diy easy eco air-freshener

Earth friendly People friendly DIY Easy ECO Air- Freshener

Upload: derrin-cramer

Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Earth friendly

People friendly

DIY Easy ECO Air-Freshener

Difficulty: Easy

It will take about 10 minutes to complete

YOU WILL NEEDA wide mouth jar, about 250ml (1 cup)

capacity ½ teaspoon of Water Storage Crystals * About 10 drops of your favourite essential

oil – try orange, or lavendar, or eucalyptus A measuring spoonA measuring jug

* available from Garden Centres

Gather everything together

Measure out ½ teaspoon of water storage crystals

Add the essential oil to the jar followed by the water storage crystals

Measure 250ml of water and pour into the jar. Stir to distribute the crystals.

Watch as the crystals absorb water and the liquid thickens

Decorate your jar to suit your décor

Place your jar in a room where the air needs freshening.

Top up with water as

necessary as the

crystals dry out.

Add a few drops of

essential oil when the

scent fades.

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