant eta integre 49.255 enfants, dans l'enseignement primaireet dans lee colleges - 128.879 eleves, dans l'enseignementlyceal 31.196, dans l'enseignement professionnel - 6.707et dans les classes post-lycee - 880. Dans tous ces casl'enseignement est dispense en hongrois.

En ce qui concerne la notarisation dans les lyceeshongrois an fonction des divers profits de ces 'yolk's, Iasituation se presente comme suit: dans les serninairestheologiques - 19,8%; dans les ecoles normales 10,2%;dans les Ivcees d'art 7,2%; dans les lycees d'etudesgenerates - 5,9%; dans les lycees d'informatique - 3,5%;dans les lycees sylviques - 3,4%; dans lee lycees sanitaires- 3,3%; dans les lycees agricoles 2,9%; dans les lyceesindustrials - 2,8%; dans les lycees economlques,d'adminIstration et service - 2,3%. Dans lee lycees a profitmetrologique, milltaires ou speciaux pour lee deficients II n'ya pas de classes ou l'enselgnemeht soil dispense enhongrois. Un nombre important d'enfants hongrois, environ60.000, c'est-a-dire 28% du nombre total, frequentent desclasses oil l'enseignement est dispense en roumain, Une

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partie de ceux derniers etudie aussi leur langue maternelle.Dans rannee scolaire 1991-1992, dans l'enseIgnement

superieur ont ate Indus 8.777 etudiants de plus par rapport al'annee 1989. Par rapport au nombre total d'etudiants denationalite roumaine, les etudiants d'origine hongroiserepresentent 4,5%. Nous mentionnons qu'en Hongrieetudient actueliement plus de 1.000 etudiants hongrois quiont poursuivi leurs etudes preuniversitaires dans les ecolesde Roumanie.

L'activite didactique dans l'enseignement en languehongroise est assuree par 13.843 enseignants, 1129 de pluspar rapport a l'annee precedente (lc nombre du personneldidactique travaillant dans I'enseignement prescolaire s'elovea 2.374, le nombre des instituteurs a 3.239 et celLe desprofesseurs et des contremaitres a 8.233). De ce personneldidactique ii n'y a que 10.391 personnes qui ont uneformation adequate a l'emploi. De la direction des 2.336etablissements et sections scolaires o0 l'enseignement estdispense en hongrois font partie 1.527 directeurs etdirecteurs adjoints (1.298 directeurs et 229 directeursadjoints). Dans toutes les ecoles o0 l'enseignement estdispense en hongrois ii y a des directeurs et des directeursadjoints de nationalite hongroise. De Wine les inspecteursregionaux generaux des departements de Covasna etHarghita et un des inspecteurs generaux adjoints desdepartements: Arad, Bihor, Brasov, Cluj, Mures et Satu Maresont de nationalite hongroise. Plus de 80 inspecteurs denationalite hongroise assurent la .direction et le controle directde l'enseignement de la minorite hongroise de Roumanie.

Les Neves beneficient de manuels scolaires gratuits. Lesmanuals de langue et literature maternelle at de musiquesont elabores par des professeurs qui enseignent dans lesecoles hongroises de Roumanie ou qui font partie deschaires de langue et literature ou des academies demusique. Les manuels pour les autres disciplines(mathernatiques, physique, chimie, biologie etc.) sont traduitsen hongrois d'apres les manuels elabores pour les kolas o0l'enseignement est dispense en roumain. Pourl'enseignement du roumain dens le cycle primaire des ecoleshongroises sont elabores des manuels speciaux. En tout,pour les ecoles ou Penseignement est dispense en hongroissont imprimes 97 manuels scolaires.

2. L'enseignement de la minorite allemande

Par rapport a Is situation de 1989, le reseau del'enseignement dispense en langue allemande a diminue,pendant l'annee scolaire 1992-1993, de plus de 200etablissements et sections (de 497 pendant l'annes scolaire1989-1990 a 290 au tours de cette armee scolaire) a la suitedu depart d'une partie de la population allemande et de Iaconcentration du reseau scolaire en allemand dans desetablissements plus grands.

Pendant cette annee scolaire, 20.120 enfants et eleves(0,40% du total do la population scolaire) ont ate scolarisesdans les maternelles, les ecoles primaires, les colleges et lesecoles post-lycee de langue allemande; cela represente unediminution de la population scolaire qui apprend dans lesecoles 00 l'enseIgnement est dispense dans cette langue,par rapport a la *lode 1989-1990, de 43% (de 35.079enfants et 6lb/es a 20.120 pendant cette armee scolaire). Unnombre Important d'eleves appartenant a la minorlteallemande (plus de 5.000) apprennent dans des ecoles ouI'enseignement est dispense en langue roumaine at peuventetudier aussi, sur demande, la langue allemande comme

discipline scolaire (4 heures par semaine dans les classesI-IV at respectivement 3 heures par semaine dans lesclasses V-X11).

Les eleves beneficient gratuitement de manuals scolaires.Les manuels de langue et de literature maternelles sontelabores par des professeurs qui enseignent dans les ecolesallemandes et les manuels necessaires aux autres disciplines(mathernatiques, physique, chimie, biologie etc.) sont traduitsen allemand d'apres les manuels edites pour les ecoles ouI'enseignement est dispense en langue roumaine.

En merle temps, on elabore des manuels speciaux pourI'enseignement de la langue roumaine pour les classes I a IV.Pour les kolas allemandes i1 y a, en tout, 82 titres demanuels en usage a present, leur impression etant assureepar lee Editions didactiques et peclagogiques.

Dans I'enseignement dispense en allemand travaillent1003 enseignants (0,38% du total des enseignants quiexistent en Roumanie).

Dans certains cas et notamrnent Hans le milieu rural,l'encadrement des enseignants qualifies clans les ecoles ouI'enseignement est dispense en allemand est deficitaire.

Conformement a ('accord conclu entre le Ministere del'Enseignement de Roumanie at le ministere correspondentde l'Allemagne, en Roumanie ii y a 40 professeurs allemandsqui enseignent dans les ecoles oe l'enseignement estdispense en langue allemande.

La formation des monitrices de l'esole maternelle et desinstituteurs pour l'enseignement prescolaire et primairedispense en langue allemande est realisee a l'Ecole Normale-A. gaguna» de Sibiu et la formation des professeurs delangue allemande eat possible dans les Universites deBucarest, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi et Sibiu.

La direction de l'enseignement dispense en langueallemande est assuree par des enseignants appartenant a laminorite allemande. L'Inspecteur scolaire general dudepartement de Timis et I'inspecteur general adjoint dudepartement de Sibiu sont de nationalite allemande.

3. Pour la mlnorlte serbe

Le reseau de renseignement et Ia population scolaireappartenant a Ia minorlte serbe ont enregistre unaccroissement par rapport a Ia !Anode 1989-1990; des 28etablissements at sections en langue serbe, frequentes par990 enfants et Neves, a 35 etablissements et sections, avec1024 enfants et Neves. Le reseau scolaire comprend 15ecoles maternelles, 18 ecoles primaires et colleges et 2lycees.

L'etablissement le plus representatif de l'enseignementdispense en langue serbe est le lye& d'etudes generales "o.Obradovici" de Timisoara. L'enseignement en langue serbeest organise dans les departements de Timis, Carat-Severinat Arad. Plus de 600 eleves-appartenant a la minorite serbequi apprennent dans les etablissements ou I'enseignementest dispense en langue roumaine, etudient, aussi, surdemande, leur langue maternelle comma discipline (4 heurespar semaine dans les classes I a IV at respectivement 3heures par semalne dans les classes V a XII).

Les eleves beneficient gratuitement de manuels redigesdans leur langue maternelle.

Alnsl, pour les classes I a VIII on ate imprimes aussi biendes manuels en langue maternelle que des manuelsnecessaires aux autres disciplines (mathernatiques,physique, chimie, biologle etc.) qui sont traduits. Pour lesclasses du lycee sont assures lee manuels de literatureserbe.


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Dans I'enseignement dispense en langue serbe travaillent96 personnes (20 monitrices d'ecole maternelle, 27instituteurs et 49 professeurs).

A l'Inspectorat scolalre du departement de Timis travailleun inspecteur de serbe. La formation des monitrices et desinstituteurs se realise dans l'Ecole Norma le de Timieoara etIa formation des professeurs de langue serbe dans lesUniversites de Bucarest et de Timleoara. En merne temps, ity a un certain nombre d'etudiants qui poursuivent des etudesen Serbie.

4. Pour Ia minorite ukrainlenne

Du point de vue du nombre, Ia minorite ukrainienneoccupe, selon le recensement de 1992, la 4eme position,apres lee Hongrois, les Tziganes et les Allemande.

Pour les (Sieves appartenant a cette minorite it y a 15etablissements d'enseignement preunlversitaire (7 ecolesmaternelles, 6 ecoles avec les classes I a VI 11 et 2 sectionsde lycee) dans lesquelles apprennent 628 eleves. Dans cesetablissements I'enseignement est dispense en langueukrainienne, etant assure par 33 enseignants.

Les eleves beneficient aussi bien de manuels dans leurlangue maternelle que de manuals necessaires aux autresdisciplines (mathematiques, physique, chimie etc.), qui senttraduits.

Pour les classes du lycee or assure les manuels delitterature ukrainienne. II y a a present 40 titres de manuelsen vigueur.

Pour lee eleves de nationalite ukrainienne qui suivent lestours des etablissements en langue roumaine, on assure, surdemande, I'enseignement de Ia langue maternelle pendant 4heures par semaine a resole primaire et respectivement 3heures par semaine au college et au lycee.

La plupart des eleves choisissent cette formed'apprentissage de la langue ukrainienne, leur nombre enetant une preuve. Ainsi, pendant l'annee scolaire 1992/1993II y a 8064 eleves inscrits dans les classes I a IV quiapprennent Ia league maternelle et 4355 Mayes inscrits dansles classes V a XII.

Cette forme d'apprentissage de la langue maternelle aconnu une extension apres 1990.

Les enseignants des cycles prescolaire et primaire sontformes a l'Ecole Norma le de Suceava ou fonctionnentperiodiquement des classes speciales pour Ia minoriteukrainieene. Pendant l'annee scolaire 1992/1993, II y a 87eleves qui apprennent dans lee etablissements mentionnesci-dessus.

Les professeurs necessaires pour I'enselgnernent de lalangue et de Ia litterature ukrainiennes sont formes al'Universite de Bucarest ou It y a une section de ca profit.

Les dernieres annees, par l'intermedlaire de ('Union desUkrainiens de Roumanie, un nombre important deressortissants ont ete envoyes en Ukraine af in de poursuivreleurs etudes.

La plupart des eleves de nationalite ukrainienne habltentdans le departement de Mararnuree et dans une mesureroduite dans lee departements de Suceava, CarasSeverin etTulcea.

5. Pour Ia mlnorlte slovaque

La minorite slovaque est concentree dans quelqueslocalites dans les departements d'Arad, Bihor, Salaj et Timis'.L'enseignement dispense on langue slovaque a un reseaustable et comprend 38 etablissements et sections scolalresavec 1379 eleves (11 ecoles maternelles, 21 etablissements30

avec les classes I a IV, 5 ecoles generaies avec les classesV a VIII et 1 twee avec les classes I a XII dans Ia ville deNadlac, Is departement d'Arad). Au lycee de Nadlac, ii y aaussi une classe ayant un profil pedagogique ou sont inscrits30 eleves provenant des departements dans lesquels II y ades ecoles maternelles et des ecoles primaires en langueslovaque.

Le processus d'enseignement est assure par is presencede 135 enseignants. Les professeurs necessaires pour Ialangue slovaque sent formes a l'Unlversite de Bucarest, Cu ily a une section, et aussi dans les differents instituted'enseignement superieur du pays. Pendant les dernieresannees, par l'intermediaire de I'Union Democratique desSlovaques, environ 60 etudiants ont ete envoyes enSlovaquie pour des etudes superieures, les bourses etantoctroyees par Is Ministers de l'Enseignement de Slovaquie.

Les (Neves benefloient gratuitement de manuels dans lalangue maternelle, dont relaboration et ('impression sontassurees par les Editions dldactiques et pedagogiques. Pourlee classes I a VIII ant ete imprimes aussi Olen des manuelsdans Ia langue maternelle que des manuels necessaires auxautres disciplines: mathernatiques, physique, chimie qui sonttraduits, et pour lee classes IX a XII on assure les manuelsde litterature slovaque. II y a a present 40 titres de manuelsen vigueur.

