dkg beta tau march 2015 -...

Beta Tau Chapter 67 of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Area VI Alpha State, Texas Volume 23, Issue 6 March 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Beta Tau Dialogue March Meeting Information 2 86 th Texas State Convention 2 April Meeting Information 3 Got Totes?? 3 Resale Booth at Convention 4 HR 711 – Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act 4 Founders’ Day Tea Invitation 5 Emerging Author at AHHS 6 Beta Tau Tours Educational & Cultural Arts Center 7-8 Birthdays 9 Beta Tau Chapter San Antonio, Texas Beta Tau Dialog Rose Bradley - Editor [email protected] 2102 Copper Hill San Antonio, TX 78232 210-884-0082 March is March Madness, for the basketball fans. March 20 th is the first day of spring. March is Women’s History Month and March is Beta Tau’s time to celebrate and recognize our 2015 Pioneer Teacher, Master Teacher, and Key Women Educators in the areas of community service, chapter service, and education. On Thursday, March 19 th the celebration will begin at 5:00 pm at the NEISD Community Learning Center. The 86 th TSO Convention will be here before we know it, June 25-27. Jeanette, Scotta, Paula, and the various steering committees have been hard at work planning and prepping for June. On Thursday the 19 th , our chapter will help create table decorations for the convention birthday celebration luncheon. The eight Delta Kappa Gamma chapters, which make up the San Antonio Coordinating Council, are making paper flowers. All the supplies, tissue paper and pipe cleaners, will be provided. We will fold and crimp together to produce colorful flowers to share with our sisters across the state. At the February meeting, it was voted to pay the $50.00 TSO convention registration fee for all our members who wish to attend. Registration forms for the convention and Founders’ Day Celebration Tea, May 2 nd at 2:00 p.m., will be available at the March meeting for you to fill out and give to Scotta, Beta Tau treasurer extraordinaire. Hopefully, everyone received a copy of the Spring Edition of the Lone Star News, the official publication of the Texas State Organization. Normally the publication is only available online ,but with convention only a few months away, the spring 2015 issue was mailed. As a former computer science/technology teacher, I would like to recommend the article on page 10 entitled, “Girls Need Encouragement in STEM” by Sandra Bonner, Delta Pi. Looking forward to celebrating and creating with you on Thursday, March 19 th . Rose’s Reflections by Debra Rose Bradley Beta Tau President Boys and Girls Clubs of San Antonio The unifying Project at this year’s TSO convention will be The Boys and Girls Clubs of San Antonio. School supplies of all kinds for elementary and secondary students will be collected near the registration table at the Grand Hyatt. Also, you can help by saving boxes to pack all these supplies in for delivery to the BGSA clubs.

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Page 1: DKG Beta Tau March 2015 -… · San Antonio, Texas Beta Tau Dialog Rose Bradley - Editor

Be ta T a u Cha p te r 6 7 of th e De l t a Ka pp a Ga m ma Soc ie ty In ter na t i on al Ar ea V I

A l ph a St at e, T ex a s

Volume 23, Issue 6 March 2015

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

Beta Tau Dialogue

March Meeting Information 2

86th Texas State Convention 2

April Meeting Information 3

Got Totes?? 3

Resale Booth at Convention 4 HR 711 – Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act 4

Founders’ Day Tea Invitation 5

Emerging Author at AHHS 6 Beta Tau Tours Educational & Cultural Arts Center 7-8

Birthdays 9

Beta Tau Chapter

San Antonio, Texas

Beta Tau Dialog

Rose Bradley - Editor [email protected]

2102 Copper Hill San Antonio, TX 78232


March is March Madness, for the basketball fans. March 20th is the first day of spring. March is Women’s History Month and March is Beta Tau’s time to celebrate and recognize our 2015 Pioneer Teacher, Master Teacher, and Key Women Educators in the areas of community service, chapter service, and education. On Thursday, March 19th the celebration will begin at 5:00 pm at the NEISD Community Learning Center. The 86th TSO Convention will be here before we know it, June 25-27. Jeanette, Scotta, Paula, and the various steering committees have been hard at work planning and prepping for June. On Thursday the 19th, our chapter will help create table decorations for the convention birthday celebration luncheon. The eight Delta Kappa Gamma chapters, which make up the San Antonio Coordinating Council, are making paper flowers. All the supplies, tissue paper and pipe cleaners, will be provided. We will fold and crimp together to produce colorful flowers to share with our sisters across the state. At the February meeting, it was voted to pay the $50.00 TSO convention registration fee for all our members who wish to attend. Registration forms for the convention and Founders’ Day Celebration Tea, May 2nd at 2:00 p.m., will be available at the March meeting for you to fill out and give to Scotta, Beta Tau treasurer extraordinaire. Hopefully, everyone received a copy of the Spring Edition of the Lone Star News, the official publication of the Texas State Organization. Normally the publication is only available online ,but with convention only a few months away, the spring 2015 issue was mailed. As a former computer science/technology teacher, I would like to recommend the article on page 10 entitled, “Girls Need Encouragement in STEM” by Sandra Bonner, Delta Pi. Looking forward to celebrating and creating with you on Thursday, March 19th.