6. Pour la minorite tcheque

L'enseignement dispense en langue tcheque comprendau niveau prescolaire et primaire 2 ecoles maternelles et 5ecoles avec les classes I a IV ea sent inscrits 221 eteves.Ces etablissements sont situes dans lee departements deCaraeSeverin. Ici, travaillent 11 enseignants, leur formationetant assures par le lycee de Nadlac (Arad) oilperiodiquement it y a des classes de profil pedagogique pourlee eleves de nationalite tcheque. Pour les classes I a IV ontete imprimes des manuels de langue tcheque et demathernatiques. Les Neves qui ont fini le cycle primairepoursuivent les °ours dans lee colleges °a I'enseignementest dispense en langue roumaine, mais, sur demande, ilspeuvent etudier aussi Ia langue tcheque comme disciplinescolaire (3 heures par semaine).

7. Pour Ia minorite bulgare

Pour les enfants de nationalite bulgare tl y a une stolematernelle en langue bulgare dans le departement de Timis,frequentee par 164 enfants ou enseignent 6 monitrices. Lesenfants ayant Page scolaire apprennent dans leeetablissements ou I'enseignement est dispense en roumainet ils etudient, sur demands, leur langue maternelle. Lenombre d'eleves avait atteint 461 et apres 1990 it y a unetendance d'accroissement; c'est pourquoi, a part lee groupesexistent deja dans le departement de Timis ont ete cressd'autres groupes dans lee departements d'Arad et de Giurgiuet dans Ia ville de Bucarest.

Pour la formation des specialistes qui vont enseigner lalangue bulgare, dans les ecoles normales de Bucarest et deTImieoara ont ete creees des classes (groupes) ou les elevesetudient aussi Ia langue bulgare.

L'enseignement de Ia langue bulgare se guide d'apres lesmanuels parus aux Editions didactiques et pedagogiques.Pour le cycle primaire et Is college, les manuels sontelabores en fonction de chaque niveau (classe) d'etude,tandis que pour le lycee II y a seulement une Antologie detextes litteralres., cls. IXX11.


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B. L'enselgnement de la minorite croate

La minorite croate est concentree dans les departementsde tiarasSeverin et Timis. Jusqu'en 1989, les slavesprovenant de cette minorite frequentaient les ecoles 00l'enseignement etait dispense en roumain et sur leurdemande, ils pouvaient aussi etudier la langue maternelle. Apartir de 1990, dans le departement de CarasSeverin ontete creees trois maternelles et deux ecoles primaires ouetudient 117 enfants. Les Editions pedagogiques eldidactiques sont en train d'Alaborer 8 titres de manuels enlangue croate (les manuels de langue maternelle etmathematique). Jusqu'a present 4 titres sant déjà parus. 303sieves de nationalite croate qui frequentent des ecoles ouI'enseignement est dispense en roumain ont demanded'etudier aussi la langue maternelle en tant que disciplinescolaire (163 dans I'enseignement primaire et 140 aucollege).

9. L'enseignement des autres mlnorites

Avant decembre 1989, lee Tures, les Russes (ceux dunord de la Dobroudja), les Polonais et les Tziganes ont etudiemoins ou presque pas leur langue maternelle.

Ces communautes ethniques ant sollicite que lee Ayesprovenant de leurs rangs qui etudient dans des ecoles oial'enseignement eel dispense en roumain puissent aussietudier leur langue maternelle (4 heures de cours parsemaine pour les classes I A IV et 3 heures de cours parsemaine pour les classes V a XII). En reponse a leurdemande, des groupes d'etude de la langue maternelle ontAte trees dans de nombreuses localites, comme suit:

pour la minorite turque: ont etc§ trees des groupesd'etude dans 49 localites des dApartements: Constants.Tulcea et Braila, qui comprennent environ 1449 Neves; dememo ont ete trees trois sections d'enseignementprescolaire en langue turque, qui comprennent 49 eleves;partir de l'annee scolaire 1990-1991, dans le cadre de l'EcoleNorma le de Constants etudient 28 Neves qui se preparent Aenseigner en langue turque, en tent qu'instituteurs.

L'enseignement de la langue maternelle suit les manuels

elabores et Imprimes en Roumanie. Jusqu'a present sontparus lee manuels pour les classes I a V, ceux pour lesautres classes &ant en cours de parution.

pour la minorite russe: Apres 1990, pour cette minorited'origine russe qui vit dans les localites des deparlements deTulcea, Suceava, Constanta, Braila, Iasi et Botosani ant Atecress des groupes d'etude de la langue maternelle (4 heuresde cours par semaine pour les classes I A IV, 3 heures pourles classes V A XII) qui contiennent 1386 Neves. Pour ledebut, a este imprime un livre de lecture (un abecedaire) etdes anthologies de textes pour lee classes I a IV et V a VIII.La parution des manuels elabores par niveaux d'etude(classes) est envIsagee pour 1993.

Pour former le personnel enseignant, dans les ecolesnormales ont ate scolarises 62 Mayes de nationalite russeauxquels on assure l'enseignement de la langue maternelle.

7 pour la minorite polonaise: dans 5 &cotes dudepartement de Suceava fonctionnent des classes ou desgroupes d'eleves qui etudient leur langue maternelle (4heures de cours par semaine pour les classes I A IV et 3heures pour lee classes V a VIII). Dans ('ensemble, cesgroupes et classes contiennent 458 eleves.

Pour faciliter l'enseignement de Ia langue polonaise antete imprimes 8 titres de manuals, un pour cheque classe de IA VIII.

Le personnel enseignant necessaire est forme dans lecadre de l'Universite de Bucarest. Depuis cette armee, dansle departement de Suceava travaillent aussi deuxenseignants venus de Pologne.

pour la minorite tzigane: 55 eleves sent scolarises dansles ecoles normales de Bucuresti, Back et TarguMures,auxquels on assure Petude de la langue roman! (3 heures decours par semaine).

Apres le bac, ces eleves vont enseigner dans les localites00 Ia population tzigane est majoritaire. Les Editionsdidactlques et pedagoglques, elaborent un manuel destine Acette categorie d'eleves. Sa parution est envisagee pourcette armee.

32 31

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Disciplines scolaires Nombre'd'heures par semaineI II III IVA. Education humaniste at sociale13 14 15 15

1. Langue roumaine, dont:lecture - expression ecrite - 4

developpement de ('expression orale et de la pensee 4 1

grammaire - - 1 1

lecture - - 3 3

redaction - - 1 1

2. Langue maternelle, lecture - expression ecrite 7

developpernent de ('expression orale et de la pensee 1 1

grammaire - 1 2 2lecture - 3 3 2redaction - 1 1 1

3. Langue moderne - 2 2 24. Geographie at histoire de la Roumanie - - 1,5

5. Education morale et civique - - 1 0,56. Education religieuse... 1 1 1 1

B. Education scientifique de base 4 5 5 61. Mathematiques 4 4 42. Connaissance de !'environnement - 1 1 2C. Education artistique 3 4 31. Education plastique 1 1 1 1

2. Travaux manuels 1 1 1 1

3. Calygraphie - 1 - -4. Education musicale 1 1 1 1

D. Education physique 2 2 2 2

Total heures 22 25 25 26

' Voir ('explication donnee pour les ecoles ou l'enseignement est dispense en roumain

32 33

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Disciplines scolaires Nombre d'heures par semaine


A. Education humaniste et sociale 15 13 14 15

1. Langue et litterature roumaines 5 4 4 4

2. Langue et litterature maternelles 5 4 4 4

3. Langue latine 1

4. Langue moderne 1 2 2 2 2

5. Histoire 2 2 2 2

6. Culture civique* 1 1

7. Education religieuse 1 1 1 1

B. Education scientifique de base 8 11 12 12

1. Mathernatiques 4 5 4 4

2. Physique 2 2 2

3. Chimie 2 2

4. Biologie 2 2 2 2

5. Geographie 2 2 2 2

C. Education esthetique 2 2 , 2 2

1. Education musicale 1 1 1 1

2. Dessin artistique et education plastique 1 1 1 1

D. Education technologique*** | 2. _


E. Education physique 2 22 2

F. Glasse de conduite | 1 1 1 1..G. Formation optionnelle 2 2

Total heures 30 31 33 34

'), ""), Voir les explications et les notes ajoutees pour les colleges oil l'enseignement est dispense en roumain, valablesegalement pour ce type d'ecole

3 433

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Nornbre d'heures par semaine


Disciplines scolaires


A. Education humaniste at sociale 21 21 22 22

1. Langue et litterature roumaines 5 5 4 4

2. Langue et litterature maternelles 5 5 4 4

3. Langue moderne 1 3 3 3 3

Langue moderne 2 2 2 2 2

5. Langue latine 2 2 3 3

6. Litterature universelle 2 2

7. Histoire 2 2 2 2

8. Psychologie 2

9. Logique 2

10. Economie - - 2 -11. Philosophie 2

B. Education scientifique de gas6 6_ 6 5 --C-..._1. Mathematiques 2 2 2 2

2. Physique 1 1 1 1

3. Chimie 1 1 - -4. Geographie 1 1 1 2

5. Biologie 1 1 1 1

C. Education physique 2 2 2

D. Formation optionnelle 2 2 2 2

E. alasso de conduite. _ .


1 1 _ 1

Total heures 32 32 32 33_ .

34 r,

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Disciplines scolaires Nombre d'heures par semaine


A. Stenodactylographie 2 2 2 2

1. Stenographic 1 1 1 1

2. Dactylographie et correspondance 1 1 1 1

B. Bibliotheconomie et travaux d'archivage 2 2 2 2

1. Travaux d'archivage et bibliotheconomle r 1 1 2 2

2. Reconditionnement et restauration des livres 1 1

C. Diffusion du livre . 2 2 2

1. Technique de la presentation, diffusion et. comptabilite

du livre 1 1 1 1

2. Pratique 1 1 1 1

D. Linguistique generale et theorie litteraire 2 2 2 2

1. Elements de linguistique generale 1 1 1 1

2. Elements de theorie litteraire 1 1 1 1

- .E. Histoire de la culture 2 22 2

1. Histoire des religions 1 1 --

2. Histoire de Vert 1 1 2 2.....

36 35

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Disciplines scolaires Nombre d'heures par semaine


A. Education humaniste et sociale 13.

13_. . . . _

12 12

1. Langue et !literature roumaines 3 3 3 3

2. Langue et litterature maternelles 3 3 3 3

3. Langue moderne I 2 2 2 2

4. Langue moderne II 1 1 1 1

5. Langue latine 1 1

6. Histoire 2 2 1 2

7. Psychologie r-1 -

8. Logique, Sociologie 1 -9. Economie - - 2

10. Philosophie - - - 1

B. Education scientifique de base.


14 15 14

1. Mathernatiques 5 5 5 5

2. Physique 4 4 4 4

3. Chimie 2 2 2 2

4. Biologie 2 2 2 1

5. Geographie 1 1 1 1

6. Geologie - - 1 1

7. Astronomie, astrophysique - - 1

C. Education physique 2 2 2 2 j

D. Formation optionnelle 2 2 2 2E. Classe de conduite 1 1 1 1

TOTAL heures 32 32 32 31

NOTE: Sont valables les notes inserees dans la presentation du meme type d'ecoles mais ou l'enseignement est dispense enroumain



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Disciplines scolaires Nombre d'heures par semaine

A. Technique de calcui et dinformatique

1. Bases de I'informatique

2. Technique de Getout

B. Formation technique generale

1. Dessin geometrique et projectif I

2. Connaissances techniques at dessin technique f.

C. Techniques de laboratoire.

1. Techniques de laboratoires

appliquees en physique et le traitement

de ('information experimentale

D. Mathematiques appliquees

1. Mathematiques appliquees dans as e,otivites sociales

et econorniques

E. Histoire de la culture

1, Histoire des religions

2. Histoire de ('art

G. Economia de la production agricole

1. Connaissances agricoles

2. Travaux pratiques


2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

2 - -2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2. 2 2

2 2 2 2

1 1 -1 1 2 2

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

38 37

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conformement au l'ecensernent du 7 janvier 1992

Total de la populationde la RoumanleRoumainsMagyaresTziganesAllemandsUkrainiensRusses (.1ipoveni.)TurcsSerbesTatares

22.760.449 dont:20.352.9801.620.199409.723119.43566.83338.68829.53329.08024.649


JuitsCroatesTcheqL les

PolonaisGrecsArmeniensAutres nation alitee

Non declares







*) Y compris les personnes qui se sont declarees -Carasoveni. et .Ceangai (2.775, respectivement 2.165).


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de Roumanie salon les langues d'enseignement, dans l'annee scolaire 1W2/1993



U n ;Os. et


% 1c tai enfants


Total dans le pays 28.920 100 4.307.521 100

Total des minorites 2.730 9,4 240 619 5,5
































40 39

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EtablIssements Sections TotalE+S

Totalenfantset elves


Total - pour le paysTotal - pour les minorites 639

I. Enselgnement prescolalre11.977 626 12.603 100 752.063 100

626 1.265 10 57.678 8

1. Magyare2. Allemande3. Ukrainienne4. Serbe5. Bulgare6. Slovaque7. Tcheque8. Create9. Turque

589 481 1.070 9 49.255 7

22 131 153 1 7.051 1

5 2 7 305 06 9 15 0 368 0

1 - 1 16411 - 11 0 321 0

2 - 2 893 - 3 - 76

3 3 - 49

II. Enseignement primaireTotal - pour le pays 5.999 150 6.149 100 1.201.229 100Total - pour les minorites 353 150 503 8 68.246 6

Magyare 329 78 407 7 50.726 5Allemande 3 57 60 1 6. 370 C

Ukrainienne - 4 4 14.5Serbe 2 ; 4 - 319 0Slovaque 17 4 21 0 513 0Tcheque 2 3 5 - 132Croate 2 2 - 41

Total - pour le paysTotal pour les minorites

Ill. Enseignement secondaire - premier cycle (colleges)7.103 527 7.630 100 1,339.555 100252 527 779 10 73.201 6

Magyare 241 455 696 9 68.153 5Allemande 5 57 62 1 4.423 L)

Ukrainienne 2 2 - 65 -Serbe 1 13 14 0 138Slovaque 5 5 0 422 0

IV. Enseignement secondaire - deuxleme cycle (lycecs)Total - pour le pays 1.108 130 1.238 100 714.013 100Total - pour les minorites 39 130 169 14 33.288 5

Magyare 33 118 151 12 31.196 4Allemande 5 8 13 1 1.657 0Ukrainienne - 2 2 0 13 -Serbe 1 1 2 0 ) 99Slovaque - 1 1 123

V. Enselgnement professlonnel et post-lycaeTotal pour le pays 1.306 100 390.661 100Total - pour les minorites 14* 14 1 8.206 3

Magyare 12 12 1 7.587 2Allemande 2 2 619 0

*) Les classes a profit professionnel fonctionnent dans le cadre des '.groupes i-lcolaires et sont comprise.: dans le nombre delyoaes.

Les 14 atablissamonts sont de niveau post-lycee.



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- .


Instituteurs Professeurs

Total dans le pays 259.263 36.447 55.176 167.540

Total minorites 15.132 2.729 3.630 E).773

Magyare 13.843 2.371 3.239 52.33Allemande 1.003 297 304 40',)Ukrainienne 33 13 10 4Serbe 94 20 25 49Slovaque 134 14 35 85Tcheque 11




Turque 3 3Croate 5 3 2


SITUATIONde la parution des manuels elabores dans les langues des minorites nationals s


Armee scolaire1992/1993notitres


. _ ...

_____Armee scolaire1993/1994notitres




650.00064 6e a:66 91Allemand 12 11.590 49 71.400Serbe 2 700 19 4.000Ukrainien 4 3.400 22 8.000Slovaque 6 1.900 12 4.000Tcheque 3 320 3 400Bulgare 1 100 4 400Turc 4 2.000Croate 1 150 5 800Polonals 4 600Russe 2 3.000 4 4.000Romani -1 5.000

TOTAL: 95 631.460 238 750.600

NOTE: Les manuels en hongrois sont publies cheque armee, oeux en iangue allema,Ide cheque deux ans et ceux pair lesautres minorites cheque 4 ou 5 ans a cause du nombre reduit d'eleves.

4 241

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LISTEdes lycees 'et des sections oil l'enseignernen;

est dispense dans les Ianguesdes minorites nationales

10. Groupe scolaire d'industrie du bois, Municipa,iteMiercurea-Ciuc

11. Groupe scolaire industrial -t3anyai Janos», Municipal 16Odorheiu-Secuiesc

12. Groupe scolaire agricole, Commune Sanmartin13. Groupe scolaire san!taire,

Odorheiu-Secuiesc14. Groupe scolaire industriel, Ville VitAh,ta15. Groupe scolaire industrial, Cornmu Joseni


A. Lycees en langue magyare


1. Lycee d'etudes generales »Beth len Gabor», Ville Aiud2. Serninaire catholique-romain, Municipality Alba-lulia


Groupe scolaire industriel -Csiki Gergely», Municipalite Arad


1. Lycee d'etudes generates »Ady Endre», MunicipaliteOradea

2. Seminaire theologique reform& Municipalite Oradea3. Serninaire catholigue-romain, Municipalite Oradea


1. Lycee d'etudes generales "Aprily Lajos», MunicipaliteBrasov

2. Lycee deludes generales "Zajzoni Rab Istvan», VilleSacele


1. Lycee d'etudes generates no. 2, Municipalite Cluj2. Serninaire thoologique reforme, Municipalite Cluj


1. Lycee d'etudes generates -Szekely Miko», Municipalite Sf.Gheorghe

2. Lycee d'etudes generales »Mikes Kelemen», MunicipaliteSf. Gheorghe

3. Eco le normale -Bod Peter», Ville Tg. Secuiesc4. Lycee d'etudes generates »Nagy Mozes», Ville Tg.



1. Lycee d'etudes generales -Marton Aron", MunicipaliteMiercurea-Ciuc

2. Lycee d'etudes generales »Tarnasi Aron", MunicipaliteOdorheiu-Secuiesc

3. Lycee d'etudes generales -Orban Ba !az», Ville CristuruSecuiesc

4. Lycee d'etudes generales iiSa lemon Erna», VilleGheorgheni

5. Lycee d'etudes generales »Puskas Tivadar», MunicipaliteOdorheiu Secuiesc

6. 1..ycee d'etudes generales iPetoti Sandor», MunicipaliteMiercurea-Ciuc

7. Lycee d'etudes Onerales, Commune Corund8. Lycee d'art, Municipalite Miercurea-Ciuc9. Ecole normale "Benedek Elek», Municipalite




Lycee d'etudes generales »KOlcsey Fer.anc», MunicipaliteSatu-Mare


Serninaire lyce;; reform& Municipalite Zalau


Lycee d'etudes generales »Bartok Bela», MunicipaliteTimisoara


Lycee d'etudes generales »E. Ady», Municipalite E:ucuresti

B. Lyc6es ayanl des sections en langue mailyare


1. Lycee d'etudes generales, Coro-nu:le Pecica2. Ecole no. 2, Commune Pecica


1. Lycee d'etudes generales »M. EN , MunicipaliteOradea

2. Lycee generales, Ville Valea Iui Mihai3. Lycee d'Ludes generales »Petififi San Jur», Ville Sacuien,4. Groupe scolaire industrial de constt action de machines

Infratirea», Municipalite Oradea5. Lycee industriel de construction-mon:age, Municipalite

Oradea6. Groupe scolairo industriel, Ville Salonta7. Groupe scolaire industriel, Ville MarghitaB. Groupe scolaire agricole, Municipalite Oradea9. Groupe scolaire aoricole, Ville Valea lui Mil iF.110. Lycee d'art, Muniupalite Oradea11. Groupe scolaire sunitaire 4, E. Costra§», Municipalite

Oradea12. Ecole normale »I. Vulcan», Municipalite Oradea13. Groupe scolaire agiicolo, Ville Salonta


Lycee »A. Muresanu», Municipslite Bistr0


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1. Groupe scolaire energetique, Municipalite Brasov2. Groupe scolaire industriel, Municipalite Brasov3. Groupe scolaire "Electroprecizia -, Ville Mee le4. Groupe scolaire materiaux de construction, Ville Rupee5. Groupe scolaire constructions mecaniques Brasov


1. Lycee d'etudes generales S. Brassai», Municipalite Cluj2. Lycee d'etudes generales no. 3, Municipalite Cluj3. Lycee d'atudes generates no. 4, Municipalite Cluj4. Lycee d'etudes generates "A. Muresanu», Ville Dej5. Lycee d'etudes generales Maior», Ville Gherla6. Lycee d'etudes generates Viteazu», Ville Turda7. Lycee "0. Goga», Ville Huedin8. Lycee de musique, Municipalite Cluj9. Lycee sanitaire, Municipalite Cluj10. Groupe scolaire "Clujana», Municipalite Cluj11. Groupe scolaire electrotechnique, Municipalite Cluj


1. Groupe scolaire "T. Puskas-, Municipalite Sf. Gheorghe2. Lycee industriel "Oltul», Municipalite Sf. Gheorghe3. Lycee d'art, Municipalite Sf. Gheorghe4. Lycee economique, administratif et de droit, Municipalite

Sf. Gheorghe5. Groupe scolaire agricole, Municipalite Sf. Gheorghe6. Groupe scolaire agricole "A. Gabor», Ville Tg. Secuiesc.7. Lycee agricole. Ville Tg. Secuiesc8. Groupe scolaire, Ville Covasna9. Groupe scolaire "Barati Szabo David», Baraolt10. Ecole professionnelle no. 3, Municipalite Sf. Gheorghe


1. Lycee d'etudes generales O.C.. Taslauanu», Ville Topl02. Groupe scolaire constructions mecaniques, Municipalite

Miercurea-Ciuc3. Groupe scolaire industriel, Ville Balan4. Groupe scolaire de chimie, Municipalite

Odorheiu-Secuiesc5. Groupe scolaire constructions mecariques, Ville

Gheorgheni6. Groupe scolaire agricole, Municipalite Odorheiu-Secuiesc7. Groupe scolaire agricole, Ville Gheorgheni8. Groupe scolaire economique, Municipalite Miercurea-Ciuc9. Lycee d'etudes generates, Ville Gheorgheni10. Lycee d'etudes generales, Commune Danesti11. Lycee d'art et de musique, Municipalite



1. Groupe scolaire minier, Municipalite Petrosani2. Lycee d'etudes generales no. 2, Deva


1. Lycee d'etudes generales "Gh. Municipalite BaiaMare

2. Lycee d'etudes generales M. Eminescu», MunicipaliteBaia Mare

3. Lycee d'etudes generales "V. Socaciu», Municipalite BalaMare4. Groupe scolaire industriel construction-montage,

Municipalite C3aia Mare5. Lycee d'etudes gerOrales tDragos Vocia», VilleSighetu- Marmatiel6. Groupe scolalre transport rojtier, Baia Mare


1. Lycee d'etudes gent.'irales "Al. Papiu Harlan», MunicipaliteTg. Mures

2. Lycee d'etudes generales "F. Bolyai», Municipalite Tg.Mures

3. Lycee d'etudes genera es »Unfree», Municipalite Tg.Mures

4. Groupe scolaire industriel .E-lec;tromures», Municipalite Tg.Mures

5. Groupe scolaire industriel "GO. Sincai», Municipalite Tg.Mures

6. Groupe scolaire d'industrie legere, Municipalite Tg. Mures7. Groupe scolaire de chimie indus,`rielle, Municipalite Tg.

Mures8. Groupe scolaire d'industrie du bois, fe, unicipalite Tg. Mures9. Groupe scolaire construction-montacte, Municipalite Tg.