Rose’s Reflections by Debra Rose Bradley Beta Tau President

Boys and Girls Clubs of San Antonio The unifying Project at this year’s TSO convention will be The Boys and Girls Clubs of San Antonio.

School supplies of all kinds for elementary and secondary students will be collected near the registration table at the Grand Hyatt.

Also, you can help by saving boxes to pack all these supplies in for delivery to the BGSA clubs.

Page 2: DKG Beta Tau March 2015 -… · San Antonio, Texas Beta Tau Dialog Rose Bradley - Editor

Beta Tau Dialogue Page 2

! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to attend the 86th Texas State Convention held right here in San Antonio.

! Registration and hotel information/reservations can be found at:

The only rooms available are at the overflow hotel, the Marriott Rivercenter, adjacent to the Rivercenter Mall at 101 Bowie Street.

Room Rate: $139.00 per night – double occupancy ($10 for each additional person). DKG members will receive a special parking rate.

! There are so many ways to help during the convention. Are you willing to serve a shift in any of the following areas?

Sign/In Registration Technology

Lost and Found Property Room

First Aid Dinner Set-Up

Guestbook Hostesses/Runners

If you have not already signed up, a sign up sheet will be available at our March meeting or contact Jeanette Pierce at [email protected].

Beta Tau March Meeting Thursday, March 19th at 5:00 p.m.

NEISD Community Learning Center 5780 Tesoro Drive

Salad Supper and Chapter Awards Presentation

Members Bring Salads Officers Bring Desserts

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Beta Tau Dialogue Page 3

Beta Tau April Meeting Saturday, April 18th

10:00 a.m.

“A Place Of Creative Belonging” Lyn Belisle Studio

1824 Nacogdoches Road (210) 860-9468

Carousel Shopping Center

Lyn will guide you through the process of creating a frameable piece of artwork.

Cost: $20


La Posada Del Rey Carousel Shopping Center

Got Totes???? The Texas State Organization would like to give first timers at the convention a tote bag from a past convention. If you have a tote bag from a previous convention and would like to share contact Billinelle Currie at [email protected] and tell her how many bags you can bring to convention. Approximately 150-200 totes will be needed and only 28 bags have been donated so far.

When emailing Billinelle put “SA-BYOFB” in the subject line of your email and be sure to include your name and contact information in the email.

Remember tote bags will not be provided at this year’s convention. It is a BYOFB – Bring Your Own Favorite Bag!!

Page 4: DKG Beta Tau March 2015 -… · San Antonio, Texas Beta Tau Dialog Rose Bradley - Editor

Page 4 Beta Tau Dialogue

Resale Booth At Convention Words From The Editor

Membership voted to purchase a table at the TSO convention in June. The Beta Tau Shines table is a costume jewelry resale shop. The purpose is to resale the jewelry collected at monthly meetings. Money generated from this project and Change-A-Life goes to benefit World Fellowship and The Texas Women’s Storybook Project. Remember to bring your “I don’t plan on wearing this again” or “I can’t believe Aunt Susie gave me this” jewelry to the March meeting. Also, if you have broken or miss matched gold/silver items these can be donated. The items will be sold and the money deposited with the jewelry sales. When looking through the convention schedule, see when you can help volunteer to work at the booth.

$83.51 Amount Collected From Change-A-Life as of March 1, 2015.

HR 711 – Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act Dr. Debby Valdez, Legislative Committee Chair

HR 711, sponsored by Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, would replace the current Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) formula with a new fairer formula. Many public servants who are fully vested under Social Security currently do NOT receive their full benefits. What is WEP? WEP reduces the Social Security benefits of workers who also have pension benefits from employment not covered by Social Security. The official summary reads: Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2015 Amends title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Social Security Act to replace the current windfall elimination provision (WEP) for individuals who:

(1) become eligible for old-age insurance benefits after 2016 or would attain age 62 after 2016 and become eligible for disability insurance benefits after 2016,

(2) subsequently become entitled to such benefits, and

(3) have earnings derived from noncovered service performed after 1977. Establishes a new formula for the treatment of noncovered earnings in determining Social Security benefits. Prescribes a second formula to modify the WEP for current beneficiaries. Directs the Commissioner of Social Security to recover overpayments from certain individuals.

This new formula would treat public servants like the rest of American workers. Did you know?? 95% of school employees in Texas are not fully covered by Social Security, and most are impacted negatively by WEP. If an individual has earned these benefits they should not be reduced or eliminated only because they also earned a pension through a career in public service or public safety, in the case of police officers and fire fighters. If you are in support of this bill, contact your senator and representatives in Washington.