Mures10, Groupe scolaire industriel no. 1, MuntciF elite Tg. Mures11. Groupe scolaire agricole, Municipalite Tg Mures12. Ecole normale, Municipalite Tg. Mures13. Lycee d'art, Municipalite Tg. Mures14. Lycee d'etudes generales Mircea Er iade», Ville

Sighisoara15. Groupe scolaire industriel, Ville Ludus16. Lycee d'etudes generates, Ville Reghin17. Groupe scolaire construction-montage, Ville Rei18. Groupe scolafre industriel, Ville Sovata19. Lycee d'etudes generates, Ville Tarnaveni20. Lycee d'etudes generales, Commune Band21. Lycee d'etudes generales, Commune Sangeor% liu de

Pzclure22. Lycee d'etudes generales, Commune Miercurea Nira,23. Groupe scolaire industriel, Ville lernut24. Groupe scolaire agricole, Ville Reghin25. Ecole professionnelle, Municipalite Tg. Mures26. Lycee d'etudes generales, Commune Sangeorgiu

Padure27. Groupe scolaire, Ville Tarnaveni


1. Lycee d'etudes generates loan Slavici», MunicipaliteSatu-Mare

2. Lycee d'etudes generales, Ville Tasnad3. Lycee d'etudes generales, Witte Carei4. Groupe scolaire construct:on-montage, Municipalite

Satu-Mare5. Groupe) scolaire d'industrIal cation du bois, Municipalite

Satu-M are6. Groupe scolaire constructions mecaniques no. 3,

Municipalite Satu-Mare7. Groupe scufaire constructions mecaniques, Ville Carei8. Lycee sanita:re, MunicipalitO Satu-Mare9. Groupe scolai,"e agricole, Ville Carel10. Groupe scolaire agricole, Commune Livada11. Lycee d'etuLles generates "Doamna Stance»,

Municipalite Satu' -Mare12. Ecole normale, Satu-Mare


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1. Lycee d'etudes generates, Municipalite Zalau2. Lycee d'etudes generates "S, BArnutiu., ville

SimleuSilvaniei3. Lycee d'etudes generates, Commune Crasna4. Groupe scolaire constructions mecaniques, Municipalite

Zalau5. Groupe scolaire de chimie industrielle, Municipalite Zal6u6. Ecole normale, Municipalite ZalAu7. Groupe scolaire d'industriaiisation du bois, ville

CehuSilvaniei8. Groupe scolaire d'industrialisation des metaux, ville

CehuSilvaniel9. Groupe scolaire agricole, ville SimleuSilvanlei10. Groupe scolaire industriel Sarmasag


1. Lycee d'etudes generates "0. Goga, Municipalite Sibiu2. Lycee d'etudes generates "St.L. Roth, Ville Medias


1. Lycee "I. Hasdeu, ville Lugoj2. Groupe scolaire "Electromotor., Municipalite Timisoara3. Groupe scolaire industriel routier, Municipalite Timisoara4. Groupe scolaire d'industrie legere, Municipalite Timisoara


A. Lycees en languo allemande


Lycee allemand Arad


Lycee d'etudes generates "Johannes Honterus, Brasov


Lycee d'etudes generates «Bruckenthal, Sibiu


Lycee d'etudes generates '.N. Lenau., Timisoara


Lycee d'etudes generates H. Oberth, Bucuresti

B. Lycees ayant des sections en langue allemande


Lycee d'etudes generates, Sebes



Groupe scolaire industriel energeti.que, Municir, ante Brasov


Lycee d'etudes generale.s s<George Coslouc., MunicipaliteClujNapoca


Lycee d'etudes generates M. ,Eminescu. , MunicipaliteSatuMare


Lycee d'etudes generales "Joseph Fla Itrich, MunicipaliteSighisoara


1. Ecole normale A. Saguna, Municipalite Elbiu2. Lycee "Axente Sever, Municipalite Medias


Lycee d'etudes generates C. Brediceanu, k slunicipaliteLugoj


A. Lycees ayant des sections en langue slovac,,ue


Lycee d'etudes generates "J. GrigorTajovski, Ville N. Idlao


A. Lycees en langue serbe


Lycee d'etudes genet ales "Dositei Ohradovici, MunioipalitoTlmisoara

B. Lycee ayant des sections en langue serbe


Groupe soolai.'e industriel, Ville MoldovaNou6


A. Lycees ayai It des sections en langue ukrainienne


1. Ecole normale, Munich )alite Sighetul Marmatiei2. Lycee d'etudes generoles "DragosVoc16, Municipalite

Sighetul Marmatiel


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IN ANUL $COLAR 1992/ 1993





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CONSTITUTION OF ROMANIAThe Constitution of Romania, approved by referendum on ,December 8th, 1991, contains the 1. :A-

lowing provisions, relevant for the rights of pesons belonging to minorities:


Article 4 - Unity of the people and equality among citizens

(2) Romania is the common and indivisible homeland ofall its citizens, without any discrimination on account of race,nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion,political adherence, property or social origin.Article 6 - Right to identity

(1) The State recognizes and guarantees the right of per-sons belonging to national minorities, to the preservation,development and expression of their ethnic, cultural, linguisticand religious identity.

(2) The protecting measures taken by the RomanianState for the preservation, development and expression ofidentity of the persons belonging to national minorities shallconform to the principles of equality and non-discrimination inrelation to the other Romanian citizens.


Chapter I - General provision

Article 16 - Equality of rights

(1) Citizens are equal before the law and public authori-ties, without any privilege or discrimination.Article 20 International human rights treaties

(1) Constitutional provision concerning the citizens' rightsand liberties shall be interpreted and enforced in conformitywith the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with thecovenants and other treaties Romania is a party to.

(2) Where any inconsistencies exist between thecovenants and treaties on fundamental human rightsRomania is a party to and internal laws, the international reg-ulations shall take precedence.

Chapter II - Fundamental rights and freedoms

Article 29 Freedom of conscience

(1) Freedom of thought, opinion and religious beliefs maynot be restricted in any form whatsoever. No one may becompelled to embrace an opinion or religion contrary to hisown convictions.

(2) Freedom of conscience is guaranteed; it must be man-ifested in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect.

(3) All religions shall be free and organized In accordancewith their own statutes, under the terms laid down by law.

(4) Any forms, means, acts or actions of religious enmityshall be prohibited in the relationships among the cults.

(5) Religious cults shall be autonomous from the Stateand shall enjoy support from it (...).

(6) Parents or legal tutors have the right to ensure, in

accordance with their own convic,Lions, the educathe of theminor children whose responsibility ,-f evolves on the n.

Article 30 - Freedom of expression

(7) Any defamation of the country and the na:Ion, anyinstigation to a war of egression, to nati :vial, racial, class Orreligious hatred, any incitement to discr irnination, territoria.i!separatism, or public violence, as well as any obscene conduct contrary to morality shall be prohibited by law.

Article 32 - Right to education

(3) The right of persons belonging to natio nal minorities tolewn their mother tongue, and their right lo tie educated inthis language a7e guaranteed; the ways to oxercise theserights shall be regulated by law.

(A) Public education shall be free, according to the law.(7) The State shall ensure the freedom of r e.nigious educa-

tion in accordance with the specific requirement:3 of religiouscult (...).

Article 37 - Right of association

(1) Citizens freely associate into politics I parties,trade unions and forms of association.

(2) Any political parties or organizations which, by theiraims or activity, militate against political pluralism, tI le princi-ples of a State governtd by the rule of law, or against thesovereignty, integrity or independence of Romania shall beunconstitutional.

Chapter III - Fundamentol duties

Article 50 - Faithfulness towards the country

(1) Faithfulness towards the cot. intry is sacred.

Article 51 - Observance of the Constit, Ition and laws

The observance of the Constitution, .)f its supremacy andof the laws is binding.


Chapter I - Parliament

Article 59 - Election of the Chambers

(2) Organizations of citizens belonging to nak ional minori-ties, which fail to obtain the number of votes for representa-tion in Parliament, have the right to one Deputy sat each,under the terms of the electoral law. Citizens of a national



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minority are entitled to be represented by one organizationonly.

Chapter V - Public Administration

Section 2 - Local Public Administration

Article 119 Basic principles

Public Administration in territorial-administrative units isbased on the principle of local autonomy and decentralizationof public services.

Chapter VI -Judicial Authority

Article 127 - Right to have an interpreter


(1) Procedure shall be conducted in Romanian.(2) Citizens belonging to national minorities, as well as

persons who cannot understand of speak Romanian have theright to take cognizance of all acts and of the case, to speakbefore the Court and .'ormulate conclusions, through an inter-preter; in criminal trith's, this right shall be ensured free ofcharge.


Article 148 - Limits of Revisit, n

(1) The provisions of this Constitution with regard to thenational, independent, unitary al Id indivisible character of theRomania State, the Republican from of government, territorialintegrity, independence of the judiciary, political pluralism andoficial language shall not be subject to revision.


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DECISION OF THE GOVERNMENTon the organization and functioning of education in Romania


Education In the languages of national minorities

Article 64 - The national minorities have the right to study

and receive instruction in their mother tongue in all types ofeducation:

Article 65 - In the localities inhabited by persons belong-

ing to national minorities there can be kindergartens, primaryand middle schools, secondary schools, pedagogical schools,

sections, classes or groups where teaching is provided intheir mother tongue.

The setting up of these education establishments. sec-tions, classes or groups will be carried out by school inspec-torates function of demands and proportion of school minority

population in that area.

Romania's history and geography will be taught inRomanian.

Higher eciucatioi shall be organized in groups or sections

providing teaching in the language of the respective minorites

with a view to training of the teaching staff required in educa-

tional and cultural - artist.t activities.

Article 66 - Youth belo raging to national minorities should

know Romanian therefore al the necessary conditions to this

end shall be ensured.The Romanian language nd literature are compulsory

subjects at the secondary school entrance and school-leaving


Article 67 Youth belonging to .national minorities having

chosen to attend Romania teaching language classes shallbe given, upon request, the opportunity to study their mother


Article 68 In contests and in all g -ade education, thecandidates belonging to national minorities can take theexamination in their mother tongue on the ubjects they stud-

ied in that language.


. on the study of mother tongue for pupils belonging to national minorities who attendschools providing Romanian teaching language.Appendix to the curricula for primary, middle and secondary schools with Olomanianteaching languge.Approved and modified by the minister's Orders no.764212 September 1991 respec-tively no.5023/24 May 1993.

The study of the mother tongue as a regular subject isensured, upon their or their parents' request, to all the pupilsbelonging to different national minorities.

In this respect, the following specifications are requiredconcerning:

I. The number of hours assigned to the study of themother tongue

The mother tongue of the pupils belonging to nationalminorities, who study at schools providing Romanian teach-ing language is taught as follows;

4 hours per week - in grades 1-43 hours per week - in grades 5-8 and at secondary


II. The organizing of the mother tongue study

Classes or groups of 15-30 pupils may be organized asfollows:

- of pupils coming from the same class, from parallelclasses of the same school unit or from different school unitswithin a commune, a town or a city area;

- in case the total number of pupils is lower than 15,groups of minimum 7 pupils (from grades 1-3, 2-4, 5-7, 6-8.9-11, 10-12) may be organized;

- in localities where the number of pupils at an education-al level is quite scanty (below 10), simultaneous teaching

may be organized at that educational level (1-4, 5 -8, 9- 12).

III. The teaching staff appointment

a) 1..s a rule, in grades 1-4, the maternal language lessonsshall be taught by teachers who master the pupils' mot hertongue.

As these hours are not inJuded in the teachers' da:lycompulsory work load (4-b hours) - as provided by the cur-riculum - they shall make tie teaching posts are to be coverer'by teachers knowing the respective language; those teach-ers' load work and remunera'ion shall he in accordance withthe rules in force.

In case these hours cannot form 'ecturin.c; chairs, ttnyshall be remunerated per each hour.

b) In grades 5-8 as well as at secondary school level thehours assigned for ,'he mother tongue s':udy can be organizedin chairs and be taught by specialized teachers.

The maternal language lessons taught by teachers inaddition to their maximum compulsory teaching load shall beremunerated per hour. These hours may be included in thework load of the teachers with incomplete leaching load.

IV. The content of the mother tongue teaching

The teaching of the pupil's mother tongue for thosebelonging to different nationalities who attend snools provid-ing Romanian teaching langu.ege shall take place in conformi-



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ty with the available curricula and textbooks for the mothertongue study, having in view the following:

In grade 1, the mother tongue study begins with an intro-

ductory oral course lasting till February 1st and including:a) attractive and valuable in point of contents lessons

aiming at speaking improvement, grouped on themes relatedto school, family, the paternal roof, the parents' professions,life and work in villages and towns, seasons a.s.o.;

b) the pupils' knowledge and skills acquired in thepreschool education shall be taken into account in their train-ing for reading and writing.

The mother tongue study hours in grades 2-4 shall be dis-tributed as follows:

2 hours weekly for reading2 hours per week for teaching the language knowledge,

spelling and composition. Literary reading in grades 5-8 andhistory of material literature, in grades 9-12 shall be taught intwo hours per week; the language knowledge is taught onehour per week.

In teaching reading (grades 2-4), the primary schoolteachers shall choose the most attractive texts from themother tongue textbooks used in schools with teaching in thenational minorities' languages, as the main requirement atthis stage is to make pupils able to read fluently, correctly andexpressively.

The texts that cannot be studied within the assigned num-ber of hours shall be recommended for additional reading.

The language knowledge in grades 2-4 shall be taughtaccording to the concepts stipulated by the curriculum inforce, emphasizing the elements specific to the mothertongue in order to develop, by means of as many as possiblespelling and orthoepic exercises, the pupils' skills of col.uctwriting and speaking.

When teaching composition, taking into account thatpupils acquire the necessary knowledge and skills during theRomanian language lessons, the teachers shall lay morestress, in case of mother tongue, on correct speaking andwriting as well as on enriching the maternal language vocab-ulary.


The literary texts provided for literary reading (in grades5-8) and for history of maternal literature (in grades 9-12)which cannot be studied within the assigned number ofhours, shall be recommended for extra-class reading.

As the number of hours in assimilating language know-ledge (in grade 5-12) in quite low there shall be studied onlythe basic concerts of writing and speaking required by a cor-rect use of the maternal language, leaving aside details andrepetitions when passing from one grade to another.

Teachers shall lay stress on practical exercises enablingpupils to thoroughly assimilate knowledge useful in everydaylife.

V. Tht., school textbooks

In studying the mother tonnue there shall be used the tex-books published every year anc..1 included in the available text-book catalogue.

In case the pupils have chc'sen to study their mothertongue this regular subject will become compulsory, beingincluded in the register of the class. beside the other disci-plines; beginning with grade 5, the pupils shall take a writtenpaper quarterly; their quarterly got macks will be consideredin reckoning the annual average marks.

The school inspectorates and managing bodies shall paya special attention to the implementation of the above men-tioned instructions, so that the mother tongue lessons mightbe taught with utmost efficiency under the adequate condi-tions.

The managing bodies of school providli ig Romanianteaching language, also attendend by pupils belonging tonational minorities, have the obligation to inforr 7 everybodyinterested of the opportunities to also study he mothertongue as a regular subject; at the same time they shall takethe required measures to ensure the curricula and .1ecessarytextbooks as well as to organize the teaching proces s.

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In localities with inhabitants belonging to different minori-ties, the State ensures organizing and functioning of educa-tion system providing teaching in the national minorities' lan-guages. The education system for national minorities corres-ponds to the general education of Romania (as stipulated inthe Government's Decision no...) and Includes kindergartens,primary, middle and secondary schools, vocational andapprentice schools, post-secondary schools. In higher educa-tion, certain courses for the students belonging to theHungarian and German minorities are organized, upon theirrequest, in the respective languages.

In the 1992-1993 school year, a number of 4,633,190pupils and students (representing 20.4% of the country's pop-ulation) has attended all levels of education; out of them250,000 children, pupils and students (5.4%) have beenstudying in their mother tongue.

Pre-university education includes 28,926 units out ofwhich 2,730 (9.4%) operate as units of sections providingteaching in the national minorities' languages. Out cf the totalnumber of the units and sections with teaching in the nationalminorities' languages, 85.6% operate in Hungarian.

The mother tongue education is organized in independentunits (1,283) and in Romanian - Hungarian, Romanian -German, Romanian- Serbian section a.s.o (1,447). In bothunits and sections the educational process takes place in themother tongue. In those more the 1,400 sections (mixedunits) the material resources classrooms, labs, librariesa.s.o. are jointly used; the school management is one-manmanagement and some of the extra-curriculum activities areorganized either in Romanian or both in Romanian and therespective mother tongue.

Pre-university education is attended by a number of4,397,521 pupils, out of which 240,619 pupils (5.5%) arestudying in their mother tongue.

In the 1992-1993 school year by educational levels thesituation has been the following:

- pre-school education includes 12,603 units attended by752,063 children; out of those;

- 11,338 units (90.0%) attended by 694,385 children(92.3%) operate in Romanian and

-1,265 units and sections (10%) attended by 57,578 chil-dren (7.7%) operate in the national minorities languages;

- primary school education comprises 6,149 units, attend-ed by 1,202,229 pupils out of which 5,646 units (91.9%),attended by 1,132,983 pupils operate in Romanian while5,502 units and sections with 68,246 pupils (5.7%) operate inthe national minorities' languages.

middle school education involves 7,630 units (1,359,555pupils), 6,851 units (89.7%) with 1,266,354 pupils (94.5%)operating in Romanian and 779 units and sections (10.3%)with 73,201 pupils (5.5%) in the languages of national minori-ties;

secondary school education covers 1,238 units (714,013pupils) out of which, 1,069 units (86.3%) with 680,725 pupils(9.3%) operate in Romanian and 169 units and sections(13.7%) attended by 33,288 pupils (4.7%) in the languages ofnational minorites;

professional, apprentice, continuation and post-sec-ondary school education is attended by 390,661 pupils out ofwhich 382,455 pupils (97.5%) - study in Romanian and 8,206pupils (2.5%)- in the languages of national minorities;

- higher education is attended by 235,669 students, about8,000 of them belonging to the Magyar minority.

The school network and the number of children and

pupils, by educational levels and teaching languages areshown in Appendices.

Content of education

School curricula, syllabi and textbooks -necessary in theeducational process are ensured by the Ministry ofEducation.

For primary, middle and secondary school education,special curricula are drawn up for the units providing teachinglanguages of national minorities. In primary school education,73.5% out of the disciplines provided in the curriculum aretought in the mother tongue; at the middle school level thispercentage is 70.4% while in secondary schools it amounts to60.2% 82.8%, depending on the school type - science,humanistic, industrial type etc. An important place in curriculais taken by the mother tongue and Romanian languageteaching. Thus, tee material language and literature withinthe middle and secondary school educational levels aregranted the same number of hours as for Romanian inschools providing Romanian teaching language.

An accurate assimilation of the mother tongue directlyinfluences the knowledge; at the same time, mastering of allschool subjects is an Important means of achieving the ownliterature and cultural values as well as of receiving values ofthe world literature.

The assimilation of Romanian, the state official language,by all Romania's citizens rs the instrument that ensures theprerequiste of co-operation and communication betweenRomanians and people belonging to national minorities.Mastering the Romanian language as a means of communi-cations and understading among all the citizens of countryirrespective of their ethnic origin, is a guarentee in achievingcertain terms of equality of rights.

Therefore, the Romanian language and literature is a reg-ular subject at all school levels, type and forms of pre-univer-sity education.

The number of hours assigned to the study of Romanianis:

- 19 at primary school level- 17 at middle school level- 12 at secondary school levelWithin the middle and secondary school levels the num-

ber of hours corresponds to that of schools providingRomanian teaching language.

The material language and literature syllabi determiningthe aims and tasks for each grade arid school level areissued by the Ministry of Education with the assistance oflarge teaching staff groups, belonging to all educational lev-els, such as: writers, literary critics, etc. P11 Vie mother tonguesyllabi have been thoroughly revised in year.; 1991 and 1992.The syllabi for primary and middle school grades include liter-ary readings having themes directly related to this age chil-dre's life and activity and selected from both classical litera-tve thesaurus and contemporary literary works issued in therespective languages.

The maternal literature study in secondary schools followsthe linear principle, c;ombined with the concentric one, so thateach school-leaver comes into contact with and assimilatesthe most outstanding masterpieces of literature in his/hermother tongue. The secondary school syllabi also include lit-erary! works published in our country in the languages ofnational minorities, works that have become a component ofRomania's culture.



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One of the aims of utmost importance for education in themother tongue - the development of expression abilities isattained both within the composition, grammar hours or dur-ing those dealing with spelling, orthoepy, intonation andlessons devoted to certain chapters of semantics. The writingexpressions exercises aim at the sentence and compoundsentence logic building up, at the correlation between sen-tence content and reality etc.

Language concepts are arranged, as a rule according tothe concentric teaching principle within various education lev-els, the pupils' knowledge being enriched with new aspectsevery year; the language concepts teaching does not reduceitself to only explaining grammar aspects, but it also focuseson practical applications mainly, referring, at the same time,to language phenomena both scientifical'y and from expres-sion correctness point of view.

Beyond the common tasks of all educational disciplines,by teaching and assimilating the material language and litera-ture there is achieved the specific tack of arousing all young-men's interest in literature, of developing their ability forreceiving literary phenomenon, their sensitiveness to artisticbeauty, their skills in assessing the works of art and et last inmaking love for reading to accompany them the whole life.

The maternal language study hours, provided at all edu-cational levels are ensured to all pupils belonging to nationalminorities who attend, according to their or their parents'wish, schools providing Romanian teaching language; thesehours represent:

- 4 hours per week - in grades 1 -4- 3 hours per week - in grades 5-12Teaching is organized in groups of 15-30 pupils. In case

the total number of pupils who have chosen to study theirmother language is below 15, then groups of 7 pupils may bealso organized. A group may consist of pupils coming fromthe same class or from different classes. Should the groupsinclude pupils coming from different classes they may beorganized with pupils coming from parallel classes or belong-ing to the same educational level (1-4, 5-8, 9-12). In the1992-1993 school year, a part of the 70,000 pupils who haveattended schools providing Romanian teaching languagehave also been studying their mother tongue (about 20,000Hungarians, 1,000 Germans, 8,064 Ukrainians, 1,386Russians-Lippovans, 1,440 Turks, 621 Poles, 461Bulgarians, 55 Romanies etc.).

Within pre-and primary school education there exist spe-


cific syllabi for the study of Romanian; at the middle and sec-ondary sch000l level they are of an unitary nature namelythe same syllabi, Irrespective of the teaching language.

To all the pupils who attend schools providing the teach-ing languages of national minorities, free of charge textbooksin their mother tor:gue for subjects provided in curricula areensured.

In schools providing Hungarian and German teaching lan-guages, textbooks in the mother tongue are ensured for allsubjects studied in grades 1-12; in schools providing teachingin Serbian, Slovak and Ukrainian the textbooks are ensuredfor all subjects stipulated in curricula for grades 1-8, as wellas the material language textbooks for grade 9-12; in -schoolswith Czech and Croatian teaching language there areensured all those nedeed by pupils in grades 1-4, at the levelproviding education in the mother tongues, textbooks formaternal language and literature are also ensured to thepupils attending schools with Romanian teaching language,who study. upon request, their mother tongue: Turkish,Bulgarian, Polish, Russian-Lippovan, Romany language.

The maternal lenguage and literature or even music text-books, are elaborated by the teaching staff employed inschools providing teaching in the material minorities' lan-guages or by teachers belonging to the maternal languageand literature departarnents at Universities; as for other sub-jects - mathematics, physics, chemistry etc. - the respectivetextbooks are translated after those available in schools withRomanian teaching language. Special textbooks are alsodrawn up for teaching Romanian in grades 1-4, includingbilingual vocabularies: Romanian-Hungarian, Romanian-German, Romanian-Slovak, Romanian-Serbian, Romanian-Ukrainian, Romanian-Czech a.s.o.

The publishing of these textbooks devolves upon theDidactic and Pedagogical Publishing House that has two edi-torial offices for issuing textbooks in the maternal languageas well as two sub - editorial offices in Cluj-Napoca andTimisoara.

Out of the about 1,000 titles of textbooks, issued for pre-university education, more than 330 titles are published forschools providing teaching in the national minorities' lan-guages, In the 1992-1993 school year, there have beenissued 95 titles, in 631,460 copies; as for the next schoolyear 1993-1994, 208 titles, in 750,600 copies are to beissued.


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Teacher training and refresher courses

In the 1992-1993 school year, a number of 259,263teachers have been employed the pre-university educationallevel; out of them, 15,132 have been teaching in schools pro-viding education in the languages of national minorities(2,729 educators, 3,630 primary school teachers and 8,773teachers).

The educators' and primary schools teachers' training isorganized in pedagogical schools providing Hungarian andGerman teaching language; in 1992-1993 those schools havebeen attended by 2,150 Hungarian pupils and 370 Germanspupils.

As for the other minorities, there operate periodicallyclases of pedagogical type within certain secondary schools.Thus, at present, the number of the enrolled studentsamounts to: 87 Ukrainians, 30 Slovaks, 28 Turks, 62Russians-Lippovans, 55 Romanies and 45 Bulgarians.

The required teaching staff for middle, secondary andvocational education are trained in the higher educationestablishments of Romania.

Teachers for the maternal language and literature as well

as for all schools providing teaching languages of nationalminorit'es are educated and trained by the specialized teach-ing staff at Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Timieoara and SibiuUniversities.

In the recent years a great number of students belongingto different ethnic origin have been studying abroad inHungary, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Slovakis, Serbia and Croatia.

Refresher courses for teachers and degrees examina-tions may be organized, upon the candidates' request, in theirmother tongue, too.

At unit and section level, a great number of teachersbelonging to .rational minorities fulfil managing functions asprincipals or ceputies. In respect of the pupils' and teachers'number at some of the country's school inspectorates belong-ing to different nationalities, within the Ministry of Educationthere operates tie Departament of Education for NationalMinorities involving experts of different ethnic origin; it co-ordinates and guides education providing the national minori-ties' teaching languages.