Page 5: DKG Beta Tau March 2015 -… · San Antonio, Texas Beta Tau Dialog Rose Bradley - Editor

Beta Tau Dialogue Page 5

It is Time To Kick Up Your Heels and Round UP Your DKG Sisters

Because You are cordially invited to attend the

Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Founders’ Day Celebration Tea

Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 2:00 PM

Key Women Educator Awards Community Service

Chapter Service Education

Necrology Service

Zion Lutheran Church – Fellowship hall

9944 leslie road (off 1604 West & Braun Rd) San Antonio, TX 78254


$10.00 per person

We are looking forward to having you join us. Sponsored by: San Antonio Coordinating Council

A t t i r e : W e s t e r n C a s u a l / B u s i n e s s C a s u a l

Name: _____________________________________________ Chapter: ______________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________

Make Checks Payable To: San Antonio Coordinating Council/Beta Tau Mail Check and Form To: Sandra Rightmeyer (Phone #: 210-736-3607) 3730 Longridge Drive San Antonio, TX 78228


Page 6: DKG Beta Tau March 2015 -… · San Antonio, Texas Beta Tau Dialog Rose Bradley - Editor

Beta Tau Dialogue Page 6

Emerging Author at Alamo Heights High School Emma Hodgson

By Delise Crimmins

Emma is an honor student at Alamo Heights High School. She was born with congenital cataracts, which caused permanent vision loss from birth. She has never let her low vision keep her from accomplishing her goals. When her coach told her she would likely not make the JV volleyball team due to her vision, she worked harder and proved that she could do it. She made the team. Although she was never as quick to the ball as the other players, she always played with determination, enthusiasm and effort.

Emma’s vision has been over corrected by her doctors since birth, so everything in her world has always been that which is within her grasp. As a result, books became very important to her at a very early age. After her parents divorced when she was 5 years old, she began writing to express herself. At 13, she began writing a novel, which took her 2 years to complete. She was determined to complete the book and get it published. After many re-writes and silent responses from publishers, one finally said yes and agreed to publish her manuscript. Her book, “Artemis Rising,” was published in November of 2013.

Emma does not let her disability define her, but rather she accepts the abilities she has and works to do the most with the talents she has been given. She has a 4.0 GPA at her high school. She is a leader in her youth group at St. Luke’s Episcopal school where she actively volunteers with the underserved. Emma plays the bass clarinet in her high school band and volunteers with the Interact club, which assists those with special needs. Emma will likely never be able to do some things in her life like drive a car, but her determination and huge heart will take her life on a journey with limitless possibilities.

Emma was honored with the “Rising Star” award from the Assistance League of San Antonio for her book “Artemis Rising.”


Emma Hodgson is a student of Beta Tau’s own Roberta Carlson. Roberta is a teacher of visually impaired at Alamo Heights ISD. The above story was originally published in the Alamo Heights ISD Educational Development Center’s newsletter Parents As Partners and reprinted here with permission from both AHISD and Emma’s parents.

Emma was selected to tell her success story at the 2015 Texas Council of Administrators for Special Education Great Ideas Conference in Austin on February 25th.

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Beta Tau Tours The Educational and Cultural Arts Center Words From The Editor

On February 21st, Alicia Viera, director of cultural programs, guided our Beta Tau sisters on a viewing of art work by Santa Barrza and Carmen Loman Garza at the Educational & Cultural Arts Center – Texas A&M San Antonio. The exhibit entitled “ARTE Y TRADICIÓN DE LA FRONTERA: THE U.S. – MÉXICO BORDERLANDS” showcases the contemporary artwork of the two South Texas artists. Both ladies seek to inspire and empower their communities. Santa and Carmen use their artwork as means to validate their culture, find meaning, heal wounds, understand and help their communities learn to grow proud of their identity and heritage as Mexican Americans.

A Brief Introduction Before The Tour Begins Alicia Viera (Director of Cultural Programs), Gloria Morales,

Jeannette Ferguson and Marilyn Wienecke

Mujeres de Poder: Selena with the Healing Tree, 2007

Santa Barraza

Baile, 2001

Carmen Lomas Garza

Let The Tour Begin Brenda Krueger, Lola Hill, Ruth Tiemann, Suzette Price

and Alicia Vieria

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Lovely Ladies (L-R) Suzette Price, Carolyn Smith, Kathy Krueger, Rose Bradley, Jeannette Ferguson, Ruth Tiemann,

Gloria Morales, Lola Hill, Kathy Jeffcoat, Scotta Williams, Alicia Viera, Loretta Huddleston, Marilyn Wienecke, Elise Colacicco, Roberta Carlson, Carolyn Dahlgren

Following the tour, the group went on a short walk to enjoy more Latino culture

and food at Mi Tierra.

Page 9: DKG Beta Tau March 2015 -… · San Antonio, Texas Beta Tau Dialog Rose Bradley - Editor

Mission Statement

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes

professional and personal growth of women educators and

excellence in education.

We’re on the Web!

Vision Statement

Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide


PRESIDENT Debra Rose Bradley

1st CO-VICE PRESIDENT Loretta Huddleston

1st CO-VICE PRESIDENT Arline Patterson

2nd VICE PRESIDENT Cynthia Kosub

TREASURER Scotta Williams




Beta Tau Dialogue Page 9

Newsletter Graphics -- -- - -- -- – --


5 – Elise Colacicco 22 – Glenda Wicker 24 – Mary Hale 24 – Cybil Harvey 31 – Kathy Jeffcoat