1. Education for the Magyar minority

Education in Hungarian is carried on in pre-school, prima-ry. middle and secondary schools, vocational, post-secondaryschool and university establishments, that is at all educationallevels available in Romania at present. The pre-universityschool network includes a total number of 2,336 units andsections. The ratio of the units and sections providing teach-ing in Hungarian is 8.1%. In Romania, out of the entire edu-cational network, the school network providing Hungarianteaching language includes the following:

- pre-school education 8.5%primary middle schools 8.0%secondary schools 6.4%

This school year, in comparison with the previous schoolyear 1991-1992, the secondary school network has increasedoy one section and 11 units providing only classes withHungarian teaching language. The development of sec-ondary education has been achieved especially by setting uptheological (catholic and reformed) secondary schools.

The pre-school, primary and middle school network hasdecreased by 40 units and 11 sections in all.

85.6% of the total number of units and sections withteaching in the languages of national minorites operate inHungarian. In accordance with the census of 1992, theHungarian population's percentage within the total number ofthe citizens belonging to national minorities is 67.3%.

The students belonging to the Magyar minority mayattend certain subjects in their mother tongue at "Babe -Bolyai" University in Cluj - Napoca, at Bucharest University,at the Medicine and Pharmacy University and at the TheatreInstitute in Tg. Murea. At "Babea - Bolyai" University in Cluj -Napoca, upon the students' request, new groups inHungarian (mathematics, physics, chemistry, history etc)have been set up.

The number of children and pupils studying in Hungarianis 216,917, a decrease of 5,909 from the previous school

year, representing a decrease of their number by 2.7%. Incomparison with the previous year, in the entire school net-work of Romania, in all types 01 school, there has been noteda decrease of 162,089 (3.7%) in the number of children andpupils.

The percentrage of the pupils belonging to the Magyarnationality who study in their mother tongue represents 4.9%of the total school population: of Romania. By educational lev-els, the percentage of the Hungarian children and pupilsstudying in their mother tong Je is the following:

- pre-school education 6.5%;- primary and middle school education 5.1%;- upper secondary education 4.4%;- vocational and post - secondary education 3.2%.

In the 1992-1993 school year, the number of pupilsstudying in Hungarian is as follows:

- 49,255 - in pre-school education- 128,879 ;n primary and m :oldie school education

31,196 in secondary education- 6,707 - in vocational education in the mother tongue- 0,880 in classes of post-aecondary education.

As for schooling in Hungarian teaching languagr at the sec-ondary school levels, various types, the Hungarian pupils'percentage is the following:

- 19.8% at theological seminars10.2% at pedagogical seconoary schools- 7.2% in secondary schools ct arts

5.9% in academic secondary schools- 3.5% in informatics secondary schools

3.4% in forestry secondary schools- 3.3% in sanitary secondary schools- 2.9 % in agricultural secondary schools- 2.9% in secondary schools providing a special pro-

gramme in physical education.2.0% in industrial secondary so cools2.3% in economic, administrative and services sec-



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ondary schools.There exists no class with Hungarian teaching language

at the metrology, military and special secondary schools.A great number of Hungarian children and pupils,

(approximately 60,000) representing about 28% of their totalnumber, is attending groups or classes providing teaching inRomanian. Some of ..lem are studying their mother tongue.

In the 1991 1992 academic year 8,777 students belong-ing to the Magyar minority were enrolled in higher education;this means an increase of 1,686 students as compared to1989.

The Magyar students' percentage was 4.5% as comparedto the total number of the Romanian ones. We should men-tion that more than 1,000 Magyar students, graduates ofRomanian secondary schools, are studying in Hungary.

The training-educationai activity in Hungarian is carriedout by 13,843 teachers, that is an increase of 1,129 from theprevious school year (2,374 pre-school teachers, 3,239 pri-mary teachers and 8,233 teachers in vocational and foremenschools). Only 10, 391 (75%) are trained and qualified fortheir teaching positions.

The managing bodies of the 2,336 units and sections pro-viding Hungarian teaching language include a number of1,527 principals and their deputies (1,298 principals and229 deputies). In all secondary schools operating as units orsections with Hungarian teaching language the principals andthe general school inspectors in Covasna and Hungariancountries as well as for each of the deputy general inspectorsin the counties: Arad, Bihor, Brasov, Cluj, Muree, and SatuMare. More than 80 school inspectores of Magyar ethnic ori-gin provide direct guidance and supervision of education withHungarian teaching language in Romania.

Free school textbooks are ensured for all the pupils. Thelanguage, literature and music textbooks in the mothertongue are elaborated by the teaching staff employed inschools providing teaching in Hungarian or belonging toMagyar language and literature departments or to MusicAcademies; the textbooks used for other subjects (mathemat-ics, physics, chemistry, biology etc.) are translated intoHungarian following the Romanian models. Special textbooksin the Romanian language teaching (grades 1-4) are drawnup for schools providing Hungarian teaching language. Forsuch schools there have been published 97 textbook titles inall.

2. Education for the German minority

In the 1992-1993 school year, in comparison with the situ-ation existing in 1989, the education network providingGerman teaching language has decreased by more than 200units and sections (from 497 in the 1989 - 1990 school yearto 290 this year); this is the result of leaving the country by alarge part of German population and of condensing theschool networks with German teaching language in largerunits.

This school year 20,120 children and pupils (0.40% of thetotal school population) have been enrolled in kindergartens,primary, middle, secondary schools and post-secondaryschools providing teaching in German; this represents adecrease of school population studying in schools withGerman teaching language by 43% compared to the 1989-1990 school year (from 35,097 to 20,120).

A large number of pupils belonging to the German minor-ity (over 5,000) is attending schools with Romanian teachinglanguage and, upon their request, may also study German asa subject (4 hours per week in grades 1-4, respectively 3


hours per week in grades 5-12).Free textbooks are ensured to all the pupils. The mother

tongue and literature textbooks are drawn up by teachersemployed in schools providing German teaching language;as for those needed for other subjects (mathematics, physics,chemistry, biology etc) they are translated into German afterthe available published Rornanian ones. There are alsodrawn up special textbooks for teaching of the Romanian language in grades 1-4. In schools with German teaching lan-guage 82 titles of textbooks are used, in all, their publishingbeing provided by the Didactic and Pedagogical PublishingHouse.

1,003 teachers (0,38% of the total teaching staff inRomania) are employed in schools providing German teach-ing language. Sometimes, especially in the rural areas, theappointment of the teaching staff in schools with Germanteaching language in quite critical. In accordance with theagreement between tne Romanian and German Ministries ofEducation 40 teachers coming from Germany have beenemployed in Romania, in schools providing teaching inGerman.

The teachers' training for nursery, pre-and primaryschools with German teaching language is achieved within"A. Saguna" Pedagogical Secondary School in Sibiu, whilethe German teachers are trained at Bucharest, Timieoara,Cluj, Jassy and Sibiu Universities.

Management of education providing teaching language iscarried out by the teaching staff belonging to the Germanminority. The general school inspector in Timis county andthe deputy general school inspector in Sibiu are of Germanethnic origin.

3. Education for the Serbian minority

Compared to the 1989-1990 school year level the educa-tion network and school population belonging to the Serbianminority have registered an increase from 28 units and sec-tions with Serbian teaching language, attended by 990 chil-dren and pupils, to 35 units and sections attended by a num-ber of 1,024 children and pupils. The school netwookincludes: 15 kindergartens, 18 primary and middle schooleducation units and 2 secondary schools. "D. Obradoviei"academic secondary school in Timieoara is the most repre-sentative educational unit providing Serbian teaching lan-guage. Education with Serhian teaching language is orga-nized in the counties of Timis, Carae-Severin and Arad.

More than 600 pupils belonging to the Serbian minorityand attending schools with Romanian teaching language,upon their request, may also study their mother tongue as asubject (4 hours per week in grades 1-4, respectively 3 hoursper week in grades 5-12).

As for the teaching staff employed in schools providingSerbian teaching language it is representated by 96 teachers.20 for nursery schools, 27 for primary schools and 49 for sec-ondary education). Within the school inspectorate of Timiscounty there exists an in inspector for Serhian. Teacher training for nursery and primary schools is carried on at thePedagogical Secondary School in Timieoara while the teach-ers for the Serbian language are trained ar Bucharest andTimieoara Universities. A number of students al e also study-ing in Serbia.

4. Education for the Ukrainian minority

In accordance with the census et 1992, by its percentagethe Ukrainian minority holds the fourth place after theHungarian, Romanies and Germans.

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For this minority's pupils there exists a number of 15 pre-university education units (7 kindergartens, 6 middle schoolsproviding grades 1-8 and 2 secondary sections) attended by628 pupils. The education in this units is carried on inUkrainian teaching language under the guidance of 33 teach-ers. Free textbooks for the mother tongue study are pub-lished and ensured to the pupils; as for those used by otherdisciplines mathematics, physics, chemistry etc. they aretranslated into Ukrainian. At the secondary level there arealso ensured textbooks for the Ukrainian literature. Thereexist and are used 40 titles of textbooks.

The Ukrainian pupils attending schools with Romanianteaching language, upon their request, may also study theirmother tongue (4 hours per week in primary education and 3hours per week at the middle and secondary level). Most ofthe pupils, as proved by their number, have chosen this formof studying the Ukrainian language.

Thus, in the 1992 - 1993 school year, 8,054 pupils (out ofwhich 3,709 in grades 1-4 and 4,355 in grades 5-12) havestudied their mother tongue. This form of study has beenextending after 1990.

The teaching stall for pre-school and primary educationare trained at the Pedagogical Secondary Schools in Sighetu-Marmaiiei, Maramures county and in Suceava, where specialclasses for the Ukrainian minority operate periodically. In the1992 -1993 school year a number of 87 pupils have attendedthe above mentioned units. The qualified teachers for theUkrainian language and literature teaching are trained at theBucharest University specialized section. In the last twoyears, by means of the Ukrainians' Union of Romania, a greatnumber of graduates belonging to this minority has been sentto study in Ukraina. Most of the Ukrainian pupils live inMaramures county and less in Suceava, Caras-Severin andTulcea counties.

5. Education for the Slovak minority

1 he Slovak minority is condensed in some localities of thecountries: Arad, Bihor, SNaj and Timis. The Slovak teachinglanguage education holds a solid netwook including 38school units and sections attended by 1,379 pupils (11kindergartens; 21 units with grades 1-4; 5 middle schools withgrades 1-8 and one secondary school with grades 1-12 inNad lac, Arad county. The secondary school in Nad lacincludes a pedagogical class attended by 30 pupils from thecounties operating with kindergartens and primary schools.The educational process is ensured by 134 teachers. TheSlovak language teachers are trained at the BucharestUniversity specialized section as well as at various highereducation institutes of the country. In the least two years, bymeans of the Slovak and Czechs' Democratic Union ofRomania, about 60 students have been sent to higher studiesin Slovakia, their scholarship being ensured by the Ministry ofEducation in Slovakia.

Free textbooks in the mother tongue are ensured; theirdrawing up and publishing devolve on the Didactic andPedagogical Publishing House.

The textbooks for the mother tongue study in grades 1-8are published alongside with the translation ano publication ofthose used by other disciplines - mathematics, physics,chemistry, etc.; the Slovak literature texbooks are ensured togrades 11-12. At present, 40 titles of textbooks are in use.

6. Education for the Czech minority

The Czech teaching language education exists at pre-school arid primary s..hool levels (2 kindergartens and 5

schools s.eviding grades 1-4) attended by 221 pupils. Therespective school units lie in Caras-Severin county, Withinthese units 11 theachers are employed; teacher training iscarried on at the secondary school in Nad lac (Arad), whereperiodically operates a pedagogical class, also attended bypupils belonging to the Czech minority. The Czech languageand mathematics textbooks are published for grades 1-4. Theprimary school graduates attend the middle school educationproviding Romanian teaching language, but, upon theirrequest, they may also study Czech as a regular subject mat-ter (3 hours per week).

7. Education for the Bulgarian minority

In Timis county there exists a kindergarten providingBulgarian teaching language for children of Bulgraian ethnicorigin; it is attended by 164 children under the guidance of 6educators.

Children of school age attend schools with Romanianteaching language and, upon their request, they may alsostudy their mother tongue. The number of pupils amounts to461; after 1990 there has been noted its increasing tendency.Besides the available groups in Timis county, some new oneshave been set up in Arad and Giurgiu as well as in Bucharestcity. In oder to train specialists in teaching Bulgarian, at thepedagogical secondary schools in Bucharest and Timisoarathere exist classes (groups) attended by pupils also studyingBulgarian.

Bulgarian teaching is based on textbooks issued by theDidactic and Pedagogical Publishing House and published bygrade level in primary and middle school education; as forgrades 9-12, an Anthology of literary texts has alreadyappeared.

B. Education for the Croatian minority

The Croatian minority is condensed in Caras-Severin andTimis counties. Until 1989, the puplis belonging to this minori-ty attended schools with Romanian teaching language; upontheir request, the study of their mother tongue was alsoensured to them. After 1990, in Cara[-Severin countykindergartens and 2 units providing grades 1-4 with Croatianteaching language, attended by 117 pupils, have been set up.The Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House has startedto draw up 8 titles of Croatian textbooks (the mother tongueand mathematics textbooks). Four titles have been issued sofar. A number of 303 pupils of Croatian ethnic origin, attend-ing schools with Romanian teaching language have chosento further study their mother tongue (163 in grades 1-4, and140 grades 5-8).

9. Education for the other minorites

Prior to December 1989, the Turks, Russians(Lippovans), Poles and Romanies had studied a little or not atall their mother tongue.

The respective ethnic communities have requested thatpupils belonging to those minorities and attending schoolswith Romanian teaching language should he allowed to studytheir mother tongue, too (4 hours per week in grades 1-4,respectively 3 house per week in grades 5-12).

Complying with these requests, in many 'r .:alities therehave been set up groups of studying the mo, er tongue, asfollows:

- for the Turkish minority - Such groups have been set upin 49 localities in Constania, Tulcea and Br Alla counties,attendod by about 1,449 pupils; three pre-school education



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sections provide Turkish teaching language for 49 children;since the 1990/91 school year, 28 pupils have been attendingtne Pedagogical Secondary School in Constanla, they are tobecome primary school teachers for Turkish.

Teaching of the mother tongue is based on the availablepublished textbooks in our country; so far, there have beenpublished textbooks for grades 1-5; the other titles are to beissued in the future.

- for the Russian - Lippovan minority - After 1990 for thisminority - living in some localities fof the countries: Tulcea,Suceava, Constar*, BrAila, Jassy and Botosani - there havebeen established groups of studying the mother tongue (4hours per week in grades 1-4, respectively 3 hours per weekin grades 5-12) attended by 1,386 pupils. For the beginning,an ABC book and an Anthology of texts for grades 2-4, 5-8have been issued; in 1993, textbooks by the grade levels areto be published.

For the leaching staff training 62 pupils of this ethnic ori-gin attend pedagogical secondary sechools ensuring theirmother tongue study.


- for the Polish minority - In Suceava county 5 schoolsprovide classes or groups where 458 pupils may study theirmother tongue (4 hours per week in grades 1-4, respectively3 hours per week in grades 5-8).

In order to support the Polish language teaching 8 text-books, one title for each level, have been published.

The necessary teaching staff are trained at BucharestUniversity. This school year, in Suceava county two teachersfrom Poland have also been employed.

for the Romanies' minority - A number of 55 pupilsattends the Pedagogical Secondary Schools in Bucharest,Back and Tg. Mures; they have the opportunity to study theRomany language 3 hours per week. Graduating school theyare to be sent in localities where the respective population isa majority. For this category of pupils, the Didactic andPedagogical Publishing House is going to issue a specialtextbook, that is to appear this year.


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providing teaching In the national minorities' languages

___. . . .. .

F.. SUBJECTS Number of hours per weekI II III IV

_ ..... ..... _ _... , . _......

A #Socio - humanistic education 13

1. * Romanian, out of whichReading, writing

- Thinking and speaking development 4

' Grammar'Reading

Composition - Narration2. The Mother Tongue

Reading, Writing- Thinking and speaking development'Grammar'Reading- Composition - Narration3. 'Modern language4. Romania's Geography and History5. Civic - ethical education6. Religious educationB. # Basic scientific education1. Matematics2.* Environmental knowled9eC. # Artistic education1.* Fine arts (plastic art)2. Handwork3.* Handwriting4.* MusicD. # Physical education

Total number of hours














See also the explanations given for schools providing Romanian teaching language.

14 15 15



1 1

3 3

1 1



1 2 2

3 3 2

1 1 1

2 2 2- 1.5

1 0.5

1 1 1

5 5 6

4 4 41 1 24 T 31 1 1

1 1 1

1 -1 1 1

2 2 2

25 25 26

57 55

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Number of hours per week


A Socio - humanistic education 13 13 14 15

1. Romanian language and literature 5 4 4 4

2. Maternal language and literature 5 4 4 4

3. Latin 1

4. First modern language 2 2 2 2

5. History 2 2 2 2

6. Civic culture ) 1 1

7. Religious education ) 1 1 1 1

B. Basic scientific education..... . _

8 11 12 12

4 41. Mathematics 4 5

2, Physics 2 2 2

3. Chemistry 2 2

4. Biology 2 2 2 2

5. Geography 2 2 2 2

C. Aesthetical education 2 2 2 2

1. Music 1 1 1 1

2. Artistic drawing and plastic art education 1 1 1 1

D. Technological education ****) 2

E. Physical education 2 2 2 2

F. Educational class, .

1 1 1 1

2 2G. Optional training

Total number of hours 30 31 33 34

'), "') See the notes and explanations added for middle schools providing Romanian teaching language; they are alsovalid here



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SECONDARY EDUCATIONproviding teaching in the national minoritis' languages


No. SUBJECTS Number of hours per week


A Socio humanistic education 21 21 22 22

1. Romanian language and literature 5 5 4 4

2. Maternal language and literature 5 5 4 4

3. First foreign language 3 3 3 3

4. Second foreign language 2 2 2 2

5. Latin 2 2 3 3

6. World literature - - 2 2

7. History 2 2 2 2

8. Psychology,- - 2 .. -

9. Logic 2 - - -

10 Economics

11. Philosophy -




- 2

B. Basic scientif education e 6 5 6

1. Mathematics......... .....


2 2 2

2. Physics 1 1 1 1

3. Chemistry 1 1 -

4. Geography 1 1 1 2

5. Biology 1 1 1 1

C. Physical education 2 2 2 2

D. Optional training 2 2 2 2

E. Educational class 1 1 1 1

Total number of hours 32 32 32 33


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No. SUBJECTS Number of hours per week


A. Shorthand and typing 2 2 2 2

1. Shorthand 1 1 1 1

2. Typing and correspondence 1 1 1 1

B. Librarianship and archive works 2 2 2 2

1. Archive works and librarianship 1 1 2 2

2. Restoring and reconditioning of books 1 1

C. Books speading - 2 2 2

1. Exhibiting and speeding techique 1 1 1 1

2. Practical training 1 1 1 1

D. General linguistics and literary theory 2 2 2 2

1. Elements of general linguistics 1 1 1 1

2. Elements of literary theory 1 1 1 1

E. History of culture 2 2 2 2

1. History of religions 1 1

2. History of art 1 1 2 2

58 60

Page 61: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 375 651 FL 022 491 TITLE …


No. SUBJECTS Number of hours per week


A # Socio humanistic education 13 13 12 12

1. Romanian language and literature 3 3 3 3

2. Maternal language and literature 3 3 3 3

3. First foreign language 2 2 2 2

4. ' Second foreigh language 1 1 1 1

5. Latin 1 1 -

6. History 2 2 1 2

7. Psychology 1

8. Logic, Sociolgy 1 - -

9. Economics - - 2 -

10. * Philosophy - - - 1

B. ft Basic scientific education 14 14 15 14

1. Mathematics 5 5 5 5

2. * Physics 4 4 4 4

3. ` Chemistry 2 2 2 2

4. ' Biology 2 2 2 1

5. ' Geography 1 1 1 1

6. * Geology - - 1 1

7. ' Astronomy, Astrophysics - - - 1

C. # Physical education 2 2 2 2

D. # Optional training 2 2 2 2

E. # Educational class 1 1 1 1

Total number of hours 32 32 32 31

NOTE: All notes mentioned for the same type of schools with Romanian teaching language remain valid.


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No. SUBJECTS Number of hours per week


A# Information science and calculus technique 2 2 2 2

1. Information science bases 1 1 1 1

2. Calculus technique 1 1 1 1

E. # General technical training 2 2 2 2

1. * Projective and geometric drawing 2 -

2. Technical drawing and technical knowledge 2 2 2

C. # Laboratory techniques 2 2 2 2

1. # Laboratory techniques applied to physics

and experimental data processing 2 2 2 2

D. # Applied mathematics 2 2 2 2

1. Mathematics applied in socio-economic activities 2 2 2 2

F. # History of culture 2 2 2 2

1. History of religions 1 1 -

2. History of art 1 1 2 2

G. # Economics of agricultural production 2 2 2 2

1. Agricultural knowledge 1 1 1 1

2. * Practical works 1 1 1 1



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Romania's total populationout of which:


Romanians 20,352,980

Magyars 1,620,199

Romanies (Gypsies) 409,723

Germans 119,436

Ukrainians 66,833Russian-Lippovans 38,688Turks 29,533Serbs 29,080Tartars 24,649


-census of January 7,1992

Slovaks 20,672

Bulgarians 9,935

Jews 9,107

Croatians 4,108

Czechs 5,800

Poles 4,247

Greeks 3,897

Armenians 2,023

Other nationalities*) 8,420

Unstated ethnic descent 104

*) Including those persons who declared themselves to be Ca ashovanians and Ceangai (2,77 - respectively 2,165).

10.06.1993mh/ai/2 ex.


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THE SYSTEMof pre-university education In Romania by teaching languages in the 1992-1993 school year

Teaching language Units and sectionsTOTAL

Total numberof childrenand pupils


Total (country) 28,926 100 4,397,521 100

Total (minorities) 2,730 9.4 240,619 5.5

Magyar 2,336 8.1 216,917 4.9German 290 1.0 20,120 0.5Ukrainian 15 628Serbian 35 0.1 1,024Bulgarian 1 164Slovak 38 0.1 1,379Czech 7 221Croatian 5 117Turkish 3 49

82 64

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Teaching language


... _.. . _ . .. ... . . ..............Units Sections

. .._



.. __ ....___ ......._______Total numberof childrenand pupils


Total coyiata 11,977 626 123603 100 752,063 100

57,678 7.7Total minorities 639 626 1,265 10.0

Magyar 589 481 1,070 8.5 49,255 6.5German 22 131 153 1.2 7,051 0.9Ukrainian 5 2 7 - 305 0.1

Serbian 6 9 15 0.2 368 0.1

Bulgarian 1 - 1 - 164Slovak 11 11 0.1 321 0.1

Czech 2 2 89Croatian 3 - 3 76Turkish 3 3 49

II. PRIMARY EDUCATIONTotal country 51999 150 6,149 100 1,201,229 100Total minorities 353 150 503 8.1 68,246 5,7

Magyar 329 78 407 6.6 60,726 5.1

German 3 57 60 1.2 6,370 0.4Ukrainian - 4 4 - 145Serbian 2 2 4 319 0.1

Slovak 17 4 21 0.3- 513 0.1

Czech 2 3 5 132Croatian - 2 2 41

III. MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATIONTotal country 7,103 527 7,630 100 1,339 555 100Total minorities 252 527 779 10.3 73,201 5.5

Magyar 241 455 696 9.1 68,153 5.1

German 5 57 62 0.9 4,423 0.3Ukrainian 2 2 65Serbian 1 13 14 0.2 138Slovak 5 5 0.1 422 0.1

IV. SECONDARY EDUCATIONTotal country 11108_ 130 1 238 100 714 013 100Total minorites 39 130 169 13.7 33,288 4.7

Magyar 33 118 151 12.2 31,196 4.4German 5 8 13 1.1 1,657 0.3Ukrainian 2 2 0.2 113Serbian 1 1 2 0.2 199Slovak 1 1 123

V. VOCATIONAL AND POST-SECONDARY EDUCATIONTotal courIlm L.306 - 1,306 100 39Q661 100Total minorities 141 14 1.0 8,206 2.5

Magyar 12 12 1.0 7,587 1.9

German 2 2 619 0.3

') Vocational (professional) education classes operate within the "scholar groups" being included in the secondary school units'number. The 14 units are at the post-secondary education level.


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TEACHING STAFFWithin pre-university education by educational levels and teaching languages in the 1992/93 school year


Total countryTotal minorities


General total. _

out of whichPre-school Primary school Teachersteachers teachers

259.263_ 36,447 55,176 167,.641_15,132 2,729 3,630 8,773













3,239 8,233304 402

16 4

25 49

35 859





The school year 1992/93 The school year 1993/94No.of Titles Copies No. of. Titles Copies

Magyar 64 610,300 91 650,000German 12 11,590 49 71,400Serbian 2 700 19 4,000Ukrainian 4 3,400 22 8,000Slovak 6 1,900 12 4,000Czech 3 320 3 400Bulgarian 1 100 4 400Turkish 4 2,000Croatian 1 150 5 800Polish 4 600Russian (Lippovan) 2 3,000 4 4,000Romany 1 5,000

Total 95 631,460 208 750, 600

NOTE: Magyar textbooks are published every year; those in German from two to two years; as for the other minorities, theirtextbooks are issued at an interval of 4-5 years because of the low number of pupils.

64 66

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A. Secondary schools providing Hungarian teachinglanguage

ALBA COUNTY1. "Beth len Gab:5r" Academic secondary School in Aiud Town2. The Roman-Catholic seminar in Alba-lulia City

ARAD COUNTY1. "Csiki Gergely" Industrial Vocational school in Arad City

BIHOR COUNTY1."Ady Endre" Academic Secondary School in Oradea City2. The Reformed Theological Seminar in Oradea City3. The Roman-Catholic Seminar in Oradea City

BRWV COUNTY1. "Aprily Lajos" Academic Secondary School in Brasov City2. "Zajzoni Flab Istvan" Academic School SA lode Town

CLUJ COUNTY1.The Academic Secondary School no. 2 in Cluj City2. The Reformed Seminar in Cluj City

COVASNA COUNTY1. "Szekely Miko" Academic Secondary School in Sf.Gheorghe City2. " Mikes Kelemen" Academic Secondary School in Si.Gheorghe City3. "Bod Peter" Pedagogical School in Tg. Secuiesc Town4. "Nagy Mazes" Academic Secondary School in Tg.Secuiesc Town

HARGHITA COUNTY1. "Marton Aron" Academic Secondary School in Miercurea-Clue City2. "Tamasi Aron" Academic Secondary School in Odorheiu-Secuiesc City3. "Orban Balazs" Academic Secondary School in Cristuru-Secuiesc Town4. "Salamon Erno" Academic Secondary School InGheorghieni Town5. "Puskas Tivadar" Academc Secondary School in Odorheiu-Secuiesc City6. "Pett5fi SAndor" Academic Secondary School in Miercurea-Clue City7. The Academic Secondary School in Corund Commune8. The Secondary School of Arts in Miercurea-Ciuc City9. "Benedek Elek" Pedagogical School in Odorheiu-SecuiescCity10. The Wood Industry Vocational School In Miercurea-CiucCity11. "Banyai Janos" Industrial Vocational School in Odorheiu-Secuiesc City12. The Agricultural Vocational School in SanmartinCommune13. The Sanitary Vocational School in Odorheiu-SecuiescCity14. The Industrial Vocational School in VW Ita Town


15. The Industrial Vocational School in Joseni Commune

SATU-MARE COUNTY1. "Kdlcsey Ferenc" Academic Secondary School in Satu-Mare City

SALAJ COUNTY1. The Reformed Secondary Seminar in Zalau City

TIMID COUNTY.1. "Bartok Bela" Academic Secondary School in TimipoaraCity

BUCUREVI COUNTY1. "E. Ady" Academic Secondary School in Bucharest City

B. Secondary Schools also providing sections inHungarian

ARAD COUNTY1. The Academic Secondary School in Pecica Commune2. The General School no 2 in Pecica Commune

BIHOR COUNTY1. "M. Eminescu" Academic Secondary School in Oradea City2. The Academic Secondary School in Valea lui Mihai Town3. "Petofi Sandor" Academic Secondary School in SaculeniTown4. ": C.M Infratirea" Vocational School in Oradea City5. The Assembling Engineering Industrial Secondary Schoolin Oradea City

6. The Industrial Vocational School in Salonta Town7. The Industrial Vocational School in Marghita Town8. The Agricultural Vocational School in Oradea City9. The Agricultural School in Valea lui Mihai Town10. The Secondary School of Arts in Oradea City11. "E. Costras" Sanitary Vocational School in Oradea City12. "I. Vulcan" Pedagogical School in Oradea City13. The Agricultural Vocational School in Salonta Town

BISTRITA-NASAUD COUNTY1. "A. Muresan" Secondary School in Bistrita City

BRA0V COUNTY1. The Energy Vocational School in Bragov City2. The Industrial Vocational School in Brasov City3. "Electroprecizia" Vocational School in Skate Town5. The Mechanical Engineering Vocational School in BrasovCity

CLUJ COUNTY1. "S. Biassal" Academic Secondary School In Cluj City2. The Academic Secondary School no.3 in Cluj City3. The Academic Secondary School no.4 in Cluj City4. "A. Muresanu" Academic Secondary School in Dej Town5. "P. Maior" Academic Secondary School In Gherla Town6. "M. Viteazu" Academic Secondary School in Turda Town7. "0. Goga" Secondary School in Huedin Town8. The Music Secondary School In Cluj City


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9. The Sanitary Secondary School in Cluj City10. "Clujana" Vocational School in Cluj City11. The Electrical Engineering Voctional School in Cluj City

COVAS NA COUNTY1. "T. Puskas" Vocational School in Sf. Gheorghe City2. "Oltul" Industrial Secondary School in Sf. Gheroghe City3 The Secondary School of Arts in Sf. Gheorghe City4. The Economic, Administrative and of Law SecondarySchool in Sf. Gheorghe City5. The Agricultural Vocational School in Sf. Gheorghe City6. "A Gabor" Agricultural Vocational School in Tg. SecuiescTown1. The Agricultural Secondary School in Tg. Secuiesc Town8. The Vocational School in Covasna Town9. "Baroti Szabo David" Vocational School in Baraolt Town10. The Prolesional School no. 3 in Sf. Gheorghe City

HARGHITA COUNTY1. 'O. C. Taslauanu" Academic Secondary School in TopTown2. The Mechanical Engineering Vocational School inMiercurea-Ciuc City3. The Industrial Viocational School in Man Tcwn4. The Chemistry Vocational School in Odorheiu-SecuiescCity5. The Mechanical Engineering Vocational School inGneorgheni Town6. The Agricultural Vocational School in Odorheiu-SecuiescCity7. The Agricultural Vocational School in Gheorgheni Town8. The Economic Vocational School in Miercurea-Ciuc City9 The Academic Secondary School in Gheorgheni Town10. The Academic Secondary School in Danesti Commune11. The Secondary School of Arts and Music in Odorhsiu-Secuiesc City

HUNEDOARA COUNTY. The Mining Vocational School in Petrosani City

2 The Academic Secondary School no.2 in Deva

MARAMURES COUNTY1. "Gh. 5incai" Academic Secondary School in Baia-MareCity2. "M. Eminescu" Academic Secondary School in Baia-MareCity3. "V. Socaciu" Academic Secondary School in Baia-MareCity4 The Assembly Engineering Industrial Vocational School .nBaia-Mare City5 "Dragon Voda" Academic Secondary School in Sighetu-Marmatiei City5. The Motor Transport Vocational School in Bala-Mare City

MURES COUNTY1. "AI. Papiu Ilarian" Academic Secondary School in Tg.Mures City2. " F. Bolyai" Academic Secondary School in Tg. Mures City3. "Unirea" Academic Secondary School in Tg. Mures City4. "Electromures" Industrial Vocational School in Tg, MuresCity5. 'Gh. Sincai" Industrial Vocational School in Tg. Mures City6 The Light Industry Vocational School in Tg. Mures City7. The Industrial Chemistry Vocational School In Tg. MuresCity


8. The Wood Processing Vocationai School in Tg. Mures City9. The Assembly Engineering Vocational School in Tg. MuresCity10. The Industrial Vocational School no. 1 in Tg. Mures City11. The Agricultural Vocational School in Tg. Mures City12. The Pedagogical School in Tg. Mures City13. The Secondary School of Arts in Tg. Mures City14. "Mircea Eliade" Academic Secondary School inSighisoara Town15. The Industrial Vocational School in Ludus Town16. The Academic Secondary School in Regh:n Town17. The Mechanical Engineering Vocatio- al School n ReghinTown18. The Industrial Vocational School in Scvata Tco.n19. The Academic Secondary School in Tarnaveni Town20. The Academic Secondary School in Band Commune21. The Academic Secondary Schooi in Sarigeorgiu dePadure Commune22. The Academic Secondary School in M.ercureaCommune23. The Industrial Vocational School in lernut Towr24. The Agricultural Vocational School in Reghin Tcwn25. The Profesioral School in Tg. Mures City26. The Academic Secondary School in Sangeorg,u CoPadure Commune27. The Vocational Schi)ol in Tarnaveni Tcwn

SATU MARE COUNTY1. "loan Slavici" Academic Secondary School in Satu MareCity2. The Academic Secor dary School in Tasnad Town3. The Academic Secondary School in Carei Town4. The Assembly Engineering Vocations' School it Satu Ma.eCity5. The Wood Processing Vocational School .n Satu Mare City6. The Mechanical Engineering Vocatzna' School no.3 inSatu Mare City7. The Mecanical Engineering Vocational SoneolTown8. The Sanitary Secondary SChOJI Bali More City9. The Agricultural Vocational School ,n Care, Town10. The Agricultural Vocational School in Lvada Co -nrnune11. "Doamna Stanca" Academic Suconcary School in Sa;L.Mare City12. The Pedagogical School .n Satu Mare City

in Care)

SALAJ COUNTY1. The Academic Secondary School n 2aiau City2.. "S. Barnu;iu" Academic Secondary School in Sirnieu-Sivaniei Town3. The Academic Secondary School in Crasna Commune4. The Mechanical Engineering Vocational School tr. ZaliuCity5. The Industrial Cnernistry Vocational School in Lalau City6. The Pedagogical School in Zalau City7. The Wood Processing Vocational scnool in Cuhu-SiivareiTown8. The Metal Processing Vocational School in Cehu-SivardeiTown9. The Agricultural Vocational School :nTown10. Tne Industrial Vocational School in Sarmasag Town

SIBIU COUNTY1. "0. Goga" Academic Secondary School in Sibiu City2. "St. L. Roth" Academic Secondary School in Mediasi City


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TIMIS COUNTY1. "I. Hasdeu" Secondary School in Lugoj Town2. "Electromotor" Vocational School in Timisoara City3. The Auto Industrial Vocational School in Timisoara City4. The Light Industry Vocational School in Timisoara City

THE GERMAN LANGUAGEA. Secondary Schools providing Germanteaching language

ARAD COUNTY1. The German Secondary School

BRASOV COUNTY1. ''Johanes Honterus" Academic Secondary School inBrasov City

SIBIU COUNTY1. "Brukenthal" Academic Secondary School in Sibiu City

TIMI§ COUNTY1. "N. Lenau" Academic Secondary School in Timisoara City

BUCURESTI COUNTY1. "H. Oberth" Academic Secondary School in Bucuresti City

B. Secondary schoci also providing sections with teachinglanguage

ALBA COUNTY1. The Academic Secondary School in Sebes Town

BRASOV COUNTY1. The Industrial Energy Vocational School in Brasov City

CLUJ COUNTY1. "George Cosbuc" Academic Secondary School in Cluj-Napoca City

SATU MARE COUNTY1. "M. Eminesc Academic Secondary School in Satu MareCity

MURE$ COUNTY1. "Joseph Haltrich" Academic Secondary School inSighisoara City

SIBIU COUNTY1. "A. Saguna" Pedagogical School in Sibiu City2. "Axente Sever" Secondary School in Medias City

TIMIS COUNTY1. "C. Brediceanu" Academic Secondary School in Lugoj City


A. Secondary schools also providing sections with Slovakteaching language

ARAD COUNTY1. "J. Grigor-Tajovski" Academic School in Nad lac Town


A. Secondary schools providing Serbian teaching language

TIMIS COUNTY1. "Dositei Obradovici" Academic Secondary School inTimisoara City

B. Secondary schools also providing sections withSerbian teaching language

CARASEVERIN COUNTY1. The Industrial Vocational School in Moldova-Noua Town


Secondary schools also provoding sections with Ukrainianteaching language

MARAMURE$ COUNTY1. The Pedagogical School in Sighetu Marmatiei City2. "Dragon Vod'a" Academic Secondary School in SighetuMarmatiei City


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